quitte | #define HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H 1 is in config.h. I'm out of ideas. maybe you can see a problem in the patch here: http://bugs.uclibc.org/view.php?id=917 ? | 12:27 |
Keybuk | you need the functions in your uclibc as well as the headers | 12:47 |
quitte | the kernel headers are in place,too. | 12:55 |
Keybuk | yeah, you still need the stub functions though | 01:00 |
Keybuk | the header declares the existance of the function, but not the function | 01:00 |
Keybuk | you can probably just copy the syscall stuff into a header and inline it | 01:01 |
Keybuk | like the nih/inotify.h thing does | 01:01 |
quitte | hmm. I hardly understood what you said. but I'll have a look at nih/inotify.h | 01:02 |
quitte | ok looking at it didn't give me any clue. | 01:06 |
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=== Topic for #upstart: Upstart 0.3.8 | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/UpstartOnGentoo | ||
=== Topic (#upstart): set by Md at Sun May 6 19:59:46 2007 | ||
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|Lupin| | Hello, everybody | 03:28 |
|Lupin| | I am joinning the chan because it looks like upstart does not log the bot messages in /var/lob/boot, I am wondering why... | 03:30 |
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Keybuk | |Lupin|: we had some last-minute issues with logd | 03:47 |
Keybuk | it turns out that when it isn't running, processes that try to output to stdout die | 03:47 |
Keybuk | ie. the shell running the shutdown scripts | 03:48 |
|Lupin| | so ? | 03:51 |
|Lupin| | Actually there is a file called /etc/event.d/logd | 03:52 |
|Lupin| | it contains a line saying | 03:52 |
|Lupin| | console output | 03:52 |
|Lupin| | Does one have to change this line to have hte output redirected to a file rather than to the console ? | 03:53 |
|Lupin| | More in general, I can't find any documentation about the synta of the files under /etc/event.d | 03:53 |
Keybuk | the console X line does indeed set where the input/output of a job goes; you set jobs to "console logged" to have them use logd, except this is disabled in the code | 03:55 |
Keybuk | the lack of documentation is semi-deliberate, since the syntax isn't stable yet | 03:55 |
|Lupin| | ok | 03:58 |
|Lupin| | Keybuk: In fact what I would really like is to be able to have everything appearing on the screen at boot gathered in a file so that I can read it. Is this possible ? | 03:59 |
|Lupin| | Or perhaps would it be more simple to switch back to sysvinit ? | 04:23 |
Keybuk | there's various interesting ways to do that | 04:24 |
Keybuk | the logd trick is to set the console to a set of sockets that are intercepted by a daemon | 04:25 |
Keybuk | the disadvantage is obviously that without the daemon, the trick doesn't work | 04:25 |
Keybuk | an alternate trick is to use TIOCCONS to capture "console output" | 04:25 |
Keybuk | the disadvantage to that is that you don't know which service is doing the output | 04:25 |
|Lupin| | Keybuk: oh indeed the daemon is not installed... | 04:27 |
Keybuk | (the other disadvantage to the logd trick is that with ordinary sockets, you don't have a tty, which can adjust the behaviour) | 04:27 |
|Lupin| | Keybuk: I think I don't mind loosing the name of the service, as a temporary solution. But how can this solution be implemented, concretely, please ? | 04:27 |
Keybuk | there's not an easy answer available right now | 04:28 |
|Lupin| | Hmm... | 04:28 |
Keybuk | it turns out to be a more difficult problem | 04:28 |
|Lupin| | If the system remains in text mode, will I be able to rean the console with shift-pagep / shift-page-down ? | 04:28 |
Keybuk | yes | 04:30 |
Keybuk | you're obviously relying on the kernel ring-buffer size there | 04:31 |
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|Lupin| | yes | 04:34 |
|Lupin| | I am wondering how I can keep the system in text mode.. ? | 04:35 |
|Lupin| | is it a matter of runlevel ? | 04:37 |
|Lupin| | I believed so, but runlevels 2, 3, 4 and 5 seem to run gdm... | 04:49 |
Keybuk | remove gdm symlinks from one of the runlevels | 04:54 |
|Lupin| | is it all I have to do ? okay. | 04:58 |
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|Lupin| | it worked, thantks | 05:45 |
|Lupin| | bye every body | 06:21 |
|Lupin| | thanks a lot for your assistance | 06:21 |
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=== quitte [n=quitte@stgt-d9bebb70.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #upstart | ||
quitte | hi. is it possible that my problems compiling upstart using uclibc are related to the kernel being 2.6.13? that's the release that inotify was introduced. | 06:56 |
AlexExtreme | quitte, yes, you need a recent kernel | 06:56 |
quitte | :( ok. so it'S impossible to use it on a fritzbox without loosing support for the proprietary modules | 06:56 |
Keybuk | Upstart works best when you have the most event support from the kernel | 06:56 |
Keybuk | since if you're interested in an event-based init daemon, you're kinda inherently interested in the events to base it off | 06:57 |
Keybuk | the kernel's uevent interface didn't reach maturity until about 2.6.17 | 06:57 |
AlexExtreme | yeah, it's better to have the uevent support for udev which was introduced in .17 IIRC | 06:57 |
quitte | ok i see. so i'd best stick with busybox init for now. maybe the vendor will update the kernel version someday, but i doubt it. | 06:58 |
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=== Topic for #upstart: Upstart 0.3.8 | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/UpstartOnGentoo | ||
=== Topic (#upstart): set by Md at Sun May 6 19:59:46 2007 | ||
=== Md [i=md@freenode/staff/md] has joined #upstart | ||
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