
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Gutsy open, go ape!
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by pitti at Mon May 14 08:08:07 2007
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DabianHi, I hope I am in the right channel!?12:31
DabianHere is the situation:12:31
DabianI found that some of the files in xemacs21-base-support is required to be in another directory when you jde with GNU Emacs snapshot.  What is the proper way to fix this?  (A new package?  Adding the files to another package?  Simply let JDE and other packages that depend on these files depend on xemacs21-base and then copy the files, or modify the source to find the stuff in that directory?)12:31
DabianHmm .. did you get all of that, or was I cut off?12:32
DabianI guess I could simply fix my own system and forget all about this .. but I like Ubuntu, and don't mind it to be even better. :)12:33
DabianI could paste tons of info here .. but I'd rather let you ask questions so I supply the needed information.12:34
DabianOK, I'll try in #Ubuntu or something.12:39
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tormodDabian: please file a bug and supply all the information there.12:52
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Dabiantormod: Which package?  jde?12:57
Dabiantormod: I wonder if there is a proper maintainer for that package .. there used not to be.12:58
Dabian(At least for debian .. dunno about ubuntu, actually)12:58
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tormodDabian: apt-cache show jde -> MOTU12:59
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ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU01:09
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DabianThanks for the help.  I'll try to file a usefull bugreport, as soon as I find out how.01:35
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DabianOK .. I filed a bug report.  Thanks:01:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 115527 in jde "Compile from menu fails if you don't use xemacs" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  01:48
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Dabian(I hope the bugreport is somewhat decent and helpfull)01:52
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MurmexA few weeks ago I filled my first bug and I've just fixed it.02:01
MurmexSo following the Bugs/HowToFix, I'm looking for a developer to review my patch02:02
brycehow do you attach image files to wiki.ubuntu.com?02:03
Murmexbug 11086502:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 110865 in hal "GNOME mounter rejects needed mount option" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11086502:04
brycenevermind, I figured it out02:04
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=== Hobbsee wishes for l-r-m for this kernel...
Hobbseehey all04:00
Hobbseehi ajmitch 04:01
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Hobbseewow, someone updated requestsync!04:59
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Hobbseecjwatson_: ping06:07
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Hobbsee(not terribly time critical)06:08
mjg59Hobbsee: I'd hope not, it's 5AM here :p06:08
Hobbseemjg59: 5am's a great time.  prior to today, i'd been getting up at 3am all week.06:08
mjg59Yes, but you're jetlagged06:08
Hobbseethis is true.  or was.06:09
mjg59Of course, I've been jetlagged for a month or so06:09
mjg59Only two more months and I'll be back in PDT, so it's almost not worth fixing it06:09
Hobbseewhere are you now?06:10
Hobbseecjwatson_: okay, dont mind me, someone's used funky versioning06:10
mjg59But I visited the US and haven't really got back on track06:11
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Hobbseetepsipakki: ping?06:30
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Hobbsee_suspend works, hibernate dies06:40
Hobbsee_mjg59: well done!06:40
mjg59Hobbsee: Is that progress?06:44
Hobbseemjg59: kinda.  i seem to recall that suspend was slightly buggered last time06:44
mjg59What hardware is this?06:44
Hobbseemjg59: still, my hibernate dies every release, except for one, may have been dapper, but usually for a different reason06:45
Hobbseedell 640006:45
Hobbseemjg59: (not sure which bit of hardware description you want)06:46
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Hobbseegutsy it appears to shutdown, instead of hibernating, when one tells it to hibernate - and dump loads of stuff on to the screen while it does about USB....go figure06:47
Hobbseemjg59: 06:52
HobbseeMay 19 14:36:27 LongPointyStick kernel: [  141.460000]  BUG: at /build/buildd/linux-source-2.6.22-2.6.22/include/linux/slub_def.h:89 kmalloc06:52
Hobbseeworth reporting, or at least giving you a syslog?06:52
tritiumHobbsee: please make my overscan problems go away... :)06:53
Hobbseetritium: good luck with htat.  i've done my upload count today...06:54
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tritiumHobbsee: it's only on my mythtv box connected to my TV06:55
tritiumCan't see the menu on top, or the panel on the bottom06:57
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Mithrandirhi Hobbsee 08:01
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tepsipakkiHobbsee: pong!08:32
Hobbseetepsipakki: that intel merge in universe that's listed as me - did you want to do it, as you've done most of the changes?08:32
tepsipakkiI could08:33
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tepsipakkihoped that there was a new patch release by upstream by now..08:33
tepsipakkikylem told me that we will still keep -i81008:34
tepsipakkibut I'd like to know why it's considered too risky to dump ti08:35
Hobbseetepsipakki: right, OK.08:35
=== Hobbsee can go on happily ignoring it, then
Mithrandirtepsipakki: because it doesn't work on all hardware, iirc.08:36
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tepsipakkiit has some issues with i830 IIRC, yes08:37
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tepsipakkiok, keep it for now but hopefully -intel is mature enough later in the cycle to dump -i81008:38
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aniballionel, ping10:09
anibalgeser, ping10:11
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geseranibal: pong10:29
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geserMithrandir: can you please look what happened to the vpnc upload to feisty-proposed which got accepted yesterday? it doesn't show up anywhere10:44
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lionelanibal: pon10:51
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anibalgeser, lionel: I'm synchronizing pidentd with ubuntu10:56
anibalgeser, lionel: look at http://patches.ubuntu.com/p/pidentd/pidentd_3.0.19.ds1-1ubuntu1.patch10:57
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anibalgeser, lionel: why " | inet-superserver"?10:57
lionel"openbsd-inetd | inet-superserver" is what Debian use as a dependency for an inet-superver10:58
lionelanibal: not sure to understand well your question11:00
anibalinet-superserver is not a debian package11:01
lionelit is a virtual package for server whichs provides an inet server11:02
lionel$ apt-cache show openbsd-inetd | grep Provides11:02
lionelProvides: inet-superserver, netkit-inetd11:02
anibalI cannot find inet-superserver listed at http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/virtual-package-names-list.txt11:05
lionelthere is an inetD-superver, but do not know more...11:08
lionelthe only thing I know is that inet-superver is used...11:08
anibalgeser, I suggest to drop " | inet-superserver" and reintroduce it later if we need it, what's your opinion about that?11:08
aniballionel, what's your opinion about dropping " | inet-superserver"?11:09
lionelI'am clearly against11:10
lionelas all the inetd package I can find "Provides inet-superserver"11:10
aniballionel, you're right, I did a test here to confirm what you said11:15
aniballionel, geser: thanks11:15
lionelnp, you're welcome11:15
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Kmosyou can do merges her e?12:55
Kmosher e?12:55
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Kmosany core-dev here to review a merge ?01:09
Kmosand upload it01:09
geserKmos: it's weekend so you will don't find many core-devs before monday here and as k3b is a KDE package you might also want to look in #kubuntu-devel01:13
Kmosgeser: ok01:16
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minghuafreeflying: would you please have a look at bug 88179?02:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 88179 in scim "[apport]  scim-launcher crashed with SIGSEGV in QTextCodec::fromUnicode()" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8817902:20
minghuafreeflying: it's KDE related and has 20 duplicates now02:21
minghuafreeflying: I have no idea what's wrong, so can you or other Kubuntu people give it some love?02:21
freeflyingminghua: I've suffered  it before, but can't reproduce now02:21
minghuafreeflying: can you ask other Kubuntu people?02:23
freeflyingminghua: sure02:24
minghuafreeflying: thanks02:24
freeflyingminghua: welcome02:24
pochuHobbsee: looks like -intel is broken due to the new xserver 1.3. Can you do your merge for it? :)02:28
Hobbseepochu: tepsipakki was looking into it, being the main changer02:28
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pochuHobbsee: ok, cool :)02:28
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freezonei was reading an interview with Marc Shuttleworth in a linux magazine. he mentioned that IRC is the prefered communication method. do people like Marc Shuttleworth chat on Freenode?03:01
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minghuafreezone: yes, he is around sometimes, although not exactly "chatting", I think03:04
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freezonelets say i feel like the chosen one who has 2-3 questions for Marc Shuttleworth, is there a way to contact him successfully?03:06
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minghuafreezone: I am not sure, but I think email is a better option03:07
minghuafreezone: his first name is Mark by the way03:07
stgraberfreezone: btw, he's currently on this channel :)03:13
=== freezone blushes hard
stijn_polsome help please: checking for X... no    You need to supply the path to the X headers and libraries...03:18
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stgraberstijn_pol: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) (topic ^)03:19
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stijn_polwhat is the right channel? ubuntu-motu?03:20
freezonestijn_pol, tip: you need the package "xorg-dev"03:20
freezoneand support channel is #ubuntu i think03:20
freezonebut that channel is so huge it could need a split into specialized channels03:21
=== stgraber didn't join #ubuntu for ages, way too much traffic on it
ssamis Bug #109204 suitable for an SRU?03:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 109204 in gnumeric "Gnumeric strange colors (purple charts) on bigendian" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10920403:23
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stijn_polshould I really try in #ubuntu for questions about packaging, building deb's...?03:25
ssamstijn_pol, someone in #ubuntu-motu might be able to help03:26
freezonestijn_pol, no. you asked something about compiling. that is trivial support questions i think03:27
stijn_polmy fault, I should have mentioned I was trying around with pbuilder03:27
freezoneyeah, but "how do i find a missing library" is quite basic knowledge 03:28
stijn_polok thanks03:28
gregshallardhey, 03:28
gregshallardDo you guys know what support is like for the Audigy 2 ZS Video Editor...?03:29
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ssamgregshallard, this room is for developer discussion, try #ubuntu03:30
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gregshallardHow about developing drivers....03:31
Chipzzgregshallard: if there's an ongoing effort, yes03:31
Chipzzif you're asking to develop a driver, definite no03:31
gregshallardwhere would I be able to find out about it?03:31
Chipzzthere most likely isn't03:32
Chipzzubuntu developers mostly package and/or patch software03:32
Chipzzor write software specific to ubuntu03:32
Chipzzand software == desktop software mostly03:32
gregshallardWhere would the best place to look for support?03:32
freezonethe linux kernel mailing list might be a place to start03:33
gregshallardOk then, thanks for that.03:33
Chipzzyou might also try #ubuntu-kernel03:33
gregshallardIll have a look.03:33
gregshallardIts fun having such specific hardware03:34
Chipzzbut AFAIK (I may be mistaken though) my best guess is that the people there rather decide on which (existing) patches to include in the ubuntu packages, rather than write big patches themselves03:34
Chipzzyou can also try the forums03:34
=== perlmonkey [n=paul@82-37-57-50.cable.ubr04.brom.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
gregshallardthanks cya rounjd.03:36
perlmonkeyhi guys03:36
perlmonkeywhy does Ubuntu seem to have so many security vunerabilities on it's packages?03:36
Chipzzit does?03:36
freezoneperlmonkey, are you trying to cause a flame war?03:36
perlmonkeywell the latest USN update on Ubuntu website shows over 400 vunerabilities 03:37
perlmonkeyfreezone: no just trying to get a feel for Ubuntu's security and stability as I'm thinking about installing it 03:37
pochuperlmonkey: aren't they fixed? ;)03:38
freezoneperlmonkey, if you are somebody who looks at the security history of a software to decide if that software is secure or not, then you wont have much choices on what to install03:39
Chipzzperlmonkey: first, I'ld doubt these numbers reflect concurrent issues, if they're right at all. My guess would be that is the whole history. second, ubuntu has a vast amount of software03:39
freezonethe important part is the number of open bugs that are classified as "high priority"03:39
perlmonkeyso these vuneralities are inherient in the software and nothing to do with Ubuntu?03:40
Chipzzperlmonkey: I think "windows" has a whole lot more issues if you're counting them the same way03:40
Chipzzthat is, including all software that was ever written for windows03:40
perlmonkeywell I come from Debian background (been running it for 10 years nearly), I'm not a fan of Windows03:41
freezonethat is leading in the wrong direction if you want to measure quality03:41
freezoneperlmonkey, and in 10 years of using debian you did not learn how to measure quality?03:41
Chipzzperlmonkey: every single one of those issues has a 99.99% chance of having been an issue in debian too...03:41
FujitsuChipzz: Somewhat more than that, I'd say.03:42
ChipzzFujitsu: well, there IS software ubuntu packages which debian doesn't ;)03:42
FujitsuNot that much.03:42
freezoneperlmonkey, after 10 years of using debian i assume that you know how bugs are classified and how security related problems are dealt with?03:42
ChipzzFujitsu: which is why 100% - 99.99% is only 0.01% ;;)03:43
Chipzzperlmonkey: also, the chances of you having all ubuntu packages installed that were ever affected by a security issue is nil03:44
perlmonkeyit's good the vunerabilities are being dealt with by Ubuntu so quickly03:44
minghuaFujitsu: not possible.  There are ~500 vulnerabilities, it's either 100% or 99.8% :-)03:45
perlmonkeyDebian is rather slow in that respect03:45
Chipzzminghua: I was just pulling numbers out of my **** to make a point ;)P03:45
freezonethe point is not that a software package like bind has a long list of security related problems and that distributions that use such a package are to be blamed for that. quality assurance is a much more complex topic than looking at a few numbers.03:45
freezoneand a person who uses open source software for a few years could know about that03:46
ssamperlmonkey, ubuntu has a no open ports by default (apart from dns dhcp and avahi)03:55
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BenCCan someone process NEW linux-source-2.6.22-5 for me please?04:47
BenChave things in dep-wait for it (lum/lrm)04:47
hileAnyone heard about gutsy X server crashes after latest xserver-xorg upgrade? I get a Plain Old core dump with i810/intel drivers, just thought if this is known problems or should I report it04:53
pochuhile: xserver-xorg-video-intel from universe?04:54
hilemight be04:54
pochuhile: yeah, it's broken, it needs I rebuild, I think04:55
pochuhile: tepsipakki is working on it :)04:55
pochuhile: we're going to sync/merge 2.0 from Debian04:55
hileok, just rebuild, let's see after I get new pkg then. 04:55
hiletepsipakki, when you do the rebuild, inform me about the new pkg if you want a tester for it04:56
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hileI thought so, no reason to make a bug for such issue, gutsy is devel version anyway :)04:56
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kylemBenC, i can do it in  a bit04:58
kylemonce i finish cooking bfast.04:58
BenCkylem: I keep forgetting you passed the archive training course :)04:59
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Mithrandirgeser: I can't see any vpnc upload that got accepted07:24
geserhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vpnc/+bug/93413 last comment07:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 93413 in vpnc "vpnc dead peer detection disconnects immediately" [Medium,Needs info]  07:25
geserpitti accepted it07:25
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Mithrandirgeser: doesn't look like he actually accepted it07:29
geserthat would explain it07:29
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Mithrandirat least there's vpnc in the queue on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=07:31
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geserso should I ask him on monday to proper accept it?07:32
Mithrandiryes, or get me to do it on monday.07:33
geserok, thanks for looking07:33
Mithrandirit's saturday evening here now and I don't really feel like pulling out my work gear to fix it, sorry.07:33
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geserenjoy the rest of the weekend07:34
Mithrandirthanks. :-)07:34
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ondra_I have a question - I created a package for debian and it is in debian unstable now. If I want to get it to ubuntu as well - is ubuntu syncing with debian unstable, or with debian testing?10:42
lfittlondra_, unstable10:42
ondra_lfittl, thanks. do you know how often is it syncing? the package is python-sympy, it is in debian-unstable for about 4 days only, but I thougt that the sync is happening like once a day or so.10:49
lfittlondra_, this one: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sympy ? :)10:51
ondra_yeah, like that. I am new to ubuntu, thanks. :)10:52
lfittlno problem :)10:52
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_StefanS_hi there11:01
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_StefanS_I stumbled upon the following line of code in network manager: "caps |= NM_802_11_CAP_KEY_MGMT_802_1X;", what does that |= mean ?11:02
_StefanS_never seen that before :)11:02
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lfittl_StefanS_, I guess thats the same as "caps = caps | NM_802_11_CAP_KEY_MGMT_802_1X;"11:03
_StefanS_lfittl: so if the variable 'caps' is empty it takes that defined11:04
_StefanS_lfittl: NM_* 11:04
_StefanS_well that was a wierd sentence :D11:05
_StefanS_I mean, its like a ? : , right?11:05
geserthat's a binary OR11:05
lfittl_StefanS_, exactly11:05
_StefanS_:) goody, thanks11:05
_StefanS_just had to ask :)11:06
lfittl_StefanS_, but its not like ? :, it is a simple binary OR, as geser said (but it does what you want, if caps is empty it takes the NM_ define)11:06
_StefanS_ok, I was trying to add support for LEAP in the knetworkmanager, and got kinda confused looking at that line since I need to mimic the key_mgmt like it is in the gnome applet11:08
lfittl_StefanS_, ah, nice work, good luck on that stuff :)11:09
_StefanS_lfittl: oh thanks :) - I managed to crash my knetworkmanager instance just now, but thats all part of the fun :)11:10
_StefanS_lfittl: I might bug you guys at a later time perhaps11:10
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lfittl_StefanS_, feel free to do that, but I don't know the network manager code, and also have no main upload rights, sorry ;)11:12
_StefanS_thats ok, I think I will submit the stuff to upstream, and have it in before the import freeze anyways :)11:13
=== _StefanS_ crosses fingers
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Gutsy open, go ape!
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by pitti at Mon May 14 08:08:07 2007
(etteyafed_/#ubuntu-devel) Any thoughts on upgrading to abiword 2.5.0 or 2.5.2 ahead of debian?11:29
(Hobbsee/#ubuntu-devel) fabbione!11:30
fabbioneHobbsee: !11:30
=== fabbione needs to have a few words with his ISP
=== etteyafed_ is sorry for the silly idea
fabbioneHobbsee: they managed to upgrade badly my adsl while i was away11:32
Hobbseefabbione: fun....11:33
fabbionehence everything screwed up11:33
=== etteyafed_ now sees that upgrading to dev version is stupid, even though we do it with compiz ;)
=== Treenaks is happy to _work_ at his isp :)
=== EnolaGay [n=enola@dslb-084-056-213-232.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
EnolaGayhi all11:34
Treenaks(if I my stuff breaks, I get to kick my colleagues, or myself)11:34
EnolaGayI have tried to retrace a xorg crash (sudo apport-retrace _usr_bin_Xorg.0.crash) but always got this error: "report file does not contain required fields: CoreDump Package ExecutablePath"11:35
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pochuEnolaGay: a "cat _usr_bin_Xorg.0.crash" might help11:36
EnolaGaypochu: looks fine11:36
pochuat least it did for me with a listen crash11:36
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EnolaGaypochu ExecutablePath: /usr/bin/Xorg11:37
EnolaGayis correct afaik11:37
micahcowanDoes the kernel package not use a patching system?11:38
micahcowanIf I wish to prepare a debdiff, do I just modify the source directly, alter the changelog, and go?11:38
pochuEnolaGay: then report a bug against apport in lp :) I'll confirm it ;)11:38
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EnolaGaypochu: ok11:41
EnolaGaypochu: Is there another possibility to get a dump from this report?11:41
EnolaGayand btw. no apport gui tells me from the crash but this could be a general problem when xorg crashes11:42
EnolaGaymaybe because the file is only accessible by root11:45
EnolaGaypochu: There is alread a bug report. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/9539611:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 95396 in apport "[feisty]  Apport-retrace can not retrace a local crash report." [Undecided,Fix released]  11:45
pochuEnolaGay: fix released?11:46
EnolaGayI know, but not for me :)11:46
EnolaGaySo I should create a new one?11:46
pochuEnolaGay: or use -R, as the report says11:46
EnolaGayseem to work but wasn't mention in manpage11:47
pochuEnolaGay: file a bug :p11:47
EnolaGayGreat, I have to restart since I am using a different xorg driver11:48
EnolaGaypochu: Thanks for your help.11:48
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EnolaGaypochu: Now apport-retrace crashes :)12:03
EnolaGayAfter downloading the files. It seems not to be able to install them. Don't know.12:04
EnolaGayIt looks like I need another PC to use gdb to create a core dump.12:04
EnolaGaypochu: http://pastebin.ca/497513 the apport-retrace crash report if you are interested12:07
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pochuEnolaGay: report the Traceback to launchpad :)12:13

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