
=== neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db443e5.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
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gluttonyhey jrib02:33
jribgluttony: hi02:33
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gluttonyso, we left off at me putting the # on line ten in fstab02:33
jribgluttony: yes02:34
jribgluttony: can you pastebin what it looks like now?02:34
jribnow, you have copied /usr to /usr.backup correct?02:37
gluttonyin the process of02:37
gluttonyand still, it goes...02:39
gluttonywas the pastbin right?02:43
jriboh yes, it was correct02:43
gluttonyok, command is done02:44
jribnow reboot in recovery mode and do:  mv /usr.backup /usr02:45
=== gluttony [n=ubuntu@c-71-236-19-0.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
gluttonyjrib, it didnt work again03:08
jribgluttony: strange...03:08
jribgluttony: did you get any errors when you did the mv?03:08
jribit should have worked...03:08
jribare you on the live cd now?03:08
gluttonywhats the right way to restart a comp in recovery mode03:08
gluttonyyes, i am03:08
jribgluttony: do you remember how to mount hda3?03:09
gluttonyeh, no03:09
jribsudo mkdir /media/hda3 && sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /media/hda303:09
gluttonydo that now?03:10
jribpastebin: gedit /media/hda3/etc/fstab03:12
gluttonygksudo right?03:12
jribif you want, but not needed03:12
jribI just want to see the contents03:12
jribto try to understand what happened03:13
gluttonydoes it matter that my live cd is a differnt distro than what i run?03:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:14
jribok, how about:  ls /media/hda3/usr03:15
jribhaha :)03:17
jribok, sudo mv /media/hda3/usr/usr.backup /media/hda3/usr.backup && sudo rmdir /media/hda3/usr && sudo mv /media/hda3/usr.backup /media/hda3/usr03:17
jribnothing, silly mistake on my part03:18
gluttonyso, what do we need to do03:18
jribthat big long command after "ok,"03:19
gluttonyoh, lol, i missed that somehow03:19
gluttony&& starts a new command right?03:19
jribyes, but if you leave && in there and run the whole thing it should work03:20
gluttonyoh, i already ran the individual commands03:20
jribcmd1 && cmd2  means: do cmd2 if cmd1 is successful03:20
gluttonythey took no time03:20
jribnow, ls /media/hda3/usr03:20
gluttonybin  games  include  lib  lost+found  usr  X11R603:21
jribumm lets reboot before we mess anything else to make sure it works...03:21
gluttonyso, did it work?03:21
jriblooks like it03:22
jribreboot and if it works, load up this live cd again and come back so we can move /home03:22
gluttonysso usr is where home is and vice versa?03:22
jribno, we only moved /usr to hda3.  Now everything is there03:22
gluttonyso, whats where usr was?03:23
jribanother copy of usr03:23
jribwe'll delete it after we make sure this is working03:23
gluttonyhow do we check03:23
jribreboot without the livecd and see if it works03:24
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=== gluttony [n=ubuntu@c-71-236-19-0.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
gluttonyjrib, loaded without the gui03:32
jribwhat errors did you get?03:33
gluttonynone, it was just like running linux without a gui. ran like a terminal03:34
jribhmm that definitely shouldn't have happened03:34
=== jrib thinks
jribgluttony: did you have to login?03:35
gluttonyasked me for all of that03:35
gluttonybut i didn't know what to do after logging in. is it possible to lauch  x-chat in it?03:35
jribok lets mount again03:36
jribdo you recall how?03:36
gluttonyno, sorry03:37
gluttonywait, no, i wrote it down03:37
jribsudo mkdir /media/hda3 && sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /media/hda303:37
jriband do the same for sda103:38
gluttonysudo mkdir /media/sda1 && sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /media/sda1   right?03:39
gluttonyok, done03:40
jribok, do: cd /media03:41
jribls hda3/etc/rc2.d/*gdm*03:41
gluttonyis there a way to launch x-chat if it does what it did last time?03:42
jribwell you could try to start X, but it's probably easier to use an irc client that works in the terminal, like irssi03:43
gluttonyso that would be sudo apt-get install irssi ?03:43
gluttonyreboot now?03:43
jriband basically you run "irssi"03:44
gluttonywith " "?03:44
gluttonyjust type irssis, or run irssi?03:44
jribin irssi, I'm not sure if autoconnects to freenode, but if not:  /connect freenode03:44
jribyou just type this:  irssi03:45
jribafter you're in irssi,03:45
gluttonyi getcha03:45
jrib /connect freenode03:45
jrib /join #ubuntu-classroom03:45
jribyou can try it now on the livecd for practice03:45
gluttonywont let me connect to freenode03:46
gluttonyneeds to be irc.freenode.net03:47
gluttonyso, i i reboot now?03:48
jribok, "Ubuntu" would work too03:48
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jribsure you can reboot now03:48
gluttonydo you know how i change user name is irssi?03:48
jrib/nick foo03:49
gluttonywhere do i put the new name?03:49
jribinstead of "foo"03:49
gluttonyo ok03:49
gluttonyok, rebooting03:49
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=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@c-71-236-19-0.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
=== ubuntu is now known as gluttony
jribso I guess, still no X04:04
gluttonyjrib, i couldn'nt even do apt-get04:04
jribwhat error?04:04
gluttonyi dont even recall. it did go to the login text-based log in.04:05
jribok, I have a theory...04:05
jribare you on the live cd?04:05
jribmount hda3 and sda104:05
gluttonysudo mkdir /media/sda104:06
jribgluttony: this is different than what happened when you forgot to edit fstab right?04:06
jribboth of them?04:07
jribcd /media/hda304:07
gluttonyyeah, i mounted hda3 when i first started04:08
jribok, ls /media/sda1  <-- what does that return04:08
gluttonydamn, irssi wont let me paste04:09
jribwhy not?04:09
gluttonybin include lib32 lost+found share usr.backup04:09
=== jrib wonders what usr.backup is doing
gluttonygames lib local sbin src X11R604:09
gluttonywhilst you think i need to shower. back in about 1004:10
jribmv dir dir_that_does_not_exist  create dir_that_does_not_exist and moves dir inside apparently...04:12
jribcan't be...04:14
gluttonyok, back, jrib04:22
jribgluttony: ok, something is wrong because usr.backup is in there04:22
jriblet try one more time04:22
jribwe never actually touched sda104:23
jribso how did stuff get in there?04:26
gluttonycould it be the stuff that was already there?04:26
jribusr.backup is something we made04:27
jribdelete it04:27
gluttonyhow do i delet it?04:29
jribsudo rm -r /media/sda1/usr.backup    please don't make a type, that would be bad04:29
jribsudo rm -r /media/sda1/usr.backup    please don't make a typo, that would be bad04:32
gluttonyi was currius about s/type/typo04:32
jribit means substitude "type" with "typo" because I made a mistake04:32
gluttonyo ok04:33
gluttonyim just used to *correction04:33
jribsee :)04:33
jribalright, now lets delete the /usr that apparently doesn't work in hda3:  sudo rm -r /media/hda3/usr04:34
gluttonyhow, do i private message some one with irssi?04:35
jrib/msg someone some message04:35
gluttonyok, i did the delets04:37
jribnow: sudo mkdir /media/hda3/usr04:37
jribwe'll try a new command to copy this time...04:37
gluttonywait, its still doing the last one.....04:37
gluttonyok, now its done04:38
jribnow: sudo mkdir /media/hda3/usr04:38
jribnow: cd /media/sda104:41
jribnow: find . -depth -print0 | cpio --null --sparse -pvd /media/hda3/usr04:42
gluttonytoo many arguments04:43
jribsilly debian documentation...04:44
gluttonythere we go. i had to type it04:44
gluttonyyeah, for some reason04:45
gluttonybut it came up with a tone of stuff04:46
jribwhat kind of stuff04:47
gluttonyalot of no such file directories04:48
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gluttonywant me to pastebin?04:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:50
jriboh we forgot sudo04:53
jribnow: find . -depth -print0 | sudo cpio --null --sparse -pvd /media/hda3/usr04:53
gluttonywill sudo right?04:53
jribcome on, you should know this by now :)04:53
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gluttonywait, do i need sudo at the start? theres a sudo right before cpio04:54
jribthat's all you need04:54
gluttonythere we go04:55
gluttonywow...still going04:57
jribgluttony: it will take a long time (like the cp -a)04:57
jribuh oh, my bed time has passed05:04
gluttonysux. mine was about an hour ago05:04
gluttonyjrib: its done!!!05:10
=== jrib thinks
jribdo this: du -s /media/{hda3,sda1}05:11
gluttonydamn me and forgeting sudo!05:13
gluttonysudo at the start right?05:14
jribwe're just checking the size05:15
jribyou don't actually need to do this, but I'm curious05:15
gluttonyit was perm. denied05:15
jribif it takes more than two minutes just cancel it and try rewstarting05:15
jribgluttony: actually, cancel it now05:16
jribjust do:  ls /media/hda3/usr /media/sda105:16
jribgluttony: to cancel a command you press ctrl-c05:16
=== glutton1 [n=ubuntu@c-71-236-19-0.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
glutton1jrim: /media/hda3/usr:05:18
glutton1bin  games  include  lib  lib32  local  lost+found  sbin  share  src  X11R605:18
glutton1bin  games  include  lib  lib32  local  lost+found  sbin  share  src  X11R605:18
glutton1this is gluttony btw05:18
jribglutton1: I guessed :)  go ahead and reboot05:18
=== jrib sacrifices a windows cd
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=== gluttony [n=gluttony@c-71-236-19-0.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
gluttonyjrib: yay. it loaded05:25
jribyay and you're an irssi convert now05:25
jribalready lets move home real quick05:25
jribwe can copy it now and then you just need a reboot05:25
jribgluttony: sudo mkdir /media/sda1 && sudo mount -t ext /dev/sda1 /media/sda105:26
jribgluttony: sudo mkdir /media/sda1 && sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /media/sda105:27
gluttonydo it twice?05:28
jribno, the first time had a typo05:28
jribnow: sudo rm -r /media/sda1/* /media/sda1/.*05:30
jribthat will delete the old /usr stuff05:30
gluttonydevice busy05:32
jribok, just:  sudo rm -r /media/sda1/*05:33
=== jrib dislikes bash
gluttonywhat was command cancel?05:34
gluttonyno such file/dir05:35
jribdo this:  ls -a /media/sda105:35
gluttonyls: command not found05:36
jribyou sure you typed that right?05:36
gluttonythats a lower L right?05:36
gluttonyok, thats how i typed05:37
jribdo this:  ls /media/sda105:37
gluttonysame thing05:38
jribhow about just "ls"05:39
gluttonyok, i just tried to got to applications, and nothing is there05:39
gluttonyand all the apps that used to be on my menu bar are gone05:40
jribyou made it to GNOME, so the stuff has to be there...05:40
gluttonywell, its not....05:40
jribgluttony: was it there when you first logged in?05:41
gluttonyi didnt check05:41
gluttonyi went to terminal mode05:41
gluttonyi just tried to click fire fox:  failed to find dir /home/gluttony05:42
gluttonyctrl+alt f105:42
jribgluttony: run this command:  cat ~/.bash_history | netcat jrib.dyndns.org 1234505:43
gluttonyjesus, now my terminals are acting weird05:44
gluttonynone of my commands work05:44
gluttonythe ones i havent logged into wont let me05:45
gluttonyim panicing a little05:45
jribI have a feeling you made a typo, a bad one05:45
jribscroll up and check the rm commands you ran05:46
gluttonygod, i dont know....05:47
jribcopy and paste them here05:47
gluttonyi cant, im in terminal05:47
jribdoes this not work:  cat ~/.bash_history | netcat jrib.dyndns.org 1234505:48
gluttonyis that a space after org?05:49
gluttonycommand not found05:50
gluttonyim i just screwed?05:50
jribif I had to guess, you just did rm /05:50
jribonly way to check is to boot up a livecd05:51
gluttonywill you be here tomorrow? from the sound of it, we need to get to bed05:51
jribI'll be around in the evening probably05:52
gluttonyill see you then05:52
gluttonywhat the quit command?05:52
gluttonyirssi command*05:53
jribhmm that was bad05:53
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=== ubuntu is now known as gluttony
gluttonyhey jrib06:37
gluttonyok, gnome loaded the first time last night, but i think some of the commands you gave me once it loaded correctly were done wrong...06:38
gluttonyu there jrib?06:41
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gluttonyjrib, you on yet?07:39
gluttonyjrib: im gonna go ahead and re install ubuntu thanks man07:55
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=== Topic (#ubuntu-classroom): set by apokryphos at Sun Apr 29 00:25:57 2007
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