
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-034-023.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechmhb, ryanakca: ping anyone use KDE4?12:38
ryanakcaDaSkreech: not actively12:39
ryanakcaDaSkreech: why? I have it installed...12:39
DaSkreechThey redid the menu to F.d.o12:40
DaSkreechI'm rading annma's blog12:40
ryanakcaF.d.o? link?12:40
DaSkreechDon't think it helps with the System Settings argument now that I think about it though :-)12:45
DaSkreechwhen is the next kubuntu-meeting ?12:54
giangyDaSkreech: 31/0512:55
giangy(30th 21:00 UTC..)12:56
DaSkreechOh that's wikied :012:56
marseillai_if i've well understad it will have to be change12:58
marseillai_xubuntu guy are allready in u-meeting at this time12:59
marseillai_fdoving: still there ?01:01
marseillai_good night01:08
nixternalhey, you guys see the BasKet dev quit? no more development work w/o any new devs01:30
DaSkreechnixternal: what?01:30
nixternalthe latest basket update has a changelog, read it01:31
=== DaSkreech goes into a run-around-in-circles-panic
nixternalthere you go01:31
=== nixternal waits
=== DaSkreech gets dizzy and falls down
DaSkreechthat  sucketh01:38
ryanakcanixternal: well, you're relearning C++, and you have a knowledge of Qt, don't you?01:38
=== n8k99 [n=nathan@dsl254-078-190.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalryanakca: I have no clue what you are talking about01:39
=== nixternal crawls into the nixcave
DaSkreechnixternal: who does basket?01:50
nixternalyou do now!01:50
nixternalI sent them an email on your behalf01:50
nixternalI really don't know who does it01:50
=== lando [n=lando@adsl-225-119-22.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
n8k99DaSkreech: do you mean upstream or in Kubunt?02:12
n8k99help> about basket02:16
DaSkreechin vista02:17
n8k99ah ha!02:17
n8k99hang on02:17
=== ace_ [n=ace@fupi.suares.an] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ace_ <ace_> Multihead question...02:18
ace_[20:17]  <ace_> I was used in kubuntu dapper. when I click on an application to open it, and move the mouse to a certain screen02:18
ace_[20:17]  <ace_> (I have 3)02:18
ace_[20:17]  <ace_> that the application would open in that screen, it seems with Feisty, that feature is lost.02:18
ace_[20:17]  <ace_> Any comments ?02:18
n8k99DaSkreech: Sebastien Laout is the author02:19
n8k99your welcome02:23
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ace_my question is already answered on #kde03:08
ace_thanx, see ya later!03:09
DaSkreechWhat was it?03:09
=== ace_ [n=ace@fupi.suares.an] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
=== luis_lopez [n=jabba@68-182-33-197-Public-Marmac-MIPHA.client.eng.telusmobility.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== rbrunhuber [n=Miranda@p5497579E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseemorning all!03:31
jjesseevening Hobbsee03:32
Jucatomoin Hobbsee!!!03:32
DaSkreechhi Hobbsee03:37
Hobbseeaww, basket dev is retiring03:37
DaSkreechHi Jucato03:37
n8k99its morning over there already?!?03:37
Jucatoey hi DaSkreech03:37
JucatoHobbsee: wha? and they just released 1.0.2 :(03:37
jjesse@time sydney03:37
ubotuCurrent time in Australia/Sydney: May 28 2007, 11:37:59 - Next meeting: Kernel Team in 1 day03:37
=== Jucato wonders where Hobbsee got the news :(
DaSkreechJucato: yeah03:38
Jucatostill no news from Mez?03:38
DaSkreechI'm pondering mailing him03:39
Jucatoeeek... poor basket :(03:39
DaSkreechhe doesn't normally vanish for over a week03:39
=== Jucato also wonders what happened to Mez....
HobbseeJucato: basket rss feed03:39
Jucatojust when I was getting curious about the results of the basket usability studies :(03:40
DaSkreech#kde was thinking that maybe it can be redone as a plasmoid03:40
DaSkreech#plasma was thinking more of turning it to a dataengine03:40
DaSkreechJucato: Well they are there03:41
Hobbseesounds interesting03:41
DaSkreechHe's setting up a grea tstage for the work to continue03:41
Jucatobasket? isn't it a bit too big to be a plasmoid/dataengine? hm...03:41
Jucatooh well... I wish them the best... it's the only thing I can do right now :)03:42
jjesse bummer i thought basket was great, but havne't used too much of it in a long time03:42
Jucatoit's becoming one of the KDE killer apps I think... but still missing some features for me personally, and a bit "big". but it's cool :)03:42
DaSkreechJucato: both were thinking of refactoring03:43
DaSkreechJucato: We should have a list of KDE killer apps :003:43
DaSkreech which remonds me03:44
Jucatoyeah!! :)03:44
DaSkreech how long has qtparted been dead?03:44
Jucatokatapult is one of my killer apps :)03:44
jjesseby far my best used and most missed app back when iu'm in windows03:44
RadiantFirebasket is great now that it can save/backup03:44
Jucatojjesse: might want to take a look at Launchy03:45
DaSkreechRadiantFire: well danny is going to mention it in the commit digest tomorrow03:45
DaSkreechI'm thinking about making a section on the wiki to help organize it03:46
Jucatojjesse: http://www.launchy.net/03:46
DaSkreech So we can put all our eggs in it03:46
DaSkreechI apologize :-(03:46
jjesseJucato: thanks i will03:46
Jucatoin someways, it's a bit better than Katapult :P03:46
Jucatowoot they're planning note connectors for basket, ala kdissert!! I've been wanting this :(03:49
DaSkreechcan't be03:50
jjessecan they make it a replace of one note?03:50
Jucatocan't be what?03:50
Jucatojjesse: maybe even better. maybe...03:50
DaSkreechkatapult is open source03:51
JucatoDaSkreech: read the link. Launchy is too03:51
Jucatoexcept that it's only on Windows03:51
DaSkreechHow did I miss that? :-)03:51
Jucatokatapult zealotry :P03:52
JucatoMez knows about Launchy as well.  one of the apps he took a look at03:52
JucatoDaSkreech: I can tell you one thing that makes Launchy better than Katapult. Like Quicksilver, it displays multiple hits03:53
DaSkreechWell Yeah Katapult is a clone :)03:53
jjessei just wish basket could replace one note03:53
jjessethat product is sweeeeeeet03:54
DaSkreechI'm torn though03:54
DaSkreechCourse this is a convo for #katapult03:54
JucatoDaSkreech: it's a clone-in-progress03:54
DaSkreechWhat does one note do?03:54
jjessein one note i can create tasks, appointments, etc and link right to outlook along w/ creating notebooks to better organize my thoughts03:54
jjessealso i can use handwriting when i'm on a tablet for one note03:55
=== n8k99 plays a one-note samba!
jjesseand the desktop search can search both handwritten and text03:55
Jucatobasket is mentioned as an alternative :)03:55
n8k99but i want my handwriting!!1one03:55
Jucatooh btw, compared to OneNote, I don't think Basket is quite good at handling loooong text03:55
Jucatothere's a noticeable delay/lag when typing in long text03:56
jjesseas an alternative butg i could never get it to work well enough to replace one note03:56
DaSkreechjjesse: well making basket a dataengine for plasma might help that04:02
=== jjesse is confused by dataengine and plasma
nixternaljjesse: you see ryanakca's point on switching to bzr?04:03
nixternalI would like to separate the projects truthfully04:03
jjessenixternal: who wouldn't04:03
jjessewhhy do you think i seperated adept docs04:03
DaSkreechhow confused?04:03
jjesseDaSkreech: i guess  i don't quite understand the terms plasma and dataengine and how it would make things better04:04
Jucatodataengine = a backend that can be used as a source for plasmoids04:04
Jucatoslightly analogous to meters in superkaramba I guess04:04
ryanakcanixternal: ping me when you get to look at that KMail howto...04:05
=== ryanakca --> Zzzz
Hobbseeyay, kmail04:06
ryanakcaHobbsee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KMailGPGAgent ... I just have to fix the second script04:07
ryanakcait isn't displaying properly04:08
=== Jucato sets a cronjob to repeatedly ping ryanakca every 5 mins for no reason...
=== ryanakca sets Jucato on /ignore
Jucatosmart :)04:08
DaSkreechjjesse: Yeah Plasma is a Pillar of KDE4 :)04:11
DaSkreechit runs on dataengines04:11
jjesseoh yeah04:11
Hobbseewow, pinentry is cool!04:13
Hobbseeryanakca: btw, it's gnupg-agent04:13
=== neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db4455e.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatohm.. where does ubotu get it's package info factoid? just want to correct one (QT instead of Qt :P)04:25
Hobbseepackages.ubuntu.com i think04:26
Jucatoah ok.. hehe I'm a bit picky :P04:27
Jucatohttp://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/x11/qtparted :D04:27
DaSkreechProbably packages.ubuntu.com04:27
crimsunwhich in turn is dictated by the description(s) in each source package's debian/control04:28
crimsunthat's ultimately where the fix should be made04:28
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Jucatooh well, just a minor typo I noticed. no big deal. :)04:32
DaSkreechJucato: ha ha derefrencing anyone?04:32
Jucatotrying to dereference my brain... *brain seems to yield NULL :/04:33
DaSkreechOn deref too many04:35
DaSkreechCtrl=Z Ctrl+Z!!04:35
Jucatoput it into the background? O.o04:36
DaSkreechHa ha :) GUI vs CLI round 45 Fight!04:37
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-55-228.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== lando [n=lando@adsl-225-119-22.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== lando [n=lando@adsl-225-119-22.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RadiantFireanybody out there?05:50
RadiantFirethat was miraculously unhelpful05:50
RadiantFirebecause now I know that noone is out there05:51
crimsunask a miraculously unhelpful question, get a miraculously unhelpful answer.05:51
nixternalcrimsun: but if you ask me any type of question, more than likely you will get that miraculously unhelpful answer ;p05:51
Jucatoand start a miraculously unhelpful conversation :)05:52
RadiantFireanyway, i got bored and decided I would play with kdebase, and I managed to do something that might be useful with the kdesu dialog, I took a screenshot, its at http://home.comcast.net/~dzeigler7/kdesu_modification.png05:52
RadiantFirei was wondering if this would be considered worthwhile, and if so, who should I contact?05:52
Jucatohm.. mhb has done something similar, but without removing the "Command" field which Riddell would like to keep05:52
nixternallooks good05:52
=== Jucato goes check logs
JucatoRadiantFire: from mhb http://img503.imageshack.us/my.php?image=thenewupdaterjo1.png05:54
JucatoRadiantFire: you should probably contact mhb since he's interested in the same thing.05:55
Jucatojust my guess :)05:55
RadiantFirethat would make sens05:56
Hobbseewow, taht's nice!05:57
RadiantFirehis seems shineyer05:59
RadiantFireI shall make contact with him when he returns05:59
DaSkreechJucato: does the command field have parameters on it?05:59
JucatoDaSkreech: depends on the app being launched I guess05:59
DaSkreech well I'm off to bed06:00
=== Jucato is off to lunch
=== n8k99 is off his rocker
=== DaSkreech throws a pillow in the rocker and catches a nap
=== Jucato throws the rocker :)
=== Jucato throws the rocker... with DaSkreech in it, of course :P
DaSkreechYOU WERE GOIng off to lu.....06:02
RadiantFirethat would be somewhat heavy06:02
Jucatoadrenaline :)06:02
DaSkreech*distant splosh sound*06:02
Jucatook really gone :)06:02
RadiantFirei hate jetlag06:03
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RadiantFiregood morning06:49
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_marseillaismorning Hobbsee08:55
_marseillaisit's allready afternoon for you no ?08:55
Hobbseealmost 5pm08:55
Hobbseewhich means i need to be at work soon08:55
=== Jucato wonders what this "thing" called "work" is...
HobbseeJucato: it's a place where i tell people to get off the phone to their friends, etc.08:56
Jucatohehe bossy Hobbsee :)08:56
Jucatooooh they rhyme!!08:56
Hobbseeand explain to them what "incompetence" means08:56
Hobbseekinda.  but if you're being paid to do a task, then that means that you should...y'know...actually...do it?08:57
=== Jucato loves not being paid to do a task he doesn't want... yet...
Hobbseenot be on the phone to your friends, etc08:57
=== _marseillais is in trainee
Hobbseeand be responsible - if you eat some crappy highly-processed food, put it in the horrible microwave, it's probably going to give you a stomach ache, yes.08:58
_marseillaisis not payed and he has to work more that anyone in this desk08:58
Jucato_marseillais: ah that's even worse than not working at all :/08:58
Hobbseetherefore, i wont be terribly sympathetic when you complain, dont wish to do you work, and want to go home08:58
Hobbseeyeah :(  ugh08:58
_marseillaisand i can't say them what is incompetence08:58
Hobbseei probably shouldnt08:59
Hobbseebut you have to say *something* when they do something really really stupid.08:59
_marseillaisHobbsee, i've tried and give up after two months08:59
Hobbseei suspect it's the boss' right.09:00
_marseillaisnows i do my work, nothing more, and apply to job offer09:00
_marseillaislooks for a job09:00
Hobbseenot that i can tell my boss that he's throwing a tantrum like a 3 year old, or something.09:00
Hobbseeheh, yep09:00
=== _marseillais looks in open source if possible
Hobbseemeh.  jobs09:02
=== Hobbsee has the problem that she's at uni for most of the australian working week.
Hobbseejust due to the course load09:02
Hobbseewhereas i can do kubuntu stuff at any time - the odd hours are better09:02
=== Hobbsee --> work
=== nuu [n=neuro@85-18-14-28.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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jonaspHey, when doing a kernel update wouldn't it be usefull for a normal user to get a message telling him that the update will not be finished until he reboots his computer?10:18
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Riddellnixternal: no FDL for kubuntu docs now?11:43
fdovingjonasp: yes, ubuntu does that. it is usefull, then also have an icon sitting in the systray reminding the user.11:53
Riddelljonasp: it's part of this spec https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuGutsyAdept11:54
Riddell"Implement the upgrade hooks described in [WWW]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InteractiveUpgradeHooks in adept_notifier."11:54
jonaspfdoving, Riddell: okay, that's nice.11:54
Riddelljonasp: volunteers to implement it welcome :)11:55
_marseillaiswhy creating my homepage on wiki.kubuntu.org send an email to several people?12:04
gnomefreakdont kernel updates do that already?12:05
fdoving_marseillais: they subscribe to all changes to the wiki.12:07
fdovinggnomefreak: only in gnome.12:07
gnomefreaki thought there was a restart notifier in the kicker for some reason12:08
fdovingmight be, but it's the gnome-one.12:08
gnomefreaki see12:08
jonaspWhen are the hooks created? During the upgrade process of a certain package?12:09
fdovingthat's how i understand https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InteractiveUpgradeHooks12:11
jonaspso the hook files are created on kubuntu, too?12:12
fdovingyes, should be.12:12
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fdovingnot sure what checks are used before creating them.. but yeah.12:13
jonaspokay so the directory "/var/lib/update-notifier/user.d/" would be the one to use for even for kubuntu12:13
fdovingit would be wise to use the same directories and hooks, that way we don't need all maintainers to add support for our way of doing this.12:15
fdovingwhich reminds me, we should somehow make our /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ configs not override the ubuntu ones, rather change them. diverting the ubuntu files out of the way with our update-notifier package.12:17
jonaspOkay, looks like i.e. utf8-migration-tool creates a hook-file in "/var/lib/update-notifier/user.d/". But I don't get how kernel updates do that.12:23
Riddellin their postinst script?12:24
=== marseillai [n=mars@AMarseille-156-1-88-218.w90-29.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jonaspI'm not that familiar with packages and their installation. Could you point to some information I could read?12:33
fdovingjonasp: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html12:33
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kristinahi, where do I find the gpg key for the kde4packages?12:49
Riddellkristina: if I signed them it'll be from the same place as my key for kde 3 packages http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php12:51
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kristinaRiddel: got it, tnx12:54
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marseillaijonasp: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/ is a good start01:02
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=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
marseillaiRiddell: thanks for your revu and sorry for missing the patch name in changelog01:28
Riddellit's just a personal preference of mine01:28
marseillaiand i agree with it01:30
marseillaijust i forgot01:30
marseillaiRiddell: anyway thanks :)01:30
marseillaiand since two days i use it it's really a nice feature01:30
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Hobbseehi all02:45
\shhey Hobbsee02:45
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ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs03:04
_marseillaisHobbsee, you don't know what to do? you are in an annoying moment ?03:18
=== _marseillais try
Hobbsee_marseillais: sorry?03:18
_marseillaisHobbsee, no just to see if you have time and if you are looking for something to revu03:19
_marseillaisallready one advocate03:19
_marseillaisin case of : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=530503:19
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=== Jucato gives Hobbsee something to drink to try cool/calm her down :)
HobbseeJucato: i'm perfectly calm03:24
Jucatook, that's good :)03:24
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=== _marseillais is now known as marseillai
=== fdoving [n=frode@edge.lnix.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Jucatowb Hobbsee_03:43
Hobbseestupid ISP03:45
RadiantFirethat happens to me too alot03:46
Jucatothere was a netsplit too... :/03:48
=== sacater [n=sacater@colchester-lug/member/sacater] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== marseillai apply to https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members :)
Jucatosee you on thursday/friday :)03:59
RadiantFireJucato: still there?04:01
=== Jucato is about to go to catch CSI. be back in an hour
RadiantFirejust wondering if you happened to know mhb's e-mail address. it would seem better than idling on the off chance he comes back04:01
HobbseeRadiantFire: launchpad will04:03
marseillaiJucato, it's not a muto apply isn't it ???04:04
marseillaijust kubuntu-member04:04
=== manchicken [n=manchkn@74-134-94-223.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RadiantFirelaunchpad was miraculously unhelpful04:05
marseillaiapacheLAGger, there ?04:09
manchickenFinally, some hacking time.04:09
HobbseeRadiantFire: martin.bohm@kubuntu.org04:11
HobbseeRadiantFire: https://launchpad.net/~martin.bohm04:11
HobbseeRadiantFire: search was unhelpful, yes.04:11
RadiantFirei guess I searched for the wrong thing04:11
=== RadiantFire goes and feels sheepish
manchickenLooks like there's a fat kernel update today.04:12
HobbseeRadiantFire: i looked up kubuntu-members and went thru there :)04:12
=== tmske_ [n=thomas@d54C0D13F.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RadiantFirethank you Hobbsee04:15
Hobbseeno problem04:15
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
apacheLAGgermarseillai: ahoy!04:21
marseillaiyop apacheLAGger04:21
marseillaiyesterday i read your blog04:22
marseillaiand saw you are working on maxemumtvguide04:22
marseillaiapacheLAGger, but it's there http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=530504:22
apacheLAGgermarseillai: yeah, just noticed it today04:22
marseillainow i just need one more advocate04:23
=== apacheLAGger got an complaint :P
apacheLAGgermarseillai: control file description: QT is written Qt ... QT = QuickTime04:26
apacheLAGgerthere is a library issue04:26
apacheLAGgerwhich is why I didn't upload mtvg yet04:26
marseillaithe librarie is lintian issue ?04:27
apacheLAGgerby default it installs into /usr/lib, while it should go into /usr/lib/kde304:27
marseillaimmmmmmmmmmmm gpocentek and mr_pouit told me it's not a problem04:27
apacheLAGgermarseillai: please add a TODO to have a look at this for future versions04:27
marseillaibut i can change it quite easily04:27
apacheLAGgerI mailed upstream to update the admin dir04:27
marseillaioki no problem04:28
apacheLAGgermarseillai: well, not by the most lovely way of changing the sources ;-)04:28
apacheLAGgerthat would need new makefiles04:28
apacheLAGgerthough the admin dir is THAT old that you can't create them04:28
marseillaiapacheLAGger, patching makefile should do the thing04:28
marseillaii've done it for smplayer04:28
apacheLAGgeryes, but not with such an old admin dir04:28
marseillaiapacheLAGger, with a patch! ;)04:28
apacheLAGgerIIRC it doesn't even detect automake > 1.6 I think04:28
apacheLAGgerreally awkward thing04:29
marseillaibut currently it works and motu seems to be happy with it04:29
marseillaiso ....04:29
apacheLAGgeryeah, just added a todo, advocation will not get lost ;-)04:30
apacheLAGgerthough if I was a motu you'd get one from me :)04:30
apacheLAGgernice work04:30
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Arbywho looks after language-support in kubuntu?04:52
Arbyand can they shed any light on bug 113145?04:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 113145 in language-support-fr "language-support-fr does not install on Feisty Fawn (7.04)." [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11314504:52
ArbyI have confirmed the bug and it looks like something that should affect more people than it seemingly has.04:53
marseillaiArby, could you come to #kubuntu-fr some times ?04:59
Arbymarseillai: you mean now? sure05:00
ArbyI didn't even know there was a #kubuntu-fr05:00
marseillainow you know! :)05:00
Arbymarseillai: I should warn you I don't speak french, I just tested the bug :)05:01
Arbyhave you heard of anyone else with that bug?05:03
ArbyI'd expect it to affect a lot of people05:03
ArbyI'm trying to triage it05:03
marseillaiArby, i'm every day in #kubuntu-fr and have never heard anyone complaining with this problem05:04
marseillaibut i don't see everyone05:04
Arbymarseillai: hmm, strange05:04
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manchickenOH HELL YEAH!!!!05:06
manchickenThat kernel update fixed my sound card trouble!05:06
ArbyI love it when that happens :)05:07
manchickenI hate when it breaks though.05:07
Arbyyin to go with the yang :)05:07
manchickenYeah, but it's all ATI's fault.05:08
manchickenThey've got their own crappy codecs on a normal soundblaster chipset.05:08
manchickenatiixp wasn't really necessary.05:08
manchickenBut it was necessary in order to try to lock the market into ATI :)05:09
Arbymanchicken: do you have anything to do with adept?05:12
manchickenSometimes :)05:12
manchickenWhenever it's good, not bad, that's me.05:12
Arbyam I right in thinking bug 117345 is not actually a bug?05:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 117345 in adept "adept locks software database if it crashes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11734505:13
manchickenI would say so.05:13
Arbythe database locking is intentional?05:13
manchickenI'd say we need to look into the crash, not the database lockup.05:13
manchickenIf you start adept as root it locks the database.05:13
Arbywhat should I ask for infowise?05:13
Arby(about to do triage)05:14
manchickenAsk about the crash, not about the lock.05:14
Arbyif I write a response will you take a look.05:14
manchickenI'm not sure how you release a lock if the OS forcibly kills the program :)05:14
ArbyI have done it in the past05:15
Arbydpkg -reconfigure or something05:15
Arbyneed to look it up05:15
manchickenYeah, unlocking is easy.05:15
manchickenBut making adept release the lock when it crashes is damn-near impossible.05:15
Arbyany suggestions?05:16
manchickenYeah.  We should figure out why it crashed and fix that.  Tell folks to `dpkg -configure -a` whenever it crashes on them.05:16
manchicken(which it doesn't do that often in my experience)05:17
manchickenIt may be a good idea to have a "one-click-fix" program for gutsy.  With a bunch of shell scripts that will fix stuff.05:18
Arbyagreed, I'm really quite a fan of adept most of the time :)05:18
manchickenI think that would make things so much nicer.05:18
manchickenCrikey, that's a good idea.05:18
manchickenI'm gonna put that on the meeting agenda.05:18
ArbyI might come to this meeting then05:18
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manchickenThat's such a good idea, I can't believe I thought of it.05:19
Arbydpkg -configure -a <-- that's what I was looking for thanks05:19
Arbymanchicken: does adept make logs anywhere?05:20
manchickenI mean, how many times do we have to tell new users who aren't comfortable with the command line to "just type this command"05:20
Arbytoo many05:20
manchickenDon't know.05:21
manchickenDon't think so.05:21
manchickenI've only worked mostly on the UI.05:21
ArbyOK no worries05:22
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manchickenHowdy toma.05:31
manchickenArby: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuOneClickFix05:32
tomahi all05:32
Arbymanchicken: looking05:32
manchickenIt's on the agenda for 2007.05.31.05:33
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manchickenI'm gonna go do dishes now.05:34
Jucatonice manchicken :)05:34
DaSkreechmannchicken: ping me when you get back05:36
DaSkreechmanchicken: even05:36
DaSkreechJucato: This is going to suck :(05:38
Jucatowhat is?05:38
Arbymanchicken: anything you can add to that --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adept/+bug/11734505:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 117345 in adept "adept locks software database if it crashes" [Undecided,Needs info] 05:38
DaSkreechJucato: I gave my mom my computer for the week05:39
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Jucatowb Hobbsee05:39
DaSkreechwell since last week05:39
DaSkreechCause she needs Windows XP for a while05:39
DaSkreechSo I get her laptop with Vista05:39
DaSkreechWhich means I'm Live Cding it for a while05:39
DaSkreech which means I'm gonna experiment and do a bunch of crazy stuff then get used to it05:40
DaSkreechthen go back to my old machine and miss all the new stuff :-(05:40
Jucatoyou can install Beryl or Compiz and you won't miss a thing05:40
Arbymanchicken: nice idea with the OneClickFix btw05:41
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DaSkreechNo I've decided I don't like Beryl/Compiz05:41
DaSkreechkwin_composite for me :)05:41
=== DaSkreech roots for a plasma_composite :)
Arbymanchicken: although couldn't the adept use case be just a button that appears on the error message saying 'unlock database'05:42
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manchickenArby: I suppose we could go there, but the one-click fix thing I think also needs to be a central location for one-click fixes.06:04
Arbymanchicken: fair enough, just a thought.06:04
manchickenI don't want that idea to get lost in the adept realm.06:05
ArbyI have no idea about the practicalities of actually doing it06:05
Arbyif it could be generally applied that would be cool06:05
manchickenI also see the possibility of us having some small scripts there that would present users with GUIs.06:05
manchickenI would also think that every one-click fix would have some form of GUI.06:05
Arby'Crash recovery interface' sort of thing06:06
Arbypossibly with a short explanantion of what the button does06:06
Arbywould that require re-writing some error messages (e.g. adept) to point the user to the OneClickfix for that error06:07
manchickenNaw, more focusing on the specific problem.06:07
ArbyOK, I'm just being curious :)06:08
manchickenNot a problem :)06:11
manchickenI'm basing this idea off of Comcast's one-click fix thingy.06:11
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manchickenThey have several little screen that works like this.06:12
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nixternalRiddell: all docs are cc-by-sa :(06:17
yuriyhi, stupid question, how to add a toolbar in qt4 designer?06:22
nixternalyuriy: I found the only way to do it was to use the main window selection when you first started your project. otherwise you would create the title bar in code06:33
nixternalwidgets and what not are not supposed to have titlebars from the looks of it06:33
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nixternalI was just wondering the same thing recently, then I looked at some code and realized they were adding the toolbar that way (ie via code)06:34
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nixternalRiddell: if you want to have the Kubuntu docs GPL, you would stand a better chance than I for getting it done...I made my stance with the whole issue and that I didn't like CC because all the docs I need to work with in KDE are GFDL...06:35
nixternalGFDL on the first line, not GPL06:36
DaSkreechmanchicken: ping06:36
nixternalplus I am in talks with Debian people and they would love to share docs with us as well, but they can't because our doc project is seen as non-free by them06:36
nixternalmanchicken: ping?06:37
DaSkreechmanchicken: heard about the call for google to release their code?06:37
manchickenWhich code06:37
nixternalDaSkreech: link!!!!06:37
DaSkreechmanchicken: I would assume all of it06:37
nixternalGoogle != Open Source or Free Software...and that damn Chris NoBackbonah censored me at Flourish when I was owning him06:38
yuriynixternal: toolbar not titlebar06:38
manchickennixternal: What now?06:38
nixternalmanchicken: nothing..why the hostility?06:38
nixternalyou live to far for me to pee in your korn flakes ;p06:38
manchickenWhat now?06:39
DaSkreechwondering if you had any thoughts on it06:40
DaSkreechnixternal: Who said that google == Open source ?06:40
nixternalChris DiBona06:40
manchickenI really hope Moglen shuts the hell up on that one.06:41
manchickenGoogle != Open source && Google == A_COMPANY :)06:43
nixternala damn big company :)06:43
DaSkreechWith cooks!06:43
nixternalI just wish their headhunters would leave me alone already06:43
manchickengoogle.com != proprietary && GoogleEarth == proprietary06:43
nixternaland stale twix bars06:43
DaSkreechanyone else notice it's near lunch time?06:43
nixternalmanchicken: you buying us lunch?06:43
manchickenI happen to think that Google is more bad than good, but they do put out some free software.06:44
manchickennixternal: If you give me the money, I'll buy it.06:44
nixternali.e. MySQL and Apach gets a lot of love06:44
DaSkreechwell they encourage free software06:44
nixternalmanchicken: deal!06:44
nixternaloh wait06:44
DaSkreech which is good06:44
nixternalthat means I am buying lunch ;)06:44
nixternalI buy, you fly!06:44
manchickenNo, it only means you're paying for lunch.06:44
manchickennixternal: We should carpool to Boston in November :)06:45
nixternaloh lord, that would be one hell of a drive06:45
manchickenTwo days.06:45
nixternaldo we cut through canada, or do we stay in the states?06:45
nixternal1 day06:45
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manchicken13 hours by my estimate.06:45
nixternal1 day :)06:46
manchickenStop over in Ohio or something.06:46
nixternal13 hours?06:46
nixternalI thought it was longer06:46
yuriyit's like a 10 hour trip to ohio..06:46
manchickenYeah.  It may be a bad estimate.06:46
manchickenNaw, its only like 6-7 hours to Ohio.06:46
nixternalit is 10-12 hrs to DC for me from Chicago06:46
manchickenAnd I'm talking Columbus, OH.06:46
nixternalthat is about right06:46
marseillaii reboot my desktop06:46
yuriymanchicken: it's 6-7 hours to some places in NY06:46
marseillaiand apt-get not found06:46
DaSkreechnixternal: what did you say to Chris?06:46
marseillaiit doesn't boot! :s06:46
yuriy^^ toolbar in qt designer?06:47
Arbymarseillai: several people seem to be having boot problems with the new kernel06:47
nixternalDaSkreech: I was asking him if he promotes open source so much, where are all of his contributions? and then I asked him why the APIs they release are less than the ones they use06:47
Arbysee bug 11731406:47
manchickenGoogle maps estimates 16.54 hours.06:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 117314 in linux-source-2.6.20 "latest kernel(2.6.20-16.28) update gives boot problems" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11731406:47
nixternaland it kept going...I got a ....next question06:48
manchickenMy mistake.06:48
manchickenThat's if you came to my place.06:48
nixternalmanchicken: we can knock 1.5 to 2 hours off of that06:48
ArbyI was just about to ask about triaging it06:48
nixternalso you are about right then06:48
nixternalPA is the only state you need to really watch, but they typically hang out in construction zones06:48
DaSkreechnixternal: microsoftian :)06:48
marseillaiArby: is there a known fix ?06:48
manchickenSorry, I don't speed :)06:48
Arbynot that I've seen yet06:49
nixternalmanchicken: either do I, I just politely exploit the limit06:49
manchickenMore than 5mph06:49
nixternalI know speed limits have 7mph fluctuation on anything over 4006:49
Arbymarseillai: it seems to be problems with device IDs for most people06:49
nixternaland that was done by the supreme court to stop cops from writing tickets for 1mph over06:50
manchickenActually, it may be best to go and hit up a hotel in Cleveland.06:50
nixternalhit the bars?06:50
ArbyI think people are fixing by manually editing fstab and friends06:50
nixternalthey have that area by all of the warehouses and stuff06:50
manchicken2000+ miles06:50
DaSkreechmanchicken: wouldn't that depend on the state?06:50
nixternalthey have some cool places06:50
DaSkreechFlorida can charge you for 1 mph over06:51
manchickenDaSkreech: Any state can charge you for 1mph over.06:51
nixternalDaSkreech: you can get the case logs somewhere I am sure to get that over turned06:51
manchickenBut there is no planet on which speed detection is that accurate.06:51
manchickenThere are far too many variables.06:51
nixternalhaha, the google dude is hangin' out in chicago channel I see06:51
manchickenThe standing rule for most police I've met an 8mph grace.06:52
nixternalhe gets so mad when I talk trash about it06:52
nixternalmanchicken: ya same here06:52
manchickenMost of the time they'll only nail you going more than 10mph06:52
yuriyah found it.06:52
DaSkreechwell I know that they can charge you extra on top of the fine for each mile per hour over 10 MPH above the limit06:52
nixternalyou can do 75 through Ohio, and pretty much PA, but when you come upon a construction zone in PA, you better do 45 or less06:52
DaSkreechso a 15 MPH breakage is a seperate fine from a 16 MPH06:52
yuriy45? o_O that's scary slow06:53
nixternalDaSkreech: in Illinois, 20mph over the speed limit is wreckless driving and they can arrest you06:53
manchickenDaSkreech: IIRC, 15mph over could be argued reckless driving.06:53
DaSkreechAnd it get doubled if there is a police giving out a ticket already06:53
manchickenAh.  I thought it was 15.06:53
yuriyi say 85 the whole way and be careful06:53
nixternalwell I learned it was 20, because I got nailed by a state cop on 355 for doing 77 in a 55, and he knocked it down because he said I was driving 2mph fast enough to be taken to jail06:54
yuriy75 != speeding06:54
nixternalMichigan the speed limit is 70...you do 80 the cops don't do anything, 85 they may get you, 90 your toast06:54
yuriyalthough do people not speed as much in other states?06:54
nixternalpeople in Chicago speed in the loop for pete's sake06:55
yuriyi was going down an empty highway in NY and passing everybody going 70..06:55
yuriyit was creepy almost06:55
marseillaiArby: it seems fsck solves the problem06:55
manchickenWe need something like the motorways in Europe without speed limits :)06:55
nixternalyuriy: those weren't cars, those were the Amish buggies :)06:55
nixternalmanchicken: Montana?06:55
nixternaldon't they have that now?06:55
manchickenIf we just had a grid of those, I'd even be okay with those being tollways.06:56
DaSkreechyuriy: well if it was empty and you were passing people ..... yeah that would be creepy06:56
Arbymarseillai: do you want to comment on the bug I linked then describing how you fixed it.06:56
marseillaiArby: i tell you how i do, if it works then i let you comment! is it possible ?06:57
manchickennixternal: Did you look at my addition to the agenda?06:58
nixternalto the kubuntu meeting?06:58
Arbymarseillai: not really, I don't have the bug on my system so I can't confirm if your fix works06:58
nixternalnot yet..I need to check it out06:58
nixternalI think I am at school during that meeting..possibly learning java ;)06:58
nixternalhttp://trolltech.com/products/qt/jambi  <- that is why I decided I would learn some java right there07:00
nixternalQt just flat out rocks07:00
nixternalmanchicken: good deal on that07:01
marseillaia question during the fsck! does anyone could tell me what is the procedure to be accept after applying to LP kubuntu-members? I have to come on the next kubuntu-meeting, then ???07:01
nixternalsomeone started a page on the wiki that shows all of the things that should be console'fied07:01
Hobbseemarseillai: see the bottom half of https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings07:02
marseillaiHobbsee: problem with xubuntu people is solve ?07:02
nixternalthere is one of the pages, there is also a Dapper page07:03
manchickenYeah, do you know Comcast's one-click solutions thing?07:03
nixternalnot really..I will have to look at it07:04
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=== mhb pokes manchicken
=== Hobbsee pokes mhb with nixternal
=== Hobbsee runs away
nixternalonly weapon I have to prevent you running away is a Kubuntu CD07:57
mhbHobbsee: shouldn't you run away to the bedroom or something?07:59
Hobbseeyeah, maybe07:59
Tm_Truuun too thaaa hiiiiiiiiilsss08:00
=== Tm_T hides
mhbHobbsee: somehow, I am able to accurately guess what time it is in Australia08:01
=== mhb wonders if that ability will be useful someday
Hobbseewhat's your guess?08:01
mhbvery early in the morning08:02
mhbheh, close08:03
mhbHobbsee: go get some sleep, that's (almost) an order :o)08:05
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manchickenmhb: Wuddup?08:39
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DaskreechI just changed the time on Kubuntu and had to log out :(08:49
mhbmanchicken: I coded that little kdesu modification we talked about, but that is not the best thing08:56
mhbmanchicken: today, one guy mailed me that he has done the same, even better than me08:57
mhbmanchicken: so kdesu is pretty taken care of :o)08:58
DaskreechGreat :)08:58
DaskreechShould we have a most wanted list?08:58
manchickenmhb: Sweet.08:59
manchickenI'm still trying to get this system settings port done.08:59
mhbDaskreech: why not :o) is there anything you would like to see done? :o)09:00
Daskreechget rid of the stupid keyboard bug09:01
mhbDaskreech: in systemsettings?09:02
DaskreechOh .. yeah that too :)09:07
mhbDaskreech: which one do you mean then?09:07
DaskreechWhere the keyboard dies and you can't type09:08
Daskreechyou have to log out then it magically works again09:08
mhbnever happened here09:09
mhbor on any of my 3+ kubuntu computers09:09
marseillaicould someone give me some informations about merging ?09:13
marseillaii'm trying to improve my skills in it09:13
marseillaiand i take a look at k3b09:13
marseillaibut when i look at it in MoM i see this http://merges.ubuntu.com there is actual ubuntu package, actual debian package, but not old debian package on wich ubuntu is based ....09:14
manchickenWhy did we have to completely redo kaction in KDE4?09:14
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marseillaiRiddell: i would like to give a try to kaffeine merging. Would you agree to take a look at it when it's done to see if i've done good work ?09:19
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Daskreechmhb: just happened to me on the Live Cd09:25
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ryanakcaRiddell: thanks09:31
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Riddellmarseillai: no, tonio's done that10:11
marseillaianyway it's too hard for me10:11
Riddellmarseillai: try k3b-i18n if you want something in main, then move on to k3b10:11
marseillaii'm trying akode10:11
marseillaiRiddell: too hard too for the moment10:11
Riddelldoes akode need merging?10:12
Riddellit actually has quite a diff because of the mp3 separation in ubuntu10:12
Riddellhttp://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html  it's an updated merge, so it's not a priority but still can be done10:12
marseillaii just take a look at akode because i've start10:13
marseillaiand go to k3b-i18n10:13
=== marseillai miss tonio ... i'm so stupid! I just start packaging contribution when he can't respect his promise to help me! :)
DaskreechRiddell: Do you know of the keyboard bug? Where the keyboard suddenly stops working?10:14
marseillaiRiddell: the problem is that with k3b-i18n there is no debian package on wich is base actual ubuntu package : http://merges.ubuntu.com/k/k3b-i18n/ ! so for me it's too hard! :(10:17
RadiantFiremhb: still there?10:22
nixternalRiddell: you gave me a ping earlier about kubuntu-doc licensing...anything you want or need with it10:23
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Riddellnixternal: I'd rather it's under the FDL (and CC) for the reasons you give, but it's not worth spending time on if it's a bother10:55
Riddellnixternal: what's the status of backporting docs i18n to edgy and dapper?10:56
_StefanS_hi there10:57
DaSkreech!info mypasswordsafe11:04
ubotumypasswordsafe: Easy-to-use password manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20050615-1.1 (feisty), package size 576 kB, installed size 1012 kB11:04
DaSkreech*: ping11:05
nixternalRiddell: the backporting of the i18n for edgy docs is already reported in a bug awaiting someone to upload11:06
nixternalas for Dapper, last I heard it was fine with i18n11:06
fdovingman, this community is going nutts.11:07
marseillaiwhy did tonio removes libgphoto2-2-dev and add kdebase-kio-plugins from digikam depends ? in fact i don't understand why debian has libgphoto2-2-dev in digikam dep ....11:11
DaSkreechnixternal: ping11:13
nixternalel pongo11:13
DaSkreechin Kubunut?11:13
DaSkreechmanchicken_: should probably check this as well :)11:14
nixternalhaha, sometimes I feel like a nut, some times ya don't11:14
manchicken_What now?11:14
DaSkreechopen adept and search for Disc jockey11:14
DaSkreechhow many hits do you get?11:15
nixternalmixxx and mixxx-data11:15
DaSkreechI get 311:16
DaSkreechhas the description of mixxx-data11:16
manchicken_Probably a repos thing.11:16
nixternalmanchicken_: did you get the changelogs working with the feisty release? or am I don't something wrong and not getting them to show up?11:17
manchicken_Yeah.  They're there.11:17
DaSkreechThey work here11:18
manchicken_I was looking at the changelogs for the kernel updates this morning :)11:18
manchicken_You do have to be online at the time you want to check them :)11:18
nixternallast I checked, I am online :)11:18
manchicken_It does not use apt proxy info though.11:18
nixternalmaybe not every package has a changelog?11:19
manchicken_I'm not sure if that feature is proxy friendly now that I think about it.11:19
manchicken_I'm using QHTTP stuff for that IIRC.11:19
Riddellnixternal: can you e-mail me the bug number and I'll look at it in the morning11:23
DaSkreech!info mypasswordsafe11:24
ubotumypasswordsafe: Easy-to-use password manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20050615-1.1 (feisty), package size 576 kB, installed size 1012 kB11:24
DaSkreechNope can't find that description :(11:25
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@ppp-70-226-88-166.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechnixternal: Whooooooooooooooooooooot vi vs Emacs for the summer showdown!!!!11:38
=== marseillai has make a debdiff for digikam merging
marseillaibut i don't know what to do with it11:41
marseillaii'll make a lp report11:42
nixternalRiddell: sure thing11:43
mhbmanchicken_: still here?11:44
manchicken_Yup :)11:44
mhbmanchicken_: that idea of yours doesnt sound so bad to me11:44
mhbmanchicken_: the one-click one11:44
manchicken_Yeah.  I like it.11:44
manchicken_I think it makes so much sense I can't believe we didn't think of it before.11:45
manchicken_We've all got our ~/bin scripts, but what of those who don't script? :)11:45
mhbmanchicken_: well, I still imagine it might get refused by others11:45
mhbmanchicken_: but nevertheless11:45
manchicken_Why though11:46
DaSkreechone click?11:46
mhbmanchicken_: perhaps to revolutionary, perhaps too dangerous, perhaps unneeded11:46
mhbmanchicken_: but those are not my arguments11:46
mhbmanchicken_: I like it11:47
manchicken_Folks with arguments like that should spend time in #kubuntu :)11:47
mhbmanchicken_: the best thing would be to make it user-(co)-powered11:47
manchicken_What do you mean?11:47
mhbmanchicken_: people could submit scripts, which could get into the distribution11:48
manchicken_That would be great.11:48
manchicken_I think we should standardize it a bit though.11:49
mhbmanchicken_: of course, we cannot let everyone submit whatever they want11:49
manchicken_Maybe come up with a Ruby or Python KDE interface or something for it.11:49
manchicken_the thing is I don't want it to have ANY command-line interface stuff.11:49
mhbmanchicken_: yes11:49
mhbmanchicken_: imagine a bash script with a description11:50
mhbmanchicken_: people can make that script11:50
mhbmanchicken_: and send it to us or wherever11:50
mhbmanchicken_: then a Joe User would launch one-click and search for "dpkg lock" and he would see just the description. One click - fixed.11:51
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manchicken_Well, I like the idea of a every fix having its own GUI.11:51
DaSkreechone click?11:51
fdovingncurses based then? - for xorg driver fixing. :)11:51
mhbmanchicken_: no wizards, please :o)11:52
=== DaSkreech mourns Kandalf
manchicken_Not wizards.11:52
manchicken_Just "hey, we're about to do this to your computer."11:52
manchicken_"click here if that's okay."11:52
=== DaSkreech holds up the "What the hef is one click" sign
mhbDaSkreech: [#kubuntu-devel]  DaSkreech:11:53
mhbDaSkreech: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuOneClickFix11:53
fdovingmanchicken_: i like the idea.11:53
mhbDaSkreech: sorry .o)11:53
manchicken_DaSkreech: What if you could click one thing in order to reset your network interface or restart the sound system?11:53
crimsun...restart the sound system?11:54
DaSkreechcrimsun: ha ha You are creepy :)11:54
fdovingcrimsun: arts needs some restarting :)11:54
manchicken_I think most of the folks in Kubuntudom will dig this idea.11:55
crimsunah, you mean arts and not alsa.11:55
mhbcrimsun: hehe11:55
manchicken_Sorry, I should have said KDE sound system11:55
DaSkreechmanchicken_: so like the "solutions" solution in Vista?11:55
mhbcrimsun: alsa is great :o)11:56
manchicken_DaSkreech: Well I'm actually talking about solutions to problems.11:56
DaSkreechmanchicken_: :-) Funny11:56
manchicken_And I'm not thinking of trying to make the users more ignorant.11:56
mhbmanchicken_: I dont think more guis is necessary11:56
manchicken_I want to explain stuff to users in detail before doing anything.11:56
manchicken_mhb: Well, sometimes it may be necessary for more GUI.11:57
mhbmanchicken_: damn, now I am not going to sleep :o)11:57
mhbmanchicken_: I will do some Designer mockups later11:57
manchicken_It's a good idea I think11:57
manchicken_I think it'll make everything simpler for newer users.11:57
manchicken_s/everything/common problem solving/11:59
DaSkreechmanchicken_: how would it work? Would they only get solutions for problems they have?11:59
fdovingrss feed of problems :)12:00
mhbDaSkreech: I guess you would have a collection of one-time scripts12:00
mhbDaSkreech: you can search through12:00
manchicken_Well, when I had Comcast internet on my wife's old win32 machine (before we fixed it with a kubuntu CD), they had a program that you could click one link/button/whatever and it would fix problems on your machine.12:00
RadiantFiremmm.. hello again mhb12:01
manchicken_Such as, your internet stopped working.  Clicking here will reset your network interfaces, renew your DHCP lease, whatever.12:01
mhbRadiantFire: hi, is private message fine?12:01
manchicken_I think the simplicity isn't from categorization.  It's more simple to have fewer solutions.12:02
RadiantFiremhb: sure12:02
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manchicken_Instead of one for DHCP issues, one for network interfaces, only one for all internet problems.12:02
mhbsounds like wizards12:03
=== mhb is afraid of wizards
manchicken_mhb: I don't care for wizards.  I like singular dialogs.12:03
RadiantFirewhat if you did an i/o slave that populates icons with common problems and ignores the ones it can detect aren't possible12:03
DaSkreechteh page says that Konqueror can do this?12:04
DaSkreechkio slave?12:04
manchicken_Could, but I think for now at least we need to keep it simple.12:04
manchicken_DaSkreech: Naw, just the UI with all of the fixes.12:04
manchicken_So instead of coming up with a new program that lists your fixes, you just get sent to konq with a list of all of the available fixes listed there.12:05
=== Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-034-023.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechmanchicken_: that could grow to be huge12:09
manchicken_DaSkreech: Does it really need to?12:09
DaSkreechWell if it's user submitted and grows across releases12:09
DaSkreechummm yeah12:10
marseillaiquestion there is one kubuntu meeting per month ?12:10
manchicken_We need to isolate the common desktop related problems and only put those in here... at least at first.12:10
mhbmarseillai: no12:10
mhbmarseillai: one kubuntu meeting whenever we agree on one12:10
mhbmarseillai: the dates are not set12:10
manchicken_DaSkreech: I don't think the common desktop related problems have grown much.12:10
marseillaithanks mhb12:11
DaSkreechWill they get expunged as we come up with real GUI interfaces to the problems?12:12
manchicken_There are still the "my internet is broke," "my mail is broke," "my browser is broke," "my instant messager is broke," "my X setup is broke," and the all popular "I was dumb enough to use beryl/compiz and now my everything is broke."12:12
DaSkreechLike stopping Adept from crashing?12:12
manchicken_DaSkreech: Gosh I would hope so.12:12
manchicken_DaSkreech: Adept crashing isn't the only way to lock your database.12:12
DaSkreechhow would that work?12:12
DaSkreechmanchicken_: I'm being facetious12:12
manchicken_DaSkreech: Killing adept and ^C on anything that hits dpkg database would break it.12:12
DaSkreechI know :) power outages12:13
DaSkreech I DO live in the third world12:13
DaSkreechbut how would they get the one click? it ships with the release?12:13
manchicken_Disk space being full would be another nice one.12:13
DaSkreechhaven't hit that one yet :)12:13
manchicken_I think for the most part these fixes could even just be .desktop entries for existing programs.12:13
DaSkreechRight. But I'm saying they would have to be on the hard drive right?12:14
DaSkreech not on an external server?12:14
DaSkreechotherwise make my net work is a joke button12:14
manchicken_This would all be desktop only fixes.12:14
manchicken_Remember, Kubuntu is a desktop distribution :)12:14
DaSkreechSort of like how we have the instructions to make the gateway work on our server in Texas... so you can't read it if the gateway isnt' working12:15
manchicken_I don't think we need to go too far down the path of making decisions just yet.12:15
DaSkreechmanchicken_: right so they get expunged when other fixes turn up? so part of the spec of the other fixes would be to erase the one click?12:15
manchicken_I'd just like to see a place where people know to go where they can find quick and simple solutions for when their machine starts acting up.12:16

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