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nixternal | Hobbsee: rock on, Krename should be uploaded within the hour to Debian and I will request the sync! | 12:34 |
Hobbsee | nixternal: yay! | 12:34 |
nixternal | and that bad boy will be done until they (Krename) decide to upgrade again | 12:34 |
nixternal | which I see coming soon, because I believe they used a couple really cheap hacks to close some bugs | 12:35 |
=== toma kicks nixternal for no reason | ||
nixternal | haha | 12:47 |
nixternal | thanks! | 12:47 |
=== Hobbsee stomps on toma's feet for no reason | ||
nixternal | booyah! | 12:48 |
toma | auw | 12:48 |
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-55-228.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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landysh | hola | 11:23 |
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toma | hi | 12:00 |
mhb | hi | 12:01 |
Riddell | hola | 12:18 |
Tm_T | moin | 12:19 |
Tm_T | two weeks from now I begin to work Kopete status message manager | 12:19 |
Tm_T | well, that's the plan :) | 12:19 |
Riddell | why in two weeks? | 12:41 |
Tm_T | well, friday there's, err, what's that called, exam to get into Uni | 12:42 |
Tm_T | and after that I must take one week real holiday, all this moving etc is exhausting | 12:43 |
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Riddell | entrace exam | 12:43 |
Tm_T | that's the one | 12:43 |
Riddell | entrance exam | 12:43 |
Tm_T | interesting no hear now that I propably have adhd or similar | 12:44 |
persia | Riddell: I was directed to verify with you that arts was the package that might block a sound device in the default KDE session, and confirm that it was configured to release after a short period of time (60 seconds or so). | 12:45 |
Tm_T | let's see if medication they like to me to try will work | 12:45 |
Riddell | persia: seems the likely candidate, and it should let go after 60 seconds | 12:49 |
persia | Riddell: Thanks. | 12:50 |
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Tm_T | I wonder if arts could use plug:dmix | 12:50 |
Riddell | we don't get many reports of arts blocking sound though, it seems to only happen on a minority of sound cards | 12:52 |
Tm_T | yu | 12:52 |
Tm_T | I think it more at workaround _when_ it causes problems | 12:53 |
Tm_T | I don't use arts myself in my workstation and still waiting to get my test box back | 12:53 |
Riddell | how do you not use arts? | 12:54 |
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Hobbsee | er, meeting wont work this current week anyway | 01:25 |
Hobbsee | seeing as they're having meetings all week at the target time | 01:25 |
Hobbsee | unless we change it to be during european lunchtime, or so | 01:25 |
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Riddell | monday meeting? | 01:32 |
Hobbsee | there's a thought | 01:33 |
=== Hobbsee so tired.... | ||
Hobbsee | Riddell: i never got your text message, btw | 01:33 |
Riddell | probably got lost flying half way over the world and back | 01:37 |
Hobbsee | may well have done | 01:37 |
Hobbsee | how was your holiday? | 01:37 |
Riddell | too short | 01:38 |
Hobbsee | heh :) | 01:38 |
Riddell | full of visiting people and then it was over without much relaxation | 01:39 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 01:39 |
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Tm_T | Riddell: how I use arts? I don't have it running, and when I compile svn stuff to my use, I use -noarts :) | 01:42 |
Tm_T | alsa & hwmix | 01:43 |
Riddell | does kde still output sound? | 01:43 |
Tm_T | and systemsounds uses alsaplayer or similar | 01:43 |
Riddell | right | 01:43 |
Tm_T | but I know it's not for everyone | 01:44 |
Tm_T | I just personally don't liked arts back then and don't find any good reason to switch back now | 01:44 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: debian kde team seems interested in working with us | 01:47 |
Hobbsee | what's your opinion on that? | 01:48 |
Tm_T | sounds reasonable to me | 01:48 |
Tm_T | though depends what this "working with" means in this case | 01:49 |
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marseillai | Hobbsee: i've see you have work on kcontrol-autostart i'm upgrading it and i would like to know what i've to do after having my paskage ready? i send it on revu as i would do for a new release? | 02:04 |
Hobbsee | marseillai: usually, yeah | 02:06 |
marseillai | oki | 02:07 |
marseillai | thx | 02:07 |
=== toma_ is now known as toma | ||
marseillai | i don't understand : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21668/ wich build-dep am i missing ? | 02:16 |
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Riddell | marseillai: hmm, autofun | 02:27 |
marseillai | Riddell: ? | 02:27 |
Riddell | marseillai: try installing autoconf and automake and running make -f admin/Makefile.common | 02:27 |
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marseillai | it works Riddell | 02:29 |
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Tm_T | ok, going back to no-adsl-life -> | 02:29 |
marseillai | Riddell: i've autotool as build-depend | 02:29 |
Riddell | so run make -f admin/Makefile.common | 02:31 |
marseillai | Riddell: works too ... | 02:34 |
=== toma_ is now known as toma | ||
marseillai | Riddell: now i've this error : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21683/ you have an idea ? | 03:33 |
Riddell | marseillai: nope, looks like a broken build system. touch po/autostart.pot would probably fix it | 03:34 |
marseillai | Riddell: in debian/rules ?? | 03:37 |
Riddell | just on the command line to test | 03:38 |
marseillai | oki | 03:38 |
=== frode [n=frode@gprs-ggsn5-nat.mobil.telenor.no] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
marseillai | Riddell: same error | 03:45 |
Riddell | well, I'm out of ideas | 03:49 |
Riddell | put the sources somewhere if you want me to take a look | 03:49 |
marseillai | Riddell: i'm uploading to revu | 03:53 |
mhb | welcome back Riddell | 03:55 |
frode | Riddell: can you tell from the top of your head where adept downlaods the dist-upgrader to? | 03:55 |
Riddell | thanks marseillai | 03:56 |
Riddell | mhb rather | 03:56 |
Riddell | frode: /tmp/kde-<user>/adept-<randomstring> | 03:56 |
Riddell | and extracts to /tmp/kde-<user>/adept-<randomstring>-extract | 03:56 |
frode | Riddell: thanks. :) | 03:56 |
mhb | what about the meeting, | 03:59 |
mhb | ? | 04:00 |
mhb | I don't think it is feasible to make it on next Monday, as it is tomorrow AFAIK | 04:00 |
mhb | or did you mean the week after that? | 04:00 |
marseillai | Riddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5215 | 04:04 |
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cy_` | hello | 04:36 |
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cy_` | which tool does modify the xorg.conf when booting ? because i copied an image of a kubuntu installation to a disk, adjustet grub and everything.. and clearly the Driver in the xorg.conf was fglrx .. after a first boot of the system the Driver was changed to vesa also the Xkblayout and Resolution where "adjusted" ... when i changed it back after the first boot and rebootet, it did not change again.. | 04:37 |
cy_` | any hints ? | 04:37 |
Riddell | cy_`: quite possibly /usr/bin/displayconfig-restore | 04:38 |
Riddell | from guidance | 04:38 |
Riddell | marseillai: compiling | 04:38 |
marseillai | oki Riddell | 04:38 |
cy_` | Riddell, thanks alot! :D | 04:39 |
cy_` | how could i tell it not to do so ? | 04:39 |
_Sime | cy_: it saw that your hardware had changed and automatically ran deb<something> reconfigure xorg | 04:39 |
cy_` | _Sime, i dont want it to do so.. :| | 04:41 |
cy_` | how can i stop that behaviour ? | 04:41 |
_Sime | /etc/init.d/kde-guidance | 04:43 |
cy_` | hehe | 04:46 |
cy_` | just reading through the python source | 04:46 |
cy_` | i <3 irc quotes as comments in code.. hehe | 04:46 |
cy_` | how could i tell it to simply accept the config atm and dont change it... by removing /var/lib/guidance/guidance-gfxhardware-snapshot maybe ? | 04:47 |
_Sime | well you can just stop /etc/init.d/kde-guidance from running at boot time. | 04:48 |
cy_` | yeah, but then it would not work on a future gfx-card-change | 04:49 |
Riddell | marseillai: try removing "noinst_HEADERS = autostart.pot" from po/Makefile.am and rerunning make -f admin/Makefile.common | 04:49 |
cy_` | i would like it just to save and accept the config & hw as they are now and not change them.. but do so in the future if something changes | 04:49 |
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marseillai | seems to work Riddell i test | 04:51 |
marseillai | works Riddell | 05:00 |
marseillai | :) | 05:00 |
marseillai | thanks a lot | 05:00 |
=== marseillai makes a patch now | ||
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cy_` | i simply remove the guidance-gfxhardware-snapshot before the first reboot.. testing that now too.. | 05:04 |
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marseillai_ | Riddell: during the build it requires automake1.6 but there is no automake1.6 in repo | 05:48 |
marseillai_ | is there a way to solve this problem ? | 05:48 |
Riddell | marseillai_: requires in which way? | 05:53 |
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marseillai_ | i've this mistake : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21714/ | 05:54 |
marseillai_ | and automake1.9 and automake was in build-dep | 05:54 |
marseillai_ | any idea Riddell ? | 05:55 |
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Riddell | re-run make -f Makefile.common | 06:01 |
marseillai | in the source dir ? | 06:01 |
Riddell | yes | 06:01 |
marseillai | that cause no problem for inclusion in repo? | 06:01 |
Riddell | can't say I care about it | 06:02 |
Riddell | all the KDE packages do it | 06:02 |
marseillai | oki | 06:02 |
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marseillai | Riddell: if you have time for a revu : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5221 if you don't no problem | 06:18 |
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yuriy | wow edubuntu's homepage is nice | 06:56 |
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nixternal | how about a patch to update to use the latest automake? | 07:02 |
nixternal | nevermind that, wrong time, damn scroll up ;) | 07:02 |
marseillai | nixternal: it was for my problem with kcontrol-autostart ? | 07:03 |
nixternal | ya | 07:03 |
nixternal | hehe | 07:03 |
marseillai | lol | 07:03 |
marseillai | thanks anyway | 07:03 |
nixternal | did you get it fixed? | 07:03 |
marseillai | but for the moment i only start to make package and patch | 07:04 |
nixternal | groovy | 07:04 |
marseillai | so i only make small modifications | 07:04 |
marseillai | and this sort of patch are too hard | 07:04 |
marseillai | but yes riddell told me how to solve it | 07:04 |
marseillai | now i'm looking for a motu | 07:04 |
marseillai | :) | 07:04 |
marseillai | or may be i'll wait raphink because it's his package i've upgrade | 07:05 |
nixternal | raphink will probably be afk for a bit. he and his new wife just got back to Paris this past week | 07:09 |
marseillai | oki | 07:12 |
marseillai | they continue their honey moon ? | 07:12 |
nixternal | I believe they are just spending some time settling in | 07:17 |
marseillai | ok | 07:18 |
marseillai | so i'll make review my package by myself | 07:18 |
marseillai | :) | 07:18 |
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Adios Espania! | Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings | ||
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by nixternal at Thu May 17 05:32:56 2007 | ||
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Adios Espania! | Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings | ||
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by nixternal at Thu May 17 05:32:56 2007 | ||
(lnxkde/#kubuntu-devel) Do I need to build a resticted modules packges for my running kernel, to get the nvidia driver from nviodia.com working? | 11:27 | |
(Hobbsee/#kubuntu-devel) pass. | 11:28 | |
(lnxkde/#kubuntu-devel) when I do modprobe nvidia I get a error that says FATAL : could not lounch nvidia install script | 11:28 | |
(lnxkde/#kubuntu-devel) also that happends when startx | 11:28 | |
=== Hobbsee doesnt use nvidia, so has the enjoyable fun of not needing to know. | ||
Hobbsee | i'd try #ubuntu for that | 11:28 |
lnxkde | but the nvidia installation goes ok | 11:29 |
lnxkde | ok | 11:29 |
lnxkde | Hobbsee: :) so whats new? playing with KDE4? | 11:31 |
Hobbsee | doing motu stuff, actually | 11:31 |
Hobbsee | i havent looked at kde4 in a while | 11:31 |
lnxkde | motu? | 11:32 |
lnxkde | sound? | 11:32 |
Hobbsee | motu == masters of the universe | 11:32 |
=== ajmitch wonders why people need to try the nvidia driver from nvidia's script | ||
lnxkde | :) | 11:34 |
lnxkde | never heard of it | 11:34 |
lnxkde | coz I use a customized kernel | 11:35 |
lnxkde | :p | 11:35 |
Tm_T | ajmitch: excitement perhaps | 11:35 |
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