
ubuntusaludos a todos12:16
NininaHello I'm preparing to install Kubuntu on my computer so I'm gonna take some space off my windows partition to do so, how much do you guys is a good amount(all is not exceptable =P)12:16
ubuntualgun hispano parlante por aqui?12:16
dacysoninina : only for the system ?12:17
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dacysowhat's your configuration ?12:18
Lilacorubuntu I think you're looking for #ubuntu-es12:18
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ZmAYhi, i need some help12:18
LilacorZmAY: please ask the question12:19
ZmAYmy frined bought lap top, it has linpus on, is there any way to instal kubuntu on it?12:19
ZmAYi tried with CD but it wont work12:19
Lilacorlinpus? I'm not sure what that is12:19
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Nininadacyso: well for the entire kubuntu stuff...I'm shaving it off the XP partition, althought how to divide up that shaved up space is also something I was wondering12:19
LilacorNinina: what are you planning on doing with your Kubuntu system?12:20
RobNychow do I install the nvidia drivers on kubuntu12:20
TheGateKeeperNinina: (k)ubuntu needs at least 5gb, I guess as much as you can aford to give it12:20
ZmAYLilacor: http://www.linpus.com/xampp/modules/c-html/12:21
ZmAYsome asian crap12:21
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LilacorZmAY: sounds like a box from Fry's or something12:21
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ZmAYbut the problem is, when i put in kubuntu live CD in, and i start to install it, it stops, frozes12:22
LilacorZmAY: what happens when you try to install using the DVD?12:22
NininaLilacor: well it's an experiment, I don't really want to use vista ever and XP will only last so long so I'm working on seeing if I can handle linux...I only have 120gb total disk space though12:22
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LilacorZmAY: did you try to use the alternate install dVD?12:22
LilacorZmAY: try that12:22
ZmAYdont have that option right now12:22
lobsterZmay did you check your cd for errors?12:23
LilacorZmAY: find the alternate install DVD, download it, burn it, and install from that12:23
ZmAYyes, it stops at.. just a minute12:23
LilacorNinina: how much is windows taking up right now?12:23
ZmAYi cant12:24
NininaLilacor:the partition is 120gb but after major cleaning I have it down about 60gb free space12:24
ZmAYrightr now i am using my old PC which hasnt got DVD burner12:24
LilacorNinina: that should be plenty enough for kubuntu12:24
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NininaLilacor: if I use all the freespace I won't have any space to install stuff...12:25
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LilacorNinina: install software for winxp?12:25
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ZmAYLilacor: i go to check CD, and it stops at "checking ./casper/filesystem/squashfs"12:26
RobNycnobody knows how to install nvidia drivers on kubuntu feisty ?12:26
zblachi'm having some trouble getting firestarter to run. has anyone else had this issue?12:26
NininaLilacor: yes, I'm trying to hedge my bets sorta...I was thinking like 20 or maybe 30gb12:26
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:26
LilacorNinina: 30 is also plenty enough12:27
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LilacorNinina: if you fill your kubuntu volume with movies and music files then that's not really my problem12:27
semistud2354im trying to extract a file...but it is in .7z12:27
LilacorNinina: but for basic system files and running the system it should be fine12:28
semistud2354anyone know a good program to se12:28
Lilacorsemistud2354: that's 7-zip12:28
Lilacorsemistud2354: download and install 7-zip12:28
semistud2354isnt 7z and 7-zip the same12:28
Lilacor7-zip is the name of the program12:28
Lilacor.7z is the format of the file12:29
NininaLilacor: my thing is I keep windows and when/if I go a month with little or no xp usage I'll clean out xp and give like 100gb to kubuntu or maybe even a whole new hdd, but It's not my primary OS yet, only a potentially primary12:29
LilacorNinina: it's fine - don't worry...you can expand the partition later with gparted at a later date if you wish12:29
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semistud2354i put that in12:30
semistud2354im not sure which one12:30
NininaLilacor: plus i'm not a movie person, I'm a video game person =P12:30
semistud2354and lzma12:30
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LilacorNinina: regardless, I'm saying that 30 will be enough for you to get a feel for the system12:31
RobNycso none of you using nvidia ?12:31
semistud2354they both say something about compression12:31
LilacorRobNyc: I am using nvidia12:31
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NininaLilacor: ok then that's what all use...is it ok to monoparition it or is that a bad idea?12:31
semistud2354nothing about extracting those types of files12:31
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RobNycLilacor, did you install the nvidia drivers? because ubuntu is easier but id otn know in kubuntu12:31
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ZmAYLilacor: i go to instal Kubuntu. it checks all  the stuff, configuring some drivers, starting basic networking [ok] ... and then when it all checks it freezes12:32
LilacorRobNyc: I'm about to find out. I haven't installed nvidia drivers yet. I'm installing from x64 kubuntu dvd right now12:32
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LilacorNinina: usually you want to separate your swap partition from your system partition12:32
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LilacorNinina: unless you want your hdd to sound like it does in windoze...swapping and thrashing like mad12:33
NininaLilacor: ahh I didn't mean swap, I that much atleast =P...12:33
NininaLilacor: should swap be on a seperate drive?12:33
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LilacorNinina: no, not necessarily12:34
kubuntu67Hi everyone. I've got a problem with my SATA DVD drive. I can't get it to play dvds.12:34
NininaLilacor: ok12:34
Lilacorhopefully I don't get funky stupid screen12:34
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ZmAYanyone had problems with installing Kubuntu on laptop12:35
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dbellAmAY: depends on the laptop, I've got an old laptop 266mhz and 64MB of ram. No way Kubuntu is going on it.12:37
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ZmAYnop, i have 512MB ram, 2.0 GHz12:38
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ZmAYit freezes after checking basic stuff12:38
Nininaanyone know what a good swap size is for a system with 1gb of ram?12:39
dbellwhat wireless chipset? that's usually the next issue.12:39
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dbellThe laptop is freezing during install?12:39
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tijnheya ppl12:39
dbellIs there a restore partition?12:39
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dbellfor windows?12:40
dbellHmm, have you checked the cd?12:40
ZmAYi did, no problems12:40
maxiusi had some problems connecting wap encrypted wireless routers whit kubuntu 6.10, it froze all the time, when i connected, had no problem whit ubuntu though, anyone know if this wireless thing has been betther whit kubuntu 7.04?12:41
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dbellZmAY: I had a problem installing edubuntu on the kids computer last night. I was freezing during install. The solution for what ever reason was to burn the CD iso onto a DVD. Installed without problem.12:43
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RictooI tried printing something with lpr12:43
Rictoobut it didn't exactly work, and after that was done, my printer began printing hundreds of blank pages12:43
Rictoohow the FUCK do I stop it? -.-'12:43
dbellNo logical reason for it to work, but might be worth a shot if you can12:44
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ZmAYtnx, but cant do it right now12:44
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RictooAnyone help?12:44
RictooI tried printing something with lpr12:44
Rictoobut it didn't exactly work, and after that was done, my printer began printing hundreds of blank pages12:44
RictooHOw do I stop it? :\12:44
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dbellhave you tried googling the model of the laptop for a solution?12:45
dbellRictoo: hit the power button on the printer?12:45
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Rictoobecause when I turn it back on, it continues12:46
RictooSo like, I'm screwed :)12:46
IEhi... scenario... clean install windows then clean install (k)ubuntu...then clean install mandriva...does not find (k)ubuntu on installing grub..decide to delete mandriva ... question... how do i reinstall grub to pick up windows and (k)ubuntu?12:46
_6StringKng_uh yeah ntfs-3g didn't mount my drives on startup fo rosme reason12:46
SlimeyPetedid you run the configuration wizard?12:47
_6StringKng_well I added the lines to my fstab, and it worked fine, but for some reason it wont anymore12:48
_6StringKng_and hwne I go to system>NTFS configuration tool it wont work anyways12:48
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dbellZmAY: just finished reading back over your problem, if the check CD is freezing on squashfs there is probably a problem with the CD. Squashfs is the filesystem for the CD, not a good place for an error.12:49
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ZmAYdbell: i waited for a while, it goes on, no problem then with that error12:51
_6StringKng_k, anyone know why ntfs-3g decided not to mount my other hdds?12:51
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main2guys, i have a big problem with kubu feisty12:51
FFForeveri used amarok to sort my music and now in my stuff folder there are gray folders and i was just wondering why12:51
ZmAYdbrll: it freezes after i press install, then checks the basic networking and other stuff, and then i get only screen with kubuntu logo and thats it12:51
_6StringKng_I added this /dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs-3g     defaults,locale=en_US.utf8   0    0  worked fine but today it wont, lol12:52
dbellFFForever: again, try #amarok12:52
main2when i try to reboot from kde...........12:52
main2the screen goes blank, and it doesnt boot12:52
main2:'(    i cant find anything in dmesg12:52
main2any suggestions?12:53
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ZmAYis there any way to install kubuntu from konsole?12:54
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dbellfrom what distro? I think from Ubuntu this would do it12:56
dbellsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:56
ZmAYi have fuckin preinstalation of linpus12:57
ZmAYi mean my friend.. asian crap12:58
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Chousukelinpus just sounds wrong12:59
Chousuke... mostly the pus part12:59
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ChousukeOne wonders what they were thinking when they decided on that name.12:59
rayluwhat name?01:00
ZmAYu have it here01:00
main2limping linpus? :')01:01
main2guys, if no partitions are marked 'active' (also called 'boot')01:01
main2what partition is booted then, the first?01:01
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cpk1my sound died =(01:03
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just-this-timewhere can I find logging of last adept install session just finished ?01:03
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just-this-timehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting cpk101:07
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cpk1just-this-time: I already read through that01:07
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cpk1nothing of help to me01:08
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dbellcpk1: any chance you have two sound devices? I had an issue with kubuntu alternating between the onboard sound and my sound card with every boot.01:09
cpk1I dont, it literally just now died01:09
cpk1I killed amarokapp and then sound stopped after that01:09
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intelikeyi have a problem, there is nothing wrong with my computer.01:10
intelikeyshould i upgrade to fix this problem ?01:10
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cpk1I dont think anything is tying up my sound either...01:11
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saraanyone know how i can open an ace. file in ubuntu?01:13
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Nininaanyone know how much swap space kubuntu needs if one has 1gb of ram?01:14
sarado i ned o install a wondows program trhough wine to open an ace. file?01:14
intelikeyNinina exactly     NONE  is "needed"01:15
iarwain_sara: try 'unace' and 'unace-nonfree'01:15
Nininaintelikey: ... well how much do I "WANT" then01:16
just-this-timesorry capitals01:17
intelikeyNinina if you plan on using suspend to disk.  then you need sufficent swap space to cache all the ram to disk.    if you don't plan on suspending to disk then you will never know that you have swap or that you don't as case may be.01:17
sarait says i have unace installed...is it a commandline program?01:17
ZmAYhow can i format linux from konsole?01:17
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Nininaintelikey: if I'm not using a laptop is there any use for suppend to disk?01:18
iarwain_sara: could very well be. I found that 'xarchiver' is a GTK front-end ( = graphical )01:18
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intelikeyjust-this-time thank you.   but as far as swap is concerned, it's not humour.   i run kubuntu on a p1 with 64m ram and no swap.  so tell me how much someone with a gig of ram needs ?01:18
intelikeyNinina no there isn't.01:19
cpk1anyone have any advice for me on my dead sound?01:19
Nininaintelikey: well I plan to use ran intensive programs like beryl and video games01:19
intelikeyNinina if you "want" a swap partition.  make it a little bigger than the ram and you'll be fine.01:19
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intelikeycpk1 if you can catch crimsun around,  he's A #1 pro sound man.01:21
ZmAYis there a way to format linux from hard drive?01:21
Nininaintelikey: I just don't want "suprizes" when I try to run a program and it crashes because of lack of memory01:21
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intelikeyNinina yeah01:21
iarwain_ZmAY: why would you want to format linux whilst running it?01:21
just-this-timeapparently intelikey you dont use firefox ,01:21
ZmAYcause i have this stupid linpus on it01:21
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Nininaintelikey: so I should have like 1.5gb or something?01:22
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iarwain_ZmAY: so you want to format your drive, _whilst_ running linux? Because linux is on it?01:22
RyielHey guys, can someone help me to put grub back? Cause i installed win and it killed grub...01:22
ZmAYyes, i want to delete all01:22
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:22
intelikeyjust-this-time hehhe i like your sense of humour too :)01:22
iarwain_ZmAY: throw it in a HCL-bath ;o01:22
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iarwain_ZmAY: j/k, try to install windows over it01:23
iarwain_ZmAY: or format it via windows?01:23
intelikeyZmAY if you are giving linux it's walking pappers  then do it from windows.01:23
ZmAYi know that, but i was wondering if there is some other way, cause i dont have any windows cd right now01:24
intelikeyZmAY aren't you the same troll that was asking the same questions the last few days ?01:24
iarwain_ZmAY: just so you know, if you want to format a drive whilst using it, it ain't gonna work01:24
intelikeyor is this an epidemic of trollism ?01:25
hakaisouwow... that's cool01:25
iarwain_intelikey: i have my club right next to me ^^01:25
hakaisoui didn't realize that there was a hotkey for increasing and decreasing resolution01:25
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ZmAYintlikey: no01:25
iarwain_hakaisou: could you enlighten us? (willing to try)01:25
hakaisouhold on lemme verify01:26
iarwain_sorry for caps ;$01:26
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ZmAYsorry for beinf rooky:)01:26
iarwain_ZmAY: otherwise you'd have an utterly useless pc01:26
hakaisouctrl alt numplus decreases resolution one step (as defined by your settings)01:26
intelikeyZmAY well ok.  answer me one question and i'll try to help you with that.    what does it matter if the disk space is blank or has an os you don't use on it, until you are ready to do something with the extra disk space ?01:26
hakaisouand ctrl alt numminus will increase by one step01:27
iarwain_ZmAY: np, but why would you like to remove linux?01:27
ZmAYi have kubuntu live CD but it stopps during installation01:27
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iarwain_hakaisou: crap, now i need to find a - sign (i'm on the laptop)01:27
iarwain_hakaisou: found it xD quite fun actually =)01:28
ZmAYi would like to remove preinstalled version of "linux" called linpus, thats all, and that everything that is on HD01:28
iarwain_ZmAY: well, i don't know much about installing, but could you be bothered to try with the alternate cd?01:28
iarwain_ZmAY: what exactly is 'linpus'?01:28
hakaisouirwain_:  yea, i love finding new functions in linux randomly01:28
iarwain_hakaisou: try Ctrl-Alt-F3 xD (j/k)01:29
ZmAYiarwain_: itc some asian crap, "linux" without GUI01:29
iarwain_ZmAY: crap ;o01:29
hakaisouwhat is that?01:29
dbellZmAY: if you have access to a CD burner try gparted to reformat the drive.01:29
hakaisouctrl alt f3?01:29
iarwain_ZmAY: are you able to download the alternate cd of ubuntu? (less room for error's)01:29
iarwain_hakaisou: well, you can try (it's nothing dangerous) just know that you'll be back with Ctrl-Alt-F7 =)01:30
iarwain_hakaisou: try all of the Fx's =)01:30
ZmAYi am, but the problem is that i only have CDs which are not compatible with my CD burner:p01:30
intelikeyZmAY ok.   be advised that this command will leave the computer without any data of any kind on the hd !!!       cat /dev/zero > /dev/hda     <<<< where hda is the drive you want to blank.    that's a good tool for clearing entire hard drives prior to an initial installation.01:30
iarwain_hakaisou: and don't freak out xD01:30
iarwain_ZmAY: and you don't have access to another pc with cd-burner?01:31
rayluintelikey, if it's already installed01:31
rayluyou may as well have ZmAY install (k)ubuntu over it01:31
intelikeyZmAY it can also be used on partitions.01:31
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olabilHello :)01:32
iarwain_hiya olabil01:32
olabilHaving some problems with installing Nvidia drivers here.. running kubuntu 7.04, anyone free to help?01:32
iarwain_olabil: tell us your problems xD (don't ask to ask =) )01:32
intelikeyraylu he asked a question.  i was answering it.     i already questioned his logic and motive,  also left the warning about the affect.       but don't tell me not to answer questions.01:33
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just-this-time!nvidia olabil01:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia olabil - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:34
iarwain_!nvidia | olabil01:35
olabilwell, the thing is, i've installed the latest driver from nvidia.com, its installed and everything, but when i enter nvidia-settings, my resolutions and hertz are weird01:35
ubotuolabil: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:35
just-this-time!nvidia  | olabil01:35
iarwain_just-this-time: xD01:35
intelikeyjust-this-time missing   pipe or redirrect01:35
iarwain_olabil: what do you mean, weird?01:35
olabilif i edit xonf.org, and manually remove all other choices than 1280x1024, and restart X, it still boots up in 1024x768, it simply doesnt match xorg.conf01:35
iarwain_olabil: i hope you mean xorg.conf?01:36
olabillol yes, typo, sorry :)01:36
just-this-timeolabil learn to use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:36
just-this-timealso sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange olabil01:37
iarwain_just-this-time: i'd add a -phigh there.. or am i wrong? (not realy sure)01:37
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intelikeyiarwain_ i'd add a -plow  :)01:38
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iarwain_iarwain_: what's the difference actually?01:39
intelikeyiarwain_ high is if you don't want it to ask many questions   low if you want it to ask them all01:39
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intelikey-p = priority01:40
iarwain_intelikey: cheers, i know now xD01:40
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Coldwar55Dam, Kubuntu is so nice ^^  Much more stable than Windows.  I have never had a problem with it yet01:45
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just-this-timeanyone used upfrading to feisty from DVDand not over the internet ?01:46
olabilran through sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, gonna reboot, wish me luck01:46
intelikeyno reboot01:46
just-this-timegood luck olabil01:46
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=== intelikey wishes olabil good education. luck is not needed to reboot a linux box, but a good exucation would teach hime that the wasted time rebooting is not at all needed. could just restart the xserver.
just-this-timeolabil will nextlearn to ctrtrl alt F1 and sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop start restart01:48
just-this-timewindows users cannot at first get the flexibility existing on system01:49
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intelikey"windows users"    they cease to be windows users when they boot to linux,  while linux is running they are linux users.   :)01:50
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olabilthis is weird.. the nvidia driver is installed, and running, but it's not allowing me to change resolution's above 1280x800... anyone know which file i can edit to manually specify the resolution? xorg.conf was not it01:58
aennai vot a problem with my kde01:58
tinwhat's not allowing you change the screen size?01:58
aennai deleted a shortcut from /usr/share/autostart01:59
aennabecause of beryl01:59
olabilif i go via system settings, and into monitor and display, it doesnt list "normal" resolutions.. max is 1280x800, in 60hz. I want 1280x1024@100hz01:59
aennasomething about"beryl: No manageable screens found on display :0.0"01:59
aennai solved taht problem but now i dont have wallpaper02:00
intelikeyaenna hehhe  from /usr/   that's system stuff,    good way to break things.02:00
aennakcontrol isnt usssefull at all02:00
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aennahey i was desesperated it was my 4th format02:00
intelikeysounds more like a beryl than a kde question.02:01
aennai suffered random freezes and modifiing init.d files solved my problems02:01
tini think that System Settings uses the xorg.conf to choose what options to show you02:01
aennaso i thought that probably i could detect whats up taking out of star some apps02:02
tintry the Hardware tab of Monitors & Displays02:02
olabilif i look in the "Hardware" tab of Monitor & Display, it lists my gfx card as a generic VESA one, and it says Custom 1 for monitor..  Itdoesnt remember when I manually choose correct monitor)02:02
tingo to admin mode and choose a different monitor, one that matches yours closely02:02
aennain my /usr/share/autostart/ there is02:02
aennai have panel restore_kmix_volumes guidance-powe.. khotkeys kilpper knetwork..konky_preload korgac02:02
aennawhat is missing to me?02:02
tindunno why it wouldn't remember02:03
aennai dont remember the exact name02:03
olabilTin: I dont want to spam the channel with copy/pastes from my xonf.org, may we go privatE?02:03
aennaits something of kde desktop or similar02:03
tinit wouldn't help02:03
olabilhehe ok02:04
intelikeyaenna hmmm you need someone to   ls -l /usr/share/autostart/    and post the list for you.02:04
tinall i can suggest is maybe using 'xorgcfg' from Konsole02:04
tinit's not the easiest to use app, but it may help02:04
intelikeyaenna i don't have that dir so i'm of no use there.02:04
aennaok thankyou anyway02:04
olabilif i could just find the file that specifies my current resolution...02:04
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just-this-time<olabil> Tin: I dont want to spam the channel with copy/pastes from my xonf.org << once for all tis xorg.cong02:05
aennai was just going to say the samething about ls02:05
intelikeytin can you post the content of your  /usr/share/autostart/  for aenna02:05
olabilgrep 1280x800 something?02:05
just-this-timelook x.org02:05
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olabildamn, i hate that typo, sorry02:05
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intelikeyolabil there probably isn't a file that specifies your "current resolution"   but ls /etc/X11  and look for nvidia something02:07
aennaby the way i dont kow why but powernowd causes some random crashes on my pentium 402:07
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hyperactivecrondhow does one install ndiswrapper in kubuntu 7.0402:07
hyperactivecrondoh and before you respond02:07
hyperactivecrondthe wireless connection is my only connection to the internet.02:08
hyperactivecrondand bcm43xx doesnt work. it never has02:08
intelikeyvictor you might check the bug reports or the wiki.   there maybe pertanant info there02:08
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hyperactivecrondi tried compiling an older version but it died02:08
intelikeyaenna ^02:08
hyperactivecrondthat'd be 1.34 so it's probably just too old02:08
aennaill report02:09
aennaon launchpad?02:09
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hyperactivecrondi should be able to just download the 1.44 source and compile, right?02:09
intelikeyhyperactivecrond yeah.02:10
intelikeyhyperactivecrond have build-essential installed ?02:10
hyperactivecrondintelikey, isnt it installed by default in 7.04?02:10
intelikey!b-e | hyperactivecrond02:11
ubotuhyperactivecrond: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:11
hyperactivecrondit seems to run make fine it's just too old of a version02:11
intelikeymake is too old ?02:11
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hyperactivecrondndiswrapper source ***02:11
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hyperactivecrondgcc g++ etc seem to work02:11
intelikeywell you should be able to build the latest source there02:12
intelikeyoperative word 'should' ....  ;/02:12
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olabilWell, i figured it out02:13
olabilsudo nvidia-glx-config enable02:13
olabilsux forgetting basics02:14
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intelikeysorry.  when you said nvidia was working propperly, i assumed you had already done that.02:14
premier__should I be getting more than 8MB/s from a usb 2.0 port when tranferring files from an external to internal hard drive?02:16
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intelikeypremier__ well the limit is higher but that's safe.02:21
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n8boundshey guys02:23
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n8boundsfor there being so many people in this channel, its pretty quiet02:24
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n8boundsr u running the show here?02:25
aennasomeone can paste me what ls /usr/share/autostart/ drops please02:25
n8boundsI got:02:25
n8boundsadept_notifier_auto.desktop     klipper.desktop02:25
n8boundsguidance-power-manager.desktop  knetworkmanager.desktop02:26
n8boundskab2kabc.desktop                konqy_preload.desktop02:26
n8boundskbluepin.autostart.desktop      korgac.desktop02:26
n8boundskbluetoothd.autostart.desktop   oooqs2.desktop02:26
n8boundskdesktop.desktop                panel.desktop02:26
n8boundskhotkeys.desktop                restore_kmix_volumes.desktop02:26
ZmAYwhen i try to install it from liveCD it freezes, does anybody have the same problem? i tried several different original CDs, so its not a CD problem02:26
n8boundscan we also rule out your optical drive somehow?02:26
bubu1ukZmAY: u should specific when it freezes... what kinda of problem u might have02:27
n8boundsZmAY, have u tried the alternate install cd?02:27
premier__I can't change the colors for the menu bar text on my computer.  So, if I want a black interface, the menu bar text stays black and I cannot see it02:27
ZmAYi run it, it checks the basic networking... and other stuff, then it shows only kubuntu logo and thats it02:27
n8boundsZmAY, so you never even get to the live cd desktop?02:28
intelikeypremier__ beryl ?02:29
premier__intelikey: nope02:29
n8boundsgive the alternate install cd a try02:29
n8boundsor if ur using the dvd02:29
intelikeypremier__ and you can't change the colour of kicker ?02:29
n8boundsselect "Install in text mode"02:29
intelikeyoh just the text.02:29
ZmAYdont have DVD option right now02:30
n8boundsthe alt. install cd is the same thing anyway02:30
premier__intelikey: not the kicker, the menu bar02:30
premier__like, where is says "file edit help"02:30
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intelikeypremier__ hmmm that's almost worth installing kde just investigate02:31
david2_anyon e use partimage?02:31
n8boundspremier__, if you go to system settings > appearance > colors, and select the Window Text widget color02:31
=== bubu1uk should enjoy the peace of mind.... Drinking is not good for old men....
=== ZaZaTux [n=ZaZaTux@mai59-1-82-241-159-227.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
n8boundsyou can change it towhatever you want02:31
premier__n8bounds: no effect02:32
n8boundsdavid2_ yes I do02:32
david2_Does it work?02:32
premier__n8bounds: it just ignores those settings02:32
n8boundspremier, try re-logging on?02:32
premier__intelikey: apparently this isn't something that just happens: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/3940002:32
n8boundsdavid2, on ext3 yes02:32
premier__no, let me try that02:32
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intelikeypremier__ in kcontrol look&feel colour there is an option    as i recall02:32
david2_Have you had any problems restoring02:32
n8boundsdavid2, fat32 no problem02:32
n8boundsntfs is a crapshoot02:32
n8boundstry to defrag twice before partimaging an ntfs volume02:33
n8boundsI never tried reseiserfs02:33
n8boundsxfs fails for me too02:33
david2_Linux Journal speak of it02:33
david2_almost convincing that it'll work02:33
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n8boundsI gave up on the exotic filesystems, ext3 does everything I need02:33
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david2_What's the difference between using dd and that?02:34
n8boundsfor one, you get a curses based interface02:34
n8boundsand it does most of the thinking for you02:34
david2_but I get the point02:34
n8boundsright, sorry02:35
Coldwar55When an embedded movie is playing in FireFox using Mplayer, how come the bottom of the box get's cut off?02:35
david2_You use the static binary?02:35
n8boundsit also can break up ur output files into certain sizes for you02:35
n8boundsyeah, apt-get install partimage02:35
n8boundsbut honestly02:35
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david2_Yeah but you can use the split command to do that02:35
n8boundsI use the one on the "sysresccd" more often02:35
david2_I read about it02:36
intelikeydavid2_ or ddd02:36
david2_Just scared02:36
n8boundswell heres another plus for partimage02:36
david2_tarring with permissions saved is a pain in the ass02:36
david2_I just want to back up everything02:36
n8boundsif it screws up, you will prolly know before you have to try and restore from it02:36
n8boundsit has good error handling02:36
david2_and it works02:37
david2_well quick as possible02:37
n8boundsyeah, I like it02:37
n8boundsI use it to image pcs at work02:37
n8boundsand to backup my stuff at home02:37
david2_preferably on a network drive02:37
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david2_I'll tgry it on a computer that has the least to loose02:38
n8boundsu can't partimage a partition that is mounted tho02:38
david2_and see what happens02:38
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n8boundsif that matters to u02:38
david2_Why would I want to do that?02:38
david2_make no sense02:38
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david2_You write the backup to a mounted drive02:38
premier_hello, I rebooted, no effect02:39
n8boundsif u could, u wouldn't have to reboot into a live cd or something to partimage your root partition02:39
n8boundssorry dude, check out kde-look.org, those guys do that kind of stuff more02:39
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david2_no hablos Spanish02:40
gamaliel_es la primera vez que accedo aqui que es?02:40
david2_I am hungry though02:40
intelikeylooks like i can use gnome cheeper than i can kde....  hmmm02:40
n8boundscheepr, intelikey?02:40
intelikeyyeah bandwidth02:41
intelikeyi'm on dialup02:41
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intelikeyor should i say band"narrowness"02:41
gamaliel_soy nuevo02:41
gamaliel_por aqui02:42
n8boundswhere on earth are people still stuck on 56k modems? :P02:42
gamaliel_todos hablan ingles?02:42
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:42
intelikeyn8bounds down town USA02:42
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premier_n8bounds: 56k > 0k02:43
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n8boundssorry, I'm new to irc and dont know how to PM02:43
premier_are you using konversation?02:43
intelikeyjust 5 miles down the road i could get dsl modem   but that's the end of the wire.02:43
david2_what about 64 bit machines?02:44
premier_try clicking the user name when they make a post02:44
premier_david2_: you mean pure awesome?02:44
premier_intelikey: what do you use?02:44
intelikeyanalog dialup02:44
premier_poor you02:44
n8boundsum, I'm not "registered" so I cant pm02:44
n8boundshow does one register?02:45
premier_i don't remember02:45
premier_but I think you have to goto the server tab, and then send a message to NickServ02:45
intelikeyn8bounds also almost all irc clients support dirrect messaging   /msg nickname message02:45
n8boundsI get this02:46
n8boundswhen i try to /msg somedude text02:46
n8boundsPrivate messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! (02:46
intelikeyn8bounds you can test with ubotu   don't have to reg, for tha02:46
premier_ubotu is fun!02:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is fun! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
premier_ubotu everything02:47
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:47
premier_ubotu anything02:47
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.02:47
=== suslik_ [n=dd@71-92-210-38.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
n8boundsubotu what time is it?02:47
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:47
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n8boundsubotu what is the meaning of life?02:47
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:47
n8boundsoh jeez02:47
nalioth!tell n8bounds about msg the bot02:48
KaoticEvili know theres a command for it, but i cannot remember what it is... i need to reconfigure my xorg from a terminal02:48
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents02:48
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant02:48
muaddibgot an issue with flash all of a sudden, drop-down menus on www.newegg.com are being covered by the banner ad02:49
intelikeyKaoticEvil sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:49
n8boundsmine does the same thing02:49
KaoticEvilthank you, intelikey02:49
n8boundsmight be a ff plugin screwin it up tho02:49
n8boundsdo u use flashblock?02:49
KaoticEvili was close.. i was doing dpkr xorg-reconfigure02:49
muaddibdon't even know what flashblock is02:49
KaoticEvilintelikey: will that also work on the Live CD so i can get X working?02:49
n8boundsok good02:49
premier_the website ubotu gave me is pretty old... they list netscape as the #1 web broweser and firefox as #5... konqueror doesn't even have an entry02:50
KaoticEvilawesome.. thanks again :) (i know youve helped me a bunch in the past too)02:50
intelikeyKaoticEvil np/02:51
korobaseWhere can I find the xxxx package downloaded using apt-get install xxxx?02:51
intelikeykorobase /var/cache/apt/archives/02:51
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K-RyanIs there a command to show me running processes?02:52
intelikeykorobase that's where all the frontends to dpkg store the dl's02:52
K-RyanLike the equivalent of the Winblows ctrl+alt+delete process tab02:52
intelikeyK-Ryan ps aux02:52
KaoticEvilK-Ryan: "ps aux" in a konsole02:52
intelikeyK-Ryan top02:52
intelikeyK-Ryan pstree02:53
intelikeyK-Ryan you said command.  the second question  "Like the equivalent of the Winblows ctrl+alt+delete process tab"    ctrl+alt+esc02:54
KaoticEvilintelikey: if i make changes to the xorg.conf on the live, will they "stick" after install?02:54
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K-RyanNot that02:54
K-RyanI need to be able to identify and turn off stuff.02:54
K-RyanLike right now Ark won't start up02:54
korobaseI using ADSL to link the web source.It's very slow.I want download the kubuntu DVD image.Where can I find it?02:54
intelikeyKaoticEvil it doesn't use that config.   but it will probably configure well enough to use.02:54
K-RyanIt kind of crashed, but the process lingers02:54
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korobase!kubuntu DVD02:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu dvd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:55
intelikeykorobase ubuntu.com02:55
premier_K-Ryan: the gui way to do it is ctrl-esc02:55
KaoticEvilintelikey: well, here's the problem im having... my box has an onboard Intel graphics chipset. Fiesty wont boot with this card (the LiveCD to install)02:55
ninina_Hello all, I have some questions about setting up my video card and monitor.  I have a 1440x800 LCD and an Nvidia geforce FX 5600 and I was told some extra setup was needed02:55
intelikey!install > korobase02:55
K-Ryanpremier_ not if it isn't on my screen, which it wasn't =P thanks though02:55
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate02:56
KaoticEvilI added a Radeon 7000, but for some reason, xorg.conf still tries to use the disabled onboard02:56
premier_K-Ryan: another hot key you should learn is alt-ctrl-esc02:56
K-RyanOh I thought you said that02:56
premier_K-Ryan: what do you mean?02:56
K-RyanWhat's ctrl+esc?02:56
K-RyanI thought you said ctrl+alt+esc the first time02:56
premier_K-Ryan: that'll bring up the process table02:56
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lobsterK-ryan still working on your sound issue?02:57
premier_K-Ryan: alt-ctrl-esc crashes all your progams and logs you out... it "restarts X"02:57
K-Ryanninina_ so you went ahead and installed Kubuntu?02:57
K-Ryanlobster it's fixed02:57
ninina_K-Ryan: yesh02:57
korobasectrl+alt+backspace also restart X.02:57
lobsterpremier_ no it doesn't, it is a kill switch and can kill a windowed process02:57
premier_oh, my mistake, I was thinking alt-ctrl-backspace02:58
K-Ryanctrl+alt+esc turns your cursor to a skull for you to click on stuff with02:58
premier_alt-ctrl-backspace restarts X02:58
intelikeyKaoticEvil yeah linux used to be real good at ignoring bios altogather,  it is being dumbed down to the point that it's bios dependant now days.  (which i dislike and disagree with)    but you should be able to reconfigure xorg on the live and on the installed  seeing that that's not a boot issue but an issue with starting the gui.   the two are not related.02:58
K-Ryanyeah ctrl+alt+backspace is the X restarter02:58
premier_instant death02:58
K-RyanI wouldn't say death02:58
korobaseOh,My GOD.the Adept Installer crashed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11102:58
K-RyanIt's a convinient shortcut02:58
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K-Ryan!aptfix | korobase02:59
premier_yeah, its also death02:59
ubotukorobase: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 02:59
K-RyanDeath if you accidently hit it, but umm, 3 buttons?02:59
premier_it instantly kills anything it touches, therefore death02:59
K-RyanAll at the same time? Rare accident.02:59
ninina_anyone know anything about Nvidia cards or widescreen LCDs?02:59
KaoticEvilintelikey: actually, it wont boot at all with the onboard card, even when i enable it and move my monitor to the onboard's output02:59
lobsterif you do it by mistake, do it again, it will go back to a cursor02:59
K-Ryanninina_ I'm running an Nvidia so I'll try to help you out with that02:59
K-RyanWidescreen LCD though, shouldn't be much different.03:00
lobsterninina_ some03:00
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:00
K-RyanKDE Menu > System Settings > Monitor03:00
K-RyanChange your res and refresh there if you'd like03:00
K-RyanI'll get to the vid card in a second03:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:00
lobsterK-Ryan your monitor settings work with nvidia?  mines junk03:00
K-RyanI don't need anything special03:00
K-RyanI've got my nice 1280x1024 res03:01
K-RyanThat's all that really matters03:01
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hyperactivecronda few of you may remember me.. i've been around the block with ubuntu kubuntu and about 15 other distributions.03:02
hyperactivecrondi've recently switched (back) from opensuse 10.203:02
K-RyanWelcome back!03:02
hyperactivecrondthe installer has improved with leaps and bounds03:02
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hyperactivecrondhowever, i have one major gripe03:02
K-Ryanninina_ I'm going to get you some steps in a second.03:02
K-RyanWhat's wrong hyperactivecrond?03:03
hyperactivecrondndiswraper is a royal PITA to install.03:03
intelikeyKaoticEvil again i think you are confusing "wont boot" with "not displaying anything"   i could be wrong.     a linux system can boot and run without a monitor/graphics card/keyboard/mouse/or network interface.    any and all may be missing...    but i do understand the problem of a booted system that gives no output...   at any rate that's not really helping you.   so what do you need ?03:03
hyperactivecrondnot for me but for the average new linux user, it's a pain.03:03
hyperactivecrondcase: Joe installs ubuntu/kubuntu onto his laptop.03:03
hyperactivecrondhis wireless card doesn't work with bcm43xx.03:03
hyperactivecrondso he looks around, like the typical neophyte won't and figures out he needs ndiswrapper.03:03
ninina_K-Ryan: Thank you, the webpage doesn't make alot of sense as it's using ubuntu's admin stuff (aka I don't have a System->Admin->Restricted Devices Manager03:04
hyperactivecrondhe tries to install it and finds he needs an internet connection in the first place to install it!03:04
korobaseHow to send broadcast in LAN?03:04
K-RyanYeah that's part of it ninina_ but don't worry I'll get it.03:04
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hyperactivecrondi had to go download source from ndiswrapper.sf.net03:05
korobaseDoes the linux have the net send command to send broadcast over the LAN?03:05
hyperactivecrondand of course tar -xzvf cd ndiswrapper-* make sudo make install worked03:05
hyperactivecrondbut it's hard for new users03:05
hyperactivecrondkorobase: it usually does automtically?03:05
K-RyanOh, ninina_ you are running Feisty correct?03:05
intelikeyKaoticEvil i've seen a few dark boots,  not much fun trying to guess at what it does with your input by how much disk activity there is....   ;/03:05
hyperactivecrondkorobase: what are you trying to do where you'd need this?03:05
ninina_K-Ryan: I have 1024x768 too, but my monitor is actually 1440x900 so it's very fuzzy...Yes I'm running Feisty03:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about broadcast - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:06
hyperactivecrondkorobase: it does it automatically03:06
K-Ryanninina_ have you tried going into KDE Menu > System Settings > Monitor and Display?03:06
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korobaseI want send a broadcast message to another computer in LAN.03:06
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hyperactivecrondkorobase: what version of windows does the recipient have?03:07
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albertAre the commands with apt enough to install and run any software in Kubuntu?03:07
ninina_K-Ryan: Yes I have to change the hardware to a 1440x900 flatpanel, but then I don't know if I need to change the image format to 16:9 rather then 4:3 and it also complains about untested hardware03:08
intelikeyalbert yes03:08
hyperactivecrondkorobase: smbclient -M message03:08
hyperactivecrondkorobase: messenger is probably turned off so it won't work03:08
hyperactivecrondon the XP machine03:08
albertthanks. But how do I run the program I have just installed? Is it on the desktop? Because I cannot find it.03:08
K-RyanYou'll probably need to change the format03:08
hyperactivecrondkorobase: sorry you need to do 'smbclient -M <computername> message'03:08
triI have two panels, how do i change the size of the second panel?03:09
KaoticEvilwell, that didnt help at all LOL03:09
hyperactivecrondremove the ''  and <>s03:09
K-RyanThe complaint about untested hardware though, have you still tried to go ahead with it?03:09
intelikeyalbert what did you install ?03:09
albertoctave software, it is like MatLab in Windows.03:09
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ninina_K-Ryan: not yet03:09
intelikeyKaoticEvil yeah i saw the vanity in it...03:09
K-RyanTry it03:09
ninina_K-Ryan: I'm about to right now...I'll be back in a few03:09
triI have two panels, how do i change the size of the second panel?03:10
KaoticEvilintelikey: no, im not confusing the 2... i get display, but i also get a soft lockup on CPU#003:10
trilike the height of the second bar03:10
KaoticEvilbut *only* when i try to use the onboard video03:10
intelikeyalbert type  oct[tab]        where [tab]  means hit the tab key.03:10
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KaoticEvilactually, i just got another softlockup in CPU#0.. while i was runnig the xorg reconfigure03:11
intelikeyKaoticEvil oh lockup.   that's a non-booting issue!03:11
DonMCNHello, can somebody help me with setting Windows as the default operating system to startup instead of Kubuntu?03:11
=== intelikey ducks.
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korobasewhat is the LOL mean?03:11
albertwell. I typed oct[tab]  and it displayed octave. But this software is runing in shell, not in a graphic mode03:11
KaoticEvillol i know03:11
hyperactivecrondDonMCN: can i private message you with instructions?03:11
DonMCNYes please :)03:12
intelikeyalbert there is probably a switch.   man octave03:12
K-RyanOkay ninina_ you're going to need to open up Adept.03:12
K-RyanOr Synaptic, whichever you prefer.03:12
triI have two panels, how do i change the size of the second panel? like resize the height03:13
ninina_K-Ryan: adept is open03:13
K-RyanSearch "Nvidia"03:13
albertOctave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations.  It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear prob03:13
albert       lems numerically.03:13
albertMaybe it doesn't provide graphic mode?03:14
intelikeyalbert also there should be a new listing in the kmenu if you look.           try kbuildsycoco03:14
K-RyanNow here's where it gets tricky.03:14
intelikeyor how ever it's spelled03:14
ninina_K-Ryan: Ok03:14
K-RyanI'm not sure if your card needs legacy.03:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:14
K-RyanBut I know you'll need nvidia-kernel-source03:14
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K-RyanThe other package you will need is either nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-legacy03:15
K-RyanI'm going to try to figure out though, what was the name of your card?03:15
ninina_K-Ryan: Geforce FX 560003:15
intelikeyi wish my nvidia card was supported.03:15
K-RyanAlright, get nvidia-glx03:16
ninina_ok installing those03:16
trisorry I have two panels, how do i change the size of the second panel? like resize the height. I'm trying to recover some of my desktop space that's getting taken over by these bars03:16
K-RyanCan someone help tri? I feel bad that I can't help him and nobody else is...03:17
korobaseninina_:mine is Geforce GO 7300.And I remove all deb package then install the package downloaded form the nvidia site.I work well now.03:17
albertOctave is making me get crazy..03:17
trik-ryan: thanks03:17
intelikeytri right click on it    and configure03:17
K-RyanNo problem tri03:17
ninina_K-Ryan: Installed03:17
ninina_korobase: I'd like to try the simple way first =p03:18
triintelikey: I'm in config03:18
K-Ryanninina_ okay, I don't remember doing much more than that so try restarting X and see if you get an Nvidia splash screen03:18
korobaseI want check the LAN's speed.What command should I use?03:18
K-Ryanctrl+alt+backspace to restart x03:18
intelikeythe first tab has the options of which pannel you affect03:18
intelikeytri ^03:18
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triintelikey: I don't see tabs03:19
intelikeyunless it's changed....   i'm still with 6.603:19
korobaseI using the kubuntu's source package.But It can't go to the 1280x800 res.03:19
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intelikeytri they are on the left03:19
triintelikey: i'm using feisty03:19
korobaseI want check the LAN's speed.What command should I use?03:19
intelikeyyour other left03:19
triintelikey: all i see is arrangement, hiding, menus, appearance, taskbar03:19
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korobaseHelp me.Please.03:19
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intelikeyyes and the first has the selection for main or pannel 103:20
ninina_K-Ryan: ok done, how do I know if it worked?03:20
K-RyanWas there an Nvidia splash screen when X restarted?03:20
K-RyanBefore the login screen03:20
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ninina_K-Ryan: no\03:20
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intelikeytri see it ?03:20
K-RyanWhat did I miss...03:20
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K-Ryanninina_ open up the terminal and type in lspci | grep -i03:21
intelikeyxorg-nvidia-config enable03:21
triintelikey: on the right?03:21
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triintelikey: i don't see anything that says "main" or "panel 1"03:22
intelikeytri yes03:22
K-RyanThat's what I missed intelikey?03:22
intelikeytri it's an options box  with a dropdown list03:22
triintelikey: is it in the arrangement tab?03:22
intelikeyK-Ryan just a guess03:22
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K-Ryanninina_ try that, xorg-nvidia-config enable03:22
K-RyanHold on a sec03:23
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ardchoille!info synergy03:23
triintelikey: anything i do in the config menu only affects the main panel03:23
ubotusynergy: Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 593 kB, installed size 1460 kB03:23
intelikeytri was first tab when i used kde in dapper.   just look around i'm sure it's there somewhere.    you select the pannel you want to affect and do what you want to it then apply to test.03:23
triintelikey: i'll poke around03:24
intelikeytri you'll have to select the other panel   that i'm sure of.03:24
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K-Ryanninina_: goto your terminal and type in kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:25
K-RyanOnce that window pops up press control+f03:25
K-Ryanenter in Section "Screen"03:25
K-Ryanintelikey what about nvidia-xconfig?03:26
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ninina_K-Ryan: that is so wierd, I get no splash screen but I am using the nvidia driver03:27
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intelikeyyeah just looked    sudo nvidia-xconfig enable03:27
K-RyanHave you tried anything that required the drivers out yet?03:27
ninina_K-Ryan: like what?03:27
K-RyanUmm, well I use my drivers for games03:28
K-RyanI don't know about you03:28
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K-RyanBut try what intelikey said03:28
K-Ryansudo nvidia-xconfig enable03:28
albertintelikey, thanks for help. It works.03:28
mo0osahany good download managers that can be integrated into konqueror or firefox?03:28
intelikeyalbert you bet03:29
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=== intelikey thought they both had their own
ninina_K-Ryan: Already did that03:30
K-RyanOh okay03:30
K-RyanI'm trying to think of how you can test it.03:30
ninina_K-Ryan: ok i'm going to take a shower03:30
K-RyanAh that's right03:30
K-Ryanninina_ real quick in your terminal type in glxgears03:31
K-RyanIf that runs nice and smoothly, your drivers are setup correctly.03:31
intelikey/age K-Ryan03:31
intelikey/ver K-Ryan03:31
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intelikeynothing ...  :)03:31
kinfuleHello there03:31
K-RyanHi kinfule03:31
K-RyanNo really intelikey03:32
ninina_K-Ryan: failed GLX missing on displayt03:32
K-RyanThen I must of missed something, you'll have to have someone else pickup where I left off03:32
K-RyanSorry =/03:32
ninina_K-Ryan: that's ok03:32
kinfuleCould someone explain me how to make my yakuake have real transpareny? I google it but couldn't find a simple answer03:32
intelikeyK-Ryan my 72 year old uncle said you can always tell what an old man i doing,  he's either trying to remember someones name (or a command name might apply) or looking for a restroom.03:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yakuake - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:33
intelikeyis doing ^03:33
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K-RyanWell that would be true except I'm 1603:33
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K-RyanWell that explains the /age, but /ver?03:34
intelikeythat was the joke about   /age   or   /ver  you  :)03:34
jmichaelxkinfule: just poke around, there are several ways.... you can even set it to just take on konsole's settings03:34
K-RyanI get /age but not /ver, no matter03:34
kinfuleBut I want real transparency, so that it shows the window behind and not the desktop background03:35
intelikeyK-Ryan yes  /ver   check the version of   and the versioning system for ubuntu is  year.month    so it's like asking the birthday of03:35
jmichaelxkinfule: that is what i was talking about03:35
K-RyanOh, I get it03:36
galaxygrrlcan anyone tell me the proper way to install the latest nvidia binary driver? Ubuntu Feisty has that restricted driver manager and works great but my attempts to install nvidia binary drivers + beryl are not working out03:36
jmichaelxkinfule: ok whoa, i see what you mean... i don't know how to do that03:36
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kinfuleThats alright, I will continue searching03:38
kinfuleThanks :)03:38
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intelikeywill "open windows in the desktop" setting not achieve that kinfule ?03:38
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jmichaelxkinfule: np... but if you would figure it out, i would love to know, too :-D03:39
intelikeyor jmichaelx for that matter  ^03:39
kinfulemaybe you can understant what this guy did to achieve it03:39
kinfuleopen window in the desktop?03:39
jmichaelxintelikey: i will try that here in a bit03:39
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kinfule(I want a partial trasnparency like 75%)03:40
intelikeykinfule yes it's a configuration option when you right click the desktop and configure it.03:40
sparrwspent an hour trying to figure out why my 4-head pci video card wasnt working.  only have 4 monitors so i leave head #4 disconnected to check on the onboard video...  guess where the primary vga output is going?  :)03:40
intelikeythe onboard ?03:41
sparrwno, head #4, the one i didnt monitor03:41
=== intelikey likes guessing games
intelikeyah man i loose that one...03:41
kinfuleinte, I will look for that03:42
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kinfuleI click the checkbox03:42
kinfulenow what should I do03:42
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galaxygrrlanyone know a good doc for installing latest nvidia restricted driver in Kubuntu?03:43
intelikeysee if it works...   i'm not sure it will do what you are wanting but it might03:43
kinfuleyes, nothing changed03:43
intelikeykinfule will probably only apply to newly opened windows03:44
intelikeygalaxygrrl the wiki is the only one i know03:44
intelikey!nv | galaxygrrl03:44
ubotugalaxygrrl: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:44
kinfuleI still see no difference03:45
intelikeyprobably not much help at first glance but it has links on it03:45
albertDoes anyone know how to use MatLab in Linux?????03:45
albertHow to install MatLab in linux?03:45
kinfulejmichaelx, did you understood the link I gave you?03:45
intelikeykinfule ok.  sorry for the bumb steer.   just though it might do that.03:45
K-RyanAnyone know if Stepmania works on Kubuntu?03:45
nininagalaxygrrl: I tried the wiki and I'm having problems as the wiki is for ubuntu not kubuntu, but if you figure it out tell me how03:46
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galaxygrrlyeah same problem there is no Kubuntu guide and I've tried the glx and glx new modules03:47
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DaSkreechHobbsee: Hiya03:47
nininame too03:47
DaSkreechnixternal: Hello03:47
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DaSkreech!info stepmania03:50
ubotuPackage stepmania does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas03:50
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K-RyanIs there a Kubuntu banner somewhere that I can post around?03:51
K-RyanForum signatures, etc.03:51
intelikeyalbert  freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/ books/handbook/linuxemu-matlab.html <<< daz about as close as i can get03:51
albertthanks a lot intelikey!03:52
jmichaelxsorry, kinfule, i was away. i do sort of get it... you would have to poke around in the konsole file he mentions and copy a few config lines from konsole over to yakuake... and then it sounds like you may not be able to set the opacity you want. not sure03:52
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jmichaelxthe PC i am using has a 100GB windows partition and a 60GB linux partition.... should i not be able to relatively safely be able to shrink the windows partition down to say 40GB and increase the linux partition to say 120GB? the windows partition has little on it.03:54
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sparrwI have 4 displays.  4 monitors, 4 screens, 4 devices.  If I use just the first one, it works.  If I use just the fourth one, it works.  If I use either of the middle two then I get insufficient memory errors.  If I try to use all 4 then the first and fourth get initialized but only the fourth displays a desktop.  Help?03:54
kinfuleMaybe Beryl will do03:55
kinfuleIs beryl to much resource consuming?03:55
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pak9rabidI have a quick question for anyone who's lookin for somethin to do03:56
lnxkdeI need help compiling my own kernel03:56
K-Ryanjmichaelx: You should be able to, but make a backup just in case.03:56
=== faddatk [n=faddatk@cpe-76-49-48-56.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
lnxkdenice guide on how too in kubunutu03:56
K-Ryanpak9rabid: I'll try to help03:56
pak9rabidanyone know how to force a usb 2.0 device to use usb 1.1 mode instead?03:56
jmichaelxkinfule: my experience is yes... i would say you would net at least a 1.5 Ghz cpu for it to work smoothely, as well as at least a moderately decent video card03:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:57
pak9rabidI have this gd LCM oled display on my asus G1 laptop that seems to be freaking out the ehci_hcd driver03:57
K-RyanI got nothin'03:57
pak9rabidtons of usb resets in the dmesg logs03:57
pak9rabidi don't know if it's supposed yet03:57
pak9rabidw/out the use of a patch03:57
pak9rabidand irealy don't feel like recompiling a kernel in ubuntu03:57
jmichaelxK-Ryan: ty, i think i am going to try it right now with a gparted live CD03:58
pak9rabidi came across something where someone said they forced it to use the uhci_hcd driver instead03:58
DaSkreechis there a made for Kubuntu sticker I can put on a laptop?03:58
K-RyanGood luck jmichaelx03:58
K-RyanDaSkreech way back when I first ordered Ubuntu CDs they sent me Ubuntu stickers.03:59
=== ebees [n=patrick@60-241-162-111.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeylnxkde install build-essentila   install the kernel source,   cd into the root dir of the kernel source tree,   run make xocnfig      or make menu-config03:59
DaSkreechYeah I figured i could get Ubutnu stickers if I looked03:59
phoenixbyrdDaSkreech: http://www.system76.com/index.php/cPath/53_6403:59
K-RyanWell I mean that was back last year in October maybe03:59
K-Ryanphoenixbyrd's got something there.04:00
lnxkdeintelikey: first 2 done04:00
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=== intelikey should build a new kernel....
ebeesHi all. I'm seeking some help with a dilemma. My / space is saying it is 100% full out of 10G. /usr seems to be the culprit, but I'm not sure what to delete. Any assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated.04:01
lnxkdecd /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-15-generic ??04:01
K-Ryanebees open up your terminal04:01
K-Ryantype in sudo apt-get autoremove04:01
K-RyanThat will get rid of uneeded packages, and that's a start.04:02
ebeeshi K-Ryan. I'll do that now.04:02
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K-RyanAnd by uneeded I don't mean "stuff you don't use" but rather stuff that has no attachments to programs, stuff that might be left over from stuff you had but then got rid of.04:02
phoenixbyrdDaSkreech: if it must absolutely be kubuntu stickers, there's this http://www.cafepress.com/chanika04:02
K-RyanIt might not free much, but it got me 281MB freed, so it can be a bit.04:03
ebeeshmmmm. sayd it's an invalid operation04:03
K-Ryansudo autoremove04:03
K-RyanSomeone help me here =P04:03
phoenixbyrdthink I might get some stickers, buttons, and cds from shipit and distribute them at work :D04:03
K-Ryanebees are you sure it didn't work?04:04
K-Ryansudo apt-get autoremove did it for me04:04
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ebeessorry. sudo autoremove didn't work either.04:04
DaSkreechphoenixbyrd: Sweet :)04:04
ebeestry again04:04
K-Ryansudo apt-get autoremove is what worked for me.04:05
K-RyanI just tested it to make sure.04:05
intelikeyebees     du -ch / | sort -r | less04:05
DaSkreechit's du -cks * | sort -rn | head -11 :)04:06
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ebeestried du -ch / | sort -r | less04:06
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intelikeyDaSkreech summary ?   but yes the h is a bad idea.04:07
intelikeydu -c / | sort -r | less04:07
ebeesokay, that reads all the file no? telling me how big they are04:07
intelikeyand the last posting ^ will show the largest first04:08
lnxkdeintelikey: menuconfig dione04:08
ebeessays it's 9G ???04:08
jmichaelxthis is off-topic, but.... is there any reason to keep the little 500 MB partition that dell always has on it's PCs?? i have never known what this was for04:08
phoenixbyrdheh, I was gunna suggest installing kleanSweep04:08
intelikeylnxkde make && make install04:08
ebeeslast first... okay, I'll try that04:08
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ebeesdu -c / | sort -r | less04:09
ebeeswill try that now04:09
K-RyanHi there surgy04:09
lnxkdemake[1] : *** No rule to make target `init/main.o', needed by `init/built-in.o'.  Stop.04:09
lnxkdemake: *** [init]  Error 204:09
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surgyK-Ryan: hi!04:09
BluesKajjmichaelx, it's a rescue partion that you boot with the dell rescue disk...comman practice these days without having to give you an actual disc with windows on it04:10
ebees'fraid it disappears off the terminal screen and I can't scroll back04:10
intelikeylnxkde reconfigure it.   something you didn't do correctly04:10
DaSkreechebees: It's piped to less04:10
jmichaelxBluesKaj: in other words.... it's gone :-D04:11
DaSkreechebees: press the down arrow to scroll through04:11
jmichaelxBluesKaj: ty04:11
lnxkdeintelikey: ok04:11
ebeesdoing now04:11
BluesKajnp jmichaelx, mine's gone too04:11
surgyis there a "carputer" windows manager for ubuntu?04:11
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intelikeyi need to left for a few.  so i'm went.04:12
K-RyanI'm looking through cafe press at Linux stuff, thanks phoenixbyrd, see what you got me hooked on? =P04:12
K-RyanI just found a quote "Ignorance is bliss. No wonder so many people are happy with Windows!"04:12
phoenixbyrdI just wish it were mine04:12
K-RyanI don't have money to buy anything *shrug*04:13
K-Ryan"When will Microsoft make something that doesn't suck? When they start making vacuum cleaners!"04:14
=== Agrajag [n=Agrajag@c-67-186-9-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu
K-Ryan"In a world without fences, who needs Gates?"04:14
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DaSkreechsurgy: carputer?04:14
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ubuntuneed mad help04:16
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ubuntuwith grub04:16
DaSkreechI'm sorry04:16
ubuntuError 2104:17
DaSkreech I'm pretty calm right now.. can't help with that04:17
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:17
K-RyanHave you tried google?04:17
K-RyanThat's what solved my GRUB error actually04:17
K-RyanDaSkreech: heheh04:17
ubuntujust want to uninstall Ubuntu and go back to windows04:17
surgyDaSkreech: yeah a computer made in a car04:17
phoenixbyrdubuntu, let's not go crazy ... we can work this out04:18
ubuntuit's my friends computer not mine04:18
ubuntuI'm an Ubuntu feind04:18
DaSkreechThen you should learn about live cds :004:18
ubuntuhe uses windows cause he's a vb feind04:18
phoenixbyrdforce your friend to use it04:18
ubuntuI tried04:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mono - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:18
ubuntuVB get's in his way04:18
ubuntuVisual Basic04:19
K-RyanWhat about a dual boot?04:19
ubuntuhe has no use for ubuntu04:19
phoenixbyrdhave him try out gambas then04:19
ubuntuhe was amused with the beryl desktop for about a week lol04:19
ubuntuI've had Ubuntu for about 2 years now :)04:19
ubuntuhad my machine running for 6 months straight now :)04:20
K-Ryan7 months for me04:20
ubuntuwith no turn offs04:20
K-RyanWell, I've had the CDs that long...04:20
K-RyanRunning it sucessfully with knowledge of what I'm doing for 3-504:20
DaSkreechwell install Mono and monodevelop and he should be good04:20
K-RyanEnjoying it for a good 304:20
DaSkreech ubuntu: VB or VB.net ?04:20
ubuntuI hand out the cd's like candy lol04:20
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ubuntuvisual basic04:21
K-RyanI would but I don't want to order too many...04:21
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ubuntuI always order 10 cd's at a time04:21
ubuntuneed to04:21
DaSkreechhe can run VB under wine As I recall04:21
ubuntugetting people in the area into Linux hehe04:21
K-RyanThat's always good to hear.04:21
ubuntuok gotta fix the grub04:21
K-RyanWhile in here twice I've heard about people switching their small business to it, Kubuntu more specifically.04:22
K-RyanBut yeah, try googling the error message.04:22
ubuntuI will04:22
DaSkreechOr read the grub FAQ page04:22
ubuntuI am04:22
K-Ryan"Computers are like air conditioners. They both stop working when you open windows!"04:23
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K-RyanOh man, some of this stuff is just great.04:24
K-RyanThis one is rather unrelated but it's a picture04:24
K-Ryan"Emo keyboard"04:24
DaSkreechha ha is that on a shirt?04:24
K-RyanThen has ctrl x04:24
K-RyanUmm, lemme check.04:24
K-Ryanbaby bibs, hats, calendars04:25
K-RyanYou want it, they've got it.04:26
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K-Ryan"Linux, find out what you've been missing while rebooting Windows!"04:27
K-Ryan"Linux, because a PC is a terrible thing to waste."04:27
K-RyanHi there04:27
ubuntugrub> sudo -i04:27
ubuntuError 27: Unrecognized command04:27
ubuntugrub> grub04:27
ubuntuError 27: Unrecognized command04:27
ubuntugrub> find /boot/grub/stage104:27
ubuntuError 15: File not found04:27
ubuntuwhat do I do?04:27
ubuntumenu what?04:27
lobsterjust menu?04:28
ubuntuMENU WHAT?04:28
ubuntutype menu?04:28
K-Ryan"Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted for the change to take effect."04:28
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K-RyanThen it says "Reboot now?" with only an "OK" button.04:28
ubuntuwhat do you wanna know you keep saing menu but what about the menu, menu what?04:28
ubuntuoh ok, Windows won't load04:29
phoenixbyrd27 : Unrecognized command  This error is returned if an unrecognized command is entered into the command-line or in a boot sequence section of a configuration file and that entry is selected.04:29
DaSkreechubuntu: first of all you can't sudo -i in a grub prompt04:29
DaSkreech so you are doing somethign wrong04:29
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lobsterubuntu in the grub prompt type menu, it should give you a list of options, (or maybe its help)04:29
AutoMatriXhi folks04:29
K-RyanHi AutoMatriX04:29
phoenixbyrdis menu.lst what it's talking about?04:30
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ubuntuok I'll try that04:30
lobsterubuntu: sorry, it's help04:30
lobsterubuntu: not menu04:30
DaSkreechphoenixbyrd: Yeah04:30
K-RyanHere's a good one.04:30
K-Ryan"Linux: For the people, by the people."04:30
DaSkreechThat's not right04:31
DaSkreechit's written by waterfowl isn't it?04:31
AutoMatriXK-Ryan: by geeks for geeks ?04:31
K-RyanI think it means in general along with the whole open source thing.04:31
DaSkreechWhat's all the penguins hanging around here for then?04:32
K-Ryan"There's no place like ~"04:32
K-RyanThere's one of those "No smoking" red symbol thing, but over "Linux"04:33
K-RyanThat's horrible!04:33
K-Ryan"Bird flu? Viruses? Just use Linux!"04:34
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K-RyanThey should have a "Come with me if you want to live!" that has a picture of Tux, shirt.04:36
K-Ryan"Macintosh for Music, Linux for Development, Palm for Mobility, Windows for Solitaire"04:37
K-RyanErr, Mac for media04:38
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Coldwar55"Windows for Solitare" <--- True :p04:38
Coldwar55Except there are many different major Palm OSes04:38
K-RyanDon't ruin it =)04:39
premier_whats the linux equivalent to MS recorder?  I know linux wouldn't have such ridiculous program, but what is the basic all purpose sound editor?04:39
K-RyanAudacity might be a little complex, but you can use that.04:40
DaSkreechColdwar55: and one good one :(04:40
Coldwar55One good one?04:40
DaSkreechthere is a gnome sound recorder04:40
Coldwar55I hope your not refering to MS Mobile04:40
DaSkreech the palmOS built on BeOS04:42
Coldwar55Oh ok04:42
Coldwar55That's good then ^^04:42
DaSkreechthat they won't release04:42
DaSkreechwhile they die04:42
Coldwar55It's not MS though04:42
K-RyanIsn't there an Ubuntu version?04:42
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Coldwar55I heard there is Linux OS in development for Palm04:42
DaSkreechK-Ryan: Make sense man :)04:42
DaSkreechColdwar55: there is04:42
K-RyanFor Palm04:42
DaSkreechBut why bother when you have BeOS?04:42
K-RyanYeah that didn't really make sense...04:43
K-RyanVersion wasn't the right word.04:43
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ShadyTreeI remember BeOS04:43
K-RyanThey don't have Linux for Palm? I mean there's Linux for xbox, xbox 360, ps3, the wii, ipods, probably for the zune04:43
K-RyanBut not for Palm?04:44
DaSkreechShadyTree: Seen Haiku>04:44
DaSkreechK-Ryan: iphone :)04:44
ShadyTreeDaSkreech, what04:44
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K-RyanIs there?04:44
DaSkreechShadyTree: have you seen Haiku OS ?04:44
K-RyanI figured they'd have a few for Palm, guess not...04:44
ShadyTreeDaSkreech, no, I'll Wiki it04:44
DaSkreechK-Ryan: don't doubt!04:44
K-RyanDoubt what?04:45
ShadyTreeDaSkreech, oh I see04:45
K-RyanThat there are any?04:45
K-RyanMaybe there are and they are just less known, but with enough time, you'll be able to call a phone number and set your phone to use Linux...04:45
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ShadyTreeDaSkreech, have you tried Haiku04:46
DaSkreechShadyTree: Yeah04:46
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kalorin`anyone know of something you can use that will allow konqueror to show thumbnails of adobe dng files?04:48
K-Ryan"Lord of the Geeks: The one nerd to rule them all"04:48
kalorin`camera raw files it shows, but once you get them into .dng format, it's just icons that show a camera, and I'd like to see the thumbnails04:48
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K-Ryan"Hasta la vista, vista!04:48
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_6StringKng_I have a Logitech Elite Keyboard LE, anyway to get all of my extra buttons working instead of just a few?04:49
ebeesK-Ryan...thanks very much. I've clawed back 2G04:50
_6StringKng_like, mute, play/pause and calculator and th e-mail button work but I need the web browser one to as well04:50
ubotuTo find out how to switch your keyboard layout, See https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts04:50
K-RyanYou're welcome ebees04:50
K-RyanGlad I could be of assistance04:50
ebeesDaSkreech, thanks too04:50
DaSkreechebees: Sure. don't recall what I did but you are mostwelcome04:50
ebeeslnxkde, thanks to you too :)04:50
K-RyanDaSkreech: ebees needed to free up space.04:51
ebeesDaSkreech, like everyone else.. you added a to the solutin04:51
ebeessolution sorry04:51
K-RyanIt happens =P04:51
DaSkreechAh right :)04:51
K-RyanEarlier on I tried to changedir in here04:52
DaSkreechdu -cks * | sort -rn | head -11 FTW04:52
K-RyanI forgot to click konsole =)04:52
ebeesWhat I'm curious about is that /root/.local/share/Trash/files04:52
lnxkdeebees: ??04:52
DaSkreechbetter alias ducks='du -cks * | sort -rn | head -11' !!04:52
ebeeshad a collection of files that were not removed during the course of me deleting things normally04:52
DaSkreechebees: it's a . folder04:53
ebeeslnxkde - you helped with solving my problem :)04:53
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ebeesDaSkreech... should it not delete things as it goes?04:53
K-Ryan"When in doubt, right-click!"04:53
=== lnxkde :s
DaSkreechebees: Should what not delete things?04:54
ebeesSorry. I had a huge collection of files in that folder. They were VERY old and were files I had thought I'd deleted a long time ago04:54
ebeesI'm not sure why they would be stored inperpetuity in such a place04:55
DaSkreechebees: cause you never cleared your trash04:55
=== DaSkreech puts a clothespin on his nose
ebeesI do this regularly. When I open Trash there's nothing there now. It's a regular habit.04:56
ebeesTHis is why I'm confused.04:56
DaSkreechWell maybe Root has a different trash from you04:56
ebeesI see. That'd made sense. To fix this ???? I'd have to log in as root and delete trash???04:57
premier_Hi, my fglrx driver just broke FOR NO REASON!!04:57
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DaSkreechebees: yup04:58
premier_whats the address of ati so I can mail them something04:58
DaSkreechOr pretned to be root04:58
DaSkreechone of the two04:58
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premier_I meant the physical address.  What I need to mail can't go over the internet04:59
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ebeesDaSkreech: guess I'll just have to keep an eye on that folder04:59
DaSkreechebees: who logs in as root?04:59
ebeesNo one to the GUI. I use root like everyone on occassions. I don't recall deleting that much over the time I've had this set up.05:00
ebeesDaSkreech: Guess I must have deleted that much05:01
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DaSkreechebees: deleting thigns from the Cli don't go to trash05:01
ebeesDaSkreech: ooooooooooooooh, I see. Is there a way to "Make it so, Mr Data" :))05:02
DaSkreechrm -> trash?05:02
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ebeesDaSkreech: So I always have to keep an eye on this folder then... just made a note on my desktop.05:03
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ebeesWell, ball boys and ball girls :)) Thanks to everyone for your assistance. It was VERY much appreciated. Now have to go and finish of the children's cubby house.05:05
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=== DaSkreech waves
=== K-Ryan waves back.
K-RyanI restarted X.05:08
K-RyanSo yeah...05:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qt4-designer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about designer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:10
korobase_Why not have the qt4-designer?05:11
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K-RyanAwfully quiet.05:17
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:21
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ubotucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/05:32
korobase_!cvs front05:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cvs front - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:32
korobase_!cvs for kde05:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cvs for kde - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:32
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_6StringKng_anyway I can stop konqueror from opening links from apps such as gaim etc...05:34
_6StringKng_I have Firefox set to default bowser but still does it05:34
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K-RyanI got bored so I came back.05:38
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hitmanWillyslow tonight05:43
asfdhi all im having a problem with my machine, its crashing almost always after about 30 40 mins. its completely frozen. anybody why?05:43
K-RyanIt was really busy before05:43
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hitmanWillyasfd: try running memtest05:44
K-Ryanasfd: does it work for another 30-40 minutes right after that?05:44
K-RyanAs in, you don't have to wait?05:44
asfdyeah after i restart05:44
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K-RyanYou can start it back up right after you restart?05:44
K-RyanWhen it freezes...05:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about luke - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:45
=== IAmWill [n=Will@cpe-24-174-189-216.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanYou can turn it off, turn it on, and you're good to go for another 30-40 minutes, yes?05:45
IAmWilldoes anyone know if e17 has made its way to a repository yeT?05:45
K-RyanOkay, it's not a heat issue then.05:45
K-Ryantry what hitmanWilly said, memtest05:45
IAmWilland if so, which url would i use?05:45
hitmanWillyim guessing bad ram, happened to me before05:45
asfdi did already05:45
ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.05:46
asfdits not memory05:46
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2105:46
K-RyanYou got your answer youbuntu.05:46
asfdi suspected the same05:46
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K-Ryan"A/V software is availible, however read......"05:46
K-RyanThat was for you05:46
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asfdare there any log files  i can check05:47
IAmWillthat doesnt answer any questions i had... i run e17 on my gentoo box... i know e17 is under development.. it has been for years05:47
IAmWillis it in a repository or not?05:47
K-RyanIAmWill, I was just checking that because I've never heard of it.05:47
IAmWillohhh... sorry05:47
K-RyanIt's okay =P05:48
ninina*sigh* still no clue how to make this work05:48
K-Ryanninina what's the problem?05:48
_6StringKng_anyone have experience with thunderbird in linux, when I hit my e-mail button on my keyboard it just opens a new message, I'm wanting to make it just open thunderbird05:48
K-RyanIAmWIll you can search the repos worst comes to worst.05:48
manticeDoes any one know how to reinstall drivers for tv capture cards ?05:48
nininaK-Ryan: I think I need to reboot my computer for nvida to work05:49
IAmWillyeah... whats the url to that big ass list of repos?05:49
K-RyanNo I mean in Adept or Synaptic05:49
mikeafter upgradeing to feisty on my labtop i get an error when i boot up if i am using the latest kernal... but it goes away if i boot with the old one.05:51
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K-RyanWere there problems upgrading?05:51
nininaK-Ryan: =(05:51
nininaK-Ryan: wait it's working05:52
K-Ryanninina: Is it? That's great!05:52
mikeafter it upgraded i got this error... so i switched to the old kernal and it booted05:52
nininaK-Ryan: well atleast glxgears is working05:52
K-RyanWhat's the error mike?05:52
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_6StringKng_uh, I used to have the system setting choice in my k-menu, like when I hovered over it would expand like most of the other things in it, I can't remember how I did it, anyone know?05:52
mikestarting volume managment system: ata1.01: exception emask ........05:53
K-Ryanninina: You can type in sudo apt-get install neverball05:53
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nininaK-Ryan: huh?05:53
K-RyanIt's a fun little game05:53
nininaK-Ryan: I'm working on making beryl work05:54
K-RyanBut it uses accelerated graphics, so if your drivers aren't setup right, it will lag really bad.05:54
K-RyanJust another way to test it.05:54
K-RyanBeryl is actually an easy setup05:54
Coldwar55yeah but it's only eye candy atm05:55
K-RyanBut there is so much to customize, that's where the time goes05:55
K-RyanNot that it's required, but I had to see everything it offered...05:55
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mikeis there a way to get a log file for errors whle the system is booting?05:55
nininaK-Ryan: why does adept keep crashing05:55
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IAmWillninina, it sucks05:56
IAmWillninina, use synaptic05:56
K-RyanI don't have trouble with it, although I know of one bug05:56
K-RyanWhat are you doing that it crashes ninina?05:56
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IAmWillK-Ryan, using it... =)05:56
nininaK-Ryan: something is messed up in my system05:56
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K-RyanHave you edited the repos recently?05:57
nininaK-Ryan: nope, I'm just gonna reinstall05:57
nininaK-Ryan: easier then messing with stuff05:57
K-RyanWell I guess that's one option05:57
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K-RyanWait, Kubuntu or Adept?05:57
nininaK-Ryan: Kubuntu...I only installed it like 3hours ago and it's already majorly messed up05:58
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K-RyanOh I didn't know you were having that much trouble with it.05:58
K-RyanAlright then, good luck with it.05:58
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nininaK-Ryan: my windows don't even have boarders anymore so I can't close them05:59
K-RyanOh wow05:59
nininaK-Ryan: or move them or minimize them05:59
K-RyanAlt+click to move05:59
nininaK-Ryan: so yeah a reinstall sounds good05:59
K-Ryanctrl+alt+esc then click to close05:59
K-Ryanalt+tab to browse between them05:59
maycolitohi chanel06:00
maycolitogood night06:00
K-RyanUntil you reinstall that should help06:00
K-RyanGood night maycolito06:00
nininaK-Ryan: I'm reinstalling right now hehe06:00
K-RyanAh, gotcha06:00
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maycolitoso how is everything going?06:01
IAmWillif anyone else is interested in e17.... i found the repo links.... http://edevelop.org/node/3005   <--- read and enjoy06:01
DaSkreech!info enlightenment06:01
ubotuenlightenment: The Enlightenment Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (feisty), package size 398 kB, installed size 1004 kB06:01
DaSkreech!info kdesvn06:01
ubotukdesvn: subversion client with tight KDE integration. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.0-1 (feisty), package size 1517 kB, installed size 3608 kB06:01
IAmWillDaSkreech, yeah... it only offers 16... not 1706:02
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maycolitoquick question does feisty come with some kind of default firewall?06:03
maycolitoI cannot get my amule to conect other than firewalled06:04
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K-RyanSorry about that...06:04
DaSkreechIAmWill: try #elbuntu06:04
IAmWillnice, thanks06:05
DaSkreechkorobase_: kdesvn ?06:05
korobase_cvs front.not svn!06:05
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korobase_I find it named cervisia.06:06
lnxkdeI need help06:06
lnxkdeI just compiled my kernel06:06
lnxkdemake install06:06
DaSkreechkorobase_: Oh yes that would be it06:06
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild06:07
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DaSkreechlnxkde: ^^^06:07
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lnxkdeand when booting it says FATAL no such file /lib/whatever/modules.dep not found :/06:08
lnxkdeDaSkreech: ;)06:08
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xlinux__heres a really dumb question06:08
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DaSkreechjack benny!06:09
DaSkreechreal dumb answer :)06:09
xlinux__where do I configure keyboard shortcuts for KDE?06:09
xlinux__I know its harder in KDE than in Gnome06:10
_6StringKng_whta would you recommend to play dvds in Kubuntu?06:10
DaSkreechxlinux__: alt+space -> system -> <press enter> -> keyboard06:10
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:10
xlinux__alt space does nothing.. what GUI am I looking for?06:10
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DaSkreechalt+space does nothing???06:11
DaSkreechare you on kubuntu?06:11
K-Ryanalt+space launches katapalt06:12
xlinux__yeah.. kubuntu06:12
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xlinux__interesting.. i have katapult, but alt space dont launch it06:12
DaSkreechxlinux__: strange :)06:12
DaSkreechxlinux__: in anycase open up system settings06:13
xlinux__I found it though.. i cant believe i didnt find it earlier06:13
DaSkreechhow do you call katapult ?06:13
xlinux__its in my K menu06:13
DaSkreechoh yeah06:14
DaSkreechwhen you click it then you should see a note in the top left corner06:14
DaSkreechwhich should say alt+space06:14
DaSkreech.. I think06:14
xlinux__interesting.. I launched it and the note came up, but alt space does nothing06:14
lnxkdexlinux__: u using beryl?06:15
DaSkreechmost unrighteous06:15
xlinux__yessir, for once im using beryl06:15
xlinux__i rarely do.. kind of pointless06:15
lnxkdewell katapult will never launch ;)06:15
K-RyanGood call lnxkde06:15
=== DaSkreech sits in a corner with a "H8 Beryl" sign
_6StringKng_yeah when I try one of the commads for activating DVD decrypting it gives an arror06:16
_6StringKng_sudo: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh: command not found06:16
xlinux__I still dont get beryl.. i mean its pretty, but whats the point?06:16
K-RyanDaSkreech: What's wrong with it?06:16
xlinux__and why is it so gnome based06:16
K-Ryanxlinux__ it's just eye candy06:16
phoenixbyrd_6StringKng_: use automatix for dvd codecs06:16
DaSkreechK-Ryan: If I can't use katapult then :-p :-P :-P :-P~~~06:16
DaSkreechxlinux__: kwin_composite ftw :)06:17
xlinux__I never really used it.. whats its function06:17
_6StringKng_he source can't be read.06:17
_6StringKng_Maybe you don't have enough rights for this, or source doesn't contain data (e.g: no disc in drive). (///dev/hdc)06:17
DaSkreechTo showcase nvidia drivers i think06:17
_6StringKng_I get that too when I try to use caffeine06:17
hitmanWillyxlinux__: to look pretty06:18
lnxkdewell I like beryl !06:18
hitmanWillyxlinux__: that's it :)06:18
hitmanWillyxlinux__: altho it does that quite well06:18
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hitmanWillykicks the crap out of aero06:19
xlinux__I will say the cube can be useful when multitasking.. but rain?!? I mean cmon :)06:19
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DaSkreech_6StringKng_: does that shell script exist?06:19
xlinux__hitmanWilly.. yes it does, and aero sucks06:19
_6StringKng_no clue, I installed what it said, th elibdvd3 whatever and tried the command06:19
hitmanWillyberyl sucks less :)06:19
xlinux__I guess KDE keyboard shortcuts wont work with Beryl will they..06:20
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K-RyanGuess not06:20
xlinux__Like my internet key wont open firefox with beryl on, but it will using Kwin06:21
hitmanWillyxlinux__: they work except for the ones that beryl takes over06:21
_6StringKng_my internet key wont work period, lol06:21
_6StringKng_and my e-mail opens a new message instead of the app06:21
K-RyanWow you guys just reminded me that I have those keys...06:21
hitmanWilly_6StringKng_: you may need libdvdcss2 as well06:21
xlinux__6stringKing, thats exactly what I have...06:21
xlinux__worked fine when I used to run Ubuntu06:22
K-RyanI never wheel my keyboard out from the desk, I just stick my hands in there because the gap is large enough.06:22
K-RyanBut I hardly used those buttons, I can't believe I forgot about them, hah06:22
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_6StringKng_I rely on them so much in windows, wish they would work in Kubuntu just as good06:22
xlinux__I used to be a Gnome head, but KDE is just so much better..06:22
_6StringKng_all but those 2 work fine06:22
_6StringKng_media one opens Amarok, mute works, calculator, etc...06:23
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lnxkdelnxkde@lnxkde-desktop:/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.20$ AUTOBUILD=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs06:23
lnxkdemake: *** No rule to make target `binary-debs'.  Stop.06:23
xlinux__mute doesnt work for me06:23
lnxkdewhat whould be the problem?06:23
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MaxdamantusAnyone know how to open a program in XNest with KDE Window decorations?06:23
_6StringKng_where can I download libdvdcss2, do I need to add a source to the repos list?06:23
MaxdamantusFound this >> http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/09/05/howto-run-gimp-in-one-window/ so I can use GIMP efficiently.06:24
MaxdamantusBut it's for xfce, so has no Window decorations.06:24
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ejortegauhi there06:25
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xlinux__I dont see a single volume control option in keyboard shortcuts06:25
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mrtrosenhi everyone.. i hae a custom manipulator, and want to have an ImageField... (with oldforms)06:26
mrtrosenwhat do i need to put in the custom manipulator to get the upload stuff to work.. ie, thre's no forms.ImageField(..) item06:26
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Level15hi. could   you guys help me out to configure my wireless network? My university uses dynamic WEP but i can't find a way to set that up under knetworkmanager06:27
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mrtrosenlevel15, use the wlassistant tools06:28
Level15mrtrosen: ok, i'll look into that06:28
mrtrosenjust run:  sudo wlassistant06:28
mrtrosenif you don't have wlassistant installed, run:  sudo apt-get install wlassistant06:28
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xlinux__6StringKing, I now have those 2 buttons working.. just mute wont work06:29
Level15will do, but give me a second because I'm downloading updates right now...06:29
xlinux__it pops up on the screen, but it doesnt actually mute the volume...06:29
Level15i'm new to kubuntu...06:29
Level15got tired of foing everything by hand06:30
mrtroseni've only used linux since 1993, so I might know one or 2 things..06:30
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Level15just a couple of them06:31
david2_partimage can only do one partition at a time?06:31
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mrtrosennow, if i could figure out how to get a custom manipulator to work with an imagefield, i'd be great..06:31
Level15i started in 2001 or something like that06:31
lnxkde^*$%#*($ what I have to do to get my usbs to work on feisty...06:31
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DaSkreechAnyone works on KDE?06:32
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DaSkreechWhat's the KDE example user?06:32
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Greeneryi can't open google search with firefox and konqueror06:32
lnxkdewe hate GNOME?06:32
Greeneryany idea what's wrong?06:32
Level15mrtrosen: sorry to bother you... this wlassistant thing is also asking for my WEP key, which i don't have since they are dynamic06:32
MaxdamantusDynamic WEP key?06:33
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Maxdamantus... How does that work?06:33
Level15Maxdamantus: something like 802.1X06:34
MaxdamantusAll data send from the Wireless is encrypted with the WEP key.06:34
MaxdamantusIf it's dynamic, they'd have to manually find out what it is by looking at it from a wired connection.06:34
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Level15trust me, it's dynamic. They key is given by the AP. THe user onthe client computer must authenticate to some radius server or something like that06:35
Level15otherwise traffic is denied06:35
MaxdamantusThat's extremely stuffed up.06:35
Level15and the AP changes the key every now and then06:35
mrtrosenyea, you're going to have issues :(06:35
MaxdamantusI don't see how it can broadcast the new one.06:36
Level15Maxdamantus: i don't understand exactly how it works, but that's the way it is06:36
MaxdamantusIf you're starting a connection from a wireless device, it needs to know the WEP encryption before it can connect to it.06:36
Greenerycan any of u guys open google.com.bn06:36
mrtrosenthey're probably using the cisco aironet crap06:36
Level15mrtrosen: i wouldn't know...06:37
MaxdamantusI can open google.com.bn06:37
Greeneryomg...is there comething wrong with my kubuntu?06:37
Greeneryi cant open it06:37
MaxdamantusLevel15, I see.. Seems fairly useless though.06:38
hitmanWillyGreenery: try pinging it06:38
DaSkreechGreenery: check your dns06:38
MaxdamantusSince it needs two connections, one to the WN, and one to the AS.06:38
Greeneryhow to those u mentioned guys?06:38
Level15Maxdamantus: well, i think they just want to know that people using the wireless network is actually enrolled either as students or staff on the university06:38
hitmanWillyGreenery: in a konsole ping <website>06:38
Greenerysay unknown host06:39
MaxdamantusWhy not just have no key then?06:39
hitmanWillyGreenery: yeah, sounds like DNS issues06:39
MaxdamantusAnd have software protection.06:39
MaxdamantusSuch as a password protected proxy.06:39
Greeneryhow to fix that?06:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dns - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:40
mrtrosencan you ping:
Greeneryi can06:40
hitmanWillyyeah, that's DNS06:40
mrtrosencan you put it in your browser, does it bring up google?06:40
Greeneryyeah i can06:41
mrtrosenthen problem is 100% certainly DNS problem06:41
Greeneryhow to fix the dns problem then?06:41
mrtrosenyoucould put it in your hosts file06:41
Level15Maxdamantus: authentication against the radius is far more secure... if the user doesn't authenticate, his traffic is not going anywhere beyond the AP, so he can't actually access any machines, not even on campus machines06:42
xlinux__are there any applications that allow one to sort items shown in the taskbar?06:42
hitmanWillyGreenery: DNS is external to the machine, could be a million different issues06:42
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hitmanWillyGreenery: in all actuality, you're probably not connecting to the DNS server, or its down06:43
Greeneryah okay06:44
Greenerymy vista could connect to that site though06:44
Greeneryjust my kubuntu wont let me06:44
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mrtrosenare you on the same subnet with both vista and kubuntu?06:46
danny500hey guy's06:46
mrtrosencause that doesn't make a whole lotta sense06:46
danny500guess what06:46
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danny500I got a new computer :D06:46
Greenerywhat do u mean bu that?06:46
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mrtrosenif both computers are hitting the same nameserver, they should both be able to resolve the host www.google.com06:46
danny500AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 1GB Ram 512MB PCI-EX 16x :D06:46
danny500one problem though06:47
hitmanWillyGreenery: jump into kcontrol ->internet & network -> network settings -> domain name system and see what's listed06:47
danny500my hard drive would register in the bios06:47
mrtrosenor just less /etc/resolv.conf06:47
danny500any help06:47
MaxdamantusFound this >> http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/09/05/howto-run-gimp-in-one-window/ so I can use GIMP efficiently. Am I able to do this with KDE so that I have Window decorations (So I can atleast resize/move Windows inside)?06:47
Greenerydomain name server:
BluesKajdanny500, is it not listed?06:48
Greeneryis that what ur looking for?/06:48
danny500it's a sata 2 300gb06:48
danny500Western Digital V.1006:48
hitmanWillyGreenery: that's your router06:48
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Level15i think i got it workin, u know?06:49
BluesKajdanny500, you installed that HDD yourself , right ?06:49
Greenerywhich part of the Bomain Name System should I be looking for?06:49
Level15i h ad to install some gnome shit, though06:49
danny500it's plugged in properly but bios doesnt see it06:49
Level15danny500: check jumpers...06:49
danny500there isn't any06:49
danny500Sata 2 remember06:49
Level15haven't installed one, so i wouldn't know06:50
hitmanWillyGreenery: try adding nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf and see what happens06:50
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danny500it's alway on cable select no matter what06:50
BluesKajdanny500,check the jumper requirements for it to be the master..then check the bios boot sequence06:50
danny500there are no jumpers06:51
Greenerywrite that down under the nameserver?06:51
BluesKajit may require them06:51
danny500and it's on master spot and bios won't see it06:51
danny500don't need them, there isn't even any spots for them06:51
Greeneryit worked06:52
danny500like I said, it's always on cable select no matter what06:52
hitmanWillynp :)06:52
Greenerywhat does it do actually?06:52
hitmanWillyGreenery: it contacts that server for the ip address of the website you are trying to connect to06:53
Greeneryah i get06:53
Greenerythanks for the help06:53
hitmanWillyGreenery: sorta like an internet phone book06:53
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RictooI was screwing around with ctrl+alt+esc07:02
Rictooand no my tastbar is gone o.O07:02
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hitmanWillyRictoo: just logout and log back in07:03
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hitmanWillythere's an app for it but i can't remember the name07:04
hitmanWillykpanel maybe...07:04
Rictoolemme try07:04
Rictoosudo: kpanel: command not found07:04
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Rictoooh well, I'll log out and back in07:05
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hitmanWillyyeah, just figured it out07:07
Daisuke_Idoi just wish i would have gotten here 15 seconds earlier07:07
hitmanWillytop and just start clicking the menu07:08
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=== hitmanWilly is not a kde guru
Daisuke_Idowell, i already knew it though :\07:08
Daisuke_Idoi could have saved the poor boy some time07:08
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hitmanWillykinda slow tonight...07:10
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ninina*cry* I so regret trying to install kubuntu07:14
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mark__why cry?07:15
Simeon_HI just bought a Netgear WG511v2 wireless card... and it doesn't work07:15
nininabecause nothing works07:15
Lynoureninina: nothing?07:15
mark__did you get install errors?07:16
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nininaberyl, nvidia drivers, my monitor's true resolution, adept and well I haven't tried anything else at this point07:17
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mark__possible to use other graphic drivers instead?07:18
Simeon_Hwhat the hell do I do?07:18
_6StringKng_anyone recommend some cool shit to mess around with in kubuntu, games, apps, etc..?07:18
nininamark__: yes, but I'll lose acceleration if I do07:19
nininabrb I have to reboot to hopefully get adept back07:19
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LynoureSimeon_H: you look at the first link googled by a volunteer that does not know any more about the card you do :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10941907:20
mark__what do you want to use kubuntu for...graphic apps?07:20
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xlinux__I came here to help, but now I have a... Konversation... problem, lol07:20
mark__I havve it running on an old compaq piii and seems okay....07:21
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mark__I haven't got wireless to work yet07:22
Lynoure_6StringKng_: my opinion on what is cool stuff is not necessarily matching with yours07:22
_6StringKng_yeah, true07:22
xlinux__any idea why the konversation server list wont close?07:23
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Lynoure_6StringKng_: So, what kind of things you find cool? :) I tend to like Basket, but it cool as in nice tool. :)  Democracyplayer is cool according to most07:24
mark__what is basket?07:25
_6StringKng_uh, well, some games I suppose, media players, although caffeine and amarok seem to do fine07:25
_6StringKng_and also, anyone have exp with teamspeak for linux, I can't seem to get my mic working in it although through the mixer its fine07:26
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Simeon_Hthat doesn't help07:27
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LynoureSimeon_H: Is your card made in China or somewhere else?07:29
LynoureSimeon_H: what does lshw say about it?07:29
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Simeon_Hit doesn't detect it07:31
LynoureSimeon_H: What was your error when you tried it wish ndiswrapper?07:31
Simeon_HI installed the drivers07:31
mark__anyone know where to get games for kubuntu..chess or something like that....07:31
LynoureSimeon_H: if lshw does not show your card, most probably it is not properly plugged in07:31
Simeon_Hbut it doesn't detect any hardware07:31
mohsinhay any one tell me that07:31
mohsini can't login with the root user what the prob is07:32
nininaI'm so frustrated07:32
LynoureSimeon_H: second most common cause for it not showing in lshw is if the card is totally broken.07:32
LynoureSimeon_H: in which case you should take it back.07:32
Simeon_Hnah I stuck it in my brothers laptop (which runs windows) and it detected it07:32
mohsini can't login with the root user what the prob is07:32
LynoureSimeon_H: then try reinserting it.07:32
mark__ninina - does adjusting the resolution help re graphics....07:33
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mohsini ask a question07:33
mohsini can't login with the root user what the prob is07:33
Lynoure!sudo | mohsin07:34
ubotumohsin: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:34
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Lynouremohsin: root login is disabled by default, and sudo recommended by Ubuntu instead07:34
mohsindear i want to login with the rooot user just like in fedora but i can't loged inn in kubuntu07:34
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mohsincan we enabled the root user07:35
Lynouremohsin: you can set root a password if you want, just like in fedora07:35
mohsinor can creat an user with root power07:35
mohsini did that07:35
mohsinwhen i enter the pass07:35
mohsinthe screen become blank07:35
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mohsinand take the handle back to the previous stage (login window)07:36
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Lynouremohsin: I would not recommend using root in X, or as a normal day to day user, really.07:36
mohsinbut i want to because i am a newbi in linux07:37
mark__ninina...for me it defaultts to 1600x120007:37
mrtrosenanybody have any info on a custom manipulator with an ImageField?07:37
Lynouremohsin: nah, then you would not have mentioned Fedora =)07:38
mohsinwith the root user i can do anything like installation and system administration by not going into complexcities07:38
mohsinbecause i install fedora and use it07:38
Lynouremohsin: you can do all that with sudo07:38
mohsinthanks dear07:38
mohsinfor your time07:38
Lynouremohsin: you are welcome, babe07:38
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_6StringKng_in firefox sometimes it opens links in new windows instead f tabs, anyone know how to fix that, somewhere in about:config I suppose, but not sure where to look07:42
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clintoncan someone help me with mounting issues?07:45
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_6StringKng_whats up?07:46
LilacorI'm depressed... I can't get my Nvidia modules working.07:46
ZabulusI had a partition mounted before, but now that i reset, its not mounted again07:46
Zabulustried remounting, but when i try to access it, it cant07:46
LilacorZabulus: what error does it give you?07:46
_6StringKng_k, check your fstab file sudo kate /etc/fstab07:47
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DaSkreechWhere did ninina go?07:47
_6StringKng_I installed ntfs-config and ntfs-3g through adept then added /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 for both my hdds, worked for me, although your will differ from mine07:47
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Zabulusthe partition is showing up there07:48
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Lilacorhow do I get my nvidia module to load properly?07:49
Zabulusi try mounting, that works, but when i try to access, it says "could not enter foler"07:49
nicolai_Zabulus: I tried that yesterday07:50
nicolai_Zabulus: You want the graphical way or commandline?07:50
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haydar_How can i check the KDE version number07:51
haydar_Kubuntu newest version07:51
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mrtrosenif anyone ever cares, in a custom manipulator, the field type for an image is :  ImageUploadField07:52
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mrtroseni guess i know why nobody answered my question, i'm on the wrong forum ;)07:52
nicolai_Zabulus: Right click on the folder -> permissions -> advanced permissions -> click the checkboxes07:52
nininaI'm remembering why I use windows07:53
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nicolai_Zabulus: I haven't registered my account, so I can't talk privately.07:53
Lilacorninina: hate it already eh?07:53
nininaLilacor: I like beable to actually do what I want to do07:53
Zabulusunfortunately, permissions is not an option from right click07:53
Lilacorninina: and somehow windows lets you do this?07:54
nicolai_Zabulus: ahh. Who is owner of the folder? What folder is it? external? /etc?07:54
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Zabulusdual boot all on one hd, to make things interesting07:55
nicolai_Lilacor: Go to system settings -> monitor and display -> hardware -> admin -> configure -> proprietary07:55
Lilacorninina: Ubuntu isn't ready for everyone yet but it lets you do a lot of things Win32 can't.07:55
nininaLilacor: well my hardware works, and I can use my correct video resolutions.07:55
Zabulusthe partition im trying to access is my main storage07:55
Lilacornicolai_: I have no screens available. :(07:55
haydar_Hmm anyone knows07:56
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haydar_when kubuntu upgrades07:56
DaSkreechninina: Whats the problem?07:56
DaSkreechhaydar_: When it's done07:56
haydar_maybe a simple question :07:56
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haydar_If a new kubuntu version releases07:56
DaSkreechit won't07:56
nicolai_haydar_: KDE 4.0 will be released on october 23 200707:56
haydar_Hmm thx07:57
haydar_do i need to reinstall everything07:57
haydar_when a newer version releases07:57
DaSkreechkubuntu may not ship with KDe4 till KDE 4.107:57
nininaDaSkreech: I can't get nvidia drivers to install, programs randomly refuse to load, and I can't use beryl...that's the big 3 right now07:57
DaSkreechWhich programs refuse to load?07:57
DaSkreechLeave beryl out till you geta stable system07:57
Lilacorninina: hey, join the crowd. I can't get my nvidia drivers working either.07:57
Zabulusok, the partition im trying to mount is /dev/sda7, trying to mount it to /media/sda707:57
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nininaLilacor: that doesn't make it "ok"07:58
Lilacorninina: it's not always easy but it feels good when you make things working07:58
rural-logicg'day all07:58
DaSkreechninina: Which programs refuse to load ?07:58
nicolai_Zabulus: this should do the trick    sudo chmod 777 *07:58
Lilacorninina: Linux takes a little more effort. That's just the way it is at the outset for any user.07:58
nicolai_Zabulus: The asterix being the folder name obviously07:59
DaSkreechEsp when peopel refuse to give you drivers :(07:59
nininaDaSkreech: well I'm not sure but it seems to the ones using kdesu07:59
haydar_rofl i just deleted windows XP07:59
haydar_and all07:59
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haydar_now i'm using linux 100%07:59
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haydar_after a while its getting easyer07:59
haydar_yesterday i didnt know how to install drivers07:59
haydar_now i can do it in a minute07:59
DaSkreechninina: can you give me an example ?07:59
nininaLilacor: I'm not a real fan of fight with your computer08:00
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Lilacorninina: most users aren't but nobody said it was supposed to be easy08:00
nicolai_haydar_: It took me about four months with kubuntu 6.06 to dump Windows XP for the disk space :)08:00
Lilacorninina: if they did, they didn't tell you the entire story08:00
nininaDaSkreech: well Adept sometimes doesn't load, the system manager locks up when switching into admin mode08:00
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DaSkreechninina: It's not so much a fight as an understanding08:01
CruzaderI've got a laptop with Fedora 7t4 (only) and this desktop with Feisty, and a windows partition ( I play games)08:01
Zabulusstill getting the cant enter folder error08:01
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DaSkreechninina: straight doesn't load or throws an error?08:01
nininaLilacor: no one said it would be easy, but it should be...08:01
chi0hello all08:01
nicolai_Zabulus: sudo chmod 777 '/dev/sda7'08:01
nininaDaSkreech: pretends to load for a while and then just doesn't08:02
nicolai_Zabulus: then unmount, then mount again08:02
CruzaderDaSkreech: I'm guessing won't load, no error.  I get the same thing once in a while08:02
nicolai_Zabulus: You might need to exit konsole08:02
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rural-logicsame here08:02
DaSkreechninina: try open it from the command line08:02
mokkanhey, can you use .deb packages with apt?08:02
DaSkreechYou may see an error that helps you figure it out08:02
DaSkreech kdesu adept-manager08:02
DaSkreechmokkan: Yes08:02
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)08:02
chi0it might be a prob w/ dbus08:03
Zabulusstill the same error08:03
CruzaderDaSkreech: I think its a KDESU error, it happens sometimes with other apps. prompts for password then never loads.  I'm trying to reproduce from console08:04
nininaDaSkreech: no, but it seems to be a problem with the graphical version of sudo as my friend has the exact same problem08:04
Zabulus"/dev/sda7/media/sda7ntfsdefaults,nls=utf8,umas=007,gid46 0 1"08:04
Zabulusthats what my fstab shows for it08:04
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chi0do you have ntfs read and write?08:04
nininagetting nvidia to work is my biggest prority08:04
nicolai_Zabulus: I think I asked this before, but i forget. who is the owner of the partition? What format is it in?08:04
Zabulushow do i check the owner? format is ntfs08:05
CruzaderDaSkreech: I just got it to not even prompt for password, but there is no output to the console08:05
DaSkreechninina: I guess that you asked in #ubuntu-effects ?08:05
nininaDaSkreech: about nvidia...no I haven't08:06
RawSewage_can I use the Restricted Driver thing from Ubuntu in Kubuntu?08:06
nicolai_Zabulus: this should you the ownership    ls -lah08:06
nicolai_you need to be in the /media folder first of course08:07
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FFForeverwhen i use kde4 it crashes08:07
FFForeverhow come?08:07
RawSewage_because it's alpha08:07
Cruzadercause its under heavy development and not even in beta stages08:08
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RawSewage_I wouldnt even bother08:08
RawSewage_KDE4 alpha is like KDE3 that doesnt work08:08
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CruzaderI doubt youd notice much difference anyway, I don't think Plasma's been implemented fully08:08
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nininaMaybe I should try ubuntu, supposively gnome has a nvidia auto installer08:08
RawSewage_all of KDE 4 is under the hood08:08
Cruzaderor any of the 'cool' features08:08
nicolai_FFForever: KDE 4-0 will be released 23 october. They just stopped changing the most basic code, so nothing stable will appear for months.08:09
RawSewage_Does the NVidia auto installer work in  Kubuntu08:09
CruzaderRawSewage_: I don't believe so08:09
FFForeverok, but why did someone post this then?, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-alpha1.php for installing kde4?08:09
Cruzaderfor developers08:09
RawSewage_I dont know08:09
RawSewage_it messed up my computer08:09
DaSkreechninina: it's the same one under kubuntu I would think08:09
RawSewage_Trying out KDE4 made me reformat after everything got messed up, and I tried Ubuntu08:10
CruzaderDaSkreech: kubuntu has no restricted-drivers management thing like ubuntu does... at least not with a base install08:10
RawSewage_Im now reformatting my hard drive and installing Kubuntu08:10
nininaDaSkreech: no, there is no installer for kubuntu, just the driver package08:10
CruzaderI've never used it, but I hear envy is supposed to do that08:11
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DaSkreechwell you could install the package that does the restriced drivers install08:11
Cruzaderlooking it up now08:11
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nicolai_RawSewage: KDE 4.0 alpha1 is for developers. It is so they can make the programs run for release in october.08:11
FFForeveralso, how can i make my own apt source/binary site?08:11
RawSewage_nicolai_: I know.  I was stupid to  do an alpha08:11
RawSewage_I learned my lesson08:12
RawSewage_Im waiting for final releases from now on08:12
nicolai_RawSewage_: Nah... you should just have used a live-cd for it ;)08:12
nicolai_RawSewage_: good idea08:12
FFForeveri am a developer :)08:12
RawSewage_I like how I can use my computer while doing a complete HD reformat and install of Kubuntu08:12
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FFForeverRawSewage_, how raw are you?08:13
nininaCruzader: if you find something tell me08:13
RawSewage_Ive used Kubuntu nearly a year now08:13
FFForevernice, i started on Christmas :D08:13
FFForeversomeone gave me a kubuntu cd for a present lol08:14
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RawSewage_did you use only Windows before08:14
FFForeveryeah :D08:14
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ssssssscan somebody hlp?08:15
nicolai_Zabulus: you still here?08:16
CruzaderI have a .deb file... how do I run it through apt-get to do the depsolving?08:16
Zabulusdr-x------  1 root root    4.0K May 10 20:04 sda708:16
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:16
FFForeverCruzader, how can i make a deb from a tar.gz i downloaded?08:17
ssssssswhat is that pastebin domain? i forgt it08:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:17
Cruzaderum, im not sure... ive only ever done it with the kernel... I'm a fedora guy, i could walk you through the RPM making process :D08:17
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FFForeveri don't like fedora (lol)08:18
FFForeverthe community did not help me and was made up of a bunch of people who did not know anything and maybe 2 people who did08:18
Zabulusnicolai_: was that command supposed to give me ownership, or simply see who has ownership?08:18
Cruzaderi guess it depends who you ask... ive found both communities (fedora and (k)ubuntu) to be helpful and knowledgable08:19
nicolai_Zabulus: the first command was supposed to give read/write/access the second to see if it worked :p08:19
Cruzaderi like fedora because i like bleeding edge... specially with my laptop hardware where my wireless has only been supported in the most recent kernels08:19
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RawSewage_Gutsy better have more new features for Kubuntu than Ubuntu08:21
Zabulusnicolai_: tried remounting, still getting same error08:21
LynoureRawSewage_: what new features? Featuritis is hardly a goal08:21
nicolai_Zabulus: the problem is I haven't truly dealt with NTFS sinced I looked at my sisters computer a few months ago.08:21
nininayay nvidia works and now beryl works08:21
FFForeverhow do i make my own repo?08:21
nicolai_Zabulus: How did you set it to mount in the first place?08:21
RawSewage_Lynoure: Ubuntu got lots of new features in FEisty08:21
Zabulusi dont even remember anymore08:21
Cruzaderwhat did you do ninina08:21
Zabulusi thought that it was taken care of, that it would auto mount08:22
LynoureRawSewage_: yes, I noticed. Which of them did you want in Kubuntu?08:22
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Zabulusthen i reloaded, and it reverted08:22
FFForeverhow come there are no extra kde items like the main gnome version has, like the basic compiz loader/setup program08:22
DaSkreechninina: what did you do?08:22
RawSewage_Lynoure: the RD Manager was nice08:22
nininaCruzader: some long command given to me by someone in ubuntu-effects that made no sense to me08:22
nininasomething about forcing it to create entries for 24 bit color08:23
RawSewage_Kubuntu people still have to manually edit xorg.conf08:23
nicolai_Zabulus: try unmountin then go to system settings -> advanced -> disk and filesystems08:23
FFForeverbut why?, are we unloved?08:23
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CruzaderFFForever: Ubuntu gets more of the development time than Kubuntu08:24
LynoureFFForever: because less of us have time for development08:24
DaSkreechninina: there we go :)08:24
LynoureFFForever: best way to change it is to get involved08:24
Cruzaderand it can't generally use the same programs since KDE uses QT and not GTK08:24
FFForeverso we are unloved lol08:24
Zabulusshows that the one i want to access is disabled08:24
DaSkreechninina: tell them to wiki it ;)08:24
nininaDaSkreech: I will, it was wierd08:25
nicolai_Zabulus: good08:25
FFForeverbut ive loaded gtk programs in kde b4 :D08:25
CruzaderDaSkreech: do you know how to install a deb file through apt-get or apt-cache or something so it will dependency resolve?08:25
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nicolai_Zabulus: delete/remove all infomation about it.08:25
RawSewage_Ok, all installed08:25
Cruzaderyes, you can, but that is sub-optimal08:25
nininaDaSkreech: it was sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d2408:25
RawSewage_brb on my new install08:25
Cruzaderthat last bit was @FFForever08:25
DaSkreechCruzader: sudo apt-get install package name08:26
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Cruzaderbut if its a deb file i have locally...?08:26
Cruzaderits not in the repos08:26
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nicolai_Cruzader: have you tried   sudo apt-get install [folder/file] 08:27
DaSkreechwell that' dpkg -i08:28
Zabulusdo i have to log in as root to do so?08:28
Cruzaderyeah but dpkg wont depsolve08:28
DaSkreechWhat does it need to resolve ?08:28
zerothiswhere would i go to get xmess help? specifically, kxmame doesn't work and cli xmess doesn't find my bios files08:28
Cruzadera bunch, but somehow it still installed...?08:28
nicolai_Zabulus: yes. Sorry. :)08:28
Cruzaderim trying to install the envy script for graphics acceleration08:28
nicolai_Zabulus: only the drive that says "ntfs"08:28
Cruzaderbut that was for ninina and since they're working fine now i'll just stop asking questions08:29
nicolai_Zabulus: sda7? was that the name?08:29
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os2macI have a question about audioCD's in Kubuntu.. anyone got a minute?08:32
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nicolai_os2mac: The person I helped seems to have left, so I'll hear you.08:33
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Zabulusalright, it doesnt wanna let me log in as root08:36
os2macwhen ever I put a CD into Kubuntu and I click on the audiocd icon that pops up on my desktop I get a file manager type view that appears to list the contents of the CD in multiple formats but when I put the same CD in a windows box it only sees the CDA files. Is this a CD thing or a Kubuntu thing?08:36
nicolai_os2mac: a Kubuntu thing. If you drop those files to your computer, Kubuntu should rip the CD encode the songs in that format.08:37
nicolai_Zabulus: i thought you meant sudo ^^08:37
os2macvery handy but deceiving.... I was thinking this particular artist was just being cool... I had never seen that before.08:38
DaSkreechos2mac: we apologize for KDE making you think that artist was cool :-(08:39
nicolai_Zabulos: system settings -> advanced -> disk and filesystems -> admin08:39
Zabuluslol, no wonder, it wasnt popping up the pw prompt before08:40
os2mache's still cool... just doesn't have the cool points he would have if he had actually stamped ogg vorbis versions of his song on his CD>08:40
haydar_My god.08:40
nicolai_Zabulos: I'm running the danish version of Kubuntu, so the names might vary slightly.08:40
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dododohi to all08:40
Zabulusthats ok, i havent updated my kubuntu in a while =P08:41
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nicolai_Zabulos: it works now?08:41
Zabulusanyway, deleted the mount08:41
dododocan somebody help? im getting the following error when i try to install something with adept08:41
dododohttp://pastebin.ca/498142 but the installation succseeds anyway08:41
nicolai_Zabulos: now in konsole type    sudo apt-get install sudo-config08:42
nicolai_Zabulos: now in konsole type    sudo apt-get install ntfs-config08:42
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Zabulussays it couldnt find the package08:43
nicolai_Zabulus: ntfs-config? You're running Dapper or Edgy?08:43
Zabulusshould i just upgrade?08:44
nicolai_Zabulos: ntfs-config is only for feisty :/08:44
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DaSkreechdododo: that's08:44
Zabulusso in other words, upgrade...08:44
dododooh reall?08:44
dododothx daskreech08:45
dododoim having a different problem08:45
dododosometimes my machine is freezing after about 30 40 mins. i did memtest, its not the ram08:45
nicolai_Zabulus: You most likely have to for any easy configuration. I remember the hurdles I experienced getting read/write for NTFS back in Dapper08:45
Zabulusalright, whats the best way to upgrade? i dont care if i have to delete all the linux stuff, but i dont want to reformat the entire hd08:45
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nininawhat is a good music and/or media player08:46
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DaSkreechdododo: ... I'd run in CLI to see if its' the machine or the GUI08:47
nicolai_Zabulus: updating dapper -> edgy would be necessary to go edgy -> feisty. Possible but probably not easy.08:47
DaSkreechn ot sure how comfortable you are to do that08:47
Zabulusshould i just get the feisty download and start over?08:47
dododowell it seems it happens after a series of actions i do in the gui08:47
nicolai_Zabulus: I would get a Feisty live-cd and then when choosing a drive during install, choose manual.08:48
dododolike googling and updating or installing via adept08:48
Zabulusand then overwrite the current linux drives, got ya08:48
dododoand also sometimes the adept messege indicator is in a saeperate small window in the upper left corrner08:49
nicolai_Zabulus: remeber to set mountpoint for that drive as /08:49
dododoinstead of in the systemtray08:49
Zabulusjust /?08:49
nicolai_Zabulus: jep. It is what symbolises root08:49
Zabuluswhat about the other partitions?08:50
nicolai_Zabulus: then home will be /home/Zabulus08:50
nicolai_Zabulus: you only need one partition for the installation08:50
nicolai_Zabulus: the others will be left alone08:50
Zabulusyeah, but to make sure i can access everything later08:50
nicolai_Zabulus: ahh08:50
Zabulussuch as the one i wasnt able to access tonigh08:50
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Zabulusthat and i would like to have access to my windows partition just incase08:51
Zabulus(in case i get used to linux and want to delete windows, the fun way)08:51
nicolai_Zabulus: afterwards you do system settings for anything non-ntfs and ntfs-config for you know what.08:51
KevinAlaskaWow.. sweet to see so many people active online. of Course I have never been on this IRC channel.08:51
Zabulusalright, thanks nicolai08:52
Zabulusand now, i must say goodnight, 1 A.M.08:52
nicolai_Zabulus: If you at any time wants to delete windows, you can come back here. There will probably be many willing to help ;)08:52
Zabulusoh, im sure08:52
dododois there a log file of akll kernel crashes or a log of why my machine sometimes is freezing?08:52
Zabulusbut if i ever do (probably wont, will just make the windows smaller and smaller) ill probably just reformat entire hd08:53
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nicolai_dododo: ati-graphics card with drivers installed or bad ram are the typical reasons for crashes in my experience08:54
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dododointel,kde,beryl, memtest is ok08:54
nicolai_dododo: ahh :P08:55
KevinAlaskaAnyone know if KDE can do like Gnome does in that you can add different wallpapers to each desktop?08:55
KevinAlaskawait.. lol08:55
Zabulusalright, lets do a pre-emptive question, anyone had issues getting a soundblaster audigy 4 working with linux?08:55
nicolai_dododo: are you running beryl while you experience the troubles?08:55
KevinAlaskamixing up my questions. (palm to forhead)(08:55
dododoyes im running beryl08:55
dododoi actually never tried it without beryl08:56
Zabulusand ive never actually tried beryl...i think im behind a little08:56
dododoonce i had to delete my settings of berryl and emerald, i mean the conf files08:56
nicolai_dododo: I've tried that with beryl. It most likely isn't the kernel, but beryl crahing.08:57
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dododoit must be the kernel08:57
dododobecause i cant do anything08:57
nicolai_dododo: it replaces the the window manager kwin, with something that is far less stable.08:57
dododothe keyboard doesnt respond anybmore08:57
Zabulusis beryl worth it?08:57
dododoi cant even switch to a diferent console08:57
dododoeven caps lock doesnt lit on anymore08:58
nicolai_dododo: I think all short-cut commands run through the window manager.08:58
dododoand and the only way is to reset with the reset button08:58
nicolai_Zabulus: not to me. Cube or Wall is nice, and widgets would be nice as well, but I'll just wait for KDE 4.0's implementation.08:59
KevinAlaskaAhh.. I remember my question.  :)  Is there a way (like GNOME) that KDE can keep all of the programs listed on the bar at the bottom (default location) to only show up when you have active the "Desktop" which that program is running on?  Did that make any sense?08:59
Zabulussounds good to me, i probably wont want to mess with beryl yet anyway, still trying to learn all the other stuff09:00
korobaseWhere is the doc installation path in kubuntu by default?09:00
dododothx 4 the help i will try without beryl and i will see if that was the problem i have to run now, see ya guys thx alot09:00
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korobaseHi,all.I install a doc using the apt-get but I can't find it now.09:01
Zabulusok, one more question before i go, how do i make sure both of my burners will work?09:01
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KevinAlaskathreaten them? :)09:01
KevinAlaskayour burners that is09:02
Zabulusi should, but i dont have my whipe09:02
Zabulusjeez, i cant type right now09:02
nicolai_Zabulus: They should work by default. If you're lucky, you can choose in k3b which one to use.09:02
KevinAlaskano worries. :) I cant spell normally09:02
Zabulusmeh, been awake for the past 21 hours09:02
KevinAlaskadoh!  SLEEP DAMN YOU! heh..09:03
RawSewagewhats the official easy way to install Nvidia for Kubuntu09:03
KevinAlaskaI can't do that anymore. =/09:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:03
Zabulusim a little bit of an insomniac09:03
Zabulusthat 12 hours of that 21 was working09:03
KevinAlaskaI iked to use Automatix2 for installing those Nvidia drivers09:04
RawSewageI need to learn how09:04
KevinAlaskainsomniac.. heh.. yeah. Coffee does that to me.09:04
RawSewageAutomatix is too easy09:04
nininaoh noes...package overload =(09:04
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KevinAlaskaI have a link one second I will get it...09:04
nicolai_Zabulus: Try doing running some 12 kilometres, then take 21 hours more. I know a guy who tried that :P09:04
nicolai_Zabulus: Crazy bugger.09:04
KevinAlaskathis is a nice easy way to walk you through it... well for feisty anyhow09:05
KevinAlaskaas well as other stuff09:05
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KevinAlaskatry some Meletonin09:05
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nicolai_RawSewage: don't use automatix, it messes up the system.09:06
KevinAlaskasome say that but I have only had good from it09:06
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KevinAlaskayeah on what part?09:07
RawSewageIve used Kubuntu for a year09:07
RawSewageso Ive heard both sides09:07
RawSewageI like doing things myself though09:07
Zabulusi think one of the worst ive done was awake for 54 or something hours, right before a vacation, spent most of it packing09:07
RawSewageand only installing a few things when I need them09:07
RawSewagedo Uberman sleep09:07
nicolai_RawSewage: Install nvidia-glx09:07
RawSewagesleep 20  minutes every 4 hours09:08
nicolai_RawSewage: Then go to system settings -> monitor and display -> hardware -> admin -> configure -> proprietary09:08
RawSewagenicolai_, Im at that link you posted09:08
Zabulusi cant do that, it takes me more than 20 minutes to get to sleep09:08
nicolai_RawSewage: That is in my experience the easiest.09:08
KevinAlaskayeah I like to od them myself too.. but for me and in how I learn.  I want my up and running system "first" THEN... I like ot mess around and try to do things myself09:08
KevinAlaskaI need my up and working puter first. :)09:08
RawSewagenicolai_, ok thx09:08
RawSewageZabulus, you get adapted09:08
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Zabulustrust me, ive tried, it doesnt work on me, i lay in bed for a few hours before i get to sleep someties09:09
ubotudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com09:09
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nicolai_KevinAlaska: Yep. My way was to slowly go away from XP. That way nothing was of any pressing consern.09:09
Zabulusanyone know a program that can be used as an alarm clock by setting it to play a cd or something at a certain time?09:10
vbgunzanyone here know those buttons on your monitor than center and resize your screen? is there software that can do that?09:10
Zabulusyes, go away from xp/vista, so you dont pay $200+ for an operating system09:10
Zabulusand another 200+ for office09:10
nicolai_But do it in a way that does not produce backslash09:10
KevinAlaskaAnyone know if there Is a way (like GNOME) that KDE can keep all of the programs listed on the bar at the bottom (default location) to only show up when you have active the "Desktop" which that program is running on?  Did that make any sense?09:11
vbgunzyeah, configure desktop I believe09:11
nicolai_KevinAlaska: it makes sense to me, but I have no idea of how to do that09:12
vbgunzKevinAlaska: configure taskbar, taskbar09:12
vbgunzconfigure panel, taskbar09:13
Zabulushmm, kalarm doesnt want to install09:13
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KevinAlaskaoh.. looking at the choices now.. :)09:14
nicolai_KevinAlaska: you just right click on the panel09:14
nicolai_always two seconds too late, me09:14
KevinAlaskalol.. its the whole typing delay thing. :)09:15
ionushow t unrar rar arhive with password?09:15
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vbgunzanyone here know those buttons on your monitor than center and resize your screen? is there software that can do that?09:16
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KevinAlaskadoh... which optin under the "taskbar" portion is it?09:17
ionushow t unrar rar arhive with password?09:17
vbgunzshow windows from all desktops?09:17
Zabulusvbgunz: i wouldnt know, my monitor does that automatically09:17
vbgunzZabulus: heh, my monitor sucks :(09:17
KevinAlaskaDOH DOH DOH09:17
KevinAlaskagot it09:17
KevinAlaska3 seconds to late on that one. :)09:17
vbgunznp :)09:18
Zabulusi like mine, i just press the auto button, but i usually dont even need to do that09:18
nicolai_ionus: If you downloaded a torrent, it's most likely a dud if it requires password.09:18
KevinAlaskaI have not been up late yet today but I do have the excuse of simply just being me.09:18
nicolai_ionus: try installing 7-zip and unrar09:18
vbgunzmy monitor sucks cause I have one user account at 1400x1050 but another account with 1024x768. the monitor doesnt automatically resize itself to flush with the edges :(09:18
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RawSewagenicolai_, thx, that installed the NVidia drivers.  I guess I'll have to manually add my higher screen resolutions.   Ubuntu detected my screen resolutions with that RD Manager09:19
KevinAlaskaokay how come the purdy little charm of a sound plays on this IRC and not on others?09:19
nicolai_RawSewage and vbgunz: in some cases Kubuntu doesn't quite do resolutions properly, my way of fixing it is by telling it the exact kind of screen (brand + version) I'm using09:20
KevinAlaskaGod I need a new monitor.  My sharpness just is not very good anymore. =/09:21
RawSewagenicolai_, how do you do that09:21
Zabulusso how do i get kalarm to play the cd i have in the comp now?09:22
Zabulusdo i set the action as a file or as a command!?!?! ahhhhh09:23
RawSewageamarok path/to/cd  ?09:23
KevinAlaskaokay... LOTS of people online in here but vew chatting.  I am guessing they go afk from the IRC and just drop back in from time to time09:24
nicolai_RawSewage and vbgunz: Go to system settings -> monitor and display -> hardware -> admin -> monitor #1 -> config09:24
RawSewagenicolai_,  doh .. ok thx09:25
Trickserhi, yesterday i reported a problem after hibernation. I couldn't see my partitions after recovering, but then I used the utility testdisk and I could recover all the partitions except of the swap partitions. I had to recover the boot sector as well, using grub. Now I am monitoring my hard disk with smartmontools but it seems there are no problems in there. Is it possible that the hibernation could produce this?09:25
RawSewageI didnt even see that09:25
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ZabulusTrickser: makes me think of a problem my brother had, with windows though, it went to hibernate and corrupted his hd.09:26
TrickserZabulus: I think it is possible because hibernations uses the swap partition09:26
nicolai_Trickser: hibernation writes to hd, so anything could happen to the partitions if something goes bad.09:27
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Zabulusi stopped allowing any computer i had access to go into hibernation after that09:27
Zabuluscaused too much trouble09:28
RawSewagenicolai_, thanks a lot.  it's all working now09:28
TrickserI am telling this, because yesterday someone told me that it is unprobable that this is produced by the hibernation, and that probably my hard disk is failing, but my hard disk is almost new and it seems to be ok, according to smartmontools09:28
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nicolai_RawSewage: no problem. I've tried having Kubuntu decide my resolution was either 800x600 or 640x400, so I learned the hard way. :)09:29
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KevinAlaskawell mechanical errors can happen at ANY time but the most common time is in the early days of usage09:29
RawSewagenicolai_, I used to have to search the web for my monitor type , write down the name, refresh rates, etc , and do it manually09:30
nicolai_RawSewage: I tend to avoid messing with the config files unless I know every consequence. I had to do stuff like what you did back when i used Suse, and it always failed.09:31
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KevinAlaskaWhen is KDE 4.0 'supposed' to be released?09:32
nicolai_KevinAlaska: 23 october09:32
KevinAlaskaAh.. :) nifty!  Thx09:32
nicolai_four or five days after Kubuntu 7.10 :/09:33
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RawSewagethat sucks09:33
KevinAlaskaanything R E A L L Y cool supposed to happen with KDE 4.0?09:33
RawSewageit's all under the hood09:34
RawSewageit wont be really cool until developers start programming with the new tools09:34
RawSewagethe first release will probably be just like KDE 3.509:34
nicolai_yeah, but Jonathan Riddel usually makes new kde releases available for us anyway09:34
KevinAlaskareally... AWE!!!! I W A N T performance and as well as the nifty 'eye candy'!!!09:34
RawSewageI wouldnt expect much from the first release09:34
nicolai_RawSewage: It will all be svg files and oxygen icons09:35
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nicolai_RawSewage: And it sounds like plasma is coming along nicely09:35
KevinAlaskabut if I don't expect MUCH then how in the hell do you expect me to get dissapointed?  :P09:35
nicolai_RawSewage: I've also seen some good stuff from kwin09:35
dsmith_how does one allow themself to read/write a specific folder09:36
nicolai_RawSewage: A new filesystem manager (dolphin)09:36
nicolai_RawSewage: Amarok 2.009:36
nicolai_many changes in 'over the hood' :P09:36
KevinAlaskawoot!   /dance09:36
nicolai_The alpha was just out too early09:36
RawSewagebut we wont get it until next April09:36
dsmith_Make sure you give yourself read and write access to /dev/vboxdrv.09:36
korobaseHow to get the package imformation installed?09:37
dsmith_I am playing with virtuallbox09:37
KevinAlaskahow come NTFS is not native yet for Linux?09:37
dsmith_ask bill gates09:37
dsmith_ext3 is better anyhow09:37
KevinAlaskalol.. okay then09:37
nicolai_RawSewage: KDE always makes a repository for Kubuntu with the newest stable release.09:37
KevinAlaskawhy is ext3 better?09:37
korobaseHow to get the package imformation installed?09:37
dsmith_i have a writeup on ntfs vs. ext309:37
dsmith_one sec09:37
mokkanext3 is better because linux uses it zomg09:38
nininahow do I find out how much of my diskspace is used?09:38
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korobasedf -a09:38
nicolai_KevinAlaska: ntfs-3g can write to ntfs, but is not considered stable enough for official release09:38
korobaseninina: df -a09:38
nicolai_KevinAlaska: I've never heard of problems though09:38
KevinAlaskaO.O EGADS!!! dont you know I am to much the linux newbie for you to be using big words of terminology on me.. :)09:38
nicolai_KevinAlaska: hehe. If you're on feisty and haven't messed with the ntfs drive type the following09:39
nicolai_KevinAlaska: sudo apt-get install ntfs-config09:39
nicolai_KevinAlaska: sudo ntfs-config09:39
nininathanks korobase09:40
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Fri13nicolai_: ntfs-3g has gone stable few months ago....09:40
KevinAlaskayeah.. thats the program... writting it down09:40
KevinAlaskayeah.. I thought I read it was FINALLY said to be stable09:40
nicolai_KevinAlaska: A window will pop up asking if you want read/write for internal or external devices.09:40
KevinAlaskajust today in fact.  I can't remember where I read it online..09:40
nicolai_KevinAlaska: Choose internal. external should already work.09:41
Zabulusjeez, how do you get kalarm to play an audio file??09:41
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KevinAlaskathats it?  sounds too easy?09:41
nicolai_Zabulus: it must be three in the night for you by now... just go to sleep! :P09:41
RawSewagefor disk space, I like using kdf , and running kwikdisk from it in the tray09:41
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dsmith_this is not based on file systems, but was what I was thinking when you asked why ext3 is better09:41
Zabulusno, its only 1:45, not 3....09:41
KevinAlaskaoh.. is there a reason my "volume" is so much lower then when I am in WinXP?09:42
Zabulusim not helping myself, am i?09:42
dsmith_how does one allow themself to read/write a specific folder09:42
KevinAlaskaoh. thanks for the link.. I think I will check it out now .... while I use my ADD skills to multitask with my chatting. ;)09:42
nicolai_Zabulus: so you're on the american west-coast?09:42
dsmith_welcome :)09:42
Fri13STABLE Version 1.0 (February 21, 2007)  Thats date when NTFS-3G hit to stable state. After that there has be bugfixes.09:43
dsmith_i dont trust that yet to use it09:43
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nicolai_dsmith_: sudo chmod 777 [folder] 09:44
KevinAlaskaI need to increase the text size in this program wiht my higher rez sec.. my eyes are having a hard time reading this.. heh.09:44
nicolai_dsmith_: might not work for ntfs09:44
dsmith_oh damn I thought it was chroot09:44
dsmith_see what happens when I dont use a cmd after sometime09:44
dsmith_I forgets09:44
dsmith_thx nicolai09:44
nicolai_dsmith_: if you need read/write for subfolders use     sudo chmod -R [folder] 09:45
tahsincan anyone help me install a grub boot slash theme ?09:45
dsmith_this is a protected file for virtualbox09:45
Fri13nicolai_: " Most POSIX file system operations are supported, with the exception of full file ownership and access right support."09:45
nicolai_dsmith_: if you own the folder yourself (not owned by root or other user) then there is a graphical way to do it too09:45
Zabulusdammit, kalarms gonna drive me nuts09:45
tahsinnicolai_ can you help me install a grub boot slash theme ?09:45
KevinAlaskaokay okay.. how do you use this IRC in Kopete to get the name of the person you are responding to to show up in your text when you hit enter to submit your text... Now I KNOW you are not all typing that.. heh09:46
tahsincan anyone help me install a grub boot slash theme ?09:47
nicolai_KevinAlaska: i just use my mouse to highlight and say copy text09:47
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nicolai_KevinAlaska: though I guess I could drag-drop :/09:47
KevinAlaskaNOO!! Drag drop is too easy.. Dont you ever go the eary route... always ALWAYS take the hard road... that what I dont feel alone. ;/09:48
Chanissh -D is working for my friend, but not for me, and I don't know why. google hasn't turned up any results - but I'm seeing a censored version of google because I don't have ssh -D working yet. anyone have any ideas?09:48
korobase!adept crash09:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adept crash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:48
korobase!adept installer crash09:48
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto09:48
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 09:48
nicolai_tahsin: Have you looked at system settings -> splash?09:48
korobasesudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a09:49
nicolai_tahsin: I've never done any changes to splash, so I don't know09:49
korobaseit doesn't work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!109:49
KevinAlaskagood article DSmith.. thanks.. not finished yet but working on it.. slowly.. ever soooo slowly09:49
Fri13nicolai_: ever heard paint'n'click copy?09:49
tahsinnicolai_ not splash screen i mean boot splash i want to change the appreance of grub09:49
Cugelkorobase: what error do you get?09:49
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nicolai_korobase: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock09:50
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nicolai_korobase: dpkg --configure -a09:50
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nicolai_tahsin: I think I saw a guide for that on ubuntuforums09:51
KevinAlaskaDoh.. son fell asleep on the chair.  I need to transport my spawn. be back in a few09:51
nicolai_tahsin: try searching there09:51
ZabulusHA, got kalarm to play my music!!!09:51
Cugel_Why_ would anyone want to change the boot menu layout?09:51
nicolai_Cugel: because they like pretty? :P09:52
CugelMy grub menu is shown for about 2 seconds, no dual-boot, so I guess there's just no need. Besides I never reboot.09:52
Fri13Cugel: mayby because they like to make things like they want it to be? thats why there is reason for GNU/Linux too....09:52
nicolai_Suse has one that is fairly good.09:52
fdovingCugel: it's rather easy, so why not do it, installing kubuntu-grub-splashimages is a breeze.09:53
Zabulusalright, NOW im actually going to sleep09:53
Zabulusand its only 2 am, thats pretty good for me09:53
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CugelYeah I know about the whole config thing. But next thing he'll follow that tutorial and run in here complaining about a non-working grub. We've seen it happen (Beryl, anyone?)09:53
nicolai_Cugel: I have an old Dapper install on another harddisk, so I see it on the desktop about seven times a week :P09:54
CugelStill, I did change my splash login thing, it looks very pretty now.09:54
Fri13Cugel: If user runs to problems, there is two reasons for it, a) User use old tutorial/tip b) User dont follow tutorial right.09:56
michael__whats the command to find a gpg key for a source in apt-get?09:56
nicolai_Fri13: c) tutorial makes assuptions about user that is incorrect.09:57
CugelFri: c) User has a configuration that differs from the one the tutorial was written for.  -- Take dual-screen support, or mouse support for example.09:57
Fri13And what ever there happends, user just has right to configure everything how he liks to have, atleast user learn something (or not!) from it. Customizing is key for linux success.09:57
CugelOh, that makes my reason d)09:57
CugelBut still, I agree with youl.09:57
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nicolai_On general, I would say you shouldn't configure something if you have _no_ idea what you're doing.09:59
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nicolai_But that is mostly a personal rule.09:59
CugelAgreed. You'll regret it later. Actually this is the same for Windows.09:59
fdovingnicolai_: how would you ever learn something then? :)09:59
nicolai_Too many tutorials, too much pain :P09:59
Fri13nicolai_: ...shouldn't configure anything if user dont have any brains and just copy-paste everything what someone says.... ;-)10:00
nicolai_fdoving: by either finding out what you're doing or going slowly10:00
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fdovingnicolai_: trail and error, and break and fix are two great learning methods :)10:01
CugelWhat helps is just doing a little background checking on any reported problems etc. The ubuntuforum pages are very, very useful for that.10:01
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nicolai_When you suddenly get a blank screen because you got stuck in a text only-mode with no other computer to get help from.10:01
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fdovingnicolai_: then you have the livecd around.10:02
nicolai_Then configuration doesn't sound like such a good idea  :P10:02
Fri13When user likes to play with configs, he/she should learn few things first. a) How to bring network up on console b) How to user text-browser c) how to use irssi d) how to use vi/nano/pico e) how to do backups and restore them.10:02
nicolai_fdoving: true - but this is still where the backlash kicks in for many newbies10:02
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gregXHow are you?10:03
nicolai_fdoving: besides. The ubuntu (999) user can really wreck a system if you do something dumb.10:04
michael__can someone tell me what to do with a .gpg fil10:04
michael__i need to use it so apt-get will let me use this source10:04
fdovingnicolai_: uid 1000, can, with sudo, yes.10:04
fdovingmichael__: you need to add it to the keyring, 'sudo apt-key add file.gpg'10:05
michael__alrite, thanks10:05
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nicolai_fdoving: It really depends on whether you need a stable production system or a computer that can have downtime.10:07
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KevinAlaskaEGADS!  10 min past 12am.  I best get some sleep.  So I am off like a wild herd of turtles.  best wishes everyone and thank you for the awesome help.10:07
RawSewageIm having a problem.  whenever I try to add the desktop-pager applet to the taskbar, kicker crashes10:08
fdovingnicolai_: if you -need- a stable production system you know you need it. if you -wanting- one is another thing, and it is often not compatible with fancy graphics and such.10:08
fdovingRawSewage: is that the same applet each time?10:08
RawSewagefdoving, yes10:08
fdovingRawSewage: tried another applet?10:08
RawSewagefdoving, no, I'll try it now10:08
fdovingRawSewage: what applet is this crashing one?10:09
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nicolai_fdoving: true, but if you _want_ a stable system, but has no experience on the follies of following tutorials, then you might go back to windows, and that is not in the interest of fixing bug #1 :P10:09
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RawSewagefdoving, this time I tried the Sound Mixer applet and it put a row of things on the taskbar that looks like a keyboard10:10
fdovingRawSewage: ok, so that works. (those "keys" are actually channels in the mixer)10:10
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RawSewageClock, Find  applets work fine10:10
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RawSewagefdoving, is the SoundMixer applet supposed to be like  that10:11
fdovingRawSewage: yes.10:12
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RawSewageoh, Im thinking of KMix10:12
fdovingyeah, that's not an applet.10:12
RawSewageanyway, Desktop pager is crashing it10:12
trii'm editing a file in my command terminal, but i don't know how to save and exit it10:12
fdovingtri, probably ctrl+x and answer Yes to the question.10:13
nicolai_tri: I would use    sudo kate [file-location] 10:13
fdovingnicolai_: kdesu is prefered for graphical applications.10:13
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ChaniRawSewage: using compiz or something?10:14
trifdoving: it brought me into something called x mode10:14
RawSewageChani, no, but I installed Nvidia driver and I changed my screen res using nvidia-settings10:14
RawSewageChani, other than that, this is a brand new install10:15
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fdovingRawSewage: you can try to remove the pager configs from ~/.kde/share/config/minipager_panelapplet*10:15
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RawSewageoh yeah10:16
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RawSewageI remember what else I did10:16
trinicolai: sudo katE? i'm currently in "insert" mode10:16
RawSewageI restored the default KDE Konq settings10:16
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:16
fdovingtri, vim?10:16
RawSewageand didnt do the last step10:16
trinicolai: i'm using the feisty mix10:16
RawSewageI have to download those 4 profiles or something10:16
trifdoving: vim10:17
trifdoving: i'm editing a sh file10:17
fdovingtri, with vim?10:17
blackdiamondhi evertbody, i write yesterday for a problem link with the installation of a programm Folding@home, .exe. As you said I made the file executable, now I have to move it and install..what I have to do..I'm new.I downloaded the file in a folder "Programmi" in my desktop, what I have to do to install this program? What do you would do?10:18
fdovingtri, the editor, is it nano or vim?10:18
trifdoving: it's konsole?10:19
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trifdoving: sorry i'm a new to all of this10:19
fdovingtri, yes, what command did you write to open the editor to edit the sh file?10:19
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trifdoving: oh, it is vim, oops10:20
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ubunturoshelp - /usr/bin/X11/X/xserverrc has a command that includes specifying the DPI as 100. If I change this file and set the dpi as 72, would there be some problem?10:20
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:20
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fdovingblackdiamond: the folding at home exe is a binary ready to start. if i have a folder in my home named 'folding' where i have the file and run folding from. so if you want to run this inside the Programmi folder, open a console, cd to the folder, chmod +x FAH..exe then ./FAH..exe to start it.10:20
fdovingtri, ok hit escape, write :wq and press enter.10:21
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blackdiamondok fdoving, i'll try10:21
RawSewageOk, it's fixed10:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserverrrc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
trifdoving: whew, works! thanks!10:23
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fdovingtri, you're welcome.10:23
fdovingRawSewage: did you do anything else but remove the configs?10:24
ubunturoshelp - /usr/bin/X11/X/xserverrc has a command that includes specifying the DPI as 100. If I change this file and set the dpi as 72, would there be some problem?10:24
tridoes anyone know how to resize a secondary kde panel?10:24
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trifeisty doesn't seem to have a way like the other releases had10:24
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fdovingubunturos: there is no such file on my system, are you sure you got the path right?10:24
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RawSewagefdoving,  I was restoring the default Konq settings, and forgot to download and add the 4 extra profiles   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=307576&highlight=restore+kde+settings10:24
ubunturosfdoving: I'm on kubuntu 6.0610:24
fdovingRawSewage: ah, ok.10:25
ubunturosfdoving: and I'm sure, this file exists on my computer10:25
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ubunturosfdoving: see this folder/etc/X11/xinit10:25
ubunturosfdoving: see this folder  /etc/X11/xinit10:25
fdovingubunturos: ah, that explains it. i don't have 6.06 around. sorry, but generally, no, that shouldn't break anything. make a backup of the file in it's current state, just in case.10:25
ubunturosfdoving: ok10:26
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lupulhi there. does anyone know how do i specify the port in ssh?10:43
lupulit's not written in the man or help10:43
crimsundo you mean openssh-client or openssh-server?10:43
crimsunhint, use `ssh'10:44
crimsun           [-l login_name]  [-m mac_spec]  [-O ctl_cmd]  [-o option]  [-p port] 10:44
fdovingscp uses -P10:44
fdoving(that confuses me sometimes)10:44
crimsunI don't recommend the use of scp.  Use `rsync --rsh=ssh' instead.10:45
lupuli managed to connect10:45
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lupulcrimsun - could you help me with another thing?10:48
crimsunwe can try.10:48
lupulhow do i see in proftpd which users have activity?10:48
lupulwhat do they download and at which speed?10:48
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fdovinglupul: ftpwho or ftptop maybe?10:49
lupulbut where do you find these commands10:49
lupuli read in the man but did'n find it10:49
lupulmaybe cause it was toooo long10:49
fdovingshould come with the proftpd package.10:49
fdovingproftpd: /usr/bin/ftpwho10:50
tridoes anyone know how to resize a secondary kde panel in feisty?10:50
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pagtri, I guess it's only possible via kcontrol (you can open it by pressing alt+f2 and typing: kcontrol  )10:53
lupultri - right click on the panel - configure panels - arrangement - up you have a button with main panel. select secondarty panel and then resize10:53
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lupulnope. sorry. works only for the external taskbar10:54
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luke_seanHi this is luke i am 9 years old, i love using kubutu (australia)10:55
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luke_seananne_ : hi10:58
anne_luke_sean: hi10:59
tripag, where do i change it in kcontrol10:59
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pagtri, Desktop -> panels11:00
luke_seananne _ : hi i am 9 years old, my uncle has kubuntu11:00
sercikHi, could someone help me to add a command to cron?11:01
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serciki need to run a dyndns client on my linux box11:01
RawSewagewhat do you need to know11:02
anne_luke_sean: So do you like it?11:02
luke_sean     yes11:02
haydar_Anyone got a fix for push to talk11:02
haydar_ventrilo wine 2.1.411:02
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anne_I have use it few months now and i like it very much :)11:04
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haydar_Hmm this is strange11:06
haydar_haydar@haydar-desktop:~$ echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss11:06
haydar_bash: /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss: Toegang geweigerd11:06
haydar_Need fix for this XD11:07
anne_luke_sean: I gotta go, it's my turn to cook.. see you later!11:07
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stevec_whats toegang gewigerd mean?11:07
haydar_Access denied11:07
luke_seananne_ : ok bye11:07
stevec_haydar_: try putting sudo infront of the command11:07
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haydar_same error11:07
stevec_hmmm thats odd11:07
stevec_yeah i get the same on mine11:08
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haydar_Without it11:08
haydar_i cant have Teamspeak / ventrilo on11:08
haydar_and ET11:08
stevec_with and without11:08
haydar_same error on root11:09
stevec_haydar_: works if I su to root first11:09
haydar_did it11:09
stevec_haydar_: very odd11:09
haydar_=( yep11:10
haydar_Creative Soundblaster Audigy11:10
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haydar_Music + Enemy-territory works11:10
stevec_why would work as root but as normal user using sudo?11:10
stevec_not as noamrl user11:10
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haydar_nah i tried11:10
haydar_both didnt work11:10
haydar_Access denied11:10
stevec_haydar_: have you 'su' first11:11
stevec_not sudo just su to root11:11
haydar_hmm ok11:11
stevec_haydar_: you may have to set a password on the root account first 'sudo passwd root'11:11
haydar_Well i already got a  password11:11
stevec_haydar_: ok type 'su' and it'l change you to root, your prompt will change11:12
haydar_Yep i see11:12
stevec_haydar_: then type that command, it should work11:13
haydar_it worked11:13
stevec_haydar_: :-)11:13
haydar_But still no sound11:14
haydar_@ ET11:14
stevec_anyone any ideas why that woulnd't work under sudo?11:14
stevec_haydar_: been a long time since inplayed with sound, et and teakspeak, was on gentoo when i tried it and never got it working11:14
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TiLKHello. Could you recommand me some apt sources for Kubuntu 7.07 ? I installed some programs and I have problems with dependences, cause some of my libraries are old and there are no new in my oficial ources.11:16
crimsunstevec_: redirection doesn't work like that with sudo.11:16
stevec_crimsun: ah right ok, should have realised that really :-s11:16
crimsunstevec_: `echo foo|sudo tee'  is what you want.11:16
TiLKlibmysqlclient15off,  libwxgtk2.6-0, python-gammu11:16
stevec_crimsun: cheers11:17
crimsunecho et.x86 0 0 direct|sudo tee /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss11:17
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stevec_silly question really, just got out of bed :-)11:17
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RawSewageis it ok to use sudo .  I dont want to get sued by Microsoft11:18
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maophello all.11:18
stevec_hi maop11:19
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stevec_RawSewage: dont understand your question?11:19
crimsunRawSewage: no, definitely not.  We're all going to jail.11:19
RawSewageMicrosoft is trying to patent/own sudo11:19
maopDoes someone know how to configure X to have Opengl with mesa, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesnt do it like when installing for first time11:19
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maopi need to know which program configures the x server when installing kubuntu, to run it again11:23
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RawSewageI did that once, but forgot the name11:24
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maopRawSewage: how whas the name like?11:27
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RawSewagesudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   ?11:28
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maopRawSewage: i tried that, but i doesn't configures 3d rendering with mesa thats what i need11:31
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RawSewagemaop, oops, sorry11:32
Moduliz0rWhat tool can I use to rip CDs to MP3s?11:32
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RawSewagekaudiocreator ?11:33
Moduliz0ris it included with ubuntu or do I need to download it?11:33
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RawSewageI think thats what I used.  it worked good11:33
heinkel_111Moduliz0r: you can use konqueror11:33
stevec_yeah konq is probably the best option11:34
heinkel_111Moduliz0r: just open the CD in konqueror11:34
Moduliz0rI don't have konqueror i think11:34
Moduliz0rI stick with nautilus11:34
stevec_just browse to your cd and it'll give you options to rip mp3s or wav11:34
maopRawSewage: thanks anyway11:34
heinkel_111Moduliz0r: then go to mp3 folder and paste files where you want them11:34
Moduliz0rk ill try it11:34
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heinkel_111if you have kubuntu you have konqueror11:35
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heinkel_111if you don't have kubuntu maybe ask in a different channe?11:35
Peakerhey anyone using gutsy?11:35
Moduliz0rI have ubuntu studio but I cant seem to get support in #ubuntu11:35
stevec_Moduliz0r: acidrip?11:36
stevec_ah no thats for dvds!!11:36
PeakerKDE seems quite broken in Gutsy Gibbon :)11:36
Moduliz0rill try all of these things in a bit, thanks guys11:36
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=== Peaker is living on the edge, but not with edgy and not even feisty
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Moduliz0r"Couldn't display "cdda:///dev/scd0"."11:38
Moduliz0r"There was an error launching the application."11:38
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Moduliz0rwhy wont it open the cd :/11:39
lupulhow do i change the permissions to a partiton?11:39
lupulto let everyone read only, except me which i am the owner11:40
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DJServershi all11:40
stevec_lupul: man chmod11:40
DJServershow can i put a map in the /etc/ ??11:40
stevec_DJServers: what kind of map?11:41
DJServerswel i want to put a map in /etc/apache2/ and that is a map whit the site file's in it11:41
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DJServersdoes someone now how?11:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about etc/ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about etc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:43
stevec_DJServers: sorry, not quite understanding what you are wanting to do, /etc/apache2 should conatin the config files for spache11:43
stevec_apache even11:43
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carlesoriolUbuntu Catalan Loco Team is doing an InstallParty. You can see it at: mplayer http://videoserver.ac.upc.es:920 and http://videoserver.ac.upc.es:92111:44
DJServersyeah where do i put my map (php-files) in apache to run it on it so i have the site?11:44
Moduliz0rwhat do I need to get with apt-get for the lame encoder which works with KAudioCreator?11:44
stevec_not sure on ubuntu, on gentoo it was /var/lib/www/localhost/htdocs11:44
DJServerswait i take a look11:45
iarwain_DJServers: if memory serves me correctly, it would be in "/var/www/apache2-default'11:45
stevec_DJServers: try reading /etc/apache2/README11:46
DJServerso yeah it is!11:46
DJServerswait a sec11:46
RawSewagewhats that thing I need for video thumbnails again11:46
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RawSewageit's a name like ALSA11:47
RawSewagebut for video11:47
iarwain_anyone know why my internet (wireless) keeps dropping? (amsn and konversation keep reconnecting)11:48
iarwain_gstreamer? (don't know what you're exactly looking for)11:49
DJServersyou do not have write permissions to this folder its says what now?11:49
RawSewagemaybe artS11:49
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iarwain_DJServers: try a 'sudo cp' (or open konqueror with root permissions)11:50
DJServershow to open konqueror with root?11:50
RawSewageisntall libarts1-xine and you get video thumnails in Konq11:50
iarwain_DJServers: Alt-F2 => run as other user11:50
DJServerswhat do i type in that box11:51
DJServersis it than whit root permissions?11:52
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stevec_select root in run as other user11:52
iarwain_DJServers: if you 'run as other usrer', enter root and your root pw11:52
DJServerso ok11:52
DJServersi get iot11:52
piluccoBuongiorno a tutti11:52
stevec_DJServers: or change the ownership of the directory your web docs are going into11:52
iarwain_!it | pilucco11:53
ubotupilucco: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:53
DJServersit works thx all11:53
iarwain_pilucco: hiya =)11:53
piluccoi'm sorry,tanks11:53
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Moduliz0rif I get konqueror and I like it, how can I make it my default file browser instead of nautilus?11:57
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pagModuliz0r, in KDE - yes, but I'm afraid you're using Gnome (it's Ubuntu Studio -default) and there it's quite hard, or might even be impossible11:59
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DJServerswhat is the standaard pass of phpmyadmin  account: root ?11:59
pagModuliz0r, of course you can use it, there'll be (almost) no problems with that, but I think you can't set it to be default12:00
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Moduliz0ris GRip any good?12:02
RawSewagehow do you get video thumnails in konq12:03
RawSewageI installed libarts1-xine12:03
Moduliz0rwhats a good encoding bitrate?12:05
Moduliz0ris 192 ok?12:05
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pagModuliz0r, 192 or 256 should be fine. I wouldn't reccomend any less than 192.12:06
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Fri13Moduliz0r: use kaffeine to rip CD:s12:07
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Fri13unless you use gnome12:07
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Moduliz0ryay Grip is good12:09
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close2__hello, i would need some ideas how to debug the following problems12:12
close2__my computer boots fine from cd, but takes ~10 minutes when booting from my hd12:13
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:14
close2__here's what i've done until now: rm quiet splash from grub -> system hangs twice: "reading files needed to boot" and "Preparing restriced drivers" (or something similar)12:14
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close2__running badblocks right now, but everything looks fine; dmesg didn't help either12:15
close2__how do i find out, why my system hangs?12:15
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haydar_now i have lost complete sound12:17
haydar_on ET12:17
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup12:20
DJServersERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)    What now ?? :(12:20
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents12:20
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agehi here12:21
agei ran into serious problems so i startet with the kubuntu livecd12:21
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agenow im trying to write a new partition table12:22
agebut it does not seem to work12:22
DJServers!ERROR 200212:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about error 2002 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:22
DJServers!ERROR 2002 (HY000)12:23
stevec_age: are you booting from the livecd when you are trying to re-partition?12:24
ageyes i am12:24
ageand no harddisk is mounted12:24
agei checked it with sudo mount12:25
stevec_age: thats very strange12:25
stevec_DJServers: is mysql started?12:25
agethat is actually the reason why im here12:25
stevec_age: could you have a bad harddisk maybe?12:26
agei checked it several times with fsck and e2fsck and the smart values seem to be good too12:26
ageno errors occured during this12:27
stevec_age: and the parittion table isn't altered after a re-boot?12:27
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agesorry i dont know what /altered\ means12:28
stevec_age: changed12:28
agenope, it is not changed12:28
stevec_age: you are deleting a partition then re-creating the partition exactly the same?12:29
agethats right12:29
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stevec_age: why? nothing is going to change12:29
agebecause at boot there was an error that said ' the size according to superblock is larger than the physical size12:30
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agei hoped that this would fix it12:30
stevec_age: if you really do want to do that, try saving th partition table after delete, restart fdisk then re-create it instead of doing it all in one go12:30
stevec_age: i doubt that would fix it to be honest, probably need to re-create it using mkfs or whatever its called12:31
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agethx stevec_12:31
yutdri have a problem with beryl please see http://pastebin.ca/49833412:32
stevec_yutdr: no idea, sorry12:33
RawSewageI seriously think Kubuntu is faster than Ubuntu12:33
RawSewageoh well12:33
stevec_RawSewage: its exactly the same isn't it just kde instead of gnome?12:33
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stevec_so kde is faster than gnome then12:34
stevec_i hate gnome12:34
yutdri hate gnome to12:34
yutdrits really lame sometimesa12:34
yutdri always tried the newest releases12:34
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stevec_i gave on gnome years and years ago, always found it terrible12:35
yutdrbut they have always lotsa truble12:35
xlinux__RawSewage: I agree with you12:35
RawSewageI didnt mean to open this can of worms12:35
yutdranyway linus doesnt like it to, he must have his reasons12:35
RawSewageIve just been doing lots of fresh installs lately12:35
xlinux__i came into linux thinking gnome was more stable12:35
yutdri hated gnome anyway from beging on12:36
stevec_i cant wait for kde4 to be released, hmmm, might download the alphas livecd12:36
yutdrand that stupid bigfoot logo lol12:36
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RawSewagetheres nothing to see12:36
RawSewageKDE4 looks like KDE3 now12:36
xlinux__is konqueror going away as primary file manager on 4?12:37
yutdrdoes anybody know the channel for beryl?12:37
stevec_RawSewage: have you tried the livecd?12:37
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RawSewageno, I was stupid and actually installed the alpha12:37
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Tm_TRawSewage: well, I installed KDE4 over a year ago ;-)12:37
RawSewageDolphin is going to be the primary file manager12:38
Tm_Tit was fun back then12:38
RawSewagebut I'll probably use Konqueror12:38
Tm_Txlinux__: well, dolphin is going to be default, but as _primary_ ...12:38
RawSewageDolphin doesnt have the features I need12:38
xlinux__dolphin seems gimped though..12:38
Tm_TKonqueror won't go away anyway12:38
stevec_im bored, going to install beryl, havent looked at that for a while12:38
xlinux__I can at least remove dolphin...12:38
RawSewageI'll give all the new apps a try12:39
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RawSewageway too early to judge anything12:39
yutdri like beryl its just i think to unstable12:39
blekoshi, i try to settup hamachi, but i get the msg tap/tun not found12:39
RawSewageI cant use Beryl because of the Nvidia memory problems12:39
blekosi also cant find tuncfg12:39
yutdrwhat is hamachi?12:40
xlinux__weird.. whenever I use beryl, I have to open the Nvidia x server panel and manually set my refresh rate, or it gives black flashes after awhile and freezes12:40
stevec_lasttime i tried beryl was on gentoo, far too much trouble to get going so i havent bothered since12:40
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xlinux__manually editing xorg doesnt do any good either12:40
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blekosvpn application12:41
xlinux__RawSewage: what nvidia memory problem?12:41
RawSewageblack screen12:42
stevec_god that was easy to install on here12:42
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xlinux__flashing or stays black12:42
stevec_seems very slow like12:42
stevec_lots of graphic corruption too12:43
xlinux__RawSewage: I dont have that issue.. what card you got?12:43
RawSewageit doesnt matter12:43
RawSewageGeForce 420012:43
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RawSewageI can use other settings, but it slows it down too much12:43
RawSewageforcing something12:44
xlinux__RawSewage: I see12:44
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DodoIs somebody here?12:45
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stevec_hi Dodo12:47
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Dodohi, stevec_12:52
DodoI just got a trouble with kdevelop12:52
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Dododo you familiar with it?12:53
binford3000hi there12:53
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pagDodo, could you be more specific: what kind of trouble did you get?12:54
pag!hi | binford300012:54
ubotubinford3000: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!12:54
binford3000could someone help me? I'd like to blacklist a module, but it gets loaded anyway12:54
binford3000I put "blacklist r8169" int /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist12:55
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paghi yonderboy :)01:02
yonderboyWhat's the command to run the adept gui? :)01:02
pagyonderboy, hmm.. kdesu adept_manager  ?01:03
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yonderboypag, thanks01:04
yonderboytried that for ages....01:05
pagyw :)01:05
yonderboyMusta got a typo, lol, pag would that be okay to add in the fluxbox menu?01:05
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pagyonderboy, try if that works, then you can put it wherever you like :) that kdesu part might be KDE specific, so I'm not quite sure if it works outside the KDE01:07
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franz_any suggestions for a good antivirus? :)01:09
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SlimeyPetewhy do you want one? are you serving files to Windows clients?01:10
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temcelnis there so many *virus under linux ?01:10
yonderboypag, it did work, thanks :)01:10
yonderboytemceln, no01:10
temcelnoki lol01:10
yonderboybut there are still vulnerabilities in stuff, which is worse.01:10
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franz_SlimeyPete, just to be on the safe side :) ...btw, im a linux newbie :)01:11
temcelnhow is that possible ? i though linux was the gold os ?!01:11
franz_why are there no antivirus for linux? :)01:11
SlimeyPetewell, clamav is pretty good and I think you can get AVG for Linux01:11
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yonderboytemceln, lol..01:11
SlimeyPetefranz_: there are several antivirus programs available... it's just that they're not really necessary at the moment01:12
yonderboyYou actualy think vuln. free software can be made? :P01:12
franz_SlimeyPete, thanks thanks :) i think i'll try clamav :) i've seen it being suggested over the forums :)01:12
franz_SlimeyPete, i see :) thanks :)01:12
temcelnvuln ?01:12
temcelnerable ?01:12
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tyyyhi to all im getting this from xorg log file (WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x2301:13
PhinnForttyyy: it's perfectly normal01:14
tyyywell then im happy01:14
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tyyywhat about this? http://pastebin.ca/49833401:15
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PhinnForttyyy: maybe not use an experimental, unstable, beta/alpha window manager?01:17
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tyyyi installed the default version of beryl01:17
chris__what is beryl01:18
PhinnFortwell, Beryl is very unstable01:18
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:18
chris__window tuning?01:18
PhinnFortwindow wobbling, fading, etc01:18
chris__is it better than the traditionnal settings?01:18
PhinnFortit's rather experimental01:18
chris__to have beautiful desktops01:18
PhinnFortchris__: search for "beryl" on youtube, to see some examples01:19
tyyyso its normal that the machine will crash somewhere between 5 and 40 nibs?01:19
chris__im gonna try01:19
PhinnForttyyy: not normal, but to be expected;)01:19
PhinnForttyyy: maybe ask in #ubuntu-effects01:19
tyyyi understand01:19
franz_PhinnFort, what do you suggest, beryl or compiz? :)01:19
tyyyi asked there but nobody replys01:19
PhinnForttyyy: if I run beryl here, and Yakuake at the same time, it crashes quite predictably01:19
PhinnFortfranz_: if Beryl works, use it01:20
tyyywhat is yakuake?01:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yakuake - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:20
PhinnFort!info yakuake01:20
franz_PhinnFort, nice, thanks :)01:20
chris__and i have some problems playing mp3 on amarok01:20
ubotuyakuake: a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.5-4ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 73 kB, installed size 512 kB01:20
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!01:20
tyyyis there a beryl channel?01:21
PhinnForttry #beryl01:21
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PhinnFortchris__: install the package "libxine-extracodecs"01:21
PhinnFortchris__: "sudo aptitude install libxine-extracodecs"01:22
chris__im gonna try via adept installer01:22
PhinnFortchris__: it should enable MP3 support in XINE which amaroK uses to play music01:22
chris__because amarok has a windows popping up to install mp3 support01:22
chris__but dont w<orks fine01:22
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chris__im nex to linux01:23
chris__so i use the console when needed last01:23
PhinnForteveryone is new at some point to pretty much everything;)01:23
chris__lol right01:24
chris__i installed linux cause i lost my M$ cd01:24
PhinnForthow do you like it so far?01:24
chris__i found it yesterday so i re installed windows01:24
chris__but i now prefer kubuntu01:24
stevec_is there a way of exporting a list of installed packages so you can re-install your comp with all current packages easily?01:25
chris__kubuntu works perfectly01:25
chris__dont crash01:25
PhinnFortstevec_: dpkg -l01:25
stevec_cheers PhinnFort01:25
chris__and i,nternet seems faster01:25
chris__i dont know why01:25
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stevec_redistribute static subnets01:25
PhinnFortpsychological, maybe;)01:25
stevec_oops past to wrong window :-s01:26
tyyy is it possible that maybe konqueror in combination with beryl caouses a crash?01:26
PhinnForttyyy: maybe, but I haven't heard about it before01:26
PhinnForttyyy: have you tried Compiz?01:26
stevec_tyyy: anything is possible, beryl is extremely buggy software at present, just don't use it yet01:26
chris__konqeror is fine for computer browsing01:26
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tyyywhats the difference?01:26
PhinnForttyyy: it's also experimental and buggy, but I think it's a bit more stable01:26
chris__but when it comes to the web it dont work fine01:26
PhinnFortchris__: you should also try to install "dolphin" for managing files01:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dolphin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:27
PhinnFortchris__: it doesn't have as many features, but it's more specialized for handling files01:27
PhinnFort!info dolphin01:27
ubotudolphin: File manager for KDE focusing on usability. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 1251 kB, installed size 2252 kB01:27
chris__a lot of people say Ms windows is easier to use01:27
kblogcan anyone tell me whats the difference of a "local group" and "domain group" for openSSH is?01:28
chris__but installing apps under linux is easier01:28
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PhinnFortchris__: most people are used to the Windows way of doing things01:29
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PhinnFort!hi | redguy01:29
uboturedguy: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:29
stevec_uurrgghh i don't like dolphin!01:29
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ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux01:29
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PhinnFortstevec_: why not?01:30
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stevec_PhinnFort: dunno, just used with good old konqy i suppose :-)01:30
jorunnmI am not able to raise the volume on my fujitsu siemens laptop. The volume control on the laptop lies on a hotkey.01:31
PhinnFortstevec_: I forced myself to use it for one day, and afterwards I couldn't go back;)01:31
PhinnFortstevec_: once you get accustomed to it, it's very, very nice01:31
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stevec_PhinnFort: ill try that then :-)01:31
chris__is there a way to install fonts esay01:32
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jorunnmI can't get the volume up. ANybody?01:32
PhinnFortchris__: go to "fonts:/" in konqueror01:32
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stevec_chris__: lots of font packages available in adept manager01:32
PhinnFortchris__: then drag them into there, or copy paste, or however you like to move files01:32
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PhinnFortchris__: you can also use the font-installing tool. Go to run command, type in "kcontrol", search for font, and click on font installer01:33
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ubotuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux01:42
mo0osahis it possible to make all the windows in kde transparent01:42
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Red_Tearis there a channel for all distros?01:43
|lostbyte|Red_Tear, #linuc01:43
|lostbyte|Red_Tear, #linuxhelp01:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about transparent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:43
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PhinnFort!beryl | mo0osah01:45
ubotumo0osah: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:45
mo0osahIs there any way to do it in kwin?01:46
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PhinnFortmo0osah: alt+f2, kcontrol, window behaviour, transparency01:46
|lostbyte|mo0osah, nope01:46
PhinnFort|lostbyte|: it is so01:47
|lostbyte|oh thats for only the title i suppose01:47
PhinnFortkde has shipped kompmgr since 3.5.3 or something01:47
PhinnFort|lostbyte|: no, it's for the whole shebang01:47
chris__where can i fond fonts01:47
PhinnFortchris__: you can search in Adept Package Manager01:47
PhinnFortchris__: or you can search on google01:47
chris__it says adept is already ruinning01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about locked - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:48
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pag!adeptfix | chris__01:49
ubotuchris__: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 01:49
PhinnFortchris__: are you running any other package managers?01:49
PhinnFortchris__: then do as the bot told you01:49
PhinnFortmo0osah: did you find it?01:50
mo0osahYes, but I doesnt seem to make windows translucent01:50
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mo0osahprobably because it's still in beta stages =)01:51
PhinnFortmo0mo0osah: you need to set translucency level and so on;)01:51
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mo0osahSet everything to 50 percent01:51
PhinnFortmo0osah: hit alt+f2 and type "kompmgr" and hit enter01:51
mo0osahThat worked... but what did I just do?01:52
PhinnFortyou started kompmgr, which handles transparency and stuff01:52
mo0osahso i'll have to start it manually everytime01:52
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PhinnFortmo0osah: i don't think so, but you can go to ".kde/Autostart" in your homefolder, right click, new, link to application, kompmgr01:53
PhinnFortbut now I'm going to eat01:53
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mo0osahhehe, thanks PhinnFort01:54
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stevec_anyone know of equivilent software on linux for cisco ip communicator?01:56
knubbeis there any program i can use to "catch" audio-streams? id like to stream rip songs from myspace and save on my hdd01:56
ReMiiRuruWhat java IDE can you suggest me?01:56
knubbeReMiiRuru: eclipse?01:57
ReMiiRuruI'm downloading the package now, but I was wondering if there's something else around...01:57
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SlimeyPetethere's always netbeans01:57
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SlimeyPeteeclipse and netbeans are the two most popular ones.01:58
ReMiiRuruWell, yeah... I guess I'll stick to eclipse till the end of this project and then I'll try out netbeans.01:59
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blekoshi, i want from a windows machine to acces my pc (remote desktop) what should i run on win and what on kde?02:05
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renweysin hier deutsche?02:10
Tm_T!de | renwey02:11
uboturenwey: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:11
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nuublekos: the pc you want to remotely control is running what OS ?02:16
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nuublekos: then you have three main choices, which is remote X, freenx and vnc02:18
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blekoswhat's the easiest to configure?02:19
nuuif the machine you want to remotely admin FROM is running windows, then your best bets are freenx and vnc, with vnc being a winner for ease of configuration02:19
nuutherefore blekos: sudo apt-get install vncserver on the linux machine02:19
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nuuand grab a vnc viewer for windows. I'd pick either ultravnc or realvnc02:20
nuutry both, and get yourself an idea of which is best for you02:20
blekosso, i've installed vncserver, what next?02:20
nuuyou keep reading your irc buffer02:20
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blekosthe thing is i'm using a router how i'll direct my ultravnc to the right computer?02:23
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nuuon the router, you need to forward ports to the linux computer, and from the outside, you'll use your normal external ip02:23
blekosi've registered with dyndns but i dont know if it's going to work02:23
nuuthe ports vnc uses start from 5900 and go up as your X session goes. therefore X session 1 will be 5901, X session 2 will be 5902, and so on.02:24
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nuublekos: if you did it all correctly, and your ip didn't change (or you configured an automatic dyndns updater like ddclient), it'll work a charm.02:24
blekoscould u try to connect to my network, just to see if it's alive02:25
blekosits blekos.dyndns.info02:25
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nuudo you want me to try connecting with vnc to your ip ?02:26
blekoswell, yes. But i dont have any ddclient, and.. havent set up my router for vnc, so i guess i have to set up my router to 590102:27
nuuyes, also set it up for 590002:27
blekosok brb02:27
nuuif you can get to the router though, it means your ip didn't change.02:28
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nuu(i'm assuming you're not in the same location of blekos.dyndns.info)02:29
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blekosrouter should b ok, what do u mean the same location?02:30
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ubuntu_I NEED HELP!02:31
nuusame network02:31
ubuntu_cpucpu is fucking up02:31
nuu!language | ubuntu_02:31
ubotuubuntu_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:31
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ubuntu_I put the cpu frequency scaler on the menu bar and clicked it to get the menu now it's slamin my frequency up and down between 1 GHz and 2GHz02:32
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danny500any help?02:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:34
nuublekos: i can't connect to either 5900 or 590102:34
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blekosis there any chance u have selected on demand danny500?02:34
nuuare you 100% sure the ip hasn't changed ?02:34
blekoshow can i find it out?02:34
nuuand to figure out what ip blekos.dyndns.info points to, you can use the commandline utility "host".02:35
nuuie: open a terminal, and type: host blekos.dyndns.info02:35
danny500yeah it's ondemand right now but I can even pull up the menu for it02:35
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nuuanyway that's the ip i get too, so something's wrong with either the port forwarding or with vnc.02:36
nuublekos: did you try connecting locally to vnc ?02:36
nuutry it02:36
nuufrom another machine, for instance, in the same network02:36
danny500how do I tell it to turn off ondemand?02:36
blekosi've only run nvcserver02:36
nuuwe need to make sure that vnc server is running.02:36
nuumanually ?02:37
blekosif u right click, or select configure u must have dynamic etc02:37
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nuublekos: did you run "vncserver" ?02:38
nuuif so, what did it say ?02:38
blekosotherwise u'll need smg like cpufreq-set -c 0 -g ondemand02:38
blekosfor 1 core02:38
blekosotherwise u'll need smg like cpufreq-set -c 1 -g ondemand02:38
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blekosfor the second02:38
blekoschange ondemand with dynamic02:38
blekosyes vnc server is runnign02:38
nuublekos: are you running kubuntu ?02:39
blekosNew 'X' desktop is blekos-laptop:102:39
nuuah, ok. so it's 590102:39
nuuplease, go to a terminal02:39
nuuand type: netstat -nap | grep vnc02:39
nuupaste output in private, so we don't bother others02:40
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:41
nuublekos: paste output in private to me.02:41
danny500blekos: didn't work02:41
blekosis it /msg nuu?02:42
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danny500blekos: still running at 1GHz02:42
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blekosw8 a min danny02:42
nuublekos, double click my nickname02:42
nuuand a query window will open02:43
c1|freakyhi all. is there a possibility to mount a remote ssh account as a drive automatically when internet access is available - and also automatically start a ssh session to that account in a console or smth.?02:43
nuupaste there02:43
danny500I have a AMD 64 Athlon 3200+ btw02:43
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nuueither that, or use directly http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ , and paste here the URL of your paste02:43
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blekosdanny go here and start where it says others if u have a dual core http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_enable_your_CPU.27s_Power_Saving.2FFrequency_Scaling_features02:44
blekos/msg nuu02:44
blekos(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info02:44
blekos will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)02:44
blekostcp        0      0  *               LISTEN     27772/Xrealvnc02:44
blekostcp6       0      0 :::5901                 :::*                    LISTEN     27772/Xrealvnc02:44
blekosunix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     220401   27772/Xrealvnc      /tmp/.X11-unix/X102:44
blekosunix  3      [ ]          STREAM     CONNECTED     220555   27772/Xrealvnc      /tmp/.X11-unix/X102:44
Jucato!pastebin | blekos02:44
ubotublekos: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:44
blekossorry gyus!!!02:44
blekosnuu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21674/02:45
nuuok blekos, as you can see from line #4, vnc server is listening on all interfaces, port 590102:46
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nuunow....do you have another machine in the network, that you can try to connect to vnc from ?02:46
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blekoswell, yes one with windows02:47
blekosis there any chance i could paste w screenshot of my router settings somewhere?02:48
nuubefore you do that, let's make sure vnc is working and accepting connections. go to your windows machine02:49
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nuuonce you're there, download a vnc viewer02:49
blekoslike realvnc02:49
nuuyes. and then use it to connect locally to the linux machine02:49
nuuusing the LAN ip of the linux machine.02:49
nuudo you know what its LAN ip is ?02:49
olabilanyone got a clue as to why i have to run the nvidia installer every time i reboot, if i want to start x? if i dont it just stops at the kubuntu loading logo02:50
blekosnop, in windows i just do ipconfigure but no idea in linux02:50
nuutypically your eth0, or eth1 interface is the one.02:50
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blekosits eth1, cause its wireless02:50
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blekosok got it02:51
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nuualright. make also sure you can "see" the linux box from windows. open cmd and type "ping <linux box ip>"02:51
blekoshave the address i give it a try give me 5min02:51
nuusure. good luck02:51
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olabilanyone got a clue as to why i have to run the nvidia installer every time i reboot, if i want to start x? if i dont run the installer, X just stops at the kubuntu loading logo02:53
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nuuolabil: did you recently install an older nvidia driver version over an existing one ?02:53
blekosi'm back, my ip is, i do cmd->ping etc and ok02:54
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blekosbut when i run vnc viewer it says connetction time out02:54
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nuublekos: also try typing, in the vnc address box,
nuubecause as i said, default port is 5900.02:55
blekosok i'll try02:55
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olabilnuu: no, just did a fresh reinstall of kubuntu 7.04, downloaded the package and installed it, everything works fine after i've ran the installer, but when i reboot i have to do it again02:56
nuuolabil: is it the nvidia driver package off nvidia.com, or what ?02:57
olabilnuu: yes, latest version off the nvidia.com site02:58
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nuuolabil: did you check X logs for hints of what is causing X not to startup ?02:59
olabilno, good point, where may i find that X log?03:00
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nuutry /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:00
blekosno luck nuu03:00
olabilok thanks, i'll read the log, brb03:00
nuublekos: did you input a password somewhere when starting the vnc server ?03:00
nuunp olabil03:00
nuublekos: i want to see if by any chance, the vncserver is listening correctly. open a terminal in linux, and type telnet localhost 590103:01
nuuyou should see a strange string containing something like "RFB"03:01
nuuand then it should hang there03:02
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blekosyes it dit03:02
blekosrfb 003.00303:02
nuufine. now hit CTRL+C, and you'll be back at command prompt03:02
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nuuon the same linux box, now03:02
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nuutry telnet 590103:02
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blekosok rfb03:03
blekosconnected to .... escape... rfb 003.00303:03
blekosdint ask for psswd03:03
nuugood. so VNC is listening, just you can't get there from windows. Now we'll try the same command, "telnet 5901", from windows03:04
nuudon't worry, that's just a protocol banner, no remote connection is actually happening yet03:04
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olabilwell, now that i've run the package installer already (after previous reboot) the logfile doesnt contain any specific errors. the warnings it pritns me is about nvidia drivers not able to read my monitors EDID.. i'll try the log after i've done a reboot03:05
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blekosno lack03:05
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blekosi'm sooo stupid03:06
nuublekos: most likely a firewall in the middle (or on the windows box, or on the linux box) is preventing your packets from getting there03:06
blekosjust look at that03:06
nuuok, fix it, and report back :)03:06
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felixhwo knows how to install Shoutcast plugin in XMMS ???03:06
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_6StringKng_for some reason kmix isn't starting up when I login anymore03:07
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nuu_6StringKng_: are you in group "audio" ?03:07
nuuopen a terminal, and type groups03:08
n0n4m3is there any good program for writing php and html for kubuntu ?:p03:08
blekosok, I just stopped the firewall03:08
blekosand tried from  vnc03:08
_6StringKng_should be, was fine a little bit ago03:08
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_6StringKng_adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner netdev lpadmin powerdev admin03:08
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blekosthe thing is that i just see an x window (that is an x mouse pointer and a grey screen)03:09
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n0n4m3blekos vnc can be hacked easily03:09
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nuublekos: try running vncserver from root03:09
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n0n4m3nuu do you know any good program for kubuntu for writing php and html03:10
n0n4m3and stuff03:10
n0n4m3you know like dreamweaver03:10
n0n4m3or so:>03:10
nuun0n4m3: nope, sorry03:10
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blekosdo u mean sudo vncserver?03:10
nuublekos: yes03:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quanta - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:10
Jucaton0n4m3: try Quanta03:10
blekoshow do i check i killed vncserver correctly?03:11
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n0n4m3i will try it03:11
_6StringKng_I think I figured it out, nvm03:12
nuublekos: you can use vncserver -clean -kill :103:12
nuuthen :2, etc03:12
nuuand when you retry the command, it should say there is no such vnc server listening there03:12
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nuufelix: caps won't get you helped faster, on the contrary.03:13
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Jucato!shout | felix03:13
ubotufelix: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:13
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blekosok 2 problems i still see the same screen (x windows screen),03:15
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nuublekos: is X started on the linux box ?03:15
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nuualso, do you see a desktop manager like kde or gnome when you use that box locally?03:16
blekoshmm, not sure what u mean, right now i'm using a gui03:16
blekoshm, maybe i did make my self clear, i want to be able to see what i'm looking at right now03:16
nuuyes, and that's what vncserver typically does03:16
nuuapparently it didnt attach to your running X session, though03:17
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n0n4m3Jucato,  tnx03:17
n0n4m3is cool03:17
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nuublekos: so you just see a grey window, with a black X cursor ?03:18
nuuwhat happens if you click your mouse buttons there ?03:19
blekoswould u mind trying to connect just to see that u asked for a pwssd?03:20
n0n4m3blekos i had03:21
n0n4m3this problem too..03:21
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nuublekos: try killing vncserver03:21
nuuand restarting it with vncserver :003:21
nuuto see if that way it attaches to your running X session03:21
nuublekos: of course from windows don't use 5901, just the ip03:22
blekosit says 0 is not takeb because of /tmp/X0-lock03:22
blekosRemove this file if there is no X server blekos-laptop:003:23
blekosA VNC server is already running as :003:23
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blekoscannt connect03:24
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blekoscant connect, i run sudo vncserver :1,03:27
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blekosthen on windows tryid to connect without :5901 but dint make it. It worked with :590203:28
blekosthen on windows tryid to connect without :5901 but dint make it. It worked with :590103:28
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blekosbut have the same grey box03:28
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nuuokay, let's try an even simpler route.03:28
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blekosn0n what did u do for this problem?03:28
blekosi am listenig03:29
dsfdsfdwhat's the comand to partition a filesystem on the live cd?03:29
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nuublekos: sudo apt-get autoremove vncserver03:29
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nuuthen in your internet menu03:30
nuustart Krfb03:30
deeverhow well are these macbook pros supported by kubuntu?03:31
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kblogif i want to connect two pcs with vnc over internet, i'll need openssh, right? do I ALSO need putty then?03:31
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blekosi think i need to logout and log in again03:31
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blekosgive me a sec, cause it seems there are issues03:32
blekoskDEInit could not launch 'konsole03:32
deeverkblog: you better use it, yes03:32
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kblogdeever: both together or just one of them?03:33
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blekosok i'm back03:33
kblogwindowsXP will be server, linux (ubuntu) client03:33
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deeverkblog: VNC should always be tunnelled since it is unencrypted03:33
blekosi started krfb03:33
BullinesHi!  I'm running Kubuntu (Feisty).  I've plugged my USB external hard drive in and I can see it in media:.03:33
kblogdeever: right, as much as i understood, openssh is that app that tunnels, isn't it?03:34
deeverkblog: jap03:34
BullinesBut clicking on it gives me a "hal-storage-remabable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000" error.03:34
kblogdeever: so why do i still need putty?03:34
BullinesIs there something I'm missing?03:34
deeverkblog: for ssh03:34
blekosso what your email nuu?03:35
kblogdeever: im quite confused now... :/03:35
kblogdeever: what does putty then?03:35
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deeverkblog: it tunnels the unencrypted VNC data03:35
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kblogdeever: so what is openssh needed for?03:36
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deeverkblog: for the server-side of your SSH connection03:36
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blekoswb nuu03:37
kblogdeever: ah, if i understand you correctly, i just need putty on the client?03:38
deeverkblog: what you also could do is to install an SSH server on windows, but this setup is not as common as the one with linux acting as your SSH server03:38
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deeverkblog: you have a VNC server and a client...03:38
deeverkblog: ...and an SSH server and a client03:38
kblogright... ubuntu is client... winXP server03:38
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kblogok... i think, i see.03:39
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deeverkblog: the VNC server and the SSH client run on your WinXP box03:39
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kblogthe vnc server has also the ssh server and the vnc client has also the ssh client03:39
deeverkblog: no03:40
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kblogdeever: thank you so far.03:41
deeverkblog: use google for getting a how-to on using VNC-over-SSH03:42
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=== deever : how well are these macbook pros supported by kubuntu?
kblogdeever: i already did... but there were some things that confused me03:42
frodekblog: the -via option to the vncclient does vnc via ssh for you.03:42
deeverfrode: ?03:43
deeverwhich vncclient?03:43
frodedeever: xtighvncviewer for example.03:43
n0n4m3<blekos> n0n what did u do for this problem?03:43
angasuledoes feisty have proper support for the HP LaserJet 1020 printer or is it the same as edgy and dapper? (one has to install foo2zjs from source...)03:44
kblogon the client, i also need putty, right?03:44
deeverfrode: but then you need an SSH-server on windows, don't you?03:44
frodedeever: on the machine you want to go via, yes.03:45
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Sephnrothhey guys03:46
deeverkblog: both VNC and SSH have a client side and a server side...03:47
chris__how do i setup linux to recognize cameras?03:47
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Sephnrothhaving a bit of a weird issue here. running kubuntu, edgy 6.10 amd64.  trying to upgrade to fiesty, adept knows upgrade availiable and gives me a wizard. pressing next brings up, briefly, a download box to show it downloading the distrobution upgrade program.  pressing finish fails to launch it though.. where does it save that file?03:48
kblogdeever: ok, thanks...03:48
Sephnrothso i can run it in a console and see what the error msg is.  i was having problems running excutables earlier too :/03:48
kblogguess i will write a step-by-step manual afterwards...03:48
deeverkblog: ...while the client side of SSH need not be on the same box as the client side of the VNC connection03:48
frodeSephnroth: somewhere in /tmp i don't recall exactly where.03:49
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Sephnrothany idea what the file is called?03:49
frodeSephnroth: you'll find it, it's named upgrader or something.03:49
=== deever : how well are these macbook pros supported by kubuntu?
frodedeever: well.03:50
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deeverfrode: also the ATI cards?03:50
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deeverfrode: "cuz" i have an ATI card here and it's a misery! :(03:51
frode deever, guess so. would be like any other ati card i guess.03:52
deeverfrode: and do you know zattoo?03:52
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frodedeever: no.03:52
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n0n4m3mehdi_,  diwe03:53
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Sephnrothi cant find that file frode - is there anywhere i can download the distrobution updater tool manually?03:54
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chris__how can i extract pictures from a digital camera03:57
frodeSephnroth:  /tmp/kde-<user>/adept-<randomstring>-extract ?03:57
frodechris__: plug it in and start digikam.03:57
Sephnroth/tmp/kde-<myname>/ just contains "ksycoca" - a cyan coloured file name03:59
frodeSephnroth: what about /var/tmp then? - (just guessing)04:00
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Sephnrothi think i found it04:03
Sephnrothin /tmp/kde-root04:03
Arwencompiling software takes an infuriating amount of time :-\04:03
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:04
frodeArwen: what are you compiling?04:04
Arwenfrode, VLC04:05
frodeSephnroth: yeah, that makes sense, as you run adept as root.04:05
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Sephnrothok i THINK its upgrading to fiesty now, i had to run it with python ./dist-upgrade.py - its downloading stuffs and whatnot now04:05
Sephnrothim going to leave it to it and go downstairs for a little while04:06
Sephnroththanks for your help frode :)04:06
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frodeSephnroth: happy to be helpfull :)04:06
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AyabaraShould connecting a kubuntu laptop to an lcd tv via vga be plug n' play?04:08
stevec_anyone know of equivilent software on linux for cisco ip communicator?04:09
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frodeAyabara: depends on the graphics adapter in the laptop.04:09
frodestevec_: what does that do?04:10
Ayabarafrode: ati m30004:10
stevec_frode: ip phone, connects back to a cisco callmanager04:10
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hugo_Alguem do Brasil ai????04:11
frodeAyabara: did you try to connect it?04:14
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frodestevec_: not aware of any drop in replacements for that. might find some magic at google or freshmeat.04:15
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pm2I installed the vmware player on kubuntu feisty.  For networking to work, I had to manually modprobe vmnet and vmmon, and run vmnet-bridge.  On the guest OS (win2k), I'm able to access the internet, but I cannot access my host os.  Any ideas?04:17
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pm2If, in IE, I type in the IP for my host os (which is running a lighttpd server) it says "website found", but never connects to it04:18
pm2ping says request timed out...04:18
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Arwengah, I hate debian packaging...04:19
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frodeArwen: why?04:19
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Arwenfrode, it's so f***ing confusing04:19
frodeArwen: anything special you have problems with?04:20
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Ayabarafrode: not yet. going to a barbeque in 20 minutes, and if it's not likely to be plug and play, I'll wait :-)04:20
Arwenfrode, yeah....... making packages...04:20
Arwenit's too hard...04:20
pm2I can, however, access my router04:21
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frodeArwen: you would need to break that down to some issue, if you want help :)04:22
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frodepm2: not knowing much about how vmware-bridging works, my guess would be some firewall-rule blocks your requests.04:22
Ace2016hi all04:23
Ace2016how do i make a backup of whatever "sudo sysv-rc-conf" edits?04:23
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Arwenfrode, never mind, I just made a typo in one of my control files :-\04:23
pm2frode, I can't figure out which firewall would be blocking it... iptables is wide open on the host, all firewalling is done at the router04:23
Dragnslcrpm2- I believe I had that problem too. For some reason, the guest and host could ping each other, but couldn't connect over TCP04:23
pm2Dragnslcr, I can't even get ping to work04:24
mart81in feisty, my knetworkmanager does not list my wifi card anymore, so now i can't connect anymore. Any ideas?04:24
Dragnslcrpm2- do the host and guest have different IP addresses?04:24
pm2Well, correction - I can ping the guest from the host, but not the other way around04:24
pm2Dragnslcr, yes, the guest is, and the host is
DragnslcrSounds like the same problem I had04:24
pm2Were you able to fix it?04:25
pm2It was working on the previous version of kubuntu, but stopped working after I upgraded04:25
DragnslcrOnly person that tried helping me thought it was a limitation of VMWare04:25
pm2I've tried both the packages from vmware, as well as the ones in the apt repos04:25
DragnslcrI never did manage to fix it04:26
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OlliKHi, all!04:26
stevec_hi OlliK04:26
OlliKI'm having a problem with sound system (can't hear anything).. All settings seems ok etc. Is there any place where I can see if Kubuntu has succesfully found the integrated sound card?04:27
OlliKI've been trying different settings with Kmix (the sound mixer), playing sound files, trying the "test sound" button in the settings04:28
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mart81which nokia support ssh?04:30
stevec_nokia what?04:30
mart81just curious, i am searching for one04:30
OlliKThe computer has intel chipset and I think it probably has AC97-combatible sound system04:30
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stevec_mart81: google nokia phone ssh, the first link shows one that does04:31
OlliKmart81: You probably have to be more specific, which phone?04:31
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=== stevec_ wishes would learn how to google
DragnslcrOlliK- which output are you using?04:31
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mart81well, that is what i am after, i like the 6288, but i need to be able to view rtorrent on my machine from that04:31
OlliKDragnslcr: I've tried the line out and also headphone jack, didn't hear anything from either of them04:32
DragnslcrCheck KMix to make sure nothing is muted. That's all I can think of04:32
okapiwhat is backport module?04:32
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DragnslcrI had trouble with my sound, but I was using the digital output and didn't know about alsamixer04:33
OlliKDragnslcr: Do you know if there is a place in Kubuntu where I could see which hardware it has found in the computer?04:33
OlliKDragnslcr: If I could find a place like that, I could at least see if it has found any sound hardware.04:34
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stevec_OlliK: lspci, dmesg04:34
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OlliKstevec_: thanks04:35
OlliKMultimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)04:35
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OlliKSo it definately has found the sound system.. Now I just have to figure out why I can't hear anything04:35
stevec_OlliK: does alsamixer seem to be working?04:35
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OlliKI don't seem to have alsamixer program installed, I'll check if I can apt-get it and try04:36
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stevec_ive never installed anything special to get it, was just installed04:37
OlliKstevec_: The only mixer program that I've found so far is the KMix04:37
BluesKajOlliK, type alsamixer in the terminal ,...it's installed on feisty by default04:37
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stevec_OlliK: ive you havent got it, install alsa-utils package04:37
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OlliKIt works, I typed alsamixer in terminal04:37
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OlliKit seems to be working04:38
phoenixbyrdI just click the sound icon in the taskbar and then the mixer button to change the volume04:38
stevec_OlliK: do any channels show as muted? they will show MM at the bottom of the bar04:38
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OlliKline jack sense seems to be off04:39
aGNUsticAnyone here running Kubuntu installed on Apple machines? I tested the latest Kubuntu Live CD on an Intel based Mini and it works without fail.04:40
OlliKalso line is muted04:40
stevec_OlliK: press m to unmute after using arrows to highlight that column04:40
chris__imhaving troubles with digikam help!04:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about digikamfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about digikam-fix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
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OlliKstevec_: Still can't hear anything, that was probably the line-in04:42
stevec_OlliK: not sure then, everything seems to be fine :-s04:42
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tahsincan anyone help me install kbfx ?04:43
stevec_tahsin: install from adept manager04:43
OlliKYep, that's the strange thing. Everything seems to be working perfectly, it has found the sound card and the typical things like mixer volume settings / mutes are all ok04:43
chris__digikam refuses to load my camera04:43
tahsinstevec_ i tried and installed succesfully but it doesnt work04:43
tahsinstevec_ i cant change anything04:44
stevec_tahsin: not sure then, never uses it04:44
stevec_tahsin: just installing it now to try :-)04:44
tahsinstevec_ can u help me change the grub boot splash image ?04:44
tahsinstevec_ thanks04:44
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stevec_tahsin: nah, ive disabled the splash image on my machine04:45
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OlliKNow this is strange, I tried to plug the headphones off and I heard sound coming from the speaker in the PC (it's kind of mini-media-pc which has integrated speaker for main sounds too)04:46
stevec_tahsin: dont have a clue how to get kbfx started :-)04:46
tahsinstevec_ thanks anyway :-)04:46
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OlliKBut whenever I plug headphones in into the front headphone jack or rear line-out jack, it' just muted..04:46
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stevec_tahsin: ah need to logout and back in :-)04:47
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stevec_tahsin: nah still cant see anything different04:49
tahsinstevec_ :-( yes i knw04:49
stevec_tahsin: can you get on www.kbfx.org seems to be down for me04:49
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alice_hi everyone04:49
BluesKajOlliK, check this out , there are some helpful hints here: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dolby_Digital_Out_(AC3,_SPDIF)04:49
DragnslcrOlliK- the speakers might get muted when you plug in headphones (since if you have headphones, the system assumes you're using them instead of the regular speakers)04:49
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tahsinstevec_ okay but i gotta go now c ya04:50
stevec_BluesKaj: good old gentoo :-)04:50
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OlliKDragnslcr: Yep that's how the PC does it by hardware.. I guess it's a hardware problem with the PC, it's not directing the sound to the headphones04:51
alice_hum, I would like to launch Konsole with alt+F3, anybody can say me how I might do that please?04:51
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BluesKajdunno , never used it , but must be debian based , cuz the commands are the same.04:51
OlliKthanks BluesKaj, checking it out04:52
DragnslcrOlliK- check the settings in KMix. Make sure the headphones aren't muted04:52
stevec_BluesKaj: nah you build it all from source, its good but a pain in the arse, hence why I turned my desktop to kubuntu. my server are still on gentoo though04:52
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BluesKajjust hope it helps , OlliK04:52
DragnslcrBluesKaj- and no, Gentoo is not based on Debian04:52
OlliKDragnslcr: It seems there is no special volume for headphones in KMix04:52
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OlliKjust Master / Master Mono etc04:52
BluesKajwell the commands on that page work in kubuntu04:53
DragnslcrOlliK- check the switches tab04:53
stevec_BluesKaj: linux is linux after all, there similar to a certain extent04:53
DragnslcrBluesKaj- probably because they both us ALSA04:53
stevec_they're even04:53
DragnslcrEr, use04:53
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BluesKajthe page helped me get my digital out/ spdif working to send a signal to my HT receiver in the tv room04:54
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illriginalGuys I'm trying to open a windows file (.EXE) and Wine will not even start up... I'm getting NO response from the double clicking.04:56
BluesKajOlliK, the idea is to get all the signals into pcm thru the mixer , then to all outputs04:56
Jucatoillriginal: you will have to run it from the command line. "wine filename.exe"04:56
Captain_HaddockHi, I just performed a dist-upgrade from edgy to feisty. I am having problems with Samba - I can browse other boxen on the network using Samba. But I can't browse the samba shares on this feisty box from other computers.04:56
Captain_HaddockAny ideas why?04:56
stevec_illriginal: you have to run wine command.exre04:56
=== stevec_ is off to play graw2 on xbox360 live for a bit :-)
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mart81what module reloads the networking stuff for wifi?05:00
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mart81can anyone tell me why my wifi does not work correctly?05:05
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edgyHi, I just plugged my new Lacie rugged external HD and sudo fdisk -l doesn't show any thing but my main HD, what shall I do?05:09
Dragnslcredgy- I'm having the same issue with an SATA drive. If I find out anything, I'll let ya know05:10
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caris_mereI am trying to set up some filtering, and the command I am supposed to give is "chkconfig", but it says that this comman is not found.05:16
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caris_mereanybody here?05:17
ragcaris_mere: what filter?05:18
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caris_mererag: dansguardian05:19
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DJServershelp me! plz everytime i try so connect on my mysql database it gets an error someon now what to do?05:20
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl05:20
ragcaris_mere: i dont know dans, look internet!05:20
caris_mererag: I am just trying to make sure my iptables are started at boot time and to start the iptables firewall05:21
caris_mererag: It says I should use "chkdonfig iptables on", but then my computer says "chkconfig: command not found"05:21
caris_mererag: chkconfig05:22
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ragcaris_mere: in kubuntu? to put iptables on start, chkconfig not sound me05:23
caris_mererag: I am using kubuntu, but the article may not have been written for kubuntu. So I should use start?05:24
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ragcaris_mere: of course chkconfig is for gentoo maybe, no?05:25
caris_mererag: do you know what command I need to use?05:25
rimtechHow can I see how much memory each task is using??? if i type free from the console it says i've used all 1gb of my ram... that's worse than vista???05:25
ragcaris_mere: think in it ;)05:25
Jucato!ram | rimtech05:26
uboturimtech: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html05:26
ragcaris_mere: always, i use run level modification services, for start more services05:26
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Jucatorimtech: no, it's not worse than vista. the fact is that Linux and Windows use RAM quite differently. please read that FAQ link for more info05:26
caris_mererag: ok, thanks05:26
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cox377can anyone recommend an app to joint 2 avi files together?05:28
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:30
caris_mererag: still haven't gotten the iptables set up. I'm unclear as to what command I should use05:30
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kblogif i enter "ssd <ip-address> (whith the correct ip-address, of course), then i get asked for the password.05:31
kbloghow do i change it? i have physical access to this computer05:31
kblogits winXP05:31
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caris_mereNeed help with iptables. I need to start them05:33
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tanjahello i checked command: cat /proc/cpuinfo  --> cpu MHz writes 800MHz, is supose to be 2.0GHz, is that troustable resolut05:33
ahmedguys,, on kubuntu firefox used to work greatly now i try opening it , it shows down in the taskbar starting firefox but then closes with out even showing its window plzzz help05:33
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SlimeyPetetanja: does your processor have speedstep?05:34
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tanjawhat is that05:34
SlimeyPetetanja: it's a power-saving technology found in laptops05:34
tanjahow can i check that, otherwise i use laptop yes05:35
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:35
ragcaris_mere: please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo05:35
SlimeyPetetanja: if it's a failry modern laptop thenit'll have speedstep. This means your processor will run slowly (800mhz) when you're not doing much, but when you run something very intensive it will speed up to 2ghz.05:35
ragcaris_mere: u must use on /etc/network/interfaces, for when up interface, load rules05:36
ragis betterr05:36
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tanjai see05:36
ragcaris_mere: for security05:36
caris_mererag: I can't use my internet, now that I've made these changes05:36
ragbye *05:36
tanjawhat do u suggest to do, to test it05:36
ahmedguys,, on kubuntu firefox used to work greatly now i try opening it , it shows down in the taskbar starting firefox but then closes with out even showing its window plzzz help05:36
ragcaris_mere: stop iptables ;)05:36
SlimeyPetetanja: run a distributed computing client such as folding@home for a while, then check again.05:37
caris_mererag: thanks05:37
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SlimeyPetetanja: but make sure you remove the client afterwards (running a distributed computing client will drain your battery very quickly)05:38
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ragcaris_mere: np05:38
tanjai have it pluged in electricity05:38
lolahow can i05:38
lola get to05:38
lolathe italian05:38
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:39
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caris_mererag: I'm getting nowhere.  Is it possible to be a bit more clear?05:43
caris_mererag: Can you tell me how to stop the iptables?05:44
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cytHi all, what is the easy way to resize my photos to other resolution?05:49
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ubunturoshow do I set my screen resolution to 72 dpi using a GUI tool?05:53
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ubunturos(just curious)05:53
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Captain_Haddockcyt: maybe with GIMP..05:57
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Captain_Haddockor you can try imagemagick.05:57
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cytCaptain_Haddock: Thanks :)05:58
DJServersCan someone help me i am missing a file for mysqld the file is: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock has someone got that one?05:58
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arkanabarevery time I use kubuntu, /etc/resolv.conf reverts to default -- doesn't happen with GNOME/ubuntu.  How do I stop this?05:59
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Captain_Haddockarkanabar: it probably happens when you run some kinda network config utility.06:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bittorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:02
jrdnyquisthas anyone else had trouble in kbuntu feisty with nvidia restricted drivers + beryl? No matter what I try I can't get beryl working correctly and there are no prolems at all in Gnome06:02
loxley_arkanabar: its because you probably use dhcp, set static and it will not be updated06:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ktorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:03
n0n4m3does anyone know an easy program for writing html and php code... like dreamweaver...?06:03
jrdnyquistn0n4m3, http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/index.html06:04
Captain_Haddockquanta, eclipse, bluefish etc.06:04
n0n4m3thanks :)06:04
LattyOK. I have got a friend, we both got keys set up, gave each other our public ones, set everything up in kopete, but we only see encrypted text, it doesn't get decrypted.06:05
LattyCould someone help?06:05
OlliKYo everyone who helped me with my sound problem, I got it fixed now06:05
DragnslcrOlliK- what was it?06:05
OlliKI had to edit some file /etc/modprobe.d/something and add there options intel8x0 ac97_quirk=306:06
OlliKthe mixer volumes are all messed up but at least the headphone jack works now06:06
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OlliKThen I had to sudo update-modules and restart the system06:07
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ubotushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Feisty (7.04) CDs06:07
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arkanabarLoxley_, Captain_Haddock, does this mean I'll have to sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf every single time I log into kubuntu?06:08
jrdnyquistis anyone here using beryl successfully with kubuntu feisty?06:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mysqlserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:08
Captain_Haddockarkanabar: you should try finding out which program is overwriting it.06:09
stevec_jrdnyquist: yeah, just installed it today actually06:09
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:09
arkanabarsounds good ... how?06:09
jrdnyquiststevec_, you running ati or nvidia?06:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mysqld - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:09
n0n4m3in bluefish06:09
DJServerscan someone plz help me i need a file called mysqld.sock06:09
Captain_Haddockarkanabar: if you just want to fix it, I suppose you can just remove write permissions altogether :)06:09
stevec_jrdnyquist: ati06:09
arkanabarI don't think that's an option06:09
dr_willisDJServers,  where/why are you getting this info at?06:09
jrdnyquiststevec_, arggg :(06:09
n0n4m3is there the option you have the prewiev mode and then you type there and stuff and in the source mode is then there the code ?06:09
stevec_DJServers: have you tried to restart mysqld?06:10
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n0n4m3anyone ?:D06:10
DJServersyeah but it dusnt work because it needs mysqld.sock and it is not in the map06:10
=== dr_willis wonders what a .sock file is. a socket?
stevec_DJServers: quick google provided this link http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,42525,4252506:11
arkanabarcaptain_haddock, any suggestions how I could find out which part of kubuntu-desktop is overwriting /etc/resolv.conf ?06:11
n0n4m3anyone ?06:11
angasuledr_willis: it's a wrapper file for the .foot files06:11
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jrdnyquistn0n4m3, install it and find out06:11
n0n4m3i did it06:12
Daisuke_Idooh dear god this has de-evolved into a windows-like help channel.06:12
jrdnyquistread the docs06:12
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stevec_Daisuke_Ido: :-)06:12
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Daisuke_Idoi'm not smiling.06:12
dr_willisarkanabar,  i recall seeing that issue befor. its some network service/feature thats doing it - if i rember right. I bet the forums have details.06:12
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bioflamehello all06:12
dr_willisarkanabar,  i just cant rember what caused it.  :) had it happen once ages ago also.06:13
bioflameI have a Q?06:13
bioflamewhat is account server called on linux06:13
dr_willisaccount server?06:13
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stevec_whats an account server? you mean like a directory, openldap?06:13
arkanabardr_willis , thanks.  I'll search ubuntuforums for /etc/resolv.conf06:13
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bioflamelike AD for windows06:14
stevec_bioflame: openldap, i use it at home06:14
bioflamewhat server controls the account06:14
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stevec_bioflame: bit tricky yo get going iirc06:14
dr_willisthe 'root' user is the defacto controlling account. :) but access to 'root' is used with the 'sudo' command normally06:14
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dr_willisand the 'first' user has permission to sudi.06:14
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=== stevec_ wonders why no-one uses google these days *sigh*
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bioflamei hit google got a bunch a BS06:16
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dr_willistheres the ubuntu/kubuntu starter guides also.06:16
bioflamehmm good point06:16
dr_willisgiven how you asked the question. Im not suprised. :)06:16
bioflamei dont really know what to call it06:17
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liedwish me luck, i'm just installing kubuntu :)06:17
DJServersNo It Still dunst work that link you gave me06:17
dr_williswindows calles it the 'administrator' account.  most unix's call it the 'root' account.06:17
bioflamenot really what i am looking for06:18
lieddr_willis:  hm i think its called system under win06:18
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bioflamewindows call it AD06:18
liedActive Directory?06:18
bioflameis there an AD for linux06:18
dr_willislocate  mysqld.sock  -> cant find it at all.06:18
liedbioflame:  LDAP :)06:18
DJServersstevec_ have you got mysql server? cant you send me the mysqld.sock06:18
bioflameLDAP is Linux AD?06:18
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dr_willisActive Directory is not the same as the 'root' user account.  now is it. its a different.. err.. thing. :006:18
liedbioflame:  hm not exactly06:19
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ubotuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer06:19
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liedbioflame: active directory uses ldap06:19
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liedbioflame:  but if you realy need a AD you have to use windows sry06:20
bioflameok thanx all....I know what i a looking for now06:20
rbrunhuberlied: you can access active directory like ldap.06:20
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morphinexhey folks, in xfce there is a way to make minimized windows into icons on the desktop - can KDE do this?06:20
liedrbrunhuber:  and what is in the backend of AD?06:20
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rbrunhuberlied: afaik it's not a real ldap.06:21
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dr_willismorphinex,   i saw a program to do JUST that  - its int he repos.. and i forget its name. :)06:21
JohnManyone know how to get sound working on Toshiba Satellite Pro P100-465? Intel 945PM Express chipset btw06:21
liedrbrunhuber:  afaik it is ldap :)06:21
angasulemorphinex: I hadn't seen that since windows 3.11 heh I have never seen it in KDE06:21
rayluto do what, dr_willis/morphinex?06:21
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dr_willismorpheus_,  every time ya minimized a program it made a icon on the desktop that would unminimize it.06:21
dr_williswhat was its name.. hmmm06:21
morphinexraylu: to make minimized windows into icons on the desktop06:21
dr_willisbackstep - Draws icons for minimized windows on your desktop06:22
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liedhm the installtion hangs by 24% :(06:22
morphinexdr_willis: thanks, I'll try it06:23
nininaI know this is a long shot, but does anyone in here know how to make it so I can view japanese fonts in a wordprocessor?06:23
Daisuke_Idoto be fair, win 3.11 was the best version of windows.06:23
lied"Dateien werden kopiert" copying the files06:23
Daisuke_Idoninina: install language-support-jp06:23
morphinexDaisuke_Ido: I was playing with xubuntu, which has built-in support for this, and I liked it06:23
Daisuke_Idomorphinex: i run xubuntu on a 600mhz machine06:23
JohnMintel 945 chipset sound, anyone get it working?06:24
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Daisuke_Idonice little lightweight system06:24
nininaDaisuke_Ido: Thanks, some how I missed that when I was scanning the packages06:24
morphinexDaisuke_Ido: yeah, it is very slick, I run it on a couple slower/lower memory machines too. I thought aobut using it instead of KDE for awhile06:24
Daisuke_Idono problem, it's a metapackage, you MIGHT need fonts that support kanji, but i'm not sure06:24
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morphinexanyway, this backstep thing does exactly what I want, thanks guys06:25
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morphinexI have tons of empty desktop space, but I hate top/bottom bars06:26
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dr_willisi hate things on the desktop. i perfer bars. :)06:27
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dr_williswhen you alsays have your programs fullscreen'ed  ya dont see things on the desktop06:27
morphinexnever could get all the bars to play nice across two monitors either06:27
angasuleI have an empty desktop and a single bar with almost nothing in it06:28
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angasulekatapult for teh win :D06:28
dr_willisdont like katapult either06:28
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angasulewhy not??06:28
dr_willisi have the 5 programs or so i got on a panel. with some other applets in the panel for info. its all i need.06:28
nininaDaisuke_Ido: it works with some programs only hehe, I'll just have to figure out what they are06:29
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angasuleoh, a single bar is enough for that06:29
dr_willisplus katapult does not play nicely with the use of XDMCP/XIMNG on my windows machine06:29
dr_willisXming. :)06:29
kevinhio, does somebody know anything about the mysterious 28% problem with the network.manager?06:29
angasuleno idea what xmastreeing is06:29
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dr_willismy current linux desktop machine is down stairs. I jsut 'xdmcp' to it from the windows box's06:29
morphinexI used the suse menu thing -- can't remember its name -- along with kooldock06:30
dr_willisijust wish these disrtos would have a option to uise the 'default/vanilla' kde/gnome layouts.06:30
angasuledr_willis: ah, remote X?06:30
raylukevin, wireless?06:30
dr_willisall these little tweaks often cause more problems from a 'tech' support point of view06:30
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JohnMhello pete06:32
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arkanabardr_willis, captain_haddock, loxley_, I found what I hope is an answer:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128254 post #13, option 3.  I've applied it, now to try it out.06:34
=== dr_willis has totally frogotten the question. :)
Ace2016Hi all06:35
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Ace2016anyone know how to get tty to keep the output, so that i can switch to xorg and back to tty and use shift+page up to go back in history?06:36
arkanabarX restart via ctrl-alt-backspace, and things are working fine after relogging into kubuntu desktop!  yay!06:36
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dr_willishmm.. i wonder why restarting X would affect your network settings :)06:37
dr_willisbut if it works06:37
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dr_willisAce2016,  check out 'screen'06:37
Captain_Haddockarkanabar: you might want to restart the PC itself.06:37
arkanabarwell, I didn't want to reboot entirely ... and it was always logging into kubuntu that blew it before.  Yes, I'll try complete reboot.06:38
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cashvalentine^^How do add/delete/change fonts in kubuntu?  It ain't in System Settings.06:41
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arkanabarhah!  seems to have actually worked!06:42
lolasorry is there anybody who know haw to connect AIM?????06:42
raylucashvalentine^^, to install, you can just right-click and install from the context menu on a .ttf06:42
arkanabarcashvalentine:  open konqueror to fonts:/// and drag them in .... then, there's a script to run, I can't remember the name.06:42
Jucatocashvalentine^^: System Settings -> Appearance -> Font Installer06:42
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raylulola, you can use kopete or gaim06:42
lolaand then??06:43
arkanabarlola -- Kopete should walk you through it.06:43
lolabut it doesn't06:43
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raylulola, what do you see when you start kopete?06:43
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cashvalentine^^Jucato: thx06:44
lolanothing..i only see a white page06:44
bioflameok i found out how AD and linux talk06:44
raylulola, settings > configure kopete06:44
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ahmedhi,guys i have just installed ubuntu , and i was wondering how will i install my adsl usb modem driver on it ? can any one help plz... adsl usb star modem um104006:44
bioflamewhat is the user account management software for linux?????????????/06:45
lied_is there an option to install kubuntu from the internet and not from cd?06:45
raylubioflame, enough with the question marks.06:45
lied_bioflame:  bash?06:45
raylubioflame, kmenu > system settings > users and groups06:45
lied_bioflame:  what do you want to do? sudo adduser -m <username>06:45
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raylulied_, do you have a copy of linux already installed? there is the kubuntu-desktop package06:45
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lied_raylu: no06:46
ahmedhi,guys i have just installed ubuntu , and i was wondering how will i install my adsl usb modem driver on it ? can any one help plz... adsl usb star modem um104006:46
lolaraylu i see that you are expert  with linux...how can i connect MSN??06:46
arkanabarlied_, I started with an ubuntu 6.06 liveCD, upgraded to edgy, then did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:46
rayluthen what do you suppose will be doing the installing? it needs to boot into to something that can install kubuntu06:46
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lied_raylu: i want to install but the isntallcd has got some errors. i have no other cdrom here and no cd burner06:46
raylulola, lol...i'm nowhere near an expert. do the same thing for aim, but choose msn as the protocol06:46
lied_lola:  you can connect by kopete06:47
raylulied_, what's the error? you can also install a copy of kubuntu in windows06:47
LectusHello! I installed beryl and now X won't start! It hangs on a screen with the NVIDIA logo. How to solve this?06:47
lolaok...i just need to connect aim06:47
lied_i have no windows here ...06:47
BluesKajahmed , have you checked to see if it's listed in : system settings/network settings /network connections06:47
lolaraylu..but how??06:47
lied_normally i use gentoo but my harddisk crashed and i want a quick solution so i pick kubuntu06:48
raylulola, settings > configure kopete > accounts > new06:48
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues06:48
arkanabarahmed, the driver may be in restricted repositories, try enabling those06:48
Jucatolied_: ^^^^^06:48
raylulied_, what are you in right now?06:48
lied_raylu:  kubuntu livecd06:48
lied_Jucato: thx06:49
arkanabarlied_, why not just install it from there?06:49
LectusHelp me! Installed beryl and now Kubuntu won't start!06:49
ahmedguys does kubuntu have the pnp function ?? plug nd play// i mean if i connected a hard ware will it detect it automatically once its plugeD ??06:49
lolaraylu..but if i open settings there isn't configure kopete06:49
raylulola, what is there?06:49
bioflameI want to know what the program is called.. I know how to use Bash to make accounts... Is there a name for it ?06:50
raylulied_, oh...i thought you couldn't get into the livecd. in that case, what's the error when you try to install?06:50
s330d3rhave an issue with getting my wifi working on my dell lattitude 8200 (card is Lucent WaveLAN/IEEE)  sees the card, installs the drivers, but then cannot connect to any wifi networks06:50
arkanabarahmed , give it a shot.  you are unlikely to break anything.06:50
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lied_raylu:  it hangs by 24% and i get cdrom errors on the terminal06:50
raylulied_, o.0. i would tell you to check cdrom integrity, but i suppose that's not going to help06:51
lied_raylu:  but i think https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux so it can go :) i create another partition and install grub :)06:51
lied_raylu:  done this already one file is corrupted06:51
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lolaraylu:configure toolbars,plugins,notification,global shortcuts,shortcuts...and..configure(alone)06:52
arkanabardoes Konqueror have a keyboard shortcut to move between tabs?06:52
raylulola, ...oops. just configure, then06:52
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Jucatoarkanabar: Ctrl+, and Ctrl+. or set your own06:52
rayluarkanabar, settings > configure shortcuts06:52
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arkanabar^[ and ^]  are working defaults :)06:54
lolaraylu what shoul i do?06:55
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lied_can someone please write me this url (http://tinyurl.com/38p84c) when i'm comming back (have to reboot ...)06:55
Jucatoarkanabar: yeah. but the Ctrl+,/. work on all KDE apps with tabs (except Konsole)06:55
Daisuke_Idoit's a tinyurl, why not just write it down06:56
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cox377Hello all, i'm having some probs.. could someone check out this paste bin and tell me what i'm doing wrong06:56
LectusI installed beryl on Kubuntu 7.04 and now KDE can't start. Any help?06:56
BFH-KubAny Second Life experts on the board /06:56
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Daisuke_Ido1) this isn't a "board", and 2) you'd be better off going to the second life forums06:57
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Daisuke_IdoLectus: ati or nvidia?06:57
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Daisuke_Idogot the newest drivers installed?06:58
BFH-Kubtried loads of stuff06:58
Daisuke_IdoLectus: kde won't start at all?06:59
esacan somebody help me on getting sound working on Intel ICH4 card with Kubuntu 7.04?06:59
arkanabarJucato, thanks, I'll remember that.  Just couldn't see the ., in the dialog06:59
Daisuke_Idoand what instructions did you dollow to install beryl?06:59
BFH-KubIt starts up now, I get the SL login screen, but then the screen freezes about halfway through init06:59
LectusDaisuke_Ido: yes... it hangs06:59
Daisuke_IdoBFH-Kub: like i said, the SL forum would be a better place to ask about that.07:00
LectusDaisuke_Ido: Can't find the link right now... I just want to remove beryl and make it work as before.07:00
BFH-KubI'm sorry I offended your manlyhood. It won't happen again.07:00
Daisuke_IdoLectus: beryl shouldn't preclude kde from working at all07:00
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Lectuswell, it starts very slow07:00
Daisuke_IdoBFH-Kub: no need for an attitude, just trying to point you to people that would probably know more about your problem than us07:00
Lectusalmost hanging07:01
ahmedguys does kubuntu have java runtime enviroment installed ?07:01
arkanabarlectus, maybe sudo apt-get uninstall beryl ?07:01
LectusI think my machine isn't ready for beryl07:01
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Daisuke_IdoLectus: possibly not, you can remove it and see what happens07:01
LectusI tried that07:01
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liedhello again07:01
Lectusbut now it doesn't start at all07:01
liedurl please :)07:01
esaIntel 83801DB-ICH4 on Kubuntu 7.04... Has somebody an idea?07:01
Daisuke_Idolied: no one wrote it down, sorry.07:01
ahmeddoes any one know a good java ide on linux then ??07:01
Lectusthe only thing I can start is recovery mode07:02
Daisuke_Idoahmed: how about... SUN?07:02
liedDaisuke_Ido: lol :)07:02
esaAhmed... ECLIPSE07:02
liedDaisuke_Ido: scroll up with "page up"07:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about socket - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:02
arkanabarlectus, I may not have the correct package name.07:02
ahmedwell other that eclipse07:02
DJServerssomeone where to get a mysqld.sock file?07:02
ahmedcause eclipse swing designer is baddd07:02
Daisuke_Idolied: i was being sarcastic07:02
Daisuke_IdoLectus: did you use XGL?07:03
ahmedDaisuke_Ido: SUN ??07:03
equexhow can i get rid of ati propiteary driver from 7.04 ? installing them was probably not a good idea, now i cant reenable my 3d07:03
DJServerswhere do i get a mysqld.sock file?\07:03
LectusDaisuke_Ido: yes07:03
Daisuke_Idoahmed: sun's java sdk, but that doesn't really help the IDE part...07:03
BluesKajLectus, ctrl+alt+F1 at the prompt sudo apt-get remove beryl , then ctrl+alt+F7 , should get you back to the login page07:03
ahmedam askin abt an ide07:03
ahmedi used to use jcreator07:03
Daisuke_IdoLectus: you have an nvidia card07:04
ahmedis there is a linux version for it ?07:04
Daisuke_Idoand you chose to use XGL07:04
LectusBluesKaj: I'll try... thanks07:04
Daisuke_IdoBluesKaj: he used xgl which means he had to edit the kde startup script thing07:05
Daisuke_Idowhich means broken all to heck07:05
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DJServerswhere do i get a mysqld.sock file?07:05
BluesKajwell , let him try that first07:05
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Daisuke_Idoand with an nvidia card...  should have just installed the drivers and beryl and been good with it07:05
arkanabarblueskaj, lectus told me he tried sudo apt-get uninstall beryl already07:05
BluesKajhe may have to reboot07:05
Daisuke_Idoinstead of following the instructions to get beryl working with an ati card (XGL instead of AIGLX)07:06
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BluesKajit's hard to remove when you're running in X , arkanabar07:06
LectusDaisuke_Ido: I fount it07:06
Lectushttp://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Feisty_with_nVidia was this tutorial07:07
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ubuntuI need help07:08
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Daisuke_Idosorry for caps, copy/paste07:08
Daisuke_Ido!ask | ubuntu07:08
ubotuubuntu: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:08
artabrahaoHow install vnc server?07:08
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jhutchinsDaisuke_Ido: What a pity ubuntu has no meaningful runlevels, or you could just boot to runlevel three to fix things like that.07:08
LectusDaisuke_Ido: =\07:08
liedartabrahao:  sudo aptitude install tightvnc07:08
LectusDaisuke_Ido: What to do now?07:08
BluesKajyou can't remove beryl when X is running , if beryl has broken it ...has to be reconfigged from the TTY prompt ...I know cuz it happened to me .07:08
liedartabrahao:  sudo aptitude install x11vnc07:08
ubuntuI'm on a liveCD in ubuntu now. I dual boot XP and ubuntu07:09
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Daisuke_Idojhutchins: was that sarcasm or is ubuntu actually lacking runlevels?07:09
ubuntucan someone read my forum post about my predicament?07:09
rayluDaisuke_Ido, it's not that big of a problem. as long as you've backed up your xorg.conf, you can always restore it in a console07:09
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jhutchinsDaisuke_Ido: It lacks meaningful runlevels.07:09
artabrahao<lied> tks07:09
liedubuntu:  your are in _k_ubuntu!07:09
jhutchinsDaisuke_Ido: 2-5 are identical.07:09
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ubuntuyeah, this is the default channel Konversation logged me into07:09
liedartabrahao:  these are two different vnc server!07:09
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david2_I used the webbrowser to set up a printer07:10
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Daisuke_Idoraylu: that's great, except to start kde with xgl you have to edit your kde startup script which isn't in xorg.conf :)07:10
liedartabrahao:  have also a look at i thinks its called krfb07:10
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david2_I got it going on that computer but I want to share it with others07:10
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compilerwriterAm I correct in believing vmware to be installed with 7.04 already?07:10
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:10
david2_I aint doing it right07:10
artabrahao<lied> is the same of sudo -apt get install x11vnc?07:10
liedartabrahao:  yes07:11
liedartabrahao:  there are many implementations of vnc in linux...07:11
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liedartabrahao: i normally use tightvnc07:11
liedbut if you want to access the exactky same desktop what you just see you have to use x11vnc07:12
artabrahao<lied> the client is the same for windows?07:12
liedartabrahao:  hm? tightvnc is also available for win07:13
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ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu07:13
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers07:13
stevec_DJServers: mysql.sock should be created when the server starts07:13
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jhutchinsSee also #vmware07:13
david2_How do you find the name of your printer07:13
rayluartabrahao, you can also use krdc07:14
rayluwhich comes with kde07:14
david2_apparently pulling it ogff localhost:631 doesnt work07:14
jhutchinsdavid2_: localhost:631 should be the cups configuration system.07:14
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stevec_tightvnc gets my vote anarl07:15
david2_no KIDDING!07:15
david2_IO can read07:15
david2_just cant type07:15
jhutchinsdavid2_: Well, you should be fine then, won't need any help from me.07:15
temcelnyou are too technical07:15
artabrahao<raylu> what is krdc?07:16
david2_"ipp://<name of printer>" blah blah07:16
david2_so something sint right07:16
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liedartabrahao: raylu krdc is gui frontend for vnc in kde07:16
david2_I copy the info off the pother computer and it aint working07:16
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artabrahao<raylu> what is krfb?07:18
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liedartabrahao:  oops sorry krfb is for desktop sharing and krdc is for connecting to vnc07:18
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DJServershas  someone got the file: mysqld.sock ??07:19
rayluartabrahao, remote desktop client07:19
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raylurfb = remote desktop sharing (server, i guess)07:20
artabrahao<lied> I'm not using kde, I'm using gnu(?) does kfdb works with a vnc client?07:20
rayluDJServers, what do you need it for?07:20
rayluartabrahao, krdc works with vnc07:20
raylu*servers, yes07:20
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liedand rdp (windows remote bullshit)07:20
DJServersi need the file for my mysql server it dusnt create the socket any more07:21
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DJServersraylu, do you have it?07:21
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artabrahao<raylu> works with kge and gnome?07:22
liedDJServers:  can you give me the exact error message07:22
DJServersok wait a sec07:22
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DJServersfrank@Computer2:~$ mysql07:23
DJServersERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)07:23
DJServershere you go07:23
david2_nothjing is happening the job is just stiitng there pending07:23
DJServersthat file isnt in my system07:23
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stevec_DJServers: whats the output of ls -lh /var/run/mysqld07:24
rayluDJServers, that means you haven't configured the connection properly07:24
rayluartabrahao, it should. most kde apps work in gnome07:25
DJServersfrank@Computer2:~$ ls -lh /var/run/mysqld07:25
DJServerstotal 007:25
liedDJServers:  mysqlclient -u root -p07:25
stevec_DJServers: whats the output of ls -lh /var/run (only interested in the mysqld folder)07:25
liedso i have to reboot07:25
DJServersstevec_ how to see that07:25
stevec_ls -lh /var/run07:26
stevec_just let me see the output of the line of mysqld07:26
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DJServerstyp in konsole right?07:26
DJServerswtf that is much07:26
stevec_DJServers: im reading from this link btw http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-19402.html07:26
DJServersand that is?07:27
artabrahaowhat is the remote desktop, how it works?07:27
stevec_DJServers: btw you are getting that error whilst trying to start your server right?07:27
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stevec_DJServers: im after this line - drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql   mysql     88 May 20 12:27 mysqld07:28
stevec_DJServers: from ls -lh /var/run07:28
DJServersdrwxr-xr-x 2 mysql      root         40 2007-04-03 13:08 mysqld07:29
DJServersi get that07:29
DJServersbut how to solve the prob whit the mysqld.sock file?07:29
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DJServersstevec_ , cant you send me your file?07:30
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dr0hnehi, I'07:31
stevec_DJServers: that won't help, whats in your my.cnf07:32
dr0hnem using ubuntu 6.10 and the sound goes calm after a while07:32
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DJServerswait a sec stevec07:32
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OlliKcan anyone help me to find the way to change the background color and appearance of the K-menu?07:32
OlliKI found way to change the whole panel but when I click on the K-button, the menu background didn't change the same as the panel07:33
s330d3rcan anyone here help me with a wifi problem?07:33
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DJServersStevec where to send it to you? private msg is blocked07:34
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stevec_DJServers: paste it to pastebin.ca07:34
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DJServersto what?07:34
DJServerswhats that?07:34
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:35
stevec_just put it in your browser and paste your my.cnf in it07:35
DJServerso ok07:35
DJServershere is the link07:36
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DJServersseeing any wrong line's?07:37
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stevec_DJServers: hmm, nah it looks ok07:37
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stevec_DJServers: try chgrp mysql /var/run/mysqld07:38
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stevec_in a conole07:38
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stevec_actually nah that not going to do anything07:38
stevec_DJServers: how are you starting the server?07:38
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DJServerswhit: sudo mysql start07:39
stevec_DJServers: and where about its your my.cnf file located?07:39
stevec_DJServers: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start ??07:40
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DJServersit is in: /etc/mysql07:40
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DJServerssudo /etc/init.d/mysql start  = fail07:41
stevec_DJServers: just installed mysql on my workstation and it starts no problem07:41
stevec_DJServers: didnt change any config07:41
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DJServersi just installed it07:41
DJServersmayby reinstall it?07:41
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stevec_can you post contents of /var/log/mysql.err and /var/log/mysql.log07:42
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stevec_cat /var/log/mysql.err and put it in pastebin07:42
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DJServersthere is noting in that file :P07:43
stevec_DJServers: i'd just try to uninstall it and reinstall again, mine instaleld no probelm07:43
stevec_unless any else has any other ideas?07:44
DJServersbut do it unstall it and re install?07:44
DJServersdo i need to do that?07:44
stevec_DJServers: try "sudo mysqld" and let me know the output07:45
DJServersok wait a sec07:45
DJServerspaste it here?07:45
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stevec_better not, use pastebin07:45
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:45
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llp78i need to burn a uif file in linux - any ideas ?07:47
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stevec_DJServers: hmm, Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: Cannot assign requested address07:47
stevec_DJServers: can you do a "ps ax | grep mysql"07:47
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DJServersfrank@Computer2:~$ ps ax | grep mysql07:48
DJServers 9274 pts/1    R+     0:00 grep mysql07:48
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stevec_whats the ip of your pc? is it the same as you have in my.cnf?07:48
DJServersmayby need to change the bindip in ??07:48
stevec_DJServers: change ip in my.cnf to
DJServersok wait a sec07:49
Zabulusok, i need some more help, trying to install feisty over dapper07:49
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DJServersand now try to start it again?07:50
stevec_DJServers: yes07:50
Zabulustrying to set up the partitions, dual boot system, so cant wipe the whole hd07:50
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DJServerswhit: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start ?07:51
stevec_DJServers: yes07:51
DJServersit says07:51
DJServersfrank@Computer2:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start07:51
DJServers * Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                 [ OK ] 07:51
DJServers/etc/init.d/mysql: line 122: /etc/mysql/debian-start: No such file or directory07:51
DJServersnow it works right?07:51
stevec_DJServers: bloody hell man!! do a ps ax | grep mysql again07:52
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stevec_DJServers: you should see mysqld processes07:52
stevec_DJServers: 'mysql -u root' should give you access to mysql console07:53
muaddibanyone familiar with how KAudioCreator works?07:53
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DJServershttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21726/    there it stands07:53
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stevec_DJServers: Finally!!!! you were trying to bind to an incorrect ip address, if you want that sql server accessible over the network you will have to change the bind ip to the ip the server has07:54
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Zabuluscan someone help me set up the partitions for installing linux?07:54
DJServerswell thx  :P07:54
DJServersfinaly it works :p\07:54
stevec_DJServers: shouldnt be getting this tho - /etc/init.d/mysql: line 122: /etc/mysql/debian-start: No such file or directory07:54
Captain_HaddockSamba issues :( I have the same problem as this chap: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2245430&postcount=707:54
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Captain_HaddockAny ideas?07:54
stevec_DJServers: but never mind, you can getting working on it now at least!07:54
Captain_HaddockSamba installation issues rather.07:55
DJServersone last question how to make an account lol07:55
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stevec_DJServers: been a long time since i did any mysql, i'd read the docs on mysql.com07:55
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DJServersbut i mean a user for phpmyadmin is root but what is the pass07:56
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mikkaeli need help to get twinview enabled by default when i start my computer. nvidia-settings creates a xorg.conf that doesnt start x, but i can enable twinview "on the fly", need to push "apply what's possible" though ..07:56
artabrahaowhen I type sudo aptitude install x11vnc the erro is that cant find a packag x11vnc07:56
stevec_DJServers: don't know what the default are, just blank i think07:56
Zabuluswhen setting up the partition for the root file system, do i use primary or logical?07:56
stevec_Zabulus: depends07:56
DJServerswait i take a look07:57
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:57
DJServersyeah its blank07:57
stevec_DJServers: ok make sure you change that!07:57
DJServersyeah :P07:57
DJServersgonne do it right now :P\07:57
Zabulusok, i have a dual boot, so not gonna reformat whole thing, trying to install over my dapper07:57
Zabuluswhats the best way to do that?07:58
stevec_Zabulus: have you tried google?07:58
DJServerswhere the hell to change it :P07:58
Zabulusi kind of figured this would be a better place to find info on it07:58
stevec_DJServers: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/default-privileges.html07:59
stevec_Zabulus: at least have a look first before asking here07:59
david2_finally causght the typos07:59
david2_printer works07:59
OlliKAlright now I got the Kmenu transparent, but I would still like to change the background color of it. I just went through the whole list of colors in the Appearance -> Colors but that all seems to be colors for different windows etc, but not for the Kmenu. Does anyone know where to change the background color of the Kmenu?07:59
JohnMhi, i've just installed kubuntu, but have no sound, and nothing is muted in alsa mixer, my sound chipset is an intel 82801G (ICH 7 family), anyone know what's wrong? thanks in advance =)08:00
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mikkaelOlliK: it got the color of drop down menus08:00
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=== stevec_ really wishes people would google before asking, 99% of problems can be solved through a bit research
stevec_JohnM: someone has same prob a bit earlier, you havent got headphones plugged in have you?08:01
ZabulusJohnM: i had that same problem, trying going into your bios and disabling the onboard sound08:01
Captain_Haddockstevec_: I did :P Please put me out of my misery :(08:01
Captain_HaddockThis is driving me up the wall and out of the roof :/08:02
stevec_Captain_Haddock: not directed at you :-)08:02
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david2_Better if people just tell you teh answer didn't you know that?08:02
stevec_Captain_Haddock: what problems with samba08:02
OlliKmikkael: Where can I change the color of drop down menus?08:02
david2_Easier top rememeber lol08:02
stevec_david2_: just sheer laziness08:02
Captain_Haddockstevec_: I have the same problem as this chap: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2245430&postcount=708:02
jorunnmI want to look through the log from what the sudo user has done in konsole the last two days. Is that possible?08:02
DJServersstevec_, Thx You Very Much Dude! :P08:02
DJServersyour the best!08:02
mikkaelOlliK: Kcontrol, colors, the background color of the thing if you click on "file" or so08:02
JohnMi dont have headphones plugged in and its onboard sound so wouldnt disabling it be counterproductive?08:02
DJServersbut i now gonne install my site08:03
stevec_Captain_Haddock: sorry, absolutrly no idea :-(08:03
artabrahaowhen I type sudo aptitude install x11vnc the erro is that cant find a packag x11vnc08:03
stevec_DJServers: no prob08:03
Captain_Haddockstevec_: np, thanks for looking :)08:03
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stevec_Captain_Haddock: im new to ubuntu so the package installation stuff i dont understand properly, just moved from gentoo myself08:04
jorunnmhow can I view the last commandoes the sudo user has done. Isn't there a log file?08:04
stevec_jorunnm: .bash_history ?08:04
jorunnmstevec_: yes08:04
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Captain_Haddockstevec_: ah cool. Isn't that something of a rarity? Gentoo to Ubuntu (hey, that rhymes!)08:04
OlliKmikkael: That's odd, because it changes something that is called "window background", and it seems the menu backgrond color doesn't change from that...08:05
stevec_Captain_Haddock: got sick of the compiles on my workstatsion, still keep gentoo on my servers08:05
OlliKmikkael: Even though I clicked on the dropdown-menu in the image08:05
Captain_HaddockI see08:05
stevec_jorunnm: are they not in that file?08:05
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jorunnmstevec_: so that's a file... Where?08:06
OlliKmikkael: Maybe there is a separate color selection in some other Styles, I'm using .net style right now08:06
stevec_home directory of the user, e.g. /home/user/.bash_history08:06
jorunnmstevec_: thanks08:07
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DJServerssteve_ , how do you talk in red like that?08:07
stevec_DJServers: type the oether users name properly, type stev then press tab and it should auto complete08:08
DJServersdoesnt matter\08:08
stevec_just type 'stev" then press tab08:08
stevec_for you i type 'dj' then press tab08:09
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artabrahaoHow install a vnc server?08:09
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DJServersstevec_: test08:09
stevec_artabrahao: apt-get may help08:09
stevec_DJServers: thats it !!!08:09
DJServersstevec_:  Yeah i think so :P08:09
stevec_artabrahao: start adept-manager search for vnc, surely you can work it out from there!08:10
DJServerssomeone nows a good site script?08:10
ahmed guys help plz. i have just installed kde on ubuntu , when i open the start menu some of the application icons doesnt show up....08:10
Jack3hey guys08:10
Jack3this is really screwed up, i restarted ubuntu, and now my wirless card doesnt seem to exist, but my ethernet still works08:11
Jack3my wireless was eth108:11
Jack3but now i only have eth0, my ethernet08:11
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stevec_Jack3: whats the output of "dmesg | grep eth"08:11
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artabrahao<stevec_> artabrahao: start adept-manager search for vnc08:11
ahmed guys help plz. i have just installed kde on ubuntu , when i open the start menu some of the application icons doesnt show up....08:11
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rayluahmed, which ones?08:12
artabrahao<stevec_> start adept-manager search for vnc?08:12
rayluoh. wait, i remember that happening08:12
rayluahmed, the gnome one's won't show up, iirc. that's normal08:12
ahmedwat should i do then08:12
ahmedbut they run though08:12
Daisuke_Idoahmed: add them manually08:12
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rayluyou can either just leave it or edit the menu and put them back in08:12
stevec_artabrahao: clck the start menu button, go to system, select adept-manager, when that starts type vnc in the search box08:12
Jack3stevec_, http://pastebin.ca/49882408:13
ahmededit the meNU ?08:13
ahmedu mean change every single icon ?08:13
rayluahmed, basically...yeah :P08:13
ahmedone more thing then08:13
stevec_Jack3: hmm, yes it does seem to have vanished!!!08:13
ahmedwhen i try to switch to 3d mode in the chess game it mentions something abd glide or some 3d driver and doesnt work08:13
ahmedany idea abt that ?08:14
stevec_Jack3: card firmly inserted in your machine?08:14
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Jack3stevec_, i tried ifconfig eth1 up also08:14
Jack3stevec_, its built in wirless08:14
Daisuke_Idoahmed: what video card?08:14
ahmedati radeon x1800 mobility08:14
Daisuke_Idok, are you using default drivers?08:14
stevec_Jack3: if it doesn't show up on dmesg it isn't there basically08:14
ahmedbut already recognized in restricted drivers and worked08:14
DJServerswhat is a good  site for webhosting?08:14
ahmedusing fglrx driver08:15
Jack3stevec_, then wtf happened???????08:15
Jack3how can a wifi connection disapear08:15
stevec_Jack3: don't know, could the card of borked maybe?08:15
Jack3last thing i did was install a bunch of ubuntustudio apps08:16
llp78DJServers design-a-host.com is very cheap08:16
stevec_Jack3: ah its builtin! im not sure then, unles it's broken08:16
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ulrichhey.. does anyone know where i can upload wallpapers to the wallpaperbase of kde?08:16
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Jack3i doubt it randomyl broke on a reboot08:16
Jack3it was workin perfect before08:17
stevec_Jack3: ive seen stranger!! try a boot disk and see if it's recognised in that08:17
Jack3maybe i should start ubuntu in failsafe08:17
ahmedguys how to make the cube efffect in kubuntu08:17
Jack3and see if it gives an error when trying to bring it up08:17
ahmedknow wat i mean,,08:17
Daisuke_Idoahmed: beryl08:17
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:17
Jack3ahmed, beryl08:17
ahmedi wanna play a little bit with kubuntu effects08:17
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jmichaelxi just finished resizing the ntfs partition on my harddrive, and made a new ext3 partition, however the information about my partitions that shows up in konqueror is now all wrong. to i need to get the PC to update something for it to get all of the the new info about the changed partitions??08:17
llp78ahmed gets boring very quick does the cube..08:18
artabrahao<stevec_> a lot of vnc viewer and vnc password but none vnc server08:18
stevec_jmichaelx: you tried a good old microsoft style reboot08:18
stevec_artabrahao: theres a package called bloody vncserver!08:18
jmichaelxstevec_: yeah, rebooted several times08:18
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DJServersllp78: i mean a site script so people can buy a domain from me?08:19
sercikHi people08:19
llp78artabrahao just do a sudo apt-get install vncserver08:19
stevec_artabrahao: infact press alt-f2, then type krfb08:19
jmichaelxstevec_: konqueror now shows a 76 GB partition that does not (and never did) exist08:20
raylujmichaelx, try qtparted08:20
raylukonqueror only shows mounted partition08:20
stevec_yeah i seconf qtparted08:20
llp78DJServers: havent a clue then.. sorry08:20
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:20
jmichaelxraylu: i used gparted to make the partition, and the partitions show up fine in it08:21
sercikHow can i change at startup the owneer of /dev/net/tun??08:21
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llp78jmichaelx: what does sudo fdisk -l08:21
jmichaelxraylu: why would konqueror show a 76GB partition that doesn't exist?08:21
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michael__stevec_, i fixed it08:22
michael__but something is odd08:22
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ahmedguys ,, wat candy eye features are there in ubuntu other than beryl ??08:23
jmichaelxllp78: the partitions seem to show up ok there08:23
Jack3apparently on my boot up menu, i have now 4 choices, ubuntu generic and ubuntu generic failsafe, and ubuntu latenecy and ubuntu latenecy failsafe08:23
rayluahmed, compiz08:23
ahmedwat does it do then08:23
Jack3i booted up the generic and it worked08:23
Jack3where the hell did low latency come from?08:23
rayluahmed, beryl is a fork of compiz. so...not much else08:23
stevec_Jack3: dunno, i use low latency tho08:23
Jack3that wasnt there before08:24
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Jack3before i just had generic....08:24
Jack3also, is there a key shortcut for opening a konsole08:24
ahmedsooo thats it beryl - candy,, any other eye candy stuff ??08:24
Jack3ahmed, you will see you wont want any other eye candy08:25
jmichaelxraylu: when i try to mount the new partition in konqueror, i get this message 'hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000'08:25
Jack3most people use beryl for like 10 min than tone it way down cause its annyoing08:25
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raylujmichaelx, why are you using konq to mount?08:26
raylujmichaelx, what folder are you looking at to see the partition?08:26
ahmedinstalled beryl08:26
ahmedhow to run it Lol//08:26
rayluahmed, alt+f2, beryl-manager08:27
ahmedwhen i press alt f2 nothing happens08:27
jmichaelxraylu: why wouldn't a person use konqueror to mount?  i am looking in media:/08:27
rayluahmed, try kmenu > cun command08:27
raylujmichaelx, unless you ran kdesu konqueror, you won't have root permissions need to mount08:28
Arwenfsck, a netsplit?08:28
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sercikhi i have a problem that not regarding kubuntu, but you are always gentle with me so i hope that you can help the same08:31
RobNycanyone knows how to install nvdiai drivers ?08:31
serciki need to start inadyn (dns client) on a redhat derivated distribution but it don't execute rc.local08:31
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llp78this will auto mount at startup08:32
jmichaelxllp78: ok.... ty08:32
=== BadSneakers [n=here@adsl-70-232-45-2.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
sercikRobNyc: do sudo apt-get nvidia-glx08:32
=== mannix_ [n=mannix@c-24-7-34-67.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
rayluahmed, run it in a terminal08:32
llp78jmichaelx 2 secs ill show you my fstab so you get the idea - for ref08:32
RobNycsercik, doesnt matter if I had an old, mid, new card ?08:32
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serciki need to start inadyn (dns client) on a redhat derivated distribution but it don't execute rc.local08:32
jmichaelxllp78: ok great08:32
ahmedhow to08:33
sercikit does matter search on nvidia site08:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:33
sercikand see which gpu is supported from nvidia -legacy and from nvidia08:33
jmichaelxllp78: i have to run, i appreciate the help.... i'll figure out how to add the partition to the fstab when i get back08:34
llp78jmichaelx http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21727/08:34
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jmichaelxok great, ty08:34
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llp78jmichaelx no probs08:34
jmichaelxllp78: i will defintitely look that over...08:34
sercikplease  you are always gentle with me help me with my problem also if is not kubuntu related08:34
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PhinnFortwtf does Firefox automagically steal all the friggin file associations?08:36
PhinnFortsuddenly all my images open up in that damn browser08:36
raylugwenview was still my default after installing ff08:36
PhinnFortnot here...08:37
PhinnFortsuddenly gwenview was second08:37
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PhinnFortwell, I don't use Firefox, so I guess I'll purge it08:37
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GrahamIs there anyone here who's good with images and could do me a favour?08:47
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intelikeymolten images, graven images, disk imagec, data grams ?08:48
sercikplease noone can risolve my prolem: i need to execute a command at startup and i need to create a script08:49
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intelikeycommand ?08:49
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serciki need to launch a dyndns client08:50
sercikinadyn is its name08:50
intelikeyagrs ?08:50
sercikthe problem is that rc.local is not executed at boot08:50
sercikonly inadyn08:50
intelikeywow,  it's what ?08:50
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eljefesercik: for dyndns i have an entry in my root's crontab08:51
eljefeipcheck its named08:51
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eljefe00 */2 * * *            /usr/sbin/ipcheck -d /home/eljefe/bigboi/Linux -l -r checkip.dyndns.org:8245 username 'password' my.dyndnsdomain.org08:51
eljefeit runs every two hours08:52
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sercikeljefe: could past me that correctly on pastebin??08:52
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sercikipcheck is also a dyndns client?08:53
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eljefeyes it is08:53
eljefei'll go to pastebin, brb08:53
sercikthank you08:53
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eljefesercik: read this too while you wait http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=161208:55
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hydanis there a way to remove ubuntu and install kubuntu w/out deleting everything save for gnome?08:58
hydani want to swap over to kde08:58
sercikhydan: you can install kde in ubuntu if you want08:59
sercikor xfce if you like08:59
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ScarFreewillis there a openssl-dev pakage in ubuntu's repos?09:00
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ScarFreewill!info openssl09:01
ubotuopenssl: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.8c-4build1 (feisty), package size 977 kB, installed size 2304 kB09:01
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ScarFreewill!info openssl-dev09:01
ubotuPackage openssl-dev does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:01
eljefesercik: http://pastebin.ca/49889209:01
eljefehydan: if you have space, just add KDE: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:01
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eljefehydan: (open a terminal and type/paste 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' (no quotes)09:02
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eljefesercik: note that the crontab command runs every two hours, not necessarily at boot up...09:03
intelikeyhydan remove libgnome*09:04
eljefeyou can change its frequency but the DynDNS people ask that you don't allow it to run more often than every 15min as it bogs down their servers.  15 min seems excessive to me, and every 2hrs on my desktop is fine (its not a laptop, doesn't get new IPs too often)09:04
hydanok it's loading09:04
eljefedoes anyone have a NEC Versa FXi laptop?  My Xubuntu isn't loading the sound, no sound plays at all09:05
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intelikeyeljefe no mines an M   but the trubleshooting sound wiki might help09:06
nadirfor intel core duo do i use the 64-bit PC (AMD64) alternate install CD ?09:06
fdovingeljefe: note that anacron tries to run all "missed" (once) jobs since shutdown, after booting.09:06
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:06
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eljefefdoving: meaning that crontab commands will be run at boot?  cool!09:06
nadirim cunfused it says EM64T Xeon ??? but amd64?09:06
fdovingeljefe: yup.09:07
nadiri want the arch for intel core duo09:07
kakarottnecesito ayuda09:07
kakarottquien me manda la ayuda en espaol09:07
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:07
=== JeffAMcGee [n=jeff@cpe-24-162-55-196.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
eljefekakarott: visite Ud #kubuntu-es09:07
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fdovingnadir: em64t is amd64. thats the same arch.09:07
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nadirfdoving: so should i use the 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD ?09:08
nadirfor intel core duo?09:08
eljefeintelikey: i've tried that :(09:08
fdovingnadir: i recommend using the x86 one.09:08
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fdovingnadir: it'll work better for you, if you're installing a desktop system.09:08
nadirfdoving: but thats not 64 bit right, but ill take your advise anyway09:08
yuriynadir: core duos are 32-bit, use the i386 cd09:08
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Aeoswhenever I try to run the live DVD I get this error: Error: microcode bcm43xx_microcode5.fw09:09
nadiryuriy: really ok, cool09:09
TarantulafudgeHow do I install multimedia support on kubuntu?09:09
Arwenyuriy, really? Core Duos don't have EM64T support?09:09
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fdovingnadir: no, that's not 64bit, but i don't recommend 64bit for desktops yet, because of flash and various other things that isn't supported on that platform yet.09:09
ArwenI mean, even the Prescotts did...09:09
yuriynadir core _2_ duos are 64-bit09:09
nadirfdoving: ok09:09
nadirok i see tahnks guys09:09
eljefe!medibuntu | Tarantulafudge09:09
ubotuTarantulafudge: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/09:09
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intelikeyhmmm /me likes 64 bit more and more as i learn that flash and other non-free things are not supported there....09:10
fdovingintelikey: get a powerpc :)09:10
Aeosthat depends on what you call free09:10
Arwenintelikey, depends what you mean by "free" and "non-free". As far as I care, Flash *is* free.09:11
intelikeyAeos free as in free speach   not free as in free beer09:11
fdovingopen :)09:11
intelikeyArwen as far as you care....   i care differently.09:12
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Arwenoh yeah... and you can run 32-bit code on a 64-bit platform...09:12
dsmith_supposedly faster..09:12
Tarantulafudgeeljefe: thanks09:13
SlimeyPetewhy on earth would you like something more just because it restricts your options? You can *choose* not to run non-free software but it makes no sense to choose a platform which will stop you from ever changing your mind.09:13
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intelikeySlimeyPete i "do" choose not to.09:14
SlimeyPeteright. But you can choose not to just as easily on 32-bit.09:14
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fdovingSlimeyPete: good point, but in choosing a platform that does not have support for it, you can be part of, maybe, making the non-free softwaremakers support that platform.09:14
SlimeyPetemmm, but they're likely to support it in a non-free way, which isn't much good if you don't like non-free software ;)09:15
fdovingit's better than no support anyway.09:15
Tarantulafudgewouldn't it be eaiser for ubuntu just to include an agreement that says 'I agree that I am from X country (that supports medibuntu) so that everyone could install it anyway?09:15
intelikeyi could ask the same question tho. why on earth would you like something moer just because it "can" support the very industry that opposes open source ?     so it's all a point of like and dislike philosophy09:15
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SlimeyPeteintelikey: because it gives me more options. I like having options :)09:16
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intelikeyand also off topic09:16
SlimeyPetethis is true. Sorry.09:16
TarantulafudgeWhy does amarok not support mp3 while totem does by default?09:16
Tarantulafudgemakes no sense09:17
Daisuke_IdoTarantulafudge: but totem *doesn't* by default, at least not the version included in ubuntu09:17
Daisuke_Idoyou have to install the proper codecs either way09:17
TarantulafudgeDaisuke_Ido: it does I was just on a freshly installed ubuntu fiesty 7.04 and totem played my collection perfectly09:18
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Daisuke_Idototem may make this seamless, i haven't used it in some time09:18
TarantulafudgeDaisuke_Ido: I just think that either distro should have the same codecs available09:19
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Daisuke_Idothe same codecs *are* available, amarok just doesn't (apaprently) install them seamlessly09:19
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fdovingDaisuke_Ido: doesn't it just ask if you want to install it, click yes, and it does it all for you?09:20
TarantulafudgeDaisuke_Ido: install them seamlessly?09:20
Daisuke_Idofdoving: in theory09:20
Tarantulafudgefdoving: totem didn't ask me a thing09:20
intelikeymy cpu fan just died...09:21
TarantulafudgeDaisuke_Ido: and amarok crashed when I tried using that feature09:21
fdovingTarantulafudge: i have no idea what totem does.09:21
Daisuke_IdoTarantulafudge: so go to adept and look for mp309:21
fdovingbbl.. kid -> bed.09:21
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intelikeyi think i better power off.  and see to this issue.09:22
eljefeintelikey: good luck!09:42
intelikeynot having a cpu fan   could be a problem.09:42
intelikeyeljefe k ty.09:42
eljefehow do i mute/unmute in Alsamixer ?09:42
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thingyeljefe, m key i think09:42
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Tarantulafudgehey guys09:42
eljefeTarantulafudge: hi09:42
sercikeljefe you are very very gentle thank you!!!09:42
eljefesercik: does it work for you?09:42
serciki was to lunch09:42
serciki'll try after09:42
Tarantulafudgeeljefe: lol my bad konversation doesn't automatically switch channels09:42
sercikeljefe: try to press the m key on keyboard09:42
eljefeTarantulafudge: :)09:42
sercikwhy do you use alsamixer??09:42
eljefem key doesn't seem to do anything09:42
sercikyou don't use kmix?09:42
eljefesercik: i cannot get my laptop sound working :(09:42
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eljefei do use kmix but that laptop has Xubuntu; I installed KMix to try it but nothing still09:42
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sercikthe problem is not to mute but to unmute :=09:42
sercikyou can try alsaconf09:42
sercikis a text program to install soundcard09:42
eljefesercik: yes, well... unmute then, but nothing works.  alsaconf isn't a part of *buntu i don't think09:42
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serciki'm not sure if is in repository but you can download it from alsa09:42
eljefei know... sometimes it is easier to install a new distro than it is to get one working!  maybe i am lazy though09:42
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MaDiNfO_is fiesty goint to have kaffeine 0.8.4 ?09:42
eljefethe laptop works except for the sound; I am worried it was shut off in its Windows98 days and nothing that I do will fix it...09:42
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sercikeljefe: exists a graphical mixer for xfce09:42
eljefesercik: i know but its horrible09:42
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sercikah ok09:42
eljefebut thanks! :)09:42
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eljefewithout sounds i feel so limited even though it is a minimal part of what i do09:42
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eljefedoes anyone know if Feisty will get KDE 3.5.7 ?09:42
sercikeljefe: i understand you problem you need to search for alsa compatibility or you can try oss09:42
serciklola quale  il problema?09:42
eljefei tried OSS, but i don't get how to do it09:42
eljefei tried blacklisting the ALSA module and loading the OSS module but I get errors of 'Sound not configured' or something09:42
lolacomre si fa ad ascoltare la musica in mp3^^^09:42
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Tm_Tenglish here thank you09:42
lolacome si fa ad ascoltare la musica in mp3??09:42
Tm_T!it | lola sercik09:42
ubotulola sercik: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:42
serciklola se vuoi andare sul canale italiano devi fare /j #kubuntu-it09:42
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sercikTm_T: don't get anger!!09:42
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godvirushow do i install gcc-4.2 on feisty?09:42
serciki have only helped a little lola with my italian09:42
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Tm_Tsercik: I won't just stick in english here or go to italian channel ;)09:42
eljefesercik: i will try more later but not right now, thank you for your help and please let me know if you get your DynDNS working!09:42
eljefesercik: thanks for helping Lola by the way :)09:42
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sercikeljefe: thank you very much!! i'll be here again09:42
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sercikeljefe: i want to help as much as i can i'm a quite good kubuntu user now09:42
=== Aelwyn is away: Ausente por ahora.
eljefesercik: yes our help makes others good makes them good helpers!09:42
eljefegood bye for now09:42
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sercikoookkk goodbye to all09:42
Tm_Tsee you and have fun09:42
Tm_T!away | Aelwyn09:42
ubotuAelwyn: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines and !nickspam09:42
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NiceGuyUKanyone played Max Payne 2 under WINE ?09:42
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Tm_TAelwyn: I hope you find the magic switch ;)09:42
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | Kubuntu 7.04 Released!
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Jucato at Thu May 10 12:05:47 2007
(Kopec/#kubuntu) or rather, is there a linux software that would substitude a copier? (got scanner and printer)09:45
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(NiceGuyUK/#kubuntu) Kopec: scanning is done via SANE09:45
(eXistenz/#kubuntu) What is the best multimedia plugin to install with firefox?09:45
NiceGuyUKand then you just print the results like you would anythign else09:46
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NiceGuyUK!xsane | Kopec09:46
ubotuKopec: Scanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners09:46
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KopecNiceGuyUK: I actually need one click inteface, that grabs the current document in scanner and directly sends it to a copier09:47
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NiceGuyUKhmm, not seen anythign like that, sorry09:47
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Kopecgot several of programs like this under WIN, even works under WINE, but it cannot scan from under WINE, cause it hasbn't got TWAIN09:48
=== NiceGuyUK cheats and has one of those all-in-one scanner/printer/copier things.
NiceGuyUKis twain not installable seperately in WINE, ie with a setup.exe sort of thing ?09:49
Kopectried, but with no success09:50
Kopecit doesn't find te scanner itself09:50
NiceGuyUKmaybe the scanning howto referenced above has alink to a one-click scan/print program ?09:51
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RytmenPinnenno perl audio converter in ubuntus repository?10:03
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nomtw_hi, i recently installed feisty fawn and noticed that line spacing in kde apps is unusally high10:05
nomtw_is that configurable, post-install?10:05
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rayluline spacing?10:07
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rayluo.0, that's never been an issue. could you take a ss and show me?10:09
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nomtw_well, it's not extreme. just different from previous KDE installations (non Kubuntu)10:10
nomtw_where could I upload the screenshot?10:11
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bosssshi all10:15
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bossssneed some help if possible10:15
bossssI need to instal virtual machine10:15
bossssany of them that will run windows xp10:15
bosssstried vmware server... get errors...10:16
bosssskvm ...10:16
bossssmodprobe error10:16
bossssany  ideas10:16
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Daisuke_Idobochs maybe10:18
Runi22Is it possible to get Quanta as a debian package?10:18
Tm_T!info quanta10:19
ubotuquanta: web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2382 kB, installed size 5728 kB10:19
Tm_Twell, apparently it is10:19
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bossssmodprobe kvm-amd10:20
bossssFATAL: Error inserting kvm_amd (/lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/drivers/kvm/kvm-amd.ko): Operation not supported10:20
bosssswhat should I do?10:20
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Runi22!info Quanta Debian Package10:21
ubotuquanta: web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2382 kB, installed size 5728 kB10:21
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Runi22Sorry i was just looking for link, so that i could find it on the web10:22
Tm_TRuni22: it's in repositories, so if you need to install it, just use adept/apt-get or any tool you like10:22
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FivetwentysixI tried installing XFIRE and got the following error in terminal: Segmentation fault (core dumped)10:22
Tm_TRuni22: if you need package file, look from packages.ubuntu.com for example10:23
Tm_Txfire is...10:23
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FivetwentysixXfire no longer supported or something?10:24
Fivetwentysixerrr Xchat i meant10:25
FivetwentysixJust realised my typing error sorry about that.10:25
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Daisuke_Idoxchat = gtk = fugly.10:25
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RawSewagethats weird how Ubuntu doesnt come with an IRC client10:25
Tm_Tit does10:25
Alberiokubuntu, konversation...10:26
Tm_Txchat or Konversation10:26
RawSewageKubuntu has Konversation10:26
RawSewageUbuntu has none10:26
Alberiowhich is why I said kubuntu, konversation10:26
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RawSewageI installed it last week10:26
RawSewageI had to manually install xchat10:26
RawSewageI use Konversation in Kubuntu..  I like Konversation10:26
Tm_TRawSewage: sound weird10:27
Tm_Twell, there's gaim10:27
RawSewageDoes that have IRC10:27
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Alberioit officially does10:27
Tm_Tjust like Kopete does10:27
Alberionever personally tried it10:27
Tm_T"officially" =)10:28
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Alberioyep :)10:28
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Daisuke_Idokonversation or kvirc on kde are the best gui client options10:28
masterkhow do I make and join chatrooms in kopete?10:29
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heinkel_111does anyone know how to set which sound card gets the output (i just installed a soundblaster audigy 2 Zs and it is all quiet)10:29
Alberioright click on the person and click start chat@masterk?10:29
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Tm_Tmasterk: click that hash icon in bottom of contact list and there "join"10:30
Tm_TAlberio: err?10:30
Alberioheinkel, for my dell, the one next to the microphone and other speaker port works with kubuntu, the row of them on the bottem for windows10:30
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Alberioin kopete10:30
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Alberioyou can right click on them10:30
Alberiothen start chat10:30
masterkTm_T it just brings up single person chat I can't invite ppl10:30
RytmenPinnenis there an audio converter for kubuntu?10:30
heinkel_111^ linux can see both sound devices10:30
Tm_Tmasterk: what protocols?10:30
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Tm_Theinkel_111: I usually disable onboard sound ;-P10:31
masterkis the one I am trying now but I will need aim later10:31
Tm_Tmasterk: No idea if it does support group chats10:31
heinkel_111Tm_T:  how do I disbale the onboard sound then?10:31
Tm_Theinkel_111: bios?10:31
Alberioit can see both, but only works on one for me10:31
naegling23When I enter kwin --replace into a terminal, im getting an X-error, does anyone know what can be going on?10:31
Alberioyou could always unplug :P10:32
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Tm_Tnaegling23: what error?10:32
GrahamFellow people, I'd like to ask your opinion of the banner I just made for my site.10:32
FivetwentysixHow do I make a link to a folder?10:33
Fivetwentysixin terminal10:33
|lostbyte|Fivetwentysix, -----> ln10:33
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Tm_TFivetwentysix: ln -s /linked/folder link10:33
Tm_Tor so10:33
Alberiograham, what did you use to make it?10:33
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GrahamFivetwentysix: ln -s /target/directory /place/of/link10:34
GrahamAlberio: Fireworks10:34
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galathalionhalp! im having some troubles with my computer! My usbdisk wont mount properly and i get errormessages from some kind of ghostcrashes everytime i boot.10:35
Alberiooh I just remembered the reason I came on here10:35
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Alberioon my computer, it won't let me log in. I'm thinking that either i've somehow locked myself out or something's wrong with KDE10:36
Alberiothe password's right10:36
Alberioit goes to a black screen for a couple of seconds10:36
Alberiothen comes back to the login screen10:36
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Alberiodoes anybody have any ideas?10:36
GrahamCan you login pressing ctrl alt  f6 ?10:37
FivetwentysixThanks Graham, that worked perfectly :-).10:37
Alberiois that for console only?10:37
GrahamThat'll only get you into a console, unless you know what you're doing.10:37
AlberioI sort of know my way around bash, but not too well. I'll try it, thanks10:38
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serenityi am looking for a software for streaming my desktop live into the internet. A kind of live-screencast. Is there any?10:39
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GrahamSoo.... www.13cliff.co.uk/get-linux/news.php - opinions anyone?10:40
yknottserenity: vlc +10:40
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GrahamI know the letters are shit but are the drop down Menus and that picture of Tux cool?10:40
serenityyknott: for streaming my desktop?10:41
yknottstreaming a video or whatever you can play in vlc10:41
llp78Graham looks good - not much content though10:41
serenityyknott: but my desktop is no video10:41
Grahamllp78: FFS... I'm working on it... of course' there's not much content.10:41
yknotti see10:42
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llp78Graham kool d00d its looking good what you using to buiild that ?10:42
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GrahamImages are with Fireworks and everything else is my own.10:43
FivetwentysixWhen I'm trying to move a file into a folder it says I don't have permission. Is there any way I can login as the owner through the desktop?10:43
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llp78Graham you using bluefish to code the html/css or ?10:44
llp78Graham you just coding from a text editor ?10:44
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GrahamFivetwentysix: No. Use "sudo mv /the/file/you/want/to.move /move/to/directory/10:45
Grahamllp78: Some of it, some of it's with Dreamweaver.10:45
GrahamI know it's a bit newbish but it works for me, especially under wine :)10:46
llp78Graham its all looking good - what version of dreamweaver you using via wine10:46
FivetwentysixI get this when trying to start bluefish:10:46
Fivetwentysixma@ma-linux:~$ bluefish10:46
FivetwentysixSegmentation fault (core dumped)10:46
llp78i have only managed to get 8 installed - all the others bomb out on me10:46
SlimeyPeteFivetwentysix: use quanta instead?10:46
GrahamNever tried other ones.10:47
llp78tried cs2 & cs3 no go10:47
llp78not without mega mods10:47
FivetwentysixSlimeyPete I'll try that.10:47
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SlimeyPeteFivetwentysix: I've only been using it a month, but so far it's been very good10:48
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Grahamllp78: Does Flash or Fireworks work for you under Wine?10:48
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llp78Graham sorry havent tried10:49
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AlberioI'm back10:49
GrahamThey work for me, I was just wondering.10:49
Arwenanyone here use VLC?10:49
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llp78found i can do all on the system that i can do on xp or vista10:50
Arwencan one of you do me a favor? I've packaged VLC 0.8.6b but I need someone to test it...10:50
jorunnwhen I right click on the desktop I am able to create new -presentation, text document , ut I want to be enable o create an openffice document. Does anybody know how?10:50
Alberioit let me log in. It was successful and everything, but I'm not sure what I am supposed to do once I got there. What do I do to try and fix it is what I mean10:50
crimsunArwen: I already have a merged package for gutsy.  I'm testing it.10:50
Arwenaww... that's no fun10:51
heinkel_111woha i worked out the stuff about switching between soundcards :)10:51
Arwenguess I'm gonna have to try packaging a 0.9.0 snapshot..10:51
n0n4m3how can i use dreamweaver on kubuntu ?:D10:51
heinkel_111that included almost blowing out my speakers as the creative card punches A LOT more than the onboard realtek :)10:51
n0n4m3can u tell me ?:>10:51
n0n4m3i don't know how to work10:51
Arwenn0n4m3, you can't10:51
n0n4m3with wine10:51
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Alberiodoes anybody know how I could get KDE up and running correctly again?10:51
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llp78n0n4m3 you need to download dreamweaver 8.010:52
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n0n4m3then ?10:52
llp78n0n4m3 install it under wine10:52
n0n4m3i don't know how10:52
Arwenn0n4m3, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=18310:52
n0n4m3newer used10:52
jorunndoes anybody of you know about a programme in linux which does more or less the same as moviemaker for MS WIndows?10:52
Arwenjorunn, cinelerra10:52
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llp78n0n4m3 the command is sudo wine then thesetup.exe here10:53
heinkel_111jorunn: avidemux, kino10:53
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Arwenbah, cinelerra ftw!10:53
RytmenPinnencan some make perl audio converter to the ubuntu repositories?10:53
llp78n0n4m3 you need wine first!!10:53
n0n4m3i have it!10:53
n0n4m3i jsut download10:53
jorunnArwen: to difficult for small children. I've tried avidemux, kino, cinelerra..10:53
n0n4m3in kubuntu ?10:53
Arwenjorunn, well, guess you're out of luck?10:53
llp78if you have wine running and have dw8.010:54
llp78thencd to the dir of dreamweaver and10:54
snarferHello, I have an issue with the PHP5 that's in the apt repos; the latest PHP5 is 5.2.2, and the one in the apt repos is 5.2.110:54
Arwenn0n4m3, try "wine path/to/dreamweaver/setup.exe"10:54
llp78sudo wine setup.exe10:54
snarferIs this a known issue?10:54
Arwensnarfer, that's not an issue....10:54
snarferYes, it is.10:54
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.10:54
jorunnArwen: Yes I don't see how we can continue using Linux in school when they aren't able to make digial stories in an easy way.10:54
K-RyanIt's not an issue.10:54
Arwenno, it's not10:54
snarfer5.2.2 is stable10:54
snarferAnd it works on my OSX partition10:55
Arwenjorunn, wtf, "digital stories"?10:55
K-RyanSometimes the latest version of something isn't the most stable10:55
snarfer5.2.2 is stable10:55
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snarferAnd more secure10:55
Arwenjorunn, besides, we already pointed out the best options there are - avidemux, cinelerra, and kino10:55
=== snarfer points to MOPB
Arwensnarfer, so go compile it10:55
Alberiois anybody willing to help with a KDE problem? or would this be the wrong place to ask, but it's stopping a visual login10:55
Arwensnarfer, nobody's stopping you10:55
LjLsnarfer, you're out of luck with Ubuntu. once a version of it is released, new packages *are not added or upgraded*, except for security patches and fixes to very serious bugs.10:55
LjL!backports | snarfer10:55
ubotusnarfer: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging10:55
LjLsnarfer: however, i doubt you'll ever find something as huge as php in backports10:56
jorunnArwen: they= the children. Digita stories: they tell a "story" with their own comments, pictures, and sometimes background music10:56
K-RyanAlberio you can ask away, if someone can help, they will.10:56
snarferWell, php5.2.2 fixes several security issues outlined in MOPB10:56
LjLsnarfer, security issues can be fixed without moving to the new version too10:56
Arwenjorunn, well, they can use avidemux, cinelerra, or kino. Or, you can go and install Windows.10:56
Arwensnarfer, so go package it yourself and apply for a universe exception10:57
snarferyes, but that is not the case here.10:57
snarferI shall do that.10:57
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ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports10:57
LjLsnarfer, what are you trying to get at? packages in Ubuntu are simply not updated, period, no matter how much you'd like to see your favorite version of your favorite program. pick another distribution if you want bleeding edge packages, Ubuntu aims to put a well-tested ensemble of packages together.10:57
AlberioK-Ryan, i'd asked before when graham suggested I try running in command-line only.10:57
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Alberiothe problem was10:58
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:58
Alberiothat I couldn't log in10:58
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jorunnArwen: I may, perhaps use Cinelerra, but I haven't learnt it good enough yet. But can I import pictures in these programmes? I may join a course to learn one of these programmes10:58
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Alberioit would take the password, the screen would turn black for a couple of seconds, then it would come bakc to the log in screen10:58
hydandoes kiba dock work with kde?10:58
K-RyanHmm, so it's not a password thing.10:58
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K-RyanOr a login issue10:59
Alberioyea, and it lets me in console-only10:59
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Arwenjorunn, I don't know. Never used em myself, just know that they're the only choices you have.10:59
fuxkerhi all10:59
Arweninserting still images should be a function of all of those though10:59
K-RyanDid you install something that runs on start up Alberio?10:59
Alberiono, don't believe so10:59
K-RyanAny settings changed?10:59
Alberiowas just doing the usual internet/ebooks10:59
Alberioyea, that's what i was about to talk about10:59
Alberiobefore that10:59
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AlberioI tried changing the size of the kde taskbar11:00
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Alberioin the configure panel menu11:00
AlberioI changed it to small11:00
Alberiobut then11:00
AlberioI tried changing it back11:00
Alberioand it didn't work11:00
Alberioit refused to change any more11:00
FivetwentysixWhat's the difference in between Ubuntu and Kubuntu11:00
K-RyanUbuntu uses Gnome, Kubuntu uses KDE11:00
ArwenFivetwentysix, one uses KDE and the other uses GNOME11:00
Alberioubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu uses kde11:00
Alberioand some different applications11:01
FivetwentysixWhat's more popular?11:01
Alberioubuntu I think.11:01
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llp78its personal choice11:01
K-RyanUbuntu probably because you always hear about Ubuntu.11:01
FivetwentysixAny major advantages or disadvantages?11:01
llp78everyone has a favorite11:01
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Alberionot really11:01
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Alberiojust your choice of desktop environment11:01
K-RyanIt's really just whichever one you like more.11:01
fuxkeri have one question , what is best distribution ??????? :11:01
K-RyanThere is no best distro.11:01
Alberiothat's definitely opinion11:01
K-RyanCertain distros are tailored to different needs.11:02
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K-RyanIt depends on your wants and needs.11:02
Alberioeven parts of distro's are different11:02
fuxkerwhich distribution is best ?11:02
Alberiolike ubuntustudio11:02
Alberiothere is no one best11:02
Arwen!best | K-Ryan11:02
K-RyanThere is NO best distro.11:02
ubotuK-Ryan: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.11:02
Arwen!best | fuxker11:02
ubotufuxker: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.11:02
ubuntu_this is the most in-efficent IRC room I have EVER been into...11:02
fuxkeri know that was joke :)11:02
=== Fivetwentysix doesn't understand why the linux community what seperate the desktop enviroments inbetween gnome and kde
n0n4m3i can't talk to you11:02
n0n4m3on private11:02
masterkhow do I view all my system specs?11:03
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanFivetwentysix, it's just the basic layout of the dekstop that's really different.11:03
Arwen!register | n0n4m311:03
ubotun0n4m3: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration11:03
K-RyanSome default programs are different.11:03
llp78n0n4m3 register your nic name11:03
=== n0n4m3 is now known as ShAd0w
K-RyanBut most of the programs are interchangeable.11:03
=== ShAd0w is now known as jesus007
AlberioK-Ryan, sorry, do you have any ideas to what I can do?11:03
fdovingmasterk: kinfocenter is nice, kmenu -> system -> kinfocenter11:03
Arwenbut KDE has amarok and k3b, which means KDE rules11:03
K-RyanAlberio: About that, did you modify your xorg.conf?11:03
ubuntu_can i watch porn in linux11:04
K-RyanJust the taskbar...11:04
=== Starting logfile irclogs/kubuntu.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #kubuntu
=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | Kubuntu 7.04 Released!
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Jucato at Thu May 10 12:05:47 2007
=== Rashid [n=sidux@cpc3-orpi2-0-0-cust660.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
(PhinnFort/#kubuntu) masterk: http://phinnfort.phil0d0x.com/stuff/screenshots/skjermbilde2.png11:27
(premier_/#kubuntu) fdoving: not fixed11:27
(david2_/#kubuntu) All ya need to do is change a text file, blacklist the nvidia restricted drivers11:27
(PhinnFort/#kubuntu) masterk: it's in norwegian, but you get the idea11:28
(fdoving/#kubuntu) premier_: ah, the lists are locked. use11:28
(fdoving/#kubuntu) premier_: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/apt/lists/lock' then.11:28
PhinnFortmasterk: got it?11:28
masterkthats msn... maybe its cuz the user isnt in my aim list i can't block him11:29
premier_fdoving: my sources list is all screwed up11:29
premier_completely borked11:29
=== mo0osah [n=mo0osah@user-12lme4b.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
Arwenmasterk, and here we thought you were talking over IRC...11:29
PhinnFortmasterk: what do you get if you right-click?11:30
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Tm_T] by ChanServ
=== PhinnFort runs in fear
ArwenTm_T, oi, wtf?11:31
PhinnFortTm_T: i swear, it wasn't me!11:31
Tm_TArwen: ?11:31
Arwenjust wondering why you're going all op-mode...11:31
Tm_TPhinnFort: swearing is rude11:31
Tm_Tall op?11:31
PhinnFort[23:31]  *** ChanServ gives channel operator privileges to Tm_T.11:31
hydanis there an easy way to install kiba dock?11:32
premier_where is your ubotu now?11:32
gnomefreakhydan: no.11:32
Tm_Tjust normal chan op11:32
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:32
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!11:32
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=== rahul_ [n=rahul@] has joined #kubuntu
PhinnForta botsnack always gets it back quickly;)11:32
masterkadd to your contact list, send single message, start chat, warn user, and user info11:32
Arwenhydan, yes, add trevino's svn to your sources.list and apt-get install kiba-dock11:32
rahul_Hello EveryBody11:33
=== mo0osah [n=mo0osah@user-12lme4b.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== PhinnFort is now known as EveryBody
gnomefreakArwen: unless he rebuilt it it is still borked11:33
=== EveryBody is now known as PhinnFort
Arwengnomefreak, oh? didn't know that11:33
Tm_Tbah, forgot already why to wear this funny hat11:33
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Tm_T] by Tm_T
gnomefreakArwen: i had built it (i was the latest build) and upstream was broken11:33
=== mo0osah [n=mo0osah@user-12lme4b.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_Tyup, I'm too old11:34
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gnomefreakmaybe ill try again once i get caught up11:34
Grahamjesus007: Hello, you rang earlier11:34
PhinnFortYoda beats the crap out of you11:34
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dwidmanna 20 something-being too old? Well ... work really does suck the will to live out of a person :\11:34
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=== garinol [n=garinol@62.Red-213-96-242.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
Grahamjesus007: Are you there...11:36
mo0osahhow do you change the beryl diamond logo?11:36
PhinnFortJesus is gone, please try again in three days11:36
PhinnFortmo0osah: where?11:37
PhinnForton the cube?11:37
jesus007Graham,  ivn.11:37
mo0osahPhinnFort: yes11:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about speedstep - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:37
jesus007i need you11:37
PhinnFortmo0osah: there's an option somewhere in the settings11:37
masterkwhat is speedstep11:37
PhinnFortmasterk: hz-control thingy11:38
graf2ixjesus007 what?11:38
=== Cruzader [n=benn@bsundsru-10.res-hall.gac.edu] has joined #kubuntu
graf2ixoki ^^11:38
masterkdoes windows automatically take control of speedstep?11:38
Grahamjesus007: It won't let me reply to PMs11:38
masterkbecause under windows everything runs faster11:38
PhinnFortmo0osah: Desktop Cube.Filename.Image files on top/bottom11:38
jesus007graf2ix,  u must register11:38
jesus007graham **11:38
PhinnFortmasterk: if you have installed drivers ,yes11:39
jesus007I'm going now11:39
Grahamjesus007: What did you want?11:39
jesus007on kubuntu..11:39
jesus007but I'm sleepy11:39
mo0osahPhinnFort: found it11:39
masterkwhy doesn't linux take control of it by default?11:39
mo0osahPhinnFort: thanks11:39
PhinnFortmo0osah: yw;)11:39
PhinnFortmasterk: it should11:39
Grahamjesus007: Dreamweaver 8?11:39
PhinnFortmasterk: if not, file a bug11:39
GrahamInstall it with Wine, it'll work fine.11:39
masterkhow do I know if it is?11:39
jesus007Graham,  yes11:39
PhinnFortmasterk: it chooses ondemand as speed selector here, which is very nice11:40
jesus007bye now:D11:40
graf2ixi dont remeber how i can register sorry11:40
PhinnFortgraf2ix: /msg nickserv help11:40
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jesus007just one question11:40
jesus007Graham,  you know11:40
graf2ixand i juste speak a little english ^^11:40
jesus007where can i download11:40
jesus0078.0 ?11:40
graf2ixthx jesus00711:40
PhinnFort!enter | jesus00711:40
ubotujesus007: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:40
jesus007sorry sorry11:40
masterki'm looking under processor info in the kinfocenter and it says it is p3 coppermine but I know it is mobile p311:41
PhinnFortjesus007: you can buy a license, or do it illegally from isohunt.com11:41
jesus007i'm downloading it now but i see it11:41
jesus007so i don't think it's english:D11:41
PhinnFortmasterk: coppermine is probably he codename11:41
masterkit says stepping = 1011:41
Tm_Tnownow, better not to talk about illegal acts here11:42
=== Lilacor [n=pchoi@] has joined #kubuntu
masterkbetter not to talk about illegal acts anywhere... i got a warning notice from comcast for that11:42
PhinnFortmasterk: :P11:42
masterkand I was just joking11:42
Lilacorwhy won't nvidia-settings let me save my resolution to xorg.conf?11:42
PhinnFortTm_T: it's not illegal under all jurisdictions11:42
PhinnFortor so they say11:42
fdovingjesus007: try not to use enter as space, more words on each line. thanks in advance.11:43
masterklike in what country was it...11:43
masterki forget bus I think linus lived there or something11:43
PhinnFortnorth korea11:43
jesus007yes i read it11:43
jesus007i said11:43
=== hicker [n=hicker@201-34-81-221.paebv700.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
jesus007sorry .11:43
dwidmannStill, if you want to talk about it ... do it with an encrypted conversation, silly.11:43
=== lamdog [n=chatzill@ppp-71-141-192-25.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
graf2ixi'ts ok i'm register11:43
lamdoghi everyone11:43
PhinnFort!hi | lamdog11:44
ubotulamdog: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!11:44
jesus007now please everytime i go to bed there's the sound that someone has higlihted me (or how it's written)11:44
jesus007n8 now11:44
masterkwhat other bot commands are there11:44
PhinnFortjesus007: sleep well12:01
PhinnFort!help > masterk12:01
LilacorI run into a well known nvidia driver bug.. :(12:01
Tm_T!botabuse | masterk12:01
ubotumasterk: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...12:01
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:01
=== Eyeless [n=hjalle@d83-183-204-137.cust.tele2.se] has joined #kubuntu
masterkwtf O.o12:01
LilacorPhinnFort: I've already installed them. I've just run into a bug when trying to save the resolution.12:01
=== carl_ [n=carl@bas21-toronto12-1242364378.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
=== hicker [n=hicker@201-34-81-221.paebv700.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
LilacorPhinnFort: I didn't run into this bug under ubuntu though. :(12:01
=== garinol [n=garinol@62.Red-213-96-242.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
lamdoghi i've got a question about running a java app on kubuntu 7.04.12:01
dwidmann!gibberishasdfasd > masterk12:01
lamdogno matter what i do, i keep on getting errors.12:01
lamdogi'm trying to run it from console, can anyone help?12:01
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dwidmannlamdog: pastebin the errors12:01
Lilacorlamdog: you're probably running into a JVM mismatch12:01
PhinnFort!pastebin | lamdog12:01
ubotulamdog: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:01
PhinnFortor rafb.net/paste if it isn't working12:01
lamdogty sorry bout that12:01
=== greeny [n=greeny@] has joined #kubuntu
carl_I'm a noob, how do I setup my graphics card in kubuntu, it autodetected, but I can't increase the refresh past 60HZ. My card is a BFG 6600 GT AGP with 128meg12:01
PhinnFortcarl_: go to system settings -> monitor and display12:01
carl_yup been there12:01
PhinnFortcarl_: then click on the "administrator" button to get rights12:01
carl_yup done that12:01
PhinnFortcarl_: then hardware12:01
PhinnFortclick on configure besides the card12:01
Tm_Thmm, I never got working display settings from kde-guidance12:01
PhinnFortcarl_: and then select12:01
PhinnFortTm_T: me neither, but it should work12:01
Tm_Tcarl_: try this, remove kde-guidance package and relogin to KDE12:01
Tm_TPhinnFort: _should_ but that's not enough12:01
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carl_How do I do that?12:01
=== hivemind [n=kasdaye@S010600179a9f2971.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
PhinnFortTm_T: Xorg starts without an xorg.conf now too12:01
dwidmanncarl: maybe it didn't detect your monitor quite right, to get everything just perfect you have to have other stuff written into your xorg.conf - the horizsync and vertrefresh12:01
carl_what do I do?12:01
PhinnFortcarl_: ignore the infidels, open a console, and type in "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf ."12:01
=== david2_ [n=david2@cpe-24-162-105-224.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
PhinnFortcarl_: then close all open programs and hit ctrl+alt+backspace12:01
PhinnFortcarl_: it should autodetect necessary settings12:01
Tm_Tok kids, I'm going to sleep, so behave ->12:01
PhinnFortcarl_: and if it doesn't work, please type in the following after logging in at the console12:01
PhinnFort"sudo mv xorg.conf /etc/X11"12:01
Zeelothi, could someone help me install Parallels in feisty?12:01
masterkcan you do chat rooms on msn with kopete?12:01
PhinnFortTm_T: ok, I won't;)12:01
PhinnFortmasterk: I think so12:01
dwidmannbehave? Is that the thing that I'm doing when I'm causing mayhem and mischief?12:01
PhinnFortmasterk: in an open chat, select "chat" (first menu entry) and invite12:01
PhinnFortdwidmann: the other behave12:01
=== david2__ [n=david2@cpe-24-162-105-224.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Zeelotit compiles and parallels-config works but I get an error at the end12:01
PhinnFortZeelot: I haven't tried Parallels before, but paste the error in a pastebin, mkay?12:01
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Zeelotyea I'm doing that now 1 sec12:01
PhinnFortZeelot: I'm not sure, but I think it can be dash-related12:01
ubotu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to  #! /bin/bash 12:01
=== alex__ [n=alex@] has joined #kubuntu
apolwhere can I get xvidcap?12:01
PhinnFort!find xvidcap12:01
ubotuPackage/file xvidcap does not exist in feisty12:01
Zeelothmm what script should I have to change?12:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xvidcap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:01
PhinnFortZeelot: do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash"12:01
apolPhinnFort: good try :P12:01
=== ulmolavender [n=poseidon@adsl-75-57-241-108.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
PhinnFortZeelot: and answer no12:01
PhinnFortapol: ;)12:01
=== cox377_ [n=cox377@host-84-9-65-232.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu
apolseems it is not on the repositories... :S12:01
=== carl_ [n=carl@bas21-toronto12-1242364378.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Zeelotaha thank you very much!12:01
carl_K i'm back12:01
PhinnFortZeelot: does it work?12:01
PhinnFortcarl_: you don't say12:01
PhinnFortZeelot: happy happy me12:01
Zeelotshould I change it back or leave it alone?12:01
=== PhinnFort should go to bed soon
PhinnFortZeelot: just leave it alone12:01
carl_That seemed to help but now my monitor and display control window is displaying and error12:01
=== ramza [n=ramza@pc-966.ds1.tuniv.szczecin.pl] has joined #kubuntu
carl_screen looks allot better though12:01
PhinnFortZeelot: unless you have an enormous amount of scripts, you won't notice the speed difference12:01
carl_I have 2 monitors, the main one is good second one is crazy12:01
RawSewageWhat would I use in Kubuntu for Subversion12:01
PhinnFortZeelot: the only reason they changed the default was because DASH is a tiny bit quicker, but at lot less compatible12:01
ZeelotI see12:01
lamdogok, second try ;-) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21752/ any suggestions?12:01
PhinnFortcarl_: try to hit alt+f2, and type in "krandrtray" and hit enter12:01
LjL!info kdesvn | RawSewage12:01
LjL!info kdesvn-kio-plugins | RawSewage12:01
PhinnFortlamdog: doesn't look like a valid java thingy12:01
LjL!packages > RawSewage    (RawSewage, see the private message from Ubotu)12:01
uboturawsewage: kdesvn: subversion client with tight KDE integration. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.0-1 (feisty), package size 1517 kB, installed size 3608 kB12:01
uboturawsewage: kdesvn-kio-plugins: subversion I/O slaves for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.0-1 (feisty), package size 147 kB, installed size 528 kB12:01
RawSewageLjL, ty12:01
=== plukin8068 [n=Miranda@ppp-62-216-202-56.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #kubuntu
carl_what will that do?12:01
lamdogah but phinn I can run it on a windows machine.. what's up w/ that?12:01
PhinnFortcarl_: it will start a tray-progam to control your screens12:01
PhinnFortlamdog: I have no clue about java programs12:01
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carl_ok I c it12:01
lamdogphinn i've run 'em a bit on win32, and i've read up on the error msgs, but nothing has helped ;-(12:01
PhinnFortapol: http://linuxondesktop.blogspot.com/2007/03/making-animated-movie-of-your.html12:01
=== gilles [n=gilles@car06-1-82-232-84-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
PhinnFortlamdog: can't help you, sorry12:01
=== gilles is now known as quanti
PhinnFortlamdog: maybe try in #java12:01
lamdogty phinn thank you, no worries mate ;)12:01
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:01
apolthanks PhinnFort12:01
=== zours_ [n=zours@100.107.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== hydan [n=heath@c-71-207-247-195.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
PhinnFortcarl_: if you have more problems, could you try to piece together a working xorg.conf with the help of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto ?12:02
carl_it says that the possible reasons for the loss of the configuration display are: "an error occurred during your last KDE upgrade leaving an orphaned control module" or "you have old third party modules lying around"12:02
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PhinnFortcarl_: does krandrtray give you that?12:02
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PhinnFortcarl_: if you want it back, you can either move back the old config file, or generate a new one12:03
PhinnFortcarl_: to generate a new one, type the following in a console, give it your password and generally just hit yes and enter:" sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"12:04
carl_krandrtray didn't give me that but it doesn't seem to be working anymore12:04
carl_when it click configure display it does12:04
carl_ok I'll try that12:04
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carl_the setup seems to have stopped12:07
DaSkreechall praise vista :-)12:07
=== neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db443e5.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu
PhinnFortcarl_: what happens?12:07
DaSkreechWhat would I do without it?12:07
PhinnFortDaSkreech: eat up your food?12:07
FivetwentysixI'm on AMD64 3000+ using Nvidia Geforce 7600 GT, which driver do i install for my graphic card to be used at full functionality12:07
muaddibprobably mostly the same things12:08
carl_I set it up untill I got to a section with only an "ok" at the bottom, cant seem to get any further12:08
PhinnFortFivetwentysix: nvidia's proprietary12:08
DaSkreechPhinnFort: Well I could afford food12:08
PhinnFortcarl_: you need to use the keyboard12:08
PhinnFortcarl_: hit enter12:08
carl_I did12:08
PhinnFortcarl_: has it returned to the command prompt?12:08
carl_nothing is happening (i'm not that noob :P)12:08
carl_nope, still at that page12:09
PhinnFortcarl_: can you explain what happened up until that point?12:09
carl_with the "configureing xserver-org" header12:09
carl_had to type in the name of the graphics card was the last step12:09
FivetwentysixDo i install the regular drivers or the new drivers?12:09
=== kubuntian [n=andrea@S0106001310d8b18f.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
carl_selected nvidia from a list12:09
PhinnFortcarl_: what did you type in?12:10
carl_nvidia 6600 "i think"12:10
PhinnFortwas it the default?12:10
carl_it didn't give the default, I think that it was just a lable for the setup12:11
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PhinnFortcarl_: close the console window, then12:11
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PhinnFortcarl_: then hit alt+f2, type in "cp ~/xorg.conf /etc/X11/ && kdesu dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg --frontend kde"12:12
PhinnFortand hit enter12:12
Coldwar55How does one allow write access to a drive in the fstab table?12:12
PhinnFortColdwar55: set "rw" amongst the options12:12
Coldwar55Ok thanks.12:12
Coldwar55Mounted by Windows partition but it's not write access yet.12:13
carl_nothing happened12:13
PhinnFortcarl_: i forgot a sudo...12:13
PhinnFortcarl_: open a console, then "sudo cp ~/xorg.conf /etc/X11/"12:13
PhinnFortcarl_: then "kdesu dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg --frontend kde"12:14
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naegling23any idea why kwin --replace would not work?12:15
carl_Unknown option '--frontend'12:15
PhinnFortcarl_: you must really excuse me, I forgot "'s: kdesu "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg --frontend kde"12:15
=== bipolar_ is now known as bipolar

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