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test3r | hihi !. | 01:08 |
test3r | !hardware compatability | 01:08 |
test3r | !compatability | 01:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about compatability - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:09 |
test3r | ive got an older eMachine that i want to know if it could run Xubuntu on | 01:11 |
kalikiana | test3r, What are your specs? | 01:12 |
test3r | its about a 1Ghrz descent amount of RAM i think | 01:12 |
test3r | prob whatever vid card | 01:12 |
test3r | 128 RAM , intel video Netgear LAN, "SoundMAX" audio | 01:13 |
test3r | there those r the specs i wrote down | 01:13 |
Merchelo | yeah, should do it | 01:13 |
Merchelo | xubuntu needs a min 64megs to run once installed | 01:13 |
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test3r | sweet. i got 11+ gigs to work with so im thinking im going to use gParted | 01:13 |
test3r | yeah ill use the alt insytall cd should take less | 01:14 |
kalikiana | Sounds just fine, give it a try already :D | 01:14 |
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test3r | Right? hmmmmmm I would have to unhook This though | 01:14 |
test3r | =( | 01:14 |
test3r | well here goes nuthin | 01:15 |
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n0xie | i got a newbie question | 01:16 |
n0xie | i've been playing around with xubuntu on my old laptop | 01:17 |
Merchelo | newb away | 01:17 |
n0xie | it has a ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY videocard | 01:17 |
Merchelo | and you need drivers? | 01:17 |
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n0xie | well it's working sofar with standard ati drivers | 01:18 |
n0xie | i just want to give beryl a go | 01:18 |
n0xie | but i know ati is usually not the best way to start | 01:18 |
n0xie | so should i even try or is it doomed to fail? | 01:18 |
crdlb | actually old ati cards work really well with beryl | 01:18 |
maxamillion | n0xie: beryl on an older machine? | 01:18 |
crdlb | it's new ati cards that suck | 01:18 |
n0xie | maxamillion: yes | 01:18 |
crdlb | beryl/compiz runs fine on my M7 | 01:19 |
n0xie | crdlb: do you have any howto or faq where i could start? | 01:19 |
crdlb | n0xie: #ubuntu-effects | 01:19 |
maxamillion | n0xie: guess its worth a shot, i know if you had the nvidia drivers you could do it ... i know someone who ran beryl on an amd k6-2 333mhz with 192mb of ram because he had a nvidia mx4000 and the nvidia drivers know how to offset the work load correctly | 01:19 |
n0xie | yeah this is a 1700 with 512 ram, so it's not the specs that worry me, more the fact that it's ati and a mobility | 01:20 |
maxamillion | n0xie: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu | 01:20 |
crdlb | the M6 (aka radeon 7000) is the oldest ati card | 01:20 |
crdlb | that can run beryl | 01:20 |
crdlb | no not that wiki please | 01:20 |
maxamillion | why not? | 01:20 |
crdlb | because it's terrible | 01:20 |
n0xie | well there are so many contradictionary howto's and faqs | 01:21 |
crdlb | there's a link in the topic of #ubuntu-effects | 01:21 |
maxamillion | crdlb: beryl is terrible, what's your point? | 01:21 |
crdlb | erm what? | 01:21 |
maxamillion | nothing ... i just don't like beryl | 01:21 |
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n0xie | maxamillion: i'm just curious how it looks :) | 01:24 |
maxamillion | n0xie: http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&hl=en&gbv=2&q=beryl+screenshots&btnG=Search+Images | 01:25 |
maxamillion | :) | 01:25 |
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n0xie | well it's different seeing a screenshot than actually using it ;) | 01:26 |
maxamillion | 18:24 < n0xie> maxamillion: i'm just curious how it looks :) | 01:27 |
maxamillion | ;) | 01:27 |
null | how can i find out what default charset my distro is using? | 01:35 |
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shroomsky | hello | 01:35 |
null | hi | 01:35 |
maxamillion | hi | 01:36 |
shroomsky | my firefox already has flash working but i cant seem to get it going with opera | 01:36 |
maxamillion | shroomsky: different plugin for different browsers ... i don't use opera so i can't entirely help you with that one though :/ | 01:36 |
shroomsky | ok | 01:37 |
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ochosi | why would a usb-stick not be found in xubuntu 7.04? (lsusb doesn't show a thing) | 01:43 |
maxamillion | ochosi: not all usb sticks are supported | 01:45 |
ochosi | maxamillion: seriously? | 01:45 |
n0xie | well gonna try to get this beryl business started->reboot | 01:46 |
n0xie | wish me luch | 01:46 |
ochosi | maxamillion: it's a "safestick" by "powerram", so a cheap one, i guess... | 01:46 |
n0xie | err luck too | 01:46 |
maxamillion | ochosi: yeah, different usb chipsets do different things ... :/ | 01:46 |
ochosi | maxamillion: that's really weird... it works in windoze, but not i xubuntu... | 01:47 |
ochosi | maxamillion: so incompatibility is your last word? nothing we could probably do about it? | 01:47 |
maxamillion | ochosi: no not last word, just first thought | 01:48 |
ochosi | maxamillion: hihi, ok, i see ;) | 01:48 |
maxamillion | ochosi: lemme check something | 01:49 |
maxamillion | ochosi: can you pastebin the output of the command "lshal | grep usb" | 01:50 |
ochosi | maxamillion: ok, one sec... | 01:50 |
ochosi | sorry, seems to be difficult to find a workin pastebin | 01:54 |
maxamillion | i gotta run, getting off work | 01:54 |
maxamillion | !pastebin | ochosi | 01:55 |
ubotu | ochosi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:55 |
maxamillion | reall sorry, but i have to run | 01:55 |
ochosi | http://pastebin.4programmers.net/2189 | 01:56 |
ochosi | http://pastebin.4programmers.net/2189 | 01:56 |
ochosi | anyone there who could have a look at that instead of maxamillion? | 01:57 |
ochosi | oook. | 02:00 |
ochosi | no worries | 02:00 |
ochosi | will figure it out somehow | 02:00 |
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kiosk | anyone know of an image editor more lightweight than GIMP? | 04:35 |
kiosk | that can save in many formats? | 04:35 |
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mlalkaka | hi everyone | 04:38 |
j1mc | hi mlalkaka | 04:38 |
mlalkaka | is it possible to install xubuntu from the ubuntu main installation cd or the alternate cd? if so, which one? | 04:39 |
j1mc | mlalkaka: yes, although it's preferred to install from a xubuntu cd. if those are your only options.... | 04:44 |
j1mc | you could use the alternate install cd to install the base ubuntu system . . . | 04:44 |
j1mc | and then reboot to the command line . . . | 04:44 |
j1mc | and enter "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" | 04:44 |
j1mc | mlalkaka: does that help? | 04:45 |
mlalkaka | j1mc: after doing that, how can i get rid of any unecessary ubuntu packages? | 04:45 |
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j1mc | mlalkaka: what do you mean? could you explain further? | 04:47 |
mlalkaka | j1mc: oh nvm. after reading your suggestion again, i noticed that you said "base ubuntu system". i originally thought you meant to do a full install of ubuntu, then install xubuntu-desktop. | 04:48 |
mlalkaka | but if it's preferred to install from a xubuntu cd, then i'll just do that. it'll be simpler :-). | 04:49 |
mlalkaka | out of curiosity, though, how do you install a base ubuntu system using one of the ubuntu cd's? | 04:49 |
j1mc | mlalkaka: that is possible, too | 04:49 |
j1mc | (it's possible to have both ubuntu and xubuntu installed... ) as for your question about installing a base system... | 04:50 |
j1mc | you'd use the alternate install cd... | 04:50 |
j1mc | and select "install a command-line system." (i think that's what it's called) | 04:50 |
kiosk | what GUI comes with ubuntu? | 04:51 |
j1mc | that would give you all of the core ubuntu components, but no graphical environment. | 04:51 |
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j1mc | kiosk: ubuntu comes with gnome | 04:51 |
j1mc | xubuntu comes with xfce | 04:51 |
kiosk | that is really the key difference between the two right? | 04:51 |
KHatfull | Hi there...12 month Ubuntu user, just did first install of Xubuntu...all works great except when I try to start the terminal X gets blown and I go back to the GDM login...any ideas? | 04:52 |
kiosk | and kubuntu is KDE . . . | 04:52 |
mlalkaka | kiosk: that's right | 04:53 |
j1mc | KHatfull: yes. i think i can help. | 04:53 |
j1mc | KHatfull: is it a slightly older system? | 04:53 |
j1mc | KHatfull: do you know where your xorg.conf file is located? | 04:54 |
KHatfull | I just found it in the forums....24 -> 16 bit? | 04:54 |
KHatfull | Oh yeah, I;ve had to manually configure a 1024x600 screen before :-( | 04:55 |
j1mc | KHatfull: yes. | 04:55 |
j1mc | 24->16 | 04:55 |
j1mc | that has helped a few people that i know... | 04:55 |
mlalkaka | does NetworkManager work with xfce/xubuntu? | 04:56 |
j1mc | mlalkaka: do you mean the gnome nm-applet? | 04:56 |
j1mc | the little icon in the toolbar that lets you connect to wired and wireless networks? | 04:57 |
mlalkaka | j1mc: oh yes that's what i meant? it's a gnome thing? is there a replacement for it in xubuntu? | 04:57 |
KHatfull | wicd works good too | 04:57 |
kiosk | I installed netmonitet-applet with apt get yesterday | 04:57 |
kiosk | *netmoniter-applet | 04:58 |
KHatfull | mlalkaka: search the forums for "wicd"....works great, doesn;t use Gnome libs | 04:58 |
j1mc | mlalkaka: there isn't yet an xfce replacement ("airconfig" is in the works, but it wasn't ready for feisty). | 04:58 |
j1mc | gnome's network manager applet (nm-applet) does work in xubuntu, though. | 04:58 |
KHatfull | http://wicd.sourceforge.net/ | 04:58 |
j1mc | KHatfull: thanks for the tip. i'll check that out. | 04:58 |
KHatfull | 24 -> 16 worked here for terminal, thanks | 04:59 |
mlalkaka | KHatfull, j1mc: thanks | 04:59 |
j1mc | KHatfull: glad it worked. :) | 05:00 |
j1mc | mlalkaka: take it easy! | 05:01 |
j1mc | good night, all. i'm headed out. | 05:01 |
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BFTD | yo | 06:46 |
BFTD | whats a good linux video format to use? | 06:57 |
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peepsalot | BFTD, see http://xiph.org/ for free software codecs | 07:09 |
peepsalot | theora is the one for video | 07:09 |
peepsalot | i've never tried it though | 07:09 |
BFTD | yeah | 07:12 |
BFTD | .ogg is only audio | 07:12 |
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airdog | Hello is anyone available to help me with a failed xubunto install? when i do the install no splash it drops with a unable to call job, but no error message, the last message i see it says it attachd my scsi sg0 | 07:16 |
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Myrtti | It would be so much fun if install related questions would be at #ubuntu | 07:42 |
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PrimoTurbo | How do I install Cursors in xubuntu? | 10:54 |
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salty-horse | hi. I'm trying to locate the icon used for "quit" in the "action button" panel applet | 12:30 |
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kmindi|ibm-t20 | hello | 12:52 |
kmindi|ibm-t20 | I have many *.tar.gz / *.tar.bz2 archives (fluxbox styles). how can i unpack all without typing everytime "tar -xzf nameofarchive.tar.[gz/bz2] "? | 12:53 |
kmindi|ibm-t20 | i tried it with "tar -xzf *.gz" | 12:54 |
kmindi|ibm-t20 | but that did not work | 12:54 |
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crdlb | for i in *.tar.gz; do tar -xzf $i; done | 01:02 |
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kmindi|ibm-t20 | thx @ crdlb | 01:07 |
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Grem | hi | 04:02 |
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Grem | need some advice.. I'm on a laptop, and what keeps me using Kubuntu over Xubuntu is the bluetooth and access samba shares facilities that KDE has.. Is there a good alternative in Xubuntu? | 04:03 |
kim_ | hey, has anyone ahd any problems with the printer add wizard? when i try and add a new printer, it asks me for the password for 'root'...needless to say, my sudo password doesnt work. any ideas? is this a bug? | 04:04 |
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Merchelo | bah | 05:14 |
Zeqfreed | bah bah | 05:16 |
=== saispo [n=saispo@ryu.zarb.org] has joined #xubuntu | ||
somerville32 | bah bah bah | 05:30 |
Merchelo | time to go to the pub | 05:31 |
=== aroo [n=justin@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== Aaron44 [n=none@bb-87-81-166-3.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Aaron44 | Hi | 05:43 |
Aaron44 | What's the root password? | 05:43 |
TheSheep | !root | Aaron44 | 05:43 |
ubotu | Aaron44: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 05:43 |
Aaron44 | Cheers | 05:43 |
Lectus | Hello | 05:45 |
Lectus | how do I seach for a file name on / ? | 05:45 |
TheSheep | Lectus: you can either use 'locate' or 'find', the former is much faster, but uses an index that is periodically created, so it may not find recently added files | 05:47 |
Lectus | what's the syntax for find? | 05:47 |
TheSheep | Lectus: the simpliest use is 'find / -name filename', see 'man find' for details | 05:48 |
Lectus | ok... thanks | 05:48 |
=== JohanSalim|NA [i=G3b0ys@ip84-223.cbn.net.id] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== JohanSalim|NA [i=G3b0ys@ip84-223.cbn.net.id] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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=== Deviad [n=Deviad@81-208-83-249.fastres.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Deviad | Hello | 06:11 |
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #xubuntu | ||
somerville32 | Hello! :) | 06:15 |
Deviad | Can anyone pls tell me what's wrong with this scripts and xubuntu? http://www.linuxvar.it/index.php/Debian_su_MacBook_Pro#Illuminazione_schermo.2C_tastiera_e_sensori | 06:17 |
Deviad | Those scripts are supposed to lower the clock when you unplug the power cable and raise that when you plug it instead | 06:18 |
Deviad | the latest section adds a "couple of things" when you close the monitor | 06:18 |
Deviad | of your laptop | 06:18 |
Deviad | Beyond lowering and raising the clock they should lower and raise the backlight of the monitor as well | 06:19 |
Deviad | this last thing does not work... | 06:19 |
Deviad | the backlight is always the same | 06:19 |
Deviad | Unfortunately no scripts like this came as default with xubuntu :\ | 06:19 |
somerville32 | Hmmm... I'll take a look at the script later. | 06:20 |
=== Deviad_ [n=Deviad__@81-208-83-249.fastres.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== Deviad_ is now known as spotted | ||
spotted | Hello | 06:28 |
spotted | Can anyone pls copy and past the contents of lid.sh? | 06:29 |
spotted | I have deleted the file for a mistake | 06:29 |
spotted | the file is located in /etc/acpi/lid.sh | 06:29 |
spotted | thank you very much | 06:29 |
PriceChild | spotted, that file is part of the package acpi-support | 06:29 |
spotted | PriceChild, can you pls just copy the contents of the file? | 06:31 |
spotted | It will uninstall xubuntu-desktop as well | 06:31 |
spotted | and I don't know the consequences of that :| | 06:31 |
PriceChild | i never said uninstall and reinstall :) | 06:31 |
spotted | dpkg-reconfigure is ok? | 06:31 |
spotted | I guess it didn't work | 06:32 |
PriceChild | spotted, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22177/ although I don't know whether that is feisty or gutsy's | 06:32 |
PriceChild | sudo apt-get install --reinstall should do the best job afaik | 06:32 |
spotted | it didn't reinstall the script | 06:33 |
spotted | :\ | 06:33 |
spotted | thanks... pasting was the only thing to do :P | 06:35 |
hyper__ch | anyone got a tv card? | 06:37 |
=== bleda [n=Turk@unaffiliated/bleda] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== grazie raises hand | ||
grazie | hyper__ch: ^^ | 06:48 |
hyper__ch | well, getting already help in the German forum :) | 06:48 |
hyper__ch | channel | 06:48 |
grazie | I probably wouldn't be much help anyway | 06:49 |
hyper__ch | grazie: thx anyway | 06:51 |
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jpbotelho | hiha | 06:56 |
jpbotelho | i installed xfce in ubuntu yestarday, when i used gnome, the option of Screen Lock is work, but when i instaled xfce, it dont work anymore | 06:58 |
jpbotelho | can any1 helpme? | 06:58 |
hyper__ch | what's screen lock? | 07:00 |
hyper__ch | jpbotelho: | 07:01 |
jpbotelho | Screen lock option | 07:02 |
hyper__ch | jpbotelho: what's that? | 07:02 |
jpbotelho | Lock Screen Option | 07:03 |
jpbotelho | have Exit button and Screen Lock button | 07:04 |
hyper__ch | jpbotelho: what do they do? | 07:04 |
jpbotelho | if i click in Exit, it work fine.. but if i click in "Screen Lock" it dont work | 07:05 |
grazie | jpbotelho: Are these buttons on your keyboard? Have you tried ctrl+alt+Delete? | 07:06 |
jpbotelho | i fixed xcreensaver | 07:08 |
jpbotelho | no problem more | 07:08 |
jpbotelho | ty | 07:08 |
spotted | Can anyone pls tell me how to fix these errors: http://rafb.net/p/aFwkWk13.html | 07:12 |
spotted | ? | 07:12 |
=== VR_ [i=dsfdsr@6532236hfc96.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
mlalkaka | what program comes with xubuntu that i can use to manage wireless networks? i'm looking for a program that would allow me to select from a list of available wireless networks. it can be a console program too. | 07:23 |
TheSheep | !wifi | mlalkaka | 07:24 |
ubotu | mlalkaka: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 07:24 |
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mlalkaka | TheSheep: thanks | 07:25 |
VR_ | TheSheep: have you by any chance tried compiling 4.4.1 ? | 07:25 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: ever since I turned on the Display Composition Window Tweak with transparency the screensaver has problems... | 07:25 |
grazie | spotted: Is there no build help from where you got the source utility from? Looks like you're missing stuff | 07:26 |
spotted | I googled around and it is reported as a bug | 07:26 |
spotted | that's why I stopped to look for other causes | 07:26 |
TheSheep | hyper__ch: try enabling "display full screen overlay windows directly" in wm tweaks | 07:28 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: it is activated... maybe I should deactivate it? | 07:30 |
TheSheep | hyper__ch: try | 07:30 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: I'll do :) | 07:31 |
hyper__ch | btw, if you have a mail server that has TSL it will only secure the transmission of your email from your computer to the server right? It does not mean that the server will then securly transmit the email to the recipient server, right? | 07:32 |
TheSheep | depends where you have the tsl | 07:35 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: well I tend to think not all email servers have TSL and I tend to think not all servers have SSL certificates and stuff... that's why I think the transmission between the email servers is not secured | 07:37 |
hyper__ch | am I wrong on that? | 07:37 |
TheSheep | hyper__ch: I never looked at the details, but I know it's negotiated -- so the secure protocols are tried first | 07:38 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: ah ok... well the problem is that one of my bosses (in his other firm) use SSL secured email server and they only have problems with it... and I kept thinking why using it if e-server to e-server isn't also secured | 07:39 |
hyper__ch | and if that's the case then there's no need to secure the email from sender to e-mail server | 07:39 |
TheSheep | hyper__ch: it's much harder to tap into the server-server communication | 07:40 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: you think so? | 07:40 |
hyper__ch | I thought some "institutions" monitor all traffic like the echelon system | 07:41 |
=== hyper__ch says he's in the OT channel ;) | ||
TheSheep | hyper__ch: if you check your mial in an internet cafe, the cafe owner can look at it. but if two servers excachnge information, you need someone on the routers to eavesdrop | 07:41 |
hyper__ch | I thought the US gvt does that | 07:42 |
TheSheep | hyper__ch: well, they also forbid using any encryption too strong for them to break | 07:43 |
hyper__ch | and they also can order you to reveal passwords | 07:43 |
grazie | Off topic but I'm sure someone here will know. Is it possible to connect s-video or SCART output to a DVI monitor input? | 07:44 |
TheSheep | grazie: there are converters | 07:44 |
hyper__ch | grazie: it's less offtopic than my conversation with TheSheep right now... I even pointed out that I'm in #xubuntu-offtopic ;) | 07:45 |
hyper__ch | btw, I just bought the other day a new videocard now with a dvi output... where will I notice quality enhancements? | 07:45 |
grazie | TheSheep: Thanks...I've seen the kits, I've even got a v.old myself. I'll take a closer look | 07:46 |
hyper__ch | is here a OOo pro? | 07:55 |
hyper__ch | I wonder how to enter the special characters from OOo with the keyboard... in Windows in M$ Office (and ASCII) code it was ALT+... | 07:56 |
TheSheep | hyper__ch: google for 'compose key' | 07:57 |
hyper__ch | OOo also have a keycombo but it's defined as "u+...." | 07:57 |
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hyper__ch | *restarting X* | 08:03 |
=== hyper_ch [n=hyper@84-75-93-168.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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BFTD | ho all | 08:15 |
=== MagicFab [n=MagicFab@ubuntu/member/magicfab] has joined #xubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | anyone can help me identifying a process? | 08:33 |
hyper_ch | I have lotus notes started through wine | 08:33 |
hyper_ch | but it became un-responsive | 08:34 |
hyper_ch | now I have still that wine windows open | 08:34 |
hyper_ch | but ps aux | grep lotus or notes or wine don't return anything | 08:34 |
=== __Serge__ [i=ircap@pc-101-233-46-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
somerville32 | hyper_ch, press: ctrl + alt + esc | 08:35 |
somerville32 | And then click the window. | 08:35 |
Smygis | killall wine; pkill wine*; xkill klickonwindow | 08:35 |
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hyper_ch | somerville32: nope... tried that last time... killed other stuff... not that unresponsive window | 08:35 |
somerville32 | lol | 08:35 |
somerville32 | Most interesting | 08:35 |
hyper_ch | somerville32: well, this time it worked... when I click on the window top bar... | 08:36 |
somerville32 | Tada :] | 08:36 |
hyper_ch | but still, what process was it? | 08:36 |
somerville32 | Can't tell you know :P | 08:37 |
somerville32 | lol | 08:37 |
hyper_ch | ;) | 08:38 |
=== hyper_ch wonders if somerville32 is from the US | ||
=== Deviad_ [n=Deviad__@81-208-83-249.fastres.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== Deviad_ is now known as sopotted | ||
=== somerville32 is Canadian actually. | ||
somerville32 | Oh crap | 08:39 |
=== hyper_ch thinks Canada rocks | ||
somerville32 | *now | 08:39 |
somerville32 | Stupid k key... too close to the n key : ( | 08:39 |
=== hyper_ch has a lovely gf in Ottawa | ||
sopotted | http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-pciutils-discuss/2007-February/000165.html | 08:41 |
sopotted | Does anyone know any way to solve that bug? | 08:41 |
sopotted | I'm kind of disappointed cos I cannot compile backlight.c | 08:41 |
sopotted | because of that error :\ | 08:41 |
somerville32 | I'm pretty sure that out pciutils package is forked | 08:42 |
sopotted | somerville32, what do you mean? | 08:42 |
somerville32 | We have ubuntu specific modifications | 08:43 |
sopotted | I have that problem on ubuntu | 08:45 |
sopotted | :| | 08:45 |
sopotted | gosh... I have to install gentoo just for a backlight to work... cool | 08:46 |
=== sacater_ [n=sacater@host86-144-187-47.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== hyper_ch has heard that gentoo is cool but only for people with too much spare time | ||
jeriko | <3 gentoo | 08:50 |
somerville32 | sopotted, I doubt it. | 08:52 |
somerville32 | Backlight works on my laptop | 08:52 |
somerville32 | Your laptop might not support it | 08:52 |
=== hyper_ch wonders what backlight is... it keeps reminding him of car parts | ||
jeriko | indeed, linux is linux, distro shouldn't matter | 08:53 |
TheSheep | jeriko: linux is kernel | 08:54 |
grazie | hyper_ch: you only need too much spare time if you watch every single line of code compile. A second machine is a necessity if you don't care to do this :) | 08:55 |
TheSheep | grazie: you know, I've heard that there are actually some operating systems that do multitatskin, I mean, you can compile things and do other things at the same time... | 08:55 |
hyper_ch | grazie: :) | 08:55 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep: multitasking is a myth | 08:56 |
=== grazie is mortally wounded for not know such basic stuff :( | ||
grazie | knowing* | 08:57 |
=== hyper_ch stands nearby grazie and watches him day.... *another good sould gone....* | ||
=== TheSheep applies CPR | ||
=== grazie ------------------------------------------------------------- | ||
hyper_ch | TheSheep: he's mortally wounded... cpr won't help... | 08:59 |
TheSheep | hyper_ch: sure, but it's fun ;) | 08:59 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep: you just want to see the blood spill out of his wound | 09:00 |
TheSheep | hyper_ch: likeo n tv, you see | 09:00 |
=== hyper_ch wonders what assets grazie has that I can be heir of.... | ||
=== hyper_ch thinks he must have some giro account... | ||
Lectus | are the ubuntu repositories down? I keep getting error messages with apt-get | 09:02 |
hyper_ch | Lectus: maybe just the one you use are down | 09:02 |
=== grazie has x86 an machine with multiple linux distros but resets/lockup quite often and two ppc machines with multiple linux distros, but unfornatunately fiesty is not supported :( | ||
Lectus | I'm getting 404 not found | 09:03 |
hyper_ch | my repos work fine | 09:04 |
Lectus | I'll try to change the country | 09:05 |
=== grazie still types just as badly when dead | ||
hyper_ch | Lectus: need mine? | 09:05 |
hyper_ch | ch.archive.ubuntu.com | 09:06 |
Lectus | nope... I got on: http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ | 09:06 |
=== ongardie [n=nongardi@66-100-35-21-static.dsl.oplink.net] has left #xubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Lectus | got it working now | 09:10 |
Lectus | it seems that the repo from my country are down | 09:10 |
hyper_ch | Lectus: can happen :) | 09:10 |
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=== arkanabar [n=arkanaba@pool-68-238-113-77.atl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
arkanabar | Ever since I made xubuntu my default desktop, I've gotten a bug buddy report on every boot regarding evolution. Where do I send this thing? | 09:13 |
hyper_ch | !bugs | 09:14 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 09:14 |
arkanabar | Thanks. | 09:16 |
hyper_ch | arkanabar: you're welcome :) | 09:16 |
=== Lectus [n=freddy@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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Lectus | wow... I installed IceWM on xubuntu... looks cool | 09:18 |
hyper_ch | Lectus: it's a nice manager | 09:18 |
hyper_ch | Lectus: I have it on my USB stick | 09:19 |
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Lectus | although not all programs are visible on the menu... I don't know why | 09:20 |
hyper_ch | Lectus: some thing remain a miracle ;) | 09:20 |
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Catoptromancy | Ok some reason I get w3m as my defaultbrowser instead of firefox | 09:39 |
=== darrend_ is now known as darrend | ||
=== Laibsc1 [n=Laibsch@p54B97747.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | Catoptromancy: do you have a question or was this just a statement? | 09:46 |
=== Laibsc1 is now known as Laibsch | ||
Catoptromancy | heh | 09:47 |
Catoptromancy | I think it was only gaim | 09:47 |
Catoptromancy | no big deal | 09:47 |
Catoptromancy | wanted firefox as default browser to open | 09:47 |
Catoptromancy | didnt even know I had w3m until it somehow opened by default | 09:48 |
hyper_ch | ;) | 09:51 |
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Deviad | MILAN CHAMPION | 10:59 |
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=== largos [n=rcreswic@dsl081-014-025.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
largos | I'm having a problem with OO.org on a xubuntu system, and I'm not sure where to ask about it. | 11:54 |
largos | Today the font used in OO for drawing all the controlling widgets is much, much larger than it should be (eg: the menu bars / toolbars, etc.) and it generally looks less... detailed. I think the rulers are missing mm ticks, for example | 11:55 |
largos | screenshot up here: http://xplanet.sourceforge.net/clouds/clouds_2048.jpg | 11:55 |
largos | er, http://ciscavate.org/data/oo-large.jpg <-- there | 11:55 |
largos | OpenOffice is in front, with Abiword in back to show the contrast in font size. | 11:55 |
largos | yesterday everything looked fine, but after a reboot (and possibly an update?) it started looking like this. Any ideas? | 11:56 |
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darrend | largos: installing openoffice.org-gtk might fix it | 11:57 |
=== cliebow [n=cliebow@cpe-76-179-82-249.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
largos | darrend: ah.. thanks. I'll give that a shot. | 11:57 |
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=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-199-53.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
largos | darrend++ | 12:00 |
largos | that's much, much better :) | 12:00 |
=== aboyousif [n=aboyousi@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
darrend | cool :) | 12:00 |
somerville32 | \o/ | 12:00 |
largos | I wonder why it changed | 12:01 |
largos | (the gtk version looks like what I was using yesterday) | 12:01 |
darrend | don't know - some config messup somewhere probably. I've had OOo issues like that on both gentoo (with xfce) and xubuntu | 12:02 |
largos | hm... it also seems to have some different settings re: the document formatting. | 12:02 |
largos | all my headings lost the space between number and content. eg: 1,2Analysis of the Problem vs. 1,2 Analysis of the Problem | 12:03 |
largos | <sigh> I wish I could just go back to using LaTeX | 12:03 |
=== VR_ [n=NULL@6532237hfc136.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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=== Ezep-notebook [n=ezep@200-122-98-89.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Ezep-notebook | hi | 12:16 |
Ezep-notebook | how could i change the language of the keyboard? | 12:16 |
maxamillion | Ezep-notebook: just a moment | 12:19 |
largos | hm.. I'm wondering that too, actually :) | 12:20 |
largos | I've always used xmodmap & .xsession, but it'd be nice to know the "xubuntu" suggested way... | 12:20 |
=== Teshadael [n=jprice@cpe-66-67-98-123.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Ezep-notebook | maxamillion: thx | 12:21 |
maxamillion | its actually something we are going to be targeting as a subject to cover in the next release documentation, it seems to be a popular issue | 12:21 |
=== cliebow [n=cliebow@cpe-76-179-82-249.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
largos | actually, I guess my question is more general -- I'd like to do arbitrary key remapping | 12:22 |
largos | (and ideally have those changes persist across different WMs and into VTs | 12:23 |
maxamillion | largos: right, that's what we plan to address ... i actually don't know how to do it, i've never had to change the key mapping post installation but our doc team is working on it and i am looking for the info at the moment | 12:23 |
BFTD | anyone use ham radio and linux together? | 12:25 |
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