K-Ryan | !microphone | 12:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about microphone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:16 |
K-Ryan | Hrmm | 12:16 |
K-Ryan | Hold on two seconds Hash | 12:16 |
Hash-the-cracker | ok | 12:16 |
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raylu | hendaus, i think you need to enable a few repositories | 12:16 |
hendaus | raylu: i have feisty and i enable universe and multiverse | 12:16 |
raylu | hendaus, can you show us your sources.list? | 12:17 |
K-Ryan | I had hendaus enable the repos | 12:17 |
K-Ryan | Assuming Adept's new style of enabling them works | 12:17 |
hendaus | ok | 12:17 |
raylu | i'm not so sure about it. it got synaptic-ified, so i still want to see the raw sources.list | 12:17 |
K-Ryan | Hash-the-cracker: I'm not sure, there doesn't seem to be a hardware section or something of the like. Keep asking around though | 12:18 |
albertmk | How can I check if a package is installed and its version?????? | 12:18 |
Hash-the-cracker | ok, thanks anyhoo | 12:18 |
hendaus | raylu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22058/ | 12:18 |
K-Ryan | albertmk: to check if it is installed, sudo <app name> | 12:18 |
nuu | albertmk: dpkg --list "packagename" | 12:18 |
K-Ryan | albertmk: for version, sudo <app name> --version | 12:18 |
K-Ryan | that's two - | 12:19 |
raylu | or aptitude show [pkgname] | 12:19 |
raylu | and you shouldn't need sudo for --version | 12:19 |
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Hash-the-cracker | also, htf do i install non supported packages, say i wanted to download a dvd player app. it comes as a tarball, and i extract it, and follow the directions ./configure, make, make install... etc. it never works, is there like a package installer i can use to install tarballs?? | 12:20 |
raylu | hehe. hendaus, just enable everything :P | 12:21 |
K-Ryan | raylu: Oh, thought you did... | 12:21 |
sayers | The terminal should be doccumented better, it makes things so much easier yet the wiki never gives the steps to do in in a terminal :S | 12:21 |
hendaus | so everything ok | 12:21 |
nuu | Hash-the-cracker: no, that's the procedure, typically | 12:21 |
raylu | !gcc | Hash-the-cracker | 12:21 |
ubotu | Hash-the-cracker: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 12:21 |
albertmk | I do need to find the package "gdal" | 12:21 |
albertmk | Does anyone know how to get it? | 12:21 |
raylu | Hash-the-cracker, i assume you've installed build-essential? | 12:21 |
raylu | !find gdal | 12:21 |
=== neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db4475f.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubotu | Found: gdal-bin, libgdal-doc, libgdal1-1.3.2, libgdal1-1.3.2-dev, libgdal1-1.3.2-grass (and 1 others) | 12:21 |
K-Ryan | Hash-the-cracker: You need to ./make it then use a ./<insert launch command> to launch it | 12:21 |
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K-Ryan | If that doesn't work, I'm not sure. | 12:22 |
raylu | albertmk, search for it in apt/adept | 12:22 |
raylu | no, not ./make, just make | 12:22 |
raylu | after installing build-essential | 12:22 |
albertmk | raylu: I have already done and downloaded everthing but it still does not exist. | 12:22 |
K-Ryan | Riiiight | 12:23 |
=== K-Ryan compiled something once long ago... | ||
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raylu | albertmk, the packages do exist. search for it. it's not by that exact name | 12:25 |
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albertmk | raylu: now you told me! | 12:25 |
=== ergomez [n=ergomez@177.Red-83-36-213.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
timmay | does anyone happen to use SJPhone? | 12:25 |
K-Ryan | !sjphone | 12:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sjphone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:26 |
K-Ryan | Worth a shot =P | 12:26 |
timmay | lol | 12:26 |
raylu | albertmk, ...i used !find and i assumed you read the results | 12:26 |
timmay | i found a linux version, just can't get it to install | 12:26 |
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raylu | timmay, are they binaries or source? | 12:26 |
albertmk | !find | 12:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about find - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:26 |
albertmk | XD | 12:26 |
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albertmk | !help | 12:26 |
Minataku | timmay: I prefer XTen's softphone | 12:27 |
luca | sera a tutti | 12:27 |
albertmk | ubotu: hello | 12:27 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 12:27 |
Minataku | !it | luca | 12:27 |
RawSewage | apt-cache search SEARCHTERM to find packages | 12:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:27 |
ubotu | luca: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:27 |
K-Ryan | Yeeeeaaaaah | 12:27 |
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Minataku | Woah | 12:27 |
hendaus | K-Ryan: is there a program for nokia 6230 to transfering files and images | 12:27 |
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K-Ryan | Ubotu is an information bot | 12:27 |
albertmk | XD | 12:27 |
K-Ryan | hendaus: Don't know | 12:27 |
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=== K-Ryan shrugs | ||
hendaus | raylu: do u know? | 12:28 |
raylu | no idea. | 12:28 |
hendaus | huh.. | 12:28 |
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=== jbnet [n=jake@66-190-235-164.dhcp.klmt.or.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jbnet | Is there a source I can use to get the latest KDevelop? the KDE 3.5.7 one doesn't seem to have it | 12:29 |
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raylu | !find kdevelop | 12:29 |
ubotu | Found: kdevelop, kdevelop-data, kdevelop-dev, kdevelop-doc, kdevelop3 (and 2 others) | 12:29 |
raylu | jbnet, do you mean literally source? | 12:29 |
sayers | How do I get the K3b MP3 encoder? | 12:29 |
jbnet | raylu: well apt source | 12:29 |
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Daisuke_Ido | jbnet: has kde changed *that much* in a single incremental release that you can't use the existing kdevelop? | 12:30 |
raylu | !info libk3b2-mp3 | sayers | 12:30 |
ubotu | sayers: libk3b2-mp3: The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 39 kB, installed size 104 kB | 12:30 |
jbnet | Daisuke_Ido: it says they've improved code completion, i want to check it out :) | 12:30 |
Daisuke_Ido | ooh | 12:30 |
Daisuke_Ido | so that's a yes :) | 12:30 |
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sayers | Thanks | 12:30 |
jbnet | but I'd rather not install from the source | 12:30 |
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jbnet | I expected the kubuntu KDE 3.5.7 apt source to have it, but nope | 12:31 |
Daisuke_Ido | pity the 3.5.7 repo doesn't have it :\ | 12:31 |
tree_ | dang it after a while of no crash now flash is crashing again, must be a conflict | 12:32 |
jbnet | 3.5.7 updated painlessly though... doesn't seem any different yet | 12:32 |
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tree_ | does everyone here have flash 9? | 12:32 |
user-deployment | flash9 yes | 12:33 |
tree_ | or is it up to 10 now? | 12:33 |
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tree_ | does your flash 9 get frozen? | 12:34 |
raylu | no | 12:34 |
tree_ | i think i have something like SWF conflicting with it | 12:34 |
tree_ | or something | 12:34 |
user-deployment | libflashplayer.so | 12:34 |
user-deployment | Shockwave Flash 9.0 r31 | 12:34 |
tree_ | might do a reinstall this is frustrationg | 12:34 |
=== jorge_ [n=jorge@4.Red-213-98-239.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hendaus | !skype | 12:34 |
ubotu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 12:34 |
tree_ | my mouse freezes when flash crashes | 12:35 |
tree_ | now reinstalling fiesty | 12:36 |
raylu | ctrl+alt+f1 is your friend | 12:36 |
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tree_ | even the ctrl-alts dont work\ | 12:36 |
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raylu | o.0 | 12:37 |
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Hash-the-cracker | question... | 12:38 |
slicknick | what do yall like for a basic, userfriendly wiki ? | 12:39 |
luke-jr_work | no | 12:39 |
slicknick | implementation | 12:39 |
timmay | anyone running thunderbird 2.0? | 12:39 |
Hash-the-cracker | how do i stop mounted drive from displaying on the desktop? | 12:39 |
=== gravygoat [n=t8c@kgldgaambas07-pool14-a191.kgldgaam.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
timmay | !XTen | 12:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xten - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:39 |
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timmay | Minataku: what was XTen? is it like SJPhone for linux? | 12:40 |
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gravygoat | Regarding adept_manager - the notice on Kubuntu.org about how to install the new KDE release talks about a "Third party software" tab and an "Authentication" tab on the "Manage Repositories" screen. I have no tabs. What would cause that? | 12:41 |
luke-jr_work | Xten is for Windoze... | 12:41 |
Minataku | timmay: XLite is a freeware (proprietary license) VoIP SIP client | 12:41 |
Hash-the-cracker | how do i stop mounted drives from displaying on the desktop? i have 2 drives, livux, and windoze, windows always shows on my desktop, i want access to my files on it, but i want to get it clear off my desktop. how do i do this?? | 12:41 |
Minataku | luke-jr_work: There's a native Linux version | 12:41 |
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luke-jr_work | Minataku: how "native"? | 12:41 |
timmay | Minataku: like IAXLite? | 12:41 |
Minataku | luke-jr_work: Programmed explicitly for Linux native | 12:41 |
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luke-jr_work | Minataku: Qt? | 12:41 |
Minataku | The only definition of native there is | 12:41 |
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Minataku | luke-jr_work: Custom | 12:41 |
Hash-the-cracker | ...help | 12:42 |
Minataku | Looks just like the Windows one | 12:42 |
clegg | hello, I'm having problems connecting to msn with kopete. Am I the only one? | 12:42 |
luke-jr_work | Minataku: nothing is programming for Linux native except glibc | 12:42 |
=== NotFaint [n=Faint@ip72-200-116-145.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
luke-jr_work | programmed* | 12:42 |
Minataku | timmay: Okay, let's just ignore him | 12:42 |
gravygoat | clegg: I am on msn with kopete right now | 12:42 |
Minataku | I'll get you a link | 12:42 |
user-deployment | !iso | 12:42 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 12:42 |
=== Agrajag` [n=Agrajag@c-67-186-9-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
NotFaint | Does anybody know why I would have two KlamAV icons showing up in the panel, and I can't get "quit" to do anything on either one? | 12:42 |
timmay | heh np, was waiting for a highlighted response so i didn't notice :) | 12:42 |
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Hash-the-cracker | if quit not work, use ksysguard, it like ctrl alt delete for linux | 12:43 |
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Minataku | timmay: http://www.counterpath.com/index.php?menu=download_xlite&platform=linux << It's only the 2.0 version, but that means it's sans bloat and useless features | 12:43 |
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NotFaint | HaSH: Yeah, but I just booted up, so it's doing this automatically. I don't want it to happen at next boot. | 12:43 |
clegg | I can't connect to msn with Kopete but I can with MSN Live from Windows | 12:43 |
timmay | THE DESTROYER! | 12:43 |
Minataku | It works as a softphone like it should and comes highly recommended by me | 12:43 |
Minataku | And I'm a phone phreak | 12:44 |
ctroyer | yeah | 12:44 |
Minataku | So you know my recommendation counts for something | 12:44 |
Minataku | At least when it comes to telecom stuff X3 | 12:44 |
intelikey | but i don't like having to run from ide disk. scsi disk is going to whearl anyway so why not use it and let the ide power down....... | 12:44 |
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gravygoat | clegg: any chance you fat-fingered your login name or password? | 12:44 |
clegg | gravygoat: I also deleted all references to kopete in ~/.kde and reconfigured all | 12:45 |
NotFaint | OK, well, with Hash who was answering my question now gone... anybody know what I can do to stop Klam from coming up automatically when I start up? | 12:45 |
NotFaint | clegg: Why not give GAIM a whirl? | 12:45 |
Minataku | Uninstall it? | 12:45 |
NotFaint | Minataku: But I wanna keep it. :P | 12:45 |
clegg | kopete connection just dies without giving me any error | 12:45 |
Minataku | It's probably got an initscript that's launching it | 12:45 |
Minataku | But I don't know how Kubuntu does it's init process | 12:46 |
NotFaint | clegg: Is GAIM not an option? | 12:46 |
gravygoat | NotFaint: Check in ~/.kde/Autostart directory to see if it's in there, remove it | 12:46 |
NotFaint | gravygoat: Thanks, will check. | 12:46 |
user-deployment | what is klam? | 12:46 |
Minataku | timmay: XLite works great with FreeWorldDialup | 12:46 |
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NotFaint | klam is a kde frontend for clamav | 12:46 |
Minataku | Ah | 12:46 |
Minataku | So it doesn't launch at boot, it launches at KDE login | 12:46 |
clegg | gravygoat: notting in Autostart | 12:47 |
Minataku | There's a big difference there | 12:47 |
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gravygoat | clegg: That was meant for NotFaint with regard to his Klamav question | 12:47 |
aldin | i am testing apache with dyndns.org could someone try to open this link to see if it is working http://kapetano.dyndns.org/MSNLive.png it works for me but... | 12:47 |
Minataku | clegg: Checking Autostart was for NotFaint, not you | 12:47 |
Minataku | Yeah | 12:47 |
NotFaint | Only .directory in the autostart directory | 12:47 |
clegg | oh ^^ | 12:47 |
Minataku | :3 | 12:47 |
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gravygoat | NotFaint: cool, was worth a shot I guess :-) | 12:48 |
NotFaint | gravygoat: indeed | 12:48 |
NotFaint | Minataku: You said that it launches at KDE login makes things different, which means what about where I look to disable it? | 12:48 |
luke-jr_work | Minisip is a nice SIP client | 12:48 |
=== Roger [n=roger@p548364FE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
clegg | oh I just realized that also konqueror does not work on the Internet | 12:48 |
Minataku | NotFaint: I can't tell ya. I don't use KDE, sorry. XD | 12:48 |
intelikey | sudo update-rc.d remove clamav | 12:48 |
luke-jr_work | Minataku: and you're in #kubuntu? :p | 12:49 |
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Minataku | intelikey: Whoa now | 12:49 |
Roger | hi 4 all ! | 12:49 |
Minataku | luke-jr_work: I use Gentoo | 12:49 |
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albertmk | Can anyone help me please!? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22056/ | 12:49 |
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Minataku | I just hang out to help out | 12:49 |
albertmk | Can anyone help me please?http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22056/ | 12:49 |
NotFaint | intelikey: Was that for me? | 12:49 |
Minataku | It works as long as there's nothing KDE or Kubuntu specific | 12:49 |
Minataku | Which tends to be maybe 60% of the problems in here | 12:49 |
intelikey | NotFaint yes. but check the syntax | 12:49 |
NotFaint | intelikey: That's to remove it coming up automatically or to uninstall it? I want to keep it... | 12:49 |
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Minataku | intelikey: He wants Klam to not come up at KDE login | 12:50 |
intelikey | man update-rc.d | 12:50 |
NotFaint | man pages aren't written for my kind of mind :P | 12:50 |
NotFaint | </impatientwithman> | 12:50 |
Roger | me im new here.... is this chat worldwide ? | 12:50 |
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timmay | Minataku: Panic: Failed to initialize GTK | 12:51 |
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Peaker | Can I tell adept to NOT suggest updating some specific packages? | 12:51 |
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=== intelikey wasn't here to help anyone who won't look at a man page. | ||
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Peaker | I want to keep my version - with my bugfixes, until upstream fixes them | 12:51 |
NotFaint | Thing about man is you have to know what you're looking for, heh | 12:51 |
Minataku | NotFaint: Sorry dude, RTFM or GTFO :P | 12:51 |
gravygoat | Regarding adept_manager - the notice on Kubuntu.org about how to install the new KDE release talks about a "Third party software" tab and an "Authentication" tab on the "Manage Repositories" screen. I have no tabs. What would cause that? | 12:51 |
Roger | noone looks 4 me? | 12:52 |
Jucato | gravygoat: are you on Kubuntu 7.04 or on Feisty? | 12:52 |
Minataku | Roger: Sorry, lots going on | 12:52 |
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Roger | ok minataku | 12:52 |
NotFaint | intelikey: and do I need to use that on clamav or klamav | 12:52 |
Minataku | Roger: Yeah, it's worldwide, but this channel is English language only | 12:52 |
gravygoat | Jucato: are they not the same thing? Yes and yes | 12:52 |
intelikey | NotFaint prolly | 12:53 |
Roger | thx minataku | 12:53 |
Minataku | np | 12:53 |
NotFaint | intelikey: prolly which :P | 12:53 |
intelikey | prolly yes | 12:53 |
Jucato | gravygoat: er sorry, meant Feisty or Edgy :) | 12:53 |
=== arafat_ [n=arafat@ppp-62-245-211-68.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | gravygoat: in Adept Manager -> Adept menu -> Manage Repositories.it should launch a window with the mentioned tabs | 12:54 |
NotFaint | intelikey: I mean, which is it that I need to change, the entry for clamav, or that for klamav? | 12:54 |
Peaker | Jucato: Any way to tell it that I want to keep the version of some of the upgradable packages, so that the update notifier doesn't retry to upgrade them every time? | 12:54 |
timmay | Hey when i run some commands like ./thunderbird for instance, i seem to always get a GTK error | 12:54 |
=== _arafat [n=arafat@ppp-62-245-211-27.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Minataku | timmay: Do you have GTK installed? | 12:55 |
gravygoat | Jucato: When I click on the Adept menu and select Manage Repositories, the screen that appears shows the list of my repos and a field to add a new on at the bottom, but no tabs. | 12:55 |
timmay | Minataku: Probably not, only had kubuntu for 2 days | 12:55 |
intelikey | yes and i meant to be sufficiently vague as to force you to do it your self or seek someone else to do it for you. </pouting about non-reading of manuals> | 12:55 |
Jucato | gravygoat: hm... try to check if the package "software-properties-kde" is installed. if not, install it | 12:55 |
Minataku | timmay: Uh... hm... let's pick some random GTK-needing software | 12:56 |
Minataku | You have Firefox? | 12:56 |
timmay | yea | 12:56 |
timmay | can i do an apt-get install gtk? | 12:57 |
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Arwen | timmay, apt-get install libgtk2.0 | 12:57 |
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gravygoat | Jucato: I did not have the package you mentioned. Installing it "fixed" my issue, thanks very much! | 12:58 |
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NotFaint | intelikey: I'm looking at the man, I'm just asking you if you meant that the one for klam or for clam needs to be done | 12:58 |
Jucato | gravygoat: um.... how did you install Kubuntu? fresh install? upgrade? | 12:59 |
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albertmk | Can anyone tell me the difference between "apt-get install" and "apt-get buid-dep" ? | 12:59 |
gravygoat | Jucato: Upgrade. I haven't reloaded since Breezy :-) | 12:59 |
Minataku | timmay: Hm... you should have GTK with Firefox | 12:59 |
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gravygoat | Jucato: I always upgrade lol | 12:59 |
Jucato | gravygoat: hm... wonder why that didn't get installed... thanks. I'll ask the devs | 01:00 |
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albertmk | Can anyone tell me the difference between "apt-get install" and "apt-get buid-dep" ? | 01:00 |
NotFaint | albertmk: I wonder if maybe install doesn't install all the required packages, just the one you specify | 01:00 |
Roger | have a good time anyone here.... im out. | 01:00 |
NotFaint | altert: just my assumption, I don't actually know | 01:00 |
Jucato | albertmk: apt-get install <package> installs the package. apt-get build-dep <package> installs the packages that are necessary to build/compile the package. and please be more patient | 01:00 |
NotFaint | oh sweet I was right ^_^ | 01:00 |
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Jucato | actually, both will install the "required" packages... the difference is what "required" means :) | 01:01 |
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timmay | Minataku: ok well with the xlite i did ./xtensoftphone and it came up with the error: Panic: Failed to initialize GTK | 01:01 |
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NotFaint | Jucato: when you do it through adept it installs all the other packages though right, automatically? | 01:01 |
Minataku | timmay: Hrm | 01:01 |
intelikey | NotFaint which ever is in /etc/rc2.d/ probably klamav but possably clamav either way it's only a sujestion on "how to stop 'blah' from starting at boot time" and from now on, if you ask a Q and someone gives you a command to issue, do your self a favour and don't run it don't talk about it. just open man 'blah' and see what it's for, then note any args they added and see what they will do. that way you | 01:02 |
Minataku | !gtk | 01:02 |
ubotu | GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI | 01:02 |
Minataku | !duh | 01:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about duh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:02 |
Minataku | :p | 01:02 |
Jucato | NotFaint: Adept has no function for build-dep or apt-get source at all | 01:02 |
Minataku | !GIMP | 01:02 |
ubotu | gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information. | 01:02 |
Minataku | Oh, you ballsack bot | 01:02 |
Minataku | !info gtk | 01:02 |
intelikey | NotFaint and you don't get all flustered cause no one will answer you.... | 01:02 |
ubotu | Package gtk does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 01:02 |
Minataku | !info gtk2 | 01:02 |
ubotu | Package gtk2 does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 01:02 |
Arwen | !info libgtk2.0 | 01:02 |
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Arwen | !info libgtk2.0 | 01:02 |
Minataku | Thanks a heap, Arwen | 01:02 |
ubotu | Package libgtk2.0 does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 01:02 |
Arwen | wtf | 01:03 |
NotFaint | intelikey: I like to know what a command does before I execute it. | 01:03 |
Jucato | er.. can we please try not to flood the channel with factoid fishing? | 01:03 |
Minataku | No botsnack for you | 01:03 |
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Arwen | !info libgtk2.0-0 | 01:03 |
Minataku | You either, Jucato | 01:03 |
NotFaint | intelikey: And at no point did I become flustered. | 01:03 |
Arwen | :-\ lol | 01:03 |
ubotu | libgtk2.0-0: The GTK+ graphical user interface library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.10.11-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 2481 kB, installed size 5372 kB | 01:03 |
timmay | yea that install didn't work | 01:03 |
Minataku | Finally | 01:03 |
Minataku | timmay: Grab libgtk2.0-0 | 01:03 |
Minataku | If you already have it, tell it to reinstall | 01:03 |
Minataku | JIC | 01:03 |
gravygoat | quit | 01:04 |
timmay | libgtk2.0-0 is already the newest version. | 01:04 |
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timmay | GGrrrr | 01:05 |
Minataku | Does Firefox work? | 01:05 |
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timmay | yea | 01:05 |
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Minataku | That's bizarre. | 01:05 |
timmay | am i doing it wrong or something....i mean i am new to this soooo | 01:05 |
timmay | i untar'd the xlite tar.gz | 01:05 |
timmay | then went into that folder | 01:05 |
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timmay | then tried ./xtensoftphone | 01:06 |
Minataku | timmay: I know XMMS uses GTK | 01:06 |
timmay | and got the gtk error | 01:06 |
Minataku | GTK1, even | 01:06 |
Minataku | Try grabbing XMMS | 01:06 |
Minataku | Then see if GTK works properly | 01:06 |
timmay | and when i try to do ./thunderbird i get a gtk error | 01:06 |
timmay | k | 01:06 |
timmay | !XMMS | 01:06 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 01:06 |
intelikey | timmay sorry if you've already answered this, but; you do have build-essential installed no ? | 01:06 |
Minataku | intelikey: It's not a compile | 01:07 |
Minataku | It's a binary in a tar | 01:07 |
Minataku | Or is build-essential required to run GTK apps? | 01:07 |
timmay | <---on day 2 using kubuntu....i never used anything than windows so i dunno anything yet | 01:07 |
tree_ | dumb question #420 I have all the DVD codecs and drivers but i cant play DVD's | 01:07 |
intelikey | timmay ok. | 01:07 |
tree_ | i have libdvdread | 01:07 |
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Minataku | tree_: libdvdcss? | 01:07 |
intelikey | Minataku what was his exact error ? | 01:07 |
Minataku | intelikey: Panic: Failed to initialize GTK | 01:08 |
timmay | oh codecs...i was working on that yesterday | 01:08 |
timmay | and couldn't get it to work | 01:08 |
timmay | !codecs | 01:08 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:08 |
Minataku | !dvd | 01:08 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 01:08 |
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timmay | i'm not seeing XXMS anywhere | 01:10 |
timmay | oh that's why | 01:10 |
intelikey | xmms | 01:10 |
Arwen | XMMS! | 01:10 |
timmay | >.< | 01:10 |
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albertmk | What is the command to find a file in linux??? | 01:10 |
timmay | ugh which one... | 01:10 |
hakaisou | !ati | 01:11 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:11 |
intelikey | albertmk find | 01:11 |
Minataku | albertmk: find or locate | 01:11 |
hakaisou | !flash64 | 01:11 |
Minataku | Or slocate | 01:11 |
ubotu | You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 01:11 |
SlimeyPete | albertmk: "find / -name <name>" will find all files named <name>, starting from the beginning of your filesystem | 01:11 |
hakaisou | does anyone know if there is a binary for the latest ATI cards yet? | 01:11 |
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SlimeyPete | albertmk: "locate" is faster but doesn't always return up-to-date results | 01:11 |
timmay | ok after apt-get install xmms....then what? | 01:11 |
hakaisou | i wanna say yes, cause I'm not using FGLRX, but i'm not getting the issues of not using that driver. | 01:12 |
hakaisou | the default driver is working fine | 01:12 |
Arwen | hakaisou, how late? X1900 has one I think | 01:12 |
Minataku | hakaisou: Don't hold your breath... ATI will wait for you to pass out then steal your wallet | 01:12 |
intelikey | albertmk very handy command. find /basedir/ -iname *<string in name to search for>* | 01:12 |
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hakaisou | I believe it's an ATI X1800 | 01:12 |
Minataku | As if you have anything left in it after wasting your money on their crap :P | 01:12 |
hakaisou | XT model, to be sure | 01:12 |
timmay | Minataku: ok after apt-get install xmms....then what? | 01:12 |
hakaisou | hey, I like ATI | 01:12 |
Minataku | timmay: Try to launch a GTK app again | 01:12 |
Minataku | hakaisou: You shouldn't | 01:13 |
Arwen | hakaisou, ATI = evil | 01:13 |
Arwen | support Intel :-) | 01:13 |
timmay | Minataku: ./xtensoftphone right? | 01:13 |
Minataku | timmay: Sure | 01:13 |
Minataku | hakaisou: They don't care about you as a person, let alone as a customer | 01:13 |
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intelikey | find can list file dirs links sockets and other neet stuff, it can check for ownership and permissions and report accordingly as well as runcommands on what it finds. | 01:13 |
hakaisou | i never call them, their crap works | 01:13 |
hakaisou | that's all I ask of them | 01:13 |
Minataku | Not on Linux it doesn't | 01:13 |
timmay | Minataku: same error | 01:13 |
hakaisou | works fine for me | 01:13 |
Minataku | Because they refuse to make it work | 01:13 |
osiris | what is the command to make apt clean up, and uninstall extra kernels ? | 01:13 |
cunde | Hello all..I need help fixing apt/apdept. I broke it and not sure how to fix it | 01:13 |
hakaisou | games and all | 01:13 |
Jucato | cunde: how is it broken? | 01:14 |
Minataku | hakaisou: Then why are you in here asking for help with it? | 01:14 |
masterk | I need linux help with my thinkpad | 01:14 |
Minataku | timmay: That's confounding and I have no clue what to do | 01:14 |
Jucato | osiris: you need to manually uninstall those extra kernels. but I recommend keeping at least 1 extra working kernel | 01:14 |
hakaisou | i was asking if there was a new binary released you dick | 01:14 |
hakaisou | it's working fine before i installed the proprietary driver | 01:14 |
cunde | well I keep getting an error that says ... | 01:14 |
Jucato | hakaisou: langauge please | 01:14 |
hakaisou | god forbid i ask a question | 01:14 |
Jucato | er.. language* | 01:14 |
masterk | jeez... | 01:15 |
cunde | `libpanel-applet2-0' is missing final newline | 01:15 |
Minataku | hakaisou: The one that came from ATI. which is when it broke. | 01:15 |
cunde | cant do anything at all | 01:15 |
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hakaisou | ugh... | 01:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | WHOA | 01:15 |
Minataku | Sorry, I just can't understand why anyone would willingly support the enemy. | 01:15 |
hakaisou | and now for my favorite function | 01:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | settle down children | 01:15 |
intelikey | osiris the removing of extra kernels is something you will have to do manually but apt-get clean will flush the cache dir | 01:15 |
hakaisou | ignore. i love it | 01:15 |
Jucato | cunde: close adept, then from the command line, try this command "sudo dpkg --configure -a" | 01:15 |
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Daisuke_Ido | hakaisou: still having problems with fglrx? | 01:16 |
hakaisou | no | 01:16 |
intelikey | osiris ls /lib/modules/ will list the kernel versions installed. | 01:16 |
hakaisou | i never had issues with it | 01:16 |
Minataku | Jucato: Think you can assist timmay with his GTK issue? | 01:16 |
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hakaisou | jeeze... | 01:16 |
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cunde | jucato..doesnt do anything | 01:16 |
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osiris | thanks all | 01:16 |
hakaisou | i never, at any point, said i was having a problem | 01:16 |
hakaisou | i was just asking | 01:16 |
Minataku | I can't figure out why he can't run any GTK apps | 01:16 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
Daisuke_Ido | [19:16] <hakaisou> it's working fine before i installed the proprietary driver | 01:16 |
LjL | !language > hakaisou (hakaisou, see the private message from Ubotu) | 01:16 |
intelikey | osiris of course uname -r will list the running kernel version | 01:16 |
LjL | !attitude > hakaisou (hakaisou, see the private message from Ubotu) | 01:16 |
osiris | intelikey, that much i know | 01:17 |
masterk | I need help making my standby and suspend and hibernate work | 01:17 |
hakaisou | amazing how a simple question, yes or no even, and I get crucified! | 01:17 |
osiris | i ust thought there was a "clean u" command for apt | 01:17 |
cunde | just tried the clean... | 01:17 |
raylu | osiris, aptitude clean? | 01:17 |
osiris | possibly | 01:17 |
zerothis | when i boot, sometimes my TV capture card gets used for my sound system by mistake (so i get no sound) instead of my main sound card. rebooting is the only way i've found to fix this. but now rebooting isn't helping either | 01:18 |
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intelikey | same thing is it not | 01:18 |
Daisuke_Ido | hakaisou: your attitude caused that. you mentioned you had a problem with the proprietary driver, then go nuts when i ask if you were having problems. i hate to say this about anyone, but with your attitude, you DESERVE microsoft. | 01:18 |
Minataku | Daisuke_Ido: Buying ATI, he probably wants it | 01:19 |
cunde | the full error is : (hope I am alowed to paste it all) | 01:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | and now, i walk away from that whole situation | 01:19 |
cunde | Get:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main synaptic [1310kB] | 01:19 |
cunde | Fetched 1310kB in 57s (22.6kB/s) | 01:19 |
cunde | (Reading database ... dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/synaptic_0.57.11.1ubuntu14_i386.deb (--unpack): | 01:19 |
cunde | files list file for package `libpanel-applet2-0' is missing final newline | 01:19 |
cunde | Errors were encountered while processing: | 01:19 |
cunde | /var/cache/apt/archives/synaptic_0.57.11.1ubuntu14_i386.deb | 01:19 |
cunde | Processing was halted because there were too many errors. | 01:19 |
cunde | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 01:19 |
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Minataku | Since that's all ATI cards really work with if you don't want to buy a new one every year because ATI EOLs them from Linux after a very short time | 01:19 |
cunde | I get that errror for any command in apt or adept | 01:19 |
hakaisou | "does anyone know if there is a binary for the latest ATI cards yet?" | 01:20 |
hakaisou | "i wanna say yes, cause I'm not using FGLRX, but i'm not getting the issues of not using that driver." | 01:20 |
intelikey | zerothis the answer is in modprobe rather than reboot the file /etc/modules and /etc/modules.d/* are used to control the way hardware is setup | 01:20 |
hakaisou | exactly what i said | 01:20 |
Jucato | !paste | cunde | 01:20 |
ubotu | cunde: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 01:20 |
cunde | sorry..wasnt sure | 01:20 |
hakaisou | i wasn't having issues that i got before when i wouldn't use the driver | 01:21 |
Daisuke_Ido | if you want 3d, you use fglrx. if you don't, you don't. it's pretty simple. | 01:21 |
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hakaisou | AAGH!!!1 | 01:21 |
=== hakaisou bangs head on wall. | ||
hakaisou | never mind | 01:21 |
Daisuke_Ido | and buying ati, you take whatever punishment you get until they get serious about providing good drivers. | 01:21 |
Jucato | hakaisou: ok... deep breaths man... deep breaths... :) | 01:21 |
hakaisou | ignore again! | 01:21 |
hakaisou | i love that button! | 01:21 |
Jucato | hakaisou: you're going to fill up that ignore list of yours... :/ | 01:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | did i accidentally make him mad? i was just trying to figure out what his issue was | 01:22 |
hakaisou | bah... | 01:22 |
hakaisou | !resolution | 01:22 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 01:22 |
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intelikey | this is not a good day for irc. | 01:22 |
cunde | the 2 current suggestions did not help..are there others? | 01:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | intelikey: but it could be. | 01:23 |
Jucato | hakaisou: as for your original question, I'm not sure if there's a new binary driver for ATI or if it is available in Ubuntu already. best bet would be to first check the ATI website and then try checking the repositories | 01:23 |
Jucato | not using ATI, I wouldn't know... | 01:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | common sense right there :) | 01:23 |
Jucato | cunde: how about "sudo apt-get -f install"? | 01:23 |
zerothis | intellikey: i think i found it "# Load saa7134-alsa instead of saa7134 (which gets dragged in by it anyway)". SAA7134 is my TV card. should i just delete this section? | 01:24 |
intelikey | cunde yes try this. sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/synaptic* ;sudo apt-get install -f | 01:24 |
zerothis | intellikey: that's in the alsa-base file | 01:24 |
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intelikey | zerothis comment it out. don't delete it. | 01:25 |
cunde | intelikey: same error | 01:25 |
zerothis | ya, that's what i meant sorry. thanks | 01:25 |
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hakaisou | jucato: thank you | 01:25 |
cunde | I screwed up installing something I probably shouldnt have but now there seems to be no backtracking | 01:26 |
albertmk | I need a source.list | 01:26 |
corporal_clegg | hello all, I need some help... I can't connect to MSN with Kopete. When I try to connect it tells me that the password is wrong and this is dmesg's output: [ 5724.160000] ABORTED IN=ppp0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=108 ID=41723 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=443 DPT=4390 SEQ=538461229 ACK=1836777234 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0 | 01:26 |
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albertmk | I need a source.list, please | 01:26 |
Jucato | !source-o-matic | albertmk | 01:26 |
ubotu | albertmk: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 01:26 |
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intelikey | cunde same ? ... oh "Processing was halted because there were too many errors." yuch yeah i've had that. it's a painful process of running sudo dpkg --configure -a | less then the first error addressing that and repeating the process untill you get the bugs ironed out | 01:27 |
zerothis | intellikey: there is a line in the section below that "options snd-via82xx-modem index=-2". this is my main sound card. should i change that number to ensure it always gets used? | 01:27 |
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zerothis | oops! no not my modem | 01:28 |
cunde | intelikey: what exactly is all that (if you dont mind giving the basics) : | 01:28 |
intelikey | zerothis i, ah, ummmm. i'm not sure. maybe you need to ask someone else on that. | 01:28 |
albertmk | !source-o-matic | 01:29 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 01:29 |
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albertmk | ok , but when I update , many errors! | 01:29 |
albertmk | why? | 01:29 |
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masterk | does anyone know what you need to install frostwire because it's not starting up for me? | 01:29 |
Arwen | masterk, you need frostpowder.deb | 01:30 |
Jucato | masterk: you also need to install Sun Java (5 or 6) | 01:30 |
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intelikey | cunde sudo dpkg --configure -a 2>&1 | less <<< that command will show you the error messages. you start with the first 'blah depends on blah2 but is not going to be installed because..." and you address that issue then you repete the whole process stepping through the errors until finally it finishes without error. | 01:30 |
masterk | I installed JRE AFTER I installed frostwire and it won't start up | 01:31 |
Arwen | Jucato, really? that sounds like one shitty p2p... | 01:31 |
zerothis | sorry, my sound card is via8237, it desn't seem to be mentioned specifically in this file | 01:31 |
intelikey | cunde or get frustrated and reload the os. | 01:31 |
intelikey | which ever comes first. | 01:31 |
Daisuke_Ido | Arwen: frostwire. based on limewire. based on gnutella. of course it's crappy. | 01:31 |
cunde | Hahaha this was the last stop to that | 01:31 |
intelikey | cunde yeah. basicly you totally hosed dpkg it is repairable. but not fun to fix. | 01:32 |
Daisuke_Ido | kbai! | 01:32 |
intelikey | like i said 'been there, done that' | 01:32 |
cunde | ah to have system restore (j.k.) | 01:32 |
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=== Daisuke_Ido growls at cunde | ||
Daisuke_Ido | we're men, we fix things :P | 01:32 |
cunde | :) | 01:32 |
cunde | yea only after we break'em | 01:32 |
intelikey | speek fo yo self white trach | 01:33 |
=== bobesponja [n=bobespon@bas75-1-82-235-231-205.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke_Ido | that's half the fun :) | 01:33 |
timmay | Minataku: issue....ID10T error....i was running in root >.< | 01:33 |
Minataku | timmay: Heh | 01:33 |
intelikey | i mean white bot | 01:33 |
intelikey | boy | 01:33 |
intelikey | bum | 01:33 |
intelikey | i quit.... | 01:33 |
Minataku | No offense, but yeah, BIG 1D10T error there | 01:33 |
timmay | yea....well after about a week it won't be excusable LOL | 01:33 |
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intelikey | timmay just a note clamav's freshclam wont work for root | 01:34 |
hakaisou | what's the command to open up the xorg.conf configuration program in Konsole? | 01:35 |
Minataku | timmay: Heehee | 01:35 |
intelikey | you get all kinds of fancy little error messages but nothing telling you that it wont work because you are root... | 01:35 |
SlimeyPete | hakaisou: "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" | 01:35 |
noiesmo | sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:35 |
intelikey | hakaisou sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:35 |
intelikey | xorg.conf configuration program<<<< ^ | 01:35 |
hakaisou | thanks intelikey | 01:36 |
Daisuke_Ido | this is perhaps a bit off topic, but i look around and i see a few types of people. there are those that help, those that don't know a whole lot but WANT to help, those that don't know anything and want to learn, and those that want everything handed to them on a silver platter... | 01:36 |
bobleny | Hi, I am having a problem with a floppy disk. A 847B file was saved on it. When I later tried to retrieve the data, windows said the disk needed to be formated. On Linux, I can see the file, and I can see that the file is 847B. Linux tells me that the file can't be read. What should I do? | 01:36 |
Jucato | Daisuke_Ido: welcome to the real world :) | 01:36 |
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Daisuke_Ido | Jucato: unfortunately this was an expected side-effect of widespread use | 01:36 |
intelikey | catagory 4 seems predomenant | 01:37 |
Jucato | Daisuke_Ido: widespread or not, it's expected. the magnitude of the effect is only more felt because of widespread use :) | 01:37 |
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Minataku | What's an 847B file? | 01:37 |
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Daisuke_Ido | and i freely admit my utter disdain for the platter people, because that's the windows mentality. and it's not always their fault, but *GRRRRR* | 01:38 |
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cunde | well in my defense if documentation was a little better I wouldnt be here | 01:38 |
timmay | now i'm on a roll LOL | 01:38 |
timmay | got sjphone working | 01:38 |
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intelikey | bobleny what format is the fs on the disk windows don't do ext2 on floppies | 01:39 |
Daisuke_Ido | Jucato: ah, not true. "linux is for geeks" was the mantra until very recently, so the platter people existed, but in extremely diminished numbers before ubuntu hit it big | 01:39 |
Daisuke_Ido | cunde: you're in category 3 :) | 01:39 |
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cunde | oh good | 01:39 |
Jucato | Daisuke_Ido: well I was referring to the start of the "linux is not just for geeks" era :) | 01:39 |
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Daisuke_Ido | Jucato: well then, yes sir, you are right :) | 01:39 |
cunde | :) I dont think mike D is going to help things is he? | 01:39 |
Arwen | bah, Windows is just for geeks | 01:39 |
Daisuke_Ido | sp/geeks/idiots | 01:40 |
intelikey | cunde yes the docs are not generally writen with beginners in mind. sad but true. | 01:40 |
Arwen | Daisuke_Ido, have *you* tried securing a Windows-based machine? no idiot could do that :-) | 01:40 |
Daisuke_Ido | well... idiots and corporations. but corporations tend to be run by idiots... so i guess it still holds true | 01:40 |
cunde | thats if the beginer can find them. ever tried bcm43xx ?? | 01:40 |
Arwen | manpages are scary | 01:40 |
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bobleny | intelikey: I know. It was a new floppy, a dos program saved the file to the disk | 01:41 |
intelikey | Arwen go stand in the corner. | 01:41 |
cunde | all dead links last time I was there | 01:41 |
Jucato | isn't canonical a corporaton? :) | 01:41 |
Arwen | intelikey, make me~ | 01:41 |
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Daisuke_Ido | Arwen: i say let them out in the wild. enough malware will bring windows pcs worldwide to a halt, and linux will rule :) | 01:41 |
Daisuke_Ido | Jucato: Canonical is a corporation, but notice i said "tend to" :P | 01:42 |
Arwen | Daisuke_Ido, fail....... besides, when Linux rules, there'll be malware for Linux too | 01:42 |
raylu | m...probably not | 01:42 |
Daisuke_Ido | Arwen: i chose to ignore that bit >_> | 01:42 |
=== intelikey does mount -o loop /dev/nvram / on Arwen's computer. "now say that !" >:} | ||
Arwen | intelikey, nvram? eww, proprietary software | 01:43 |
SlimeyPete | someone will find a way to make malware for Linux. Just like every time someone invents a new DRM scheme, another person finds a way around it. | 01:43 |
Daisuke_Ido | but i can't see that being AS big a problem, since securing a linux pc is a lot easier than securing a windows pc | 01:43 |
intelikey | Arwen no. your bios | 01:43 |
Arwen | oh, lol | 01:43 |
Arwen | I don't have /dev/nvram | 01:43 |
Arwen | HAH! | 01:43 |
=== intelikey knows modprobe. | ||
intelikey | hah | 01:43 |
=== Arwen knows rmmod | ||
Arwen | hah | 01:43 |
zerothis | thanks intellikey. It worked, i think, for now atleast i have my main soundcard back. now i'm trying find out how to mount my PC Engine backups. anybody know which channel is good for help with that? | 01:43 |
=== trpr knows an offtopic conversation when he sees one. | ||
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Daisuke_Ido | i guess i'm just hoping that linux doesn't go down MS's lowest common denominator path | 01:44 |
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Daisuke_Ido | zerothis: isos? | 01:44 |
bobleny | intelikey: I know. It was a new floppy, a dos program saved the file to the disk | 01:44 |
=== bobesponja [n=bobespon@bas75-1-82-235-231-205.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | bobleny hmmm then use the dos program to retrieve them | 01:45 |
pirunga | someone know how to install feisty from dapper without upgrade and without cds, only with the iso file?? | 01:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | uh | 01:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | no? | 01:45 |
=== hakaisou [n=hakaisou@cpe-65-25-56-113.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | pirunga, you fail :-) | 01:45 |
singinmatt13 | pirunga..........is that even possible? | 01:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | singinmatt13: it is not | 01:45 |
intelikey | bobleny but if it's mounted in linux mount will tell you the fs type | 01:45 |
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Daisuke_Ido | pirunga: your options: burn the iso and install that way | 01:46 |
zerothis | Daisuke_Ido: the program i used made two cue files, 28 mp3s and 2 iso files out of my CD. Hu-Go doesn't recognise any of them | 01:46 |
bobleny | intelikey: I tired, the program dies. I know it is not the program, I've tried it on many computers and I have another disk that worked when I saved it. | 01:46 |
singinmatt13 | t'would be fun to have every file u wanted to be able to pull out of thin air | 01:46 |
hakaisou | there | 01:46 |
hakaisou | finally, my purging of all things microsoft from my machine is complete | 01:46 |
hakaisou | :d | 01:46 |
hakaisou | :D | 01:46 |
bobleny | intelikey: the file type is vfat | 01:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | that's a shame. | 01:46 |
intelikey | pirunga you could mount the iso then mount the unionfs image and then copy the files to the hd and thus have a live HD installed.... | 01:47 |
pirunga | <singinmatt13> <Daisuke_Ido> my idea is booting with grub to the files of the iso | 01:47 |
pirunga | intelikey i am trying to figure out a way to do that, i am new to linux ;) | 01:47 |
intelikey | bobleny if it's vfat and M$ cant read it. the disk is bad. | 01:48 |
intelikey | bobleny you can copy lock the disk and do a badblocks /dev/fd0 | 01:49 |
pirunga | intelikey: how can i mount the unionfs image? i have done this: mount *.iso /media/cd/ -o loop | 01:49 |
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hakaisou | !im | 01:50 |
ubotu | Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. | 01:50 |
bobleny | intelikey: what do you mean by "copy lock"? | 01:50 |
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singinmatt13 | don't think 'tis possible | 01:50 |
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masterk | frostwire won't start... | 01:51 |
masterk | help me T_T | 01:52 |
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intelikey | ok the union fs image will need the unionfs module inserted with the args for the image. i don't recall the exacts but it's along the line of modprobe unionfs /path/unionfs.image ;mount -t unionfs /mountpoint | 01:53 |
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intelikey | bobleny a floppy disk, the little plastic lock tab.... | 01:54 |
pirunga | <intelikey> so, how can I make a boot to there?? | 01:54 |
=== Ppjet6 [n=ppjet@lns-bzn-51f-81-56-130-254.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bobleny | intelikey: That command printed a list of numbers. What do they mean? | 01:55 |
intelikey | pirunga you wouldn't you would copy the files out of there to a root dirrectory and boot the system with root=/dev/<that partition> | 01:55 |
intelikey | bobleny man badblocks | 01:55 |
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intelikey | bobleny they are disk errors. | 01:56 |
pirunga | <intelikey> i only have this partition :/ | 01:56 |
tree_ | when installing feisty does it matter whether you choose gdm or kdm for video? | 01:56 |
Daisuke_Ido | ahbuh? | 01:56 |
intelikey | pirunga that can change. | 01:56 |
tree_ | i was getting freezes and now am reinstailling , i think it wads because of flash | 01:56 |
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Daisuke_Ido | if you mean for your display manager, no, it doesn't matter, afaik | 01:57 |
intelikey | bobleny here's what a good disk looks like. tty23 [root@~] badblocks /dev/fd0 | 01:57 |
intelikey | tty23 [root@~] | 01:57 |
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intelikey | no error means no error. | 01:57 |
intelikey | no news is good news | 01:57 |
masterk | can I use RPMs? | 01:58 |
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tree_ | does anyone know if it makes a difference whether you install KDM or GDM? | 01:58 |
intelikey | masterk you can but you don't want too | 01:58 |
pirunga | intelikey: sorry but I dont understand how can I do all of that | 01:58 |
tree_ | is GDM for gnome? | 01:58 |
intelikey | tree_ no | 01:58 |
singinmatt13 | tree_ doesn't really matter | 01:58 |
singinmatt13 | personal pref | 01:59 |
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masterk | bad setup? | 01:59 |
intelikey | tree_ gnome uses gdm by default but it will work with kde or any other DE | 01:59 |
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tree_ | ok thx | 01:59 |
bobleny | intelikey: How do I fix these errors? | 01:59 |
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masterk | is java JRE in the repository? | 01:59 |
tree_ | i've been having some bad system freezes since i installed flash and a few other things so im strating over | 02:00 |
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intelikey | bobleny well sudo cat /dev/zero > /dev/fd0 ;sudo mkfs.msdos -c /dev/fd0 would be a good place to start. but that may not fix it. if the disk is physically bad, and it probably is; then pitch it. | 02:01 |
Daisuke_Ido | i know there are still uses for floppies, but i can't think of an instance i've needed one in years | 02:02 |
bobleny | intelikey: How do I get the data though? I don't need the floppy, I just want that file... | 02:02 |
intelikey | pirunga i wont be there to hold your hand through it all. so i probably shouldn't push you any farther in that dirrection. | 02:02 |
intelikey | bobleny copy it out if you can read it. | 02:02 |
intelikey | bobleny if the disk will mount copy the file to your home | 02:03 |
pirunga | <intelikey> it's possible to make this stuff using some vm ? | 02:03 |
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@02-153.200.popsite.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bobleny | Daisuke_Ido: Our teacher had us use a DOS program that simulates PLCs. The only way to save the program was with a floppy. So, I dind't have much choice... | 02:04 |
=== Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
masterk | it says jre is intalled but whenever anything tries to use java it says it isnt installed | 02:04 |
masterk | help please | 02:04 |
Minataku | I use floppies all the time | 02:04 |
intelikey | pirunga yes. but i'm not well versed in vm's | 02:04 |
Minataku | It pisses me off that the Uni techstore doesn't carry them anymore | 02:04 |
=== prxq_ [n=prxq@Xb3fa.x.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | masterk: ah!! dang I forgot to mention it | 02:04 |
Minataku | Those jerks making me have to drive all over the place for a pack of floppies >:| | 02:04 |
intelikey | Minataku amen | 02:04 |
Jucato | masterk: sudo update-alternatives --config java | 02:05 |
mahdi_ | is there an official way to set up nvidia drivers in feisty? | 02:05 |
masterk | O.o you helped me out installing java like 2 days ago | 02:05 |
bobleny | intelikey: I tried that, It creates a 0B file and then says it could not read the file. | 02:05 |
nosrednaekim | mahdi_: yep! install them from the repositories! | 02:05 |
Jucato | masterk: it slipped my mind. sorry :/ | 02:05 |
masterk | lol 'sokay Jucato | 02:06 |
intelikey | bobleny if you can copy the file good. but be aware that having corrupted data files is only two degrees worse than having NO data files. | 02:06 |
bobleny | Will this command, "sudo cat /dev/zero > /dev/fd0 ;sudo mkfs.msdos -c /dev/fd0" erase the file that is on the floppy? | 02:06 |
nosrednaekim | mahdi_: or you could just go get "restriced-manager" which will do it all automatically | 02:06 |
intelikey | bobleny yes | 02:06 |
mahdi_ | nosrednaekim: where might I find the restricted-manager? | 02:06 |
Daisuke_Ido | Minataku: that's what's nice about my uni. they recommend usb drives AND provide personal drive space (granted, only 20mb) on the ETCS servers | 02:06 |
nosrednaekim | mahdi_: adept | 02:06 |
pirunga | <intelikey>ok, so i it's like this: mkdir /dev/feisty && mount /home/*.iso /media/cd/ && cp /media/cd/* /dev/feisty/* and in the grub config file I point /dev/feisty/ ?? | 02:07 |
bobleny | intelikey: So then you are saying I can't retrive the file? | 02:07 |
intelikey | bobleny it will overwrite the entire disk with zeros and then format it. | 02:07 |
Minataku | Daisuke_Ido: Uh, I used to be able to buy diskettes before I went home | 02:07 |
nosrednaekim | mahdi_: you have to install it (its actaully a Gnome app,but you don't have to install gnome to use it) | 02:07 |
Minataku | Now I can't | 02:07 |
Minataku | The point isn't space or USB drives | 02:07 |
Minataku | The point is that as a computer collector, I USE FLOPPIES A LOT | 02:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | ooh, just thought about that :) | 02:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | yeah, that would be a bummer | 02:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | but you can always hit the local office depot/max and get a crapload :) | 02:08 |
intelikey | bobleny if you can't mount the disk you probably don't have a file to save. and seeing that badblocks chucked out lots of blocks... most likely at least some of them are within the file. bobleny | 02:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | i thought you were referring to classes that required floppies :\ | 02:09 |
Minataku | No | 02:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | my mistake! | 02:09 |
tree_ | is it best to install flash 9 through adobes site ? or repositories? | 02:09 |
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intelikey | floppies are good. but small. although like any other media if the disk is bad it's data is most likely lost too. | 02:09 |
tree_ | im on a site that says you need adobe flash click here to install it | 02:09 |
nosrednaekim | can you even get flash 9in the repositories? | 02:09 |
=== Minataku pets Daisuke_Ido | ||
tree_ | nonfreeflash is in repos | 02:09 |
bobleny | intelikey: I am able to mount the floppy, there is a file on the floppy, and I am unable to copy the file elseware. | 02:10 |
=== hiturunk [n=hiturunk@c-68-51-2-232.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hiturunk | God WINDOWS SUCKS! | 02:10 |
=== Jack3 [n=michael@pool-71-115-206-112.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hiturunk | 15 Fing virueses! | 02:10 |
hiturunk | viruses* | 02:10 |
Daisuke_Ido | hiturunk: i love it when people say that | 02:10 |
intelikey | virii | 02:10 |
bobleny | hiturunk: thats it!? man your lucky... | 02:10 |
Daisuke_Ido | that windows sucks, not the virus thing | 02:10 |
hiturunk | Yeah, It always has. | 02:11 |
hiturunk | Well, since about 98. | 02:11 |
hiturunk | It's been getting more and more controlled with each update. | 02:11 |
hiturunk | NT based is about half the suck though. | 02:11 |
=== nosrednaekim thinks of what PEAT stands for.. "People for the eating of tasty animals" | ||
nosrednaekim | *PETA | 02:11 |
bobleny | The only good windows operating systems are the old old ones before windows 95. They where the most stable OSs.... | 02:12 |
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intelikey | bobleny before networking ? | 02:13 |
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bobleny | Huh? | 02:13 |
hiturunk | I've got to say, The only good non-unix based OS is Dos. | 02:13 |
bobleny | Yeah, before windows came out with GUI and connected to the internet... | 02:13 |
tree_ | is it okay to install flash through the firefox plugin finder? | 02:13 |
hiturunk | And you can't even get Dos anymore, Without going through more H**L than is possible. | 02:13 |
nosrednaekim | hiturunk: freeDOS | 02:14 |
hiturunk | Yeah, Tree, It is, But I suggest just manually downloading it. | 02:14 |
bobleny | tree_: yeah, but it wont work... | 02:14 |
hiturunk | Freedos isn't the real thing, It's a clone. | 02:14 |
tree_ | whats the best way hit? | 02:14 |
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hiturunk | Why's that, No binary files? | 02:14 |
=== Tb0n3 [n=kenny@pool-141-149-13-99.alb.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tb0n3 | how do I enable 1280x1024 in my kubuntu | 02:14 |
Jack3 | okay so i installed kde 3.5.7, should i be seeing anything different? | 02:15 |
hiturunk | The best way is the way you suggested, But if you want the real thing, You have to buy a computer with DOS and copy the OS over to a floppy, or a zipfloppy. | 02:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | hiturunk: what about BeOS? or OS/2? | 02:15 |
nosrednaekim | Tb0n3: I assume you have an Nvidia? | 02:15 |
Tb0n3 | yes | 02:15 |
nosrednaekim | Jack3: not really | 02:15 |
bobleny | Here is windows current problem, building there OSs on a fualty kernal and building their new OSs on old faulty OSs.... | 02:15 |
nosrednaekim | Tb0n3: instll the proprietary Nvidia drivers | 02:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | hiturunk: or you can just ask around, there are those of us with copies of MS-DOS around ;) | 02:15 |
hiturunk | xD | 02:15 |
hiturunk | o.o | 02:15 |
Tb0n3 | :( last time I tried that it sucked it | 02:15 |
intelikey | get all your warez at | 02:15 |
Tb0n3 | the nvidia-glx? | 02:16 |
nosrednaekim | Tb0n3: yes | 02:16 |
Tb0n3 | or nvidia.com one? | 02:16 |
Tb0n3 | oh | 02:16 |
hiturunk | I'd ask for a copy for it, But I already have one =3 | 02:16 |
Tb0n3 | I did | 02:16 |
nosrednaekim | it didn't work for you? | 02:16 |
Tb0n3 | no | 02:16 |
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nosrednaekim | you did what? | 02:16 |
Tb0n3 | I changed to the nvidia driver in xorg.conf | 02:16 |
Jack3 | omg | 02:16 |
Jack3 | why did i installthsi | 02:16 |
Tb0n3 | I got the nvidia-glx | 02:16 |
Jack3 | i thought it was gonna be all elite | 02:16 |
Jack3 | :( | 02:16 |
hiturunk | I have 98, XP Pro (Don't see what's so pro about it, Wizards are for n00bs, NOT PROS). | 02:16 |
hiturunk | And Kubuntu. | 02:16 |
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hiturunk | I have Redhat on CD somewhere =P | 02:16 |
nosrednaekim | Tb0n3: you have the nvidia glx you installed it, you changed to the nvidia in the xorg, and nothing happened? | 02:17 |
hiturunk | What's funny is, I originally got into Unix for Scripting/Hacking purposes xD | 02:17 |
hiturunk | It's good for EVERYTHING except gaming though =D | 02:17 |
Tb0n3 | I got a lot more options for resolutions, but nothing over 1024x768 | 02:17 |
nosrednaekim | Tb0n3: I think you have to do some kind of nvidia reconfigure. | 02:18 |
intelikey | it's good for gaming. jsut that games aren't writen for linux | 02:18 |
hiturunk | My point. | 02:18 |
intelikey | no money in it. | 02:18 |
Dekkard | isnt there a port of unreal for loonix? | 02:18 |
hiturunk | Yes, Because the common person is to stupid to vote for a decent president. | 02:18 |
nosrednaekim | Dekkard: yep | 02:18 |
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hiturunk | Or to manually configure a router. | 02:18 |
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-41-77.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | hiturunk hmmm if one would run maybe they would vote for him... | 02:19 |
intelikey | you never know. hasn't happened in ages. | 02:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | Dekkard: unreal tournament, all years | 02:20 |
nosrednaekim | !nvidia | 02:20 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:20 |
hiturunk | xD Intel. | 02:20 |
hiturunk | What're you, Kidding? There NEVER has been a good president. | 02:20 |
intelikey | were you there ? | 02:21 |
nosrednaekim | hiturunk: yeah there has... James Monroe | 02:21 |
Dekkard | eisenhower.. he did very little... that is good | 02:21 |
intelikey | JQA maybe... | 02:21 |
Dekkard | im thinkin bill richardson | 02:22 |
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Dekkard | he actually has quallies | 02:22 |
intelikey | who's that ? | 02:22 |
Dekkard | gov richardson? | 02:22 |
intelikey | ? | 02:22 |
=== intelikey </shrugs> | ||
Dekkard | google man... | 02:23 |
intelikey | no off topic man. | 02:23 |
Dekkard | grep richardson | 02:23 |
Dekkard | lol | 02:23 |
intelikey | heh | 02:23 |
Dekkard | i need to learn all that..grep..groff..glob.. cat.. | 02:24 |
=== intelikey does grep -HiRace richardson / | ||
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hiturunk | *pokes HackThisSite* | 02:24 |
intelikey | ah man all goose eggs | 02:25 |
david2 | ANyone set up NeverWinters Night Platium in linux? | 02:26 |
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intelikey | heh. gotta love this. Mem usage: 13/249 MB (5%) | 02:26 |
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=== Tb0n3 [n=kenny@pool-141-149-13-99.alb.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tb0n3 | can't get 1280x1024 with nvidia-glx installed | 02:26 |
david2 | All the sites I go to dont work right | 02:26 |
hiturunk | What d'you mean David? | 02:27 |
hiturunk | I might be able to help. | 02:27 |
david2 | I take the zip files of the cd's, the game is all leagal | 02:27 |
david2 | but I cant seem to get it what it needs | 02:27 |
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david2 | http://nwn.bioware.com/support/patch_linuxhotu168.html | 02:28 |
intelikey | Tb0n3 pastebin your xorg.conf maybe someone will have a clue-by-four for you | 02:28 |
hiturunk | Hm.... | 02:28 |
=== ZenDJiNN [n=djinn@ABordeaux-156-1-82-8.w90-5.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
david2 | http://nwn.bioware.com/forums/viewtopic.html?topic=417536&forum=72 | 02:28 |
david2 | http://nwn.bioware.com/forums/viewtopic.html?topic=562603&forum=72 | 02:29 |
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david2 | I guess it wont run 64 bit | 02:29 |
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intelikey | http://intelikey.pastebin.us/36657 | 02:33 |
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calcmandan | Helping my best friend get his computer running. It HAD FC2 on it at one point. It worked rather well considering the version. Trying to get 6.06 configured, however, it won't see the modem. KPPP wants to point at /dev/modem, yet those references aren't there. Any idea where the OS places the modem? It is a hardware device, not a winmodem, so it should be fully supported. Thank you. | 02:33 |
=== KrAmMeR [n=eric@c-68-80-41-15.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
calcmandan | It's also in a PCI slot. | 02:34 |
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intelikey | "Any idea where the OS places the modem?" <<< heh. run sudo wvdialconf /etc/wcdial.conf | 02:35 |
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intelikey | as to where the os places the modem (grins) it's probably /dev/ttyS[0-7] most likely 0 1 or 2 | 02:36 |
calcmandan | DUH, I forgot about wcdial. Thanks, I will check it out. | 02:36 |
calcmandan | Okay, thank you Intelikey. | 02:36 |
hiturunk | T_T HackThisSite's fourth challenge has me stuck. | 02:38 |
intelikey | " It is a hardware device, not a winmodem," ??? isa interface ? if pci and it really is a hardware MoDeM please tell me the name brand. | 02:38 |
intelikey | @ calcmandan ^ | 02:38 |
=== mahoni [i=mastaaa@p5482CEC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | hiturunk what it is ? | 02:39 |
hiturunk | Not much? | 02:39 |
hiturunk | Just testing out my N00bness to hacking on HackThisSite. | 02:39 |
hiturunk | It's pretty wicked.. | 02:39 |
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intelikey | i meant the challange | 02:40 |
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hiturunk | Oh, It sends the password to the administrator, Somehow I'm supposed to intercept the e-mail.. | 02:40 |
hiturunk | Either by getting into the account, Or something.. | 02:41 |
intelikey | ah. | 02:41 |
hiturunk | It's weird.. | 02:43 |
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Tb0n3 | :( pastebin isn't working | 02:44 |
timmay | anyone know how i could use an IE plugin or something? | 02:44 |
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Tb0n3 | why? would you? | 02:45 |
soulrider_ | hi everyone | 02:45 |
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Tb0n3 | Query failure: Can't open file: 'recent.MYI'. (errno: 145) | 02:46 |
Tb0n3 | lock tables recent write | 02:46 |
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Tb0n3 | dang pastebin | 02:46 |
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Daisuke_Ido | welcome back soulrider. you missed drama! but anyway, how did the problems with the machine go? | 02:46 |
intelikey | sure hiturunk g'head | 02:46 |
timmay | Tb0n3: was that directed to me? "why? would you?" | 02:47 |
soulrider | Daisuke_Ido: i ahd all sorts lol, broke like 2 hard drives in a month :P | 02:47 |
Tb0n3 | yes | 02:47 |
soulrider | Daisuke_Ido: what drama ? | 02:47 |
Alonea | ok, I get on how to set a PATH in linux, but anyone happen to understand what this page means by "making sure so and so exe is in your Environmental PATH variable" means? | 02:48 |
venky | anyone managed to get sound for intel HD audio realtek chip? | 02:48 |
Alonea | On windows I mean, kinda wrong place to ask, but I wanted to see if anyone knew | 02:48 |
timmay | i would prefer not tp use IE, but the programmers force us to run certain links in IE | 02:49 |
soulrider | venky: worked out of the box for me | 02:49 |
Alonea | http://pygames.sourceforge.net/ is the page | 02:49 |
venky | can you tell me which laptop model u have | 02:50 |
timmay | ok i got a more important question | 02:50 |
timmay | how can I remote desktop into my kubuntu box? | 02:50 |
venky | i have a toshiba and i have tried everything it doesnt work | 02:50 |
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intelikey | !worksforme | 02:51 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 02:51 |
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fnx_ | i need help i dont have sound on my toshiba satellite and everything i have tried does not work | 02:52 |
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venky | i wonder if ubotu is a bot? | 02:53 |
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Daisuke_Ido | !botsnack | 02:53 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 02:53 |
venky | if only i could have his expertise for some minutes! | 02:53 |
calcmandan | intelikey, it is a pci hardware modem. It was purchased about 3 years ago after some real searching. It listed linux as supported. I bought it, then my best friend bought it for his box. | 02:53 |
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calcmandan | the brand, though, escapes me. | 02:53 |
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fnx_ | exit | 02:54 |
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calcmandan | it works under windows, but even running wvdialconfig didn't find it in either ttyS0 or 1. I tried 2 and 3 to no avail. | 02:55 |
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intelikey | calcmandan lshw | less | 02:59 |
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calamari | hi | 02:59 |
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tree_ | whats the best way to uninstall flash 9... it keeps freezing my system | 03:01 |
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calamari | how can I prevent the monitor from going to into power saving mode? happens even on the kdm login page. | 03:02 |
calamari | tree_: how did you install it? | 03:02 |
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intelikey | calamari that's a bios setting. change the bios. | 03:02 |
=== croppyboy [n=croppybo@cpe-70-122-100-246.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kgx | anyone knows how i can connect to an existing session using freenx? | 03:03 |
kgx | !freenx | 03:03 |
ubotu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX | 03:03 |
calamari | intelikey: hmm perhaps.. didn't really think of that :) | 03:03 |
Daisuke_Ido | tree_: how did you install it? | 03:03 |
=== awesometaco [n=soda1234@ip70-181-154-184.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
calamari | intelikey: thanks, I'll check it out | 03:03 |
awesometaco | hello | 03:03 |
calamari | Daisuke_Ido: ;) | 03:03 |
timmay | how can i remote desktop into my kubuntu box? | 03:04 |
awesometaco | if i dual booted and i have one drive and i have acronis os selector can i just do autamatic partion? | 03:04 |
Daisuke_Ido | just trying to get some response | 03:04 |
tree_ | i installed it through clicking on an adobe link in firefox | 03:04 |
Daisuke_Ido | okay, then... | 03:04 |
tree_ | sorry i was looking at another screen | 03:04 |
calamari | brb, checking bios settings | 03:04 |
kgx | timmay: use ssh or freen | 03:05 |
kgx | timmay: use ssh or freenx | 03:05 |
Daisuke_Ido | if you didn't run the installer as root, the plugin should be in /home/username/.mozilla/plugins | 03:05 |
tree_ | can i just delete it? | 03:06 |
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intelikey | " ssh the perscription for encription " | 03:06 |
timmay | kgx: will this work over VPN? like my XP box VPN on my work network and SSH in and be able to use the GUI interface? | 03:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | tree_: it seems to cause no problems, so i would say go ahead | 03:07 |
intelikey | oh don't you just love adobe just like M$ 100% closed source and they provide a simple way to install or up grade their software...... removal is forbiden. | 03:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | and then you can install from the repo | 03:08 |
kgx | timmay: not sure really. never tried it that way :) | 03:08 |
timmay | lol | 03:08 |
=== frojnd [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tree_ | whats the best way to get quicktime for feisty? | 03:09 |
awesometaco | if i dual booted and i have one drive and i have acronis os selector can i just do autamatic partion? | 03:10 |
tree_ | i have libflash.so in ,.mozilla plugins | 03:10 |
soulrider | uhm, i was just reading the back of the kubuntu CDs and they say: "Kubuntu is software libre" | 03:11 |
soulrider | funny how they used a word in spanish : | 03:11 |
soulrider | :) | 03:11 |
timmay | anyone know how i can remote desktop from XP to Kubuntu? | 03:11 |
awesometaco | tell microsoft to make the remote desktop to linux compatible | 03:12 |
=== Ahmuck [n=chatzill@p151n22.ruraltel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
awesometaco | i mean why not bill gates loves linux | 03:12 |
timmay | ...i'll get right on that :S | 03:12 |
Ahmuck | !windows | 03:12 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 03:12 |
Ahmuck | !boot | 03:12 |
ubotu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 03:12 |
=== mo0osah_ [n=mo0osah@adsl-75-25-87-8.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
awesometaco | help | 03:13 |
intelikey | soulrider es ? not it ? | 03:13 |
timmay | !remotedesktop | 03:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about remotedesktop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:13 |
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Ahmuck | !xp | 03:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:13 |
awesometaco | umm | 03:13 |
Ahmuck | i need xp. i already have kubuntu installed. how? | 03:13 |
=== DaSkreech [n=chatzill@dial-207-254-131-76.dyn.infochan.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | "i need xp" not. | 03:13 |
awesometaco | umm | 03:14 |
awesometaco | help | 03:14 |
awesometaco | if i dual booted and i have one drive and i have acronis os selector can i just do autamatic partion? | 03:14 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: ping | 03:14 |
intelikey | Ahmuck install from the xp install cd. | 03:14 |
nixternal | DaSkreech: pong | 03:14 |
intelikey | Ahmuck or am i misreading that ? | 03:14 |
Ahmuck | won't that wipe out grub? i thought there was a way to do this and save data | 03:14 |
intelikey | yes it will wipe out grub. but if you want to install windows that's what their installer does. | 03:15 |
intelikey | !grub | Ahmuck | 03:15 |
ubotu | Ahmuck: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 03:15 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: I was just looking at the Kubuntu Live cd | 03:16 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: it says that it ships with KDE 3.4 | 03:16 |
awesometaco | help please | 03:17 |
=== caa1980 [n=chris@c-24-2-108-225.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nixternal | orly | 03:17 |
nixternal | DaSkreech: file a bug on that one...Is that the release notes it shipped with? | 03:17 |
nixternal | that isn't cool | 03:17 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: not sure. it's a HTML structure I assume? | 03:18 |
awesometaco | umm | 03:18 |
caa1980 | I have a celeron with kubuntu 7.04 will not shutdown have to click CTL + ALT +Delete at the shutdown splash screen and then it reboots not shutdown. Will if I am booting from CD but not on the HDD. | 03:18 |
nixternal | hrmm | 03:18 |
=== frojnd [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Alonea | kats: is it possible to compile with the Python Interactive shell? | 03:18 |
DaSkreech | when You click on the word kubuntu it brings up more info | 03:19 |
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DaSkreech | same for the word opencd | 03:19 |
awesometaco | if i dual booted and i have one drive and i have acronis os selector can i just do autamatic partion? | 03:19 |
jjesse | i have never attached a digitial camera before and just plugged a usb drive in, should it pop in automatically and ask if i should i mount it | 03:19 |
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caa1980 | any ideah? | 03:19 |
DaSkreech | I think that you can see it in konqui with camera:/ jjesse | 03:20 |
intelikey | awesometaco you may need to re-word your question. "can i just do autamatic partion" ??? | 03:20 |
awesometaco | if i dual booted and i have one drive and i have acronis os selector can i just do the autamatic partion option on kubuntu | 03:20 |
jjesse | DaSkreech: when i tyupe in camera:/ in konqi i get no items- no files -no folders | 03:21 |
caa1980 | I have a celeron with kubuntu 7.04 will not shutdown have to click CTL + ALT +Delete at the shutdown splash screen and then it reboots not shutdown. Will if I am booting from CD but not on the HDD. | 03:21 |
caa1980 | How do i get Kubuntu to shutdown properly? | 03:21 |
awesometaco | as in autamatically partitions | 03:21 |
intelikey | automatic partitioning ? on the install cd ? i would do manual partitioning. | 03:21 |
awesometaco | on the install cd | 03:21 |
awesometaco | oh ok | 03:21 |
awesometaco | thanks | 03:21 |
intelikey | welcome. | 03:21 |
jjesse | ok, now if i do camera:/ in konqi i get a folder labeled "USB PTP Class Camera | 03:23 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: found it it's disctree/en/kubuntu.html | 03:23 |
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caa1980 | can i edit /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc? | 03:23 |
caa1980 | if so what? | 03:24 |
caa1980 | I have a celeron with kubuntu 7.04 will not shutdown have to click CTL + ALT +Delete at the shutdown splash screen and then it reboots not shutdown. Will if I am booting from CD but not on the HDD. | 03:24 |
nixternal | DaSkreech: we need to get that fixed...you on it? :) | 03:24 |
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jjesse | hmm in digikam if i do auto-adetect a camera shows in the list, however when i go to browse it nothing shows up | 03:25 |
DaSkreech | Umm :-) I guess. Where are the raw files for the ISO? | 03:25 |
caa1980 | i guise there is no help hear | 03:25 |
jjesse | any thoughts? | 03:25 |
nixternal | DaSkreech: I have no clue actually..get with Riddell on that one...maybe Hobbsee knows -devel | 03:26 |
intelikey | sudo killall5 ;sudo init 0 | 03:26 |
caa1980 | ? | 03:26 |
DaSkreech | on i | 03:26 |
DaSkreech | t | 03:26 |
intelikey | sudo killall5 ;sudo init 0 | 03:26 |
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caa1980 | what about that? | 03:26 |
tmorton | Does anyone know if there are Kubuntu Feisty vmware images yet? | 03:26 |
jjesse | any more thoughts on connecting a digitial camera? | 03:27 |
caa1980 | I guise there is no solution to my problum yet. | 03:27 |
DaSkreech | digikam;/ | 03:27 |
DaSkreech | ? | 03:27 |
intelikey | guess nor | 03:28 |
intelikey | not even | 03:28 |
=== Ropetin [n=RopetinA@c-65-34-170-159.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tree_ | im now installing feisty for a third time on my other machine... it keeps freezing after i install flash 9.. | 03:29 |
DaSkreech | dwidmann: heehee another flash vicitm | 03:29 |
tree_ | next time i will be very careful how i install flash | 03:29 |
=== hitmanWilly [n=kvirc@66-190-176-18.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tree_ | ...and as i play with it to install other plugins it gets worse | 03:30 |
tree_ | so i am nuking and doing it slowly and right | 03:30 |
tree_ | i have a bad habit of copying and pasting stuff i find in google | 03:30 |
linuxbomb | why would you have to reinstall everything because of flash? | 03:32 |
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tree_ | because when firefox has multiple things installed and you dont write down stuff, it becomes nearly impossible to get back to square one | 03:33 |
=== Freejack_CSI [n=Freejack@71-8-78-223.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tree_ | at least ive found | 03:33 |
DaSkreech | tree_: You can purge firefox | 03:34 |
tree_ | I know but the plugins like flash have multiple places of sitting | 03:34 |
tree_ | and they seem to cling on | 03:34 |
=== sheldonc [n=sheldon@d142-179-125-60.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tree_ | what is the way that you installed flash 9? | 03:35 |
DaSkreech | Don't know I installed like Flash 6 or 7 and just been dist-upgrading since then | 03:35 |
tree_ | or should be considering a lower flash maybe | 03:35 |
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jmichaelx | alright all, how is it going with 3.5.7?? | 03:36 |
intelikey | clingons ? | 03:36 |
tree_ | when i go on a page with flash it says click here to get flash from adobe.. i do that and it has flash.. i go to a site like nhl.com or apple movies and it freezes the whole system evertytime | 03:36 |
jmichaelx | clingons? | 03:36 |
intelikey | shilds up. go to warp. clock on. | 03:36 |
tree_ | yup clingons | 03:37 |
intelikey | arm photon cannons and open hailing freq'z. | 03:37 |
tree_ | or.. i install nonfreeflash plugin from repos and same thing | 03:37 |
jake_ | help guys.. ive just upgraded from edgy to feisty now.. when i try to connect my external hdd, it doesnt appear in the storage media. everything's fine when im using the edgy | 03:37 |
tree_ | fstab it baby | 03:37 |
linuxbomb | tree_: it freezes the whole system huh | 03:38 |
tree_ | freezes so that only a restart button will do anything | 03:38 |
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tree_ | jake u need to edit fstab | 03:38 |
linuxbomb | what about ctrl alt f1? | 03:38 |
tree_ | not even | 03:38 |
=== Hazard [n=hazard@pool-71-174-247-164.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tree_ | only after flash 9 install mind you | 03:38 |
=== sergio82 [n=sergio82@200-127-47-64.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | someone rang? | 03:39 |
sergio82 | hola alguien que hable espaol | 03:39 |
jake_ | <tree> how? | 03:39 |
sergio82 | ? | 03:39 |
jmichaelx | i wonder why his HD is not just mounted.... my externals mount automatically just fine in feisty | 03:39 |
intelikey | do the magic sysrq's work tree_ ? | 03:39 |
DaSkreech | dwidmann: was just pointing out someone reinstalling for the third time cause of flash | 03:39 |
jmichaelx | !es | 03:39 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:39 |
DaSkreech | !es | 03:39 |
tree_ | intel not sure | 03:39 |
linuxbomb | I woouldn't keep reinstalling | 03:39 |
tree_ | this is the last time | 03:40 |
=== ThinkTank [n=thinktan@cpc1-oxfd9-0-0-cust759.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tree_ | its a friennds comp | 03:40 |
dwidmann | Full reinstalls? Just because of flash? crazy | 03:40 |
sergio82 | hay otro canal en ese no hay nadie.. ? | 03:40 |
tree_ | and im trying desperatley to sort it out | 03:40 |
jmichaelx | has anyone experienced any issues with kde 3.5.7? | 03:40 |
jake_ | <tree_> wher can i find that fstab? | 03:40 |
DaSkreech | !es | sergio82 | 03:40 |
ubotu | sergio82: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:40 |
sergio82 | muchas gracias | 03:40 |
tree_ | jake google adding second harddrive ubuntu fstab | 03:40 |
tree_ | and you will get nice wtriteups | 03:41 |
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intelikey | dwidmann no, full reinstall just because flash was installed and he could no longer use the box because of it.... while i agree that awax'ing home and hunting down any other flash crap would be better than a reload... it might not be faster. | 03:42 |
tree_ | beceause its a freinds comp.. i dont want to leave him hanging with freezeups..thats why i reinstalled | 03:42 |
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tree_ | I read a few places that flash 9 has a bug related to onboard sound | 03:43 |
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tree_ | jake are you on KDE? | 03:43 |
dwidmann | weird, how could something for the browser effect, well, everything? Anyhow, find and delete libflashplayer.so and flashplayer.xpt ... not so hard | 03:44 |
=== singinmatt13 [n=mattages@ip70-189-113-170.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
linuxbomb | I installed flash and flash doesn't work so I'm gonna reinstall everything again and install flash?? | 03:45 |
singinmatt13 | ????? | 03:45 |
tree_ | dwid yes i will do that if it happens again | 03:45 |
singinmatt13 | like ur os? | 03:45 |
singinmatt13 | linuxbomb, do you mean the entire os? | 03:45 |
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tree_ | doh | 03:46 |
linuxbomb | singinmatt13: dont talk to me ok | 03:46 |
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singinmatt13 | um.......ok then | 03:46 |
_6StringKng_ | how do I instal themes, lol | 03:46 |
KevinAlaska | Hello everyone! :) Would anyone know if there are any problems if you choose to load codec and plugins etc in a different order then you might load the programs that would use them? Meaning, if I choose to load some music players or video players etc after I loaded a codec in the OS would it have a problem finding them or the other way around (ie loading players then codecs.)? | 03:47 |
tree_ | does anyone else get freezes in flash 9? | 03:47 |
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tgc0d3r | Anybody have any luck with Compiz in Kubuntu on Feisty? | 03:47 |
_6StringKng_ | installing themes....? | 03:48 |
linuxbomb | _6StringKng_: yes | 03:48 |
_6StringKng_ | how do you install theme, I downloaded some from kde-look.org | 03:48 |
masterk | hey | 03:48 |
DaSkreech | !theme | 03:48 |
ubotu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 03:48 |
linuxbomb | Do you want a good osx theme? | 03:49 |
masterk | is PSO available for linux? | 03:49 |
=== luckyone [n=jordan@CPE-65-28-7-102.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
luckyone | does anyone know how you get the desktop switcher to show up in the panel again once it is gone? | 03:50 |
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DaSkreech | luckyone: It's call the desktop pager | 03:51 |
luckyone | DaSkreech: how do I add it back to the panel? | 03:52 |
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luckyone | DaSkreech: nm, got it | 03:52 |
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DerekS | will kde 3.5.7 be added to backports on feisty anytime soon? | 03:53 |
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DaSkreech | DerekS: read the topic | 03:53 |
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_6StringKng_ | downloaded theme, and KDM Theme Manager, when I try to install new theme it says its not a vaild kdm file | 03:53 |
DerekS | DaSkreech: i did/// | 03:53 |
DaSkreech | DerekS: So you can guess the answer is no :) | 03:54 |
DerekS | how official are the packages on kubuntu.org? | 03:54 |
DaSkreech | _6StringKng_: the file probably has a readme file. Check that | 03:54 |
DaSkreech | DerekS: very officail | 03:54 |
DaSkreech | offcial | 03:54 |
DerekS | DaSkreech: so, it is safe to dl them? | 03:54 |
DaSkreech | You know of what I speak :-P | 03:54 |
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DerekS | i tend to only do official ubuntu.org packages | 03:54 |
DaSkreech | DerekS: It's packaged by the same man who does it for the Kubuntu Cd :) | 03:55 |
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DaSkreech | DerekS: the reason for it not being on the official servers is Enterprise stabilty | 03:55 |
DaSkreech | So there is nothing shady going on | 03:55 |
DaSkreech | DerekS: Wish choice btw :) | 03:55 |
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DerekS | DaSkreech: is there a more generic folder than kde-357 (something like kde-latest, but updated) | 03:55 |
linuxbomb | DaSkreech: any yahoo can put a theme on kdelook | 03:56 |
DerekS | DaSkreech: cool | 03:56 |
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intelikey | KevinAlaska order should not be an issue. no. | 03:56 |
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linuxbomb | DaSkreech: so your answer very official is very wrong | 03:56 |
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DaSkreech | DerekS: not yet :) | 03:57 |
pirunga | intelikey can u help ?? | 03:57 |
DaSkreech | DerekS: I think that KDE is a big enough package that you wouldn't want to wake up one day and have it changed | 03:57 |
intelikey | maybe. what's the Q ? | 03:57 |
DerekS | hahah | 03:58 |
DaSkreech | linuxbomb: Huh? I was talking about the KDe 3.5.7 packages on Kubuntu.org | 03:58 |
intelikey | kde is a meta package. small small small.... | 03:58 |
DerekS | DaSkreech: i don't know how much longer i will have kde anyways :) | 03:58 |
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=== DaSkreech bops intelikey | ||
DaSkreech | DerekS: Moving on to CDE? | 03:59 |
pirunga | so... I take a partition sda2 and I paste the archives of the CD | 03:59 |
linuxbomb | whatever | 03:59 |
DerekS | DaSkreech: i was thinking more like busybox! | 03:59 |
psdrop | ae galera estou precisando de um source.list, tem como mandar uma para mim? | 03:59 |
DaSkreech | oooh | 03:59 |
DerekS | or maybe no window manager | 03:59 |
pirunga | now I am tryng to config the menu of grub to load the CD from my HD | 03:59 |
psdrop | i need source.list | 04:00 |
DaSkreech | DerekS: twm ftw! | 04:00 |
psdrop | please | 04:00 |
DerekS | haha | 04:00 |
DaSkreech | !easysource | psdrop | 04:00 |
ubotu | psdrop: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 04:00 |
intelikey | pirunga 'brain storm' how about you boot the cd and then copy the running system to the destination partition ? | 04:00 |
intelikey | wow that's likely to actually work for you. | 04:00 |
pirunga | my CD is with some problem | 04:00 |
intelikey | oh wait. you can't boot it. | 04:00 |
psdrop | i'n is brasilian | 04:00 |
pirunga | so i mounted the iso and paste to a partition | 04:00 |
intelikey | just remembered that you couldn't boot the cd. hmmm let me think. | 04:01 |
DerekS | does kde have a component like seahorse for gnome? | 04:01 |
intelikey | pirunga debootstrap | 04:01 |
DaSkreech | !br | 04:01 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 04:01 |
intelikey | pirunga debootstrap might be just what you want. | 04:02 |
pirunga | where can i find this? my apt is with some problem too.. I think that the sources are corrupted.. | 04:02 |
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intelikey | !netinstall | 04:02 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 04:02 |
psdrop | yes | 04:02 |
psdrop | tank's daskreech | 04:03 |
pirunga | <intelikey> it's a comand? | 04:03 |
=== DerekS wants to use kde4 | ||
pirunga | opz a program | 04:03 |
DaSkreech | DerekS: they have a Live Cd | 04:03 |
DerekS | DaSkreech: i hate restarting my comp, and it is't stable enough yet | 04:03 |
DerekS | i can wait | 04:03 |
intelikey | pirunga maybe the links ^ ubotu gave might help. | 04:04 |
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intelikey | pirunga yes debootstrap is a command/application | 04:04 |
DaSkreech | DerekS: going to wait a while :) | 04:04 |
DaSkreech | I don't see Kubuntu shpping KDE4 before KDE 4.1 | 04:04 |
intelikey | i think actually a big perl script... | 04:04 |
intelikey | lang is not important tho. | 04:05 |
psdrop | i'n need source.list pt-br kubuntu 7.04 KDE4 | 04:05 |
DerekS | DaSkreech: yeah, but i am sure there will be stable 4.0 packages | 04:05 |
pirunga | intelikey I think that in the wiki have another and easier way let me try this first thanks | 04:06 |
intelikey | that's why i pointed at it. | 04:06 |
intelikey | !botsnack | 04:06 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 04:06 |
intelikey | !thank you | 04:07 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 04:07 |
intelikey | !botabuse | 04:07 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 04:07 |
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DaSkreech | DerekS: sure there are ones now on Kubuntu.org | 04:07 |
intelikey | another bug in the LTS http://intelikey.pastebin.us/36657 | 04:08 |
intelikey | later. | 04:08 |
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DerekS | DaSkreech: not stable... | 04:09 |
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DaSkreech | DerekS: as stable as you are going to get right now :) | 04:09 |
DaSkreech | Don't worry plasma will be working in two weeks | 04:10 |
DaSkreech | Whooooot! | 04:10 |
aseigo | at this pace, yep =) | 04:10 |
DaSkreech | Hail aseigo :-) | 04:10 |
aseigo | ave, DaSkreech | 04:10 |
aseigo | layout code for the widgets was committed today | 04:11 |
DaSkreech | catching up on blogs today and saw your departure and return :-) | 04:11 |
aseigo | they aren't finished yet, but it's a big step forward | 04:11 |
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DerekS | DaSkreech: LOL | 04:11 |
=== DaSkreech looks around for O-T police | ||
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aseigo | http://milliams.com/uploads/plasmacontrolbox1.mpeg <-- is neat too | 04:12 |
DaSkreech | So it all runs on a data engine that you can craft thigns on top of and then craft interfaces on top of that? | 04:12 |
aseigo | yep | 04:12 |
aseigo | so you take Widgets and they can serve as a display for any DataEngine | 04:12 |
DaSkreech | that's fascinating. all applets run on top of that? | 04:12 |
aseigo | allowing artists to make pretty widgets, hackers write the engines and people can paste together their own cutesy little interfaces if they want without writing any code | 04:13 |
aseigo | yes, that's the idea | 04:13 |
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=== DaSkreech geekgasms | ||
aseigo | it also means that creating things like alternative taskbars will be quite a bit easier... | 04:13 |
DaSkreech | now about the panels | 04:14 |
DaSkreech | you can sculpt them? | 04:14 |
aseigo | the panels use the same canvas (and widgets) as the desktop | 04:14 |
aseigo | define sculpt | 04:14 |
DaSkreech | Like .. well gradients is the first thing that comes to mind | 04:15 |
DaSkreech | but I recall you saying that you can hang them on a corner? | 04:15 |
aseigo | ah.. yeah, that's the intention | 04:16 |
DaSkreech | or have it go 3/4 way across the screen then curve down and out of the way ? | 04:16 |
aseigo | we haven't gotten to the panel layout code yet... though some of that i already did in kicker so will be ripping that off. | 04:16 |
DaSkreech | or maybe segue into the edge of the monitor | 04:16 |
DaSkreech | I'd want to have a panel go part way across the screen then have a slope | 04:16 |
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DaSkreech | --\ | 04:17 |
DaSkreech | kinda like that | 04:17 |
DaSkreech | and then have one the other way | 04:17 |
DaSkreech | \--- | 04:17 |
DaSkreech | So they sit on top of each other and the end of that one runs up the corner :) | 04:17 |
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DaSkreech | but in short DerekS Plasma will be there in two weeks so you will have lots to play with | 04:18 |
DerekS | :) | 04:18 |
pirunga | what the name of the program that name partition editor via konsole ?? | 04:19 |
=== DerekS wishes he could get his dimap to stop syncing in kmail (seems to be buggy in 357) | ||
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DaSkreech | pirunga: parted | 04:20 |
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foxx | I'm having an issue with my sound card and wondering if anyone knows either how to reset ALL the sound settings or perhaps how to reinstall the entire sound system | 04:30 |
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foxx | It's the only thing I can think of since for whatever reason my VIA Envy24 chip does NOT want to change off of the optical input for timing no matter what you do. | 04:30 |
ubuntu | hallo | 04:30 |
ubuntu | i lost my mbr | 04:31 |
ubuntu | hallo | 04:31 |
DaSkreech | !mbr | 04:31 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 04:31 |
DaSkreech | !sound | 04:31 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 04:31 |
ubuntu | error 24? | 04:31 |
DerekS | how do i use the feature in 3.5.7 to not sync all dimap folders, but staya subscribed? | 04:32 |
DerekS | in kmail | 04:32 |
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david__ | hay guys! | 04:32 |
david__ | any idea why kubuntu won't shut down? | 04:32 |
david__ | just installed it and instead of shutting down/restarting, i get black | 04:32 |
foxx | Thanks, DaSkreech, but that doesn't fix my problem. | 04:33 |
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foxx | I was wondering if anyone knew of which packages were required in order to completely uninstall and then reinstall (or perhaps just reconfigure) the sound system | 04:34 |
foxx | It was working fine until I plugged in a optical input and now it just won't come off of it, no matter what. | 04:35 |
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sayers | !Live DVD | 04:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about live dvd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:37 |
sayers | !livedvd | 04:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about livedvd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:37 |
sayers | :*( | 04:37 |
Coldwar55 | ... | 04:37 |
sayers | Where do I download it? | 04:37 |
DaSkreech | foxx: Probably alsa | 04:37 |
Coldwar55 | !liveCD | 04:38 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install. | 04:38 |
Coldwar55 | ^^ | 04:38 |
foxx | DaSkreech: Already tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base to no avail. | 04:38 |
Coldwar55 | It's a CD not DVD | 04:38 |
sayers | No there is a dvd... | 04:38 |
Coldwar55 | oh | 04:38 |
Coldwar55 | heh | 04:38 |
ubuntu | my group descriptor is corrupted | 04:38 |
Coldwar55 | I used a VD | 04:38 |
Coldwar55 | err CD | 04:38 |
foxx | DaSkreech: What's really getting me is that none of the settings "stick." | 04:38 |
sayers | that is to install | 04:38 |
sayers | a live DVD runs fast | 04:38 |
ubuntu | i cannot boot | 04:38 |
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DaSkreech | foxx: Stick? | 04:39 |
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Drahosh2 | !live cd | 04:41 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install. | 04:41 |
foxx | DaSkreech: Yeah. Such as I open up Kmix (though the same thing happens in alsamixer), change the timing to 48000 again, uncheck the recording level for the AC97 playback and....magickally it flips both of them back to IEC1724 | 04:41 |
foxx | DaSkreech: I've even tried it as root to no avail. | 04:41 |
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DaSkreech | foxx: you went through the troubleshooting link? | 04:42 |
tradotto | \join #dell | 04:42 |
Matt001 | Hi! Does anyone know why the update notifyer displays a green ball and not an interesting icon? | 04:42 |
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foxx | DaSkreech: Yes, sir | 04:42 |
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Zeelot | hey guys | 04:43 |
Zeelot | what's the easiest way to share files over 2 kubuntu desktops on my network? | 04:43 |
=== DerekS [n=DerekS@cpe-66-108-44-139.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
surgy | ? | 04:44 |
surgy | Zeelot: use amba | 04:44 |
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surgy | samba | 04:44 |
david__ | any idea how to install nvidia drivers? | 04:44 |
surgy | !samba | zeelot | 04:44 |
ubotu | zeelot: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 04:44 |
david__ | i get a generic error when installing the package | 04:44 |
DaSkreech | surgy: What? | 04:44 |
Zeelot | it doesn't find the it on the other computer | 04:44 |
surgy | !nvidia | david__ | 04:44 |
DaSkreech | surgy: what about fish? | 04:44 |
ubotu | david__: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:45 |
david__ | and when i install it from the nvidia site it says "you're running an x server, kill it lol" | 04:45 |
surgy | DaSkreech: fish wtf? | 04:45 |
tmorton | surgy, Konq's interface for ssh | 04:45 |
tmorton | ssh/sftp/scp | 04:45 |
pirunga | sources ?? | 04:45 |
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pirunga | for dapper | 04:45 |
DaSkreech | tmorton: thank you | 04:45 |
DaSkreech | !easysource | 04:45 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 04:45 |
surgy | tmorton: DaSkreech did i miss something? | 04:45 |
tradotto | Anyone know where I can go to find out if My mother board has an agp slot, not just looking inside the case because there is no slot there but there are solider pads so I am asking how to find out if my mother board could acomodate a agp slot.... | 04:45 |
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david__ | ubotu: that tells me to use the package | 04:46 |
david__ | but the package manager shits on me whne i try | 04:46 |
DaSkreech | surgy: you don't use samba to share files linux <--> linux | 04:46 |
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DaSkreech | !language | 04:46 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:46 |
Zeelot | hmm sorry...duno what happened | 04:46 |
RadiantFire | Zeelot: ssh is probably one of the easiest ways | 04:46 |
Zeelot | so linux<->linux still use samba? | 04:46 |
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surgy | DaSkreech: i do | 04:47 |
Zeelot | how do I allow that? | 04:47 |
foxx | DaSkreech: I dunno, I use Samba instead of NFS. Works fine for me (homogeneous Linux network) | 04:47 |
RadiantFire | Zeelot: consider ssh + avahi | 04:47 |
DaSkreech | surgy: I'm not saying you can't | 04:47 |
KevinAlaska | Hello everyone! :) Would anyone know if there are any problems if you choose to load codec and plugins etc in a different order then you might load the programs that would use them? Meaning, if I choose to load some music players or video players etc after I loaded a codec in the OS would it have a problem finding them or the other way around (ie loading players then codecs.)? | 04:47 |
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DaSkreech | I'm saying why would you want to? | 04:47 |
RadiantFire | Zeelot: you install openssh-server on the computer you want to be the file server, and th en from the client computer, type fish://username@<server hostname>.local | 04:47 |
Zeelot | alright thanks | 04:48 |
foxx | DaSkreech: Depends on your needs. NFS tends to trust the end systems are who they say they are, SMB does not. | 04:48 |
surgy | DaSkreech: for the pointy clicky easyness | 04:48 |
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RadiantFire | Zeelot: you can also add it as a "network place" in konqeuror the same way | 04:48 |
DaSkreech | foxx: Yeah but ssh is paranoid and easy | 04:48 |
DaSkreech | surgy: fish:// | 04:48 |
foxx | DaSkreech: not for raw mounting it's not | 04:48 |
DaSkreech | Point click easy :) | 04:48 |
foxx | DaSkreech: Tried tunneling my directories on my media server locally on this system...nasty. | 04:49 |
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DaSkreech | Kio slaves rock | 04:49 |
foxx | DaSkreech: Only way was to set it up with Samba, use a credentials file for automation, then mount them at boot time. | 04:49 |
=== DaSkreech does not advocate the slavery or forced indentured servitude of any other than KIO's Work KIO's Work!!! | ||
foxx | DaSkreech: So now Amarok for instance can actually read and write my music collection across the network since it doesn't understand any network protocols | 04:50 |
DaSkreech | KIO slaves :) | 04:50 |
DaSkreech | makes it invisible to the apps underneath | 04:50 |
DaSkreech | i have most of my Video files on a server and play them over fish | 04:51 |
david2 | Anyone got some useful sites for a network scanner? | 04:51 |
david2 | shfs | 04:51 |
david2 | sshfs | 04:51 |
DaSkreech | david2: that as well | 04:52 |
DaSkreech | never tried it :) | 04:52 |
DaSkreech | but it works for non KDEians | 04:52 |
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foxx | I'll take a look into KIO Slaves but I'm rather pleased with how well Samba's worked now. | 04:53 |
david__ | anyone know how to change playback audio device? | 04:53 |
david__ | the mixer shows me both devices | 04:53 |
david__ | but i can't make amarok use my 2nd device, my soundcard | 04:53 |
david2 | man alsamixer | 04:53 |
david2 | you can choose the card | 04:53 |
DaSkreech | foxx: again didn't say it didn't work :0 | 04:54 |
david__ | how do i man alsamixre? | 04:54 |
david2 | in a console | 04:54 |
david2 | you can blacklist the module of the card you dont want | 04:54 |
david2 | so it only loads one card | 04:54 |
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foxx | DaSkreech: Of course not, I'm just affirming a curiosity whilst reserving a right to my own opinion (there, that's nice and dragged out...I think I just beat it to death ;) ). | 04:54 |
=== DaSkreech falls to his knees. My Dead horse!! Whhhhyyyyyyyy? | ||
=== hitmanWilly hits it several times | ||
foxx | It's okay...we'll just shove NFS up its rear and it'll be good as new | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | Neo Fart stopper? | 04:56 |
foxx | Something like that | 04:56 |
david__ | david2, i want both cars | 04:56 |
KevinAlaska | Anyone know if it matters to player programs (video, audio etc) if codec files etc are installed before or after the player programs are installed? | 04:56 |
foxx | More like Network File Screwer | 04:56 |
david__ | in gnome ubuntu its easy to set | 04:56 |
david__ | theres an easy setting thing like in windows where you pick it | 04:57 |
DaSkreech | KevinAlaska: they care bout it on startup | 04:57 |
hitmanWilly | KevinAlaska: most of the time, no | 04:57 |
DaSkreech | they don't really care when the codec was installed | 04:57 |
foxx | KevinAlaska: Not to my knowledge really, just restart the app | 04:57 |
david__ | is there a way to get a gui alsamixer? i usually get a bunch of erros when i do things in the console | 04:57 |
david2 | You'll need to google it.. Linux sound system works differently... | 04:57 |
KevinAlaska | cool beans!! thanks folks! :) | 04:57 |
david__ | k | 04:57 |
DaSkreech | !CODECS | 04:57 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:57 |
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hitmanWilly | KevinAlaska: most apps looks in standard locations for the codec files | 04:57 |
david2 | You'll prolly get a lot a /dev/dsp busy's | 04:58 |
tmorton | david__, kmix is like alsamixer but gui, sorta | 04:58 |
hitmanWilly | KevinAlaska: seperate from the actual prog install location | 04:58 |
KevinAlaska | ahh.. that helps. :) | 04:58 |
KevinAlaska | woot.. love learning something new.. cheers | 04:58 |
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DaSkreech | KevinAlaska: hang out here | 04:59 |
ubuntu | how do i restore grub with a kubuntu live cd? | 05:00 |
DaSkreech | somethign new every day | 05:00 |
DaSkreech | !mbr | 05:00 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 05:00 |
ubuntu | im booted into it right now | 05:00 |
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david2 | I have gas.... | 05:00 |
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DaSkreech | david2: above or below market prices? | 05:00 |
david2 | free it appears | 05:00 |
=== DaSkreech grins | ||
=== hitmanWilly wonders why cars don't run on methane... | ||
DaSkreech | They do | 05:01 |
hitmanWilly | make my trips to taco bell cheaper :) | 05:02 |
DaSkreech | Just couple thousand year old methane :) | 05:02 |
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surgy | anyone here have any experience with carputers? | 05:02 |
DaSkreech | surgy: Outside of a hammer..... no | 05:03 |
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mikeo1 | i have 2 stage 1s for grub, how do i know what the right one is? | 05:03 |
hitmanWilly | i swapped one out once | 05:03 |
surgy | DaSkreech: i mean a pc built to run inside of a car, not an ECU or engine management | 05:03 |
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DaSkreech | mikeo1: rename one. if it doesn't boot back up that was the wrong one | 05:03 |
mr | i'm stuck trying to compile tk8.5-dev | 05:04 |
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hitmanWilly | and they said cell phones were road hazards :) | 05:04 |
KevinAlaska | cell phones are not hazards.. its the nuts who can't multitask! :) | 05:05 |
mrwizrd | haha | 05:05 |
DaSkreech | hitmanWilly: solitaire will claim more lives than * | 05:05 |
hitmanWilly | lol | 05:05 |
david2 | I think I need to back up and figure out how to use IRC | 05:05 |
hitmanWilly | ", jack on the queen and OMG!!!!" | 05:05 |
david2 | I dont know what half the "!" blah means | 05:05 |
KevinAlaska | you and probably the bulk of us.. okay.. mostly just me | 05:05 |
DaSkreech | david2: like OMg ponieZ!!? | 05:06 |
DaSkreech | or like !windows | 05:06 |
hitmanWilly | lol...yeah, like that | 05:06 |
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mrwizrd | ehh.. i'll fix it tommorow | 05:06 |
lenny | Hi. Do you know if Quanta Plus has spanish language? | 05:06 |
mrwizrd | night guys | 05:06 |
DaSkreech | night | 05:06 |
surgy | lol you guys are joking me | 05:06 |
surgy | never seen a carputer? | 05:07 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 05:07 |
DaSkreech | surgy: is this bought or built? | 05:07 |
surgy | built | 05:07 |
DaSkreech | ah then perhaps | 05:07 |
hitmanWilly | what, like an integrated system for radio, gps, anti-theft, etc? | 05:08 |
hitmanWilly | all on one ui? | 05:08 |
surgy | http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.stuffandting.com/galleria/photos/computing/carputer-mk2/screen.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.stuffandting.com/carputer/&h=640&w=480&sz=46&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=QYdpFlc6N-pLQM:&tbnh=137&tbnw=103&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcarputer%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG | 05:09 |
dr_willis | seen them used for media playera mainly | 05:09 |
surgy | hitmanWilly: yes exactly, and movies mp3 and dvr satelite tv whatever | 05:09 |
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surgy | well i want to run kubuntu in my car | 05:10 |
hitmanWilly | ok, now i see...about what i figured | 05:10 |
surgy | so i can have a karbutu | 05:10 |
mahdi_ | i know i've asked this before, but whats the name of the x screensaver extension header? | 05:10 |
DaSkreech | ++surgy | 05:10 |
hitmanWilly | surgy: new kde app, karr | 05:10 |
Zeelot | hellooo, another question | 05:10 |
surgy | lol | 05:10 |
DaSkreech | !ask | 05:11 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:11 |
hitmanWilly | surgy: or maybe KITT? | 05:11 |
Zeelot | ssh worked but if I want to watch a file from this dekstop on the other what should I use | 05:11 |
=== hitmanWilly shows his age... | ||
Zeelot | and I didnt ask to ask | 05:11 |
surgy | whould you guys be interested in a project like that? of course i whould supply the car the hardware and built/mount it | 05:11 |
=== DaSkreech hides his school days Lunch box | ||
dr_willis | Zeelot, theres the sshfs stuff. or perhaps use smb4k to mount samba shares.. or mount the samba shares manually or other ways... | 05:12 |
surgy | i just need the os to be tweaked and turned inside out | 05:12 |
DaSkreech | Kitt? what's KITT? | 05:12 |
hitmanWilly | surgy: honestly, i wouldn't use buntu for that, maybe DSL or something similar | 05:12 |
surgy | meet me in off topic? | 05:12 |
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Zeelot | dr_willis: what would you suggest out of those? | 05:12 |
hitmanWilly | DaSkreech: sorry, they always had it in all caps on the show... | 05:12 |
DaSkreech | Zeelot: open konqueror and type fish://username@othercomputer:/path/to/directory | 05:12 |
surgy | hitmanWilly: care to ellaborate in offtopic? | 05:13 |
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DaSkreech | Right click and open in app of your choice | 05:13 |
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Zeelot | I want a permanent solution something that can mount a drive every time | 05:13 |
dr_willis | Zeelot, depends on your needs. I use smb4k to view/mount the samba shares on my fileserger to let me watch videos | 05:13 |
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Zeelot | videos mostly yea | 05:14 |
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dr_willis | the point to note is that the built in kde filemanager samba 'browser' woll work like a web browser.. download THEN play the files.. | 05:15 |
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dr_willis | to get them to play on the fly. you need to get the samba share mounted. | 05:15 |
ubuntu_brasil | tenho uma duvida quanto a instalacao do ubuntu, alguem poderia me ajudar: | 05:15 |
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Zeelot | alright and smb4k is what does that? | 05:15 |
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ubuntu_brasil | eh sobre a particao do hd | 05:16 |
dr_willis | !info smb4k | 05:16 |
ubotu | smb4k: A Samba (SMB) share advanced browser for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-1build1 (feisty), package size 1762 kB, installed size 3756 kB | 05:16 |
ubuntu_brasil | se da pra faze-la com o windows ja instalado sem perder os dados | 05:16 |
dr_willis | I like smb4k thers proberly other similer tools out. | 05:16 |
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dr_willis | !es | 05:16 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:16 |
Zeelot | thanks I'll give that a try now | 05:16 |
DaSkreech | !br | 05:16 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 05:16 |
ubuntu_brasil | ok | 05:17 |
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voidmage | how do i install nvidia's beta driver? | 05:18 |
dr_willis | i belive the nvidia ubuntu wiki page has a link/section on using the latest nvidia drivers. | 05:19 |
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Zeelot | dr_willis: how do I find the shared drive? the scan comes up empty (this was why I did ssh in the first place, samba didn't work) | 05:19 |
DaSkreech | !nvidia | 05:19 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:19 |
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Zeelot | I have the drive shared on this desktop | 05:19 |
dr_willis | Zeelot, hmm.. set up samba. :P | 05:19 |
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Zeelot | it is | 05:19 |
dr_willis | set it up correctly heh . | 05:19 |
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dr_willis | how did you 'share' the drive on what desktop? | 05:20 |
Zeelot | system settings | 05:20 |
dr_willis | i always just share the 'homes' on the linux box. | 05:20 |
dr_willis | i do that by editng the samba.conf - you DID install samba? | 05:20 |
Zeelot | I am sharing /media/sda5/ | 05:20 |
Zeelot | yes samba is installed | 05:20 |
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mahdi_ | what is the name of the package that covers "X Screensaver extension header file"? | 05:21 |
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dr_willis | Zeelot, i always edit the smb.conf to share the homes, makes them writeable, and then i add a smbpasswd for each linux user i want to have access. | 05:22 |
dr_willis | not sure if that last part is needed any more | 05:22 |
mike0002 | anyone good with grub? | 05:22 |
dr_willis | be syre your workgroup is correct also | 05:22 |
mike0002 | i keep getting error 15 file not found in stage 1.5, but when i browse the filesystem both files are there, how do i fix this? | 05:22 |
dr_willis | could be grub is confiured to look on the wrong harddrive/parttion for that file. | 05:23 |
KevinAlaska | okay.. getting a message now that reads "Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept applicatin or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one." but problem is I do not have any others running. :( | 05:23 |
dr_willis | !fixapt | 05:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fixapt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:23 |
dr_willis | hmm | 05:23 |
dr_willis | thers a factoid for that.. | 05:23 |
dr_willis | !aptfix | 05:23 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 05:23 |
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KevinAlaska | ahhh.. ubotu.. it did crash. | 05:24 |
KevinAlaska | GOD.. I am such a noob. =/ | 05:24 |
mike0002 | i only have one kernel that grub will boot and it gives init[1] trap invalid opcode rip:80511ec rsp:ffec64b8 error:0 | 05:25 |
dr_willis | mike0002, has this system ever worked? | 05:25 |
mike0002 | yes | 05:26 |
mike0002 | i just havnt used it in a while | 05:26 |
dr_willis | sounds like you may want to be booting a live cd and backing up any imporntant files.. | 05:26 |
mike0002 | hd is fine | 05:26 |
dr_willis | i cant recall EVER seeing that sort of error message | 05:26 |
mike0002 | what is an opcode? | 05:26 |
dr_willis | opcodes are the actual instructions the cpu gets | 05:27 |
dr_willis | like a program was garbled and the cpu tried to run it | 05:27 |
mike0002 | thats weird | 05:27 |
dr_willis | very weird | 05:27 |
DaSkreech | It's an operation code sent to the processor ofr it to do one calcualtion/operation | 05:27 |
dr_willis | almost sounds liek it MAY be a cpu or memory issue | 05:27 |
KevinAlaska | Ubotu, what is that last symbol at the end of that text? | 05:28 |
dr_willis | !bot | 05:28 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 05:28 |
mike0002 | computer works fine in vista | 05:28 |
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mike0002 | or on live cds | 05:28 |
DaSkreech | !thank you | 05:28 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 05:28 |
dr_willis | mike0002, sounds like it may be a HD issue then | 05:28 |
dr_willis | of course the livecds dohave that MEMTEST option. may be a good idea to let that run overnoght to test the ram | 05:28 |
mike0002 | hd has never had any problems on the ntfs partition on the drive | 05:29 |
dr_willis | mike0002, and that PROVES the linux part dosetn have issues? :) | 05:29 |
Matt001 | Hi, who is the forum administrator? | 05:29 |
dr_willis | fsck the disk from a livecd to check it as another test | 05:29 |
mike0002 | i think vista screwed up grub | 05:29 |
dr_willis | mike0002, i would not be suprised.. but no proof of that. | 05:29 |
DaSkreech | Eh? | 05:29 |
mike0002 | while i always get tons of fsck errors when it boots on hda1 but that has been that way for like 2 years now | 05:30 |
mike0002 | hda1 is only used for storage, nothing runs off it | 05:30 |
dr_willis | ugh... and you never though to fix that issue eh? :) | 05:30 |
mike0002 | it fails to fix it every time | 05:30 |
dr_willis | live cd - fsck it manually... then see. | 05:31 |
mike0002 | and hda1 shouldnt affect sdb2 | 05:31 |
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dr_willis | if it keeps comming back.. well... time to get a new hd. | 05:31 |
dr_willis | 'shouldent' | 05:31 |
mike0002 | that hd isnt being used for anything | 05:31 |
dr_willis | you just said the system wasent booting however... | 05:31 |
dr_willis | so it may be the kernel file thats currupted | 05:31 |
mike0002 | can a kubuntu 7.04 amd64 cd repair it | 05:32 |
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dr_willis | any live should be able to fsck the disks | 05:32 |
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mike0002 | no i mean repair the linux install | 05:32 |
mike0002 | nothing is wrong with the disk its running on | 05:32 |
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dr_willis | 'nothing is wrong' is somthing ive not seen proven. :) fscking it from a live cd' will be a step to test that. | 05:33 |
dr_willis | its possible somthing was wrong at one time.. and got fixed - improperly | 05:33 |
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mike0002 | no hda1 is all screwed up but nothing is running from it | 05:34 |
mike0002 | so it shouldnt matter | 05:34 |
mike0002 | the other disks never give any errors | 05:34 |
mike0002 | hmmm ill just reinstall | 05:34 |
Zeelot | blah...I can find this computer from the other but when I try to open it with smb4k it gives me access denied and a login screen...but I have the allowed users set and it's correct. | 05:36 |
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dr_willis | well youve just eliminated EVERYTHING that could be wrong.. so it must be working right.. :) | 05:36 |
Zeelot | -_- | 05:36 |
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dr_willis | Zeelot, you cant even see the other pc? or can you see the shares but not access them? | 05:36 |
Zeelot | I can see the pc | 05:37 |
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Zeelot | by searching for the local ip | 05:37 |
Zeelot | it finds MSHOME->ZEELOT but wont let me in | 05:37 |
Lichte | how do I get this stupid network manager to remember my domain name between startups ?? | 05:37 |
Zeelot | to mount anything | 05:37 |
dr_willis | did it mention somthing about 'smbmnt' needing to be suid in a error box? | 05:37 |
Lichte | I sick and tired of configuring my network everytime I boot up | 05:38 |
Zeelot | nope | 05:38 |
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dr_willis | Zeelot, odd. try running smb4k with sudo perhaps. from a terminal. | 05:38 |
dr_willis | its possible you are missing some needed smb related commands | 05:38 |
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RadiantFire | Zeelot: this is a known problem, google for suid smb4k and there is a solution | 05:39 |
RadiantFire | Zeelot: you have to issue 2 commands in the terminal, I just can't remember what they are | 05:39 |
dr_willis | heh - sudo chmod +s `which smbmnt` (I THINK) is one of them | 05:39 |
Zeelot | same thing acces denied | 05:39 |
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Zeelot | ok I'll google | 05:39 |
dr_willis | it always poped up a error box on my machine so i saw what commands it wanted to suid | 05:39 |
RadiantFire | Zeelot: did ssh server not work? | 05:40 |
RadiantFire | dr_willis: have you tried configuring it in system settings? | 05:40 |
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Zeelot | ssh did but it downloads the file before playing? I really just want to mount and use as if it was local | 05:40 |
dr_willis | RadiantFire, nope. :) ive used it enoguh to rember the commands. and edit smb.conf manually | 05:40 |
Zeelot | I play big 2-4gig video files | 05:40 |
RadiantFire | Zeelot: there is a fuse mount for ssh | 05:40 |
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dr_willis | i mentioned that sshfs stuff earlier. :) and thers a fuse samba thing also. | 05:41 |
RadiantFire | I personally hate samba, I think its a horrible pain | 05:41 |
Zeelot | so what should I use >_> | 05:41 |
dr_willis | i have fought so much with samba.. that i can get it going rather fast now a days | 05:41 |
RadiantFire | whatever works | 05:41 |
dr_willis | check the samba logs perhaps on the remote box. | 05:41 |
dr_willis | it maybe somthing trivial going wrong. | 05:41 |
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albertmk | Someone help me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22096/ | 05:43 |
dr_willis | care to give a little bit of detail albertmk ? | 05:44 |
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albertmk | I have just installed Ubuntu and when I type "sudo apt-get update" , many errors. | 05:44 |
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Lichte | how do I get this stupid network manager to remember my domain name between startups ?? | 05:45 |
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albertmk | I am almost sure that it is because of source.list.... but I do not know what to do | 05:46 |
dr_willis | Could not connect to br.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 05:46 |
dr_willis | server is down - looks like. | 05:46 |
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KanRiNiN | I'm trying to change my KDE theme which requires administrator mode but there's no button for it.. | 05:47 |
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dr_willis | KanRiNiN, hmm.. that shouldent need to be admin mode. | 05:47 |
dr_willis | unless you are refering to a KDM theme. | 05:47 |
albertmk | Can anone help me please? | 05:47 |
dwidmann | KanRiNiN: sure there isn't a scroll bar, or perhaps you need to change the windows size to something, well, huge | 05:47 |
dr_willis | try maxamizing the window. some times the button is hiding at the bottom of the window | 05:47 |
dwidmann | albertmk: you can start by pastebinning the errors | 05:47 |
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dr_willis | albertmk, edit the sources.list to use another server.. could try removing the 'br.' part of the server name | 05:48 |
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albertmk | (12:43:33 AM) albertmk: Someone help me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22096/ | 05:48 |
dr_willis | example line from that paste --> Could not connect to br.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 05:48 |
Lichte | when I try to play an mp3 in amarok, it gives a dialog box asking if I want to install codecs for mp3 and then locks up..........can someone tell me what file I need to install to get mp3 capability ? | 05:48 |
KanRiNiN | dwidmann: Yes I'm sure | 05:48 |
KanRiNiN | I'm running Feisty, up to date | 05:48 |
dr_willis | Lichte, run amarok from a terminal.. i recall there being some bug with that. | 05:49 |
dr_willis | Lichte, some how i got it working a few weeks ago | 05:49 |
KanRiNiN | I want to avoid doing a clean install..even though it's the most intelligent option | 05:49 |
KanRiNiN | under System Settings, then Appearance. | 05:49 |
Lichte | thanks dr_willis | 05:49 |
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KanRiNiN | and I can't change it without administrator mode | 05:49 |
albertmk | Can you pass me yours source.list? | 05:50 |
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albertmk | Can anyone pass me the source.list ? | 05:50 |
Lichte | now can someone tell me how to fix this idiotic networkmanager ? | 05:50 |
albertmk | Maybe it will make it get fixed. | 05:50 |
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Zeelot | I still get a permission denied even with sshfs | 05:51 |
dr_willis | !easysource | 05:51 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 05:51 |
Lichte | dr_willis: that didn work, amarok is locked up again | 05:51 |
Jucato | karmikaze: no need for any reinstall. just press Alt+F2, type in "kcontrol" | 05:51 |
Jucato | er sorr wrong person | 05:51 |
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Jucato | KanRiNiN: no need for any reinstall. just press Alt+F2, type in "kcontrol" | 05:52 |
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albertmk | thanks willis and thanks Bot | 05:52 |
dr_willis | Lichte, id say check tghe forums - i cant rember how i made the system doit. it may of been totem thatinstalled them for me. | 05:52 |
dr_willis | !mp3 | 05:52 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:52 |
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Lichte | dr_willis: do you know the name of the files I need to install ?? Il just apt-get em | 05:52 |
dr_willis | Lichte, not really. try apt-cache search mp3 | 05:52 |
Lichte | ok | 05:53 |
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dr_willis | the kubuntu Faq at one time mentioned them | 05:53 |
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RadiantFire | Lichte: mp3 playback you need a package like xine-ffmpeg | 05:53 |
KanRiNiN | Jucato: you may be God | 05:53 |
RadiantFire | Lichte: or something like that | 05:53 |
Jucato | KanRiNiN: You think so, too? :P | 05:53 |
Jucato | Lichte: libxine1-ffmpeg (if you're on feisty) | 05:53 |
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Jucato | libxine-extracodecs for Edgy and Dapper | 05:53 |
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KanRiNiN | where are the themes stored though? usr/..? I don't want theme cluttering the home folder | 05:54 |
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dr_willis | they can go in .kde/somthing and not clutter the folder. | 05:54 |
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Zeelot | nevermind got it, little fuse permission bug ^_^ thanks for the help | 05:54 |
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dr_willis | its provberly safer to let them get installed on a per user basis | 05:54 |
Jucato | KanRiNiN: depends on what themes | 05:54 |
KanRiNiN | KDE window themes, for example | 05:55 |
mahdi_ | what file does "configure: error: X Screensaver extension header files not found!" refer to? | 05:55 |
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Jucato | KanRiNiN: window decorations and widget styles are installed like programs, so they have to be in /usr, unless you compiled them to be put somewhere else | 05:55 |
albertmk | can anyone explain me what "source.list~" is used for? | 05:56 |
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jake_ | guys help please my adept crashes.. somebody plaese give to fix my adept | 05:56 |
Jucato | albertmk: it's a "backup" file that's automatically created by kate whenever you save a file | 05:56 |
KanRiNiN | alright sounds good. I tried beryl under gnome but it performed poorly. Mind you this was in the alpha stages. How's it under KDE? | 05:56 |
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Jucato | KanRiNiN: hit or miss thing.. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't | 05:57 |
albertmk | jucato: thanks a lot | 05:57 |
Jucato | when it works, it's great. when it doesn't, it sucks :) | 05:57 |
jake_ | guys a command please, how do i fix my adept? | 05:57 |
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KanRiNiN | Yeah. It didn't increase my productivity and was pretty useless. | 05:58 |
KanRiNiN | Although it rendered great on my ATI 9000 using XOrg drivers | 05:58 |
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Lichte | !avi | 06:00 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:00 |
Lichte | !xvid | 06:00 |
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david2 | this is getting fing annoying... | 06:06 |
david2 | what stinking patches and cleint files do ya need for nwn lol | 06:07 |
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dr_willis | david2, Never Winters Nights? | 06:08 |
dr_willis | david2, i never did get that going either. | 06:08 |
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david2 | I did once | 06:09 |
david2 | had to reformat the drive | 06:10 |
david2 | cause I did something stupid | 06:10 |
david2 | and cant get it back lol | 06:10 |
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arun | is there any way to minimise ktorrent to the panel? | 06:11 |
arun | i keep closing it thinking it will get minimised, and it exits | 06:11 |
arun | gah | 06:11 |
dr_willis | Hmm i just hit the minimize button and it does it | 06:11 |
dr_willis | IF theres torrents being downloaded/seeded | 06:11 |
arun | mine minimises to the taskbar | 06:11 |
dr_willis | check the settings | 06:11 |
arun | now it just shows me the icon in the panel | 06:12 |
arun | but it's minimised in the taskbar as well | 06:12 |
arun | any ideas? | 06:13 |
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dr_willis | check its settings. I got ktorrent on the box int he basement.. so not sure - im sure it can minimize to the systemtray area only | 06:14 |
dr_willis | or use that kstart (i think ) program | 06:14 |
dr_willis | connecting to the Linux box via xdmcp so i cant run ktorrent again on this box. (since it dont like being ran twice) heh | 06:14 |
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luckyone | ktorrent is jacked for me too - what is going on with it? | 06:22 |
raylu | i'm using it right now, it's fine | 06:23 |
raylu | port forwarding? | 06:23 |
arun | works fine for me, only thing is can't minimise it to the panel | 06:23 |
raylu | that's in the options somewhere | 06:25 |
RawSewage | http://www.google.com/trends?q=kubuntu&ctab=0&hl=en&geo=all&date=all&sort=0 | 06:25 |
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dr_willis | Hmm.. I run ktorrent and it instantly minizimes to the icontray area. | 06:25 |
dr_willis | or whatever ya call it. | 06:25 |
dr_willis | niot the normal task-list | 06:25 |
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raylu | oh | 06:26 |
raylu | that's the default behavior | 06:26 |
arun | doesnt work like that for me | 06:27 |
ulmolavender | and of course, GNU always plays second fiddle. http://www.google.com/trends?q=ubuntu%2C+linux%2C+GNU&ctab=0&hl=en&geo=all&date=all&sort=0 | 06:27 |
dr_willis | thats how i want it.:) not sure what arun wants :) | 06:27 |
dr_willis | arun, you using feisty? | 06:27 |
arun | dr_willis: that's what i want too, but it doesn't work like that for me | 06:27 |
raylu | he wants it in the application list (as in not sys tray) | 06:27 |
arun | yes, i'm on feisty | 06:27 |
dr_willis | arun, try a new user with new default kde settings. | 06:27 |
arun | i want it to be minimised to the icontray | 06:27 |
arun | ok.. | 06:27 |
raylu | oh. settings > configure ktorrent > general > show system tray icon | 06:28 |
dr_willis | its possible it cant hide from the tasks untill restarted once you set that.. not sure. :) | 06:28 |
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arun | ah maybe i have to restart it | 06:29 |
arun | hold on | 06:29 |
arun | let me try that | 06:29 |
arun | aah got it | 06:30 |
arun | i have to click the close button to minimise to icontray once i enable that option | 06:30 |
lobster | what is up, Kcats? | 06:30 |
arun | cool | 06:30 |
arun | life is good again | 06:30 |
dr_willis | unless theres no torrents getting worked on.. thenit will close Ibelive | 06:30 |
arun | that's alrigt | 06:31 |
arun | thanks ppl | 06:31 |
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orehon | Anyone know any good dictionary to kde or gnome? | 06:32 |
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draik | Does anyone know of the channel for books? Nothing special, just about authors and writing your own books, etc. | 06:34 |
draik | !books | 06:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about books - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:34 |
draik | Haha @ ubotu | 06:34 |
raylu | i see opendict | 06:34 |
raylu | dict and dict servers. and freedict | 06:35 |
KevinAlaska | Anyone know what to do with this error message given by "Adept Installer" message reads "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages." Any ideas? :( | 06:35 |
raylu | KevinAlaska, sudo dpkg --configure -a | 06:37 |
Zeelot | helloooo, how can I change how konqueror lists files? I prefer the filename list to the big thumbs | 06:37 |
raylu | KevinAlaska, (make sure to close adept first) | 06:37 |
KevinAlaska | okay thanks.. :) did I say thanks?! :) | 06:37 |
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arun | Zeelot: View > Sort > | 06:37 |
arun | sorry | 06:38 |
arun | View > View mode | 06:38 |
raylu | i think he wants it to default | 06:38 |
arun | you have a whole bunch of ways you can use to list file | 06:38 |
arun | s | 06:38 |
Zeelot | yes will this be default for all dirs? | 06:38 |
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arun | Zeelot: yes | 06:39 |
arun | until you change it again | 06:39 |
Zeelot | alright thanks alot ^_^ | 06:39 |
Zeelot | perfect | 06:39 |
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lobster | nope, not good enough. | 06:39 |
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Zeelot | hmm, untill I restart konqueror | 06:39 |
klobster | tolerable. | 06:39 |
Zeelot | I need it to stay forever | 06:39 |
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KevinAlaska | hummm.. "Errors where encoutered while processing:" is there a way I can copy and past from a terminal? | 06:40 |
raylu | KevinAlaska, right-click | 06:40 |
dr_willis | set up a profile you perfer. saveit as the default | 06:40 |
KevinAlaska | dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of sun-java6-plugin: sun-java6-plugin depends on sun-java6-bin (= 6-00-2ubuntu2); however: | 06:40 |
KevinAlaska | Package sun-java6-bin is not installed. | 06:40 |
KevinAlaska | dpkg: error processing sun-java6-plugin (--configure): | 06:40 |
KevinAlaska | dependency problems - leaving unconfigured | 06:40 |
KevinAlaska | dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of ubuntu-restricted-extras: | 06:40 |
KevinAlaska | ubuntu-restricted-extras depends on sun-java6-plugin; however: | 06:40 |
KevinAlaska | Package sun-java6-plugin is not configured yet. | 06:40 |
KevinAlaska | dpkg: error processing ubuntu-restricted-extras (--configure): | 06:40 |
KevinAlaska | dependency problems - leaving unconfigured | 06:40 |
KevinAlaska | Errors were encountered while processing: | 06:41 |
KevinAlaska | sun-java6-plugin | 06:41 |
KevinAlaska | ubuntu-restricted-extras | 06:41 |
KevinAlaska | was the output.... | 06:41 |
KevinAlaska | ooops.. first line is actually first two lines of output | 06:41 |
Zeelot | how do you save a profile as the default? | 06:41 |
dr_willis | save view profile... | 06:42 |
dr_willis | default name seems to be 'file management' :) | 06:42 |
dr_willis | since th4ers only 2 of them | 06:42 |
dr_willis | There is a package of addational (and usefull) profiles | 06:43 |
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Zeelot | called? | 06:44 |
Zeelot | the default is the other one heh got it | 06:44 |
raylu | KevinAlaska, are you on edgy? | 06:44 |
KevinAlaska | fiesty | 06:45 |
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raylu | o.0 | 06:45 |
KevinAlaska | heh.. don't make eyes like that.. it troubles me. =P | 06:45 |
raylu | ok, install sun-java6-bin...though i think you may need to uninstall sun-java6-plugin and ubuntu-restricted-extras | 06:45 |
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Zeelot | well good night, thanks for helping me all day =) | 06:46 |
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boyke | helo | 06:46 |
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KevinAlaska | I was trying ot uninstall when that error came up. | 06:46 |
Jucato | no. sun-java6-plugin is the java plugin for Firefox. it still needs sun-java6-bin or -jre | 06:47 |
KevinAlaska | good night Zee | 06:47 |
boyke | i play sauerbraten and my kubuntu is unexpectedly hang | 06:47 |
boyke | i reset my computer | 06:47 |
klobster_ | anyone know how to change my nicks passowrd (w/ nickserv)? | 06:47 |
boyke | and my mbr is error 15 | 06:47 |
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boyke | can anyone guide me | 06:47 |
RadiantFire | boyke: try running grub-install again | 06:48 |
boyke | how? | 06:48 |
boyke | i cannot even logg on to my grub | 06:48 |
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boyke | i try using help on web for mbr it won't help | 06:49 |
raylu | KevinAlaska, i _think_ you can use dpkg to uninstall it | 06:49 |
Jucato | klobster_: /nickserv set password <newpassword> I think | 06:49 |
boyke | it said my ext3 group is corrupted | 06:49 |
KevinAlaska | Raylu, I have two greyed out things listed in my "Adept Installer" 1) Sun Java 6 Runtime (32bit) under 'other' and 2) Sun Java 6 Web Start (32bit) under 'Internet'. | 06:49 |
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KevinAlaska | oh.. never used that. I will read up on how to do that. :) | 06:50 |
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=== Tired_ [n=tired@S01060011d825b859.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
boyke | must i reinstall the kubuntu package if yes OMG i have download alot of things | 06:51 |
Tired_ | Hi. Having trouble with Konqueror...how can I make it default to Info List view, and how can I make it load PDFs in an external viewer, rather than in the file manager window? | 06:52 |
klobster | ty jucato. | 06:52 |
KevinAlaska | heh.. boyke.. welcome to my world of newbie living! :) | 06:52 |
boyke | hehehehe | 06:52 |
boyke | yea | 06:52 |
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raylu | Tired_, just like windows: open with . | 06:53 |
raylu | Tired_, (choose other and tell it to remember) | 06:53 |
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Tired_ | Ah. | 06:53 |
Tired_ | What about the Info List part? | 06:53 |
raylu | klobster, i see you decided on a name :P | 06:53 |
jrattner | How can i reset the password for KDE Wallet? | 06:53 |
jrattner | is it possible | 06:53 |
raylu | Tired_, no idea. let me see | 06:53 |
Tired_ | :) Thanks. | 06:53 |
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Jucato | jrattner: click on the wallet icon in the system tray | 06:54 |
jrattner | Jucato, then? | 06:54 |
Jucato | right-click on the wallet in the window that comes up | 06:54 |
Jucato | change password | 06:55 |
arun | Tired_: got it | 06:55 |
raylu | Tired_, settings > configure view profiles | 06:55 |
arun | yeah | 06:55 |
raylu | lol | 06:55 |
arun | save your profile as 'file management' | 06:55 |
jrattner | Jucato, how do i start kde wallet from the command line | 06:55 |
Jucato | jrattner: kwalletmanager | 06:55 |
raylu | jrattner, tab-tab is your friend | 06:55 |
Tired_ | YAY! | 06:56 |
Tired_ | Thanks! | 06:56 |
arun | Tired_: welcs | 06:56 |
jrattner | Jucato, can i change it if i cant remember it | 06:56 |
Tired_ | One more question...how does Kubuntu set up swap space during the default Feisty install? | 06:56 |
Tired_ | I don't seem to have any swap space, and I'm not sure why... | 06:57 |
raylu | Tired_, no idea. I really really don't like the idea of not manually configuring my partitions. | 06:57 |
Jucato | jrattner: hm... let me check | 06:57 |
linuxbomb | arun: welcs? thats sweat | 06:57 |
jake_ | help guys, my adept crashes | 06:57 |
Tired_ | I'm wishing I had done that, now. | 06:57 |
KevinAlaska | you can manually configure them | 06:57 |
raylu | one sec, Tired_ | 06:57 |
KevinAlaska | I have | 06:57 |
raylu | KevinAlaska, i know. Tired_ didn't | 06:57 |
Tired_ | Kevin -> post-install? | 06:57 |
arun | hahaha | 06:57 |
arun | sweat? how | 06:58 |
KevinAlaska | pre.. =/ | 06:58 |
klobster | raylu well I figure I will never get lobster, and since I lurk most of the Kde channels anyway... | 06:58 |
Jucato | jrattner: I don't think so, at least not without deleting the contents of the wallet. but I'm not sure | 06:58 |
linuxbomb | that was sarcasm its hard to do over irc | 06:58 |
KevinAlaska | I was given this command to fix crashes ---> sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 06:58 |
jrattner | Jucato, alright thanks | 06:58 |
Tired_ | I was too stupid when I was installing. I'm considerably less stupid now. | 06:58 |
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klobster | KevinAlaska: "Fusuer"? | 06:59 |
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arun | linuxbomb: sweat or sweet? | 06:59 |
KevinAlaska | I told myself I was "CONSIDERABLY less stupid too" but here I am in trouble yet again.. heh | 06:59 |
Tired_ | oh, less stupid is still relative...I am still very stupid with Kubuntu | 06:59 |
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KevinAlaska | heh.. Klobster? what is "Fusuer"? | 07:00 |
Tired_ | What you say to SCO? ;P | 07:00 |
klobster | KevinAlaska: I meant fuser, but I man'ed it... | 07:00 |
arun | can any one recommend any good php/mysql book | 07:00 |
KevinAlaska | I almost posted help on how to just scratch myself. =/ | 07:00 |
jake_ | guys plaease help anybody knws a command to fix my adept? thanks | 07:00 |
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KevinAlaska | klobster.. no idea. =/ | 07:00 |
Tired_ | !adeptfix | 07:00 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 07:00 |
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arun | jake_: whats wrong with it | 07:01 |
KevinAlaska | it was just the texted I coped and pasted into a file to read and research later | 07:01 |
jake_ | <Tired_> it say bash not found | 07:01 |
KevinAlaska | yeah.. that ubo tu guy gave it earlier. :) | 07:02 |
Tired_ | Oh. That doesn't sound good. | 07:02 |
klobster | KevinAlaska: # man fuser: fuser - identify processes using files or sockets | 07:02 |
raylu | Tired_, sudo sfdisk -l | 07:02 |
KevinAlaska | klobster: ahhh.. thanks. :) | 07:02 |
boyke | can anyone guide me how to restore my grub? | 07:02 |
raylu | arun, php.net :D | 07:02 |
raylu | !grub | 07:03 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:03 |
KevinAlaska | my newbie method is reinstall.. heh.. otherwise I can't help you. :/ | 07:03 |
arun | raylu: that doesn't have any detailed tutorials | 07:03 |
Tired_ | raylu -> any idea why it might have decided not to give me any swap partition during install? | 07:03 |
arun | and there's too much stuff there | 07:03 |
raylu | arun, you don't need tutorials. once you learn the syntax, it's just a crapload of functions | 07:03 |
raylu | Tired_, you really don't have a swap at all? | 07:03 |
Tired_ | I don't think so. | 07:04 |
raylu | Tired_, /dev/sda3 7118 7150 33 265072+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris | 07:04 |
KevinAlaska | you can redo it and manually set it up. Mine by default gave 3100 killobytes | 07:04 |
raylu | nothing like that for you in sudo sfdisk -l? | 07:04 |
Tired_ | hang on, I'll pastebinmy 'df' | 07:04 |
KevinAlaska | err.. | 07:04 |
arun | raylu: but which functions do i need to know in what order, and how do i create database driven apps with php/mysql from scratch | 07:04 |
jake_ | <arun> it says "The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem. " | 07:04 |
raylu | arun, mysql_connect. search for that, and look on the left | 07:04 |
raylu | jake_, sounds like something still has a lock on the database. close aptitude/apt-get/adept_manager | 07:05 |
Tired_ | !paste | 07:05 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 07:05 |
raylu | Tired_, wait | 07:05 |
KevinAlaska | I had MORE then enough HDD space so I have swap 5GB.. figured it couldn't hurt and I know I will be doing a reinstall soon anyhow. :) | 07:05 |
raylu | not df, sfdisk -l | 07:05 |
Tired_ | Yes, I just sw that ;) | 07:05 |
raylu | 5GB...this isn't windows now :P | 07:05 |
klobster | arun: http://www.google.com/search?q=free+online+books+PHP | 07:06 |
KevinAlaska | lol.. I know just that I can't use all the space anyhow. heh | 07:06 |
jake_ | <raylu> sorry but im new to linux.. is that a command to konsole or directory? | 07:06 |
raylu | jake_, that's not a command. I'm telling you to close any package managers. use Ctrl+Esc to see what's running | 07:06 |
arun | klobster: thanks | 07:07 |
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ko12upt | anyone know how to open a .rle file | 07:07 |
Tired_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22103/ o swap | 07:07 |
raylu | ko12upt, what is it supposed to be? | 07:07 |
jake_ | <raylu> sorry,, what supposed to be the name it on the process manager? | 07:07 |
raylu | Tired_, woah...wtf? | 07:07 |
ko12upt | its a picture | 07:08 |
Tired_ | My thought exactly, raylu | 07:08 |
raylu | jake_, adept[something] , apt-get, or aptitude | 07:08 |
ko12upt | i believe its the splash logo when your computer is booting up | 07:08 |
Tired_ | My system is badly laggy due to lack of memory | 07:08 |
raylu | Tired_, since you're thinking about reinstalling, you can try and configure the mount points manually. it'll be good experience :D | 07:08 |
Tired_ | I was? | 07:08 |
ko12upt | .rle for animated bar showing your progress but i dont know how to open it :( | 07:08 |
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raylu | Tired_, oops. wrong person | 07:09 |
Tired_ | I know how to manually set up partition pre-install, I just didn't know how to do it with Kubuntu. | 07:09 |
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raylu | !qtparted | 07:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about qtparted - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:09 |
raylu | o.0! | 07:09 |
raylu | !info qtparted | 07:09 |
ubotu | qtparted: A parted frontend using QT. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu12 (feisty), package size 206 kB, installed size 720 kB | 07:09 |
raylu | gogo. install ^ and start messing with it | 07:09 |
KevinAlaska | doh.. need to go.. be back shortly. =/ | 07:09 |
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Tired_ | You need GParted pre-install? | 07:09 |
raylu | is your whole drive supposed to be for linux? | 07:10 |
raylu | why gparted? | 07:10 |
Tired_ | Yep | 07:10 |
Tired_ | Cuz it's the one I am familiar with | 07:10 |
raylu | then remove sda4 and 5, and put your current 1 into an extended with swap | 07:10 |
raylu | qtparted is almost exactly the same. i actually like it more, but use gparted if you want | 07:10 |
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Tired_ | It isn't likely to kill my data, is it? | 07:11 |
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raylu | isn't likely. but afterwards, you need to edit your mount points | 07:12 |
gordy | I'm having an issue with using a static IP on a LinkSys WRT54GS Router. Does anyone have any experience in this? If so, please PM me. | 07:12 |
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raylu | which may prevent your system from booting | 07:12 |
Tired_ | I can fix that from a live cd, though | 07:12 |
raylu | gordy, did you choose an IP outside the DHCP range? | 07:12 |
raylu | Tired_, yes | 07:12 |
Tired_ | :) Thanks a ton | 07:12 |
gordy | raylu yes, the starting ip is at and I chose | 07:12 |
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raylu | Tired_, it's still risky, of course | 07:13 |
Tired_ | Well, if I kill everything, I guess I'll get more practice with the re-install. As long as it's not a for-sure data death, I should be OK. | 07:13 |
raylu | ok. just making sure you know before you go off and blow something up. or, even worse, lose data :P | 07:14 |
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Tired_ | There's nothing on here I can't get from the repos | 07:14 |
Tired_ | :) | 07:14 |
arunkale | are there any programs like pdfforge for linux | 07:15 |
Tired_ | All my really important data lives on the SAN | 07:15 |
raylu | free pdf writers? | 07:15 |
raylu | SAN = ? | 07:15 |
arunkale | as in if i print a document/webpage, it gets converted to a pdf | 07:15 |
Tired_ | storage network device | 07:15 |
raylu | arunkale, oo exports as pdf. there should be a printer solution somewhere | 07:15 |
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Tired_ | basically, a pretty box with redundant hard drives that plugs into my router | 07:16 |
arunkale | raylu: what about a similar solution for browsers | 07:16 |
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raylu | arunkale, cups-pdf | 07:16 |
airdog | Hello is anyone available to help me with a failed kubunto install? when i do the install no splash it drops with a unable to call job, but no error message, the last message i see it says it attachd my scsi sg0 | 07:16 |
raylu | imma go install that right now :D | 07:16 |
Tired_ | I saw an article on Digg recently about setting up system-wide print to pdf | 07:16 |
Tired_ | Something about Earth Day | 07:17 |
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airdog | i have a old sony vaio super tiny system... it installed freebsd fine.... | 07:17 |
klobster | the cups-pdf printer is awesome. it should be a default | 07:17 |
ebaad | hello, ccan somebody help me with configuring system sound | 07:17 |
ebaad | I'm running Kubuntu and KDE desktop | 07:18 |
=== devcenter [n=rocha@201-42-85-23.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ebaad | and canot hear the system sounds | 07:18 |
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arunkale | raylu: so i just install from from adept? | 07:18 |
devcenter | what's a software to control webcam | 07:18 |
raylu | arunkale, yes | 07:18 |
ebaad | the sound is working fine with streamtuner | 07:18 |
=== KaoticEvil [n=KaoticEv@h202.73.155.207.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arunkale | raylu: excellent | 07:18 |
ninina | how can I make my printer print darker? | 07:18 |
devcenter | i need a software to view webcam function | 07:18 |
KaoticEvil | hi everyone :) got a quick question about xorg.conf | 07:18 |
raylu | ninina, replace the black ink cartridge :P | 07:18 |
KaoticEvil | do the names that are in xorg matter at all? or are they simply for the users benefit? | 07:19 |
ninina | raylu: It's a new cartriage and it's barely visabler | 07:19 |
klobster | devcenter: what webcam? | 07:19 |
raylu | KaoticEvil, the identifiers? | 07:19 |
devcenter | my webcam | 07:19 |
devcenter | webcam of notebook | 07:20 |
devcenter | 1.3 megapixel | 07:20 |
klobster | devcenter: what TYPE OF NOTEBOOK? | 07:20 |
devcenter | notebook positivo v45 | 07:20 |
KaoticEvil | raylu: like the name for my video card... ive having issues with *any* version of linux/x.. it incorrectly identifies the BuSID of the video card im using | 07:20 |
klobster | devcenter: what sorry I hit caps by mistake | 07:20 |
KaoticEvil | i know the proper BusID, but do i need to change the name that is there, or only the BusID? | 07:20 |
raylu | KaoticEvil, i don't think they matter, as long as you replace every instance of it if you're changing (which i assume you're not) | 07:21 |
peanutb | devcenter, can you do an lsusb and paste the output in the pastebin | 07:21 |
devcenter | but a webcam is embed | 07:21 |
devcenter | http://www.compujob.com.br/produto.php?referencia=n00999 | 07:22 |
KaoticEvil | raylu: i will change every instance, i simply havent gotten that far yet... I'm still working on another project in windows | 07:22 |
airdog | need help installing on a sony vaio pcg c1vpk | 07:22 |
airdog | it fails to get into xwindows | 07:22 |
peanutb | devcenter, it is still probably a usb device | 07:22 |
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ebaad | I need some help with system sounds | 07:22 |
airdog | my guess is its a video issue but i cannot find any error messages | 07:22 |
ebaad | system sound is not working | 07:22 |
airdog | can somone please help me find an error message??? | 07:23 |
arunkale | raylu: do i need to restart my browser after installing cups pdf | 07:24 |
gordy | I'm having an issue with using a static IP on a LinkSys WRT54GS Router. The starting IP: Desired Static IP: Does anyone have any experience in this? I have searched for a while online but nothing has worked so far. | 07:24 |
raylu | arunkale, i'm not sure. i can't get it working myself | 07:24 |
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klobster | devcenter: not knowing what type of webcam it is, I can't verify your drivers, but you can try to install camorama and see if it is already set up | 07:24 |
raylu | gordy, perhaps you should try a different ip | 07:24 |
devcenter | klobster: | 07:25 |
raylu | arunkale, actually, it looks like that postscript thinig is it | 07:25 |
devcenter | i try install camorama for apt-get...but at source-list not is work | 07:25 |
gordy | raylu, the router has 10 maximum dhcp connected (so to and I've tried .136, .138, and .140 | 07:26 |
devcenter | klobster: do you know other software for testing webcam | 07:26 |
klobster | devcenter: can you give more detail? | 07:26 |
peanutb | !sources.list devcenter | 07:26 |
raylu | gordy, you mean .36, .38, and .40? | 07:26 |
klobster | ralyu: arunkale: the pdf driver? I have it installed, what is not working? | 07:26 |
peanutb | !sources.list | 07:26 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 07:26 |
Tired_ | Is there a way to increase the priority of my mouse? It's annoying that when Firefox is loading a page (for example) that the mouse stops working... | 07:26 |
devcenter | Bus 005 Device 003: ID 0402:5602 ALi Corp. | 07:26 |
devcenter | Bus 005 Device 004: ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. | 07:26 |
gordy | raylu: no, in the 100's | 07:26 |
raylu | klobster, it doesn't show up in the print list | 07:26 |
raylu | gordy, take out the 1. try .40 | 07:26 |
devcenter | Bus 002 Device 002: ID 04b4:0033 Cypress Semiconductor Corp. | 07:26 |
arunkale | raylu: where does it save the pdf then | 07:27 |
devcenter | klobster: ...excuse-me | 07:27 |
raylu | arunkale, choose print to file | 07:27 |
gordy | raylu: that what I tried last time | 07:27 |
klobster | raylu: which list? | 07:27 |
devcenter | i need of any software for manipulate my webcam | 07:27 |
raylu | klobster, the print... list. I tried it in firefox | 07:27 |
raylu | printer list in the print dialog | 07:27 |
arunkale | raylu: excellent | 07:28 |
arunkale | it works | 07:28 |
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raylu | klobster, before installing i had the post script thing. so i'm not sure what i installed | 07:28 |
raylu | though it does appear under printers in kcontrol | 07:28 |
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gordy | raylu: I've tried .40 as well as .140 | 07:28 |
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wsjunior | im trying to use gift with apollon client for kde but i cant connect to any server (gnutella, fasttrack or openft). is there anything that i need to do before connect? | 07:29 |
peanutb | devcenter, try lspci | 07:29 |
klobster | firefox doesn't support it, you have to use a K based program. | 07:29 |
raylu | klobster, it's just a printer, right? | 07:29 |
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peanutb | devcenter, and paste the output at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 07:30 |
Tired_ | oooh, QTParted is nice...reminds me of Ghost, but without the useless eye candy | 07:30 |
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raylu | eyecandy isn't useless T.T | 07:30 |
raylu | ew. it saves as ~/print.pdf | 07:30 |
Tired_ | the stuff ghost has that QTParted doesn't is ;) | 07:30 |
Tired_ | and I don't have to boot to a cd | 07:31 |
Tired_ | :) | 07:31 |
klobster | raylu: yes, the documentation states that it will only work with "K" progs, I don't know why. I just paste my urls into konqueror when I want to print print | 07:31 |
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devcenter | peanutb: I already post | 07:31 |
raylu | ew. i'm going to stick with postscript | 07:31 |
peanutb | can you send me the link. | 07:31 |
Tired_ | every time I think Kubuntu is done amazing me, I find something else | 07:31 |
raylu | qt isn't a kde thing :P | 07:31 |
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devcenter | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22104/ | 07:32 |
gordy | raylu: I have tried both & Do you have any other suggestions? | 07:32 |
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raylu | gordy, lol, I heard you the first time. no, sorry | 07:32 |
klobster | you can select the name at print time... | 07:32 |
raylu | only if you choose print to file :P | 07:33 |
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mike01 | how do i get emerald themes working with beryl | 07:33 |
gordy | raylu: sorry, didn't realize it. You seem such a big help here and wasn't sure you caught it. Thank you anyway | 07:33 |
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peanutb | devcenter, can you post all of lsusb there also. | 07:33 |
klobster | how else would you print it? it's only for creating pdf's, no? | 07:33 |
mike01 | i installed the kubuntu-beryl package beryl and i have it working | 07:33 |
raylu | gordy, no problem. in netgear and 2wire routers, there's a config option for static ips though...maybe you can look for that | 07:33 |
raylu | though I've never seen it in a linksys | 07:34 |
mike01 | but installed emerald-theme manager manually and the themes don't apply when i select them | 07:34 |
raylu | klobster, it should automatically detect that it's printing to a file and ask me :D | 07:34 |
devcenter | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22105/ | 07:34 |
raylu | mike01, are you sure you're running beryl? | 07:34 |
mike01 | yeah | 07:34 |
mike01 | with nvidia | 07:34 |
mike01 | i got the wobbly windows | 07:34 |
Tired_ | I had Emerald working, but I broke it...Beryl works fine, but when I turn on Emerald, I lose my window decorations completely. | 07:34 |
mike01 | but the theme is pretty much the same as it was in kde | 07:35 |
gordy | raylu: the linksys default firmware (latest update) does not have support to enable static IP on one wireless computer | 07:35 |
Tired_ | mike01 _> do you have it set to use Emerald as the window decorator, rather than the KDE one? | 07:36 |
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mike01 | how do i check that? | 07:36 |
mike01 | aquamarine is being used | 07:36 |
Tired_ | right-click your Beryl icon and go to Select Window Decorator | 07:36 |
Tired_ | then pick Emerald | 07:36 |
klobster | raylu: I don't think we installed the same thing. the only options I have are print to file (pdf) and mail PDF file, and it allows me to name it both times. | 07:37 |
Tired_ | aquamarine is the KDE one | 07:37 |
peanutb | devcenter, bad news, the driver for your webcam is still in the early stages of development: http://www.actiongames.co.uk/m560x/forum/ | 07:37 |
mike01 | cool it works now | 07:37 |
mike01 | yeah never heard of those other two besides beryl | 07:38 |
raylu | klobster, you can print to pdf without choosing print to file | 07:38 |
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mike01 | how do i change the clock to 12 hour format? | 07:40 |
dsmith_ | is there a desktop lockdown for kubuntu? | 07:41 |
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Jucato | dsmith_: you mean like right-click on the desktop -> Lock Session ? | 07:41 |
Jucato | (or Ctrl+Alt+L shortcut) | 07:41 |
dsmith_ | no, like a kiosk machine | 07:41 |
dsmith_ | build then walkaway | 07:41 |
dsmith_ | machine stays the same | 07:42 |
dsmith_ | no changes | 07:42 |
Jucato | !info kiosktool | 07:42 |
ubotu | kiosktool: tool to configure the KDE kiosk framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1.1ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 433 kB, installed size 1688 kB | 07:42 |
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Tired_ | Whoops | 07:42 |
Tired_ | Well, now Beryl is really broken. :) | 07:42 |
dsmith_ | they dont have a edgy ver? | 07:42 |
Jucato | mike01: right-click on the clock -> Date & Tie format | 07:42 |
dsmith_ | you broke the red jewel? | 07:42 |
Jucato | !info kiosktool edgy | dsmith_ | 07:42 |
Tired_ | Did I ever. | 07:43 |
ubotu | dsmith_: kiosktool: tool to configure the KDE kiosk framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1.1ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 433 kB, installed size 1688 kB | 07:43 |
dsmith_ | thx jucato | 07:43 |
Tired_ | That's OK. It kinda sucks with my low memory and old video card. | 07:43 |
dsmith_ | is beryl even stable in fiesty? | 07:43 |
raylu | yes | 07:43 |
raylu | for me at least | 07:43 |
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Tired_ | It seems stable to me, an utter newbie, just very resource intensive | 07:44 |
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dsmith_ | hmmm he dell C521s I just ordered has Nvidia 128 | 07:44 |
Tired_ | If I can use it, I'm sure anyone can. | 07:44 |
leotr | hi all. how can i add mp3 playing capabilities to Kubuntu installed from CD? | 07:44 |
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dsmith_ | !amarok | 07:44 |
ubotu | Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok | 07:44 |
leotr | i have amarok but it says that there is no mp3 support? | 07:45 |
Jucato | leotr: install the package called "libxine-extracodecs" | 07:45 |
dsmith_ | thee u go | 07:45 |
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leotr | Jucato: i installed it but nothing happened ^( | 07:46 |
dsmith_ | why doesn't amarok build with mp3 support? | 07:46 |
Tired_ | Is there a DVD player package yet that can handle complex DVD menues? | 07:46 |
Jucato | hm? | 07:46 |
Osiris207 | heya everyone | 07:46 |
Jucato | dsmith_: it's not something you build into amarok | 07:46 |
raylu | dsmith_ international legal issues | 07:46 |
dsmith_ | ahhh | 07:46 |
dsmith_ | lol | 07:46 |
dsmith_ | k | 07:46 |
Jucato | dsmith_: it's a codec issue | 07:46 |
Jucato | and what raylu said | 07:46 |
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Tired_ | OGle seems to choke after two or three seamless branches | 07:46 |
dsmith_ | Kaffeine works to play my dvd's | 07:47 |
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Tired_ | Do they have very complex menues? (like, inserted scenes into regular film-flow) | 07:47 |
Osiris207 | why is it that now i got the drivers working for my wifi , it still doesnt connect to my router | 07:47 |
raylu | Osiris207, wep? | 07:48 |
Osiris207 | i can scan and see all the networks , but i cannot connect to them | 07:48 |
Osiris207 | yeah , i use wep | 07:48 |
Osiris207 | i put the code in and it dont connect | 07:48 |
raylu | Osiris207, in where? | 07:48 |
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Osiris207 | knetworkmanager , i think its that one | 07:48 |
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Osiris207 | the icon in the taskbar ;p | 07:48 |
raylu | Osiris207, choose manual configuration | 07:49 |
Osiris207 | i've done that too | 07:50 |
Osiris207 | and it comes up with invalid gateway? | 07:50 |
raylu | Osiris207, configure you're gateway then :P | 07:50 |
raylu | in the routes tab. | 07:50 |
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Osiris207 | oo ok then , it wierd , you can see all the networks but it doesnt see thier ip address or anything , it wont even connect to unsecure ones | 07:51 |
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Osiris207 | so i dont understand , its very odd | 07:55 |
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raylu | Osiris, paste your /etc/network/interfaces | 07:56 |
inteliwasp | is there still issues with 7.04 and laptops? | 07:56 |
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raylu | inteliwasp, like? i'm using feisty on a laptop right now | 07:57 |
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mike01 | for amd64 do people still use chroots? | 07:58 |
mike01 | or does flash work in firefox 64 | 07:58 |
inteliwasp | raylu: i hear that there were some problems with laptops after the initial release, i did not follow up on it b/c i was not ready to update | 07:58 |
inteliwasp | *heard* | 07:58 |
raylu | hm....wireless support is shoddy. otherwise, i have no problems (i'm on wireless right now) | 07:59 |
raylu | Osiris207, i'll be back in a minute | 07:59 |
Osiris207 | ok | 07:59 |
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nardax | Hello there | 08:00 |
inteliwasp | raylu: if my wireless is now working with 6.10, would it still work? i am using the rtl8180 driver | 08:01 |
Osiris207 | probably not | 08:01 |
Osiris207 | i have the rt8185 chip , and that does not work | 08:02 |
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Osiris207 | the driver for the whole rtl818x series has been blacklisted due to it being very buggy | 08:02 |
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Osiris207 | you can un-black list it , which at first appears to fix the bug as you can search for AP's , but you cannot connect to them | 08:03 |
inteliwasp | osiris: well then, is there a work around then? | 08:03 |
mike01 | how come konqueror only shows previews of some jpgs | 08:03 |
mike01 | is there a way to refresh the thumbnail cache? | 08:03 |
mike01 | f5 doesnt do it | 08:03 |
mike01 | and are there some kind of weather widgets i can get on the desktop? | 08:03 |
Osiris207 | inteliwasp : aparently after un-blacklisting the driver , it runs the chip ok , but the module eats one of the letter from your ssid , so for example if the name of your router is sam , then the module make it sa* , so you need to manually put samm in | 08:04 |
Osiris207 | if that makes sense ;p | 08:04 |
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inteliwasp | Osiris207: i hope that someone is writing a fix for it... | 08:05 |
Osiris207 | nope | 08:05 |
inteliwasp | :( | 08:05 |
Osiris207 | as far as i have seen not much has happened | 08:05 |
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Osiris207 | some say its a kernel bug , some says it a software bug , some say drvier , and some say hardware | 08:05 |
raylu | mike01, superkaramba. and try ctrl+f5 | 08:05 |
=== inteliwasp makes not to get new wireless card... | ||
raylu | Osiris2 | 08:06 |
Osiris207 | as far as i can see , they dont actually know | 08:06 |
raylu | Osiris207, have you pasted that thing yet? | 08:06 |
Osiris207 | pasted what? | 08:06 |
inteliwasp | ok thanks for the info, time for me to go to sleep | 08:06 |
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Osiris207 | nite nite lo | 08:06 |
Osiris207 | raylu , what was i meant to be pasting? | 08:07 |
mike01 | raylu it still isnt showing | 08:07 |
raylu | Osiris207, /etc/network/interfaces | 08:07 |
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Osiris207 | i'll do it now | 08:08 |
Osiris207 | brb | 08:08 |
raylu | ... | 08:08 |
raylu | mike01, try restarting konqueror | 08:08 |
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mike01 | still no luck | 08:11 |
raylu | o.0. perhaps the file hasn't updated | 08:12 |
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mike01 | no idea | 08:12 |
mike01 | does office 2k7 run in kubuntu? | 08:13 |
raylu | o.0 | 08:13 |
raylu | me will try that right now | 08:13 |
raylu | but the answer is probably no | 08:13 |
mike01 | besides in vmware | 08:13 |
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raylu | err:module:import_dll Library MSVCR80.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\media\\sda2\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office12\\winword.exe") not found | 08:16 |
raylu | i can't find it either :( | 08:16 |
Osiris207 | back | 08:17 |
Osiris207 | here you go http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22110/ | 08:17 |
raylu | under wireless-essid, add: | 08:18 |
Osiris207 | ok | 08:18 |
raylu | wireless-key 1234567890 | 08:18 |
Osiris207 | what doe sthat do? | 08:18 |
raylu | save, try again. if all else fails, try kwifimanager | 08:18 |
Osiris207 | i assume i add my own wep key | 08:18 |
raylu | that specifies your wireless key | 08:19 |
raylu | yes | 08:19 |
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Osiris207 | do you put it int he form xxxx-xxxx-xx? | 08:19 |
raylu | ctrl+q is way too close to ctrl+tab | 08:19 |
raylu | no, no -s | 08:19 |
Osiris207 | you dont? | 08:19 |
raylu | just the 10 digits | 08:19 |
raylu | *hex values | 08:19 |
Osiris207 | becuase in the last kubuntu i had to do it like that to get it to work | 08:19 |
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raylu | that's not what i have. | 08:20 |
Osiris207 | my gatway look bugged lol | 08:20 |
Osiris207 | wth lol | 08:20 |
raylu | o.0 | 08:20 |
mike01 | how come my system sounds don't work? | 08:20 |
mike01 | is there a way to setup the default sound device? | 08:20 |
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Osiris207 | i asumme i better fix it ;p | 08:20 |
Osiris207 | right gtg , train to get , cya all ;p thanks for the help raylu | 08:21 |
brian_ | hola | 08:21 |
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raylu | hi. see ya ;P g2g | 08:22 |
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brian_ | how do i get beryl to work | 08:24 |
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Jucato | !beryl | brian_ | 08:25 |
ubotu | brian_: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 08:25 |
mike01 | how do i get more than one program to use sound at once? | 08:26 |
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jbrouhard | Hmm.. Anyone know a good, decent alternative to bluefish that provides WYSIWYG ? | 08:34 |
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hangthedj | jbrouhard: what about nvu? | 08:38 |
Jucato | no longer maintained (afaik) | 08:39 |
Jucato | there's Quanta, which isn't a full/pure WYSIWYG though | 08:39 |
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mike01 | how do i install a kdm login theme? | 08:40 |
Jucato | !changethemes | mike01 | 08:40 |
ubotu | mike01: [Ubuntu] Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy for a guide. [Kubuntu] For a Kubuntu guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu | 08:40 |
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jbrouhard | hangthedj: i went with kdewebdev for now (includes quanta) | 08:41 |
jbrouhard | Joomla's built in html editor only half works :( | 08:41 |
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oldwest_ | hay there - anyone know how to unistall or remove synaptics using konsole terminal? | 08:45 |
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hangthedj | sudo apt-get remove synaptics | 08:46 |
giru | helloooooo | 08:46 |
giru | i have synaptics and it works ok | 08:46 |
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oldwest_ | hay hangthedj - how about the other back - i would like to uninstall synatics & reinstall adept.... | 08:47 |
oldwest_ | other way bac | 08:47 |
hangthedj | 'sudo apt-get remove synaptics && sudo apt-get install --reinstall adept' | 08:48 |
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oldwest_ | kool hang - thx much.... | 08:49 |
hangthedj | oldwest_: unless you don't have adept at all just remove the --reinstall. | 08:49 |
giru | hey | 08:49 |
giru | i miss some windoze programs | 08:49 |
giru | like karaoke and p2p tv | 08:49 |
giru | anyone knows how to use them on kubuntu? | 08:50 |
oldwest_ | i have adept package | 08:50 |
hangthedj | ~wine | giru | 08:50 |
hangthedj | !wine | giru | 08:50 |
ubotu | giru: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 08:50 |
giru | yeah but it wouldn't work | 08:50 |
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giru | aha | 08:50 |
giru | anybody from italy? | 08:50 |
hangthedj | giru: you can check out crossover linux too, www.codeweavers.com | 08:50 |
=== giru from chile | ||
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giru | hey plz help me: i need to find ITALY servers | 08:51 |
giru | please please tell me about one | 08:52 |
hangthedj | giru: italy servers for what? | 08:52 |
giru | irc | 08:52 |
hangthedj | !it | 08:52 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 08:52 |
giru | i will go next year so i have to improve my italian | 08:52 |
giru | ;) | 08:53 |
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giru | (y) | 08:53 |
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monzie | hi all | 08:56 |
monzie | how do i find out via the command line what ports are free on my system and what not? | 08:56 |
giru | dunno | 08:57 |
hangthedj | monzie: 'nmap -v localhost' | 08:58 |
monzie | hangthedj: there is no otherway..i want ship this script to my client.. using a rhel box.. i dont think it's ok to run nmap on your clients machine | 08:59 |
hangthedj | monzie: why not? | 09:01 |
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monzie | hangthedj: isnt nmap a portscanner? | 09:02 |
hangthedj | yep | 09:02 |
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monzie | hangthedj: running a portscanner on my client's machine? | 09:04 |
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kraut | moin | 09:11 |
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NotFaint | So I started following the optimization tips linked to or listed in the wiki linked from kubuntu.org, and I set X to display 16-bit, but that wouldn't work, and was apparently the only thing keeping me from getting back in here. Is that normal? (Using proprietary driver0 | 09:11 |
NotFaint | (er, proprietary ATI driver) | 09:11 |
NotFaint | zomg, AndrewB? how is ya' | 09:11 |
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NotFaint | Hmm, not as lively in here as when I last popped in. | 09:11 |
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NotFaint | Ah well, I'll ask again tomorrow, not too worried about it now I suppose. | 09:17 |
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monzie | hangthedj: i found it out.. netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep tcp | grep port-number | 09:19 |
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_6StringKng_ | ok, so Kaffeine plays normal DVDs just fine but wont play my custom one I made that have some TV shows on it I downloaded, works fine in my regular dvd player though | 09:34 |
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RadiantFire | _6StringKng_: how did you burn the DVD's, is it a set of files or an actual proper dvd | 09:37 |
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klaus | Hello, I am using edgy. When i start a Terminal with F1 the charset (UTF8) is not displayed properly ... has anybody any idea ? | 09:39 |
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anipy | hey guys, what a wonderful distri kubuntu is | 10:00 |
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mike01 | how do i get wine to work in amd64? | 10:01 |
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rothchild | morning, how do I get bash to show hidden folders / files (ie ones that start with a .)? | 10:01 |
nuu | true that anipy :) | 10:02 |
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llutz | rothchild: ls -a | 10:02 |
gnulinuxman | rothchild: ls -a | 10:02 |
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rothchild | thanks llutz / gnulinuxman | 10:02 |
sivaji | ple tell me package name for chess game | 10:02 |
anipy | nuu: i made a an auto upgrade from 6.10 to 7.4, first with doubts that such thing could really work - and it did! | 10:03 |
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anipy | and i have to tell, that anyone who is seeing my screen with this sexy black themed kubuntu wants to know more of it. | 10:04 |
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nuu | cool anipy :) what theme are you using ? | 10:05 |
nuu | l | 10:05 |
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nuu | i've actually seen a kicking theme, and would really love to know which it is - it was on the homepage of one of the most excellent KDE apps ever, yakuake | 10:06 |
nuu | let me find a screenshot | 10:06 |
gnulinuxman | you're welcome rothchild | 10:06 |
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nuu | http://yakuake.uv.ro/wp-images/yakuake.jpg | 10:08 |
nuu | incidentally if you have never tried yakuake, try it | 10:09 |
nuu | it'll revolutionize the way you use your terminal :) | 10:09 |
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rothchild | is it possible that kde would stop working because my home folder is full? | 10:10 |
nuu | full =? | 10:10 |
nuu | do a df -h /home | 10:10 |
nuu | and see what it says | 10:10 |
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gnomefreak | stop working maybe not. more of a you cant save things there i would think | 10:10 |
oldwest | anyone know good site to find list of compatible laptops that will load & run kubuntu ? | 10:11 |
mike01 | how do i setup a chroot 32 in an amd64 kubuntu? | 10:12 |
rothchild | dev/sda3 size 22g used 21g avail 0 use 100% mounted on /home | 10:12 |
anipy | nuu: my theme is a custom mix of "lines" and the black & white icons. wanna see screen-shots? | 10:12 |
anipy | nuu: very nice screen! the console integration is really great! | 10:13 |
nuu | rothchild: then definitely you needa free something up. your .kde folder, desktop etc, are all under /home | 10:13 |
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nuu | anipy: sure, post a shot | 10:13 |
nuu | anipy: that's yakuake! if you remember quake-like games, you'll remember the console that popped down when you hit ~ | 10:14 |
rothchild | thanks nuu I didn't reallise how buggered up it would get! | 10:14 |
nuu | anipy: the purpose of yakuake is just the same: a dropdown console that'll give you a quick, persistent terminal anytime you want, instantly | 10:14 |
nuu | anipy: try it out, you'll love it | 10:15 |
anipy | nuu: yeah, makes much sense to ease that up a little - and it looks great | 10:15 |
nuu | np rothchild :) | 10:15 |
nuu | anipy: yeah....of course you wanna have a shortcut (i use alt+t) for your normal konsole, but trust me, i almost never open a terminal (except for bookmarked ssh sessions, but that's another story) anymore. i'm in yakuake all the time.....the cool thing is it's persistent, ie if you do something and let it disappear, next time you pop it down it'll be right there where you left it | 10:16 |
nuu | and has multiple sessions, etc..... | 10:16 |
nuu | i'm so sold on it :)) | 10:16 |
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ompaul | !chroot | 10:17 |
ubotu | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box | 10:17 |
ompaul | mike01, ^^ | 10:17 |
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mike01 | ompaul thanks | 10:20 |
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ompaul | np | 10:20 |
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rothchild | back up and running now thanks all! | 10:22 |
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anipy | noo: http://www.hatzis.info/newscreen1.png, http://www.hatzis.info/newscreen2.png | 10:28 |
anipy | noo: i had to improve color schemes of my old one: http://www.hatzis.info/screen1.png, http://www.hatzis.info/screen2.png (difficult to read everything in some cases) | 10:29 |
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nicolai_ | anipy: I think you mean nuu =) | 10:30 |
anipy | nicolai_ ooops thx :))) | 10:30 |
anipy | nuu: i meant you ;) | 10:30 |
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anipy | is it possible to install kubuntu over a serial console? i have a dedicated server at strato. | 10:34 |
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nuu | ah, looking cool anipy | 10:39 |
nuu | great theme | 10:39 |
jake_ | guys help please... i edited my grub,,, and my mistake is that i didnt backed up it,,, now i installed it with the konsole, and now i cant boot to my xp,, it doesnt appear in the boot selection | 10:40 |
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nuu | anipy: what do you mean, over a serial console ? a COM port ? a serial KVM ? if you have a dedicated server, then chances are you can request KVM access over TCP/IP and therefore access the machine remotely as you would locally | 10:41 |
anipy | nuu: theme is based on the "lines" theme. it has also a great KDM http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/KDM-Lines?content=54017 and splash http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=53167 | 10:41 |
nuu | ah great thx for the links anipy | 10:42 |
jake_ | and guys is there any system restore in kubuntu? i wanna knw please | 10:42 |
nuu | this one looks good too: http://www.kde-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/55703-1.png | 10:42 |
nuu | jake_: system restore ? as in snapshot/revert to snapshot ? | 10:42 |
anipy | nuu: and these are the beautiful "black & white" icons http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/black+++white+icons?content=24645 | 10:43 |
nuu | ah jake_, i now read your previous msg | 10:43 |
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nuu | jake_: you just need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add the correct windows xp entry | 10:43 |
nuu | jake_: no panic, your partition is still there if you didnt touch anything but grub | 10:44 |
anipy | nuu: great - thanks for the link, that desktop is really cute | 10:44 |
jake_ | <nuu> thats my problem i dont knw the correct entry for my xp... yes i didnt touch anything except the grub | 10:45 |
nuu | jake_: use pastebin and put there both your menu.lst and the output of "sudo fdisk -l" | 10:45 |
nuu | !paste | jake_ | 10:46 |
ubotu | jake_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 10:46 |
jake_ | <nuu> thanks ok w8 | 10:46 |
anipy | nuu: serial console: how can i tell the difference? i can use ssh to connect to the machine remotely over TCP/IP like i would be local. the ISP provides this to access the box when booting or shutting down, so i can see all messages on the screen. | 10:47 |
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jake_ | <nuu>heres the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22117/ | 10:48 |
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nuu | anipy: ssh access is to manage a running machine. any OS installs, without an ssh server giving you access, so you need local access | 10:48 |
anipy | nuu: i'm asking for installation via this way, because i want kubuntu on that server (dedicated), but they only provide Suse and Debian 3 | 10:48 |
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nuu | anipy: on housed servers this is usually accomplished using tcp access to a local (to the datacenter) KVM switch, which in turns redirects the server's screen over tcp/ip (the internet) to you | 10:49 |
anipy | nuu: the ssh works even if OS is not up & running. it seems to me to be a second console which is somehow directly connected to my box | 10:49 |
nuu | ah ok, then probably you've got virtual hosting ? | 10:49 |
nuu | ie it's a virtual server | 10:50 |
anipy | nuu: thanks. okay, so it seems to be KVM | 10:50 |
jake_ | <nuu> sorry but can i copy your grub? if you dont mind.. please | 10:50 |
anipy | nuu: probably virtual. they call it a "dedicated server" or root server. i have full root access on that machine | 10:50 |
nuu | jake_: not every grub is equal. let me take a look at what you pasted | 10:50 |
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anipy | nuu: but i doubt that it is a virtual server. i think it is a real server on its own hardware | 10:51 |
nuu | jake_: also paste the output of "sudo fdisk -l" | 10:51 |
jake_ | <nuu> ok thank you so much | 10:51 |
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jake_ | <nuu> but i didnt touch anything except my grub... | 10:52 |
nuu | jake_: that command is for displaying which partitions are in your system, so i can tell you what to add to grub's config to make it "see" windows again | 10:52 |
nuu | jake_: unless you can tell me off the top of your head what partition windows is on, i need you to sudo fdisk -l :) | 10:53 |
llutz | anipy:can't you use debootstrap to install? | 10:54 |
jake_ | <nuu> oh sorry... im new to linux,, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22118/ | 10:54 |
anipy | llutz: what is debootstrap? | 10:54 |
llutz | anipy: a special way to install a debian from a running linux | 10:55 |
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nuu | jake_: that's not the correct output | 10:55 |
nuu | -l is a lowercase L, not a 1 .... i think you did -1 | 10:55 |
nuu | did you ? | 10:56 |
jake_ | <nuu> oh sorry... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22119/ | 10:56 |
nuu | ok | 10:56 |
nuu | gimme some mins tho, i need to finish something first, then i'll take a look at it | 10:56 |
nuu | brb | 10:56 |
anipy | llutz: thanks. actually i can select between several OS choices, e.g. opensuse or debian 3. someone told me, that i can also use apt-get to upgrade from a fresh debian to kubuntu. | 10:56 |
anipy | but i think that installing directly kubuntu would be cleaner maybe | 10:57 |
jake_ | <nuu> thanks a lot man | 10:57 |
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llutz | anipy: to have an impression how it works: http://ftp.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/dists/warty/main/installer-i386/current/doc/manual/en/apcs03.html | 10:59 |
nuu | jake_: also paste me the output of "mount" | 11:00 |
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jake_ | <nuu> where can i find that? | 11:01 |
nuu | open your terminal (konsole), and type it | 11:01 |
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nuu | just like you did with fdisk -l | 11:01 |
jake_ | ok | 11:01 |
jake_ | you mean mount -l? | 11:03 |
nuu | no jake, mount | 11:04 |
nuu | alone | 11:04 |
nuu | it'll display what partition is mounted where | 11:04 |
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jake_ | ok thanx again | 11:04 |
anipy | llutz: many thanks, that fits much better to my task as the manual i have found :) | 11:04 |
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jake_ | <nuu> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22121/ | 11:05 |
anipy | nuu: i installed yakuake and it is great. i can even use my konsole settings :) thank you | 11:05 |
nuu | anipy: you're welcome :) | 11:05 |
nuu | jake_: i need you to tell me if your windows' C: drive is under your /media/sda1 linux directory | 11:06 |
nuu | jake_: can you check that ? | 11:06 |
jake_ | yes its in the /media/sda1 | 11:07 |
nuu | ok | 11:07 |
nuu | jake_: try editing (as root) the menu.lst file, and adding these lines at the bottom: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22123/ | 11:08 |
jake_ | ok thanks alot man | 11:08 |
nuu | np, let me know if it works out | 11:08 |
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jake_ | ok brb | 11:09 |
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rc-win-2-linux | help me pls | 11:20 |
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rc-win-2-linux | i have a problem getting my atheros ar5005g working | 11:21 |
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rc-win-2-linux | does anyone know where i can get drivers | 11:22 |
Feldegast | i just did an update and now kde is broken | 11:22 |
rc-win-2-linux | or how to get the ndiswrapper to work? | 11:22 |
rc-win-2-linux | i'm very new to linux and to mee that program seems broken | 11:23 |
Feldegast | i don't use wifi sorry | 11:24 |
rc-win-2-linux | good for you, then you dont have to struggle with it. | 11:24 |
rc-win-2-linux | i'd rather use wireless for obvious reasons | 11:25 |
rc-win-2-linux | it's wireless | 11:25 |
rothchild | @ rc-win-2-linux have you seen this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper | 11:25 |
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rc-win-2-linux | i'll have a look rothchild thx | 11:26 |
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x0x_ | hi guys, hoping someone can help.. after upgrading to feisty recently, i have noticed that my phone doesnt charge over usb anymore.. any suggestions? | 11:26 |
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USMarine | x0x_ downgrade | 11:27 |
x0x_ | not the answer im looking for :) | 11:27 |
rc-win-2-linux | ek sal vir jou 'n ander antwoord gee --- kry 'n ander foon | 11:28 |
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rc-win-2-linux | joke | 11:28 |
x0x_ | i also noticed that everytime i type lsusb its starts charging for a second and stops again | 11:28 |
x0x_ | its actually most usb devices | 11:28 |
victor__ | hi! | 11:28 |
x0x_ | i think its a kernel bug | 11:28 |
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victor__ | my gcc dosent work | 11:28 |
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victor__ | i cant include any library | 11:29 |
victor__ | gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4) | 11:29 |
ubuntu_ | helle | 11:29 |
ubuntu_ | hello... | 11:29 |
ubuntu_ | please a kubuntu french server? | 11:29 |
x0x_ | rc-win-2-linux: ek kan nie n ander foon kry nie | 11:30 |
victor__ | i was in C channel but they recommended me to ask here | 11:30 |
Feldegast | !fr | ubuntu_ | 11:30 |
ubotu | ubuntu_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 11:30 |
ubuntu_ | please a link | 11:30 |
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x0x_ | thats the first bit of afrikaans ive said since i finished school like 8 years ago | 11:30 |
ubuntu_ | thanks | 11:30 |
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rc-win-2-linux | did you enjoy it x0x_ ?? | 11:33 |
x0x_ | hehe.. gave me shivers | 11:33 |
rc-win-2-linux | hehe | 11:33 |
=== Bel93 is now known as raul | ||
rc-win-2-linux | good for you | 11:33 |
x0x_ | this is also the first time ive been on irc since school!! | 11:33 |
x0x_ | zanet!! | 11:34 |
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rc-win-2-linux | i haven't been on irc since 1996 before yesterday, linux will make you do funny things :-) | 11:35 |
x0x_ | if i do a while loop, and call lsusb, my phone will keep charging!! strange? | 11:36 |
x0x_ | i assume, cos it keeps on probing it | 11:36 |
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x0x_ | can no-one help me? | 11:38 |
Fivetwentysix | irc is cool | 11:39 |
Fivetwentysix | i wished more people would use it | 11:39 |
cewanf | Anyone here still running KDE 3.5.6 but considering 3.5.7? | 11:39 |
nuu | me | 11:39 |
Feldegast | um i upgraded and now i can't start kde | 11:39 |
cewanf | ouch | 11:39 |
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Feldegast | it just goes back to kdm | 11:40 |
cewanf | Feldegast: even worse problem than me then | 11:40 |
Feldegast | what packages r upgraded? | 11:40 |
Jucato | Feldegast: can you check if you still have free disk space left? | 11:40 |
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cewanf | Feldegast: all of them | 11:40 |
=== Jucato had no problems upgrading. went very smoothly | ||
Feldegast | i have lots free | 11:41 |
cewanf | Jucato: can you check System Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Global shortcuts, and see if you have the option 'Window to next screen' | 11:41 |
Unix_Jihad | anyone using feisty getting freezes with firefox? I cant seem to browse for more than 5 minutes | 11:42 |
Jucato | cewanf: nope | 11:42 |
cewanf | same as me then, this option were there in 3.5.6 | 11:43 |
Jucato | "to Next Desktop" only | 11:43 |
cewanf | can anyone running 3.5.6 please check this? | 11:43 |
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cewanf | nuu: can you check System Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Global shortcuts, and see if you have the option 'Window to next screen' | 11:44 |
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cewanf | Anyone here still running KDE 3.5.6, i.e. has not manually upgraded to KDE 3.5.7? | 11:46 |
cewanf | ...by using repos I mean | 11:46 |
cewanf | it's silent here ;-/ | 11:47 |
nuu | cewanf: yes i do | 11:47 |
nuu | under the Window & Desktop branch | 11:47 |
cewanf | could you check what I just said? | 11:47 |
nuu | cewanf: yes i do was referring to your former question | 11:47 |
cewanf | Ah, okey | 11:47 |
cewanf | so then it's a definite bug that this option is missing in 3.5.7 | 11:48 |
cewanf | Hmm, anyone know where I report this? | 11:48 |
cewanf | nuu: thanks for checking | 11:48 |
mr_simpson | visit: www.ccmplanet.co.za - Exclusive RSS Feed, Music News, Exclusive Concert Photo Gallery, Blogging, Music Features | 11:49 |
Jucato | cewanf: you can try reporting in #kubuntu-devel | 11:49 |
Jucato | mr_simpson: please don't spam | 11:49 |
cewanf | okey, I'll try to talk to them | 11:50 |
nuu | cewanf: np | 11:50 |
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x0x_ | if i do a lsusb -v i see that the maxpower is on 500ma | 11:52 |
x0x_ | shouldnt it be 100? | 11:52 |
tahsin | can anyone help me install kbfx ? | 11:52 |
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lordofthepigs | Hello! | 11:55 |
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lordofthepigs | I was wondering if there was a way to store packages downloaded through apt-get somewhere | 11:56 |
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Feldegast | they are cached automatically iirc | 11:56 |
lordofthepigs | to speed up the process of installing several machines with about the same set of packages | 11:56 |
lordofthepigs | sorry, you replied before I completed my question :) | 11:57 |
Feldegast | apt on cd | 11:57 |
lordofthepigs | how do I do that? | 11:57 |
Feldegast | apt on cd is a package | 11:58 |
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Feldegast | i know of it but havn't used it | 11:58 |
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=== Feldegast is AFK, tv | ||
OutoLumo | Weird, kontact wont start. Nor kmail for that matter. | 11:59 |
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sercik | hi! | 11:59 |
lordofthepigs | thanks Feldegast, I'm looking this up | 11:59 |
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sercik | it is possible enlarge a virtual disk image? | 12:00 |
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anipy | OutoLumo: what is the error message? | 12:00 |
OutoLumo | anipy, non. It just wont show up anywhere. | 12:00 |
anipy | OutoLumo: have you tried to start from shell? | 12:01 |
OutoLumo | Yes. | 12:01 |
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OutoLumo | ps gives: | 12:01 |
OutoLumo | 9330 ? 00:00:00 kontact | 12:01 |
OutoLumo | 9331 ? 00:00:00 kontact <defunct> | 12:01 |
OutoLumo | 93 | 12:01 |
anipy | OutoLumo: and no output to the shell? | 12:01 |
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anipy | OutoLumo: does konqueror work? | 12:01 |
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OutoLumo | yes. | 12:02 |
OutoLumo | korganizer is dead too. | 12:02 |
OutoLumo | korganizer daemon is ok, though... | 12:02 |
OutoLumo | or at least it is in the panel | 12:02 |
anipy | OutoLumo: do you store mailbox passwords with KDE wallet? | 12:03 |
OutoLumo | Yes. | 12:03 |
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anipy | is kde wallet running? | 12:03 |
OutoLumo | No - but it did ask me for password. Another strange thing... | 12:03 |
nuu | sercik: what kind of virtual disk ? | 12:04 |
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OutoLumo | anipa trying kwalletmanager from the konsole gives: | 12:05 |
OutoLumo | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167 | 12:05 |
OutoLumo | Major opcode: 144 | 12:05 |
OutoLumo | Minor opcode: 3 | 12:05 |
OutoLumo | Resource id: 0x0 | 12:05 |
OutoLumo | Failed to open device | 12:05 |
OutoLumo | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167 | 12:05 |
OutoLumo | Major opcode: 144 | 12:05 |
OutoLumo | Minor opcode: 3 | 12:05 |
OutoLumo | Resource id: 0x0 | 12:05 |
OutoLumo | Failed to open device | 12:05 |
OutoLumo | ANy idea, which device that is? | 12:05 |
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OutoLumo | /dev/null ? | 12:06 |
sercik | i have a virtualbox hd hat is small | 12:06 |
sercik | i have installed anoprating system and now i have few space remained | 12:07 |
anipy | OutoLumo: hum, it sounds familiar, but i can't remember. have to look. | 12:07 |
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OutoLumo | I don't have Documentation/devices.txt installed... hmm... | 12:10 |
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OutoLumo | btw, where does udev read what rights to give each device? | 12:11 |
sercik | + | 12:11 |
adaptr | OutoLumo that would be the rules | 12:11 |
OutoLumo | adaptr, being located where? | 12:11 |
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adaptr | /etc/udev/rules.d ? | 12:12 |
adaptr | or wherever | 12:12 |
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OutoLumo | Se on joku ppp.... | 12:14 |
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OutoLumo | Sorry.. It's some ppp -device. | 12:15 |
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lordofthepigs | Hmm... it seems Apt on cd only works for packages that are still cached. | 12:15 |
lordofthepigs | Is there any other way? | 12:15 |
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amorphous_ | anyone know if there's an incrementing numeric facility in bash - like the spreadsheet $date number?? | 12:16 |
NiceGuyUK | Anyone know that this "Examining file progress" for trash:// is all about? | 12:16 |
amorphous_ | ^for the date? | 12:16 |
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amorphous_ | that a no for a numeric date in bash? | 12:19 |
busfahrer | amorphous_, hold on a sec | 12:19 |
amorphous_ | busfahrer: holding... | 12:20 |
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busfahrer | amorphous_: try date +%s | 12:21 |
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busfahrer | its not a bash command, but should work anywhere bash works. | 12:22 |
amorphous_ | surely it doesn't have to be in "seconds since epoch" - there must be another way! | 12:22 |
dromer | how can I reset the Special Application Settings of KDE for a specific program? (ktorrent in this case) | 12:22 |
busfahrer | amorphous_: read man date | 12:22 |
dromer | I kinda messd up and now I can't access these settings from the windowbar | 12:22 |
leotr | hi all again. why does http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/utils/oooqs-kde package conflicts with openoffice.org-core | 12:22 |
leotr | i use 7.04 version of kubuntu | 12:23 |
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amorphous_ | yeah, busfahrer I been through man date - and came up with the same as you - looks like I gotta work in seconds!!! thought there'd be something a little quicker knocking about | 12:23 |
amorphous_ | Ahhh... c'est la vie... | 12:23 |
amorphous_ | ;) | 12:23 |
amorphous_ | thanks busfahrer | 12:23 |
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asincrono | hi | 12:27 |
asincrono | I have a problem with the kde clock/system time | 12:27 |
asincrono | I select a time server to keep the system in the right time. | 12:28 |
NiceGuyUK | Anyone know that this "Examining file progress" for trash:// is all about? | 12:28 |
asincrono | not me | 12:29 |
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nuu | hi Kaino | 12:29 |
Kaino | hi m000 | 12:30 |
Kaino | ehm nuu | 12:30 |
leotr | hi all again. why does http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/utils/oooqs-kde oooqs-kde (2.0.3-7ubuntu2) package conflicts with openoffice.org-core package | 12:30 |
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sercik | use the command --force-overwrite | 12:31 |
NiceGuyUK | leotr: dunno, maybe the quickstarter is now part of core? | 12:31 |
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sercik | leotr: i don't know why but openoffice.org package have some conflicts | 12:32 |
sercik | i have installed and forced overwriting and all works ok | 12:32 |
sercik | Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NiceGuyUK | 12:32 |
=== NiceGuyUK nods | ||
leotr | ok | 12:33 |
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sercik | you can also download 2.2 version from site and then convert rpm to deb | 12:33 |
sercik | do you need help? | 12:33 |
sercik | remove all openoffice related package that you have installed | 12:34 |
sercik | then download 2.2 version from openoffice site | 12:34 |
sercik | then convert with alien rpm to deb | 12:34 |
sercik | and then install everything with dpkg -i --force-overwrite openoffice.org*.deb | 12:35 |
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sercik | to convert with alien you need to do alien -k *.rpm | 12:35 |
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leotr | sercik: 2.2 version? where can i get it? | 12:38 |
sercik | from the website | 12:38 |
leotr | 2.2 - it is oooqs isn't it? | 12:39 |
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azz | hello everybody...is there any possible way to trigger the cpu fan after a hybernate resume cycle for HP nc 6120 laptop? | 12:39 |
sercik | i don't understand ooqs | 12:39 |
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leotr | sercik - i didn't install old versions of OOO. i have kubuntu feisty and i want to install quick launch of OpenOffice applications package (oooqs) | 12:40 |
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sercik | leotr: sorry, but i don't know if feisty have the last version | 12:41 |
leotr | feisty has OOO 2.2.0 | 12:41 |
sercik | quicklaunh is the icon on systray? | 12:41 |
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leotr | yes, it is used to make the loading/opening of OOO documents faster | 12:42 |
sercik | ok i understood | 12:42 |
sercik | sorry for my not useful lesson | 12:43 |
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leotr | http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/utils/oooqs-kde - it is the link to this package (for feisty) | 12:43 |
dromer | hi all, I'm having trouble with setting a disklabel to this 2.5" hd I have hooked up to usb | 12:44 |
dromer | gparted sees the program, but the console gives: Unable to open /dev/sda - unrecognised disk label. whan I try to make a new partition | 12:45 |
OutoLumo | Should udevd have process state S? | 12:46 |
rothchild | I've deleted some folders from /.kde in error and now kde won't boot properly how can I get it to rebuild what it needs? | 12:47 |
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OutoLumo | Anyway, my udev isn't acting properly. | 12:48 |
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constrictor | how do you make kmail-calendar work with google calendar | 12:50 |
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rothchild | nevermind reinstall of kdm seemed to do it | 12:57 |
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nuxil | hi all | 01:01 |
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nuxil | i made a symbolic link from / to my desktop.. and i want it to open with krusader. but it wount, in edgy it did.. but in feisty it wount.. i have right clicked on it and selected open with then krusader. and i clicked the check box remember application bla bla bla.. but it always starts up with konqueror when i click the icon | 01:04 |
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nuxil | anyone know why | 01:04 |
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pisq | morning | 01:19 |
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stevec__ | nuxil: don't understand why you would want to do that? | 01:22 |
pisq | I graduated with 199 students, when one said morning at least 2or3 would say morning or talk about the new OS they installed. | 01:23 |
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stevec__ | nuxil: but I haven't got any idea why it isn't remembering you want to open with krusader | 01:23 |
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ura | someone know where i can download driver for my broadcom 4318 | 01:25 |
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rc-win-2-linux | can anybody tell me how to install java runtime environment on ubuntu feisty? | 01:47 |
sercik | hi rc-win-2-linux | 01:48 |
sercik | can't you use a simply name? | 01:48 |
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sercik | launch synaptic and search for java | 01:48 |
rc-win-2-linux | hi sercik | 01:48 |
rc-win-2-linux | i'll give it a go thx sercik | 01:49 |
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rc-win-2-linux | sercik: just type rc then press tab, that makes it simple | 01:49 |
kgx | someone please help me. im getting a syntac error in /etc/sudoers/ | 01:49 |
kgx | how can i fix this? | 01:49 |
sercik | have you edited that file? | 01:50 |
kgx | yep | 01:50 |
kgx | i was pretty sure there wasnt a syntax error | 01:50 |
sercik | you are not able to revert ? :) | 01:50 |
kgx | how do i revert? | 01:51 |
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sercik | don't you remember changes you have done? | 01:51 |
kgx | i was using vim and i quit :( | 01:51 |
sercik | i'm not good but i can try to help you paste your sudoers file? | 01:51 |
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sercik | what are you trying to do editing sudoers?? | 01:51 |
kgx | well i did something like: kgx ALL= NOPASSWD: kcontrol | 01:52 |
kgx | i was too lazy to type the password :p | 01:52 |
kgx | and now its a mess | 01:52 |
kgx | i can't even log in as root | 01:53 |
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kgx | sercik: rebooting and trying in recovery mode | 01:56 |
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rc-win-2-linux | i get a warning that the software has not been authenticated. what do i do about that? | 01:58 |
rc-win-2-linux | sercik: i get a warning that the software has not been authenticated. what do i do about that? | 01:58 |
rc-win-2-linux | is it a problem, or is it risky? | 01:59 |
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Ace2016 | rc-win-2-linux: ignore it, it says that if you haven't installed the keys | 01:59 |
rc-win-2-linux | Ace2016: Keys??? | 01:59 |
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Ace2016 | rc-win-2-linux: what are you trying to install and from what repo? kde 3.5.7? | 02:00 |
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rc-win-2-linux | Ace2016: Java Runtime Environment 6 | 02:01 |
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rc-win-2-linux | i'm using ubuntu 7.04 | 02:01 |
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Ace2016 | rc-win-2-linux: did you modify your sources.list | 02:02 |
rc-win-2-linux | Ace2016: i could have the other day | 02:02 |
Ace2016 | it should be fine to install it without authenticating it, i installed kde without authentification, all it does is make sure that the packages in the mirrors are the same as the ones from ubuntu | 02:03 |
rc-win-2-linux | Ace2016: how else would i get jre6 or any other ver of it installed ? | 02:03 |
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pm1 | hello | 02:06 |
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Ace2016 | hi | 02:07 |
pm1 | do any us now who to get superkaramba working on kde ? | 02:07 |
Ace2016 | rc-win-2-linux: this is how it authenticates, just in case you want to know http://wiki.debian.org/SecureApt | 02:07 |
Ace2016 | pm1: install it from the repos? | 02:08 |
Ace2016 | pm1: or compile from source? | 02:08 |
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rc-win-2-linux | Ace2016: thanks, i'll read it after i get this sorted | 02:08 |
pm1 | lol... i just got this wat is tht | 02:08 |
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Ace2016 | pm1: so you want to know how to use it? | 02:09 |
pm1 | i downloaded it n now i want to now what to do ... i have extracted it | 02:09 |
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Ace2016 | pm1: so you downloaded a superkaramba theme? and you want to use it in karamba? | 02:10 |
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pm1 | yes i want to use superkaramba for widgets | 02:11 |
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Ace2016 | pm1: Alt+F2. then type superkaramba, then a window pops up, click on Open Local Theme, then find the file you extracted | 02:12 |
pm1 | it comes up | 02:13 |
pm1 | superkaramba | 02:13 |
pm1 | Could not run the specified command. | 02:13 |
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Ace2016 | pm1: alt+f2, run konsole, then type in sudo apt-get install superkaramba, then type in your password, and it'll be install, now try what i said before | 02:14 |
sercik | Hi! | 02:14 |
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Ace2016 | hi | 02:15 |
sercik | where are you from? | 02:16 |
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pm1 | ace it says E: Couldn't find package superkaramba | 02:16 |
sercik | pm1 | 02:16 |
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sercik | which distribution do you use? | 02:17 |
sercik | feisty? | 02:17 |
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Ace2016 | pm1: alt+f2 kdesu kwrite, then open /etc/apt/sources.list, then post its contents in a pastebin, like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 02:18 |
sercik | pm1 speak1 | 02:18 |
sercik | we are here to help you | 02:18 |
sercik | in the filr /etc/apt/sources.list there is a list of internet address in which ubuntu search for program to install | 02:19 |
sercik | if you are new to linux could use the graphical tool synaptic to search and install program | 02:19 |
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Ace2016 | sercik: maybe you could help rc-win-2-linux with his apt-get authentification problem, he hasn't installed one of the keys | 02:20 |
annma | hi has KUBuntu KDE 3.5.7 packages? | 02:20 |
Ace2016 | yes!!! | 02:21 |
Ace2016 | i love it!!!! | 02:21 |
sercik | i'm here! | 02:21 |
Ace2016 | annma: we had packages yesterday | 02:21 |
sercik | rc-win-2-linux: ask and i'll try to help you | 02:21 |
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annma | Ace2016: great, where are they? is KDevelop packaged? | 02:22 |
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pm1 | ace so wat will i do now | 02:22 |
Ace2016 | pm1: give us a link to it | 02:23 |
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rc-win-2-linux | sercik: i'm busy installing jre6 but it kept saying not authenticated. i'm doing it anyway now | 02:23 |
annma | Ace2016: I dont use kubuntu but I need to know if kdevelop is package with the rest | 02:23 |
annma | for user support | 02:23 |
Ace2016 | annma: oh well http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php | 02:23 |
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pm1 | http://netdragon.sourceforge.net/ssuperkaramba.html | 02:24 |
Ace2016 | http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-357/pool/ doesn't look like it | 02:24 |
Ace2016 | pm1: remember when you opened your sources.list, did you copy it to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and submit it? you have to give that link | 02:25 |
annma | thanks Ace2016 | 02:25 |
sercik | for problems with key you need to run the following two command: | 02:25 |
sercik | # gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys [key_id] | 02:25 |
sercik | # gpg --armor --export [key_id] | sudo apt-key add - | 02:25 |
sercik | in which you need to substitute [key_id] with key number that apt-get update way is not installed | 02:26 |
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sercik | sorry say not way | 02:26 |
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davide | salve,qualcuno mi puo' aiutare in pvt con un problema che ho con il gestore di pacchetti? | 02:27 |
sercik | posta pure | 02:27 |
sercik | cmq c' anche il canale italiano | 02:27 |
pm1 | ace wat u meen | 02:27 |
davide | qual'e' il canale italiano? | 02:28 |
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davide | comunque il mio problema e' che quando vado ad aprire l'adapetr per installare nuovi prog,mi appare un messaggio con scritto che il processo e' gia in uso,ma io non ho programmi aperti(sono appena passato a linux) | 02:29 |
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sercik | ferma scrivimi in privato!! | 02:29 |
Ace2016 | pm1: alt+f2, type in kdesu kwrite, then file > open, then open /etc/apt/sources.list, select it all, copy it and paste it in the big box here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and also give your username then click paste, then copy the web addess and give us a link to it | 02:30 |
rc-win-2-linux | brb i have to restart | 02:32 |
XBehave | how much space should i leave for a basic root partition? | 02:32 |
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Ace2016 | XBehave: 20Gb should be ok | 02:33 |
XBehave | that much? i mean just / not includind /home or /boot | 02:34 |
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pm1 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22139/ | 02:34 |
Kyral | XBehave: Lemme look at my setup | 02:34 |
Kyral | (Which I think is fairly okay) | 02:34 |
Kyral | I gave it 13 GB | 02:35 |
Kyral | and its less than half full | 02:35 |
Kyral | so you can get away with 10 | 02:35 |
XBehave | thx | 02:36 |
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pm1 | ace :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22139/ | 02:37 |
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Ace2016 | pm1: add this to the end of the file, (leave the rest as it is) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22141/ | 02:39 |
Ace2016 | pm1: then run konsole, sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install superkaramba | 02:40 |
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pm1 | The document could not be saved, as it was not possible to write to file:///etc/apt/sources.list. | 02:44 |
pm1 | Check that you have write access to this file or that enough disk space is available. | 02:44 |
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Ace2016 | pm1: Alt+F2, then type in "kdesu kwrite" open the file again and edit it | 02:45 |
Ace2016 | pm1: it should ask for your password | 02:45 |
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rysiek|pl | XBehave: the minimum requirement fo kubuntu for the root partition is 2GB | 02:48 |
rysiek|pl | XBehave: I have a 4GB on one setup and 5GB on the other, and I don't find it needed to have any more for pure /, as long as some other partition is being used for /home | 02:49 |
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rysiek|pl | XBehave: /boot can be on the root partition, too, as it generally does not use much space; there are some other (security, failsafe, etc) considerations here, though, but on a desktop that's not really that important | 02:50 |
Ace2016 | XBehave: if you / is going to be xfs then you need a /boot with ext3 on it | 02:51 |
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rysiek|pl | ah, right, forgot about that | 02:52 |
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yubuntu | adept manager problem : When started it only in read only mode : locked database ( no other app is using Adept) How do i clear the locked problem?) | 02:54 |
pm1 | E: Type 'http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22141/' is not known on line 36 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:54 |
andand | i got a problem with my sd card reader please help "complete newbie" :P | 02:54 |
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dr_willis | !adeptfix | 02:55 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 02:55 |
sercik | andand: telle me! | 02:55 |
andand | it doesnt work at all | 02:55 |
dr_willis | a laptop card reader? | 02:55 |
sercik | is external card reader? | 02:55 |
dr_willis | Many of those have limited or no support. due to no specs being released by the makers. - I got a $5 usb reader for my laptop | 02:55 |
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andand | it is an internal cardreader | 02:58 |
pm1 | ace : E: Type 'http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22141/' is not known on line 36 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:58 |
Ace2016 | pm1: what did you do? did you go to the link? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22141/ it has 4 lines of text you copy into the file | 02:59 |
andand | a laptop cardreader | 02:59 |
Ace2016 | pm1: go to the url in your browse and copy the lines, without the numbers in front of it | 02:59 |
iarwain_ | andand: i have a SD card reader in my Dell laptop aswell, and mine works (what kernel version are you using?) The Ricoh-card reader support is not in some older kernels | 02:59 |
sercik | couls someone help me with a refresh problem? | 03:00 |
Ace2016 | so you need to add: deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty universe (new line) deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty universe (new line) deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty multiverse (new line) deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty multiverse | 03:00 |
sercik | i have installed the latest nvidia drivers | 03:00 |
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Ace2016 | sercik: are you stuck with a low refresh rate? i'm stuck at 50hz :( | 03:01 |
Ace2016 | sercik: in xp its at 75 | 03:01 |
pm1 | ace do i add tht to the source code | 03:01 |
yubuntu | dr_willis : re:adeptfix - thanks i seems to be working now (still checking) :) | 03:01 |
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sercik | I have 85 Hz is not bad but my monitor can do 100 Hz | 03:02 |
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andand | iarwain - I use 7.04 feisty | 03:02 |
BenWhitey | hey | 03:03 |
Ace2016 | hey | 03:03 |
BenWhitey | can someone help me edit/fix my /etc/network/interfaces file | 03:03 |
nuu | BenWhitey: what's the matter ? | 03:03 |
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Ace2016 | BenWhitey: what are you trying to edit it? | 03:03 |
BenWhitey | nuu: i'm nto sure, but i think i messed it up | 03:03 |
BenWhitey | i'm trying to make my wifi work | 03:03 |
tsb | if i go to kcontrol -> samba -> users and add a user, click ok and go back again, it isn't there anymore. what's wrong? | 03:04 |
iarwain_ | andand: then it should work (if you have a Ricoh card reader that is). Pastebin a 'lspci', and post it here ;-) | 03:04 |
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BenWhitey | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=450987 | 03:04 |
BenWhitey | teh guy thought that my file was messed up | 03:04 |
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BenWhitey | and i think i messed it up a little more | 03:04 |
pm1 | E: Type 'http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org' is not known on line 36 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:04 |
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sercik | tsb you can use text command | 03:05 |
sercik | or you can use webmin to do that | 03:05 |
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tsb | sercik: I tried using smbpasswd, still get wrong password when I try to log in.. | 03:05 |
sercik | you are trying to access from another pc? | 03:06 |
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tsb | yup | 03:06 |
nuu | BenWhitey: broadcast jumps to the eye as fishy | 03:06 |
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sercik | i can send you my smb.conf it works good | 03:06 |
nuu | BenWhitey: try removing it altogether | 03:06 |
sercik | if you don't have particular needs | 03:06 |
BenWhitey | ok | 03:07 |
BenWhitey | gimme a sec | 03:07 |
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sercik | if you use a windows client probably you need to enable encrypt passwords | 03:08 |
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yubuntu | dr_willis : adeptfix thanks again (& uboto :) it works! | 03:08 |
dr_willis | was there any doubt! :) | 03:08 |
andand | thanks for the help but i have to move soccer practice | 03:08 |
BenWhitey | ok, how do i restart the network process? | 03:08 |
yubuntu | first adept crash for me ....... | 03:08 |
iarwain_ | andand: np, have fun! ;-) | 03:09 |
iarwain_ | andand: otherwise you can pm me on ubuntu-forums ;-) (iarwain ben-adar) | 03:09 |
sercik | sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 03:09 |
nuu | BenWhitey: <sercik> sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 03:09 |
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BenWhitey | ok | 03:10 |
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BenWhitey | its doing something | 03:10 |
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mahdi_ | whats the library amarok needs to play mp3s? | 03:11 |
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nuu | BenWhitey: dont flood us with too many details, eh ;) | 03:11 |
BenWhitey | lol | 03:11 |
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BenWhitey | i'm on IRC with windows | 03:11 |
BenWhitey | laptop is next to me, i'm trying to get the wifi to work on it | 03:12 |
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nuu | i know, just kidding | 03:12 |
nuu | take your time ;) | 03:12 |
BenWhitey | i'll plug in my laptop via ethernet and then paste it to rafb | 03:12 |
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BenWhitey | brb, my name when i come back will probalby be like ben_ or something | 03:12 |
Ace2016 | pm1: open you sources.list copy everything in it, and paste it here as before, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ then paste it and give us a link | 03:12 |
nuu | see ya | 03:12 |
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ben_ | ok | 03:13 |
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iarwain_ | hiya guys, also got a question about samba. i need to set up a Linux server on my school (running samba ofcourse). But the pc's are not allowed to connect (or use the name of the pc). Also, when not in school, i have no access to the other pc's (don't have enough privileges to connect to other servers) so i can't check if the settings work. Any way to check it whilst editing smb.conf from my home? | 03:14 |
yubuntu | !ubuntu | 03:14 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 03:14 |
ben_ | ok, http://rafb.net/p/v0L6H566.html | 03:14 |
Ace2016 | !kubuntu | 03:14 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 03:14 |
yubuntu | #ubuntu | 03:14 |
Ace2016 | :P | 03:14 |
ben_ | it didn't do anything with ath0 which is my wifi | 03:15 |
tsb | sercik: heh, I did "sudo smbpasswd" instead of "sudo smbpasswd USERNAME" :) kcontrol doesn't work as it should for this apparently, but atleast it works now :) | 03:15 |
tsb | thanks | 03:15 |
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Ace2016 | pm1: u there? | 03:16 |
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ben_ | lol my desktop hasn't timed out yet | 03:16 |
nuu | ben_: you sure you have the needed modules for your wifi card loaded ? | 03:16 |
entiadum | in a small home network (about less than 7 comps.) is faily eaysi. only use google, ubuntu-links and the manual | 03:16 |
ben_ | nuu: no, to be honest i'm not sure what i'm doing | 03:16 |
nuu | ben_: you may want to use a GUI tool to do this, not modify interfaces manually | 03:17 |
sercik | you need to do sudo smbpasswd -a username | 03:17 |
ben_ | nuu: yeah, but when i try to open networkmanager, it won't open | 03:17 |
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ben_ | nuu: i double click and then nothing happens. the things come out of the icon and then nothing happens | 03:17 |
nuu | ben_: try alt+f2 in kde, and "kdesu knetworkmanager" | 03:18 |
nuu | see if that helps any | 03:18 |
entiadum | that's a problem with many natwork-stuff, coz only easy way to do the changes it to boot or re-logon. | 03:18 |
ben_ | ok | 03:18 |
entiadum | with windows, it's "the only way" (i know) | 03:18 |
nuu | brb | 03:18 |
entiadum | with linux, you can ofcourse restart the daemon or something else... | 03:19 |
ben_ | nuu: i type in the root password and then push ok and then nothing happens | 03:20 |
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entiadum | if i remember correctly root isn't in ubuntu, if you don't se it up | 03:21 |
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ben_ | hmm, well that might explain it | 03:21 |
entiadum | (i suppose, i just don't know) | 03:21 |
entiadum | but for me, it hasn't ever worked. | 03:22 |
entiadum | have you sudo -access? | 03:22 |
ben_ | yeah | 03:22 |
ben_ | i type in the root pass and it works | 03:22 |
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huashuai | \quit | 03:22 |
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entiadum | so, you may change the sudoers-file | 03:23 |
ben_ | where is that? | 03:23 |
entiadum | (i suppose it is in etc-directory ) | 03:23 |
entiadum | locate sudoers | 03:23 |
sercik | type sudo visudo | 03:23 |
nuu | entiadum: root is in any *nix system | 03:24 |
nuu | entiadum: root *password* might not exist, and that just means that root can't log on directly to a system, not that the account isn't there | 03:24 |
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ben_ | ok, so what should i do? | 03:25 |
annma | Edulix: there's a KUbuntu package for kdevelop .3.4.1 | 03:25 |
entiadum | and google: "sudoers X" (X=dirstro eg. feisty) | 03:25 |
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annma | Edulix: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/kdevelop+3.4.1+for+kubuntu+7.04?content=55170 | 03:25 |
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nuu | ben_: open a terminal, and type tail -f ~/.xsession-errors | 03:25 |
nuu | keeping that terminal open, retry the kdesu command from alt+f2 | 03:26 |
nuu | and see what appears in the terminal | 03:26 |
nuu | "tail -f" means show me the bottom of this file, and update the screen with its contents as it gets modified | 03:26 |
iarwain_ | anyone know how to assign a different port to swat? i want to access it at port 5903 | 03:26 |
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ben_ | ok, its doing something | 03:26 |
nuu | and .xession-errors is a catch-all logfile for graphical applications errors | 03:26 |
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ben_ | so should i try to open network manager again? | 03:27 |
nuu | yes | 03:27 |
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ben_ | ok | 03:27 |
nuu | check the terminal for activity in that logfile | 03:27 |
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nuu | may give you a hint as to what is going on behind the scenes, that makes it not run | 03:27 |
ben_ | ok | 03:28 |
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ben_ | should i copy the contents of the console to rafb now? or should i go to the log file and copy that? | 03:28 |
nuu | it's the same | 03:28 |
ben_ | ok | 03:28 |
nuu | tail -f is displaying you the file as it gets updated, so it's the same thing | 03:29 |
ben_ | http://rafb.net/p/dmfEes34.html | 03:29 |
nuu | those aren't related to the network manager, so we're back to square one | 03:30 |
ben_ | well the first 2 came up when i typed it in | 03:30 |
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nuu | what wifi card have you got ? | 03:30 |
nuu | don't worry, they're generic window-related errors | 03:30 |
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nuu | not related to the networking equipment or drivers | 03:30 |
ben_ | nuu: i'm not really sure, its some intel something. its built into my lenovo tablet. i can get you the iwconfig and stuff | 03:31 |
nuu | do lspci from a terminal | 03:31 |
nuu | and find the relevant line where it displays your wifi card | 03:31 |
ben_ | ok | 03:31 |
ben_ | konsole: WARNING: Unable to use /usr/share/apps/konsole/sumc.desktop | 03:31 |
ben_ | konsole: WARNING: Unable to use /usr/share/apps/konsole/mc.desktop | 03:31 |
ben_ | those recently came into the console | 03:32 |
nuu | is this related ? | 03:32 |
nuu | one prob at a time ;) | 03:32 |
ben_ | no clue. lol i just thought it might be related | 03:33 |
ben_ | 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC ( rev 01) | 03:33 |
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ben_ | i think that my driver might be fine, but i'm not sure | 03:35 |
ben_ | http://rafb.net/p/Soy8mG42.html | 03:36 |
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dromer | can someone help me with getting a filesystem on a hd? I really need an expert, I've tried numerous things already | 03:36 |
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sercik | dromer: you can try at symantec laboratories :) | 03:38 |
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ben_ | lol | 03:40 |
ben_ | but i must say, i like how linux looks much more than windows | 03:41 |
ben_ | or how kde looks i suppose | 03:41 |
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dromer | :) | 03:42 |
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dromer | sercik: gah, no it MUST work !!! I could still boot it when there was win95 on it :S | 03:43 |
nuu | ben_: that's not working though, Access Point should indicate the mac address of your access point | 03:43 |
nuu | furthermore, 1mbps bitrate ? what's that 802.11a ? | 03:43 |
dromer | sercik: perhaps it's just too old (from a '94 Toshiba laptop) | 03:43 |
nuu | ben_: what does "lsmod | grep ieee80211" say ? | 03:43 |
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ben_ | i typed that in, and nothing happened | 03:44 |
nuu | ben_: did you read my last cmd ? | 03:44 |
nuu | the lsmod ? | 03:44 |
ben_ | lsmod | grep ieee80211 | 03:44 |
nuu | ok | 03:44 |
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nuu | do you have madwifi-tools installed ? | 03:44 |
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ben_ | i don't think so | 03:44 |
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nuu | try installing them, they're tools for atheros cards | 03:45 |
ben_ | ahh | 03:45 |
monzie | hi all | 03:45 |
monzie | i want to login from anothe rmachine into my kubuntu box | 03:45 |
monzie | is it possible to do it remotely? | 03:45 |
nuu | sudo apt-get install madwifi-tools | 03:45 |
monzie | if so , how do i configure kubuntu for remote logins? | 03:45 |
ben_ | word, thanks | 03:45 |
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nuu | monzie: graphic logon ? or ssh access ? | 03:45 |
monzie | nuu graphical login | 03:46 |
ben_ | nuu: installed | 03:46 |
monzie | i want my Sun box t login graphicaly into my kubuntu laptop | 03:46 |
nuu | monzie: check your internet kde menu, and use krfb for that | 03:46 |
nuu | on the sun box, install a vnc viewer | 03:46 |
nuu | and off you go | 03:46 |
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Edulix | anma: thanks you | 03:47 |
monzie | nuu: no i want to login using xdmcp | 03:47 |
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nuu | well you can generally forward X sessions over ssh | 03:47 |
nuu | man ssh, the parameter you're looking for is -X | 03:48 |
dr_willis | always 12 ways todo somthing. :) | 03:49 |
dr_willis | thers -Y also - but i forget whats the diff is between -X and -Y | 03:49 |
nuu | not sure if solaris implements forwarded X11 support in its ssh client implementation though, but that's beyond the scope of this channel | 03:49 |
ubuntu_ | i try all the guide on the link but still for 12 hour i cannot make my grub run | 03:50 |
ubuntu_ | can anyone guide me | 03:50 |
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monzie | nuu: i know via ssh.. i wan to be presented the login screen of my laptop on the desktop | 03:50 |
monzie | i down want ssh | 03:50 |
ben_ | nuu: they're installed | 03:50 |
monzie | i want X over TCP | 03:50 |
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nuu | ben_: i don't own an atheros card, so you gotta experiment now ;) | 03:50 |
ben_ | nuu: ok thanks | 03:51 |
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ubuntu_ | please help me :( | 03:51 |
nuu | ben_: to see what files madwifi installs, and get a head start, use "dpkg -L madwifi-tools | less" | 03:51 |
ben_ | ok | 03:51 |
nuu | what's the matter ubuntu_ ? | 03:52 |
ubuntu_ | i cannot get into my kubuntu | 03:52 |
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ubuntu_ | my grub show error 15 | 03:52 |
ubuntu_ | it happens when i reset my pc | 03:53 |
dr_willis | ubuntu_, so has this pc ever booted into linux correctly? | 03:53 |
ubuntu_ | yes | 03:53 |
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anipy | ubuntu_: what do you mean by "reset" your pc? | 03:54 |
dr_willis | and suddendly one day it just started giving that grub error? | 03:54 |
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ubuntu_ | press power button | 03:54 |
ubuntu_ | turn off the pc | 03:54 |
ubuntu_ | without having restart command | 03:55 |
anipy | ubuntu_ ok | 03:55 |
dr_willis | so you basicially FORCED the pc off. and dident shutdown properly? | 03:55 |
ubuntu_ | yes | 03:55 |
ubuntu_ | now i cannot boot into my system | 03:55 |
ubuntu_ | error 15 | 03:55 |
ubuntu_ | what should i do? | 03:55 |
jthomas | does anyone know if the ubuntu people know that the bug reporting website is down? | 03:56 |
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dr_willis | ubuntu_, id boot a live cd, and fsck the filesystems | 03:56 |
n0n4m3- | today i my pc shut down because of electricity problems... and now it's a little lagging | 03:56 |
n0n4m3- | does someone know | 03:56 |
n0n4m3- | why?:s | 03:56 |
ubuntu_ | now im using live cd | 03:56 |
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ben_ | can someone help me set my root password? | 03:57 |
ubuntu_ | how can i fsck? | 03:57 |
SlimeyPete | ben_: "sudo passwd" | 03:57 |
dr_willis | ben_, best to learn to use sudo. | 03:57 |
ben_ | ok | 03:57 |
ben_ | well, it says use su | 03:58 |
jthomas | ubuntu CDs need live tools like Mepis has, to reinstall Grub, fix the Xserver, etc. Thats a huge benefit of Mepis, i think. ubuntu_ you sould be able to use a Mepis CD to reinstall grub if you don't want to do it at the command line, but that requires you to download and burn a Mepis CD | 03:58 |
dr_willis | if you know HOW to set the root password.. :) then you have the skills to handle it. heh .. its like a test. | 03:58 |
SlimeyPete | ben_: best to use sudo. Just prefix commands with "sudo" | 03:58 |
n0n4m3- | just | 03:58 |
n0n4m3- | type | 03:58 |
n0n4m3- | paswd | 03:58 |
n0n4m3- | passwd* | 03:58 |
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ubuntu_ | my connection is very slow | 03:58 |
n0n4m3- | meh | 03:58 |
n0n4m3- | bbl | 03:58 |
n0n4m3- | :/ | 03:58 |
dr_willis | sudo fsck /dev/hda1 or whatever the partitionis. | 03:59 |
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ubuntu_ | i use 2 hard drive 1 is ide and other is scsi | 04:00 |
=== Feldegast [n=feldegas@C-61-69-166-218.syd.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | my kubuntu is on the scsi partition 2 | 04:00 |
ubuntu_ | so how to fsck | 04:00 |
dr_willis | use 'fdisk -l' to see what drives are what. | 04:00 |
dr_willis | it will be like /dev/sda2 or similer. | 04:01 |
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ubuntu_ | it found nothing then my usb drive | 04:01 |
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ubuntu_ | maybe i must mount the hard drive fisrt | 04:02 |
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jthomas | i don't think that you want it mounted for an fsck | 04:02 |
dr_willis | you dont mount it first | 04:02 |
SlimeyPete | ubuntu_: no, don't mount it | 04:02 |
dr_willis | if fdisk is not seeing the hd.. then ya got somthing wrong. | 04:02 |
dr_willis | try sudo fdisk -l | 04:03 |
ubuntu_ | yes | 04:03 |
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nuu | ben_: any luck whatsoever ? | 04:03 |
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ben_ | maybe | 04:03 |
sima | alguem auqi br? | 04:03 |
sima | alguem auqi br? | 04:03 |
jthomas | n0n4m3-: do you think its slower, or is it really, noticably slower? have you tried a reboot? | 04:03 |
sima | alguem auqi br? | 04:03 |
sima | alguem auqi br? | 04:03 |
sima | alguem auqi br? | 04:03 |
ben_ | i'm folllowing directions | 04:03 |
ben_ | no errors so far, could be a good sign | 04:03 |
n0n4m3- | jthomas, well it's a little slower... not that critical | 04:03 |
nuu | good. using madwifi ? | 04:03 |
n0n4m3- | i didn't reboot it yet | 04:03 |
sima | plx. beryl on kubuntu ? | 04:03 |
ubuntu_ | its on /dev/sda2 | 04:04 |
jthomas | !ubuntu-br |sima | 04:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-br - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:04 |
n0n4m3- | I'm going bye | 04:04 |
ubuntu_ | just a moment | 04:04 |
sima | !ubuntu-br | 04:04 |
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jthomas | sima - English here, not portuguese... | 04:04 |
dr_willis | sudo fsck /dev/<whatever> | 04:04 |
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ben_ | yah | 04:04 |
=== Eyeless [n=hjalle@d83-183-204-137.cust.tele2.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ben_ | i'm following madwifi's "newbie guide" or something :) | 04:05 |
jthomas | !portuguese | 04:05 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 04:05 |
ben_ | brb i'm going to unplug the ethernet and see if my wifi works | 04:05 |
jthomas | !portuguese |sima | 04:05 |
ubotu | sima: please see above | 04:05 |
nuu | !br | sima | 04:05 |
ubotu | sima: please see above | 04:05 |
jthomas | lol | 04:05 |
ubuntu_ | group descriptor look bad | 04:05 |
ubuntu_ | it ask me to fix | 04:06 |
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ubuntu_ | must i answer yes? | 04:06 |
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mrwizrd | ubuntu_: yes, allow it to fix it | 04:06 |
ubuntu_ | ok | 04:06 |
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n0n4m3- | !slovenian | 04:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about slovenian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:07 |
mrwizrd | anyone know how i can change the channel konversation joins on startup? | 04:07 |
n0n4m3- | :P | 04:07 |
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ubuntu_ | processing | 04:07 |
ubuntu_ | be right back | 04:07 |
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nuu | mrwizrd: file->server list | 04:09 |
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nuu | edit the chosen network | 04:10 |
mrwizrd | nuu: thanks :) | 04:10 |
nuu | and use the auto join channels box | 04:10 |
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nuu | np | 04:10 |
mahdi_ | anyone have a suggestion for programs/docs for learning python? | 04:10 |
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Lynoure | mahdi_: there is the python puzzle :) http://www.pythonchallenge.com/ | 04:11 |
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Lynoure | mahdi_: that and some documentation should be quite fun | 04:11 |
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ubuntu_ | back | 04:12 |
ubuntu_ | its now done | 04:12 |
mahdi_ | Lynoure: looks fun, thanks :) | 04:12 |
ubuntu_ | so what should i do next? | 04:12 |
dr_willis | try rebooting :) | 04:12 |
nuu | try to boot into it ubuntu_ :) | 04:12 |
ubuntu_ | ok | 04:13 |
dr_willis | logic 101 :) | 04:13 |
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ubuntu_ | bye bye and thank u | 04:13 |
dr_willis | quick lets all change nicks befor he comes back! | 04:13 |
dr_willis | :) | 04:13 |
dr_willis | doh! | 04:13 |
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dr_willis | heh heh heh. | 04:13 |
ubuntu_ | omg | 04:13 |
nuu | aha | 04:13 |
jthomas | ubuntu_: come back and let us know if it worked | 04:13 |
ubuntu_ | ok | 04:13 |
dr_willis | !find avidemux | 04:14 |
ubotu | Found: avidemux | 04:14 |
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dr_willis | I need to learn to script/batch process things in avidemux some day | 04:14 |
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dr_willis | bbl | 04:14 |
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kuroaoi | WoOoOoLAz | 04:15 |
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nuu | monzie: you quit before i could ask you, have you enabled xdmcp in kderc ? | 04:16 |
nuu | *kdmrc | 04:16 |
monzie | nuu: | 04:16 |
monzie | nuu: nope | 04:16 |
kuroaoi | hi | 04:16 |
nuu | you need that, in order to access through xdmcp | 04:16 |
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nuu | edit /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc | 04:17 |
nuu | and find the Xdmcp section | 04:17 |
nuu | set enable to true | 04:17 |
nuu | and restart kdm (sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart), then try logging in from the remote machine...should work out of the box | 04:18 |
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ubuntu_ | hallo | 04:18 |
ubuntu_ | its working | 04:18 |
ubuntu_ | :) | 04:18 |
ubuntu_ | thanks all | 04:18 |
ubuntu_ | now i can boot into my linux | 04:18 |
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nuu | good, ubuntu_ :) | 04:19 |
jthomas | nice work guys | 04:19 |
Pollywog | how do I get a winmodem to work in ubuntu? It worked under Linspire so I know it can be done. I believe it is a lucent | 04:19 |
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Ober0ne | hello | 04:20 |
ubuntu_ | thank u once again | 04:20 |
ubuntu_ | bye bye | 04:20 |
nuu | bye ubuntu_ | 04:20 |
ben_ | hmm | 04:20 |
Ober0ne | how does one go about formatting a disk in Kubuntu? | 04:20 |
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nuu | Ober0ne: a floppy disk ? | 04:21 |
Ober0ne | sorry... hdd | 04:21 |
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nuu | you can use gparted | 04:21 |
nuu | or your console, if you're feeling brave ;) | 04:21 |
Ober0ne | it's ntfs... I want it to be ext3 | 04:22 |
Ober0ne | I kinda want to use the konsole | 04:22 |
Ober0ne | I like konsole | 04:22 |
bkudria | are there any fiesty packages for kdevelop 3.4.1 ? the page linked to on the kdevelop page for kubuntu doesn't actually have kdevelop packages | 04:22 |
nuu | right, then you'll need mkfs.ext3 | 04:22 |
Ober0ne | that's the command I want? | 04:22 |
nuu | yup | 04:22 |
nuu | of course, you need to know which device is your disk | 04:23 |
Ober0ne | ok, and how do I specify which disk I want formatted? | 04:23 |
nuu | you can figure out with a "sudo fdisk -l" | 04:23 |
Ober0ne | sdc1 | 04:23 |
ben_ | nuu: any ideas on how to fix this http://rafb.net/p/Q4cl9d27.html | 04:23 |
ben_ | it can't connect to my router | 04:23 |
administrador_ | sorry, any channel for kubuntu and firebird, i have a problem with them | 04:23 |
nuu | ok, try sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdc1 | 04:24 |
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ben_ | not me right? | 04:24 |
Ober0ne | danke, nuu | 04:24 |
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nuu | ben_: beside the worrying "unknown hardware" message, all i can see is your box trying to get an ip address from a dhcp server, and no dhcp server replying to the offer | 04:25 |
nuu | ben_: try using ifconfig to setup your interface ip manually, and see if you can access the network | 04:25 |
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nuu | ben_: either that or setup a dhcp server somewhere. if the dhcp server is up and running (ie you automatically get an ip address assigned when you plug in wired ethernet), then chances are your wifi card isn't broadcasting a dhcp request succesfully, which in turn means to me it's not working | 04:26 |
BluesKaj | Morning All :) | 04:26 |
ben_ | ok | 04:26 |
ben_ | yeah, all i do is plug in ethernet and it works | 04:26 |
ben_ | my router assigns IPs via dchp | 04:27 |
ben_ | **dhcp | 04:27 |
nuu | ben_: then yeah, i'm afraid wifi isn't working yet :\ | 04:27 |
ben_ | hmm | 04:27 |
nuu | it could as well mean it's not associated | 04:27 |
ben_ | yeah | 04:28 |
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nuu | dhcp comes into play once the wifi association is complete, so not all hope is lost | 04:28 |
nuu | what does iwconfig say now ? does access point report a mac addy ? | 04:28 |
nuu | also, check your access point logs | 04:28 |
nuu | to see if any incoming client is being seen | 04:28 |
ben_ | oh | 04:28 |
ben_ | wait, should i disconnect from ethrenet to do this? | 04:28 |
nuu | not necessarily | 04:29 |
ben_ | http://rafb.net/p/yb8IZZ15.html | 04:29 |
nuu | but if it helps you and you're confused whether you're going out wired or wireless, then by all means yank that cable out ;) | 04:29 |
nuu | hm, Link Quality=18/94 and Bit Rate:1 Mb/s don't look too good to me | 04:30 |
nuu | is it a very, very old Access point or wifi card ? | 04:30 |
ben_ | yeah, when i'm in windows i get 54mbps or something like that | 04:30 |
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nuu | you're handshaking 802.11a, which is the slowest possible wifi connection you can get | 04:30 |
ben_ | wifi card is new, its in my lenovo tablet x60 that i got a few days ago | 04:30 |
nuu | ie 1mb/s | 04:30 |
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ben_ | i have a wrt54g router | 04:31 |
ben_ | one of the older versions before they got all crappy | 04:31 |
nuu | well, both card and router support 802.11g then | 04:31 |
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ben_ | yeah | 04:31 |
nuu | yet you're getting 802.11a | 04:31 |
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nuu | so once again, either there's a misconfiguration, or your wifi isnt working fine | 04:32 |
ben_ | i can manually set my router to g only | 04:32 |
nuu | yeah, you can try that | 04:32 |
nuu | but i doubt your card is handshaking the slowest possible speed, if it has any better chances | 04:32 |
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ben__ | hmm | 04:33 |
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ben__ | i disconnected when i changed the wireless broadcast on my router | 04:33 |
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ben__ | yet i'm connected via ethernet | 04:34 |
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ben__ | i think that my wifi is scanning networks not knowing which one to connect to | 04:34 |
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ben__ | because not it says 802.11g for channel 1 which is my wifi but 802.11a for channel 5 which is my neighbors | 04:35 |
nuu | well, a network is identified by it's SSID, that is the "essid" field in iwconfig | 04:35 |
nuu | suggestion ben_: change the SSID on your router | 04:35 |
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nuu | to something unique | 04:35 |
nuu | and associate to that | 04:35 |
ben__ | ok | 04:35 |
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nuu | and if you've got neighbors, accept my advice and setup at the very least basic wep encryption | 04:36 |
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_ben | hmmmmmm | 04:37 |
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nuu | geg | 04:37 |
nuu | your ip changed ben, i think ;) | 04:37 |
_ben | looks like i get disconnectd when i change something on my router, never happens in windows | 04:37 |
_ben | external or internal? | 04:37 |
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nuu | no, not really. same as before | 04:37 |
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nuu | _ben: you get disconnected from your wifi, or wired ? | 04:38 |
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_ben | from the internet | 04:38 |
_ben | ben_ should time soon | 04:39 |
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nuu | well, that could be due to the router restarting | 04:39 |
_ben | i never disconnect in windows | 04:39 |
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_ben | when i change something | 04:39 |
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frojnd | how can I install those packages: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22157/ it's some kind of balck hole ? | 04:39 |
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just-this-time | !version | 04:40 |
ubotu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 04:40 |
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nuu | _ben: not sure why's that. perhaps the router restarts only on certain commands, and changing SSID is one of them | 04:40 |
_ben | hmmm, it looks like its scanning or something -- it keeps on chaning channel and stuff | 04:40 |
_ben | maybe | 04:40 |
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nuu | _ben: have you tried starting knetworkmanager from alt+f2, without kdesu btw ? | 04:41 |
_ben | yeah, i did that at first | 04:41 |
_ben | http://rafb.net/p/kCNBxl27.html | 04:41 |
_ben | i'll try again | 04:41 |
_ben | oh no | 04:42 |
_ben | not witout it | 04:42 |
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just-this-time | att | 04:42 |
nuu | did it start ? | 04:42 |
_ben | nope | 04:42 |
_ben | i could try just reinstalling kubuntu | 04:43 |
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just-this-time | bugbot.ubuntulinux.nl has an certificate only till 4.2007 | 04:43 |
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nuu | don't think you need such a drastic solution | 04:43 |
nuu | did it work in the past ? | 04:43 |
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_ben | eh, i just installed it 2 days ago | 04:43 |
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_ben | haven't done anything besides try to get wifi working lol | 04:43 |
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frojnd | what's the command to fix with apt the package ?? and with it broken dependencies ?? | 04:43 |
HaiPhat | Hi folks. Using 7.04. Adept just creamed gvim. Anyone else have trouble with the upgrade? | 04:43 |
nuu | _ben: try using wifi radar, for a change | 04:44 |
nuu | sudo apt-get install wifi-radar | 04:44 |
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_ben | packages can't be authenciated, i continue right? | 04:44 |
nuu | yes | 04:45 |
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_ben | ok | 04:45 |
_ben | installed | 04:45 |
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_ben | see, lol about time he timed | 04:45 |
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_-TIME-_ | hi | 04:45 |
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_ben | it installed | 04:46 |
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frojnd | can someone help me on this one. I have unstable packages and maybe there isn't any dependecies.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22161/ | 04:47 |
_ben | same thing happens with wifi radar that happens with knetworkmanager, i click on it to open it and nothing happens | 04:47 |
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Grem | is it ok to remove stuff after the default install of Kubuntu 7.04, or will I break something? There are many kde apps that I don't need... | 04:48 |
_ben | do i need root privlidges to use it? | 04:48 |
=== high1 [n=rasha@cable-87-116-179-71.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nuu | _ben: try running it as root... | 04:49 |
just-this-time | pls is Dennis Kaarsemaker online | 04:49 |
_ben | ooo | 04:49 |
_ben | i found something | 04:49 |
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_ben | the root password is blank i think | 04:49 |
_ben | noep | 04:49 |
_ben | nvm | 04:49 |
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_ben | but i opened KDE Control Manager | 04:50 |
_ben | **Module | 04:50 |
high1 | root is not enabled by default on kubuntu/ubuntu | 04:50 |
HaiPhat | I'm attempting to reinstall vim-gtk and vim-python. Adept shows a break. How can I track down the conflict. I pretty much live in gvim. | 04:50 |
rey-linux | hello | 04:50 |
HaiPhat | Hi there. | 04:51 |
=== creadorcreativo [n=insane@201-221-204-14.bk11-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bkudria | are there any fiesty packages for kdevelop 3.4.1 ? the page linked to on the kdevelop page for kubuntu doesn't actually have kdevelop packages | 04:51 |
just-this-time | !factoid | 04:52 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 04:52 |
high1 | someone tried new KDE 3.5.7 packages? | 04:52 |
rey-linux | I have a USB drive that auto mount fine but it does not let me open contant it give me error "Unable to enter file:///media/sda1. You do not have access rights to this location" | 04:52 |
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bkudria | high1: i'm using them | 04:52 |
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high1 | bkudria: any problems? | 04:52 |
joel_ | hello. | 04:52 |
just-this-time | guys what happened to http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/ ? anyone ? | 04:52 |
bkudria | high1: no kdevelop 3.4.1 :) | 04:52 |
joel_ | every program i try to install wont, because it says that it may brewak packages. | 04:53 |
bkudria | high1: otherwise, no, no problems | 04:53 |
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high1 | thanx, not using kdevelop will try them | 04:53 |
=== Itwer` [n=swan@mal35-2-82-225-71-126.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
joel_ | what is teh command to re-set? dpkg --configure -a or something | 04:53 |
rey-linux | I have a USB drive that auto mount fine but it does not let me open contant it give me error "Unable to enter file:///media/sda1. You do not have access rights to this location" | 04:54 |
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underdog5004 | hey everyone, I'm having problems with rdiff-backup (actually, just the tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_rdiff_backup ) I'm stuck at the part where I need to do su -m rdiff-backup. the tutorial instructed me to useradd rdiff-backup with /bin/false, but then it also says I can login as rdiff-backup and generate keys? I'm really confused here. When I type in su -m rdiff-backup, then type in my password, it just k | 04:54 |
underdog5004 | icks me down to the user that I was before. | 04:54 |
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rey-linux | I have a USB drive that auto mount fine but it does not let me open contant it give me error "Unable to enter file:///media/sda1. You do not have access rights to this location" | 04:55 |
Feldegast | how do i tell ubuntu to start kde instead of gnome when i type startx ? | 04:56 |
underdog5004 | rey-linux, you need to chown username /mount/point | 04:56 |
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underdog5004 | rey-linux, you basically need to tell the system that the mountpoint of that device is owned by you | 04:56 |
rey-linux | ok | 04:56 |
underdog5004 | Feldegast, try typing in startkde | 04:56 |
rey-linux | underdog Thanks | 04:57 |
underdog5004 | rey-linux, it worked? | 04:57 |
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ben_ | lol | 04:57 |
rey-linux | I have not try ... standby | 04:57 |
ben_ | i timed again | 04:57 |
nuu | underdog5004: try that su -m, then type tail /var/log/auth.log | 04:57 |
Feldegast | well that gives lots of errors :( | 04:58 |
nuu | and see if anything jumps at you | 04:58 |
underdog5004 | hey nuu! alright I'll do it | 04:58 |
joel_ | guys, everytime i try to install a package.. i get "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. " | 04:58 |
underdog5004 | May 23 07:58:09 pegasus su[5454] : (pam_unix) session opened for user rdiff-backup by (uid=1000) | 04:58 |
underdog5004 | May 23 07:58:09 pegasus su[5454] : (pam_unix) session closed for user rdiff-backup | 04:58 |
underdog5004 | which is what I thought was happening. the user doesn't have access to the shell | 04:58 |
ben_ | nuu: any ideas? | 04:59 |
nuu | yeah, then chsh its shell, and perform its duties | 04:59 |
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underdog5004 | chsh /bin/bash ? | 04:59 |
underdog5004 | chsh rdiff-backup /bin/bash ? | 04:59 |
WhytWulf | hey folks, i'm having some issues installing feisty on my laptop, and was hoping someone could help me | 04:59 |
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nuu | chsh <user> | 04:59 |
nuu | sudo chsh <user> actually | 04:59 |
nuu | ah, before you do | 04:59 |
nix | WhytWulf: sure thing.. wussup? | 04:59 |
nuu | you tried sudo su rdiff-backup ? | 05:00 |
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nuu | chances are it's failing on you because you're doing it from an unprivileged user (uid 1000) | 05:00 |
WhytWulf | well, i've burned multiple copies of both the amd64 version and the i386 32 bit version... and with every copy of both versions, the load stalls after a couple steps every time | 05:00 |
underdog5004 | nuu, it worked, thank you! | 05:00 |
nuu | what did ? sudo su ? | 05:00 |
WhytWulf | lately i've been getting as far as "Loading hardware drivers", and then nothing for hours | 05:01 |
underdog5004 | I did sudo chsh rdiff-backup && su -m rdiff-backup | 05:01 |
nuu | yeah | 05:01 |
nix | you mean the livecd couldn't get to the desktop | 05:01 |
rey-linux | underdog -- I get invalid user | 05:01 |
nuu | don't forget to chsh again its shell when you're done | 05:01 |
high1 | whytwulf : what graphics do you have? | 05:01 |
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nuu | evidently there's a reason to disallow that user login access :) | 05:01 |
underdog5004 | rey-linux, what's your username? | 05:01 |
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WhytWulf | nvidia | 05:01 |
rey-linux | rey-lunix | 05:01 |
WhytWulf | let me look up the actual card specs | 05:01 |
underdog5004 | whytwulf, how fast did you burn the cds? | 05:02 |
underdog5004 | rey-linux, lunix or linux? | 05:02 |
nuu | ben_: nope sorry. your best bet is to look for madwifi users | 05:02 |
ben_ | ok | 05:02 |
nuu | ben_: and ask them for help | 05:02 |
ben_ | i'll try uninstalling kwifimanager and see if that makes a difference then find madwifi people | 05:02 |
high1 | i know a bug with vesa for ati x1000 with simillar symptoms | 05:02 |
nuu | ben_: you may also want to check the logs | 05:02 |
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high1 | wythwulf: tried safe graphics mode? | 05:03 |
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nuu | as a really, really long shot, try something along the lines of "grep -iR knetworkmanager /var/log/*", after you try launching knetworkmanager from alt+f2 | 05:03 |
rey-linux | sorry - fat finger it... now I get no such file or directoery | 05:03 |
WhytWulf | underdog5004: varying speeds... those i burned on my laptop were pretty quick, those i burned on my desktop rather slow | 05:03 |
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ben_ | ok, well i'm out cya guys later | 05:04 |
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nix | you gotta burn it slow for good data retention | 05:04 |
WhytWulf | high1, i haven't tried safe graphics mode yet... i'll give it a shot | 05:04 |
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underdog5004 | whytwulf, when you're burning install cds, it's best to use a super low speed. I try to do between 4x and 8x. | 05:05 |
WhytWulf | that's what my desktop was working at | 05:06 |
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underdog5004 | good | 05:06 |
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underdog5004 | nuu, I know my server has a hostname (pegasus), but what should I put as host (this is for that /backup/.ssh/config file)? Should I just put its ip address? | 05:08 |
Feldegast | did the latest updates fubar X for anyone else? | 05:08 |
underdog5004 | oh, nvm | 05:08 |
underdog5004 | got it | 05:08 |
just-this-time | guys I am eager to use http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/feisty/release/dvd/ kubuntu DVD OFFline | 05:09 |
rey-linux | underdog -- I get "chown: changing ownership of `/media/sda1': Read-only file system" but still unable to read | 05:09 |
WhytWulf | tried it in safe graphics mode, and it looks like kubuntu has an issue with my wireless card... i got multiple errors for '/lib/firmware/bcm43xx_microcode5.fw', and then it stalled at "Configuring network interfaces" | 05:09 |
underdog5004 | rey-linux, are you doing sudo? try sudo chown username /mount/point | 05:09 |
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rey-linux | underdog -- ok standby | 05:11 |
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rey-linux | underdog -- The same I did get "chown: changing ownership of `/media/sda1': Read-only file system" but still permission denied | 05:13 |
underdog5004 | when I try to do this: ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@ from my server, it fails and gives me the message: 29 <Line break> /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found. What's this all about? | 05:13 |
WhytWulf | high1, sorry it took so long, but my graphics card is an NVIDIA GeForce Go 7600 | 05:14 |
nuu | underdog5004: use scp instead | 05:14 |
underdog5004 | scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@ ? | 05:14 |
underdog5004 | is where I'm trying to go | 05:14 |
nuu | nope, scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@ | 05:15 |
underdog5004 | ok | 05:15 |
high1 | i had problems with that too | 05:15 |
nuu | where remotedirectory would be /root/.ssh most likely | 05:15 |
underdog5004 | shouldn't I start a ssh server on ? | 05:15 |
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high1 | wythwulf, can you disable it? | 05:15 |
nuu | in case you're trying to setup passwordless ssh logon based on rsa key, if i get it right ;) | 05:15 |
underdog5004 | lol | 05:15 |
underdog5004 | heh, already had it installed...lucky me! | 05:16 |
WhytWulf | high1, how would i do that for the install process? | 05:16 |
nuu | underdog5004: don't forget to place that key inside your authorized_keys on the server | 05:17 |
nuu | or passwordless logon wont work | 05:17 |
nuu | rey-linux: did you try to chown a mounted mountpoint from an unprivileged user ? | 05:18 |
nuu | that wont work for many reasons | 05:18 |
nuu | 1) an unprivileged user can't chown what isnt his | 05:18 |
nuu | 2) a mounted mountpoint isn't something you chown and then becomes yours | 05:19 |
nuu | the correct way to get a mountpoint mounted with different ownership is to pass the relevant parameters to the mount line when mounting it | 05:19 |
rey-linux | don't understand unprivileged? | 05:20 |
nuu | for example, the "user" option when mounting a reiserfs filesystem | 05:20 |
joel_ | guys | 05:20 |
nuu | unprivileged means you dont have the required privilege level to do something | 05:20 |
joel_ | I get the following error when trying to launch vmware | 05:20 |
joel_ | Unable to connect to the MKS: Pipe: Read failed. | 05:20 |
joel_ | any ideas~ | 05:20 |
nuu | linux (and every other *nix system) assigns privileges to users, whereas the superuser (root) can do everything in a system, and there follow a bunch of unprivileged users, like the one you are right now | 05:21 |
nuu | one way to execute a command as a privileged user, when you're an average joe, is to "sudo" the command | 05:21 |
jhutchins_lt | !sudo | 05:21 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 05:21 |
jhutchins_lt | !kdesu | 05:21 |
ubotu | In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 05:21 |
ulrich | hey can sbody tell me where i can find the files which i installed with wine? | 05:22 |
ulrich | webcam software for example | 05:22 |
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nuu | ulrich: you mean the windows apps ? | 05:22 |
ulrich | nuu:yes | 05:22 |
SlimeyPete | ulrich: you mean your windows apps? They're in your home directory, under ".wine/c_drive" | 05:22 |
nuu | they're under ~/.wine | 05:22 |
underdog5004 | nuu, ok,thanks | 05:23 |
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nuu | np | 05:23 |
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ulrich | nuu: yes i was there but there is no installed software.. only update apps | 05:23 |
nuu | did you check "drive_c/Program Files" under that dir? | 05:24 |
nuu | that's where wine installs applications typicaly | 05:24 |
ulrich | nuu: yes i am in the folder from the keyboarddoftware but there are only a few update folders and apps | 05:25 |
cyrix__ | how can i read/write as a SATA NTFS file system? | 05:25 |
rey-linux | I did sudo before with the command | 05:25 |
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Extrapan | cyrix__: ntfs-3g | 05:27 |
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zoohouse | Is it me or is webmin missing from the repos? Is there an aternative to webmin on the ubuntu repos? | 05:29 |
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cyrix__ | Extrapan: does it support SATA? | 05:29 |
mildner | is it englesh or german | 05:29 |
munzir | Hi, sudo anycommand doesn't autocomplete, how can I make it do so, please: | 05:30 |
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Extrapan | cyrix__: I didn't try it on SATA drive but I think it doesn't matter if it's SATA or ATA | 05:33 |
Lennings | Hello, anyone know what my problem is? Im trying to install ardour with adept.. But when i select request install, it wont select it and i cant aply changes :S What am i doing wrong? | 05:33 |
gowthamn | Hi .. can anyone tell me where UID and GID for a file is stored | 05:34 |
cyrix__ | k,. tnx | 05:34 |
Extrapan | on my ATA drive it works pretty nice and stabe | 05:34 |
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zoohouse | gowthamn: what do you mean? what are you trying to do? | 05:34 |
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Lennings | Hello, anyone know what my problem is? Im trying to install ardour with adept.. But when i select request install, it wont select it and i cant aply changes :S What am i doing wrong? | 05:34 |
gowthamn | i want to knw where these attributes for any file is stored | 05:35 |
high1 | Wythwulf: laptop or desktop computer? | 05:35 |
gowthamn | is it within inode no | 05:35 |
bch | lennings-don't know why, but try from command line and it might give a more detailed output | 05:35 |
WhytWulf | high1, it's a laptop... i've got it working in safe graphics mode with the most recent cd i made for i386 | 05:35 |
WhytWulf | it's installing now, wonder of wonders | 05:36 |
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Lennings | bch: Hmm, i can select other things but its not working.. And im new in kubuntu, whats command line? konsole? | 05:37 |
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bch | open konsole, then 'sudo apt-get install applicationnamehere' | 05:37 |
Lennings | bch: ah :D | 05:37 |
bch | or 'sudo aptitude install appname' | 05:38 |
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bch | not sure different between apt-get and aptitude | 05:38 |
dr_willis | aptitude is a little smarter in some ways. has some different features | 05:38 |
dr_willis | ive also had it do very.. weird things. :) | 05:38 |
zoohouse | gowthamn: see if this helps: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_file_attributes | 05:38 |
dr_willis | like remove 200 packages.. then reinstall them - go figure. | 05:38 |
Lennings | bch: | 05:39 |
Lennings | Package ardour is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 05:39 |
Lennings | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 05:39 |
Lennings | is only available from another source | 05:39 |
Lennings | W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org feisty/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu.beryl-project.org_dists_feisty_main_binary-i386 | 05:39 |
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dr_willis | !info ardour | 05:39 |
ompaul | bch, apt-get is front ended by aptitude, for that reason I use apt-get it is closer to the metal, ymmv | 05:39 |
ubotu | Package ardour does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 05:39 |
ompaul | !paste Lennings | 05:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about paste lennings - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:39 |
=== rag is now known as adri_ | ||
ompaul | !paste | Lennings | 05:39 |
ubotu | Lennings: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 05:39 |
Lennings | Darn, sry | 05:40 |
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Lennings | Stupid me... | 05:40 |
Lennings | ubotu: So its imposible for me to use ardour? Why does it show in adept? | 05:41 |
dr_willis | Lennings, my guess. you got some extra repos added | 05:41 |
=== onlineapps [n=andrew@ool-44c54248.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
onlineapps | hey, how do you open a chm on kubuntu feisty? | 05:41 |
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dr_willis | theres some chm file readers | 05:41 |
dr_willis | xchm i belive is one older one | 05:42 |
dr_willis | !find chm | 05:42 |
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ubotu | Found: fetchmail, archmage, archmbox, fetchmailconf, gnochm (and 13 others) | 05:42 |
dr_willis | !info gnochm | 05:42 |
ubotu | gnochm: CHM file viewer for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 143 kB, installed size 760 kB | 05:42 |
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dr_willis | !find xchm | 05:42 |
ubotu | Found: xchm | 05:42 |
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dr_willis | !info xchm | 05:42 |
Lennings | dr_willis: i installed the program earler this week, but i took it from a website... Not i found it in adept and i selected removal, and then i tryd to install it again | 05:42 |
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ubotu | xchm: Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.9-3ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 240 kB, installed size 948 kB | 05:42 |
dr_willis | Lennings, you downloaded a .deb file and isntalled it? | 05:42 |
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Lennings | dr_willis: Yep | 05:43 |
onlineapps | ubotu and dr_willis: thanks | 05:43 |
dr_willis | Lennings, then thats how you must reinstall it. | 05:43 |
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pbenites | hi every body, i need help with evms-ha | 05:43 |
cyrix__ | does anyone know how to do TCP/IP in scripts? | 05:43 |
dr_willis | cyrix__, care to elaborate a bit on what you are doing? :) | 05:43 |
cyrix__ | just merly message passing | 05:44 |
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cyrix__ | a TCP listener of something | 05:44 |
cyrix__ | and a client.. | 05:44 |
Lennings | dr_willis: Hmm, when i installed it earler the logo jumps but the prog wont start up : / ive tryd ardour 64 and 32... I dont know what i have but neather worked. | 05:44 |
cyrix__ | instead of doing it in C,.. i'll do it in scripts.. | 05:44 |
pbenites | anyone know evms-ha | 05:44 |
dr_willis | Lennings, run it from a terminal. see error messages that way | 05:44 |
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cyrix__ | any idea where should i start? | 05:45 |
dr_willis | cyrix__, theres proberly some perl modules to do that. 'in scripts' is a big vague. :) | 05:45 |
cyrix__ | can bash do that? | 05:45 |
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dr_willis | and python modules.. and about any other language proberly has some extensions./modules to do it. | 05:45 |
dr_willis | i doubt if 'pure bash' can do it. | 05:45 |
dr_willis | thats why bash can run external commands. :) | 05:45 |
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cyrix__ | using some tools? | 05:45 |
nuu | cyrix__: no, bash can't do it. do it in perl, or python | 05:45 |
cyrix__ | hmm.. | 05:46 |
Lennings | dr_willis: but then again, i dont know witch i should install, 64/bit och 32? :P | 05:46 |
Ahmuck | !grub | 05:46 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 05:46 |
Lennings | dr_willis: i have dual core.. | 05:46 |
dr_willis | Lennings, you using a 64bit disrto? or a 32bit disrto? | 05:46 |
nuu | cyrix__: if what you're after is just testing connectivity (ie you dont need to explicitly parse data you receive), you can use netcat | 05:46 |
cyrix__ | netcat? maybe.. | 05:46 |
mildner | iss here german help? | 05:46 |
dr_willis | Lennings, the CPU dosent matter - its what you installed as the OS that matters | 05:46 |
cyrix__ | ahh... | 05:46 |
cyrix__ | netcat it is.. :D ill start there maybeh | 05:47 |
cyrix__ | tnx guys | 05:47 |
Lennings | dr_willis: Hmm... Darn, i cant remember what my m8 told me to install. | 05:47 |
nuu | even if theoretically you could parse netcat's received data if you pipe it properly | 05:47 |
nuu | that is, using bash alone | 05:47 |
SlimeyPete | Lennings: do a "uname -a" in konsole. | 05:47 |
SlimeyPete | Lennings: "i686" indicates 32-bit | 05:48 |
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Lennings | slimeypete: Linux Uber 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 05:48 |
SlimeyPete | yeah, that's 32-bit. | 05:49 |
Lennings | Hehe, uber :) | 05:49 |
dr_willis | Lennings, theres no real reason for most people ot use the 64bit disrtos at this time | 05:49 |
pbenites | who know evms-ha? | 05:49 |
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Lennings | Dr_willis: im not very sharp with computers... Or english | 05:49 |
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dr_willis | Lennings, when in doubt - Stick with 32 :) | 05:50 |
Lennings | Dr_willis: Oki :P | 05:50 |
Lennings | Dr_willis: Hmm... Problems | 05:51 |
=== matteo [n=matteo@host98-249-dynamic.4-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BWolf85 | okay i have a question im trying to update kubuntu then i get this message Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one. | 05:51 |
matteo | ciao a tutti | 05:51 |
=== imagine [n=imagine@modemcable150.200-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dr_willis | close them.. of if they are closed | 05:51 |
dr_willis | !fixadept | 05:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fixadept - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:52 |
dr_willis | !adeptfix | 05:52 |
matteo | c' qualcuno che parla italiano? | 05:52 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 05:52 |
Lennings | Dr_willis: I tryd install the 32 .deb again, and i got :Unpacking replacement ardour .. Package liblrdf0 is not installed. Blabla... | 05:52 |
=== pyrosim_ [n=pyrosim@75-161-23-173.albq.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lennings | dr_willis: seems like its, half installed and half not.. | 05:52 |
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BWolf85 | okay i have a question im trying to update kubuntu then i get this message Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one. | 05:53 |
=== Solifugus [n=matthew@chungking.ctlt.wsu.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dr_willis | Lennings, now ya know why apt-get is perfered. :) you need to find that other lib. | 05:55 |
dr_willis | !find liblrdf | 05:55 |
ubotu | Found: liblrdf0, liblrdf0-dev | 05:55 |
=== guillermo [n=guillerm@guillermoz.campus.luth.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dr_willis | and you are in luck - they are in the repos. | 05:55 |
guillermo | using a wireless keyboard and mouse? | 05:55 |
Lennings | dr_willis: Hmm, w*f? not adept says Status: BROKEN | 05:55 |
dr_willis | sudo apt-get install liblrdf0 | 05:55 |
guillermo | how do you, lock the signal? | 05:55 |
dr_willis | Lennings, if you are wanting to isntall .deb files by them selfs manually, well you need to take care. and pay attention. and proberly not use adept. | 05:56 |
dr_willis | adept says its broken - which it is. :) | 05:56 |
BWolf85 | is this about my problem? | 05:56 |
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dr_willis | BWolf85, follow that !adeptfix info. | 05:57 |
dr_willis | !adeptfix | 05:57 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 05:57 |
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bch | anyone have suggestions on how to load a module into a kernel when I compile the driver module manually? | 05:57 |
Lennings | dr_willis: Hmm ok... Sry, well now i tryd select reinstall, and well.. ardour is starting but i got this error message: ardour could not connect to jack | 05:58 |
BWolf85 | what caused it to do that | 05:58 |
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SlimeyPete | bch: "sudo modprobe <module name>" | 05:58 |
dr_willis | BWolf85, 'Adept crashed' would be my guess. | 05:58 |
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bch | modprobe doesn't find my module. where do I need to put the .ko file? | 06:00 |
Lennings | dr_willis: Posible problems: 1 JACK is not running, 2 JACK is running as another user. perhaps root, 3 there is already another client called ardour... Please consider possiblillities and perhaps restart JACK.... W*F is JACK? :S | 06:00 |
dr_willis | Jack is a audio system/plugin syste,m | 06:00 |
dr_willis | never used it. | 06:00 |
dr_willis | !info jack | 06:00 |
ubotu | jack: Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-14 (feisty), package size 142 kB, installed size 656 kB | 06:00 |
dr_willis | hmm that cant be the right package | 06:00 |
Lennings | Hmm | 06:00 |
dr_willis | !find jack | 06:00 |
ubotu | Found: alsaplayer-jack, dssi-host-jack, jack, jack-rack, jack-tools (and 13 others) | 06:00 |
Lennings | no xD | 06:00 |
dr_willis | jack-rack, jack-tools seems likely | 06:00 |
dr_willis | !info jack-tools | 06:01 |
ubotu | jack-tools: various JACK tools: plumbing, play, udp, ctl, scope, clock. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.2-4.1 (feisty), package size 65 kB, installed size 240 kB | 06:01 |
adriano | does any1 know, why in every installation progress while configuring the error "configure: error: Your libstdc++ doesn't have the sstream or strstream classes" appears? | 06:01 |
Lennings | Hey! Em ardour says on the site that it uses alsa drivers something :P | 06:01 |
dr_willis | !info alsaplayer-jack | 06:01 |
ubotu | alsaplayer-jack: PCM player designed for ALSA (JACK output module). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.76-9 (feisty), package size 28 kB, installed size 80 kB | 06:01 |
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BWolf85 | ok i tried that now it says erros were encountered while processing sun-java6-plugin ubuntu-restircted-extras | 06:01 |
=== _AnA_ [n=ML@191.Red-81-38-98.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
edemilson | ? mp3 | 06:02 |
Lennings | dr_willis, i found some other things on adept for ardour... Tools and such, mb thats what ur looking for. | 06:02 |
stamen | hi | 06:02 |
stamen | why after uninstaling beryl, my settings were blown out? | 06:02 |
dr_willis | Lennings, im not looking for it. :) you are - heh heh... | 06:02 |
stamen | I am using the tv-out, and my VC is NVIDIA | 06:02 |
stamen | before uninstalling all was OK, but now I can't control the second display(tv-out picture), on konquerror there is no border ot it, and I can't move the window | 06:02 |
dr_willis | Lennings, if the thing uses Jack you proberly need to install the jack tools as well. | 06:02 |
stamen | when I play a movie I can't pause it it stop it from keybord, all is like I don;t have a permission | 06:02 |
stamen | how can I fix this | 06:02 |
stamen | please help | 06:03 |
adriano | does any1 know, why in every installation progress while configuring the error "configure: error: Your libstdc++ doesn't have the sstream or strstream classes" appears? | 06:03 |
dr_willis | stamen, see if your xorg.conf got backed up. and restore the original if one exists | 06:03 |
Lennings | Dr_willis: Maybe i should look for another way to make music -.- | 06:03 |
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BluesKaj | hmm, never could get JACK to work on my setup, I must be dumb, cuz the thing makes no sense to me at all ...amarok works well tho | 06:03 |
dr_willis | Lennings, only music i make is hit 'play' on XMMS. | 06:03 |
stamen | dr_willis: ok I will try, did you think that the problem is there | 06:03 |
dr_willis | stamen, not sure what else it could be | 06:04 |
stamen | dr_willis: I have preinstalled the driver for VC | 06:04 |
stamen | ok | 06:04 |
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Lennings | dr_willis: Amarok ;) | 06:04 |
stamen | I will search the old file | 06:04 |
stamen | dr_willis: 10x for now | 06:04 |
adriano | can any1 help me? | 06:04 |
Lennings | Think so. | 06:04 |
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adriano | does any1 know, why in every installation progress while configuring the error "configure: error: Your libstdc++ doesn't have the sstream or strstream classes" appears? | 06:05 |
Lennings | dr_willis: lol, i found something called: xmms-jackasyn, sure ur not looking for that one? ;) | 06:05 |
adriano | please help me | 06:05 |
dr_willis | adriano, sounds like somthing really is goofed uop to me. | 06:05 |
dr_willis | adriano, is this a clean install? | 06:05 |
adriano | yea | 06:06 |
jhutchins_lt | Is this installation with urpmi, or are you attempting to configure a tarball? | 06:06 |
adriano | im wondering | 06:06 |
adriano | no, just trying to install fluxbox | 06:06 |
adriano | apt-get works fine | 06:06 |
adriano | with binaries | 06:06 |
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adriano | but compiling wont | 06:06 |
dr_willis | how are you trying to install it then? | 06:06 |
jhutchins_lt | adriano: Oops, wrong channel for urpmi. | 06:06 |
dr_willis | rebuilding the .deb scr file? | 06:06 |
adriano | no, just learning ;) | 06:07 |
adriano | im new to linux | 06:07 |
adriano | and going to use gentoo | 06:07 |
adriano | so i need to know about compiling packages | 06:07 |
dr_willis | gentoo's stuff has nothign to do with how ubuntu does it. :) | 06:08 |
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adriano | yea sure | 06:08 |
dr_willis | they got thir entire own system thats radicially different. | 06:08 |
adriano | but at least i try to compile ;) | 06:08 |
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BluesKaj | adriano, go to #gentoo | 06:08 |
dr_willis | I gave up on gentoo ages ago. | 06:08 |
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adriano | i dont have gentoo yet guys | 06:08 |
dr_willis | dident see the point of it. :) and it had.. oddities | 06:08 |
=== high1 [n=rasha@cable-87-116-179-71.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dr_willis | then again - ive never needed to build a deb from source either. thers some apt commands to automate it - i recall | 06:09 |
adriano | so what about that libstdc prob? | 06:09 |
dr_willis | !source | 06:09 |
ubotu | You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html | 06:09 |
BluesKaj | gentoo seems almost deliberately geekarcane-ist | 06:09 |
dr_willis | sounds like yoyu got some dev files missiong or other bits gone. | 06:09 |
adriano | hmm | 06:09 |
dr_willis | ubuntu dosent install all the compiler stuff by default | 06:09 |
kim_ | Okey, im tired trying to install this ardour... Anyone know another program to make music with? | 06:09 |
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adriano | yea i installed it afterwards | 06:10 |
dr_willis | !find music | 06:10 |
jikanter | gentoo is deliberately geekarcane-ist, that is the idea | 06:10 |
nirmal | hi all | 06:10 |
=== arykn [i=IceChat7@200-55-86-250.dsl.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubotu | Found: libmusicbrainz4-dev, libmusicbrainz4c2a, asc-music, boson-music, education-music (and 23 others) | 06:10 |
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adriano | like gcc and so on | 06:10 |
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jikanter | however, it couldn't hurt to learn how to compile from source | 06:10 |
adriano | and i also installed the libstdc stuff | 06:10 |
Lennings | What is JACK anyway? | 06:10 |
adriano | tried it several times | 06:10 |
adriano | yea c :D | 06:11 |
dr_willis | Lennings, an audio-plugin-tool-system | 06:11 |
awatson | i'm using bitchx right now - i need help. I just installed a new video card (nvidia) into my system because my onboard died | 06:11 |
BluesKaj | gentoo isn't recommended for linux noobs , that's afact :) | 06:11 |
awatson | but it isn't booting properly so i can view it | 06:11 |
dr_willis | jack i recall can do all sorts of neat tricks/mixxing/other effects | 06:11 |
adriano | yea ok guys, but im not in gentoo yet | 06:11 |
Lennings | dr_willis: so if i install it, will ardour work? | 06:11 |
adriano | just help me about the libstdc thing :D | 06:11 |
awatson | suggestion on what i might need to install in order for the driver to work properly? | 06:11 |
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arykn | Hi. Can anybody help me to make an ADSL connection? | 06:11 |
jikanter | ok, well what would you like to know? | 06:11 |
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adriano | how to fix that error | 06:12 |
adriano | configure: error: Your libstdc++ doesn't have the sstream or strstream classes | 06:12 |
dr_willis | i would say google the ubuntu forums. | 06:12 |
adriano | appearing in evry configure script running | 06:12 |
dr_willis | heh. | 06:12 |
awatson | little help anyone? | 06:12 |
adriano | i was already | 06:12 |
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adriano | and didnt find anything | 06:12 |
dr_willis | Lennings, no idea. if ardiur NEEDS it.. then i guess you need to install it for arduor to work. | 06:12 |
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adriano | strange... | 06:12 |
awatson | hmm. brb. | 06:13 |
dr_willis | adriano, what command are you even using to try to build this package? | 06:13 |
jikanter | dr_willis: excellent question | 06:13 |
Lennings | dr_willis: Hmm, i can only find that stupid CD encoding jack -.- | 06:13 |
adriano | ./configure && make && make install | 06:13 |
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adriano | just as always? | 06:13 |
jikanter | adriano, packaging in ubuntu is different | 06:13 |
adriano | so? im learning :D | 06:13 |
adriano | how would you compile from source code | 06:14 |
jikanter | adriano: there is a whole system built around dependencies and dpkg and dh_build and packaging | 06:14 |
dr_willis | depends on if you mean the 'deb package source' or the programs .tar.gz source | 06:14 |
BluesKaj | adriano, there is a chat room dedicated to gentoo support..It's called #gentoo ...in the server text box type: /join #gentoo | 06:14 |
adriano | .tar.gz | 06:14 |
hakaisou | does anyone here use beryl? | 06:14 |
adriano | well blueskaj, again, i dont have gentoo yet | 06:14 |
adriano | im in ubuntu | 06:15 |
Lennings | ... | 06:15 |
dr_willis | sounds like it may be an issue with that specific program you are compiling.. or its wanting some feature thats just NOT in the ubuntu libs | 06:15 |
luke-jr_work | adriano: you should only be compiling if you are writing a program | 06:15 |
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BluesKaj | it doesn't matter if you want to learn how you install it , that's ther place for advice | 06:15 |
adriano | hm ok | 06:15 |
adriano | so ill try there ;) | 06:15 |
dr_willis | what is this source/program you are trying to compile? | 06:15 |
adriano | fluxbox | 06:16 |
adriano | and atm fbdesk | 06:16 |
luke-jr_work | adriano: even with Gentoo, you don't compile stuff manually | 06:16 |
dr_willis | there maybe some ./configure options | 06:16 |
luke-jr_work | the package manager does it automatically for you | 06:16 |
adriano | let me learn :) | 06:16 |
dr_willis | http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/fluxbox/fluxbox-1.0rc3.tar.gz | 06:17 |
=== meven [n=meven@ARennes-357-1-146-211.w90-25.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
luke-jr_work | adriano: you should never need to manually compile unless you are coding | 06:17 |
dr_willis | is what you are refering to? | 06:17 |
adriano | no the 0.9 version | 06:17 |
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dr_willis | try the newer versions perhaps? | 06:18 |
dr_willis | .9 would be like.. real old. :) | 06:18 |
adriano | i thought it wasnt ubuntu compatible | 06:18 |
adriano | 0.9.9 i think | 06:18 |
nirmal | adriano: if you are in ubuntu, check the senaptic package manager | 06:18 |
dr_willis | its an X window manager.. its in the repos also. :) | 06:18 |
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wladimir | only console is good | 06:20 |
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=== Asrafel [n=ubuntu@host140-173-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Asrafel | ciao a tutti | 06:21 |
Feldegast | i can start kde as root but not as my main user....any sugestions? | 06:21 |
Asrafel | st installando kubunto adesso | 06:21 |
Feldegast | Asrafel language? | 06:21 |
Asrafel | ^^ where is an italian chan? | 06:21 |
dr_willis | Feldegast, remove the users .kde dir and try again - for a start. (well rename it) | 06:21 |
Feldegast | dr_willis same happens with gnome but ok | 06:22 |
dr_willis | !xlibs | 06:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xlibs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:22 |
dr_willis | Feldegast, sounds more like a permission issue then | 06:22 |
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Feldegast | dr_willis that's what i was thinking | 06:22 |
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mildner | hello | 06:23 |
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mildner | any help in german | 06:23 |
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raylu | !DE | 06:23 |
Feldegast | but i have no idea which file/directory | 06:23 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 06:23 |
adriano | ok im out :) thx guys | 06:23 |
adriano | disconnect | 06:23 |
=== LasseP [n=xerox@c-4476e255.010-198-73746f32.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
WhytWulf | ok folks, i just got feisty i386 working on ly laptop (finally!) and i'm trying to get my nvidia graphics card working properly... i have a geforce go7600, what should i do? | 06:23 |
WhytWulf | glxgears only runs at about 450fps right now | 06:24 |
raylu | !nvidia | 06:24 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:24 |
raylu | maybe it's my card that sucks (intel), but i get 650...not a big improvement | 06:24 |
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Feldegast | it stopped wiorking today when i did todays updates, i remember samba was one but not the rest | 06:25 |
raylu | Feldegast, what's the problem? | 06:25 |
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Feldegast | when i select kde from kdm the screen changes, then flicks back to kdm, if i use startx from the commandline X stops and drops back tot he commandline, if i start "startx" as root i get kde working | 06:26 |
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raylu | ...you can't start x unless you're root | 06:26 |
dr_willis | samba shouldent of affected that. | 06:27 |
raylu | i don't understand what you mean "select kde from kdm" though | 06:27 |
kim_ | Okey, im gonna start from scratch, if i want ardour to work... Do i download the sourse or and excuteable program? | 06:27 |
Feldegast | startx from the commandline works normaly for my user | 06:27 |
dr_willis | KDM has the menu to sellect what desktop/session | 06:27 |
raylu | kim_, or. is it in the repositories? | 06:27 |
dr_willis | Feldegast, thats realy odd then. | 06:27 |
stamen | dr_willis: thank you verry much, the problem was in xorg.conf | 06:27 |
dr_willis | stamen, :) | 06:27 |
stamen | bye | 06:27 |
nirmal | if i install UbuntuME will the script installs as another gnome session which is selectable in the welcome screen? | 06:27 |
raylu | that would be the login manager then...not kdm | 06:27 |
Feldegast | in kdm it doesn't work | 06:28 |
dr_willis | UbuntuME ? | 06:28 |
dr_willis | !info UbuntuME | 06:28 |
ubotu | Package ubuntume does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 06:28 |
stamen | dr_willis: I aws thiking that maybe the problem is there, but I wasn\t shure :) | 06:28 |
Feldegast | kdm is the login manager i thought | 06:28 |
raylu | i'm pretty sure it's not...maybe im wrong | 06:28 |
nirmal | Ubuntume is Muslim edition | 06:28 |
dr_willis | Feldegast, yep. sounds like KDM is some how confused. | 06:28 |
wladimir | lol | 06:28 |
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Feldegast | it's not kdm, it doesn't work from the commandline either | 06:28 |
wladimir | is there a budhistic edition too? | 06:29 |
nirmal | ubuntume.com i found it | 06:29 |
raylu | Feldegast, sudo kdm doesn't work? | 06:29 |
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Feldegast | kdm starts, kdm doesn't start kde | 06:29 |
raylu | oh. i see why you think the login manager is kdm | 06:29 |
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raylu | (i'm not too clear on it myself) | 06:29 |
Osiris207 | hey everyone | 06:29 |
dr_willis | does kdm start OTHER desktops correctly? | 06:29 |
Feldegast | dr_willis no | 06:30 |
Osiris207 | raylu your here;p | 06:30 |
raylu | lol. hi | 06:30 |
brian_ | what is kturtle | 06:30 |
raylu | !kturtle | 06:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kturtle - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:30 |
raylu | !info kturtle | 06:30 |
Osiris207 | lol it was you who was telling me what to do with my wifi earlier wasnt it> | 06:30 |
Feldegast | the only way i can get into kde is if i "startx" from the commandline as root | 06:30 |
raylu | Feldegast, when you login with the login manager to a kde session, what happens? | 06:30 |
Feldegast | ever since today when i updated :( | 06:30 |
raylu | Osiris207, yes | 06:30 |
ubotu | kturtle: educational Logo programming environment. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 366 kB, installed size 984 kB | 06:31 |
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Osiris207 | ok , i did what you said | 06:31 |
Osiris207 | still dotn work | 06:31 |
raylu | have you tried kwifimanager? | 06:31 |
Osiris207 | i dunno what to do now , doing my head in | 06:31 |
alakhia | i am having trouble playing dvds ... are the instructions on ubuntuguide.org any good? | 06:31 |
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dr_willis | !dvd | 06:31 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 06:31 |
Osiris207 | i can get that , without having the internet to install it ;[ | 06:31 |
Feldegast | raylu it starts the xsession then drops back to kdm | 06:31 |
_Shade_ | hi | 06:31 |
raylu | Osiris207, download the package manually and transfer it to your linux computers | 06:31 |
Lennings | What is the best way to find programs you seek? im looking for something like.. A dj program, i wanna make music on my computer, anyone know a good way to find? or any keywords i can google? | 06:31 |
raylu | Feldegast, check ~/.xsession-errors | 06:31 |
raylu | Lennings, adept search is nice | 06:32 |
Osiris207 | how do i get it manualy , and i hope i dotn have to compile anything | 06:32 |
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raylu | Osiris207, sudo aptitude download [package] (i think), though i just go to the repositories myself | 06:32 |
raylu | google "ubuntu repository" | 06:32 |
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Lennings | raylu: Yeah but what should i seartch for? | 06:32 |
Feldegast | raylu it's 0 bytes | 06:32 |
Lennings | ok | 06:32 |
Osiris207 | lol but i would have to be on a linux machine to use that | 06:32 |
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raylu | Osiris207, then download the .debs manually | 06:33 |
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_Shade_ | my system crashed while i was installing some packages and now i can't install anything since adept says that there's another process using dpkg. What can i do? | 06:33 |
Osiris207 | i just had a look , there isnt any on k's website | 06:33 |
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brian_ | are there any tools for linux that i can put say my system status on the desktop like a "widget" | 06:34 |
shinygerbil | _Shade_: find the process and kill it! | 06:34 |
dr_willis | brian_, oodles of useless desktop-eyecandy widgets out there. :) | 06:34 |
dr_willis | and more usefull panel-applets | 06:34 |
Feldegast | brian_ karumba | 06:34 |
dr_willis | !info superkaramba | 06:34 |
ubotu | superkaramba: a program based on karamba improving the eyecandy of KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 533 kB, installed size 1428 kB | 06:34 |
raylu | Feldegast, do you have a .xsession? | 06:34 |
raylu | !fixadept | _Shade_ | 06:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fixadept - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:34 |
brian_ | no results for karumba | 06:34 |
raylu | !adeptfix | 06:35 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 06:35 |
LjL | !adept fix | 06:35 |
=== style is away: Zur Zeit nicht da. | ||
dr_willis | raylu, heh - thats like the 4th time today some one has needed that | 06:35 |
LjL | !fixadept is <alias> adept crash fix | 06:35 |
ubotu | I'll remember that, LjL | 06:35 |
Feldegast | raylu no | 06:35 |
guillermo | locking wireless keayboard signal? anyone? | 06:35 |
hakaisou | !xgl | 06:36 |
raylu | Feldegast, try /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 06:36 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 06:36 |
raylu | user.log may also be of help | 06:36 |
Lennings | unhelpfull stuff this is | 06:36 |
Feldegast | raylu nothing significant in there | 06:37 |
_Shade_ | shinygerbil: there's no processes that could call dpkg function i think | 06:37 |
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shinygerbil | _Shade_: is there one called apt-get? | 06:38 |
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raylu | ALL the apt stuff uses dpkg... | 06:38 |
shinygerbil | or anything beginning with apt, indeed | 06:38 |
raylu | shinygerbil, yes. what are you trying to do with it? | 06:38 |
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shinygerbil | me? Nothing. I was solving _Shade_'s problem with "another process using dpkg" | 06:39 |
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raylu | oh... | 06:39 |
raylu | heheh. oops | 06:39 |
_Shade_ | shinygerbil: no | 06:39 |
raylu | _Shade_, have you tried what !adeptfix said? | 06:39 |
_Shade_ | !adeptfix | 06:40 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 06:40 |
Pensacola | kontact keeps crashing after the kde3.5.7 upgrade :s | 06:41 |
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Feldegast | when i start kde, it flashes grey (the window background without the background image) then returns to where i started it from | 06:42 |
_Shade_ | raylu: shinygerbil: it just started to finish previously broken task so i think it should be ok, but let me see... | 06:43 |
raylu | Feldegast, are you sure you checked the right .xsession-errors? how many users are there? | 06:43 |
Feldegast | i am the only user | 06:44 |
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_Shade_ | oops i think it stacked during the operation :( | 06:45 |
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frojnd | can someone help me install engage theme?? here is the output of error when I'm simply trying to install it via apt: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22161/ | 06:49 |
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Feldegast | i'm going through en mass changing permissions | 06:50 |
raylu | frojnd, install those othe rpackages | 06:50 |
raylu | *other packages | 06:51 |
stamen | I have just installed it over kubuntu to see this X, but when I start it the taskbars are starting to flash and a message appers but I can't read it, because it flashes 5 or 6 time and after that it hides itself | 06:51 |
stamen | I have installed GNOME | 06:51 |
stamen | and the upper problem appear | 06:51 |
stamen | who can help | 06:51 |
stamen | ?:) | 06:51 |
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frojnd | raylu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22181/ :S | 06:52 |
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raylu | frojnd, libemotion0: Depends: libxine1c2 (>= 1.0.1) but it is not installable | 06:52 |
raylu | i suppose that's the problem | 06:52 |
frojnd | yes, but how can I make it instalable? raylu? | 06:52 |
frojnd | it seems only I have similar problem.. | 06:53 |
raylu | you...can't. i g2g | 06:53 |
frojnd | http://pimpyourlinux.com/linux-feature-review/enlightenment-engage-dock/ | 06:53 |
frojnd | I was just follow instructions.. | 06:53 |
Feldegast | definatly the right xsession | 06:54 |
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=== Feldegast guesses he will have to re-install :( | ||
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Kr4t05 | Hrm, is there an fsck.ntfs-3g out there? | 06:57 |
mildner_ | german help available? | 06:58 |
wladimir | jo | 06:58 |
mildner_ | ich hab am bootupmanager rumgeklickt und nun fhrt mein kubuntu immer an die nichtgrafische eingabe hoch | 06:59 |
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Feldegast | !german | 07:00 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 07:00 |
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Kr4t05 | Ok... For some reason, even though I use the keep_settings flag and have it set in hdparm.conf, /dev/hdb will not keep DMA on. | 07:01 |
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chris__ | LINUX ROX | 07:02 |
chris__ | THE AS | 07:02 |
chris__ | ;) | 07:02 |
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zoohouse | Anyone here used UltraVNC? I want to run it on linux or is there an linux aternative to ultravnc? | 07:04 |
RadiantFire | zoohouse: tightvnc | 07:06 |
Feldegast | zoohouse i use tightvnc | 07:07 |
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BWolf85 | :) I got some widgets now | 07:10 |
calvin_ | Hellko | 07:10 |
calvin_ | Hello* | 07:10 |
BWolf85 | hi | 07:10 |
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calvin_ | Whats the best IRC client for linux if im going to be serving stuff with DCC? | 07:13 |
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david__ | howdy partners! | 07:14 |
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david__ | i was wondering if anyone can help me with a "kill kde" question | 07:14 |
DarkFeeling | hi is there a way to change the bootsplash and set one image i like), (not the splash screen or grub) i mean the Kubuntu image with the blue bar that shows itself when turning on computer or turning off | 07:14 |
david__ | darkfeeling, there should be, there is one with gnome, lemme check | 07:15 |
Black_Monkey | hi, I'm trying to upgrade to kde 3.5.7, but when I run adept upgrade, it says kdm depends on kde-bin and kde-data 3.5.6 :/ | 07:15 |
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DarkFeeling | david__, im using kubuntu 6.10 and kde 3.5.5 if its useful to you :) | 07:15 |
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david__ | yo, DarkFeeling it's under system settings | 07:15 |
david__ | splash screen | 07:16 |
david__ | it'll let you change it from there | 07:16 |
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RadiantFire | Black_Monkey: try refreshing your package lists | 07:16 |
david__ | i'm wondering if anyone can help me kill X so i can install mly 8800 drivers | 07:16 |
DarkFeeling | no thats splas creen i mean bootsplash image | 07:16 |
david__ | i hit ctrl+alt+f1 | 07:16 |
RadiantFire | Black_Monkey: you may have updated in the middle of the mirror update | 07:16 |
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Black_Monkey | RadiantFire: as in a "sudo aptitude update"? Done that | 07:16 |
david__ | then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop | 07:16 |
DarkFeeling | that one that appears whe you turn computer off | 07:16 |
RadiantFire | Black_Monkey: yeah | 07:16 |
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david__ | but i don't get a terminal, i just get some blank prompt | 07:17 |
Black_Monkey | did it again, no difference | 07:17 |
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Black_Monkey | where could I find a kdm 3.5.7 package lying about that I could just install? | 07:17 |
DarkFeeling | david2, kdm? isnt that the screen where you type your login and pass? | 07:17 |
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RadiantFire | Black_Monkey: yeah, because thats definately not what mine says right now, I just checked | 07:18 |
DarkFeeling | david__, id like to change the blue bar thats right before kdm appears :) | 07:18 |
david__ | DarkFeeling: sorry, no idea! | 07:18 |
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BWolf85 | when u log in dark? | 07:19 |
hesperant | hey all | 07:19 |
david__ | hey | 07:19 |
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DarkFeeling | you aren undrestanding me ill search the image in google plz wait :) | 07:20 |
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SlimeyPete | DarkFeeling: you're talking about the splash screen, presumably. It's done using usplash, I think. | 07:21 |
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hanafi | qq peut m'aider | 07:21 |
hanafi | qq peut m'aider | 07:21 |
hanafi | ok | 07:22 |
Black_Monkey | hanafi: je pense que le canal est #kubuntu-fr | 07:22 |
david__ | anyone know how to get a terminal promt after you kdm stop? I"m just getting a usless _ prompt that does nothing | 07:22 |
SlimeyPete | david__: have you tried switching to another terminal? | 07:22 |
SlimeyPete | david__: ie by press e.g. alt+f1 or alt+f2 | 07:22 |
SlimeyPete | it sounds like you're getting stuck on terminal 7 (which is the one that's reserved for X11) | 07:23 |
DarkFeeling | i found one it isnt the exactly image but it is like http://jeremy.lonien.de/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/usplash.png. that appears when turning on computer, after a while you get kdm you type login and pass, then you get the splash screen and finally the desk | 07:23 |
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david__ | SlimeyPete: i'm doing ctrl+alt+f1, then kdm stop | 07:23 |
Black_Monkey | what's the command to install a .deb file in a local dir? | 07:23 |
david__ | SlimeyPete: i lose my terminal after stoping kdm | 07:23 |
SlimeyPete | david__: have you tried press alt-f1 afterwards, too? | 07:23 |
david__ | SlimeyPete: nope, will try that now! | 07:24 |
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froojnd | I was updating and at the end was error, couse public key is not available http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22183/ what does that mean how can I fix it and how can I get valid key ?? | 07:24 |
DarkFeeling | i found it its this one!! :) http://www.nonsologuide.altervista.org/guide/linux/installare_kubuntu_edgy/kubuntu_6_10_install_02.gif david_ | 07:24 |
Black_Monkey | grr, I'm trying to open konqueror, and it's giving an error saying "Protocol not supported - file" | 07:25 |
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Black_Monkey | anyone have any idea how I can solve this? | 07:27 |
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Moduliz0r | How do I use a serial mouse in Ubuntu? (and how do I enable it from a console)? | 07:28 |
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david__ | SlimeyPete: thanks! that worked | 07:28 |
SlimeyPete | david__: no problem :) | 07:28 |
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DarkFeeling | i found it its this one!! :) http://www.nonsologuide.altervista.org/guide/linux/installare_kubuntu_edgy/kubuntu_6_10_install_02.gif david__ | 07:28 |
david__ | still can't get the drivers installed since apparently now i need libc or something | 07:28 |
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david__ | DarkFeeling: cool, nice job | 07:29 |
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DarkFeeling | lol im a genius! now how do i change that? | 07:29 |
mike01 | anyone here expierenced with chroots? | 07:29 |
osh_ | Black_Monkey: Sounds like a kioslave-problem. | 07:29 |
mike01 | i was trying to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot that guide... | 07:29 |
osh_ | mike01: I've used it. What's the problem? | 07:30 |
mike01 | for one the /etc/dchroot doesnt exist... | 07:30 |
atidem | ciao | 07:30 |
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mike01 | i found the other config though | 07:31 |
Black_Monkey | osh_: oh right, any idea how to stop that? | 07:31 |
mike01 | but when i do dchroot -d it says group sbuild not found | 07:31 |
osh_ | !chroot | 07:32 |
osh_ | !dchroot | 07:32 |
mike01 | the config i found is /etc/schroot/schroot.conf | 07:32 |
osh_ | Hmm, no ubou. | 07:32 |
DarkFeeling | why nobody helps me? i know i speak an awful english but its becouse i live in latin america :( | 07:32 |
mike01 | but it doesnt match the guide at all | 07:32 |
ubotu | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box | 07:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dchroot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:32 |
mike01 | yeah that guide is outdated | 07:32 |
david__ | DarkFeeling: it's just an obscure question. I can't help you because i just startd using KDE yesterday | 07:32 |
david__ | DarkFeeling: there will be someone here woh knows how to do it | 07:32 |
osh_ | Black_Monkey: check apt-get for kioslaves. or reinstall konqueror. | 07:33 |
DarkFeeling | okay | 07:33 |
Black_Monkey | kk, thanks | 07:33 |
BWolf85 | where do i get the mp3 encoder for K3b | 07:34 |
=== NightBird [n=ma325@c-69-245-219-46.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
osh_ | mike01: ask a specific question and I might be able to help. I can't walk you through a complete debootstrapchroot. | 07:35 |
=== NightBird wonders why there isn't a torrent for any of the desktop cd's.... | ||
froojnd | I was updating and at the end was error, couse public key is not available http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22183/ what does that mean how can I fix it and how can I get valid key ?? | 07:36 |
osh_ | but first I have to put my son to sleep. | 07:36 |
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osh_ | ..after his mom has finished reading him a bedtime story. | 07:36 |
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Ace2016 | froojnd: most people just ignore it | 07:39 |
BWolf85 | what do u mean ace | 07:39 |
Ace2016 | BWolf85: the authentification error, afaik most people ignore it because it does nothing bad | 07:40 |
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lacrymology | hey, I'm following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575 to make a 32b chroot enviroment | 07:41 |
lacrymology | and dpkg-reconfigure locales is not working for me | 07:41 |
lacrymology | how do I manually configure them, or copy the 64b system ones? | 07:42 |
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jon_ | i have a bit of a problem | 07:44 |
nuxil | same here | 07:44 |
nuxil | how do i set a dns ? | 07:44 |
Ace2016 | same here | 07:44 |
nuxil | i need to set open dns as my default dns ? | 07:44 |
nuxil | howto? | 07:44 |
jon_ | using konqueror, im trying to watch a realplayer file. but when i click the link, it tries to open the file with totem | 07:45 |
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Ace2016 | nuxil: in the router, or in /etc/resolv.conf | 07:45 |
esben | nuxil: Are you sure you do ? Most dhcp servers offers an DNS address, too | 07:45 |
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Ace2016 | jon_: install kmplayer then konqueror will start using it to play the videos | 07:45 |
Ace2016 | jon_: install kmplayer then konqueror will start using it to play the videos | 07:45 |
nuxil | esben, my isp's dns sucks.. it goes down all the time | 07:45 |
Ace2016 | woops | 07:45 |
esben | nuxil: Ah, ok. In that case, follow Ace2016's advice :) | 07:46 |
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nuxil | Ace2016, like nameserver "Ip of opendns" in resolv.conf | 07:46 |
Ace2016 | nuxil: in /etc/resolv.conf i have the line nameserver, just change the ip to opendns and your done | 07:46 |
nuxil | :D | 07:46 |
jon_ | what about on gnome? when i use mozilla it wants to play the realplayer file embedded with mplayer which also doesnt work | 07:46 |
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crowbar | Ace2016, nuxil, don't change it. just add another nameserver line above with the opendns address. | 07:46 |
esben | nuxil: The proper way to set it is in /etc/network/interfaces. See man 5 interfaces | 07:47 |
crowbar | that way if opendns fails, you can fall back to your isp dns. | 07:47 |
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KevinAlaska | Anyone know if there is a website that offers opinions on which software is best in KDE... (ie f-stop vs digiKam)? | 07:47 |
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nuxil | esben, yes i took a look at that file,.. its empty | 07:47 |
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Daisuke_Ido | KevinAlaska: opinions are just that, opinions | 07:47 |
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esben | nuxii: No surprise. Most people don't need anything, DHCP takes care of everything | 07:47 |
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Daisuke_Ido | but digikam > f-stop in my personal opinion because digikam integrates with kde. | 07:48 |
djdarkman | hy, how can I make qt4 default on my system? | 07:48 |
nuxil | esben, i'll do it simple and just edit resolv.conf :) | 07:48 |
KevinAlaska | ahhh.. true Daisuke | 07:48 |
Ace2016 | KevinAlaska: http://www.linuxsoft.cz/en/ or http://www.kde-apps.org/ they are both usefull | 07:48 |
crowbar | djdarkman: Software written for qt4 will use the qt4 libraries automatically. | 07:48 |
KevinAlaska | nice.. thank you Ace2016 | 07:49 |
Ace2016 | bye all | 07:49 |
esben | nuxil: ok. Just be sure that dhclient doesn't overwrite it... it probably will. | 07:49 |
nuxil | dosent it use that file? | 07:49 |
djdarkman | crowbar: no, I`m trying to compile a qt4 app and it complains that I`m using qt3 | 07:49 |
crowbar | djdarkman: do you have the qt -dev packages installed? | 07:50 |
atidem | what's the package that contains nslookup/host/dig programs? | 07:50 |
lacrymology | how do I manually set my locale settings? | 07:50 |
KevinAlaska | well best wishes everyone.. I am off like a wild herd of turtles.. ;) | 07:50 |
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savetheWorld | clomp................................ clomp............................. | 07:50 |
esben | djdarkman: See update-alternatives | 07:50 |
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sparrw | if i cant put my swap at the beginning of the drive, is it better to have it in the middle or at the end? | 07:51 |
djdarkman | crowbar: yes, I already compiled a qt4 package, but this one seems not to be satisfied with setting the QTDIR | 07:51 |
jon_ | can i use mozilla to view embedded realplayer files? | 07:51 |
djdarkman | esben: yes but what parameter should I specify it? :) | 07:51 |
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esben | djdarkman: There are three. The easiets is just to run --all, and then look for relevant questions :) | 07:51 |
nuxil | esben, why would dhclient overwrite ip's from resolv.conf? | 07:52 |
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esben | nuxil: That's how it works, as I recall | 07:53 |
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nuxil | hmm | 07:53 |
lacrymology | my apt-get wont work because my locales aren't quite configured, please help | 07:53 |
esben | nuxil: You can specify name servers in dhclient.conf too, if you prefer | 07:54 |
djdarkman | esben: didn`t work :( | 07:54 |
esben | djdarkman: Remember to rerun configure | 07:54 |
esben | djdarkman: or cmake :) | 07:54 |
djdarkman | esben: it didn`t ask anything for qt | 07:54 |
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esben | djdarkman: Usually, configure guesses that stuff from running qtconfig | 07:55 |
luca__ | hi everyone | 07:55 |
esben | djdarkman: But as I have no idea what you are trying to compile... | 07:55 |
luca__ | can someone help me configuring properly kmail? | 07:55 |
esben | luca__: Just ask :) | 07:56 |
luca__ | ok ;) | 07:56 |
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fatman | Hello, I am Fat Man and I weigh 400 pounds! You can see video of my supreme fatness at www.fat-man.org | 07:56 |
atidem | [19:50] <atidem> what's the package that contains nslookup/host/dig programs? <-- host, dnsutils | 07:56 |
luca__ | I need to set up more than one account with kmail, and have each one linked to a specific smtp server | 07:56 |
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luca__ | right now, I always have to go into coonfiguration and change the default identity for sending each time I change the box I'm considering... | 07:57 |
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nuxil | hmm maybe there is something wrong with my pc.. now i cant even connect to my router. :( www.routerlogin.net doesnt work :( | 07:58 |
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lacrymology | nulix try http://yourrouterip | 07:59 |
lacrymology | probably | 08:00 |
lacrymology | probably I mean | 08:00 |
esben | luca__: Set up an identity for each, then set the special transport under advanced for each identity | 08:00 |
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esben | luca__: I use that trick for having different languages for different accounts :) | 08:00 |
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BWolf85 | is a very common one | 08:00 |
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nuxil | lacrymology, that works | 08:01 |
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lacrymology | nuxil: then you are having routing problems, the network's working fine | 08:02 |
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nuxil | but i should be able to connect to my router | 08:02 |
lacrymology | nuxil: if the config page opened, you were | 08:03 |
stamen | if I wan't to remove kde from kubuntu, can it be made to ubuntu with installing GNOME, or I have to do clean instalation? | 08:03 |
nuxil | lacrymology, i get timed out | 08:03 |
nuxil | no page opens | 08:03 |
raylu | stamen, that makes no sense. | 08:03 |
raylu | !kubuntu | 08:03 |
lacrymology | uhm | 08:03 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 08:03 |
lacrymology | reboot the router? | 08:03 |
nuxil | i can connect localy to apache | 08:03 |
lacrymology | ping google.com | 08:04 |
stamen | raylu: why | 08:04 |
nuxil | that worked' | 08:04 |
lacrymology | really? | 08:04 |
raylu | stamen, becuase kubuntu IS ubuntu. the only differences is kubuntu uses kde and ubuntu uses gnome | 08:04 |
nuxil | --- google.com ping statistics --- | 08:04 |
nuxil | 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1010ms | 08:04 |
lacrymology | ok, whatever | 08:04 |
stamen | I think all is the same but X servers are different | 08:04 |
raylu | nuxil, what's the problem? | 08:04 |
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raylu | stamen, no...same x server. different gui | 08:04 |
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nuxil | something is strange | 08:04 |
lacrymology | so you can ping, out but you can't get into your router? | 08:04 |
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stamen | raylu: yes, excuse me :) | 08:04 |
nuxil | lacrymology, right,, or any other webpage | 08:05 |
stamen | raylu: so I don't have to do clean install | 08:05 |
raylu | stamen, if you want gnome, you can install ubuntu-desktop. there is no such thing as ubuntu without gnome... | 08:05 |
lacrymology | ifconfig tells you your ip as 192.168 something? | 08:05 |
nuxil | yep | 08:05 |
raylu | (well, that's not entirely true, but whatever) | 08:05 |
fuxs | hi | 08:05 |
raylu | nuxil, what's the problem? | 08:05 |
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nuxil | raylu, i cant connect to any webpages or my router.. | 08:06 |
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raylu | you have apache running locally? | 08:06 |
nuxil | i thought it was my ips's dns was down again.. but it looks like its something else | 08:06 |
luca__ | esben: sorry I did not answer, telephone :) trying it now, thanks! | 08:06 |
nuxil | raylu, yes | 08:06 |
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lacrymology | doesn't anybody know what do I have to do to set up the locales? | 08:06 |
esben | 08:07 | |
esben | luca__: Shout at me if it doesn't work :) | 08:07 |
esben | lu | 08:07 |
esben | sorry, cat :/ | 08:07 |
nuxil | hehe | 08:07 |
raylu | nuxil, what brand is the router? | 08:07 |
mike01 | so how do i get a chroot working? | 08:07 |
nuxil | netgear | 08:07 |
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raylu | what did you tytpe in to access your router? | 08:07 |
fdoving | lacrymology: what is your locale problem? | 08:07 |
BWolf85 | nuxil have u tried kwifimanager | 08:07 |
nuxil | routerlogin.net is what i usaly do to connect to it | 08:07 |
raylu | BWolf85, if he can ping google, i dont think kwm will help | 08:07 |
raylu | nuxil, have you tried | 08:08 |
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nuxil | yes | 08:08 |
nuxil | times out | 08:08 |
raylu | how about .1.1, .0.0, .1.0? :P | 08:08 |
raylu | it's usually one of those | 08:08 |
nuxil | the routers ip is | 08:08 |
raylu | oh. i'm guessing that doesn't work either? | 08:08 |
nuxil | nop.. i tryed | 08:09 |
raylu | how about and what model is it? | 08:09 |
nuxil | netgear wgt624 | 08:09 |
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nuxil | im connected with wire to it | 08:10 |
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nuxil | strange thing is.. ktorrent | xchat is working | 08:10 |
nuxil | but no web browser | 08:10 |
nuxil | ping also works | 08:11 |
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nuxil | im probealy hacked :O | 08:11 |
nuxil | lol jk | 08:11 |
yuriy | i'm trying to set dns servers, and my changes seem to disappear every time i restart | 08:11 |
yuriy | tried both in gnome and kde | 08:11 |
raylu | try guarddog. maybe :80 is being blocked | 08:11 |
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raylu | i g2g though | 08:11 |
yuriy | could n-m have something to do with it? | 08:11 |
nuxil | im not blocking anything,, as i havent set up a firewall | 08:12 |
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nuxil | "iptables" | 08:12 |
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Jacko2007 | how do I enable divx playback? | 08:13 |
juarez | que haciendo | 08:13 |
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nuxil | this is a pain in the ass | 08:14 |
mike01 | how do i get sounds to work? | 08:14 |
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BWolf85 | nuxil i missed the problem sorry | 08:14 |
mike01 | xmms works if i select alsa and manually select my sound card | 08:14 |
mike01 | but kde sounds or anything else doesnt work | 08:15 |
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nuxil | BWolf85, i cant connect to my router. i cant connect to any webpages.. all i get it times out. strange thing is i can ping all host in the network.. also hosts outside the network.. ktorrent | xchat is the only apps i can go online with | 08:16 |
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BWolf85 | what wifi managers do u have | 08:17 |
nuxil | im connected with wire to the router | 08:17 |
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nuxil | its managed | configured trough web interface | 08:17 |
BWolf85 | ok so u arent doing it wireless? | 08:17 |
nuxil | nop | 08:17 |
BWolf85 | so doesnt work? | 08:18 |
DarkFeeling | hi again, how can i change the bootsplash?(not grub splash or splash screen, see the image) http://www.nonsologuide.altervista.org/guide/linux/installare_kubuntu_edgy/kubuntu_6_10_install_02.gif | 08:18 |
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nuxil | i can ping it. but not connect to in with a web browser.. the way im suppose to login to the router is routerlogin.net with a web browser | 08:19 |
nuxil | dosent work | 08:19 |
yuriy | nuxil:what web browser? | 08:19 |
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mike01 | !sound | 08:19 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 08:19 |
nuxil | firefox and konqeror | 08:19 |
=== MartyMcFly [n=mart@cpc2-bigg1-0-0-cust905.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nuxil | thouse are the ones i use | 08:19 |
MartyMcFly | what's the name of the PDF viewer in kubuntu? | 08:20 |
BWolf85 | so u can ping but not actually bring something up | 08:20 |
DarkFeeling | MartyMcFly, i think is Kpdf | 08:20 |
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MartyMcFly | DarkFeeling: damn, that means that when I installed ubuntu-desktop it changed all the default apps to the GNOME ones - is there any way to reset them all back to the KDE apps? | 08:22 |
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nuxil | hmm | 08:23 |
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DarkFeeling | MartyMcFly, Kpdf is an kde app | 08:23 |
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DarkFeeling | MartyMcFly, and i have no idea how to do that sorry. but you can still go to k menu, excecute comman and type kpdf if u want to run it :) | 08:24 |
MartyMcFly | DarkFeeling: okay, thanks nonetheless ;) | 08:25 |
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DarkFeeling | anyway nobady helps me :( its too difficult what im trying to do? | 08:25 |
BWolf85 | what is it still change the load page? | 08:26 |
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Lynoure | DarkFeeling: but that is what kubuntu has by default? | 08:27 |
Lynoure | DarkFeeling: did you lose it somehow? | 08:27 |
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tom_ | whats the screenshot program on kde called? | 08:27 |
DarkFeeling | Lynoure, nop im tryin to change it | 08:28 |
BWolf85 | tom Ksnapshot | 08:28 |
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tom_ | thnx | 08:28 |
BWolf85 | its under graphics | 08:28 |
DarkFeeling | Lynoure, do you know how can i set one i like? | 08:29 |
BWolf85 | dark: thats what my kubuntu came with and looks like | 08:29 |
Lynoure | DarkFeeling: googling for changing kubuntu loading screen seems promising | 08:29 |
DarkFeeling | lol | 08:29 |
DarkFeeling | okay | 08:29 |
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Lynoure | DarkFeeling: it's called usplash, it seems | 08:30 |
DarkFeeling | ok that hleps thanks | 08:30 |
Lynoure | DarkFeeling: and here is the howto: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Different_usplash | 08:30 |
DarkFeeling | coooooooool | 08:30 |
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=== Lynoure , bringing googlefu to people. =) | ||
nadir | what kernel are you guys shipping with the latest release | 08:31 |
Lynoure | DarkFeeling: unfortunately though that is not telling how to get a truly custom picture, but I bet it is somewhere... | 08:31 |
BWolf85 | 7.04 im sure | 08:31 |
Lynoure | DarkFeeling: here, but not for the timid, it seems: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=323520&page=4 | 08:33 |
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nadir | what kernel are you guys shipping with the latest release ? | 08:33 |
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DarkFeeling | Lynoure, ok thanks :) | 08:34 |
nadir | 2.6.20 ? | 08:34 |
Lynoure | nadir: seems like 2.6.20-15. | 08:34 |
mahdi_ | 2.6.20-15-386 i think | 08:34 |
nadir | i see, ok cool | 08:34 |
nadir | seems like getting an error with it | 08:34 |
nadir | on an asus p5b mobo | 08:34 |
nadir | even though the putback was put in 2.6.18 | 08:35 |
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nadir | for that | 08:35 |
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shellyb | can anyone save me ubuntu woe | 08:36 |
K-Ryan | Hmm? | 08:36 |
nadir | can't access tty; job control turned off | 08:37 |
Lynoure | shellyb: maybe, if you tell what is the matter? | 08:37 |
nadir | i see this on the forums | 08:37 |
nadir | but no solution | 08:37 |
shellyb | Trying to share the internet through a main pc......which is connected to the internet via remote access point | 08:37 |
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shellyb | i have 2 ethernet cards....Wired ethernet card --- eth0 (connects to router which shares to multiple computers) | 08:38 |
shellyb | Wireless ethernet card --- ra1 (connects to the remote access point) | 08:39 |
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shellyb | here is a picture to the link http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=33235&d=1179933668 | 08:39 |
shellyb | lol | 08:40 |
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shellyb | I had all of this setup in windows xp......by bridging the two nics..... | 08:41 |
Lynoure | shellyb: your link does not work, requires login. | 08:41 |
fdoving | shellyb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing is quite good. | 08:41 |
yuriy | ok i removed networkmanager and my DNS is still not getting saved | 08:42 |
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yuriy | anybody have any ideas why that might happen? | 08:42 |
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fdoving | shellyb: i recommend the "other approach" on that site, dnsmasq and ipmasq. | 08:42 |
fdoving | yuriy: what is the situation? | 08:42 |
shellyb | okay....ill give all of that a try....thanks :) | 08:43 |
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BWolf85 | i love linux now :) | 08:44 |
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sparrw | fresh kubuntu feisty installation. first thing i did was install firefox. it has an empty File menu. help? | 08:44 |
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yuriy | fdoving: i'm trying to add a dns address, and it gets reset on every reboot | 08:44 |
zarilion | h:) im trying to get translucency in KDE but it wont work>< anyone have any tips? | 08:44 |
BWolf85 | what are you trying zarilion? | 08:45 |
fdoving | yuriy: where do you set it? | 08:45 |
thefirstdude | translucency? | 08:45 |
ninina_ | I just killed this system...now I has to install again T_T | 08:45 |
yuriy | fdoving: i've tried in kde's and gnome's network settings | 08:45 |
yuriy | what's the config file for it? | 08:45 |
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zarilion | BWolf85, configure window bahavior | 08:45 |
fdoving | yuriy: /etc/resolv.conf can be used, it will probably be re-set. do you use dhcp? | 08:46 |
yuriy | fdoving: right now it is using dhcp. is that the problem? :[ | 08:46 |
fdoving | yuriy: yes. | 08:46 |
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mahdi_ | anyone using a gefore 8xxx card could tell me how it performs in fiesty? | 08:46 |
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fdoving | yuriy: dhcp is there to query an external machine/router for the network setup information. among them DNS. | 08:46 |
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zarilion | pretty good mahdi_ | 08:47 |
frojnd | hello there, where in enlightment e17 can I see ststem configuration for desktop ??? | 08:47 |
yuriy | fdoving: *oops* *complains to boss for bad instructions* | 08:47 |
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mahdi_ | zarilion: cool, putting together a parts list for a new gig, didn't see anything past the 7 series on the hardware wiki | 08:47 |
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fdoving | yuriy: you can override that in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf with the 'prepend domain-name-servers ip.of.d.ns;' key. | 08:48 |
zarilion | mahdi_, i just installed it on my main pc, and dont have any problems with wow or bling bling dekstops:P | 08:48 |
hyper_ch | hiho, when I start kontact how do I make kaggregator to also auto-start and check my rss feeds? | 08:48 |
hyper_ch | zarilion: bling bling desktops... that's cute :) | 08:49 |
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mahdi_ | zarilion: and where would we be without bling bling desktops. i submit nowhere! | 08:49 |
zarilion | hyper_ch, mahdi_ , i actually dont like bling bling dekstops but had to try it:P | 08:50 |
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zarilion | only thing i want is transparent windows:P | 08:50 |
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hyper_ch | zarilion: same here and xubuntu offers that with ease :) | 08:50 |
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hyper_ch | I still wonder why windoze needs like a 3ghz dual core cpu, 4gb ram and 20gb diskspace with a $300 video card to have effects not even as cool as beryl or compiz | 08:51 |
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zarilion | hyper_ch, cool:) just started with KDE:P been using gnome for a few months now and thought id try something new:P | 08:51 |
hakaisou | !ipconfig | 08:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ipconfig - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:52 |
hyper_ch | zarilion: I also started with gnome, then kde and now xfce... the only bling bling I need is my desktop wallpaper changer and the transparency... | 08:52 |
hakaisou | !ip | 08:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:52 |
hakaisou | darnit | 08:52 |
hyper_ch | hakaisou: what do you need to know? | 08:52 |
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hakaisou | i need to find my internal ip on my home network for this machine | 08:52 |
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hakaisou | and, if possible, set it to a static ip | 08:53 |
zarilion | hyper_ch, yeah. same as me:P bling is to much for meh:P | 08:53 |
ninina_ | anyone know how to unlock apt-get...adept crashed during an install and now apt-get thinks it's still installing so I can't use it | 08:53 |
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hyper_ch | hakaisou: in the terminal: cat /etc/network/interfaces | 08:53 |
hyper_ch | hakaisou: or use in the terminal ifconfig | 08:53 |
hyper_ch | ninina_: very likely the adept socket is still there | 08:54 |
sima | the best? KUBUNTU or UBUNTU ? | 08:54 |
hyper_ch | Xubuntu | 08:54 |
hyper_ch | sima: but a best depends on the criteria applied for selection | 08:54 |
peruus | perazin | 08:54 |
hyper_ch | sima: hence it's a pretty individual thing | 08:54 |
ninina_ | hyper_ch: as I don't know what that is, how do I deal with it | 08:54 |
hakaisou | i prefer kubuntu, cause I like KDE over Gnome | 08:55 |
sima | hyper_ch: ;) | 08:55 |
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hyper_ch | ninina_: you could try: ps aux | grep adept | 08:55 |
hyper_ch | ninina_: does it return anything? | 08:55 |
zarilion | hyper_ch, but i like the chance to minimize the windows to just the top bar and just see it when i toggle it:) | 08:55 |
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ninina_ | hyper_ch: it returns grep adept | 08:56 |
BWolf85 | i like kubuntu as well much more over ubuntu | 08:56 |
hyper_ch | ninina_: how about a reboot? ^^ | 08:56 |
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ninina_ | hyper_ch: already tried that | 08:56 |
PhinnFort | BWolf85: KDE :D | 08:56 |
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hyper_ch | BWolf85: I would be surprised if you'd like Ubuntu over Kubuntu but still use Kubuntu | 08:57 |
PhinnFort | !dpkgfix | 08:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dpkgfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:57 |
BWolf85 | what phinn? | 08:57 |
PhinnFort | !adeptfix | 08:57 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 08:57 |
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PhinnFort | BWolf85: KDE is what separates Ubuntu and KUbuntu | 08:57 |
hyper_ch | PhinnFort: at least someone knows here something... I just pretend to :) | 08:57 |
PhinnFort | hyper_ch: I'm just a pretender too, don't be fooled by the bot-misuse;) | 08:57 |
PhinnFort | ninina_: did you catch that? | 08:58 |
hyper_ch | PhinnFort: you at least knew what to look for :) | 08:58 |
PhinnFort | hyper_ch: well, been there done that;) | 08:58 |
hyper_ch | PhinnFort: you could use: !adeptfix | ninina_ | 08:58 |
BWolf85 | i know i like kde better as saying that i prefer kubuntu | 08:58 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | hey why the click on desktop is not working? | 08:58 |
PhinnFort | hyper_ch: I just wasn't sure about what it was;) | 08:58 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | i can't click anything on desktop | 08:59 |
PhinnFort | Sergo-Kubuntu: ? | 08:59 |
hyper_ch | PhinnFort: ah ok :) | 08:59 |
PhinnFort | Sergo-Kubuntu: right click? | 08:59 |
hyper_ch | PhinnFort: my most used bot-command is !restricted | 08:59 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | and left click too | 08:59 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | only the windows | 08:59 |
PhinnFort | Sergo-Kubuntu: KDesktop could be dead | 08:59 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | ah ok | 08:59 |
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Sergo-Kubuntu | PhinnFort: how to resolve this? | 08:59 |
PhinnFort | Sergo-Kubuntu: try to kill and restart it "killall kdesktop && kdesktop" in "run command" | 08:59 |
weedar_ | In case you guys don't already know, Belkin sucks | 09:00 |
PhinnFort | Sergo-Kubuntu: if that doesn't solve it, try to log in again | 09:00 |
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ninina_ | k workeded | 09:00 |
PhinnFort | :D | 09:00 |
mahdi_ | is there a graphical way to show how much space is left on a drive? | 09:00 |
PhinnFort | !kdf | mahdi_ | 09:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kdf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:01 |
PhinnFort | !info kdf | mahdi_ | 09:01 |
weedar_ | I just bought a new belkin router and their web-interface doesn't work on anything else than ie6 running on windows | 09:01 |
ubotu | mahdi_: kdf: disk space utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 338 kB, installed size 988 kB | 09:01 |
hyper_ch | mahdi_: sure there is.... I just don't know how... *g* open a terminal and enter: fd -l | 09:01 |
PhinnFort | weedar_: hyper_ch the kde version is called "kdf";) | 09:01 |
mahdi_ | neato, dabu | 09:01 |
hyper_ch | ups.. I meant to write: df -l | 09:01 |
PhinnFort | weedar_: there's scripts available to install IE under Wine | 09:01 |
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hyper_ch | PhinnFort: I don't have kde :) | 09:02 |
PhinnFort | hyper_ch: what is this channel again? | 09:02 |
PhinnFort | :P | 09:02 |
weedar_ | PhinnFort: yeah I tried the IEs4linux and got IE running but the web-interface still won't talk to me | 09:02 |
hyper_ch | weedar_: there IE4Linux | 09:02 |
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hyper_ch | weedar_: you could install vmware and then a winxp or win2000 or win98 | 09:02 |
weedar_ | hyper_ch: I do have a computer with vmware with a winxp image, I just don't have a keyboard for it..guess I could install freenx though.. | 09:03 |
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PhinnFort | try qemu or virtualbox | 09:03 |
hyper_ch | weedar_: yes :) or x11 forwarding | 09:03 |
hyper_ch | if the other with the winxp image has an ssh server | 09:03 |
weedar_ | hyper_ch: yeah, it has ssh running, I guess turning on x11 forwarding would be the easiest solution | 09:04 |
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=== PhinnFort has been here all the time | ||
hyper_ch | weedar_: so many options to accomplish a thing... how is one able to choose one... in windows it's so much simpler... no options at all.. take-it-or-leave-it ;) | 09:04 |
PhinnFort | take it or switch;) | 09:05 |
=== hyper_ch still has a konversation problem... when I close it and restart it... how do I make akreggator to auto-check the feeds? | ||
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weedar_ | Heh, now I have the problem that I have no idea what the IP of my other computer is, isn't there a tool to scan the LAN to see which IPs are in use? | 09:06 |
PhinnFort | hyper_ch: right click on the akregator icon, "set up" (or similar, i have a norwegian locale), and set the auto-fetch thingy | 09:06 |
trotek | if i chroot into my installation from the livecd i can't use my wireless connection. is this fixable? | 09:06 |
PhinnFort | !info nmap | weedar_ | 09:06 |
ubotu | weedar_: nmap: The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 4.20-1 (feisty), package size 732 kB, installed size 2644 kB | 09:06 |
trotek | or do i need a wired connection? | 09:06 |
illriginal | Hey guys? I'm trying to install Internet Explorer on Ubuntu Edgy with these instructions: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_internet_explorer | 09:06 |
weedar_ | PhinnFort: ok, I thought it only did port-scan on a specific IP. Cool | 09:06 |
hyper_ch | PhinnFort: ah there are start-up options :) thx | 09:06 |
illriginal | But I cannot install the Internet Explorer | 09:06 |
PhinnFort | weedar_: use "-sP" to just ping hosts | 09:07 |
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PhinnFort | weedar_: try "nmap -sP" | 09:07 |
=== PhinnFort doesn't remember how to automatically select a subnet | ||
hyper_ch | weedar_: phinnfort was quicker... I'd suggested writing a shell script that keeps pinging the network :) | 09:08 |
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PhinnFort | :P | 09:08 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: why do you want the IE? | 09:08 |
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Sergo-Kubuntu | what's the time now | 09:08 |
weedar_ | illriginal: I just installed ie via ies4linux - what's the problem? | 09:09 |
PhinnFort | Sergo-Kubuntu: 21:09 | 09:09 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | thanks | 09:09 |
PhinnFort | !ies4linux | 09:09 |
ubotu | ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, dont use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox! | 09:09 |
illriginal | weedar | 09:09 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: have you already installed wine? | 09:09 |
illriginal | i get this error | 09:09 |
illriginal | Error parsing proxy URL http://:8080/: Invalid host name. | 09:09 |
illriginal | when trying to install it | 09:09 |
hyper_ch | today I'm too slow.... | 09:09 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: try the ies4linux, ok? | 09:09 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | PhinnFort: from where are you? :) | 09:09 |
illriginal | this is the instructions im using: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_internet_explorer | 09:09 |
PhinnFort | Sergo-Kubuntu: Norway;) | 09:10 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: what do you do when you get the error? | 09:10 |
illriginal | hyper, yes i have win installed | 09:10 |
illriginal | wine* | 09:10 |
hyper_ch | I wouldn't use the wine-hq repos... | 09:10 |
PhinnFort | hyper_ch: why not? | 09:11 |
weedar_ | PhinnFort: thanks, that worked - although it appears that my other computer does not in fact have an IP | 09:11 |
weedar_ | which is weird, it is setup to use dhcp.. | 09:11 |
hyper_ch | normally falko makes excellent howtos but in this case I'd go with the ubuntu packages | 09:11 |
illriginal | phinnfort: hold on | 09:11 |
PhinnFort | weedar_: hmm | 09:11 |
hyper_ch | weedar_: is it connected? | 09:11 |
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PhinnFort | hyper_ch: I use the Winehq packages, and they work very well | 09:11 |
hyper_ch | PhinnFort: I had problems with them back on edgy | 09:12 |
PhinnFort | hyper_ch: well, they work excellent here | 09:12 |
weedar_ | hyper_ch: hehe, I just checked that before you asked ;) It is connected..But I'll try to reboot the machine (since I can't "do" anything on it to get a new dhcp release) and switch the cable | 09:12 |
illriginal | phinnfort: http://pastebin.ca/505798 | 09:12 |
hyper_ch | now that's a hot chick on my desktop | 09:12 |
weedar_ | illriginal: all I did was install cabextract and wine, didn't have to add any repositories either (except multiverse / universe) | 09:12 |
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PhinnFort | weedar_: i386 or x86_64? | 09:13 |
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weedar_ | PhinnFort: i386 | 09:13 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: 32bit or 64bi? | 09:13 |
illriginal | 32bit | 09:13 |
PhinnFort | weedar_: I don't think Ubuntu supplies 64-bit packages | 09:13 |
weedar_ | illriginal: you get the error while running ies4linux ? | 09:13 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: it's a simple error | 09:13 |
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illriginal | no when i TRY to install it | 09:13 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: a proxy variable is set which shouldn't | 09:13 |
PhinnFort | hang on | 09:13 |
illriginal | ok Phinnfort :D | 09:14 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: you ahven't downloaded it | 09:14 |
weedar_ | PhinnFort: not sure why you're telling me that, I'm not running on a 64-bit machine :) | 09:14 |
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illriginal | hyper.. i know.. it wont let me >< | 09:14 |
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illriginal | i get an error | 09:14 |
illriginal | while trying to download | 09:14 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: download it through the browser | 09:14 |
hyper_ch | does that work? | 09:14 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: try wget --no-proxy http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/downloads/ies4linux-latest.tar.gz | 09:14 |
illriginal | ok | 09:14 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: does it work now? | 09:14 |
illriginal | woohoo | 09:15 |
PhinnFort | :D | 09:15 |
illriginal | this is what i got: http://pastebin.ca/505807 | 09:15 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: you really want to infiltrate your computer with M$ stuff? | 09:15 |
illriginal | hyper.. i need this for a job application | 09:15 |
BWolf85 | hmm doesnt fit together...get linux to run ie | 09:15 |
illriginal | i NEED this job. | 09:15 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: well, the download worked :) | 09:15 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: that means it downloaded okay, you can now proceed with the how-to | 09:15 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: now you can untar the file | 09:16 |
=== hyper_ch doesn't need a job... just money | ||
PhinnFort | same here;) | 09:16 |
illriginal | thanks PhinnFort and hyper, i'm gonna go follow the rest of the instructions... ill be back to give you the good or bad news LOL | 09:16 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 09:16 |
PhinnFort | best of luck | 09:16 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: you are sure you don't want to replace Kubuntu with Xubuntu? I heard MSIE runs a lot better on Xubuntu *smile* | 09:17 |
weedar_ | allthough I think illriginal will have problems with the script itself as it also uses wget to get windows-stuff | 09:17 |
illriginal | hyper lol im actually on ubuntu, not kubuntu | 09:17 |
hyper_ch | weedar_: why do you think so? | 09:17 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: can you paste your the ".bashrc" file in your home directory? | 09:17 |
PhinnFort | it's hidden | 09:17 |
=== hyper_ch love HTTrack | ||
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weedar_ | hyper_ch: I just installed ies4linux some 10-15 minutes ago, it downloaded alot of files in a way that looked very similar to wget | 09:18 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: cat ~/.bashrc | 09:18 |
weedar_ | of course it could use another method, but I doubt it :) | 09:18 |
hyper_ch | weedar_: how are you proceeding with your keyboard-less computer=? | 09:18 |
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weedar_ | hyper_ch: just rebooted it with a new cable, nmap does not report any new IPs on the network | 09:19 |
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hyper_ch | weedar_: seems like you have to flip over the keyboard... | 09:19 |
PhinnFort | weedar_: you could install ettercap and use it, but it would be overkill, imho;) | 09:19 |
PhinnFort | hyper_ch: are you sure you're using the right range? | 09:19 |
illriginal | Phinnfort >< | 09:19 |
PhinnFort | 192.168.0.x? | 09:19 |
illriginal | i got another proxy error | 09:19 |
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hyper_ch | illriginal: upon doing ....? | 09:19 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: can you paste the output of "export"? | 09:20 |
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PhinnFort | hyper_ch: wget fouling out again | 09:20 |
weedar_ | PhinnFort: well, my laptop, which I'm on atm has the ip so I assume the desktop machine should have an ip in the range 192.168.2-2-10 | 09:20 |
illriginal | phinnfort: http://pastebin.ca/505817 | 09:21 |
illriginal | output of export? | 09:21 |
illriginal | I don't understand | 09:21 |
hyper_ch | weedar_: could be 192.168.2-255 | 09:21 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: can you run the two following commands, before rerunning the ./ies4linux?: export http_proxy="" and export ftp_proxy="" | 09:21 |
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illriginal | ok | 09:21 |
hyper_ch | weedar_: btw, is it's ethernet port blinking for any data stuff? | 09:21 |
illriginal | i pasted those into the command | 09:22 |
illriginal | and it does nothing | 09:22 |
=== kristina [n=kristina@p57B3F8D7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
illriginal | didn't get an output | 09:22 |
k3ks | hi! i once again have trouble with beryl+KDE | 09:22 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: it shouldn't output anything | 09:22 |
illriginal | oh ok | 09:22 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | hello, i can't use the sudo aptitude , got the | 09:22 |
PhinnFort | !beryl | k3ks | 09:22 |
ubotu | k3ks: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 09:22 |
weedar_ | hyper_ch: there are two LEDs, I think one is just used if there is a cable present, the other one (yellow/orange) pulses so I guess there is some activity | 09:22 |
illriginal | now proceed with installation? | 09:22 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | '/var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 09:22 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: they just set some variables | 09:22 |
illriginal | ah understood | 09:22 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: run the script again: "./ies4linux" | 09:23 |
PhinnFort | !adeptfix | Sergo-Kubuntu | 09:23 |
ubotu | Sergo-Kubuntu: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 09:23 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | i didn't use Adept.. | 09:23 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | only Konsole.. | 09:23 |
nuu | evening | 09:23 |
PhinnFort | Sergo-Kubuntu: do you have any other packaging programs open by any chance? | 09:23 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | didn't used | 09:23 |
illriginal | PhinnFort: Do you realize, you're the MAN!??! | 09:23 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | PhinnFort, nope | 09:23 |
k3ks | if i start a kde the screen flashes several times black, and then i have no window decortions and nothing is usable | 09:24 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | oh | 09:24 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | i see now | 09:24 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | the adept crashed | 09:24 |
PhinnFort | Sergo-Kubuntu: if you're extremely sure, just run the commands | 09:24 |
hyper_ch | weedar_: yes, does the other pulse when you un/replug the cable? | 09:24 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: I realize now;) | 09:24 |
illriginal | it's downloading/installing files now :) | 09:24 |
PhinnFort | :D | 09:24 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | PhinnFort the adept is open , i didn't sow | 09:24 |
illriginal | brb! | 09:24 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | to update the systen | 09:24 |
PhinnFort | :P | 09:24 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | :D | 09:24 |
=== creadorcreativo [n=insane@201-221-204-14.bk11-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PhinnFort | ;) | 09:24 |
hyper_ch | World of Padman looks like fun | 09:24 |
=== PhinnFort is going to install IE himself now, just for the kicks of it | ||
BWolf85 | world of padman? | 09:25 |
PhinnFort | !find padman | 09:25 |
=== ZaZaTux [n=ZaZaTux@mai59-1-82-241-159-227.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubotu | Package/file padman does not exist in feisty | 09:25 |
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hyper_ch | http://padworld.myexp.de/index.php?media&gallery=action | 09:26 |
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mahdi_ | world of padman doesn't have a native package that I saw, but doesn't have any dependencies | 09:26 |
mahdi_ | and it is pretty fun | 09:26 |
mahdi_ | haven't figured out the spraypaint button though, which would help my score considerably | 09:27 |
PhinnFort | looks kinda freaky;) | 09:27 |
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hyper_ch | mahdi_: I first ahve to finish my master thesis and then I can have a look at it :) but it's bookmarked :) | 09:27 |
mahdi_ | heh, check out warsow while your at it, uses the quake 2 engine | 09:28 |
=== Bree [n=sabreena@cpe-204-210-181-210.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | *bookmarked* | 09:28 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Bree | Why is it when I click the X of the VCL media player, it disappears but still palys? | 09:29 |
Bree | VLC* | 09:29 |
=== jbrouhard [n=jbrouhar@cm-207-192-193-222.stjoseph.mo.npgco.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
WorkRoey | hello | 09:30 |
WorkRoey | hey Bree | 09:30 |
Bree | Hi WorkRoey | 09:30 |
Bree | :D | 09:30 |
Bree | plays* | 09:30 |
WorkRoey | does Kubuntu support installing to a system with / and /home as separate XFS partitions on softraid1 ? | 09:30 |
WorkRoey | Brianna? | 09:30 |
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PhinnFort | WorkRoey: i don't have raid, but I do have two different partitions | 09:31 |
WorkRoey | oh, ok. | 09:31 |
WorkRoey | PhinnFort: but do you use XFS on / | 09:31 |
WorkRoey | I wnat to know if GRUB can do that these days | 09:31 |
PhinnFort | WorkRoey: humm, you could have a separate /boot | 09:31 |
PhinnFort | that's what I do | 09:31 |
weedar_ | hyper_ch: what's your thesis on? | 09:33 |
WorkRoey | PhinnFort: how come? | 09:33 |
hyper_ch | weedar_: the Implementation of the UN-Convention on Elimination of any Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in Switzerland | 09:33 |
illriginal | hey weedar_ once it's installed, where do I find it to open Internet Explorer? | 09:34 |
PhinnFort | WorkRoey: both so I can have several extended partitions with different OS's on, and so grub doesn't have to worry about my /'s | 09:34 |
illriginal | PhinnFort: You are a great help, thanks alot! | 09:34 |
PhinnFort | illriginal: on the desktop, i believe | 09:34 |
illriginal | wooot | 09:34 |
illriginal | you're right | 09:34 |
weedar_ | illriginal: : ~/bin/ie6 | 09:34 |
illriginal | damn | 09:34 |
PhinnFort | :P | 09:34 |
illriginal | good stuff | 09:34 |
WorkRoey | PhinnFort: do you mind coming to #xfs for a sec, they persauded me not to use a separate /boot and i want to see this issue reasoned out | 09:34 |
illriginal | brb im gonna see if i can do my application now | 09:34 |
illriginal | :D | 09:34 |
PhinnFort | WorkRoey: I just used it because I thought it sounded good when I partitioned | 09:35 |
hyper_ch | WorkRoey: why using xfs? | 09:35 |
WorkRoey | hyper_ch: what else would I use ;) | 09:35 |
hyper_ch | having a seperate /boot can be good... | 09:35 |
hyper_ch | WorkRoey: ext3? | 09:35 |
PhinnFort | WorkRoey: ext3 is just as good, afaik | 09:35 |
PhinnFort | at least the newer versions | 09:35 |
PhinnFort | and with b-tree (?) and stuff enabled | 09:36 |
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hyper_ch | PhinnFort: b-tree? stuff enabled? | 09:36 |
WorkRoey | I'm happy with XFS really | 09:36 |
PhinnFort | hyper_ch: there's a lot of flags to enable different stuff in EXT3 | 09:36 |
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hyper_ch | PhinnFort: I'm just a default-settings user :) | 09:37 |
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illriginal | ack! | 09:37 |
hyper_ch | PhinnFort: btw, someone has a problem.. feisty won't start and stops at this: runnig local boot scripts (etc/rc.local) [ok] --> however the recovery mode works... any idea? | 09:37 |
illriginal | I need java >< | 09:37 |
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hyper_ch | illriginal: install it | 09:37 |
illriginal | I have java though >< | 09:38 |
illriginal | Java Web start | 09:38 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre | 09:38 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: I guess you do not have sun java | 09:38 |
illriginal | ok | 09:38 |
slicknick | anyone able to get a mac osx install dvd to boot in vmware? | 09:38 |
=== hyper_ch doesn't have a mac osx dvd | ||
hyper_ch | slicknick: is it bootable? | 09:39 |
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slicknick | ive even created an iso with 'dd' and pointed vmware to the iso, no go | 09:40 |
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illriginal | Java Enabled YES | 09:40 |
illriginal | Java Applets Enabled Enabled | 09:40 |
illriginal | Java Virtual Machine FAIL | 09:40 |
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VSpike | does anyone recommend intalling the 3.5.7 packages on feisty? | 09:40 |
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VSpike | I installed 3.5.6 on edgy and had problems. Then again, they are supposed to be mostly bugfixes and stability improvements. So I don't know whether it's a good idea or not. | 09:41 |
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hyper_ch | illriginal: hmmm | 09:42 |
illriginal | hyper_ch I pasted: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre | 09:42 |
bdgraue | hi all, i'm on feisty, i can't get any connection with isdn, can someone help me please? i read the wiki already | 09:42 |
illriginal | but it gives me a long list of things that were held back? | 09:42 |
=== weedar__ [n=weedar@084202105225.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sumashod | hallo leute | 09:42 |
illriginal | hyper_ch: http://pastebin.ca/505847 | 09:43 |
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hyper_ch | illriginal: maybe try java5-jre | 09:43 |
illriginal | ok | 09:43 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre | 09:44 |
weedar | I am able to acces the router's web-interface when connecting through wireless, it just didn't work when I was connected through a cable | 09:44 |
hyper_ch | PhinnFort: btw, someone has a problem.. feisty won't start and stops at this: runnig local boot scripts (etc/rc.local) [ok] --> however the recovery mode works... any idea? | 09:44 |
illriginal | now that's installing | 09:44 |
hyper_ch | weedar: strange.... but now you got access | 09:44 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: I have both here installed :) | 09:44 |
illriginal | ah nice both 5 and 6? | 09:44 |
weedar | hyper_ch: yeah, I guess I should be happy. I just hate not knowing WHY it didn't work wired :) | 09:45 |
hyper_ch | weedar: hmmm, those "why"s can haunt one for a life-time... | 09:45 |
hyper_ch | weedar: ;) | 09:45 |
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Osiris207 | hiya everyone | 09:45 |
EverythingEvil | anyone know why my numlock wont work | 09:45 |
Lennings | Hello, i need help! Im trying to install VSOUND and i need some help with that... Im doing the steps that the website told me to do.. 1 extractthe vsound tarball, (done) 2Change into the vsound directory (done) 3 Configure and build the program.. Thats when i do wrong... I type ./configure but my console says : ./configure: No such file or directory... What the heck am i doin wrong, please someone tell me :D | 09:46 |
Osiris207 | i am still having wifi trouble | 09:46 |
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hyper_ch | Lennings: vsound is in a repository... | 09:46 |
bdgraue | hi all, i'm on feisty, i can't get any connection with isdn avm fritzcard pci | 09:46 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: it would be simpler to isntall it from there | 09:46 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: what does that mean? | 09:46 |
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Lennings | hyper_ch: from where? :P im new in kubuntu | 09:47 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: open a terminal and execute this two commands | 09:47 |
WorkRoey | Bree: is your nick short for Brianna, or is it Bree for Briarius in Appleseed? | 09:47 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: sudo apt-get update | 09:47 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: and then | 09:47 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: apt-cache search vsound | 09:47 |
Bree | Bree is short for Sabreena, WorkRoey | 09:47 |
WorkRoey | *ohh*, got it. | 09:47 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: paste the output of the second command here | 09:47 |
Bree | :P | 09:47 |
=== pedro_ [n=pedro@189-18-104-106.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lennings | vsound - Virtual loopback sound recorder and real audio converter | 09:47 |
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hyper_ch | bdgraue: simplest way is to not use iden ;) | 09:48 |
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WorkRoey | Bree: I've always liked the nick since it reminds me of Brie cheese and because Baree in hebrew means healthy | 09:48 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: vsound - Virtual loopback sound recorder and real audio converter | 09:48 |
Bree | Oh, nifty. Haha. | 09:48 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: this means that there is a precompiled package available for auto-download and auto-install | 09:48 |
bdgraue | hyper_ch: ? | 09:48 |
bdgraue | iden? | 09:48 |
Bree | No one ever called me Bree but my aunt before I started using it here, WorkRoey/ :P | 09:48 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: you can use adept or synaptic to isntall it (graphical interface) | 09:48 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: adept | 09:48 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: or you can use the command line which is also fairly simple | 09:48 |
WorkRoey | Bree: :) | 09:49 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: command please. | 09:49 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: [command line] : sudo aptitude install vsound | 09:49 |
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EverythingEvil | anyone know why my numlock might not be working? | 09:49 |
Osiris207 | anyone here any good with wifi? | 09:49 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: or (if you don't want all recommended packages with it use: sudo apt-get install vsound | 09:49 |
WorkRoey | Bree: by any chance, are you into languages? | 09:49 |
illriginal | Ack... | 09:49 |
hyper_ch | bdgraue: iden --> isdn | 09:49 |
Bree | Eh, WorkRoey? | 09:49 |
EverythingEvil | i just switched from ubuntu to kubuntu and it worked previously | 09:49 |
illriginal | it won't work with the internet explorer 6.0 | 09:49 |
WorkRoey | Bree: was just a thought | 09:49 |
hyper_ch | !metaquestion | Osiris207 | 09:50 |
ubotu | Osiris207: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:50 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? is this a problem? | 09:50 |
WorkRoey | Bree: there's a #linguistics channel here ya know | 09:50 |
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hyper_ch | Lennings: do you have adept open? | 09:50 |
Bree | I have no clue what that means, WorkRoey. :P | 09:50 |
WorkRoey | Bree: many other women | 09:50 |
WorkRoey | ahhh | 09:50 |
WorkRoey | linguistics, study of languages | 09:50 |
=== pirunga [n=pirunga@201-92-93-15.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lennings | hyper_ch: no. | 09:50 |
Osiris207 | lol ok for the 8th time on here ;p | 09:50 |
bdgraue | hyper_ch: kk, but if there is no other way... | 09:50 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: hmmm.... please paste the output of the following commands | 09:50 |
Bree | I knew that, I just. I dont know what I was confused about. Anyways, I dont study anything at the moment. :P And all I know is English | 09:50 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: ps aux | grep adept | 09:50 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: ps aux | grep synaptic | 09:50 |
WorkRoey | Bree: aye | 09:51 |
WorkRoey | hehe | 09:51 |
hyper_ch | bdgraue: never had to deal with isdn on linux | 09:51 |
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WorkRoey | ok, I'm gone | 09:51 |
WorkRoey | see ya :) | 09:51 |
Lennings | root 18512 0.0 0.0 1712 476 ? Ss 20:22 0:00 sh -c adept_manager | 09:51 |
Lennings | root 18513 97.0 5.2 87028 54124 ? Sl 20:22 86:16 adept_manager | 09:51 |
Lennings | kim 19552 0.0 0.0 2884 752 pts/1 R+ 21:50 0:00 grep adept | 09:51 |
illriginal | >< im gonna have to install windows xp | 09:51 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: using virtualbox? | 09:51 |
Osiris207 | i have a rtl8185 chipset wifi card , that does not seem to be working properly on kubuntu , the driver for it was blacklisted as it tends to be buggy sometimes , i so now i get to see thew wireless networks around me , i just cannot connect to them | 09:51 |
illriginal | virtualbox?... | 09:51 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Okey :P | 09:51 |
illriginal | no. | 09:51 |
illriginal | i don't think so. | 09:51 |
illriginal | im not sure honestly. | 09:52 |
EverythingEvil | vmware? | 09:52 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: well, virtualbox or vmware let you install a virtual windows within your linux.... but it is a ressource hog | 09:52 |
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Lennings | hyper_ch: Ok? :P | 09:52 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: adept is open | 09:52 |
bdgraue | hyper_ch: you are a damn lucky human being, i try to install an pc for a friend of mine, and if i cant get isdn running he will buy a windows *cry* | 09:52 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: run: sudo kill 18512 | 09:52 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: run: sudo kill 18513 | 09:52 |
illriginal | Ack... the problem I have is the virtual machine... | 09:52 |
illriginal | it's not being read | 09:53 |
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nadir | what does --| do in "Boot Options ._size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw quiet splash --|" ??? | 09:53 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: done. | 09:53 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: that will kille those processes... | 09:53 |
bernier | Hi, is there a way to uninstall kopete? | 09:53 |
=== Bel93_ [n=mctux02@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | Lennings: now you do: sudo aptitude (or apt-get) install vsound | 09:53 |
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Lennings | hyper_ch: done | 09:53 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: does it work now? | 09:53 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: its installed.. i think | 09:53 |
=== Bel93_ is now known as raul | ||
Lennings | hyper_ch: Is this it? | 09:53 |
hyper_ch | bernier: sudo apt-get remove kopete | 09:53 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: what did it say? | 09:54 |
hyper_ch | bdgraue: have you searched ubuntuforums.rog ? | 09:54 |
illriginal | weedar_ are you here? | 09:54 |
hyper_ch | bdgraue: have you searched ubuntuforums.org ? | 09:54 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: how do you mean not being read? | 09:54 |
bernier | hyper_ch: it also removes kubuntu desktop, does it matter? | 09:54 |
hyper_ch | bernier: yes it does :) | 09:54 |
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hyper_ch | bernier: except if you want to switch to Gnome or Xfce | 09:55 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: kim@Uber:~$ sudo aptitude install vsound , Reading package lists... Done BLABLABLA , Setting up vsound (0.6-4.1) ... | 09:55 |
bernier | hyper_ch: i mean it wonnt't scre anyting | 09:55 |
illriginal | it's not being detected by the website that needs me to have java virtual machine in order to do the application | 09:55 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: yes, it should be installed now | 09:55 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: No errors whatsoever. | 09:55 |
bdgraue | hyper_ch: i searched in the wiki and forum.ubuntuusers.de | 09:55 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: If i dont find it in the kmenu... Do i have to start from console everytime? | 09:55 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: there are some packages for java virtual machine | 09:55 |
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hyper_ch | illriginal: execute in the terminal apt-cache search jvm | 09:55 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: it will list plenty of them... but I have no clue what you need | 09:56 |
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hyper_ch | Lennings: I don't know if it is a console program... it just might be the menu hasn't refreshed yet... you could try to log out of x and login again | 09:56 |
bernier | hyper_ch: also, since i recompiled my kernel, I have no sound | 09:56 |
hyper_ch | bernier: why do you want to recompile your kernel? | 09:57 |
weedar | Lennings: you can add menu items with kmenuedit | 09:57 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Yes, brb okey. | 09:57 |
illriginal | cacao - Java virtual machine | 09:57 |
illriginal | ? | 09:57 |
bernier | hyper_ch: for the fun of doing it | 09:57 |
Lennings | Weedar: yes okej | 09:57 |
bernier | hyper_ch: but its already done , im on it right now | 09:57 |
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hyper_ch | illriginal: I don't know which one you need.... you can try them | 09:57 |
hyper_ch | bernier: then good luck :) | 09:57 |
illriginal | how do I download it? | 09:57 |
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Lennings | Im back. | 09:57 |
Lennings | Im back | 09:58 |
hyper_ch | illriginal: sudo apt-get install "program name" --> sudo apt-get install cacao | 09:58 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: is it now in the menu somewhere? | 09:58 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: hmm, no icon, shall i try in konsole? | 09:58 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: yes try... just enter vsound | 09:58 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: hmm, a bunch of stuff just came up... But no program is starting... | 09:59 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: vsound - digitally record output of an OSS audio programvsound [options] program arguments | 09:59 |
sparrw | im starting to think it might actually not be possible to just put linux on an intel mac mini | 09:59 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: then it's a console program | 09:59 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: But... It wont start :P Is there any other command to run it? | 10:00 |
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hyper_ch | Lennings: enter man vsound | 10:00 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: that will open the manual pages | 10:00 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: have a read there... it should explain how to use it | 10:00 |
=== swimmerino88 [n=swimmeri@host100-31-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | Lennings: or google for how-tos :) | 10:00 |
venik | does anyone here use GAIM? | 10:00 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Okey, back in a bit... Yeah, i know google is my friend but... well ya know ;) | 10:01 |
venik | I cannot get the sounds to work | 10:01 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: good luck | 10:01 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Ty! | 10:01 |
=== Kite_DH [n=Kite_DH@p57B378E7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lennings | Everybody: Kubuntu is the best thing that everd happend to me! | 10:01 |
Lennings | *busy* | 10:01 |
=== hyper_ch thinks his gf is the best thing ever happened to him | ||
=== hyper_ch says: "No, she's not right behind or next to me..." | ||
Lennings | on top* | 10:03 |
=== raylu [n=raylu@adsl-76-200-95-145.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
venik | I guess no GAIMers here | 10:03 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: hmm, this dnnt help much | 10:03 |
Lennings | venik: i play d2 xD | 10:03 |
hyper_ch | diablo 2? | 10:04 |
swimmerino88 | is it possible to install dreamweaver 8 and flash 8 in my kubuntu? | 10:04 |
hyper_ch | swimmerino88: yes it is | 10:04 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: yep | 10:04 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: loved it up to 1.10 | 10:04 |
=== Slone use Kopete | ||
venik | GAIM is Gnome Instant Message | 10:04 |
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=== hyper_ch needs to setup a 1.09d D2 server... | ||
venik | I found Kopete to be much inferior to GAIM, which supports several protocols, so one program does it all (except sounds) | 10:05 |
swimmerino88 | <hyper_ch>yes??????!!!!how?i need these programs for a job | 10:05 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Hehe, ive been playing for 5 years... And im 15 now :P | 10:05 |
raylu | and kopete doesn't support several protocols?? | 10:05 |
venik | if it does, it is hidden | 10:05 |
raylu | kopete was much easier to customize and much more flexible | 10:05 |
venik | at least I did not see it | 10:05 |
raylu | no its not. settings > configure kopete | 10:05 |
raylu | it's in the same place as every other kde app | 10:05 |
hyper_ch | swimmerino88: hmmm, there are different ways... either using wine (maybe that doesn't work)... then there's the crossover office way (costs money) or if you have a strong enough machine you could run a windows within your linux | 10:05 |
venik | ok-- maybe I'll try that again | 10:05 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: I played D1 and D2 (was beta tester) and played it for years... | 10:06 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Dude, the man csound wasent very helpfull :( only how the program works.. | 10:06 |
=== Fivetwentysix [n=ma@pcd274239.netvigator.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Slone | Is it possible to install autocad in Linux? | 10:06 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: man pages for terminal based applications are quite good... :) | 10:06 |
hyper_ch | Slone: yes | 10:06 |
swimmerino88 | <hyper_ch>with wine it doesn't work...with crossover when the installing is launched i have an error | 10:07 |
sercik | hi someone can hrlp with this error: Error: Wrong QMake version. QMake version 2 (Qt 4) required! | 10:07 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Thats neat... I fu*king love diablo... But i got hacked like 5 times, n lost all my gear... so | 10:07 |
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=== sergiu is now known as Sergo-Kubuntu | ||
=== ingens [n=niesert@xdsl-87-78-163-206.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lennings | hyper_ch: What do you mean? This man page told me that It uses the same idea as the esddsp wrapper from the Enlight Wath the heck that means | 10:07 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: well, I have to admit towards the end of my d2 career I was a botter... did you play when it still was below 1.10? | 10:07 |
Slone | hyper_ch: you may say instruction? | 10:07 |
hyper_ch | Slone: : hmmm, there are different ways... either using wine (maybe that doesn't work)... then there's the crossover office way (costs money) or if you have a strong enough machine you could run a windows within your linux | 10:08 |
sercik | Error: Wrong QMake version. QMake version 2 (Qt 4) required! someone can help me?? | 10:08 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: it was meant in a sarcastic way? | 10:08 |
=== fuxs [n=fuxs@h8441233161.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | sercik: get Qt 4 | 10:08 |
raylu | sercik, use apt and update it | 10:08 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Yes, but i was a uber nap back then... I spoke swedish german turkish and was Needing griswold for free ya know xD | 10:08 |
Slone | wine doesn`t work becose need net framework | 10:09 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Oh, sry... What to do now then? : / | 10:09 |
=== pirunga [n=pirunga@201-92-93-15.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
venik | I don't see how to have in Kopete several connections at once (say, AIM, Yahoo, etc.)? | 10:09 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: well, I have 4 bots running non-stop and I daily opened on Europe Server (hardcore) lvl 1 games and dropped all the findings... don't ask me how many windforces I have dropped there | 10:09 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: no clue about vsound | 10:09 |
sercik | hi hyper_ch i have tried | 10:09 |
sercik | but it doesn't work | 10:10 |
pirunga | where can I get a kubuntu source.list for apt , my version is from Brazil and the local servers are down | 10:10 |
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RadiantFire | venik: add more accounts | 10:10 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: i only used maphack :P | 10:10 |
hyper_ch | sercik: also sudo aptitude install qmake? | 10:10 |
venik | where is that? | 10:10 |
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hyper_ch | Lennings: well, I also rushed lvl1 chars from beginning to about lvl 70... | 10:10 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Man, you should have seen my BM-Smiter :P wow.. | 10:10 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: didn't take long anymore | 10:10 |
raylu | venik, user and accounts in system settings | 10:10 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: on hc? | 10:10 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: yes | 10:10 |
pirunga | where can I get a kubuntu source.list for apt , my version is from Brazil and the local servers are down?? | 10:10 |
raylu | venik, oh. nevermind | 10:11 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: took about 4-5h to get them onto lvl 70 | 10:11 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: i know.. | 10:11 |
raylu | venik, kopete accounts are in settings > configure kopete > ...accounts :O | 10:11 |
venik | found it-- great. Thanks a lot | 10:11 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: one night my m8 got to 96 :P | 10:11 |
raylu | it's also...the first tab... | 10:11 |
=== brownedwg89 [i=Brownie@c-69-248-19-223.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | Lennings: once you had you nova-sorc and the windforce-bowazone it was quick | 10:11 |
LjL | !easysource > pirunga (pirunga, see the private message from Ubotu) | 10:11 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: lvl 96 in one night... that's many cow games | 10:11 |
sercik | is not possible to find a package qmake | 10:12 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: only cow :P | 10:12 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: 8player cows.. otherwise not possible | 10:12 |
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Lennings | hyper_ch: Hey, you've never playd 1.11? O_o | 10:12 |
sercik | however qt3-* contain qmake in description | 10:12 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: I did some playing in 1.10 but lost interest | 10:12 |
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raylu | sercik, try apt-cache rdepends qmake | 10:12 |
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sercik | impossible to find qmake package | 10:13 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: You should see the new patch... :P like 10 more runewords, 5 uberbosses... And ofc, hellfire torch, its a crasy item :S gives like: 3 to all skills, 20 to all attributes, 20 to all resistences :S | 10:13 |
sercik | probably i have not the latest kubuntu and the repo are not updated? | 10:13 |
raylu | sercik, oops =\. qmake isn't a package | 10:13 |
crimsun | qt3-dev-tools <-- | 10:14 |
sercik | someone of us can try to search for qmake | 10:14 |
hyper_ch | sercik: or qt4-dev-tools | 10:14 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: That's crazy :P | 10:14 |
sercik | hi crimsun i have already installed that package | 10:14 |
sparrw | how can i burn an apple partition map and filesystem to a CD? | 10:15 |
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hyper_ch | Lennings: I was so disappointed that my beloved amazone was worthless... in 1.09 she was my first char that I played through hell on my own.. withut being rushed and stuff.. and she had the best equippment | 10:15 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: but in 1.10 she was just plain worthless | 10:15 |
crimsun | sercik: what are you trying to compile? Qt3 app or Qt4 app? | 10:15 |
sercik | i try to chanhe question: i need a frontend for mame | 10:15 |
sercik | crimsum probably is a qt4 app | 10:15 |
crimsun | 16:14 < hyper_ch> sercik: or qt4-dev-tools | 10:15 |
sercik | is qmamecat | 10:15 |
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crimsun | usr/share/qt4/bin/qmake libdevel/libqt4-dev,libdevel/libqt4-dev-kdecopy [universe] | 10:16 |
=== shellyb [n=danny@CPE000d88f15a8b-CM0010954a6420.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lennings | hyper_ch: Well... Look at WOW (ive never playd) but my m8ts told me that when the expansion comes out, everything good is worthless | 10:16 |
LjL | !info kamefu | sercik | 10:16 |
=== Eeyore-Jr [n=chatzill@p206n22.ruraltel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LjL | !info kxmame | sercik | 10:16 |
ubotu | sercik: kamefu: KDE All Machine Emulator Frontend for Unix - binary files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 78 kB, installed size 296 kB | 10:16 |
ubotu | sercik: kxmame: A KDE frontend for xmame emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.0~beta-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 378 kB, installed size 1536 kB | 10:16 |
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hyper_ch | Lennings: haven't played wow either... I would be a total addict if I did and I couldn't afford it with my studies | 10:16 |
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sercik | thanks LjL but i use edgy | 10:16 |
LjL | !info kamefu edgy | 10:16 |
BWolf85 | where is everyone from | 10:16 |
LjL | !info kxmame edgy | 10:17 |
ubotu | Package kamefu does not exist in edgy | 10:17 |
ubotu | kxmame: A KDE frontend for xmame emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.91-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 348 kB, installed size 1444 kB | 10:17 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Hey, i tryd: locate vsound, terminal found nothing! Is it installed? | 10:17 |
hyper_ch | edgy has no qt4 if I'm not mistaken | 10:17 |
sercik | yes you are right | 10:17 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: you first need to update your slocate db: sudo updatedb | 10:17 |
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sercik | kxmame is in the repo but the problem is that depends on xmame that is a old version | 10:17 |
hyper_ch | sercik: so if that app requires qt4 you'll have to upgrade | 10:17 |
sercik | i have installed sdlmame that is new | 10:17 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Same... I need cash for lajv... Live roleplaying you know :P ill rather rp in the woods with 2000 orchs then pay for an addiction... | 10:17 |
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sercik | i need to try to compile kxmame from source | 10:18 |
hyper_ch | anyway... I have to do some more reading and plotting out what I write tomorrow in my thesis :) | 10:18 |
sercik | it is pssible to install source with apt-get? | 10:18 |
Fivetwentysix | man kde is sooo cool | 10:18 |
hyper_ch | sercik: why not upgrading to feisty? | 10:18 |
sercik | hyper_ch: congratulations | 10:18 |
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Fivetwentysix | looks way nicer than gnome out of the box | 10:18 |
Fivetwentysix | ;-) | 10:18 |
sercik | feisty is slow and buggy | 10:18 |
hyper_ch | Fivetwentysix: you haven't seen Xfce :) | 10:18 |
hyper_ch | sercik: nah, it's neither slow nor buggy :) | 10:19 |
sercik | i have installed on my pc and i don't like it | 10:19 |
sercik | can i install source from apt-get? | 10:19 |
hyper_ch | sercik: well... that's your choice... good luck with your endeavor | 10:19 |
Lennings | I have it on my bad computer... it sucks yes P | 10:19 |
sercik | i see lines deb-src in sources.list | 10:19 |
sercik | so i think that are there to download source or not? | 10:19 |
=== K-Ryan [n=ryan@ool-18be7689.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | sercik: yes, but I don't know how to get the source... never tried it | 10:20 |
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K-Ryan | Hey guys, I opened up the Kinfocenter | 10:20 |
sercik | ok i will search on google for kxmame | 10:20 |
K-Ryan | And under the memory tab, it says | 10:20 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Sorry if im spamming you or something... But, are you sure u dont know what to do? | 10:20 |
=== scott_ is now known as NumLk | ||
K-Ryan | "Total swap memory: 0 bytes" "Free swap memory: 0 bytes" | 10:21 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: it should start from terminal right? | 10:21 |
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K-Ryan | In my partitions list there is a swap partition, is it not being used or something? | 10:21 |
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hyper_ch | Lennings: well, I guess you enter vsound [some parameters] input_file output_file | 10:21 |
nosrednaekim | hey... I have an ACER laptop for which there was a BIOS upgrade announced (for Vista) I have been having some problems with my bios and some flaky hardware. My question is should I get the bios? | 10:21 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: if it is to convert something into something else... | 10:21 |
Fivetwentysix | So i just installed KDE anything to do to make it look even cooler? | 10:21 |
=== jovans [n=jovans@p54B0743C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
K-Ryan | Have beryl? | 10:22 |
=== privet [n=chatzill@dsl-240-131-231.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sparrw | beryl. | 10:22 |
hyper_ch | Fivetwentysix: you got a nvidia video card? | 10:22 |
Fivetwentysix | Yes | 10:22 |
K-Ryan | Do you have Beryl yet? | 10:22 |
Fivetwentysix | and i have beryl manager installed | 10:22 |
Fivetwentysix | don't really know what to do with it. | 10:22 |
hyper_ch | Fivetwentysix: then get beryl | 10:22 |
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hyper_ch | !beryl | Fivetwentysix | 10:22 |
ubotu | Fivetwentysix: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:22 |
Lennings | kim@Uber:~$ vsound [some parameters] input_file output_file About to start the application. The output will not be available until the application exits. /usr/bin/vsound: 177: [some: not foundMissing file ./vsound20096.au. This means that the libvsound wrapper did not work correctlty . | 10:22 |
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K-Ryan | Fivetwentysix: type "beryl" in your terminal | 10:23 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Thats what my terminal sayd when i enterd : vsound [some parameters] input_file output_file | 10:23 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: that was just an example on how I think how to use it... not a real life-test example... | 10:24 |
=== Graham [n=graham@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | Lennings: try #vsound if that exists or then google | 10:24 |
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shellyb | hey.....i have 2 nic cards (1 wireless - connects to friends access point houses away) (1 wired - this one goes to a router to share the internet because I have only 1 high power antenna) So in ubuntu I created a bridge and added the two nics (eth0 & ra1) Does anyone know if I am going about sharing the internet this way??? | 10:24 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | how to install beryl for kubuntu (my videocard is Intel) | 10:24 |
hyper_ch | shellyb: I think you have to setup your computer as dhcp server | 10:24 |
hyper_ch | !beryl | Sergo-Kubuntu | 10:25 |
ubotu | Sergo-Kubuntu: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:25 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: lol i tought it was a channel :P | 10:25 |
shellyb | I windows i simply highlighted my 2 nic cards and said "add to network bridge" | 10:25 |
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-054-181.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
K-Ryan | shellyb: this isn't windows | 10:25 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: there might be a #vsound channe... many projects have their own channels... | 10:25 |
=== Jack3_ [n=michael@pool-71-120-243-16.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
K-Ryan | hyper_ch there isn't | 10:26 |
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K-Ryan | Well there is, but it's "secret" and empty | 10:26 |
K-Ryan | So if there is a vsound channel, that's not it | 10:26 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Man, this program have to work if im gonna be a pro rockstar :P | 10:26 |
hyper_ch | K-Ryan: if you know vsound then you can help Lennings | 10:26 |
K-Ryan | I don't | 10:26 |
nosrednaekim | do vista bios's play well with linux? | 10:26 |
=== OutoLumo_ [n=tuomas@ARouen-151-1-25-162.w90-22.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
K-Ryan | But that's not a channel | 10:26 |
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Lennings | hyper_ch: Gosh, im sry. | 10:27 |
Graham | Hey, you know on kicker next to an aplet there's a little bar that appears to the left so you can move it and stuff, how do I get rid of that? | 10:27 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: tell me to back off, dont throw me over to someone else :P | 10:27 |
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K-Ryan | Aren't bios for hardware, not operating systems? | 10:27 |
nosrednaekim | Graham: I don't think you can | 10:27 |
K-Ryan | Graham: I don't think you can either | 10:27 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: well, K-Ryan seemed to know vsound | 10:27 |
nosrednaekim | K-Ryan: yeah..but they make special ones for vista | 10:27 |
K-Ryan | Hrm, I dunno | 10:28 |
K-Ryan | hyper_ch, I don't | 10:28 |
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shellyb | about the DHCP server thing....the main pc doesn't host the ip address....the remote access point does....i had it setup to just use the main pc's antenna | 10:28 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: hehe well.. Im goin google... Or something, thx for the help. goin out for a smoke, cu! | 10:28 |
bkudria | are there any fiesty packages for kdevelop 3.4.1 ? the page linked to on the kdevelop page for kubuntu doesn't actually have kdevelop packages | 10:28 |
=== yamal [n=yamal@Room641A.no-such-agency.net.ru] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | Lennings: you shouldn't smoke | 10:28 |
K-Ryan | !kdevelop | 10:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kdevelop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:28 |
K-Ryan | Sorry bkudria =P, I'm not familiar with it | 10:29 |
K-Ryan | hyper_ch: -.- | 10:29 |
=== viktor [n=viktor@c-aae2e455.04-181-6e6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | shellyb: you have to nics... so one gets the internet connection... the other one needs somehow to bridged to the first one but on that other one run a dhcp server for a local network... | 10:29 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: Actuly, this was sopose to be my last one... | 10:29 |
bkudria | K-Ryan: it's a multi-language ide for kde: http://www.kdevelop.org/ | 10:29 |
K-Ryan | Ah | 10:30 |
hyper_ch | shellyb: here's a how to for Debian...since ubuntu is debian based it should also work: http://www.debuntu.org/iptables-how-to-share-your-internet-connection | 10:30 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: why not not-smoking it? | 10:31 |
shellyb | ahh...thanks... :) great help | 10:31 |
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sparrw | I would like to make linux bootable on my intel mac mini. Can anyone help me out with some info on getting around all the EFI nonsense? I have refit on a bootable CD, but it doesnt seem helpful | 10:31 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: why not not not smoking it? | 10:32 |
ForgeAus | hey sparr :) | 10:32 |
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hyper_ch | shellyb: when entering the commands... don't use the "$".... that's not part of the command | 10:32 |
hyper_ch | Lennings: for reminding you not to smoke anymore | 10:32 |
Lennings | hyper_ch: sudo killall myself | 10:32 |
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shellyb | yeah....lol :) | 10:33 |
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hyper_ch | shellyb: http://raldztech.blogspot.com/2005/12/how-to-share-internet-connection-in.html | 10:34 |
hyper_ch | shellyb: a shorter one that seems less complicated | 10:34 |
ForgeAus | sparr all I know is that linux has efi packages so I'm assuming for themto be of any use what your talking about is possible | 10:34 |
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dromer | !grub | 10:42 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 10:42 |
sumashod | hallo leute | 10:42 |
shellyb | thanks hyper | 10:43 |
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sumashod | leute habe ein problem unter feisty mit dem amarok | 10:46 |
sumashod | kann jemand helfen? | 10:46 |
eriefisher | any problems found with the new kde release | 10:46 |
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ForgeAus | what version is it? | 10:47 |
eriefisher | 3.5.7 | 10:47 |
ForgeAus | kewl! | 10:47 |
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eriefisher | so I guess you have not updated yet | 10:48 |
ForgeAus | no | 10:49 |
ForgeAus | I need to fix some problems before I update | 10:49 |
eriefisher | whats up | 10:50 |
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ForgeAus | brb might let you know if it happens | 10:50 |
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ForgeAus | hmmm lotsa things I need first | 10:54 |
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frojnd | if I wanna download more than one http with wget how can I do this??? wget http://file && wget http://file2 ??? | 10:59 |
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ForgeAus | not sure that works, maybe || ?? | 11:00 |
ForgeAus | wait just one | | 11:00 |
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ForgeAus | wget http://file | wget http://file ??? | 11:01 |
ForgeAus | dunno for sure | 11:01 |
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nuu | frojnd: wget file1 file2 | 11:03 |
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nuu | just separate them with spaces | 11:03 |
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ForgeAus | oh yeah I shoulda known | was wrong anyway thats a redirect/pipe right? grrr | 11:03 |
nuu | yes, that was wrong | 11:03 |
nuu | piping is needed to redirect one command's output to the other command's input | 11:04 |
nuu | while his && example is right, but it'd work only if the first download had terminated successfully | 11:04 |
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nuu | because "cmd1 && cmd2" executes cmd2 only if cmd1 returned without errors | 11:05 |
nuu | while "cmd1; cmd2" doesnt care about cmd1's output, and executes cmd2 anyway | 11:05 |
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MrC_ | hi | 11:09 |
MrC_ | Does anyone knows how to change the mouse theme or color? | 11:10 |
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MrC_ | do you know how to change the mouse theme? | 11:12 |
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matt001 | Hi MrC: System Settings, Keyboard and mouse, select mouse , select the Cursor theme | 11:12 |
Kawnvikt | Can anyone offer some help please? | 11:12 |
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nuu | !ask | Kawnvikt | 11:13 |
ubotu | Kawnvikt: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:13 |
Kawnvikt | Well last nite I installed kUbuntu for the third time... but this time unlike on all my other computers when I installed the grub boot loader only kUbuntu is showing up instead of my windows operating system as well | 11:13 |
Kawnvikt | any idea why this is happening? | 11:13 |
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RawSewage | no, but thats good | 11:14 |
RawSewage | maybe a new feature | 11:14 |
Kawnvikt | In some ways it is. but not for me | 11:14 |
RawSewage | lol | 11:14 |
nuu | Kawnvikt: kubuntu overwrote the original bootloader, installing itself instead | 11:14 |
Kawnvikt | I love kUbuntu and have it on every computer in my house | 11:14 |
foxx | Did you manually check the grub.conf in /boot/grub ? | 11:14 |
danny | hey hyper...I setup a network bridge, did the dhcp server setup....confident that i did it all correctly....now im trying to connect my laptop from my router....what ip address should i set it to?? gateway?? | 11:14 |
ForgeAus | !grub | 11:14 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 11:14 |
matt001 | MrC: You can also go to www.kde-look.org for more mouse themes | 11:15 |
nuu | Kawnvikt: you should manually edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add the windows entry | 11:15 |
Kawnvikt | wow I think after I get everything fixed im going to become a regular member in this channel | 11:15 |
foxx | Kawnvikt: Check out /boot/grub/grub.conf to see if Windows is listed as well. Should have chainloader +1 or something to that effect | 11:15 |
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K-Ryan | Kawnvikt: It happened to me | 11:16 |
Kawnvikt | anybody in here from the 918 area? | 11:16 |
nuu | Kawnvikt: post the output of "sudo fdisk -l" and your /boot/grub/menu.lst on pastebin | 11:16 |
nuu | !paste | Kawnvikt | 11:16 |
ubotu | Kawnvikt: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 11:16 |
Kawnvikt | Hey how do you set your time to where you are located if its not on the time list | 11:17 |
MrC_ | I can barely see my mouse colour,so i was wondering if someone knows how to change the mouse theme | 11:17 |
eriefisher | pick the closest | 11:17 |
K-Ryan | MrC_: KDE Menu > System Settings | 11:17 |
MrC_ | well it's too small | 11:17 |
nuu | Kawnvikt: you mean you are orbiting earth in a space shuttle ? that's pretty damn cool | 11:17 |
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K-Ryan | Once you're in System Settings, click Keyboard & Mouse | 11:18 |
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K-Ryan | Click the mouse icon on the left, then the cursor theme tab. | 11:18 |
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K-Ryan | The whiteglass and redglass themes are enlarged and may be of some help. | 11:18 |
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MrC_ | I was about one hour looking for it | 11:20 |
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K-Ryan | Did you find it? | 11:21 |
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MrC_ | i was looking for some Kubuntu stickers,does anyone knows where to get one?I hav this Designed for Microsoft WinXP on my laptop and i just want to get ride of it | 11:22 |
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K-Ryan | I don't know about Kubuntu stickers, but way back when I ordered Ubuntu I got stickers./ | 11:24 |
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foxx | I'm back today, still experiencing my ALSA sound issues and wondering if anyone has any recommendations. | 11:24 |
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crimsun | foxx: how did you set it? | 11:25 |
foxx | I've posted the issue on the KubuntuForums site but in short my Envy24HT REFUSES to allow you to change the clock back to the default 48000 from the Optical In. | 11:25 |
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foxx | Absolutely not a thing seems to work. I've tried rebooting, reinstalling the drivers, uninstalling the drivers, fiddling with every setting combination I can think of | 11:25 |
foxx | Mysteriously if I boot with a LiveCD it works like it always did | 11:25 |
K-Ryan | Guys I need to install something from a .bin file | 11:25 |
K-Ryan | How? =) | 11:26 |
foxx | K-Ryan: sh ./location.of.bin | 11:26 |
ForgeAus | how to fix fonts? | 11:26 |
crimsun | foxx: right, that makes it a state file error. Please answer my question above. | 11:27 |
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ForgeAus | when I run a dpkg, ie: | 11:27 |
ForgeAus | um | 11:27 |
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ForgeAus | forge@Chris:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a | 11:27 |
foxx | crimsun: What do you mean specifically by "set" "it?" | 11:27 |
ForgeAus | Setting up ttf-opensymbol (2.0.4-0ubuntu5) ... | 11:27 |
ForgeAus | Updating fontconfig cache... | 11:27 |
ForgeAus | it says error scanning on about 6 paths | 11:28 |
crimsun | foxx: how did you change it from 48k? | 11:28 |
foxx | crimsun: There I used Kmix. | 11:28 |
crimsun | foxx: please pastebin your ``amixer'' | 11:28 |
crimsun | then tell me the url | 11:28 |
foxx | Alrighty, lemme find it. I'll post in just a minute. | 11:29 |
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K-Ryan | Thanks foxx | 11:29 |
foxx | crimsun: Just the results of "$amixer" yes? | 11:29 |
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foxx | K-Ryan: Not a problem. ".bin" means it's a binary, you just either need to change the permissions on it to make it executable or force it with "sh" ;) | 11:30 |
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K-Ryan | foxx: I changed it to executable but it crashed, in the terminal it let me see what went wrong =P | 11:30 |
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crimsun | foxx: without the prompt, but yes. | 11:30 |
kgx | does anyone where i can find the config file for server/channel list in konversation? i need to export it to another computer | 11:31 |
foxx | crimsun: Not a problem. | 11:31 |
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foxx | crimsun: I'm sorry, but pastebin is giving me an error. " | 11:32 |
foxx | Query failure: Can't open file: 'recent.MYI'. (errno: 145) | 11:32 |
foxx | lock tables recent write | 11:32 |
ForgeAus | um what should be in /usr/share/fonts/font.cache-1? | 11:32 |
ForgeAus | oops theres an s after font (before the .) | 11:33 |
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K-Ryan | My GRUB boot loader lists 9 different entries and I'm looking to reduce that number. I've opened the menu.lst and have located the unneeded entries, what should I do? | 11:33 |
foxx | crimsun: If you'd like I can e-mail you instead, not sure why pastebin isn't working, though. | 11:33 |
K-Ryan | All 9 are for different Ubuntu kernels. | 11:33 |
kgx | K-Ryan: add a # at the beginning of the lines for the entries. that will comment them out | 11:33 |
K-Ryan | Alright, thanks. | 11:34 |
foxx | K-Ryan: To my knowledge and practice just remove the ones you do not wish, then remove the corresponding kernels and such in /boot if you really totally want them gone (just my opinion, COULD be WRONG) | 11:34 |
see-g_ | you are sure you don't need them anymore? remove not only the entries but also use the packet manager of your choice to purge them (I freed some 500MB of space on my hdd doing that for a couple of old kernels) | 11:34 |
K-Ryan | My top kernel works | 11:34 |
K-Ryan | That's all I need besides the Windows loader | 11:34 |
=== K-Ryan cringes. | ||
K-Ryan | *option, windows option | 11:35 |
ForgeAus | generally unbunt has a recovery kernel | 11:35 |
crimsun | foxx: choose any other pastebin web site | 11:35 |
ForgeAus | and a memtest+ as well | 11:35 |
foxx | crimsun: Looking for one now. | 11:35 |
ForgeAus | as for the other 5 or so I have no idea | 11:35 |
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see-g_ | K-Ryan: I've also kept the one before that to make sure I've got something to fall back on ... before you mess around in /boot by hand, have a look in your packet manager (it's the clean way; though removing everything with version numbers you don't want to keep in /boot should work as well) | 11:35 |
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K-Ryan | packet manager? | 11:36 |
see-g_ | on kubuntu it's the Adept | 11:36 |
K-Ryan | What in Adept? | 11:36 |
ForgeAus | (either add/remove software ont he kmenu, or manage packages in the system submenu) | 11:36 |
foxx | crimsun: Got one: http://pastebin.ca/506192 | 11:37 |
see-g_ | K-Menu -> System -> Adept Manager ... it's a little cleaner than removing files from packages without telling the packet management system | 11:37 |
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eriefisher | k-ryan: what do you use to search for packages now? | 11:37 |
K-Ryan | Adept | 11:38 |
ForgeAus | erie adept can search packages | 11:38 |
ForgeAus | or you can use kpackage | 11:38 |
K-Ryan | I don't know what packages to search... | 11:38 |
crimsun | foxx: what does the following do? amixer set 'Multi Track Internal Clock',0 '48000' | 11:38 |
eriefisher | I prefer synaptic over adept | 11:38 |
crimsun | foxx: (verbatim copy & paste) | 11:38 |
ForgeAus | hehe theres a kynaptic in arklinux... | 11:39 |
see-g_ | eriefisher: but we're not talking about preferences yet ;) | 11:39 |
K-Ryan | So, what packages do I get rid of? | 11:39 |
K-Ryan | Or should I just get rid of the files manually since I have the window open. | 11:39 |
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kgx | does anyone where i can find the config file for server/channel list in konversation? i need to export it to another computer | 11:40 |
foxx | crimsun: Tells me its Capabilities ("enum"), Items (the list from 8000 to IEC958 Input), and Item0: 'IEC958 Input' | 11:40 |
see-g_ | kgx: I don't know but having a look in the appropriate forums and man-pages might help... | 11:41 |
crimsun | foxx: ok, now: amixer set 'Multi Track Rate Locking' mute && amixer set 'Multi Track Rate Reset' mute | 11:42 |
clegg | hello, I have a question regarding kmail. Is it possible to create separate inbox, outbox, trash (etc.) for each mail account? | 11:42 |
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eriefisher | clegg: inboxes yes the rest ?? | 11:43 |
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eriefisher | clegg: right click new folder | 11:43 |
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clegg | eriefisher: the problem is that it allows me to create folders only under the "Local Folder" | 11:44 |
kgx | see-g_: cheers...i tried forums but didnt check the man file. found it now :-) | 11:44 |
clegg | I can't create new folders on the root | 11:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | clegg: are you root | 11:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | sudo mkdir should work | 11:44 |
clegg | :) | 11:44 |
clegg | I'm talking about folders in kmail :) | 11:45 |
see-g_ | kgx: lucky me that the man page helped you since I wouldn't have known what to tell you next ;) | 11:45 |
clegg | I would like the same structure of "Local Folder" for each mail account | 11:45 |
eriefisher | clegg:right click on inbox and tell your account where to send to | 11:45 |
ForgeAus | GRRR! | 11:45 |
ForgeAus | why do I get: | 11:45 |
crimsun | foxx: after that, retry the first amixer command | 11:46 |
ForgeAus | Updating fontconfig cache... | 11:46 |
ForgeAus | "/usr/share/fonts": error scanning | 11:46 |
ForgeAus | ?? | 11:46 |
foxx | crimsun: As you wish. It told me that both simple mixer controls have been put to 0 | 11:46 |
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foxx | crimsun: Now running the original command | 11:46 |
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foxx | crimsun: No change, right back to Item0: 'IEC958 Input' | 11:46 |
clegg | eriefisher: I don't understand | 11:46 |
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ForgeAus | or can I somehow skip updating font cache during : Setting up ttf-opensymbol (2.0.4-0ubuntu5) ... | 11:46 |
ForgeAus | ??? | 11:47 |
K-Ryan | Hey guys which kernel is the current kernel? | 11:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | ah sorry i just got here | 11:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | K-Ryan: iirc | 11:47 |
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eriefisher | clegg: I don't think you can create a new file struct for each account | 11:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | yep, thats the feisty one. the 2.6.21 kernel does all the cool stuff though, like powertop | 11:47 |
clegg | oh ok.. I should create local->inbox->account1, local->inbox->account2 | 11:48 |
K-Ryan | Okay in my menu.lst I have 2.6.20-15, then 2.6.20-15(recovery mode) and a last 2.6.20-15-generic | 11:48 |
digital_k | hello all :) | 11:48 |
ForgeAus | powertop? | 11:48 |
K-Ryan | Those are the ones I'd want to keep correct? | 11:48 |
eriefisher | clegg:create a new inbox folder for each account and in settings(kmail) set where to put mail | 11:49 |
foxx | crimsun: I can attempt to run it with sudo if you wish but I don't think there will be much of a change. | 11:49 |
crimsun | foxx: ok, kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*); sudo modprobe -r $(lsmod|grep ^snd|awk '{print $1}') && sudo rm -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state && sudo modprobe snd-ice1724 | 11:49 |
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ForgeAus | if you have VMware and you switch kernels you need to reconfigure it | 11:49 |
K-Ryan | I don't have VMware | 11:50 |
eriefisher | then don't worry about it | 11:50 |
ForgeAus | K-Ryan generally speaking you only need the newest kernel | 11:50 |
K-Ryan | Yes, that's what I'm trying to do. | 11:50 |
ForgeAus | the old one SHOULD be safe to remove if you have 2 at once | 11:50 |
foxx | crimsun: Running now | 11:51 |
K-Ryan | Considering I have 9 different entries in GRUB just for this | 11:51 |
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foxx | crimsun: I ran it as a user (no sudo) and it didn't come back with any errors | 11:51 |
crimsun | foxx: you were supposed to run the modprobe[..] commands prepended with sudo | 11:52 |
crimsun | I give precise commands. | 11:52 |
foxx | crimsun: Ah, sorry, I'll do it again | 11:52 |
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foxx | It complained about the kill usage | 11:52 |
crimsun | that's expected; nothing's using the sound device. | 11:52 |
foxx | crimsun: What about using the kill -s to send it to every process listed? | 11:53 |
crimsun | shouldn't need to; init will reap as necessary. | 11:53 |
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K-Ryan | Alright I'm going to reboot in a minute and see if it worked. | 11:54 |
K-Ryan | I'm waiting for something to finish downloading... | 11:54 |
foxx | crimsun: Alright then. It's most curious, I have to admit. | 11:54 |
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crimsun | foxx: ok, now amixer sget 'Multi Track Internal Clock',0 | 11:55 |
bdgraue | i really need isdn help, avm fritzcard pci, i can't get a connection, is there someone who knows something about isdn and could help me please? | 11:55 |
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foxx | crimsun: I'll be damned, Item0: '48000" | 11:55 |
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foxx | crimsun: Now out of curiosity what exactly did we do that made it work? | 11:57 |
foxx | crimsun: ...just in case this happens again. ;) | 11:58 |
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crimsun | foxx: erased the stale (corrupted) state file and reloaded the sound driver. | 11:58 |
crimsun | 17:27 < crimsun> foxx: right, that makes it a state file error. | 11:59 |
foxx | crimsun: Ah, so THAT'S where that thing was | 11:59 |
foxx | crimsun: I was looking around for it in /etc, didn't think to look in /var. Thank you. | 11:59 |
crimsun | np. | 11:59 |
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rodrigo__ | help m | 12:01 |
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K-Ryan | What do you need help with rodrigo_inthemix | 12:02 |
K-Ryan | ? | 12:02 |
foxx | crimsun: Out of curiosity now that I've backed up what we did (definitely don't want to forget it) is there anywhere you'd recommend I post this advice? | 12:02 |
foxx | crimsun: I've been doing quite a bit of Googling and couldn't find jack relating to the sound state file so I figure it's probably a good idea to put it somewhere | 12:02 |
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aroo | How can I type Chinese/Korean/Japanese characters in Kopete? | 12:03 |
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rodrigo_inthemix | i want a people to help me for initializing my network interface | 12:04 |
rodrigo_inthemix | wifi | 12:04 |
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K-Ryan | rodrigo_inthemix: What's your native language? | 12:04 |
foxx | rodrigo_inthemix: I might be able to help a little, we just got our Broadcom adapter working under Slackware. What's the issue? | 12:04 |
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bdgraue | aroo: right mouse button -> select input methode | 12:05 |
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rodrigo_inthemix | my issue is : i don't arrive to enable my network card, if i push ENABLE then she disables automatically | 12:06 |
crimsun | foxx: see the alsactl man page. | 12:06 |
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foxx | crimsun: Thanks, I'll do that. | 12:06 |
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bdgraue | aroo: use scim | 12:07 |
foxx | rodrigo_inthemix: Is this in a specific KDE program? | 12:07 |
bdgraue | aroo: you will get an symbol for scim in the taskbar, there u can choose the language you wish | 12:08 |
rodrigo_inthemix | i use Knetworkmanager | 12:08 |
foxx | rodrigo_inthemix: Hmm, I'm not really familiar with that. I'll see if there's anything I recognize. Something that will probably help diagnose your issue is knowing what kind of WiFi card you have, though | 12:09 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | !avi | 12:11 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:11 |
Sergo-Kubuntu | hello | 12:11 |
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Sergo-Kubuntu | can kaffeine play .avi or .mpeg? | 12:12 |
ForgeAus | can | 12:12 |
foxx | Sergo-Kubuntu: With the proper codecs, yes | 12:12 |
ForgeAus | if you have the right codecs | 12:12 |
rodrigo_inthemix | i will see this issue later, thanks to help me | 12:12 |
foxx | rodrigo_inthemix: I apologize, I don't think I'm going to be able to do much more. =( | 12:12 |
ForgeAus | the avi or mpeg codecs are non-free however | 12:13 |
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