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fooOk, we swapped the RAID10 configuration (4 drives) from one board to another board... and Ubuntu hangs at: "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel." (hang) ... any ideas? The next few messages that *should* appear, are, "sda: assuming drive cache: write through" Startnig basic networking ... (I believe)... I'm thinking if I can get into a ubuntu live cd, I can edit grub with the new location since change motherboards with ...06:21
foo... the drives might have changed something. Thoughts?06:21
Kamping_Kaiseranother board=new raid controller?06:22
fooHm, nope, same raid controller06:22
Kamping_Kaiserso what is changed?06:23
fooEverything except the LSI logic RAID controller, drive order, drive configuration06:24
Kamping_Kaiseroh *grin*.06:24
ajmitchboot without 'quiet' 06:25
fooThe box is remote, I'm thinking of having them get into Ubuntu live cd and setting up ssh for me. I just am not too sure what to change in grub. I suppose I can check the old grub against the grub the live cd used, right?06:25
fooajmitch: hmm, good idea. 06:25
fooajmitch: Hm, should I have them do that first... or should I have them just get the live cd up and set up ssh for me? I'm kind of crunched for time06:26
ajmitchit should only take a couple of minutes to boot without quiet & see what's causing the problem06:27
fooOk, so do that, then get me into live cd06:27
fooThey can get into live recovery console probably and edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst without quiet, right?06:28
fooIf not that, then we try live cd06:28
fooSound good?06:28
ajmitchor they can just edit the grub line directly without touching the file06:28
ajmitchwhich is far quicker & is done from the grub menu06:29
fooHm, how would you do that? I'd have to walk them through this on the phone06:29
=== foo loads up ubuntu VM to check the option
ajmitchpress 'e' when the entry in the grub menu is highlighted06:29
ajmitchand 'e' again on the kernel line, iirc, then b to boot06:30
fooActually... yeah06:31
fooI just did in the VM06:31
fooOk, I can do this, thanks06:31
fooKamping_Kaiser: Thank you too06:32
Kamping_Kaiserno worries, glad ajmitch could help06:33
fooAssume root bridge \_sp.pci0 + 0 ...06:45
fooSomething like this06:45
=== foo is just going to get in the livecd
fooHm, booting with noapic and apic=off didn't help07:02
fooSwapping the slot the controller was in didn't help either07:03
=== foo waits for ssh access from the livecd
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fooHm, on the ubuntu server 6.06 LTS support CD... is "rescue a broken disk" option the option for the live cd? Or no?07:45
fooACPI: Assume Root bridge [\_SB_.PCI] 07:51
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fooHm, if I build a custom ubuntu kernel... performance gain will be very little, right?10:34
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ivoksdepends on what you will do10:39
ivoksperformance could be even worse10:39
fooAh, I see. But, even if done right, performance gain is only very minimal, right?10:43
fooivoks: I'm trying to reaffirm my beliefs that optimizing a ubuntu kernel isn't even worth it. Reassure me. :)10:43
ivoksit's not; makes life harder when it comes to security patches10:45
fooGotcha, ok, that's what I was looking for, thanks.10:46
fooivoks: bah, hit this bug today: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/6654610:48
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ivoksthat's common thing10:50
fooWait, that's the solution?10:51
fooI did see that on there, but I didn't try it10:53
fooI didn't know if it would work10:56
ivoksit will10:56
foogeez, ok10:58
fooWhat does that command do?10:59
ivoksdisables MMC11:00
fooOr, it's not a command11:00
ivoksit's enabled by default in dapper11:00
fooah, I see11:00
fooThanks, we might give that a shot11:01
fooWhat's MMC? Sounds processor related, I think. /me googles11:01
ivoksbut doesn't work with some PCI cards, iirc11:02
fooah, ok11:02
fooYeah, I didn't do it because I think someone said it didn't work for them on that bug post11:02
fooWe might give that a shot, though, waiting to hear back11:03
fooivoks: Hm, what does MMC stand for? It looks like it could stand for a few things11:04
ivoksi'm not sure :/11:05
foooh, ok11:05
fooThanks anywho11:05
fooHm, no PCI cards in the motherboard they said11:05
ivokstry it anyway11:05
ivoksmight be related to MB, not cards11:05
fooah, I see11:06
ivoksit's MB thing11:06
ivokssome kind of table for ACPI11:07
foooh, thanks!11:07
=== foo checks
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fooivoks: Are you a dell fan?11:31
ivoksi'm not fan of anything, trying to be reasonable all the time :)11:34
fooah, ok11:34
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fooivoks: Would you happen to know if that issue is ubuntu specific?12:13
ivoksit's not12:14
fooaha, ok12:14
fooivoks: thank yo12:15
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fooubuntu dapper request_module: runaway loop modprobe binfmt12:36
fooGah... another error12:36
fooajmitch: if you're still around, hm12:36
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mistonehey if I upgrade 6.06 to 7.04 I have to upgrade to 6.10 then to 7.04.... do I have to reboot twice after I upgrade to 6.10 can I continue to upgrade to 7.04 without rebooting ?07:12
mistoneor should I upgrade at all?07:19
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gubluntui have installed ubuntu fresh on a machine with a 15 inch elo touchscreen (serial interface).. appreantly ubuntu has recogized it because i see it has installed the input elo xorg driver automagically.. i just have no idea how to get it working now.....11:33
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