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beuno | Burgundavia: you around? | 02:15 |
beuno | anyway, I'm off for a couple of hours, UWN is almost done, but I'm not sure if you where going to add something to it, so I'll just leave the final touches for when I return | 02:17 |
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Burgundavia | beuno: ok, I will play with it when I finish dinner | 03:45 |
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rjian | hello beuno | 05:18 |
Burgundavia | beuno: ping | 06:15 |
boredandblogging | hey Burgundavia | 06:20 |
Burgundavia | hey boredandblogging | 06:20 |
boredandblogging | looks like the UWN needs a bit of work | 06:20 |
Burgundavia | currently working on it | 06:22 |
beuno | Burgundavia: pong | 06:24 |
Burgundavia | beuno: just adding a few stories to the UWN | 06:25 |
beuno | great, I'll go through it once you're done then | 06:25 |
Burgundavia | added the dell and pc world stories to the top, figured theya re big enough | 06:28 |
Burgundavia | boredandblogging: ping me when you are done editing | 06:29 |
boredandblogging | Burgundavia: done, just wanted to get something in before I had to elave | 06:30 |
boredandblogging | s/elave/leave | 06:30 |
Burgundavia | no worries | 06:30 |
elkbuntu | is my letter mentioned? :) | 06:33 |
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Burgundavia | add it if you want to | 06:38 |
Burgundavia | hey Madpilot | 06:38 |
Madpilot | evening | 06:38 |
beuno | evening mr Burger | 06:38 |
Madpilot | Messrs. Burger, actually, given that we're both present :) | 06:39 |
beuno | is that really how it's writen? Messrs? | 06:40 |
Madpilot | something like that | 06:40 |
Burgundavia | it isn't mrs :) | 06:40 |
=== adamant1988 [n=adam@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
beuno | Well, I hve no way of knowing, do I? :p | 06:42 |
Burgundavia | no, no you don't | 06:42 |
Burgundavia | I think we are looking shiny | 06:42 |
Burgundavia | except if elkbuntu wants to add something about her little firestorm | 06:43 |
beuno | if we would of had LoCo news, it would of been a pretty complete UWN... | 06:44 |
Burgundavia | if loco teams refuse to give us any... | 06:44 |
beuno | I've been dumping the interviews I got back from the other new CC members into the wiki so they don't just lay there in my inbox | 06:44 |
Madpilot | Burgundavia, the best response to the whole "Open Letter" thing was Micah Cowan's - just print that in UWN as a summary | 06:44 |
beuno | Burgundavia: I'm going and try to recruit someone to do the "feature of the week" and "team of the week" sections, I think those two need someone's full attention | 06:48 |
Burgundavia | yes, that would be great | 06:48 |
Burgundavia | why not add something to the UWN this week? | 06:48 |
Madpilot | Micah's summary: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/sounder/2007-May/010306.html | 06:49 |
beuno | Burgundavia: yeap, that's one of things I'm waiting for you to finish to add | 06:50 |
Burgundavia | I am done, sorry | 06:50 |
beuno | aaalright, gonno get my hands on it then | 06:51 |
beuno | Madpilot: nice summary :D | 06:51 |
elkbuntu | Burgundavia, i have to write about myself?! | 06:53 |
Burgundavia | of course | 06:54 |
Burgundavia | this UWN has an interview with me | 06:54 |
beuno | and a pretty good one I might say... | 06:55 |
elkbuntu | i havent the time right now to do it though | 06:56 |
elkbuntu | Madpilot, there was a v. similar reply on the LA list, sec | 06:59 |
Madpilot | LA? | 06:59 |
Burgundavia | linux aus | 07:00 |
elkbuntu | ^^ | 07:01 |
elkbuntu | A recent example: a women posts an open letter asking for a | 07:03 |
elkbuntu | better standard of behaviour, as she feels that some current | 07:03 |
elkbuntu | behaviours are repulsive to women and do not advance the cause | 07:03 |
elkbuntu | of Linux. And rather than reflecting upon this, people argue | 07:03 |
elkbuntu | the point, neatly illustrating the hostile-to-women behaviour. | 07:03 |
elkbuntu | Hmmm. | 07:03 |
beuno | elkbuntu: what do you want the UWN to reflect? | 07:05 |
Burgundavia | remember, we don't want to step on any landmines | 07:06 |
beuno | I'm wraping it up, so if I can add something quick and as Burgundavia said, non-explosive, I'll be glad to add it | 07:06 |
beuno | maybe something neutral like just point to some of the discussions that went on during the week? | 07:07 |
elkbuntu | beuno, that the letter was written, a link to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/sounder/2007-May/010269.html , and that it caused lots of discussion | 07:07 |
beuno | ok, I'll try to reflect as diplomatic as I can | 07:09 |
beuno | Burgundavia: I'll ping you before releasing so you can have a final look | 07:09 |
Burgundavia | ok, that works | 07:09 |
beuno | more MOTU news would be absolutely great :D | 07:09 |
beuno | also for UWN | 07:09 |
beuno | er | 07:10 |
beuno | wrong window maybe | 07:10 |
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beuno | Burgundavia: I think I'm done | 07:27 |
beuno | give me the thumbs up and I'll start the releasing machine | 07:27 |
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Burgundavia | beuno: go without me, looking for something with A | 07:36 |
beuno | alright... elkbuntu, want to take a peak before I release? | 07:36 |
beuno | I added the bit about the letter... | 07:36 |
elkbuntu | sec... link? | 07:40 |
beuno | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue42 | 07:40 |
elkbuntu | s/expressing her concern on how women have been treated in the Open Source community in general./expressing her concern about behaviours that discourage women from participating in the Open Source community in general./ | 07:43 |
elkbuntu | it's not always direct things | 07:44 |
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elkbuntu | usually subtle "i'd hit it" mens room talk has just as much an effect | 07:44 |
beuno | elkbuntu: feel free to edit it to represent your thoughts better, no one better then you | 07:45 |
beuno | after that, I'm releasing | 07:45 |
elkbuntu | sorry, im in the middle of cooking dinner | 07:45 |
elkbuntu | i dont want to get caught up editing and burn stuff :-/ | 07:45 |
beuno | oook | 07:46 |
beuno | I'll edit that in then | 07:46 |
beuno | done, releasing | 07:47 |
beuno | it's out! | 07:56 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o beuno] by ChanServ | ||
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:beuno] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #42 is out, UWN #43 is in progress to be released Sunday June 3rd | ||
Burgundavia | beuno: seems I already told you to send it | 08:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [-o beuno] by beuno | ||
beuno | <Burgundavia> beuno: go without me, looking for something with A | 08:04 |
beuno | I took that as a "send it" :D | 08:05 |
Burgundavia | right, it did | 08:07 |
Burgundavia | night all | 08:10 |
beuno | night Burgundavia | 08:14 |
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jenda | MenZa: ping | 09:27 |
jenda | MenZa: was it you who said they never got one of the trivia-quiz prizes (the book)? | 09:28 |
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mrmonday | boredandblogging, you here? | 02:28 |
boredandblogging | mrmonday: whats up | 02:40 |
mrmonday | boredandblogging, join #fullcirclemagazine | 02:40 |
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MenZa | jenda: that is correct | 04:28 |
=== tonyyarusso is probably missing a prize of some sort too, but doesn't even remember what/when it was | ||
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jenda | tonyyarusso: oh really... ;) | 05:22 |
jenda | tonyyarusso: well, if you remember, I'll take care of it... | 05:22 |
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tsmithe | jenda, ping | 09:26 |
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tsmithe | in fact, why did i ping here... | 09:26 |
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jenda | tsmithe: pong | 09:40 |
jenda | in fact, why did I pong here... | 09:40 |
tsmithe | jenda, lol | 09:41 |
jenda | 09:41 | |
beuno | nixternal: great idea for a post :D | 09:50 |
nixternal | hehe | 09:50 |
nixternal | which post? | 09:50 |
beuno | "get the planet back on track" one | 09:51 |
nixternal | hehe | 09:53 |
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