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bhagman88 | hello | 01:37 |
LaserJock | hi | 01:37 |
bhagman88 | I'm having an installation issue | 01:37 |
bhagman88 | could you help me? | 01:37 |
LaserJock | I might | 01:38 |
bhagman88 | ok | 01:38 |
LaserJock | but I'd need to know you're problem first ;-) | 01:38 |
bhagman88 | so when i try to partition | 01:38 |
bhagman88 | i'm not ble to | 01:38 |
bhagman88 | i actusally try to just partition the entire thing | 01:39 |
bhagman88 | and it doesnt allow me to | 01:39 |
LaserJock | hmm | 01:39 |
LaserJock | you want to wipe the whole drive? | 01:40 |
willvdl | does it give an error? or just nothing happens? | 01:40 |
bhagman88 | error | 01:40 |
bhagman88 | and I would indeed like to wipe the entire driv :-) | 01:40 |
bhagman88 | i want to make a dedicated linux laptop | 01:41 |
willvdl | what error does it give? | 01:41 |
bhagman88 | awe man now I feel like an idiot | 01:41 |
bhagman88 | I wrote it down but can't find it | 01:41 |
bhagman88 | i guess that this will be unanswered till i find the error again :-) | 01:42 |
willvdl | the error could be the key :) | 01:43 |
bhagman88 | indeed it could :-P | 01:43 |
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yuriy | hey LaserJock, any idea when i can expect silentk to be around? | 01:53 |
willvdl | LaserJock, rewrote. hopefully more generic like original. | 02:01 |
willvdl | Will work on design again tomorrow | 02:01 |
LaserJock | k | 02:02 |
willvdl | thanks again for the help. will (must) have it done by spec review cut-off (end of month) | 02:07 |
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moquist | what's the "good" GUI for managing network connections these days? I almost never use GUIs, but I'm prepping a laptop for a GUI-ish person, and I want to give him whatever the recommended thing is. Is the default thing the right one in feisty? | 02:18 |
bimberi | moquist: Yes, Network Manager is installed by default and is excellent | 02:20 |
moquist | bimberi: Great! I'd heard of "Network Manager", but I wouldn't know it if it hit me in the face. | 02:21 |
moquist | Ah! I guess selecting "About" after right-clicking on the applet tells me what it is. Cool. | 02:21 |
moquist | bimberi: thx | 02:21 |
bimberi | moquist: np | 02:21 |
moquist | Totem is really doing well. I'm very pleased with its DVD playing. | 02:23 |
moquist | I'm actually excited to hand this to the user, and I have high hopes that he won't want the Windows XP dual-boot anymore. | 02:23 |
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willvdl | windows cannot handle my 3G connection anymore. it is dead to me :) | 02:29 |
LaserJock | heh | 02:29 |
willvdl | seriously, it gives 633 errors repeatedly | 02:34 |
willvdl | changes my desktop theme by itself | 02:34 |
willvdl | and eventually locks my cardbus | 02:35 |
willvdl | ok. late. bed | 02:35 |
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HellTrade | Could here someone help me please? | 04:58 |
LaserJock | you'll need to state the problem in order for people to know | 04:58 |
HellTrade | sure | 04:59 |
HellTrade | but it is polite to ask no? | 04:59 |
HellTrade | 1. How do I make the graphics card driver for an NvidiaG4 work | 04:59 |
HellTrade | I found the right driver - the older one - they have too | 04:59 |
HellTrade | and found five different manuals | 04:59 |
HellTrade | on the net | 04:59 |
HellTrade | none workd | 04:59 |
HellTrade | I even read in a forum a guy complaining | 05:00 |
LaserJock | usually we'd prefer it if you simply ask the question, when it comes to IRC | 05:00 |
HellTrade | now you have it | 05:00 |
LaserJock | well, if you don't need 3d acceleration I belive you can install nvidia-legacy drivers | 05:01 |
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HellTrade | it is an old card | 05:02 |
HellTrade | but it is ugly to have an 21 inch screen and not be able to have 80 hz or good resulution | 05:02 |
HellTrade | I show you the driver | 05:03 |
LaserJock | HellTrade: you might want to look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper | 05:03 |
HellTrade | so it is an NVIDIA Gforce4 MX | 05:03 |
HellTrade | I looked there for sure | 05:03 |
HellTrade | was the first place that pagte | 05:03 |
LaserJock | or perhaps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:04 |
yuriy | is it dapper? or what version? | 05:04 |
HellTrade | what is a dapper? | 05:05 |
HellTrade | I find it | 05:05 |
yuriy | dapper = ubuntu 6.06 | 05:05 |
HellTrade | the newest | 05:06 |
HellTrade | sorry i am new | 05:07 |
HellTrade | feisty | 05:07 |
HellTrade | http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_1.0-2802.html | 05:08 |
HellTrade | that I found now - but not debian/ubuntu | 05:08 |
HellTrade | but i was last time on another site and found what was recommended | 05:08 |
HellTrade | so this should owrk? | 05:09 |
HellTrade | The easiset method by far is to use System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Manager. If that fails, see below. | 05:09 |
HellTrade | ok i take a look | 05:11 |
HellTrade | can i encrypt the partition? | 05:12 |
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bimberi | :-O | 05:20 |
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cliebow_ | using wireshark what should the print command be besides lpr? | 03:18 |
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sbalneav | Morning all | 04:01 |
jsgotangco | hi | 04:04 |
juliux | hi sbalneav | 04:05 |
sbalneav | Hello juliux | 04:05 |
willvdl | sbalneav, woohoo | 04:06 |
sbalneav | Hello willvdl | 04:06 |
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RichEd | hi willvdl sbalneav juliux ogra-classmate | 04:46 |
willvdl | hey | 04:46 |
sbalneav | hiya | 04:46 |
RichEd | ogra-classmate: how's the classmate ? | 04:46 |
highvoltage | hey RichEd willvdl and juliux | 04:46 |
ogra-classmate | hey | 04:46 |
RichEd | hi highvoltage | 04:46 |
ogra-classmate | RichEd: fast | 04:46 |
ogra-classmate | the image i got now is perfect for usage, i dont think i can get it any faster | 04:47 |
RichEd | ogra-classmate: good :) mine is quite slow when you load more than one application | 04:48 |
RichEd | ogra-classmate: I sent a mail a few minutes ago that I'd like some input on from you ... please see the attached doc and questions I have left for you. | 04:48 |
ogra-classmate | well, thats a general thing on mine you can run two or three without probs but then it runs out of ram at some pooint | 04:48 |
ogra-classmate | currenly my system thinks it has 3Gig btw ;) | 04:49 |
RichEd | how did you manage to do that ? | 04:50 |
ogra-classmate | using a squashfs for the main system .... a readonly sys | 04:50 |
RichEd | okay ... | 04:50 |
ogra-classmate | then i mount a second (300mb) partition to that | 04:50 |
ogra-classmate | and use unionfs to merge these two | 04:51 |
ogra-classmate | the system now sees only / | 04:51 |
ogra-classmate | whike / is in fact a merge of /readolny-squashfs and /readwrite_partition | 04:51 |
ogra-classmate | everything thats unmodified just comes from teh squashed fs | 04:52 |
ogra-classmate | everything i9 modify moves automatically to the rw partition | 04:52 |
ogra-classmate | this makes it possible to install upodates, codecs etc with no problems | 04:53 |
sbalneav | ogra-classmate: Hey, just checking, ldm itself is staying in Python, right? It's just the GREETERS that are c-ified | 04:53 |
sbalneav | Slick work on the classmate, btw | 04:53 |
ogra-classmate | add/remove works at a reasonabkle spped here btw | 04:53 |
ogra-classmate | i installed flash and the mp3 codecs with it yesterday | 04:53 |
RichEd | ogra-classmate: sounds like some creative genius is at work there :) | 04:53 |
ogra-classmate | well i'm nearly done ... just some settings and a new usplash | 04:54 |
ogra-classmate | the other artwork is fixed as well already | 04:54 |
RichEd | ogra-classmate: then the test to see if I can update mine across the wire ... | 04:55 |
ogra-classmate | all i'm missing is an install script or something | 04:55 |
ogra-classmate | that wont work this easily yet# | 04:55 |
ogra-classmate | you need a certsain partition layout | 04:56 |
ogra-classmate | sbalneav: i'd love to switch to something lihter, but form a security pov its way easier to contribiute to the python script | 04:57 |
ogra-classmate | i'm fearing we land in security hell if we switch to something else | 04:57 |
sbalneav | I agree. Change the greeters, but lets keep the core ldm in python. | 04:57 |
ogra-classmate | well | 04:58 |
RichEd | ogra-classmate: that's why I'm here to test and follow instructions from you, if I can't do it with your assistance, we'll need to make another plan | 04:58 |
ogra-classmate | python puts some speed issues up | 04:58 |
sbalneav | I've done some hacking on the weekend. Did gadi actually send you a patch? | 04:58 |
sbalneav | Or did he just make a suggestion? | 04:58 |
juliux | hi RichEd highvoltage | 04:59 |
sbalneav | I'm working on adding python.pexpect support into the pipeline to handles errors/password expiry. | 04:59 |
ogra-classmate | RichEd: let me finish the image first ... we'll test during the week, i need to test myself first, currently i'm running everything fromn an external 2g usbstick | 04:59 |
RichEd | ogra-classmate: no rush ... when you feel you are at a good baseline, we'll give the "upgrade" a go | 05:00 |
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ogra-classmate | yep | 05:00 |
ogra-classmate | well, i felt a bit under pressure from maria ... i was wondering if i should just send her one usbstick with the image to boot from | 05:01 |
=== ogra-classmate bought a collection of these things :) | ||
RichEd | ogra-classmate: is there a specific mail where she is asking for quick results ? | 05:02 |
ogra-classmate | intel also sent me a new driver from ralink i'll have to test that as well and i'm still missing an idea why the resuming doesnt work | 05:02 |
ogra-classmate | there was one about he wanting to demo it if we have anything already | 05:03 |
ogra-classmate | s/he/her | 05:03 |
RichEd | ogra-classmate: please /join #CmPc @canonical | 05:12 |
juliux | are there only classmate pc user allowed;) | 05:15 |
RichEd | ping ogra | 05:15 |
ogra-classmate | i'm there :) | 05:15 |
RichEd | thanks | 05:17 |
highvoltage | hey juliux | 05:40 |
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life | hi | 05:51 |
life | anyone in? | 05:51 |
life | i have some questions about edubuntu | 05:51 |
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life | hello? | 05:51 |
sbalneav | Hello | 05:59 |
sbalneav | What can I help you with? | 05:59 |
sbalneav | life: ping | 06:00 |
highvoltage | sometimes you give life a ping, and get nothing back. that's just how life is. | 06:01 |
RichEd | life has quit ? quit living or quite smoking life or quit asking questions ? | 06:03 |
RichEd | *quit smoking life | 06:04 |
willvdl | quit quitting | 06:05 |
LaserJock | morning Edubuntu people! | 06:09 |
willvdl | evening LaserJock | 06:11 |
RichEd | hello LaserJock | 06:11 |
RichEd | bye all ... dinner with the father in law | 06:12 |
highvoltage | it's tough when life quits on you. | 06:12 |
highvoltage | bye RichEd! | 06:12 |
highvoltage | morning LaserPerson! | 06:12 |
LaserJock | heh | 06:12 |
LaserJock | ogra-classmate: yeah, I'm a member again ;-) | 06:16 |
LaserJock | hmm | 06:17 |
LaserJock | we should probably talk about EC at the meeting today | 06:18 |
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highvoltage | LaserJock: the TB meeting? | 06:24 |
LaserJock | oh wait, Edubuntu meeting is tomorrow | 06:25 |
LaserJock | my bad | 06:25 |
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bddebian | Heya | 06:27 |
highvoltage | hey bddbbdebian | 06:27 |
bddebian | Hi highvoltage | 06:27 |
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LaserJock | ogra-classmate: when you've got a chance please sponsor my debdiff on bug #32252 | 06:40 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 32252 in tuxpaint "Installs two desktop launchers in different sections" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32252 | 06:40 |
ogra-classmate | indeed | 06:43 |
LaserJock | I didn't realize that bug was affecting gnome-app-install | 06:51 |
LaserJock | I'm not sure if we have any other "offenders" installing .desktop to non-/usr/share/applications/ directories but we need to fix any that we might have | 06:51 |
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GNu_Joe | is there a live-CD version of the Edubuntu server? need something to demo to a grade school | 08:26 |
highvoltage | nixternal: not yet | 08:26 |
highvoltage | nixternal: oops, not you :) | 08:26 |
highvoltage | GNu_Joe: no, not yet. it is planned for a future release though | 08:26 |
GNu_Joe | any ideas on how to demo Edubuntu to show how it will allow the old equiptment to be used again? | 08:27 |
cbx33 | hey highvoltage | 08:28 |
highvoltage | hey see bee ex 33 | 08:28 |
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cbx33 | hey HedgeMage | 08:31 |
LaserJock | GNu_Joe: there is a LiveCD | 08:43 |
LaserJock | that would show off the apps and what it'd look like | 08:43 |
GNu_Joe | LaserJock, yes? | 08:43 |
LaserJock | but it won't demo the LTSP setup | 08:43 |
GNu_Joe | LaserJock, need to demo the LTSP stuff | 08:44 |
LaserJock | then I'd take a laptop with Edubuntu on it | 08:44 |
LaserJock | and do a direct connection to one of their machines | 08:44 |
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HedgeMage | crimsun: hi | 09:12 |
HedgeMage | oops | 09:12 |
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HedgeMage | hi cbx33 | 09:20 |
cbx33 | hey HedgeMage | 09:22 |
nixternal | oi! | 09:22 |
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GNu_Joe | Can the LiveCD be used to doa LTSP boot? | 09:25 |
cbx33 | did anyone get an email about ubuntu live? | 09:25 |
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LaserJock | GNu_Joe: you mean as the client? | 09:43 |
sbalneav | GNu_Joe: Best way would be to set up Edubuntu server on a laptop or something like that, then come in, and boot the lab off of that. | 09:44 |
yuriy | hoping of course that the lab computers can boot off the network | 09:47 |
LaserJock | you check that first of course ;-) | 09:48 |
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willvdl | alright. back online. | 12:18 |
willvdl | having pcmcia issues. the pccardctl util tends to hang uninteruptably | 12:19 |
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