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BWolf85whats ctcp received version request from tsdgeos12:15
tsdgeosBWolf85: sorry, i wanted to whois you and pressed wrong menu entry12:16
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tsdgeosnothing serious12:16
BWolf85what is it12:16
tsdgeosBWolf85: use google ;-)12:16
tsdgeosor anyone will ask12:16
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korielhi all, I followed some instructions about installing beryl in 7.04 with some ready script but after restarting X I get that kernel nvidia module has different version than X module...12:19
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Flatlinetry to reconfigure your X server12:19
Flatlineyou know the command?12:19
korielI'm in konsole mode now12:19
Flatlinesudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:19
blekos__what is a zombie task?12:20
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Flatlinechoose VESA for your driver, and everything else should be default.12:20
Flatlineonce that works then reinstall the latest nvidia driver with envy.12:20
munzirHi, I am facing a problem similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/75725 and the first comment from Daniel is "Please use alsa-driver 1.0.14rc1." but I cannot find this version in Feisty12:20
Flatlineif it doesnt work, its probably because the PCI location supplied to xserver is wrong12:21
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Flatlinetype LSPCI to see the location of your nvidia card, then you can reconfigure X.12:21
nuublekos_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_process12:22
korielFlatLine tried to reconfigure xorg but same thing12:22
Flatlinecan you past the whole error message?12:22
korielhow I'm in konsole mode...I can tell you what is the kernel version and what's the module version12:23
Flatlineone moment12:24
korielError: API mismatch12:24
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Flatlinekoriel, perhaps removal of beryl, and a reconfigure of X would solve the problem,12:25
Flatlineand then just use adept to retreive beryl rather than a script.12:25
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korielFlatline how can I remove beryl right now?12:26
Flatlineim not completely sure on syntax. i think that the command is12:27
Flatlinesudo apt-get purge beryl-manager12:27
Flatlinebut im not sure12:27
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dogatemycomputerdominik_: you still there?12:28
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Flatlinebrb restarting X12:29
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mario__#/join ubuntu.pl12:29
dominik_dogatemycomputer: yes i'm still there :-)12:30
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dominik_dogatemycomputer: ? :-)12:33
BWolf85where can i get beryl from12:33
dogatemycomputerdominik_: I think i'm going to download and try it out.  I've always wanted to replace my Tivo.  I just wish there was a way to output from my computer via Coax to a TV in another room.12:33
Flatlineuse the adept package manager12:33
Flatlinebwolf85: first make sure your graphics card drivers are properly installed.12:34
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Flatlineafter that use adept to get the following packages.12:34
BWolf85how could i check that flatline12:34
dominik_dogatemycomputer:  you know if it's working with fglrx.. as in the wiki something is mentioned with an other window manager cause of effects..12:34
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Flatlineusing adept will allow you to download all dependancies too.12:35
BWolf85how do i check if my cards right12:35
FlatlineBWolf85: what card do you have?12:35
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dogatemycomputerdominik_: i've never tried it so i'm going to test it out this weekend.12:35
BWolf85let me find out12:35
dogatemycomputerdominik_: if i can't export to coax it won't do me much good but it still looks cool.12:35
raijinsetsuAnyone else having trouble with LVM2 on a fresh install of 7.04?12:36
rik_Hi, this might sound silly .. but how do i get the trashcan onto my DESKTOP ... i got in the taskbar but cant figure out how to put it on the desktop :/12:36
FlatlineBWolf85: just type "lspci" in konsole12:36
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dominik_dogatemycomputer: i've no idea what changed in the look from 1.0 to 1.112:36
BWolf85VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)12:37
BWolf8500:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)12:37
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sl00Hi. How do I automount a device12:37
Flatlineto get trash onto my desktop12:37
sl00I never played with udev before :(12:37
Flatlineyou right click your desktop>new>location link12:37
Flatlinein the name type:  "trash"12:38
Flatlineand for the URL type "trash:/"12:38
sl00I created a new partition on /dev/sda4 but in /etc/fstab there are UUID= etc I guess that is udev stuff?12:38
dogatemycomputerdominik_: probably nothing..  improved stability?12:38
Minatakusl00: UUID is Universally Unique IDentifier12:38
rik_yeah ^^12:38
MinatakuIt's kinda like a serial number, and yes, it's udev related12:38
sl00Minataku: Yes I know that but what is the UUID for my new partition then?12:39
Flatlineno problem rik_12:39
Flatlinehappy to help12:39
Minatakusl00: Not needed, just add the partition to the fstab without it12:39
MinatakuIt's udev _related_ not udev _required_12:39
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sl00Minataku: Well hehe. I know that too. Would be nice to find out tho.12:40
MinatakuI dunno how, heh12:40
BWolf85do those work12:40
MinatakuI might also be automount related, too12:40
dominik_dogatemycomputer: could be.. at least the package is realy big.. 2 cds..12:40
MinatakuAaargh, confused now12:41
MinatakuSorry X312:41
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FlatlineBWolf85: Its highly unlikely that an integrated card will support beryl.12:41
Kite_DHguys i have a serious problem :(12:41
Flatlineas far as i know anyway.12:41
Kite_DHlet me tell ya12:41
Flatlinecare to elaborate Kite_DH? :P12:41
MinatakuFlatline: As long as it has a driver that supports 3D acceleration12:41
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ace_acecan k3b import an existing cddb file while ripping ?12:42
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto12:42
MinatakuIt may not be fast or good, but it's not highly unlikely to not support it at all12:42
Kite_DHso, i upgraded from edgy to feisty, now when i boot i get this http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/1076 and it doesnt continue at all, i've been sitting in front of my screen with the same message for 3 hours now12:42
sl00Flatline: I played with a LiveCD before and it worked fine on my laptop with an Intel 915. It was Compiz tho IIRC.12:42
Kite_DHplease help :(12:42
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MinatakuThat looks... bad12:42
MinatakuProbably fixable, though12:43
Kite_DHMinataku, talking to me?12:43
Kite_DHhow to fix it then?12:43
dogatemycomputerdominik_: have you tested the first version already?  (v1.0?)12:43
ace_aceKite_DH: Seems to hang at a disk check ?12:43
MinatakuFix those files init is complaining about12:43
Minatakuace_ace: It looks like it finishes that12:43
Kite_DHace_ace, yes, after the fsck12:43
Kite_DHit hung up12:43
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Kite_DHMinataku, how should i do that, i cant boot at all12:44
dominik_dogatemycomputer: no.. just have seen the video on youtube and the website12:44
MinatakuI think init is spinning12:44
ace_aceKite_DH: how did you upgrade - did you follow the instructions ?12:44
ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)12:44
MinatakuKite_DH: I'm gonna bow out of helping you, because I don't know how12:44
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BWolf85so will those work for beryl12:44
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ace_aceKite_DH: you can use the install cd as rescue cd and then you will have access to the harddisk.12:44
Kite_DHace_ace, the guys from #kubuntu-de said to change everything with edgy to feisty in sources.list and then sudo apt-get upgrade12:44
MinatakuSorry, but I'd rather tell you that than give you random information12:44
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dogatemycomputerdominik_: that's all I have..   I can try screwing around with it this weekend and letting you know.  I'm still a noob so if you have more experience than I do.. then you can try it and email me?   i'm sure there are some reviews out there?12:45
ace_aceKite_DH: this is a wierd advice, I think you need a dist-upgrade somewhere inbetween,12:45
BluesKajyes Kite_DH , it should work for most apps12:45
ace_acePlease read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes and after you read it, tell me if you are confident the upgrade went well.12:45
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Kite_DHace_ace, well, its too late now, right?12:46
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dominik_i've no experience with stuff of this kind.. just studing computer science ;-)12:46
dominik_dogatemycomputer:  i've no experience with stuff of this kind.. just studing computer science ;-)12:46
MinatakuKite_DH: You can probably fix it12:46
MinatakuBy booting in via the LiveCD then chrooting12:46
ace_aceKite_DH: if you want my help. please follow my advice, I have other things to do.12:46
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MinatakuWhich will put you into your installed system within that shell until you exit it12:47
ace_aceKite_DH and it's not too late with linux, ever ! There is lots of ways to repair stuff.12:47
MinatakuYeah, this isn't Windows, where "Too late" is immediately after installing it.12:47
Kite_DHace_ace, i will read it now first12:47
Kite_DHMinataku, haha ^^12:47
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sayersis the DVD any better than the cd?12:47
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MinatakuHolds more crap on-disc12:47
MinatakuThat's about it12:48
MinatakuIf you're installing, leave it12:48
sayersso not worth the 6 hour download12:48
ace_aceMinataku: LOL !12:48
MinatakuIf you're running off the CD, grab it12:48
sayersgrab with my mighty mouse?12:48
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Kite_DHace_ace, btw, i had Kubuntu Edgy Eft12:48
Minatakusayers: Depends on if you're just using it for LiveCD or if you're installing12:48
dogatemycomputerdominik_: well..  dogatemycomputer@gmail.com .. i can test it over the weekend and let you know what it looks like.  if you email me then i'll respond when I figure it out using a basic computer..12:49
MinatakuIf you're installing Kubuntu, then grab the CD12:49
muaddibanyone mind answering a couple questions about openssh?12:49
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MinatakuIf you're gonna boot and run off the disc, then grab the DVD12:49
Kite_DHMinataku, i dont haev a CD / DVD12:49
MinatakuOf course you've gotta have the proper hardware for both12:49
MinatakuKite_DH: I'm talking to sayers12:49
Kite_DHoh, sry12:49
ace_aceKite_DH if you had a look at the docs, then you'll see that there is MUCH more to it then the advice you got from 'the guys at kubuntu-de'.12:49
sayersMinataku, no, I have to mess with a lot of Power Managment things and stuff12:49
ace_aceKite_DH: make sure you tell them that some day !12:49
Kite_DHace_ace, i will, so i could've chosen the Update Manager, but what can i do now to boot Kubuntu again?12:50
Minatakusayers: Look. Answer this. What are you doing? A: Installing Kubuntu B: Trying out Kubuntu12:50
MinatakuA or B, nothing else.12:50
ace_aceKite_DH: do you have your /home on a different partition ?12:50
Flatlinetime to VMware my BSD install ;)12:50
Kite_DHace_ace, i really dont know, sorry12:50
Kite_DHace_ace, i dont think so tho12:50
ace_aceKite_DH: do youhave important data on the hard disk ?12:50
Kite_DHyes i do12:50
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Minatakuace_ace: I'm sure if he/she had a LiveCD, he/she could chroot after booting from it12:51
Kite_DHvery much and very important data12:51
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ace_aceI think your best bet is now to move all the data from you /home directory on a12:51
MinatakuWhich may get her to the point he/she can fix it12:51
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ace_aceKite_DH: external disk or CDROM12:51
MinatakuAt the very least you'll need a LiveCD anyway12:51
ace_aceSomething you should have done BEFORE upgrading anyway.12:51
Kite_DHuh huh12:52
Kite_DHso, how to get a live CD?12:52
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Kite_DHis there a small one?12:52
ace_aceKite_DH: you think you can backup your data using the LiveCD (the install CD)?12:52
MinatakuDownload and burn or purchase12:52
Kite_DHace_ace, i dont think so..12:52
ace_aceKite_HD: you don't have a live CD at all, laying around ?12:52
sayersAnyway I am going to install now12:52
sayershave fun12:52
Kite_DHace_ace, no, sry12:52
ace_aceKite_HD on what computer yu are working now ?12:52
BWolf85is there a program that u can burn iso's with?12:53
Flatlinethe live CD is the install disk Kite_DH12:53
ace_aceBWolf98: k3b12:53
ace_aceFlatline: she apt-upgraded !12:53
Kite_DHace_ace, i have a windows PC without internet (normally) but now i pluged it to the inet to ask here what to do12:53
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ace_aceFlatline: Kite_DH apt-upgraded ! over the internet!12:53
Kite_DHace_ace, and i have my other pc, with kubuntu on it12:53
Flatlineindeed. but she must have originally installed with a disk to be able to upgrade from 6.1012:53
ace_aceKite_DH: how fast can you download the install cd for Kubuntu 7.04 ?12:54
Kite_DHace_ace, i have a damn small linux but when i boot it it says "corrupt kernel on disk"12:54
Kite_DHace_ace, 1 - 2 hours12:54
ace_aceFlatline: good point. Kite_DH do you have an older LiveCD/Install disk for ubuntu/kubuntu ?12:54
Kite_DHace_ace, i gave that one to my friend :(12:54
MinatakuWell, go beat up your friend12:55
MinatakuOr even better, ask for it back12:55
ace_aceKite_DH: Well, if you want to have your data back, you need to be able to read the harddisk. This12:55
MinatakuYou should probably ask first.12:55
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ace_aceis best done with a liveCD, preferably the newest Kubuntu 7.0412:55
Kite_DHi will download it12:55
BWolf85okay so where can i find out id beryl is for me12:55
ace_aceSo, best to wiat 1-2 hrs (cook something nice or read a book :-)12:55
Kite_DHace_ace, its 1am :)12:55
Flatlinei think there is a command to see if your card currently accepts 3d accelleration12:55
Flatlinehowever I cant remember it. :(12:56
ace_aceand you burned the cd and then start it up12:56
ace_acedo NOT install it, just run the live CD.12:56
ace_aceFind a way to mount your harddisk, and burn the data to cd.12:56
ace_aceCheck the data on the cd !!12:56
ace_aceThen install feisty from scratch on the Kubunmtu machine12:56
ace_acethen use the cd to get your data back.12:57
Kite_DHace_ace, i'll try DamnSmallLinux for a minute again, wait12:57
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Flatlineace_ace: will the machine not even boot into CLI? perhaps if thats possible, a NC transfer?12:57
ace_aceNext time, make sure you make a 10-12 GB partition for / and make another larger partition for /home so if you want to do a system reinstall12:57
ace_aceyou don't worry about your data !!!12:57
BWolf85wow it takes forever to burn a cd in kubuntu12:58
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FlatlineBWolf85: it's only as fast as your hardware :P12:58
ace_aceBWold85: forever? that's too long, don't you agree ?12:58
ace_aceBWolf85: and how would you detect that ?12:58
ace_aceBWolf85: seeing that you're a mere mortal :-)12:58
Kite_DHace_ace, it says "Invalid or corrupt kernel image" then "boot:                  "12:59
Kite_DHace_ace, seems not to work12:59
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FlatlineKite_DH- this is DSL we are talking about now?12:59
Kite_DHFlatline, yes12:59
ace_aceKite_DH: if you want to use dsl, just download a dsl with your winblows machine12:59
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Kite_DHace_ace, i did that 1 hours ago, then i burned it on cd-rw12:59
Kite_DHace_ace, when i boot it says the stuff above01:00
FlatlineBurn it again at a slower speed.01:00
ace_aceKite_DH: but there seems to be something wrong with it !01:00
hendaushelpers, how can i get amsn amule and skype, somebody help me please!01:00
FlatlineISO's are reccomended to be burnt at around 4x.01:00
michael__oaky who uses vi?01:00
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto01:00
Kite_DHFlatline, oh01:00
michael__how do i stop vi from adding text01:00
michael__i want to get out of the add charachter mode01:00
michael__what button do i pus01:00
ace_acemichael_: press ESC01:00
Flatlinemichael: i think ":Q"01:00
michael__ah thx01:00
Flatlineah nvm ;)01:00
ace_aceFlatline, Michael, it's :q not :Q to quit.01:01
Flatlineace: thankyou for clarification01:01
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ace_aceFlatline: yeah vi... you can really get lost in there...01:01
Flatlinezeelot: hello.01:01
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ace_acek3b anyone ?01:02
ace_aceI need to rip a cd, but I have the cddb info in a seperate file...01:02
Flatlinerocky: vous parle francais?01:02
rockyoUi je parle francais01:02
Flatlinerocky: et mois, un petit-peut.01:02
rockyok moi toujours :P01:03
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Flatlinerocky: mais, parles en anglais dans IRC sil-vous-plait.01:03
ace_aceKite_DH sorry, i gotta go.01:03
Kite_DHace_ace, okay01:03
rockyok np01:03
raijinsetsuAnyone else do a fresh install of 7.04 and have problems with LVM?01:03
FlatlineKite_DH: i will still be here to help where i can.01:03
Hirvinen!fr rocky01:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fr rocky - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:03
Kite_DHFlatline, should i download Kubuntu 7.04 Desktop CD or Alternate install CD?01:03
Hirvinen!fr | rocky01:03
uboturocky: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:03
rockyYeah im Fr ?01:03
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Flatlinekite_DH: the desktop CD.01:04
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Flatlinekite: the alternate is for problems with the VESA driver, and supports a CLI install option.01:05
Kite_DHFlatline, ok01:05
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Kite_DHFlatline, im gonna be AFK in the time it DLs the *.iso01:05
FlatlineKite_DH: i may have to go before you get back.01:06
Kite_DHFlatline, then tell me what to do now01:06
Flatlineare you sure about the process you need to complete?01:06
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Kite_DHFlatline, when the  iso is burned at lowest speed, then...01:06
FlatlineKite_DH: you download the *.iso, burn it to a CD.01:06
Flatlineat 4x speed.01:07
Kite_DHFlatline, yes01:07
Flatlineonce that is done, boot into the live CD but DONT install.01:07
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Flatlinelaunch K3B and burn all your important data to disk01:07
Flatlinethen CHECK that it has burnt correctly.01:07
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Flatlinethen you may proceed to install 7.0401:08
Flatlinemake 10-12GB for your root partition ("/")01:08
Kite_DHbut everything will be gone then, right?01:08
Flatlineand the rest for your /home partition01:08
raijinsetsuAnyone else having trouble with LVM on the 7.04 install?01:08
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Flatlinethen when the installer is finished, use the CD you burnt (with all the data on) and transfer your files back.01:08
Flatlineraijinsetsu, sorry, no, I have no knowledge in LVM01:09
Kite_DHFlatline, all my files will be gone??01:09
FlatlineKite_DH,  are you clear on what you need to do?01:09
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Kite_DHFlatline, is there no other way??01:09
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ace_aceKite_DH: mount your harddisk using the Live CD and burn a CD from your data !01:10
FlatlineKite_DH, no, Use the live CD to launch K3B. that way you can burn your data onto a CD before doing the re-install01:10
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ace_aceYeah, flatline is right!01:10
hendausace_ace:  thanx, but amsn and amule also, by the way kaffaine cannot open a video clip coz it needs plugin01:10
Flatlineace_ace, i think i just hit a fatal flaw in our plan01:10
Kite_DHbut thats a way more GB than i have DVDs01:10
Kite_DHis there no way to fix this http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/107601:10
Kite_DHso it boots properly the system i have installed now01:11
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Flatlineace_ace, he wont be able to open his CD tray to burn a CD if he is using a combi-drive01:11
Flatlineace_ace, because the live CD wont let him.01:11
ace_aceFlatline: yeah, maybe use an external drive then01:11
Kite_DHi dont have that ace_ace01:11
FlatlineKite_DH, a USB key will suffice.01:11
ace_aceFlatline, Kite_DH: other plan: take an old disk and build it in to your PC01:12
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ace_aceand use your current disk as second disk and install Kubuntu on the old disk01:12
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Flatlineace_ace, Perhaps using the live disk, one can transfer files via FTP or some other protocol?01:12
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ace_aceKite_DH: I *know* I can make it work, but not via chat... I have to see what I can do and have my hands on your keyboard.01:12
Flatlinetime consuming, but perhaps.01:12
ace_aceso, *sorry*01:12
Kite_DHace_ace, if i boot from the liveCD, can i get access to my HD?01:12
FlatlineKite_DH, yes. you can mount your hard drive.01:13
=== ace_ace advices to read docs before upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04 :-(
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ace_acebye !01:13
Kite_DHFlatline, so, if i fix the files from the error message http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/107601:13
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Kite_DHace_ace, byebye01:13
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Kite_DHFlatline, will i be able to boot then?01:13
FlatlineKite_DH, perhaps, however it may go deeper than the init.01:13
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naegling23Im having a kwin problem, when I hit kwin --replace, I get errors, I can only toggle win the beryl-manager01:14
FlatlineKite_DH, I would still reccomend a re0install.01:14
Kite_DHFlatline, but my precious files :(01:14
FlatlineKite_DH, follow my instructions, use the live disk, and K3B to burn your files to a CD/DVD01:15
Kite_DHFlatline, but its 1am and i dont have enough empty DVDs01:15
Kite_DHFlatline, and how can i burn if the liveCD wont let me open the cd drive?01:15
FlatlineKite_DH, use a USB pen instead of a CD then01:16
Kite_DHFlatline, my usb stick has only 256mb :(01:16
FlatlineKite_DH, then its going to take a little while isnt it? :)01:16
Kite_DHFlatline, yea...01:16
Kite_DHFlatline, hmm..can we try to fix the files first??01:17
hendausace_ace:  can u help me friend01:17
FlatlineKite_DH, We could, but I dont have enough knowledge of linux to do so.01:17
FlatlineI'm only a newbie myself.01:17
Kite_DHFlatline, hmm..so we need ace_ace ^^ but hes gone01:17
Flatlinehendaus, ace_ace has left. Can I help?01:17
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Kite_DHFlatline, is it possible to run the upgrade from liveCD?01:18
Kite_DHFlatline, so my files dont get lost01:18
BWolf85wow it said it wrote successfully but didnt put nething on the disc01:19
FlatlineKite_DH, No, as it runs entirely in memory. and a CD is not writeable after its already been burnt01:19
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FlatlineBWolf85, you have something wrong in your settings then01:19
BWolf85like what01:19
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FlatlineBWolf85, perhaps you need to state that K3B must close the disk.01:20
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almostkoreanhow do i mount my external hard drive? i can never find that article01:21
Kite_DHFlatline, can i transfer my files over LAN to this pc??01:21
FlatlineKite_DH, Possibly. im not sure exactly how to do this, but i think its possible.01:21
Kite_DHFlatline, i'll try my best01:22
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Flatlineperhaps once you figure it out, you could email me and let me know?01:22
Kite_DHFlatline, i can01:22
Flatlinegreetings mike anderson :)01:22
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FlatlineEveryone: I probably should go to bed now. I have exams in the morning.01:23
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BWolf85exams are over rated ;-)01:23
Flatlineagreed. but they are something that we all have to suffer :)01:24
Flatlinewelcome allergen01:24
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Flatlinegoodnight Kite_DH , best of luck01:24
Kite_DHFlatline, thx01:25
FlatlineKite_DH, if you get stuck, you can find me on http://kubuntuforums.com     my username is "f1rem0th"01:25
allergeni came here tio havea list of plugin to be sure to read evrything01:25
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michael__can someone take a llook at this apt error im getting01:27
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dogatemycomputerhas anyone ever setup 3 monitors with linux?  I have a dual monitor card and an on-board video card that I could probably enable..  would be interesting to see all three monitors working at the same time.01:27
nosrednaekimdogatemycomputer: not sure if that is possible... maybe though.01:29
nosrednaekimmichael__: its a conflicting package errir01:29
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dogatemycomputernosrednaekim: I just wouldn't look forward to the xorg.conf file that I would need to write.. plus..  isn't there a desktop size limit for xorg?01:30
michael__nosrednaekim, how can i stop libsm6 from triny to install01:30
dogatemycomputerls /etc/X11/01:30
dogatemycomputerwhereis X1101:30
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dogatemycomputerI'm just trying to figure out if there is a command to tell me what release of X11 i'm running.01:31
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dogatemycomputerX11R6 shows up but i'm confident i'm running 7.2..01:31
dogatemycomputernot 6..01:31
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michael__nosrednaekim, here is my error from apt-get upgrade http://pastebin.ca/50128901:32
michael__how can i stop it from trying to install libsm6 o.001:32
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bhagman88i was wondering if someone could help me with an installation problem01:35
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hydandoes anyone in here use xchat?01:37
hydani've got a quick question01:37
hydanmore like a favor to ask of you, i'll go ahead and ask it.01:37
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hydanif you're using xchat, will you look to see where your sound files are located?01:37
hydani'm not being notified of messages.01:38
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michael__hmm, now i get this apt error http://pastebin.ca/50130701:41
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brian_my konqueror keeps switching back to the last page i was on :( its impossible to browse net01:42
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MinatakuThat explains the lag01:44
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brian_why does my konqueror keep going to the previous page when i scroll down?01:46
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brian_wow whatd going on01:49
mike__Can someone help me install the latest version of Java so i can install Frostwire01:49
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petewho plays online poker here? i cant get partypoker or fulltilt to work on my lappy...01:53
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BenWhiteyi'm having trouble setting up wifi01:56
hendauscan anyone give me the upgrade site dapper to edgy? thanx01:56
evfreshman2025can someone help me install the latest version of Java so i can get Frostwire?01:56
BenWhiteycan someone help me with wifi?01:57
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BenWhiteyanyone here?02:04
BenWhiteyi can't find anything on the forums02:04
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:04
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BenWhiteyi can't get my wifi to work in kubuntu02:04
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BenWhiteyi'm trying to get it to work on my tablet02:05
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brian_benwhitey what card do u have02:06
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BenWhiteyits an Atheros02:07
BenWhiteyi think i'm having issues configuring it or something02:08
hendauscan anyone give me the upgrade site dapper to edgy? thanx02:08
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brian_hold on ben in trying to find on a site some info that might help02:09
brian_my browser doesnt like me02:09
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BenWhiteymaybe you should try IE02:09
brian_im in kde02:09
BenWhiteyi presumed you were02:09
BenWhiteyit was a joke02:09
imagineBenWhitey: tss use wine + ie02:10
hendausbrian_: i have dapper kubuntu , i need to upgrade to edgy, can u help me thanx02:10
imaginehendaus: apt-get ?02:11
hendausimagine:  yes02:11
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hendausimagine:  i am using kubuntu dapper, there is an update edgy right?02:12
imaginethink so02:12
BenWhiteyand what makes it worse, is that i have alergies02:13
hendausok, do u know how to upgrade?02:13
brian_ben: did u use ndiswrapper02:13
brian_!wifi | benwhitey02:13
ubotubenwhitey: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:13
BenWhiteymy card isn't there02:14
BenWhiteyits not on the "supported" list02:14
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:15
brian_try this02:15
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brian_what i used to get mine working. doesnt seem that anyone has it figure out 100% for your card. so, to me, you seem in a brave new workd02:16
BenWhiteydoes it matter that my Atheros card isn't on teh list02:16
jaevelcan someone point me in the right direction for re-compiling my kernel so i can install the correct driver (9631) for the nvidia driver?02:16
BenWhiteyuh oh, i'm new to linux02:16
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brian_try install ndiswrapper02:16
BenWhiteyi think the driver is working02:17
BenWhiteybut i'm not sure02:17
BenWhiteyi think i just can't configure it02:17
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BenWhiteyive tried all the help stuff02:17
BenWhiteyor at least i think i did02:18
BenWhiteyi tried what i could02:18
brian_so what is wrong? is your wifi light on?02:18
brian_it just wont connect?02:18
BenWhiteyi think i can't make it connect02:18
BenWhiteylike i type iwconfig02:18
BenWhiteyand it lists some stuff02:18
BenWhitey"link quality 16/94"02:18
brian_whats its say02:18
BenWhiteyamong other things02:19
BenWhiteyIEEE 802.11g ESSID "linksys" Nickname ""02:19
BenWhiteyMode: managed Frequency 2.412 GHz Access Point Not-associated02:19
brian_whats is say when you try to open up a browser?02:20
BenWhiteyBit Rate 1Mb/s Tx-Power 8dBm Sensitivy=0/302:20
BenWhitey"Cannot connect" or w/e02:20
BenWhiteyLink Quality=16/94 Signal level =-82 dBm  Noise level =-98dBm02:20
BenWhiteyRx invalid iwid:1332 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:002:21
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brian_seems to me that the card is working02:21
BenWhiteyTx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc: 0 missed beacon: 002:21
BenWhiteybut i can't make it con nect02:21
brian_do u have KWifiManager02:21
BenWhiteyi cant ping my router02:21
BenWhiteyi don't think so02:22
BenWhiteylet me check02:22
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brian_what i had to download to get mine to connect in kubuntu02:22
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intelikeya case fan will work as a cpu fan.   i have just proved it.02:22
hendaus!upgrade edgy02:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about upgrade edgy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:23
hitmanWillyintelikey: is it running any hotter than it used to?02:23
ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)02:23
BenWhiteywhat about setting my IP and stuff thru console?02:23
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intelikeyhitmanWilly not 1 bit02:24
hitmanWillyhmm, well there ya go02:24
BenWhiteybrian: can i PM you?02:24
BenWhiteyor should we just do this here02:24
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brian_yah pm me doesnt matter02:25
brian_i have aim and yahoo as well if it helps02:25
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BenWhiteynaw i don't need those02:26
brian_i mean to contact me is all02:26
BenWhiteyi know02:26
brian_try to install kwifimanager02:26
BenWhiteythat would invovle downloaidng it here, burning it to a cd02:27
brian_what do u mean? why would u need to burn it to a cfd02:27
brian_typo sorry02:27
BenWhiteyi'm on windows02:27
hendausbrian_:  sorry but i have a question, if i want to upgrade from dapper to edgy, can u give me the site please02:27
BenWhiteymy laptop is next to me02:28
BenWhiteyand my desktop is wireless02:28
brian_ben do u not have a connection to the net over a ethernet cable to the laptop02:28
brian_because u will need it02:28
BenWhiteydamn it02:28
BenWhiteyhold up02:28
brian_i mean not completely nessicary but easier till u get it connected02:28
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BenWhiteyactually, i just realized i'm on LAN with my desktop, i'll switch it to wifi and then use the ethernet on my laptop02:29
BenWhiteyi'll be back in a few02:29
brian_hednaus ill see what i can find.. ben that works02:29
BenWhiteyhopefully on my laptop02:29
hendausbrian_:  can u answer my question please, if there is no noisy for you, thanx02:29
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brian_no noisy? ill see what i can come up with hendaus02:30
hendauslool ok thank u :)02:30
hydani'm looking at the instructions on the site for getting kde4 which say to install kde4base-dev. what's the difference between kde4base-dev and kde4base?02:31
brian_see if that helps you hendaus02:31
intelikeyhendaus  you change all "dapper"  to "edgy" in your  /etc/apt/sources.list    then  run this.   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:31
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hitmanWillyhydan: -dev pkg's usually have the original source and development libs02:32
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BenWhiteynow on wireless on desktop02:32
hendausintelikey:  thank u, i try02:32
brian_go to adept and seach for kwifi02:32
hydanhitmanWilly: so unless i'm a developer, i don't need those files, correc?02:32
hitmanWillyhydan: not usually02:33
Arwenhydan, nope02:33
Arwenwell, if you need to compile anything from source, you'll need them02:33
hydanhitmanWilly, Arwen: i'm not a developer yet, but i'd like to be one day :)02:33
jaeveli downloaded the nvidia driver from the website, and it said that the no kernel can be found would i like to re-compile the kernel to work with the driver and it said i need the source? can someone tell me what source i need to install in order for this to work?02:33
hydani'm just starting to learn python02:33
=== ben_ [n=ben@pool-71-126-250-51.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
hydanso i think i'll stick with the basics right now.02:34
hitmanWillyjaevel: waht's wrong with the driver in the repos?02:34
brian_ben_ are u benwhitey02:34
jaeveli install it and i cannot get it to work?02:34
ben_i am02:34
Arwenhydan, well, the other guy didn't do a terribly good explanation - the *-dev packages contain the source files you need to develop/compile a program that uses that particular library02:34
ben_oops, hitmanwilly, i just pm02:34
jaeveli made the normal changes to xorg.conf and it just dies02:34
ben_d you by accident02:34
hitmanWillyben_: you did? didn't pop up...02:35
Arwenso, if you wanted to develop a firefox plugin, you'd need firefox-dev. If you need to build a kernel module, you'd need linux-headers-`uname -r`02:35
Arwenetc etc02:35
ben_oh, ok cool i didn't mean go :)02:35
hendausintelikey:  ok it is upgrading now, after done what can i do02:35
brian_what do u men hendaus02:35
intelikeylib-cleaner.sh   >>>  http://intelikey.pastebin.us/3663102:35
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intelikeyhendaus when it is finished (if it doesn't error out) it is upgraded.  you just reboot into the new system.02:36
hendausbrian_:  intelikey gave me how to upgrade to edgy,and it is upgrading now02:36
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brian_okay my link does the same02:36
hitmanWillyjaevel: which version of the pkg are you grabbing?02:36
Arwenintelikey, or, you could just install deborphan and do it yourself...02:36
hendausintelikey:  ok after done can i upgrade to fiesty?02:36
intelikeyhendaus supposedly  yes02:37
hitmanWillyjaevel: there's three different ones...02:37
ben_brian: it says that it is contained in the main KDE distribution02:37
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hendausbrian_:  thanx u too :)02:37
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intelikeyArwen recursively   :)02:37
brian_what do u mean ben02:38
jaevelhitmanWilly, i usually install nvidia-glx version 9631 install it and fix the xorg.conf and it normally works02:38
hendausintelikey: if i want to upgrade to fiesty, so i have to replace edgy to fiesty from sources.list?02:38
hitmanWillyjaevel: nvidia-glx (96xx series) nvidia-glx-new (97xx), and nvidia-glx-legacy (older)02:38
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jaevelhitmanWilly, i installed and still have installed nvidia-glx (96xx)02:39
brian_ben i have to use kwifimanager and wireless assiant to connect with kubuntu02:39
hitmanWillyjaevel: also, you need the linux headers pkg as well as the linux-restricted-modules packages02:39
intelikeyhendaus no.  there is a script for that.   it should notify you that feisty is ready for you system, and offer to upgrade02:39
hendausbrian_:  i open a video clip and kaffeine cannot open it , it needs a plugin and no sound02:39
hendausintelikey:  ah ok :)02:40
hendausintelikey:  thanx02:40
ben_brian: hold up i think i'm getting it02:40
hitmanWillyjaevel: those missing is probably why the vanilla driver from nvidia.com isn't installing02:40
hendausintelikey:  i got an error02:40
ben_brian: word, i02:40
jaevelhitmanWilly, i have installed linux-restricted-modules version 2.6.2002:41
ben_'m getting it (i'm also still getting used to this laptop keyboard02:41
intelikeyhendaus good luck with it,  that trip is not always plesent.  and some find it easier to dl the fiesty iso and install fresh02:41
jaevelhitmanWilly, but not the headers02:41
intelikeyhendaus oh.   what error ?02:41
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jaevelhitmanWilly, i do not see the headers in the list02:41
hitmanWillyjaevel: you have to have the headers to compile kernel modules02:41
hendausintelikey:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21913/02:41
hitmanWillyjaevel: linux-headers-`uname -r`02:42
hitmanWillyjaevel: apt-get that and it will install them02:42
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ben_briran: ok, let me try unnplugging my LAN02:42
intelikeyhendaus ok you need to just comment out the line about the cdrom in the  /etc/apt/sources.list02:43
j1ttershey guys. have a question.  brand new install of fiesty. everything works. even dual monitor. but for some reason a process called whiptail is sitting at 99% proc usage? any idea why ?02:43
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hendausintelikey:  what can i do?02:43
brian_ben you need to connect to the router first02:43
jaevelhitmanWilly, gonna try now...02:43
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intelikeyhendaus just comment out the line about the cdrom in the  /etc/apt/sources.list     put  #  as first char of the line02:43
hendausintelikey:  ok02:44
sdf__what is the difference between kubuntu alternate and kubuntu desktop??02:44
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intelikeyhendaus then re-run the command.02:44
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intelikeysdf__ text mode installer02:44
hitmanWillysdf__: the alternate cd is a more advanced text mode installer only02:44
hendausintelikey:  ok thanx02:44
hitmanWillysdf__: ie not a live cd02:45
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=== intelikey wishes someone would define "live CD"
hendausintelikey:  i open a video clip with kaffaine and doesnot have a sound, why, and others needs plugin02:45
=== ben_ [n=ben@pool-71-126-250-51.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
FivetwentysixWhenever I use my keyboard, my mouse stops working, how do I fix this?02:46
ben_didn't work02:46
LjLintelikey: attacks you during the sleep and eats you02:46
=== hitmanWilly was using it in the commonly accepted (though not entirely accurate) sense
jaevelhitmanWilly, ok, i have installed the headers, it should compile now?02:46
intelikeyhendaus after the upgrade.02:46
ben_brian: i think that i need to manually set the channel or something of the wifi card because it kept on changing between 2 and 5 when the network is on 102:46
hendausintelikey: ok :)02:47
sdf__hitwanwilly   what is the best? what is cd that you advise??02:47
hitmanWillyjaevel: actually, try reconfiguring nvidia-glx02:47
intelikeyhendaus doesn't matter what that system does if you will not be using it anymore in only a few hours.02:47
hitmanWillysdf__: depends on what you want to do02:47
FivetwentysixAnyone got a solution for me?02:47
intelikeyand yes two upgrades will take a few hours02:47
hendausintelikey:  few hours????????? how many time it needs upgrading?02:48
hitmanWillysdf__: the live cd just installs the default system while the alt cd is a more traditional linux install process02:48
jaevelhitmanWilly, just use the nvidia-xconfig enable thing?02:48
intelikeyhendaus you specified two.02:48
hitmanWillyjaevel: sudo dpkg --reconfigure nvidia-glx02:48
intelikeyone to edgy one to feisty02:48
hendausintelikey:  my connection adsl 300kb/s02:49
hitmanWillyjaevel: then run through the process like you just installed it02:49
ben_mine is 640 down and 200 up :)02:49
intelikeyok several hours then.02:49
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hendausintelikey:  lol so i have to go outside until finishing :)02:49
ben_brian: can you help me with kwifimanager?02:50
ben_it says "No access point"02:51
sdf__hitmanwilly what is the best cd from your opinion?02:51
FivetwentysixWhenever I use my keyboard, my mouse stops working, how do I fix this?02:52
FivetwentysixIt's totally annoying how can i fix this?02:52
FivetwentysixLike my mouse just stutters02:52
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BloodyTuxello everyone02:53
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AqualytQuestion: in KTorrent, is it possible to have it not ask me which files to save by default? and can anyone suggest another bittorrent client to check out (im new to linux)02:53
ben_stupid spammers, make it so i can't pm brian02:54
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BloodyTuxor however youy spell it. search for torrent in synaptic02:54
BloodyTuxor adept02:54
Aqualyttheres azureus for linux? great, thats all i needed to know :)02:54
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Daisuke_Idothere's azureus for every platform that supports java...02:55
BloodyTuxhey Dai02:55
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trenton1here's a q:     I've tried installing Kubuntu 7.04 a few times now. I've checked the cd for errors, and checked the md5sum a few times. Everything seems A-OK. But it will not boot correctly when installed. I haven't had a problem with Ubuntu 7.04 installing, so what could it be? The setup is hda1 as Vista, hda2 as swap, and hda3 as /02:55
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BloodyTuxi can't help you, sorry. I've been having installation problems myself... i'm using win2k since i can't install any distro right now for some reason02:56
trenton1Well, I'm installing yet again with a different dvd drive, thinking it might be my drive...hopefully it works02:57
_ben_where did brian go?02:58
Daisuke_Idoi thought about going back to windows02:58
BloodyTuxi'm hating this ****02:58
trenton1I guess if it doesn't work, I'll be back in here. Gotta reboot :|02:58
Daisuke_Idoand then i realized what i was thinking, and promptly hit myself in the head.02:58
=== BloodyTux whacks himself in the head for not being able to install linux on his new pc
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Daisuke_Idowhat seems to be the problem?03:00
Pollywogis there a way to make Konqueror recognize xmpp: links?  atm it acts as though they are mailto: links03:00
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benwhiteydamn it, all the nicks are taken03:00
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BloodyTuxidk it keeps stopping at 6% when it says Please Wait...03:00
BloodyTuxi waited 4 DAMN hours03:00
Daisuke_Idotried other versions?03:01
BloodyTuxsorry for caps. really touchy on this subject03:01
FivetwentysixWhenever I use my keyboard, my mouse stops working, how do I fix this?03:01
BloodyTuxyea, gentoo can't extract 1 package. ubuntu won't work on this machine, kanotix won't work, mepis stalls03:01
FivetwentysixPlease someone answer, im so desperate for a solution.03:01
PollywogBloodyTux: did you try the alternate install CD?03:02
BloodyTuxthats what i'm using since i only have 128mb of ram...03:02
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Daisuke_IdoPollywog: if he's having stalling problems on every distro he's tried...03:02
BloodyTuxit worked before on my other older machine with 12803:02
Daisuke_Idotried another drive?03:02
Fivetwentysixerr 128 is like below standard man03:02
BloodyTuxno, my parents got stuck on windows again so i can't wipe this drive03:03
PollywogBloodyTux: I even installed Debian on an old Thinkpad when nothing else installed03:03
Daisuke_IdoFivetwentysix: we're not all rich03:03
Pollywogtried Debian?03:03
BloodyTuxi'm stuck with a useless 8gb03:03
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BloodyTuxyes i have03:03
=== BloodyTux needs to get paid :(
FivetwentysixDiasuke_Ido got a answer to my solution?03:03
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Daisuke_Idobut to be fair, 128 IS a little outdated...  by a little i mean a whole lot03:03
BloodyTuxyea i know03:04
BloodyTux2k runs like ****03:04
Fivetwentysixi mean my question03:04
Daisuke_Idonot sure why keyboard would be affecting mouse03:04
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Daisuke_Idoare both usb or ps/2?03:04
FivetwentysixIt stutters my mouse movement when i type.03:04
BloodyTuxps/2 is for squares!03:04
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Fivetwentysixoh could that be it?03:04
Daisuke_IdoBloodyTux: and triangles and circles and x'es03:04
Fivetwentysixbecause it's not a usb keyboard.03:05
BloodyTux... ok then...03:05
Daisuke_IdoBloodyTux: PS2.03:05
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Daisuke_Idoplaystation 203:05
Fivetwentysixbut my mouse is usb03:05
Daisuke_IdoOKAY, anyway, back to the situation at hand03:05
Pollywogshould I get a USB kb so I am not considered a [ ]  ?03:05
BloodyTux??? huh??? where did ps2 come into play?03:05
MinatakuDaisuke_Ido: :D03:05
BloodyTuxyou=[] 03:06
FivetwentysixDaisuke_Ido do i have to change my keyboard?03:06
BloodyTuxyou+USB= 8)03:06
Daisuke_Idohow is your mouse detected in x?03:06
Daisuke_Idoyou shouldn't have to change your keyboard, no03:06
FivetwentysixI never configured my mouse03:06
Daisuke_Idoor your mouse03:06
FivetwentysixIt worked right out of the box03:06
FivetwentysixHowever my back button on it doesn't work03:06
FivetwentysixIt's a logitech g703:06
BloodyTuxmicrosoft=[] 03:07
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benwhiteyok, can somebody else help me with my wifi?03:08
Daisuke_IdoFivetwentysix: take a look at that ^03:08
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hydani was abou to say that i didn't see the difference between kde 4.0 and my previous version, but supposively i'm still using 3.5.603:11
hydani thought i followed the instructions on the website correctly.03:11
dimebagum, why doesnt kubuntu have a plugin for flac installed?03:11
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dimebagum, why doesnt kubuntu have a plugin for flac installed?03:15
Arwendimebag, um, because Kubuntu isn't a program?03:15
dimebagoh yeah , what is it?03:16
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Arwendimebag, where exactly do you need a flac plugin? amarok and kaffiene should have it03:17
benwhiteybut could someone help me wtih my wifi???03:17
benwhiteyi'm quite lost03:17
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dimebagamarok, dosnt have it03:17
hydani'm wondering why i don't have kde4 after following the instructions on the site.03:18
benwhiteyok i'll try tomorrow03:19
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benwhiteythis is annoying03:19
Jucatohydan: did you follow everything? the bottom part gives instructions how to add a KDE 4 session in kdm03:19
hydani stopped after the export commands03:20
Jucatotsk tsk :)03:20
Jucatohydan: playing with KDE 4, you should make a habit of reading *all* instructions carefully :)03:20
hydansorry guys03:20
hydanthanks for the suggestion Jucato03:21
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bonbonthejonwhat is the default permissions for /home/user03:24
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hitmanWillyback in a bit, have to go out for a minute03:28
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FivetwentysixHow do i know if im using KDE or Gnome03:34
Fivetwentysixi dont really know the differences03:34
hydani'm checking the site to see that i followed the instructions correctly, i'm sure i did. when i select "kde4" from the kde menu and login, the screens goes blank, and returns back to kdm.03:34
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hydanthe only difference between the instructions on the site and what i did is that i installed kdebase4 instead of kde4base-dev03:35
bonbonthejonFivetwentysix: go to help, and it should say about kde or about gnome03:36
DragnslcrFivetwentysix- what does the button in the lower-left corner of your screen look like?03:36
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sayersWhen the KDE wallet says "Please enter a password to use with this wallet" what password should I use. The one for the account it is trying to store or what?03:41
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stanley_hi could anyone help me install a window decoration on fiesty03:44
oldwestwhat is it?03:46
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oldweststan - what are u trying to install?03:47
Jucatosayers: it's a separate password. your user account is not associated with your kde wallet03:47
Jucatouser account password I mean03:47
oldwestanybody home? are the lights on?03:48
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stanley_oh oldwest i'm trying to install a window decoration03:48
stanley_i downloaded it from kde look03:48
oldweststanley - what kind?03:48
stanley_it's in tar.gz format03:49
Jucatostanley_: you have to compile it most probably03:49
oldwesthmmm can't find an rpm?03:49
Jucatoer... we don't use RPM's here...03:49
Jucatotry finding a DEB03:49
stanley_nope no rpm03:49
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)03:50
stanley_well atleast not on kde look03:50
stanley_isn't there another way of installing window decorations??03:50
stanley_the way u can install bootscreens03:50
oldwestyup debian would be best03:50
Jucatostanley_: what is the name of the window decoration?03:50
stanley_n icon packaages03:50
stanley_it's called IceNine03:50
hydanso....anyone want to try helping me to understand why the kde4 session doesn't work?03:50
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Jucatostanley_: you have to install window decorations as programs, unless it's not a complete window decoration (like a deKorator or IceWM theme)03:51
stanley_i think it's an iceWM theme03:51
Jucato!changethemes | stanley_03:51
ubotustanley_: [Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy for a guide. [Kubuntu]  For a Kubuntu guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu03:51
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Jucatostanley_: last link, scroll to the window decoration part03:51
stanley_thanx jucato03:52
kakarottoayuda en espaol03:52
Jucato!es | kakarotto03:52
ubotukakarotto: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:52
masterkis there a divx web player plugin for firefox on linux?03:53
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:53
Jucatomasterk: try the mozilla mplayer plugin03:53
masterkthat didn't help03:53
masterkwhere do I get it?03:54
ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs03:54
Jucatofrom the repositories. try searching for it03:54
oldwestwhat would i look for in synaptics that would be same as Notepad or similar?03:54
masterklol thx ubotu and jucato03:54
Jucatooldwest: Kate (already instaled)03:54
oldwestdon't see it - running kubuntu - kde03:54
=== hydan is restarting kdm, brb
Jucatooldwest: K Menu -> Utilities03:55
Jucatooldwest: or press Alt+Space and beginning typing "kate"03:55
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oldwestyup - putting the cart before the horse again - sorry.....03:56
Jucato!info mozilla-mplayer | masterk03:56
ubotumasterk: mozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.31+main-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 477 kB, installed size 1636 kB03:56
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oldwestyea jucato - found it - sorry....03:58
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hydannope, that didn't work...03:58
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sayersJucato: thanks03:59
oldwestis there a way to highlight just a section or a sentence to save in Xchat?03:59
BluesKajno copy & paste in xchat ?04:01
hydandoes anyone have time to help me debug this problem?04:01
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oldwestI meant that if you wanted to highlight and save a response or something in Xchat -  is there a way to do that without saving a whole session?04:02
hydanoldwest: i'msure you could write a python script for it04:02
BluesKajoldwest, use konversation ..copy & paste works in it , as  does url links , just like mirc04:03
hydanoldwest: #xchat MIGHT be able to help you.04:03
hydanyeah, i use konversation as well.04:03
hydanseems to work better in my experience04:03
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=== Jucato still can't understand what oldwest is trying to do... session?...
oldwestcan you do it with Konversation maybe?04:04
dimebaghow do i install flac codec?04:04
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hydandimebag: have you tried "apt-cache search flac"?04:05
oldwestwell I just highlighted and saved a sentence I wanted to save the info and it saved the whole running page of all questions and answers from before04:05
hydanoldwest: in konversation?04:06
oldwestblues thx that what I needed to know04:06
BluesKajoldwest, my advice is dump xchat04:07
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Jucatooldwest: you mean something like channel logging?04:08
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oldwestblueskaj - will do some reading about xchat - see if i can find easy way to do cut'n'paste - thx - i have konversation installed - will use that for awhile04:08
hydanoldwest: try messing around with the advanced options in the "configure notifications" menu04:09
AnubuntuGots a question folks, I need a program(s) to turn two mp4 files into something that can be played in a common household DVD player.04:09
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oldwestblues sounds good to me - xchat was installed and didn't know about konversation till a day or so ago04:09
geekytrentso, i finally got Kubuntu installed. the problem seemed to be a dvd drive going bad.04:09
BluesKajoldwest, i used xchat alot but konversation is much more flexible , except for the lack of serverlists ...that's the only thing lacking IMO.04:09
hydanAnubuntu: have you played w/ k3b yet?04:10
oldwestblues - is it fairly straight forward to save the kubuntu channel in konversation?04:10
Anubuntuhydan: not really, wasnt aware it had that function.04:11
hydanclick on the "further actions" tab at the bottom.04:11
hydanAnubuntu --^04:11
dimebaghydan: there are many flac codecs04:11
hydanAnubuntu: it should be of some help04:11
hydandimebag: indeed :)04:11
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dimebaghydan: which one is for amarok?04:12
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nininaHmmm I have a problem.  I need to print to an epsilon stylus printer that is shared on the network, but the computer it is actually attached to is a PC...how do I set this up04:13
Anubuntukk, I'm sorry, but I am still rather lost.04:14
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sayersSo "technically" I shouldn't use Mp3's?04:15
BluesKajyes oldwest , when you're configuring , you'll see the spaces where to insert the server and below that the space to insert the chats04:15
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Arwenno, you shouldn't. MP3s suck in more ways than I can count.04:15
AnubuntuI tried to go for the Video DVD, but it seems to want dvd video files, how does one convert mp4 to dvd video/audio files?04:15
sayersArwen: I like them :)04:15
darkwatchthe kubuntu is the best04:16
Arwenbah, they're like Vinyl records.... antiquated04:16
sayersI don't have a fine-tuned ear to notice anyway04:16
Arwenuse Vorbis or AAC04:16
hydandimebag: i'm not sure04:16
RawSewagedoes Kubuntu have jobs available04:16
darkwatchsomeone can tell me ???04:16
hydandimebag: maybe someone in #amarok will know.04:16
sayersWell I'll take that into mind if I rip more CD's but I doubt there is a huge difference04:16
darkwatchi want heelp04:16
dimebaghydan: k, ty04:16
Arwensayers, there isn't, but it doesn't hurt to be up-to-date04:17
oldwestHay blueskaj - did google on cut n paste - came up w/faq - highlight test - tap middle moudse button - open kate and paste there it is - kool04:17
Arwenthen again, if you rip CDs you should be using lossless so that you have a master to encode future versions from..04:17
oldwesthighlight text - opps04:17
sayersArwen: I rip from the Master so :)04:17
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sayersAnyway I could care less. I can't tell a difference04:18
hydanAnubuntu: http://www.ipodlinux.org/requests/?do=details&id=24904:18
BluesKajok, oldwest good to know ...but I'm sticking with konversation just the same :)04:18
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hydanAnubuntu: that came up on a simple google.com/linux search04:18
sayersArwen: the question was "Are mp3's legal?"04:18
Arweneh? yes. lol04:18
Arwennot legal to encode or decode, but the files themselves are legal.04:19
sayersEncode , decode? As in burn / rip04:19
hydandimebag: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21068304:19
underdog5004encode, decode, as in create or play04:19
Arwenbecause some asshole claims to have a patent on it and wants $5 for each copy of it04:19
masterkmplayer is playing the audio and video weird... the sound is fine but the video is really slow04:19
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Arwenencode = make a file. decode = play a file.04:19
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masterkand this is the firefox plug mplayer04:19
sayersArwen: Haha! well that asswhole is gonna be very poor if he wants $5 for me to play a song04:19
Arwensayers, not to play a song - he wants $5 for the use of an mp3 decoder :-)04:20
underdog5004so, what's the story...is mp3 dead?04:20
el_ismaHello, I've got a question. How do I launch a new KDM in a new xserver from console? (while there's one kdm and xserver already running)04:20
Arweneither way, nobody cares :-P04:20
sayersAnd what is funny is not just the users dont care, big companys dont either04:20
sayersmaybe they do >.>04:20
Jucatoel_isma: you can only have 1 instance of KDM (or GDM) running04:20
Arwenmasterk, is your CPU slow? also, could be bandwidth, increase your cache size04:20
Arwenunderdog5004, no, but it should have died ages ago.04:21
el_ismaJucato: Oh04:21
=== underdog5004 agrees
el_ismaJucato: how do I get a new login screen, then?04:21
masterkit played fine under windows when i had windows on this04:21
trpr_they get their $5 from the software projects willing to pay for a license. mp3 support is missing from the repos because ubuntu has no intention of paying for the license required to legally distribute / use the codec04:21
Jucatoel_isma: K Menu -> Start New Session? but it's the same KDM04:21
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oldwesthay jucato - thx for tip on alt+space - great short cut - I'll learn this stuff it kills me  :o)04:21
Jucatoheh :)04:22
sayersmasterk: The problem is your Video Card. Need to get a driver for it :)04:22
underdog5004trpr_, I'm so glad I've already got the codec installed!04:22
sayersThat would be my best guess.04:22
Fivetwentysixtrpr_ I always though the mpeg-3 codec was opensource.04:22
trpr_underdog5004: heh. YOU are free to do whatever you want. its Ubuntu's but that is on the line by offering it via official repo04:22
masterkwell how do I check if it has the correct driver installed?04:23
underdog5004ubuntu == canonical, yeah?04:23
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el_ismaI should explain a bit more my problem. I'm setting up NX server, and, by default, when I log in (in nx) I get what I would if I had logged on KDE locally. I want to have a choice04:23
oldwestVLC works pretty good for play .wmv files - any other suggestions?04:23
el_ismaoldwest: w32codecs + any player04:23
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el_ismaoldwest: not sure though, "it just works" on my kaffeine04:24
masterkthis is the video card I have: S3 Savage IX8+04:24
oldwestel_isma - w32codecs in synaptics?04:24
masterkhow do I check to see if it is installed as this?04:24
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Jucato!w32codecs | oldwest04:25
ubotuoldwest: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs04:25
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oldwestthx -ju & ub -04:26
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trpr_Fivetwentysix: some company called Thompson Consumer Electronics claims ownership over it. maybe you are thinking of ogg vorbis. its a comparable format, but open source04:27
underdog5004I'm doing a  mke2fs  -jSc /dev/hdc1 on a 200Gb hdd...it's taking _forever_!04:27
BluesKajel_isma, don't forget the libdvdcss2 codec as well04:27
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el_ismaBluesKaj: I don't have DVDs :) Don't believe in them04:28
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BluesKajtoo bad04:29
BluesKajwhat is it that makes you avoid them, el_isma ?04:30
=== trpr_ converted all his mp3s to ogg at one point.. Then I bought an ipod and converted it all back :(
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BluesKajthese days it's like saying "i don't believe in movies"04:33
Aresilekis it possible to extend a partition leftwards?04:33
el_ismaBluesKaj: DVD- and DVD+ seem too much trouble. Format wars ain't pretty. HD-DVD and Bluray seem to be wanting to enter the ring (though, I don't think either will dethrone DVD).04:33
trpr_isn't the capacity on those new formats many times that of dvd though?04:34
el_ismatrpr_: not enough04:34
el_ismatrpr_: They're about 3-4 times bigger04:34
BluesKajthe players and recoreders are quite universal now ...as far as regular def is concerned , there really is no format war anymore04:34
hitmanWillyfd to cd, now there was a jump04:35
trpr_i'm not such a big fan myself. i resent all the drm built into dvd04:35
el_ismaBluesKaj: So, if you had to choose, which one would you use? + or -?04:35
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!04:35
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trpr_Jucato: affirmative04:35
el_ismaJucato is really rigth, We should continue in offtopic04:35
el_ismaright. I hate th-ht04:36
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BluesKajI use + RW anmd +R mostly04:37
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Jack31how do i enable universe / resitrcited formats in kubuntu04:37
hitmanWillyJack31: what version of kubuntu are you using?04:38
hitmanWillyJack31: i do believe they are enabled by default on feisty04:38
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Jack31oh okay04:39
BluesKajJack31, open your in the run command type : kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list ..take out any #'s you see in front of the deb repository addresses and save the file then in the terminal  sudo apt-get update04:39
Jack31i thought so but wasnt sure04:39
Jack31yeh i think I did that already, ill check04:39
el_ismaI'm setting up nx server. My pc is always logged in (in kde, of course). When I log in NX, it restores my last saved session (which usually is weeks old). Is there anything I could do to tell it not to restore the session? As far as I know, Nx just runs "startkde"04:40
masterkit says that S3 Inc. 86Chow do I install this driver: http://www.probo.com/timr/savage40.html04:41
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masterkoops typos04:41
masterkhow do I install this driver: http://www.probo.com/timr/savage40.html04:41
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rollerskatejammsAnybody know how I can manage services and runlevels from the command line without installing an additional tool like sysv-rc-conf04:42
rollerskatejammsI want to do it manually04:42
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familiaanyone knows how to install snes9x or zsnes in kubuntu?04:44
kakarottosomeone can help me?04:44
familiai managed to install zsnes04:44
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/04:44
familiait runs fine but when i load the games nothing happens04:45
kakarottohow i do to play mp3 in amarok?04:45
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familialol thats a good question me neither knows how to do that04:45
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albertmkHello. Can anyone help me?04:47
kakarottoi need help!04:47
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Jucatofor mp3s, install "libxine-extracodecs"04:47
albertmkI can't use the command "sudo apt-get install build-dep gdal"04:47
rollerskatejamms!ask | kakarotto04:48
ubotukakarotto: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:48
Jucatoalbertmk: you're not supposed to use "install" and "build-dep" together I think04:48
Jucatorollerskatejamms: he already asked04:48
albertmkjucato: even so, it doesn't work04:48
kakarottook  but isn't work04:48
rollerskatejammssilly me04:48
kakarottoit' s says something about the pack04:49
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albertmkif I type "sudo apt-get install gdal" , it says that "Coudn't find package gdal"04:49
kakarottothe same for me04:50
albertmkI cannot find it in google ...04:50
kakarottome too04:50
hitmanWilly!find gdal04:50
ubotuFound: gdal-bin, libgdal-doc, libgdal1-1.3.2, libgdal1-1.3.2-dev, libgdal1-1.3.2-grass (and 1 others)04:50
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familiahey for the mp3's is "sudo apot-get install libxine-extracodecs" right?04:51
Jucatofamilia: yes04:51
albertmkUbotu: I already installed these packs04:51
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rollerskatejammsalbertmk, You can't talk to ubotu :-P04:51
albertmkbut I cannot find the specific "gdal!04:51
rollerskatejammsUbotu is a bot04:51
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.04:51
albertmkYes, I have noticed , lol hes a bot04:52
hitmanWillyalbertmk: try running gdal-bin04:52
kakarottoy tried to instal de extracodec but isn't work04:52
familiaroot@familia-desktop:~# sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs04:52
familiaReading package lists... Done04:52
familiaBuilding dependency tree... Done04:52
familiaPackage libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:52
familiaThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:52
familiais only available from another source04:52
familiaE: Package libxine-extracodecs has no installation candidate04:52
familiathats what i get when trying to install the stuff for hearing mp3's04:52
albertmkWhat should I do to run gdal-bin?04:53
hitmanWillyfamilia: do you have your universe/multiverse repos enabled?04:53
hitmanWillyalbertmk: type it into the console :)04:53
familiai've formatted so many times this pc that i don't know if i have them enabled04:53
familiawhere can i enable them?04:54
kakarottoi done the same like familia04:54
masterkhow do I install this driver: http://www.probo.com/timr/savage40.html04:54
hitmanWillyfamilia: /etc/apt/sources.list04:54
albertmkIf I type "gdal-bin", it says: " bash: gdal-bin: command not found.04:54
hitmanWillyfamilia: uncomment everything with a deb in front of it04:54
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familiadeb http://cl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted04:55
familiadeb-src http://cl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted04:55
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familia## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the04:55
familia## distribution.04:55
familiadeb http://cl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-updates main restricted04:56
familiadeb-src http://cl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-updates main restricted04:56
familia## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'04:56
familia## repository.04:56
familia## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu04:56
familia## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to04:56
familia## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in04:56
familia## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security04:56
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familia## team.04:56
albertmkCan anyone help me please?04:56
familia# deb http://cl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe04:56
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:56
familia# deb-src http://cl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe04:56
familia## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'04:56
familia## repository.04:56
BluesKaj!pastebin |  familia04:56
ubotufamilia: please see above04:56
familia## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as04:56
familia## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes04:56
familia## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.04:57
familia## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review04:57
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familia## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.04:57
hitmanWillyfamilia: uncomment the deb and deb-src lines after the universe blurb04:57
familia# deb http://cl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse04:57
HellTradeCould here some one help me?04:57
familia# deb-src http://cl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse04:57
familiadeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted04:57
familiadeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted04:57
familia# deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe04:57
familia# deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe04:57
familiathats what it says04:57
familiawhat should i do to enable the required repositories?04:57
familiahow do i uncomment?04:57
masterktake away the "#"04:57
hitmanWillyfamilia: remove the # in front of the line04:57
familiai can't04:58
albertmkPlease, I need help to find "gdal" package.04:58
masterkhow do I install this driver: http://www.probo.com/timr/savage40.html04:58
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Jucatofamilia: next time use a pastebin04:59
Jucato!paste | familia04:59
ubotufamilia: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:59
hitmanWillyfamilia: run kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list in a console04:59
familiahey what's the diference between using the "normal" paste method and the pastebin?05:00
hitmanWillyfamilia: root owns the etc directory05:00
|lostbyte|Is there a definition for each environmental Variable in bash and their defaults ?05:00
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hitmanWillyfamilia: just pasting in here floods the channel05:00
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masterkdamnit can no one help with my driver issues?05:01
familiaok, there is a problem if i only paste 2 lines?05:01
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masterkthat wasn't just 2 lines familia05:01
familiabut i'm talking from now on05:02
hitmanWillyfamilia: i would say no problem there, but anything over that you should use pastebin05:02
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masterk2  lines is no big deal05:02
|lostbyte|max 5 is allowed.05:02
familiasorry about that, im a n00b05:02
familiaroot@familia-desktop:~# kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list05:02
|lostbyte|Not more05:02
familiakdesu: cannot connect to X server05:02
hitmanWillyfamilia: my general rule is anything over 2 lines gets pastebinned05:02
familiathats what i get when trying to run what you said05:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about savage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:03
hitmanWillyfamilia: does just that come up? or does a box asking for a passwd come up as well?05:03
masterk!S3 Savage IX8+05:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about s3 savage ix8+ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:03
familiano, i'm already logged as sudo05:03
hitmanWillyfamilia: with sudo -i?05:04
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hitmanWillyfamilia: not really a good idea...05:04
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hitmanWillyfamilia: but does kate come up?05:04
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hitmanWillyfamilia: ok, in a console sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list05:05
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familiahey wait, i just opened the folder from konqueror05:06
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familiaselected open with --->Kate05:06
hitmanWillyfamilia: it probably won't let you save it tho05:06
familiabut when i try to save the changes05:06
familiai get an error mesage like "could not write blablabla"05:07
hitmanWillyfamilia: when you sudo -i it only works in the console session you did it in05:07
hitmanWillyfamilia: root owns that file05:07
familiaok i'm going to try the nano thing05:07
familiaoo ok05:08
hitmanWillyfamilia: nano is a handy tool when you need to edit files from the command line05:08
familiai can see the file in "konsole" style05:08
familiabut how can i edit it?05:08
hitmanWillyfamilia: keyboard05:08
masterkwhat's the command to show the pci info?05:09
hitmanWillymasterk: lspci05:09
BluesKajhitmanWilly, I tried that today but i couldn't save my changes cuz i forgot what the save command is :)05:09
familianow to save it?05:09
familiahow i save it?05:09
hitmanWillyfamilia: ctrl-o05:09
hitmanWillyBluesKaj: you too :)05:10
BluesKajnow he tells me :)05:10
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hitmanWillyits written right on the bottom...05:10
familiaFile Name to Write: /etc/apt/sources.list05:10
familiathen enter?05:10
hitmanWillyfamilia: yup05:10
BluesKaji didn05:10
masterkit shows up as "S3 Inc. 86C270-294 Savage/IX-MV (rev 13)" in lspci but I should have a "S3 Savage IX8+"05:10
hitmanWillyfamilia: then ctrl-x to exit05:11
hydancan someone PLEASE help me get kde4 to work??05:11
familiaso then is sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs?05:11
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hitmanWillyfamilia: run sudo apt-get update first05:11
familiaand thats it, i can play mp3's?05:11
BluesKajI didn't see that hitmanWilly, I just stuff like, ^X etc05:12
hitmanWillyBluesKaj: nano's pretty easy compared to the alternatives, ie vim or emacs05:12
HellTradecan i encrypt the partition?05:13
albertmkPlease, I need help.05:13
hitmanWillyfamilia: assuming everything works on the install, yup05:13
albertmkI cannot install "gdal" package because I cannot find it...05:13
familiadamn its so hard to install stuff... i dont have a clue of what to do with .tar.gz05:13
familiathanks hitmanwilly ;)05:13
hitmanWillyfamilia: tar.gz is just like a zip file05:13
familiayeah, i unzipped it but still i don't have a clue of what to do with whats inside05:14
BluesKajyeah i used suado nano to open the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file cuz there was an error on one of the lines, but never did figure out what was wrong ...had reconfig xserver-xorg to get back to the desktop05:14
hitmanWillyfamilia: is it source?05:14
familiai don't know05:15
hitmanWillyfamilia: try this: go into the dir where its unzipped05:15
hitmanWillyfamilia: in konsole05:15
familiahow do i do that?05:15
familiasorry but i'm a ultranoob05:15
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hitmanWillyfamilia: cd ~/Desktop/<unzipped_folder_name>05:15
hitmanWillyfamilia: the ~ is a shortcut to your home folder05:16
albertmkIt seems that I ll have to solve this problem by myself05:16
hitmanWillyfamilia: now run ./configure05:16
familiahey look, i updated the las thing that showed up is05:16
masterkcan someone help me get my video to not be laggy when I play video on the firefox mplayer plugin?05:16
familiaFetched 3766kB in 2m59s (21.0kB/s)05:16
familiaReading package lists... Done05:16
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underdog5004!pastebin > familia05:17
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hitmanWillyfamilia: now you can run sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs05:17
familiaits right?05:18
hydani can't get any help to get kde4 working, so my question now is, when i 'sudo apt-get remove kdebase4', why is it that only 193mb will be freed, when there was about 600mb used for the installation?05:18
hitmanWillyfamilia: most things in linux will spit out error messages if something goes wrong05:18
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hitmanWillyfamilia: no error means no error :)05:18
familiasame stuff.... i says i doesnt have any candidates blabla05:19
hitmanWillyfamilia: hold on...05:19
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BluesKajnite folks05:19
masterk!vista | I_LUV_VISTA05:20
ubotuI_LUV_VISTA: vista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org05:20
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hitmanWillylove the link :)05:20
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hitmanWillyfamilia: it may not be available for dapper....05:21
DaSkreechkyah2004: yo05:21
kyah2004Daskreech: i think i am about to go back to windows for a while man05:21
HellTradeanyone knows a good RSS reader?05:21
DaSkreechkyah2004: Ha ha :)05:21
DaSkreechkyah2004: What's up now?05:21
hitmanWillyHellTrade: try akregator05:21
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hydanwhen i 'sudo apt-get remove kdebase4', why is it that only 193mb will be freed, when there was about 600mb used for the installation?05:21
familiadamn my pc freezzes sometimes05:21
DaSkreechHellTrade: Alt+space -> Akre -> <enter>05:21
kyah2004daskreech: i think this 64 bit thing might be affecting 32 bit firefix05:21
HellTradean a and what is about a good good IRC client?05:22
DaSkreechkyah2004: ..05:22
familiadude's anyone knows hardware?05:22
hitmanWillyhydan: try sudo apt-get autoremove after that05:22
DaSkreechkyah2004: I thought that you were using 32 bit ?05:22
DaSkreechthat makes a lot of difference05:22
familiamy pc does a strange noise and then freezes a few seconds05:22
DaSkreechHellTrade: What are you using now?05:22
kyah2004DaSkreech: yeh i am for kubuntu but the hardware is 64 bit05:22
hitmanWillyfamilia: you may want to run a memtest, its an option on boot05:22
DaSkreechkyah2004: AMD?05:23
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kyah2004Daskreech: yeh05:23
familiayeah, it runs fine05:23
familiabut still it happens random05:23
familiait does the same noise that when i power the pc05:23
hitmanWillyhow hot does the box run?05:23
familiano, p4 intel05:23
DaSkreechkyah2004: Well if you installed 32 bit then it should run in 32 bit05:23
familiahyper threading 3,0605:23
hitmanWillyfamilia: you say that it makes a funny noise when you start it up?05:24
HellTradea good IRC client?05:24
DaSkreechkyah2004: Did you try run firefox from the command line so you could see any errors that it threw?05:24
kyah2004Daskreech: well man i cant say i didnt try. i'll stick with virus filled windows for now until i can buy a mac or until linux reach mac level05:24
familiano, it makes the same noise that when i power the pc05:24
DaSkreechHellTrade: What are you using now?05:25
kyah2004Daskreech: ok i will try that now05:25
HellTradeIs there an alternative to skype?05:25
hitmanWillyfamilia: like a hard drive is skipping?05:25
familiahmmm i don't think so, i changed the hard drive05:25
=== DaSkreech prods HellTrade
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familiabut it still happens05:25
DaSkreechWOuld help if you answered some questions so that I can answer some of yours05:26
hitmanWillyi don't know, hardware issues are really hard to diagnose remotely...05:26
familiai'm leaving, school tomorrow lol05:26
familiathaks for the help05:26
hitmanWillylater, sorry the mp3 didn't work for ya05:26
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DaSkreechhitmanWilly: Use Firefox?05:27
DaSkreechinstalled flash?05:27
kyah2004Daskreech: i'll post the errors to that ubuntu page and send u the link05:27
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hitmanWillyDaSkreech: i take it it doesn't work for you?05:27
DaSkreechIt does05:28
hitmanWillyoh, ok...05:28
DaSkreechI'm trying to help kyah2004 and he's having a hell of a time05:28
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hitmanWillyahh, gotcha...05:28
DaSkreechpretty much after firefix installed everything after that went to hell05:28
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DaSkreechFlash wouldn't verify05:28
DaSkreech then it wouldn't install05:28
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DaSkreechnow Firefox crashes everytime he loads a page05:29
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DaSkreechNever heard anything like it05:29
hitmanWillyDaSkreech: reconfigure it?05:29
jakehi guys ive just installedt feisty, but when i mount my external storage, it cant open the the device05:29
hitmanWillyDaSkreech: i found the best way was to install via the repos05:29
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: Firefox?05:30
jakeeverythings fine in edgy05:30
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: the repos don't work05:30
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: .... strange05:30
hitmanWillyDaSkreech: yeah, sounds like a config file got borked somewhere05:30
DaSkreechFor flash? or Firefox?05:30
kyah2004Daskreech: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21931/05:30
hitmanWillyare universe/multiverse enabled?05:30
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: yup05:30
hitmanWillyhmmm, that is strange05:31
DaSkreechI know05:31
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DaSkreechkyah2004: This is pre crash I take it :)05:31
DaSkreechkyah2004: that all looks normal05:31
kyah2004Daskreech: oh zeen05:31
DaSkreechkyah2004: as an aside how many addons do you ahve installed?05:32
kyah2004Daskreech yeh its precrash05:32
hitmanWillykyah2004: that's normal05:32
DaSkreechkyah2004: youtube crashes it you say?05:32
kyah2004Daskreech: just the google browser sync05:32
kyah2004Daskreech: yeh05:32
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DaSkreechok I think that should work05:32
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DaSkreechOk go to youtube and when it crashes see if there are more messages printed in the konsole05:33
kyah2004Daskreech: ok cool05:33
RawSewagein Konversation, is there a way to hide Joins/Quits on a per-channel basis05:33
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: you haven't heard any problems with the new flash and any well known flash sites?05:33
hitmanWillynope, but i usually don't look at stuff like that unless ive got an issue :)05:34
kyah2004Daskreech: strange enough not crashing so far05:34
kyah2004Daskreech: actually playing a file05:34
DaSkreechkyah2004: Is it loading?05:34
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=== DaSkreech throws hands in the air
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: Yaeh but we sit in a support channel :)05:34
hitmanWillyff can be twitchy at times...05:34
nirmal:D :P05:34
DaSkreechyou tend to "overhear" common problems05:35
DaSkreechtell me about it05:35
kyah2004Daskreech: haha hold on i testing torrentspy now05:35
hitmanWillylol...well it hasn't been on slashdot05:35
DaSkreechIt's very much a Windows application05:35
kyah2004Daskreech: torrentspy stil not loading05:35
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: If it's on Slashdot it MUST be true!!05:35
hitmanWillyunless its april 1st...05:35
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=== hitmanWilly remembers google tisp...
DaSkreechOMG! POniez!!!05:36
DaSkreechkyah2004: what is it doing?05:36
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sonicanyone know my ubuntu creates grub menu.lst with "root=UUID=42aef9ff-883b-48ed-8632-f0f3ecffe3fc"   Im trying to install xubuntu on and old machine and boot fails because it cant find /dev/disk/by-uuid/....05:37
kyah2004Daskreech: youtube seems to be working fine05:37
kyah2004Daskreech: but torrentspy not loading05:37
DaSkreechkyah2004: Yeah I heard. But is Torrentspy trying to load or does it just load up a blank page and say done ?05:37
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kyah2004Daskreech: loads a black page but continues loading05:39
DaSkreechWell if you would like to know they found the biggest jellyfish ever05:39
RawSewageno they didnt05:39
RawSewagethey killed the biggest jellyfish ever05:40
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RawSewageman always has to kill things05:40
DaSkreech well they also found a Peanut butter fish05:40
DaSkreechwhat else were they to do?05:40
RawSewagenear the Sandwich Islands05:40
crackhead_25question: anyone know how to stop all the "snd" modules and restart them at once?05:40
crackhead_25for some reason, my sound stopped working everywhere05:41
DaSkreechkyah2004: Well I have two other quick options05:41
DaSkreech Konqueror :)05:41
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DaSkreechand ktorrent has toerrntspy built into it05:41
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:41
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DaSkreechkyah2004: Do you browse torrentspy or just search?05:43
kyah2004Daskreech: search05:43
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DaSkreechkyah2004: alt+space -> ktor -> <enter>05:43
DaSkreechkyah2004: let me know when it's open05:44
kyah2004well remember i use my firefox browser plugins05:44
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DaSkreechThis is probably just as good05:44
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DaSkreechat least.. we shall see05:44
kyah2004Daskreech: its open05:44
DaSkreechOk in the bottom Left corner there should be a search button05:45
DaSkreechClick it and it expands05:45
kyah2004Daskreech: yeh05:45
DaSkreech!sound | crackhead_2505:45
ubotucrackhead_25: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:45
DaSkreechYOu can select torrentspy from the drop down05:45
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meuhlolhi someone can help me? i want be able to read midi files in firefox, how do it?05:45
DaSkreechDo  a search for something and I'll do it from the browser and see if it matches up05:46
ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo05:46
meuhlolnot midi files05:46
kyah2004Daskreech: bleach05:46
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DaSkreech723 hits05:46
meuhlolfiles at server, like <bgsound src = urltomidi.mid> firefox ask me for a plugin05:46
meuhlolalready installed05:47
DaSkreechnot sure. Never hit that problem05:47
kyah2004Daskreech: where do i see the hits05:47
DaSkreechmeuhlol: #ubuntu is more versed in wrangling with Firefox05:48
DaSkreechyou can ask there as well05:48
DaSkreechkyah2004: You typed bleach in the search and hit enter ?05:48
DaSkreechwith torrentspy selected?05:48
carutsu!info yakuake>carutsu05:48
meuhlolbut im on kubuntu xD05:48
kyah2004Daskreech: yeh05:48
majnoonanyone else having trouble burning cdroms after feisty upgrade ???05:49
DaSkreechmeuhlol: It's an app issue unfortunately :-)05:49
DaSkreechmeuhlol: and a answer that works is an answer that works :)05:49
DaSkreechkyah2004: and you dont' get a new tab?05:49
DaSkreechat the top you should have a tab that says all torrents05:49
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DaSkreechthen one that says bleach05:49
kyah2004Daskreech: yeh i see that05:50
crackhead_25ubotu: i just un-enabled and re-enabled my sound system. now it just keeps cycling through the "starting sound system" dialog box now, though. 0 to 100%, then it does it again.05:50
meuhlolDaSkreech: app issue? u mean?05:50
kyah2004Daskreech: but i don tsee the hits number05:50
DaSkreechkyah2004: and nothing in the page?05:50
crackhead_25i just un-enabled and re-enabled my sound system. now it just keeps cycling through the "starting sound system" dialog box now, though. 0 to 100%, then it does it again.05:51
crackhead_25[23:51]  <meuhlol> DaSkreech: app issue? u mean?05:51
nininaI'm trying to add a printer connected to XP system, but when I browse to find it I keep getting: Error returning browse list: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED05:51
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DaSkreechmeuhlol: you can play midi but firefox can't and firefox is an #ubuntu type app05:51
kyah2004Daskreech: yeh it shows some links and there file sizes05:51
DaSkreechSearch Results: bleach05:51
DaSkreech Torrents found: 723| 50 Result Size05:51
DaSkreechkyah2004: Don't see that?05:51
DaSkreechRight above RSS feeds for this search?05:52
DaSkreechdwidmann: I don't get people :(05:52
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kyah2004Daskreech: whats the search engine option u using05:52
kyah2004Daskreech: ?05:52
kyah2004Daskreech: seems like i have to add that hold on..05:53
DaSkreechkyah2004: Where are you searching?05:53
DaSkreechIn Ktorrent?05:53
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kyah2004Daskreech: it was searching ktorrent by default05:53
meuhlolDaSkreech: so only use old sh*** of konkeror? :/05:53
DaSkreechkyah2004: really?05:53
DaSkreechkyah2004: Hmm05:54
meuhlolrofl, at win firefox rulz with all, but windoz = kaka xD05:54
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DaSkreechkyah2004: Settings -> Configure Ktoarrent -> plugins -> search plugin05:54
DaSkreechLoad it05:54
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DaSkreechmeuhlol: No. Ask in #ubuntu as well05:54
DaSkreechI'm sure that Firefox can play Midi I just don't know how off the top of my head05:55
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dwidmannDaSkreech: I don't think I get people either05:55
DaSkreechmeuhlol: I know ironic eh?05:55
meuhlolim on lol05:55
DaSkreechdwidmann: They ask for help and you ask them something to better answer and they get huffy and log out05:55
kgxdoes the % sign have any special meaning in cron? for reason, the following doesnt get executed if i have a % sign in it:  php4 -f cron_BatchEmailInvoices.php > /var/log/accounts_mailer_$(date +%d).log05:56
hitmanWillymidi in firefox? mplayer won't handle it?05:56
dwidmannDaSkreech: I hate when they do that.05:56
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: I'm sure that it does but I have no idea how to do it05:56
DaSkreechkyah2004: You got that?05:56
kyah2004Daskreech: it keep on saying bad url05:57
kyah2004nad i double checked it05:57
DaSkreechWhen you load the plugin and search?05:57
hitmanWillykyah2004: that means its pointing at a bad url? maybe?05:57
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: But I'm using it here05:57
hitmanWillyoh, ok...05:57
DaSkreechI'm starting to wonder if it's a network issue...05:58
dwidmannThe % character introduces an escape sequence  that05:58
dwidmann              is  expanded  to a time value or other information.  The escape sequences05:58
dwidmann              and their meanings are as follows; the braces denote optional portions.05:58
dwidmannman bash ;)05:58
DaSkreechkgx: I think that putting it in ' ' quotes may help05:58
DaSkreechkyah2004: in ktorrent ?05:59
DaSkreechwith the torrentspy search plugin?05:59
kyah2004Daskreech: yeh05:59
DaSkreechok try a new one06:00
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crackhead_25anyone know how to stop and then restart all of the snd drivers, or why sound throughout my system would suddenly have just stopped working??06:00
DaSkreechLet me see something06:00
crimsuncrackhead_25: pastebin ``amixer'', then tell me the URL.06:00
jakeguys whats the command to repair the adept?06:00
DaSkreech!adept crash fix06:00
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 06:00
DaSkreechkyah2004: I'm trying to see if it's a underlying network issue06:01
kgxDaSkreech: if i do that, the file ends being called /var/log/accounts_mailer_$(date +%d).log (and not todays date as i want)06:01
crackhead_25crimsun: above06:01
DaSkreechkgx: Doh! I mean " " quotes :)06:01
crackhead_25it was working fine, until yesterday when i played some corrupted video file, i think06:02
DaSkreechSo any suggestions why you could resolve a websites name, ping it but you can't get the HTML ?06:02
crimsuncrackhead_25: do you have a crippled SBLive or SB Audigy?06:03
crackhead_25the soundcard is an audigy06:03
DaSkreechIs it a Vietnam Vet?06:03
crimsuncrackhead_25: kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer*);sudo modprobe -r $(lsmod|grep ^snd|awk '{print $1}')&&sudo rm -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state&&sudo modprobe snd-ca010606:04
DaSkreechkyah2004: If another torrent site plugin works let me know06:04
crackhead_25crimsun: can you make a pastebin of exactly the commands in what order i should run?06:05
crackhead_25(im kind of new to this)06:05
kyah2004Daskreech: bittorrent sorks06:05
crimsuncrackhead_25: I gave you the precise command. Just copy and paste it into a konsole.06:05
crackhead_25oh ok06:05
crackhead_25seemed really long..06:05
DaSkreechkyah2004: the only one or you tried others?06:06
kyah2004Daskreech: isohunt wokrs as well06:06
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DaSkreechso.. it doesn't seem to be a network issue06:06
crackhead_25ok, i ran it.. now the k menu bar /tool bar at the bottom of the screen has disappeared ha.. what do i do now?06:06
DaSkreechkyah2004: Flow right?06:07
crimsuncrackhead_25: that's ok, that's just the mixer.  You can readd it by starting KMix.06:07
kyah2004Daskreech: no c&w06:07
DaSkreechWell I'm C& W as well... assuming they didn't gain b***s when I was on vacation06:07
crackhead_25no, the whole tool bar disappeared.. not just thekmixer06:08
crimsuncrackhead_25: ah. Just log out and back in, then.06:08
DaSkreechcrackhead_25: type in kicker & in the konsole06:08
crackhead_25thanks.. ok, it's back06:08
crackhead_25kicke rworked06:08
crimsunyou may have some arts weirdness until the logout/-in cycle; shouldn't really matter.06:08
crackhead_25crimsun: now what about the sound?06:08
crackhead_25should i test it somehow?06:08
crimsuncrackhead_25: well, test it.  ``aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav''06:09
DaSkreechkyah2004: I wonder if they are doing one of thier blackouts..06:09
crackhead_25the test produced this error..06:09
kgxDaSkreech: that didnt work either. in works on the command line but not in cron. the cron log shows that it clips off just before the % sign: cron_BatchEmailInvoices.php > "/var/log/accounts_mailer_$(date + )06:09
kyah2004Daskreech: i doubt it bcuz i just test it on a windows machine06:09
DaSkreechkyah2004: :-) Good I was hoping you wouldn't have to reboot06:10
DaSkreechkyah2004: ok lets give Ktorrent the benefit of it being lazy coding :)06:10
DaSkreechkyah2004: Close it and reopen and see if it reloads the plugin06:10
crackhead_25wait a min.. maybe it worked after all. .the test you gave iddnt work.. butttt.. i think im hearing sound from something else.06:10
DaSkreechand see if torrentspy works06:10
kyah2004Daskreech: ok cool06:10
kgxDaSkreech: i'll try escaping it and then try...06:11
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DaSkreechkgx: Oh good idea06:11
DaSkreechWhat does it come up as when you have it plain?06:11
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DaSkreechcat killing minds everywhere want to know06:12
kgxsame as before, it clips it before the % sign: php4 -f cron_BatchEmailInvoices.php > "/var/log/accounts_mailer_$(date + )06:12
crackhead_25crimsun: nah, false alarm.. didnt work.. im getting sound on firefox.. but not through something like kaffeine.. if i go try to play a movie there, it doesnt work.. visual works, but audio doesn't..06:12
kgxDaSkreech: escaping the % sign worked :)06:13
crimsuncrackhead_25: that's just flash 9 and firefox hogging the sound device. Not much can be done currently. Just close firefox.06:13
kgxdidnt know it was something special in cron06:13
crackhead_25crimsun: how do i log out/back in so that when i log back in all the windows that were previously open will open again exactly as they were?06:13
DaSkreechcrimsun: Why does Flash do that?06:13
crimsunDaSkreech: shrug.06:13
DaSkreechcrimsun: oh wait not FOSS...06:13
DaSkreechSorry about that06:13
crimsunit's closed source, so I can't fix it.06:13
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kyah2004Daskreech: hey skreech i appreciate ur help a lot man really thanks a million but i think this is where i install windows. i have geven linux a week or more man and it hasnt come thru06:15
DaSkreechOk then06:15
DaSkreechcool :)06:15
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DaSkreechI'd want to find out why it's not loading that one site :(06:16
carutsukyah2004: going back to windows, eh, what went wrong?06:16
kyah2004Daskreech: i was feeling adventurous but not again star maybe later when windows crashes 2 times on me in a month06:16
DaSkreechIt won't load torrentspy.com06:17
nirmalkyah2004: Linux is easy than windows06:17
kyah2004nor me other flash stuff06:17
DaSkreechWell youtube works now06:17
carutsukyah2004: flash is what is wrong?06:17
DaSkreechWhat other flash site is broken?06:17
carutsukyah2004: have you installed the nonfree plug in?06:17
kyah2004yeh man flash not running in firefox properly only youtube works06:17
DaSkreechOnly youtube?06:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flash-nonfree - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flasjh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:18
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:18
DaSkreechThat's stranger than nothing working.06:18
carutsu!info flash-nonfree06:18
DaSkreechWhich other site won't work?06:18
ubotuPackage flash-nonfree does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:18
dwidmannkyah2004: you were having trouble getting it off adobe's site yesterday, how'd you get past that?06:18
DaSkreechcarutsu: It's flashplugin-nonfree and he said he has it installed already06:18
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kyah2004i had to download it from a windows machine06:18
DaSkreechdwidmann: see it's stuff like that makes me think that it's a network issue06:19
carutsukyah2004: you downloaded what from a windows machine?06:19
DaSkreechBut everytime I ask him to go to a site it works fine ...06:19
mokkanhey, does anyone know where i can get a package for blender 2.44?06:19
dwidmannDaSkreech: same06:19
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DaSkreechcarutsu: the flash plgin06:19
kyah2004even that is another reason for not bothering, some download sites dont work like that one06:19
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DaSkreech!info blender06:19
ubotublender: Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.43-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 7120 kB, installed size 18600 kB06:19
kyah2004and the downloads are moving too slow06:19
carutsuDaSkreech: omg, why did he do that?! he can only apt-get it06:19
DaSkreechcarutsu: no he can't. that's the problem we are trying to fix06:20
DaSkreechdwidmann: See? network again06:20
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DaSkreechkyah2004: like 56 k speeds?06:20
carutsuDaSkreech: he! that's weird, I have installed it on several machines now, mmm, double checked the sources.list?06:20
kyah2004yep man06:20
DaSkreechor just not what you are used to06:20
DaSkreechcarutsu: Thrice06:20
wolferineonce I have apache2 and php5 installed, and I want to offer my /home/user dir, is there a quick script I can run to setup the apache.cong/httpd.conf, to allow it?06:20
DaSkreechhi kraut06:21
dwidmannSounds more like perhaps a DNS issue or something06:21
carutsuDaSkreech: he has to have the weirdest problem i've ever seen, normally the problems have a reason06:21
DaSkreechcarutsu: tell me about it :)06:21
DaSkreechdwidmann: huh?06:21
DaSkreechdwidmann: he can resolve06:21
dwidmannCan't even get through to some really odd things06:21
DaSkreechit just moves slow06:21
DaSkreechdwidmann: Yeah but they all resolve06:22
dwidmannDaSkreech: sometimes it doens't move at all06:22
DaSkreechkyah2004: You have a dhcp at home right?06:22
dwidmannor so he said ... he said wget just sat at 0%06:22
DaSkreechOh missed that one06:22
kyah2004Daskreech: yeh06:22
dwidmannDaSkreech: yes, that was while you were gone, last night06:22
DaSkreechkyah2004: Direct from the Modem or from a router in between?06:23
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kyah2004Daskreech: well we have a switch that gives a dynamic IP locally06:23
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DaSkreechand What does it feed out as it's DNS ?06:24
kyah2004Daskreech: not sure what u mean06:24
DaSkreechkyah2004: You can check in System Settings -> Network settings -> Network Connections -> Domain name system06:25
DaSkreechAlt+space -> system to get to system settings06:25
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DaSkreechOn the domain name servers tab you should have a section that says Domain Name servers with at least one ip in it06:26
kyah2004Daskreech: what u want to know the ip address06:26
DaSkreechGimmie the ip06:26
DaSkreechit's probably
DaSkreechor some such06:26
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DaSkreechkyah2004: change that to
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DaSkreechok :)06:27
kyah2004yeh thats what it is06:27
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DaSkreechok I'm changing mine to match yours06:28
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wolferineonce I have apache2 and php5 installed, and I want to offer my /home/user dir, there is a quick script I can run to set it up called userdir.load, how do I add that into apache?06:28
kyah2004Daskreech: cool, i hope these guys cant hack me at that address06:28
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mokkanarent you supposed to be able to right click on .deb's and install them like that?06:28
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DaSkreechno but C&W should be shivering :)06:29
dwidmannI think the DNS is fetched from the modem, and each IP has one.06:29
kyah2004Daskreech: haha, shiver me timbers :-)06:29
DaSkreechha ha06:29
DaSkreechcan't load torrentspy.com06:29
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DaSkreechWait it is06:29
DaSkreechjust slow06:29
DaSkreechdwidmann: That's the DNS for the ISP06:30
dwidmannif you want to try to resolve with a DNS without actually changing yours to it, try using hostname or dig or something, I forget, but at least one of those has an option for specifying what DNS server it's using06:30
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DaSkreechkyah2004: Torrentspy.com search in ktorrent doesn't work you say?06:31
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DaSkreechit came up for me just took a while06:31
wolferineonce I have apache2 and php5 installed, and I want to offer my /home/user dir, there is a quick script I can run to set it up called userdir.load, how do I add that into apache?06:31
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kyah2004Daskreech: it cant be added06:32
kyah2004Daskreech: i get an error message saying bad url06:33
DaSkreechkyah2004: What?06:33
dwidmannDaSkreech: even though it's the one for the ISP, it's also what would be listed in resolvconf06:33
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DaSkreechkyah2004: where are you adding it?06:33
DaSkreechkyah2004: tell me what you are doing from opening ktorrent06:33
=== hendaus back
kyah2004Daskreech: Preferences -> search section06:34
hendausbrian_:  somebody help me please06:34
DaSkreechkyah2004: ooh06:34
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DaSkreechkyah2004: Whats the URl you put in?06:34
kyah2004Daskreech: i think i see the problem. i just clicked the update from internet option06:35
DaSkreechhave to admit I never tried that before :)06:35
kyah2004Daskreech: and torrentspy option loaded06:35
DaSkreech Yeah I was going to suggest that but again never tried that before :)06:35
DaSkreechkyah2004: Sweet06:35
DaSkreechok now tell me if you get hits06:35
hendaus  somebody help me please , after upgrading to edgy i got this --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21935/06:36
kyah2004Daskreech: seems like is because i didnt add foobar and some other foolishness to the web url thats why it never work06:36
mokkandoes anybody know where i could get a ubuntu package for blender 2.44 (amd64) ?06:36
DaSkreechkyah2004: Yeah it does a drop in replacement06:36
DaSkreech!info blender06:36
ubotublender: Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.43-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 7120 kB, installed size 18600 kB06:36
dwidmannhmm, a new version of opera is out06:36
DaSkreechmokkan: It's in universe06:36
mokkanDaSkreech how do i access universe? in adept manager?06:37
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:37
DaSkreechmokkan: ^^^06:37
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kyah2004Daskreech: it not loading same way though06:38
hendaus  somebody help me please , after upgrading to edgy i got this --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21935/ , please!!!!06:38
DaSkreechhendaus: you have a future date on your lists06:38
|lostbyte|what is a file descriptor ?06:38
slicknickso i have a DVD that i want to turn into a bootable .iso that i can load in vmware.  any suggestions?06:38
hendausDaSkreech:  what do u mean?06:39
DaSkreechhendaus: http://my.opera.com/render/blog/show.dml/33712106:39
DaSkreechShould help06:39
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kyah2004alright guys see yah later i'll play with linux another time06:39
DaSkreechkyah2004: black screen?06:39
kyah2004Daskreech: no white06:39
hendausDaSkreech:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21935/ <-- look at this please06:39
Jack31how might I add a command that will be ran upon reboot?06:40
DaSkreechhendaus: I just did and I gave you http://my.opera.com/render/blog/show.dml/33712106:40
DaSkreechJack31: every reboot?06:40
hendausDaSkreech:  i am newbie on this friend, can u help me please06:40
wolferinenm, I got it06:40
DaSkreechkyah2004: Ok man. If you bring your computer over some day I'll run a live cd on it and see if I can figure it out06:40
DaSkreechhendaus: thats a newbie friendly page :)06:41
kyah2004alright thanks skreech06:41
mokkanDaSkreech thank you :)06:41
kyah2004later all06:41
|lostbyte|what is the diff when passing text through a "|" than from "<" ?06:41
Jack31DaSkreech, yes06:41
Jack31Daskreech, or startup, whatever06:41
Jack31just so it loads when ubuntu loads06:41
DaSkreechkyah2004: Still thinking it's a network error :( which means I should come to your house06:41
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DaSkreech|lostbyte|: | is a pipe < is a redirector06:42
DaSkreechJack31: When Gnome loads or when Ubuntu loads ?06:42
Jack31daskreech, well,  i use kubuntu, but i just want to add te command to my startupscripts06:42
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Ichilegend| and < are subtle differences as DaSkreech mentioned06:43
DaSkreechdwidmann: Stranger and curiouser06:43
hendausDaSkreech:  su  returned with an error --> this happen when i click adjust date &time06:43
DaSkreechJack31: You can add it to your rc.local file06:43
DaSkreechhendaus: Hmm06:43
Jack31daskreech, where is that?06:43
|lostbyte|yes, how is it diff, in case of input ? if i want to restrict use of one only ?06:43
Jack31~/rc.local ?06:43
DaSkreech /etc/rc.local06:44
Ichilegendjack31 in kde you can add a script to ~/.kde/Autostart06:44
DaSkreech|lostbyte|: One is a pipe it converts standard output to standard input06:44
|lostbyte|for one < takes the data on the right as "standard input".06:44
DaSkreechso the output of one command becomes the input for the one on the other side06:45
DaSkreechOne turns a file into standard input06:45
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DaSkreechso it converts the contents of a file on the drive so that a program thinks that you are typing it in06:45
mokkanDaSkreech, it still only wants to install 2.43.. any ideas?06:45
|lostbyte|DaSkreech, then why doest cat file.txt | read var            wrok ?06:46
Jack31Daskreech, if i just add timidity -iA -B8,2 -Os to the rclocal file before the exit 0, it will be ran at startup?06:46
|lostbyte|for example !06:46
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|lostbyte|DaSkreech, But read var < file.txt works.06:46
DaSkreechhendaus: Gimmie a second06:46
hendausDaSkreech:  ok06:47
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DaSkreech|lostbyte|: read is a strange case06:47
|lostbyte|ahh, lol06:47
DaSkreechhendaus: What was the first error from?06:48
Jack31Ichilegend: how would i create the script, something like midi.sh and add timidity -iA -B8,2 -Os to it?06:48
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hendausDaSkreech:  on the clock i click on adjust date &time and it shows an error message06:49
DaSkreecha dist-upgrade or an update ?06:49
Jack31how do i create a script for a command to run at the konsole?06:49
DaSkreechhendaus: of course it does. Why should life be simple :)06:50
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DaSkreechhendaus: I assume you want to fix this without rebooting?06:50
hendausDaSkreech:  i dont know but i type this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:50
navetsanyone here experienced with virutal operating systems06:50
DaSkreechhendaus: and it somehow broke sudo06:50
navets im trying to install mac os X tiger with with virtual software. I want to know if you can open a .dmg file as a .iso file06:50
hendausDaSkreech:  ok how please06:50
DaSkreechhendaus: I'm trying to formulate one that won't make you reboot06:51
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: see this is where having root comes in handy :(06:51
hendausDaSkreech:  thank u06:51
hendausDaSkreech:  so edgy done completely?06:52
jakeguys how can i change my log in screen?06:52
DaSkreechmokkan: looks like yuo may have to sit ight06:52
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DaSkreechNo packages out yet06:52
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mokkani found a .deb in the debian repositories, but they need a slightly higher version of libc06:54
DaSkreechmokkan: not worth it06:54
mokkanyeah i sorta figured06:54
DaSkreechhendaus: try sudo -K06:55
hendausDaSkreech:  ok06:55
hendausDaSkreech:  sudo: timestamp too far in the future: May 22 07:47:02 200706:55
DaSkreechha ha of course06:56
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DaSkreechhendaus: do you have a live CD?06:56
hendausDaSkreech:  what is live cd?06:56
=== hitmanWilly has seen that one before :)
mokkani guess i could make my own package, but that would suck06:56
DaSkreechhendaus: You are using Kubuntu?06:57
hendausDaSkreech:  yes06:57
DaSkreechmokkan: not as bad as you think if you need 2.4406:57
DaSkreechhendaus: Did you install it?06:57
hendausDaSkreech:  i have kubuntu cd installation dapper06:57
mokkanwell i run a 64 bit system, and blender just became 64 bit compatible in 2.4406:57
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild06:57
DaSkreechit boots into a desktop?06:57
mokkanso i guess it is sorta important06:57
hendausDaSkreech:  it boots from cdrom06:58
DaSkreechmokkan: Yeah but I see that it still has some outstanding 64 bit bugs in the Launchpad06:58
DaSkreechhendaus: That is a live CD06:58
DaSkreechhendaus: could you boot that up and then come back here?06:58
DaSkreechmokkan: you could offer some help in #ubuntu-motu I guess06:58
DaSkreechSee if you can help speed things along06:59
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mokkanhow could i help them?06:59
|lostbyte|DaSkreech, ok, here is what's diff. | is a stdout while < is stdin. And read takes only stdin. So, its not a strange case. :)06:59
hendausDaSkreech:  u mean insert the cd another time and let it boot from cd and then installation?06:59
DaSkreech|lostbyte|: sort of :)06:59
DaSkreechhendaus: Yes but don't install06:59
hendausDaSkreech:  ok wait07:00
DaSkreechhendaus: when the cd comes up go to the menu and internet then Konversation and come here07:00
DaSkreechask for me so I know that it's you :)07:00
hendausDaSkreech:  after booting what option shuold i hit ?07:00
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DaSkreechMenu -> Internet -> Konversation07:00
DaSkreech(irc client)07:01
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ejupinCan someone help me get KDE going again, I can only start Gnome07:02
hitmanWillyok all, gotta work tomorrow, so sleep it is :)07:02
slicknickany ideas how to turn this hfs+ formatted mac os x install dvd to boot in vmware ?07:02
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DaSkreechInstall parallels?07:03
dwidmannwork? Ohhhhhhhh, that thing between sleep and more sleep07:03
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matt001One of my programs crashed and I summitted a bug report, however I've got an email back saying "** Tags added: need-i386-retrace" does anyone know what this means?07:03
slicknickDaSkreech : linux host07:03
RadiantFireejupin: whats the problem?07:04
DaSkreechmatt001: It means you don't need to submit the bug report again07:04
matt001thank you DaSkreech07:04
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ejupinRadiantFire:I get the log in screen, it attempts to boot up. I get to the desktop, but nothing is there but the generic kbuntu wallpaper07:05
DaSkreechin short07:05
ejupinRadiantFire: Gnome works perfectly07:05
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hendausDaSkreech:  back07:05
DaSkreechhendaus: on the Cd?07:05
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hendausDaSkreech:  yes07:06
DaSkreechhendaus: ok We are going to load your hard drive07:06
albertmkCan anyone tell me where I have to type "apt-get install..."?07:06
DaSkreechhendaus: can you open a konsole and type mkdir drive07:06
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RadiantFireejupin: is there anything in $HOME/.xsession-errors07:06
DaSkreechalbertmk: In the konsole07:06
hendausDaSkreech:  ok then07:06
albertmkYes, I know it07:06
albertmkBut in which folder?07:07
DaSkreechalbertmk: doesn't matter07:07
albertmkok, thanks!07:07
DaSkreechhendaus: how many hard drives do you have?07:08
hendausDaSkreech:  207:08
ejupinRadiantFire: Never been there.. in terminal?07:08
DaSkreechOk do you know which one Linux is on?07:08
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RadiantFireits just a text file in your home directory07:08
RawSewageDoes Kubuntu use Linux07:08
hendausDaSkreech:  yes hda107:08
RadiantFirebut the . means its hidden07:08
RadiantFireyou can open it if you do the show hidden files07:09
DaSkreechhendaus: Ok sudo mount /dev/hda1 drive07:09
DaSkreechsudo should work now07:09
hendausDaSkreech:  ok i type password07:09
DaSkreechhendaus: It asked you for a password?07:10
DaSkreechIt's not supposed to07:10
DaSkreechIt accepted the password?07:11
DaSkreechif it works07:11
DaSkreechls drive/ and check that it has a var folder07:12
ejupinRadiantFire: Doesnt appear to be anything there07:12
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ejupinCan I remove and install KDE again in apt?07:12
hendausDaSkreech:  i open drive and it contains folders07:12
RadiantFirei'm not sure if that would help07:13
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DaSkreechDoes it have a var folder?07:13
RadiantFireejupin: one thing that might help if it is a kde misconfiguration is to move the .kde folder in your home directory to something like .kde-backup07:13
ejupinI'm getting used to Gnome :) but have never been a huge fan, prefer kde07:13
hendausDaSkreech:  yes07:13
RadiantFirethat way, you would know if something in kde is glitched in configs07:13
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emiliano75goodmorning chsnnel :-)07:14
DaSkreechok there should be a drive/var/run/sudo/hendaus file07:14
emiliano75channel... sorry07:14
RadiantFireaside from that, I can't thnk of anything else that could cause that07:14
RawSewageI think Shuttleworth should be focusing more on Kubuntu07:14
DaSkreechhendaus: delete that file :)07:14
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RawSewagejust my opinion07:14
DaSkreechRawSewage: Why?07:14
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RawSewageit's more advanced and configurable.  more features.  Windows users would feel more at home07:15
RawSewageplus KDE4 is coming07:15
DaSkreechYeah but Ubuntu has mind share07:15
hendausDaSkreech:  there is no sudo/hendaus07:15
RawSewageDaSkreech, you mean larger development community?07:15
dwidmannmind share? what's that?07:15
DaSkreechRawSewage: that too07:15
DaSkreechdwidmann: That's Microsoft's life blood07:16
RawSewagewhat is mind share07:16
DaSkreechRawSewage: but more people know about Ubuntu07:16
RadiantFireit does make me sad that KDE is falling behind, when it is superior, but this is all talk for #ubuntu-offtopic/#kubuntu-offtopic07:16
DaSkreechif I try and google a issue it's much more likely to have an Ubuntu solution than a Kubuntu solution07:16
RawSewageIm not allowed in the Ubuntu channels because of my name07:16
hendausDaSkreech:  /home/hendaus/drive/var/run ,, alsa cups,dbus hal hplip klogd screen07:16
RadiantFireactually, most of the solutions seem to be terminal solutions07:17
RadiantFireDaSkreech: that could also be a sign KDE has fewer problems :-)07:17
mokkankde4 is due out soon anyway07:17
DaSkreechhendaus: no sudo folder ?07:17
RadiantFireejupin: anyway, I wish you luck, aside from some wonkiness with configs, I have no other ideas07:18
hendausDaSkreech:  no07:18
DaSkreechhendaus: hmm ok Let me check something else before you reboot07:18
ejupinRadiantFire: Thanks, guess im stuck with Gnome, cause I really dont want to do another clean reinstall07:18
hendausfolders name ->  alsa cups,dbus hal hplip klogd screen07:18
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RadiantFireejupin: one last idea07:18
ejupinI think Im going back to Suse actually, had more bugs with feisty than any other distro i have used07:19
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RadiantFireejupin: do sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop and then issue the xinit startkde command from a terminal and see what happens07:19
RadiantFireejupin: that should give you terminal output if the loading stalls07:19
stk_how to mount a drive via command?07:19
ejupinRadiantFire: will try, ty!07:19
RadiantFirestk_: pmount /dev/<insert drive name here>07:20
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DaSkreechhendaus: you still have a konsole open?07:21
hendausDaSkreech:  yes07:21
DaSkreechhendaus: type chroot ~/drive07:21
hendausDaSkreech:  chroot: cannot change root directory to /home/hendaus/drive: Operation not permitted07:22
DaSkreechsudo chroot ~/drive07:22
stk_not working..07:22
RadiantFirestk_: what error does it give?07:22
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DaSkreechstk_:  where are you mounting it to?07:22
RadiantFirechroot needs a shell inside the chroot to execute07:23
stk_could not find /dev/hdb507:23
hendausDaSkreech:  root@hendaus:/#07:23
RadiantFireyou won't be able to chroot into ~/drive unless /bin/bash is floating around in there07:23
DaSkreechok sudo ls /var07:23
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RadiantFirestk_: that means that you have the wrong name07:23
RadiantFireyou sure its the 5th partition on your 2nd harddrive?07:23
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hendausDaSkreech:  backups  cache  lib  local  lock  log  mail  opt  run  spool  tmp07:24
RadiantFirean easy way to look for devices is to issue the command ls /dev/h*07:24
DaSkreechsudo ls /var/run07:25
RadiantFirestk_: ubuntu has gotten weird with drive namings in recent versions, it could also be /dev/sdb507:25
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RadiantFirestk_: actually, is it an external harddrive?07:25
RadiantFirestk_: pmount won't mount internal harddisks for security reasnos07:25
hendausDaSkreech:  alsa  cups  dbus  hal  hplip  klogd  screen  utmp07:26
stk_internal. I was using it in windows. But suddenly it didn't work there.. So I'm trying to recover data from that harddrive.07:26
DaSkreechhendaus: Ok I think that you should be ok to reboot back into your machine now07:26
DaSkreechhendaus: let me know if that doesn't work07:26
RadiantFireyour going to have to use the sudo mount command then stk_07:26
hendausDaSkreech:  with the cd live?07:26
albertmkCan anyone help me with compilation please?07:26
DaSkreechhendaus: No just normally07:27
albertmkit is really important07:27
RadiantFiredo something like sudo mkdir /mnt/hd; sudo mount /dev/hdb5 /mnt/hd07:27
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:27
stk_and how to do that?? :S07:27
albertmk~/dev/cpp/openmodeller/build$ make07:27
albertmkmake[2] : *** No rule to make target `/build/buildd/gdal-1.3.2/debian/tmp/usr/lib/libgdal1.3.2.so', needed by `src/openmodeller/libopenmodeller.so'.  Stop.07:27
albertmkmake[1] : *** [src/openmodeller/CMakeFiles/openmodeller.dir/all]  Error 207:27
albertmkmake: *** [all]  Error 207:27
RadiantFirestk_: copy from the first sudo to the end of the line into the terminal and execute07:27
RadiantFire!pastebin | albertmk07:27
ubotualbertmk: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:27
albertmkDoes anyone know what's the problem?07:27
albertmksudo make also doesnt work07:28
RadiantFirealbertmk: try make cleaning first07:28
DaSkreechalbertmk: did you do a ./configure ?07:28
RadiantFirethere might be a problem with the configure07:28
RadiantFireas well07:28
albertmkthere is no configure file for that07:29
RadiantFireoh, its cmake07:29
RadiantFirei knownothing about cmake07:29
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albertmkyes , it is cmake07:30
DaSkreechalbertmk: does it have a INSTALL file?07:30
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hendausDaSkreech:  back07:30
albertmkit does have a install file07:30
stk_RadiantFire, Sudo???07:30
DaSkreechalbertmk: did you read it?07:30
albertmkI read it like 5 times, downloaded the packs... nothing work07:30
RadiantFirestk_: yeah, sudo, it gains super user priveldges07:30
RadiantFirestk_: try runing this command07:30
RadiantFiresudo mkdir /mnt/hd; sudo mount /dev/hdb5 /mnt/hd07:31
RadiantFirestk_: that should mount your drive at /mnt/hd if it can be mounted07:31
RadiantFirestk_: because internal drives require admin access07:31
DaSkreechalbertmk: pastebin the install file07:31
albertmkWhat do you mean?07:31
hendausDaSkreech:  did i upgrade edgy lost on kubuntu?07:32
DaSkreechYou are on dapper now?07:32
albertmkI dont know what is a dapper07:32
albertmkI am trying to compile and run openModeller software07:32
hendausDaSkreech:  ah ok, but upgrading edgy , it needs to upgrade from begining or not?07:32
stk_It says I havn't acces :S07:33
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DaSkreech!pastebin | albertmk07:33
ubotualbertmk: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:33
DaSkreechhendaus: You are on dapper now?07:33
hendausDaSkreech:  yes07:34
DaSkreechsudo apt-get update07:34
stk_RadiantFire, It says that I don't have acces, when I'm trying to acces it.07:34
albertmkMy steps:07:35
albertmkcmake ..07:35
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albertmksudo make07:35
albertmkproblems apper:07:35
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hendausDaSkreech:  everything done07:36
albertmk~/dev/cpp/openmodeller/build$ make07:36
DaSkreechhendaus: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:37
albertmkDid you read it DaSkreech?07:38
stk_How to change accest to a folder??07:38
tahsincan anyone help me install grub boot splash ?07:38
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DaSkreechalbertmk: Needs a make target07:39
DaSkreechpastebin the install file07:39
albertmkok dude07:39
albertmkwait a sec07:39
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tahsincan anyone help me install grub boot splash ?07:40
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 07:40
stk_How to change accest to a folder??07:40
stk_How to acces locked folders+07:41
tahsinubotu can u help me install a grub splash screen?07:41
albertmkhttp://openmodeller.cria.org.br/wikis/om/HowToCompileOnLinux   --> manual07:41
stk_How to change acces to a folder that are locked by owner root ;S?07:43
DaSkreechalbertmk: is there an autogen.sh ?07:43
albertmkthere is07:44
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yuriystk_: if you want to do it graphically, you can do kdesu konqueror and then just right click on the folder and do it there07:44
yuriystk_: or you can use sudo chmod07:44
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux07:44
albertmkDaSkreech: There is "autogen.sh"07:44
DaSkreechalbertmk: did you run it?07:45
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albertmkProblems: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21942/07:47
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stk_yuiri how to it with sudo chmod??07:47
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brian_anyone alive currecntly07:48
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stk_Yuiri there?07:50
DaSkreechalbertmk: did you install build-essentials?07:50
tahsinstk_ can you help me install boot splash theme ?07:50
albertmkYes , I did.07:50
stk_no, sry...07:50
albertmkby Adept Manager07:51
brian_im proud to say i use linux now more than windows07:51
tahsinDaSkreech can you help me install boot splash theme ?07:51
DaSkreechtahsin: Where did you get it from?07:51
DaSkreechalbertmk: and you have no automake07:52
tahsinDaSkreech www.kde-look.org07:52
DaSkreechRawSewage: We need more people in #kubuntu helping in any case :)07:52
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albertmkNo automake :(07:52
RawSewageDaSkreech, heping with what07:52
DaSkreechtahsin: Should have instructions07:52
RawSewageDaSkreech, oh07:52
DaSkreechRawSewage: Problems07:52
albertmkI spent my all day to make it work.07:52
DaSkreechalbertmk: see if you have automake 1.9 installed07:53
tahsinDaSkreecim a newbie so dont understant them ...they are complicated07:53
albertmkI do not have it installed, and I am installing it07:53
albertmkLinux is really dificcult when you are newbie. Windows is easier hehe.07:54
tahsinalbertmk is right07:54
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stk_Anyone that can help me change acces to a folder?07:55
RadiantFireright click on the folder07:55
RadiantFireselect properties07:55
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RadiantFirethe permissions tab has access controls07:56
stk_there are no permissoon tab...07:56
RadiantFirewhat folder are you trying to change07:56
DaSkreechalbertmk: Freedom normally doesn't mean easier07:57
RadiantFirethere should aways be a permissions07:57
albertmkDaSkreech: Really.07:57
stk_That folder I mounted... in the mnt folder07:57
RadiantFirealbertmk: it doesn't necessarily mean harder either07:57
albertmkDaSkreech: But freedom for few ppl ^^07:57
RadiantFirestk_: do you know what the filesystem type is?07:57
DaSkreechalbertmk: forces you to make choices :)07:57
RadiantFirestk_: some filesystems don't support permissions07:58
RadiantFirecan you not access the folder?07:58
DaSkreechBut once you know waht you want then it's much easier and much better07:58
stk_no.. It's says you don't have permission.07:58
albertmkOh yeah, pro ppl take advantage with Linux.07:58
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RadiantFireoh, stk_ sudo umount the folder07:58
RadiantFirethen do sudo -o umask=0000 /dev/hdb5 /mnt/hd07:59
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RadiantFiresudo mount -o umask=0000 /dev/hdb5 /mnt/hd07:59
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DaSkreechalbertmk: there is a libtool error there. I don't know what that is07:59
RadiantFiresorry, forgot about that07:59
hendausDaSkreech:  it stills upgrading, it shows unpacking and installing, lol is it big?07:59
DaSkreechmaybe one of the dependeices07:59
DaSkreechhendaus: Huuuuuge07:59
albertmkhmm.. I have installed many libs that I cannot remember all them.07:59
RadiantFirealbertmk: I don't think you have those files installed07:59
RadiantFirealbertmk: it seems to think you don't07:59
albertmkWhich files you mean?08:00
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hendausDaSkreech:  is it necessary to keep the cd live on the cdrom when upgrading or not?08:00
RadiantFirealbertmk: see what happens if you apt-get install autotool-dev automake and libtool08:00
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DaSkreechhendaus: No08:00
RadiantFirethen try again08:00
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DaSkreechhendaus: Are tyou on the CD now?08:00
hendausah ok08:00
hendausDaSkreech:  no08:01
DaSkreechhendaus: Oh good :)08:01
DaSkreechthat scared me08:01
albertmkit doesnt find autotool-dev08:01
RadiantFireoh drats08:01
RadiantFirealbertmk: hang on, I can't remember what the exact name is08:01
albertmkRadiantFire: It doesnt find autotool-dev08:01
RadiantFireyes, thats it08:01
hendausDaSkreech:  i got error08:02
leotrhi all. I am trying to install HP LJ1018 printer, seems like it has been installed (i manuallyt specified bus and device number in "hp-setup") when i give a command to print test page, it is queued, but no pages are printed08:02
DaSkreechUh oh08:02
albertmkIs there any excelent book to understand Linux?08:02
RadiantFirethere are a few out there08:02
RadiantFireI had Linux in Easy Steps, but that is more mandriva specific, and kind of autodated08:02
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albertmkI see.08:03
DaSkreechThe Ubuntu book is good08:03
RadiantFireomg, its actually mandrake specific, I feel old now...08:03
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hendausDaSkreech:  Errors were encountered while processing: debtags08:03
stk_Ok, I think I have acces now. But I'm using the command window. So how to copy files via command to another folder?08:03
hendausDaSkreech:  E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)08:03
RadiantFirestk_:  you can use the filebrowser just type /mnt/hd in the bar08:04
RadiantFirestk_: or you can use the cp command08:04
DaSkreechsudo dpkg --configure -a hendaus08:04
RadiantFirestk_: its cp <target files> <destination folder>08:04
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albertmkRadiantFire and DaSkreech: Same problems -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21943/08:04
stk_if i'm targeting a folder then?08:04
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hendausDaSkreech:  ok and then08:05
RadiantFirestk_: cp -r then08:05
RadiantFireit will -r(ecursively) copy everything08:05
DaSkreechhendaus: It's finished?08:05
RadiantFireiif your looking around, this is a useful guide to basic unix commands08:05
RadiantFirestk_: http://www.webmonkey.com/webmonkey/reference/unix_guide/08:05
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RadiantFirealways useful read08:05
hendausDaSkreech:  yes08:05
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DaSkreechhendaus: Hmm08:06
RadiantFirewell, less errors :-)08:06
RC-Needs-Helphello everybody08:06
DaSkreechtry a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade again08:06
RadiantFirealbertmk: did you make clean already08:06
stk_cp /mnt/hd/ -r /home/stk/Desktop/Test    ,,, Is that right?08:06
hendausDaSkreech:  dpkg: --configure --pending does not take any non-option arguments08:06
RadiantFirestk_: cp -r /mnt/hd/ /home/stk/Desktop/Test08:06
RadiantFirealmost though08:06
hendausDaSkreech:  Use `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management;08:06
RadiantFirealbertmk: that worked?08:07
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albertmkit seems so, but a error has just come08:07
RadiantFirethats funny08:07
DaSkreechhendaus: That's apt-get dist-upgrade?08:07
RadiantFireit might be the same eror08:07
albertmklet me repeat08:07
RadiantFirejust after rebuilding everything else08:07
albertmknow seems to be compiling08:07
hendausDaSkreech:  yes08:08
albertmkat 32% the same error has come08:08
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hendausDaSkreech:  this show on the konsole when i type --> sudo dpkg --configure -a hendaus08:08
belen_hello *08:08
DaSkreechhendaus: no. Take out the hendaus :-)08:08
belen_ath0 not appear when i type ifconfig , why?08:09
DaSkreechtry iwconfig08:09
RadiantFirebelen_: it might be called eth008:09
RadiantFireor wlan008:09
belen_before, a lot month ago, i works well08:09
hendausDaSkreech:  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 27 not upgraded08:09
RadiantFirebelen_: yeah, sometimes weirdness happens08:09
belen_DaSkreech: RadiantFire: not, it is ath008:09
hendausDaSkreech:  hendaus@hendaus:~$08:09
albertmkI am in trouble, I do not know why it doesn't work out08:10
albertmkRadiantFire, if you have sometime now, read it please http://openmodeller.cria.org.br/wikis/om/HowToCompileOnLinux08:10
belen_si a laptop ifconfig only show eth0 y lo, is a laptop08:10
DaSkreechsudo apt-get upgrade08:10
RadiantFiresigh, I hate building08:10
belen_RadiantFire: DaSkreech: do u know please ?08:10
RadiantFirewhy isit so finicky08:10
hendausDaSkreech:  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 27 not upgraded.08:11
hendausDaSkreech:  hendaus@hendaus:~$08:11
RadiantFirebelen_: try sudo modprobe ath_pci08:11
hendausDaSkreech:  the first line says: Reading package lists... Done08:12
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DaSkreechhendaus: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:12
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DaSkreechRadiantFire: Sorry gotta hit the bed08:13
DaSkreechSee you tomorrow08:13
hendausDaSkreech:  on konqueror i am getting error :(08:13
DaSkreechhendaus: Good night08:13
hendausDaSkreech:  An error occurred while loading http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/:08:14
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hendausoh u are sleepy :)08:14
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DaSkreechhendaus: can you load anyother site?08:14
brian_im sleepy but wide awake08:14
hendausDaSkreech:  the same08:14
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hendausDaSkreech:  An error occurred while loading http://www.google.com:08:14
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hendausDaSkreech:  Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:08:15
DaSkreechhendaus: sudo apt-get remove konqueror && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:15
hendausDaSkreech:  klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http'.08:15
RadiantFirewow, thats weird08:15
belen_my card is a atheros08:15
DaSkreechRadiantFire: What is?08:15
RadiantFireunable to load the ioslaves08:15
brian_i hate my laptop its to comfertable to be online all day08:15
RadiantFirebelen_: did you try to sudo modprobe ath_pci08:16
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DaSkreechRadiantFire: Middle of a dist-upgrade from dapper to edgy and it broke08:16
DaSkreechstill has 27 packages to install08:16
RadiantFirewhat package did it fail on?08:17
RadiantFiresometimes removing that package will fix it08:17
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DaSkreechDOn't know08:17
RadiantFireI failed an upgrade from breezy to dapper and that fixed it08:17
DaSkreechNot really awake enough to pay attnetion08:17
RadiantFirewhat does sudo apt-get -f install do?08:17
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DaSkreechhendaus could probably rell tyou08:17
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RadiantFirehendaus: what package did your upgrade fail on?08:17
DaSkreechhendaus: try sudo apt-get -f install08:17
hendausDaSkreech:  no why remove konqueror and install desktop?08:17
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DaSkreechhendaus: try sudo apt-get -f install08:18
DaSkreechhi intelikey :)08:18
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hendausDaSkreech:  but on konsole is installing,??08:18
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DaSkreechhendaus: It's installing now?08:19
Aqutaviaim sure you guys are sick of getting these noob questions. but. here it goes anyhow. i got kubuntu on live dvd. i have dsl with a router. and static ip addresses. i can get the kubuntu to log into my router. but it cant see other computers or the modem. tips?08:19
RadiantFireAqualyt: diid you set your DNS servers08:19
ejupinRadiantFire: If you are still here.. I got KDE working again thnx for help08:19
RadiantFireer, sorry Aqutavia did you set your DNS servers08:19
hendausDaSkreech:  yes08:19
intelikeyi'm having an issue with a gui and it's env.   seems i can't save changes to a file that is group writable and i'm in the group...   thoughts?08:19
RadiantFireejupin: what was wrong with it?08:19
DaSkreechhendaus: Ok :) good night then :)08:19
intelikeygroups | grep -owie root08:19
hendausDaSkreech:  goodnight :)08:20
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ejupinRadiantFire: combination of a few things.. somehow some settings in graphics section got changed.. my vid card wasnt working right08:20
hendauswb intelikey08:20
intelikeyfile is    -rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 339 2007-05-22 00:1208:20
Aqutaviawhat should be in the dns server(s). i dont think i did. since i cant answer your question.08:20
Aqutaviai did try putting some ip's in there. but the ones i put in didnt change anything.08:20
RadiantFireejupin: I'm glad you got it fixed08:21
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ejupinRadiantFire: same here.. gnome is ok to play with, but its not home :)08:21
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intelikeyanyone ?08:21
hendausintelikey:  still not finish edgy, many errors shown on konsole08:21
RadiantFireAqutavia: DNS servers allow you to resolve domain names, i.e. www.google.com into IP addresses, generally with a static configuration you need to set some different DNS servers08:21
RadiantFirehendaus: did you do the apt-get install -f08:22
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hendausRadiantFire:  no coz somothing is installing now on konsole08:22
Aqutaviashould i use those that are used with my modem? or something that is related to my lan?08:22
intelikeyhendaus hmmm yeah,  like i cautioned you.  it's the openion of some that its easier to dl the iso and burn the install cd  than to do a dubble upgrade08:22
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RadiantFirehendaus: ok, well, if it fails, try it08:23
brian_hendaus your still here?08:23
RadiantFireAqutavia: modem is a good idea, probably08:23
belen_RadiantFire: yeah, Module ath_pci not found, install madwifi?08:23
RadiantFireAqutavia: if that doesn't work, sometimes setting the router works08:23
hendausRadiantFire:  thanx08:23
belen_RadiantFire: yeah, Module ath_pci not found, install madwifi?08:23
hendausbrian_:  yes :(08:24
Aqutaviaalright. ill try that.08:24
belen_RadiantFire: thx08:24
Aqutaviayou mean resetting the router?08:24
RadiantFireAqutavia: no, I meant if your modem has DNS servers that "go with it" try setting those08:24
Aqutaviaoh alright.08:25
Aqutaviawell its auto configured. but i could use its current settings anyhow just to test it;)08:25
belen_RadiantFire: this laptop before works good, but one day not appear ath0 when run ifconfig08:25
belen_RadiantFire: do u know why disappear?08:25
RadiantFirebelen_: try installing madwifi, I know that contains some aetheros driers08:25
RadiantFiretechnically, the ath_pci module is a driver for your wireless it might work08:25
belen_RadiantFire: a detail with livecd, ath0 appear ;)08:26
belen_RadiantFire: is posible the modules, but why unload o doesnt work? i dont know08:26
RadiantFirebelen_: I would try installing madwifi, it probably can't do any harm08:27
RadiantFirebelen_: and I know madwifi should contain some drivers for the card you are using08:27
belen_RadiantFire: yeah now make on madwifi fail me08:27
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RadiantFirewait, your trying to compile it?08:28
Aqutaviathanx radiantfire.... i had a friend tell me that i might have to setup samba. i dont know if that apply's here.08:29
RadiantFirebelen_: try installing linux-restricted-modules-generic instead, that should contain the madwifi drivers08:30
RadiantFirebelen_: no need to compile them08:30
RadiantFireAqutavia: nice to know thats working, samba is a file server08:30
RadiantFireAqutavia: if you need to share files, thats cool, although if your only sharing between linux boxes, I've personally found openssh-server works quite well08:30
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belen_RadiantFire: but this package is installed already :(08:35
RadiantFirebelen_: I don't know what to do then, I'm sorry I can't be of more help08:36
belen_RadiantFire: thx i load me now08:36
belen_RadiantFire: ath_pci08:36
belen_RadiantFire: ;)08:36
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RadiantFirebelen_: oh, cool, it works then?08:37
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CaptainApathyok... The system that we installed Feisty on has two network cards... the first one is active, however the second one was not set as active.... How can we fix that?08:38
albertmkWhats the command in terminal to check if a package is already installed?08:39
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belen_RadiantFire: yeah thx!08:39
belen_RadiantFire: bye friend08:40
RadiantFirebelen_: bye08:40
albertmkWhats the command in terminal to check if a package is already installed?08:40
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RadiantFirealbertmk: whats the package name?08:41
albertmkgdal , for instance08:41
RadiantFiredpkg --get-selections | grep gdal08:41
RadiantFireif you get a line, gdal          install08:41
RadiantFirethen it is installed08:41
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CaptainApathyanyone know why the second nic card wouldn't be active?08:42
CaptainApathywe've checked and linux knows about the card...08:42
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RadiantFireCaptainApathy: is it a fresh install? fresh installs only activate one interface08:43
CaptainApathywe've changed /etc/network/interfaces so that eth1 is set to inet dhcp08:43
CaptainApathyit is a fresh install08:43
hendausRadiantFire: ok now done , but i dont know if done all08:43
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RadiantFireCaptainApathy: if you set it to inet dhcp it won't come up normally, since you can only have 1 default access interface, and dhcp wants to make whatever interface it is r unning on the routing interface08:44
hendausRadiantFire: Setting up amarok (1.4.3-0ubuntu10) , Setting up kubuntu-desktop (1.22)08:44
RadiantFirehendaus: try apt-get -f install08:44
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CaptainApathyRadiantFire: ok, how so how do I get it up and working?08:45
hendausRadiantFire:  Reading package lists... Done , Building dependency tree,Reading state information... Done08:46
hendaus0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 26 not upgraded08:46
RadiantFireCaptainApathy: what do you need both interfaces for?08:46
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RadiantFirehendaus: hmmm... do you know which package failed to upgrade originally08:46
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hendausRadiantFire:  no08:47
RadiantFirewhat are the packages that didn't upgrade?08:47
CaptainApathyRadiantFire: They will be going to two seperate networks08:47
RadiantFireCaptainApathy: you are routing through one right?08:47
CaptainApathyRadiantFire: No, there will be an external network and an internal network.  This isn't a routing box, but it will have access to both networks08:48
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hendausRadiantFire:  i dont know, i am looking from konsole and cannot find any package error08:49
RadiantFirehmmm... I'm not sure how that would work? I'd say use the interface on the external network with dhcp and statically config the one on the internal network08:49
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CaptainApathyso we can't have dhcp for both network interfaces?08:50
RadiantFireI don't think so08:50
RadiantFireCaptainApathy: my knowledge of network architecture is somewhat limited08:50
CaptainApathywe've tried setting a static ip, but it's not activating08:51
CaptainApathyDo you know where the configuration file is?08:51
RadiantFiredid you ifconfig up it?08:51
CaptainApathylike where the mac address is at?08:51
RadiantFiremac address is in the device08:51
RadiantFireyou might want to ifconfig <device> up before trying to set addresses08:52
CaptainApathyit's not in the ifconfig list08:52
RadiantFireoh, its not even there?08:52
RadiantFirewhat kind of device is it?08:52
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CaptainApathythe first network card is the same type08:53
CaptainApathyand linux detects it ok08:53
hendausRadiantFire:  can u help me please coz i have much time here and cannot solve the upgrade edgy :((08:53
RadiantFirehendaus: what packages aren't being upgraded?08:54
hendausRadiantFire:  how can i know?08:54
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RadiantFirehendaus: sometimes they show up in adept if you only have the "ugpradable" checkbox marked08:55
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hendausRadiantFire:  let me open adept08:56
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hendausRadiantFire:  ok i just keep upgradable checkbox marked and no package shew08:58
RadiantFirehendaus: I'm not sure08:58
RadiantFiremy brain just shut off08:58
hendausso how can i know if edgy was updated or not?08:59
hendausRadiantFire:  or maybe i have to make reboot08:59
RadiantFirehendaus: I honestly don't know, if its only 26 packages you might be ok for now08:59
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RadiantFireeventually you'll have to figure it out09:00
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RadiantFiresorry i can't be more help09:00
CaptainApathyhm.... sounds like we've got it working now09:01
hendausRadiantFire:  yes maybe python packages09:01
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RadiantFireyou can always try manually installing things like python or python-minimal09:02
RadiantFiresometimes that will give you a clue09:02
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RadiantFiregoodnight all09:02
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mikkaelwhere can i define my fancy keyboard buttons (volume control, media player stuff, etc..) some work, some dont..its a logitech cordless desktop09:03
RC-Needs-Helpi need help with my wireless card, who can help me ? please09:03
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hendausRadiantFire:  goodnight09:04
albertmkDoes anyone know where I can find "build-dep" package?09:05
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RawSewageI dont know.  do an apt-cache search09:08
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sushubhhow do i mount cue/bin files in linux?09:09
baudthiefsushubh: Google says http://www.jonhoweonline.com/blog/node/8209:10
baudthiefugh I'm so close to reverting back to windows man :(09:11
aftertafanyone help with a wifi problem?09:11
aftertafbaudthief: argh!!!09:11
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sushubhhmm... any gui program :D09:11
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RC-Needs-HelpI'm also close to reverting09:11
RC-Needs-Helpwireless issues driving me nuts09:12
baudthiefaftertaf: heh it's the trouble finding help for me, its usually the pissy little issues like video tearing, but right now its my inability to install my new samsung laser mfp09:12
mikkaelwindows can be much more pain09:12
mikkaeli had no sound, no wirless keyboard mouse working, s09:13
baudthiefon the contrary, I know windows inside out, and its piss easy to resolve pretty much any issues like that09:13
mikkaelnvidia twinview problems09:13
mikkaelall no prob in linux09:13
RC-Needs-Helpwindows finds wireless cards no prob09:13
baudthiefhah we're the opposire :p09:13
stevec_sushubh: google says cdemu09:13
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mikkaelRC-Needs-Help: propably right, but i doubt its that hard to get it working09:14
RawSewagewhat is the apt package that install Japanese character support09:14
stevec_sushubh: http://linuxreviews.org/howtos/cdrecording/09:14
mikkaelwell i gtg09:14
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RC-Needs-Helpi dont think my card is supported in ubuntu09:14
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RC-Needs-HelpAtheros AR5005G09:14
aftertafi know mine was supported.09:15
aftertafit has since disappeared and i dont know if its normal or if i got sth wrong09:15
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stevec_RC-Needs-Help: Your card is supported by the madwifi driver. General download page can be found at http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/GettingMadwifi.09:16
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RC-Needs-Helpthanks stevec_09:17
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RC-Needs-HelpI'm gonna try it09:17
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Jack31hey guys i made a script called midi to start when kde starts, and i put it in .kde/autostart09:20
Jack31but instead it loaded it in kate text editor on boot up09:20
Jack31what does that mean?09:20
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Pr0phetcan anyone help me figure out why when i restart my resolution isn't on 1152x864?09:21
stevec_Jack31: is it executable?09:21
stevec_chmod 755 /path/to/script09:22
Jack31ooh, thanks :P09:22
Jack31shoudl i sudo that?09:22
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stevec_Jack31: won't hurt if you do09:22
RawSewagePr0phet, did you set it with nvidia-settings09:23
Pr0phetyes, also went to save to x configuration09:23
RawSewagerun  sudo nvidia-settings09:23
RawSewageor it wont save09:23
Pr0phetoh awesome i didn't even think of that lol, thanks09:24
stevec_RC-Needs-Help: try a look at here too http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27716009:25
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Jack31stevec_, when i click the file in konqueror should it start kate? cause thats what it does09:27
intelikeyi think i found a bug in MC   major memory leak when trying to save a file that root owns but you are in the group.   -/+ buffers/cache:     103964     15172809:27
stevec_Jack31: right click and create 'link to application' then put that in startup09:28
intelikeya four line file should never eat 8M of ram09:28
intelikeyi just reinstalled thinking that i had corrupted files somehow.   but no change.09:29
intelikeytested same exact conditions from another linux.    no mem leak no problem.09:29
Jack31stevec_, i dont have that09:29
intelikeyi'll look for  an update, and test it.09:30
RC-Needs-Helpthx stevec_ i appreciate your help09:30
stevec_Jack31: if you right click on the desktop?09:30
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Jack31stevec_ im starting a command, exec timidity -iA -B8,2 -Os09:31
Jack31well just timidity -iA -B8,2 -Os09:31
stevec_Jack31: right click desktop, link to application, under command /path/to/timidity -iA -B8,2 -Os09:32
=== stevec_ right be back soon
Jack31ah, okay thanks09:32
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baudthiefugh can someone please help me install the samsung software for this printer? I'm so friggen close to installing windows to get it working properly09:46
Jack31is there a way to add a shortcut like ctrl+k to start a konsole09:46
baudthief$1100 printer :(09:46
Jack31what type of printer09:46
Jack31model nubmers09:47
baudthiefit's an all-in-one MFP09:47
baudthiefFollowed samsungs linux install "manual" (it's like half a page), all I get is a bunch of errors after running their install script09:47
Jack31so youve seen thsi page http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Samsung-scx-5530fn09:48
Jack31and you got the linux driver from their website09:48
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baudthiefchecking now, I thought the discs that came from samsung would be adequate09:49
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Jack31yeh probably09:49
Jack31here, www.pastebin.ca09:49
Jack31put up your error there, as well as the command you used that gave it09:49
purplewhy does kubuntu 7.04 can't use SSH???09:49
RawSewageit can09:50
Jack31it cant o.009:50
=== Jack31 confuzed
purplei can't use that anymore09:50
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baudthiefJack31: http://www.pastebin.ca/50187109:51
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Jack31baudtheif, gimme a minnute09:54
Jack31i may be on to something :D09:54
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Jack31baudthief: can you upload the samsung driver to www.rapidshare.com10:00
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kaiwasup ppl10:02
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kaiis there .pdf for cli refrences any one knows of?10:02
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baudthiefJack31: Does it have to be rapidshare? It'd be quicker to put it on my webhost account10:05
Jack31actually nevermind, i have something for you to try10:06
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Jack31grab that,and run tar xzf drivername.tar.gz10:07
Jack31cd into that dir that it made10:07
bumzo_hi good pple of kubuntu10:08
bumzo_i need help10:08
bumzo_how do u installa .bin file?10:08
SlimeyPetein a terminal, type "./<bin file name goes here". If it doesn't work, do a "chmod +r <bin file name>" and then try again.10:08
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bumzo_slimeypete the file is on my desktop, will it stil lwork?10:10
llutzchmod +x  not +r10:10
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SlimeyPetellutz: oops, yeah10:10
SlimeyPetebumzo_: yeah, should work fine10:11
SlimeyPetebumzo_: your desktop is in the "Desktop" directory under your home directory10:11
baudthiefJack31: I'm in that dir now10:12
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baudthiefexecute autorun?10:12
Jack31is the dir called cd somethign?10:13
baudthiefyup, cdroot10:13
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Jack31okay go to the dir above that i guess10:13
Jack31or it doesnt really matter10:13
baudthiefif it's worth mentioning, I got a couple of errors during extraction (something about ignoring trailing garbage)10:14
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alban_Hi :)10:14
Jack31i think thats fine,10:14
Jack31anyways do, sudo cdroot/autorun10:14
Jack31or sudo autorun10:14
Jack31tell me when that is done10:14
baudthiefdone, output looks slightly better: http://www.pastebin.ca/50191410:15
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Jack31okay that looks good10:16
Jack31now sudo ln -s /usr/share/cups/model/samsung /usr/share/ppd/custom/samsung10:16
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alban_Hi there : I just wanted to know how I can partition my HDD in fat32 ? I've got a NTFS partition which contains datas : I want to format it to use it with linux too. But cfdiskmakes me a fatal error :/10:17
Jack31okay, now im a little lost10:17
Jack31the last stepis to " Execute Configurator, and Add your printer model name by Add Printer"10:17
Jack31i duno if you know whats meant about that10:17
baudthiefI've got a new configurator icon on my desktop heh, maybe its that10:17
ubotualban: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:18
ubotualban: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:18
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llutzalban_: if you convert your ntfs-partition into vfat, your data will be lost10:19
baudthiefJack31: Done, printer part of it works!10:19
Jack31printer part?10:20
baudthiefheh yeah, it's a printer/scanner/fax - scanner didn't install :(10:20
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Jack31was the printer working before10:21
aftertafi cant load knetworkmanager: libnetworkstatus.so. missing10:21
baudthiefnope, I couldn't get it to install at all - so thanks for helping out in getting that part goign!10:21
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Jack31okay, so we got something working, thats good!10:21
Jack31now lemme see what else we can do10:21
rizomahi i've a similar problem my usb ntfs drive was recognized but automount doesnt work, i'm with feisty, when i turn on that drive a window tell me if i want open it but nothing appear,,,, i've readed in a forum that in edgy it work...10:22
rizomasorry 4 bad english10:22
baudthiefJack31:  haha yeah, it's so hard to go back to windows after running feisty + beryl (you inadvertantly try and due the ctrl+alt screen switch thing on windows, but it doesnt work!) - Its just that I *NEED* to get at least printing going, thanks for the help so far!10:23
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baudthiefJack31: Worst case scenario, I can setup an FTP server on this box, and get the printer to upload all scanned stuff to it10:23
Jack31yeh, im sure we can get the scanning working just have to find the right stuff to do10:24
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kainobody has a refrence for command line they can point me 2?10:26
Jack31baudthief: im thinkin xsane might work10:26
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Jack31kai what did you ask?10:27
kaiJack31: a cli refrence sheet ?10:27
kaiJack31: any Ideas?10:28
Jack31i have no idea what that is?10:28
Jack31cli reference?10:28
Jack31command line reference?10:28
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alban_llutz: there's no matter to loose my datas, cause i've got an external HDD to save them. But with which tool can I convert my partitiON ,10:28
kaiJack31: yea10:28
Jack31kai, you mean this http://www.ss64.com/bash/index.html10:28
Jack31i just happened to bookmark that the other day10:29
llutzalban_: change partition type with fdisk, make new filesystem with mkfs.vfat -F3210:29
kaiJack31: really? how come10:29
baudthiefJack31: xsane started, then quit saying no devices found (maybe because it's on a network? not sure if linux supports network scanning w/samsung)10:29
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Jack31baudthief: your printers networked oh?10:30
alban_erf. I'll try that (I didn't understand anything, but i'll try)10:30
kaiJack31: There nothing on that page10:30
baudthiefbaudthief: yep, has a 10/100 lan port - ubuntu is printing to it fine though, on the windows machine you usually setup a small server using the samsung software - it registers your username on the printer, so when you go and scan something, you choose your userid, enter your password and it sends the documents straight to your machine10:31
baudthief(it's kinda cool actually! didn't expect that feature)10:31
kaiJack31: I got it this time10:31
kaiJack31: its pretty thorough eh?10:32
Jack31i think so10:32
Jack31kai, you might try http://www.pixelbeat.org/cmdline.html10:32
Jack31baudthief, hmmmmmmm, sounds a little not fun10:32
kaiI just wanna do some scripting before ai go over seas10:32
kaiAutomate some task perhaps10:33
Jack31baudthief, do you think the printer requires a userid/pass , or just the software10:33
baudthiefthe printer itself asks for it10:33
baudthiefno prob though, I don't mind scanning straight to FTP or to a flashdisk, I can live with it :)10:34
kaiJack31: any other resources?10:34
kaiJack31: Say have you ever heard of PoSH10:34
kaiIts kinda cool10:34
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baudthiefJack31: Thanks again for your help, you've stopped me crossing over to the dark side!10:36
baudthiefgotta get some stuff printed heh, bbl10:36
Jack31haha no problem, sorry i cant help with scanning10:36
baudthiefnah its alright lol10:36
baudthiefprinting is more important ;p10:36
Jack31sounds like it would be real harder for scanning with a userid/pass in linux10:36
baudthiefharder than getting printing working? geez that must be hell :P10:37
baudthiefheh alright i'm off, thanks again!10:38
rizomano one have solved that automount usb problem?10:38
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kaiif I do a command, and returns to the next line how can i get ou of it10:40
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kaiSometime 'exit' works10:40
kaibut not all the time I tryed 'ctrl+q'10:41
kaiI have to close down the whole thing10:41
kai...is there another waq?10:41
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ubunturoskai: Ctrl+C or Ctrl+D should work10:46
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megabladeanibody home?10:47
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megabladeok i'm a total noob to this os so i wil probably need help from someone10:48
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haydar_Good morning ;D10:54
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Jack312am is bad mornin :\11:01
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jtmoneyanyone want to recommend a method or synchronizing files between an xp workstation (on 24/7) and a laptop running kubuntu? rsync the best way?11:05
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leotrhi all. isn't there package kde-games in kubunu CD 4.0711:08
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sukow360i cant get mp3 support, cant find anything in package manager.11:11
sukow360guess everyone is a bot :(11:12
RawSewagesudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs11:15
RawSewagefor mp311:15
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bumzo_hel here11:20
bumzo_how di i install a .bin file11:20
RawSewageis it a CD image11:21
bumzo_no ... i have it on my desktop11:21
RawSewagehow big is it11:21
RawSewage700 mb?11:21
bumzo_just downloaded it ....googleearth actually11:21
RawSewageyou dont need that11:21
SlimeyPetebumzo_: did the method I suggested not work?11:21
bumzo_SlimeyPete ... thank god you here .... i lost connection11:22
SlimeyPeteah right11:22
bumzo_SlimeyPete please giveme the command line again .. please11:22
RawSewageforget that.  I thought that was a deb file for Google Earth11:23
SlimeyPetebumzo_: "cd <directory with bin file in it>", then "chmod +x <bin file name>" to make it executable, then "./<bin file name>" to run. You might need to run "sudo ./<bin file name>" if it requires admin privelidges.11:23
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SlimeyPete(remove the quote-marks and angle-brackets)11:24
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RawSewage Kubuntu is officially faster and uses less memory than Ubuntu11:27
RawSewageI couldnt install Ubuntu on my laptop without using the alternate text install11:27
RawSewagebut I can install Kubuntu on it in normal fashio11:28
bumzo_its unpacking slimeypete11:28
SlimeyPetebumzo_: good good11:29
RawSewageyoull need to install NVidia drivers for GoogleEarth11:29
leotrI have kubuntu 7.04 CD but i can't play DVD although i have Kaffeine. What else do i need to download?11:29
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RawSewageyoure trying to play a DVD with a live CD?11:30
youbuntuRawSewage: kubuntu faster - really?11:30
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leotrnope i have installed it on my PC11:30
RawSewagemaybe try vlc11:31
RawSewagevlc plays pretty much everything11:31
TheInfinityleotr: libdvdcss2 installed?11:31
leotrTheInfinity: default installation. I don't know11:32
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bumzo_thanks slimeypete ... YOUA RE TOO GOOD i  really appreciate11:33
youbuntuleotr : have you tried- sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs11:33
belen_ath_pci is needly for atheros card, but which other module is necessary load11:34
belen_bcoz my wifi connection down and up11:34
leotryoubuntu: unfortunately the PC with ubuntu is offline (11:34
TheInfinitylibdvdcss2 is because of legal things not in default installation11:34
TheInfinityit switches the copy protection off to get the data of the dvd11:35
TheInfinitythats why the media industry does not like this lib11:35
SlimeyPetebumzo_: no problem :)11:35
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rizomasomeone can handle usb ntfs automount on feisty 7.04?11:35
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TheInfinityso its not allowed to put it on the cd. but you can install it afterwards11:35
bumzo_slimeypete ... one more Question please. how do i put it uunder my start menu?11:37
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RawSewagerestart X maybe11:37
SlimeyPetebumzo_: if you right-click on the "K" button you can open a menu editor11:37
RawSewagelast time I installed Google Earth, restarting X put it in the menu11:38
_Hug[o] _What DVD player programs are there in kubuntu?11:39
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RawSewagebasicaly any media player11:40
crazy_busI connected a mobile phone to my kubuntu computer via a usb cord.  How do I connect to it now to put files onto it?11:40
TheInfinityandy media player when you have this lib installed ;)11:40
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RawSewageyeah, libdvdcss211:41
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leotrcan someone give me a link to this package. i can't find it11:41
mrdlouisdMy hdd went out in my laptop, so im using the livedvd, i used to remote to my windows box all the time, it had sound. Since I have been using the livedvd I can not get the sound to work, anyone have any idea if im missing drivers?11:42
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leotrlibdvdcss2 ^11:43
RawSewagesudo apt-get install libdvdcss211:43
mrdlouisdthank you11:43
MrC_do you guy/gals knows any good weather widget for kubuntu/ubuntu?11:43
RawSewageoh, nm11:43
mrdlouisdPackage libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:44
mrdlouisdThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or11:44
mrdlouisdis only available from another source11:44
RawSewagelibdvdread3 ?11:44
RawSewageanyway, I think if you install vlc, you can watch DVDs with it11:44
belen__belen_: davilac@davilac.net11:46
RawSewagejust install vlc11:46
RawSewagesudo apt-get install vlc11:46
mrdlouisdits odd i used krdc all the time with sound but the livedvd doesnt get it going11:47
mrdlouisdvlc wont work on livedvd11:48
MrC_I think realplayer is better for videos11:48
mrdlouisdthanks anyways11:48
mrdlouisdits appreciated11:48
RawSewageThe swirly Debian logo comes from the chin of Buzz Lightyear11:50
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youbuntuleotr: try http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Fmultiverse%2Fx%2Fxine-extracodecs%2Flibxine-extracodecs_1.1.1%2Bubuntu1-2_i386.deb&md5sum=5512ee45d3d0c9dd30f2588512729aa8&arch=i386&type=main11:54
crazy_busis there anyway to connect to a LG mobilephone via usb.  As kmobiletools isn't working11:55
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RawSewagethere's kandy11:57
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RawSewagekandy - KDE mobile phone utility11:58
RawSewageI dont know anything about mobile phones11:59
RawSewageapt-cache search mobile phone11:59
MrC_There is Gammu ,it is a good program as well12:02
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome12:03
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE12:03
crazy_busthanks everyone.  I'm having the most luck with wammu.  It detected the phone but I'm not sure if it will allow me to transfer files12:03
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NiceGuyUKmobile phones are evil. I tried getting the Smartphone stuff working and it never did do anything useful12:04
RawSewageI'm lucky.  I dont have any friends, so I have no need to use a mobile phone12:04
ahmedhi guys,, after i installed kde on ubuntu,, now in the start menu the gnome application icons doesnt appear though the application can be run....plz helpp12:04
NiceGuyUKRawSewage: with SMS messages in the US twice the cost of those in the UK, I don't blame you!12:05
ahmed hi guys,, after i installed kde on ubuntu,, now in the start menu the gnome application icons doesnt appear though the application can be run....plz helpp12:05
SlimeyPeteahmed: right-click the K button and use the menu editor. If you didn't have KDE installed when you installed the apps, then the KDE menu won't have been updated automatically.12:06
SlimeyPeteI'm not sure if there's an automatic way to sync the two menus - there might be, I guess12:07
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NiceGuyUKI thought there were supposed to be open desktop standards in both Gnome and KDE that they adhered to, including this menu syncing stuff12:08
ahmedslimeypete: what shall ido with the menu editor ..  ??? shall i re choose an icon for each application that was in gnome ??12:08
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NiceGuyUKahmed: Currently Gnome uses /usr/share/gnome/apps for storing its menu entries, while KDE uses /usr/share/applnk. Both KDE and Gnome use the same ".desktop" file format for its menu entry12:09
NiceGuyUKahmed: you might be able to copy them across12:10
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ahmedcopy all stuff in gnome/apps to share/applnk ?12:10
NiceGuyUKworth a try...12:10
ahmedniceguyuk: ?12:10
SlimeyPeteahmed: yeah12:10
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ahmedslimeypete: folder doesnt exist the apps one in gnome ,, isnt there12:11
NiceGuyUKhmm, they must have moved it since the last time I used gnome then12:12
leotrwhere is it possible to download libdvdcss2?12:12
NiceGuyUKyou could try searching your filesystem for .desktop files ?12:12
leotrcan't find it12:12
NiceGuyUK!restricted | leotr12:12
ubotuleotr: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:12
NiceGuyUK!plf | leotr12:12
ubotuleotr: The Penguin Liberation Front is dedicated to distributing software that cannot be included in Linux distributions for various reasons - See http://plf.zarb.org/ (not yet fully functioning) - See also !Medibuntu and !Seveas12:12
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ahmedNiceguysyk: search file and folder for .desktop ??12:13
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NiceGuyUKyeah, to find where GNOME puts them these days12:13
MrC_is it there any program for ubuntu/kubuntu to defragment or to clean menory form old,unused files ?12:13
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NiceGuyUKMrC_: defragging is done periodically by fsck (on ext2 and ext3 this is e2fsck)12:14
NiceGuyUKexample, mine does it every 30 boots12:14
MrC_sorry is it there any program for ubuntu/kubuntu to defragment or to clean memory from old,unused files ?12:14
ahmedniceguyuk: can u tell me wat i would fine in this folder.. like will i find 1 file or many files ,, 1 for each program i have in gnome or wat ??12:14
MrC_ok how do i set it?12:15
spark_hmhmh. anyone knows if i can sync my mails and contacts between kontact and ms outlook? (sryi cant use feisty on my laptop...12:15
NiceGuyUKahmed: each menu entry should have a .desktop file12:15
MrC_or is it set automatically?12:15
NiceGuyUK!fsck | MrC_12:15
ubotuMrC_: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot12:15
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ahmedfound nothing niceguyuk:12:16
NiceGuyUKahmed, not sure then, been too long since I used GNOME12:16
MrC_ok thx nice to know that.Why is Microsoft Windows so behind Linux?12:16
cntbcan ther be an msi installer on wine?12:18
NumPyMrC: if it is indeed behind.. then its because all of its developers "punch a clock" :)12:18
NiceGuyUKcos they don't wanna admit we're smarter ;)12:18
NiceGuyUK!windows | MrC_12:18
ubotuMrC_: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents12:18
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cntbcan ther be an msi installer on wine? anyone ?12:19
NiceGuyUKI'll probably get derided and mocked for saying it, but Vista isn't too bad (once you turn off that UAC crap). Still prefer my Kubuntu boxes though12:19
MrC_Me too12:19
MrC_Since i moved to Linux i have gived life sentence to Microsoft12:20
spark_i think vista needs muuch to much ram....12:20
MrC_or death sentence12:20
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NiceGuyUKcntb: you want to install a program on WINE that uses an msi?12:20
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ahmedguys,plzz help,, after installing kde in ubuntu , the backspace doesnt work,, i mean when iam in a folder and i wanna go up one level used to press backspace in windows and in gnome too but in kde its not working can any one help plzzzzzzzzzz12:20
MrC_too much i think,it needs @ 1 gig to run well,i am running my old HPOnmibook with 256 mb and quit fast12:21
spark_ahmed:  in konqeuror? just go to settings/shortcuts and choose the one u want12:22
NiceGuyUKspark_: I gave it 1gb RAM, a 2ghz Celeron and a new(ish) nVidia and it still only rated my system at 2.3 out of 6.012:22
spark_exactly THIS i wanted to say... my linux with every eyecandy i could find runs smooth with 512 mb....12:22
MrC_2 the end of the year a lot of people will be moving/migrating to Linux because microsoft stop to give support to it WinXP users,they want that they move to Vista($$$$)12:23
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spark_i don't see any advantage in using vista if i use xp....12:23
NiceGuyUKspark_: yeah, my KDE/Beryl combo works real sweet12:23
spark_yipp :) i love to browse through the snowstorm....12:23
MrC_I mean they want to sell Vista,so they will stop to support WinXP12:24
ahmedok one more thing,, shortcuts used to be on desktop in gnome for my media drives,, shall i just copy paste shortcuts or there is 1short smart way ?12:24
MrC_like they already did to the previous versions of Windows12:25
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MrC_and wait for OpenMoko to come up it will be a big Linux blast12:25
spark_yipp. but vista is already fully cracked so why should i pay thousands of dollars to get a os which doesn't work properly....12:25
spark_MrC_:  whats openMoko? oO12:25
NiceGuyUKahmed: removable drives come and go automatically as you attach them, but for fixed drives, I think you'll have to create them manually12:26
MrC_Have anyone hearded about OpenMOko12:26
MrC_OpenMoko is the new mobile phone form Linux12:26
MrC_or with linux inside,it uses Gnome/Kde and it will be Open Source too12:26
ahmedok to run windows application i should use wine right ??12:26
youbuntuahmed : shortcut is alt left - u should be able to set s/c to backspace12:27
NiceGuyUKahmed: yeah, wine will work with most smaller apps12:27
ahmedbut wont emulation be much slower than real thingie..12:27
spark_great... for smartphones(instead of windowsmobile) or just for "normal" mobiles?12:27
ahmedwat abt the  larger ones ?12:27
NiceGuyUKahmed: depends what larger ones you want12:27
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youbuntuahmed : backspace - i tried setting the s/c - it works12:28
MrC_OpenMoko is an Open Source project to create the world's first free mobile phone operating system.12:28
MrC_The OpenMoko project is a community that anyone can join, and help to design their ideal phone.12:28
MrC_The Neo1973 from FIC is the first of many phones that OpenMoko will run on.12:28
ahmedthx youbuntu already done..12:28
ahmedabt the icons of gnome in the start menu of kde,, they just dont appear do any one have any clue abt this ??12:29
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NiceGuyUKahmed: you tried Googling ?12:32
ahmedcame up with nothing12:32
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ahmedok lets forget this12:32
NiceGuyUKsorry I couldn't help more on that one, its not something I've tried before12:33
dunarjust ariived12:33
NiceGuyUKso I see12:33
ahmedin ma laptop i have some media button like to launch internet explorer and default mail application ,, lower the volume and raise it and so on,, as for the volume its workin great in linux but for running applications i can run the mail app but not the ie one,, any one have any idea how to edit this or so ????12:33
SlimeyPeteahmed: in the System Settings menu, click "keyboard and mouse" and look at "keyboard shortcuts". You may be able to do something in there.12:35
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=== NiceGuyUK closed wrong window :(
ahmedthx alot12:36
ahmedone more thing12:36
ahmedbest mp3 / media player ubuntu ?? i already use amarok any one better than it ?12:36
NiceGuyUKamarok is pretty much the best for audio multimedia I think12:37
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ahmedok ..12:38
ahmednow the win key in my keyboard, first in beryl its acting as the super key but it doesnt work,, discover now why,, was tryin to make a key shortcut to run the terminal ,, tryin WIN+T,, but each time i pres the window key it appear win+ then i press T letter it removes the win+ and makes it only T.. any idea ??12:40
SlimeyPeteI have the same problem. If you find out how to fix it, let me know ;)12:41
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ahmednow its ma first time to run liinux... do u know any good games that it is compaitable with ubuntu and good to play.. i dun want solitare or this basic stuff am talkin abt halflife,, generals,counter strike ? any gamers around ???12:42
jussi01ahmed: tremulous, enemy territory, open arena12:43
jussi01just to name a few...12:43
SlimeyPeteahmed: Half-Life 2 can be made to run in Linux. The Quake games and Neverwinter Nights also have clients available, as does UT200412:44
jussi01tremulous and open arena are in the repos, enemy territory isnt12:44
SlimeyPeteWoW also runs12:44
stefanHello all :)12:44
ahmedwarcraft 3 ?12:44
SlimeyPeteAnd there's a Counterstrike-like game called Ture Combat: Elite (or something similar)12:44
SlimeyPeteahmed: not sure about WC3. It might work. Look into Wine and Cedega.12:44
stefanI have kvpnc running and need to export a openvpn connection and can not find the config files or a way to export12:45
ahmedwell now u mentioned many games,,, how to get them to run.. ? also is it some emulator to run them or there is a linux version of them ??12:45
stefanIs there a way to do this12:45
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stefanCan someone help?12:45
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jussi01ahmed: some games you need wine/cedega, tho many are now coming to linux12:45
NiceGuyUKSlimeyPete and ahmed: I set the Win+T shortcut up to launch Konsole using KControl without problems12:45
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SlimeyPeteahmed: for some (quake games, doom 3, UT2004, NWN, enemy territory, tc:e and tremulous) there are linux clients available. Otherwise, you have to use Wine or Cedega to run them.12:45
ahmedk wont wine or cedega be slow in running themm12:46
SlimeyPeteNiceGuyUK: odd. Maybe it's an issue with certain keyboards/layouts.12:46
ahmedi mean emulation is always slow12:46
ahmedsliemeypete: i guess so12:46
SlimeyPeteahmed: Wine Is Not An Emulatore (hence the name ;)12:46
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SlimeyPeteahmed: Wine can be as fast as Windows for some games12:46
SlimeyPeteit's just a re-implementation of the Windows API - it doesn't emulate a computer.12:46
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mordocanhoi leute12:47
NiceGuyUKSlimeyPete: cheapest laptop I could find here, never had any problems. Expensive ones are the trouble!12:47
SlimeyPeteahmed: the only problem is that Wine doesn't run everything, and it can be buggy.12:47
NiceGuyUK!de | mordocan12:47
ubotumordocan: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:47
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mordocancan someone help me intall my network printer?(using d-link as printserver)12:47
mordocani can speak english aswell just forgot to use it :)12:48
NiceGuyUKlol, ok12:48
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ahmedshall i install wine or cedega ?12:49
NiceGuyUKwine = free as in beer12:49
SlimeyPeteahmed: install Wine first. If it doesn't work, try Cedega.12:49
NiceGuyUKcedega = pay a sunscription12:49
SlimeyPeteCedega costs money unless you pirate it.12:49
jussi01SlimeyPete: or compile it...12:49
SlimeyPeteahmed: check out appdb.winehq.com for a list of things which run in Wine12:49
NiceGuyUK*cough* we don't encourage that kinda behaviour round here ;)12:49
SlimeyPetejussi01: well yeah, or that. That's tricky, though ;)12:49
jussi01SlimeyPete: yeah...12:50
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ahmedk installed wine now ,, shal i just run exe files12:50
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ahmedor there is some to be done first /12:50
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:50
jussi01ahmed: ^12:50
NiceGuyUKwhy is the traceroute in the standard repos marked as untrusted?12:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about traceroute - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:55
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=== NiceGuyUK pokes ubotu with a stick for never knowing anything about things
haydar_Hmm lol12:57
haydar_how can i do a complete cleanreboot :P12:57
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NiceGuyUKK Menu -> Log Out -> Restart ?12:58
ahmedguys i tried running a game now in wine ,, it runs very slow and graphics are badd also this eror appears ..Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".12:58
haydar_Well then it starts all the programs12:58
haydar_i left before reboot12:58
NiceGuyUKah ok, in KControl, look for the stuf about Sessions, you can set it to start a clean session every time12:59
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haydar_O; oky01:00
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haydar_Hmm i cant find kcontrol01:02
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haydar_aah got it nvm01:03
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Timsenhi, i have a network with some ubuntu hosts, but these hosts do not answer to broadcast pings, is that a feature or a bug ? :)01:10
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GlafHow do i fix the nvidia driver when. The nvidia kernel module has another version then the X module has?01:11
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sayersHow do I share my printer of samba so the windows laptop can use it?01:12
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GlafHow do i fix the nvidia driver when. The nvidia kernel module has another version then the X module has?01:16
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jussi01!printing | sayers01:16
ubotusayers: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:16
jussi01Glaf: Im sorry, I have no knowledge of that, someone will drop in some time, that will know01:17
jussi01In the meantime, does this help?01:17
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:17
sayersI don't understand this line : #Modify 192.168.0.* to match your configuration.01:17
=== jussi01 uses an intel card...
jussi01works out of the box...01:17
Glafnot with my 8800GTX :(01:18
jussi01sayers, you need to chage that to the start of your network config01:19
sayersAnd where would I find that information?01:19
jussi01sayers: what do the network addresses on tyur network currently look like01:19
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jussi01sayers: type if config into terminal01:20
jussi01sorry, ifconfig01:20
jussi01sayers then pastebin me the output01:20
youbuntuhow do i turn up microphone gain?01:20
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jussi01youbuntu: click mixer when you click on the volume control, then go to input01:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:22
sayersjussi01: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21970/01:22
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youbuntujussi01 : thanks01:22
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jussi01youbuntu: np's01:23
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jussi01sayers: Allow From 192.168.1.*01:23
jussi01thats what it sould look like for you...01:23
jussi01the second last line01:24
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sayersjussi01: thanks01:24
jussi01sayers: drop back if you have any other problems01:24
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sayersjussi01: I don't think I have "/etc/cups/cups.d/ports.conf"01:25
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jussi01sayers: are you running dapper?01:25
sayersNo, feisty01:26
sayersOh, I read now. Where is Network Options?01:26
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jussi01is it not in the same file you just edited?01:27
sayersMaybe it is...01:27
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sayersjussi01: it doesnt have anything about network options01:28
jussi01sayers: can you pastebin the file contents for me?01:29
sayersFound somthing very similar to what they want tho01:30
sayersAnyway I have to go now, I will finish the seccond part later. Thanks jussi0101:30
jussi01sayers: no probs01:30
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buzcan anyone tell me how i trigger the code path guidance power manager uses for suspending on the cli?01:36
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Ayabaraanyone know of some resources to help me get tv out on my laptop working? I need to connect to a 1366*768 lcd tv, but I only get "signal out of range"01:40
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buzdoes your lcd have vga or dvi?01:41
monzieis dvi really better01:41
buzvery much so if you can use, use it01:41
=== monzie has a 19inch lcd monitor with vga input only
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Ayabarabuz: it has both, but I need to connect vga-vga01:43
buzwhat resolution does your laptop lcd have01:43
buztry running it at 800x600 or something01:44
buzwhat graphics card?01:44
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Ayabaraati m300 (currently using the open source driver)01:44
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buzlook into xinerama config01:44
buzfor dual head01:44
buzif you want clone, you wil lneed to lower resolution of main lcd01:45
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Ayabarabuz: ok. If I choose clone, should I do something to deactivate the vga output when nothing is connected to it? to save power I mean01:46
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Stratysahhhh... please help me01:46
buzno idea how you would deactivate that01:47
neonlinuxhey, anyone know where i can get the latest version of iceweasel?01:47
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neonlinuxpreferably a tar01:47
StratysI have an error on line 47 of my sources list and I can't get in to change it01:47
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neonlinuxStratys: cant sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list01:48
stdinneonlinux: iceweasel is firefox, just without the logos01:48
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neonlinuxstdin: isnt there also a few things not included?01:49
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neonlinuxthat have been stripped from the build?01:49
AyabaraI have ati dualconfig at work, with 1440*900 and 1280*1024. Maybe I could just as well use ati's driver01:49
buzradeon and ati drivers should be the same these days, no?01:49
stdinneonlinux: it's mostly the same, but with a few patches, the website is here: http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ the code should be there too01:50
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neonlinuxstdin: cool thanks... was oping to find a version based upon firefox2 last build there is from 22 oct 200601:51
Stratysneonlinux I am a newbie and I have no idea what im looking for01:51
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neonlinuxbuz: i think that may depend on the age of the card01:51
buzx300 should be supported01:51
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buzX1000+ is not01:52
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buz(i must know, i suffer of fglrx with my x1400)01:52
neonlinuxStratys: ok, open a terminal, type sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list01:52
neonlinuxStratys: go down to line 4701:52
Stratysneonlinux im there01:52
neonlinuxok.. whats on that line01:53
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Stratysok i deleted the bad source...now what01:55
neonlinuxok, after deleting teh bad source (are you in nano)?01:55
Stratysneonlinux yes sir01:55
neonlinuxpress ctrl+o01:56
neonlinuxit will ask if you want to save it01:56
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Stratyscool thank you01:57
neonlinuxno worries.. after hitting ctrl+o it will ask to save.. hit enter to save, and after that hit ctrl+x to exit01:57
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ReMiiRuruI'm trying to compile kernel, but I'm getting 'make[1] : *** [.tmp_vmlinux1]  Error 1' and 'make: *** [debian/stamp-build-kernel]  Error 2'. How can I get rid of those?01:58
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spawn57ReMiiRuru: why are you compiling the kernel though?01:59
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neonlinuxok.. later all02:00
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dromerhow can I see what filesystem a hd has? I have a 2.5" ancient hd (still has win95 on it) connected with a 2.5->3.5 converter to a 3.5->usb converter .. my pc doesn't recognize it, and I can't mount it manually because I don't know the filesystem02:01
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DJServershi all02:01
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spawn57dromer: you can use cfdisk, or in kubuntu you can use..um02:01
paolo_hi. i have to check the actual status of CONFIG_IP_MULTICAST (kernel). how can i do?02:02
ReMiiRuruspawn57: Because I'm silly idiot and nvidia drivers won't work with me, nvnews guys said it might be kernel bug, and I remember it worked with kernel I'm trying to compile... so, I just wanted to test it out.02:02
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berkesanyone here using kate for coding?02:02
spawn57system settings -> advanced -> file and disk systems02:02
berkesI'd like to know if there is a trick/way to perform regexp search-replace over multiple lines.02:03
DJServersberkes: what you mean coding whit kate02:03
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DJServersfor sites?02:03
berkesDJServers: any coding, C, C++, Perl/PHP Css etc02:03
DJServerso no i dont02:04
spawn57ReMiiRuru: compiling the kernel is a big thing, can you tell me how you installed the nvidia driver?02:04
GlafHow do i fix the nvidia drivers when the Nvidia kernel module and X module has different versions?02:04
spawn57paolo_: get the kernel headers for your kernel version, install them, and check the .config file it comes iwth02:04
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ReMiiRuruspawn57: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21594/02:04
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berkesBasically I'd like to know, e.g. how to replace '} else {' with '}\n else {' and such replacements.02:05
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icecruncherhow can i open edit and save binaries?02:05
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ahmedhi ,, guys how to installl deamon tools in kubuntu02:06
berkesicecruncher: do you have a hexeditor?02:06
icecruncherberkes: no, any good ones?02:06
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spawn57ReMiiRuru: damn...that's harsh02:07
spawn57ReMiiRuru: alright there's a debian way for doign this that's  more neater, lemme just get you the link02:07
berkesicecruncher: you won't believe it, but its called. (drumrrrrrroolll)02:07
paolo_spawn57: without kernel headers, is there a way to obtain the info?02:07
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spawn57paolo_: not that I know of ..there might be though02:08
mizzleI want beryl working here on kubuntu.02:08
mizzleI installed the stuff in Adept02:09
icecruncherberkes: thnks02:09
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spawn57ReMiiRuru: http://www.debianplanet.org/node.php?id=16402:09
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ReMiiRuruspawn57: Thanks, I'll look trough that.02:10
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ubuntu_can anyone guide me how to restore my mbr02:20
ubuntu_it gives me an error02:20
ubuntu_error 1502:20
ubuntu_i use kubuntu feisty02:20
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:21
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youbuntu my audio mic input is very quiet( at play back) kmix mic volume is up with mic boost selected - an ideas on how to increace mic gain more?02:29
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leotrwhere are files downloaded by apt-get stored and how can i reuse them?02:30
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llutzleotr: /var/cache/apt/archives02:31
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ubuntu_theres no error 15 there02:31
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shinigamihi all02:34
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shinigamido you like kubuntu 7.04?02:35
mc__shinigami: i do02:35
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shinigamime 202:35
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shinigamii've just reinstalled it02:35
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eljefedoes anyone know how to boot VMWare files within Qemu?02:51
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eljefehow do i lock my PCM volume in my KMix?  what does PCM even mean?02:56
NiceGuyUKPulse Code Modulation02:56
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NiceGuyUKI know what it is, just dunno how to lock it ;)02:57
NiceGuyUKanyone know how I add programs to Katapult's list of programs it recognises?02:58
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PhinnFortNiceGuyUK: throw it in the menu?02:58
JuJuBeeWhat command can I use to find the size of the folders in my home dir?  ls -alh only shows the folders as 4K02:59
PhinnFortJuJuBee: du -h02:59
PhinnFort-h for human readable numbers02:59
NiceGuyUKPhinnFort: it picks up anything thats in Kicker?02:59
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PhinnFortNiceGuyUK: it picks up the .desktop files in the usual places02:59
PhinnForti believe02:59
NiceGuyUKah ok02:59
JuJuBeeI dont want it to list all the files, just the files and or folders in the current working dir.03:00
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JuJuBeeI'm running out of space and I need to figure out which folders in my home dir are taking up so much.03:02
eljefeJuJuBee: use the 'du' command03:02
PhinnFortJuJuBee: use filelight03:02
PhinnFort!info filelight03:02
ubotufilelight: show where your diskspace is being used. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99beta6-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 317 kB, installed size 856 kB03:02
PhinnFortit's pure genius for finding out what's taking space03:02
kingcobra_can somebody tell me why kopete wont connect to my gmail acc03:02
PhinnFortkingcobra_: bad karma03:03
eljefefilelight is buggy03:03
PhinnForteljefe: how so?03:03
PhinnFortit crashes when you close it, but otherwise it's quite nice03:03
kingcobra_PhinnFort, gaim will connect tho03:03
JuJuBeeI need to know what switches to use with du so It doesn't show me all files recursively.03:03
PhinnFortkingcobra_: sorry, can't help, gone for food03:03
kingcobra_PhinnFort, i think i hav the right params in right place03:03
PhinnFortJuJuBee: just install filelight03:04
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kingcobra_PhinnFort, ok03:06
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JuJuBeeI found it... du -hs03:07
kingcobra_can anybody help with kopete please03:07
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asincronoI don't know, what's the problem?03:08
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kingcobra_asincrono,  kopete wont connect to my gmail acc03:09
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kingcobra_asincrono, in basic setup are you supposed to have full email add for id03:11
numani just updated to feisty fawn and got the error for restricted driver usage,anybody know how to solve it?03:12
asincronosorry I never connect to gmail with kopete :S03:13
kingcobra_asincrono, ok03:14
asincronodon't you need to use yahoo to connect to gmail account?03:14
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kingcobra_not with gaim anyway03:14
asincronook, sorry03:14
kingcobra_asincrono, its a jabber network i think03:14
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JuJuBeeI customize my kmenu somewhat and I want the current config to be given to any new accounts created on the server.  What do I copy from the local machine to the skel folder on the server to make this happen?03:20
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jovansKde 3.5.7 for fesity lokk at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php03:25
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KiPSeRoNsomone can help me i install all the java componnets in kubuntu the sun-java6-jre jdk plugin but when i type java to run class file from java i get this error:http://pastebin.ca/502292 somone know how to solve that how i can run the class from the sun java jdk03:30
paolo_hi. i have to download a packet from /pub/Linux/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m . which is the line that I have to add in repos list, in order to manage this repository?03:31
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JuJuBeeShould I copy the entire .kde folder to /etc/skel if I want all newly created accounts to start with the current settings?03:32
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GlafHow do i fix the nvidia driver when the nvidia kernel module have another version then the X module?03:35
dwidmannGlaf: try running the nvidia installer with --uninstall, then reinstall it.03:36
paolo_hi. i have to download a packet from /pub/Linux/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m . which is the line that I have to add in repos list, in order to manage this repository?03:36
GlafDid that and it works. But when I restart the pc the error is back.03:37
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faidillingerHi there, has anyone got any idea on how to make firefox open a kmail new message windows when i click on a mailto link ?????03:38
dwidmannglaf, hmm, it must not be removing all versions when it does that then, darn.03:38
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dwidmannGlaf, try running "sudo updatedb" then "locate nvidia | grep [sk] o", try removing the files that come up, well, only the ones in /usr/lib32 or /usr/lib/libnvidia or /usr/lib/nvidia03:42
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dwidmann*I think*03:42
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BenWhiteycan anyone help me with my interfaces file? i think i messed it up03:42
dwidmanninterfaces file?03:42
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Glaf<dwidmann>when  i rmmod  nvidia. And then startx it works.03:44
dwidmannwhich package owns that file? You could try moving that file, then reinstalling the package and see if it works.03:44
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BenWhiteywell, i need to cinfigure it03:44
BenWhiteyi'm having trouble making my wireless work03:44
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BenWhiteyits for my lapotp03:45
BenWhiteyright now i'm in windows on my desktop which is wired03:45
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dwidmannI've never set up a wireless network, probably best to check back later, when the channel is more active03:47
dwidmannapart from that, maybe you could find something out from this:03:48
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:48
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elisboaHi, where can I find info about how to enable compiz in KDE?03:49
boudEek... After updating to 3.5.7, kmail crashes for me: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21978/03:50
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dwidmann:O KDE 3.5.7 was released and I missed it? For shame (on me)03:51
BenWhiteyyeah, well i'm stumped03:52
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dwidmannwait a minute ..... it was released today ... okay, I guess that isn't too bad on my part03:53
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calamariI'd like to execute a program when a certain user logs into kdm, but not when other users log in.  Where do I do this?03:55
dwidmannboud: what were you doing when it crashed?03:55
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bouddwidmann: starting kmail03:56
dwidmanncalamari: well, you could save the session03:56
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calamaridwidmann: the program doesn't continue to run03:56
dwidmannboud: get any extra output when starting it from konsole?03:56
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dwidmanncalamari: it doesn't?03:57
calamaridwidmann: correct03:57
elisboaIf I $(call compiz -replace), it replaces kwin, but doesn't give a window manager. How do I fix it?03:57
dwidmannand you need it to?03:57
bouddwidmann: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21979/03:57
calamaridwidmann: no.. it just changes some settings and then terminates03:57
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dwidmanncalamari: just a script or something? if so ... you could put it in ~/.kde/Autostart03:58
bouddwidmann: I can start kmail as another user03:58
calamaridwidmann: thanks!03:58
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bouddwidmann: so I guess the undefined symbols don't hurt03:58
dwidmannboud: if you can start it as another user, try purging your user config03:59
cewanfJust installed KDE 3.5.7, and now the feature to move a window to another screen using a keyboard shortcut has been removed, very annoying! anyone know why?03:59
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dwidmannundefined symbols means that you don't have (all of, at least) the debugging symbols installed, as far as I can understand03:59
bouddwidmann: that's what I'm doing now, but that's a problem. Given that I'm a very heavy kmail user with a lots of accounts, filters and folders.04:00
dwidmannI would reckon it would be kdepim-dbg or something04:00
calamaridwidmann: do I have to use any sort of naming scheme or does it just execute everything in that directory that can be executed?04:00
dwidmanncalamari: everything04:00
calamaridwidmann: perfect.. thanks a lot :)04:00
dwidmanncalamari: you're welcome04:01
BluesKajMorning All :)04:01
dwidmannmorning BluesKaj04:01
sparrwI have 4 displays.  4 monitors, 4 screens, 4 devices.  If I use just the first one, it works.  If I use just the fourth one, it works.  If I use either of the middle two then I get insufficient memory errors from X.  Help?04:02
dwidmannboud: I'm pretty sure the mail folder is seperate ... leave ~/Mail intact and see if it will start04:02
cewanfthe reason I am asking this here is that I believe that the kubuntu team patched kde 3.5.6 so that this feature would be added04:02
Daisuke_Ido4 displays under linux and you wonder why it doesn't work?04:02
dwidmannDaisuke_Ido: I don't see why it would be that far-fetched, dual monitor is really easy to set up04:03
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bouddwidmann: sure, and all my mail is on my server, I'm using dimap. But re-configuring six accounts, recreating all the filters and folder settings is lots of work.04:05
dromerhi all, I'm trying to create a new partition table for an old 2.5 hd of my laptop, I have it hooked up to usb, but gfdisk gives me (after writing to disk): Wrote partition table, but re-read table failed.  Reboot to update table.  a reboot doesn't fix it, the partition table is not writen04:05
dromerthat's cfdisk*04:05
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Daisuke_Idocewanf: have you looked in the keyboard shortcuts dialog to set that particular shortcut?04:06
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dwidmannboud: then try leaving those parts for now, and delete the rest of the settings, then if neccessary systematically start deleting other parts. Just trying to save you some time & effort.04:06
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sparrwDaisuke_Ido: err, why wouldnt it work?  ive had it working plenty of times in the past with 4 or more04:06
bouddwidmann: yes... I'll do that.04:06
Daisuke_Idosparrw: dunno, seems like overkill, maybe?04:06
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sparrwdepends on the application04:07
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BenWhitey(sigh), wireless networking is so easy in windows04:07
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cewanfI agree BenWhitey04:08
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cewanfDaisuke_Ido: yup, and it was there before I upgraded to KDE 3.5.7 which was released today04:11
Daisuke_Idowell that sucks04:12
Daisuke_Idoever think that maybe it was just removed?04:12
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dwidmannI guess I had best upgrade to kde 3.5.7 ... I hope it won't be too much trouble04:12
cewanfI wish I didn't upgrade, I really miss that feature :-(04:13
cewanfit's a great feature when working with a dual monitor setup04:13
Daisuke_Idoso downgrade?04:13
cewanfgood idea, how do I do that?04:13
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=== Daisuke_Ido shrugs
Daisuke_Idopersonally, i would have waited for a repo04:14
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cewanfhmm, what do you mean? I added the kubuntu repo04:14
cewanfdeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-357 feisty main04:15
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Daisuke_Idookay, so reinstall 3.56 perhaps04:15
LjLoh, kde 3.5.7, sweet04:15
Daisuke_Idothey usually don't have a kubuntu repo available that soon04:15
cewanfI think they added it too fast04:15
dwidmannDaisuke_Ido: it's been same-day a lot of times before, at worst it lags by a day or two ...04:16
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cewanfhow do I reinstall 3.5.6?04:16
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LjLerm, how come www.kde.org doesn't have an announcement on the front page...04:17
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LjL!downgrade | cewanf04:17
ubotucewanf: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.04:17
dwidmanncewanf: can be ab it of a pain, just remove the repo, apt-get update, then apt-get install every last kde related package.04:17
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cewanfdwidmann: okey, I will try that!04:18
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cewanfubotu: you dont recommend dwidmanns solution?04:18
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:18
cewanfLjL: I am not really talking about downgrading Ubuntu, but downgrading KDE, no?04:19
LjLcewanf: the concept is not very much different. you can try but it will be a pain and there's still the possibility of breaking it.04:20
Daisuke_Idotime to upgrade :)04:21
cewanfdaarn, I have gotten so used to this feature, using it all the time now to move windows04:21
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:21
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Daisuke_Idodownloading 3.5.7 now04:23
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dwidmannme to Daisuke_Ido04:23
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iarwain_hiya, anyone know how to fasten my boot times (it takes 40s, but it would be nice to get it faster)04:29
mikkaelwhere can i setup my hotkeys in kubuntu (talking about special keyboard buttons, like volume up/down etc) ? at the moment only some of them work04:29
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Daisuke_Ido40s?  i'd kill for that.  i'm at at least a minute or more...04:29
dwidmann iarwain_ booting with the "profile" option is a good place to start04:30
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cewanfSo this is the patch that apparently the Kubuntu team applied to 3.5.6, but were too lazy (or forgot) to apply to 3.5.7: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/xinerama/04:30
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iarwain_dwidmann: gonna try right away xD see you later ;-)04:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hotkeys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:30
cewanfmikkael: add kmix to applet panel, then right click on it and choose "Configure global shortcuts"04:30
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dwidmannDaisuke_Ido: I think at one point I had mine down to 18s04:31
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mikkaelcewanf: doesnt work04:32
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mikkaelcewanf: it recognizes if i configure those buttons to it, but if i press them it doesnt do04:33
Daisuke_Idoi errored out on 3.5.704:33
cewanfah, special buttons? sorry, thought you were talking about regular key combinations04:33
mikkaelnope, special ones04:33
vit_anybody here04:33
mikkaelcewanf: i OSD appears, but at the moment only for mute and lower volume, but not for increase volume04:33
mikkaelcewanf: *a04:34
RC-Needs-Helphello vit_04:34
vit_somebody speak english or spanish?04:34
vit_how are you?04:34
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Daisuke_Idoi would imagine we speak english04:34
RC-Needs-Helpwell n you04:34
vit_where are you from?04:34
Daisuke_Ido#kubuntu-es if you want spanish04:34
RC-Needs-Helpsouth africa04:34
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vit_very good04:35
RC-Needs-Helpi cant help with anything if you wanted help04:35
vit_and what are you to do?04:35
RC-Needs-Helpnothing much, just trying to learn04:36
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RC-Needs-Helpfrom people who know linux04:36
aryknHi. I want to conect to internet. I need to change the usser name and pasword. How can I do it?04:36
cewanfseems you are connected, otherwise it would be hard joining this chat :-)04:37
aryknhaha, yes. but now Im using Win$04:37
vit_i don't know so much about linux04:37
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vit_i like to learn a lot04:37
aryknI cant connecto me from Kubuntu04:37
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ads_any way to get a windows media plyr web plugin for linux???04:38
vit_alguien habla espaol04:39
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:39
dwidmannads_: nope. Youc an play back quite a many audio/video formats with kaffeine, kmplayer, or vlc plugins though.04:39
ahmedhello,, after installing beryl and using the xgl driver now games run very slow in wine though they used to run fast,, when i change session to gnome or kde without xgl it works fine but not all the games work cause they have a problem in registry,, though they run in the xgl session ,,, PLEAZE HELP04:39
vit_si me entiendes04:39
ads_ahh  unfortunately my fav radio show is on the web as windows media plyr plugin    shaaame04:40
ads_cud always use vmware i guess04:40
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arykn<cewanf> do you know how to get there?04:40
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ahmedhello,, after installing beryl and using the xgl driver now games run very slow in wine though they used to run fast,, when i change session to gnome or kde without xgl it works fine but not all the games work cause they have a problem in registry,, though they run in the xgl session ,,, PLEAZE HELP04:40
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cewanfarykn: sorry no04:40
aryknok, thanks04:41
cewanfads_: try to locate the stream url, then open it in amarok04:41
sdxdoes anyone know why i get this error "Could not acquire decoration manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0" "04:41
ads_aha  okz  ill try that04:41
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_eMaX_is there a way to start a kde program from the commandline so that it automatically is set to run "always on top" of other windows?04:42
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MetaBookfoziSHi all04:45
MetaBookfoziShas anybody working rt2561 wireless card?04:45
MetaBookfoziSi haev one, seems working, but i can't connect with it04:45
BenWhiteyi have a similar issue04:45
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BenWhiteyi'm waiting for a replay on the forums04:45
BenWhiteybut a different card04:46
vit_somebody can help me please04:46
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MetaBookfoziSi have disabled the networkmanager as others said04:46
BenWhiteyi can't open networkmanager lol04:46
purdobol;] 04:46
MetaBookfoziSand setted up in the interfaces my device04:46
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MetaBookfoziSall cool, but i can'T get ip, and nowhere any debug output04:46
BenWhiteyi think i messed up hte interfaces04:46
MetaBookfoziSanybody knows how can we debug this ?04:47
MetaBookfoziSthx i check04:47
BenWhiteythats mine04:47
BenWhiteyyou won't find a solution04:47
BenWhiteyat least i dont' think you will04:47
thomaxI've got a fat32 external HD with 2 partitions, when I mount 'em in kubuntu I've got 2gb free space on it, when I mount it in windows I've got 30gb free space on it, any ideas?04:47
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iarwain_dwidmann: 'profile' only saved me 3 seconds =)04:47
BenWhiteythomax>  maybe your partition tables are messed up?04:48
thomaxhow can it be that it gives correct free space in windows and not in linux?04:48
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BenWhiteyno clue04:49
blekos__hi, i've run this command rsync -arvu /home /etc /opt04:49
calamarithomax: did you already do a scandisk or a fsck?04:49
blekos__but somehow it copies itself to / partition04:49
blekos__is there a way to reverse it or find duplicate entries?04:49
vit_chapaopo nopo quipisipieperonpo apayupudarpa. nopo propoblempe, esperonpo nopo nepecepesipitenpe depe mipi04:49
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calamarithomax: fat32 gets messed up all the time.. I'd recommend it, just in case04:49
Guest_826_How can aces to my internet conections information?04:50
Guest_826_ I want to change the login user name and password04:50
vit_of wa04:50
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MetaBookfoziSwtf is ra0:avahi?04:51
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boudArgh. It turns out to be completely impossible to rebuild my kmail dimap cache with 3.5.7 :-(04:53
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DarkFeelinghi can i speak spanish in here?04:54
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DarkFeelingseems like no ok04:54
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DarkFeelingis there any command to know the KDE version im using now? so i can download the correct theme from kde-lok.com04:55
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SanneDarkFeeling: click help/about kde in any kde program, should give you the info04:56
thomaxFree cluster summary wrong (2059 vs. really 426441)04:56
thomaxthis was the prob04:56
_eMaX_is there a way to start a kde program from the commandline so that it automatically is set to run "always on top" of other windows?04:56
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calamarithomax: good 'ol fat32 :)04:56
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DarkFeelingSanne, thanks!!04:58
SanneDarkFeeling: you're welcome :)04:58
calamari_eMaX_: http://www.kde-forum.org/thread.php?threadid=1574804:58
bchwhat is latest version of kde?04:58
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iarwain_bch: 3.5.7 i think04:59
bchim showing 3.5.5 as whats installed04:59
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bchnot too far off then. thanks04:59
Daisuke_Idobch: you're running edgy04:59
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iarwain_anyone know how to fasten the wireless connecting? (takes about a minute to connect to my WPA-wifi)04:59
Daisuke_Idoyeah, pretty close, looks like only a few minor changes between04:59
blekos__i have and external hd, can anyoen tell me the command to have a FULL system backup there with tar?05:00
bchi support about 6 people running ubuntu. the two newest hires are running feisty, so I will have switch if I ever get time05:00
pisqam now running ubuntu 7.04, just installed last night.05:01
bchblekos, you ever use rsync? it will get all your files, but don't expect to reinstall from the backup files.05:01
Daisuke_Idoi did something horrible05:02
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Daisuke_Idoi installed ubuntu-desktop05:02
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Daisuke_Idohaven't used gnome since 6.06, maybe it's nicer now05:03
dorin_How can i set refresh rate to 60Hz using nvidia-glx? I can do this only using nvidia-glx-legacy. Thanks!05:03
Daisuke_Idoand something has GOT to be done about making the other language channels known around here.05:03
thomaxthomas@linuxbox:~$ fsck.vfat /dev/sde205:04
thomaxdosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN05:04
calamariDaisuke_Ido: one thing about gnome... it never gets nicer, it only gets worse.. they take away features on each release05:04
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thomaxThere are differences between boot sector and its backup.05:04
thomaxDifferences: (offset:original/backup)05:04
thomax  65:01/0005:04
thomax1) Copy original to backup05:04
thomax2) Copy backup to original05:04
thomax3) No action05:04
thomaxwhat to do?05:05
LjLcopy original to backup05:05
thomaxFree cluster summary wrong (69545 vs. really 1266724)05:05
thomax1) Correct05:05
thomax2) Don't correct05:05
calamariDaisuke_Ido: that's why I switched to KDE .. they seem to be keeping stuff around.. if that ever changes, goodbye KDE as well :)05:05
thomaxI suppose 1 over here05:06
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calamarithomax: ya05:06
rizomahi, my kubuntu sometimes shutdown , where i can read some logs to understand what's going on? (sorry for bad english)05:06
thomaxit says: Leaving file system unchanged.05:06
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calamarithomax: did you run with sufficient permissions?05:07
Daisuke_Idothomax: here's what you do: you use pastebin for long pastes like that.05:07
thomax<Daisuke_Ido> yeah sorry, had not to much time05:08
thomax <calamari> good idea ^^05:08
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Daisuke_Idobe back eventually05:08
galathalionhalp! Opera wont start! I klick the icon and its loading but then it just vanish and nothing happens! pls help me.05:08
iarwain_hiya, someone knows why my wireless connects so slowly? (i have a WPA2 wifi)05:09
thomaxpermisions don't change shit05:09
iarwain_galathalion: try running it via konsole?05:09
galathalioniarwain_: still wont start.05:09
iarwain_galathalion: do you get an error?05:10
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galathalioniarwain_: yeah.. a pretty big one.05:10
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iarwain_galathalion: it would be helpful if you pastebin'ed that ;-)05:11
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galathalioniarwain_: how does it work?05:11
hydanopensuse or kubuntu?05:11
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hydanare there preconfigurations, saved desktop settings that make your desktop like suse's?05:11
iarwain_galathalion: go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ , paste your error, get the link, paste link here xD05:12
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MidMarkhi, someone can tell me if in his/her ubuntu installation has one partition in fstab and if yes if it's shown in media:/ list?05:13
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Daisuke_Idognome still sucks05:14
Daisuke_Idotook me less than a minute to realize that :D05:14
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iarwain_galathalion: did you install sun-java5-jre ? or sun-java6-jre?05:14
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galathalioniarwain_: no05:17
rizomahttp://pastebin.ca/502491 someone can help me?05:17
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iarwain_galathalion: install it then ;-) 'sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre'05:18
galathalioniarwain_: ok :>05:18
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galathalioniarwain_: should it work then?05:19
iarwain_galathalion: i suppose it should05:19
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galathalionok.. exiting.05:20
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Haydar`ok :) i fixed sound05:26
Haydar`if i install beryl05:26
Haydar`and i play a fullscreened 3D game05:26
Haydar`will it effect the fps05:26
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iarwain_Haydar`: try full sentences ;-) and no, if you Disable Beryl, it will not affect your fps (as far as i know)05:27
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Haydar`okay, so if i install beryl and play a 3D game it wont effect the frames05:28
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iarwain_Haydar`: if you disable beryl before playing ;-) (changing back to kwin will do)05:28
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hydanlast night i mentioned that installed kde4base which ended up using 600+mb of hard drive space, when i did apt-get remove, only 300+mb were removed. Someone recommended I use Aptitude, I tried it whenever I wanted to remove Evolution, and it did the same thing the apt-get remove command did, and left dependencies i didn't need. Is there a better package management system?05:29
jermainhi everyone05:29
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jermaini said HI! Now acknowledge my precence and bow down, you mere humans!05:30
iarwain_hydan: when i use aptitude, it tells me what packages are not needed anymore, and deletes them aswell. Could it be that some packages needed by Evolution are needed by other programs aswell?) Don't know anything about KDE4 though05:30
iarwain_jermain: ;o05:30
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dwidmann:O looks like one of my most hated kde+xinerama related bugs is fixed in kde 3.5.7 :)05:30
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jermainlow priority question: does anyone here play freeciv?05:31
hydanthanks iarwain_05:31
iarwain_hydan: np's =)05:32
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about freeciv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:32
bchjermain, i tried freeciv several times over the years and never really liked it05:32
jermainlol, well i could try haha05:32
bchit just doesnt compare to the real civ games05:32
Admiral_Chicagohydan: apitude05:32
jermainbch: icic i like it but i have this returning problem05:32
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bchwell, i can't help ya ;)05:33
jermaini dunno when a trade route makes a profit ><05:33
Admiral_Chicagoor try apt-get autoremove05:33
=== Admiral_Chicago waves to Jucato :) !!!
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who_how come ktorrent cuts off my modem??05:34
Jucatohi Admiral_Chicago!!!05:34
Admiral_Chicagowhat do you mean cuts off?05:34
who_it make it stop working05:34
who_all lights go blank05:35
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Haydar`hmm people can hear my ingame sounds05:35
Haydar`and i can hear my self when i talk05:35
who_only when running ktorrent05:35
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brian_its saying get broadband ;-) jp05:35
Haydar`anyone know how to fix this :P05:35
jthomasgood day!  does anyone know, is Launchpad down?  I want to make a bugreport but it keeps telling me to try later.05:35
who_its cable it is broadband05:36
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Haydar`anyone ?05:36
brian_who: yes05:36
jthomasHaydar`: whats the issue?  sorry just joined05:36
dwidmanno.O maybe your ISP just doesn't like bittorrent, or something05:37
Haydar`hmm people can hear my ingame sounds05:37
Haydar`anyone know how to fix this :P05:37
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Haydar`and i can hear my self when i talk05:37
Haydar`i know it has something to do with mute and stuff05:37
SlimeyPeteHaydar`: move further away from the speakers?...05:37
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who_hmmm that sux05:37
Haydar`its a headset05:37
Haydar`Sennheiser :P05:37
jthomasyes i'd say its a feedback issue, either move further away or find a way to 'dull' the sensitivity on your mic05:37
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jthomasi've not noticed that on my headset05:38
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jthomasdo you have your plugs in wrong somehow?05:38
Haydar`its all fine the plugs05:39
Haydar`maybe its in the settings05:39
Haydar`of the mixer05:39
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DushmolBjr tt le monde05:42
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jthomasHaydar`: in Audacity there is a way to capture the speaker output as an input, maybe its something similar05:45
jthomasdo you have the JACK running?  it might be something there05:46
Haydar`its not that05:46
Haydar`it has something to do05:46
Haydar`with muting and stuff05:46
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Haydar`on windows i can talk normally without people hearing05:46
jthomasi'm not sure then, good luck05:46
Haydar`my ingame sounds05:46
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jthomasgood day!  does anyone know, is Launchpad down?  I want to make a bugreport but it keeps telling me to try later.05:49
lucky_lucasdoes anyone noticed a problem with adept and kde 3.5.7 ? I think it removed the ubuntu way of managing repos ?05:49
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jthomaslucky_lucas: from where did you get 3.5.7??  unless its an official package it may have done somethig...05:49
jthomasbut i don't know for sure05:50
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lucky_lucasjthomas: It had been released today05:50
Jucatojthomas: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php05:50
lucky_lucasit's available  in hte kubuntu repos05:50
jthomasawesome!  but is it in ubuntu's repo?05:50
Jucato3.5.7 is officially released05:50
jthomasno kidding?05:50
ejupinjthomas: www.kde.org05:50
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jthomasand its already in the official repos?05:51
damien_bonjour y aurait il un francais05:51
lucky_lucasbut it seems to destroy the way kubuntu manage repository05:51
Jucatojthomas: check the announcement05:51
Jucato!fr | damien_05:51
ubotudamien_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:51
lucky_lucasdamien_: oui05:51
Jucatolucky_lucas: please explain05:51
ejupinlucky_lucas: i did the update via apt-get, no problems at all here05:51
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damien_j ai 2 ou 3 questions a propos de mandriva???05:52
lucky_lucasJucato: Kubuntu display a little window on top of adept with tabs to check authentifiaction and stuff like that05:52
damien_qq un pourrait il me renseigner svp05:52
lucky_lucasdamien_: va sur ubuntu-fr05:52
Jucatodamien_: please English only05:52
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lucky_lucasfor example in the release of 3.5.7 it mentions that click the auth... tab05:53
damien_j y suis aller et c pour ca que je suis la j ai rien trouver05:54
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Jucato!fr | damien_05:54
ubotudamien_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:54
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jthomasaah yes, those packages... its nice to get them quickly but i've had enough of trying to update from the KDE people/ Jonathan Riddell.  They work but always cause me problems down the road.  I learned not to do that back with SuSE and i am not starting with it again!05:54
blackflaghow can I backup a route table?05:55
jthomas(nothing against Jonathan Riddell!)05:55
neverbluehttp://pastebin.ca/502597 <-- can someone look at my xorg.conf to setup duals?05:55
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jthomasneverblue: ATI or NVidia?05:55
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neverblueSiS + onboard Intel05:55
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jthomasmmm... not sure, look at this tho http://www.ubuntux.org/howto-setup-dual-monitors-with-nvidia-in-ubuntu05:56
OptimusRexHi all. Can someone remind me how to go into konsole and change my display settings. What is the command to type in?05:56
jthomasmay give you some hints, but i cannot look into it right now for you05:56
neverblueum, its not an nvidia card, btw05:56
neverbluebut thanks tough05:57
jthomasneverblue: just for the setup/hints that it might give you05:57
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neverbluejthomas, i hand wrote the xorg.conf myself05:57
Jucato!xconfig | OptimusRex05:57
neverblueI know a thing or two ;)05:57
ubotuOptimusRex: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes05:57
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jthomasneverblue: cool, because i really don't! lol05:58
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=== jthomas says, 'ouch.'
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duiliuslack rox06:04
OptimusRexthanks for that Ubotu. Will try that. Will also write that down.06:04
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Ober0ne*sigh* more mounting problems06:04
Jucato!thanks | OptimusRex06:04
ubotuOptimusRex: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:04
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Ober0neok, so I tried to mount a sata drive and now I don't have access to my /media folder06:05
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AUHUhauhauahello duiliu06:05
duiliuasdjsdflkfawe we06:05
duiliuslackare rox06:05
duiliukubuntu dudes06:05
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duiliuhelo dudes06:06
BWolf85hi dude06:06
AUHUhauhauauauahua...so jorge est de voltaaa06:06
duiliunew bye06:06
duiliua saga do sao jorge06:06
duiliusao jorgeeeeeeeeeeeeeee06:06
AUHUhauhauaduiliu: sem noo06:06
duiliurai lugue is agai06:07
duiliumy name is duikl06:07
AUHUhauhaualucas gambiarra06:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moderator - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:07
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duiliumy name is duiliiop06:07
AUHUhauhauahello nicolai_ are you embaando mano ...ta de ca ?06:07
duiliuI'm looking for a guy06:07
AUHUhauhauaowwww ....a gay person on this chanel06:08
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Ober0nethank you LjL06:08
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AUHUhauhauawhy yoy banned de guy ?06:08
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AUHUhauhauajust because he is gay !?06:09
LjL1) i didn't. 2) seems pretty obvious.06:09
LjL3) you're clones aren't you06:09
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Ober0neljl, you have a few spare minutes?06:10
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devcenterhello guyes06:10
jpnurmidoes 3.5.7 update fix the konqueror+gmail problem?06:10
AUHUhauhauano you arent ?06:10
LjLOber0ne: i think so06:10
devcenteri need a mail notification for kde06:10
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dr_willisdevcenter,  and what kind of mail? gmail? hotmail? just normal mail?06:10
AUHUhauhauai was just stablishing a conversation with him06:10
nicolai_Oberone: try typing this in '/'  ls -lah06:11
devcenteri need a that function with any protocols06:11
Ober0neis the L ah?06:11
dr_willis!find gmail06:11
Ober0nesorry, is that* Lah?06:11
ubotuFound: mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail, checkgmail, enigmail-locale-ca, enigmail-locale-cs, enigmail-locale-de (and 21 others)06:11
nicolai_Oberone: ls -lah06:11
dr_willisive used checkgmail, and i think thers a kde equilivent also.06:12
nicolai_Oberone: It tells you information on the subfolders06:12
devcenterbut checkmail is not gnome06:12
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LjLOber0ne i've never had SATA... "you don't have acess to /media" what do you mean precisely?06:12
hakaisoutwodr_willis: what are you looking to do?06:12
kane__So, i wanted to be able to open gui applications on a computer over SSH.  IE, i want to application to open up on the computer i am SSHing into.  Is that possible?  i think you have tto use the screen env var, but for the life of me i cant recall06:12
Ober0neI click on the storage media icon on the system menu, and it says...06:13
=== hakaisoutwo is now known as hakaisou
dr_willistheres gnome and kde, checkgmail programs (for the panel) and i think theres several karamba/gdesklets variants also that do it.06:13
Ober0ne"Unable to enter file:///media, you do not have access rights to this location06:13
hakaisoudo you use firefox?06:13
hakaisoujust curious06:13
LjLOber0ne:  ls -l / | grep media 06:13
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dr_willistry replacing file:///media with media:/ or /media06:14
Ober0neI'm going into it from a menu... I don't think I have that option06:14
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Ober0ne"ls -l / | grep media" gives info on my cdrom, which I have no worries about06:15
Haydar`When i got to alsamixer06:15
Haydar`and mic06:15
Haydar`and press M06:15
Haydar`it doesnt mute06:15
LjLi'm not interested in the cdrom line Ober0ne, but in the media line.06:15
Ober0neand says... dr-x------   1 root root 90112 2007-05-20 10:48 media06:15
Haydar`also with kmix06:15
Haydar`anyone ?06:15
LjLOber0ne: the permissions are indeed wrong.06:16
Ober0neok, I don't know how to change permissions yet06:16
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Ober0nemy linux+ text is unclear on the matter06:16
LjLOber0ne:  sudo chmod a+rx /media ; sudo chmod u+wrx /media 06:16
LjLthen try again06:16
nicolai_Oberone: the following command should give you read/access rights06:16
nicolai_OberOne: sudo chmod -R 733 '/media'06:16
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nicolai_OberOne: sudo chmod 733 '/media'06:17
Ober0nechmod: changing permissions of `/media': Read-only file system06:17
LjLOber0ne: rea...? type  mount 06:17
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:18
LjL /dev/sdc1 on /media type ntfs (rw)06:19
LjLyou've tried to mount /dev/sdc1 *on* the /media directory itself06:19
LjLwhat is /dev/sdc1?06:19
LjLOber0ne: i'd assume some Windows partition that you want to be mounted somewhere, correct?06:19
LjLOber0ne: type  sudo umount /media ; sudo mkdir /media/sdc1 ; sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/sdc1 06:20
Ober0neI'm still trying to get all my information removed from windows so it can all be linux06:20
Ober0neok, I did that06:20
Ober0nenow I have access to media06:20
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Ober0nenow I don't have sufficient rights to access sdc106:21
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LjLno indeed, the command i gave you only allows root to access it06:21
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:21
LjLfollow the instructions here (if you need read access only), or use ntfs-3g if you really have to get write access06:21
Ober0neoh, I have diskmounter06:21
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Daisuke_Idonow i think i know why that one guy was having such a problem with kde 3.5.706:22
Daisuke_Idohe said the keyboard shortcuts for moving windows between *desktops* is gone, though it's still there, but he meant moving between *displays*06:22
Ober0nebut it's telling there's a read/write error06:23
Daisuke_Idowhich is not.  explains why i couldn't help06:23
Ober0nelol, and ntfsfix refuses to work on it06:23
LjLOber0ne: if the partition is corrupted, you need to fire up windows and chkdsk it.06:25
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Ober0neI hate windows06:25
RadiantFireas well you should06:25
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Ober0ney'know, someone told me the other day that linux is not as powerful as windows06:25
Ober0neI had to laugh06:25
nizo2german ?06:25
RadiantFireso, on a different note, has anyone installed the new 3.5.7 packages?06:26
LjLit's not necessarily a false statement, just meaningless.06:26
RadiantFireare there any bugs06:26
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nicolai_OberOne: Grasping for straws, but try:   sudo chmod 733 '/media/sdc1'06:26
Sanne!de | nizo206:26
ubotunizo2: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:26
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Ober0nenope, I give up06:27
Ober0neI'll work on it later06:27
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neverbluecan I (via cli) change a screen's (ihave duals) res and depth manually?06:28
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RadiantFireneverblue: sometimes you can do it with the xrandr program06:29
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RadiantFireneverblue: I'm not sure about depth06:30
neverblueyeah, that fails when I select it in my menu06:30
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neverbluesudo xrandr06:30
neverblueSegmentation fault (core dumped)06:30
neverbluethats not good :)06:30
Kite_DHhello, i have the same problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=eeebe705632be468ee0ae8eff56aa6af&t=42407806:30
Kite_DHbut i dont know how to change the files06:30
RadiantFireneverblue: no, thats no good, thats actually a bug in xrandr06:30
Kite_DHim on the feisty live-CD rightnow06:30
neverblueRadiantFire, work around?06:31
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Kite_DHi mounted my HD, and if i try to change the files, it says i cant save them06:31
RadiantFireneverblue: thats all I know of, I know you can also change resolution in system-settings under monitor & display06:31
RadiantFirebut thats not cli06:31
neverbluenp, thanks though06:32
nicolai_Kite_DH: is it an NTFS-drive?06:32
Kite_DHi think so, yes06:32
neverblueKite_DH, are you installing on a MAC?06:32
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Daisuke_Idoif it's a mac, why would it have an ntfs drive?06:33
Kite_DHno i tried to upgrade from edgy to feisty via konsole06:33
neverbluethats what I was going to say..06:33
Kite_DHand now it wont boot anymore06:33
nicolai_Kite_DH: so it is your old Linux drive?06:33
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neverbluebut the URL posted is related to a MAC having issues06:33
Kite_DHthen it wont boot anymore06:33
Kite_DHafter the fsck06:33
nicolai_Kite_DH: then it is an ext3 drive06:33
Kite_DHand then i searched the forum and i found that06:33
nicolai_Kite_DH: You have it mounted?06:33
Kite_DHand now im trying to change the files06:33
Kite_DHnicolai_: yes nicolai_06:33
neverblueand since he said, "i think so", its a good idea to possibly eliminate that as the issue06:34
Kite_DHim mounted to /sda1/06:34
neverblueso my question is logical to his issue06:34
nicolai_Kite_DH: what is the the mountpoint? hda1?06:34
Kite_DHi tried to change it with nano06:34
Kite_DHroot@ubuntu:~# nano /etc/event.d/tty106:34
Kite_DHbut its still the same as before06:34
Kite_DHeven tho i saved it06:34
nicolai_Kite_DH: not media/sda1? Just want to be certain :)06:34
Kite_DHnicolai_: media:/sda1/06:35
nicolai_Kite_DH: sudo chmod -R 777 'media/sda1'06:35
nicolai_Kite_DH: sudo chmod -R 777 '/media/sda1'06:35
nicolai_I'm just not good at typing today :P06:35
Kite_DHnicolai_: chmod: Zugriff auf /media/sda1 nicht mglich: No such file or directory06:35
Kite_DHnot granted06:35
Kite_DHthats there the files are i have to edit : media:/sda1/etc/event.d06:36
Kite_DHtty1 to 606:36
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Kite_DHeverytime the last 2 lines06:36
nicolai_Kite_DH:    media:/ works no matter where the mountpoint is. Try looking in /media06:37
nicolai_Kite_DH: The two other logical locations would be the root or home folder06:38
Kite_DHnicolai_: media:/sda1/media/cdrom0 ??06:38
galathalionlibjvm.so libawt.so <-- what is this and why arnt they working for me?06:38
Kite_DHnicolai_: thats all what in /media/ is06:38
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neverbluecan I (via cli) change a screen's (ihave duals) res and depth manually? my second monitor is falling to a res not specified in my xorg.conf06:39
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nicolai_Kite_DH: hehe. You shouldn't start with 'media:/'. try '/sda1' and '/home/ubuntu/sda1'06:39
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Kite_DHnicolai_: but the files are in /mnt/sda1/etc/event.d/06:40
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Kite_DHnicolai_: oh! now it works06:40
Kite_DHnicolai_: i had to go in there with nano06:40
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nicolai_Kite_DH: You fixed the problem?06:41
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Kite_DHnicolai_: almost06:42
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roggershow can change the style of kpassivepopups?06:43
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sakabatouPeople : http://www.petitiononline.com/ibpfl/petition.html06:46
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_buzis there any howto on building LRM for a kernel.org kernel? ( fixes a number of annoying bugs with my thinkpad)06:50
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sercikhi can anyone help me on how to uninstall nvidia driver??06:51
_buzdid you install it by hand06:51
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neverbluesercik, use the ubuntu guide (google it)06:52
neverblueit will explain how to do it properly06:52
sercikhi _buz i have installed the official nvidia06:52
_buztheres an --uninstall or something like that parameter to the nvidia binary06:53
_buzuse that06:53
serciki have searched but it seems that doesn't exists that parameter06:53
_buzsomething like that exists06:53
_buzi have used it myself06:53
serciksorry you are right06:53
serciki haven't seen it is on advanced options06:54
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Jack31is there a way to have an option in konqueror for run using script06:54
Jack31like in nautilus06:54
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Kite_DHnicolai_: hey, i edited the files now06:55
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Kite_DHnicolai_: i didnt make a dist-upgrade after the upgrade to feisty, do you think i can do that now?06:55
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nashkHi guys, I was wondering, is it possible to have a dual-monitor-big-desktop setup usint the ati oss drivers?06:58
nashkAll forums seem to expect fglrx06:59
_buzno, use xinerama06:59
nashkWith xinerama, I would have to use the binary ones?06:59
_buzworks with oss06:59
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fdovingnashk: yes you can with xrandr support and mergedfb. xinerama is not the way to go for the oss ati driver.06:59
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nashkfdoving, thanks, do you know of any good walkthroughs to use these?07:00
fdovingnashk: this is one of my setups: http://frode.kde.no/misc/xorg.conf - with the oss ati driver.07:00
Lunar_LampI'm trying to install the proprietry ati drivers, but when I try to load the module I get a "fatal error" what am I doing wrong?07:00
nashkcool, is it big desktop?07:00
fdovingnashk: it's not a walkthrough, but you'll figure it out. it's setup for a 1024x768+1280x102407:01
nashkok, thanks, but just to make sure: is it a big desktop setup?07:01
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fdovingnashk: 'man radeon' from the commandline if you need more info on the options. what do you mean by big desktop? - it's like one screen to the right of the other, you can move windows and all.07:02
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nashkfdoving: Does the tool bar extend on both monitors, or just the primary one?07:03
hakaisouanyone here know anything about FLTK?07:03
fdovingnashk: i belive you can set that in the kde settings. select what you want.07:03
PhinnFort!compile | kubuntian07:04
ubotukubuntian: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:04
nashkok, thanks. I'll check it out.07:04
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hakaisouthat doesn't help...07:04
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:04
hakaisoui'm getting an error when I try to compile the code I downloaded07:05
kubuntiani am getting the following error while trying to compile kile, could you tell me what i am missing?07:05
kubuntianin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.07:05
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PhinnFort(3.5 - 3) * 10 - 107:05
dr_willis! (3.5 - 3) * 10 - 107:06
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dr_willis! (3.5 - 3) * 10 - 1 = 407:06
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neverbluecan I (via cli) change a screen's (ihave duals) res and depth manually? my second monitor is falling to a res not specified in my xorg.conf07:07
dr_willisthats all controlleed by the xorg.conf that file is just a text file.. so yes you can change it manually :)07:07
dr_willistheres also helper tools to tweak it.07:07
dr_williswhat video card you got?07:08
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:08
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hakaisouor maybe not, what do i know...07:08
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dr_willishakaisou,  heh? order of operators? :)07:08
neverbluedr_willis, this situation is a bit more in depth07:09
rothchildhi please can someone help me troubleshoot a xorg problem with kubuntu feisty please?07:09
hakaisoui'm trying to install FLTK, but when I compile it i get this error07:09
hakaisouconfigure: error: Configure could not find required X11 libraries07:09
neverbluei have edited the xorg.conf, but the res is going to one i didnt specify in the xorg.conf07:09
hakaisouso my question is, where do i download the libraries?07:10
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Kite_DHnicolai_: are you there ??07:10
dr_willishakaisou,  for most libs theres also a simileray named -dev package for the developer parts.07:10
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nicolai_Kite_DH: Jep. Back in normal kubuntu?07:11
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Kite_DHnicolai_: no, but the "Unknown stanza" messages are now gone, i still cant boot at all07:12
rothchildI've got a lot of 'could not init font path element'07:12
Kite_DHnicolai_: it now looks like this http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/108607:12
Kite_DHnicolai_: and it stays like this for ever07:12
Kite_DHanimimotus: hi07:12
dr_willisrothchild,  those often come from xfont directories being mentioned/listed but not existing. normally not a issue.07:12
hakaisouno go on that captain....07:13
animimotuswhen I clic an url konqueror when me to dl it as a file instead to open it :] 07:13
nicolai_Kite_DH: It sound like some part of the drive isn't accesible07:13
animimotus* want07:13
dr_willisanimimotus,  thats often a server side issue.07:13
Kite_DHnicolai_: how can i make it accesible07:13
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davemI need to install ubuntu server via network.  I can boot from CD/DVD but that's about it.  Does anyone have an RTFM reference on how to do this?07:14
nicolai_Kite_DH: did you run this command from before?    sudo chmod -R 777 *07:14
animimotusdr_willis: the server is google :)07:14
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Kite_DHnicolai_: whats the *07:14
Kite_DHnicolai_: sda1 ?07:14
animimotusI think it a worse bind between application en file extention (php ?)07:15
nicolai_Kite_DH: The asterix is the real location of the drive07:15
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animimotus* and07:15
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nicolai_Kite_DH: Yeah07:15
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Kite_DHnicolai_: /dev/sda1 ?07:15
rothchild@dr_willis thanks maybe it's this 'no matching device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:2:1) ?07:15
Kite_DHnicolai_: i ran it, and now?07:15
nicolai_Kite_DH: what dit it say?07:16
Kite_DHroot@ubuntu:/# sudo chmod -R 777 /dev/sda107:16
nicolai_Kite_DH: ok07:16
neverbluei have just setup my system to run duals, I am having an issue with changing the res on the second screen (SiS 300 + ATI Rage), I edited my xorg.conf to only have "higher" res, but its falling on 800x600, anything I can do to change it?07:17
Kite_DHnicolai_: i didnt make a dist-upgrade after the upgrade to feisty, can i run it when im only mounted??07:17
Kite_DHnicolai_: i forgot to do a dist-upgrade :-(07:17
Kite_DHnicolai_: maybe that causes that07:17
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nicolai_Kite_DH: I might have been a little hasty before. The chmod command cave complete access to everything for everyone, it might be a good idea to change it later, but wait a second.07:18
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nicolai_Kite_DH: I have a hard time seeing how you dist-upgrade from a live-cd.07:18
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Kite_DHnicolai_: oh07:18
goxenulhi all :)07:19
Kite_DHgoxenul: hey hey07:19
dr_willisrothchild,  that would be VERY VERY impiorntant info there. :)07:19
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dr_willisrothchild,  check lspci and see aht Busid it says for your video card07:19
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nicolai_Kite_DH: An alternate cd or when logged in by normal means would probably be fairly easy, but the other thing is too hard for me to grasp.07:20
blekos__anybody knows how i can change encoding in vlc07:20
Kite_DHnicolai_: so its not possible to run a dist-upgrade from a live-cd?07:20
nicolai_Kite_DH: Do you want to make sure access is properly configured now?07:20
SlimeyPeteblekos__: encoding?07:20
SlimeyPeteVLC is a player, not an encoder...07:20
nicolai_Kite_DH: I haven't heard about doing it while in the graphical environment.07:21
SlimeyPetealthough I guess it does encode when using it over a network, iirc07:21
Kite_DHnicolai_: hm..07:21
blekos__i cannot have subtitles displayed correctly,07:21
nicolai_Kite_DH: All the normal commands would affect the live-cd session, not the installed system07:21
blekos__so i have to change the encoding?07:21
blekos__to my ISO07:21
Kite_DHnicolai_: but im mounted to the installed system07:21
neverbluei have just setup my system to run duals, I am having an issue with changing the res on the second screen (SiS 300 + ATI Rage), I edited my xorg.conf to only have "higher" res, but its falling on 800x600, anything I can do to change it?07:22
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brian_anyone know why adept says theres another process is using the packagine system database07:22
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Kite_DHnicolai_: isnt it possible to run it on that?07:22
n0n4m3-guys what do you think http://shrani.si/files/linuxwallp10wy7.jpg ?:D07:22
timmayhey all07:22
n0n4m3-my first pic in gimp07:22
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brian_nice n0n4m307:22
nicolai_Kite_DH: but the system only understands this as a drive. If you had two installations of Kubuntu installed and mounted, which one should it choose?07:22
Kite_DHnicolai_: uh..07:23
rothchild@dr_willis 00:02.1 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM.. etc is that the one?07:23
Kite_DHnicolai_: so theres no way to boot the system now?07:23
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nicolai_Kite_DH: We can probably make it bootable first, then fix the upgrade afterwards, while in the proper session.07:24
Kite_DHnicolai_: how can we make it bootable?? :)07:24
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rothchild@dr_willis I also have a warning in Xorg.log about Bad V_Bios checksum07:24
ahmedguys  how to remove the wine folder completly?07:25
nicolai_Kite_DH: Hehe. It should hopefully already have been done by the code you typed, but I made a small mistake, so I suggest we fix that first.07:25
Kite_DHnicolai_: lets do so07:25
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nicolai_Kite_DH: sudo chmod -R 733 '/dev/sda1'07:26
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nicolai_Kite_DH: For the second command I need to know your login-name, if you want it to work by copy-paste.07:27
dr_willisrothchild,  you may want to check the forums/wiki pages for tghat intel stuff. ive never used intel video cards.07:27
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dr_willis!find 91507:27
ubotuFound: 915resolution07:27
dr_willis!info 915resolution07:28
ubotu915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-10ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 14 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)07:28
nicolai_Kite_DH: Otherwise the simple solution would be:   sudo chmod -R 777 '/dev/sda1/home/'07:28
spawn57nicolai_: 775, never 77707:28
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nicolai_Kite_DH: listen to spawn5707:29
spawn57Kite_DH: when I tell you to jump, you say "HOW HIGH!?!?"07:29
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nicolai_spawn57: :P07:29
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nicolai_spawn57: Just a bad habit from when I learned the chmod command.07:30
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spawn57nicolai_: same, till someone told me never to do that07:30
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rothchild@ dr_willis I've had a cursory look but not seen anything obvious, it was working last night and now isn't today I don't remember changing anything significant07:30
DaSkreechtackat: Hi :)07:31
DaSkreechtackat: Lots of Marble Love :007:31
asalamhi all07:31
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asalamKDE 3.5.7 is out, any chance we get it by the update manager of kubuntu?07:32
DaSkreechasalam: No. Quite likely they will put upa repo by tomorrow07:32
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DaSkreechasalam: In short you can get it and it will be easy07:33
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DaSkreechor they will have one up already :)07:33
nicolai_Downloaded it a few hours ago07:33
nicolai_It was up before the official announcement :D07:33
asalamby the update manager?07:33
hakaisouhooray!  thanks for that -dev tip, whoever said it07:33
DaSkreechasalam: read the announcement07:34
asalamright, excusez-moi07:34
nicolai_asalam: remeber to add the key.07:34
dr_willishakaisou,  heh heh :)07:34
ahmedguys did any one here install warcraf 3 before on ubuntu07:35
nicolai_asalam: Jonathan Riddell is one of the developers working on kubuntu and KDE 4.0, so he should be trustable.07:35
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Kite_DHnicolai_: sorry, KDE hung up :(07:35
asalamim gonna try it right now07:35
Kite_DHnicolai_: im mounting for a minute, can u write the cmds again?07:35
nicolai_Kite_DH: First:    sudo chmod -R 733 '/dev/sda1'07:36
Kite_DHnicolai_: b4 mounting?07:36
Kite_DHnicolai_: oh, sry i understand07:36
nicolai_Kite_DH: second:      sudo chmod -R 773 '/dev/sda1/home/'07:37
Kite_DHnicolai_: on my installed system i have 3 users07:37
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer07:37
Kite_DHnicolai_: u wanted to know that, right?07:37
Kite_DHnicolai_: the names07:37
nicolai_Kite_DH: Do you mind it applies to all of them?07:38
Kite_DHnicolai_: what do you mean07:38
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nicolai_Kite_DH: the '773' means owner and group have complete read/write/access while others can only access and read.07:39
Kite_DHnicolai_: hmm, they should have all access07:39
nicolai_Kite_DH: Then this should be fine07:40
Kite_DHnicolai_: i typed "sudo chmod -R 733 '/dev/sda1'"07:40
Kite_DHnicolai_: sudo chmod -R 773 '/dev/sda1/home/' too?07:40
Kite_DHnicolai_: it says "no permission"07:40
Kite_DHnicolai_: chmod: Zugriff auf /dev/sda1/home/ nicht mglich: Not a directory07:40
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nicolai_Kite_DH: the first is to make sure only root can change critical files, while the second is to make sure a regular user can change files iin his/her own folders07:41
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nicolai_Kite_DH: sounds strange. Try going to the folder.07:41
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nicolai_Kite_DH: i would also expect /media/sda1 to be the correct location.07:43
Kite_DHnicolai_: /mnt/sda1/home07:43
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nicolai_Kite_DH: can you see the home directories from there?07:43
Kite_DHnicolai_: yes07:44
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Kite_DHnicolai_: of the 3 different users07:44
nicolai_Kite_DH: Then I'll change the command for you07:44
nicolai_Kite_DH: sudo chmod -R 733 '/mnt/sda1/'07:44
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Kite_DHnicolai_: weird, it says "no such file or directory"07:45
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nicolai_Kite_DH: sudo chmod -R 773 '/mnt/sda1/home/'07:45
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+o fdoving] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:fdoving] : Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 3.5.7 Released http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o fdoving] by fdoving
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Kite_DHnicolai_: both cmds say the same message07:45
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brian_anyone know how to install firefox without adept07:46
duanarchyIs it possible to do a cdrom-less install?07:46
nicolai_Kite_DH: try this:   cd /media07:46
Kite_DHnicolai_: and now?07:46
nicolai_Kite_DH:  dir07:46
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Kite_DHnicolai_: cdrom  cdrom007:47
fdovingduanarchy: yes, more info on ways to install at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation07:47
nicolai_Kite_DH: hmm..07:47
nicolai_Kite_DH: back to the /mnt folder07:47
duanarchyfdoving, thanks07:47
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues07:47
fdovingKite_DH: what's your problem? i'm a little into removable media handling in kubuntu.07:48
nicolai_Kite_DH: outside of the konsole07:48
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nicolai_Kite_DH: right click on the 'sda1' icon07:48
Kite_DHnicolai_: ok07:48
Kite_DHnicolai_: /mnt/sda107:48
dominik_hello world...07:48
Osiris_hiya everyone i need a bit of help'[07:48
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brian_whats the deal osiris07:49
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Osiris_i tried installing LTS on my new pc , and it just hangs there07:49
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nicolai_Kite_DH: you need to be in /mnt not /mnt/sda1.07:49
Kite_DHnicolai_: ok07:49
newbie_hi, i seem to of really broken kubuntu XD07:49
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Kite_DHnicolai_: im in  /mnt now07:49
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nicolai_Kite_DH: I want to know exactly where it says the moint point is07:49
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chattersosiris what does it show07:49
Osiris_grr , i gotta go , i'll be back later sorry for bugging ya's07:49
duanarchyAn even simpler question, is it possible to upgrade from ubuntu 5.04 --> Kubuntu feisty?07:50
nicolai_Kite_DH: right click on the 'sda1' icon and read the second last line07:50
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fdovingduanarchy: yes, but you need to go all the way, 5.04 -> 5.10 -> 6.06 -> 6.10 -> 7.0407:50
nicolai_Kite_DH: montiert aus perhaps :P07:50
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Kite_DHnicolai_: "laufwerkverbindung lsen"07:50
duanarchyfdoving, that could take all day -- it would probably be simpler than doing a cd-less install eh?07:50
Sephnrothi installed nvidia drivers on my kubuntu (fiesty, amd64) and well, it seems to of half n half worked.  im in KDE now, i get the nvidia logo when kde starts.  my main monitor (dual CRT setup) is indeed displaying in 1280x960... but....07:50
dominik_am having problem updating my system, the adept manager and the apt-get are not working....07:51
Kite_DHnicolai_: i translate: unmount driveconnection07:51
Sephnroththe monitor isnt set to that res it seems because moving the mouse to the edge scrolls it.  my 2nd monitor is stuck in 640x480 nothing i can do helps it.  i get a sigsegv err on kde load07:51
dominik_no matter what I do, I can't seem to connect to the update site07:51
Sephnrothwhich i belive is restore_screen.py07:51
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nicolai_Kite_DH: ahh sorry, my bad. press 'Permissions' first.07:51
Sephnrothand clicking on the monitors/displays icon in the system settings window causes another sigsegv every time :P07:51
Kite_DHnicolai_: ok07:52
nicolai_Kite_DH: properties ><07:52
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nicolai_Kite_DH: I'm running the dansih version. :P07:52
Kite_DHnicolai_: properties > permissions07:52
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DaSkreechduanarchy: It's cheaper to do a full install07:52
ninina_Anyone know anything about remote connections?07:52
DaSkreechduanarchy: Hope you have a home partition07:52
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duanarchyDaSkreech, ?  I07:53
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duanarchyDaSkreech, i'm in linux right now ..  (blag fd6)07:53
ses1959_dumb question on tz and installing programs07:53
fdovingses1959_: no questions are dumb in here. shoot.07:53
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nicolai_Kite_DH: try the first tab. 'general' I guess.07:53
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DaSkreechduanarchy: Right so you want to upgrade from Old *buntu to new ?07:53
Kite_DHnicolai_: okay, whats there07:53
fdovingnicolai_, kite_dh, what are you guys trying to do?07:54
duanarchyDaSkreech, either that or install the new kubuntu without a cdrom07:54
Kite_DHfdoving: getting my system to boot07:54
ses1959_I downloaded adobe reader and used tar -zv to unzip and found file but need next step to install the install file it made07:54
nicolai_Kite_DH: what does the second last line say?07:54
fdovingKite_DH: ok. what's wrong with it?07:54
DaSkreechduanarchy: You can upgrade but expect that to take like three days07:54
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Kite_DHfdoving: i wonder07:55
duanarchyDaSkreech, I'll try installing from my home partition07:55
Sephnrothno one got any clues for me? ;)07:55
DaSkreechduanarchy: do you have a home partition?07:55
ses1959_tried apt-get but it did not work07:55
duanarchyDaSkreech, actually, no just a root partition and a boot partition.07:55
ses1959_I think that i need to make or make install or something like that07:55
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duanarchyDaSkreech, can't I just do it from root?07:56
nicolai_fdoving: right now I'm trying to figure out the mount point for the hard disk drive.07:56
fdoving!software | ses1959_07:56
ubotuses1959_: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents07:56
Kite_DHnicolai_: http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/7826/bildschirmphoto1xj2.png07:56
fdovingnicolai_: a mounted disk?07:56
Kite_DHnicolai_: mountpoint: /mnt/sda107:56
fdovingnicolai_: /proc/mounts is usefull07:57
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Search4Lanceris there a package for cairo itself in any repositories? I'm not finding it, and all I've got so far is libraries and bindings07:57
nicolai_fdoving: yep, it is from a live-cd. We are trying to give the installed system the correct permissions.07:58
DaSkreechduanarchy: yes you can07:58
fdovingSearch4Lancer: libcairo?07:58
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Search4Lancerfdoving: I have libcairo2, it doesn't seem to help me much07:58
fdovingnicolai_: what files have permission problems?07:58
duanarchyDaSkreech, hope it's not too difficult07:58
fdovingSearch4Lancer: are you compiling software?07:58
DaSkreechduanarchy: to do an upgrade?07:58
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DaSkreechshouldn't be but it is long07:59
fdovingSearch4Lancer: if you are, then you need libcairo2-dev07:59
Search4Lancerfdoving: yeah, trying to install the program used to make the hurricane track maps on Wikipedia, cairo is a requirement07:59
nicolai_fdoving: this was the paste Kite_DH gave: http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/108607:59
ahmedguys i have so many xorg files how do i know which one is currently being used ??07:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about freetype - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:59
duanarchyDaSkreech, .*blinks* . . to do a full install.  I'm *not* running ubuntu right now .. I'm running a lesser known fedora distro07:59
fdovingahmed: the one name xorg.conf with no more dots or numbers.07:59
iarwain_ahmed: the one called /etc/X11/xorg.conf ;-)07:59
Black_Monkeyhi, I just went to upgrade to kde 3.5.7 from the packages on the kubuntu homepage, but it's saying that kdm, konqueror, kicker, ksplash, smbclient and samba-common can't be installed because their dependencies are 3.5.6 :/07:59
ahmedthere are some others that arent back ups08:00
ahmedi suspect that they r being used or so08:00
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klingerje tu nekdo z CR08:00
nicolai_Black_Monkey: did you remember  to add the riddell key?08:00
sephnrothwell at least im in a proper version of kvirc now.08:00
Black_Monkeynicolai_: yeah, I already had it added from installing kde 3.5.6 on edgy08:01
Black_Monkeyor would it be a different one?08:01
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fdovingahmed: no, only xorg.conf is beeing used, many packages make their own backup, backups are not overwritten by others, so any program changing your xorg.conf makes its own backup.08:01
Search4Lancerfdoving: thanks, that seemed to have worked08:01
sephnrothi am missing XRandR apprantly preventing me from dynamically changing my desktop resolution in nvidia config - how do i get it?  apt-get doesnt know what it is08:01
fdovingnicolai_: what makes you think some permissions are wrong?08:01
duanarchyOkay, if I am creating a bootable partition to install kubuntu from my existing linux box, will it be possible to get that 750megs or so back? (To collapse the partition and place the memory back into root or home)08:02
fdovingsephnroth: start krandrtray - kmenu -> run command 'krandrtray' - you have it already.08:02
nicolai_fdoving: some of the previous problems from before the paste08:02
nicolai_fdoving: It was just to make sure that part worked correctly, but the konsole didn't seem to recognize the mountpoint.08:03
nicolai_Black_Monkey: I used the same key as on Edgy08:03
sephnrothmm, fdoving, running that does indeed run it and sit it in my tray.  but, even after closing and rerunning, the nvidia config still insists the extension is not there or not supported by the server08:03
fdovingnicolai_: hmm.. the paste only shows a fsck.08:03
sephnrothi really screwed this kubuntu somehow :(08:03
fdovingsephnroth: ah, nvidia, i have no idea if they support xrandr or not.08:04
sephnrothits not essential, everything else would still be broken anyway08:04
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fdovingnicolai_: did fsck from the livecd work?08:05
Kite_DHfdoving: didnt try08:05
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sephnrothglxgears gives me 5392.261 FPS - so the drivers are installed right.  just.. not working as they "should" - smeg what have i moofed up08:06
duanarchyi get 220 fps on a ti460008:06
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duanarchy(with open OR propriety drivers installed)08:07
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nicolai_Kite_DH and fdoving: Have to go to dinner or my dad will get cross. Sorry..08:07
Kite_DHnicolai_: mhm08:07
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fdovingKite_DH: can you explain your problem to be from the start? - what was your initial problem?08:08
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sephnrothwell.  when kde starts i get a sigsegv (restore_screen.py i think).  when i goto "System Settings" from kmenu and then click "Monitor and Display" it crashes with sigsegv08:08
Kite_DHfdoving: can i query?08:08
sephnrothno one know whats going on?08:08
fdovingKite_DH: sure.08:08
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fdovingsephnroth: i guess displayconfig doesn't support nvidia closed source driver very well.08:09
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viktorhow do i associate a protcol (irc://) with an application (konversation)08:09
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i\othat's discrimination08:10
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fdovingKite_DH: ok. the device is mounted at /mnt/sd<somethin> right?08:10
fdovingKite_DH: you can start with opening an konsole, (kmenu -> system -> konsole)08:11
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Kite_DHfdoving: /mnt/sda108:11
Kite_DHfdoving: i got my konsole running on root08:12
fdovingKite_DH: ok. good. then run 'chroot /mnt/sda1'08:12
Kite_DHfdoving: ok and now08:13
serciksomeone is able to install and run beryl with nvidia on kubuntu??08:13
fdovingKite_DH: 'aptitude update;aptitude -u dist-upgrade'08:13
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serciki go to lunch goodbye08:13
fdovingKite_DH: does it want to upgrade anything?08:13
Black_Monkeysercik: beryl installed no problem for me08:13
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Kite_DHfdoving: wait for a min08:14
Black_Monkeywith binary nvidia drivers08:14
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Kite_DHfdoving: http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/109208:14
Kite_DHfdoving: do u think it has anything to do with this?08:14
fdovingKite_DH: no.08:14
fdovingKite_DH: that's the fstab, if you didn't resize or change the paritions in any way that should be fine.08:15
Kite_DHfdoving: ok*08:15
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DaSkreechduanarchy: Yes It's easy to do an install08:16
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DaSkreechyou will have to use a text installer08:16
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DaSkreechWhy were you asking about 5.04 ?08:16
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turckohi, someone can help me with kdialog please?08:18
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muaddibthere anywhere where i can check to see if certain hardware is supported in kubuntu?08:18
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport08:18
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!08:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about die - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:19
muaddibthat reminds me, might have to test the last release of fedora, haven't used it since 408:19
dromerhmm, I just had to boot into windows again, but I couldn't and got an "Error 13". how can I fix this?08:19
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fdovingdromer: have a look at forexample: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=37108708:21
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ninina_anyone know how secure K Remote Desktop is?08:21
Kite_DHfdoving: bash: chroot /mnt/sda1/: No such file or directory08:22
fdovingKite_DH: so, it isn't mounted anymore?08:22
Kite_DHfdoving: i mount it again08:22
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fdovingninina_: like vnc.08:22
fdovingKite_DH: mount it, and run 'chroot /<mountpoint>' as root.08:22
ninina_fdoving: and that ish?08:22
Kite_DHfdoving: wait, im still mounted08:23
logixoulhi. konq 3.5.6 in feisty freezes all the time for no visible reason. each time it takes about 10 seconds to unfreeze. I think it may be related to plugins. any hints?08:23
fdovingninina_: not secure at all. no encrypted traffic etc.08:23
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Kite_DHfdoving: still says that08:23
fdovinglogixoul: any processes using 100% cpu?08:23
fdovinglogixoul: ctrl-esc wil ltell you.08:23
ninina_fdoving: =\ well I guess that idea doesn't work out08:23
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fdovingKite_DH: is your mountpoint correct? - check mountpount with 'cat /proc/mounts'08:24
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dromerfdoving: wel, it worked fine before and I have totally no idea what could have changed08:24
logixoulfdoving: nope, max is 5%08:24
fdovingninina_: you can run it though an ssh tunnel.08:24
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fdovinglogixoul: i mena when it's "freezing"..08:24
Kite_DHfdoving: /dev/sda1 / ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 008:24
ninina_fdoving: ssh isn't very secure either though08:25
fdovingKite_DH: so you have rebooted?08:25
Kite_DHfdoving: when?08:25
Kite_DHfdoving: no08:25
fdovingninina_: it isn't?08:25
logixoulfdoving: right, it was frozen when I checked08:25
ninina_fdoving: no from what I've heard08:25
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fdovingninina_: well, it is pretty secure.08:26
logixoulfdoving: ah I think I found it - a zombie amarokapp process. thx.08:26
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ninina_fdoving: well I'm gonna read up on it, so I'll be back with my oppinion in a few08:26
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neverbluei have just setup my system to run duals, I am having an issue with changing the res on the second screen (SiS 300 + ATI Rage), I edited my xorg.conf to only have "higher" res, but its falling on 800x600, anything I can do to change it?08:27
fdovingKite_DH: hmm.. ok. 'mkdir /newroot && mount /dev/sda1 /newroot && chroot /newroot' (you can copy everything inside the ''s.08:27
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Kite_DHfdoving: but im already mounted08:27
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Kite_DHroot@ubuntu:~# chroot /mnt/sda108:29
Kite_DHfdoving: and what now?08:29
fdovingKite_DH: now you're running with / beeing your linux /. so 'aptitude update;aptitude dist-upgrade' - does it want to update alot of pckages?08:30
HymnToLifew00t, KDE 3.5.7 out08:30
=== HymnToLife compiles
ses1959_thank you ubotu08:30
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Kite_DHfdoving: yes08:30
ses1959_i found my mistake all it needed was ./INSTALL to install the program08:30
Kite_DHfdoving: but does it update the installed system on my HD?08:30
sephnrothumm, i appear to of got my mouse trapped in a frozen "xracer" window08:30
Kite_DHfdoving: not the live-cd08:31
ses1959_but not it does not work and ran under term08:31
sephnrothhow can i force it to close? alt+f4 and ctrl+c no helping08:31
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Osiris_hello everyone08:31
Osiris_i came on earlier08:31
Osiris_i had problems installing kubuntu08:31
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Osiris_it was freezing at the part where it tried to see how to partition my hard drive08:32
Osiris_at least thats what i assume it was doing ;p08:32
ses1959_libgdk_pixbuf_xlib-2.0.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64  this it the error code i have install some of the libgdk with manager program08:32
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dave_hey guys08:33
dave_how do i launch a second instance of the same application?08:33
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iliyaHi, I have XP and Kubuntu 6.06 instaled08:33
iliyabut acedently i boot from XP cd, and he removed Grub08:33
iliyanow it's NT loader and he dont see Kubuntu08:33
iliyaHow to install Grub again?08:33
iliyaFrom live Kubuintu CD won't mount hda6:08:33
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iliyamount /proc08:33
iliyasudo -i08:33
fdovingKite_DH: yes, that's what teh 'chroot' command is for.08:33
iliyamount media/dev/hda6  (can't find /media/dev/hda6 in /stc/fstab)08:33
Kite_DHiliya: lol08:33
Kite_DHfdoving: ok, ill let it update then, right?08:33
sephnrothswitchin back to windows for a bit08:34
K-RyanAnd I thought I was bad at separating my speech.08:34
muaddibman, i don't remember compiling anything and having it take this long, going on 8 minutes installing kopete from source08:34
K-RyanWell, "with"08:34
K-Ryan!grub | illiya08:34
ubotuilliya: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:34
iliyahelp please08:34
K-RyanFollow the first link08:34
K-RyanNo problem ;)08:35
fdovingKite_DH: you can, or you can run fsck manually from the livecd, then reboot and make it update the proper way. you can also try to hit ctrl-alt-del when it "stops" during boot. it's preferred to be running the system one is upgrading.08:35
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Kite_DHfdoving: the dist-upgrade runs now08:35
pisqAmyRose, which KDE you running?08:35
ninina_fdoving: I SSH will work I guess08:35
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Kite_DHfdoving: how to break it up08:36
fdovingKite_DH: ctrl-c08:36
Kite_DHfdoving: ok, how to ru the fsck now08:36
dave_anyone know how to run 2 instances of kopete?08:37
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fdovingKite_DH: 'exit' to exit from the chroot, then 'umount -l /mnt/sda1' then 'e2fsck -f /dev/sda1'08:37
AyabaraI need a dual monitor clone setup to connect my laptop to my tv. would you recommend the open source driver with xinerama or the restricted ati driver?08:38
Kite_DHfdoving: ok it runs08:38
fdovingdave_: you can't as one user.08:38
muaddibdave_: i don't think you can run two instances, but it supports more than one account at a time, so why would you need to?08:38
fdovingKite_DH: good, when it's finished, reboot and try to boot kubuntu the normal way.08:39
Kite_DHfdoving: okay08:39
Kite_DHfdoving: if that doesnt work, do we need to mount the sda1 again, and make a dist-upgrade?08:39
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dave_i was just curious - i read a tutorial about gtalk that said to 3-way call you must have two instances running (in windows)08:39
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dave_but i was then just curious on how to do 2 instances in linux of any program08:39
fdovingKite_DH: yes, that's an option. but remember, you can try to hit ctrl-alt-del if it "hangs" during the boot process.08:39
Kite_DHfdoving: alright, i'll remind that08:40
muaddibdave_: interesting, maybe when this gets around to finishing i'll see if i can figure that out08:40
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dave_ok cool thanks08:40
chenxfeiI'm in08:40
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K-RyanHi there08:41
chenxfeiwhere u are08:41
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chenxfeiwhere are u?08:42
K-RyanOkay okay08:42
K-RyanNeed help with something?08:42
Kite_DHfdoving: takes a while, doesnt it?08:42
fdovingKite_DH: probably.08:43
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fdovingKite_DH: don't sit there waiting for it, play a game or something, kmahjongg is cool .)08:43
chenxfeii want to install a new kubuntu in my pc, but i hasn't the cd of kubuntu08:43
Kite_DHfdoving: hahaha08:43
chenxfeihow can i08:43
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timmayhow do you just upgrade from ubuntu to kubuntu feisty fawn?08:44
K-RyanYou can order from there08:44
chenxfeiOK,thank u08:44
K-RyanYou're welcome08:44
serciksomeone i able to install beryl on kubuntu with nvidia?? i have followed all possible online guide but it don't work08:44
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K-RyanYes you can, have you installed you drivers yet?08:44
sercikHi K-Ryan are you new on this channel??08:44
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chenxfeibut i hasn't  .ISO08:45
Osiris207back again08:45
Kite_DHfdoving: ok its done08:45
K-Ryanchenxfei: You order a CD, they send you it.08:45
K-RyanIn the mail08:45
fdovingKite_DH: then try rebooting.08:45
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Osiris207so does anyone have any idea why kubuntu does install for me?08:45
Kite_DHfdoving: ok see08:45
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chenxfeii have a tey08:45
Kite_DHfdoving: ok see ya in a fewmin*08:45
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fdovingKite_DH: i'll be around.08:45
K-RyanOsiris207: You mean it doesn't install?08:45
Osiris207yes it doesnt08:46
K-RyanAre you getting any error messages?08:46
Osiris207(double negative)08:46
Osiris207no i dont08:46
Osiris207i just freezes...08:46
sercikMy X crashes sorry for repeat someone is able to install beryl on kubuntu with nvidia??08:46
lariscace pula mea bazarit?08:46
Osiris207not as in the windows sense of crashing , but as in it sits there for hours doing nothing08:46
lariscape ce limba?08:46
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K-Ryansercik: Have you installed the drivers for your card?08:46
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Osiris207perhaps i am being inpaitent08:46
sercikYes K-ryan i'm not noob08:47
K-RyanNot everyone knows how to, that they need to, or even how to do it correctly.08:47
serciki have installed thw last drivers from nvidia and 3d works good08:47
K-RyanExcuse me for trying to help.08:47
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djwisdomOsiris207: check your cmos default values, tweaking with it sometimes makes linux irritable.08:47
K-RyanOkay then, have you installed the beryl and emerald-themes package?08:47
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sercikK-Ryan: not excuse i have told only so you can know on who are speaking!08:47
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hakaisounote to self08:48
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sercikyes i have tried with latest SVN from trevino repository and from beryl ubuntu08:48
K-Ryansercik: What's is your native language?08:48
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hangthedjanybody getting errors after upgrading to kde 3.5.708:48
Osiris207hmmm , as in over cloaking you mean ? it goes to the bit where it looks at your partitions , and it just..sits there.. see i cleared a whole mass of space for linux to go on , unformatted space08:48
K-Ryan!italian | sercik08:48
ubotusercik: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:48
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hakaisouNEVER EVER EVER use Ctrl+A in Adept Manager08:48
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K-Ryanhakaisou: What's ctrl+a do in Adept?08:48
serciki'm talking in english08:48
sercikor i'm trying08:48
hakaisouselects everything08:48
hakaisouregardless of your filter08:48
K-RyanWell it was a little hard for me to understand you sercik, it was only a suggestion.08:49
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K-Ryanhakaisou: I'll remember not to do that now =P08:49
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hakaisouso when i went to remove my freetype packages, it started removing EVERYTHING08:49
djdarkmanhy, what is kaccess ?08:49
serciksorry K-ryan08:49
K-RyanIt is okay08:49
sercikso i have installed drivers and beryl packages08:49
hakaisouwhat is beryl anyway?08:49
sercikwhen i try to start with beryl manager kdm restarts08:49
K-RyanWhen you try to open Beryl, X crashes?08:49
K-Ryan!beryl | hakaisou08:49
ubotuhakaisou: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:49
grurfAfter an upgrade from Edgy to Feisty, the middle mouse button of this computer doesn't function correctly anymore. Scrolling works, but clicking doesn't. Is this a known problem? Any suggestions?08:50
K-Ryan(It's pretty effects for your desktop(s) )08:50
djwisdomOsiris207: question: were you able to successfully load and play with kubuntu live cd?08:50
sercikYes and kdm restart08:50
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Osiris207djwisdom: yes i was08:50
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K-RyanOsiris207: Sorry I kind of abandoned you there =/08:50
djwisdomOsiris207: what program did you use to clear your hard drive, or is this a brand new one?08:50
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K-Ryansercik: You may want to try the #ubuntu-effects channel.08:51
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Osiris207well my whole pc is new , but i used partition magic to clear the space for linux08:51
Frederickfolks how can I re-start my sound system?08:51
K-RyanClick it sercik =P08:51
sercikThanl you K-Ryan08:51
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K-RyanI hope they can help you.08:51
serciki hope also08:51
K-RyanMight take time, but I'm sure they will.08:52
K-RyanGood luck08:52
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djwisdomOsiris270: and were playing around with how many  GB of brand new hard drive? 120GB?08:52
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K-RyanOsiris207: You know that the installer includes a partitioner, that you don't need to use a program to do it.08:52
Osiris20760gb unfomratted for linux08:53
Osiris207100 gb , being used by windows xp08:53
Osiris207so 160 in all08:53
djwisdomOsiris207: are you using IDE, EIDE, SATA or SCSI?08:53
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K-RyanHi there!08:54
djwisdomi hope i'm wrong, but SATA under linux is not as rock solid as IDE08:54
RoeyDoes Kubuntu's glibc support running 32-bit programs in 64-bit environments?08:54
RoeyDebian Proper doesn't.08:54
Osiris207perhaps not , but ubuntu likes it , opesuse likes it.. yet kubuntu just sits there08:55
K-RyanI'm not sure myself, but stick around I'm sure someone knows.08:55
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Osiris207perhaps i am being impatiant08:55
Kite_DHfdoving: didnt work08:55
K-RyanOsiris207: You could try installing Ubuntu, then upgrading it to Kubuntu08:55
Osiris207you can do that ?08:55
djwisdomthat might work.08:55
Kite_DHfdoving: oh crap...i forgot the ctrl+alt+del thing08:55
fdovingKite_DH: what does it stop at? - did it start fsck?08:55
K-RyanYep, you can.08:55
Kite_DHfdoving: the fsck is always done, then afterwards it stands like this08:56
K-RyanI don't remember the process exactly, but I know you can.08:56
Kite_DHfdoving: as you saw in the pastebin08:56
Osiris207problem is , i have the latest version of kubuntu and it doesnt detect my wifi08:56
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Osiris207where as , the older version does08:56
Osiris207bloody stupid if you ask me lol08:56
K-RyanYou need to install ndiswrapper if I'm not mistaken.08:56
Osiris207its gone back in time ;p08:56
Kite_DHfdoving: should we try the dist-upgrade?08:56
K-RyanI'm not experienced with wifi setup, although I should be by now...08:56
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fdovingKite_DH: that's an option, did you manage to upgrade anything at all before rebooting the -first- time? - do you have older kernels in the grub list? - did you try booting one of those?08:57
Kite_DHfdoving: i have older kernels in there08:57
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Kite_DHfdoving: i didnt try booting one of them08:58
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Osiris207i hope upgrading from ubuntu to kubuntu is ok , cos i dont liek gnome at all08:58
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Kite_DHfdoving: lets dist-upgrade now, what was the cmd again?08:58
Kite_DHfdoving: should i mount first?08:58
fdovingKite_DH: try that first. then if that fails try one of the recovery options. (older is better chance of working)08:58
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Kite_DHfdoving: recovery options??08:58
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fdovingKite_DH: i'd recommend to try atleast one of the other kernels first. then dist-upgrade if it doesn't work.08:58
Kite_DHfdoving: okay08:59
hakaisouuggh... this is totally screwed...08:59
Kite_DHfdoving: now?08:59
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Osiris207why would the new version of kubuntu not pick up my wifi card , but thje older version does?08:59
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fdovingKite_DH: reboot and try to boot one of the older kernels.09:00
Kite_DHfdoving: okay09:00
hakaisouwell... gives me a chance to finally reinstall kubuntu fresh and fix my damn partitions09:00
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Kite_DHfdoving: i think its not gonna work09:01
Kite_DHfdoving: hm..shouldnt we dist-upgrade first, it really sounds better =/09:01
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fdovingKite_DH: dist-upgrading inside a chroot like that might make problems configuring your packages, making initrd images might break hard etc. it's not recommended.09:02
Kite_DHfdoving: lets just ty the kernel thing first09:02
Kite_DHfdoving: :)09:02
[GNR] Maxouhi everybody> someone could help me? i'm trying to install Planeshift but i get "Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)"09:03
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Rictoohow do I print an entire text file to command line again>?09:03
nuuhey fdoving. not sure if you remember us talking about hal policy files not being parsed, turned out it probably is a hal bug under ubuntu09:03
nuui spoke to the package maintainer and he asked me to file a bug about it, because hal is supposed to parse /etc/hal09:04
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fdovingnuu: i remember, great. then it'll be handled. it really should include the /etc/hal, yes.09:04
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[GNR] Maxounobody for Planeshift?09:05
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hendausK-Ryan:  wb09:06
K-RyanNot sure [GNR] Maxou, give me a minute I'll see if I can install it.09:06
K-RyanThank you hendaus, ever fix your problem?09:06
ninina_fdoving: what ssh server should I use?09:07
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hendausK-Ryan: yes now i am using feisty, upgrade dapper --> edgy --> feisty :)09:07
fdovingninina_: openssh-server09:07
K-RyanAh, that's great!09:07
ninina_fdoving: Okies la~09:07
[GNR] MaxouK-Ryan>thx09:07
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hendausK-Ryan:  yes nice, but i open video clip with kaffeine and it needs a plugin09:08
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K-RyanStrange, I never needed to get more than libxine-extracodecs09:08
hendausK-Ryan:  maybe i dont have it installed09:09
K-Ryansudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs09:09
K-Ryan[GNR] Maxou: I'm not sure about the file type, I've yet to use a .bin file, I think...09:09
K-RyanI'm going to download and try anyway.09:09
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K-RyanIf anything you can always compilet the source.09:10
hendausK-Ryan:  Package libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another pack age , This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:11
hendausis only available from another source09:11
K-RyanHave you enabled universe and multiverse?09:11
K-RyanIt's in one of those, hold on09:11
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[GNR] MaxouK-Ryan> ok but how do you do that09:12
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hendausK-Ryan:  i dont know where to enable universe and multi09:12
K-Ryan[GNR] Maxou: Don't worry about that yet =P09:12
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K-Ryanhendaus: Open up Adept09:12
hendausK-Ryan:  ok09:12
[GNR] MaxouK-Ryan: ok09:12
K-RyanThe bot doesn't seem to have information on the package..09:13
[GNR] Maxoulol09:13
K-RyanSo we'll just enable both.09:13
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=== K-Ryan thinks to himself how popular he is...
hendausK-Ryan:  ok i open adept, and then09:13
timmaycan skype run in kopete?09:13
hakaisoubut you can install skype in linux09:13
K-RyanCan only run skype in skype if I'm not mistaken.09:13
timmayok cool09:14
timmayi'll go do thta then09:14
K-Ryanhendaus: Under Adept, click manage repositories.09:14
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[GNR] Maxoutimmay> use medibuntu09:14
K-Ryantimmay: You know to install it from it's package not an installer right?09:14
[GNR] Maxoutimmay> there's a package09:14
K-Ryan!skype | timmay09:14
ubotutimmay: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto09:14
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K-RyanWoo! Go freenode!09:15
K-Ryanhendaus: Under manage repositories, check the universe and multiverse boxes.09:16
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timmayhey when i go into add/remove i'm getting an error after putting in my password that say "conversation with su failed" any ideas?09:17
hendausK-Ryan:  ok09:17
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K-Ryanhendaus: Now you can either search it in Adept, or go back to the terminal09:18
K-RyanEither way you want libxine-extracodecs09:18
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K-RyanIn Adept you just search it, click it, request install, apply changes09:18
K-RyanThe terminal command:09:18
K-Ryansudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs09:19
K-RyanThat'll do it.09:19
Kite_DHfdoving: didnt work09:19
Kite_DHfdoving: should we try the dist-upgrade now?09:19
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hendausK-Ryan: i open manage repositories and it open a dialog -> software sources09:20
K-RyanYeah under the manage repositories, check the two boxes for universe and multiverse.09:20
kim_Em... Anyone used Ardour?09:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ardour - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:20
hendausK-Ryan:  they are checked09:21
K-RyanThat's what I was waiting for kim_ =P09:21
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K-RyanSorry, I don't, stick around though I'm sure someone does.09:21
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K-Ryanhendaus: Alright now try to install libxine-extracodecs again09:21
fdovingKite_DH: how long do you wait? does hitting num lock or caps lock toggle the keyboard led?09:21
kim_I have some problem, when i klick ardour after installing 32 from http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=860 The icon jumps but the program wont start09:21
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Kite_DHfdoving: i waited a little time, the fsck message was gone, but the thing that comes after that is still there, and it wont go away09:22
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Kite_DHfdoving: i tried ctrl+alt+del and nothing happened09:22
K-Ryan[GNR] Maxou: You still here?09:22
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[GNR] MaxouK-Ryan> yeah, that's okay i was trying to install it with sudo ./*.bin09:23
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K-RyanNo I've got it09:23
[GNR] MaxouK-Ryan> and not as root09:23
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[GNR] MaxouK-Ryan> now it works09:23
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K-RyanYou need to right click the installer, properties, permissions, then check "executable"09:23
LenningsTalkin to me?09:23
[GNR] Maxouyes chmod +x ?09:23
Kite_DHfdoving: only that is left now http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/109509:23
K-RyanYes =P09:23
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underdog5004I had a hard-drive failure on my server. before it crashed, rtorrent would stick downloaded files in /media/storage/.../downloads. Now when I reinstalled, rtorrent is looking for the path to the old download place (/media/storage/.../downloads), even though I've specified /home/matthew/.../downloads/ for the current completed downloads folder. Any ideas?09:24
lucahi everyone09:24
jbnetI added the KDE 3.5.7 source, but the new KDevelop doesn't seem to be in there09:24
K-RyanHello again luca!09:24
lucahi K-Ryan :)09:24
LenningsHow do i install ''using ALSA-supported audio interfaces'' Thats what a program i want to install says i need. Anyone?09:24
K-Ryanunderdog5004: You're sure the download path is set to /home/matthew/.....09:24
hendausK-Ryan:  yes i found it on adept and it is installing, thanx09:24
fdovingKite_DH: ok. open a konsole, become root. 'mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/' then 'mount -t none -o bind /tmp /mnt/tmp' then 'mount -t none -o bind /dev /tmp/dev' then 'mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc' then 'chroot /mnt/' then 'aptitude dist-upgrade'09:24
K-RyanYou're welcome hendaus09:24
underdog5004K-Ryan, yes sir09:24
underdog5004I set it perm. in the .rtorrent.rc config file09:25
hendausK-Ryan:  brb .. lunch time and back for u09:25
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lucacan someone help me configuring properly kmail? I want to have every mail account bound to a specific smtp server09:25
K-Ryanhendaus: Enjoy lunch =P09:25
hendausthanx :)09:25
hakaisougod... this is really screwed......09:25
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hakaisoui can't find any method of data backup that still works09:25
K-Ryanunderdog5004: I'm not familiar with rtorrent but I'm sure someone around here is so stick around and ask around.09:25
Kite_DHfdoving: is 'chroot /mnt/sda1' then 'aptitude dist-upgrade' ok too?09:25
LenningsHow do i install ''using ALSA-supported audio interfaces'' Thats what a program i want to install says i need. Anyone?09:26
LenningsWhere do i find alsa drivers09:26
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:26
hakaisou!alsa | Lennings09:26
ubotuLennings: please see above09:26
K-RyanBeat ya' =P09:26
Lenningsim confused.09:26
underdog5004K-Ryan, maybe it's the meta-data that's stuck on the files themselves? is there any way to change that?09:26
K-RyanCheck those links09:26
LenningsIm new in kubuntu09:26
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Kite_DHLennings: welcome09:27
Kite_DHLennings: to heaven09:27
K-Ryanunderdog5004: I'm not sure09:27
underdog5004oh, wait...maybe it's the last session it's trying to load...h/o09:27
K-RyanWelcome to the other side.09:27
Lenningskite_dh: ah :P09:27
hakaisouwelcome... to the REAL world09:27
K-RyanSecond Matrix line within the past hour.09:27
hakaisouwhat other cheesy welcomes can we come up with09:27
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Kite_DHfdoving: dist-upgrade is now running09:28
fdovingKite_DH: then you need to change all the mount commands to /mnt/sda1/<thing> accordingly.. but yes.09:28
=== hakaisou cries.
hakaisouI'm boned.09:28
LenningsBrb, im gonna reboot... MB the program will work then09:28
Kite_DHhakaisou: ew09:28
K-RyanWell I was reading a bunch of Linux-y type quotes.09:28
K-RyanKite_DH: I don't think that's what he meant...09:28
Kite_DHK-Ryan: haha :)09:28
hakaisouEither I lose some of my data, or I lose a different some of my data09:28
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hakaisoui can't back up anything!09:28
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K-RyanOne of my favorites was "Ignorance is bliss, no wonder so many people are happy with Windows!"09:29
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hakaisouF*** YOU ADEPT!!!!!09:29
LenningsIm dont repooting..09:29
hakaisouyea, isn't Linux great like that09:29
underdog5004k-ryan, thanks for being a sounding board. I just had to delete the old session that it was loading from and reload all the torrents. nice and easy, considering that I was about to rm -rf downloads/*.* lol, 136Gb would have taken awhile09:29
K-RyanOr "Linux is like air conditioners, they stop working when you open Windows"09:29
hakaisouctrl-alt-backspace == 5 second reboot09:29
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K-RyanGlad I could kind of help underdog5004 ;)09:29
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zoohouseHello everyone09:30
underdog5004have a good one, K-Ryan09:30
K-RyanYou too09:30
K-RyanHi there zoohouse!09:30
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LenningsGah! Ardour wont start when i click the icon... Gah09:30
hakaisouwould there be a log for the packages that got removed that I could access?09:30
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K-RyanI don't think there is a log for package adding/removal.09:31
boblenyAny one know of a linux based data recovery software for bad floppy disks?09:31
K-RyanI remember someone asking about a log of packages being added.09:31
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K-RyanHi drkns!09:31
hakaisoubobleny: yea it's called a flashdrive  XD09:31
drknsi have this .386.rpm file that i want to compile09:31
drknshow can i do this?09:31
hakaisouseriously thouhg, i don't know09:31
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zoohouseI am having trouble getting the outside world to see my vncserver... I have my computer connected directly to my DSL modem and using firestarter, I have the firewall disabled. Yet I can't connect to my vncserver using my public ip yet my local ip works fine. when I use canyouseeme.org it say "connection timed out" What may be wrong?09:32
K-RyanI'm not very familiar with compiling but let's see what the bot has to say.09:32
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:32
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K-RyanI don't think that's what you're looking for, but you can try,09:32
boblenyhakaisou: I know, thats why I dont use floppys, normally...09:32
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K-RyanOtherwise stick around in the channel, someone is bound to be able to help.09:32
drknsk-ryan i will try09:32
boblenyAny one know of a linux based data recovery software for bad floppy disks?09:32
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K-RyanYou're welcome.09:33
|ericsson|Anyone know how to get java?09:33
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.09:33
|ericsson|thnx K-Ryan09:33
K-RyanYou're welcome ;)09:33
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K-Ryanzoohouse: I know it may sound funny, but you might want to try port forwarding if you are behind a router.09:33
drknsthats not it but i think i found smtg else on the net thx anyways09:34
navets does anyone here know if you have to have a mac to run a virtual mac os on linux or can you do it with a pc09:34
K-RyanMy router has a built in firewall that "supposedly you can shut down", I always end up having to forward the ports though.09:34
zoohouseK-Ryan: but I am connected directly to the modem, i disconnected the router all together.09:34
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bkudriais there any sort ETA for (semi) official kdevelop 3.4.1 packages?09:34
K-RyanThen I'm not sure09:34
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drknszoohouse do you have a dnsserver set up?09:34
drknsor your dns servers are advertising the ips that you want to use?09:35
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K-Ryannavets: You can probably run a virtual mac on Linux.09:35
hakaisouquick!  software that can blast an NTFS partition and reformat it into a linux compatable format!09:35
hakaisouthank you!09:35
bkudriantfs is linux compatible - sorta09:35
K-RyanRead only09:36
navetsK-Ryan: k thanks09:36
nuuno, read-write09:36
K-RyanWriting is another story..09:36
K-RyanWrite is possible, not recommended.09:36
K-RyanYou're welcome navets.09:36
hakaisoui know that09:36
hakaisoui just need to blast the partition09:36
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nuuit wasn't recommended once...nowadays ntfs-3g is pretty stable09:36
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hakaisoujust want to get rid of the partition09:37
nuuhakaisou: then K-Ryan already answered :)09:38
zoohousedrkns: no...09:38
hakaisoui know09:38
hakaisouinstalling it already09:38
hakaisoui love apt-get09:38
hakaisou:hugs his CLI:09:38
K-RyanI've gotten 8 thank yous this session, =)09:38
K-RyanThat's more than 1 every 10 minutes.09:39
K-RyanOr about that...09:39
nuuK-Ryan ;)09:39
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K-RyanYeah a little over 10 minutes =)09:39
K-RyanI'm on a roll today.09:39
zoohousedrkns: I would need a dnsserver?09:40
underdog5004K-Ryan, do you know how to make sure that ssh is started on boot? I'm running a headless server and it's a huge hassle to [dis|re] connect my monitor.09:40
bkudriais there any sort ETA for (semi) official kdevelop 3.4.1 packages?09:40
hakaisouthis is gonna take a bit09:40
nuuunderdog5004: use update-rc.d or rcconf09:40
K-Ryanunderdog5004: To be honest, I don't know what ssh is =P09:40
hakaisousecure shell, mirite?09:40
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underdog5004!ssh > K-Ryan09:40
underdog5004nuu, update-rc.d ssh   ?09:41
nuuunderdog5004: sudo apt-get install rcconf && sudo rcconf09:41
K-RyanOh it's a remote connection kind of thing.09:41
underdog5004nuu, thanks09:41
chris_scummettehi everybody09:41
nuuyou'll figure it out easily from there09:41
K-RyanHi there chris_scummette!09:42
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto09:42
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K-RyanHas anyone ever just typed "find" in their terminal?09:43
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nuufind is one of the most useful tools ever ;)09:43
hakaisouXD at find09:44
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hakaisoufind EVERYTHING!!!!!!09:44
hakaisouif ever i wanted to see everything on my harddrive at light speed, that was the way to do it09:44
LjLK-Ryan: not alone. sometimes find | wc -l09:44
hakaisouyou can have that be logged can't you?09:45
hakaisoulike into a text file?09:45
nuuuse >09:45
hakaisouthought so09:45
hakaisouthat makes it good to use as a file inventory then09:45
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nuuhakaisou: file inventory how ?09:46
nuuwhat's the purpose of listing all files on your disk :)09:47
hakaisounone really09:47
drknsok thse things wont work09:47
nuui see ;)09:47
hakaisoubut then again...09:47
drknsi am trying to install this package09:47
hakaisouwhats the purpose of setting up dual boots?09:47
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nuubut then again, this is linux and now you're FREE!09:47
nuufree to hack around :P09:47
drknsbarry-0.1-1bcharge.i386.rpm and under the directory i use rpm -i file name09:48
lucaabout hacking...09:48
drknsbut this wont work09:48
lucaI have a problem with bibus, a python application :D09:48
hakaisou99% of dual boot users will rarely or never use the secondary OS's in a dual boot system09:48
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nuuhakaisou: you generally use find to, say, delete files older than x days, or perform repeated actions on every file matching a given pattern in its filename, and such09:49
underdog5004nuu, hmm, there was no option for ssh09:49
nuuunderdog5004: did you install openssh-server ?09:49
lucawhen I tell it to open a file of the bibliography (added the url in the tags of the biblio item) it calls firefox...and instead of opening file:///etc. it does file:///home/luca/"file:///etc."09:49
underdog5004nuu, yep09:49
hakaisouthen i just thought of a good use for it then09:49
hakaisoui read lots of comics right?09:49
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lucaobviously nothing opens out of the box, dunno how to debug it :)09:49
|lostbyte|where can i find the tunctrl command in ?09:50
hakaisoubut unzipping into individual chapters is annoying09:50
hakaisouMASS RENAMES FTW!!!!09:50
nuuunderdog5004: ls -l /etc/init.d | grep ssh09:50
nuuhakaisou :)09:50
underdog5004-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2016 2006-10-05 02:43 ssh09:51
hakaisoulets see if amarok still works09:51
=== hendaus back
hakaisouyay!  it does09:51
hendausK-Ryan:  whats up09:51
hakaisoulets see if i still got mp3 support09:51
underdog5004nuu, when I sudo apt-get install openssh-server, it says that it's already the newest version09:51
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nuuunderdog5004: and when you start sudo rcconf, you don't see a "ssh" in the list ?09:52
nuuyou tried scrolling down using your arrow keys toO ?09:52
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underdog5004nuu, nope, and yes09:53
underdog5004I'm on ubuntu 6.10, server.09:53
K-RyanI'm back09:54
hakaisoui swear if i don't get some power metal right the hell now...09:54
nuuunderdog5004: try sudo update-rc.d ssh defaults09:54
muaddibthey have the relevant KDE repositories for fiesty up yet?09:55
=== Daisuke_Ido plays some easy listening for hakaisou
K-RyanHad someone here to spray my backyard for fleas & ticks so I had to point it out and yeah...09:55
underdog5004it says:  System startup links for /etc/init.d/ssh already exist.09:55
Daisuke_Idomuaddib: for 3.5.7?09:55
hakaisouthank you Powerman 500009:55
underdog5004so, it'll come up automatically already?09:55
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hakaisouyou keep me from thrashing stuff09:55
=== K-Ryan listens to Di.fm
nuuunderdog5004: ls -l /etc/rc2.d/ | grep ssh09:55
underdog5004lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  13 2007-05-22 02:39 S20ssh -> ../init.d/ssh09:55
muaddibDaisuke_Ido yeah09:55
nuugood, it's already set to automatically start :)09:56
Daisuke_Idomuaddib: they've been up for at least hours09:56
Daisuke_Idoi'm already running it :)09:56
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muaddibDaisuke_Ido neat, was just about to install Fiesty again, got my computer working fine and I've got nothing to fix at the moment09:56
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nuuunderdog5004: strange that rcconf fails to detect it though. Not that it matters, but would you try sudo update-rcconf-guide && sudo rcconf ?09:57
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nuuand see if it's there09:57
underdog5004sure, h/o09:57
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underdog5004nuu, still nothing regarding ssh09:58
underdog5004not a biggie, though09:58
underdog5004thanks for the help09:58
K-RyanAnyone know how to launch Planeshift?09:58
LjL!find tunctrl | |lostbyte|09:58
underdog5004K-Ryan, what is it?09:58
nuuwhat do you see there underdog5004 ?09:58
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|lostbyte|LjL, done that first.. nothing.09:59
nuuunderdog5004: it's still a misbehavior on rcconf's side09:59
Osiris207heya everyone\09:59
Osiris207i got kubuntu to install09:59
K-RyanAh, that's good.09:59
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Osiris207but i had to use the new version of kubuntu that doesnt seem to like my wifi card09:59
K-RyanThat can be fixed though.09:59
Osiris207its wierd , in kinfo you can see thew wifi card is there09:59
underdog5004nuu, umm, just shut it down, but from what I can recall: apache, 2-3 mysql things, hdparm, and 3-4 bootclean? entries09:59
Osiris207it says , realtek wireless lan controller09:59
LjL|lostbyte|: then it's not available in any package.09:59
K-RyanBe right back again.10:00
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Osiris207but doesnt show up in the network devices10:00
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hendausK-Ryan:  wb10:02
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hakaisouhow do i unmount a drive?10:02
nuuumount mountpoint or partition10:03
timmayget off it'10:03
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timmayunmount and whatever drive it is10:03
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Osiris207so anyone here good with wifi ?10:03
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nuu!ask | Osiris20710:04
timmayOsiris: what are you looking to find out>?10:04
hakaisoumtab says it's not mounted...10:04
hakaisoubut gparted says won't do anything with it10:04
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nuuhakaisou: sudo umount then10:04
nuusee if that helps10:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about planeshift - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:04
ubotu|lostbyte|: Package/file tunctrl does not exist in feisty10:04
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Osiris207why it is that the new kubuntu hates my wifi card , where as the old one didnt lol10:04
Osiris207basically it dont show up in network devices10:04
ubotuOsiris207: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:04
hakaisouID 10 T error10:05
Osiris207now it shows up in kingo10:05
timmaythere ya go...fixed it10:05
LjL|lostbyte|: well, he thought it through10:05
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Osiris207but , you cant use it10:05
Osiris207so i dunno what to do lol10:05
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Osiris207its there , but it aint ;p10:05
nuuhakaisou: any luck ?10:05
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hakaisougot it10:06
|lostbyte|yea :P10:06
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Osiris207so there you go , eat ya heart out ;p10:06
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hakaisouall right hten10:08
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hakaisoureforming sda2 as sda110:09
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Osiris207well any idea's anyone?10:09
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hakaisoubut only if you're REALLY serious!10:10
Osiris207you talking to me?10:10
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hakaisoui don't know what the topic is though...10:10
hakaisoui'm just making stuff up as i go10:10
hakaisouand quoting ask a ninja10:11
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Osiris207i installed kubuntu and it dont show my wifi card in network devices10:11
Osiris207but it is shown in kinfo... so its knows its there ;p10:11
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hakaisouhave you checked to see if its compatable with kubuntu?10:12
Osiris207well it was compatible with the old kubuntu10:12
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Osiris207so be pritty backwards if it aint compatable with the new one ;p10:12
Osiris207thats normally a windows-vista joke.. but i wont go there10:12
hakaisoustranger things have happened10:13
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hakaisouthe Cleveland Indians are top of the league right now10:13
hakaisoui mean come on10:13
Osiris207but it does my head in10:13
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Osiris207kubuntu is great , i am a big linux fan , but i always get trouble with wifi , does my head in10:14
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jtmoneyhow come it's taking so long for ubuntu to release an updated package for gaim/pidgin? it went from beta to final, i figured that would be kind of important to roll-out10:14
hakaisoui love wired internet10:14
timmaywhat utility would be used for burning CD's and DVD's?10:14
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Kite_DHfdoving: its done10:14
Osiris207i dont have that luxury at the moment10:14
Kite_DH acpid10:14
Kite_DH acpi-support10:14
Kite_DH powermanagement-interface10:14
Kite_DHfdoving: it says there were errors at dist-upgrade10:15
hakaisoutimmay: k3b10:15
muaddibtimmay: k3b10:15
hakaisoubeat ya10:15
Kite_DHtimmay: k3b10:15
Kite_DHluv ya guys10:15
Osiris207so , does anyone know how to help my problem?10:15
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hakaisousorry, i don't mess with wifi too much10:16
hakaisouover my head10:16
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timmaycool, hehe it's only my second day on kubuntu...so it's a hard transition from windows to this10:16
timmaybut i'm liking it more10:16
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Kite_DHfdoving: should i reeboot now?10:16
sayersI just cant get this printer to work on windows :(10:16
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muaddibtimmay: k3b is one of those programs that is so incredibly better than anything on windows, or other linux programs as well. one of my favorite applications10:17
timmaywill it "backup" my copyrights items? ;)10:18
sayersk3b is good ;)10:18
sayerseven better than stuff you can waste money on :D10:18
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Osiris207is there a channel for wifi support on irc?10:18
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=== jordo23 loves k3b
Osiris207i mean specifcally kubuntu wifi*10:19
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Ayabarawhy oh why must it be so hard to get the vga on my laptop to output something that my tv can understand?10:21
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:22
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binkshey can i check a hdd for errors under linux ie my doze drive keeps restarting even after a fresh install and since i mainly use *nix is there a disk testing tool10:23
timmayquestion: my buddy is using ubuntu and just installed the kubuntu upgrade, but how does he change the GUI to show like kubuntu instead of ubuntu10:23
Fahuadaion the klogin, select session10:23
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hendausK-Ryan:  are u there10:24
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mzanfardinookay, can those of us who have not upgraded to Fiesty get to a repository for KDE 3.5.7 for Edgy?10:25
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RawSewageIm in Feisty and have 3.5.610:26
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Daisuke_IdoRawSewage: well yeah, that's what's included with feisty10:27
RawSewagewhats in 3.5.710:27
Daisuke_Idomzanfardino: probably not until some enterprising soul creates an edgy repo10:27
mzanfardinoI'm on Edgy with 3.5.6 as well. I was hoping 3.5.7 would be available for Edgy... all the links I'm finding are for fiesty10:27
Daisuke_Idonot much10:27
mzanfardinoDaisuke_Ido: ok, good enough10:28
RawSewagewhats so great about .710:28
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zoohouseI am having trouble getting the outside world to see my vncserver... I have my computer connected directly to my DSL modem and using firestarter, I have the firewall disabled. Yet I can't connect to my vncserver using my public ip yet my local ip works fine. when I use canyouseeme.org it say "connection timed out" What may be wrong?10:28
=== Daisuke_Ido fwaps zoohouse
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Daisuke_Idofoward the ports.10:29
zoohouseDaisuke_Ido: it is connected directly to the modem with ippasstrough enabled10:30
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Daisuke_Idothen it obviously isn't working10:30
Timsendoes the vnc listen on the outside address?10:30
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Timsencan you see that with netstat -tanp ?10:31
zoohouseTimsen: what do you mean?10:31
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zoohouseTimsen: cp        0      0  *               LISTEN     7465/Xtightvnc10:31
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Daisuke_Idoit's listening on
Timsenokay should listen10:32
Timsenthat means it does listening on all interfaces10:32
zoohouseIs that wrong?10:32
Daisuke_Idoalright then.10:32
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Daisuke_Idoperhaps ip passthrough isn't working?10:33
zoohouseI have firestarter allowing port 5901 from everyone10:33
zoohouseDaisuke_Ido: that is running trough my head...10:33
Timseni can be a problem because you are trying to reach your external ip from withing your external ip10:34
zoohouseahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i am going to have to do this after work10:34
zoohouseTimsen: I don't think so because I also use canyouseeme.org to test the port10:34
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Timsenthats a good point10:35
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zoohouseTimsen: thanks for the help but I am going to have to tackle this later after work.10:36
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zoohousesee you guys later10:36
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lurkinsimonanyone home ?10:41
Ace2016most people are away getting kde 3.5.710:41
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lurkinsimonI am a bit in trouble here, I could use a tad bit of help10:43
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hakaisouok then10:44
lurkinsimonanyone knowledgeable about wifi and wep issues ?10:44
hakaisouhow do i mount partitions off a live CD?10:45
stdinhakaisou: like 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt '10:45
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bbeck_does anyone know the package name for the kickoff menu?10:46
Arwenkicker? lol10:47
hakaisoustdin:  where does that mount to?10:47
stdinhakaisou: to /mnt10:47
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OlliKHi, all!10:47
stdin!kickoff | bbeck_10:47
ubotubbeck_: Kickoff is a new KDE menu replacement developed by openSUSE. See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/233110:47
OlliKDoes anyone know what is the command-line command for taking a screenshot in KDE?10:47
OlliKSomething similar than the gnome-screenshot in gnome10:47
stdinbbeck_: don't know if it's in the repos tho10:48
stdinOlliK: ksnapshot?10:48
lurkinsimonI have a router which runs only wep for now, as putting it on wpa is quite troublesome. How do I get knetworkmanager to let me use the network he detected, in wep ?10:48
lurkinsimonby default it doesn't let me10:48
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OlliKstdin: thanks10:48
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lurkinsimonanybody ? :D10:50
stdinknetworkmanager always asked me for the wep key10:50
hakaisoustdin: thanks10:51
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Kite_DHfdoving: okay im on feisty now, everything, except of the sound10:51
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lurkinsimonstdin, when I run knetworkmanager it sees my router (a livebox) but by default it does not allow me to select a wep, just wpa. If on the other hand I tell it "conenct me to antoher network" then I get a wep option.10:52
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lurkinsimonwhich is ridiculous since that other network is just fictious10:52
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lurkinsimonon the "real" network it just sees wpa personal or enterprise10:53
stdindo you only use one wifi network? if so, then just put the settings in System Settings -> Network Settings10:53
hakaisouquestion, is there a second place where I can mount a drive in the live cd?10:53
Jack31oh yay10:53
Jack31kde 3.710:53
hakaisouoh... ok then10:53
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hakaisoui got it10:53
stdinhakaisou: yeah, just make a directory and mount it there, eg: sudo mkdir /mount110:54
CugelNo problems with it, hakai?10:54
stdinJack31: 3.7? you mean 3.5.7?10:54
phpcodehow to get a valid ident?10:54
Jack31oops yeh10:54
hakaisoui think i figured out a solution10:54
Jack31is it worth an upgrade?10:54
hakaisouinside the first mounted drive there was folder also named mnt10:54
hakaisouso i used that10:55
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stdinphpcode: install a ident server, I use pidentd10:55
CugelWell they fixed a few bugs and introduced some new ones, so I guess it's okay.10:55
stdinhakaisou: just make sure you un-mount them in order then10:55
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RawSewagei named my folder Drive B10:56
RawSewagei named my folder DriveB10:56
phpcodestdin: Ok. thx :)10:56
binksanyone no why or how i find out why kubuntu hangs when i try restart10:57
binksi just get a black screen10:57
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hakaisouthanks for the assist stdin10:57
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hakaisounow i can keep all my stuff10:58
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Osiris207hey everyone10:58
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Osiris207can anyone tell me why my wifi is unclaimed** , have a look in the pastebin and you'll see what i mean11:00
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stdinI think that means that the driver isn't loaded for it11:02
Osiris207so what do i do11:02
Osiris207sorry to sound blunt11:02
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stdinnot sure, find what the driver is and sudo modprobe it11:03
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:03
Osiris207i have a linux  driver for the chipset i got , i just dont know how to use it11:03
Osiris207as in , i dont understand the readme11:03
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stdinpastebin it11:04
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ahmedguys does any one know hot to disable xgl ?11:04
Osiris207there you go stdin11:05
Cugelahmed: just remove it?11:05
ahmedwell i dont want to remove it11:05
ahmedi run a game under wine11:05
ahmedit runs very slowly11:05
ahmedwarcraft 3..11:05
CugelAh, like that. Sorry I don't run it myself.11:05
CugelGoogle for 'disable xgl', I found a few hints.11:06
stdinOsiris207: seems you just need to run "./makedrv" from the same directory as the README filr11:07
Osiris207how do you run it?11:07
Osiris207do i just type ./makedrv11:07
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Osiris207in the consol11:07
Osiris207i did that11:07
Osiris207nothing happens11:07
Osiris207apartently you have to change its file type or something11:08
Osiris207so it says in the read me.. chmod 788 , but that dont do anything either11:08
Osiris207i dunno what ia m doing ;p11:08
stdingot a link to the file you downloaded, so I can poke around?11:08
Osiris207yeah sure11:09
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Osiris207i'll get one for you11:09
Osiris207sorry to be a pain11:09
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rayluOsiris207, chmod +x makedr11:11
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hakaisouyou know?11:11
Osiris207chmod +x makedrv , that whole command in the console?11:11
hakaisouit's amazing how long it takes for 30 gigs to transfer from one drive to another11:12
nardaxHi there,11:12
Osiris207there you go stdin11:12
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hakaisouhennl nardax11:12
hakaisouhello even11:12
rayluOsiris207, yes11:12
jtmoneyhow come it's taking so long for ubuntu to release an updated package for gaim/pidgin? it went from beta to final, i figured that would be kind of important to roll-out11:12
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Osiris207what does that do>11:12
intelikeyok i have compiled the information.   i don't know where to drop the info,  i'm not sure if it's kernel side (probably is)   or in the app (mc = midnight commander).     i'm not going to regester with launchpad but if anyone is interested in the bug report i can dcc a copy of the text file   or pastebin it  at your discression.11:12
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nardaxIm a newbie11:13
rayluOsiris207, it allows it to be executed11:13
K-RyanWelcome to the other sid nardax.11:13
rayluOsiris207, when you ls it, it will be green. i believe the two 8s in 788 are for that too11:13
Osiris207ls it ?11:13
K-Ryannardax: Having trouble with something?11:13
rayluwhen you type ls, the color of the file will be green11:13
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nardaxyup.. it's the video driver11:14
rayluthat may help11:14
Osiris207why do i need to type ls?11:14
K-RyanWhat make and model video card do you have?11:14
nardaxmy laptop is IBM T60 which has ATI mobile 140011:14
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Osiris207sorry i must sound dumb lol11:14
rayluOsiris207, i'm just mentioning it11:14
intelikeyanybody interested ?  http://intelikey.pastebin.us/3665711:14
rayluyou don't need to of course11:14
Osiris207oo i see  thankyou11:14
rayluit's the quickest, easiest way to check :P11:14
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nardaxI already downloaded the driver and run it..11:15
K-Ryannardax: I haven't done an Ati one in a while but I'll try to walk you through it.11:15
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K-Ryannardax: There is more than just downloading from Ati11:15
K-RyanHold on two seconds11:15
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:15
Osiris207i need all the help i can get lol11:15
nardaxrun with command ./ blar blar.run11:15
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NotFaintNew-ish Kubuntu user here. Who's got an ear for my problems?11:16
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:16
K-RyanNotFaint, ask away11:16
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nardaxwow you guy are very nice to me, thank you all11:16
K-RyanIf someone has an answer, they will answer.11:16
NotFaintOh no, I don't know who I should listen to! :P11:16
K-RyanSorry nardax =P11:16
Osiris207stdin , did you have a look?11:16
NotFaintMy problem is with using KlamAV to scan a drive I've got in a mobile bay.11:16
K-RyanI'm reading through the help file to figure out what you should do.11:16
rayluOsiris207, you set it to x, right? try running it now11:17
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K-Ryannardax: Open up your terminal11:17
stdinOsiris207: I'm looking at it11:17
Osiris207i am not on kubuntu , so i'll have  reboot11:17
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nardaxIt detected the video card and I chose the detected one11:17
rayluOsiris207, oh. what are you trying to do anyway?11:17
Osiris207i'll let stdin have a look at the driver and comment , then i'll reboot and see what i can do11:17
NotFaintI created a mountpoint, mounted the drive -- the partition is NTFS, by the way, which could be the whole problem -- and tried to scan it in KlamAV, selecting it from /media/customerdrive (the mountpoint I made) but I don't have permission. Do I need to run Klam with sudo or something like that?11:17
Osiris207i am trying to install a driver for my wifi11:17
nardaxHowever, after I restart the ubuntu it is gone.11:17
raylu!chown | NotFaint11:18
ubotuNotFaint: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:18
K-Ryannardax: You're using Kubuntu right?11:18
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rayluNotFaint, type "man chown"11:18
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rayluOsiris207, i assume you're working on ndiswrapper?11:18
NotFaintraylu: I know loosely what it does, enough that the man would just feel tedious to read :P11:18
K-Ryan7.04 Feisty?11:18
Osiris207i have a driver specifically for linux11:18
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NotFaintif I chown it to myself, am I chowning the mount point or the device or what?11:19
K-RyanBut the video card isn't working?11:19
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underdog5004nuu, K-Ryan , I restarted my server,  but I couldn't ssh in...nmap wasn't even showing it...so I futzed around, read a magazine, and when I finally plugged the monitor in, it was showing the installation screen. I'd left the install cd in the drive!11:19
K-RyanWell, drivers11:19
rayluNotFaint, the mount. the device is owned by root (i believe)11:19
NotFaintGotcha. Will try. Thanks.11:19
rayluNotFaint, and it's in /dev11:19
nardaxno. Kubuntu works as Vesa mode11:19
raylunardax, *X?11:19
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K-RyanVesa mode?11:19
raylui think he means X is using the vesa driver11:19
nardaxyup I think so11:19
K-RyanAlright, open your console and type "glxgears"11:20
K-Ryanunderdog5004: So all is well?11:20
underdog5004yes sir11:20
NotFaintAlso, if anybody knows, once I get to scanning this with Klam, since it's NTFS and I can only read it, can Klam still kill viruses it finds?11:20
K-RyanGlad to hear11:20
underdog5004just thought I'd share my exp with you11:20
rayluNotFaint, no11:20
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Osiris207stdin , i will just reboot and try the suggestion , i'll be back on a in a min if you have any comments11:20
K-Ryanunderdog5004: Thanks ;)11:20
NotFaintso do I need a third-party NTFS driver or something11:21
rayluNotFaint, unelss you want to use the ntfs writing driver11:21
stdinOsiris207: ok11:21
K-Ryannardax: Is it running smoothly or choppy?11:21
NotFaintraylu: I keep reading that there are... problems.11:21
rayluK-Ryan, he's ATI, right? fglrxinfo?11:21
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nardaxK, smoothly11:21
NotFaintThis is a customer's machine, and I don't want to screw it up TOO bad, but I don't wanna risk infecting another Windows machine by putting it in there.11:21
K-Ryanraylu: Yeah he's an Ati user(Yes only the A is capital)11:21
pirungahow can I upgrade kubuntu from dapper to feisty ??11:21
K-RyanBut with official drivers or something.11:21
rayluNotFaint, yeah. it's possible that it screws up and you lose a lot of data, but it's stable enough for desktop use (so most people say)11:21
NotFaintpirunga: shouldn't Adept prompt you?11:21
nardaxbut I cant use the maximum resolution.11:21
raylupirunga, to edgy first11:21
K-Ryannardax: If it's running smoothly, then your card seems to be working properly.11:21
stdin!upgrade | pirunga11:22
ubotupirunga: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)11:22
K-RyanFor glxgears? It's supposed to be small.11:22
NotFaintraylu: And how about you? Do YOU trust it? :P11:22
underdog5004notfaint, check out ntfs-3g for mounting ntfs drives rw11:22
K-Ryanor bigger, my bad...11:22
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K-Ryannardax: Or do you mean your screen resolution?11:22
NotFaintunderdog5004: Thought I read somewhere about that one being older than something else that's out... I can't remember exactly what I read now11:22
rayluNotFaint, nope. I have windows installed so I use it for that. I don't need it, so my opinion isn't very meaningful. it's mostly useless to me11:22
rayluit would be a welcome convenience, but not worth the risk11:23
NotFaintraylu: I can kinda see what you mean about not needing it. If I didn't play games...11:23
pirungaraylu, can I use apt or something to get edgy first?11:23
nardaxscreen resolution11:23
NotFaintWell, maybe I'll just risk my Windows partition. I can always wipe it. And it's not like I could get a boot sector virus, since grub owns that11:23
raylupirunga, i think so...but i don't know how. I just installed over my edgy (never had dapper) because I wanted a fresh start11:23
NotFaintThanks all. I'm out.11:24
K-Ryannardax: Okay, so your maximum screen resolution isn't showing up in KDE Menu > System Settings > Monitor and Display?11:24
rayluNotFaint, you could find the virus with klam and11:24
nardaxIt is supposed to be able to get bigger one..11:24
K-RyanBye Notfaint11:24
rayluNotFaint, remove it in windows manually11:24
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NotFaintraylu: It'll probably be hidden somehow in Windows.11:24
nardaxno. thats the problem11:24
hakaisouanyone know of a program that can stream and transcode media to an XBox 360?11:24
rayluNotFaint, huh? why?11:24
mikkaeli got enabled onboard sound + a pci card. where do i tell kubuntu which one it should use ?11:24
K-Ryannardax: I said it isn't showing =P11:24
K-RyanHold on a minute here11:24
NotFaintraylu: Rootkits, stuff like that -- I'm a bit rusty, I let the utilities handle that stuff.11:24
hakaisoui know that there are windows programs that can do it, but i'm not sure about linux11:25
raylumikkael, I think it's kmenu > system settings > sound, but i'm not sure11:25
stdinpirunga: follow this guide to go to edgy: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade11:25
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nardaxBecause of that texts look little bit weird11:25
ahmedguys any one know how to play an opengl game with full 3dsupport under xgl ??11:25
ahmedguys any one know how to play an opengl game with full 3dsupport under xgl ??11:25
NotFaintbut I mean, files hidden in alternate data streams, even, or just... I don't know. Last time I tried deleting a known infected file manually it just didn't work.11:25
raylupirunga, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades11:25
stdinpirunga: then this one to go from edgy to feisty http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading11:25
K-Ryannardax: Ah, okay I'm looking for a fix as we speak.11:25
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hakaisouwoah... infected?11:25
NotFaintAnyway, REALLY gone this time. :P Thanks again all.11:25
hakaisoudid someone get a virus in linux when i wasn't looking?11:26
pirungawhat the name of packege gksu ???11:26
nardaxOh, thank you..11:26
K-RyanYou're welcome11:26
underdog5004hakaisou, no, it's a virus on a windows partition, I think11:26
underdog5004a pretty mean set of 'em, sounds like11:26
K-RyanAlright here's where I begin to not know what to do.11:27
hakaisouok then, that makes sense11:27
K-RyanHowever, you're going to need to add a line in your xorg.conf11:27
basquiathi there. installing kde 3.5.7, I have two little questions: 1) kpager doesn't seem to work well with beryl again (only one desktop is 'active'), 2) kmail is supposed to be able to show useragent/x-mailer in fancy headers - I can't find the configuration for that. any hints?11:27
Ownatikhi, if I install kubuntu over freebsd, will it overwrite the loader?11:27
nardaxI know where it is11:27
raylupirunga, gksu = kdesu for gnome11:27
K-RyanBut I'm not sure exactly what all the numbers should be.11:27
K-RyanDon't open it yet because I'm not going to be able to tell you what to put in.11:27
raylubasquiat, 1. is a known issue, i think. no idea about 211:27
underdog5004basquiat, why even use kpager? just hold down the scroll button on the mouse, and move all around!11:28
rayluOwnatik, do you have a seperate /boot partition?11:28
K-RyanHey guys, nardax needs help adding a screen resolution in his xorg.conf, can someone help him?11:28
stdinpirunga: kde uses kdesu, not gksu11:28
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basquiatunderdog5004: ehe, yes, that regression bug doesn't hurt too much, right. :)11:28
rayluK-Ryan, google: "modeline" i'm feeling lucky11:28
K-RyanBut wouldn't it differ based on the monitor?11:29
nardaxxorg.conf is under /ect/X11 right?11:29
nardaxyup.. I'm here11:29
ahmedguys any one know how to play an opengl game with full 3dsupport under xgl ??11:29
rayluK-Ryan, yes. but it asks you for your scan/refresh rate, etc.11:29
underdog5004basquiat, I think it's easier, imho, to use the mouse to move, rather than a little panel11:29
Ownatikraylu I don't really know .. I had windows xp installed, installed desktopbsd, got an error about grub on install and now it only loads desktopbsd which is corrupted ...11:29
rayluOwnatik, what's your partition setup?11:29
ahmedguys any one know how to play an opengl game with full 3dsupport under xgl ??11:29
K-RyanOh okay that would work11:29
raylunardax, yes. /etc11:29
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stdinahmed: maybe try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17663611:29
nardaxI got it11:29
stdinahmed: or just don't log into a xgl session11:30
raylunardax, before you use the modeline generator, you'll need to find your monitor specs11:30
ahmedwell there is a game warcraft311:30
ahmedruns very slow in xgl session11:30
ahmedand in other sessions11:30
Ownatikraylu 110 gb XP, 20gb BSD , 20 gb fat32 (mp3)11:30
ahmedit doesnt run at all cause of some registry mess with wine11:30
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ahmedi have an ati card, fglrx driver11:30
rayluOwnatik, it can't be that simple. doesn't BSD require an extended and a swap partition?11:30
K-Ryannardax: That looks like it will work so you are going to want to add that in your xorg.conf11:31
K-RyanSave, and try to switch to it in Monitor and Display11:31
rayluthe modeline generator even tells you what section to add the modeline to and how to configure your screens11:31
nardaxShould I restart Ubuntu in order to apply the change?11:31
raylunardax, no, just X. ctrl+alt+backspace11:32
rayluwait, make sure you know how to use the console11:32
nardaxand startx?11:32
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rayluto revert back to your old xorg.conf11:32
rayluctrl+alt+backspace starts x for you11:32
Ownatikraylu probably, but the install should make one11:32
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nardaxI'll do it right now11:32
K-Ryan"Linux, because rebooting is only for hardware changes."11:32
rayluOwnatik, it's not uncommon for nix installs to have seperate partitions for /etc, /boot, /home, etc...11:33
nardaxI got it11:33
K-RyanJust a quote =P11:33
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raylulol, K-Ryan. wait till you see me hotplug a cd-drive in :P11:33
AutoMatriXhi there, you geeks11:33
nardaxthank you guys. After I restart the X, I'll be back11:33
K-RyanHello AutoMatriX...11:33
=== raylu would refute that, AutoMatriX, but given my last statement i don't think i can
K-RyanNo problem nardax11:33
Ownatikraylu anyway im pretty screwed, all I want is my XP back so I can reinstall kubuntu after11:34
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rayluOwnatik, huh? i thought your concern was your grub loader11:34
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rayluOwnatik, does your boot loader not work?11:34
Osiris207stdin , did you find anything11:34
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Ownatikraylu that's it , but it seems the BSD loader override grub or something11:35
Osiris207i did that chmod +x makedrv , but that script has errors all over it11:35
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rayluOwnatik, what's the BSD loader called?11:35
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rayluOsiris207, chmod or makedrv?11:35
stdinOsiris207: can't get it to work here, I'd say to try ndiswrapper11:35
rayluwhat's Osiris's brand/model?11:35
Ownatikraylu I don't really know but I think it's or BTX or boot0loader11:35
Ownatiksomething like that11:35
rayluwhat were the errors makedrv gave?11:35
Osiris207i didnt copy them11:36
rayluOwnatik, it is possible to install just grub from a (k)ubuntu livecd11:36
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Osiris207but it was loads , files missing , all sorts11:36
rayluOsiris207, i'm sure you just need to install a few packages11:36
rayluOsiris207, unless they were syntax errors or something11:36
Osiris207i'll use ndiswrapper , i've used it before , but it mucked opensuse up11:37
Osiris207lets hope kubuntu isnt as bad11:37
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Ownatikraylu I don't know, but i'm reinstalling kubuntu instead od BSD , hope it'll work or im screwed11:37
rayluOwnatik, why? if you just want XP back, just install grub11:37
stdinraylu: output here is http://stdin.pastebin.us/3665911:37
Ownatikraylu i want xp ans kubuntu, so wo't installing kubuntu install grub also?11:38
raylustdin, i assume you ran the configure script?11:38
K-RyanYes Ownatik11:38
rayluOwnatik, oh. in that case, go ahead11:38
Ownatikok thanks11:38
stdinraylu: there is no configure script11:38
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raylustdin, yeah. the thing isn't passing the right number of arguments to a dozen different functions. i suppose it actually was miscoded...11:39
hakaisouok, now to unmount the drives11:39
hakaisouthe unmount command is umount, right?11:39
DarkFeelingis there to difficult to change the bootsplash image and set one i like?11:39
RawSewageI use KwikDisk11:40
stdinraylu: either that, or the kernel has changed too much in the time it was written, it's for 2.6.x11:40
RawSewageit's an icon in your tray for easy mounting, see how much space you have, etc.   It's part of the  kdf package11:40
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K-RyanDarkFeeling: I know it's easy to change the splash screen, but I'm not sure about a custom one.11:40
rayluhakaisou, yes11:40
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stdinhakaisou: yeah, sudo umount /mnt/mnt, then sudo umount /mnt11:41
rayluDarkFeeling, the boot loader or the splash screen?11:41
stdinhakaisou: if that's how you mounted them11:41
hakaisouit is11:41
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DarkFeelingK-Ryan, its not the splash screen. is that one that says kubunu with the blue bar right before you type the login stuff.11:41
hakaisouand yea they are all unmounted now11:41
orvilleDarkFeeling: there is a readme that comes with the grub-themes that explains how.11:41
K-RyanAh, not sure about that/11:41
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K-RyanHe wants to change the Kubuntu loading screen logo.11:41
orvilleDarkFeeling: nm. I don't think you're referring to the grub boot screen :-)11:42
K-RyanWhen booting up.11:42
rayluDarkFeeling, usplash. but don't run that command :P there is some too to configure it11:42
DarkFeelingK-Ryan, thats right i dindt know whow to say it11:42
orvillehe does.11:42
=== orville would edit the grub menu.lst file but that's just me
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about startupmanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:42
raylu!info startupmanager11:42
ubotuPackage startupmanager does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas11:42
rayluoh, right11:43
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ahmedguys any windows emulator other than wine ??11:43
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rayluDarkFeeling, deb http://ubuntusoftware.info/ edgy all11:43
rayluahmed, winex, cedega, crossover11:43
rayluall mostly the same thing :P11:43
stdinahmed: wine is not an emulator tho11:43
stdinand winex is dead11:43
stdinhas been for a while now11:44
matthew_ahmed, maybe...cedega...but it's based on wine, I think11:44
Lunar_LampHow do I change the menu so it doesn't do "Package name (package description)"? I can't find the option anywhere at all, and I really don't like it.11:44
ahmedwell wine alternate then11:44
ahmedbut cedega aint free .. any pirated version or so ?11:44
rayluLunar_Lamp, context, please11:44
matthew_we can't endorse that, I'm sorry, ahmed11:44
Lunar_Lampraylu, the "k-menu".11:44
rayluahmed, if there was, woiuld we tell you?11:44
=== megavolt_ [n=megavolt@zdv-vpn2-39-32.zdv.Uni-Mainz.DE] has joined #kubuntu
rayluLunar_Lamp, the kmenu doesn't say package anywhere...11:44
ubotupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o11:44
matthew_ahmed, you might check out virtualbox or vmware player. You can just install windows on a virtual machine and run whatever from there.11:45
rayluLunar_Lamp, oh. i see what you mean. right-click > edit menu11:45
Lunar_Lampraylu, it gives the package name in the menu, and the package description. For example "k3b (CD&DDVD burning)"11:45
ahmedwell yea but it will be real slow11:45
ahmedrunning anything11:45
ahmedespecially games11:45
rayluthat's neither the package name nor description, though :p11:45
matthew_ahmed, what game are you trying to play? you might ust want to have an XP partition that is specifically for gaming11:45
Lunar_LampI can't see any option to change it when I right click and edit menu...11:46
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matthew_ahmed, dual booting, I mean11:46
rayluLunar_Lamp, type it in on the right11:46
rayluLunar_Lamp, and click save to update11:46
nardaxI'm back11:46
ahmedmatthew i want a wine alternate11:46
Lunar_Lampraylu, I want to stop it showing the descriptions...11:46
rayluLunar_Lamp, so take them out!11:46
=== matthew_ [n=matthew@adsl-76-227-19-72.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
Lunar_LampAll of them? There are loads!11:47
Lunar_LampI'm sure there's an option to turn that off too..11:47
=== raylu magically removes them for you.
raylunot really. each one is set independently of the others11:47
Lunar_LampSo there is no "hide description" button?11:47
Lunar_LampI'm sure I've used it before...11:47
raylunot that i know of. again, it's not a description11:48
rayluit's part of the menu label11:48
Lunar_LampThe dialogue calls it a description.11:48
K-RyanUmm, how would I go about searching "insert file name"11:48
Lunar_LampName: Akregator11:48
=== raylu is still thinking package description. oops
rayluK-Ryan, in what?11:48
Lunar_LampDescroption: RSS feed reader11:48
rayluK-Ryan, searching...in what11:48
Lunar_LampComment: an rss akregator for kde11:48
ahmedwhats winex ?11:48
K-RyanIn the Konsole11:49
K-RyanI'm looking for a file11:49
rayluK-Ryan, oh. in your HD, then11:49
hakaisouis a 2Gig swap file overkill?11:49
K-RyanOh, right, sorry =P11:49
hakaisouswap partition i mean11:49
K-RyanHow much RAM?11:49
hakaisou2 Gigs11:49
K-RyanErr, they recommend twice your RAM11:49
ahmedwats winex ?11:49
hakaisoua ripoff11:49
K-RyanBut 4 gigs of swap, never heard of that before.11:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about winex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:49
rayluK-Ryan, i don't remember the command, but find [path]  [expr]  may work for you11:50
K-RyanNo idea ahmed11:50
=== mahdi_ [n=mahdi@c-24-147-12-73.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
hakaisouwinex is now called cedega11:50
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega11:50
hakaisouif you want to spend money on stuff Wine can do anyway, sure11:50
K-Ryanraylu: expr?11:50
=== morvok [n=morvok@bas4-london14-1088908127.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
rayluK-Ryan, expression. try kfind11:50
hakaisouwell, i'll stick with a 2gig Swap11:50
rayluwait, nvm. that's GUI11:50
mahdi_there anyway to switch my system clock from military time to regular am/pm?11:50
hakaisoumostly cause i've got it configured like that, and 4 gigs does seem WAY overkill11:51
K-RyanI don't seem to have Kfind...11:51
raylumahdi_, right-click, format11:51
K-RyanYes mahdi_11:51
rayluK-Ryan, lowercase k. but that's gui11:51
K-RyanRight click the clock and goto configure clock11:51
K-RyanOh, right11:51
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K-Ryanmahdi_: Sorry that's not it, ignore my "right click configure"11:52
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raylulocate(1), locatedb(5), updatedb(1),  xargs(1),  chmod(1),  fnmatch(3),11:52
raylu       regex(7),  stat(2),  lstat(2), ls(1), printf(3), strftime(3), ctime(3),11:52
raylu       Finding Files (on-line in Info, or printed).11:52
K-RyanHi there tree_!11:52
mahdi_K-Ryan: was about to say, didn't see anything in the configure dialogue for that11:52
K-RyanYeah it's right click date & time format11:53
tree_i keep having a reoccuring problem where under fiesty.. certain sites like nhl.com etc cause flash to sieze up and freeze the machine11:53
K-RyanHave you tried to install flash?11:53
tree_is there anyway to uninstall flash 9?11:53
K-RyanHow did you try to install it?11:53
K-RyanYou didn't download the package did you? =P11:53
tree_i might have11:54
K-RyanDid you download it from Add/Remove Programs, sudo apt-get install, Adept Package Manager, or Synaptic Package Manager?11:54
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tree_i did sudo apt-get install11:55
tree_i did this :   sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree11:55
=== keriomis [n=keriomis@hel59-2-89-85-132-5.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #kubuntu
tree_now i wished i hadent11:56
K-RyanThat sounds about right11:56
K-RyanHere's what you do11:56
K-Ryansudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree11:56
albertmkDoes anyone understand the problem with "No rule to make target,," ?????11:56
K-RyanThen afterward you can try reinstalling it, otherwise you may need some kind of a replacement.11:56
raylualbertmk, you need to ./configure11:56
albertmkIn fact, there is no configure file anywhere11:57
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albertmkIt must be because I am using cmake.11:57
tree_kryan thx11:57
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raylualbertmk, what are you trying to make?11:57
tree_wheres the best place to install flash 9 from?11:57
raylutree_, firefox has an automatic installer, but that doesn't seem to work too often11:57
K-RyanThe repositories11:57
K-Ryan(What you did)11:57
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albertmkraylu: I am trying to make a software called openModeller11:58
K-RyanWhen I first had Ubuntu I actually downloaded the linux version from adobe and somehow managed to get it working.11:58
tree_i'll do some more googling11:59
albertmkraylu: Do you want me to show you the text of the problem?11:59
K-Ryantree_ are you using firefox?11:59
tree_yes swiftfox even11:59
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K-Ryanswiftfox? never heard of it11:59
raylualbertmk, sure, I guess11:59
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K-RyanHowever, you might want to try sudo apt-get isntall swf-player11:59
tree_but it freezes konqueror on the same pages as firefox11:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swiftfox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:59
=== hivemind [n=kasdaye@S010600179a9f2971.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanHow about when you didn't have flash?12:00
albertmkraylu: can you tell me the website for posting stuff?12:00
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:00
luke-jr_workDoes Kubuntu count as Ubuntu?12:00
K-RyanIt's a version of it12:00
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ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE12:00
luke-jr_workeg, if I am installing a server, will I get the *exact* same thing?12:00
K-RyanWhat do you mean by "thing"?12:00
rayluo.0? ubuntu server is ubuntu without the gui...12:00
rayluso wth is a kubuntu server?12:00
luke-jr_workK-Ryan: finished product12:01
K-RyanSure, might use a different program.12:01
luke-jr_workall the files binary equal etc12:01
K-RyanBy default anyway12:01
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albertmkraylu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22056/12:01
K-RyanRule of thumb is that whatever works on Ubuntu works on Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Edubuntu12:01
luke-jr_workdoesn't mean a corp will support it...12:01
luke-jr_workunless it's binary equal so they cannot determine a difference12:02
hakaisouok then, time to reboot12:02
K-RyanThe same file would work on Ubuntu/Kubuntu/etc.12:02
K-RyanWithout changes12:02
K-RyanGranted it's not meant for Windows12:02
Cugel"Since this seems to be a pretty big issue and ALL the solutions proposed don't work in my case, I'm switching back to Windows." -- some people need to be a bit more patient.12:02
raylualbertmk, what's in build.bat, autogen.sh, and doCheckInstall.sh?12:02
Ash-FoxApparently I shouldn't be able to play dvds on according to someone if I don't have libdvdcss. Now, I know if I set the regioncode on my DVD drive to the correct region of the DVD, I can play those DVDs. However, what I found was interesting... I can play region 1 DVDs on my DVD drive that has region 2 set, while not having libdvdcss installed (I just have ubuntu-restricted-extras and libxine-extracodecs installed) -- Can anyone explain the 12:02
K-RyanI agree Cugel12:02
luke-jr_workbut unless it's exactly Ubuntu 6.06, the company will not support12:03
Ash-FoxI bet that cut off.12:03
Cugel(from a thread on the ubuntuforums)12:03
albertmkraylu: Do you want me to run it?12:03
raylualbertmk, um...sure.12:03
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K-Ryanluke-jr_work: Same12:03
K-RyanWhat works on 6.06 works on 6.10 and 7.04 if I'm not mistaken12:03
albertmkraylu: hmmm12:03
tree_k-ryan on a site that says you need this flash plugin click here to install... and it installs adobe flash...is that the best way to go?12:03
rayluK-Ryan, wireless :P12:04
=== kriminal` [n=kriminal@host115-243-dynamic.9-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
raylutree_, i'd recommend trying t12:04
K-RyanPsshh, that's not an issue here raylu12:04
tree_k thx12:04
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K-Ryantree_ You might want to try reinstalling the flash package first12:04
K-RyanJust in case it was a package gone wrong12:04
K-RyanUp to you though12:04
albertmkraylu: How can I run a .bat file?12:04
luke-jr_workK-Ryan: but if I call up VMWare, they will refuse to help if it's 6.10 or 7.0412:04
K-RyanWhatever works you should use =P12:04
raylualbertmk, oh. don't run that one :P just open it in a text editor12:05
albertmkraylu: and I cannot run doCheckInstall.sh.12:05
K-RyanThen you should be happy you're on 6.06 luke-jr_work12:05
raylualbertmk, why not?12:05
=== Fri13 [n=Fri13@86-60-137-67-dyn-dsl.ssp.fi] has joined #kubuntu
tree_every time i go to NHL.com i get a system freeze12:05
tree_from flash12:05
tree_i suspect12:05
K-RyanIs there no flash-less version?12:05
K-RyanI haven't been there in a while so I don't know...12:06
albertmk./doCheckInstall.sh: line 13: checkinstall: command not found12:06
tree_im only going there as a test12:06
K-RyanWithout flash?12:06
tree_because i know it did freeze the system before12:06
tree_its full of flash12:06
K-RyanNo, are you going there without flash installe12:06
=== hendaus is back
tree_when u install ubuntu does it matter whether you choose gdm or kdm?12:07
K-RyanWelcome back hendaus12:07
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hendausthanx K-Ryan :)12:07
K-Ryantree_ Just changes your commands I believe12:07
tree_flash was uninstalled, then reinstalled12:07
hendauscan i private u12:07
albertmkraylu: Build.bat has: qmake and make12:07
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K-RyanOkay tree_, try that out.12:07
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K-RyanIf that doesn't work, you can't use that flash package.12:07
tree_try which out???12:07
K-RyanGoing to the site12:08
K-RyanActually, have you tried going somewhere with maybe one or two flash things?12:08
tree_with flash uninstalled?12:08
K-RyanLess intensive12:08
K-RyanHi there Hash-the-cracker12:08
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K-RyanYes tree_, if you reinstalled that's the only way to test the package.12:08
Hash-the-crackerhehe, thankz 4 the welcome12:08
K-RyanNo problem ;)12:08
K-RyanSo, having trouble?12:09
Hash-the-crackeryea a bit12:09
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K-RyanWhat's the problem?12:09
Hash-the-crackerthink you could help me12:09
tree_its unnerving becuase it causes a full crash that requires a reboot12:09
K-RyanI can imagine tree_12:09
K-RyanIt's up to you =P12:09
tree_im going to uninstall flash and reinstall it carefully12:09
=== ZaZaTux [n=ZaZaTux@mai59-1-82-241-159-227.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
albertmkraylu: raylu?12:10
hendausK-Ryan:  did u read my pvmsg?12:10
raylui'm out of ideas :P12:10
albertmkraylu: Any idea?12:10
K-RyanDidn't get it hendaus12:10
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raylualbertmk, have you read the install file?12:10
albertmkyes, like 10 times.12:10
Hash-the-crackereach time there are updates or i install something, i install them, but at the end it says that it did not install all packages even tho it did and the same 3 packages keep coming up, the problem for all of them was the couldent be configured, any help?12:11
K-RyanWhat packages?12:11
rayluHash-the-cracker, you sudo dpkg --configure -a12:11
hendausK-Ryan:  dude i want to install amsn,amule,xchat , avidemux and many things.... how can i download automatix212:11
ThinkTankHello, does anyone know how to add the latest NVIDIA driver to Kubuntu low latency kernel12:11
rayluhendaus, automatix2 isn't recommended12:11
K-Ryan!automatix | hendaus12:11
ubotuhendaus: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:11
K-RyanDon't use it, I've already had one person do it and they needed a fresh install.12:12
Hash-the-crackeralso, what is aptitude?12:12
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide12:12
K-RyanSame as apt-get but it tracks dependencies I'm told12:12
hendausK-Ryan:  so help me with amsn amule xchat and skype ..12:12
raylusame as apt-get, but without super cow powers, or so it claimms12:13
K-RyanWell I knwo there is a skype package in the repositories somewhere12:13
K-RyanNo idea about amsn, amule, or xchat12:13
raylusudo aptitude install skype12:13
hendausok and amule?12:13
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K-RyanSee above ;)12:13
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raylusudo aptitude install xchat12:13
Hash-the-crackerhow can i get ubuntu to see my mic? they way i see it a mic is a mic, so shouldnt it be covered by a generic driver??12:14
raylusudo aptitude install amule12:14
K-Ryan!nvidia | sayers12:14
rayluoh yeah. amsn.12:14
ubotusayers: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:14
K-RyanYou need the space =P12:14
sayersI got it already :s12:14
sayersit pmed me \12:14
sayersthats what i wanted :)12:14
raylusudo aptitude install amsn12:14
K-RyanOk, didn't know that was another way to PM it...12:15
=== Fri13 [n=Fri13@86-60-137-67-dyn-dsl.ssp.fi] has joined #kubuntu
tree_i went back from swiftfox to firefox and it seems to work no freeze yet12:15
K-RyanThat's good12:15
hendausraylu: Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "skype"12:15
Hash-the-crackerso... about the mic12:15

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