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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:crimsun] : Yes, pyobject is busted (and fix is already committed & building): #116109 | Ubuntu 7.10 will be nicknamed the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape!
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:crimsun] : Yes, pygobject is busted (and fix is already committed & building): #116109 | Ubuntu 7.10 will be nicknamed the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape!
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aftertafhi all.... any info on wifi with prism54 cards?09:09
aftertafi have no wifi anymore09:09
aftertafSIOCSIFADDR: no such device09:12
aftertafeth 1: ERROR while getting interface flags09:12
aftertafand when i search for modules for prism, i dont see any above in lib/modules/[kernel] 09:13
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gnomefreakaftertaf: feisty support is in #ubuntu now09:32
aftertafi know. but i'm on gutsy09:33
aftertafbecause i could never  boot to the stable feisty kernel09:33
gnomefreakaftertaf: not with that kernel your not09:33
aftertafso u upgraded and have tried 22-1,2,3,4 and have similar problems09:33
aftertafim on 22-3 right now09:33
gnomefreaklowest gutsy kernel is 2.6.20-1509:33
aftertafbut still...... no modules available.09:34
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gnomefreakaftertaf: you do know that kernel isnt complete right?09:34
aftertafwhich can explain why it aint modprobing.....09:34
gnomefreakaftertaf: when its complete you will get upgrade notification09:34
aftertafyeah, but even when i revert to older kernel (feisty dev kernel) i dont have wifi anymore09:35
aftertaf2.6.20-13 is the last working kernel on my machine... working as in wifi ok and PC boots ok.09:35
gnomefreakaftertaf: because the drivers you need are in the parts of the kernel that are not complete.09:35
aftertafd'oh .... :)09:35
gnomefreak2.6.20-15 == gutsy kernel in gutsy09:36
aftertafthats a good explanation, in any case...09:36
aftertaf20-15 is the stable feisty too, right?09:36
gnomefreaknotice you have 2.6.22 restricted modules package installed also09:36
aftertafbecause it justes freezes on my PC like a lot of the dev kernels did too... hangs on boot (due to SATA problem i think)09:37
gnomefreakright where wifi drivers are held (unless they moved)09:37
aftertaf..restricted..;, yes I do09:37
gnomefreakaftertaf: what your seeing is normal on devel systems it has been like that in all since breezy (atleast since ive been using devel versions) they are normally fixed by alpha 1-209:38
aftertafi think i upgraded a little early, but i was hoping the kernel would work better than the feisty release version09:39
aftertafok... but what is weird is that stable feisty wont boot either09:39
gnomefreakaftertaf: way too early09:39
aftertaf(me too for unstable.... i like the danger... it's good to learn...)09:39
aftertafwayyyyyyyyyy :)09:39
gnomefreakaftertaf: that is your system09:39
aftertafyeah, but.....09:39
gnomefreakim using the 2.6.20-15 fine here09:39
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aftertafi have a sata controller that i dont use in my PC, and since the first 2.6.19-kernels in development feisty it  wouldnt boot09:41
gnomefreakbrb smoke while upload finishes09:41
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aftertafi found info from ben collins about a code change in the kernel to fix it, they did it.... and it seems they rolled back on it for stable ... :/09:42
aftertafme too. cig :)09:42
aftertaftop o' tha mornin' ompaul :)09:42
aftertafresumes my feisty problem09:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 106864 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Feisty boot fail "can't access tty" IDE SATA problem" [High,Confirmed] 09:52
aftertaf(also with 22-1 and 22-4)09:52
gnomefreaknot 22-5?09:52
aftertafnot ttried yet09:57
aftertafi have to move my router to put a lan cable09:57
aftertafno wifi.... remember? :)09:57
aftertafdamn, never rolled that cigarette.....09:58
aftertaftrying the piix initramfs solution09:58
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aftertafhey... looking good :)10:02
gnomefreakoops sorry10:04
gnomefreakglad you got it working10:04
aftertafnot yet working, but looking like module is loaded10:04
aftertafok, still failing to bring up wifi10:09
aftertafand control center is showing no devices.....10:09
aftertafnow no dhcp being offered.10:13
aftertaflike i cant activate wep or anything10:13
aftertafand what is wmaster0 ?10:14
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aftertafok. it is loading the driver but i cant get wifi working... maybe some remnants of gutsy?10:23
aftertafcan i auto drop back to feisty packages?10:24
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SmokeyDhey people. Does anybody know when mozilla thunderbird will be put in Ubuntu? And Is Mozilla SUnbird going to be incorporated in Ubuntu?10:36
crimsunmozilla-thunderbird has been in Ubuntu since Warty.10:38
crimsunAre you meaning to ask about TB v2?10:39
crimsunthunderbird is already in Ubuntu gutsy.10:39
crimsunthere is no ETA on a backport to stable releases.10:40
SmokeyDwill updates to TB v2 also become available for feisty? Or should I wait for Gutsy to become stable10:40
crimsun< crimsun> there is no ETA on a backport to stable releases.10:41
SmokeyD:) I should read better10:42
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gnomefreaknot yet decided if/when it will happen10:46
gnomefreakSmokeyD: we are looking at sunbird but we are waiting for them to use stable tree instead of trunk10:46
gnomefreakmaybe .5 in gutsy10:47
SmokeyDok cool10:47
SmokeyDit has some nice plugins and stuff. For synchronizing google calendar, opensync, etc. And is cross platform unlike evolution :)10:47
gnomefreakSmokeyD: there is a testing repo with tb2 in it for feisty10:48
SmokeyDhmm, ok. Which is it?10:48
SmokeyDSo I can test it10:48
ubotuThe Mozilla-testing repos can be found at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/PreviewArchives. Please remember these are testing repos, the packages in these repos are not stable and may break things on your system. Use with caution. Please report bugs found from these packages to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/PreviewArchives/Bugs.10:49
SmokeyDdidn't know about that10:49
gnomefreakSmokeyD: reminder we have new build of ff and nss and nspr in there so they will want to upgrade. should be fairly safe. me and a bunch of others are running it and all works good10:50
SmokeyDthanks a lot10:51
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SmokeyDI will test it and report if I find anything10:51
gnomefreakSmokeyD: firefox-trunk might be one you might want too10:51
gnomefreakits in there as well10:51
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SmokeyDHey people, am I correct to assume that thunderbird_2.0.0.0-0.mt1_i386.deb is not available on http://gnomefreak.youmortals.com/mozilla-testing because it is work in progress and thus TB2 is not available for testing yet for feisty?02:27
SmokeyDfor amd6402:27
Tomcat_SmokeyD: feisty is in #ubuntu, and it has TB 1.5.02:31
Tomcat_SmokeyD: About third party repos, you better ask the maintainers of that repo... :-)02:32
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ubotuThe Mozilla-testing repos can be found at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/PreviewArchives. Please remember these are testing repos, the packages in these repos are not stable and may break things on your system. Use with caution. Please report bugs found from these packages to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/PreviewArchives/Bugs.02:33
HobbseeTomcat_: ^02:33
HobbseeTomcat_: so they're kinda official02:33
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HobbseeTomcat_: more to the point, the packages will move and become official02:34
SmokeyDyeah, I was testing them. But can't install them on amd64 since the thunderbird_2.0.0.0-0.mt1 package is not available for amd64 yet.02:36
Hobbseeyou cant on feisty anyway, iirc.02:37
Tomcat_Hobbsee: Alright, thanks... so they will backport TB 2.0 into feisty? o_O02:39
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gortizis yet a way to make fglrx works?05:40
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Qaldunehi there10:04
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=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [+o crimsun] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:crimsun] : pygobject fixed (#116109) | Ubuntu 7.10 will be nicknamed the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape!
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [-o crimsun] by crimsun
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Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!