
PhinnFortnow I've done it myself, just to check that I did it right12:16
carl_nothing happened12:16
PhinnFortkdesu "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg --frontend kde"12:16
PhinnFortfrom - to -: -kdesu "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg --frontend kde"-12:17
masterkhow do I find my kernel version?12:17
PhinnFortcarl_: what did it say in the console12:17
PhinnFortmasterk: uname .a12:17
Cruzaderuname -r12:17
PhinnFortmasterk: uname -a12:17
Cruzaderor that12:17
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Coldwar55Do I have to restart the xsession for changes in the fstab table to take effect?12:17
PhinnFort-r just gives version;)12:17
masterkin console?12:17
Cruzader-r is just kernel version12:17
carl_it just went on down to another line12:17
PhinnFortColdwar55: you should reboot, to be on the safe side12:17
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K-RyanHey guys12:18
PhinnFortcarl_: something is weird, but do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"12:18
K-RyanI need help making a shortcut.12:18
carl_now in the configure display it says "this configureation section is already opened resize and rotate"12:18
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PhinnFortK-Ryan: drag, hold ctrl+shift, drop12:18
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K-RyanIt's more complicated than that =P12:19
carl_nothing happened again12:19
masterkhey I was wondering... is there a way to move my kubuntu setup from this hard drive to another?12:19
K-RyanI need "steam.exe" to be opened, through wine.12:19
K-Ryanmasterk: No12:19
PhinnFortmasterk: yes12:19
masterkwho is right?12:19
K-RyanWell I mean you can't take it and move it over.12:19
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PhinnFortmasterk: just get the package list, and your /home12:19
K-RyanYou could copy it over12:19
Coldwar55One more question, how do I add a program to start up?12:19
lobsterK-Ryan man, you are in her alot now! try right click, make new shortcut12:19
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PhinnFortmasterk: it should be okay to just move the hard drive too12:20
K-RyanWell yeah PhinnFort but that's not the whole thing.12:20
K-RyanCan you really move the whole thing?12:20
PhinnFortK-Ryan: this isn't windows, you can actually move the harddrive to another machine12:20
K-Ryanlobster: I do come in here often12:20
PhinnFortK-Ryan: microsoft has put in artificial restraints on that12:20
K-RyanPhinnFort: I know you can move the physical hard drive, but it sounded like he wanted to move a partition from one HDD to another.12:20
carl_I'll brb12:20
K-RyanThat's possible?12:20
PhinnFortK-Ryan: dd?12:21
masterkwell I'm not talking about the packages I'm talking about all the configurations I'm about to make to the kernel and such because I'm working out the glitches right now using the thinkpad wiki12:21
K-RyanHard Drive Disk12:21
PhinnFortmasterk: you can use a copy program that preserves links and rights12:21
lobsterPhinnFort, you can but there are issues with moving certain directories over. anything in /home should be fine though12:21
masterkwhat do you mean phinnfort?12:21
PhinnFortlobster: you mean /dev?12:21
K-RyanI need to make a shortcut that will open a file through wine.12:22
PhinnFortmasterk: using cp --archive, I think would do it12:22
Coldwar55Hmm funny, Beryl is fine on my laptop but kills my desktop12:22
K-RyanColdwar55: Video card drivers setup right?12:22
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PhinnFortK-Ryan: right click, shortcut to program, wine as program, program to be run with path as arguments12:22
masterkwhat is the cp command?12:22
Coldwar55Laptop has an Intel chip and Desktp is ATI12:22
K-RyanThere's your problem.12:22
PhinnFortmasterk: "cp --archive /source /target"12:22
Coldwar55So yeah :12:22
Coldwar55I know12:22
lobsterphinnfort /ev isn't real, so it will rewrite itself12:22
lobsterphinnfort ^^ /dev12:23
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Coldwar55Even though it's a decent ATI card it still has problem12:23
PhinnFortlobster: /dev is real, it's just not normal files12:23
Coldwar55Cause ATI is anal like that.12:23
PhinnFortlobster: you can make /dev files with mknod12:23
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carl_I'm back12:23
masterkah... hmm... but how do I copy it back into the other installation when the other installation is running?12:23
carl_I just rebooted12:23
ReMiiRuruI was wondering, what good image viewers for linux are out there? Something with file browser that can access archived files would be nice...12:23
K-RyanWhen I had an Ati I had trouble with Beryl, I'm not sure if it was before or after I had setup fglrx though.12:23
PhinnFortcarl_: how is it?12:24
carl_now my screen looks uglier than ever12:24
Cruzaderi just wish ATi would fix it so i can use AIGLX, i hate XGL12:24
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K-RyanPhinnFort: I'm not exactly getting this shortcut thing.12:24
masterkmaybe I'll just do all the config after I install12:24
Coldwar55Yeah well I'm not goign to go out and buy a card to replace my Sapphire X1600 Pro12:24
Coldwar55Just fro Beryl/XGL12:24
PhinnFortcarl_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg --frontend noninteractive12:24
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PhinnFortcarl_: that should try to set it up automatically12:25
Coldwar55Desktop is absolutely fine without it12:25
PhinnFortcarl_: afterwards, close open programs, ctrl+alt+bspace12:25
lobsterPhinnfort, the whole point of /dev is that it is just like normal files, but it isn't real, in that if you install the extfs on windows, there will be nothing in /dev.but since it is virtually managed by the system, it will rewrite itself.12:25
carl_will do12:25
PhinnFortlobster: it's written by udev12:25
CruzaderColdwar55: yeah i just got it so direct-rendering was enabled, bugger XGL or all that other stuff. just so i have accel when i need it12:25
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PhinnFortlobster: and I believe if you pull the plug, then boot up in windows, /dev will be populated12:25
masterkhow big should I make swap?12:26
PhinnFortmasterk: 2x your ram, is my thumbrule12:26
Coldwar55has to be at least 256 MB12:26
PhinnFortlobster: ...or not on ubuntu, it has it as a ramdisk;)12:26
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PhinnFortmasterk: but how much ram do you have?12:26
FivetwentysixHow do i restart X?12:26
Coldwar55Typically 1 gig ram = 2 gb swap12:26
masterki'll just make it a gig... not much loss on a 80 gig drive12:27
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PhinnFortFivetwentysix: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart12:27
carl_nope, same as b412:27
K-RyanI think ctrl+alt+backspace is easier.12:27
masterkI have 256+128...12:27
PhinnFortcarl_: same as when?12:27
masterkI'm being slow someone do that math12:27
PhinnFortcarl_: before we started?12:27
masterki guess?12:27
carl_lol worse12:27
K-RyanYeah sounds right12:27
K-Ryan768 swap12:27
carl_the setting tops out as 640X48012:28
K-RyanTo be exact.12:28
masterkbut yes I have 2 sticks of ram in there and one is 256 and the other is 12812:28
K-RyanYou could always bump it up to 800MB to even it out if you wanted.12:28
carl_and second monitor is still going crazy12:28
PhinnFortcarl_: can you manage to open xorg.conf with "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and paste it to rafb.net/paste?12:28
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carl_what would u like me 2 paste12:28
PhinnFortcarl_: the xorg.conf file12:28
K-RyanAll of it12:28
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PhinnFortcarl_: run "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and it should open12:29
carl_oh ok12:29
PhinnFortcarl_: then I will post a (hopefully) working one, that you can replace the original with12:29
carl_awsome ok12:29
K-RyanPhinnFort: For the shortcut you mean Link to application under "New" ?12:29
PhinnFortK-Ryan: yeah12:29
masterkwell off to format an 80 gig12:29
hydanwhen i do apt-get remove konversation, i'm told that kubuntu-desktop has to be removed as well.12:30
hydanis this true?12:30
PhinnFortK-Ryan: I have a norwegian locale, so...12:30
PhinnForthydan: don't worry12:30
PhinnForthydan: it's not a real package12:30
K-RyanI don't get this shortcut making though.12:30
PhinnForthydan: it just depends on all the default applications12:30
K-RyanI don't see how to make it use wine.12:30
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hydanthanks PhinnFort12:31
PhinnFortK-Ryan: under command write "wine"12:31
lucahi - is anyone here non-english speaking and using Latex?12:31
K-RyanOh, thought I needed a file path.12:31
PhinnFortK-Ryan: followed by the full path to the program12:31
K-Ryanluca what language?12:31
K-RyanPhinnFort: Oh, much easier, thanks.12:31
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PhinnFortK-Ryan: choose the path where it is installed12:31
PhinnFortthe .exe, that is12:31
Cruzaderbah phinn beat me to it12:31
K-RyanYeah, thanks.12:31
PhinnFortcarl_: you can get it to just auto-detect again by (re)moving the config file12:32
PhinnFortcarl_: "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup12:33
PhinnFortand ctraltbspace12:33
lucaK-Ryan: Italian12:33
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:33
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!12:33
K-RyanHmm, Ubotu isn't working?12:33
K-RyanAh there we go12:33
lucaK-Ryan: some problems with accented chars, but someone on the italian channel is already helping thanks :)12:34
K-RyanOh, alright just figured I'd let you know about that if you didn't know.12:34
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carl_ok, I think I managed 2 do it, (kinda dificult on 640X480 :P) http://rafb.net/p/uayMng65.html12:34
PhinnFortcarl_: understandably;)12:34
Grahamdoes http://packages.ubuntu.com work for anybody here?12:35
K-RyanNot me12:36
PhinnFortcarl_: http://rafb.net/p/fZiUAS12.html12:36
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PhinnFortcarl_: it has a maximum resolution of 1600x120012:36
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PhinnFortwhich is what I use12:36
carl_that is good12:36
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carl_that is what I generally run12:36
carl_in windows :P12:36
PhinnFortcarl_: just replace what's in the file you have opened, with what I pasted12:37
K-RyanHi there12:37
jerwarewhat is a light weight paint program?12:37
jerwarelinux eqivilant to ms paint12:37
K-RyanErr, well Krita comes default.12:37
PhinnFort!info kolourpaint | jerware12:37
ubotujerware: kolourpaint: a simple paint program for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 1047 kB, installed size 2360 kB12:37
jerwarei need the hex values for colors too, php/html12:37
jerwarethanx pal12:37
PhinnFortjerware: kolourpaint is what you want12:37
carl_do I have 2 click save anywhere?12:37
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PhinnFortcarl_: try ctrl+s12:38
PhinnFortcarl_: it should warn you if you haven't saved12:38
carl_ok, so now I close all progs and crt alt bkspc?12:38
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PhinnFortcarl_: yeah12:38
PhinnFortcarl_: and pray;)12:38
carl_k thanks12:38
K-RyanHow do I resize icons?12:38
carl_I'll brb12:38
PhinnFortK-Ryan: alt+f2, kcontrol, search for icons12:39
Coldwar55lol linux auto corrects errors on windows drives?12:39
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Coldwar55upon startup12:39
Coldwar55Funny :p12:39
K-RyanNo I mean resize just one.12:39
PhinnFortK-Ryan: how do you mean?12:39
K-RyanI can't remember if I did it on Ubuntu or Kubuntu12:39
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K-RyanYou could change the size of icons, stretch 'em and the like.12:39
PhinnFortK-Ryan: sounds stupid;)12:39
PhinnFortsorry, but it really does;)12:40
K-RyanNo no, I know12:40
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K-RyanBut my Steam shortcut icon is a penguin.12:40
K-RyanAnd it deserves to be bigger.12:40
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PhinnFortK-Ryan: you could ask in #kde12:40
PhinnFortthe kdesktop and fileview and whatever-developers hang there, so if anyone knows about something like that, they do12:40
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K-RyanIt's not that big of a deal, just figured I'd ask if anyone knew.12:41
lobsterK-ryan: right click, configure desktop- behovior - fili icons12:41
utnubuki dont have ownership rights on my usbdisk, what command do i use to get it back?12:41
K-RyanJust one icon, not all of them lobster =P12:41
utnubukchmod of some kind i assume?12:41
PhinnFortutnubuk: yeah, sudo chmod12:41
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PhinnFortutnubuk: or rather chown12:41
K-Ryankubuntu backwards, nice12:41
PhinnFortutnubuk: or kdesu konqueror, and navigate and right click, permissions12:42
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=== PhinnFort is dead tired, if these sentences doesn't compute
lobsterK-ryan: you could right click on the specific icon and change it to something bigger?12:42
utnubukok ty12:42
K-Ryanlobster: Don't worry about it =P12:42
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K-RyanIt's really not that big of a deal, so I'm off to go enjoy Half-Life on Linux12:43
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K-RyanI pretty much severed my last tie to Windows by finally figuring Wine out =)12:43
ahmedguys ,, any one know a java editor that compiles and is working on ubuntu ?12:43
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K-RyanThanks PhinnFort, catch you guys later.12:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eclipse - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:43
PhinnFort!info eclipse12:43
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 124 kB, installed size 412 kB12:43
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ahmedeclipse is an ide12:44
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ahmedkinda too complex12:44
carl_k I'm back12:44
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carl_now we seem to be getting somewhere12:44
ahmedjgrasp ,, jeditor,,, bluej all are fine12:44
ahmedbut any version for linux ?12:44
carl_where back where we started now :D12:44
PhinnFortcarl_: resolution?12:45
PhinnFortahmed: try Kate?12:45
PhinnFortcarl_: 640x480?12:45
carl_I'm topping out at 1280X1024 now12:45
SlimeyPetesuely you can run bluej in linux.... it's java-based12:46
PhinnFortcarl_: now, I see why12:46
ahmedKate ?12:46
carl_I think that it is recogniseing the monitor wrong, i was playing with some settings to get it to go 2 1600X120012:46
ahmedgot a link ?12:46
PhinnFortcarl_: have you installed the NVidia driver12:46
PhinnFortahmed: you already have her12:46
PhinnFortahmed: alt+f2, kate12:46
carl_nope it is a fresh kubuntu install12:46
carl_(i'm a noob) very noob when it comes 2 linux12:46
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:46
PhinnFortcarl_: I'll help you12:47
ahmedoh ya12:47
ahmedbut it doesnt compile12:47
carl_when I changed monitor settings it said 2 restart the x server or something12:47
carl_should I do that12:47
PhinnFortcarl_: yes, probably12:47
PhinnFortcarl_: but first install the nvidia drivers12:47
carl_how do I do that?12:48
PhinnFortcarl_: I'm not really sure how to do it, doesn't tell in the wiki12:48
carl_windows analogies will really help me*12:48
PhinnFortcarl_: but go to the hardware tab of the monitor and display settings12:48
carl_i'm there12:48
carl_driver says "nv"12:48
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PhinnFortcarl_: click on configure12:48
PhinnFortclick on select12:49
carl_it goes to Geforce FX (generic)12:49
PhinnFortcarl_: try "Ok"12:50
carl_that was the same setting as b412:50
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PhinnForthang on12:50
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PhinnFortI don't have an nvidia, nor do I need those darn, pesky binary drivers;)12:51
PhinnFortso this is kinda new to me12:51
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PhinnFortcarl_: go to Add/Remove programs12:51
PhinnFortsearch for "nvidia"12:52
carl_ok i'll give it a try just a minite12:52
PhinnFortselect the nvidia binary driver12:52
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carl_only thing "adept installer" comes up with is "Nvtv TV Out" and it isn't installed12:54
carl_oh srry it is under the system tab12:54
PhinnFortcarl_: found it?12:54
carl_so uninstall12:54
PhinnFortis it installed?12:54
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carl_nvidia binary X.Org driver12:55
PhinnFortgo die, spammer12:55
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PhinnFortcarl_: is it hooked of already?12:55
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carl_should I deselect it?12:55
PhinnForthook it off, and apply12:55
PhinnFortno, it should be selected12:55
=== PhinnFort curses the english language, a tiny bit
carl_oops, it was on, now isnt :S12:56
carl_put it back on?12:56
PhinnFortit should be installed12:56
carl_there are 2 there one is a "legacy" what is the diff?12:57
CruzaderPhinn, what do you use for an IRC client?12:57
PhinnFortCruzader: Konvi12:57
PhinnFortcarl_: Legacy is for older stuff12:57
PhinnFortCruzader: you did a CTCP-VERSION?12:57
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CruzaderKonversation, or is there another app named Konvi i should be aware of12:57
carl_what is the def of "older stuff"12:57
carl_my card is AGP12:57
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Cruzaderbah, ive been away from IRC too long, forget i can VERSION12:57
PhinnFortcarl_: TNT-2 and friends12:57
carl_ok, really old then12:58
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PhinnFortit's called legacy for a reason;)12:58
Cruzaderlol Phinn, MS Instant relay chat?12:58
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carl_There was an error commiting changes. It's possible that there was a problem downloading some of the packages, or that the commit would break other packages.12:59
PhinnFortCruzader: :P12:59
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carl_that came up when I uninstalled and installed12:59
PhinnFortcarl_: crap...12:59
carl_both times12:59
PhinnFortcarl_: close adept, open a console, and type in "sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx"12:59
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carl_ok that did a bunch f stuff, seems there where lots of errors though01:00
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PhinnFortcarl_: can you paste it?01:01
MementoMorihi all01:01
carl_what was the url 2 the paste site again?01:01
KevinAlaskaAnyone on here who might be able to answer a question on how to reset a USB drive that shows up in KDE as a folder even if the drive is not connected?  Even when I connect the drive it shows up as a folder but does not bring it up as a usable device, even though I see the drive listed when its plugged and "NTFS configuration" sees it and is configured.  It was working last night when I shut down the computer but didn't do a unmount on it before 01:01
KevinAlaskato my wiffes computer then reboot THEN I was able to unmount it in WindosXP safty. That didn't fix the Linux problem though. Any ideas? ;(01:01
MementoMoriwhere is inittab in feisty?01:01
PhinnFortKevinAlaska: just try to move the folder01:01
PhinnFortKevinAlaska: it's probably just a "ghost", if it doesn't show up in "media:/"01:02
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PhinnFortcarl_: it seems when we brutally killed the config last time, we screwed up some stuff01:03
KevinAlaskait did show up in meadia but the move option was not shown in Media.. I did just a control X then right click paste and it moved it from Media...01:03
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carl_no worries01:03
KevinAlaskaShould I just try plugging it back in now? and thanks for the move idea01:03
carl_how do i fix?01:03
LjLMementoMori: nowhere01:03
LjL!upstart > MementoMori    (MementoMori, see the private message from Ubotu)01:03
carl_I'm here 2 learn01:03
PhinnFortcarl_: I'm looking into it;)01:04
carl_ok, thanks01:04
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MementoMorithank you LjL01:04
PhinnFortcarl_: apparently, the dpkg (package program) believes that something is using /var/cache/debconf/config.dat01:04
PhinnFortbecause it didn't exit cleanly01:04
PhinnFortcarl_: try "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock"01:05
carl_that rings a bell actually, I saw something about that pop up a while ago01:05
carl_ok I typed that in01:05
PhinnForttry my last command again01:05
carl_it just came up with another line01:05
PhinnFortsudo aptitude install nvidia-glx01:06
PhinnFortcarl_:  it should01:06
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carl_I'll paste it01:06
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PhinnFortcarl_: does it error out again?01:06
PhinnFortcarl_: try to add an "-f"01:06
PhinnFort"sudo aptitude -f install nvidia-glx"01:07
voidmageerror - artsmessage01:07
voidmageSound server fatal error:01:07
voidmageerror while initializing the sound driver:01:07
voidmagedevice: default can't be opened for playback (operation not permitted)01:07
PhinnFortvoidmage: have you messed with your users and groups?01:07
voidmagelast thing i did was change my hostname01:07
PhinnFortcarl_: "sudo aptitude -f install nvidia-glx"01:08
PhinnFortdoes it change anything?01:08
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carl_I don't know01:08
carl_I think some stuff might have changed01:08
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carl_I just pasted the results 4 u01:08
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PhinnFortcarl_: is that with -f?01:09
PhinnFort"sudo aptitude -f install nvidia-glx"01:09
PhinnFortnotice the -f switch I added;)01:09
PhinnFortaptitude -f01:09
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carl_I just used that last one01:10
PhinnFortcarl_: what does it say?01:10
carl_pasted it inot console01:10
carl_last line: Errors were encountered while processing: libssl0.9.701:11
PhinnFortcarl_: try to run "lsof | grep 'config.dat'"01:11
carl_nothings seems 2 happen01:12
PhinnFortwait a bit01:12
carl_the console just gave me another line, i can type on it01:12
PhinnForti know, it means it's working01:13
lnxkdeFATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module nvidia.ko uses GPL-only symbol 'para01:13
lnxkde   virt_ops'01:13
lnxkde   make[4] : *** [__modpost]  Error 101:13
carl_how long 2 I wait?01:13
lnxkdeI get that error when tring to install my nvidia driver01:13
lnxkdewhat could it be?01:13
PhinnFortcarl_: lsof shows all open files, while grep only let through files that match01:13
carl_how long do I wait*01:13
PhinnFortcarl_: isn't it finished yet?01:13
PhinnFortcarl_: ctrl+c01:13
carl_nothing happened01:13
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carl_oh ic01:14
ShaddoxHi everyone. How can I downloa the Kubuntu KDE power configuration/CPU scaler in Ubuntu? I desperately need to scale my CPU down and I can't get cpufreqd working, or do it in Bios.01:14
carl_it took away the line prefix?01:14
PhinnFortcarl_: it just haven't given it back01:14
PhinnFortcarl_: when you have the line prefix, it means that a shell is running, waiting for your commands01:15
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carl_ok, well there is no prefix, just the currsor01:15
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PhinnFortcarl_: when you run a command, the shell gives control to that, and when the program/command returns, the shell gives a new prefix01:15
carl_and a >01:15
voidmagePhinnFort: still can't get the sound to work01:15
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PhinnFortvoidmage: I'm sorry I cant help, but I can only help poor carl before I need to sleep :S01:16
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carl_lol, srry if I'm keeping u up, this isn't urgent or anything01:16
PhinnFortwell, I can't give up;)01:17
utnubuki tried kdesu konqueror but that did not allow me to set the permissions for my usbdisk.  what chmod command should i try??01:17
PhinnFortcarl_: try "fuser -v /var/cache/debconf/config.dat"01:17
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PhinnFortutnubuk: man:chmod in konqueror01:17
carl_lol, it might take some time, i think it is a "carl problem" not a "computer problem"01:17
PhinnFortcarl_: I just want you to get your darn resolution01:18
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ShaddoxI need help scaling my CPU like I did in Kubuntu, is it possible to download the KDE power configuration module?01:18
PhinnFortcarl_: happy news01:18
carl_ok, I just put in that last line01:18
PhinnFortcarl_: try to reboot01:18
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carl_complete restart01:19
PhinnFort"The lock is a flock() lock which can only be held open if the process remains running"01:19
voidmagehey about my arts error01:19
voidmagei think a dpkg-reconfigure artsd fixed it01:19
voidmagelet me restart x and make sure01:20
PhinnFortvoidmage: nice;)01:20
OptimusRexI'm sort of guessing my way around K-Network manager but I would like to be able to just click a button and connect to the myriad of networks I come accross each day including the work domain01:20
OptimusRexis there a simple way of handling networks?01:20
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PhinnFortOptimusRex: knetwormanager01:20
PhinnFortOptimusRex: it should come preinstalled01:20
PhinnFortreturn 0, then;)01:21
OptimusRexyes it is preinstalled but changing to the different secured networks I have around me is not easy<PhinnFort>01:21
PhinnFortsomeone tell carl I went to the bathroom, if he wonders, mkay?01:21
voidmagestill a few minor errors01:21
voidmagei think dpkg-reconfigure -a SHOULD fix that01:21
OptimusRexthe work network has a different domain and so does the one at my brother's place compared to my home network01:22
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carl_I'm back01:23
PhinnFortme too01:23
carl_what 2 do?01:23
PhinnFortcarl_: kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:23
PhinnFortsearch for where it says "  driver "nv"" under "Device"01:24
PhinnFortreplace nv with "nvidia"01:24
voidmagedpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive -a01:24
OptimusRexI have a rough idea of how to set up different profiles but somehow it does not work so well as it only gives the installed network adaptors and if you want to use wireless as opo01:24
voidmagestrange i have to run that01:24
OptimusRexopposed to wried then you're in trouble01:25
carl_ok I changed that01:25
carl_save and exit now?01:25
PhinnFortcarl_: yup01:25
carl_what now?01:26
PhinnFortand then close all programsctrlaltbspace01:26
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PhinnForthe's back01:26
carl_I'm happy now01:27
OptimusRexis there detailed documentation on knetwork manager that anyone knows about?01:27
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PhinnFortOptimusRex: try kwirelessmanager, maybe?01:27
voidmagethere's some stuff on opensuse's page01:27
voidmagebut nothing substantial01:27
carl_WOOT it worked!!!01:27
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PhinnFortcarl_: :D:D:D01:27
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OptimusRexwhere is kwireless manager PhinnFort?01:27
OptimusRexor do I install it from Adept?01:28
PhinnFortcarl_: now do a "glxinfo | grep Direct" please01:28
carl_1600X1200 at 78hz01:28
PhinnFort!info kwireless01:28
ubotuPackage kwireless does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:28
PhinnFort!find kwireless01:28
voidmage!info kwireless-manager01:28
Hobbseekwifimanager sucks.01:28
ubotuFound: kwirelessmonitor01:28
ubotuPackage kwireless-manager does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:28
voidmage!info kwifimanager01:28
Hobbseeit's very broken01:28
ubotukwifimanager: wireless lan manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu9 (feisty), package size 234 kB, installed size 800 kB01:28
Hobbseeknetworkmanager tends to work better01:28
PhinnFortOptimusRex: well, there's a whole lot of programs01:28
PhinnFortI also saw some python scripts and I believe desktop applets01:29
carl_ok that didn't seem 2 do anything01:29
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OptimusRexis there one that shows the visible wireless networks?01:29
PhinnFortcarl_: "glxinfo | grep -i Direct"01:29
PhinnForti mean01:29
PhinnFortOptimusRex: KNetworkManager does that here01:29
PhinnFortcarl_: does it say yes?01:30
PhinnFortcarl_: you, my friend, now even have 3D-acceleration01:30
PhinnFortnow I will retire to my quarters01:30
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carl_I saw the nvida spash screen on restart01:30
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carl_will that work now?01:31
voidmagei can't wait to see the nvidia splash01:31
voidmagecome tuesday01:31
PF-Awaycarl_: should01:31
PF-Awaycarl_: but I can't promise anything;)01:31
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:31
voidmagethis is another nifty feature01:31
carl_thanks allot PhinnFort!!!01:32
PF-Awaycarl_: it should be just a matter of adding the repositories/installing in Adept, and running01:32
voidmagekonqueror: ctrl+e01:32
PF-Awayyou're very welcome;)01:32
carl_ok i added previously but couldn't get it 2 work01:32
voidmagerun one command working out of your current directory01:32
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lucacarl_ if you add: Option  NoLogo true you will see the logo no more :D01:32
carl_I like the logo :P01:32
lucaoh ok ;)01:32
OptimusRexPhinnFort for some reason mine does not show the available networks. It did initially but all that is gone and i don't know how to turn it on01:32
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voidmageoh that's why the windows all move down when i hide kicker01:33
voidmagethe're docked to kicker01:33
=== SlimeyPete s knetworkmanager just stopped showing networks today
SlimeyPeteI can still connect to them manually, though01:34
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voidmageor they're not docked to the top01:35
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OptimusRexI have the same problem SlimeyPete01:35
jerwarehi im having a web browser issue. Konquoror01:36
OptimusRexdoes anyone know how to turn on the display for available networks so as to enable one to choose what to connect to ?01:36
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jerwarewhat plug-in is needed for you tube?01:36
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jerwareOptimusRex: try netstat01:36
SlimeyPeteOptimusRex: mine seemed to lose them after we switched the network to WPA and I tried to connect (it didn't work, and we switched back to WEP)01:36
jerwareif there are connections you dont want, kill the PID01:36
SlimeyPetesince then, I've not been able to see any networks01:37
masterkjerware: flash media player for whichever browser you are using01:37
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masterkwhat package do I need to install my wifi card using windows drivers?01:39
masterkI forget01:39
OptimusRexthanks jereware. Is there a way of switching the display so tha I don't have to netstat all the time? By the way, I find that Konqueror does not show my gmail well so I installed mozilla firefox01:39
jerwarecan kaffiene rip audio tracks?01:41
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OptimusRexheeeeeeeeeeeeelp! Anyone know how to turn the display for available networks on?01:43
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sl00Hi. When I run the Adept Updater or Adept MAnager it says the database is locked even tho I just booted up. How do I fix this?01:44
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carl_can someone help me with beryl? I just started it up and the top bar on my windows vanished! So I cannnot move the windows around on my screen01:44
phpcodeHow to get a valid-ident on irc?01:45
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hydani've a few questions :)01:47
hydanin gnome there's startup sessions, is there anything like that in kde?01:47
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hydansome program that allows you to specify which programs run on startup01:48
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masterk_ugh... I got disconnected and it think's I'm still logged on as masterk can someone tell me how to to tell the server that i just reconnected01:49
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phpcodemasterk_: it shold disconnect soon :-)01:51
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masterk_kk thanks01:51
masterk_hey does anyone know what kind of programming would be good for me to get into?01:51
masterk_I only know HTML, CSS, and BASIC01:52
masterk_I want to learn programming and network administration so I can get jobs doing those01:52
RawSewagePython maybe01:53
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masterk_umm... when I open up adept it says Su returned with an error.01:54
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utnubukhas anybody ran into problems with their sound? i reinstalled edgy and now i can't hear anything :(01:55
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dkkongCurrent virtual machine01:56
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dkkongIs there any way I can use my Lexmark's Scanner Feature under Linux? I see it listed under lsusb, but nothing will work with it software wise.01:56
hendaussomebody help me please!01:57
cWolfedkkong,  a long time ago i had a lexmark all in one scanner/printer01:57
cWolfei never got the scanner working01:57
cWolfethings may have chnaged01:57
dkkongDid the printer ever work on it either?01:57
cWolfedont remember01:58
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cWolfeif i recall, it shows up as having a builtin usb hub inside of it01:58
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dkkongSame here :/01:58
=== dkkong nods
dkkongIt does.. and it even shows up as Lexmark International under lsusb.01:59
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hendauscan anyone help me how to open my second hard disk please!01:59
cWolfehendaus,  a torx t8 should work01:59
=== dkkong chuckles
hendauscWolfe:  i am newbie friend,02:00
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cWolfeim just messing with you02:00
dkkongsudo mount /dev/yourharddisc here /whereyouwantitmounted02:00
cWolfehendaus,  using fiesty?02:01
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hendauscWolfe:  how ca i know if fiesty?02:01
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cWolfeuname -a02:01
hendauscWolfe:  Linux hendaus 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT Thu Aug 3 02:52:00 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux02:02
cWolfeme thinks that is edgy02:02
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dkkongCorrect you are02:03
cWolfelook for hda or hdb in /dev/02:03
hendauscWolfe:  i have hda1 , but i want hdb102:04
dkkongfdisk -l should show you all drives connected?02:04
cWolfedoes hdb exist?02:04
hendausyes but cannot open02:04
OlliKHi, does anyone here have a Windows XP or 2000?02:05
dkkongI think that's a hangable offense around here...02:05
cWolfei have windows at work02:05
hendausOlliK:  use kubuntu better than windows02:05
OlliKI need one file from there, it's called msgsm32.acm and it's in system32-folder...02:05
OlliKhendaus: I'm using kubuntu02:05
OlliKOlliK: If I had windows, I would copy the file by myself :)02:06
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hendauscWolfe:  how can i open the sourcelist , ?02:06
OlliKI'm trying to get Ventrilo working via Wine, but I need that file in order to make the GSM-codec to work02:06
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OlliKSo if anyone here has Windows 2000 or XP, I would appreciate a lot if someone could send me the file msgsm32.acm which is in system32-folder..02:07
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hendausanyone knows how to open the sourceslist thanx02:08
OlliKnp I got it already02:08
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hendaushelpers, can anyone help02:11
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=== hendaus think that cWolfe get sleepy :)
carl_any beryl experts here?02:12
hendaussomebody help me please!02:13
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BlindSIdehry carl_ whats wrong with beryl?02:13
carl_I'm having trouble with beryl killing my window frames02:13
carl_so then I can't resize or move windows02:13
BlindSIdewhen you resize?02:13
BlindSIdei got taht problem when i resized02:13
carl_they just disapear alltogether02:14
BlindSIdeso i went ot the settings02:14
BlindSIdeand i changed the mode from normal to scale02:14
carl_when beryl is activated02:14
BlindSIdechange the resize mode02:14
BlindSIdeto scale02:14
BlindSIdeand itll be sweet02:14
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BlindSIdesorry i mean stretch02:15
BlindSIdeWindow Management - Resize Window02:15
BlindSIdeResize Display Mode - Set that to stretch02:15
carl_nope didn't work02:16
BlindSIdeit didnt?02:16
BlindSIdestill freezes?02:16
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carl_as soon as as I turn on beryl my window borders just vanish02:16
BlindSIdethats a different problem02:16
BlindSIdeany errors in console?02:16
carl_I hav e2 go back 2 standard KDE to get them 2 come back02:16
dkkongIs there any way I can use my Lexmark's Scanner Feature under Linux? I see it listed under lsusb, but nothing will work with it software wise.02:17
BlindSIdewhat happens if you set something other than emerald as window decorator?02:17
carl_well, I was reading some help files (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/InstallingBeryl?highlight=%28beryl%29) and I tried 2 fix using these, but didn't work02:17
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lucahi everyone again02:21
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lucadoes anyone know how to use kbibtex effectively? which means, being able to add the bibliography INTO the main tex file :)02:21
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=== hendaus back
hendauscan anyone help me how to open my second hd?02:32
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hendausdkkong:  how can i open sources.list?02:33
dkkongsudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list02:34
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hendausdkkong:  thanks friend, so i have dapper02:35
dkkongI think edgy, but not sure.02:35
dkkongDOes it say dapper in the sources list?02:35
hendausdkkong:  i have on my desktop the second hd, i open it and cannot show me the files02:35
dkkongWhat filesystem is it?02:36
hendausdkkong:  yes dapper02:36
dkkongThen yeah, you're in dapper. Do you know what filesystem is on the hard drive?02:36
khirri've updated amsn , and i need tsl files, how can i do it? is there sme command for console to can update that?02:36
hendausdkkong:  fat3202:36
dkkongYou should be able to direct mount it then. Create a folder on your desktop called mount02:37
hendausdkkong:  ok then02:38
dkkongnow do you know the name of the drive? (ie /dev/hdb1 ,etc?)02:38
hendausyes hdb102:39
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dkkongthen go to a console and type  sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /home/yourusername/Desktop/mount02:39
dkkongreplace yourusername with whatever you use to login02:39
chad7i accidentally uninstalled gdm when uninstalling gnomekeys, how do set kdm as the default [whatever this is called] 02:40
jerwarehow can i get kolorpaint to return the hex value for a color in the picture?02:40
hendausdkkong: bash: /dev/hdb1: Permission denied02:40
dkkongsudo umount -a02:40
dkkongthen try again02:40
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hendausdkkong:  it says device is busy02:41
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hendausdkkong:  and i try another time and got the same thing denied02:42
dkkongHmm... then it must think it has it mounted somewhere else02:42
kaboomi've searched google, but to no avail.02:42
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hendausdkkong:  i have two hd, one is for kubuntu and the other for files02:42
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dkkongOkay, let's try this. Do sudo kate /etc/fstab and tell me what it says next to hdb102:43
hakaisoui have a small question about microphones over alsa02:44
hakaisouspecifically, is there an option to boost the volume?02:44
hendausdkkong:  /dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 002:44
crimsunhakaisou: if your driver exposes a 'Mic Boost*' element, yes.02:44
hakaisouit doesn't......02:45
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crimsunhakaisou: does `amixer' confirm that?02:45
dkkongThat's hda, but there's no hdb1 in there?02:45
kubuntuHow do I remake my grub stage files ?02:45
hendausdkkong:  i cant see hdb1?02:45
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kubuntuI think that they are corrupt02:45
dkkongNot even in fstab?02:45
masterkwhy doesn't it show the pages in konqueror as they are loading instead of after everything for the page has been loaded?02:46
hendausdkkong:  no02:46
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:46
kubuntuCan someone help with a grub 1.5 loading non error?02:47
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hakaisoui'm 95% sure that there is no option for it02:47
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masterkwhat is a good chat program that can use all known protocols? I can't use GAIM because it freezes when I load msn02:48
hakaisoukopete is good02:48
hakaisouit's bundled with kubuntu02:48
kubuntuhakaisou: Sorry?02:49
masterkbut when I use kopete it won't let me have aim chat rooms02:49
kubuntuoh wait ;)02:49
masterkor yahoo chat rooms02:49
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kubuntu braid dead name to have :)02:49
hakaisouwhich is why I use Gaim *shrug*02:49
hakaisousorry, i'm kinda new to kubuntu myself02:49
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masterkyeah but for some odd reason Gaim freezes upon connection to msn02:50
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khirrwhat's the command to delete one file?02:50
hakaisouok that sounds familiar02:50
hendaussomebody help me please!02:50
hakaisouget the latest version via apt-get masterk02:50
hakaisousudo apt-get install gaim02:50
RawSewagehendaus, did you try rebooting02:51
hendausRawSewage:  no02:51
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RawSewagetry that first02:51
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kubuntuAny one have any idea how to recreate stage files for grub?02:52
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masterkwhich protocol is for google on gaim?02:55
masterkserver? O.o02:56
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hendausRawSewage:  when i open the hd , mount: can't find /dev/hdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab02:56
lucaah probably something wrong with those files02:57
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lucamyself I'd recommend using automatix to make it do the harsh work ;)02:58
K-RyanHey guys when I open a music file/playlist in Amarok it adds on to the current playlist instead of opening just that single file or playlist, how do I fix it?02:58
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RawSewagehendaus, I dont know03:00
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hendausok thanx03:00
masterkit said it couldn't connect to the server for google talk using gaim03:01
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masterkam I supposed to leave resourse as Gaim03:02
kubuntumasterk: Make that whatever you like03:02
masterkwell it says it couldn't connect kubuntu03:03
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kubuntuDoes anyone know how to recreate stage files in grub/03:03
kubuntumasterk: You checked use TLS ?03:03
kubuntuand changed teh server to talk.google.com ?03:04
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sl00Hi. When I run the Adept Updater or Adept MAnager it says the database is locked even tho I just booted up. How do I fix this?03:06
kubuntu!adept crash fix03:06
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:06
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brian_super dead03:19
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kubuntubrian_: You have a question?03:21
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brian_wish i knew why my wifi wasnt reliable03:21
kubuntuWhat do you mean?03:22
brian_it wont connect when it starts up i have to toy with it for about half hour before it works03:22
brian_worked perfect with ubuntu...then i switched to kubuntu and now its unreliable03:22
Zeelothello guys03:24
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brian_have a question zeelot03:26
Zeelotyes just a sec =P03:26
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ZeelotI have kubuntu feisty installed and it seems slowish compared to windows when running apps, video smoothness, etc...I know linux is alot easier to customize and optimize...so is there anything I can do for this?03:27
Zeelotor should I expect linux+GUI candy to always be slowish?03:28
fivetwentysixWhat's easier to learn? C or C++, or what wouldyou recommend?03:28
Zeelotboth? =P03:28
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Aloneaanyone manage to get sound working in PySol?03:29
Zeelotonce you know C, C++ isn't too hard to pickup (once you know any programming language all the others are alot easier to pick up)03:29
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brian_whats pysol03:29
Zeelotmost of the time atleast03:29
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K-RyanWow the chat is pretty quiet03:31
Zeelotbrian_: no answer to my q? =(03:31
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sushubhhey people!03:32
K-RyanZeelot what are you system specs?03:32
fivetwentysixZeelot i know php but i think c++ is just insane to learn03:32
Zeelotdoes compiling your own kernel help performance? and is it fairly easy?03:32
brian_whats slow zeelot03:32
K-RyanHey sushubh!03:32
sushubhi love ubuntu :D03:32
K-RyanZeelot, no and no.03:32
Aloneabrian_: PySol is a solitaire game suite written in Python.03:32
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ZeelotSysinfo for 'zeelot-workstation': Linux 2.6.20-15-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+ at 2000 MHz (4023 bogomips), HD: 973/1522GB, RAM: 1975/2027MB, 131 proc's, 1.23d up03:32
brian_i just found that03:32
sushubh1522GB :o03:33
ZeelotI have other systems though with lower specs that I would like to speed up03:33
Zeelotyea =P03:33
K-RyanI'm thinking 973 are full?03:33
sushubh1.5 TB :O03:33
sushubho m f g03:33
K-RyanIf I had that much space I wouldn't be able to fill it03:33
Zeeloti have more drives but they are IDE and dont feel like putting them in03:33
K-RyanI haven't filled my 160GB yet...03:33
Aloneaanyway. There is a PySol sound server thing and a pack of music and sounds, but when I go to turn on sound in the program, the sound box is greyed out03:33
K-RyanAny programs in particular that slow it down?03:34
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Zeelotno everything is just slowish03:34
Zeelotany program takes long to start03:34
fivetwentysixWhat do i install if i havea 7600 GT geforce card?03:34
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:34
Zeeloteven file browsers and whatnot03:34
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fivetwentysixI installed a driver and had to reinstall ubuntu03:34
tsukasasorry for a stupid question, i am very new to linux (wabout 1 week today) and i am trying to find something better than wine, i hear crossover, but it still gives me problems.. any ideas for something better? or maybe a channel/server i can connect to that would help?03:34
K-Ryanfivetwentysix you can start there but it's not very descriptive03:34
K-Ryantsukasa this is a good channel for it03:35
tsukasaokay good to know03:35
Zeelotif I drag windows I can see them lag, bunch of little annoying things03:35
K-RyanZeelot, was it always like that?03:35
Zeelotany linux I try yes03:35
Zeelotgnome and kde atleast03:35
K-RyanMy system specs are a good half of yours and I don't get that.03:35
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K-RyanSo I don't know if you would be able to optimize that03:36
K-RyanBut you said it works in Windows..03:36
Zeeloteven fresh installs?03:36
K-RyanHave you tried it?03:36
Zeelottried what03:36
K-RyanFresh install03:36
ZeelotIm comparing performance windows vs linux+GUI03:36
Zeelotyes this is like a few days old03:36
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Zeelotout of the box its alot slower than windows03:36
K-RyanAnd it's been that way since the install...03:36
K-RyanWhat about when you run the Live CD?03:37
Zeelotnvidia drivers helped with the gi stuff03:37
Zeelotsame yea03:37
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K-RyanThen it's not an install thing.03:37
K-RyanUnless the CD's you got/burned are erroneous.03:37
Zeelotany Linux distro is like this03:37
K-RyanSounds like a hardware thing.03:38
Zeelotwindows is just alot faster03:38
bUzz-iNi"m having problems with, system sound & audio programs ?03:38
Zeelotmultiple computers03:38
bUzz-iNrunning in Kubuntu03:38
K-RyanbUzz-iN: Are you having trouble? You were asking a question =P03:38
bUzz-iNi was03:38
K-RyanYes you put a "?" at the end, regardless03:38
bUzz-iNummm, ok03:39
K-RyanWhat kind of problem? Sound in general, or playing mp3 files and the like?03:39
bUzz-iNis a a driver i'm missing etc ?03:39
bUzz-iNsystem sound etc yes03:39
K-RyanZeelot: stick around and ask around. I'm not sure about what you could do to fix that and I'm out of ideas. Good luck though03:39
K-RyanbUzz-iN: You don't hear any sounds, right?03:40
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ZeelotI'll ask again tomorrow heh03:40
K-RyanIt's worth a shot Zeelot03:40
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:40
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ZeelotI need someone that uses windows and linux03:40
=== K-Ryan raises his hand.
Zeelotdual boot?03:40
K-RyanKubuntu + XP Home Edition03:40
Zeelotyou don't think xp is just more responsive?03:41
K-RyanbUzz-iN: Try the first thing that ubotu said, if that doesn't work check the links.03:41
fivetwentysixI use xp and kubuntu03:42
Zeelottakes me 3-4 seconds to open konqueror to /home03:42
K-RyanTakes me 1-203:42
bUzz-iNyes, i have & i'll view those links thanks i hope that works03:42
fivetwentysixtakes me .803:42
masterkhow do I get a decoder for wma files for amarok?03:42
K-RyanIf not come back here bUzz-iN and ask.03:42
Zeelotwtf then03:42
fivetwentysixAMD 64 3000 2gb ram03:42
bUzz-iNi wi;ll thank you03:42
fivetwentysixpci express 7600gt03:42
K-RyanYeah, rub it in fivetwentysix03:43
Zeelot64bit kubuntu?03:43
fivetwentysixhmm my pc is like $500 or less now03:43
K-RyanSitting here on a 6 year old Pentium 4, had to upgrade to 512 RAM...03:43
K-RyanI'm probably going to save my money up for a new computer though.03:43
masterkso I have a pentium 3 thinkpad03:43
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fivetwentysixOK i installed the driver03:44
bUzz-iNthx's, Ubotu & K-Ryan03:44
fivetwentysixfor nvidia03:44
fivetwentysixI pray this works03:44
K-RyanDo you think I'd be able to get them to not include Vista so I could save the 100-200 bucks?03:44
fivetwentysixcuz if it doesn't ima have to reinstall ubuntu again loool03:44
masterk!amarok decoder03:44
K-RyanbUzz-iN: Ubotu is an information bot03:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amarok decoder - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:44
fivetwentysixor can is there a disable command?03:44
fivetwentysixsudo nvidia-glx-config enable03:44
tsukasaK-ryan: been haveing a issue with wine, mostly with a game, starcraft. it installs and all that, but i need to run it in a window, if it opens in fullscreen it pretty much gets croped off with my task bars, also no sound. winehq says it workes perfect on the other hand.. useing kubuntu btw03:44
fivetwentysixif the driver doesn't work can i do sudo nvidia-glx-config disable03:44
bUzz-iNalso i have a nvidia 8800 series card so maybe that's the problem03:45
bUzz-iNas i still can't find a driver for that03:45
tsukasait does the same thing useing crossover03:45
K-Ryantsukasa: I have yet to install/play starcraft but I'll do that maybe...03:45
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Zeelotsudo nvidia-glx-config enable didnt work for me I had to do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:45
fivetwentysixbuzz-in nvidia just released the drivers for it03:45
K-Ryantsukasa I don't know about running it windowed, however you should be able to optimize it to not get cut off.03:45
fivetwentysixwell according to their website03:45
bUzz-iNdamn really where at ?03:45
bUzz-iNnvidia,com ?03:45
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tsukasaK-Ryan: ah okay, thanks though. how do i go about doing that, or atleast start doing that?03:46
K-RyanWell it's http://www.amd.nvidia.com03:46
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K-RyanI'm pretty sure03:46
bUzz-iNi'll go check that out thx :003:46
fivetwentysixI see 8800 there03:46
Zeelotamd is ati03:46
K-RyanOh, mixed it up.03:46
K-RyanIgnore my last link then =)03:46
K-Ryantsukasa: To be honest I'm not sure, I'm new to Wine myself.03:46
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K-RyanHowever, stick around in the channel I'm sure someone has had your problem and/or knows how to fix it.03:47
tsukasaK-Ryan: aah okay, thanks anyways. I'll do that03:47
fivetwentysixOK here it goes03:47
fivetwentysixrestarting X03:47
K-Ryantsukasa: Sorry I couldn't help more =P03:47
K-RyanI'll install Starcraft now though to see if it happens to me too.03:47
DaSkreechK-Ryan: Hell it's about time03:48
tsukasaK-Ryan: its all good :p  i gotta learn somehow. i compleatly got ride of windows and have been teaching myself kubuntu sense... no turning back now.03:48
K-RyanDaSkreech: I'm not as big of a Starcraft player as I was03:48
bUzz-iNhas anyone here been able to play, "openarena" ?03:48
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K-RyanThe free version of quake.03:49
tsukasaI'm not going to lie though, i'm getting a seperat install fro windows just for starcraft 2 :p03:49
DaSkreechK-Ryan: Pulling the heck out of gametrailers.com now for all the new gameplay movies03:49
K-RyanI've been trying to get my quake working but I haven't really been trying.03:49
K-RyanI heard there are installers for quake. Not sure if it would work with openarena, loki installers I think.03:49
bUzz-iNi think the new quake4 has a linux disc03:50
ubotuQuake runs natively under Ubuntu - See http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/ for details03:50
K-RyanIt does =P03:50
bUzz-iNno no , the open souse game, "openarena"03:50
K-Ryantsukasa: Starcraft 2?03:50
Aloneai would love to run Quake 4 on here...but I have ati card and I can't run anything but my gl screensavers.03:50
K-RyanbUzz-iN: Sorry, I've only heard of the free version of quake.03:50
ZeelotI didn't think any of the new games ran in linux03:50
tsukasaK-ryan: yea, they just annonced it after 10 years sense the first one.  www.blizzard.com03:51
K-RyanAre you kidding me?03:51
K-RyanThat's so awesome03:51
tsukasano, thats the same thing i asked my friend03:51
tsukasathey WERE going to release a gameplay video today03:51
K-RyanYeah, "were" figures03:51
Zeelotbah so no diablo 3 yet =(03:51
bUzz-iN? does anyone know if "doom3" can be played in Linux03:52
GWillakersanyone here use GTKPOD?  I'm having trouble organizing my playlists.03:52
K-RyanDon't count your chickens though03:52
K-RyanOr whatever the saying is03:52
Zeelotsc2 will be just as fun though...as long as its not another damn warcraft I'm happy03:52
bUzz-iNi have heard that id games runn in Linux ?03:52
K-RyanDid Starcraft: Ghost ever get released?03:52
tsukasano, they scraped that one03:52
K-RyanbUzz-iN: The Quakes do, I don't know about Doom though03:52
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K-Ryantsukasa: Oh they finally did? It looked like it would of been fun...03:52
bUzz-iNthats cool i'd love to runn quake with out a codewever etc here .03:53
K-RyanStill think it's fixed view?03:53
bUzz-iNor wine03:53
tsukasaK-Ryan: hey scghost got scraped a long time ago, almost a year. but apparently sc2 has been in the works sense the start of WoW.03:53
K-RyanWelcome back03:53
K-Ryantsukasa: I never really followed it, I saw it here and there and then I just never saw it again.03:53
brian_got linux figured out now if i could get my winserver fixed03:54
bUzz-iNok, i'm off to read up on my system sound issues, late03:54
K-RyanYeah it's definitely not fixed camera, you can tell by the angles in the screen shots.03:54
K-RyanGood luck bUzz-iN03:54
tsukasaK-Ryan: i followed it for a small bit, i had been playing starcraft sense day one, one of my fav games ever. so i was pretty pissed when they scraped ghost. but now i am glade they scraped it.03:55
K-Ryantsukasa: It just finished installing.03:55
tsukasaK-ryan: sweet, good luck cause it would log me out and restart me the first time i installed.03:56
K-Ryantsukasa: I'm going to try it out I'll brb in a few. On a side note, I was a late entry to Starcraft. But it's definitely one of the greatest games ever made.03:56
K-RyanAlright, here I go03:56
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K-RyanYeah umm, I don't think I'd be able to play on Battlenet.03:58
tsukasabnet is said to not be compatable with linux03:58
K-RyanI tried to update it, but the archive couldn't be opened so I'm assuming it has to be done manually somehow and I can't be bothered to do that.03:58
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tsukasago to the website and dl the update patchs03:59
K-RyanCompatable with Linux probably not, but it's in Wine so..03:59
K-RyanI have to go in a minute so tomorrow.03:59
K-RyanBut the main menu was a tad laggy.03:59
K-RyanSo I'm curious how it's going to play out.03:59
K-RyanBut I'm out for the night, bye guys.03:59
K-RyanMay all your problems be solved ;)04:00
tsukasai have it in wine and crossover, neither one worked properly for me, lags like all hell, no sound and croped screen.04:00
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Aloneai stopped trying to get games to work in linux on wine...too frustrating.04:01
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Lilacordoes anyone know how to get nvidia drivers to save its resolution?04:01
tsukasai cant remember, but i do know i did a search on it in google, fround some repositories for nvidia, now they work perfectly, you will know it works when you are booting up and a nvidia splash shows up at least for me04:02
=== trix [n=trix@CPE-70-92-152-138.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== trix is now known as trix`G
Lilacormy nvidia drivers aren't broken.. I'm using the nvidia driver right now but I have to change the resolution everytime I reboot04:02
tsukasawow that weird04:03
tsukasai had problems when the driver was the nv drivers that came with kubu04:04
trix`Gquick question, I have a *.zix archive (that's ziX not zip) that I need to extract, but when searching for a program or utility to extract it all I can find is winzix, which is a windows program... anyone know a linux utility that can extract .zix files?04:04
dwidmannlilacor: when you run nvidia-settings (presuming you do so), do you run it as root (ie: with kdesu or sudo), or without, also, do you just click apply, or dod you click save settings to file or whatnot04:04
=== asdf [n=brian@63-121-232-63.res.nb.cable.sigecom.net] has joined #kubuntu
asdfim about to smash konversation04:04
LilacorI have run it under a root shell and I apply the settings and then try to save it to my xorg.conf04:05
=== asdf is now known as BWOlf85
Lilacorand it won't save...04:05
=== elnimr [n=elnimr@] has joined #kubuntu
dwidmannIt won't? Well, that explains why you have to redo it every time04:05
=== matt__ [n=matt@pool-71-174-69-86.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Lilacordwidmann: yes but the reason why it won't save escapes me04:06
dwidmannDoes it say why it won't save Lilacor?04:06
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dwidmannLilacor: hit alt+f2 and type in "kdesu nvidia-settings"04:06
trix`Gworst case scenario just edit the xorg config file manually and set your preferred resolution as default04:07
geoff__so, why can i not log in as root on kubuntu?04:07
geoff__what's up with that?04:07
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geoff__it never prompted to set the root password.04:07
geoff__i can't even boot into runlevel 104:07
geoff__to change it.04:07
Lilacorgeoff__: there is no root04:07
dwidmanngeoff__: root account is locked,04:07
geoff__that's not cool04:07
=== Sleepy_Coder [n=sucky_ke@adsl-69-225-6-59.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
Hirvinen!root | geoff__04:07
ubotugeoff__: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:07
dwidmanngeoff__: sudo is used _in stead_ of su04:08
trix`Ggeoff: three reasons, one: completely unnecessary, two: dangerous, and three: you still can, just "sudo /bin/bash" in console04:08
Lilacordwidmann: it says....ERROR: Failed to generate an X config file!04:08
Lilacordwidmann: among many other things04:08
geoff__i work in a datacenter for a server hosting company04:08
geoff__i build and set up servers04:08
geoff__i know what sudo is04:08
dwidmannLilacor: can you pastebin your xorg.conf file, oh, and the error message too04:08
trix`Gso "sudo /bin/bash" and poof you are root04:08
hitmanWillygeoff__: if you really want, it is possible to enable the root acct04:08
dwidmanntrix`G: "sudo -s" ??04:08
Lilacorgeoff__: or just 'sudo -s'04:08
geoff__when i booted the kernel i set init=/bin/sh04:08
geoff__to change it04:08
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=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech] has joined #kubuntu
geoff__and it's "refused"04:09
Sleepy_Codersu ftw. :P04:09
trix`Gyeah taht works too04:09
geoff__which is stupid04:09
DaSkreechWhat's the deal with the flash plugin?04:09
dwidmannDaSkreech: free food on tuesdays, duh.04:09
geoff__eh, i'll just go back to freebsd04:09
BWOlf85daskreech what do u mean04:09
trix`Ggeoff: then re-enable the root account and set the password with "passwd"04:09
trix`Git's east04:09
dwidmanngeoff__: the setup isn't hard to change04:09
=== DaSkreech goes into a Zoidberg frenzy
Sleepy_Coder[19:09:08]  <DaSkreech> What's the deal with the flash plugin?  <--wishing they had a 64 bit version also?04:09
Aloneaok, I downloaded a source file and I don't get how to install this one...there is no make file. Just a bunch of python files. How do I install it?04:09
trix`Gthat tells you how04:09
geoff__i'm checking out ubuntu04:09
geoff__or kubuntu04:09
DaSkreechSleepy_Coder: Nope04:10
Lilacorwow, I wish they had a x64 version also04:10
BWOlf85i like kubuntu better04:10
geoff__and i wasn't happy with the no root login04:10
dwidmann"sudo passwd -u root && sudo passwd root"04:10
DaSkreechSleepy_Coder: Jsut an Open source one04:10
tsukasawoo to Kubu04:10
DaSkreechHi Alonea04:10
BWOlf85KDE is much more fun04:10
AloneaDaSkreech: hey. how are ya?04:10
Sleepy_CoderThe only complaints I've heard is that people are using the 32 bit version because they don't have one for their dual processors.04:10
trix`Ganyone know how to extract a *.zix archive in linux?  (zix, not zip)04:10
hitmanWillyAlonea: python is interperted lang, just python <name of main file>04:10
geoff__trixG re-enable the root account?04:10
geoff__where?  how?04:10
=== bUzz-iN [n=bUzz@c-71-197-224-156.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
AloneahitmanWilly: ok, will try that04:10
geoff__i don't see anything like that04:10
DaSkreechAlonea: terrible how are you ?04:10
geoff__so tell me04:10
dwidmanngeoff__: the last thing I said will do it04:11
trix`Ggeoff: "sudo passwd -u root && sudo passwd root"04:11
tsukasaif .zix is a windows only, try installing that into wine and then opening the formate with that.04:11
trix`Gwhich is what dwidmann said04:11
hitmanWillygeoff__: set a root passwd is all you need to do04:11
dwidmannyes, that04:11
tsukasaif wine will work that is...04:11
Jucatogeoff__: there's a guide in that RootSudo page04:11
geoff__i didn't see what you said.04:11
bUzz-iNok, how do i become "root' in console to dl nvidia driver ??04:11
LilacorbUzz-iN: 'sudo -s'04:11
=== The_Cface [n=cface@c-68-46-0-158.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
bUzz-iNnvidia-installer must be run as root04:12
AloneaDaSkreech: well, I am finally among the working...I guess that can be considered good04:12
=== Cface [n=cface@c-68-46-0-158.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== jack_ [n=jack@pool-71-114-131-29.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechWhere are you working? :)04:12
geoff__dwidmann... i missed what you said i guess04:12
dwidmanngeoff__: sorry then, maybe I forgot to highlight it for you :P04:12
hitmanWillybUzz-iN: try downloading the driver from the repos, works better04:12
trix`Gtsukasa: I can fall back on that if necessary but I was really hoping there's a linux utility out there somewhere to extract zix archives.04:12
bUzz-iNthis is the file i have to load, but get that error...04:12
bUzz-iNsh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run04:12
trix`Ggeoff: "sudo passwd -u root && sudo passwd root"04:13
AloneaDaSkreech: on campus in the Career Services department. Clerical stuff mostly04:13
trix`Gwhich is what dwidmann said04:13
dwidmannbUzz-iN: any reason you're doing it the hard way? why not just "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new"04:13
dwidmannbUzz-iN: it's in multiverse04:13
hitmanWillybUzz-iN: with apt...ie sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx04:13
geoff__sudo apt-get install yum04:13
dwidmannbUzz-iN: the package is nvidia-glx-new04:13
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-55-228.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu
tsukasaTrix`G: there may be, the way i tend to find things is looking up the formates in add/remove  or maybe google,  put the formate in the search with the work linux or what ever distro you are useing.04:14
geoff__yum -y update04:14
DaSkreechAlonea: Working in Career... oh the irony04:14
geoff__dwidmann:  still waiting on what you said.04:14
Lilacordwidmann: wait a section...aren't I supposed to use nvidia-glx instead?04:14
dwidmanngeoff__: oh?04:14
DaSkreechHi Jucato04:14
Jucatohi DaSkreech04:14
trix`Gtsukasa: I've already been trying google for the last hour and a half, and Add Remove (Adept) was the first thing I tried04:14
DaSkreechJucato: How goes?04:14
Jucatodoing ok. :)04:14
AloneaDaSkreech: indeed. Seeing how they do this job finder thing at college central, which is where I found the job in the first place04:14
dwidmannLilacor: as far as I can tell, nvidia-glx is the 1.0-9639, and nvidia-glx-new is 1.0-975504:15
geoff__dwidmann please advise.04:15
trix`Gahh well wine will have to do I guess, or if not i'll extract it on my roomate's computer and copy it over04:15
bUzz-iNso, sudo apt-get nvidia-glx-new   ????04:15
sparrfirefox and thunderbird use a different mouse cursor theme than all my other applications.  help?04:15
dwidmann1.0-9639 is now the legacy driver, 1.0-7xxx is the old legacy04:15
dwidmanngeoff__: on?04:15
hitmanWillybUzz-iN: unless you have a legacy card04:15
geoff__enabling root account.04:15
bUzz-iNnot sure ?04:16
BWOlf85sparr should just use your default ones...never seen them use anything special04:16
=== Agrajag` [i=Agrajag@c-67-186-9-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu
dwidmannbUzz-iN: lspci | grep VGA04:16
sparrBWOlf85: they DO use my default ones.  but im not using the default anywhere else.04:16
geoff__dwidmann ..... ?04:16
trix`Gsparr: mind if I /msg you? (about an unrelated matter)04:16
dwidmanngeoff__: what do you want to be advised on?04:17
geoff__i just told you04:17
geoff__enabling root account.04:17
geoff__enabling root account.04:17
geoff__enabling root account.04:17
geoff__enabling root account.04:17
geoff__enabling root account.04:17
geoff__enabling root account.04:17
trix`Ggeoff: "sudo passwd -u root && sudo passwd root"04:17
trix`Ggeoff: "sudo passwd -u root && sudo passwd root"04:17
sparrtrix`G: yes04:17
trix`Gfor the last friggin time04:17
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tsukasaTrix`G: try install synaptic packate installer and then search from inside there. thats a really good bet. and with google, find some multiverse or other repositors and add them to the list.04:17
geoff__that does NOT work04:17
=== BluesKaj [n=Blues@bas1-sudbury98-1177677745.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
dwidmanngeoff__: you asked how to reenable the root account, we already said that all you have to do is sudo passwd -u root && sudo passwd root"04:17
trix`Gcan you be more specific?04:17
sparrgeoff__: good.  you dont need a root account.  we are glad that it doesnt work.04:17
dwidmanngeoff__: It should ...04:17
Jucatogeoff__: do not flood please04:18
bUzz-iNwell that did something04:18
dwidmannpasswd -u root = unlock the root account, passwd root = set the root password04:18
sparrgeoff__: perhaps if you were more specific than "that does NOT work" we might get somewhere04:18
bUzz-iNwhere did that code come from04:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:18
geoff__i think i'm in chat with people who know nothing about linux.  i swear to god.04:18
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jack_I can't seem to remember how to allow sshfs to let me have permission to view the mounted share04:18
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Jucatowow that was nice04:18
FivetwentysixOKay i give up04:19
Fivetwentysixthese nvidia drivers hate me04:19
dwidmanngeoff__: please be nice, I'm almost out of mountain dew, and I've been up for 19 hours. I'm a tad sleepy04:19
trix`Gdwidmann: he already left04:19
Jucatodwidmann: too late :)04:19
BWOlf85dwindmann he left04:19
dwidmannGood riddance04:19
Lilacordwidmann: that guy was an asshole04:19
BluesKajdwidmann, put the coffee pot on :)04:19
Lilacora very POMPOUS asshole at that04:19
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AloneaDaSkreech: sorry things have not been well for you. Hope things get better!04:20
trix`Gpeople need to learn to be patient04:20
DaSkreechAlonea: They will after dinner04:20
trix`Gwell that and he seemed to think it's our job to get his problem fixed or something04:20
=== hitmanWilly thinks that if someone can't figure out how to enable the root acct they don't need to running as root in the first place
=== rollerskatejamms [n=rollersk@pool-71-249-99-9.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
AloneaDaSkreech: food makes everything better04:20
JucatoLilacor: language please04:20
DaSkreechanyone installed flashplugin nonfree recently?04:20
rollerskatejammsDoes anybody know how to add users to a group? I put the users on the proper line in /etc/group and it does nothing04:20
=== geoff__ [n=geoff@cpe-24-174-124-154.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechAlonea: Believe it!04:20
dwidmannBluesKaj: seeing as I've already gone through five cans of mountain dew and a pot of tea, I guess the pot of coffee would be the next logical step, thanks for the plan04:20
geoff__so tell me dwidmann04:20
geoff__why did that not work?04:20
geoff__why can i not log in as root still?04:20
AloneaDaSkreech: damn...now I think I am hungry again...04:20
geoff__with the command that YOU gave me04:20
geoff__that is supposed to work?04:21
dwidmanngeoff__: should be able to ...04:21
Jucatogeoff__: you are trying to login graphically as root?04:21
dwidmanntry seperating it into two statements04:21
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: Hear hear!04:21
dwidmanngeoff: sudo passwd -u root; sudo passwd root04:21
BluesKajhehe, was just kidding dwidmann , we all have to sleep sometime , after 19hrs ...it's time :)04:21
geoff__does not work.04:21
Jucato!root | geoff__04:21
ubotugeoff__: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:21
dwidmannBluesKaj: lies. Sleep is for the weak04:21
Jucatogeoff__: that page has instructions on how to do that04:21
geoff__jucato ...... shhhhhh.......04:21
=== BluesKaj yawns
DaSkreechIs the Flashplugin not verified by the apt system?04:22
JucatoDaSkreech: what do you mean "not verified"?04:22
geoff__god just forget it.... no linux knowing people04:22
CfaceHow do i know which driver to install for my Sound card?04:22
DaSkreech"WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!  flashplugin-nonfree Install these packages without verification [y/N] ?04:22
Jucatohm... strange04:22
jordo23Why does ARK always fail to open my .tat.gz archives? Is there something that I need?04:23
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dwidmannDaSkreech: last I heard, the flash package was just a script to download flash from adobes site and set it up, I've never tried it though so I wouldn't know (said convenient package/script isn't in the amd64 repo)04:23
rollerskatejammsDoes anybody know what the file "/etc/group-" is for. NOT /etc/group04:23
=== GWillakers [n=dale@netblock-68-183-7-7.dslextreme.com] has joined #kubuntu
hitmanWillyDaSkreech: apt-key issues sounds like04:23
JucatoDaSkreech: better ask in #ubuntu-motu or ping crimsun04:23
DaSkreechI know04:23
DaSkreechJucato: Ok04:23
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dsmith__geoff needs to learn to lighting up04:23
Jucatodwidmann: btw, he was asking how to login graphically as root. but he should  have still read the wiki. which has the exact instructions he needs04:24
dwidmanngeoff needs to get a life, or better yet, find someone else to harass04:24
hitmanWillyi just can't figure out why he would need to log in graphically as root...makes no sense04:24
Jucatoactualy, he just needs to learn how to read04:24
dsmith__dont need root04:24
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hitmanWillysince the normal ubu acct is root jr. anyway04:25
Jucatobut yeah. no need to login graphically as root at all04:25
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dwidmannroot jr?04:25
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hitmanWillysudo enabled04:25
BluesKajbedtime for me ..nite all04:25
dwidmannJucato: nothing su -c can't handle eh?04:25
hitmanWillydo root stuff w/out a root password04:25
dwidmannah, true enough04:26
Lilacorwhat a freakin' tool04:26
=== hitmanWilly 's only major issue with ubu
BWOlf85you get over it hitman lol04:27
hitmanWillyi still think its a gaping security hole...04:27
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dwidmannhitmanWilly: maybe so04:28
dwidmannhitmanWilly: still, better than nothing, or negative something (aka windows)04:28
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: how is it a hole?04:29
trix`GhitmanWilly: easy to fix, just set a root password.04:29
dwidmannrequiring regular programs to run as root, practically a walk-in invitation...04:29
hitmanWillyone of the first things i did04:29
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=== Agrajag` is now known as Agrajag
hitmanWillyat least on the laptop...the one that runs kubuntu04:30
dsmith__Caution: Sudo command invoked... Cancel or Allow?04:30
trix`Glol when I first switched to kubuntu I set a root password and enabled the root account, because I was used to having one, now, months later, I realize that I haven't actually logged in as root once since I enabled it, I've grown used to sudo or sudo /bin/bash04:30
hitmanWillyi still su all the time for editing config files and such04:31
=== dsmith__ don;t need no stinkin' root
Jucatotrix`G: sudo /bin/bash?04:31
trix`Gthat's what I 'sudo /bin/bash' for04:31
DaSkreechJucato: It's not supposed to do that04:31
trix`Gjucato: ghetto way of logging root in04:32
JucatoDaSkreech: hm... strange...04:32
BWOlf85allow solitare cancel or allow04:32
=== hitmanWilly grew up on slackware
Jucatotrix`G: you mean like "sudo -i"?04:32
=== [tokin] [n=tokin@dynamic-acs-24-144-225-167.zoominternet.net] has joined #kubuntu
BWOlf85anyone maybe be able to help me over pm as to why my windows computer wont let the ethernet card install04:33
=== kyah2004 [n=kyah@port0186-abf-s-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechkyah2004: yo04:33
trix`Gexcept i didn't know about that switch when I first thought of sudo /bin/bash04:33
DaSkreechBWOlf85: try ##windows04:33
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents04:33
DaSkreechhow's things in Jamaica ;)04:34
=== mtn_man [i=Mtnman@ppp-70-128-116-158.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
Aloneadamn..I still can't figure out how to get this PySol to work right...I am too used to make, make install. I don't understand what is wrong here...04:34
trix`GBWOlf85: windows? have you tried rebooting a few dozen times during the install?04:34
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:34
BWOlf85trix it just wont go anywhere04:34
masterkhow do I start group chat in gaim on msn protocol?04:34
hitmanWillyAlonea: are there any shell scripts in the dir?04:34
kyah2004what do i do next04:34
BWOlf85just sits there with the files "moving" from one folder to the next04:34
FivetwentysixDoes gaim even work on KDE?04:34
DaSkreechkyah2004: you have a strange problem :-)04:35
trix`Guhm, reboot?  the only thing I really know about windows is that you have to reboot to change anything.  over and over.04:35
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents04:35
dwidmannFivetwentysix: of course04:35
kyah2004so i notice04:35
masterklol I love that message04:35
DaSkreechJucato: I have to run home. Can You look at kyah2004's problem for me in the interim?04:35
masterkubotu you are the best04:35
AloneahitmanWilly: nope. all .py or .pyc . For the sound server, there was make files and even a readme. that all worked out ok and when I do python pysol.py, it doesn't complain about the sound server anymore04:35
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:35
DaSkreech!bug 104:35
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents04:35
=== NDPMacBook [n=ndpmacbo@207-172-70-51.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu
JucatoDaSkreech: huh? I'm actually in the middle of studying... what's the problem?04:36
DaSkreechJucato: no worries then04:36
hitmanWillyAlonea: any error messages? or just won't start?04:36
DaSkreechFlash won't install04:36
DaSkreechdwidmann: Got a few minutes ?04:36
dwidmannDaSkreech: yeah04:37
DaSkreechdwidmann: kyah2004 is trying to install flash04:37
AloneahitmanWilly: there are error messages that confuse me04:37
dwidmannDaSkreech: and the results are?04:37
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DaSkreech It seems that apt is pulling the package but after that things get hairy04:37
masterkkyah2004 did you try installing through adept?04:37
hitmanWillyAlonea: can you pastebin them? i know a very little python04:37
DaSkreech I have to run home can you look at it for me in the interim04:37
kyah2004masterk: yeh it crashed04:37
DaSkreechmasterk: nope Command line04:37
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=== Coldwar55 [n=kvirc@pool-70-105-167-108.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
ses1959_i am looking for the new thunderbird 2.0 in the 64 bit linux but could not find the link.  Does anyone have the link for this please?04:38
AloneahitmanWilly: ttp://pastebin.ca/49950304:38
DaSkreechdwidmann: I had him try manually open the tar.gz that apt pulled down and it seemed corrupt04:38
kyah2004masterk: or better yet it hung in the process, so i am trying command lime now and i am still having some issues04:38
dwidmannDaSkreech: one minute then, I might as well whip up a little script. If the repository is giving trouble, it'd be easier to do it manually04:38
=== orehon [n=lucas@201009230129.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu
ses1959_or is thunderbird only available for 32 at this time04:38
DaSkreechso he removed it and re did the apt-get install :)04:38
DaSkreechkyah2004: dwidmann is the ... ummm mann I guess04:39
DaSkreechI gotta run home04:39
DaSkreech listen to him and jam here04:39
masterkwhat happens under the command line?04:39
GWillakersHow can I arrange the order of songs in a playlist using GTKPOD?  Not very intuitive if there's a way.04:39
DaSkreechIf you got other questions this is the place to shoot them04:39
kyah2004alright thanks Daskreech04:39
trix`Gwhat is the use of /dev/null?04:39
tsukasa>> anyone know how to get a zune to be detectable in kubu without useing vmware?04:40
AloneahitmanWilly: there is also a .gdbinit file in there04:40
kyah2004alright when i run the command sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree it continues and finishes at ok...04:40
dwidmannAnyone by chance know firefox's default plugin directory?04:41
hitmanWillyAlonea: its having problems finding files it needs, you may want to see if there's an install instructions file somewhere04:41
masterkhave you tried downloading the package from adobe then installing using the command prompt?04:41
AloneahitmanWilly: will look around some more...04:41
kyah2004then i have to ctrl-c to get back command prompt04:41
hitmanWillydwidmann: /usr/lib/moziila i think04:41
BWOlf85i had to do what masterk did04:42
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Lilacorgeez, whaddyaknow... I install nvidia-glx-new and then I can save to xorg.conf!04:42
dwidmannhitmanWilly: /usr/lib/mozilla, or /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins?04:42
nixternaltrix`G: /dev/null is used for disposing of unwanted input/output streams04:42
hitmanWillydwidmann: /plugins04:42
hitmanWillydwidmann: i figured you could get that part :)04:43
trpri can enable compiz from within kde?04:43
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dwidmannkyah2004: Okay, I've got the script whipped up and ready to go, I guess I'll pastebin it04:43
kyah2004when i go to adobe the website doesnt load, mainly bcuz i think they have flash on the website that they allow u to download flash04:43
trix`Gnixternal: unwanted input/output streams... I would guess you would simply stream them directly to it (so it's like a black hole in the computer?) but what would be an unwanted input/output stream?  I mean could you provide an example?04:44
kyah2004alrighht thanks dwidmann04:44
trix`Goh and thank you nixternal04:44
dwidmannhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21777/ kyah200404:44
nixternaldpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null > Packages04:44
nixternaltrix`G: yes you are correct about the "black hole"04:44
Coldwar55Question, I'm getting a "slight jerkiness" when I play DVDs in Kaffine which never happened before04:46
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Coldwar55Any reason why that would happen?04:46
dwidmannColdwar55: maybe dma decided to disable itself04:46
hitmanWillyColdwar55: dma probly04:46
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Coldwar55How woudl I check that?04:46
dwidmannColdwar55: sudo hdparm -d /dev/hd*04:46
trix`Gnixternal: thanks!04:46
Coldwar55All on04:47
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dwidmannColdwar55: do you have postprocessing and deinterlacing settings on? They can be pretty cpu intensive04:47
Coldwar55I don't belive so04:47
hitmanWillyColdwar55: it might just be system resources04:47
Coldwar55I didn't do anythign to my system04:47
AloneahitmanWilly: I guess I will just go back to the one in the repo, even though sound does not work.04:47
dwidmannColdwar55: is the system under load?04:48
Coldwar55which is wierd04:48
Coldwar55I only have KvIRC, amarok (Not playing anything) and Kopete open04:48
dwidmannColdwar55: weird indeed, what processes are to blame?04:48
hitmanWillyAlonea: well, you might be able to simply install the repo version, then compile the sound server seperately04:49
dwidmannProbably X I reckon ... but I could be wrong04:49
Coldwar55I think04:49
Coldwar55When I went to system process04:49
Coldwar55It has a 10.50% cpu utilization04:49
Coldwar55which is somethign I don't understand because I did nothing to my system over the past week04:49
AloneahitmanWilly: maybe. Thing is, a sound server is listed in the repos, but it doesn't seem to work04:49
Coldwar55and yesterday I was playing DVDs fine04:49
dwidmannHmm, what video driver are you using Coldwar55?, X is taking up rather a bit of CPU04:50
Coldwar55I never had this problem before04:50
hitmanWillyAlonea: apt-build the sound server...that compiles from source a la gentoo04:50
Coldwar55Oh and i Have superkaramba running but that's never beena problem04:50
dwidmannColdwar55: Maybe it's just the disk?04:50
dwidmannColdwar55: Close superkaramba04:50
Coldwar55I dont' know04:50
dwidmannColdwar55: superkaramba always makes the screen jitter when it repaints, I don't know why, but it does.04:51
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BWOlf85um wow just noticed the time tracker...im scared to use it to see how much time i spend on here04:52
dwidmannEspecially if you have superkaramba open, as well as having a video maximized in kaffeine, you can see it stutter where the applets are positioned04:52
Coldwar55it's odd04:52
Coldwar55Because theis never happened before04:52
dwidmannBWOlf85: is that time spent idling or talking?04:52
Coldwar55How do I renable the the applet?04:52
Coldwar55on the tray04:52
BWOlf85time im on the computer04:52
BWOlf85can time whatever task u want04:52
dwidmannColdwar55: erm, well, just restart superkaramba from the menu?04:52
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dwidmannBWOlf85: having fun with the time command?04:53
dwidmannBWOlf85: think the last time I used it was when I decided to figure out how l ong it took to rip a DVD ... think it was in the 1.5-2 hour range04:53
hitmanWillyabout as long as it takes to watch it :)04:54
AloneahitmanWilly: w00t! I have sound!04:54
dwidmannHmm, my uptime is nowhere near where it usually is ..... oh, that's right, I just resetup Kubuntu the other day :O04:54
hitmanWillyAlonea: :) how'd you get it?04:55
dwidmannI'd turned traitor and installed Debian ;)04:55
dwidmannwhich reminds me that I need to grab Debians kernel and install it in feisty ...04:55
AloneahitmanWilly: not quite positive if it was because I installed the sound server with apt or if it was from when did it from source. ^^;;04:55
=== hitmanWilly is a double agent <_<, >_>
Coldwar55That's rather annoying04:56
Coldwar55that worked04:56
=== manchicken__ [n=manchkn@74-134-94-223.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu
Coldwar55but I never had a problem with Superkaramba running04:56
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hitmanWillyAlonea: probably one of the two :)04:56
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dwidmannColdwar55: yhou have now I guess?04:56
hitmanWillyAlonea: or a combo04:56
dwidmannkyah2004: did it work?04:56
Coldwar55It works now04:56
Coldwar55no jerkiness04:56
Coldwar55But I feel "naked" without superkaramba :/04:56
BWOlf85so is the true difference between kubuntu and ubuntu the KDE user interface?04:56
AloneahitmanWilly: either way, it works now and I am happy for sound. I hate it when features in a program does not work04:56
=== france_ [n=france@dslb-084-060-116-135.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
ejortegauhi there. any kubuntu / ubuntu mantainers here? i think i found a problem with the dependencies of amarok04:57
dwidmannColdwar55: yeah, I know what you mean ... just add an icon for it in your tray, or ready your fingers and use katapult04:57
Coldwar55What's katapult do?04:57
dwidmannejortegau: odd, I didn't have any problem with it04:57
dwidmannColdwar55: hit alt+space, start typing04:57
dwidmannColdwar55: you'll see ;)04:57
ejortegaudwidmann:  well, i just installed 7.04 and amarok would not play radio stations04:58
dwidmannodd, is it not running? must not be04:58
Coldwar55it's not04:58
ejortegauproblem was 2 missing packages04:58
dwidmannColdwar55: alt + f2, type katapult04:58
=== Ikawe [n=ikawe@c-66-41-165-36.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ejortegaulibxine something and other i don't remember.04:58
Coldwar55Whoa that's wierd04:59
=== matt001 [n=matt@202-169-220-179.worldnet.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu
dwidmannejortegau: what format is the radio stations format in? if it's mp3 keep in mind that kubuntu doesn't ship with mp3 support, so it might be an optional dependency?05:00
dwidmannColdwar55: big-time time saver :)05:00
ejortegaui didn't know that05:00
ejortegauwhy? patent issues?05:00
tsukasamp3 i belive runs under sertain license05:00
ejortegaui see...05:00
tsukasaas well as encrypted dvd support05:00
hitmanWillylicensing issues05:00
dwidmannejortegau: either patent or copyright or both05:00
ejortegauthat sucks... still, how come other distros do? are they breaking any laws or something?05:01
dwidmannwait, yeah, it's patent05:01
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dwidmannejortegau: hard to say, it depends on what country you're in.05:01
hitmanWillyeither they pay the licensing fees, or are based overseas05:01
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hitmanWillyoverseas == not US05:01
ejortegaui see05:02
ejortegauhm, ok05:02
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muaddibanyone want to help me out with some open-ssh info?05:03
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masterkhow do I install a deb package?05:04
nininaanyone know how I can make firefox my defualt webbrowser for stuff05:04
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Jucatomasterk: right-click on the .deb file -> Kubuntu Package Menu -> Install Package05:04
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Jucatoninina: System Settings -> Default Applications -> Web Browser05:04
hitmanWillymasterk: or sudo dpkg -i <pkg_name>05:04
ejortegauok, thanks guys, cya05:05
kyah2004dwidmann: seems like there is an issue downloading from the url u gave me for flash05:05
dwidmannkyah2004: odd, it worked the other day ...05:05
nininaJucato: Thanks I assume other defualts are done the same way?05:06
Lilacorninina: still kickin' and not giving up on linux yet I see05:06
dwidmannkyah2004: that link just go the works-for-me stamp of approval. The link certainly isn't dead.05:06
Lilacorninina: that's good05:06
dwidmannkyah2004: what does wget say when it tries to download it, if there are any errors can you pastebin them for me?05:07
masterkit seems it didn't install correctly or something05:07
masterkhas anyone here installed frostwire?05:07
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hitmanWillymasterk: probably unmet dependencies05:07
nininaLilacor: Meh I always have a few days in me, what will really show is if I'm still here after the newness of beryl wears off and I deside I want to play a video game05:08
masterkis java already in kubuntu?05:08
kyah2004dwidmann: there isnt any errors it just sticks at 0% forever with the time moving05:08
dwidmannmasterk: in which case, running it in konsole would probably unmask your problems running it05:08
hitmanWillymasterk: not by default05:08
dwidmannkyah2004: that's really weird05:08
Lilacorninina: linux isn't made for games...yet05:08
masterkthats why it didn't run05:08
dwidmannkyah2004: ctrl + c then re-run the script and see if it works05:08
nininaLilacor: that's why I go back to windows...and I tend not to return05:09
hitmanWillyninina: that's the last major area for linux to get a foothold in05:09
Lilacorninina: oh well..whatever suits you05:09
dwidmannmasterk: there is a jvm included in kubuntu, however, it ain't that great, you'd be better off installing sun's jvm05:09
nininaLilacor: so if I do return then I'm sold05:09
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kyah2004dwidmann: should i run the script in  parts or should i copy and paste all of it and run it one time05:10
hitmanWillyninina: for games, you might want to look into wine or cedega05:10
dwidmannkyah2004: faster to do it all at once, but it doesn't really matter05:10
nininahitmanWilly: I know, but I find that the game support is massively limited05:11
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hitmanWillyninina: that's cause game developers don't like spending money to port games over to a system that has such a small market share05:13
kyah2004dwidmann: i even tried using konquerer and firefox to download from that url and the file just stalls05:14
hitmanWillyninina: at least that's how they see it...plus they've spent so much time working with directx they don't want to change over to opengl05:14
hitmanWillyninina: with a few notable exceptions05:15
dwidmannkyah2004: odd, try going to adobe.com , and downloading the file manually from there ... I don't know why the link won't work for you, it works fo rme05:16
=== Bree [n=sabreena@cpe-204-210-181-210.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
kyah2004oh zeen05:16
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nininahitmanWilly: I completely understand, I was going to be a game programmer for a while so I know some of the politics, but I need my games in the end...I'm such an adict =(05:17
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ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup05:20
hitmanWillyninina: that was my last holdout for windows too :)05:21
hakaisousame here.05:21
dwidmannhakaisou: if you need programs runnign when you startup kde, just open whatever you want to have running at startup and go to k-menu-> save session05:21
=== hitmanWilly is angry that ut3 is not going to ship with linux support
hakaisouare you crazy willy?05:22
nininahitmanWilly: I have a few others, namely Visual Studios...but yeah that is the big one05:22
hakaisoumajor games NEVER have linux support05:22
hendausi want to update my kubuntu from dapper to fiesty, can anyone help me please05:22
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dwidmannhendaus: best way would be to get the feisty cd, and do a reinstall05:23
hitmanWillyut has always been linux capable05:23
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hitmanWillyplus id's games all have linux installers you can download05:23
hitmanWillymade by id05:24
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hendausdwidmann:  i dont have feisty cd05:24
ubotuKubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php05:24
matt001hendaus, can you backup your files?05:24
Pelohendaus,  dl the cd from there05:24
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hendausmatt001: backup?05:25
dwidmannI say the best way is a reinstall because if you can't do a reinstall, you have to first upgrade to edgy, then upgrade to feisty ... so you'd be downloading quite a bit more05:25
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hendausPelo:  but i dont have cd in blank now cool, i am searching05:25
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masterkadept isn't opening now...05:25
intelikeywell i guess i'll have to use a case fan on my cpu.     oh none...05:25
matt001hendaus, so that you can keep a safe copy of your files if you decide to upgrade / full install05:25
bob_any error message?05:25
Pelohendaus,  start downloading it anyway,  you can always get some cd,s later,  we're not gonna do this tonight anyway, it's getting a bit late for me05:26
masterkafter I type in the password it just doesn't do anything05:26
bob_check the sources list05:26
hitmanWillyintelikey: heh...05:26
bob_sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list05:26
hakaisoudwidmann: i'm not seeing this option...05:26
hitmanWillyintelikey: old one die?05:26
intelikeystone cold grave yard dead.05:27
dwidmannhakaisou: it was always there before ... odd.05:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about session - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:27
hitmanWillyits an older proc, right? a heatsink by itself might do the trick...maybe05:27
hendausPelo:  cool , i am living in colombia so i have time to install05:27
hakaisouhello ubuntu05:27
MinatakuHey, intelikey and dwidmann, guess what I got my hands on by complete chance05:27
ubuntu_Is there a way to move a partition to somewhere else?05:27
dwidmannMinataku: a million dollars that you want to share with me?05:27
intelikeyhitmanWilly yeah i could prolly get by with no fan  but i don't really like the idea.05:28
hitmanWillyneither would i :)05:28
intelikeyMinataku i'm all ears05:28
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hendausPelo:  yes i have found a cd blank05:28
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MinatakuA prototype SGI POWER Indigo^2 :D05:28
intelikeyreally ?05:28
MinatakuIt's an IP26 mainboard and R8000 CPU module in a teal Indigo^2 case05:28
GWillakersHow can I arrange the order of songs in a playlist using GTKPOD?  Not very intuitive if there's a way.05:28
Pelohendaus,  hve fun then05:29
MinatakuThe sticker on the back with the FCC info and such is missing05:29
MinatakuIt's replaced with a white label that says "PROTOTYPE TETON PRE MR"05:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repartition - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:29
=== bipolar__ [n=bflong@ip67-91-139-131.z139-91-67.customer.algx.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:29
dwidmannSo, it's from the mid-90's right?05:30
Minatakudwidmann: Yeah05:30
hendausPelo:  download .torrent or iso which one fast05:30
MinatakuIt's a rare prototype of an already rare machine05:30
bob_that depends hendaus05:30
dwidmannHow'd you come by it?05:30
Minatakudwidmann: University decomissioned equipment sale05:30
Pelohendaus, impossible to tell, you're choice, if you have torrent capability you are helping the community by using torrents05:30
bob_en torrent puede ser mas seguro05:30
dwidmannMinataku: How much did it set you back? It's a classic :)05:31
hendausok thanx anyway05:31
=== keisangi [n=keisangi@221x117x88x251.ap221.ftth.ucom.ne.jp] has joined #kubuntu
dwidmannWhoa, that's cheap!05:31
masterkhow do I install a patch file?05:32
MinatakuThe proto label was covered up by some company's name05:32
MinatakuProbably the company that sold it to the Uni05:32
MinatakuThey hid that it was a proto, and I guess the Uni recently decomissioned it05:32
bob_what u mean exactly?, patch file?05:32
intelikeyso that was the 75mhz modle ?05:33
Minatakuintelikey: Yeah, it's got the 75MHz R800005:33
intelikeyi heard that over clocking was an option there.05:33
MinatakuThe CPU Module is "Assy no. 030-0751-001 Rev. 0"05:33
masterkI downloaded a gz file that contained a patch file, it is the ibm_acpi patch05:34
intelikeyjumpers on the board iirc05:34
=== hitmanWilly wants to take it apart and play with it :)
bob_does it have a CONFIGURE file?05:34
masterknope just the patch file05:34
nininaanyone know how my autostart beryl...or is that a bad idea?05:34
wordWhat's the name for the xserver debuginfo package?05:34
masterkhmm... maybe theres more to dl05:35
bob_no idea masterk, maybe you need to paste it on the desired folder?05:35
MinatakuhitmanWilly: Heehee, sorry, this is my baby now XD05:35
hitmanWillyninina: link to the beryl exec file in ~/.kde/Autostart05:35
=== hitmanWilly sighs
dsmith__nas anyone noticed that some peope do not care if they run windows or linux?05:36
intelikeyninina beryl support is "supposed" to be in #ubuntu-effects    but a link or script in ~/.kde/Autostart/  should answer your Q.05:36
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dwidmanndsmith__: yeah, point being?05:36
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dsmith__just an observation05:36
=== hitmanWilly has noticed that most people just want a computer that works
intelikeydsmith__ yes. sad.05:36
dwidmannMe, I personally do care. I hate Windows' guts.05:36
bob_i do care, on Windoze i was worried about worms, virus and garbage config files, not anymore05:37
nininaintelikey: #ubuntu-effect said "we don't anything that starts with a K" T_T05:37
worddwidmann: how can  you hate windows' guts if you can't see them? ZING05:37
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hitmanWillyugh, gnomes05:37
intelikeyninina so you found a jerk,  and you can tell them i said so.05:37
masterkcan someone take a look at this patch file and tell me what to do with it? it's just a bunch of code and stuff I don't understand05:38
dsmith__kde is much nicer05:38
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nininaintelikey: okies well I'll mess around with .kde/autostart05:38
Lilacorholy cow the latest mac vs pc ad is brutal!05:38
=== hitmanWilly runs sort of a kde/fluxbox hybrid setup right now
Lilacorit's sad but true...lots of windows boxes come bloated with all kinds of crapware05:38
dwidmannbob_: I think I was just afraid of Windows itself really. What with explorer.exe crashing, and things like Windows Update available to sabotage your computer until you turned it off, and viruses running amok everywhere, even on the windows update site (kind of sad really). Maintenace #$!@#.05:38
dsmith__i have 5 desktops to populate nest week for the office and I have been contemplating using xubuntu vs. kde, but gosh darn kubuntu is so much prettier05:38
nininaI think KDE's desktop image rotate is the best pre-beryl invention05:38
=== intelikey runs a console mode *buntu box
dsmith__ninina: I love that feature05:39
dsmith__i got someone to checkout linux due to that05:39
=== ninina thinks intelikey is missing a key or 2 j/k
MinatakuHeh, IP26 doesn't have a working Linux yet XD05:39
bob_we all now that kind of garbage that windoze actually is...., sorry for the flaming05:39
masterkcan someone take a look at this patch file and tell me what to do with it? it's just a bunch of code and stuff I don't understand please?05:39
=== dwidmann uses his own personal blend of *buntu built from the ground (a console mode system) up.
dsmith__not flaming... TRUTHS05:39
Lilacorninina: image rotate? do tell..05:40
intelikeyninina hehhe    :)05:40
bob_indeed dsmith05:40
MinatakuI'll need to get my hands on a copy of IRIX for the SGI05:40
dsmith__Lilacor: KDE has a desktop background rotate feature05:40
=== macallister [i=Malnatt@host27.201-253-63.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu
dsmith__so does XP though05:40
intelikeyyeah should be a dl on the web    no?05:40
nininadsmith__: XP does?05:41
Minatakuintelikey: Supposedly05:41
=== needs2repart is now known as Aresilek
Lilacordsmith__: do I just do that through desktop settings?05:41
MinatakuI probably need an SGI account05:41
dsmith__one sec05:41
MinatakuLike I have with Sun to get Solaris for free05:41
nininaintelikey: I thought it was pretty good hehe05:41
bob_could somebody give a hand to masterk, i'm walking on darkness when becomes to patch files05:41
dwidmannMinataku: how is solaris, I never did get around to playing with it05:42
MinatakuIt's nice, especially on Sun machines05:42
dsmith__Lilacor: Right click Desktop...configure desktop...click on background..click on slideshow...then setup05:42
Lilacorokie dokey05:42
intelikeybob_ unfortunately i'd be shadow boxing too.05:42
hitmanWillybeyond me as well05:43
MinatakuI got 6 other computers too05:43
bob_sorry masterk, we tried...05:43
=== strabes__ is now known as strabes
MinatakuBut the prototype SGI kinda trumps them all05:43
wordmasterk: patch -p0 > [patchfile]  in the directory of the software  your working on pre-compile05:43
wordi always get the > and < mixed up flip it if you get an error..05:43
MinatakuIt's <05:43
intelikeybob_ & masterk normally anything that comes as a tarball also has it's on instructions   look for all caps file names05:43
bob_there u go05:43
dwidmannMinataku: heh, I only have one (working) computer.05:43
=== betty [n=betty@cpe-24-30-137-115.san.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
MinatakuYou want to pipe the data from the patch file into the patch program05:44
dsmith__speaking of PCs, I almost acquired (4) Acer P3's on Saturday, for $10each. ASUS board 512mb ram, etc....05:44
bob_yup, I asked fot something like that to masterk05:44
dwidmanndsmith__: almost? I would have jumped on that ...05:44
hitmanWillyme too05:44
dsmith__it was for a charity, but someone told them to get $100 for one pc, keyboard, mouse and monitor05:44
bob_what do u think about Dell selling PCs with ubuntu preinstalled?05:44
dsmith__i balked and walked05:45
=== word looks at title
Aresilekok first things first how do i change the keyboard layout to a latin keyboard in kubuntu?05:45
dsmith__bob_: swee05:45
dsmith__bob_: sweet05:45
=== word reads 'kubuntu SUPPORT channel' and wonders why this has become a lounge chatroom >.>
dwidmannbob_: I'd think a little more of it if it were better advertised05:45
MinatakuI've got... uh... 23 computers now05:45
=== Minataku pushes word into the laundry chute
=== dsmith__ shutsup
dwidmannword: because, there seems to be no support going on at the moment, and it's rather dull when the room is dead.05:45
Aresilek!latin keyboard05:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about latin keyboard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:46
Lilacordsmith__: hmm...and is the background supposed to just scroll or change ever certain time interval05:46
dsmith__Lilacor: add some pics in that folder05:46
intelikeyMinataku you are growing   i'm in decline.    i think i only have 6 now.05:46
dsmith__i have ~2005:46
masterkok i'm lost with this...05:46
bob_I have only 2 systems....:P05:46
hitmanWillyAresilek: should be in kcontrol under regional/accessibility -> keyboard layout05:46
dwidmannIf I have 1 with 5 virtual machines, does that count as six?05:46
dsmith__of course05:47
Lilacordsmith__: I did. I added all of the default pictures.05:47
masterki found out i needed to dl something else05:47
bob_perfect masterk05:47
intelikeydwidmann if it does my count is gonna sky rocket05:47
dsmith__Lilacor: it should rotate based on your time settings05:47
masterkso i dl it and the readme loses me... what's this about getting a kernel with acpi support?05:47
Lilacordsmith__: I'm an idiot. I had it set for an hour.05:48
hitmanWillymasterk: don't worry, ubuntu has that05:48
dsmith__Lilacor: No, your a linux user..05:48
Lilacordsmith__: :P05:48
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LilacorI think I like the SVG background better05:49
Lilacorvery smooth05:49
bob_damn i need a shower and a good shave,,,,,:P05:49
Aresilekhow do i open kcontrol?05:49
BWOlf85go get one bob05:49
Lilacorbob_: in that order?05:49
hitmanWillyAresilek: alt-f2 then type it in05:50
bob_sitting here all day05:50
dwidmannbob_: so do I, but I was going to procrastinated. And you had to go and remind me :\05:50
dwidmann* minus d05:50
dsmith__I planted all my tomato plants today... instead of setting in front of my laptop05:50
Aresilekdoes alt-f2 bring up a terminal?05:50
nullhow can i abort a shutdown now?05:50
bob_i was playing ET :P05:50
Aresilekand is so how do i get out once im in it?05:50
hitmanWillyAresilek: just a run dialog05:50
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intelikeydwidmann being reminded has never broken my procrastination...05:51
hitmanWillyAresilek: close the window05:51
dsmith__there is always tomorrow..05:51
dwidmannintelikey: shhhh, you might remind my conscious self of that.05:51
=== leileilol [n=Hsi@c-75-68-37-174.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Aresilekok thanks it's on latin keyboard now....05:52
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wordis the packages.ubuntu.com site down temporarily?05:52
dwidmannI think my bed is going to kidnap me for about 10-16 hours now.05:52
hitmanWillyword: apparently05:53
bob_i have to be up and running at 6 am tomorrow :(05:53
masterkwhat's this about make?05:53
wordmasterk: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:53
dwidmannbob_: I work weekends ... and as such I had to be up and running at 3am today05:53
wordmasterk: that installs make as well as other utilitys05:53
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wordmasterk: you need them to compile programs05:54
intelikeyi had two grand fathers....   not unlike some of you...   the one's philosophy was something like this.  "why put off until tomarrow what you can finish today"   while the other would say something along the line of  "i've got to much to do, to get it all done anyway; i think i'll just go fishing"     so i can by rights choose either approach to lifes issues...05:54
=== intelikey generally chooses the later.
=== hitmanWilly keeps putting off building his LFS system
=== tulga [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu
=== dwidmann likes the later also
tulgacan I install beryl on kubuntu 7.04?05:55
tulgawhere is good howto guide05:55
bob_I work from home, but still, it's work :P05:55
hitmanWillylinux from scratch05:55
dwidmanntulga: the beryl wiki has a nice guide IIRC05:55
intelikeytulga yes.   the wikis have docs05:55
tulgaok. is beryl nice?05:56
intelikeyor is that wikii05:56
dwidmannbob_I got home early today though :D 2:3005:56
BWOlf85i need a way that i can work at home!05:56
hitmanWillyintelikey: no, cuz just one would be wikus then :)05:56
BWOlf85selling what on ebay05:56
wordtulga: the guide is -very- easy beryl-desktop.org there's like 2 commands to get your xorg configured and a couple more for some optional things05:56
bob_i seel linux stuff on ebay, thats what i do05:56
intelikeyhitmanWilly not if wiki is single05:56
dwidmannBWOlf85: souls?05:57
dwidmannBWOlf85: but arms and legs preferably05:57
=== hitmanWilly thinks intellikey missed the latin joke...
=== bipolar_ is now known as bipolar
BWOlf85dwidmann no souls their to hard to get people are stingy bout them05:57
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intelikeywell you could be right.     it's your language, i'm just trying to abuse it.05:57
intelikeyanyone here speek cherokee ?05:58
=== eljefe [n=eljefe@71-220-44-199.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
hitmanWillyi think english deserves to be abused as much as possible05:58
dwidmannintelikey: I have a feeling the odds of that are abysmally low05:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gibberish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:59
wordapparently no channel for people who speak gibberish05:59
dwidmann"I refuse to be part of a society that encourages the rampant abuse of its own language."05:59
bob_check this out guys, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=25009863351805:59
intelikeydwidmann me too05:59
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hitmanWillydwidmann: what, just because a scan of Spin crashed my spellchecker?06:00
puppetmasterhi everyone06:00
puppetmasterI installed kubuntu on ubuntu06:01
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puppetmasterwhen i press logout nothing comeup unless logout option06:01
puppetmasterhow do i show the shutdown & restart option06:02
dwidmannhitmanWilly: That's funny.06:02
hitmanWilly"open office spellcheck has found 152,978 spelling errors"06:02
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hitmanWilly"now checking page 2"06:02
wordpuppetmaster: just a shot in the dark here but...maybe you don't have the permissions to shutdown? o.O06:02
intelikeywell of all the farf-ig-nugen in a box...06:02
dwidmannpuppetmaster, you must have started X with startx instead of through kdm or gdm?06:02
puppetmasteranyone help me please06:02
puppetmasterso, what should i do???06:03
dwidmannpuppetmaster: log out, then if you need to shutdown, use "sudo shutdown -h now", if you want to reboot, use "sudo reboot"06:03
puppetmasterI know that06:03
wordpuppetmaster: hmm...not sure...is there any specific reason you want to have both?06:03
DaSkreechkyah2004: Sorted?06:04
puppetmasterwhat should i do to show the buttons06:04
intelikeypuppetmaster yes that a setting      kcontrol   and login screen     i think is the place to change it.06:04
wordpuppetmaster: intelikey is your saviour06:04
dwidmannDaSkreech: last I check kyah2004 was having trouble fetching the file from Adobe's site, haven't heard from kyah2004 in a while though06:04
intelikeyword i don't even run a gui06:04
wordjust keep saying kyah2004's name and maybe kyah2004 will come back06:05
intelikeyonly works if kyah2004 is still around tho06:05
hitmanWillyword: it works better if you say kyah2004's name on seperate lines06:05
hitmanWillysuch as kyah2004, please06:05
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hitmanWillycome back kyah200406:06
=== tony_ is now known as tinyx
intelikeyor in pm06:06
tinyxhow do I use my webcam with ubuntu?06:06
tinyxor kubuntu06:06
intelikeytinyx i give up    how ?06:06
tinyxLike what program do I use to record videos?06:06
=== TheDebugger [n=unknown@modemcable128.61-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #Kubuntu
=== Carnage\ [n=carnage@ppp-] has joined #kubuntu
tinyxlike what is a good video editing program for kubuntu?06:06
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:07
dwidmanntinyx: I think kino, cinelerra, and kdenlive are the only video editors I've heard about, dunno how good they are (or aren't) though06:07
eljefetinyx: KDEnlive but you have to go to the website to get it, and its still young06:07
tinyxIs there anything like "Windows Movie Maker"?06:08
intelikeyi think they already answerd that06:08
tinyxI mean, are those programs like that?06:08
hitmanWillytinyx: i think cinerella is the closest you'll find06:08
eljefeKDEnlive is great; kino is good at capture but thats about it; cinelerra is difficult in my opinion; Jahshaka is decent but a bit confusing; MainActor is pretty good but *needs* Intel-brand hardware or it crashes (and its closed source and costs money)06:09
=== anthonyq123 [n=anthonyq@adsl-074-170-210-072.sip.shv.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
eljefetinyx: nothing that simple that i know of :(  KDEnlive is pretty easy though, if you know what "cutting footage" and 'making clips on a timeline" mean06:09
tinyxyes i know those06:10
intelikeythat's just how it is.    you get what you pay for.   if you pay for software your not free...06:10
tinyxwhat is KDEnlive's website?06:10
eljefetinyx: i think that you'll figure them out then06:10
eljefewww.google.com ;)\06:10
intelikeyeljefe .06:10
eljefeintelikey: how'd the fan turn out?06:10
=== intelikey <glares>
tinyxhaha alright06:10
intelikeyeljefe it's dead.06:11
=== eljefe looks arounf like, 'what i do?'
eljefeoh no... but you're running... another computer?06:11
intelikey"""<eljefe> www.google.com ;)\"""  <<<< only that.06:11
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eljefeah... lol yeah.  ok, i guess, but if the asker has to go to the web anyway...06:11
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyno same one.     i pulled that fan and set a case fan in front of the heat sync06:12
=== masterk [n=masterk@c-75-68-177-159.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
dwidmannOkay, 22 hours of consciousness is enough for me for a day. I think I'm goint to go sleep, maybe I'll even get up tomorrow ... afternoon06:12
eljefehaha good start...06:12
masterkis there a process manager?06:12
Minatakueljefe... the PLA eljefe?06:12
eljefemasterk: in KDE, hit [ctrl] [esc] 06:12
dwidmannmasterk: ctrl + esc06:12
intelikeyeljefe yeah i know.  and often i what to tell idiots off    but the whole idea is to help not just make them mad enough to shut up....06:13
eljefeMinataku: um sorry, not sure what PLA means, so probably not him/me...06:13
MinatakuSorry, then06:13
DaSkreechword: You have to look in the mirror and say his name three times06:13
eljefelol no problem mate06:13
MinatakuIt's "Phone Losers of America", btw06:13
DaSkreechword: preferably in the bathroom06:13
masterkit says theres another adept running when i try to run adept06:13
masterkbut i don't see one...06:13
eljefewell glad that i'm not him i think!06:13
masterki only see adept notify06:14
intelikey!adaptcrashfix | masterk06:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adaptcrashfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:14
intelikey!adeptcrashfix | masterk06:14
ubotumasterk: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 06:14
eljefedoes anyone know how to add video files to an iPod running Apple's firmware?06:15
DaSkreechI know that I can kill a user's terminal session by killing the bash pid06:17
DaSkreechhow do I do that for an X session ?06:17
intelikeykill x ?06:17
masterkok i did that... and now it froze...06:17
=== niles_ [n=niles@190.sub-70-221-39.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechintelikey: Little less drastic?06:18
tinyxhow do I install KDEnlive?06:18
intelikeyDaSkreech kill their DE06:18
tinyxThe installation guide.. is in, french.06:18
=== vbgunz [n=vbgunz@217-98.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechkillall kdeinit ?06:19
intelikeyDaSkreech something along the line of killall gnome-session06:19
intelikeyyeah that ^06:19
eljefetinyx: heres a repository link http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/dists/feisty/index.html06:19
masterkhow do i kill processes?06:19
intelikeyDaSkreech note that if more than one session exists you get them all that way06:19
masterkit says i have insufficient...06:20
DaSkreechYeah I realize06:20
DaSkreech I'd have to find one owned by said offender?06:20
eljefemasterk: either right-click in the [ctrl] [esc]  window and pick SIGKILL (or just click it, and then click [Kill] ...06:20
intelikeymasterk     sudo killall <name>      <name> can be obtained from   ps ax06:20
intelikeyDaSkreech there might be a betterway with fuser -k06:21
intelikeyi haven't really played with that very much.06:21
eljefemasterk: or fin out its PID (Process ID) and go to a command line and type 'kill -9 <pid#>' or 'sudo kill -9 <pid#>' (sudo is for those nasty ones but its the root account, make sure that you know what you're killing)06:21
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wolferineI have apache 2 and php5 installed, but my php isnt working06:22
wolferinewhere should I start to look?06:22
intelikeyeljefe yes.  but that is process specific and may not work like the new user expects.    specally when trying to kill the parrent of a process and wondering why the thing just [defunct]  on them.06:22
intelikey!lamp | wolferine ?06:23
ubotuwolferine ?: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:23
eljefeintelikey: true enough, good thinks.06:24
wolferineintelikey, that link has absolutely nothing to do with helping me06:24
intelikeywolferine has to do with the instalation/setup of php   does it not ?06:24
eljefedoes anyone know how to add video files to an iPod running Apple's firmware?06:25
masterkFUDGE! adept keeps freezing ever since I tried to install jre and it got locked because that froze06:26
Jucato!adeptfix | masterk06:26
ubotumasterk: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 06:26
DaSkreechmasterk: install java in the command line06:26
eljefemasterk: once you unlock adept/apt/dpkg the first thing you should do is try to remove jre... then try to reinstall or install-something or whatever06:26
wolferineanyone willing to help me get php5 to work with apache2 (I had a previous apache install -- which is the reason for the issue) ?06:27
eljefemasterk: yes at the command line you'll be much better able to answer the licensing questions06:27
eljefesorry wolferine i don't know06:27
intelikeywolferine can you not go to the page and look at the "trubble shooting" php 5  section ?06:28
wolferineintelikey, ill wait for someone else to help me, thanks06:28
intelikeyyou're welcome.06:28
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intelikeywolferine and you do have  "libapache2-mod-php5"   installed ?06:29
wolferineintelikey, as I said, ill wait for someone else, thank you06:29
=== wastedfluid [n=wastedfl@c-71-57-212-247.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyas you wish.06:30
masterkwhen I try to get build-essential and the others in adept it says there was a problem downloading the packages or it might break something...06:31
DaSkreechdwidmann: apparently he had to download it on a windows machine06:31
intelikeymasterk can you show the exact error ?06:32
masterkThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.06:33
intelikeymasterk sudo apt-get install build-essential       and see if it's more forthcomming with info06:33
intelikeyclose adept first ^06:33
masterksudo apt-get install build-essential06:34
masterkE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:34
masterkE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:34
intelikeyclose adept first ^06:34
masterkoh... silly me?06:34
Jucatosilly adept :)06:34
intelikeysilly smily06:35
masterksexy~ it seems to be working06:35
eljefetinyx: PiTiVi is also an easy video editor and it is in ubuntu's repositories06:35
DaSkreechSomeone called?06:35
JucatoDaSkreech: you're nickname is "silly"?06:36
intelikeywe caught it the first time DaSkreech just didn't laugh06:36
eljefeDaSkreech: pah-leeese06:36
DaSkreechSexy with a tilde :006:36
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masterkwth its installing java re too?06:36
lnxkdeI need to launch a command before X and KDM06:36
lnxkdewere should I put it?06:36
intelikeyupstart ?06:37
masterkhow do I change my name to a different color in irc lol06:37
lnxkdeintelikey: upstart ?06:37
intelikeyidk  /etc/rcS.d/S99yourscript.sh06:37
lnxkdeI just want to load a special modulo06:38
lnxkdeI want to put06:38
lnxkdemodprobe -i module06:38
intelikeymasterk in the menu ?06:38
=== kane_ [n=kane@cpe-70-112-48-39.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
eljefemasterk: in KDE's Konversation, look in Settings _> Comfigure...06:39
intelikeylnxkde then   /etc/rcS.d/S99yourscript.sh   should work...    but adding the module name   to   /etc/modules  should work alos06:39
Jucatomasterk: it means that it wasn't finished installing jre, which would be why Adept was acting up06:39
masterkthere we go06:39
lnxkdeintelikey: how was I started a script?06:40
masterkmy manly colored name06:40
MinatakuHeya, Jucato06:40
lnxkde#/bin/bash or  /bin/bash06:40
Jucatohi Minataku06:40
kane_anyone have any idea how to get the " X Int10 " server module for Xorg?06:40
intelikeylnxkde  #!/bin/sh06:40
Jucatolnxkde: #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh06:40
MinatakuJucato: Did you hear? I got a prototype SGI POWER Indigo^2 (IP26) :D06:41
=== Jucato sulks in a corner...
=== se7en [n=se7en@125-24-131-89.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #kubuntu
JucatoMinataku: um.. didn't hear.. don't even know what's that...06:41
intelikeylnxkde but as i said   that's what  /etc/modules exists for.06:41
=== Jucato got a shiny new LCD monitor...
masterkwhat kind of file should I be looking to use make on?06:41
masterkit didn't tell me in the readme06:41
Jucato!compile | masterk06:41
ubotumasterk: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:41
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Zeelotquestion: do I need to install chipset drivers in linux? o.O06:41
lnxkdeintelikey: module wont work unless I do the modprobe -i06:41
=== intelikey sulks in the other corner now.
Jucato2 more corners up for grabs :)06:42
kyah2004Daskreech: from one thing to the next. youtibe loads but keeps on freezing when i try to load a flash file06:42
Jucato(presuming the room is quadrilateral06:42
intelikeylnxkde well the script should work.    don't for get to let root own it and make it 700   or at the most 74406:42
intelikeynot pentagonal ?06:43
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=== intelikey must be in the wrong room
lnxkdeohh I was makiing it 75506:43
intelikeylnxkde you don't really want non-root users trying to exec it.06:44
intelikeydon't even really need them reading.06:44
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Jucato700 then? :)06:44
Jucatoor 740..06:44
DaSkreechkyah2004: any other pages work?06:44
intelikeyyeah 740 is good06:44
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=== Jucato retreats for a while. bbl...
MinatakuHeya, DaSkreech06:45
kyah2004let me try06:45
MinatakuI take it you heard my find :D06:45
=== kane_ [n=kane@cpe-70-112-48-39.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechYeah :)06:46
MinatakuCool, eh? :306:46
kyah2004by the way when i type about:plugins this is what is shown06:46
DaSkreechwhat are you going to do with it?06:46
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:46
MinatakuDaSkreech: Use it06:46
eljefeDaSkreech: whats the great plugin find?06:46
intelikeyyeah man routers/servers are always in season...06:47
masterkit says "make: Nothing to be done for `Makefile'." when I try to run make06:47
eljefeMinataku: whats the great plugin find?06:48
intelikeymasterk then it needs a ./configure    or something     look for all CAPS file names and read.06:48
eljefeMinataku: i thought that you and DaSkreech had something good to share, a cool plugin or something06:48
MinatakuNah, just my cool computer06:48
eljefelol cool06:48
DaSkreechkyah2004: try orisinal.com06:48
intelikeyeljefe you know.   "kid with a new toy"     :)06:49
intelikeychristmas in july,  and all the raw.06:49
intelikeyi'm glad for him.    but not as excited as he is.06:50
lnxkdetime to test06:50
=== DaSkreech hugs his Vista
DaSkreechOh wonderful Vista how ever would I live without you06:50
intelikeythat's just sick.06:50
MinatakuEven as a joke06:50
MinatakuThat's XXXXXXX wrong06:51
=== intelikey pukes.
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eljefeDaSkreech: this is a family forum, please watch the language06:51
DaSkreechSo Vista reboots my machine without asking me after installing updates i told it not to06:51
intelikeyyeah that's it DaSkreech06:51
DaSkreechThen it comes back up and tells me it did this in a helpful popup06:51
DaSkreechThen it pops up a "solutions" bubble06:51
intelikeynow you're telling it like it is.06:51
DaSkreechapparently the issue with my machine is firefox06:51
Kite_DHintelikey: sick, indeed06:51
kyah2004Daskreech: yeh website loads06:52
Minataku"I know better than you, because you're obviously too stupid to do anything since you spent $400 on me"06:52
=== DaSkreech wipes eyes. It's just soooo helpful
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DaSkreechkyah2004: as does the flash?06:52
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kyah2004yeh but now firefore has frozen again06:52
MinatakuCome to think of it, DaSkreech... why WERE you so stupid that you bought Vista?06:52
intelikeyKite_DH ok,  i was over dramatic.    i'll tone down.06:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:53
MinatakuHeehee, sorry, DaSkreech06:53
kyah2004Daskreech: yeh but now firefox has frozen again06:53
MinatakuBut seriously... why? XD06:53
DaSkreechMinataku: came with the new computer. no choice given06:53
MinatakuCall 'em up and tell them you want the refund on the Vista license06:53
MinatakuThat should be a good $10006:53
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eljefeanyone know how to change my nickname so that my ISP's IP address isn't tagged to the end?06:54
DaSkreechMy mom is using it :(06:54
DaSkreechIt's annoying06:54
MinatakuDaSkreech: Not anymore she isn't06:54
intelikeyyes.       Minataku that's the first i've heard that mentioned in here.   we should put that link in the topic.   you can get a refund on the M$ crap if you remove it.06:55
MinatakuTell her Vista is evil and it will rape you in your sleep (You as in DaSkreech... hit on the motherly protective instinct XD )06:55
=== Raumkraut [n=Raumkrau@cust227-dsl44.idnet.net] has joined #kubuntu
masterkcan someone take a look at this06:55
Jucatoeljefe: you will have to ask freenode staffers for an IRC cloak06:55
eljefeJucato: really?  is that a pain?06:56
MinatakuI remember doing that... I personally asked lilo for mine... ;~;06:56
MinatakuHe gave it to me, too ;o;06:56
Jucatoeljefe: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks06:56
intelikeyyeah   lilo was top notch06:56
masterkMinataku do you like anime?06:56
Minatakumasterk: Yes06:56
masterkyou makie lots of anime emotes minataku06:57
kyah2004Daskreech: would not installing drivers ffor my monitor cause firefox to crash so often when running flash06:57
MinatakuMy computer naming system is anime characters XD06:57
masterkso can someone look at that portion of the readme for me?06:57
DaSkreechthat would cause the monitor to crash06:57
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DaSkreechkyah2004: hey. actually the #ubuntu would probably have more help with firefox06:58
DaSkreechmost people here use konqueror06:58
Minatakuintelikey: Yeah, I used to PM him once in a while and talk with him for a bit06:58
kyah2004oh  zeen06:59
eljefeDaSkreech: not so sure about that, konq has its benefits but so does Firefox06:59
MinatakuI don't even use Kubuntu or any variant of Ubuntu XD06:59
DaSkreechkyah2004: you can type /join #ubuntu here06:59
DaSkreechYou can be in both at the same time06:59
kyah2004ok  cool06:59
eljefeMinataku: is this just a fun place to hang out, or what? ;)06:59
DaSkreecheljefe: yeah but crashing as soon as flash loads is one the Firefox seems to hold07:00
Minatakueljefe: I like to help people07:00
eljefekyah2004: look for the connections on the left (of Konversation) to pick which you want to 'be' in07:00
MinatakuOf course I often tend to confuse the crap out of them in here XD07:00
intelikeymasterk   ok what hangs ?      you are in the dir ?07:01
kyah2004eljefa: i only see #kubuntu07:01
MinatakuBeing a Gentoo user will cause that XD07:01
eljefeok folks its time for me to sleep.  good evening (or whatever time you have)07:01
eljefekyah2004: did you type /join ubuntu ?07:01
kyah2004oh zeen thanks07:01
=== plukin [n=Miranda@ppp-62-216-210-98.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeymasterk you run    make  ?07:02
intelikeymasterk ?07:02
masterki run make on makefile and it says "make: Nothing to be done for `Makefile'." intelikey sorry I was doing laundry07:03
intelikeyeljefe i don't know if i fully answered you eariler.    i pulled the cpu fan and stood a case fan dirrected at the heat sync    for a temp fix.07:04
intelikeymasterk ok  you are in the   ibm-acpi*     dir ?07:04
intelikeyok  ls | grep -ie make07:05
masterk~/acpi/ibm-acpi-0.11$ ls | grep -ie make07:05
intelikeyyou have exited the makefile ?07:06
=== kane_ [n=kane@cpe-70-112-48-39.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyyou have build-essential installed   ?07:06
=== intelikey is digressing
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kane_Is there anyway to work around the issues with fiesty and TV outs with nvidia?07:07
intelikeyhmmm ok. masterk what url did you dl that from, let me give it a look see.07:08
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intelikeyk give me a few.07:10
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masterki got that from here: http://thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_make_ACPI_work I am trying to make standby work07:13
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kyah2004Daaskreech: which location do i copy thesee plugins for konqueror to work with flash07:13
masterki got that from here: http://thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_make_ACPI_work I am trying to make standby work intelikey07:13
DaSkreech!flash | kyah200407:14
ubotukyah2004: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:14
DaSkreechthat page should sort you out with konqueror07:14
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kyah2004Daskreech: cool thanks07:15
DaSkreechno prob07:15
wolferineanyone willing to help me get php5 to work with apache2 (I had a previous apache install -- which is the reason for the issue) ? -- I also had this same issue occur at work, I had to format my system to get it to work...07:16
=== n0n4m3- [n=marko@BSN-61-6-93.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:17
wolferinebtw, looking for someone who really knows what they are doing07:18
DaSkreechwolferine: asked in  #php ?07:19
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wolferineits a ubuntu/apache issue07:19
intelikeymasterk i don't see anything wrong there.   i'm using dapper so i can't fully test it but it seems to make ok for me.    maybe you got a bumb package ?     idk.07:19
=== oldwest [n=oldwest@017.182-78-65.ftth.swbr.surewest.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeymasterk i can't duplicate the error so i can't really trubble shoot it.07:20
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wolferinehow do you perform complete removal (dependencies, all files in each dir, etc..) ?07:21
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wolferinefrom cli07:21
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=== Raumkraut [n=Raumkrau@cust227-dsl44.idnet.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechsudo apt-get remove <package> --purge07:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about purge - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:21
masterkwell maybe you can help me get standby to work?07:21
masterkwell maybe you can help me get standby to work? intelikey07:22
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wolferinewouldn't aptitude be more suited for a complete removal?07:22
intelikeymasterk prolly not.   but that's not kde specific.  if no one pipes up in here you can ask in /join #ubuntu   about that.07:22
DaSkreechwolferine: sure07:22
=== ejupin [n=ejupin@c-24-61-16-90.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeymasterk i've never actually messed with standby/suspend  no lappy with a need for that.07:23
ejupinCan't start KDE, I can only log into Gnome., something corrupted? Is there a fix?07:23
wolferineso what would I do then DaSkreech ?07:23
DaSkreechaptitude remove <package> --purge I would guess07:24
masterkah dam07:24
intelikeyejupin maybe chown `whoami` -R ~/.kde07:24
wolferineso you have no idea then?07:24
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ubuntuhow can i mount a writing floppy disk07:24
ejupinintelikey: I can do that from a terminal here in Gnome?07:24
intelikeyejupin yes07:25
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intelikeyejupin and sudo it.07:25
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intelikeybrecha sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media -o umask=00007:25
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brechai tried 'sudo mount -t vfat -w /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy'07:26
brechalet me try it...07:26
DaSkreechwolferine: a quick man aptitude search for purge should get you sorted right quick07:26
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intelikeyand mountpoint is at your discression07:26
wolferinewell, there is no --purge for aptitude07:26
wolferineif you dont know the answer DaSkreech, do you mind not answering...07:26
DaSkreechI did till you started talking about aptitude. not my app07:27
DaSkreech I do knwo how to use a man page though07:27
DaSkreechI suggest you learn as well07:27
DaSkreech saves you years07:27
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wolferineDaSkreech, i think I know enough about "how to use a man page", please dont be insulting07:28
DaSkreechkarma is wonderful my friend :)07:28
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wolferinehow do you perform complete removal (dependencies, all files in each dir, etc..) ?07:29
intelikeyyou say karma,  i say reaping what you sow.   you say ****** you.   i say bless you....07:29
=== maxx_k [n=max@kons-590e644e.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechintelikey: I've heard of this rm -rf thing.. how does that work?07:29
intelikeyDaSkreech ahhhh   i think you have to be root.07:30
brecha<intelikey> brecha sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media -o umask=000--->> i made this.. i cannot even see the files in the floppy.. an it steel... read only..07:30
intelikeybrecha mountpoint  "/media"  -vs-  "/mnt/floppy"07:31
intelikeyrepost to brecha  <intelikey> and mountpoint is at your discression07:31
Captain_Haddockwolferine: apt-get remove --purge probably07:31
brechanow.. im good with that07:31
wolferineCaptain_Haddock, so your not sure?07:32
wolferine          Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An07:32
wolferine          asterisk ("*") will be displayed next to packages which are07:32
wolferine          scheduled to be purged. Configuration Item: APT::Get::Purge.07:32
wolferinehmm, thats helpful07:33
Jucato!paste | wolferine07:33
ubotuwolferine: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:33
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tulgahowto install RestrictedDriversManager?07:33
wolferineJucato, how about you help instead?07:33
tulgawiki not working07:33
DaSkreechDamn it we lost again!07:33
tmbgwolferine, how about you not piss off 200 people07:34
Captain_HaddockAnybody fancy helping me sort out Samba authentication issues?07:34
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Jucatowolferine: there's not reason for you to flood the channel07:34
intelikeyor 360 people even07:34
tulgahowto install RestrictedDriversManager?07:34
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wolferineJucato, did I hurt your eyes?07:34
Captain_Haddockwolferine: play nice or don't play at all.07:35
wolferinei have a question, no one has an answer07:35
Captain_HaddockTime to move on then.07:35
wolferineim just bored with your "wasting my time" chit chat07:35
intelikeytulga i can't find any such package ?    search the packagemanager for what you are refering tooo07:35
Jucato!info restricted-manager07:35
uboturestricted-manager: manage non-free hardware drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 0.20 (feisty), package size 32 kB, installed size 300 kB07:35
intelikeythere ya go.  ^07:36
Jucatotulga: it's very dependent on GNOME07:36
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intelikeyyes and what Jucato is saying does not mean you can't use it in kubuntu.  just that it will require a lot of gnome libs and packages.07:37
brechawich kind of HD is an serial ata drive??07:37
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brechai mean if im trying to mount it07:37
tulgaI want install beryl on KDE. but I need install ATI driver07:37
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intelikeybrecha in the later live CD  all are sd?   for scsi emulation is in use.07:38
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intelikeybrecha and   cat /proc/partitions07:39
intelikeyshould give you info so you can find/identify the partitions you want.07:39
masterk_crap when I tried suspend it only made me unable to get out of suspend without taking out the battery and unpliugging thae laptop...07:39
brechathanks again07:39
wolferinewhose responsible for setting up .deb packages on each of the sites? (in sources.list)07:40
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intelikeymasterk_  ohhh yuch.     ;{07:40
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tulgamy feisty cannot restart. where is problem?07:42
brechathanks for the heko07:42
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intelikeytulga can you define "cannot restart" please?07:44
masterk_my dad is in the kitchen writing in a notebook and sniffeling while looking at his and my moms wedding... >.>07:44
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tulgaintelikey: when I click restart, my computer's all hardware stopped. but cannot start07:45
AyabaraI want to connect my Inspiron laptop with ati m300 graphics to an lcd-tv using vga. Can I expect this to work out of the box?07:45
=== innernaut [n=innernau@cpe-24-165-164-71.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeytulga hmmm   ok.   there is one thing i read on that issue, you might want to check into it; that the kernel is compiled for one (most common) type of bios call for halt and reboot.  but that another call is used on some bios'.   perhaps that could be why.    there is also on some occations that one process does not stop correctly and the kernel is simply waiting for it's return signal...   that i know nothing about really07:47
tulgaok. I think latest thing too07:48
=== epimeth [n=leroy@89-138-122-133.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu
epimethand a good morning to all07:48
intelikeyright back at ya epimeth07:49
intelikeyor leroy   :)07:49
epimethoh no!  the secret is out!07:49
epimethmy kubuntu is buggy as all hell07:50
epimethamarok's gui won't start half the time07:50
intelikeyepimeth latest version i suppose ?07:50
epimethand now the server list isn't closing07:50
epimethfully upgraded except for hal07:50
epimethand why are there two konqueror's open?  geez...07:51
=== intelikey thinks that explains it. but hates to say such.
DaSkreechYeah feisty is a pain07:51
intelikeymaybe you can upgrade to the next prerelease ?07:51
epimethlets get as much buggy software on my work box as possible07:52
=== intelikey pets his dapper drake...
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=== epimeth [n=leroy@89-138-122-133.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu
epimethI think part of the problem is beryl, actually....07:53
DaSkreechsure just cause you have exotic pets ;-P07:53
epimethbut thats only when beryl is actually running07:53
DaSkreechI get Bambi07:53
intelikeyi was complaining this morning that there was nothing broken and asking if i should upgrade to remidy that....07:53
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servicehi there.  can i find out what audio card i have without having to dissasemble the computer?07:53
Ayabarahow can prevent stuff like knetworkmanager and "power manager" from showing in the system tray?07:53
epimethservice: depends.... look at the output of lspci07:53
epimethAyabara: prevent from showing, or not run?07:54
=== intelikey doesn't dare pet bambi, she's married to someone else...
Ayabaraepimeth: prevent from showing07:54
intelikeyoh never mind.07:54
intelikeyAyabara you can have them auto hide07:54
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Ayabaraepimeth: the tray get's awfully cluttered after a while07:54
=== epimeth wonders what sort of a sick chat room he has entered
wolferinehow can I check if apache/apache-perl/apache2 are installed? from cli07:55
servicedoesn't say what it is07:55
=== epimeth tells bambi it will be okay, he'll protect him from the mean man who can't tell the difference between a doe and a deer
serviceis there any audio driver in kubuntu that works for any audio card?07:55
epimethAyabara: I dunno, actually... thats a good question07:55
intelikeyepimeth 'him'  the deer in the movie.  but  she the girl next door  in real life.07:56
tulgahowto add beryl-manager to startup?07:56
epimethservice: you got that backwords... "do I have an audio card that works with generic sound drivers?07:56
tulgawhere is startup?07:56
epimethtulga: ?^07:56
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tulgacopy to Autostart folder?07:57
epimethtulga: no, symlink07:57
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epimethtulga: $man ln07:57
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tulgaok thanks07:57
epimethtulga: specifically, ln -s TARGET LINK_NAME07:57
intelikeyand path.07:58
epimethtulga: you can call it anything, but I'd suggest something meaningful :-)07:58
epimethintelikey: awww... unrequieted love?07:58
tulgatoday I received 3 Kubuntu CDs. very happy day07:58
intelikeynot at all.   just an observation.07:59
Jezz_X3 ?07:59
epimethintelikey: so whats the deal with exotic pets?07:59
intelikeytulga   ln -s /usr/bin/beryl ~/.kde/Autostart/$RANDOM07:59
intelikeyepimeth idk you brought that up...08:00
tulgayes. I do it08:00
tulgabut beryl not working :(08:00
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intelikeytulga should start when you login08:01
tulgayes, I restarted08:01
intelikeyhave you loged out and back in ?08:01
tulgayes. beryl cannot select Beryl window manager08:01
tulgait automatically select Kwin08:01
epimethisn't it bery-manager ?08:01
intelikeycan you run it in a konsole ?08:01
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intelikeyepimeth prolly is.   i'm not a gui guy08:02
tulgaChecking for Xcomposite extension : failed08:02
intelikeyok there it is.08:02
epimethintelikey: I brought up exotic pets?08:02
intelikey!ati | tulga08:02
=== intelikey scrolls up...
tulgaglxinfo | grep direct08:03
ubotutulga: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:03
tulgadirect rendering is yes08:03
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intelikeydo the     nvidia-config      ?08:04
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intelikeyepimeth no it was DaSkreech that brought up exotic pets.   sorry08:05
intelikeyok.  then i don't guess i know why.08:05
intelikey@ tulga08:05
intelikeytulga you can ask in #ubuntu-effects08:06
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:06
epimethtulga: I'd also suggest a google search for beryl and the error you are getting08:08
intelikeyi kinda wish my nvidia card was supported...08:08
oldwesthay whatz cook'n?08:09
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oldwestsunday evening rest time08:10
intelikeysteaks and 'taters green beans and biscuts08:10
intelikeycome on over and bring the young'ens08:10
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oldwestcan't remember how to change time format - anyone?08:10
intelikeyoldwest right click the clock and configure08:11
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oldwestsounds great08:11
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intelikeyit's in the locals/lang & formats  section i think08:12
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intelikeyi kinda lost interest in kde when it defaulted to changing the first day of the weak to monday, which it's not.08:13
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oldwestintel - changed to pacific - la - but still military - need to restart session?08:14
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intelikeyoldwest no it's in the same config but it's a different section08:14
oldwesthmmmm.... look again08:15
intelikeyoldwest i don't have kde so i can't give exact names.  but something to do with language08:15
wolferinewhen I do a dpkg -L | grep package, some are listed as 'rc' not 'ii', what does that mean?08:15
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intelikeythat's where you select 12/24 hour08:15
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intelikeyand which day is first day of the weak,   and the date format...  all that stuff08:15
oldwestyup i finally found it & said i had to reboot session - will make a note this time git'n fergetful ya know08:17
intelikeyyes i knew when you found it you would get it all streight.08:17
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oldwestintel - you use gnome?08:18
intelikeyi use blackbox   "when i use a gui"08:18
intelikeywhich is not often.08:18
oldwestyou said no kde - what desktop u like?08:18
intelikeyblackbox ^08:19
intelikeyfluxbox is a fork of blackbox08:19
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oldwestoh ok i looked at that a couple reloads back - it looks pretty kool - this load is a work in progress ....08:19
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intelikeyyeah it's not "feature rich" but it's real light.08:20
oldwestby end of week will have blkbx & maybe gnome or sumthin else to try out08:20
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intelikeyi have learned to edit the style's if i want to, and it's menu is flexable.    seeing that i don't like icons anyway it's like it was talour made for me.08:21
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oldwestrunn'n a hotrod dual core w/2gigs ram - was evaling vista & scrubbed it08:21
oldwestruns great w/linux08:21
oldwestthis is so much more stable08:22
intelikeyi'm running a cold rod p1 with 64m ram    so light is the name of the game for me.08:22
=== kronoman [n=kronoman@208-244-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
=== intelikey has never bought a computer.
oldwestthats a capital P-/I fpr pentium - I w/64 right?08:23
intelikeypentium one    100 mhz  mmx cpu     with 64mb ram.08:24
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oldwesthowse it run unbuntu w/blkbox - pretty good?08:24
intelikeyyeah real good   imo08:25
kronomanany other music player for KDE, besides amarok?08:25
kronomanmust be a music player, not music manager08:25
kronomanI just want to hear the music, not manage it08:25
Cruzaderxmms? does that count?08:25
oldwestwow havn't seen one of those in awhile - great!08:25
kronomanI already have xmms and it hangs sometimes08:25
kronomansome KDE native?08:25
wolferinewhen I do a dpkg -L | grep package, some are listed as 'rc' not 'ii', what does that mean?08:26
intelikeykronoman if you are for real about the "must be a music player, not music manager"    sox08:26
intelikeyit's not kde it's CLI08:26
RawSewagetheres Audacious08:26
RawSewageTotem is GNOME08:27
intelikeyk something ....     ah   let me look08:27
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RawSewagebut for something like WinAmp, try Audacious08:27
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intelikeykaboodle - light, embedded media player for KDE08:27
kronomanok, I'm checking them08:27
intelikeythat's what i was thinking of.08:27
kronomanaudacious, kaboodle08:27
kronomanI will use them a few days to decide which one I like most08:28
kronomanAmarok was using ~50 % cpu on my modest machine to play mp3s08:28
Zabulusalright, need help, just installed feisty, and my mouse randomly locks up08:28
intelikeykronoman but do give   VLC  a shoot08:28
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intelikeynext word would get me in trubble.08:28
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kronomanvlc looks nice, but adds video functionality08:30
=== Zabulus [n=clinton@168-103-42-101.bois.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyyes it does both audio and vidio08:30
Zabuluswell, that was fun08:30
intelikeykronoman and handles most formats without any help/codecs08:31
Zabulusok, apparently im not allowed to use adept...08:31
intelikeyZabulus open a konsole and type   sudo echo yes08:31
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Zabulusummmm, my mouse froze, how do i get to it from keyboard?08:32
intelikeyalt+f2  konsole08:32
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Zabulusok...what did that do?08:32
intelikeydid it   say    yes ?08:33
Zabulusnow what?08:33
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intelikeythen the sudoers file is ok and you are in the admin group.  so you are root jr.08:34
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:34
intelikeytype in sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock ;sudo dpkg --configure -a08:34
intelikeythen adept should work for you.08:35
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intelikeywhat exactly are you trying to install ?08:35
intelikeyif i may be so bold.08:35
Zabulustrying to get amarok to play mp3's08:35
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ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots08:36
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:36
Zabulussoo, anyone know anything about the mouse freezing?08:37
intelikeyusb mouse ?08:37
Zabulusit works for a little, then freezes08:37
intelikeytry unplug/replug ?08:37
intelikeyhmmm that sounds buggy.08:38
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intelikeymaybe you should also check   dmesg      and tail /var/log/xorg.*    or is it Xorg.*  ??08:39
KevinAlaskaHello Everyone! :) Hoping someone here might be able to point me in the correct direction to fix a USB HDD connection issue that uses 'NTFS Config' program?08:39
=== hivemind [n=kasdaye@S010600179a9f2971.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyprolly not useful to you but the bot has a listing.08:41
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:41
Zabuluswell, unplug replug didnt work, cant see much in konsole using dmesg08:42
intelikeyyou can page up     not that it will help.08:42
intelikeyin konsole i mean08:43
KevinAlaskamicrosofts HDD format stands for New Technology File System (from what I read)  anyhow.. in media all I get now (worked last night) is a file folder icon in KDE (feisty) and from there it reads there is full empty drive.  but when you move it to my wifes WinXP computer it comes up.08:43
michael__is there a konsole cmomand to install deb's08:43
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intelikeymichael__ three or four08:44
michael__might i have one :D?08:44
michael__i usually right click and click install but im just wondering08:44
KevinAlaskaLoading the link now ubotu.. thanks for the link I will check it out.  I will try to multitask. :P08:44
intelikeymichael__  apt-get install package-name     aptitude    dselect   and  dpkg to round out the list08:44
michael__ah, thanks08:45
intelikeymichael__ if the deb is local  dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb08:45
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michael__okay thx08:45
intelikeymichael__ and for all the above you need root perms.    sudo them08:45
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.08:46
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intelikeyok i'm ready for the releaf pitcher.   who can help these newcommers while i snooze ?08:48
intelikeycome on don't be shy08:48
wolferinei will08:48
RawSewageI dont like helping people08:48
IchilegendHere 4 u intelikey08:48
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RawSewageIt makes me break out08:48
KevinAlaskaheh.. poor intelikey.. duty is strong. :)08:48
intelikeyok thanks guy.   and good night.08:48
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KevinAlaskasleep well intelikey08:49
KevinAlaskadoh.. to late08:49
epimethintellikey is jewish?08:50
epimethawesome... I'm not alone! :-)08:50
epimethluck has nothing to do with it! :-p08:51
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epimethand its mazal, not mazel :-)08:51
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Ichilegendnot jewish, just wishing you both well08:51
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epimethI'm just trying to teach you the proper terminology08:52
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=== epimeth is a great teacher
IchilegendI have been learned08:52
=== epimeth snaps the whip
insmodanyone know why forward never works with e-mail in mozilla or thunderbird etc ?08:53
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IchilegendI am sure it works at least some times or it would not be a "feature"08:53
insmodIchilegend: nope on every distro in 11 yrs no08:54
epimethactually, I've never used thunderbird so I wouldn't know08:54
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insmodIchilegend: i just sends new reply not previous pics or messages08:54
epimeththere any way to run javascript from the command line?08:54
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epimethyou sure it doesn't send it as an attachment?08:55
insmodepimeth: nope08:55
Cruzaderepimeth: sudo apt-get install js (i believe, if not load up adept and search for javascript)08:55
Ichilegendhmm, let me set it up and check08:55
insmodepimeth: it is the attachments i want sent08:55
Ichilegendyou ever use evo;ution?08:56
insmodit only sends a reply not the previouse attachment or message08:57
epimethevolution!  away evil gnome fellow!08:57
epimethkmail all the way, baby!08:57
insmodIchilegend: evolution ya -- but it is for the wife08:57
Ichilegendlol fair enough, but it is a great package and supports exchange (for those of us in corporate IT)08:58
epimethyea... waiting eagerly for kmail to do so as well08:58
epimethwhen I'll need to connect to exchange I'll have to use evolution :-(08:59
insmodIchilegend: i am a debian guy that runs enligh.. and window maker black box etc -- i put kubuntu on hers because she likes kde08:59
Ichilegendok, installing thinderbird08:59
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epimethin adept, whats with the kubuntu icon between the package and status columns?09:00
IchilegendOh hells yah, KDE is the cats meyow, but that does not mean there are not a few good gtk apps aout there09:00
Zabulusok, where was i?09:00
insmodepimeth: apt-get is the man :)09:00
epimethI agree, but when searching I prefer adept09:01
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insmodIchilegend: gtk-gnutella :)09:01
Cruzaderepimeth: that means its officially supported by kubuntu IIRC09:01
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Captain_Haddockepimeth: you can use synaptic too.. I find adept painstakingly slow.09:01
=== epimeth is allergic to things begining with a 'g'
Captain_Haddockepimeth: Girls? :P09:01
IchilegendL O L09:02
epimethadept runs blazingly fast for me... on slower machines I opt for aptitude09:02
Zabulusanyone know about any problems with feisty and microsoft mice?09:02
epimethCaptain_Haddock: and if I was???? you shouldn't make fun of people's allergies!09:02
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wolferineZabulus, symptoms?09:02
Captain_Haddockepimeth: :D09:02
Zabulusmouse randomly locks up09:02
epimethsooo... rhino or ngs-js?09:03
Zabulusi was asking about it earlier, but i had to go afk and i cant scroll up to look for responses......09:03
=== Ichilegend [n=ichilege@pool-71-246-7-244.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
wolferineZabulus, combo, or just the mouse?09:03
epimethZabulus: you tried a non-ms mouse?  my ms optical doesn't give me any problems09:03
Zabulusjust the mouse09:04
Zabulusmicrosoft laser mouse 6000 v1.009:04
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Zabulusworks for a little, then just stops09:04
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Ichilegendok weird shutdown but thunderbird is installed09:05
wolferineadded it to a currnt install?09:05
wolferineor a new install?09:05
Zabulusjust installed feisty, was using dapper, worked fine with dapper09:05
Zabuluswent into feisty, tried opening up adept, mouse froze09:05
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Zabulusanyone have any ideas?09:07
insmodZabulus: nvidia ? they have had some glx issues in the new one09:07
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epimethsoooo... again..... rhino or ngs-js?09:08
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Zabulushow do i get it fixed, or dont i?09:08
insmodZabulus: do you have  nvidia ? it was a guess09:09
Zabulusan nvidia graphics, yes09:09
Zabulusbut why does that f up the mouse?09:09
insmodZabulus: lol09:09
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insmodZabulus: try disabling glx in xorg if that works then you know09:10
insmodZabulus: 3d accel09:10
Zabulusummm, how do i do that?09:11
insmodZabulus: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and hash out option glx09:11
monzieHi all09:12
monziei am on kubuntu 7.0409:12
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monziehow do i enable beryl/compiz on my laptop?09:12
monziei have an ATI Radeon X20009:12
Zabulusok, how do i get xorg.conf open without mouse?09:12
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insmodZabulus: in gui or console ?09:13
CruzaderZabulus: is the only problem that your mouse cursor is invisible?09:13
Zabulusno, my cursor is visible, it just wont move09:13
Cruzaderoh. hehe09:13
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Cruzaderwell you could drop to a text console09:13
Cruzaderctrl alt f109:13
Zabulushowever i can open the file to edit it without mouse09:13
insmodZabulus: all the time or does it stop ?09:13
OlliKMroning, y'all09:15
epimethOlliK: Mroning to you too!09:15
KevinAlaskaGOOD Morning! :)09:15
OlliKHow can I make application to run as a service, or start automatically when computer is started?09:15
IchilegendOK, thunderbird problem, i did not have a problem09:16
insmodOlliK: /etc/init.d09:16
epimethOlliK: depends on the app as well09:16
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OlliKventrilo server, and few eggdrop bots09:16
insmodOlliK: :P09:16
insmodbugger off09:17
Zabuluswell, so far feisty is annoying the s*** out of me09:17
OlliKI tried to look at System Settings -> Services but can't add any there :/09:17
monziehttps://wiki.kubuntu.com/BerylOnFeisty?highlight=%28beryl%29 points me to09:17
monziebut https://wiki.kubuntu.com/RestrictedDriversManager is empty09:17
monziehow do i get my ati driver?09:17
Ichilegendadd remove the chhose ATI binary09:18
Ichilegendthen choose09:18
Cruzaderkubuntu doesnt come with the restricted-drivers-manager09:18
epimethOlliK: so take a look at /etc/rc.d09:19
KevinAlaskaBah... getting late for me. have a wonderful day/night everyone.09:19
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Zabuluswell, my mouse is working, for now09:20
Cruzadermonzie: go to a console and type sudo apt-get install restricted-manager09:20
Zabulusso, how do i get amarok to play mp3 files?09:20
IchilegendI have been recommending to friends to Step 2 install ubuntu, step 2 sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop  therefore the get the apps like restricted drivers09:20
Cruzaderwhich should download the video driver manager09:20
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Ichilegendsorry , step 1 then step 209:20
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epimeth!codec | Zabulus09:20
ubotuZabulus: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:20
=== anto [n=anto@sec59-1-82-238-252-103.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
insmodZabulus: install the package09:21
=== aziz [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu
Zabuluswhich package?09:22
Cruzadermonzie: everything working so far?09:22
OlliKI didn't find rc.d from /etc09:22
monzieCruzader: i already had restriced manager09:22
OlliKdo you mean /etc/init.d/rc.local?09:22
monzieCruzader: i backed up my /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:22
Cruzaderhave you run it?09:23
monziei ran restricted-manager and i checked the ATI tickbox09:23
epimethOlliK: rcN.d09:23
epimethwhere N is the runlevel you want09:23
monzieCruzader: not it's installing the driver09:23
epimeththose are the scripts that autorun09:23
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OlliKepimeth: I have to make a script? I don't know how to do it09:24
OlliKepimeth: I was hoping I could just add the path to the executable in some file...09:24
insmodepimeth: why help -- that is why i love #linuxhelp we don't help eggdropers09:24
insmodOlliK: then learn09:25
IchilegendBTW, thunderbird forward issue worked very well09:25
epimethOlliK: you don't have to write a script, you just create a symlink to the existing script :-)09:25
insmodIchilegend: pictures etc09:25
epimethOlliK: they are symlinks to /etc/init.d09:26
OlliKepimeth: yep.. well my program is not located there so I don't know how to do it09:26
epimethinsmod: thats not very nice... why do we have to ignore non kubuntu-specific queries?09:26
insmodepimeth: what the hell man :P09:27
OlliKdoesn't Kubuntu have any graphical interface for adding programs to start while starting the system?09:27
=== epimeth kicks insmod
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epimeththats for making me think you were serious!09:27
insmodepimeth: as harm to the servers you speek on09:27
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tyyyhi all09:27
tyyydoes anybody know what this is? Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic, removing from list!09:27
tyyyxorg.log tells me that09:27
epimethOlliK: then what you want aren't services09:28
OlliKinsmod: Harm? in what way?09:28
insmodepimeth: fuck you i would rather a safe distro09:28
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OlliKinsmod: My eggdrop is in IRCnet and EFnet so I don't think it would affect Freenet servers in any way.. and what's wrong with bots?09:28
OlliKepimeth: Yep I guess just a startup would be enough, as long as it doesn't shut down the program when I exit X for example09:29
epimethoh!!! damn.... my bad insmod... I didn't know what he was doing....09:29
monziehow do i check for what ports are open in my machine?09:29
OlliKepimeth: I told earlier that I'm trying to make ventrilo server and bot to start automatically.. but what's up with the anti-bot attitudes here?09:29
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epimethOlliK: it depends on the bot09:30
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epimethbut either way, I really don't know... never dealt with irc servers or bots09:30
OlliKepimeth: My bot is purely serving in multiple channels to keep them and share operator status to channel operators.. I don't know what's wrong with that09:30
OlliKepimeth: But the issue in general has nothing to do with IRC servers or bots, because it could be just any program that I'm trying to execute automatically while starting Kubuntu09:31
tyyyis there anybody who can help me?09:31
monziei have ati drivers installed09:31
monzieberyl is installed09:31
monzieyet beryl refuses to wrok09:32
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tyyyis aiglx running?09:32
tyyyor yet better wich drivers do you use?09:32
monzietyyy: how do i know if aiglx is running"?09:32
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monzietyyy: it does say direct rendering: yes09:32
tyyyok dri is running09:33
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:33
tyyyis beryl starting up?09:33
epimethOlliK: but thats just it, like I said it depends on the program09:33
servicecan i make a shortcut on the desktop for konsole? but when it starts to make a command09:33
tyyyare you runing kubuntu or ubuntu?09:33
monzietyyy:  nope09:33
monzietyyy: i have ubuntu + kubuntu-desktop09:33
OlliKepimeth: What different options there are for different kind of programs?09:33
tyyydo you see the bery manager icon?09:34
epimethOlliK: services exist in /etc/init.d09:34
OlliKepimeth: Basically ventrilo is a voice communication program, similar to TeamSpeak, which servers as a host to multiple clients who connect to it to talk with voice chat..09:34
tyyyits a red ruby09:34
epimethOlliK: those are what can/do run at startup, before you log in09:34
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epimethtyyy: are there rubies that aren't red? :-)09:35
OlliKepimeth: And the bot is just a program that connects to IRC and joins to the channels it has been set to join, and keeps the channel in order09:35
monzietyyy: i do see it09:35
monziebut selecting beryl/compiz09:35
tyyyyes there are youll wonder but its true09:35
monziedoes nothing09:35
OlliKepimeth: ok, thanks, I'll try to look more into that init.d09:35
epimethOlliK: you might have to write a script09:35
epimethOlliK: take a look at some of the ones that are already there09:36
tyyyok then click there and select windowmanager beryl09:36
monzietyyy: i am doing that09:36
tyyyis emerald runing?09:36
monzietyyy: the screen flashes, all windows redraw themselves09:36
monziebut i dont see the beryl startup screen09:36
monzienor do i see any effects09:36
tyyyyou dont need to see the startupscreen09:36
monzietyyy: i dont see emerald as well09:36
tyyyusually it is by default turned off09:37
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tyyygo to the red ruby and tell me what is in windowmanager selected09:37
monzietyyy: its kwin now09:37
tyyyis emerald available?09:37
monzietyyy: nope09:37
tyyythen you must install it09:38
monzietyyy: beryl, compize, kwin, metacity09:38
tyyyapt-get install emerald in konsole09:38
monziemanish@freedom:~$ sudo apt-get install emerald09:38
monzieReading package lists... Done09:38
monzieBuilding dependency tree09:38
monzieReading state information... Done09:38
monzieemerald is already the newest version.09:38
monzieemerald set to manual installed.09:38
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tyyyah sorry09:38
tyyyi mean window decorator09:39
tyyywhat is there selected?09:39
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:39
monzietyyy: i selected emerald09:40
monzieno point09:40
monzieit's not working09:40
tyyywhen you try to open beryl settings manager does it work?09:40
Zabulushmm, is there something easier than wine?09:40
tyyyyes beer09:43
monzietyyy: yes it opens09:43
tyyywait monzie09:43
monzietyyy: ok09:43
tyyydid you restart x?09:43
tyyycan you tell me what is now in windowmamger selected and in window decorator?09:43
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tyyyactually i came here to ask for help lol09:43
tyyycan somebody help me?09:43
monzietyyy: i rebooted my machine09:43
tyyycan you tell me what is now in windowmamger selected and in window decorator?09:43
Zabulusalright, need help with wine, trying to get ragnarok(private server) to work09:44
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tyyywhat is the problem?09:45
tyyyill liste to it maybe i know what it is09:45
monzietyyy: what do i do now?09:45
monziei restarted x09:45
tyyyi cant promise to09:45
monzieit still does not work09:45
tyyycan you tell me what is now in windowmamger selected and in window decorator?09:45
monziewin manager = Kwin09:45
monziewindow decorator = grayed out09:46
tyyychange to beryl and emerald once09:46
monzietyy: i tried, to no avail09:46
tyyyand then check again and tell me what is selected09:46
monzietyyy: all windows lose their decorations for a second09:46
monzietyyy: and then they come back to the original state09:46
monzie(kwin) again09:46
monzieno window decorator gets selected09:47
tyyygo to a terminal09:47
tyyyand type glxinfo09:47
monzieis my radeon express not supported?09:47
monzietyyy: yeah i did09:57
monziedirect rendering is on, if that is what you're askin09:57
tyyyim not sure, but you should be usually better off then me with intel. but i got it running09:57
tyyyjust make it sure please09:57
tyyycheck it again09:57
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monzietyyy: output of glxinfo09:57
monzietyyy: am i better off with xgl?09:57
tyyywell fact is its not running09:57
monzietyyy: yeah09:57
tyyythats your problem09:57
tyyyi have no idea about radeon, but09:57
tyyyas much as i know its running with aiglx09:57
tyyybut you can try #beryl09:57
tyyyyou have defenetly a driver problem09:57
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tyyyis any body there09:57
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gnomefreaktyyy: what can we/me help you with?09:57
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paul__can i have some help please?09:57
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:57
tyyydoes anybody know what this is? Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic, removing from list!09:57
paul__i tried to install the nvidia drivers09:57
paul__the -glx ones09:57
tyyythats what im getting from xorg.0.log09:57
paul__and it killed my system09:57
gnomefreaktyyy: its not important as im assuming you get this with X09:57
paul__i had to do CRTL+F5 to get a terminal09:57
tyyyi had in mind09:57
gnomefreakpaul__: what card?09:57
Zabuluswhen using wine, do you have to use an install exe, or can you use an exe that simply starts the game?09:57
paul__then i restored the config09:57
paul__nvidia 6600GT09:57
tyyythat could couse my freez state sometimes09:57
gnomefreaktyyy: look for things that start with [E] 09:57
tyyyand then only a reset works09:57
gnomefreakpaul__: nvidia-glx-new is the one you want iirc09:57
paul__oh ic, i'll give that a try09:57
gnomefreakZabulus: install i believe but i dont use wine09:57
Zabulusis there something better i can use? or do i not have much choice?09:57
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tyyyok no error with E thx alot09:57
gnomefreakZabulus: cedega but again never used it09:57
tyyywhat is the problem exactly?09:57
Zabulusisnt cedega the one that charges?09:57
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | Kubuntu 7.04 Released!
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hordeHi. Can anyone give me some ideas as to why I can't connect to localhost in Firefox, Konqueror, etc.?  Thanks10:11
tyyywhat do you want to do?10:11
tyyyim not sure if i get the question right10:12
rbrunhuberhorde : are you really having problems to connect in firefox?10:12
rbrunhuberhorde : I only have this in konqueror if knetworkmanager is thinking to be offline.10:12
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hordeknetworkmanager is online, and firefox can connect to other external web pages, but not to localhost on my machine10:13
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hordeI'm trying to connect to the SABnzb web interface10:14
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hordeIt's served up on localhost10:14
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tyyymaybe tis blocked10:14
hordehow do I check that...sorry am a newb10:14
rbrunhuberhorde : but is it plain localhost? no ports nothing else?10:15
paul__gnomefreak: I'm back :(, it didn't work.  Same problem, it started loading then went to a black screen with a cursor10:15
hordeyeah, localhost:808010:15
hordeI've tried switching ports10:15
rbrunhuberhorde : open a terminal and use netstat -an |grep LISTEN10:15
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rbrunhuberhorde : look if someone is listening on or :8080 or ffff:808010:16
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Ahmuckwhy is kubuntu using mDNS ?10:18
rbrunhuberAhmuck : Why not?10:18
hordeDid netstat....doesn't look like anything else is on that port.10:18
Ahmuckbecause it creates a lot of traffic10:18
rbrunhuberAhmuck : It should only do if you are in "avahi" mode10:19
Ahmuckis there a reason i should be in avahi mode?10:19
hordeat least it doesn't lot explicitly anything listening on port 808010:19
hordesorry, lot=list10:19
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rbrunhuberAhmuck : If you have no network connection with dns and no static ip address then you are in avahi mode. You should have a 169.x.y.z ip address then.10:20
Ahmuckno network connection with dns, as in my isp dns server is borken?10:21
Ahmucki have a good ip address10:21
rbrunhuberAhmuck : and you have no nick with a 169 address?10:21
gnomefreakpaul__: what ubuntu version? can you pastebin the errors in the log file? did you ever use the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com on this system?10:21
rbrunhuberAhmuck : And your local domain name is ends not in .local?10:22
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ubotuScanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners10:22
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rbrunhuberAhmuck : So what do you mean with "mdns is causing a lot of traffic"?10:23
rbrunhuberAhmuck : brb10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cinvert - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about convert - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
Ahmuckk, why would i need avahi?  it appears that ps -ax is showing two processes with avahi10:23
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:23
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hordeHow can I check if "localhost:8080" is blocked?10:24
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hordebetter yet, how can I check thru bash if something on my machine is running a service (gui interface) on localhost:8080?10:26
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mo0osahI uninstalled some themes from superkaramba and now when I go back to install them... i says they're already installed10:31
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rbrunhuberhorde: netstat -an should show you if a service is listening on :808010:32
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rbrunhuberAhmuck : Do you use the easy file transfer applet in kde?10:32
rbrunhuberhorde : What service do you want to use?10:33
hordeI'm running SABnzb and direct it's interface to localhost:808010:33
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Ahmuckrbrunhuber: no10:34
rbrunhuberhorde : Don't know this. What is SABnzb?10:34
hordeit's a usenet binary downloader10:34
rbrunhuberAhmuck : What do you mean that mdns is causing a lot of traffic?10:34
rbrunhuberhorde : is this using apache or inet.d ?10:35
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horderbrunhuber: netstat -an doesn't list anything on localhost:808010:35
alesanwhere can I read the difference between desktop and alternate?10:36
horderbrunhuber: sorry, I have no idea...how do I check?10:36
rbrunhuberhorde : did you adapt any configuration files?10:37
horderbrunhuber: yes, it has it's own config file10:38
horderbrunhuber: but that's the only one I touched for this program10:38
horderbrunhuber: strange thing is...sometimes it works and not others10:39
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rbrunhuberAhmuck : But what is your problem with this?10:39
Ahmucki am getting serious lockups and trying to reduce anything that may be causing it10:39
Ahmuckit almost feels like windows10:40
rbrunhuberAhmuck : So why don't you just kick the processes out then?10:40
Ahmuckmy bigger problem, is why a service is bieng started when it does not need to be10:40
Ahmucki can do that easy enough, but why should it be enabled anyway ?10:40
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Ahmuckit seems less secure10:41
rbrunhuberAhmuck : the easiest but most time consuming way is to just disable all services or daemons you don't need.10:41
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harmentalhi everybody......since my upgrade to feisty one month ago i've have a problem with my wireless connection (via PCMCIA)....i wont autoconnect at startup....10:42
rbrunhuberAhmuck : Or you don't know and look if something is no longer working.10:42
harmentali have to use wirelesslan everybody.....which is kind of annoying...10:42
harmentalthe thing is that it worked like a charm with edgy....10:42
harmentalany ideas?10:42
rbrunhuberhorde : is there a service running which is called sab* ?10:43
hordeit's definitely working...I'm pulling down files...but I just can't connect to it's interface10:44
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rbrunhuberAhmuck : To answer you question: AFAIK There were long discussions about avahi on the devel list. The result was that avahi is restricted to local addresses and .local domain (means if you got no address and have no static address). The concerns of princeton are that other os manufacturers have no such restriction.10:49
rbrunhuberAhmuck : so you have a lot of broadcast traffic because every connected mac announces all his services via broad/multicast. Which causes a lot of traffic.10:50
pisqroconner, how goes it where you are?10:50
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monzieDetected xserver                                : AIGLX11:03
monzieChecking Display :0 ...11:03
monzieChecking for XComposite extension               : failed11:03
monzieNo composite extension11:03
monzieberyl: No composite extension11:03
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monziethis is the output i get after i run beryl-manager from console11:03
youbuntuhello : occasionally when start up and log in, my email, or web browser doesn't work. Though I can ping a extranal ip address. shutting down and rebooting once or twice fixes the problem - any ideas?11:04
benjaminhi all, where do I assign file-extensions to programms in kubuntu?11:04
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aennai want to know how i can launch apps one after another11:07
aennai used a batch11:08
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aennalike *.bat in ms-dos11:08
harmentalhi everybody......since my upgrade to feisty one month ago i've have a problem with my wireless connection (via PCMCIA)....i wont autoconnect at startup....11:08
aennabut here i want to launch apps but i need them not to ble closed when i launcjh the next one11:09
harmentali have to use wirelesslan everytime.....which is kind of annoying...11:09
benjaminaenna: name the file XXX.sh11:09
harmentalthe thing is that it worked like a charm with edgy....11:09
harmentalany ideas?11:09
monziehi all11:09
aennaok thanks haremental11:09
benjaminaenna: and it must be executable11:09
monzieis there a way i can check which ports are open in ubuntu?11:09
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aennabenjamin i used that but my problem is that with that method i must wait to kill tha app to run next one11:11
aennaits a problem whith kiba-dock11:12
aennafor example if i run it on a terminal i must close it to if i want the terminalt to let mi execute another thing11:13
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benjaminaenna: use && betwean the programmnames11:17
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hw_How can I prevent that Xorg generates a new xorg.conf if I change the graphic(s)?11:19
hw_...graphic cards11:19
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benjaminaenna: if you use programm & you could still use the console11:21
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benjaminaenna: but be aware, that if you close the console every executed prog gets killed . .11:22
PhinnFortthe executed gets killed11:24
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aennabenjamin now with  & it works perfect11:28
aennatahnkyou very much!11:28
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luxio4can anyone help me to install UBUNTU?11:29
epimethanybody here a webdev?11:29
luxio4i haven't portable media11:29
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luxio4i would like to install from internet UBUNTU replacing the current OS ( mandrake )11:29
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epimethluxio4: download the iso, burn it, and install! :-)11:30
luxio4is there a CLICK from internet without burns and portable media?11:30
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epimethluxio4: nope11:30
epimethluxio4: you can't magically install an os :-)11:31
luxio4i want replace all in my hdd is there a micro distro i can download and start that replaces all and install automatically UBUNTU?11:31
epimethluxio4: you always need a disk of some sort11:31
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luxio4nahhh why do you think OLD? Portable media are OLD11:31
luxio4i have INTERNET connection and i want don't waste my time reading or interpreting scripts11:31
luxio4i want just CLICK and GO with an UBUNTU installation11:32
luxio4i tried LUBI but it's always the same ... dependencies... strange errors ... and finally when all seems ok11:32
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luxio4GRUB doesn't show the UBUNTU item in the menu11:32
luxio4so i m looking for and EASY brain that let install UBUNTU with a simple CLICK replacing all in the HD windows , linux or other11:33
epimethluxio4: I guess you create a partition and put all the files there manually, but I don't know how you would do that11:33
luxio4is there a little distro that starts and assuring the network connection install ubuntu?11:33
epimethI'v never heard of someone wanting to do what you want11:34
luxio4naahhhh we are in 2007 3D view and so on ( WINDOWS SVISTA ahah ) and you talk about "Manually"!!!!!11:34
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luxio4when you dowload a PROGRAM  from internet maybe you burn a CD to run IT???11:35
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epimethyou capitalized it wonderfully11:36
luxio4you donwload at least compile and then RUN11:36
epimethno try OPERATING SYSTEM11:36
luxio4the cool of linux is the DISTRO11:36
luxio4you have lot of DISTRO11:36
luxio4but internet == mega CD ROM11:36
luxio4internet == mega pen drive11:37
luxio4so why do you need to burn11:37
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luxio4LIVE CD is a great thing11:37
luxio4i want LIVE INTERNET11:37
epimeththen go off and make one11:37
luxio4but this is not possible because internet is slowwwww11:37
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epimethclosest thing to what you want is network boot11:37
luxio4so i want only a little click to REPLACE all in my HDD11:38
luxio4and not lot of strange documentations about "Installation Methods ...."11:38
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luxio4i want network boot for ubuntu YEAH11:38
epimethlook... I'm starving so I'm going down for lunch.  what you want is great, unfortunately beyond what is currently available11:38
=== SlimeyPete smashes luxio4's caps-lock
epimethnetwork boot is only for the local network11:39
epimethand you need a server for the os loader11:39
epimeththis probably exists11:39
epimethbut you'd need to install it11:39
epimethby downloading the cd and installing11:39
luxio4local network for start up but i need only a micro distro to download the ubuntu iso and to install it automatically11:39
luxio4LUBI seems to do it but i used it and it doesn't seems robust11:40
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epimeththen get the base download for debian and replace all the repos with ubuntu ones11:40
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epimethbut again, I'm going to go eat11:41
epimethgood luck11:41
luxio4good meal11:41
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luxio4neutrinux ciao11:41
luxio4Gran Sasso11:42
luxio4do you know the Gran Sasso in Italy where neutrinus are observed?11:42
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luxio4oki at the end it's not possible to install UBUNTU without a removable media or without strange scripts11:43
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luxio4i hope in the future11:43
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Neutrinuxluxio4: of course i know!!11:44
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luxio4you know :))11:45
luxio4i live at 50 mn from there11:45
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Neutrinuxo ok cool. living 600km from the lhc where the neutrino beam is created (geneve)!! and this sommer having hollyday at napoli so not far from u! but all of this is out the subject of this chan11:48
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ozzii just figured out how to get this thing working11:49
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ozzii think...11:50
ozzianybody here?11:50
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nuuonly 388 persons11:50
ozziyeah, i noticed that now11:50
ozzithis is mi first irc in windows or linux11:51
zappi can't run adept manager anymore. someone know wich are the proceses that use adept database?11:51
nuuwelcome then ozzi11:52
ozzinice to be here11:52
ozziby the way do es anybody knw if i can command beryl from console?11:53
ozzior scripts?11:53
Lynourezapp: apt and aptitude at least. Check with ps -A, for example11:54
zappthx! i try11:55
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ubuntuhi there12:02
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zappirc kubuntu italia12:08
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stranger_hello, I have a small problem connecting with Konqueror to an ftp server of a webspace provider. the login is in the following format "login@hostname/dir" (that is just the login) does anybody know any solution? thanks12:20
NiceGuyUKstranger_: what is the problem you're getting?12:20
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stranger_the error is "login incorrect" .. with the console ftp it works ok.12:21
nuudoes it ask for a password somewhere ?12:21
stevec__anyone know how to disable join and leave message on irssi?12:22
NiceGuyUKstranger_: you could try the format ftp://username:password@hostname12:22
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NiceGuyUKalso, some FTP connections need you to omit the /dir part until after you've logged in12:23
stranger_@nuu .. it asks also for a pass but I guess that is not the problem as it connects fine with the standart ftp12:23
nuustranger_: "login incorrect" means you either type in the wrong username, or the wrong password12:23
nuustranger_: or that, in a very unlucky case, you're accessing the wrong host which coincidentially has the ftp service up and running, and therefore not accepting you, being an unkown user12:24
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nuustranger_: i'd double check user, host, and password :)12:24
stranger_with the standart url notation the whole login looks like this "ftp://username@hostname/dir:pass@hostname" .. i guess I am looking for a way to substitute the @12:24
nuuthat's wrong, stranger_12:25
nuuit's user:pass@host/dir12:25
nuunot user@host/dir:pass12:25
=== NiceGuyUK nods
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome12:25
stevec__ use_msgs_window = OFF12:26
stevec__oops :-)12:26
stranger_my problem is that the login is exactly : "name@hostname/dir"12:26
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nuustranger_: try escaping the @ character as \@ then12:26
nuuand the / too, as \/12:26
NiceGuyUKnasty logon - I blame the ISP admins12:27
stranger_:) will try that thanks12:27
nuuNiceGuyUK: totally agreed12:27
stranger_:-) i am considering switching12:27
nuuNiceGuyUK: i can understand giving my users a per-domain logon, involving the @ symbol, but using a pathname in a logon is like12:28
NiceGuyUKalso you could try just ftp://hostname and wait for Konqeror to prompt you for username/password in the dialogue box. May work tidier12:28
nuuincredibly stupid :)12:28
youbuntuoccasionally when start up and log in, my email, or web browser doesn't work (no external connection). Though I can ping a external ip address. shutting down and rebooting once or twice fixes the problem - any ideas?12:28
NiceGuyUKnuu: reminds me of the guy I know who wanted the address admin@atatdotdot.com12:29
stranger_ok 10x for the ideas will try them12:29
nuucould be a nameserver issue youbuntu, make sure your /etc/resolv.conf is correctly setup before you try accessing the outside network12:29
nuuNiceGuyUK: hehe12:29
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youbuntunuu : thanks looking at it now ( it's working though). how many IPs should be in there?12:33
youbuntudo u have a simple explaination of this file?12:34
nuuyoubuntu: do you know how dns works ?12:34
youbuntunuu: a little dns looks up domain names and converts ti ip addresses - yes?12:35
nuuso youbuntu, basically that file lists the address of dns servers which will be used for such conversion12:36
nuuso if you can access the network (you say pinging an ip works), but you can't browse the web (where you most likely use a hostname, and not an ip), then probably the dns isn't correctly setup12:37
youbuntunuu: ok so the ip addresses there are the dns's i am using12:37
nuuie your machine isn't correctly resolving hostnames to ips12:37
youbuntuwhy would be - sometimes12:37
nuuthus apparently crippling your connectivity, while you really are connected, just unable to access the network using hostnames12:37
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nuuyoubuntu: resolv.conf lists the nameserver(s) used by your connection to perform such dns lookup12:38
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nuutherefore if one or more of those nameservers have a connection problem, you have a connection problem too as a consequence of dns lookup failures12:38
nuuis that clear enough ?12:38
NiceGuyUKworth noting - some NetGear routers incorrectly overwrite the resolv.conf file.  I had to use root to make it unwritable to get around this.12:38
youbuntuso my router could be the issue?12:39
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NiceGuyUKyoubuntu: theoretically possible. it kept overwriting my DNS to
youbuntui'm using a d-link adsl modem12:40
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NiceGuyUKI only have experience of netgear ones12:40
nuuyoubuntu: well, if that's the case, then you need to properly configure the dns server being given to dhcp clients in your router12:40
nuuit's all down to configuration: probably NiceGuyUK's router was configured with (which is a LAN ip, most likely a default ip in the factory default configuration), and thus his linux install kept using it as a nameserver12:41
nuuchances are if you configure your router to use a different (valid) nameserver ip, NiceGuyUK, the problem will solve itself as your router does not directly modify resolv.conf12:41
nuuit just instructs the dhcp client (your linux box, in your case), as to what the dns to use is12:41
youbuntunuu, NiceGuyUK : thanks very much guys. You given me something to check.12:42
nuuif you set it up to use a valid ip, your linux box will write that address inside resolv.conf, and everything will work nicely12:42
nuunp youbuntu12:42
youbuntu:)] 12:42
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youbuntunuu , youbuntu : one more thing....when i said i could ping a external addess it was a .com adddress i typed ( not a ip address) doesn't that mean the dns was working?12:56
nuuit could mean it's working for some addresses and not others12:56
nuuor it could mean you had it in your local dns cache12:57
youbuntuok ......(ping www.googlw.com worked)12:58
nuuanyhow, one way to make 100% sure that your dns is the issue, you can first of all get the ip for a website that typically doesnt work when the problem occurs12:58
youbuntuwhere is local dns cache?12:58
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nuuthen when the problem actually occurs, and you can't access that website with its hostname12:58
nuuyou try accessing it via its ip address12:58
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nuuthat's a sure bet that will help you rule out nameserver issues12:59
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nuuof course, make sure the website actually displays something when clients use its ip address12:59
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nuubecause it's not always the case (hostnames can be used as a "virtual host" to redirect to one of a batch of co-hosted websites on a single server, being exposed to the internet with a single ip address)01:00
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youbuntuyes ok ....... again thanks....i appreciate it!......i may have more (different??) questions later if u don't mind....01:02
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nuujust join the channel and ask em ;) if i'm not around/dont know the answer, i'm sure you'll find plenty of helpful people here01:02
ninHeri need some help with ps3/yellow dog01:02
nuujust keep it on-topic ;)01:02
ninHerim stucked01:02
andrehi all. not sure if I'm right here. how can I change the language interface for gtk-apps (like vlc-player) running in kde?01:03
ninHerandre look at packet manager and try find i18n and your language01:05
andreninHer: thx!01:05
ninHerenglish woud be en and spanish would be es01:05
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youbuntuis there a startup apps dir which lists apps that will auto start at login? (eg how do i make Kontact to auto start at login)01:12
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RawSewage /home/you/.kde/AutoStart01:19
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BluesKajHowdy All :)01:20
youbuntuRawSewage : so in there what file should reside for an app to start? (eg Kontact)01:22
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RawSewageright click inside there01:22
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RawSewageLink to Application01:22
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RawSewageCreate new...01:23
RawSewageLink to  App01:23
youbuntuRawSewage : thanks I'll try it now! :)01:23
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epimethany webdevs here?01:35
RawSewagesort of01:35
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Riddellepimeth: webdevs?01:39
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youbuntuRawSewage: me again tried it (autostart) it works but it's a manual process to setup. Is there a easier way to add a app to autostart?01:44
RawSewageyoubuntu,  what do you mean, manual01:44
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youbuntuis there a way for a basic (non techical) user to make a app autostart?01:45
RawSewageYou go to that folder, right-clcik --  Add New-  Link to application01:45
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RawSewage3 fields to fill in01:46
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RawSewageand in the Application Tab...   Name:  Kontact01:46
RawSewageCommand:  kontact01:46
RawSewagethats it01:46
RawSewageI dont know if there's an easier way01:47
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nuuyoubuntu: copy the app link to the .kde/Autostart directory under your home folder01:48
youbuntuyes that's a good idea01:48
youbuntuI can do it - I just thinking of how would a 'office worker' handle doing that .....01:49
youbuntuthe link would help01:49
RawSewageI didnt know about the drag and drop method01:49
youbuntuah....even better01:50
nuuyep, drag and drop i meant. the application link is what appears in your kde menu01:51
youbuntuI have no probs handling the basic tech stuff ...i'm just thinking what i give it to a non tech person to do.01:52
youbuntuthanks guys01:52
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youbuntuautostart drag/drop to creat link works great!02:17
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alexiconanyone here run a photo gallery? know a good one on apt to get?02:19
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_6StringKng_k, when I adjust my volume to 80% using my keyboard if I hover my mouse over kmix it says 77%?02:20
alexiconkeyboard might be editing pcm and not master?02:21
=== alexicon shrugs
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_6StringKng_no clue, not a big deal, was just wondering02:22
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alexiconyeah dunno what it might be. try opening alsamixer and watching what changes when you use the keyboard verse kmix02:23
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epimethany webdevs here?02:29
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Tm_Tgood morning BluesKaj02:32
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BluesKajhi Tm_T02:33
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Tm_TBluesKaj: guess what, it's hot here02:35
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Tm_Tand a week or so ago it was snowing <302:35
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epimethits been hot here for a while02:35
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epimethone of the perks of living in the holy land ^.^02:36
BluesKajheh, cool here , might get up to 17C , but it is sunny ...this so called global warming isn't affecting us very much.02:36
uftAlguem fala Portugues?02:36
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.02:36
=== pcs [n=pcs@180.Red-217-127-250.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
alexiconglobal warming done us right last month02:36
alexiconbit chilly again for now though02:36
alexiconwhole month of april over 18-20C everyday mmm02:37
epimethsee thats where you're wrong.... global warming is an average.  it might be cold and rainy where you are, but the areas that have always been hot and dry are even hotter and dryer02:37
BluesKajalexicon, where are you ?02:37
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!02:37
alexiconuk BluesKaj02:37
Tm_Tthis slow ssh is torturing me so see you later ->02:37
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epimethJucato: what up!  been a while :-)02:37
alexiconits gotten warmer and warmer year over the past 5 esp02:37
alexiconthe winters have been getting warmer and shorter each year02:38
Jucatoepimeth: hi :)02:38
epimethyou wouldn't happen to be a webdev mayhaps?02:38
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Jucatoepimeth: me? how I wish :D02:38
BluesKajyes, ours was quite mild and very little snow.02:38
epimethuseless! all of you!02:38
alexiconanyone here run a web photo gallery? im lookin for a simple one thats easy to setup but will support my 5k+ images02:38
=== epimeth storms off and slams the door
epimethflikr, no?02:39
alexicon5000 images :P02:39
alexiconi dont wanna upload all that02:39
epimethoh, you want to host one?02:39
epimethI'm sure there's something....02:39
alexiconjust want to make them acessible from my website02:39
alexiconim running jigl atm02:39
alexiconfor just a small amount of the images02:39
alexiconnice easy perl script02:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about photobucket - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:40
epimethdunno about photos, but jinzora is awesome for music02:40
alexiconooh nice02:40
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epimethspeaking of easy perl scripts... there are like a million ways to make an http request with perl... anybody know which is preferred?02:41
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epimethgeez... I ask a question and everybody runs :-(02:42
alexiconepimeth: how hard is the setup for jinzora, ive had awful luck with icecast02:43
alexiconid ask in #perl epimeth ;)02:43
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Jucatoepimeth: it seems it's not because you asked a question.. it's because you asked about perl :)02:43
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=== epimeth can replace you with a very short perl script
epimethand I have, too....02:45
alexiconoh does this jinzora work with shoutcast then..02:45
epimethwhile(<>) {$|=1; print;}02:45
epimethalexicon: I think so... I know it works with amarok :-)02:45
=== alexicon has gone back to using mpd lately
epimethI haven't set it up, but my friend has.... didn't say anything about any problems02:46
alexiconif this thing works with shoutcast, i might as well go back to icecast and mpdphp02:46
Jucatono perl :)02:46
epimethJucato.out > /dev/null02:46
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BluesKajamarok woeks well with shoutcast ...what's all the fuss about ?02:47
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mattimeo78I have a quick question.02:50
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mattimeo78How do I set a user to full access?02:50
epimethmattimeo78: only root has full access02:51
epimethyou can give a user full sudo access02:51
epimethsee the /etc/sudoers file02:51
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mattimeo78So I just sudo when a folder is asking for permission?02:51
epimethsudo -i02:54
epimeththat will make you root02:54
epimeththen you can access any directory02:54
epimethor do you mean in the gui?02:54
mattimeo78That would be helpful. I can't even delete broken folders.02:54
epimethif so, you have to alt+f2 "kdesu konqueror" (or whatever file manager you use) and then put in your password02:55
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alexicondid they get rid of the sudo group in feisty?02:55
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nuuwhat do you mean, the sudo group ?02:56
Jucatoalexicon: hm...I recall answering that question already... (can't remember when)02:56
alexiconon edgy i added myself to the sudo group02:56
Jucatoalexicon: if you mean the sudoers group, it has always been the admin group in Kubuntu02:56
alexiconthen i didnt have to type my password all the time02:57
alexiconmaybe its cos i moved over to ubuntu02:57
JucatoI think you can edit /etc/sudoers (using visudo) for that. I don't know how though02:57
mattimeo78SDL_SetVideoMode failed: Couldn't find matching GLX visual - Why is this?02:57
okapihello to all02:57
=== Jucato considers it bad practice for himself
mattimeo78Hello, Okapi.02:57
nuualexicon: you can modify sudoers and add the NOPASSWD keyword to the group/user you don't want to input a password when sudo'ing02:57
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lbgisti need help with kubuntu02:58
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:59
mattimeo78I partitioned my drive backwards. >.<02:59
okapiI have problems with the Kubuntu 7.10. I just installed into my laptop DELL LAtitude 600 and it is not reconizing my pcmcia controller. Anyone can help?03:00
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nuunow that's a topic candidate03:00
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epimethnuu: whats with the nick?  nuu means "come on!" in hebrew...03:00
mattimeo78It means "Noo" in chatspeak.03:01
nuuinteresting, nick's actually nu, which means naked in french, and now in swedish03:01
nuuit has infinite variations03:01
BluesKajbackwards ?03:01
mattimeo78Accidentally gave Windows only 30 GB and Ubuntu 100.03:01
nuumattimeo78: that's a sign of the gods03:01
Jucato100GB to Ubuntu? nice :)03:01
nuuthey want you to use linux03:01
lbgistwhen i reboot from kubuntu i close my dvd drive without cd and i press enter. and nothing appear03:01
BluesKajwindows deserves just 3003:01
lbgistno boot03:02
mattimeo78Which is a bummer, because Ubuntu picked up an extra 30GB that windows did not, and because I did it backwards that 30 went back into the abyss.03:02
Jucatomine just has 20GB :)03:02
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lbgistsomeone can help me is a bug?03:02
BluesKaj<-48g for windows , 98 for kubuntu03:02
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BluesKajhave to reinstall windows due to scanner incompatablities03:03
lbgisthello can you help me with my problem?03:04
lbgistkubuntu problem03:04
mattimeo78Nope. I'm practically a retard with Ubuntu.03:04
nuulbgist: if you close a dvd drive without a disc inserted, i'm fairly sure it is by design, that nothing happens03:04
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lbgistwhy cant reboot?03:05
lbgistand how i reboot?03:06
mattimeo78Lol. Yeah, installing my drivers might help fix my GL problems. I'm even using my onboard sound because I didn't think to install my sound drivers.03:06
nuuyou can reboot using the "log out" button in your kde menu03:06
nuuand then selecting "restart"03:06
nuuor you can use "reboot" from a terminal03:06
lbgistok thanks03:07
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mattimeo78Is the Konsole case-sensitive?03:08
epimethmattimeo78: all of linux is case-sensitive03:09
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mattimeo78How do I edit my X file? Trying to install NVIDIA drivers.03:13
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nuumattimeo78: the file is /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:17
mattimeo78Aye, I found it.03:18
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leotrhi all. how can i add russian language to my KDE? what should i download?03:19
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Jucato!locale | leotr03:19
ubotuleotr: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf03:19
Jucato!ru | leotr03:19
ubotuleotr:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke03:19
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exceswaterhi all03:20
exceswateri have a question03:20
exceswateradept shows that i have 3 packs to update03:20
exceswaterbut if i try to run it...03:20
exceswaterit says some other process is using something03:20
exceswaterand i cannot use adept03:20
exceswaterhow can i make it work03:21
Jucato!adeptfix | exceswater03:21
ubotuexceswater: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:21
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mattimeo78I don't mean to over-ask, but when I attempt to instal NVIDIA drivers it asks me to exit X and then try again. How do I do this?03:21
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alexiconmattimeo78: ctrl+alt+backspace03:22
alexiconbut right after you install the nvidia stuff it tells you to reboot in feisty right03:22
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alexiconsup haydar_03:23
haydar_nothing :)03:23
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Ace2016Hi all03:23
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Ace2016krandrtray says my refresh rate is 50hz, how do i boost this to 75hz, i use 75 in xp03:23
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mattimeo78Wasn't expecting that.03:24
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haydar_Do you have videocard drivers installed03:24
Ace2016haydar_: nvidia drivers are installed03:24
haydar_Sorry more i cant hel03:25
haydar_kinda newb :P03:25
mattimeo78I'm trying to instal mine right now. Having no luck.03:25
mattimeo78Thing still says I'm running an X server.03:25
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alexiconmattimeo78: it will always be x03:25
haydar_suo alexicon :P03:25
alexiconto test if the nv drivers are installed right, do glxgears03:25
alexiconif that program works your drivers have been installed03:25
alexiconhey haydar_ not much, avoiding work, looking for a web gallery :P03:26
Ace2016mattimeo78: what are you trying to do?03:26
mattimeo78Install NVIDIA drivers.03:26
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mattimeo78Just realized I never did it for Ubunut.03:26
alexiconfeisty right mattimeo78?03:26
Ace2016mattimeo78: have you tried installing from the repos or is this a custom kernel?03:26
mattimeo78Gonna have to dumb it down a little, Ace. >.<03:27
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haydar_;) i'm trying to install WoW03:27
alexiconlol haydar_03:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:27
haydar_I got it working already03:27
haydar_but it lags like shit :P03:27
Ace2016mattimeo78: have a look at the link03:28
alexiconcedega wont run eve for me D:03:28
haydar_tweaking it keke03:28
mattimeo78WoW is Linux?03:28
alexiconmy version is way old tho :/03:28
alexiconwow works in linux mattimeo7803:28
alexicona lot of games do [and a lot more dont >_>] 03:28
haydar_:P i know WoW works03:28
haydar_but it lags03:28
haydar_100 fps @ windows :P03:29
morpheus_do you use wine to run the games?03:29
haydar_15 fps @ linux03:29
alexiconi use cedega atm03:29
alexiconbut i dont pay for it anymore03:29
alexiconso its a bit old03:29
mattimeo78Has anyone tried to get NWN to run on Linux?03:29
alexiconstill plays wow, cs, jedi academy and loads of other stuff tho03:29
alexiconyeah nwn works native03:29
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alexicon<3 nwn for that03:29
haydar_Does it work smooth03:29
alexiconunreal runs native too03:30
alexiconhaydar_ yeah03:30
mattimeo78I'm not sure how to use the Linux binaries.03:30
haydar_apt-get update?03:30
alexiconmattimeo78: you just stick the cd in and it should recognise03:30
morpheus_cedega? wow looks good03:30
alexiconcedega is nice cos of the interface03:30
morpheus_not wow as in WoW but wow hehehe03:31
alexiconjust makes it a bit easier to install the stuff03:31
alexiconi find getting a working wine configuration takes forever for me :/03:31
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haydar_I'm getting crazy because03:31
haydar_i'm only getting 15 FPS03:31
haydar_laggy sound i already fixed03:31
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alexiconi played wow in linux for 2 years before i tried it on windows03:32
alexiconand i really didnt notice much performance difference03:32
alexiconcept my laptop which has windows is higher spec than my desktop :P03:32
=== morpheus_ hasnt been bitten by the wow bug.....yet
alexiconits not worth it :P03:32
morpheus_too busy giving everyone a hard on at work with kubuntu and beryl :P03:33
alexiconlol yeah03:33
=== Edulix [n=edulix@26.Red-83-54-4.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
Ace2016a hard on with kubuntu....03:33
alexiconconverted about 4 people at uni to linux03:33
morpheus_given out 5 CD's already today :)03:33
=== Ace2016 wonders where morpheus_ works
Zeelotin the matrix? duh03:34
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haydar_Hmm, this time lockup03:34
alexiconmy music player locked up03:34
BluesKajmorpheus_, easily impressed by eye candy eh ? ... that's one way to reel them in :)03:34
alexiconagain :/ it didnt do this in edgy ever03:35
haydar_Hmm really i dont know why.. :OO03:35
haydar_is there anyway to track it down03:35
alexiconimpressed with all that eye candy and still out doing the performance of xp hands down X_D03:35
haydar_How you mean?03:35
morpheus_gonna have a play with ubuntu server this week03:35
BluesKajanyone here have experience with *.uif files ?03:35
alexiconubuntu even going with beryl and all the graphics stuff runs faster for me than winxp03:36
haydar_I have alot of shizzle03:36
Zeelotmy xp completely outperforms linux...never saw a fast gnome or kde desktop yet =/03:36
alexiconand when i startup ubuntu i dont have to spend the first 5 minutes killing processes -_-03:36
haydar_alex :P03:36
alexicongnome feels faster than kde for me atm03:36
haydar_i have kde03:36
morpheus_I'm on an old 1.5Mhz machine with a 200NX graphics card, and it still psanks vista :):):)03:36
alexiconi switched back to ubuntu for feisty03:37
alexiconbut i prefer this chan <303:37
=== Ace2016 thinks it would help if people knew a bit about startup processes in windows before commenting in it
mattimeo78I'm on a 933.03:37
alexiconace i havent used windows since 2001 :P03:37
haydar_Its easy to clear startupp03:37
alexiconreally not up with it, just came on a laptop i got last summer03:37
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alexiconjapanese no less, so it gives me grief :P03:37
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haydar_-.-" its virus attractive03:37
alexiconjust use it for games really03:38
alexiconi could never imagine having to develop using windows D:03:38
mattimeo78I can't figure out this install. I'm gonna cry.03:38
haydar_Well thats what i wanted to do03:38
alexiconwhich one mattimeo78 nvidia still?03:38
haydar_But i dont have windows lying around03:38
alexiconare you on edgy or feisty mattimeo7803:38
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alexiconhaydar_: i didnt either til i got this laptop heh. its kinda been novel getting to try new games though03:38
alexiconmattimeo78: hrm, you running the restricted drivers manager mattimeo78 ?03:39
haydar_Well i used a cracked windows version for03:39
haydar_7 years now03:39
morpheus_wonder how many people are coming over to kubuntu each day, everyone I know has given it a go now and are dual booting at least03:39
haydar_Then, i saw this rofl03:39
mattimeo78All I see is three drivers in use. -.-03:39
haydar_i dont have dualboot03:39
alexiconmattimeo78: does it list the nvidia one for install? how far have you gotten?03:40
haydar_:[ and i wanna play WoW03:40
morpheus_but for dedicated winblows users to have an alternative os is a big step03:40
alexiconmattimeo78: do this at the terminal03:40
alexicon cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep driver03:40
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haydar_I wanna try it with cedega03:41
haydar_is it opensource?03:41
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega03:41
alexiconcedega is pay unfortunately03:41
Jucatocedega cvs is free iirc...03:41
alexiconyou might be able to get an unsupported cvs version tho03:41
haydar_Where imo03:42
alexicongood idea actually03:42
haydar_Kinda new to this stuff rofl03:42
alexiconerm transgaming.org i think03:42
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haydar_Let me look03:42
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ubotucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/03:42
alexiconwewt!! http://picasa.google.com/linux/03:43
haydar_need to register on the site03:43
haydar_the transgaming one03:43
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alexiconwewt and a deb file!!!03:43
alexiconyeah i had emerald membership..03:43
alexiconjoined back when WoW first came out03:43
haydar_Its not really free03:44
alexiconman that was a hassle..03:44
alexiconnope it isnt03:44
alexiconbut you can get developer version for free03:44
alexiconmight be buggy tho03:44
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haydar_:> serialcode03:44
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haydar_i'm mean :D03:44
haydar_Developer version03:44
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haydar_Hey alex03:47
haydar_is it03:47
haydar_this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29996&highlight=cedega+cvs03:47
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alexiconitll be a cvs link haydar_03:48
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haydar_Its a howto03:48
haydar_for the cvs03:48
alexiconthis is installing wine first em03:48
haydar_Do i now need  to unistall03:48
haydar_I got wine already03:48
haydar_the newest one03:48
haydar_from the sitr03:48
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alexiconyou dont want wine cvs03:48
alexiconyou want cedega03:48
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ebeesHi all. I'm running 6.06 on my desktop and laptop. I've a scanner that works on my desktop but not the lappy. It runs as root. I've checked ubuntuforums and checked all my settings against my desktop. Still can only run as root. groups shows me as belonging to scanner.03:49
ejupinI can't see KDE, I can log in but then I get desktop with nothing on it.. any idea's how I get it back.. Gnome works fine.03:49
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ebeesany assistance or advice would be appreciated03:49
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haydar_its wineX03:50
haydar_or something03:50
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_6StringKng_when you browse for file like when pening documents and stuff using kate,is there any way to add to the sort by mneu?03:51
alexiconpoint2play was what the gui used to be called03:51
_6StringKng_for files when using*03:51
alexiconthey blocked it all together i think after 5.2.x03:51
_6StringKng_opening, lmao03:51
Jucato_6StringKng_: er... please rephrase w/ the correct spellings :)03:52
haydar_Please also note that Point2Play is not available through CVS.03:52
alexiconoh well03:52
RobNyc-workanyone here uses Kubuntu + Xchat ?03:52
_6StringKng_yeah, well, I'll try not to mess stuff up this time03:52
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alexiconhaydar_: can you get pm messages?03:52
haydar_hmm nope :P03:53
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haydar_You got msn ?:P03:53
Jucato_6StringKng_: still waiting :)03:53
abrahaoHi, How Can I access the ubuntu server via internet?03:53
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_6StringKng_ok, when you open files and stuff, like for example in kate, say I opened a document, when your gith click in the dir where your opening the file, can you add to the "Sorting" menu03:53
alexiconmrr msn03:53
_6StringKng_right click, sorry03:53
Jucato_6StringKng_: add what to the sorting menu?03:54
_6StringKng_like by type for example if its not there03:54
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_6StringKng_I think I remember being able to do it when I used 6.10 or 6.0603:54
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JucatoI don't think so... I think it's presumed that the only file type you'll be opening will be text files (and the like)03:55
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_6StringKng_well everything is listed, its just I like them to be sorted by type, hehe03:56
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_6StringKng_gets on my nerves when there sortyed by name, or size etc.03:56
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alesanI am logged remotely on a ubuntu computer, how do I install ndiswrapper? using adept would have been easier I do not know the exact package name03:56
alesanapt-get install "what"?03:57
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ehambergsource /etc/bash_completion03:57
ehambergLet you tab-complete package names03:57
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bumzohi pple03:59
bumzohow do i install a .bin file?03:59
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ehambergprobalby by setting it to executable and running it: chmod +x [file]  ; ./[file] 03:59
ehamberg(But a "bin" file can be almost anything...)04:00
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alexiconhey peeps, how do you check package version on apt again?04:02
alexiconor was it a dpkg call04:02
alexiconwhy do i seem to remember dpkg -k or something04:02
Jucatoapt-cache policy <package> ?04:02
Jucatoor just apt-cache show <package>04:03
alexiconah cheers04:03
ehambergOr dpkg -s <package> :)04:03
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alexiconah yeah thats the one :D04:04
alexiconpolicy shows a nice shorthand tho04:04
alesanI installed ndiswrapper-common but this is not enough. if I try to install ndiswrapper-utils it gives me an error saying Package ndiswrapper-utils is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:04
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alexiconwhat type of wifi card alesan04:05
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alesanalejandro, a broadcom softmac04:05
ehambergalesan: Did you try the tab-completion trick? I can see that there's a package called ndiswrapper-utils-1.9...04:05
alexiconick broadcom D:04:06
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abrahao<alesan> how can you be remote remotely?04:06
alesanthe native driver... well it can detect and connect to a network but the transfer rate is way too low04:06
ehamberg(I don't know anything about which package(s) you need :)04:06
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haydar_haydar@haydar-desktop:~$ apt-get update python04:06
haydar_E: De 'update'-opdracht aanvaard geen argumenten04:06
haydar_Dont works04:06
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alesanabrahao, sorry? what do you mean04:06
ehamberghaydar_: apt-get install python04:06
ehamberghaydar_: "update" updates the database, not a package04:06
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haydar_from adept-manger04:07
haydar_i managed to install python-gtk204:07
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alexiconah cool04:07
alexiconyeah get python-glade2 as well04:07
alexiconthen try the cedega dpkg again04:07
haydar_did it04:08
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alexicondpkg works this time?04:08
abrahao<alesan> you typed that are  logged remotely on a ubuntu computer, how Can I do that?04:09
alesanabrahao, install the package named "ssh"04:09
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alesanand then use on a remote computer the command: ssh user@IP04:09
alesanif the "client" computer is windows, you can use a program named putty04:10
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abrahao<alesan> the client is windows, Can I get an acceess like terminal serviece/?04:11
alesanwhat is terminal serviece? I am not familiar with windows04:11
alesanexplain what is04:11
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abrahao<alesan> access ubuntu via remote desktop, see the gnome04:13
alesanwell this channel is kubuntu, we use KDE04:14
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abrahao<alesan> can be kde04:15
alesananyway you can install and start the x11vnc program and use a vnc client on the windows ciomputer, like realvnc04:15
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abrahao<alesan> install x11 using apt-get install x11vnc?04:16
alesanmh yes, or more comfortably in adept04:17
alesanit's called x11vnc04:17
alexiconanyone used nx? or xen?04:18
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ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke04:20
abrahao<alesan> and to install ssh can I use apt-get install ssh?04:20
epimethwell... another day has ended... adios folks!04:21
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ForgeAusYAY starcraft 2 is announced.. finally!04:26
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ForgeAusum but it doesn't look like theres likely to be any *nix support ... I could be wrong04:26
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alexiconif blizzard didnt support wow they wont support anything for linux...04:29
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alexiconunfortunately :P04:29
haydar_but no linux04:30
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caa1980how do i get the mingw gui to work in Kubuntu 7.0404:37
caa1980how do i get the mingw gui to work in Kubuntu 7.04?04:37
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ubunturoswhat is wrong with GCC 4.0?04:37
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caa1980how do i get the mingw gui to work in Kubuntu 7.04? It's a C++ compiler that looks like visual c++04:38
caa1980I prefer something that looks like what I am used to04:38
nuusuppose i'm browsing a remote samba share, full of avi files, using the smb protocol in konqueror. Also assume i don't want to use smb4k or generally mount the filesystem locally, i want to use it remotely without mounting it. if i want vlc (my default video player) to stream the file without first downloading it, i have to "open with ..." and pass it "wxvlc %u". How can i make this the default choice for every .avi file on a smb share ?04:39
nuuie, the one that you get when double clicking the file, without having to "open with..->wxvlc" every time04:39
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caa1980I'd like a IDE that looks like visual c++04:39
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sparrcaa1980: how is it not working?04:40
nuu"remember application association for this type of file" didnt work, by the way04:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about process - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:40
lupuldoes anyoe know the command to list the processes?04:40
sparrlupul: ps04:40
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lupulthe entire command :D04:40
caa1980I downloaded the mingw package but dosen't show in the K menue04:40
sparrthats it04:40
paglupul, ps -A ?04:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
DJServersor what what it?04:41
DJServersthe paste site of ubuntu?04:41
pag!paste | DJServers04:41
lupuli mean the one something like this04:41
ubotuDJServers: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:41
lupulgrep | ....04:41
paglupul, not sure what you mean... you could try ps -A | grep TheThingYouWantToSearchFor04:42
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lupulthat's it04:42
caa1980Plus my college classes use visual c++ but that's only on windows and I prefer linux.04:42
lupulthanks very much04:42
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caa1980so how do I get  IDE GUI that looks like Visual c++?04:43
pagcaa1980, I never used VS2005, but you miht want to have a look at KDevelop, it's quite nice IDE04:44
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caa1980it's to KDE04:44
abrahao<alesan> cant find package called x11vnc via apt-get install04:44
caa1980minGW looks like visual basic if only I could get it in my K menue and up and working.04:44
caa1980alesan try just vnc04:45
pagcaa1980, try to launch it from Run Dialog ( alt + F2 )04:45
llutzcaa1980: if it is installed and runs, just use kmenueedit to add it to your k-menu04:45
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caa1980if I new the command to lounch it i would04:45
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alesanwhat is the server that adds skype to the list of available programs?04:46
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caa1980and i tride "mingw" and nothen came up.04:46
iarwain_hiya there, anyone know how to mount a crashed hard drive? (partition is labelled SFS-type by fdisk, and not found in my /dev/sdb's )04:46
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sparrpackages.ubuntu.com down?04:47
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caa1980I guise there is no answer to my question then.04:48
sparrthen im having an insanely specific internet failure04:48
llutzcaa1980: "dpkg -L mingw32|grep /bin/"04:48
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llutzcaa1980: if mingw32 is the packagename04:49
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caa1980ok and now what?04:49
llutzcaa1980: now you see the installed executables04:49
egocarmenfelix  my friend his name is felix04:50
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llutzcaa1980: and maybe a look into the documentation would be helpfull04:50
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lupulwhich is the command to search for one process in all active?04:50
egocarmen  felix:  felix  my friend his name is felix04:50
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iarwain_lupul: try 'ps -aux |grep processname'04:51
lupulok thanks04:51
sercaniihi, my usb host device stops responding when I boot my computer with any usb plugin device... kubuntu, ubuntu ( all ubuntu dist.s ) (some linux dist this eror not occur), thanks04:51
caa1980that's all i get04:52
caa1980thats tell's me nothing04:53
iarwain_noone knows how to get a lost partition back? (i tried testdisk)04:53
llutzcaa1980: read docu04:53
caa1980other then the compilers are there dosen't tell me ho to get the mingw gui to come up04:53
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caa1980i guise this was no help04:55
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llutzcaa1980: according to the mingw32 homepage, there is no GUI04:56
caa1980thats not true04:56
caa1980I have seen it04:56
BluesKajiarwain_, did you install windows after ubuntu ?04:56
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caa1980maybe i'll use eclipse04:56
pagcaa1980, umm... where? Have you got a link?04:56
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iarwain_BluesKaj: i did not install anything, my partition just got lost (it is the hard-drive of a NAS tbh) when i tried mounting it04:56
Ace2016Hi all04:57
llutzcaa1980: fine, go back where you've seen it, read docu and use it04:57
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iarwain_Ace2016: hiya there =)04:57
Ace2016How do i make the ok in the startup process of kubuntu like this: http://www.kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=2&id=49074&file1=49074-1.png&file2=49074-2.png&file3=49074-3.png&name=Gentoo+Splash04:57
Ace2016all my text is white :(04:57
llutzcaa1980: http://www.mingw.org/04:57
caa1980MinGW Studio04:58
dhqfdoving, i want to play music from my laptop and it should stream on my pc at the same time something like esd i want amarok to use the feature please help04:58
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BluesKaj!grub | iarwain_04:58
ubotuiarwain_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:58
iarwain_Ace2016: i have NO idea, 'd like to know it myself too =)04:58
Ace2016dhq: use vlc, it can stream stuff like that04:58
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iarwain_BluesKaj: i did not lose grub, i lost a partition -_-'04:58
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BluesKajlost the partition or just access to it ?04:59
dhqAce2016, i am faraway from that pc04:59
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iarwain_BluesKaj: access for sure, partition i do not know (altough fdisk list it as a SFS type, but has a questionmark next to it)04:59
ubotuesd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead05:00
BluesKajdhq,  http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dolby_Digital_Out_(AC3,_SPDIF)05:00
DJServersehm.... what is the chmod command i forgot it  it something like: chmod FILE MODE05:00
DJServersi dont now it05:01
Ace2016dhq: but you have network right? then a player on your laptop can tune into it05:01
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iarwain_DJServers: chmod +x filename05:01
iarwain_DJServers: for example =)05:01
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BluesKajSFS ?05:01
dhqAce2016, i wanna play music on my laptop and make my other machine as speakers cauz i have good speakers05:02
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BluesKajiarwain_, so your partiton doesn't have a designation like hd0,1 or hda, sda05:02
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iarwain_BluesKaj: indeed. It has /dev/sdb6 assigned, but that file doesn't exist05:04
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morpheus_anyone know how to make a bootable kubuntu USB pen drive?05:06
DJServersThis normally involves CHMODing them 777.    i need to to that what is the command for that?05:08
llutzDJServers: chmod 777 file-to-change05:09
iarwain_DJServers: try 'chmod 777 filename'05:09
llutzDJServers: or chmod -R 777 directory-to-change-with-subs05:09
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Daisuke-Idomorpheus_: about a minute of googling would have netter you this: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/05:09
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate05:09
alexiconanyone here tried the jboss suite?05:09
morpheus_just having a look, does that cover kubuntu too?05:10
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Daisuke-Idoi would imagine since ubuntu and kubuntu have identical live cd structures...05:10
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DJServersok it works thx05:10
Jucatomorpheus_: try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:10
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iarwain_morpheus_: kubuntu is the same as ubuntu (just the DE differs)05:11
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quantibonjour, je voulais savoir comment installer de nouvelles icones (tlcharges sur gnome-look.org) pour le bureau gnome ?05:12
pag!fr | quanti05:12
ubotuquanti: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:12
quantioops i'm sorry i thought i was on the french channel05:13
Ace2016nuu: yea?05:13
nuuyou gotta use setterm for that05:13
nuujust read your question about colors in init scripts05:13
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Ace2016nuu: does setterm require kernel patches?05:14
nuudon't think so, just try it on your console locally, and see :)05:15
nuutry for instance setterm -foreground=yellow and see what happens05:15
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haydar_man :(05:17
haydar_i'm sad05:17
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haydar_10-23 FPS05:18
haydar_on WoW05:18
haydar_windows = 50-70 fps05:18
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haydar_;[ cedega05:18
llutzhaydar_: use win05:18
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Ace2016nuu: cool thanks, but how do i get it to work in konsole? nothing happens when i try setterm there05:21
Ace2016it works in F105:21
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nuuinit scripts are run in a terminal, not under a virtual terminal like konsole05:22
ejupinI cant see KDE desktop, just wallpaper. How do I reset/reinstall? Gnome works fine05:22
justin_I'm having a strange problem. About 1hr+ after using any bittorrent client (Ktorrent Azereus), the computer becomes unresponsive, slow and the internet kicks off.05:23
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Ace2016justin_: try reducing the number of connections, this might help05:25
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DJServershow can i see my network ip?05:26
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DJServersnot the lan ip but the network ip05:26
leotrwhere is it possible to download kde-i18n-ru?05:27
rbrunhuberDJServers : what do you mean with network ip?05:27
llutzDJServers: http://www.ipheaven.com/05:27
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DJServerswhell the ip like:   but we have more PC's so where can i see that ip of this PC05:28
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justin_Ace2016, I'll try but the problem just started a little bit after installing Feisty.05:28
llutzDJServers: ifconfig05:28
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llutzDJServers: or "ip add show"05:29
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DJServersok i got it05:29
korobaseHi,all. a problem about playing the avi file!05:29
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korobaseWhen I play,it only have audio but no vedio.05:30
korobaseWhat is wrong?05:30
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korobasePlease help me.All friends!!!!!!05:31
morpheus_<korobase>what are you playing it with?05:31
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alexiconwow picasa is awesome!05:31
Daisuke-Idokorobase: get the proper codecs or use VLC.05:32
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lacrymologyexcuse me05:32
morpheus_ahhh, install vlc then05:32
lacrymologyhow do I add repos to the sources?05:32
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lacrymologye.g: how do I add Universe and Multiverse?05:32
Daisuke-Idolacrymology: open adept and go to manage repositories05:32
lacrymologyI was used to the gnome distro and I can't find it05:32
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lacrymologyDaisuke-Ido: ok05:33
DJFrankieDJServers here05:33
DJFrankiei restarted my internet but now the name DJServers is still in use :P05:33
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lacrymologyDaisuke-Ido: I dont see manage repositories in adept..05:34
Daisuke-Idodidn't quit konversation before restarting your connection, it seems05:34
_6StringKng_just get it formt he konsole, instructions are on the site05:34
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Daisuke-Idolacrymology: adept manager > Adept > Manage Repositories05:34
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lacrymologyis there any sensible way of mantaining a linux distro without an internet connection05:38
lacrymologylet's say I want to install something... are there any pre-arranged ber packages that will have all dependencies?05:38
Ace2016How do i get kubuntu to show the mount dialogue? i think i broke it05:38
nuuAce2016: perhaps this could also be interesting, haven't tried it though. maybe you wanna take a look: http://madchicken.altervista.org/tech/2006/02/put-colours-in-your-ubuntu-startup-and.html05:39
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lacrymologybecause it's enough of a pain to have to burn CDs at work, but bringing them home only to realize I forgot the asc012-2001.93.104-2.4.567 package it's quite annoying05:39
icecruncherwhat does it mean when it says "SSL support is needed for MSN. Please install a supported SSL library." reffering to pidgin05:40
icecruncherwhat do i have to install05:40
lacrymologyicecruncher: it means exactly that, you need to install ssl05:40
lacrymologyopen adept and search for ssl05:40
Daisuke-Idolacrymology: you have no internet connection at home?05:40
lacrymologyI think you have to instal TLS, but I'm not sure. Give me a sec05:40
lacrymologyDaisuke-Ido: nopes05:40
Ace2016nuu: thanks, looks like i'll have to edit it by hand using that as a referance05:41
Daisuke-Idowell, you can always use aptitude from a live cd at work, save the /vat/cache/apt/archives directory to a usb drive and do it that way...05:41
Ace2016Anyone know how to edit the startup process order? the login tty console starts too early before other processes and it messes up the tty1 display05:42
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Jucatolacrymology: http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/05:42
nuuAce2016: the debian initscript startup order is defined by the number after the S in the name05:42
lacrymologyicecruncher: I can't find it, I'm running the liveCD right now05:42
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icecruncherlacrymology: k05:42
lacrymologybut google for SSL and debian05:42
nuuthe higher the number, the later the script gets executed05:42
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Daisuke-Idoooh, i hadn't heard about apt on cd05:43
nuuinfact rc.local, which typically is executed last on every distro, is named S99rc.local05:43
lacrymologyicecruncher: or try apt-get install ssl maybe you'll get lucky05:43
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Ace2016nuu: thanks i found them using locate05:44
lacrymologyicecruncher: that's "sudo apt-get install ssl" or "sudo apt-get instal libssl" on a terminal05:44
nuuAce2016: bear in mind you need to consider the runlevel too, when changing order. and be careful not to break anything. the order is there typically because there often are dependencies with earlier scripts05:44
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dcorbinWhich package contains gvim?05:44
Jucato!info gvim05:45
ubotuPackage gvim does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:45
nuuAce2016: you can see your current runlevel by typing runlevel in a terminal. typically you're runlevel 2 which is full multiuser runlevel. runlevel 1 is single-user level, and 3-5 are same as 2, while 6 is reboot05:45
SlimeyPetedcorbin: do an "apt-cache search gvim"05:45
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kane_has anyone been succesfull in getting a Nvidia TV-out to work correctly with fiesty/05:45
jeff_HI, all05:45
nuuso if you're planning to make changes in the startup order, generally you want to do them under /etc/rc2.d05:45
alexiconyeah kane_05:45
kane_it worked great in 6.1005:45
Jucatodcorbin: try installing vim-full05:46
nuuwhich contains init scripts order for runlevel 205:46
Daisuke-Idoi would be so much happier if aptoncd were available in a QT variant :\05:46
alexiconworks fine for me on fx5200 twinview05:46
korobaseI have install the vlc.But It have another problem when I play the avi file the screen is flicked.05:46
kane_alexicon: did you have to do anything special?05:46
alexiconjust copied my xorg.conf over from edgy05:46
korobaseflickering all the time.05:46
jeff_I'm not sure where the best place is to find this information, so please point me in the right direction if this isn't the channel for this.05:46
Ace2016nuu: i wish i could just get initng to work, that was nice but never found out how to get my network to start05:46
nuuAce2016: as a rule of thumb, cp -Rp /etc/rc2.d /etc/rc2.d-bak05:46
kane_hrm, mine must just hate me.05:46
alexiconthe restricted driver manager got nv drivers setup perfectly @_@05:46
jeff_I'm looking for a feeling for when Pidgin will show up for installation in Feisty.05:46
Daisuke-Idokorobase: are you trying to play xvids on a 486 or something?05:46
jeff_From what I read, I'05:47
jeff_er.. I'm waiting for it to be backported so it'05:47
jeff_grr.  So it'll show up in Apt.05:47
kane_yeah ive got the drivers installed, it just wont detect the fact that the TV is indeed connected.05:47
korobaseDaisuke-Ido:no.I use my notebook.05:47
nuuAce2016: what do you mean you can't get your network to start ?05:47
jeff_Sorry for the carriage returns.  I keep hitting enter when I want single quote.05:47
alexiconkane_: drivers are working?05:48
korobaseHow to fix this problem.All friends.05:48
alexiconglxgears and glxinfo works?05:48
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kane_yeah they work.05:48
kane_i can play 3d games.05:48
kane_nvidia-settings works.05:48
Ace2016nuu: just that whenever i booted with initng my network wouldn't work, i guess i need to add something, eth0 is what i'm using to connect to the router now05:48
alexiconconfiguration problem? you looked at xorg errors?05:48
alexiconstill have your working xorg.conf from last time?05:49
nuuAce2016: if you're planning to add custom network scripts, consider to make your changes in a script that starts after the networking initscript05:49
kane_yeah the only error is the the fact that it appears that ubuntu did not compile the Xorg int10 module in for somereason.05:49
nuucheck /etc/rcS.d, see how networking starts #4005:49
kane_no i dont have the config file still, but it was one generated by nvidia-settings anyway.05:50
DJFrankiecan someone check if my new site works? (hosted on this PC)   www.dj-habbo.us.tt05:50
alexiconcan you copy your xorg.conf to the pastebin kane_05:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:50
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cyt!grub | cyt05:50
DJFrankiecan someone look if this link works plz... :   www.dj-habbo.us.tt05:50
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Ace2016nuu: i guess i could edit the net script itself, copy the lo section and make a new eth section05:51
pescezhello everybody!!05:51
pescezis there anyone able to tell me how to set a usb pendrive's label without formatting it?05:51
DJFrankiethx for not looking -_-'05:51
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kane_alexicon: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21835/05:52
nuuAce2016: modify your interface settings in /etc/network/interfaces05:52
nuuit's pretty easy to grasp05:52
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Ace2016nuu: its already setup, it has auto eth0 already05:53
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nuuAce2016: check "dmesg | grep eth0" for hints05:54
sercaniiDJFrankie - it works05:54
morpheus_lacrymology>djfrankie, seems fine to me05:54
nuuanyway, 6pm, home time05:54
nuulater guys05:54
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jeff_DJFrankie: e107 is installed.05:54
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ReMiiRuruWhat is a command to list all processes?05:59
llutzReMiiRuru: ps -aux06:00
SlimeyPeteps -aux06:00
Jucatops aux06:00
lustrousrodentsomething like ps06:00
llutzJucato: you win :)06:00
lustrousrodenti lose06:00
Jucatoor Ctrl+Esc to launch the GUI version06:00
JucatoI lostto llutz :)06:00
Jucatolost to*06:00
DJFrankielook at my site now i have installled a new theme: www.dj-habbo.us.tt06:00
llutzJucato: "ps -a " = bad syntax06:01
llutzJucato: "ps a" = preferred06:01
Jucatohm.. ok... :)06:01
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rayluew. e10706:03
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LilacorAnyone using KVM +NVIDIA?06:06
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LilacorI've read that this isn''t possible because the nvidia drivers conflict with paravirt. :(06:06
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LilacorI'd like to hear any opinions on this....06:06
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close2hello, do you have an idea, how to find out, why "cat 3MB-file > /dev/null" could take ~10 seconds06:07
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close2it used to work, works under a rescue-cd06:07
close2and dma and 32bit is on (hdparm)06:07
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markm_The module Disk & Filesystems could not be loaded...06:08
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markm_i see a few posts with this problem. Aby resolution?06:09
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markm_seems like i wasted a cd on Ubuntu... back to Gentoo...06:14
billytwowillyHi, can anyone point me to something talking about how to replace a software raid 5 array with bigger disks?06:14
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Jucatomarkm_: try reinstalling the package named "kde-guidance"06:14
markm_tried it06:15
markm_hardinfo->storage devices also crashes06:15
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danny500Hey, I need a little help06:16
danny500trying to install ATI graphics driver06:17
jussi01danny500: whats the problem?06:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:17
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talius31Hi everyone06:17
danny500ok look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21847/06:18
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danny500does this mean it's installed?06:18
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talius31is someone know where can i find the file where's stored the global variables? the export command doesn't work weel and i really don't know what file to check :/06:19
Daisuke-Idoenough spamming, it's now visible twice without scrolling.06:19
Daisuke-Idoare those the newest drivers?06:19
Ace2016markm_: what setttings in kcontrol are you after? i would have thought a former gentoo user would never have used such a thing ;)06:19
Daisuke-Idoand did those come from the feisty repo or ati's site?06:20
danny500the only drivers for this machine06:20
danny500no it came for ati's site06:20
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Daisuke-Ido64 bit06:20
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danny500it can install 64 or 32 bit06:20
Daisuke-Idotried xorg-driver-fglrx yet?06:21
PouzyEuh, my login is owned by someone else.. maybe it was me some times before : How can i do to send the password by mail ?06:21
Daisuke-IdoPouzy: they expire after 30 days, it's probably someone else now.06:22
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Flosofthas anyone got KDE 4 Alpha running?06:22
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danny500"tried xorg-driver-fglrx yet?" how do I do that?06:23
Daisuke-Idoas i'm not a kde developer, and it's, as you said, alpha, most people aren't in any position to screw with it06:23
lerneaen_hydrarandom check: there's no support for labelflash in *nix at the moment yet, right?06:23
mzanfardino1I've played around with Xubuntu and like the weather forecast applet.  Is there a similar applet available for KDE?06:23
Daisuke-Idodanny500: sudo apt-get install xorg-driver fglrx06:23
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markm_bloody hell half the system apps crash. this is crap. goodbye ubuntu!06:24
danny500E: Couldn't find package xorg-driver06:24
rayludanny500, sudo aptitude install xorg-drivere-fglrx06:24
danny500mark_:stop your whining it's how you use the machine it's not the apps06:24
Daisuke-Idodanny500: sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx06:24
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markm_rubbish. i've used slackware, redhat and gentoo.06:24
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Daisuke-Idomarkm_: have fun with your virus-ridden windows :)06:25
danny500yes have fun06:25
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Daisuke-Idoand good riddance.  if people aren't willing to learn, they should stick with the system geared toward the lowest common denominator06:25
danny500I've benn using ubuntu for 6 months without turning off, so go play wit h you week windows06:25
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danny500to use ubuntu you need to know how to read06:26
llutzdanny500: not only for ubuntu....06:26
danny500if your not good at following instructions then ubuntu won't work for you06:26
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:26
danny500I know06:26
PouzyDaisuke-Ido: really strange.06:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mdeiubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:26
PouzyOk, it doesn't matter06:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mediabuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:26
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ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/06:27
danny500ok now what?06:27
PouzyI just wanted to know : I've installed the fglrx drivers yesterday, how can I know if they work with the 3D ?06:27
Daisuke-Idodanny500: got it installed?06:27
mzanfardinoDaisuke-Ido: thanks06:27
danny500what installed?06:27
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danny500I did that code you told me06:28
danny500so guessing yes06:28
Daisuke-Idoand it installed it06:28
Daisuke-Idoyou did that in a terminal right, not with the run command dialog06:28
danny500how do I do that?06:28
danny500I'm running terminal06:28
rayludanny500, did it say it installed?06:28
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danny500Reading package lists... Done06:29
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danny500Building dependency tree06:29
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danny500Reading state information... Done06:29
danny500E: Couldn't find package xorg-driver06:29
danny500danny500@netkiller:~$ sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx06:29
danny500Reading package lists... Done06:29
danny500Building dependency tree06:29
danny500Reading state information... Done06:29
danny500xorg-driver-fglrx is already the newest version.06:29
danny5000 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:29
Daisuke-Idoyou're already using the proprietary drivers then06:29
Daisuke-Idoand in the future, use pastebin :)06:30
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danny500I know06:30
Daisuke-Idoso...  what else is there to do?06:30
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danny500I don't want the proprietary driver's, they suck, I want the ones I downloaded06:30
Daisuke-Idothe ones you downloaded...  from ati06:31
Daisuke-Idothose are proprietary drivers.06:31
Daisuke-Idothe same ones, i might add06:31
danny500oh ok well they don't work so well06:31
danny500I can't get beryl to work06:31
Daisuke-Idoati in linux is a joke so far, hopefully amd is committed to fixing that, probably not.06:31
danny500I have a 512MB graphics card06:31
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Daisuke-Idodanny500: doesn't matter if the card's great, if the drivers suck06:32
danny500ATI Radeon x55006:32
Daisuke-Idoand ati's drivers DO suck06:32
danny500with a AMD 64 Athlon 3200+06:32
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danny500how do I get beryl to work then?06:33
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_6StringKng_yeah I wish ATI and Beryl worked like it does with nvidia, lol06:33
bsundsruddanny500: IF You can get the drivers working, you can MAYBE use beryl with XGL...06:33
danny500ok I'll try that thanks06:33
bsundsrudbut XGL is a huge pain in the butt06:33
=== Ace2016 thinks xgl is nice, i love it
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bsundsrudit sucks compared to AIGLX, so much slower06:34
Ace2016oh i have an nvidia06:35
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bsundsrudwhy not use AIGLX with an nvidia card?06:36
mzanfardinohow about it guys?  Anyone aware of a weather forecast applet for KDE?06:36
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Ace2016mzanfardino: have a look at kde-look.org06:36
bsundsrudforecast? i know of one that tells current weather... and also the liquid weather superkaramba applet06:37
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Ace2016mzanfardino: something like this? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Grass+--+liquid+weather+background?content=5616406:37
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sebsebsebFeisty Fawn Grub has screwed up and cannot boot into it, on the Dapper Live CD, and have  tryed to fix it. Getting Grub Error 1706:42
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raylusebsebseb, show us your menu.lst06:44
sebsebsebon  a Live CD06:45
sebsebsebso  how  to get the one for the install?06:45
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raylusebsebseb, mount your linux boot partition06:50
sebsebsebcarn't remember how to do that06:50
PouzyHi there !06:51
PouzyJust : How can I know if the 3D is on on my computer ?06:51
rayluPouzy, 3d acceleration?06:52
raylu!mount | sebsebseb06:52
ubotusebsebseb: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter06:52
rayluo.0...that's a bit overcomplicated06:52
rayluyou can just use the mount command.06:52
raylusudo mkdir [partition name] 06:52
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raylusudo mount /dev/[partition name]  [partition name] 06:53
pagPouzy, do you mean  glxinfo | grep -i direct ?06:53
sebsebsebpartion name?06:53
raylusebsebseb, do you know the name of the partition? like sda1 or something06:54
rayluqtparted will show you the name06:54
sebsebsebsda1  well really  on Ubuntu  Live CD.  so Gparted06:54
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rayluok. so go and mount that06:54
sebsebseb   /dev/sda106:55
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Pouzypag :06:55
PouzyXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".06:55
Pouzydirect rendering: No06:55
PouzyOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect06:55
PouzyHere it goes06:55
Pouzy? i think there isnt' the 3D ?06:55
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pagPouzy, you're right :-/06:56
PouzyOk. I'll try out after.06:56
PouzyI just want to know something else :06:56
PouzyHow can i compile a C program with linux ? I've got C lessons and I need to compile some06:57
Pouzyto see if it works06:57
rayluPouzy, gcc06:57
rayluactually, there are a lot of c compilers06:58
raylusebsebseb, is it working now?06:58
sebsebsebsaid  /dev/sda1 already exists06:58
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raylusebsebseb, are you in /media?06:58
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sebsebsebno  I was about to say,  I need to tell it to use the installation not LIve CD?06:58
Pouzyraylu: i've tried to open gcc, but it didn't work. How to use it !gcc06:58
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:58
raylusebsebseb, it = ?06:58
rayluPouzy, gcc = gnu c compiler, i believe06:59
sebsebsebubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /dev/sda106:59
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raylusebsebseb, cd /media first06:59
sebsebsebmkdir: cannot create directory `/dev/sda1': File exists06:59
rayluthen sudo mkdir sda06:59
sebsebsebok  :)06:59
raylu*sudo mkdir sda106:59
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llutzPouzy: gcc is a commandline-app, no gui so far. info with "man gcc"06:59
rayluyou can't make /dev/sda1. that represents your hd06:59
Pouzyllutz: Erf. I need a graphic one, cause i've got my sources on a .txt file07:00
sebsebsebpermssion denied07:00
sebsebsebfor sda107:00
sebsebsebok made sda1 dir07:01
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sebsebsebso  what go in that directory07:03
sebsebseband  then?07:03
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raylusebsebseb, no, don't07:05
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raylu(sorry for the slow reponse time, doing other stuff)07:05
raylustay in /media and07:05
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raylusudo mount /dev/sda1 sda107:05
sebsebsebalso  I want to make an Ext3 by th eway07:05
raylusebsebseb, so use gtparted07:05
sebsebsebwell deleting an NTFS screwed it up in the first place I think07:05
sebsebseband  it's got an empty NTFS there at the moment,  that I don't want there,  I want an Ext307:05
rayluright-click and there should be an option to change to ext307:05
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raylubut i suggest doing this later after you've fixed yoru grub07:06
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sebsebseb,but  it could go wrong?07:08
sebsebseband  effect Grub again?07:08
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Ayabara__I'm trying to connect my dell inspiron 6000 with ati m300 graphics to an lcd tv. all I've done this far is connecting it, and the tv says out of range. can someone help me out?07:08
sebsebsebubuntu@ubuntu:/media$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 sda107:09
sebsebseb         /dev/sda1 looks like swapspace - not mounted07:09
sebsebsebmount: you must specify the filesystem type07:09
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sebsebsebok  so what's the next command?07:09
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sebsebsebit's mounted07:09
sebsebsebwell no07:10
sebsebsebiot's not07:10
sebsebsebI got an error mesaghe about swap07:10
sebsebsebwell it might be mounted07:10
raylulol, as i figured07:10
Ayabara__do I need to install the drivers from ati?07:10
raylupartition 1 was swapspace, so it's probably 207:10
raylusudo mkdir sda2 | sudo mount /dev/sda2 sda207:10
raylu!ati | Ayabara__07:11
ubotuAyabara__: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:11
rayluAyabara__, you don't *need* to, but it's betteter07:11
sebsebsebmount: mount point sda2 does not exist07:11
Ayabara__raylu: ok. you know how I can even get started with VGA out on my laptop? haven't found anything to configure yet...07:12
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Zabulushey sebsebseb, try typing glxgears in console, see what fps it shows07:12
sebsebsebaccording to Gparted.  sda 1  swap  sda 3 extended  sda5 ext307:12
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sebsebsebso it's sda5?07:13
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rayluAyabara__, for me, i just plugged it in and it worked07:13
raylusebsebseb, probably07:13
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Zabulusframes per second07:13
sebsebsebgixgears command not found07:14
kristjan_hey, suggest good application/ easy to use app for creating short video of 50pngs07:14
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Ayabara__raylu: ok. do you have ati? did you install the non-free driver?07:14
rayluAyabara__, no, i have intel on this one. but i had an nv and an ati on other 2 computers and, before installing anything, i could output to a monitor07:14
rayluAyabara__, try plugging it in before booting07:15
sebsebsebok sda5 seems to be mounted now07:15
raylusebsebseb, ok, go in there and show us /boot/grub/menu.lst07:15
raylui don't get you're numbering though...1,3,5, lol07:15
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sebsebsebneither do I07:15
sebsebsebthere seems to be no07:15
sebsebseb2 or 407:15
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Ayabara__raylu: thanks for the tip. plugging in after booting was no success.07:16
rayluits happened to me and i don't understand it either. i usually just try reconfiguring until it's sequential07:16
Ayabara__I'll try rebooting and then installing the free driver if that doesn't work (or maybe anyway)07:16
rayluAyabara__, there may also be a crt/lcd button on your keyboard (fn) or it may be squares07:16
raylui doubt its a driver issue, though07:17
Ayabara__raylu: the button is there, but it had no effect07:17
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rayluwoo...i just crashed konversation07:17
rayluthat was strange.07:17
Ayabara__raylu: why not a driver issue? is there a layer above that decides on the resolution, timing and stuff?07:18
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rayluAyabara__, i didn't need to install my specific driver before outputting...wait a sec07:18
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raylui had a laptop and i think that one was nv...the desktop was avi, so maybe that's why i didn't need the driver to output to a monitor07:19
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raylu*the desktop was ati07:19
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raylui'm not too clear on this :(07:19
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Ayabara__raylu: ok. I see that I have the option to configure a secondary display in "Monitor and Display" in system settings.07:20
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Ayabara__anyway. I'll try the reboot thingy first.07:20
raylunp, good luck07:20
leonardo_ternihi guys07:21
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sebsebsebhere it is:07:21
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spark_anyone can help me with playing flash sound in firefox please? :)07:21
ilonanope.. sorry07:22
rayluflash sound?07:22
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rayludo you get any other sound in ff?07:22
sebsebsebraylu:  http://www.pastebin.co.uk/1489607:22
pagspark_, are you using dapper?07:22
raylusebsebseb, i saw it07:22
spark_uhm i don't think so. which other plugins can play sound?07:22
spark_no i use feisty07:23
sebsebsebok  so  I guess it's currupted?07:23
sebsebseband needs editing07:23
raylusebsebseb, are you sure this is your installed menu.lst? it should be in /media/sda5/boot/grub/menu.lst07:23
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raylusebsebseb, was this from /boot/grub/menu.lst or /media/sda5/boot/grub/menu.lst?07:24
rayluspark_, try going to a site with background music07:24
spark_i installed flash plugin as ubuntuusers.de says but i just can't hear any sound with e.g. youtube07:24
sebsebsebsda5 boot grub07:24
spark_hmhm do you have a link?07:24
raylusebsebseb, o.0. do you know anything else about your error? and what was the code again?07:24
sebsebseberror 1707:25
rayluspark_, no, sorry. try closing firefox, killall artsd, restart firefox07:25
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spark_i did it a thousand times before07:25
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rayluspark_, your sound is fine in other apps?07:25
sebsebsebraylu: error 1707:25
raylusebsebseb, i saw. i think instead of (hd0,5)07:26
rayluthey should be (hd0,6)07:26
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sebsebsebhda0,6 is the NTFS partion that I told you about ealtrier07:26
raylusince the /dev numbering starts at 1 but grub numbering starts at 007:26
spark_yipp. really great. but i have to use an own asouncrc to support my 5.1. soundcard07:26
sebsebsebsda6 is  the NTFS I told you about ealrier07:26
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rayluso sda5 is grub's ...wait, that's grub's 407:26
rayluchange it to 4 :P07:26
sebsebsebremind me how,  I can edit that file,  been a while,  and need to be root07:27
rayluspark_, then i'm out of ideas, sorry :p07:27
spark_ok doesn't matter thank you07:27
ilonaokay.. this is to complicated for me :p07:27
raylusebsebseb, kdesu kate, but i'm not sure you need to be root07:27
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rayluoh, wait, use gksudo gedit07:27
sebsebsebwell  really on  Ubuntu  Live CD  so gedit07:27
sebsebsebyes  once cd'd into that directory of course?07:28
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rayluno. you can always open the file after starting gedit07:28
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Ayabara___raylu: a little better when I booted. I could actually see that the background was blue...07:28
rayluactually, cd'ing to that dir will do nothing07:28
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:28
rayluAyabara___, huh?07:28
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Ayabara___raylu: the vga out issue07:29
rayluyou mean that you had some output?07:29
raylui thought you would just have a blank screen or some no input error from the monitor07:29
LilacorI'm core dumping when trying to run kvm, what do I do to resolve this?07:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:29
raylu!find kvm07:29
ubotuFound: linux-image-2.6.20-15-386, linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic, linux-image-2.6.20-15-server, linux-image-2.6.20-15-server-bigiron, ikvm (and 4 others)07:29
Ayabara___yep. it was out of range when I plugged in after boot. garbled blue logon screen when I connected before boot07:29
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Lilacorraylu: :-/07:30
rayluwhat is kvm? lol07:30
sebsebsebchange which bit to what exactly?07:30
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Lilacorraylu: kernel-based virtual machine07:30
raylusebsebseb, (hd0,5) to (hd0,4)07:30
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sebsebseball the hd0,5's?07:30
rayluAyabara___, you could try booting into a livecd and seeing the xorg.conf07:30
raylusebsebseb, yes07:30
raylusebsebseb, actually, only the first is fine07:30
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raylusebsebseb, and if it works, change the other 2 also07:31
sebsebsebwell I changed the 307:31
sebsebsebso save the file and re boot and hopefully Grub will work or?07:31
rayluyes. show me the whole line that you changed?07:32
Ayabara___how do I run the restricted drivers installer on kubuntu?07:32
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sebsebsebI  changed the 3 lines with hd,05  to 0407:32
haydar_Hmm can anyone help me with Cedega + WoW07:32
raylusebsebseb, could you copy/paste the whole line?07:32
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:32
rayluAyabara___, no idea :P07:32
haydar_It works fine until i get ingame07:32
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haydar_1 fps07:32
sebsebsebi'll pastebin the whole thing again07:32
haydar_D: *:(07:32
sebsebsebah  just reolized it's in read only in gedit07:33
sebsebsebso  yes07:33
JuJuBeeAnybody know if it is possible to use ~ ad the tftproot for tftpd-hpa?07:33
rayluhaydar_, you may need to install the driver for your graphics card07:33
sebsebsebneed to gksudo then07:33
raylusebsebseb, oops :(07:33
haydar_I already got it installed07:33
haydar_Wolfenstein Enemy-territory i get 125 FPS07:33
haydar_and on 30+ players 60-9007:34
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rayluhaydar_, what graphics card are you using and what is the driver specified in xorg.conf?07:34
haydar_ATi Radeon 9660007:34
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rayluo.0. i've never tried wow, but i think some people said wine worked just fine for it07:35
haydar_Well i tried wine07:35
haydar_totally crap on wine07:35
haydar_Cedega runs fine07:35
haydar_like on windows07:35
haydar_until i login07:35
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haydar_then it all stutters very bad07:35
haydar_Maybe this is the problem07:35
haydar_I installed WoW with wine07:36
haydar_and i'm doing this in terminal07:36
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raylupossibly. i don't really understand winex since i've never used it07:36
haydar_cedega /...../WoW.exe07:36
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raylueh? why not just cd to the directory with wow.exe and cedega from there?07:37
haydar_Yea i do that07:37
haydar_It works07:37
haydar_only the ingame lag07:37
haydar_makes it unplayble07:37
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haydar_Raylu maybe you know how to trace problems07:37
rayluthe thing is, if you use cedega /.../WoW.exe, you're starting from whatever other directory07:37
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rayluwhich may not contain the other files WoW references07:38
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haydar_C:/Program Files/World Of Warcraft07:38
hakaisouopinion:  WoW is supported better my vanilla Wine than by cedega07:38
haydar_Well maybe it is mine winecfg07:38
rayluthere is no C:/, so i'm not sure what you mean07:38
haydar_the one that wine makes07:38
JuJuBeeCan I use my version of UT2004 from windows to run on linux somehow (natively)?07:39
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raylucd to the wine directory and use just "cedega WoW.exe"07:39
haydar_Yep i did it07:39
rayluJuJuBee, ...no07:39
rayluoh :(07:39
rayluhaydar_, have you tried winehq's instructions for wow07:39
JuJuBeeI have to purchase another copy for linux?07:39
sebsebsebraylu:  here with the changes:  http://www.pastebin.co.uk/1490107:39
rayluJuJuBee, i thought ut2k4 was free for linux07:39
hakaisouraylu:  WTF are you smoking?07:40
JuJuBeeHmmm. didnt know that...07:40
hakaisouand where can I get some?07:40
raylusebsebseb, that looks good.07:40
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rayluoh. the demo is free. sorry :P07:40
hakaisouthere is a linux client?07:40
haydar_Just download it from a random ftp/torrent07:40
sebsebsebok so re boot and it should all work fine?07:41
sebsebsebboot up Ubuntu again07:41
hakaisouraylu, there is a linux client for UT2k4?07:41
rayluJuJuBee, does the cd have a linux-installer.sh?07:41
rayluhakaisou, http://www.linuxelectrons.com/features/reviews/playing-unreal-tournament-2004-linux07:41
raylusebsebseb, yes07:41
JuJuBeeCant find the CD.  Ive moved 3x since I bought it...07:41
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sebsebsebok well thanks if it works,  if not I am coming back07:42
hakaisounative support?07:42
hakaisouEPIC WIN!!!!!07:42
rayludo you have your cdkey (or does ut2k4 not use those)?07:42
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haydar_Do you got the url for the turt on winehq07:42
rayluill find it07:42
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JuJuBeeraylu : have it.07:43
rayluJuJuBee, i suppose you could download the cd07:43
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haydar_I think i just found the problem07:43
raylulol, haydar_, wow is a wine gold application07:43
haydar_Not for 7.0407:44
hakaisouworks just fine for me07:44
Ayabara___hmm. I can't find the restricted drivers manager for kubuntu anywhere. maybe it doesn't exist?07:44
rayluoh. no idea then :(07:44
rayluAyabara___, afaik, it doesn't07:44
haydar_Really i'm getting emo07:44
Ayabara___and of course now I found it07:44
hakaisoui've only had one issue with it in that I can't change my video settings in game lest i crash the game, but i got them preconfigured07:44
raylulol? where is it, Ayabara___?07:44
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Ayabara___"sudo restricted-manager"07:44
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rayluah. must be installed07:45
raylugood to know for later07:45
Ayabara___raylu: after doing "sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic restricted-manager" like the ati howto said07:45
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haydar_Thats not the problem here07:45
haydar_It runs 100% fine07:45
haydar_until it gets ingame07:46
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=== raylu afk, food
haydar_Wish i could trace the problem07:46
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JohnMHi, i was following the instructions on this guide (http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/materiel/liste_portables/toshiba_satellite_pro_p-100-420) to get sound on my laptop, but when i run the 3rd last command in the "rgler le problme de son" section i get 'Error 1' from the 'make' instruction, anyone know what's going wrong?07:49
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sebsebsebstill coming07:55
sebsebsebup with error 1707:55
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haydar_[: 337: 81: unexpected operator07:58
haydar_anyone knows07:58
haydar_what that mean07:58
Chousukedo you have a space after the [ ?07:59
haydar_i just pasted it out of terminal07:59
haydar_like that07:59
haydar_Cedega WoW.exe08:00
Chousukeah, right08:00
Chousukewell I don't know anything about cedega08:00
haydar_Well i have the same on Wine08:00
ChousukeI don't know much about that either.08:00
haydar_;) u know someone that does know :p08:00
LynoureHe does?08:01
Chousukemaybe you should ask on #wine or whatever the channel is08:01
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LynoureCedega probably has support forums of it's own08:02
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haydar_Well .>_<08:02
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seamus_ieI'm trying to use konqueror to trnfer files via ftp but when I open an ftp site (ftp:/username@ftp.site.com) it displays it as a web page. How can I change this to a file browser view?08:03
kakarottocual es la sala en espaol08:04
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K-RyanHey everybody!08:05
kane_hey whats the best way to turn /home into its own partition?08:05
kakarottonecesito ayuda con el mp308:05
kakarottoy los videos08:05
haydar_How, can i test if i got the newest ATi driver avi08:05
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haydar_Maybe its the driver08:05
K-Ryan!es | kakarotto08:05
ubotukakarotto: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:06
K-Ryanhaydar_ Ati driver avi?08:06
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hendauscan anyone help me please08:06
haydar_How do you mean.08:06
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K-RyanWhat do you mean by the "avi" at the end?08:07
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haydar_or something :p08:07
K-RyanOh, alright08:07
K-RyanThought you were talking about .avi, a confused person08:07
haydar_Is there a way to check it . :p08:07
haydar_haha ;)08:07
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K-RyanI haven't used Ati in a while, but you don't use the official drivers right?08:08
K-RyanAh hold on, I might as well look something up before I ramble08:08
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:08
haydar_display: :0.0  screen: 008:08
haydar_OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.08:08
haydar_OpenGL renderer string: RADEON 960008:08
haydar_OpenGL version string: 2.0.6334 (8.34.8)08:08
haydar_Current version08:08
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lucadoes someone here use bibus?08:09
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K-Ryanhaydar_: The first step is to enter the following line in your terminal.08:10
K-Ryansudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic restricted-manager08:10
haydar_Okay its installing08:11
K-RyanThat should take a little while so let me know when that finishes.08:11
haydar_Atm, i have D3 support08:11
haydar_All works08:11
K-RyanOh, right08:11
haydar_Only thing i wanna know if i have the newest version avaliable08:11
K-RyanBy the way, you're running Feisty?08:11
hendaussomebody help me please!08:11
K-Ryanhendadaus: What's the problem?08:12
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K-RyanWell I knew it was Kubuntu =P08:12
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K-Ryanhaydar_: This program is either going to be able to tell you or not, otherwise I'm out of ideas.08:12
mahdiwhat was the name of that kdm replacement?08:12
K-RyanSorry I'm not a linux guru, but I try ;)08:12
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hendausK-Ryan:  i am using kubuntu dapper, and now i have burned the fiesty on cd, what should i do?08:12
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K-Ryanhandaus: Sorry for mispelling your name #108:13
K-RyanDamn it!08:13
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K-Ryanhendaus: Okay, I haven't upgraded from a CD but I know it can be done.08:13
ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)08:13
K-RyanI'll see if that has a walk through for it08:14
hendausK-Ryan: but i have dapper not edgy08:15
jakeguys how do i install a log in theme?08:15
K-RyanIt includes that as well.08:15
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K-Ryanjake: KDE Menu > System settings > Splash Screen08:15
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K-Ryanhendaus: This does not recommend skipping versions, ie. Dapper -> Feisty08:16
K-RyanUnless you plan on using a fresh install.08:16
K-RyanRather than upgrading.08:16
Greeneryi kept getting X Error BadDevice when using Konsole. Is that normal?08:16
hendausK-Ryan:  i am newbie on this, i download now the fiesty 7.4 and burn into a cd, so what can i do to make upgrade08:16
K-Ryanhendaus: What is your primary language?08:17
jakenot the splash screen, i mean the log in screen where you promp to type your password08:17
BluesKajK-Ryan, wouldn't it be safer if he moved his home file to differnt partition than root and then he could just overwrite the OS in / .. ?08:17
K-Ryanjake: same menu.08:17
K-RyanBluesKaj: I wouldn't be able to say, I've never done it.08:17
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hendausK-Ryan:  espanish english08:17
K-RyanHave you tried !es08:18
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K-RyanOh that doesn't work, hold on08:18
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:18
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K-RyanI don't know if it would be easier for you.08:18
BluesKajI tried it and it was successful to some degree but I screwed up mtab so i had to reinstall clean08:18
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K-RyanWell there you go =P08:18
jake<K-Ryan> in what area there? i couldnt see it. it looks like this area is only for splash screens08:18
hendausK-Ryan: i am using kubuntu english, so i want english :)08:19
K-RyanOh wait you mean the actual box?08:19
K-Ryanhendaus: Alright, whichever is easier for you.08:19
BluesKajhehe, well still a noob in some areas :/08:19
K-RyanMe too =P08:19
hendausK-Ryan:  i like english08:19
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K-Ryanjake: you mean the actual pop up box?08:19
K-RyanNot sure if you can change that, if you can I don't know how.08:20
K-RyanAsk around though, I'm sure someone knows.08:20
haydar_I got a mx51908:20
haydar_And i have readen a guide08:20
haydar_it tells me to edit this08:20
haydar_wait paste bin08:20
jakeive searched the forums through the net but i couldnt find the answer for kubuntu useras08:20
hendausK-Ryan:  i am already now08:21
Greeneryshould I worry about the X Error that keeps popping out when I use Konsole?08:21
K-Ryanhendaus: One second08:21
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K-Ryanhendaus: You are just upgrading right, not a clean install?08:21
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hendausK-Ryan:  yes08:22
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Ayabara___bah. tv out from a laptop was not easy (for me)08:23
haydar_:P i dont want another xorg crash08:23
The_MachineI need a recommendation for a video card to be used on a system that is running Kubuntu Feisty..  (I have a budget of about $100).  Should I go ATI or nvidia?  Anyone have a suggestion?08:23
K-RyanCan anyone help haydar_ with a version upgrade from CD?08:23
haydar_not me :p08:23
K-RyanThe_Machine: Nvidia, definitely.08:23
hendausK-Ryan: first i install kubuntu dapper and now i got fiesty and burn it on cd, so what can i do booting from cd or click at start.exe from cd08:23
K-Ryanhendaus: If you reinstall from the CD without making any changes to your current version it will just overwrite everything, not what you want.08:24
K-RyanLike a fresh install.08:24
privetthe "global keyboard shortcuts": in which file is this stored?08:24
hendausK-Ryan:  ok so tell me what can i do?08:25
The_Machineri thought so K-Ryan..  just making sure.  So, nvidia anything?08:25
K-Ryanhendaus: I'm not really that sure, I'm looking through the help though.08:25
K-RyanThe_Machine: That part I'm not sure about, I myself have a GeForce 6600 and it works seemlessly.08:25
K-RyanI'm not sure what the going price is on it.08:26
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hendausK-Ryan:  ok08:26
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K-Ryanhendaus: Sorry I'm not really sure and I wouldn't want to guide you through something I'm not familiar with.08:27
K-RyanKeep asking around though, I'm sure someone can help you.08:28
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lupulneed some help pls. how can i reset the audio driver back to generic?08:28
hendausK-Ryan: ok thanx, i think you are kubuntu helper :)08:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adept-fix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:28
K-Ryanhendaus: I try ;)08:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adeptdix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adpt-fix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:28
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:28
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BluesKajhendaus, the advice i have seen given here is; upgrade to edgy first and then to feisty ..,jumping directly from dapper to feisty is risky08:29
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:30
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hendausBluesKaj:  someone tell me about to burn fiesty into a cd and then install it08:30
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BluesKajhendaus, that's only if you don't need to save your files08:32
hendausBluesKaj:  i dont have anything on my kubutu dapper, coz i made format yesterday08:32
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chris_scummettehow do i have the right to write in the usr/ directory?08:33
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BluesKajyou formatted the dapper partition ?08:33
chris_scummettecheck permissions08:33
chris_scummettewhat does that mean08:33
hendausBluesKaj:  i was using before windows, and yesterday i make format and install kubuntu dapper from a cd08:34
BluesKajchris_scummette, kdesu kate /usr...............08:34
BluesKajin the run command08:35
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chris_scummettedoesnt work08:35
BluesKajhendaus, then just install feisty over dapper08:35
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BluesKajchris_scummette, kdesu kate /usr/filename08:36
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BluesKajwhat's the name of the file chris_scummette ?08:36
rayluchris_scummette, what do you want to do with the file?08:37
chris_scummettei want to copy the file to usr/share/amsn/skins08:44
chris_scummettethis is a zip file08:44
hendausBluesKaj:  from boot cd, or manually from the cd click at start.exe?08:44
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chris_scummetteits on my desktop08:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:44
rayluchris_scummette, use sudo cp file.zip sur/share/amsn/skins08:44
BluesKajhendaus, boot08:44
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rayluBluesKaj, don't you need to upgrade dapper -> edgy first?08:45
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hendausBluesKaj: is necessary to replace dapper to fiesty from sources.list?08:45
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BluesKajraylu, he has no personal files , he just installed dapper yesterday and wants to upgrade to feisty08:45
HaSHhmm anyone know of a good utility to stream music to a shoutcast server?08:45
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HaSHhmm gstreamer will broadcast to a shoutcast server?08:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about icecast - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:45
BluesKajhendaus, the sources list will be autmatically updated when you install feisty , then when it's installed you can edit the sources list by removing the # from the deb repositories08:45
DaSkreech!info icecast08:45
ubotuPackage icecast does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas08:45
HaSHok ok...i have a shoutcast server. im looking for a linux client to broadcast music on here to the shoutcast server...icecast is a server right?08:45
haydar_i made a copy of my xorg.conf08:45
haydar_sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak08:45
mzanfardinoAce2016: thank you for the link.  LiquidWeather with SuperKaramba is pretty slick.  I'd love it if it would automatically cycle through several selected cities, but other than that is does what I need...08:45
haydar_if it crashes08:45
haydar_how do i restore it08:45
haydar_so it uses the backup08:45
hendausBluesKaj:  ok after done fiesty i told, i forgot to tell u if i boot from cd u have to make foramt or not?08:45
rayluHaSH, http://www.shoutcast.com/download/broadcast.phtml08:45
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bsundsrudhaydar_: just sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:45
rayluhaydar_, sudo mv xorg.conf.bak xorg.conf08:45
rayluoh, i suppose cp is better08:45
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HaSHraylu, ...yea i was hoping for a gui.... i have way to much music / way to little time to make a list of each song i want to play.08:45
rayluHaSH, oh :(08:45
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HaSHyea...ive tried many things so far.08:45
HaSHmaby wine with winamp?08:45
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hendausok brb...,!08:45
rayluthat's what i was thinking...08:45
compilerwriterhadar_ just rename the .bak to .conf08:45
david__XMMS is a clone of winamp for linux08:45
rayluor perhaps you could use a different server setup (as in not shoutcast)08:45
HaSHi tried wine with sam..but it didnt work08:45
HaSHdavid__, i know08:45
BluesKajno hendaus when you run feisty you will have  a desktop with an install option on it , then when you follow the instructions just let the installer do the automatic partitioning for you .08:45
HaSHraylu, ...not my desission..08:45
david__oh ok, I butted in halfway through a conversation08:45
chris_scummettei cant unzip it in the destination file08:45
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rayluHaSH, there's really no need for the dj to be on linux08:46
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D_EdHow do I set up GPG keys in Kmail?08:46
bsundsrudhaydar_: if that complains, do sudo cp -f sourcefile destinationfile, which will force the copy08:46
HaSHyea there is08:46
HaSHi use linux and not windows.08:46
=== style is away: Zur Zeit nicht da.
HaSHthere for i should be able to use shoutcast.08:46
bsundsrudhaydar_: where sourcefile and destination file are the xorg.conf's08:46
haydar_i suppose08:46
rayluwhat I meant was that having the server on linux is good08:46
bsundsrudunless you cd /etc/X1108:47
rayluhaving the dj on linux is unnecessary. but i know what you mean08:47
haydar_i'm trying to make my mouse working08:47
alexiconwhere can i add an /etc/init.d/ script for start up?08:47
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HaSHraylu, ...eh i totaly feel dif.....i dont think thats right at all08:47
haydar_but i'm afraid to fuck this up08:47
bsundsrudhaydar_: what kind of mouse?08:47
haydar_because a while ago i tried08:47
raylualexicon, in.../etc/init.d...08:47
bsundsrudextra buttons, or what doesnt work?08:47
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haydar_Mouse4 and mouse508:47
alexiconraylu: if i want the script there to start on boot08:47
haydar_the extra buttons08:47
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haydar_mouse4 works as mouse208:48
haydar_mouse5 works as mouse308:48
haydar_thats not right08:48
alexiconmrrr yeah haydar_ i have an mx1000 and the side buttons used to work, they havent since breezy for me tho08:48
raylualexicon, did you chmod +x?08:48
bsundsrudalexicon: sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/script /etc/rc5.d/51script08:48
alexiconcheers bsundsrud08:48
bsundsrudalexicon: alos08:48
bsundsrudalexicon: er also08:48
compilerwriterhaydar_  One should work with ones Xorg config files the same as one works out ones salvation.  With fear and trembling.  So you should just be careful like you are and work slowly and methodically.  Your idea of backing up along the way is good practise.  You can do it my friend.08:48
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | Kubuntu 7.04 Released!
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Jucato at Thu May 10 12:05:47 2007
(bsundsrud/#kubuntu) alexicon: you chmod +x it?08:50
(bsundsrud/#kubuntu) the file, not the link08:50
(haydar_/#kubuntu) i got a tut08:50
(bsundsrud/#kubuntu) ok08:50
(haydar_/#kubuntu) http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#Activate_side-mouse-buttons_in_FireFox08:50
(bsundsrud/#kubuntu) then just take backups and you'll do fine08:50
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(alexicon/#kubuntu) yeah they all work and have the right mods08:50
(haydar_/#kubuntu) But its for firefox08:51
(bsundsrud/#kubuntu) good good08:51
(alexicon/#kubuntu) just needed to add it to the boot up08:51
(haydar_/#kubuntu) i need it for games tbh08:51
(haydar_/#kubuntu) :P08:51
(bsundsrud/#kubuntu) haha08:51
(haydar_/#kubuntu) Dunno if this is going to make it work08:51
(haydar_/#kubuntu) in games08:51
(haydar_/#kubuntu) :'[ what a hell of a job this rofl :D08:51
bsundsrudim used to editing xorg.confs now, i can whip one up from scratch.  Dual monitors in ubuntu is something they should really work on08:52
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alexiconmake sure you keep copies of all your config files once you get it working haydar ;)08:52
bsundsrudFedora and SuSE handle them fine, but i have to craft my own xorg for (k)ubuntu08:52
haydar_i pray for me08:52
haydar_i'm restarting X08:52
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haydar_I think it worked :D08:53
haydar_i restarted X08:53
haydar_and it went fine08:53
bsundsrudctrl alt backspace?08:53
bsundsrudwell if you still have a mouse, thats a good sign. how bout scrolling?08:54
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haydar_works fine08:54
bsundsrudgood deal08:54
haydar_Its easy08:55
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haydar_But yea the fear :p08:55
haydar_of booting into textmode08:55
rayluoh no. a console. it's terrible.08:55
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haydar_its black mesa :(08:55
bsundsrudi love the console08:56
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bsundsrudthe power...08:56
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haydar_yea 2 powerful imo08:56
bsundsrudwith great power comes great responsibility08:56
haydar_i'm using kubuntu for 3 days now08:56
haydar_:P i just had enough of winXP08:57
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linenoisewith great power also comes hot women08:57
raylutried vista yet?08:57
haydar_780 MB RAM08:57
raylulinenoise, i couldn't find any hot girls in su :(08:57
linenoisejust sitting?08:57
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rayluthat's because of superfetch08:57
haydar_but games where like08:57
haydar_1/2 FPS08:57
bsundsrudlinenoise: theres a definite lack of hot women in linux, unfortunately :)08:57
rayluthe ram usage _seems_ high, that's all.08:57
rayluoh yeah. it's also bad for gaming08:57
bsundsrudnot to disparage any ladies here08:57
haydar_and i game alot :P08:58
haydar_Q3 Engine08:58
haydar_and WoW08:58
chris_scummettehow do i extract a zip file into another file?08:58
haydar_but WoW i just cant get it working good08:58
pulaskiI'm running ubuntu server 7.04 w/ LAMP08:58
rayluhttp://www.patrick.fremont.ca.us/media/linux/ (NSFW, I think)08:58
haydar_its a common issue atm08:58
bsundsrudwhat kind of zip chris_scummette?08:58
linenoiseyeah.... the less women look like RMS the better... no offense RMS if you're lurking... I'm just sayin....  That's a wizard of a beard08:58
chris_scummettea zipped file08:58
bsundsrudchris_scummette: a .zip or a .gz or .bz2?08:58
rayluchris_scummette, you could always double-click on it08:58
bsundsrudchris_scummette: which are all 'zipped'08:58
pulaskiI've made ~/public_html the dir from wich pages are served08:59
bsundsrudyeah double clicking will open ark, most likely08:59
chris_scummettenope i need the console command cause i cant access the destination folder without bieing su08:59
chris_scummettea zip, of course;)08:59
raylupulaski, depending on your server, I don't think ~ is valid08:59
rayluchris_scummette, kdesu konqueror08:59
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rayluchris_scummette, and as long as you're unzipping to somewhere where you have write access, you don't even need to be root09:00
bsundsrudchris_scummette: or if you really wanna do the console, sudo unzip file.zip -d /path/you/want/it/in09:00
chris_scummetteno protocol specified :(09:00
haydar_What mediaplayer09:00
pulaskican someone show me a doc that will show how to configure apache2 so it will execute cgi scripts from ~/public_html/cgi-bin?09:00
haydar_do you guys use09:00
raylukaffeine, vlc, winamp and, occasionally, wmp09:01
bsundsrudhaydar_: kaffeine is pretty good usually, i use VLC in windows09:01
haydar_VLC in windows is much better09:01
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haydar_then the Nix version09:01
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haydar_in nix it feels " cheap "09:01
chris_scummetteNice raylu09:01
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bsundsrudhaydar_: or, mplayer with kplayer frontend09:02
rayluchris_scummette, np09:03
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haydar_Good news09:03
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haydar_works like a charm09:04
haydar_and mouse509:04
haydar_all :D09:04
haydar_i can finally /kill ingame keke :P09:04
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tee-zetthi, i have some difficulties with my wlan - it always forgets the WEP key09:04
chris_scummettewahts does -d stand for ?09:04
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tee-zettin which config file should be stored best?09:05
raylutee-zett, are you using knetworkmanager?09:05
haydar_my wishlist atm : patch q3 engine with alsa09:05
rayluchris_scummette, in what? unzip?09:05
tee-zettnot yet, raylu09:05
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raylutee-zett, then what is asking for your wep key?09:05
rayluchris_scummette, unzip --help09:05
raylu--help works on almost everything09:05
chris_scummettei just want to understand what commands i type09:05
tee-zetti set the key with iwconfig09:06
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rayluchris_scummette, if that doesn't work, man unzip09:06
tee-zettcause knetworkmanager did not work09:06
chris_scummetteit worked09:06
chris_scummettei just wanted to understand how this works09:06
raylutee-zett, kmenu>system settings>network settings>select network properties>specify wep key09:06
chris_scummettetyping back stupidly is dumb i think09:07
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chris_scummettei try to understand the way it goes09:07
rayluchris_scummette, did you read "man unzip"?09:07
raylupgdown, pgup, and q09:08
rayluuse those to navigate manpages09:08
rayluor up and down, i suppose09:08
tee-zettraylu: this is the same dialog like in knetworkmanager09:08
raylutee-zett, it is :P09:08
raylutee-zett, after specifying your key, save it and let it save the network settings. it hasn't asked me for my wep key since09:08
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tee-zettraylu, there the key was stored, but it always forgets the gateway adress09:09
raylutee-zett, oh...have you specified that?09:09
tee-zettyes, what else?09:10
tee-zettdhcp did not work09:10
rayluo.0 :(09:11
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tee-zetti found that settings are stored in /etc/network/interfaces09:12
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tee-zettbut i could not find where the key is set there09:12
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rayluyou may want to try looking for the ascii/hex version (whichever you're not searching for)09:13
tee-zettthat's not really different - but i need the general setting09:14
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=== style is away: Zur Zeit nicht da.
rayluoh...heh, perhaps i should take a look09:16
rayluwireless-essid 2WIRE66809:16
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rayluwireless-key 123456789009:16
rayluthat's what i have09:16
tee-zettwhere is this? in /etc/network/interfaces?09:16
rayluperhaps you could just stick it in there09:17
tee-zettthanks, i will try - this is also WEP?09:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kwifimanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:17
rayluyou could also try that, though09:17
raylu!info kwifimanager09:17
ubotukwifimanager: wireless lan manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu9 (feisty), package size 234 kB, installed size 800 kB09:17
tee-zettthen this should work - i just found the settings for wpa09:18
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Ayabara____anyone know how I can revert/reconfigure my xorg.conf automatically?09:18
LjL!xconfig > Ayabara____    (Ayabara____, see the private message from Ubotu)09:19
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rayluLjL, who maintains the bot?09:19
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Ayabara____LjL: thanks in this channel too :-)09:20
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LjLraylu: Dennis Kaarsemaker09:20
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux09:21
rayluit's been fixed09:21
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LjLwhat's been fixed?09:22
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K-RyanI'm back09:23
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rayluthe chmod command09:24
rayluit used to talk about su09:24
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michael__okay something is way messsed up09:25
michael__i just restarted and thins are taking like 3min to load a webpage09:25
michael__and konqueror says its running at 2.6kb/s09:25
michael__any ideas ?09:25
K-RyanWhat did you do before you restarted?09:25
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K-RyanIs it all internet requiring applications?09:26
michael__re installed wine i believe09:26
michael__yeh konqueror/firefox09:26
K-RyanBad internet?09:26
michael__real slow09:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:26
michael__actually nevermind, its randomly working again09:26
rayluchris_scummette, trying to play an mp3?09:26
chris_scummettewhere can i fond the codecs for amarok09:26
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chris_scummettelol yep09:26
K-RyanStrange, somebody probably hit a pole or something michael__ =P09:26
rayluwhen you play an mp3, doesn't it ask you to install it?09:26
K-RyanNo raylu09:26
chris_scummetteyes but it crashes09:27
K-RyanIt just doesn't09:27
K-RyanWell it didn't for me at least..09:27
chris_scummetteadept has it i think09:27
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raylusudo aptitude install libxine-extracodecs09:27
michael__ive installed like every codec possible09:27
raylu(i think)09:27
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michael__i installed all the ubuntu-studio things and thennn all the codecs09:28
K-Ryanjust go for libxine-extracodecs09:28
K-Ryanraylu what's aptitude for?09:28
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ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide09:29
K-RyanOh, that's neat09:29
raylui don't know why people prefer apt-get09:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gogo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:30
raylu!info gogo09:30
ubotugogo: mp3 encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.39b-7 (feisty), package size 280 kB, installed size 736 kB (Only available for i386)09:30
K-RyanI don't think people know about aptitude09:30
rayluwhat would you do if your mp3 was tagged "encoded with gogo"09:30
peyoteIs it possible to use synaptic with aptitude as a backend?09:30
rayluthe veterans in here and on websites often show commands with apt-get09:30
raylupeyote, that makes no sense. both of them are just apt backends09:31
rayluaptitude is a frontend09:31
raylu*are just using apt as backends09:31
peyotei mean to get the dependencies manged by aptitude... so unneeded packages are removed if main packet is deleted09:31
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raylui think synaptic might do that by itself...though i never really used it unless i had to09:32
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peyoteok, will have a look thanks..09:32
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Ayabara____when I choose monitor #2 in my "Monitor & Display" setup, is that the settings for my vga output?09:38
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Ayabara____after I configure that one I get a Section "Monitor" and a Section "Screen" in my xorg.conf09:40
rayluit depends on where you specify the identifier09:40
cox377_can someone look @ this pastebin and see what i'm doing wrong with my java?09:40
raylucox377_, install one of those...09:41
BlackBsddoes the kubuntu knetwork manager use wpa supplicant?09:41
cox377_raylu: but i've got JRE6 installed09:41
BlackBsdif so where does it store its configuration, so i can ripp off the settings09:41
raylucox377_, do you know where?09:41
cox377_raylu: i installed it via apt-get09:42
raylucox377_, i'm sure there's a better way, but you could go into adept, click the package you installed, show details, and look at installed files09:42
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cox377_raylu: once i've done that what do i do?09:43
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cox377_raylu: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts09:43
cox377_thats the command i used09:43
raylugo into adept, click the package you installed, show details, and look at installed files09:43
raylu(in this case, sun-java6-jre)09:44
hendausBluesKaj:  ok i insert the cd fiesty and then i click install and after  minutes it appears a new desktop, then my connection cannot work , i dont know hwy09:44
blekos_hi, i've run this blekos@blekos-laptop:/media/My Book/Backup$ sudo rsync -arvu /home /etc /opt09:44
blekos_but i just see my /  to be 1 gb less09:44
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Ace2016cox377_: did you run this after you installed it? sudo update-alternatives --config java09:45
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raylublekos_, rsync sends files...so, I don't understand the question09:46
ubuntuNeed help. Is there any why to open a harddrive in linux that are used to Windows?09:46
blekos_well, i thought i asked it to send file to my usb hd but i cant see them09:46
Ace2016ubuntu: mount it09:47
rayluubuntu, yes, linux can read ntfs09:47
Ace2016ubuntu: you can read and write to fat32, only read on ntfs09:47
cox377_raylu: http://pastebin.ca/50088009:47
SlimeyPeteAce2016: you can read on ntfs too.09:47
BluesKajhendaus, perhaps Ace2016 can help with eth0 , I'm not very good at network stuff09:47
ubuntuOnly getting an error message...09:47
raylubut it's buggy/unstable09:47
cox377_raylu: i've copied it down from "installed files"09:47
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:47
Ace2016SlimeyPete: my guess is ubuntu is using the live cd09:47
blekos_if lets say, i had made a mistkake and asked rsync to send files to the same directory from which, it gets its date09:47
blekos_what would happen?09:48
SlimeyPeteraylu: not really. It's fine fo esktop use. Wouldn't want to use it on a workstation yet, though.09:48
SlimeyPeteAce2016: ah right. Good point.09:48
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raylu[14:45:20]  <Ace2016> cox377_: did you run this after you installed it? sudo update-alternatives --config java09:48
ubuntuMount. Cant find \dev\hdal in \etc\fstab or \etc\mtab... What is wrong_09:49
rayluSlimeyPete, the point is, you risk data loss09:49
cox377_raylu: when i run that command the different java's arn't listed09:49
rayluubuntu, what command did you run?09:49
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cox377_raylu: my lie09:49
raylucox377_, huh?09:49
cox377_There is only 1 program which provides java09:49
cox377_(/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java). Nothing to configure.09:49
rayluubuntu, what did you type in to mount09:50
ubuntujust did right click on the hard drive and pressed mount...09:50
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rayluubuntu, where did you right-click it from?09:50
ubuntusystem menu09:50
raylucox377_, for me, java is installed in /usr/bin/java09:51
cox377_: (09:51
rayluubuntu, you mean /media?09:51
raylu*storage media?09:51
raylucox377_, as in the executable is there. i assume it's a link to something else09:51
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rayluubuntu, do you know the name of the device that you want to mount? like sda1?09:52
Ace2016ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java /usr/bin/java should do it09:52
ubuntuYou mean what it's name on windows_09:52
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ayreon81forgothello doods! :)09:52
rayluubuntu, er...ok, do this: ls /dev | grep sda09:53
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raylu[14:52:16]  <Ace2016> ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java /usr/bin/java should do it09:53
hendausAce2016: i have kubuntu dapper installed, and now i have burn the fiesty on a cd, i boot the fiesty from cd and hit install,after 10 minutes it appears the desktop and connection failed :(, the i make restart and it shows on the black screen umount is busy and cannot find09:53
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cox377_raylu: for me?09:54
ubunturaylu, where to pu that command?? :S09:54
raylucox377_, yes.09:55
rayluubuntu, are you in kubuntu or ubuntu? are you on a livecd?09:55
cox377_raylu: ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/bin/java' to `/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java': File exists09:55
ubuntulivecd kubuntu09:55
raylucox377_, try "which java"09:55
rayluubuntu, alt+f2, konsole09:55
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ubuntuok, when I insert the command there I only get a black screen window...09:56
raylucox377_, actually, that command is backwards09:56
cox377_raylu: literally "which java" in the command?09:56
raylucox377_, reverse the two. and yes, literally09:56
rayluubuntu, are you sure? what happens when you type: ls /dev09:57
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cox377_raylu: lol sorry man, java which?09:57
ubuntuyellow text appear XD09:57
hendausbrb ....09:57
raylucox377_, if "which java" returns nothing, do the ln command but reverse the two arguments09:57
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raylucox377_, the ln commmand was the one that was backwards, sorry09:57
cox377_so "java which"09:57
ubunturaylu, a lot of text appear.09:57
Ace2016raylu and cox377, run file /usr/bin/java && file /etc/alternatives/java  this will show you whats going on09:57
raylucox377_, no, "which java"09:57
Ace2016i'm guessing cox377 has a borken symlink there09:58
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rayluo.0, why does mine point to /etc/alternatives/java?09:58
cox377_raybash: which java: command not found09:58
rayluubuntu, ok, now run the command: ls /dev | grep -i da09:58
cox377_raylu: ***09:59
Ace2016raylu and cox377, run file /usr/bin/java && file /etc/alternatives/java  && file /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun       this will clear it up,09:59
ubuntuok, and then__09:59
Ace2016its just a mess of symlinks, if one is broken it won't work09:59
rayluubuntu, what does it say?09:59
rayluthat's like...a quadruple symlink...10:00
ubuntuhda, hda1, hda2, hda5, ptyda, ttyda10:00
cox377_Ace2016: umm you want me to pastebin the results?10:00
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rayluubuntu, ok, do you know which is your windows partition?10:00
raylucox377_, i think you can just paste them here10:00
cox377_cox377@cox377-desktop:~$ file /usr/bin/java && file /etc/alternatives/java  && file /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun10:00
cox377_/usr/bin/java: broken symbolic link to `/etc/alternatives/java'10:00
cox377_/etc/alternatives/java: broken symbolic link to `/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java'10:00
cox377_/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun: symbolic link to `java-6-sun-'10:00
rayluubuntu, cd /media10:00
rayluubuntu, sudo mkdir hda510:01
rayluubuntu, sudo mount /dev/hda5 hda510:01
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dwidmann/etc/alternatives/java is a symlink to your default jvm, set by the update-alternatives command10:01
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cox377_dwidmann: as in "sudo update-alternatives --config java"10:02
rayluhe could just manually symlink /etc/alternatives/java to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun10:02
ubuntuError : Could not enter folder /media/hda510:03
rayluubuntu, on which command?10:03
cox377_lol think i've bust it10:03
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ubuntuafter the mount command10:03
Ace2016raylu: maybe the best thing would be is to install anotehr java package, then alternatives realises it needs the symlink and fixes itself, and then he could run   sudo update-alternatives --config java   to pick java 6 again10:03
dwidmanncox, you'd need the full path to the binary probably, so tack /bin/java onto the end of that path and you should have it10:03
rayluubuntu, what does ls show?10:04
ubuntuWhen I try to acces the folder or?10:04
rayluAce2016, but we know which symlink is broken and it's a 1-line fix10:04
rayluubuntu, ...when you type "ls"10:04
cox377_Ace2016: i installed 1.4, when running the alternative command it allowe me to select 6 again10:05
ubuntuhda1 hda2 hda510:05
Ace2016raylu: but if he ever updates java its going to mess it up again10:05
rayluubuntu, and you couldn't mount it with "sudo mount /dev/hda5 hda5"10:05
rayluAce2016, if he updates java, won't it update the symlink from alternatives?10:05
rayluubuntu, are you sure the error you showed me wasn't from cd hda5?10:06
ubuntuwhen I try cd /media/hda5, I get message : Permission denied10:06
rayluoh...lol, that's what i thought :P10:06
rayluyou said that was the error you got from using mount10:06
ubuntuops XD10:06
rayluyou can either browse it as root or10:06
ubuntuhow to do that_10:06
raylusudo chown ubuntu hda510:07
rayluusing kdesu konqueror10:07
raylu(to browse as root)10:07
Ace2016raylu: doubt it since when he just installed java v6 and it didn't create the correct symlink10:07
raylu(sudo chown ubuntu hda5 assumes your username is ubuntu)10:07
rayluAce2016, i guess.10:07
dogatemycomputerraylu: this conversation seems familliar :)10:08
rayludogatemycomputer, i remember you from yesterday, though i can't remember having a conversation likes this10:08
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ubuntudo not work when using konqueror...10:09
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Ace2016sudo fdisk -l, find the fat32 or ntfs partition in the middle of that and remember what its /dev/* was, then do cd /media, sudo mkdir win, then sudo mount /dev/whatever win, then go into win and play about,10:09
rayluubuntu, you must use kdesu konqueror (alt+f2)10:09
rayluAce2016, he has it mounted, but its owned by root10:09
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dwidmannraylu: always bugs me that everyone does everything the hard way .... just say $USER instead of replace this with that or assuming such and such ... saves so much time ;)10:10
rayluubuntu, i think you should use "sudo chown ubuntu hda5" after cd /media (assuming you're username is ubuntu)10:10
dogatemycomputerraylu: I was referring to the guy who was trying to access a fat32 partition.. and he kept getting "access denied" errors even after changing changing ownership..10:10
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rayluoh. i forgot about $USER10:11
rayludogatemycomputer, i might have been idle for that10:11
dogatemycomputerraylu:  i was online last week though.. so its been a while and i'm sure you've helped dozens since..10:11
rayluare you sure you weren't online yester?10:11
dogatemycomputerraylu: you were helping the guy although I can't remember his name.10:11
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dogatemycomputerraylu: nope..  i only connect from the office.. and I had friends from out of town.  I haven't been here for like 4 days.10:12
dogatemycomputerraylu: just seems to be a common problem with linux.  the whole mounting process should be easier.10:12
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rayluthe again, in windows, it mounts it for you...you just don't really get to specify the mount point if it screws up10:13
rayluor any mount options...10:13
rayluor get any debug info on what happened...10:13
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dogatemycomputerraylu: lol..  you are absolutely right..10:14
rayluwhat we need is a mount gui...10:15
dogatemycomputerraylu: not bashing linux.. just think its something we could do better for the average.. ummm..  user.10:15
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dogatemycomputerraylu: exactly.10:15
dogatemycomputerraylu: something stupid-proof..10:15
ubunturaylu, how the check username on the livecd?? XD10:15
rayluubuntu, use $USER10:15
rayluyou can also get your username in the konsole:10:16
rayluraylu is my username, foor is my computer name10:16
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dragananyone played with mirrors and repos?10:19
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rayludragan, sort of...why?10:20
draganI have downloaded whole feisty repo by apt-mirror10:20
rayluo.0...you asked this not too long ago, didn't you?10:21
dragannow I want to use it as file repo.. not web/local repo10:21
draganyes :-)10:21
draganstill no answer ...10:21
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rayluhave you tried pasting it to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/?10:21
draganhmmmm what will that do?10:22
rayluif it comes down to it, you could always install them manually with dpkg10:22
rayludragan, i _think_ that's where apt downloads packages to before installing them10:22
draganyes.. but since I wish to share that with other people...10:22
raylushare them..how?10:22
rayluon a LAN?10:22
draganas repo... via usb rack10:23
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draganwith people with no net.10:23
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draganwould symlink do? that with /sources.list.d ?10:23
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rayludragan, no, that'd only be for yourself10:23
raylua repos is out of the option if they have no net, i think10:24
draganln -s /media/usb/repostuff /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?10:24
draganor it is other way around :-)10:24
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draganI use mc for that :-)10:25
rayluthe usb rack connects one usb hd with multiple computers?10:25
Daisuke-Idoraylu: no it isn't, check out aptoncd10:25
jrickI have a problem with kalzium.  Whenever I try to export a spectrum for an element as an image, kalzium crashes.  I think this is because a dependancy is not satisified.  Can anyone help?10:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aptoncd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:25
drknshas anyone can help me with the blackberry?10:25
rayluDaisuke-Ido, ?10:25
draganno.. usb rack is for external drive raylu10:25
raylujrick, check the suggested packages10:25
drknsare there any software that i can use to recharge and use blackberry10:25
draganone sata drive of 160GB10:25
jrickraylu where is that?10:25
raylujrick, in adept-manager, choose the kalzium package and show details10:26
jrickok, let me check10:26
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draganI just want to avoid having to install apache... and just link those repo files like for example DVD is added in sources.list10:27
jrickok, adept isn't loading, i think i need to restart (again)10:27
Daisuke-Idojrick: don't10:27
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Daisuke-Idothe solution in linux isn't "oh it doesn't work, time for a reboot"10:28
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jricki know there's a command, but i don't know what it is10:28
Daisuke-Idothen *ask*10:28
draganmay billy be with you jrick ;-)10:28
jrickok, what is the command?10:28
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rayluwhat happens when you load adept?10:28
SlimeyPetejrick: it might be worth installing synaptic. I find that it's more stable10:29
Daisuke-Idotry going into ksysguard10:29
Daisuke-Idoand see if adept is running10:29
draganor type ps -aux | grep adept10:29
Daisuke-Idodragan's is quicker, i was just going the gui route.10:29
draganis shortcut for ksysguard10:30
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Daisuke-Idodragan: apparently not by default in feisty10:30
Daisuke-Idoctrl+esc brings up the kmenu10:30
draganhmmm is so... worked for me on laptop...10:30
draganbut I will have to check...10:30
rayluo.0, ctrl+esc is for windows start menu10:30
raylui don't remember having to configure ctrl+esc either, though10:31
Daisuke-Idoah, that would explain it.10:31
Daisuke-Idoit's a behaviour thing10:31
rayluyou set it to windows?10:31
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Daisuke-Idoi did, to make it easier for my girlfriend to use.10:32
jrickyeah, it's an apt-get problem.  If I remember correctly, something is locked (like in use) and anything apt-get related (adept, synaptic) won't load.10:32
Daisuke-Idomaybe it's time to switch it back10:32
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draganyes.. there can be only one apt-get process10:33
raylujrick, sudo dpkg --configure -a10:33
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jrickah, that looks familiar.10:33
draganjust kill another adept process10:33
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draganif it is active10:33
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raylu(don't kill adept_notifier)10:33
rayluactually, kill it anyway10:34
draganas I said....10:34
dragantype ps -aux | grep adept10:34
jrickhmmm, still not loading10:34
jrickI did that10:34
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draganthat will help us speed up diagnostic10:34
draganand what was reply?10:34
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jrickuh, where's the pastebin?10:35
draganit should read something lik this10:35
dragan ps -aux | grep adept10:36
draganWarning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html10:36
draganroot      6362 32.0  4.4  80664 45808 ?        Rl   22:35   0:04 adept_manager10:36
dragandragan    6474  0.0  0.0   2800   756 pts/3    R+   22:35   0:00 grep adept10:36
jrickok, mine looks like this10:36
jrickjoshua   25956  0.0  1.1  26436 12136 ?        S    16:26   0:00 kdesu -u root -c adept_manager10:36
jrickjoshua   26071  0.0  1.1  26436 12140 ?        S    16:30   0:00 kdesu -u root -c adept_manager10:36
jrickjoshua   26153  0.3  1.1  26432 12132 ?        S    16:34   0:00 kdesu -u root -c adept_manager10:36
jrickjoshua   26173  0.0  0.0   2884   752 pts/1    R+   16:34   0:00 grep adept10:36
draganyou have not 2 but 3 processes :-)10:36
Daisuke-Idojrick: killall adept_manager10:36
draganwith sudo first10:36
dragansudo killall adept_manager10:36
Daisuke-Idoshouldn't even need sudo for that10:37
draganhas to...10:37
Daisuke-Idohis account launched the processes10:37
dragansee ownership10:37
Daisuke-Idoyeah, sudo :D10:37
ThePhantomExcuse me, I have a problem with my bluetooth dongle in ubuntu 7.04. When I put the dongle in usb port, I read in hall terminal a flood of this error message: hci_scodata_packet: hci0 packet unknown connection handle 92.10:37
ThePhantomwhat can I do?10:37
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jrickadept_manager: no process killed10:37
draganbuy another bt dongle :-)10:37
draganunknown connection handle 9210:38
ThePhantomthe dongle work!10:38
dragannot reckoginzed10:38
ThePhantomI can send and receive file10:38
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Daisuke-Idoit works in ubuntu?10:38
draganhmm in that case ignore error messages10:38
Daisuke-Idoso...  what's the problem?10:38
ThePhantomin gnome it works10:38
rayluThePhantom, dont run it in a terminal?10:38
Daisuke-Idothen if it doesn't work in kde, there's something not installed10:39
Daisuke-Idosearch in adept for something related to bluetooth10:39
ThePhantomThe problem is when i connect the dongle10:39
rayluno, the issue isn't that it doesn't work10:39
mat1980what about kdar? I can't find it in the repository of feisty. There is a package that provide it?10:39
raylumat1980, what's kdar?10:39
raylu!find kdar10:39
dragansudo kill -9 25956 26071 26153 jrick10:39
ubotuPackage/file kdar does not exist in feisty10:39
ThePhantomin terminal i read a flood of message10:39
rayluThePhantom, what happens if you close the terminal?10:40
mat1980kdar is a frontend for dar, a program for advanced backup10:40
ThePhantomwhen I press CTRL+ALT+F110:40
Daisuke-IdoThePhantom: if it works, ignore the messages.10:40
draganThePhantom: just ignore them.. if it works..10:40
ThePhantomno, I can't use any terminal10:40
LjLmat1980: kdar is not available in the repositories anymore due to being kind of unmaintained, and incompatible with the current version of dar10:40
rayluthere is tty2...10:40
ThePhantombecause i see this message10:40
rayluand 3, 4, 5, 610:40
Daisuke-IdouBUH...  you could have mentioned this *first*10:40
mat1980LjL: oh... ok... thanks... do you know some alternative?10:41
jrickdragan: ERROR: garbage process ID "jrick".10:41
ThePhantomtty1,2,3,4,5,6 is not accessible for this message10:41
ThePhantomtty1,2,3,4,5,6 is not accessible cause this message10:41
draganthen kill them one by one10:41
raylujrick, sudo killall kdesu10:41
Daisuke-IdoThePhantom: so get a new dongle10:41
draganlist them all first10:41
jrickoh, i should use jrick at the end.10:41
draganand sudo kill -9 procUID10:42
raylulol, Daisuke-Ido, that's not helpful10:42
ThePhantomI can't do anythings?10:42
Daisuke-Idoraylu: i'm still trying to figure out what the problem is10:42
jrickno, adept still doesn't work.10:42
rayluall his ttys are being flooded with msgs and he can't use them10:42
LjLmat1980: not really... but "apt-cache rdepends dar" shows a couple of (non-kde) programs10:42
raylujrick, did you try my command?10:43
ThePhantomraylu: yes! this is the problem10:43
Daisuke-Idoeither it works or it doesn't, and if it works, he has multiple ttys he can use, just by unplugging the usb dongle, which does not need to be plugged in all the time.10:43
jrickjust did10:43
rayluThePhantom, have you tried google?10:43
raylujrick, did it kill anything? have you tried adept since then?10:43
jrickno, adept still stalls10:43
ThePhantomYes I tried on google, onubuntu forum but, i can't find the solution10:44
rayluand ksysguard/ps now shows no adepts?10:44
rayluThePhantom, brand of dongle?10:44
draganjrick: you MUST kill them alll BEFORE starting NEW adept process10:44
raylu(i assume he knows that)10:44
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ThePhantomno brand...10:45
rayluoh. i meant model anyway :p10:45
ThePhantomon windows I use widcomm driver10:45
jrickok, now I have this:10:45
jrickWarning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html10:45
jrickjoshua   26420  0.1  1.1  26432 12128 ?        S    16:43   0:00 kdesu -u root -c adept_manager10:45
jrickjoshua   26456  0.0  0.0   1676   196 pts/1    R+   16:44   0:00 grep adept10:45
draganok... sudo kill -9 2642010:45
rayluand why is a grep still running?10:45
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rayluwait. nevermind.10:45
draganit is ok10:46
mat1980LjL: thanks a lot! it doesn't matter if they are non-kde.10:46
jrickok, only grep is running now10:46
jrickshould I open adept?10:46
dragannow start adept from konsole10:46
dragansudo adept10:46
michiis this also a help channel??10:46
rayluum...adept_manager is gui10:46
draganno official michi10:46
rayluand adept isn't a command :P10:46
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Daisuke-Idoand start gui apps with kdesu rather than sudo10:47
draganyes.. I know... but sudo is shorter ;-)10:47
rayluDaisuke-Ido, but that won't give error output, will it?10:47
jrickyes. adept opens10:47
Daisuke-Idoraylu: it also won't bork configs in some apps10:47
jricknow back to my orriginal problem...10:47
rayluoh...so maybe he didn't know dragan :(10:47
raylujrick, find the details on whatever app that was...10:48
ThePhantomis I try "hcidump" I read a flood of this message: SCO data: handle 92 dlen 4810:48
jrickum, adept won't let me make changes.10:48
raylujrick, kdesu it10:48
jrickoh, i need to be root :)10:48
dragano YEAH10:48
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draganif you really want to mess up things... you have to use THE POWER ;-)10:49
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ThePhantomis impossible to solve my problem?10:49
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jrickyeah, I ran it without the sudo command.10:49
jrickand now it won't open...10:49
lupulis there anyway i can edit the right click menu in feisty?10:50
lupulright click on the desktop10:50
draganyou have anotherone running.... jrick10:50
draganONLY ONE can run jrick10:50
jrickyeah, i know that by now.10:50
Ace2016lupul: i think that might be hard coded, but ask in #kde they should know10:50
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jrickwhat do I need to kill now?10:53
jrickWarning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html10:53
jrickjoshua   26625  0.0  1.1  26436 12132 ?        S    16:50   0:00 kdesu -u root -c adept_manager10:53
jrickjoshua   26633  0.2  1.1  26436 12132 ?        S    16:52   0:00 kdesu -u root -c adept_manager10:53
jrickjoshua   26641  0.0  0.0   2884   748 pts/1    R+   16:53   0:00 grep adept10:53
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DraxNSfirst 210:54
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jrickthe command?10:54
DraxNS26625 and 2664110:54
DraxNSoh boy10:54
humanZd@r3c all10:54
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DraxNSsudo kill -9 procID10:54
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ThePhantomexcuse me, I can trash my dongle?10:55
ThePhantomno solution???10:55
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DraxNSguess not.. as in not now10:55
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ThePhantomI come back to windows... douch10:55
DraxNSright app for right hw ;-)10:55
jricknope, still doesn't open.10:56
jrickI know restarting will solve it, though.10:56
jrickit kills everything10:56
DraxNSyou have messed it up good10:56
DraxNSwill you teach me :_)10:56
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DraxNSoh darn keyboard10:57
jrickhaha I use dvorak10:57
DraxNSnock yourself out... :-)10:57
jrickmuch more accurate10:57
jrick...then QWERTY10:57
DraxNSahem.. it is easy to blame keyboard for typos ;-)10:58
jrickok, restarting.10:58
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linija2Hi... anyone know how to change permission to "READ-ONLY FILE SYSTEM"??? thanks11:02
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papatomZd@r3c all11:02
raylulinija2, there is a read-only mount flag11:03
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linija2in fstab?11:03
raylufor the mount command11:03
raylueither -r or -o ro11:04
linija2sorry... nooob... what does that mean?11:04
linija2trying to install in /var dir11:04
linija2says "read-only file system11:04
rayluyou said you wanted to change the permission TO read-only11:05
rayluyou want to make it writable?11:05
linija2YES :)11:05
rayluoh. in that case, it's probably read-only because it's ntfs11:05
rayluis it?11:05
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rayluok, explain what you mean: [16:04:28]  <linija2> trying to install in /var dir11:05
papatomNevte jak se d naisntaloval firefox ? Mam teprve 1 den kubuntu a nevim jak se instaluje11:06
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papatompls help11:06
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linija2partitioned /boot with 100MB then "encrypted" hda for the rest11:06
linija2boots fine11:06
linija2runs fine11:06
linija2trying to install kde-core and it won't finish11:06
raylupapatom, what language?11:07
linija2says error /var "read only file system11:07
raylulinija2, i take /var to be the mount point...what's mounted there?11:07
raylu!cz | papatom11:07
ubotupapatom: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.11:07
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linija2installed plain debian base system... now trying to install GUI and did apt-get install kde-core11:08
raylulinija2...what's mounted at /var?11:08
raylu...then how can it be read-only?11:08
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raylutype mount in a terminal and show me the output for /var11:09
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linija2ohh.. one sec.. it's on my laptop11:09
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tanjahello, having some probs with playing mp3s11:11
linija2making sense ?11:11
raylu...the output for /var11:11
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raylutanja, i think you need to install libxine-extracodecs11:11
linija2it's on my laptop and I'm typing to you from PC11:11
linija2can't copy / paste :)11:11
raylu!pastebine | linija211:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:11
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raylu!pastebin | linija211:12
ubotulinija2: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:12
linija2I'll be back.. gotta figure this out.. thnks raylu11:13
tanjaamarok and other players play the song, but no sound it given to the speakers.. and they dont play track normal11:14
raylutanja, close all your players, killlall artsd, try again11:14
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tanjalet me try11:15
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tanjaraylo: no no sound is given, and the track dont play normal, it "jumps", from 0:00 to 5:00, 10:00 ... and so on till end11:17
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tanjasystem sounds work fine..11:19
crackhead_25question: anyone know how to get kaffeine to stop hanging? i played some movie on it, and it seemed to have some corrupted portion, and kaffeine hanged. then i had to kill kaffine and its kio page. now when i play kaffeine, i can't hear any sound on things, and when i try to skip ahead (in a movie), it hangs agan, and i have to kill it again. anyone know what to do?11:20
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BluesKajcrackhead_25, sorry to say my kaffeine is broken as well, so i switched to VLC , it plays great ,highly recommended11:22
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dogatemycomputercrackhead_25: i had a similar problem and switched to kplayer (not to be confused with kmplayer)11:23
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allergenhi everybody11:24
crackhead_25just all of a sudden?11:24
crackhead_25i tried the others. the others have the same problem.11:24
crackhead_25i think it has to do with a driver that is still running or something.. like maybe i have to refresh/re-start a driver thread??11:24
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BluesKajdogatemycomputer, kplayer11:29
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raijinsetsuCan someone give me some help with a fresh install of Kubuntu using an existing LVM?11:30
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linija2raylu.. u still here11:31
raijinsetsuCan someone give me some help with a fresh install of Kubuntu using an existing LVM?11:32
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linija2ummm. I screwed up FSTAB.. now can't edit...can anyone help11:32
KevinAlaskaHello Everyone! :)  Might anyone know the difference between the DVD & CD versions of Kubuntu?  From the install I can't see anything different and does not seem to install extra packages..11:33
KevinAlaskaSorry linija2... I sure can not help you. :(11:34
linija2raijinsetsu... does Kubuntu give u option to encrypt partition or just LVM?11:34
SlimeyPeteKevinAlaska: the DVD has lot sof packages from the repositories on it. It's mainly useful for PCs without 'net access.11:34
linija2DVD has a whole lot of packages11:34
raijinsetsulini: when using the alt-install CD, I can type vgscan, and that lists my VG00, but pvscan reports theres no device mapper.11:34
blekos_when i installed kubuntu i made two partition 1. /  2. /home, now under / i see a /home folder what's going on11:34
KevinAlaskaoh.. How might you install them from the DVD?  Manually browse the DVD file system?11:35
SlimeyPeteblekos_: under Linux, partitions are mounted into directories11:35
SlimeyPeteblekos_: so your home partition has been mounted under /home11:35
raijinsetsuThe problem is my usr,var,home directories are in the LVM, but the partitioner doesn't see them, and therefore won't install into them.11:35
SlimeyPeteit's actually pointing to your second partition.11:35
blekos_but when i want to see the remaiming space in / partion would it calculate the /home as occupied space?11:36
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AlHlo. How do I auto-rejoin on kick in Konversation?11:36
blekos_i c11:36
raijinsetsublekos: type "df -h"11:37
SlimeyPeteblekos_: notice that your cd/dvd drive is in a directory called "/media/", btw11:37
SlimeyPetesame principle.11:37
linija2Hey..."SlimeyPete" ;) .. how do you make it so the person you are talking to name appears in < > instead of typing name out?11:37
KevinAlaskaAnyone know if I can do a reinstall on this Kubuntu feisty but still keep the data directory of my porfile /home/kevinalaska (only 1 on the computer)?11:37
LjLAl: you can't and that's a feature :)11:37
AlIt's a crap feature11:37
AlFix it :(11:38
raijinsetsuKevin: is /home on a different partition?11:38
SlimeyPeteKevinAlaska: you can just back up what's in that directory, then copy it back over after your reinstall11:38
KevinAlaskano.. just swap and ext311:38
Al/kick in the channels I attend is generally considered an amical greeting :x11:38
SlimeyPeteKevinAlaska: just make sure you back up the .* directories as well as the normal ones11:38
raijinsetsuThen you have to do a backup, like Slimey says :)11:38
blekos_but wont he loose his program settings?11:39
raijinsetsuNot if you mean desktop settings11:39
SlimeyPeteblekos_: they're generally stored in/home/ (usually in directories and files which are named .[something] )11:39
blekos_i mean if u have install ie gnucash11:39
KevinAlaskaokay my backup is not here at the moment and I dont have much to save just wouldn't mind fixing the errors now instead of waiting.. I am bad that way. :(11:39
SlimeyPeteblekos_: then your settings are in /home/you/.gnucash11:39
blekos_i c11:40
raijinsetsuKevin... You could be dangerous and delete all directories EXCEPT home... But... That's difficult at times.11:40
blekos_hm, i've run deporphan and autoclean but my / partion has only 8,7gb of 16.5 free (i've install gnome as well)11:40
=== Al has a new coding project, it seems
KevinAlaskaat times.. heh11:40
raijinsetsuAfter the delete, you could re-install to that partition and choose not to format.11:41
blekos_is there a way to have more space?11:41
Alohay does Konversation have scripting?11:41
AlOr is the omission of that a feature too?11:41
raijinsetsublekos: only if you're using LVM or something similar11:41
KevinAlaskawhat about resizing the partition?11:41
SlimeyPeteblekos_: delete applications. That's about your only option, really.11:41
KevinAlaskawhat does KDE use for this and is it "some what" friendly?11:41
raijinsetsuSo... Does anyone have any clues on how to install 7.04 using an existing LVM group?11:42
raijinsetsuKev: you'd have to use the command line11:42
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KevinAlaskaahhh.. no GUI format for this.. heh.. never mind there then.  I am to newbie in linux for this.  I am still good with DOS (/shudder) just not much yet on any of the shells in Linux. =/11:43
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blekos_slimeypete, i've also installed kbfx, if i had make a clean install and then restored only home directory, would it reappear? my questin basically is: aren't there any progrs that require to put components into the /?11:43
jrattner1Question: What can I do to reset the password for KDE wallet if I forgot it?11:43
raijinsetsublekos_: if they do, they're doing it wrong. All App settings belong in your home directory. Only System Apps have config in /etc11:43
raijinsetsuOr, that's the way it's supposed to be.11:44
SlimeyPeteblekos_: some system components store configuration options in /etc, but other than that programs just use your home directory. If yuo run a program, that program can only write to your home directory anyway - only programs running with root priviledges (i.e. after you have typed your password in) can write to the rest of the system11:44
blekos_hmm, but when i installed kbfx i did sudo aptitude install <package>11:45
KevinAlaskahow does one send that little sound when they message you in chat?  I am using Kopete.11:45
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SlimeyPetethat's fine. That was just installation. When you run it, it runs as you, not root.11:46
blekos_the same applies to firestarter etc11:46
blekos_got the difference11:46
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SlimeyPeteblekos_: though... kbfx is a menu, isn't it?11:46
blekos_yes it is11:46
SlimeyPeteso actually it might be one of the exceptions, I'm not sure. But 95% of progs just use your home directory.11:47
SlimeyPetestuff like your web browser, word processor, that sort of thing :)11:47
blekos_but you actually mention "all app *settings" so what about the program itself?11:47
raijinsetsuYou'd have to re-install the program11:47
raijinsetsuBut, it shouldn't over-write your settings11:48
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blekos_is there a way to get rid of gnome while keeping a few programs (gnucash, firestarter)11:54
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liami have prblem with the audio on my lappy, could ayone help me?11:54
crimsunliam: can you be more specific?11:55
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liamyup! Adsio was fine earlier. I unmuted the speakers about 5 mins ago to watch something on youtube and there is a constant beeping in the background11:55
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liamthey sound like bios beeps / pc speaker11:56
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liamdoesnt matter11:56
liami am stupid and have fixed it11:56
ubuntutem alguem ae11:57
ubuntuquem pode me ajuda a liga o beryl no kubuntu?11:57
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liamif anyone isntalls kwifi manager and then heres beeps when you unmute your speakers11:57
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liamtry exiting kwifi first! then it should be grand11:58
LjL!es | ubuntu11:58
ubotuubuntu: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:58
LjL!pt | ubuntu11:58
ubotuubuntu: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.11:58
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LjLblekos_: yes but the basic GNOME libraries that those programs need will stay there...12:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about purekde - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:00
LjLwhere was it12:00
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sl00Hi. I just installed apache2 using Kubuntu's Adept Manager. I copied the sites-available/default to have a site at a different location than /var/www (I want the default aswell) but how do I access the other site. I changed NameVirtualHost from * to 'devsite' and same with the <VirtualHost *> tag. I added a symlink in 'sites-enabled' and named it 001-devsite aswell.12:01
blekos_ok thnx12:01
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dominik_anyone already tried the new linuxmce 1.1?12:08
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dogatemycomputerdominik_: I have never tried it but it looks cool.  Thanks!12:10
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kgxcan anyone explain to me why the script is called twice in this cron script: 00 05 * * * root [ -f /mnt/clusternfs2/extranet/cron.php ]  && cd /mnt/clusternfs2/extranet/ && php4 -f cron.php > /mnt/clusternfs2/extranet/cron_output.txt12:10
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