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pochudabaR: to /usr/share/applications/12:23
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dabaRpochu: I meant in the source package.12:28
dabaR... directory structure.12:28
pochuNight MOTUs and MOTU padawans! :)12:28
pochudabaR: doesn't matter. It can be in debian/, or in data/12:28
pochuor in other places.12:28
dabaROK, thank you.12:29
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persiadabaR: When adding new files, it's best to put them in debian/ if possible.  This makes the distribution patches only be to one directory, and it's easier to see what is local and what is upstream.12:31
dabaRpersia: do you know exactly what to do with a <package>.install to make one of its files install to a specific directory?12:33
nixternalplucker is garbage12:33
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nixternalif we merge from Debian, it is a useless cause for GUI users12:34
LaserJockdabaR: you should read some up in the Ubuntu Packaging Guide or Debian New Maintainers Guide12:34
LaserJockor even look at a program you know has one12:34
dabaROK, I guess shortcuts are bad:)12:34
dabaRI will do this later, thanks.12:35
LaserJockwell no, it's a matter of teaching you where to go for these things12:35
LaserJockthe general syntax is:12:35
LaserJockfile.desktop usr/share/applications/12:35
LaserJockwhere file.desktop is the path to the desktop in the source12:35
persianixternal: :)12:36
nixternalhrmm..so if I(we) do this merge, there will be no plucker-desktop...good news is I can close one bug though by adding a patch :)12:36
nixternalplucker is dead12:36
persianixternal: You can also mark the wx2.4Migration done, as it doesn't have a GUI anymore.  Are you sure you don't want to move to a snapshot?12:37
nixternala snapshot of what?12:40
nixternalthere hasn't been any dev work to plucker for 2 years now12:40
nixternalunless they are working somewhere top secret12:40
nixternalI am going to give that patch a try12:41
nixternalactually, I am going to eat, and then hack on plucker12:42
persianixternal: http://www.plkr.org/snapshots/plucker_snapshot.tar.gz  I took a CVS snapshot for freqtweak (with similar lack of work for years) and it looks better - upstream just never released the final version.12:42
nixternalhrmm..ya I might give that a try then..thanks for that!12:42
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ajmitchhey jml 12:45
jmlajmitch: good morning12:46
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lionelTheMuso: arround ?12:50
TheMusolionel: Yes.12:50
lionelI checked my patch, and it works here :-(12:50
TheMusoWhat version of the package are you patching against?12:50
lionelwhich version of wu-ftpd did you use ?12:51
TheMusoThe one from sid.12:51
lionelDebian version 2.6.2-2612:51
=== concept10 [n=concept1@ppp-70-247-163-181.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
lionel(grab from DaD)12:51
TheMusoah no.12:51
TheMusosorry, my fault.12:51
lionelyou dget .dsc ?12:51
lionelno problem :)12:52
TheMusolionel: Uploaded.12:57
lionelTheMuso: thanks!12:57
PriceChildHey persia, uploaded a new one which I think will fix "hopefully" everything.01:02
persiaPriceChild: Thanks a lot.  Looking now...01:03
=== pschulz01 [n=pschulz0@ubuntu/member/pschulz01] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pschulz01Morning.. question.. how do I use the <packagename>.install files properly?01:12
TheMusopschulz01: What build system is being used to build the package?01:12
pschulz01I have a multi-binary package/control file.01:12
pschulz01I have used 'dh_make' to set everything up.01:13
pschulz01Howdy TheMuso !01:13
TheMusopschulz01: Did you explicitly tell dh_make to use cdbs?01:13
pschulz01? no01:13
TheMusoIf not, you are using debhelper. To use the .install files, you need to use dh_install.01:13
TheMusoWhich goes in the install target.01:14
TheMusoIt will read all *.install files and do its thing.01:14
TheMusothe manpage tells you how to make a .install file.01:14
pschulz01The dh_install man page talks about building and copying from debian/tmp01:14
TheMusoThats what .install files are for.01:14
pschulz01.. but I get debian/<name-of-first-binary-package>01:15
TheMusoYou run make install or whatever into a temporary location, then you use dh_install to move everything into the proper packages.01:15
TheMusoso make install DESTDIR=debian/tmp and then dh_install does the rest, using the files in debian/tmp.01:15
=== TheMuso tries to think of a package you can look at that does the same thing.
pschulz01The source uses the GNU auto tools..01:15
=== RAOF [n=chris@60-242-199-65.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoBut you said that it was a multi-binary package?01:16
pschulz01So I use './configure --prefix=/usr'01:16
TheMusoRAOF: Hey there. Just took care of your pyinotify merge.01:16
TheMusopschulz01: That should have already been done for you in debian/rules.01:16
RAOFTheMuso: Yay.01:16
LaserJockI got a quick shell problem, I've got a directory full of files with spaces in the names, how can I get rid of the spaces?01:17
pschulz01TheMuso: Well. there were a whole lot of other options that were messing things up.. (architecture etc.)01:17
StevenKLaserJock: qmv 01:17
TheMusoLaserJock: for file in *; do mv "$file" `echo "$file" | tr ' ' '_'`; done01:17
StevenKTheMuso: Learn about $()01:18
TheMusopschulz01: Right.01:18
RAOFAnd I've almost got a Sid VM so I can check that the python-versions bug applies to Debian!01:18
TheMusoStevenK: ??01:18
pschulz01I want to spilt the result of the build into a collection of packages, and the *.install' files seem to be be the most sensible method.01:18
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TheMusoStevenK: Is that more posix compliant or something?01:18
LaserJockTheMuso: hmm, that gave me a whole lot of _. I was trying to compress the names01:19
TheMusoLaserJock: Oh.01:19
StevenKTheMuso: $() can be nested. ` can't.01:19
TheMusoWell instead of tr ' ' '_' you could do tr -d ' '01:19
TheMusoStevenK: Aaaaah!01:20
LaserJockTheMuso: genius!!01:20
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pschulz01I'll be back later..01:21
pschulz01TheMuso: Cheers.01:21
TheMusopschulz01: np.01:21
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TheMusoOk... That clears the merge qeue for now.01:22
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TheMusopersia: You on uus and the ml for it yet?01:28
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persiaTheMuso: UUS, but not the ML.  I subscribe to the bugs I touch, and use LP to pick new ones.01:33
TheMusopersia: Right.01:33
persiaI like bugmail, but not for things I haven't looked at yet, and might never touch.01:34
TheMusoFair enough.01:34
TheMusoI'm on a few teams, so I am kinda used to it now.01:34
TheMusoJust got to work out a way of filtering team email that is not going to an ML.01:35
persiaTheMuso: So far, none of my teams subscribe me to bugs :)  Is there any non-bugmail on the UUS ML?01:35
TheMusopersia: No.01:35
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nixternalhrmm...quick question here...I have a file 'pluck-comics.py.in' and instead of #!/usr/bin/python it has @PYTHON@..is this cool, or should it be changed to #!/usr/bin/python?01:41
ajmitchok, another merge down, hopefully this one isn't as broken as the last :)01:41
nixternal#!@PYTHON@ to be exact01:41
ajmitchnixternal: that's why it's an .in, but it means it'll end up hardcoding a specific python version01:42
ajmitchdepending on what @PYTHON@ resolves to01:42
nixternalOK, so I should go ahead and make a patch to do #!/usr/bin/python instead01:42
ajmitchdepends on the above ^^01:42
persianixternal: .in files are usually processed by ./configure, so it is likely replaced.  On the other hand, I thought we recommended #!/usr/bin/env python instead (which would be used for the value of PYTHON for configure).01:42
nixternalwell, the 1.8 is patched to remove #!/usr/bin/python2.2 and replace it with #!/usr/bin/python01:43
persianixternal: But 1.9 uses @PYTHON@ instead of #!/usr/bin/python2.2?01:44
nixternalI am working on the snapshot, which has a lot of changes/updates to it..I was surprised actually01:44
nixternalpersia: yes01:44
RAOFpersia: #!/usr/bin/env python is annoying, because the script shows up as "python2.5" in process views, rather than "foo".01:44
nixternalif we keep the @PYTHON@ then we can drop a patch01:44
=== blackskad [n=blackska@d54C1A48C.access.telenet.be] has left #ubuntu-motu []
StevenKRAOF: /usr/bin/env is doubly annoying because $LUSER might have python1.5 installed as /usr/local/bin/python01:45
persianixternal: I recommend either digging through the build process to change the variables, or building it to see what you get, and if it's not correctly, searching for it in the original source and patching it there, rather than replacing @PYTHON@.01:45
RAOFOh, really? And env will pick that up in preference to our shiny new python2.5?01:45
nixternalpersia: roger!01:45
StevenKenv goes by $PATH only.01:45
=== persia has been disabused. Thank you.
StevenKAnd based on our path, /usr/local/bin trumps both /usr/bin and /bin.01:47
StevenKOur default $PATH, I should say.01:47
StevenKTheMuso: Has anyone dealt with your main upload?01:49
TheMusoStevenK: No.01:49
StevenKTheMuso: Would you like me to?01:50
TheMusoStevenK: Only if you have a minute.01:50
TheMusoStevenK: I'm happy to wait otherwise, no rush.01:50
StevenKYeah, it's no problem.01:50
StevenKTheMuso: Can you clag the bug number so I don't have to dig?01:50
TheMusoStevenK: SUre. Bug 11616701:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 116167 in gnome-speech "Please merge gnome-speech 1:0.4.12-3ubuntu1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11616701:51
TheMuso2nd debdiff.01:51
StevenKRight. Looking now.01:52
TheMusoAnyway, afk for a bit.01:52
TheMusoStevenK: Thanks.01:52
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StevenKTheMuso: Your debdiff looks to remove control.in, is that intended?01:55
StevenKTheMuso: Also, why did you bin the Uploaders field?01:55
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Hobbseemorning all02:17
RAOFMornin Hobbsee 02:17
persiaGood morning02:18
persiaPriceChild: Getting much closer, but I found a few things left :)02:21
PriceChildhehe :)02:21
PriceChildI just noticed i still have COPYING and wondered what to do about it.02:21
keescookdang. my optical mouse just stopped working.02:23
PriceChildTime for bed now though I'm afraid :(02:23
persiaPriceChild: I don't know.  I think you need COPYING for the GPL content, but it doesn't provide a good overview for COPYING the package.  Perhaps NOTICE needs to be updated?  But that's really an upstream thing.02:23
keescooknot even the red light works02:23
Hobbseekeescook: i thought mice were overrated for you terminal lovers?02:23
persiaPriceChild: When you have time (tomorrow maybe), ask here for someone strong with copyright to look at the package.  They may be able to provide better advice.02:23
PriceChildOk thanks.02:24
PriceChildthanks for reviewing it again, have a good day! :)02:24
keescookHobbsee: my work day just ended, I was gonna go play the BSG demo.  :P02:24
keescookI can't chase the cylons with my marble mouse, so I plugged in my (previously) trusty optical mouse, and... nothin'.02:25
=== Hobbsee wonders what a marble mouse is
=== Hobbsee googles
StevenKIt's a brand.02:25
keescookmarble, like, the ball is a marble I roll around with my thumb02:26
Hobbseeoh right, where you move the trackball02:26
keescooktrackball! that's it.  yup.  I sure know how to use my words.02:26
=== StevenK chuckles.
Hobbseeit's the lack of beer02:35
persiaDoes anyone know the name of the KDE menu editing tool offhand?02:38
persiaHobbsee: nixternal: Thanks.02:39
Hobbseenixternal: beat you.  try not to use pointyclicky vista and forget how to type02:39
nixternaljynx jynx double jynx02:39
persianixternal: Not quite - the timestamps won't match in the logs.02:39
=== Hobbsee ducks
nixternalthey match here02:39
nixternal19:39:08 [ nixternal]  kmenuedit                                                                  buxy02:39
nixternal19:39:08 [   Hobbsee]  kmenuedit02:39
nixternalsorry buxy...silly irssi02:40
persianixternal's clocks must have different microseconds then mine.  Do you use ntp?02:40
StevenKHobbsee wins here.02:40
StevenKNeither one of you can claim they win since most clients print the line before sending it.02:41
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=== Hobbsee wins, just due to being Hobbsee. duh.
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ScottKHobbsee: I'm also interested in what you have to say about my clamav proposal for Friday's meeting.  Are you going to be there?02:57
HobbseeScottK: i'll be there02:57
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crimsunsuperm1: did you fix the FSF address in COPYING?02:58
superm1yes crimsun 02:58
superm1i uploaded it this morning before work02:58
ScottKHobbsee: Great.02:59
crimsunok, I'll once-over upid=5244 now.02:59
superm1ok wonderful.  thanks :)03:00
HobbseeScottK: i'd have to read the mail again, but the idea of keeping the newest in the repos under a different name is smart03:01
crimsun  mythbuntu-artwork-usplash_0.1_source.changes: done.03:03
crimsunSuccessfully uploaded packages.03:03
crimsunarchived on REVU.03:03
superm1Thanks crimsun 03:03
crimsunthank _you_ :-)03:03
ajmitchI guess I should upload this merge, it appears to actually work 03:05
StevenKajmitch: Which?03:05
=== StevenK had fun with pycairo last night.
ajmitchsince I said I'd take some of doko's merges since he did a lot of -dbg additions03:06
ajmitchcan't be as fun as pygobject03:06
StevenKI'm so not touching gobject.03:06
ajmitchI did, and I broke it good03:06
=== RAOF likes cairo. How did pycairo go?
ajmitchpython-pam is my next target03:07
StevenKRAOF: Oh it wasn't bad, just a lot of Ubuntu changes, a lot of Debian changes, and a shedload of upstream changes. All blended together.03:07
ajmitchpython-ldap was fairly easy03:07
StevenKThe debdiff on patches.u.c for pycairo was a shade under half a meg.03:08
ajmitchpython-gobject was a mess03:08
ajmitch1 conflict in python-pam, only in debian/control03:08
ScottKHooray.  New python-dns bugfix upstream release after only 4 years of inactivity!03:08
StevenKHmph. My upload isn't much better, at 367K.03:08
StevenKOf course, if I could be bother sending some of the trivial changes to the Debian maintainer, it'd be easier.03:09
ajmitchoh nasty03:12
ajmitchpython-pam is a native package with a debian versioning scheme03:12
ajmitchI'd say it's been like this for awhile03:13
nixternalwo0t... persia, building plucker with wx-config :)03:13
nixternal2.4 is fine correct/03:14
ajmitchhttp://ftp.egr.msu.edu/debian/pool/main/p/python-pam/python-pam_0.4.2-10.1.tar.gz <-- from 200303:14
persianixternal: If you can build with 2.6, I'd be extra happy.  Does the patch in 1784 not apply?03:14
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ajmitchand I'm just building 0.4.2-12ubuntu103:14
nixternalpersia: I can build with 2.8 ;)03:14
ajmitchthis is a really active package03:14
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nixternalpersia: don't need that patch when using a snapshot03:15
persianixternal: If you build with 2.8, it'll be months to get it back to Debian.  I suggest 2.6.  Great news about the patch though.03:15
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nixternalI am testing a snapshot..and if needbe, I will do the patch to the current version in the repos03:15
nixternal2.6 it is then03:15
=== persia celebrates another package that doesn't depend on wx2.4 anymore!
StevenKAre you going to request wx2.4 gets booted out?03:16
persiaStevenK: When it has no reverse depends, yes.  If I can get the patches back to Debian, Ron will request removal there.03:17
StevenKpersia: Sensible.03:20
persiaStevenK: Did you want it for something?03:20
StevenKpersia: Certainly not, I'm just curious how you're handling it.03:20
ajmitchso have we removed ion3 from ubuntu yet?03:20
StevenKNot according to madison-lite.03:21
ajmitchthe author really seems like an arrogant sod03:21
TheMusoStevenK: Bah! Thats what I get for merging late at night. Uploading a new debdiff.03:22
StevenKOhhh, neat.03:22
crimsunajmitch: bug 11514203:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 115142 in ion3 "New distribution conditions based on trademark claim" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11514203:22
StevenKYou have to be scared when one of the Ubuntu changes for a package is "Work with a recent glibc"03:22
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persiaajmitch: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/removals.txt is a good place to watch.03:24
ajmitchpersia: iff I'm interested in it :)03:24
=== persia has apparently made invalid assumptions again :)
TheMusoStevenK: New diff uploaded.03:26
StevenKTheMuso: Okay, I'll look in a little while.03:26
TheMusoStevenK: No rush.03:26
=== ajmitch wonders why python-xml is on the merge list
=== concept10 [n=concept1@ppp-70-247-163-181.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
persiaLutin: I've been working with upstream and Debian for the new uqm.  Do you mind if I take the merge?03:29
nixternalconfig.status:   I need this new plucker to run autoreconf first, or is there a way around that before it builds the configure file03:30
Fujitsuajmitch: Yeah, I've been watching the ion3 saga... Upstream seems a really nice guy, and has promised to never release anything other than binaries for other software he writes.03:30
=== StevenK giggles at Womble2's sig in the ion3 diat^Wbug.
StevenKTheMuso: Now you have "Uploaders: Uploaders: "03:33
persianixternal: Huh? Could you rephrase your question?03:34
StevenKFujitsu: Ben Hutchings03:34
FujitsuAh, yes.03:35
crimsunnixternal: you need to build-depend on autotools-dev (if you aren't already build-depending on autoconf/automake1.7+), then modify debian/rules as necessary03:36
crimsunnixternal: although you've not stated why you want config.status to actually be significant...03:37
nixternalwell, configure is in config.status03:43
nixternalthat is why I said it03:43
RAOFYou mean, there's a config.status rule in debian/rules which calls configure?03:44
nixternalhow would I call the autoreconf?03:44
RAOFAs "autoreconf" presumably.03:44
persianixternal: Ah.  If you want to run autoreconf before ./configure, just add it to the config.status: rule, prior to the ./configure call.03:45
RAOFYou've made a change to configure.ac or Makefile.am, yes?03:45
nixternalroger...I am guessing it didn't work because I didn't have the autotools-dev03:45
nixternalRAOF: no changes made03:45
RAOFso why do you need to run autoreconf?03:45
=== RAOF is puzzled
nixternalthe tarball doesn't have configure03:45
RAOFUpstream sucks.03:45
persianixternal: Don't forget to update config.{sub,guess} beforehand (and delete in clean) if you're not doing that already.03:46
nixternalI will check that03:46
nixternalOK, there is no config.{sub,guess}, so that needs to be added03:47
StevenKThere's notes on that for autotools-dev03:47
FujitsuWow, great upstream you have there.03:47
RAOFThey couldn't be bothered releasing a "make dist"d tarball, obviously.03:48
persiaRAOF: It's a development snapshot.  They stopped work several years ago without explanation.03:49
ScottKFujitsu: Did you see my python-scipy question in your scrollback?03:52
nixternalmake: *** No rule to make target `autoreconf', needed by `config.status'.  Stop.03:53
FujitsuScottK: No, sorry.03:53
ScottKGot a minute...03:54
FujitsuAh, right, there.03:54
FujitsuFound it.03:54
FujitsuDidn't highlight for some reason.03:54
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persianixternal: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22087/03:54
FujitsuThat's something I've been wondering about for a while, but I really have no idea about it.03:54
nixternalpersia: thanks03:54
ScottKOK.  It looks to be based on looking at the code and what LaserJock told me the python-numpy should conflict python-scipy-core, not python-scipy conflict python-scipy-core03:55
ScottKOK.  Well scipy definitely does not provide what scipy-core provides, so I am dead certain that the current situation it wrong.03:55
FujitsuRight, that makes more sense.03:55
LaserJockI really thought that was odd03:56
ScottKOK.  I'll go fix it that way and we'll see what happens...03:56
LaserJockdoes python-numpy conflict with python-scipy-core03:56
LaserJockwell, just a sec though03:56
LaserJockI think perhaps it's ok for python-scipy to conflict with python-scipy-core03:56
LaserJockI *think* that our version of python-scipy won't work with python-scipy-core03:57
FujitsuWe're in sync with Debian.03:57
ScottKLaserJock: Then why do we even have scipy-core?03:57
StevenKHrm. I think I'm done with iputils.03:57
TheMusoStevenK: Gah its not my day is it.03:58
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LaserJockScottK: well, for people who have scipy-core code03:58
ajmitchStevenK: cutting through the merges?03:58
StevenKTheMuso: Heh03:58
StevenKajmitch: This will be my fourth since yesterday afternoon.03:58
ScottKLooking at the source, scipy-core and numpy have definite overlaps.  I think they should ideally be configured via update-alternatives, but at the very least conflict as they do provide some of the same files.03:59
ajmitchStevenK: not bad03:59
LaserJockScottK: well, numpy is scipy-core-ng ;-)03:59
=== ajmitch has filed a couple of sync requests, and has done 5 merges, but some are from awhile ago
=== ajmitch waves to Sarah
ScottKRight.  Which makes replace/conflict seem very sensible.03:59
LaserJocknumpy is renamed and somewhat rewritten scipy-core03:59
Hobbseehi ajmitch 03:59
LaserJockour version of scipy depends on numpy04:00
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LaserJockbut a person could have code written for scipy-core04:00
TheMusoStevenK: Fixed...04:00
Kr4t05Does anyone want to tackle getting StepMania 3.9 into Gutsy?04:00
persiaKr4t05: Is it in Debian?04:00
jmg_whats it blocking on?04:01
Kr4t05persia: Hrm... Not that I know of.04:01
HobbseeKr4t05: you do04:01
Kr4t05I'll have to look. One moment.04:01
Hobbseeactually, stepmania is on REVU,  iirc04:01
Kr4t05Hobbsee: Ah, good to know. :)04:01
Kr4t05Ok, thanks for the info.04:01
superm1LaserJock, do you want to get that feather torture session thing done tonight?04:02
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LaserJockoh yeah04:02
StevenKTheMuso: Okay, third time lucky.04:04
ScottKLaserJock: Then maybe the right answer is to do nothing.  I asked the bug reporter to install numby and see if that worked.  I'll wait and see what they say I guess.04:04
LaserJockwell, the bug report was a tad odd04:05
LaserJockbut if the issue is "where did the distutils go?"04:05
LaserJockthen perhaps we need a fix for that04:05
ajmitchStevenK: what other python merges are you touching?04:07
ScottKThat seemed to be the issue.04:07
=== ajmitch has done python-{ldap,pam,pysqlite2}
jmg_english.aljazeera.net broken for anyone else?04:11
StevenKajmitch: Nothing at the moment.04:11
ajmitchStevenK: ok, I might borrow python-mysqldb as well04:11
ScottKLooks like python-adns is orphaned in Debian and an upstream release behind...04:12
ajmitchScottK: there are a few packages like that04:12
ScottKajmitch: I'm thinking I might adopt it.04:13
ScottKI'm already maintaining one similar package (python-dns)04:13
ajmitchmay as well04:13
ajmitchare you sure it's orphaned?04:13
ajmitchpython-adns (1.1.0-3) unstable; urgency=low04:13
ajmitch .04:13
ajmitch   * New maintainer (closes: #379683).04:13
ScottKNevermind then I guess.  I was looking at the -2 diff.04:14
ScottKclicked on the wrong one...04:14
ScottKI guess that's one less thing to worry about tonight...04:15
StevenKTheMuso: Patch looks good.04:17
TheMusoStevenK: Ok thanks.04:18
StevenKTheMuso: Third time lucky. :-)04:18
TheMusoStevenK: As you said.04:18
=== StevenK sighs, and updates his chroot so libespeak-dev can actually be installed.
TheMusoStevenK: How long since it was updated? :)04:25
nixternalwe are close..configure craps out searching for a cross-compiler04:25
StevenKMy sid chroots on the other hand ... :-)04:25
persianixternal: That's just build-deps :)04:26
nixternalya, seems it may be m86k-palmos-gcc04:26
TheMusoStevenK: I'm guessing libespeak-dev wouldn't install due to a newer one being in the archives now?04:27
StevenKTheMuso: Okay, rubber-stamping.04:29
TheMusoStevenK: Thanks.04:30
TheMusoNow to fix the packages relying on what was libgnome-speech3.04:30
StevenKTheMuso: Bug updated, and status slammed to Fix Commited.04:33
TheMusoStevenK: Thanks.04:33
TheMusoWill keep an eye out.04:33
=== StevenK bites his tongue.
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hendrixskito package a python program, do I need distutils?04:47
ScottKhendrixski: Need, no, but if you have a good setup.py, a good debian package is a snap.04:49
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hendrixskiScottK, Ok... because I just wrote a helloworld,py and a setup.py and ran "python setup.py install"04:53
ScottKhendrixski: That'll work on your local system, but not if you want to package something to be distributed by Ubuntu.04:54
hendrixskiScottK, so if I want to turn it into a .deb I have to tarball those two files and then dh_make?04:55
ScottKIt's a little more complex.  What Ubuntu release are you running?04:58
hendrixskiScottK, I'm working through this manual on python distutils and I'm not even sure if it installed it on my system (well, on my chroot) so i dunno if I'm ready to move onto the debianization part of it04:58
hendrixskiI'm on edgy04:59
ScottKGimme a sec and I'll point you at a simple python package you can look at for an example.04:59
hendrixskiScottK, that would be good.  I was looking at democracy player's .deb package, and it's HUGE, so I'm confused05:00
ScottKNot a good place to start05:00
ScottKhendrixski: in a new directory, try dget -x http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/pyyaml/pyyaml_3.05-1.dsc05:01
hendrixskik. getting05:03
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hendrixskiScottK, Ok so what specifically should I look at when I delve into one of these anyway? 'cause I have this terrible feeling that I'm always looking at the wrong things05:05
etanki have an app that i would like to make into a deb. what is the recommended way to do that?05:05
ScottKLook in the /debian dir.  That's where all the packaging information is.05:05
=== persia made a mistake. Is there any way to kill an upload?
Fujitsupersia: You can upload over the top before the next scanning run (every 5 minutes)05:10
Hobbseepersia: ask an archive admin, or jsut upload another which reverts the changes05:10
persiaFujitsu: I'll try.  Thanks05:10
hendrixskiScottK, that's a pretty small debian/rules  I assume cdbs just does all that with one fell swoop?05:12
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ajmitchpersia: you're probably far too late already05:18
persiaajmitch: Yes.  Very much so.  Alas.05:19
hendrixskiactually, I'm still pretty confused... python-yaml is an extension to python.. so it uses the distutils.. can I use the distutils for packaging applications, like my helloworld?05:20
hendrixskiI'm getting the impression from reading stuff that distutils is only for adding functionality to the python language itself?  is that, kind of close to true?05:21
ajmitchdistutils is used for applications as well05:21
LaserJockhmm, I can't seem to unmount a proc mounted in schroot05:23
ajmitchLaserJock: kill whatever's using it05:23
persiaLaserJock: `sudo lsof | grep schroot`05:24
hendrixskiajmitch, Ok.  so... if I wanted to install helloworld.py on my dchroot, is the command python setup.py install the one I'm looking for?  because it doesn't seem to install it.  05:25
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ajmitchif you're writing an application, you need to create setup.py with the right info05:27
=== hendrixski is going to become a great Ubuntu packager some day, just can't figure out the manuals to save his life
hendrixskiajmitch, :-) I have a setup.py with just a setup(name, version, py_modules)05:28
hendrixskiajmitch, that's all they have in this manual... but when I ran install, I'm not sure that what it did is installing a program :-(05:30
LaserJockpersia: how does that help me, I got quite a few results05:31
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hendrixskiand that's all the same stuff that's in pyyaml, which ScottK had sent me.05:32
LaserJockall I see is a bunch of dbus stuff05:32
persiaLaserJock: OK.  Just for you: sudo kill -9 `lsof | grep schroot  | awk '{ print $2 }'  | uniq`05:32
persiadbus, mysql, and apache are the big culprits for me.  I anxiously await the possible introduction of allowing installation of daemons without immediate start.05:33
LaserJockpersia: I think mine is dbus05:33
ajmitchpersia: that's a feature, not a bug :)05:34
persiaajmitch: I heard nice things about it being possibly addressed in the LIghtning Talks section of the debconf 2006 videos.05:35
persia(plus it breaks sbuild on schroot on LVM snapshot)05:35
ScottKhendrixski: If you want an application (a simple one) see dget -x http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/pypolicyd-spf/pypolicyd-spf_0.3-1.dsc05:35
ScottKhendrixski: Yes, for a simple package, cbds and python-support do all the heavy lifting for you.05:36
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StevenKpersia: How?05:39
ScottKpersia: spamd in spamassassin installs default not started, so it is possible.05:40
persiaStevenK: When sbuild detects it is running in a session-managed chroot, it doesn't remove the build-deps after the build.  When there are daemons running, they stay running, and schroot cannot clean up after itself, leaving an extra snapshot.  After a while the snapshot partition gets full.05:40
StevenKpbuilder manages to cope with this ... :-)05:41
=== StevenK plays "Tempting persia With Pbuilder", take #27420
persiaStevenK: These need to be manually removed by killing the offending processes and running `schroot -e -c long-complicated-random-string-generated-at-build-time`.  If they are forcibly removed with `sudo lvremove /dev/data00/long-complicated-random-string-generated-at-build-time`, schroot gets confused.05:42
persiaStevenK: pbuilder requires me to untar each time.  Snapshots are instantaneous.05:42
hendrixskiScottK, aaahh cool05:42
StevenKPerhaps if pbuilder could use snapshots.05:43
TheMusopersia: How do snapshots help sbuild anyway?05:43
TheMusosbuild and schroot that is.05:43
persiaStevenK: Perhaps, but then it might run afoul of the same problem, because some smart person might apply the small, simple, and wrong solution, and not clean up after each build.05:43
LaserJockok, so apparently it's just my gutsy chroot that's messed up05:44
hendrixskialright.  Enough packaging excitement for one night.  Thanks again.  I'l play with those packages a little more and come back with more questions05:44
LaserJockwell, I mean I can't get into my gutsy chroot05:44
=== TheMuso still wonders what use snapshots are...
persiaTheMuso: I have a master chroot, which only has base, build-essential, and devscripts installed.  Each build is done on a snapshot, so the master schroot is always clean.  Multiple simultaneous builds are possible, without any chance of interference.05:45
TheMusopersia: Ah.05:45
TheMusoWell pbuilder does this in another way. It unpacks a base tarball that goes ina dir named after the pid of the pbuilder process.05:45
hendrixskipersia, what's the difference between schroot and dchroot?05:45
persiaTheMuso: Right.  sbuild on schroot mounts to /var/lib/schroot/mount/long-random-string to do the same thing.05:46
StevenKhendrixski: schroot is a rewrite, and provides all of the functionality and more of dchroot.05:46
persiahendrixski: Nothing any more.  They used to be different, and dchroot is older05:46
TheMusopersia: I think that the random string, is something like an UUID, or something along those lines.05:46
hendrixskiohh... so like a fork?05:47
persiaTheMuso: I think it's the UUID of the snapshot, generated at the time of snapshot creation, but I'm not sure.  It does match the Logical Volume name.05:47
LaserJockhmm, I really don't want to have to recreate this chroot :(05:47
StevenKNot sure if schroot forked dchroot.05:47
TheMusoDchroot depends on schroot.05:48
StevenKLaserJock: I have a local mirror, so building a chroot takes a few minutes. :-)05:48
persiaTheMuso: Now dchroot is just a wrapper.  It used to be it's own program, until schroot took over.05:48
StevenKTheMuso: I does now, yes.05:48
LaserJockyeah, I was irritated about that05:48
persiaLaserJock: Your master chroot is corrupted?05:48
LaserJockbut now it's ok05:48
LaserJockmaster chroot?05:48
LaserJockI just have one chroot for gutsy05:49
LaserJockI don't use snapshots05:49
=== persia apparently incorrectly assumed Laserjock was using LVM
TheMusoSO I guess a snapshot only records the differences between the master and the new changes?05:49
StevenKTheMuso: Exactly.05:49
LaserJockheavens no, LVM does not work well for me05:49
hendrixskioh.  that's interesting.  I just learned how to set up the dchroot (and what  chroot is, which is kind of cool) so it doesn't matter which type I use?05:49
persiahendrixski: I recommend learning schroot instead of dchroot.  The wrapper will eventually go away.05:50
TheMusoStevenK: I wonder if pbuilder would be more efficient if it were to work with lvm snapshots.05:50
TheMusopersia: Really? News to me.05:50
LaserJockI really don't like LVM yet05:50
StevenKTheMuso: I have been too.05:50
StevenKLaserJock: Use a server with it, you'll learn to love it.05:50
=== StevenK has a few Ubuntu servers with LVM around the place here.
LaserJockI just screwed everything up05:51
=== TheMuso is learning lvm now, with noncritical data, so he knows how to handle it when it comes time for his server to be built.
ajmitchLaserJock: why?05:51
LaserJockwell, I don't know if it was me exactly05:51
persiaTheMuso: Why not?  I suspect it'll take about three Debian releases, but someone will probably get tired of maintaining legacy compatibility options.05:51
LaserJocknothing seems to work with LVM05:51
StevenKLaserJock: Such as?05:51
TheMusopersia: Ah right.05:51
hendrixskipersia, oh.  I picked up the dchroot from the Ubuntu packaging guide.  Is there a manual you'd recomend for schroot?05:51
LaserJockany time I install an OS it either wipes my LVM or doesn't know anything about LVM05:51
TheMusopersia: We should look at porting pbuilder to using snapshots...05:51
StevenK% df -h / | tail -n 2 | head -n 105:52
LaserJockLVM has been nothing but a headache for me05:52
=== ajmitch has used lvm for years, even on the laptop
LaserJockI know05:52
TheMusoajmitch: wow.05:52
ajmitchTheMuso: wow?05:52
LaserJockajmitch: you're the one that convinced me to try it05:52
persiaTheMuso: dancer listed that on the TODO list, so it's probably very welcome upstream.05:52
TheMusoajmitch: Never thought one would use it on a notebook.05:52
LaserJockI guess I'm to dumb for LVM ;-)05:52
ajmitchTheMuso: same reason as on a desktop - snapshots, and space for things like xen05:53
persiahendrixski: I used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto, but it's really sparse, and a little out of date.05:53
=== TheMuso is hoping to gradually move from dchroot to schroot with snapshots.
StevenKLaserJock: I'm happy to talk to you about it if you like.05:53
ajmitchpersia: ask keescook about it then :)05:53
TheMusopersia: Whats that howto missing?05:53
LaserJockStevenK: well, I just don't have a reason for it, tbh05:53
LaserJockmy "server" has only one disk I care about (hda is Windows) and I just have large partitions05:54
persiaTheMuso: It's not missing anything per se, but it assumes you run hoary or breezy and want to build dapper packages.  The updated  mk-sbuild-lv.sh works quite well.05:54
=== ajmitch just does lvm on md
TheMusopersia: Ah ok.05:54
persiaAlso, some of the configuration syntax has changed.05:54
LaserJockanywho, I just want to figure out why my silly gutsy chroot won't work05:55
StevenKLaserJock: What happens when you try and chroot?05:55
keescookpersia: I use sbuild every day.  :)  what can I help with?05:55
LaserJockmount: proc already mounted or /var/lib/schroot/mount/gutsy-ca068666-0b74-4953-8014-bfccdd6b5b19/proc busy05:56
LaserJockmount: according to mtab, proc is mounted on /proc05:56
LaserJockE: gutsy-ca068666-0b74-4953-8014-bfccdd6b5b19: Chroot setup failed: stage=setup-start05:56
persiakeescook: The text on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto is a little out of date (although your script works great).  It's the best place I can find to point people working with sbuild/schroot/LVM, but it feels old.05:56
keescookpersia: yeah, I wasn't sure how to go about updating the page.  It's kinda like "use this script"  :P05:57
hendrixskipersia, hhm.. so I assume dchroot does the stuff with the lvm as part of being a wrapper?05:57
persiakeescook: Also, I think it would be assisted with some troubleshooting data, like the use of lsof and schroot -e to shut down stale schroots that didn't close due to daemons running, etc.05:57
keescookLaserJock: yikes.  schroot should have taken care of all of that for you.  Ah, perhaps you don't have my schroot patches?05:57
persiahendrixski: If schroot is set up to use LVM, yes.05:57
LaserJockkeescook: is there any chance to get you to explain the script a bit in the wiki page. I was pretty hesitant to use it05:58
keescookpersia: aah, yeah.05:58
persiakeescook: I'm running from the archives.  Are your patches applied?05:58
LaserJockwell, my dapper and edgy chroots work fine05:58
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keescookLaserJock, persia: I have a few patches I wrote prior to getting ubuntu-dev membership, they're sitting in the Debian BTS still05:58
LaserJockit seems like only my gutsy one that I can't get into05:58
keescookI note them at the top of the script.05:58
hendrixskipersia, Ok.  and the sbuild they talk about in there can create binary .debs, so I don't need pbuilder?05:59
keescookthey fully clean up the chroot before shutting down (i.e. find all running processes and kill them)05:59
=== persia didn't read the script, just trusted keescook to write good scripts
=== Kim_ [i=Kim@wnpgmb01dc2-136-100.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
keescookhendrixski: correct05:59
StevenKLaserJock: Does --verbose help?05:59
keescookpersia: hehe.  :)05:59
=== hendrixski realizes he probably has a lot of annoying questions, but is just SSSOOO excited to be learning about this stuff
StevenKhendrixski: That'll wear off. :-P05:59
ajmitchStevenK: hah05:59
keescooklet's see, I'll go patch schroot right now... 05:59
ajmitchcynical yet? :)05:59
Kim_If a bug has been resolved in a newer version of Ubuntu, do I set the status to fix released?06:00
StevenKThen you'll be bitter and twisted like ajmitch.06:00
persiakeescook: Thanks.06:00
ajmitchfilled with hate for the world06:00
StevenKAnd possibily, a New Zealander, which is as bad.06:00
ajmitchonly if you're an australian06:00
hendrixskiStevenK, :-( aaawww, don't tell me that06:00
StevenKhendrixski: I'm poking fun, that's all. :-)06:00
StevenKajmitch: Hah06:00
persiahendrixski: It takes years.  You can have fun first.  It's like making cheese.06:01
LaserJockStevenK: nope, --verbose doesn't help much06:01
hendrixskimaking cheese?06:01
HobbseedabaR_: yes06:01
dabaR_Hobbsee, thank you. Do I also assign noone to the bug?06:01
Hobbseedoesnt matter06:02
Hobbseeif it's closed, it doesnt show unless you speciifcally search for it06:02
StevenKHrm. It looks like the path from accepted to the archive is closed.06:03
LaserJockwhy the heck does it think proc is mounted?06:04
ajmitchStevenK: hm?06:04
StevenKLaserJock: Okay, can I get you to strace schroot and pastebin the result?06:04
hendrixskialrighty, really have to go to sleep.  Thanks again.06:04
StevenKLaserJock: strace -s 1500 schroot ...06:04
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StevenKajmitch: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+queue?queue_state=2&queue_text=&start=2006:04
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-120-243-30.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchso it's empty..06:05
StevenKOh bloody hell, it wasn't a few seconds ago.06:05
LaserJockdoes strace output to stderr?06:06
ajmitchstrace -o filename06:06
keescookLaserJock: you likely have a "bind" mount06:07
keescookumount /var/lib/schroot/mount/NAME/proc06:07
StevenKmount | grep -c /var/lib/schroot, too06:08
LaserJockno help06:10
LaserJockI had some stuff mounted from my dapper chroot06:10
keescookpastebin the output of "mount" ?06:10
=== nixternal kicks plucker right in the arse
LaserJockkeescook: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22097/06:13
keescookLaserJock: hunh.  so what's the error you're seeing?06:13
LaserJockmount: proc already mounted or /var/lib/schroot/mount/gutsy-d44ee894-8d17-4b92-82c4-866ffd620fd0/proc busy06:14
LaserJockmount: according to mtab, proc is mounted on /proc06:14
LaserJockE: gutsy-d44ee894-8d17-4b92-82c4-866ffd620fd0: Chroot setup failed: stage=setup-start06:14
TheMusokeescook: Where do we get the template for the schroot/sbuild script, or do we just make our own from sources.list?06:14
keescookTheMuso: the script has an internal sources.list, but you can make your own and name it ~/.mk-sbuild-lv.sources06:15
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keescookwhere "RELEASE" will automatically be replaced by the release it's building a chroot for06:15
Hobbseedude, wtf?06:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 116344 in Ubuntu "Sifilinaptic Package Error for 3 days" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  06:16
=== persia liked that bug :)
=== Hobbsee wants to reply "please dont screw up yoru system, then file bugs on it that are PEBKAC
HobbseeLearn how to fix the bugs automatically.06:17
HobbseeLearn from Windows at least something06:17
persiaWindows fixes bugs automatically?06:17
ajmitchusers are so much fun06:17
Simon80lol @ Sifilinaptic06:18
Simon80is someone going to reply and tell him to fix his /etc/apt/sources.list?06:18
keescookLaserJock: I would do:06:18
keescooksudo mount -o bind /proc /var/lib/schroot/mount/gutsy-d44ee894-8d17-4b92-82c4-866ffd620fd0/proc06:18
Simon80and lol at i38406:18
keescookand try it again06:18
=== Hobbsee rejects
=== cables [n=cables@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80and the reporter's ID is Usuchtu06:19
Simon80I assume that's supposed to be Usucktu06:19
Simon80I don't think said user is going to understand your message06:20
Simon80words like PEBKAC are too esoteric and complicated06:20
cablesAn Exaile dev is going to make a patch for a bug that basically changes the list of file formats it's allowed to transfer to iPods. Is that going to be updated in the repos, or will I have to build the new version myself?06:20
LaserJockkeescook: ok, I've got it mounted, but I get the same error06:20
keescookoh wait... you're trying to shutdown an schroot, right?  I see.  Sorry, umount that again, and just delete /var/lib/schroot/session/gutsy-d44ee894-8d17-4b92-82c4-866ffd620fd006:21
HobbseeSimon80: definition added06:21
keescookit looks like everything was already umounted, it just thinks there's still a session running06:22
Hobbseecables: you could put it into the repository06:23
cablesHobbsee, how could I possibly do that?06:24
keescookLaserJock: here's a rather aggressive script I wrote to clean that sort of thing up: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/scripts/u-schroot-cleanup06:24
Hobbseecables: when are they going to release their next upstream?06:24
cablesHobbsee, I'm not a MOTU :) I'm just wondering if that sort of stuff gets updated06:24
keescookbe careful with it; it hasn't deleted my harddrive yet.  :)06:24
Hobbseecables: sure, if someone sees it, and acts on it.06:24
Hobbseecables: and that's why we have sponsorship06:24
StevenKkeescook: Bind mount / and try it. :-P06:24
cablesHobbsee, I need more coding and building knowledge before I can think of becoming a sponsor. I'm going to try to learn Python, is that a good starting point?06:25
minghuamaybe by "learn from windows" the reporter mean we should give a blue screen with "your /etc/apt/sources.list is corrupt, please reinstall Ubuntu" or something? :-)06:25
StevenKminghua: Hah06:25
StevenKkeescook: You overuse awk. :-P06:25
persiablue is nice.  Calming.06:25
Hobbseecables: i'd first go and ask the exaile people when tehy plan to release their next version06:25
keescookStevenK: yes, yes I do.  :P06:25
StevenKkeescook: cut is your friend. :-)06:26
Simon80minghua: people like that dude deserve windows, hehe06:26
keescookStevenK: yeah, since 2007 or so, I've switched to cut more often than not06:26
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StevenKkeescook: Oh yes, the 1980's called, it wants their subshell quoting rules back.06:26
cablesHobbsee, he says he's writing the patch tomorrow, I was just on IRC with him and told him the bug06:27
StevenKkeescook: Use $() :-P06:27
keescookStevenK: hehehe.  that's another change I've made.  ;)06:27
keescookpatches are welcome.  ;)06:27
LaserJockkeescook: no go :(06:27
keescookLaserJock: okay, so, just so I understand, you're trying to shut down an schroot, right?06:28
LaserJockwell, not exactly06:28
Hobbseecables: right.  if they're going to release a new tarball before our upstream version freeze, tehn you may as wlel make sure that the new version gets into ubuntu, rather than putting in the patch now06:28
LaserJockI'm trying to get *into* my chroot06:28
keescookand this was built using the mk-sbuild-lv.sh script?06:28
cablesHobbsee, you mean before gutsy's freeze? I don't know the lingo :)06:28
LaserJockkeescook: nope06:29
keescookLaserJock: ah, in that case, I'm not entirely sure what your config looks like, but does "id" show you as being part of the "sbuild" group?06:29
LaserJockI'm not using sbuild, sorry06:30
keescookoh. hm06:30
LaserJockI'm literally just trying to chroot in06:30
LaserJockI can sudo chroot in06:31
LaserJockbut schroot is no go06:31
persiaLaserJock: Are you either listed directly, or in a listed group for the chroot in schroot.conf?06:31
LaserJockI'm listed directly06:31
keescookLaserJock: I spent a lot of time beating my head against schroot.  Once I got a schroot working, I wrote that script to reproduce it.  :P  I've kind of be ignoring the internals ever since.  :P06:32
Simon80when's UVF?06:32
persiaSimon80: August06:32
Simon80lots of time to get into debian instead, I hope06:32
LaserJockkeescook: well, it *was* working06:32
Simon80I guess I want to know when DIF is06:33
LaserJockJune 20 I think06:33
TheMusokeescook: Have you considered adding the patch to schroot for Ubuntu?06:33
Simon80LaserJock: sorry for wasting your time, I should just look it up next time06:33
Simon80but thanks06:33
keescookTheMuso: yup, just uploaded it now.06:33
TheMusokeescook: Ah ok.06:34
=== persia rushes to get a taste of new schroot crack
LaserJockSimon80: not a waste exactly, it's just nice to know where to look it up yourself ;-)06:34
=== TheMuso manually patches hsi copy in feisty.
TheMusohis copy even06:34
Simon80anyway, it's ok to miss the DIF, I can just request a sync06:35
persiaSimon80: You need to draft a Rationale to get a sync after DIF.  Most good reasons are fine.06:35
Simon80what if the reason is it's a package I made?06:35
StevenKpersia: No he doesn't.06:35
Simon80I didn't think so06:36
persiaStevenK: No?  It used to be that way.06:36
Simon80it's not like the other freezes, you just file a bug06:36
Simon80my understanding06:36
StevenKpersia: You don't need a rationale even after UVF if it's a new Debian upload.06:36
persiaSimon80: Just mention the improvements in debian (debian/changelog update is usually enough) [with the old way of doing things] 06:36
Simon80well, you'd have till new packages freeze universe06:36
Simon80persia, in this case it would be a new package upload06:37
Simon80sponsored, since I'm not a DD06:37
=== StevenK made that mistake, and filed a nice, complete UVF exception request for 1.0.0-2 -> 1.0.0-4 and was then told he didn't need an exception.
persiaStevenK: What happened to Rationale?  Was it decided that it was too much trouble to judge, and we'd do better to trust Debian?06:37
StevenKpersia: I've had to rationalize new upstreams, but not a new Debian revision.06:38
TheMusoWow. First it was sparc, now ia64 lags behind. :)06:38
StevenKia64 should be catching up.06:38
Simon80what about a new package?06:38
persiaStevenK: I understand.  I was told to write Rationale a long time ago, and wasn't told it was a waste of time until now.  I want my keyboard wear reversed :)06:39
StevenKAhh, now a new package will probably require rationale after DIF.06:39
=== persia feels smug
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StevenKHowever, now persia has confused me, so please check yourself. :-P06:40
LaserJockok, wow06:41
persiaStevenK: I don't think we need a whole UVF report, just a couple sentences (new bugs fixed, compiles properly in current development snapshot, etc.).06:41
LaserJockI figured it out06:41
StevenKLaserJock: Share!06:42
LaserJocksomehow I had proc mounted in the actual chroot06:42
persiaLaserJock: Nifth!06:42
=== jwhitlark [n=jwhitlar@64-121-52-87.c3-0.snmt-ubr1.sfrn-snmt.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockbut it didn't show up in mount ore df -a or anything06:42
ajmitchLaserJock: that's not unusual06:42
ajmitchit would have shown in /proc/mounts though06:42
LaserJockwell, now that I've spent the last hour working on that ...06:43
Simon80anyone seen an upstream version of a package that has a hyphen in it?06:46
Simon80I'm wondering if I should tweak my own script to take that into account06:46
Simon80nvm, lol, I just thought of a better way, using the output of dpkg-parsechangelog06:47
Simon80damn shell06:48
Simon80it's so convoluted, and yet so useful that it's not going away anytime soon06:48
minghuaSimon80: xfonts-wqy has hyphen in upstream version number06:50
Simon80hehe, cool06:50
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Simon80well, my method should work06:50
Hobbseehi spam.06:51
ajmitchuh oh, it's a CC member!06:51
StevenKLook busy!06:51
=== ajmitch is on his best behaviour
Simon80I was just trying to find a reliable way to figure out the orig tarball in shell06:51
StevenKSimon80: By parsing the .dsc?06:52
Simon80before that06:52
StevenKI can't think of a reliable way, then.06:52
=== Hobbsee quickly looks around for something to do
Simon80so far what I do is take `basename $PWD` and remove -{the upstream version}, then add _{the upstream version}06:53
TheMusoSimon80: What are you working on?06:53
Simon80little script to backport packages for different dists, then upload them to my new personal repo06:53
Simon80probably something someone else has already done06:54
Simon80that, or probably I should share it :)06:54
persiaSimon80: If you can reliably determine upstream, consider uscan - it has some handy logic to name orig.tar.gz06:54
nixternalrm -rf pluck*06:55
=== did448 [n=didier@mon75-2-81-57-110-167.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
nixternalwhat the pluck!06:55
persianixternal: Why ?!?06:55
nixternalhaha, man it is so close06:55
nixternalthat is what I am trying to figure out now06:55
nixternal#include <http.h>06:55
Simon80persia, is it more complicated than just name_upstream.orig.tar.gz?06:55
nixternalneed to find out what that is provided by06:55
persiaSimon80: No.06:55
Simon80well then, no need06:56
TheMusoSimon80: DOn't forget that some packages are native, i.e there is no revision.06:56
keescookpersia, LaserJock: I made my first stab at updating the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto06:56
nixternaland autoreconf & ./configure == evil..there is an autoconf.sh file which does everything..and it works06:56
Simon80TheMuso: brain... meting06:56
Simon80I don't need to worry about that for a while06:56
keescookokay, to bed for realz06:56
nixternalfo realz06:57
persiakeescook: That looks great.  My only confusion is early discussion about gutsy, and lots of examples with feisty.  Thanks a lot.06:58
Simon80in those cases, my script isn't appropriate anyway, it's for backporting06:58
Simon80...so how would I append ~something to the debian release if there is no release number?06:58
Simon80hmm, nevermind, I see existing backports just append to the upstream version07:00
Simon80I should probably put this and the other script I have on a wiki page or something at some point07:03
Simon80I'm using reprepro with a wrapper that adds packages from an incoming directory07:03
Simon80so this script copies the source directory to a temp dir, updates the changelog to add a ~dist1 thing, builds it, dputs it, and then dput runs the wrapper, it goes into the repo07:04
TheMusoah cool.07:05
Simon80dunno how that compares to what other people use for repos, I'm still unsure what others use07:05
TheMusoI guess it depends on how automated/manual you want the repo to be.07:05
Simon80well, I mean, if you want a pool, different dists and components07:06
TheMusoSimon80: Does reprepro do that?07:06
Simon80generates contents files too07:06
TheMusoReprepro is the best tool I've found so far for doing deacent repositories.07:09
StevenKI disagree.07:09
StevenKBut whichever.07:09
Simon80StevenK: please point out what you prefer07:10
Simon80I actually set up a mini-dinstall repo just before this before realizing it outputs trivial repos only07:10
StevenKSimon80: I don't need my own repository, have you had a look at falcon?07:10
Simon80a bit07:10
StevenKmini-dinstall is worse than reprepro.07:11
Simon80not from the repo maintainer's end07:11
Simon80yeah, it is07:11
TheMusoStevenK: Where can one find more info on falcon?07:11
=== StevenK kicks rubygems. Hard. In the face.
=== racarr [n=robb@pool-71-163-244-36.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoI've heard of it a few times, but not seen it07:11
StevenKTheMuso: https://launchpad.net/falcon07:12
TheMusoOh ok.07:12
Simon80it's hard to find its homepage07:12
TheMusoSomething like this has been needed for a long time.07:13
LaserJockit's been around for a while07:13
TheMusoAre there any official releases of it?07:13
TheMusoi.e I see two branches, but not sure which one to use.07:14
Simon80I'm pretty happy with reprepro now that it's set up ;)07:14
TheMusoI see falcon-2, but not sure if its unstable, etc.07:14
LaserJockI think that's the one you want07:15
LaserJockI've not used falcon, but I had talk about the branches with somebody in the know07:15
LaserJock*had a07:15
Simon80it's ironic that it's aiming to be user friendly, but it's impossible to find a canonical upstream source to obtain it from07:16
LaserJockof course07:16
LaserJockthat's one thing I dislike about Launchpad07:16
persiaDoes LP not provide a place to download project binaries?  I thought I just couldn't find it.07:17
Simon80heh, there IS no upstream source to obtain launchpad from07:17
Simon80if one thinks about it that way07:17
beunoquick question, is there another "big" upstream to Ubuntu other then: Debian, Gnome, KDE and Xorg?07:18
LaserJockpersia: not that I know of07:18
LaserJockbeuno: Linux?07:18
=== persia considers trolling LP buglists again
beunoLaserJock: as in "kernel"?07:18
LaserJockpersia: it's planned to have project homepages and mailing lists07:18
LaserJockthat should clear things up I think07:19
beunoLaserJock: that would seem like a bug upstream, yes, can you think of any other07:19
persiaLaserJock: Thanks for saving me the effort.  I like planned.  I'd like it more if I could actually read the blueprints instead of just diffs when they are updated :)07:19
LaserJockI tried to get access to the wiki07:19
LaserJockjust too much "super secret" stuff I guess ;-)07:20
jsgotangcobeuno: GNU :-)07:20
beunojsgotangco: Ubuntu downloads packages straight from GNU?07:20
=== TheMuso pondrs...
TheMusoDevel was updated more recently than falcon-2.07:20
jsgotangcobeuno: well if you want a super upstream that is07:20
persiaLaserJock: What I don't understand is why external parties are sent diffs.  I'd rather not get anyting other than whiteboard updates than diffs to an original I can't see, which only gives me the full picture over time.07:21
LaserJockbeuno: well, most packages come from Debian regardless07:21
LaserJockpersia: because they didn't know that was happening ;-)07:21
persiabeuno: The build-chain is often taken straight from upstream, so yes.07:21
beunoI'm looking from places Ubuntu actually downloads them, not "origin"07:21
jsgotangcoi can think toolchain07:22
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LaserJockeven then07:22
LaserJockit depends on the release07:22
LaserJocksometimes we're ahead of Debian more than other times07:22
beunomaybe this helps, I'm trying to put together similar to this:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Debian-package-cycle.png07:23
minghuabeuno: what do you mean by "download"?  all packages are _uploaded_ by maintainers07:25
beunominghua: right, as in what comes down to Ubuntu07:25
LaserJockI'm out for tonight07:26
LaserJockgoodnight everybody07:26
persiaNight LaserJock07:26
minghuagood night07:26
=== minghua should go sleep as well
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TheMuso...yet its not updated to use deps in feisty/gutsy...07:36
ASCIIGirlpersia, ping :)07:37
persiaASCIIGirl: Hello.07:37
FujitsuYay, it seems I have sbuild+schroot+LVM working.07:38
persiaFujitsu: Congrats.07:38
FujitsuIt turns out that the only problem with my previous setup was it not mounting my LUKSed home directory.07:38
FujitsuAnd that caused it to go up in flames and generally diep.07:38
TheMusoFujitsu: LUKSed?07:39
FujitsuTheMuso: On a volume encrypted with LUKS.07:39
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=== Fujitsu grabs the new Gutsy schroot
persiaFujitsu: Careful of sbuild.  I've had trouble with 0.54.07:43
FujitsuIt's not unmounting the snapshot because of processes still run. The last upload supposedly fixes that.07:44
persiaFujitsu: That's schroot.  Schroot is good crack.07:44
FujitsuBut I guess it won't have published yet.07:44
Lutinpersia: np, feel free to merge uqm07:47
imbrandonello all07:47
TheMusoWell its currently building on all but ia64.07:47
persiaFujitsu: The workaround is to use sudo kill -9 `lsof | awk ' /schroot/ { print $2 }'  | uniq`07:47
TheMusoHey imbrandon.07:47
nixternalpersia: I found another issue with the new plucker07:47
persiaLutin: Thanks.  I just saw your name on DaD, and wanted to check.07:47
imbrandonmoins TheMuso 07:47
nixternalit requires libhttp which isn't in the repos07:47
Lutinpersia: the name just changed :)07:48
persianixternal: Ah.  This is deep (and requires REVU), or shallow, and only requires copying a couple files?07:48
nixternal1 file really07:48
persianixternal: Presumably, it depends on having http.c as well, and so on, no?07:49
persianixternal: Also, do you know which libhttp?  I see several when searching with Google.07:51
nixternalit is in the README located in parser/c++/07:52
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nixternalI copied the files over to /usr/include07:52
nixternalI am going to do a quick dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot to see how it goes07:52
nixternalif it goes through, then a quick libhttp package shouldn't be to painful07:53
persiaSeems easy.  Is the "LEAVE ME ALONE" license DFSG-free?07:53
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StevenKpersia: GPL v2 only, and don't ask me anything07:54
=== persia is slient as instructed, but confused.
StevenKI'm making a joke about the 'leave me alone' license. :-P07:56
nixternalpersia: well it doesn't seem to be using a license of any type07:57
persiaStevenK: I'm looking at http://pastebin.ca/50464907:57
nixternalpersia: ^^07:57
persianixternal: That's a license., just a strange one.07:57
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persianixternal: Comparing with http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines, I think it's safe, as long as you have a good enough debian/copyright.08:06
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tsmitheany DDs available to sponsor my package at http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/w/wired ?08:13
nixternalthe new plucker closes at least 1 bug on malone08:13
persianixternal: I can open more if you want a longer changelog :)08:14
nixternalno thank you08:14
nixternalmy lord...the build deps got nasty08:14
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man-di_tsmithe: hello08:15
man-di_tsmithe: did you pinged me for sponsoring?08:16
tsmitheman-di_, yup :)08:16
man-di_tsmithe: please mail to me konqueror@gmx.de, then I can look into it later08:16
tsmithethanks muchly :)08:16
man-di_later as in "in some hours"08:16
tsmithei don't care - i gotta go to school soon ;)08:17
ASCIIGirlanibal, :)08:17
anibalASCIIGirl, :)08:17
beunopersia: is there anywhere I can read on what the criteria for the "updates" repo is?08:20
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persiabeuno: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU (use `apt-cache madison packagename` to decide.  Also, asking generally will often get a faster response than asking a single person.  Especially because I'm not an expert with SRU's :)08:22
beunopersia: I agree, but since you've answered all my questions up to know, I thought, "why not"  :D08:23
beunothanks a bunch08:23
persiabeuno: :)08:23
=== Fujitsu_ [n=william@c58-107-52-79.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
persiaIs anyone both good with python and http and willing to solve an issue for me?08:24
Fujitsu_Gr, I don't like schroot taking down my kernel with it.08:24
beunopersia: maybe I can help, what's your problem?08:25
persiabeuno: webboard.  Specifically, webboard 0.2.1-0ubuntu3 doesn't work in gutsy.  I applied a patch for 0.2.1-0ubuntu4 which appeared to do the right thing, but it doesn't work either.  I don't really know python, so I'm not sure how to fix it.08:26
beunopersia: lemme download it, what's the bug?08:27
persiabeuno: I haven't filed a bug yet :)  If you are making progress, please open one.  If you don't make progress, let me know, and I'll open one.08:28
beunopersia: oh, I haven't got gutsy installed here, thought I might be able to take a peak at it from Feisty, I'll dl it tomorrow and try it from Gutsy if you like  :D08:29
persiabeuno: Great.  Thanks.08:30
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dholbachgood morning08:41
TheMusoHeya dholbach.08:43
elkbuntuhey dholbach08:43
Hobbseehi dholbach 08:44
dholbachhey TheMuso, hey elkbuntu, hey Hobbsee08:45
dholbachhow's it going?08:49
dholbachTheMuso: thanks for the gnome-speech merge - do we have to do a couple of rebuilds now?08:49
=== Hobbsee is still fighting kdebuilding, and cooking.
dholbachTheMuso: or it might have to go through binary NEW first08:49
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TheMusodholbach: Binary new first, but once its through, I can do the updates for the packages that depend on it.08:54
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dholbachTheMuso: thanks a lot08:56
=== dholbach hugs TheMuso
TheMusodholbach: np.08:56
dholbachwho of you would be interested in doing mentoring?08:59
dholbachit'd be nice to have some mentors available once I announce the new mentoring process09:00
Hobbseedepends what it entails09:00
persiadholbach: I'm up for it.09:01
TheMusodholbach: Sure. I am sorta mentoring a couple of people now.09:01
=== TheMuso should read that wiki page, and goes to do so.
dholbachfrom what I experienced until now, people send you a mail saying: "I want to contribute, I love Ubuntu, I've been doing some C++ until now. Where do I get started?"09:01
persiaI've gotten a couple "I see your name in Launchpad.  Can you help me help out?"09:02
dholbachso if you're mentoring somebody it'd be nice if you had some easy tasks for the contributor at hand, some wiki links, if you did some reviews for her/him every now and then and so on09:02
dholbachwe've been quite bad at tracking progress, so the reception would ask back every now and then how it's going09:03
dholbachif you're unsure, better only offer one or two mentoring slots in the beginning and go from there09:03
dholbachthe good thing about the new mentoring process is that we will try this dedicated thing, so people don't have to cope with millions of contributors and take care of them properly09:04
dholbach... let's see how that goes :-)09:04
persiadholbach: Could we submit names of current people?  I'd like to start with some retroactive tracking.09:04
dholbachpersia: sure - just give me the launchpad id09:05
RAOF /msg ubotu automatix09:05
RAOFStupid space key!09:06
dholbachTheMuso, persia: should I add you both with 2 mentoring slots available?09:06
TheMusodholbach: Yes pleae, although these are likely to e taken up by ubuntustudio people, which I would actually prefer.09:06
persiadholbach: stijn-polfliet, mrcheatr, and I have one slot free.09:06
dholbachstijn-polfliet mailed me too :)09:07
persiadholbach: Very motivated, but very unfamiliar with Ubuntu.09:07
dholbachTheMuso: do you have LP IDs of the people you mentor already?09:08
nixternalOK, Plucker is now happy...some more tweaking as I would like to get the documentation installed and working as well09:11
nixternalso I need to get libhttp packaged and up'd to Debian, then sync it, then die09:11
persianixternal: Congratulations.  Hurrah!09:11
TheMusodholbach: I don't really mentor anybody from ubuntustudio yet, as they haven't really got back into packaging, but probably AstralJava luisbg09:11
TheMusoare the two I'd start with09:11
nixternalpersia: it actually works quite well now09:11
persianixternal: And I presume it looks nice as well :)09:11
nixternalI have cleaned up debian, recreated an old patch (now there are only 3 patches instead of like 10)09:11
nixternalpersia: making it look nice will be the last thing09:11
dholbachTheMuso: ok, I added them to the list, so your 2 slots are taken09:11
nixternalactually...I am making it look nice little by little09:11
TheMusodholbach: Great, thanks.09:11
nixternalremove something, test it..if it works great, if not put it back09:11
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nixternalman, Spider works now... --filter= works now09:14
persiaEven dead upstreams sometimes have useful code.09:17
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nixternalpersia: the dead upstream is just that 1.9.0 patch applied it seems09:20
nixternaland the need for the silly <http.h> all of a sudden09:20
nixternaloh, that is because 1.9.0 has C++ parser now and not just Python and Perl09:21
persianixternal: Doesn't surprise me.  I've seen a couple dead upstreams that have three or four patches applied from the bugtracker or mailing list, but no plans for release or real work.09:21
nixternalthat's why09:21
nixternalnow the only bug to fix with it is the documentation09:21
nixternalI am close with it, as I just watched it build09:21
nixternalso with libhttp, it will pretty much be a ./configure && make && make install && cp *.h /usr/include09:22
persianixternal: You'll want to check the library packaging guidelines: you need both libhttp# (to match the soname) and libhttp-dev (with .h and -a) binaries built from your source.09:24
nixternalthat should be a fun one09:24
persianixternal: It's a simple library, so probably a good intoduction to library packaging :)09:25
nixternalthat is what I am hoping09:25
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persiaWhat is the best practice if I want to remove all Ubuntu changes from a package that isn't being merged?  Should I just upload a new version and put "fakesync from Debian, dropping Ubuntu changes" in the changelog?  This is for uqm-content, which changes become irrelevant with new contents in uqm pulled from upstream.09:31
dholbachwhy can't you ask for a normal sync?09:31
persiadholbach: The current ubuntu version is higher than the current debian version (and was also in feisty).09:32
dholbachah right - I'd use the debian packaging then and add a higher version number (in a new changelog entry)09:33
persiadholbach: Right.  But is there a standard for the changelog entry, or is the above sufficient?09:33
dholbachsufficient, you could mention that you use the Debian packaging and maybe  debuild -S -v0.0  or something so all the old debian entries appear in the changes file09:34
persiadholbach: OK.  Thanks.  That's a huge changes file (>2K).09:37
dholbachOk, then just a short notice about using the Debian packaging is fine.09:38
=== persia reruns debuild -S :)
crimsunyep, noting the fakesync is good.09:39
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nixternalg'nite all09:46
nixternalthanks persia for your help today/tonight/this morning :)09:46
nixternalwe covered all times09:46
persianight nixternal09:47
crimsunwhere should I redirect mentor requests?09:56
crimsun[for those who have emailed me directly] 09:56
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crimsunok, so no place to redirect mentor requests yet?10:10
imbrandonfor now you can send them to me and i'll find somewhere to get a list going of10:10
imbrandonif you want crimsun 10:11
dholbachcrimsun, imbrandon: send them to highvoltage or me10:11
crimsunRationale: I'll only be online intermittently for the next 3 years beginning 9 July, so I wouldn't make a good mentor.10:11
dholbachwe'll work something out using the reception-data thing10:11
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dholbachonce we added some people who do mentoring to the list, I'll change the documentation and announce it10:12
crimsundholbach: ok, I'll continue to send them to you ande remove myself from the list, then.10:12
=== pochu waves
dholbachcrimsun: I'll purge the current MOTU/Mentors list quite soon anyway10:12
TheMusocrimsun: Wow dude. Sounds like a big project is coming your way.10:12
=== Hobbsee hides from the mentoring
dholbachgpocentek, slomo, raphink, Toadstool: you're listed on MOTU/Mentors - would you mind if I added you with two mentoring slots each to the mentoring-reception-list?10:13
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raphinkwhat does that imply exactly dholbach?10:14
crimsunTheMuso: I'll be rotating through the EU, India, and Russia AFAIK, so I'll have limited access.10:14
imbrandondholbach, i can take one slot, dont think i have time for two 10:14
dholbachraphink: that if somebody asks for a mentor that we might forward his request to you and check back every now and then and see how that goes10:15
superm1imbrandon, could you stop in -mythtv for a min?  10:15
imbrandonsuperm1, sure10:15
dholbachraphink: just check the conversation we had here two hours ago for a reference10:16
highvoltageimbrandon: what's your LP name?10:16
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dholbachhey stijn_pol10:17
stijn_polIf have a :s question10:17
imbrandonhighvoltage, imbrandon10:18
imbrandonimbrandon@kubuntu.org www.imbrandon.com https://launchpad.net/~imbrandon http://wiki.ubuntu.com/imbrandon10:18
imbrandonhehe :)10:18
stijn_polWhile reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField I decided I needed to change maintainer to UbuntuMOTUDevelopers<ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>(The package I am changing is in universe). But It is not so clear what I should do with original maintainer. Just make an extra line with Debian-Maintainer: ... ??10:19
imbrandoni have some other wiki pages too like on debian.org and gnusolaris.org :)10:19
dholbachstijn_pol: use XSBC-Original-Maintainer10:19
=== Hobbsee hugs dholbach
=== dholbach hugs Hobbsee back
=== Hobbsee wonders how much sounder blew up today
stijn_poldholbach: So I have this:10:24
stijn_polMaintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>10:24
stijn_polXSBC-Original-Maintainer: Sander Marechal <s.marechal@jejik.com>10:24
stijn_polin control file. What should I write in changelog? something like: Changed maintainer field10:24
dholbachstijn_pol: exactly10:25
stijn_polAllright! My first patch is almost there!10:25
dholbachrock and roll!10:25
Hobbseeoh blergh.10:27
Hobbseei'm being mentioned in that mailing list, so i'm probably now goign to have to read it all.10:28
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pochuHobbsee: motu-council?10:30
Hobbseepochu: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/sounder/2007-May/thread.html10:30
Hobbseefrom https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/sounder/2007-May/010269.html10:30
jmg_Hobbsee: hehe10:31
jmg_Hobbsee: great letter10:33
jmg_i agree10:33
=== Hobbsee hasnt posted to there.
Hobbseeelkbuntu: did10:33
elkbuntuhehe, nixternal was just saying how awesome you are :)10:34
jmg_Hobbsee, elkbuntu, i have a video project i am planning, i want to know if you think i am being sexist10:34
jmg_it consists of having someone try to give out ubuntu cds to women and strike up a conversation10:35
jmg_and videoing the results10:35
gpocentekhi all10:35
Hobbseetry to microsoft employees. that's fun too10:35
Hobbseehi gpocentek 10:35
elkbuntuthe inevitable question: why just women?10:35
gpocentekdholbach: I think I won't have time for mentoring, at least during gutsy development10:36
gpocentekhello Hobbsee 10:36
dholbachgpocentek: alright - best to remove you from that page then10:36
gpocentekdholbach: yep10:36
jmg_elkbuntu: to demonstrate the bias 10:36
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elkbuntuhow is that going to achieve that?10:37
jmg_elkbuntu: by documenting the humiliation10:37
gnomefreakwhne you use apt-cache rdepends what does the | infront of them mean?10:37
elkbuntui dont get how it will do that10:37
elkbuntuafk, dinner10:37
jmgelkbuntu: maybe you will ahve to wait and see10:38
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=== jmg got camera today
gpocentekgnomefreak: IIRC it stands for "or"10:38
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jmggpocentek: that would make sense10:38
gnomefreakthat could be good. thank you10:38
crimsungnomefreak: be careful with rdepends10:44
crimsunand likewise, with depends10:45
gnomefreakim just building them to satisfy the firefox depends i was just wondering if the ones with the | were important10:45
crimsun[note that rdepends will include both Recommends and Suggests in its list] 10:46
gnomefreakyeah i noticed that10:47
imbrandonwow really10:47
imbrandonthat sucks10:47
crimsunand alternates are always important, else they shouldn't be in debian/control :-)10:47
gnomefreakim figuring out why ff is one of those packages that dont get backported10:48
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dholbachcrimsun: you seem to get a lot of mentoring requests - does a wiki page still say that people should contact you for mentoring or something?10:54
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crimsundholbach: I removed myself about an hour ago.11:06
dholbachcrimsun: ok, just wondered if there was another place you were still mentioned as mentoring contact or something11:07
crimsunI'm away from my main inbox, but later this morning I'll go back through it and send out similar CCs so that the prospectives don't get lost in the cracks.11:07
crimsunprobably a half-dozen or so of those11:08
Hobbseeyay, finally read the whole thing :)11:09
crimsunHobbsee is going to have fun with ALSA. :-)11:10
dholbachcrimsun: thanks a lot11:10
Hobbseecrimsun: hah.  no thanks.11:10
TheMusocrimsun: Seriously, w ho will work on alsa?11:12
TheMusos/w ho/who/11:12
gnomefreakisnt there a alsa team/sound team?11:12
crimsunthe alsa team/sound team effectively has been me.11:13
crimsunTheMuso: from gutsy forward, the bugs will be much more manageable, as we'll be tracking upstream ALSA and not "attempt to fix as many bugs as possible"11:14
TheMusocrimsun: Right.11:14
crimsunin that sense, it'll be much more straightforward to push and pull from ALSA's bug tracker, Mantis11:15
crimsunfor the past couple days I've been hacking Toby's asoundconf-gtk; so far I've extended it to use Qt3 and fixed some bugs in his GTK+2 set.  My goal is to wrap all the known-working asoundrcs into a shipped database that we allow the user to select (via checkbox, presented per-driver so only the relevant options appear).11:17
TheMusoHow easy will it be to add new asoundrcs?11:18
crimsunfrom upstream (where upstream in this sense is the group working in #alsa) or..?11:18
crimsunI haven't gotten to the hook bit in my spec; I intend it to query the available list to check for new ones, both confirmed and in-progress.11:20
crimsunI debated using hal, but it apparently doesn't expose enough codec info11:26
crimsunsigh, the utter inanity of it all.11:26
TheMusoWould it be too much work get hal to expose the info needed?11:28
crimsunat this point I'm not sure it's worth it.11:29
TheMusoAh ok11:29
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pschulz01TheMuso: ping11:49
TheMusopschulz01: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I am around.11:49
pschulz01TheMuso: hehe... can we continue our discussion re. packaging?11:49
TheMusopschulz01: Sure.11:49
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Hobbseehi pschulz01 11:50
pschulz01TheMuso: I'm going to take this slowly (I hope you don't mind) as I want to understand what exactly is going on..11:51
pschulz01Hobbsee: Howdy.11:51
TheMusopschulz01: Sure.11:51
elkbuntumicahcowan, LAWL!11:52
pschulz011. I have a package that built using GNU autotools..11:52
micahcowanelkbuntu, which? :)11:52
elkbuntumicahcowan, second11:52
micahcowan"Prove it?"11:52
TheMusopschulz01: Right.11:52
dholbachLutin: you overwrote the cairo-clock package - did you talk to Mirco Mller (Ubuntu maintainer) about that?11:52
dholbachLutin: (he's upstream for it as well)11:53
pschulz011a. It's actually source from a git archive..11:53
elkbuntumicahcowan, i was tempted to respond with: "Thank You for emailing Melissa. Your email is very important to her..." but refrained ;)11:54
micahcowanI'm glad that you ignored the underlying attitude, and addressed the question directly. You did a great job of doing that, too.11:55
micahcowanI, OTOH, couldn't resist. :)11:55
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pschulz01TheMuso: .. so far so good.11:58
pschulz01.. but there is no sign of this elusive 'tmp' directory, as I would now like to split the build up into separate packages.11:59
pschulz01Everything has gone into the first package directory.12:00
TheMusopschulz01: You have to modify debian/rules to install into debian/tmp12:01
pschulz01TheMuso: Ok.. what would that be?12:02
pschulz01TheMuso: Do I manually set DESTDIR?12:04
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TheMusopschulz01: You set DESTDIR yes12:05
TheMusoSO something like $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp12:05
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pschulz01TheMuso: Trying..12:07
PriceChildHey, one of the things persia asked me to do was "In the man page, please differentiate - by using \- and \(hy " But I don't understand what this is referring to... man page here: http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/gizmod-0705221605/gizmod-3.1/debian/gizmod.112:09
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pschulz01TheMuso: Trying: DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp ./configure --prefix=/usr12:15
pschulz01Seemed to expand correctly..12:15
TheMusopschulz01: Its better to change the DESTDIR in the install target.12:16
TheMusoAnd nowhere else should you mention DESTDIR.12:16
pschulz01TheMuso: You would mean change the lint that says.. "$(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tpserver-cpp install"12:18
raphinkdholbach: did I answer you this morning?12:18
pschulz01TheMuso: (how does your screen reader cope with code?)12:18
dholbachraphink: you said:      <raphink> what does that imply exactly dholbach?12:18
TheMusopschulz01: FIne. Yes thats the line you should change.12:18
raphinkdholbach: ok, I signed up to be a mentor because I want to help people who need guidance12:19
raphinknow from my experience, a lot of people write to me asking what they could do12:19
raphinkwhich is not very easy to answer12:19
pschulz01TheMuso: You are right.. that didn't previous attempt didn't work :-)12:19
dholbachraphink: would you take on two contributors and the reception would assign you when we get requests?12:19
raphinkI kind of expected people asking how they could package or so12:19
dholbachraphink: we'll make sure that you don't get more than you can handle12:19
dholbachraphink: we all agreed that it might be best to have a few small tasks at hand, which you can walk them through12:20
raphinkdholbach: I don't have a lot of time lately, but when I get requests, I make my best to deal with them12:20
dholbachraphink: so if it's a package update or a simple merge or an easy bug, that's cool12:20
raphinkI currently have 2 or 3o people who have asked me to mentor them12:20
dholbachraphink: if you get to many requests ask them to mail ~motu-mentoring-reception12:20
raphinkbut they haven't really stated what they wnated to be doing 12:20
dholbachraphink: if they don't know what to do, best to give them an easy task12:21
raphinkhmmm ok12:21
dholbachraphink: so they see that it's not all rocket science12:21
raphinkthat's an option12:21
raphinkhehe ;)12:21
raphinkso a simple merge or so12:21
dholbachgreat, I'll write some documentation on that as we go12:21
dholbachraphink: who are you mentoring at the moment? can you give me the LP IDs of them, so I'll add them to the list12:21
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cbx33hey peoples12:22
raphinkhmm sure let me find them12:22
dholbachwe will ping you back like every 4 weeks on them, so we can see if they make progress or left the process12:22
cbx33anyone here a network guru12:22
dholbachhey cbx3312:22
cbx33I'm trying to demonstrate to people how easy arp poisoning is12:22
cbx33it's working in cain and abel in a VM....but I really want to use ettercap12:22
cbx33however when I setup poisoning between the client and the gateway, the client just loses internet connection12:23
cbx33anyone know why12:23
cbx33in the man page it said it's because it possibly doesn't have the right Gateway set in thekernel routing12:23
cbx33but it does seem to....12:23
cbx33it's frustrating that windows is doing it right and linux can't do it12:23
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pschulz01TheMuso: Ok.. I now have a populated 'debian/tmp' directory... 12:32
pschulz01TheMuso: Reading the man page can sometime be useful. I think I can join the dots now.12:33
TheMusopschulz01: Great.12:33
pschulz01TheMuso: Need the option --sourcedir=debian/tmp12:34
TheMusopschulz01: No.12:34
TheMusoIn the .install files, you simply put debian/tmp/ at the beginning of each line.12:34
TheMusoso debian/tmp/usr/bin/command12:34
TheMusodebian/tmp/usr/lib/liblibrary.so.* etc.12:34
pschulz01TheMuso: Is that set in stone? I'd rather put the argument in the rules file.12:35
gnomefreakwhen a package is auto merged it doesnt leave a changelog entry does it?12:35
Fujitsugnomefreak: autosynced, you mean?12:37
FujitsuNothing automerges.12:37
FujitsuIt's synced, so no.12:37
gnomefreakwere we autosyncing for dapper?12:37
FujitsuIt can be seen on the LP page for the source package, though.12:37
FujitsuYes, but we only migrated to Launchpad for package management around 2006/02, so anything before then is untrustworthy.12:38
TheMusopschulz01: Thats the way the vast majority of packages do it.12:38
gnomefreakok ty12:38
TheMusoafaik anyway12:38
pschulz01TheMuso: I'm going to try with the argument. It means that it will be easier to discuss how to split up the package with upstream... who won't care about the 'debian/tmp'12:41
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pschulz01TheMuso: Thank you very much for your help :-)12:42
TheMusopschulz01: np.12:43
pschulz01TheMuso: ttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaulSchulz <-- People I Owe Beers/Pizza/Yiros Too12:45
pschulz01TheMuso: Wahoo! That worked.12:50
TheMusopschulz01: Great.12:51
StevenKpschulz01: I have a list like that, it just isn't public. :-)12:53
=== shawarma ponders using the powers of wiki to add himself to such lists
pschulz01StevenK: If mine get's any longer, I might have to take it down as the bank might consider it a liability.12:53
=== Sarah will take the pizza or yiros, thanks :P
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pschulz01back in a little while.. 01:08
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dholbachgpocentek: you might want to remove the Mentors link from your personal wiki page :)01:11
gpocentekdholbach: yep, I should update this page too01:12
dholbachMOTU/Mentoring is online now01:12
dholbachI'll announce it soon01:12
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Lutindholbach: I didn't poke him as I saw he did upload to debian, I thought it was ok. any issues with it ?01:16
dholbachLutin: who is 'he' in that case?01:18
dholbachLutin: ah ok, seems he did the initial upload01:18
dholbachLutin: there are quite a bunch of code changes in the .diff.gz01:19
Lutindholbach: Mirco Mller01:19
dholbachLutin: I just wondered if you had had any conversation with him01:19
dholbachLutin: he didn't do the last upload (Bart Martens)01:19
dholbachLutin: as long as he knows what's going on, I'm happy01:19
Lutindholbach: ok01:19
dholbachLutin: just wanted to make sure we don't overwrite packages like that (it got my attention since I talked to him and helped him prepare that package)01:20
jussi01ok, who are cononical employees here?01:22
jussi01canonical even01:22
dholbachjussi01: what do you need?01:22
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jussi01dholbach: I have a random sort of question, can I pm for a moment?01:23
Lutindholbach: brw, it seems that code change (not packaging changes) were done by Mirco himself01:24
dholbachLutin: aha... ok01:25
dholbachLutin: I'm happy with it then01:25
dholbachLutin: thanks for looking into it01:25
jussi01thanks dholbach01:28
Lutindholbach: np01:28
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=== DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz
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illovaeexcuse me i a searching an admin of revu.tauware.de ?01:39
illovaeis it the good channel for this request please ?01:40
Babyisn't there an email address?01:40
FujitsuThis is the right channel.01:40
backbluehi, when i run 'pbuild build file.dsc' i get always, 'hostname: Unknown host', and after it breaks, anyone knows what it means?01:40
jussi01backblue: is it not pbuilder build file.dsc ?01:42
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siretartillovae: how can I help you?01:42
backbluejussi01: yes, my mistake.01:42
=== siretart waves to Baby :)
backblueanyway i fix it, thanks anyway.01:42
illovaehello siretart 01:42
=== effie_jayx [n=valles@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
illovaei am a new in revu, and few days ago i've uploaded a package in revu with dput revu *_source.changes01:43
illovaei had signed too my packages01:44
illovaebut it seem blocked here01:44
illovaeftp://revu.tauware.de/incoming > it is larsbiff01:44
illovaeaccording to gpocentek , the package isn't block by an human intervention01:44
illovaeis it anything you can do ? or is normal please ?01:44
illovae(and sorry for my bad english, but it is not my native language :) )01:45
siretartgpg: Can't check signature: public key not found01:45
siretartValidation FAILED!!01:45
FujitsuI'm not sure why it was rejected, but it was probably because you weren't on the REVU keyring at the time.01:45
StevenKillovae: Add yourself to  http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU01:45
siretartillovae: did you join ubuntu-universe-contributors?01:45
illovaesiretart: erf no... okay sorry, i join the team01:47
illovaei'm very sorry01:47
Hobbseeit's no problem - it just means that your uploads will get rejected :P01:47
siretartillovae: no need to be sorry. just join the team and either ping me again to resync the keyring or wait another day01:47
siretartif someone has a bit time to think about how to manage packages in bzr, please comment on http://wiki.tauware.de/misc:vcs-packaging01:48
illovaeHobbsee: ^^"01:49
Hobbseesiretart: revu packages in bzr, you mean?01:50
illovaesiretart: okay thank you i have already sufficiently annoyed you, i'll wait an another day :)01:50
illovaethank you all have a nice day :01:50
=== BugMa1 [n=BugMaN@nat.cabi.uniroma1.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartHobbsee: packages in bzr in general. I'm encouraging the contributors to maintain the packages in bzr to further faciliate reviewing01:51
Hobbseeah right01:51
siretartwell, at least the suggestion come up, and I'm currently experimenting what actually is easier01:51
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Adri2000hmm siretart, did you take a look at my patch for revu?01:53
siretartAdri2000: duh, sorry, I forgot :( - where was the patch again?01:54
siretarthm. I remember there have been some issues with cgi.escape. I'd like to check with sistpoty about this01:55
somerville32Would that allow javascripts to be executed and hence allowing for CSS exploits and DoS attacks?01:55
Adri2000siretart: eh ok, that explains why "from cgi import escape" way already there but commented01:56
Adri2000somerville32: with or without the patch you mean?01:57
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somerville32With the patch to allow for html tags in comments?01:57
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Adri2000it doesn't allow it01:59
somerville32Most excellent.01:59
StevenKsomerville32: CSS being Cross Site Scripting?02:00
StevenKsomerville32: Since that is usually contracted to be XSS02:00
Adri2000somerville32: currently I think if you put an html tag in a comment, it will be interpreted. escape() replaces < > with &lt; &gt; so that a <...> isn't interpreted as an html tag, it will just be displayed like that "<...>"02:00
somerville32The C and the X are so close together :P02:00
somerville32Adri2000, Aye.02:01
somerville32Adri2000, And you propose to allow a limited set of tags? Does escape allow for exceptions?02:01
somerville32Hmm... python.com is not what I was looking for.02:02
=== xxxxx1 [n=will@44125.static.fln.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-motu
xxxxx1morning people!02:03
Adri2000somerville32: do we need html for writing a comment in revu?02:04
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somerville32Formatting can be useful in any medium.02:05
ScottKsomerville32: python.org...02:05
=== ScottK has made that mistake too.
=== somerville32 nods.
ScottKGood $TIMEOFDAYWHEREYOUARE everyone.02:05
TheMusoHey ScottK.02:05
=== somerville32 modifies his host file to point python.com to python.org
ScottKHello TheMuso.02:06
StevenKHi ScottK02:06
ScottKHello StevenK02:06
somerville32It is morning here and I feel very much refreshed.02:07
=== persia [n=persia@ubuntu/member/persia] has joined #ubuntu-motu
EtienneGhey guys02:09
pochuHi EtienneG 02:09
EtienneGI uploaded a package a while ago using dput, but the .orig.tar.gz apparently did not get uploaded02:10
pochuto REVU?02:10
EtienneGlooking at dput man page, I cant see a switch that ask to include the source tarball02:10
pochuAnd did the other files (.dsc, .diff.gz) get uploaded?02:10
EtienneGyep, they did get there02:10
xxxxx1ScottK: hello02:11
ScottKHello xxxxx102:11
pochuEtienneG: was the .orig.tar.gz in the same dir as the .dsc and diff.gz whey you uploaded them?02:12
EtienneGI believe so02:12
EtienneGI can re-dput to see02:12
persiaEtienneG: Was the orig.tar.gz listed in the source.changes file?02:12
pochuAt least it's in the .dsc02:12
EtienneGpersia, here it is02:13
EtienneGit's not there ...02:13
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EtienneGI debuild -S the package, is there a particular reason why the source tarball would not be in the source.changes ?02:13
persiaEtienneG: Try using `debuild -S -sa` to make sure it gets included, and re-dput.02:13
StevenKEtienneG: With debuild -S, it's up to the tools. -sa will force it, as it were.02:14
EtienneGthanks guys, doing so right away02:14
StevenKEtienneG: What's the Debian revision?02:14
EtienneGStevenK, there is none02:15
persiaStevenK: I think debuild -S always fails for initial Ubuntu uploads, because -0ubuntu1 <> 1.02:15
EtienneGI use -0ubuntu102:15
StevenKThat's a Debian revision. :-)02:15
StevenKpersia: Yes, sounds right.02:15
EtienneGpersia, is there something to do about it ?02:16
=== persia thinks debuild needs a patch, but more forking is probably bad.
persiaEtienneG: Just always use `debuild -S -sa` when you want to include the orig.tar.gz in your package.  This practice requires more attention than the Debian process, but as long as you make the right decision, it will always work.02:17
ScottKpersia: It's just fine to add Ubuntu specific changes as long as you volunteer to maintain them ... (which is probably bad in your book).02:17
StevenKIt isn't debuild that makes the decision.02:18
StevenKIt's dpkg, and we already fork that.02:18
StevenKMore correctly, dpkg-genchanges.02:19
EtienneGhere it is, re-uploaded with the orig.tar.gz02:19
EtienneGif someone have a minute to look at my bzr-gtk upload, that would be nice02:19
EtienneGright now, bzr is complaining about version mismatch systematically, it is annoying for those using gutsy02:20
persiaScottK: Depends on the package.  I already do that for a couple packages, but some Debian maintainers are happier about forks than others.  I generally don't like to make Ubuntu-specific changes that won't go back for core packages (although I'm likely to make an exception for devscripts anyway, as I want a better /usr/bin/mass-bug).02:20
StevenKEtienneG: Do you have an account with our lovely mentors? One can be yours for the cost of a pizza and a six pack of beer. :-P02:20
EtienneGStevenK, that's certainly affordable enough!02:20
=== StevenK grins.
EtienneGI do not plan to make a lot of upload, it's mainly just bzr-gtk for the moment02:21
persiaEtienneG: Concentration is great.  Some packages need more attention, and someone who knows them well can be very useful, especially for Debian and upstream coordination.02:22
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Q-FUNKStevenK: just imagine a beowolf cluster of 6-pack pizzas.02:22
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=== Fujitsu sends Q-FUNK back to /., then heads to bed.
EtienneGpersia, I ended up with maintaining the bzr/bzrtools/bzr-gtk completely by accident ...02:23
Q-FUNKFujitsu: :D02:23
EtienneGI am not necessarily the best person to maintain these, but someone have to do ti02:23
persiaEtienneG: I understand.  One learns.  I started because my joystick didn't work with vegastrike, and I've now had three or four patches taken upstream for vegastrike, and actually understand why sound doesn't work in the current version (although I don't yet understand how to fix it).02:24
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=== ScottK merges spamassassin...
=== StevenK merges something more fun, valgrind
TheMusoStevenK: Lovely.02:32
StevenKTheMuso: ?02:32
TheMusoStevenK: Merging valgrind.02:34
pschulz01TheMuso: Is it possible to have separate 'conffiles' per binary package? (eg. 'debian/packagename.conffiles')02:35
TheMusopschulz01: Yes.02:35
PriceChildHey persia, sorry I didn't realise I could/should use linda and lintian on the changes file from pbuilder. I've fixed all but point 5 about - and haven't asked anyone to check over copyright yet. Could you please explain point 5 to me again as I don't understand.02:36
=== persia looks
PriceChildThanks :)02:37
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ScottKIs it ever permited to change previous debian/changelog entries?  The new spamassassin is missing the empty line between the last change and the maintainer's e-mail address and is obviously missing a return (has two changes on one line)...02:39
persiaScottK: No.  That's considered revisionist history.02:39
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-185-45.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKSome people do it.02:40
persiaPriceChild: `lintian -iIv gizmod_3.1-0ubuntu1_i386.changes` will give you a full explanation (I don't know the relevant linda call), but basically, you need to tell the processor whether it is a minus sign "\-" or a hyphen "\(hy", as it gets confused.  Use minus for all the switches, and hyphen in the descriptions.02:40
StevenKMostly, it's frowned upon.02:40
StevenKWhat does -I for lintian do?02:40
StevenKlinda -i gives more information, -v is verbose02:41
persiaStevenK: it's like -t I02:41
PriceChildpersia, right i'll re check again with -iIv and try and figure out the man page :)02:41
StevenKOh, that's right.02:41
StevenKShow checks that are Informational02:42
StevenKlinda -iv -t E,W,I gizmod_3.1-0ubuntu1_i386.changes02:42
persiaStevenK: Linda doesn't talk to me.  I try with `linda -f long -t E,W,X,I foo.changes`, but she always remains silent :(02:42
PriceChildpersia, ah and now it tells me about the man page! :D02:42
StevenKpersia: Add -v02:43
ScottKWell it doesn't cause an error with dpkg-parsechangelog, so I'll leave it.  Thanks for the advice.02:43
PriceChildpersia, do you think I need to keep the XSBC-Original-Maintainer field in control as I haven't really used any of his packaging?02:44
persiaStevenK: She's still quiet.  Perhaps I'm just not hitting any checks.  I'll hunt the rules.02:44
StevenKpersia: Replace -v with -d02:45
StevenKOh, actually, -vv will have her tell you she is unpacking and such02:45
persiaPriceChild: Ubuntu packages must have XSBC-Original-Maintainer, unless the Maintainer field is a specific person (not a list) with an @ubuntu.com address.  You can set yourself as Original-Maintainer (or Maintainer) if you like.02:46
persiaStevenK: I think she just doesn't have anything to say.02:46
PriceChildOk cool thanks.02:46
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StevenKpersia: It must be because she's shy.02:46
persiaStevenK: Ah.  Thanks for the explanation.  I wondered :)02:47
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StevenKpersia: :-)02:47
Hobbseeif most recent uploader == persia, ...02:47
persiaHobbsee: What did I do now?02:48
bmmHi MOTU team. If anybody has the time to take a look at my package http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4751 I'll be online to respond.02:48
StevenKI think Hobbsee is quoting Linda source code. :-)02:49
Hobbseeexactly 02:49
persiaStevenK: Ah I see.  I also see she has things to say about iolanguage, so I suspect Hobbsee is right.02:49
bmmHey, that's my package. That is one that still needs to be done correctly.02:52
persiaStevenK: bmm's package (that I don't really have time to review right now).02:52
StevenKAh, iolanguage being a package name. Right.02:52
bmmOh, wait, although iolanguage needs some more help and comments, one of my other packages http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5154 (ccbuild) should be ready for it's first advocates02:53
=== ScottK pushes the "Trust the Debian Maintainer" button and moves on...
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bmmScottK: where can I find that button, count me in ;-)03:07
ScottKSorry.  It's inside the squishy part of my head.  I don't like other people touching me there.03:07
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bmmRest assured, even my smallest finger can't reach that far into my own head ;-)03:09
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ScottKbmm: You might want to borrow the LongPointyStick.03:10
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StevenKThat could be fatal.03:10
StevenKFor both of you.03:10
=== lengau [n=lengau@c-68-53-53-39.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKDrat. valgrind FTBFS.03:11
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Riddellwhat's the best way to turn a .tar.bz into a orig.tar.gz?03:12
bmmRiddell: I would use dh_make -f ../something.tar.gz03:13
bmmAlthough that will leave you with some side effects, it will generate an orig.tar.gz ;-)03:13
StevenKRiddell: bunzip2 ; gzip -9 ; mv03:14
persiaRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/CommonPackagingMistakes/ChangingTheOrigTarball has a good example.03:15
=== lengau [n=lengau@c-68-53-53-39.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
PriceChildIs there any whizzo at debian/copyright who could take a look at my package http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5249 and tell me what else needs to be done please?03:18
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ScottKIf he'd stuck around, I'd have had a comment for him ...03:25
persiaScottK: I'll take your comment (if it's about the gizmod copyright).03:26
ScottKpersia: I was just going to mention that it's considered a good practice (but not REALLY mandatory) these days to have a line at then end asserting copyright over the Debian packaging and how that packaging is licensed.03:27
persiaScottK: He put that in the middle, as the Apache license was really long.03:27
ScottKpersia: I was also going to suggest he grep -i -R copyright * to make sure he got everything.  03:28
ScottKpersia: OK.  I didn't see that then.  I'd suggest it get moved to the end as that's where I've always seen it.  Probably not worth another upload if the package is otherwise good.03:28
persiaScottK: I think so.  The part I couldn't help him with was about the COPYING in the root directory.  Only a very little bit of the code is actually GPL.03:29
ScottKOK.  I didn't download the whole package to look at that.  The key is to be comprehensive and make sure everything is listed.  If there's a mix of ASF and GPL code you do need to make sure nothing is to closely linked as those licenses are incompatible.03:30
persiaScottK: There are exceptions.  I'm not strong enough with copyright to say it's done, but it needs a deep review by someone who is, as it mixes Apache, GPL, and the FSF Autoconf license.03:33
ScottKOK.  I'm not that person then.03:33
ScottKpersia: You've been a MOTU longer than me, you ought to be able to handle this ;-)03:34
persiaOh, yeah, and the X license :)03:34
persiaScottK: By what, 3 days?03:35
ScottKpersia: 4.03:36
bmmIf lintian errors with a "bad-distribution-in-changes-file gutsy" it's still ok right?03:36
=== persia sits corrected
persiabmm: Yes.  You can safely ignore "bad distribution" if you know you have a good distribution, and ignore all the NMU warnings.03:36
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bmmpersia: if I have an Original-Maintainer, which I do, right?03:37
persiabmm: Could you rephrase the question please?  I don't understand.03:38
bmmOf, that ignoring the NMU is ok, as long as you define the "Original-Maintainer:" in your control file.03:39
ScottKbmm: Unrelated.  NMU is a Debian thing.  Ubuntu doesn't use it.03:40
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persiabmm: Those are actually two different things.  Even if you forget XSBC-Original-Maintainer, the NMU warnings still appear.  Separately, don't forget XSBC-Original-Maintainer :)03:41
bmm:-D I know, but they are related a bit right? Because NMU is "NonMaintainerUpload" which means that you have a different upload maintainer and original maintainer.03:42
Riddellthat'll happen regardless unless you are the debian maintainer03:43
persiabmm: The NMU warnings happen when the Changed-By value (name & email of last changelog entry) doesn't match the Maintainer value.  It's different.03:43
bmmAh, so that's it.03:43
persiaRiddell: It also doesn't happen for Ubuntu maintainers (there are a couple from Ubuntu-only packages).03:43
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DarkSun88Hi all03:48
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alfredoj69Hi everybody, my name is Alfredo and I started working to become a MOTU03:53
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ScottKHi alfredoj6903:53
ScottKHello DarkSun8803:54
DarkSun88ScottK: Hello :)03:54
alfredoj69Hi ScottK03:54
bmmalfredoj69 cool, good luck! Get used to the question: can you look at my package? ;-)03:59
alfredoj69ooh for sure03:59
alfredoj69hopefully I can come out with some good fixes and packages04:00
alfredoj69I have a question, I am looking at a list of needc-packaging bugs04:02
alfredoj69the bugs that have Status=Confirmed is because already somebody is working on that?04:03
persiaalfredoj69: When someone is working on it, it will be assigned to that person.  If a bug is not assigned, feel free to assign yourself and start work.  It's considered good practice to set the bug to "In-Progress" as well.04:04
alfredoj69 persia, thank you for the info04:06
persiaalfredoj69: No problem.  Ask back here if you have trouble.04:06
alfredoj69Once I have a package ready, who  is the right person to send it to?04:09
persiaalfredoj69: Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU for information on getting review of your packages.04:10
=== Sindwiller [n=sindwill@84-75-101-114.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-MOTU
alfredoj69persia, thanks again04:16
=== Sindwiller is now known as Sind-at-orbit-ie
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joejaxxGood Morning All04:21
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alfredoj69Good morning, joejaxx,bmm 04:24
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alfredoj69Hola, leonel04:26
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bmmWell, gotto go again. Laters!04:32
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Toadstooldholbach: unfortunately, I have been kinda swamped at work lately and I don't think I will have time to do any mentorship during the next 2 months or so. I do plan to once work gets a little less crazy.04:44
Toadstoolhi everybody 04:44
persiahey Toadstool04:44
dholbachToadstool: ok, thanks04:44
Toadstoolhi persia !04:45
dholbachToadstool: I purged MOTU/Mentors so you should get less mail about that04:45
dholbachToadstool: let us know if you're interested in joining the mentors again :)04:45
Toadstoolalright, thanks04:45
=== dholbach hugs Toadstool
Toadstooldholbach: yep, don't worry, I'll be back ! :p04:45
dholbachhehe :)04:45
xxxxx1someone here know one good pgp keyserver software?04:45
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+o dholbach] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:dholbach] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Universe/Multiverse Repository Maintainers | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO | Let's merge! http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php | Want to join MOTU? Try helping out on these: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/+mentoring | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mentoring
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-o dholbach] by dholbach
persiadholbach: Did you mean MOTU/Mentoring?04:47
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+o dholbach] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:dholbach] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Universe/Multiverse Repository Maintainers | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO | Let's merge! http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php | Want to join MOTU? Try helping out on these: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/+mentoring | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/
Toadstoolpersia: you're a MOTU now, right? congrats'04:47
persiaToadstool: Thanks.04:47
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:dholbach] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO | Let's merge! http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php | Want to join MOTU? Try helping out on these: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/+mentoring | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-o dholbach] by dholbach
dholbachthanks persia04:48
=== dholbach hugs persia
=== persia squirms happily
=== jikanter [n=jordan@c-24-12-220-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Toadstoolalright, got to work, I'll see you guys later, hopefully ;)04:48
=== dholbach will announce the new mentoring later today
persiadholbach: Is there a ML for ~motu-mentoring-reception?04:49
dholbachI'm really really happy about it04:49
jikanterwhat is this new motuing thing dholbach?04:49
dholbachpersia: no, nothing yet04:49
dholbachjikanter: mentoring :)04:50
dholbachjikanter: a new process for making it easier to become motu and to make it easier to mentor a new contributor04:50
dholbachjikanter: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring04:50
joejaxxdholbach: should i go through the contributor process?04:51
joejaxxor is it for completely new people04:52
vijay2000can anybody tell me where i can get the upstream code of clamtk04:52
dholbachjoejaxx: rather for people who are really new to people, tools, processes and all that04:52
joejaxxdholbach: oh ok04:52
dholbachvijay2000: check debian/copyright of the source package04:53
dholbachvijay2000: but it should be http://clamtk.sf.net04:53
dholbachwelcome vijay2000 :-)04:53
vijay2000oh and the source of clamtk resides in /usr/bin/clamtk am i right04:53
vijay2000thanks for your support04:54
dholbachvijay2000: just run     apt-get source clamtk      to get the source04:54
vijay2000i regret myself for not joining the open source a bit earlier ..i already lost 6 years of my life working with windows04:54
tonyyarussoonly 6?04:55
vijay2000Reading package lists... Done04:55
vijay2000Building dependency tree... Done04:55
vijay2000E: Unable to find a source package for clamtk04:55
vijay2000this is what i get when i try to get the source04:56
persiavijay2000: Do you have a deb-src line in /etc/apt/sources.list that includes universe?04:56
vijay2000let me check04:57
dholbachyou can change that in "gksu software-properties-gtk" too04:57
vijay2000you mean this line "deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe"04:58
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persiavijay2000: That would be the line.  I'm not sure why else you might not be able to find the source.05:01
=== asimon [n=andreas@dslb-084-058-227-103.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
vijay2000got it05:02
ScottKvijay2000: There are much newer versions in later releases.  clamtk definitely could use some work.05:02
vijay2000i had that line commented05:03
vijay2000now i get this error05:03
vijay2000sh: dpkg-source: command not found05:03
vijay2000Unpack command 'dpkg-source -x clamtk_2.17-0ubuntu1.dsc' failed.05:03
vijay2000Check if the 'dpkg-dev' package is installed.05:03
vijay2000E: Child process failed05:03
=== ScottK thinks you need to install devscripts
vijay2000what is that05:04
vijay2000i am a new bie to linux who knows only the basics of linux05:04
NafalloDescription: Scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer easier05:04
vijay2000how to install it 05:05
persiavijay2000: `aptitude show devscriots` will tell you about the package, and `sudo aptitude install devscripts` will install it.05:05
vijay2000i am learning a lot of new things today thanks guys05:07
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dholbachvijay2000: is it your correct mail address in the changelog?05:30
vijay2000no 05:30
vijay2000it refers to localhost05:30
dholbachI have this in my ~/.bashrc 05:31
dholbachexport DEBFULLNAME='Daniel Holbach'05:31
dholbachexport DEBEMAIL='daniel.holbach@ubuntu.com'05:31
vijay2000oh let me try that05:31
dholbachif you add something similar there and run         source ~/.bashrc           and try it again you should be up and running05:31
=== dholbach checks if that's wiki-fied somewhere
dholbachnice: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PackagingBasics seems to have a bunch of answers05:32
dholbachit'd be nice to have them in MOTU/FAQ or in the packaging guide somewhere05:33
=== highvoltage saves that as bookmark
=== leonel makes a tatoo in his forehead with that link
=== bersace [n=bersace@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
leonelthe problem is that I'll need a mirror  to read it ...05:36
=== persia suggests that most of the topics in MOTU/School are recommended reading
=== leonel feels that has been sent to school ...
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asimonGreetings, I have a simple package (kde-style-qtcurve) for which I use cdbs. During the build aclocal and automake are called. If I build this package with 'debuild && debuild -S -sa' I get two Makefile.in in the diff.gz. If I build it with pbuilder these Makefile.ins don't appear in the diff.gz. (both gutsy environments) Is this normal behaviour?05:38
dholbachasimon: doesn't upstream provide a tarball where Makefile.in and friends are already generated?05:39
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dholbachI mean... is it really necessary to run aclocal, automake and friends during the build?05:39
asimondholbach: They are generated, but aclocal and automake-1.9 get called by 'make' and thus 2 Makefile.ins get updated.05:39
dholbachweird, did you change the Makefile.am files or something?05:40
asimonThe funny thing is they don't appear in the diff.gz when build with pbuilder although the build process seems exactly the same under pbuilder.05:40
dholbachthat makes perfect sense05:41
asimondholbach: No, I don't do any changes on the Makefiles.*05:41
dholbachdo you build-depends on aclocal and/or automake?05:41
dholbachif not, they should not be in the pbuilder chroot during the build and can't be used05:41
asimondholbach: Yes, I have to build-depend on automake-1.9, otherwise building fails because automake-1.9 isn't found.05:41
vijay2000it works05:41
dholbachvijay2000: great05:42
dholbachasimon: there must be something weird with the tarball like timestamps of Makefile.in vs timestamp of Makefile.am or something05:42
dholbachasimon: if you can't change it without lots of hassle, I'd think it's acceptable to have a diff of Makefile.in05:43
asimondharrigan: Hmm... the timestamp of Makefile.am is older then that of Makefile.in.05:43
=== zul_ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachasimon: hm, then it must be something else05:44
asimondholbach: The issue is that I got a comment on revu about 'extra' files in diff.gz (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5235). A possible way to remove these Makefile.ins from diff.gz would be to save the original ones before build and restore them later before the diff is generated. But I think that would clutter the rules file in an ugly way.05:44
dholbachI agree with you05:45
dholbachit's something that should be fixed upstream05:45
asimondholbach: Okay, I will mail upstream and the author of the comment about this. Thank you very much.05:46
dholbachwhat you *could* do, is add a patch to debian/patches in which you run aclocal + automake (+ whatever else is needed) yourself05:46
=== bleinmono [n=toffel@ppp85-141-151-81.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu-motu
vijay2000what is cdbs05:46
asimondholbach: Ah yes, that's something I did'nt think of. I will try this. Thanks05:47
dholbachasimon: cdbs-edit-patch 01-run-autotools ... aclocal; automake; rm -r autom4te* ... ctrl-d  should do the trick05:47
persiavijay2000: The Common Debian Build System.  It's also a package, and when installed, it includes (limited) documentation.05:47
dholbachvijay2000: cdbs is a set of scripts that make maintainers life easier05:47
dholbachvijay2000: it's used to write the debian/rules file (which is like a Makefile used to build a package)05:47
dholbachhttps://perso.duckcorp.org/duck/cdbs-doc/cdbs-doc.xhtml has more info about that05:48
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LaserJockdholbach: you might want to use /MOTU/Sandbox for temp wiki pages. That way you can just delete them when you move them into a permanent home06:01
=== pochu [n=emilio@94.Red-88-3-50.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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vijay2000i am getting the following error when i debuild06:02
vijay2000vijay@vijay-desktop:~/Desktop/clamtk-2.32/debian$ debuild -S -sa06:02
vijay2000dpkg-buildpackage: source package is clamtk06:02
vijay2000dpkg-buildpackage: source version is 2.17-0ubuntu206:02
vijay2000dpkg-buildpackage: source changed by Vijay <vijay2000@gmail.com>06:02
vijay2000 fakeroot debian/rules clean06:02
dholbachLaserJock: aha? why should I use Sandbox?06:03
=== vijay2000 [n=vijay@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachvijay2000: hold on :-)06:04
LaserJockbecause that's a place to put "junk" stuff06:04
tritiumHi guys :)06:04
LaserJockso you don't have to redirect all the time06:04
LaserJockhi tritium 06:04
dholbach Now signing changes and any dsc files...06:04
dholbach  signfile clamtk_2.17-0ubuntu2.dsc Vijay <vijay2000@gmail.com>06:04
dholbach gpg: skipped "Vijay <vijay2000@gmail.com>": secret key not available06:04
dholbach gpg: [stdin] : clearsign failed: secret key not available06:04
vijay2000i think i overflooded 06:04
dholbach pub   1024D/D77BB7A8 2007-05-2206:04
dholbach uid                  Vijay (Vijay) <vijay2000@gmail.com>06:04
dholbach sub   1024g/F1804511 2007-05-2206:04
dholbachcan somebody help vijay2000 with that?06:04
LaserJockdoes it need the (Vijay) part?06:05
dholbachhe seems to have the key alright, but debsign seems to still be unhappy06:05
vijay2000yes please help06:05
\shno secret key or wrong name and uid06:05
dholbachvijay2000: can you try to add that to DEBFULLNAME?06:05
vijay2000u mean the vijay in the brackets06:05
tritiumHow are you, dholbach?06:08
dholbachhey tritium06:08
dholbachfine fine - how are YOU?06:08
tritiumNot bad, thanks.06:08
dholbachgreat :-)06:10
vijay2000i have given as export DEBFULLNAME='Vijay(Vijay)'06:10
vijay2000export DEBEMAIL='vijay2000@gmail.com'06:10
vijay2000is that fine06:10
tritiumI'm trying to get up to Portland.  Maybe I'll see you :)06:10
vijay2000i am still getting the same error06:11
vijay2000dpkg-genchanges: including full source code in upload06:12
vijay2000dpkg-buildpackage: source only upload: Debian-native package06:12
vijay2000Now signing changes and any dsc files...06:12
vijay2000 signfile clamtk_2.17-0ubuntu2.dsc Vijay <vijay2000@gmail.com>06:12
vijay2000gpg: skipped "Vijay <vijay2000@gmail.com>": secret key not available06:12
vijay2000gpg: [stdin] : clearsign failed: secret key not available06:12
vijay2000debsign: gpg error occurred!  Aborting....06:12
vijay2000debuild: fatal error at line 791:06:12
LaserJockvijay2000: ok try debuild -S -sa -kD77BB7A806:12
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vijay2000now i get 06:13
vijay2000dpkg-genchanges: including full source code in upload06:13
vijay2000dpkg-buildpackage: source only upload: Debian-native package06:13
vijay2000Now signing changes and any dsc files...06:13
vijay2000 signfile clamtk_2.32-0Ubuntu1.dsc D77BB7A806:13
vijay2000You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for06:13
vijay2000user: "Vijay (Vijay) <vijay2000@gmail.com>"06:13
vijay20001024-bit DSA key, ID D77BB7A8, created 2007-05-2206:13
LaserJockvijay2000: do you run seahorse?06:14
dholbachsiretart: mind if I make you an Administrator of the ~revu team? (that's for the bzr based process)06:21
=== hsitter [n=me@N777P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachI'll wait with announcing the new mentoring process a bit - seems we might soon get ubuntu-motu-mentors@ list which might help with the process06:25
dholbachalso it'd be nice to get some more mentoring slots06:25
dholbachwe have 16 mentoring slots now, 13 of which are taken06:25
dholbachok 12 are taken06:26
mumblyraphink, hello ! :o)06:26
dholbachhey mumbly06:26
dholbachmumbly: you just joined the REVU team right?06:26
mumblyright !06:26
dholbachmumbly: so you want to use bzr for packaging?06:27
raphinkyop mumbly06:27
mumblymaybe ... :)06:27
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=== dholbach calls it a day
dholbachsee you tomorrow06:33
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jussi01hello motu's06:44
jussi01I have another small problem, I have been building my package, and have made a man page for the package. however cdbs doesnt pick up that the man page is there, how do i fix this?06:46
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Riddelljussi01: you have to install the manpage explicitly06:54
asacjussi01: adding manpage to debian/packagename.manpages ?06:54
jussi01asac: I have done that06:54
jussi01Riddell: how so?06:54
Riddellas asac says06:54
QuickSilverIIHas anyone packaged INSPircd yet06:54
Riddellthat's debhelper which should do that, not cdbs06:54
asacjussi01: you probably lack to include debhelper.mk06:55
jussi01ahhh.... so it shouldnt be manpage.1 ??06:55
jussi01asac: i have that in rules, yes06:55
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jussi01ok, thanks people, ill have a look at it. Im heading out now. see you tomorrow06:56
highvoltageRiddell: I installed the KDE 3.5.7 packages today and it fixed a whole bunch of Kontact issues. you guys rock! :)07:05
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nixternalhighvoltage: what types of issues did you notice get fixed?07:08
highvoltagenixternal: if you opened two OOo attachements in kmail, for example, the second wouldn't open07:11
highvoltagenixternal: it seemed that kmail just overwrote the first attachment, andOOo didn't like it07:11
nixternalgood deal. maybe I am not using kontact/kmail hard enough07:12
highvoltageit also sometimes crashed when applying large amount of filters. that seems better now.07:12
nixternalin the past year, I bet I can count less than 5 crashes07:12
nixternalhighvoltage: yes, and that is when I noticed my crashes actually07:12
highvoltageI use thunderbird, but for the government work we use Kontact, since it integrates with Kolab07:12
highvoltageThunderbird last crashed on me in 2003 :)07:13
nixternalwhat government do you work for that uses Kontact?07:13
nixternallet along Kolab07:13
highvoltageThe South African government07:13
nixternalthat is sweet07:13
highvoltagewe're systematically going to convert the whole governmtn07:14
highvoltagewe're only starting now, it's exciting and scary, but I love it :)07:14
nixternalthat totally rocks...our government (you know the corrupt arse US one), they still use MS Mail at a majority of their locations07:15
nixternalthe only people who have changed are those who are on the Navy/Marine Corp network. And that is so locked down it is insane07:15
highvoltageyep, current status is the same here. Outlook is everywhere.07:15
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nixternalI didn't say outlook...I said MS Mail :)  from what I take, the government has the source or something to it, and they have their own secure version07:16
nixternalMS Mail from like 3.107:16
highvoltagewe've had some resistance because of kontact's bugginess, but the kde 3.5.7 version fixes all of that for us, so it's quite cool.07:16
highvoltageaaaaah, THAT MS Mail!!!07:16
ScottKnixternal: The people I work with are all on Exchange/Outlook and hating life.07:16
highvoltageAs in... Microsoft Internet Mail :)07:16
nixternalhaha yes07:16
nixternalExchange is nice, if you get someone who can set it up correctly...but all of my jobs pretty much use IMAP now07:17
nixternalonly problem, I have never seen anyone set it up correctly07:17
nixternaland most companies purchase the exchange licenses, and just use the POP3 portions, they don't use any of the funky *sharing07:18
vijay2000laserjock : i am back07:18
ScottKExchange is nice if you have an unlimited hardware budget for the server and you protect it behind a proper MTA so it isn't exposed to the internet...07:19
nixternalI used to maintain and exhcange server or 2 in my day..and lets just say, I never did it right either07:19
highvoltageour problem is not so much with the mail component, but with the calendaring component07:19
nixternalya, calendaring is the big thing these days07:19
highvoltagethere's not much in ubuntu/gnu/linux that does calendaring well07:19
nixternalhighvoltage: how is the calendaring with Kolab?07:19
nixternalI have yet to mess with it07:19
highvoltagenixternal: it's the only thing that works properly07:19
ScottKHeh.  With the latest set of TZ changes in the US, all my customers had terrible problems with their Exchange/Outlook, but Kontact and Ubuntu had no problems at all.07:20
nixternalI need to get a decent machine and run a Kolab server here07:20
highvoltagenixternal: kolab is currently broken in universe though, so you have to install from source07:20
nixternalgo figure07:20
crimsunyep, employer uses Microsoft SMTPSVC.07:20
highvoltageI plan to fix Kolab in universe when I'm a motu07:20
=== Loic [n=Loic@ram94-2-89-85-122-46.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ScottKhighvoltage: Fix it now and we'll help you upload it.  It'll help you become a MOTU.07:20
nixternaland crimsun, you use the shiney new Vista superduper desktop featuring KDEs Aero look07:21
=== ScottK feels his laptop heat up as it compiles the first try at clamav-alt for backporting...
crimsunnixternal: heh, if only. I'll actually be using much more ancient tools.07:21
highvoltageScottK: ok, it will take some work, but I will certainly put some effort into it07:21
nixternalmy laptop goes between 48C and 55C07:21
ScottKhighvoltage: Great.  We're here to help you.07:21
nixternalit doesn't go higher, and it doesn't go lower07:21
ScottKMy laptop goes between leg temperature and I think I'll set it down now because that hurts.07:22
nixternalI have a cooly pad I use when I sit on the couch or in bed with it07:22
nixternalotherwise my lap would be sweating07:22
=== ScottK is a heat sink for his laptop.
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nixternalOK people, I am goingt o run out for a second, and when I come back I expect to see all the links I need for packaging a library (libhttp) in Debian07:23
nixternalback in a few07:23
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ScottKnixternal: You are welcome to expect that.07:23
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highvoltagetalk to you guys gain later, I'm on a real slow gprs connection and it seems to be getting slowr. thanks for the motivation!07:26
Riddellhighvoltage: great07:26
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vijay2000can anybody tell me how to confirm a open pgp key07:34
vijay2000i have galemo and firefox07:34
crimsundid you mean `galeon'?07:36
vijay2000yes galeon07:38
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crimsunwell if you /part, we can't assist you...07:42
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tsmitheman-di_, did you get a look at wired?07:52
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ucap /rename08:10
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PriceChildAny motu's willing to take a look over http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5249 ? persia mentioned "special attention to the copyright provisions and the compliance with python policy." would be good :)09:31
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LaserJockohh, looks like a lot of PPA stuff got done09:33
=== PriceChild sat in on a little demo of PPA at uds and really liked the idea.
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pochuNo activity... That's the power of the Champions League :)09:39
DktrKranzLaserJock, really?09:42
DktrKranzis it available for the masses?09:42
xxxxx1hello LaserJock 09:43
zulLaserJock: hmm?09:43
LaserJockit's getting there09:44
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crevetteI need some pointer to package some fonts09:45
crevetteI seen that fonts packages uses defoma rules09:46
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crimsunplease read https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2007-May/000968.html first.09:47
crevetteOkay I'll do this rigtht away09:49
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crevettecrimsun: you're involved in fonts packaging ?09:51
crimsuncrevette: haven't been in quite some time09:51
crevetteI ned also advice from someone from legal09:56
crevettebecause I don't have knowledge in that and the fonts licence is GPl with a restriction09:56
crimsunit's best to raise that on the Alioth pkg-fonts mailing list09:57
slomocrevette: still those redhat fonts?09:57
LaserJockmy goodness, it's slomo!09:58
crevetteslomo: I didn't had time to consult someone until now09:58
slomocrevette: people in #gnome-debian talked about the license and afaik result was that it's non-free and that they wanted to contact redhat about it09:59
slomocrevette: iirc other distros had a problem with it too... but i didn't really follow the discussion09:59
slomohi LaserJock :)09:59
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nixternalOK...I truly dislike building a lib package from scratch10:07
crimsunwhy? It builds character.10:08
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ScottKTrying to change the name of the clamav package for the backport alternative is currently building character in this quarter.10:20
nixternalbuilds character? headaches != character :)10:20
ScottKThe character building part is that I've not thrown anything, broken anything, or lost my temper.10:22
=== ScottK really thought it would build this last time...
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dothebartScottK: i've added the commitmessage to http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5180&text=from+SVN%3A%0D%0Ar5173+%7C+ajc+%7C+2007-05-23+10%3A29%3A48+-0400+%28Wed%2C+23+May+2007%29+%7C+5+lines%0D%0AChanged+paths%3A%0D%0AM+%2Ftrunk%2Fcitadel%2Fopenldap%2Fcitadel.schema%0D%0AM+%2Ftrunk%2Fcitadel%2Fopenldap%2Frfc2739.schema%0D%0A%0D%0ARemoved+some+spurious+copyright+info+from+the+openldap%0D%0Aschema.+This+text+applied+to+the+RFC+from+w10:25
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dothebartwhats that.10:26
dothebartsorry all.10:26
ScottKdothebart: I would urge you to concentrate on libical first.10:26
ScottKdothebart: Since that's a build-dep for citadel, it'll have to get uploaded, get throught NEW queue processing, and build before we could upload citadel in any case.10:27
dothebartyes, i just posted your comments on that licensing issue on the citadel devel room...10:27
dothebartand this was the reaction.10:27
ScottKFrom a critical path perspective, the build-deps are all that matter at this point.10:28
dothebartok. 10:28
dothebartbut that issue on citadel can be thought as solved?10:29
ScottKI actually didn't look yet.10:29
dothebarti just want to know if i have to take further actions on that.10:29
ScottKI looked and based on your comment, I would say yes.  I'd need to see the actuall wording to know for sure.10:30
ScottKUbuntu is pretty particular about getting the copyright stuff correct and you don't find out until you get to the front of the NEW queue (after some wait) if the archive admin is happy or not.  Better to work really hard up front to be complete and correct.10:31
dothebartand 10:32
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ScottKdothebart: http://tar.gzipped.org/rfc2739.schema now lacks any mention of licensing.  It needs at least the GPL mention you have in the other one.10:34
dothebartwouldn't that be implicit with the package?10:34
ScottKWhy not mention it and avoid risk of confusion?  This is in a grey area and may or may not be OK in the end.  Why take a chance?10:35
dothebartok, i'll post it over.10:36
ScottKDid you understand my point on libical about the COPYING file OK?10:37
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dothebartnot yet totaly, didn't have the time to view it with concentration...10:37
ScottKIdeally when you package something, the only place you should touch in the package is inside the debian dir.10:38
dothebartjust returned from a 64 km ride with the roadbike after riding 20 km home after work ;)10:38
nixternalanyone feel like looking through that and telling me just how involved the debian/rules file would be10:38
nixternalI have everything else already configged...rules is my only problem...more than likely would have to reconfigure Makefile (dpatch/patch)10:39
ScottKIf you have to repack the original tarball, there are rules you have to follow.  Since you are upstream, put the COPYING file in the original tarball.  It'll be easier.10:39
ScottKdothebart: Watch out, excercise is dangerous.10:39
dothebartwell, being upstream i don't need the patches dir as long as my changes go well with the rest of the users.10:40
dothebarti think there soon will be a .30 of libical available on upstream, and it looks as if evolution is going to use it again instead of their fork.10:41
ScottKOK.  So you are not upstream for libical then?10:41
dothebartwell, i can become with one question to the citadel team leader.10:42
dothebartbut, as long as my changes are reasonable, they won't be questioned.10:42
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ScottKOK.  Then I'd ask them to add the COPYING file in their upstream tarball.10:44
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xxxxx1bye all11:23
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ScottKI uploaded my work in progress clamav-alt package to REVU.  Comments/help appreciated at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=525411:32
ScottKSee you all later.  Time for me to go play Daddy for the evening.11:32
=== fretchen [n=fred@dslb-088-073-236-132.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
fretchenhello, where is a nice forum to discuss problems with packiging the examples of the documentation?11:37
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PriceChildAny motu's willing to take a look over http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5249 ? persia mentioned "special attention to the copyright provisions and the compliance with python policy." would be good :)11:46
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dothebartScottK: by motu, do you mean signing that paper?11:57
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dothebartaka being ubuntero? i did that.11:57
ScottKNo.  Gimme a sec, I'll get you the link11:58
somerville32https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU ?11:58
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ScottKNo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField11:59
ScottKdothebart: Read that and it'll tell you how to fill out Maintainer.11:59
dothebartok, tnx.11:59
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ScottKSee you later.12:01
dothebartyes, SIG_SLEEP12:01
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beunodoes anyone know what would be requiered to setup an offcial mirror of the Ubuntu repos?12:12

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