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beuno | Burgundavia: just got home, how's UWN? | 05:33 |
Burgundavia | watching Firefly right now | 05:34 |
boredandblogging | that was an awesome show | 05:35 |
boredandblogging | has a user rating of 9.5/10 on imdb which is plain nuts | 05:35 |
beuno | Burgundavia: great, I'll walk the dog and add whatever I have left | 05:35 |
beuno | did you add what you wanted? | 05:35 |
Burgundavia | not yet | 05:35 |
beuno | good, do your watching, I'll finish up my part then | 05:36 |
Burgundavia | ok | 05:36 |
beuno | whenever your around, I also want to ask you *how* to post to the Fridge, as there aren't any links anywhere | 05:53 |
tonyyarusso | "magical connections" | 05:54 |
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beuno | tonyyarusso: I thought I saw some magic there... | 05:55 |
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Madpilot | voodoo, actually. | 06:07 |
beuno | Madpilot: thanks for the specifics :D | 06:07 |
beuno | aren't you an editor too? | 06:07 |
Madpilot | no, I just loiter here for some reason | 06:08 |
beuno | the "auto-join" thingie really defines what you end up doing in life, doesn't it? | 06:08 |
Madpilot | yes, I remain interested in the Fridge because of my xchat setup :) | 06:09 |
beuno | :p | 06:10 |
Burgundavia | beuno: you login via /user | 06:32 |
Burgundavia | and then you have stuff on the side | 06:32 |
Burgundavia | what is your email again, for the UWN | 06:32 |
Burgundavia | I am completely exhausted, so will postpone anything I will do until 42 | 06:33 |
beuno | Burgundavia: I did, and nothing new except "log out" and "my account" appeared | 06:33 |
Burgundavia | maybe you didn't get the rights | 06:33 |
beuno | Burgundavia: I use bueno@ubuntu.com | 06:33 |
beuno | Burgundavia: that sounds like what happened :D | 06:33 |
beuno | can you check it out so I can do the full release now? | 06:33 |
Burgundavia | I will send you the password | 06:34 |
Burgundavia | and let Madpilot deal with the Fridge | 06:34 |
beuno | Burgundavia: great, thanks, good night | 06:34 |
Burgundavia | sent | 06:35 |
Madpilot | Me? huh? | 06:35 |
=== beuno feels the cold drift of betrayel flow down his back | ||
Madpilot | Burgundavia, you do remember I've never bothered getting Fridge edit/commit rights, yes? | 06:35 |
beuno | ah | 06:35 |
Burgundavia | right | 06:35 |
Burgundavia | ugh | 06:35 |
beuno | maybe not :D | 06:35 |
Burgundavia | nixternal might still be alive | 06:35 |
beuno | nixternal maybe? | 06:35 |
=== Lipe_ [n=Lipe_@17-32-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
beuno | Burgundavia: don't worry about it, I'll get it sent tomorrow | 06:37 |
Lipe_ | hi everyone | 06:37 |
beuno | thanks, night | 06:37 |
beuno | hey Lipe_ | 06:37 |
Burgundavia | I can do it | 06:37 |
Burgundavia | tomorrow | 06:37 |
boredandblogging | beuno: anything else needed for the UWN? | 06:40 |
beuno | boredandblogging: going through all of it, but it seems like another great release :D | 06:41 |
boredandblogging | awesome | 06:41 |
beuno | needs some work from my part on "Team of the Week" and "Spec of the Week" to be perfect :D | 06:42 |
beuno | Burgundavia: can I run something by you real quick? | 06:42 |
Burgundavia | sure | 06:42 |
beuno | I added to the UWN the "Solar Planet" bit | 06:42 |
beuno | and added the phrase "It's on the right side just below the "Subscribe" links. If you want to get your Planet on their, get in touch with us at the marketing team and we'll help you through the process" | 06:42 |
beuno | (their should be there) | 06:43 |
beuno | is that OK? | 06:43 |
beuno | I didn't know where to refer people to | 06:43 |
Burgundavia | that is probably best | 06:44 |
Burgundavia | that way we can filter requests, basically | 06:44 |
beuno | yeap, that was the main idea, just didn't want to create havoc on the mailing list | 06:44 |
beuno | (now without someone elses aproval anyway) :p | 06:46 |
beuno | releasing now... | 07:24 |
beuno | boredandblogging: can you digg it? | 07:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o beuno] by ChanServ | ||
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:beuno] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #41 is out, UWN #42 is in progress to be released Sunday May 27th | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [-o beuno] by beuno | ||
beuno | poningru: maybe you can digg the latest UWN? | 07:33 |
boredandblogging | beuno: let me find a digg account and I'll do it | 07:36 |
beuno | boredandblogging: great, thanks! | 07:36 |
poningru | yarr k | 07:39 |
boredandblogging | poningru: if you want to do it, go for it | 07:39 |
poningru | oh ubuntumarketing and c4n0n1c4l | 07:40 |
boredandblogging | ok | 07:42 |
boredandblogging | is there a way to edit it after its created? | 07:49 |
boredandblogging | says 34th instead of 41 | 07:49 |
beuno | boredandblogging: if you already sent it, I think no, but I'm not sure :D | 07:50 |
boredandblogging | thats retarded | 07:51 |
beuno | poningru: any idea? | 07:51 |
poningru | err... | 07:51 |
poningru | dont think so | 07:51 |
boredandblogging | http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Weekly_Newsletter_41 | 07:52 |
boredandblogging | oh well | 07:54 |
boredandblogging | with that screw up, I'm out, later all | 07:54 |
beuno | boredandblogging: later, and again, great job | 07:55 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-marketing: Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #41 is out, UWN #42 is in progress to be released Sunday May 27th | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-marketing): set by beuno at Mon May 21 07:30:39 2007 | ||
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jono | jenda: ping | 02:15 |
jono | elkbuntu: ping | 02:16 |
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jenda | jono: pong | 02:42 |
jono | jenda: where is the ubuntu poster? | 02:42 |
jenda | jono: where? | 02:42 |
jenda | jono: source files? | 02:43 |
jono | jenda: the files so someone can print it | 02:43 |
jenda | j'sec | 02:43 |
jenda | jono: http://diy.devubuntu.com/repo/spreadubuntu/DIY%20Material/Batch%201,%20Posters/ | 02:43 |
elkbuntu | jono pong? | 02:50 |
jono | elkbuntu: its ok, sorted now :) | 02:51 |
elkbuntu | cool | 02:51 |
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clintfish | Greetings | 03:34 |
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clintfish | Greetings everyone. What do you think about aaaaaaaaaaa school project with and about ubuntu. I mean a real image film or something with photos or film | 04:33 |
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clintfish | Hello: I want to make a movie project with and about ubuntu. It's a school project. the last project of my school life. you know the final project. what do you think about that idea | 05:06 |
clintfish | anyone here?! any respond?! please =) | 05:09 |
boredandblogging | clintfish: you might want to send this to the mailing list | 05:10 |
boredandblogging | it will get lost here | 05:10 |
clintfish | okay and where i found it ?! xd | 05:10 |
boredandblogging | clintfish: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-marketing | 05:11 |
clintfish | oh okay thank you very much. | 05:12 |
clintfish | do you like that idea? | 05:12 |
boredandblogging | it could be interesting | 05:12 |
clintfish | =) thank you | 05:12 |
clintfish | got much good feedback now it should work | 05:13 |
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boredandblogging | jenda: ping | 05:42 |
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tuxcrafte1 | http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_os.asp | 06:23 |
tuxcrafte1 | why is Linux loosing market share such rapidly? | 06:23 |
tuxcrafte1 | had Vista such a big influence | 06:24 |
jenda | boredandblogging: pong | 06:38 |
jenda | tuxcrafte1: statistics are a way to make many many tiny truths into one big, big lie. | 06:39 |
jenda | :) | 06:39 |
tuxcrafte1 | jeda: true | 06:39 |
jenda | Vista, to my observation, has had a positive influence on Linux adoption rather than negative. | 06:41 |
tuxcrafte1 | jenda: but this source is the most accurate on the Internet, also with the website that shows how many computers are connected with the Internet you can calculate the number of Linux users. compair it with data of distrowatch and individual distros like ubuntu and I dont think you will get better data | 06:41 |
jenda | tuxcrafte1: I don't believe the actual numbers are dropping. | 06:42 |
tuxcrafte1 | jenda: a lot of people waited to buy a new computer until vista, so when vista came out there ware a lot of new vista aka windows users so the linux markted share went odne | 06:42 |
tuxcrafte1 | nu numbers are NOT dropping | 06:42 |
tuxcrafte1 | i did not say that:-D | 06:42 |
tuxcrafte1 | marked share is dropping | 06:42 |
tuxcrafte1 | linux users are rising i think | 06:43 |
jenda | I also don't think the total numbers of computers are rising so much as to show such a drop in linux usage. | 06:43 |
tuxcrafte1 | jenda: sorry to burst a way but i have to go directly back in 30 min | 06:43 |
jenda | and BTW, market share is a very inaccurate term, according to the Gnu ;) | 06:44 |
jenda | tuxcrafte1: no problem. I won't be here, thoguh. | 06:44 |
jenda | http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Market | 06:45 |
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tuxcrafte1 | jenda: back | 07:15 |
tuxcrafte1 | jenda: yes that link sound pretty much like stallman :-P | 07:17 |
tuxcrafte1 | i also believe that philosophy come before business, But I strongly believe the to should not be separated and comes together | 07:18 |
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toros | hi | 08:07 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-marketing: Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #41 is out, UWN #42 is in progress to be released Sunday May 27th | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-marketing): set by beuno at Mon May 21 07:30:39 2007 | ||
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sladen | woo, the latest ubuntu news went out with a youtube linking pointing to soft pr0n | 11:08 |
dergringo | what the... ? | 11:34 |
beuno | sladen: whaaaat? | 11:38 |
beuno | where? | 11:38 |
beuno | sladen: just saw the youtube link... not sure its "soft pr0n", but it sure isn't mark... | 11:40 |
Flannel | While I see nothing that might be porn, I also don't think that clip is the right one. | 11:40 |
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sladen | if anyone can look into (a) finding the right one (b) fixing the wiki (c) contacting youtube to see if they can assist | 11:40 |
beuno | sladen: removed it from the wiki and forums, thanks | 11:41 |
sladen | beuno: excellent | 11:41 |
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