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man-di | vil: hello | 08:46 |
vil | hi man-di :) | 08:46 |
man-di | vil: one short question: can you commit you eclipse-XXXX into pkg-java svn and create the tag dirs for them please? | 08:47 |
vil | sure | 08:48 |
man-di | vil: thanks | 08:52 |
man-di | vil: are you okay when I add myself to uploaders and change stuff? | 08:53 |
vil | man-di, I wanted to say sure, but will take me a few days | 09:02 |
vil | time is against me these days | 09:02 |
man-di | too bad | 09:02 |
vil | so I can put it there around thursday | 09:02 |
man-di | if you dont do it by the time I need i will do it | 09:02 |
man-di | thursday is fine | 09:02 |
vil | np if you make any changes to uploaders :) | 09:02 |
man-di | thx | 09:03 |
vil | pkg-java svn is somewhat cumbersome for me, do you use some tools to create packages etc. from there? | 09:03 |
man-di | as I can now build eclipse with a workaround I can upload more eclipse stuff soon | 09:04 |
vil | because otherwise it's yet another step for me | 09:04 |
man-di | vil: most people use svn-buildpackage but I use my own handmade system | 09:04 |
vil | If you get more time or are willing to upload it there, please do so. | 09:05 |
man-di | which stuff can you upload to ubuntu? all in universe? | 09:06 |
man-di | if I need an upload to Ubuntu in the future | 09:06 |
vil | man-di, yes, all in universe | 09:08 |
man-di | cool | 09:08 |
vil | the best way would be to put it to debian first and then sync to universe, I guess | 09:09 |
vil | so that we don't need -ubuntu1 | 09:09 |
man-di | thats what I plan to do | 09:12 |
man-di | but not always the syncs are automatice | 09:12 |
vil | also we could progress with other eclipse packages like -pydev -emf -gef | 09:20 |
vil | but like I said, no time currently | 09:20 |
man-di | isnt pydef in Ubuntu already? | 09:22 |
vil | in ubuntu yes | 09:23 |
vil | there is newer version not yet published, which uses gcj + generic (no 1.4 backport) | 09:24 |
vil | I wanted to hit debian first, so that we don't have 2 versions again | 09:26 |
man-di | aah, okay | 09:27 |
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SilverDeath | hi, how can i start a class?? i've a class called Main.java and the other is called Ebene1.java. And i allready initiallized them with: Ebene1 ebene1 = new Ebene1(); How can i start this??? | 02:33 |
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=== BagElectro [n=bge@ppp-89-141.29-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu-java | ||
BagElectro | salve a tutti!!! | 06:02 |
BagElectro | ho bisogno di un aiuto | 06:02 |
BagElectro | potete darmi maggiori info su questa riga: String text = collect(in); | 06:03 |
BagElectro | aiuto?? | 06:04 |
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leonel | is here for ubuntu and openjdk ? | 06:38 |
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BagElectro | what means the line java: text = collect(in); | 06:50 |
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