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ubotuNew bug: #116309 in soyuz "LP: #nnnn should be linked to the bug report." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11630912:30
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owhI have a bug that has a fix released and have now been asked to provide a backport to Dapper. How do I tell launchpad? Am I supposed to lodge a new bug and link the two?01:48
owhThe answer to my question is: "Click on Nominate for release" - cheers.01:50
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keescookany idea why I can't approve/deny the requested nominations for bug 62831 ?02:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 62831 in dosfstools "fsck.vfat truncates files of 4294967295 bytes length to 0 bytes at boot-time" [High,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/62831 - Assigned to StefanPotyra (sistpoty)02:18
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=== Hobbsee ROAR at keescook
=== keescook runs and hides
Hobbseehehe :)02:21
=== Hobbsee imposes more crazy mao-ian rules that no one will ever get
=== keescook draws a card and looks confused.
Hobbseethat really was fun :)02:24
Hobbseewatching everyone draw cards, as they had NFI what was going on, and thought that was the least-penalty-option02:24
jmlI've heard too much about this Mao game02:24
jmlI should play it one day02:24
jmlHobbsee: but I fear that you've just given an important clue away :)02:24
Hobbseejml: yes you should.  at a UDS.02:24
Hobbseejml: nah.  that was one of my rules, not a base rule.02:25
jmlHobbsee: ah :)02:25
keescookI really enjoyed "this is not the 6 of diamonds"  ...  "lying *card*"02:28
Hobbseehaha, yeah, that was great :D02:31
Hobbseekeescook: did you impose that rule?02:31
keescookHobbsee: no no, I'm still a Mao newb.  I think that was mdz, but I may be misremembering.02:32
Hobbsee"failure to say "this is not the 6 of diamons"...*card*..."continued failure to say "this is not the 6 of diamons"...*card*...."this is not the six of diamonds"...'lying"...*card*02:32
Hobbseehe was the sphere/cube one02:32
Hobbseekeescook: i thought you'd learned now - hte newb's make the most evil rules02:34
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HobbseeSteveA: ping?03:15
kikoHobbsee, he's way asleep03:21
kikohow are you, though?03:21
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Hobbseekiko: i'm good :)03:24
Hobbseekiko: been snowed under with assignments, etc03:24
Hobbseekiko: how'd the bug stuff for LP go?03:24
ajmitchhello kiko 03:24
kikoHobbsee, went very well03:24
kikoI had a good time03:24
kikoand BjornT and I am going to have fun this cycle!03:25
kikohey ajmitch 03:25
kikohow is it going down under?03:25
Hobbseeit was cool meeting up with all of you03:25
kikoyeah pity I was so busy and sick03:25
Hobbseekiko: the shoestring internet is crap, and it's cold03:25
kikoI hate being sick03:25
kikothe internet here is worse than yours03:25
kikoit's cold today too03:25
Hobbseeheh.  it took me a couple of days, and someone to point you out, to realise who you were :P03:25
kikoI rode 3h in the rain03:25
kikoit's not impossible03:25
kikovoip doesn't work03:25
ajmitchHobbsee: shocking, how could you not know kiko?03:26
Hobbseeajmitch: hadnt seen a picture of him?03:26
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Hobbseekiko: ping06:17
Hobbseekiko: we need a launchpad bug hall of shame, please.06:17
Hobbseehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/116344 is a good candidate.06:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 116344 in Ubuntu "Sifilinaptic Package Error for 3 days" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  06:18
mptthat's weird06:21
mptfor me that page is completely empty06:21
mptexcept for the header and the footer06:21
thumpermpt: I see it06:22
Hobbseempt: so launchpad has decided to hate you today?  it has been tempramental this week06:22
thumperHobbsee: I like your comment06:22
mptIt reappeared on reload06:22
Hobbseethumper: *grin*06:22
mptI wonder if "Usuchtu" is a misspelling of "Usucktu"06:22
Hobbseei suspect so06:22
Hobbseei suspect the account should be closed...06:22
Hobbseebut cant think of a legit reason for it, and preemptive striking isnt a great idea06:23
mptHobbsee, you know what *really* annoys people who are being rude?06:23
mptBeing extremely polite and friendly to them.06:23
Hobbseempt: this is true.06:23
mptAnd the plus side is06:24
mptevery so often, they'll feel ashamed, and they'll flip.06:24
mptNot often, but occasionally.06:24
mpt(Disclaimer: Taking advice from mpt on politeness is like {insert zany metaphor here}.)06:25
Hobbseempt: heh, true.06:25
mptbut to be serious just for a minute06:26
mptWhy on earth is synaptic saying "_cache->open() failed, please report" when it knows very well that it's not the sort of error that should be reported?06:26
mptThat *is* a bug.06:26
Hobbseeit's also already reported, iirc.  or similar to that06:27
Hobbseenot because of the sources list being botched, though06:27
jameshmpt: being helpful in this case would be a breach of privacy06:27
jameshdo you really want people to know that _cache->open() failed for you without your consent?06:27
mptw.r.t. "harder to file bugs", I have previously proposed a slider for project maintainers on how difficult it should be to report bugs on the project06:28
mptEasier to report bugs ==O========== More information provided06:28
jameshranging from "let any spam through" to GNITS?06:28
Hobbseempt: there were discussions about this at UDS, i'm not sure hwo much of it you heard06:28
mptHobbsee, I wasn't there at all06:28
Hobbseempt: which is why i pinged kiko06:29
Hobbseeknowing that he'd get the reference06:29
jameshGNATS is what I meant06:29
=== Hobbsee will have to wikipedia that one
jmlI think the highest level is "There is a rare blue flower that grows only on the peak of Death Mountain, pluck the flower, mail it to the maintainer, then file your bug"06:29
Hobbseempt: basically about making them include package versions, maybe using the answer tracker, then being able to hit a button saying "this is a bug" if someone privelaged came along, etc06:30
mptand on that note06:30
mptGoooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!06:30
ajmitchhello mpt!06:30
mpthello hello06:30
jameshhere's a GNATS installation: http://gnats.wookimus.net/cgi-bin/gnatsweb.pl?database=gnats06:31
Hobbseempt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/111688 is similar06:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 111688 in Ubuntu "E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  06:32
ajmitchHobbsee: so the real bug is the error message that it gives to the user06:33
=== ajmitch thinks it should be like sudo, and ship with an insults file
Hobbseehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/112195 is good, too06:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112195 in synaptic "synaptic broken" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  06:33
Hobbseeseeing as synaptic is dying over an unofficial deb06:34
mptjamesh, it times out for me. I guess the "how difficult to report a bug" knob is turned up to 11 today.06:34
ajmitchHobbsee: quite right, synaptic shouldn't die like that06:34
Hobbseeajmitch: sounds good ot me.  or at least a "if you want to install random debs, you cant use synaptic for them"06:35
ajmitchthat's silly06:35
Hobbseewell, yeah06:36
=== Hobbsee updates that automatix bug
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beunocarlos: morning  :D08:19
beunocarlos: I'd like to talk to you about a spec I had scheduled for Sevilla UDS which didn't get any love whenever you have time08:20
carlosbeuno: ok08:20
carlosbeuno: URL?08:21
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beunocarlos: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/rosetta-stats-enhancement08:21
carlosbeuno: I don't see any problem that prevent us to implement it08:24
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beunocarlos: would be *extremely* helpful  :D08:24
carlosbeuno: mrevell uses something like that for the whole site report so implementing it would be also helpful for him08:24
=== Fujitsu_ is now known as Fujitsu
carlosI will see when could we schedule it08:25
beunocarlos: that would be great, thanks!08:25
carlosbeuno: thanks for the spec!08:26
beunocarlos: don't provoke me, I might end up doing them regularly     :p08:26
carlosbeuno: and you will be welcome ;-)08:30
beunocarlos,  :D08:31
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ubotuNew bug: #116364 in malone "Better handling of the "this is my bug" +filebug case" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11636410:55
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dholbachwhat can I do about      "bzr: ERROR: Lock was broken while still open: LockDir(sftp://jonathan@bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Emotu-mentoring-reception/reception-data/main/.bzr/branch/lock) - check storage consistency!"   ?11:02
dholbach(neither jonathan or I can push to the branch anymore)11:04
carlosdholbach: hmmm, I think you should check on #bzr11:07
carlosfrom that, I understand that one of your bzr commands didn't pay attention to the lock...11:07
carlosand it smells like a bug ...11:07
dholbachbut something in LP is broken now and we can't use the branch :)11:08
carlosdholbach: well, I don't think it would be too different from any other bzr hosting service so maybe there is a way to fix it in your side so checking with #bzr guys doesn't hurt11:09
carloswhile you wait for ddaa, spiv, jamesh or any other developer that knows a bit more about bzr :-)11:09
dholbachbzr push --overwrite   from a 'clean branch' doesn't work either - so I don't know how to fix it on my side11:10
=== ddaa peeks out
Hobbseehi ddaa 11:10
ddaabroken lock...11:11
Hobbseeyou're spied!11:11
ddaaand "bzr break-lock" does not fix it, right?11:11
carlosddaa: the error seems to say that there would be data corruption... or that's what I understand11:11
carlosnot just an stalled lock11:11
ddaathere _might_ be11:11
ddaachances are there is not11:11
ddaastill better to run bzr check if you can11:12
ddaaso, what's the question?11:12
dholbachhighvoltage: can you run     bzr check        on your local branch?11:12
ddaathat's funny how this message paralyses people...11:12
ddaawhen they should just run "bzr check" and go on with life...11:13
dholbachddaa: highvoltage Ctrl-Ced a commit to a LP branch, now we both get "bzr: ERROR: Lock was broken while still open: LockDir(sftp://LPID@bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Emotu-mentoring-reception/reception-data/main/.bzr/branch/lock) - check storage consistency!" when we try to push to that branch - even using --overwrite does not help11:13
ddaadholbach: does "bzr break-lock" help?11:13
ddaa--overwrite does not really overwrite the branch, complain to #bzr about the wording11:13
dholbachI guess that highvoltage has to use it on his local branch and commit/push that11:14
highvoltagebzr check says:11:14
highvoltagechecked branch file:///home/jonathan/main/ format Bazaar-NG branch format 511:14
highvoltagechecked repository <bzrlib.transport.local.LocalTransport url=file:///home/jonathan/main/> format <RepositoryFormatKnit1> 4 revisions 4 unique file texts 0 repeated file texts 1 weaves11:14
ddaahighvoltage: does it scream murder?11:14
ddaadholbach: we have a bug in sftp rename semantics that fucks up the locking protocol in some cases.11:15
ddaaactively being worked on by jml11:15
dholbachah ok11:15
=== highvoltage tries the break-lock and --overwrite
dholbachbzr break-lock sftp://LPID@bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Emotu-mentoring-reception/reception-data/main/.bzr/branch/lock       worked11:16
dholbachhighvoltage: can you use    bzr pull    now?11:16
highvoltagedholbach: yes, that part seems to work fine11:16
dholbachthanks ddaa, I didn't know I had to give it the complete URL to the lock file11:16
ddaayou're not supposed to11:16
jmlwell, not _right_ now11:16
dholbachthat's what made it work11:17
jmlbut tomorrow morning definitely :)11:17
ddaaoh well11:17
dholbachthanks a lot guys11:17
highvoltageyes, thanks!11:17
jmlddaa: btw, I've asked you a question in another channel11:17
ddaanice, I won't have to go break the lock by hand on the server :)11:17
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dholbachthanks again guys11:22
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ubotuNew bug: #116367 in malone "Apport should be able to report private bugs" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11636711:25
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ubotuNew bug: #116369 in malone "Apport should be able to subscribe people to bug reports" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11636911:30
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kikogood morning12:20
carloskiko: hey, hey, hey!12:20
kikohow's it going today, carlos?12:21
carloskiko: fine12:22
kikothat's great to hear12:22
carloskiko: everything landed (well we got a reject due to a conflict but it's already landed)12:22
carloskiko: danilos is testing it on carbon12:22
carlosjtv is applying some review comments and I'm working on the UI change12:23
kikooverall very good12:23
daniloskiko, carlos: on a combination of staging and carbon, we'll be pointing staging to a DB on carbon so we have full power over it12:23
kikodanilos, so you can check the UI, etc, right?12:24
daniloskiko: that's right, to make sure we are hiding what we are supposed to be hiding12:25
kikovery good.12:26
Hobbseeyay, kiko!12:29
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kikohey Hobbsee 12:46
kikomake it stop raining please kthxbye12:46
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Hobbseerain, stop.  good rain.12:47
Hobbseejust come to au.12:47
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BjornTtime for this week's non-au reviewer meeting04:01
BjornT== Agenda ==04:01
BjornT * Roll call04:01
BjornT * Next meeting04:01
BjornT * Queue status.04:01
BjornT * pre-mentor reviews should be sent to launchpad list (barry)04:01
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BjornT * encourage more pre-implementation reviews (barry)04:01
BjornT * if overwhelmed, push back to general queue (barry)04:01
BjornT * Other Business04:01
BjornTwho's here?04:02
BjornTbac: ping04:03
BjornTstatik: ping04:03
flacosteSteveA: ping04:03
bacstatik is out sick today04:03
BjornTlifeless: ping04:03
BjornT== Next meeting ==04:04
BjornTnext meeting will be 2007-05-30 at 1400 UTC04:04
BjornT== Queue status ==04:05
BjornTthere are 13 open reviews, 7 of them are over the 2 day service target.04:05
BjornTSteveA: you have an old one, that's not really a code review. what's the status of that one?04:05
salgadoI'm doing one of them already04:05
BjornTsalgado: cool04:06
SteveABjornT: thanks, I'll look at that today after this meeting04:07
BjornTsalgado: do you know it statik has started reviewing cprov's branch? given that statik is sick, we should re-allocate it.04:08
salgadoBjornT, I don't think he has, but I can't tell for sure04:09
salgadohe was on holidays last week and I didn't chat with him since then04:09
LarstiQthe +reject text on questions mentions a couple of categories, but not bogus. What should I do with a question like https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/7070 ?04:10
BjornTok. my queue is empty, so i'll take it from him to review it later today.04:10
=== LarstiQ is also not sure what to retarget it at
BjornT== pre-mentor reviews should be sent to launchpad list ==04:11
flacosteLarstiQ: retargeting to ubuntu is a safe bet04:11
BjornTbarry: ^^^04:11
kikobjornT, barry: +104:11
SteveAthe launchpad-reviews list04:11
SteveAand the code's author04:11
barryso, steve and i were talking yesterday and i mentioned about the odd situation where a review is at your mentor04:11
SteveAjust like a regular review04:11
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barryright, so for those of us being mentored, send your reviews to the list instead of your mentor privately04:12
barrythen mark your branch needs-reply or whatever04:12
barryand let your mentor comment on your review on the mailing list04:12
BjornTok, that sounds good to me. +104:12
SteveAand mark the email at the top saying clearly "this review is provisional, subject to mentoring"04:12
barrySteveA: +104:12
SteveAlike, 95% of it will be valid or whatever04:12
SteveAso the author can start work on responding anyway04:13
flacoste+1, this will improve the flow04:13
barryright, and so the author has a better idea of what the state of his branch is04:13
baci've been using "MENTOR REVIEW: barry/blah/blah" as the subject04:13
flacosteand it would also help us meet service level04:13
kikomaybe say [NEWBIE REVIEWER]  or something silly like that04:13
SteveAsay it in the body of the email04:13
bac+1 on sending to the lsit04:13
SteveAit's easy to miss important information in a mail subject04:14
barryi think it's fine just to say "this review is subject to mentor oversight" or some such in the body of the review04:14
barrydoesn't have to be that formal really04:14
barrynext item?04:15
BjornTok, looks like we have an agreement.04:15
BjornT== encourage more pre-implementation reviews ==04:15
barrySteveA: do you want to take that one?04:16
SteveAis there any doc on mentoring code reviewers we need to update?04:16
SteveAso, we have development cycles now04:16
barrySteveA: i'm not sure there are /any/ docs on mentoring reviews04:16
SteveAand I want to encourage more pre-implementation reviews04:16
SteveAeven for bugs / features that the implementer things don't need it04:16
SteveAit's easy to have a call saying "I think this is obvious, what do you think?"04:17
SteveAand the reviewer saying "yeah, it's obvious"04:17
SteveAthat takes like 5 mins04:17
SteveAbut sometimes, the reviewer will point out important stuff04:17
SteveAlike, someone else on the team is working in a similar area04:17
SteveAor, that the *scope* of the work isn't quite right, and that benefits from some discussion04:17
SteveAor there's a new technique to test this that the implementer may not know about yet04:18
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SteveAfor small things, 3-4 pre-implementation reviews can be put into one 15 minute call04:18
SteveAso, when you're reviewing some code, always ask "who did the pre implementation review?"04:18
SteveAif it had such a review, then it's likely to be easier to do the pre-merge review04:19
SteveAone valuable thing to get out of a pre-implementation review is04:19
SteveAa succinct description of what the work is about04:19
kikoLarstiQ, ping04:19
SteveAlike, it's one sentence summary of how the work will be going04:19
LarstiQkiko: pong04:20
barryi think the one thing we have to work out is how to allocate reviewer resources so that 1) no reviewers get overloaded with pre-impl reviews; 2) authors know who to go to to get pre-impl reviews /before/ they start hacking away04:20
SteveAand that's valuable for doing the pre-merge review, to ask "so, did anything change in your approach once you started working on it?"04:20
SteveAthat's all I have to say on this for now04:20
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SteveAI'd like to see whether a branch has had a pre-implemnentation call marked on the pending reviews or w-i-p entry for it04:21
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BjornTi think that's a good idea, i found such calls useful in the past.04:21
SteveAit's useful for joey to know about this for his project tracking04:21
barry+1 on the concept, i just think we need to work out the workflow04:21
BjornTi'd rather add something to PendingReviews to indicate who did the pre-implementation call, than to ask it when a code review is done.04:21
bacmy call with SteveA before my last feature implementation was very useful.  +104:22
flacosteBjornT: that would also make it possible to see on pending-branch-summary to see the pre-impl status04:22
BjornTi think figuring out how to encourage people to have such calls is importants, since we used to have them in the past, but we don't have them anymore (or only rarely)04:22
kikobjornT: I think the monthly release process can help there04:23
BjornTkiko: how?04:23
bacBjornT: the greater visibility you suggested on the PendingReviews page would encourage calls if it is seen as an expected part of the process04:24
kikobjornT: every first week of the cycle, we're going to agree upon specs for the next month. and then we can follow the specs in a much more linear fashion04:25
BjornTok. so let's start with adding a field to PendingReviews, and see how it works out.04:28
barrycrazy idea: i wonder if we shouldn't encourage non-reviewers to get involved in pre-impl calls too?  iow, /all/ launchpad devs would be available for such calls.  okay, they won't be as experienced, but this will get them acclimated to the process and they can always escalate to a reviewer or more experienced dev if need be.  that also reduces the load on reviewers04:28
flacostebarry: i like the idea, it's kind of virtual pair design04:29
barryflacoste: exactly04:29
SteveAa three-way conf call can work well too, when the work affects various areas of the code04:30
SteveAwe have to work out different things for different cases, depending who is available, and what the feature's about04:31
BjornTit's definitely better to have a call with a non-reviewer than to have no call at all04:31
SteveAin all cases, as bjorn says, some call is better than no call at all04:31
salgadoI think this should be an item for tomorrow's developer's meeting04:32
salgadojust to notify people, that is04:32
barrysalgado: +104:32
BjornTwell, we should send a mail to the list as well.04:33
BjornTany volunteer for updating the pending branch template on PendingReviews, send a mail to the list, and bring it up on the meeting tomorrow?04:33
barryi suppose since i brought it up i should do it :)04:35
SteveAnote that this can't be just a new status04:35
SteveAI want to be able to see when I review some code that the call occurred earlier04:35
flacosteSteveA: it should be a new field, like the demo url for example04:35
BjornTSteveA: i was thinking if adding a field like 'Pre-implemenation call: (who)04:36
barryBjornT: agreed04:36
barrycan i bring up one other thing now that we're talking about the template?04:36
SteveAas a shorter name04:36
SteveAwe could call it a prep-call04:36
SteveAor something like that04:36
BjornTbarry: sure. i think this item is done anyway.04:37
barryminor issue: i would like the author to include their email address in the template (even if it's just the local name part).  i find it difficult sometimes to match the branch name to the canonical email address04:37
barrythis will get harder as we get more devs04:37
SteveAthe name we use on devpad should work as an email address04:38
SteveAif that doesn't work in any of the cases, then we need to either get an email address alias added04:38
SteveAor change that name on devpad04:38
SteveAthanks for pointing that out barry04:38
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barrySteveA: okay.  cool, knowing that rule, i can fix my script :)04:38
BjornT== if overwhelmed, push back to general queue  ==04:39
SteveAbarry: if you find any instances where this doesn't work, tell the owner of the email address / branch, and cc Rinchen who can track it04:39
SteveAif it means getting an alias added, or changing that name04:39
barrySteveA: will do04:39
SteveAwe should also update the "rocketfuel setup" docs04:39
SteveAto include this policy04:40
SteveAsalgado: would you take on that?04:40
SteveAsorry BjornT 04:40
barryBjornT: i mentioned to steve the guilt i felt about clearing my queue.  he said, figure out how much time you're going to spend on reviews and do what you can during that time.  if you can't finish them, push them back to the general queue (stevea, did i paraphrase that accurately?)04:41
SteveAreviewers should set aside a portion of their day / week to work on reviews04:41
SteveAand in general, never do more than that04:41
barrythen, if we need more reviewers or need to make other adjustments, we'll know what to do04:41
SteveAthere are times when we need more review done, and we can trade off time spent reviewing against other work04:42
SteveAthat trade-off should be done *mindfully*04:42
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SteveAin general, a reviewer who has been given too much to do should push the excess back into the process, for reassignment04:42
SteveAthat's my feeling on the matter.04:43
barrySteveA: it'll also probably shift during the release lifecycle04:43
BjornTi think we'll have to have some sort of process to deal with this, though, so that some reviewers don't simply push their work to other reviewers.04:43
jthomasis it known that bug reports aren't working on Launchpad?  Neither manual nor Apport..04:43
BjornTwhen a deadline approaches, every reviewer is usually quite busy, both reviewing, and finishing their own work.04:44
barryBjornT: another thing, i think we should constantly (or maybe, regularly) looking to recruit reviewers04:44
BjornTi.e., i think most reviewers should set aside an more or less equal amount of time.04:45
barryBjornT: maybe another thing to do is to agree informally on the amount of time a reviewer should be spending on reviews04:45
SteveAso, every 2 month devel cycle04:45
SteveAat the end of the cycle04:45
barryreviewbies might get less done in that amount of time, but they will become more efficient as they get more experienced04:45
jthomasis it known that bug reports aren't working on Launchpad?  Neither manual nor Apport..04:46
SteveAlet's evaluate membership of the review team04:46
barrySteveA: +104:46
SteveARinchen: hi, are you there?04:46
Rinchenyes sir04:46
SteveAwhat do you think about having a standard time in the devel cycle where we look at membership of the review team04:46
SteveAparticularly to recruit new members04:47
SteveAit could be around the time of the minor release04:47
SteveAor some other time04:47
barryBjornT: what do you think is a reasonable amount of time (as a goal) per week to devote to reviews?  4h?04:47
salgadojthomas, do you get an error when you try to? can you explain what happens to me in private as we're in the middle of a meeting?04:48
matsubarajthomas: privmsg me explaining what's going please.04:48
RinchenIt's not a bad way to operationalize that need.  It would probably be good to do that during the time we're planning for the next cycle...say week 6-804:48
RinchenLessons learned from the previous 6+ weeks will be fresh in our minds04:48
jthomassalgado and matsubara: sorry to interrupt, i don't know how to private message, meet in #launchpad-bad please?04:49
SteveARinchen: great, let's try that.  please add it to the calendar.  basically it's having nominations sent to the review team leader, then having a meeting of the review team to decide what to do with the nominations.04:49
lifelessbjornt [pong04:49
salgadoI think Rinchen can help us to define a reasonable amount of a time we should devote to reviews every week04:49
BjornTlifeless: i was pinging you for the reviewer meeting, in case you wanted to join in.04:50
lifelessthat would be good. we have ben tracking the time taken in the review messages for   awhile04:50
salgadobased on the amount of time people reported to have spent on reviews in the past weeks04:50
lifelessBjornT: I do, I do04:50
SteveAI suggest (based on nothing but a gut feeling), start with 90 mins per day available, and see how it goes for a couple of weeks...04:50
flacostei have a dedicated review time each day04:51
flacosteat the end of the day just after tea break04:51
lifelessthe push back mechanism is already explicitly declared; people do need to follow it though - perhaps there is a psycological bias against saying 'I'm overloaded right now' ?04:52
BjornTyeah. i've found it the past that other reviewers have pushed back their work, and i've felt bad for doing the same, since that would overload the remaining reviewers too much04:53
BjornTi think it's better to have something more or less clearly defined, so that we can decide whether we need more reviewers.04:53
lifelessits been on my todo to do the math based on the reivews list for a while. If Rinchen can do It I'll be very grateful04:55
BjornTi usually forgot to note down how long re-reviews took, though.04:56
salgadohow about we keep reporting the time we spent on reviews every week and then a few weeks from now we establish (based on these numbers) a reasonable amount of time people should spent reviewing. then when you've spent all your review time for a week and still have branches on your queue you'd push them to the general queue04:56
salgadosomebody with free review-time could pick them up04:56
RinchenI've been saving the data from the weeklies so I can attempt to plot out something simple and compare it with the volume on the queue. The key factor is going to be that there will be two heavy review weeks - one before each release week.04:57
salgadoif they're left on the general queue it means we need to increase the time people spend doing reviews or the number of reviewers04:57
lifelesssalgado: I think it should happen daily. doing it weekly I feel will produce jags of high latency branches for people04:57
RinchenFor the record, I am not in favour of letting reviews stagnate on the needs-review queue.04:58
kikonobody wants that04:58
lifelessRinchen: I think no-one is.04:58
salgadolifeless, yeah, that'd be much better04:58
lifelessRinchen: can you process the current numbers and give an estimate of review-time-total-per-week?04:58
lifelessRinchen: that at least ballparks it04:59
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Rinchenlifeless, yes sir. 04:59
RinchenI don't know how easy it will be to compare that to branch sizes but I'll poke around to see if I can find an easy way to do that too.  I'd love to have a metric for this.  e.g.  For every 200 lines of diff, it will take 30 mins of a reviewer.05:00
lifelessRinchen: we have that data at the time of the review; I dont know that we preserve it. It may be that we should ask the review to note the count from pending-reviews in the eview.05:01
SteveA + and change lines are harder than - lines05:01
lifelessthat said, I have a very strong feeling that its non-linear05:01
SteveAand reviewing tests is different from reviewing application code05:01
BjornTIME, it's definitely non-linear05:01
SteveAfor tests, you're reviewing whether it is truely testing functionality, and testing the right functionality05:01
Rinchenyes, I also believe it's non-linear.05:02
SteveAfor app code, you're reading whether it makes sense and hangs together well05:02
barryand if you fire up launchpad.dev and poke around on u/i, it can also be pretty time consuming (but i think very useful too)05:02
RinchenI still would like to approximate that though if it's easy enough to do. 05:02
BjornTthe larger the diff is, the more times i have to go through the whole diff to understand the changes.05:02
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BjornTok, i guess that's enough discussion on this subject for now.05:05
BjornT== Other business ==05:05
BjornTanything else?05:05
SteveAI want to announce that I found a great line in "waiting for godot" by samuel beckett05:06
SteveAEstragon: Oh, tray bong, tray tray tray bong.05:07
SteveAcould come in handy in code reviews.05:07
barrySteveA: while doing code reviews?05:07
lifelessterrible accent though05:07
kikowaiting for godot is depressing05:08
kikowhy are you mentioning it here, SteveA?05:08
SteveAI don't think it is depressing.05:08
kikoI find that even more depressing05:09
BjornTi must have missed that line, or it might not have been present in the lithuanian version of that play05:10
BjornTanyway, meeting ended. thanks for being here!05:11
barryBjornT: thanks!05:11
flacostethanks BjornT!05:12
SteveAthanks everyone.  I think we made a lot of progress in this meeting.05:12
kikowe made many electrons move through the wires!05:17
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ubotuNew bug: #116452 in malone "Malone Can't Handle Large File Attachments" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11645206:31
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ubotuNew bug: #116454 in malone "Add a milestone view for an IProject" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11645406:45
kikothanks bjornT06:48
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LaserJockkiko: you around?09:34
kikohow are you jordan?09:34
LaserJockoh fine09:34
mptGooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!10:00
mptAnd a wonderful morning it is, no more flooding10:01
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SteveAkiko: hi10:41
kikoSteveA, I'm going out. I'm tired of this office!10:43
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lifelessSarah_ has your nick gotten confused10:57
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matt001Hi, I have a question on Updatde OpenPGP Keys under my profile on Launchpad.11:03
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matt001I have created an OpenPGP key.  If I ever reinstall my operating system, will I loose this key of my computer?11:09
LarstiQmatt001: I'd very much encourage backing up your (secret) key to a safe offline medium.11:12
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matt001thank you LarstiQ11:15
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surakI have a question.. May a shareware project use launchpad's structure?12:07
bacsurak: Launchpad is for open source projects.12:10
bacsurak: What is the project you'd like to host?12:11
surakthat's an official position? I saw shareware products which later opened to foss12:11
LarstiQWhat exactly does shareware entail in this context?12:11
surakbac: it's not me. The main developer of MailPlane is interested on launchpad's bug management system12:11
=== LarstiQ has seen proprietary software which later opened up
bacsurak: Please have the developer contact us here on IRC so we can see what we can arrange.  Is it in his plans to open the project in the near future?12:12
surakMailPlane is a macos-only application which turns gmail in a sort-of desktop application. It handles mailto: links, drag-and-drop attachments and so on12:13
surakbac: I have no idea if he plans to open the application, unfortunately. As most of mac shareware, he will probably make some money on it before :)12:14
bacsurak: OK.  If Ruben is interested in pursuing it, please have him contact me.  Thanks!12:15
surakDo you know him? Or just saw the name on webpage?12:16
bacsurak: just checked out his web page.  :)12:16

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