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jjessegood evening, is there a way through launchpad to set who can be  allowed to uplaod to my bzr branch of documenation?02:25
spivjjesse: teams can own branches as well as individuals02:26
jjessespiv: so if i'm the "owner" does that mena that i'm the only one that can commit to it? is that how it is setup by default?02:27
spivjjesse: so if you create (or already have) a team for the people who should be able to upload to the branch, and you reassign the branch to be owned by that team, everyone in that team can write to it.02:27
spivSo the push URL would become sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~TEAM/...02:27
jjessebut if i am the current owner then i'm the only one who can?02:28
spivIt's the owner that controls who can write to a branch.02:28
jjesseaweosme i understand now02:28
jjessethanks for the hlep02:28
spivYou're welcome.02:29
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mptGooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!04:00
jjessegood evening mpt04:00
mptSomeone's excited04:03
Hobbseempt: should they not be?04:04
mptSure, if there's a reason :-)04:05
Hobbseempt: more people to talk to == more ways to avoid doing assignments.04:05
ajmitchhello mpt 04:05
=== ajmitch should talk to a freenode staffer & get Hobbsee banned for the day
=== Hobbsee wonders about the status of PPA, after UDS.
Hobbseeajmitch: why?04:05
=== Hobbsee knows a few of them, by nwo
=== Hobbsee has been klined before, incidently.
ajmitchHobbsee: because it'd be fun, and so you could stop procrastinating :)04:06
=== ajmitch saw a number of people klined from #ubuntu-nz earlier
Hobbseethat's what i was going to do yesterday04:06
Hobbseewas it the one moron, multiple times?04:06
ajmitchno, it was a number of people from one company04:06
=== ajmitch would assume that PPA still has some UI stuff to get in
thumperHobbsee: which assignments?04:08
ajmitchhey thumper :)04:08
thumperhi ajmitch 04:08
thumperajmitch: it is up to 13 degrees now04:09
thumperit must be that hot sun04:09
ajmitchyou should sit outside, it'd probably be warmer04:09
thumpernah, it's 11 outside04:09
jjessewinter time?04:09
thumperin 3 days04:09
Hobbseethumper: maths, electronics, physics x2, optoelectronics x304:13
thumperHobbsee: so just a couple then...04:13
Hobbseejust a few, yes04:14
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Hobbseemorning BjornT 05:58
BjornTgood morning Hobbsee 05:59
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LaserJockhi BjornT and Hobbsee 06:03
Hobbseehi LaserJock 06:03
mpthi BjornT 06:13
BjornThi mpt and LaserJock 06:15
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ubotuNew bug: #117276 in launchpad "Require projects to specify the license of their code" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11727607:06
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Hobbseemorning carlos!08:26
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FujitsuAm I misinterpreting the build numbers, or is edge behind production at the moment?08:36
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jameshFujitsu: they are Bazaar revision numbers09:38
jameshFujitsu: the edge.launchpad.net and launchpad.net codebases are separate branches, so their revision numbers are not strictly comparable09:39
FujitsuOf the rocketfuel branch?09:39
FujitsuAh, OK.09:39
jameshFujitsu: e.g. say launchpad.net is at rev 42 after a new roll out09:40
jameshwe then merge an urgent fix into the production launchpad.net branch creating a revision 4309:40
jameshthis revision 43 is not the same as the revision 43 on the development branch09:40
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visik7I got issues when I try to validate my pgp key I put the fingerprint into the box press Import key but no mail arrive here10:25
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cprovgood morning !01:46
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omhahow can i join a project?02:02
gnomefreakomha: you mean like join a team or just help out sometimes on a certain projects?02:03
omhagnomefreak, develop a program 02:03
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ablomenhey i have just started a project yesterday, now some people would like to join the project, how can i add them and/or can they join?02:06
=== carlos -> lunch
mwhablomen: people don't join projects, then join teams02:13
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mwhthen -> they02:14
ablomenok so i need to make a team for my project too?02:14
ablomenok found it, thanks mwh :)02:15
ddaaI think the question is what FOR do you think you need to join a project/team?02:18
ddaaif you want to help on a project, the answer is "just do it": realy the ML, hang out on the IRC channel, sent patches to the developers, nothing of that requires a formal action on Launchpad.02:19
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mptablomen, you can edit the description of the project to describe how people can get involved03:14
ddaahey mpt03:14
ablomenmpt, yeah should do that :)03:14
ddaawhat kind of crazy time of the day is it in kiwi contry?03:14
mptI don't know, I'm fast asleep03:14
=== ddaa feels mildly disturbed by that answer
Hobbseeddaa: 1am or so?  i think?03:16
ubotuNew bug: #117340 in Ubuntu "Gnome CD burning function translation error." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11734003:20
ablomenhmm and where can i make a new bzr branch for the project?03:32
ablomenah found it already, sorry03:34
ubotuNew bug: #117342 in launchpad-bazaar "can register mirror branch with URL in code.launchpad.net" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11734203:35
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\shany launchpad admins online? 03:43
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YannigHello everybody :)03:44
YannigHi carlos :)03:46
carlosYannig: hi03:46
YannigTell me... :)03:47
carlos\sh: hi, please, ask what you need and if there is someone that could help you, we will do it03:47
carlosYannig: what do you need that I tell you ? :-)03:47
YannigAny idea about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/112588 ?03:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112588 in openoffice.org "Unable to have OpenOffice in Occitan whereas it's being translated" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  03:48
YannigThanks ubotu :D03:48
carlosYannig: is your translation only in Launchpad?03:49
YannigSomeone is about to do the same at openoffice.org but not yet done03:49
omhahow can i host a bazaar respo at launchpd?03:49
ddaaomha: what do you mean? Do you want to upload a bzr branch on Launchpad to host, or do you want to use a shared repository for your branches on launchpad?03:53
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omhaddaabzr upload a branch on launchpad to host03:56
\shcarlos, how can I remove my lp account completly from LP03:57
\shcarlos, if it needs some interaction from LP admins, please go and remove my account.03:57
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carlosYannig: that's our fault, we will start soon providing oo.org language packs from Launchpad (we had a technical problem with that)03:58
ddaaomha: https://help.launchpad.net/CreatingAHostedBranch03:58
ddaaomha: in short, use the bzr client to push to bazaar.launchpad.net03:58
carlos\sh: please, file a request on answers.launchpad.net/launchpad 03:58
ddaathere is no web UI at the moment to create a hosted branch03:58
carlos\sh: I don't have such rights03:59
YannigThanks carlos :)03:59
ddaasee also https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights04:00
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omhahow do i set bzr push to use and SSH key?04:05
ddaado you know what a SSH key is?04:06
omhaand i have also registered one04:06
ddaawhat is the specific problem you are facing then?04:07
omhabzr is asking for a password04:07
ddaayou are probably not using the right username with sftp04:07
omhanot a ssh key04:07
ddaawhat is the command line you are using to bzr push?04:08
ddaaplease copy-paste it04:08
omhaddaa bzr push sftp://bard-simonsen@bazaar.launchpad.net/~pib/pib/devel04:08
ddaaokay, what is the URL of your personal page on Launchpad?04:09
ddaathe place you go when you click on your name in the upper right corner?04:09
ddaamh... there's already a devel branch there04:10
omhabtw how can i delete that?04:11
ddaaassign it to the "obsolete-junk" product and set its status to "Abandoned"04:12
ddaayou cannot really delete branches on launchpad yet04:12
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ddaaomha: I'm not sure about your ssh key problem. Bzr uses openssh to connect to sftp if it's available.04:14
ddaaso if you can use this ssh key in other places, it should just work04:14
omhawell im on win3204:14
ddaaI cannot answer that. The folks on #bzr will be able to help though.04:14
ddaasorry, but I'm a poor linux geek. Never really used Windows...04:15
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omhai want to be a poor linux geek, but hardware isn't supported in my new laptop :(04:16
ddaathe trick is to choose hardware that is supported...04:16
ddaamakes like easier and puts pressure on hardware maker to help linux developer support their stuff.04:17
highvoltageor buy a Dell laptop with Ubuntu pre-installed ;)04:17
ddaaor a Thinkpad04:17
highvoltage(just a pity they only sell 'em in the US)04:17
=== highvoltage has only been happy with Thinkpads so far (on the 6th one now)
ddaaI do have some minor problems with my X60 (not so poor linux geek actually)04:18
ddaabut it mostly just works04:18
omhaddaa, bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "sftp://bard-simonsen@bazaar.launchpad.net/~pib/pib/devel": Unable to import paramiko (required for sftp support): No module named paramiko04:19
highvoltageI want to get an X60 next04:19
highvoltagewhat doesn't work on it?04:19
highvoltage(well, an X60s to be specific)04:19
omhaddaa, whats wrong there?04:19
ddaayou need paramiko installed for sftp support04:19
ddaaomha: really, you should ask on #bzr and check the bazaar-vcs.org site... I am of no help once windoze is involved.04:20
omhaim using a nice debian now04:20
ddaaapt-get install python-paramiko04:20
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omhaputty + samba == code on laptop :)04:20
ddaaor something close to that04:20
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ddaait should be in the Recommends of your bzr package04:22
ddaahttp://bazaar-vcs.org/DistroDownloads for instructions on how to get the package04:22
omhai got it04:23
ddaaonce you have paramiko and openssh-client installed, it should all just work04:23
ddaaprovided the ssh key on this debian system is the one you registered on launchpad...04:24
omhait works :D (i think)04:26
omhait's fetching when its pushing :S04:27
omhaddaa, thanks04:28
ddaayou're welcome, sorry for the trouble, we plan to make it easier to create hosted branches04:29
omhawell, launchpad is a hell, when you first arrive, but it seems to be great when you learn it 04:30
ddaa:( right, lots of things that do not match first time expectations04:31
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ddaaif you can, please report on the specific things that annoyed you04:31
ddaaand get other first time users to do so04:31
omhathe navigate menus 04:31
ddaalaunchpad-users mailing list is a good place for that, I think, or filing a Question on the launchpad project04:31
ddaaomha: please take the time to report in a place where it is public and archived04:32
ddaasome things like the navigation are not going to change overnight, but small things like that build awareness.04:33
ddaabesides... it got A LOT better with the new UI... the old blue UI was a lot worse navigation-wise...04:33
Yannigcarlos: Any idea when (approximately) it should be done?04:33
carlosWe just finished our more urgent milestone so I hope it would happen between this week and next one. I need to talk with the rest of the team to schedule it04:34
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YannigThanks :)04:43
YannigSo a language-support-oc package should be created, it that it?04:43
carlosYannig: for oo.org is not really that the problem04:44
carlosbut yes, you should get such meta package to install automatically all dictionaries and other packages needed for Occitan04:45
YannigGreat :)04:45
YannigI should go on translating Mozilla now :P04:46
carloswe will be able to do it soon with Launchpad :-)04:46
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YannigHow soon?04:51
Yannig(just to know if it's worth asking a CVS account by the beginning of summer at Mozilla's)04:52
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ubotuNew bug: #55681 in soyuz "Ensure we don't create orphaned SourcePackageNames" [Medium,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5568105:16
ddaalifeless: I need your awesome CVS fu05:20
ddaadoes THAT look anything like a "correct" way to do directory renaming in CVS?05:20
ddaawant to know because it caused cscvs to fail an import, and I want to know if I should ask the user to tell the repo admin to please not do that, or if it's a bug in cscvs.05:21
lifelessddaa: it would seem to be missing a lot of data05:23
ddaaI'm seeing a lot of those "file foo was initially added on branch BAR" log entries05:23
ddaaand it seems that use of dead revision thoroughly confuses cscvs05:24
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ddaaand in some cases it does look like a bug in cscvs05:24
lifelesswe have code to handle this05:24
lifelessand a test somewhere05:24
ddaacould you have a look at it?05:24
lifelessits 1:30 am! no.05:25
ddaaNot right now.05:25
lifelessI'm off back to sleep to try to reset body clock.05:25
ddaaBut at some point in the next month.05:25
lifelessI dont know that the admin has done anything wrong or not05:25
ddaaok about that05:25
lifelessI can say that lots of tags in that file are referenced and absent05:25
ddaaI'm asking about this use of dead revisions.05:25
ddaaI could not find anything that looked like it in the cscvs code.05:26
lifelessI think if you grep for dead in the cvs parser tests you'll find a matching scenario quickly05:26
ddaabut that does not mean much, since my brain started melting pretty quickly when I tried to read the code :(05:26
lifelessDrop me a mail, my brain is pre-melted right now05:26
ablomenok i think im just looking over it but.. with my project i dont have any subversion system atm, id like to use the launchpad hosted bazaar stuff, where can i set this up?05:27
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch
ablomeni cant find it anywere, it seems like if you use "add a branch" it needs an excisting bzr/svn/whatever system05:29
ddaaablomen: https://help.launchpad.net/CreatingAHostedBranch05:30
ddaaalso https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/EasyBranching05:30
ablomenddaa, ah thanks man :)05:30
ddaaand https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/TeamBranches05:30
ablomenyay thats the stuff iv been trying to find :) *bow*05:31
ddaain the next launchpad release there will be a link to that wiki page from the +addbranch page in launchpad05:31
ablomenthat would be nice yes ;)05:31
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tsmithehi i've been wondering how launchpad generates the dependency trees such as at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/composite-by-default is this source available anywhere; i'm interested in doing a similar thing myself05:36
tsmitheor just to learn from05:36
ddaait uses dot05:36
ddaafrom the graphviz package05:37
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ubotuNew bug: #117386 in launchpad "[feature request]  Allow users to insert their SIP accounts" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11738606:46
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LaserJockcprov: around?07:20
cprovLaserJock: yes, what I can do for you ?07:21
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Martinp23How is karma assigned on LP?08:06
shawarmaSee the front page. :)08:07
shawarmaThere's a link to a page called " Learn how we calculate your Launchpad karma"08:07
Martinp23Hehe - I've read that, but I sort of confused me more :)08:07
Martinp23https://launchpad.net/~martinp23/+karma <-- Should there be karma for those actions, or does it get assigned only after a certain baseline number of actions have been carried out, or something?08:08
LaserJockMartinp23: I think the karma value is updated daily08:11
Martinp23LaserJock: Hmm - the plot thickens then.  That would have given the system 2 or 3 opportunities to update my karma so far...08:12
salgadoMartinp23, we had a problem when we last updated the code running on launchpad.net and the karma hasn't been updated since last Thursday08:15
salgadoMartinp23, also, there may be some actions which although being recorded are currently worth 0 karma points08:15
Martinp23salgado: Ahh ok - I knew about some actions being worth 0, but thanks for letting me know about the bug08:16
salgadoit's not an actual bug in the code. just a mistake (already corrected) when the code was updated08:17
salgadoIOW, karma should be updated tonight08:17
Martinp23OK :)08:19
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__20h__Good evening.08:20
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ubotuNew bug: #117403 in launchpad "Broken traversal on ProductRelease page" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11740308:30
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ubotuNew bug: #117409 in launchpad "Certain project files can't be downloaded with firefox, wget works ok" [Undecided,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11740908:50
ubotuNew bug: #117410 in launchpad "Certain project files can't be downloaded with firefox, wget works ok" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11741008:55
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LaserJockjcs: hi09:07
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gwenlo *09:08
gweni'm trying to sign code of conduct and don't succeed....09:09
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ubotuNew bug: #117452 in malone "Code that parses bugtracker urls need to handle incomplete bugzilla urls" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11745211:20
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