
LaserJockwahooo, will's back :-)12:24
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BurgundaviaNM tends to cause my X to hardlock12:28
Burgundaviais tonnes of fun12:28
willvdlLaserJock, don't be alarmed now son :)12:29
LaserJockI have nasty hibernation issues12:31
LaserJockI wonder if it could be NM12:31
LaserJockedgy was solid for me for hibernation12:31
LaserJockone feature (resume when you open the lid) didn't work but it was solid12:32
LaserJockwith feisty I get all kinds of issues12:32
LaserJockI have to sit there and watch to make sure it actually hibernates12:32
=== ajmitch never hibernates or suspends
LaserJockand lately it's been not hibernating but losing keyboard12:32
LaserJockso I can't do much to fix the problem12:33
LaserJockso it's a hard reboot12:33
LaserJockajmitch: I probably shouldn't either, but I hate leaving a laptop on all day. I'm afraid it's going to overheat12:33
willvdlLaserJock, just think of it some _serious_ hibernation12:46
willvdlOMH, have I been waiting for this or what! https://forge.vodafonebetavine.net/projects/vodafonemobilec/12:47
ajmitchlooks useful12:50
LaserJockis vodafone a cell phone provider?12:52
ajmitcha rather large international one12:54
ajmitchthankfully my phone did automatic roaming onto the vodafone UK & vodafone ES networks when I was over there :)12:55
LaserJockI'm not sure that we have it in the US12:57
LaserJockI think I might have been OK in Spain if I had a quad-band phone12:58
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willvdlLaserJock, one of the reasons we have sooo many Edubuntu wiki pages is also because I initially setup redirects from camel case wikinames to sub-linked structure01:24
willvdlnervous to remove them :)01:24
LaserJockI just do a quick google search on the url to see if anybody is linking to them externally01:27
LaserJockand an internal search01:28
LaserJockand I zap them if I get nothing01:28
willvdlfolks use bookmarks sometimes though01:29
LaserJockbah, who cares ;-)01:29
willvdlor delete em and revert on complaints :)01:29
willvdlthar she blows01:44
willvdlwho's a regexp guru here?01:54
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willvdlokie. late again. see you tomorrow02:34
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Fredri1Hello, is there anyone that can guide me through some admin tools in edubuntu? Im trying to get a network printer set for all users, is there any way to do this without going in to every single user account and set it?10:17
RichEdFredri1: let me check for a wiki page quickly ... give me a min10:18
Fredri1Thank you10:19
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RichEdFredri1: https://help.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/printer-configuration.html10:25
RichEdsee: Printer Configuration with the Terminal (Advanced Users)10:25
RichEdYou could write a script to do this I assume.10:25
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RichEdhi ogra-classmate12:52
ogra-classmatehey hey12:55
RichEdquicki wiki question: can i do a block where I tell the wiki to interpret as standard HTML and not wiki formatting ?12:55
kgoetzyes you can12:56
kgoetzoff the top of my head i dont remember though (for the ubuntu wiki)12:56
ogra-classmateRichEd: ah, -classmate isnbt registered so you didnt see my answer12:56
ogra-classmateput the block in three curly brackets12:56
RichEdthanks kgoetz12:56
RichEdthanks ogra ... I presume I can do as long a chunk as I want ?12:57
kgoetzogra-classmate: heh. so i did remember, i'm getting my wikis confused ;)12:57
=== RichEd will go test now ... nested tables in wiki markup is not fun or relaxing
ogra-classmatetables and wikis are nothing you should menition in the same sentence12:59
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RichEdogra-classmate: no luck {{{ stops wiki interpretation but does not process HTML02:17
ogra-classmateyou need to close it as well02:18
=== RichEd did that
ogra-classmateyou want the html to be processed ?02:19
RichEdyessir i do indeed02:19
ogra-classmatei dont think thats possible02:19
RichEdor in fact *not* processed, but just sent to my browser so it can process it02:19
ogra-classmatei thought you wanted to show it02:19
RichEdnp ... will go back to || then02:19
=== RichEd sighs
highvoltageRichEd: I think it escapes everything out :(02:19
highvoltagehtml in wiki would've been so nice.02:20
ogra-classmatethats unlikely to work ... if it would work it would be a big security hole in moin02:20
=== RichEd lols
RichEdfrom #moin <quote>02:20
RichEd<ThomasWaldmann> there is a unsupported html macro02:20
RichEd<xorAxAx> and there is moin 1.602:20
RichEd<ThomasWaldmann> but be aware of the security issues you'll have on a public wiki with this02:20
RichEd<RichEd> thanks ...02:20
RichEdyou tech guys are all alike ;)02:21
ogra-classmateif you could embed html you likely could include java or javascript and do evil things02:21
=== RichEd will defer then to ensure that evil does not rule my world
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ogra-classmatehmm, running evo with 20000 mails in my inbox doesnt make classmate to happy02:26
highvoltageogra-classmate: other CMS's does it, I'm sure it can be done securely, you can filter stuff like javascript out02:26
=== highvoltage typed that before reading all the scrollback :)
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ogra-classmatei wouldnt do it if i were CMS upstream02:26
=== highvoltage neither :)
ogra-classmateit introduces an area thats predefined to cause you pain and grief02:28
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willvdlRichEd, send me the html you want to display. I'll see if I can hash out a script02:29
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willvdlor, if it's an app list, lets pop it in drupal :)02:30
willvdldrupal knows html ;] 02:30
cbx33hey willvdl02:31
RichEdwillvdl: first i'll get my page looking right in || and then maybe chat to you about a chunk of content02:32
willvdlRichEd, if it's already in formatted html then it should be easy on the www site02:33
RichEdwillvdl: i'll do a couple of pages and then show newz200002:34
willvdlbetter :)02:34
RichEdif he likes what I am doing he may give me edit rights on a pre-production server ... cut out the middle step02:35
willvdlpre-production server?02:35
RichEdnot sure what you call it ... test server ? the draft server ? that's just the naming convention we used in corporate land02:36
willvdlmeaning a whole new seperate server?02:36
RichEdwillvdl: he already has one ... where he built the new www.ubuntu.com content efore it replaced the old content02:37
willvdlah. gotcha. was scared we were splitting servers for a sec :)02:38
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jsgotangcoahh there's a meeting later02:45
jsgotangcobut that's 4am for me heh02:45
willvdlhighvoltage, have you ever looked at Intel little valley servers?02:47
highvoltagewillvdl: no02:48
willvdlaha. want to help me test one out?02:49
RichEdwillvdl: speaking of meetings ... are you able to chair tonight ? i have relatives with me (father in law) and am out to a family dinner.02:50
ogra-classmateteacher@edubuntu:~$ df -h02:50
ogra-classmateFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on02:50
ogra-classmateunionfs               278M  8.0M  270M   3% /02:50
ogra-classmate/dev/sdb3             825M   29M  796M   4% /home02:50
ogra-classmatemeet the smallest edubuntu evah :)02:50
highvoltagewillvdl: yep. what do I need to do?02:50
willvdlRichEd, sure02:50
=== RichEd gives a little tiny handshake
kgoetzogra-classmate: waho02:50
willvdledubuntu-lite ...02:51
willvdlhighvoltage, intel guys sent me one to look at02:51
willvdljust wondering how it would compare with other stuff you've been using as TC servers from them02:52
RichEdwillvdl: from the UES relationship ? or another angel ?02:52
willvdlRichEd, both. I deal with Intel ed folks on NEPAD as well02:52
cbx33ogra-classmate: so what's installed on it?02:53
willvdlbut Willie linked me and Africa GM recently. going to chat to them in Kenya02:53
cbx33UES is an Angel?02:53
willvdlcbx33, or a Darling02:54
ogra-classmatewell, it hides a lot :)02:58
ogra-classmatecbx33: www.classmatepc.com02:58
willvdlcbx33 works for me03:11
RichEdogra-classmate: <BenC> RichEd: I'm going to test out rt73 again today on the classmate, using the driver that just got sent to me (which should support network-manager, wpa, wep, etc)03:14
ogra-classmateyeah, i was on CC in that mail03:14
ogra-classmatewould be cool to get that fixed finallz03:14
RichEdogra-classmate: also see the hackety hack mail03:19
RichEdlet me know if you think this would be a fit for CmPc03:20
ogra-classmatewill do03:23
=== RichEd collection -> 30 mins
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ogra-classmateRichEd: the hackerty hack stuff would force us to pull a lot of stuff to main and on the CD i not really keen to support03:50
ogra-classmategetting it into universe would be no problem though03:51
willvdldoes anyone know if https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuTesting is still current?03:58
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willvdlit looks old but I'm wondering of Henrik's Testing pages take care of this now?03:58
willvdlogra, do you still use https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuTesting?03:58
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willvdlogra-classmat1, ^^^03:59
ogra-classmat1willvdl: it should be obsolete, i should make new test plans anyway for every release03:59
willvdldoesn't Henrik's Testing page host that stuff now?04:00
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ogra-classmat1cjwatson and Keybuk are currently asdjusting the spec templates so we can add testing plans during speccing in the future04:00
ogra-classmat1hendriks testpage has none of the edubuntu specifis afaik04:01
willvdlaha. okie. will leave them there scheduled for expansion04:01
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ogra-classmat1i'll try to work out somethingt proper before the big testing starts04:02
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mcsddoes anyone have edubuntu running?04:32
mcsdI was wondering if someone could check something for me04:33
SimonAnibalI have Ubuntu running...04:33
mcsdSimonAnibal: do you have kstars installed?04:33
mcsdcan you open it for me please04:34
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mcsdwhen I right click on an object ...say mars it has a list of thumbnails you can open..they open but if you chose say the wikipedia page entry on mars I get an error04:35
mcsdError: Could not launch the browser Could not find service 'kfmclient'04:35
SimonAnibalLemme check04:35
mcsdit appears because it is expecting to use KDE and not Gnome to route the request04:36
SimonAnibalI get the exact same error message over here04:36
mcsdI googled kfclient I think it is something within KDE04:36
willvdlmust be possible to reconfig to use firefox04:36
mcsdkfm rather04:36
SimonAnibalHmmm, I can't find a preference for the browser04:36
mcsdI couldn't find anything either04:37
willvdlurk but that service won't be running anyway04:37
willvdlunless, you install its package...04:37
SimonAnibalDefinite bug04:37
mcsdit really stinks cause linking to pages would be really useful04:37
mcsdI have it here   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/112414  but no responce04:37
ogra-classmatekfmclient is the piece that starts konqueror in browser or filemanager mode04:37
willvdland a built in usabliity feature already04:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112414 in Ubuntu "Error: Could not find service 'kfmclient' using Gnome" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 04:37
mcsdyeah that is my post04:37
ogra-classmatetra setting kstars to use a browser instead :)04:38
mcsddoes the description in Launchpad seem clear?  I din't know how to classify it04:38
willvdlsounds fine. someone will try and confirm it04:40
willvdlthen assign it04:40
SimonAnibalCan I confirm it? Or does a bug person have to do it04:41
SimonAnibalHm, interesting visual04:41
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mcsdogra-classmate: try setting kstars to use a browser instead :)  ... do you know how to do this?04:46
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jikanterdoes edubuntu package bluej?04:46
ogra-classmatemsno idea, in the settings somewhere ?04:48
RichEdjikanter: i can't see it in add/remove ... what is it ?04:49
kgoetzi'm just trying dansguardian+squid - i'm impressed04:50
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kgoetzwonder what the order of events is as far as filtering - i have adzapper and dansguardian. i'm not sure which is taking the brunt, but either way, its good04:53
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moquistogra-classmate: should I be able to drop your C greeter into /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/ltsp/greeters and just pass 'greeter' in the path instead of 'gtk' in ldm? (It's not starting.)04:54
jikanterit is the program my university uses to teach students to program04:58
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jikanterRichEd: It is the program my university uses to teach students to program04:59
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RichEdjikanter: can you give me a reference where I can see the application details ? web page ?04:59
kgoetzwhat log file can i look in for hits againt the tftp server?05:01
kgoetzsorry, cancle that05:03
kgoetzdarn. there used to be instructions on teh edubuntu wiki how to setup a client to boot the server, but be able to boot windows. anyoneknow where they went?05:09
ogra-classmatelikely in help.ubuntu.com05:10
kgoetzi'll have a try, thanks05:10
kgoetz*sigh* cant find it. another page i should have saved :|05:14
moquistogra-classmate: should I be able to drop your C greeter into /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/ltsp/greeters and just pass 'greeter' in the path instead of 'gtk' in ldm? (It's not starting.)05:18
moquistogra-classmate: rather, the X server keeps bouncing up and down, and greeter is complaining about ...05:19
=== moquist boots the TC again
kgoetzogra-classmate: ah, wicked, thats the area.05:19
moquistogra-classmate: should I need to install any additional packages in the chroot to use the C greeter?05:20
ogra-classmatemoquist: i'll provide a new ldm package soon, until then you should just untar the tgz in the client chroot05:21
juliuxhmm i have some strange syslog entries from pulseaudio any ideas?  http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/10980/05:21
ogra-classmateit should install everything in the right locations05:21
juliuxthat creates a lot of cpu work and so my fan is running the whole time05:21
juliuxpulseaudio comes with the ltps packages on my computer05:23
kgoetzanyone here use feisty? is it possible to reboot a client, or sitll only to shut it down?05:24
kgoetzanyone here usign feisty. stupid questions r us05:24
yuriyi think it's still only shut it down05:24
moquistogra-classmate: I just have a URL to a bzr branch. where is this tgz?05:25
juliuxnobody an idea about the pulesaudio problem? if i stop pulse audio via the init.d skript it starts again, if i kill the porcess it starts again05:26
juliuxok i will remove pulseaudio;)05:27
kgoetzreboot would be so useful debuggin :\05:27
ogra-classmatejuliux: hmm, nothing of ltsp-server should depend directly on pulse05:30
juliuxogra-classmate, no not depend but recommended05:31
ogra-classmaterecommend is fine, but it shouldnt be installed, thats strange05:31
ogra-classmateyou only need pulse on the client05:31
ogra-classmatekgoetz: feisty has reboot05:32
kgoetzogra-classmate: woot. thanks. :)05:32
ogra-classmatemoquist: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/ldm-new-greeter.tgz05:33
moquistogra-classmate: thx05:35
kgoetzalmost there i hope. having issues booting per mac.05:41
kgoetzanyone got experiance booting with different pxelinux.cfg/config files? i've had it happening in the past, but cant for the life of me get it working now05:41
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moquistkgoetz: you mean getting macs to boot a different config?05:42
kgoetzno, getting a pxe system to use a different config by MAC address05:42
=== kgoetz thinks after 1am isnt the best time for this, but carries on anyway
moquistkgoetz: right...configuring dhcpd.conf to give a certain MAC address a certain set of options05:43
moquistkgoetz: Though I now see you're not talking about computers from Apple. :)05:43
moquistkgoetz: Same answer, though. I'll plop a dhcpd.conf that does this sort of thing up on nopaste.05:44
kgoetzi thought you dropped a different named config file in pxelinux.0, but i'll look into the dhcpd.conf05:44
kgoetzmoquist: that would be awesome, thanks05:44
moquistkgoetz: Well, you will need a different pxe config file05:44
moquistkgoetz: but dhcpd.conf has to know to hand that as an option to the DHCP client in question05:45
moquistkgoetz: ^^^^^^05:46
kgoetzhm. think i get it. i'll try it out. thanks again05:47
moquistkgoetz: np05:47
=== JohanSalim|NA [i=G3b0ys@ip84-223.cbn.net.id] has joined #edubuntu
kgoetzmoquist: is /lts/boot relative to teh tftp dir?05:50
moquistkgoetz: yes05:50
moquistkgoetz: that file came straight out of an almost-stock K12LTSP install, which puts some things in different places.05:50
moquist(than edubuntu)05:51
cbx33and cryptography freaks here :p05:52
=== kgoetz dives into syslinux documentation
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kgoetzPXELINUX will search for its config file on the boot server in the following way:05:56
kgoetzFirst, it will search for the config file using the hardware type (using its ARP type code) and address, all in lower case hexadecimal with dash separators; for example, for an Ethernet (ARP type 1) with address 88:99:AA:BB:CC:DD it would search for the filename 01-88-99-aa-bb-cc-dd05:56
kgoetzbut its /not/ doing that :(05:56
moquistogra-classmate: just to review ('cuz the udev init changes aren't letting X start): I commented out /sbin/udevtrigger and the entire "if /sbin/udevsettle" branch.05:58
ogra-classmatedont comment udevtrigger05:58
moquisthow about udevmonitor?05:58
ogra-classmateits the essential part you need05:59
moquistogra-classmate: the note I wrote when you told me the first time is wrong. I will now fix it. :)05:59
moquistogra-classmate: so only comment out udevtrigger?05:59
ogra-classmateudevmonitor and udevsettle should be commented05:59
=== JohanSalim|NA [i=G3b0ys@ip84-223.cbn.net.id] has joined #edubuntu
moquistha ha! ONLY comment udevmonitor and udevsettle, then.05:59
moquistogra-classmate: righty-o.05:59
ogra-classmatei not even sure monitor gains us anything, but settle will06:00
LaserJockhi ogra-classmate06:00
ogra-classmatemonitor likely only saves some ram06:00
ogra-classmatehey LaserJock06:00
LaserJockI don't suppose you've had a chance to look at my debdiff for tuxpaint?06:01
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willvdlhey folks, how does one work out a .deb dependency list?06:05
kgoetzapt-cache [r] depends06:05
LaserJockwillvdl: how do you mean?06:06
willvdlsay for eg I want to install apache2 on a PC that has no internet connection06:06
LaserJockah, then depends might work06:06
willvdland I want to get all the required packages06:06
willvdlis there a way to just list the stuff I would need to download that are not part of a standard install?06:08
moquistit should be possible to put in a server install CD and add that repo to the sources.list06:08
willvdlapache2 was jsut an example06:08
LaserJockwillvdl: well, synaptic will do it for you06:08
moquistwillvdl: run apt-get install <blah> on a standard install that *is* connected to the network, and copy 'n paste the list of stuff that will be installed.06:08
LaserJockif you go in and select what  you want to install06:08
LaserJockthen select the "save download script" it saves a bash script with wget lines06:09
LaserJockrun that on any *nix computer and you'll have the .debs06:09
moquistLaserJock: that rocks.06:09
LaserJockof course it does ;-)06:09
willvdlit's hhhawt06:09
LaserJockthere's also aptoncd06:10
=== moquist laughs
LaserJockwhich I think might make you an .iso for it06:10
LaserJockbut that might be a bit overkill in this case06:10
willvdlbut useful06:11
willvdlLaserJock, where is the "save download script"?06:12
LaserJockin "File"06:12
willvdlah, save markings06:13
LaserJockthere should be a "Generate package download script" option06:14
LaserJockand then there is a "Add downloaded packages" option right below it06:14
willvdlright, but it only generates one level of dependency06:14
LaserJockit should produce everything you need to install06:14
willvdlwhat about stuff that those packages depend on?06:15
willvdlthe dependencies for the dependencies?06:15
=== creadorcreativo [n=insane@201-221-204-14.bk11-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockbecuase when you go to install something, it has to do that anyway06:15
willvdlor is that all the depencies needed for your current system?06:15
LaserJockso run it on the computer with no connection06:16
=== RichEd out for dinner with family guests
willvdlwell, I'm suggesting the guy set up a vmware or qemu of the system he wants to maintain06:16
RichEdwillvdl: may see you later in the meeting ... depends06:16
willvdlin his office06:16
willvdlRichEd, cool06:16
willvdlwith a test bed like that he can determine what to download so that he has the stuff for the off-site installation06:17
=== LaserJock out
willvdlLaserJock, moquist : that's exactly what I need06:21
willvdlI'm assuming synaptic is doing an apt depends anyway. would be interested to find out06:21
kgoetzthis picture is of a menu put up from the default config file. i'm trying to get it to boot teh mac (should be first). even after trying what i've had suggested here icant get it going. throught the picture might make clear what i'm trying to do (incase it wasnt) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPMultiboot?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=LTSPMultibootScreenShot.png06:37
kgoetzhum.... i might have got it to go06:42
=== JohanSalim|NA is now known as JohanSalim
kgoetzfor some reason, using the hex works, using the mac doesnt - *bit round shrug*06:48
kgoetzYou guys are legends! it works :) thanks for your work06:53
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apecathmm, i'm trying to boot a client (vmware) to my edu feisty ltsp in vmware, and after the bootsplash i get bothing in all it's grandness. where should i start troubleshooting?09:14
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willvdl===== Edubuntu Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 20 minutes =====09:41
willvdlooh, tea09:43
LaserJockargg, I forgot about it09:44
willvdlyour tea?09:47
LaserJockno, the meeting09:48
crimsunhe's terribly busy being an MOTU superstar :-)09:49
crimsunwith his frickin lasers09:49
LaserJockI'm actually trying to do some experiments09:49
LaserJockand do some Main merges09:49
crimsunsee? frickin lasers09:49
juliuxwillvdl, this time first h tech and the 1h communoty ??09:49
LaserJockcrimsun: of course lasers ;-)09:50
LaserJockand I'm trying to arrange somem sea bass from the bio dept. :-)09:50
willvdl"Jordans with frikkin laserbeams attached to their head"?09:50
willvdljuliux, we'll follow the usual format I guess...09:51
juliuxwillvdl, ok09:51
willvdlhopefully not 2 hours :)09:51
willvdlIf you want09:52
willvdlI can go on about the war?09:52
willvdl===== Edubuntu Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 7-ish minutes =====09:53
=== LaserJock tries to do a gcompris merge before the meeting starts
LaserJockhmm, then he realizes how long it takes just to download the gcompris tarball :/09:54
ogra-classmateLaserJock: pfft ... you should see the upload times10:00
=== pips1 [n=philipp@217-159.0-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockogra-classmate: were you planning on doing the merge?10:01
LaserJockI just saw it was there and thought I'd give it a go10:01
ogra-classmatewell, its on mz general o merge"list10:01
pips1hi folks10:02
ogra-classmatebut i'm happy to give it away10:02
=== pips1 looks in disbelief at ogra's new nick
=== ogra-classmate wonders if RichEd will jin us for the meeting
LaserJockogra-classmate: I saw that doko touched it last so I wasn't sure10:02
willvdl===== meeting? =====10:03
pips1willvdl: that's what I'm here for...10:03
willvdlI want to hear all about Linden Labs!10:03
willvdlogra-classmate, RichEd might make it in later10:04
pips1willvdl: well, it was just a presentation...10:04
willvdlpips1, still... sounded interesting10:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ogra - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:22
ace_ace!seen ogra10:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen ogra - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gcompris - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:22
ace_acehi all, I have some problem with Edubuntu Feisty and Gcompris10:22
ace_aceFirst off, let me tell you how much improved Edubuntu Feisty is over Dapper: GREAT work !10:22
ace_aceMy problem is: whe I run Gcompris, the screen gets all mangled on the thin client. At first it looks normal, then when there is10:23
willvdlace_ace, we're in an Edubuntu Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting at the mo. may be a bit quiet10:23
willvdlpop by in there10:23
ace_acethat little clown being overlayed on the puzzle that you just finished, it's getting all striped (interlaced, it looks).10:24
LaserJockogra-classmate: btw, are you still unable to post to edubuntu-* ML?10:41
ogra-classmatei never was10:41
ogra-classmateonly -devel10:41
LaserJockyou can post to -devel? or no10:41
ogra-classmatei can post to -users just fine10:41
LaserJockoh, ok10:41
ogra-classmatei cant post to -devel10:41
LaserJockwe need to get that fixed10:42
LaserJockdoes using a separate email address help?10:42
ogra-classmatei have to set up one first :)10:42
ogra-classmatebut i guess so10:43
LaserJockwe need expert input there ;-)10:45
LaserJockand I'm at a bad TZ often to do IRC10:45
ogra-classmatethe ML needs love over all10:46
willvdldid you submit an RT?10:46
ogra-classmatethere is quite a full queue as well10:46
LaserJockogra-classmate: who admins the edubuntu-devel list?10:46
ogra-classmateme, highvoltage, mez and RichEd10:46
ogra-classmatewhere mez isnt been active over the last 6 months10:47
LaserJockI don't mind moderating if you need help10:47
ogra-classmatei love to10:47
ogra-classmatei'll mail you the data if i'm back near my regular laptop again10:47
ogra-classmate(tomorrow morning)10:48
LaserJockogra-classmate: fine10:49
=== ogra-classmate looks at this handfull of 2gig usb sticks ....
=== ogra-classmate looks at this usb hub next tothe stack ....
ogra-classmatei wonder how fast a usb raid cluster might get10:50
ogra-classmatei'll test that if i'm done with the classmate :)10:51
crimsunogra-classmate: not very.10:52
ogra-classmatedata scattered over 4 or 6 flashdisks could get pretty fast10:52
crimsunI have 5 right now, and it's not noticeably faster than SATA.10:53
ogra-classmatebut surely faster than one with three partitions you also run the os from :)10:53
crimsunman I'm going to miss free hw.10:53
ogra-classmategoing to ?10:53
crimsunnew job, no free stuff.10:54
ogra-classmatebetter job ?10:54
crimsunmore challenging, more travelling - so in a sense, yes.10:54
ogra-classmateaww, more travelling ....10:54
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LaserJockcrimsun: is this a uni job?10:56
LaserJockso you're still teaching?10:58
=== nixternal installs desktopmoin
crimsunLaserJock: I resigned last week.10:59
nixternalLaserJock: is it in our repos?10:59
ogra-classmatecrimsun: and you didnt apply at canonical ?11:00
LaserJocknixternal: no11:00
LaserJockcrimsun: wow, big changes for you11:01
nixternalhe is moving to DC...he wants to be my neighbor11:01
crimsunogra-classmate: no.11:01
ace_acehey guys11:02
ogra-classmatewhat a miss for us :(11:02
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ace_acestill having problems with gcompris! The sound is working perfect in 7.0411:02
ace_acebut on the thin client, the screen is all messe dup. I tried gcompris -w but same problem.11:03
ace_aceIs thers some option that i need to enable to stop the screen messing up ?11:03
ogra-classmatetry X_COLOR_DEPTH=1611:03
ogra-classmatein your ltd.conf11:04
ace_aceThe rest of Edubuntu is workng fine, it's just gcompris, are you sure ?11:05
ogra-classmatewell, color depth is one option ... it wont hurt to try it once :)11:06
ogra-classmateafter all its only adding/removing one line to a file :)11:06
ace_aceyea h yeah and by accident rebooting the server instead of the tc :-)11:07
ace_aceogra: guess what, it worked :-) won't you make that the default in the lts.conf next release ?11:17
ogra-classmateits onlynecessary on older and rather underpowered graphics boards11:18
ogra-classmateso making it a default would be to much11:18
ace_aceah okay. I have one of those disklessworkstations, a pity that thet have underpowerd gfx board then! (I got 56 og them :-)11:18
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ace_aceBut okay i got this now an will document it somewhere so I won't forget !11:19
ogra-classmateoh, the 500mhz one ?11:19
ogra-classmatethe 1ghz variant works fine with 24bit11:19
ogra-classmatet170 is the name i think .... vs t15011:20
ogra-classmateit might be that you can set the shared graphics memory higher tofix that11:21
ace_aceit don't matter for now. I can see edubuntu has improved greatly!!!11:27
ace_aceI now have to go back to my old struggle with win4lin, but the good thing is11:27
ace_aceis that Jim Provan has opened his own site, win4lin9xsupport.com (or something like that)11:28
ace_aceso finally we will have kernel support for that stuff...11:28
ace_aceEverytime I restart doing stuff with edubuntu, I am full of plans and ideas then 3 months later I have to confess that there is just nog enough time...11:29
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lnswassuuuuuuuup all11:29
ogra-classmateyeah, it tends to eat peoples time11:30
lnsIs it ok to discuss a vanilla Ubuntu Feisty/LTSP setup and some issues I've run into here?11:30
ace_acebut edubuntu is becoming better though, so it's becoming more easy for me to build on it.11:30
ace_aceSo please do continue :-) I'll stand on the shoulders of giant ogre's :-)11:31
nixternalLaserJock: thanks for the desktop-moinmoin heads up11:37
LaserJockit's working for you?11:39
LaserJockthe thing that was nice for me is I can do it on my mac11:39
LaserJockthey have a nice desktopmoin for OS X11:39
LaserJockogra-classmate: did you see the TB decision on core-dev process?11:41
ogra-classmatei was pretty much out of the loop of everything during this week11:42
LaserJockso basically the MOUTU Council will recieve applications and collet info/recommendations/etc.11:42
ogra-classmateand thats unlikely to change before next11:42
LaserJockand then pass on a recommendation to the TB which will set up an interview with the applicant11:42
LaserJockI'm going to do a few more Main merges I think and then apply11:43
LaserJockbut I'll need you're testimony via email11:43
ogra-classmateyou can have me in the interview if you want :)11:46
LaserJockexcellent, just wanted to give you a heads up11:46
willvdlLaserJock, what Mac do you use?11:49
pips1willvdl: I'll respond to that mail you wrote about organising edubuntu.org, noting that I'd prefer a fresh re-install of drupal...11:50
willvdlpips1, cool. I'm a self-proclaimed LP zealot :) so if you need help on that side I'm sure we can learn something from nixternal too11:51
willvdlogra-classmate, mentioned in meeting was considering drupal module (on some DB) vs DB and then CGI web-forms11:52
willvdlthe latter would not integrate well into drupal but if themed right might be much easier to develop?11:52
LaserJockwillvdl: I have an intel iMac, 17"11:53
willvdlLaserJock, and you have acpi woes?11:53
willvdlsuspend resume?11:54
LaserJockoh, that was on my laptop11:54
LaserJockmy imac is only OS X11:54
willvdloops, I'm thinking macbook11:54
willvdlcurious as to ubuntu support on mac lappies11:55
LaserJockpips1: I'm totally +1 for using the LP teams/bzr/bug tracker for the edubuntu website11:55
LaserJockI think it's pretty darn good11:55
pips1willvdl: ogra-classmate if there are any questions about implementing the app-database as a drupal module, ping me11:55
willvdlpips1, I'm thinking about whether we should do it in drupal11:55
willvdlit means we have issues of upgrades of drupal etc.11:56
LaserJockwell, you can put in essentially arbitrary php into a drupal page11:56
willvdland if we ever decide to move it or share it across the edubuntu and community site...11:56
pips1well, you can ask matt nuzum on his views on this too, he has written a drupal module for the ubuntu.com site...11:56
ogra-classmatewillvdl: well, it really depoends on who will make it ...11:56
willvdlogra-classmate, true11:56
LaserJockthat's the other thing11:57
willvdlso, who will make it? :)11:57
LaserJockdo we even know who'll work on it?11:57
willvdlHedgeMage mentioned offering some help? <hint hint>11:57
LaserJockshould we make it a community project?11:57
ogra-classmatei wouldnt be able to write a drupal module for example, i have no clue abiout php and am not keen on learning it11:57
willvdlof course11:57
pips1HedgeMage: ? that was long ago...11:57
willvdlno, recent11:57
willvdlaccording to rich11:57
willvdlpresumably one can plug in arbitrary python cgi into drupal module too11:58
pips1oh, well I remember a conversation with RichEd and HedgeMage, but that was ages ago, but of course she might have talked to RichEd more recently11:58
LaserJockor you should be able to do it outside of drupal as well11:58
LaserJockI get a bit hesitent to do stuff like this in drupal11:59
willvdlmy vote would be for python cgi. we have more python coders11:59
LaserJocksince we could change cms or perhaps other people want to use it11:59
willvdland I am more than happy to work on layout vs css11:59
willvdlwhich I can do better than coding these days11:59
LaserJockwe can use the css from the drupal site and it should blend in ok11:59
willvdlLaserJock, or LP decides to integrate it :)12:00
LaserJockif it's python I could probably at least attempt at contributing12:00
ogra-classmateright, that would be a future goal12:00
willvdlpips1, but if it's easier in drupal... and we have more contribution...12:00
willvdllet's do both and see who gets it done first? Winner gets an honourable mention :)12:00
LaserJockwell, perhaps we need to get a person/team around it first12:01
LaserJockand see what those people would like to do, since they're writing it, and discuss it with sysadmin's to make sure they're ok with it12:01
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willvdlwe have a website team but maybe a different one12:03
willvdlmaybe register as a product and new team to control bzr access12:03
pips1yeah, I guess the person who does it get's a say on how to do it...12:04
willvdlLaserJock, and get it approved :)12:04
pips1however, let me just quickly state the benefits / drawbacks i see for doing it as a drupal module:12:04
pips1Benefit 1: The application items are integrated in drupal's search12:05
willvdlapplication items?12:05
pips1Benefit 2: Perhaps each application item should be a drupal "node", that would give us drupal's tagging (taxonomy) "for free"12:05
ogra-classmatepips1: you need a lot of backend code i.e. apt integration .... we have python modules for these already while you need to write something for php first12:07
pips1Benefit 3: User authentication would be integrated with drupal, i.e. someone who signed up as a drupal site contributor will be able to contribute to the applications database, and we could leverage drupals permission management to even have rights for adding items / writing reviews / commenting / rating...12:08
ogra-classmatephp/drupal will be a lot easier for the frontend integration etc, but there will be a good amount of backend to write12:08
pips1willvdl: oh, by "application item" I mean, the description (metadata) of an edu application12:08
willvdlBEnefit 3: can we integrate with LP account?12:09
LaserJockwell, for the frontend all we need is a form page and some display pages right?12:10
LaserJockso we can have drupal pages that GET/POST to a python engine12:10
LaserJockor am I wrong?12:10
pips1willvdl: about LP account integration, I asked the same question to RichEd when we dicussed the community site, but he said that we shouldn't get bogged down by this...12:10
ogra-classmateanyway, bedtime for me, if there is anwhere i can help with and i dont need to learn  php for it, just let me know :)12:10
ogra-classmateLaserJock: right12:10
LaserJockogra-classmate: I'll be sending you a debdiff for gcompris and if you can do that and the tuxpaint debdiff I'd appreciate it12:11
LaserJockI already got dholbach to sponsor a merge12:11
ogra-classmateis there anything left in gcompris >12:11
LaserJockto keep?12:11
HedgeMageSomebody hilight me?12:11
willvdlogra-classmate, nighty12:11
ogra-classmatei think we can just sync12:12
LaserJockwell, I'll have to check but I think we still are removing some sounds12:12
HedgeMagewhyfor what's up and all that stuff?12:12
ogra-classmatedebian should use a recent python now12:12
HedgeMagewillvdl, pips1: ping12:12
willvdlpips1 single-signon will be important only really if we require submissions from registered accounts12:12
ogra-classmatethe sound removal was due to the space issues12:12
LaserJockogra-classmate: and those aren't a problem anymore?12:12
willvdlbut for maintenance of the queues would be by devs anyway12:12
willvdlHedgeMage, howdi12:12
pips1Drawback 1: If we use drupal's form API, that is already known to change for drupal 6, so yes, the code would need to be adjusted once we would switch to drupal 612:12
ogra-classmatei'm fine with getting some mb back for not having to maintain gcompris12:12
HedgeMagehi willvdl, did you and pips1 need me for something?12:13
ogra-classmatewe have the space12:13
=== HedgeMage saw her nick was hilighted
LaserJockogra-classmate: ok, so if the sound thing is all that is left I'll do a sync-request bug12:13
pips1HedgeMage: hi there12:13
HedgeMagehi pips112:13
HedgeMagewhat's up?12:13
willvdlHedgeMage, we're discussing the implementation of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/edubuntu-application-review12:13
ogra-classmateLaserJock: sound removal and python version were our only changes afaik12:14
=== HedgeMage reads
pips1we were discussing who and how ... ah, willvdl beat me to it :-)12:14
willvdlwhich is essentially a database with some kind of webfrontend where we can vet apps (like winehq)12:14
LaserJockogra-classmate: there was a 64bit correction, but I think that was done upstream as well12:14
willvdland pass them into a process queue to help the MOTUs, ogra and anyone reviewing for main or CDs12:14
=== HedgeMage nods
willvdlso...drupal vs python cgi12:15
LaserJockogra-classmate: "Fix build failure on 64bit archs with python2.5"12:15
ogra-classmateif we can anyhow make it possible to not have to maintain gcompris separately that would really rock12:15
LaserJockI think we don't12:15
LaserJockI just need to verify12:15
ogra-classmatethat should be in debian already12:15
ogra-classmatebut i'm not sure12:15
LaserJockbecause I saw in the Debian changelog it looked like to cherrypicked a fix from upstream12:16
LaserJockI just need to check because MoM had a conflict on that file12:16
LaserJockogra-classmate: I'll email you either way ;-)12:16
HedgeMagewillvdl, pips1 Everything you need to do that already exists in Drupal (with a couple of contrib modules) -- I think I saw you two mention single signon though and if you mean the module by that name rather than just the concept, I'd say go about it differently12:16
ogra-classmateits a bit odd, the classmate stuff keeps me on feisty12:17
ogra-classmatei havent seen much gutsy yet12:17
willvdlHedgeMage, the sign-on thing is probably moot12:17
HedgeMageSince Drupal allows pluggable authentication schemes, and so much *buntu stuff uses Drupal, has anyone contemplated writing a Drupal module to allow authentication via Launchpad?12:17
HedgeMagewillvdl: oh, how come?12:17

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