
ikonianalioth: is that an official thing - #ubuntu will answer debian and suse questions ?12:28
naliothgnomefreak: YOU USE SUSE?12:28
gnomefreaknalioth: yes one of my systems are suse 10.212:28
naliothgnomefreak: turn in your cloak.12:28
gnomefreaklol you want to support it12:28
naliothikonia: no, i was just remarking that folks find #ubuntu friendlier to ask questions in12:29
mc44we can just let apokryphos handle all the SuSE questions :)12:29
ikonianalioth: thank the lord12:29
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naliothwe can't have ikonia in charge of the suse questions?12:35
ikoniaha ha ha12:35
Seveasikonia already is in charge of gentoo questions01:19
ikoniaha ha ha01:20
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=== stefg [n=chatzill@e179144218.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
stefglanguage-troll kevin in ubuntu needs amute01:42
naliothstefg: ?01:45
stefgalright... just a desparado with bad manners who found his way to #ubuntu-es now01:46
=== Hobbsee removes a few people for away messages
Hobbseei hope xchat hasnt put them in by default now...01:47
Hobbseeoh headdesk.01:52
Hobbseepeople, undersatnd the concept of releases - adn that you probalby wont be able to install a deb for the current development version on something 3 releases old.01:52
Hobbseeand people, please read the topic *before* you make yourself look like a moron.01:53
=== mc44 thinks Hobbsee has gone insane and started thinking people look at the topic
=== mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Exit,]
ubotuIn #kubuntu, n8bounds said: ubotu what time is it?02:47
naliothtime to buy a watch02:47
ubotuIn #kubuntu, n8bounds said: ubotu what is the meaning of life?02:47
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=== Eleaf [n=ethan@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
EleafHello;  I'm wondering why I was banished from #ubuntu-offtopic ;)03:56
naliothEleaf: recidivism?03:58
Eleafof what?03:58
Eleafnalioth, um?04:02
naliothEleaf: i have no idea04:03
naliothwho banned you?04:03
Eleafum yeah..04:03
EleafI don't know.  I just tried joining today and it said I was banned.04:03
Eleafso they did it when I wasn't there.04:04
Eleafnalioth, this is the last thing I said:  <Eleaf>Why is there no longer a pulseaudio module for jack in the repos?  it just disappeared?04:09
Eleafthen somebody else got in trouble for o4o a bit later04:10
naliothEleaf: i have no clue04:10
Eleafcome on, that's just stupid.04:10
Eleafwhy doesn't the ubuntu op team leave notices for the people it randomly bans?04:11
naliothEleaf: we have notices. there is nothing to say why you were banned04:11
Eleafnalioth, then why am I still banned?04:12
naliothEleaf: you're not04:12
Eleaf* Cannot join #ubuntu-offtopic (You are banned).04:13
naliothare you quoting me from your history or have you tried lately?04:13
EleafI just tried right now04:14
Eleafit says * Cannot join #ubuntu-offtopic (You are banned).04:14
naliothi just unbanned the latest ban04:14
naliothhow many times are you banned there?04:14
jribhe has real name and ip banned04:15
Eleafnalioth, I have no idea04:15
=== nalioth wonders what Eleaf did. . . .
Eleafmaybe hitting enter too many times.. like 8 times under 30 seconds.04:16
naliothtry not to excite us, Eleaf   :)04:16
Eleafuh, yeah..04:20
Eleafwell... hello?04:20
jribEleaf: you're banned in every possible way... weird04:21
Eleafwhat??  wow.04:21
jribhow do I list real name bans?04:23
jrib+d stuff04:23
Eleafnot sure04:23
naliothEleaf: it's been lifted04:24
naliother, maybe noe04:24
naliothcrap, what DID You do?04:24
EleafI don't remember doing anything vile.04:25
naliothnow get out of here04:25
jribyou're still missing one04:25
naliothi am?04:25
EleafI'm going to watch a movie04:25
naliothi got 304:26
EleafI be back later if you need me04:26
Eleafyou can't tell who did the ban?04:26
crdlbompaul did04:26
naliothEleaf: bye now04:26
Eleafthanks nalioth; that was weird04:27
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@] has left #ubuntu-ops ["At]
naliothanyone know what he did to get 4 bans in one?04:27
crdlb<ompaul>        there are things you don't do around here <ompaul>        and he did them04:28
naliothi /lastlogged and didnt see anything04:29
naliothwhich is why i unbanned04:29
jribno idea, but good night04:35
elkbuntuaaaand he just earned one troll point06:22
naliothelkbuntu: where?06:23
elkbuntu<Cotton> Vista > linux06:23
elkbuntuthat's as bad as he's done so far06:23
elkbuntuhe gets VIT treatment when he goes further06:23
elkbuntutwo troll points now06:23
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=== Oxy-Cotton [n=chatzill@pool-71-183-226-118.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothOxy-Cotton: did you mean OP ABUSE IN #UBUNTU-OFFTOPIC ?06:38
tonyyarussoMyrtti: hey - it's not even night there anymore!06:39
Myrttinot here either06:40
tonyyarussoerr, that's what I said06:40
Myrtti[07:40]  <+tonyyarusso> Myrtti: hey - it's not even06:40
Myrttium yeas06:40
Myrttitoo early still ;-)06:40
=== tonyyarusso deeceecees Myrtti some coffee
naliothOxy-Cotton: can we help you with something?06:41
tonyyarussoIt's a Sunday - you know what that means.  Fresh grounds!06:41
Oxy-Cottonnalioth: Nope06:41
Oxy-CottonI got banned for cursing once, without warning06:41
Myrttiand now the ban is lifted06:43
Myrttias you do know06:43
tonyyarussoNor was it a ban, actually.06:43
Oxy-Cottonnalioth: It is only fair you ban exs06:43
naliothOxy-Cotton: irc is not a democracy06:44
Oxy-CottonThen why did you ban me?06:44
Myrttinow you're harassing the channel to make your point06:44
Myrttiat -offtopic06:44
Myrttia tid bit immature behaviour, I'd say.06:45
Oxy-CottonIf the users were complaining, then you should have asked me to stop, otherwise, how do you know they mind?06:45
Oxy-Cottonnalioth: Why did you ban me?06:45
naliothOxy-Cotton: cursing06:45
Oxy-Cottonthen why not exs?06:46
Myrttihe is06:46
Oxy-CottonWhy am I banned now?06:46
Oxy-CottonFor typing in caps?06:46
Oxy-Cotton\oh no06:46
Myrttiplease keep your complaints to one place06:47
Oxy-CottonWhy did I get banned? elkbuntu ?06:47
Myrttiif you're here discussing the matter, you have no need to pm people06:47
Myrttiand vice versa06:47
elkbuntuOxy-Cotton, you didnt get banned. you got removed for trolling06:47
Oxy-CottonMyrtti: Who's PMing?06:47
Oxy-CottonI wasn'y06:48
Oxy-CottonMyrtti: WHO IS PMING?06:48
Myrttiwhy are you writing in caps?06:48
Myrttimy eyes hurt. ;____;06:48
Oxy-CottonBecause you didn't see my question the first time I asked06:49
MyrttiI was writing you an answer, but hadn't finished it yet06:49
Myrttiand I do have other life besides IRC...06:49
Oxy-Cottonno wai06:49
=== cables [n=cables@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
Oxy-Cottoncontinue writing you answer06:50
elkbuntuOxy-Cotton, there is no need for you to be here06:51
Oxy-CottonI don't believe this is private channle06:51
Oxy-CottonAnd I am in the middle of a discussion06:51
MyrttiI've totally lost track of it though06:52
MyrttiI really need more sleep06:52
tonyyarussoIs it a useful one still?  I believe your questiones were answered.06:52
Oxy-CottonWho am I PMing?06:52
MyrttiI've got no idea anymore about this06:52
Oxy-Cotton<Myrtti>if you're here discussing the matter, you have no need to pm people06:52
Myrttifrom looking at -ubuntu, I got the impression that you were pm'ing elkbuntu atleast. I'm not sure if it really was PM, but anyWAY.06:53
Myrttisorry, -offtopic06:53
MyrttiI wonder if we have any coffee...06:53
elkbuntuit was a PM, it was an uninvited PM06:54
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tonyyarussoMyrtti: you finished mine _already_?06:54
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Oxy-CottonCan I have ops in -offtopic?06:55
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=== Oxy-Cotton [n=chatzill@pool-71-183-226-118.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested]
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o elkbuntu] by ChanServ
naliothguess tha's a 'no'06:55
Myrttithat was fun.06:55
elkbuntuhurry with the k-ticket nalioth!06:56
elkbuntuwho *!*@pool-71-183-226-118.nycmny.fios.verizon.net07:00
naliothelkbuntu: ?07:00
elkbuntuseeing who else he is on as07:01
elkbuntuor, trying07:01
=== mark_ [n=mark@reserved-34-101.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothi got nobody, elkbuntu07:01
elkbuntuyeah, because i always stuff up the command07:01
elkbuntuhi mark_?07:01
naliothi only see him07:01
mark_hello elkbuntu07:01
elkbuntumark_, this is the IRC Ops channel, is this where you were looking for?07:02
mark_how do i test my setup for the defaultport vulnerability?07:02
elkbuntuaha, indeed it is07:02
=== elkbuntu points to nalioth
elkbuntuhe knows07:02
naliothmark_: please join #moderation07:03
mark_ok will do. Ta.07:03
elkbuntumark_, when you return, feel free to drop into #ubuntu-au where all the aussie ubunter's hang out :)07:03
naliothmark_: thanks for your patience, you can join #ubuntu now07:04
elkbuntui think we lost him?07:11
=== mark_ [n=mark@reserved-34-101.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothso it seems07:12
naliothnight all07:19
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ubotuIn ubotu, Frogzoo said: disable_touchpad is To disable the touchpad while typing, see: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/09/20/disable-touchpad-temporarily-when-typing/08:15
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=== stefg [n=chatzill@e179144218.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
stefgDue to the number of people hitting #ubuntu with 'My intel HDA sound broke after feisty upgrade' i'd turn in the following factoid: !intelhda is For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto02:11
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LjL!intelhda is <reply> For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto02:18
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL02:18
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PriceChildafternoon :)03:03
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SeveasLjL, you jackass03:40
LjLnah that doesn't work :P03:40
SeveasAutomatix roxxx!!!!11!03:42
Seveasdang, nobody bites03:43
Seveasmust be sunday03:43
LjLi like automatix because it lets you do things that you simply cannot do in plain ubunto. it gives you legal codecs, if you try to install the ubunto codecs they don't work and they're also illegal03:43
Seveas@lart LjL03:44
somerville32I like automatix because of the cool name, duh.03:44
=== ubotu pokes LjL with a rusty nail
Seveas@lart LjL03:44
=== ubotu --purges LjL
Seveas@lart somerville3203:44
=== ubotu drops a truckload of VAXen on somerville32
LjLcan i get one of the VAXen?03:44
LjLnot the one with blood on it03:44
=== somerville32 forms the 10' VAXen-tron.
=== PriceChild wonders what a Vax is
TheSheepPriceChild: a computer03:46
TheSheepPriceChild: mainframe03:47
PriceChildI'm sorry I'm not a geek :)03:47
TheSheepPriceChild: happens in the best of families03:47
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ikoniaSuse Rock0r !05:06
somerville32Omgz?! Really?!05:07
ikoniaget with it05:09
ikoniaSeveas told me so05:09
Seveas@pity ikonia05:10
=== ubotu pierces ikonia's nose with a rusty paper hole puncher
ikoniainteresting version of "pity"05:10
SeveasI pity the fowl05:10
ikoniashut your jibba jbba05:11
=== PriceChild contemplates a duck version...
ikoniais everyone well05:12
PriceChildno of "shut your jibba jabba"05:12
somerville32@schedule atlantic05:12
ubotuSchedule for Canada/Atlantic: 20 May 14:00: Xubuntu Developers | 22 May 17:00: Technical Board | 23 May 17:00: Edubuntu | 24 May 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 27 May 11:00: LoCo Team | 29 May 12:00: Kernel Team05:12
SeveasI'm quite well05:13
Seveaswrote hundreds of lines of python code :)05:13
PriceChildfun fun fun05:13
ikoniaI've sprent the morning playing with my home recording studio after 4 months of work, it took one guy 4 hours to fix the mess I made of it05:13
somerville32I rewired my desktop :/05:14
somerville32Took 7 minute.05:14
ikoniayou can come and do mine05:15
ikoniaI think I need a slightly bigger case05:15
TheSheepsomerville32: what did you wire?05:15
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SeveasI rewired my brain :)05:19
somerville32I rewired my shower.05:20
ikoniaI showered my brain05:20
=== somerville32 is impressed.
TheSheepmust. eat. brains.05:21
TheSheepmust. drink. coffee.05:21
somerville32must. shower. or. will. stink.05:23
LjLBearPerson: niceties coming?05:26
BearPersonI think so, yes05:26
BearPersonI can see someone walking through an open proxy list, but I can't pick off any similarity between the connections fond to be open proxies05:26
BearPersonneither can I see any other weird activity yet05:27
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PriceChildWhat's with -unregged... did we just have an attack while I was gone? :(05:33
BearPersonno, but there may have been an attack had we not gone +r05:34
BearPersonI'm not sure05:34
BearPersonI had someone connect >10 detected open proxies within 3 minutes, which usually means trouble05:34
LjLBearPerson: might for some strange reason laf31-5-82-235-128-93.fbx.proxad.net be involved?05:36
BearPersonnot sure, socks proxies don't tell you who's connecting ;)05:37
LjLi mean that'd be a proxy05:37
PriceChildAh yes was reading that before d/c05:37
BearPersonwell, we'll see what the runner does now05:37
BearPersoncan't see him in there05:38
LjLok, just a weird nickname coincidence i notice, should be nothing05:38
ompaulseveral nicks = username and no cloak strange stuff05:39
LjLthe coincidence i noticed was of a much weaker kind, just someone with a very italian nickname and someone else who'd joined with the same nickname before from proxad.net, which opendns marks as a phishing site for some reason05:42
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=== Eleaf [n=ethan@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
EleafI've been banned from #ubuntu-offtopic again and I didn't even say anything.06:08
ubotuIn ubotu, soundray said: printer =~ s/http://linuxprinting.org/http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting/06:09
LjL!no printer is <reply> Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:11
ubotuI'll remember that LjL06:11
EleafIf somebody could look into why I keep getting banned in #ubuntu-offtopic I would appreciate it.06:12
jribEleaf: you were un-unbanned essentially06:20
Eleafjrib, I was banned again last night06:21
EleafI didn't even say anything when I was in the channel, but this morning, I can no longer join.06:21
jribEleaf: you should wait for ompaul to be around and ask him why you were banned06:22
Eleafhmm hm06:22
Eleafjrib, he's always mad at me it seems.06:28
Eleafnot sure; dislike.06:29
PriceChildEleaf, please remain calm, don't accuse operators of things like that and be patient until someone can attend to you.06:30
ikoniaI doubt that a lot06:30
EleafPriceChild, ;)06:30
ikoniaI don't find that funny06:30
EleafPriceChild, I'm not impatient and am thoroughly calm06:32
Eleafikonia, I've only been banned from him about 30-40 times.06:35
gnomefreakis metabot one of ours?06:35
ikoniaask yourself why06:35
Eleafikonia, that's what I'm doing, and I don't know why so I am asking here.06:35
gnomefreaknevermind it is06:35
EleafI joined the channel, didn't even type anything, went to sleep: now I'm banned.06:36
gnomefreakompaul didnt ban him06:38
PriceChildgnomefreak, yup its Ljl's.. got a cloak doesn't it?06:39
gnomefreaknalioth banned him06:39
gnomefreakthe bot is ljls06:39
PriceChildEleaf, Please remain patient as I have already requested. Someone will attend to you when they can.06:39
PriceChildhehe yeah that's what I meant g :)06:40
Eleafthanks PriceChild06:40
LjLgnomefreak: uh? i don't see the ban06:40
PriceChildLjL, hehe06:40
gnomefreaki do06:40
PriceChildLjL, ban on eleaf06:40
PriceChildLjL, bot is yours06:40
gnomefreakits the 2nd one in /mode #ubuntu-offtopic -b06:40
LjLi mixed up two conversations :)06:40
LjLno i just thought the *bot* was banned06:41
ompaulEleaf, you have been banned for the same reason as you were banned several months ago for several days06:41
LjL(which it is, kind of, but that's my ban anyway :)06:41
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=== gnomefreak almost banned the bot :(
ompaulyou can't remember why I removed for for a long time last time?06:42
LjLgnomefreak: well, i made it join and part quite a few times lately and it was uncloaked most of the times06:42
gnomefreaki asked in here forst06:42
gnomefreakfirst :)06:42
LjLyeah, just saying the mad joins and parts shouldn't happen anymore from now on, i've put it on an irc proxy so that it should stay connected even if it crashes or i have to stop and restart it06:43
Eleafompaul, for saying "elk" in a public channel?06:43
ompaula bit more than that06:43
Eleafdoes this really have relation to that?06:43
ompaulyou were told not to - you appear not to remember06:44
ompaulso you can remember it again06:44
Eleafwow, all I have to say is that it's ridiculous I cannot say the word "elk".06:44
ompaulyou do it with menance06:44
Eleafuhm, no I don't.06:45
ompaulthere is no debate how does that sound06:45
EleafIt's up to you to interpret what anybody says how you want: but from my objective view I do not say it with menace.06:45
ompaulyou were told never to do it again06:45
ompaulyou are far from objective06:46
EleafI don't think it's reasonable to ban people for using a standard english word.  I cannot refer to an animal?  In what reference did I use the word?06:47
EleafDoes anybody else find irrelevance in this topic?06:47
PriceChild<ompaul> you were told never to do it again06:47
ompaulit was easy06:47
=== gnomefreak didnt see what was typed but i remember the first time this started
ompaulEleaf, I am on the verge of making your ban lifelong I suggest you go away for a week or three06:48
PriceChildEleaf, You were asked/told not to. You ignored the advice/order repeatedly. EOD as far as I'm concerned.06:48
ompaulyou have  been here before you know how it goes06:48
EleafPriceChild, about 4 months ago they said I couldn't use the word "elk"06:48
PriceChildEOD as far as I'm concerned.06:48
ompauland you have said it 3 times here06:48
EleafIt's a grammatical habbit of mine.  Like "holy cow!" or "yowzers"06:49
ompaulit is not06:49
Eleafwho are you to say what my habbits are?06:49
ompaulnow cease here or I will remove you from here also06:49
EleafI was angry at the packaging of a kernel-lowlatency06:49
Eleafwhy do I even try ...06:50
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@] has left #ubuntu-ops ["At]
ompaulbecause we have patience you try it?06:50
ikonianow that he's gone - what is the problem with the word "elk" I never use it, but I'll refrain from using it06:50
=== gnomefreak misses yipe now :(
ompaulgnomefreak, :)06:50
ompaulikonia, pm06:50
ikoniaof course06:50
ikonia<Eleaf> I was angry at the packaging of a kernel-lowlatency06:51
ikoniayeah that gets me mad as hell too ;)06:51
ompaulyou start saying mouse the whole time when that gets to you06:51
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ikoniaelk - pardon06:52
ikoniaelk ompaul I don't understand elk ;)06:52
ikoniaI'm only pulling your leg06:52
ompaulehh so don't go there06:52
ikoniaof course06:52
ompaulI think it was longer than four months06:53
ompaulgnomefreak, he wanted a different revolution, one where the universe revolved around him06:54
ikoniahe's copied my idea !06:55
ompauldid you patent it?06:56
ompaulplease see the proir art from the 1400'06:56
ikoniano no06:56
ikoniapatent pending06:56
=== ThunderStruck [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v ThunderStruck] by ChanServ
ThunderStruckyeah ompaul he is also oone that loves to complain06:58
PriceChildnice new name :)06:59
ThunderStruckty :)06:59
ThunderStruckthis is my alternate name06:59
ompaulThunderStruck, only when he is wrong06:59
ThunderStruckjust like yipe ;)06:59
ThunderStruckthere are 3 that do it all the time06:59
ikoniaompaul: apparantly you just don't like him07:00
ikoniaI can see why ;)07:00
ThunderStruckmaybe more just 3 i know of from -offtopic07:00
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Eleafcan I have a humane talk with somebody?07:01
ompaulI don't think so, I may have coloured the air somewhat.07:01
EleafI request a discussion that is not oppressive for the better of all..07:01
ompaulis that a threat?07:02
EleafIf you cannot satisfy this, I will leave.07:02
Eleafno, it's a request.07:02
PriceChildEleaf, you may wait for the latest banning op if you are patient.07:03
Eleafvery well, but I will not talk with them if they are oppressive.07:03
ThunderStruckelnot talking to the ops will not help you get your ban removed. your best bet is to talk to an op nicely and hope he sees your point of view. throwing around comments like you just did will not help you07:05
ThunderStrucks/elnot/eleaf not07:05
EleafThunderStruck, I requested a discussion.07:06
ThunderStruckvery well, but I will not talk with them if they are oppressive.07:06
ThunderStruckwas what i was referring to07:06
EleafEvery time I try to speak calmly with an op against me, they are unforgiving.07:06
PriceChildEleaf, what about me and ThunderStruck, have we been unforgiving, oppressing or anything but polite?07:06
Eleafso I'm just requesting they will let me speak my side without banning me from this channel even.07:06
EleafPriceChild, you have not banned me07:07
PriceChildEleaf, what about me and ThunderStruck, have we been unforgiving, oppressing or anything but polite?07:07
PriceChildWe are ops, and you have been talking to us.07:08
ThunderStrucki am here as a nuetral at this point, however i am not the one that banned you so i am unable to remove it.07:08
=== ThunderStruck op most of time
ThunderStruckwell some of time07:08
=== maxamillion [n=adam@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v maxamillion] by ChanServ
EleafPriceChild, you have been nonpartisan.07:08
ompaulthere is a god07:09
=== PriceChild checks the dictionary
ompaulooohh sorry that was so well timed it was unreal07:09
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ThunderStruckhes lucky im not on as gnomefreak :(07:09
PriceChildI have been not supporting or controlled by a political party, special interest group, or the like... I'm happy with that I suppose07:10
EleafPriceChild, however your interrogative nature suggests you may be hungry.07:10
EleafI just don't understand how one can extrapolate so much from simple text to determine one's mood, and wishes.07:11
=== PriceChild head desks
Eleafis that a respite?07:12
TheSheepthat must have hurt07:12
ThunderStruckPriceChild, if your hungry go eat07:13
ThunderStruckdont hit your head07:13
PriceChildwhat if there was cake ont he desk?07:13
jribusually works out better if you bring the cake to your mouth, not the other way around PriceChild07:14
ikoniajrib: think outside the box07:14
PriceChildnot as fun thoguh07:14
ikoniaPriceChild: is blue skying new methods07:14
EleafAll I have to say is it would be great if all of you as operators could deploy a system that is more relational to the people you have trouble with.  This would have worked out better if the op that banned me left me an irc notice or something, instead of leaving me wondering and enraged.  Also, it would be nice if meetings could be arranged with those who feel adulterated.  Thanks.07:17
ikoniayour in a meeting07:18
ThunderStruckthe meetings would turn into mad houses but there is a council for ops.07:18
ThunderStruckEleaf,  and please the way you stated that needs to be restated as not all the ops banned you07:19
EleafThunderStruck, because it seems to be guidelines all ops could follow.07:19
ikoniaEleaf: your meeting with the operators now07:19
ThunderStruckther eis guidelines we have to follow07:19
Eleafikonia, but none of them want to speak with me, they say wait for the one that banned me.07:19
ikoniaEleaf: even if you disagree with why you where banned, just follow the advice and don't do it again07:19
Eleafikonia, again, can I discuss the matter with the ops here?07:20
ThunderStruckyou are07:20
ikoniaI've seen 3 or 4 of them respond to you07:20
EleafI am trying, but you keep telling me to wait for the other operator.07:20
=== ThunderStruck PriceChild and ompaul are all ops
Eleafikonia, telling me to wait.07:20
ikoniare-read it07:20
ikoniathey have responded07:20
ikoniayou just argued07:20
EleafI asked for a humane discussion, they said wait for the banner.07:21
ompaulsome seem to have said it could be moved on from there07:21
ikoniano, a human discussion started, you got argumentative and stormed off with sarcastic comments like "why do I bother"07:21
Eleafikonia, I asked for a humane discussion after that07:21
ikoniayes, but you'd been rude to people and stormed off 1 minute before07:22
PriceChildEleaf, _I_ said wait for the banned because you have the opinion of 3 of us already.07:22
ikoniaits pretty hard to be rude to people - then storm off, then come back saying "I want to talk"07:22
ikoniathe people you stormed off on will be less interested due to your behaviour 60 seconds earlier07:22
Eleafikonia, I wasn't even able to talk before without getting told "you have been told to do something, so do it, like it or not".07:23
ikoniaEleaf: exactly - you've been told not to do it, and your still doing07:23
Eleafikonia, I'm sorry, but if somebody tells me to do/not do something that is against my belief, I will stand up for it.07:23
ikoniathats not how it works07:23
ikoniayou abide by the channel policy and operators - or go somewhere else07:23
PriceChildEleaf, If you are going to take part in _someone else's_ channel then there are guidelines etc. etc. If you defy operators then what do you expect will happen?07:23
ikoniaby joining the channel you accept those rules07:23
ThunderStruckyou seemed to have missed the point of that whole topic. as it was stated you were told $months ago to stop and you havent yet stopped07:23
EleafPriceChild, it's a public channel, it's offtopic,07:24
ompaulirc is not a democracy07:24
ikoniaEleaf: its still moderated07:24
PriceChildEleaf, its not free speech07:24
ThunderStruckelnot really a public channel as do what you want07:24
EleafThunderStruck, how am I supposed to remember to not say something from 4 months ago?07:24
ikoniaEleaf: because you got banned for weeks for it07:24
ikoniaEleaf: should stick in your mind07:24
EleafI totally forgot about what they told me not to say.07:24
ThunderStruckeleasy how did you learn not to put feet on table when you eat with family?07:24
ikoniaas a big "no no"07:24
Eleafikonia, it's a common word I use every other day..07:24
ThunderStruckeleasy == Eleaf easy07:24
ikoniabut you shouldn't use it here07:24
ikoniaas you've been asked not to07:25
EleafThunderStruck, by discussion.07:25
EleafI didn't learn to do things by being strucken and dictated at.07:25
ikoniaEleaf: well thats your issue to address07:25
ThunderStrucki suggest this topic ends and Eleaf wait for the banning op as we dont seem to be getting anywhere as is.07:25
Eleafikonia, do you believe it's better to learn collaboratively or from a single side that oppresses the other?07:26
ikoniaEleaf: I believe I should follow the rules and guidelines set by the channel and operators, and if i'm banned learn from it07:26
EleafI'd rather have both sides happy; that can't be possible if both sides aren't looked at subjectively.07:26
EleafThunderStruck, I'm angry, and I want somebody to talk to.07:27
ompaulthe banning op is not here and it is their ban07:27
PriceChildEleaf, follow the advice that ThunderStruck and me are/have been giving you. Please calm down and be patient07:27
ThunderStruckEleaf, we tried now you need to wait for the banner to talk to you.07:27
Eleafompaul, well you know why I was banned.07:27
ompaulyes and so do you07:28
EleafThunderStruck, I tried talking with the banner in the past, he doesn't listen to me.07:28
ompaulso I am not debating it - I banned you for the same activity and as I said07:28
ThunderStruckEleaf, you dont listen to us.07:28
ThunderStrucknow i asked that it stop please end it?07:28
Eleafyou are telling me to wait for somebody who won't listen to me.07:28
PriceChildEleaf, who said he wouldn't listen to you?07:28
ompaulso stay quite while you wait07:28
PriceChildEleaf, please just be patient.07:28
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
Eleafbe patient for somebody to not be patient with me?  I would rather talk to somebody who will listen.07:29
PriceChildEleaf, I've had enough now. /me steps away07:29
EleafMaybe if nalioth agrees to listen to me this time.07:29
EleafThink about both sides, just because you are an op, doesn't mean what you believe I should believe.  I may be in a very different position.07:29
ThunderStruckEleaf, talk to him professionally not argumenitive and peopel will listen to you. now i suggest you wait for him. your arguing the point is not helping you we all stepped up to listen but you have been nothing but rude. now it needs to end07:31
ThunderStrucksorry i dont have spell check on this system nor a big enough keyboard07:31
ThunderStruckompaul, what is user mode +6?07:37
SeveasThunderStruck, unfiltered07:42
Seveas--- services. sets mode -6 Seveas07:42
Seveas-NickServ- Toggled UnFiltered [OFF] 07:42
Seveas--- services. sets mode +6 Seveas07:42
Seveas-NickServ- Toggled UnFiltered [ON] 07:42
ThunderStruckSeveas, thank you07:43
naliothAttention everyone:  i reinstituted a ban set by ompaul that i mistakenly removed due to lack of information. Eleaf PriceChild ThunderStruck LjL ikonia Seveas07:43
Seveasnalioth, ok07:44
ThunderStrucknalioth, ok07:44
Seveasnalioth, is the bannee ripe for the autorem list perhaps?07:45
naliothEleaf: this means that ompaul is the one who is responsible for your ban.07:45
ompaulSeveas, it is for the same reason as before07:45
ompauland I am considering that07:45
Seveashttp://blackbird.kaarsemaker.net/code <-- bzrweb!07:46
PriceChildnice :)07:46
Seveasit is07:47
jribI like the colors...07:47
Eleafnalioth, ompaul and others where saying I should wait for you ;)07:48
ompaulEleaf well you know now that I am not impressed07:48
ompaulEleaf you are a stalker07:49
Seveasstalkers rarely impress07:49
ThunderStruckEleaf, as he stated he only reinstated the ban that should never have been removed07:49
Seveasand are definitely not funny07:49
Eleafyeah, okay Seveas .07:49
ompaulEleaf, july 107:49
ompaulfor -offtopic if you leave here now07:49
Seveasompaul, heh, making deals with the devil?07:50
ompaulSeveas, no07:50
EleafSeveas, stop .07:50
ompaulhe might be07:50
SeveasEleaf, ?07:50
EleafSeveas, you're name calling.07:50
EleafAnd assuming I'm a 'stalker'...07:50
Seveasnot assuming.07:50
ompaulEleaf, full ban from #ubuntu-offtopic07:50
ompaulwe have the logs07:50
ompaulyou were asked ] 07:50
EleafI know this has something to do with me saying the animal name..07:50
ompaulSeveas, autoremove please07:51
EleafI don't know how that has anything to do with stalking, unless it was elkbuntu ?07:51
ompaulohh now he knows07:51
ompaulwe have been here before07:51
ompaulgo away07:51
EleafYou said if I was patient, I could talk.07:51
ompaulyou have done and you argued the whole time07:51
Seveasyou weren't patient. You were persistent in being impatient07:52
EleafI was waiting for nalioth to get a fair conversation.07:52
ompaulyou are trolling - here I think wikipedia may help you understand07:52
ThunderStruckEleaf, nalioth didnt ban you07:52
PriceChildEleaf, and he has arrived and enlightened us that there is no reason to talk to him.07:52
EleafFrom my side, I see absolute ridiculousness.07:52
EleafPriceChild, then I want to talk to ompaul07:52
ThunderStrucknalioth, reset the ban that should NOT have been removed that was set by ompaul07:52
ompaulEleaf, say goodbye to all the nice people07:52
Seveasyou get more than a fair conversation -- stalkers deserve nothing but a ban and you had way more07:52
PriceChildEleaf, you have talked.07:52
EleafI'm not a stalker!07:52
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested]
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b *!*@] by ompaul
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+d Ethan?Lofton] by ompaul
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b eleaf!*@*] by ompaul
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b *!n=ethan@*] by ompaul
ompaulI guess I should comment that07:53
Seveasheh, loving the /cs lart :)07:53
Seveasompaul, please do07:53
ompaulSeveas, only in extreme cases07:53
ompaulhe is one of them07:53
jribI think the n=ethan one is likely to get other people07:53
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b *!n=ethan@*] by Seveas
Seveaswatch #ubuntu now for revenge actions07:53
ikoniaalready doing so07:54
Seveasrock :)07:54
ikoniaand #css which I'm also in07:54
Seveasthere's no ompaul in there so that's safe :)07:54
ikoniathats the best place to do it though, behind the ops back07:54
ikoniaso you get no-come back07:54
ikoniano come back07:54
naliothyou forgot to suggest ##trangle to him07:55
ompaulnalioth, him and the other spawn07:55
Seveasnalioth, heh, is that still alive?07:56
ompaulSeveas, where is the click to comment location - I don't see it07:56
naliothSeveas: oh yes07:56
naliothompaul: /msg ubotu @btlogin07:56
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o ompaul] by ChanServ
SeveasHEhateME, interesting nick :)08:00
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o Seveas] by ChanServ
SeveasTm_T, what's disgusting you?08:00
HEhateMEty Seveas :)08:00
=== Pumpernickel [n=pumperni@about/essy/bacon/PuMpErNiCkLe] has left #ubuntu-ops ["bar"]
Tm_TSeveas:wait a moment, I'm opening browser08:01
Tm_Thmh, no, no browser08:01
Tm_Tgah I'm totally fuzzed08:02
Tm_T"The CC meeting next week will, like all CC metings, be on tuesday and08:02
Tm_Tnot on wednesday. So it'll be on may 15, 13:00 UTC08:02
ThunderStruckTm_T, that because your not using gnome ;)08:02
Tm_TThunderStruck: more like because of it08:02
Tm_Tsomeone saw that mail just about now08:02
=== Tm_T hates me
HEhateMESeveas, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/He_hate_me08:03
SeveasTm_T, that mail was sent more than week ago :)08:03
ThunderStrucki havent checked mail yet but will when im done on this POS08:03
Tm_TSeveas: I know!08:03
ThunderStruckoh than i got it08:03
Tm_TSeveas: but bah with only gprs etc...08:03
Tm_TI missed that one apparently08:03
SeveasTm_T, next one is may 2908:04
Tm_Tyup, I hope I have net connection that time08:04
jriberm who is "Elk" in -offtopic?08:05
Seveas--- [Elk]  (n=Ilia@203-59-199-205.dyn.iinet.net.au) : God08:06
Seveas--- [Elk]  #ubuntu-offtopic #blenderversity #blendercoders +#blender08:06
Seveas--- [Elk]  irc.freenode.net :http://freenode.net/08:06
Seveas--- [Elk]  idle 00:00:51, signon: Sat May 19 18:42:0308:06
Seveas--- [Elk]  End of WHOIS list.08:06
Seveasmust be sent by Eleaf from #blender08:06
PriceChildSeveas, and elk3...08:07
Myrttiwhat on earth...08:08
ThunderStruckget to banning them ;)08:08
Tm_TMyrtti: I'm on earth08:09
Tm_Tare you?08:09
Tm_Tno I don't need any caffeine thank you08:09
MyrttiI'm not sure anymore08:10
MyrttiI bought a heart rate monitor today08:10
Myrttinot a pink one!08:10
Myrttimy feet hurt.08:10
Tm_Tnot pink? why?!08:10
Myrttibecause the pink one looked crappy08:10
Myrttino, actually08:10
Myrttithe pink was suunto08:10
Myrttiand they don't co-operate with gym equipment08:11
Tm_Thmh, shame08:11
Myrttiand the pink polar has is... humm... flesh colour basically08:11
MyrttiI'd say "girls best buzzing friend pink"08:11
Tm_Tpig! err, pink!08:13
=== Tm_T hides
ThunderStruckompaul, -offtopic is gonna be a rest of day battle with him im sure08:25
ompaulThunderStruck, I think we shall see a little bit of an effort08:25
ompaulbut it will fall over08:25
=== beuno [n=martin@ubuntu/member/beuno] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h2n5c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ThunderStruckit doesnt show up on this hack of a cleint08:30
ThunderStruckjust shows users leaving and coming back08:31
ompaulanthony.freenode.net irc.freenode.net08:31
jribeww windows xp08:31
ThunderStruckjrib, xchat08:31
=== beuno [n=martin@ubuntu/member/beuno] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h2n5c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ThunderStruckbut yes on xp atm08:32
=== nalioth moves away from ThunderStruck
Myrttiso, having been away for a while, what's the story of Eleaf in brief?08:33
ThunderStruckthis one isnt my pc ;)08:33
ThunderStruckhes a <insert bad word>08:33
ThunderStruckto put it a nice way08:34
MyrttiI thought he wasn't that bad in -offtopic08:34
Myrttibut I don't know the recent events08:34
ompaulMyrtti, he ain't coming back for a long time08:34
ompaul.  <<<-----08:34
ompaulto use an americanisim08:35
ThunderStruckproblem is if he had half a brain he can evade the ban but i wouldnt suggest that08:35
PriceChildits english too... depending on how you read it :P08:35
PriceChild"period" or "full stop" :P08:36
=== PriceChild smacks himself
ThunderStruckPriceChild, you need to stop beating the crap out of yourself today08:36
ThunderStruckbanging head on desk now slapping self08:36
ThunderStruckeleaf isnt worth all that damage08:37
PriceChildI'm doing silly things! :)08:37
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Burgundavia] by ChanServ
ompaultis' mr burger, howya goin09:01
Burgundavianot bad09:03
MyrttiTm_T: argh. -->09:07
Tm_TMyrtti: ?09:15
Myrttibanana split09:16
=== nalioth [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v nalioth] by ChanServ
MyrttiI actually start to grind my teeth everytime I see him active09:16
Tm_Taah Junior!09:17
=== Tm_T is halfblind
Tm_TMyrtti: haha09:42
Myrttimy GOD09:42
Tm_Tyes hu-man?09:42
Myrtti"this shouldn't be happening in lehnux"09:42
PriceChilddajorz is annoying me...09:42
=== vorian [n=steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-ops.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Topic for #ubuntu-ops: Welcome to the home of the operators of all Ubuntu (and derivatives) channels | This channel is for operator/abuse questions only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | IRC team info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam
=== Topic (#ubuntu-ops): set by Seveas at Fri May 11 11:21:21 2007
ubotuvox754 called the ops in #ubuntu10:18
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nixternalnalioth: talk to your people man, it has been more than 2 weeks and still have not received the updated pdpc cloak ;p10:39
=== nixternal heads home
Tm_TI wonder what happened to my kde devel cloak10:46
Tm_Tdid I forgot something or what10:46
=== nalioth ate it
=== ThunderStruck [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v ThunderStruck] by ChanServ
=== vorian [n=steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee_] by ChanServ
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-ops.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Topic for #ubuntu-ops: Welcome to the home of the operators of all Ubuntu (and derivatives) channels | This channel is for operator/abuse questions only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | IRC team info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam
=== Topic (#ubuntu-ops): set by Seveas at Fri May 11 11:21:21 2007
(PriceChild/#ubuntu-ops) the warning of maybe bots... sounds omnios11:27
(LjL/#ubuntu-ops) scared of wallops :)11:27
(PriceChild/#ubuntu-ops) omnious11:27
(LjL/#ubuntu-ops) he didn't mean malicious bots i think11:28
(PriceChild/#ubuntu-ops) well "clearing bans"?11:28
(nalioth/#ubuntu-ops) no, they're dumping the d:line lists11:28
gnomefreakkeep us on our feet11:30
naliothHobbsee: because with a umpetymegabyte dline.conf, it makes the network slow11:36
naliothand if you guys have never seen a bot get d:lined you don't have to worry about said bot returning11:37
naliothd:lines make k:lines look like a slap on the wrist.11:37
PriceChildwhat's so special about d:lines?11:38
nalioththey never expire11:38
naliothuntil the dline.conf is rm'd11:38
naliothand that doesn't happen too often11:38
nalioththey are also initiated in a most evil way11:38
PriceChildis that a secret evil way?11:39
naliothyes, because it can be abused by trolls11:39
naliothand i hate klining trolls who abuse dline invites11:39
=== xblackfire [n=strafe@unaffiliated/xblackfire] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== nalioth mutters about folks with more time on their hands than sense
LjLpricechild and me? :P12:01
LjLPriceChild: well the description above kind of fits our dodgy attempts at forwarding people without coordination :P12:01
PriceChildhehe :)12:01
LjLit was fun 'cause when you stopped and decided to start back from the other end of the alphabet, i had done the very same :P12:01
LjLwell not alphabet, that would be -unregged kicking, anyway =)12:01
PriceChildhaha yeah12:01
PriceChildnalioth, have you taken off that script that kills dcc'ers then?12:01
naliothPriceChild: didn't you just see it in action?12:01
naliothit has been tuned and is 99% effective now12:01
PriceChildi'm used to it being the first thing after the send12:01
naliothpart of its retune has induced a couple of nanoseconds lag12:01
PriceChildsilly me :)12:01
naliothPriceChild: but now, it never misses12:01
PriceChildThanks :)12:01
LjLD SEND nalioth, i don't believe you for a moment12:01
naliothLjL: you forget a few commas12:01
nalioth, << comma12:02
LjLerr, yes...12:02
naliothyou need 6 more to be a believer12:02
=== LjL assumes it's some quote from some movie and moves on :P
=== jrib nods

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