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guglielf | hi, this page is not a valid WikiName, could someone rename it? --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How_to_dual-boot_Ubuntu_and_XP_after_installing_them_separately_on_two_HDs | 12:55 |
Burgwork | you can move it | 12:56 |
guglielf | hmm, nope | 12:57 |
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j1mc | hi all | 02:56 |
Admiral_Chicago | you left didn't you :) | 02:56 |
Admiral_Chicago | whats up jim | 02:56 |
j1mc | Admiral_Chicago: i left to come here. :) | 02:56 |
Admiral_Chicago | ah cool | 02:56 |
j1mc | must stay focused. :) | 02:57 |
j1mc | although i enjoy the ubu-chicago chats | 02:57 |
Admiral_Chicago | speaking of being focused.../me goes to fill out some papers... | 02:58 |
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ubotu | New bug: #116757 in ubuntu-docs (main) "Packaging Guide not clear on "rules" having to be executable" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116757 | 08:51 |
nixternal | heh, | 08:54 |
nixternal | let me guess, either debuild or dpkg-buildpackage said "no way jose!" | 08:55 |
mdke | morning all | 08:57 |
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mdke | nixternal, willvdl - people in the wikiteam should be able to delete/rename pages on the help wiki; but we have to add them manually. Email me your WikiNames and I'll add you as soon as I remember what time of day it is | 09:29 |
Madpilot | @now London | 09:30 |
Madpilot | lagged silly bot | 09:30 |
Madpilot | early there, yes? | 09:30 |
mdke | not really; I'm just losing track of where I am. Busy week | 09:30 |
willvdl | mdke. thanks. it's a friday if that helps | 09:31 |
mdke | it helps a lot :) | 09:31 |
willvdl | for the whole day | 09:31 |
ubotu | Current time in Europe/London: May 25 2007, 08:37:07 - Next meeting: MOTU in 4 hours 22 minutes | 09:37 |
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ubotu | New bug: #116782 in ubuntu-docs (main) "Packaging Guide: missing files from source in Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116782 | 10:26 |
ubotu | New bug: #116783 in ubuntu-docs (main) "Packaging Guide: mentions copying rules from the ubuntu source, but fails to compile" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116783 | 10:30 |
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j1mc | hi all. is there a doc team meeting planned in the near future? | 09:12 |
j1mc | the meeting page says the next meeting is set for November 11, 2006 | 09:12 |
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nixternal | hehe | 09:18 |
nixternal | j1mc: it has been a while since our last meeting | 09:18 |
j1mc | hi nixternal | 09:18 |
nixternal | we pretty much already know what we need to do I guess...however maybe we should setup a meeting to discuss any necessary changes needed/wanted for 7.10 | 09:18 |
j1mc | i'm just following you around. pretty soon i'll be doing kde packaging and building kubuntu from scratch or something. | 09:19 |
nixternal | hahah rock on! | 09:20 |
nixternal | Debian Hacking 101 tomorrow for me ;) | 09:20 |
j1mc | cool. i bet you're pretty excited. | 09:20 |
nixternal | depends on how you classify excited..it will be cool hanging out with some debian devs though | 09:21 |
j1mc | i guess . . . just sounds like a step into a whole new world, in a way. i mean . . . DEBIAN. :) the mother ship. | 09:22 |
nixternal | heh, it has been a long time when I worked with anything Debian | 09:22 |
nixternal | actually, I am doing the debian-kde-extras thing now..I don't think I would mess with documentation on their end, they like to use SGML which isn't fun | 09:23 |
j1mc | nixternal: do you forsee any big changes to the structure of *ubuntu documentation? in terms of how things are organized? | 09:23 |
nixternal | j1mc: not for a while I would guess. we just did the "big change" with 7.04 | 09:23 |
j1mc | got it. | 09:24 |
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mdke | nixternal: ok, you're now in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EditorGroup | 10:25 |
nixternal | rock on mdke, thanks! | 10:25 |
mdke | np | 10:26 |
nixternal | so, any new plans for 7.10 on our side? | 10:28 |
nixternal | wi6 | 10:28 |
nixternal | that works :) | 10:28 |
mdke | we need to do some serious thinking | 10:28 |
nixternal | well...we have a solid base...just need to add to it if anything, and fix up what needs to be fixed of course | 10:29 |
mdke | I'd like to develop a strategy which is going to get some more people involved; I think there are some small things we can do to improve feedback and contribution but we really need some big things too - such as revamping how we do the help website | 10:29 |
mdke | yes, the system docs are in good enough shape | 10:29 |
nixternal | ya, the help website is definitely in need of some love | 10:30 |
mdke | I'd like to get some momentum behind those two specs | 10:32 |
j1mc | mdke, for what it's worth, Admiral_Chicago and I are going to be revamping the xubuntu documentation, hopefully making it on-par with ubuntu and kubuntu docs. | 10:34 |
j1mc | we have a lot of work to do, but we're getting started now, so . . . | 10:34 |
j1mc | we also have some help from the xubuntu dev team. | 10:35 |
mdke | j1mc: sounds great | 10:36 |
mdke | let us know how we can help | 10:36 |
j1mc | ok. thanks. nixternal is also in our loco, so he will be a great resource for us. | 10:37 |
nixternal | only if the money is right of course | 10:37 |
j1mc | mostly, i'll just try to stick around here and also follow the mailing lists and such. | 10:37 |
j1mc | and see how much $$$$$ i can scrounge up for nixternal. | 10:37 |
mdke | I'll chip in a dime | 10:40 |
nixternal | gee, thanks :) | 10:40 |
j1mc | :) | 10:40 |
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