
=== Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-006-056.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchicken_Riddell: We need to smack whoever decided not to make KDE3 compatibility classes for the various KDE3 action classes.12:28
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehi all12:31
Hobbseecp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/share/services/kresources/kabc/net.desktop': No such file or directory12:32
Hobbseekdelibs 3.5.712:39
=== Hobbsee needs it for reference
nixternaldh_install --list-missing12:39
Hobbseeoh bugger, not this root problem again12:39
nixternalhaha, I had to go through and do that12:40
nixternalI am stuck not having libsyndication, so I can't build kde4pim12:40
Hobbseecrimsun: would you happen to know of a way that all the files dont change to ownership root when bindmounting a directory in pbuilder?12:44
Hobbseedoes using fakeroot stop that?12:44
crimsunfakeroot shouldn't have anything to do with that.12:45
Hobbseethat's what i thought...12:45
Hobbseei just dont rememmber usually having this problem12:45
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-006-056.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeRiddell: oh dear.  i look like a drowned water rat in that picture12:55
crimsunhehe, I just watched Flushed Away last night (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0424095/)12:59
=== Hobbsee pokes for life
Hobbseehow is 1300 UTC for our meeting, sometime next week?01:12
ajmitch1AM, lovely01:16
=== ajmitch will try & be asleep by then
Hobbseemaybe, 1300 UTC on this friday, seeing as there's nothign else scheduled01:17
Hobbseepoor ajmitch01:17
Hobbseeajmitch: you have to do the MOTU one01:17
ajmitchI know01:17
ajmitchI'll try & avoid it if possible01:17
crimsunI'm a bit dismayed that a couple people are unhappy with the current situation but haven't proposed feasible resolutions.01:20
crimsunOh well. :-)01:20
Hobbseecrimsun: yes, we suck.01:21
Hobbseewe know it.01:21
crimsunnah, no one in here.01:22
Hobbseecrimsun: still, it doesnt mean that we're not thinking about it, just because we're not actually proposing a solution01:22
=== Hobbsee thought she was the troublemaking one
ajmitchHobbsee: you are01:22
Hobbseeoh good01:23
nixternalI would propose a solution, but I don't even know what the problem is ;)01:23
Hobbseegood thing i was too cold to cause trouble at UDS then01:23
crimsunnixternal: we know your problem.  Stop using Vista as the excuse!01:23
nixternalVista > GNOME any day01:23
nixternalKDE > Vista > Windows ME > GNOME01:23
nixternaltis what you get!01:24
nixternaland another kde4 build bites the dust01:24
Hobbseenixternal: who do you think will win?  you or me?01:24
nixternalhands down01:24
=== Hobbsee wonders just how long she's got for these builds
manchickenOh, come on.  Proprietary software will never be better than Free Software :)01:26
manchickenBesides, we looked at Ubuntu Studio at the Ubuntu-Illinois meeting.01:27
nixternalmanchicken: in this case.... ;)01:27
manchickenNot too shabby.01:27
nixternalKubuntu Studio would be better01:27
=== nixternal hears a project coming on
nixternalKu Ku Studio01:27
nixternalsing it like Phil Collins would though01:28
nixternalahh, the reason for this build failure for kdeedu is booged code it seems01:28
nixternalerror: 'class QPolygonF' has no member named 'containsPoint'01:29
manchickennixternal: Get right on that :)01:30
nixternalon which one?01:31
manchickenkubuntu studio01:31
nixternalthe code or the Phil Collins Kubuntu01:31
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nixternaluploading my kde4 amd64 packages now02:03
nixternaladmin, graphics, toys, multimedia, and games02:03
nixternalnothing else wants to play nice and build02:03
nixternalso the rest need some tweaking to satisfy02:04
nixternaland from the looks of it, a lot of tweaking02:04
Hobbseeyou're beating me, then02:04
nixternalthat won't last long02:04
Hobbseenixternal: and lots of pointy-clicky vista action?02:04
nixternalomg drown!02:04
nixternaldamn you crimsun02:04
nixternalit has migrated to another channel02:05
nixternalit started in motu, now kubuntu-devel...what's next?02:05
Hobbseehte rest of the ubuntu channels02:05
nixternalnobody knows me there02:05
Hobbseesure sure02:05
Hobbseenixternal: you know you're going to be teased about that forever, dont you?02:08
Hobbseei'm surprised no one's blogged about it yet02:08
nixternalthanks Hobbsee for giving them the idea02:09
nixternalI have never ever even used Vista02:09
=== Hobbsee pulls up her blog...
crimsunsure, that's what they all say...02:09
=== nixternal removes blog from planet, Hobbsee's blog that is
nixternalI will admit to having a 20GB partition with XP on it though02:09
crimsunnah, that's Vista with an XP theme.02:10
nixternalI can't afford Vista02:10
=== Hobbsee has an XP partition
=== Hobbsee has 2 linux ones, though
Hobbseewell, + /home02:10
nixternalI only use it for the stupid VB class at school and to play Battlefield 202:10
nixternaloh, I have at least 20 linux ones02:10
nixternalnot including chroots02:11
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HobbseeLOCK KDEgames02:31
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Hobbseewoot!  kdelibs built02:37
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nixternalRiddell: http://www.nixternal.com/pkg/kde4-feisty-amd64/02:47
nixternalthat is what we have so far02:47
Hobbseenixternal: is it shiny?02:48
nixternalJR has the rest on http://kubuntu.or/~jriddell/tmp/3.90.102:48
Hobbseedoes it point and click?02:48
nixternalyou know it02:48
nixternalRiddell: http://www.nixternal.com/pkg/7.10/kubuntu-docs/03:14
=== Hobbsee builds kdegames
jjessehiya nixternal03:16
nixternalhowdy jjesse03:16
Hobbseeewww, kdepim buglist looks evil03:16
nixternalalrighty, nevermind kflickr then03:17
Hobbseekdenetwork looks equally bad03:17
nixternalya, kdepim is nasty03:18
nixternalI went through one evening a few months back and attempted to clean it up as well03:18
nixternalwth needs a sync/merge that hasn't already?03:18
Hobbseeksudoku will, but not yet03:19
Hobbsee(it hasnt cleared debian yet)03:19
nixternalI will work on tonio's kftpgrabber03:19
Hobbseeoh, iknow03:19
nixternaloh you do03:19
nixternaltell me ;)03:19
Hobbseeyakuake needs cleaning up03:19
Hobbseewe should sync that from debian, if we can, and push our changes back03:20
nixternalahh, my favorite03:20
Hobbseebasket 1.0.2 is released, too03:20
nixternalwe can sync it from debian I believe..I am running a debian version...ooh, I am using hte new beta one..that's right03:20
nixternalI will check it out now03:20
Hobbseegood.  still building.03:21
=== xeros [i=xeros@fan194.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalhrmm..i figured since ana was doing yakuake it would be in extras03:24
nixternalHobbsee: that libtool update patch, I can replace that with the relibtoolization at build like we have been doing in kde-extras03:27
nixternalthat will drop a patch03:27
nixternalthen again...it is patched in debian as well03:27
Hobbseenixternal: ahhh...03:28
nixternalnow yakuake_2.8~beta1-1 doesn't have any patches at all03:29
nixternalI don't believe it is going to stay beta much longer, but Sho_ would know better about that03:29
Hobbseeright, yeah03:31
nixternalI wonder if we should even worry about 2.7.5 for Gutsy03:33
nixternalwant to just request a beta sync? or is that to scary03:34
nixternalbasket 1.0.2-1 is already in the repos03:35
Hobbseeoh neat03:38
Hobbseeyeah, request the beta sync03:38
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p54957C2B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jjessewow i have no focus tonight to get any work done03:50
Jucatowhat is focus?03:52
jjesseapparently something i'm lacking tonight03:52
Jucatosomething I must be lacking for years now... or maybe my whole life :D03:52
jjessei think its the heroes season finale that is doing it03:53
Jucatohehe :)03:53
nixternalI can hear it playing03:53
jjessewow that was an awesome ending :)03:59
jjessemaybe now i can work04:00
Jucato"maybe"... :D04:00
yuriyshh i haven't seen it yet, others are watching 2404:04
jjesseyuriy: ok i won't tell anything04:04
jjessesome of us don't care about 24 :)04:04
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nixternalgrr, no go on yakuake sync...we had Kubuntu changes..I have updated the changes, dropped one patch, and am building it now..will request merge after testing04:36
nixternalhrmm, wrong chan04:37
jjessegrin :)04:37
nixternaloh well04:37
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LureRiddell: re 3.5.7> knetworkmanager works now, thanks09:20
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Tonio_hey :)10:09
Tonio_fdoving: interested in fixing another media related bug ?10:09
Tonio_fdoving: very small one, bug annoying :)10:09
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180071172.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_hi mbiebl10:11
mbieblTonio_: hi10:11
_marseillais_yop Tonio_ :)10:21
_marseillais_could you come 2 minutes on kubuntu-fr10:21
_marseillais_i got a little thing to ask to you10:21
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HobbseeRiddell: kdegames done10:52
Hobbseeanyone alive?11:02
_marseillais_hi Hobbsee11:04
_marseillais_for the patch i send to you yesterday11:04
_marseillais_it build but it makes kopete crash (i've only install kopete from kde3.5.7 and keep all kdenetwork from kde 3.5.611:04
_marseillais_i'll try today to fix it11:04
=== Tonio__ [n=tonio@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehi Tonio_!11:05
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
RiddellHobbsee: got kdelibs available?11:17
HobbseeRiddell: sure11:17
HobbseeRiddell: same place as the rest11:17
RiddellHobbsee: remind me again where that is11:18
=== Hobbsee has done arts, kdelibs, kdegames, and is working on kdepim at the moment
Hobbseeand the binaries are in /debs11:18
HobbseeRiddell: you're looking at doing some?11:18
RiddellHobbsee: I'll look at uploading what you've done first11:19
HobbseeRiddell: okay :)11:19
=== glatzor [n=sebi@p57AED1EC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee closes more bugs.
Riddellnixternal: where are your source packages?11:23
=== _marseillais_ is now known as marseillai
HobbseeRiddell: suggest you use /lastlog11:25
HobbseeRiddell: kde 3.5.7 was to be the last kde4 release, right?11:27
Riddellthat's unclear, there may be a 3.5.811:27
sebasHobbsee: KDE3, probably not.11:28
Hobbseeah right11:28
sebasIt's supposed to become less though.11:28
sebasBut it will be supported for some time to come.11:28
sebasYielding the interesting question if that's long enough for Gutsy+1 as LTS, or if that should be KDE4-based11:29
sebasThat also depends on when 4.0 and 4.1 will be out.11:29
=== Hobbsee --> dinner
Hobbseesebas: er, yeah, kde311:30
Riddellsebas: what do you mean by supported?11:30
glatzorhi sebas. has anybody yet worked on separating the displayconfig backend from guidance?11:31
sebasRiddell: Upstream fixes bugs11:32
sebasglatzor: Nope, a bit busy atm11:32
sebasAnd I'm not a packaging dude anyway11:33
Riddellglatzor: not imminently, it'll happen as part of merges hopefully but just now there's three kde releases being packaged11:33
Tonio_Riddell: I'll probably be there tomorrow to help on packaging 3.5.7 if needed11:45
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=== Tonsio_ is now known as Tonio_
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Hobbsee(darn connection)12:13
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HobbseeRiddell: whihc bit of kde are you doing now?12:46
RiddellHobbsee: I'm not, I'm still waking up :)12:47
=== Hobbsee hands you some irn bru :P
=== Hobbsee notes you didnt get tipsy at UDS that she saw :(
RiddellTonio_: about?12:59
Tonio_Riddell: ?12:59
HobbseeRiddell: i want to attack kdepim, and kdenetwork.  the rest i dont mind about, per se12:59
=== freeflying [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellTonio_: do you want to be assigned any specs?  e.g. kubuntu-accessibility-keyboard, kubuntu-dolphin-by-default?12:59
RiddellHobbsee: for kdepim you may want to fix the debian/rules include for simple-patchsys, it's a local include but should be the normal cdbs one01:00
Hobbseeright, thanks for the headsup01:00
Tonio_Riddell: hum yes please, I'll work on those 2 ones01:01
Tonio_Riddell: and probably the kdebluetooth one too :)01:01
RiddellI can't find the bluetooth one now01:02
Tonio_Riddell: I'll take those in charge, and btw as soon as you have 3.5.7 packages out, I'll also start to backport the fixes w have done for the french parliament01:02
Tonio_Riddell: hu ? let me check01:02
=== meduxa [n=agustin@84.Red-217-127-164.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-bluetooth01:03
Tonio_Riddell: can't wait to be back in the effort..... one month without even an upload...... I'm angry :)01:04
Hobbseepoor Tonio_01:05
HobbseeTonio_: i'm wokrign on them - but i am at uni too...01:05
Tonio_Hobbsee: the good point is that I already have a bunch of uploads to perform, but I need deps to come in the repos first (kaffeine.......)01:06
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180071172.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
marseillai_someone could explain me what can be the reason why i don't have any backtrace : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21968/ ???01:15
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Riddellmarseillai_: the crash is caused by the library missing a function, not by something that needs a backtrace01:18
marseillai_thanks Riddell01:25
marseillai_it's because i've done something bad in my package?01:25
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Riddellmarseillai_: something has done something bad yes01:34
sebasDo the 3.5.7 feisty packages have known regressions?01:35
Riddellit's using a library version that it wasn't compiled with01:35
Riddellsebas: not so far01:35
sebasOk thanks :)01:35
=== sebas upgrades then
Riddellxinerama probably broken01:35
sebasI will be able to tell you in a minute.01:35
sebasWell, some minutes.01:36
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=== mars [n=mars@AMarseille-156-1-62-244.w90-28.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee is just being slow
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buzcan i trigger the same HAL code path that guidance power manager uses for suspend from the cli?01:40
Lurebuz: power-manager has dcop interface01:41
Lurebuz: or use dbus01:41
Lurebuz: it is couple of lines of python code01:42
buzfor dcop i need kde running (i' trying to debug a suspend issue from text mode)01:42
buzok i'll see about that01:42
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Lurebuz: for command line you can do "sudo pmi action suspend" (or hibernate)01:42
buzah that was what i was looking for01:42
marsRiddell: it's because i've done something bad in my package or it's an upstream bug? upstream dev say it comes from my package but i don't think i've done anything bad01:42
Riddellmars: only reason I can think of is that you're mixing files from different compiled (e.g. your compile and a package from the archive)01:43
marsoki i'll continue this later this evening01:44
marsand don't give up01:44
HobbseeRiddell: do you know if all the kubuntu-specific patches in kdepim have been named kubuntu_*?01:45
RiddellHobbsee: yes01:46
Riddellthey have01:46
Hobbseeyay, power01:48
=== Hobbsee notes that she's diff'd this backwards, which wont be helping.
buzdoes kde3.5.7 have a fix for those annoying crashes in kmail when you select a new mail?01:49
Hobbseebuz: should do, yes.01:49
buzfinally ;)01:50
buzthat nearly drove me to thunderbird a while back01:50
Hobbseeas in, assuming usptream has actually fixed it like they say htey have01:50
buzwell they claimed to have fixed in their dev branch but i couldnt figure out if that got incorporated into 3.5.701:50
HobbseeRiddell: do we still want to use -make-orig-source: .... in the rules file?01:50
=== Hobbsee can pastebin, for more info
Hobbseeand simple-patchsys is already not a local one01:52
Hobbseewere you thinking of debian-qt-mk?01:52
Hobbseeinclude debian/cdbs/debian-qt-kde.mk01:52
RiddellHobbsee: I must have been thinking of the feisty packages01:53
=== Hobbsee is slightly confused as to what that's there for, as it's not in kubuntu-debian-changes
RiddellHobbsee: I don't use make-orig-source01:53
HobbseeRiddell: http://rafb.net/p/KLYONC76.html is something debian had and dropped, then?01:54
RiddellHobbsee: guess so, I removed those files upstream so there shouldn't be a need to do it as packagers01:54
=== Hobbsee testbuilds, then
Hobbseeoh, bugger it.  i wanted to fix your bodgy networkstatus01:55
seelewhy is there a flurry of posts about women in OSS?  did something happen?02:05
Hobbseeseele: when?02:05
Hobbseeand where?02:05
Hobbseeoh, ubuntu planet, the equality stuff?02:06
seelemelissa, richard, daniel, mark van den borre02:06
Hobbseei think some of them discussed it at UDS02:07
Hobbseejono was interested in it02:07
seeleand i never hear anyone asking "Where are all the Black people in OSS"02:07
Hobbseeseeing as there are very few women around in ubuntu02:07
Hobbseethis is true - but tha twould be more discrimatory02:07
Hobbseewell, obvious discrimination, more so02:07
seelewhy?  because i'm pointing out that a group is underrepresented in my world in the universe of OSS?02:08
Hobbseei'm not sure02:08
seelethats what people are doing with women02:08
Hobbseethis is true02:08
HobbseeLP users has had a recent thread about code of conduct for LP, and having to use full names02:08
Hobbseei'd suspect that there's more of a culture to say "dont jump on the black people" in lots of places02:09
Hobbseewhereas women are the context of a lot of men's jokes02:09
Hobbseebut i'm really not sure, and i think i'm ranting02:09
seeleyeah, i dunno02:09
seelei didnt realise the topic of black people was sensitive outside the US02:10
Hobbseeit's not, inside the US?02:10
=== Hobbsee doesnt know
seeleno, it is inside the uS02:10
seelewe did a great job of fucking over black people and native americans in the 300 years02:11
Hobbseesay if i were to have a go at aboriginies in my country...it wouldnt go down so well - i'd get labelled racist very quickly02:11
seelewhy?  wouldnt that make people sexist for pointing out women's issues?02:11
seelei just dont understand why every time the code of conduct or other social issue comes up, women in floss has to be discussed02:12
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=== Hobbsee shrugs
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@WL-POOL02-44.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu-devel
seelesorry, didnt meant to take it out on you02:13
Hobbseeit seems to me that there's a great push to try to establish something that they'll never see - and that htey'll never really undersatnd, as they havent been thru02:13
Hobbseeno problem02:13
Hobbseei suspect that they're only looking at one subset at a time, though.  like women first, then black people, or whatever02:14
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=== ScottK has never understood how one gets people to stop dividing people into groups by dividing people into groups ...
HobbseeScottK: heh.  that's one of the reasons i'm not in ubuntu-women02:15
Hobbseeseele: i guess one thing is, with the women groups, that a lot of the women wont put up with the same shit that you or i will, just because we're more used to it.  so it probably has a place.02:16
seelei guess02:16
seelebut some women cant separate a comment that was made to them because they were a bitch rather because they have a vagina02:17
Hobbseethis is true02:17
Hobbseewhich means they need educatoin too02:17
Hobbseeor an appointment with the cluebat, either way.02:17
seelei'm all for the education of sexist attitude, its just my opinion that is not whats going on here02:17
Hobbseewhat do you think is going on?02:18
seelei dont know02:18
seelesome people like to complain, some people dont like being underrepresented, some people like fighting for a cause02:18
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seelesoem people have the bad luck of working with assholes02:19
seelebut it should remain on social issues, not the fact that women get picked on02:19
seelebecause i dont think that happens as much as it seems to be talked about02:19
=== sebas [i=sebas@belphegor.deadlysins.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseecant say i've been overly picked on, apart from UDS, in a good...maybe 3 months?02:21
Hobbseewait, does bluefoxicy count?02:21
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Riddellyou were picked on at UDS?02:22
Hobbseesome.  not much02:22
Hobbseenot by you people02:22
Hobbseewhere you == kubuntu type02:23
seeleno kde love02:23
Hobbseeseele: apologies.  kubuntu-type == kubuntu+kde02:24
Hobbseeseemed so few, so i grouped them together02:25
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marseillaigrrrr my poor c++ skills tell me it should work : ftp://marseillai.homelinux.org/kopete/kdenetwork-3.5.7/debian/patches/kubuntu_08_emoticons_editor.diff but it doesn't.02:49
=== glatzor_ [n=sebi@p54966345.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ScottKmy non-existant c++ skills tell me I'm not the one to help you figure it out ;-)02:50
Tonio_marseillai: have an http link ?02:55
Tonio_marseillai: I'd like to have a look but it looks like I can't connect to your ftp...02:55
Tonio_marseillai: the link isn't good in fact02:56
Tonio_404 for me02:56
marseillaiarf ah oui02:57
marseillaiTonio_, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21975/02:57
marseillaiTonio_, it crashes when i use edittheme function telling me this error : symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde3/kcm_kopete_appearanceconfig.so: undefined symbol: _ZN19EmoticonsEditDialogC1EP7QWidget7QStringPKc02:59
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== hunger is waiting for the new kde to appear in gutsy.
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@WL-POOL02-44.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu-devel
hungermarseillai: Try pasting the _ZN... stuff into c++filt. That should at least give you the demangeled name.03:15
Hobbseehunger: there are a few debs03:15
hungerHobbsee: Not yet in gutsy. Don't want to add more repositories than absolutely necessary.03:16
=== Hobbsee isnt repo-literate, so there are only debs
Hobbseei believe Riddell is going to start uploading them03:16
hungerWow, great!03:16
HobbseeRiddell: it'd be nice to upload arts+kdelibs for a start03:16
=== hunger hops.
Hobbseemakingthe rest easier to build with pbuilder03:16
RiddellHobbsee: will do after lunch03:17
marseillaihunger, i don't understand what you've said03:17
hungerRiddell: Thanks!03:17
Tonio_marseillai: fiou....... that patch is wau too complicated for my poor c++ knowledge :)03:17
hungermarseillai: try "c++filt _ZN19EmoticonsEditDialogC1EP7QWidget7QStringPKc" in a terminal.03:18
marseillaii'm currently at work03:18
hungermarseillai: That should give you proper classnames, etc. on the missing symbol.03:18
marseillaibut i'll try03:18
Tonio_Riddell: kcontrol is broken again in gutsy.... same problem we previously had during feisty..... I'll have a look at that03:18
hungermarseillai: It is EmoticonsEditDialog::EmoticonsEditDialog(QWidget*, QString, char const*) for what its worse.03:18
Tonio_Riddell: looks like the obex kcontrol entry is back and afaicr that was causing the issue....03:19
marseillaithanks hunger03:19
hungermarseillai: The compiler pushes all those C++ names through a wringer and turns them into this undecipherable garbadge.03:19
hungermarseillai: c++filt reverses the process:-)03:19
marseillaiso the message means that this function is missing in /usr/lib/kde3/kcm_kopete_appearanceconfig.so ????03:19
hungerIs it in one of the source files? Is that compiled and linked into the .so-file?03:20
hungerUsually this kind of thing happens when you screw up the build system:-)03:20
marseillaireally? i don't know03:20
HobbseeRiddell: kdepim done03:21
marseillaii've apply a patch find on kde-apps and build it hunger03:21
Hobbseebah.  or not03:21
marseillaibut your information gives some way to looks for problem03:21
hungermarseillai: You are welcome.03:21
marseillaihunger, may be if you look at the patch you could see something : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21975/ (if you have time)03:23
RiddellHobbsee: you rock03:23
hungermarseillai: I don't. But I'll sneak a peek anyway;-)03:23
HobbseeRiddell: failed at the end.  grr.03:24
hungermarseillai: There is no such method:-(03:25
=== hunger wonders why it thinks there should be.
marseillaii've just saw that03:25
hungerOh, sorry, just missed it. It is there.03:25
marseillaithere is only +EmoticonsEditDialog::EmoticonsEditDialog(QWidget *parent, QString theme, const char* name) wich i not exactly the same03:26
hungermarseillai: line 274.03:26
marseillaiit's not exactly the same you told me03:26
marseillaiit's const char* instead of char const*03:26
hungermarseillai: It is close enough I thing.03:26
hungermarseillai: That patch seems to introduce a new file (kdenetwork-3.5.7/kopete/kopete/config/appearance/emoticonseditdialog.cpp).03:27
hungerI do not see where that is made known to the buildsystem.03:27
marseillailine 589 hunger03:28
hungermarseillai: Hmmm... right:-(03:28
hungerWhat did you do after applying the patch? reconfigure?03:28
marseillaidebuild and build in pbuilder03:29
hungerI think you might even need to rerun automake to generate the proper makefiles.03:29
marseillaibefore building ?03:31
marseillaibut the patch only apply after the build03:31
marseillaibut the patch only apply after the build start03:32
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_Riddell: any plans for adding kdevelop 3.4.1 to the kde 3.5.7 repo?03:34
Riddell_StefanS_: I don't plan to, it wasn't trvial to do so I left it out03:36
_StefanS_Riddell: okay, dont bother about it then :)03:36
=== Hobbsee rebuilds kdepim. gah
_StefanS_Riddell: not really important03:36
_StefanS_Riddell: the packages work fine btw03:36
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RiddellHobbsee: what's up?03:38
HobbseeRiddell: FTBFS - a file doesnt exist anymore.03:38
Riddelldebuild -nc is your friend03:38
Hobbseebut this should be it, i hope03:38
alleeTonio_: I've right now configured my mighty bt mouse without command line help.  With kdebluetooth-dbus-integration it will work out of the box (no hidd necessary)03:38
Hobbseewhat's that do?03:38
Hobbseethe -nc bit?  no clean?03:38
Riddellrebuilds without cleaning first03:38
=== Hobbsee notes that photo is seriously evil...
=== allee admires Hobbsee. Without -nc I would have never dared to build kdelibs kdebase ..
=== Hobbsee hasnt done kdebase
Hobbseeand i dont think that admiring for idiocy is terribly good, anyway03:41
marseillaiRiddell, my patch for kopete changes makefile.am and it seems this change are not take into account during the build! is there a way to change that?03:41
Riddellmarseillai: make -f debian/rules buildprep03:41
Riddellwhich applies the patch and runs autothings03:41
marseillaithanks a lot! :)03:42
marseillaiso like that the patck _should_ work03:42
_StefanS_Riddell: someone is asking on bug 103401, regarding the unfixed reboot/restart button03:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 103401 in kdebase "Reboot-Restart Button with classic LogOut Dialog (doUbuntuLogout=0) doesn't work" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10340103:42
_StefanS_Riddell: the packages for kde 3.5.7 is just the same as 3.5.6 patch-wise, right?03:43
Riddell_StefanS_: they are yes03:43
_StefanS_Riddell: well, I'll just write that in the bug03:43
marseillaiRiddell, last question : is there a way with pbuilder ton build ONLY kopete and not all kdenetwork wich take for me more than an hour and a half ?03:43
Riddellmarseillai: nope, you'd have to compile by hand for that03:44
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marseillaioki Riddell thanks anyway03:45
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Tonio_allee: interesting03:48
Tonio_allee: where is the package ?03:48
Tonio_allee: build from svn ?03:48
Tonio_allee: let's stay connected on that point as I'll start working on that spec soon :)03:49
_StefanS_hey Tonio_03:52
rbrunhuber_StefanS_: Hi _StefanS_03:52
_StefanS_rbrunhuber: so youre checking time, eh :)03:52
Tonio_yo _StefanS_ rbrunhuber03:52
rbrunhuber_StefanS_ : I tried to find out if you are ilde. but did not succeed.03:52
_StefanS_rbrunhuber: I was born idle.03:53
rbrunhuber_StefanS_ : Ok back to other topics. My networkmanager is not running anymore. So no bug for .x509 and no mockups.03:54
Tonio_allee: I am on the svn, looks pretty active at the moment03:54
_StefanS_rbrunhuber: well thats bad :) - why dont you just reinstall the packages?03:55
Tonio_allee: I'd like to know when is that supposed to be released03:55
Tonio_allee: but that sounds promissing :) let's try to get that done with gutsy..... I'll update the wikipage concerning this03:55
Riddellsebas: you're being marked as the assignee of kubuntu-gutsy-guidance since you were at UDS (although it'll presumably be the usual mix of you, me, lure, sime, whoever else)03:56
rbrunhuber_StefanS_ : I upgraded to gutsy already (I don't use the machine productive). There are unmet dependencies.03:56
sebasRiddell: That means?03:56
Hobbseerbrunhuber: fix is on it's way03:56
Hobbseerbrunhuber: downgrade to feisty version of networkstatus03:56
Riddellsebas: it means you get launchpad karma :)03:56
_StefanS_rbrunhuber: ok nevermind that, I have almost done the LEAP thingy btw03:56
Luresebas: you should implement it and we will look at you ;-)03:56
sebasI'll happily wait for launchpad karma then.03:56
Hobbseerbrunhuber: unmet deps are normal, etc03:56
_StefanS_rbrunhuber: could you write me what commands you use to split up the certificate manually?03:57
sebasI'll implement parts and merge patches of others.03:57
sebasSomeone came up and started on powermanager port to Qt4 btw03:57
rbrunhuber_StefanS_ : Can i send them later to you. Not on a linux machine now.03:58
Riddellsebas: really?  who's that?03:58
_StefanS_rbrunhuber: thats fine03:58
manchickenTonio_: So when are you going to teach me how to use rosetta?03:58
sebasA student from Edinburgh03:58
sebasDavid Edmundson03:58
Riddelloh, another one03:58
Luresebas: do we have the right pyqt4 in feisty - only latest support dbus event loop, afair03:58
sebasI told you that blogging works ;-)03:58
sebasLure: Dunno03:58
sebasHe first starts to straightforward port, and then hopefully make it event-based rather than polling03:59
Luresebas: I tried event loop stuff (have proto code), but I had to use snapshot version of pyqt03:59
Luresebas: when port is done, I can finish event loop stuff03:59
RiddellLure: isn't the code for that in dbus python bindings rather than pyqt?03:59
Luresebas: will  port be done on branch?03:59
sebasLure: Not sure, he'll send patches as soon as something works04:00
LureRiddell: no, python-dbus only ship glib loop, while pyqt adds another qt event loop support04:00
sebasI've already merged an unrelated patch by him yesterday (extending the dbus interface)04:00
rbrunhuber_StefanS_ : I'm such a dumbshot. I have a second machine at home which still uses feisty. So i can use that for mockups and things. Did not think on this, because it only uses wired networking so no need for knetworkmanager.04:01
Luresebas: good - I plan to rework battery stuff a bit (so that we have support for ups and mouse battery too)04:01
Luresebas: just need to find some time ;-)04:01
_StefanS_rbrunhuber: ok sounds good :) - please send those split commands for x509 also (mailto: sfs@enhance-it.dk)04:02
sebasI'm still not sure what mouse battery has to do there, and how that should be presented to the user.04:02
rbrunhuberHobbsee, Riddell: The kde 3.5.7 packages for feisty are great. Installed them yesterday. Upgrade was very smooth.04:05
Hobbseerbrunhuber: gutsy or feisty?04:05
rbrunhuberHobbsee : Feisty.04:05
Hobbseeah right04:05
=== Hobbsee cant take any credit for that, then
rbrunhuberHobbsee : Did the gutsy packages already hit the repos?04:06
Luresebas: it would be just another bar under battery with type as label (type: Primary, Mouse, UPS...)04:07
Hobbseerbrunhuber: no.  see earlier.04:07
Hobbseethey're only partly built04:07
sebasLure: Is that kind of stuff in HAL?04:07
Luresebas: the only additional aspect could be pasive notification on low battery (but I do not plan to do this unless I have some tester with HW)04:07
Luresebas: yes, there is bug opened with UPS details04:07
Luresebas: currently we filter out battery by type != "primary"04:08
rbrunhuberLure: What about energy level of the user :-)?04:08
Lurerbrunhuber: that will be after kde4 port ;-)04:08
Lurerbrunhuber: we need plasma for that ;-)04:08
rbrunhuberLure : Or even better oxygen :-)04:09
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Riddellrbrunhuber: great, thanks for testing04:29
RiddellLure: ah, I see.  there was someone who packaged the new pyqt but I've entirely forgotten who it was now04:29
Riddellsomeone on #kde-devel04:29
rbrunhuberRiddell : Thanks for packaging :-)04:30
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=== Hobbsee tries debuild -nc
nixternalRiddell: I will upload them now04:37
LureRiddell: it seems we just need sync: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/python/python-qt404:38
RiddellLure: nice04:39
Hobbseecp: cannot stat `/home/hobbsee/kdepim/kdepim-3.5.7/debian/tmp////usr/bin/kitchensync': No such file or directory04:40
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:40
Hobbseethey havent suddenly moved the binary or something, have htey?04:41
=== Hobbsee ignores Tonio_, and sleeps on his shoulder instead.
LureHobbsee: 3.5.7 is supposed to have new kitchensync - using opensync framework04:41
LureHobbsee: maybe you need to add some build rules for it04:41
HobbseeLure: so i'm seeing...04:41
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Tonio_Hobbsee: just kiddin' of course04:42
LureHobbsee: http://www.in.fh-merseburg.de/~jahn/opensync-0.21/ might be of help - they have older version of it as separate package04:42
LureHobbsee: see kitchensync-opensync on that page04:43
LureHobbsee: disclaimer: I just think this is the same ;-)04:43
Hobbseehmmm..  debian still has that file in place04:43
=== Hobbsee gives up for a while
Hobbseeit's almost done04:44
Hobbseeit's on <lp id>@aurora.ubuntuwire.com in /home/hobbsee/kdepim if anyone wants to look at it04:45
manchickenTonio_: So when are you gonna give me that crash course in translations?04:48
HobbseeLure: i think i'll just remove all of kitchensync :P04:49
LureHobbsee: please don't - I really hope we can have proper sync with phones in gutsy04:49
HobbseeLure: it appeared to build for debian, which is the weird thing04:49
LureHobbsee: but you can do it temporarily04:50
LureHobbsee: maybe debian has newer opensync?04:50
Hobbseenot much point04:50
=== Hobbsee will hope Riddell or someone has a look at it
Hobbseedoesnt seem so04:50
Tonio_manchicken: as soon as get my normal life back :)04:51
Tonio_manchicken: possibly next week04:51
manchickenI know that feeling.04:51
manchickenWe had to *RUSH* to the doctor's yesterday in panic mode.  I really hope that doesn't happen too much more.  I don't think I can handle that much fear.04:51
Tonio_manchicken: ouch.......04:53
manchickenTell me about it.04:53
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fdovingTonio_: sure, what bug do you have in mind?05:01
Tonio_fdoving: here is how to reproduce05:04
Tonio_fdoving: insert 2 usb keys05:04
fdovingah, that one.05:04
Tonio_right click the desktop icons -> you can eject05:05
Tonio_eject one of the keys : you can't eject anymore :)05:05
Tonio_fdoving: known bug according to you ?05:05
fdovingyeah, i know it.05:05
fdovingi'll have a look later today.05:05
Tonio_fdoving: thanks :)05:06
fdovingTonio_: did you see the mail i sent you, about k-d-s and konqueror view-modes?05:06
Tonio_fdoving: not yet, when did you send it ?05:06
fdovingfriday, 21:2005:07
fdovingSubject: Fwd: [Bug 69168]  Re: konqueror file manager loses chosen view setting05:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 69168 in kubuntu-default-settings "konqueror file manager loses chosen view setting" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6916805:07
Tonio_fdoving: nothing in my mailbox05:07
fdovingi'll re-send.05:07
Tonio_fdoving: just have your audiocd eject patch, that I'll upload if riddell doesn't put it in the 3.5.7 packages05:08
Tonio_fdoving: great thanks05:08
fdovingbbl, dinner. i'll look at that remove-thing later.05:09
Tonio_fdoving: I agree concerning your fix05:10
Tonio_fdoving: we should enable this05:10
Tonio_fdoving: is that an hidden setting ?05:11
Tonio_fdoving: can't find it in the konqueror config menus05:11
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RiddellTonio_: what needs to go into 3.5.7?05:33
Tonio_Riddell: a fix for the media patches, to eject an audio cd05:35
fdovingTonio_: hidden by the kubuntu supplied .rc change.05:36
Tonio_fdoving: yep I saw that05:37
Tonio_Riddell: do you have the fix ?05:37
Tonio_Riddell: fdoving should have send it to you05:37
Tonio_Riddell: btw, if you don't have time, I'll just add the fix with a further upload05:37
fdovingdid i send anything to anyone?05:38
fdovingTonio_: don't think i sent it to riddell, maybe stefans did.05:38
Tonio_Riddell: I can send it to you if you want05:39
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Riddellis it to kdelibs?05:40
fdovingkdebase iirc.05:40
fdovingkdesktop/kdiconview.cc i think.05:41
Riddellah, I'm not on kdebase yet05:41
Riddellbut e-mail it to me and I'll incude it05:41
Tonio_Riddell: the mail is gone :)05:42
fdovingit should probably be fixed in the media patch that makes the problem.05:42
fdovingbut i haven't found the time to do that yet.05:42
Tonio_fdoving: that's what I'm saying in the mail, that your patch is a "patch for the patch"05:42
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fdovingRiddell: about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-remove-media - that's more or less finished.05:44
Riddellfdoving: groovy05:44
Riddellyou may win the prize for first gutsy spec to completion :)05:45
fdovingRiddell: tonio did some testing and reports success.05:45
fdovingRiddell: tiny spec :)05:45
Tonio_Riddell: we're using this in the french parliament05:45
Tonio_Riddell: 1000 computers, no issues reported :)05:46
fdovingTonio_: nice. :)05:46
=== LeeJunFan_ [n=junfan@s64-186-37-84.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_fdoving: btw, why an external application ?05:46
Tonio_isn't that simpler to just patch kdebase/kdelibs ?05:46
Tonio_fdoving: because getting this on the cd means, go through revu, get it approved, write a main inclusion report etc ........05:47
Tonio_fdoving: why nor just patching the existing binary that just doesn't work as proposed, even if that means replace the all code ?05:47
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fdovingTonio_: well, i could make a patch to add the app to the kdebase source.05:48
Tonio_fdoving: that would be way easier for us to implement it05:48
Tonio_fdoving: then I'll just have to patch, test and upload and that it :)05:49
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fdovingmore work for me.05:49
Tonio_hum, indeed......05:49
Tonio_well you decide, I'll manage to do the bureaucracy thing ;)05:49
fdovingwell.. i'd rather keep it separate. getting it into main can't be that much work.05:49
Tonio_fdoving: not that much05:50
Tonio_fdoving: as I said you decide :)05:50
fdovingmaking it part of kdebase is more work, that's my guess.05:50
fdovingthen it'll be a separate package.05:50
Tonio_well do you still have to work on the code ?05:51
Tonio_if not we should upload it to revu now05:51
Tonio_I may do it as I cleaned up your packaging a bit :)05:51
Tonio_missign builddeps etc...05:51
fdovingcode is finished if it works for your 1000 computers.05:51
Tonio_fdoving: perfect05:51
Tonio_fdoving: I'll upload to revu on friday and try to get it approved the same day05:51
fdovingthere is a new version at http://frode.kde.no/misc/kio_umountwrapper/ with automake deps.05:51
Tonio_that's on my todo list05:51
Tonio_fdoving: great05:52
fdovingand i'd like patches to the packaging, or links to source etc. when you're finished polishing packaging.05:52
fdovingthen if i ever make changes, the new packages will appear at http://frode.kde.no/misc/kio_umountwrapper/05:52
Tonio_fdoving: well I think it was just a matter of missing builddep05:53
Tonio_fdoving: those changes were just for the local deployement, I wouldn't have upload to revu without emailing you the changes :)05:53
Tonio_fdoving: btw we have to wait for kde 3.5.7 to reach the repos as we need the fixed kde code....05:54
Tonio_fdoving: I won't patch kde 3.5.6 now :)05:54
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lucky_lucasHi, I have to report two problems with kde  3.5.7 packages06:00
Riddelllucky_lucas: what's up?06:01
lucky_lucasHi Riddell let me explain06:01
lucky_lucasSo first of all I did the update from CLI06:01
lucky_lucasI didn't add the key but it doesn't make a difference, does  it ?06:02
lucky_lucasKnow I wanted to install kdeveolp 3.4.1 and realize that only the 3.4.0 is available06:02
lucky_lucasI wanted to add the key with adept and the nice kubuntu way of managing repos is replace with the standrad adept one, which cannot handle key06:03
lucky_lucasreplaced sorry06:03
=== LeeJunFan_ [n=junfan@s64-186-37-84.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellkdevelop isn't in the archive I'm afraid06:05
Riddelldo you have software-properties-kde installed?06:05
lucky_lucasI just check06:05
lucky_lucasno it wasn't installed i do it now06:06
lucky_lucasthat's it06:06
lucky_lucasAnd now i got the nice kubuntu interface to manage the repos06:08
lucky_lucasthank you06:08
lucky_lucasIt's maybe related with the fact that I installed ubuntu and after I did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:08
Riddellthat should still install software-properties-kde06:09
Riddelldid you upgrade from edgy?06:09
lucky_lucasno a fresh install form ubuntu live cd06:10
lucky_lucasfrom sorry06:10
Riddellhave you installed kde 4?06:10
lucky_lucasbut I installed kde4 packages once06:10
nixternalRiddell: http://www.nixternal.com/pkg/7.04/kde4-3.90.106:11
nixternaldebs and src06:11
Riddellthat'll be it, the qt from kde 4 removes qt 4 apps like software-properties-kde06:11
nixternalI will continue working on the other packages...as they will need to be created from scratch06:11
Riddellnixternal: groovy06:11
nixternalwhich from the looks of it, I can copy debian/ from other packages, make some changes, and build06:11
Riddellnixternal: you could also try going i38606:11
nixternalheh, sure06:11
fdovingtonio, there is no depend on it anywhere, you don't need any changes to kdebase as it won't autoinstall anywhere. should be fine to just upload.06:12
Riddellnixternal: there are sources for other kde 4 packages in feisty06:12
lucky_lucasRiddell: thank you I didn't notice the change with kde4 packages because I rarely use adept06:12
lucky_lucasAnd only use because of the tutoriel on kubuntu.org to install your key06:13
Riddellnothing stopping you doing it the command line either of course06:14
lucky_lucasSure but I didn't remember the apt-key add sequence, so I follow the guide06:15
lucky_lucasAnyway, my two problems are fixed because the 3.4.1 isn't in the repos..06:17
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\shRiddell: why don't we enable the exchange plugin for kdepim?06:20
Riddell\sh: I don't know06:20
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\shRiddell: I just saw it somewhere...hmm...lemme look06:22
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marseillai_Riddell: perhaps we should add this correction to konqueror for feisty on kde 3.5.7 no ?06:29
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Riddellmarseillai_: which?06:30
marseillai_arf sorry forgot link06:30
fdovingdid the gmail one make it into 3.5.7 ?06:30
marseillai_fdoving: no06:30
marseillai_it was what i talk about06:30
fdovingmarseillai_: ah, ok. i06:30
Riddellfdoving: yes06:30
fdovingRiddell: ok. good.06:31
marseillai_Riddell: it seems no06:31
fdovingRiddell: kde.org tagged 3.5.7 too, or did you patch it into the kubuntu package?06:31
marseillai_narishma on kubuntu-fr still have the bug06:31
RiddellI checked half an hour ago, the code in that blog is in the current 3.5.7 tar06:31
fdovinggood. :)06:31
Riddellpossibly not the feisty ones though, KDE updated the tar throughout the week06:32
marseillai_ah oki06:32
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marseillai_Riddell: indeed for feisty i've just check here : http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-357/pool/kdelibs/kdelibs_3.5.7.orig.tar.gz and the patch is not here for gmail06:40
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Riddellmarseillai_: fooey06:42
marseillai_Riddell: if i make a debdiff for that you are interest for feisty ?06:43
Riddellmarseillai_: the main task is finding the time to compile it06:44
marseillai_i understand06:44
marseillai_but now i allready one debdiff pour kde 3.5.7 : one for kopete and maybe another for konqueror and i can build for i38606:45
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Riddellwhat's changed in kopete?06:46
Riddellthat's a feature, that won't go in kubuntu.org packages06:46
marseillai_i add a great feature06:46
marseillai_didn't know06:46
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giangy'evening guys07:41
DaSkreechShould there be a 3.5.7 in the topic in #kubuntu?07:43
fdovingna, should there?07:43
RiddellDaSkreech: yes07:44
fdovinglike that?07:45
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hsitterRiddell: ping08:00
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Riddellhi hsitter08:15
hsitterahoy captain :)08:15
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hsitterRiddell: what do you think about integrating about including suse's sysinfo kio slave in kubuntu?08:15
fdovingi was playing with packaging that once.08:16
marseillai_kopete_emoticons_manager works! :)08:16
marseillai_thanks for your help Riddell08:16
marseillai_i was missing sudo make -f debian/rules buildprep08:16
hsitterthe problem with sysinfo is that there is no own source package for it, so I'd have to create an own tarball - now question is: shall I put the sources in bzr?08:17
fdovingi extracted the source from the opensuse sourcepackage.08:19
fdovingi'm all for RCSs in any way possible :)08:22
Riddellah, right08:22
Riddellsure, go ahead08:22
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=== hsitter starts reading on how to use bzr
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emonkey-fthx for the 3.5.7 packages 08:47
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_buzi'm experiencing weird behavior with kmail filters since upgrading to 3.5.708:48
_buzthe log says the filters matched and messages got moved, but they stay where they are08:48
_buzmanually moving works, so it cant be a fs / server issue08:49
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hsitterRiddell: Kubuntu Team as owner of the branches?09:13
nixternalshould be Kubuntu members...team is expired/not used09:13
=== hsitter is not even member there :P
hsitter"substantial contribution"09:15
hsitternow I wonder whether that applies09:15
hsitternixternal: you think it's necessary to create an upstream branch?09:18
nixternalwhat are we talking about here?09:18
hsitterthe kio-sysinfo thing from suse09:19
nixternalyou can always create your own branch as well on LP09:19
hsitternixternal: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/tmp035.png09:19
nixternalyes that is sweet09:19
nixternalis that a SUSE box or did you port it over for Kubuntu already?09:20
nixternalI noticed the 2.6.20-15 kernel09:21
hsitternixternal: not much of porting, it's using hal :)09:21
nixternaljust needs to be doctored by kwwii09:21
hsitteryeah :)09:21
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nixternalhola jjesse09:21
jjessehiya nixternal09:23
fdovingis there a reason why konqueror identifies as firefox and not safari, when talking to gmail?09:29
hsitterletz pray for a working upload :D09:29
fdoving.. is that default setting something we set in k-d-s?09:29
hsitterfdoving: safari causes misbehaviour on usual google search09:29
hsitterno right click IIRC09:29
nixternalfdoving: it is because gmail will not accept konqi09:30
fdovingnixternal: it does work for me with safari identification.09:30
nixternaloh, don't know why it doesn't do with safari09:30
nixternalthere is a patch out for konqi to fix the issue09:30
fdovingbut changing the identification is easier.09:31
fdoving.. or can work as a workaround.09:31
fdovingthe patch is very very small.09:31
Riddellhsitter: if you want09:31
hsitterdoes bzr disallow branch pushes to groups one's not member of?09:33
fdoving.. identifying as opera works too.09:35
fdovinghsitter: i guess you don't have write access to groups you're not member of.09:35
=== hsitter is confused anyway :S
hsitteryeah, no permission09:36
fdovingi'm confused too. i can't figure out what makes the contextmenus on rightlicking removable devices on the dekstop.09:36
hsitterthere's not even a date for the next meeting09:38
fdovinggah.. this media stuff is so broken.09:43
fdovingrefreshing the desktop with removable devices plugged in removes the "safely remove" option from the context menus.09:43
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hsittermade a personal branch for now https://code.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/kio-sysinfo/ubuntu09:54
hsitterand I need to talk to the committee to find out why I'm not member by default ^_^09:54
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DaSkreechhsitter: that's HW info?10:10
hsitterDaSkreech: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/tmp035.png10:10
DaSkreechYeah Just looked at it10:10
DaSkreechThat's out sideof Kcontrol?10:10
=== DaSkreech still wants Kcontrol to show up hardware info in a redable manner
tomaDaSkreech: whats wrong with /proc/diskstat ?10:16
DaSkreechYeah that lets me know what processor and Video card I have :-P10:17
tomaDaSkreech: it is hidden in those numbers, trust me10:18
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mschiffheya! is there a problem with kitchensync in 3.5.7?10:21
mschiff(because the package is missing in the repo...)10:22
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DaSkreechtoma: Whats Your Network card specs based on that?10:33
toma"-464" but that might be a bug10:34
DaSkreech-464 B/s ?10:34
DaSkreechBetter start uploading fast :)10:34
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DaSkreechBut seriously you'd give your mom or child's school teacher instructions to read that to gain more information on the computer?10:37
yuriywhat's wrong with kinfocenter?10:38
DaSkreechIt's not bad but a little intimidating10:39
DaSkreechlshw -html is easier to read10:39
yuriykinfocenter used to have nice little bars for showing free hdd space, but they seem to have disappeared10:41
DaSkreechI think you mean memory10:48
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