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geoaxis | BleSS: i am sorry i cant understand your question ...you want to install some thing which is no longer supported or is not in ubuntu packaging | 12:01 |
BleSS | geoaxis: it's for ubuntu server, I've that install nginx from source, and I thinked that in backports could have a version more new | 12:01 |
hlverstoep | hereiam2345: so you mean the wallpapers, wait a moment | 12:01 |
belgarath__ | atxatx whats your goal with Samba? few or many users? home/work? | 12:01 |
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hereiam2345 | hlverstoep: yeah. | 12:01 |
CaptainMorgan | how goes the battle? | 12:02 |
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geoaxis | BleSS: well you would have to look up the version | 12:02 |
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geoaxis | but if you installed it from source its possible the going to another version may not be CLEAN | 12:02 |
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BleSS | geoaxis: yes, but then would be possible install only a determined package? | 12:03 |
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SimonFoster | Can I surpress all these "Quit" "Join" msgs? | 12:03 |
BleSS | from backports | 12:03 |
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silent_ | where do I burn .iso images in gnomebaker? | 12:03 |
CheshireViking | hereiam2345, try /usr/share/backgrounds | 12:03 |
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SimonFoster | Anyone? | 12:03 |
nut543 | Windows is not booting. I think this is because the VBR of windows is damaged/deleted(how do i check this btw?). How can I restore the VBR without destroying the MBR which grub is installed to(thus not being able to boot linux)? | 12:03 |
magnetron | SimonFoster: yes. use the /ignore command for that. for info on how, use /help ignore | 12:03 |
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hereiam2345 | CheshireViking: thanks.... ooh! I found some hidden ones! | 12:04 |
atxatx | belgarath__: home desktop. I'm trying to share a directory within my user directory (/home/mark/) with a windows VM. I want read/write access. | 12:04 |
magnetron | SimonFoster: so i have heard | 12:04 |
brandon83 | good evening gents | 12:04 |
SimonFoster | /ignore | 12:04 |
SimonFoster | Nope | 12:04 |
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belgarath__ | atxatx ok | 12:04 |
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belgarath__ | atxatx do you use ubuntu server or desktop? | 12:04 |
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atxatx | belgarath__ desktop | 12:05 |
magnetron | SimonFoster: not in a channel | 12:05 |
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levon | im trying to take a screen shot | 12:05 |
levon | sleep 5 import root /home/levon/Capture.jpg | 12:05 |
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nunomp | hi | 12:05 |
levon | is this the command | 12:06 |
brandon83 | hi | 12:06 |
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belgarath__ | ok.. I am not an expert on the desktop.... but I found a trick to make it work... | 12:06 |
SimonFoster | Where? | 12:06 |
fdoving | levon: try to add a semicolon after the 5. | 12:06 |
nunomp | is my first time in here | 12:06 |
levon | aww okay | 12:06 |
magnetron | levon: i just hit print screen key | 12:06 |
=== Wh1stl3r [n=glennk@host81-152-58-186.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
silent_ | what cd burning utility for gnome will allow burning of .iso images? | 12:07 |
magnetron | SimonFoster: i have window for the network | 12:07 |
hlverstoep | silent_: right click on an iso, then click "burn" | 12:07 |
belgarath__ | atxatx You select the folder you want to share and in the contextmenu choose share folder and then choose SMB and uncheck read only | 12:07 |
silent_ | ah | 12:07 |
magnetron | silent_: nautilus can do it. right click and it will be in the menu | 12:07 |
SimonFoster | i'm on Gaim and not finding it terribl straightforward | 12:07 |
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magnetron | SimonFoster: on gaim? then you probably cannot do it | 12:08 |
SimonFoster | xchat better? | 12:08 |
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carl | What is the command to show version number for a ubuntu system? | 12:08 |
SimonFoster | uname -a | 12:08 |
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carl | Ubuntu version. | 12:08 |
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noge1 | hey can someone tell me with what command in can see my ip internal ipadress?? | 12:08 |
magnetron | SimonFoster: i can recommend xchat-gnome, but a lot of people use the CL irssi | 12:09 |
levon | oh aright this is good magnetron im in fvwm so i needed to make a command line for that | 12:09 |
hlverstoep | noge1: ifconfig | 12:09 |
levon | now its gravy | 12:09 |
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carl | SimonFoster: Ubuntu version not kernel version. | 12:09 |
hlverstoep | noge1: probably in eth0 or eth1 | 12:09 |
BigToe7000 | how do I use ftp in terminal to cd to a directory with spaces in | 12:09 |
BigToe7000 | for example, if I'm in /new/ | 12:09 |
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BigToe7000 | and i want to cd to /new/new files | 12:09 |
BigToe7000 | I type cd new files and it goes no directory D: | 12:10 |
homanj | BigToe7000: i think you put a '\' for the space | 12:10 |
Dr_J | does "new files" work? | 12:10 |
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magnetron | BigToe7000: add a \ in front of the space | 12:10 |
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BigToe7000 | thanks magnetron | 12:10 |
belgarath__ | atxatx Sorry it dont work :( | 12:10 |
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carl | I have a system here that shows only squares, (as opposed to recognizable letter characters), on the desktop. | 12:11 |
atxatx | belgarath__ can you repeat i was messing with the /ignore command, messing up that is | 12:11 |
carl | Any clues as to how to fix a problem like this? | 12:11 |
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belgarath__ | atxatx Sorry it dont work ... no write permission :( | 12:11 |
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belgarath__ | atxatx... it works if you change the permission of the shared folder! | 12:12 |
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psi- | carl: check if you have xfonts-*-transcoded installed | 12:12 |
=== Mischa [n=mischaat@ip142-78-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xelon | Hi, I'm searching for a program that holds program icons at the bottom of the desktop. It's like panel. I see almost all screenshots of the gnome. It's like this http://www.gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/26448-1.jpg . But when the mouse comes over it, the icons are getting bigger. I can't find the name of it. Anyone knows? | 12:13 |
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Mischa | hi there, again | 12:13 |
manu_ | hola | 12:13 |
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manu_ | no puedo apagar | 12:13 |
Mischa | I have a simple question, but it's been too long ago that i've done it | 12:13 |
hlverstoep | xelon: in the package gdesklets there is such a bar | 12:13 |
hlverstoep | xelon: one of the desklets | 12:13 |
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xelon | hlverstoep: thanks | 12:13 |
DannyD | hello Mischa ;) | 12:14 |
Mischa | I'm looking to correct a little mount error | 12:14 |
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silent_ | damn Fiesty is Fiesty | 12:14 |
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Mischa | but I don't remember where the file is I need to change | 12:14 |
belgarath__ | atxatx if you change permission for group and others to read-write on your shared folder it works... | 12:14 |
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Alarifes | sd | 12:16 |
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atxatx | belgarath__ what about using a [homes] share with valid users = %s | 12:16 |
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belgarath__ | atxatx It should also work.. you always got write permission to your home folder :) | 12:18 |
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nexous | How do I allow writing/editing of files in samba. The files are located on linux, I need to edit them on Windows, They are 2 different PCs. | 12:18 |
z3r0ph3wl | i have small problem... i apply new theme and gtk++2 (windows border and controls theme) and it works nice but then i run application who needs roots rights window look without gtk++ engine...looks really ugly.how i could fix it? | 12:18 |
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jin | !nvidia | 12:18 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:18 |
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Pelo | nexous, try asking in #samba | 12:18 |
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nexous | Pelo: Thanks | 12:19 |
atxatx | belgarath__ ok i'll test that out now. I was just confused how samba deals with users of the linux system vs. users trying to login from windows network | 12:19 |
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edward | how do i edit xorg.conf? I tried "sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf but it says It can't find it | 12:19 |
Dougwiser | heh | 12:19 |
sacater | How can I find out if my DVD-ROM drive is CD writeable, is there a command? | 12:19 |
belgarath__ | atxatx Yes it is a bit tricky! esp. smbpassw thing! | 12:19 |
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Pelo | z3r0ph3wl, thats because theming is per user, and technicaly root is another user | 12:19 |
Dougwiser | hheheh] | 12:19 |
Pelo | z3r0ph3wl, you'd have to run the theme manager as root | 12:20 |
psi- | edward: 'sudo gedit /etc..' | 12:20 |
sacater | its unlabelled and I dont have the manual | 12:20 |
edward | psi-, thanks | 12:20 |
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mirak | how can I copy only the files starting with a dot ? cp .* copy everything | 12:20 |
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sacater | what is the default picture-viewer in Ubuntu 7.04 | 12:20 |
atxatx | belgarath__ how many entries do you get when you type sudo pdbedit -L | 12:20 |
edward | psi-, another question, i'm trying to change my resolution, which line do I need to edit? There's about 5 with resolution options in them | 12:20 |
FFighter | guys, is there a "Advanced File Organizer"-like application for Linux/GTK ? | 12:21 |
Pelo | sacater, if it is a dvd "rom" it is read only, check on the front it dvd-rw are burners | 12:21 |
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FFighter | something I could use to catalog my DVDs | 12:21 |
jin | FFighter: that would be console | 12:21 |
sacater | Pelo: okies | 12:21 |
z3r0ph3wl | Pelo, yes but how i should run it if root user is hidden in my login page? | 12:21 |
mirak | how can I copy only the files starting with a dot ? cp .* copy everything | 12:21 |
belgarath__ | atxatx about 30 | 12:21 |
anathematic | what's the command to change the permissions on a folder? | 12:21 |
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jin | anathematic: chmod | 12:21 |
sacater | anathematic: chmod | 12:21 |
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psi- | edward: they are each for one bit-depth, usually 16 or 24 one | 12:21 |
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sacater | anathematic: eg, chmod 644 test.txt | 12:21 |
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FFighter | jin: Console ? | 12:22 |
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Pelo | z3r0ph3wl, start the theme manager from the command line with sudo | 12:22 |
jin | FFighter: terminal | 12:22 |
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Mischa | how do I manually mount a drive ubuntu didn't recognize? | 12:22 |
sacater | what is the default picture-viewer in Ubuntu 7.04 | 12:22 |
jin | FFighter: in other words, I mean command line | 12:22 |
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FFighter | jin: How could I use the terminal do catalog my DVD collection ? | 12:22 |
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sacater | Mischa: sudo mount /dev/#item/ /mnt | 12:22 |
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jin | FFighter: by organizing them in proper directories | 12:22 |
belgarath__ | atxatx this is new to me :) I am a old smb.conf guy! | 12:22 |
Pelo | Mischa, find the devtree of thedrive and sudo mount /dev/??? /mount/point , make amount point first | 12:23 |
FFighter | jin: you mean copy them ? I don't have that much space... | 12:23 |
atxatx | belgarath__ ok is that normal? looks like a security risk. also what do you have for passdb backend in your smb.conf | 12:23 |
mirak | how can I copy only the files starting with a dot ? cp .* copy everything | 12:23 |
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silent_ | belgarath__, swat is nice for smb.conf configuration | 12:23 |
z3r0ph3wl | Pelo, thanks but one more stupid question, but how the name of theme manager in command line? | 12:23 |
psi- | z3r0ph3wl: gnome-theme-manager | 12:24 |
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z3r0ph3wl | psi-, thanks | 12:24 |
Pelo | z3r0ph3wl, ricthclick the theme manager icon in system prefs, put on desktop, ricthglick the new desktop icon and check in properties | 12:24 |
FFighter | So, no "Advanced File Organizer"-like app for Linux ? | 12:24 |
FFighter | It seems I'll have to try running it under WINE | 12:24 |
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omha | does anyone know a good PHP project? | 12:25 |
Pelo | FFighter, there might be one we just donT' know it , google for one | 12:25 |
z3r0ph3wl | Pelo, thanks | 12:25 |
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mEck0 | which packets do I need to develop GTK+ 2.0 apps? I have done an easy helloworld app, but the compiler can't find gtk.h etc. | 12:25 |
belgarath__ | atxatx I dont know about securityrisk... but I agree ... it looks like a security hole | 12:25 |
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scm | exit | 12:26 |
kenji | can some one help me with my samsung video camera' | 12:26 |
kenji | ? | 12:26 |
psi- | mEck0: libgtk2.0-dev + -doc | 12:26 |
mEck0 | psi-: thx | 12:26 |
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Michu_z | hi folks | 12:26 |
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Pelo | kenji, search the forum for your model, see if anyone left any instructions | 12:26 |
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kenji | no module found | 12:26 |
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kenji | I searched but no matches | 12:27 |
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Michu_z | anyone from PL? | 12:27 |
=== sacater is going to go offline till the parents are asleep | ||
sacater | whoops | 12:27 |
sacater | wrong channel | 12:27 |
sacater | sorry | 12:27 |
Michu_z | ;] | 12:27 |
Michu_z | cya | 12:27 |
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Pelo | kenji, make it more general , video camera , or cam corder or stuff like that | 12:27 |
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kenji | naaa pelo | 12:28 |
=== Pelo calls sacater 's parents and to tell them not to go to sleep | ||
kenji | look at this http://rafb.net/p/qp0L2m70.html | 12:28 |
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belgarath__ | atxatx On my server I use Slakware and samba stores the password in separate file like the passw file | 12:28 |
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Do`` | Could someone recommend a video encoder software for me that i can use to _easily_ convert mkv files to dvd video? | 12:28 |
Consigliere | part | 12:28 |
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mooey | howdy. what is the difference between -generic and -386 kernels? | 12:29 |
z3r0ph3wl | now its says: unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-deamon'. Without the Gnome settings manager running some preferences may not take effect. :( | 12:29 |
carl | How does one determine filesystem type? | 12:29 |
atxatx | belgarath__ but in your smb.conf, what's there for "passdb backend" | 12:29 |
Pelo | kenji, is this a cam corder or a webcam ? | 12:29 |
LjL | !info volumeid > carl | 12:30 |
LjL | !generic > mooey (mooey, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:30 |
ANON12345 | I have a problem with SMB, the other users on my network are trying to access my shared folders, and for some reason, a password is needed, so i tried the password i use to log-in to my accound on Ubuntu, and that does not work. | 12:30 |
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belgarath__ | atxatx dont have a passdb backend. but hey this is Slak :-) | 12:31 |
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carl | LjL> !info volumeid > carl? | 12:31 |
jin | !mp3 | 12:31 |
Laney | np: | 12:31 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:31 |
belgarath__ | atxatx.. only a smb passwd file | 12:31 |
SUDOBash2 | lol carl | 12:31 |
LjL | carl, you've got a private message from Ubotu. IRC supports private messages. | 12:31 |
LjL | !info volumeid | 12:31 |
ubotu | volumeid: volume identification tool. In component main, is important. Version 108-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 68 kB, installed size 120 kB | 12:31 |
SUDOBash2 | !volumeid | 12:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about volumeid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:31 |
kenji | its a cam corde Pelo | 12:32 |
atxatx | belgarath__ i've got "passdb backend = tdbsam" | 12:32 |
ANON12345 | !investigate | ANON12345 | 12:32 |
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Pelo | kenji, you're on your own then I haven'T got a clue | 12:32 |
kenji | and kino don't detect it but thats because I don't have a /dev/dv1394/0 | 12:32 |
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kenji | whats a clue? | 12:32 |
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belgarath__ | atxatx I also got it on my desktop pc (ubuntu) | 12:33 |
Pelo | kenji, I don' thave any idea on how to help you | 12:33 |
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livingdaylight | hi | 12:33 |
kenji | ok ;) | 12:33 |
mEck0 | I have now installed libgtk2.0-dev but still got a lot of errors (because the compiler can't find gtk.h), helloWorld.cpp:1:21: error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory | 12:33 |
livingdaylight | Q: anyone know what a .daa format is? | 12:33 |
z3r0ph3wl | now its says: unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-deamon'. Without the Gnome settings manager running some preferences may not take effect. :( | 12:33 |
livingdaylight | !daa | 12:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about daa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:33 |
belgarath__ | atxatx I also got it on my desktop pc (ubuntu) | 12:34 |
Pelo | livingdaylight, google | 12:34 |
PMantis | I just upgraded my server to 7.04 (from 6.10)... Server only boots in recovery mode now... regular causes Grub to give: Error 15: File Not Found | 12:34 |
kenji | can some one help me with my samsung video cam? | 12:34 |
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hajhouse | PMantis: try running update-grub | 12:35 |
carl | I'm running apt-get now and cannot install an additional application, but need to know what filesystem is beeing used for root filesystem on this machine, (in order to continue dist-upgrade proceedure). | 12:35 |
faileas | livingdaylight: its a CD image format. i think propetry to a single programme | 12:35 |
carl | What was default FS for 6.06? | 12:35 |
zoexii | hi hi, I am using ubuntu live cd to help a friend who has forgotten his windows XP password... I know that there is a Linux based live cd for resetting windows passwords, but I cannot burn it because the CD rom drive is occupied (by the ubuntu CD). Is there a howto to do this somewhere? | 12:35 |
hajhouse | PMantis: the error might mean that you have a static grub entry that specifies a vmlinuz image that isn't there anymore | 12:35 |
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LjL | carl: ext3, and it still is. | 12:36 |
atxatx | belgarath__ well there's a lot of settings here, I just don't want to have security problems. I'm going to try the [users] share in smb.conf and see if that's enough | 12:36 |
livingdaylight | faileas, don't quite understand you. do you know how to play it? | 12:36 |
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carl | What was default filesystem type for ubuntu 6.06? ext3? | 12:36 |
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LjL | carl: no | 12:36 |
livingdaylight | faileas, are you saying i'd need to burn it to cd to be able to play it? | 12:36 |
carl | ] | 12:37 |
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PMantis | hajhouse: I ran update-grub, just to get 2.6.20-16-generic to show in menu.lst... so "update-grub" added the lines. The first one fails, the second loads (recovery mode) | 12:37 |
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faileas | livingdaylight: probably | 12:37 |
kenji | can some one help me with my samsung video cam? | 12:37 |
p1ls | can someone give me a cool name of file manager? | 12:37 |
faileas | or convert it somehow | 12:37 |
carl | What was the default filesystem for Ubuntu6.06? | 12:37 |
LjL | carl: e, x, t, 3 | 12:37 |
belgarath__ | atxatx Yep if you set this up for your home lan you can easy restrict users with this: hosts allow = 192.168.1. 127. | 12:37 |
=== rust3d [n=rust3d@c-67-171-140-2.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carl | How can I tell what the filesystem is? (for the root fs) | 12:37 |
p1ls | can someone give me a cool name of file manager? | 12:38 |
kenji | can some one help me with my samsung video cam? | 12:38 |
carl | LjL: Ok, thanks | 12:38 |
LjL | carl: use volumeid | 12:38 |
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rust3d | i need help getting my 8800 gtx working with the nvidia-glx drivers, and getting my ethernet adapter working, the sky2 driver keeps dying and giving me rx errors | 12:38 |
LjL | do you listen, or just ask and expect answers to go direct to your brain carl? | 12:38 |
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PMantis | hajhouse: BTW, After the upgrade 2.6.20 wasn't installed... I had to install it myself (strange!) | 12:38 |
dsnyders | /join #grub | 12:38 |
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p1ls | can someone give me a cool name of file manager? | 12:39 |
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atxatx | belgarath__ why 127? | 12:39 |
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carl | "Package configuration" is asking what "MD arrays needed for the root filesystem:" ?? | 12:39 |
LjL | !good | p1ls | 12:39 |
ubotu | p1ls: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 12:39 |
j1tters | p1s what are you talking about? a cool name? | 12:39 |
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carl | The default answer is "all" | 12:39 |
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carl | ? | 12:39 |
belgarath__ | atxatx good question... ! | 12:40 |
rust3d | i need help getting my 8800 gtx working with the nvidia-glx drivers, and getting my ethernet adapter working, the sky2 driver keeps dying and giving me rx errors | 12:40 |
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carl | Should I go with default, or? | 12:40 |
kenji | can some one help me with my samsung video cam? | 12:40 |
SUDOBash2 | default | 12:40 |
SUDOBash2 | try that and if it doesnt work tell us | 12:40 |
carl | SUDOBash2: was that for me? | 12:40 |
JM_ | gibts hir auch nen deutschen??? | 12:40 |
kenji | can some one help me with my samsung video cam? | 12:40 |
=== At0mic_PC [n=arch_ato@host-216-79-252-111.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atxatx | i've got hosts allow = | 12:41 |
SUDOBash2 | yes carl | 12:41 |
atxatx | belgarath__ i've got hosts allow = | 12:41 |
rust3d | nobody knows how to help me? | 12:41 |
belgarath__ | atxatx perfect | 12:42 |
j1tters | !nvidia | 12:42 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:42 |
j1tters | check that link rust3d | 12:42 |
atxatx | belgarath__ no clue what 0/24 means i just read it somewhere | 12:42 |
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crimsun | does resolvconf work decently with network-manager in feisty? | 12:43 |
j1tters | 0/24 means your letting the whole subnet through | 12:43 |
belgarath__ | atxatx I belive it is something with the netmask thing | 12:43 |
p1ls | what would be the command to unpack tar.bz2? | 12:43 |
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crimsun | p1ls: tar xjf | 12:43 |
belgarath__ | atxatx not sure about it :) | 12:43 |
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jin | can any one tell me where to put the hor/vert sync in xorg.conf? and what the syntax is?? | 12:43 |
crimsun | p1ls: tar's intelligent, however - just use tar xf | 12:43 |
SUDOBash2 | means that your letting the whole subnet through>? | 12:43 |
belgarath__ | atxatx this command rescrict users from other networks to access your samba-server | 12:43 |
jamster545 | hey i just installed kubuntu (for some reason when i downloaded xubuntu and ubuntu and put them on a disc it wouldnt open) but i would like to learn how to develop ubuntu and how to develop on it | 12:44 |
rust3d | thanks j1tters | 12:44 |
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atxatx | belgarath__ yeah i understand that. I guess the 0/24 somehow corresponds to 0 - 255 | 12:44 |
PurpZeY | !info gtkcapturemyscreen | 12:44 |
j1tters | no prob rust3d. | 12:44 |
ubotu | Package gtkcapturemyscreen does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 12:44 |
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belgarath__ | atxatx TCP/IP handbook :-) | 12:45 |
joebob777as7 | hey my sound magically stopped working on my laptop... can someone help? | 12:45 |
silent_ | how would one uninstall a package, and all the packages it installed as dependencies, so long as they are not needed by any other package? | 12:45 |
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atxatx | belgarath__ right... | 12:45 |
vraa | joebob777as7: have you tried to restart? | 12:45 |
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joebob777as7 | yes vraa twice | 12:45 |
PurpZeY | joebob777as7: Have you looked at the Alsa mixer? | 12:45 |
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silent_ | nickspohn?? | 12:46 |
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joebob777as7 | uhh... i'm looking at the sound preferences now... what's the alsa mixer PurpZeY | 12:46 |
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belgarath__ | atxatx Good luck with samba! need to go offline! :) | 12:46 |
atxatx | belgarath__ thanks | 12:47 |
Mischa | okay something's a bit odd here... ubuntu mounted hdb5 and hdb6 as being the same drive | 12:47 |
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PurpZeY | joebob777as7: It's part of the whole ALSA sound thing....I have heard people who have that problem you have and that is usually the first step...I believe there is a command to pull it up. | 12:47 |
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h3x | hello.. can someone help me out? i want ubuntu to load in verbose (text) mode only.. how do I do that? | 12:47 |
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belgarath__ | atxatx did not do very much but sometimes problems solves bythemself if you talk with someone! | 12:47 |
rust3d | j1tters, the automatic driver chooser is choosing the wrong driver, i need the 97xx driver (nvidia-glx-new) and it is trying to use nvidia-glx | 12:47 |
h3x | with exception to the login.. that can be graphical | 12:48 |
At0mic_PC | How would I record a sound from a DVD or if I have a DVD that I ripped on my computer record the sound from that? | 12:48 |
Mischa | so instead of mounting two partitions to two points, it mounts the same parition twice.... anyone know how to fix that? | 12:48 |
LjL | rust3d: /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common might help | 12:48 |
=== bartosz [n=bartosz@CPE-75-86-183-216.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bartosz | hey | 12:48 |
joebob777as7 | At0mic_PC, you plug your headphone out to your casette player and press the record button | 12:48 |
bartosz | can anyone tell me how to install tcl ????? | 12:48 |
bartosz | please! | 12:48 |
LjL | bartosz: sudo apt-get install tcl8.4 | 12:49 |
LjL | !software > bartosz (bartosz, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:49 |
At0mic_PC | joebob777as7: I mean digital to digital. | 12:49 |
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bartosz | thank you! | 12:49 |
At0mic_PC | Make a small sound sample from the audio of a movie. | 12:49 |
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ANON12345 | how do i share my printer on my network? | 12:49 |
joebob777as7 | At0mic_PC, i konw i was kidding... do a search for sound recording progs i'm sure you can set the sound input from most | 12:49 |
nomasteryoda | At0mic_PC, you would use mencoder or mplayer | 12:49 |
j1tters | rust3d ah. i havnt installed new yet. not quite sure. | 12:49 |
PMantis | After upgrade to 7.04, had to manaully run update-grub, now server won't boot in anything but a "recovery mode". Normal boot causes Error 15: File Not Found | 12:50 |
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At0mic_PC | joebob777as7: nomasteryoda Ok | 12:50 |
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Rdrigo` | uit | 12:50 |
silent_ | is there any compatibility layer/emulation that is better than wine (free) ? | 12:50 |
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rust3d | has anyone installed nvidia-glx-new | 12:50 |
silent_ | I have | 12:50 |
jin | hi, I think the refreshrate of my monitor is set wrong. and it's not listed in the manual of the monitor. It's a 19 inch LCD at 1280x1024. Can some one help me with this? | 12:50 |
Oxy-Cotton | Arex: Do you know much about ubuntu? | 12:50 |
mjr | silent_, no | 12:50 |
joebob777as7 | PurpZeY, have any idea what i could search for to find an answer to my problem | 12:50 |
bartosz | where is the tcl file located ? | 12:51 |
bartosz | i mean folder.... | 12:51 |
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joebob777as7 | can someone help me troubleshoot my sound issue? | 12:51 |
silent_ | mjr, how much does cedega cost? | 12:51 |
Nrbelex | Does anyone know anything about Kannel or a good place to ask? #Kannel in empty | 12:51 |
mjr | silent_, ask them | 12:51 |
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Arex | Oxy-cotton, not a load. And I'm not afraid to say so either. | 12:51 |
Oxy-Cotton | oh | 12:51 |
ANON12345 | !kannel | Nrbelex | 12:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kannel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:51 |
At0mic_PC | nomasteryoda: You wouldn't by any change know of a tutorial for mencoder that does this do you? | 12:51 |
h3xagram | hello.. can someone help me out? i want ubuntu to load in verbose (text) mode only.. how do I do that? | 12:51 |
h3xagram | with exception to the login.. that can be graphical | 12:51 |
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At0mic_PC | change=chance | 12:51 |
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joebob777as7 | At0mic_PC, man mencoder | 12:52 |
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bartosz | LjL: where is the tcl folder ? | 12:52 |
dr_willis | h3xagram, disable the gdm or kdm login manager from starting. | 12:52 |
At0mic_PC | Awesome | 12:52 |
h3xagram | dr_willis, how do i do that | 12:52 |
carl | Couldn't find package xfonts-*-transcoded | 12:52 |
dr_willis | h3xagram, you also may want to disable the various gfx addons when booting. framebuffer, and fancy loading screen | 12:52 |
Evil_Ed | Hello | 12:52 |
dr_willis | !init | 12:52 |
ubotu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 12:52 |
str4 | sup? | 12:52 |
joebob777as7 | i need some help with my sound | 12:52 |
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h3xagram | dr_willis: thats exactly what i want to disable... the screen where it says ubuntu and it shows the progress bar | 12:53 |
bartosz | dr_willis: where are TLC scripts located? | 12:53 |
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str4 | I'll think about it | 12:53 |
Evil_Ed | confidential | 12:53 |
dr_willis | h3xagram, theres proberly some init.d manager tools you can install - or manually learn to edit the runlevel scripts | 12:53 |
ANON12345 | how to i share a printer on my LAN (Local Area Network)? | 12:53 |
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dr_willis | h3xagram, use the 'nofb' and 'nosplash' optuions to grub :) | 12:53 |
joebob777as7 | can anyone here help me with my sound issue? it stopped working all of the sudden on my laptop | 12:53 |
rust3d | im getting a new error now, from the xorg.0.log -> (EE) Failed to load module "wf" (module does not exist,0) - (EE) NVIDIA(0): Need libwfb but wfbScreenInit not found | 12:54 |
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h3xagram | dr_willis: you mean add nofb and nosplash to menu.lst? | 12:54 |
dr_willis | h3xagram, Bingo. | 12:54 |
dr_willis | # defoptions=nosplash nofb | 12:54 |
dr_willis | is what i use | 12:54 |
dr_willis | then rerun grub-install | 12:54 |
Oxy-Cotton | I need to speak to mark shuttleworth | 12:54 |
Oxy-Cotton | Is he in here? | 12:54 |
Oxy-Cotton | Or is he in space | 12:54 |
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carl | Someone told me to have xfonts-*-transcoded installed | 12:54 |
joebob777as7 | Oxy-Cotton, me too! i'd love to ask him about my sound issue!!! | 12:55 |
Oxy-Cotton | lol | 12:55 |
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dr_willis | id ask him if he had a Daughter.... about my age.. :) | 12:55 |
Oxy-Cotton | lol | 12:55 |
otero1 | whats a better video player for ubuntu.. VLC or mplayer? | 12:55 |
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Laris | that's a secret | 12:55 |
joebob777as7 | otero1, mplayer | 12:55 |
DannyD | i like vlc | 12:56 |
DannyD | and mplayer | 12:56 |
DannyD | to be honoust | 12:56 |
h3xagram | brb | 12:56 |
joebob777as7 | can anyone here help me with my sound issue? it stopped working all of the sudden on my laptop | 12:56 |
otero1 | VLC is playing a little odd | 12:56 |
joebob777as7 | otero1, well you should probably have more than 8mb of ram | 12:56 |
DannyD | joebob777as7: lspci ? | 12:56 |
joebob777as7 | DannyD, what do you mean? lspci? | 12:57 |
DannyD | in terminal | 12:57 |
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DannyD | type it and tell me what it says with sound | 12:57 |
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joebob777as7 | DannyD, 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) | 12:58 |
Rodel | What is happening here "checking for headers required to compile python extensions... not found configure: error: could not find Python headers" ? | 12:58 |
Mischa | what do I do if two partitions were given the same UUID? | 12:58 |
Mischa | it's mismounting a partition because of it | 12:58 |
DannyD | joebob777as7: alsamixer? | 12:58 |
Nrbelex | Can Squid be used for as a server proxy for WAP on cell phones? | 12:58 |
DannyD | not per accident muted or something | 12:58 |
carl | I have squares instead of letter characters on the desktop. Someone told me I needed to make sure I had "xfonts-*-transcoded" installed, so did "sudo apt-get install xfonts-+-transcoded" but got error: | 12:58 |
carl | E: Couldn't find package xfonts-*-transcoded | 12:58 |
dr_willis | give it the right package name | 12:59 |
dr_willis | they use * as a wildcard for an example :) | 12:59 |
crimsun | carl: we only ship xfonts-{75,100}dpi-transcoded | 12:59 |
dr_willis | !find xfonts | 12:59 |
ubotu | Found: ttf-arphic-bkai00mp, ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp, ttf-arphic-gbsn00lp, ttf-arphic-gkai00mp, ttf-arphic-ukai (and 81 others) | 12:59 |
joebob777as7 | DannyD, master is at 100 card is hda intel chip is analog devices ad1981 | 12:59 |
PMantis | Can someone please help diagnose my boot issues? (Grub error after upgrade) http://pastebin.ca/514845 | 12:59 |
Rodel | carl: type apt-cache search xfont | 12:59 |
carl | dr_willis: what its the correct package name? | 12:59 |
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DannyD | joebob777as7: strange | 01:00 |
dr_willis | carl, id say look with apt-cache search and see what looks right. I wonder how it broke in the first place. | 01:00 |
DannyD | and it happened al off a sudden? | 01:00 |
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dr_willis | !find transcoded | 01:00 |
ubotu | Found: xfonts-100dpi-transcoded, xfonts-75dpi-transcoded | 01:00 |
PurpZeY | How can I get a list of all of the process running on my system? | 01:00 |
usser | PurpZeY: top | 01:00 |
Mischa | question: can I in fstab use the old /dev/hd** notation instead of UUID, to identify a partition to mount? | 01:00 |
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usser | PurpZeY: or ps -Al | 01:00 |
dr_willis | PurpZeY, 'ps ax' (or i like htop) | 01:00 |
crimsun | Mischa: yes | 01:00 |
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DannyD | joebob777as7 what does System>Preferences>Sound tell ya | 01:00 |
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underguiz | how ubuntu does cpu frequency scaling? | 01:01 |
Rodel | What is happening here "checking for headers required to compile python extensions... not found configure: error: could not find Python headers" ? | 01:01 |
crimsun | Rodel: install python-all-dev | 01:01 |
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Rodel | crimsun: alright :) | 01:01 |
crimsun | Rodel: you may also find python-support and/or python-central useful. | 01:01 |
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carl | xfonts-75dpi ? | 01:01 |
joebob777as7 | DannyD, i know! when i try to test in sound preferences i get audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not negotiate format | 01:02 |
Mischa | nice | 01:02 |
PurpZeY | dr_willis: Once I see the list, I have two processes I want to kill -- my FireFox won't start, tells me there are processes running I have to end...I see to /bin/firefox, on the list, just use that code with killx -9 #### ? | 01:02 |
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DannyD | well,then ya lost me,sry m8 | 01:02 |
crimsun | PurpZeY: you'd want to `pkill firefox-bin` | 01:02 |
DannyD | lsmod maybe? | 01:02 |
joebob777as7 | PMantis, try changing ro to rw | 01:02 |
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PurpZeY | crimsun: That....Is pkill for process kill for applications? | 01:03 |
joebob777as7 | dannyd you were my only hope! well one more thing i was trying to play a game and it tells me that Could not initialize sound, reason: Could not open sound device | 01:03 |
underguiz | how ubuntu does cpu frequency scaling? my laptop is running too hot for my taste | 01:03 |
PurpZeY | crimsun: Thank you. | 01:03 |
crimsun | PurpZeY: looks up processes based on name (by default) | 01:03 |
askand | Hi! I wonder this: | 01:03 |
askand | where do installed GDM themes go? and What is the least systemrequiring "desklet" program? | 01:03 |
_spi_ | hi does anyone can tell me about IT news-site like digg.com ? | 01:04 |
joebob777as7 | underguiz, well stop licking it! | 01:04 |
PurpZeY | underguiz: I thought I read that it did....but I'm far from a guru. | 01:04 |
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DannyD | joebob777as7: tried turning it off and on again? :) | 01:04 |
joebob777as7 | DannyD, several times... :( | 01:04 |
DannyD | aww | 01:04 |
PurpZeY | crimsun: So it's ostensibly the same command, just less the work, if you know what you are looking for? | 01:04 |
DannyD | its strange,as it worked before | 01:04 |
crimsun | PurpZeY: essentially. | 01:04 |
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joebob777as7 | DannyD, is there a way i could disable sound device and re-enable when in gdm? | 01:04 |
ice_9 | anyone know any good tutorials about ripping and encoding on linux for dvd ect ... | 01:04 |
PurpZeY | crimsun: Thanks.. | 01:04 |
DannyD | usually its a bit dodgy with sound inmho,i usually modprobe the driver | 01:04 |
DannyD | check lsmod | 01:04 |
DannyD | tinker with alsamixer | 01:04 |
DannyD | and it works again ;P | 01:04 |
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_spi_ | who sta* | 01:05 |
underguiz | PurpZeY, it does, but i think it isn't enough | 01:05 |
crimsun | joebob777as7: pastebin the output from the following commands in a Terminal: asoundconf list && amixer | 01:05 |
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PurpZeY | underguiz: Huh? | 01:05 |
crimsun | joebob777as7: then tell me the url of the pastebin | 01:05 |
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askand | where do installed GDM themes go? and What is the least systemrequiring "desklet" program? | 01:05 |
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crimsun | askand: how are you installing said themes?? | 01:06 |
silent_ | how are gdm themes installed? I have some sick ones sitting on my desktop not doing anything | 01:06 |
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crimsun | askand: themes installed using the package manager go into /usr/share/gdm/themes/ | 01:06 |
askand | crimsun: im dragging them to the "loginscreenmanager" | 01:06 |
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silent_ | ahah that's awesome | 01:07 |
silent_ | @Mischa | 01:07 |
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DannyD | ;) | 01:07 |
joebob777as7 | crimsun, http://pastebin.ca/514855 | 01:07 |
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crimsun | joebob777as7: are you sure it's not just your PCM levels being set to 20% ? | 01:08 |
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crimsun | joebob777as7: i.e., try: amixer set 'PCM' 90% | 01:08 |
crimsun | joebob777as7: (or use the volume control applet in the upper right corner of your screen) | 01:08 |
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Clarrisa_2008 | hello? | 01:09 |
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Clarrisa_2008 | how do I get xchat to automatically join several channels when I start it up? | 01:09 |
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joebob777as7 | crimsun, i'm positive. I realized it when i went to play geweled... i get Could not initialize sound, reason: Could not open sound device | 01:10 |
joebob777as7 | and then i tried to play some sound files and notta | 01:10 |
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_spi_ | how can I sort per file size using ls command? | 01:10 |
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jin | hi | 01:10 |
crimsun | joebob777as7: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/* | 01:10 |
jin | can some one please help me with my monitor | 01:10 |
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crimsun | joebob777as7: pastebin the output from that command, please | 01:10 |
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Clarrisa_2008 | On my channels to join irc.freenode.net I have: #ubuntu #xubuntu but it only joins ubuntu | 01:10 |
askand | Which is best do you think gdesklet or adesklet? | 01:10 |
funky_dennis | 2 | 01:11 |
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jin | omg | 01:11 |
joebob777as7 | http://pastebin.ca/514858 | 01:11 |
joebob777as7 | crimsun, http://pastebin.ca/514858 | 01:11 |
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_spi_ | which is the right ls parameters combination to sort by file size? | 01:11 |
jin | some one help me with my monitor's refreshrate plz. it's running at 75HZ, it should run at 60hz? right? it's a LCD monitor | 01:11 |
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PurpZeY | _spi_: ls -s | 01:12 |
_spi_ | PurpZeY :) ... was so easy.. :) | 01:12 |
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PurpZeY | _spi_: No worries... | 01:12 |
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crimsun | joebob777as7: ok, then try this: kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*);sudo modprobe -r $(lsmod|grep ^snd|awk '{print $1}') && sudo rm -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel | 01:13 |
Logikos | i plan to instal ubuntu server 6.06 to replace my old server, i dont mess much with linux, so there is alot i dont know, i made the old server like 10 years ago... for email it uses exim with vexim to alow me to manage domain email acounts .. without makeing a user for each one, what email server do you recomend i use that has the ability to let me manage anything@afewdifferentdomains.com ... etc (hope i'm explaining it clearly) and if possibl | 01:13 |
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silent_ | how do I select gdm themes, I extracted the files to the themes folder, now what? | 01:14 |
_spi_ | PurpZeY ok, that right is ls -S ;) | 01:14 |
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augi01 | silent_: System -> Administrator -> Login Window. | 01:14 |
j1tters | logikos. google postfix and take a look at that. or sendmail. its basically a preference thing. i prefer postfix. | 01:15 |
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funky_dennis | silent_: you have to drag archives to gdm-setup window | 01:15 |
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Logikos | j1tters postfix can manage domain catchall's and all that ? | 01:15 |
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silent_ | augi01, how do I go to my menu without restarting x? | 01:16 |
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j1tters | can do just about anything. i've run postix servers serving over 200 domains. :) | 01:16 |
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mau | Is it possible to make KMail only check my inbox when downloading new mail via IMAP? Right now it checks all of my folders, which takes forever. | 01:16 |
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joebob777as7 | crimsun it didn't work but it let me start my game... thanx that's all i wanted i don't care about sound | 01:16 |
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augi01 | silent_: I don't follow. | 01:17 |
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crimsun | joebob777as7: remember that you have to adjust the mixer levels after running that command. | 01:17 |
PMantis | Would anyone here mind commenting on my server's booting issue? http://pastebin.ca/514845 | 01:17 |
silent_ | how do I get to my login screen without restarting x... do I have to log out? | 01:17 |
Rodel | what video formats are supported in Ubuntu? | 01:17 |
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silent_ | Rodel, pretty much everything | 01:17 |
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MikeStyle | Hi everyone...im trying to install gtk 2.10 but it needs atk 1.9.0...when i try to configure atk i get a message saying glib is not installed or is installed in the wrong place. i know i have glib latest version because i just installed it...any thoughts? | 01:17 |
funky_dennis | Rodel: all known | 01:17 |
augi01 | silent_: That should work, yes. | 01:17 |
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_spi_ | My syslog log files are always big... to big... can I reduce the logging rate? | 01:18 |
dr_willis | Rodel, with the exception of those Porn-malware-codecs :) for one. | 01:18 |
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augi01 | silent_: If not you'll have to restart X. | 01:18 |
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funky_dennis | MikeStyle: install glib-devel | 01:18 |
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Oxy-Cotton | I need a server op | 01:18 |
jin | hello | 01:18 |
TakeOut{u} | _spi_, you could always use something like splunk in order to consolidate your log files | 01:18 |
jin | can some one help me with refreshrate? I want it at 60hz not 75hz.... | 01:18 |
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Oxy-Cotton | I need one who cares about the server | 01:18 |
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dr_willis | try #freenode | 01:19 |
anarok | does ubuntu's installer support creating /dev/md/N devices? (software raid0) | 01:19 |
PurpZeY | jin: I can't really help you but that sounds like an issue that should be well addressed on the forums. | 01:19 |
DannyD | Oxy-Cotton: i care but that doesnt really count i think | 01:19 |
mjr | anarok, I don't think the default does; alternate yes | 01:19 |
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mjr | default = live install | 01:19 |
funky_dennis | anarok: yes | 01:19 |
MikeStyle | funky_dennis, synaptic doesnt have that package | 01:19 |
anarok | so use teh alternate install CD? | 01:19 |
anarok | ok | 01:19 |
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anarok | thanks | 01:20 |
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AlienX | does anyone know if there is a way to recursively resize images in a directory and rename them by adding "sm" to the end of the filename? | 01:20 |
funky_dennis | MikeStyle: you should allow backports | 01:20 |
lzhan1 | my ubuntu feisty box has been turning off on its own; which logs should I start checking to find out what's going on | 01:20 |
dr_willis | AlienX, some scripting and the use of that imagic stuff I think can do it. | 01:20 |
MikeStyle | funky_dennis, where do i allow that option | 01:20 |
dr_willis | !find imagic | 01:20 |
ubotu | Found: php5-imagick | 01:20 |
dr_willis | !find imagick | 01:20 |
funky_dennis | MikeStyle: /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:21 |
AlienX | dr_willis, i was afraid of that. I guess I'll sit down and put a script together. Thanks! | 01:21 |
MikeStyle | funky_dennis, do i uncomment something? | 01:21 |
_spi_ | TakeOut{u} splunk is something like logrotate? | 01:21 |
funky_dennis | MikeStyle: just uncomment a proper line | 01:21 |
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dr_willis | AlienX, with great power comnes great responiablity.. :) there may be some idiot-frioendly-guis/front ends.. but to each their own. | 01:21 |
funky_dennis | MikeStyle: then sudo apt-get update | 01:21 |
AlienX | dr_willis, nah, i'll just put something together. | 01:22 |
AlienX | GUIs take way too much time | 01:22 |
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dr_willis | AlienX, im sure that imagick package has the tools you need. :) i just cant spell it right | 01:22 |
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MikeStyle | funky_dennis it still cant find the package | 01:23 |
MikeStyle | uh oh.. | 01:23 |
MikeStyle | he's gone | 01:23 |
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MikeStyle | can anyone else help me | 01:25 |
bobsumone | AH IT WORKS | 01:25 |
bobsumone | haha | 01:26 |
bobsumone | stupid cat5 cables | 01:26 |
jin | does any one knows how to find the correct hor/ver refresh rate on windows xp? because it's not listed in the manual | 01:26 |
MikeStyle | can anyone else help me plz | 01:27 |
MikeStyle | Hi everyone...im trying to install gtk 2.10 but it needs atk 1.9.0...when i try to configure atk i get a message saying glib is not installed or is installed in the wrong place. i know i have glib latest version because i just installed it... | 01:27 |
bobsumone | question, is there a way for me to use ubuntu server to share an internet conection to itself and 2 windows xp (1pro / 1home) machines? | 01:27 |
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bobsumone | comcast done pissed me off | 01:27 |
crimsun | MikeStyle: you already have GTK+2 2.10 installed if you're running edgy or feisty. | 01:27 |
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bobsumone | it wont work w/ routers anymore | 01:28 |
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-[0x90] :#ubuntu- You have 1 new message. Please type /server mail to read it. | 01:28 | |
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_spi_ | TakeOut{u} I read about splunk, It's a log analyzer... It seems interesting but ins't it a ubuntu package? | 01:28 |
MikeStyle | crimsum , configure: error: GTK+-2.10 is required to compile aurora | 01:28 |
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[0x90] | /notice MikeStyle You have 1 new message. Please type /server mail to read it. | 01:29 |
[0x90] | You have 1 new message. Please type /server mail to read it. | 01:29 |
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crimsun | MikeStyle: you need to install libgtk2.0-dev | 01:29 |
crimsun | well, ok. | 01:29 |
[0x90] | lool | 01:29 |
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bulmer | bobsumone: yes, make your box as the router, have at least two nic cards one towards your dsl and the other to the internal network, oh add a hub or switch in your private network | 01:30 |
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[0x90] | LOL _spi_ | 01:30 |
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MikeStyle | what was that all about? | 01:30 |
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bobsumone | bulmer: ok i got all that stuff | 01:30 |
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crimsun | MikeStyle: you need to install libgtk2.0-dev | 01:31 |
bobsumone | basically i make one x.x.x.x and one x.x.x.y | 01:31 |
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linux_probe | so that was the culprit sending junk | 01:31 |
bobsumone | does it matter if its a router or a switch? | 01:31 |
bulmer | bobsumone: one has to be in different subnets | 01:31 |
bobsumone | ok | 01:31 |
bobsumone | well | 01:31 |
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bobsumone | one will be a 67.x.x.x and one will be 192.168.1.x | 01:32 |
MikeStyle | crimsun, thanks! | 01:32 |
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bobsumone | that's fine right | 01:32 |
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bulmer | bobsumone: well whatever you isp assigns to your dsl box.. | 01:32 |
silent_ | best way to take a screenshot in gnome? | 01:32 |
bobsumone | its a cable box, but same difference | 01:32 |
bulmer | and on the internal side, any of the non-routable ones | 01:32 |
|_ocke | k so i got sound working.. by installing a sblive pci card rather than mess with getting the onboard to work | 01:33 |
MikeStyle | crimsun, can i pm you some output after i tried to make install | 01:33 |
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bulmer | bobsumone: pls respond with a nick..ill miss your responses | 01:33 |
bobsumone | ok | 01:33 |
bobsumone | bulmer: ok | 01:33 |
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|_ocke | but gnome is too resource hungry, i only have 256 ram, so i installed enlightenment e17 hehehe | 01:34 |
bobsumone | bulmer: so if I have cabel modem to nic (67.x.x.x) then nic (192.x.x.x) to router to pc's right? | 01:34 |
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bobsumone | and on the router, the nic on 192.x.x.x will be to WAN port | 01:34 |
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bobsumone | then prog the static IP for the inet connection correct? | 01:34 |
bulmer | bobsumone: your internal can be the 192.x.x.x and your box itself will be the router..dont add another router internally lest you know what to do | 01:34 |
bobsumone | (just want to double check myself) | 01:35 |
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crimsun | MikeStyle: please don't. Ask in this channel. | 01:35 |
bobsumone | bulmer: I have an 8 port switch im not using would this be better? | 01:36 |
MikeStyle | crimsun it told me Libraries have been installed in: | 01:36 |
MikeStyle | /usr/local/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines ... didnt give me an error but i cant figure out how to open this app | 01:36 |
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crimsun | MikeStyle: get rid of your self-{compiled,installed} GTK+2 2.10 | 01:36 |
AoD | Are there any wine guru's present? I'm having _all_ kinds of issues. | 01:36 |
MikeStyle | crimsun how | 01:36 |
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jin | does any one here have a 19 inch lcd and is running at 60HZ? if so, can you please give me the values for hor/ver refresh rates? please? | 01:38 |
crimsun | MikeStyle: make uninstall, perhaps? | 01:38 |
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MikeStyle | make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'. Stop. | 01:38 |
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Tacroy | I'm using the server install, and for some reason some services I installed over the base install output after Ubuntu gives me a login screen. | 01:38 |
Fredle | jin, search the right rates for your monitor, don't blow it up by using othermans rates | 01:38 |
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jin | Fredle: it is not on the manufactrur website | 01:39 |
jin | :( | 01:39 |
dsnyders | HI all. This may be offtopic, but is there a utility (grub?) to boot off of a USB flash drive on older machines? | 01:39 |
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Fredle | jin, google it, you'll find it, I did it the same way | 01:39 |
MikeStyle | crimsun make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'. Stop. | 01:39 |
Fredle | dsnyders, your bios need to support that | 01:39 |
ntz_ | hi! | 01:39 |
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Fredle | Tacroy, does the desktopdisks come with serverinstalls too? | 01:40 |
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Tacroy | Huh? | 01:40 |
Tacroy | No, I downloaded the server disk. | 01:40 |
jin | Fredle: I really can't find it.. | 01:40 |
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Tacroy | 'cuz I wanted to build a server, you see. | 01:40 |
aubade | Is there any way to have Nautilus not refer to volumes as '390GiB Volume' and just go by the name of the mounting point or device name? | 01:40 |
Tacroy | Seemed logical at the time. | 01:40 |
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Fredle | Tacroy, yeah, i was geeting zo far ^^ | 01:40 |
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ntz_ | anyone tried ubuntu with a tv tuner card? | 01:42 |
Fredle | we use suse for most of our servers, next to debian. I'm porting our applications to free and openbsd these days.. but I'm going to give ubuntu server a try | 01:42 |
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Tacroy | Oh, it's vaguely irritating really. | 01:42 |
Tacroy | There's nothing on it at all. | 01:43 |
Tacroy | Not even a compiler. | 01:43 |
Fredle | ntz: ubuntu is linux, linux is linux, tvcard will work if your kernel supports it ;-) | 01:43 |
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ntz_ | really fred? | 01:43 |
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Tacroy | You get tired of typing apt-get install <something vital> after a while. | 01:43 |
Fredle | ntz_, yeah | 01:43 |
ntz_ | :O | 01:43 |
Fredle | Tacroy, yeah, I know what you mean | 01:43 |
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kitche | Tacroy: well compilers should not be on a server really | 01:43 |
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postmodern | what's the default group a user is in? | 01:44 |
kitche | Tacroy: but is this an outside server or an inside network server | 01:44 |
LinuxHelp | Hi, when I start qemu, qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel-kqemu -vnc 0 -snapshot -localtime -m 160 Win64-C.qcow Doesn't work, it just stops, with 100% cpu, and accepts vnc connections, but doesn't actually show the vnc window. However -no-kqemu works with vnc and everything. | 01:44 |
ntz_ | well , i never installed a tuner card , nor with a linux , any helpfull link? | 01:44 |
Fredle | kitche, to be honnest, sometimes it's very handy to get a compiler | 01:44 |
kitche | postmodern: user the first user is in admin that you created on install | 01:44 |
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dsnyders | Fredle, I thought that once grub was loaded, it didn't use the bios anymore. | 01:44 |
Tacroy | And it taunts you! It says "this program isn't really on the computer, but you can get it by typing this" | 01:44 |
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Tacroy | And I needed the compiler to compile and install the madwifi drivers that weren't installed by default. | 01:44 |
postmodern | kitche, but what's the default group they belong to, i'm trying to get the owner/group correct on some files i'm sending to a ubuntu box | 01:44 |
mjr | LinuxHelp, I too found that kqemu didn't work that well for me on my 64-bit host; probably it just needs more work. | 01:45 |
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kitche | postmodern: user | 01:45 |
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postmodern | kitche, not "users" ? | 01:45 |
Fredle | ntz_, I don't wanna be a pain in the ass, but telling you google and ubuntu wiki will help you a lot ^^ | 01:45 |
kitche | postmodern: probably users lol | 01:45 |
postmodern | kitche, alright thanks | 01:45 |
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kitche | !jfgi | 01:46 |
ubotu | Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 01:46 |
Fredle | kitche, I even got gcc on soekris :-) | 01:46 |
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kitche | Fredle: umm what is soekris? | 01:46 |
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FFighter | guys | 01:46 |
ntz_ | the point is that , after looking over ubuntu forums about how to install an adapteck tv tuner , the only help it says is 'try modprobe with some parameters and change them' | 01:46 |
raqamy | hi | 01:46 |
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FFighter | I'm confused...what is the difference between samba sharing and the automatic Windows Network ubuntu automatically creates on Natilus | 01:47 |
Fredle | kitche, http://www.soekris.com/ | 01:47 |
ntz_ | (i really dont come those channels , except thats nothing in google or none of ubuntu wikis [that are all exceptionals] _ | 01:47 |
ntz_ | ) | 01:48 |
portxxx | hello. can someone tell me how to change the splash screens background?? | 01:48 |
|_ocke | FFighter, AFAIK that is done WITH samba | 01:48 |
Fredle | kitche, it's some embedded hardware to create proffesional firewalls | 01:48 |
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Fredle | *professional | 01:48 |
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AlcoholicDoc | anyone have any ideas on setting up a static ip address with a wireless card? I've tried switching to manual configuration, and wifi-radar, but if i set up a static ip, i lose connectivity. | 01:48 |
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Fredle | AlcoholicDoc, you need to restart your network | 01:49 |
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FFighter | |_ocke: Hmmm... I'm trying to share a dsl connection (bridged) with a XP box with no success... could you help me ? | 01:49 |
kitche | AlcoholicDoc: the ip has to be in the same subnet | 01:49 |
Fredle | sudo /etc/init.d/net restart (or eth0, networking,..) | 01:49 |
|_ocke | im not really experienced in that area | 01:49 |
AlcoholicDoc | tried that... still nothing until i switch back to dhcp and restart network again. | 01:49 |
=== Mysticcal [n=flfk@adsl-76-211-225-5.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|_ocke | just have the router get the connection | 01:50 |
tim167_ | Kino dv grab image is interlaced (horizontal lines when image is moving) how can i fix that ? thanks | 01:50 |
|_ocke | and have all pcs DHCP from the router | 01:50 |
eck | AlcoholicDoc: just do it with ifconfig | 01:50 |
Mysticcal | anyone know to uninstall GNOME? | 01:50 |
kitche | AlcoholicDoc: but why have a static ip on a wireless by chance if I may ask? | 01:50 |
Fredle | AlcoholicDoc, the best way to get fixed ip's is to create fixed ip's in your dhcpserver on base of the mac's | 01:50 |
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AlcoholicDoc | dhcp is not an option in this situation | 01:50 |
Mysticcal | and install wine over command line? | 01:50 |
FFighter | |_ocke: Ok, thank you anyway | 01:50 |
kevin521 | hello | 01:50 |
eck | AlcoholicDoc: if you just set the ip statically with ifconfig, the router won't care -- there's really nothing to set up | 01:50 |
Dev05 | Mysticcal, Get rid of the GNOME packages. sudo apt-get install wine | 01:51 |
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kevin521 | i have a question | 01:51 |
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kitche | !ask | kevin521 | 01:52 |
ubotu | kevin521: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:52 |
AlcoholicDoc | the problem with setting a static ip with network-manager still running is network-manager overrides that in a few seconds and sets it back to dhcp | 01:52 |
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eck | AlcoholicDoc: if you want to do static ip i believe that you will have to turn off network-manager and dhcbd completely | 01:52 |
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AlcoholicDoc | but, if i shutdown network-manager, i lose connectivity | 01:52 |
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AlcoholicDoc | so i shoud try to shutdown dhcbd as well then? | 01:53 |
eck | AlcoholicDoc: then reconnect manually -- you can't mix the two thigns | 01:53 |
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FFighter | could anyone help me ? | 01:53 |
AlcoholicDoc | i will try that... | 01:53 |
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FFighter | I'm having a hard time trying to share my internet connection with a XP box... | 01:54 |
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FFighter | I would be grateful if anyone could give a hand here! | 01:54 |
eck | FFighter: do you have a router? | 01:54 |
FFighter | eck: No, I don't | 01:54 |
linuxnub | hey all... im still struggling with automounting issues in fstab | 01:54 |
eck | FFighter: go buy one, they're cheap :-) | 01:55 |
Akuma_ | can i add debian unstable repos in my sources list? will it break anything? | 01:55 |
Fredle | buy a router, it will be a lot more handy ^^ | 01:55 |
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Fredle | FFighter, where are you from? | 01:55 |
linuxnub | im trying to mount my other hard drive (sda) in fstab which is an LVM2 file (ext3) | 01:55 |
Dev05 | FFighter, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 | 01:55 |
FFighter | eck: That would be an option, but I can't do it right now | 01:55 |
FFighter | Fredle: Brazil | 01:55 |
linuxnub | every attempt at changing and then /mount -a is giving me LVM2 unrecognized | 01:55 |
Akuma_ | router are expensive in brazil | 01:56 |
linuxnub | any help appreciated | 01:56 |
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Akuma_ | *routers | 01:56 |
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FFighter | yes, if you take into account the dolar->real conversion rate | 01:56 |
Fredle | oh ok, then you need to check another shop ^^ we've got an online shop running in the benelux | 01:56 |
kitche | umm ok never knew linux has sysctl | 01:56 |
eck | you could probably get by with a hub even | 01:56 |
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FFighter | eck: Is it so difficult to set up without a router that nobody around cares to help me ? | 01:56 |
gavin | this is probably a dumb question, but how do I turn off the splash on login with feisty? it's not in sessions anymore. | 01:57 |
Dev05 | FFighter, Did you read the link I sent you??? | 01:57 |
Fredle | FFighter, you'll need 2 nics on the linuxbox | 01:57 |
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FFighter | Dev05: Sorry, I haven't seen it | 01:57 |
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eck | FFighter: i don't even know how you would do it with a router -- i think the issue is that most people take them for granted, so have the same mentality | 01:57 |
eck | without, even | 01:57 |
Dev05 | FFighter, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 | 01:57 |
FFighter | Dev05: Thanks, I will take a look | 01:57 |
Tacroy | Does Ubuntu keep a firewall anywhere in specific? | 01:57 |
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kitche | !iptables | Tacroy | 01:58 |
ubotu | Tacroy: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 01:58 |
Dev05 | FFighter, You'll need 2 network card in your Linux box, that's for sure. | 01:58 |
Fredle | Tacroy, if you need a reel good firewall... go get openbsd ;-) | 01:58 |
gavin | Is it not even possible to disable the splash screen? | 01:58 |
gavin | hmm... maybe only through gconf-editor | 01:58 |
h4wk0 | !mount | 01:58 |
Dev05 | gavin, Open gconf-editor | 01:58 |
FFighter | Dev05: I had already tried this one... the difference here is that I've got an USB mode, so a bridge (nas0 ?) is created and things get more complex | 01:59 |
Tacroy | Actually I was going to use FreeBSD, because I don't think openBSD supports my wireless card. | 01:59 |
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=== h4wk0 prod ubuntulog | ||
Tacroy | But I decided Ubuntu would be less of a hassle. | 01:59 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 01:59 |
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Fredle | Tacroy, openbsd supports a lot of hardware nowadays | 01:59 |
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kitche | Tacroy: doesn't matter which one you use since freebsd has pf also if you wish to install it of course | 01:59 |
Dev05 | gavin, Then go to apps/gnome-session/options | 01:59 |
Fredle | check the site ;-) | 01:59 |
Tacroy | Besides, I already know how to use iptables. | 01:59 |
PurpZeY | Does anyone know why a file I encoded using mencoder wouldn't play on a windows machine? (into mpg format from ogg) | 01:59 |
h4wk0 | !fstab | 01:59 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 01:59 |
Fredle | I've got the brand new cdpack of openbsd 4.1 on my desk ^^ | 01:59 |
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FFighter | Dev05: I could paste the ifconfig output if that helps to figure it out | 01:59 |
Tacroy | Fredle: my wireless card isn't on OpenBSD's compatibility list, but it is on FreeBSD's. | 02:00 |
gavin | dev05 thanks. did it ... bye guys | 02:00 |
Tacroy | And I realized that pf is on both, but I already know how to use iptables soooo... | 02:00 |
Tacroy | But anyway! Is there a firewall anywhere already? | 02:00 |
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Dev05 | FFighter, Wouldn't it work anyway? Looks simple... | 02:00 |
kitche | Tacroy: iptables is the firewall what do you mean anywhere already | 02:00 |
Fredle | Tacroy, you only need a firewall? | 02:00 |
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FFighter | Dev05: I've tried it many times and I can't manage to get the XP box to ping my Ubuntu box | 02:01 |
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Tacroy | No, I mean the actual firewall configuration. | 02:01 |
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Fredle | kitche, I think he means stuff like suse fw | 02:01 |
Tacroy | Like a list of iptables commands. | 02:01 |
FFighter | Dev05: I don't know what else to do, I really need some help... | 02:01 |
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Fredle | ah ok | 02:01 |
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Fredle | I don't know a lot of iptables | 02:01 |
Fredle | I'm studying pf :-) | 02:01 |
Tacroy | 'snot that hard. | 02:01 |
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kitche | Tacroy: unless you mean the frontends to iptables there is firestarter and Guarddogg Tacroy there is tons you have to enter the commands into iptables for it to work right | 02:01 |
Dev05 | FFighter, I have to say that I've tried this before and I couldn't get it to work. Now, I've never tried that post... Hold on. | 02:01 |
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Tacroy | kitche: I know, I've done it before. | 02:02 |
FFighter | Dev05: Ok, no hurry | 02:02 |
kitche | Tacroy: I would try and find a creditable site that has a good iptables setup | 02:02 |
Tacroy | I have one already. | 02:02 |
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KromiX | hey whats the best mp3 downloading program to use on ubuntu ? | 02:02 |
Tacroy | I was asking if there's already somewhere in Ubuntu where I should put it. | 02:02 |
lockd | hi | 02:02 |
Tacroy | wget! | 02:02 |
Fredle | KromiX, use limewire or some | 02:02 |
kitche | Tacroy: everything goes though iptables command | 02:02 |
Fredle | or wget ^^ | 02:02 |
Tacroy | *sigh* | 02:02 |
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Tacroy | Nevermind, I'll just add to rc.local | 02:03 |
Fredle | curl ;-) | 02:03 |
lockd | is there any way to install Ubuntu when you have another distro installed (using wget or something?) | 02:03 |
Dev05 | FFighter, Could we go in a private conversation (there's too much "noise" to follow a conversation in this channel) :) ? | 02:03 |
kitche | Tacroy: iptables keeps a database for all it's firewall configurations you can add it to rc.local if you wish | 02:03 |
h4wk0 | !partion | 02:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about partion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:03 |
Fredle | lockd, you mean like running it on the partitions you like to install on? | 02:03 |
h4wk0 | !partions | 02:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about partions - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:03 |
Tacroy | !partitions | 02:04 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 02:04 |
FFighter | Dev05: Of course | 02:04 |
kitche | Tacroy: so when computer boots each time iptables is setup like you want it | 02:04 |
lockd | Fredle: well yeah, i have those partitions set up | 02:04 |
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FFighter | Dev05: Pardon my ignorance, but how to engage on a private conversation on LostIRC (I've only used mIRC so far) | 02:04 |
h4wk0 | !dismounter | 02:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dismounter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:04 |
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Tacroy | Kitche: I was just wondering if Ubuntu already has a place for firewall rules. Apparently it doesn't. | 02:04 |
crimsun | FFighter: /msg nick foo blah crack | 02:04 |
h4wk0 | !diskmounter | 02:04 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 02:04 |
sonicjosh | how u install java | 02:05 |
h4wk0 | Trying to mount while drunkl is hard | 02:05 |
Fredle | lockd, I don't know about ubuntu, it may work, but the best is to use the livecd I suppose. no probs with distro's like gentoo | 02:05 |
crimsun | !java >sonicjosh | 02:05 |
dave-ubu | is there anyway to adjust the Gamma or Brightness in Gnome? theres an option in XFCE but i cant seem to find it in Gnome! | 02:05 |
zbrown | h4wk0: depends on what you're mounting | 02:05 |
sonicjosh | !java | 02:05 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 02:05 |
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crimsun | dave-ubu: there's always xgamma(1x) | 02:05 |
h4wk0 | not a blonde fo sure | 02:05 |
h4wk0 | :P | 02:05 |
MysticcalFX | anyone know how to uninstall GNOME? | 02:05 |
zbrown | h4wk0: hah | 02:05 |
kitche | Tacroy: nope and I told you where the rules are kept anyways in the iptables database but rc.local is good | 02:05 |
MysticcalFX | what GUI would be good for a 866mhz /w 256mb ram... | 02:05 |
dave-ubu | crimsun, bare in mind i'm new ish to linux in general | 02:05 |
cy_ | i would like to do a .deb package myself.... any hints on where to start.. to build one ubuntu-specific ? | 02:06 |
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Fredle | MysticcalFX, sudo rm -R /* ;-) | 02:06 |
lockd | Fredle: ah Gentoo, what I use now | 02:06 |
ntz_ | http://google.com/search?q=how+to+install+gnome+ | 02:06 |
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MysticcalFX | rofl Fredly nt | 02:06 |
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MysticcalFX | Fredle | 02:06 |
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jin | when I move a window in the horizontal direction, the border of the window flicker... but it does not when moving it in the vertical direction. some one help me with the refresh rates plz | 02:06 |
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MysticcalFX | im not that stupid :P | 02:06 |
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crimsun | cy_: see the Packaging Guide under the 6.10 tab of help.ubuntu.com | 02:06 |
AlcoholicDoc | so... stopping dhcdbd and network-manager does not help.... still kills my connection | 02:06 |
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eck | MysticcalFX: that's enough for gnome/xfce | 02:06 |
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cy_ | thanks crimsun | 02:06 |
MysticcalFX | eck... | 02:06 |
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eck | AlcoholicDoc: you need to reconnect with iwconfig and then set up ip stuff with ifconfig | 02:07 |
MysticcalFX | so ok | 02:07 |
silent_ | what utility is the best for managing partitions? | 02:07 |
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Fredle | ok ^^ | 02:07 |
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MattJ | silent_, gparted | 02:07 |
MysticcalFX | so, how do you uninstall gnome over command line? | 02:07 |
AlcoholicDoc | eck: never used ifconfig before...think you could run me through that? | 02:07 |
coolgeek | im completely new to linux.... Now using ubuntu.. all going pretty well, but for the first time i want to get something working that only comes in exe setup form.... is there any way to use this? | 02:07 |
MattJ | MysticcalFX, sudo aptitude remove gnome ? | 02:07 |
kitche | !wine | coolgeek | 02:08 |
ubotu | coolgeek: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 02:08 |
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MattJ | MysticcalFX, I am only guessing :) | 02:08 |
MysticcalFX | right | 02:08 |
dave-ubu | is there anyway to adjust the Gamma or Brightness in Gnome? theres an option in XFCE but i cant seem to find it in Gnome! apart from using "xgamma(1x)" ;) | 02:08 |
jin | when I move a window in the horizontal direction, the border of the window flicker... but it does not when moving it in the vertical direction. some one help me with the refresh rates plz | 02:08 |
MysticcalFX | i don't want to throw out anything in my distro | 02:08 |
Fredle | MysticcalFX, is't it possible to deinstall the ubuntu-desktop? | 02:08 |
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hajhouse | what is the difference between the xen-server and xen-desktop packages? | 02:08 |
MattJ | MysticcalFX, why exactly do you want to remove GNOME? | 02:08 |
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kitche | hajhouse: one is for the server the other is for the client I guess | 02:09 |
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eck | AlcoholicDoc: yeah, so first you use iwconfig to associate with the AP and then you do something like ifconfig eth1 some_ip_adress netmask some_netmask | 02:09 |
lockd | anyone use ipw3945 and it's f**** up daemon ipw3945d? | 02:09 |
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Fredle | hajhouse, xen-server is dom0 stuff, xen-desktop will get you the opportunity to run domU's in X11 | 02:09 |
lockd | or is there another way to do this? | 02:09 |
eck | AlcoholicDoc: you can use route to set up the default gateway and edit /etc/resolv.conf to put in the dns stuff | 02:09 |
MysticcalFX | because when i installed it, i selected an improper rez, and i'd rather just uninstall it and use SSH | 02:09 |
zbrown | lockd: not really, I use it without issue | 02:09 |
PurpZeY | Can someone tell me what codec I should use in mencoder in order to have a file that will play properly in windows? | 02:09 |
PurpZeY | Or a different encoder | 02:09 |
lockd | zbrown: seized up my system a lot | 02:09 |
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lockd | zbrown: and I'm in no position to unbolt this laptop | 02:10 |
eck | AlcoholicDoc: alternatively i think you can stick all the information in /etc/network/interfaces, or something like that | 02:10 |
MysticcalFX | does sudo apt-get install wine work? | 02:10 |
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zbrown | lockd: how do you know it was that that froze it? | 02:10 |
eck | MysticcalFX: if you have the right repositories, then yes | 02:10 |
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PurpZeY | MysticalFX: It should with repos. | 02:10 |
lockd | zbrown: syslog | 02:10 |
zero | help? | 02:10 |
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AlcoholicDoc | I have edited /etc/network/interfaces and that also killed everything | 02:10 |
eck | MysticcalFX: you just need universe | 02:10 |
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zero | how can i verify if a program it's correctly installed | 02:10 |
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eck | AlcoholicDoc: then you need to restart the networking service | 02:10 |
zbrown | i see, lockd what kind of laptop? | 02:10 |
zero | like beryl | 02:10 |
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PurpZeY | zero: run it? | 02:11 |
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hajhouse | Fredle: do you mean looking at the domU's virtual framebuffer inside an X11 window like with VMware? | 02:11 |
lockd | zbrown: dv8000 from HP | 02:11 |
dave-ubu | is there anyway to adjust the Gamma or Brightness in Gnome? theres an option in XFCE but i cant seem to find it in Gnome! apart from using "xgamma(1x)" ;) | 02:11 |
eck | AlcoholicDoc: e.g. sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 02:11 |
zbrown | lockd: hmm what version of ubuntu? | 02:11 |
zero | PurpZeY: i run it and it doesn't works | 02:11 |
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AlcoholicDoc | eck: k.... i'll play around with it for a bit more | 02:11 |
lockd | zbrown: well, not running Ubuntu yet | 02:11 |
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clifford_ | I'm lost. looking for beryl help. Anyone? | 02:11 |
silent_ | I think I screwed up by making too many primary partitions... is there a way to change a primary partition to a logical partition? Can I change my swap to logical? | 02:11 |
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zero | PurpZeY: i tried with sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager esmerald-themes | 02:11 |
lockd | zbrown: i am still trying to find a method to "bootstrap" it sans CD | 02:11 |
Pelo | how much time would you expect a 2gig transfer to a usb flash drive to take ? | 02:11 |
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jimmygoon_ | How do I check the status/connections of my sockets? | 02:11 |
PurpZeY | zero: #beryl | 02:11 |
zbrown | lockd: whats it running then? | 02:11 |
eck | silent_: no, i think you need to repartition | 02:11 |
clifford_ | thanks | 02:12 |
Oxy-Cotton | Is silverex legal? | 02:12 |
silent_ | eck, what is the max primary partitions allowed? | 02:12 |
vulcan40 | clifford have you installed beryl. | 02:12 |
hajhouse | Pelo: hours if it is USB1.0, minutes if it is fast USB | 02:12 |
lockd | zbrown: Gentoo.. ipw3945 1.0.5 | 02:12 |
eck | silent_: i think really though the only reason those things would matter is if you had an old/broken bios and need /boot near the beginning of the disk | 02:12 |
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eck | silent_: i think 48? something like that | 02:12 |
zbrown | lockd: i see, well in ubuntu that driver works fine | 02:12 |
zbrown | with the daemon | 02:12 |
xkpe | hello | 02:12 |
lockd | zbrown: really, a "control daemon" for a wireless card.. silly idea | 02:12 |
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silent_ | my bios is fine, I'm getting a max partition error in a windows install | 02:13 |
Pelo | hajhouse, so 30 minutes is not "slow" ? | 02:13 |
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silent_ | I know its due to my partitioning in linux | 02:13 |
zbrown | lockd: well only way to do it without more details from intel | 02:13 |
xkpe | how can i run a window program using sudo ? | 02:13 |
lockd | zbrown: but is this package in vanilla Ubuntu, otherwise I'm tempted to try back with NetBSD | 02:13 |
hajhouse | Pelo: maybe not | 02:13 |
MysticcalFX | can you control Wine over Command line? | 02:13 |
lockd | zbrown: actually openbsd | 02:13 |
PurpZeY | Can someone tell me what codec I should use in mencoder in order to have a file that will play properly in windows? or a different encoder to get from a ogg to an mpg or avi? | 02:13 |
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Pelo | hajhouse, thanks , I was starting to wonder | 02:13 |
zbrown | lockd: its in vanilla 7.04, works out of box | 02:13 |
eck | silent_: but it works fine in ubuntu? | 02:13 |
kitche | MysticcalFX: wine is a command line application :) | 02:13 |
MysticcalFX | yay? | 02:13 |
zbrown | lockd: even works in live cd | 02:13 |
xkpe | i want to run firefox as another user | 02:13 |
Rodel | Hey its Pelo again :P | 02:14 |
MysticcalFX | so how do you run a program via Wine? | 02:14 |
silent_ | eck, I can partition it in ubuntu, yes | 02:14 |
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PurpZeY | MysticcalFX: wine /path/ | 02:14 |
MattJ | MysticcalFX, wine <program> | 02:14 |
lockd | zbrown: allright, know of a way to install with no CD like wget or something? | 02:14 |
MysticcalFX | awesome | 02:14 |
jamster545 | why did i get kicked for accidentally hitting ping earlier? | 02:14 |
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zbrown | no cd? hmmm why no cd? | 02:14 |
kitche | MysticcalFX: wine /<path>/to/exe | 02:14 |
eck | xkpe: sudo -u some_username the_program | 02:14 |
Pelo | hello Rodel | 02:14 |
silent_ | eck, another question, could I format the partition as ntfs from within ubuntu, then try to install onto it with windows setup? | 02:14 |
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linuxnub | can anyone help me to mount an LVM on a seperate hard drive? | 02:14 |
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Rodel | Pelo, thanks for all the help yesterday/lastnight | 02:14 |
eck | silent_: i believe that will work | 02:14 |
hajhouse | Pelo: if you are curious, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB. USB speeds are 1.5 Mbit/s, 12 Mbit/sec, or 480Mbit/sec. If any of the cables or hubs or anything in the system is not rated for the high speeds the drive will fall back to the slowest speed | 02:15 |
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Pelo | Rodel, did it work ? I don'T rightly remember | 02:15 |
zbrown | lockd: hmmm why no cd drive? | 02:15 |
silent_ | what package should I get for ntfs format support? | 02:15 |
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eck | silent_: i'm not sure if windows expects to be on a primary partition or anything weird like that though | 02:15 |
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hereiam2345 | How do I change the splash screen? | 02:15 |
hajhouse | Pelo: so yeah it could be normal for copying 2 gigs to take hours | 02:15 |
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silent_ | eck, I think it might | 02:15 |
coolgeek | kitche: thanks for the help seems to work great | 02:15 |
ntz_ | silent_ : i use ntfs-3g without problems | 02:15 |
lockd | zbrown: corrupted, all of the downloads I have done | 02:15 |
kitche | silent_: there really isn't one for ntfs formatting | 02:15 |
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Rodel | Pelo, i dont remember exactly what went on last night, it was late, but i think you had to go before i got it running, but in the end i got it to go | 02:15 |
jamster545 | always install windows first | 02:15 |
hereiam2345 | How do I change the splash screen? If somebody knows, please help. | 02:15 |
zbrown | lockd: all the iso downloads? | 02:15 |
netdur | how do I know which X display I use? | 02:16 |
Pelo | hajhouse, I'm guessing the cable is the issue here then | 02:16 |
lockd | zbrown: every attempt I made at downloading an iso | 02:16 |
jamster545 | go to system settings in ubuntu to change splash | 02:16 |
eck | hereiam2345: the gnome splash screen? | 02:16 |
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kitche | netdur: echo $DISPLAY | 02:16 |
xkpe | eck: i get an error, i'm trying to run firefox, says Xlib cant connect | 02:16 |
lockd | zbrown: is there a "from the net" install option | 02:16 |
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zbrown | lockd: hmmm guess that issue stems back to your issues with the ipw3945d | 02:16 |
nelsonuwp | is there a dvd shrink-like program for ubuntu? | 02:16 |
silent_ | kitche, there is an item in the format dropdown in gparted | 02:16 |
netdur | kitche, thank you | 02:16 |
eck | xkpe: you need to be in an X11 session so you have a screen to attach to | 02:16 |
hereiam2345 | eck: yes. Instead of just displaying the regular ubuntu splash when I log in, I want something different. | 02:16 |
kitche | hereiam2345: which splash screen | 02:16 |
lockd | zbrown: no, but this box is going to the dumps | 02:16 |
zbrown | lockd: http://www.wrigley.me.uk/wp/?p=71 <-0-- that might give you a better idea | 02:16 |
eck | hereiam2345: open up gconf-editor, and do a search for splash | 02:16 |
jamster545 | heriam2345: go to system settings and click splash screen | 02:16 |
kitche | silent_: never use gparted before so I wouldn't have known anyways | 02:16 |
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hereiam2345 | kitche: the one that appears when you log in, where it says "nautilus", etc. | 02:17 |
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jamster545 | gparted is as easy a QTParted | 02:17 |
xkpe | i am, i typed it on a terminal, where should i type it? | 02:17 |
kitche | hereiam2345: yeah the gconf-editor does that though you meant the usplash | 02:17 |
RyanRyan52 | when you do the command losetup, does it last after you reboot? | 02:17 |
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silent_ | kitche, k, I'm gonna try install again, which such since I have to reinsall grub every time | 02:17 |
kitche | jamster545: I don't use QTParted either :) | 02:17 |
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zbrown | lockd: http://mywheel.net/blog/index.php/ubuntu-network-install/ thats another | 02:17 |
silent_ | sucks* | 02:17 |
xkpe | eck: i am, i typed it on a terminal, where should i type it? | 02:17 |
hereiam2345 | kitche: can you guide me through it? | 02:18 |
eck | xkpe: i think as long as $DISPLAY is set it will be fine | 02:18 |
linuxnub | can anyone help me to get sda mounted from sdb when sda is LVM2 formatted | 02:18 |
Pelo | hajhouse, there is something I need to account for, because 2 gig at 15 mb/s should only take 2.5 minutes | 02:18 |
MattJ | hereiam2345, http://kutuma.blogspot.com/2007/03/change-gnome-splash-screen.html | 02:18 |
eck | xkpe: check that you get output from echo $DISPLAY | 02:18 |
kitche | hereiam2345: nope not a gnome user | 02:18 |
xkpe | eck: 0:0.0 | 02:18 |
starly | hi, has anyone experience with manipulating runlevels and upstart? | 02:18 |
jamster545 | i dont use gnome either | 02:18 |
unperson | I'm trying to setup file sharing with samba but I'm having some trouble. | 02:18 |
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crimsun | starly: more precisely? | 02:19 |
jamster545 | i use KDE | 02:19 |
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hereiam2345 | MattJ: thank you. This will work. | 02:19 |
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lockd | zbrown: thanks, i think the first helped | 02:19 |
unperson | I used the share folder option from the desktop, which installed samba. | 02:19 |
xkpe | eck: just :0.0 no zero on the begin | 02:19 |
eck | xkpe: i don't know, afaik it should work | 02:19 |
unperson | But I want the share to be restricted to specific users, not public. | 02:19 |
lockd | zbrown: though it's a SMALL ramdrive, so I sure hope it works | 02:19 |
jamster545 | can someone teach me how to develop on ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu? | 02:20 |
kitche | jamster545: develop what | 02:20 |
jamster545 | idk | 02:20 |
jamster545 | just like software | 02:20 |
eck | jamster545: go buy a book :-P | 02:20 |
RyanRyan52 | when you do the command losetup, does it last after you reboot? | 02:20 |
aubade | lol. | 02:20 |
jamster545 | too cheap | 02:20 |
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jimmygoon_ | How do I change the owner of a file? | 02:20 |
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lockd | any recent additions to gnome like reinstatement of tab-completion? | 02:20 |
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eck | jamster545: seriously, if you want to learn programming, buy a book | 02:20 |
Pelo | later folkls | 02:20 |
starly | are the runlevels just the content of /etc/rcX.d/ ? there i am confused, README tells, links beginning with K are inactive, but other instructions told me, links with K are those executed at leaving the runlevel | 02:20 |
kitche | I should really start working on my QT database program or learn how to meta program | 02:20 |
jamster545 | poo | 02:20 |
aubade | jimdier: Right-click on a file/dir and select 'Properties'. It's under the permissions tab. | 02:21 |
nj786 | where can i download printer dirvers? | 02:21 |
lockd | kitche: a database frontend in QT? | 02:21 |
nj786 | drovers? | 02:21 |
jamster545 | i got banned from here on my other comp because i accidentally pinged everybody | 02:21 |
nj786 | driver********** | 02:21 |
crimsun | starly: the rcX.d and S*,K* have nothing to do with upstart per se. They're sysvinit. | 02:21 |
unperson | I edited /etc/samba/smb.conf and added the "valid users" value and the file checks out with testparm. I used sudo smbpasswd -a to add a user with a password. | 02:21 |
aubade | Can also use chmod from a terminal if you want. Something like 'chmod user:group file'. | 02:21 |
hajhouse | Pelo: the speeds are Mbits/sec, not Mbytes/sec (i.e., you are calculating a speed that is 8 times too fast) | 02:21 |
kitche | jamster545: you don't need a book to learn to program just read some docs | 02:21 |
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jamster545 | from where? | 02:21 |
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kitche | lockd: yeah just for something to do lol | 02:21 |
aubade | Err, 'chmod 754 file' even. Was thinking of chown. :P | 02:21 |
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starly | does that mean, i don't have any runlevels with upstart? | 02:22 |
jamster545 | kitche: where can i find these docs? | 02:22 |
crimsun | starly: currently upstart is in sysvinit-compatibility mode, meaning nothing but essential runlevel handling is implemented in upstart syntax/semantics. | 02:22 |
kitche | jamster545: depends what language you want to learn myself I know Java gonna learn some ruby so I can program in that to program in Java | 02:22 |
unperson | Then I tried to login with that user and pass, but when I try to connect (from the same machine) with smbclient I get, "tree connect failed: Call returned zero bytes (EOF)". What's going on? | 02:22 |
hajhouse | jamster545: if you don't know how to program but want to learn, try something easy like python or ruby | 02:22 |
crimsun | starly: eventually that is proposed. | 02:22 |
jamster545 | i cant spend money on it so i will re-install solaris and try java i guess | 02:22 |
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eck | jamster545: if you are interested in C, the beginning linux programming book by wrox is good | 02:23 |
hajhouse | jamster545: you can learn from their online documents. http://ruby-lang.org and http://python.org | 02:23 |
jamster545 | ty | 02:23 |
nelsonuwp | has anyone had any luck with gdesklets? i cant seem to get any of theweather ones to work | 02:23 |
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jamster545 | i will look | 02:23 |
MattJ | jamster545, Solaris?? btw, #ubuntu-ops may help you get un-banned | 02:23 |
jamster545 | oh ty | 02:23 |
starly | at the moment i can configure runlevels, but later i will have to learn how upstart handles the system start? | 02:23 |
jamster545 | i accidentally clicked ping earlier and got ban | 02:23 |
jamster545 | and solaris is SUN OS | 02:24 |
Fivetwentysix | I don't know if this is a bug or not, but under my KInfoCenter proccessor information, it says my CPU Mhz is 1000. I'm using AMD64 3000+ and i'm pretty sure my clock speed is suppose to be 1.8 Ghz | 02:24 |
hajhouse | jamster545: java is not a great first programming language to learn (i.e., its hard) | 02:24 |
jamster545 | it is java based | 02:24 |
unperson | Alternately, can anyone point to a good tutorial on setting up file sharing (for non-public shares) in Ubuntu? | 02:24 |
eck | starly: right now i believe upstart just uses the traditional sysv runlevel scripts | 02:24 |
crimsun | Fivetwentysix: are you positive it doesn't scale up/down? | 02:24 |
hajhouse | unperson: try sshfs | 02:24 |
underguiz | how can i open banshee instead of rhytmbox with my keyboard multmedia key | 02:25 |
eck | unperson: do a google search for nfs howtos | 02:25 |
underguiz | ? | 02:25 |
crimsun | starly: it already handles "system start" | 02:25 |
jamster545 | bbl i got boyscout crap to do (yes i am only 13 but do know my way around a comp) | 02:25 |
zbrown | hajhouse: thats debateable, its what they use in high schools. I think its good in that it has the complicated apsects (most anyway) and is still 'safe' | 02:25 |
Fivetwentysix | crimsun: I wouldn't know :-) | 02:25 |
unperson | hajhouse, eck: I should say specifically with samba. | 02:25 |
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hajhouse | zbrown: i'm kinda biased against java for a lot of reasons. and they did teach pascal in highschool for decades, that didn't make it a good language ;) | 02:26 |
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MattJ | hajhouse, ++ | 02:26 |
hajhouse | unperson: oh, sorry, don't know much about that. | 02:26 |
unperson | I have a feeling that I'm just missing some really simple step here. | 02:26 |
hajhouse | !samba | 02:26 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 02:26 |
eck | hajhouse: i don't think it really matters what language you're taught, the important thing is that you learn how to program well -- picking up new languages is easy | 02:26 |
kitche | hajhouse: many sites use java now without you knowing like google :) | 02:26 |
Fivetwentysix | Anyways anyone know what I sohuld do to fix my cpu clockspeed? | 02:26 |
RAOF | underguiz: Probably under System->Preferences->Preferred Applications | 02:26 |
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unperson | I thought I'd just go, set "public ok =no" on the share, then add a user with smbpasswd and be set. | 02:27 |
eyedol | I'm getting a choppy sound, whenever I play audio files, please anyone knows of a fix? | 02:27 |
RAOF | Fivetwentysix: Probably nothing, because that seems to be the intended behaviour. | 02:27 |
underguiz | RAOF, there is just www, mail and terminal | 02:27 |
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hajhouse | eck: agreed, but some languages are still better for starting. i'd say do one class on python first, then jump into java or C | 02:27 |
RAOF | underguiz: Oh, maybe that's new in either feisty or gutsy :) | 02:28 |
RAOF | underguiz: Sorry :) | 02:28 |
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newen | C is easier for me :) | 02:28 |
Fivetwentysix | RAOF but amd64 3000's clockspeed is suppose to be 1.8Ghz not 1000Mhz | 02:28 |
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newen | I don't like python at all | 02:29 |
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LinuxHelp | RAOF, I also run my sempron 3000 at 1Ghz | 02:29 |
RAOF | Fivetwentysix: Yes, but it's *also* meant to scale down to 1GHz when unused. | 02:29 |
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RAOF | newen: Why? Python rocks :P | 02:29 |
Fivetwentysix | Okay | 02:29 |
newen | I could lke python if it was a compiled language | 02:29 |
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hajhouse | re difference between ubuntu-xen-desktop and ubuntu-xen-server, it looks like ubuntu-xen-server is for i386 only, but ubuntu-xen-desktop has an amd64 version | 02:29 |
shaya | weird setuid question | 02:29 |
hajhouse | i | 02:29 |
hajhouse | i | 02:29 |
shaya | I have a program setuid root | 02:29 |
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shaya | but both getuid and geteuid returns the uid of the user running the program? | 02:30 |
hajhouse | i'll try ubuntu-xen-desktop-amd64 since that's the kind of machine i have | 02:30 |
strabes | is it possible to use compiz with AIGLX on an ATI radeon mobility X1400? | 02:30 |
newen | python is a scripting language | 02:30 |
crimsun | newen: ...it does compile but not in the same classical sequence method as C or C++. | 02:30 |
underguiz | RAOF, https://bugs.launchpad.net/control-center/+bug/4265 | 02:30 |
RAOF | str4: No. | 02:30 |
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underguiz | RAOF, it's hardcoded | 02:30 |
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underguiz | :/ | 02:30 |
priich | !scrolling | 02:30 |
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ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 02:30 |
hajhouse | newen: yes | 02:30 |
jamster545 | hey i am back | 02:30 |
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Mysticcal | Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded. | 02:31 |
Mysticcal | Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly. | 02:31 |
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Mysticcal | fix? | 02:31 |
newen | so, mono or java are beter alternatives for me | 02:31 |
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eck | Mysticcal: that is the fix ;-) | 02:31 |
jamster545 | what do you all think is the easiest lang. for programming on solaris/windows/ubuntu? | 02:31 |
hajhouse | newen: maybe. what are your needs? | 02:31 |
Mysticcal | lol | 02:31 |
RAOF | newen: Compiling is overrated. Plus, python-on-mono :P | 02:31 |
eck | Mysticcal: you need to have an X11 session open and be connected to it | 02:31 |
Mysticcal | eck, how does one do that? | 02:31 |
RAOF | jamster545: Python. | 02:31 |
eck | Mysticcal: uh, make sure you're logged into a graphical session | 02:31 |
newen | python is slooow | 02:32 |
MattJ | python eats RAM! | 02:32 |
andersbr | jamster545: Easiest language for accomplishing what? (though the answer is always Python :) ) | 02:32 |
crimsun | newen: for what use cases? | 02:32 |
Mysticcal | im not :( | 02:32 |
eck | newen: you can write slow C and fast python code, it all depends on what you're doing | 02:32 |
jamster545 | what do all of you think is the easiest to learn though? i just want to learn general programming for software and stuff | 02:32 |
Mysticcal | ech, is there a gui I could install on a 866mhz / 256mb of ram? | 02:32 |
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MattJ | jamster545, different languages are good for different things | 02:32 |
hajhouse | newen: both are often true of python, both are often true of java implementations too | 02:32 |
crimsun | eck: precisely. | 02:32 |
Mysticcal | all im trying to do is run a remote Torrent service... utorrent + webui | 02:33 |
newen | it's easier to write slow phyton code | 02:33 |
At0mic_P1 | Anyone good with bluetooth? I can send and recieve files both ways but I can't pair my PC and phone. | 02:33 |
jamster545 | i have sun studio but i havent used it | 02:33 |
newen | and it needs far more RAM | 02:33 |
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richiefrich | slow python ? | 02:33 |
richiefrich | i want fast ! | 02:33 |
hajhouse | Mysticcal: suggest xfce | 02:33 |
crimsun | newen: err, no, it's likely much easier to write completely crap in C. | 02:33 |
Mysticcal | ok | 02:33 |
Mysticcal | i'll try xfce | 02:33 |
richiefrich | E! | 02:33 |
MattJ | or fluxbox <3 | 02:33 |
Mysticcal | i need to somehow uninstall GNOME first | 02:33 |
Rodel | Noob Question: What is the main code language Ubuntu uses? | 02:33 |
newen | well, in C you have to be careful with pointers | 02:33 |
RAOF | newen: The simplicity/power of python can make it easier to use good *algorithms*, which are far and away the most important performance factor. | 02:34 |
LinuxHelp | Rodel, C, and perl? afaik | 02:34 |
richiefrich | Mysticcal: ahh why | 02:34 |
LinuxHelp | Or some scripting language like perl anyway | 02:34 |
jamster545 | ubuntu... i forgot the coding for that | 02:34 |
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andersbr | Ah, I love the warm, rising flames of a good, vibrant language war. Speaking of things that make other things warm, how can I tell if CPU scaling is working properly? | 02:34 |
Mysticcal | richie, because startup goes to GNOME and it isn't installed correctly | 02:34 |
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MattJ | Mysticcal, are you trying to run a GUI program in SSH? | 02:34 |
Rodel | I should probably go learn some C' | 02:34 |
hajhouse | Rodel: there is no main one. More big programs are written in C; but lots of important programs are written in perl, python, c, and ocaml | 02:34 |
RAOF | Rodel: That's a hard question. Gnome tends to be written in C + Python + (a bit of) C#. | 02:34 |
crimsun | Android: watch /proc/cpuinfo if you're a masochist. | 02:34 |
richiefrich | Mysticcal: change it | 02:34 |
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crimsun | Android: sorry. | 02:35 |
Mysticcal | richie: ho? | 02:35 |
Mysticcal | how*? | 02:35 |
crimsun | andersbr: watch /proc/cpuinfo if you're a masochist. | 02:35 |
richiefrich | use startx | 02:35 |
strabes | is it possible to use compiz with AIGLX on an ATI radeon mobility X1400? | 02:35 |
richiefrich | and not gdm | 02:35 |
jamster545 | where would i go to find out how to program the languages for perl and such? | 02:35 |
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richiefrich | Mysticcal: ^ | 02:35 |
newen | python just gives fast development | 02:35 |
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RAOF | strabes: No matter how many times you ask, the answer will *still* be no! | 02:35 |
jamster545 | and sorry i sound like a noob | 02:35 |
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Rodel | Are all the languages similar? or do they have differences that different languages better for different projects? | 02:35 |
jamster545 | im not for most things | 02:35 |
strabes | RAOF: nobody answered me the first time.... but thanks anyway | 02:35 |
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eck | RAOF: afaik all of the gnome libraries only use C | 02:36 |
richiefrich | jamster545: there are books and or tuturials on the net | 02:36 |
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RAOF | Rodel: All languages are formally the same (as in, you *can* do everything in any language). But different languages are more suited to different things. | 02:36 |
richiefrich | jamster545: just google | 02:36 |
Mysticcal | Fatal server error: | 02:36 |
Mysticcal | no screens found | 02:36 |
Mysticcal | XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" | 02:36 |
Mysticcal | after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining. | 02:36 |
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jamster545 | i need free | 02:36 |
Mysticcal | ;( | 02:36 |
richiefrich | jamster545: just google | 02:36 |
jamster545 | k | 02:36 |
jamster545 | i will | 02:36 |
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Fivetwentysix | C is prone to memory-leaks :-( | 02:36 |
Mysticcal | richie ^^ | 02:36 |
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orlock | RAOF: Write me Linux in VisualBasic! | 02:36 |
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richiefrich | Mysticcal: thats not the error post your /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 02:36 |
crimsun | Fivetwentysix: the language itself is not. Poor programming by the programmer is. | 02:36 |
hajhouse | Mysticcal: that normally means your video card is misconfigured in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:36 |
richiefrich | Mysticcal: pastebin | 02:37 |
MattJ | Fivetwentysix, only for bad coders | 02:37 |
newen | yes, that's what I said, you have to be careful with pointers | 02:37 |
RAOF | orlock: You can! mono! | 02:37 |
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LinuxHelp | I would recommend learning to program in an interpreted language, such as Python or Java | 02:37 |
andersbr | crimsun: Yeah, the frequency keeps flipping up and down. Thanks. | 02:37 |
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jamster545 | i just installed kubuntu today since my xubuntu and ubuntu ISO's didnt go on the CD-RW's correctly | 02:37 |
newen | but Glib and Gobject helps a lot | 02:37 |
=== mEck0 [n=mEck0@h200n4c1o1039.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fivetwentysix | Thanks for correcting me MattJ and crimsun | 02:37 |
newen | with memory management | 02:37 |
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andersbr | Fivetwentysix: I once programmed a memory leak in Python. | 02:37 |
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noelferreira | how can i see if i have ffmpeg installed properly? | 02:37 |
eck | Fivetwentysix: by the same token, you can leak memory in basically any garbage collecting language that uses reference counting | 02:37 |
andersbr | It's doable. :) | 02:37 |
jared | jared@jared-desktop:~$ emerald | 02:37 |
jared | emerald: Could not acquire decoration manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0" | 02:37 |
jared | Any one have an idea why this would be happening? | 02:37 |
eyedol | I'm getting a choppy sound, whenever I play audio files, please anyone knows of a fix? | 02:37 |
richiefrich | Mysticcal: and thats not gnome all screwed up you either dont have drivers installed correctly or you dont have your X configured | 02:37 |
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RAOF | jared: #ubuntu-effects, and use "emerald --replace" | 02:37 |
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noelferreira | how can i see if i have ffmpeg installed properly? | 02:38 |
hajhouse | you can leak memory in python with circular references --- the garbage collector will never deallocate them | 02:38 |
MattJ | richiefrich, I think he removed GNOME | 02:38 |
richiefrich | MattJ: SO | 02:38 |
richiefrich | MattJ: X will still start | 02:38 |
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richiefrich | MattJ: there is still a default wm | 02:38 |
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orlock | hmmmm | 02:38 |
richiefrich | twm | 02:38 |
imbrandon | noelferreira, dpkg -L|grep ffmpeg | 02:38 |
MattJ | richiefrich, not if the Xsession script (or whatever Ubuntu uses) specifies GNOME | 02:38 |
richiefrich | MattJ: ahh no | 02:38 |
orlock | can i upgrade ubuntu 6.06 to ubuntu 7 without a cd? | 02:38 |
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jamster545 | yeah i think u can | 02:39 |
andersbr | orlock: You should be able to with just a dist-upgrade. | 02:39 |
jamster545 | right | 02:39 |
jamster545 | and you can get the CD for free online or in the mail | 02:39 |
orlock | jamster545: cbf burning it | 02:39 |
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newen | what's faster, mono or python? | 02:39 |
str4 | investigating | 02:39 |
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orlock | sitting here on 2mbit fibre | 02:39 |
andersbr | orlock: You have to point your /etc/apt/sources list to point to the Feisty repositories.. | 02:39 |
LinuxHelp | newen, I think mono eh | 02:40 |
eck | newen: mono | 02:40 |
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andersbr | newen: I'm sure it depends on the task. Probably Mono for most purposes. | 02:40 |
RAOF | orlock, andersbr: noooo! | 02:40 |
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orlock | ahh, found what i was after in the faq | 02:40 |
andersbr | RAOF: What'd I do? | 02:40 |
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RAOF | orlock: You can, but you need to go through Edgy (6.10) | 02:40 |
newen | and what's more RAM hungry? | 02:40 |
eck | newen: i think mono is comparable to java | 02:40 |
jamster545 | is ping like an auto ban in this channel? | 02:40 |
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richiefrich | eck: mono it like .NET | 02:40 |
RAOF | andersbr: There are *much* better ways of upgrading then sed s/dapper/feisty/ :) | 02:40 |
orlock | RAOF: ahh, bugger! | 02:40 |
kitche | jamster545: pretty much since the spam this channel gets | 02:40 |
crimsun | jamster545: it's poor netiquette to ping an entire channel's participants. | 02:41 |
jamster545 | okay | 02:41 |
RAOF | !upgrade > orlock <---- Check the PM from ubotu | 02:41 |
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hums | hi there, i need help please.. i've just installed beryl and launched beryl-manager, when i select beryl from "select window manager" nothing happens... | 02:41 |
eck | richiefrich: i mean in terms of speed and resource usage | 02:41 |
LinuxHelp | newen, mono is probably the most memory efficient out of: mono, java, python | 02:41 |
jamster545 | on my other comp i got banned because i accidentally hit ping but i am gonna get it back later by going to that one chanel | 02:41 |
RAOF | LinuxHelp, newen: Again, Python runs on mono :) | 02:41 |
newen | I still think that gnome programs should be programmed in C, C++ or mono | 02:41 |
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jamster545 | wtf is mono? | 02:41 |
RAOF | newen: Which means you can do python :) | 02:41 |
LinuxHelp | .net for linux | 02:42 |
hums | help! | 02:42 |
codecaine | I have a usb harddrive that don't auto mount like my other harddrives how can I auto mount it on start up sometimes the /dev change for the hard drive is there a way to do it by the drives id or something | 02:42 |
jamster545 | i have heard of all of the other ones but not mono | 02:42 |
eck | isn't mono just c#? | 02:42 |
orville | nope | 02:42 |
zbrown | newen: don't forget python | 02:42 |
RAOF | hums: Go to #ubuntu-effects | 02:42 |
MattJ | eck, not necessarily | 02:42 |
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kitche | newen: umm gnme programs are in those languages | 02:42 |
kitche | eck: it does .net | 02:42 |
newen | I dont like python! | 02:42 |
RAOF | eck: Mono is *much* cooler than just C# | 02:42 |
zbrown | newen: why? | 02:42 |
eck | how much of the other parts of the .net stack has mono implemented? | 02:42 |
jamster545 | dang... this server is slow i am gonna switch | 02:42 |
newen | It's like programming in javascript | 02:42 |
newen | :) | 02:42 |
zbrown | eck: they have a VB.NET version too | 02:42 |
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zbrown | newen: not really | 02:43 |
kitche | eck: like VB, C#, ASP.net | 02:43 |
imbrandon | eck almost 110% | 02:43 |
BVBBQ | Can someone help me get my sound working again. last update seems to have knocked it out again. | 02:43 |
jamster545 | brb i am switching servers | 02:43 |
RAOF | eck: It's the CIL. Python, C$, VB.Net, Java, etc have backends that target the CIL. | 02:43 |
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lufis | I used to be able to right-click on a file in nautilus and "create archive" from the context menu. How can I get that functionality back? | 02:43 |
newen | well, it's actually a script what you run | 02:43 |
Mysticcal | i didn't remove GNOME yet.... i'd like to | 02:43 |
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eck | RAOF: yes, but afaik not all of those have actually been implemented, that is what i am trying to get at | 02:43 |
RAOF | eck: Actually, that list *has* all been implemented. | 02:43 |
imbrandon | eck, yes they have and then some | 02:43 |
Mysticcal | but i keep trying the dkpg-reconfigure command... can't get it right, even though i put in the right info | 02:43 |
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eck | wow | 02:44 |
newen | at least, python, but compiled to CIL and run by mono | 02:44 |
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eck | that's impressive :-) | 02:44 |
jamster545 | i'm back | 02:44 |
kitche | Mysticcal: you putting sudo in front | 02:44 |
RAOF | newen: I really don't get your obsession with compiling. | 02:44 |
Mysticcal | im logged on as root | 02:44 |
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AlcoholicDoc | can anyone see this? | 02:44 |
hajhouse | Mysticcal: maybe the info you think is right isn't. check output of lspci to make sure | 02:44 |
kitche | eck: well it helps that microsoft partner is helping the project out Novell that is :) | 02:44 |
newen | efficiency | 02:44 |
AlcoholicDoc | this has me so confused | 02:44 |
jamster545 | i thought compiling was necessary? | 02:44 |
Darth_Tux | AlcoholicDoc, no | 02:44 |
hajhouse | newen: do you like ocaml? | 02:45 |
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richiefrich | jamster545: if your on a source distro | 02:45 |
RAOF | newen: Actually, the CIL interpreter can do *better* than compile-time optimisations. | 02:45 |
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AlcoholicDoc | darth_Tux: no what? | 02:45 |
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imbrandon | eck, i think your about 3 years late, .net 1.0 and 2.0 have been fully implmented, and they are working on the newly mented 3 | 02:45 |
Darth_Tux | i cant see it | 02:45 |
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unperson | Ok, I found the problem. I want to explicitly block any computers outside my LAN from being able to login to samba. (this shouldn't actually be necessary unless I foul up port forwarding on the router) I added "hosts allow = 192.168.0.," and that's what keeps me from being able to connect. Anyone know what I've screwed up there? | 02:45 |
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newen | hajhouse: I don't know ocaml | 02:45 |
jamster545 | you guys give me a headache | 02:45 |
AlcoholicDoc | oh.... that... it didn't send until the network came back up | 02:45 |
LinuxHelp | newen, look imo none of mono, java, python compile efficiently compared to C++ and pascal etc. | 02:45 |
imbrandon | kitche, and it was done long before the novel deal | 02:46 |
unperson | And yes, I'm certain that the IPs on my LAN are 192.168.0.* | 02:46 |
jamster545 | that is what my router uses | 02:46 |
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newen | I always program in C or C++ | 02:46 |
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kitche | imbrandon: your point being Novell still knew how the languages work | 02:46 |
imbrandon | kitche, no my point is this has been dating back 4+ years | 02:46 |
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jamster545 | brb im off to google | 02:46 |
newen | C++ is just quite complicated | 02:46 |
eck | newen: no more complicated than C | 02:47 |
imbrandon | and MS was far from the only one to push the ecma standard | 02:47 |
lavar1917 | c++ isnt to complicated | 02:47 |
andersbr | Crap. Ubuntu's already doing the right thing (keeping cpu frequency at a minimum when the laptop isn't plugged in). What, pray tell, am I going to tweak? | 02:47 |
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audimage | I'm having problems getting Beryl to run properly on my system. I have an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro, and I believe that I have the wrong driver enabled. However, on the Restricted Drivers Manager it reports that the ATI driver is enabled. | 02:47 |
MattJ | I think languages discussion should probably go to #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:47 |
andersbr | eck: You're smokin' crack, man! | 02:47 |
newen | well, it's not as easy as C | 02:47 |
newen | but in C, the GObject system is far more complicated that the native class system in C++ | 02:48 |
jamster545 | for anyone who wants to learn C and C++ go to http:/www.cprogramming.com | 02:48 |
vox754 | There is actually a #ubuntu-programming, you just need to populate it! | 02:48 |
andersbr | eck: Seriously, there are a dozen features in C++ that C doesn't have. C is very simple and minimalist by comparison. No object-oriented stuff, no templates, etc... | 02:48 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl375.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LinuxHelp | Go forth, and multiply! ..... | 02:48 |
Mysticcal | cool, wrong video card PCI path being used... | 02:48 |
kitche | MattJ: !offtopic | 02:48 |
LinuxHelp | ^^ ubuntu-programming | 02:48 |
andersbr | LinuxHelp: while( 1 ){ fork(); } // OKAY! | 02:49 |
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jamster545 | IF YOU WANT TO HELP PROGRAMMING OR NEED HELP IN IT GO TO #ubuntu-programming | 02:49 |
kitche | MattJ: bah forgot I typed your name lol | 02:49 |
AlcoholicDoc | eck: any other ideas... that didn't help at all.... had to turn network-manager and dhcdbd back on to bring network back up. | 02:49 |
kitche | !offtopic | 02:49 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:49 |
eck | andersbr: yeah, but you don't _have_ to use the complicated stuff, you can write C-like C++ programs (i.e. without oo) | 02:49 |
audimage | Does anybody have an idea how I can check which graphics driver is actually being used, and how I can change it to the proper driver if the wrong one is enabled? | 02:49 |
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Pelo | jamster545, this would be a bash scripting channel ? | 02:49 |
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jamster545 | ? | 02:49 |
kitche | audimage: glxinfo | 02:49 |
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andersbr | eck: That's like saying a computer is no more complicated than a rock, if you're using both to beat your laundry against. :) | 02:50 |
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Xenos767 | How do I find out my ubuntu version/ how can I update my ubuntu version to the latest? | 02:50 |
jamster545 | pelo: ? | 02:50 |
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AlcoholicDoc | redDEAD: are you the one that writes the ubuntu1501 blog on blogspot? | 02:50 |
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andersbr | audimage: Would depend on the chipset. Do you know which driver you need? | 02:50 |
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Pelo | jamster545, you posted a link to a channel I 'm asking if the channel is for bash scripting | 02:50 |
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jamster545 | idk i heard it on here and repeated | 02:51 |
theTrav | hello, I'm trying to back up my music collection, does Ubuntu have any ripping/encoding software out of the box? if not can anyone recommend me some? | 02:51 |
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Xenos767 | Can someone help me step by step update my ubuntu version to the latest? | 02:51 |
redDEAD | AlcoholicDoc, yeah i am | 02:51 |
Pelo | the soundjuicer | 02:51 |
andersbr | tehTrav: Which formats are involved? | 02:51 |
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eck | theTrav: i just use cdrecord, flac, and faac | 02:51 |
jamster545 | brb i found a good C/C++ programming learn site | 02:51 |
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tinh_ | jamster545, could you share with us? | 02:52 |
eck | jamster545: i still think you should get a book, it's really easy to learn c/c++ poorly and write really awful code | 02:52 |
theTrav | eck: thanks, are those programs or commands? | 02:52 |
eck | theTrav: uh both | 02:52 |
imbrandon | both | 02:52 |
fir3chi3f | xenos try typing in command line: sudo apt-get upgrade | 02:52 |
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theTrav | hmm, front end's I should say | 02:53 |
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Xenos767 | fir3chi3f ok ill try it | 02:53 |
theTrav | and are they pre-installed or listed? | 02:53 |
AlcoholicDoc | redDEAD: maybe you can help me then... I have an inspiron 1501... I used your blog to get the wireless working, but I can not set a static ip address... I was wondering if you have tried this at all and if so have you been successful | 02:53 |
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At0mic_PC | Anyone good with bluetooth? I can send and recieve files both ways but I can't pair my PC and phone. | 02:53 |
eck | theTrav: i think you might want to look into the gui programs though, or at least something that can look up cddb information automatically | 02:53 |
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redDEAD | AlcoholicDoc, which method did you use? | 02:53 |
lycus_setesh | I am trying to compile pidgin so I can use Bonjour, but I read I need howl installed in order to do this - however, after installing libavahi-compat-howl0, the configure file for pidgin does not detect HOWL. | 02:54 |
lycus_setesh | Can anyone assist? | 02:54 |
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heath_ | hey guys, i was hoping someone would know how to convert pdf to odt?? | 02:54 |
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deviantintegral | anyone know how much memory is required to grow a raid 5 set with mdadm? | 02:54 |
eck | lycus_setesh: sudo apt-get build-dep gaim | 02:54 |
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eck | lycus_setesh: that should get you everything you need | 02:54 |
Onk | Nothing. | 02:54 |
lycus_setesh | eck: I've already done that. | 02:54 |
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AlcoholicDoc | redDEAD: I used the native linux driver method... i used the link to Cosmin's blog to get the 64bit stuff... | 02:54 |
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eck | lycus_setesh: does it say what header it's looking for | 02:55 |
Xenos767 | fir3chi3f: I am getting this error E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? And sinaptic isnt open. | 02:55 |
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BVBBQ | Can someone help me get my sound working again. last update seems to have knocked it out again. | 02:55 |
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lycus_setesh | eck: howl.h usability, presence, how.h | 02:55 |
Pelo | BVBBQ, check that you are still using asla | 02:55 |
jamster545 | if you are interested in learning C or C++ i found an excellent site | 02:55 |
eck | lycus_setesh: if you get apt-file you can find out what packages provide those headers | 02:55 |
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eck | lycus_setesh: you can also search on packages.ubuntu.org, but sometimes that doesn't find things that apt-file does | 02:56 |
BVBBQ | Pelo, how? | 02:56 |
redDEAD | AlcoholicDoc, go to the avahi icon. right click, select manual configuration. | 02:56 |
Rodel | BVBBQ: double click sound control in top left | 02:56 |
Pelo | BVBBQ, menu > system > prefs > sound | 02:56 |
Rodel | right* | 02:56 |
jamster545 | www.cprogramming.com is a great site with tutorials, compilers, and more for learning C and C++ | 02:56 |
Xenos767 | Can someone help me update my version of ubuntu? | 02:56 |
Rodel | or do what Pelo says | 02:56 |
Rodel | :P | 02:56 |
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j4cbo | anyone know if standard Wine is as good as Cedega for DX9/Steam games yet? | 02:57 |
Pelo | note do the channel, always do what Pelo says, no matter what | 02:57 |
Mysticcal | where can I find my mouse config? | 02:57 |
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idiot | i'm trying to get compositing to work under x11. i apt-get'd libxcomposite-dev and xcompmgr as well as adding the 'option "composite" "enable"' line in an "Extensions" section in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, but when i do a xdpyinfo, composite still isn't showing up. any suggestions? | 02:57 |
lycus_setesh | eck: Is the syntax apt-file search blah ? | 02:57 |
Mysticcal | ps2 config? | 02:57 |
eck | lycus_setesh: yeah | 02:57 |
redDEAD | AlcoholicDoc, at the network settings menu click wireless, turn off roaming mode. and edit your connection settings | 02:57 |
Zelda | Xenos767: I would recommend doing a fresh install of 7.04 | 02:57 |
eck | lycus_setesh: first you need to apt-file update | 02:57 |
BVBBQ | Pelo, this is what it says "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not open resource for writing" | 02:57 |
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heath_ | doea anyone know how to convert pdf to odt? | 02:58 |
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Pelo | BVBBQ, is says that in the sound menu ??? | 02:58 |
vox754 | jamster545, if you think you can contribute you can post the link on a thread about programming tutorials in ubuntuforums.org | 02:58 |
AlcoholicDoc | redDEAD: I thought it should be that easy too, but when I do that, I lose connectivity... even tried to sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart after that, but still no luck. | 02:58 |
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eck | heath_: i don't think you can | 02:58 |
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MattJ | !upgrade | Xenos767 | 02:58 |
ubotu | Xenos767: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 02:58 |
Xenos767 | Zelda: is there a way I can do that without deleteing one of my files? I am trying to move one of my files to a flash drive from the desktop but it seems that the last update knocked out all my folders and I cant view them. The only way I can do it is through terminal but I dont know how to do that. Please help. | 02:58 |
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Pelo | BVBBQ, off hand that error msg looks like a permission thing, what command triggered it please | 02:59 |
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Zelda | Can someone help Xeno767 with that? | 02:59 |
BVBBQ | Pelo, thats what it says when i test the alsa | 02:59 |
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soumou | hello | 02:59 |
MattJ | Xenos767, the files are on the hard disk now? | 03:00 |
Pelo | Xenos767, I 've been having trouble with usb drives to , hold on I'm getting you a link | 03:00 |
soumou | sorry, i was just checking that i was connected | 03:00 |
heath_ | eck, i found out you can can do it using kword :) | 03:00 |
Xenos767 | MattJ: yes, they are located on my desktop. | 03:00 |
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tux_wears_a_tux | Hi. I just installed Beryl, but how do I get it to work. | 03:00 |
MattJ | Xenos767, but you can't see them in the file manager? | 03:00 |
vox754 | Xenos767, easy! just boot the live cd, mount the partitions, move the information to the flash drive and then try to fix your machine or reinstall it | 03:00 |
jamster545 | hey guys i am gonna get a temp D/C while i switch connections | 03:00 |
Xenos767 | MattJ: they are all in one folder. The problem is not with my USB drive, what happened is my dad restarted the computer in the middle of updating my computer | 03:01 |
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MattJ | Xenos767, ah, I see | 03:01 |
tux_wears_a_tux | Please help. | 03:01 |
Xenos767 | MattJ: i cant see them in file manager | 03:01 |
redDEAD | AlcoholicDoc, i dont know what to tell you. have you tried posting in the ubuntu forums | 03:01 |
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Pelo | Xenos767, try this solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=418688&highlight=usb+cannot+remove+directory | 03:01 |
soumou | is anyone availble to answer questions related to installing ubuntu to a 4th hard drive on a system that alreay contains a raid 5 array of win xp | 03:01 |
MattJ | Xenos767, so what state is your PC in now? | 03:01 |
tux_wears_a_tux | can anyone please help me? | 03:01 |
MattJ | tux_wears_a_tux, #ubuntu-effects or #beryl maybe | 03:02 |
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zamboni | Is there no longer text mode install on Ubuntu 7.04? | 03:02 |
Pelo | tux_wears_a_tux, ask in #beryl | 03:02 |
kitche | zamboni: the alternate cd | 03:02 |
nj786 | my printer doesnt print on linux | 03:02 |
vox754 | soumou, impossible, better get a new PC | 03:02 |
MattJ | zamboni, on the alternate CD | 03:02 |
soumou | that win xp identifys the 4th hd as a local drive "e" and i want to overwrite the image that is already on it | 03:02 |
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Pelo | !alternate | zamboni | 03:02 |
zamboni | ah sung | 03:02 |
ubotu | zamboni: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 03:02 |
redDEAD | tux_wears_a_tux, you gotta tell use whjat you using 1st | 03:02 |
Xenos767 | MattJ: I can do everything but view my files I think, I just keep on getting a bug buddy thing comming up and I cant use my file viewer at all. | 03:02 |
Xenos767 | Pelo: there is no problem with my USB | 03:02 |
tux_wears_a_tux | redDEAD: I just installed Beryl, but how do I get it to work? | 03:02 |
AlcoholicDoc | redDEAD: haven't posted yet.... figured I'd try here first.... Everything I've seen in the forums seems to say the same thing you have said. | 03:02 |
BVBBQ | Pelo, thats what it says when i test the alsa | 03:03 |
Pelo | Xenos767, I thought you were talking about a flash drive ? | 03:03 |
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nj786 | my printer doesnt print on linux | 03:03 |
Pelo | BVBBQ, how do you test your alsa ? | 03:03 |
nj786 | my printer doesnt print on linux | 03:03 |
nj786 | my printer doesnt print on linux | 03:03 |
nestor | hola alguien k hable espenol | 03:03 |
nj786 | my printer doesnt print on linux | 03:03 |
nj786 | my printer doesnt print on linux | 03:03 |
Xenos767 | Pelo: no, all the files on my whole computer are unexcessible. | 03:03 |
tux_wears_a_tux | I just installed Beryl, but how do I get it to work? | 03:03 |
MattJ | Xenos767, ok | 03:03 |
soumou | vox: why impossible??? | 03:03 |
Zelda | isnt there a channel for beaner speaking people? | 03:03 |
Pelo | tux_wears_a_tux, ask in #beryl | 03:03 |
redDEAD | AlcoholicDoc, 64 bit version is a douche | 03:03 |
kitche | !repeat | nj786 | 03:03 |
ubotu | nj786: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 03:03 |
BVBBQ | Pelo, you pick one of the drop down lists there and select alsa then hit the test button beside it. | 03:03 |
MattJ | Xenos767, can you open Terminal? Applications->Accessories->Terminal | 03:03 |
zamboni | And the one thing that I cant seem to get away from: I want to only install on the hdb second drove but ubuntu will always reformat the wasp partition on the hda drive | 03:04 |
tux_wears_a_tux | Pelo: ok | 03:04 |
Zelda | like #ubuntu-spanish? | 03:04 |
Xenos767 | MattJ: yes, it is open currently | 03:04 |
Pelo | BVBBQ, ah I see | 03:04 |
MattJ | Xenos767, if you type ls it will list the files and folders | 03:04 |
vox754 | soumou, I don't really know! I just wanted to say something, a straight response... | 03:04 |
Xenos767 | MattJ: should I try using my live CD to open files? | 03:04 |
Pelo | !sound > BVBBQ check the you private msg for instrucitons from ubuntu | 03:04 |
AlcoholicDoc | redDEAD: LMAO... I figured as much, but the live CD won't boot on my laptop.... maybe it didn't burn correctly or something... | 03:04 |
MattJ | Xenos767, that should work, yes | 03:04 |
Pelo | !es | Zelda | 03:04 |
ubotu | Zelda: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:04 |
BVBBQ | Pelo, ive already gone through those. | 03:05 |
AaronCN | how to install Epson 6100L (laser printer) driver? | 03:05 |
Xenos767 | MattJ: and I should be able to move my files as well? | 03:05 |
zamboni | and third I have lilo slack on the first drive and I dont want to put grub on top of hda any clues? | 03:05 |
Zelda | Pelo: I dont speak beaner | 03:05 |
MattJ | Xenos767, do make sure that you back everything up before reinstalling | 03:05 |
MattJ | Xenos767, Yes | 03:05 |
soumou | vox: i have already buitl 2 new servers , but i need to do it on this workstation | 03:05 |
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BVBBQ | Pelo, im using a tricky card that is designed for laptops but for some reason its onboard on my motherboard. | 03:05 |
jamster545_ | back | 03:05 |
Pelo | BVBBQ, hmm, check your users permission that error msg sounded like the system was trying to create a file and couldn't | 03:05 |
Taime1 | What | 03:05 |
Mysticcal | is there a ubuntu command line command that you can view startup programs? | 03:05 |
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Xenos767 | MattJ: do you know a way of backing up a big portion of my files, EG. a vertual drive that I can upload my files to? | 03:05 |
redDEAD | AlcoholicDoc, do you use aim? cause i not a fan of irc | 03:06 |
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BVBBQ | Pelo, when i run aplay it tells me i have no soundcard. | 03:06 |
Pelo | Zelda, what do you mean by beaner ? | 03:06 |
zamboni | and third I have lilo booting slack on the first drive and I dont want to put grub on top of hda... any clues? | 03:06 |
cafe_ | guys, is it possible to copy files over NFS without mounting it? | 03:06 |
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BVBBQ | Pelo, i think its something to do with HDA sound. | 03:06 |
vox754 | Zelda, beaner? is that racism? | 03:06 |
AlcoholicDoc | redDEAD: not really, but I can create an account real quick like... | 03:06 |
Taime1 | What Is The Easiest Way To Get S-video To Work In Ubuntu? | 03:06 |
Pelo | BVBBQ, ic, you'Re sound card isn't getting detected, now we are taking | 03:06 |
Zelda | not if you live in miami. | 03:06 |
MattJ | Xenos767, what I do is make a seperate partition for my /home folder | 03:06 |
Zelda | its not racist. | 03:06 |
jamster545_ | i'm booting my linux com to do a tutorial on C++... any tips? | 03:06 |
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soumou | does anyone other than vox , have an easy solution other than to say "get a new pc?" | 03:07 |
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BVBBQ | Pelo, this is the third time ive done this. i just cant remember how i did it. | 03:07 |
zamboni | and third I have lilo booting slack on the first drive and I dont want to put grub on top of hda... any clues? | 03:07 |
Pelo | jamster545, offtopic, | 03:07 |
AaronCN | How to install Epson 6100L laser printer on Ubuntu ? thanks ? | 03:07 |
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jamster545_ | sry | 03:07 |
jamster545_ | i dont know what the topic is | 03:07 |
BVBBQ | Pelo, but i will tell you if we are heading in the right direction if i remember. | 03:07 |
jamster545_ | i D/C'd for a second | 03:07 |
Pelo | BVBBQ, can you al least remember how you found out how you did it in the first place ? | 03:07 |
zamboni | HowTo have lilo booting slack on the first drive and I dont want to put grub on top of hda... any clues? | 03:07 |
Xenos767 | MattJ: I would need another hardrive to do that wouldn't I? | 03:07 |
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kFj | hi... is it possible to setup a network between 2 computers? one running ubuntu installed and one with live cd in it... if yes, then how do i do it.. really new to linux | 03:07 |
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soumou | jam: are you availble to answer questions related to installing ubuntu to a 4th hard drive on a system that alreay contains a raid 5 array of win xp | 03:07 |
rumun | what usenet client do you guys recommend? | 03:08 |
Pelo | BVBBQ, I have no idea how to help you, you'll need to figure it out on your own, I am no good with hardware issues | 03:08 |
jamster545_ | ? | 03:08 |
BVBBQ | Pelo, my memory is only good for about 2 months. after that my brain gets rid of just about everything. | 03:08 |
jamster545_ | um... no | 03:08 |
soumou | k | 03:08 |
bcardarella | Is there a quick way to clear a log file from command line? | 03:08 |
BVBBQ | Pelo, thanks for trying anyways. | 03:08 |
bcardarella | (without destroying it) | 03:08 |
MattJ | Xenos767, no. Partitioning allows you to make more than one virtual drive on the same disk | 03:08 |
Pelo | BVBBQ, next time bookmark the page with the instructjions or take notes, , for now try looking up your soundcard shipset in the forum | 03:08 |
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zamboni | withoutdestroying it? | 03:08 |
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Xenos767 | MattJ: could you run me through how to do that? | 03:09 |
BVBBQ | Pelo, could you atleast tell me how i would go about seeing what version of alsa i have? | 03:09 |
bcardarella | zamboni: yeah, I just need to clear it not delete | 03:09 |
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soumou | who is jamster545_ | 03:09 |
jamster545_ | ? | 03:09 |
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jamster545_ | i didnt have the _ in it before | 03:09 |
Pelo | BVBBQ, sorry, I'm fairly new at this myself and I haven'T needed to trouble shoot any hardware, try the hardware manager in system prefs | 03:09 |
soumou | ie. yeah i am a newbie and trying to figure this out | 03:10 |
silent_ | I just looked at my fstab... wtf is this?? UUID=36c60116-31bf-48e3-a4c6-f04b128fe25c | 03:10 |
silent_ | what happen? | 03:10 |
soumou | and obviously jamster can't help | 03:10 |
MattJ | Xenos767, I might not be able to. It is 2AM here :D | 03:10 |
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Xenos767 | ok | 03:10 |
vox754 | !uuid | 03:10 |
ubotu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: blkid (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 03:10 |
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MattJ | Xenos767, I am looking for a guide | 03:10 |
MattJ | I am sure there is one | 03:10 |
tester | Hello | 03:10 |
kitche | silent_: uuid's never change /dev/sdx and such can change | 03:10 |
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Xenos767 | Can someone help me set up a new partion on my hard drive without erasing any files? | 03:10 |
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vox754 | !gparted | 03:11 |
ubotu | GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type sudo apt-get install gparted in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 03:11 |
kitche | silent_: for the device that is | 03:11 |
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WhoKNows | hello, when I rdesktop into my Windows XP virtualbox, I can't get over 16bit color | 03:11 |
silent_ | how do I configure swap? I had to delete my swap partition and remade the partition and now I have no swap | 03:12 |
Pelo | Xenos767, boot up the live cd, goto menu > system > admin > gnome partition editor , rezise the partiton that is in the way and make a new one from the unallocated space | 03:12 |
Xenos767 | Pelo: thanks, ill do that now. | 03:12 |
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vox754 | !swap | 03:12 |
ubotu | swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info | 03:12 |
Bogaurd | is there an option that can be specified when using mount -t smbfs so that if the host goes down, the connection will be automatically retried? | 03:12 |
Pelo | silent_, sudo gedit /etc/fstab , change the devtree of the swap partiton | 03:12 |
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tester | try rdesktop --help to find out how to change that | 03:12 |
jamster545_ | where can I get a C++ compiler for linux/ | 03:12 |
linuxnub | mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member' | 03:13 |
linuxnub | anyone know how to mount lvm2 disks? | 03:13 |
mjr | !build-essential | jamster545_ | 03:13 |
Pelo | jamster545, menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager : use the search feature | 03:13 |
ubotu | jamster545_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 03:13 |
BVBBQ | Can someone help me get my sound working again. last update seems to have knocked it out again. | 03:13 |
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Fivetwentysix | What's the -t of hpfs/ntfs? | 03:13 |
silent_ | Pelo, do I need to restart? | 03:13 |
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silent_ | it sais it cant find the UUID in fstab | 03:13 |
Pelo | silent_, for the changes to take effect yes | 03:13 |
RAOF | linuxnub: Firstly, you need to get your LVM disks recognised by the device-mapper. Then you just mount the drives you want from /dev/mapper/stuff | 03:14 |
zamboni | bcardarella you can use an empty echo like this: echo > yourfile | 03:14 |
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RAOF | linuxnub: You don't actually _mount_ LVM discs, is what I'm saying. What's your actual situation, and why haven't the lvm disks been automatically detected? | 03:14 |
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MattJ | jamster545_, You might like to try codeblocks, it saves you from the command line :) | 03:15 |
sldkfj | jamster545, search for g++ | 03:15 |
zamboni | but depends on not having noclopper set | 03:15 |
zamboni | no clpbber | 03:15 |
zamboni | clobber | 03:15 |
Taime1 | How Do You Get S-video To Work? | 03:15 |
=== Beach_ [n=beach@adsl-074-184-021-214.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxnub | dont know why not detected RAOF | 03:15 |
linuxnub | they should have been | 03:15 |
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Fivetwentysix | What's the -t of hpfs/ntfs? | 03:15 |
Fivetwentysix | filesystem | 03:16 |
Stoffer | I'm trying to install the mail-notification icon, but I'm getting an error when running ./configure (the version in apt-get is broken). Can someone here take a look at my configure.log and see what the problem is? It's telling me up front that maybe gtk+ is installed incorrectly... | 03:16 |
=== sax_ [n=sax@72-45-3-015-dhcp.gsv.md.atlanticbb.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxnub | its my second hard drive thats not mounting thats the lvm system | 03:16 |
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Fivetwentysix | How do I mount HPFS/NTFS? | 03:16 |
vox754 | Fivetwentysix, "man mount" | 03:16 |
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vox754 | !ntfs | 03:17 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 03:17 |
RAOF | linuxnub: So, do you have anything in /dev/mapper? | 03:17 |
Fivetwentysix | vox754 what? | 03:17 |
jamster545_ | . | 03:17 |
linuxnub | no | 03:17 |
zamboni | !lilo | 03:17 |
ubotu | lilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead. | 03:17 |
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zamboni | !grub | 03:17 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 03:17 |
WhoKNows | hey | 03:17 |
linuxnub | there is no /dev/mapper on my system that i can find with slocate | 03:17 |
RAOF | linuxnub: Hm. You might want to try running "sudo /etc/init.d/lvm-common restart" | 03:18 |
RAOF | linuxnub: Just "ls /dev/mapper" should work :) | 03:18 |
WhoKNows | is there a channel for windows operating systems | 03:18 |
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Bogaurd | WhoKNows: #windows | 03:18 |
kitche | WhoKNows: yes ##windows it's unofficial of course | 03:18 |
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Taime1 | ##windows, actually | 03:18 |
linuxnub | k doin it now | 03:18 |
Bogaurd | My mistake :P | 03:18 |
bruenig | !windows | 03:18 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 03:18 |
zamboni | lol | 03:18 |
zamboni | wa wa wa | 03:19 |
Stoffer | it says it's unable to find the GTK+ library..... anyone? | 03:19 |
bruenig | Stoffer, install some gtk-dev file | 03:19 |
WhoKNows | ok because i dont know if anybody knows how to solve this, but remote desktop in windows is only letting me view at 16 bit | 03:19 |
linuxnub | sudo: /etc/init.d/lvm-common: command not found | 03:19 |
Xenos767 | Pelo: I created a new partition and you are positive that I can install a new version of linux on it without over writing/ deleting my existing files? | 03:19 |
Taime1 | Boguard, a decent irc client would have done it anyway...:) | 03:19 |
bruenig | linux_probe, does that exist? | 03:19 |
kitche | Stoffer: do you have gtk+ installed is it looking for gtk+ or gtk+2 | 03:19 |
bruenig | linuxnub, * | 03:19 |
linuxnub | ls: /dev/mapper: No such file or directory | 03:19 |
Fivetwentysix | Grr How do i mount HTFS/NTFS with the terminal command MOUNT | 03:19 |
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Fivetwentysix | It says i need a type | 03:19 |
Fivetwentysix | what is the type? | 03:19 |
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bruenig | Fivetwentysix, -t ntfs | 03:19 |
zamboni | -t | 03:19 |
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zamboni | -t ntfs | 03:20 |
zamboni | -o ro | 03:20 |
linuxnub | you sure these things are default in fiesty? | 03:20 |
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Fivetwentysix | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda, | 03:20 |
Fivetwentysix | missing codepage or other error | 03:20 |
Fivetwentysix | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 03:20 |
Fivetwentysix | dmesg | tail or so | 03:20 |
Fivetwentysix | When using -t ntfs | 03:20 |
linuxnub | i never installed lvm | 03:20 |
Stoffer | kitche, not sure | 03:20 |
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sldkfj | Taime1, s-video?? try adding an s-video option in the device section | 03:20 |
soumou | is anyone else available to answer the above plea for help without the "go buy a new pc" response that Samurai Lord. Emperor Jeffery aka jamster replied with? | 03:20 |
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Xenos767 | I created a new partition, can I install a new version of linux on it without over writing/ deleting my existing files? | 03:20 |
Stoffer | kitche, it's saying it can't find GTK+ | 03:20 |
linuxnub | lvm is on my OTHER drive running a different distro | 03:20 |
RAOF | linuxnub: Eeep. Those things are installed by default, I think. | 03:20 |
bruenig | Fivetwentysix, bad superblock maybe | 03:20 |
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vox754 | Fivetwentysix, read "man mount" you may need additional options | 03:20 |
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RAOF | linuxnub: You can, of course, try installing the "lvm2" package :) | 03:21 |
kitche | Stoffer: it should say the version it's looking for someplace also | 03:21 |
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bensode | Any opinions for gaming with Nv or propprietary Nvidia drivers? | 03:21 |
vox754 | Xenos767, yes.Upon installation don't tell it to format the other partitions you wish to preserve | 03:21 |
linuxnub | ya the sudo find / -name lvm is coming up empty too | 03:21 |
Xenos767 | !upgrade | 03:21 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 03:21 |
silent_ | Still dont have swap, partition exists, I used the UUID from blkid in fstab... no swap is mounted | 03:21 |
soumou | i am simply looking for a real person to ask real ubuntu questions to and i thought that this would be the appropriate forum to do so | 03:21 |
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zamboni | soumon like it says in te topic keep asking | 03:22 |
jamster545_ | dang... i am having trouble finding linux compilers | 03:22 |
soumou | zam: thx for the helpful repy | 03:22 |
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vox754 | soumou, sorry, but some problems are out of our reach, keep asking every 15 minutes | 03:22 |
bensode | jamster545_, did you install build-essentials package? | 03:22 |
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Stoffer | kitche, I can't find it in the error log, but here's the configure.log output: http://pastebin.ca/515053 | 03:22 |
zamboni | the right person may show up | 03:22 |
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jamster545_ | no and i followed the instructions to on ubuntu support but it couldnt find the packeage | 03:23 |
sldkfj | jamster545_, run in a terminal: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 03:23 |
jamster545_ | i did that | 03:23 |
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jamster545_ | it couldnt find the package | 03:23 |
soumou | i have a 4th hd in a pc with 3 hd already in an raid 5 array and am trying to wipe out the acronis image that is alreay on that 4th hd and reformat it completely | 03:23 |
bensode | jamster545_, open a terminal and run apt-get install build-essentials | 03:23 |
jamster545_ | I DID! | 03:23 |
sldkfj | load it through synaptic | 03:23 |
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jamster545_ | it couldnt find the package | 03:23 |
hajhouse | can you boot a live cd (like the ones from live.debian.org) under xen? | 03:23 |
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RAOF | linuxnub: Hm, maybe it *isn't* installed by default. Just install the lvm2 pacakge :) | 03:24 |
MattJ | jamster545_, if the package was not there, there would be no Ubuntu :) | 03:24 |
adrigen | anyone: I just installed an extra codec in the hope that I would be able to view a .mov. But it has ruined my ability to see .avis now. Any idea how to remove it? I dont know wat its called but the description included mpeg2. It also said it was from the 'bad' set or something (should have known) :( | 03:24 |
sldkfj | it's there synaptic can install it | 03:24 |
jamster545_ | i am running kubuntu | 03:24 |
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MattJ | jamster545_, any *buntu then :) | 03:24 |
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jamster545_ | i typed that in in konsole and it said package not found | 03:24 |
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kitche | Stoffer: it's looking for 2.6.0 | 03:25 |
MattJ | jamster545_, check you spelt it right | 03:25 |
masterdrake | adrigen: try searching for your installed package in synaptic, do a search for mpeg2 | 03:25 |
jamster545_ | i did | 03:25 |
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bensode | jamster545_, Which version of ubuntu? | 03:25 |
vox754 | soumou, now, it is nice to rephrase the question... now that you mention it, have you tried simply formatting that 4th drive and see what happens? | 03:25 |
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kitche | Stoffer: I would see if gtk+2 is installed | 03:25 |
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Stoffer | kitche, how do I check that? | 03:25 |
jamster545_ | latest... (fiesty?) | 03:25 |
soumou | vox: yes | 03:25 |
NoelJB | adaptr: if you keep it clean, you can look in /var/cache/apt to see what you've recently installed. | 03:25 |
sldkfj | jamster545_, open the repositories and do an update | 03:25 |
kitche | Stoffer: umm in your package manager your using | 03:25 |
jrick | I think i need to reconfigure my dpkg database. Whenever I try to update and updrade the updates, it gives me this message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22751/ | 03:25 |
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VoX | soumou: no | 03:25 |
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sldkfj | remove the # on the left margin | 03:26 |
MattJ | jamster545_, http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/devel/build-essential | 03:26 |
jamster545_ | i just installed kubuntu today and it is latest version... how do i open repository anyway? | 03:26 |
soumou | i have tried but when i boot from the raid 5 array in winxp it doesn't allow me to do that | 03:26 |
Stoffer | kitche, just search for gtk? | 03:26 |
bensode | jamster545_, It's "build-essential" (not plural) | 03:26 |
soumou | so i put the ubuntu live cd and changed the boot seq to boot from it it still doensn't work | 03:26 |
bensode | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2714949 | 03:26 |
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kitche | Stoffer: yes you are looking for libgtk+2 I believe | 03:26 |
bensode | a lot of peoplefat finger that .. I do it a lot too | 03:26 |
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jamster545_ | hold on let me go back to my ku comp | 03:26 |
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adrigen | masterdrake>: ok thanks. I did, but I wasnt confident that I was doing the right thing. Now it said remove ... ugly. that rings a bell. cheers man | 03:27 |
sldkfj | jamster545_, remove the # on the left margin...... sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:27 |
soumou | sorry vox, i guess i am not following your lead .... | 03:27 |
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birdman | how it goin guys | 03:27 |
Stoffer | kitche, 2.10.11-0ubuntu3 | 03:27 |
sldkfj | jamster545_, or gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:27 |
vox754 | soumou, by the way, use the full nickname, otherwise you'll be talking to other people | 03:27 |
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soumou | i am simply trying to reformat a 300 gb hd from the cd | 03:28 |
soumou | k, thx | 03:28 |
kitche | Stoffer: does it say it's installed? | 03:28 |
adrigen | Anyone: is there a way to make a boot floppy to help boot from USB on a pc whith a bios that doesnt support booting from usb? | 03:28 |
Stoffer | kitche, yeah...libgtk2.0-0 | 03:28 |
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user_ | Help!!!: Does anybody know which package I have to install to compile fortran code with extension .f90? I have f77, fort77, and I'm receiving this error: gcc: error trying to exec 'f951': execvp: No such file or directory | 03:28 |
kitche | Stoffer: ok then that ./configure should be working | 03:28 |
birdman | hey i was wondering if ubuntu supports quad processors | 03:28 |
jamster545_ | im downloading G++ from ubuntu.com | 03:28 |
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vox754 | soumou, in that case, unplug all disks, and run the Live CD only with that one you wish to erase/format | 03:28 |
jamster545_ | wait | 03:29 |
sldkfj | jamster545_, if you just installed kubuntu; it's good to do a system update with sudo apt-get update | 03:29 |
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soumou | i have already tried that | 03:29 |
Stoffer | kitche, yep...it's not though....and the version in the package manager doesn't work... :( | 03:29 |
soumou | opps | 03:29 |
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jamster545_ | it has a list of files to download after i clicked get G++ | 03:29 |
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soumou | vox754: i have already tried that | 03:29 |
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birdman | any1 know | 03:29 |
bensode | soumou, Is that 4th drive an IDE or SATA or SCSI drive? | 03:29 |
soumou | it's connected to the sata3 port | 03:29 |
MattJ | jamster545_, yes, most packages depend on other packages | 03:29 |
soumou | i disconnected the other 3 hd's from sata 0-2 | 03:30 |
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jamster545_ | which one do i click? | 03:30 |
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jamster545_ | i just updated... i wil try to find package again | 03:30 |
Baalial | I just converted from Windows XP to Ubuntu recently | 03:30 |
vox754 | soumou, place it as master or in the sata 0 port, you have to try all that, also maybe reconfiguring the BIOS. Most bios have some utility to autodetect disks. | 03:30 |
bensode | soumou, iirc, sata drives (serial ata) you can't just disconnect them and expect the 4th slot to work ... and if they are part of a hardware raid, the raid probably doesn't recognize it either | 03:30 |
Baalial | And I wish to continue learning C++ on this platform | 03:31 |
sldkfj | jamster545, so ........... sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:31 |
Baalial | But I cannot find a suitable development tool | 03:31 |
jamster545_ | nvm | 03:31 |
jamster545_ | it found the package this time | 03:31 |
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Baalial | Does anyone here know of a tool as simple as dev-c++ with simple setup? | 03:31 |
jamster545_ | it must have been in the update | 03:31 |
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RAOF | Baalial: In what way? linux is the hackers OS :) | 03:31 |
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sldkfj | yeah, it wsa updated | 03:31 |
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vox754 | Baalial, #ubuntu-programming also check the forums, lots of info there | 03:31 |
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kitche | Baalial: sudo apt-get install build-essential you will need that first | 03:31 |
sldkfj | gotta keep that repository list current | 03:31 |
birdman | hey i was wondering if ubuntu supports quad processors | 03:31 |
Baalial | thanks! | 03:32 |
jamster545_ | i think it just finished installing the package | 03:32 |
RAOF | birdman: Yes. | 03:32 |
Stoffer | kitche, haha, I installed libgtk2.0-dev, the ./configure went further...but now it can't fing GNOME | 03:32 |
kitche | birdman: it supports SMP so yes | 03:32 |
soumou | opps , yeah sorry guys (bensode & vox754) i completely forgot about that ....... THANKS | 03:32 |
Stoffer | kitche, find* | 03:32 |
soumou | I'll brb | 03:32 |
kitche | Stoffer: oh yeah -dev lol not use to packages being broken up | 03:32 |
RAOF | birdman: (Up to 64 in Gutsy I believe, 32 in Feisty) | 03:32 |
kitche | Stoffer: probbaly need the -dev packages | 03:32 |
Stoffer | kitche, yeah, lookin' for those now | 03:32 |
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jamster545_ | how do i get G++ to open now? | 03:33 |
MattJ | I want 64 CPUs | 03:33 |
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MattJ | jamster545_, you type g++ in terminal | 03:33 |
jamster545_ | ok | 03:34 |
MattJ | It is not a GUI program | 03:34 |
jamster545_ | no input files | 03:34 |
MattJ | Just a compiler | 03:34 |
bensode | soumou, You can do things a lot safer with a piece of hardware. CompUSA sells SATA to IDE connectors, then you can purcahse ($30 or less) an IDE to USB drive cage | 03:34 |
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PurpZeY | bensode: CompUSA is almost out of business for all intensive purposes. As a side note. | 03:34 |
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Pollywog | ls | 03:34 |
MattJ | I said earlier, install an IDE like codeblocks, or maybe KDevelop if you are on Kubuntu | 03:34 |
MattJ | jamster545_, * | 03:35 |
jamster545_ | ty... i might be back for more help because i am doing a C++ tutorial | 03:35 |
bensode | PurpZeY, Almost ... | 03:35 |
Pollywog | how does one fix a corrupt dpkg database? | 03:35 |
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jrick | Pollywog yeah, i would like to know that :) | 03:35 |
bensode | But any computer store will do they are pretty common even Best Buy carries limited supplies of the, too | 03:35 |
Pollywog | oh hi | 03:35 |
PurpZeY | bensode: I know, I was just being a little pedantic...sorry. | 03:35 |
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Pollywog | jrick I am going to try something | 03:36 |
bensode | PurpZeY, heh had to look that one up | 03:36 |
soumou | bensode: yeah , i need to get an external enclosure or something at some point but just trying to do without for today, thx for that extra comment | 03:36 |
jrick | ok | 03:36 |
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Rodel | where can i get xchat? | 03:37 |
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sldkfj | rodel, from the synaptic | 03:37 |
bensode | Rodel, sudo apt-get install xchat worked for me | 03:37 |
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craigbass1976 | Is there a way to ahve ubuntu kind of reread the /etc/fstab file without a reboot? I'm curious as to why the nfs share I mount at boot isn't mounted. Or will a sudo mount command mount it as me? | 03:38 |
Baalial | Wait, how do I properly use G++? | 03:38 |
Baalial | I make the .c files via gedit or something? | 03:38 |
bensode | craigbass1976, believe sudo mount -a does that | 03:38 |
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BVBBQ | Can someone help me get my sound working again. last update seems to have knocked it out again. | 03:39 |
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bensode | craigbass1976, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fstab#Reloading_fstab | 03:39 |
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jrick | Pollywog: if you come up with anything, send me a msg on the ubuntu forums | 03:39 |
silent_ | BVBBQ, try updating alsa or oss? | 03:39 |
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MattJ | Baalial, yes | 03:39 |
Pollywog | k | 03:39 |
jrick | my username is jrickmar | 03:39 |
MattJ | Baalial, if you are writing your own program | 03:40 |
Pollywog | k | 03:40 |
jrick | i have to go now, so that's why | 03:40 |
duaneb | hello? | 03:40 |
BVBBQ | silent_, what is the newest version of alsa? | 03:40 |
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duaneb | I have a weird problem with mplayer | 03:40 |
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kitche | Baalial: well .c is for C not for c++ | 03:40 |
sarixe | !automatix | 03:40 |
silent_ | not sure, check synaptic | 03:40 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 03:40 |
duaneb | there's a video delay | 03:40 |
Baalial | Then what is appropriate for C++? | 03:40 |
duaneb | (sound, then video, ~5 secs later) | 03:40 |
PurpZeY | duaneb: You running beryl? | 03:40 |
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duaneb | no :p | 03:41 |
sarixe | !WorksForMe | 03:41 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 03:41 |
silent_ | duaneb, try using VLC, it rids you of a lot of hassle | 03:41 |
Baalial | I just export as .cpp right? | 03:41 |
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duaneb | silent_: yea, but I can't rip dvds with vlc :p | 03:41 |
kitche | Baalial: yeah cpp | 03:41 |
Baalial | kk | 03:41 |
Baalial | thanks guys! | 03:41 |
silent_ | ic | 03:41 |
kitche | Baalial: it's just so that IDE's know what the source is for | 03:41 |
Baalial | I see | 03:41 |
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bensode | Any linux gamers out there prefer the open source nvidia drivers over the proprietary ones? | 03:42 |
craigbass1976 | How reliable is the upgrade to (whatever comes after edgy) that I see on my desktop after I log in? I remember that in Fedora, it was better to clean instal a new version rather than upgrade. | 03:42 |
Baalial | If I have any problems | 03:42 |
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Baalial | I will come back | 03:42 |
Baalial | cya! | 03:42 |
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silent_ | oh... i forgot to mention... Protip: Longhorn Reloaded is a piece of crap | 03:42 |
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nonewmsgs | what is the command to make it so you can close a console and the program wont terminate | 03:42 |
bensode | craigbass1976, I have several systems that I have used the upgrade path from since v5 ... all reliable for me | 03:43 |
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hajhouse | onewmsgs: put an & at the end of the command line, or use screen | 03:43 |
nonewmsgs | thanks | 03:43 |
FFighter_ | Is Dev05 around ? | 03:43 |
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craigbass1976 | bensode, I remember reading somewhere that nvu didn't work with the new ubuntu, but don't know if this has been fixed. Since I'm just sitting down to learn the app, perhaps I'll hold off. | 03:44 |
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jamster545_ | how do i put an input file into g++ ? | 03:44 |
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Stoffer | kitche, now it can't find the eel-2.0 package...where would I even get that? | 03:44 |
MattJ | jamster545_, g++ <filename> | 03:45 |
jamster545_ | ok | 03:45 |
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MattJ | jamster545_, It will create a file called a.out | 03:45 |
craigbass1976 | bensode, btw, mount -a was the command I needed. Thanks. God, every time I have to do something like that, I'm so glad I don't use windows anymore. Reboot, reboot, reboot... | 03:45 |
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vox754 | jamster545_, #ubuntu-programming | 03:45 |
jamster545_ | syntax error>! | 03:45 |
jamster545_ | ?!!!! | 03:45 |
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jamster545_ | nobody on there | 03:45 |
bensode | craigbass1976, lol yeah. I run Winders in a vm occassionaly | 03:45 |
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andersbr | bensode: Now, if I have Windows on another partition, is that enough to run it as a VM? | 03:46 |
craigbass1976 | bensode, I'm sorry you have to do that. I truly am... | 03:46 |
bjweeks | when I insert a DVD into my drive syslog give me a "cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!" error. few bug reports and forums threads about it but I can't find a solution. any ides? | 03:46 |
MattJ | jamster545_, yes there are | 03:46 |
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str4 | interest | 03:46 |
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nomasteryoda | andersbr, they make a converter for such... its free from the vmware site | 03:46 |
Stoffer | anyone know where I can find the eel-2.0 package? | 03:46 |
andersbr | nomasteryoda: Thanks. | 03:47 |
craigbass1976 | bjweeks, maybe you need to install some dvd wathcing software. I've never had to do it, so don't know where to point you | 03:47 |
nomasteryoda | np | 03:47 |
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bensode | andersbr, There is a Vmware product that will virtualize an existing partition, yes. I don't believe you can do that with the free VMware products though. | 03:47 |
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Stoffer | nm found it | 03:47 |
eubey | bjweeks, download Automatix and install the dvd codecs | 03:47 |
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kitche | Stoffer: seems ot be part of gnome might have to get it from the package manager | 03:47 |
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bjweeks | eubey: I have libdvdcss2 | 03:48 |
bensode | craigbass1976, Yeah some things I just can't emulate at the office | 03:48 |
Stoffer | kitche, I have to remember to look for "lib-whatever I'm looking for" | 03:48 |
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eubey | bjweeks, no idea then | 03:48 |
Stoffer | kitche, ./configure finally worked :) | 03:48 |
craigbass1976 | bensode, what do you have to use windows for? Just curious | 03:48 |
RAOF | !automatix | eubey, bjweeks | 03:48 |
ubotu | eubey, bjweeks: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 03:48 |
FFighter_ | Dev05 ? | 03:48 |
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Dev05 | FFighter_, Yeah. | 03:48 |
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soumou | benode, for some reason that 4th hd is not being recognized when connected from the sata 0 port either .... i changed bios, disconnect the other 3 hds and changed the boot sequence to start at sata 0, ...... i also changed boot sequence to boot from unbuntu live cd and it says "loading" for 5 mins | 03:48 |
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nomasteryoda | bjweeks, try installing xine-ui ... that works for me and finds the libdvdcss2 | 03:48 |
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bensode | craigbass1976, our helpdesk system TrackIT. I also run a couple of Exchange tools through the VM too | 03:48 |
jamster545 | i got disconnect from my wireless | 03:49 |
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Dev05 | FFighter_, Did your connection get messed up? | 03:49 |
robert98374 | Hello Everone! | 03:49 |
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FFighter_ | Dev05: Yes, you guessed right | 03:49 |
Stoffer | kitche, aaaand of course 'make' failed... | 03:49 |
FFighter_ | :P | 03:49 |
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robert98374 | Do you need any specific programs to be able to make Themes? | 03:49 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, Damn, what happened? | 03:49 |
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craigbass1976 | bensode, you know, Request Tracker sets up in less than an hour on Ubuntu. I just did it last week. There's still the accoutns to set up, and I don't have postfix receiving mail from the outside, but that's pretty good. | 03:50 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, I don't know, it just disconnected suddenly | 03:50 |
RAOF | robert98374: No. | 03:50 |
vox754 | !themes | 03:50 |
ubotu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 03:50 |
FFighter_ | I just rebooted and everything is working fine again | 03:50 |
craigbass1976 | bensode, tried for three weeks with CentOS 5... | 03:50 |
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FFighter_ | I'm getting this feeling that we were almost getting there... | 03:50 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, How about the network? | 03:50 |
robert98374 | RAOF Then how do i create my own theme? | 03:50 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, Does it work now | 03:50 |
Dev05 | ? | 03:50 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, the same way | 03:51 |
bensode | craigbass1976, I kind of like TrackIT though. I've tried a couple *nix based support systems but I've been using and managing trackit for several years. | 03:51 |
nonewmsgs | the & doesnt work. it just gives me another line. i want to run a program from terminal and be able to close the terminal but keep the program running | 03:51 |
Pelo | robert98374, I would expect that if you unpacked a theme you could probably use the files in it as a template to make a new one | 03:51 |
tapio_ | Currently running xubuntu, and xfce doesn't seem to suit my needs. How can I revert back to gnome? | 03:51 |
kitche | nonewmsgs & does it | 03:51 |
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MattJ | tapio_, you can install ubuntu-desktop | 03:51 |
kitche | nonewmsgs: did you close the terminal after you did command & | 03:51 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, should I configure eth0 to get its address from DHCP on the Network Settings GUI ? | 03:51 |
robert98374 | Pelo most of them wont let me change it, atleast to the best of my knowledge | 03:51 |
Pelo | tapio_, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 03:51 |
jamster545 | g++ wont work | 03:52 |
soumou | does anybody know how long it normally takes ubuntu live cd to "start or install Ubuntu" ie the first option when booting from cd drive? | 03:52 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, or should eth0 have a static address such as ? | 03:52 |
RAOF | robert98374: You can find existing themes in /usr/share/themes/ Check out what they do | 03:52 |
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jamster545 | when i put in the program to be compiled it wont work | 03:52 |
RAOF | !doesntwork | jamster545 | 03:52 |
ubotu | jamster545: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 03:52 |
nonewmsgs | so the & goes first and then on the next line you do the program | 03:52 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, Try it out. I'd try changing the routers line in dhcpd to your local IP. | 03:52 |
nonewmsgs | it seems to be work | 03:52 |
jamster545 | sry | 03:52 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, ok | 03:52 |
Pelo | robert98374, goto www.gnome-looks.org, get a tar.gz from there unpack it and see what is in it | 03:52 |
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kitche | nonewmsgs: no it's command & | 03:52 |
tapio_ | MattJ, Pelo - Thanks :) | 03:52 |
kitche | nonewmsgs: on one line just like I typed it | 03:52 |
nonewmsgs | can you give me an example? | 03:52 |
robert98374 | pelo ok ill check that out | 03:52 |
kitche | nonewmsgs: gaim & | 03:52 |
robert98374 | thanks | 03:52 |
Consty | if I need to modify the modprobe line for Ubuntu to load my driver, where file can I modify this in? | 03:52 |
jamster545 | it keeps saying "bash: syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'" | 03:53 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, I don't think your IP actually matters because the request from the XP machine get broadcasted to an IP that then DHCP catches (as I understand it). | 03:53 |
nonewmsgs | thanks | 03:53 |
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robert98374 | RAOF thank you too :-) | 03:53 |
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FFighter_ | Dev05, I will set eth0's Ip to and then configure this IP as the router IP in dhcpd.conf | 03:53 |
nonewmsgs | thanks | 03:53 |
nomasteryoda | robert98374, "fg" in that same window will bring background process back to the front.. | 03:53 |
Pelo | Consty, man modprobe, fine the remove opton, remove the driver you donT' need and then add the one you do | 03:53 |
kitche | jamster545: then your source is messed up but is this bash or c++ since that error seems to be bash | 03:53 |
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Dev05 | FFighter_, OK... | 03:53 |
jamster545 | C++ | 03:53 |
FFighter_ | let's see what happens | 03:53 |
CientificoLoco | es..! | 03:53 |
jamster545 | i am working in C++ | 03:53 |
jamster545 | i am on a tutorial | 03:54 |
spikeb | !es | CientificoLoco | 03:54 |
ubotu | CientificoLoco: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:54 |
Consty | Pelo: The problem is it says its in use. Even if I try to force it, it wont reload. | 03:54 |
kitche | jamster545: then your source is messed up :) | 03:54 |
Consty | Pelo: I mean unload. | 03:54 |
robert98374 | nomasteryoda what do you mean? | 03:54 |
RAOF | jamster545: And what is the *exact* command line that you are running? | 03:54 |
Pelo | Consty, try sudo drivername stop | 03:54 |
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jamster545 | the whole "hello world" thing | 03:54 |
CientificoLoco | spikeb: uh? | 03:54 |
CientificoLoco | I did not mean spanish help! spikeb | 03:54 |
kitche | jamster545: pastebin the source file want to see how it looks | 03:54 |
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spikeb | oh | 03:54 |
spikeb | bah | 03:55 |
bensode | lol | 03:55 |
jamster545 | whell i am viewing the tutorial on one comp and doing it in another | 03:55 |
RAOF | jamster545: What is the *exact* command line that you're running? | 03:55 |
Consty | Pelo: No luck | 03:55 |
jamster545 | ok hold on | 03:55 |
=== Pelo is watching such a crappy movie he can't beleive he hasn't killed it yet | ||
kitche | RAOF probably what someoen told him g++ <filename> | 03:55 |
soumou | benode, for some reason that 4th hd is not being recognized when connected from the sata 0 port either .... i changed bios, disconnect the other 3 hds and changed the boot sequence to start at sata 0, ...... i also changed boot sequence to boot from unbuntu live cd and it says "loading" for 5 mins | 03:55 |
jamster545 | #include <iostream> | 03:55 |
jamster545 | using namespace std; | 03:55 |
jamster545 | int main() | 03:55 |
jamster545 | { | 03:55 |
jamster545 | cout<<"HEY, you, I'm alive! Oh, and Hello World!\n"; | 03:55 |
jamster545 | cin.get(); | 03:55 |
jamster545 | } | 03:55 |
vox754 | !ops | 03:55 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 03:55 |
MattJ | HedgeMage, :D | 03:56 |
kitche | !pastebin | jamster545 | 03:56 |
ubotu | jamster545: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:56 |
nixternal | hrmm | 03:56 |
nixternal | thanks kitche | 03:56 |
Pelo | Consty, sorry, that was the best I could do, check again in man modprobe if there is something you can do to unload or kill it | 03:56 |
soumou | opps bensode: | 03:56 |
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bensode | soumou, Are you sure that the hard drive is good? | 03:56 |
madman91 | hey guys.. i dont have a /usr/src/linux folder... how do i install something so it is there? | 03:56 |
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kitche | vox754: no need for that really since he doesn't know about pastebin probably | 03:56 |
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madman91 | i installed my headers | 03:56 |
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Pelo | jamster545, isnt,there a c++ channel you can find for this | 03:56 |
soumou | bensode, for some reason that 4th hd is not being recognized when connected from the sata 0 port either .... i changed bios, disconnect the other 3 hds and changed the boot sequence to start at sata 0, ...... i also changed boot sequence to boot from unbuntu live cd and it says "loading" for 5 mins | 03:56 |
jamster545 | i just got kciked | 03:56 |
jamster545 | no | 03:56 |
HedgeMage | Does someone have a link handy I can toss to someone trying to install mp3 libs on 7.04 ? I heard there was a new thing that's supposed to make it more newbie-friendly (otherwise I'll just walk him through it the old way) | 03:56 |
vox754 | kitche, mention the pastebin ! | 03:56 |
Hobbsee | !pastebin | jamster545 | 03:56 |
ubotu | jamster545: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:56 |
HedgeMage | hi MattJ | 03:56 |
Pelo | jamster545, I am sure there is , go and look | 03:56 |
jamster545 | i didnt know that | 03:56 |
Hobbsee | jamster545: yes, there's #c++ | 03:56 |
vox754 | !paste > jamster545 | 03:57 |
Hobbsee | jamster545: read the topic. it's there. | 03:57 |
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Hobbsee | jamster545: do that before you come into a room, and you'll be more successful | 03:57 |
kitche | vox754: if you notice I did mention the pastebin | 03:57 |
robert98374 | lol | 03:57 |
RAOF | jamster545: That's your source. Not the command line that you're running to compile it. Please pastebin the command line that is giving your error. | 03:57 |
vox754 | kitche, yeah I know... I was being emphatic | 03:57 |
RAOF | jamster545: And the error too, while you're at it :) | 03:57 |
madman91 | i lack a /usr/src/linux directory even when i installed my kernel headers.. any ideas why? | 03:57 |
nonewmsgs | !firestarter | 03:57 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 03:57 |
kitche | jamster545: umm are you using a program to make this program | 03:57 |
jamster545 | no | 03:58 |
kitche | jamster545: since namespace std is probably what it's puking on | 03:58 |
jamster545 | i am typing it in kate and then compiling | 03:58 |
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RAOF | madman91: Because /usr/src now contains a linux tarball, which you need to manually extract. | 03:58 |
MattJ | !restrictedformats | HedgeMage | 03:58 |
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ubotu | HedgeMage: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:58 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, Are you still there? | 03:58 |
DBO | my cdrom automount is broken, anyone got any ideas? | 03:58 |
HedgeMage | MattJ: thanks hon | 03:58 |
kitche | jamster545: since C++ programs should not have a namespace in it | 03:58 |
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bensode | madman91, | 03:58 |
madman91 | RAOF: ah.. the one corresponding with my kernel? | 03:58 |
FFighter_ | Dev05: Yes | 03:58 |
jamster545 | i typed what the tutorial said to | 03:58 |
madman91 | bensode: yes? | 03:58 |
bensode | madman91, just look in /usr/src | 03:58 |
Fivetwentysix | Which release is recommended? 7.04 or 6.06? | 03:58 |
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FFighter_ | Dev05, still no success | 03:59 |
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RAOF | kitche: Um, what are you talking about? C++ supports namespaces, and he *does* want using namespace std; in there | 03:59 |
bruenig | Fivetwentysix, depends on what you are doing | 03:59 |
soumou | bensode , it was good 1 hour ago | 03:59 |
bensode | madman91, the headers will appear as "linux-headers-2.6.xx-xx" etc | 03:59 |
RAOF | jamster545: Please pastebin the command you are *running which | 03:59 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, I've configured eth0 with and then started dhcpd on eth0 | 03:59 |
RAOF | jamster545: returns the error, and the error as well. | 03:59 |
kitche | RAOF: every tutorial I seen for hello world doesn't have that | 03:59 |
RAOF | kitche: Your tutorials are out of date. | 03:59 |
jamster545 | what was the pastebin link again? | 03:59 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, Now it says that eth0 and nas0 share the same subnet | 03:59 |
RAOF | !paste > jamster545 | 03:59 |
soumou | bensode, i guess i will go run a seagate diagnositic on it now | 04:00 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, They do. | 04:00 |
jamster545 | !paste | 04:00 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:00 |
bensode | soumou, It doesn't sound like a linux issue if you can't get the system to recognize it. You can also try with a Knoppix CD I prefer those over the ubuntu live CDs myself ... | 04:00 |
hendaus | somebody help me please! | 04:00 |
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nj786 | how do i install mozilla-mplayer and w32codecs. | 04:00 |
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madman91 | bensode: but that fails.. when i run vmware-config | 04:00 |
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Pelo | hendaus, we can't help you if you donT' ask a question | 04:00 |
RAOF | !mediabuntu > nj786 | 04:00 |
madman91 | bensode: it says a certain folder is missinfg | 04:01 |
soumou | sorry bensode, can you tell me the fastest way to create a "knoppix cd" from this laptop that i am at right now? | 04:01 |
bensode | you are trying to upgrade or install vmware? | 04:01 |
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nj786 | raof, media unbuntu? | 04:01 |
hendaus | Pelo: thanx but can u take a look here thanx , http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22768/ | 04:01 |
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bensode | soumou, I think it's www.knopper.net *I think*. Google "knoppix" and you should get the main page and find the ISO | 04:01 |
=== Smoked1__ [n=Smoked1@cpe-75-82-42-151.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RAOF | nj786: Take a look at the PM from ubotu. It contains a link to the mediabuntu repository page, which contains what you're after. | 04:01 |
soumou | thx, there now | 04:01 |
jamster545 | it wont let me use pastebin | 04:01 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, yep, but should I be worried about this error ? | 04:02 |
Smoked1__ | How can I log in to X from my windows system? | 04:02 |
madman91 | RAOF: what if there are no tarballs.. where do i get them? | 04:02 |
soumou | so create a iso and boot off of that? | 04:02 |
FFighter_ | warning I mean | 04:02 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, I don't know. | 04:02 |
nj786 | RAOF, ok how do i install mozilla-mplayer and w32codecs. | 04:02 |
vox754 | bensode, soumou I also like Knoppix live CD's, specially to partition hard drives. | 04:02 |
Smoked1__ | VNC only works if there is an existing X Session. | 04:02 |
Pelo | hendaus, what is that suppose to be ? | 04:02 |
RAOF | nj786: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/ | 04:02 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, ok... now Windows says that the gateway is (instead of | 04:02 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, it reflects our change to dhcpd.conf | 04:02 |
jamster545 | RAOF: were you the one who wanted a copy of the cmd line?? | 04:02 |
soumou | thx guys (vox754 & bensode)!!!! | 04:02 |
hendaus | Pelo: i install gnokii and when i open it it quit immediately | 04:02 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, however, I still cant't ping | 04:02 |
RAOF | jamster545: Yes. | 04:02 |
jamster545 | ok | 04:02 |
bensode | soumou, Anytime and good luck! | 04:02 |
Pollywog | does anyone know where in a deb src package the name of the resulting file (deb) is set? | 04:03 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, OK, so then they do talk to each other... | 04:03 |
Pelo | hendaus, go to the site where you found the prog and check their forum | 04:03 |
Pollywog | it does not appear to be in the control file | 04:03 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, it seems.... | 04:03 |
RAOF | nj786: Then, you go to your favourite package manager, and install the mozilla-mplayer and w32codecs packages. | 04:03 |
nj786 | RAOF, where do ifind install mozilla-mplayer and w32codecs. | 04:03 |
hendaus | Pelo: why noone here knows about gnokii? | 04:03 |
soumou | bensode, should i quick do teh diagnostic first on the 4th cd on the desktop while creating the knoppix cd from this laptop or will it recogize a bad hd? | 04:03 |
nj786 | RAOF, i am a noobie on linux | 04:03 |
Pelo | hendaus, I don't | 04:03 |
FFighter_ | But they they talk just for a little while lol | 04:03 |
nj786 | RAOF, you are gonna need to helpc me install this | 04:04 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, strange! :/ | 04:04 |
bensode | madman91, Take a look at this link for vmware installations : I refer to it from time to time : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Workstation | 04:04 |
hendaus | helpers can anyone help me on gnokii thanx ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22768/ | 04:04 |
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FFighter_ | Dev05, anyway, thank you very much for the help so far! | 04:04 |
RAOF | !software > nj786 <----- Check the link in the private message from ubotu | 04:04 |
madman91 | thanks bensode | 04:04 |
bensode | soumou, Probably wouldn't hurt anything ... | 04:04 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, The thing is that I'm not sure what's in the packages that are sent by DHCP. I don't know if they come from or from the broadcast address... | 04:04 |
Pelo | hendaus, you have the instrucitons in that file, follow them | 04:04 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, I can't say you're welcome because we're not done yet :) | 04:05 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, what exactly is the "broadcast address"? | 04:05 |
Smoked1__ | Is there a way to maybe make the system boot to X as a user withoug having to login? | 04:05 |
bensode | madman91, Obviously the specific file names will change for the version of Vmware ... but everything else is identical | 04:05 |
hendaus | Pelo: i follow them several times and i am tired, i need someone help | 04:05 |
jamster545 | RAOF: i am registering my nick so i can PM the command line to you because pastebin wont work for me | 04:05 |
nj786 | RAOF, i am confused | 04:05 |
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defcon_ | which is better, crossoverlinux professional or wine? | 04:05 |
RAOF | !software | nj786 | 04:05 |
ubotu | nj786: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 04:05 |
MattJ | jamster545, try pastebin.ca | 04:06 |
bensode | Going AFK for a bit the need for nicotine is driving me mad! | 04:06 |
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nj786 | RAOF, iknow | 04:06 |
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nj786 | raof, what do i do with this link? | 04:06 |
kitche | RAOF: hmm seems like it does but you don't have to use it just seems to make it easier to just import all the libraries of C++ from what I just read | 04:06 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, 'Cause, at the beginning, either machine knows each other, so XP sends a packet to nowhere (the broadcast address) and then DHCP catches it. That's what I know. | 04:06 |
RAOF | nj786: Check out those links. They will explain how to install software in Ubuntu | 04:06 |
vox754 | jamster545, you can open new pastebins, maybe you are trying to modify the current one and that is considered as spam | 04:06 |
Pelo | nj786, if you want mplayer-mozilla to work properly you need to remove totem-mozilla | 04:06 |
RAOF | kitche: With a modern C++ compiler, "cout<<" won't work unless you've done "using namespace std;", or you could call it "std::cout<<" | 04:06 |
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FFighter_ | Dev05, hmmm... interesting | 04:06 |
soumou | bensode and or vox754: i am trying to download and create a knoppix bootable cd | 04:06 |
RAOF | nj786: Those links will provide a much better overview than I am able to over IRC :) | 04:07 |
soumou | and it gives me an option of either cd or dvd | 04:07 |
soumou | the dvd doesn't work at emule | 04:07 |
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kitche | RAOF: yeah I see more programs use std:: myself that's why I didn't notice | 04:07 |
RAOF | kitche: Yeah, "using namespace foo" is kinda bad, generally. | 04:07 |
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Dev05 | FFighter_, Add to domain-name-servers so that it looks like this: | 04:08 |
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defcon_ | which is better, crossoverlinux professional or wine? | 04:08 |
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vox754 | soumou, Knoppix is also based on Debian, it has options to deactivate hardware detection and has tons of programs that run from the CD. You can load the entire image to RAM memory 1GB. It is useful to have the CD around. | 04:08 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, option domain-name-servers,,; | 04:08 |
niriven | hi. i got dvd playback in ubuntu, but is there a way to go through the dvd menus? | 04:08 |
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ZAP | hey all I am a new ubu convert with a question | 04:08 |
kitche | niriven: with your mouse at least it works for me | 04:08 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, And restart the server. | 04:08 |
kitche | niriven: with vlc | 04:08 |
ZAP | I just did a dual boot install XP/Feisty Fawn | 04:08 |
niriven | kitche: No id on teven see menus, it just plays the full dvd | 04:09 |
squeaks | hey, i thought to get nautilus to display icons on my desktop after they disappeared i do 'killall nautilus', but that isn't working, any other options (besides reboot)? | 04:09 |
ZAP | manual repartitioning and all seems well | 04:09 |
Pelo | ZAP, make it one paragraph it's easier to follow | 04:09 |
ZAP | sorry | 04:09 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, added it, restarted dhcpd | 04:09 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, I will test on Windows | 04:09 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, restart the connection there... | 04:10 |
Pelo | ZAP, make it a short paragraph and to the point | 04:10 |
jamster545 | RAOF: send me a PM chat so i can give you the command line | 04:10 |
kitche | niriven: des the dvd show the menu on a dvd player? | 04:10 |
Dev05 | FFighter_, <It's gotta work...> :) | 04:10 |
niriven | kitche: Yup, im using totem for playback | 04:10 |
kitche | niriven: try with vlc | 04:10 |
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vox754 | ZAP, did anyone mentioned you should keep your questions on one line? | 04:10 |
soumou | vox754: for some reason in firefox i am getting errors in tryiing to download from here: http://content.emule-project.net/view.php?pid=960 ... the error says "firefox doesn't kow how to open this address, because protocol (ed2k)isn't associated with any program" ....... any advice? | 04:10 |
ZAP | ok all in one paragraph now | 04:10 |
ZAP | basically I did a fresh install to a new ext3 partition following the instructions I found in the docs | 04:10 |
ZAP | but when I boot without the CD I always get XP (no grub) | 04:10 |
ZAP | I can boot using the Live CD and I have grub installed and the menu is there and looks right | 04:10 |
ZAP | but it doesn't offer me a boot menu ever so I can't boot ubuntu | 04:10 |
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kitche | niriven: just to see if it's totem or something else since I don't use totem so I can't debug a problem with it | 04:11 |
vox754 | ZAP > !enter | 04:11 |
niriven | kitche: k, ill give it a try, brb | 04:11 |
ZAP | !enter | 04:11 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:11 |
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ZAP | oh ok | 04:11 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, should windows be getting both the IP and DNS automatically or should I set the DNS to ? | 04:11 |
Pelo | vox754, that wasT' an enter thing that was just a paste with a few lines | 04:11 |
vox754 | !enter > ZAP | 04:11 |
MattJ | lol vox754 | 04:12 |
vox754 | Pelo, I KNOW! | 04:12 |
vox754 | MattJ, I KNOW! | 04:12 |
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MattJ | vox754, calm down :) | 04:12 |
tinker123 | I copied some multimedia files onto a DVD ( as a data dvd ). When I click on the files I get a wrong message telling me that the files are really text files. When I try to open the files from an application, like totem, I get error messages. The files were saved as root being the owner and groups of the files. Is there any hope of saving these files? How? | 04:12 |
=== BitEater_ [n=julian@pD9E22DA5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dev05 | FFighter_, _Should_ be given by DHCP... If that still doesn't work, you can try removing the other two IP addresses from the domain-servers line and leave | 04:12 |
vox754 | Pelo, MattJ actually I mistyped the !enter redirection as nick > !enter and not !enter > nick that drove me mad! | 04:12 |
Pelo | ZAP, it doesn'T sound like ubuntu is installed on you hdd to me, it just sounds like you are using the live cd | 04:13 |
ZAP | no it is installed. when I boot using the CD I can also browse the HD installation. it's def there. | 04:13 |
vox754 | ZAP, maybe you did not install grub on the first drive Master Boot Record but on other disk's MBR. | 04:13 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, just a sidenote: The Network Manager applet icon shows the "Connection Information" disabled when I try to get it in the context menu (right mouse click) | 04:13 |
ZAP | it has grub installed in /boot and there's a menu-lst file with what seem to be the right options | 04:13 |
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FFighter_ | Dev05, also, a tooltip says "Manual Network Configuration" | 04:14 |
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vox754 | soumou, you can download Knoppix from HTTP/FTP or from torrent, it is easier that way. I'm not sure what you are trying. | 04:14 |
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ZAP | that may be. I created the ubu partition using the installer and chose to put it in the beginning tho, and this is the boot drive. | 04:14 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, eth0 is set to and a subnet mask of and no gateway | 04:14 |
Pelo | ZAP, when yuou boot with no live cd you donT' get a grub menu? , maybe you just need to reinstall the grub menu, | 04:14 |
Pelo | !grub | ZAP | 04:15 |
ubotu | ZAP: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 04:15 |
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josh__ | hey | 04:15 |
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thizzle | i just installd ubuntu and when my laptpo boots my monitor gets all distorted and it freezes | 04:15 |
TOoSmOotH | Is anyone here a pro with JMicron controller support? | 04:15 |
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soumou | vox754: i don't have a bittorrent client on this laptop right now, what is the appropriate ftp site to go to with filezilla? | 04:16 |
Kaitlyn2004 | I just installed ubuntu - desktop version.. and I got to where it said to restart, removed cd.. and now when I start it up... it takes FOREEVER, and then it gets to the "wait icon" which is there forever.. EVENTUALLY login screen... and all this time the cursor moves around SOO slowly | 04:16 |
thizzle | it does that during a live cd boot too | 04:16 |
thizzle | i had to add vga=771 | 04:16 |
thizzle | how do i do that after a fresh install | 04:16 |
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TOoSmOotH | thizzle: What vid you have in your laptop? | 04:16 |
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ZAP | the grub menu is there but not doing anything, which is odd to me since I don't have any other boot loader installed and I followed the instructions about creating the partitions to th eletter I think. | 04:16 |
thizzle | its an nvidia card | 04:16 |
vox754 | soumou, eh? just go to the Knoppix page, there are tons of mirrors. With a fast connection it will take you like 30 minutes. | 04:16 |
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vbabiy | Hey guys is samba used for both Linux and Windows shares | 04:17 |
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tinker123 | tinker123 | 04:17 |
TOoSmOotH | thizzle: install with the alternate cd in text only | 04:17 |
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Dev05 | FFighter_, gksu network-admin (Try setting eth0 no to roaming mode and configuration DHCP). | 04:17 |
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MattJ | ZAP, odd | 04:17 |
thizzle | i have to download another cd? | 04:17 |
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TOoSmOotH | thizzle: then dload the nvidia drivers | 04:17 |
TOoSmOotH | thizzle that is the path to least resistance | 04:17 |
thizzle | right...except i cant | 04:17 |
bensode | soumou, "Trying to download?" | 04:17 |
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thizzle | i have no video | 04:17 |
Kaitlyn2004 | any ideas for moi? | 04:17 |
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abu_89 | I need some help setting up ndiswrapper-1.44 on my linux; even the wired network isn't working | 04:17 |
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Pelo | ZAP, reisntalling grub will proabaly get it to rescan the partitons for all OS and make a good menu | 04:18 |
tinker123 | tinker123 | 04:18 |
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TOoSmOotH | thizzle what do you mean you have no video? How are you chatting? | 04:18 |
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thizzle | from an alternate machine | 04:18 |
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thizzle | anyway | 04:18 |
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thizzle | i dont see a txt version on the site | 04:18 |
soumou | thx again .... i'll brb | 04:18 |
Run_Time | hi | 04:18 |
bensode | TOoSmOotH, some of us still use BitchX from the console | 04:18 |
Kaitlyn2004 | nobody answering me :( | 04:18 |
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lloyaljustice | help on many topics I see | 04:19 |
=== yetiman [n=yeti@pool-70-104-12-225.plspca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TOoSmOotH | bensode: you still need video to see BitchX | 04:19 |
vox754 | bensode, that is awful name | 04:19 |
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TOoSmOotH | thizzle: there is a selection box toward the bottom that says dload the alternate cd | 04:19 |
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thizzle | ah i see | 04:20 |
bensode | TOoSmOotH, I took that to mean no GUI ... | 04:20 |
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ThePioneer | Can anyone help me install a printer? | 04:20 |
bensode | vox754, What's a awful name?? | 04:20 |
Kaitlyn2004 | somebody help me!!! *cires* | 04:20 |
ZAP | alrighty I'm going to boot from the Live CD again and see what happens thanks | 04:20 |
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=== bruenig wonders what cires means | ||
vox754 | thizzle, the vga=option can be added to the grub menu on /boot/grub/menu.lst | 04:20 |
LordTureis | ThePioneer: what is the printer? | 04:20 |
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ThePioneer | Kaitlyn2004: need help? | 04:21 |
soumou | bensode & vox754: sorry to sound like an idiot over here again, but i got connected to a ftp site from knoppix, and it (via firefox) shows a gizzilion iso files .... which one do i download? | 04:21 |
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ThePioneer | Lexmark 1200 | 04:21 |
Mikeh | Hi all, I am using aMSN for webcams, but I would like to use Kopete instead, as aMSN is a bit hard to deal with. My problem is even though Kopete recognizes the webcam, none of the invites ever process. | 04:21 |
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Kaitlyn2004 | ThePioneer: yes! | 04:21 |
bruenig | ThePioneer, lexmarks are impossible | 04:21 |
Kaitlyn2004 | ThePioneer: I just installed ubuntu - desktop version.. and I got to where it said to restart, removed cd.. and now when I start it up... it takes FOREEVER, and then it gets to the "wait icon" which is there forever.. EVENTUALLY login screen... and all this time the cursor moves around SOO slowly | 04:21 |
ThePioneer | Are you serious? | 04:21 |
abu_89 | help; wired internet is not working on ubuntu.. | 04:21 |
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lloyaljustice | this is only a test | 04:21 |
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vox754 | soumou, last time there were only kazillion... anyway, choose one that has the size of a CD... | 04:21 |
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abu_89 | can't even access internet with direct-connect... :S ... | 04:22 |
bruenig | ThePioneer, yeah, terrible. Go out and get an hp or something | 04:22 |
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soumou | k ... like "KNOPPIX_V5.1.0CD-2006-12-30-DE.iso"? | 04:22 |
ThePioneer | Kaitlyn2004: what kind of computer you got? | 04:22 |
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Kaitlyn2004 | ThePioneer: My previous compute - dell... 2.66ghz, 768mb RDRAM | 04:22 |
bruenig | what is this "wait icon" I have never seen that | 04:22 |
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david_ | hello | 04:22 |
redlow | redlow has quit | 04:22 |
vox754 | soumou, the DE means Deutsch, so probably check one saying EN | 04:22 |
vbabiy | Hey guys is samba used for both Linux and Windows shares | 04:22 |
abu_89 | ... | 04:23 |
ThePioneer | bruenig: Do you know any resources I can find on printers? | 04:23 |
soumou | ahh, unless my german is good i better get the EN version .... | 04:23 |
bruenig | DE means desktop environment | 04:23 |
abu_89 | a little help, please. | 04:23 |
david_ | i'm new here | 04:23 |
soumou | gotcha thx vox754 | 04:23 |
bruenig | ThePioneer, there is some site called linuxprinting.org or something like that | 04:23 |
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bensode | soumou, Try this one for English : http://knoppix.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/linux/knoppix/KNOPPIX_V5.1.1CD-2007-01-04-EN.iso | 04:23 |
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Kaitlyn2004 | ThePioneer: so any idea? :) | 04:23 |
abu_89 | can anybody help me set up wireless internet? | 04:24 |
david_ | can someone help me i'm having some problems with vlc player not being able to access network resources | 04:24 |
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vox754 | !please > abu_89 | 04:24 |
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FFighter_ | Dev05, I will give up for today | 04:24 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, Try again tomorrow | 04:24 |
FFighter_ | Dev05, Are you usually around here ? | 04:24 |
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david_ | if not can you guys suggest a list of codec packages i can dl? that can off set that stuff? | 04:24 |
abu_89 | !patience | 04:24 |
ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 04:24 |
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bensode | david_, Have to installed the restricted formats from the trstricted formats page howto? | 04:25 |
soumou | bensode & vox754: you guys (and/or girls) are great .......... THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED HELP :) | 04:25 |
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mojo | hey for some strange reason my sound quit working... what logs can i check to see where the problem is? i grepped syslog and daemon.log for alsa w/o any results | 04:25 |
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david_ | ehh | 04:25 |
mojo | ps - yeah, the speakers work fine, tested with mp3 player | 04:25 |
bensode | soumou, Heh np | 04:25 |
vox754 | bensode, can you believe this guy? He thinks you are a chick | 04:25 |
soumou | be back in approx 27 mins | 04:25 |
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enigma__ | !restricted format | david | 04:25 |
soumou | no ... i thought vox = box???? | 04:26 |
thizzle | /server zirc.org | 04:26 |
thizzle | woops | 04:26 |
soumou | hehe | 04:26 |
ThePioneer | kaitlyn2004: ummm is it just slow? | 04:26 |
bensode | vox754, Heh heh heh happens sometimes | 04:26 |
david_ | umm i'm sorry if i'm newb | 04:26 |
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david_ | -.-' | 04:26 |
dank | whats a smaller/faster window manager | 04:26 |
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Kaitlyn2004 | ThePioneer: SUPER slow. I never actually saw it load.. left it.. and eventually got a gnome error | 04:26 |
tonsofpcs | How can I get my computer's built-in 8-in-1 card reader to work [trying to read a SD card, works in w@*#(@s] ? | 04:26 |
david_ | haven't used linux b4 and like i always say its better to jump head first into something | 04:26 |
Mikeh | dank XFCE, Fluxbox, ICEWM | 04:26 |
bruenig | dank, pekwm | 04:26 |
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ThePioneer | What was the error? | 04:26 |
mojo | david_: except the shallow end of the pool (linux is deep, though ;) | 04:26 |
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niriven | hi if i accidently removed my /usr/src contents, and can no longer build, how can i get it back? | 04:26 |
bensode | dank, Xfce has a very small footprint. Also Blackbox but I've never tried setting up blackbox under ubuntu though | 04:26 |
soumou | vox754: besides, what makes you think i am a guy and not a girl with a hot box? | 04:27 |
david_ | hehe | 04:27 |
eric | lol | 04:27 |
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DBO | is anyone here intimately familiar enough with cdrom automount issues to actually take a crack at figuring out why its simply not working properly (eventually the CD-ROM gets to a point where only root can unmount it) | 04:27 |
vox754 | soumou, that is not a fair question... assume guys always! | 04:27 |
dank | thanks i am using enlightenment now, e17 seems elusive to me | 04:27 |
soumou | why? | 04:28 |
TOoSmOotH | Would anyone know why I can't see my drives connecto my jmicron controller? I have a p5b deluxe and did the install from a pci ata controller. Now I want to see the ata drves I have attached. According to my hardware list the controller is listed. | 04:28 |
bensode | niriven, Try this : sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 04:28 |
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tonsofpcs | 03:01.1 Generic system peripheral [0805] : Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 19) | 04:28 |
soumou | wouldn't that be degrading to our girlfriends or wives? | 04:28 |
silent_ | how do I mount .isos as a drive? | 04:28 |
ThePioneer | Kaitlyn2004: It might be the computer itself | 04:28 |
vox754 | soumou, what is girlfriend? | 04:28 |
niriven | besnode" thanks | 04:28 |
ThePioneer | Try partitioning the harddrive | 04:28 |
Kaitlyn2004 | ThePioneer: well it was previously running windows, whihc ran fine... | 04:29 |
bensode | vox754, Hey I know several linux chicks that would take offense to always assume it's a guy on the other end ;) | 04:29 |
=== hocmin [n=hocmin@ip68-98-174-84.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | !mountiso | silent_ | 04:29 |
ubotu | silent_: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 04:29 |
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mojo | silent_: mount /mnt/mountpoint -t iso someisoname.iso (also good to man mount for destructions) | 04:29 |
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ThePioneer | But Windows is a lot diff. from Linux.. | 04:29 |
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soumou | i guess a girl who likes to get mounted .. i don't know what really is a gf? | 04:29 |
silent_ | thanks | 04:29 |
ThePioneer | Is it just slow? | 04:29 |
Mikeh | Kaitlyn2004, did you configure beryl or compiz? | 04:29 |
ThePioneer | Any other problems? | 04:29 |
Kaitlyn2004 | ThePioneer: hmm.. well, I also remember running lindows on it before.. | 04:29 |
bensode | soumou, lol | 04:29 |
mojo | silent_: err, methinks it's iso9660 for the -t option (file system type) manpage will help for sure | 04:29 |
hocmin | Can anyone tell me why I'd get "fatal error during initialization" with LAME? | 04:29 |
soumou | hehe | 04:29 |
niriven | bensode: Wondering, seems as though whenever the kernel upgrades it keeps the older header files, why is this? its just wasting space on upgrade | 04:29 |
madman91 | thanks bensode | 04:29 |
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fong | hello, what | 04:30 |
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madman91 | bensode: can you resend that link? | 04:30 |
Kaitlyn2004 | Mikeh: I didn't do anything.... downloaded the iso, burned it, isnerted, booted the cd... :) | 04:30 |
madman91 | bensode: that ubuntu help vmware thing | 04:30 |
tinh_ | silent_, mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop your_iso_file.iso /mnt/iso | 04:30 |
silent_ | man mount | 04:30 |
madman91 | bensode: sorry i lost it | 04:30 |
fong | what's the best way to increase hard drive space allocation for ubuntu? | 04:30 |
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dank | beryl has to much of an impact on resources | 04:30 |
bensode | madman91, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Workstation | 04:30 |
vox754 | !offtopic | vox754 | 04:30 |
silent_ | ah, thanks tinh | 04:30 |
soumou | good question... i think there are other channels that discuss that topic in detail ... do you know of any? | 04:30 |
madman91 | thanks bensode | 04:30 |
Gunandroses01 | can whois help me | 04:30 |
TOoSmOotH | Would anyone know why I can't see my drives connecto my jmicron controller? I have a p5b deluxe and did the install from a pci ata controller. Now I want to see the ata drves I have attached. According to my hardware list the controller is listed. | 04:30 |
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Mikeh | so is it the live CD running slow? or the actual system? Kaitlyn2004 | 04:30 |
mojo | soumou: maybe you can help silent_ with man mounting? | 04:30 |
mojo | lol | 04:30 |
Gunandroses01 | what about reg nick | 04:31 |
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soumou | vox754: i still got 23 mins of knoppix download to go and research the answer to your question .......... | 04:31 |
bensode | niriven, It keeps the older in case you ever revert or you have kernel modules that require them .. for backward compatability. You can always remove the, but the space I don't think is all that large but I've never checked the size space has never been an issue for me on any of my linux boxes | 04:31 |
ThePioneer | Kaitlyn2004: Resources on the computer might not be so great try a lower end distro | 04:31 |
silent_ | mojo, I got it, but do you know of a utility that can manage/convert different image formats, something that can mount as daemontools does in windows? | 04:31 |
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Kaitlyn2004 | ThePioneer: 2.66Ghz & 768MB RDRAM should be plenty sufficient? | 04:31 |
vox754 | soumou, save it, besides #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:31 |
tinh_ | silent_, check out CDEmu on the forum | 04:32 |
niriven | bensode: Ah ok. Also, whe i removed (the src is back now), i can no longer compile, i get an error saying it cannot find the build files | 04:32 |
Mikeh | ThePioneer, the specs she posted are more than enough | 04:32 |
silent_ | thanks tinh_ | 04:32 |
=== Khisanth [n=Khisanth@pool-71-247-57-155.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dank | gmount-iso | 04:32 |
loyaljustice | test | 04:32 |
fong | what's the best way to increase hard drive space allocation for ubuntu? | 04:32 |
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jamster545_ | RAOF? | 04:32 |
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ThePioneer | But if she just installed it... | 04:32 |
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tinh_ | silent_, but I prefer converting into ISO and mount | 04:32 |
ThePioneer | It souldn't be like that' | 04:32 |
RAOF | jamster545_: Yes? | 04:32 |
loyaljustice | well done | 04:32 |
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mojo | silent_: that is what you are doing with the mount command, really... daemontools lets you "mount" iso (or other) disk image files to a mount point equivalent in dos (drive letter) | 04:32 |
jamster545_ | sorry my crappy router keeps disconnecting | 04:32 |
bensode | niriven, What you are compiling still won't compile even with the headers? | 04:32 |
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silent_ | tinh_ do you know of a way to convert in linux? I would prefer isos as well | 04:33 |
soumou | vox754: nobody over there right now | 04:33 |
niriven | bensode: ndiswrapper | 04:33 |
Mikeh | no it shouldn't ThePioneer, that is why she is here. | 04:33 |
silent_ | its in a .bin and .cue atm | 04:33 |
jamster545_ | now it wont let me PM | 04:33 |
kitche | !iso | silent_ | 04:33 |
ubotu | silent_: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 04:33 |
ThePioneer | Haha... | 04:33 |
bensode | niriven, is it still asking for the kernel headers? | 04:33 |
mojo | silent_: maybe you can google around for a nautilus script that will do the mount for you on the right-click context menu if you want point and clickeyness | 04:33 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, yeah i'm running Feisty Fawn on a 750Mhz PIII with 320M of RAM and it runs/boots fine | 04:33 |
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silent_ | nah, I'm fine with the command line, started with debian | 04:33 |
Ericc | hey guy | 04:33 |
ThePioneer | But it couldn't be anything she hasn't done | 04:33 |
Ericc | guys* | 04:34 |
tinh_ | nrg2iso | 04:34 |
jamster545_ | RAOF it wont let me PM you anymore | 04:34 |
Mikeh | which CD did you install off of Kaitlyn2004? live or alternate? | 04:34 |
niriven | bensode: Can't find kernel build files in /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/build; | 04:34 |
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Kaitlyn2004 | mseney: so what's wrong with mine!? lol | 04:34 |
Ericc | I'm trying to mount a network drive "like a samba" anyone know how I can do that? | 04:34 |
RAOF | jamster545_: You want to kill your old nick (using ghost), then re-identify as your registered nick. Check out /msg nickserv help | 04:34 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, heh good question. | 04:34 |
bensode | niriven, paste the results of uname -r here | 04:34 |
tinh_ | silent_, do a search on the forum, there are alot of threads about this issue | 04:34 |
mojo | Ericc: we already covered the fact that there may be girls in here... but then there may not be... hard to say | 04:34 |
jamster545_ | ghost | 04:34 |
kitche | niriven: you are missing the headers/source | 04:34 |
Kaitlyn2004 | mseney: BAD answer :p | 04:34 |
jamster545_ | um i am gonna D/C and get back on | 04:34 |
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mseney | Kaitlyn2004, what was running on the machine prior to you using linux? | 04:35 |
mojo | So anyone got some "sound" advice for me??? | 04:35 |
Ericc | lol!!! good one | 04:35 |
niriven | bensode: 2.6.20-16-generic | 04:35 |
peepsalot | can unichrome chips handle beryl? | 04:35 |
mojo | QUESTION: hey for some strange reason my sound quit working... what logs can i check to see where the problem is? i grepped syslog and daemon.log for alsa w/o any results | 04:35 |
Ericc | but in all seriouslness | 04:35 |
ThePioneer | Windows | 04:35 |
Ericc | I'm already mounted ur bitch | 04:35 |
mojo | ADDENDUM: ps - yeah, the speakers work fine, tested with mp3 player | 04:35 |
silent_ | tinh_,thanks for that link | 04:35 |
Tacroy | I'm trying to install shoreline with apt, but it says to put the Ubuntu CD in my cd-rom drive. | 04:35 |
PurpZeY | !ohmy | 04:35 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:35 |
Kaitlyn2004 | mseney: well.. i had windows MCE... then I installed the server by mistake... then the desktop edition... could that be the problem? Or does the install wipe the hard drive..? | 04:35 |
Tacroy | Unfortunately the CD-rom drive isn't connected to the computer any more. | 04:35 |
Tacroy | Is there any way to have it just download the package? | 04:35 |
niriven | bensode: I can probably get it to work, i use freebsd and other distrobutions, im just trying to get it back to the normal ubuntu config | 04:35 |
ThePioneer | Kaitlyn2004 did you mount everything correctly? | 04:35 |
bensode | niriven, Check /usr/src directory for the header files of your kernel make sure they got installed | 04:35 |
Ericc | alright in all seriousness is there a way to mount a windows network drive? | 04:36 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, install will wipe the Hard Drive if you select the option to use entire space. Do remember what you selected? | 04:36 |
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Kaitlyn2004 | ya I selected use entire space | 04:36 |
Tacroy | Ericc: look into samba. | 04:36 |
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Ericc | I have samba installed | 04:36 |
Ericc | :D | 04:36 |
niriven | bensode: 2.6.20-16-generic | 04:36 |
Ericc | I need to mount it | 04:36 |
Tacroy | Then you should be able to mount it, yeah. | 04:36 |
bensode | Ericc, You need smbfs or cifs support installed as well | 04:36 |
niriven | bensode: in my usr/src dir | 04:36 |
Mikeh | Try the "Alternate" install Kaitlyn2004 | 04:36 |
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Ericc | sudo mount /location /mnt/fatx | 04:36 |
mojo | Ericc: i suggest using the cifs file system in your mount command... you will need samba installed | 04:36 |
jamster545_ | RAOF it wont let me log into my registered nick | 04:36 |
Ericc | however, how what is the location of my network drive? | 04:37 |
silent_ | I'm definitely missing .rar support. should I wine 7zipfm or is there a linux way of viewing/extracting rars? | 04:37 |
david_ | hmm can someone help me mount a network drive? | 04:37 |
mojo | Ericc: smbfs itself has limits that I found out about the hard way (like 2gb file size limits) | 04:37 |
bensode | niriven, odd ... I'm not the compiling master, maybe try a make clean and start from the beginning of hte compile process | 04:37 |
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kitche | silent_: umm unrar | 04:37 |
Ericc | ohh that's what's causing that issue | 04:37 |
bensode | niriven, might also need to do a make dist-clean too | 04:37 |
Ericc | lol, thanks you just solved another issue of mine mojo | 04:37 |
mojo | Ericc: CIFS is the common internet file system format, which is basically super-Server-Message-Block filesystem | 04:37 |
silent_ | kitche, why isnt unrar supported by the gui? | 04:37 |
david_ | i'm suppose to do something like sudo mount /network drive/location etc | 04:37 |
silent_ | extraction | 04:37 |
kitche | silent_: it is if you have it installed | 04:37 |
ThePioneer | Kaitlyn2004: I'm with mseney... try wiping everything again... By default it really shouldn't be that slow and I'm sure you didn't add anything to make it that slow right? | 04:37 |
Tacroy | Oh, just had to comment out a line. | 04:37 |
bensode | niriven, that should clean up any existing problems before you had the headers ... and removes all the temp files | 04:37 |
mojo | Ericc: cool. Now get someone to help me with my lack of audio and we'll be even! | 04:38 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, okay can you boot up the PC and then use the following commands from the command line (CLi) to give us some extra info... $df -h $free $cat /proc/cpuinfo | 04:38 |
kitche | !rar | silent_ | 04:38 |
ubotu | silent_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 04:38 |
Ericc | mojo can we talk in a room | 04:38 |
Ericc | don't worry I've already got a girl | 04:38 |
czedlitz | i have 2 HDs in my comp and they are hda and hdb, i have a highpoint rocket 133 adapter installed and 1 HD connected to that, but i am not sure on how to figure out if it's connected or not. fdisk /dev/hdc doesn't work, and df -h doesn't produce any results... any help would be great | 04:38 |
mojo | Ericc: you know about alsa schtuff? | 04:38 |
Ericc | its about this mounting stuff | 04:38 |
czedlitz | and i am doing this all CL also | 04:38 |
Ericc | nope can we talk somewhere not so crazy | 04:38 |
RAOF | jamster545_: Because it doesn't think your existing connection has gone yet. You want to check out "/msg nickserv ghost _yournick_ _yourpassword_" | 04:38 |
niriven | bensode: :-/ I just sit here and do nothing and ubuntu uses 400+ megs on updates, i dont even know what they are, which is why i removed the old /usr/src, im not sure i like that. | 04:38 |
mojo | Ericc: oh, i see... yeah, if you want... though it is possible someone else may benefit from infos on mounting windows network shares | 04:39 |
jamster545_ | i got it | 04:39 |
RAOF | jamster545_: But do that in the server-window, since if you get it wrong you'll have just broadcast your IRC password to the whole channel | 04:39 |
Mikeh | Anyone available to help me troubleshoot a webcam issue? | 04:39 |
Ericc | anyone else want to know about Mounting windows network shares?? | 04:39 |
PurpZeY | !ask | mikeh | 04:39 |
ubotu | mikeh: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:39 |
mojo | Ericc: invite me if you like | 04:39 |
Ericc | alright looks clear | 04:39 |
jamster545_ | dammit! | 04:39 |
enigma__ | why not | 04:39 |
Ericc | alright to #eeric | 04:39 |
bensode | niriven, Hmm that's an odd one | 04:39 |
Ericc | I'll be there | 04:39 |
Ericc | thanks | 04:39 |
Kaitlyn2004 | mseney: I booted into the recovery mode | 04:39 |
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mojo | jamster545_: maybe you meant !dammit | 04:39 |
Kaitlyn2004 | $df - h isn't a command? | 04:39 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, yeah i would re-install. but use the options to test your memory and the media (CD) you made | 04:40 |
kitche | Kaitlyn2004: sure it is it's df -h | 04:40 |
Mikeh | I did ask my question earlier PurpZeY but it was overlooked, so I asked if anyone was available ;) | 04:40 |
bulmer | yes df -h i sa command | 04:40 |
ericamarias | hi alguem do brasil?????????? | 04:40 |
niriven | bensode: Eh, ubuntu is cool, i just dont like it it doing stuff i dont know about, like holding archives to older kernel headers and modules, strange, yes, i am used to full control of the system though | 04:40 |
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jamster545_ | it wont kill the ghost! | 04:40 |
Mikeh | "Hi all, I am using aMSN for webcams, but I would like to use Kopete instead, as aMSN is a bit hard to deal with. My problem is even though Kopete recognizes the webcam, none of the invites ever process." | 04:40 |
Kaitlyn2004 | okay well thers a table | 04:40 |
Tacroy | That guy wants to know if there's a Portugese channel. | 04:40 |
mojo | Ericc: you get the dcc chat request? | 04:40 |
kitche | niriven: umm it doesn't hold old archives sicne the sources and headers are still installed if you install them | 04:40 |
Kaitlyn2004 | filesystem used is 2gb | 04:40 |
PurpZeY | !br | 04:40 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 04:41 |
Ericc | nope | 04:41 |
Ericc | I don't know how to accept | 04:41 |
Kaitlyn2004 | memory free is 635764 | 04:41 |
fong | !diskspace | 04:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about diskspace - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:41 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, yeah it is, it shows your disk space (used) and (available). | 04:41 |
PurpZeY | !br | ericamarias | 04:41 |
ubotu | ericamarias: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 04:41 |
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Tacroy | Huh, I wonder why it's !br. | 04:41 |
mojo | Ericc: try /join #EriccMojo | 04:41 |
bensode | niriven, Heh ubuntu is "Easy" enough to work for the Joe Consumer person as well as the advanced linux users. Just have to become a little more familiar with some of the advanced management features -- you can turn off the auto update features I'm sure. | 04:41 |
Julius | hi, quick q... anyone know how to change the monitor type in ubuntu? | 04:42 |
Kaitlyn2004 | and the cpuinfo... I don't see anything that seems wrong.. but what do I know | 04:42 |
jamster545_ | GHOST <jamster545> [alpha123] | 04:42 |
mojo | Ericc: ? | 04:42 |
Julius | (I want more resolutions as it's only showing up to 1024x768 as options) | 04:42 |
jamster545_ | that isnt my password | 04:42 |
tonsofpcs | bensode: I highly doubt that Joe Consumer would have gone through the troubles I went to to install feisty fawn | 04:42 |
PurpZeY | Mikeh: Try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168140&highlight=aMSN+invite+webcam | 04:42 |
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mseney | Kaitlyn2004, that sounds about right, 2 gig used after fresh install...What's under Avail? | 04:42 |
Kaitlyn2004 | 101g | 04:43 |
Mikeh | already done PurpZeY | 04:43 |
niriven | bensode: Oh its easy, but i cant seem to find out why it slowly eats up space, ive installed nothing, and i have 200-300 megs more space used somewhere. /usr/src had my old kernel headers and so did my modules directory, which was about 200 of space, not sure wher ethe other 100 went. | 04:43 |
Julius | ( fwiw - my install was really easy - just took ages) | 04:43 |
Kaitlyn2004 | mseney: 101g | 04:43 |
bensode | tonsofpcs, Talk to Dell about that =P | 04:43 |
Ericc | mojo | 04:43 |
mojo | bensode: Joe isn't that great a guy anyway... just goes around wasting resources, producing nothing. John Public is a much nicer fella | 04:43 |
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tonsofpcs | bensode: lol, how'd you know? ;) | 04:43 |
Ericc | can you join #eeric | 04:43 |
Ericc | mojo | 04:43 |
mojo | Ericc: kk | 04:43 |
PurpZeY | Mikeh: Hmmm...So your cam is working completely, but just the invites fail? | 04:43 |
RAOF | jamster545_: So, you typed "/msg nickserv jamster545 alpha123" ? | 04:43 |
czedlitz | i have 2 HDs in my comp and they are hda and hdb, i have a highpoint rocket 133 adapter installed and 1 HD connected to that, but i am not sure on how to figure out if it's connected or not. fdisk /dev/hdc doesn't work, and df -h doesn't produce any results... any help would be great | 04:43 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, is this a laptop? | 04:44 |
jamster545_ | hold on | 04:44 |
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bensode | niriven, You could always install tripwire and watch what directories are getting updated, then hunt down the process based on that as a start | 04:44 |
Mikeh | yes PurpZeY and only in kopete. I already tried #kopete but no one had an useful suggestions | 04:44 |
jamster545_ | it says my password is wrong | 04:44 |
Kaitlyn2004 | mseney: no desktop | 04:44 |
fong | what's the best way to resize the partition where ubuntu is installed? | 04:44 |
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bensode | tonsofpcs, heh heh. Linux is very user friendly it's just picky on who it chooses as friends! | 04:45 |
Mikeh | lol @ bensode | 04:45 |
PurpZeY | Mikeh: Unfortunately then I think I am stumped. | 04:45 |
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mseney | Kaitlyn2004, i would try the install one more time and if the same thing happens then you'll know it wasn't a bad install. just test the media disc first upon initial boot of the CD | 04:45 |
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tonsofpcs | bensode: I use linux for everything other than the two apps I have that require windows | 04:45 |
jamster545_ | dammit | 04:45 |
Kaitlyn2004 | mseney: alright, thanks | 04:45 |
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Mikeh | Well, I will put something on both the Ubuntu & Kopete forums. Thanks anyway PurpZeY | 04:46 |
eric | hey, anyone know why xmms-mp4 won't work? i installed it: sudo apt-get install xmms-mp4 and restarted xmms, but it still won't open the files? | 04:46 |
EADG_ | !gparted | fong | 04:46 |
ubotu | fong: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type sudo apt-get install gparted in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 04:46 |
eric | any ideas? | 04:46 |
fong | EADG, can i do that while i'm booted? | 04:46 |
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jamster545_ | RAOF it wont let me kill the ghost! | 04:46 |
bensode | tonsofpcs, Aye same here I have been using linux full time for about 8 years now. Started with Redhat and Suse and recently moved to Ubuntu about 2 years ago | 04:46 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, also if you boot normally and finally get to GDM you could use $dmesg > filename to see what is taking it so long to boot | 04:46 |
EADG_ | fong: I believe so. | 04:46 |
Mikeh | fong, yes as long as you don't have any mounted partitions higher than it | 04:47 |
silent_ | if I mount in /mnt do I still have to create the mount point beforehand? | 04:47 |
RAOF | jamster545_: Eh :( | 04:47 |
jamster545_ | i typed my password right but it said my password was wrong | 04:47 |
fong | mikeh, no, have several partitions.. | 04:47 |
bensode | silent_, You should create seperate mount points | 04:47 |
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RAOF | jamster545_: Well, we can continue in here. You just need to run "gcc C++<tab>.cpp -lstdc++", making sure the filename ends up something like "C++\#1.cpp" | 04:47 |
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tonsofpcs | bensode: i stopped for a while because I needed all the hdd space for video and such, but now with UbuntuStudio, I don't have an excuse [although the video editing software at the moment has issues] | 04:48 |
Kaitlyn2004 | mseney: I never do get past the login (whcih takes forever on its own to show uo...) im testing disk now | 04:48 |
fong | eadg_, it should be run as a live cd then? | 04:48 |
Mikeh | then you will have to either unmount them or use the live CD fong | 04:48 |
jamster545_ | hold on... i will just register this nick too | 04:48 |
fong | mikeh, ok got it... thanks! | 04:48 |
vbabiy | Hey guys is samba used for both Linux and Windows shares | 04:48 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, here's an example. my laptop bios needed the IR Port enabled otherwise my wireless card would hang up the boot. strange things can happen depending on even bios settings | 04:48 |
silent_ | bensode, I know, I would mount at /mnt/foo, but do I have to mkdir foo before mounting? | 04:48 |
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bensode | tonsofpcs, Isn't that what a MAC is for?? /duck | 04:48 |
EADG_ | fong: Nope, you can run it from Gnome/KDE | 04:48 |
jamster545_ | ok | 04:48 |
vbabiy | silent_: yes | 04:48 |
Kaitlyn2004 | mseney: That's what im afraid of.. it may have something to do with bios... but I have no clue how to figure something like that out. Linux aint my cup of tea | 04:49 |
bensode | silent_, Yes, mkdir /mnt/foo or whatever | 04:49 |
Kaitlyn2004 | well mdeia cd is fine | 04:49 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, using dmesg can help figure things out.. or you can edit grub upon booting to see the boot in real time | 04:49 |
vbabiy | silent_ if you dont it will fail | 04:49 |
bensode | silent_, may need to sudo mkdir /mnt/foo that is | 04:49 |
silent_ | vbabiy, are there any directories in which I could mount on a point that is autocreated upon mount (that does not need a mkdir) ? | 04:49 |
EADG_ | fong: or the cd if you like, which ever your more comfortable with. | 04:49 |
fong | eadg, but if i do, i won't be able to resize my root partition right? | 04:49 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, yeah BIOS would be too hard for someone to figure out even over the phone in my opinion | 04:49 |
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ThePioneer | Kaitlyn2004: Good Luck | 04:49 |
vbabiy | silent_ not that i know of, if i may ask why? | 04:49 |
Kaitlyn2004 | ThePioneer: thanks.. installing now | 04:50 |
silent_ | Just for ease of use | 04:50 |
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silent_ | less commands | 04:50 |
budluva | anyone familiar with proftpd? | 04:50 |
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budluva | i cant get file transfers to work | 04:50 |
bensode | vbabiy, Doesn't autmount cover that? | 04:50 |
bensode | vbabiy, Errr Automount? | 04:50 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, the media checked out okay? | 04:50 |
vbabiy | bensode: no idea never used that | 04:50 |
silent_ | bensode, explain | 04:50 |
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budluva | flashfxp comes back with entering passive mode, then opening data connection, and then it just doesnt transfer, should i just disable passive mode in proftpd? | 04:50 |
Kaitlyn2004 | mseney: yep | 04:51 |
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vbabiy | i mean if you want you can put in you fstab and create the dir so when you boot it will be automatically mounted | 04:51 |
ThePioneer | Kaitlyn2004: Let me know how it all works out for ya... I have never run into that problem in all the time I have worked with linux | 04:51 |
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mseney | ThePioneer, is she installing Feisty? | 04:51 |
Kaitlyn2004 | when im doing the install part | 04:51 |
vbabiy | Hey guys any one here with some Samba knowelege | 04:51 |
Kaitlyn2004 | the mouse moves around just fine | 04:51 |
Kaitlyn2004 | nothig is "lagged" | 04:51 |
silent_ | vbabiy, I know, and yes I have lots of samba experience | 04:51 |
ThePioneer | I'm pretty sure she is | 04:52 |
Kaitlyn2004 | so now I have ubuntu loaded.. I should double clikc the "Install" right? | 04:52 |
vbabiy | silent_: does samba share to both windows and linux or only SMB Clients | 04:52 |
Kaitlyn2004 | mseney: ya | 04:52 |
silent_ | Kaitlyn, yes | 04:52 |
bensode | silent_, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Automount-1.html#ss1.3 | 04:52 |
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mseney | yeah or right click and select Open either one does the same thing | 04:52 |
silent_ | only smb clientes, however, linux can act as an smb client as well | 04:52 |
Kaitlyn2004 | i never thought about it.. but im stumped too that now it "runs perfectly", but after installed and prompt for reboot... no worky after that | 04:52 |
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bensode | silent_, I didn't read your whole thread just caught the last couple of lines about mounting and mount points | 04:53 |
vbabiy | silent_: is it pain to get up and running? | 04:53 |
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silent_ | I'm actually playing music right now off an automounted smb share on my Debian fileserver :P | 04:53 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, yeah wierd. | 04:53 |
jamster545_ | BYE! | 04:53 |
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silent_ | vbabiy, EXTREMELY easy | 04:53 |
Kaitlyn2004 | so I should do guided - use entire disk? | 04:53 |
vbabiy | silent_ would you like to give me a hand on setting it up? | 04:53 |
ThePioneer | Kaitlyn2004: try using half the disk | 04:54 |
kain2396 | Hey everyone. Not a directly related ubuntu question, but I attempting to make apache2 play nice with me, and I'm having some problems. Anyone up to it? | 04:54 |
vbabiy | i am also running Ubuntu on my server | 04:54 |
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Mikeh | honestly Kaitlyn2004, using the "Live CD" install has failed for me many times when the Alternate one has worked. If this doesn't work, you should *really* check out the alternate CD install | 04:54 |
Tacroy | Grr, why is the Shoreline website down just when I want to use it? | 04:54 |
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silent_ | vbabiy, yup, it should take < 2 minutes :P | 04:54 |
Kaitlyn2004 | Mikeh: I don't even know what that is..? | 04:55 |
mseney | Mikeh, yeah i like the alternate too, faster install. | 04:55 |
ThePioneer | You have good memory but the hd might be too big | 04:55 |
vbabiy | really silent_ you going to be around for a few hours? | 04:55 |
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Cryoniq | Hmm is it possible to have both a wireless card and ethernet operational in ubuntu? When I select wireless it connects and my ethernet card seem to offline.. =/ | 04:55 |
Mikeh | I'll link you Kaitlyn2004, it's a text-mode installer for ubuntu | 04:55 |
Kaitlyn2004 | Mikeh: oh yay. text! haha | 04:55 |
mseney | ThePioneer, i dunno i have 6.06 LTS running on a 120G Pentium III 800 box with no issues | 04:55 |
Stoffer | haha, this is awesome. I've spent 3 hours on this. GnuBiff will read Pop3 but not IMAP, and Mail Notification will read IMAP but not Pop3! :-D How wonderful! | 04:55 |
bensode | Cryoniq, You can have more than one nic active but your routing has to be solid. I'm not a routing expert, however to field many questions ;) | 04:56 |
PurpZeY | Cryoniq: It is definitely possible. Usually wireless will take preference, so if you want wired and wireless with separate configs you have to start with wired first. | 04:56 |
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silent_ | bensode, I wanted to know if there was a way to mount volumes without creating their mountpoints first (a special directory or command) ... ie. instead of mkdir /argh || mount /dev/foo /argh .... only mount /dev/foo /argh (/argh created automatically) | 04:56 |
Mikeh | the full GUI is present when you are done the install Kaitlyn2004, it just works more like the Windows installer than the Live CD does | 04:56 |
Josesordo | hello, somebody know how to install skype in ubuntu?? | 04:56 |
silent_ | vbabiy, yes I'll be around, but I may not be available | 04:56 |
Mysticcal | anyone know if vent server audio quality is determined by your sound card? | 04:56 |
kitche | !skype | Josesordo | 04:56 |
ubotu | Josesordo: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 04:56 |
silent_ | vbabiy, open up synaptic | 04:56 |
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Mysticcal | or is it all data? | 04:56 |
spikeb | im pretty sure vent just sucks | 04:56 |
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ThePioneer | mseney: it was just a suggestion I had a prob. similar to hers and cut my hd it half it works just fine now... | 04:56 |
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Cryoniq | bensode, I am thinking that the wireless shall be the one with gateway access and the ethernet is just for internal network towards that computer | 04:56 |
vbabiy | silent_: i got to run to the store when i get back i will message you | 04:56 |
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Mysticcal | spikeb, better then anything else out now | 04:57 |
Josesordo | thanks | 04:57 |
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Kaitlyn2004 | Mikeh: hmm I see... got the link? | 04:57 |
vbabiy | silent_: does that sound cool | 04:57 |
Mysticcal | and for what is is, it isn't bad at all | 04:57 |
Mikeh | Kaitlyn2004, http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso | 04:57 |
Josesordo | ah, another thing...what mean "Core Dumped"?? | 04:57 |
silent_ | vbabiy, do you have to go right now, this wont take long | 04:57 |
nomo | hello | 04:57 |
mseney | ThePioneer, yeah..that shouldn't happen. | 04:57 |
Cryoniq | bensode, thus there should be no routing between them. Just so stuff can connect on the ethernet interface to that box servers :) | 04:57 |
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Kaitlyn2004 | Mikeh: and just do the exact same thiong.. but instead of bringing me to a gui it'll take me through more of a text-based install? | 04:57 |
kitche | Josesordo: means the program crashed and left a debugging help text file | 04:58 |
Mikeh | yes Kaitlyn2004 | 04:58 |
Josesordo | and can fix that?? | 04:58 |
Sivart0 | anybody know how to fix "Failed to load $MTF : Input/Output error"? | 04:58 |
n2diy | Why, on occasion, does my Dapper screen saver seem to hibernate my box? The box is a dual cpu Pentium II. Most of the time touch my mouse, or space bar, and bingo, I have my screen. Other times it takes for every to get a screen. | 04:58 |
vbabiy | silent_: yeah i will stick around | 04:58 |
Kaitlyn2004 | okay, thanks guys | 04:58 |
=== Tb0n3 [n=kenny@pool-141-149-13-99.alb.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vbabiy | ok can i PM you | 04:58 |
Kaitlyn2004 | will let you know after i do this live cd install, since i already started | 04:58 |
Mikeh | k | 04:58 |
silent_ | vbabiy, open up synaptic | 04:58 |
PurpZeY | Cryoniq: I too am no expert of such things, but someone had a similar problem a few days ago, and I think the issue was most easily resolved be reseting the network config so that the wired was configured always and then the wireless worked when it was picked up...I'm not really sure how that was done though | 04:58 |
Tb0n3 | what's the window system that requires the least processess?? | 04:58 |
vbabiy | silent_: done | 04:58 |
silent_ | vbabiy, search 'samba' | 04:58 |
bensode | silent_, You could make a bash script that will take arguments on the mount command and the mount point ? | 04:58 |
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mseney | Josesordo, that's what you get after running the command $man women | 04:59 |
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silent_ | bensode, I could, but maybe some other time | 04:59 |
vbabiy | bensode: this is true, bash script or nothing to make also | 04:59 |
bensode | Cryoniq, Then make sure there is no default gateway for your "local" nic I am guessing the non-wireless | 04:59 |
Josesordo | :O let me try mseney | 04:59 |
mseney | heh | 04:59 |
vbabiy | ok silent_ what am i looking for in here other then samba | 05:00 |
Cryoniq | PurpZeY, aye.. I am using the gnome-network-manager network-manager and wpasupplicant. in /etc/networks/interfaces there are only loopback and the eth0 config. I guess gnome-network-manager handles the wireless on the side.. :) | 05:00 |
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silent_ | vbabiy, install smbclient | 05:00 |
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mseney | No manual entry for mseney | 05:00 |
Josesordo | lol, dont exist that command mseney :P :P | 05:00 |
PurpZeY | Cryoniq: All I know is what I said...bensode seems to know what he is talking about more than I. | 05:00 |
mseney | :) | 05:00 |
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silent_ | vbabiy, it should get samba-common as a dependency, but if it doesn't get that as well, and also get smbfs so you can mount smb shares | 05:00 |
bensode | silent_, I know the capability exists. By default, when I install a usb drive it mounts it and auto creates the entry ... but I'm sure it's just a custom script that runs the mount command and sends the device name to the script to process the mkdir first | 05:00 |
fong | what | 05:01 |
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silent_ | bensode, yea thats exactly what I was thinking about | 05:01 |
fong | what's the best CD/DVD Burning utility for linux? | 05:01 |
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mseney | K3B | 05:01 |
=== somafm test | ||
silent_ | bensode, how media automounts... wondering if I could pull that off on any other mount | 05:01 |
vbabiy | silent_ i am installing now | 05:01 |
kitche | fong: umm that's up to you but most use k3b | 05:01 |
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silent_ | vbabiy, alright, what share are you trying to access? | 05:01 |
bensode | Cryoniq, You can not have more than one default gateway. By definition, if you add more than one default gateway your system will likely get confused and only use one or the other with uncertanty | 05:01 |
fong | kitche, let me check that out... | 05:01 |
fong | !k3b | 05:01 |
ubotu | k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto | 05:01 |
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vbabiy | well i have mp3 share | 05:02 |
ardchoille42 | fong: I use k3b and it's quite nice. | 05:02 |
Fattay | LOL - HELP PLEASE - I accidently deleted the panel on the bottom....the one with like changing workspaces, etc. How do I get it back? I don't know how to change workspaces now! | 05:02 |
vbabiy | its in /home/vbabiy/mp3 | 05:02 |
bensode | silent_, I'm sure you can by creating a generic bash script and link it to /usr/bin | 05:02 |
Cryoniq | bensode, aye, going to try that again. Problem is that it seems that the box get confused atm what interface to actually use for out and in hmm.. even if eth0 didn't have a gateway it seems it screwed the ath0.. i'll fiddle a bit more with it.. problem in it all is the WPA-TKIP, in other case I would have configured it all in interfaces, but as we all know.. WEP is security suicide :D | 05:02 |
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Mikeh | someone gave me a link to a tutorial on moving your /home partition earlier, but I lost it. Anyone have a similar link? | 05:02 |
bensode | Cryoniq, hold on let me pull up the file | 05:02 |
EADG_ | Fattay: ctrl+Fx to change work space, dunno how to get the panel back... | 05:03 |
Cryoniq | bensode, have to clarify since my last message.. ath0 did have gateway, eth0 didn't and it was still confused it seems and nothing would ping around the box.. he he he | 05:03 |
mseney | Kaitlyn2004, gotta go. hope it works out for you. | 05:03 |
dr_willis | check the panels control center icon. | 05:03 |
bensode | Cryoniq, take a look at /etc/network/interfaces | 05:03 |
silent_ | bensode, yea, I'll look into it at some point... I haven't done much work with scripts, only a script I made to autostart a server once, I'll do some research into scripting another time | 05:03 |
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dr_willis | or ya coudl totally reset the kde settings | 05:03 |
fong | ardchoille, thanks.. downloading it now.. | 05:03 |
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Fattay | EADG_: fx? | 05:03 |
silent_ | vbabiy, are you hosting and sharing on the same system? | 05:04 |
bensode | Cryoniq, Make sure you have a broadcast entry for each device and only one default gateway | 05:04 |
Fattay | Anyone else know how to get a panel at the bottom.... | 05:04 |
EADG_ | F1, F2, etc | 05:04 |
vbabiy | no i am doing this on my server | 05:04 |
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Sivart0 | >_< | 05:04 |
eric | anyone know how to play m4p in xmms? is it even possilbe? | 05:04 |
bensode | Cryoniq, let me rephrase that .. only a single default gateway entry for a single device ;) | 05:04 |
Fattay | Nvm | 05:04 |
Fattay | I figured it out myself | 05:04 |
Fattay | lol | 05:04 |
Fattay | Thnaks guys | 05:04 |
Mikeh | Fattay right click the top panel, click add panel. | 05:04 |
Mikeh | ahh l | 05:04 |
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silent_ | vbabiy, you're setting up a server or a client? | 05:04 |
bensode | Cryoniq, any other device I think you can specify as the defgy | 05:04 |
Fattay | Mikeh: How do I delete ONE THING from the panel? | 05:04 |
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vbabiy | i am setting up a server | 05:04 |
silent_ | ok | 05:04 |
silent_ | are you setting up a client as well? | 05:05 |
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dr_willis | each thing has a little area on it. where you can click and get a menu item to remove it | 05:05 |
silent_ | *on another machine? | 05:05 |
bensode | silent_, Let me recommend an EXCELLENT beginner book to the BASH ... and no I don't work for the publisher :P | 05:05 |
Mikeh | fattay, strangely enough click "add to panel" | 05:05 |
Cryoniq | bensode, ah | 05:05 |
silent_ | :P, thanks | 05:05 |
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Cryoniq | seems I forgot the broadcast part :) | 05:05 |
Mikeh | and then drag the item off your panel into the window fattay | 05:05 |
vbabiy | silent_ i have done clients before i use to have a windows 2003 server here | 05:05 |
bensode | silent_, http://www.bookpool.com/sm/0596009658 | 05:05 |
silent_ | vbabiy, I see | 05:05 |
silent_ | thanks bensode | 05:05 |
silent_ | bookmarked | 05:06 |
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Cryoniq | I assume the broadcast for a 192.168.1 network should be right? | 05:06 |
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vbabiy | silent_: is SWAT a good tool for this also? | 05:06 |
bensode | silent_, You might be able to find it in PDF format for free on the Orielly site ... not sure if they offer many free books anymore but it's cheap and I've been using mine nearly 8 years now from time to time | 05:06 |
silent_ | vbabiy, yes, you will be installing swat | 05:06 |
silent_ | back to synaptic, make sure you have samba, samba-common, smbclient, and smbfs | 05:06 |
bensode | I have never goten SWAT to work right under ubuntu ... heh | 05:06 |
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vbabiy | silent_: done | 05:07 |
DSM | hey guys wondering if anyone can help me here. I was installing 7zip and i got this error : dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 05:07 |
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inflex | any one know how to setup/configure BIND so that it listens on two interfaces ? | 05:07 |
silent_ | vbabiy search 'swat' | 05:07 |
Fattay | Mikeh: How do I move things around on the panel? Right now everythings bunched up....and how come it doesnt show my open windows in this panel? | 05:07 |
kitche | inflex: it does that automatically at least it should | 05:07 |
silent_ | vbabiy, install swat | 05:07 |
vbabiy | bensode: listen in silent_ will show us | 05:07 |
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kitche | inflex: since is global | 05:07 |
inflex | kitche: hmm... okay | 05:07 |
codename | whats the terminal line to backup the xorg.conf file | 05:07 |
vbabiy | ok done with that silent_ | 05:08 |
codename | or how to backup xconf.org file | 05:08 |
inflex | kitche: anything I should check in my conf files ? ie /etc/bind/named.conf.local etc ? | 05:08 |
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bensode | vbabiy, lol | 05:08 |
eric | codename, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup | 05:08 |
dr_willis | cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup | 05:08 |
shawn34 | codename, just copy it. | 05:08 |
codename | eric big help thanks | 05:08 |
bensode | inflex, Hang on I think I can find that one | 05:08 |
vbabiy | once i get samba working it will be a complete migration from windows | 05:08 |
kitche | inflex: not that I know of as long as it has in it's config it should be doing it global | 05:08 |
silent_ | vbabiy, sudo gedit /etc/inetd.conf | 05:08 |
_apisq | "k,youthere? | 05:09 |
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kitche | inflex: by default bind should be setup to do this but not sure with ubuntu's setup | 05:09 |
inflex | kitche: can't see a specification for anywhere | 05:09 |
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silent_ | remove the #<off># in front of swat | 05:09 |
kitche | inflex: but what do you mean two interfaces you mean for a domain or for caching | 05:09 |
Tb0n3 | what's the window system that requires the least processess?? | 05:09 |
silent_ | fluxbox | 05:09 |
inflex | kitche: I've got two networks that this one box is connected to | 05:10 |
bruenig | fluxbox is a heavy light manager | 05:10 |
inflex | kitche: on two separate NIC's | 05:10 |
_apisq | _apisq | 05:10 |
vbabiy | silent_: that was not there | 05:10 |
kitche | inflex: ok then it hsould be setup automatically for that | 05:10 |
inflex | fluxbox is nice :) | 05:10 |
Mikeh | fattay, all the items you need are right there in the "add to panel" menu fattay | 05:10 |
silent_ | Tb0n3, but if you want a more gnome-like environment try XFCE | 05:10 |
codename | and how to do you get in | 05:10 |
codename | like how do u recover it | 05:10 |
kitche | inflex: if it was for a domain you would have ot set the zone files up correctly :) | 05:10 |
codename | like if i back it up | 05:10 |
silent_ | vbabiy, the file or the swat entry? | 05:10 |
codename | how do you recover it | 05:10 |
Mikeh | fattay, one item is "window list" try that one | 05:10 |
inflex | okay, tx kitche | 05:10 |
bruenig | codename, do you understand what that command does? | 05:10 |
vbabiy | the #off# | 05:10 |
DSM | hey guys wondering if anyone can help me here. I was installing 7zip and i got this error : dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 05:10 |
codename | Yes man, it backs up the xorg.conf file. | 05:11 |
codename | The thing I'm trying to install my Drivers. | 05:11 |
silent_ | is swat there though, with nothing in front of it? | 05:11 |
bruenig | DSM, I say run sudo dpkg --configure -a | 05:11 |
codename | my drivers always mess up my OS | 05:11 |
vbabiy | silent_: yep | 05:11 |
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silent_ | vbabiy, restart the server | 05:11 |
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atselby | where can i get help or anything about avant-window-navigator? | 05:11 |
bruenig | codename, no but I mean what it actually does, like how it works, cp mean copy, so what it is doing is copying xorg.conf to xorg.conf_backup, so if you wanted it back, you would just move it back | 05:11 |
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inflex | kitche: looks like it's on the ports | 05:12 |
codename | ok i gotcha | 05:12 |
bensode | inflex, Here it is | 05:12 |
bensode | inflex, listen-on Specifies the network interface on which named listens for queries. By default, all interfaces are used. | 05:12 |
vbabiy | silent_: i am doing sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart this is right | 05:12 |
DSM | bruenig THANKS MAN | 05:12 |
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root____2 | quick question, how do i force a filesystem check at boot | 05:12 |
bensode | inflex, options { | 05:12 |
bensode | listen-on {; }; | 05:12 |
bensode | }; | 05:12 |
kitche | inflex: I m not use to config files being broken apart but I know how the default configs work | 05:12 |
Fattay | yes windows list is what i wanted | 05:12 |
Fattay | thanks Mikeh | 05:12 |
eric | lol | 05:12 |
Fattay | One last question | 05:12 |
Mikeh | ok? | 05:12 |
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Fattay | Mikeh: How can I make the panel larger....without making the text larger etc. Like in Windows XP you can make it bigger but nothing else changes, not the size of the stuff on the panel. | 05:13 |
bensode | inflex, You can place multiple IP in there | 05:13 |
Mikeh | not sure fattay, I have never done that | 05:13 |
vbabiy | silent_: it has restarted samba daemons | 05:14 |
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silent_ | vbabiy, did you restart the machine? | 05:14 |
Fattay | Okay. Thanks Mikeh | 05:14 |
bensode | inflex, that's a directive in named.conf btw | 05:14 |
vbabiy | silent_: no | 05:14 |
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silent_ | do it | 05:14 |
euphorium | #ubuntu | 05:14 |
euphorium | oops | 05:14 |
Mikeh | make a second panel and put it above the first fattay? | 05:14 |
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vbabiy | silent_: OK well i will lost my Internet so i will brb okay | 05:14 |
Cryoniq | bensode, very odd.. I added this to the interfaces and sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart. auto eth0 | 05:14 |
Cryoniq | iface eth0 inet static | 05:14 |
Cryoniq | address | 05:14 |
Cryoniq | netmask | 05:14 |
Cryoniq | network | 05:15 |
Cryoniq | broadcast | 05:15 |
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kitche | !paste | Cryoniq | 05:15 |
ubotu | Cryoniq: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:15 |
bensode | Cryoniq, dbus restart ? | 05:15 |
TraceGreen | Hello, which dhcp client do you use? I use pump, but it sometimes can not get ip address! | 05:15 |
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Cryoniq | bensode, and still cannot ping the from my machine.. | 05:15 |
Toma- | I need some documentation on the live cd, specifically, how to set default themes and setting with the /home folder and/or users | 05:15 |
Logikos | i'm following the instructions in ubuntu's manual for seting up exim 4, and desided to use the smarthost option, however my isp's smtp server requires a username and password, how do i set that up please ? | 05:15 |
kitche | TraceGreen: most use the default ubuntu one | 05:15 |
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Cryoniq | kitche, sorry.. | 05:15 |
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TraceGreen | kitche, so, what does ubuntu use? I don't use ubuntu :-( | 05:16 |
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bensode | Cryoniq, make a default gateway addition there and then run /etc/init.d/networking restart | 05:16 |
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kitche | TraceGreen: seems to be dhclient | 05:16 |
Cryoniq | bensode, aye, did restart of it so it reloads all interfaces.. | 05:16 |
bensode | Cryoniq, to the eth listing you just showed | 05:16 |
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TraceGreen | kitche, ok , thanks | 05:16 |
Cryoniq | bensode, ah | 05:16 |
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Kaitlyn2004 | Well,, no luck with the reinstallation | 05:16 |
bensode | Cryoniq, Is the target machine a linux machine or winders? | 05:16 |
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geoffmcc | hello. i just installed for first time and am having problems. Boots to black screen, no display. LiveCD did this as well, i just had to change dispay to 1024x768... how do i do this from recovery mode? | 05:17 |
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Cryoniq | bensode, linux | 05:17 |
Lilacor | 05:17 | |
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chiefbutz | exit | 05:17 |
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bensode | Cryoniq, so pinging linux to linux. No ipchains or iptables dropping those icmp packets or firewall right? | 05:17 |
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r4nge | what does it mean to hash data? i'm trying to use white noise inputted into my sound card /dev/dsp as an entropy source using an entropy gathering daemon | 05:17 |
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Lilacor | geoffmcc: can you change to another tty? | 05:17 |
vbabiy | ok silent_ back | 05:18 |
Cryoniq | bensode, that is a good question :) | 05:18 |
silent_ | man.. something is EATING my ram.. I have 2GB over 80% full, how can I check what's using what ram? | 05:18 |
orentet | anyone has a good article on "why ubuntu" or something like that? | 05:18 |
geoffmcc | only thing i can do is start up in recovery mode to get to a prompt... then dont know what to do | 05:18 |
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Mikeh | Kaitlyn2004, trying the alternate CD next? | 05:18 |
silent_ | vbabiy, are you using ubuntu server? | 05:18 |
Lilacor | silent_: run 'htop' | 05:18 |
geoffmcc | i know it is a problem with display configure... i startx and just get black screen | 05:18 |
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kitche | silent_: top is one way htop is the other | 05:18 |
vbabiy | silent_: run top | 05:18 |
Cryoniq | bensode, I had firestarter in the box, but shut it down earlier though | 05:18 |
furenku | hey everybody! is there a way to assign different applications to different workspaces in a script? (the same script that loads them) | 05:18 |
vbabiy | silent_: yes | 05:18 |
vbabiy | with a gui | 05:19 |
bensode | Cryoniq, heh heh sometimes the most difficult problems are fixed by checking the most basic things ... is it plugged in ... is it turned on and is there a firewall in the way? :) | 05:19 |
Toma- | silent_: 'ps aux' or 'top' or to see if it really is all used, 'free' | 05:19 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: so you boot your box and you get a black screen? | 05:19 |
silent_ | vbabiy, well that's not good news... are you running behind a router with NAT? | 05:19 |
kitche | free just guesses at the number :) | 05:19 |
bensode | Cryoniq, can you ping from the other box to the one you've been fiddling with? | 05:19 |
geoffmcc | Lilacor - correct... unless i boot in recovery | 05:19 |
Cryoniq | bensode, it is plugged and no firewall in the way. About to restart the interfaces :) | 05:19 |
vbabiy | silent_: the server is my nat and router | 05:19 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: don't boot in recovery | 05:19 |
geoffmcc | Lilacor - it does show splash screen.. after that just goes black | 05:19 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: boot and let the black screen occur.. then press ctrl+alt+F1 (through F6) | 05:20 |
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silent_ | vbabiy, ok, do you have a gui installed on the server or is it base command line? | 05:20 |
vbabiy | silent_: why | 05:20 |
bensode | Cryoniq, also make sure that the default gateway on the target box is correct. It's possible that hte machine is receiving the ping but is not pathing back correctly. Remember ping is a two way mechanism | 05:20 |
vbabiy | silent_: i have a GUI | 05:20 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: any of those ttys should be free for you to use | 05:20 |
geoffmcc | k just a sec, it my laptop | 05:20 |
Hirvinen | silent_: free -m shows memory usage in MB. The amount of ram that is actually available for use is the second on the row starting "-/+ buffers/cache:" | 05:20 |
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Cryoniq | bensode, hmm.. * Reconfiguring network interfaces... Ignoring unknown interface ath0=ath0. | 05:20 |
Cryoniq | SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument | 05:20 |
Cryoniq | Failed to bring up eth0. | 05:20 |
Kaitlyn2004 | Mikeh: maybe.. I almost don't wanna bother anymore.. haha | 05:20 |
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silent_ | Hirvinen, thanks | 05:20 |
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str4 | Hi | 05:20 |
Kaitlyn2004 | Mikeh: i basically want to use it as my development server.. SVN, apache, mysql, php, etc.. all works on windows.. lol | 05:20 |
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bensode | Cryoniq, couple weeks ago my cisco guy changed defgw and didn't tell me going out from one router to another so when things came in through the firewall they were attempting to go out the other T1 ... and were failing lol. | 05:21 |
Mikeh | haha, well in my opinion the switch is worth it Kaitlyn2004, and I am here to help | 05:21 |
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chiefbutz | quit changing out of root account | 05:21 |
kitche | silent_: just so you know free is known to give bad information it might be close but it might be off a few megs | 05:21 |
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silent_ | vbabiy, ok, you can use swat, but I strongly recommend you ONLY use swat AT the server, do not use it over the network | 05:21 |
Cryoniq | bensode, he he :) | 05:21 |
bensode | Cryoniq, Ohhh that's not good. NEver heard of an ath | 05:21 |
vbabiy | silent_: i agree | 05:21 |
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vbabiy | this is my intend | 05:21 |
Cryoniq | bensode, ath is wireless interface | 05:21 |
euphorium | geoffmcc, On the boot disc. I believe if you hit F4 you will get to choose from a list of resolutions. | 05:21 |
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Hirvinen | silent_: Linux makes heavy use of memory for caching the hard drives. The second number on that row is, as it says, "amount of free ram plus the amount of ram that is currently in use as cache, but which will be freed from that purpose on need." | 05:22 |
Mikeh | ahh I see. Well if the alternate CD doesn't help it is most likely your BIOS Kaitlyn2004, which could be easy enough to fix if you have the serial number on your MoBo | 05:22 |
bensode | Cryoniq, Ahh .. never tried wireless under any linux distro | 05:22 |
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silent_ | vbabiy, there is an incompatibility with ubuntu and swat in which swat requires a root login for exclusive control, however, ubuntu essentially disables the root account | 05:22 |
ubuntu | ok, I have this ubuntu disk that I'm using right now | 05:22 |
silent_ | you have to enable a password for root, which is a security risk | 05:22 |
ubuntu | I booted from it | 05:22 |
Logikos | i'm following the instructions in ubuntu's manual for seting up exim 4, and desided to use the smarthost option, however my isp's smtp server requires a username and password, how do i set that up please ? | 05:22 |
ubuntu | but I can't start X | 05:22 |
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ubuntu | how do I install ubuntu without starting X | 05:23 |
Cryoniq | bensode, he he.. I wish it was made much easier and that the WPA and stuff was implemented in the network managers as default and worked just as the eth interfaces do kinda.. | 05:23 |
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silent_ | or you could just edit the smb.conf file manually | 05:23 |
geoffmcc | Lilacore - doesnt do anything | 05:23 |
vbabiy | silent_: so do you want me to set up a root password on the root account | 05:23 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: you can't escape to a tty?? | 05:23 |
ubuntu | or can I configure X to be able to start the installation from it? | 05:23 |
silent_ | vbabiy, yes, "sudo passwd root" | 05:23 |
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Lilacor | geoffmcc: ctrl+alt+F1 doesn't do anything? | 05:23 |
Hirvinen | silent_: No, the root having a password is not a security risk. Using root for things that don't absolutely require it or fooling around not knowing what one is doing, is | 05:23 |
bensode | Cryoniq, I have a 64bit laptop here I've been debating attempting to install Ubuntu 64bit on it that also has an Intel wifi card built in ... | 05:24 |
geoffmcc | Lilacore - nope just a black screen... live cd did same thing till i f2 for options and chose 1024x768... i just dont know how to do that now that is installed | 05:24 |
bensode | Cryoniq, Sadly, it's running XP 64bit with an ubuntu 32 vm ;) | 05:24 |
lostboyz | does anyone want to tell me how you can change the themes with xfce-look in xubuntu? i installed to /usr/share/themes but i don't see it in the change user interface settings | 05:24 |
silent_ | Hirvinen, the root password would be transmitted over network in plain text by using swat over a network, I have informed vbabiy that swat should only be used at the machine itself | 05:24 |
vbabiy | ok silent_ that set | 05:24 |
Lilacor | bensode: I had kubuntu x64 on here..it was a pain in the butt because of the software incompatilbilites | 05:24 |
ubuntu | I'm running ubuntu from the installation disk right now, it's giving me an error when I try to run the installation saying something about X not working, | 05:24 |
Lilacor | incompatibilities | 05:24 |
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kitche | lostboyz: ask in #xubuntu that's for xfce ubuntu | 05:25 |
Cryoniq | bensode, as it is now I am using the gnome-network-manager and wpasupplicant for the wpa auth.. hmm.. thus is the ath0 lines commented out of interfaces. So maybe something doesn't like it being overrided via interfaces | 05:25 |
ubuntu | how do I install ubuntu on the hard disk without being in X? | 05:25 |
bensode | Lilacor, Yeah that's why I I used the 32bit version under vmware | 05:25 |
Hirvinen | silent_: Just make sure that /etc/ssh/sshd_config has the line "PermitRootLogin no" if root password is set. | 05:25 |
kitche | !alternate | ubuntu | 05:25 |
ubotu | ubuntu: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 05:25 |
ubuntu | or can I configure it to work without it being installed on the harddisk? | 05:25 |
codename | If my drivers refuse to work, do I have to compile my own kernel? | 05:25 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: what about F6? | 05:25 |
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bensode | Cryoniq, Possibly ... wish I had a little more expertise on the wifi matter ... | 05:25 |
Cryoniq | bensode, me too lol | 05:25 |
Hirvinen | silent_: Are we talking about Swat the game? | 05:25 |
dr_willis | codename, depends on the driver/modules.. | 05:25 |
lostboyz | does the alternate cd have the option to install with graphic mode? | 05:25 |
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silent_ | vbabiy, I'm going to forward Hirvinen's adive | 05:26 |
ubuntu | kitche: I'm using the desktop CD now, I can't start X with it | 05:26 |
dr_willis | !info swat | 05:26 |
LordLimecat | does anyone know how to force a fsck on reboot? | 05:26 |
ubotu | swat: Samba Web Administration Tool. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 800 kB, installed size 2180 kB | 05:26 |
silent_ | adivce* | 05:26 |
geoffmcc | Lilacor - just press f6 now while on black scrren? | 05:26 |
codename | i have a NVIDIA GFX card | 05:26 |
codename | it just seems nothing works | 05:26 |
bensode | Cryoniq, Do both interfaces work when only one is enabled at a time? | 05:26 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: sorry, no.. ctrl+alt+f6 | 05:26 |
kitche | lostboyz: no it's installs graphical system but it installs command line way | 05:26 |
silent_ | vbabiy, "Just make sure that /etc/ssh/sshd_config has the line "PermitRootLogin no" if root password is set." | 05:26 |
Cryoniq | bensode, I have a feeling the ubuntu devs working hard to get this going easily so a goat can set it up in the sleep in near future though :) | 05:26 |
kitche | codename: what nvidia card | 05:26 |
dr_willis | codename, what card exactly? | 05:26 |
vbabiy | silent_: ok | 05:26 |
silent_ | for security reasons | 05:26 |
geoffmcc | Lilacor - i did f1 2 3 4 5 and 6 | 05:26 |
vbabiy | i got that | 05:26 |
codename | GeForce 6800 GT | 05:26 |
Cryoniq | bensode, aye. If I enable one of them it works | 05:26 |
Cryoniq | so if I enable eth0 it works but ath0 doesnt. | 05:27 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: this is unusual | 05:27 |
Cryoniq | bensode, and the way around.. lol | 05:27 |
geoffmcc | lilacore - you know what i mean on live cd where before boot you use f2 for more options then set the display | 05:27 |
codename | I just don't know what to do anymore | 05:27 |
zmat | hi everyone i need some minor help | 05:27 |
j1tters | codename did you load the restricted binary driver? | 05:27 |
danielbw | does anybody elses x server crash on screen savers? I am running ubuntu 64bit with nvidia-new i have two 6800gt sli with xinerama | 05:27 |
bensode | Cryoniq, I can tell you that you can set up a route table to do that correctly I just don't know the commands to make manual route tables I would ask my cisco guy but he might not appreciate the phonecall at 1128pm EST for a noobie question lol | 05:27 |
silent_ | to access swat type "" into your web browser and you should have access using "root" "<root pass>" | 05:27 |
Hirvinen | vbabiy: Apparently this SWAT is an interface to control Samba from a browser? | 05:27 |
ubuntu | !minimal | 05:27 |
ubotu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 05:27 |
silent_ | Hirvinen, yes | 05:27 |
vbabiy | Hirvinen: yep | 05:27 |
codename | Well I'm not sure, but everytime I load the driver (Install it) It says theres something wrong in my xorg.conf and it doesnt show my login screen | 05:27 |
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silent_ | Hirvinen, its a very nice utility | 05:28 |
ubuntu | I can't do any of that crap | 05:28 |
Lilacor | bensode: that's nice if you only want to run ubuntu under a vm.. I couldn't find the x64 version of vmware from their store. | 05:28 |
Daedalea | hello? | 05:28 |
vbabiy | silent_: what should i do next | 05:28 |
codename | its shows as if you pressed Ctrl+Alt+F2 | 05:28 |
Cryoniq | bensode, ha ha.. I would imagine ^^ | 05:28 |
j1tters | codename follow this link | 05:28 |
ubuntu | I can only load this CD | 05:28 |
j1tters | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 05:28 |
ubuntu | I should be able to install from this CD | 05:28 |
silent_ | vbabiy, "" | 05:28 |
silent_ | in browser | 05:28 |
j1tters | make a new xorg.conf first like this | 05:28 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: can you access your volume when using the recovery CD? | 05:28 |
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killux | does anyone have a snd_hda_intel soundcard? | 05:28 |
Daedalea | Ubuntu Noob<<< I have wubi installed and I cant get any of my music players to play music from my windows folders | 05:28 |
Daedalea | except xxms | 05:28 |
Cryoniq | bensode, wanna know something.....?...... it works :P | 05:28 |
Daedalea | even then I cant get it to organize them | 05:29 |
geoffmcc | Lilacor - its an option is grub to use ubuntu recovery,,, then it boots up to terminal | 05:29 |
codename | k | 05:29 |
vbabiy | silent_: i got unable to connect | 05:29 |
j1tters | codename backup your old config then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg that will give you a fresh file. | 05:29 |
Cryoniq | bensode, I did a sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart and it poppen into place :P | 05:29 |
Hirvinen | silent_, vbabiy: Even if it asks for the root password, it should be safe to use it from other computers *IF* it uses HTTP*S* and those other computers can be trusted. | 05:29 |
codename | ok so if something goes wrong | 05:29 |
Cryoniq | bensode, popped even | 05:29 |
codename | i type in that command | 05:29 |
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silent_ | good point, I've never tried https on swat | 05:29 |
codename | i already backed up my old xorg.conf | 05:29 |
killux | does anyone have a snd_hda_intel soundcard? | 05:29 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: can you access your primary volume from the recovery console? | 05:29 |
bensode | Lilacor, Vmware Workstation has supported 64bit for a while | 05:29 |
j1tters | codename no first make a backup of your current xorg.conf just in case. | 05:29 |
codename | I already did. | 05:30 |
mong | Halo | 05:30 |
vbabiy | silent_: any ideas | 05:30 |
bensode | Cryoniq, handy! | 05:30 |
Lilacor | bensode: yes but I couldn't find it online. | 05:30 |
inflex | question - how does one specify which services to have start on boot? In slackware I used to just chmod +x the rc.d script in question... but what about Ubuntu? | 05:30 |
mong | Im Thailand | 05:30 |
silent_ | vbabiy, do you have the interface? | 05:30 |
Lilacor | bensode: It only says Linux or Windows.. | 05:30 |
j1tters | codename then run reconfigure and go through it. you will be left with a stock bland xorg.conf | 05:30 |
n2diy | Why, on occasion, does my Dapper screen saver seem to hibernate my box? The box is a dual cpu Pentium II. Most of the time when I touch my mouse, or space bar, bingo, I have my screen. Other times it takes for every to get a screen. | 05:30 |
Daedalea | anybody know how to get my windows files into an organized library without copying the file? | 05:30 |
codename | k | 05:30 |
danielbw | does anybody elses x server crash on screen savers? I am running ubuntu 64bit with nvidia-new i have two 6800gt sli with xinerama | 05:30 |
j1tters | then install the binary with that first link i sent you. | 05:30 |
vbabiy | silent_: i get cant load | 05:30 |
Lilacor | bensode: when you buy a license, do you have the option of using either? | 05:30 |
Cryoniq | bensode, seems restarting dbus restart the network connection manager. Maybe it was that one that hated to try reconfigure the interfaces | 05:30 |
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codename | so im doing something wrong right | 05:30 |
bensode | Cryoniq, Quite posible | 05:31 |
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Julius | hi... in ubuntu how do I go about changing the monitor type so I can get a different resolution for my screen? | 05:31 |
codename | thats why the drivers arnt installing | 05:31 |
m0u5e | My update manager is no longer able to update things correctly, everytime I say update, it just rechecks deps and repos, and goes back to the main screen | 05:31 |
silent_ | vbabiy, you installed samba, samba-common, smbclient, smbfs, and swat? | 05:31 |
codename | I know for a fact my PC can handle the card | 05:31 |
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bensode | Lilacor, Let me check I have a linux license for workstation not a windows but let me login and see | 05:31 |
Lilacor | m0u5e: try an update from the terminal | 05:31 |
vbabiy | silent_: yeap | 05:31 |
j1tters | codename well maybe not but this will let us know. this gives us a base to start with. | 05:31 |
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m0u5e | lilacor :i do that, it works everytime, but my update-manger has consistently not been working for a while | 05:31 |
vbabiy | here is my file : swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/swat | 05:31 |
Kassah-Lappy | where would I find help on the topic of network topology and hardware requirements? | 05:31 |
codename | yeah i c | 05:31 |
silent_ | vbabiy, one second | 05:31 |
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m0u5e | lilacor: its just annoying, i'd rather be able to update from the update-manager | 05:31 |
geoffmcc | lilacor - thanks anyways, i figured this was a problem that alot of people had. I know it just setup my display wrong. guess i just have to read how to change from a terminal | 05:31 |
j1tters | what ver of ubuntu you running ? dapper or fiesty codename? | 05:32 |
codename | Dapper | 05:32 |
codename | 6.06 | 05:32 |
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j1tters | ahh. | 05:32 |
j1tters | ok. | 05:32 |
codename | what? | 05:32 |
codename | Is that a problem | 05:32 |
j1tters | no | 05:32 |
codename | k | 05:32 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: if you can access your volume from the terminal you should be able to edit your xorg.conf file to fix your issue | 05:32 |
codename | sorry i was just asking :) | 05:32 |
kitche | does the nvidia driver in dapper even work with 6800? | 05:32 |
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Cryoniq | bensode, now it just remains to reboot whole system and see if it remains.. lol.. and then fire up LinuxMCE (that is why I need the eth0 on its own since that is the internal network for it) and see how it reacts. I had to make it complex setting the eth0 to same c network of course ^^ | 05:32 |
codename | I believe it is supported. | 05:32 |
codename | I don't see why not. | 05:32 |
Lilacor | m0u5e: so apt-get update gives no errors but update-manager does... odd | 05:32 |
j1tters | it is. | 05:33 |
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bensode | Lilacor, The Whitepaper here says Workstation 6 supports both 32 & 64bit hosts http://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/ws_datasheet.pdf | 05:33 |
codename | I know it's not part of the legacy. | 05:33 |
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vbabiy | ok silent_ ok i have to run i will be back later bye | 05:33 |
kitche | codename: of course not that's for the geforce 4 and down :) | 05:33 |
m0u5e | lilacor: yeah, i also notice that update-manager doesn't ask for my pass anymore........ is that a possible reason why? | 05:33 |
geoffmcc | lilacore - thats my problem. I dont knw what to do. I tried changing 1280x800 to 1024x768 but no luck, and that was just a guess... havent used linux in many years | 05:33 |
Cryoniq | bensode, 5 in the morning isn't the best time do these sort of stuff either.. which is why your friend the cisco guy is sleeping :P | 05:33 |
Lilacor | m0u5e: have you tried re-installing update-manager? | 05:33 |
codename | ya | 05:33 |
m0u5e | lilacor: yes | 05:33 |
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bensode | Cryoniq, Wow ... that certainly needs a posting on the Ubuntu support forum for an easier method! | 05:33 |
m0u5e | lilacor: it didnt do anything different | 05:33 |
codename | thats why i said i dont see why it wouldnt support it | 05:33 |
bensode | Cryoniq, Coffee!!!!!!!! | 05:33 |
codename | :) | 05:34 |
codename | im kinda a noob | 05:34 |
codename | only had ubuntu for about a month | 05:34 |
Lilacor | bensode: I know it supports both but when you buy a license online, is it one tarball with both x64 and x86 versions packaged as one? | 05:34 |
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Cryoniq | bensode, mmmm coffee... *looks over at the coffee machine* | 05:34 |
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silent_ | Cryoniq, I jsut cracked open a full throttle here... gotta get me some caffeine | 05:35 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: if you can access your /etc/X11 directory...you should be able to alter the xorg.conf file and fix everything | 05:35 |
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Cryoniq | Linux - probably the best OS in the world. | 05:35 |
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geoffmcc | Lilacor - correct... i just dont know what to fix... im trying to find info on google now | 05:35 |
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geoffmcc | so far no good | 05:35 |
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Stoffer | I'm having a hell of a time getting gnubiff to work with an Imap account... is there any way I can run it in verbose mode so I can see exactly what the error is? | 05:35 |
bensode | Lilacor, I would imagine so I never was prompted for which version to download when I upgraded last week. I run it on the 32bit linux version | 05:36 |
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bensode | Lilacor, Try the "evaluate" it's the full version with a time-limited license | 05:36 |
secret | hey guys how do I get to other channels, such as music, sport politics etc? | 05:36 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: look under the "Screen" section | 05:36 |
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bensode | secret, you mean other IRC channels? | 05:36 |
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Lilacor | secret: '/join #<channelname>' | 05:36 |
j1tters | any luck codename? | 05:36 |
secret | correct friend | 05:36 |
secret | no related to ubuntu | 05:36 |
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LordLimecat | if anyone has a second, i need dire help, ubuntu wont boot to graphical (locks up), only singleuser mode works | 05:37 |
secret | can i just search channels? | 05:37 |
bensode | secret, use /join <channel name> | 05:37 |
codename | it says something about null not found | 05:37 |
codename | WTF | 05:37 |
LordLimecat | ive already run fsck, and apt-get upgrade | 05:37 |
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j1tters | how are you installing the binary? through the package manager? | 05:37 |
codename | Yep. | 05:37 |
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bensode | secret, If you are using X-Chat, click "Server" from the menu, then list channels to get a listing of channels. Forgot how to get channel list from cli | 05:37 |
Lilacor | secret: you should be able to look at channel names | 05:38 |
j1tters | whts the error? | 05:38 |
LordLimecat | please help :( | 05:38 |
codename | http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f89/xUNDEROAThx21/emoticons/DSC_0003-1.jpg | 05:38 |
EADG_ | /list | 05:38 |
zmat | hey i need help with i think a firewall problem - in particular webmail thunderbird extension - anyone use it? | 05:38 |
codename | thats the screen I see sometimes when it happens | 05:38 |
Lilacor | secret: clients are different so it'll be different for whatever client you're using | 05:38 |
tonsofpcs | bensode: isn't what what a MAC is for? | 05:38 |
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codename | the x.conf file is messed | 05:38 |
Lilacor | LordLimecat: can you get to a tty? | 05:38 |
LordLimecat | Lilacor: as SOON as gdm starts, comp freezes | 05:38 |
secret | xchat | 05:38 |
bensode | tonsofpcs, LOL that's from what ... an hour ago? =P | 05:38 |
LordLimecat | i have to boot to recovery mode | 05:38 |
j1tters | and you made a new one and then loaded the drivers? | 05:38 |
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secret | where's server? it says ubuntu server | 05:39 |
tonsofpcs | bensode: yea, my battery died | 05:39 |
eric | anyone know if File::Find (in Perl) will process NTFS directories? =P | 05:39 |
codename | Did you see the screen? | 05:39 |
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bensode | tonsofpcs, DOH! | 05:39 |
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j1tters | did i see what screen codename? | 05:39 |
tonsofpcs | bensode: again, a dell | 05:39 |
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LordLimecat | Lilacor: earlier tonight, iwas able to login, then it locked, next boot it locked @ login screen, now itlocks as SOON as gdm starts | 05:39 |
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bensode | eric, It should as long as the FS is mounted ... | 05:39 |
codename | Let me ask the noobiest question ever, don't get mad, I was supposed to make seperate xorg.conf files | 05:39 |
codename | http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f89/xUNDEROAThx21/emoticons/DSC_0003-1.jpg | 05:39 |
codename | that link | 05:39 |
codename | http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f89/xUNDEROAThx21/emoticons/DSC_0003-1.jpg | 05:39 |
bensode | tonsofpcs, Awwww well at least it wasn't an exploding battery! | 05:39 |
tonsofpcs | so any ideas on how I can mount this SD card? it finds the SDHCI on boot | 05:39 |
__mikem | Sorry for the join/parts, was trying to see if I could be on two irc networks at once | 05:39 |
tonsofpcs | bensode: no, its the 4th full replacement for the model that caught fire at trade shows | 05:40 |
eric | hmm, ok thanks bensode | 05:40 |
eric | :) | 05:40 |
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j1tters | codename. what the heck. hold on lemme try to look. | 05:40 |
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secret | I've found it, in connect, then choose channel | 05:40 |
Lilacor | LordLimecat: you can't even break out to a console tty? | 05:40 |
j1tters | what do you mean seperate xorg files. there should be only 1 | 05:40 |
secret | thx guys | 05:40 |
codename | yeah dude the xorg.conf file is messed to hell | 05:40 |
codename | i dunno what happened | 05:41 |
codename | lo | 05:41 |
LordLimecat | Lilacor: ive tried the system calls (alt+printscreen+b), no response | 05:41 |
codename | l | 05:41 |
Rodel | does "/home////lib/libexchange-storage-1.2.so: undefined reference to `krb5_get_init_creds_opt_init'" appearing in teh terminal imply im missing a package? | 05:41 |
bensode | tonsofpcs, Wow #4 ... what model of Dell? Is it one of the "end user" models? I've never liked those. I use the Precision M65 series | 05:41 |
silent_ | man, I thought it would take a long time to get used to linux.... I've been using this OS for 2 days and I've gotten more done that I would have on windows | 05:41 |
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silent_ | :O | 05:41 |
EADG_ | codename: thats why we had you make a copy before you modified it. | 05:41 |
codename | I did make a copy | 05:41 |
Lilacor | LordLimecat: so ctrl+alt+F1 does nothing either? | 05:41 |
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LordLimecat | Lilacor: nope | 05:42 |
bensode | xorg.conf is the DEBIL! =) | 05:42 |
codename | ITS NOT THE DEBIL | 05:42 |
Lilacor | LordLimecat: please try that | 05:42 |
codename | its just difficult | 05:42 |
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codename | and im learning | 05:42 |
codename | and i know im a pain | 05:42 |
Mikeh | I'm the DEBIL! | 05:42 |
Mikeh | :) | 05:42 |
codename | ... | 05:42 |
bensode | In order for the alternate consoles to work they have to be enabled in inittab don't they? | 05:42 |
codename | jk | 05:42 |
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EADG_ | codename: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:42 |
Lilacor | Mikeh: does this also make you Ebil? | 05:42 |
codename | want me to type that in | 05:42 |
naknak987 | how do you install java | 05:42 |
codename | and it recovers it self | 05:42 |
tonsofpcs | inspiron 5100 ... full desktop machine in the size of the 15" latitudes | 05:42 |
Mikeh | it does Lilacor :) | 05:42 |
bensode | Lilacor, LOL | 05:42 |
n2diy | Why, on occasion, does my Dapper screen saver seem to hibernate my box? The box is a dual cpu Pentium II. Most of the time when I touch my mouse, or space bar, bingo, I have my screen. Other times it takes for every to get a screen. | 05:43 |
bensode | tonsofpcs, end user model /shudder | 05:43 |
Lilacor | naknak987: java should be installed already | 05:43 |
naknak987 | its not | 05:43 |
EADG_ | codename: yes, substitute xorg.conf_backup with what ever you named your backup file :) | 05:43 |
bensode | tonsofpcs, Try the Precision series you will love them! | 05:43 |
linos | hello, can someone help me with bashrc for ubuntu 6.10 edgyeft | 05:43 |
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codename | thanks | 05:43 |
tonsofpcs | bensode: it had better specs than anything else they sold at the time | 05:43 |
Lilacor | naknak987: are you talking about the java plugin for firefox? | 05:43 |
naknak987 | yea | 05:43 |
vbabiy | silent_: what do you think could be the cause of this ( and i am on my way out ) | 05:43 |
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Lilacor | naknak987: look up java plugin underneath your synaptic package manager | 05:43 |
bensode | tonsofpcs, Afreaid to ask how long ago that was ... | 05:44 |
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naknak987 | ok | 05:44 |
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tonsofpcs | about 4 years and 4 months | 05:44 |
tonsofpcs | actually, a bit more, about 4.5 yrs | 05:44 |
bensode | tonsofpcs, ZOMG! Time to upgrade! http://www.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/precn_m65?c=us&l=en&s=bsd&cs=04 | 05:44 |
Toma- | I need some documentation on the live cd, specifically, how to set default themes and setting with the /home folder and/or users | 05:44 |
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tonsofpcs | bensode: don't worry, its been replaced 4 times | 05:45 |
PurpZeY | !ATI | 05:45 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:45 |
tonsofpcs | this machine is not that machine | 05:45 |
LordLimecat | Lilacor: stumped? :( | 05:45 |
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bensode | tonsofpcs, heh heh. I got the bells and whistles version for about $2100 64bit. Soon to blow away Xp64 and migrate to Fiesty64bt | 05:45 |
Lilacor | LordLimecat: nothing happens? | 05:45 |
linos | hello, can someone help me with bashrc for ubuntu 6.10 edgyeft | 05:45 |
LordLimecat | Lilacor: no, cant get to terminal | 05:45 |
linos | I would like to know why for example gedit is not listed in the alias section | 05:46 |
LordLimecat | capslock stops working even | 05:46 |
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Lilacor | LordLimecat: you've got a serious issue on your hands there buddy | 05:46 |
LordLimecat | Lilacor: i know :( | 05:46 |
LordLimecat | Lilacor: i COULD reinstall,....but want to know whats goin on | 05:46 |
bensode | alright kiddies ... time for this old man to get some sleep! | 05:46 |
Lilacor | LordLimecat: I understand. | 05:46 |
EADG_ | linos: do you want to make an alias for gedit? | 05:47 |
Lilacor | bensode: good night | 05:47 |
LordLimecat | Lilacor: how would i bring up what dmesg was saying, last boot? | 05:47 |
geoffmcc | Lilacor - Is there a way to copy xorg.conf from working display off live cd onto hard drive? | 05:47 |
LordLimecat | what file is that in | 05:47 |
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linos | eadg: I want to know why when I type gedit in the shell, it runs, but when I open .bashrc file it is not listed in the bashrc file | 05:48 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: you could cat xorg.conf into a file perhaps | 05:48 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: cat xorg.conf > ~/mymessedupxorg.conf | 05:48 |
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Lilacor | geoffmcc: or something like that... sometimes cat doesn't work very well | 05:48 |
linos | EADG_: I want to know why when I type gedit in the shell, it runs, but when I open .bashrc file it is not listed in the bashrc file | 05:48 |
Lilacor | geoffmcc: and I don't know if the HDD is mounted rw or not | 05:48 |
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EADG_ | gedit is a program in your path. | 05:49 |
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bruenig | linoleum, do echo $PATH && which gedit (that should explain it) | 05:49 |
linos | EADG_: where can I find this path and how can I learn more about it. | 05:50 |
yobrien | anyone know how do modules get loaded.... like for example the alsa sound modules ... ie ... after boot if you remove the modules how can you reload them all? | 05:50 |
bruenig | linos, ^ | 05:50 |
alfonso | I've loaded | 05:50 |
crimsun | yobrien: just load the main driver. modprobe takes care of the rest via an alias map. | 05:50 |
EADG_ | linos: Type the command bruenig typed :) | 05:50 |
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Mikeh | I want to reformat my /home to ext3 in order to merge it with a large empty space and share it to windows using the ext2 driver. Help? | 05:50 |
alfonso | I've loaded Realplayer, but it doesn't show up in "Applications". What do I do? | 05:51 |
lando786 | all my icons in openoffice are gone | 05:51 |
sldkfj | yobrien, I think it's something like modprobe alsa | 05:51 |
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Toma- | Where are the system default gtk+metacity themes settings stored? | 05:51 |
sldkfj | but don't qupte me | 05:51 |
lando786 | all i have is text for everything like text font background color | 05:51 |
sldkfj | quote | 05:51 |
lando786 | on all openoffice apps | 05:51 |
Mikeh | alfonso create a new launcher on your desktop, browse for the program, it should be in /usr/bin/ | 05:51 |
linos | EADG_: this is what I got.. bash: :s^: no previous substitution | 05:52 |
LordLimecat | bruenig, youre pretty good with ubuntu, could you perhaps help me? having a gigantic issue with ubuntu....mainly, it totally locks as soon as gdm starts | 05:52 |
lostboyz | how do you change the themes in ubuntu using gnome-look.org themes? | 05:52 |
alfonso | Thanks, I'll try it. | 05:52 |
EADG_ | linos: hold. | 05:52 |
lando786 | and in options they are set to icons only | 05:52 |
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EADG_ | linos: type this... echo $PATH && which gedit | 05:53 |
kryp_ | how do you add a font .... i've got a ttf that i wanna use on my system | 05:53 |
sldkfj | lostboyz, there'sa whole big ol' section on themes in the help file (mine is a lifesaver) next to the firefox icon | 05:53 |
defcon | how to I upgrade to gutsy | 05:53 |
Stoffer | I'm trying to get an email notification applet for my gnome panel that'll work with both IMAP and POP3. "Mail Notification" works with IMAP, but not my gmail, while Gnubiff (which I like better) will work with Gmail but not IMAP.... unless someone wants to help me get gnubiff working, is there another applet I should try? | 05:53 |
sldkfj | just use the search and put themes in it | 05:53 |
defcon | !gutsy | 05:53 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule Support in #ubuntu+1 | 05:53 |
linos | EADG_: WoW. thanks. it listed where the file is located in the path | 05:54 |
dinkle | guys i think i have a simple problem. using wine to use utorrent i only get the icon in the taskbar but cannot get the main window up. what can i do?? | 05:54 |
sldkfj | upper left corner.....'applications places system firefox help' | 05:54 |
linos | EADG_: one more question. is the $PATH loaded by the OS during boot up? | 05:54 |
EADG_ | linos: You can thank bruenig for that... | 05:54 |
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defcon | dinkle, I had the same problem, I just used ktorrent | 05:55 |
defcon | apt-get install ktorrent | 05:55 |
EADG_ | linos: Simple answer, yes. | 05:55 |
dinkle | is that any good? | 05:55 |
defcon | yes | 05:55 |
linos | bruenig: thanks for your help | 05:55 |
defcon | www.ktorrent.org | 05:55 |
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Lilacor | LordLimecat: can you boot from the CD and get into recovery? | 05:55 |
lostboyz | sldkfj i am trying to install in xubuntu but #xubuntu was no help | 05:55 |
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dinkle | alright thanks. i wonder why we have that problem though... | 05:55 |
PurpZeY | What is the ls command to show all devices? | 05:55 |
linos | EADG_: what file holds this PATH information | 05:55 |
Lilacor | PurpZeY: 'lshw' | 05:55 |
LordLimecat | Lilacor: i probbaly could, but wouldnt i have the same access i have now? (im in single user mode) | 05:56 |
Lilacor | LordLimecat: oh... | 05:56 |
n2diy | PurpZeY: lshw | 05:56 |
EADG_ | linos: That i don't know. | 05:56 |
Lilacor | LordLimecat: welp... can you 'sudo apt-get remove gdm' ? | 05:56 |
kryp_ | how do you add a font .... i've got a ttf that i wanna use on my system | 05:56 |
bruenig | linos, I always had a hard time figuring out where the path was located in ubuntu, I believe it is supposed to be defined in /etc/profile | 05:56 |
LordLimecat | o.0 i suppose, but perhaps i misspoke--it locks @ login screen' | 05:57 |
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Ericc | can someone please tell me the command to search every file in my computer for the word 'deathlyimportant' | 05:57 |
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LordLimecat | so im not sure if gdm is on @ that point? | 05:57 |
Lilacor | Ericc: 'find' | 05:57 |
bruenig | Ericc, every file, you can't narrow it to a particular directory? | 05:57 |
n2diy | Ericc: locate? | 05:57 |
LordLimecat | ill try that..... | 05:57 |
Mikeh | ericc grep | 05:57 |
Ericc | find deathlyimportant | 05:57 |
Lilacor | LordLimecat: wait wait | 05:57 |
linos | EADG_: thanks for all your help | 05:57 |
Ericc | that will search my entire filesystem? | 05:57 |
bruenig | n2diy, I think he means within a text file | 05:57 |
Lilacor | LordLimecat: that'll remove Gnome altogether | 05:58 |
silent_ | I cant wait till I have linux drivers for my X-Fi... anyone heard any news as far as that goes? | 05:58 |
LordLimecat | Lilacor: yes, it will | 05:58 |
linos | bruenig: thanks again | 05:58 |
Lilacor | LordLimecat: I'm not sure if you want that or not | 05:58 |
LordLimecat | but a terminal would be better than nothing,... | 05:58 |
bruenig | Ericc, do you mean for that word being within a text file or the name of the file itself? | 05:58 |
sldkfj | lostboyz, oh, ok I apologize I was speaking of Gnome, my desktop manager. | 05:58 |
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LordLimecat | and i can always reinstall, it cant get worse thanthis :) | 05:58 |
n2diy | bruenig: roger that, I can't read minds. :) | 05:58 |
LordLimecat | (except a missing kernel) | 05:58 |
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Lilacor | LordLimecat: it could always be worse. :S | 05:58 |
silent_ | LordLimecat, it can always get worse | 05:58 |
Ericc | well I'm looking for my password inside the samba config file.. and I know that I didn't use that password anywhere else | 05:58 |
silent_ | lol | 05:58 |
LordLimecat | ever so slightly | 05:58 |
Ericc | and I didn't write it down before | 05:59 |
LordLimecat | i suppose it could hose the windows partition,... | 05:59 |
LordLimecat | but lets not go there | 05:59 |
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n2diy | bruenig: Ah, now that I re-read the post, I see was looking for the word, sorry. | 05:59 |
Ericc | so the other option would be to search my entire filesystem for that keyword | 05:59 |
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Lilacor | LordLimecat: so you were able to login once but from then on your system locked up? | 05:59 |
lemare | How can a window remember it's opacity setting (ALT+Scrollwheel) when its closed or the computer is restarted? I'm using 7.04 and Beryl. | 06:00 |
LordLimecat | first time i logged in, gnomepanel started loading, but locked.... | 06:00 |
bruenig | Ericc, so it is probably in /etc | 06:00 |
Lilacor | Ericc: are you talking about the word and all files with that word in it? | 06:00 |
dinkle | defcon, ktorrent is working great thanks bud. | 06:00 |
LordLimecat | second time, locked @ splash, 3rd time @ login, now @ graphical load | 06:00 |
Ericc | right | 06:00 |
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bruenig | Ericc, ok do this sudo grep -Rl "deathlyimportant" /etc | 06:00 |
defcon | dinkle, np :) | 06:00 |
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bruenig | Ericc, if you must do the entire filesystem, just put / where /etc is, but that will take a ridiculous amount of time I think | 06:01 |
Ericc | okay its looking | 06:01 |
Ericc | thanks | 06:02 |
n2diy | around here we call looking, cooking. ;) | 06:02 |
lemare | How can a window remember it's opacity setting (ALT+Scrollwheel) when its closed or the computer is restarted? I'm using 7.04 and Beryl. | 06:02 |
dinkle | anyone having problems adding start-up programs in feisty? | 06:03 |
bruenig | !anyone | dinkle | 06:03 |
ubotu | dinkle: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:03 |
Toma- | Where are the system default gtk+metacity themes settings stored? | 06:03 |
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bruenig | Toma-, /usr/share/something if that narrows it | 06:04 |
Toma- | Yeh i knew that :P | 06:04 |
n2diy | Why, on occasion, does my Dapper screen saver seem to hibernate my box? The box is a dual cpu Pentium II. Most of the time when I touch my mouse, or space bar, bingo, I have my screen. Other times it takes for every to get a screen. | 06:04 |
sldkfj | /usr/share/themes | 06:05 |
bruenig | Toma-, if you know the name of one of these themes, just try to locate it | 06:05 |
dinkle | i cannot seem to add a program in sessions to start-up. i add it, and it doesn't save. help? | 06:05 |
Toma- | bruenig: im talking about the default new user theme.. the global gtkrc if you will | 06:05 |
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Lilacor | LordLimecat: very odd... | 06:06 |
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Lilacor | dinkle: maybe add the program to your .xinitrc <?> | 06:07 |
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Lilacor | uh oh | 06:08 |
Lilacor | netsplit | 06:08 |
Sivart0 | oh snap | 06:08 |
n2diy | Lets pretend i want to update my Dapper box, to Feisty. Lets pretend, I don't want to loose any of my "stuff", how do I do that? | 06:08 |
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Sivart0 | anybody know how to fix "failed to load $MFT" ? >_> | 06:09 |
Toma- | n2diy: just do a dist-upgrade.. | 06:09 |
bruenig | Lilacor, just a huge channel | 06:10 |
Lilacor | Sivart0: what file system are you using where you're encountering this error? | 06:10 |
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Sivart0 | ntfs | 06:10 |
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n2diy | Toma: as in apt-get dist-upgrade? | 06:10 |
Sivart0 | i'm really hoping there's a way to fix this without having to format | 06:10 |
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Lilacor | Sivart0: mount the drive underneath a win32 OS, do a chkfs /f on it once... reboot and then do it again | 06:10 |
Toma- | n2diy: yeh that should work. theres alot of documentation on the process | 06:10 |
Toma- | !upgrade | 06:10 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 06:10 |
Sivart0 | i cant even boot windows | 06:10 |
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Lilacor | bruenig: I guess so! | 06:11 |
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cdo7 | ok can anyone help me? I have tried to boot a linux bootable cd iso to disc but it wont boot | 06:11 |
Lilacor | Sivart0: don't you have another computer or friend that is running a win32 OS? | 06:11 |
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avis | is there a font server in ubuntu to restart so the fonts i imported into fonts:/// can be put into use by xchat ? | 06:11 |
Sivart0 | yes | 06:11 |
drfoz | is there a way to add a command to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh and have it be run by a certain user? | 06:11 |
n2diy | Toma: I'm on a 56k modem, with an 8 hour shut off imposed by my ISP, think it would work? | 06:11 |
Sivart0 | we have 2 other computers | 06:11 |
Toma- | n2diy: you can always continue it | 06:11 |
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Lilacor | Sivart0: are either of them running winxp or something? | 06:12 |
Toma- | n2diy: just keep running it till you get all the packages | 06:12 |
bruenig | drfoz, init scripts are run as root only I believe | 06:12 |
Toma- | n2diy: it wont continue till it has all the packages it needs | 06:12 |
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dinkle | lilacor, where can i find that? | 06:12 |
Sivart0 | both are | 06:12 |
n2diy | Toma: ah yes, I forgot apt-get is good at resuming DLs, thanks. | 06:12 |
Sivart0 | but it's impossible to connect my hardrive to either of them | 06:12 |
Lilacor | Sivart0: why not? | 06:12 |
Lilacor | dinkle: huh? find what? | 06:12 |
Sivart0 | scsi drive | 06:12 |
Toma- | n2diy: no problem :) | 06:13 |
Sivart0 | one is a laptop and the other is an older pc | 06:13 |
dinkle | .xinitrc | 06:13 |
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LordLimecat | Lilacor: so....nothin? :( | 06:13 |
Lilacor | dinkle: 'locate .xinitrc' | 06:13 |
bruenig | ~/.xinitrc | 06:13 |
Lilacor | LordLimecat: my guess is that you've got some really wacky hardware | 06:13 |
bruenig | there is probably another one in /etc/X11 | 06:13 |
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Lilacor | Sivart0: do you have a USB cable to interconnect the two? | 06:14 |
LordLimecat | Lilacor: semi, but it worked fine till now' | 06:14 |
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Sivart0 | no | 06:14 |
Lilacor | Sivart0: do you have a BartPE CD? | 06:14 |
Sivart0 | bartpe? | 06:14 |
Lilacor | Sivart0: use your other computers to burn a BartPE CD and then 'chkdsk /f' on your volume TWICE | 06:14 |
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Lilacor | Sivart0: do it once, reboot, and do it again | 06:15 |
Sivart0 | alright | 06:15 |
Sivart0 | i will try that | 06:15 |
Sivart0 | thanks :D | 06:15 |
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n2diy | Toma: Fine business, so far. But I'm still gun shy about upgrades, what should I back up besides /home/darryl? | 06:15 |
Lilacor | Sivart0: BartPE...it's your friend in times of wincrap disasters | 06:15 |
fong_ | hi, i'm trying to install a debian package, but it doesn't allow me when i double click it.. saying i don't have enough permissions.. how do go about it? | 06:15 |
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Toma- | n2diy: its always nice to backup /etc. just incase there was a little tweak that you did and forgot about | 06:15 |
fong_ | or how is installation done via terminal? | 06:15 |
Sivart0 | actually, this problem was created with linux | 06:15 |
SuperQ | clear | 06:16 |
Toma- | plus it only takes up a coup[le hundred megs | 06:16 |
=== aley [n=aley@p54905a18.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m0u5e | does anyone else have the update-manager fails to upgrade problem? | 06:16 |
Lilacor | fong_: make yourself the owner of the package. | 06:16 |
Sivart0 | and me screwing something up >_< | 06:16 |
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fong_ | lilacor, i am actually the owner... | 06:16 |
JNB3 | Hello, I have a quick question about partitioning. I'm new to Linux and what not too. I was wondering how I would setup a partition for Ubuntu without deleting my other OS PC-BSD. I'm afraid I 'm not familiar with the boot swap, and other terms | 06:16 |
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Lilacor | fong_: okay chmod 700 the file then | 06:16 |
n2diy | Toma: roger etc. What about packages that have been installed via synaptic? | 06:16 |
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Lilacor | fong_: get used to using chmod a LOT | 06:17 |
m0u5e | my synaptic and regular aptitude/apt-get work fine, but update-manager doesnt work | 06:17 |
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Toma- | n2diy: well, no. you might get some rather nasty conflicts. | 06:17 |
Lilacor | Sivart0: it happens, don't fret | 06:17 |
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Lilacor | Sivart0: I hosed 40GB+ of my ntfs partition | 06:17 |
m0u5e | is there a way to run update-manager in debug mode? | 06:17 |
n2diy | Toma: so, it would be a good idea to back up /usr, and /usr/local too? | 06:18 |
Lilacor | Sivart0: not that that's supposed to comfort you or anything... | 06:18 |
Toma- | n2diy: nope | 06:18 |
fong_ | lilacor, and then? | 06:18 |
Sivart0 | lol | 06:18 |
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Lilacor | fong_: try to run the file using the GUI | 06:18 |
n2diy | Toma: nope!? | 06:18 |
fong_ | lilacor, doesn't 700 enable only for root? | 06:18 |
Toma- | n2diy: all those old system files will conflict with your feisty files and choas will ensue | 06:18 |
Sivart0 | good to know other people make stupid mistakes too xD | 06:18 |
Lilacor | fong_: no that does it for the current user | 06:18 |
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fong_ | it still shows same error... well actually it also mentions that the package might be corrupt... | 06:18 |
Lilacor | fong_: 421421421 rwxrwxrwx | 06:19 |
Lilacor | fong_: owner/group/all | 06:19 |
IcemanV9 | JNB3: in my case (last fall), qparted (part of livecd) did partition freebsd automatically to provide a free space for ubuntu (dapper) without a problem. dunno about feisty though. | 06:19 |
fong_ | lilacor, i see.. got it | 06:19 |
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fong_ | lilacor, how should i know if its just the permissions or the package itself that has the problem | 06:19 |
fong_ | the download was successfully completed anyway... | 06:20 |
PurpZeY | How would I get ndiswrapper on a to laptop that doesn't have connectivity? | 06:20 |
n2diy | Toma: Ok, then how would someone do a bar metal recover? This is the last thorn in my side, that linux confronts me with. | 06:20 |
Lilacor | fong_: do you have an md5sum for the file? | 06:20 |
Toma- | n2diy: youll have to download all those packages again, built for feisty, basically. | 06:20 |
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Lilacor | fong_: if so, check that first | 06:20 |
Lilacor | fong_: if not, just try to run the file by itself | 06:20 |
Toma- | n2diy: ...bar metal? | 06:20 |
Lilacor | fong_: you'll be able to see the permissions on the package using 'ls- l' | 06:20 |
Lilacor | 'ls -l' | 06:20 |
n2diy | Toma: Yuck, that is a day or two worth of DLing. | 06:20 |
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fong_ | lilacor, permissions are ok already.. it opens package instlaler when i double click it.. | 06:21 |
Lilacor | fong_: isn't that what you wanted? | 06:21 |
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n2diy | Toma: Whoops, Bare metal, a blank hard drive. | 06:21 |
Toma- | n2diy: i remember my dialup days :) you could get the cd from shipit for free.. | 06:21 |
fong_ | lilacor, yup, but it doesn't proceed installing... wait | 06:21 |
n2diy | Toma: Roger that, but the cool stuff is in the repos. | 06:21 |
Toma- | n2diy: ahh. a series of fun tar commands can work, but theres alot of nice gui apps that do that for you | 06:21 |
Lilacor | n2diy: you're on 56kbps? Ouch. | 06:21 |
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fong_ | "The package might be corrupted or you are not allowed to open the file. Check the permissions of the file." that's the popup error message i get | 06:22 |
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fong_ | any ideas? | 06:22 |
fogwar | anyone know how to install my hp printer? its on my network wireless to my laptop and my comp is directly connect to my router | 06:22 |
Hirvinen | A modem? Yikes. | 06:22 |
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Sivart0 | eek printer! | 06:22 |
Sivart0 | *hides in corner* | 06:22 |
fong_ | !cups | 06:23 |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 06:23 |
PurpZeY | Is it possible to transfer applications via thumbdrive, for instance ndiswrapper for a machine that will not connect wirelessly without ndiswrapper? | 06:23 |
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boghog | hi | 06:23 |
fong_ | !cups | fogwar | 06:23 |
ubotu | fogwar: please see above | 06:23 |
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boghog | I like ubuntu | 06:23 |
fong_ | lilacor, how would i test if the problem is in the package? if its corrupt? | 06:24 |
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Lilacor | fong_: find its md5sum and compare it to what you have | 06:24 |
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boghog | I use gentoo on my main desktop, but the time it is consuming keeping everything up-to-date is getting too much for me | 06:24 |
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karnage | is it possible to access the files on your VBox HDD? | 06:24 |
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xdude2 | boghog: welcome to #ubuntu | 06:24 |
ZAP | hello I'm back (dunno if anyone was here b4 when I was asking about dual booting) | 06:25 |
boghog | thanks | 06:25 |
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PurpZeY | Lilacor: Would it possible to transfer a deb or package from a windows machine, via flash drive and install to an ubuntu machine? | 06:25 |
xdude2 | dual booting or multiboot via grub | 06:25 |
ZAP | so I almost got it to work after some annoyances | 06:25 |
gluttony | i need help setting up ntfs-3g. i dont quite understand the online directions | 06:25 |
ZAP | multiboot via grub | 06:25 |
n2diy | Toma: Ok, I'm looking at Mondo/Mindi, but that is a work in progress, and not quit ready for prime time. | 06:25 |
boghog | the only think that bit me with ubuntu installation is that it didn't install grub where I wanted it, or at least it didn't pick the ridh hd number, but other than that it's been a smooth ride | 06:25 |
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IcemanV9 | karnage: yes, if you build a network bridging. i believe there is info somewhere in ubuntuforums.org | 06:25 |
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Toma- | !backup | 06:26 |
ubotu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 06:26 |
Lilacor | PurpZeY: should be fine ...if you use vfat for the flash drive you can mount it easily...if you use ntfs, use ntfs-3g to mount the voume | 06:26 |
Lilacor | volume | 06:26 |
=== kevin [n=kevin@66-227-221-83.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ZAP | installed with the Live CD manually creating partitions and all that, but no grub menu after install | 06:26 |
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PurpZeY | Lilacor: What is the terminal command for that? | 06:26 |
kevin | anone know of a good web cam app, maybe one that I can use remotely | 06:26 |
ZAP | finally what I did was to boot XP, run Partition Magic, and set the ubuntu partition to active | 06:26 |
kevin | anyone* | 06:27 |
Lilacor | PurpZeY: find out what filesystem your flashdrive uses first. | 06:27 |
ZAP | which made XP unbootable | 06:27 |
n2diy | Toma: Been there done that, but, Duplicity is new to me, so let me take a look at that. | 06:27 |
xdude2 | boghog: manually edit the grub - it could be a smoother ride - or try grub-install /dev/hda if your using the first drive to boot | 06:27 |
PurpZeY | Lilacor: NTFS. | 06:27 |
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Toma- | n2diy: rightio | 06:27 |
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Lilacor | PurpZeY: then use ntfs-3g to mount the volume | 06:27 |
lando786 | need help with openoffice | 06:27 |
lando786 | in feisty | 06:27 |
=== Elbryan [n=syryda@S01060290f50d5129.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ZAP | so here's my problem now | 06:27 |
Lilacor | PurpZeY: find out what device it is...create a mount point for the device... mount it with ntfs-3g... and copy away | 06:27 |
lando786 | all me icons are gone | 06:28 |
Lilacor | PurpZeY: make sure to umount the device cleanly also or you'll have headaches later | 06:28 |
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lando786 | and it crashes when i select change icons | 06:28 |
boghog | yeah I fixed grub by simply reinstalling ubuntu and entering the right hd number under the 'advaned options', not the best way but I didn't wanna figure out how to boot ubuntu to get to grub-install :p | 06:28 |
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PurpZeY | Lilacor: How do I find where it's mounted? | 06:28 |
holycow | hello | 06:28 |
ZAP | I got grub to come up that way and all seemed good until I booted XP to check on it, and now grub doesn't appear again and I see that the XP partition is Active again | 06:28 |
xdude2 | use a live CD and set chroot | 06:28 |
ZAP | hchroot? | 06:28 |
ZAP | chroot | 06:28 |
holycow | can someone download the .tar.gz file for the flash plugin from adobe.com and dcc it to me? my bloody isp is packet filtering 'badly' here. | 06:29 |
holycow | :) | 06:29 |
holycow | and thank u | 06:29 |
ZAP | are you telling me to do chroot? | 06:29 |
Lilacor | PurpZeY: you have to mount it | 06:29 |
PurpZeY | Lilacor: But when I put in the flashdrive ubuntu just recognizes usually | 06:29 |
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ZAP | so anyone know how I can make my ubuntu partition the bootable one and not have XP take it over again? | 06:30 |
n2diy | Toma: Duplicity looks interesting, but so did Mondo, how mature is Duplicity? | 06:30 |
fogwar | hey about the printing.. its not recognizing my printer--it may be b/c my hp printer is connected to my router via wireless and my computer is connected to my router by cord. | 06:30 |
=== Shap [n=shap@74-129-112-180.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fong_ | is there anyway to download only parts of a file to correct bad packages? or do i have to re-download the whole file again? | 06:30 |
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xdude2 | you can chroot to a mounted drive... mount your ubuntu / (device root) and chroot (mounted drive) and then grub-install /dev/hda | 06:30 |
GigaClon | my sound just when down on my computer | 06:30 |
IcemanV9 | !grub | ZAP | 06:30 |
ubotu | ZAP: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 06:31 |
n2diy | Toma: I know, RTFM. :) | 06:31 |
xdude2 | heck read up on chroot - its powerful | 06:31 |
Lilacor | PurpZeY: 'fdisk -l' you'll find where it is mounted | 06:31 |
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ZAP | so I actually want to install grub on the XP partition now? | 06:31 |
PurpZeY | Lilacor: Then unmount and remount using the command you suggested? | 06:31 |
xdude2 | fdisk just gives you a list of the existing hardware drives | 06:31 |
boghog | grub's editing the boot commands is truly a killer feature though, now I can still boot into ubuntu even with a borked grub config | 06:31 |
GigaClon | my PCM level went down for no apparent reason when i was next to my computer | 06:31 |
fogwar | please, don't drink jack daniels responsibly | 06:31 |
Fusion99 | When you install ubuntu it auto makes the grub | 06:31 |
boghog | and fix it | 06:31 |
fogwar | lol | 06:31 |
Fusion99 | most of the time windows on top | 06:31 |
Fusion99 | i mean ubuntu | 06:31 |
fogwar | hey about the printing.. its not recognizing my printer--it may be b/c my hp printer is connected to my router via wireless and my computer is connected to my router by cord. | 06:31 |
=== Thug-life [n=Thug-lif@unaffiliated/thug-life] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xdude2 | correction "fdisk -l" | 06:31 |
ZAP | I've read every grub article I can find and I can't figure this issue out | 06:31 |
GigaClon | it just did it again | 06:31 |
Lilacor | PurpZeY: yes | 06:32 |
Fusion99 | Zap: Whats your issue? | 06:32 |
PurpZeY | got it thanks | 06:32 |
Shap | my laptop gets abosultely no sound | 06:32 |
Shap | it says it can't connect to the sound server? | 06:32 |
ZAP | I have grub installed and everything as it should be on multiboot (XP/ubu) partitions | 06:32 |
fogwar | hey about the printing.. its not recognizing my printer--it may be b/c my hp printer is connected to my router via wireless and my computer is connected to my router by cord. | 06:32 |
ZAP | grub doesn't show, however, because XP takes over and makes itself the active partition | 06:32 |
IcemanV9 | fogwar: is your hp printer supported on linux? did the model show up in "installing a new printer" dialog? | 06:33 |
fogwar | no it didnt | 06:33 |
ZAP | I got it to show up once, but I booted to XP and then after that it made itself active | 06:33 |
fogwar | but its a 7410 series and ppl online r sayting they did it | 06:33 |
Fusion99 | ZAP: Do you still use windows xp and still want it? | 06:33 |
fogwar | via the links on !printer | 06:33 |
ZAP | yes | 06:33 |
ZAP | I have a lot of XP-only apps | 06:33 |
holycow | fogwar, linuxprinting.org check for suport there first | 06:33 |
xdude2 | try http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/4622 to learn about making a bootable floppie grub | 06:33 |
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fong_ | is there anyway to download only parts of a file to correct bad packages? or do i have to re-download the whole file again? | 06:33 |
ZAP | I don't have a floppy drive | 06:34 |
xdude2 | it gives a better prespective on the grub | 06:34 |
fong_ | anyone? | 06:34 |
ZAP | I think this is more of a partition issue than a grub issue tho | 06:34 |
Lilacor | fong_: download the file again | 06:34 |
=== j1tters [n=j1tters@c-68-83-78-179.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xdude2 | you can make a grub using the harddrive, just read the darn article | 06:34 |
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n2diy | !patience | fong | 06:34 |
fong_ | lilacor, :((( 200 megs! | 06:34 |
ubotu | fong: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 06:34 |
Lilacor | fong_: first check your filesize AND the md5sum | 06:34 |
=== Cueball|Laptop [n=lee@lb3.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
ZAP | is there a way to set the active (bootable) partition from the Live CD so it'll stick? | 06:35 |
Lilacor | fong_: before you go urinating up the wrong tree | 06:35 |
ashtar | Hello, how do I make Ubuntu use file icons instead of thumbnails for certain filetypes? | 06:35 |
fong_ | lilacor, i did a cksum on the file, and then looked at what's posted in the website.. its different... | 06:35 |
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fogwar | holycow: okay well, what kind of connection is it when i do add pritner since its not dir3ectly connected to the comp? | 06:35 |
Lilacor | fong_: then that's bad | 06:35 |
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xdude2 | leave the windows as default boot... The grub replaces the mbr anyways | 06:35 |
fong_ | lilacor, and there's no md5sum in the package.... | 06:35 |
Shap | actually, how would i check what my sound card is? | 06:35 |
fong_ | lilacor, so only way is to redownload the whole file?? | 06:35 |
Shap | i tried looking at the community stuff, but it didn't tell me anything. | 06:36 |
holycow | fogwar, network printer | 06:36 |
n2diy | Shap: lshw | 06:36 |
holycow | can someone download the .tar.gz file for the flash plugin from adobe.com and dcc it to me? my bloody isp is packet filtering 'badly' here. | 06:36 |
j1tters | weird issue. no hurry. i use azureus for my torrents. was working fine. all the sudden when i open it it opens main window pops up. then just disapears. it doesnt show in top. . | 06:36 |
Lilacor | fong_: use wget to download the file...it'll auto resume n' everything for you | 06:36 |
Shap | n2diy? | 06:36 |
IcemanV9 | fogwar: did you turn on network printer? so it will detect the printer via LAN | 06:36 |
Shap | what do yomean by that? | 06:36 |
Shap | run that command line? | 06:36 |
ZAP | Windows actually isn't the default grub boot, but it won't load grub | 06:36 |
n2diy | Shap: in a terminal type lshw | 06:36 |
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Shap | okay | 06:36 |
ZAP | so wait are you saying that I need to load grub on the Windows partition (not on the ubu one)? | 06:37 |
kosu | holycow: Flash is in the Fiesty repos | 06:37 |
fogwar | IcemanV9: it asks for host, do i put my local ip? | 06:37 |
n2diy | Shap: GL | 06:37 |
xdude2 | Windows uses MBR as default. The Grub replaces the MBR... who cares which is the default when you can choose anyways | 06:37 |
IcemanV9 | fogwar: yes (printer's ip) | 06:37 |
fogwar | IcemanV9: IPP, SMB, LPD, Hp JetDirect | 06:37 |
Sivart0 | okay | 06:37 |
holycow | kosu, goddamned noobs here | 06:37 |
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Sivart0 | i got bartpe on a CD | 06:37 |
holycow | please stop saying that every time ia sk | 06:37 |
fong_ | lilacor, tried it just now, the file was downloaded 100%... | 06:37 |
holycow | seriously | 06:37 |
holycow | its NOT in the repos | 06:38 |
ZAP | I don't think you're understainging my question | 06:38 |
fong_ | lilacor, so it didn't do anything... | 06:38 |
Shap | i ran the first one, but GL isn't working as a command? | 06:38 |
Sivart0 | rebooting and attempting to fix everything | 06:38 |
ZAP | I can't choose ubuntu - XP always loads | 06:38 |
holycow | what is in the repos is an install that wgest from the adobe site | 06:38 |
Sivart0 | wish me luck | 06:38 |
holycow | damnit | 06:38 |
ZAP | because grub never does | 06:38 |
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-51-154.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | i.e. i'm being packet filtered and cannot wget, | 06:38 |
ZAP | if I could load grub I could choose | 06:38 |
holycow | *grr* | 06:38 |
holycow | :) | 06:38 |
ZAP | that's what I want | 06:38 |
kevin | anyone know how to use camserv? | 06:38 |
=== tennyson [n=tennyson@pc-40-7-86-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ZAP | but the XP partition is set to bootable (active) | 06:38 |
Lilacor | holycow: please extract the hotcoals from your underwear, thanks. | 06:38 |
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holycow | Lilacor, go away i didn't ask you | 06:39 |
=== din [n=din@c-67-162-206-27.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tennyson | hello, am new on this | 06:39 |
holycow | thank you :) | 06:39 |
ZAP | and when I changed that in Partition Magic I could see grub | 06:39 |
tennyson | how can i download something like Ares | 06:39 |
ZAP | but if I load XP it sets that partition active again | 06:39 |
tennyson | and install it | 06:39 |
n2diy | ! ask | tennyson | 06:39 |
ubotu | tennyson: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:39 |
=== Lr5 [n=lr5@dsl-hkigw4-fe35de00-44.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xdude2 | I manually load my grub, then I install the other OS including windows, it so much easier starting with the grub | 06:39 |
GigaClon | my PCM level went down for no apparent reason when i was not next to my computer | 06:39 |
tennyson | ok | 06:39 |
|_ocke | i hat not hving gtrub | 06:39 |
GigaClon | its happened 3 times | 06:40 |
=== MrBrizzio [n=brizz@c-71-199-56-62.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ZAP | ok do you manually load it to the linux or XP partition tho | 06:40 |
tennyson | how can i download P2P | 06:40 |
xdude2 | If you reload the XP it reloads the MBR... | 06:40 |
ZAP | because I have it on the linux partition | 06:40 |
n2diy | tennyson: take a look in system-admin-synaptic package manager | 06:40 |
fogwar | IcemanV9: hp jetdirect? | 06:40 |
=== icon [n=ubuntu@ip68-6-81-1.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tennyson | in ubuntu?? | 06:40 |
=== Mikeh [n=chatzill@pool-72-71-214-119.cncdnh.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fogwar | IcemanV9: its not workin... wont print i ne ver could get this right | 06:40 |
tennyson | ahhh ok | 06:40 |
xdude2 | ???? ZAP now you have totally lost me... Windows will not load in a linux partition | 06:40 |
GigaClon | tennyson, the only P2P I can think of is Bit Torrent | 06:40 |
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icon | do I need to do something to get my sound working in Ubuntu? | 06:41 |
ZAP | heh ok sorry let me back up | 06:41 |
n2diy | tennyson: yes, on your menu bar | 06:41 |
=== birgi54 [n=birgi54@catv54038699.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shap | I guess I'll just go with whatever icon has to do | 06:41 |
=== lightrus1 [n=lightrus@CPE00119573e109-CM0011e6be7591.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | icon, typically no, if it doesn't work it generally means your sound hardware is not supported :/ | 06:41 |
|_ocke | why tf would you want to load windows in a linyux partition | 06:41 |
m1ce | is there a way to have the hard disk turn off to save power in feisty like in windows? | 06:41 |
=== vbabiy [n=vbabiy@pool-71-244-118-80.albyny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tennyson | yes i get it! i write you in a few time | 06:41 |
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|_ocke | just make linux load in a klinmux partition | 06:42 |
icon | is audigy sound blaster not supported? | 06:42 |
tennyson | wait, i'll coming soon | 06:42 |
IcemanV9 | fogwar: ok. i never played with jetdirect before. however, click the option "detect LAN printers" under global settings (system > admin > printing) | 06:42 |
xdude2 | |_ocke: you can not load windows in a linux partition is why not | 06:42 |
lightrus1 | exit | 06:42 |
|_ocke | then have it load the wndows partition as a windows partotipn so you can view and edit the files | 06:42 |
fogwar | IcemanV9: i did thqat, and it found one, but still wont print to ti | 06:42 |
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holycow | icon, i can't remember ... most soundlaster stuff is but there are a few models/versions that have problems | 06:42 |
IcemanV9 | fogwar: my hp deskjet printer is connected to another PC and my laptop can see it via LAN. | 06:42 |
xdude2 | |_ocke: As if you have that choice? | 06:42 |
holycow | icon, best i can suggest is google your ubunutu version and audigy version to check | 06:42 |
tapio_ | icon: Audigy is most likely supported... | 06:42 |
|_ocke | xdude2, bullshit any linux distro can read a linux partition | 06:42 |
icon | ok thanks | 06:43 |
holycow | there must be a page out there listing sounblaster compatability too | 06:43 |
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holycow | i hope that is marginally helpfull | 06:43 |
Mikeh | holycow, sephiroth? | 06:43 |
|_ocke | or a windopws partition | 06:43 |
mboman | How can I find out which package owns a particular file? | 06:43 |
icon | so if I have an audigy soundblaster, and I still don't get sound | 06:43 |
ZAP | I have a drive that had XP on it only. I installed ubuntu using the live CD. In the proces I manually created a root and swap partition. All was well. However when I restart I see no grub. XP just loads as if nothing had happened. So I finally set the Windows partition to normal and the linux partition to active in XP (using Partition Magic) and that let me get to grub. However when I chose Windows from grub, it reset itself to be the active partition again. | 06:43 |
holycow | Mikeh, nope | 06:43 |
icon | what can I do | 06:43 |
Toma- | !ohmy |_ocke | 06:43 |
ubotu | _ocke: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:43 |
Mikeh | k | 06:43 |
xdude2 | |_ocke: But I said you could not load a windows OS in a linux Partition, you calling me? | 06:43 |
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=== kingofnowhere [n=kingofno@pool-71-162-2-37.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|_ocke | why would you need to execute the windows os? | 06:43 |
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xdude2 | I did not say anything about reading or writing | 06:43 |
IcemanV9 | fogwar: ok. make sure it's right one. there are two same names (one is local and other is on IP) | 06:43 |
m0u5e | anyone know how to debug update-manager? | 06:44 |
|_ocke | you can boot in any linux os and load the wiundows partition to retrieve the daea | 06:44 |
Toma- | xdude2: windows will not run off an ext3 partition. if you have a windows OS installed on a virtual harddrive on that partition, maybe | 06:44 |
|_ocke | data | 06:44 |
otero1 | whats good p2p software for downloading music? | 06:44 |
holycow | icon, the only thing you can do, google for others with thesame problem, its virtually guaranteed your not the only one with the same issue and resolution | 06:44 |
mojo | QUESTION: hey for some strange reason my sound quit working... what logs can i check to see where the problem is? i grepped syslog and daemon.log for alsa w/o any results | 06:44 |
xdude2 | |_ocke: I am a power user, I have 5 OS on my desktop | 06:44 |
mojo | ADDENDUM: ps - yeah, the speakers work fine, tested with mp3 player | 06:44 |
Shap | hey, so i found my sound card.... but is says to do this: "disable all Jack Sense and External Amplifier switches in alsamixer" | 06:44 |
holycow | otero1, the internet | 06:44 |
Shap | how should I do that? | 06:44 |
Toma- | xdude2: youre using qemu? | 06:44 |
holycow | otero1, i kid i kid | 06:44 |
holycow | :) | 06:44 |
otero1 | holycow? lol | 06:44 |
GigaClon | ok this is getting annoying, my volume keeps going down | 06:44 |
holycow | no idea otero1 just havin fun | 06:44 |
otero1 | any client? | 06:44 |
GigaClon | its the PCM level | 06:44 |
|_ocke | xdude2, qand probably all are readable by a gnome linux fs with samba and gparted | 06:44 |
xdude2 | Toma: no | 06:44 |
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crimsun | mojo: alsa doesn't log there. Use alsamixer. | 06:44 |
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xdude2 | samba is used for sharing | 06:45 |
vbabiy | hey is there any one who can help me with install swat with samba ubuntu 7.0.4 | 06:45 |
ZAP | so does anyone here know how I can set the bootable partition from within ubuntu (the Live CD)? | 06:45 |
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mojo | crimsun: kk... will it log somewhere else? | 06:45 |
xdude2 | gparted is a partion software package | 06:45 |
crimsun | mojo: no, it will display your mixer settings. | 06:45 |
ZAP | can I run that from the live cd tho? | 06:45 |
xdude2 | Virtual management is a bit above samba | 06:45 |
n2diy | ZAP: read up on "man grub" | 06:45 |
|_ocke | yeah gparted lets you manage your partitionms | 06:45 |
Toma- | xdude2: please enlighten me, how can you run 5 different OS's at once without virtualising software? | 06:45 |
|_ocke | you must make them sane | 06:45 |
|_ocke | then plan out your partitionms | 06:46 |
|_ocke | makle tjem | 06:46 |
icon | what is the terminal, and how is it opened? | 06:46 |
xdude2 | Toma- using virualization software idiot | 06:46 |
|_ocke | then try to admin ister them | 06:46 |
BlackChaos | do ya hlp wit problems other than just ubuntu | 06:46 |
ZAP | isn't that what the installer uses? because it didn't let me choose what was bootable. and believe me I've read a LOT about grub lately... | 06:46 |
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xdude2 | Toma- are you enlightened | 06:46 |
Mikeh | is there a "be polite" command? because xdude2 deserves it | 06:46 |
holycow | ZAP, you need you mount your hard drive, then on that drive modify the /boot/grub/menu.list file. those are the basic steps, i'm too drunk to actually run you through them tho so google the rest | 06:47 |
Toma- | xdude2: well youre not using patitions. youre using virtual drives. meaning you are NOT running windows from a linux partiton. also, name calling is for 12 year olds and emos. | 06:47 |
n2diy | icon: go to apps-accesories-terminal | 06:47 |
|_ocke | nelightenment 9s cool if youve been messing with it for years | 06:47 |
icon | thank you very much n2 | 06:47 |
|_ocke | if you arent familiar with it itll be bad | 06:47 |
ZAP | my menu-lst file seems ok tho | 06:47 |
ZAP | it's just not being called | 06:47 |
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xdude2 | Toma- You seem to turn what I write completely backwards, so nevermind | 06:47 |
|_ocke | i used it for 10 years and couldnt make it work usably last week | 06:47 |
holycow | there are couple of other things zap | 06:47 |
vbabiy | hey can any one help me with samba and swat | 06:47 |
holycow | in menu.lst there is something people miss | 06:47 |
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=== Matthai [n=Matthai@kovacic-m.fdv.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m0u5e | anyone know of there is a overall system -debug command? | 06:48 |
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m0u5e | or if there is an update manager debug? | 06:48 |
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n2diy | Toma: how do you do that, I've wanted to learn how to right backwards for a long time? | 06:48 |
xdude2 | Toma- Please explain to me how one could use a linux partition to load a Windows OS, since you think its possible? | 06:48 |
ZAP | so can I run gparted from the live cd? it doesn't seem to be installed | 06:48 |
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holycow | ZAP, in your menu.lst file make sur eyour kopt=root is correct | 06:49 |
Toma- | xdude2: ....when did i say that? | 06:49 |
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holycow | thats what grub uses to reset it self | 06:49 |
holycow | also | 06:49 |
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Crescendo | ZAP, try "sudo apt-get install gparted" | 06:49 |
ZAP | aha | 06:49 |
RAOF | m0u5e: There are various ways to debug stuff. We'd need some concrete details to be able to help you properly. | 06:49 |
naknak987 | is there a channel for beryl | 06:49 |
holycow | /etc/fstab has to be correct | 06:49 |
holycow | also | 06:49 |
xdude2 | Toma- I said you couldnt and you went off on me? | 06:49 |
m0u5e | RAOF: my update-manager just rechecks deps and repos whenever I click "update" | 06:49 |
holycow | ZAP, also device.map has to be correct | 06:49 |
ZAP | ok I'm gonna boot from the Live CD again and try that | 06:49 |
m0u5e | RAOF: it refuses to update | 06:49 |
ZAP | device-map? | 06:49 |
Toma- | xdude2: rightio then | 06:50 |
RAOF | naknak987: Yeah, #opencompositing | 06:50 |
ZAP | that one I don't know | 06:50 |
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holycow | if you know those 3 you can take an hd anywhwere and get it to boot | 06:50 |
xdude2 | I was trying to explain how to manually load grub and then manage boots with grub | 06:50 |
RAOF | m0u5e: By "refuses to update", what do you mean? | 06:50 |
holycow | and it wont matter if hda, sda or xda or whatnot | 06:50 |
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BlackChaos | is nero compatible wit unbuntu if not wat can i use to burn iso's | 06:50 |
holycow | i hope that helps | 06:50 |
RAOF | m0u5e: It tells you that there are updates available but won't install them? | 06:50 |
m0u5e | RAOF: when i click update, it just reloads everything and goes back to showing me what needs to be updated | 06:50 |
IcemanV9 | !beryl | naknak987 | 06:50 |
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ubotu | naknak987: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 06:50 |
holycow | BlackChaos, forget nero thats windows garbage | 06:50 |
inflex | BlackChaos: there's a lot of cd burning apps in Ubuntu | 06:50 |
m0u5e | RAOF: i wont wont download, it wont update | 06:50 |
ZAP | hmm well I'll keep trying | 06:50 |
holycow | ubuntu burns isos by de3fault | 06:50 |
holycow | right click dcrop a cd in an burn away | 06:50 |
holycow | also install gnome baker if you like | 06:51 |
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holycow | or k3b | 06:51 |
=== maco [n=maco@c-24-3-144-4.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ZAP | kind of a major installer issue tho, since it can't boot itself | 06:51 |
holycow | forget nero garbage, thats complete nonsense | 06:51 |
Andre_Gondim | BlackChaos, gnomebaker | 06:51 |
xdude2 | can one update instead of install with the new ubuntu iso's | 06:51 |
BlackChaos | ok thx alot holycow | 06:51 |
RAOF | m0u5e: So, the "Update" button is meant to do precisely what you describe. There should *also* be an "install updates" button? | 06:51 |
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naknak987 | well, I just want to know why the pic that i want to use for skydome wont work | 06:51 |
xdude2 | or upgrade? | 06:51 |
ZAP | thanks for the suggestions | 06:51 |
holycow | ZAP, well your latter point suggests something completely non related to your original point | 06:51 |
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holycow | do you know what you are actually asking about? | 06:52 |
ZAP | how so? | 06:52 |
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m0u5e | RAOF: err when i said "update" i meant "install updates" | 06:52 |
holycow | care to offer more information? | 06:52 |
m0u5e | RAOF: I'm not talking about the check button | 06:52 |
m0u5e | RAOF: its fine when i use apt-get or aptitude, those install my updates fine | 06:52 |
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m0u5e | ROAF: this only happens when i use the update-manager | 06:52 |
holycow | naknak987, thats a beryl question, try #beryl or similar hard to answer here | 06:52 |
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=== Bantroth [n=Bantroth@60-242-118-218.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m0u5e | update-manager, its more annoying than anything, and I can still function if I don't use it | 06:52 |
BlackChaos | hey holoycow wats dcrop | 06:52 |
sparr | i swore i would never buy hdcp hardware. am i cheating if i buy a video card that isnt hdcp-capable, but that contains a gpu that supports hdcp in different cards? | 06:53 |
GigaClon | please help me my PCM level in volume control keeps turning itself down | 06:53 |
ZAP | did you see this post from b4? | 06:53 |
holycow | naknak987, beryl is bet software at best probably pre alpha, hard to support on official channels | 06:53 |
ZAP | I have a drive that had XP on it only. I installed ubuntu using the live CD. In the proces I manually created a root and swap partition. All was well. However when I restart I see no grub. XP just loads as if nothing had happened. So I finally set the Windows partition to normal and the linux partition to active in XP (using Partition Magic) and that let me get to grub. However when I chose Windows from grub, it reset itself to be the active partition again. | 06:53 |
=== UnNaturalHigh [n=jane@S01060050bfb60f78.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GigaClon | its has happened like 10 times in a hour | 06:53 |
otero1 | whats good p2p client for ubuntu? | 06:53 |
xdude2 | can one upgrade the 5.10 to 7.04 without reinstalling from a CD? | 06:53 |
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Toma- | otero1: gtk-gnutella | 06:54 |
GigaClon | my sound card is Intel 82801DB-ICH4 alsa | 06:54 |
holycow | sparr, yes you are cheating your self. there is someone working on a completely open source 3d accelerated vid card | 06:54 |
holycow | google it | 06:54 |
=== Sivart0 [n=me@wsip-70-182-235-246.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RAOF | !upgrade > xdude2 <---- Yes, you can. Check the private message from Ubotu for details | 06:54 |
holycow | outside of that one day you won't have a choice so support him! | 06:54 |
otero1 | thanks toma | 06:54 |
holycow | i wish i had linkage for you tho | 06:54 |
Sivart0 | i think my entire partition is corrupt >_< | 06:54 |
RAOF | m0u5e: Well, you could try running update-manager from the command line, see if it spits out any debug info. | 06:54 |
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mojo | crimsun: kk i froze my computer plugging the speakers back into the audigy 2 ... yikes! i tested the speakers with my mp3 player to be sure they were okay first, ya know? i am about to try alsamixer but i did note on login to gnome that it says "internal error - failed to initialize HAL" which sounds like a problem with hardware abstraction layer maybe? | 06:54 |
RAOF | m0u5e: To do that, you'd run "gksudo update-manager" | 06:54 |
BlackChaos | wtf is up wit firefox it keeps on closing on me 4 no reason | 06:55 |
IcemanV9 | ZAP: if you just follow the wiki (ubotu just mentioned earlier) on how to restore the grub (i did that three times) and you will get it back without problems. hint: use livecd to fix the grub. | 06:55 |
Mikeh | any reason my brand new never used 90GB ext3 partition has 6.8GB "used" and a folder called lost & found? | 06:55 |
Tempo | been looking at much pornography BlackChaos ? | 06:55 |
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BlackChaos | lol | 06:55 |
BlackChaos | nah | 06:55 |
Tempo | i just thought it might be malware | 06:55 |
holycow | mojo, just an fyi, there is no technical way to freeze your computer by plugging in your speakers into a jack on your sound card | 06:55 |
=== l2s [n=l2s@cpe-76-167-100-83.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | mojo, :) | 06:56 |
dr_willis | unless of course he jared somthing else while doing that. :) | 06:56 |
ZAP | well OK I'll try that _again_, but it didn't work for me so far... | 06:56 |
RAOF | holycow: How little you know about jack sensing :() | 06:56 |
holycow | something else jhappened | 06:56 |
l2s | hi, how do you install a 2 processor kernel using apt-get? | 06:56 |
BlackChaos | just installed ubuntu like 2 days ago so ive only used firefox like 4 times | 06:56 |
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aubade | I need to start taking count of how many times this panel freezes. | 06:56 |
mojo | holycow: tell that to my computer... it hard froze, kbd lights stuck, hard drive access out, alt-sysrq stuff not working... :( | 06:56 |
RAOF | l2s: You already have one installed. It's the "linux-generic" package, which is used by default. | 06:56 |
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xdude2 | Thanks RAOF | 06:56 |
oipat | BlackChaos: Is it crashing on Flash-sites? | 06:57 |
holycow | RAOF, well you may be right, can you elaborate? if i'm wrong then yeah i'd like to learn more. i had no idea tyhere was such hardware circuitry built in? | 06:57 |
Mikeh | any ideas on my partition weirdness? | 06:57 |
l2s | i have 2.6.20-15-server #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:41:34 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 06:57 |
n2diy | holycow: I disagree, if there is static electricity around, you could freese something up. | 06:57 |
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=== silent_ [n=silent@S01060050bac94b86.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlackChaos | no just the default ubuntu 7.04 homepage | 06:57 |
holycow | n2diy, okay good point *nod* mojo *nod* | 06:57 |
adnan | hi | 06:57 |
BlackChaos | which is the current homepage | 06:57 |
silent_ | If you don't mind, I'm going to join a random channel and spam, in caps, how much I love this operating system | 06:57 |
silent_ | brb | 06:57 |
adnan | how u all doin | 06:57 |
=== CRasHinGRounD [n=crash180@c-69-180-225-197.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
l2s | apt-get upgrade says this : The following packages have been kept back: | 06:57 |
l2s | linux-image-server linux-server | 06:57 |
n2diy | holycow: :) | 06:57 |
mojo | n2diy holycow ?? | 06:57 |
oipat | BlackChaos: thats strange. Try running firefox from the terminal, and check out what output it gives you when it crashes. | 06:57 |
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l2s | Not sure why it is saying that | 06:58 |
=== CRasHinGRounD [n=crash180@c-69-180-225-197.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
RAOF | holycow: It's *entirely* possible for plugging in a speaker to the soundcard to crash the kernel. The ALSA driver includes some stuff to read whether or not there's anything plugged in to a particular port (most useful for headphone jacks, to automatically mute the speakers). If that code is badly written and triggers a kernel-panic... :) | 06:58 |
mojo | chat lingo i don't know? pshaw! | 06:58 |
Sivart0 | Mikeh: what kind of partition weirdness? | 06:58 |
kenji2 | how can I build a photo gallery vcd in ubuntu? | 06:58 |
Mikeh | "any reason my brand new never used 90GB ext3 partition has 6.8GB "used" and a folder called lost & found? " | 06:58 |
holycow | mojo, just acknowledging i may not know totally everything about the universe :) | 06:58 |
kenji2 | is there a way with k3b or gnome backer? or other tool? | 06:58 |
GigaClon | please help me my PCM level in volume control keeps turning itself down | 06:58 |
GigaClon | please help me my PCM level in volume control keeps turning itself down | 06:58 |
GigaClon | oops | 06:58 |
l2s | raof would you know ? | 06:58 |
GigaClon | my sound card is Intel 82801DB-ICH4 alsa | 06:58 |
BlackChaos | well since im new to linux how do i run an app via terminal | 06:58 |
tonsofpcs | supposedly it works with newer kernel not yet in studio | 06:58 |
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IcemanV9 | l2s: use apt-get dist-upgrade | 06:58 |
Sivart0 | because ext3 partitions are weird like that | 06:58 |
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n2diy | holycow: mojo: before plugging something in to your box, discharge it to th a case first. Touch the cable to the case, then plug it in. | 06:58 |
dr_willis | Mikeh, a % is reserved for 'file system recovery' and when it does fsck stuff it tosses lost and found files in that dir. | 06:58 |
tonsofpcs | i'm off, nite all | 06:59 |
Sivart0 | same thing has happened to me | 06:59 |
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Sivart0 | oh wait | 06:59 |
holycow | RAOF, i did not know the actual headphone ports had that sort of circuitry, i thought that was all passive and simply swithced speakers off and redirected? i didn't think that was kernel based | 06:59 |
Madpilot | Mikeh, the formatting of a partition takes up a certain amount of space in it | 06:59 |
Sivart0 | 6.8 GB | 06:59 |
RAOF | l2s: Because those packages want to install a new package (probably a new kernel version), and "upgrade" won't do that (that's what dist-upgrade is for) | 06:59 |
mojo | lol the answer is 42, ya know... 101010 | 06:59 |
=== Varnel [n=varn@cpe-76-170-94-44.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
icon | I got my sound working but I have to turn my speakers up really low, and it sounds very very bad | 06:59 |
icon | really high* | 06:59 |
l2s | i have 7.04 server | 06:59 |
Mikeh | any way to turn the recovery down a bit dr_willis | 06:59 |
l2s | would i need to do that? | 06:59 |
RAOF | holycow: Oh, no. Kernel based. Quite a lot of people with my laptop had to submit bugs to alsa to get it working :) | 06:59 |
mojo | holycow: noted! | 06:59 |
oipat | BlackChaos: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal | 06:59 |
holycow | mojo, lol indeed | 06:59 |
dr_willis | Mikeh, yes. :) | 06:59 |
holycow | RAOF, i | 06:59 |
BlackChaos | i know that | 06:59 |
=== rafael [n=rafael@201009076129.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | RAOF, i'll look thaat up even, thx for heads up | 07:00 |
IcemanV9 | l2s: yeah, if you want to install kernel which was being held back | 07:00 |
BlackChaos | but how do i run firefox through it | 07:00 |
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Sivart0 | anybody know how to fix a broken $mft without having to recreate the partition? >_< | 07:00 |
dr_willis | Mikeh, tunefs i think is the command. I normally set the % to be 1% on my data disks. | 07:00 |
Mikeh | Madpilot, no file system is THAT inefficient. 6.8GB is ludicrous | 07:00 |
Mikeh | ok I'll try that :) ty dr_willis | 07:00 |
oipat | BlackChaos: just type firefox :) | 07:00 |
dr_willis | tune2fs | 07:00 |
dr_willis | i frogot the 2 :) | 07:00 |
kenji2 | no way to build a vcd photo gallery album in ubuntu? | 07:00 |
Madpilot | Mikeh, 6.8GB of 90GB does seem pretty high - it should be around 3-5% | 07:00 |
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dr_willis | i also use tune2fs to set the partition Label | 07:00 |
l2s | not sure if i want a new kernel | 07:01 |
holycow | can someone download the .tar.gz for the adobe flash plugin, i'm packet filtered by isp here (badly), my ftp is offline and no the repos don't contain the actual plug but wget instructions. | 07:01 |
BlackChaos | oh ok | 07:01 |
l2s | but thanks | 07:01 |
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holycow | err download plug and dcc me pls even | 07:01 |
holycow | kthx | 07:01 |
holycow | :) | 07:01 |
=== gatorworks [n=gatorwor@ip72-207-218-26.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
silent_ | I'm seriously considering getting cedega... 7.04 is like nothing I've seen... fsck windows... How much does cedega cost? | 07:01 |
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IcemanV9 | l2s: then ignore the warning message :) | 07:01 |
RAOF | silent_: $5/month | 07:01 |
silent_ | reasonable | 07:01 |
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l2s | do you recc enabling universe? | 07:02 |
dr_willis | silent_, $5 a month - but its like $30 minim the furst time. | 07:02 |
l2s | I want to use mysql 5 and php5 | 07:02 |
RAOF | silent_: And you get to vote on what gets fixed next :) | 07:02 |
dr_willis | silent_, decently reasonable if you use it a lot. | 07:02 |
=== disinterested [n=green@207-225-93-11.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dr_willis | silent_, but wine is getting better evbery week also | 07:02 |
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l2s | This is for 7.04 server | 07:02 |
meem | hello | 07:02 |
Madpilot | l2s, it won't hurt | 07:02 |
silent_ | dr_willis, wine is severely lacking | 07:02 |
=== aubade holds his breath for alky. | ||
silent_ | I've tried several game installers, all of which gave me errors | 07:03 |
dr_willis | silent_, depends on your specific needs | 07:03 |
m0u5e | RAOF: oops sorry, didn't see your reply until now, THX ill try that :) | 07:03 |
=== chengt_ [n=chengt@204-16-231-226-metrobbsvcs2.pkh.ord.sparkplugbb.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dr_willis | silent_, theres more to life then games. :) | 07:03 |
holycow | silent_, like 80$ or so i forget | 07:03 |
holycow | i bought it a while back | 07:03 |
=== isthatall [n=isthatal@cpe-72-179-7-251.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | i really like it for the few things i've played | 07:03 |
xdude2 | wine is a training mission unto itself | 07:03 |
|_ocke | ` * | 07:03 |
xdude2 | actually wine is quite powerful | 07:03 |
holycow | silent_, i also bought crossover office thats good too | 07:03 |
silent_ | dr_willis, I do a lot of cutting edge gaming, considering my hardware | 07:03 |
PurpZeY | Is there some particular reason why I wouldn't be able to install and run applications off the liveCD? | 07:03 |
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=== BlackChaos [n=jayxxx@ool-182cda11.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RAOF | PurpZeY: Because you don't have enough ram? | 07:04 |
silent_ | dr_willis, I know there is more to life than games. I'm running Linux, isn't that indication enough? :P | 07:04 |
mojo | holycow, crimsun - alsa mixer fixed it... Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack was muted | 07:04 |
=== ramona [n=user@cpe-24-165-38-103.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlackChaos | wtf | 07:04 |
kosu | holycow, the repo clearly states that the plugin ITSELF is downloaded | 07:04 |
xdude2 | PurpZey: Ever thought you might be asking for too much | 07:04 |
dr_willis | silent_, from what im seeing the next cutting edge games will be a Huge hassle for cedega and wine. | 07:04 |
holycow | mojo, right on bro | 07:04 |
holycow | ! | 07:04 |
ramona | i need a good re-encoder for movies .avi | 07:04 |
holycow | nice find :) haha | 07:04 |
RAOF | PurpZeY: Since the livecd needs to use the ram as a filesystem too. | 07:04 |
silent_ | bah, they'll get a compatibility layer for DX10 | 07:04 |
holycow | kosu, dude please stop | 07:04 |
holycow | okay | 07:04 |
meem | i have a few questions about ubuntu before i get it | 07:04 |
PurpZeY | xdude2: Well, I am trying to make sure my wireless card will work before I take the jump. | 07:05 |
holycow | seriously | 07:05 |
ramona | anybody | 07:05 |
RAOF | PurpZeY: Although it *is* possible to install stuff on the livecd (I have). | 07:05 |
dr_willis | ramona, Avidemux | 07:05 |
BlackChaos | firefox just crashed my pc | 07:05 |
ramona | dr_willis: thanx | 07:05 |
j1tters | speaking of wine. anyone familiar with it. i have no problems it runs fine. but i installed 1 program with it. it ran rigtt after i installed. but now i have no link to it. so where or how do i run it again? | 07:05 |
silent_ | Until wine/cedega advance a bit I'll probably be 'acquiring' a vista iso | 07:05 |
BlackChaos | i opened via terminal and i crashed my pc | 07:05 |
holycow | kosu, just for the record i DO appreciate your willingness to help very much | 07:05 |
PurpZeY | RAOF: The files installed, but when I go to run ubuntu returns...it's not installed run sudo apt get. . . | 07:05 |
dr_willis | ramona, i just learned how to make it convert a whole dir of avi's to fit my portalb eplayer. :) | 07:05 |
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xdude2 | PurpZeY: which wireless - Is it on a laptop? | 07:05 |
RAOF | j1tters: It'll be in ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files | 07:05 |
holycow | kosu, if the repo actually had the .so files i'd be muchly greatfull | 07:05 |
ramona | dr_willis: i am looking for somethin that makes a 700 mb into a 250 mb | 07:05 |
silent_ | you can change the drive_c location | 07:06 |
=== Punkunity [n=bryan@pool-71-109-218-32.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ramona | so avidemux is the best huh | 07:06 |
ramona | cool | 07:06 |
dr_willis | ramona, it can do that. | 07:06 |
PurpZeY | xdude2: Yes, it is a BCM4318 -- I know there is an issue with it, but I thought I could try the fix to test. | 07:06 |
dr_willis | i never said its BEST :) it does what i need | 07:06 |
holycow | such is life when we are beholden to priprietary technology and wieass isp admins | 07:06 |
RAOF | PurpZeY: That doesn't quite make sense. "But when I go to run ubuntu returns"? What are you trying to do? | 07:06 |
=== martin91 [n=Miranda@ppp-62-216-204-211.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j1tters | thanks RAOF so just run wine and point it to the exe in the program files folder i assume? | 07:06 |
dr_willis | ramona, it does have specific options for final filesize also. | 07:06 |
RAOF | j1tters: Yup. | 07:06 |
silent_ | I am pleasantly surprised how well WINE works to run Foobar2000, it runs perfectly | 07:06 |
j1tters | cause living without my online poker is impossible. | 07:06 |
j1tters | thanks mucho! | 07:06 |
xdude2 | PrupZey : you will have better luck than I... I got a 4306, but dang I got it to work | 07:06 |
kosu | I don't understand what ur trying to do, installing flash from the repo should automatically enable it in browsers (as indicated in the repo description) | 07:07 |
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ramona | dr_willis: avidemux is installed by default in ubuntu | 07:07 |
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PurpZeY | RAOF: I have a wireless card that I know has issues in ubuntu. There is a fix in forums using ndiswrapper, I was hoping to test it off the liveCD before I eliminate my other partitions | 07:07 |
jmg | guys i am having problems with a 2gb sd card | 07:07 |
holycow | silent_, yeah wine is pretty darned cool indeed | 07:07 |
holycow | cudos to that project | 07:07 |
dr_willis | ramona, it is? never noticed.. been using it on the xp box mainly :) | 07:07 |
meem | will 7.04 64bit work on a core 2 duo? | 07:07 |
xdude2 | Got the drivers off the Windows XP restore disk- used ndiswrapper | 07:07 |
ramona | <<< linux girl | 07:07 |
ramona | :P | 07:07 |
dr_willis | since my xp box has 10x the cpu of my linux box. :) | 07:07 |
holycow | ramona, coolness | 07:07 |
=== j_ack [n=jack@p508DB3BA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
silent_ | holycow, I proceeded with the instructions to add the wine repository to get the latest versions, but I can only access it through apt-get, I can't us synaptic | 07:07 |
holycow | cool to see some balance in this channel :) | 07:08 |
PurpZeY | xdude2: As I mentioned, that's what I'm looking to do, but I wanted to test it on the liveCD first, b/c my XP is OEM...and if my wifi doesn't work I will be SOL. | 07:08 |
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silent_ | holycow, do you know of a way to add them for access via synaptic? | 07:08 |
holycow | silent_, i haven't noticed i only use cli stuff, its faster but thats weird | 07:08 |
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holycow | silent_, not offhand i'm terribly sorry | 07:08 |
xdude2 | PurpZeY: I never got it to work with the Live CD - sorry | 07:08 |
ramona | i was wrong , avidemux is not installed by default , thats audacity | 07:08 |
=== Razor__ [n=raz@c-76-108-48-233.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ramona | brb | 07:08 |
ramona | let me instal it | 07:08 |
jmg | guys i am having problems with a high capacity (2gb) sd card | 07:08 |
silent_ | holycow, yeah, I started using linux on cli anyway so I'm fairly experienced with apt-get so its no problem | 07:08 |
RAOF | PurpZeY: Ah. So, you want to install the ndiswrapper-1.9-utils package, unpack your windows drivers, etc. | 07:08 |
PurpZeY | RAOF: That's what I was hoping to do...I am getting the feeling that, that is not going to work. | 07:09 |
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RAOF | PurpZeY: It should work. You might want to pastebin *exactly* what you're running, and the *full* error messages. | 07:09 |
silent_ | holycow, oh, nevermind, it seems I just needed a restart, synaptic is seeing the newest version :) | 07:09 |
PurpZeY | RAOF: Ok, I will run the steps. | 07:09 |
holycow | ha! | 07:09 |
PurpZeY | !pastebin | 07:09 |
=== WillLuongo [n=will@adsl-75-45-68-228.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:09 |
xdude2 | PurpZeY: how big is your Windows Partition.? | 07:10 |
BlackChaos | can sum 1 hlp me 4 some reason firefox is giving me problem it closes on me 4 no reason or if not it freezes my pc | 07:10 |
holycow | yeah you guys are dcoing great in this channel | 07:10 |
jmg | !usbms | 07:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usbms - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:10 |
=== SkiffX [n=SkiffX@cpe-72-225-174-254.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
l2s | stupid q how do you tell which shell you have? | 07:10 |
holycow | its great to see people now starting to get to the 'oh this channel is great as a sound board, i'm solving my own probs now' phase | 07:10 |
holycow | superb | 07:10 |
l2s | i need bash | 07:10 |
RAOF | l2s: You have bash. :) | 07:10 |
holycow | RAOF, wasn't that recently changed? | 07:10 |
l2s | howtoforge says dfault is bin/DASH | 07:10 |
holycow | or is that cha nged just for the bootloader? | 07:10 |
silent_ | default is bash for ubuntu | 07:11 |
WillLuongo | Does anyone have help for setting up a printer from the command line? Specifically an HP deskjet on Ubuntu Server? | 07:11 |
silent_ | afaik | 07:11 |
RAOF | l2s: Your login shell is till bash | 07:11 |
dr_willis | l2s, dash is the system shell. | 07:11 |
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l2s | k | 07:11 |
dr_willis | l2s, interactive shell is still bash | 07:11 |
holycow | aha dr_willis damlesor | 07:11 |
kosu | hello, how do I make Ubuntu use file icons instead of thumbnails for certain filetypes? | 07:11 |
Mikeh | need to move /home help?! | 07:11 |
holycow | danke eve n | 07:11 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-24-61-150-59.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
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IcemanV9 | arrgh! server edition does NOT run in virtualbox! cuz of stupid race condition issue. i am surprised it has not been fixed since then. :/ | 07:11 |
RAOF | l2s: /bin/sh is a symlink to dash, since it's apparently quite a lot faster. If you've got a script that doesn't work because of bashisms, the shebang should be changed to #!/bin/bash | 07:11 |
dr_willis | Mikeh, mount some place to move it to.. move the files over.. then use ln -s to make /home point to the new mount point. | 07:11 |
=== IcemanV9 is looking at qemu option ... | ||
dr_willis | IcemanV9, ive seen a lot of issues with Virtualboxx and live cd's :( | 07:12 |
dr_willis | i perfer vmware server | 07:12 |
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RAOF | IcemanV9: Got a fairly recent CPU? KVM works well :) | 07:13 |
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IcemanV9 | dr_willis: yeah. i noticed. freebsd 6.2 does not run either in vbox. *sigh* | 07:13 |
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IcemanV9 | RAOF: i haven't upgraded to feisty yet (to use KVM) | 07:14 |
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RAOF | IcemanV9: Bad dog! Upgrade *now* :P | 07:15 |
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meem | i have a few questions before i get ubuntu | 07:16 |
meem | anyone here to answer thm? | 07:16 |
meem | them* | 07:16 |
UnNaturalHigh | could anyone here tell how relatively safe the backports repository is? | 07:16 |
j1tters | shoot meem | 07:16 |
Cosmo__ | how well does ubuntu support dual graphic cards running in SLI mode? | 07:16 |
=== Mikeh [n=chatzill@pool-72-71-214-119.cncdnh.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IcemanV9 | RAOF: dapper runs flawlessly on my laptop; it does everything i need to do. :) | 07:16 |
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kosu | meem, I shall try to help in what I know | 07:17 |
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RAOF | IcemanV9: *Except* KVM :P | 07:17 |
Mikeh | okay, when a guide says "type init 1 and enter single user mode" they should really explain what single user mode is, and that it will make you lose the very guide you are reading. | 07:17 |
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aubade | UnNaturalHigh: Pretty. | 07:17 |
IcemanV9 | RAOF: gutsy+1 might tempt me to upgrade since it might be the next LTS :P | 07:17 |
Madpilot | Mikeh, which guide was that? | 07:17 |
admin_ | Why isn't GAS found in Feisty!? | 07:18 |
admin_ | I have binutils installed... | 07:18 |
Mikeh | Madpilot, a guide on moving /home, something I have been trying to figure out how to do all night | 07:18 |
=== IcemanV9 wonders if feisty livecd will let me play with KVM??? | ||
meem | does the 64bit ubuntu work on a core 2 duo? | 07:18 |
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RAOF | IcemanV9: Yup :) | 07:18 |
RAOF | meem: Yes. | 07:18 |
UnNaturalHigh | aubade, worthy of use on a desktop then? | 07:19 |
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meem | how does it handle x-fi sound cards? | 07:19 |
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j1tters | meem yes but you will have issues installing somethings. ie like flash. | 07:19 |
RAOF | meem: Exactly the same way as the i386 version. | 07:19 |
meem | sweet | 07:19 |
aubade | UnNaturalHigh: I'd say so. | 07:19 |
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holycow | meem, as they said there is no 64 bit flash available | 07:19 |
holycow | for anytthing including windows | 07:19 |
UnNaturalHigh | that is good enough for me | 07:19 |
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RAOF | meem: Yeah, you probably also want to check the x86-64 section of ubuntuforums, where there are a whole host of guides to get the few things that don't work working. | 07:20 |
meem | does it have good temperature and voltage monitoring? i am big on overclocking | 07:20 |
Mikeh | does anyone know how to move /home ? | 07:20 |
Fezzler | Can anyone recommend a way to use/program my multimedia keyboard in Ubuntu/Linux? It's kind with macro button for Web, Office, etc. I did notice a few work as designed | 07:20 |
RAOF | meem: Basically, everything you could say about the i386 version you can also say about the x86-64 version. | 07:20 |
Josef_K | Does Ubuntu (7.04 in my case) occasionally install 'critical' updates automatically (ie: without prompting)? | 07:20 |
meem | alright | 07:20 |
=== IcemanV9 is off to play with feisty livecd before bedtime *poof* | ||
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holycow | Mikeh, just coipy and paste, its that simplee | 07:21 |
j1tters | anyone know where to change icon size. ie desktop icon size? | 07:21 |
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RAOF | Josef_K: Only if you've got it set to do that, I think. | 07:21 |
PurpZeY | Josef_K: I've never had it happen | 07:21 |
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Josef_K | Yeah I vaguely remember an option to configure it... but now I can't find it. | 07:21 |
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RAOF | Josef_K: Probably system->administration->Software Sources | 07:21 |
Mikeh | you had better be right holycow. | 07:22 |
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Josef_K | And it seems that something automatically updated earlier today and now I can't access my USB disc. :( | 07:22 |
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PurpZeY | RAOF: I've certainly given up on that issue for the night, I think I might just need to go ahead and take the leap, b/c I imagine ndiswrapper will work, I just thought I could confirm. | 07:22 |
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Josef_K | Thanks, RAOF. | 07:22 |
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fatman | hello, i am fat man and i weigh 400 pounds! you can see video of my supreme fatness at www.fat-man.org | 07:22 |
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kevin | no thanks | 07:23 |
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PurpZeY | whoops | 07:23 |
__mikem | ROFLMFingAO | 07:24 |
PurpZeY | I think I might know that guy. | 07:24 |
aubade | Gargh, gnome-panel crashes every five minutes. X( | 07:24 |
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mkquist | quiet in here? | 07:27 |
PurpZeY | I was just thinking the same thing | 07:27 |
mkquist | right channel right? ubuntu on freenode? | 07:27 |
holycow | can someone download the .tar.gz for the adobe flash plugin, i'm packet filtered by isp here (badly), my ftp is offline and no the repos don't contain the actual plug but wget instructions. | 07:28 |
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holycow | mebbe upload it somewhere temporarily | 07:28 |
holycow | would be helpfull danke | 07:28 |
mkquist | k, well holiday and all, i guess its just slow... | 07:29 |
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mkquist | holycow, i'll bite, gimme a sec and i can send if u want | 07:30 |
holycow | if its not too much trouble it is very muchly appreciated | 07:30 |
holycow | i have lotsa time :) | 07:30 |
holycow | thank ya | 07:30 |
=== squarenutt [n=jstone@adsl-68-94-28-49.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mkquist | holycow - d/l'd u want it ill send thru here, that ok? | 07:30 |
Josef_K | Is there an update log where I can find out what was automatically updated? | 07:30 |
holycow | yeah sure, i've been googling for mirrors online but having had a single bite yet | 07:30 |
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mkquist | oops, private blocked, hold on | 07:31 |
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PurpZeY | Josef_K: I have to imagine there is....maybe it's in x-log, I really don't know, but I have to imagine it exists | 07:32 |
holycow | oh hey don't rush your self, not a huge dealie :) | 07:32 |
Josef_K | I'm perusing through /var/log/ at the moment... what's x-log? | 07:32 |
=== Reuv [n=reuven@ool-18be225f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
squarenutt | howdy | 07:32 |
PurpZeY | Josef_K: I just meant, I thought there was a log that x keeps of all changes during a run....that maybe just for a startup though | 07:32 |
squarenutt | simple question | 07:33 |
mkquist | holycow - ill just upload to mediafie.com, is that ok w/u? | 07:33 |
holycow | joseaa, Xorg.0.log | 07:33 |
codename | how do i recover | 07:33 |
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holycow | mkquist, poifectly! | 07:33 |
codename | my xorg.conf backup | 07:33 |
squarenutt | what happens to programs installed with synaptic that arent on the menu after instalation? | 07:33 |
=== holycow bows in thankfullness | ||
Reuv | how do I get php4 to install from the edgy repository? | 07:33 |
codename | How do I recover my xorg.conf backup? | 07:33 |
mkquist | holycow - k, gimme a mo | 07:33 |
kenji2 | no way to build a vcd photo gallery album in ubuntu? | 07:33 |
codename | How do I recover my xorg.conf backup? | 07:33 |
veritgo | squarenutt: what do you mean by menu? | 07:33 |
PurpZeY | codename: cp /backupdir/xorg.bak /etc/x11/xorg.conf | 07:34 |
holycow | Reuv, well i presume your on edgy? | 07:34 |
codename | thanks | 07:34 |
Josef_K | dpkg.log perhaps? :) | 07:34 |
Reuv | actually, no | 07:34 |
squarenutt | upper left corner applications | 07:34 |
Reuv | i'm running dapper | 07:34 |
veritgo | squarenutt: if you mean the gnome interface, then they are probably installed but were not configured to automatically create an icon for you | 07:34 |
squarenutt | i have 6.06 | 07:34 |
Reuv | but apt-get install php4 | 07:34 |
Reuv | doesn't work | 07:34 |
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veritgo | aha, try running the application name from the desk-bar, or open a terminal window and type the first few letters of the app, then press tab | 07:34 |
holycow | Reuv, ah, well its compiled against different libraries in dapepr than on edgy so it's not going to install | 07:34 |
Reuv | err, i'm on kubuntu 6.06 | 07:34 |
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Reuv | so i need to compile php4 myself? | 07:35 |
squarenutt | alrighty. thankya | 07:35 |
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jmg | hey guys i am having trouble with my 2gb sd card, cant copy any files off it | 07:35 |
PurpZeY | jmg: Is it mounting? | 07:35 |
holycow | Reuv, yupper :/ ... i thought dapper had php4.whatever available on it tho, no? | 07:35 |
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jmg | it is plugged into a usb card reader and when i cfdisk it i get this error; FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 0: Partition ends in the final partial cylind | 07:35 |
jmg | PurpZeY: yep | 07:35 |
Reuv | yeah, i thought so too | 07:35 |
tonsofpcs | back | 07:36 |
mkquist | holycow - nm its going thru irc? right? | 07:36 |
kenji2 | no fucking way? | 07:36 |
kenji2 | 07:36 | |
muriu | hey guys, im new to ubuntu. How do i check whether i have the python interpreter installed? | 07:36 |
jmg | !ohmy | kenji2 | 07:36 |
holycow | mkquist, any way you like :) | 07:36 |
ubotu | kenji2: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:36 |
PurpZeY | !ohmy | 07:36 |
rogue | this channel has no ops? | 07:36 |
squarenutt | veritgo that tab thing will come in mighty handy | 07:36 |
squarenutt | thanks | 07:36 |
mkquist | holycow - r u d/ling it now? | 07:36 |
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mkquist | nm nope | 07:36 |
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kenji2 | jmg is that the only way to get an answer? | 07:36 |
holycow | no, i didn't catch your url, was thinkin you were busy :) | 07:36 |
mkquist | holycow - gimme a few | 07:36 |
PurpZeY | rogue: Bot controls ops, as needed. | 07:36 |
jmg | kenji2: just wait | 07:36 |
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PurpZeY | kenji2: I didn't see a question. | 07:37 |
holycow | oh yeah totally no rush at all. i need to setup a live proxy for this sorta thing in the future | 07:37 |
kenji2 | wait for what? I have 3 hours asking | 07:37 |
silent_ | anyone else high on caffeine? | 07:37 |
kenji2 | read the las 3 hours of chat | 07:37 |
bulmer | muriu: just type python and see if you get the >> prompt | 07:37 |
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meem | for x64 on a system with raid 0 do i need to use the regular or alternate install cd? | 07:37 |
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silent_ | how would grep be used to find strings in an output like 'ls' ? | 07:38 |
RAOF | meem: Alternate. | 07:38 |
kenji2 | FOR 9 TIME: how can I build a photo gallery vcd in ubuntu? | 07:38 |
meem | ok thanks | 07:38 |
=== Jacek_Kendysz [i=Jacek_Ke@ckk191.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RAOF | silent_: ls | grep "string to search for" | 07:38 |
PurpZeY | silent: ls | grep term | 07:38 |
silent_ | thanks | 07:38 |
silent_ | never knew that | 07:38 |
mkquist | holycow - think ive got one that works now, ill send url as soon as it ready | 07:38 |
holycow | to whoever asked about python its python -i | 07:38 |
kenji2 | is there a k3b or gnome backer way to do it? | 07:38 |
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holycow | mkquist, terribly nice of you :) | 07:38 |
PurpZeY | !vcd | 07:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vcd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:38 |
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kenji2 | can you see why the bad words are needed? | 07:38 |
PurpZeY | No | 07:39 |
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muriu | bulmer: thanks | 07:39 |
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bulmer | you're welcome | 07:39 |
mkquist | holycow - http://upload2.net/page/download/PcKsQ4qWJgTQT8a/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz.html - enjoy | 07:39 |
Madpilot | PurpZeY, actually, the bot doesn't control the ops. The ops just lurk. | 07:40 |
=== GoodniteJane_ [n=progress@c-24-3-228-196.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mkquist | holycow - if it doesnt work just shout out | 07:40 |
PurpZeY | Madpilot: No, I know, I just thought that the ops didn't get ops status until they ran a command on the bot | 07:40 |
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holymoo | mkquist, danke, i had to ident onthis nice | 07:40 |
holymoo | nick | 07:40 |
mkquist | holycow - k, ur welcome | 07:41 |
Madpilot | PurpZeY, nope, the bot isn't connected to op'ing | 07:41 |
PurpZeY | kenji2: I imagine there are a number of applications for creating VCDs, don't know of any particularly for galleries...but if you got stuck you could use wine. | 07:41 |
Cosmo__ | I am getting ready to build myself a new computer, it has been awhile since I bought a new processor. On AMDs is the fx-64 or the athlon 64 x2's better? | 07:41 |
holymoo | mkquist, totally workin i wish i could grant thee three wishes | 07:41 |
holymoo | hehe :) | 07:41 |
PurpZeY | Madpilot: Interesting....Not the first time I was wrong about something...certainly won't be the last....; ) | 07:41 |
holymoo | danke danke | 07:41 |
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kenji2 | I don't like wine PurpZey | 07:41 |
mkquist | holycow - just all here to help each other, no wishes required. enjoy | 07:41 |
mkquist | laterz | 07:41 |
PurpZeY | Have you tried zinfindel? | 07:41 |
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Reuv | is there a wine equivalent for kde? | 07:42 |
kenji2 | no PurpZey | 07:42 |
kenji2 | let me see about it | 07:42 |
PurpZeY | It was a joke | 07:42 |
RAOF | Cosmo__: Depends on what you want to do, but the FXs are generally hugely overpriced. Also, I'd suggest an Intel Core 2 Duo at the moment, since they (1) run cooler (2) are faster, and (3) are cheaper | 07:42 |
PurpZeY | Don't go googling that. . . | 07:42 |
silent_ | !offtopic | me | 07:42 |
ubotu | me: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:42 |
=== rothfuss [n=rothfuss@c-67-188-235-151.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kenji2 | xD | 07:42 |
RAOF | Reuv: Yes, it's *wine*. Wine works on kde, gnome, xfce, whatever. | 07:42 |
holymoo | ha :) lurvly channel. /me noogies the whole channel | 07:42 |
kenji2 | I did it xD | 07:42 |
holymoo | thats an 1117 collective noogie | 07:43 |
kenji2 | well so guys you simple don't know right? :P | 07:43 |
=== rossco [n=ross@C-61-68-102-166.hay.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Reuv | hmm, apt-get won't install it | 07:43 |
Cosmo__ | I was also considering a core 2 duo, just wasn't sure what AMD's top of the line was | 07:43 |
holymoo | i think i just set a world record | 07:43 |
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RAOF | Reuv: Well, do you have the Universe (or an appropriate 3rd party) repository enabled? | 07:43 |
Reuv | how do I do that? | 07:43 |
RAOF | !universe | Reuv | 07:43 |
ubotu | Reuv: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 07:43 |
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Reuv | thanks | 07:44 |
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meem | will ubuntu support dx10? | 07:44 |
RAOF | meem: No. | 07:44 |
kevin | lol | 07:44 |
moi_ | hi there | 07:44 |
RAOF | meem: At least, not until wine supports dx10, which should be sometime in 2010 | 07:44 |
vecnah | hi , do I have to recompile nvidia driver with new kernel? | 07:44 |
=== adrigen [n=adrigen@218-215-26-118.people.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meem | oh | 07:45 |
Madpilot | meem, DirectX is a Windows-only thing | 07:45 |
meem | hmm | 07:45 |
kevin | wine needs to support managed direct x | 07:45 |
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squarenutt | question 2: if i want to set up a server to play with can i get all the same functionality out of the desktop version as i will the command line only server iso? | 07:45 |
RAOF | vecnah: You re-run the nvidia.com installer. However, I'd *really* suggest that you don't. | 07:45 |
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RAOF | squarenutt: Yup, exactly the same functionality server/desktop. It's just the default installed packages that differ, nothing else. | 07:46 |
vecnah | thank you RAOF | 07:46 |
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PurpZeY | RAOF: You really suggest he not recompile the kernel? | 07:46 |
squarenutt | thanks. im not quite ready for the commandline only world! | 07:46 |
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RAOF | PurpZeY: Totally. You practically never need to recompile the kernel. | 07:47 |
kenji2 | this is not the first time that you don't know nothing :P | 07:47 |
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squarenutt | scary noob word: compile kernel | 07:47 |
=== particleman [n=particle@68-190-227-90.dhcp.azus.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PurpZeY | kenji2: Your question hasn't been entirely clear. You are look for a apt that will create a Photo VCD? | 07:47 |
particleman | would this be an appropriate place to ask why kxmame/xmame is barfing on me? | 07:47 |
RAOF | kevin: Hm, mono might actually support managed directx. | 07:47 |
carutsu | hello, if i change /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies can i enable lower scaling points? i mean this is runing at 1GHz always and i'm sure it could run slower | 07:47 |
Varnel | speaking of, anyone around patient enough to help a linux noob? i'm going to have some *really dumb* questions so i'd like to do it in pm | 07:47 |
particleman | Varnel | 07:48 |
kenji2 | I wanna way to burn a vcd photo gallery cd | 07:48 |
kevin | RAOF not yet i dont think | 07:48 |
moi_ | anyone had a problem with sound playing too quiet ? | 07:48 |
particleman | as one who's recently been such a n00b, I can help | 07:48 |
boghog | I can help too | 07:48 |
PurpZeY | Varnel, the whole channel will help, I am recent noob as well | 07:48 |
boghog | I was a noob about.. 2 years ago | 07:48 |
particleman | I've gone from noob to... | 07:48 |
boghog | so I can still remember what being a noob was like! | 07:48 |
particleman | noob with attitude :) | 07:48 |
kevin | RAOF i tried installind WorldWind on wine with mono, wouldnt work | 07:48 |
squarenutt | <~~ noob but hasnt had windows in about 2 years | 07:48 |
=== HoocH_LAP [n=rogerhei@242.81-167-47.customer.lyse.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kenji2 | it could be a k3b pluggin, a gnome backer option or a comand line program, I just wanna burn a photo gallery vcd to slide show photos | 07:48 |
holymoo | Varnel at your service sir! | 07:48 |
neil_feisty | how do i find out what version of ubuntu im using | 07:49 |
RAOF | carutsu: I'm pretty sure that it doesn't go below 1GHz. | 07:49 |
Varnel | yeah i'm just thinking that trying to follow a thought line in the channel would be a pita | 07:49 |
kevin | there is worldwind java sdk though | 07:49 |
PurpZeY | neil_feisty: Are you running fiesty? | 07:49 |
=== RoC_MM [n=linux@c-24-129-94-172.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boghog | I went from using Windows for everything too using FreeBSD and then Linux, a new world went open for me and I still haven't seen most of it I think | 07:49 |
=== M- [n=mattm@ppp239-95.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PurpZeY | Varnel: Usually it is, but the channel is really really quiet. | 07:49 |
particleman | however....for my question...I've got KXmame installed and loadable via synaptic | 07:49 |
carutsu | RAOF: I had a laptop which was in 700Mhz if needed, are you sure? | 07:49 |
particleman | but no rom wants to run properly | 07:49 |
kevin | worldwind jave runs on ubuntu | 07:49 |
=== xjdriver69 [n=aaron@m065e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
squarenutt | bog i know the feeling | 07:49 |
=== zeljko [n=zeljko@220-245-130-189.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Varnel | 40x busier then the irc channels i frequent | 07:49 |
squarenutt | love this stuff | 07:49 |
particleman | despite lots of downloading and (I think) telling it the correct directory to look for the rom files | 07:50 |
RAOF | carutsu: Does it have the same CPU? The supported freqs depend on the CPU model | 07:50 |
carutsu | squarenutt, boghog yep me too | 07:50 |
particleman | and I'm not even entirely sure what config settings to check | 07:50 |
squarenutt | my biggest problem has been getting it loaded on old donated machines at the local church | 07:50 |
homanj | Varnel: you could always start a private message with someone if there is too much traffic here. | 07:50 |
=== SeveredCross [n=bojan@c-24-60-139-195.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
homanj | Varnel: but, highlighting ppl's names helps out | 07:50 |
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carutsu | RAOF: no, this is a dual core (centrino duo) and the other were a celeron, mmm, weird, couse in windows this is cooler | 07:50 |
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EADG_ | particleman: Any error messages? | 07:51 |
boghog | my latest discovery is ubuntu, and realising how nice it is after using gentoo for so long, no more endless compiling | 07:51 |
jburd | The beagle daemon does not start in my Gnome session. How does one fix this? | 07:51 |
=== thehuman [n=gabe@adsl-75-34-45-216.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neil_feisty | how do i find out what version of ubuntu im using | 07:51 |
squarenutt | honestly ubuntu was the first one that loaded and my wireless worked | 07:51 |
particleman | unfortunately no | 07:51 |
PurpZeY | jburd: On startup? | 07:51 |
squarenutt | so i have stuck with it | 07:51 |
PurpZeY | neil_feisty: Are you running fiesty? | 07:51 |
jburd | PurpZeY, both startup and manual. | 07:51 |
particleman | one game in particular just dumps my session back to the login screen | 07:52 |
homanj | squarenutt: when did you first try ubuntu? | 07:52 |
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holymoo | zeljko, ha! interesting name. i recognize that as a croatian friend i sued to have | 07:52 |
RAOF | carutsu: Hm. My C2D goes down to 900MHz. Maybe check the CPU specs from Intel? If it *is* not going down as far as it could, that's a bug that should be filed. | 07:52 |
PurpZeY | jburd: For start up System --> Apps --> Session add the command line | 07:52 |
EADG_ | particleman: None of the roms run? | 07:52 |
squarenutt | breazy | 07:52 |
particleman | the others won't display anything close to properly | 07:52 |
neil_feisty | i tried to update my ubuntu , i want to know the version | 07:52 |
holymoo | changed his name to mike tho :) | 07:52 |
particleman | EADG-they load, but then they don't run | 07:52 |
=== dawn_chorus [n=billy@c-68-59-122-166.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PurpZeY | jburd: Then to run it, I am guessing, beagle | 07:52 |
jburd | PurpZeY, beagled --replace | 07:52 |
particleman | one manages to start, but with bad video | 07:52 |
carutsu | RAOF: ok, ill check the specs, and report it if is needed | 07:52 |
bullgard4 | Synaptic describes the package 'linux-generic' as 'Complete Generic Linux kernel. This package will always depend on the latest complete generic Linux kernel available." Why does it write 'depend on' and not 'contains'? | 07:52 |
jburd | PurpZeY, it's already in there. It's just that it doesn't start. | 07:53 |
homanj | squarenutt: hmm, i had a hell of a time getting edgy to work with my wireless card. you must have gotten lucky. | 07:53 |
squarenutt | homanj: breasy | 07:53 |
PurpZeY | jburd: Oh, then I cannot help...as I do not know. | 07:53 |
crdlb | bullgard4, because that's correct | 07:53 |
jburd | Hmm. | 07:53 |
squarenutt | homanj: yeah i tried lots and this one worked | 07:53 |
crdlb | it doesn't contain anything in the actual package | 07:53 |
homanj | jburd: what was your original question? i missed it | 07:53 |
moi_ | neil_feisty : type "uname -a" in console | 07:53 |
crdlb | it exists purely to depend on other packages (to pull them in) | 07:53 |
RAOF | bullgard4: Because the actual kernel is in the "linux-image-2.6.whatever package". You *want* linux-generic, because that *also* pulls in the -retricted-modules package | 07:53 |
squarenutt | homanj: not so lucky as a just a crap shoot | 07:53 |
=== b1b [n=b1b@wsip-70-164-70-19.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jburd | homanj, the beagled daemon does not start. | 07:53 |
homanj | squarenutt: i see. in feisty, it was very easy. just need the fwcutter packge | 07:53 |
silent_ | jesus christ this movie is depressing | 07:54 |
jburd | Neither at startup nor when started manually. | 07:54 |
homanj | jburd: weird. | 07:54 |
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bullgard4 | crdlb: I do not have doubt that the text is incorrect and I did not tell so. Please explain why dont they use the word 'contain'? | 07:54 |
EADG_ | particleman: gimme a sec to look something up. | 07:54 |
jburd | I've got a log of exceptions. I'll paste it somewhere. Hold on. | 07:54 |
=== hashier [n=hashier@wurbel.in-berlin.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Reuv | is there any way to login is root? | 07:54 |
squarenutt | homanj: im still running lts havent tried fiesty yet | 07:54 |
carutsu | RAOF: why can't the frequancy cant be scaled to any point? | 07:54 |
silent_ | anyone here know how to bind mouse buttons to custom X functions? | 07:54 |
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silent_ | Reuv, yes, but dont | 07:54 |
=== KennethP_ [n=kpo@x1-6-00-0f-b5-65-5a-c3.k324.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Reuv | well, i need to change admin settings | 07:54 |
particleman | sure | 07:54 |
silent_ | use sudo or 'sudo su' | 07:54 |
particleman | thanks for the help | 07:55 |
=== disinterested [n=green@207-225-93-11.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Reuv | and i don't want to keep doing it at the terminal | 07:55 |
PurpZeY | Reuv: Use sudo | 07:55 |
crdlb | bullgard4, <crdlb> it doesn't contain anything in the actual package <crdlb> it exists purely to depend on other packages (to pull them in) | 07:55 |
=== Tom_Kun_ [n=tom@ti132110a080-4091.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RoC_MM | !wifi | 07:55 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 07:55 |
RAOF | carutsu: Because the frequencies are specified by the CPU. The OS doesn't tell the CPU to go to 899MHz, it says "go to scaling mode 2" | 07:55 |
silent_ | sudo su will give you temp root access, make sure you close the terminal when you're done tho | 07:55 |
=== skeeter [n=banter@xdsl-187-250.nblnetworks.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
homanj | jburd: http://beagle-project.org/Getting_Started | 07:55 |
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homanj | jburd: have you looked at that? | 07:55 |
beford | gksu <whateverguiapp> | 07:55 |
squarenutt | homanj: i like the idea of long term support. it seems less and less of my old machines want to load on each new release | 07:55 |
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Tom_Kun_ | hey guys.. Looking for some honest advice regarding a computer I'm setting up here.. | 07:55 |
Reuv | can I open a file as root from the kde? | 07:55 |
PurpZeY | Tom_Kun_: Fire it up | 07:55 |
holymoo | Tom_Kun_, sure, shoot | 07:55 |
Reuv | without using konsole | 07:55 |
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beford | Reuv, kdesu <kdeapp> | 07:56 |
holymoo | Tom_Kun_, we are full of opinions about stuff we have no idea about | 07:56 |
holymoo | :) haha! | 07:56 |
skeeter | DCC SEND C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ | 07:56 |
PurpZeY | netsplit. | 07:56 |
kosu | ... | 07:56 |
hans | no skeeter did that | 07:56 |
Gnea | uh | 07:56 |
=== xeros [i=xeros@fan194.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skeeter | DCC CHAT C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ | 07:56 |
Gnea | no | 07:56 |
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veritgo | skeeter caused it | 07:56 |
mkquist | Arbitrary post - shout out to Mr. Shuttleworth - great job - =) (cheesy i know...) | 07:56 |
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Gnea | !ops kill skeeter | 07:56 |
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homanj | squarenutt: i see. havent had any trouble getting ubuntu working | 07:56 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@xdsl-187-250.nblnetworks.fi] by Madpilot | ||
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Tom_Kun_ | It's an amd k6 with 128 mb ram. It needs to be workable as a desktop computer. Wondering what type of setup with ubuntu might work with it? I've figured it would probably need to be running a light desktop enviroment, but I'm unsure where to go from there :) | 07:56 |
homanj | squarenutt: though the feisty server cd doesnt have the driver for one of my cd drivers. that was kinda weird. | 07:57 |
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silent_ | anyone here know how to bind mouse buttons to custom X functions? | 07:57 |
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=== Talaman72 [i=kris@66-215-57-61.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
squarenutt | homanj: most of my problems are during the load of the os. | 07:57 |
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PurpZeY | Tom_Kun_: Maybe and xfe type setup? | 07:57 |
kosu | hello, how do I make Ubuntu use file icons instead of thumbnails for certain filetypes? | 07:57 |
mkquist | Tom_Kun_ - most u prob would wont would be xbuntu | 07:57 |
hans | hm | 07:57 |
=== particleman [n=particle@68-190-227-90.dhcp.azus.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mkquist | WANT* | 07:57 |
PurpZeY | vertigo: How did that work? | 07:57 |
particleman | back | 07:57 |
=== particleman continues to be annoyed | ||
=== Sreo [n=joey@ip68-103-5-58.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mkquist | Tom_Kun_ - sorry xubuntu | 07:58 |
squarenutt | homanj: just locks up eternaly. wont get past the back and forth bar | 07:58 |
Reuv | beford: i get "cannot connect to x server" | 07:58 |
homanj | squarenutt: hmm, that is odd. | 07:58 |
=== jordilin [n=jordilin@cmarfw01.marlow.spinvox.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RoC_MM | kosu, Edit/Prefences/Preview | 07:58 |
Gnea | squarenutt: have you tried booting to single user mode? | 07:58 |
beford | Reuv, what app are you trying to start? | 07:58 |
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=== EADG_ is now known as EADG | ||
carutsu | RAOF: i cant find any documentation, HP has to have the worst specification sheet I have ever seen, not even a manual was shipped with this | 07:58 |
homanj | jburd: what happens when you run beagled at the terminal. | 07:59 |
Reuv | any text editing app | 07:59 |
Reuv | i tried kate | 07:59 |
squarenutt | homanj: this is 7.04 im having the most trouble with. | 07:59 |
Madpilot | particleman, BlackChaos, gatorworks, Amaranth rothfuss HKJGN Thatguy - please fix your IRC clients, they shouldn't bounce you out on an attack like that | 07:59 |
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squarenutt | homanj: it wont even load the live cd | 07:59 |
veritgo | would anyone be willing to explain to me how, say, ping works? I mean, lets say you ping, the system checks that ip against your netmask, says ok, it is on the same network, encapsulates ICMP in IP, eventually the nic puts those packets on the network with the mac address of the machine corresponding to the .12 address by consulting it's arp tables or doing a discovery, the target machine NIC listens and sends the IP | 07:59 |
Amaranth | Madpilot: uh, bad completion? | 07:59 |
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=== Spyed [n=toni@a88-115-155-199.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
beford | Reuv, you dont need to be root to use kdesu,just open the Run dialog, type kdesu kate, itll ask for your password | 07:59 |
veritgo | but, like, in more detail how does ping work? | 07:59 |
Tom_Kun_ | mkquist: I'm looking at it but it seems the recommended amount of ram is at least 128 mb | 07:59 |
homanj | squarenutt: i see. i have seen that with a buddy's laptop | 07:59 |
RAOF | carutsu: "cat /proc/cpuinfo" will tell you the model | 07:59 |
Amaranth | Madpilot: oh crap i broke again | 07:59 |
Tom_Kun_ | are you sure it would run at an average speed? | 07:59 |
Madpilot | Amaranth, don't think so, it looks like you got bounced by that D C C attack | 07:59 |
Gnea | Reuv: using su or sudo? | 07:59 |
=== carlesoriol [n=carlesor@252.Red-80-37-184.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Reuv | kdesu | 08:00 |
Varnel | madpilot: did you test everyone? | 08:00 |
particleman | also, as far as I know I was bounced because I tried mame again | 08:00 |
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particleman | and it crashed x | 08:00 |
particleman | again | 08:00 |
mkquist | Tom_Kun_ - well u could go to something like dsl, but its kinda spartan | 08:00 |
Reuv | beford: ok, that worked | 08:00 |
Amaranth | Madpilot: it's because i got switched from irc.freenode.net/7001 to anthony.freenode.net/6667 when i dropped for wireless brokenness earlier | 08:00 |
Reuv | weird it didn't work from konsole | 08:00 |
Madpilot | Varnel, I'm just pinging the people who go bounced by that D C C attack | 08:00 |
Gnea | Reuv: try opening a konsole, then typoing: sudo kate | 08:00 |
squarenutt | homanj: right now my biggest challenge is getting edubuntu on an old 450 mhz donation for the church | 08:00 |
carutsu | RAOF: omg it's detected as Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5600, and as far as i know its s T7200 O_O | 08:00 |
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Tom_Kun_ | mkquist: nah, as it's going to be used as a desktop, I would prefer to use something similar to my ordinary ubuntu system. Just asking since I'm mostly used to my ordinary gnome setup by now :) | 08:01 |
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RAOF | carutsu: Whoops! Kill HP :P | 08:01 |
Reuv | gnea: i got it working already | 08:01 |
=== RAOF would trust /proc/cpuinfo over whatever HP said :) | ||
Reuv | thanks | 08:01 |
homanj | squarenutt: interesting. no experience with edubuntu, though giving back to the church is always great. | 08:01 |
carutsu | RAOF: not even a chance of miss... | 08:01 |
=== rahbin [n=robin@c75-111-117-29.clovcmtc01.tx.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gnea | Reuv: oh ok cool | 08:01 |
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djzn | hi, how do I do a bit-by-bit binary content file comparison??? | 08:01 |
carutsu | RAOF: i was going to ask you that | 08:01 |
kosu | anyone here use xchat, why doesnt the DCC transfer show | 08:01 |
carutsu | RAOF: I CANT BELIVE IT | 08:01 |
=== Felarin [n=sean@adsl1500-113.dyn94.pacific.net.sg] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
squarenutt | homanj: the kids love tux and the bible programs are attractive to the churches | 08:02 |
mkquist | Tom_Kun_ - id try xubuntu, if its too slow, then try something lighter, but xubuntu is actually pretty good, very close to ubuntu i think | 08:02 |
johntheunique | i used automatix and it screwed up my ubuntu system. when i asked some people on here they told me automatix has known problems and that it should be avoided. however i see that in a top news story on google news they recommend using it. see for yourself here: http://www.product-reviews.net/2007/05/27/linux-news-7-post-install-tips-for-ubuntu-704/ | 08:02 |
RAOF | carutsu: For confirmation, you could try running "egrep '^flags.*(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo" | 08:02 |
PurpZeY | !automatix | 08:02 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 08:02 |
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homanj | squarenutt: ah, i see. that makes a lot of sense. | 08:02 |
Tom_Kun_ | mkquist: I'll give it a go :) | 08:02 |
squarenutt | homanj: i think it would be ideal even with the server and pxe boot machines but i just cant seem to make it work on older boxes | 08:02 |
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mkquist | Tom_Kun_ - ive run it on a 500 mg Celeron, and it works, ok, not real quick but works ok | 08:02 |
kosu | !WorksForMe | 08:03 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 08:03 |
homanj | squarenutt: perhaps try dapper | 08:03 |
=== Jay_Dogg [n=jukka@a88-115-115-30.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tom_Kun_ | mkquist: well, all depends on the software you run as well I guess | 08:03 |
muriu | hey guys. im new to ubuntu. Where on my computer do i store my python files to be able to execute them? | 08:03 |
djzn | the install codec/restricted drivers/etc facility is hidden in message boxes only, or is there a place you can access that feature directly? | 08:03 |
=== DarthShrine [n=angus@pdpc/supporter/student/DarthShrine] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carutsu | RAOF: ar didnt gave anything readable | 08:03 |
RAOF | muriu: Anywhere you want. | 08:03 |
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=== sharperguy [n=sharp@88-110-118-141.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gnea | mario: what python files? | 08:03 |
squarenutt | homanj: mostly i am. im begining to think its a bios problem | 08:03 |
mkquist | Tom_Kun_ - well i can stream music, surf and still do things, i mean its not like real fast but its kinda surprising to me at least how quick it does run | 08:04 |
RAOF | carutsu: Did it give you any output at all? | 08:04 |
carutsu | RAOF: yes | 08:04 |
PurpZeY | djzn: You should be able to install the restricted codecs via term | 08:04 |
homanj | squarenutt: hmm, well, fwiw, good luck. | 08:04 |
RoC_MM | muriu, anywhere...try "chmod +x file.py" to mark it as executable, then do "./file.py" to run it (from the same directory it's in). | 08:04 |
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squarenutt | homanj: i used a command and got it to boot the other day but cant rember what it was | 08:04 |
PurpZeY | !python | 08:04 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about python - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:04 |
=== zeljko_ [n=zeljko@220-245-130-189.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PurpZeY | !info python | 08:04 |
ubotu | python: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.5.1-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 137 kB, installed size 600 kB | 08:04 |
squarenutt | homanj: irqnull or somesuch | 08:04 |
muriu | Gnea: just .py files i had coded for in windows. Do i need a server or something? | 08:04 |
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djzn | yes, but which command line is that one to install restricted codecs??? | 08:04 |
homanj | squarenutt: ouch, hopefully it comes to you again. | 08:04 |
carutsu | RAOF: should i paste it (pastebin of course) are a couple of lines | 08:05 |
RoC_MM | muriu, not to just run them no. | 08:05 |
squarenutt | homanj: thanks. this is my first time in irc. seems like a great resource | 08:05 |
Tom_Kun_ | mkquist: well, a 500 mhz computer should be fine for 'day to day' stuff like that really. As long as your not 'pushing your luck' with very processor intensive stuff it should run most stuff one would require from a normal desktop enviroment | 08:05 |
johntheunique | is it possible to get a news item removed from google news? | 08:05 |
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PurpZeY | What is the name of the package for the restricted codecs? | 08:05 |
RAOF | carutsu: Well, that means that you do have the virtualisation stuff. But I'm not sure if the T5200 should have that. The T7200 certainly does. | 08:05 |
jmg | squarenutt: not as great as google ;) | 08:05 |
=== quio [n=kenv@adsl-074-166-196-116.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
homanj | squarenutt: for sure. many questions get answered here. there is always activity. | 08:05 |
carutsu | RAOF: mmm, weird | 08:05 |
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homanj | johntheunique: not sure if you can do that. | 08:05 |
jmg | the workflow should be: ubuntu-wiki -> google -> irc | 08:06 |
squarenutt | homanj: i ran out of luck with google and thought i would try this. | 08:06 |
kkathman | anyone have experience with rhythmbox?? | 08:06 |
beford | muriu, I think that ubuntu comes with python interpreter by default, so just store them in your home dir, and try to run them from console window like: python file.py | 08:06 |
carutsu | RAOF: its T5600 what's detected here | 08:06 |
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homanj | johntheunique: never seen a delete button in google reader. | 08:06 |
carutsu | RAOF: it gets weirder | 08:06 |
squarenutt | homanj: wish there was a college course on basic debian systems! | 08:06 |
johntheunique | homanj: apparently the article on google news is from this article: http://www.linuxworld.com.au/index.php/id;1140961447;fp;2;fpid;37 | 08:06 |
Madpilot | kkathman, I'm sure lots of people here use it - asking a more specific question is probably better... | 08:06 |
johntheunique | it's misinformation spread on this level which makes hell for you guys i'm sure | 08:06 |
homanj | squarenutt: heh, most of what i have to share with ppl is from google. | 08:06 |
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Tom_Kun_ | squarenutt: well, most basic stuff with debian can be figured out by checking various places on the net | 08:07 |
homanj | squarenutt: sometimes my college will offer a linux admin class. | 08:07 |
kkathman | Madpilot, pardon you're right.. Im trying to change the properties of a title already imported, but it doesnt seem to let me...is there a way to do this ? | 08:07 |
squarenutt | jmg: yep. google is the greatest thing to happen to us. just thought this would be usefull too . can get personal help. | 08:07 |
homanj | johntheunique: hmmm, ok. | 08:07 |
djzn | anyone knows a command line to do a file comparison? | 08:07 |
crdlb | djzn, diff ? | 08:07 |
RAOF | djzn: man diff. | 08:07 |
beford | djzn, diff | 08:07 |
carutsu | RAOF: nevermind, i double checked, it's ok, sorry, sorry :$ :$ | 08:07 |
Tom_Kun_ | squarenutt: there you have a project for the future. a site with all the basic debian stuff for everyone thinking what your thinking :) | 08:07 |
djzn | diff (file1) (file2) does it do binary comparison? | 08:08 |
RAOF | carutsu: What? Oh, it's *meant* to be a T5600? | 08:08 |
Madpilot | kkathman, the id3 tag properties, or something rhythymbox-specific? | 08:08 |
=== Redneck|Laptop [n=clay@74-137-58-235.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
squarenutt | tom_kun_: how do i reply to each of you without typing te name each time? | 08:08 |
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Gnea | muriu: do whatever you want with them. one solution is to mkdir ~/bin and copy them there | 08:08 |
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l2s | anyone here use dynamic dns with ubuntu? | 08:08 |
=== CoolThreads [n=CoolThre@203-97-99-29.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
homanj | squarenutt: tab completion. start typing the name and hit tab | 08:08 |
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rahbin | hello, i have installed xubuntu 7.04 as an alternative boot option to windows xp on my desktop. I can successfully access and load xubuntu from GRUB, however, when I attempt to access my Windows boot, it outputs "Starting up..." and a blinking cursor. | 08:08 |
RAOF | djzn: I think it doesn't by default, but "man diff" will tell you how to make it. | 08:08 |
Madpilot | squarenutt, use the Tab key - type the first three or four letters of someone's name, then hit TAB | 08:08 |
homanj | squarenutt: i hit 's' and then tab. i get your whole name | 08:08 |
carutsu | RAOF: yes u_u, a mistake from my father, bought the other one | 08:08 |
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rahbin | would someone please offer some advice as to what i may be doing wrong? | 08:08 |
Tom_Kun_ | squarenutt: depends on your chat client. tab completion exists on most clients. type the start of the nickname and then press tab for it to automagically complete the nick for you | 08:08 |
Gnea | rahbin: can you pastebin your menu.lst? | 08:09 |
Gnea | !pastebin | 08:09 |
kkathman | Madpilot, hmm I dunno, I know that in amarok you can just click on a track and change its properties (i.e. track number, title, etc) you can view those properties but doesnt seem to be a way to change them | 08:09 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:09 |
l2s | anyone here use dynamic dns with ubuntu? | 08:09 |
PurpZeY | !anyone | 08:09 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 08:09 |
johntheunique | has anyone noticed traffic increase in hear since dell started offering ubuntu boxes? | 08:09 |
l2s | nope | 08:09 |
squarenutt | Tom_Kun_, thanks | 08:09 |
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jimm1 | anyone get a alinone scan to work propperly | 08:09 |
Tom_Kun_ | squarenutt: no problems :) | 08:09 |
Madpilot | kkathman, those would be id3 tag properties, then. RB isn't an id3 tag editor - use EasyTag or similar for that | 08:09 |
l2s | i think it was ubuntu studio that did it | 08:09 |
kkathman | Madpilot, And these titles all show up in Amarok correctly, but apparently rhythmbox does something differently | 08:09 |
dawn_chorus | this room's always been like this. | 08:09 |
Varnel | johntheunique: i'm one of those in a very loose sort of way | 08:09 |
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rahbin | Gnea: i'll get it. be back in a bit. | 08:10 |
PurpZeY | rahbin: Did you install windows first or ubuntu first? | 08:10 |
carutsu | RAOF: sorry for the waste of time, although i think i'd like to have cooler CPU, cant wait yo gutsy, tickless kernel | 08:10 |
=== Redneck|Laptop is a new ubuntu user | ||
Madpilot | kkathman, if you change that stuff in amarok, does it change in RB too? | 08:10 |
Myrtti | channel, not room. | 08:10 |
homanj | Redneck|Laptop: welcome. | 08:10 |
Redneck|Laptop | thanks | 08:10 |
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=== Hellevator [n=rko618@cpe-75-83-161-227.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rahbin | purpzey: windows first, updated and got everything ready on it, and then i installed xubuntu. | 08:10 |
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kkathman | Madpilot, hmm, as I said, they all seem to be correct in Amarok | 08:10 |
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=== timmyw29 started xubuntu 7.04 yesterday as his first linux OS. | ||
johntheunique | Varnel: one of what? | 08:10 |
squarenutt | Tom_Kun_, homanj: well night yall and thanks. battery is dead and i aint got the charger. gnight | 08:10 |
carutsu | Redneck|Laptop: this will be an amazing journal, i promise that | 08:10 |
=== orville [n=orville@cpe-72-229-147-176.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Redneck|Laptop | trying to get my wireless working right | 08:10 |
PurpZeY | rahbin: And the XP was working? | 08:10 |
homanj | squarenutt: night. hope to see you in irc again. | 08:11 |
PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop: What card? | 08:11 |
Gnea | !wireless | Redneck|Laptop | 08:11 |
ubotu | Redneck|Laptop: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:11 |
Redneck|Laptop | my uncle was gonna help me out and make sure it got working right | 08:11 |
Tom_Kun_ | squarenutt: see you around :) | 08:11 |
timmyw29 | the help.ubuntu place is crazy | 08:11 |
timmyw29 | it has everything | 08:11 |
RAOF | carutsu: You still probably want to check the spec page Intel has. | 08:11 |
RAOF | carutsu: 1GHz sounds a bit high for a minimum. | 08:11 |
Redneck|Laptop | it is a built in broadcom | 08:11 |
Varnel | johntheunique: one of those who started with ubuntu at the time that news hit (it was for dif reasons, but it didn't hurt) | 08:11 |
carutsu | RAOF: i agree | 08:11 |
dawn_chorus | rahbin, just curious. did you resize the Windows partition when you installed Xubuntu? | 08:11 |
PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop: I was just reading about this issue for a friend, which one? | 08:11 |
l2s | you guys use dyndns.org? | 08:12 |
rahbin | purpzey: yes, XP was operational. after my install of xubuntu, xubuntu was accessible from GRUB (functional.. can load, surf, etc) but i could not enter windows. | 08:12 |
johntheunique | Varnel: i see, cool | 08:12 |
Redneck|Laptop | hold on let me check for ya | 08:12 |
PurpZeY | rahbin: There's not much I know else about that. | 08:12 |
homanj | l2s: just set it up today | 08:12 |
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johntheunique | Varnel: so do you own a linux laptop/desktop? | 08:12 |
jimm1 | pixma mp450 al in one?? | 08:12 |
johntheunique | Varnel: from dell i mean? | 08:12 |
l2s | homanj did you do an apt-get to install? | 08:12 |
rahbin | dawn_chorus: yes, from 120 GB to 24 GB. I performed a defragment from windows prior to install. | 08:12 |
l2s | or configure wiht your router? | 08:12 |
timmyw29 | l2s, someone in my household does, but i dont personally know anything about it, and we don't use it with ubuntu. it's running on winxp for us. | 08:12 |
l2s | k timmy | 08:13 |
homanj | l2s: nope. configured with my router. it was a very simple proces | 08:13 |
Varnel | johntheunique: using fiesty on my inspiron 6000 (came factory with xp mce 05) | 08:13 |
homanj | process* | 08:13 |
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rahbin | PurpZeY: i read something about that in he users.bigpond.net guide im using | 08:13 |
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johntheunique | Varnel: i see | 08:13 |
faileas | rahbin: if you got a windows CD, try running chkdsk from recovery console. sometimes NTFS dosen't like being resized. | 08:13 |
Gnea | l2s: tried apt-cache search dyndns? ? | 08:13 |
Redneck|Laptop | bcm4318 is the built in | 08:13 |
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timmyw29 | apt-get is messy for me, because i connect via proxy. so i basically limit myself to using synaptic :P | 08:13 |
PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop: I kid you not I was helping a friend with that earlier, let me get you the page. | 08:13 |
johntheunique | Varnel: i'm a convert from gentoo. when my laptop went down in flames i didn't want to spend a week reinstalling linux | 08:13 |
jimm1 | i stand alone with ubuntu | 08:13 |
Redneck|Laptop | alright thanks | 08:14 |
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Redneck|Laptop | PurpZeY: I take it that he also has an acer aspire 5000? | 08:14 |
dawn_chorus | rahbin, it's a common problem when people resize Windows. perhaps not, but more than likely what you have to do is re-install Windows. this will wipe off GRUB from your MBR. once you've reinstalled XP, all that'll be left is reinstalling GRUB to your MBR. | 08:14 |
=== zeljko [n=zeljko@220-245-130-189.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rahbin | faileas: thanks, i'll remember to try that after getting this menu.lst pastebinned :) | 08:14 |
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@c-76-102-74-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Logikos | how can i tell what packages i have instaled ? | 08:14 |
beford | synaptic | 08:14 |
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kosu | Synaptic > View Installed Packages | 08:14 |
timmyw29 | synaptic, click status, then installed | 08:14 |
Redneck|Laptop | I am a complete linux retard, but I am trying to learn as much as I can | 08:15 |
Gnea | Logikos: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | 08:15 |
Reuv | how do I get kubuntu to display the current network activity (i.e. wired and wireless) on the lower right corner | 08:15 |
Redneck|Laptop | I am trying to teach myself all of it | 08:15 |
Varnel | johntheunique: i tested vista ultimate on my opteron 165... it ran soooo horribly that i removed it within 4 hours. couple days later i saw a cool aero vs beryl video on youtube, and knew i had to finally try linux | 08:15 |
Redneck|Laptop | I have a FC4 box, and did this ubuntu install by myself tonight :) | 08:15 |
jimm1 | what if it says its installed but won't come up?? | 08:15 |
=== lou247 [n=Lou247@c-67-166-80-113.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlackChaos | how do i install this theme http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ToxicBoy?content=59039 | 08:15 |
dawn_chorus | Redneck|Laptop, just start with shell basics. the "courses" section at linux.org is goodl. | 08:15 |
Logikos | beford, timmyw29, Gnea, thanks | 08:15 |
rahbin | dawn_chorus: and after 4 hours of windows updates, virus protection software installation and everything haha. thats bites heh. | 08:15 |
faileas | Varnel: funny, i'm running vista on a totally shitty box. it runs ok. | 08:15 |
timmyw29 | ^^ | 08:15 |
faileas | hmm | 08:15 |
rahbin | guess thats plan Z. | 08:15 |
Redneck|Laptop | yeah, I have been doing those "courses" | 08:15 |
dawn_chorus | rahbin, i know. i've had to do the same thing before. | 08:16 |
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Varnel | falieas: how much mem? | 08:16 |
johntheunique | Varnel: linux isn't all the way there yet, but it's close enough that i've installed ubuntu on the computers of two friends | 08:16 |
muriu | hey guys. what package do i need to install to play my mp3 files? | 08:16 |
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faileas | Varnel: 1 gig | 08:16 |
timmyw29 | i heard nothin but bad news about vista | 08:16 |
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=== BigToe7000 [n=tehbigto@cpc1-hatf3-0-0-cust104.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Redneck|Laptop | I would really like a very neat theme, but I am very unsure of where to start getting them | 08:16 |
timmyw29 | which is partly why i went to linux as my dual boot | 08:16 |
homanj | johntheunique: what is linux missing from being all the way there? | 08:16 |
timmyw29 | and i'm tired of all this "license me" crap | 08:16 |
homanj | Redneck|Laptop: you can change themes in the System menu. | 08:16 |
Varnel | faileas: yeah only 512m of mushkin level 2 black pc3200 in my opty... it was bouncing between 9 and 12meg free with only sysmon and solitare running | 08:16 |
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dawn_chorus | Redneck|Laptop, install gnome-art. | 08:16 |
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DarthShrine | Does anybody have problems with evolution "crashing"? (Pops up the crash dialog, but some (not all) things still work) | 08:17 |
homanj | Redneck|Laptop: here: http://www.gnome-look.org/ | 08:17 |
holymoo | Redneck|Laptop, for gnome its art.gnome.org for kde its kde-look.org | 08:17 |
johntheunique | homanj: i'm not taking the bait | 08:17 |
BlackChaos | redneck http://www.gnome-look.org/ | 08:17 |
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faileas | 1,83 ghz celerion M. oddly that system has problems with everything else. i *suspect* ACPI dosen't work, and the wifi card has got like... a 3 foot range on ubuntu. i'm baffled since there's no real reason for things not to work | 08:17 |
kosu | BlackChaos: Go to System > Administration > Login Window > Local --Drag the zipped file in their | 08:17 |
zhuky | sd | 08:17 |
Redneck|Laptop | thanks | 08:17 |
rahbin | Gnea: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22828 <-- current menu.lst | 08:17 |
BlackChaos | k thx alot kosu | 08:17 |
homanj | johntheunique: no bait here. i just want to know what you are missing. me personally, only gaming. | 08:17 |
faileas | Its not ubuntu's fault, for the record, something is just seriously messed with that syste,m | 08:18 |
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zhuky | zzhu | 08:18 |
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PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop: Just a sec...I am trying to find the specific thread...it was exactly for this problem | 08:18 |
johntheunique | homanj: it's still a bit rough around the edges | 08:18 |
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sivaji | how configure kopete to send sms | 08:18 |
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david_ | hello all | 08:18 |
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Redneck|Laptop | PurpZeY: thanks | 08:18 |
zhuky | hi eveyboy | 08:18 |
homanj | johntheunique: though, i think with every ubuntu release it gets better. | 08:18 |
johntheunique | homanj: there are strange glitches | 08:19 |
Varnel | oh i suppose this is the perfect place to ask,... anyone had any luck running ubuntu on a uli based athlon system? | 08:19 |
Redneck|Laptop | if you can drop a pm that would be great, I have yet to configure this xchat the way I want it | 08:19 |
david_ | umm i need some help configuring the screen resolution on my computer i know its more capable than 1024x768 but it doesn't go any higher | 08:19 |
dawn_chorus | rahbin, what's in your second partition? | 08:19 |
johntheunique | homanj: you're right about that. i expect that | 08:19 |
zhuky | why i can't convert to chinese | 08:19 |
homanj | johntheunique: i think dual monitors shoudl work out of the box in gibbon. | 08:19 |
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johntheunique | homanj: i expect the next version of ubuntu to be pretty much on par if not better than vista | 08:19 |
Tarkus | hey, anyone know if there is an application similar to "Media Center", but better, and for linux? | 08:19 |
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homanj | johntheunique: even when i was on windows, i was primarily using the software i use now. so my usage isnt much difference. | 08:20 |
dawn_chorus | what's "media center"? | 08:20 |
Redneck|Laptop | yeah, I really need a sexy looking login and theme :) | 08:20 |
carutsu | RAOF: I found the specification sheet, but i cant find the scaling frequencys, may I send you the link? | 08:20 |
rahbin | dawn_chorus: i tried to structure it as follows (ntfs 25GB for windows, 82GB /home, 13GB /, and 1GB swap) | 08:20 |
PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197102 | 08:20 |
homanj | johntheunique: though, i did recently switch to irssi. | 08:20 |
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Redneck|Laptop | thanks PurpZeY | 08:20 |
PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop: I'd try to go with ndiswrapper if you can swing it....it's probably going to work better, but just my opinion | 08:20 |
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dawn_chorus | rahbin, and / is your third partition, while /home is your second? | 08:20 |
bullgard4 | RAOF, crdlb: Thank you very much for your explanation of the role of the linux generic package. Happy Whitsun! | 08:20 |
johntheunique | homanj: hehe, i only use that when i'm stuck with the console | 08:21 |
rahbin | dawn_chorus: yes | 08:21 |
=== Cain [n=Cain@S0106000ae61f1cab.rd.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rahbin | dawn_chorus: i was imitating a graphical representation of a partition plan i saw on psychocats.net | 08:21 |
jimm1 | anyone here? | 08:21 |
david_ | can someone plz help me | 08:21 |
homanj | johntheunique: i kinda like it. ssh + screen + irssi will allow to keep one identity | 08:21 |
dawn_chorus | rahbin, you did well. how much free space did you leave XP when you shrank it? | 08:21 |
johntheunique | david_: ask away | 08:21 |
johntheunique | homanj: that's a decent combo | 08:22 |
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homanj | johntheunique: well, along with dyndns | 08:22 |
rahbin | dawn_chorus: i shrank it from taking up the whole drive (120GB) to about 24GB | 08:22 |
david_ | how do i change my resolution so its higher than 1024x768 because thats as high as it goes and i know the monitor/graphic card is capable of more | 08:22 |
RAOF | carutsu: Please do, I've been looking for it :) | 08:22 |
homanj | johntheunique: plus, i got libnotify working, so that is a plus. | 08:22 |
carutsu | RAOF: http://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sspec=sl9sp | 08:22 |
dawn_chorus | rahbin, yes. but how much of the 24GB partition did XP have free? | 08:22 |
Tarkus | hey, anyone know if there is an application similar to "Media Center", but better, and for linux? | 08:23 |
johntheunique | homanj: you're sure doing some technical stuff. i haven't even messed with that stuff | 08:23 |
rahbin | dawn_chorus: as it was, XP consumed (along with data) 8.8GB | 08:23 |
dawn_chorus | Tarkus, what's Media Center? Describe it for us. | 08:23 |
carutsu | david_: are you runing an intel grphics card? if so, try 915 resolution | 08:23 |
johntheunique | homanj: and i've been using linux in various forms for several years now as my primay os | 08:23 |
homanj | johntheunique: just following some good tutorials. i can send some links if you want. | 08:23 |
david_ | nah its a nivida graphic card | 08:23 |
carutsu | !info 915resolution david_ | 08:23 |
ubotu | 915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-10ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 14 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64) | 08:23 |
Hellevator | Tarkus, there is nothing quite like Media Center for Linux. The closest thing I can think of MythTV and that's not for desktop use | 08:23 |
carutsu | !info 915resolution|david_ | 08:23 |
ubotu | david_: please see above | 08:23 |
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Varnel | dawn_chorus, its a central gui thing integrated into xp (and vista i believe) works as a menu for tv tuners, dvd playback, photos etc | 08:23 |
Hellevator | at least I don't think it is | 08:23 |
homanj | johntheunique: been about a year solid. just recently got rid of win completely. | 08:24 |
carutsu | Tarkus: eh? ubuntu media center? | 08:24 |
Tarkus | dawn_chorus, its a desktop application that runs in fullscreen and provides you with an easy-to-use GUI for navigating/playing all media on the system/s (video/music/photos/etc..) | 08:24 |
david_ | duno if it works on nvidia graphic card? | 08:24 |
sivaji | !kopete | 08:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kopete - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:24 |
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carutsu | !info kopete|sivaji | 08:24 |
ubotu | sivaji: kopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu9 (feisty), package size 7108 kB, installed size 19632 kB | 08:24 |
johntheunique | homanj: took me awhile to do the jump too | 08:24 |
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carutsu | david_: nop intel only | 08:24 |
david_ | bah :/ | 08:24 |
carutsu | Hellevator: I'm _sure_ i saw some media edition of ubuntu | 08:24 |
david_ | thanks anyways | 08:24 |
jimm1 | help with mp 450?? | 08:25 |
homanj | johntheunique: it is a big jump. only thing holding me back was games. but i got bored of the games. | 08:25 |
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david_ | i'll try to find one for the nivida graphic card | 08:25 |
sivaji | carutsu : u know how to configure kopete to send sms | 08:25 |
RAOF | carutsu: Looks like 1GHz is the actual minimum | 08:25 |
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dawn_chorus | rahbin, goodnesss. seems like that'd be enough free space, even with Windows' proclivity to putting critical files right at the end of the partition. But, shrinking it from an entire drive to about a quarter that just may have done it. This sort of thing has happened before. You need to search ubuntuforums.org for those who've experienced this same issue, and see what they did. | 08:25 |
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homanj | carutsu: ubuntu studio? | 08:25 |
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timmyw29 | hey peeps, any recommendations for media players (pref all mainstream music and video formats supported) | 08:25 |
johntheunique | homanj: i was pretty surprised when i learned that cedega supported WoW | 08:25 |
david_ | vlc | 08:25 |
david_ | get vlc | 08:25 |
carutsu | homanj: no, studio is for creative people, but there's soething for the media | 08:25 |
Hellevator | carutsu, probably but I don't think there is a program for linux that looks and acts like windows media center | 08:25 |
johntheunique | timmyw29: what's wrong with totem? | 08:25 |
timmyw29 | alrighty | 08:25 |
homanj | carutsu: ah, dont know then. | 08:25 |
carutsu | RAOF: mm, too bad | 08:26 |
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Varnel | damn, WoW support outside of linux?!? whats this world coming to | 08:26 |
compengi | how can i check that all my permissions in all folders are correct? | 08:26 |
Varnel | (good things it seems) | 08:26 |
carutsu | sivaji: no, sorry | 08:26 |
johntheunique | timmyw29: i use mplayer when totem fails me | 08:26 |
homanj | johntheunique: yeah, i had it running in wine but very slowly | 08:26 |
timmyw29 | johntheunique, running xubuntu, i havn't tried totem but i dont like gxine or xfmedia | 08:26 |
timmyw29 | i'm new to linux altogether | 08:26 |
jimm1 | haystack needle in a hay stack | 08:26 |
homanj | timmyw29: could try vlc | 08:26 |
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johntheunique | homanj: my friend is running it rather successfully on a few year old machine | 08:27 |
nrdb | I have been having trouble with gnome-suduko 0.4.0 twice I have solved a puzzle but it doesn't think I have finished :( I think the solution I found was diferent from what it thinks it should be, has anyone else found this ? | 08:27 |
rahbin | dawn_chorus: i'll give that a search and bookmark my findings for tomorrow night. :) sincerest thanks for the help | 08:27 |
timmyw29 | david_ suggested that a little earlier, i'll have a look at it | 08:27 |
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leagris | or wxvlc if the crude vlc look to crude :) | 08:27 |
dawn_chorus | rahbin, right on man. hope you find some answers. | 08:27 |
timmyw29 | are vlc and wxvlc both gui-based? | 08:27 |
homanj | johntheunique: nice. i got bored with WoW, so i dont really care anymore. | 08:27 |
carutsu | Hellevator: yes its a distrubution, Ubuntu Media Center | 08:27 |
homanj | johntheunique: though i am interested to try the native NWM client. | 08:27 |
carutsu | Hellevator: http://linux.cubegames.net/ | 08:27 |
carutsu | Hellevator: who was asking? | 08:28 |
david_ | hahah same here timmyw29 | 08:28 |
leagris | timmyw29, yes | 08:28 |
carutsu | RAOF: where did you find the minium? | 08:28 |
dawn_chorus | timmyw29, vlc is. not sure about wxvlc. | 08:28 |
jackal | So does anyone know how i can get Beryl to start up when I start up my OS? | 08:28 |
david_ | only just got vlc player to work while accessing network resources | 08:28 |
johntheunique | timmyw29: mplayer is a good cross window-manager video player | 08:28 |
Redneck|Laptop | alright lets see if this worked | 08:28 |
Tom_Kun_ | why use vlc when you have mplayer? :) | 08:28 |
dawn_chorus | jackal, in GNOME? | 08:28 |
RAOF | carutsu: It's listed as LFM, I think. | 08:28 |
jackal | yes | 08:28 |
timmyw29 | mplayer? | 08:28 |
carutsu | !beryl|jackal | 08:28 |
ubotu | jackal: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 08:28 |
timmyw29 | lol i wonder if wine can handle WMP11... | 08:28 |
dawn_chorus | jackal, System > Pref's > Sessions > Startup Programs. add 'beryl-manager' to the list. | 08:29 |
carutsu | RAOF: LFM?, ok | 08:29 |
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Skiff | guys whats the best app to ssh from win to ubuntu? | 08:29 |
Tom_Kun_ | timmyw29: Everything from playing DVDs, DivX/MPEG4 to all sorts of streaming media (including WMV, Quicktime, Real) is supported. | 08:29 |
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RAOF | carutsu: The HFM/LFM (highest/lowest frequency ?modulation?) | 08:29 |
beford | Skiff, putty | 08:29 |
Skiff | thanks | 08:29 |
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Skiff | beford, better than securecrt? | 08:29 |
johntheunique | Skiff: putty | 08:29 |
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homanj | johntheunique: what was the first distro you used? | 08:29 |
dawn_chorus | jackal, sometimes it helps to also add 'beryl' and 'emerald --replace' if you find that window decorations or something is consistently missing. | 08:30 |
Skiff | thanks | 08:30 |
Rictoo|SLP | libxml2-dev: Depends: libxml2 (= 2.6.27.dfsg-1ubuntu3) but 2.6.28.dfsg-1 is to be installed | 08:30 |
beford | Skiff, try winscp to copy files from windows yo linux using ssh | 08:30 |
Hellevator | carutsu, is that project in a usable state? | 08:30 |
Rictoo|SLP | How do I downgrade? | 08:30 |
carutsu | RAOF: Mode, Lowest/Highest Frequency Modes, I've found it | 08:30 |
timmyw29 | i like this channel | 08:30 |
Skiff | bedford thanks | 08:30 |
johntheunique | homanj: redhat, but slackware was my first install | 08:30 |
dawn_chorus | Rictoo|SLP, you mean, packages? | 08:30 |
Rictoo|SLP | yes | 08:30 |
Rictoo|SLP | I am getting libxml2-dev | 08:30 |
Rictoo|SLP | but I my libxml2 version is too high | 08:30 |
Rictoo|SLP | -I | 08:30 |
carutsu | Hellevator: yes, I even found a video on youtube, it even starts the tv when you insert a DVD, oh even has a control which senses motion | 08:30 |
homanj | johntheunique: nice. i think i tried red hat 7-8 years ago. but ubuntu was the only distro recently. | 08:31 |
carutsu | Hellevator: and dont-know-how-many other wonders | 08:31 |
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Hellevator | carutsu, how is it different from MythTV? | 08:31 |
kevin | hello anyone know the command to restart apache? | 08:31 |
johntheunique | homanj: i've installed a few versions of redhat recently and find it pretty easy to install | 08:31 |
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Rictoo|SLP | dawn_chorus: What can I do? | 08:31 |
johntheunique | homanj: for desktop setups, i still prefer ubuntu | 08:31 |
jackal | Dawn_chorus how do i add it i see the +add button but what path am i looking for? | 08:32 |
carutsu | Hellevator: I'm afraid i dont know | 08:32 |
dawn_chorus | Rictoo|SLP, i can't recall off the top of my head. but that's very possible. | 08:32 |
carutsu | Hellevator: I havent used neither of them | 08:32 |
homanj | johntheunique: not sure i will stray from ubuntu until something else really emerges. | 08:32 |
johntheunique | kevin: /etc/init.d/apache restart ? | 08:32 |
carutsu | RAOF: yes you are right 1000 is the minium, weird, relly weird | 08:32 |
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Flannel | johntheunique: apache2 if you have apache2 | 08:32 |
dawn_chorus | jackal, 'beryl-manager' should do it. | 08:32 |
Hellevator | carutsu, it looks like it might be built on top of Myth... anyways ill keep an eye on its development | 08:32 |
beford | Skiff, I have not really used securecrt, but putty is pretty much the standard ssh client for me, its open source too! | 08:32 |
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carutsu | Hellevator: be my guest | 08:32 |
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Skiff | beford, thank you | 08:33 |
johntheunique | homanj: as far as i can tell ubuntu is the best balance of ease of use and functionality of the distros out there | 08:33 |
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carutsu | Hellevator: do you want the video? | 08:33 |
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furenku | hello!! neither flash nor firefox are working... ive installed alsa-oss and still... i think my alsa configure might be wrong, but i do get output from jack! | 08:33 |
Hellevator | carutsu, sure | 08:33 |
furenku | im in ubuntu-studio | 08:33 |
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homanj | johntheunique: i am tempted to try suse. but ubuntu is working perfectly for my uses | 08:33 |
reevester | Hi guys....im planning to migrate to ubuntu...is it ok if i ask my queries here? | 08:33 |
muriu | guys, my ubuntu can't play mp3 music files, what do i do? | 08:34 |
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Flannel | furenku: it's #ubuntustudio, but with the hyphen should forward | 08:34 |
homanj | reevester: ask away. | 08:34 |
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johntheunique | furenku: are you using 64-bit ubuntu? | 08:34 |
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Hellevator | reevester, yes. just ask. | 08:34 |
furenku | no, ubuntu-studio | 08:34 |
reevester | ok first of all....can i connect Ubuntu to my network and access the files via a Windows PC on the same network? | 08:34 |
johntheunique | homanj: that is one i haven't tried yet | 08:34 |
PurpZeY | muriu: Did you install the codecs? | 08:34 |
carutsu | RAOF i cant wait to gutsy even less | 08:34 |
johntheunique | homanj: it's probably not half bad | 08:34 |
Hellevator | reevester, Yep | 08:34 |
Madsy | reevester: Yes, use samba | 08:34 |
johntheunique | homanj: but still, why wouldn't dell choose it? | 08:34 |
kevin | johntheunique, I still cannot connect to my server any ideas? | 08:34 |
homanj | johntheunique: tempted to try gentoo too. to see if can take all the compiling, :) | 08:34 |
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kevin | i have a dyndns domain name | 08:35 |
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beford | Skiff, at least its way smaller than securecrt, 7200k vs 400kb , btw there are a couple of forks that add some extra functionality | 08:35 |
homanj | johntheunique: they had no reason not too. probably had somehting to do with the survey. | 08:35 |
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_eric` | yo | 08:35 |
dawn_chorus | zup | 08:35 |
co_semarang | gf | 08:35 |
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RAOF | carutsu: I'm running Gutsy (but I strongly suggest not doing it) | 08:35 |
johntheunique | kevin: not really, are you connecting to localhost? | 08:35 |
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johntheunique | homanj: it's fun to play around with | 08:36 |
carutsu | RAOF: hehe, no, im not that kamikaze, but i say it for the tickless kernel | 08:36 |
reevester | ok wats samba? | 08:36 |
_eric` | hey guys, this may snd lame... but... how do i install from source.. i have a .tar.gz... so i tar -xvf it.... then what? :X | 08:36 |
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homanj | kevin: i just set up dyndns today. what troubles are you having. | 08:36 |
johntheunique | homanj: i have to say you do feel more in control with gentoo | 08:36 |
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homanj | johntheunique: compiling pidgin was fun. | 08:36 |
johntheunique | homanj: but the long installs just aren't worth the bother | 08:36 |
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dawn_chorus | johntheunique, sure they are. :) | 08:36 |
homanj | johntheunique: yeah, not sure i would want to do that all the time. | 08:36 |
reevester | also...in case i run into hardware driver issues....what do i do???? | 08:36 |
Redneck|Laptop | well I dont seem to have the option of using WPA security settings | 08:36 |
carutsu | Hellevator: I'm afraid i cant find it, il keep loking tho | 08:36 |
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kevin | johntheunique, homanj seems I cannot connect to http:localhost:420 420 is my configure port | 08:37 |
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PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop: Actually there is another tutorial, that uses the same technique, that addresses that | 08:37 |
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homanj | you might need to open that port in the router | 08:37 |
johntheunique | homanj: i compiled pidgin too, but then ended up going back to gaim | 08:37 |
furenku | johntheunique: no, ubuntu studio | 08:37 |
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homanj | johntheunique: why did you go back/ | 08:38 |
leagris | kevin, fuser -v -n tcp 420 will check if an apache process is listening at that port | 08:38 |
muriu | i have downloaded a java plugin called 'jre-6u1-linux-amd64.bin' so that i can chat online. how do i install it? | 08:38 |
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Tom_Kun_ | _eric`: if you untar'ed the file, then it should've unpacked a bunch of files, either in the directory you are located at, or in a subdirectory | 08:38 |
reevester | also...in case i run into hardware driver issues....what do i do???? | 08:38 |
compengi | johntheunique, why? | 08:38 |
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dawn_chorus | reevester, most are included in ubuntu. | 08:38 |
Tom_Kun_ | check for a README or INSTALL file there for further instructions. | 08:38 |
PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190177&highlight=bcm4318+ndiswrapper&page=5 Look about Halfway down the page...#44 | 08:38 |
homanj | compengi: you are in #pidgin alot right? | 08:38 |
reevester | k | 08:38 |
kevin | leagris, it returned nothing | 08:38 |
compengi | homanj, yep.. always | 08:39 |
johntheunique | homanj: i tried automatix. it screwed up my system so i had to do a reinstall of feisty | 08:39 |
_eric` | yea Tom_Kun_ , I'm not a complete noob.. :) just don't know the process... ./make ...and what not? | 08:39 |
Redneck|Laptop | woot I am back | 08:39 |
johntheunique | homanj: too lazy to do it again | 08:39 |
leagris | kevin, so no apache process listen | 08:39 |
Redneck|Laptop | I tried doing something else and that didnt really work out :( | 08:39 |
Tom_Kun_ | _eric`: it's ./configure | make | make install | 08:39 |
kevin | so apach isnt working? | 08:39 |
Redneck|Laptop | reading that post now PurpZeY | 08:39 |
homanj | compengi: cool. i just started chilling there. | 08:39 |
reevester | thirdly.....what apps do i use for the following: [1] BitTorrent [2] Audio/Video Player [3] MSN Chatting ? | 08:39 |
homanj | johntheunique: automatix sucks. | 08:39 |
Tom_Kun_ | _eric`: remember that you may need to do this using sudo | 08:39 |
PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop: Ok, I am going to run have a cigarette, but I'll try to help a bit more if I can when I get back....if you still need it. | 08:39 |
kevin | leagris, so apache isnt working? | 08:39 |
compengi | johntheunique, too lazy? lol you don't need to anything rather than type 3-4 commands :) | 08:40 |
homanj | PurpZeY: now i want a cig, :) | 08:40 |
Redneck|Laptop | I might | 08:40 |
_eric` | Tom_Kun_, right :) thanks man | 08:40 |
johntheunique | compengi: you're probably right | 08:40 |
Redneck|Laptop | if I have to compile anything I am SOL | 08:40 |
leagris | kevin, may be not, check the processes or /etc/init.d/apache status | 08:40 |
Tom_Kun_ | np | 08:40 |
homanj | compengi: can take awhile though | 08:40 |
johntheunique | compengi: but i didn't even want to bother looking up those commands again | 08:40 |
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compengi | homanj, in configuring and making yeah | 08:40 |
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johntheunique | compengi: i'll just wait for gusty | 08:40 |
homanj | compengi: especially on a slower machine. | 08:40 |
carutsu | Hellevator: I found it, is in a spanish site, howver the video is in english http://www.vivalinux.com.ar/distros/linuxmce-1.0-vs-windows-media-center-edition.html | 08:40 |
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reevester | :( | 08:41 |
homanj | johntheunique: pidgin wont make it into feisty? | 08:41 |
Hellevator | carutsu, haha thanks. ill watch it now | 08:41 |
johntheunique | homanj: no? what makes you think that? | 08:41 |
compengi | homanj, nope | 08:41 |
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Redneck|Laptop | I think I might just use wep instead | 08:41 |
compengi | homanj, in gutsy it would be available | 08:41 |
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homanj | compengi: so i compiled 2.0.0. there isn't an update feature to 2.0.1, right? i am gonna need to build again? | 08:42 |
homanj | johntheunique: just hoping, :) | 08:42 |
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kevin | leagris, i tried to start but it says its already running | 08:42 |
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Redneck|Laptop | nevermind fuck some wep | 08:42 |
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johntheunique | homanj: pidgin is gaim, just renamed | 08:42 |
RAOF | !ohmy | redbox | 08:42 |
leagris | kevin, then check the config | 08:42 |
compengi | homanj, yeah you need to recompile it again | 08:42 |
ubotu | redbox: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 08:42 |
RAOF | !ohmy Redneck|Laptop | 08:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ohmy redneck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:42 |
RAOF | !ohmy | Redneck|Laptop | 08:42 |
ubotu | Redneck|Laptop: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 08:42 |
=== RAOF sucks. | ||
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leagris | kevin, or bette look at the error log | 08:42 |
homanj | johntheunique: oh, i understand. just hoping the package would be updated. more bug fixes. | 08:42 |
crdlb | RAOF, lol | 08:42 |
Redneck|Laptop | oh, dear lord I am sorry | 08:42 |
homanj | compengi: k, thats what i figured. | 08:42 |
compengi | johntheunique, you just need to run "sudo apt-get build-dep gaim" then run "./configure && make && sudo make install" | 08:42 |
Redneck|Laptop | is that a joke? | 08:43 |
Redneck|Laptop | or am i really not allowed to say such naughty words? | 08:43 |
homanj | compengi: stringing together with && works? | 08:43 |
RAOF | Redneck|Laptop: Not a joke. | 08:43 |
_eric` | hey, anyone know the propper way to use hymn to make it do a complete dir? | 08:43 |
homanj | compengi: i might have to do that tonight then | 08:43 |
Flannel | Redneck|Laptop: This is a family channel. Please keep it as such | 08:43 |
compengi | homanj, sure | 08:43 |
carutsu | Hellevator: I'm afraid that the link i gave you previously is not releated i think with the video i just gave you | 08:43 |
=== dr_strangelove [n=lasse@p5498E0D2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soki | hello, everytime I start Ubuntu it says "Filesystem check failed, file saved in var/something, press Ctrl + D to continue" | 08:43 |
Redneck|Laptop | my apologies | 08:43 |
Hellevator | carutsu, yeah i figured that out | 08:43 |
johntheunique | compengi: i don't remember pidgin really having anything more that would make me anxious to update to it | 08:43 |
carutsu | Hellevator: sorry | 08:43 |
carutsu | Hellevator: but well there is something | 08:44 |
Hellevator | carutsu, but LinuxMCE looks cool and the guy is doing a good job of bashing Microsoft so im watching it anyways | 08:44 |
homanj | johntheunique: some new ui. | 08:44 |
carutsu | Hellevator: yeah is quite nice! | 08:44 |
Redneck|Laptop | well I just feel kind of :( now that I broke that rule | 08:44 |
Redneck|Laptop | not only do I come in asking for help, I violated rules :( | 08:44 |
=== Redneck|Laptop bangs head on desk | ||
Flannel | Redneck|Laptop: it happens, no big deal, just dont do it again | 08:44 |
carutsu | Redneck|Laptop: put it behind, just dont do it again | 08:44 |
johntheunique | homanj: yeah, that seems about it though | 08:44 |
Redneck|Laptop | can I still bang my head? | 08:44 |
compengi | johntheunique, well in the latest update 2.0.1 it worses | 08:44 |
johntheunique | homanj: and it wasn't life altering | 08:44 |
soki | anyone know how to fix it | 08:44 |
carutsu | Redneck|Laptop: be my guest | 08:44 |
=== bknitram [n=martin@adsl-147-42-236.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Redneck|Laptop | cause no I just feel better :P | 08:44 |
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Redneck|Laptop | now* | 08:44 |
homanj | compengi: what do you mean, "it worses" | 08:45 |
Hellevator | carutsu, but LinuxMCE is an add on for Ubuntu, just like the other project, so it still appies. | 08:45 |
=== Hugolp [n=jo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hugolp | hi | 08:45 |
johntheunique | homanj: i think he means it's worse | 08:45 |
=== leagris scratch the back on Redneck|Laptop kindly | ||
Hugolp | whats the command to know the kernel version? | 08:45 |
carutsu | Hellevator: ok | 08:45 |
johntheunique | Hugolp: uname -a | 08:45 |
orentet | anyone has a good article on "why ubuntu" or something like that? | 08:45 |
leagris | Hugolp, uname -a | 08:45 |
Hugolp | thanks | 08:45 |
Redneck|Laptop | thanks leagris | 08:45 |
compengi | homanj, i meant it worth | 08:46 |
homanj | orentet: why ubuntu what? | 08:46 |
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Hugolp | can anybody point me to a log page for the new ubuntu kernel | 08:46 |
silent_ | does anyone have an advanced description of xorg Mappings on mouse or xbindkeys? the manuals are worthless | 08:46 |
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orentet | why choose ubuntu over linux | 08:46 |
johntheunique | orentet: i'm pretty sure a google search will bring up plenty | 08:46 |
kevin | leagris where is the error log? | 08:46 |
gaten | i have ossec hids installed and i get this error in the logs (it cant send the emails Mail from not accepted by server:530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first y11sm9067351pod. im using gmail, obviously. it worked fine on dapper, any ideas? | 08:46 |
homanj | johntheunique: yeah, quite a bit of bugs fixed for 2.0.1 | 08:46 |
leagris | kevin, /var/log/http or /var/log/apache/error... | 08:46 |
PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop: How's that fix working out? | 08:46 |
carutsu | Hellevator, Redneck|Laptop, RAOF, was a pleasure to tal to you guys, i must leave now, see yo uaround (thank you RAOF ;)) | 08:46 |
kevin | thAnks | 08:46 |
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-33-66.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hugolp | orentet: Ubuntu IS linux | 08:46 |
johntheunique | homanj: i suppose i just haven't seen a lot of bugs in gaim to begin with | 08:47 |
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compengi | homanj, a lot and not plenty since gaim b6 or b7 | 08:47 |
johntheunique | homanj: although file transfers have always been a little weird | 08:47 |
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johntheunique | homanj: sometimes they work, sometimes they don't | 08:47 |
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carutsu | linux is the kernel, everything else built on top is still GNU/Linux | 08:47 |
carutsu | !linux | 08:47 |
ubotu | Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux | 08:47 |
carutsu | !kernel | 08:47 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 08:47 |
compengi | johntheunique, in 2.0.1 they are fixed | 08:47 |
PurpZeY | compengi: Is that an easy update? | 08:48 |
johntheunique | compengi: is there a 2.0.1 build for windows? | 08:48 |
PurpZeY | compengi: Last time I tried to install pidgin it seemed rather complicated. | 08:48 |
Redneck|Laptop | PurpZeY: I dont know anything about compiling things | 08:48 |
kevin | leagris, here is whats in the log | 08:48 |
kevin | leagris, [Mon May 28 02:33:25 2007] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down | 08:48 |
kevin | [Mon May 28 02:33:35 2007] [notice] Apache/2.2.3 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.1 configured -- resuming normal operations | 08:48 |
Redneck|Laptop | so I have not given it a try | 08:48 |
johntheunique | compengi: i've got a friend using the windows version of gaim and we have problems sometimes | 08:48 |
leagris | kevin, no paste pls | 08:48 |
Redneck|Laptop | yet! | 08:48 |
leagris | !paste | 08:48 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:48 |
compengi | johntheunique, yeah they should have pidgin version on windows | 08:48 |
PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop: Use WifiRadar, skip step 1. | 08:48 |
Redneck|Laptop | hmmm | 08:49 |
=== joel_ [n=joel@c-67-190-226-207.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
compengi | PurpZeY, it's easy why complicated? | 08:49 |
Redneck|Laptop | not sure how do that either :( | 08:49 |
johntheunique | compengi: i'll see if he can get it installed | 08:49 |
PurpZeY | compengi: Last time it seemed to involve taking things out of synaptic and readding them...... | 08:49 |
kevin | leagris, ok sorry, any ideas | 08:49 |
PurpZeY | compengi: And, honestly, I've never upgraded software in ubuntu | 08:49 |
=== nocode [n=nocode@176.84-48-199.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
compengi | PurpZeY, oh... so you trust only original software bundled with ubuntu ;) | 08:50 |
leagris | kevin, may be no syntax error in config but error in letting it listen to the port you expected | 08:50 |
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PurpZeY | compengi: It's not that, it's just that I've never done it. Can I do via add/remove? | 08:50 |
johntheunique | PurpZeY: it's not that hard to upgrade, i'm surprised you use xchat, but you don't upgrade ubuntu | 08:50 |
faileas | stupid question but i compiled my own drivers for my wi fi card. apparently my kernel has been updated, do i need to recompile the drivers and reinstall them again? | 08:50 |
joel_ | anyone use beryl? | 08:50 |
RAOF | faileas: Generally, yes. | 08:51 |
kevin | leagris, its just confusing, it worked before, I havent done anything with it in a few weeks and now it doesnt work | 08:51 |
PurpZeY | joel_: I do. | 08:51 |
joel_ | can someone tell me where to go to change the effect when you click on a drop down menu (at the top app/places/system) in ubuntu | 08:51 |
johntheunique | joel_: i tried beryl out | 08:51 |
=== LoyalJustice [n=lazaro@h-66-167-223-203.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
compengi | PurpZeY, nope all new versions of software are not supported in repos of feisty | 08:51 |
=== Jahooty [n=sam@235.126-113-64.ftth.swbr.surewest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
faileas | RAOF: damn ... this particualr system is being a pain then >< | 08:51 |
Jahooty | how do i create a user account from the command line? | 08:51 |
kevin | leagris, is http://localhost:420/ what i sould be typing? | 08:51 |
PurpZeY | compengi: How would I go about doing the update then | 08:51 |
johntheunique | Jahooty: look into useradd | 08:51 |
gaten | when using beryl as the WM, all the programs i open start minimized. how can i change this, its driving me nuts | 08:51 |
Redneck|Laptop | PurpZeY: is there an easy install for wifi radar? | 08:52 |
PurpZeY | joel_: It's in the create tab, you click "drop down" from the radio boxes. | 08:52 |
dawn_chorus | Jahooty, why do you need to do that? I ask because usually people who ask to do this have problems that can be fixed some better way. | 08:52 |
johntheunique | PurpZeY: System -> Administration -> Update Manager | 08:52 |
leagris | kevin, check your configured host listen an any:port or | 08:52 |
PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop: Just go to Add/Remove | 08:52 |
RAOF | faileas: Why? Anything you compile against a kernel will generally fail to work on an updated kernel. | 08:52 |
Jahooty | ok, ubuntu has no 'root' right? it's my main account that got borked...so will the accoutn i create be able to take on the admin responsibilities? | 08:52 |
PurpZeY | Redneck: Select "All" and search Wifi | 08:52 |
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Jahooty | with sudo | 08:52 |
=== r2d4 [n=rt@71-222-108-209.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
compengi | PurpZeY, you could do one of 2 things, either get a source and compile or check in getdeb.net | 08:53 |
kevin | leagris, its set to "Listen 420" | 08:53 |
RAOF | Jahooty: Yes. You just add your new account to the "admin" group | 08:53 |
leagris | kevin, can you past the host config for apache in pastebin ? | 08:53 |
Jahooty | ok, thanks | 08:53 |
homanj | PurpZeY: compiling aint tough | 08:53 |
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compengi | PurpZeY, maybe you could find a debian one | 08:53 |
kevin | where is the host config leagris | 08:53 |
PurpZeY | Do I need to take out gaim before starting with pidgin? | 08:53 |
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johntheunique | Jahooty: every linux has root | 08:53 |
Redneck|Laptop | thanks found it | 08:53 |
leagris | kevin, how did you configre apache ? | 08:53 |
johntheunique | Jahooty: ubuntu just tries to minimize how much you have to use it directly | 08:54 |
=== Gerro [n=user@c-68-33-161-50.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jahooty | ok | 08:54 |
RAOF | johntheunique: Except Ubuntu's root user has a long, random password :) | 08:54 |
kevin | leagris, i just installed it and it worked | 08:54 |
Jahooty | gotcha | 08:54 |
faileas | RAOF: in general. apparenly ACPI dosen't work, wifi card seems to have a 3 foot range outside vista, and shit like that. its annoying since i suspect its NOT the OS and most of the hardware is otherwise supported on linux | 08:54 |
kevin | :) | 08:54 |
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leagris | kevin, the listen 420, where did you put it ? | 08:54 |
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r2d4 | I think my WiFi card is causing Feisty to freeze up intermittently. How can I make sure if it is the culprit (other than taking it out and waiting for a couple of days)? Is there a standard way to localize these problems? | 08:55 |
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johntheunique | RAOF: easy enough to fix though. just do a "sudo su" and type passwd | 08:55 |
PurpZeY | homanj: Do I need to take out gaim before I start compiling pidgin? | 08:55 |
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Gerro | I got this old kodack camera plugged in and I've been trying to download the pictures off of it with gtkam but so far it is able t show them then crashes when I try to do anything else | 08:55 |
Jahooty | thanks | 08:55 |
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homanj | PurpZeY: i did. but i am not sure it is necessary. | 08:55 |
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RAOF | johntheunique: Indeed. Or just boot in recovery mode, or whatever. However, there's no real need to. | 08:55 |
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homanj | compengi: should gaim be removed before compiling pidgin? | 08:55 |
r2d4 | I am using an Airlink card. Others reported that it worked for them in Feisty. | 08:55 |
=== non|inear [n=sean@d137-186-194-110.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johntheunique | PurpZeY: i'd recommend uninstalling gaim first. it's not that hard to reinstall if you decide to change your mind. your settings will carry over | 08:56 |
Jahooty | actual answers on freenode...one more reason not to use suse | 08:56 |
compengi | homanj, it doesn't matter as they made it as another application | 08:56 |
Redneck|Laptop | eeek | 08:56 |
homanj | PurpZeY: there you have it. ^^ | 08:56 |
PurpZeY | ok. | 08:56 |
RAOF | Jahooty: As I understand it, Ubuntu's user community is pretty much the best :) | 08:56 |
Redneck|Laptop | it wants a driver for wpa? | 08:56 |
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Redneck|Laptop | what should I do with that | 08:56 |
Jahooty | oops, forgot to set a password | 08:57 |
Redneck|Laptop | bbiab | 08:57 |
Jahooty | if i create a user and dont specify password...what password does it get? | 08:57 |
kevin | leagris, well i dont know, I tried stopping it and then starting it now it works | 08:57 |
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RAOF | Jahooty: No password, I think. | 08:57 |
homanj | PurpZeY: i actually wrote up an article on how to compile pidgin | 08:57 |
johntheunique | Jahooty: that's why you type "passwd {user_name}" after you create a user | 08:57 |
Jahooty | ooooooooohhh | 08:58 |
homanj | PurpZeY: http://jonhoman.wordpress.com/2007/05/26/how-to-build-pidgin-on-ubuntu-feisty/ | 08:58 |
Zoiks | hey, can someone help me with my ipod problem? | 08:58 |
PurpZeY | homanj: Oh cool. | 08:58 |
homanj | PurpZeY: if that helps | 08:58 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, what's up? | 08:58 |
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Zoiks | I plugged it in once | 08:58 |
homanj | PurpZeY: i am going to sleep soon, so if you need help, you can comment on the blog post. | 08:58 |
Gerro | Zoiks: if you can help me with my old kodak camera problem | 08:58 |
non|inear | is there a phycisist or engineer who can PM me, i have a quick queston on terminology for a talk tommorrow. i'm not a student, i wasn't trained in the field | 08:58 |
=== Redneck|Laptop [n=clay@74-137-58-235.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zoiks | it showed up on the desktop and everything worked | 08:58 |
PurpZeY | homanj: Ok, I'm sure it will be fine. | 08:58 |
dawn_chorus | non|inear, just ask in open. | 08:58 |
Zoiks | now i plug it in again and nothing | 08:58 |
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PurpZeY | homanj: Thanks | 08:59 |
Gerro | Zoiks: but the time is off right? | 08:59 |
=== Twinxor [n=Twinxor@c-71-198-169-143.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Redneck|Laptop | PurpZeY: there is an option that asks for a wpa driver... do you know anything about that? | 08:59 |
non|inear | i dind't know there was an open :P | 08:59 |
non|inear | thnx | 08:59 |
Zoiks | the time is off? | 08:59 |
Gerro | Zoiks: oh never mind wrong issue then | 08:59 |
homanj | prg3: np. | 08:59 |
johntheunique | Zoiks: try reboots. yes, it sometimes linux even gets fixed with a reboot | 08:59 |
homanj | PurpZeY: np. | 08:59 |
Zoiks | yes i tried rebooting | 08:59 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, did you mess with the settings in Removable Drives and Media? | 08:59 |
Zoiks | nope | 08:59 |
Gerro | Zoiks: you probably didn't umount it right, you could reboot or reload | 09:00 |
johntheunique | Zoiks: especially if you're running into kernel oopses | 09:00 |
PurpZeY | homanj: Stupid question...You say put it wheever I want...That include in my home directory, or has to be in my filesystem? | 09:00 |
=== CrummyGummy [n=CrummyGu@dsl-242-52-117.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
homanj | PurpZeY: i put it in home/apps | 09:00 |
johntheunique | goodnight all | 09:00 |
homanj | just easy for me. | 09:00 |
PurpZeY | Ok cool. | 09:00 |
compengi | PurpZeY, in home for sure | 09:00 |
Zoiks | i have rebooted a couple of times | 09:01 |
Varnel | gn Johntheunique | 09:01 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, it's ok. i'll try to show you how to do it manually. | 09:01 |
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Zoiks | dmesg shows it being attached | 09:01 |
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dawn_chorus | Zoiks, what partitions? | 09:01 |
Zoiks | but its just not mounting | 09:01 |
Zoiks | for some reason | 09:01 |
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Zoiks | [ 1442.532000] scsi 7:0:0:0: Direct-Access-RBC Apple iPod 1.62 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 | 09:01 |
Zoiks | [ 1442.552000] sdd: Spinning up disk.......ready | 09:01 |
Zoiks | [ 1446.644000] SCSI device sdd: 39063023 512-byte hdwr sectors (20000 MB) | 09:01 |
Zoiks | [ 1446.648000] sdd: Write Protect is off | 09:01 |
Zoiks | [ 1446.648000] sdd: Mode Sense: 04 00 00 00 | 09:01 |
Zoiks | [ 1446.648000] SCSI device sdd: write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA | 09:01 |
Zoiks | [ 1446.656000] SCSI device sdd: 39063023 512-byte hdwr sectors (20000 MB) | 09:01 |
Zoiks | [ 1446.656000] sdd: Write Protect is off | 09:01 |
Zoiks | [ 1446.656000] sdd: Mode Sense: 04 00 00 00 | 09:02 |
Zoiks | [ 1446.660000] SCSI device sdd: write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA | 09:02 |
Zoiks | [ 1446.660000] sdd: sdd1 sdd2 | 09:02 |
Zoiks | [ 1446.736000] sd 7:0:0:0: Attached scsi removable disk sdd | 09:02 |
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Zoiks | [ 1446.736000] sd 7:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 14 | 09:02 |
compengi | !paste > Zoiks | 09:02 |
dawn_chorus | whoah! | 09:02 |
homanj | !pastebin | Zoiks | 09:02 |
ubotu | Zoiks: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:02 |
Zoiks | oh sorry | 09:02 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, looks like it's sdd2 we're looking for. | 09:02 |
vinoth | hi | 09:02 |
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dawn_chorus | Zoiks, you with us? | 09:03 |
Zoiks | yep | 09:03 |
Gerro | vinoth: hiii | 09:03 |
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Zoiks | just seems weird how it would work once and not next | 09:03 |
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=== Redneck|Laptop bangs head on desk again | ||
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dawn_chorus | Zoiks, create a mount point for the IPOD, if you don't already have one. | 09:03 |
homanj | Redneck|Laptop: ouch. | 09:03 |
Redneck|Laptop | yeah i know | 09:03 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, I know. who knows what happened.... | 09:04 |
leagris | kevin, apache and any other net service listening to the world wide should be tracked and cared much. You should dayly check it was not compromized | 09:04 |
Zoiks | done that | 09:04 |
Zoiks | /mnt/ipod | 09:04 |
=== vollkorrn [n=ball@pD9F7F886.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PurpZeY | When removing gaim from synaptic, I just remove the one line that says "gaim"? | 09:04 |
RAOF | Indeed. | 09:05 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, ok. now mount the second partition using vfat filesystem. | 09:05 |
kevin | leagris, i still canot get mt dyndns to connect to it | 09:05 |
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PurpZeY | RAOF: For removal or complete removal? I am trying to get rid of it to compile pidgin, but in case I have a problem I'd like to retain my data. . . | 09:05 |
compengi | PurpZeY, first compile pidgin if you didn't like it you can keep on gaim | 09:05 |
compengi | PurpZeY, for removal | 09:05 |
leagris | kevin, espectially if you run LAMP (Mysql PHP Apache). There are some nasty exploits not in apache per se but un many PHP applications allowing SQL injection and execution of cross site scripting | 09:06 |
PurpZeY | compengi: Oh. Ok. | 09:06 |
PurpZeY | compengi: I thought I would run into an issue with them both. | 09:06 |
compengi | PurpZeY, don't ever use complete removal for anything | 09:06 |
Zoiks | how do i do that dawn_chorus | 09:06 |
=== aburrent [n=guerrero@adsl-68-127-149-222.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aMMuNix | I'm using "sudo chown root:plugdev /dev/input/event2" to make my mouse read\write-able, how can I make it so it's always like that, even after a reboot | 09:06 |
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-104-178.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zoiks | sudo mount /dev/sdd2 /mnt/ipod vfat | 09:06 |
Zoiks | ? | 09:06 |
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-33-66.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aburrent | I'm trying to install the dev files for libgnome and I get the following error message :libgnome2-dev: Depends: libgnomevfs2-dev "but it is not going to be installed" | 09:06 |
aburrent | anyone know how to fix it? | 09:06 |
leagris | kevin, be sure you have dyndns update correctly | 09:06 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdd2 /mnt/ipod | 09:06 |
PurpZeY | compengi: That is certainly good to know. | 09:07 |
kevin | leagris, so do you know of a good tutorial or website which I can secure everything | 09:07 |
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compengi | PurpZeY, :) | 09:07 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, do this too to add the line to fstab. | 09:07 |
Eusou1 | good morning everyone | 09:07 |
compengi | good mornign Eusou1 | 09:07 |
=== BlindSIde [n=halfdemo@125-238-247-212.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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homanj | alrighty, night all. | 09:08 |
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Eusou1 | I was wondering if you guys can answer a question for me | 09:08 |
homanj | PurpZeY: good chatting with you again. | 09:08 |
aburrent | is there a way to force synaptic to install a package when it says " libgnome2-dev: Depends: libgnomevfs2-dev "but it is not going to be installed" | 09:08 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, echo "/dev/ipod /mnt/ipod vfat async,nodev,nosuid,user,rw,noauto 0 0" | sudo tee /etc/fstab | 09:08 |
homanj | compengi: cya in #pidgin | 09:08 |
compengi | homanj, nighty | 09:08 |
aMMuNix | I'm using "sudo chown root:plugdev /dev/input/event2" to make my mouse read\write-able, how can I make it so it's always like that, even after a reboot | 09:08 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, oops. dont' do that. | 09:08 |
=== Redneck|Laptop_ [n=clay@74-137-58-235.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
compengi | hehe :P | 09:08 |
compengi | okay homanj | 09:08 |
Zoiks | crap | 09:08 |
Zoiks | just did | 09:08 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | YAY! | 09:08 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | I GOT IT WORKING! | 09:08 |
=== Redneck|Laptop_ does the happy dance | ||
homanj | Redneck|Laptop_: nice! | 09:08 |
homanj | gratz | 09:08 |
=== homanj does the sleep dance | ||
=== emile [n=emile@cp665411-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlindSIde | hey guys is there anything good to convert video to H263 in linux? | 09:09 |
leagris | kevin, no tutorial on security. Security is aboute practice, having global consideration on the operation chain including users behaviour. At least any web app you use should be maintained up to date and coded with strong clue on whyat is dangerous if you code it yourself. | 09:09 |
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Zoiks | how do i undo that dawn_chorus | 09:09 |
Eusou1 | I got this weird update prompt, seems like a hack attempt to me | 09:09 |
BlindSIde | i got mencoder but do you k now of any codecs | 09:09 |
aMMuNix | I'm using "sudo chown root:plugdev /dev/input/event2" to make my mouse read\write-able, how can I make it so it's always like that, even after a reboot | 09:09 |
_eric` | anyway to "reboot" sound device w/o restarting x or the pc? | 09:09 |
_eric` | like.. just force the sound shit to reload? | 09:09 |
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dawn_chorus | Zoiks, let's see. cat /etc/fstab. | 09:09 |
aburrent | aMMuNix: look into /etc/init.d | 09:10 |
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aMMuNix | what's that? | 09:10 |
michael__ | hi | 09:10 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | I am leaving this channel up forever | 09:10 |
crdlb | !ohmy | _eric` | 09:10 |
ubotu | _eric`: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:10 |
Zoiks | /dev/ipod /mnt/ipod vfat async,nodev,nosuid,user,rw,noauto 0 0 | 09:10 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | you guys are such a wonderufl help | 09:10 |
kevin | leagris ok, should I be using a static or dynamic domain name from dyndns | 09:10 |
aburrent | aMMuNix: its the scripts that get executed as linux boots up | 09:10 |
PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop_: This makes me very happy, b/c now I can tell my friend it will work for him | 09:10 |
_eric` | sorry :( | 09:10 |
=== jughead [n=jughead@c-75-66-11-168.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leagris | kevin, enably logging and checking logs for suspicious long URLS one injection candidate may alert you | 09:10 |
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Redneck|Laptop_ | I dont remember what I did | 09:10 |
aburrent | aMMuNix: that's the short answer...the longer answer is reading up about init.d and how it works | 09:11 |
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Redneck|Laptop_ | I started getting frustrated and kept going through and checking stuff | 09:11 |
PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop_: Wifi radar didn't do it? | 09:11 |
aMMuNix | k aburrent | 09:11 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | yeah it did | 09:11 |
aMMuNix | thanks | 09:11 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | as well as the built in wifi once radar worked | 09:11 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | just make sure to have everything checked to auto really | 09:11 |
PurpZeY | Redneck|Laptop_: Interesting...It worked. That's what matters. | 09:11 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | yeah | 09:11 |
Eusou1 | can anyone verify something for me pls? | 09:11 |
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Redneck|Laptop_ | and I know i kept messing up a small detail | 09:12 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | just cant figure out which one | 09:12 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | but I can finally say I fixed a linux problem :) | 09:12 |
Zoiks | dawn_chorus: /dev/ipod /mnt/ipod vfat async,nodev,nosuid,user,rw,noauto 0 0 | 09:12 |
=== holycow [n=wad@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tom_Kun_ | well, time to upgrade to feisty on this computer I guess | 09:12 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | with some help from some awesome peoples :) | 09:12 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, yes. well, the truth of the matter is, we get to rebuild your old fstab now. I meant to add the line, not to tee it. i'm sorry. i won't go anywhere until it gets fixed though. | 09:13 |
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timmyw29 | hey guys :) | 09:13 |
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Zoiks | lol | 09:13 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, ever made a backup of fstab. | 09:13 |
Zoiks | thats ok | 09:13 |
|lostbyte| | <|lostbyte|> How to check back block on hda5 ? | 09:13 |
|lostbyte| | <|lostbyte|> it askes for control-D or root pass | 09:13 |
|lostbyte| | <|lostbyte|> control-D goes back to same screen at booy | 09:13 |
|lostbyte| | <|lostbyte|> ?? | 09:13 |
Zoiks | we all make mistakes | 09:13 |
Zoiks | erm | 09:13 |
Zoiks | let me see | 09:13 |
timmyw29 | i like vlc, but does it have any funcitonality to handle getting licenses for music i've ripped from my CDs? | 09:13 |
Varnel | is wifi radar somewhat like netstumbler? (plz plz tell me so, thats like the only non-game app i'm having trouble replacing with linux) | 09:13 |
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PurpZeY | Varnel: What is netstumbler? | 09:14 |
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Varnel | PurpZeY: its a prog that scans for wifis, has GPS connectivity, etc etc | 09:14 |
aburrent | I'm trying to install libgnome-dev and I get the following error message: libgnome2-dev: Depends: libgnomevfs2-dev but it is not going to be installed | 09:14 |
Zoiks | i have fstab, fstab~, fstab.pre-iiod | 09:14 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | I think it is | 09:14 |
aburrent | anyone have any suggestsions? | 09:14 |
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Zoiks | i have fstab, fstab~, fstab.pre-uuid | 09:14 |
Zoiks | rather | 09:14 |
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Varnel | PurpZeY: i tend to use it to both find open wifis, and to choose a channel on which to setup a wifi depending on local conditions | 09:15 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, cat /etc/fstab~ | 09:15 |
PurpZeY | Varnel: I've never used it at all, I was just pointing Redneck at so he could get his WiFi working. | 09:15 |
=== DDD is now known as HILTER | ||
Redneck|Laptop_ | Varnel: this wifi radar has that kinds of settings and functionality in it | 09:15 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, just see if fstab~ is your old one. it should be. | 09:15 |
HILTER | _\) <--- chupa aqu | 09:15 |
HILTER | (_)_) __________ PurpZeY | 09:15 |
Varnel | Redneck|Laptop_: cool, i'll have to see how i get that installed | 09:16 |
PurpZeY | !op kick HILTER | 09:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about op kick hilter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:16 |
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dawn_chorus | HILTER, apt-get moo. | 09:16 |
str4 | hey | 09:16 |
HILTER | _\) <--- chupa aqu | 09:16 |
HILTER | (_)_) __________ dawn_chorus | 09:16 |
Zoiks | it looks like it | 09:16 |
Zoiks | restoring that now | 09:16 |
Varnel | beauty, trolls come here too | 09:16 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, great. good job. | 09:16 |
Varnel | =( | 09:16 |
PurpZeY | abburent: Sounds like you are missing a package, or there is a different package...I have no idea. | 09:16 |
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HILTER | _\) <--- chupa aqu | 09:16 |
HILTER | (_)_) __________ PurpZeY | 09:16 |
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dawn_chorus | Zoiks, just add that line I gave you earlier to fstab. sheesh. | 09:17 |
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=== HILTER le arroja una bomba a PurpZeY __[ TNT ] -------`,'.- | ||
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HILTER | _\) <--- chupa aqu | 09:17 |
HILTER | (_)_) __________ vinoth | 09:17 |
compengi | PurpZeY, are you still compiling pidgin? | 09:17 |
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Redneck|Laptop_ | !kick HITLER | 09:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kick hitler - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:17 |
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crdlb | !ops | 09:17 |
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ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 09:17 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | !ops | 09:17 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | !up | 09:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about up - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:17 |
Myrtti | wha | 09:17 |
=== fRSTGUMP [n=jt@client-82-20-25-187.brhm.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Varnel | can someone explain to me how on earth people exist that have nothing better to do then to bother other people? and why they do it? | 09:18 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@eu85-86-35-89.clientes.euskaltel.es] by Madpilot | ||
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Redneck|Laptop_ | lies | 09:18 |
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Zoiks | dawn_chorus: done | 09:18 |
Zoiks | reboot? | 09:18 |
kevin | leagris, am i supposed to have servername localhost at the bottom of my config file? | 09:18 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, no. you shouldn't have to reboot. | 09:18 |
=== aunes [i=aunes@cpe-075-184-081-097.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PurpZeY | compengi: I just finished. I ran pidgin it's working and all good. So, now I just go to synaptic and uncheck gaim? or should I just leave it be? | 09:19 |
aunes | so it kinda bothers me that proftpd-psql installs mysql-common | 09:19 |
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compengi | PurpZeY, do you want to uninstall it? | 09:19 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | PurpZeY: thanks for the help again | 09:19 |
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Redneck|Laptop_ | I am going to go ahead and head off to bed | 09:19 |
Redneck|Laptop_ | <3 all of you | 09:19 |
Varnel | gn Redneck|Laptop_ | 09:20 |
holycow | awwww | 09:20 |
holycow | another happy customer | 09:20 |
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Varnel | grr never quick enough in this channel | 09:20 |
compengi | PurpZeY, just do "sudo apt-get remove gaim" | 09:20 |
holycow | well good job peeps :) | 09:20 |
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Eusou | anybody get a weird kernel update message? | 09:20 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, what program do you use to sync your iPod? | 09:20 |
PurpZeY | compengi: I want to uninstall it....Be like one of the big boys... | 09:21 |
=== Jack3 [n=michael@pool-71-115-194-76.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack3 | can someone tell me whats in their /var/run/dbus folder? | 09:21 |
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compengi | PurpZeY, just run the command that i mentioned in your terminal :) | 09:21 |
Jack3 | and maybe upload it to rapidshare.com | 09:21 |
leagris | kevin you should not change the main config file. Instead put it in /etc/apache/sites-available/ then use e2ensite to enable a site | 09:21 |
Zoiks | amarok | 09:21 |
holycow | Eusou, do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and make sure its updated | 09:21 |
Eusou | ok | 09:21 |
holycow | if the messages goes away it was fine | 09:21 |
compengi | Eusou, i just updated and didn't get any message | 09:21 |
holycow | if it doesn't go away chat us up | 09:21 |
aburrent | Jack3: pid system_bus_socket= | 09:21 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, is amaroK finding your ipod? | 09:22 |
kevin | leagris its just that i remembar having to add that at somepoint | 09:22 |
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holycow | Eusou, one last poitn... if tha tupdates your kernel please reboot | 09:22 |
kevin | leagris i put the .conf file in that folder? | 09:22 |
Zoiks | no | 09:23 |
leagris | kevin, put the conf file in here but ne .conf needed | 09:23 |
Zoiks | nothing is showing up under /mnt/ipod either | 09:23 |
Eusou | this is what I was referring to. It seems to be a kernel update, but seemed untrustworthy | 09:23 |
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Eusou | maybe it was just me | 09:23 |
Jack3 | aburrent: can u upload the contents to rapidshare.com or dcc me them? | 09:23 |
Jack3 | aburrent: my folder is empty :( | 09:23 |
kevin | leagris i dont understand | 09:23 |
PurpZeY | compengi: Excellent, everything working like a charm. Thanks! | 09:23 |
leagris | kevin, there should be a default file in that folder | 09:23 |
Zoiks | dawn_chorus: might have to rebood? | 09:24 |
Zoiks | reboot* | 09:24 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, you didn't receive any error messages when we mounted sdd2, right? | 09:24 |
compengi | PurpZeY, you are always welcome :) | 09:24 |
leagris | kevin, copy the default file to your site name as a file: cp default www.mysite.tld then edit www.mysite.tld | 09:24 |
Zoiks | nope | 09:25 |
PurpZeY | compegni: I am just happy I helped someone tonight...I think it is only the first or second time...Redneck got his WiFi working, I feel very...helpful, that I gave back...=) | 09:25 |
Eusou | thanks for the help holycow | 09:25 |
Eusou | I as just wondering if it was a bogus message | 09:25 |
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kevin | leagris, ok i see the default file in sites enabled now I copy that to another folder or edit it | 09:25 |
=== predaeus [n=predaeus@chello212186005030.401.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eusou | it said something about being unsigned or something like that | 09:26 |
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leagris | kevin, don't touche the site-neabled folder. Just the sites-available folder | 09:26 |
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=== Refakki_ [n=refakki@ppp85-140-0-170.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eusou | I am still learning linux | 09:26 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, cd /mnt/ipod | 09:26 |
PurpZeY | Eusou: Signed packages are "verified" or something of that nature... | 09:26 |
Eusou | I was hooked after I tried ubuntu | 09:26 |
leagris | put your site in a file in the site-available folder | 09:26 |
ws3 | hii excusme | 09:26 |
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kevin | sorry thats what i meant leagris | 09:26 |
Eusou | yes | 09:26 |
ws3 | i want to know, about irc client in ubuntu :d | 09:27 |
Eusou | they were not verified | 09:27 |
=== Jam_45 [n=Jam_45@c-67-169-45-229.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ws3 | where i can get xchat ? | 09:27 |
ws3 | ^^ | 09:27 |
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Zoiks | dawn_chorus: done that 'ls' displays nothing | 09:27 |
Lilacor | ws3: use irssi or xchat | 09:27 |
|lostbyte| | <|lostbyte|> <|lostbyte|> How to check back block on hda5 ? | 09:27 |
|lostbyte| | <|lostbyte|> <|lostbyte|> it askes for control-D or root pass | 09:27 |
|lostbyte| | <|lostbyte|> <|lostbyte|> control-D goes back to same screen at booy | 09:27 |
|lostbyte| | <|lostbyte|> <|lostbyte|> ?? | 09:27 |
compengi | PurpZeY, that's nice :) | 09:27 |
PurpZeY | ws3: Just go to applications, add/remove | 09:27 |
kevin | nleagris now I open that foleder and add www.mysite.tld ? | 09:27 |
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orville | ws3: konversation is another irc lcient you can try. | 09:27 |
kevin | leagris now I open that foleder and add www.mysite.tld ? | 09:27 |
kevin | file sorry | 09:27 |
leagris | kevin, yes | 09:27 |
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orville | ws3: orxchat-gnome. those are all good choices/ | 09:28 |
leagris | kevin, you can copy the content of default as a template | 09:28 |
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dawn_chorus | Zoiks, i'm not sure what's going on. you should try to mount your ipod on another system as a control test. | 09:28 |
kevin | leagris, where would I paste it? | 09:28 |
Eusou | I can always zero the drive if it seems like a hack attempt | 09:28 |
Eusou | *shrugs* | 09:28 |
leagris | kevin, open a shell and cd site-availables then cp default mysite | 09:29 |
Zoiks | dawn_chorus: ill be right back | 09:29 |
Zoiks | ill try rebooting | 09:29 |
dawn_chorus | Zoiks, k | 09:29 |
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Eusou | thanks for the help, much appreciated. | 09:30 |
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PurpZeY | Anyone know what the irc plugin for pidgin is called? | 09:31 |
leagris | kevin, after the cp you can edit the file mysite to suite your specific config needs for mysite | 09:31 |
quio | I am new to ubuntu but am a great fan so far. I am looking for a fax utility that can fa from open ofice like XP does in office. Does anyone suggest an application that they are a fan of. Thanks. | 09:31 |
kevin | leagris i think im getting it now i use default as a template for the name of mysite | 09:31 |
timmyw29 | does anyone know how to configure VLC to correctly obtain DRM licenses, or does it not support DRM licensing? | 09:31 |
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leagris | kevin, doing so wil ensure the main config is not changed and when you update the apache package it won't break | 09:31 |
kevin | leagris but would i use mysite or my domain name? | 09:31 |
holycow | timmy a couplpe of things: | 09:32 |
RAOF | timmyw29: I would be *incredibly* surprised if VLC was able to obtain DRM licenses. | 09:32 |
holycow | a) drm is not open or universal in any sense of the word | 09:32 |
holycow | b) there is open source drm technology provided by sun but no one uses it | 09:32 |
holycow | c) what you mostly mean is either apple drm or microsoft drm | 09:32 |
RAOF | holycow: Really? Cool. Well, kinda. | 09:32 |
leagris | kevin, the file name has no perticular meaning. You choose what suit you. Only the configs inside matter | 09:32 |
holycow | d) apple, well ferget it, that requires all apple devices | 09:32 |
kevin | oh ok | 09:32 |
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holycow | e) ms drm, F.E.R.G.E.T.I.T. | 09:33 |
holycow | with a capital F. | 09:33 |
kevin | leagris does the config inside need to be pointing to my domain name in anyway | 09:33 |
holycow | ms aint letting control of that beastie. not without their stamp approval and control | 09:33 |
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holycow | and you know they ain't releasing any software on linux | 09:33 |
leagris | kevin, yes. Ill pastebin you some example, wait | 09:33 |
kevin | ok | 09:33 |
leagris | !pastebin | 09:33 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:33 |
quio | I am new to ubuntu but am a great fan so far. I am looking for a fax utility that can fax from open office like XP does in microsoft office. Does anyone suggest an application that they are a fan of. Thanks. | 09:33 |
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PurpZeY | quio: I don't know of such a utility. But there may well be one | 09:34 |
holycow | timmyd, so thats the long and short of it, drm makes you pay someone else for a product you don't end up owning, can't do anything with in a technology box you don't control and thus will never have available on opensource where any single one of the majour players is threatened | 09:34 |
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majd | hey | 09:35 |
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majd | i'm trying to dual boot windows, i have an 80gb FAT32 partition but when i load up the xp installer it says that it can't find any hard drives | 09:35 |
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leagris | kevin can you see the private room I opened with you ? | 09:36 |
quio | <PurpZeY Are you familiar with GFAX | 09:36 |
Tom_Kun_ | majd: the hd is already booting ubuntu, or? | 09:36 |
majd | Tom_Kun_, yeah ubuntu is already installed | 09:36 |
silent_ | I'm hallucinating... is that a bad thing? | 09:36 |
PurpZeY | quio: Not at all. | 09:36 |
kevin | leagris yes | 09:36 |
vivake | quio: XSane Image Scanner | 09:36 |
majd | the partition is located in /media/sda3....is that why windows isn't finding it? | 09:36 |
PurpZeY | !info gfax | 09:36 |
Lilacor | silent_: that depends on a lot of things | 09:36 |
ubotu | gfax: GNOME frontend for fax programs. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.6-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 126 kB, installed size 592 kB | 09:36 |
Tom_Kun_ | majd: normally XP should be able to 'detect' the harddrive if it's connected to the motherboards IDE controls | 09:36 |
karri | my both sisters got new laptops. guess what, they were so full of pre-installed crapware that the OS didn't even run. Switched 'em to Ubuntu and they seem to be happy. | 09:37 |
Lilacor | 09:37 | |
Tom_Kun_ | if you are using SATA discs, you may needs to insert a floppy containing the drivers | 09:37 |
Tom_Kun_ | all depends | 09:37 |
majd | Tom_Kun_, well it's working fine..ubuntu loads fine | 09:37 |
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quio | <vivake> I can print to fax? | 09:37 |
timmyw29 | hmm, so is there an alternative player that *does* obtain DRM licenses? | 09:37 |
RAOF | timmyw29: No. | 09:37 |
crdlb | timmyw29, that's impossible | 09:37 |
Tom_Kun_ | timmyw29: you could always try getting windows media player 7 to run through wine? | 09:37 |
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kenji2 | hi friends, I wanna build a photo gallery in a cd, for this I try to use a vcd format to show slice photos, I tryed tovid and dvdstyler but this apps can't make a photo gallery in vcd format, I can do it with nero but I wanna use open source can some one help me please? | 09:37 |
vivake | qiou sorry | 09:37 |
timmyw29 | ok... lol | 09:37 |
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Tom_Kun_ | :) | 09:38 |
timmyw29 | i'll wine wmp :) | 09:38 |
holycow | you can't | 09:38 |
timmyw29 | you can't? | 09:38 |
holycow | well you can try | 09:38 |
holycow | but really you are barking up the wrong tree | 09:38 |
beford | its probably against wmp EULA | 09:38 |
quio | I am new to ubuntu but am a great fan so far. I am looking for a fax utility that can fax from open office like XP does in microsoft office. Does anyone suggest an application that they are a fan of. Thanks. | 09:38 |
timmyw29 | so how do people using linux play music that requires DRM stuff? | 09:38 |
holycow | if you want to access drm stuff just go back to windows | 09:38 |
silent_ | you can wine foobar2000 | 09:38 |
karri | wmp is horribly slow | 09:38 |
holycow | timmyd, we don't | 09:38 |
karri | foobar's great | 09:38 |
holycow | we believe in freedom | 09:38 |
karri | yup | 09:39 |
silent_ | xmms sound quality is better tho | 09:39 |
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timmyw29 | lol | 09:39 |
Reuv | how do I set a folder's owner from the terminal? | 09:39 |
holycow | we don't particapate in technologies that restrict our freedom ... ESPECIALLY FOREVER | 09:39 |
silent_ | chown | 09:39 |
holycow | i'm not kidding | 09:39 |
Reuv | thanks | 09:39 |
timmyw29 | i know you're not | 09:39 |
silent_ | xbindkeys is seriously pissing me off | 09:39 |
majd | why doesn't the ubuntu alternative installer let you create ntfs partitions? | 09:39 |
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silent_ | majd, that's windows land | 09:40 |
silent_ | dont go there | 09:40 |
Tom_Kun_ | majd: why would you want to? | 09:40 |
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Tom_Kun_ | if you need a win compatible drive, use fat32 | 09:40 |
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vivake | quio type "fax' in synaptic | 09:40 |
holycow | mario, because ntfs write isn't properly supported | 09:40 |
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Madpilot | majd, because NTFS is not an open spec - MS has never released actual official spec | 09:40 |
karri | it's not going to do any good anyway. at least my winxp home installer doesn't ask me in what partition to install | 09:40 |
dawn_chorus | quio, i'm sure OO has that functionality. you should search the apt-cache for keyword "fax". 'sudo apt-cache search fax' | 09:40 |
majd | Tom_Kun_ because i'm trying to erase all partitions and set it up to install windows | 09:40 |
holycow | mario, sorry i mean majd | 09:40 |
PurpZeY | Anyone know what the irc plugin for pidgin is called? | 09:41 |
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Tom_Kun_ | majd: if you want to remove all partitions and install windows, then do just that | 09:41 |
holycow | majd, ntfs is a proprietary file system, its not documented and and reverse engineering it is little better than scienteific guess work | 09:41 |
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majd | the windows installer isn't going far enough to let me partition the drives | 09:41 |
Tom_Kun_ | remove all partitions, boot windows and make the partitions from there | 09:41 |
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premier_ | hello, there always seems to be one header file that doesn't want to download when I'm doing an update with adept | 09:41 |
redmonkey | how do i improve the font quality in x? | 09:41 |
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majd | Tom_Kun_, ubuntu installer won't let me just delete all the partitions | 09:41 |
majd | it needs a root partition | 09:41 |
premier_ | ttp://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/main Packages | 09:41 |
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holycow | majd, what that means is that we cannot guarantee that ntfs 'write' will be any good and if we did you will be VERY pissed when stuff goes very wrong if its done badly | 09:41 |
premier_ | http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/main Packages | 09:42 |
redmonkey | !fonts | 09:42 |
ubotu | Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 09:42 |
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holycow | majd, it does let you delete all partitions you just don't know how | 09:42 |
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holycow | majd, however your doing that wrong anyway | 09:42 |
holycow | just install your windows cd an duse that to remove all partitions and reinstall on ntfs | 09:42 |
premier_ | everything else downloads, but that one little guy sits there with 0% | 09:42 |
majd | holycow, i delete all partitions and it says something along the lines of needing a root partition | 09:42 |
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premier_ | whats the equivalent with apt-get? | 09:43 |
karri | sorry for the noob question, but how do i set VLC to be the default player for DVD's? And how do i start a dvd movie without autostart? | 09:43 |
holycow | majd, sure but its pointless to do that using the installer cd, your removing all partitions, just use the windows installer cd | 09:43 |
RAOF | holycow, majd: It's nowhere near that bad. ntfs-3g seems to work fine. We can never be sure that it's covered all the bases, but it *has* been extensively tested. | 09:43 |
premier_ | karri: well, theres different ways, but try this | 09:43 |
holycow | they will give you the opportunity to reformat and reinstall everything | 09:43 |
Tom_Kun_ | premier_: apt-get, aptitude, or even the gui controlled synaptic application should work with ubuntu. | 09:43 |
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premier_ | karri: put in a dvd, you should get a pop-up with all the options you need | 09:43 |
Tom_Kun_ | holycow: I believe majd is really having a different problem than the partitions | 09:43 |
Tom_Kun_ | holycow: his windows cd isn't detecting his HD, while ubuntu did :) | 09:44 |
majd | holycow, windows isn't detecting the hard drive | 09:44 |
holycow | tomaha | 09:44 |
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holycow | Tom_Kun_, even | 09:44 |
holycow | majd, your kidding? | 09:44 |
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holycow | majd, sata? | 09:44 |
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Tom_Kun_ | holycow: in my opinion, it sounds like SATA, which requires a seperate floppy to load the driver. in any event a windows problem | 09:44 |
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majd | holycow, i think so, it's a laptop | 09:44 |
majd | 2.5" | 09:44 |
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holycow | Tom_Kun_, i'm thinin same | 09:44 |
majd | but there's no floppy drive | 09:45 |
holycow | majd, do you have a recovery cd for your laptop? | 09:45 |
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holycow | all of them either come with it or give you a choice to burn one | 09:45 |
majd | dunn think so | 09:45 |
holycow | majd, well *hmm* okay do this | 09:45 |
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karri | premier_: well, it just opens totem and that's it | 09:45 |
holycow | a) download either knoppix or kanotix live cd | 09:45 |
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holycow | b) boot up in those | 09:45 |
karri | and play freezes after the first chapter | 09:45 |
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karri | weird | 09:46 |
holycow | c) from live cd's reformat your hd in fat32 | 09:46 |
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araldit | If I transfer a dvd from samba share to ubuntu it takes around 23 minutes. From the same share to windows Xp it takes around 7.5 minutes. Can someone point me in the right direction for fixing this. | 09:46 |
holycow | actually you know what? | 09:46 |
holycow | that won't help | 09:46 |
holycow | the problem is your installer is not detecting your interface to the hard drives ... as was said before | 09:46 |
root____2 | can someone please tell me where i can create port forwarding rules? | 09:46 |
Tom_Kun_ | majd: what type of laptop are you using? | 09:46 |
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premier_ | karri: hmm... I actually a kde user, kde tends to put all that stuff right where you can find it (although some gnome user is going to tell me I'm an idiot) | 09:46 |
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holycow | in which case you need a windows preseeded cd with all the drivers for your laptop | 09:47 |
majd | Tom_Kun_, hp dv2035us | 09:47 |
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holycow | thats the trully shitty part of running windows ... :/ | 09:47 |
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Parmenion | hey guys | 09:47 |
Tom_Kun_ | well then, it's time to look at the hp website | 09:47 |
holycow | majd, you will need to call hp also ti find out what your options are here | 09:47 |
AaronCN | any idea to install Epson 1600L printer on ubuntu? | 09:47 |
root____2 | can someone please tell me where i can create port forwarding rules? | 09:47 |
holycow | you might be able to burn a driver to a cd and swap that in at the right time .. depends i don't install windows at all any more tho so i don't remember as much now | 09:48 |
Varnel | holycow: thats what modifying windows cds to be unattended info is for | 09:48 |
karri | premier_: ok, thanks for the help... i don't particularly like gnome either for its restrictions | 09:48 |
premier_ | hey, aptitude doesn't want to install a few packages ("kept back") like linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic linux-headers-generic | 09:48 |
quio | <vivake> Looks good. I just got efax. I'll test it out. thanks | 09:48 |
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araldit | root____2: if u use shorewall its in /etc/shorewall/rules | 09:48 |
majd | holycow, ok,, thanks a lot | 09:48 |
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holycow | thats what its called, thank you variant | 09:48 |
holycow | Varnel, even | 09:48 |
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holycow | Varnel, can you give majd more info ion that? | 09:48 |
Myrtti | root____2: you're not really on the net as root? | 09:48 |
premier_ | karri: actually, try right clicking on the dvd in the file browser, and look at all the options | 09:48 |
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holycow | its not our fault windows sucks so bad but we can try to get him back and running again as much as possible :) | 09:49 |
Varnel | majd, yeah msfn.org i believe, they have instructions on adding drivers for everything, sata drivers so the cd recognizes your hd etc etc | 09:49 |
root____2 | i'm using firestarter... nope... | 09:49 |
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Parmenion | Myrtti, i think they dont normally let you connect to irc as root :P | 09:49 |
PDET | hello everyone! | 09:49 |
Varnel | er no, msdn.org, i'll check | 09:49 |
Parmenion | you generally get a few warnings from whatever client you use | 09:50 |
Tom_Kun_ | majd: in your laptop, originally there existed a recovery partition | 09:50 |
Parmenion | hi PDET | 09:50 |
karri | premier_: yeah, that's what i tried to check first. the choices are remove, rename (both faded) and eject | 09:50 |
Tom_Kun_ | majd: have you removed it? | 09:50 |
Myrtti | Parmenion: I wouldn't be so sure | 09:50 |
crdlb | well he is connecting as root, regardless :) | 09:50 |
majd | Tom_Kun_, well it doesn't come up in the list of partitions | 09:50 |
Tom_Kun_ | majd: when the windows setup loads | 09:50 |
Varnel | msfn.org yeah, was right the first tine | 09:50 |
Tom_Kun_ | it says that you need to press a key if you have a disk controller that isn't supported by windows | 09:50 |
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Tom_Kun_ | so that you can insert a floppy or cd | 09:51 |
Tom_Kun_ | with this file | 09:51 |
majd | Tom_Kun_, it just tells me to press enter, go into recovery mode, or quit | 09:51 |
Parmenion | ok crdlb :P | 09:51 |
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Tom_Kun_ | majd: the driver your missing is here: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=ob-39535-1&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=3192893&os=228&jumpid=reg_R1002_USEN | 09:51 |
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majd | Tom_Kun_, a "diskette" is a floppy | 09:51 |
majd | ? | 09:51 |
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Tom_Kun_ | majd: the problem has occured because the 'hidden' recovery partition that HP installed in your computer has been removed | 09:51 |
Tom_Kun_ | majd: thus, the 'preconfigured' windows version that actually comes with your pc is gone | 09:52 |
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majd | Tom_Kun_, i see....makes sense | 09:52 |
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Tom_Kun_ | the standard windows cd wont detect your harddrive controller | 09:52 |
cypherdelic | ok this is filanlly the pastebin of my samba issues inclusice my smb.conf, please help | 09:52 |
cypherdelic | http://phpfi.com/237495 | 09:52 |
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holycow | Tom_Kun_, oh thats what they do now | 09:52 |
holycow | *giggle* | 09:52 |
holycow | wankers | 09:52 |
Tom_Kun_ | it basicly needs the files in that link to function | 09:52 |
holycow | Tom_Kun_, so someone blows away their partition and now they are screwed? | 09:53 |
holycow | oh wow | 09:53 |
holycow | thats JUST brilliant | 09:53 |
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Tom_Kun_ | holycow: he can order a restore cd from hp if he wants to though | 09:53 |
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majd | Tom_Kun_, would it work if i burn a dvd? | 09:53 |
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holycow | ah they do offer that? | 09:53 |
Varnel | yeah but those drivers can be added to a cd-r or dvd-r of the windows install disc so it does work | 09:53 |
holycow | well at least a way out | 09:53 |
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premier_ | what would happen if, after upgrading my linux kernel, I attempted to boot with an older kernel? like 2.6.20 -> 2.6.17 | 09:53 |
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holycow | premier_, most likely nothing, only things updated for the new kernel would stop wroking | 09:54 |
Varnel | my beef is, there are like 20+ dif install versions of XP... i've met ppl that even tho i have copies of 10+ different versions, i cant reinstall their legal copy | 09:54 |
Slart | premier_: I think you'd be running your system with the older kernel..what did you expect? =) | 09:54 |
cypherdelic | ok this is filanlly the pastebin of my samba issues inclusice my smb.conf, please help | 09:54 |
cypherdelic | http://phpfi.com/237495 | 09:54 |
Varnel | and sooo many oems don't provide install cds | 09:54 |
h4wk0 | Good morning, I want to mount /dev/hdb1 & /dev/sda1 to /home/nperry/Files - I have managed to mount it, however It doesnt give me file permissions to read/write - and ive been told chown nperry /dev/sda3 is wrong.. Whats the best way? | 09:55 |
holycow | Varnel, wow | 09:55 |
Tom_Kun_ | majd: it might work if you burn a bootable cd with these files in the correct location.. however, I never use SATA myself, so at what directory you need to put them in, I am uncertain. :) | 09:55 |
holycow | Varnel, we haven't been buying windows for almost two years | 09:55 |
Slart | premier_: you would probably run into some problems if you tried running a 2.4 kernel instead of a 2.6 kernel.. but a small update shift probably won't kill anything big | 09:55 |
majd | Tom_Kun_, i don't have a floppy drive :( | 09:55 |
araldit | If I transfer a dvd from samba share to ubuntu it takes around 23 minutes. From the same share to windows Xp it takes around 7.5 minutes. Can someone point me in the right direction for fixing this. | 09:55 |
holycow | i've completely forgotten ... its starting to all come back to me | 09:55 |
Myrtti | h4wk0: mount it with suid and/or allow_other | 09:55 |
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Varnel | holycow, i bought windows once, and it came with a mouse =( | 09:55 |
Tom_Kun_ | majd: here is a good link to explore when you have no floppy: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Install-Windows-XP-On-SATA-Without-a-Floppy-F6-47807.shtml | 09:55 |
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majd | Tom_Kun_, you're the man / girl | 09:56 |
Tom_Kun_ | as you can see, you can generate a new windows xp installation with the drivers included in the installation | 09:56 |
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h4wk0 | Sorry Myrtti Kind of a new to linux, Know all the basics.. | 09:56 |
Tom_Kun_ | then burn a new cd/dvd and install from it | 09:56 |
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premier_ | Slart: I'm just wondering if I want to take some of my old linux kernels off of my grub options... the list is about 4 long now | 09:56 |
premier_ | 2 options each, so... | 09:56 |
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PDET | what can i do here! | 09:56 |
karri | i'm so glad i found out about vista's horrible restrictions before i bought it. i was just about to buy it over the internet... phew. | 09:56 |
Tom_Kun_ | majd: I hope it helps :) for more drivers for your laptop that you will need on windows: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareList?os=228&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=3192893&jumpid=reg_R1002_USEN | 09:56 |
holycow | premier_, thats fine, remove them using synaptic | 09:56 |
karri | then switched to ubuntu | 09:57 |
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Varnel | congrats karri | 09:57 |
holycow | majd, also thats about as far as we can take you | 09:57 |
majd | Tom_Kun_, thanks a lot, i really appreciate it | 09:57 |
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admintroy | where do i find the firewall rules for port forwarding? | 09:57 |
Tom_Kun_ | majd: good luck | 09:57 |
mwe | premier_: removing some of the old kernels would be easiest. that would remove them from the grub config file as well | 09:57 |
holycow | majd, in the future hp related questions really need to be fielded by hp paid support | 09:57 |
Slart | premier_: you can config grub so that it only shows the N newest kernels in that list.. or even only the latest kernel.. check the grub config file, it's not that weird | 09:57 |
holycow | try and call them first if you can :) | 09:57 |
karri | thanks warnel :) | 09:57 |
bytekode | admintroy: /sbin/iptables -L ? | 09:57 |
majd | holycow, i have a phobia of non-apple support | 09:57 |
Slart | premier_: and the kernels don't use a lot of space unless you're running on a very limited system | 09:57 |
holycow | majd, i'm SEEN bad apple support too :) | 09:58 |
Myrtti | h4wk0: try "man mount". If I remember correctly, it explains both suid/gid and allow_other quite nicely | 09:58 |
h4wk0 | Ok ty :) | 09:58 |
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premier_ | Slart: yeah, No big deal... it just that windows (which I never boot) goes farther and farther down the list | 09:58 |
majd | holycow, yeah? dunno, i've called them about 5 times and all 5 times they've been 110% | 09:58 |
Varnel | majd, i have a phobia of apples :( | 09:58 |
Varnel | was forced to use a g35 for work for a year... | 09:58 |
holycow | majd, i had one zealous mac user, pro graffix guy with a family and stuff | 09:58 |
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holycow | buy a nice mac setup, mobo failed, they refused to replace it without a 2k repair cost | 09:59 |
Varnel | beauty | 09:59 |
majd | holycow, wow | 09:59 |
holycow | so he went out and bought a windows machine for half the price, the same speed and is never buying another mac | 09:59 |
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holycow | half price of repair i mean | 09:59 |
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Slart | premier_: I think I've changed mine to only show 2 linux kernels.. that makes the OS list somewhat shorter.. besides, if you really want to you can boot from any kernel by editing the boot line in grub. | 09:59 |
admintroy | bytekode - thanks.. now all i need to do is learn how to use them :) | 09:59 |
majd | holycow, he got unlucky | 09:59 |
holycow | *nod* very | 10:00 |
holycow | it happens | 10:00 |
PDET | who wants to learn mandarin? | 10:00 |
eriklover | when will the support for 7.04 be suspended? | 10:00 |
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karri | PDET, me | 10:00 |
RAOF | eriklover: In 18 months, IIRC | 10:00 |
bytekode | admintroy: you can also add --line-numbers to the end of iptables -L, it helps when trying to insert a rule between 2 others | 10:00 |
dawn_chorus | eriklover, 18 months from 7.04, I believe. | 10:00 |
itsiktklm | can anyone help me with a mount command - i want to mount a windows share on a LAN but can't get the sytex right | 10:00 |
eriklover | oh, thank you | 10:00 |
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premier_ | Slart: yeah, but I would never remember which ones I have... besides, it'd be kinda cool to have a long list of old linux kernels | 10:00 |
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Slart | premier_: yes.. the chicks dig that ;) | 10:01 |
premier_ | "yup, I started all the way back in 2006, back before linux went mainstream... I'm so cool" | 10:01 |
Varnel | Slart, can you show me where those chicks are? :p | 10:01 |
premier_ | Slart: hey, the kinda chicks I want dig that | 10:01 |
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Slart | Varnel: hey.. stay off my wife.. she's mine.. Miiiiiiine | 10:02 |
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holycow | my kernel list is longer than your kernel list | 10:02 |
=== Slart 's wife doesn't really dig old linux kernels.. but one can dream, please? =) | ||
Hirvinen | premier_: You want chicks that dig wasting disk space on obsolete kernels? | 10:02 |
premier_ | Slart: is that how you get her in the mood? Show her you awesmoe leet haxor skills? | 10:02 |
premier_ | Hirvinen: | 10:02 |
premier_ | Hirvinen: lol | 10:03 |
Varnel | lol omg | 10:03 |
holycow | to be fair in the age of terrabyte hds, and extra kernel or two is hardly anything to care about | 10:03 |
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inflex | hi there, I need to install an app called "QtDMM" but the version in the repository is 0.8.6 and I need 0.8.8 | 10:03 |
Slart | premier_: I've written a bash script.. saves some time ;) | 10:03 |
premier_ | holycow: I want a tebibyte hd | 10:03 |
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inflex | I have downloaded the tar.gz source tarball but it looks like it needs Qt3 dev libs | 10:03 |
holycow | i don't think there is enough prawn in the world to fit on that | 10:03 |
premier_ | holycow: oh, there is | 10:04 |
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inflex | is there a 'default' development package for QT3 in Ubuntu ? | 10:04 |
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Tom_Kun | holycow: well, I believe this is something that could be adressed in further versions of ubuntu really. It should avoid deleting 'hidden' fat partitions, as more and more companies are starting to do this | 10:04 |
Slart | "hidden fat partitions"?? | 10:04 |
holycow | wouldn't the whole internet fit on a petabyte hd? | 10:04 |
holycow | hehe | 10:04 |
premier_ | Tom_Kun: wtf? | 10:04 |
=== w1jrm [n=w1jrm@209-102-166-172.adsl.coastalnow.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Varnel | Tom_Kun, I used G4U to backup my dell before attempting anything strange with linux.... hopefuly i could repair it back to the dell factory should i choose | 10:05 |
holycow | Tom_Kun, what is a hidden partition? | 10:05 |
Slart | you mean like the hp-computers have? with some restore info on them? | 10:05 |
Tom_Kun | HP is delivering laptops with fat partitions that do not normally show up when loading a computer, with the 'recovery files' | 10:05 |
beford | he probably means hidden partitions used for restore info | 10:05 |
holycow | its only hidden to the registry in windows | 10:05 |
holycow | i don't see how its doable | 10:05 |
holycow | i think what we have now is reasonbale it doesn't delete anything unless you tell it to | 10:05 |
w1jrm | anyone here have a few min or a wiki on how to use ubuntu as a file server, i want to make my Linux box a file sharing server | 10:05 |
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holycow | it moves stuff around and makes room for it self properly, i think thats fine | 10:05 |
admintroy | I want to add a route for RDP protocol, but cannot find one in Firestarter... any suggestions? | 10:05 |
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AaronCN | I've install Epson 1600L printer driver on ubuntu, but there is no response when I print a test page. ?? | 10:06 |
Slart | that hidden partition isn't very invisible on my work computer.. it bitches about it all the time "low on storage space on drive bla bla" | 10:06 |
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premier_ | I have "hidden" partitions on my dell... some sort of utility partition... aparently theres a "second" windows that can access media files on media center computers | 10:06 |
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Slart | w1jrm: file server for windows users? | 10:06 |
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holycow | AaronCN, is the printer supported on linuxprinting.org? | 10:06 |
Varnel | premier_, yeah that still seems to exist on mine... it must be bios embedded | 10:06 |
Tom_Kun | the problem is that users aren't careful with backing up their drivers end up with no floppy, no sata drivers, and windows not detecting their HD :p | 10:06 |
w1jrm | yes i want my wife to be able to store all here MP3 and movie files on my Spare Linux bod | 10:07 |
holycow | you can't protect users from the selves | 10:07 |
w1jrm | box and file share them with the windows PC she has | 10:07 |
Varnel | Tom_Kun, that exists even with DIY comps | 10:07 |
Slart | w1jrm: you'll probably be using Samba for that.. there's lots of docs on that... | 10:07 |
holycow | if you try then you get the windows problem, software doing the thinking for users | 10:07 |
w1jrm | I already have a home network setup just never networked my linux box into it before | 10:07 |
eriklover | who can tell me how can i change the default icons theme? i mean i install new icons themes,but when i create new file, the icon of the new file does; | 10:07 |
Slart | !samba | w1jrm | 10:07 |
ubotu | w1jrm: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 10:07 |
=== regius [n=regius@ua-85-227-50-134.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AaronCN | holycow: check it out. :) | 10:07 |
premier_ | you shut down the computer, then press the "mediaDirect" button, and then you get to listen to music and stuff without booting windows (because apparently thats an important feature to today's demanding market) | 10:07 |
w1jrm | thank you Slart | 10:08 |
holycow | AaronCN, you have the balls to ask me to and research that for you? | 10:08 |
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holycow | you rlucky i'm not drunk any more | 10:08 |
Tom_Kun | Varnel: on DIY computers you can probably get ahold of a floppy drive pretty easily and download the neccesay SATA drivers.. More difficult on a laptop computer :) | 10:08 |
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Tom_Kun | *nessecary | 10:08 |
w1jrm | Slart got one more question | 10:08 |
Hirvinen | premier_: Hey, I really appreciate the ability to listen to music without Windows. ;) | 10:08 |
Slart | w1jrm: you're welcome | 10:08 |
Varnel | Tom_Kun, i've refused to use a floppy since 1997 | 10:08 |
Slart | w1jrm: go ahead | 10:08 |
beford | oh yea, Media direct keys dont work on Ubuntu dells | 10:08 |
faileas | Tom_Kun: i keep a USB floppy drive for that ;p | 10:08 |
premier_ | Hirvinen: well, yeah, but its not linux either... its a shadow OS | 10:08 |
Varnel | floppys are totaly unreliable | 10:08 |
HugopigHopcroft | hewwo? skwewy wabbits? | 10:09 |
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@host-85-27-113-187.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
w1jrm | I dont have a KVM switch is there a way to view my desktop remotly from another linux box and a windows Machine, I have too many monitors and keyboards on my PC | 10:09 |
AaronCN | holycow: I've got my printer on that list. Epson EPL-1600L. Thank you. :) | 10:09 |
premier_ | thats based on windows technology | 10:09 |
Tom_Kun | I never use floppies myself. Just saying :) | 10:09 |
holycow | lol | 10:09 |
holycow | your welcome? | 10:09 |
premier_ | so, worthless | 10:09 |
holycow | :) | 10:09 |
faileas | neither do i | 10:09 |
holycow | sorry i misunderstood what you meant | 10:09 |
holycow | hehe | 10:09 |
w1jrm | I really just want to link my two linux boxes with on Monitor and keyboard but like i said no KVM so i want to know can i do it with software | 10:09 |
HugopigHopcroft | I have a noob question. | 10:09 |
admintroy | I want to add a port forward for RDP protocol, but cannot find one in Firestarter... any suggestions? | 10:09 |
w1jrm | or a remote access type thing | 10:09 |
Slart | beford: tried that.. oh.. what's it called.. Gizmo.. it might be able to fix those media keys | 10:09 |
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holycow | AaronCN, okay let me tell you what happened to me on an hp last week | 10:09 |
eriklover | him Tom_Kun , how can i change the default icons theme. | 10:09 |
Hirvinen | I wonder if I have used floppies on this millennium... | 10:10 |
holycow | i was trying to setup an hp deskjet 722c, its perfectly supported | 10:10 |
holycow | BUT it turns out that i had to configure the CONFIG file for the fricking driver in the /etc folder for the damned driver | 10:10 |
Slart | w1jrm: yes.. there are some software for that.. X-windows is really designed to be remote able... haven't used it myself | 10:10 |
CaptainMorgan | can anyone recommend the best and maybe the easiest mail server to install? I had considerable trouble when I tried last. think it was postfix and mailman... | 10:10 |
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Tom_Kun | eriklover: check system->preferences | 10:10 |
CaptainMorgan | 10:10 | |
Slart | w1jrm: you could always use vnc.. easy to setup, reasonably fast | 10:10 |
ubotu | mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com | 10:10 |
holycow | AaronCN, the moral of the story is i inly found out when i googled the exact model, exactly problem, os to find that out and you will as well | 10:10 |
holycow | :/ | 10:11 |
w1jrm | ok do you nkow if there is a wiki, the two machines will run Current Ubuntu OS and sometimes access it from the windows | 10:11 |
Slart | !vnc | w1jrm | 10:11 |
ubotu | w1jrm: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 10:11 |
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Tom_Kun | there's several options there for modifying the visuals | 10:11 |
w1jrm | VNC that do cross platform | 10:11 |
Varnel | start: does VNC work as a free mode to windows etc? | 10:11 |
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AaronCN | holycow: :( | 10:11 |
HugopigHopcroft | I just installed the new Ubuntu after failing with Windows. I have a 250GB internal drive and three USB hard drvies in addition to my system drive, and I'm trying to figure out hiow to mount them as full-access drives to be both read from and written to. | 10:11 |
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Slart | Varnel: vnc is available as open source, both server and client | 10:11 |
holycow | AaronCN, i would telll you the answer if i knew anything about those printers, sorry for being sorta not helpfull | 10:11 |
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eriklover | Tom_Kun: but when i create new file, the icon does not change. | 10:12 |
Tom_Kun | HugopigHopcroft: what kind of partitions do you have on your usb drives? | 10:12 |
Varnel | Slart, hmm thanks, that answered that question i think..., i'll have to play around with it | 10:12 |
w1jrm | Slart if you know you can turn on the wiki for VNC i would greatly be thankfull | 10:12 |
HugopigHopcroft | I was using them all the drives in Windoes. Winslge NTFS partitions. | 10:12 |
HugopigHopcroft | Single, that is. | 10:12 |
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HugopigHopcroft | Part of my job is to get the drives into the right format without losing the data, because that's a lot of data. | 10:13 |
AaronCN | holycow: thank you very much. | 10:13 |
=== PurpZeY [n=brian@ool-45752bd0.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tom_Kun | HugopigHopcroft: NTFS drivers arent automagically mounted in linux as read/write because there are still instability problems with read/write on linux NTFS. | 10:13 |
holycow | AaronCN, no problem at all dude | 10:13 |
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Slart | w1jrm: there are many companies offering vnc solutions.. some for free.. some for money.. here is one small wiki about it http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/VNC | 10:13 |
w1jrm | ok thank you, i know Win XP has VNC for free built into it | 10:14 |
Tom_Kun | HugopigHopcroft: NTFS is, after all, a microsoft propritary file format which has never been open to anyone else :) | 10:14 |
w1jrm | and the wiki will tell me the rest | 10:14 |
w1jrm | thank you again | 10:14 |
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Slart | w1jrm: you're welcome again =) | 10:14 |
HugopigHopcroft | I know, that's why I want to move files around and then reformat drives in a long, complicated process. | 10:14 |
AaronCN | holycow: on the first page epl-1600L driver, it says: known not to use a standard protocol as Postscript or PCL; not to be confused with EPL-1600. what does it mean? | 10:14 |
holycow | w1jrm, actually it doesn't | 10:14 |
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holycow | w1jrm, it has rdp built in which is similar but proprietary | 10:14 |
holycow | and undocumented | 10:15 |
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Varnel | HugopigHopcroft, you could always xfer the data on a NTFS partiton to a FAT32 partition using a windows base (i hate to say that in this holy place) | 10:15 |
HugopigHopcroft | So, I need to ,mount the drives but can't get the access to do so. | 10:15 |
=== Tehkain [n=i@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | we do have a free rdp viewer out there BUT it will cause hangups and rases on your xp machine BECAUSE they sorta did their best to reverse engineer a piece of garbage thats undocumented | 10:15 |
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jscinoz | Hey guys, what command do i use to check my kernel options? | 10:15 |
holycow | that being said vnc isn't a hugely impressive piece of work but its nice :) | 10:15 |
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Tom_Kun | HugopigHopcroft: are you running feisty? | 10:15 |
HugopigHopcroft | If I were running any version of Windows, I could. | 10:15 |
w1jrm | that is ok holycow | 10:16 |
HugopigHopcroft | I'm a bit peeved, but not feisty. :) | 10:16 |
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w1jrm | i just need one to comm between the two Ubuntu machines | 10:16 |
HugopigHopcroft | Since you're not talking about my mood, what is it? | 10:16 |
holycow | w1jrm, cool :) just making sure we have all the info out there | 10:16 |
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Tom_Kun | HugopigHopcroft: I'd recommend this for NTFS details http://www.ubuntugeek.com/widows-ntfs-partitions-readwrite-support-made-easy-in-ubuntu-feisty.html | 10:16 |
beford | jscinoz, kernel options? | 10:16 |
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LeSinge | hallo | 10:17 |
Tom_Kun | HugopigHopcroft: it does however, assume you are running the latest ubuntu version :) | 10:17 |
jscinoz | yeah like... CONFIG_ACPI etc | 10:17 |
w1jrm | once i reinstall linux on my older machine they are my primary and secondary file server and run mainly windows still media center edition, for my primary machine, alot of software not supported for Ubuntu yet | 10:17 |
w1jrm | but soone will be | 10:17 |
=== bodkin [n=mal@88-109-50-126.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jscinoz | i want to check if have them on before i go the the trouble of recompiling | 10:17 |
w1jrm | thanks again everyone, | 10:17 |
w1jrm | James | 10:17 |
w1jrm | i might do a dual install dual boot on the primary 64bit x2 AMD chip | 10:18 |
HugopigHopcroft | I am running what I believe to be the newest production version. No Fesity, though, on my menues. | 10:18 |
LeSinge | i'm having a bit of trouble with mounting some new partitions | 10:18 |
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m_m_m | I just installed Ubuntu (7.0.4) for the first time ever about 30 minutes ago, and my Viewsonic flatscreen is now only displaying at a max. resolution of 1024x768 when its native resolution is higher. What do I need to do to fix this? | 10:18 |
holycow | !resolution | 10:19 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 10:19 |
LeSinge | I changed the fstab file and they mount just fine, but the owner is root and as a "user" I can't edit anything on them | 10:19 |
LeSinge | ): | 10:19 |
holycow | you need the proper vertical and horizontal refresh rates for your monitor in your xorg.conf file | 10:19 |
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holycow | we don't have a gui setup for that to make it super easy but the info up there will explain how to set that up well | 10:19 |
jscinoz | hey guys on my toshiva laptop the fan never turns on unless i specifically force it on via /proc/acpi/toshiba/fan is there a way to have it automatically turn on when the CPU temperature reaches a set value? | 10:19 |
m_m_m | thank you i'll look into those things | 10:20 |
HugopigHopcroft | Ah, yes, now I see why. I hadn't seen it on the list of installable aps. | 10:20 |
h4wk0 | Good morning, I want to mount /dev/hdb1 & /dev/sda1 to /home/nperry/Files - I have managed to mount it, however It doesnt give me file permissions to read/write - and ive been told chown nperry /dev/sda3 is wrong.. Whats the best way? Please dont tell me to rtfm becuase i dont know what im really looking for! | 10:20 |
w1jrm | thank you all again, let me sign off and get to work | 10:20 |
w1jrm | best to all and keep the software free | 10:20 |
w1jrm | =) | 10:20 |
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LeSinge | yeah, i'm having similar permission problems h4wk0 | 10:20 |
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cwgannon | wow, this is my first ever irc message sent from ubuntu | 10:21 |
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LeSinge | I've tried mounting as user and everything, but owner is set to root and I can't write to drive | 10:21 |
cwgannon | i'm freaking out | 10:21 |
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Tom_Kun | cwgannon: why? :) | 10:21 |
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cwgannon | because i | 10:21 |
LeSinge | pain in my butt | 10:21 |
h4wk0 | LeSinge; I done chown nperry /dev/sda3 But i got told that was not the way to do it | 10:21 |
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Slart | h4wk0: you're mounting both drives in the same mountpoint? | 10:21 |
cwgannon | ... am done with windows now | 10:22 |
h4wk0 | Isit not possible Slart ? | 10:22 |
h4wk0 | it was only an idea to | 10:22 |
Slart | h4wk0: yes it is.. just checking so you know what you're doing =) | 10:22 |
LeSinge | oh | 10:22 |
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HugopigHopcroft | But all it's done so far is enable write support for my external drives. It still won't recognize the 232.9 GB volume that's mounted internally. | 10:22 |
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LeSinge | This is my first attempt at setting it up. | 10:22 |
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LeSinge | I just reformatted all my old ntfs partitions to ext3 | 10:23 |
Slart | h4wk0: personally I'd put them in separate mountpoints.. perhaps /home/nperry/files/disk1 and /home/nperry/files/disk2 or something like that | 10:23 |
cwgannon | the first time i tried tonight, i removed the top panel and couldn't get it back -- so i had to reinstall the whole OS | 10:23 |
LeSinge | if I were to mount the drives to my /home would that let me edit them as user? | 10:23 |
HugopigHopcroft | LeSinge: which is what I would do did I not wish to keep the data. | 10:23 |
h4wk0 | Ok Slart Now how do i come make it read/write to nperry | 10:23 |
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HugopigHopcroft | Is a restart in order? | 10:24 |
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crabgrass | !love | 10:24 |
ubotu | Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come. | 10:24 |
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crabgrass | ty, ubotu | 10:24 |
LeSinge | Hugo: yeah, I've got three drives and had a bunch of parts.... | 10:24 |
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frying_fish | h4wk0, to change the ownership of everything in the directory, it needs to be: chown -R nperry /directory | 10:24 |
Slart | h4wk0: but to your question.. to change the permissions on the mountpoint you'd go "sudo chmod a+rw /home/nperry/files" , sudo because you might not be the owner, a means to add rights, rw means add read and write permission | 10:24 |
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Slart | h4wk0: bah.. sorry no coffe yet here.. a means all users + means to add | 10:25 |
LeSinge | so you are supp to use chmod? | 10:25 |
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Slart | chmod to change permissions, chown to change owner | 10:25 |
frying_fish | h4wk0, slarts way also work, but you will still need a -R switch to make it recursive | 10:25 |
h4wk0 | Ok i will try it | 10:25 |
h4wk0 | Many thanks | 10:25 |
LeSinge | so if I change owner of them, will that be permanent? | 10:25 |
LeSinge | or if I change permissions.. | 10:25 |
Slart | yes.. I was kind of assuming the files were already readable.. but yes add a -R (must be capital) to make it recursive | 10:26 |
CaptainMorgan | !openssl | 10:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about openssl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:26 |
LeSinge | or will I have to do every time I restart compy? | 10:26 |
Slart | LeSinge: yes | 10:26 |
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Slart | LeSinge: or.. you can change it again if you want.. it's not that kind of permanent =) | 10:26 |
frying_fish | LeSinge, permanent | 10:26 |
frying_fish | well yeah, you can change when you want, but it isn't volatile | 10:26 |
LeSinge | well, looks like that's what I want | 10:26 |
LeSinge | I just want the drives to be mounted and writeable by users | 10:27 |
DJ_Samu | hello | 10:27 |
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DJ_Samu | I am new around here, and also new to Linux, and I have some questions | 10:27 |
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Slart | LeSinge: there are some switches in /etc/fstab you can use too.. uid I think | 10:27 |
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Tom_Kun | DJ_Samu: feel free to ask :) | 10:27 |
Slart | DJ_Samu: go ahead and ask | 10:27 |
LeSinge | Slart: that'd be great.... I couldn | 10:28 |
LeSinge | t | 10:28 |
DJ_Samu | I downloaded Ubuntu iso file 7.04 something for i386 | 10:28 |
DJ_Samu | then I burned it into a CD | 10:28 |
=== chillware [n=jim@c-67-172-119-134.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LeSinge | find anything on that online. | 10:28 |
=== HugopigHopcroft [n=michael@71-32-247-118.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DJ_Samu | I went to install it on a spare computer I have there | 10:28 |
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DJ_Samu | the computer had windows xp already on it | 10:28 |
HugopigHopcroft | I'm back. I tried to restart. | 10:28 |
DJ_Samu | it all installed fine, but then... it doesn't boot | 10:28 |
DJ_Samu | :/ | 10:28 |
Slart | LeSinge: you can always read more using "man fstab" | 10:28 |
Shadowpillar | this network isnt killing off nicknames like it should be | 10:28 |
Shadowpillar | I still have ghosts on here | 10:28 |
Shadowpillar | Anyway | 10:28 |
Tom_Kun | DJ_Samu: where does it stop? | 10:28 |
DJ_Samu | I get an error | 10:29 |
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wols | Shadowpillar: if it doesn't boot, how far does it get | 10:29 |
LeSinge | Slart: thx, yeah, I looked up a bunch of stuff on it, but didn't check man yet | 10:29 |
DJ_Samu | udevd-event[1951] : runprogram '/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit | 10:29 |
Shadowpillar | question, any way to convert Evolution to thunderbird | 10:29 |
Shadowpillar | wols, hrmm? | 10:29 |
DJ_Samu | that's the error I got | 10:29 |
Shadowpillar | wols, my system? | 10:29 |
wols | Shadowpillar: sry, wrong nick | 10:29 |
Slart | Shadowpillar: since they both are open source I'd say there probably is | 10:29 |
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Shadowpillar | Slart, I know I've had one hell of a time looking for something that does | 10:30 |
HugopigHopcroft | All right, I now have the external drvies not connected. All I have is the 232.9 GB NTFS volume to worry about. Even with the NTFS Configuration Tool installed, I cannot mount that drive at dev/sd1 like I need to. | 10:30 |
=== Slart is googling.. it has to be out there | ||
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Slart | Shadowpillar: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-import-your-mails-from-evolution-to-thunderbird.html | 10:31 |
DJ_Samu | do you know what's wrong? | 10:31 |
HugopigHopcroft | And, unfortunately, that is the drive I moved my curial documents to do they wouldn't be lost when I formatted my system drive to run Ubuntu. | 10:31 |
str4 | Hi | 10:31 |
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Shadowpillar | my biggest gripe and I hope it's fixed in the future is that ubuntu requires certain apps to be installed | 10:31 |
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Shadowpillar | or else the whole system will uninstall if you try to remove them | 10:32 |
Slart | Shadowpillar: it does? or you mean the ubuntu desktop package? | 10:32 |
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DJ_Samu | do you know what my error is? | 10:32 |
Shadowpillar | no | 10:32 |
HugopigHopcroft | bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, bad option, bad fs. | 10:32 |
DJ_Samu | runprogram '/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit | 10:32 |
Shadowpillar | there was some trivial app I was trying to remove and it wanted to remove xorg, base utils, etc | 10:32 |
predaeus | DJ_Samu, try searching the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/ | 10:32 |
Shadowpillar | and it was a simple desktop app | 10:32 |
Slart | Shadowpillar: hehe.. I one removed a small utility called logrotate on my debian machine.. almost everything depends on it.. it promptly started to uninstall itself altogether =) | 10:32 |
DJ_Samu | I tried googling, I read stuff about SATA being the problem, but I have no idea what a sata is | 10:32 |
Hug_ | guys tell me if you know a good CAD program for Linux ( like AutoCAD ) | 10:33 |
Shadowpillar | that doesnt have that much importance | 10:33 |
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Shadowpillar | Slart, logrotate is one thing, something like a small image viewer isnt | 10:33 |
Ghe-Bay | can anyone help me with importing pics from digital camera? | 10:33 |
CaptainMorgan | what is the "Broken" filter? my system is saying i have a broken package and I need to find it using this feature | 10:33 |
predaeus | DJ_Samu, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_ATA | 10:33 |
CaptainMorgan | !Broken | 10:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about broken - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:33 |
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HugopigHopcroft | SATA is the drive type. I have two SATA drvies intenrally, and one of them is the one giivng me the trouble. The other is my main system drive and is working just fine. | 10:33 |
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Slart | Shadowpillar: nah.. it saves logfiles, zips them and starts a new one.. it's the reason you have syslog syslog.0 syslog.1.gz etc | 10:34 |
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bobrunsen | Anyone good with exim router conditions? {eq {${lookup{$local_part@$domain}lsearch{/email/spam}}}{1} } doesn't work when /email/spam contains user@address.com:1 | 10:34 |
Tom_Kun | DJ_Samu: you could attempt to add "pci=noacpi" to the kernel line in GRUB | 10:34 |
astronaught | Anyone know how to set the web browser which openoffice opens when you click a link? I can't find how to change it. | 10:34 |
Slart | CaptainMorgan: in synaptic package manager.. there is a filter for showing broken apps | 10:34 |
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Shadowpillar | Slart, well it has some purpose | 10:35 |
astronaught | It keeps opening konqueror, but I want it to open firefox. | 10:35 |
Carnage\ | astronaught: ls -l /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser | 10:35 |
CaptainMorgan | Slart, I found it, but how do I employ it? it doesn't seem to go searching for them... | 10:35 |
astronaught | Carnage\: That's just the thing. Thanks! | 10:35 |
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HugopigHopcroft | Hello? Anyone listening? | 10:36 |
bobrunsen | Not really | 10:36 |
jxxxt | dont be rotten | 10:36 |
Slart | CaptainMorgan: you've found the custom filters, clicked on broken and it does nothing? | 10:36 |
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CaptainMorgan | clicking on broken shows a menu to the right, I further check mark broken, then click ok, nothing happens | 10:37 |
Slart | CaptainMorgan: ah.. what packages do you see to the right? | 10:37 |
Carnage\ | astronaught: But don't change it using ln -s | 10:37 |
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astronaught | Carnage\: I used galternatives, works a treat. | 10:37 |
Carnage\ | Change it using sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser | 10:37 |
Slart | !patience | HugopigHopcroft | 10:37 |
ubotu | HugopigHopcroft: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 10:37 |
CaptainMorgan | after clicking Ok? Slart ? | 10:37 |
Carnage\ | Or that one | 10:37 |
astronaught | Carnage\: thanks again. | 10:37 |
CaptainMorgan | a shitload | 10:37 |
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Carnage\ | :) | 10:37 |
Carnage\ | yw | 10:37 |
Slart | !repeat | HugopigHopcroft | 10:37 |
ubotu | HugopigHopcroft: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 10:37 |
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CaptainMorgan | I can tell you postfix is returning this when I try to install it: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/postfix_2.3.8-2_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 10:38 |
troib | can anyone help a newb | 10:38 |
jin | !nvidia | 10:38 |
DJ_Samu | I am sorry, but I really have no clue to where I should look at on the ubuntu forums. I'm really new to all that is Linux | 10:38 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:38 |
Ghe-Bay | need help with digital camera: my olympus c-8080 detected as c-2040z in gThumb and it says there ara no images... | 10:38 |
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GuHHH | ive got a kernel panic: mount: unknow filesystem type 'devfs'. umount: devfs: not mounted. pivot_root: no such file or directory. /sbin/init: 432: cannot open dev/console : no such file. kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init | 10:38 |
GuHHH | can someone help? | 10:38 |
predaeus | HugopigHopcroft, does "sudo fdisk -l" list the partition correctly? | 10:38 |
troib | i've installed ubuntu 7.04 feisty about 5 times now because of video problems | 10:38 |
jin | any one had problems with nvidia driver in Dapper? | 10:38 |
Slart | CaptainMorgan: oh.. that can't be good.. the packages on the right are the ones that are broken... are there more than 10? | 10:39 |
GuHHH | troib: what type of problems | 10:39 |
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CaptainMorgan | wait... no that's a listing for postfix after I conducted a search, Slart | 10:39 |
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CaptainMorgan | Slart, clearing my search function, then trying the broken filter again returns no packages on the right | 10:40 |
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troib | every time i install the ati fglrx driver and restart it boots to a terminal, and gives me the error message no ati | 10:40 |
Slart | CaptainMorgan: ah.. ok then it's just the postfix one that doesn't play nice.. before that line you copied there are more text right? that last one doesn't really tell me what the error is.. can you pastebin the output please? | 10:40 |
Slart | !pastebin | 10:40 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:40 |
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@c-76-102-74-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobrunsen | Slart: Get a life | 10:40 |
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Slart | bobrunsen: huh? | 10:41 |
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predaeus | !language | 10:41 |
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ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:41 |
troib | im beginning to think my video card isn't supported? i didn't have any problems with the older version of ubuntu? | 10:41 |
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GuHHH | troib: maybe itnst loaded correctly | 10:41 |
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troib | how do i find out | 10:41 |
LeSinge | blagh! I've got the drives working so I can write and delete stuff, but when I right-click, the options for "new folder" and "move to trash" are greyed out. | 10:41 |
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GuHHH | troib: me too, i had a lot of problems with proprietary drivers in this new version | 10:41 |
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DJ_Samu | What is a NTFS partition? | 10:42 |
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jin | how do you mount a .bin file? | 10:42 |
GuHHH | troib: try lsmod |grep fglrx | 10:42 |
DJ_Samu | because I got that one on my hd | 10:42 |
troib | it is frustrating | 10:42 |
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predaeus | DJ_Samu, look for ntfs on wikipedia.org | 10:42 |
troib | but i appreciate the help | 10:42 |
CaptainMorgan | Slart, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22840/ | 10:42 |
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jxxxt | DJ_samu: windows | 10:42 |
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jin | !flash | 10:42 |
ubotu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 10:42 |
troib | thx samu, brb | 10:43 |
GuHHH | troib: try lsmod |grep fglrx (see if somethings shows up) | 10:43 |
troib | ok | 10:43 |
DJ_Samu | I was reading this page that it says there could be some problems with linux trying to resize NTFS partitions for dual boot. I think this is what I did | 10:43 |
troib | thanks guys | 10:43 |
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DJ_Samu | I installed ubuntu over a resized ntfs partition | 10:43 |
cwgannon | Q about keyrings: i login using a password and am immediately prompted to enter a password (the same one) to access my wireless connection ... can i disable this in some way? | 10:43 |
DJ_Samu | Ubuntu just doesn't boot at all | 10:43 |
DJ_Samu | and windows xp detected some weird errorrs on the hard drive | 10:44 |
DJ_Samu | but still booted fine after that | 10:44 |
muriu | how come its cheaper to host a website on Linux Servers than on Windows servers | 10:44 |
DJ_Samu | it's just ubuntu that doesn't want to boot.. | 10:44 |
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DJ_Samu | I have no idea what to search for my problem, I am clueless | 10:44 |
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DJ_Samu | pls help | 10:44 |
bobrunsen | DJ_Samu: pls suck my dick | 10:45 |
DJ_Samu | :o | 10:45 |
CaptainMorgan | Slart, any idea? | 10:45 |
LeSinge | I've just mounted some drives, but when I right-click, the options for "new folder" and "move to trash" are greyed out. Anyone got any ideas? | 10:45 |
bobrunsen | You fucking retard | 10:45 |
predaeus | !language | bobrunsen | 10:45 |
ubotu | bobrunsen: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:45 |
predaeus | !ops | 10:45 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 10:45 |
bobrunsen | !language | predaeus | 10:45 |
Slart | CaptainMorgan: I'm looking.. brb | 10:45 |
ubotu | predaeus: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:45 |
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CaptainMorgan | k | 10:45 |
=== bobrunsen [n=hfyx@82-69-35-23.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tom_Kun | DJ_Samu: you could attempt to add: pci=noacpi to the kernel line for booting Ubuntu in GRUB | 10:45 |
bobrunsen | !ops predaeus Abusive messages | 10:46 |
bobrunsen | !ops predaeus | 10:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ops predaeus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:46 |
DBO | bobrunsen, no swearing, no personal insults | 10:46 |
DBO | and stop spamming the bot | 10:46 |
CaptainMorgan | Slart, now I can't install anything... | 10:46 |
bobrunsen | DBO: Do you know anything about exim router conditions? | 10:46 |
CaptainMorgan | wth | 10:46 |
CaptainMorgan | dang | 10:46 |
DJ_Samu | I will try that Tom_Kun, brb | 10:46 |
HugopigHopcroft | bleep, did I foul things up. | 10:46 |
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Slart | CaptainMorgan: nah.. it probably wont install anything until this package is fixed | 10:47 |
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dejx | hello | 10:47 |
dejx | how do i add X user to CVS what will have only RW access to Y repository | 10:47 |
HugopigHopcroft | The reason that drvie has not shown up in the NTFS configuration tool is that it shows up as this: /dev/sdb1 1 30402 244197528+ 42 SFS | 10:47 |
Slart | CaptainMorgan: I'm googling for it.. never seen that error before | 10:47 |
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HugopigHopcroft | Which means that it is in an entirely different file structure that Ubuntu cannot currently mount. | 10:47 |
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HugopigHopcroft | Probably because it's fairly new and extremely closed. | 10:48 |
CaptainMorgan | Slart, the only thing I did was enable the proposed and backports packages as this howto describes: http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/ | 10:48 |
CaptainMorgan | Slart, I have since disable those two.. and I'm still have no luck | 10:48 |
SlimG2 | I'm trying to connect to a Bluetooth GPS receiver (serial) with a passkey thru "sudo hidd --connect aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff" but I only get this error message: "Can't open input device: No such file or directory (2)" What's wrong? | 10:48 |
Lr5_ | Anyone else using Nvidia 8800 gts video card with Ubuntu? | 10:48 |
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Slart | CaptainMorgan: yes.. it's probably just some application that has crashed and is keeping a file open that ubuntu wants to update | 10:48 |
HugopigHopcroft | So now, the question becomes: since my most vital non-program data is on that disk, what do I do to retrieve it? | 10:48 |
CaptainMorgan | Slart, maybe a reboot? | 10:48 |
CaptainMorgan | do the trick | 10:49 |
CaptainMorgan | ? | 10:49 |
LeSinge | Nvidia 6200 | 10:49 |
Slart | CaptainMorgan: a reboot might very well do the trick | 10:49 |
CaptainMorgan | k, ill give it a go :) | 10:49 |
Slart | CaptainMorgan: that ought to free up any open files | 10:49 |
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HugopigHopcroft | Always remember, maths are dangerous. Don't drink and derive. | 10:49 |
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LeSinge | what permissions are needed to allow creation of folders? | 10:50 |
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LeSinge | I used chmod rw but that's not working | 10:51 |
Slart | LeSinge: I'd guess write would do it | 10:51 |
predaeus | HugopigHopcroft, did that partition always have that file system on it or did you convert when installing ubuntu? | 10:51 |
Slart | LeSinge: on the parent folder? | 10:51 |
LeSinge | yeah | 10:51 |
LeSinge | didn't work for me | 10:51 |
=== TheGateKeeper [n=chatzill@82-36-115-224.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dejx | how do i add X user to CVS what will have only RW access to Y repository | 10:51 |
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LeSinge | at least the options are greyed out in the menu File>Create Folder | 10:52 |
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LeSinge | and when I right-click | 10:52 |
LeSinge | ): | 10:52 |
HugopigHopcroft | No, it had that file system before I put Ubuntu on. To be honest, what it is or how it got there I have no idea. but it worked on Vista. | 10:52 |
=== wildur [n=wildur@1-2-2-8a.spa.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
saddeh | a stupid question - is there an image emulator (such as .iso and .bin) in ubuntu? | 10:52 |
LeSinge | I used chmod rw -R /media/hda4 | 10:52 |
LeSinge | but can't make new folders | 10:53 |
SlimG2 | saddeh: cdemu | 10:53 |
predaeus | HugopigHopcroft, wikipedia brings up several file systems as sfs | 10:53 |
saddeh | thanks | 10:53 |
DJ_Samu | erm... sorry for making a dumb question, but how to I make this sign: = | 10:53 |
wEsTfALl | saddeh: you can mount .iso | 10:53 |
DJ_Samu | my keyboard is not english | 10:53 |
DJ_Samu | it's portuguese | 10:53 |
Slart | LeSinge: hm.. odd... I'll test it here too | 10:53 |
SlimG2 | saddeh: http://cdemu.sourceforge.net/ | 10:53 |
LeSinge | er... yeah, I can't even write to the drive | 10:53 |
LeSinge | but I hit DEL button on a folder and it deleted it | 10:53 |
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HugopigHopcroft | I see. So it's a Non-NTFS, non-FAt32 format that Windows reads and that's essentially all I know about it. | 10:54 |
GuHHH | DJ_Samu: what about the key at the left of backspace? | 10:54 |
DJ_Samu | that's for my keyboard | 10:54 |
predaeus | HugopigHopcroft, I guess mounting without any options does not work | 10:54 |
saddeh | thanks SlimG2 | 10:54 |
HugopigHopcroft | At the moment, I have no way to access any further data. | 10:54 |
SlimG2 | saddeh: iso files can be mounted directly to an empty dir like this:mount -o loop <file.iso> <mount folder> | 10:55 |
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HugopigHopcroft | True. However, best guess is that it's the newest system Vista came up with. | 10:55 |
HugopigHopcroft | Probably due to a Quick Format a little while ago. | 10:55 |
DJ_Samu | what's the alt-xxx that makes the sign '=' ? | 10:55 |
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GuHHH | does it need a key combination? | 10:55 |
DJ_Samu | I am trying to input the pci=acpi line | 10:55 |
saddeh | rather try cdemu :) | 10:55 |
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GuHHH | god... what kind of keyboard are u using? | 10:56 |
Tom_Kun | DJ_Samu: pci=noacpi | 10:56 |
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wEsTfALl | god use no keyboad | 10:56 |
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GuHHH | very good joke, are u a comedian? | 10:56 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-24-61-150-59.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
DJ_Samu | ah yes, pci=noacpi | 10:56 |
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Slart | LeSinge: have you tried setting permissions to rwx instead of just rw? | 10:57 |
LeSinge | will do | 10:57 |
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LeSinge | just a sec | 10:57 |
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troib | im back | 10:57 |
CaptainMorgan | Slart, :) much ado about nothing, appeared to be just a simple sub-process fudgin up new installs, thank you for your help mang | 10:57 |
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troib | can anyone tell me how to type a line straight up and down | 10:57 |
HugopigHopcroft | No, if I just speciify "mount this drive" it doesn't. | 10:57 |
dejx | how do i add X user to CVS what will have only RW access to Y repository | 10:57 |
Slart | CaptainMorgan: no worries.. you're welcome | 10:57 |
=== jin [n=jin@s5591bc47.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
troib | like in the command lsmod ?grep fglrx? | 10:58 |
DJ_Samu | ah well... I guess I give up I'm too noob for this | 10:58 |
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DJ_Samu | thank for all the help | 10:58 |
GuHHH | | ? | 10:58 |
troib | yes | 10:58 |
GuHHH | shift \ | 10:58 |
troib | sorry | 10:58 |
troib | thanks | 10:58 |
troib | brb | 10:58 |
GuHHH | try | 10:58 |
GuHHH | at least its how i do here | 10:58 |
GuHHH | :) | 10:58 |
troib | ~ | 10:58 |
GuHHH | or shift ] | 10:59 |
troib | 10:59 | |
=== tomi12619 [n=kajmi@catv-506282db.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spee_Der | Good morning everyone. | 10:59 |
troib | ok | 10:59 |
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jin | !flash | 10:59 |
GuHHH | maybe shift [, go trying :) | 10:59 |
ubotu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 10:59 |
troib | this version of windows im working with has the keys all messed up | 10:59 |
troib | but ill figure it out | 10:59 |
LeSinge | chmod: invalid mode: `rwx' | 10:59 |
troib | as long as i know it is shift | 10:59 |
troib | ill find the other | 11:00 |
LeSinge | what the heck is that? | 11:00 |
troib | thx again | 11:00 |
troib | brb | 11:00 |
=== my_key [n=michael@72.99-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HugopigHopcroft | So it ought to be an NTFS drive, but it's not reading as one (since it doesn't look as if wndows replaces NTFS). | 11:00 |
whatevah_loop | I am trying to edit xorg.conf because my screen resolution is incorrect but gedit tells me i don't have the permissions necessary to change the file. Going to xorg.conf's Properties tells me something similar: that I'm not the Owner. | 11:00 |
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Slart | LeSinge: try without the -R .. just sudo chmod a+rwx foldername | 11:00 |
LeSinge | ah, my bad | 11:00 |
Spee_Der | whatevah_loop: when you use gedit do like this >> sudo gedit /etc/xorg.conf | 11:00 |
Slart | whatevah_loop: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:00 |
GuHHH | is windows vista home ultimate edition nice? | 11:00 |
Slart | !gksudo | 11:01 |
ubotu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> | 11:01 |
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=== Laibsch [n=Laibsch@p54b96e08.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | GuHHH: you're asking that, in here? =) | 11:01 |
GuHHH | lol :D | 11:01 |
noiesmo | GuHHH, who cares | 11:01 |
whatevah_loop | ok will try that thanks | 11:01 |
Tom_Kun | GuHHH: there is no such version | 11:01 |
Laibsch | Good morning! | 11:01 |
HugopigHopcroft | To repeat: I am attempting to mount an internal SATA drive as sdb1. the NTFS tool doesn't recognize it, it was formatted under Windows, and the sdbo result is /dev/sdb1 1 30402 244197528+ 42 SFS. | 11:01 |
Spee_Der | Good morning. | 11:01 |
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LeSinge | no dice | 11:02 |
tomi12619 | hello all, I am searching for a console jabber client which can be use under ubuntu 5.10 server | 11:02 |
Tom_Kun | HugopigHopcroft: what is setup in fstab? | 11:02 |
HugopigHopcroft | I am trying to determine which file system is actually being used so I can attempt to mount the drive, move off the most important data, and re-partition and reformat it. | 11:02 |
Svish2 | is there a way to install ubuntu with only the nescessary packages? | 11:02 |
GuHHH | Tom_Kun: i mean, home premium... | 11:02 |
Tom_Kun | GuHHH: it's windows.. you know what to expect | 11:02 |
GuHHH | im not askin if its better than linux, obviously, just askin if its good.. | 11:02 |
Slart | LeSinge: I've tried it here on my machine.. and it works nicely.. | 11:02 |
jin | hi | 11:02 |
jin | can some one help me with my nvidia card? | 11:02 |
GuHHH | because im planning to buy a laptop and its the version it comes with | 11:03 |
DJ_Samu | erm... one more question | 11:03 |
my_key | tomi12619: have you looked at fink? | 11:03 |
Cosmo__ | hmmm, getting ready to build a new system and can't decide between a AMD Athlon 64 x2 5600 or a core 2 duo e6400. any suggestions? | 11:03 |
GuHHH | jin: i can try... | 11:03 |
Laibsch | How are Connections added to the "System - Administration - Networking" applet? I'd like to configure UMTS mobile phone connection. I could misappropriate the modem connection for that but would loose the ability to use the modem itself. | 11:03 |
jin | it seems the graphics/window drawing lag! | 11:03 |
noiesmo | !nvidia > jin | 11:03 |
=== inkybutton [n=inkybutt@125-238-83-132.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LeSinge | GuHHH: umm.... if you don't mind running a shoddy OS that uses mega ammounts of memory and runs a little slow | 11:03 |
predaeus | !ntfs-3g | HugopigHopcroft | 11:03 |
ubotu | HugopigHopcroft: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 11:03 |
jin | noiesmo: I did that already | 11:03 |
Slart | LeSinge: just to repeat here.. you've got a folder.. a mountpoint, owned by root with permissions rwx rwx rwx and you can't make a subfolder? | 11:03 |
jin | but it is not working properly | 11:03 |
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predaeus | !fuse | HugopigHopcroft | 11:03 |
ubotu | HugopigHopcroft: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 11:03 |
noiesmo | jin, k sorry | 11:03 |
predaeus | HugopigHopcroft, probably there is some info in those 2 links | 11:03 |
LeSinge | GuHHH: you know dell is now selling laptops with Ubuntu on them | 11:03 |
GuHHH | LeSinge: well, theres always an option to disable the most of services, doesnt it? | 11:03 |
DJ_Samu | since I can't really remedy the problem myself, is it possible to revert my computer to what it was before? uninstalling ubuntu, and going back to windows xp, remove that OS choice screen? | 11:03 |
jin | any one? | 11:03 |
noiesmo | jin, what card have you got | 11:04 |
jin | when I move a window around, it leaves traces behind for a fraction of a second | 11:04 |
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Tom_Kun | DJ_Samu: the noacpi didn't work? | 11:04 |
LeSinge | Slart: erm... ok, I guess I should start from the top... | 11:04 |
jin | noiesmo: 7300 GS | 11:04 |
DJ_Samu | it didn't work | 11:04 |
LeSinge | I went into fstab | 11:04 |
DJ_Samu | it still get's stuck | 11:04 |
GuHHH | jin: tried to enable direct rendering? | 11:04 |
=== jeremyb [n=jeremy@ool-44c7d57c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tom_Kun | at the modprobe section? | 11:04 |
DJ_Samu | I found out how to type the = :) | 11:04 |
LeSinge | added in mount info | 11:04 |
predaeus | DJ_Samu, what does it say when it is stuck? | 11:04 |
=== jeremyb waves to visik7 | ||
jin | GuHHH: how do I know if it is enabled or not | 11:04 |
faileas | DJ_Samu: you can use fixboot in the windows XP recovery console to restore the NT bootloader | 11:04 |
noiesmo | jin, did you use nvidia-glx-new and did is your xorg.conf got nvidia | 11:04 |
LeSinge | used "defaults,users" for options | 11:04 |
GuHHH | LeSinge: im planning to buy a HP Pavilion dv6255... isnt HP good? | 11:04 |
jin | noiesmo: I'm on dapper by the way | 11:05 |
jeremyb | can anyone point me to the ubuntu mods to firefox? preferably in version control | 11:05 |
=== visik7 reply | ||
DJ_Samu | it says udevd-event run program/sbin/modprobe abnormal exit | 11:05 |
DJ_Samu | that's the error | 11:05 |
noiesmo | jin check /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc | 11:05 |
LeSinge | then went into bash and tried chmod on them | 11:05 |
DJ_Samu | then it shows a GRUB console | 11:05 |
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GuHHH | can someone help jin to check if his DRI is on? | 11:05 |
Slart | LeSinge: try unmounting the drive, then do the chmod stuff.. and remount | 11:05 |
GuHHH | i dont know the command for nvidia drivers | 11:05 |
noiesmo | jin, should be options nvidia NVreg_EnableAGPSBA=1 NVreg_EnableAGPFW=1 | 11:05 |
LeSinge | GuHHH: meh, it's all really user preference I think... Some ppl like diff companies' compys | 11:05 |
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LeSinge | Slart: ok | 11:06 |
DJ_Samu | oh wait it's not grub | 11:06 |
jin | noiesmo: direct rendering: Yes | 11:06 |
DJ_Samu | it's BusyBox | 11:06 |
=== xjdriver69 [n=aaron@12-208-108-87.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeremyb | where are package sources available generally? | 11:06 |
Slart | LeSinge: and do a ls -l so you can see the permissions on the mountpoint | 11:06 |
jin | NVreg_EnableAGPSBA=1 shoud be set in /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc ? noiesmo? | 11:07 |
LeSinge | ok | 11:07 |
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noiesmo | jin, yes | 11:07 |
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jin | noiesmo: before or after alias char-major-195* nvidia? | 11:07 |
noiesmo | jin after | 11:07 |
Tom_Kun | DJ_Samu: it sounds like there is a problem loading some driver when booting your computer | 11:08 |
jin | noiesmo: should I restart my machine or just X? | 11:08 |
Tom_Kun | DJ_Samu: have you tried booting the OS in 'recover mode' to see if it outputs some more details? | 11:08 |
LeSinge | Slart: got this back "drwxrwxrwx 5 root root 4096 2007-05-27 23:01" | 11:08 |
=== jeremyb sees no response... someone should at least be able to tell me it's unavailable or something :-/ | ||
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Slart | LeSinge: looks right.. and you still cant create a subfolder? | 11:08 |
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LeSinge | nope | 11:09 |
noiesmo | jin, reboot so kernel driver is loaded with new info i think | 11:09 |
LeSinge | can't create anythign | 11:09 |
LeSinge | just copy | 11:09 |
jin | ok, brb then | 11:09 |
noiesmo | jin, k | 11:09 |
LeSinge | and delete for some strange reason | 11:09 |
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Slart | jeremyb: sources are often available from the same place the packages are available from.. the repositories | 11:09 |
Slart | !repository | 11:09 |
LeSinge | but only if I hit the DELETE button | 11:09 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 11:09 |
LeSinge | oh yeah... and rename | 11:09 |
Slart | LeSinge: are you doing this in nautlius or from command line.. can you do a "mkdir test" in the folder, using the terminal? | 11:10 |
jeremyb | Slart: ok... and what about changes to upstream? are they maintained in some kind of version control? | 11:10 |
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LeSinge | yes, works from bash | 11:10 |
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LeSinge | heh | 11:10 |
jeremyb | !easysource | 11:10 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 11:10 |
LeSinge | hadn't tried that yet | 11:10 |
Slart | jeremyb: yes.. each application usually have their own software archive.. then someone creates a package that goes into the repositories | 11:10 |
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LeSinge | maybe nautilus needs restart? | 11:11 |
Slart | LeSinge: then it's just nautilus.. phew | 11:11 |
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CaptainMorgan | omg! NTFS Config Tool pwns! | 11:11 |
bugmenot | hello. i`m in the folder with install.sh file, so i type "sudo install.sh" end "there is no command". what`s wrong? | 11:11 |
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Slart | LeSinge: nautilus can behave strangely sometimes.. no surprise there | 11:11 |
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LeSinge | Slart: yeah maybe a restart of gdm will do the trick | 11:11 |
willo4 | join #XBMC | 11:11 |
jeremyb | Slart: well, if ubuntu has significant changes to the package that are not expected to be taken upstream those are not maintained in a repository? | 11:11 |
predaeus | bugmenot, do it like "sudo ./install.sh" | 11:11 |
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Slart | jeremyb: I don't think ubuntu changes the packages much | 11:11 |
visik7 | jeremyb: read the other channel | 11:11 |
Slart | jeremyb: or even at all | 11:12 |
predaeus | bugmenot, because the file is local to the directory you are in and not in the PATH | 11:12 |
LeSinge | Slart: thanks for the help... I'm gonna restart gdm. | 11:12 |
Slart | LeSinge: you're welcome | 11:12 |
jeremyb | Slart: firefox has significant changes | 11:12 |
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Slart | jeremyb: then the package owner probably has the source.. I think you can see who that is in synaptic | 11:13 |
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predaeus | jeremyb, I think there is src packages for all packages in the repos | 11:13 |
bugmenot | and i did "sudo ./install.sh" there is licensce, and END in the end. what to do? | 11:13 |
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predaeus | bugmenot, read it, and then say that you accept or don't accept | 11:14 |
amr | hi i have just installed update and my boot menu changed to newer version of kernel but i got i/o error when i tried to boot the new one | 11:14 |
predaeus | amr, are you on feisty? | 11:15 |
amr | yes | 11:15 |
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LeSinge | yay! | 11:15 |
bugmenot | preaction: i pressed Q and then yes, thanks | 11:15 |
LeSinge | Slart: yep, restart did the trick | 11:15 |
jeremyb | !asac | 11:15 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about asac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:15 |
jeremyb | err | 11:15 |
predaeus | hm no idea sorry | 11:15 |
jeremyb | !seen asac | 11:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about seen asac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:15 |
jeremyb | stupid bot | 11:15 |
amr | <predaeus> yes | 11:15 |
Slart | LeSinge: =) | 11:15 |
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GuHHH | im using a router connected to a cable modem router, is there any problem to connect a wireless router to my last router (not the cable modem)? will i be able to connect to internet and use NAT? | 11:16 |
jeremyb | < dpkg> asac <n=alex@c210099.adsl.hansenet.de> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 625d 21h 32m 30s ago, saying: 'hi, any cmd line tool to convert decimal to hex?'. | 11:16 |
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predaeus | amr, no idea sorry, did you try booting recovery mode or what it is called? | 11:16 |
LeSinge | Anyone gnow a LOT about setting up xorg.conf for dual monitors? | 11:16 |
LeSinge | hehe | 11:16 |
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adaptr | does the first router do NAT ? the cable modem by definition does NAT, so that would be twice already | 11:16 |
amr | <predaeus> are u still there | 11:16 |
adaptr | LeSinge more than you would be sufficient, methinks | 11:16 |
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predaeus | amr, ^^^ | 11:17 |
amr | <predaeus> i tried i got i/o erorrs | 11:17 |
LeSinge | adaptr: Okay.... here's the deal.... | 11:17 |
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LeSinge | adaptr: I've got Ubuntu Feisty, GeForce 6200 and working dual monitors set up... | 11:17 |
jin | hi | 11:17 |
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amr | <predaeus> hdd sectors 2273008 | 11:18 |
amr | <predaeus> and so | 11:18 |
amr | <predaeus> the old kernel boots fine | 11:18 |
noiesmo | jin, hey | 11:18 |
jin | when I run xglgears , nothing returns.... I see no fps | 11:18 |
jin | noiesmo: didn't work, got worse | 11:18 |
LeSinge | adaptr: BUT.. when I run some programs (Blender and a game Warsow) theres a few problems... | 11:18 |
kevek | leagris you still here? | 11:18 |
predaeus | amr, no idea sorry. search the forums for people with a similar problem, or even the bugtracker | 11:18 |
leagris | kevek, yes | 11:18 |
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amr | <predaeus> thanks | 11:19 |
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LeSinge | adaptr: Blender's menus don't show, and they freeze up the program... Screencaps look all messed up... and I think Beryl won't work because of something related to the way my xorg.conf is set up. | 11:19 |
LeSinge | adaptr: hehe | 11:19 |
adaptr | what ? | 11:19 |
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LeSinge | adaptr: got any ideas on whassamatter? | 11:20 |
mon^rch | hmmm is 300 fps good? | 11:20 |
adaptr | no, nothing | 11:20 |
jin | when I run xglgears , nothing returns.... I see no fps , any idea? | 11:20 |
LeSinge | hokay | 11:20 |
Cosmo__ | hmmm, getting ready to build a new system and can't decide between a AMD Athlon 64 x2 5600 or a core 2 duo e6400. any suggestions? | 11:20 |
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LeSinge | adaptr: alrighty then.. nevermind | 11:20 |
JohnStax | hey all.. I have a little question: how can i configure GRUB? the order of the boot options etc? | 11:20 |
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mon^rch | amd, all th way!!!!!!! | 11:20 |
adaptr | JohnStax by editing the menu | 11:20 |
HugopigHopcroft | Thanks. Now; I have an fstab draft file, but permissions to move it to the etc directory where it needs to go.... | 11:20 |
predaeus | jin, the fps output option for glxgears is some hidden very long string because it is not intended to be a benchmark tool. google for it. I don't remember what the option is called. | 11:21 |
HugopigHopcroft | Since I did not set up a separate root user.... | 11:21 |
Svish2 | JohnStax: I think you have a file called menu.lst in /boot/grub/ or something like that.. | 11:21 |
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Svish2 | JohnStax: not sure if the location is correct, but I think the file is called menu.lst | 11:21 |
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JohnStax | Swish2 ah.. thanks.. i 'll look for that file! thx!! | 11:21 |
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predaeus | JohnStax, make sure you backup menu.lst first | 11:22 |
Svish2 | JohnStax: remember to take a backup of it :P | 11:22 |
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JohnStax | lol.. will do! i know myself :P | 11:22 |
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Svish2 | ;) | 11:22 |
silent_ | Is anyone here VERY familiar with xorg mouse settings and/or xbindkeys? | 11:23 |
LeSinge | *sigh* I've got a doozy of a problem with Nvidia and xorg.conf | 11:23 |
silent_ | Lesinge, crash? | 11:23 |
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HugopigHopcroft | I'll be back in a bit. Gonna try something. | 11:23 |
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silent_ | I'd help you but I've been helping people with that problem all day, and I need my fscking mouse to work | 11:24 |
LeSinge | silent_: nah, just something wrong with the conf, causing certain progs to glitch | 11:24 |
LeSinge | I have no idea what it is. | 11:24 |
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ompaul | silent_, http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Mouse+Buttons it might be useful | 11:24 |
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silent_ | ompaul, I've read evrything | 11:25 |
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silent_ | I've been googling and studying and manning for around 3 hours now, restarting X | 11:25 |
silent_ | nothing fscking works | 11:25 |
magnetron | !mouse | 11:25 |
ubotu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto | 11:25 |
silent_ | *cries* | 11:25 |
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LeSinge | silent_: thx, but It's something else with the main setup | 11:26 |
magnetron | when did your mouse stop working, silent_ ? | 11:26 |
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LeSinge | my game freezes when I try and get a screencap... then screenshot comes out totally jacked. | 11:27 |
ompaul | LeSinge, the thing about drivers and cards is that the 3d stuff can be buggy and because the driver has no source you can't fix it | 11:28 |
LeSinge | ompaul: that's what I was afraid of... | 11:28 |
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silent_ | magnetron, my mouse works fine for right and left clicking | 11:28 |
silent_ | and scrolling | 11:28 |
LeSinge | ompaul: but I think it would work if I wasn't using dual monitors... have to try that to be sure tho | 11:29 |
silent_ | I can't get the side button or my right/left tilt to do what I want | 11:29 |
ompaul | LeSinge, however have a look at what the game expects to see, i.e. 1024x768 or whatever and work from there, and maybe thedual monitors are the case | 11:29 |
silent_ | I want the side button to act as a 'back' button in nautilus and firefox | 11:29 |
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silent_ | I want the right/left tilt to switch between workspaces | 11:29 |
silent_ | I have a logitech G5 | 11:29 |
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silent_ | if you can figure out how to do it you are a god | 11:30 |
LeSinge | silent_: you have the logitech G7? | 11:30 |
silent_ | G5 | 11:30 |
LeSinge | heh | 11:30 |
silent_ | corded version of the G7, same laser engine | 11:30 |
omha | i have the G5 too :O | 11:30 |
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LeSinge | I've got G7 but no extra buttons working | 11:30 |
silent_ | omha, do you have the above functionality? | 11:30 |
Tom_Kun | i have a nice wheel mouse from labtec | 11:30 |
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silent_ | I have a mouse with buttons that dont do shit | 11:31 |
ompaul | !language | 11:31 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:31 |
silent_ | really doesnt matter what kind of mouse i have | 11:31 |
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omha | silent_, nope | 11:31 |
LeSinge | I miss my side button when using Firefox | 11:31 |
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LeSinge | ...used to be history-1 | 11:31 |
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jhaig | Is there a repository for Ubuntu containing perl modules from CPAN? | 11:32 |
adaptr | just use CPAN | 11:33 |
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mwe | I read Feisty requires 256MB RAM for running ubuntu-desktop. Does that mean it should perform OK with that provided you don't open a whole lot of heavy programs at the same time? | 11:33 |
adaptr | the modules used by the various packages are in the repos | 11:33 |
jhaig | adaptr: I thought so, but I just wanted to check to see if someone had packaged them all up. | 11:33 |
adaptr | erm... *all* of CPAN ? are you by any chance insane ? | 11:34 |
Tom_Kun | mwe: it probably will, but you can always use xubuntu with feisty. requires only 64, with recommended ram being 128 | 11:34 |
ompaul | mwe, it would be better with more ram | 11:34 |
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ompaul | jhaig, do a local mirror of cpan for that kind of thing ;-) | 11:34 |
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crdlb | mwe, subjectively, it performs ok as long as you don't use openoffice.org :) | 11:35 |
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adaptr | mwe I have 2GB in this box, and it's using 760MB right now, for FF, Konversation, TB, a few shells, and stuff | 11:35 |
silent_ | nice, I made X crash | 11:35 |
silent_ | thats cute | 11:35 |
mwe | I'll go ahead and try. maybe install xubuntu-desktop instead | 11:35 |
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whatevah_loop | my screen is back to a normal resolution thanks to you all and the FixVideoResolutionHowto webpage. thanks. | 11:35 |
mwe | adaptr: some of that must be cached | 11:35 |
mwe | adaptr: if not it's crazy | 11:35 |
crdlb | linux uses a much ram as it can | 11:35 |
mwe | adaptr: what does free say? | 11:35 |
ompaul | mwe, you are right, caches happen | 11:35 |
adaptr | mwe huh ? | 11:35 |
crdlb | unused ram is wasted ram | 11:36 |
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ompaul | \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ crdlb so true | 11:36 |
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adaptr | mwe free says 778 used | 11:36 |
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mwe | adaptr: cached? | 11:36 |
adaptr | no, used | 11:36 |
mwe | adaptr: last field | 11:36 |
adaptr | mwe I know how free works, trust me | 11:37 |
mwe | adaptr: what does the cached field say? | 11:37 |
NemesisD | ok so whenever i try to run EV Nova in wine/cedega, X crashes and I get taken to a login prompt, where would I look for an error log that would cover this sort of thing? | 11:37 |
LeSinge | blagh, i hate Nvidia and xorg | 11:37 |
adaptr | mwe 1054MB cached | 11:37 |
adaptr | 88% RAM in use total | 11:37 |
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mwe | adaptr: ok | 11:37 |
mon^rch | many, many thanks to the devs working on ubuntu! (I never thought linux could be this great) I have converted users already ;) | 11:37 |
adaptr | why is that important ? | 11:37 |
[1] carsten | hi! i just installed ubuntu 6.06.1 (server) and try to configure this system as an internet router, but the documentation is only for an x system. is there any info on the web how to configure ubunutu via console? | 11:37 |
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JDahl | I just installed the updates for Feisty, but then I saw on the forum that there are problems with kernel 2.6.20-16. Has then been fixed, or should I uninstall kernel 2.6.20-16 again? | 11:38 |
mwe | adaptr: because the cached memory is actually free memory | 11:38 |
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adaptr | mwe and ? | 11:38 |
adaptr | mwe no, it's not, thank $ | 11:38 |
Ernz | Does anyone in here use Crossover office on Ubuntu, and if so, can you please show me the command for launching the config dialog manually. I have accidentally deleted it from the Applications menu | 11:38 |
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tapas | weird. i took two boots to get my dvd rom detected.. | 11:39 |
tapas | [the drive that is] | 11:39 |
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mon^rch | sh -c "/opt/cxoffice/bin/cxsetup | 11:39 |
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mwe | adaptr: cached memory is free. if you open firefox and close it right away the memory will be cached so it will open fast next time you open it. if another program needs that memory it will get it | 11:39 |
jin | !upgrade | 11:40 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 11:40 |
mon^rch | Ernz: sh -c "/opt/cxoffice/bin/cxsetup" | 11:40 |
mon^rch | crossover rules! | 11:40 |
adaptr | mwe and you are telling me this because ? | 11:40 |
JDahl | noone installed the last batch of updates and have problems with the new kernel 2.6.20-16? | 11:40 |
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Ernz | mon^rch: Excellent. That works. Thanks. And yes, it does rule. | 11:40 |
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adaptr | JDahl I have yet to reboot | 11:40 |
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raf256 | how to play mp3 / install mp3 support? | 11:41 |
adaptr | !mp3 | 11:41 |
Laney | np: | 11:41 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:41 |
Tom_Kun | bbiab | 11:41 |
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Frogzoo | !codecs > raf256 | 11:41 |
adaptr | bite ? byte ? bit ? | 11:41 |
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JDahl | adaptr, you might want to read this first: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=456662 | 11:41 |
ror | upgrading ubuntu to the latest kernel just broke my mouse config so it failed to start with "no core pointer" | 11:41 |
adaptr | JDahl okay | 11:41 |
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JDahl | adaptr, I also need to reboot, and I just want to confirm that I should uninstall the latest kernel | 11:41 |
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neztiti | Supurq: | 11:42 |
saddeh | where does .iso file have to be in order to mount it using: mount-o loop file.iso folder | 11:42 |
saddeh | ? | 11:42 |
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hunger | My gutsy bo longer starts: rcryptsetup freezes, so I can not get my drives up. Is this a known problem? | 11:42 |
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tapas | saddeh: in the current directory | 11:42 |
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tapas | saddeh: but you can of course providwe a path | 11:42 |
neztiti | guys any one have dxr3 card??? | 11:43 |
adaptr | JDahl no way to confirm this without trying, is there ? | 11:43 |
saddeh | and current directory means what? | 11:43 |
tapas | mount -o loop /path/to/iso folder | 11:43 |
ompaul | hunger, well number one it is the beta software, number two go to #ubuntu+1 for conversations about it ;-) | 11:43 |
SlickMcRunfast | When will ATI not suck? | 11:43 |
tapas | saddeh: in the shell type: pwd | 11:43 |
Ernz | mon^rch: Any ideas how to disable virus scanning in cxoffice? | 11:43 |
adaptr | JDahl if it really were such a big issue, it would be plastered over the ubuntu front page | 11:43 |
tapas | that tells you the current directory | 11:43 |
neztiti | SuperQ: hi | 11:43 |
adaptr | JDahl so it's probably incidental, for certain hardware combos | 11:43 |
JDahl | adaptr, no, safest bet is too uninstall the newest kernel and manually repair grub (if it's broken like they claim) | 11:43 |
idiot | i'm having trouble getting composite to work under my ubuntu install...i've apt-get'd libxcomposite-dev and xcompmgr and added an extensions section to the /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but composite still doesn't show up in the xdpyinfo | 11:43 |
mon^rch | Ernz: nope didn't even know tere was | 11:43 |
JDahl | adaptr, maybe you're right | 11:44 |
adaptr | JDahl who claims ? | 11:44 |
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saddeh | okay tapas, will try. | 11:44 |
ompaul | idiot, so go to #ubuntu-effects | 11:44 |
adaptr | JDahl why would I want to uninstall somethign when I haven;'t even confirmed if it works or not ? | 11:44 |
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hunger | ompaul: lo far it was never a problem to as here. | 11:45 |
saddeh | moved there, now it says cant find that file in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 11:45 |
mwe | adaptr: I was trying to point out that some of the memory that free reports as used is actually availble | 11:45 |
JDahl | adaptr, because some of the posts claim that grub is also overwritten so you cannot boot into 2.6.20-15 | 11:45 |
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ompaul | hunger, well it is beta so expect breakages | 11:45 |
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tapas | saddeh: have a look at the mount manpage ;) | 11:45 |
JDahl | adaptr, that's what worries me... | 11:45 |
saddeh | which can be found..? | 11:46 |
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tapas | by typing: man mount | 11:46 |
saddeh | thanks dude ;) | 11:46 |
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Ernz | mon^rch - Do you have ClamAV installed? | 11:46 |
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adaptr | mwe and I told you early on that I know very well how free works | 11:46 |
hunger | ompaul: I am not complaining... I am just wondering whether somebody else has seen this problem before. | 11:46 |
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tapas | saddeh: one moment. i'll try it myself | 11:46 |
saddeh | kay | 11:46 |
omha | do i have a problem if i came to delete /etc ??? | 11:47 |
defcon_ | im having a problem when I have allot of connections open/torrents and firefox windows/irc my ubuntu is internet is really slow even though my connection can handle it in windows | 11:47 |
adaptr | mwe I reported what I knew to be the case: my box is using ~780MB of real RAM | 11:47 |
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defcon_ | what could be the issue | 11:47 |
defcon_ | any internet tweaks | 11:47 |
adaptr | omha yes | 11:47 |
tapas | saddeh: sudo mount -o loop /media/hda2/tapas/video_player_livecd/new.iso /mnt/ | 11:47 |
omha | hmmm | 11:47 |
ompaul | hunger, it is not done here at all, we have since the days of the badger had #ubuntu+1 so that stable is here and beta is there | 11:47 |
tapas | this worked without probs here | 11:47 |
mwe | adaptr: I see, so the-/+ buffers/cache row confirms that I guess | 11:47 |
JDahl | adaptr, but I share your viewpoint since fewer people here have about the problem, it's perhaps just an unfortunate coincidence for a few people | 11:47 |
saddeh | lucky u :D | 11:47 |
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adaptr | mwe confirms what ? | 11:47 |
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tapas | saddeh: that nmeans you did something wrong in your command | 11:48 |
mwe | adaptr: that 780 MB is used | 11:48 |
tapas | saddeh: let's see it | 11:48 |
adaptr | JDahl just back up your grub config NOW, and reboot - don't make a big fuss | 11:48 |
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bullgard4 | What is the function of the module nls_iso8859-1? Using Google, I could not find out. | 11:48 |
Tom_Kun | there we go.. feisty fawn updated :) | 11:48 |
Rainarrow | Hello everyone | 11:48 |
adaptr | mwe that's what sys monitor tells me, and it does report the actual amount used | 11:48 |
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zonneur | onjour tout le monde | 11:48 |
zonneur | Bonjour | 11:48 |
Tom_Kun | some times ubuntu really overcomes all my fears :) | 11:48 |
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adaptr | bullgard4 in-kernel support for SMB FS | 11:48 |
saddeh | tapas: obviously | 11:48 |
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eric__ | hallo | 11:49 |
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bullgard4 | adaptr: Thank you. | 11:49 |
Rainarrow | I am trying to install the "pidgin-blinklight" plugin on my pidgin 2.0 running on my feisty box, and I get a "libc6 version too low" dependency problem | 11:49 |
ROnewbie | Hi all, I need some help with my Ralink RT2561/RT61 wireless card. It doesn't connect to my WLAN network, and according to this page (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29) I have to "compile the kernel modules" ... I need some help with this, as I'm not sure I have to go through all the steps. | 11:49 |
saddeh | tapas: but the thing is... | 11:49 |
tapas | saddeh: show me the command you used | 11:49 |
mwe | adaptr: it's just crazy. I have firefox a few terminal, xchat and gnome running, using 198MB of RAM on this laptop. 780 MB sounds crazy to me. that's all | 11:49 |
saddeh | tapas: sudo mount -o loop /home/saddeh/wc3roc.iso /media/iso | 11:49 |
Rainarrow | Could I get some support in this channel? | 11:50 |
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eric__ | how can i install exe files? can anybody help me? | 11:50 |
Tom_Kun | eric__: exe files? | 11:50 |
tapas | saddeh: and the exact error you get? | 11:50 |
Myrtti | what exe files to be exact? | 11:50 |
Rainarrow | I searched around and found that seems I would have to get gutsy to get the correct version of libc6 | 11:50 |
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saddeh | tapas: /home/saddeh/wc3roc.iso: No such file or directory | 11:50 |
adaptr | mwe well, just remember that Linux will use what it has - the actual amount of virtual memory assigned to any process is governed by a number of factors, the premier one being vm.swappiness, which determines the balance between RAM and swap used for any process | 11:50 |
tapas | saddeh: oh well.. that is pretty straightforward | 11:50 |
mon^rch | Ernz: i dont think I need antivirus... | 11:50 |
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tapas | saddeh: the filename you gave it doesn't point to an existing file | 11:51 |
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saddeh | tapas: how come? it has the same name as i type in terminal | 11:51 |
mwe | so why do I have 500MB free? | 11:51 |
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adaptr | mwe if you look at the amount of virtual memory used by, let's say, FF, you will see that it quickly consumes up to 1GB of VM | 11:51 |
mwe | 550 actually | 11:51 |
tapas | saddeh: i don't think so.. | 11:51 |
adaptr | but not nearly all of that needs to be resident aka directly available | 11:51 |
adaptr | that's what makes it so smart | 11:52 |
saddeh | tapas: okay what i will do now is right click - rename - copy the whole name -paste it :) | 11:52 |
adaptr | (and one of the things wondows bollockses up) | 11:52 |
adaptr | *Wintendo | 11:52 |
mwe | adaptr: yes ;) | 11:52 |
tapas | saddeh: ok | 11:52 |
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mwe | adaptr: I guess I'll go ahead and install it on the machine with 256MB of ram and see how it goes | 11:53 |
saddeh | tapas: unbelivable, did capital letters matter to it? | 11:53 |
tapas | saddeh: of course | 11:53 |
saddeh | tapas: well now i get nothing, as if it is accepted, guess it is :) | 11:53 |
mwe | adaptr: I'll switch to xubuntu if it get's slow | 11:53 |
tapas | saddeh: right | 11:53 |
adaptr | mwe the reason you generally have more memory used as cache than as resident memory is that - up to the point where you run so any programs that it needs more RAM - caching is also considered very important, and it is | 11:53 |
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Spike411 | Hello, do you know how to tell gnome-volume-manager to auto-mount my USB disk/player as read-write, not read-only? | 11:53 |
saddeh | tapas: alot to learn about linux... thanks for helping solving that dumb question :) | 11:53 |
adaptr | saddeh-- | 11:53 |
mon^rch | mwe: ubuntu runs sweet on a pc with 300 mb ram over here... with the right tweaking gnome will run just fine :) | 11:54 |
tapas | saddeh: no problem :) there is no dumb questions. only dumb answers | 11:54 |
mwe | mon^rch: sounds nice | 11:54 |
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__hase | is it possible that one of my usb ports could be disabled somehow, or is it just broken if it doesn't work? | 11:54 |
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Ernz | mon^rch - That's hardcore. | 11:54 |
__hase | Or rather, is there a way to tell? | 11:54 |
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neztiti | guys can some one give me link 4 vdr full package for ubuntu??? | 11:54 |
mon^rch | mwe: of course there's no substitute for my 1.5 gig ram box :P | 11:55 |
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mwe | mon^rch: heh, no | 11:55 |
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adaptr | mon^rch yes, there is - my 2GHz amd64 box with 2GB DDR-2 400 | 11:55 |
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mwe | mon^rch: it's an older machine. I don't even think the mobo supports that much RAM ;) | 11:55 |
mon^rch | Ernz: as far as I can tell linux really doesn't know what to do with a virus | 11:55 |
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mon^rch | adaptr: lol... ok, ok you got me beat :P | 11:56 |
Frogzoo | mon^rch: some viruses run just fine in wine | 11:56 |
saddeh | tapas: WOW! it worked, can install it now, finally. a big step in my linux achievements :D thanks goes to u | 11:56 |
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mwe | mon^rch: I'll just try. If it sucks the machine will be recycled as it was meant to in the first place ;) | 11:56 |
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mon^rch | Frogzoo: thanks for the info... I shall be "careful" | 11:56 |
tapas | saddeh: you will find out about the joys of bash completeion soon | 11:56 |
HugopigHopcroft | Still a problem. | 11:57 |
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lasking | configure: error: libgc (the Boehm Conservative Collector) 6.4+, is needed to compile what should i do? | 11:57 |
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Andeh | Hello. I just installed the Kubuntu-Desktop package and am running it now. Is there a way to show that screen again, the one where you can choose how powerful your CPU is and choose all the effects? | 11:57 |
atlas95 | hello | 11:57 |
saddeh | tapas: hopefully :) dont get linux yet, but im pissed with windows, so i had to choose :D | 11:57 |
atlas95 | coul you help me please | 11:57 |
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atlas95 | I have a big problem | 11:57 |
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lasking | nobody knows? | 11:57 |
mon^rch | mwe: old pc's (in mint condition) run really nice with a little ove and care... oh, and linux :) | 11:57 |
atlas95 | I have a ati card and fglrx | 11:58 |
atlas95 | and when I do a sudo update-initramfs -u | 11:58 |
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atlas95 | I have this error : find: /usr/lib/directfb-/: Aucun fichier ou rpertoire de ce type | 11:58 |
tapas | saddeh: autocompletion: http://librenix.com/?inode=8826 | 11:58 |
atlas95 | find: /usr/lib/directfb-/: Could not find files or folder type (in english i think) | 11:58 |
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Ernz | man^rch - I am saving up for one of these: http://system76.com/product_info.php/cPath/2/products_id/189 | 11:59 |
Andeh | In KDE, where do i find the screen where you can specify how powerful your cpu is and how many effects you want? | 11:59 |
atlas95 | and so my start splash is died | 11:59 |
saddeh | tapas: whats it? | 11:59 |
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mon^rch | yep am still quite pleased my doom3 and quake4 run better on ubuntu :D :D :D | 12:00 |
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tapas | saddeh: the link tells you. it frees you from typing filenames and commands fully.. | 12:00 |
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Ernz | mon^rch* - I am saving up for one of these: http://system76.com/product_info.php/cPath/2/products_id/189 | 12:00 |
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BleSS | hi all! | 12:00 |
saddeh | tapas: i dont mind actually :) | 12:00 |
idefixx | is there a good n64 emu for linux? | 12:00 |
kane77 | how can I find out number of files in a directory? | 12:00 |
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HugopigHopcroft | All right, I followed the instructions in that file, and sdb1 apparently exists. However, although it shows up in the dev directory I'm not certain where the contents are located in the filesystem. | 12:01 |
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tapas | saddeh: you _need_ to use that feature. it will make your life easier whenever you use the shell | 12:01 |
__hase | So is there a way to see if Ubuntu at least acknowledges I have two USB ports, like a command I can type or something? | 12:01 |
saddeh | okay ill bookmark it | 12:01 |
tapas | saddeh: but if you don't care, that 's fine | 12:01 |
tapas | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_line_completion | 12:01 |
BleSS | I'm using feisty and I'd install a package of gutsy, how? | 12:02 |
mon^rch | Ernz: that almost the same system as mine./.. you'll be very pleased | 12:02 |
saddeh | tapas: thanks | 12:02 |
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saddeh | tapas: thought i dont get what is that yet :D | 12:02 |
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tom_ | hey guys i've got a sound blaster live and it supports hardware mixing, anyone know how to set it up in Ubuntu? | 12:03 |
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mon^rch | Ernz: get a 512MB vid card tho ;) | 12:03 |
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tapas | saddeh: simply try ls /ho<tab>/sa<tab> | 12:03 |
Ernz | mon^rch - I hope for the sake of world domination, you are joking. | 12:03 |
tapas | and press the tab key when there's a <tab> in my example | 12:03 |
ROnewbie | how do I install a wireless driver / | 12:04 |
ROnewbie | / | 12:04 |
ROnewbie | ? | 12:04 |
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mon^rch | Ernz: joking about what? | 12:04 |
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BleSS | any help? please | 12:04 |
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Ernz | mon^rch - It's the kinda PC you would have behind a velvet curtain in a dark, underground cave, controlling a "huge freaking lazoooor" | 12:04 |
ROnewbie | i downloaded it as a .gz file, dunno what to do with it now. | 12:04 |
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tapas | ROnewbie: what kind of driver is it? | 12:04 |
tapas | ROnewbie: for what kind of device? | 12:05 |
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tapas | ROnewbie: where did you get it from? | 12:05 |
m0u5e | anyone know how to manually configure deps of a deb install? | 12:05 |
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saddeh | tapas: ah yea, but.. well i think ill find it more useful as i will be using terminal more often :) | 12:05 |
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m0u5e | for example, i want to install exaile 0.2.9 (the newest version) and yet it wants me to install a dep of python 2.4-minimal | 12:05 |
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tapas | saddeh: yes it's most useful as a preventor of typing errors | 12:05 |
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m0u5e | it runs with 2.5, so i dont want to install 2.4-minimal, anyone know how i can break that dep manually? | 12:05 |
tapas | saddeh: cause if the computer completed the word you know the file exists :) | 12:05 |
Ernz | m0u5e - There is a 2.1.0 SVN versio out - it's niiice. | 12:05 |
tapas | saddeh: otherwise it wouldn't have completed it | 12:06 |
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m0u5e | ernz: for exaile? | 12:06 |
saddeh | tapas: indeed | 12:06 |
mon^rch | Ernz: well I'm not in a dark cave but I do have a 500GB /home and a 250GB / (and serve to my friends and colleagues) | 12:06 |
Ernz | m0u5e - Yea, I am running it now | 12:06 |
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saddeh | tapas: thanks man :) | 12:06 |
ROnewbie | tapas: it's a linux driver for a RT2561/RT61 wireless card. I downloaded it from here: http://web.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Linux.html. I want to install it because my wi-fi card doesn't connect to my WLAN and I'm guessing that would be why ... | 12:06 |
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m0u5e | ernz: i should just go get the svn version then? :( | 12:06 |
m0u5e | ernz: will it allow me to upgrade when they give the official next ver out? | 12:06 |
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tapas | saddeh: so if you typed mount /home/tapas/wc3<tab? it would not complete thus you know there's no file with such a name [it also doesn't complete if it ambigous, but a second hit on the tab would show the choices in this case] | 12:07 |
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Ernz | m0u5e - It's not an official release as I understand, but it works fine for me, and has done for a couple of days now. I am not really an expert. All my exaile expertise was gathered from the friendly folks at #exaile. They are very good. | 12:07 |
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saddeh | tapas: yeah ive just tested that when i had to mount another cd :) | 12:07 |
jeffrey | when I do sudo apt-get update, I get the follow error: | 12:08 |
jeffrey | GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 12:08 |
tapas | ROnewbie: ok, untar it | 12:08 |
jeffrey | something that will fix itself? | 12:08 |
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xlinux__ | anyone know why a burned DVD wont play in ubuntu but it will in XP? Store bought DVDs work fine... | 12:08 |
m0u5e | Ernz: ill check out #exaile thx :D | 12:08 |
Ernz | mon^rch. I got a 300GB EXT, a 250GB EXT, 2x150GB INT and another 500GB INT on another machine ;) | 12:08 |
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ROnewbie | tapas: ? untar ? | 12:08 |
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Ernz | mon^rch - all full. | 12:09 |
mon^rch | Ernz: media whore :P | 12:09 |
Ernz | mon^rch - lol - Nail on the head there matey | 12:09 |
xlinux__ | The burned DVD wont even seem to mount, let alone play... XP plays it just fine... | 12:09 |
tapas | ROnewbie: is it a tar.gz file or simply a .gz? | 12:09 |
mon^rch | Ernz: lmao yeah me too, me too | 12:10 |
tapas | ROnewbie: if the latter it looks as if you downloaded the firmware | 12:10 |
atlas95 | someone could help me please? | 12:10 |
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tapas | ROnewbie: if the former, run: tar xvzf filename.tar.gz | 12:10 |
erUSUL | !anybody | atlas95 | 12:11 |
ubotu | atlas95: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 12:11 |
tapas | ROnewbie: first run: tar tvzf filename.tar.gz | 12:11 |
mon^rch | hmmmm are usb hd's powered by the usb port? or do you plug em in too (never had one) | 12:11 |
tapas | to inspect its contents before untarring | 12:11 |
whatevah_loop | I want to download the package that will let me play DVDs. I see three different files with similar names except for the endings, such as *.diff.gz, *.dsc, and *orig.tar.gz. What is the difference and can I install one or more of them with one of the graphical package managers? | 12:11 |
ROnewbie | tapas: aaa ... to be honest I downloaded both, because I'm not sure which I should download. I tried to get some guidance in here, but everybody seems to stay away from wi-fi's ... so I'll just go with the tar.gz, even though I'm not sure it's even made for ubuntu, or other distros | 12:11 |
atlas95 | I have post my question at top | 12:11 |
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ROnewbie | tapas: ok, i'll try that | 12:11 |
atlas95 | but any answer yet ;( | 12:11 |
Bluetooth | hi all | 12:11 |
atlas95 | so i reask ;p | 12:11 |
foug | what's the command for uninstalling a program? | 12:11 |
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Bluetooth | trying to make ntfs-3g to work | 12:11 |
atlas95 | I have a ati card and fglrx | 12:12 |
Bluetooth | have some issues | 12:12 |
atlas95 | and when I do a sudo update-initramfs -u | 12:12 |
atlas95 | I have this error : find: /usr/lib/directfb-/: Aucun fichier ou rpertoire de ce type | 12:12 |
stefg | mon^rch: depends... 2,5" ones tend to draw their power over usb, 3,52 ususally need ext. power | 12:12 |
mon^rch | Bluetooth: apt-get install ntfs-config | 12:12 |
atlas95 | find: /usr/lib/directfb-/: Could not find files or folder type (in english i think) | 12:12 |
Bluetooth | my fstab here http://paste.org.ru/?9egnnt | 12:12 |
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atlas95 | :( | 12:12 |
defcon_ | hey all | 12:12 |
defcon_ | where do I edit the startup services in ubuntu | 12:12 |
BleSS | I'm using feisty and I'd install a package of gutsy, how? | 12:12 |
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Bluetooth | mon^rch it works | 12:12 |
tapas | ROnewbie: ubuntu seems to have support for that card | 12:12 |
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Bluetooth | I just found some strange things | 12:13 |
mon^rch | Bluetooth: oh, oops... nvm | 12:13 |
xukun | hi | 12:13 |
Bluetooth | icon for /dev/sda1 disappeared | 12:13 |
tapas | ROnewbie: modinfo rt61 | 12:13 |
BleSS | defcon_: /etc/event.d/ | 12:13 |
leobloom | hallo! | 12:13 |
hlverstoep | BleSS: do you have the package already on your harddrive? | 12:13 |
Bluetooth | from Desktop and Places as well | 12:13 |
tapas | ROnewbie: the interface name should be ra0 | 12:13 |
BleSS | hlverstoep: no | 12:13 |
ROnewbie | tapas: wait, so modinfo first ? no untar ? | 12:13 |
tapas | ROnewbie: type: iwconfig ra0 | 12:13 |
leobloom | can I become a member of a national ubuntu community even without being a citizen of that nation? | 12:13 |
tapas | ROnewbie: i don't think you will have to manually install the driver | 12:14 |
ROnewbie | tapas: me confused, which one first ? | 12:14 |
foug | what's the command for uninstalling a program? | 12:14 |
defcon_ | BleSS, thankyou, is there a nice editor for that for gnome | 12:14 |
ROnewbie | tapas: I was trying to go along the lines of this page: | 12:14 |
hlverstoep | BleSS: I can't find a package named "gutsy" so maybe you should compile this program yourself? | 12:14 |
tapas | ROnewbie: forget about the firmware and the tarball | 12:14 |
ROnewbie | tapas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29 | 12:14 |
BleSS | hlverstoep: gutsy is the next release of Ubuntu | 12:14 |
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defcon_ | when I try to load system log from gnome control center it opens then immediately closes | 12:15 |
BleSS | I would intall a package of another release | 12:15 |
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defcon_ | any idea why? | 12:15 |
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hlverstoep | BleSS: Ow, I'm sorry, why would like to do that? | 12:15 |
tapas | ROnewbie: ok, one step after the other. first: try lsmod|grep ra61 | 12:15 |
ROnewbie | tapas: ok, can I send you a pastebin of modinfo and iwconfig / | 12:15 |
tapas | onlylove: sure | 12:15 |
tapas | ROnewbie: sure | 12:15 |
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hlverstoep | BleSS: you could all lines with "feisty" in your /etc/apt/sources.list in "gutsy" | 12:15 |
ROnewbie | ! pastebin | ronewbie | 12:15 |
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hlverstoep | BleSS: then "apt-get update" | 12:15 |
BleSS | hlverstoep: it's for a server and I need a newer version for nginx that of feisty | 12:15 |
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tapas | ROnewbie: but maybe i'm wrong and the info i have is outdaetd.. | 12:16 |
silent_ | is gutsy the next one? | 12:16 |
silent_ | gutsy ___ ? | 12:16 |
hlverstoep | BleSS: apt-get install the package you need | 12:16 |
anathematic | does ubuntu come with basic cd burning software? | 12:16 |
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tapas | anathematic: it comes with _great_ burning software ;) | 12:16 |
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hlverstoep | BleSS: and then change you sources.list back, you don't want all Gutsy packages I guess | 12:16 |
tapas | anathematic: at least kubuntu does, not sure about ubuntu ;) | 12:16 |
ompaul | silent_, not for discussion here, it is a dev version not released this is the "stable" channel (for values of stable) | 12:16 |
mon^rch | anathematic: gnomebaker is nice... it's an add on | 12:16 |
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ompaul | !gutsy | 12:17 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule Support in #ubuntu+1 | 12:17 |
inflex | *sigh* I feel dirty guys (and girls) | 12:17 |
=== aLeSD [n=alex@156.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aLeSD | hi all | 12:17 |
sharadg | hi, i have a docking station with a LCD monitor with a resolution of 1680x1200, but when I undock my laptop screen is blank and I have no option but to power-cycle the laptop | 12:17 |
anathematic | okies i'll get gnomebaker | 12:17 |
anathematic | ty | 12:17 |
inflex | After 12 years+ of Slackware... I've converted to Ubuntu | 12:17 |
BleSS | hlverstoep: ok, thx | 12:17 |
sharadg | I have two xorg.conf -one for the LCD and one for the laptop andi wrote a script that probes /usr/sbin/ddcprobe to find the monitor and apply the correct xorg , but still the laptop screen remains blank | 12:17 |
inflex | Is there a confessional around here somewhere? | 12:17 |
ompaul | inflex, even patrick is going to come over ;-) | 12:17 |
silent_ | inflex, it had to happen some time | 12:17 |
inflex | :-( | 12:17 |
tapas | inflex: hehe i used slackware only as long as there was nothing better | 12:17 |
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mon^rch | lol inflex | 12:17 |
inflex | tapas: ja, likewise... and finally Ubuntu has done it :\ | 12:17 |
tapas | inflex: that point in time was reached quite a few years ago hough ;) | 12:17 |
=== inflex feels like a very torn/confused man atm | ||
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silent_ | I'm not a big fan of the ubuntu server though... I prefer plain debian servers | 12:18 |
aLeSD | sharadg: nvidia ? | 12:18 |
inflex | tapas: not for legacy systems that I've been maintaining | 12:18 |
sharadg | no | 12:18 |
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foug | anyone? how do i uninstall stuff through terminal | 12:18 |
inflex | but my personal HDD crapped out on my yesterday... and I switched over to Ubuntu 7.04 | 12:18 |
silent_ | aptitude purge <pkg> | 12:18 |
sharadg | intel 945 | 12:18 |
inflex | foug: apt-get remove foo | 12:18 |
aLeSD | foug: man apt-get | 12:18 |
inflex | oh, one trouble.... my Radeon 9250 still won't work in 'high speed' | 12:18 |
foug | thanks both of you | 12:18 |
inflex | so I'm getting rather lousy refresh | 12:18 |
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sharadg | <aLeSD>any ideas? | 12:19 |
ROnewbie | tapas: here's the output of all those commands | 12:19 |
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ROnewbie | tapas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22851/ | 12:19 |
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silent_ | well, I got my back mouse button working in firefox, but xbindkeys isn't working at all, for either my kb or mouse | 12:19 |
inflex | This is what have in xorg.conf atm Identifier "ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 PRO] " | 12:19 |
inflex | Driver "ati" | 12:19 |
defcon_ | help, for some reason my gnome log viewer closes as soon as I open it | 12:19 |
silent_ | it just doesnt do anything | 12:19 |
tapas | ROnewbie: ok, it's called ra1 then ;) | 12:19 |
aLeSD | sharadg: I had those problem with the proprietary driver ... no idea ... sorry... maybe the 3d ... | 12:19 |
tapas | ROnewbie: that's your wireless driver | 12:19 |
inflex | I tried installing flglx but it complained about not finding any suitable screens | 12:19 |
inflex | (I run at 1920x1200 on a Dell 2407) | 12:20 |
ROnewbie | tapas: that's what I thought. So I don't have to reinstall it, right / | 12:20 |
ROnewbie | ? | 12:20 |
tapas | ROnewbie: exactly | 12:20 |
aLeSD | inflex: not use that driver please | 12:20 |
sharadg | aLeSD, thanks | 12:20 |
mon^rch | sigh... up @ 3:30 wtf is "up" with that? | 12:20 |
silent_ | inflex, jesus, that's almost 1080i | 12:20 |
tapas | ROnewbie: try: iwlist ra1 scan | 12:20 |
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tapas | ROnewbie: does it pick up any networks? | 12:20 |
mon^rch | !wtf | mon^rch | 12:20 |
inflex | silent_: yeah, it's a nice screen | 12:20 |
inflex | aLeSD: what should I be using ? | 12:20 |
aLeSD | inflex: it's too early ... maybe amd will develop something that will work .. for now the driver works bad and very slow ... | 12:21 |
ROnewbie | tapas: how about this link, though? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29 . / Yes it does, it picks all of them, it just shows zero signal strength and it won't connect | 12:21 |
aLeSD | use ati | 12:21 |
silent_ | i havent slept | 12:21 |
aLeSD | it's the opensource one .. it works well | 12:21 |
silent_ | its going to be a long days for me | 12:21 |
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inflex | aLeSD: damn, what I don't get though is that on Slackware it worked faster | 12:21 |
hlverstoep | aLeSD: the opensource driver doesn't support 3D | 12:21 |
inflex | aLeSD: though I -have- noticed I don't seem to have /prod/dri | 12:21 |
ROnewbie | tapas: it asks for my wep key, but then it keeps connecting, and after 30 seconds a mouseover will say "no connection avaialable" | 12:21 |
inflex | oh, I do now :\ | 12:21 |
inflex | hrmmm | 12:21 |
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tapas | ROnewbie: "mouseover"? you using some graphical tool to configure it? | 12:22 |
mon^rch | happy hacking... bbl | 12:22 |
hlverstoep | /info | 12:22 |
tapas | ROnewbie: i use kubuntu, so i can't help with the gnome toos | 12:22 |
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aLeSD | inflex: 3d is too instable for now ... active it only when you have to show to a win user where linux is going ;) | 12:22 |
inflex | aLeSD: well, I don't use 3D personally | 12:22 |
ROnewbie | tapas: no, I meant when I let my mouse pointer "rest" above the icon | 12:22 |
silent_ | or get an nvidia card | 12:22 |
silent_ | ;P | 12:22 |
inflex | but I do demand good 2D performance for CAD/schematic work | 12:22 |
tapas | ROnewbie: what icon? | 12:22 |
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hlverstoep | inflex, aLeSD: my fglrx driver works fine, 3D too... | 12:23 |
aLeSD | inflex: really ati proprietary driver gives more problems that other stuff | 12:23 |
ROnewbie | tapas: network manager | 12:23 |
tapas | ROnewbie: ah ok | 12:23 |
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tapas | ROnewbie: like i said, i don't use gnome | 12:23 |
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xukun | after I make a vpnc connection my route changes and then I dont have a internet connection | 12:23 |
aLeSD | hlverstoep: you lucky | 12:23 |
tapas | ROnewbie: but there are some packages containign some configuration tools for these cards | 12:23 |
aLeSD | :) | 12:23 |
tapas | ROnewbie: apt-cache search wireless | 12:23 |
hlverstoep | :D | 12:23 |
defcon_ | Is there any way to reinstall gnome in ubuntu because I am having a serious problem, for some reason I cannot open gnome log viewer, i open it and it automatically closes... any ideas? | 12:23 |
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inflex | well, I can tell you now - it didn't work for me :\ | 12:23 |
xukun | very strange | 12:23 |
CaptainMorgan | well, this piece of shit: http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/ was pretty much a HUGE waste of time | 12:24 |
hlverstoep | inflex: what is your problem with the driver? | 12:24 |
whatevah_loop | Which libdvd file should I download to be able to play DVDs on Ubuntu? There are 3 files here with different extensions: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/pool/feisty/free/ | 12:24 |
inflex | hlverstoep: when I installed it - it setup Xorg.conf etc... and when I ran X, it crashed out saying "No suitable screens found" | 12:24 |
=== Half-Left [n=Half-Lef@cpc1-mapp3-0-0-cust267.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orville | .deb ? | 12:24 |
ROnewbie | tapas: got a whooole lot of output. Pastebin again ? | 12:24 |
hlverstoep | inflex: is your card supported by the driver? | 12:24 |
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erUSUL | !dvd | whatevah_loop | 12:25 |
ubotu | whatevah_loop: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 12:25 |
SlimeyPete | whatevah_loop: I'd grab the original | 12:25 |
Half-Left | Hello, I friend of mind just did a update in Feisty and now he's lost his Windows in the bootloader, any ideas why it did this? | 12:25 |
inflex | hlverstoep: afaik, it was... Radeon 9250 | 12:25 |
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hlverstoep | inflex: did you edit xorg.conf yourself? of did aticonfig? | 12:25 |
Half-Left | mine* | 12:25 |
inflex | aticonfig did | 12:25 |
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saddeh | how do i replace space in terminal? | 12:25 |
saddeh | i mean its like % in internet explorer | 12:25 |
tapas | ROnewbie: just searcgh the damn list for packages that seem to have something with the name of your driver in common :) | 12:25 |
inflex | I ended up having to edit the xorg.conf manually in the end to get back the original setup | 12:25 |
saddeh | like... space%here | 12:25 |
SlimeyPete | hlverstoep: dunno why, but he can get it back by editing /boot/grub/menu.lst and then running "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" where /dev/sda is his first hard disk | 12:25 |
tapas | ROnewbie: ah forget it.. i was wrong. it's only source packages | 12:26 |
defcon_ | heh | 12:26 |
defcon_ | Is there any way to reinstall gnome in ubuntu because I am having a serious problem, for some reason I cannot open gnome log viewer, i open it and it automatically closes... any ideas? | 12:26 |
ROnewbie | tapas: well, for what it's worth, I already pasted it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22852/ | 12:26 |
defcon_ | is it crashing? | 12:26 |
hlverstoep | SlimeyPete: ??? | 12:26 |
defcon_ | can I reinstall it? | 12:26 |
PepperBob | xukun: isn't that the way it works? | 12:26 |
ROnewbie | tapas: so what then ? | 12:27 |
tapas | ROnewbie: i was thinking of the rt5000 package | 12:27 |
tapas | ROnewbie: maybe try it | 12:27 |
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hlverstoep | inflex: I don't know what went wrong? You gave any parameters to aticonfig? | 12:27 |
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ROnewbie | tapas: what do you by "trying it" ? download it? | 12:27 |
stefg | Half-Left: did he tinker manually with /boot/grub/menu.lst? Obviously the update-grub procedure didn#t find the windows-entry valid | 12:27 |
inflex | hlverstoep: did the routine as detailed by the flglx site | 12:27 |
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SlimeyPete | hlverstoep: sorry, I meant Half-Left | 12:28 |
Half-Left | stefg, Yes | 12:28 |
defcon_ | anyone have time for a quick question | 12:28 |
defcon_ | ive tried google | 12:28 |
hlverstoep | inflex: "routine"? for me it was just "sudo aticonfig --initial" | 12:28 |
hlverstoep | SlimeyPete: ok... | 12:28 |
inflex | hlverstoep: that's what I started at | 12:28 |
inflex | okay, I'm going to try it again anyhow, -justincase- | 12:29 |
inflex | bbl | 12:29 |
hlverstoep | inflex: aticonfig itself didn't give any erros? | 12:29 |
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PepperBob | xukun: to have a vpn connection and connection to another network at the same time you probably want to research about split tunneling. | 12:29 |
stefg | Half-Left: there are a couple of 'magic tokens' in that file. If you read it really, really careful you'll find out how it works (well commented). | 12:30 |
CaptainMorgan | !sendmail | 12:30 |
psst | defcon_: 2 minutes and counting | 12:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sendmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:30 |
CaptainMorgan | !wtf | 12:30 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:30 |
fong_ | is it possible to install using the live CD? | 12:30 |
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ROnewbie | tapas: ? | 12:31 |
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inflex | okay, how do I tell if I'm using the new driver? | 12:31 |
fong_ | i don't see an "install" icon on the desktop... | 12:31 |
BleSS | how looking for an installed package? i.e. openssl | 12:31 |
=== jin [n=jin@s5591bc47.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xukun | PepperBob, vpnc uses split tunneling or not? | 12:31 |
jin | !nvidia | 12:31 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:31 |
tapas | ROnewbie: how could you try it without downloading it? | 12:31 |
tapas | ;) | 12:31 |
fong_ | !livecd | 12:31 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install. | 12:31 |
defcon_ | psst, Is there any way to reinstall gnome in ubuntu because I am having a serious problem, for some reason I cannot open gnome log viewer, i open it and it automatically closes... any ideas? | 12:31 |
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PepperBob | xukun: no, it's not "default" afaik | 12:31 |
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fong_ | i see | 12:31 |
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hlverstoep | inflex: by "the new driver" you mean? | 12:32 |
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inflex | hlverstoep: the 'faster' driver :) | 12:32 |
locust | greetings, is anyone aware of a linux application similar to this one? http://www.soft32.com/download_202691.html | 12:32 |
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hlverstoep | BleSS: dpkg -l | grep "package" | 12:32 |
psst | defcon_: I would find the name of the log viewer command and run it form the command line | 12:32 |
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hlverstoep | inflex: So, you're using it right know, but you want to test if 3D works? | 12:32 |
ROnewbie | tapas: it's not in synaptic | 12:32 |
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defcon_ | psst, ok | 12:33 |
ROnewbie | tapas: and what is it, anyway ? | 12:33 |
killerbunny | !ipod | 12:33 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 12:33 |
fong_ | what's the command to know the type of ubuntu being run? | 12:33 |
jin | I can't load the nvidia driver. FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-386/volatile/nvidia.ko': No such f | 12:33 |
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fong_ | !version | 12:33 |
tapas | ROnewbie: i have no idea. i don't own such a card | 12:33 |
PepperBob | fong_: not sure but uname -a might tell you | 12:33 |
tapas | ROnewbie: i just found tehre's a package called rt2500 and the description says: | 12:33 |
defcon_ | psst, | 12:33 |
defcon_ | root@ion:~# /usr/bin/gnome-system-log | 12:33 |
defcon_ | Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 12:33 |
defcon_ | root@ion:~# | 12:33 |
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tapas | " configuration tool for wireless RT2500 network cards" | 12:33 |
defcon_ | sorry about the paste | 12:33 |
fong_ | pepperbob, thanks | 12:33 |
AL38 | !rockbox | 12:34 |
SubOne | My videos skip and stutter in firefox/mplayer. I know it's not the connection. Any hints on fixing this? | 12:34 |
ubotu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 12:34 |
ubotu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! | 12:34 |
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defcon_ | wasnt too big | 12:34 |
tapas | ROnewbie: and as your card is from that family | 12:34 |
AL38 | Interesting | 12:34 |
tapas | ... | 12:34 |
=== iioran [n=iioran@neu67-3-82-239-83-62.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | AL38, it has its own channel :-) | 12:34 |
Half-Left | stefg, So if you've edited the file it makes a new one for you?, why does it not back yours up? | 12:34 |
ROnewbie | tapas: ??????????????? ok, now I'm completely lost. I looked for anything ralink in synaptic and all I get is 4 source packages; I don't know how to use source packages | 12:34 |
hlverstoep | inflex: So, you're using it right know, but you want to test if 3D works? | 12:34 |
tapas | ROnewbie: no, not source packages: type: apt-get install rt2500 | 12:35 |
inflex | hlverstoep: okay - yes. | 12:35 |
tapas | ROnewbie: i have no idea why it doesn;t show in your graphical apt-frontend.. | 12:35 |
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PepperBob | defcon_: do you have such problems with other applications too? | 12:35 |
hlverstoep | inflex: fgl_glxgears | 12:35 |
fong_ | !livecd | 12:35 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install. | 12:35 |
fong_ | :( | 12:35 |
hlverstoep | inflex: run in terminal;) | 12:35 |
fong_ | i have the breezy badger live cd | 12:35 |
defcon_ | PepperBob, sometimes | 12:35 |
psst | defcon_: ouch! that's a bug for sure. google has this to say: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-414064.html | 12:36 |
inflex | hmmmm..... musnt be using it | 12:36 |
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defcon_ | thnx psst | 12:36 |
PepperBob | defcon_: this is just a guess, but in some cases this is due to RAM problems. have you run memcheck? | 12:36 |
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stefg | Half-Left:AFAIK update-grub doesn't create a new file, but automatically inserts and deletes entries in the file, according to the tags around an entry. So the win-entry was misplaced and got removed. | 12:36 |
hlverstoep | inflex: what does it say? | 12:36 |
ROnewbie | tapas: ok, did that. should I restart or something ? | 12:36 |
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defcon_ | also im having problems with my internet in ubuntu, I keep getting super slow connections, when I go into vista its fine | 12:36 |
inflex | Using GLX_SGIX_pbuffer | 12:37 |
inflex | X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) | 12:37 |
tapas | ROnewbie: no | 12:37 |
tapas | ROnewbie: try to run the program | 12:37 |
defcon_ | PepperBob, no I havnt run memcheck | 12:37 |
AL38 | Anyway, the reason I'm here is to ask: Any ideas on how to get the Ubuntu splash screen working with a dual-monitor Nvidia display? I assume that the fact it's a dual monitor X Screen stopped it from displaying correctly as the Live CD's splash screen worked okay | 12:37 |
boubbin | any tutos how to starts screen irssi when my pc starts ? | 12:37 |
=== MartyMcFly [n=mart@cpc2-bigg1-0-0-cust905.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
defcon_ | bash: memcheck: command not found | 12:37 |
AL38 | This is ubuntu Feisty, should've specified | 12:37 |
Half-Left | stefg, ok thanks | 12:37 |
tapas | ROnewbie: run dpkg -L rt2500 to see what programs the package installed | 12:37 |
hlverstoep | inflex: you don't see a nice 3d cube? | 12:37 |
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stefg | Half-Left: but no big deal... it's just the win-line contains only 'chainloader +1' | 12:37 |
inflex | hlverstoep: I think it's still using the old X setup | 12:37 |
PepperBob | defcon_: i suggest you do. it's one of your boot option in the grub menu | 12:37 |
AL38 | I checked the GRUB settings and splash is one of the options | 12:37 |
inflex | hlverstoep: (II) ATI: ATI driver (version 6.6.3) for chipsets: ati, ativga | 12:37 |
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inflex | brb - restarting X | 12:37 |
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Half-Left | stefg, Easy enough to fix then | 12:38 |
hlverstoep | inflex: fglrxinfo | 12:38 |
defcon_ | PepperBob, ok thankyou, also, for some reason my grub menu isnt booting to hd0,0 its booting to hd1 | 12:38 |
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ROnewbie | tapas: ok | 12:38 |
defcon_ | so I have to manually edit it each time, how do I save it | 12:38 |
hlverstoep | inflex: does it say that you're running the ati driver? | 12:38 |
ROnewbie | tapas: can I paste the output in private ? | 12:38 |
=== BleSS [n=BleSS@165.Red-81-38-118.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
PepperBob | defcon_: well just wait an let it popup when booting. then there is one entry called "memtest86" or similiar | 12:38 |
defcon_ | press e then enter the right value then b to boot etc | 12:38 |
tapas | ROnewbie: sure | 12:38 |
PepperBob | defcon_: not sure if there's a script, but you could edit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 12:39 |
saddeh | how do i overwrite a file which i dont have rights to overwrite? :) | 12:39 |
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VoX | saddeh: uh, you dont | 12:39 |
saddeh | but how then? i need to add a line to my hosts file | 12:40 |
PepperBob | saddeh: that's the sense of permissions. | 12:40 |
davef_ | saddeh: with sudo. | 12:40 |
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saddeh | and how will it look like? | 12:40 |
saddeh | davef_: | 12:40 |
VoX | saddeh: sudo vi <file> | 12:40 |
saddeh | vi? | 12:40 |
VoX | or sudo joe <file> | 12:40 |
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davef_ | saddeh: 'sudo echo blahblahblah >>/etc/hosts" if you just need to add a line. | 12:41 |
VoX | or which ever editor you wish to use | 12:41 |
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defcon_ | PepperBob, thankyou bro | 12:41 |
davef_ | saddeh: 'sudo gedit /etc/hosts' to edit | 12:41 |
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saddeh | joe? | 12:41 |
saddeh | thanks VoX and davef_ willtry smth | 12:41 |
hlverstoep | inflex: does it say that you're running the ati driver? | 12:41 |
PepperBob | defcon_: np. | 12:41 |
saddeh | yeah it worked, thanks guys | 12:42 |
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davef_ | Anyone have any ideas why a machine can only get the first several packets when accessing the net? | 12:43 |
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inflex | hlverstoep: looks like I just don't have a compatible card | 12:43 |
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hlverstoep | inflex: then your only option is to use the opensource driver | 12:44 |
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stefg | davef_: wired or wlan? | 12:44 |
m0u5e | anyone know a nice ubuntu guide for compiling? | 12:44 |
hlverstoep | inflex: I've never used it so you should help yourself, or find anyone else... | 12:44 |
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stefg | !build | m0u5e | 12:44 |
ubotu | m0u5e: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 12:44 |
davef_ | stefg: wired. New Ubuntu install. Worked fine when I installed it here, but when my friend took it back to his net, it only gets a few packets. The windows boxes still work fine. | 12:45 |
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saddeh | any way to open self-extracting .exe archives? wine wont do.. | 12:46 |
stefg | davef_: the ususal suspects are avahi and network-manager. if it's not a roaming machine and you don't need avahi i'd try to uninstall these first and see if that helps | 12:46 |
m0u5e | stefg: thx thx thx! | 12:46 |
davef_ | stefg: Thanks, I'll let him know. | 12:46 |
=== fig0 [n=Fig0@p5486F90D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PepperBob | saddeh: that's a proprietary winzip functionality | 12:47 |
saddeh | PepperBob: k | 12:47 |
newtie | i am having a problem playing dvd on totem.it plays the dvd for 2-3 minutes and then pause automatically | 12:47 |
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PepperBob | saddeh: just a guess: won't winzip run on wine? | 12:48 |
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stefg | newtie: all DVDs or just /that/ special one? | 12:48 |
saddeh | PepperBob: its .exe archive | 12:48 |
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saddeh | PepperBob: in windows u would just run it, set a path and it would self extract | 12:48 |
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ncd_ | wow | 12:49 |
gnomefreak | saddeh: wine would have to be used in liinux | 12:49 |
ncd_ | something is seriously busted | 12:49 |
=== Mikeh [n=chatzill@pool-72-71-214-119.cncdnh.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bz0b | anyone here got a new dell with ubuntu yet? | 12:49 |
newtie | stefg: nothing special just play for five seconds on totem and then pause, (ubuntu 7.04) | 12:49 |
ncd_ | in my whole god knows how many year of dabling with linux this distro is up and down more times then a hoars draws | 12:49 |
=== HyperDevil [n=lbjo@50.81-166-181.customer.lyse.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | bz0b: please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic | 12:49 |
stefg | newtie: did you try more than one DVD? | 12:49 |
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hans | hi | 12:49 |
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bz0b | how would that be offtopic they sell dells with ubuntu | 12:49 |
newtie | stefg: yep happen's with everysingle one | 12:50 |
PepperBob | saddeh: winzip will open those archives anyways | 12:50 |
saddeh | gnomefreak: i do :) | 12:50 |
gnomefreak | bz0b: its not support related | 12:50 |
hans | is it possible to get accelerated 3D graphics with a radeon 9200 pro under linux (or Ubuntu specifically) | 12:50 |
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saddeh | PepperBob: gotta try then, thanks | 12:50 |
stefg | !dvd | newtie | 12:50 |
hans | ? | 12:50 |
ubotu | newtie: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 12:50 |
=== hhlp [n=hhlp@62.Red-83-39-83.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bz0b | well i was gonna ask support questions about it | 12:50 |
acuster | hey all, | 12:50 |
anathematic | :< i don't want to download a million little packages for gnomemaker, where can i download the whole thing in one chunk? (i don't have net to my linux box) | 12:50 |
acuster | openoffice is crashing when I work with versioning | 12:50 |
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hans | the device manager says "RV280 [Radeon 9200 PRO] ", right now I am running Xorg with the vesa driver but things are sluggish | 12:50 |
acuster | is there a way to install something other than the default (v2.2) open office? | 12:50 |
gnomefreak | acuster: build it yourself | 12:51 |
hans | I have also checked the restricted drivers application but it says there are none for my system | 12:51 |
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aLeSD | hans: hard work with ati | 12:51 |
hans | aLeSD, yeah I was afraid of that | 12:51 |
newtie | ubotu: Thnxs i will try ! | 12:51 |
acuster | gnomefreak, no way, I'm not using gentoo for a reason | 12:51 |
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aLeSD | hans: you can , of course, but it will be an hard work, your device is old and you have to install specific proprietary drivers | 12:52 |
gnomefreak | acuster: thats gonna be the only way for the most part | 12:52 |
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hans | ah | 12:52 |
acuster | how can I find out if there are other versions parrallel installable? | 12:52 |
hans | ahh, well I don't mind a challange | 12:52 |
hans | I will google around a bit | 12:52 |
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bz0b | ya i have an ati x1600 pro how do i configure the drivers because whenever i use what the ubuntuguide recommends me to do it doesnt work well | 12:52 |
aLeSD | hans: wait for AMD upgrade ... it will do somethin g... I hope | 12:52 |
stefg | acuster: you can still use the tar.gz packages from the openoffice.org site and install that to /opt (after you uninstalled ubuntus OOo with synaptic). But i would not recommend that | 12:52 |
gnomefreak | acuster: unless you can find a .deb(s) for whatever version you want but you will have to satisfy depends on it and that will be a pain | 12:52 |
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hans | AMD upgrade? | 12:53 |
aLeSD | bz0b: take a look to the gentoo ati wiki | 12:53 |
gnomefreak | !ati | 12:53 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:53 |
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bz0b | u have link? | 12:53 |
acuster | stefg, gnomefreak thanks both | 12:53 |
hans | thanks gnomefreak | 12:53 |
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dejx | hello i just added users with adduser, and it works on nis master, but how do i force that same user/pass will work in nis clients? | 12:53 |
aLeSD | http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_ATI_Drivers | 12:53 |
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wols | hans: yes it's possible the "ati" driver, which is Free. fglrx will not work | 12:54 |
Angelus | hi there, was wondering if someone could help. People have such nice toolbars at the bottom with curved edges. How do you achieve that affect? | 12:54 |
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aphrodite1 | Hi, newbie here having a major problem | 12:54 |
adaptr | define major | 12:54 |
hans | wols, oh, is this driver installed with xorg bydefault? | 12:54 |
aLeSD | bz0b: only to understand the possibily problem ... after use ubuntu instruments | 12:54 |
wols | hans: yes | 12:54 |
aphrodite1 | Can't see any fonts only rectangles | 12:54 |
itkui_ | hello everyone! | 12:54 |
hans | cool, I will try it thanks | 12:54 |
gnomefreak | aphrodite1: restart | 12:54 |
aphrodite1 | did that | 12:54 |
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AL89 | hello guys. is there any software for cutting videos you'd recommend? | 12:55 |
stefg | !gnome-dock | Angelus | 12:55 |
ubotu | Angelus: gnome-dock is a MacOS X -like dock for the gnome desktop, see www.gnome-dock.org | 12:55 |
aphrodite1 | problem started when i became adventurous | 12:55 |
saddeh | PepperBob: nope, winzip didnt open that file:) | 12:55 |
aphrodite1 | and tried upgrading to kde | 12:55 |
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gnomefreak | aphrodite1: make sure everything is installed try "sudo dpkg --configure -a" without the " | 12:55 |
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wols | aphrodite1: your fonts are not installed (properly) | 12:55 |
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roy_ | hey all | 12:55 |
PepperBob | saddeh: mh.. i thought it would.. sry - long time no work w/ winzip.. | 12:55 |
gnomefreak | PepperBob: if you are looking for win support try ##windows | 12:56 |
aphrodite1 | gnomefreak, posted my prob on forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2729112#post2729112 | 12:56 |
saddeh | PepperBob: np ;) | 12:56 |
dejx | hello i just added users with adduser, and it works on nis master, but how do i force that same user/pass will work in nis clients? | 12:56 |
gnomefreak | aphrodite1: i dont have X atm | 12:56 |
PepperBob | gnomefreak: hugh? | 12:56 |
roy_ | im new to ubuntu and i need 1 on 1 help with installing drivers for gforce fx 5500 card | 12:56 |
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wols | 1nvidia | roy_ | 12:56 |
stefg | AL89: look at ubuntustudio... for just splitting avis and stuff avidemux is decent | 12:56 |
wols | !nvidia | roy_ | 12:57 |
ubotu | roy_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:57 |
roy_ | can anyone please help me? | 12:57 |
PepperBob | gnomefreak: uh, no not using windows ... thanx anyways :) | 12:57 |
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gnomefreak | PepperBob: you have been talking about winzip, winzip is not a ubuntu package it is windows. we don not support windows in here | 12:57 |
roy_ | i've been having problems with it | 12:57 |
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adaptr | gnomefreak don't get all anal on us now | 12:57 |
cox377 | ive got a sneeky feelin that i've got 2 azureus running, i tries installing a headless one but gave up so installed one via apt-get, how would i check if both are running? | 12:57 |
PepperBob | gnomefreak: but we do wine, don't we? | 12:57 |
AL89 | thanks stefg | 12:57 |
Tripod | Can anyone give us a quick hand on compiling Etswitch, having problems | 12:57 |
gnomefreak | PepperBob: than move it to #ubuntu-offtopic as windows is not on topic for this channel | 12:57 |
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wols | PepperBob: still don't do windows application support | 12:57 |
PepperBob | gnomefreak: none ever talked about windows... ? don't see that problem actually.. | 12:58 |
gnomefreak | adaptr: be real careful on how you say things | 12:58 |
wols | cox377: ps aux |less | 12:58 |
egat | hello! im also a newbie, having some trouble with my Ubuntu install. do i need to create a new partition to install it on? | 12:58 |
zniavre | hello | 12:58 |
Tripod | if anyone is willing to help please PM me | 12:58 |
cox377 | wols: is that the command? | 12:58 |
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Angelus | Thanks Stef G for that but it's very confusing, I don't understand what to do? | 12:58 |
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aphrodite1 | ok, i tried :Install (K)ubuntu Breezy Step 2: Upgrade to Kubuntu" and now i get error saying pango will give ugly-fonts or something | 12:58 |
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gnomefreak | PepperBob: if you want to talk about support or anything else with win apps dont do it in here | 12:58 |
roy_ | i installed nvidia glx and when i restart ubuntu it freez | 12:58 |
zniavre | this morning i made kernel update with feisty now my usb ext hdd freeze my feisty when i switch it ON | 12:58 |
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wols | roy_: kernel dirver is loaded? | 12:59 |
jin | why are the buttons in firefox so ugly? | 12:59 |
roy_ | if i return to my xorg.conf backup then everything is o.k again | 12:59 |
PepperBob | gnomefreak: my advice was pointing to *WINE* - which is not a windows application is it? so could we burry this now? | 12:59 |
jin | I mean the form buttons on webpages | 12:59 |
adaptr | gnomefreak okay, daddy | 12:59 |
saddeh | PepperBob: thanks for ur attempt to help :P | 12:59 |
saddeh | when i installed ubuntu i did 2 partitions, root (25gb) and onee another partition (not swap, nor i cant remember what it was) with 135gb, which doesnt show up now and i cant use it... any way tofix that? | 12:59 |
roy_ | wols: yes | 01:00 |
Tripod | you have to partition the free space. | 01:00 |
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saddeh | Tripod: with which prog? | 01:00 |
wols | saddeh: if it doesn't show up with df, cat /proc/partitions and then add teh 135GB partition to fstab (if ti's already formatted) | 01:00 |
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Tripod | might have to do a new install :( | 01:00 |
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aphrodite1 | gnomefreak, Terminal, firefox, etc., work fine, but everything else is rectangles. sys: 1: PangoWarning: No builtin or dynamically loaded modules were found. This probably means that there was an error in the creation of: '/etc/pango/pango.modules'. You should create this file by running pango-querymodules. | 01:01 |
saddeh | wols: alright, now slowly :D what is df? | 01:01 |
wols | Tripod: he already said he partitioned. and no matter what, don#t need to reinstall | 01:01 |
stefg | Angelus: this gnome-dock isn#t a finished program, but some alpha-stuff. You would have to compile it from source. Although configuration is somewhat difficult. I don't think you need it that desperatly, do you? | 01:01 |
wols | saddeh: man df | 01:01 |
gnomefreak | aphrodite1: did you run that command? | 01:01 |
aphrodite1 | gnomefreak: how do I run that command? | 01:01 |
saddeh | wols: kay... and /proc/partitions is empty | 01:01 |
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Tripod | I am compiling Etswitch on my Ubuntu 7.04 but it gets downt o X11 and says paths arnt there, and is it isntalled.. | 01:01 |
roy_ | can anyone please help me one on one? i'll be able to explain the problem better | 01:01 |
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gnomefreak | aphrodite1: try pango-querymodules | 01:02 |
wols | saddeh: if it's empty you can't run linux cause: you don't have any partitions to run from. so please rethink that statement | 01:02 |
aphrodite1 | gnomefreak: thanks i'll just try | 01:02 |
wols | Tripod: you need xlibs dev packages | 01:02 |
JohnStax | q: I just updated my ubuntu.. new kernel a believe.. and now my trashcan is crashing.. i see a very small window with no buttons on it.. and when i mess with the trashcan.. both disappear (crash) | 01:02 |
saddeh | wols: :)))) lol, but... ehm thats the file which opened with text editor, isnt it? and its blank sheet | 01:02 |
Tripod | wols: where may i find those | 01:02 |
gnomefreak | aphrodite1: if not try apt-cache search libpango and install one of them (cant think of the exact name of package off hand. | 01:03 |
wols | saddeh: cat /proc/partitions | 01:03 |
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anathematic | how do i check how much i've set my main ubuntu partition for? =\ | 01:03 |
wols | Tripod: in your package manager of choice | 01:03 |
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wols | anathematic: df | 01:03 |
kritzstapf | anathematic: df -h | 01:03 |
kritzstapf | wols: :) | 01:03 |
aphrodite1 | gnomefreak: running pango-querymodules says command not found | 01:03 |
anathematic | df -h | 01:03 |
anathematic | opps | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | hmmmmmmmmm | 01:03 |
anathematic | wrong keyboard LOL | 01:03 |
Tripod | wols: what would the names be just xlibs? i nub | 01:03 |
saddeh | wols: it wrote me smth | 01:03 |
ydo | saddeh: is /proc mounted? | 01:03 |
stefg | http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html | 01:04 |
jin | to any one who like to have prettier firefox controls in webpage forms, see http://osnovice.blogspot.com/2007/05/firefox-controls-are-ugly.html | 01:04 |
wols | ydo: he'd have bigger problems if is isn't... | 01:04 |
johny | I'm using feisty but can't find a package i need. I know it's in the debian repositories, what if I add them, is it secure? | 01:04 |
Skiff | guys I just did "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get upgrade" and apt manager before was saying there was 40+ updates now it says there is 7 still left wtf? will I always have to use that apt manager notifier in the corner? | 01:04 |
boghog | wols, thanks it seems to be sort of working now (using "ati" as Driver in xorg.conf), it's *very* slow, but seems to work\ | 01:04 |
saddeh | ydo: ? :) | 01:04 |
gnomefreak | aphrodite1: give me a few minutes to finish what i am doing and when i return i will help you more. right now i have 4 ttys open and its geting hard to keep track of everthing im running | 01:04 |
wols | boghog: check if dri is enabled and stuff like that | 01:04 |
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aphrodite1 | gnomefreak: trouble is outside of terminal and firefox i can't see what i'm doing. can i run synaptix in term to get rid of pango? | 01:04 |
Tripod | Thank you wols, i hope it takes. | 01:05 |
boghog | wols, ah yes it seems to be disabled | 01:05 |
wols | aphrodite1: you run aptitude in a console | 01:05 |
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ydo | saddeh: nm, listen to wols | 01:05 |
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aphrodite1 | thanks wols will try | 01:05 |
kritzstapf | Skiff: maybe those updates require a dist-upgrade | 01:05 |
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gnomefreak | aphrodite1: synaptic yes might work but you have to know the package. you shouldnt need to remove pango as iirc it is needed for alot of apps | 01:05 |
Skiff | kritzstapf, ok so how would I do them using apt-get command? | 01:05 |
robdeman | folks is there a sudo-gnome utility? | 01:05 |
wols | gnome will be very unhappy without pango. so you cannot uninstall it | 01:05 |
robdeman | for starting Gnome apps with Roo tpermissions? | 01:06 |
wols | robdeman: gksudo | 01:06 |
kritzstapf | Skiff: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 01:06 |
Skiff | kritzstapf, thanks | 01:06 |
saddeh | wols: so after i made df it got me some kind of info, whats next? :D | 01:06 |
gnomefreak | aphrodite1: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall libpango.... whatever the package name is | 01:06 |
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robdeman | sweet | 01:06 |
saddeh | wols: i mean... how do i partition my free space? | 01:06 |
Skiff | kritzstapf, I think its working :) | 01:06 |
kritzstapf | Skiff: :) | 01:06 |
robdeman | got system-config-lvm finally working under Feisty | 01:06 |
gnomefreak | ok brb lets see if this build works | 01:07 |
wols | saddeh: use gparted | 01:07 |
aphrodite1 | thanks gnomefreak | 01:07 |
saddeh | wols: k will install it now | 01:07 |
wols | saddeh: and you said you partitioned it already. so is that 135GB partition showing in /proc/partitions or not? | 01:07 |
Skiff | kritzstapf, would it be correct to write:" apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade" ? | 01:07 |
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saddeh | wols: nope. i thought i partioned it when i installed linux | 01:07 |
saddeh | wols: seems that i had only formatted it | 01:08 |
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wols | you cannot format before you partition... | 01:08 |
kritzstapf | Skiff: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade would be enough | 01:08 |
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wols | first you partition a disk, then you format | 01:08 |
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saddeh | wols: then i did partition it. nvm. ive run gparted and i have 2 partitions | 01:09 |
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Skiff | kritzstapf, so I should always use dist-upgrade and it will preclude all upgrade command would get me correct? | 01:09 |
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saddeh | wols: one is "/" and another is "/ush" which is for an unknown reason to me is particulary used (4gb) | 01:09 |
egat | hey, im having some trouble with install. do i need to create a new partition to install 7.04 on? | 01:09 |
kritzstapf | Skiff: in most cases youll only need a normal upgrade | 01:09 |
wols | saddeh: so why isn't it showing in /proc/partitions? also what is the output of df ? | 01:09 |
boghog | wols, got it working, thanks for the help! <3 | 01:09 |
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Skiff | kritzstapf, thanks | 01:09 |
kritzstapf | Skiff: i think only the kernel-updates and other stuff need a dist-upgrade | 01:10 |
kritzstapf | Skiff: your 7 packages are linux-* arent they? | 01:10 |
saddeh | wols: ah wait, it is showing in /proc/partitions | 01:10 |
Skiff | kritzstapf, so why not do it all the time just to be safe if it precludes all the stuff anyway | 01:10 |
Skiff | kritzstapf, yes | 01:10 |
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kritzstapf | Skiff: you can do it all the time, but its always better to know when youre installing very basic updates like a new kernel | 01:11 |
Skiff | kritzstapf, how do you usually do upgrades ? | 01:11 |
stefg | egat: the installer actually triesto guide you through that. Do you have empty, unpartitioned space on your drive yet? | 01:11 |
Skiff | kritzstapf, gotcha | 01:11 |
egat | stefg: no, i dont. im going into this fairly blind, so my apologies if i seem a bit daft | 01:11 |
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kritzstapf | Skiff: i use the icon in my tray that pings me for updates in most cases ;) | 01:12 |
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stefg | egat: so what situation are you in? Running the Live CD on a machine which one big fullsize win-partition on it? | 01:12 |
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saddeh | wols: ah well found it, tho its unusualy to me that it is in /usr folder :) | 01:13 |
aphrodite1 | wols, gnomefreak: trying to update gnome thru aptitide - fingers firmly crossed!!! | 01:13 |
Skiff | kritzstapf, hehe good idea ;) just wanted to know command line as well, thank you :) | 01:13 |
kritzstapf | Skiff: youre welcome | 01:13 |
saddeh | wols: unusual*.. thanks for ur time and help | 01:13 |
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aphrodite1 | thanks for your help | 01:13 |
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roy_ | my problem is this: im using ubuntu 7.04. my graphic card is nvidia fx 5500. i had the same problem with ubuntu 6.10. when i install nvidia glx, after restart ubuntu load itself and freez just befor finishing loading. if i want my ubuntu back all i do is go to safe mode, then i load the backup of my original xorg.conf and i have ubuntu back. another problem related to this is that my mouse pointer goes crazy and i lose control of it for 10 | 01:13 |
roy_ | times a day. i tried alot of stuff but till now nothing seems to help, you think you can help? please send me a privet massage. | 01:13 |
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egat | stefg: im trying to install to a single win-partition on an older laptop (still a p4 though). i burnt the iso from the site to cd, booted to it and chose the install option | 01:14 |
kritzstapf | roy_: i'd use the binary drivers from nvidia.com | 01:14 |
gnomefreak | roy_: on feisty | 01:14 |
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gnomefreak | kritzstapf: please dont suggest that as it can make upgrading packages give errors | 01:15 |
stefg | roy_: please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html | 01:15 |
egat | stefg: i got an error re: gnome preferences but i let it continue, it eventually just sits on a blank desktop. | 01:15 |
kritzstapf | gnomefreak: hum.. | 01:15 |
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gnomefreak | kritzstapf: installing the drivers from nvidia is not supported and can bring in other issues | 01:15 |
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stefg | egat: so ubuntu is installed, but the install didn't work right, or are you in the process of installing, and it the install hangs? | 01:16 |
gnomefreak | if hes on feisty package nvidia-glx-new should help him | 01:16 |
roy_ | please write me again what to read (my irc got closed) | 01:16 |
kritzstapf | okay | 01:16 |
roy_ | and thank you so much for the help | 01:16 |
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l3niwi3c | hi | 01:16 |
gnomefreak | roy_: on feisty? | 01:16 |
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l3niwi3c | jest kto z polski? | 01:16 |
roy_ | gnomefreak: yes | 01:17 |
stefg | roy_: please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html | 01:17 |
kritzstapf | gnomefreak: i'm using the nvidia.com-drivers atm, would you recommend to switch to nvidia-glx-new? | 01:17 |
gnomefreak | roy_: try installing nvidia-glx-new | 01:17 |
stefg | roy_: it's quick and will help you get a better response | 01:17 |
gnomefreak | kritzstapf: if your card is supported by -new | 01:17 |
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egat | stefg: the install hangs. it ran for about an hour the first time before i accidently knocked out the power to the laptop(dead/dying battery). i started it again, but still got the gnome preferences error, let it run for about 2 hours when it died | 01:17 |
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aphrodite1 | ???? | 01:18 |
nexusStone | hi all. | 01:18 |
roy_ | gnomefreak: k i will, thank you | 01:18 |
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stefg | egat: hmmm... so ubiquity (the graphical installer) apparently doesn't work. is this a dual boot machine or will ubuntu be the only OS on it? | 01:18 |
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egat | stefg: single boot | 01:19 |
nexusStone | I have a problem with sysv-rc-conf, can I ask here? | 01:19 |
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DudeManJer | Hello I have two games under scummvm and they both froze my PCs - any ideas how to repair the problems? | 01:19 |
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kritzstapf | DudeManJer: any error messages when you run scummvm from a console? | 01:20 |
roy_ | gnomefreak: should i remove the old nvidia glx fierst? | 01:20 |
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gnomefreak | roy_: no shouldnt have to | 01:20 |
DudeManJer | Nope kristzstapf | 01:20 |
gnomefreak | roy_: they should conflict | 01:20 |
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roy_ | gnomefreak: k | 01:20 |
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boghog | wow I'm really amazed | 01:21 |
stefg | egat: very good. 1.) check if the CD is good, it's got a selftest option at boot. 2.) use the Alternate CD to install. | 01:21 |
stefg | !alternat | egat | 01:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about alternat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:21 |
boghog | if I can't play some video in totem I am presented with plugins to install to play them | 01:21 |
stefg | !alternate | egat | 01:21 |
boghog | that's really neat | 01:21 |
ubotu | egat: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 01:21 |
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roy_ | there is glx new and glx new dev. wich one? | 01:21 |
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nexusStone | see... I have a .sh file stored in /usr/local/sbin/ and whenever my init file referenced this file, my sysv-rc-conf will hang when I start the service with a "+" sign in the GUI. | 01:21 |
Skiff | hey guys I just loaded fluxbox it was fine, but then when in the menu I selected MetalCity as a manager (there were two chocie fluxbox and metalcity) all I see is bluish background thats left of fluxbox and eventhough I can move mouse there is nothing to click or nothing is happening, what to do (besides restarting) ? | 01:21 |
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roy_ | gnomefreak: there is glx new and glx new dev. wich one? | 01:22 |
gnomefreak | roy_: glx-new | 01:22 |
jburd | Apologies for not being able to respond earlier. We lost power. So, I was asking why the beagle daemon does not start on Ubuntu 7.04. | 01:22 |
shoot^ | guys i think i just did the most stupid thing i've ever done using a computer and did a bad rm -r destroying the contents of an ntfs hard disk (not primary but all my valuable data!) ...i have backups but not fully up to date... immediately unmounted the drive, and stopped all applications that were writing to it. what can i use to recover? | 01:22 |
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egat | thank you, i will try the self test option & report back. | 01:23 |
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skrew | hi | 01:23 |
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CheshireViking | !hi | skrew | 01:24 |
ubotu | skrew: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 01:24 |
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egat | just while i think of it, will an ntfs partition suffice? | 01:26 |
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skrew | how to stop ubuntu to write in my /etc/resolv.conf with a dhcp interface ? | 01:26 |
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nexusStone | cya | 01:27 |
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skrew | on fedora i use peerdns=no but with ubuntu ... ? | 01:27 |
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tri3axe | guys, where can i find a good tutorial about the linux file system.. i mean what the diffrent folders in root are used for..like /bin /var /lib and so on.. just i get a grip on what they contain and so on | 01:27 |
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stefg | !info photorec | 01:27 |
ubotu | Package photorec does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 01:27 |
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nexusStone | hi all. | 01:28 |
Alarifes | try with: http://web.usc.es/~elusive/linux.html | 01:28 |
Seveas | !fhs | 01:28 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 01:28 |
=== Dr`Maison [n=fred@lns-bzn-49f-62-147-164-174.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | tri3axe, --^ | 01:28 |
stefg | shoot^: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=448817 | 01:28 |
davef_ | skrew: try 'man dhclient.conf' - you can edit what it will do. | 01:29 |
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skrew | davef_, : ok thx i look | 01:30 |
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jonaskoelker | .. I have a question: I want to run a particular command (xmodmap -e 'pointer = 3 2 1') every time I plug my trackball into my laptop. How do I do that? | 01:30 |
baudthief | anyone experience severe video tearing with nvidia cards? It's not just video, even when I move windows sideways - running feisty, glx drivers | 01:30 |
baudthief | vsync is enabled | 01:30 |
jonaskoelker | I figured that's hotplug, but neither locate nor apt-file search for hotplug gives anything that looks useful | 01:31 |
The_Belgain | i've got a vmware question (i tried the vmware IRC channel but got no answer): how should i set up a VMware server guest to be able to route to the host directly (i.e. not going through an external physical interface) as well as being able to access external network devices? | 01:31 |
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The_Belgain | i.e. how should i set up a win2k guest VM to be able to ping the vmware virtual interface on the host machine? i'm using bridged networking at the moment by the way | 01:32 |
jonaskoelker | and googling for "linux hardware plugging events" gives me the event list for $P LUG | 01:32 |
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egat | sorry, me again. before i go to test the cd, ive just re formatted the hdd into 2 partitions. should i make the second one 'extended'? will ubuntu recognise it? or should i make it (along with the first partition) 'primary'? i know this confused DOS, just thought id ask before stuffing up | 01:32 |
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jonaskoelker | egat: will you be running windows too? | 01:32 |
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egat | jonaskoelker: no, just ubuntu | 01:33 |
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egat | jonaskoelker: for now, anyway | 01:33 |
jonaskoelker | egat: then it's safe to make them both primary | 01:33 |
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egat | jonaskoelker: awesome, thanks | 01:33 |
jonaskoelker | egat: I don't remember how well windows $NT handles it | 01:33 |
jonaskoelker | egat: you're welcome | 01:33 |
=== Tehkain [n=i@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stefg | egat: *if* the installer works on your machine it's best to present an empty unpartitioned disk to him, | 01:33 |
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jonaskoelker | anyone knows about hotplug? | 01:34 |
egat | stefg: thanks :) | 01:34 |
jburd | egat, don't partition it using DOS. :) Delete all DOS partitions and leave the disk unpartitioned. | 01:34 |
andre | ha ai alguem ke fale portrugues? | 01:34 |
egat | stefg: gah, smileys | 01:34 |
jonaskoelker | (mi no habla portugues) | 01:34 |
egat | jburd: cheers | 01:34 |
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IdleOne | !pt | 01:34 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 01:34 |
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andre | percisava ke me ajudassem no amsn | 01:35 |
luutac | hi | 01:35 |
jonaskoelker | hello, luutac | 01:35 |
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jin | where does firefox put the bookmarks file on ubuntu edgy? | 01:36 |
und3ad | ubuntu uses iptables? if i run iptables all ports are open but the ports are not open | 01:36 |
luutac | cac | 01:36 |
gnomefreak | jin: ~/.mozilla | 01:36 |
stefg | !firewall | und3ad | 01:36 |
ubotu | und3ad: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 01:36 |
gnomefreak | jin: iirc there is a firefox folder in there | 01:36 |
jin | thx :) | 01:36 |
jonaskoelker | jin: ~/.mozilla/firefox/$PROFILE/bookmarks.html | 01:37 |
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kippi | hey | 01:37 |
andre_ | alguem em portugues | 01:37 |
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jonaskoelker | !pt | andre_ | 01:37 |
ubotu | andre_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 01:37 |
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IdleOne | !pt | andre | 01:37 |
ubotu | andre: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 01:37 |
kippi | I have a remote freebsd box that I would like to change to Untuntu, but is there away I can do it remotely? | 01:38 |
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IdleOne | !install > kippi | 01:38 |
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andre_ | #unbunt-pt | 01:38 |
The_Belgain | so, no vmware people here then? | 01:38 |
robdeman | hello all... my dmesg says '**WARNING** I2C adapter driver [NVIDIA i2c adapter 2 at 0:05.0] forgot to specify physical device; fix it!' --> what does it mean? | 01:38 |
wols | andre_: /join #ubuntu-pt | 01:38 |
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kippi | !automate > kippi | 01:39 |
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stefg | robdeman: that means you have to pay one more kernel developer for ubuntu if you don#t want to see the message, it's a nag :-) | 01:39 |
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robdeman | stefg: ehrm ok? | 01:40 |
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egat | stefg: when i selected the cd check option, it flashed up a splash screen which i *think* said 'loading kernel' then hit a black screen and says 'crc error --system halted' | 01:41 |
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stefg | egat: so the CD is a coaster | 01:42 |
egat | stefg: looks like it | 01:42 |
jay_1 | i have added a program to my session startup options on feisty yet when i log out and log back in to system the item is no longer there anyone know how to fix | 01:42 |
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fong_ | what's the A-A for ubuntu? | 01:43 |
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WeeJeWel | What the heck does this mean? http://my.opera.com/subjam/blog/show.dml/473107 (see my comment over there) | 01:43 |
fong_ | like B... breezy badger | 01:43 |
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jonaskoelker | fong_: Angry Aq | 01:44 |
WeeJeWel | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=456128 | 01:44 |
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egat | stefg: thanks for your help. i'll reburn it and try again. you dont happen to know the iso files md5 sum do you? or have a link to a page that would? | 01:45 |
fong_ | jonaskoelker, what about C? | 01:45 |
Ast001 | Hello | 01:45 |
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jonaskoelker | fong_: I don't know, and I just made fun about Angry Aq | 01:45 |
stefg | !download | egat | 01:45 |
ubotu | egat: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive | 01:45 |
jonaskoelker | fong_: see also www.lugradio.org | 01:45 |
Ast001 | Can you tell me how can I change double click to one click for start desired application | 01:45 |
jonaskoelker | (or their mirror, lugradio.cult.propaganda.ubuntu.com) | 01:45 |
jonaskoelker | :D | 01:46 |
Ast001 | I just can not find that in System | 01:46 |
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jay_1 | im trying to save the beryl-manager in my startup options it wont save anyone know why? | 01:46 |
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fong_ | got it... will check it out. | 01:46 |
Ast001 | want to click only once and start destop application | 01:47 |
Ast001 | not twice | 01:47 |
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fong_ | lol | 01:47 |
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fong_ | someone wants to save some ATPs | 01:47 |
jonaskoelker | Ast001: open nautilus, Edit -> Preferences -> Behaviour: click once ... | 01:47 |
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jonaskoelker | fong_: Alcohol, Tobacco and Pyrotechnics? | 01:48 |
fong_ | jonas, i meant energy... | 01:48 |
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Ast001 | thank you thats it | 01:48 |
Ast001 | i knew it is simple | 01:49 |
Markus4 | If someone able to start Ekiga, select Evolutions address book and dial a "normal" phone number with it? I set up a PC-To-Phone account with my sip provider (not Diamond), but I can't get ekiga to dial my evolution contacts. (Using Ekiga 2.0.3 with Feisty, also tried 2.1.0-20070523-03) | 01:49 |
fong_ | ATPs- adenosine triphosphate | 01:49 |
Azzkikr | you mean the ATP from RPG's? :D | 01:49 |
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kornerr | hi | 01:49 |
Azzkikr | oh. | 01:49 |
fong_ | human energy | 01:49 |
fong_ | hehe | 01:49 |
wols | fong_: you mean soylent green? | 01:49 |
Azzkikr | soylent green is people! | 01:49 |
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jonaskoelker | Azzkikr: ATP from RPGs is what? | 01:50 |
jonaskoelker | Azzkikr: attack target penalty or something? | 01:50 |
Azzkikr | jonaskoelker: dunno, attack points? | 01:50 |
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aphrodite1 | gnomefrak: thanks for your help, problem resolved | 01:50 |
fong_ | AP is more like it for attack points | 01:50 |
aphrodite1 | wols:thanks for your help, problem resolved | 01:50 |
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jonaskoelker | Gee... I don't know what atp means... | 01:50 |
gnomefreak | aphrodite1: yw | 01:50 |
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WeeJeWel | ./home/emile/orinoco/orinoco.c:4287: fout: struct net_device has no member named dev | 01:50 |
fong_ | jonas, its Adenosine triphosphate | 01:50 |
WeeJeWel | what does that mean? | 01:50 |
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Azzkikr | WeeJeWel: looks like a coding error | 01:51 |
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jonaskoelker | fong_: yeah, I got that :) | 01:51 |
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WeeJeWel | Azzkikr, It's the orinoco package.. i didnt changed anything :) | 01:51 |
bilel | Hi@all | 01:51 |
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wols | WeeJeWel: is this the first error? | 01:52 |
bilel | where do I find cooldoc for ubuntu? | 01:52 |
bilel | can | 01:52 |
WeeJeWel | yes | 01:52 |
bilel | sorry | 01:52 |
=== Keneo [n=jens@86-39-0-19.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shoot^ | stefg: does it work for recovering files deleted? | 01:52 |
shoot^ | stefg: i didnt delete the partition, just rm'd | 01:52 |
WeeJeWel | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=456128 is the full log | 01:52 |
fong_ | who has some screenshots of their desktops? | 01:52 |
Azzkikr | WeeJeWel: yeah, but the error means that a C struct, called net_device has no member variable called 'dev', so it seems _to me_ that its some kind of coding error | 01:52 |
fong_ | care to share? | 01:52 |
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gnomefreak | fong_: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:53 |
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stefg | shoot^: photorec is what you are looking for, no need to run testdisk | 01:53 |
shoot^ | stefg - ok, will that deffo get all files then? | 01:54 |
wols | shoot^: you can only use NTFS undelete programs for it. They exist for Windows only but are not Free | 01:54 |
stefg | shoot^: no idea | 01:54 |
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shoot^ | stefg: well, not deffo etc, not expecting wonders! but it does more than just photos? | 01:54 |
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doc| | hi, my kernel vga=791 and vga=792 work fine, but some times crash, some tool for configure vga=*** correct ? my display 1440x900 | 01:54 |
shoot^ | wols: i'll have a look at them in a bit :) | 01:54 |
shoot^ | wols: try linux solutions first | 01:55 |
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shoot^ | (free!) | 01:55 |
wols | there ar no linux solutions for NTFS. | 01:55 |
stefg | shoot^: yeak, it was originally for photos, but has been extended a lot. But i don't know how well it works on ntfs | 01:55 |
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IdleOne | !info keep | 01:56 |
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ubotu | keep: backup system for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.0-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 202 kB, installed size 1156 kB | 01:56 |
Azzkikr | what was the linux utility called to make files unreadable and unrecoverable? something like shreck or something? | 01:56 |
Azzkikr | oh, I remember: shred | 01:56 |
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wols | Azzkikr: depending on the amount of money you spend it's not uncrecverable | 01:57 |
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Azzkikr | wols: iirc shred will take care of that | 01:58 |
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erUSUL | !info testdisk | shoot^ | 01:59 |
ubotu | shoot^: testdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.5-1build1 (feisty), package size 550 kB, installed size 1784 kB | 01:59 |
wols | Azzkikr: no it doesn't :) | 01:59 |
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paradroid | Hi. I have a couple of logos here as EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) that I would like to edit as vectors. Unfortunately Inkscape can export to EPS but seems inable to read it. Are there any converters or other software that can handle EPS? | 01:59 |
Azzkikr | please clarify | 01:59 |
wols | the only way to be sure a file is unreadable is thermite | 01:59 |
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JohnStax | wols: you've watched 'brainiac' too much ;) | 02:00 |
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Garnol | Hi .. my cd drive isnt supported by ubuntu .. last time i installed ubuntu it worked fine .. but now it says that there isnt any CD Drive loaded .. :( .. | 02:00 |
wols | JohnStax: no. I just know what the US gov does with really classified data | 02:00 |
erUSUL | !info xfig | paradroid | 02:00 |
ubotu | paradroid: xfig: Facility for Interactive Generation of figures under X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2.5-alpha5-9ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 572 kB, installed size 1472 kB | 02:00 |
wols | or rather the media, the data was on | 02:00 |
jonaskoelker | paradroid: I don't know, but I wouldn't think there's an eps-to-vector converter | 02:01 |
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jonaskoelker | paradroid: the reason I don't think so is that (e)ps is a turing-complete language that's much more general than just vectors | 02:01 |
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Garnol | Hi .. my cd drive isnt supported by ubuntu .. last time i installed ubuntu it worked fine .. but now it says that there isnt any CD Drive loaded .. :( .. | 02:01 |
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wols | Garnol: what controller has the drive attached? | 02:01 |
paradroid | jonaskoelker: Hm. OK. Weird though, that e. g. Inkscape knows how to export to EPS but not how to re-import such a file. :/ | 02:02 |
paradroid | jonaskoelker: I would simply love a eps-to-svg tool. ;) | 02:02 |
jonaskoelker | paradroid: well, don't take my word for it, people went to the moon too, and I don't understand how that's possible either :) | 02:03 |
Garnol | oh .. sry i described it fals way .. it cant load Music and DVD CDs | 02:03 |
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paradroid | jonaskoelker: They did? | 02:03 |
paradroid | ;) | 02:03 |
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Brutus | vous etes tous des noob | 02:03 |
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jonaskoelker | paradroid: actually no, it was a hoax | 02:03 |
Garnol | wait .. i | 02:03 |
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paradroid | jonaskoelker: ;) | 02:03 |
sacater | wtf | 02:03 |
jonaskoelker | woo-hooo, hostile takeover baby | 02:03 |
jonaskoelker | !wtf > sacater | 02:03 |
jonaskoelker | :P | 02:04 |
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Azzkikr | wow wtf was that | 02:04 |
Shafto | who was asking about the eps-to-svg? | 02:04 |
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wols | clone attack | 02:04 |
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jonaskoelker | Shafto: paradroid | 02:04 |
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Shafto | paradroid, http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=93940 | 02:04 |
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Tempo | loser attack | 02:04 |
sacater | !wtf > Azzkikr | 02:04 |
amrcidiot | hello? | 02:04 |
Shafto | paradroid, That reckons you can do it with openoffice draw | 02:04 |
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amrcidiot | i need help with installation | 02:04 |
jonaskoelker | paradroid: Like I said, don't believe what I say :) | 02:04 |
amrcidiot | can someone help me? | 02:04 |
Azzkikr | sacater: it's an acronym man :/ | 02:04 |
Shafto | !ask | amrcidiot | 02:05 |
ubotu | amrcidiot: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:05 |
jonaskoelker | amrcidiot: installation of ubuntu, or particular applications on ubuntu? | 02:05 |
paradroid | OK, all. I'll give your advices (xfig, OO) a try. Thank you! | 02:05 |
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sacater | Azzkikr: meh, I got it done to me :( | 02:05 |
IdleOne | gnomefreak, you can k-line users also? | 02:05 |
Azzkikr | heh | 02:05 |
Shafto | paradroid, read the link i sent you | 02:05 |
aroo | Where can I read kernel changes | 02:05 |
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Shafto | paradroid, http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=93940 | 02:05 |
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gnomefreak | IdleOne: its been taken care of | 02:05 |
Azzkikr | sacater: ah I see now :) was hidden by all that spam from before | 02:05 |
kling0n | is there anyone supporting a repository with a newer alsa version then the release in feisty ? | 02:05 |
sacater | Azzkikr: hee hee | 02:06 |
kling0n | supporting/maintaining | 02:06 |
IdleOne | gnomefreak, I know. I was just wondering if you have k-line ability | 02:06 |
kling0n | i have had nasty crackling on my sound for ages now | 02:06 |
paradroid | Shafto: TY. Sound like the super-easy-kindergarten solution I was looking for. | 02:06 |
gnomefreak | nope but a few of the ops do. only freenode staff can | 02:06 |
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Shafto | paradroid, Just hope it works : | 02:06 |
IdleOne | gnomefreak, thats what I thought | 02:06 |
paradroid | Shafto: Import is OK. ;) | 02:07 |
amrcidiot | ok, when i run from the cd on ubuntu (i have windows xp installed), it won't let me save my settings, and whatnot when i run it again (perfectly alright since i was only just playing around lastnight-this morning). but the installation icon.... well, i want to sintall it, but would installing it get rid of my windows xp and everything with it? | 02:07 |
jonaskoelker | amrcidiot: it is intended not to | 02:07 |
Shafto | !dualboot | amrcidiot | 02:08 |
ubotu | amrcidiot: Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) | 02:08 |
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jonaskoelker | amrcidiot: when I installed, I got the option of resizing my existing partition | 02:08 |
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amrcidiot | ok | 02:08 |
amrcidiot | thanks | 02:08 |
erUSUL | amrcidiot: no, the instaler can shrink the winXP partition to make room for ubuntu without deleting anything. You will loose some free space of course | 02:08 |
Syn_de | How can i burn .img files? I tried k3b but it didnt work | 02:08 |
jonaskoelker | amrcidiot: I haven't tried it, so I can't vouch for how well it actually works, but it's intended to be safe | 02:08 |
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jonaskoelker | Syn_de: dd | 02:08 |
jonaskoelker | Syn_de: :P | 02:08 |
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manu_ | hi i made today sudo apt-get install upgrade and there are 3 packages of linux kernel which he dont wants to install | 02:09 |
manu_ | is that bad? | 02:09 |
manu_ | he refuses | 02:09 |
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k31th | vmware running xp, wats it like ? | 02:09 |
k31th | n feisty | 02:09 |
k31th | n* | 02:09 |
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k31th | on* | 02:09 |
jonaskoelker | Syn_de: perhaps you want to try nautilus-cd-burner? | 02:09 |
erUSUL | Syn_de: they are usually iso files use 'file *.img' it will tell you for sure | 02:09 |
manu_ | and i also heared that is houldnt do apt-get upgrade in X is that right, only in init 3 | 02:10 |
amrcidiot | well, could someone give me instructions on how to dual, without the use of a windows xp cd (a tutorial last night said i needed one) and, if i decide to later go to xp, how can i go about making the size bigger if i need to or opening windows? | 02:10 |
jonaskoelker | manu_: put the exact output of apt-get into a pastebin, and post a link in the channel | 02:10 |
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jonaskoelker | manu_: apt-get is safe to do under X | 02:10 |
ZeroA4 | k31th, it is like windows runing in a window :) | 02:10 |
xzl | quit | 02:10 |
k31th | i ment speed | 02:10 |
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stefg | !offtopic | k31th | 02:11 |
ubotu | k31th: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:11 |
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ZeroA4 | k31th, it good... but you will wanto to disable windows efects and unused servies | 02:11 |
jonaskoelker | kling0n: (about more bleeding-edge packages: try #ubuntu+1) | 02:11 |
amrcidiot | well, could someone give me instructions on how to dual, without the use of a windows xp cd (a tutorial last night said i needed one) and, if i decide to later go to xp, how can i go about making the size bigger if i need to or opening windows? | 02:11 |
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jonaskoelker | amrcidiot: I think we heard you the first time :P | 02:12 |
k31th | ZeroA4: its a amd dual core with 2gb of ram was going to give xp 512 ram. | 02:12 |
ZeroA4 | k31th, it very good | 02:12 |
jonaskoelker | amrcidiot: IIRC, the installer will automatically set up grub to chainload the windows bootloader | 02:12 |
manu_ | jonaskoelker: http://paste.debian.net/29073 | 02:12 |
amrcidiot | o, well there was so much text, and no replies. lol, i've had like 4 hrs of sleep.... becuase of linux ;) | 02:12 |
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ZeroA4 | k31th, i have a VM runing XP with 256MB for it... in a P4 1.8Ghz with 512MB RAM | 02:13 |
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ZeroA4 | k31th, I tweak XP to boot using only %)MB RAM | 02:13 |
paradroid | Shafto: OK, it seems that OO Draw does export to all kinds of formats, among them SVG. Unfortunately it did not retain the vector information of the previously imported EPS file but rather converted it into a png bitmap then embedded as image/png;base64. | 02:13 |
ZeroA4 | err | 02:13 |
ZeroA4 | 50MB RAM | 02:13 |
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TheMahmoud | mahmoud.. | 02:13 |
jonaskoelker | manu_: try sudo aptitude install <the package names> | 02:13 |
TheMahmoud | mahmoud, are you here? | 02:14 |
jonaskoelker | manu_: and see what it says | 02:14 |
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amrcidiot | ok, so i just install linux, then i can have access to my c drive(which isn't c in linux, so my windows stuff to put it in linux like my texts and pictures, whatnot) and then install IIRC to get the grubso i can use windows | 02:14 |
amrcidiot | right? | 02:14 |
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ZeroA4 | amrcidiot, You should have a backup of you XP | 02:14 |
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Keneo | Hello, I'm noticing brute force attacks on vsftpd (all by same ip) what is an easy way to block this ip? (same for ssh?) | 02:14 |
jonaskoelker | amrcidiot: IIRC means "If I Recall Correctly" | 02:14 |
stefg | !dualboot | amrcidiot | 02:14 |
ubotu | amrcidiot: Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) | 02:14 |
TheMahmoud | damn.. i hate it when someone takes my name | 02:14 |
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ZeroA4 | amrcidiot, but it is easy... the ubuntu install does the dual boot | 02:14 |
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wols | Keneo: hosts.allow | 02:14 |
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wols | Keneo: iptables would work too | 02:15 |
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jonaskoelker | wols: exactly what does and (more importantly) doesn't use hosts.allow? | 02:15 |
MrStein | Hi! | 02:15 |
jin | :S gain crashed when I try to create a msn account. why do ppl still call this stable? | 02:15 |
jonaskoelker | wols: do the apps code to do it (seems stupid)? Is it the tcp wrappers used in inetd.conf? | 02:15 |
MrStein | Where does ubnutu(gnome) save the applications list to open certain file types ? That is the action for each file type ? | 02:15 |
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jonaskoelker | MrStein: I would guess gconf | 02:16 |
=== MrStein actually wants to change the default port for bittorrent downloads | ||
jonaskoelker | MrStein: gnome stores pretty much all configuration in gconf | 02:16 |
wols | jonaskoelker: whatever you start via tcpwrappers | 02:16 |
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jonaskoelker | wols: thought so, thanks | 02:16 |
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Shafto | MrStein, I think you can change it under 'Preffered applaications' in preferences | 02:16 |
Alarifes | #java | 02:16 |
MrStein | jonaskoelker: in which menu is it ? | 02:16 |
amrcidiot | ok, well.... how do i back up windows? i happened to notice i need to right click, copy on the c drive, but where do i paste it to?(lol, well i was looking online lastnight for irc clients, and IIRC was one, and i was like, why would an irc client install the grub.... haha, like i said, little sleep) | 02:16 |
jonaskoelker | MrStein: several places, I would think, but none I can remember | 02:16 |
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MrStein | Shafto: no, there are onyl Firefox , mail and terminal ... | 02:16 |
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pnx031 | for help with beryl and drivers where do i ask? ;o | 02:16 |
Keneo | wols, is there a way to automate this? like, 10x wrong pasword =3hours blacklisted? | 02:16 |
kane77 | what time management utitlities are available in ubuntu? | 02:17 |
Shafto | MrStein, Ohh sorry :D | 02:17 |
jonaskoelker | MrStein: try running gconf-editor | 02:17 |
stefg | !backup | amrcidiot | 02:17 |
ubotu | amrcidiot: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 02:17 |
Myrtti | !effects | pnx031 | 02:17 |
ubotu | pnx031: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects. | 02:17 |
wols | Keneo: there is but I don't remember packagenames | 02:17 |
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jonaskoelker | Keneo: try fail2ban | 02:17 |
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pnx031 | thanks :) | 02:17 |
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ZeroA4 | amrcidiot, i use an old copy of norton ghost that came with a mobo. | 02:17 |
amrcidiot | ok, thanks, i'll check it out. | 02:17 |
ZeroA4 | amrcidiot, i have 2 partition for windows... i just ghost C: to a file on D: | 02:17 |
jonaskoelker | kane77: what aspect of time do you want managed? | 02:18 |
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kane77 | jonaskoelker, well I mean to manage my projects/learning etc... | 02:18 |
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thug | hi | 02:18 |
jonaskoelker | I want ubuntu to run ~/bin/foo.sh whenever I plug in my trackball. How do I bring that about? | 02:18 |
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jonaskoelker | kane77: well, I don't understand what it means to "manage time" | 02:19 |
thug | anyone played abuse in ubuntu ? i wonder why there is no sound and why i cannot start it in full screen ? | 02:19 |
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LadyNikon | never heard of abuse sorry. | 02:19 |
jonaskoelker | kane77: is it calendaring? Drawing Gantt charts? Drawing progress graphs (which have a fancy name I forgot) | 02:19 |
thug | LadyNikon its a game | 02:19 |
thug | :) | 02:19 |
Keneo | jonaskoelker: thx for the tip ;) | 02:19 |
jonaskoelker | Keneo: you're welcome | 02:19 |
LadyNikon | thug: yeah i figured that part out.. I just never heard of it. | 02:20 |
kane77 | jonaskoelker, to manage when to do what + progress + some other fancy details... | 02:20 |
jonaskoelker | kane77: try vi :P | 02:20 |
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ZeroA4 | thug, I have played... but some time ago... not from the repos | 02:20 |
ncd_ | abuse was BIG. | 02:20 |
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jonaskoelker | kane77: sorry. I don't think I can help you | 02:20 |
n2diy | kane77: take a look at Sunbird | 02:20 |
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thug | ZeroA4 from where then ? | 02:20 |
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ZeroA4 | thug, dont remember | 02:20 |
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thug | ZeroA4 did you manage to finish it ? i used to play it i windows years ago but i couldnt finish it :) | 02:21 |
ZeroA4 | thug, will try intalling from the repos | 02:21 |
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pnx031 | are you sure bout #ubuntu-effects because no1 seems to be replying ;o | 02:21 |
ZeroA4 | no... just played a little | 02:21 |
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maan84 | Could anyone tell me how I change theme in emerald/beryl? Or is this wrong channel for that? Beryl manager - theme manager doesnt give me option to change and double clicking wont work =/ thx | 02:22 |
IdleOne | pnx031, try #beryl | 02:22 |
manu_ | jonaskoelker: http://paste.debian.net/29077 | 02:22 |
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manu_ | shall i do this? dont know if i need this all, i only made a upgrade with xubuntu | 02:22 |
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Andeh | Hello. I have an anccient laptop ATI card. This one isnt even supported on the ATI website and insttalling a similar one messes up xorg. | 02:22 |
Andeh | I have an ATI Mobility Radeon 9200. How can i install drivers? | 02:22 |
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ZeroA4 | maan84, try refresh the decaration manager at Beryl manager | 02:22 |
jonaskoelker | manu_: ... and then you say Ja if you want to install it | 02:23 |
egat | stefg:i just reburned the cd at minimum speed, and i get the same crc error | 02:23 |
jonaskoelker | manu_: try it :) | 02:23 |
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stefg | egat: so either your d/l is bad, or your Drive needs cleaning/replacing | 02:23 |
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egat | stefg: the md5 sums matched up...i know thats not definitive, but its usually pretty good isnt it? | 02:24 |
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pnx031 | how do i turn 3d rendering on on ubuntu!? | 02:24 |
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maan84 | ZeroA4: doesnt seem to work, i have a png screen that easily shows the problem, can i upload it somewhere like pastebin?=) | 02:25 |
davef | /msg nickserv set unfiltered on | 02:25 |
pnx031 | direct rendering even ;O | 02:25 |
MrRio_ | pnx031: System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects | 02:25 |
MrRio_ | pnx031: oh right, i thought u meant compiz | 02:25 |
stefg | egat:true... so it might be the kernel doesn't like your drive. see !boot for options that you can pass as boot arguments to circumvent irq-conflicts or acpi-trouble | 02:25 |
Andeh | What does the artsd process do? | 02:25 |
ZeroA4 | maan84, imageshack.us | 02:25 |
Andeh | it is eating all my cpu | 02:25 |
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MrRio_ | Andeh: It is a sount server for KDE | 02:26 |
pnx031 | man i have 9800 xt i installed drivers... i did every step.... :S direct rendering is still set to no. | 02:26 |
stefg | Andeh: artsd is the KDE soundserver | 02:26 |
Andeh | Mrrio: Sount? | 02:26 |
pnx031 | ;S | 02:26 |
Andeh | oh | 02:26 |
Andeh | Why is it eating all my cpu? | 02:26 |
MrRio_ | sound* | 02:26 |
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Andeh | lol | 02:26 |
naadde | umm could i get some advice... I tried google, but its still hard to understand | 02:26 |
Andeh | how do i kill it? | 02:26 |
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MrRio_ | killall artsd | 02:26 |
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nexusStone | hi all, I have a question using sysv-rc-conf and wondering if I can get some help here? | 02:27 |
egat | stefg: thanks, i'll take a look | 02:27 |
saddeh | when i run a game (warcraft 3) it runs ok, though i have menu bars from ubuntu on both top and bottom sides. how do i disable that? | 02:27 |
naadde | I got linux ubuntu feisty... and I took the updates this morning and my graphical interface died | 02:27 |
naadde | i am using live cd now | 02:27 |
naadde | what should i do | 02:27 |
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naadde | to get back to gnome without live cd ? | 02:27 |
maan84 | ZeroA4: thanks:) http://img511.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2xh0.png , prob is upper border is gone with X and minimise, friend said it could be the theme, so im trying to change it:P | 02:28 |
jin | I don't if it is my gfx card or it is ubuntu. window drawing is a bit laggy.... | 02:28 |
manu_ | jonaskoelker: ok i do it but why was it refused? and 179mb additional used space is many | 02:28 |
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jin | I got a Nvidia 7300 GS card 512MB | 02:28 |
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jonaskoelker | manu_: I didn't see it being refused | 02:28 |
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jin | still when moving windows around, it leaves traces behind for a fraction of a second and then disappear | 02:28 |
doc| | any comand tool for correct vga on mode console , I have a Table ,and work work whit vga=791 ang =792, but some times crash, my display is 1440x900 | 02:28 |
jin | on windows xp works fine | 02:29 |
mdales | on trying to upgrade from edgy to feisty I get the following error: | 02:29 |
mdales | Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) | 02:29 |
mdales | I can wget and bzip2 the file manually | 02:29 |
egat | !boot | 02:29 |
ubotu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 02:29 |
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ZeroA4 | maan84, i see... i had it using the AIGLX and activating the efects at the menu... dont remember how i fixed it... | 02:29 |
naadde | I got linux ubuntu feisty... and I took the updates this morning and my graphical interface died, what should I do to get back to my gnome without live cd __ | 02:29 |
mdales | but apt-get upgrade fails | 02:29 |
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bambam_ | hi | 02:29 |
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ZeroA4 | maan84, have to search the forums / wiki | 02:30 |
erUSUL | mdales: dist-upgrade you mean | 02:30 |
naadde | anyone here who could help me ? | 02:30 |
maan84 | ZeroA4: ok, well thanks anyway, ill search forums=P | 02:30 |
doc| | naadde: reinstal ur grafics driver | 02:30 |
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bambam_ | i've some problems with fancontrol, it seams like the pwm{x}_enable in the script isn't workin | 02:30 |
jin | oh well, this sucks. guess ubuntu is not for me | 02:30 |
mdales | well, I tried update-manager, and it failed, so I did a manual replace of edgy for feisty in source.list and then did update | 02:30 |
naadde | doc| how ? | 02:31 |
nexusStone | jin, wats the prob? | 02:31 |
doc| | naadde: u have a nvidia card? | 02:31 |
naadde | doc| yes a nvidia fx 5200 | 02:31 |
naadde | an old piece of shit | 02:31 |
saddeh | when i run a game (warcraft 3) it runs ok, though i have menu bars from ubuntu on both top and bottom sides. how do i disable that? | 02:31 |
jin | nexusStone: the windows are not moving smoothly as it should | 02:31 |
mdales | dist-upgrade seems happier now | 02:31 |
erUSUL | mdales: becouse if you are upgrading manually and you used upgrade you may have broke your system... | 02:31 |
mdales | thanks | 02:31 |
gnomefreak | naadde: please watch your language | 02:31 |
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doc| | naadde: u have a private driver ? of nvidia.com ? | 02:31 |
ZeroA4 | maan84, found one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2353579 | 02:31 |
naadde | noup | 02:31 |
pyschok7 | hey guys, any solution about the kernel issue?? | 02:31 |
naadde | gnomefreak: sorry | 02:31 |
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nexusStone | jin, consistently or only while having doing something? | 02:32 |
kane77 | the calendar in ubuntu (the time applet) uses evolution.. can that be changed?? | 02:32 |
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doc| | naadde: one sec... | 02:32 |
naadde | sure | 02:32 |
jin | nexusStone: consistenly, it levaes traces behind for a fraction of a second.. it's a annoying to me | 02:32 |
jin | on windows xp, it doesn not do that | 02:32 |
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maan84 | ZeroA4: thank you, ill look into it:D | 02:33 |
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ZeroA4 | maan84, :) | 02:33 |
wols | jin: what driver do you use? | 02:33 |
jin | wols: I tried the one in the repo and now I'm using the one provided by nvidia.com | 02:33 |
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mwe | jin: That stopped for me when I enabled the correct driver | 02:34 |
jin | wols: my card is 7300 GS | 02:34 |
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CroX | Does anyone here have an easy way to check IE-rendering under Ubuntu? | 02:34 |
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jin | mwe: what was that "correct driver"? | 02:34 |
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jornada | hi i get xorg error : could not open /lib/modules/ how can i fix this ? | 02:34 |
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Zoiks | hey, I have an ipod problem | 02:34 |
mwe | jin: i915. it's intel extreme onboard | 02:34 |
paradroid | jin: You could of course enable /apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources | 02:34 |
jin | mwe: but I got nvidia | 02:34 |
Zoiks | anyone able to help? | 02:35 |
naadde | are you there _ | 02:35 |
jin | paradroid: I already have that enabled :( | 02:35 |
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paradroid | jin: Hmpf. :/ | 02:35 |
mwe | jin: yes, so you need the nvidia driver but i think you tried to install that, no? | 02:35 |
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wols | jin: can you paste the output of glxinfo? | 02:35 |
paradroid | Zoiks: Elaborate on your problem, please. | 02:35 |
jin | paradroid: my system is not that slow I have to enable that tho amd 64 3700+ with 1.5GB of ram | 02:35 |
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doc| | naadde: google please, a lot of information | 02:36 |
paradroid | jin: Oh, OK. There should be no problem at all with windows then. | 02:36 |
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mwe | jin: if you get the nvidia driver working correctly I bet the traces will go away | 02:36 |
naadde | doc|: I tried google | 02:36 |
naadde | but i did not get it | 02:36 |
psychok8 | hum... | 02:36 |
jin | mwe: they go away, but after a fraction of a second | 02:36 |
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doc| | naadde: ok, I help you on private ok ? | 02:36 |
shoot^ | anyone used ntfsundelete before? | 02:37 |
naadde | thanks | 02:37 |
mwe | jin: I mean so you don't see them at all | 02:37 |
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shoot^ | i'm having problems getting ntfsundelete to recover multiple files | 02:37 |
jin | here is the output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22871/ | 02:37 |
regebro | I'm tired of trying to get my piece of crap wifi card to work. Can somebody recommend me a PCI wifi card? | 02:37 |
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wols | naadde: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg There choose nv. or reinstall the nvidia drivers | 02:37 |
Zoiks | paradroid: I just installed a fresh version of feisty | 02:37 |
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saddeh | !nvidia | 02:37 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:37 |
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Zoiks | my ipod automounted | 02:37 |
=== einPaule [n=siggy@dslb-084-060-010-056.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
psychok8 | HELP WITH UBUNTUS KERNEL | 02:37 |
Zoiks | but now will not | 02:37 |
psychok8 | nayone? | 02:37 |
regebro | I'm using the AMD 64 ubuntu, if that makes difference. | 02:37 |
naadde | thanks wols | 02:38 |
jornada | anyone help me ? | 02:38 |
jornada | hi i get xorg error : could not open /lib/modules/ how can i fix this ? | 02:38 |
doc| | naadde: go to ubuntu and run recovery mode | 02:38 |
manu_ | jonaskoelker: i gave you the link... now its installing, i hope it isnt bad for the system :( | 02:38 |
doc| | naadde: u have irssi ? | 02:38 |
=== VincentMX [n=vincent@c53750220.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols | jornada: by installing the nvidia kernel module | 02:38 |
psychok8 | when will ubuntu have a fix on the kernel?? | 02:38 |
VincentMX | hi | 02:38 |
naadde | doc| i got irssi on my gnome without live cd | 02:38 |
naadde | i use xchat now here | 02:38 |
jonaskoelker | manu_: I figure it isn't. In any case, you can boot up the old kernel if you don't like the new one | 02:39 |
VincentMX | i have kubuntu now, how do i install ubuntu-desktop, without screwing up my menus? | 02:39 |
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jornada | wols exact comand would be helpful m8 | 02:39 |
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wols | !nvidia | jornada | 02:39 |
ubotu | jornada: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:39 |
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paradroid | Anyone else here that could give Zoiks a hand on his iPod not automounting on Feisty issue? | 02:39 |
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doc| | naadde: restart ubuntu on recovery mode comands-->- sudo apt-get install irssi - irssi - /server irc.freenode.ney - /join #ubuntu | 02:40 |
silent_ | so, The Descent is definitely one of the worst movies I've seen | 02:40 |
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manu_ | jonaskoelker: hm ok but i'm wondering why the kernel was refused? perhaps it has big dependencies or because it is a new kernel and i have to install it explicit? | 02:40 |
naadde | doc| how do i restart it on recovery mode ? u mean recovery mode on live cd | 02:41 |
VincentMX | nm | 02:41 |
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jonaskoelker | manu_: not sure | 02:41 |
doc| | naadde: not, no live cd , on you new kernel 2.6.20-16 | 02:41 |
VincentMX | ill just install, and remove kde-stuff from gnome-menu and vice versa | 02:41 |
regebro | Anybody have a PCI wifi card that worked straight out of the box with Feisty? | 02:41 |
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Zoiks | paradroid: i think it may have something to do with amarok | 02:41 |
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egat | stefg: no luck....thanks anyway for your help; same to jonaskoelker. im gonna give it up for now, hopefully i can get it working soon though. | 02:42 |
Zoiks | it worked before i opened amarok for the first time | 02:42 |
manu_ | jonaskoelker: what could be the reason for refused packages? | 02:42 |
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paradroid | Zoiks: The bad thing is: I do not have an iPod to give it a try here and pinpoint the problem. ;) | 02:42 |
jonaskoelker | egat: you're welcome | 02:42 |
jonaskoelker | manu_: not sure | 02:42 |
naadde | doc| i gotkernel 2.6.20/15 | 02:42 |
jin | how do I plat rmvb files? | 02:42 |
jin | play* | 02:42 |
paradroid | Zoiks: But: did the iPod automount as a simple USB storage device? | 02:42 |
jin | !rmvb | 02:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rmvb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:43 |
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Zoiks | no it mounted as a proper ipod | 02:43 |
Zoiks | with an icon of an ipod on the desktop and everything | 02:43 |
Zoiks | now it doe snot | 02:43 |
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paradroid | jin: rmvb is something Real Media, right? Do you have the corresponding codecs? | 02:43 |
doc| | naadde: if you update today , meybe u have a new kernel, and thats the reason for de graphics crash | 02:43 |
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neil_feisty | !gutsy | 02:43 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule Support in #ubuntu+1 | 02:43 |
sacater | meep | 02:43 |
itsiktklm | i want to dual boot two linuxs (debian and ubuntu) cam i share the swap? | 02:43 |
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jin | paradroid: I don't know... | 02:44 |
sacater | darn it wrong channel (again) | 02:44 |
jonaskoelker | itsiktklm: yes, I would think so | 02:44 |
naadde | so what sdhould i do doc| ? | 02:44 |
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paradroid | jin: Well, then it might be a good idea to install all the free/non-free codecs. ;) | 02:44 |
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paradroid | jin: Which version of Ubuntu do you use? Isn't there some codec-wizard in the latest release? | 02:44 |
mwe | jin: I wish I remembered if I did anything other than enabling the correct driver to make the window lagging stop | 02:44 |
itsiktklm | jonaskoelker, do you think i matters where on the disc it is? (the swap) | 02:44 |
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martin_ | Hi folks. I had a working configuration with totem-mozilla and totem-xine. For some launchpad debugging I installed totem-gstreamer. Switching bakc now to totem-xine, I cannot see any .mpeg movies in firefox. Does anyone have a solution for that. I know that there is a mplayer solution, but I prefer totem | 02:45 |
doc| | naadde: restart ubuntu on recovery mode and comands-->- sudo apt-get install irssi - irssi - /server irc.freenode.ney - /join #ubuntu , u can work on comand line for install a drivers for graphical | 02:45 |
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ShackJack | itsiktklm - yes, you can share the swap, ideally it should be on the same physicall HD as the rest of the OS | 02:45 |
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doc| | naadde: /server irc.freenode.net *** | 02:45 |
naadde | doc| i dont know if i can restart in recovery mode | 02:45 |
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itsiktklm | ShackJack, are there any disadvantages to it? | 02:45 |
adaptr | ShackJack ideally, it should be on another HD< not the same | 02:45 |
naadde | because when i restart it says my graphical interface xserver died | 02:45 |
jin | mwe paradroid I'm using Edgy | 02:45 |
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jin | !mp3 | 02:45 |
Laney | np: | 02:45 |
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ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:45 |
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doc| | naadde: recovery mode only comand line , is not graphical mode | 02:46 |
graveson1 | why are the mount points in nautilus different to the mount points when i run the df command | 02:46 |
naadde | doc| how do i get to recovery mode | 02:46 |
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mwe | jin: I'd upgrade to feisty. edgy didn't have the window lag for me either, though. | 02:46 |
naadde | do i write recovery mode to terminal _ | 02:46 |
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doc| | naadde: on menu grub | 02:47 |
naadde | menu grub _ | 02:47 |
naadde | ? | 02:47 |
Skiff | guys who can help me install nvidia drivers, I tried doing it and failed, had to revert to NV drivers ;( | 02:47 |
mwe | naadde: when you boot, before the splash appears, press esc | 02:47 |
naadde | ok | 02:47 |
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Skiff | I tried the gnome restricted drivers way. didnt work out | 02:47 |
mwe | naadde: really early just after post | 02:47 |
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naadde | doc| stay here i am coming back if i get problems with the irssi | 02:48 |
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doc| | naadde: ok | 02:48 |
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migney | How to have a chat with this "XChat"? | 02:49 |
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martin_ | migney, What are you meaning by that? | 02:50 |
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PrMoriarty | EHLO | 02:51 |
LadyNikon | i wonder was that person using xchat | 02:51 |
PrMoriarty | i can help me with ntpd | 02:51 |
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martin_ | LadyNikon, Good question ;) | 02:51 |
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Skiff | hmm ok guys I tried installing nvidia driver through restricted drivers way, didnt work out, any suggestions ? | 02:51 |
Skiff | any1 uses nvidia drivers here?:) | 02:51 |
PrMoriarty | i didn t where i can configure de delay betwen each outgoiing connexin? | 02:51 |
LadyNikon | migney: http://www.xchat.org/docs/ | 02:52 |
doc| | Skiff: I have nvidia drivers | 02:52 |
martin_ | migney, What do you want to do exactly? | 02:52 |
migney | LadyNikon: Thank you . | 02:52 |
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Skiff | doc|, ok how did you install them? | 02:52 |
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Dr_J | quick question guys.. if im part way through doing an apt-get and its prompting me for something and i want to quit? what do i type? | 02:53 |
naadde | doc|: i am here now | 02:53 |
Zoiks | ctrl+c | 02:53 |
Zoiks | Dr_J: | 02:53 |
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Dr_J | thanks Zoiks | 02:53 |
doc| | naadde u are on irssi ? | 02:53 |
Zoiks | np | 02:53 |
naadde | yup | 02:53 |
naadde | wanna querry so we can talk in private | 02:53 |
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doc| | naadde: 1 sec | 02:54 |
graveson1 | why are the mount points in nautilus different to the mount points when i run the df command | 02:54 |
maan84 | ZeroA4: yay it worked by adding Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" in xorg.conf ^^ thanks for the help | 02:54 |
naadde | sure | 02:54 |
Skiff | doc| did you use system>restrictive drivers or some other way to install proper nvidia drivers? | 02:54 |
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ZeroA4 | maan84, :) | 02:54 |
Zoiks | anyone know why amarok killed my automount with my ipod? | 02:54 |
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doc| | Skiff: I help a naadde for the install drivers, u wanna to ? | 02:54 |
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qbasicjedi | Hey, I'm new to this Linux stuff | 02:55 |
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Skiff | doc| yes | 02:55 |
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qbasicjedi | How do I run a program here.... | 02:55 |
SlimeyPete | qbasicjedi: welcome :) | 02:55 |
luke__ | tanks | 02:55 |
qbasicjedi | I try to type its name | 02:55 |
qbasicjedi | But nothign happens | 02:55 |
Skiff | doc| private channel or here? | 02:55 |
naadde | I am happy to get help | 02:55 |
qbasicjedi | This isn't liek the command line in Windows | 02:55 |
SlimeyPete | qbasicjedi: what, you mean in a terminal? | 02:55 |
naadde | linux is kind of hard for newbies | 02:55 |
doc| | Skiff: : restart ubuntu on recovery mode and comands-->- sudo apt-get install irssi - irssi - /server irc.freenode.net - /join #ubuntu , u can work on comand line for install a drivers for graphical | 02:55 |
qbasicjedi | Yes, in a terminal | 02:55 |
pppoe_dude | hi. how can i boot from a windows partition using grub if i deleted all other partitions and the boot loader won't boot anymore? | 02:55 |
Skiff | doc| I got 2 computers | 02:55 |
Skiff | Ill be here anyway | 02:55 |
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SlimeyPete | qbasicjedi: you do just type its name. Are you sure you are typing the right name? | 02:56 |
doc| | Skiff: ok | 02:56 |
pppoe_dude | i'm trying to boot from a recovery partition | 02:56 |
qbasicjedi | we'll, it | 02:56 |
qbasicjedi | s not working | 02:56 |
SlimeyPete | qbasicjedi: what program are you trying to run? | 02:56 |
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luke__ | anyone know of a non-java P2p client like limewire or frostwire? | 02:56 |
doc| | Skiff: restar on recovery mode | 02:56 |
qbasicjedi | A basic interpreter for linux tha tI downlaoded form the web | 02:56 |
Skiff | k | 02:56 |
qbasicjedi | Can't live without BASIC! | 02:56 |
naadde | doc| i query you now | 02:56 |
Skiff | doc| how do I start recovery mode/? | 02:56 |
qbasicjedi | Don | 02:56 |
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qbasicjedi | Don't make fun of me. | 02:57 |
und3ad | can you give me a good and easy torrent client? | 02:57 |
SlimeyPete | qbasicjedi: was it a .deb file? Or did you compile it manually? | 02:57 |
SlimeyPete | qbasicjedi: btw there are basic interpreters available via Add/Remove Programs or Synaptic, I think | 02:57 |
Skiff | doc| ok Im in recovery mode | 02:57 |
qbasicjedi | No, it was just, a fiel | 02:57 |
pppoe_dude | or, alternatively, how do i install grub on the MBR using the live-cd? | 02:57 |
qbasicjedi | *file | 02:57 |
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qbasicjedi | It was in a tarball | 02:57 |
SlimeyPete | qbasicjedi: what's the file called? | 02:57 |
qbasicjedi | and I untarred it | 02:57 |
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qbasicjedi | and I tried to run it | 02:57 |
luke__ | I did a kernel update in Feisty and Java broke | 02:57 |
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SlimeyPete | qbasicjedi: ah. do a "chmod +x <filename>" first. | 02:57 |
qbasicjedi | There's a file in there called "basic" and it's colored green | 02:57 |
Curley_Sue | luke__: like eMule? --> aMule (it's in the repos) | 02:58 |
SlimeyPete | qbasicjedi: it may not be set to be executable | 02:58 |
luke__ | Can any one help? | 02:58 |
qbasicjedi | Thanks | 02:58 |
qbasicjedi | I'll try that | 02:58 |
Skiff | doc| do you mind talking to me and naadde in a private room so its less clogged? | 02:58 |
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Skiff | doc| Im logged in as root | 02:58 |
SlimeyPete | qbasicjedi: if it doesn;t work, I do suggest you install an interpreter via synaptic or add/remove. Things generally work better if they're installed that way. | 02:58 |
Skiff | in receovery | 02:58 |
doc| | naadde: u use Ctrl Alt F3 , to go other comand line ok , and back whit Ctrl Alt F2 | 02:58 |
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naadde | ok doc| | 02:58 |
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qbasicjedi | :( | 02:59 |
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naadde | but I came back with alf f1 | 02:59 |
Curley_Sue | luke__: do u mean something like eMule? | 02:59 |
qbasicjedi | I miss downloading an executable and running it form anywhere liek in Windows or DOS | 02:59 |
naadde | tty1 and tty2 | 02:59 |
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qbasicjedi | Crap | 02:59 |
qbasicjedi | That's going to take a bit to get used to | 02:59 |
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qbasicjedi | Alrighty, I'll look for a BASIC interpreter in a package | 03:00 |
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zgr | holy shit | 03:00 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | zgr | 03:00 |
ubotu | zgr: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:00 |
zgr | oh my god | 03:00 |
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SlimeyPete | qbasicjedi: if you put an executable into /usr/bin, you will be able to run it from any directory. | 03:00 |
Myrtti | zgr: please | 03:00 |
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martin_ | qbasicjedi, I can tell you, that for me it is exactly the opposite. I like 'apt-get' that not only installs all my software, but also keeps it up to date | 03:00 |
zgr | sorry | 03:01 |
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SlimeyPete | qbasicjedi: once you get used to the "ubuntu way" of installing stuff, you'll grow to love it, I promise :) It's much cleverer and more robust than Windows, on the whole. | 03:01 |
Curley_Sue | luke__: what's wrong? | 03:01 |
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zgr | please recommend me some distro ))) | 03:02 |
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Curley_Sue | zgr: ubuntu? ;-) | 03:02 |
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luke__ | Curley_Sue: No, I need some that is NON-JAVA to replace FROSTWIRE as my java is broken after kernel update I just did. | 03:03 |
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zgr | never used ubuntu... going to try | 03:03 |
PriceChild | !caps | luke__ | 03:03 |
ubotu | luke__: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 03:03 |
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luke__ | sorry! | 03:03 |
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kazol | Is eat easy to link a wifi crd to an ethernet card? | 03:04 |
Curley_Sue | zgr what have u used by now? | 03:04 |
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rbolt | has anyone tried changing the ubuntu startup logo? | 03:04 |
kazol | In other words, my main computer has wifi and I want to connect another computer to it through ethernet. How do I bridge connections? | 03:04 |
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qbasicjedi | OK, I found a different thing | 03:04 |
wols | kazol: NAT | 03:05 |
qbasicjedi | I got it working. Thanks | 03:05 |
qbasicjedi | Bye | 03:05 |
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Curley_Sue | luke__: amule is non-java as far as i know. what r u trying to do? | 03:05 |
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kazol | wols: Should I set settings or something? | 03:05 |
saddeh | how do i change partitions? :) | 03:05 |
graveson1 | why are the mount points in nautilus different to the mount points when i run the df command | 03:05 |
jeremyb | kazol: tun/tap | 03:05 |
wols | kazol: no. install ipmasq | 03:05 |
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Curley_Sue | kazol: r both computer connected to the same router? | 03:06 |
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kazol | wols: So ipmasq is gui? And it will allow to link the internet to ethernet? | 03:06 |
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wols | why would you need a GUI? | 03:06 |
kazol | Curley_Sue: One is on wifi; I want to connect another one to the main one through ethernet. | 03:06 |
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wols | kazol: apt-get ipmasq that is all you need | 03:07 |
Curley_Sue | kazol: do mean through lan connection? but again - is it the same router? | 03:07 |
kazol | Curley_Sue: I guess so. The hardware firewall connects to the WAP which is connected to the main computer. | 03:08 |
wols | kazol: if your WLAN is on a non public IP, bridging would work too | 03:08 |
kazol | wols: This is just a temporary link so that I could install Debian before moving it into the server room. Will I able to disable it easily? | 03:09 |
Curley_Sue | kazol: if i understand correctly what you are trying to do - all you need to do is define the relevant directories as shared | 03:09 |
wols | yes. apt-get remove. but: we're in #ubunut. what debian? | 03:09 |
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chrisjs169 | i just put a dvd burner in, but it can't read any dvds. i feel i'm missing something... | 03:09 |
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wols | Curley_Sue: now what has NAT to do with shared folders? | 03:10 |
kazol | wols: I wasted 20 hours of my time trying to setup\recover from RAID in Ubuntu. Turns out it was a bug!! | 03:10 |
wols | chrisjs169: video DVDs? | 03:10 |
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kazol | wols: My only option is Debian netinstall. | 03:10 |
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wols | kazol: but you are in #ubuntu. this is NOT #debian | 03:10 |
chrisjs169 | wols: yeah | 03:10 |
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johnficca2 | can i use remote desktop if I'm in the starts and the person I'm connecting to is in the philippines ? | 03:11 |
johnficca2 | stats* | 03:11 |
johnficca2 | states | 03:11 |
LadyNikon | ya.. probably will be laggy | 03:11 |
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wols | johnficca2: yes. but it depends on the speed of the link | 03:12 |
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johnficca2 | how do I conect? | 03:12 |
wols | with the IP | 03:12 |
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SlimeyPete | they might need to set up a port re-direct on their router, if they have one | 03:12 |
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yotux | is the new kernel update safe to install? | 03:13 |
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johnficca2 | is there a how to somewhere that I can read? | 03:13 |
johnficca2 | about remote desktop | 03:13 |
IowaDave | chrisjs169: video DVD's are mostly encrypted. you may need to install an additional library to be abel to read them. see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats | 03:14 |
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kkrusty | is the way for downloading and compiling the linux kernel any different for feisty? or is it the same thing. Because im reading a howto which was meant for breezy badger | 03:14 |
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kazol | wols: So what? I'm trying to setup bridging in Ubuntu. | 03:14 |
wols | kkrusty: same | 03:14 |
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earthen | johnficca2, what kind of sys are you trying to connect to | 03:14 |
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kazol | wols: I have prepared the cables\hub and installed the app. What should I do next? | 03:15 |
johnficca2 | a laptop | 03:15 |
tinker | tinker | 03:15 |
psychok8 | why does the new ubuntu kernel work in some computers, but not in others? | 03:15 |
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Stormx2 | Okay. | 03:15 |
yotux | kkrusty: I am assuming the the kernels have changed some since then, but the compile should be about the same | 03:15 |
johnficca2 | my friend needs help install ubuntu | 03:15 |
earthen | johnficca2, is it running windows or linux | 03:15 |
wols | kazol: what app? | 03:15 |
chrisjs169 | IowaDave: I've got all of the packages installed, but it still isn't working | 03:15 |
kazol | wols: The ipmasq | 03:15 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - you'll need to be more specific. | 03:15 |
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johnficca2 | it would be running ubuntu live | 03:15 |
Stormx2 | Which wise bastard decided to include an update which rewrote grub's menu.lst into an unusable state | 03:15 |
wols | kazol: it asked you something when you installed it. that's all | 03:15 |
Stormx2 | I'm furious | 03:15 |
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Stormx2 | I certainly hope it made a backup | 03:16 |
johnficca2 | at the time I try to help him | 03:16 |
psychok8 | the new kernel update gave me problems... my desktop has changed | 03:16 |
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kkrusty | one more thing.. im using the proprietary nvidia driver and I just want to 'play' with the kernel code. Will I mess up my old setup in anyway if i compile the new one? | 03:16 |
tinker | Does anyone use the gnome xchat client? I'm not sure my sound notification is working. Can someone type in 'tinker" so I can see? | 03:16 |
psychok8 | it looks like a new instalation or something | 03:16 |
Stormx2 | tinker | 03:16 |
IowaDave | chrisjs169: then you're ahead of me and i'm stumped. sorry. | 03:16 |
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tinker | Stormx2: It works! Thanks! | 03:16 |
kazol | wols: It doesn't ask me anything. I ran "sudo ipmasq" and it just gives me the prompt. | 03:16 |
wols | kkrusty: no. just that your X won't work with the new kernel untill you compile nvidia kernel driver for it | 03:16 |
psychok8 | i have been in forums and there has been other problems with the new kernel | 03:16 |
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psychok8 | but others dont have any problem | 03:16 |
wols | kazol: is you did not install it then. sudo apt-get install ipmasq | 03:17 |
tinker | Does anyone know how to make the server pane in the Gnome xchat client permanently go away? | 03:17 |
kkrusty | wols: so thats why ill have to switch to vesa for | 03:17 |
Stormx2 | I'm stuck on a 5.10 live CD because the update even removed windows from my menu.lst | 03:17 |
Stormx2 | This is so dumb... what on earth?! o.O | 03:17 |
kazol | wols: I did install it. | 03:17 |
earthen | johnficca2, ok I haven't tried that before but i'll look into it | 03:17 |
wols | kazol: ipmasq is NOT to be started by you. it's run via /etc/init.d/ipmasq start | 03:17 |
kkrusty | thanks wols, yotux | 03:17 |
wols | kazol: then it asked you about the public interface | 03:17 |
psychok8 | any ideas? | 03:17 |
johnficca2 | earthen: ok | 03:17 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - tought to say - just different hardware issues... works fine for most people. If you are concerned about a particualr computer, ytou can pop in the live cd and see if everything works O.K. | 03:18 |
wols | Stormx2: edit you menu.lst and stop bitching | 03:18 |
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Stormx2 | wols: shut up. This should never have happened | 03:18 |
psychok8 | what do you mean?? what can i do with the live cd? | 03:18 |
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Stormx2 | wols: I can't at the moment anyway. | 03:18 |
wols | Stormx2: bithching out oeople here certainly won't fix it | 03:18 |
psychok8 | you guys dont have a problem with the new KERNEL update?? | 03:18 |
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wols | psychok8: what problem do YOU have? | 03:19 |
ganes | hello anybody | 03:19 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - Everything, basically. Burn the .iso to a CD then boot up your computer from the CD and it will effectively run Ubuntu off the CD and you can see if things work - Internet, video, etc... | 03:19 |
wols | with the new kernel that is | 03:19 |
Stormx2 | wols: I'm just complaining about an issue, okay? | 03:19 |
kazol | wols: I ran the cmd, it masqueraded successfully, but did not ask me about interfaces. | 03:19 |
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luke__ | Curley_Sue I ran a ubuntu update this morning to update the kernel and it BROKE | 03:19 |
ganes | hhow to remaster the livecd | 03:19 |
wols | Stormx2: all you do is spam the channel | 03:19 |
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IowaDave | chrisjs169: it is a brand new DVD player, right? i'm reading the wiki. it mentions using regionset to set the playback region for commercial dvd's. have you done that? | 03:19 |
wols | kazol: dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq then | 03:19 |
psychok8 | my desktop complely changed.. my wallpaper and icons are gone | 03:19 |
luke__ | it my JAVA and now I am unable to run FROSTWIRE. | 03:19 |
Stormx2 | wols: You're doing it more than me. I'm describing a problem I have. /topic | 03:19 |
ShackJack | Stormx2 - hi, this is a support channel, not a complain channel - you want #ubuntu-complaints ;) | 03:20 |
psychok8 | my HDD dont appear with the same names | 03:20 |
psychok8 | etc | 03:20 |
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wols | Stormx2: I did tell you want you can do. you still bitch | 03:20 |
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cwgannon | join #ubuntu-complaints | 03:20 |
cwgannon | ??? | 03:20 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - no they won't - linux has different naming conventions - no :C, D: | 03:20 |
Stormx2 | wols: "Edit menu.lst" thanks, dickhead | 03:20 |
Stormx2 | I'm off anyway. | 03:20 |
Stormx2 | Cya. | 03:20 |
kazol | Are PPP DSL connections? | 03:20 |
ShackJack | cwgannon: join #ubuntu-complaints - that's what I meant ;) | 03:20 |
PATRONn | hi | 03:20 |
wols | kazol: usually yes | 03:20 |
ganes | how to remaster the livecd | 03:20 |
wols | PPPoE | 03:20 |
ganes | how to remaster the livecd | 03:21 |
cwgannon | join #ubuntu-complaints | 03:21 |
cwgannon | wtf mate | 03:21 |
wols | kazol: you need to tell it to use the wlan as public interface | 03:21 |
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yotux | PPP = dailup I thought | 03:21 |
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ShackJack | cwgannon - erps sorry again - meant #ubuntu-comments :) | 03:21 |
wols | yotux: only among other things | 03:21 |
cwgannon | join #ubuntu-comments | 03:21 |
BigToe7000 | help, the arrow moves across the screen when I move the mouse :( | 03:21 |
wols | cwgannon: what are you doing? | 03:21 |
cwgannon | i have no idea | 03:21 |
kazol | wols: At what point should ipmasq be started? | 03:21 |
psychok8 | but is the kernel working fine for you guys?? | 03:21 |
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psychok8 | no changes or problems? | 03:21 |
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leetcharmer | hello everyone :D | 03:22 |
wols | kazol: when network interfaces were brought up | 03:22 |
psychok8 | isnt the update suposed to work in every computer? | 03:22 |
makk1ntosh | hi all | 03:22 |
yotux | wols: I am in the midwest we don't use PPPoE for DSL / Cable | 03:22 |
leetcharmer | is anyone here familiar with programming in python? | 03:22 |
wols | psychok8: either you give us a proper error description or no one can help | 03:22 |
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johnficca2 | earthen: I reading a how to but it is only about a computer on my local network I think? | 03:22 |
wols | leetcharmer: ##python | 03:22 |
leetcharmer | /channels | 03:22 |
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makk1ntosh | tell me plz what shoudl user install to mange pptp via GUI ? | 03:22 |
yotux | psychok8: Sometimes updates break things | 03:22 |
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cwgannon | /channels | 03:22 |
cwgannon | argh | 03:22 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - kernel works fine - yes changes, but no problems... | 03:22 |
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kazol | wols: It did not ask me for interfaces. Just 3 questions. | 03:23 |
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leetcharmer | wols: thanks :D | 03:23 |
johnficca2 | earthen: this would be a local ip right? | 03:23 |
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GaiaX11 | I need to build up a personal book library. Is there any program for me to register my books? | 03:23 |
wols | kazol: you do have a WLAN which connects to your router. and an ethernet interface where you want to connect some other client to and let this client connect to the internet, right? | 03:23 |
psychok8 | i havent been exploring all the problems, but the main thing is my icons missing on my desktop, my wallpaper has gone to the default ubntu wallpapper, and my HDD are missing from desktop | 03:24 |
yotux | johnficca2 - yes that is local | 03:24 |
earthen | johnficca2, yes | 03:24 |
psychok8 | and me been able to write on ntfs partitions has also gone | 03:24 |
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ganes | how to remaster the livecd | 03:24 |
wols | psychok8: your hDDs are missing from desktop among other icons, and your kernel "broke"? you're a funny guy... | 03:24 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - those are no biggies to fix - is this a fresh install? | 03:24 |
Taxman | GaiaX11: you googled already? I'd think that would be your best bet | 03:24 |
aimtrainer | hi! I cant change the owner of a folder and all its files and subfolders it always only changes the owner of the folder without its content - what am I doing wrong (rightclick folder properties owner ... and then at the very bottom theres a button to make the settings take effect on the folder content but it doesnt work for me) | 03:24 |
cwgannon | i saw something in the add/remove programs thing | 03:25 |
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wols | aimtrainer: man chmod | 03:25 |
cwgannon | about books, i mean | 03:25 |
johnficca2 | how would I get the ip address of a computer thats not loacl | 03:25 |
psychok8 | i never said my kernel broke, only that my desktop has changed | 03:25 |
kazol | wols: yes, only the router is a hardware firewall with DHCP disabled. Would ipmasq provide DHCP to the client? | 03:25 |
cwgannon | "bibshelf" -- book organizer for gnome | 03:25 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - is this a fresh install | 03:25 |
psychok8 | yes | 03:25 |
wols | johnficca2: what do you have of the computer? what info? | 03:25 |
psychok8 | its a fresh install | 03:25 |
earthen | johnficca2, if he is connected directly to the internet you should just have to start the terminal server client and enter his ip address using the vnc protocol | 03:25 |
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ShackJack | psychok8 - did you have your /home dir on a separate partition? | 03:25 |
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psychok8 | no | 03:26 |
jamesstanley | spam or what? | 03:26 |
wols | kazol: iptables -L -t nat, paste the output. also ifconfig -a | 03:26 |
Alwyn | Why would Ubuntu work fine on an IDE 20G drive but not on a SCSI 40G in the same machine? (Absolute beginner) | 03:26 |
psychok8 | everything in one | 03:26 |
psychok8 | one for xp, 1for linux | 03:26 |
wols | Alwyn: missing driver for the scsi card | 03:26 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - settings and stuff are stored in there - when I install Linux I make a separate parition for it to store my data etc... that way when I upgrade, all my stuff is retained.... | 03:26 |
wols | the scsi might also not be bootable | 03:26 |
yotux | later every one | 03:26 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - no biggie though, you can just change wallpaper, etc... | 03:26 |
kazol | !pastebin | 03:27 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:27 |
earthen | johnficca2, just make sure he sets up his computer to allow connection first thought of cource | 03:27 |
kkrusty | this guide mentions a package linux-tree. which repo does it belong to? | 03:27 |
psychok8 | i understand, just thought ubntu shouldnt change that stuff | 03:27 |
Taxman | Alwyn: did you enable it in the bios and did you install while the drive was connected? | 03:27 |
psychok8 | can i still create another partition and move my home directory? | 03:27 |
wols | psychok8: you can | 03:27 |
piglit | wat was the command or man file i need to remount all the file systems? | 03:28 |
johnficca2 | earthon: ok | 03:28 |
piglit | wat = what | 03:28 |
Taxman | piglit: man mount | 03:28 |
psychok8 | ok thanks | 03:28 |
silent_ | oh man... I'm having some deja vu here... | 03:28 |
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wols | piglit: involves -o remount | 03:28 |
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silent_ | I remember asking the same questions when I started using linux O_O | 03:28 |
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emile | piglit: sudo mount -a if i'm correct (check man mount) | 03:29 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - if you want to access NTFS partition install ntfs-3g then go to gksudo ntfs-config and enable | 03:29 |
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kazol | wols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22883/ | 03:29 |
silent_ | emile, so long as the partition is in fstab with the auto option | 03:29 |
kkrusty | does anyone know where i can get the linux-tree package? | 03:29 |
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piglit | thanx | 03:29 |
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cwgannon | i'm really not understanding how the file system works for this bugger; i've just installed "bibshelf" but have no idea where it is and/or how to find it (i've tried a find command) -- anybody care to steer me the right way? | 03:29 |
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wols | kazol: and ifconfig -a ? | 03:29 |
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IdleOne | kkrusty, package is named tree | 03:30 |
silent_ | ifconfig displays network info | 03:30 |
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wols | cwgannon: dpkg -L bibshelf |grep bin | 03:30 |
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IdleOne | kkrusty, sudo aptitude install tree | 03:30 |
Taxman | cwgannon: what wols said | 03:30 |
kazol | wols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22884/ | 03:30 |
wols | cwgannon: and by default, Linux distros install everything in the path | 03:30 |
Taxman | but you still have to know the executable name | 03:30 |
cwgannon | awesome | 03:30 |
cwgannon | thank you | 03:31 |
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emile | silent_: that is where you put your mounts in right? (at least i do ;-) | 03:31 |
wols | kkrusty: there is no 192.168.0.x network | 03:31 |
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Taxman | -a won't remount though, will it? | 03:31 |
Taxman | only -o remount will do that | 03:31 |
wols | Taxman: no it won't | 03:31 |
Alwyn | Yes I did. It boots from the SCSI 100% but with ALL settings the same as on the IDE drive I can't load "AVG free virus" for example. | 03:31 |
johnficca2 | I'm geting this vncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: No route to host | 03:31 |
kkrusty | IdleOne: is this package for the linux kernel sources? | 03:31 |
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wols | johnficca2: what IP did you give vncviewer? | 03:32 |
wols | kkrusty: no | 03:32 |
silent_ | emile, you could use scripts | 03:32 |
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wols | kkrusty: apt-cache show tree if you want to know what it does | 03:32 |
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johnficca2 | the one in his network tools | 03:32 |
IdleOne | kkrusty, sorry I think we are not talking about the same thing | 03:32 |
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wols | johnficca2: that's not what I asked. please answer my question | 03:32 |
johnficca2 | ok | 03:32 |
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alexander | Hi@all+ | 03:32 |
Taxman | Alwyn: what do you mean by all settings the same. What happens, what error messages do you get? | 03:33 |
wols | kkrusty: there is no "linux-tree" in ubuntu or debian either | 03:33 |
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johnficca2 | | 03:33 |
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wols | kkrusty: apt-cache search linux-source, apt-cache search kernel.source | 03:33 |
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Neil- | new kernel for feisty already :) You guys dont mess around | 03:34 |
perlmonkey | hi guys | 03:34 |
johnficca2 | wols: | 03:34 |
wols | johnficca2: that is a non-routable IP. only works inside a LAN. you need a public IP. and since he uses a 192.168.x.x IP, there is a router at his side which needs to port forward port 5900 | 03:34 |
psychok8 | ShackJack - i have already installed it from before the update, so i only have to execute the comand you gave me, or reinstall? | 03:34 |
heffo | how can i set up firefox to use a video handling plugin? totem is being used by default but that doesnt stream properly through firefox | 03:35 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - you inidicated it was a fresh install, so I assumed it wasn't installed... You can try gksudo ntfs-config | 03:36 |
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psychok8 | ShackJack - it was a fresh install a few days ago... now i had already a lot of programs intalled.. im worried i have to install some of them again..do you advise me to wait for another update and keep using the old one, or just change fully to this one?? | 03:37 |
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aimtrainer | wols, I tried some stuff with chmod now but im confudes .. I want to make the user aitmrainer owner of /home/aimtrainer and all its contents (I copied some stuff as root in there, that is why) so I do something like "sudo chmod -R +u aimtrainer /home/aimtrainer"... I'm lost please help me | 03:38 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - I say use feisty - if you want you can repartition /home dir anytime... | 03:38 |
ShackJack | Yikes - WTF was that?! | 03:38 |
psychok8 | by "use feisty" you mean exactly wich kernel? the new one or old one? | 03:38 |
wols | aimtrainer: chown -R aimtrainer.aimtrainer /home/aimtrainer | 03:39 |
IdleOne | ShackJack, that was a netsplit | 03:39 |
aimtrainer | wols, thanks! | 03:39 |
ShackJack | When you say "kernel" are your referrring to the Ubuntu version as a whole or the Linux kernel? | 03:39 |
ShackJack | IdleOne - breakin' up is hard to do ;) | 03:39 |
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IdleOne | ShackJack, they will kiss and make up soon | 03:39 |
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piglit | hhmmm i pushed the wrong button ....... | 03:40 |
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psychok8 | ShackJack- the one i get to choose when i boot up the pc ... or ?? | 03:40 |
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davidc | hello | 03:40 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - When you say "kernel" are your referrring to the Ubuntu version as a whole or the Linux kernel? | 03:40 |
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perlmonkey | hi guys | 03:41 |
renan | hi gay | 03:41 |
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chrisjs169 | i missed the netsplit =/ | 03:41 |
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ShackJack | renan - who you callin' "gay" ;) | 03:41 |
davidc | I just installed the kernel update today and now all of a sudden when I plug headphones into my machine sound comes out of both the internal speaker and the headphone. Does anyone know a setting or something that I need to change to get it back to the older behavior? | 03:41 |
=== Parmenion [n=helikaon@cm225.kappa158.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
psychok8 | ShackJack- lol i im not sure i understand what you mean.. basically i want to know if i use the update or not | 03:42 |
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kazol | wols: sry, I lost connection. Is my setup correct? | 03:42 |
perlmonkey | I just upgraded my memory to 512mb (2 x 256mb sdram pc133 sticks) and now I have strange vertical lines on my screen (which get worse when I move the mouse). If i downgrade the ram to 256mb (2 x 128mb sticks) the lines disappear... any ideas? | 03:42 |
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Parmenion | guys, where do i g to edit my grub menu? | 03:42 |
vbabiy | hello every one | 03:42 |
perlmonkey | hi | 03:42 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - yes, but what do *you* mean when you say "kernel" are you concerned with the version of Ubuntu you are running or the version of Linux you are running? | 03:42 |
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candyman | i have a really funky problem, my computer wont work right if i dont boot to SU mode and init 5.....if anyone thinks they can help, ill explain in more detail, but its complicated | 03:42 |
vbabiy | Parmenion: /etc/grub.conf | 03:42 |
psychok8 | the version of ubuntu | 03:42 |
Parmenion | the newest kernel update today | 03:42 |
Parmenion | borked my grub | 03:42 |
Parmenion | thanks vbabiy | 03:43 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - I would use Feisty as it has some great extras over Edgy/Dapper | 03:43 |
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wols | kazol: no it is not | 03:43 |
zak_ | why am i not getting any sound from youtube [and probably everything else] with firefox? is this a common configuration problem or something? | 03:43 |
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vbabiy | Parmenion: a kernel update broken your grub? | 03:43 |
kazol | wols: what should I do then? | 03:43 |
candyman | zak_: it is | 03:43 |
candyman | but id have to google it | 03:43 |
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=== cast waves | ||
candyman | itll be @ top of lists | 03:43 |
psychok8 | just hope they get a fix in this update.. coz there are a lot of ppl with problems | 03:43 |
Parmenion | vbabiy, err, yeah | 03:43 |
psychok8 | saw some issues on the forums | 03:43 |
Parmenion | it doesnt point properly | 03:43 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - kernel is just the underlying o/S managment if you will - how to handle hardware, store files, etc... | 03:44 |
zak_ | candyman: ok i'll have a look | 03:44 |
wols | kazol: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119787 | 03:44 |
vbabiy | Parmenion: that's weird never heard of that | 03:44 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - there will always be issues - what version of ubuntu are you running now? | 03:44 |
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psychok8 | feisty | 03:44 |
wols | kazol: where you connection to the router is your wlan0 and not eth2 as described there. rest is same | 03:44 |
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psychok8 | but dont know if i use or KERNEL | 03:44 |
Parmenion | vbabiy, honestly :P it didnt update the grub references roperly | 03:44 |
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psychok8 | have to choose | 03:45 |
Stormx2 | psychok8: uname -a | 03:45 |
Parmenion | its .16 if you updated | 03:45 |
carstenpo | hi, i have an ubuntu 6.06.1 server system, which i want to use as an router. but it doesnt route anything. it can connect to the internet, but the windows clients cant connect to the internet (via the ubuntu router) what could be the problem? | 03:45 |
psychok8 | but thats the one ppl have been having problems with | 03:45 |
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Parmenion | vbabiy, nothing there at /etc/grub.conf | 03:45 |
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perlmonkey | is memtest86 or something similiar available in Ubuntu? | 03:46 |
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psychok8 | i get to choose wich one i want when my grub starts | 03:46 |
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ubuntux | hi | 03:46 |
ubuntux | does someone know how to autiomatic start a vmware image during boot time? | 03:46 |
Parmenion | perlmonkey, yes | 03:46 |
tts | hi all | 03:46 |
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psychok8 | Storm2 - what command did you give me | 03:46 |
psychok8 | ? | 03:46 |
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joshua__ | you should write a shell script file | 03:46 |
=== cast waves to tts | ||
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ShackJack | psychok8 - you should always use latest if you can, but you can keep a couple in there so if you have trouble with one, you can reboot and fall back to other... | 03:47 |
wols | psychok8: it gives out the version of your kernel | 03:47 |
Stormx2 | psychok8: uname -a. That will display your kernel version | 03:47 |
perlmonkey | Parmenion: yes its available or yes theres something similiar? | 03:47 |
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tts | hi cast, whats up | 03:47 |
carstenpo | has noone an idea? | 03:47 |
Parmenion | perlmonkey, it is | 03:47 |
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wols | Stormx2: cooled down? | 03:47 |
perlmonkey | ok thanks | 03:47 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - p.S. if you;re addressing someone be sure to include their screen name so their IM beeps (I am in multiple convos myself ;)) | 03:47 |
perlmonkey | any ideas what name its called? memtest86 was too obvious I suppose | 03:47 |
wols | perlmonkey: apt-cache search memtest | 03:48 |
Parmenion | memtest86+ i believe | 03:48 |
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zhero | xxx | 03:48 |
perlmonkey | thanks guys | 03:48 |
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wols | perlmonkey: and now you see why asking in #debian when running ubuntu is a shitty idea | 03:48 |
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tts | hi JLj | 03:48 |
psychok8 | ShackJack - ok sorry | 03:49 |
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perlmonkey | wols: I'm in a transistion period :P | 03:49 |
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carstenpo | has anyone installed an ubuntu server as an internet router? (mini router, home router?) | 03:49 |
Stormx2 | wols: I installed a new CD-ROM drive, went over a friends to borrow an old live cd. Booted it. Mounted my other partitions after a lot of fiddling. Burnt the latest ubuntu iso. Shut down. Booted the new ubuntu live cd. Mounted my ubuntu partitions. Restored a backup of menu.lst that _I_ had made. Rebooted. | 03:49 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - no biggie - but if you're addressing someone they may miss some bits what with the speed things are flying by... | 03:49 |
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Stormx2 | wols: All because of an issue that should never have occured | 03:49 |
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ShackJack | psychok8 - I have latest kernel, and Feisty on a siz year old computer running wonderfully... | 03:49 |
Slart | is there a repository for pidgin available? | 03:49 |
Slart | !pidgin | 03:50 |
ubotu | pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. | 03:50 |
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psychok8 | ShackJack - this is my first time on irc, just came to try to solve this issue... | 03:50 |
brianski | anyone else have a problem with the terminal ignoring user input for about 20 seconds at a time, during which time the keyboard is responsive in all other apps (and then it recovers) ? | 03:50 |
wols | Stormx2: if you want to be sure you never ever install a buggy package: do your own distro | 03:50 |
brianski | it's seriously getting on my nerves... | 03:50 |
ryanbot | hello | 03:50 |
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ShackJack | psychok8 - K - did you solve it? | 03:50 |
perlmonkey | wols: what brings you to ubuntu, I'm surprised to see you here | 03:50 |
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ryanbot | i get this message when i apt-get update | 03:50 |
Stormx2 | wols: Wow, that's a viable alternative. Thanks. | 03:50 |
psychok8 | ShackJack - the forums arent helping a lot, ppl are only complaining... but no solutions | 03:50 |
ryanbot | Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 03:50 |
ryanbot | Reading package lists... Done | 03:50 |
ryanbot | E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 03:50 |
wols | perlmonkey: people like you | 03:50 |
ryanbot | can anyone help? | 03:50 |
oriez | how do i make the alt+shift commend to switch between languages | 03:50 |
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perlmonkey | wols: you like helping people? | 03:51 |
wols | Stormx2: you get ubuntu for free and it's a lot of work. so unless you are prepared to do the work yourself... | 03:51 |
Stormx2 | ryanbot: Try again. Looks like the package list didn't download correctly | 03:51 |
Slart | ryanbot: try another server.. might just be a corrupt file | 03:51 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - Well if things are going right, you'll rarely hear it... Newest Feisty and kernel are fine for more ppl... | 03:51 |
ryanbot | i tried | 03:51 |
ryanbot | change my sources.list? | 03:51 |
Slart | ryanbot: or just system, administration, software sources.. your choice | 03:51 |
ryanbot | thank you | 03:51 |
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berent | hi nikita | 03:51 |
berent | hi all | 03:52 |
psychok8 | ShackJack - yeah...i actually the problem was with my girls pc, im gonna update mine know and see what happens | 03:52 |
m1ce | i set aggressive power management for my harddrive using hdparm, but it still never goes into idle | 03:52 |
oriez | how do i make the alt+shift commend to switch between languages | 03:52 |
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psychok8 | ShackJack - any problems ill be back | 03:52 |
ShackJack | psychok8 - gotcha - be sure to partition home in seprate | 03:52 |
psychok8 | ShackJack - cheers | 03:52 |
carstenpo | kann noone help? | 03:52 |
bambam_ | is there anything compared to gentoo's multilib + linux32-emul-libs for ubuntu in order to get flash, java, or other 32-bit application to run on amd64? | 03:52 |
carstenpo | *can | 03:53 |
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psychok8 | ShackJack - and thanks for the help | 03:53 |
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Slart | bambam_: there are some 32 bit libraries, yes | 03:53 |
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wols | carstenpo: what do you use to enable NAT? | 03:53 |
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carstenpo | wols, sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE | 03:54 |
Slart | bambam_: do an apt-cache search lib32, that will give you some names.. I can't remember the name myself | 03:54 |
oriez | how do i make the alt+shift commend to switch between languages | 03:54 |
ryanbot | oohh, i skipped the language packages when i was installing ubuntu | 03:54 |
ryanbot | i think that may be causing a problem | 03:54 |
ryanbot | because the ones that fail seem to be 'translation' packages | 03:54 |
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bambam_ | Slart: yes, i allready found those, but i only found like alsa, gcc, .. libs in there none for X | 03:55 |
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wols | carstenpo: that is bad | 03:55 |
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wols | carstenpo: use ipmasq | 03:55 |
bambam_ | Slart: so i bet it won't work | 03:55 |
Slart | bambam_: hmm.. hang on.. I installed them for firefox32.. let me check | 03:55 |
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carstenpo | wols, why is that bad, i got that from the ubuntu documentation? | 03:55 |
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Slart | bambam_: here they are ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk | 03:56 |
Slart | those were the ones I installed | 03:56 |
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Slart | and linux32 | 03:56 |
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Slart | !linux32 | 03:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about linux32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:56 |
Slart | !info linux32 | 03:56 |
alex___ | hey | 03:56 |
ubotu | linux32: Wrapper to set the execution domain. In component main, is extra. Version 1-3 (feisty), package size 5 kB, installed size 56 kB | 03:56 |
wols | carstenpo: cause it needs a bit more than just that to work | 03:56 |
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Slart | !info ia32-libs | 03:57 |
ubotu | Package ia32-libs does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 03:57 |
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wols | carstenpo: and ipmasq does it all for you automatically | 03:57 |
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wols | !info ipmasq | 03:57 |
ubotu | ipmasq: securely initializes IP Masquerade forwarding/firewalling. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.0.8-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 76 kB, installed size 616 kB | 03:57 |
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carstenpo | wols, thank you i will give it a try | 03:57 |
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wols | carstenpo: and depending if you want to use dhcp on the windows clients, dnsmasq is a good idea too | 03:57 |
bambam_ | Slart: thanks i found a link in the forums | 03:57 |
alexIdoia | it looks like my dist is broken, apt-get.... returns unknowne command, how can I fix it ? I thought about using dpkg to reinstall apt but I can't find the package on the net, please that is an urgency | 03:57 |
wols | dnsmasq is always a good idea for the DNS cache alone | 03:58 |
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wols | alexIdoia: locate apt-get | 03:58 |
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Slart | alexIdoia: tried with a sudo in front? | 03:58 |
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wols | alexIdoia: dpkg -l apt | 03:58 |
carstenpo | wols, can i install both simply via apt-get install ipmasq and dnsmasq? | 03:58 |
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wols | carstenpo: yes | 03:59 |
alexIdoia | wols: only in /usr/share/man four instances | 03:59 |
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perlmonkey | hi guys | 03:59 |
carstenpo | wols, thank you i will try that, cu! | 03:59 |
wols | perlmonkey: reinstall apt then | 03:59 |
perlmonkey | how do I exit gnome and get to the shell | 03:59 |
simo1 | Hi. i i have problems with firefox. it suddenly only starts loading then crashes before the window opens. Please help | 03:59 |
perlmonkey | wols: ? | 03:59 |
johnficca2 | wols: what port # did you say to forward if they are using a router? | 03:59 |
nix | perlmonkey: press ctrl-alt-F1 to get to a login shell | 03:59 |
wols | perlmonkey: ctrl+alt+f1, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 04:00 |
perlmonkey | nix: thanks | 04:00 |
perlmonkey | wols: merci | 04:00 |
wols | johnficca2: 5900 | 04:00 |
johnficca2 | wols: thanks | 04:00 |
nix | do the thing wols suggest after that tp quit the gdm session | 04:00 |
alexIdoia | wols: can you please stay with me for a sec, I can't find apt-get | 04:00 |
alexIdoia | wols: | 04:00 |
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alexIdoia | No packages found matching apt-get. | 04:00 |
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simo1 | Hi. i i have problems with firefox. it suddenly only starts loading then crashes before the window opens. Please help It may have happened after i installed the "allpeers" addon | 04:01 |
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wols | alexIdoia: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/base/apt download it and install with sudo dpkg -i | 04:01 |
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nix | simo1: try starting firefox in the safe mode. You know how to do that? | 04:01 |
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wols | simo1: try starting it in an xterm. check if it displays any messages before it crashes | 04:01 |
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kbrosnan | simo1: from a command prompt type firefox -safe-mode | 04:02 |
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nix | I'm not on firefox right now | 04:02 |
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oriez | how do i make the alt+shift commend to switch between languages | 04:02 |
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bulmer | wols isnt ipmasq for older ipfadm and not for the newer netfilters iptables? | 04:03 |
AWOSLappy | All I need in to know where in Ubuntu I can find the stage2_eltorito file. | 04:03 |
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sudeep | i have recently installed ubuntu 7.04 on my system via CD.. i also have kubuntu CD, i would also like to add KDE in my system .. how do i do it ? | 04:03 |
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AWOSLappy | According to the grub manual it should be in /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito | 04:03 |
ryanbot | tried to use synaptic instead for a manual install but i get | 04:03 |
ryanbot | amsn: | 04:03 |
ryanbot | Depends: tcl8.4 but it is not installable | 04:03 |
ryanbot | Depends: sox but it is not going to be installed | 04:03 |
ryanbot | Depends: tk8.4 but it is not installable | 04:03 |
ryanbot | Depends: tcltls but it is not going to be installed | 04:03 |
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AWOSLappy | or /usr/sahre/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito | 04:03 |
nix | AWOSLappy: /lib/grub/i386 maybe | 04:03 |
AWOSLappy | *share | 04:03 |
ryanbot | any idea? | 04:03 |
AWOSLappy | ACK, /lib | 04:03 |
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AWOSLappy | I looked in /usr/lib | 04:04 |
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AWOSLappy | Thank you SO much nix! | 04:04 |
simo1 | thx | 04:04 |
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nix | AWOSLappy: enter "locate stage2_eltorito" in the command line -- that should give the exact path | 04:04 |
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AWOSLappy | $ locate stage2_eltorito | 04:04 |
AWOSLappy | locate: warning: Could not find the group: slocate in the /etc/group file. | 04:04 |
AWOSLappy | locate: fatal error: This is a result of the group missing or a corrupted group file. | 04:04 |
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sudeep | i have recently installed ubuntu 7.04 on my system via CD.. i also have kubuntu CD, i would also like to add KDE in my system .. how do i do it ? | 04:04 |
wols | bulmer: ipmasq works with both. it dynamically checks what kernel you run | 04:04 |
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AWOSLappy | Um, ack? | 04:05 |
wols | bulmer: and it always worked for both since krenel 2.4 was out | 04:05 |
nix | sudeep: sudo apt-get install kde-desktop | 04:05 |
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AWOSLappy | sudeep: kubuntu-desktop, actually | 04:05 |
AWOSLappy | nix: It is kubuntu-desktop as it was in Dapper/Edgy, still, correct? | 04:05 |
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nix | AWOSLappy: boy are you having locate broken or something? try sudo slocate -u | 04:05 |
nix | righto | 04:05 |
cwgannon | when i've used a man x command in terminal and have reached the end, how can i get rid of the thing and get back to the prompt? | 04:05 |
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AWOSLappy | nix: It's just sitting there. | 04:06 |
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sudeep | nix: does apt-get look for the CD as source | 04:06 |
AWOSLappy | (sudo slocate -u) | 04:06 |
nix | AWOSLappy: yup its making a new index. try locate after that | 04:06 |
Paradoxx | cwgannon: Esc | 04:06 |
AWOSLappy | sudeep: No, it downloads from the Internet. I am very inexperience in doing it from CD, I will let someone more knowledgable take over if you would like to install from CD | 04:06 |
AWOSLappy | nix: Oh okay. | 04:06 |
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AWOSLappy | $ sudo slocate -u | 04:07 |
AWOSLappy | awilcox@NAMERICA1:/lib/grub/i386-pc$ locate stage2_eltorite | 04:07 |
AWOSLappy | locate: warning: Could not find the group: slocate in the /etc/group file. | 04:07 |
AWOSLappy | locate: fatal error: This is a result of the group missing or a corrupted group file. | 04:07 |
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AWOSLappy | (Yes, I know I spelled torito wrong, that is the least of my worries right now) | 04:07 |
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erUSUL | AWOSLappy: /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito (i386 ubuntu install) | 04:07 |
karapuz1 | just noticed this site: http://irc-archive.com/read/FreeNode/ubuntu/2007-05-28/14/page/2 | 04:07 |
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sudeep | ya .. internet connection is very slow here.. that is not an option.. i need to do it via CD else.. give up the idea.. | 04:07 |
karapuz1 | its logging this channel online | 04:07 |
karapuz1 | wierd :/ | 04:07 |
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nix | AWOSLappy: boy you do have locate broken in there.. | 04:07 |
AWOSLappy | erUSUL: No, nix was right, it was in /lib/grub not /usr/lib/grub | 04:07 |
cwgannon | Paradoxx: i hit Esc, and then it replaces the final line with "Esc" but my next keystroke returns it to the final line ... what am i missing? | 04:08 |
sudeep | nix: ya .. internet connection is very slow here.. that is not an option.. i need to do it via CD else.. give up the idea.. | 04:08 |
AWOSLappy | nix: It's just the group, though | 04:08 |
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AWOSLappy | I think I may have locked down /etc/group too hard | 04:08 |
AWOSLappy | $ cat /etc/group | 04:08 |
AWOSLappy | cat: /etc/group: Permission denied | 04:08 |
nix | AWOSLappy: does it really bother ya? I mean you can create a group for it. | 04:08 |
sagotis | cwgannon, do :q | 04:08 |
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wols | AWOSLappy: root only. sudo | 04:08 |
cwgannon | sagotis: thanks so much | 04:08 |
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nix | AWOSLappy cat: /etc/group: Permission denied: hey that wasn't supposed to happen. Are you on 7.04? | 04:09 |
wols | tho yes, group should be world readable | 04:09 |
AWOSLappy | nix: No, 06.06 LTS | 04:09 |
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AWOSLappy | wols: I was told it wasn't, and ensured it wasn't :S | 04:09 |
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AWOSLappy | $ ls -al /etc/group | 04:09 |
AWOSLappy | -rw------- 1 root 0 953 2007-03-26 03:43 /etc/group | 04:09 |
nix | AWOSLappy: enter sudo chmod 644 /etc/group | 04:09 |
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nix | that should fix it | 04:09 |
cast | AWOSLappy: was there a reason you decided to do that? :\ | 04:10 |
AWOSLappy | cast: Public terminal, tbh. | 04:10 |
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AWOSLappy | $ locate stage2_eltorito | 04:10 |
AWOSLappy | /lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito | 04:10 |
AWOSLappy | \o/ | 04:10 |
cast | AWOSLappy: you mean you are administrating a public terminal? | 04:10 |
AWOSLappy | thanks again, nix! I appricate that! | 04:10 |
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nix | anytime.. | 04:10 |
AWOSLappy | cast: Semi-public in the fact that people besides me ssh into it | 04:10 |
cast | AWOSLappy: ahh. | 04:10 |
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AWOSLappy | cast: I don't really trust anyone, even though it's just some friends. | 04:11 |
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wips | Hey, I just installed Ubuntu, and I'm quite new to it. I have one more hard drive on the pc that I want to use. It contains all my songs and videos e.g. How do I use that in Ubuntu? | 04:11 |
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cast | AWOSLappy: openbsd or xen might be worth looking into, or vserver if you want to stick with the ubuntu theme | 04:11 |
nix | wips: do you have that attached already? | 04:11 |
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wols | wips: man mount | 04:11 |
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wips | attached? | 04:11 |
wips | man mount? | 04:11 |
AWOSLappy | cast: I'm happy with Ubuntu, I use it as a workstation too. | 04:12 |
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nix | wips: I mean, is that other hdd connnected to the system? | 04:12 |
wips | yep | 04:12 |
AWOSLappy | Again, thank you all for your help. You people do *not* get thanked enough :) | 04:12 |
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oriez | how do i make the alt+shift commend to switch between languages | 04:12 |
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nix | wips: is it an IDE drive? the one thats attached using a WIDE cable. | 04:12 |
wips | if you mean, like hardware.. it is connected with cables. | 04:13 |
wips | yep, it's IDE | 04:13 |
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nix | ok entering sudo mount /dev/hdXy /mnt/ will mount the yth partition on the Xth drive on /mnt/ | 04:13 |
ahmed | guys plz help,, i hear alot abt cvs cedega and cvs wine ,, what is cvs ??? | 04:13 |
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nix | ahmed: concurrent versioning system I think | 04:14 |
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wols | ahmed: cvs is where programmers keep the source code | 04:14 |
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ShackJack | ahmed - sort of the "work in progress" version - frequent updates, but potential for unstablilty | 04:14 |
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wols | with cvs software you get it from a cvs server and compile the software on your own | 04:14 |
joe1983 | join #harley | 04:14 |
vbabiy | hey is there any here that can help me with swat | 04:14 |
ahmed | :S whats the difference between the normal wine , cedega and the cvs wine version ?? | 04:14 |
rockbasil | I am trying to install powertop-1.3 on my laptop can someone give me a hand? | 04:14 |
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wips | nix, I dont remember which partition. And what do you mean Drive? It's my second drive I suppose | 04:15 |
wols | ahmed: the cvs versions are newer. so might have newer and more features but also not so tested so might have more bugs | 04:15 |
nix | wips: just a sec.. | 04:15 |
ahmed | nix, wols, shackjack, :S whats the difference between the normal wine , cedega and the cvs wine version ?? ? | 04:15 |
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wips | okey | 04:15 |
wols | wips: is it already connected? if yes: sudo cat /proc/partitions | 04:15 |
frandavid100 | hiya | 04:15 |
nix | wips: ok wols with ya on this one | 04:15 |
wips | yep, it is wols | 04:16 |
sirex | ahmed, cvs wine version is most up to date. | 04:16 |
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wols | wips: so what's in /proc/partitions? paste in a pastebin | 04:16 |
nix | ahmed: cadega is the commercial gaming platform on unix. while cvs wine would be _the_ latest wine | 04:16 |
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frandavid100 | I'm trying to translate a .po file in gtranslator, but the fuzzy button is greyed out and I get an error when I hit the update button, telling me that potfiles.in was not found | 04:16 |
frandavid100 | can someone give me a hand? | 04:17 |
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oriez | how do i make the alt+shift commend to switch between languages | 04:17 |
wols | !repeat | 04:17 |
ubotu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 04:17 |
candyman | im having a really wierd issue where i have to boot to recovery mode and init 5 in order for ubuntu to be stable, can anyone help me out? | 04:17 |
robdeman | folks I installed ndiswrapper and then removed it.. but my Gnome Network GUI config window still shows Wireless Connection.. how do I remove this? | 04:17 |
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wols | robdeman: have you rebooted in between? | 04:18 |
Stormx2 | I'd like to do a backup of my /home. How might I do this? Ideally I'd like a .tar.gz or similar | 04:18 |
robdeman | wols: no | 04:18 |
wols | if not "sudo ifconfig down <device name>" | 04:18 |
robdeman | wols: are you telling me I need to 8reboot* a Linux box? :) | 04:18 |
wips | http://pastebin.ca/516036 wols | 04:18 |
rockbasil | I am trying to install powertop-1.3 on my laptop can someone give me a hand? | 04:18 |
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candyman | robdeman: ill be money that if you really didnt wanna reboot, you could init 1, then init 5 | 04:18 |
j13jjs | hey anyone want to answer some really questions? | 04:19 |
j13jjs | easy | 04:19 |
j13jjs | really easy questions | 04:19 |
muriu | yes | 04:19 |
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candyman | fire away, j13jjs | 04:19 |
ShackJack | Stormx2 tar -cvf /home filename.tar? | 04:19 |
robdeman | wols: I did shutdown the complete network and restarted it, but it said 'WLAN0 no such device' or something similar | 04:19 |
wips | wols, the drive as ca. 120gb space | 04:19 |
robdeman | wols: so the system still seems to think WLAN0 exists | 04:19 |
Mikeh | !ask | j13jjs | 04:19 |
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wols | wips: I guess it's 120GB? sudo mount /dev/hdd1 /mountpoint. whatever you want to use as a mountpoint (that directory needs to exist) | 04:19 |
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ubotu | j13jjs: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:20 |
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wols | robdeman: ifconfig. if it's not showing up then only stupid network manager does still think it exists | 04:20 |
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wips | wols, so I write /mountpoint "name" or just /name ? | 04:20 |
Stormx2 | ShackJack: Okay | 04:20 |
wols | wips: what filesystem on that drive? | 04:20 |
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rockbasil_ | I am trying to install powernow can someone give me a hand? | 04:20 |
wips | fat32 | 04:20 |
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wols | wips: just /name. /name being a directory | 04:20 |
robdeman | wols: I think this is the case indeed | 04:20 |
naadde | doc|: it says: Identifier: nVidia Corporation NV34 [Geforce FX 5200] | 04:21 |
robdeman | wols: but how do I tell it to get rid of it? | 04:21 |
naadde | doc|: it says also Driver nvidia | 04:21 |
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ShackJack | Stormx2 - filename.tar being the name of the TAR'd file you are creating (I think my syntax is correct;)) | 04:21 |
rockbasil | Can someone help me install a package in ubuntu? | 04:21 |
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Stormx2 | Looks it :) | 04:21 |
wols | wips: To get write access to a vfat partition when mounting it with fstab, use the line "/dev/partition /mount/point vfat defaults,uid=USERID,gid=GROUPID,umask=002 0 0" in /etc/fstab. umask=002 will make the partition rwxrwxr-x, while umask=022 will make it rwxr-xr-x. Get your user/group ids with the command "id" | 04:21 |
sagotis | rockbasil, what package? | 04:21 |
oriez | how do i make the alt+shift commend to switch between languages? | 04:21 |
wips | yikes | 04:21 |
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rockbasil | sagotis: powernow | 04:22 |
rockbasil | sagotis: powernow-1.3.tar.gz | 04:22 |
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candyman | i have a really funky problem, my computer wont work right if i dont boot to SU mode and init 5.....if anyone thinks they can help, ill explain in more detail, but its complicated | 04:22 |
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Stormx2 | ShackJack: tar: /home: Cannot open: Is a directory | 04:22 |
candyman | help would be appreciated :( | 04:22 |
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wols | Stormx2: /home/ | 04:22 |
wols | Stormx2: /home/* | 04:22 |
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ShackJack | Stormx2 - man tar - I think my syntax is slightly out of order :) | 04:22 |
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jin | !upgrade | 04:23 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 04:23 |
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wols | candyman: either you give a better error description how it is "funky" or no one can help you | 04:23 |
muriu | Guys, i am busy trying to make my ubuntu 7.04 play mp3. I tried installing the 'ubuntu restricted extras' package but it still won't work! Can anyone help! Im dying for music! | 04:23 |
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ShackJack | Stormx2 tar -cvvf foo.tar foo/ <- I was out of order :) | 04:23 |
jin | I'm tired of ubuntu with nvidia. I'm gonna upgrade to Feisty, if it won't work out. I think I have to go back :( | 04:23 |
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nix | muriu: try installing the extra-codecs packages | 04:23 |
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candyman | wols: it happens in 3 steps....first boot it locks after login and splash, second boot @ splash, 3rd @ graphical init | 04:24 |
lorenz | hi guys | 04:24 |
ShackJack | jin - what nvidia card? | 04:24 |
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mlk | hi | 04:24 |
lorenz | can aonyone recommend me a good calender for ubuntu feisty? | 04:24 |
candyman | i can fix it temporarially by bootying to SU mode and manually init 5-ing | 04:24 |
j13jjs | how do i reset the add/remove process, it crashed in the middle of a big add and now everytime i try to open it it seems like its still locked up somewhere | 04:24 |
candyman | but next boot,itll start again | 04:24 |
jin | ShackJack: 7300 GS | 04:24 |
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j13jjs | so i can't add anything | 04:24 |
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sagotis | rockbasil, that can be a little funky because you have to compile it - however the basic way is to right click on the package and hit extract here then upen up a terminal and cd to the dir then do ./configure then make then sudo make install | 04:24 |
j13jjs | it says another application is using it | 04:24 |
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candyman | and by lock, i mean cannot switch to terminal, cannot use system calls, cannot use capslock | 04:24 |
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muriu | nix, where do i find these extra codec packages | 04:24 |
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wols | candyman: what "splash"? | 04:24 |
ShackJack | jin - hmm.. that should work ggod I would thing... I trust you're using the nvidia driver (vs. nv) | 04:25 |
candyman | wols: the gnome login splash screen | 04:25 |
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jin | ShackJack: I am using the nvidia driver | 04:25 |
wols | candyman: you mean gdm? | 04:25 |
wips | wols, K, when I try to mount it says the mount point /myname doesnt exist.. I tried making a folder somewhere.. but didnt help >.< | 04:25 |
candyman | where it shows the gnome panel and restricted driver manager loading | 04:25 |
candyman | wols: correct | 04:25 |
lorenz | hi - does anyone know a good calender for ubuntu feisty, please? | 04:25 |
candyman | wols: ive run fsck, and removed/reinstalled gdm | 04:25 |
muriu | nix, come on | 04:25 |
jin | windows leaves traces behind when I move them around... :( | 04:25 |
candyman | only time i make progress is init 5 | 04:25 |
wols | wips: "somewhere"? either you have a directory /myname or you don't | 04:25 |
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nix | muriu: just a sec.. | 04:26 |
oriez | how do i make the alt+shift commend to switch between languages? | 04:26 |
wols | candyman: that's not what I asked. is your "gnome login splash screen" gdm? | 04:26 |
rockbasil | sagotis: can you walk me through it step by step, I am good at following directions, but I am still a linux newby. | 04:26 |
wips | well, I dont know.. Where does it have to be? | 04:26 |
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candyman | wols: yes, i believe so--its that narrow image that comes up and shows stuff loading, right before the desktop fully appears | 04:26 |
sagotis | rockbasil, are you using gnome? | 04:26 |
naadde | doc|: where is it | 04:26 |
wols | wips: /myname is one clearly defined place in Unix filesystem hierarchy | 04:26 |
nix | muriu: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras libxine-extracodecs gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-pitfdll | 04:26 |
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rockbasil | sagotis yup | 04:27 |
wips | wait, I figured now | 04:27 |
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rockbasil | I have powertop on my latptop sagotis | 04:27 |
wols | candyman: after you logged in? | 04:27 |
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nix | muriu: remove the lixine one if you're not having KDE | 04:27 |
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sagotis | rockbasil, ok goto places menu and then home | 04:27 |
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candyman | yes, although on subsequent boots it locks up earlier and earlier | 04:27 |
candyman | until its as soon as gdm loads | 04:27 |
wols | candyman: always locking at the same place or different ones? | 04:27 |
candyman | (ie, it autoswitches to tty7, and locks) | 04:27 |
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j13jjs | how do i reset the add/remove process, it crashed in the middle of a big add and now everytime i try to open it it seems like its still locked up somewhere | 04:27 |
sagotis | rockbasil, in the final manager go to the place where u have the file | 04:27 |
rockbasil | sagotis: ok | 04:27 |
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trenq | hi fellas | 04:27 |
trenq | im looking for a light nice browser | 04:28 |
j13jjs | and I can't add anything! | 04:28 |
trenq | for my feisty | 04:28 |
wips | wols, uh nevermind.. I didnt figure. I dont get this, sorry.. | 04:28 |
sagotis | rockbasil, ierr manager | 04:28 |
rockbasil | sagotis it is on my desktop | 04:28 |
rockbasil | where do you want me to go? | 04:28 |
rockbasil | home? | 04:28 |
nix | trenq: how lite? like dillo | 04:28 |
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trenq | firefox hogs mem so much | 04:28 |
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sagotis | rockbasil, err file manager - sorry | 04:28 |
wips | wols, As I said earlier. I'm very new to Ubuntu and unix | 04:28 |
wols | !vfat | wisp | 04:28 |
ubotu | wisp: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 04:28 |
candyman | wols: first boot, after desktop shows, second boot, it locks after login, 3rd and subsequent boots it locks as SOON as it switches to tty7 | 04:28 |
wols | !vfat | wips | 04:28 |
ubotu | wips: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 04:28 |
candyman | using recovery mode resets it back to normal for 1 boot | 04:28 |
robdeman | what does it mean when nidwrapper says (alternate driver zd1211rw) etc ? | 04:28 |
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wols | wips: what is the line you use to mount the partition? paste it here | 04:28 |
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trenq | nix is dillo good? | 04:29 |
wips | the one you gave me.. | 04:29 |
wips | sudo mount /dev/hdd1 /Lager | 04:29 |
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sagotis | rockbasil, ok well in your home dir make a temp dir and put the file oin there | 04:29 |
wols | candyman: I guess either you have a heat problem or the wrong X driver | 04:29 |
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wols | wips: I want the exact line you type in. I need to see it | 04:29 |
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wips | yep, thats the exact line | 04:29 |
Stormx2 | Yo. I need to install an ubuntu-minimal system. How might I do this? I see it's a package in the repos... | 04:29 |
wols | ah. thanks | 04:29 |
candyman | wols: heat is a possibility, although im confused as to why that would occur differently on different boots, and reset when i use init 5 | 04:30 |
Taurus- | someone name an application to stress my cpu ! | 04:30 |
sagotis | rockbasil, once you have the file in the temp dir right click on it and hit extract here | 04:30 |
rockbasil | sagotis, ok I made a temp file in the home director and moved powertop there | 04:30 |
IgorSobreira | hi all...i've just downloaded the kernel 2.6.20-16-generic...in 2.6.20-16-generic my sound didnt work, but i saw that the module snd_hda_codec wasnt there in *-15-generic....but now i can see it on the kernel *-16-generic in lsmod...but no sound yet...anybody knows???? | 04:30 |
candyman | as for the driver, im using nvidia-glx | 04:30 |
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wols | wips: sudo mkdir /Lager | 04:30 |
wols | then try again | 04:30 |
candyman | wols: my mistake, nvidia-glx-new | 04:30 |
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rockbasil | ok | 04:30 |
rockbasil | sagotis ok | 04:30 |
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wols | candyman: try nv drivers, try vesa | 04:30 |
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candyman | alright | 04:30 |
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ryanbot | thanks for recommending to change my sources for software | 04:30 |
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wips | perfect wols, works great.. :) | 04:30 |
ryanbot | changed my most optimal and it works perfect now | 04:31 |
wols | candyman: no one can really help you with your error unless you reproduce it (or fix it) with a Free driver: everyone will always suspect the nvidia POS driver :) | 04:31 |
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wols | wips: it doesn't. | 04:31 |
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xerophyte_ | if i modify the pam configuration files do i have to reboot the server or is there anyway i can reboot the pam ? | 04:31 |
wols | wips: only root can access it | 04:31 |
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wols | at least write to it | 04:31 |
rockbasil | how do you control fan speed on ubuntu? | 04:31 |
sagotis | rockbasil, ok then open up a terminal and do cd /home/<username>temp/<idir that was created> | 04:31 |
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wips | wols, oh.. I dunno, just noticed I'm browsing.. So in order to edit it, I paste the other command you gave me? | 04:32 |
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gwosdzth | hi everyone | 04:32 |
wols | wips: that's why I pasted that thing earlier. also, you'd have to run that mount command after every boot | 04:32 |
gwosdzth | i have a small linux server problem | 04:32 |
dodi | hello | 04:32 |
gwosdzth | i hope someone could help | 04:32 |
wols | wips: that earlier one is for your /etc/fstab | 04:32 |
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gwosdzth | i have a perl script running on my ubuntu server | 04:32 |
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gwosdzth | and i access it throuhg a web interfece | 04:32 |
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gwosdzth | however, | 04:32 |
wips | wols, but what do you mean with mye /etc/fstab? | 04:32 |
gwosdzth | when i run it from the web (on another comptuer | 04:32 |
mc44 | !enter | gwosdzth | 04:33 |
sagotis | rockbasil, in the <> feilds put your user name (i assume its rockbasil) and then whatever the dir name whtat was created when u extrected the file | 04:33 |
ubotu | gwosdzth: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:33 |
wols | wips: the file that controls what partitions are mounted on bootup | 04:33 |
gwosdzth | it does not wirite to a file | 04:33 |
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wols | !fstab | 04:33 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 04:33 |
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gwosdzth | *sry | 04:33 |
dodi | after updating the kernel, grub shows 2 bootable kernels, the old one works as usuall, the new one drops an error that the panel applet for the trash wasn't found.. how to fix that? | 04:33 |
rockbasil | sagotis...I am sorry | 04:33 |
wips | wols: ok, So I have to open that file and paste your code there? or just in the terminal? | 04:33 |
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wols | wips: edit the file. and you have to do more than just paste. change it for your circumstances | 04:34 |
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sagotis | rockbasil, hehe ok was a new dir created when did right click extract now? | 04:34 |
rockbasil | sagotis: ok | 04:34 |
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ryanbot | anyone recommend a nice mp3 player? i don't like xmms that much | 04:34 |
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rockbasil | sagotis: I got it | 04:34 |
gwosdzth | if i run the actual perl script, it writes to the file, but when i acces the perl script from the web on another comptuer, it no longer writes to the file, but displays it (what its ment to do) i have both a print and print data (which is the file | 04:34 |
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Death_Sargent | Please help as I can't install anything | 04:34 |
sagotis | rockbasil, ok good now do ./configure | 04:34 |
Death_Sargent | tried to install kickoff from softpedia now now installworks | 04:34 |
Death_Sargent | package manager won't open | 04:35 |
sagotis | rockbasil, ok good now do ./configure in terminal | 04:35 |
Death_Sargent | ass says kicker needs to be reinstalled | 04:35 |
Death_Sargent | all | 04:35 |
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Death_Sargent | nothing works | 04:35 |
Death_Sargent | can't update | 04:35 |
wips | wols: Damn, the code dissapeard in the logg. :( | 04:35 |
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Death_Sargent | please help | 04:35 |
wols | To get write access to a vfat partition when mounting it with fstab, use the line "/dev/partition /mount/point vfat defaults,uid=USERID,gid=GROUPID,umask=002 0 0" in /etc/fstab. umask=002 will make the partition rwxrwxr-x, while umask=022 will make it rwxr-xr-x. Get your user/group ids with the command "id" | 04:36 |
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rockbasil | sagotis: sagotis: can you walk me through it step by step, I am good at following directions, but I am still a linux newby. | 04:36 |
rockbasil | sorry | 04:36 |
rockbasil | lol | 04:36 |
Death_Sargent | and ready ran dpkg --configure -a | 04:36 |
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gwosdzth | hmm, ill try a perl room | 04:36 |
rockbasil | sagotis: michael@michael-laptop:~/Temp/powertop-1.3$ ./configure | 04:36 |
rockbasil | bash: ./configure: No such file or directory | 04:36 |
rockbasil | michael@michael-laptop:~/Temp/powertop-1.3$ | 04:36 |
gwosdzth | good bye | 04:36 |
wols | Death_Sargent: ass? | 04:36 |
whonicca | i dont kno what i installed, might of been screenletsd which i have purged, but now when i put my volume up with my keyboards volume wheel i get this picture on my desktop and not the default one, http://www.zshare.net/image/2051593e5716e3/ | 04:36 |
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Death_Sargent | wols: all | 04:36 |
whonicca | can someone advise me on how making it back to default? | 04:36 |
sagotis | rockbasil, yes did u see text scroll by? | 04:36 |
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mlk | i'm having problems with installing feisty.. downloaded the alternative iso.. booting up works well, but seems like it cant detect my cd-rom. i get a dialog "Detect and mount cd-rom" - "Your installation cd-rom couldn't be mounted. This .....". Anyone know how to load drivers for older cd-rom drives at boot or any other solution? (sorry for that long text ;) ) | 04:36 |
Death_Sargent | wols: typo | 04:36 |
wols | Death_Sargent: what are you exactly doing and what is the error message you get. paste | 04:36 |
wols | pastebin | 04:36 |
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wols | mlk: how is your CD rom connected to your machine? | 04:37 |
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gordonjcp | AAARGH | 04:37 |
manurespreader | hi4all maybe someone know where i can find software for automatic nvidia drivers update? i cant remmember Thanks | 04:37 |
Death_Sargent | wols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22896/ | 04:37 |
=== saravanan [n=sachis@KHP059143152231.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gordonjcp | who's responsibe for the recent kernel update? I need to file a bug | 04:37 |
Death_Sargent | wols: I get it when trying to run synaptic | 04:37 |
mlk | wols: its a slim drive.. notebook | 04:37 |
gordonjcp | s/ibe/ible/ | 04:37 |
Death_Sargent | wols: a similar error when trying to install from command line | 04:37 |
LjL | !bugs | gordonjcp | 04:37 |
ubotu | gordonjcp: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 04:37 |
rockbasil | sagotis: yeah..../configure doesn't do anything but give the erroy no such file or directory | 04:38 |
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wols | Death_Sargent: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install kicker-kickoff | 04:38 |
rockbasil | sagotis: I am in ~/Temp/powertop-1.3 | 04:38 |
wols | roadboy: ./configure | 04:38 |
=== SolidAsArocK [n=chook@dyn-91-165-3-17.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
manurespreader | hi4all maybe someone know where i can find software for automatic nvidia drivers update? i cant remmember Thanks | 04:38 |
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sagotis | rockbasil, hmmm what files are in the powertop-1.3 dir? | 04:38 |
gordonjcp | LjL: I'm more looking for someone to stab right now | 04:38 |
wols | mlk: that's not what I asked. how is it connected. IDE, USB, etc? | 04:38 |
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gordonjcp | LjL: I'll file a bug anyway | 04:39 |
rockbasil | sagotis: bluetooth.c config.c Makefile powertop.1 powertop.h README | 04:39 |
rockbasil | Changelog COPYING misctips.c powertop.c process.c | 04:39 |
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mlk | wols: ide | 04:39 |
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mc44 | gordonjcp: wots the bug? | 04:39 |
wols | rockbasil: less README | 04:39 |
SnOpY | someone have free bnc ? | 04:39 |
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manurespreader | hi4all maybe someone know where i can find software for automatic nvidia drivers update? i cant remmember Thanks | 04:39 |
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sagotis | rockbasil, hmmm read the readme file | 04:39 |
gordonjcp | mc44: well, it upgraded to a new kernel package, but clobbered the previous settings | 04:39 |
wols | mlk: and what chipset does your notebook have? | 04:39 |
lazka | can anyone help me with domain routing? | 04:39 |
rockbasil | sagotis: ok...stand by | 04:40 |
mc44 | gordonjcp: which settings? | 04:40 |
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sagotis | rockbasil, does it say to just issue make and then sudo make install? | 04:40 |
gordonjcp | mc44: which, since it was running a lowlatency kernel with some pretty specific boot-time settings has left me with six hosed systems | 04:40 |
lazka | i have a domain and it has to link to an existing domain with subdomain | 04:40 |
Death_Sargent | wols: im pretty sure the latter half of that won't work | 04:40 |
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manurespreader | hi4all maybe someone know where i can find software for automatic nvidia drivers update? i cant remmember Thanks | 04:40 |
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wips | wols, I cant make a somewhat more understandable name for my partition than the rwx-rs-xr thingies? | 04:40 |
Death_Sargent | wols: trying it anyway though | 04:40 |
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wols | Death_Sargent: yes but it will give you an error | 04:40 |
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rockbasil | sagotis: nope | 04:40 |
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rockbasil | should I sudo su? | 04:40 |
IgorSobreira | hi all...i've just downloaded the kernel 2.6.20-16-generic...in 2.6.20-16-generic my sound didnt work, but i saw that the module snd_hda_codec wasnt there in *-15-generic....but now i can see it on the kernel *-16-generic in lsmod...but no sound yet...anybody knows???? | 04:40 |
Nolyk | hey | 04:40 |
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erUSUL | wips: rwx-rs-xr are the permisions not the name | 04:41 |
robdeman | folks I removed ndiswrapper but my gnome network settings util still shows WLAN0, but ifconfig doesn know about WLAN0... how do I completely remove everything related to WLAN0 / ndiswrapper/ | 04:41 |
wols | wips: that is not a name. that is ther directory's permissions. do a "ls -al" and you will see | 04:41 |
robdeman | ? | 04:41 |
wols | !permissions | 04:41 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 04:41 |
sagotis | rockbasil, does it say anthing about installing? | 04:41 |
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Death_Sargent | wols: yeah same error as I paste bined | 04:41 |
wips | wols, oh.. hah, silly me | 04:41 |
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rockbasil | sagotis: no[pe | 04:41 |
ShackJack | poor gordonjcp... | 04:41 |
wols | Death_Sargent: dpkg -l kicker-kickoff, apt-cache policy kicker-kickoff | 04:41 |
ShackJack | gordonjcp - beats being sick on your day off... | 04:41 |
sagotis | rockbasil, LOL try this then in terminal do make | 04:41 |
Death_Sargent | wols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22898/ | 04:42 |
rockbasil | ok | 04:42 |
=== Dr`Maison [n=fred@lns-bzn-49f-62-147-164-174.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JakReloaded | Hey Everyone- bit of a strange issue here. When i play music/sound through Rhythmbox it works fine - but anything else (amarok, standard ubuntu system sounds logon/off, etc) doesnt work...any ideas? | 04:42 |
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gordonjcp | ShackJack: yeah, 'spose | 04:42 |
candyman | wols: actually, now it just never gets past switching to tty7, where it goes to graphical mode | 04:42 |
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gordonjcp | I shouldn't have to go and unbreak six computers just because of a kernel upgrade that guessed wrong though | 04:42 |
wols | Death_Sargent: basically you need to remove the package | 04:42 |
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candyman | even using nv | 04:42 |
rockbasil | sagotis: what should I do? | 04:42 |
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rockbasil | sagotis: type make> | 04:42 |
candyman | just forced another fsck, nothing | 04:42 |
alexIdoia | rhythmbox fails to start , I have tried to reinstall it but it still fails , how can I do ? | 04:42 |
sagotis | rockbasil, yes | 04:43 |
wols | candyman: I really suspect heat. videocard heat that is | 04:43 |
candyman | it IS a 5700 | 04:43 |
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candyman | but why would manually bringing it up change things | 04:43 |
rockbasil | sagotis: ok a buch of stuff came out | 04:43 |
wols | alexIdoia: telling us the error(s) might help | 04:43 |
JakReloaded | Hey Everyone- bit of a strange issue here. When i play music/sound through Rhythmbox it works fine - but anything else (amarok, standard ubuntu system sounds logon/off, etc) doesnt work...any ideas? | 04:43 |
sagotis | rockbasil, ok good | 04:43 |
=== Halo [n=voodoo@s209-121-205-141.bc.hsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rockbasil | but also an error ! | 04:43 |
Death_Sargent | wols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22899/ | 04:43 |
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wips | wols, Ok.. well, next problem.. It says I'm not the owner.. so I cant edit fstab :o | 04:43 |
alexIdoia | wols: I amin the GUI there is none that is printed, it justs does not start | 04:43 |
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Lilacor | wips: did you use sudo? | 04:43 |
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rockbasil | sagotis: last line, " printf | 04:43 |
rockbasil | bluetooth.c:126: warning: implicit declaration of function close | 04:43 |
rockbasil | make: *** [powertop] Error 1 | 04:43 |
wols | Death_Sargent: dpkg -r kicker-kickoff | 04:43 |
sagotis | rockbasil, when it is finished type sudo make install | 04:43 |
wips | sudo? | 04:44 |
alexIdoia | wols: I tried to look in the logs but syslog does not output anything | 04:44 |
Lilacor | !sudo | 04:44 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 04:44 |
wips | just to open a file? | 04:44 |
sagotis | rockbasil, but before that did it issue any errors? | 04:44 |
wols | alexIdoia: start it from terminal | 04:44 |
JakReloaded | Hey Everyone- bit of a strange issue here. When i play music/sound through Rhythmbox it works fine - but anything else (amarok, standard ubuntu system sounds logon/off, etc) doesnt work...any ideas? | 04:44 |
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rockbasil | sagotis: bluetooth.c:126: warning: implicit declaration of function close | 04:44 |
rockbasil | make: *** [powertop] Error 1 | 04:44 |
wols | rockbasil: that is not an error. paste it all. but NOT here but a pastebin | 04:44 |
Lilacor | wips: if it's a important system file, you wouldn't want just anyone editing your fstab unless you like bricked systems | 04:44 |
Halo | i have a question, i was trying to install beryl and the website that someone gave me told me to install some ati drivers, but now, it doesn't work, someone said that i need to uninstall it cuz of the libs and then download the opensource ones | 04:44 |
mlk | wols: cant find anything about chipset.. if you'd like to know: i used to have kubuntu 6.06 earlier, which worked fine. But now i wanted to reinstall to the new 7.04 and having problems now | 04:44 |
Halo | can someone help me? | 04:44 |
j13jjs | Somebody help me, my add/remove locked up when I was addding a bunch of programs and now when I open it I get this error -- Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one. | 04:44 |
=== FSHero [n=chatzill@80-42-71-180.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lilacor | !anyone | 04:44 |
savetheWorld | !ask | 04:44 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:44 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:44 |
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wips | Lilacor, I see.. but how do I show the file that I'm the owner? and should be able to edit it | 04:45 |
rockbasil | sagotis: yeah...lots of warnings and errors | 04:45 |
=== savetheWorld high fives Lilacor | ||
LjL | !adept crash fix | j13jjs | 04:45 |
ubotu | j13jjs: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 04:45 |
Death_Sargent | wols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22900/ | 04:45 |
=== s_pirate [n=me@HSI-KBW-091-089-006-132.hsi2.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols | wips: you are not the owner. root is. only root is allowed to edit it since it's a system file | 04:45 |
j13jjs | just type that in in kommand? | 04:45 |
Lilacor | wips: you do NOT want to change the ownership of /etc/fstab | 04:45 |
IgorSobreira | hi all...i've just downloaded the kernel 2.6.20-16-generic...in 2.6.20-16-generic my sound didnt work, but i saw that the module snd_hda_codec wasnt there in *-15-generic....but now i can see it on the kernel *-16-generic in lsmod...but no sound yet...anybody knows???? | 04:45 |
candyman | wols: any thoughts on why manually switching to runlevel 5 gets around the issue? | 04:45 |
wips | oh.. then how do I become root? >.< | 04:45 |
Lilacor | wips: just 'sudo gedit /etc/fstab' | 04:45 |
wips | oh, k | 04:45 |
carstenpo | i would like to install an ssh server is openssh recommend? ergo -> apt-get install openssh-server ? | 04:46 |
Lilacor | wips: if you're using KDE, 'sudo kate /etc/fstab' | 04:46 |
LjL | Lilacor, wips: no | 04:46 |
whonicca | i dont kno what i installed, might of been screenletsd which i have purged, but now when i put my volume up with my keyboards volume wheel i get this picture on my desktop and not the default one, http://www.zshare.net/image/2051593e5716e3/ | 04:46 |
whonicca | can someone advise me on how making it back to default? | 04:46 |
wols | Death_Sargent: where did you get that package from? lemme guess: you made it via alien or similar shit? | 04:46 |
=== redcard [n=redcard@c-68-53-53-105.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | !ohmy | wols | 04:46 |
ubotu | wols: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:46 |
wols | candyman: not really, sorry | 04:46 |
LjL | Lilacor, wips: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab in GNOME, kdesu kate /etc/fstab in KDE. do NOT use sudo for GUI apps | 04:46 |
Death_Sargent | wols: no but I would not be surprised if that was how it was born | 04:46 |
LjL | see !sudo | 04:46 |
s_pirate | hi, does anyone know how to make ubuntu detect an external PnP PS/2 mouse on a laptop? At the moment it will only detect the Touchpad. | 04:46 |
candyman | wols: alright, thanks for yer help, it saves me a lot of trouble | 04:46 |
redcard | So has anyone else had problems with the latest kernel upgrade? | 04:46 |
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wips | LjL, I use ubuntu.. | 04:46 |
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JakReloaded | Hey Everyone- bit of a strange issue here. When i play music/sound through Rhythmbox it works fine - but anything else (amarok, standard ubuntu system sounds logon/off, etc) doesnt work...any ideas? | 04:46 |
Xsylotte | question: what is url of debian packages | 04:47 |
rockbasil | sagotis: pastebin? | 04:47 |
LjL | wips: then as i said, gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 04:47 |
wols | wips: gksudo then | 04:47 |
Xsylotte | *for .deb packages | 04:47 |
rockbasil | sagotis: what is that? | 04:47 |
wips | Okey | 04:47 |
sagotis | rockbasil, hmmm some errors can be fixed by installing the item the error points to - others it takes more - in your case im not really sure need someone more advanced then my little knowledge | 04:47 |
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Death_Sargent | wols: its from http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Environment/Tools/Suse-Kickoff-for-Kubuntu-20919.shtml | 04:47 |
LjL | Xsylotte: what do yo umean? | 04:47 |
Lilacor | LjL: actually, I use vim so I wasn't aware of gksudo. | 04:47 |
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Xsylotte | LjL: there is some url with deb database packages... | 04:47 |
j13jjs | what is the preferred audio player for playing most formats? and ipod support would be nice as well | 04:47 |
rockbasil | sagotis: what do you recomend? | 04:47 |
wols | Death_Sargent: there is a way, tho it's dangerous | 04:47 |
LjL | Lilacor: it's not something restricted to text editors. sudo should not be used for an GUI applications | 04:47 |
wips | What's the difference between gksudo and sudo? | 04:47 |
IdleOne | Xsylotte, packages.ubuntu.com | 04:47 |
candyman | Xsylotte: there are many of those | 04:47 |
mlk | i'm having problems with installing ubuntu 7.04.. downloaded the alternative iso.. booting up works well, but seems like it cant detect my cd-rom. i get a dialog "Detect and mount cd-rom" - "Your installation cd-rom couldn't be mounted. This ...". kubuntu 6.x worked fine. Anyone know how to load drivers for older cd-rom drives at boot or any other solution? (Its a samsung x10 notebook, old :/ ) | 04:48 |
wols | Death_Sargent: but try dpkg --roce-all -r first | 04:48 |
Death_Sargent | wols: save the mission imposible stuff I need help | 04:48 |
s_pirate | Does anyone know how to make ubuntu detect an external PnP PS/2 mouse on a laptop? At the moment it will only detect the Touchpad. I cannot find anything in the forums or wiki | 04:48 |
LjL | wips: gksudo will give you a GUI password dialog, and will not mess up permissions with GUI apps. | 04:48 |
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Xsylotte | i am looking for specific one :( after formatting disk ... lost url | 04:48 |
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mro1 | j3jjs: for ipod i've found amarok works very well | 04:48 |
oriez | how do i make the alt+shift commend to switch between languages? | 04:48 |
candyman | Xsylotte: what specific software do you need | 04:48 |
wols | if that doesn't work: edit /var/lib/dpkg/status directly | 04:48 |
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wips | LjL, Ok.. so the file is supposed to look empty? | 04:48 |
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Xsylotte | pidgin for feisty adm64 | 04:48 |
JakReloaded | Hey Everyone- bit of a strange issue here. When i play music/sound through Rhythmbox it works fine - but anything else (amarok, standard ubuntu system sounds logon/off, etc) doesnt work...any ideas? | 04:48 |
LjL | !players > ryanbot (ryanbot, see the private message from Ubotu) | 04:48 |
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wols | !pidgin | 04:48 |
ubotu | pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. | 04:48 |
LjL | wips: usually, no | 04:49 |
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IdleOne | !pidgin | Xsylotte | 04:49 |
ubotu | Xsylotte: please see above | 04:49 |
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sagotis | rockbasil, you can try opening up snyaptic and installing all things that have an erro like - pastebin and then type make in terminal again | 04:49 |
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novato_br | how can i update my FF to portuguese brazilian? | 04:49 |
LjL | wips: sure there's not a typo? | 04:49 |
Lilacor | oriez: go into your SCIM setup and change it to be as such. | 04:49 |
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rockbasil | sagotis: ok...want to try with me? | 04:49 |
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wols | wips: it is not empty, count on that | 04:49 |
alexIdoia | wols: I am sorry did you actually answered my question about rhythmbox not running ? | 04:49 |
eddzzz | hi, how can i make things invisible like backups lalala.png~ ?! | 04:49 |
Lilacor | novato_br: update your language settings to support portuguese_br | 04:49 |
user_mi08_ | Cow_Romance | 04:49 |
=== cleco [n=cleco@6-164-21-190.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wips | well, when I open it with sudo it's not empty.. when I open it with gksudo.. it's empty.. | 04:49 |
wols | alexIdoia: I suggested to start it from a xterm | 04:49 |
alexIdoia | soory | 04:50 |
alexIdoia | ok | 04:50 |
s_pirate | Does anyone know how to make ubuntu detect an external PnP PS/2 mouse on a laptop? At the moment it will only detect the Touchpad. I cannot find anything in the forums or wiki. Editing the xorg.conf file in various way does not help. | 04:50 |
sagotis | rockbasil, if u still have error messages u will need someone with more advanced knowledge then i :( | 04:50 |
alexIdoia | I try | 04:50 |
novato_br | where can I find it? | 04:50 |
wols | wips: sudo nano /etc/fstab in a xterm | 04:50 |
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rockbasil | sagotis: know anyone who can help? | 04:50 |
IdleOne | eddzzz, put them in a ./pictures directory notice the . in front of / | 04:50 |
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Death_Sargent | wolls I changed it to "install ok installed" | 04:50 |
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Xsylotte | getdeb.com :) | 04:50 |
Lilacor | novato_br: underneath your administrative settings | 04:50 |
=== MattGeri [n=mattgeri@dsl-240-153-82.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wips | wols, Not empty :) | 04:50 |
alexIdoia | wols: and there the errors appears, error while loading shared libraries: libmusicbrainz.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 04:50 |
MattGeri | hey all :) | 04:50 |
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=== Bertos [n=milton@87-196-170-53.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alexIdoia | wols: what can I do about it ? | 04:50 |
novato_br | what, Lilacor? | 04:51 |
s_pirate | isn't there some more comprehensive device manager in ubuntu? | 04:51 |
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wols | wips: before you try it, paste the exact line you write into your fstab here for us to check | 04:51 |
eddzzz | IdleOne: i want to make .sh's invisible too | 04:51 |
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oriez | Lilacor: i don't find nothing there | 04:51 |
wips | wols, ok | 04:51 |
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Lilacor | novato_br: are you using GNOME or KDE? | 04:51 |
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Bertos | hi people | 04:51 |
novato_br | Gome | 04:51 |
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novato_br | Gnome | 04:51 |
Death_Sargent | wols: so far so good its actually trying to uninstall | 04:51 |
Lilacor | oriez: you don't have an SCIM setup? | 04:51 |
wols | alexIdoia: you check what package has libmusicbrainz.so.4 and install it | 04:51 |
oriez | no | 04:51 |
Bertos | alguem a falar portugues? | 04:51 |
sagotis | rockbasil, nope sorry just ask that you need help with the compiling the power program and hopefully somneone will be able to help | 04:51 |
redcard | So when I did the kernel upgrade, suddenly the "Device Detection" fails. The entire thing doesn't work anymore. I can't get into X at all, there's just a white screen | 04:51 |
PriceChild | !pt | berent | 04:51 |
ubotu | berent: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 04:51 |
PriceChild | argh | 04:51 |
Lilacor | novato_br: look under system -> administration | 04:52 |
PriceChild | Bertos, ^ | 04:52 |
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rockbasil | thanks sagotis | 04:52 |
alexIdoia | wols: many apparently | 04:52 |
oriez | i dont find the switch lang setting | 04:52 |
Death_Sargent | wols: thanks now im gona test it you're a god send man | 04:52 |
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Bertos | tudo bem | 04:52 |
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MattGeri | Can anybody help me. I downloaded ubuntu client and am installing it now from a CD. It is just taking soooo long, any idea why? The specs comfortably meet the requirements | 04:52 |
novato_br | hi, Berto, i'm speak portuguese | 04:52 |
Lilacor | orentet: first of all you must have SCIM setup available | 04:52 |
IdleOne | eddzzz, then just put them all in a ./ directory . makes the dir invisible but not completly hidden as you can just right click in nautilus and show hidden files | 04:52 |
Lilacor | !br | 04:52 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 04:52 |
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novato_br | Lilacor, how can I do? | 04:52 |
Xsylotte | i have a question about open office | 04:52 |
eddzzz | IdleOne: no i dont want to remove them | 04:52 |
eddzzz | IdleOne: why can backups be invisible | 04:53 |
robdeman | folks how do I fore remove a network device? | 04:53 |
Lilacor | novato_br: use your mouse to select it | 04:53 |
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IdleOne | eddzzz, I didnt say anything about removing | 04:53 |
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Xsylotte | most of math formulas from microsoft word cant' be recognised by open.office, is there any solution for that problem ? | 04:53 |
Lilacor | robdeman: why would you want to forcefully remove a network device? | 04:53 |
matthew1429 | would an intel core duo be better matched up with i686 or pentium 4? | 04:53 |
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robdeman | my box says I have eth1 which is bollocks I only have eth1 | 04:53 |
eddzzz | IdleOne: okay.. moving | 04:53 |
Halo | anyone here good with ati? | 04:53 |
Lilacor | matthew1429: P4 | 04:53 |
oriez | Lilacor: i dont find the switch lang setting | 04:53 |
robdeman | Lilacor: ifconfig trys to bring up stuff such as eth2, eth1 .. I dont have that | 04:53 |
wols | robdeman: eth1... eth1. sounds perfect to me... | 04:53 |
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wols | robdeman: do you have firewire? | 04:54 |
robdeman | wols: Not really I have eth0 | 04:54 |
JakReloaded | Hey Everyone- on my ubuntu install the only time sound works is on Rythmbox - any other time i get nothing (amarok - logging in and out, etc) any ideas why? | 04:54 |
wips | wols, "/dev/partition /Lager vfat defaults,uid=wips,gid=wips,umask=002 0 0" | 04:54 |
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robdeman | mmm yeha maybe I dunno actually | 04:54 |
Lilacor | oriez: do you have SCIM setup first of all | 04:54 |
wols | robdeman: you just said "I only have eth1" | 04:54 |
LinTux | how do I install the complete KUBUNTU desktop alongside GNOME? | 04:54 |
user_mi08_ | Cow_Romance | 04:54 |
IdleOne | eddzzz, I am not certain if a file can be hidden. but the directory the file is in can be hidden | 04:54 |
wols | wips: /dev/partition needs to be /dev/hdd1 | 04:54 |
oriez | Lilacor: yes | 04:54 |
wols | wips: rest looks greatm congratulations | 04:54 |
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Lilacor | LinTux: 'sudo apt-get install kde-desktop' | 04:54 |
sagotis | rockbasil, can u point me to the webpage that you got the program form? | 04:55 |
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Xsylotte | question most of math formulas from microsoft word cant' be recognised by open.office, is there any solution for that problem ? | 04:55 |
MattGeri | can anybody answer a few questions about installing for me? | 04:55 |
Lilacor | oriez: then look under Global Setup | 04:55 |
MattGeri | via PM? | 04:55 |
LinTux | cheersm8 | 04:55 |
IdleOne | eddzzz, you can rename the current directory your .sh files are in from /whatever to ./whatever I guess | 04:55 |
oriez | Lilacor: ok | 04:55 |
wols | eddzzz: you cannot hide really. you can put a . as first letter of the file but doesn't relaly hide | 04:55 |
Lilacor | xyverz: ask that question in #openoffice | 04:55 |
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JakReloaded | Hey Everyone- on my ubuntu install the only time sound works is on Rythmbox - any other time i get nothing (amarok - logging in and out, etc) any ideas why? | 04:55 |
wols | what you can do tho is set perms so other users can't open it | 04:55 |
wols | !ask > MattGeri | 04:56 |
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wips | wols, Ok. super :) now it says ^O is "save".. but what's ^O? | 04:56 |
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wols | wips: ctrl+o | 04:56 |
LjL | Lilacor: you might want to check that channels exist before pointing people to them | 04:56 |
IdleOne | wols, is there any user above root? maybe like a superroot | 04:56 |
wips | wols, k. thx :) | 04:56 |
wols | IdleOne: no | 04:57 |
MattGeri | Can anybody help me. I downloaded ubuntu client and am installing it now from a CD. It is just taking soooo long, any idea why? The specs comfortably meet the requirements | 04:57 |
LjL | IdleOne: not in Unix | 04:57 |
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IdleOne | guess that would be redundant hehe | 04:57 |
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eddzzz | thx cya | 04:57 |
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LjL | IdleOne, well Windows NT actually has a System user with more powers than Administrator users. that's not the Unix model though. | 04:57 |
Lilacor | LjL: ok | 04:58 |
stefg | MattGeri: have you chosen to resize a ntfs partition? | 04:58 |
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wips | wols, I'm running ubuntu 5.04. It's old isnt it? Am I able to just upgrade it from the web? or does that require reinstalling and all that jazz? | 04:58 |
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IdleOne | !upgrade | wips | 04:59 |
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ubotu | wips: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 04:59 |
Skiff | anyone was able to make the nvidia drivers work here? | 04:59 |
LjL | wips: you can upgrade, but it's difficult, because upgrading requires going through all the intermediate versions | 04:59 |
wips | ok :) thx | 04:59 |
Xsylotte | anyone ? | 04:59 |
Skiff | I need hlp | 04:59 |
oriez | Lilacor: ok and then | 04:59 |
wols | wips: you need to upgrade from one ubuntu version to the next. you can't just upgrade to 7.04 feisty directly | 04:59 |
psst | I left an ubuntu box on a DHCP connection in the 9.20.187.* subnet - how can I find out its IP address? | 04:59 |
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JakReloaded | Hey Everyone- on my ubuntu install the only time sound works is on Rythmbox - any other time i get nothing (amarok - logging in and out, etc) any ideas why? | 04:59 |
stefg | wips, hoary is history.... forget about upgrading, reinstall a current version | 04:59 |
LjL | wips: if you've got a separate /home partition, it'll certainly be easier to reinstall. and if you don't... well, it'll probably still be | 04:59 |
MattGeri | I formatted the hard drive and the install starts up, it load ubuntu off the cd and I double click "install" on the desk top, but it takes forever to run through the steps | 04:59 |
LjL | !cloning > wips (wips, see the private message from Ubotu) | 04:59 |
LinTux | when I go to install KDE Desktop all I get is this (E: Couldn't find package kde-desktop), any ideas | 04:59 |
Lilacor | oriez: take a screenshot and show me what your scim global setup looks like | 05:00 |
LjL | LinTux: it's "kubuntu-desktop" | 05:00 |
LjL | !kde > LinTux (LinTux, see the private message from Ubotu) | 05:00 |
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IdleOne | wips, you will need to go from one version to next without skipping versions....will take about 4 to 5 hours to complete upgrade to 7.04 depending on your ISP | 05:00 |
wols | LinTux: kubuntu-desktop? | 05:00 |
mro1 | i'm looking for help with usb ports that are giving some errors (and don't work). i can wait in line - is there anyone who can help though? | 05:00 |
wips | ..meh | 05:00 |
Lr5_ | Uhh, how do I boot into single user mode to perform fsck on a hard disk? | 05:00 |
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Lilacor | LinTux: hmm.. I think it was supposed to be kubuntu-dekstop, sorry | 05:00 |
wips | and if I just leave it and live with version 5.04? | 05:00 |
LjL | wips: bad idea. no security updates anymore for 5.04, for a start. | 05:00 |
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cerealkiller219 | !grub | 05:00 |
IdleOne | wips, it isnt supported anymore and you really should upgrade | 05:00 |
LjL | wips: if you want an operating system that's supported for longer, go with the LTS version of Ubuntu (currently Dapper). | 05:01 |
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LjL | !lts > wips (wips, see the private message from Ubotu) | 05:01 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 05:01 |
IdleOne | wips, atleast up to 6.10 | 05:01 |
wols | Lr5_: remount harddisk ro and fsck. then remount it rw again | 05:01 |
LjL | IdleOne: 6.06? | 05:01 |
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IdleOne | 6.06 yeah | 05:01 |
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wols | Lr5_: no need for single user mode | 05:01 |
Lilacor | oriez: or setup vncserver on your machine so I can see what's going on | 05:01 |
IdleOne | LjL, to many version being supported at once if you ask me :) | 05:01 |
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oriez | Lilacor: there you go - http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/7884/screenshotiq0.png | 05:01 |
Anguis | Hi, folks | 05:01 |
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JakReloaded | Hey Everyone- on my ubuntu install the only time sound works is on Rythmbox - any other time i get nothing (amarok - logging in and out, etc) any ideas why? | 05:02 |
alexIdoia | wols: I can't find the library that bugs rhythmbox: libmusicbrainz.so.4 | 05:02 |
Lr5_ | wols: I guess I'll try that if I manage to get it to boot at all | 05:02 |
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IdleOne | !sound > JakReloaded | 05:02 |
LjL | JakReloaded: for amarok, install "libxine1-ffmpeg" | 05:02 |
LjL | if that's MP3s | 05:02 |
Lilacor | oriez: go to Global Setup underneath "Front End" | 05:02 |
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Lilacor | oriez: not under IMEngine | 05:02 |
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JakReloaded | IdleOne - its not just amarok i have the problem with - all system sounds are non existent, all games, menues, etc | 05:02 |
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JakReloaded | idleone - the only sound that ever works is in Rythmbox | 05:03 |
alexIdoia | wols: anyother adivised ? | 05:03 |
paroxysm | i just updated the linux kernel system updates (i don't know if this has anything to do with it), but when i make an application launcher in terminal, with the single command "cd /var/www/rails/apps" when it loads up i get "there was an error creating the child process for this terminal" | 05:03 |
oriez | Lilacor: ok and then | 05:03 |
Trubbis | how do i open ports in ubuntu?? | 05:03 |
wols | Lr5_: kernel parameter: init=/bin/busybox | 05:03 |
alexIdoia | adivse ? | 05:03 |
IdleOne | JakReloaded, you just received a priv msg from ubotu check out the link | 05:03 |
LjL | Trubbis: ports? | 05:03 |
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Lilacor | oriez: it should be obvious from there | 05:03 |
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wips | Ok.. So what should I do? download 7.04? and reinstall? | 05:03 |
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doc| | any comand tool for correct vga on mode console , I have a Table ,and work whit vga=791 ang =792, but some times crash, my display is 1440x900 | 05:03 |
Lr5_ | wols: normal boot or recovery one? | 05:03 |
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oriez | no its no obvious at all | 05:03 |
redcard | Anyone have problems with the kernel upgrade? I lost device recognition, and now X doesn't work, even with reverting the kernel | 05:04 |
Trubbis | LjL, jupp, trying to open port 60001 for ftp, can only connect via lo, not via eth0! | 05:04 |
Anguis | I have a few questions - I've installed ubuntu 7.04 AMD64 and am having trouble booting using the standard method. In order to use ubuntu, I have to boot in Recovery mode and then type in "exit" at the command line. I then log in normally. | 05:04 |
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LjL | wips: yes. or 6.06 if you want something that's supported for longer. that !cloning factoid might be useful | 05:04 |
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LjL | Trubbis: there are no TCP/UDP ports blocked by default in Ubuntu, so there's nothing to open. | 05:04 |
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Lilacor | oriez: it lists Next Input Method | 05:04 |
LjL | Trubbis: it's probably something in your FTP server configuration | 05:04 |
Lilacor | oriez: change the key bindings underneath that and you'll get what you want | 05:04 |
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Trubbis | LjL, according to nmap there is! | 05:04 |
Anguis | I've been told I need to make adjustments in GRUB, regarding nosplash and another term (argument/switch?) | 05:05 |
Voodoonix | anyone good with ati vid cards? | 05:05 |
IdleOne | LjL, used !cloning last night/ this morning . did a fresh install of 7.04 system is back up with all my packages and running a little smoother also | 05:05 |
Lilacor | redcard: I'm about to find out | 05:05 |
LjL | Trubbis, not unless you've installed firewall apps yourself, or set up iptables. | 05:05 |
LjL | Trubbis: what's the nmap output? | 05:05 |
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Trubbis | LjL, iptables empty, output: Starting Nmap 4.20 ( http://insecure.org ) at 2007-05-28 16:57 CEST | 05:05 |
Trubbis | Interesting ports on kr-lun-12-512-456-12.4.cust.bredband2.com (MY.IP.nr.Here): | 05:05 |
Trubbis | PORT STATE SERVICE | 05:05 |
Trubbis | 60001/tcp closed unknown | 05:05 |
oriez | Lilacor: but how do i make it changing languages | 05:06 |
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IdleOne | !paste > Trubbis | 05:06 |
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IdleOne | errr well 3 lines isnt a big deal | 05:06 |
Anguis | Anyone know what I need to adjust in GRUB inorder to boot normally in Ubuntu 64 (I didn't have this problem with 32 bit ubuntu). Thanks for the help. | 05:06 |
wols | Lr5_: recovery alone should work | 05:06 |
Taxman | I have a borken cdrom drive so I'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WithFloppies. But I have a slow net connection. Is it possible to set up another local computer with an Ubuntu cd and use that as my network install source? | 05:06 |
cycom | I've got an bluetooth interlink keyboard, and every time I suspend or shutdown or restart bluetooth, it gets lost. | 05:06 |
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LjL | Trubbis, that simply means that your FTP server isn't *running* on that port. | 05:06 |
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wols | Lr5_: and what I told you works isn't on the boot menu, youd have to edit it | 05:06 |
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Trubbis | LjL, when trying on my lan-ip it works like a sharm! | 05:07 |
wols | Anguis: unless you tell us what the error is when you boot normally. no | 05:07 |
kritzstapf | whats the easy way to share the apt cache between two pcs in a lan? | 05:07 |
wols | Trubbis: then it's only listening on that interface | 05:07 |
mro1 | looking for help with non-working USB ports. anyone here able to help? (i can wait in line, just wondering if waiting will get me any help) | 05:07 |
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LjL | Trubbis, and how's that surprising? i would look for the FTP server's configuration file, and grep for "localhost" or "127". i'm pretty sure there's some clause telling it not to accept connection from outside the local loop. | 05:07 |
wols | kritzstapf: apt-proxy for example | 05:07 |
wips | So updating one and one version takes most time? but what's easiest? | 05:07 |
spyked | hi, need help here - after the latest updates i restarted my computer and it will only start in text mode - MAYBE graphics driver, running proprietary ATI driver installed with Envy here... help!! | 05:08 |
wols | mro1: not until you explain us the error(s) you get | 05:08 |
alexIdoia | wols: I would appreciate your help a little longer please | 05:08 |
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Taxman | I think I've read about setting that up but I can't recall where | 05:08 |
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wols | alexIdoia: paste the full xterm output | 05:08 |
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stefg | Anguis: when the 32 bit edititon works then use it, you won't lose much (on a desktop) and gain a lot of convinience. | 05:08 |
LjL | Trubbis, i assume more FTP servers come with config files that reject non-local connections by default, as FTP is intrinsically very insecure. | 05:08 |
erUSUL | spyked: you have to reinstall the driver when the kernel is updated | 05:08 |
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Trubbis | LjL, there is nothing saying anything about either localhost or in the config | 05:08 |
wols | wips: reinstalling feisty would be easiest I'd say | 05:08 |
cp | hey whats the package to get adobe reader? | 05:09 |
spyked | erUSUL: didn't envy just reinstall the driver? Or, how should i do that? | 05:09 |
Lilacor | oriez: you bring up the language input bar, then you use the keybindings you set | 05:09 |
Xsylotte | question: most of math formulas from microsoft word cant' be recognised by open.office, is there any solution for that problem ? | 05:09 |
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erUSUL | spyked: nuisances of using non pckages software... | 05:09 |
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wols | Trubbis: netstat -anp |grep LIST | 05:09 |
stefg | http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html | 05:09 |
sluimers | hello? | 05:09 |
spyked | erUSUL: ok... but what should I do now? | 05:09 |
alexIdoia | wols: rhythmbox: error while loading shared libraries: libmusicbrainz.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 05:09 |
erUSUL | spyked: i haven't used envy but i supose that a re-runshould reinstall it | 05:09 |
cp | ? | 05:09 |
alexIdoia | wols: that is what I get when starting rhythmbox | 05:09 |
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LjL | !find libmusicbrainz.so.4 | 05:09 |
wols | alexIdoia: is that ALL? | 05:09 |
spyked | erUSUL: re-run? | 05:09 |
erUSUL | spyked: run envy again? | 05:09 |
cp | anyone know what the adobe reader package is named? | 05:09 |
ubotu | File libmusicbrainz.so.4 found in libmusicbrainz4c2a | 05:09 |
alexIdoia | yes | 05:09 |
Trubbis | wols, what am i looking for in that? | 05:09 |
spyked | erUSUL: just did that | 05:10 |
Lilacor | Xsylotte: I'd ask that question in #openoffice.org | 05:10 |
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erUSUL | spyked: and it didn't worked? | 05:10 |
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spyked | no - it rebooted in txt agagin | 05:10 |
wols | Trubbis: the line which displays on what port your ftpd is listening. paste it | 05:10 |
spyked | again | 05:10 |
LjL | alexIdoia: try "sudo apt-get -reinstall install libmusicbrainz4c2a" | 05:10 |
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ttrygve | can anybody recommend a good live cd for recovering lost files | 05:10 |
LjL | cp: there's none in the official repositories. | 05:10 |
Lilacor | cp: did you search for it underneath your package manager? | 05:10 |
stefg | Xsylotte: try #openoffice ? | 05:10 |
wols | ttrygve: "lost" how | 05:10 |
LjL | !medibuntu > cp (cp, see the private message from Ubotu) i think there's one here | 05:10 |
carstenpo | after I did "apt-get install ddclient" when will my ip address be uptdated? | 05:10 |
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spyked | erUSUL: maybe I should uninstall before i install again? | 05:10 |
Trubbis | wols, not there.... | 05:10 |
Lilacor | ttrygve: what kind of files? | 05:10 |
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Trubbis | wols, how do i get it there? | 05:11 |
wols | Trubbis: then yout ftpd is not running | 05:11 |
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LjL | cp: but why not just use the GNOME PDF reader? it's faster to load too. | 05:11 |
Xsylotte | Lilacor: asking | 05:11 |
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cp | gnome pdf ? | 05:11 |
mro1 | wols: ok. i'm getting "device descriptor read/64, error -71" and "device not accepting address" messages from dmesg | grep usb | 05:11 |
Trubbis | wols, but i can connect to it via lan-ip | 05:11 |
wols | Trubbis: it displays ALL programs listening (if you are root) | 05:11 |
wols | so use sudo for it | 05:11 |
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erUSUL | spyked: dunno as i said never used envy i run the nvidia instalr manually... | 05:11 |
cp | yea that will just work | 05:11 |
cp | i just need one | 05:11 |
cp | heh | 05:11 |
ttrygve | a friend formatted what she thought was the new drive she added to a system, and it turned out to be the physical volume that all of her logical volumes were on | 05:11 |
spyked | k... | 05:11 |
AlexanderM | can someone help me? I tried to isntall Ubuntu on my external harddisk. The installation worked fine, but Grub doesn't load? | 05:11 |
LjL | cp: then just click on a PDF. that reader is installed by default. | 05:11 |
rob_ | hi folks.. mystery sovled I think... 'eth1' is a wireless device.. how do I rename it to 'wlan0' ? | 05:11 |
erUSUL | !envy | 05:12 |
ubotu | envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 05:12 |
Lilacor | ttrygve: Ooohh... :-/ | 05:12 |
ttrygve | yeah | 05:12 |
cp | o | 05:12 |
ttrygve | she's freaking out right now | 05:12 |
wols | AlexanderM: how would you boot from your external harddisk? | 05:12 |
cp | well its not workin on firefox | 05:12 |
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ttrygve | (it was her work server) | 05:12 |
cp | for some reason | 05:12 |
Lilacor | ttrygve: did she follow the golden rule of backups? | 05:12 |
redcard | ttrygve: I hope she has backups | 05:12 |
stefg | AlexanderM: doesn't load? | 05:12 |
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Lilacor | ttrygve: I'm going to guess no since you're asking how to recover. | 05:12 |
ttrygve | she has backups of some of her stuff, but not all | 05:12 |
AlexanderM | i have windows xp installed on my internal disk (my first linux experience, now on live cd) | 05:12 |
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redcard | ttrygve: Then this is a lesson | 05:13 |
paroxysm | i just updated the linux kernel system updates (i don't know if this has anything to do with it), but when i make an application launcher in terminal, with the single command "cd /var/www/rails/apps" when it loads up i get "there was an error creating the child process for this terminal" - i also get the same error when i try to make it do that command when loading the default profile | 05:13 |
AlexanderM | it freezes? i stared 30 mins at a "Loading grub" screen or sth | 05:13 |
wols | AlexanderM: doesn't answer my question. do you know your BIOS can boot from a USB disk (many cannot) | 05:13 |
ttrygve | I know it's a lesson, but I'm still trying to help her recover as much as she can, while she can | 05:13 |
AlexanderM | yes it can | 05:13 |
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AlexanderM | first device: cd, second: usb-hdd, third: hd0 | 05:13 |
Lilacor | ttrygve: has she already written over the old partition? | 05:13 |
rob_ | folsk how can I renemae eth1 into wlan0 ? | 05:13 |
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AlexanderM | at least that is what my bios tells me :$ | 05:14 |
Lilacor | ttrygve: okay.. hmm..formatted | 05:14 |
Lilacor | ttrygve: Ouch. | 05:14 |
wols | AlexanderM: how far do you get? | 05:14 |
redcard | ttrygve: What was the format of the old partition and what is the format of the new partition? | 05:14 |
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AlexanderM | grub loading stage 1.5. | 05:14 |
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ttrygve | she thought it was her new blank drive, so she fdisk'ed it to add a partition, and then mkfs'ed the partition | 05:14 |
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AlexanderM | loading grub.. | 05:14 |
redcard | ttrygve: It's most likely all gone. | 05:14 |
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ttrygve | I know | 05:14 |
pppoe_dud1 | hi. any way to boot from a specific partition using the grub on the ubuntu live CD? | 05:14 |
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manurespreader | hi maybe someone know name off program with automatically installs drivers of nvidia graphic drivers ? | 05:14 |
redcard | ttrygve: Only thing really to suggest is a HD recovery company. | 05:14 |
stefg | AlexanderM: but when you unplug the usb-drive windows starts normal? | 05:14 |
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ttrygve | but a format doesn't overwrite every bit of the disk, so I'm looking for a good tool to recover what wasn't overwritten | 05:15 |
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wols | pppoe_dud1: if it's really grub, press "e" | 05:15 |
AlexanderM | nope, then it also tries to load grub | 05:15 |
Lilacor | ttrygve: * Provides Linux partition recovery from a deleted logical partition. | 05:15 |
pppoe_dud1 | wols: i managed to get to the "boot:" prompt, but that's it | 05:15 |
stefg | AlexanderM: i see | 05:15 |
AlexanderM | that was what i was trying to do | 05:15 |
Lilacor | ttrygve: http://www.stellarinfo.com/linux-data-recovery.htm | 05:15 |
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AlexanderM | no external hd > windows, otherwise > ubuntu <3 | 05:15 |
erUSUL | !info testdisk | ttrygve | 05:15 |
Lilacor | ttrygve: http://www.r-tt.com/ | 05:15 |
ubotu | ttrygve: testdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.5-1build1 (feisty), package size 550 kB, installed size 1784 kB | 05:15 |
wols | pppoe_dud1: I vrey much doubt the live cd uses grub. grub's prompt ends with > too | 05:15 |
manurespreader | hi maybe someone know name of program with automatically installs drivers of nvidia graphic drivers ? | 05:16 |
pppoe_dud1 | erUSUL: i tried that | 05:16 |
LjL | pppoe_dud1: you could try !smartbootmanager | 05:16 |
manurespreader | pls help | 05:16 |
wols | !nvidia | manurespreader | 05:16 |
ubotu | manurespreader: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:16 |
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pppoe_dud1 | LjL: what would that do? | 05:16 |
erUSUL | manurespreader: Sistem>Admin>restricted drivers?? | 05:16 |
pppoe_dud1 | LjL: and can i install it via live cd then reboot? | 05:16 |
AlexanderM | but now i'm stuck, i think grub is on the mbr of my internal hd, not on my usb hd | 05:16 |
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stefg | AlexanderM: grub got installed on your internal hd's MBR... that's not good. First restore the win MBR there by using the windows recovery CD in console mode and issue fixmbr | 05:17 |
LjL | pppoe_dud1: it's just a floppy disk to supposedly let you boot anything easily | 05:17 |
LjL | pppoe_dud1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 05:17 |
pppoe_dud1 | LjL: ah i see | 05:17 |
pppoe_dud1 | can i put it on CD? | 05:17 |
manurespreader | one man made program with find and download a right drivers for your card | 05:17 |
manurespreader | bur i cant remmember i | 05:17 |
manurespreader | t | 05:17 |
AlexanderM | don't have a floppy drive of recovery disk, any recommendations? :$ | 05:17 |
Anguis | Oh, ok, thanks: When I boot normally, the computer hangs after I make the "start Ubuntu" selection - this happens with any selection I make in the initial graphical start screen (media check, etc. . .). | 05:17 |
mro1 | looking for USB help - "device descriptor read/64, error -71" and "device not accepting address" from dmesg | grep usb anyone? | 05:17 |
LjL | pppoe_dud1: floppy only i'm afraid (at least without jumping through hoops) | 05:18 |
ttrygve | would a device being used as a PV for LVM throw off a file system level recovery tool? or would it just not recognize the LVM parts and still see the unreferenced files? | 05:18 |
pppoe_dud1 | :( | 05:18 |
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stefg | AlexanderM: are you on live CD now? | 05:18 |
pppoe_dud1 | LjL: any ideas if i can install a boot manager on the harddisk? | 05:18 |
erUSUL | !envy | manurespreader | 05:18 |
ubotu | manurespreader: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 05:18 |
LjL | pppoe_dud1: what's the problem though? can't you fix the GRUB that's on your HD from the CD? | 05:18 |
AlexanderM | jup, on Feisty's live cd | 05:18 |
pppoe_dud1 | LjL: without having a linux partition and only having one windows partition | 05:18 |
LjL | pppoe_dud1: oh... well, no, not really, perhaps LILO | 05:19 |
claesson9 | Hi, i think i messed something up in my kernel. I recompiled/installed some sound driver thing because my sound where dead. Now when i starts Ubuntu, it's like MS-DOS. Where has my GUI went? | 05:19 |
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redcard | Is there a way I can reinstall all my packages or something to refresh my system? | 05:19 |
pppoe_dud1 | LjL: i want to boot from a recovery partition on my harddisk... i deleted linux and now grub wont give me the menu | 05:19 |
LjL | pppoe_dud1: if you just have Windows, i think you should use the Windows CD to restore your MBR, if it's broken | 05:19 |
At0mic_P1 | Anyone know of a text to speach site? Like you can input text and output would be a mp3 or wav file that said what you typed? | 05:19 |
wols | pppoe_dud1: grub is gone. it has files in /boot/grub/ | 05:19 |
IdleOne | !cloning > redcard | 05:19 |
LjL | pppoe_dud1: "recovery partition" = "you have no Windows CD"? | 05:19 |
wols | and without those files, no workie | 05:19 |
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pppoe_dud1 | LjL: hmm... interesting point.. i dont think i have a windows cd tho, only recovery cds | 05:19 |
manurespreader | thanks | 05:19 |
pppoe_dud1 | LjL: yep... laptop getting ready to be returned | 05:20 |
LjL | pppoe_dud1: hold on a second | 05:20 |
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stefg | AlexanderM: you need some form of bootable windows media to restore the windows mbr. you might use a bootable Freedos CD and restore your internal hds MBR by fdsik /mbr from there | 05:20 |
rob_ | mm | 05:20 |
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LjL | !info ms-sys | pppoe_dud1 | 05:20 |
ubotu | pppoe_dud1: ms-sys: Write a Microsoft compatible boot record. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0-1 (feisty), package size 19 kB, installed size 128 kB | 05:20 |
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AlexanderM | ill burn a cd with another pc then | 05:20 |
Blissex | pppoe_dud1: only recovery cds because Microsoft have been trying to give incentives to their OEM licensees to make MS Windows reinstall difficult. | 05:20 |
LjL | !info mbr | pppoe_dud1, or this might work too | 05:20 |
ubotu | pppoe_dud1, or this might work too: mbr: Master Boot Record for IBM-PC compatible computers.. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.9-2 (feisty), package size 22 kB, installed size 92 kB (Only available for i386 amd64) | 05:21 |
pppoe_dud1 | LjL: sweet i'll give that a shot | 05:21 |
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doru | hello | 05:21 |
pppoe_dud1 | LjL: you think ms-sys would be easier than lilo? | 05:21 |
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LjL | pppoe_dud1: if it works, it'll be very much easier (as easy as typing the command), yes | 05:21 |
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AlexanderM | stefg: i'll download freedos.org, burn it on a cd and use that to fixmbr? | 05:21 |
pppoe_dud1 | ok lemme try this, thanks LjL | 05:21 |
AlexanderM | stefg: fdisk /mbr :) | 05:22 |
doru | how do i install ubuntu from inside suse only using a mounted iso image? | 05:22 |
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XBehave | recovery CDs generally have the standerd windowxp install stuff in it and so you can recover the mbr with a dell,etc restore disk | 05:22 |
stefg | AlexanderM: yeah along that lines (i'm no freedos expert and don't know how to get a bootable freedos CD) | 05:22 |
LjL | doru: you don't, unless you're willing to use a virtual machine | 05:22 |
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carstenpo | i have a second hard disc in my system. how i can mount it read/write permanently? | 05:22 |
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wols | LjL: debootstrap | 05:23 |
Anguis | I'll try booting again and provide better detail. | 05:23 |
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stefg | carstenpo: waht filesystem? | 05:23 |
LjL | !diskmounter > doru (doru, see the private message from Ubotu) | 05:23 |
LjL | sorry doru, not for you | 05:23 |
LjL | !diskmounter > carstenpo (carstenpo, see the private message from Ubotu) | 05:23 |
LjL | wols: i suppose | 05:23 |
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stefg | LjL in machine gun mode | 05:23 |
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Lilacor | !dismounter | 05:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dismounter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:24 |
Lilacor | !diskmounter | 05:24 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 05:24 |
mc44 | LjL: course if its ntfs and feisty, diskmounter will fail :) | 05:24 |
AlexanderM | bleh | 05:24 |
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mro1 | USB help please dmesg | grep usb gives me "device descriptor read/64, error -71" and "device not accepting address" errors | 05:24 |
LjL | !-diskmounter | mc44 | 05:24 |
ubotu | mc44: diskmounter is <alias> windowsdrives - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 17:04:50 | 05:24 |
carstenpo | stefg, i think it is extfs3, but i will check that out | 05:24 |
XBehave | this will destroy sda6 and only sda6 right?> dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda6 | 05:25 |
LjL | mc44: if i use !ntfs or !windowsdrives, people complain "but it's not a windows drive that i want to mount" | 05:25 |
SlimeyPete | XBehave: yeah | 05:25 |
AlexanderM | ok found a bootable freedos, let's burn! | 05:25 |
AlexanderM | :D | 05:25 |
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LjL | XBehave: yes | 05:25 |
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LjL | XBehave: if you want to make data hard to recover however, perhaps you may want to looking into running "wipe" or "shred" | 05:26 |
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manurespreader | ok i used restricted manager and installed NVIDIA accelerated graphics drivers everything fine but Refresh rate is only 50 Hz but my monitor can support 80Hz how i can increase it ? | 05:26 |
spyked | ok - my machine REFUSES to boot in graphics mode anymore- ATI card here installed using envy | 05:26 |
spyked | help! | 05:26 |
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XBehave | nope i just want to break the file system because crytpo is refusing to write over it | 05:26 |
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LjL | spyked: restore your backup xorg.conf. | 05:27 |
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Seveas | spyked, that's what envy does: render your system unusable after the next kernel update | 05:27 |
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spyked | Seveas: didn't know - poop | 05:27 |
carstenpo | stefg, it is an linux partition (ID 83) and it is /dev/hdb1 | 05:27 |
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Seveas | LjL, I'm afraid that's not enough -- he'll need to back out the envy-installed drivrs | 05:27 |
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spyked | Seveas: can you walk me through this? | 05:27 |
manurespreader | ok i used restricted manager and installed NVIDIA accelerated graphics drivers everything fine but Refresh rate is only 50 Hz but my monitor can support 80Hz how i can increase it ? | 05:27 |
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LjL | Seveas: i'm assuming their backup xorg.conf uses the open source driver :) | 05:28 |
stefg | carstenpo: so you need to make an entry in /etc/fstab for it | 05:28 |
Seveas | LjL, heh :) | 05:28 |
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carstenpo | stefg ist that complicated? | 05:28 |
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stefg | !fstab | carstenpo | 05:28 |
ubotu | carstenpo: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 05:28 |
LjL | manurespreader: are you sure the refresh rate actually *is* 50Hz, and not just *reported* as 50Hz? there is/was a bug in the proprietary driver with that. | 05:28 |
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homanj | manurespreader: you can change the refresh rate in System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution | 05:28 |
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manurespreader | homanj: but in System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution max is 56Hz | 05:29 |
LjL | manurespreader, what does your *monitor* say that your refresh rate is? | 05:29 |
doru | i just found this http://valid.tjp.hu/tjpzoom/ thanks anyway | 05:29 |
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homanj | manurespreader: then you might need to edit the settings manually. | 05:30 |
manurespreader | homanj: how? | 05:30 |
homanj | manurespreader: but i am not sure how to do that. | 05:30 |
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homanj | manurespreader: listen to LjL | 05:30 |
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manurespreader | LjL: how i can check it ? | 05:30 |
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LjL | manurespreader: CRT monitors usually have a button you can press to show an on-screen information dialog and menu. | 05:31 |
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ootm | im having problems installing ubuntu. It's hanging when it gets to "unpacking coreutils" when installing the base system | 05:31 |
carstenpo | stefg, the fstab link doesnt work | 05:31 |
manurespreader | LjL: I have lcd and there is no buttons :) | 05:31 |
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LjL | manurespreader: then i'm not sure you should be worrying about refresh rate at all | 05:31 |
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stefg | carstenpo: i'm looking at it right now :O | 05:32 |
cwillu | any recommendations for usb wireless that works out of the box with fiesty? | 05:32 |
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LjL | manurespreader: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refresh_rate#LCD_displays | 05:32 |
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stefg | carstenpo: was this partition already present when you installed ubuntu? | 05:34 |
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ootm | im having problems installing ubuntu. It's hanging when it gets to "unpacking coreutils" when installing the base system - anyone have any ideas?? | 05:34 |
XBehave | while dding is there any indication of progress | 05:34 |
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manurespreader | LjL: maybe there is possibility to have nvidia panel for control resolution and refresh rate ? | 05:34 |
stefg | ootm: very much looks like corrupt CD/broken drive | 05:34 |
carstenpo | stefg, yeah it is an old harddisc with mp3s on it | 05:34 |
mro1 | trying to be patient, but is anyone able to help with non-working USB ports? ( dmesg | grep usb gives device descriptor read error and device not accepting address error ) | 05:35 |
XBehave | and how long would it take to dd if=dev/urandom a 5GB partiton | 05:35 |
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carstenpo | stefg, it has only one partition | 05:35 |
sluimers | I'm having problem detecting my printer. Does anyone know how I can detect an USB printer? | 05:35 |
stefg | carstenpo: does it appear on the desktop? | 05:35 |
cwillu | sluimers: what type of printer? | 05:35 |
Seveas | XBehave, very long if you dont say bs=4096 | 05:35 |
ootm | stefg, i've used the same drive and disc to install to a different machine earlier today :S | 05:36 |
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Lilacor | Seveas: were you the one having trouble with your ntfs partition? | 05:36 |
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Seveas | Lilacor, no | 05:36 |
manurespreader | LjL: pls help :) | 05:36 |
LjL | manurespreader, maybe, and maybe you'll break your working X in the process. which seems quite gratuitous given that 56Hz is a perfectly good refresh rate on an LCD | 05:36 |
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stefg | ootm: how much ram does the machine have ? | 05:36 |
ootm | 1gb | 05:36 |
Lilacor | Seveas: ok | 05:36 |
LjL | manurespreader, i help when there is a problem. when there isn't, i can't. do you have a problem? 56Hz refresh on an LCD is not one. | 05:36 |
stefg | ootm: that's enough ram. however i'd perform a cd selftest | 05:37 |
sluimers | MP360 Canon | 05:37 |
manurespreader | LjL: but i want 80hz :D | 05:37 |
ootm | stefg, ok will do now | 05:37 |
doc| | any comand tool for correct vga on mode console , I have a Table ,and work whit vga=791 ang =792, but some times crash, my display is 1440x900 | 05:37 |
sluimers | cwillu, Canon MP360 Smartbase | 05:37 |
yarddog | i would not do 80 | 05:37 |
ootm | stefg, thanks | 05:37 |
Seveas | manurespreader, lcd's can't do that | 05:37 |
=== Trevinho [n=Trevi@host74-163-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlexanderM | so download a bootable cd with fdisk | 05:37 |
carstenpo | stefg, my ubuntu box has no x-server installed | 05:37 |
AlexanderM | but what can i do when i fixed my internal MBR? | 05:38 |
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carstenpo | stefg, it is an 6.06.1 server | 05:38 |
robert_ | anyone have any experience with dosemu? | 05:38 |
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Lilacor | robert_: what are you trying to use dosemu for? | 05:38 |
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und3ad | what shell ubuntu uses? | 05:38 |
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SlimeyPete | und3ad: bash | 05:38 |
AlexanderM | stefg: thanks for the support so far, downloading ultimate boot cd right now :) | 05:38 |
robert_ | Lilacor: old dos games, and poking freedos with a stick, heh | 05:38 |
SlimeyPete | und3ad: well. dash, which is like bash | 05:38 |
cwillu | and dash for some stuff | 05:38 |
manurespreader | Seveas: why? my monitors rate may be 80hh | 05:39 |
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Lilacor | robert_: old dos games will work underneath dosbox quite well. | 05:39 |
und3ad | ok.. tnx... | 05:39 |
ootm | und3ad, i'll also add that as well as bash you can use any shell you want | 05:39 |
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stefg | carstenpo: ok... so no automounting. Can you paste the /etc/fstab from to !pastebin mentioned in /topic ? | 05:39 |
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Tigger | hi | 05:39 |
robert_ | Lilacor: I know this, but I'm stubborn, and want to get dosemu working :P | 05:39 |
sluimers | cwillu, Can you help me out? | 05:39 |
manurespreader | Seveas: when i was used windows there was 80hz | 05:39 |
cwillu | sluimers: one sec | 05:39 |
LjL | manurespreader: and i want a gas lighter for my microwave oven | 05:39 |
sluimers | cwillu, okay | 05:39 |
Lilacor | robert_: is there a channel for #dosemu? | 05:39 |
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robert_ | I tried #dosemu, but t'is empty | 05:40 |
cwillu | Lilacor: what do you need? | 05:40 |
LjL | manurespreader: there was, where? Windows reported that? and not Ubuntu is reporting 56Hz? does your *monitor* report anything? do you notice a picture difference? | 05:40 |
LjL | s/not/now/ | 05:40 |
cwillu | bah, nvm | 05:40 |
cyzie | anybody have setup vpn before? | 05:40 |
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Lilacor | cwillu: I need to eat. | 05:40 |
cwillu | heh | 05:40 |
Toma- | Does anyone know how/when the default user is setup on the live cd? | 05:40 |
cwillu | I've got pizza, if you're in saskatoon :p | 05:40 |
Lilacor | cyzie: yes | 05:40 |
LjL | !xconfig > manurespreader (manurespreader, see the private message from Ubotu) feel free to break your X if you really want to | 05:40 |
cwillu | robert_: what do you need? | 05:40 |
Lilacor | cwillu: Is that next to Albuquerque, NM? | 05:40 |
cwillu | not even close :p | 05:40 |
Lilacor | cwillu: I'm kidding. | 05:40 |
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yarddog | Lilacor: are you in NM? | 05:41 |
robert_ | cwillu: I'm having issues getting it to recognize my files | 05:41 |
Lilacor | yarddog: yah | 05:41 |
cyzie | Lilacor, is there a good howto ? | 05:41 |
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carstenpo | stefg -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22907/ | 05:41 |
yarddog | Lilacor: #ubuntu-newmexico :) | 05:41 |
cyzie | Lilacor, i got pptpconfig installed, but somehow it cant connect to the vpn server | 05:41 |
stefg | carstenpo: k, 1 sec | 05:41 |
Lilacor | yarddog: :D | 05:41 |
cwillu | robert_: k, give me a sec, I just need to look a printer driver up for sluimers | 05:41 |
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Lilacor | cyzie: I'm using the cisco VPN client | 05:41 |
Tigger_ | what's happened to the desktop install on the latest version of ubuntu ? it won't work of 4 different computers i've tried but the alternate CD works fine on all 4 | 05:42 |
robert_ | cwillu: heh, k | 05:42 |
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sluimers | cwillu, I can't even detect the printer | 05:42 |
ootm | stefg, seems to have been the onboard lan causing the hang (nvidia chips in the mobo) - I disabled it and now it works. weird. | 05:42 |
cyzie | Lilacor, what's the different? cisco vpn client only for cisco vpn server ? | 05:42 |
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tapas | hmm, where does the grub-update script take the UUID from.. a buddy of mine ghas transferred his system to another disk and adjusted the UUID.. | 05:42 |
Lilacor | cyzie: I think the cisco vpn client uses IPSec, not PPTP | 05:42 |
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sluimers | cwillu, I have Canon-S600-bj8pa06n.upp.pdd as printer driver, if that is one, I'm quite a n00b | 05:43 |
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tapas | but whenever he installs a new kernel it takes the old UUID | 05:43 |
cyzie | Lilacor, ok, my vpn server use mschap-v2 | 05:43 |
stefg | carstenpo: what's the external disks device? | 05:43 |
cwillu | sluimers: printer's on when you plug in the usb, right? | 05:43 |
cwillu | assuming it's usb | 05:43 |
sluimers | yup | 05:43 |
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Lilacor | cyzie: sorry, can't help you with that | 05:43 |
sluimers | cwillu, yup | 05:43 |
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cyzie | ok | 05:43 |
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carstenpo | stefg, it is not external .. it is built in its /dev/hdb1 | 05:44 |
IdleOne | canon does not provide linux drivers you will need to use something like Turboprint ( not free but free trial available ) or buy a Ubuntu supported printer :/ | 05:44 |
stefg | carstenpo: ok | 05:44 |
sluimers | IdleOne, turbopoint also can't find it correctly | 05:44 |
stefg | carstenpo: where should it be mounted? | 05:45 |
guillem101 | Planning to buy a UPS (Yukai/Mustek 400 usb) ... which software would you recommend me to shutdown the machine in poweroffs? | 05:45 |
cwillu | sluimers: apparently the MultiPass2500 driver works to print with | 05:45 |
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manurespreader | thanks for all :) | 05:45 |
mro1 | USB help please --- dmesg | grep usb gives me device descriptor read errors and device not accepting address errors. is anyone able to help? | 05:45 |
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Lastinus | is there any shortcut to switch keyboard layouts | 05:45 |
cwillu | sluimers: when you plug it in, it do anything at all, or it just doesn't figure out the driver? | 05:45 |
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rob_ | folks.. .modprobe recognizes my wifi as 'eth1' not wlan0 -- how can I fix this? | 05:45 |
carstenpo | stefg, if i read everything correctly /media/hdd would be nice. do I have to create that directory? | 05:45 |
sluimers | cwillu, it doesn't do anything at all | 05:45 |
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cwillu | robert_: so dosemu itself works, you just can't see the file system? | 05:45 |
guillem101 | Lastinus, you mean key-shortcut? or the keyboard applet does the trick? | 05:46 |
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cwillu | sluimers: you've tried different usb ports / tried other usb devices in the first port, right? | 05:46 |
Lastinus | guillem101: any one of them | 05:46 |
robert_ | cwillu: correct. I can't see the files that I stick there | 05:46 |
stefg | carstenpo: /media/hdb, you mean... but you could also take a descriptive name like /media/music or /media/mp3 | 05:46 |
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sluimers | cwillu, different ports, not different cable.. now checking | 05:46 |
cwillu | robert_: just c:\, or for every drive letter/ (d:\ is /home/<you>) | 05:46 |
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guillem101 | Lastinus, if you are using gnome, the keyboard applet would suffice. | 05:47 |
rmd_ | when kubuntu upgraded the kernel package, the installation process over-wrote my menu.lst, erasing a couple of my entries, forcing me to enter them in by hand. has anyone mentioned this to the maintainers and thought about perhaps coming up with a better way for the package to act? | 05:47 |
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Anguis | Ok, I'm back with more detail about my error - thanks for the help. Using AMD64 Feisty, in GRUB, I select the normal linux boot option and then the computer flashes a message on the monitor including something about the kernal being "kept alive" before shutting off. Computer then hangs up and I have to hit the 'reset' button to get things going again. I'm able to start up in Recovery mode - I type 'exit' at the resultant root command pro | 05:47 |
Anguis | able to login normally (at the GUI prompts). | 05:47 |
quangle | hey guys. I'd like to do a network install of ubuntu. I did it with fedora before (using an http server). can you point me to unstructions for doing the same with ubuntu? | 05:47 |
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cwillu | rmd_: which entries? | 05:47 |
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stefg | !traffic | 05:47 |
ubotu | NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! | 05:47 |
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robert_ | also | 05:47 |
cwillu | ? | 05:47 |
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rmd_ | cwillu: it erased everything and replaced it with auto-generated, generic ubuntu entries pointing to the two installed kernel images | 05:48 |
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robert_ | it complains about version differences | 05:48 |
rmd_ | cwillu: it didnt even automatically add an entry for windows xp home, as it did during the initial installation | 05:48 |
sluimers | cwillu, I tried testpaging using turboprinter...nothing happens. | 05:48 |
carstenpo | stefg, okay, but there are not only mp3s on that disk, there are some video files too. i think /media/hdb is okay. do i have to create that folder? | 05:48 |
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robert_ | ERROR: builtins plugin version mismatch: found 0, required 2 | 05:48 |
robert_ | ERROR: You should upgrade your generic.com, isemu.com and other utilities | 05:48 |
robert_ | from the latest dosemu package! | 05:48 |
cwillu | robert_: did you have a manually compiled or installed version ever? | 05:48 |
robert_ | ooh | 05:48 |
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robert_ | manual compile | 05:49 |
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ZeZu | rmd_, yes and it replaces w/ UUID crap | 05:49 |
cwillu | robert_: k | 05:49 |
AlexanderM | brb | 05:49 |
AlexanderM | i hope | 05:49 |
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AlexanderM | ^^' | 05:49 |
stefg | carstenpo: yes, sudo mkdir /media/hdb | 05:49 |
sluimers | cwillu, so it's not h ecable either | 05:49 |
robert_ | I have a feeling that has something to do with it | 05:49 |
ZeZu | pissed me off as well, i have other entries for OS's as wel | 05:49 |
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cwillu | robert_: which install are you trying to use? | 05:49 |
robert_ | install of what? | 05:49 |
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elyase | Hello, how can you make a conf with gmail account | 05:49 |
robert_ | dosemu? | 05:49 |
cwillu | robert_: gonna go private chat | 05:49 |
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robert_ | k | 05:49 |
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rmd_ | ZeZu: yeah. it's a ridiculous way to do things. | 05:50 |
Anguis | the difference I notice is that the screen that indicates boot progress with the bar under the Ubuntu logo is skipped in the recovery mode process I use to boot into Ubuntu. | 05:50 |
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jcs | is there any way to install non-UTF-8 locales? | 05:50 |
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elyase | Hello, how can you make a conf with gmail account | 05:50 |
elyase | ? | 05:50 |
elyase | Hello, how can you make a conf with gmail account using gaim? | 05:50 |
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stefg | carstenpo: and for good measure i'd 'sudo chmod 775 /media/hdb' | 05:51 |
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carstenpo | stefg, okay, both done | 05:52 |
Broccoly | is there a place where the ubuntu updates that are being pushed out explained? Like the new kernel revision this morning, what was changed? | 05:52 |
stefg | carstenpo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22908/ | 05:52 |
Toma- | Does anyone know how/when the default user is setup on the live cd? | 05:52 |
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feistel | hi | 05:52 |
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LjL | Broccoly: install apt-listchanges... though the changelogs are not always very verbose | 05:52 |
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feistel | I have a problem with OOo 2 in Ubuntu | 05:52 |
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feistel | when I clic in "Slide Transition" option of "Slide Show" menu, the window don't show | 05:52 |
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Broccoly | LjL: is there something online somewhere? | 05:52 |
LjL | Broccoly: i don't know | 05:53 |
madsporkmurderer | I am trying to remove un-needed packages; is there a way to list packages which are not depended on by any other | 05:53 |
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LjL | !info deborphan > madsporkmurderer | 05:53 |
LjL | !info debfoster > madsporkmurderer | 05:53 |
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Toma- | !casper | 05:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about casper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:54 |
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kritzstapf | madsporkmurderer: packages that have been installed automatically and arent needed anymore will be removed by apt-get autoremove | 05:54 |
LjL | madsporkmurderer: also, since Edgy, APT has had a feature whereby packages can be "autoremoved" if they were installed automatically (i.e. as dependencies of something else) and are not depended by anything anymore. | 05:54 |
ootm | madsporkmurderer, have u tried man apt-get? | 05:54 |
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carstenpo | stefg, thanks vor that, i changed the file. do i have to reboot to get the effects? | 05:54 |
stefg | carstenpo: so you can just take the /dev/hdb1-line from that (and get the tabs straight). the sudo mount -a , done | 05:54 |
TwigEther | Hey all - I just installed teamspeak but it's channelling all sounds (Including music) as well as microphone input to TS. How do I fix this? :) | 05:54 |
carstenpo | stefg, ah, okay, thanks again | 05:54 |
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kintaro0e | hi guys..how will make my httpd to redirect if i go to: crm.foo.com --> crm.foo.com/blank | 05:55 |
madsporkmurderer | Thanks for that Ill give it a go | 05:55 |
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Broccoly | so uhm none of 1200 users here care about what changes are being pushed out?;-) | 05:56 |
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Lilacor | Broccoly: you can look at the kernel changes online | 05:57 |
XBehave | LjL can that feature be reset?# | 05:57 |
Broccoly | Lilacor: I'm sure I can, that's what i'm asking for, where?:) | 05:57 |
sldkfj | Broccoly, we're pretty much 'mind numbed robots' | 05:57 |
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PriceChild | Broccoly, they should also be explained in the update-manager? | 05:57 |
Lilacor | kintaro0e: you probably want to ask that under #apache | 05:57 |
LjL | XBehave: what? | 05:58 |
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Lilacor | Broccoly: look under www.kernel.org | 05:58 |
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PriceChild | c/s d | 05:58 |
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XBehave | can u remove files from the list of auto-removed files? i removed kde-desktop because i didnt want a few of its packages and now theyre all listed as autoremoveable | 05:59 |
Lilacor | Broccoly: actually, nevermind | 05:59 |
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Anguis | stefg: I read the forum posts about using 64 bit ubuntu and was persuaded to install it instead of 32 bit on my new computer - I looked at the potential problems as oportunities to learn (i'd be pretty much learning on 32 bit, as well, b/c I'm pretty new to all this). | 05:59 |
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LjL | XBehave, just type "sudo apt-get install names-of-packages" and they'll become marked as manually installed. | 05:59 |
PriceChild | XBehave, doing "sudo apt-get install package" will stop it being autoremoved afaik | 05:59 |
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Broccoly | like they pushed kernels several days ago and now again, i'm curious why | 06:00 |
backtick | hi all, i'm running feisty, after I run updates yesterday (adept_updater,) I can't play any sound files any more (xine), my card is an intel builtin one, any ideas? | 06:00 |
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shadow2k | wenas a todos | 06:00 |
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LjL | !es | 06:00 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:00 |
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XBehave | but the list is huge! is that the only way | 06:00 |
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_snajper_ | does anyone know why ubuntu 7.04 would only report 256MB on a 3GB RAM DELL server? | 06:00 |
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Broccoly | like the last kernel had broken my laptop, numlock was stuck and could not be turned off, rendered laptop useless | 06:00 |
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sven-tek | does ubuntu check the hashsum or signature or pakets to be installed? | 06:00 |
VincentMX | anybody who has any xperience with Ekiga? | 06:00 |
aa^way | how i can see a Serial? by serial i mean im trying to get off a data by serial cable | 06:00 |
PriceChild | Broccoly, one second | 06:01 |
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aa^way | from videocamera, what i need to use for it= | 06:01 |
VincentMX | is it possible to make free pc2phone calls? | 06:01 |
callidusfox | Anyone has any experience with a WebCam ? I have a laptop built in camera, is it not possible at all to use it ? | 06:01 |
wols | VincentMX: wrong channel | 06:01 |
PriceChild | Broccoly, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2007-May/000536.html | 06:01 |
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LjL | XBehave: if you want to mark *all* currently installed packages as manually installed... i don't know, maybe there is a correct way. but you could do something such as dpkg --get-selections | awk ' { print $1 } ' | xargs -n 20 apt-get install | 06:01 |
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LjL | add a "grep ^ii" | 06:02 |
stefg | Anguis: you are suffering from a hard to track bug / incompatibility with your hardware (Acpi or IRQ related). Since you'll need flash and win-codecs sooner or later anyway, and it that would require tricks like setting up a 32bit environment on a 64bit system. it's just not worth the effort to go through this. | 06:02 |
georgy28 | callidusfox : wich laptop ? | 06:02 |
callidusfox | georgy28: Asus G1 | 06:02 |
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wols | aa^way: minicom os screen ttyS0 | 06:02 |
XBehave | thk | 06:02 |
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callidusfox | georgy28: http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=3403 | 06:02 |
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mceGEEK | anyone have a server rack at home | 06:02 |
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PriceChild | Broccoly, that good enough? :) | 06:03 |
georgy28 | callidusfox : wait a moment, I try to find thewebpage about asus webcam | 06:03 |
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LjL | !anyone | 06:03 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:03 |
VincentMX | wols, but Ekiga comes by default on Ubuntu | 06:03 |
callidusfox | georgy28: Please. | 06:03 |
aa^way | wols: but wor a minidv? (firewire?) | 06:03 |
aa^way | for* | 06:03 |
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Broccoly | PriceChild: yeah lists.ubuntu.com should have it looks like, thanks | 06:03 |
mceGEEK | i need some advice on what kinda of rack to get considering there are so many available | 06:03 |
_snajper_ | why would ubuntu 7.04 would only report 256MB on a 3GB RAM DELL server? what do i need to change? | 06:03 |
mceGEEK | first the rack and then i need servers | 06:03 |
LjL | seems a bit offtopic | 06:04 |
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mceGEEK | i know | 06:04 |
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mceGEEK | but i've to install linux on those servers | 06:04 |
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bengali3 | Heya, when i run "apt-get install supertux" i get denied: "are you root?" how do i change to root?? | 06:04 |
callidusfox | georgy28: just one more note, I think the camera I have is Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd | 06:04 |
ompaul | mceGEEK, that is not a ubuntu question, perhaps talking to a seller or two might help you with options you have locally, | 06:04 |
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LjL | bengali3: "sudo apt-get install supertux" | 06:04 |
d4vidin0 | hi all guys | 06:04 |
LjL | !root > bengali3 (bengali3, see the private message from Ubotu) | 06:04 |
tapas | !sudo | 06:04 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 06:04 |
Tb0n3 | I seem to be having no luck changing themes with beryl and emerald-themes, is there some hidden method? | 06:05 |
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mceGEEK | i just wanted to know what other people may have for server/rack | 06:05 |
bengali3 | thx! | 06:05 |
LjL | !beryl > Tb0n3 (Tb0n3, see the private message from Ubotu) | 06:05 |
sldkfj | mceGEEK, a server rack? yeah, but I've converted it into a shiferobe | 06:05 |
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tapas | Tb0n3: make sure you have the right window decorator enabled | 06:05 |
wols | aa^way: firewire is not a "serial port" even if it is a protocol over a serial wire. do you call SATA a "serial port" too? | 06:05 |
tapas | !sudo > bengali3 | 06:05 |
aa^way | wols, i asked if i use firewire | 06:05 |
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tapas | hah, ok :) | 06:05 |
LjL | wols: why not? well, SATA is not supposed to be an external "port" AFAIK | 06:05 |
bengali3 | thanks all! | 06:05 |
LjL | if firewire is serisl, though, it's serial | 06:05 |
wols | VincentMX: but not the service to use it | 06:05 |
stefg | _snajper_: try to pass mem=3072 to the kernel at boot | 06:06 |
wols | LjL: a serial port is RS232C or 485 | 06:06 |
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LjL | wols: the fact that RS232 ports are normally called "the serial port" by many doesn't prevent other ports from being serial ports | 06:06 |
wols | other wise USB, firewire, i2c, SATA, all are "seria ports" | 06:06 |
mceGEEK | sldkfj: any ideas will be appreciated .. just want something well organized | 06:06 |
georgy28 | callidusfox, : here is the site where you can load the driver for your webcam http://sourceforge.net/projects/syntekdriver/ | 06:06 |
mceGEEK | without spending a whole lot of money | 06:06 |
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VincentMX | wols ok | 06:07 |
LjL | wols: and what is wrong with that? USB is serial, it quite is. | 06:07 |
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callidusfox | georgy28:Thank you. I hope it comes with instruction on how to isntall it. | 06:07 |
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wols | LjL: then you tell him what to use | 06:07 |
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georgy28 | callidusfox : yes, go to the web page, and there are instruction. | 06:08 |
frandavid100 | hi, is there someone who's used to using poedit and can give me a hand? | 06:09 |
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Jestre | Is there a cpan2rpm-like tool for Ubuntu? | 06:10 |
callidusfox | georgy28: is it under Documentation ? | 06:10 |
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bruenig | Jester, I doubt that there is a tool to convert packages to rpm in a deb distro | 06:11 |
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LjL | !info debaux | Jestre | 06:11 |
ubotu | jestre: debaux: Debian Auxiliary Programs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.9-1 (feisty), package size 29 kB, installed size 148 kB | 06:11 |
_snajper_ | stefg: will try. | 06:11 |
georgy28 | callidusfox : here is the side : http://syntekdriver.sourceforge.net/ | 06:11 |
Pelo | what were today's updates about ? | 06:11 |
SlimeyPete | Jestre: try alien | 06:11 |
LjL | or maybe not | 06:12 |
callidusfox | georgy28: but on that site, there is only download, no idea how to isntall it | 06:12 |
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callidusfox | georgy28: How baout this? http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html | 06:12 |
LjL | it's not even worth using for packages that actually were RPM to start with | 06:12 |
LjL | i don't see why anyone would use it for CPAN packages | 06:12 |
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georgy28 | callidusfox : don't work ! The module comes already with the kernel | 06:12 |
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pai | how do i upgrade my Gail 2.0.0 beta 6 to pidgin? i'm using feisty... pls help | 06:13 |
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Jestre | LjL: I'll check it out, thanks | 06:13 |
stefg | _snajper_: mem=3072M , btw.... to indicate Megabyte, not byte ;-) | 06:13 |
Freddie5 | is there a way to just download the ubuntu live cd, or do i have to download the entire ubuntu install? | 06:13 |
callidusfox | georgy28: the link I gave you is what does not work | 06:13 |
callidusfox | georgy28: ? | 06:13 |
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mc44 | Freddie5: the live cd is the install cd | 06:13 |
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Freddie5 | mc44 alrightie, thanks | 06:13 |
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alansii | hi | 06:14 |
otero | hi | 06:14 |
alansii | hello everyone | 06:14 |
Toma- | !hi | 06:14 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 06:14 |
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georgy28 | callidusfox, : do you have already compile a module ? | 06:14 |
alansii | did anyone know how to config a canon mp160 o ubuntu? | 06:14 |
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callidusfox | georgy28: No as I do not know how. | 06:14 |
anto | Heya, can somone help me install a smpt server x.x? | 06:15 |
=== Jonbo [n=Jonbo123@adsl-074-229-245-180.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
callidusfox | alansii: try Canon mp150 driver | 06:15 |
Pelo | alansii, canon printers are usualy well supported | 06:15 |
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georgy28 | callidusfox : ok, let's give a try | 06:15 |
callidusfox | georgy28: I would like to do that please. | 06:15 |
wols | anto: ask your real questions | 06:15 |
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wols | ... and there will be many... | 06:16 |
anto | wols what? | 06:16 |
z3r0ph3wl | hej. is it save to remove gaim from ubuntu cuz i use pidgin? | 06:16 |
wols | anto: state your real problems you encounter while installing | 06:16 |
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stefg | http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html | 06:16 |
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wols | z3r0ph3wl: of course | 06:16 |
Pelo | alansii, I don'T take private msg please talk to me in the channel | 06:16 |
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wols | z3r0ph3wl: gnome-desktop is a meta package | 06:16 |
georgy28 | callidusfox,: first think install : build-essential and linux headers. sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 06:16 |
alansii | er | 06:17 |
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robdeman | mmm I cannot log in to gnome anymore? the face browser is shown -- but then when I login it stops (empty screen) | 06:17 |
z3r0ph3wl | wols, what does it mean? :) | 06:17 |
alansii | I need try mp 150 | 06:17 |
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alansii | can mp150 use as mp160? | 06:17 |
wols | z3r0ph3wl: it means it doesn't matter if it's not installed anymore | 06:17 |
CarlFK | anyone know how to use apt-cacher and netboot install? | 06:17 |
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callidusfox | georgy28: I get " is already the newest version. | 06:18 |
callidusfox | " | 06:18 |
Pelo | alansii, different printers in the same "line" often use the same driver | 06:18 |
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alansii | oh | 06:18 |
wols | callidusfox: ask your real question | 06:18 |
alansii | sry i am a new user | 06:18 |
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z3r0ph3wl | wols, thanks | 06:18 |
wols | callidusfox: then those things are already installed | 06:18 |
georgy28 | callidusfox, : for the 2 packages ? | 06:18 |
alansii | so have many question | 06:18 |
Pelo | alansii, same applies in windows | 06:18 |
wols | alansii: then ask them | 06:18 |
alansii | today is my first time run linux | 06:18 |
=== vbabiy [n=ibabiy@cpe-72-230-5-245.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alansii | oh | 06:18 |
callidusfox | georgy28: Yes. I hav eubuntu Feisty | 06:19 |
Pelo | alansii, get ready to learn some stuff | 06:19 |
georgy28 | callidusfox,: ok, now download the driver | 06:19 |
vbabiy | hey guy what is the best way to set up a multi hard drive setup | 06:19 |
callidusfox | georgy28: what are they? Do they not come in by default in ubuntu ? | 06:19 |
callidusfox | georgy28: already have the driver | 06:19 |
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otero | does anyone have probs trying to play videos in ubuntu? im using VLC | 06:19 |
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=== sldkfj takes the bottle of champagne and dubs alansii a certified newb | ||
wols | callidusfox: what driver is it? what hardware? | 06:20 |
georgy28 | callidusfox : a second i download it too | 06:20 |
callidusfox | wols: Syntek Semicon DC-1125 Driver Asus G1 laptop | 06:20 |
z3r0ph3wl | wols, one more thing. i want to install new version 2.0.1 - so from synaptic i removed it and somehow its still works and there is icon in application menu | 06:20 |
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IdleOne | sldkfj, I think you knocked him out | 06:20 |
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z3r0ph3wl | wols, new version of pidgin | 06:20 |
Paradoxx | How do I add a user via the command line? | 06:20 |
wols | z3r0ph3wl: did you install pidgin via synaptic? | 06:20 |
callidusfox | georgy28: before we go on, maybe look at this and it makes more sense for you? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=410792&highlight=asus+webcam | 06:21 |
z3r0ph3wl | nop | 06:21 |
z3r0ph3wl | via deb | 06:21 |
sldkfj | IdleOne, they need to make softer bottles | 06:21 |
linuxnub | hey after the kernel update this morning my virtual box wont work anymore help plz | 06:21 |
CarlFK | Paradoxx: adduser | 06:21 |
callidusfox | georgy28: and this too, webcam section http://www.rothlaender.net/a8js.html | 06:21 |
IdleOne | sldkfj, plastic changes the flavor of champagne | 06:21 |
gonzaloaf_work | hi, I tried to install the flash plugin in opera but I receive this error: ERROR: Opera is not supported., why? | 06:21 |
z3r0ph3wl | wols, via deb | 06:21 |
wols | z3r0ph3wl: via dpkg? you can check if something is installed with dpkg -l <packagename> | 06:21 |
g0ow | i have Feisty installed and Dapper, along with windows XP...i have no need for dapper anymore...so can i just delete the dapper partition and leave it like that, or will i still need to mess with the MBR? | 06:21 |
wols | gonzaloaf_work: is opera in any shape or form in ubuntu? | 06:21 |
vbabiy | i am tring to convert my windows server to linux and i have about 6 harddrive and i need to convert them to ext but not sure what is the best way to do this | 06:22 |
wols | g0ow: you will need to mess with the mbr. fixmbr in a windows recovery console for example | 06:22 |
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georgy28 | callidusfox,: yes, you can follow this how-to, it's the same driver ;) | 06:22 |
IdleOne | g0ow, you can use gparted to format it and then join the empty partition to one you are using to add space | 06:22 |
gonzaloaf_work | wols, I installed it with automatix2 | 06:22 |
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callidusfox | georgy28: the first or the 2nd link ? | 06:22 |
wols | !automatix2 | 06:23 |
wols | !automatix | 06:23 |
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g0ow | idleone, will i need to mess with the MBR if i do that? | 06:23 |
wols | gonzaloaf_work: is automatix in ubuntu? | 06:23 |
callidusfox | georgy28: And this is no good ? http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html | 06:23 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 06:23 |
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IdleOne | g0ow, you shouldnt nope | 06:23 |
gonzaloaf_work | wols, not by default | 06:23 |
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g0ow | thank you, ill let you know how it goes =] | 06:23 |
wols | gonzaloaf_work: where did you download automatix from? | 06:23 |
z3r0ph3wl | wols, yes it still there. how should i remove it? | 06:23 |
gonzaloaf_work | wols, well so the same for opera? so there's no support for opera? | 06:23 |
wols | z3r0ph3wl: same way as you installed it | 06:23 |
IdleOne | wols, if you use automatix and it breaks your system you might as well do a fresh install | 06:24 |
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gonzaloaf_work | wols, from their site | 06:24 |
wols | gonzaloaf_work: bingo | 06:24 |
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wols | gonzaloaf_work: unless their site is ubuntu.com: no luck for you | 06:24 |
georgy28 | callidusfox : wait, the how-to say to compile a kernel, but it's not necssary, and gspac driver will not work with you cam | 06:24 |
gonzaloaf_work | well maybe somebody could give me some help anyway? | 06:24 |
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sldkfj | wols, they have a webpage | 06:24 |
IdleOne | wols, #ubuntu does not support automatix breakage btwe | 06:24 |
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g0ow | idleone, is gparted LiveCD only? | 06:24 |
KJW | how can I cd to another users directory if cd doesn't work with sudo? | 06:24 |
wols | gonzaloaf_work: put the flash shared lib(s) into the directory where opera expects its plugins. wherever that woul dbe | 06:24 |
callidusfox | georgy28: strangem as this guide says it does http://www.rothlaender.net/a8js.html | 06:24 |
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IdleOne | g0ow, no it is in repos | 06:24 |
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sldkfj | kjw, cd without sudo | 06:25 |
Paradoxx | How do I change the password of a user that is already there? | 06:25 |
wols | Paradoxx: man passwd | 06:25 |
callidusfox | georgy28: ok, then maybe you can guide me, as compiling kernel looks scary, I jsut want to get the driver going | 06:25 |
vbabiy | hey guys how can i get more information about setting up more then one hardrive in linux | 06:25 |
vbabiy | like would i mnt the dirve to a folder | 06:25 |
callidusfox | vbabiy: you jsut plugin the hard drive and that is it | 06:25 |
KJW | sldkfj: um, user directories have permissions on them that can't be accessed by a regular user | 06:25 |
sldkfj | cd doesn't demand sudo privileges | 06:25 |
Baalial | Does anyone know how to use a .out file after compiled from a .cpp file? | 06:25 |
linuxnub | hey after the kernel update this morning my virtual box wont work anymore help plz | 06:25 |
wols | vbabiy: is tha harddisk partitioned and formatted already? | 06:25 |
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georgy28 | callidusfox : you try that ? | 06:26 |
gonzaloaf_work | wols, this is called the manual installation right? | 06:26 |
vbabiy | wols, no | 06:26 |
wols | gonzaloaf_work: yes | 06:26 |
callidusfox | georgy28: no, I have not done anything yet, I am wating for your instructions | 06:26 |
wols | vbabiy: those are tzhe first steps | 06:26 |
graveson1 | i manage a small network (consisting of ADSL routers) .what tools can i use to monitor this network, block popular p2p apps and performance monitoring | 06:26 |
wols | partition, then format then either mount manually or edit your /etc/fstab | 06:26 |
vbabiy | wols, will the ubuntu notice install drive on its own | 06:26 |
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vbabiy | wols, or will i have to configure them my self | 06:27 |
wols | vbabiy: if they are partitioned and formatted it usually will yes | 06:27 |
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georgy28 | callidusfox, : do lsmod in a console and look if the module gpcsa is loaded | 06:27 |
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wols | if not: you have to configure | 06:27 |
AlexanderM | so, got my windows up and running | 06:27 |
AlexanderM | thanks for that one stefg | 06:27 |
fedeloooort | hi | 06:27 |
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AlexanderM | but now i want grub installed on my external harddisk:o | 06:27 |
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KJW | sldkfj: how can I cd to a user directory, when I try it, I get permission denied | 06:28 |
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vbabiy | wols, ok well it was nfts but theni had delete the partion and convert it to ext3 with gparted but then grub crashed on boot | 06:28 |
stefg | AlexanderM: now to the interesting part: getting grub installed to the MBR of your USB disk :-) | 06:28 |
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graveson1 | i manage a small network (consisting of ADSL routers) .what tools can i use to monitor this network, block popular p2p apps and performance monitoring | 06:29 |
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stefg | AlexanderM: so boot the Desktop CD and plug the USB drive in | 06:29 |
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AlexanderM | stefg: any suggestions on that one? 0=) | 06:29 |
stefg | AlexanderM: so boot the Desktop CD and plug the USB drive in | 06:29 |
callidusfox | georgy28: gpcsa is not there | 06:29 |
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HiroViro | hey | 06:29 |
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AlexanderM | stefg: ill be right back then ^^ | 06:29 |
KJW | ok, what is the best way to login as a root user then? | 06:29 |
HiroViro | I just installed apache2 a couple of weeks ago, is there a way to see if i have the latest version? | 06:29 |
Baalial | Does anyone here know how to use a .out file compiled from a .cpp file? | 06:30 |
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pescador | what is ubuntu? | 06:30 |
mjr | Baalial, by running it. ./a.out | 06:30 |
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heikki | !ubuntu | pescador | 06:30 |
ubotu | pescador: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 06:30 |
cherva | anyone using wine-doors ? | 06:30 |
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_snajper_ | HiroViro: use "-v" to view apache version | 06:30 |
georgy28 | callidusfox : ok, now do : sudo modprobe spca5xx | 06:30 |
BlackChaos_ | im trying to install ubuntu on my moms old laptop cause its has a more friendly user interface and its way more stable than winxp but when i started the live cd i get this error there was an error starting the gnome settings daemon. some things such as themes, sound, or background settings maynot work correctly. | 06:31 |
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BlackChaos_ | and there is an error message but its pretty long | 06:31 |
fuzzy | quit | 06:31 |
sldkfj | KJW, you don't have a user account that was setup? | 06:31 |
pescador | ahh thx heikki | 06:31 |
HiroViro | _snajper_: how do i see if it need to be upgraded? | 06:31 |
callidusfox | georgy28: FATAL: Module spca5xx not found. | 06:31 |
Bigcheese | ya, so a quick kinda funny story. My brother is running Fedora on his computer and has been trying to install VLC for about 2 months. He finaly got it to work and just told me. So then I replyed with "sodo apt-get install vlc". He then responds with "Just one command? Ubuntu's not linux then" :P | 06:31 |
lockd | this is really a GRUB issue, but my USB drive interferes with GRUB because it shifts the disk numbers | 06:31 |
lockd | is there a way to avoid this? | 06:32 |
bullgard4 | kern.log reports: "hash matches device ttyd7." What is 'ttyd7'? | 06:32 |
CheshireViking | BlackChaos_, i had a similar error when i was installing on my wifes toshiba laptop and I had to use the alternate cd to get it installed | 06:32 |
BlackChaos_ | oh u mran the cd that u can order 4 free? | 06:32 |
BlackChaos_ | mean | 06:32 |
cherva | anyone using wine-doors ? and successfully installed DirectX 9c ? | 06:32 |
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georgy28 | callidusfox : strange, this module come with the kernel :( | 06:32 |
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KJW | sldkfj, yes, I have an adminstrator account that I can use sudo in, and a couple other user accounts. I need to be able to get into one of the users home directories, but cd gives me permission denied, and sudo cd does not work | 06:32 |
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HiroViro | I have apache2 2.23 is there an easy way to upgrade to 2.2.4? | 06:33 |
KJW | sldkfj: so if you or someone else can tell me how to log in as root, that would help :) | 06:33 |
phillywhitetrash | try sudo su | 06:33 |
CheshireViking | BlackChaos_, there's 2 ways of installing ubuntu, one which uses the live cd which you've downloaded, the other uses a text based installer, but you still download it via the internet | 06:33 |
BlackChaos_ | wat do u by alternate CD i only have the one which i burned | 06:33 |
callidusfox | georgy28: so what is going on? I cannot simply isntall the driver ? | 06:33 |
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Baalial | ?? | 06:33 |
Baalial | So wait. mjr, what's the proper command to run it? | 06:33 |
CheshireViking | !alternate | BlackChaos_ | 06:33 |
BlackChaos_ | oh ok | 06:33 |
ubotu | BlackChaos_: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 06:33 |
KJW | tx phillywhitetrash | 06:33 |
IdleOne | !fixgrub > g0ow this is in case you need to fix the bootloader after merging the partitions | 06:33 |
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lockd | anyone use LILO, it seems like it may be my only option | 06:34 |
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BehindY0u | lilo is good :) | 06:34 |
Bogaurd | I've just installed the nvidia beta drivers... now if I play a video in vlc, it has no sound, and says it's not responding :S | 06:34 |
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jamster545_ | hey is ubuntu debian based? | 06:34 |
cwgannon | yes | 06:34 |
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NikoC | jamster545_, yes it is | 06:34 |
jamster545_ | it is? | 06:34 |
jamster545_ | ty | 06:34 |
phillywhitetrash | yes debian based | 06:34 |
lockd | well, i try to install LILO but all it does is tear away the old MBR | 06:35 |
cwgannon | that's the first time i've ever answered a question! | 06:35 |
jamster545_ | i am downloading a program and it has it for different dist. | 06:35 |
=== Ropechoborra [n=rope@unaffiliated/RopHierr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lockd | it just loads windows the next time it powers on | 06:35 |
BlackChaos_ | k thx alot guys ill do that | 06:35 |
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IdleOne | cwgannon, congrats :) | 06:35 |
cwgannon | :) | 06:35 |
BehindY0u | wait you install lilo and then it still boots on windows, thats what youre saying? | 06:35 |
HiroViro | I have apache2 2.23 is there an easy way to upgrade to 2.2.4? | 06:35 |
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=== plastic_wrap [n=sjc@ppp145-56.lns1.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== sldkfj finds a bottle of champagne for cwgannon | ||
linuxnub | hey why did that last kernel update break so much stuff for everyone? | 06:35 |
lockd | BehindY0u: yes | 06:35 |
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jamster545_ | i have another question... will a file with the ext .deb open in konsole/terminal? | 06:36 |
BehindY0u | do you have more than 1 hd? | 06:36 |
=== kitche [n=dragon@pool-70-16-43-96.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxnub | my virtual box wont work now with kernel source errors now | 06:36 |
Skiff | <Skiff> I get Fatal error running install comamand from nvidia | 06:36 |
Skiff | <Skiff> nvidia(0): failed to load the nvidia kernel module | 06:36 |
Skiff | <Skiff> nvidia(0): ***aborting | 06:36 |
Skiff | <Skiff> screens found, but none have a usable configuration | 06:36 |
Skiff | <Skiff> doc does that mean my monitor is not configured properly? | 06:36 |
lockd | BehindY0u: yes, and USB adds another | 06:36 |
Skiff | <Skiff> hmm just went into sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:36 |
Skiff | <Skiff> didnt help | 06:36 |
Skiff | any1 can help? | 06:36 |
=== vollkorrn [n=ball@pD9F7FA07.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cwgannon | quick Q: i have a bunch of truetype fonts ... where do i put them and then what do i do with them to get them ready for use? | 06:36 |
lockd | BehindY0u: grub balks when it's plugged in | 06:36 |
phillywhitetrash | double click on the deb file and it will open in synaptic | 06:36 |
Skiff | nividia driver was compiled and should be working with my video card | 06:36 |
georgy28 | callidusfox : I'm under edgy, so wait I'm gonna to my other computer under feisty | 06:36 |
BehindY0u | well that means that lilo doesnt install on the MBR | 06:36 |
jamster545_ | ok | 06:36 |
elkbuntu | !paste | 06:36 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:36 |
graveson1 | i manage a small network (consisting of ADSL routers) .what tools can i use to monitor this network, block popular p2p apps and performance monitoring | 06:36 |
lockd | BehindY0u: how can I force it to? | 06:36 |
jamster545_ | so just save it then open? | 06:36 |
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linuxnub | isnt there some kinda coordination with the package managers for these updates? | 06:36 |
=== Freddie5 [i=Paul@c-68-42-58-78.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
callidusfox | georgy28: ok | 06:36 |
Skiff | elkbuntu, gotcha | 06:37 |
=== bknitram [n=martin@adsl-147-42-236.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
callidusfox | georgy28: do you have an msn or yahoo or whatever where we can talk ? | 06:37 |
lockd | BehindY0u: I need the loader on the MBR, all of it.. unlike grub | 06:37 |
boenki | hi marcin ;) | 06:37 |
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phillywhitetrash | firestarter | 06:37 |
=== BoBo [n=BoBo@adsl-66-142-228-102.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unimatrix12 | go to system and fonts | 06:37 |
Ropechoborra | firestarter? | 06:37 |
linuxnub | at least it didnt break my nvidia settings dunno if im lucky or not on that tho | 06:37 |
NikoC | jamster545_, easiest way (at least I think) for installing .deb files is opening a terminal and typing 'sudo dpkg -i name_of_the file' | 06:37 |
bruenig | linuxnub, from what I have seen, the stuff in main and restricted tend to have some measure of coordination, stuff in universe not really | 06:37 |
unimatrix12 | drag and drop the new fonts, log out and log in to use them... | 06:37 |
phillywhitetrash | gui firewall | 06:37 |
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jamster545_ | does anyone have AVG free edition for linux on their comps? | 06:37 |
Freddie5 | when i boot from the live cd, am i able to write to the hard drive? if not, is there a way that i can set it up so i can? | 06:37 |
unimatrix12 | or go to location font:/// | 06:37 |
lockd | does anyone know how to force LILO to install itself to mbr? | 06:37 |
HiroViro | anyone in hear used postfix? | 06:38 |
unimatrix12 | fonts:/// | 06:38 |
BehindY0u | lockd: check your windows | 06:38 |
Skiff | gentlemen I get this error with a newly made nvidia driver http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22915/ | 06:38 |
BehindY0u | I queried you :) | 06:38 |
lockd | BehindY0u: eh? | 06:38 |
unimatrix12 | there are the fonts too | 06:38 |
sangrelinux | hi, when i plug an extra hard drive, it is automatically mounted. But it mounts read only. Is there any way I can override the permissions and make it readable? | 06:38 |
Ropechoborra | Freddie5 you must mount the drive you want to write first | 06:38 |
phillywhitetrash | i have used postfix | 06:38 |
HiroViro | i need help setting up postfix on ubuntu | 06:38 |
kitche | lockd: edit /etc/lilo.conf then just run lilo | 06:38 |
linuxnub | not a good way to do things now specially with the new deal with Dell and noobs buying Buntu systems | 06:38 |
lockd | BehindY0u: I want /LILO/ to install on mbr | 06:38 |
HiroViro | philly can i ask u some questions | 06:38 |
BoBo | were does apt store the packages and does it delete them after it installs them | 06:38 |
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jamster545_ | kubuntu takes forever to download files | 06:38 |
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BehindY0u | type fdisk -l | 06:38 |
cd-12 | olaolaola | 06:38 |
BehindY0u | and tell me your drive names | 06:38 |
linuxnub | wonderful experience to be a noob and get all your stuff broke with a thoughtless kernel update | 06:38 |
lockd | BehindY0u: and nothing happens on POST, except it seems to boot windows | 06:38 |
Ropechoborra | BoBo in /usr i think | 06:38 |
bruenig | BoBo, /var/cache/apt or something like that, it does not delete them | 06:38 |
cd-13 | ola buyyyyy estamossss todosh todoshh | 06:39 |
jamster545_ | it has been going for like 3 minutes and it is still at 0% | 06:39 |
lockd | BehindY0u: I don't even have windows loading set up in lilo.conf | 06:39 |
phillywhitetrash | ok how far are you along with the install? | 06:39 |
=== iioran [n=iioran@neu67-3-82-239-83-62.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Freddie5 | Ropechoborra, im having issues getting windows to boot when i have two hard drives plugged in, so im just going to use the live cd to get one document file that i need from this hard drive. do i just say mount /dev/hd0 or whatever? its been awhile since ive physically mounted something | 06:39 |
Ropechoborra | cd-13 #ubuntu-es por favor | 06:39 |
kitche | linuxnub: well considering on each kernel update all the modules need to be reinstalled anyways since that's how linux works | 06:39 |
jamster545_ | english plz | 06:39 |
rmd_ | jamster545_: i very much doubt it is "kubuntu" downloading slowly. | 06:39 |
linuxnub | the orange flashing update icon at the top of the screen screaming to do updates | 06:39 |
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jamster545_ | ... | 06:39 |
rmd_ | jamster545_: concidering i am using kubuntu and have no bandwidth problems | 06:39 |
cwgannon | fonts:/// works, but where's that actually located? | 06:39 |
cd-12 | hi im from chile | 06:39 |
BehindY0u | lockd:check my window, theres too much conversation in here | 06:39 |
=== mark_ [n=mark@adsl-75-19-182-199.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jessica | hey guys i was wondering what the alternative to windows paint is on ubuntu? | 06:39 |
cd-13 | hello how are you! Im from punta arenas!!! Chile And your??? | 06:39 |
jamster545_ | it is probably because i have two comps sharing connection | 06:40 |
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linuxnub | just saying that a warning would have been nice for the new folks to linux | 06:40 |
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Ropechoborra | Freddie5 Yeap, first you have to know wich partition to mount, then type mount /dev/PARTITION /mnt | 06:40 |
cd-17 | lmkpkl | 06:40 |
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mark_ | hello, all! | 06:40 |
Freddie5 | ok thanks Ropechoborra | 06:40 |
rmd_ | jamster545_: uh, yeah, that might be a more likely explanation | 06:40 |
unimatrix12 | paint alternative is gimp | 06:40 |
linuxnub | i did not get one and just did the update cuz i know already how to reload my drivers | 06:40 |
Ropechoborra | you'r Welcome | 06:40 |
alexander | blubb | 06:40 |
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cd-13 | thank you | 06:40 |
cd-12 | thank you! | 06:40 |
mark_ | does someone have a few minutes to help me hammer out an xorg issue? | 06:40 |
jessica | unimatrix12: how do you get onto gimp | 06:40 |
cd-13 | were are from??? | 06:40 |
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jamster545_ | yeah because i am talking on my windows laptop and running the download on my multi-boot linux/windows comp | 06:41 |
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kitche | jessica: gimp is like photoshop really it's more advance then windows paint | 06:41 |
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=== RockooO is now known as kamilaaw | ||
jessica | okay thanks everyone! ive found it :] | 06:41 |
jessica | x x x | 06:41 |
unimatrix12 | or use mpaint , thats maybe nore like paint | 06:41 |
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carstenpo | what is the best way to backup my ubuntu system? | 06:41 |
=== peter_ [n=peter@cpe-069-132-128-141.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kamilaaw | who tallk with me?? | 06:41 |
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Ropechoborra | carstenpo buckup ?? just copy to a safe hd | 06:42 |
kamilaaw | HELLO HELLO | 06:42 |
buby | where are you? | 06:42 |
jamster545_ | does anyone know how to reset a nick password? i registered my email with my other nick. it keeps saying my pass is wrong so i need to reset it | 06:42 |
yotux | is it possible to set a static IP with network manager | 06:42 |
lockd | BehindY0u: you still there? i messaged you instead | 06:42 |
graveson1 | i manage a small network (consisting of ADSL routers) .what tools can i use to monitor this network, block popular p2p apps and performance monitoring | 06:42 |
BlackChaos_ | ive heard of ubuntu studio edition so i wanted to know wats that and twats the differ between unbuntu 7.04 fiesty | 06:42 |
unimatrix12 | static ip yes,.. | 06:42 |
kitche | jamster545_: talk with a oper from freenode that is the only way | 06:42 |
sldkfj | kamilaaw, what's your question? | 06:42 |
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Ropechoborra | jamster545_ this is not IRC help, /msg nickserv help | 06:42 |
callidusfox | georgy28: I am following this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2699093#post2699093 | 06:42 |
ashwin18 | Hey, can anyone help me in installing a program in ubuntu? | 06:42 |
co_op_er_ | hi, how can I remove all drive ikonz on the desktop? | 06:42 |
jamster545_ | it didnt have a command | 06:42 |
Ropechoborra | ashwin18 wich program? | 06:43 |
AnAnt | hello, how do I use configure openswan to use klips ? | 06:43 |
=== kbrosnan [n=kbrosnan@ip68-9-230-88.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jamster545_ | it is easy | 06:43 |
ashwin18 | It's my ISP's dialer software | 06:43 |
yotux | <ashwin18> | 06:43 |
lockd | okay, anyone else willing to explain LILO warnings output and why it doesn't do anything to the MBR | 06:43 |
jamster545_ | co_op_er_ | 06:43 |
ashwin18 | it's required to get me connected to the internet | 06:43 |
kitche | !studio | BlackChaos_ | 06:43 |
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carstenpo | Ropechoborra, how can i copy everything to a safe hd? just cp -r * /media/hdb/bup/* ? | 06:43 |
Ropechoborra | ashwin18 is it compatible to linux? | 06:43 |
kamilaaw | i want to talk somebody!! | 06:43 |
BlackChaos_ | k | 06:43 |
|chiz| | ashwin18 is it for a pppoe connection? | 06:43 |
sangrelinux | hi, when i plug an extra hard drive, it is automatically mounted. But it mounts read only. Is there any way I can override the permissions and make it readable? | 06:43 |
jamster545_ | go to your system settings and hit appearance | 06:43 |
ashwin18 | There's a special Linux version | 06:43 |
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AnAnt | !studio | AnAnt | 06:43 |
ubotu | BlackChaos_: ubuntustudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at http://www.ubuntustudio.com. Or visit #ubuntustudio. | 06:43 |
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buby | mi english is very bad | 06:43 |
=== boenki_ [n=boenki@p50882EBF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sldkfj | kamilaaw, this is a help channel, general talking is for elsewhere. | 06:44 |
sangrelinux | sorry, writabel | 06:44 |
co_op_er_ | im on it | 06:44 |
georgy28 | callidusfox : yes, that's right. You webcam should work after this. | 06:44 |
kamilaaw | my english is vbery bad because miss patty is a bad teacher | 06:44 |
BlackChaos_ | oh ok thx ubotu | 06:44 |
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Ropechoborra | carstenpo cp -R /media/hdb/bup/* /directory//to/copy | 06:44 |
Cotton-swab | cd-17, | 06:44 |
niriven | hi. with totem, can i get a dvd menu? it doesnt seem to work | 06:44 |
ashwin18 | it seems to be archive with the extension *.tar.gz | 06:44 |
unimatrix12 | i thought that ubuntu studio was offline? | 06:44 |
Cotton-swab | yoda | 06:44 |
g0ow | how do i format a partition in gparted? | 06:44 |
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AlexanderM | stefg: finally back online, gaim crashed so now i'm on kopete | 06:45 |
callidusfox | georgy28: so many dependencies I need besides the driver... | 06:45 |
ashwin18 | I would really appreciate some help here | 06:45 |
|chiz| | ashwin18, before you install that if its just a pppoe dialer you don't need to install their software | 06:45 |
unimatrix12 | just start gparted its like partition magic | 06:45 |
=== Waddledee [n=waddlede@c-24-18-0-114.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bullgard4 | What kind of character device is /dev/ttyd7 on my Ubuntu 7.04 computer? | 06:45 |
ashwin18 | chiz, no it's not a pppoe dialer | 06:45 |
=== aubade [n=aubade@oh-67-77-22-225.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stefg | AlexanderM: ok... just give me sec, i'm busy in another channel atm | 06:45 |
g0ow | i have never used partition magic, lol =X | 06:45 |
CapRiCoRN^80 | hi ! plz help me . my us rebotic external modem | 06:45 |
unimatrix12 | gparted has an good gui, you will know what to do.. | 06:45 |
=== miip [n=miip@p54A56E58.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cotton-swab | Yoda is some random person in here | 06:45 |
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g0ow | i found the partition | 06:45 |
CapRiCoRN^80 | is not working | 06:45 |
AlexanderM | stefg: haha ok, thanks! :D | 06:45 |
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|chiz| | ashwin18, ok well start by extracting that archive | 06:45 |
BlackChaos_ | im looking at themes and i see splash screens and i want wat is that, is the splash screen that screen that shows the ubuntu logo and the yellow line loading up ubuntu? | 06:46 |
Cotton-swab | Look, I am talking to -ops, but I am in #ubuntu! | 06:46 |
Cotton-swab | wooo | 06:46 |
Waddledee | I did a security update to the latest kernel, but I can't boot with it. Can someone help me out? | 06:46 |
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ashwin18 | done, chiz | 06:46 |
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|chiz| | ashwin18, there should be a readme or install text file in there that will tell you how to install the software | 06:46 |
ashwin18 | install.sh, | 06:46 |
ashwin18 | Readme, | 06:46 |
ashwin18 | sifybb, | 06:46 |
ashwin18 | sifyconnect, | 06:46 |
ashwin18 | sifyd | 06:46 |
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kamilaaw | byebye all people | 06:46 |
ashwin18 | they are the files | 06:46 |
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CapRiCoRN^80 | hello | 06:46 |
georgy28 | callidusfox : we can first try with the other module : sudo modprobe gspca | 06:46 |
ompaul | !paste | ashwin18 | 06:47 |
ubotu | ashwin18: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:47 |
|chiz| | ashwin18, is there anything useful in the readme file? | 06:47 |
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joldic | Text hier jijhjj | 06:47 |
lockd | Warning: The boot sector and map file are on different disks. | 06:47 |
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lockd | any way to fix this? | 06:47 |
callidusfox | georgy28: "sudo modprobe gspca" nothing happens | 06:47 |
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joldic | ca raja | 06:47 |
lockd | they ARE on different disks, but grub handles just fine- it's just lilo | 06:47 |
ashwin18 | it states that i have to enter some sort of command , but dosent state where | 06:47 |
ompaul | !de | joldic | 06:47 |
ubotu | joldic: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 06:47 |
cd-17 | ++++ | 06:47 |
cd-17 | + | 06:47 |
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ashwin18 | $./install.sh | 06:47 |
georgy28 | callidusfox,: that's ok, now open camorama to see if you cam work | 06:48 |
callidusfox | georgy28: while we talk, I am already instlling those dependencies | 06:48 |
joldic | imal ko da prica ovaj jenik | 06:48 |
Waddledee | I did a security update to the latest kernel, but I can't boot with it. Can someone help me out? | 06:48 |
kitche | lockd: umm not really since that is just a Warning and not an error | 06:48 |
CapRiCoRN^80 | i need help . | 06:48 |
|chiz| | ashwin18, you probably just need to open a terminal and then cd to that directory and then run sudo ./install.sh | 06:48 |
=== ph0 [n=ph0@23.Red-83-58-199.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HiroViro | how do i upgrade my apache2 to the latest version from the shell? | 06:48 |
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callidusfox | georgy28: In Camorama I get "Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0). | 06:48 |
|chiz| | ashwin18, safety not guaranteed | 06:48 |
ashwin18 | oh okay | 06:48 |
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callidusfox | georgy28: Please check conection." | 06:49 |
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ashwin18 | so the command would be sudo ./install.sh right? | 06:49 |
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|chiz| | ashwin18, yes but, safety not guaranteed | 06:49 |
ashwin18 | okay | 06:49 |
georgy28 | callidusfox,: so this module don't work. To remove this module : sudo rmmod gspca | 06:49 |
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Cotton-swab | cd-17, People are back stabbing you !!!! | 06:49 |
ashwin18 | chiz, in what way can this be unsafe? | 06:50 |
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stefg | AlexanderM: ok... so the USB is plugged in? Then open a terminal and enter: sudo grub | 06:50 |
callidusfox | georgy28: but when we checked I did not have it at all | 06:50 |
ashwin18 | im a newbie unfortunately | 06:50 |
georgy28 | callidusfox : so go on with the how-to | 06:50 |
effie_jayx | has anybody had problems with the kernel update? | 06:50 |
callidusfox | georgy28: Ok, I am finishing up with the dependencies | 06:50 |
g0ow | im trying to format my dapper partition in gparted so i can add it to my Feisty to give it more space...can anyone help me? | 06:50 |
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wols | ashwin18: install.sh runs with root priviledges then and could kill your system | 06:50 |
Skiff | any is using gforce 4 with fiesty in here? | 06:50 |
|chiz| | ashwin18, I don't know, you are just going to have to trust that your isp didn't give you something to install that is going to mess up your linux box | 06:50 |
georgy28 | callidusfox : the module name change from spca5xx to gspca ;) | 06:50 |
=== Neutrinux [n=Neutrinu@85.229.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wips | Which mp3player should I use with ubuntu? | 06:50 |
wols | g0ow: what's the problem you enocunter? | 06:50 |
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ashwin18 | oh no, i do trust my ISP | 06:51 |
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kitche | Skiff: what driver did you install for it? | 06:51 |
ashwin18 | I'd like to mention one more thing chiz | 06:51 |
Cotton-swab | wips, VLA? | 06:51 |
kitche | Skiff: since it needs the nvidia-legacy driver now | 06:51 |
=== jeanne [n=lolipops@lns-bzn-38-82-253-73-57.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skiff | kitche hmmm thats what I hear everywehre | 06:51 |
trelayne | hey all, when trying to run blender, I get the following Xorg related message: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Anyone know what the hey is going on? | 06:51 |
PriceChild | Skiff, what card? | 06:51 |
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jeanne | salut | 06:51 |
g0ow | i select the dapper partition and go to Partition->Format To->ext3, and then it will error me telling me that it can not do it | 06:51 |
PriceChild | !fr | jeanne | 06:51 |
ubotu | jeanne: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 06:51 |
Skiff | kitche, and PriceChild gforce 4 440 | 06:51 |
wols | trelayne: no opengl installed/working | 06:51 |
g0ow | am i formatting the partition right? | 06:51 |
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ashwin18 | when I double click the install.h file, a window opens up with the buttons "Run in Terminal", "Run", "Cancel" and "Display" | 06:52 |
jeanne | merci | 06:52 |
trelayne | wols, but glx is enabled.. | 06:52 |
PriceChild | Skiff, the nvidia-glx driver (9631) should be fine. No need to use legacy | 06:52 |
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wols | trelayne: probably not hardware accelerated | 06:52 |
ashwin18 | when i click 'run in terminal', a window appears for a split second and disappears | 06:52 |
wols | trelayne: glxinfo | 06:52 |
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Skiff | PriceChild, no they have problem with specifically gforce 4s | 06:52 |
Waddledee | effie_jayx, I have: I can't boot with it. No one's gotten around to helping me, though. | 06:52 |
jeanne | stl | 06:52 |
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PriceChild | Skiff, ? | 06:52 |
ashwin18 | when i click 'run', nothing happens at all | 06:52 |
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Skiff | PriceChild, those new drivers have problems with gforce 4 | 06:52 |
wols | ashwin18: open an xterm. run it from there | 06:52 |
Skiff | all other models are fine | 06:52 |
jeanne | bonjour sa va bien ? | 06:52 |
trelayne | Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual | 06:52 |
trelayne | ?? | 06:52 |
ashwin18 | and 'display' opens it in a notepad like window | 06:52 |
effie_jayx | Waddledee, two people in another channel hace the same issue | 06:53 |
PriceChild | Skiff, Its fine for me? | 06:53 |
wols | trelayne: you don't have opengl isntalled. QeD | 06:53 |
=== teer2 [n=m@c-68-52-118-61.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ashwin18 | wols, I'm sorry, what's an xterm? | 06:53 |
Skiff | PriceChild, you have gforce 4 440? | 06:53 |
sldkfj | g0ow, check this.... http://www.ehow.com/how_1000631_hard-drive-linux.html | 06:53 |
jeanne | aid moi je suis perdu sa va tros vite | 06:53 |
wols | ashwin18: gnome terminal | 06:53 |
PriceChild | Skiff, I did | 06:53 |
Skiff | and fiesty | 06:53 |
wols | !fr | 06:53 |
PriceChild | Skiff, and it was fine | 06:53 |
Waddledee | effie_jayx: well, if you find out what the problem is, I'd appreciate being filled in. | 06:53 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 06:53 |
teer2 | busy day in here, I bet | 06:53 |
PriceChild | jeanne, /join #ubuntu-fr | 06:53 |
effie_jayx | Waddledee, sure | 06:53 |
g0ow | wols, i select the dapper partition and go to Partition->Format To->ext3, and then it will error me telling me that it can not do it | 06:53 |
Skiff | PriceChild, but probably not fiesty | 06:53 |
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wips | wols, which mp3player do you recommend for ubuntu? | 06:53 |
wols | g0ow: and why not? | 06:53 |
PriceChild | Skiff, before it was released | 06:53 |
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ashwin18 | do you mean the 'terminal' option within one of the menus at the top? | 06:54 |
Skiff | PriceChild, yeah no it does unfortunately ;( | 06:54 |
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wols | ashwin18: yes | 06:54 |
|chiz| | ashwin18, double clicking is not going to work in this case | 06:54 |
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unimatrix12 | goOm : is that the partition you run gparted from? | 06:54 |
Cotton-swab | PriceChild, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:54 |
g0ow | wols, what do you mean? 0.o | 06:54 |
ashwin18 | okay | 06:54 |
louise | salu tout le monde | 06:54 |
wols | wips: no clue. I use xmms usually but I wouldn't exactly recommend it | 06:54 |
|chiz| | ashwin18, open the terminal and cd to the directory | 06:54 |
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teer2 | Is there a recommended link for today's NVIDIA - Kernel issues ? | 06:54 |
PriceChild | !r1 | louise | 06:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about r1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:54 |
wols | g0ow: do you run gparted as root? | 06:54 |
bruenig | wips, rhythmbox | 06:54 |
CapRiCoRN^80 | can anyone help ? | 06:54 |
jeanne | oui c moi louise | 06:54 |
PriceChild | !fr | louise | 06:54 |
ubotu | louise: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 06:54 |
trelayne | wols, how do determine which version of opengl to install? | 06:54 |
ashwin18 | chiz, what's the path to the directory of the linux desktop? | 06:54 |
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wips | bruenig, Ok, thx.. | 06:54 |
kitche | PriceChild: seems like they forgot to remake the nvidia module for the new kernel again doesn't it :) | 06:55 |
wols | trelayne: depends on your videcard | 06:55 |
sldkfj | CapRiCoRN^80, what's your trouble? | 06:55 |
g0ow | wols, i believe so...it asked me for admin pass | 06:55 |
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|chiz| | ashwin18 cd ~/Desktop | 06:55 |
louise | je trouve pas | 06:55 |
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PriceChild | kitche, They are aware and are workign on it. | 06:55 |
kitche | teer2: just use the old kernel for now | 06:55 |
PriceChild | louise, /join #ubuntu-fr | 06:55 |
|chiz| | ashwin18 you can use ls to list what is in the directory | 06:55 |
wols | g0ow: is the dapper partition still mounted? | 06:55 |
trelayne | wols, I have an older nvidia card... (legacy) | 06:55 |
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dhiogjen | hey all. | 06:55 |
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rx | hi | 06:55 |
g0ow | wols, i don't think so | 06:55 |
wols | !nvidia | trelayne | 06:55 |
ubotu | trelayne: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:55 |
callidusfox | georgy28: done, I need to restart now | 06:55 |
louise | a laide !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:55 |
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dhiogjen | i have a problem. i'm trying to get 3D acceleration working on my grandfathers computer | 06:55 |
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callidusfox | georgy28: see u in a bit | 06:56 |
wols | g0ow: doN't "think", check | 06:56 |
CapRiCoRN^80 | sldkfj: i go to Networking and select modem . and do some settings | 06:56 |
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georgy28 | callidusfox,:ok | 06:56 |
CapRiCoRN^80 | but it didnt work | 06:56 |
CapRiCoRN^80 | is there any good website which got this help | 06:56 |
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teer2 | kitche: TY | 06:56 |
dromer | can someone help me install this program? http://argtable.sourceforge.net/ somehow I'm unable to tar -xvvzf the tar.gz it says: gzip: stdin: not in gzip format | 06:56 |
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georgy28 | gone ;) | 06:56 |
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AlexanderM | pf wife burned the food > again -_- | 06:56 |
dhiogjen | he has integrated graphics . | 06:56 |
CapRiCoRN^80 | is there any good website which got this help P | 06:56 |
dhiogjen | Intel Corporation 82815 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller] (rev 04) | 06:56 |
=== Freddie5 [i=Paul@c-68-42-58-78.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlexanderM | so im back :') | 06:56 |
CapRiCoRN^80 | of configure and connecting it to ISP | 06:56 |
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kitche | dromer: then just use tar -xvf the tar.gz | 06:56 |
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sldkfj | !modems | 06:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about modems - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:56 |
dromer | AlexanderM: make your own food :P | 06:56 |
stefg | AlexanderM: you there? i'll have to leave soon | 06:56 |
aoirthoir | AlexanderM, one word... ramen:) | 06:56 |
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kitche | dromer: it might be just a tar with the .gz ending | 06:56 |
wols | dromer: file <file you want to unpack> | 06:56 |
dromer | kitche: thnx,' I'll try :) | 06:56 |
g0ow | wols, no...it's not mounted | 06:56 |
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heatheringlis | hey guys i have just installed a clean feisty, and i have the following problem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22920/ | 06:57 |
AlexanderM | stefg: i'm back | 06:57 |
trelayne | thanks wols | 06:57 |
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heatheringlis | does anyone know what is wrong? | 06:57 |
wols | g0ow: then what else does the error say except it cannot do it? | 06:57 |
dromer | kitche: tar: This does not look like a tar archive I'll try what wols said now | 06:57 |
=== maska [n=maskazzo@host-84-220-82-79.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ashwin18 | thanks guys | 06:57 |
Freddie5 | so im trying to boot the live cd, and it shows the ubuntu graphic and the loading bar, but then the loading bar freezes and my keyboard caps lock and number lock lights start blinking and nothing else seems to happen even if i wait...is my cd corrupt or something? | 06:57 |
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dhiogjen | anyone know how to install the driver for this : Intel Corporation 82815 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller] (rev 04) | 06:57 |
AlexanderM | dromer: i do ;) but i didn't do it today.. i regret it now ;) | 06:57 |
stefg | AlexanderM: so plug the USB in, open a terminal and enter: sudo grub | 06:57 |
NET||abuse | Hey guys,, i'm just about to cross over the feisty threshhold, what do i need to look out for bug wise, or package replacement wise, or anything? | 06:57 |
rx | im trying to identify a bug related to gnome/firefox integration. i know its in firefox-gnome-support_2.0.0.3+1-0ubuntu2_i386.deb but i cant find the source for that package..... can it be in firefox_2.0.0.3+3.orig.tar.gz ? | 06:57 |
dromer | wols: argtable2-6.tar.gz: HTML document text ?? | 06:57 |
AlexanderM | stefg: oke :D | 06:57 |
g0ow | wols, may i PM you? | 06:57 |
sldkfj | CapRiCoRN^80, what modem is that? wireless, dialup, cable. dsl ? | 06:57 |
wols | dromer: there you go. you haven't download a tar.gz | 06:57 |
NET||abuse | I'm doing an inplace upgrade from 6.10 | 06:58 |
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AlexanderM | stefg: so i'm in a grub prompt now | 06:58 |
wols | g0ow: no | 06:58 |
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z3r0ph3wl | i have installed pidgin on my ubuntu feisty with .deb package but now i cant uninstall it. i removed it from synaptic but its steel in aplications and works :S | 06:58 |
dromer | wols: but what do I do with it? o.O it's supposed to be thu source of the program .. | 06:58 |
dhiogjen | can anyone at all help me? | 06:58 |
Slart | heatheringlis: you installed kubuntu.. might be worth mentioning as it look like a KDE problem | 06:58 |
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mark_ | can someone explain to me why I can't get any resolution higher than 1024x768 on a 19'' WXGA monitor, when I have the right drivers installed for my card "fglrx" and I have denoted in my xorg to use a higher resolution on my panel? | 06:58 |
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unimatrix12 | should the intell 3D not be working by defaukt? glxinfo | grep direct | 06:58 |
Lichte | how do I reconfigure my keyboard layout ?? | 06:58 |
unimatrix12 | to see.. | 06:58 |
wols | dromer: no it's not. is a html file which says something like "error...blah...blah" | 06:58 |
stefg | AlexanderM: fine. enter: find /boot/grub/stage1 . What does it say? | 06:58 |
dhiogjen | unimatrix12: it should be i hear | 06:58 |
dhiogjen | unimatrix12: but it is nt | 06:58 |
dromer | wols: weird :P | 06:58 |
wips | wols, do I have to install drivers and such? or is that already done? >.< | 06:58 |
wols | AlexanderM: load it in a browser and see for yourelf | 06:58 |
dhiogjen | unimatrix12: not* | 06:58 |
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PriceChild | z3r0ph3wl, please go to whoever made the deb for support. | 06:59 |
Slart | heatheringlis: I run gnome myself so I'm not really faimiliar with the KDE components | 06:59 |
wols | , | 06:59 |
=== Siabef is now known as Iagna | ||
unimatrix12 | have you checked the glxinfo? | 06:59 |
g0ow | wols, it show's the filesystem to be unknown...now i can't format or delete it... | 06:59 |
dromer | wols: ok, I see I need the -dev .. it's in the ubuntu-peo's | 06:59 |
PriceChild | z3r0ph3wl, we don't support 3rd party apps here. | 06:59 |
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dromer | wols: libargtable2-dev | 06:59 |
dhiogjen | unimatrix12: it's working through mesa glx indirect | 06:59 |
AlexanderM | stefg: unrecognized command | 06:59 |
wols | wips: you need a working sound system | 06:59 |
unimatrix12 | i see | 06:59 |
AlexanderM | stefg: i should do that outside grub? :$ | 06:59 |
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dhiogjen | unimatrix12: i'm using dapper | 06:59 |
heatheringlis | Slart: ok thanks | 06:59 |
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stefg | AlexanderM: no, at the grub prompt | 06:59 |
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wips | wols, I was thinking about the vga actually.. Nvidia drivers.. Sound is working good | 06:59 |
dhiogjen | unimatrix12: if that's at all relevant | 06:59 |
wols | g0ow: use and fdisk program, delete the partition. recreate it, format it | 06:59 |
niels__ | I have a "Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz" cpu. Can I get ubuntu to throttle it down? I see info on the net that the CPU isn't supported by speedstep drivers | 07:00 |
AlexanderM | stefg: aha now it says (hd2,1) | 07:00 |
wols | wips: you need X to work for most MP3 players tho there are some for console | 07:00 |
mark_ | can someone explain to me why I can't get any resolution higher than 1024x768 on a 19'' WXGA monitor, when I have the right drivers installed for my card "fglrx" and I have denoted in my xorg to use a higher resolution on my panel? | 07:00 |
stefg | AlexanderM: no typo? find /boot/grub/stage1 | 07:00 |
g0ow | wols, thank you | 07:00 |
AlexanderM | stefg: yes it was a typo, srry | 07:00 |
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stefg | AlexanderM: root (hd2,1) | 07:00 |
wols | mark_: check your xorg logs | 07:00 |
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AWizzArd | when I log in with ssh (from my machine B) to my remote ubuntu machine A, can I then start a Gnome session with my user to which I can connect through VNC? | 07:00 |
Skiff | guys will beryl work with legacy drivers? | 07:00 |
kitche | Skiff: yes | 07:01 |
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stefg | AlexanderM: then setup (hd2) | 07:01 |
sldkfj | skiff, yes | 07:01 |
spyked | hi all - i can't get booted in gui anymore - keeps booting in txt mode - ATI drivers installed this way: http://www.howforge.com/how-to-setup-fglrx-for-ubuntu-feisty - my var/log/Xorg.0.log is here: http://rafb.net/p/ItLce032.html - can anyone help me?? | 07:01 |
AlexanderM | stefg: unrecognized command | 07:01 |
Freddie5 | so im trying to boot the live cd, and it shows the ubuntu graphic and the loading bar, but then the loading bar freezes and my keyboard caps lock and number lock lights start blinking and nothing else seems to happen even if i wait...is my cd corrupt or something? | 07:01 |
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AlexanderM | stefg: root(hd2,1) | 07:01 |
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stefg | AlexanderM: tyes | 07:01 |
Lichte | how do I reconfigure my keyboard layout ?? | 07:01 |
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sldkfj | system prefs keyboard | 07:01 |
dhiogjen | unimatrix12: still there? | 07:01 |
wols | spyked: ask ati | 07:02 |
AlexanderM | stefg: also doens't recognize setup( | 07:02 |
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Lichte | sldkfj: is that a command line utility ? | 07:02 |
wols | spyked: crash happens in their drivers itseems | 07:02 |
BlackChaos_ | is there a way to make beryl start on startup? | 07:02 |
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Lichte | sldkfj: I dont have gnome installed | 07:02 |
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stefg | AlexanderM: setup (hd2) (note the space) | 07:02 |
kitche | BlackChaos_: add beryl-manager to your startup | 07:02 |
spyked | wols - is there anything i can do to fix the problem until theyget better drivers? | 07:02 |
dhiogjen | ok, im guessing unimatrix went somewhere.... can anyone else help me? | 07:02 |
PriceChild | !startup | BlackChaos_ | 07:02 |
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ubotu | BlackChaos_: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup | 07:02 |
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BlackChaos_ | k thx kitche | 07:02 |
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CapRiCoRN^80 | sldkfj: u got me ? | 07:02 |
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unimatrix12 | yes i was looking to see if i could get some info on the driver | 07:02 |
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sldkfj | kichte, well you'll might find better help in Kubuntu or Xubuntu | 07:03 |
dhiogjen | i'm trying to get accelerated graphics working for this : Intel Corporation 82815 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller] (rev 04) | 07:03 |
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BlackChaos_ | thx guys | 07:03 |
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sldkfj | Lichte, well you'll might find better help in Kubuntu or Xubuntu | 07:03 |
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dhiogjen | unimatrix12: oh, alright, thanks | 07:03 |
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AlexanderM | stefg: ah the space did the trick :) | 07:03 |
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sldkfj | CapRiCoRN^80, what modem is that? wireless, dialup, cable. dsl ? | 07:03 |
dedi | how do i activate the ssh server? | 07:03 |
dhiogjen | unimatrix12: and any luck? | 07:03 |
stefg | AlexanderM: quit | 07:03 |
Lichte | sldkfj: there no command line utility ?? what about the one that configured my keyboard when I installed ?> | 07:03 |
AlexanderM | stefg: done :) | 07:03 |
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CapRiCoRN^80 | dialup .. Us rebotic external modem | 07:04 |
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shawn34 | Im looking for a good gui app to create dvds from avi & mpeg video. Anyone know of a good one? | 07:04 |
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unimatrix12 | Intel 815GM | 07:04 |
unimatrix12 | * Chipset: Intel Corporation 82815/815GM Integrated Grapics Device | 07:04 |
unimatrix12 | * Driver: Latest snapshots and MESA DRI drivers (new stuff added that was missing to make it work) | 07:04 |
wols | spyked: use a different version if you can find or depending on your card, use vesa or ati | 07:04 |
stefg | AlexanderM: so now grub should work when the USB is plugged in 8and the bios set to boot from USB | 07:04 |
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AlexanderM | stefg: ok, ill try then :) | 07:04 |
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AlexanderM | stefg: now it shouldn't load grub when my usb-disk is unplugged, right? | 07:04 |
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CapRiCoRN^80 | sldkfj: dialup .. Us rebotic external modem | 07:04 |
stefg | AlexanderM: right | 07:04 |
DiebelsAlt | tach | 07:04 |
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AlexanderM | stefg: ok, ill reboot now, hope it works, thanks in advantage! | 07:05 |
stefg | !de | DiebelsAlt | 07:05 |
ubotu | DiebelsAlt: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 07:05 |
spyked | wols - ok.... sometimes i hate being a n00b... have NO idea how to do what you're saying lol | 07:05 |
jamster545 | i am gonna disconnect for a few to help speed up the download on my other comp | 07:05 |
sldkfj | Lichte, Gnome is #ubuntu KDE is #Kubuntu or XFCE #Xubuntu | 07:05 |
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dhiogjen | unimatrix12: ummmm... what exactly does that mean i need to do? | 07:05 |
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Lichte | sldkfj: and what channel is command line ? | 07:05 |
wols | spyked: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:05 |
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spyked | wols - ok, trying that | 07:05 |
=== frederic [n=frederic@ABordeaux-156-1-34-50.w86-217.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dedi | can anyone tell me how to activate ssh and terminal server? | 07:06 |
shawn34 | Im looking for a good gui app to create dvds from avi & mpeg video. Anyone know of a good one? | 07:06 |
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sldkfj | CapRiCoRN^80, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 07:06 |
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CapRiCoRN^80 | sldkfj: i have used this link | 07:06 |
wols | dedi:sudo apt-get install openssh | 07:06 |
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CapRiCoRN^80 | before | 07:06 |
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AWizzArd | when I log in with ssh (from my machine B) to my remote ubuntu machine A, can I then start a Gnome session with my user to which I can connect through VNC? | 07:06 |
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dedi | wols: i did that but it isnt starting | 07:07 |
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kitche | AWizzArd: not that I know of | 07:07 |
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wols | dedi: /etc/init.d/ssh start | 07:07 |
wols | dedi: via sudo of course | 07:07 |
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AWizzArd | kitche: so that means if I can't physically log in on my (remote) machine I can't use vnc, because that requires that Gnome already is running? | 07:07 |
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g0ow | wols, i have the dapper partition formatted now...how do i merge it into feisty's? | 07:07 |
dhiogjen | unimatrix12: .... anything? | 07:07 |
Miko_ | how can i stop network-manager from dropping all the time? | 07:08 |
wols | g0ow: you don't | 07:08 |
=== Zdra [n=zdra@179.235-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sldkfj | CapRiCoRN^80, I thought you asked for a webpage. | 07:08 |
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unimatrix12 | looks like there is no info.. | 07:08 |
=== DeadEnd154 [n=Hacker_i@c-71-236-41-137.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g0ow | wols, what do i do? | 07:08 |
DeadEnd154 | AHHHHHHHHH!! | 07:08 |
kitche | AWizzArd: yeah if you do startx on a ssh connection and leave the ssh connection X shut downs | 07:08 |
=== Engen [n=engen@81-230-151-182-o864.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DeadEnd154 | Hey ! Need Some Help Here I am running TWO BFG 8800 GTS OC's ON a Bfg 680I MB. I am wanting to install the Ubuntu Ultimate Gamers Edition Linux. It is Giving me an Error That says Cannot load X Server(graphics interface) CaN Anyone offer some Help ? | 07:08 |
DeadEnd154 | PLease? | 07:08 |
dhiogjen | unimatrix12: so what should i do? | 07:08 |
unimatrix12 | i hope some one knows around here...Intel 815GM 3D drivers how to ubuntu? | 07:08 |
wols | goban: for merging this was the wrong approac. for that, you delete the dapper partition, then you resize the feisty one | 07:08 |
CapRiCoRN^80 | yes | 07:08 |
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wols | g0ow: but make backups | 07:08 |
PriceChild | DeadEnd154, we don't support 3rd party applications here - ubuntu gamers edition | 07:08 |
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CapRiCoRN^80 | sldkfj: but if that will be done by some person n created howto on dialup modem | 07:09 |
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wols | unimatrix12: i810 driver. possible the intel i915 one if you are lucky | 07:09 |
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dhiogjen | eh | 07:09 |
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DeadEnd154 | Pricechild: THanks. Do you know Where I can Turn ? | 07:09 |
dhiogjen | i'm going to write in caps lock to get everyone's attention | 07:09 |
ikonia | DeadEnd154: the site you got the product from ? | 07:09 |
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melman101 | Hey all | 07:09 |
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dhiogjen | ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT GETTING 3D SUPPORT FOR THE FOLLOWING: Intel Corporation 82815 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller] (rev 04) | 07:09 |
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Pollywog | I got shfs to compile and install in Debian but I am unable to do the same in Feisty | 07:09 |
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PriceChild | !caps | dhiogjen | 07:09 |
ubotu | dhiogjen: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 07:10 |
wols | DeadEnd154: wherever you got that ubunut gamers edition from | 07:10 |
Pollywog | even with module assistant | 07:10 |
unimatrix12 | so is that driver in the repositories? | 07:10 |
dedi | wols tried that also but cant putty myself | 07:10 |
unimatrix12 | Intel 815GM | 07:10 |
dhiogjen | haha, i already warned abotu the caps :-P | 07:10 |
Miko_ | how do i setup automatic podcast syncing with a USB stick using rhythmbox? | 07:10 |
wols | dedi:sudo netstat -anp |grep LIST | 07:10 |
ikonia | dhiogjen: I know how to not shout and how to read and obey the channels rules and topic | 07:10 |
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wols | dedi: paste the output of that in a pastebin | 07:10 |
tri3axe | I have a usb disk that is ntfs formated.. how can i enable r/w acess to it? ,so i can format it or just add a file to the disk? | 07:11 |
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wols | unimatrix12: I just told you | 07:11 |
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Pollywog | I wonder if ubotu would warn him/her self | 07:11 |
Mattew_LaSkala | Hi | 07:11 |
wols | ntfs-3g | 07:11 |
kitche | !ntfs | tri3axe | 07:11 |
ubotu | tri3axe: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 07:11 |
wols | tri3axe: ntfs-3g | 07:11 |
niels__ | A cpu speed questioin: I have a 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' = "Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz" cpu. Can I get ubuntu to throttle it down? I see info on the net that the CPU isn't supported by speedstep drivers | 07:11 |
simplyw00x | Any ideas on how i could diagnose a flaky ndiswrapper connection with a broadcom card? | 07:11 |
dromer | ok, I'm still having trouble compiling this program .. ./configure says it needs libcurl >= 7.10.0 but the current curl is up to date and 7.15.something so howcome it doesn't work and what shoud I look for to make the compiler know I have the reqeured dependency? | 07:11 |
ikonia | niels__: if speedsteps not supported thats tough really | 07:11 |
Pollywog | is there a tips and tricks section I do not know about? | 07:11 |
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Mattew_LaSkala | Plase give my Cd key ofical | 07:11 |
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kitche | dromer: need -dev | 07:11 |
PriceChild | drobbins, is there a libcurl-dev ? | 07:11 |
Pollywog | with info on getting shfs working? | 07:12 |
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wols | dromer: the libcurl dev package | 07:12 |
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tri3axe | i installed ntfs config tool.. and enabled r/w acess.. but nothing happened | 07:12 |
callidusfox | georgy28: ok | 07:12 |
ikonia | dromer: because your configuring something outside the package manager so you have to tell the software all about your dependencies | 07:12 |
niels__ | ikonia: but can one do anything? | 07:12 |
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sid32 | having an odd problem.. I can get sound in movie player for .avi but not in vlc or smplayer.. | 07:12 |
georgy28 | callidusfox: it's working ? | 07:12 |
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dhiogjen | wols: so the i810 driver will work you say? but isnt that for mobile 3D? | 07:12 |
ikonia | niels__: not that I'm aware of | 07:12 |
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callidusfox | georgy28: I followed the guide and it works. But the view sucks as if it is in the night shot mode. Can it be because I am sititng in the basement ? | 07:12 |
=== Kjellviz [n=opera@c213-89-100-240.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duaneb | hey | 07:12 |
dedi | wols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22928/ and thanks for taking a look at it :) | 07:12 |
wols | dhiogjen: i810 was a desktop chipset for P3 | 07:12 |
duaneb | I'd like to start helping with ubuntu | 07:12 |
duaneb | where can I start? | 07:13 |
=== XamDM [n=lars@p5B17FC9F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
callidusfox | georgy28: I can even say that it is black and white | 07:13 |
ikonia | duaneb: welcome | 07:13 |
Kjellviz | where can i find a list over hardware that has good supported drivers for linux/ubuntu ? | 07:13 |
PriceChild | !participate | duaneb | 07:13 |
ikonia | duaneb: your doing it by being here | 07:13 |
ubotu | duaneb: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate | 07:13 |
ikonia | !hcl >kjellviz | 07:13 |
niels__ | ikonia: ok, thanks anyway | 07:13 |
wols | dedi: ssh is listening. "ssh localhost". what does it say? | 07:13 |
Skiff | guys how come when I do clean install I always end up with generic kernels instead of 386? | 07:13 |
georgy28 | callidusfox: no, we get the same problem, but with camorama you can use the effects | 07:13 |
duaneb | thanks | 07:13 |
ikonia | Skiff: as generic is now the standard | 07:13 |
Pollywog | how do I fix this? shfsmount: shfs filesystem not supported by the kernel | 07:13 |
dhiogjen | wols: ah ok, cool. well, this is a celeron. i dunno if it will work. but i'll give it a shot. any clue where i can get the driver? | 07:13 |
PriceChild | Skiff, generic kernels load optimisations on the fly | 07:13 |
wols | dedi: and when it can't connect: grep -i ssh /var/log/syslog.1.gz | 07:13 |
wols | dedi: and when it can't connect: grep -i ssh /var/log/syslog | 07:13 |
dromer | ikonia: how can I do this? | 07:14 |
PriceChild | Skiff, the 386 kernel is for old machiens with compatability issues | 07:14 |
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wols | dhiogjen: you already have it | 07:14 |
ikonia | dromer: do what ? | 07:14 |
Skiff | so I am better off with generic? | 07:14 |
wols | dhiogjen: if you have X installed that is | 07:14 |
nickrud | Skiff, there are no cpu specific packages, they're all dummies pointing at generic | 07:14 |
simplyw00x | Skiff: yes | 07:14 |
Kjellviz | ikonia: thanks =) | 07:14 |
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wols | dhiogjen: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:14 |
dhiogjen | wols: ok... how do i get 3D acceleration working? | 07:14 |
Skiff | thank you guys! | 07:14 |
dromer | ikonia: tell the software about my dependencies | 07:14 |
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dhiogjen | wols: that gets 3D acceleration to work? | 07:14 |
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ikonia | dromer: you have to know a little about what your doing when building software. There is an introduction to it on http://www.tldp.org | 07:14 |
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ahmed | guys ,, would someone tel me what is cvs ? and why do cvs versions of appilcations have an exe file, for example i have just download dosbox cvs version its an exe file ,, how will it run on ubuntu ? how to execute it anyway ? | 07:15 |
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unimatrix12 | no it wil not... | 07:15 |
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duaneb | thanks | 07:15 |
dromer | ikonia: thnx | 07:15 |
rmartin | hola | 07:15 |
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georgy28 | callidusfox,: I'm gone, and have Fun ! | 07:15 |
sldkfj | CapRiCoRN^80, check this out; it tells you how to do to diagnose it after you disconnect: http://board.iexbeta.com/index.php?s=955bc0615a8ed6f76df7092a40f83003&showtopic=70524&pid=736096&st=0&#entry736096 | 07:15 |
rmartin | como te llamas | 07:15 |
simplyw00x | also, any thoughts on making the jack sensing on snd-hda-intel work? I've tried recompiling alsa 14rc4 but still no dice | 07:15 |
aroo | I just compiled kernel and everything works perfectly except my NIC. "lspci" shows the ethernet controller but no interfaces show in knetworkmanager | 07:15 |
callidusfox | georgy28: but this is kind of useless ? I cannot use this in gaim for example ? | 07:15 |
jamster545 | how do I open an archive file with the extension .deb/ | 07:15 |
jamster545 | ? | 07:15 |
PriceChild | !es | rmartin | 07:15 |
ubotu | rmartin: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 07:15 |
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nickrud | jamster545, double click it in the file manager | 07:15 |
simplyw00x | jamster545: it's a debian package | 07:15 |
burzum__ | can anyone help me installing compiz? aptitude search compiz tells me that compiz-config-gnome is installed but its not. if i enter this command it tells me command not found | 07:15 |
wols | jamster545: to do what? | 07:15 |
dedi | wols: its a little strange. ssh localhost -> network is unreachable. ssh (local ip) -> just waiting, nothing happens. syslog has no ssh entry | 07:15 |
PriceChild | burzum__, #ubuntu-effects | 07:16 |
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rmartin | no hablo tu idioma espaol | 07:16 |
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georgy28 | callidusfox: only with amsn or kopete , bye | 07:16 |
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ikonia | dedi: why is localhost not looking at a 127.0.x.x address | 07:16 |
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PriceChild | rmartin, language? | 07:16 |
callidusfox | georgy28: thanks, bye | 07:16 |
rmartin | espaol | 07:16 |
kitche | ahmed: cvs is developer repos it stands for control version system | 07:16 |
dedi | wols: it is :) | 07:16 |
PriceChild | rmartin, /join #ubuntu-es | 07:16 |
wols | dedi: ping localhost | 07:16 |
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dedi | nslookup brings | 07:16 |
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jamster545 | se habla #ubuntu-es | 07:16 |
kitche | ahmed: and the exe is probably for the windows program since it also has a window port | 07:17 |
dedi | wols nslookup brings | 07:17 |
ahmed | kitche, so there is no difference between applications normal version and cvs version ? | 07:17 |
nickrud | jamster545, oops, another change: right click, select archive manager | 07:17 |
urko | hello | 07:17 |
ikonia | dedi: check your typing 172 or 127 | 07:17 |
wols | ahmed: there is | 07:17 |
nathanr | trying to remote ssh into my new ubuntu box, but it says connection refused. How do I allow remote SSH connections? | 07:17 |
simplyw00x | ahmed: cvs is newer | 07:17 |
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BlackChaos_ | wat happ to the shutdown button i only see hibernate, suspend, lock, log off, switch users, i want to shut my pc down | 07:17 |
kitche | ahmed: cvs is being worked on depending which version you extracted out of the cvs repo | 07:17 |
PriceChild | nathanr, have you installed an ssh server? | 07:17 |
jamster545 | nicrud, i extraced the 3 files | 07:17 |
k31th | whats the best way to check for broken ram, i have just got this system and the kingston ram i have gives mixed result on memtest86... it was buggered showed errors i resetted it and checked 1 stick at a time in memtest86 passed put both sticks in again passed fine ! on 6 passed however i just got a BSOD in xp running in vmware and a couple of run time errors... | 07:17 |
ahmed | hmm | 07:17 |
ikonia | nathanr: do you have openssh-server package installed ? | 07:17 |
wols | k31th: memtest | 07:17 |
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kitche | ahmed: since some projects keep stable ones in the repo for a long time also | 07:17 |
ahmed | how to install cvs,, how to run cvs apps using cvs ??? | 07:17 |
nickrud | jamster545, just to look at, I'd assume | 07:17 |
urko | enybody knows why my internet conneciton slows down if I use amule? | 07:17 |
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nathanr | pricechild: I guess not. | 07:17 |
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k31th | wols: iv tried memtest | 07:17 |
PriceChild | nathanr, listen to ikonia ;) | 07:17 |
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wols | ahmed: cvs is a download manager of sorts. you use it tog et the sourcecode. you don#t run anything with it | 07:18 |
nickrud | urko, it's constantly using some bandwidth | 07:18 |
nathanr | installing now. Thanks! | 07:18 |
=== Lemon [n=Kirakish@cpe-76-169-78-244.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CheshireViking | BlackChaos_, how did you start "X", did you type startx or did the graphical interface start up automatically at boot time? | 07:18 |
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jamster545 | nickrud there is a binary a control.tar.gz and a data.tar.gz which do i open? | 07:18 |
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Lemon | I've chmod +x something, | 07:18 |
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urko | nickroud: How can i fix that? | 07:18 |
nickrud | jamster545, what are you trying to do with the file? | 07:18 |
PriceChild | jamster545, you shouldn't mess about with .debs like that | 07:18 |
BlackChaos_ | the graphical interface started up | 07:18 |
Lemon | but when I try to run it in the terminal, it says command not found | 07:18 |
jamster545 | install a download | 07:18 |
dedi | wols PING localhost ( 56(84) bytes of data. From lau01a04.sunrise.ch ( icmp_seq=1 Destination Net Unreachable. looks like localhost gets routed :) | 07:18 |
jamster545 | i just downloaded it | 07:18 |
PriceChild | jammer_, where from? | 07:18 |
jamster545 | it needs to be installed | 07:18 |
PriceChild | jamster545, where from? | 07:18 |
nickrud | jamster545, see PriceChild | 07:19 |
wols | dedi: route -n output? | 07:19 |
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aubade | It's in the data tar. | 07:19 |
Lemon | the file turned yellow | 07:19 |
ikonia | dedi: your networking is very messed up | 07:19 |
jamster545 | AVG | 07:19 |
aroo | I just compiled kernel and everything works perfectly except my NIC. "lspci" shows the ethernet controller but no interfaces show in knetworkmanager | 07:19 |
PriceChild | jamster545, what app is it? Isn't it in the repos? | 07:19 |
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aubade | It sounds like a deb pkg to me. | 07:19 |
AlexanderM | stefg is gone? | 07:19 |
jamster545 | it is AVG free edition (anti-virus) | 07:19 |
ikonia | aroo: if you're building your own kernels you should know how to debug this sort of thing | 07:19 |
CheshireViking | BlackChaos_, what happens when you do the logoff? does it take you to a screen that gives you an option to shutdown? | 07:19 |
dedi | wols: seems to be ok for local and wan, there is just no localhost entry | 07:19 |
wols | ahmed: check /sbin/ifconfig -a | 07:19 |
PriceChild | jamster545, sudo dpkg -i foo.deb | 07:19 |
wols | dedi: pate it | 07:19 |
aroo | ikonia, you aren't forced to respond | 07:19 |
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BlackChaos_ | no i tried that to but no i saw no shutdown button either | 07:20 |
dedi | wols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22930/ | 07:20 |
wols | aroo: check /sbin/ifconfig -a | 07:20 |
jamster545 | this is confuzing | 07:20 |
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ikonia | aroo: no, your right but this is for ubuntu support issues, and your building your own none-ubuntu options | 07:20 |
ahmed | wols, wat should that do ? | 07:20 |
ikonia | aroo: hence for you should have a basic idea on how to debug if your building your own kernel | 07:20 |
dhiogjen | wols: is a reboot necessary after the xconfig? | 07:20 |
nickrud | jamster545, not really. Deb packages are how software is distributed for ubuntu | 07:20 |
aroo | wols, I checked and only the loopback shows which is the stem of my confusion | 07:20 |
wols | dedi: how did you end up with the first route? | 07:20 |
tapas | i have a weird problem: | 07:20 |
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jamster545 | how do I open the installer then? | 07:20 |
nathanr | pricechild,ikonia: thanks! installing openssh-server was all I had to do. | 07:20 |
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tapas | i turned off my computer, detached the dvd drive and attached a hd instead | 07:21 |
ikonia | nathanr: not a problem | 07:21 |
CheshireViking | BlackChaos_, are you using beryl or compiz? | 07:21 |
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wols | dedi: nvm. looks ok | 07:21 |
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tapas | this hd was nicely detected, etc.. | 07:21 |
nickrud | jamster545, there are specific tools designed for installing those debs. | 07:21 |
BlackChaos_ | beryl | 07:21 |
AlexanderM | grub throws error 17 | 07:21 |
dedi | wols: the strange networkmaks is because of my ip limited router | 07:21 |
wols | aroo: then you haven't compiled in the needed driver. do you compile again | 07:21 |
nickrud | jamster545, it's not windows ;) | 07:21 |
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AlexanderM | anyone now how i can fix it? :$ | 07:21 |
jamster545 | like? | 07:21 |
ahmed | WOLS ?? | 07:21 |
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tapas | but now i attached my dvd drive again and the kernel seems to see it | 07:21 |
AlexanderM | i think it's config error | 07:21 |
Dallas | Anyone know why sshing out is taking a while for me, even to a machine on my network? | 07:21 |
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jamster545 | i just installed kubuntu yesterday | 07:21 |
aubade | Debs Ubuntu 6.10 and further in includes gdebi to handle deb installation. | 07:21 |
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tapas | but the hotplug scripts don't produce the device node under /dev/hdc | 07:21 |
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hollandlucas | hey guys | 07:21 |
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sldkfj | jamster545, ubuntu is linux and linux isn't prone to virus infections | 07:22 |
hollandlucas | I've got a little problem here with Feisty (Ubuntu) | 07:22 |
tapas | http://rafb.net/p/575Gd910.html | 07:22 |
CheshireViking | BlackChaos_, thought so, I've seen mention of a bug with beryl that doesn't show the shutdown button, give me a minute while i try & find it | 07:22 |
wols | Dallas: messed up reverse dns | 07:22 |
ahmed | guys any one know how to install dosbox ? | 07:22 |
aubade | -Debs // I think Synaptic has a utility for doing it as well, that might've just been a mock-up though. | 07:22 |
hollandlucas | On my network, I've got a mac mini | 07:22 |
jamster545 | i know but i still want the anti virus software | 07:22 |
BlackChaos_ | kk | 07:22 |
Dallas | wols: Would that be a system problem, or with my ISP? | 07:22 |
Dallas | or DHCP? | 07:22 |
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hollandlucas | I've got an EPSON printer attached to that mac | 07:22 |
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Dallas | When I was using Windows, it didn't take long to make connection | 07:22 |
hollandlucas | I can use it from my macbook (which is running OS X) | 07:22 |
wols | Dallas: your system or ssh. depending how you want to solve it | 07:22 |
hollandlucas | how do I use it from Ubuntu? | 07:22 |
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aubade | ahmed: Go into Synpatic, search for 'dosbox', right-click and selection 'install' and press 'apply' on the toolbar. That or 'sudo aptitude install dosbox' from a terminal. | 07:23 |
Dallas | wols: And how might I go about doing either? | 07:23 |
nickrud | jamster545, a good page for you now would be http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/components | 07:23 |
sldkfj | jamster545, 'ke sara, sara' | 07:23 |
ahmed | guys does any one know how to set dosbox to use full screen ? | 07:23 |
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PeterPan4681 | can anyone help me get plugins to work in firefox? I've been all over the documentation website and can't figure out why they wont work | 07:23 |
wols | Dallas: fix your dns or edit your sshd.conf so it doesn't check reverse dns. that is, if ssh takes agens to connect but once connected works fine | 07:23 |
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Dallas | Alright | 07:23 |
Dallas | Thanks =) | 07:23 |
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ahmed | guys does any one know how to set dosbox to use full screen ?. when i press alt tab it switches to full screen but the window of the dosbox itself is in a small frame surrounded by a black screeen ...plz help | 07:24 |
CheshireViking | BlackChaos_, have a look at this webpage, it mentions a bug & how to get round it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=399643&highlight=xgl+feisty | 07:24 |
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jamster545 | i have to go... i will be back for more help later | 07:24 |
aubade | dosbox -fullscreen | 07:24 |
CheshireViking | BlackChaos_, about the 6th or 7th box down the screen mentions it | 07:24 |
wips | When I tried playing an avi-file in Totem Movieplayer I only got sound. Does that mean I need codecs? | 07:24 |
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BlackChaos_ | k thx alot | 07:25 |
sldkfj | wips, yeah, I think that's what it means | 07:25 |
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nickrud | PeterPan4681, what plugins? | 07:25 |
wips | sldkfj, Ok.. but how do I do that? | 07:26 |
PeterPan4681 | Totem xine, Flash, Java | 07:26 |
shawn34 | Im looking for a good gui app to create dvds from avi & mpeg video. Anyone know of a good one? | 07:26 |
sldkfj | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats | 07:26 |
nickrud | PeterPan4681, i386 install? | 07:26 |
PeterPan4681 | AMD64 | 07:26 |
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hollandlucas | nobody in here who can help me? | 07:26 |
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wols | hollandlucas: cups | 07:27 |
nickrud | PeterPan4681, a sec, I used a page from the forum .. | 07:27 |
hollandlucas | cups? | 07:27 |
Steve__ | test | 07:27 |
Dallas | wols: After your suggestion, I googled based on your suggestion, and am coming to find that the problem is probably due to IPv6 | 07:28 |
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wols | hollandlucas: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/printing/C/printing.html#network | 07:28 |
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juan278 | can you aset permisions on a file so a program can access it but no others? | 07:29 |
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wols | juan278: if the program runs under its own username yes. if not, not so easy | 07:30 |
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cyril_ | hi, anyone here use the vpn plugin from network manager ? i can connect to a vpn but, can't access services and when connected can't continue surfing on the net a the same time :( | 07:30 |
hollandlucas | mmm | 07:30 |
hollandlucas | it doesn't find the printer | 07:30 |
ahmed | guys when i run dosbox i get . Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 plzz helpp | 07:30 |
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hollandlucas | I don't know which protocol OS X printer sharing uses | 07:31 |
wols | hollandlucas: it uses IPP since it uses cups just as ubuntu does | 07:31 |
ahmed | guys i get this error when i try to run dosbox Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 | 07:31 |
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nickrud | PeterPan4681, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1174435 . | 07:31 |
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hollandlucas | lol | 07:31 |
hollandlucas | now it's added 2 printers | 07:32 |
hollandlucas | I only have one | 07:32 |
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PeterPan4681 | nickrud thank you very much | 07:32 |
ahmed | guys i get this error when i try to run dosbox Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 | 07:32 |
pushpop | Besides squirrel mail what are other popular web email clients? | 07:32 |
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azamat | how can i see what in the world is using up all of my RAM? gnome-system-monitor only shows that 254mb of 512 are used, but it doesn't show which process is gobbling it all up | 07:32 |
hollandlucas | neither of them works | 07:33 |
hollandlucas | it says: job-printing on the ubuntu machine | 07:33 |
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hollandlucas | oh wait | 07:33 |
hollandlucas | now something's happening | 07:33 |
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hollandlucas | yay | 07:33 |
hollandlucas | it works! | 07:33 |
hollandlucas | thanks | 07:33 |
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sldkfj | hollandlucas, was it the 'plug and play' aspect? | 07:34 |
wols | azamat: what is the output of "free" ? | 07:34 |
hollandlucas | ;-) | 07:34 |
cox377 | can someone please confirm this is the command for opening a port for the iptables 'sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 45555 -j ACCEPT'>? | 07:34 |
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luca____ | chi ascolta michael angelo batio? | 07:35 |
wols | cox377: why do you need to "open ports"? ubuntu isn't closing any by default | 07:35 |
wols | so unless you did something, this is not needed. but yes it opens port 45555/tcp | 07:35 |
cox377 | wols: is it completely open by default? | 07:35 |
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wols | cox377: yes | 07:35 |
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wips | Is there any guide or page that can help me update ubuntu to the newest version? | 07:35 |
wols | and no, this is not unsecure | 07:35 |
cox377 | wols: :s - so completely unprotected? | 07:35 |
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cox377 | wols: ok, lol. | 07:35 |
ahmed | guys i get this error when i try to run dosbox Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 | 07:35 |
ahmed | help plzzzzzzzzzz | 07:36 |
Slart | wips:there is even an application.. update manager | 07:36 |
ashwin_ | wols, thanks it worked | 07:36 |
wols | cox377: learn about tcpip before you ask such a question again | 07:36 |
ashwin_ | i'm on ubuntu right now | 07:36 |
wols | wips: you update one vresion of ubuntu at a time | 07:36 |
wips | Slart, but I have ubuntu 5.04.. And I need 7.10, I was told there's alot more to it than the manager | 07:36 |
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juan278 | wols:is setting only 1 program access to a file- not so easy, very hard or impossible? | 07:36 |
azamat | wols, http://rafb.net/p/tTS5CP31.html (pastebin is giving me random errors) | 07:36 |
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wips | wols, yes.. I understand, how? | 07:36 |
cox377 | wols: what is that supposed to mean, surely a room such as this is where you come when you don't know the answer | 07:36 |
wols | juan278: I told you | 07:36 |
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nickrud | wips, you'd be better off just reinstalling for that kind of a jump | 07:36 |
sldkfj | luca___ maybe people in #Ubuntu-il ? | 07:36 |
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Slart | wips: ahh.. ok.. that might be a problem.. I have no idea.. the older upgrades didn't work that great | 07:37 |
simplyw00x | hi ll, hgavin | 07:37 |
=== Pete_69 [n=pete@220-245-105-138.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlexanderM | can anyone help me with a grub problem? | 07:37 |
wols | wips: manual way is to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and the apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade | 07:37 |
nickrud | wips, you'd be downloading a couple of releases during your upgrading, why not just download one? | 07:37 |
wols | for each vresion | 07:37 |
juan278 | so its definatly do-able for a non expert? | 07:37 |
simplyw00x | hi all, having incredible performance problems with ndiswrapper and a broadcom wireless card, any help? | 07:37 |
AlexanderM | i get error 17, but can't get it fixed so far | 07:37 |
wips | nickrud, I dont know.. >.< | 07:37 |
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markw | bah.. | 07:37 |
ashwin_ | hey, does anyone know of a good bittorrent program for ubuntu? | 07:37 |
markw | click on my little updater and now it barfs. | 07:37 |
wips | nickrud, but how do I reinstall then, with the newest version? | 07:38 |
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markw | Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure. | 07:38 |
markw | Name change: '/dev/dm-0' -> '/dev/evms/.nodes/sda3' | 07:38 |
markw | Fatal: is_primary: Not a valid device 0xFE05 | 07:38 |
wols | wips: download the newest version and install it | 07:38 |
=== Fri13 [n=paristo@bb-62-165-189-221.dsl.phnet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
markw | lilo fails.. | 07:38 |
wips | ...mm | 07:38 |
wols | wips: make a backup of /home first to save your stuff | 07:38 |
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cox377 | ashwin_: until now i've had the best results with azureus | 07:38 |
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nickrud | wips, backup your home directory first. Then, if you've made any changes to /etc, back those up. Then, dpkg --get-selections > my-packages and save that. Then reinstall | 07:38 |
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ashwin_ | thanks. are there any others? | 07:39 |
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pushpop | Besides squirrel mail what are other popular web email clients? | 07:39 |
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wips | There's nothing to backup really, have everything stored at the other drive.. except from the changes I did to fstab.. | 07:39 |
nickrud | wips, put home and your /etc changes, back, do dpkg --set-selections < my-packages , then apt-get dselect-upgrade. You'll be 95% back | 07:39 |
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Puppy_ | I installed the windows version of Firefox. I got some things to work in that | 07:39 |
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wols | AlexanderM: is that ALL grub shows? | 07:40 |
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wols | Puppy_: horde, roundcube | 07:40 |
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wols | pushpop: horde, roundcube | 07:40 |
ashwin18 | how do i play mp3 files in ubuntu? | 07:40 |
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pushpop | thanks | 07:40 |
wips | nickrud, can we talk about this in private? get so confused >.> I hardly understand parts of what you're talking about | 07:40 |
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AlexanderM | wols: it loads and let's me choose between ubuntu and windows | 07:41 |
Puppy_ | wols: just a sec, i hit enter by mistake before i wanted to. | 07:41 |
nickrud | wips, sure. | 07:41 |
ahmed | guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 | 07:41 |
ahmed | guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 | 07:41 |
wols | Puppy_: was a wrong nick complete | 07:41 |
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azamat | could someone tell me how i can detect what process is eating all my RAM? 'ps axu' and top don't show the culprit ... or does ubuntu/gnome use like 230MB RAM when it starts? :/ | 07:41 |
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Slart | !patience | ahmed | 07:41 |
ubotu | ahmed: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 07:41 |
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Slart | !repeat | ahmed | 07:41 |
ubotu | ahmed: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 07:41 |
ashwin18 | can anyone tell me how to play mp3 files in ubuntu? | 07:42 |
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wols | azamat: could very well be. what does the output of "free" say? | 07:42 |
unimatrix12 | azamat it uses all it can get... | 07:42 |
ahmed | guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set | 07:42 |
ahmed | fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough | 07:42 |
ahmed | for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could | 07:42 |
Slart | I think it's time for a kick | 07:42 |
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ahmed | not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large | 07:42 |
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azamat | wols http://rafb.net/p/tTS5CP31.html <--- there's the output | 07:42 |
ahmed | enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: | 07:42 |
Puppy_ | I installed the windows version of Firefox with wine. I got some things to work in that Firefox that is impossible in the Linux version. The only problem is there is there is no sound. Does anyone know how to get sound to work? | 07:42 |
wips | nickrud, Uh.. Did I send a dcc chat request to you now? | 07:42 |
wols | !ops please remove ahmed | 07:42 |
ahmed | Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode large enough for 1400x990 guys when i run dosbox i get Exit to error: Could not set fullscreen video mode 1400x990-32: No video mode | 07:42 |
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Slart | ban might be nice too | 07:42 |
jbs | hi | 07:42 |
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lockd | thanks for all your help getting lilo installed | 07:43 |
jbs | i was succesed ubuntu feiry fawn 7.04 | 07:43 |
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ashwin18 | can anyone helo please? | 07:43 |
ashwin18 | help* | 07:43 |
Slart | ashwin18: as far as I can remember mp3's played out of the box... what software are you using to play them? | 07:43 |
AlexanderM | wols: i have ubuntu installed on my external harddisk (stefg helped me with that one). So if my external harddisk is shut off, my pc directy boots windows. Else it gives the grubloader | 07:43 |
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lockd | anyone at all know why a USB drive (WD Elements 250G) would refuse to automount? | 07:43 |
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XamDM | anyone knows how to force gnome to do alt*r if mous-button2 is pressed ?? | 07:43 |
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jbs | get some problem nvidia display effect program | 07:43 |
lockd | it's just a regular-old SCSI emulation | 07:43 |
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jbs | desktop effect | 07:44 |
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unimatrix12 | mp3 does not play out of the box with ubuntu | 07:44 |
budacsik | ashwin18: what is your problem? | 07:44 |
nickrud | ashwin18, install libgstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly I think | 07:44 |
Slart | !mp3 | ashwin18 | 07:44 |
ubotu | ashwin18: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:44 |
jbs | liks beryl | 07:44 |
lockd | it does automount on bootup, but never when I plug it in.. though I see it detected immediately in dmesg | 07:44 |
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ashwin18 | i use totem movie player | 07:44 |
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unimatrix12 | ashwin18 what version of ubuntu? | 07:44 |
jbs | it;s good, | 07:44 |
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budacsik | ashwin18: use to xmms | 07:44 |
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wols | azamat: you use about 180MB RAM by programs. 330MB swap and the rest of your phys RAM is cache | 07:44 |
jbs | i like auto codec download | 07:44 |
nayolys | hello | 07:44 |
lockd | anyone at all? | 07:44 |
Puppy_ | shwin18: i like vlc. it is a media player that is not installed in 7.04. You will have to use synapatic to install it. | 07:44 |
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keneida | hello, i just use ubuntu update manager and after restart linux does not see battery in my laptop. How can i get info which updates i installed today? | 07:44 |
Montaro | budacsik: xmms is basically discontinued | 07:45 |
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=== [CNR] Caradhras [n=pcw@p5488D2CE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wips | nickrud, I cant find out how to private chat with you :S | 07:45 |
hymenaeo | goodevening | 07:45 |
ashwin18 | version 7.04 | 07:45 |
budacsik | xmms to mp3 player | 07:45 |
wols | keneida: check /var/log/dpkg.log | 07:45 |
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[CNR] Caradhras | hi, who can help me with a grub problem? | 07:45 |
markw | heh... | 07:45 |
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unimatrix12 | ashwin18 , whats the media file you treid? | 07:45 |
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nickrud | wips, you need to register your nick: /msg nickserv register | 07:45 |
jbs | who knows free usenet server ip? | 07:45 |
wols | wips: you are not identified to services. go into a private channel with nickrud | 07:45 |
lockd | [CNR] Caradhras: msg me | 07:45 |
ashwin18 | mp3 | 07:45 |
jbs | i can't use pan | 07:45 |
[CNR] Caradhras | thx | 07:45 |
lockd | [CNR] Caradhras: grub and all bootloaders are very tricky to set up | 07:45 |
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wols | jbs: OT | 07:45 |
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ashwin18 | it says 'codec not found' | 07:46 |
=== KevinOoO [n=bob@66-227-221-83.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unimatrix12 | ashwin18 and that file is on your desktop? | 07:46 |
ashwin18 | nope | 07:46 |
AlexanderM | wols: can you help me out? 0=) | 07:46 |
ashwin18 | its on an ntfs partition | 07:46 |
unimatrix12 | does it not ask for install codecs? | 07:46 |
ashwin18 | it does, but fails to find any | 07:46 |
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wols | AlexanderM: onl y if you answer my question. and I know how you set it up | 07:46 |
Montaro | vlc will play the majority of codecs out-of-the-box | 07:46 |
Montaro | thats the beauty of it ;) | 07:47 |
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lockd | does anyone at all know what automount daemon Ubuntu uses (by default)? | 07:47 |
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unimatrix12 | ashwin18 , copy the files to your desktop first ( of ubuntu ) | 07:47 |
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ashwin18 | okay | 07:47 |
mjr | lockd, gnome-volume-manager | 07:47 |
ashwin18 | done | 07:47 |
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azamat | wols, i admit i've been using hibernate the last few days and opened/closed a few programs ... is there a safe way to flush the cache or do i have to reboot? | also, the 180mb for programs don't really add up ... gnome-system-monitor says its about 10mb and 10mb for java, but that's about it | 07:47 |
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lockd | mjr: must I use something with ivman or with polling support to mount some disks? | 07:47 |
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darwin81 | How do you pronounce Ubuntu? | 07:47 |
solymir | hi all | 07:47 |
Montaro | mjr: unless s/he isnt using gnome...then there is a different issue all together | 07:47 |
unimatrix12 | ashwin18 now rightklick or klik and open with totem , and follow the codecs install dailog | 07:47 |
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SlimeyPete | oo-buhn-too | 07:47 |
mjr | Montaro, default. | 07:48 |
wols | azamat: pate your "sudo ps aux" output please | 07:48 |
NemesisD | X crashes with sig 11 when i try to run something in wine/cedega, and i was wondering if anyone can help me diagnose it with the backtrace in my X log here (its at the bottom) http://pastebin.ca/516373 | 07:48 |
SlimeyPete | ...I think | 07:48 |
KevinOoO | hey yeall, last night i started the software update in the task tray, it downloaded the newest headers i think, well when i rebooted xserver crashed. I am also usind the nvidia drivers from their website | 07:48 |
lockd | mjr: I have an WD elements 250gb disk, detected by the kernel and I can manually mount it | 07:48 |
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Montaro | darwin81: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/faq | 07:48 |
lockd | mjr: it also automounts on a reboot | 07:48 |
the_consul | I'm trying to share the /home directories between my desktop and laptop both running Feisty. I right click on the directory, installed NFS, and set the shared properties (tried both hostname and ip) for both computers and rebooted each as well, but when I check places->network I still see nothing...What am I doing wrong? | 07:48 |
markw | this thing is barfing on update/upgrade. /proc/partitions does not match /dev/mapper | 07:48 |
Montaro | darwin81: Ubuntu, an African word from Zulu and Xhosa, is pronounced "oo-BOON-too". | 07:48 |
budacsik | Mp3 fjljtkosra hasznlok xmmsokat* s van nem brmilyen problma | 07:48 |
Slart | KevinOoO: you probably got a new kernel.. you'll have to install the nvidia drivers again | 07:48 |
AlexanderM | wols: it loads and let's me choose between ubuntu and windows | 07:48 |
AlexanderM | wols: i have ubuntu installed on my external harddisk (stefg helped me with that one). So if my external harddisk is shut off, my pc directy boots windows. Else it gives the grubloader | 07:48 |
lockd | mjr: idea? | 07:48 |
markw | Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure. | 07:48 |
budacsik | I use xmms for mp3 file player and isn't any problem | 07:48 |
wols | AlexanderM: answer my question not what you think I wanna hear. the 2nd time: I know your setup | 07:48 |
Montaro | budacsik: english? | 07:48 |
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budacsik | sorry | 07:49 |
ashwin18 | budacsik | 07:49 |
ashwin18 | whats xmms? | 07:49 |
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KevinOoO | a media player | 07:49 |
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Slart | KevinOoO: you don't have to mess with the xorg.conf file.. just run that nvidia file ... "sudo sh NVIDIAblabla.sh" | 07:49 |
lockd | mjr: um, does udev do anything? | 07:49 |
wols | ashwin18: a winamp2 clone | 07:49 |
ubuntu_laptop | !info xmms | ashwin18 | 07:49 |
Montaro | ashwin18: www.xmms.org .. basically a winamp look-alike.. apt-cache search xmms | 07:49 |
magnetron | !pl | 07:49 |
ubotu | ashwin18: xmms: Versatile X audio player. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.2.10+20061201-1ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 794 kB, installed size 6304 kB | 07:49 |
ubotu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 07:49 |
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lockd | mjr: the custom udev rules, that is | 07:49 |
unimatrix12 | ashwin18 : totem should play it ...after codecs install | 07:49 |
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KevinOoO | slart ok thats what I thouhht, i deleted it | 07:49 |
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keneida | it suck, latest kernel update broke acpi | 07:49 |
AlexanderM | wols: hm sorry, maybe i missed your question than? | 07:49 |
lockd | has anyone ever written a custom udev rule to force a disk to automount? | 07:49 |
unimatrix12 | hmm, you can also install beep-mediaplayer | 07:50 |
markw | lockd: yes. | 07:50 |
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unimatrix12 | xmms is old | 07:50 |
Montaro | ashwin18: which i should add hasnt been updated since like ever | 07:50 |
ashwin18 | wow i just need one ;) | 07:50 |
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KevinOoO | is there anyway to download it from commant line slart? | 07:50 |
Slart | KevinOoO: it's still there, at nvidias site... same place...you need an url? | 07:50 |
wols | 19:40 < wols> AlexanderM: is that ALL grub shows? | 07:50 |
budacsik | xmms - Versatile X audio player | 07:50 |
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AlexanderM | wols: yes, after you select ubuntu | 07:50 |
Slart | KevinOoO: you can use wget "sudo apt-get install wget" | 07:50 |
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lockd | markw: know how I can get it to work like it does on reboot (it takes the volume name and mounts it under /media/VolumeName) | 07:50 |
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ashwin18 | i prefer something simple, and good | 07:50 |
unimatrix12 | xmms = old ..hehe flame war.. | 07:50 |
wols | them simply bamm, "Error 17" and nothing else? | 07:50 |
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Slart | KevinOoO: 32bit or 64bit? | 07:50 |
solymir | slart: hy, i got an weird error since i installed Ktorrent 2.13 "can not talk to klauncher". this error occurs to all KDE programs. What library is missing/what process is not started? | 07:50 |
KevinOoO | slart i cant access my linuxpartition from vista | 07:50 |
KevinOoO | 32bit | 07:51 |
AlexanderM | wols: Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition | 07:51 |
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Slart | solymir: huh? think you got the wrong person | 07:51 |
AlexanderM | wols: that's all | 07:51 |
unimatrix12 | ashwin18 : apt-get install beep-mediaplayer ( or xmms ) your choice | 07:51 |
hymenaeo | Someone have a pc without Audio, in silent, with ubuntu 7.04. It is a great problem. | 07:51 |
budacsik | xmms is simple, and good :) | 07:51 |
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cables | KevinOoO, if you want to access your linux partition from Windows, go to http://fs-driver.org | 07:51 |
magnetron | KevinOoO: that is a problem with Vista | 07:51 |
solymir | slart: who i should ask? | 07:51 |
wols | AlexanderM: what are your lines for the ubuntu kernel? | 07:51 |
unimatrix12 | ashwin18 : sudo apt-get install beep-mediaplayer ( or xmms ) your choice | 07:51 |
Montaro | i quite honestly wouldnt recommend xmms to anyone. full stop. its old, discontinued, unmaintained, and im surprised ubuntu hasnt followed slackware's lead and remove it from the repositories | 07:51 |
magnetron | solymir: ask the channel | 07:51 |
unimatrix12 | forgot the sudo | 07:51 |
KevinOoO | vista sucks i know, i only use it for games | 07:51 |
lockd | markw: because Ubuntu calls SOMETHING when it boots up, this is maybe in rc.local? | 07:52 |
Slart | solymir: ask the room.. so anyone can answer | 07:52 |
AlexanderM | wols: my lines? | 07:52 |
solymir | hy, i got an weird error since i installed Ktorrent 2.13 "can not talk to klauncher". this error occurs to all KDE programs. What library is missing/what process is not started? | 07:52 |
akromyk | how do I run network-manager? I believe it is already installed since it shows up under synaptic package manager? | 07:52 |
Slart | KevinOoO: here's the url: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run | 07:52 |
wols | AlexanderM: the lines that start the ubuntu kernel | 07:52 |
ashwin18 | should i type all 'sudo' commands in the terminal window? | 07:52 |
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chowmeined | omg | 07:52 |
Slart | KevinOoO: with wget you run this "wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run" | 07:52 |
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cables | akromyk, in Feisty, it is enabled by default. | 07:52 |
chowmeined | ubuntu is on the front page of dell.com! | 07:52 |
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unimatrix12 | Montaro , there seems to be an fork of beep-mediaplayer too, cant remember its name | 07:52 |
chowmeined | the front page! | 07:52 |
AlexanderM | wols: don't know, where can i find those? | 07:52 |
cables | chowmeined, not any more | 07:52 |
magnetron | akromyk: it should show up in the notification area | 07:52 |
chowmeined | it is right now | 07:52 |
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cables | chowmeined, it was yesterday | 07:52 |
chowmeined | it cycles | 07:52 |
Montaro | *looks* | 07:52 |
wols | AlexanderM: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:52 |
bruenig | !info audacious | 07:52 |
KevinOoO | Slart thanks, where will it put it then? | 07:52 |
ubotu | audacious: Small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-4 (feisty), package size 742 kB, installed size 2356 kB | 07:52 |
AlexanderM | wols: sorry, i'm really new | 07:52 |
cables | chowmeined, oh, ok | 07:52 |
AlexanderM | wols: ill look it up | 07:52 |
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chowmeined | im looking at it | 07:52 |
chowmeined | excellent | 07:52 |
the_consul | I'm having trouble sharing folders between two Fiesty boxes - I installed NFS and set the "share folder.." options but when I go to places->network I still don't see anything - am I missing something simple? | 07:53 |
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unimatrix12 | ashwin18 : keep us up to date hows it going.. | 07:53 |
Slart | KevinOoO: it will download to your current directory.. usually your home dir | 07:53 |
chowmeined | my plan has worked perfectly | 07:53 |
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ashwin18 | okay unimatrix | 07:53 |
Slart | KevinOoO: that's an ok place for it to be | 07:53 |
Enselic_ | I'd like to be able to rightclick on any file and do 'Upload to ftp'. How would I do this? | 07:53 |
KevinOoO | ahh ok thanks youve been a great help | 07:53 |
gnomefreak | Slart: please suggest them using ubuntu packages as with kernel upgrade it will break if he doesnt know he needs to rebuild them and upgrades break if they are used | 07:53 |
ashwin18 | it sucks to be a newbie | 07:53 |
Montaro | chowmeined: sorry but i cant see it ;P mind you it takes me to the site of my locality probably not the same as yours | 07:53 |
[CNR] Caradhras | ltrue | 07:53 |
lockd | anyone at all? | 07:53 |
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jrib | Enselic_: you could use a nautilus script or nautilus-actions | 07:53 |
Slart | gnomefreak: he was already using the nvidia driver... but yes.. you're right | 07:53 |
chowmeined | Montaro: you might need to reload it a few times | 07:53 |
chowmeined | Montaro: the image cycles | 07:53 |
akromyk | how do I run network-manager? I believe it is already installed since it shows up under synaptic package manager? | 07:53 |
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KevinOoO | gnomefreak, i do not wish to use the retricted drivers, the official nvidia ones are better | 07:54 |
[CNR] Caradhras | @lockd, what is it? | 07:54 |
AlexanderM | wols: | 07:54 |
AlexanderM | root(hd2,1) | 07:54 |
AlexanderM | kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-gen | 07:54 |
Enselic_ | jrib: what program would the script call? | 07:54 |
gnomefreak | KevinOoO: not really but you will find out | 07:54 |
sharadg | hi | 07:54 |
solymir | gnomefreak: hy, i got an weird error since i installed Ktorrent 2.13 "can not talk to klauncher". this error occurs to all KDE programs. What library is missing/what process is not started? | 07:54 |
jrib | Enselic_: you would write the script | 07:54 |
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Slart | KevinOoO: at the moment they are the same, I think | 07:54 |
KevinOoO | gnomefreak, I already have | 07:54 |
Montaro | chowmeined: lol, wow ok i see it now.. on that lcd screen ;) nice advert for ubuntu ;) | 07:54 |
cables | chowmeined, it would be nice if they showed a screenshot of a really nice-looking Ubuntu desktop instead of the logo, so people don't freak out and think of CLI interfaces when they see "linux"... but this is -offtopic anyway. | 07:54 |
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ashwin18 | this is what i get | 07:54 |
gnomefreak | solymir: #kubuntu | 07:54 |
Enselic_ | jrib: yes, but what in my script would do the upload-part? | 07:54 |
ashwin18 | ashwin@Desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install beep-mediaplayer | 07:54 |
ashwin18 | Password: | 07:54 |
ashwin18 | Reading package lists... Done | 07:54 |
ashwin18 | Building dependency tree | 07:54 |
ashwin18 | Reading state information... Done | 07:54 |
ashwin18 | W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://in.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/in.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_feisty_universe_binary-i386_Packages) | 07:54 |
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wols | AlexanderM: dd you install grub how? in (hd2.0)? | 07:54 |
ashwin18 | W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_feisty-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages) | 07:54 |
ashwin18 | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 07:54 |
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jrib | Enselic_: wput maybe? | 07:54 |
magnetron | !paste | ashwin18 | 07:54 |
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ubotu | ashwin18: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:55 |
gnomefreak | ashwin18: use pastebin | 07:55 |
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AlexanderM | wols: root (hd2,0) setup (hd2,0), so i guess? | 07:55 |
Enselic_ | jrib: thanks, ill check it out | 07:55 |
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ashwin18 | okay gnomefreak | 07:55 |
solymir | gnomefreak: No, I have the Gnome interface and it worked fine by now | 07:55 |
ashwin18 | didnt know that | 07:55 |
wols | AlexanderM: i it the first partition on the usb disk? if yes, it's (hd2,0) since grub starts counting at 0 | 07:55 |
gnomefreak | ashwin18: try reading the topic of the channel | 07:55 |
sharadg | i have a docking station with 24" LCD monitor which supports 1600x1200 ,but the problem i am facing when undocking is that my laptop screen is blank and i have to power cycle my laptop | 07:55 |
azamat | wols, i've closed java now, but it still doesn't add up: http://rafb.net/p/dndLZe91.html | 07:55 |
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stamen | hi, how to fix this ->http://rafb.net/p/sB9Pwf42.html | 07:56 |
sharadg | mine is intel driver , compaq nc6400 | 07:56 |
[CNR] Caradhras | HELP | 07:56 |
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ashwin18 | okay i did | 07:56 |
stamen | I am compiling GIMP v.2.2.15 | 07:56 |
jrib | !helpme | [CNR] Caradhras | 07:56 |
ubotu | [CNR] Caradhras: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:56 |
gnomefreak | solymir: i dont know, does it work in kde as well? since it is a kde app and what it is connecting to is also a kde thing #kubuntu would beable to help more | 07:56 |
ashwin18 | now how about help on that message guys? | 07:56 |
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stamen | from source but it gives me the upper error | 07:56 |
jrib | !please > ashwin18 (see the private message from ubotu) | 07:56 |
[CNR] Caradhras | ive got a dualboot system with xp and feisty | 07:56 |
[CNR] Caradhras | (19:47:02) [CNR] Caradhras: and some time ago i needed to reinstall xp | 07:56 |
[CNR] Caradhras | (19:47:18) [CNR] Caradhras: i followed the wiki, of the german site ubuntuusers.de | 07:56 |
[CNR] Caradhras | (19:48:05) [CNR] Caradhras: but now i get the problem, that if i choose xp in grub, it immediatly returns to grub, but ubuntu works fine | 07:56 |
wols | azamat: I see 4 programs whicha lone use up 120MB | 07:56 |
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gnomefreak | ashwin18: paste it to pastebin and try again. people tend to ignore scrolling | 07:56 |
[CNR] Caradhras | (19:50:22) [CNR] Caradhras: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/11153/ | 07:57 |
[CNR] Caradhras | (19:50:49) [CNR] Caradhras: fdisk results: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/11154/ | 07:57 |
jrib | [CNR] Caradhras: don't paste here, please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org instead | 07:57 |
ashwin18 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22934/plain/ | 07:57 |
wols | [CNR] Caradhras: show us the menu.lst lines for XP | 07:57 |
solymir | gnomefreak: Ok, will do. | 07:57 |
ashwin18 | is that correct? | 07:57 |
rollerskatejamms | What does it mean if a package has a little ubuntu symbol next to it in synaptic? That its in the official repository or something? | 07:57 |
lockd | anyone know how to make this work with UDEV/HAL/gnome-volume-manager? | 07:57 |
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magnetron | !anyone | 07:57 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:57 |
stamen | how to fix this ->http://rafb.net/p/sB9Pwf42.html | 07:57 |
jrib | ashwin18: "beep-media-player", you forgot a dash. Also, consider "bmpx" | 07:58 |
sharadg | anyone with a dual monitor setup | 07:58 |
gnomefreak | ashwin18: open your /etc/apt/sources.list file as sudo and take out the lines that are the same | 07:58 |
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hydan | where would the "restricted drivers manager" app be in the kde menu? | 07:58 |
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hydan | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 07:58 |
cables | hydan, it wouldn't. | 07:58 |
gnomefreak | you should only have one of each line | 07:58 |
AlexanderM | wols: sorry lost my internet connection | 07:58 |
cables | hydan, it's only available on Ubuntu, not Kubuntu. | 07:58 |
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wols | 19:55 < wols> AlexanderM: i it the first partition on the usb disk? if yes, it's (hd2,0) since grub starts counting at 0 | 07:58 |
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lockd | i found something better than silly automounter which only works for things in fstab | 07:59 |
NemesisD | http://pastebin.ca/516373 is there a different driver i should be using? | 07:59 |
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wols | AlexanderM: so the ubuntu loa d lines shout have "root (hd2,0) | 07:59 |
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unimatrix12 | bmpx is not in repo is it? | 07:59 |
Slart | rollerskatejamms: I think it's some kind of quality mark.. "this app works super duper with ubuntu" | 07:59 |
Kjellviz | hi, cananybody explain to me how to resolve this: "Requires updated spca5xx driver, easy to get with module-assistant." | 07:59 |
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AlexanderM | wols: hmm i don't know for sure, it may be the second, can i check? | 07:59 |
hydan | cables: how would you run the manager then through the command line? | 07:59 |
azamat | wols, whatever vsz is ... isn't showing up in the system monitor, but thanks for the hints, google gave me a good link for vsz+linux | 07:59 |
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cables | hydan, you can't, you have to do it manually. | 07:59 |
AlexanderM | wols: it now shouts root (hd2,0) :P | 07:59 |
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strabes | hydan: there is no restricted drivers manager in kubuntu | 07:59 |
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Kjellviz | im getting a error on spca5xx when trying to install my webcam using easycam2' | 07:59 |
[CNR] Caradhras | so, does anyone know a solution? | 07:59 |
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ashwin18 | gnomef, it seems to be installing now | 07:59 |
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Slart | Kjellviz: module-assistant is an application for downloading, compiling and inserting modules.. I guess it's a webcam, right? | 07:59 |
AlexanderM | wols: but i thought it was the second | 08:00 |
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ashwin18 | downloading actually | 08:00 |
cables | hydan, there should be instructions that don't require Restricted Manager somewhere on that page. | 08:00 |
Kjellviz | Slart: yep, a webcam allrite | 08:00 |
wols | AlexanderM: what "shouts" | 08:00 |
hydan | cables: yep, there are. | 08:00 |
Slart | Kjellviz: "sudo apt-get install module-assistant" should do it | 08:00 |
cables | hydan, you'll have to use those | 08:00 |
wols | azamat: virtual memory. and that's not the actual memory used. rss=reall memory used | 08:00 |
AlexanderM | wols: i changed the menu.lst root ( to hd2,0 but now i have my doubts about the partition ubuntu got installed in | 08:00 |
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hydan | cables: no prob | 08:00 |
=== Steve^ [n=steve@host86-150-3-50.range86-150.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hydan | cables: no prob | 08:01 |
Slart | Kjellviz: then run it in a terminal.. it's a menu driven program so it shouldn't be to hard | 08:01 |
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wols | AlexanderM: cat /proc/partitions | 08:01 |
ashwin18 | what does this mean - "You need to check that you have a "universe" mirror in your /etc/apt/sources.list." | 08:01 |
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Steve^ | Hey, I installed the kernel update it has a massive failure on boot. Anyway to view the errors? (Saved anywhere?) | 08:01 |
wols | !universe | 08:01 |
kitche | ashwin18: exactly what is states | 08:01 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 08:01 |
Slart | ashwin18: system, administration, software sources, enable universe there | 08:01 |
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rollerskatejamms | Slart, figured something like that. Thats why I always use those packages when possible. | 08:01 |
AlexanderM | wols: long list ;) looking at the amount of bytes i assume sdc is my external harddisk | 08:01 |
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ashwin18 | thanks slart | 08:01 |
cables | I'm a little afraid of this kernel update... has anyone had problems? | 08:01 |
rollerskatejamms | Slart, I was thinking maybe its also from the official repository | 08:01 |
wols | Steve^: /var/log/kern.log possibly | 08:01 |
kitche | cables they forgot to make an nvidia module for it | 08:02 |
cables | kitche, are you serious? FORGOT? | 08:02 |
Slart | rollerskatejamms: well.. they are in the official repos.. but there's so many applications there =) | 08:02 |
wols | cables: yes. sevreal people today | 08:02 |
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AlexanderM | wols: then i've got sdc1 sdc2 sdc3, where sdc1 is a fat data partition, sdc2 is the ext3 partition with ubuntu installed and sdc3 is the linux swap partition | 08:02 |
=== zIGGY WinAmp (Playing) Ticket To Goa Vol 2 - Track 01 CD2 00:02/06:55 | ||
zIGGY | SWEET | 08:02 |
Killox | Hey room, I did a automatic update today (looks like it updated the kernel) then my google talk under Pidgim stopped working. It just wont connect anymore. Any ideas to fix it, or is it a uninstall, reinstall? | 08:02 |
wols | AlexanderM: but it all works if you use root (hd2,0)? | 08:02 |
mh_le | how does one make a SSL cert without a password? | 08:02 |
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ashwin18 | slart, do you mean the option that says " community maintained open source software (universe) " ? | 08:03 |
Slart | ashwin18: that's the one | 08:03 |
kitche | cables it happens all the time it seems :) | 08:03 |
Kjellviz | Slart: ok but what to choose? get, build or install ? | 08:03 |
cables | wols, kitche: Sometimes nVidia breaks when people install new kernels, but it doesn't mean they forgot to put in the nvidia module. | 08:03 |
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AlexanderM | wols: didn't test yet, should i? it throws error 17 with hd2,1 | 08:03 |
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Steve^ | wols, looks like this might only be the current boot with the old kernel, not the old broken boot? | 08:03 |
[CNR] Caradhras | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22938/ | 08:03 |
cables | kitche, it just means that people somehhow didn't update their linux-restricted-modules package | 08:03 |
wols | AlexanderM: can't get worse :) | 08:03 |
[CNR] Caradhras | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22938/ | 08:03 |
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AlexanderM | wols: haha ok, ill try, hope ill be back soon ;) | 08:03 |
Slart | Kjellviz: I've only used the module assistant once but I think you have to start from the top.. get first.. then build.. then install | 08:03 |
AlexanderM | wols: thanks in advantage | 08:03 |
Baalial | How do I run .x86.run files? | 08:03 |
Kjellviz | aha ok =) | 08:04 |
wols | Baalial: sh <file> | 08:04 |
Kjellviz | Slart: ill try =) | 08:04 |
Slart | Baalial: sh filename.run | 08:04 |
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[CNR] Caradhras | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22938/ | 08:04 |
markw | somehow, I think ubuntu is trying to force evms down my throat. | 08:04 |
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kitche | cables the update should handle that since most do not even look at what packages get installed most of the time and the ubuntu people know about it so they fixed it I believe | 08:04 |
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cables | kitche, it normally does handle it | 08:04 |
Baalial | I will try that out | 08:04 |
[CNR] Caradhras | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22938/ | 08:04 |
furenku | does anyone know how to fix that flash has no sound in ubuntu? | 08:04 |
NemesisD | [CNR] Caradhras, dont flood | 08:04 |
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[CNR] Caradhras | ANSWER please | 08:04 |
=== snax [n=snax@c-24-17-192-192.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[CNR] Caradhras | please | 08:05 |
Slart | !patience | [CNR] Caradhras | 08:05 |
ubotu | [CNR] Caradhras: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 08:05 |
Slart | !repeat | [CNR] Caradhras | 08:05 |
cables | kitche, by default, it seems that "linux-generic" is installed, which means that if it gets updated, so do the modules and the image. It's just that somehow people mess up their systems and that package gets uninstalled so they don't get updates to both. | 08:05 |
ubotu | [CNR] Caradhras: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 08:05 |
[CNR] Caradhras | ok ok | 08:05 |
wols | [CNR] Caradhras: boot windows from the install CD, go to the recovery console and run fixboot | 08:05 |
Kjellviz | Slart: to hell with it, got a error while building>< im gonna go buy a ootb supported webcam instead >< | 08:05 |
CheshireViking | kitche, if you've installed nvidia from outside of the ubuntu repo's, then it does break, if you've used the officially supported one it does work | 08:05 |
Kjellviz | Slart: thanks anyways | 08:05 |
Baalial | Heh | 08:05 |
Baalial | works | 08:05 |
Slart | Kjellviz: there's another solution | 08:05 |
=== roryy [n=user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p161.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Baalial | That's Kjellviz | 08:05 |
=== asenec4 [n=asenec4@modemcable193.0-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | CheshireViking: hmm most people use the one in the repos :) | 08:05 |
Kjellviz | Slart: installing windows ? :P | 08:06 |
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ashwin18 | can anyone suggest a good easy to use buttorrent client for ubuntu (except the resource hungry azureus)? | 08:06 |
Slart | Kjellviz: you can get the module and compile it yourself.. it's not that hard | 08:06 |
Slart | Kjellviz: that's what I do | 08:06 |
=== dormeur [n=dormeur@223.112.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | Kjellviz: I'll get you the url | 08:06 |
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cables | ashwin18, install Wine, and use uTorrent | 08:06 |
kitche | cables so you say about 10+ people messed up an update :) | 08:06 |
Kjellviz | Slart: no need | 08:06 |
cables | ashwin18, that's been by far the best I've used. | 08:06 |
Slart | Kjellviz: ok.. you're call =) | 08:06 |
cables | kitche, it's possible... I dunno though. | 08:06 |
asenec4 | Hey I'm trying to mkdir but get permission denied, how do I get permission? super user or something | 08:06 |
ashwin18 | cables, does utorrent have a version for linux? coz i couldnt find one | 08:06 |
cables | !sude | asenec4 | 08:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sude - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:07 |
Kjellviz | Slart: reason im at ubuntu now and not 2 years ago when i tried the first time, is cos now most stuff works without complining ur own stuff | 08:07 |
Slart | asenec4: sudo mkdir? | 08:07 |
wols | asenec4: sudo | 08:07 |
Killox | ashwin: try ktorrent, its great like utorrent, but is supports p2p lists | 08:07 |
cables | ashwin18, nope, but you can run it in Wine. | 08:07 |
asenec4 | thanks | 08:07 |
ashwin18 | ok | 08:07 |
Slart | Kjellviz: yes.. true.. what webcam is it? | 08:07 |
ashwin18 | what is wine, and how do i install it? | 08:07 |
Kjellviz | Slart: i want a next-next-next-finish install :P | 08:07 |
=== happytron [n=lenfestj@dhcp98-162.cs.cornell.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | !wine > ashwin18 (see the private message from ubotu) | 08:07 |
wols | asenec4: but after that you probably have to chown it. man chown | 08:07 |
CheshireViking | kitche, i had problems with it because i was using nvidia installed via envy, rather than the version that's in the repo's | 08:07 |
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cables | ashwin18, it runs windows programs, install it through add/remove, download the uTorrent exe, and install that | 08:07 |
Kjellviz | Slart: its a Trust 150 spacecam portable | 08:07 |
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Kjellviz | Slart: not on the ubuntu hardware list | 08:07 |
cables | ashwin18, installing KTorrent will take up a ton of space due to KDE dependencies | 08:07 |
ashwin18 | runs windows programs? wow! | 08:07 |
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Slart | Kjellviz: never heard of it.. I've got a logitech ultra vision myself.. same driver | 08:08 |
cables | ashwin18, not every Windows program... but uTorrent works great with it. | 08:08 |
Kjellviz | Slart: but i was thinking bout buying a new, better one anyways | 08:08 |
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ashwin18 | cables, so i'll do wine and utorrent? | 08:08 |
jrib | asenec4: where are you trying to do "mkdir"? | 08:08 |
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magnetron | ashwin18: some like rtorrent | 08:08 |
Kjellviz | Slart: its not like they are expencive :P | 08:08 |
=== declan [n=declan@213-202-142-158.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shawn34 | Im looking for a good gui app to create dvds from avi & mpeg video. Anyone know of a good one? | 08:08 |
cables | ashwin18, that would be my recommendation. | 08:08 |
cables | magnetron, isn't that CLI? | 08:08 |
ashwin18 | okay :) | 08:08 |
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cables | ashwin18, could you open up a terminal? | 08:08 |
ashwin18 | sure | 08:08 |
Slart | Kjellviz: nah.. I usually give unwanted hardware to the wife.. she seems happy with windows 2000 =) | 08:08 |
cables | ashwin18, just do "sudo aptitude install wine" | 08:08 |
magnetron | shawn34: try DeVeDe | 08:08 |
NemesisD | X crashes with sig 11 when i try to run something in wine/cedega, and i was wondering if anyone can help me diagnose it with the backtrace in my X log here (its at the bottom) http://pastebin.ca/516373 | 08:09 |
shawn34 | thanks | 08:09 |
magnetron | cables, ashwin18: rtorrent is CLi | 08:09 |
bruenig | there is a simple script that can do it using ffmpeg, dvdauthor and mkiso | 08:09 |
=== uswaldo [n=kana_kan@adsl-69-232-216-39.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | magnetron, he doesn't know what Wine is... are you seriously recommending a CLI client to him? | 08:09 |
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Kjellviz | Slart: hehe, well one thing ive learned about windows, its actually a pretty good OS when you take some things into consideration, its a OS that is trying to work PnP on a bazillion possible hardware combos, and with monkeys for users | 08:09 |
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magnetron | cables: half serious | 08:09 |
cables | ok.. | 08:10 |
Kjellviz | for that, they actually did a very good job | 08:10 |
Kjellviz | :) | 08:10 |
=== Baalial [n=nicholas@pool-72-88-150-49.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
bruenig | PnP and windows? hmmm don't know what you are on | 08:10 |
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Slart | Kjellviz: hehe.. indeed... and it's got the support of the hardware makers.. I think that does a lot of good too | 08:10 |
ashwin18 | just for reference, what is CLI? and what is 'synaptics'? | 08:10 |
furenku | does anyone know how to fix that flash has no sound in ubuntu? | 08:10 |
Slart | !synaptics | 08:10 |
ubotu | For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad | 08:10 |
bruenig | synaptics is a package that allows you to use touchpad | 08:10 |
JohnFlux_ | ashwin18: command line interface | 08:10 |
sat1 | can Anybody help me to install a keyboard layout | 08:10 |
bruenig | CLI is command line | 08:10 |
Kjellviz | bruenig: ive never had problems getting hardware to work in windows | 08:10 |
JohnFlux_ | ashwin18: CLI is where you type in commands, rather than the GUI where you can use a mouse | 08:11 |
Kjellviz | bruenig: so yes, PnP allrite | 08:11 |
Killox | ashwin18: "http://www.winehq.org/" | 08:11 |
ashwin18 | omg a command line bittorrent program? you mean the one with no GUI? | 08:11 |
cables | ashwin18, http://download.utorrent.com/beta/utorrent-1.7-beta-2151.exe to get the uTorrent exe | 08:11 |
magnetron | ashwin18: synaptic is the tool to install software in Ubuntu | 08:11 |
bruenig | Kjellviz, installing drivers is not plug and play | 08:11 |
JohnFlux_ | ashwin18: right | 08:11 |
ashwin18 | that will be very difficult to use | 08:11 |
JohnFlux_ | ashwin18: I use a CLI bittorrent program too :-) | 08:11 |
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cables | ashwin18, which is why I recommend uTorrent :) | 08:11 |
Kjellviz | bruenig: recompiling the kernel with some hacked up driver cos the vendor doesent support linux is defo not PnP | 08:11 |
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Kjellviz | bruenig: its as close to PnP as its possible to get imo | 08:12 |
bruenig | Kjellviz, this is irrelevant, you said windows was PnP, I have said nothing more but to contradict you | 08:12 |
JohnFlux_ | ashwin18: for fun you could try it if you wanted | 08:12 |
cables | I'm about to install the kernel update... here I go. | 08:12 |
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=== cables is afraid | ||
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ashwin18 | magnetron, is synaptic to be used to install ALL kinds of software on ubuntu? | 08:12 |
Killox | cables: if he has problems with wine, ktorrent may be easier for him if space isn't an issue | 08:12 |
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magnetron | Kjellviz, bruenig: this is not the forum | 08:12 |
sat1 | How can I install a keyboard layout of my language | 08:12 |
bruenig | mac is PnP, that is the only thing that is | 08:12 |
cables | ashwin18, just from the repos. | 08:12 |
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JohnFlux_ | ashwin18: it's not that hard. you save the torrent file in your home directory say, the run konsole, then type in "rtorrent nameoffile.torrent" | 08:12 |
sat1 | Please help me | 08:12 |
JohnFlux_ | ashwin18: and that's it. | 08:12 |
=== heath_ [n=heath@c-71-207-247-195.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | ashwin18, basically it's a more advanced version of Applications>Add/Remove | 08:12 |
magnetron | ashwin18: they are supposed to install all the software that is in the repositories | 08:13 |
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Kjellviz | bruenig: ok, if you want to be picky about the term then yes, its not PnP. But then again who sets the limit for when PnP is not PnP any more ? | 08:13 |
cables | !ask | sat1 | 08:13 |
ubotu | sat1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:13 |
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sat1 | How can I install a keyboard layout of my language | 08:13 |
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heath_ | hey guys, xorg won't start now after trying to manually configure my graphics driver | 08:13 |
ashwin18 | another question, what's repositories? | 08:13 |
=== Justice [n=justin@c-24-17-74-199.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magnetron | !offtopic | Kjellviz, bruenig | 08:13 |
ubotu | Kjellviz, bruenig: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:13 |
bruenig | Kjellviz, when you have to do soemthing more than plug and play, it ceases to be plug and play, that tends to be my definition | 08:13 |
Kjellviz | bruenig: anyways, im off, gonna buy suppported hardware from now on | 08:13 |
heath_ | any help? | 08:13 |
cables | sat1, go to System>Preferences>keybord and it should have it listed | 08:13 |
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ashwin18 | the official ubuntu software distributions? | 08:13 |
JohnFlux_ | ashwin18: it's where you get programs from | 08:13 |
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JohnFlux_ | ashwin18: right | 08:13 |
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ashwin18 | thanks got it | 08:13 |
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hagisbasheruk | my Nvidia GF3 Ti200 has what seems like 8bit clours but acceleration is fine,can anyone offer help ? | 08:13 |
titanix88 | sat1: all keyboard layouts are installed by default u will just have to select it. | 08:14 |
cables | ashwin18, it basically has a bunch of software that you can download through Add/Remove, Synaptic, and CLI stuff like apt-get and aptitude. Also, anything you install from the repositories gets automatic security updates. | 08:14 |
Kjellviz | magnetron: my apologies =) | 08:14 |
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ton1 | I have a macbook and I just got ubuntu going on it great, all but the trackpad, every now and then it just stops...is there a way to fix it? | 08:14 |
cables | sat1, you may have to go to System>Administration>Language Support to select your language | 08:14 |
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ashwin18 | cables, so the repos are maintained by the ubuntu staff or something? | 08:14 |
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sat1 | Thanx | 08:14 |
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magnetron | ashwin18: yes, basically | 08:14 |
cables | ashwin18, yes, except for Universe, which is maintained by the MOTU | 08:15 |
stiv2k | hey i got a question | 08:15 |
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stiv2k | is the AMD turion64x2 on my laptop considered a k8 | 08:15 |
ashwin18 | motu? | 08:15 |
cables | ashwin18, Masters of the Universe | 08:15 |
KevinOoO | Slart i triet that wget command and it said it could not resolve the host i think the url is right i just dont think my internet connection was working | 08:15 |
=== Smily-Rbay [n=Smily-Rb@dsl-244-126-32.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magnetron | ashwin18: motu are volunteers | 08:15 |
heath_ | cables: you know how there was an option at the bottom of the page to configure your ati graphics driver manually, well, now X doesn't start! :P you wouldn't know how to fix this would you? | 08:15 |
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ashwin18 | is that another organisation ? | 08:15 |
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AlexanderM | wols: Error 25: disk read error | 08:15 |
cables | ashwin18, no, it's just a bunch of volunteers | 08:15 |
Smily-Rbay | hey sorry i know im in the wrong place but im just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction | 08:15 |
cables | heath_, I could. Do you want to do this in PM? | 08:15 |
misha_d7 | can some1 help me? the question is located here? it is about an iMac and ubuntu 7.04? | 08:16 |
heath_ | sure | 08:16 |
AlexanderM | wols: so hd2,0 didn't do the trick | 08:16 |
Slart | KevinOoO: hmm.. the urls was right, yes.. something else might be wrong | 08:16 |
misha_d7 | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=457174 | 08:16 |
heath_ | cables: sure* | 08:16 |
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ashwin18 | but who selects those volunteers? | 08:16 |
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ton1 | it also very sensitive . | 08:16 |
cables | ashwin18, some comittee | 08:16 |
pai | hi! is there a fax program for ubuntu feisty? | 08:16 |
cables | !motu | ashwin18 | 08:16 |
ubotu | ashwin18: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | 08:16 |
wols | AlexanderM: then I dunno :( | 08:16 |
Smily-Rbay | ummm i need to get support on a 2003 server, dont work with microsoft | 08:16 |
Smily-Rbay | so any help would help | 08:16 |
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roryy | Smily-Rbay: have you tried asking on ##windows ? | 08:16 |
ton1 | any one out there have a macbook running ubuntu? | 08:16 |
AlexanderM | wols: 2 bad, thanks for the support though! | 08:16 |
ashwin18 | oh okay got that one too | 08:16 |
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Smily-Rbay | ill check sorry long list of rooms | 08:17 |
ashwin18 | ubuntu is not very different to use from windows, it just uses some different terms | 08:17 |
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hagisbasheruk | my Nvidia GF3 Ti200 has what seems like screwed up 8bit clours but acceleration is fine,can anyone offer help Please | 08:17 |
Smily-Rbay | THANX;) | 08:17 |
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ton1 | I have a macbook and I just got ubuntu going on it great, all but the trackpad, every now and then it just stops...is there a way to fix it? | 08:17 |
cables | heath_, I thought I was unfiltered, but it looks like I'm not, so you won't be able to pm me until you register. | 08:17 |
cables | !register | heath_ | 08:17 |
ubotu | heath_: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 08:17 |
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cables | !repeat | ton1 | 08:17 |
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ubotu | ton1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 08:18 |
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magnetron | hagisbasheruk: could you please paste your xorg.conf to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org ? | 08:18 |
Slart | KevinOoO: can you ping www.nvidia.com or some similar address? | 08:18 |
hagisbasheruk | okay magnetron i will do ,thanks | 08:18 |
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ton1 | some new people came into the room | 08:18 |
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KevinOoO | slart no i cant | 08:19 |
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ashwin18 | when i try to install wine, it says "Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?" | 08:19 |
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misha_d7 | can some1 help me? the question is located here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=457174 .It is about an iMac and ubuntu 7.04? PLEASE | 08:19 |
Slart | KevinOoO: but you had network connection before the kernel upgrade.. right? | 08:19 |
KevinOoO | yes | 08:19 |
DrNick1 | anyone had problems getting into #ubuntu-offtopic lately? | 08:19 |
magnetron | DrNick1: no | 08:19 |
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Slart | KevinOoO: do you use a wireless connection? something else that only runs under gnome? | 08:20 |
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DrNick1 | odd. whenver I join i'm the only person in there :/ | 08:20 |
ashwin18 | btw: i got beep media player working! my mp3 files are playing perfectly now | 08:20 |
KevinOoO | slart, nope | 08:20 |
mc44 | misha_d7: do you know what graphics card your computer has? | 08:20 |
magnetron | DrNick1: check spelling | 08:20 |
Slart | KevinOoO: what does ifconfig tell you? | 08:20 |
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DrNick1 | magnetron: #ubuntu-offtopic isn't it?? | 08:20 |
KevinOoO | i tried ifconfig ant eth0 and eth1 seem to be up and running | 08:20 |
misha_d7 | Chipset Model:ATY,RadeonX1600 | 08:21 |
misha_d7 | Type:Display | 08:21 |
misha_d7 | Bus:PCIe | 08:21 |
misha_d7 | VRAM (Total):128 MB | 08:21 |
ashwin18 | any help with the wine, guys? | 08:21 |
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magnetron | DrNick1: well yes | 08:21 |
mc44 | misha_d7: ok. don't paste in here, btw :) | 08:21 |
CheshireViking | !wine | ashwin18 | 08:21 |
ubotu | ashwin18: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 08:21 |
ashwin18 | no, i mean the error that says "Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?" | 08:21 |
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roryy | ashwin18: you need to run apt-get as root; use 'sudo apt-get <blah-blah>' | 08:21 |
azamat | anyone know the actual command for hibernation in ubuntu? | 08:21 |
mc44 | misha_d7: you need to use the alternate installer, which is text based, then when you have installed it, you need to activate the ati drivers | 08:22 |
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roryy | ashwin18: i'd recommend using synaptic instead of apt-get, however | 08:22 |
Slart | KevinOoO: and the ip is correct? can you ping something else? www.sunet.se? some other known address that is close to you? | 08:22 |
jrib | ashwin18: what command gave you that? | 08:22 |
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KevinOoO | slart i will go try be back | 08:22 |
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ashwin18 | jrib, "sudo aptitude install wine" | 08:22 |
misha_d7 | mc44: any help with that? I am a newbie btw | 08:22 |
Lgndryhr | hi how is everyone | 08:22 |
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Lgndryhr | i am having trouble with mplayer | 08:22 |
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Lgndryhr | anyone use it | 08:23 |
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jrib | ashwin18: do you have synaptic or some other APT program open? | 08:23 |
ashwin18 | roryy, so is Synaptic a sort of GUI version of the terminal? | 08:23 |
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jrib | !anyone | Lgndryhr | 08:23 |
ubotu | Lgndryhr: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 08:23 |
ashwin18 | jrib, i do | 08:23 |
roryy | ashwin18: no, it's a GUI version of apt-get | 08:23 |
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jrib | ashwin18: close it, you can only use one APT program at a time since they all use the same database | 08:23 |
crolle17 | how to configure firefox how it handles playing mp3 in the browser? | 08:23 |
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Lgndryhr | when i played flv files as of lately the audio and video are out of sync | 08:23 |
roryy | ashwin18: it's a fairly easy-to-use tool which will install software from the repositories | 08:23 |
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Lgndryhr | any ideas how to fix this in mplayer | 08:23 |
ashwin18 | thanks got it | 08:24 |
mc44 | misha_d7: sure, download the alternate iso from http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ | 08:24 |
ashwin18 | for reference, what is 'SUDO' and APT, as in APT-get? | 08:24 |
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jrib | ashwin18: APT is "Advanced Packaging Tool" and sudo lets you run commands as root | 08:24 |
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Slart | ashwin18: sudo = superuser do... ie do this as superuser.. APT.. well.. look up one line =) | 08:25 |
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jrib | ashwin18: apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, add/remove are all frontends for APT | 08:25 |
sldkfj | how does someone kill a sudo session? | 08:25 |
markw | any grub or lilo gurus here? Ubuntu's auto update just broke everything and well, I don't think I'll be able to reboot. :( | 08:25 |
alef0 | ashwin18: substitute user do | 08:25 |
jrib | sldkfj: sudo -k | 08:25 |
ashwin18 | okay thanks for the info | 08:25 |
adaptr | jrib frontends to dpkg, rather | 08:25 |
turffy | does gaim(pidgin) supports webcam? | 08:25 |
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sldkfj | little k or big k? | 08:25 |
Slart | substitute? not superuser? | 08:25 |
AlexanderM | wols: tried to set up grub again, but now it says hd2 doesn't exist?! | 08:25 |
cables | turffy, nope | 08:25 |
misha_d7 | mc44 is there a guide for installing ubuntu this way? and how can i activate drivers? sorry for the stupid questions | 08:25 |
mc44 | misha_d7: then you should be able to install it fine, but you will get the same error after installing. You need to install the ati drivers, which can be done following the instructions here for edgy https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 08:25 |
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cables | What's the default driver for ATI cards (not fglrx)? I need to help someone revert to before they installed the driver. | 08:26 |
chisefu | Anyone seen the burgermeister? | 08:26 |
mc44 | misha_d7: they aren't stupid questions :) The problem is a very annoying bug with ati cards so installing is much harder than it should be :) | 08:26 |
turffy | so only gyachi supports cam for IM? | 08:26 |
crolle17 | i'm wondering why firefox treats mp3s differently depending on the page. | 08:26 |
ashwin18 | do superuser and root mean the same? | 08:26 |
Lgndryhr | how do i fix my mplayer problem.....it only does it with flv files and didnt before......the audio and video are out of sync | 08:26 |
turffy | or is there any? | 08:26 |
hagisbasheruk | magnetron http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22945/ | 08:26 |
mc44 | cables: ati | 08:26 |
Slart | ashwin18: yes | 08:26 |
mc44 | cables: or vesa for newer at cards | 08:26 |
cables | mc44, that's what this guy's xorg.conf has now. | 08:26 |
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cables | mc44, he has ati | 08:26 |
misha_d7 | mc44: thanks a lot, just one more question, is the installation straightforward as with the "normal" cd? | 08:26 |
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mc44 | misha_d7: well, its not as pretty as it is text based :) | 08:27 |
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Applied | Hey , can u please give me Counter Strike 1.6 instalation for ubuntu ? :( Just the install , and patch. thanks | 08:27 |
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AlexanderM | grub> root (hd2,0) | 08:27 |
AlexanderM | Error 21: Selected disk does not exist | 08:27 |
AlexanderM | =/ | 08:27 |
crolle17 | so is there a possibilty to set configurations? | 08:27 |
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Slart | ashwin18: it seems the cool, smart people say sudo is substitue user do... not superuser do.. better stick with the substitute thingy =) | 08:27 |
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cables | ashwin18, it's superuser. | 08:27 |
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cables | !sudo | ashwin18 | 08:27 |
ubotu | ashwin18: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 08:27 |
[CNR] Caradhras | !patience | 08:28 |
ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 08:28 |
cables | ashwin18, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/sudo | 08:28 |
crolle17 | or is it impossible to configure the firefox-configuration? | 08:28 |
cables | [CNR] Caradhras, drop it | 08:28 |
ashwin18 | slart, forget the cool and smart stuff. i'm here to learn the real terms ;) | 08:28 |
Applied | Hey , can u please give me Counter Strike 1.6 instalation for ubuntu ? :( Just the install , and patch. thanks | 08:28 |
[CNR] Caradhras | ? | 08:28 |
misha_d7 | mc44: well i understand that, but are there any commands that i have to type in, or I just press install, and it is installed automatically? I have no idea how to do it using alternate iso | 08:28 |
zirtapoz | ^betul^ abla nasilsin | 08:28 |
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zirtapoz | ^betul^ betul abla betul abla | 08:28 |
[CNR] Caradhras | i shall drop what? | 08:28 |
Slart | cables, ashwin18: I just googled around.. and it seems that people are saying it's substitute.. not superuser.. =).. whatever | 08:28 |
Freddie5 | so im trying to boot the live cd, and it shows the ubuntu graphic and the loading bar, but then the loading bar freezes and my keyboard caps lock and number lock lights start blinking and nothing else seems to happen even if i wait...is my cd corrupt or something? | 08:28 |
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ashwin18 | i'd rather call it ROOT | 08:29 |
cables | [CNR] Caradhras, why did you pull a !patience? | 08:29 |
mc44 | misha_d7: it will just ask you a few questions about your keyboard and timezone. The only tricky bit is partitioning. Have you already set up a partition for ubuntu? | 08:29 |
crolle17 | need help with firefox | 08:29 |
ashwin18 | tp avoid all confusion | 08:29 |
magnetron | hagisbasheruk: what release of Ubuntu are you using? did you alter the xorg.conf? | 08:29 |
Applied | Hey , can u please give me Counter Strike 1.6 instalation for ubuntu ? :( Just the install , and patch. thanks | 08:29 |
NemesisD | X crashes with sig 11 when i try to run something in wine/cedega, and i was wondering if anyone can help me diagnose it with the backtrace in my X log here (its at the bottom) http://pastebin.ca/516373 | 08:29 |
[CNR] Caradhras | because, i noobishly wanted to know what it does | 08:29 |
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LjL | cables: officially it's just 'su'-do. then give 'su' your favorite meaning | 08:29 |
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Slart | Applied: you wont get that here.. do buy the game | 08:29 |
crolle17 | can somebody help me with firefox? | 08:29 |
hwMoD|buntu | hi guys - i'm really short on HD space (this is an ancient laptop) and i ran out of it in todays kernel upgrade, had to apt-get clean to be able to even start the system | 08:29 |
hwMoD|buntu | what else can I do to clear as many megabytes as possible, like apt-get clean? | 08:29 |
alef0 | Slart: "superuser" is the default, but using -u you can substitute any other user you want. so the name "root" or "superuser" wouldn't be really appropriate, IMO. | 08:30 |
Applied | Slart ?!?! i dont use steam :( | 08:30 |
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hagisbasheruk | 7.04 and yes eventually as PCI id was wrong | 08:30 |
ghostdog | #hylafax | 08:30 |
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hwMoD|buntu | any Temporary folder, something like that? | 08:30 |
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magnetron | hwMoD|buntu: empty your trashcan? | 08:30 |
hagisbasheruk | magnetron, 7.04 and yes eventually as PCI id was wrong | 08:30 |
misha_d7 | mc44: i read somewhere that as long as I use the partition created with bootcamp, and don't create a swap partition everything is ok. if you have a better idea, please share it. and thanks again | 08:30 |
Slart | Applied: noone here can give you the installation.. if you need instructions, ask in #winehq. | 08:30 |
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misha_d7 | mc44: and please make it as painless as possible :D | 08:31 |
Slart | alef0: yup.. that's what google told me too =) | 08:31 |
ashwin18 | another reference, what's the use and point of a SWAP partition? | 08:31 |
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mc44 | misha_d7: did you create a partition with bootcamp already? | 08:31 |
magnetron | hagisbasheruk: you should not have to enter the PCI id manually | 08:31 |
crolle17 | is ther ea firefox-expert? | 08:31 |
Applied | Slart thanks mate! | 08:31 |
cables | ashwin18, when you run out of RAM, it writes stuff there. | 08:31 |
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Slart | ashwin18: to use instead of memory when the real memory runs out.. kind of .. -ish | 08:31 |
cables | ashwin18, it also uses that when you hibernate | 08:31 |
ashwin18 | cables, like the virtual memory, right? | 08:31 |
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cables | LjL, I stand corrected | 08:31 |
ashwin18 | as in windows, i mean | 08:31 |
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Slart | ashwin18: same as the virtual memory in windows | 08:31 |
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cables | ashwin18, yep | 08:32 |
reverseblade | hwMoD|buntu, only /tmp | 08:32 |
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magnetron | crolle17: we are just mortal support volunteers. you are welcome to ask your question | 08:32 |
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reverseblade | hwMoD|buntu, you can use df and du commands to know about the most space using components | 08:32 |
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misha_d7 | mc44: yeah, I did. but I can easily reformat to 1 partition (2 if you count EFI one), since that partition is empty | 08:32 |
Slart | crolle17: if you really need a firefox expert, mozilla has it's own irc-server.. I think it's irc.mozilla.org | 08:32 |
ton1 | dose anyone out there have a macbook with ubuntu 7.04 on it | 08:32 |
cables | hwMoD|buntu, or if you prefer a GUI, go to Applications>Accessories>Disk Usage Somethingorother | 08:32 |
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[CNR] Caradhras | !help | 08:32 |
ashwin18 | okay, how do i use a cd-rom disc in ubuntu? | 08:32 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 08:32 |
hagisbasheruk | well it seems i had to magnetron ,any ideas about what could be wrong ? | 08:33 |
mc44 | misha_d7: no its good that you already have it :) | 08:33 |
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reverseblade | Slart, and for that server, they banned all IP's from Turkey where 70 million people live (prolly several million online) | 08:33 |
mc44 | misha_d7: makes installing much easier. Ok here is a walkthrough of what it will look like (except for a couple of extra questions as this is for the server install) http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/05/ubuntu-704-feisty-fawn-lamp-server.html | 08:33 |
=== naadde [n=ubuntu@a91-153-129-14.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crolle17 | Slart, magnetron, want to know how to configure firefox, because the browser handles playing mp3 differently depending on the page. | 08:33 |
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Slart | reverseblade: huh? shesh.. that's kind of harsh.. | 08:34 |
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pai | got any fax program for ubuntu feisty? | 08:34 |
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Slart | crolle17: I don't play mp3's in firefox so I wouldn't know.. have any example urls? | 08:34 |
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reverseblade | pai, try forums as well | 08:34 |
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ashwin18 | anyone who can tell me how to use a cd-rom disc in ubuntu? | 08:34 |
Alexander1 | hmpf @ my internet | 08:34 |
cables | ashwin18, it should just show up on your desktop | 08:34 |
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cables | ashwin18, if it doesn't, I have no idea... | 08:35 |
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Slart | ashwin18: a cd-rom? insert it into cd-rom reader.. icon pops up on desktop.. click it.. | 08:35 |
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reverseblade | ashwin18, in theory you just insert your disk and that's it, from the command line you can access it by cd /cdrom | 08:35 |
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ton1 | is there a channel for macbook users? | 08:35 |
magnetron | hagisbasheruk: no. you could try to redetect the graphics card with "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in the failsafe boot | 08:35 |
Xaero_Vincent | anyone here follow the seamless virtualization article? | 08:35 |
reverseblade | ton1, macbook with ubuntu ? | 08:35 |
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ton1 | yeah | 08:35 |
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ashwin18 | ok ok i just asked because i'd heard that it's a lot harder to use a cdrom disc in linux | 08:35 |
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Xaero_Vincent | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization | 08:35 |
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reverseblade | ton1, dunno sorry | 08:36 |
[CNR] Caradhras | !search grub | 08:36 |
ashwin18 | but inserting it seems to work fine :) | 08:36 |
ubotu | Found: recoveringgrub, grub, boot, lilo, bootfloppy, fixgrub, grubrepair, fixmbr, grub floppy, mbr | 08:36 |
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cables | ashwin18, where'd you here that? If your hardware is supported, it'll work fine :) | 08:36 |
ton1 | ok | 08:36 |
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Xaero_Vincent | I cannot figure out how to get rdesktop to work | 08:36 |
crolle17 | Slart, magnetron handling mp3 as i expected (opening a player): http://africanbeat.de/catalog/index.php?cPath=64 ; handling playing mp3 differently: https://www.soundquake.com/?page=shop/browse.php | 08:36 |
EarthLion | http://www.sqlspace.com/viewtopic.php?p=166091#166091 ubuntu on dells fron page :) | 08:36 |
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cables | !msgthebot | [CNR] Caradhras | 08:36 |
ubotu | [CNR] Caradhras: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 08:36 |
Alexander1 | AlexanderM: timeout plx | 08:36 |
Slart | crolle17: I'll take a look.. brb | 08:36 |
=== pjensen73 [n=peter@4204ds1-od.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ashwin18 | cables, i'd heard that one had to 'mount' a disc before he could use it, and unmount it before he could eject t | 08:36 |
ashwin18 | it* | 08:36 |
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cables | ashwin18, that's automatic in a distro like Ubuntu | 08:36 |
killown | ubuntu have firewall interface as windows firewalls? | 08:36 |
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cables | !firewall | killerbunny | 08:37 |
ubotu | killerbunny: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 08:37 |
ashwin18 | okay | 08:37 |
cables | !firewall | killown | 08:37 |
=== Scunizi [n=Scunizi@ip72-197-240-36.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | killown: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 08:37 |
hagisbasheruk | thanks magnetron but Nv and vesa are fine its just the Nvidia driver thats screwed up | 08:37 |
crolle17 | Slart, the second one seems to open a new page with a player... | 08:37 |
cables | killerbunny, sorry, I tabbed too early :) | 08:37 |
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Gandalf84 | hi | 08:37 |
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nwbie | which is the key combination to change from workspace using beryl? | 08:38 |
Slart | crolle17: both sites work the same on my computer | 08:38 |
cables | nwbie, ctrl-alt-right/left | 08:38 |
nwbie | thanks | 08:38 |
Gandalf84 | installing xp it rewrite mbr...how can i activate grub now from ubuntu-live-cd? | 08:38 |
Xaero_Vincent | people, when I type this command: rdesktop -A -s "c:\seamlessrdp\seamlessrdpshell.exe C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" localhost:3389 -u administrator -p password, I just get | 08:38 |
Xaero_Vincent | Autoselected keyboard map en-us | 08:38 |
Xaero_Vincent | ERROR: localhost: unable to connect | 08:38 |
Slart | crolle17: I think I've installed the firefox vlc plugin thingy | 08:38 |
crolle17 | Slart, how did you configure the browser? | 08:38 |
crolle17 | Slart, vlc package? | 08:38 |
Slart | crolle17: I haven't done anything special that I can remember.. | 08:38 |
Xaero_Vincent | i have terminal services and remote desktop enabled on the XP Pro guest | 08:38 |
=== andrea [n=andrea@p57a0d2f3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | crolle17: there is a firefox vlc plugin.. a separate package | 08:39 |
andrea | hallo? | 08:39 |
Slart | !hello | andrea | 08:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:39 |
misha_d7 | mc44: i just fast-forwarded through this post, just few more questions to go. first, do I have to create a swap partition or not, i meen, will it significantly decrease the performance? | 08:39 |
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Slart | bah.. ubotu getting old.. well.. hello andrea | 08:39 |
budacsik | <Gandalf84> : http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Installing-GRUB-using-grub_002dinstall.html | 08:39 |
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PurpZeY | !hi | 08:39 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 08:39 |
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Slart | hi and not hello? outrageous =) | 08:40 |
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mc44 | misha_d7: er.. I don't know. I guess it shouldn't if you ahve enough ram, but I have never done it so I don't know, sorry | 08:40 |
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scienceboy | hello. i've got a probelm loading the ubuntu live CD on a computer. I get an error message when loading the CD after the splash screen (the first one after you hit start or install). It constantly gives me the following error: hdc: error code: 0x70 sense_key:0x05 asc: 0x64 ascq 0x00. after that i get two lines that say that there is an I/O error on device hdc logical block 0 or 1 | 08:40 |
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andrea | Hi, do you always speak english here? Is there a german version? | 08:40 |
Phill | How can I install this theme? Is it possible to install on a default Ubuntu Feisty? I'm unsure what the developer even calls this a theme? [Also, are Compiz and Beryl themes interchangeable?] | 08:40 |
ashwin18 | my display resolution seems to be 1280x1024, can anyone tell me how to decrease it | 08:40 |
Phill | http://www.compiz-themes.org/content/show.php/Kore+Suite?content=54701* | 08:40 |
Slart | !de | andrea | 08:40 |
Phill | http://www.compiz-themes.org/content/show.php/Kore+Suite?content=54701 * | 08:40 |
ubotu | andrea: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 08:40 |
Phill | My abd. | 08:40 |
PurpZeY | !de | andrea | 08:40 |
andrea | ? | 08:40 |
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Scunizi | scienceboy, sounds like you have multiple harddrives.. Is that so? | 08:41 |
Slart | andrea: yes.. we speak english here.. there are german channels available.. #ubuntu-de | 08:41 |
PurpZeY | andrea: There is a German channel...The bot is supposed to | 08:41 |
scienceboy | Scunizi: no, i don't | 08:41 |
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PurpZeY | tell you, but he is on vacation it seems | 08:41 |
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ash_ | Is there a linux equivalent to limewire or kazaa when I dont feel like dealing with torrents for one song or something? | 08:41 |
marshall | hey guys | 08:41 |
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PurpZeY | ash_: Limewire | 08:41 |
Slart | PurpZeY: oh? it worked here.. lag between networks? | 08:41 |
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misha_d7 | mc44: thanks. few more things: if I create a swap partition, how can I be sure which one comes first, because I just want to start ubuntu holding the ALT key, and have my Mac OS X the default | 08:41 |
jrib | ash_: limewire runs on linux, but I would recommend frostwire | 08:41 |
andrea | how can I change to the german version? | 08:41 |
ashwin18 | can anyone tell me how to decrease my display resolution to 1152x864? | 08:41 |
nwbie | cables, this only changes the workspace as if I would be using alt+tab, how can I see the cube effect? | 08:41 |
PurpZeY | Slart: Yeah, must be. | 08:42 |
Slart | !p2p | ash_ | 08:42 |
ubotu | ash_: Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network). - BitTorrent: see !torrent - Direct connect: try valknut. - Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information. | 08:42 |
ash_ | PurpZeY: Well SURE.. but... | 08:42 |
marshall | anybody have mac menubar working in feisty and know a good howto? or can just tell me how to do it? | 08:42 |
arpharazon | Hi, my "package architecture doesn't match system", can anyone help? | 08:42 |
Scunizi | scienceboy, that's strange since the error is referancing hdc... in linux the drive sequence goes.. hda, hdb, hdc. Do you have any usb keys plugged in? | 08:42 |
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ash_ | Thanks all :D | 08:42 |
misha_d7 | mc44: do I just create 2 partitions and that's it? | 08:42 |
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jrib | arpharazon: what are you doing to get that message? | 08:42 |
ashwin18 | anyone? please? | 08:42 |
Slart | arpharazon: you've probably downloaded a package for 32-bit when you're running 64-bit or vice versa | 08:42 |
cables | andrea, type /j #ubuntu-de or click this: #ubuntu-de | 08:42 |
ShackJack | marshall - mac menubar - like an OSX type dock? | 08:42 |
jrib | !please > ashwin18 (see the private message from ubotu) | 08:42 |
samalex | after upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 to 7.04, now /etc/mtab just gives an input/output error, both on start-up when it's read and even when it's opened via cat. What happened? | 08:42 |
scienceboy | Scunizi: No. the computer only has one USB port, and its empty | 08:42 |
arpharazon | Exactly. | 08:42 |
cables | !fixres | ashwin18 | 08:42 |
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ubotu | ashwin18: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 08:42 |
arpharazon | So what do I do? | 08:42 |
misha_d7 | mc44: 2 LINUX partitions (the normal and the swap) | 08:42 |
NemesisD | ive got a signal 11 x crash, and part of the backtrace shows this 4: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//intel_drv.so [0xb7bcf2a0] , why are there 2 slashes after drivers? | 08:43 |
arpharazon | If there is a 64-bit Opera package, I didn't see it. | 08:43 |
ShackJack | ashwin18 -there's an option in the prefs menu - if not listed there, you have to config xorg.cong | 08:43 |
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ShackJack | #.conf | 08:43 |
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Slart | !opera | 08:43 |
ashwin18 | whats xorg.cong? | 08:43 |
ubotu | opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser | 08:43 |
marshall | ShackJack: no like the menubar for your applications is represented in the gnome panel as an applet instead of in every window | 08:43 |
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PurpZeY | ashwin18: Make sure to backup your xorg.conf before editing. | 08:43 |
cables | !fixres | ashwin18 | 08:43 |
ubotu | ashwin18: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 08:43 |
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ShackJack | ashwin18 - xorg.conf | 08:43 |
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mage | can I somehow use ethtool to tell me what my link speed is? | 08:43 |
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cables | ashwin18, xorg.conf is the file that configures X, the graphical subsystem of Linux | 08:44 |
asenec4 | anybody have experience installing smlnj? | 08:44 |
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duncan_ | can anyone help me out with a wireless networking issue with ubuntu please? | 08:44 |
ashwin18 | okay, and where is it located? | 08:44 |
ShackJack | marshall - I dunno if you can do that for GNOME, buy KDE has that option... | 08:44 |
PurpZeY | !ask | duncan_ | 08:44 |
ubotu | duncan_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:44 |
Scunizi | scienceboy, I'm not sure if this is true, maybe someone here will be able to correct me. But w/ one hd and it being recognized as hdc you may have your current drive plugged into the secondary Ide channel and on the wrong plug on the cable..Like I said. not sure if that will make a diff. or no. | 08:44 |
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cables | ashwin18, follow the directions in the link I sent you | 08:44 |
ashwin18 | oaky | 08:44 |
Slart | !wifi | duncan_ | 08:44 |
ubotu | duncan_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:44 |
ashwin18 | okay* | 08:44 |
crolle17 | Slart, installed mozilla-plugin-vlc but didn't change anything. | 08:44 |
magnetron | ashwin18: to find a file in Ubuntu, type 'locate xorg.conf" | 08:44 |
scienceboy | Scunizi: Ok, i'll check that out. i'll be back in a minute | 08:44 |
Slart | duncan_: I don't have any experience with wifi myself.. sorry.. | 08:44 |
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Scunizi | scienceboy, me too.. gotta run and pickup my kid. | 08:44 |
marshall | ShackJack: they have it here:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=241868&page=64 | 08:45 |
ShackJack | ashwin18 - xorg.conf is the thing that sets your monitor resolution, keybord, etc... I wouldn't recommend editing by hand if you don't know what you're doing - there's a command to run to do it... | 08:45 |
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Slart | crolle17: restarted firefox? | 08:45 |
PurpZeY | duncan_: I have *limited* experience, what is the issue? | 08:45 |
marshall | ShackJack: but this hasnt been updated since november | 08:45 |
arpharazon | For whatever reason, I can't check "show commercial applications". It isn't even there in adept installer. | 08:45 |
mc44 | misha_d7: this guide should help | 08:45 |
mc44 | misha_d7: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/UbuntuOnApple | 08:45 |
[CNR] Caradhras | hey there, has anyone time for my grub-problem? | 08:45 |
joshua__ | can anyone ytell me the comand to find out what release i'm using? (feisty/edgy) | 08:45 |
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PurpZeY | ashwin18: I *URGE* you to backup xorg.conf before you go editing it. | 08:45 |
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mage | !randombotcommand | duncan_ | 08:45 |
arpharazon | So all I've got is a .deb file for opera... Is there no way to install it? | 08:45 |
duncan_ | i installed GTKWifi on my laptop because the wireless networking utility wasn't working and i read that it would help... it installed properly but i'm a proper newb and can't even find it to make it run | 08:45 |
ashwin18 | purpzey, i will | 08:45 |
ashwin18 | thanks | 08:45 |
Phill | What's the XGL channel called? | 08:45 |
Slart | joshua__: lsb_release -a I think | 08:45 |
elyase | hello, is there any way of redirecting what im hearing to mic so other one can listen to it? | 08:45 |
kitche | Phill: #xgl | 08:45 |
Phill | Tahnks. | 08:45 |
Phill | Thanks* | 08:46 |
elyase | hello, is there any way of redirecting what im hearing to mic so other one can listen to it, it would be like output redirected to input? | 08:46 |
PurpZeY | duncan_: Have you tried just entering that command in terminal? GTKWifi, once you installed? How did you install it? | 08:46 |
joshua__ | thanks Slart | 08:46 |
asenec4 | what is the command to decompress a tar.Z file | 08:46 |
joshua__ | ;) | 08:46 |
stiv2k | can someone help me i cannot load the module powernow-k8 in my turion 64x2 for some reason it isnt supporting it | 08:46 |
duncan_ | it was just a .deb file so the package installer did it automatically | 08:46 |
elyase | hello, is there any way of redirecting what im hearing to mic so other one can listen to it, it would be like output redirected to input? | 08:46 |
alexIdoia | hi there, I have ask this already but nobody could not reply to me, I am sending email from a php application I have written, I use the fonction mail(), I think I am using good headers but my recipient recieve from www-data@vladimir (vladimir behing the name of my machine) most of them refuse the vladimir part because it is not a Full qualified domain name. HOw can set this properly ? | 08:46 |
crolle17 | Slart, yes. did a restart. | 08:46 |
duncan_ | do i not need to be in the correct folder in the terminal before i type the command in? | 08:47 |
magnetron | elyase: good question, but please do not repeat it too often. if nobody knows, nobody will answer | 08:47 |
Slart | crolle17: hmm.. odd.. well. the firefox plugin system for playing videos and mp3 etc is weird.. perhaps someone else knows more.. ask the room again | 08:47 |
PurpZeY | asenec: Usually untar -option (but generally they are compressed too...) You should should be able to do it using the gui | 08:47 |
elyase | magnetron: ok, excuse me | 08:48 |
=== capiira [n=capiira@dslb-084-056-022-234.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Slart | elyase: you might want to check out what alsa can do | 08:48 |
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magnetron | crolle17: some webpages tell firefox to not play the file, just save it | 08:48 |
asenec4 | thanks | 08:48 |
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elyase | Slart: Alsa? | 08:48 |
crolle17 | HELLO ROOM? | 08:48 |
arpharazon | No? No way to install .deb packages if my architecture doesn't match? | 08:48 |
Slart | elyase: you can do lots of weird things with dmix I think.. perhaps ask in #alsa.. they are almost always asleep but you might get lucky | 08:48 |
Slart | !alsa | elyase | 08:48 |
ubotu | elyase: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 08:48 |
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PurpZeY | asence: my bad. tar -x | 08:48 |
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Slart | elyase: oops.. well.. alsa is the sound system that ubuntu uses | 08:48 |
PurpZeY | asence: But there are other options you are going to want to use...I'd recommend just using the gui | 08:48 |
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PurpZeY | duncan_: No. | 08:49 |
aldin | what e-mail server is easiest to set up on ubuntu | 08:49 |
Slart | arpharazon: you can download it and run "dpkg -i --force-architecture packagename.deb | 08:49 |
elyase | Slart: yea but is there any control panel or something? | 08:49 |
jrib | asenec4: tar xf but right click -> extract here is easier | 08:49 |
PurpZeY | duncan_: Not if it's installed correctly. | 08:49 |
magnetron | aldin: for sending of recieving mails? | 08:49 |
magnetron | *or | 08:49 |
bullgard4 | What kind of character device is /dev/ttyd7 on my Ubuntu 7.04 computer? | 08:49 |
crolle17 | magnetron, that is a shop. i don't think that this page forbids playing mp3 | 08:49 |
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Slart | elyase: not for this.. no.. you'll have to edit text files with cryptic commands.. avoid if your linux-fu is weak =) | 08:49 |
duncan_ | well it does nothing when i type GTKWifi in the terminal window :-( | 08:49 |
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magnetron | crolle17: it is not about "forbidding" | 08:50 |
PurpZeY | !info GTKWifi | 08:50 |
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aldin | magnetron: is there two of them, i would like both if possible | 08:50 |
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ubotu | Package gtkwifi does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 08:50 |
PurpZeY | duncan_: Ok, one sec, let me look into this. | 08:50 |
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duncan_ | i don't understand why it doesn't work, i have typed in the correct Essid and pass key | 08:50 |
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duncan_ | its a bt home hub and it has all the details on the back | 08:50 |
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PurpZeY | duncan_: Wait, is the program running? | 08:51 |
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misha_d7 | mc44: this is great! thanks a lot. and the last question ( i promise). when I install ATI drivers, do I type them into the command prompt ( or whatever it is called) and restart my comp? I also want to add a little bling, using beryl, so do the ATI drivers that you mentioned earlier work for this? | 08:51 |
arpharazon | Ok, I tried that and... What does "dpkg: status database area is locked by another process" mean? | 08:51 |
mage | bullgard4: ttyp :) | 08:51 |
azamat | anyone know the commands for manually hibernating instead of using the red 'Log off ...' button in GNOME? | 08:51 |
duncan_ | the GTKWifi program? i have no idea i don't think so as i have no idea where to find it or open it | 08:51 |
bullgard4 | mage: Please elaborate. | 08:51 |
duncan_ | thanks for your help PurpZeY | 08:51 |
Slart | arpharazon: you can't have synaptic running in another window at the same time.. they use the same database | 08:51 |
PurpZeY | duncan_: Where did you read that this was a good utility? What network card are you running? | 08:51 |
PurpZeY | duncan_: It's not a problem....I hope I can help you solve it. | 08:51 |
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mc44 | misha_d7: well, if you get the same error as before, (the blue screen), just press ok to get to the command prompt then do the commands from there, then reboot. To get beryl working you need to install something called xgl as well | 08:52 |
duncan_ | http://gtkwifi.sourceforge.net/ | 08:52 |
arpharazon | ah... my bad. Thanks, it's working now. | 08:52 |
mage | bullgard4: its just a psudo tty | 08:52 |
duncan_ | i just read it was better than the one built in | 08:52 |
=== cables [n=cables@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PurpZeY | duncan_: Ok. Let's take a step backwards....What card do you have? | 08:52 |
arpharazon | umm, since I'm here anyway, could you help me with my video drivers? | 08:52 |
cables | Is there a way to change the password for my Default Keyring? | 08:52 |
duncan_ | the network card is built into my laptop... i can find the spec if you want but it says the driver is installed properly | 08:52 |
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mage | bullgard4: the answer to "whats it do/for/etc" is related to whatever program(s) have it open | 08:52 |
Slart | arpharazon: this is the only way, that I know of, to install packages for 32-bit if you're running 64-bit.. it's a bit cumbersome but it works | 08:52 |
pushpop | Is there a RDP For ubuntu like RDP for windows? | 08:52 |
crolle17 | magnetron, that page doesn't start a saving. it just opens a new "page" which is a player, downloads the data but not sound is playing. | 08:52 |
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misha_d7 | mc44: thank you very very much. this is all that I need. bye | 08:52 |
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arpharazon | I have a Geforce 7950, it appears to kind of work, but... | 08:53 |
mage | pushpop: you mean like rdesktop, or an RDP server? | 08:53 |
bullgard4 | mage: I doubt. Your explanation used to be true in old times. But not now in Ubuntu 7.04. | 08:53 |
pushpop | RDP server | 08:53 |
magnetron | aldin: i can give you a link that will show some different SMTP servers that are easy installable with ubuntu. they are for sending emails. https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/email-services.html | 08:53 |
mc44 | misha_d7: thats ok. come back when it all goes horribly wrong :P | 08:53 |
akromyk | I would like to ssh to my other Ubuntu Feist Fawn computer. How can I do that? | 08:53 |
josh__ | why are downloads so much slower in linux | 08:53 |
cables | pushpop, Applications>Internet>Terminal Server Client lets you view VNC and RDP desktops, and System>Preferences>Remote Desktop lets you set up a VNC server | 08:53 |
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duncan_ | i'll have a look to find what network card it is | 08:53 |
lifeisgreat1024 | KVM on Ubuntu, guess I have to do the apt-get qemu and kvm before I get going right? | 08:53 |
mage | bullgard4: do tell | 08:53 |
duncan_ | its some intel thing | 08:53 |
magnetron | akromyk: you have to install the ssh server at that computer | 08:53 |
pushpop | cables: I want to remote on to my Ubuntu machine. | 08:53 |
PurpZeY | duncan_: I can give you a command just as ec. | 08:53 |
misha_d7 | mc44: :D c u | 08:53 |
duncan_ | cool thanks | 08:53 |
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josh__ | anyone know any tricks to get the download speed faster in ubunutu | 08:54 |
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sldkfj | well, I need some lunch, later. | 08:54 |
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duncan_ | its a PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network | 08:54 |
magnetron | josh__: how do you download? Bittorrent? | 08:54 |
duncan_ | Intel | 08:54 |
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arpharazon | I mean, for one my refresh rate hurts my eyes, and I'm guessing something is wrong since it didn't under windows. And then there's also KnfoCenter crashing when I click opengl | 08:54 |
akromyk | I would like to ssh to my other Ubuntu Feisty Fawn computer. How can I do that? | 08:54 |
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magnetron | akromyk: read my previous answer | 08:55 |
post | Is that "Manual Network Configuration" icon always going to be in my notification area? How do I remove it? | 08:55 |
bullgard4 | mage: /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.20/drivers/base/power/trace.c reports that. | 08:55 |
aldin | magnetron: thanks for link i will look for it | 08:55 |
=== Santo [n=Santo@adsl196-204-33-217-196.adsl196-10.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | pushpop, on the server machine, go to System>Preferences>Remote Desktop and on the client machine use a VNC viewer (tightvnc is a good one for Windows, Ubuntu has one built in). If you plan to use it over the internet and you have a router, you need to port-forward port 5900 to the server machine. | 08:55 |
cables | !repeat | akromyk | 08:55 |
ubotu | akromyk: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 08:55 |
=== NET||abuse [n=lukeab@87-198-27-172.ptr.magnet.ie] has joined #ubuntu | ||
akromyk | oh. thanks | 08:55 |
josh__ | magnetron, its everything from bittorrents to http downloads. it is just slow. i download the same thing in windows with 3x the speed | 08:55 |
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Dallas | !patience | 08:55 |
ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 08:55 |
PurpZeY | duncan_: Run 'lspci' then look for wireless and tell me what card. | 08:55 |
scienceboy | Scunizi: I checked it. This time, i got error on device fd0, then on hdc blocks 0-8, then it went back to what it was before | 08:55 |
scienceboy | scunizi: i switched the cords, btw | 08:55 |
cables | josh__, I've never noticed that on my system... that's weird. | 08:56 |
=== MISTERTibbs [n=acerimme@74-61-60-15.sea.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dontcho | akromyk sudo apt-get install ssh on both comps after that ssh user@ip | 08:56 |
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boxnetnet | dont you need openssh-server ? | 08:57 |
akromyk | cool, thanks. I'll try that | 08:57 |
duncan_ | PurpZey: 05:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02) | 08:57 |
lifeisgreat1024 | Anyone sucessfully using KVM on Feisty Server? | 08:57 |
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NET||abuse | hey guys,, just installed the feisty update, but everytime i try to run the desktop effects, i just get a big white screen???? what's the deal with that? Nvidia 7800 | 08:57 |
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magnetron | josh__: could you be more specific? any info on what might cause the problem. what kind of connection are we talking about? | 08:57 |
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samalex | just curoius, for the folks who use KDE, do you install Ubuntu then KDE (to have Gnome and KDE), or just run wiht Kubuntu? | 08:57 |
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akromyk | what would I need to install to get file sharing going between both ubuntu computers? | 08:58 |
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AlexanderM | hm | 08:58 |
AlexanderM | /ns help | 08:58 |
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magnetron | akromyk: ssh is enough for that | 08:58 |
post | NET||abuse do a glxinfo |grep direct and see if it says Yes | 08:58 |
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saxin | samalex: both I guess | 08:58 |
josh__ | magnetron, i have a cable modem but have not exceeded over 40 kbs. its just in linux | 08:58 |
duncan_ | oh i just typed gtkwifi in lower case and it tried to run but said that the application isn't meant to be run from the terminal window | 08:58 |
ryanbot | akromyk: samba, it should already be installed, try man smbclient in console | 08:58 |
Jos2 | hi. i'm trying to get on wifi in ubuntu feisty fawn. my wifi network shows up once i type the ssid name in, witht he signal strenght where it should be, but i can not ping anything or get the internet. anyone know how to fix this? | 08:58 |
duncan_ | its there i just don't know how to gt to it | 08:58 |
magnetron | akromyk: "connect to server" and choose ssh | 08:58 |
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scienceboy | Scunizi: Hello? | 08:58 |
ravi_ | a quick question, how can I get that translucent effect on the cube in Beryl? | 08:59 |
magnetron | josh__: how is your comp connected to the cable modem? | 08:59 |
NET||abuse | post, hit the nail on the head,, ok, driver setup issue then :) | 08:59 |
jughead | samalex, I installed Kubuntu on my laptop and I installed Ubuntu then the kubuntu-desktop package on my desktop | 08:59 |
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p1ls | hey, whats the command to lock screen | 08:59 |
troib | please help | 08:59 |
samalex | jughead: any major differences between the two? KDE on both (ubuntu and kubuntu that is)? | 08:59 |
troib | if possible | 08:59 |
josh__ | magnetron i have a router | 08:59 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2: left mouse button to display all networks, select one and click | 08:59 |
post | ravi_ Beryl Settings -> Desktop -> Cube -> Transparency | 08:59 |
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samalex | I noticed when I installed KDE on Ubuntu that the fonts looked slightly different then Kbuntu. | 09:00 |
troib | im about to install mandriva instead of installing ubuntu again | 09:00 |
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troib | i would rather run the latest ubuntu, but my ati is impossible | 09:00 |
ravi_ | post: thanks | 09:00 |
scienceboy | can someone please help me? | 09:00 |
Slart | troib: help with what? you haven't asked a question yet.. or? | 09:00 |
=== DrLaunc2 [n=knutremi@ti112210a080-12497.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arpharazon | I've got a problem with wine too, when i click it in settings it says i need to install it, but it appears already installed in the adept installer. | 09:00 |
troib | sorry | 09:00 |
=== someothernick [n=someothe@pool-72-85-214-35.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garryFre | Latest patch of Feisty Fawn took 2 hours to boot. Anyone else have that issue? It finally booted, but be warned, ye might end up thinking it's locked up. | 09:00 |
=== TBN13 [n=richiemc@pool-71-242-200-82.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
troib | this is the error im getting | 09:00 |
jughead | samalex, there are not any major differences; the big one is the applications. Some of the Ubuntu apps for GNOME are present on my desktop that aren't there on my laptop | 09:00 |
Flannel | scienceboy: Did you check the CD for defects? | 09:00 |
post | troib - live cd doesnt give x display? | 09:00 |
magnetron | josh__: so, its like this? PC| ethernet card <eth cable> router <eth cable> cable modem? | 09:00 |
Slart | arpharazon: try running "wineprefixcreate" in a terminal first | 09:00 |
troib | not live | 09:00 |
Jos2 | Mistertibbs: selected the correct nework but it still failed to work | 09:00 |
TBN13 | Ubuntu comes with Konqueror, right? | 09:00 |
troib | i have it installed | 09:01 |
scienceboy | Flannel: I loaded it on another computer and it worked just fine | 09:01 |
post | !ATI |troib | 09:01 |
PurpZeY | duncan_: I really don't know much about gtkwifi I can try to help you trouble shoot your card a bit. Otherwise, I am going to run | 09:01 |
ubotu | troib: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 09:01 |
Flannel | TBN13: Kubuntu come with it, it's in the repositories if you want to install it in Ubuntu | 09:01 |
josh__ | magnetron yes | 09:01 |
garryFre | Kde has Konquerr. | 09:01 |
scienceboy | garryFre: It must be your computer. my laptop rebooted in its normal time | 09:01 |
Jos2 | magnetron: it is a belkin wirelsss | 09:01 |
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josh__ | magnetron pc->router->modem | 09:01 |
Slart | TBN13: nope.. it might come with Kubuntu.. but not ubuntu.. | 09:01 |
Jos2 | Usb version | 09:01 |
post | Is that "Manual Network Configuration" icon always going to be in my notification area? How do I remove it? | 09:01 |
troib | thx, ubotu, been down that road about 4 times now, each time i end up reinstalling | 09:01 |
=== der0b [n=s0d_0ff@c-66-31-142-244.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jughead | samalex, I prefer a straight Kubuntu install rather than Ubuntu+kubuntu-desktop. It seems my laptop is less cluttered with straight Kubuntu | 09:01 |
HerGhost | installed new sound drivers, now can't log in. message says session lasted < 10 seconds....how can I recover? | 09:01 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2 go to private thread | 09:01 |
PurpZeY | Jos2: There are known issues related to that, hit the forums. | 09:01 |
=== duns_s [n=duns_s@mnhm-590c177c.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CheshireViking | garryFre, both my laptops boot up normally after todays updates | 09:01 |
duncan_ | yeah to be honest i'd just like to get it to work anyway possible | 09:01 |
Flannel | scienceboy: if you know the disc is fine, it sounds like your drive is bad. But, I'd check the disc and/or try a different one anyway | 09:01 |
samalex | jughead: that makes since... | 09:01 |
=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h154n1c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
troib | i've followed ever instruction to the T on installing the ati driver | 09:02 |
arpharazon | I got "bash: wineprefixcreate: command not found" | 09:02 |
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scienceboy | Flannel: I tried both of those things you suggested. Do you know how i can fix the drive? | 09:02 |
magnetron | josh__: are you using a wireless card or a wired one? | 09:02 |
=== karmelek [n=mateusz@host-134-162-karolina.igloonet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
post | troib : /etc/X11/xorg.conf make sure fglrx is the driver (towards the bottom in device section) | 09:02 |
garryFre | I guess I should have bought a laptop, but I bet it boots normal now. I'm going to test ... | 09:02 |
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TBN13 | Kubuntu...might? | 09:02 |
josh__ | magnetron, this pc is hardwired | 09:02 |
garryFre | It worked before last night. brb | 09:02 |
Slart | arpharazon: then I think wine isn't installed after all... try "sudo apt-get install wine" | 09:02 |
duncan_ | PurpZey: any help would be amazing | 09:02 |
duncan_ | PurpZey: thanks | 09:02 |
post | troib did you run the aticonfig initialization command? | 09:03 |
Flannel | scienceboy: It'd be a hardware thing. Try swapping it with another one, see if that works | 09:03 |
PurpZeY | duncan_: Run the following command to determine what wireless card it is: 'lspci' look for the wireess information | 09:03 |
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MISTERTibbs | jos2 still with us??? | 09:03 |
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troib | it's weird because in my xorg.conf log, it recognizes my card and shows everything to be working properly | 09:03 |
scienceboy | Flannel: What about if i don't have another hard drive to swap it with? | 09:03 |
duncan_ | sorry i did that and pasted it earlier | 09:03 |
duncan_ | i'll get it again | 09:03 |
=== HOT [n=olid@82-69-88-239.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NET||abuse | hmm, anyone know,, flash for amd64 possible yet? | 09:03 |
arpharazon | That got me "E: Package wine has no installation candidate" along with a bunch of other stuff. | 09:03 |
troib | yes i have ran that command | 09:03 |
Jos2 | yes | 09:03 |
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troib | these are the messages | 09:03 |
Jos2 | mistertibbs: yes | 09:03 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2 click on my nick to go to private thread | 09:03 |
troib | or at least the ones that stand out to me | 09:03 |
Jos2 | Mistertibbs: I sent you a message | 09:04 |
post | HerGhost : rm -rf ~/.gconf this will remove the rest of the gnome configuration (panels etc) but seems to fix mine every time i have that problem | 09:04 |
duncan_ | PurpZey: 05:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02) | 09:04 |
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magnetron | josh__: did you open a port for bittorrent in your router? | 09:04 |
Slart | arpharazon: hmm.. that's odd.. | 09:04 |
Cotton-swab | Ubuntu sounds like a kind of chocolate | 09:04 |
Slart | !wine | 09:04 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 09:04 |
troib | Assigning device section with no busID to primary device | 09:04 |
jrib | NET||abuse: use a 32bit chroot or use http://www.janvitus.netsons.org/2007/01/15/nspluginwrapper-adobe-flash-player/ (you can compile nspluginwrapper yourself if you want) | 09:04 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2 didn't through | 09:04 |
PurpZeY | MISTERTibbs: I am not necessarily following your issue, but, I can say, I read last night there are some issues with belkin cards. | 09:04 |
Slart | arpharazon: are you on 32bit or 64bit? | 09:04 |
HerGhost | post: thankyou, will try that <3 | 09:04 |
Flannel | scienceboy: That was the desktop CD? You could try using the alternate CD, that's sometimes more robust. Make sure to burn at 4x. Otherwise we'll have to get more creative with installing. | 09:04 |
arpharazon | 64. | 09:04 |
Laibsch | How are Connections added to the "System - Administration - Networking" applet? I'd like to configure UMTS mobile phone connection. I could misappropriate the modem connection for that but would loose the ability to use the modem itself. | 09:04 |
josh__ | magnetron, yes and it has a static ip | 09:04 |
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PurpZeY | duncan_: Ok, let me see if there are any related issues. | 09:04 |
Slart | arpharazon: ok.. hang on... I'll brb | 09:04 |
scienceboy | Flannel: Where can i get the alternate CD | 09:04 |
MISTERTibbs | belkin AND broadcom. | 09:04 |
jrib | !wine > arpharazon (see the private message from ubotu) | 09:04 |
scienceboy | ? | 09:04 |
post | arpharazon check your repositories in synaptic and make sure they're all checked - and click reload | 09:05 |
jrib | arpharazon: you need the winehq repos for wine on feisty amd64 | 09:05 |
magnetron | josh__: is your bittorrent client configured to bind to that open port? | 09:05 |
troib | Using config file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" not setup | 09:05 |
Flannel | scienceboy: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ | 09:05 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2, enable your wireless AND DISABLE your WIRED connection | 09:05 |
Jos2 | MISTERTibbs: I sent you another message | 09:05 |
duncan_ | PurpZey: thanks | 09:05 |
tim167 | how can i search for a file on an external USB drive ? i like to use 'slocate' but it only searches internal hd's...i think...thanks! | 09:05 |
=== AlbertoP [n=AlbertoP@host100-144.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jos2 | MisterTibbs: I attempted to to that yet it still doesn't work | 09:05 |
josh__ | magnetron, yes and its not just bittorrent it happens with all downloads | 09:05 |
Slart | arpharazon: run this "sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/feisty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list" | 09:06 |
scienceboy | Flannel:Thanks! | 09:06 |
post | troib : if you follow the ati guide exactly - it will be set up - or manually add fglrx instead of "ati" as driver | 09:06 |
roryy | tim167: you could try 'find' | 09:06 |
Slart | arpharazon: it will add the wine repository to your sources.. then "sudo apt-get install wine" again | 09:06 |
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troib | @ww@fglrx: No matching device section for instance (busID PCI 1:0:1) | 09:06 |
MISTERTibbs | Jos2, terminal and run "lspci" | 09:06 |
troib | (EE)No Device detected | 09:06 |
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Slart | arpharazon: more explanations are here http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb | 09:06 |
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PurpZeY | duncan_: It seems like there are some issues here, but I believe they are workable...Just give me a sec. | 09:06 |
rohan | where can i find out what's changed between kernel 2.6.20-15 and 2.6.20-16 | 09:06 |
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nwbie | when I use ctrl+alt right/left, The workspace only changes as when I use alt+tab to switch from window, how can I see the cube effect? | 09:07 |
Jos2 | Mistertibbs: I am using the device on my laptop to talk now. I will have to shift it over | 09:07 |
=== StarQuake [n=StarQuak@ip51cfbfaa.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
post | rohan google kernel changes | 09:07 |
MISTERTibbs | no prob | 09:07 |
magnetron | josh__: i cannot think of any settings in Ubuntu that could possibly make downloads slower, or any other software issues that could relate to your problem | 09:07 |
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tim167 | roryy ok i'll try that, is it fast ? | 09:07 |
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mc44 | rohan: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.20/linux-source-2.6.20_2.6.20-16.28/changelog | 09:07 |
arpharazon | I added the repository but the apt-get still gave me the same error. | 09:07 |
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post | troib - you need to install package xorg-driver-fglrx the guide tells you this | 09:07 |
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arpharazon | "E: Package wine has no installation candidate" | 09:07 |
josh__ | magnetron, im going to look into java. thats what the forums are saying | 09:07 |
duncan_ | PurpZey: when i open up my network settings and look at the wireless bit that i have configured.. it says 95% | 09:07 |
Slart | arpharazon: run a "apt-get update" first | 09:07 |
rohan | post: was that a joke ? :P | 09:07 |
rohan | mc44: thanks | 09:07 |
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Slart | arpharazon: so it will update the package list... my bad.. I forgot that one | 09:08 |
roryy | tim167: not especially. probably as fast as a search can be without the sort of pre-indexing 'slocate' uses | 09:08 |
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magnetron | josh__: so you are using azureus? try another BT client | 09:08 |
dave_ | can anyone point me in the right direction for a decent list of "configure" file options (ie. V_CCOPT=???) | 09:08 |
duncan_ | PurpZey: so it looks like it is working... but if i disconnect my network cable.. my internet dies | 09:08 |
Jos2 | MisterTibbs: I ran lspci before when my wifi was plugged into my ubuntu machine but i didn't see anything related to the wifi. however, i know it was being detected because it showed up in the network manger. maybe this is because it is a usb device? | 09:08 |
=== kylehafar [n=kylehafa@68-115-106-204.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
post | rohan no it wasn't a joke - not an ubuntu related question | 09:08 |
josh__ | magnetron ive used azureus and utorrent | 09:09 |
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MISTERTibbs | jos2 "iwconfig" should see wireless connection | 09:09 |
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duncan_ | PurpZey: and it seems to be scanning and finding other networks nearby from my neighbours | 09:09 |
|lostbyte| | Where is the list of installed packages list stored ?? | 09:09 |
arpharazon | Ok, it started downloading... I think it did work. | 09:09 |
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dontcho | MISTERTibbs unplug end run dmesg after this plugin and run dmesg again | 09:09 |
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mc44 | post: it was an ubuntu related question, its the ubuntu kernel he is talking about | 09:09 |
rohan | where can i find out what's changed between kernel 2.6.20-15 and 2.6.20-16 ---> post , if you read it correctly, i mentioned the *UBUNTU* release numbers with the kernel, did i not. | 09:09 |
Flannel | rohan: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.20/linux-source-2.6.20_2.6.20-16.28/changelog | 09:09 |
Jos2 | MISTERTibbs: iwconfig showed two wifi devices for somke reason. wlan0 adn wmaster0 | 09:10 |
Slart | arpharazon: sweet...when it's done you can run "wine --version" just to check | 09:10 |
rohan | Flannel: thanks :) | 09:10 |
post | rohan my bad =) | 09:10 |
PurpZeY | duncan_: As far as I can tell, a lot of people are having problems with these cards. I've found a guide, to walk you through get it working...It seems rather comprehensive: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140085 | 09:10 |
arpharazon | Ok, thanks. | 09:10 |
mc44 | Flannel: like way slow :P | 09:10 |
rohan | is there any way to disable libata on boot ? it causes some problems on my laptop | 09:10 |
magnetron | josh__: are you sure that you just did not have bad luck with the swarm at the time you were using ubuntu? | 09:10 |
rohan | post: np :) | 09:10 |
MISTERTibbs | HA! You need to help it choose. # i.e. comment one of them | 09:10 |
duncan_ | PurpZey: thanks for your help i'll have a good read | 09:10 |
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josh__ | magnetron, knowing me it is just my luck. just wanted to make sure | 09:10 |
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arpharazon | Only I still have a problem with opera. I did install it only it's on "Loading application" for half a minute then just... disappears. | 09:10 |
roryy | dave_: *maybe* you could look through the autoconf/automake documentation, but i get the idea it's complicated | 09:10 |
arpharazon | I can't run it. | 09:11 |
Flannel | arpharazon: How did you install it? | 09:11 |
PurpZeY | duncan_: At the moment, I have to run, I am sure someone here can help you if you get stuck while running through the guide...If you still have problems, I am often around the channel, although I'll probably be gone for the night now. | 09:11 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2 I think you want to comment the "master" | 09:11 |
Slart | arpharazon: can't help you there.. never tried it myself | 09:11 |
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PurpZeY | duncan_: But the guide is step by step, so, it should be no worries. | 09:11 |
post | Is that "Manual Network Configuration" icon always going to be in my notification area? How do I remove it? | 09:11 |
duncan_ | PurpZey: looks a bit complex? like recompiling a kernel? | 09:11 |
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arpharazon | I did "dpkg -i --force-architecture packagename.deb" | 09:11 |
Jos2 | mistertibbs: where do i go to comment it out? | 09:11 |
MISTERTibbs | wait 1 | 09:12 |
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arpharazon | sudo, too, I think. | 09:12 |
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M_42 | can anyone help me | 09:12 |
M_42 | I have a dual core | 09:12 |
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M_42 | but its acting like a single core... java slows my system to a crawl | 09:12 |
M_42 | even if nothing else is running | 09:12 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2 command will be gedit, m trying to id the specific file | 09:12 |
hydan | hey guys, i configured ubuntu to work with xgl, do i need to install a window manager such as compiz or beryl along with it, because the windows don't display | 09:12 |
Slart | !enter | M_42 | 09:12 |
ubotu | M_42: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:12 |
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post | arpharazon Opera is in the ubuntu repositories | 09:12 |
M_42 | !enter | 09:12 |
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PurpZeY | duncan_: No recompiling kernels involved...Just running some command lines, possibly compiling a package or two...I am a fairly newb myself, just follow the steps, also, ifyou have a specific problem doing so, it may be in the responses and addressed. | 09:12 |
hydan | they come up but there's nothing there and the icons look weird | 09:13 |
arpharazon | Well, I have kubuntu if that makes a difference, and I couldn't find it. | 09:13 |
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hydan | they have a static look to them. | 09:13 |
nwbie | I installed feisty when it was a beta version, I have been updating it, but on the swap manager to chose the OS, there are shown ubuntu kernel 2.6.20-12, 13,14 &15. The problem is that this list is increasing. How can I just leave the most recent Kernel? | 09:13 |
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ompaul | arpharazon, there is #kbuntu | 09:13 |
Slart | M_42: what version of ubuntu did you install? | 09:13 |
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M_42 | feisty | 09:13 |
duncan_ | PurpZey: cool i found a good page for installing a new driver.. i'll give it a bash | 09:13 |
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^Pho[T] on | .org | 09:13 |
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scienceboy | ANother question. after its done with all of the errors, it brings up a line that says '/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off'. it then gives me a place that i can type in very basic commands and explore a non-existent filesystem that i can't do anything with | 09:13 |
M_42 | is there a way to set core affinity | 09:13 |
duncan_ | PurpZey: thanks for your help | 09:13 |
Slart | M_42: the normal 32-bit one? | 09:13 |
M_42 | yup | 09:13 |
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arpharazon | There is? Damn, real sorry about that. | 09:13 |
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nickrud | nwbie, you'd use synaptic to remove the obsolete kernels | 09:13 |
M_42 | 32bit feisty ubuntu | 09:13 |
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kkathman | Could anyone suggest a gnome alternative to "basket" or "tuxcards" ? | 09:13 |
arpharazon | I'll go ask there then. | 09:13 |
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redcard | arpharazon: I wouldn't use the Opera from the Ubuntu Repos, personally | 09:14 |
nwbie | nickrud, ok, Thanks | 09:14 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2 what is name of your wireless hardware in the iwconfig readout | 09:14 |
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PurpZeY | duncan_: Now that you know the card is the issue, you can use whatever fix you think works best, just check the forums...Not a problem duncan_, happy to help. Have a nice day. | 09:14 |
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Slart | M_42: weird.. never heard of those kind of problems.. | 09:14 |
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anderson | #ubuntu-br | 09:14 |
LjL | !enter > m_42 (m_42, see the private message from Ubotu) | 09:14 |
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Flannel | nwbie: it's best to leave two kernels, so you have the newest one, and then the last one, which you know works. Otherwise you imght find a bug with the newest and not have a backup | 09:14 |
=== Dr`Maison [n=fred@lns-bzn-49f-62-147-164-174.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
post | Slart the kernel isn't compiled for dual core | 09:15 |
post | you need to add kernel modules for it | 09:15 |
redcard | Flannel: Like there seems to have been for MINE, today :) | 09:15 |
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MISTERTibbs | JOS2 name of wireless hardware from iwconfig?? | 09:15 |
Slart | post: oh? didn't know that... is it only the 64-bit kernels that are compiled for dual core? | 09:15 |
GarryFre | well, The newest patch of Fiesty is still taking two hours to load. If I restore Ubuntu 6..06 LTS boot time is normal. | 09:15 |
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devcenter | hello, guys | 09:15 |
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devcenter | One question! | 09:16 |
redcard | GarryFre: I've found the new Feisty kernel to be.. Feisty. | 09:16 |
GarryFre | and all I did was install the latest patches frm distro | 09:16 |
M_42 | does anyone here know how to set core affinity on a dual core | 09:16 |
=== ashwin_ [n=ashwin@dialpool-210-214-17-180.maa.sify.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
post | Slart apparently | 09:16 |
M_42 | java is slowing down my system so bad it Mhz (yuk yuk get the joke mega-hurts) lol | 09:16 |
nickrud | post, are you sure? my kern.log show it switching to smp | 09:16 |
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scienceboy | ANother question. after its done with all of the errors, it brings up a line that says '/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off'. it then gives me a place that i can type in very basic commands and explore a non-existent filesystem that i can't do anything with | 09:16 |
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devcenter | The stardict can to speak a word? | 09:16 |
post | M_42 i dunno but i've seen it a lot in the forums | 09:16 |
=== Jos3 [n=Kenny_Zo@c-71-60-175-194.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ryan____ | Hey guys, is there anyway to echo back my resolution in a terminal? | 09:16 |
GarryFre | redcard lol | 09:16 |
Flannel | nickrud, post, Slart: As of Dapper, there haven't been SMP specific kernels | 09:17 |
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nickrud | Flannel, so I discovered ;) | 09:17 |
ashwin_ | !fixrez | 09:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fixrez - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:17 |
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ashwin_ | !fixres | 09:17 |
redcard | Flannel: No real point, if I recall correctly. | 09:17 |
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ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 09:17 |
GarryFre | One mage hurts, 4 gig doesnt | 09:17 |
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Slart | Flannel: yes.. I know it's generic.. but both cores should work, at least | 09:17 |
jrib | ryan____: xdpyinfo | 09:17 |
ComputinChuck | i've got a Dell laptop with an nvidia card running on a pci express slot, however an lsmod says the nvidia driver is using the agpgart driver. any way to take advantage of the pci express? | 09:17 |
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topcat1027 | can somebody help me configure my wine so i can run joost on it? | 09:17 |
Lunar_Lamp | !iso | 09:17 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 09:17 |
ryan____ | jrib: Thanks | 09:17 |
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Flannel | Slart: right, they should. | 09:17 |
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M_42 | !java crashes my rig | 09:18 |
devcenter | The stardict can to speak a word? | 09:18 |
Scunizi | Hey Flannel, can you help scienceboy with a live cd and errors..? I unfortunatly have to vaccuum of all thing. :( | 09:18 |
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Jos2 | Mistertibbs: there is no product name | 09:18 |
Slart | !br | devcenter | 09:18 |
ubotu | devcenter: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 09:18 |
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post | M_42 install the linux-image-686 package - you need 686 kernels for SMP | 09:18 |
Scunizi | Flannel, scienceboy .. sounds like he's stuck at a terminal prompt with no gui | 09:18 |
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M_42 | oh cool post thanks | 09:18 |
magnetron | topcat1027: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=438543 | 09:18 |
MISTERTibbs | JOS 2: nickname?? | 09:19 |
scienceboy | Scunizi: However, i can't use most of the normal terminal commands | 09:19 |
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Jos2 | Mistertibbs: yeah | 09:19 |
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topcat1027 | can somebody please help me configure wine so i can run joost from windows? i have no idea where to start | 09:19 |
Flannel | scienceboy: That's because the liveCD didn't load properly. Theres no telling whats broken with that live environment. Did you check the CD for defects? | 09:19 |
MISTERTibbs | tell me connection nickname jos2 | 09:19 |
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scienceboy | Flannel: Yes | 09:19 |
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scienceboy | Flannel: And it didn't. As well as the fact that it worked on 3 other computers | 09:20 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2: nickname AFTER essid | 09:20 |
post | topcat1027 : http://www.winehq.com has excellent guides - or just get the deb and double click it | 09:20 |
ashwin_ | guys, i'm unable to figure out how to set my monotir resolution to 1152x864 | 09:20 |
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ashwin_ | can someone please help | 09:20 |
Flannel | scienceboy: Right. Then Im going to stand by my previous verdict of a bad CDrom drive | 09:20 |
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=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-141-179-67.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | !fixres > ashwin_ | 09:20 |
ikonia | ashwin_: whats the problem | 09:20 |
topcat1027 | can somebody please help me configure wine so i can run joost from windows? i have no idea where to start | 09:20 |
=== EADG [n=vader@d206-75-103-225.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|lostbyte| | Where is the list of installed packages list stored ?? | 09:20 |
post | ashwin_ install the driver for your specific card | 09:20 |
scienceboy | Flannel: Ok | 09:20 |
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Jos2 | Mistertibbs: there is nothing | 09:20 |
bbrazil | |lostbyte|: /var/lib/dpkg | 09:20 |
scienceboy | goodbye, and thanks! | 09:20 |
ompaul | !resolution > ashwin_ (check message from bot please) | 09:20 |
ikonia | topcat1027: you'll get good wine support form the #winehq channel or the link incoming from ubot | 09:20 |
ashwin_ | post, my card is an intel extreme graphics integrated one | 09:21 |
ikonia | !wine >topcat1027 | 09:21 |
mc44 | Flannel: no, its likely to be a kernel problem, with sata or ata, at least, thats what other people have seen, no idea what the fix is though | 09:21 |
topcat1027 | ok, thank you ikonia | 09:21 |
ashwin_ | in an 865gbf mobo | 09:21 |
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MISTERTibbs | JOS2: no nickname at all or just "" blank?? | 09:21 |
ompaul | ashwin_, all the info is on the web page the bot sent you | 09:21 |
Flannel | mc44: To have I/O errors? | 09:21 |
ravi_ | Anyone: Have a good beryl setting files you can share? | 09:21 |
Jos2 | mistertibbs: just "" | 09:21 |
ashwin_ | ompaul, i read the entire page and tried out all the methods | 09:21 |
ashwin_ | none seem to work | 09:21 |
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mc44 | Flannel: er, sorry perhaps I missed the IO errors bit. I meant being dropped to busybox | 09:22 |
Jos2 | mistertibbs: i have the wi-fi stick plugged into my windows computer now | 09:22 |
post | ravi_ #ubuntu-effects | 09:22 |
ikonia | ravi_: beryl settings will be unique for each user | 09:22 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2: DOH! | 09:22 |
Flannel | mc44: right, this is a liveCD, after having a bunch of I/O buffer errors on hdc | 09:22 |
ravi_ | post: I asked there too | 09:22 |
ComputinChuck | i've got a dell laptop with a pci express nvidia card. ubuntu's lsmod says i'm using the agpgart driver with the nvidia module. any way to take advantage of the pci express? | 09:22 |
ashwin_ | i am only getting the options of four resolutions: 1280x1024 , 1024x768 , 800x600, 640x480, | 09:22 |
mc44 | Flannel: ok, sorry | 09:22 |
ravi_ | post: no one seems to be answering | 09:22 |
tbuss | I have files stored on a external hdd on another box. I've noticed that I have apps, such as kino, that are not able to 'work' with files that are not stored locally. Is there a way I can work with these files without first copying to my local hdd? | 09:22 |
ravi_ | ikonia: darn, those are a lot of animation settings to change by hand | 09:22 |
ikonia | tbuss: define don't work | 09:22 |
Jos2 | mistertibbs: i forget what the ssid is | 09:22 |
Flannel | mc44: I suppose they might be unrelated, and he'shaving kerne; issues as well, but I imagine a bad load is causing issues instead | 09:23 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2: only 1 computer available to you? | 09:23 |
ashwin_ | but i was able to set the resolution to 1152x864 in windows 98, 2000, xp and vista | 09:23 |
ravi_ | ikonia: you can export and import, I don't see why they can't be interchanged between computers | 09:23 |
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mc44 | Flannel: yep thats likely, most of the ata problems seem to be on sucessful installs | 09:23 |
tbuss | ikonia: ? | 09:23 |
Jos2 | mistertibbs: either that or a computer upstairs where i can't work on my ubuntu machine anyways | 09:23 |
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ikonia | ravi_: because different comuters have different settings and configs | 09:23 |
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ikonia | tbuss: define what you mean by "won't work" | 09:24 |
MISTERTibbs | JOS2: damn! need a computer to chat on and your other to make the wireless work. | 09:24 |
ompaul | ashwin_, so you can do that by hand by including all the resolution info in the xorg.conf file, methods of editing that file are discussed on the aforementioned web page | 09:24 |
Flannel | ashwin_: Did you read the page about fixing your video resolution? | 09:24 |
ashwin_ | i did i did | 09:24 |
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Jos2 | mistertibbs: i'll see if i can find another wifi adaptor | 09:24 |
visik7 | what happen to the update of today ? | 09:24 |
MISTERTibbs | cool | 09:24 |
dudubs | #ECI | 09:24 |
ompaul | ashwin_, that data is all there, just read it again slowly serious | 09:24 |
M_42 | anyone know how to set core affinity... in ubuntu? | 09:24 |
Yahooadam | im trying to compile gfire (x-fire for gaim) but i get "configure: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh " - any ideas ? | 09:24 |
Tb0n3 | what's the point of mounting in ubuntu if you need root to even use the mounted volume? | 09:24 |
MISTERTibbs | i'm afk for a few | 09:24 |
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Tb0n3 | how do I change a volume to be accessible to normal users | 09:25 |
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tbuss | ikonia: files stored on external hdd can not be opened by kino, dialog box states that files are not stored locally. | 09:25 |
ikonia | kino ok so its an application limitation that requires local file systems only | 09:25 |
post | Yahooadam do those install scripts have execute permission? | 09:25 |
NET||abuse | hmm, been trying this nspluginwrapper,, just not working for me :( | 09:25 |
ashwin_ | using the first method, i get "debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable" | 09:25 |
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Yahooadam | post - where are the install scripts ? | 09:26 |
ashwin_ | anyone? | 09:26 |
ompaul | M_42, it does it automagically | 09:26 |
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post | Yahooadam wherever the source code that you're trying to compile is | 09:26 |
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Pelo | hey guys, where would I go to find the changelog for the 2.6.20-16 kernel ? | 09:27 |
post | ashwin : is another package manager running? | 09:27 |
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mc44 | Pelo: : http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.20/linux-source-2.6.20_2.6.20-16.28/changelog | 09:27 |
ompaul | ashwin_, check your machine for apt-get or synaptic already running | 09:27 |
Pelo | thank you mc44 | 09:27 |
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ashwin_ | synaptic is not running. how do i check for apt get? | 09:28 |
AceMan | pelo: beware of the problems others have had updating to it tho. | 09:28 |
=== Pelo is a little creeped out that mc44 seems to have a kernel changelog bookmarked | ||
AceMan | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=456662 | 09:28 |
mc44 | Pelo: someone else asked not 5 minutes ago :) | 09:28 |
irishman2020 | Well, I'm back again to see if anyone has suggestions on what nvidia driver I could use that will work with a GeForce 7300 LE | 09:28 |
dontcho | ashwin_ ps -aux | grep apt-get | 09:28 |
Pelo | AceMan, I've already updated, I had automated securited updates enabled | 09:28 |
bruenig | !ati | irishman2020 | 09:28 |
ubotu | irishman2020: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 09:28 |
tbuss | ikonia: yes, okay. That's too bad. I have the external hdd so I could stores these large files on a larger hdd. Kind of pointless now if I need to move them to my local drive to access them | 09:28 |
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AceMan | pelo: any problems? | 09:29 |
Pelo | thanks AceMan I've have a look | 09:29 |
Pelo | not realy | 09:29 |
M_42 | ompaul, but if you want to force an application to use a particular core... how do you do that/ | 09:29 |
M_42 | ? | 09:29 |
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AceMan | pelo: ur lucky. it completely borked mine :( | 09:29 |
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visik7 | what happen with the recent update ? | 09:29 |
ashwin_ | dontcho, i get "Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? " | 09:29 |
Pelo | but I 've had my computer turned off for the past few hours while I vaccumed the dust out and got some thermal paste for the cpu | 09:29 |
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AceMan | u have rebooted at least once since upgrading tho haven't you? | 09:30 |
Pelo | AceMan, yes I have | 09:30 |
dudubs | whats up? | 09:30 |
AceMan | u should be okay then i guess. u using wireless? | 09:30 |
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alexander | +blubb | 09:30 |
goonmaster | hey, can anyone help me with installing windows on my ubuntu box? | 09:30 |
ompaul | M_42, well lets see the kernel decides automatically, so I guess you let the kernel choose, or get the source out and fork your own | 09:30 |
dontcho | ashwin_ no worries about this.. if apt-get is runing this shuld show it | 09:30 |
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lifeisgreat1024 | I guess KVM doesn't work on feisty server cause it needs the xwindows framebuffer? | 09:30 |
goonmaster | hey, can anyone help me with installing windows on my ubuntu box? | 09:30 |
M_42 | :/ | 09:30 |
thornomad | hello everyone! is there a simple way to send mail from the command line ? I don't want to receive mail at all (don't want it listening for mail either) ... just want a couple scripts to email me when things go wrong. simple way ? | 09:31 |
dontcho | this should show it I mean | 09:31 |
Pelo | AceMan, I'm pretty lucky in general, all my hardware is supported natively, onboard everything , all intel on an asus mobo | 09:31 |
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dudubs | I must to say - ubuntu this the system ! | 09:31 |
M_42 | im having issues... because one it says its a dual core but not acting like it | 09:31 |
irishman2020 | bruenig: I've already tried the restricted drivers, causes Xorg to crash | 09:31 |
M_42 | I have the new generic kernel | 09:31 |
M_42 | :/ | 09:31 |
Zelda | hello. I just updated Ubuntu. Now on the grub menu, there is two versions. 2.6.15, and 2.6.16 how do i get rid of the old one? | 09:31 |
Xx_Scott_xX | 09:31 | |
Xx_Scott_xX | /msg nickserv register <230483> | 09:31 |
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ashwin_ | dontcho, that's the message that i get when i type your command in the terminal windwo | 09:31 |
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mc44 | M_42: what do you mean, not acting like it? | 09:31 |
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LjL | Zelda: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic | 09:32 |
M_42 | well java slows down my system to unusable levels | 09:32 |
=== Gaz_ [n=gaz@82-33-171-245.cable.ubr06.wiga.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | Zelda, it was a kernel update, the previous kernel is left available incase you have trouble with the new one , leave it for a week | 09:32 |
LjL | Zelda: make SURE the new version works before removing the old one! | 09:32 |
Zelda | and that will get rid of it? | 09:32 |
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Zelda | well im in the new one. | 09:32 |
M_42 | which never happened in windows because it could only use 100% of one core | 09:32 |
dontcho | ashwin_ and someting like 10588 0.0 0.3 2880 760 pts/2 S+ 22:32 0:00 grep apt-get ? | 09:32 |
irishman2020 | bruenig: do you have any other suggestions? | 09:32 |
tim167 | roryy fyi i can make a slocate database using updatedb -U /path/to/my/usb/drive :) | 09:32 |
ravelix | Ol pessoal , gostaria de saber se alquem ai tem uma documentao em portugues para a configurao do Bacula | 09:32 |
LjL | Zelda: well follow pelo's advice. it's won't hurt, you can waste 50 megs for a week yes? | 09:32 |
LjL | !pt | ravelix | 09:32 |
ubotu | ravelix: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 09:32 |
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HerGhost | post: your suggestion of rm -rf ~/.gconf to fix my sound problem didn't work - have you any other ideas? thanks for your time | 09:33 |
dudubs | what is spaniol | 09:33 |
ashwin_ | yes, to be exact, a url link followed by -- ashwin 11358 0.0 0.1 2884 732 pts/2 R+ 00:59 0:00 grep apt-get | 09:33 |
ashwin_ | \ | 09:33 |
dudubs | ? | 09:33 |
roryy | tim167: cool, ta | 09:33 |
=== Pelo could waste 50 megs a week | ||
AceMan | zelda: you might want to hold off removing 2.6.15 until you can be absolutely sure there are no problems. | 09:33 |
bruenig | irishman2020, you have two choices as I see it, get the open source one, or the binary. Make your choice | 09:33 |
Zelda | yeah I have 320GB | 09:33 |
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dudubs | who from here know the project Mono? | 09:33 |
post | HerGhost - remove the package you installed which caused the problem in the first place | 09:33 |
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dontcho | ashwin_ if there no more result obviously apt-get isn't runing now on your copm | 09:33 |
Zelda | ALL: Ok I will wait. Thanks everyone | 09:33 |
|lostbyte| | <bbrazil> thanks :) | 09:33 |
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irishman2020 | bruenig: either one works for me, I'd like to know more information as to what I'm heading into here. I know that Envy would install them for me, but I've had problems with it doing other things I didnt want to in the past | 09:34 |
ashwin_ | okay then back to the original problem | 09:34 |
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HerGhost | post: how do I do that without logging in to X? the package came in a bz2 archive file - can I remove it from the command line? | 09:34 |
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bruenig | irishman2020, they both work? | 09:34 |
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kazol | Where is the preconfiguration file located? | 09:34 |
irishman2020 | Envy doesnt tell you what it does | 09:34 |
Baalial | How do I run a .x86 file? | 09:35 |
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matthew1429 | sssometimes when i type, my computer decides ot type multiple characters in ffffor me as indicated in this sentce, wwwwhats the deal? | 09:35 |
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MISTERTibbs | JOS2 | 09:35 |
matthew1429 | im on a fresh in stall of ffffeisty | 09:35 |
ashwin_ | how do i fix this resolution problem? ubuntu will allow me to set the res to 1280x1024 or 1024x768 but not 1152x864 which is ironically lesser than the first | 09:35 |
post | HerGhost : what steps did you do to install it? was it a make install type of deal? | 09:35 |
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Pelo | matthew1429, you probably have to change the repeat character setting, or your keyboard is borked | 09:35 |
bruenig | irishman2020, pick one, basically here is the breakdown, the binary probably works better seeing as nvidia writes it, the open source one works well too. So there you go, do you have a philosophical opposition to closed software or not | 09:36 |
post | Baalial if it is really an executable - give it execute permissions (right click - properties) | 09:36 |
matthew1429 | how do iiii change the repeat character setting? | 09:36 |
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dontcho | ashwin_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83973 | 09:36 |
HerGhost | post: there was an install file already made. I just had to use "./install" and it did the rest for me. | 09:36 |
Pelo | matthew1429, check in system > prefts > keyboard, it is probably not called repeat character setting | 09:36 |
dudubs | I love Ubuntu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 09:37 |
irishman2020 | bruenig: not as of yet. I'm happy to take whats created... I've not got time to learn more about it all, thanks for the help. I'll go try the Binary file :) | 09:37 |
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matthew1429 | okay im trying this now lalalalallaalalal... my computer has "pauses" i think that is what caused it | 09:37 |
post | HerGhost : go back into that directory and try make uninstall | 09:37 |
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matthew1429 | what do i do to see what module for smp I am using? | 09:37 |
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Zelda | http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Ubuntu-Second-Novice-Professional/dp/1590598202/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/104-4928510-7984752?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1180381050&sr=8-1 YAY!! | 09:37 |
HerGhost | post: thanks very much, will try now | 09:37 |
post | HerGhost : or find the documentation (probably in /usr/share/doc or /usr/doc) and it will tell you how to remove | 09:37 |
PseudoPlacebo | Hi, I'm trying to apt-get install something, and it asks for the feisty disk- how do I use a web apt source for that / disable it asking for the disk? | 09:37 |
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HerGhost | post: thank you | 09:38 |
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n2diy | matthew1429: uname -a | 09:38 |
dudubs | I can to install KDE in ubuntu (not kubuntu) ? | 09:38 |
LjL | !kde > dudubs (dudubs, see the private message from Ubotu) | 09:38 |
Baalial | post, It already has permissions | 09:38 |
Baalial | But I do not know what program to launch it with | 09:38 |
ryan____ | Hey guys, where's the config file for eterm at? Or, if you want me to find out, how would I figure it out for myself? | 09:38 |
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Baalial | I am trying to update my "Enemy Territory" installation | 09:38 |
post | PseudoPlacebo : in synaptic go to software repositories and then un-check the cdrom tick | 09:38 |
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neil__ | hello all | 09:38 |
PseudoPlacebo | post: Er, how do I do it from the commandline? | 09:38 |
post | Baalial then double click it or run in terminal ./nameoffile.x86 | 09:39 |
post | PseudoPlacebo /etc/apt/sources.list i think - and #comment the cdrom | 09:39 |
PseudoPlacebo | Alright thanks. =] | 09:39 |
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neil__ | hi there, wondered if anyone can help... im playing around with Beryl, and have set all settings to my desired settings, but, nothing happens | 09:40 |
neil__ | is there a master on/off setting? | 09:40 |
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post | pseudoplacebo after you will have to do apt-get update | 09:40 |
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ryan____ | Hey guys, where's the config file for eterm at? Or, if you want me to find out, how would I figure it out for myself? | 09:40 |
visualdeception | neil_ you will need to run beryl_manager | 09:40 |
dontcho | post pat-get update beffor every apt-get install someting or not ? | 09:40 |
post | ryan____ ls -a ~ | 09:41 |
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post | dontcho only after you edit the repositories | 09:41 |
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ryan____ | post: To tell the truth I looked in there, and I didn't see anything like .eterm | 09:41 |
dontcho | post tanks .... this helps to me, too :) | 09:41 |
ryan____ | post: Is it known as something else? | 09:41 |
post | ryan____ find |grep eterm | 09:41 |
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post | ryan____ i dont know i dont use eterm =] | 09:42 |
=== tecno_ [n=tecno@host102-15-static.25-87-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
post | try man eterm | 09:42 |
neil__ | visualdeception, i am running beryl manager from Applications/system tools/beryl mangaer | 09:42 |
=== tbuss [n=trenton@c-68-47-183-124.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tecno_ | hello | 09:42 |
=== alkasteve [n=kvirc@cpc1-linc8-0-0-cust131.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Baalial | Done | 09:42 |
neil__ | settings dont save | 09:42 |
post | neil__ is it working? you have wobbly effect? | 09:42 |
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ryan____ | post: Hehe, I'll try the man, as nothing came up under find, either. | 09:42 |
tecno_ | i am in internet with ubuntu xd | 09:42 |
=== Kill_X [i=kill_x@p54A15AF6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neil__ | i had wobbly effect from ubuntu, but then when i run beryl, the wobble stops | 09:43 |
=== o----o_ [n=seth@82-46-101-213.cable.ubr05.stav.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aroo | How can i stop adept updater from notifying my of updates | 09:43 |
erUSUL | ryan____: ~/.Eterm/ ?? | 09:43 |
post | neil__ then beryl isn't properly running - run beryl-manager from a terminal to see the error | 09:43 |
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ryan____ | erUSUL: Just said I didn't see anything under ~ that looked like .eterm. | 09:43 |
neil__ | hmm, im new to linux [first day] | 09:43 |
=== nikin [n=niki@dsl51B62E3C.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tbuss | I'm using Nautilus 2.18.1. When I open it never displays any contents, the Home Folder and File System just have the word loading beneath them. It has been this way for about 15 mins now? | 09:44 |
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jin | !xfce4 | 09:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xfce4 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:44 |
jin | !xfce | 09:44 |
ubotu | xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 09:44 |
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post | neil__ close beryl-manager go to accessories->terminal enter beryl-manager | 09:45 |
dontcho | tbuss 15 min ? | 09:45 |
dudubs | where have wine binary package for installing? | 09:45 |
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ryan____ | Ah | 09:45 |
neil__ | oh, ty | 09:45 |
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ryan____ | Found it in the man. I guess I just didn't lok hard enough | 09:45 |
hypn0 | tbuss: what did you do 15 mins ago? | 09:45 |
ryan____ | Thanks guys | 09:45 |
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ryanbot | is there a way i can make my other harddisk mount on startup? instead of having to mount it via 'place > computer > filesHD' | 09:45 |
siloko | Does anyone else have problems with panels when switching from xbuntu to ubuntu? | 09:45 |
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siloko | mine often don't form properly | 09:45 |
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HOT | god dammi i hate linux sometimes | 09:46 |
HOT | just installed the new kernel and now vmware is dead | 09:46 |
neil__ | beryl-manager, it does nothing | 09:46 |
HOT | my rage has no words | 09:46 |
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=== Jos2 [n=Kenny_Zo@c-71-60-175-194.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trenq | neil_ i have the same problem | 09:46 |
jessd | HOT Been there | 09:46 |
dudubs | friends Debian is RedHot? | 09:46 |
Pelo | siloko, you need to add it to fstab , pick a line for a hdd that works and copy/edit it to fit the hdd you want to add | 09:46 |
neil__ | neil@neil-desktop:~$ beryl-manager | 09:46 |
trenq | i think i have to isntall a new core | 09:46 |
neil__ | neil@neil-desktop:~$ | 09:46 |
tbuss | hypn0: I copied a script I had to the desktop, when I tried to go to /usr/local/bin to drop the script, there wasn't a dir tree avail, just the word loading | 09:46 |
neil__ | ^this is all that happens | 09:46 |
Yashy | ls -ld /etc | 09:46 |
Yashy | drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-05-20 14:26 wpa_supplicant | 09:46 |
siloko | Pelo: sorry?? | 09:46 |
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Jos2 | mistertibbs: i have internet on both my computers now, still there? | 09:47 |
dontcho | neil__ you have to select beryl to be meneger not GTK | 09:47 |
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Yashy | How does one configure ath0 with WPA on ubuntu? | 09:47 |
aroo | How can i stop adept updater from notifying my of updates | 09:47 |
Pelo | siloko, sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 09:47 |
=== theAdib [n=adib@dslb-088-074-137-000.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jessd | HOT It's been a while, but I think I just had to go through the install script again, which built the modules again and made everything happy. | 09:47 |
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=== Lcarsdata is now known as rhl | ||
HOT | jessd: playing with that option now, thanks for the thought | 09:47 |
MISTERTibbs | JOS2: YOUR BACK | 09:47 |
=== alexander [n=alexande@p508AED7A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
siloko | Pelo: I have problems with my panels . . . what has that got to do with fstab? | 09:47 |
neil__ | how do i deselect GTK? | 09:47 |
Pelo | siloko, you don'T need to have the disk's UUID ident you can use the devtree | 09:47 |
Jos2 | mistertibbs: i had to hunt for a stupid drive disk for windows... | 09:47 |
=== pascali [n=pascali@AGrenoble-156-1-73-29.w90-41.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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siloko | Pelo: :) | 09:48 |
Pelo | siloko, weren't you the one who asked about mounting a hdd ? | 09:48 |
dudubs | everyone can to answer me - Debian is RedHot/FedoraCore? | 09:48 |
pascali | Entrez le texte ici...ml | 09:48 |
pascali | m | 09:48 |
siloko | Pelo: no :) | 09:48 |
MISTERTibbs | lol. try to go to private chat again. I'm using x-chat. should work | 09:48 |
=== kung [n=kung@dslb-084-059-100-027.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | siloko, sorry | 09:48 |
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siloko | Pelo: no worries | 09:48 |
jessd | dudubs No, Debian is not redhat | 09:48 |
=== Zdra [n=zdra@209.105-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dudubs | Pelo you talk with me? | 09:48 |
dontcho | neil__ right button on your mouse over beryl icon then Select Windows Meneger and choise | 09:48 |
Pelo | siloko, pannels in xcfe and gnome aren'T the same | 09:48 |
Pelo | dudubs, possibly | 09:48 |
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Pelo | dudubs, you need to add it to fstab , pick a line for a hdd that works and copy/edit it to fit the hdd you want to add | 09:49 |
neil__ | wow, my settings are fierce | 09:49 |
siloko | Pelo: well i guessed that but i can't think of what else is causing the problem | 09:49 |
Pelo | dudubs, sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 09:49 |
neil__ | thats awesome tjank you | 09:49 |
kazol | I'm setting up partitions for software RAID-1. Should I set up root, swap, or /boot as bootable? I'm guessing it's boot, but I once saw it being done as root; I just want to make sure. | 09:49 |
Pelo | dudubs, you don'T need to have the disk's UUID ident you can use the devtree | 09:49 |
elyase | how can i extract the filename and the extension of a file ,in bash | 09:49 |
neil__ | *thank you | 09:49 |
=== Varnel [n=varn@cpe-76-170-94-44.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elyase | how can i extract the filename and the extension of a file ,in bash? | 09:49 |
Jos2 | mistertibbs: sent you a private chat message. working? | 09:49 |
siloko | Pelo: when i switch from one use in xfce to another in gnome i get problems with my gnome-panels not forming properly, i have to reboot X | 09:49 |
dudubs | no, my question is if debian is as redhot/fedora core | 09:50 |
dontcho | neil__ that's nothing for... sorry my poor english | 09:50 |
jessd | elyase You mean figure out what kind of file a file is? | 09:50 |
=== `eric_ [n=eric@cpe-76-173-57-21.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MISTERTibbs | dammit! we do this the hard way. | 09:50 |
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neil__ | you did great | 09:50 |
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`eric_ | anyone know of a script to mv duplicate mp3's out of my music folder? | 09:50 |
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roryy | elyase: take a look at basename | 09:50 |
neil__ | just need to find out how to configure wireless internet now | 09:50 |
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MISTERTibbs | on your wireless, run iwconfig | 09:50 |
neil__ | any pointers? | 09:50 |
Pelo | siloko, I wouldn'T know, I haven'T worked with xcfe so I can'T telll what the problem might be when you switch stop switching that would probably solve the problem | 09:50 |
Jos2 | mistertibbs: could we use an im program? | 09:50 |
neil__ | from terminal? | 09:50 |
Pelo | dudubs, I don'T take private msg please talk to me in the channel | 09:50 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2 yeah! | 09:51 |
dudubs | ok | 09:51 |
dudubs | you know the mono project? | 09:51 |
Jos2 | mistertibbs: you have aim? | 09:51 |
=== MetaBot [n=metabot@unaffiliated/ljl/bot/metabot] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | you need to register to pm | 09:51 |
Pelo | dudubs, then I guess you weren't the one I was talking to either | 09:51 |
PriceChild | mwe, no you don't | 09:51 |
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siloko | Pelo: well that strikes me as a windows-user solution ;) | 09:51 |
Pelo | dudubs, I know nothig about mono, try looking a mono channel | 09:51 |
PriceChild | mwe, you need to register to pm users that don't allow unregistered pms | 09:51 |
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siloko | Pelo: no offense :) | 09:51 |
Pelo | siloko, probably | 09:51 |
Yashy | How does one configure WPA/wireless networking on startup? | 09:51 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2, i have msn | 09:51 |
neil__ | i ran iwconfig in terminal but all i get is... | 09:51 |
neil__ | neil@neil-desktop:~$ iwconfig | 09:51 |
neil__ | lo no wireless extensions. | 09:51 |
neil__ | eth0 no wireless extensions. | 09:51 |
=== rue_ [n=rue@e178253094.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dudubs | yes it enable to run .net programs and compile .net projects | 09:52 |
kazol | Has anyone here ever configured software RAID? | 09:52 |
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Jos2 | mistertibbs: let me see if i can remember my msn account password | 09:52 |
=== Pelo spent two hours fixing his brother's window computer, and look what happened to him | ||
tbuss | is there any way I can unistall and reinstall nautilas | 09:52 |
mwe | PriceChild I see. that must be default here, then. gonna check | 09:52 |
dudubs | i not know what i need to download for install it | 09:52 |
=== d0s4gw [n=mike@cpe-24-210-70-141.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dontcho | neil__ usb wi-fi or ? | 09:52 |
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PriceChild | mwe, hehe yeah. By default its set so that you don't' accept pms frmo unregistered :) | 09:52 |
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neil__ | at moment im usb to router | 09:52 |
neil__ | need to set up wireless | 09:53 |
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dudubs | you understaning me, my english is not very good | 09:53 |
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dudubs | ... | 09:53 |
post | neil__ do you know what your wifi card is | 09:53 |
Pelo | later | 09:53 |
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neil__ | no not really | 09:53 |
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elyase | how can i extract the filename and the extension of a file ,in bash, i mean the string that is behind the point? | 09:53 |
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dontcho | neil__ sudo lspci -v | 09:53 |
neil__ | came standard on my hp machine | 09:53 |
elyase | how can i extract the filename and the extension of a file in bash, i mean the string that is before the point? | 09:53 |
jessd | elyase Still not quite sure what you mean | 09:53 |
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jessd | elyase you mean seperate the two? | 09:54 |
LjL | elyase: "man basename" | 09:54 |
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mwe | PriceChild it's a server setting? or a client setting? | 09:54 |
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PriceChild | mwe, /msg nickserv help set | 09:54 |
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mwe | thanks | 09:54 |
dudubs | how many developers more or less working on ubuntu? | 09:54 |
=== ericj2190 [n=eric@cdm-75-109-86-203.asbnva.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ryan____ | Alright, how do I figure out what kind of wireless network card is in my machine? | 09:54 |
dontcho | dudubs too many :) | 09:54 |
=== GrueTamer [n=tg@CPE-72-133-203-78.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | DudeInTown, There were a hundred at the UDS. | 09:54 |
bbrazil | ryan____: lspci or lsusb | 09:54 |
PriceChild | dudubs, There were a hundred at the UDS. | 09:55 |
n2diy | ryan_____ lshw | 09:55 |
post | ryan____ sudo lspci -v | 09:55 |
dudubs | wow! | 09:55 |
=== ep2011 [n=eric@adsl-065-006-176-175.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jos2 | mistertibbs: i think i got it working, add me phantom784@hotmail.com | 09:55 |
ryan____ | Thank you | 09:55 |
PriceChild | dudubs, So you could probably double it perhaps? | 09:55 |
dudubs | good job | 09:55 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2, wait 1 | 09:55 |
neil__ | ran lspdci -v or whatever it was | 09:55 |
=== Mikelevel [n=MoVeWoRk@60.Red-80-25-210.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | !offtopic | dudubs | 09:55 |
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ubotu | dudubs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:55 |
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neil__ | now looking for card | 09:55 |
PriceChild | eek sorry LjL :) | 09:55 |
Jos2 | mistertibbs, okay | 09:55 |
dontcho | could someone tell me who is this IRC server ? irc... ? | 09:55 |
elyase | jessd: yes that it | 09:55 |
jessd | elayse there's a couple ways | 09:55 |
ikonia | whois the irc ? | 09:55 |
elyase | basename doesnot do the job | 09:55 |
dontcho | irc.someting_here.net ? or ? | 09:56 |
=== nikin_ [n=niki@dsl51B62E3C.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dudubs | thanks! | 09:56 |
ikonia | dontcho: freenodde.net | 09:56 |
ikonia | freenode.net | 09:56 |
=== Zapt [n=sebastia@dslb-084-059-027-105.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dudubs | i am sorry... :) | 09:56 |
dontcho | ikonia tanks a lot | 09:56 |
elyase | jessd: any easy way | 09:56 |
jessd | elyase my fave is $(echo <filename> | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') | 09:56 |
=== mz__ [n=mrl@able176.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Yashy | ./etc/wpa_supplicant is a directory, how does one configure WPA on ubuntu? | 09:56 |
jessd | elyase but I'm a little old fashioned | 09:56 |
MISTERTibbs | jos2 that was rejected for some reason. google talk?? | 09:56 |
elyase | jessd: thank you i think that will work | 09:56 |
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jessd | elyase Welcome. | 09:56 |
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Jos2 | mistertibbs: that works too | 09:57 |
=== Dayylin [n=dayylin@dsl-216-227-91-136.fairpoint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jos2 | mistertibbs: phantom784 AT gmail DOT com | 09:57 |
MISTERTibbs | wait 1 | 09:57 |
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mwe | PriceChild, well I think I'll leave unfiltered to off :) | 09:57 |
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d0s4gw | anyone feel like helping me troubleshoot a display problem? I have a Samsung 710n 17 inch LCD display running off of a GeForce 6150. I have configured the xorg.conf to contain the manufacturers specs for the HorizSync and VertRefresh. The problem is that the left side of my display has about 1/2 inch of blank space and the right side of my display is 1/2 inch off of the screen. | 09:57 |
dontcho | I'll bbl see you... | 09:58 |
neil__ | dontcha ** looking for wireless card details | 09:58 |
neil__ | not sure what im looking for though | 09:58 |
ikonia | d0s4gw: hit the autoadjust button the mintor | 09:58 |
neil__ | any hints? | 09:58 |
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Stoffer | I'm trying to install pdfedit, but when I try ./configure, it tells me: QTDIR environment variable must be set . Does anyone know a solution for this? | 09:58 |
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d0s4gw | ikonia - tried that, just makes it worse. | 09:58 |
ikonia | Stoffer: set QTDIR | 09:58 |
=== bruenig agrees with ikonia | ||
jessd | d0s4gw Does it work at lower resolutions? | 09:58 |
Stoffer | ikonia, and how would one do this? | 09:58 |
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d0s4gw | jessd- one sec, lemme try | 09:59 |
ikonia | QTDIR=$path_to_qt | 09:59 |
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fxfitz | Hello! I just installed Edgy on my laptop and everything worked. It asked me to upgrade to Feisty, and I did, except now X isn't starting up. When I restarted it said there was a problem, but I didn't write that problem down. Can anyone help??? | 09:59 |
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=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl701.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trenq | hi fellas i have ubuntu feisty running on a widescreen laptop but I can only set the screen resolution 4:3 | 10:00 |
post | fxfitz : "there is a problem" isn't enough information for anyone to help you | 10:00 |
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ikonia | fxfitz: can't help if you didn't write the problem down | 10:00 |
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fxfitz | post: And I understand that, however, I do not know how to recreate the error. i'm new to Linux. | 10:00 |
ikonia | fxfitz: restart linux | 10:00 |
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ikonia | fxfitz: that will re-create the problem | 10:00 |
fxfitz | Right. I'll be back momentarily. | 10:00 |
rollerskatejamms | is there a way to view cpu utilization as a percentage? | 10:00 |
fxfitz | :-P | 10:00 |
post | heh | 10:00 |
d0s4gw | it works at 1024x768... | 10:00 |
n2diy | rollerskatejamms: top | 10:00 |
rollerskatejamms | n2diy, i thought top only shows load | 10:01 |
d0s4gw | I'd much prefer a way to get it to work at the advertised resolution of 1280x1024... | 10:01 |
rollerskatejamms | ah cool thanks | 10:01 |
post | rollerskatejamms : top gnome-system-monitor | 10:01 |
ikonia | rollerskatejamms: what to you think load is | 10:01 |
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Stoffer | ikonia, is /usr/lib/qt3 a valid path? | 10:01 |
dontcho | this away was wrong ... my english :(( | 10:01 |
EADG | rollerskatejamms: install htop, it's easy to configure. | 10:01 |
n2diy | rollerskatejamms: umm, check the help menu options? | 10:01 |
ikonia | Stoffer: if thats where QT is | 10:01 |
dontcho | better | 10:01 |
dontcho | bbl | 10:01 |
neil__ | dontcha | 10:01 |
=== wcf` [n=michael@adsl-067-034-097-075.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["www.mbrem.com"] | ||
post | what's wrong with gnome-system-monitor ? | 10:02 |
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Yashy | ./etc/wpa_supplicant is a directory, how does one configure WPA on ubuntu? | 10:02 |
Stoffer | ikonia, that's one of the results that came up from "locate qt" | 10:02 |
neil__ | what should i look for after running sudo lspci -v | 10:02 |
=== jin [n=jin@s5591bc47.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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nelsonuwp | is anyone able to use gdesklets? i cant seem to get anything to work | 10:02 |
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Pelo | can anyone take a look at my sensors output and explain why I am getting so many ALARMs ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22697/ | 10:02 |
post | neil__ anything that looks like a wireless card - make note of what it is | 10:02 |
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jin | any one here has problem with windows lagging problem? I'm sick of it | 10:02 |
rollerskatejamms | ikonia, i know what it is but its not a percentage | 10:02 |
post | nelsonuwp : python error? me too | 10:03 |
ikonia | jin: windows lagging ? | 10:03 |
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ikonia | rollerskatejamms: load = %59 | 10:03 |
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ethereality | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=457194 can anyone here help me? | 10:03 |
nelsonuwp | post: every time i open a desklet..widget.. whatever it just says fail | 10:03 |
mwe | jin, enable composite, I think | 10:03 |
post | jin : your video card drivers installed? | 10:03 |
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jin | ikonia: yea, when I resize window for example, it takes fraction of a second to draw it. in other words, it does not draw it immediatelly | 10:03 |
fxfitz | Alright, lets see here. Here's the backtrace #0: | 10:03 |
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ikonia | jin: never seen that | 10:03 |
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bigfoot1014 | Hey does anyone know of an hacking or security channels? | 10:03 |
post | nelsonuwp : does the launcher bar work for you? thats the only one that worked =\ | 10:03 |
ikonia | bigfoot1014: not here | 10:04 |
fxfitz | /usr/X11RC/bin/X(xf86sigHandler) | 10:04 |
nelsonuwp | post: launcher bar? | 10:04 |
mwe | jin, enable composite, I think | 10:04 |
post | nelsonuwp : under toolbars/launchers | 10:04 |
jin | mwe: I'm not using beryl/compiz.. why is composite important? | 10:04 |
jin | :\ | 10:04 |
fxfitz | Fatal server error: Caught signal 11 | 10:04 |
post | starter bar i meant nelsonuwp | 10:04 |
louis1543 | is anyone here from new zealand | 10:04 |
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ikonia | louis1543: why | 10:04 |
mwe | jin, because it stops the lag | 10:04 |
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louis1543 | just like to know | 10:05 |
jin | mwe: ok, gonna give it a try now | 10:05 |
mwe | jin, at least for me | 10:05 |
ikonia | louis1543: this is a support channel, not a chat channel | 10:05 |
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post | bigfoot1014 do you have a security question | 10:05 |
Nuked | anyone here know anything about swiftweasel? | 10:05 |
ikonia | louis1543: use #ubuntu-offtopic for chat | 10:05 |
mwe | jin, you know how to do it in xorg.conf? | 10:05 |
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jin | yep | 10:05 |
ikonia | Nuked: never even heard of it | 10:05 |
PseudoPlacebo | I'm trying to set up my ATI card, and I used this guide http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide but when I try and start my xserver it tells me no displays are found | 10:05 |
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fxfitz | post: Any ideas? | 10:05 |
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ikonia | !ati >pseudoplacebo | 10:05 |
nelsonuwp | post: starter bar as in? i dont see a starter bar | 10:05 |
jin | mwe: it is enabled already | 10:05 |
ikonia | PseudoPlacebo: use the officail ubuntu docs | 10:05 |
Nuked | ikonia, its supposed to be faster than swiftfox and such | 10:05 |
jin | :( | 10:05 |
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Yashy | Can someone point me to a URL For setting up wireless with WPA? /etc/wpa_supplicant is a directory, not a file, on ubtuntu | 10:05 |
ikonia | Nuked: never heard of swiftfox | 10:05 |
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Nuked | ikonia, im using x86_64 ... isnt that firefox supposed to be 64 bit | 10:06 |
post | fxfitz : that means can not make screen - your display drivers aren't set up correctly (feisty uses a newer version of the vesa driver) let me guess: ATI card? | 10:06 |
ikonia | Nuked: firefox can be 32 or 64 bit ? | 10:06 |
ikonia | post: $10 bet on ati | 10:06 |
fxfitz | post: Yup. | 10:07 |
=== chengt_ [n=chengt@204-16-231-226-metrobbsvcs2.pkh.ord.sparkplugbb.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
irishman2020 | oi... so I've got myself stuck now. I've tried installing the nvidia graphics restricted driver, and it crashes xorg,. I've tried installing the binaries from Nvidia's site, but they wont install (says x is running, so I reboot in terminal and then it asks me to be in run lvl 3, which brings me back to x) | 10:07 |
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fxfitz | post: ATI Mobility Radeio X1300 | 10:07 |
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fxfitz | post: I had JUST installed Edgy. I hadn't set up the video stuff (but I didn't know how to either). | 10:07 |
zenko | hi | 10:07 |
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killerbunny | irishman2020, is it x64 or x32 ? | 10:08 |
zenko | someone interested on bash scripting? | 10:08 |
mwe | jin, Section "Extensions" Option "Composite" "Enable" EndSection ? | 10:08 |
post | fxfitz : install the xorg-driver-fglrx use recovery mode and type apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx then do aticonfig --initial then aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv | 10:08 |
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erUSUL | irishman2020: 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop' to install nvidia.com *run package | 10:08 |
erUSUL | irishman2020: but the packages from the repo shouldn't crash X | 10:08 |
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erUSUL | !nvidia | irishman2020 | 10:08 |
mwe | jin, with newlines between the directives. | 10:09 |
irishman2020 | killerbunny: hmm I dont know if its 32 or 64, I've got a 64 processor, but I'm not using the 64 ubuntu | 10:09 |
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killerbunny | irishman2020, ahh kk, then its 32. | 10:09 |
fxfitz | post: Recovery mode? | 10:09 |
irishman2020 | erUSUL: the repo package crashes x every time | 10:09 |
ubotu | irishman2020: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:09 |
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killerbunny | irishman2020, cause i had a shit load of problems with the x64 and the ATI driver. | 10:09 |
post | fxfitz - when you start your computer - go into the grub menu (it will ask you to press esc to enter grub menu) | 10:09 |
fxfitz | post: Righto. Gotcha. | 10:09 |
killerbunny | irishman2020, so i though it might be the same with Nvidia. | 10:09 |
neil__ | iv looked all through [terminal] sudo lspci -v | 10:09 |
neil__ | i cant find anything wireless like | 10:10 |
fxfitz | post: Thank you! I'll go give that a try | 10:10 |
neil__ | is that bad? | 10:10 |
post | fxfitz then when you get a prompt enter those 3 commands exactly how i entered them | 10:10 |
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irishman2020 | killerbunny: I've used the 64 vers of ubuntu back a few months ago, didnt like it | 10:10 |
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ikonia | killerbunny: please watch and moderate your language | 10:10 |
mwe | jin, Feisty? | 10:10 |
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post | neil__ when you got your computer you got a list of all the hardware that is inside it | 10:11 |
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AlexanderM | wols: I got it fixed! :D Someone guessed: root(hd0,1), it worked ;) | 10:11 |
icebreeze | for some reason x was killed after my kernel updated... i tried reinstall the nvidia drivers and that hadn't solved ht problem. The nvidia module is not loading so i'm not sure how to fix that | 10:11 |
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Moniker42 | how do i get a list of FireWire devices connected? | 10:11 |
Moniker42 | i'm triyng to mount a FW HDD | 10:12 |
wols | AlexanderM: grats | 10:12 |
ikonia | icebreeze: are you using the nvidia modules from nvidia.com ? | 10:12 |
AlexanderM | wols: thanks, and thank you! :) | 10:12 |
post | neil__ it must be somewhere in lspci or lshw | 10:12 |
neil__ | POST, i did but, had it 3 yrs | 10:12 |
erUSUL | icebreeze: how did you instaled the nvidia driver envy? | 10:12 |
AlexanderM | wols: next step, ati drivers ;P | 10:12 |
neil__ | sudo lshw -v | 10:12 |
neil__ | ?? | 10:12 |
icebreeze | ikonia: no. i'm using the package in syanptic | 10:12 |
=== lethu [n=lethu@adsl196-68-208-206-196.adsl196-7.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ikonia | icebreeze: where did you get the kernel update ? | 10:13 |
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wols | AlexanderM: I pity you | 10:13 |
wols | AlexanderM: what videocard? | 10:13 |
icebreeze | ikonia: just said that i had one in the update manager | 10:13 |
post | neul__ sudo lshw |less | 10:13 |
AlexanderM | wols: 9800pro | 10:13 |
AlexanderM | wols: am i screwed now? | 10:13 |
ikonia | icebreeze: thats very surprising and unusual that it causes a problem | 10:13 |
ikonia | icebreeze: what happens when you try to load the nvidia modules ? | 10:13 |
wols | AlexanderM: with at? always. fglrx driver. doN#t use envy or such stuff | 10:13 |
post | neil__ or sudo lshw |grep Wireless | 10:13 |
wols | !ati | AlexanderM | 10:13 |
ubotu | AlexanderM: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:13 |
icebreeze | ikonia: says they don't exist which is weird. the module name is nvidia correct | 10:13 |
wols | AlexanderM: you coud use the ati drver, but it's sub par in performance | 10:14 |
ikonia | icebreeze: what is the kernel version your using ? | 10:14 |
uluru | migrating from suse, encrypted volume won't mount - "ioctl: LOOP_SET_STATUS: No such file or directory", do i need to delete volume and start again? | 10:14 |
AlexanderM | wols: thanks, ill have a look | 10:14 |
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AlexanderM | wols: hm better use that link? | 10:14 |
icebreeze | ikonia: mmm let me check i fogot of the top of my head | 10:14 |
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PseudoPlacebo | Hi, after trying to install the ATI drivers using this guide ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ) (which is basically the same as the guide I posted) I get an error that no display/screen can be found and fglrxinfo says no display found | 10:14 |
ikonia | icebreeze: ok | 10:14 |
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icebreeze | ikonia: 2.6.20-16-generic | 10:14 |
wols | AlexanderM: yes | 10:14 |
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louis1543 | join/ #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:15 |
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h4wk0 | Whats the command to sym link two dirs? | 10:15 |
Nuked | is it possible that I can run azureus gcj as 64 bit? | 10:15 |
=== Redth[a] [n=jond@c-76-19-240-194.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
post | PseudoPlacebo: sudo aticonfig --initial and then sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv you entered those? | 10:15 |
erUSUL | h4wk0: ln | 10:15 |
AlexanderM | wols: ok, let's have a look | 10:15 |
PseudoPlacebo | post: Aye. | 10:15 |
=== klobster [n=The@c-71-229-248-134.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | h4wk0: ln -s | 10:15 |
h4wk0 | And erUSUL is the link 'permantment' like still there after reboot | 10:15 |
Redth[a] | i have a module I compiled that I'd like to have loaded at boot... say instead of doing insmod /home/username/folder/modulename.ko always | 10:15 |
post | PseudoPlacebo : you put the 0 composite thingy at the end of your xorg.conf ? | 10:15 |
Redth[a] | how would i change /etc/modules to do that? | 10:15 |
PseudoPlacebo | Aye. | 10:15 |
=== rickympl [n=rickympl@195-23-89-55.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ikonia | icebreeze: be with you in a minute | 10:16 |
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post | pseudoPlacebo maybe fglrx doesnt support your card - is it a very new or very old card? | 10:16 |
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Redth[a] | just put /home/username/folder/modulename.ko in /etc/modules? | 10:16 |
icebreeze | ikonia: no problem. | 10:16 |
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PseudoPlacebo | post: I don't think so. | 10:16 |
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ikonia | icebreeze: cd /lib/modules/* | 10:16 |
erUSUL | Redth[a] : add a line with 'modulename' to it | 10:16 |
Redth[a] | how will it know where to find the module | 10:16 |
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icebreeze | ikonia:yah | 10:17 |
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erUSUL | Redth[a] : modprobe takes care of that | 10:17 |
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ikonia | icebreeze: find . -name 'nvidia.ko' -print | 10:17 |
konam | hi | 10:17 |
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reppel | Hi, is there a faq for the black screen bug? | 10:17 |
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konam | someone could tell me why alacarte don't let me rename some entries of the menu? (ubuntu feisty) | 10:17 |
erUSUL | Redth[a] : try 'sudo modprobe modulename' works too. insmod is not for use directly | 10:17 |
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Sub_Zero | I am installing a fresh copy of 7.04, and will be mounting a seperate partition for /home, which already exited. Lets say there is a user named 'joe', who already has a folder under /home as 'joe', but he doesn't exist as a user yet. If I add a useraccount for 'joe' will it delete the folder he already has? | 10:18 |
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ikonia | Sub_Zero: no | 10:18 |
icebreeze | ikonia: as expected nothing was found... even though the nvidia package is installed | 10:18 |
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Sub_Zero | ikonia: It will just recognize it? | 10:18 |
ironfroggy | I need to use an ssh key, but i cant add it because ssh-add says there is no agent. how do i get the agent to run? | 10:18 |
ikonia | icebreeze: remove the nvidia package and re-install it, it looks like it maybe linked to the old kernel | 10:18 |
ikonia | Sub_Zero: yes | 10:18 |
Sub_Zero | ikonia: awesome. Thanks | 10:18 |
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icebreeze | ikonia: yah i've done that a couple times | 10:19 |
icebreeze | ikonia: thats what i thought it was the first time | 10:19 |
ikonia | icebreeze: make sure your booting the right kernel then | 10:19 |
Redth[a] | erusul i guess, i just thought that since it's a custom compiled module that modprobe wouldn't just find it like that | 10:19 |
Moniker42 | how do i create directories in bash? | 10:19 |
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icebreeze | ikonia: yah i am | 10:19 |
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ikonia | icebreeze: your running fesity I assume | 10:19 |
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MetaBookfoziS | hi all, what can i do if i have built mplayerplug-in with checkinstall, but it wants to owerwrite a file that are from an other (binutils) package. How can i solve this? | 10:19 |
icebreeze | ikonia: yah i actually see whats wrong now | 10:19 |
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ikonia | icebreeze: share | 10:20 |
TwB | hello, someone can help me please | 10:20 |
TwB | ?? | 10:20 |
piotrek | just checkin' smth | 10:20 |
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LjL | !helpme | 10:20 |
icebreeze | ikonia: but not sure on what to do. each time i try to install the driver it wants to install the unrestricted modules for 2.6.20-15 instead of -16 | 10:20 |
erUSUL | Redth[a] : oh wait i misread your first quiestion... your module is not under /lib/modules/$(uname -r) ... | 10:20 |
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n2diy | Moniker42: mkdir | 10:20 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:20 |
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Moniker42 | n2diy: thanks | 10:20 |
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chryss | oops | 10:20 |
Redth[a] | erUSUL - correct, should i just make a symlink to it in there? | 10:20 |
thinkpad | bonjour | 10:20 |
post | Is this "Manual Network Configuration" notify icon going to be here forever? How do I rid of it ? | 10:20 |
ikonia | icebreeze: sounds like the modules package has not been updated yet | 10:20 |
TwB | someone please | 10:20 |
TwB | ??? | 10:20 |
=== max_ [n=max@host-69-145-67-20.bzm-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dekkard | post and than some | 10:20 |
LjL | !someone | twb | 10:20 |
ubotu | twb: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 10:20 |
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chryss | so feisty throws you in here automatically ..... | 10:21 |
icebreeze | ikonia: mmm i see | 10:21 |
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thinkpad | ki est francais | 10:21 |
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LjL | !fr | thinkpad | 10:21 |
max_ | whatsss uppp | 10:21 |
ubotu | thinkpad: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 10:21 |
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erUSUL | Redth[a] : you can do it... and then run 'depmod -a' (for modprobe) or just add 'insmod /path/to/module.ko' to /etc/rc.local | 10:21 |
TwB | Does anyone can help me please? | 10:21 |
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thinkpad | sa va ? | 10:22 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
gizmo_the_great1 | hi. Can any1 tell me how I can rename a whole directory of jpg files by their 'date modified' attirbute. So for example, change File1.jpg and File2.jpg to "File_07_05_28.jpg" and "File_07_05_29.jpg" etc? Thanks | 10:22 |
=== At0mic_P1 [n=arch_ato@host-209-215-59-122.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ArvinJA | Can anyone help me with "beryl"? | 10:22 |
Redth[a] | erUSUL- ok i will add it to rc.local... i just thought there might be a better way to do it before i went ahead and hacked around, ty :) | 10:22 |
thinkpad | sa va ? | 10:22 |
icebreeze | ikonia: should i just use the nvidia source package than ? | 10:22 |
LjL | thinkpad: seulament anglais ici merci | 10:22 |
Dekkard | Twb how can someone help you if you dont ask a question? | 10:22 |
ArvinJA | I change stuff in it, byt nothing happens | 10:22 |
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LjL | !beryl > ArvinJA (ArvinJA, see the private message from Ubotu) | 10:22 |
thinkpad | pk | 10:22 |
post | ArvinJA : #ubuntu-effects | 10:22 |
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ikonia | gizmo_the_great1: get better help in bash but yes, list the files awk out the date and do a mv based on a for loop | 10:22 |
alm3id4 | hi,is there a way to make a video print screen? | 10:22 |
LjL | thinkpad: pk oui, pk il y a 1200 personnes | 10:22 |
ikonia | icebreeze: nah, log a bug to get the binary package updated | 10:22 |
bruenig_ | gizmo_the_great1, that will take a little bash script | 10:22 |
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erUSUL | Redth[a] : you have the two alternatives i've talked abaut... | 10:23 |
gizmo_the_great1 | bruenig_: OK thanks | 10:23 |
gizmo_the_great1 | ikonia: OK thanks | 10:23 |
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=== thinkpad [n=thinkpad@AToulouse-157-1-73-245.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] | ||
h4wk0 | !gparted | 10:23 |
ubotu | GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type sudo apt-get install gparted in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 10:23 |
icebreeze | ikonia: so you are just saying i should just roll back to the prev kernel | 10:23 |
TwB | Does someone can help me? | 10:23 |
ikonia | icebreeze: for the moment | 10:23 |
h4wk0 | !mount | 10:23 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 10:23 |
LjL | TwB: ASK. A. QUESTION. | 10:23 |
h4wk0 | !fstab | 10:23 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 10:23 |
ikonia | caps ;) | 10:23 |
schooltest | why is it recommended to install totem-xine-firefox-plugin when its not there? | 10:24 |
Dekkard | TwB Ask a question we arent mind readers | 10:24 |
LjL | ikonia: i know, but what the heck | 10:24 |
HungryCakes | I tried to install the latest version of GTK, I could get atk, GLiB, and freetype to install, but I still get the ./configure error: "configure: error: *** Didn't find any of FreeType, X11, ATSUI or Win32. | 10:24 |
HungryCakes | *** Must have at least one backend to build Pango. | 10:24 |
ikonia | LjL: I'm teasing | 10:24 |
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schooltest | and where can i find it? | 10:24 |
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alm3id4 | plz answer: is there a way to make a video print screen? | 10:24 |
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superkirbyartist | !windows | 10:24 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 10:24 |
ikonia | HungryCakes: if you can't deal with that error you shouldn't be building from source | 10:24 |
_Sebulba_ | Dekkard, speak for yourself...I am a mind reader personally, I just get interference from the Earth, so my findings are skethcy | 10:24 |
=== kung [n=kung@dslb-084-059-100-027.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_Sebulba_ | lol | 10:24 |
TwB | I have laptop without cdrom with floppy and without os how i can to install ubuntu??? | 10:24 |
rollerskatejamms | Is there a package I can get mysql_config from? | 10:24 |
=== Ax3 [n=axe@n128-227-27-233.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
schooltest | where can i find the totem-xine-firefox-plugin ? mirror ? | 10:24 |
LjL | !install > TwB (TwB, see the private message from Ubotu) | 10:24 |
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PseudoPlacebo | ack post, just looked at it. Apparently the ATI card is from 2000, is that too old? =\ | 10:25 |
superkirbyartist | So much for humanity. | 10:25 |
ikonia | TwB: but the ubuntu cdrom in the drive, boot it and click "install" | 10:25 |
HungryCakes | Ikonia: Then is there any other way I can get the new version of GTK? | 10:25 |
post | TwB : USB Disk | 10:25 |
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ikonia | HungryCakes: request a package update | 10:25 |
Ax3 | How do I add a external USB hdd so my vmware windows XP can see it? | 10:25 |
post | PseudoPlacebo : no | 10:25 |
ironfroggy | Can someone explain this? http://deadbeefbabe.org/paste/4939 | 10:25 |
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ikonia | Ax3: this is ubuntu support, not vmware or windows support | 10:25 |
PseudoPlacebo | post: What would be the problem then? | 10:25 |
post | pseudoplacebo but you might want to try another driver instead of fglrx - maybe official one from ati.com | 10:25 |
Redth[a] | ok, now which will happen first, something in /etc/modules or a command in /etc/rc.local | 10:25 |
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PseudoPlacebo | post: Alright, thanks. | 10:25 |
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Ax3 | ikonia, yea but vmware is running on ubuntu ;) | 10:26 |
ikonia | Ax3: as I said this is not vmware support | 10:26 |
pcn | Greetings! I have a question about Network Manager on Ubuntu Feisty/GNOME. | 10:26 |
pcn | Every time I log in, my computer tries to connect to my neighbor's WAP, named Linksys. I have my own WAP, WPA-encrypted, and non-broadcasting SSID I have to force it to join that network every time I boot, after it gives up on Linksys. I cannot figure out how to make it NOT try to join Linksys, and auto-join my preferred network. | 10:26 |
HungryCakes | Ikonia: Fron Synaptic or something? | 10:26 |
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Ax3 | ikonia, as I said it's running on ubuntu, this problem only surfaces on this OS | 10:26 |
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HungryCakes | Ikonia: Because I already tried it | 10:26 |
ikonia | HungryCakes: no - log a bug report / support request | 10:26 |
AlexanderM | best kansloos nu nog denk ik | 10:26 |
AlexanderM | srry wrong window :P | 10:27 |
ikonia | Ax3: nothing to do with ubuntu - its a vmware config issue | 10:27 |
nathanr | Is it possible to launch the GUI from a remote SSH connection? | 10:27 |
HungryCakes | Ikonia: But how will that help me get Pango? | 10:27 |
=== Mistraal [n=nope@105.Red-83-36-60.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sub_Zero | I just installed 7.04, and when I boot, grub loads fine. Then it sits and does nothing | 10:27 |
ikonia | HungryCakes: the support request is for a developer to package up the later version for you | 10:27 |
ironfroggy | nathanr: you mean X11 tunnelling? | 10:27 |
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DARKGuy | Hey, is there an app that can show a simple To-Do list on the desktop, compatible with Beryl? (meaning gdesklets is a no-no, and screenlets doesn't have any :/ ) | 10:27 |
HungryCakes | Ikonia: Alright, I'll try it | 10:27 |
bruenig_ | gizmo_the_great1, here is a script that will work if you haven't yet figured it out: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22977/ (just put it in the same directory of the jpgs you are trying to rename and then run it | 10:27 |
ironfroggy | DARKGuy: webbased todo lists are all the rage | 10:28 |
nathanr | ironfroggy:I ultimately need to VNC into the Ubuntu box, but doesn't seem to work unless the GUI is already active. | 10:28 |
redcard | Is there a way to sync calendars between Laptop and Desktop in Evolution? | 10:28 |
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ironfroggy | nathanr: oh i dunno then | 10:28 |
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LjL | Sub_Zero: boot without the "quiet" and "splash" kernel options (i'll give you a link on how to change kernel options), in order to see any error messages that might give a clue | 10:28 |
LjL | !boot > Sub_Zero (Sub_Zero, see the private message from Ubotu) | 10:28 |
ironfroggy | redcard: i just puck my ical file in a shared location | 10:28 |
elyase | hello im and doing a script and a long line reports error, what can i do? | 10:29 |
elyase | hello im and doing a script and a very long line reports error, what can i do? | 10:29 |
ikonia | elyase: join #bash | 10:29 |
kludge | my swap file seems to not do anything.. it never activates.. my computer keeps hanging up when the ram gets overloaded pls help??? | 10:29 |
ikonia | elyase: don't repeat yourself | 10:29 |
bruenig_ | !repeat | elyase that is vague also | 10:29 |
ubotu | elyase that is vague also: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 10:29 |
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AlexanderM | wols: i followed the guide, how can i check if the driver is installed succesfully? (guide doesn't tell) | 10:29 |
elyase | ikonia: thanks | 10:29 |
LjL | kludge: you have a swap *file* rather than a partition? | 10:29 |
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wols | AlexanderM: glxinfo | 10:30 |
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MetaBookfoziS | hi all, what can i do if i have built mplayerplug-in with checkinstall, but it wants to owerwrite a file that are from an other (binutils) package. How can i solve this? | 10:30 |
n2diy | AlexanderM: lsmod | 10:30 |
HungryCakes | Ikonia: And how, exactly, would I file a request? | 10:30 |
kludge | ljl, i have a partition but i dont think my swap is there. i think i dont have a swap anything right now. should i use my partition for a swap drive for now until i make a new one maybe? | 10:30 |
ikonia | HungryCakes: join launchpad.ne | 10:30 |
ikonia | HungryCakes: join launchpad.net | 10:30 |
LjL | MetaBookfoziS: by instructing the configure script to install in /usr/local and *not* in /usr | 10:30 |
kludge | er, for a swap partition i mean | 10:30 |
DARKGuy | ironfroggy: could be, but I'm lazy and forgetful, I need something on the desktop that's there, annoying me to death so I get to do the stuff I need to do xD | 10:31 |
gizmo_the_great1 | bruenig_: thants fantastic mate. Thanks a lot. Wish I could come up with scripts that qwuick. Makes sense to read but I'd have taken hours to come up with that!! Cheers | 10:31 |
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ndragon | Hi. Is there a channel specifically for network features, as I have a problem with ipmasq? | 10:31 |
LjL | kludge: err, you mean you have a *spare* (free) partition (that you could use for swap), right? then yes | 10:31 |
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MetaBookfoziS | LJL HM! I try! Thx | 10:31 |
magnetron | ndragon: try asking here | 10:31 |
cr3_ | wh0t does 'governor' mean? it's hard to find on google, can you just tell me what should i look for? | 10:31 |
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AlexanderM | auch got a black screen, and needed to relogin | 10:31 |
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kludge | ljl, actually it isn't spare. i should make a partition and use it for swap then? ext3? how do i set it to be my swap partition? | 10:32 |
Sub_Zero | LjL: sorry, false alarm. I went back downstairs, and it ended up booting up fine. It just takes a very long time. I'll let you know what error I'm getting in a few minutes | 10:32 |
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n2diy | AlexanderM: lsmod | 10:32 |
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ndragon | Ok magnetron. When I do /etc/init.d/ipmasq start in Ubuntu, it works... but the ubuntu computer stops receiving multicast traffic. The TV channel I'm watching goes right off. | 10:32 |
MetaBookfoziS | LJL you think --bindir, ture? | 10:32 |
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AlexanderM | what should i see? | 10:32 |
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erUSUL | kludge: can you post the output of 'free' to a pastebin ?? | 10:32 |
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Gurpartap | is it possible to recover a file i just over write? | 10:32 |
kludge | ok | 10:32 |
erUSUL | !paste > kludge | 10:32 |
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Gurpartap | it's just 1 min back | 10:32 |
Gurpartap | :( | 10:32 |
ndragon | Has anyone got an idea on what ipmasq rules are needed for it not to block multicast to the computer, is my question. | 10:32 |
LjL | kludge, yes, generally we use swap partitions (though it is possible to use a file, but i don't know the specifics). no, not ext3 - swap doesn't have any filesystem. you set it up by doing mkswap /dev/partition-name and then adding a line for it in /etc/fstab | 10:32 |
AlexanderM | wols: auch that hurt | 10:33 |
n2diy | AlexanderM: hopefully the module you installed. | 10:33 |
ironfroggy | DARKGuy: I really like TreeLine on the desktop | 10:33 |
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AlexanderM | n2diy: ow lol ;p | 10:33 |
LjL | !info testdisk > Gurpartap | 10:33 |
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LjL | !info magicrescue > Gurpartap | 10:33 |
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melman101 | Hey all :-) | 10:33 |
LjL | Gurpartap: start by switching the computer off and rebooting into a live CD, to save anything | 10:33 |
Gurpartap | LjL, any link | 10:33 |
wols | AlexanderM: how so? | 10:33 |
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LjL | Gurpartap: link? | 10:33 |
AlexanderM | wols: got a black screen and then the login screen ;p | 10:34 |
kludge | erUSUL: i know i have very little free space right now so im going to make some space first here. | 10:34 |
AlexanderM | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI i followed that little apt-get sessoin | 10:34 |
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Gurpartap | LjL, no, i m running well | 10:34 |
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LjL | Gurpartap: ?! | 10:34 |
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Gurpartap | LjL, i just over write a txt file | 10:34 |
AlexanderM | the "restricted driver" box tells me it's enabled, but not in use? | 10:34 |
melman101 | I instaleld the newest kernel, and now my sd card is close to working. when i put in a card i get a /dev/mmcblk0 but it still won't mount (mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0 /mnt/sdcard) It's a Ricoh R5C822 SD Card Reader built into a laptop (Dell D420). Any suggestions? I plugged in my USB SD card reader and it mounted automagically. | 10:34 |
LjL | Gurpartap: yes, and i just gave you two packages that try to recover lost files. | 10:35 |
kludge | LjL: ok great that makes sense i'm just gonna go clear some hd space etc before i do this i will bbs to ask what line to enter in my fstab | 10:35 |
Gurpartap | ok! | 10:35 |
kludge | thx :) | 10:35 |
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DARKGuy | ironfroggy: works with beryl? :P | 10:35 |
AlexanderM | libata 125720 2 ata_piix,ata_generic | 10:36 |
Stoffer | can someone please take a look at the tail end of the "make" output and tell me what I'm missing? http://pastebin.ca/516711 | 10:36 |
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AlexanderM | hm now, how can i get a higher screenresolution? this 1024*768 is hurting my eys | 10:36 |
ironfroggy | DARKGuy: whazat? | 10:36 |
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LjL | !find qpixmap.h | Stoffer | 10:36 |
ubotu | stoffer: File qpixmap.h found in libqt3-headers, libqt4-dev, libqt4-dev-kdecopy | 10:36 |
Gurpartap | thanks LjL | 10:37 |
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Gurpartap | btw, i just found a file.txt~ | 10:37 |
Gurpartap | :-D | 10:37 |
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DARKGuy | ironfroggy: the 3D desktop thing with the cube, wobbly windows and stuff that makes Vista jealous :P | 10:37 |
LjL | Stoffer: depending on whether that's a Qt3 or Qt4 program, i suppose you might want to try installing one of those. | 10:37 |
erUSUL | Stoffer: some qt lib afaics | 10:37 |
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LjL | !fixres > AlexanderM (AlexanderM, see the private message from Ubotu) | 10:38 |
RainCT | hi | 10:38 |
ironfroggy | DARKGuy: oh, that thing. looks like crap to me. last thing i need is my windows spinning around while im trying to read! | 10:38 |
Stoffer | LjL, erUSUL thanks, I'll try those | 10:38 |
RainCT | is there any command to convert ALL files in a directory (including subdirectories) into ogg vorbis? | 10:38 |
AlexanderM | LjL: didn't get a pm from ubotu | 10:38 |
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LjL | RainCT: you can make a script i suppose, but if those are MP3 files, it's a bad idea to convert them. | 10:38 |
AlexanderM | !fixres | AlexanderM | 10:39 |
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LjL | !fixres | 10:39 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 10:39 |
LjL | (yes you did) | 10:39 |
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AlexanderM | now i did | 10:39 |
AlexanderM | ;) | 10:39 |
AlexanderM | :) | 10:39 |
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RainCT | LjL: why? | 10:39 |
DARKGuy | ironfroggy: xD, well, I love it, it has a nifty zoom thing for when things are too small to read ;) | 10:39 |
siloko | I have set my preferred browser to Opera and right clicked a few obvious file types and changed the openwith from firefox to opera, is there anywhere i should do this centrally to stop other applications always opening firefox when i click on a link | 10:39 |
=== Silverblade_ [n=jouni@dsl-aur-fe9bdd00-60.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sky36 | where can i find the live cd and why isn't there a link from the ubuntu download page? | 10:39 |
lusepuster | Hi guys - Evolution choles on imap-syncing. Any known fixes? | 10:39 |
DARKGuy | ironfroggy: but what I'm looking for is just some kind of thing that shows me a list on the desktop that I can edit easily (and I don't mean editing conky just for that, lol) | 10:40 |
lusepuster | choKes* | 10:40 |
LjL | RainCT: why? because you'd be converting a lossy compression format into another, different lossy compression format. result? terribile quality and artifacts. | 10:40 |
erUSUL | RainCT: lossy to lossy format audio conversion is a bad idea | 10:40 |
=== Silverblade_ [n=jouni@dsl-aur-fe9bdd00-60.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alpha255 | anyone have any problems upgrading to 7.04 from dapper? I have a p4 cpu with intel chipset and nvidia gpu | 10:40 |
alpha255 | ? | 10:40 |
peto | hello, I want to save streamed video on certain web page ...is it possible? have anyone idea? thanks | 10:40 |
LjL | RainCT: use Ogg Vorbis to rip *uncompressed* (or losslessly compressed) files, such as CDs. don't convert around compressed formats. | 10:40 |
=== Maverynthia [n=Maverynt@66-15.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | peto: mplayer -dumpstream or if you use mplayer plugin, just right click on the video and save it | 10:40 |
lusepuster | alpha255: I had trouble upgrading, lots of small ones. Clean install is the way to go, or was for me | 10:40 |
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alpha255 | lusepuster, ok | 10:41 |
alpha255 | thanks for info | 10:41 |
alpha255 | :) | 10:41 |
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lusepuster | alpha255 Upgrading itself went smooth, but lots of stuff didn't work afterwards | 10:41 |
ShackJack | alpha255 - I had trouble upgrading from Edgy... I'd go clean personallyt - if your stuff in /home is in different partition, it's a breeze cause all setting saved, etc.. | 10:41 |
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ShackJack | alpha255 - just have to re apt get your proggies... | 10:41 |
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alpha255 | k | 10:41 |
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alpha255 | i have cd of 7.04 | 10:42 |
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lusepuster | bumping - anyone know about a fix for evolution choking on imap-syncing? | 10:42 |
ShackJack | alpha255 - 7.04 rocks the house! | 10:42 |
alpha255 | i'm thinking of using it and then apt-get dist-update | 10:42 |
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Sky36 | alpha255: why not try a livecd first? | 10:42 |
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ShackJack | alpha255 - yeah, you'd do that anyway... cause cd ain't most up to date | 10:42 |
khalsa | hey people, can anyone suggest a network-manager equivalent for xfce (xubuntu) ? | 10:43 |
alpha255 | k | 10:43 |
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Sky36 | http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/ | 10:43 |
RainCT | oks thanks LjL | 10:43 |
alpha255 | Sky36, live cd works fine | 10:43 |
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budluva | can someone help me out here, im trying to look for a howto on sharing a printer, i just bought a new hp printer, and it works flawlessly in feisty, but now how do i share this with my xp desktop and my laptop? | 10:43 |
lusepuster | alpha255: if you have a feisty-CD, update-manager will take care of that for you | 10:43 |
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alpha255 | already running ubuntu on this machine | 10:43 |
alpha255 | lusepuster, sweet | 10:43 |
neil__ | hi post | 10:43 |
ShackJack | khalsa - I think the gnome one works fine in Xcfe | 10:43 |
LjL | !printing > budluva (budluva, see the private message from Ubotu) | 10:44 |
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quangle | hey guys. how come the "mysql" packages don't show up in add/remove, but I can find it with "apt-get" from the shell? | 10:44 |
ShackJack | !foo | 10:44 |
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ubotu | foo is bar | 10:44 |
khalsa | ShackJack: is it advisable to run gnome apps in xfce? doesn't that affect performance? (the point of running xfce) | 10:44 |
=== ico2__ [n=ico2@modem-1556.chameleon.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chombee | Hi folks. I have an ISO image that I copied from a DVD by clicking on the desktop DVD icon and choosing Copy Disc in Ubuntu. I'm now trying to encode it to something viewable like AVI or OGG. I tried using Thoggen, but it always encodes the director commentary, there is no other track to choose, I can't encode the normal movie? AcidRip doesn't work, just outputs nothing. Any help? | 10:44 |
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mc44 | quangle: add/remove only has a subset of all available packages | 10:44 |
LjL | quangle: i think Add/Remove only shows a selection of packages (specifically, GUI apps) | 10:44 |
ShackJack | khalsa - not really as new xfce makes heavy use of gtk, etc... | 10:44 |
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peto | jrib: I use mplayer plugin, but after clicking It saved only small text file with two links ... which still aren't direct link to video file | 10:44 |
quangle | mc44, LjL: is there a visual interface to apt-get, a la yum for fedora? | 10:45 |
LjL | quangle: Synaptic. | 10:45 |
mc44 | quangle: synaptic | 10:45 |
neil__ | Can anyone help me set up wireless? i asked earlier and was told to find out what card i have i now know!! | 10:45 |
lusepuster | Anyone having any experience w the experimental linux-uvc video drivers? | 10:45 |
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mc44 | quangle: system->admin->synaptic | 10:45 |
neil__ | any help from here would be greatly appreciated | 10:45 |
jrib | peto: try mplayer -dumpstream URL_HERE then | 10:45 |
quangle | awesome! thanks | 10:45 |
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n2diy | neil_ track down what module it uses? | 10:46 |
peto | jrib: ok thanks I will try | 10:46 |
neil__ | what module? | 10:46 |
neil__ | google moment? | 10:46 |
Sky36 | what do you have to do to launch windows apps from the file browser after youve installed wine? | 10:46 |
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n2diy | neil_ for your wireless card. | 10:46 |
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richiefrich | neil__: what does lspci say for your wifi | 10:47 |
Stoffer | LjL, installing those packages didn't work... I thought maybe assigning QTDIR to /usr/lib/qt3 may have caued this problem, but I couldn't find any qt4 directory | 10:47 |
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richiefrich | neil__: ill tell you the module | 10:47 |
ShackJack | Sky36 - i think there's a dedicated wine channel that would better serve you... | 10:47 |
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ico2__ | is it me or is the bash in ubuntu (i run kubuntu) somewhat crippled, can't make it do completion on pageup/pagedown and tab autocomplete for the argument to a cd command includes directories. I tried copying the bash executable from an old suse install but it didnt seem to fix it (was a week ago, might be remembering poorly), any ideas how i can get bash working better? | 10:47 |
alpha255 | lusepuster, those uvc drivers look interesting. | 10:47 |
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Stoffer | LjL, locate qpixmap.h after installing those packages didn't turn anything up either | 10:47 |
neil__ | will look | 10:47 |
=== dettoaltrimenti [i=detto@ppp85-141-231-0.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | Stoffer, the locate database is updated daily, not in real time | 10:48 |
Sky36 | ShackJack: prolly, i just thought i toss the question out here because its prolly a config issue | 10:48 |
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dettoaltrimenti | does the ubuntu desktop cd come with any kind of gui wireless network finder? | 10:48 |
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Stoffer | LjL, can I update it manually? | 10:48 |
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LjL | Stoffer: try "dpkg -L <packagename>" to see where the files ended up | 10:48 |
erUSUL | ico2__: you have to enable bash_completion in your .bashrc iirc (or .bash_profile) | 10:48 |
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dettoaltrimenti | if not, is the ubuntu 'alternate' cd a cd that might have a wireless network finder program on it? | 10:48 |
roryy | ico2__: not sure what pgup/pgdn are supposed to do, but tab autocompletion works fine. C-r works fine too. | 10:48 |
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MoNsTeR_77 | Franais ici ? | 10:48 |
LjL | !fr | MoNsTeR_77 | 10:48 |
ubotu | MoNsTeR_77: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 10:48 |
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MoNsTeR_77 | merci | 10:48 |
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peto | jrib: it looks like it works :) ...file stream.dump is growing... | 10:49 |
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ico2__ | erUSUL, thanks, dunno why it is disabled by default though | 10:49 |
neil__ | richifriche | 10:49 |
neil__ | 02:09.0 Network controller: Intersil Corporation ISL3890 [Prism GT/Prism Duette] /ISL3886 [Prism Javelin/Prism Xbow] (rev 01) | 10:49 |
neil__ | Subsystem: Accton Technology Corporation WN4201B | 10:49 |
neil__ | Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 19 | 10:49 |
neil__ | Memory at feafe000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=8K] | 10:49 |
neil__ | Capabilities: [dc] Power Management version 1 | 10:49 |
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LjL | !paste > neil__ (neil__, see the private message from Ubotu) | 10:49 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
Stoffer | LjL, those headers probably ended up in /usr/include/qt4 then... I should redo ./configure with that location for QTDIR? | 10:49 |
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ico2__ | roryy, pressing pageup takes you to the last time you typed a line beginning as this line begins, so for example if you once entered echo foo bar baz and then you typed echo f<pageup> then it would find it | 10:50 |
LjL | Stoffer: possibly, do you positively know it's qt4 that the program wants though? | 10:50 |
please_help | hey everyone! how is it going? | 10:50 |
Stoffer | LjL, no | 10:50 |
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roryy | ico2__: hrm, cool. | 10:50 |
Stoffer | LjL, but nothing else is working ... it's pdfedit, btw | 10:50 |
LjL | Stoffer: then find out first, before wasting more time. README or INSTALL should definitely mention that | 10:50 |
AlexanderM | hoppa | 10:50 |
AlexanderM | nice screenresolution:D | 10:50 |
richiefrich | neil__: pci right? | 10:51 |
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richiefrich | neil__: or onboard? | 10:51 |
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neil__ | richiefrich | 10:51 |
neil__ | onboard pci | 10:51 |
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Stoffer | LjL, I read both, it doesn't mention which version of QT they want.... and I just tried redoing ./configure w/ the new directory... make still didn't work | 10:51 |
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richiefrich | neil__: good good .. ill have it in a min | 10:51 |
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neil__ | Accton wn4201b(eu) wireless pci card | 10:51 |
Stoffer | LjL, actually no, I reread it, and it says qt3 | 10:51 |
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richiefrich | neil__: Prism54 | 10:52 |
roryy | ico2__: i see that sourcing /etc/bash_completion is commented out in /bash/bash.bashrc; perhaps that's it | 10:52 |
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neil__ | what do i do with this? | 10:52 |
Stoffer | LjL, but I made sure I had all of what they said to have | 10:52 |
ico2__ | roryy, hmmm, cheers | 10:52 |
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richiefrich | neil__: thats your module you need | 10:53 |
Stoffer | LjL, all the libraries and headers for qt3, boost and xlib | 10:53 |
neil__ | so i have to install this? | 10:53 |
LjL | Stoffer: you could try installing "kde-devel", that's about the most comprehensive KDE/Qt related package. but there might actually be an issue in the autoconf, seeing http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=340011 and http://pdfedit.petricek.net/bt/view.php?id=146 | 10:53 |
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chombee | Anyone know how I can mount an ISO image so that Totem or Mplayer can play is as a DVD? | 10:53 |
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LjL | !mountiso > chombee (chombee, see the private message from Ubotu) | 10:53 |
richiefrich | neil__: sudo apt-get install prism54 | 10:53 |
georgy28 | chombee: xine dvd:/path/to/file | 10:54 |
richiefrich | neil__: thats the package name .. or it is here in gentoo | 10:54 |
please_help | I got my feisty encrypted (compleatly)... today my synaptics offers me to install linux-generic form version to will the installation prevent e from booting up my os? | 10:54 |
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chombee | thanks | 10:54 |
richiefrich | please_help: no | 10:54 |
LjL | please_help: it most definitely shouldn't, although problems can happen. in any case, the older kernel isn't deleted, so you can always reach it from the GRUB menu. | 10:54 |
richiefrich | please_help: thats just a kernel update | 10:54 |
tonsofpcs | anyone have zweistein working on feisty fawn? | 10:54 |
=== jomino [n=jomi@p5B131496.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
please_help | thx a lot | 10:55 |
neil__ | [sudo apt-get install prism54] could find package prism54 | 10:55 |
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=== ndragon decides to start messing randomly with iptables rules until multicast starts coming through, can't cope with no IPTV service. :( | ||
please_help | i trust you guys... | 10:55 |
grubiskillingme | Looking for help with Grub - which has rendered my HD unbootable. I want to repair my drive as bootable for Linux/Windows (which was how it worked previously) | 10:55 |
richiefrich | neil__: then search for it | 10:55 |
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please_help | bye | 10:55 |
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killaz | hi Im trying to mount a share of an ethernet disk on my unix box, but no luck. smbclient works without problems. With mount -t smbfs I get a tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) | 10:55 |
richiefrich | neil__: in either apt-get or in .. synaptic | 10:55 |
ndragon | But you know, if there's an Ubuntu developer reading this, and there's plans to make a GUI way to turn on internet connection sharing... really do fix this bug with blocking multicast, otherwise there'll be a load of people wondering why their IPTV service isn't working | 10:55 |
neil__ | sorry if i sound dumb, its my first day on linux | 10:55 |
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=== Yahooadam [n=Adam@host86-133-111-13.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neil__ | how do isearch in apt get | 10:56 |
bruenig_ | neil__, apt-cache search | 10:56 |
bbrazil | neil__: apt-cache search blah | 10:56 |
Slart | neil__: don't be sorry.. we were all new when we started | 10:56 |
grubiskillingme | how do i edit grub boot manager? | 10:56 |
n2diy | richiefrich: he might already have it, and just needs to modprobe it? | 10:56 |
=== bruenig_ was never new, was always a veteran | ||
=== ExPress2 [n=ExPress3@p54886316.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Yahooadam | ive got ubuntu installed, 7.04, and i want to move my thunderbird settings/emails/add book - how should i go about this ? | 10:56 |
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richiefrich | n2diy: ahh idk | 10:56 |
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bbrazil | neil__: create a Spec for it. That might require kernel changes to enable multicast routing by default | 10:56 |
bbrazil | ndragon: ^ | 10:57 |
richiefrich | n2diy: does ubuntu come with that installed? | 10:57 |
Slart | neil__: if you're new to this I would recommend synaptics instead of the command line.. the command line is more powerful but for just searching for packages etc I think synaptic is easier.. there is a search button there too | 10:57 |
richiefrich | n2diy: i am just bored and like to help im on gentoo .. :\ | 10:57 |
ShackJack | Watching these IM's whizz by is giving me some good ideas for feature enhancement to IM client... | 10:57 |
n2diy | richiefrich: don't know, but it would only take a minute to find out. | 10:57 |
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richiefrich | n2diy: true | 10:57 |
Stoffer | LjL, I played around with it a bit, setting QTDIR again with the 'make' command...and it seems to be doing something | 10:57 |
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richiefrich | neil__: sudo modprobe prism54 | 10:57 |
grubiskillingme | how do i edit grub boot manager - so I can change the boot order and OS. | 10:58 |
h4wk0 | Woo | 10:58 |
h4wk0 | Nice upgrade to kernel 2.6.20-16 | 10:58 |
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erUSUL | grubiskillingme: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst | 10:58 |
grubiskillingme | thanks | 10:58 |
richiefrich | neil__: if not do what bbrazil and bruenig said apt-cache search prism54 | 10:58 |
georgy28 | grubiskillingme : sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 10:58 |
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ndragon | bbrazil: How would I go about creating a Spec? | 10:58 |
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neil__ | apt-cache doesnt work | 10:58 |
Slart | grubiskillingme: I would do gksudo gedit instead | 10:58 |
Slart | !gksudo | 10:58 |
ubotu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> | 10:58 |
neil__ | nor does modprobe | 10:59 |
bbrazil | ndragon: not sure, should be a button for it in http://launchpad.net | 10:59 |
ndragon | Ok | 10:59 |
neil__ | will try synaptic | 10:59 |
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melman101 | I instaleld the newest kernel, and now my sd card is close to working. when i put in a card i get a /dev/mmcblk0 but it still won't mount (mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0 /mnt/sdcard) It's a Ricoh R5C822 SD Card Reader built into a laptop (Dell D420). Any suggestions? I plugged in my USB SD card reader and it mounted automagically. | 10:59 |
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otero | anyone have the gnome dock installed? | 10:59 |
ndragon | I'll figure out how to get it working but it'd be nice to be working by default in the next Ubuntu of course | 10:59 |
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Slart | anyone know what's wrong with sudo gedit?.. will the world explode? what's so dangerous? | 10:59 |
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cables | Slart, I've never had the world explode when I do that, but it's easier to use gksudo because you can use it with alt-f2 | 11:00 |
neil__ | downloadingprism54 | 11:00 |
neil__ | i hope | 11:00 |
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richiefrich | neil__: what was the package name? | 11:00 |
bruenig | Slart, might cause some of your . files in your home directory to be chowned to root making it impossible to login | 11:00 |
n2diy | richiefrich: I have the prism54 mod. here on Dapper!? | 11:00 |
grubiskillingme | when i do: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst - I don't get a file I can edit. | 11:00 |
richiefrich | n2diy: then he should have it | 11:00 |
Flannel | Slart: sudo vs gksudo setup the environment differently. Technically, with gedit nothing bad will happen, but *some* graphical programs don't work out so well, and you'll have stuff owned by root in your homedir, have to delete/chown them before you can login anymore. | 11:00 |
Slart | bruenig: ouch.. sounds bad | 11:00 |
neil__ | sorry didnt note it | 11:00 |
neil__ | shall i look again? | 11:00 |
richiefrich | no no | 11:00 |
neil__ | cool | 11:00 |
grubiskillingme | Slart et al How do i get a file to edit? | 11:00 |
neil__ | so its installed | 11:00 |
Slart | thanks, flannel, bruenic, cables | 11:00 |
neil__ | where from here? | 11:01 |
bruenig | typical | 11:01 |
richiefrich | neil__: well thats what you needed .. so now you can just configure it | 11:01 |
=== MetaBot [n=metabot@unaffiliated/ljl/bot/metabot] has joined #ubuntu | ||
richiefrich | neil__: sudo modprobe prism54 | 11:01 |
Slart | grubiskillingme: get a file to edit? I don't understand | 11:01 |
AlexanderM | !fixres | 11:01 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:01 |
wips | Whats with the "edgy" 6.10 and "feisty fawn" 7.04? | 11:01 |
bruenig | wips, what? | 11:01 |
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=== B2Ka`afk bai bai | ||
wips | What's with the nicknames.. | 11:01 |
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Slart | grubiskillingme: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 11:01 |
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neil__ | sudo modprobe prism54 still not found in konsole | 11:02 |
LjL | wips: they're just nicknames, there's nothing in them. | 11:02 |
grubiskillingme | slart - when i hit your command "gksudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst", It gives me a text screen with some options on the bottom but nothing to change | 11:02 |
bruenig | wips, they are the names, like vista | 11:02 |
=== lightrush [n=lightrus@CPE00119573e109-CM0011e6be7591.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | wips: theyre development codenames. Theyre called dapper/edgy/feisty before release, and then given date names afterwards | 11:02 |
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Slart | grubiskillingme: oh.. isn't grub installed? | 11:02 |
wips | oh, ok.. | 11:02 |
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richiefrich | n2diy: i was told the package it was in was call -> hostapd can you confirm that ? | 11:02 |
grubiskillingme | Slart i think it is - was working previously | 11:02 |
sgtmattbaker | so I just tried to stream some videos from gamespot.com with the mplayer plugin (wmp codecs not installed) AND IT WORKED! HOORAY | 11:02 |
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Yahooadam | ive got ubuntu installed, 7.04, and i want to move my thunderbird settings/emails/add book - how should i go about this ? | 11:03 |
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bruenig | !caps | 11:03 |
ubotu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 11:03 |
IdleOne | bruenig, nothing like vista :P | 11:03 |
Slart | grubiskillingme: there should be a file in /boot/grub/ that's called menu.lst.. in terminal run "sudo ls /boot/grub/menu.lst" | 11:03 |
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richiefrich | neil__: i think you need -> sudo apt-get install hostapd | 11:03 |
n2diy | richiefrich: No, mine is listed in /lib/modules | 11:03 |
killaz | please some help with mount -t smbfs will be appreciated | 11:03 |
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bruenig | Slart, sudo is not needed | 11:03 |
richiefrich | n2diy: no no the package nem | 11:03 |
richiefrich | name | 11:03 |
Slart | bruenig: ok.. just to be on the safe side.. =) | 11:03 |
bruenig | !info hostpad | 11:03 |
ubotu | Package hostpad does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 11:04 |
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grubiskillingme | Slart - no such file | 11:04 |
killaz | mounting a smb share is giving me errors: | 11:04 |
grubiskillingme | Slart - weird | 11:04 |
bruenig | using a root account is not safe | 11:04 |
bruenig | unless necessary | 11:04 |
bruenig | might screw something up | 11:04 |
killaz | 5721: tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) | 11:04 |
killaz | SMB connection failed | 11:04 |
grubiskillingme | ok rebooting and trying it brb - thanks for help Slart. | 11:04 |
sgtmattbaker | so I just tried to stream some videos from gamespot.com with the mplayer plugin (wmp codecs not installed) AND IT WORKED! HOORAY | 11:04 |
neil__ | [sudo apt-get install hostapd] a;ready newest version | 11:04 |
bruenig | sgtmattbaker, we heard you | 11:04 |
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n2diy | richiefrich: I just did a "locate prism54, and found it, not sure what package it would have come from, I don't use it here. | 11:04 |
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killaz | when I use smbclient it works perfect... | 11:04 |
killaz | what could be the problem? | 11:04 |
sgtmattbaker | killaz: sounds like you don't have the permissions.. :-/ | 11:04 |
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bruenig | genius | 11:05 |
Stormx2 | hey everyone! How are we? I have a quick problem. I previously had ubuntu installed on /dev/hdb2, and I've since moved it to /dev/hda6. It works fine, I've re-shuffled menu.lst, fstab, etc. However, when I do a kernel upgrade, it updates my menu.lst so that the stuff points to hd(1,1) still. How do I change this setting so that it goes to hd(0,5) on kernel upgrade? | 11:05 |
Slart | does smbclient send some default username? | 11:05 |
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Slart | that mount doesn't send | 11:05 |
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Slart | !info hostapd | 11:06 |
ubotu | hostapd: user space IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.5.5-3.1 (feisty), package size 193 kB, installed size 560 kB | 11:06 |
=== Reilithion [n=lucas@dsl093-224-021.slc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | Stormx2: edit the *commented* parts of menu.lst after the "BEGIN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST" mark. do NOT uncomment them, just edit them. | 11:06 |
killaz | sgtmattbaker: if permission is the problem then smbclient should give me the same problem, right? | 11:06 |
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neil__ | Richie, any ideas? | 11:06 |
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neil__ | modprobe still not finding anything | 11:07 |
killaz | sudo mount -t smbfs //edmini/filebox /media/filebox gives me the error.. | 11:07 |
killaz | and smbclient //edmini/filebox works perfect | 11:07 |
n2diy | neil_ do a "locate prism54" and see what happens? | 11:07 |
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Gandalf84 | hi | 11:07 |
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neil__ | ok, seems to find stuff | 11:08 |
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gregubu | how do i determine my php5 executable path? | 11:08 |
LjL | gregubu: "which php5" i suppose | 11:08 |
Stormx2 | LjL: Okay, cool | 11:08 |
bruenig | is php5 a command? | 11:08 |
wips | What's kubuntu, edubuntu and Xubuntu? | 11:08 |
gregubu | (i have already tried which php and which php5) | 11:08 |
Stormx2 | bruenig: You need php5-cli | 11:08 |
n2diy | neil_ ok, so why the heck won't modprobe play with it? | 11:08 |
Gandalf84 | i installed xp and it rewrite master boot so i reinstalled grub...but now i cannot use xp...it says: "NTLDR not found" | 11:08 |
Slart | wips: different window managers | 11:08 |
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Flannel | gregubu: do you have php5-cli isntalled? | 11:08 |
gregubu | flannel: how do i determine that? | 11:09 |
tonsofpcs | anyone know of video editing software with a good interface and multiple format support? | 11:09 |
otero | what IRC client is everyone using? | 11:09 |
Slart | wips: ubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu uses kde, xubuntu uses xfce | 11:09 |
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LjL | bruenig: i think so, but it's not necessarily (afaik) the thing that's called by, say, Apache. you use it if you want to execute PHP on the shell. | 11:09 |
Flannel | gregubu: sudo apt-get install php5-cli, if it's notinstalled, it will be. | 11:09 |
tonsofpcs | otero: irssi | 11:09 |
=== Slart is using xchat-gnome | ||
bruenig | wips, kubuntu is ubuntu with kde, edubuntu is ubuntu with different software intended for schools, young kids Xubuntu is ubuntu with xfcew | 11:09 |
gregubu | Flannel, what does the cli variant do? | 11:09 |
LjL | !flavors | 11:09 |
ubotu | !GTK and !Qt are !GUI toolkits (i.e. software libraries that draw buttons, textboxes, etc). !GNOME, !KDE, !Xfce and friends are "!desktop environments", which build on top of such libraries to provide a "consistent" desktop experience. !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu | 11:09 |
otero | irsssi? | 11:09 |
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wips | oh, k.. thanks | 11:09 |
gregubu | Flannel, command line interface? | 11:09 |
Reilithion | otero: Gaim | 11:09 |
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killaz | well..... seems like this is a unique problem.. google+irc(ubuntu) gives no solution. Hopefully #linux | 11:10 |
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Flannel | gregubu: sure, or with synaptic, find "php5-cli" and if there isn't a green square, mark it for installation, and then apply | 11:10 |
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Slart | xfce looked really nice and clean... and was very responsive on an old pentium 2 machine | 11:10 |
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LjL | killaz: tried sudo mount -t cifs //edmini/filebox /media/filebox ? | 11:10 |
bruenig | if only xubuntu had some decent testing and wasn't such a pile of garbage | 11:10 |
gregubu | Flannel, it says package php-cli is not avail, but is referred to by another package | 11:10 |
Slart | pile of garbage? what doesn't work? | 11:10 |
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gregubu | Flannel, do i need to update my respositories perhaps? | 11:11 |
Slart | I just installed it for my father-in-law | 11:11 |
akromyk | is there anything like Window's CTRL+ALT+DELETE in Ubuntu to close a frozen program? | 11:11 |
Flannel | gregubu: What version of ubutu are you using? | 11:11 |
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gregubu | Flannel, 7.04 | 11:11 |
akromyk | Fesity Fawn | 11:11 |
killaz | Ljl: why cifs? | 11:11 |
tonsofpcs | akromyk: kill? | 11:11 |
Slart | akromyk: xkill will kill the process owning the window you click on | 11:11 |
LjL | gregubu: php5-cli not php-cli | 11:11 |
=== Pelias [n=joey@87-205-141-151.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gregubu | ah yes | 11:11 |
gregubu | ty | 11:11 |
LjL | killaz: because cifs has replaced smbfs, which is deprecated. | 11:11 |
Pelias | I got a question: | 11:11 |
bruenig | !enter | 11:11 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 11:11 |
gregubu | Flannel, ok installing php5-cli now | 11:12 |
Pelias | would it be safe to install ubuntu on raid 0 system (nforce4) which is already using windows xp? | 11:12 |
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killaz | Ljl mount error=13 permission denied.... | 11:12 |
tonsofpcs | Pelias: hardware or software? | 11:12 |
gregubu | Flannel, after it's installed, how will i be able to determine the exec. path? | 11:12 |
Pelias | hardware | 11:12 |
Flannel | gregubu: yeah, before you didn't have an executable at all | 11:12 |
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akromyk | when i type xkill it says "xkill: unable to open display "" " | 11:12 |
LjL | killaz: add "-o username=something", if the shares are by user | 11:12 |
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tonsofpcs | Pelias: should be fine, the system will see it as one drive | 11:12 |
mobutu | how do i make my sound work after laptop hibernation ? | 11:12 |
gregubu | Flannel, lol | 11:12 |
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jacoblyle1 | what is the etc/init.d folder for? | 11:12 |
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rollerskatejamms | Anybody know how I can get my fonts a bit smoother? I already have subpixel hinting/smoothing on | 11:13 |
magic_ninja | !ftp | 11:13 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 11:13 |
LjL | jacoblyle1: scripts that start/stop daemons (i.e. system services). don't touch it manually for any reason. | 11:13 |
magic_ninja | !ftpd | 11:13 |
ubotu | FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 11:13 |
bruenig | unless you know what you are doing of course | 11:13 |
neil__ | iv tried to manually configure wireless settings, it disconnects my wired connection, then shortly afterwards reinstates wired connection | 11:13 |
LjL | !botabuse | magic_ninja | 11:13 |
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ubotu | magic_ninja: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 11:13 |
=== _James_ [n=wuwwi@user-5442b1fe.lns1-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Pelias | but it will allow double booting (I don't want to lose all the data I have on windows partitions) when done correctly? | 11:13 |
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neil__ | id give up for tonight and play some CS but i cant install that yet either!! | 11:14 |
magic_ninja | ... | 11:14 |
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gregubu | Flannel, thank you | 11:14 |
magic_ninja | i typed two commands man | 11:14 |
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otero | hello | 11:14 |
bruenig | Pelias, yeah dual booting is pretty simple, it is all detected and setup to allow it during install | 11:14 |
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LjL | magic_ninja: i don't see any reason why you couldn't have typed it in a *private query* with the bot (or in #ubuntu-bots, whatever suits your tastes) rather than spamming an already too busy channel. | 11:14 |
killaz | Ljl: I tried with 2 users who has permission on the share, no luck. | 11:14 |
=== heatxsink [n=heatxsin@cpe-76-172-71-149.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelias | second question - is there a page with changelist for 7.10 betas? Or at least proposed features | 11:14 |
=== Superstar [n=milton@87-196-170-53.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rollerskatejamms | I'd reccomend vsftp. Its very secure! | 11:15 |
Pelias | I cannot bloody find it:( | 11:15 |
killaz | Ljl: when I use smbclient I can connect to the shares | 11:15 |
bruenig | !feisty | Pelias | 11:15 |
ubotu | Pelias: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents | 11:15 |
=== seipherdj [n=seipherd@ip72-202-205-116.fv.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | Pelias, there is a launchpad page with all the stuff | 11:15 |
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n2diy | neil_ looks like there is a bug report filed on this: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg333295.html | 11:15 |
bruenig | probably like launchpad.com/ubuntu/~feistyspecifications or something | 11:15 |
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LjL | Pelias: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+roadmap https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy | 11:15 |
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Superstar | hello | 11:16 |
ShackJack | Superstar: hello... | 11:16 |
kipman | Does anyone know if ubuntu has problems with the SIS 5513 IDE UDMA controller? as I have install faliures do to some kind of disk reading problem which also causes live cd crashes. Thanks. | 11:16 |
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ico2__ | yaaay, fixed it | 11:16 |
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Slart | kipman: sounds like a job for google... tried googling for the model nbr and ubuntu or linux? | 11:16 |
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kipman | will do :) | 11:16 |
ShackJack | What's google :) | 11:16 |
novato_br | its funny --> http://www.forumpcs.com.br/galeria/albums/userpics/20281/00478851.jpg | 11:16 |
Slart | 11:17 | |
ubotu | Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com - Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux | 11:17 |
=== anna85 [n=root@host94-44-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | yay =) | 11:17 |
seva | when i run the upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 i get Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network of with the server | 11:17 |
gregubu | Flannel, hrm..all i was trying to do is make hte KTorrent web ui work. the php portion light turned to green when i pointed it to /usr/bin/php and i get the login page but after i login it spits me back to the login page... | 11:17 |
Slart | oh.. didn't know about the linux-specific version.. | 11:17 |
seva | any suggestions? | 11:17 |
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neil__ | ok last question before i retire for the night... how do i install a program iv downloaded tsktop? | 11:17 |
ShackJack | Slart: neither did I :) | 11:17 |
Slart | that ubotu guy is pretty smart =) | 11:17 |
Slart | neil__: do you have a file that ends in deb? or in tar.gz or similar? | 11:18 |
neil__ | .msi | 11:18 |
neil__ | thats wrong methinks | 11:18 |
Pelias | bruenig: Thanks! | 11:18 |
Slart | neil__: that's a windows program | 11:18 |
ShackJack | neil__: that is wrong - that's microsoft | 11:18 |
neil__ | thought as much | 11:18 |
=== TehRealNexGen [n=benjamin@81-178-210-178.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Superstar | Alguem me sabe dizer onde posso encontar um dock para o feisty sem ser o avante e o kiba? | 11:19 |
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mobutu | how do i make my sound work after laptop hibernation ? | 11:19 |
LjL | !pt | Superstar | 11:19 |
ubotu | Superstar: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 11:19 |
=== mkate [n=mike@ool-457b6e14.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | neil__: you could perhaps install it using wine.. but that's not something you do "just before you go to bed".. it'll give you bad dreams =) | 11:19 |
neil__ | there is a linux release for steam though i think? | 11:19 |
neil__ | lol | 11:19 |
Superstar | Ja la fui | 11:19 |
seva | when i run the upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 i get Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network of with the server | 11:19 |
=== Talva [n=remi@bur64-1-82-243-190-240.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | Slart: WIndows in general gives me bad dreams.... | 11:19 |
Reilithion | lol | 11:19 |
otero | how can I add a c compiler so I can write some code and execute it? | 11:19 |
LjL | !compile > otero (otero, see the private message from Ubotu) | 11:20 |
=== bpaterni [n=bpaterni@grnl-06-0920.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheGateKeeper | neil_ always try to find your app in the package manager first | 11:20 |
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=== kerik [n=kerik@x1-6-00-a0-d1-c1-1c-0b.k298.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlexanderM | can someone help me setting up dualscreen? borked my xorg.conf several times now | 11:20 |
kerik | hey guys | 11:20 |
neil__ | Steam not in package manager, i looked | 11:20 |
kerik | any hardcore bluetooth guys? | 11:20 |
LjL | !anyone | 11:20 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 11:20 |
TheGateKeeper | otero: install gcc | 11:20 |
=== Ax3 [n=NU11@n128-227-50-29.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Reilithion | LjL: the way you talk to ubotu is interesting. It looks like you're treating some people like programs and other people like files. ^_^ | 11:20 |
kerik | or just bluetooth guys :) | 11:20 |
kipman | damm after googling it apears the support in the 2.6 linux kernals for that IDE controller is very buggy :( | 11:20 |
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LjL | !bot | Reilithion, i suppose you are a program | 11:21 |
ubotu | Reilithion, i suppose you are a program: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 11:21 |
kaolti | hi all | 11:21 |
gnomefreak | otero: instead of installing gcc install build-essential | 11:21 |
kaolti | im tryin to get beryl working on feisty and i need some help | 11:21 |
gnomefreak | you will need some of the other things in it | 11:21 |
neil__ | im lieing, i havent looked in package manager yet. | 11:21 |
LjL | !beryl > kaolti (kaolti, see the private message from Ubotu) | 11:21 |
neil__ | now looking | 11:21 |
kaolti | i installed beryl and emerald do i need to get xgl? | 11:21 |
kaolti | thx | 11:21 |
gregubu | Flannel, everything works now. Thank you very much for your help. | 11:21 |
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TehRealNexGen | kaolti: ddepends what graphics card youve got | 11:21 |
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kaolti | nvidia | 11:22 |
otero | gnomefreak, how do i install build-essential? | 11:22 |
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Pelias | last question (I can figure this out for myself, but can't wait till fiesty download finishes:p): Will ubuntu play h264 HD files with multiple .ass subtitles and multiple aac audio tracks in either .mkv or .mp4 container with it's restricted packages? | 11:22 |
TheGateKeeper | otero: take gnomefreak's advice better suggestion :/ | 11:22 |
gnomefreak | otero: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 11:22 |
kerik | kaolti, I would use the compiz instead... | 11:22 |
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neil__ | no, steam not in package manager | 11:22 |
kerik | kaolti, that one works like a breeze | 11:22 |
gnomefreak | kaolti: kerik please move that to #ubuntu-effects | 11:22 |
otero | ok | 11:22 |
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kerik | anybody know about file transfer via bluetooth? | 11:23 |
otero | gnomefreak, i got an error | 11:23 |
kerik | or how I can't use the "send to" | 11:23 |
gregubu | how do i find out what script is being launched by a panel entry? | 11:23 |
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chombee | I have a DVD movie copied to iso. I tried mounting the iso and playing it in xine, but the rate of frames dropped is astronomical. Does anyone know how I can encode the ISO to something smaller? The problem is that thoggen will only let me encode the director commentary track, and acidrip fails to encode anything | 11:23 |
gnomefreak | otero: when doing what? | 11:23 |
Redth[a] | hmm i've got a DVI to HDMI cable plugging (DVI from PC to HDMI in TV). I'm getting an out of range error even at POST time... | 11:23 |
=== aboo0ood [n=aboo0ood@a5-149.adsl.paltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
otero | trying to install build-essential | 11:23 |
TheGateKeeper | otero: you might also want to consider installing an IDE as well to make life easier | 11:23 |
gnomefreak | otero: what was the error? | 11:23 |
otero | Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 11:24 |
gnomefreak | TheGateKeeper: not needed to compile apps | 11:24 |
LjL | otero: close Synaptic | 11:24 |
gnomefreak | otero: close synaptic | 11:24 |
nickrud | gregubu, right click the panel icon, select properties | 11:24 |
rollerskatejamms | Can somebody explain to me why Launchpad isn't open source? The faq's answer doesn't really give a good reason. They could just release the code. | 11:24 |
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jrib | gregubu: a menu item or launcher or something else? | 11:24 |
otero | ok | 11:24 |
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gregubu | nickrud, yes, got it thanks | 11:24 |
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kerik | no bluetooth users? | 11:24 |
TheGateKeeper | gnomefreak: true, just makes life easier | 11:24 |
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seva | when i run the upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 i get Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network of with the server | 11:24 |
LjL | rollerskatejamms: offtopic question i'm afraid, try #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:24 |
gnomefreak | TheGateKeeper: IDE has nothing to do with compiling an app. its use for writing code and compiling that code you wrote | 11:25 |
AlexanderM | !fixres | 11:25 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:25 |
jrib | rollerskatejamms: or #launchpad | 11:25 |
LjL | gnomefreak: which is what he seemed to be asking about, tbh | 11:25 |
TheGateKeeper | gnomefreak: I thought that is what he/she wanted to do | 11:25 |
kerik | seva, I actually think it was the same one I got...and it isn't a good one...however I recall it was a serverside issue... | 11:25 |
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akromyk | how do I run my system monitor? | 11:25 |
gnomefreak | LjL: he asked about compiling an app afaik | 11:25 |
neil__ | thanks for the help to everyone who has help me!! | 11:25 |
kerik | seva, but I'm not too sure though | 11:25 |
neil__ | night guys | 11:25 |
akromyk | nevermind. sorry | 11:25 |
ShackJack | akromyk: under system admin | 11:25 |
kerik | !bluetooth | 11:25 |
akromyk | i figured it out | 11:25 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 11:25 |
otero | gnomefreak i installed it how do i access it | 11:25 |
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AlexanderM | !ati | 11:26 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:26 |
LjL | gnomefreak: "how can I add a c compiler so I can write some code and execute it?" | 11:26 |
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seva | kerik: hrm | 11:26 |
gnomefreak | ah i saw it | 11:26 |
gnomefreak | i had to scroll back. | 11:26 |
kerik | seva, I know it wasn't the best answer... ;) | 11:26 |
=== anathematic [n=thomassi@203-217-21-54.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bpaterni | how do you burn to a USB cd burner, the CD creator says it's finished but the light on my cd burner stays red for hours | 11:27 |
LjL | otero: gcc -o the-name-you-want-the-executable-to-have your-c-program.c | 11:27 |
kerik | seva, what I did after getting that msg like 10 times, was start from scratch... | 11:27 |
gnomefreak | otero: for ease of use install anjuta or if on kde install kdevelop | 11:27 |
otero | i use gnome | 11:27 |
=== spasticteapot [n=spastict@66-188-130-15.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gregubu | oh wow, ktorrent blows azureus out of the water | 11:27 |
kerik | come on guys...there must me some bluetooth wise guy out there.. | 11:27 |
gnomefreak | C still has to be compilied in terminal iirc but they both have a terminal built in | 11:27 |
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=== gregubu is disappointed in azuerus' lack luster perf under ubuntu btw =-/ it works great in windows. | ||
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Reilithion | otero, gnomefreak: Eclipse is nice too. | 11:28 |
gnomefreak | gregubu: please try to stay on topic | 11:28 |
=== MikeStyle [n=daemonic@ip72-199-220-23.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gregubu | gnomefreak, sorry | 11:28 |
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gnomefreak | Reilithion: eclipse it a bit much and alot harder to use (just for C) | 11:29 |
bpaterni | how do you burn to a USB cd burner, the CD creator says it's finished but the light on my cd burner stays red for hours | 11:29 |
=== kenmitre [n=kenmitre@h4606fc76.area1.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gregubu | gnomefreak, where would be a good place to discuss application merits? | 11:29 |
Slart | gregubu: perhaps you used some weird flavour of java.. it works great for me | 11:29 |
LjL | #ubuntu-offtopic maybe | 11:29 |
kenmitre | hi | 11:29 |
gnomefreak | gregubu: #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:29 |
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ShackJack | gregubu: Korrent is nice - wish gnome would get a decent native torrent... or uTorrent->Linux | 11:29 |
kenmitre | ubuntu is awesome! | 11:29 |
TigerTjader | hi | 11:29 |
MikeStyle | hi everyone...im trying to convert an avi to make it work with dvd burning...im trying to split the sound and video with transcode but im getting a wierd error output...can anyone help? | 11:29 |
=== angrykeyboarder [n=angrykey@ip72-208-60-173.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MikeStyle | ShackJack, utorrent runs great under wine | 11:29 |
cattellar_ | hello ... I'm in some trouble I think i didnt save a big document i was doing in Writer... | 11:29 |
cattellar_ | <merzbow> I tihnk i cancelled it when it was trying to recover.... did I fuck up? or is there still a chance for recovery? | 11:29 |
ShackJack | MikeStyle: I had trouble with the port forwarding and couldn't quite get it going... | 11:30 |
ikonia | cattellar_: language ! | 11:30 |
ikonia | cattellar_: thats uncalled for | 11:30 |
seva | kerik: found it http://diveintomark.org/archives/2007/02/05/authentication-failed-during-upgrade | 11:30 |
TigerTjader | How do I change permanently the console's keymap? | 11:30 |
gnomefreak | !language | 11:30 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:30 |
ShackJack | MikeStyle: KTorrent's good enuff for the occassional legal download... | 11:30 |
Reilithion | ShackJack: have you tried bittornado? | 11:30 |
MikeStyle | that it is ShackJack | 11:30 |
gnomefreak | ShackJack: MikeStyle i asked him to join #ubuntu-offtopic for being on that you guys need to also | 11:30 |
cattellar_ | ikonia, huh? | 11:30 |
ShackJack | Reilithion: no is that gnome | 11:30 |
ikonia | cattellar_: the bad language was uncalled for | 11:30 |
=== thornomad [n=thornoma@68-116-193-216.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
otero | is anjuta better than eclipse? | 11:31 |
Reilithion | ShackJack: Yeah, it works nicely. | 11:31 |
cattellar_ | ikonia, oh... sorry... | 11:31 |
ikonia | cattellar_: no problem | 11:31 |
MikeStyle | back to my issue about converting avi to dvd using transcode... | 11:31 |
gnomefreak | otero: its lighter and easier to use than eclipse | 11:31 |
ShackJack | Reilithion: thanks - will check it out... | 11:31 |
LjL | !better | otero | 11:31 |
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Taxman | I'm trying to copy the install cd to a HD partition ala https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux but it fills up and keeps running out of space. Do I need to do something different to copy the contents of a mounted install cd? | 11:31 |
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otero | thanks bud | 11:31 |
gnomefreak | yw | 11:31 |
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ubotu | otero: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 11:31 |
=== Daishi [n=daishi@ool-18be2884.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ikonia | Taxman: you have no space left | 11:31 |
ShackJack | Reilithion: MikeStyle: While we're throwing around recommendations - Exaile for gtk is coming along very nicely as an amarok competitor... | 11:31 |
=== Squirrely_Wrath [n=tony@adsl-80-253-119.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Taxman | ikonia: I set up a 1gb partition | 11:32 |
otero | well i was looking for simplicity, so that answered my question | 11:32 |
otero | thanks | 11:32 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ | ||
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akromyk | is there anyway to setup my wireless to use a static ip without going into "manual configuration"? that always screws up my connection | 11:32 |
ikonia | Taxman: squash fs is a compressed file system | 11:32 |
Taxman | it should be more than enough space. The guide I linked recommeded 750 mb | 11:32 |
=== samiam [n=samurai@74-134-139-205.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MikeStyle | im trying to convert an avi to make it work with dvd burning...im trying to split the sound and video with transcode but im getting a wierd error output...can anyone help? | 11:32 |
gregubu | gnomefreak, i didnt meant to start an off topic convo. will move to #ubuntu-offtopic as advised | 11:32 |
ikonia | akromyk: configure your dhcp server to give a specific ip address to your mac address | 11:32 |
gnomefreak | ShackJack: you will be unmuted in about 10 minutes as i had warned you a few times to take it to #ubuntu-offtopic and you didnt | 11:32 |
thornomad | hi. I am stumped with CRONTAB ... can't figure out how to get it to work ... I want to test it with something simple like: sudo crontab -e ... then adding: 01 * * * * echo "test" > /home/thornomad/test.txt ... however nothing happens. am i doing something wrong ? | 11:32 |
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akromyk | i don't think my router can do that. its either DHCP on or off | 11:33 |
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Squirrely_Wrath | Can anyone tell me how to install pidgin 2.0.2? As far as I know I need to compile it from the source but I dunno how to do that. | 11:33 |
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jrib | thornomad: well that will only happen at 1:01, 2:01, 3:01, etc. Did that time pass? | 11:33 |
TigerTjader | How do I change permanently the console's keymap? | 11:33 |
Taxman | ikonia: any guess on how much space I need to give it? 2 gb or so? I just want to copy a bootable image to hd to be able to install from the HD | 11:33 |
nickrud | thornomad, with sudo (root) you need to add the username as well | 11:33 |
LjL | thornomad: after the *'s, there should be a username i think. the name of the user who'll execute the command. | 11:33 |
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bruenig | Squirrely_Wrath, you can probably get a package somewhere, google for it | 11:33 |
gnomefreak | !compile > Squirrely_Wrath (please read your om from ubotu) | 11:33 |
ikonia | Taxman: no idea, I'd guess 4 gb should cover it | 11:33 |
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n2diy_ | Squirrely_Wrath: it should have a readme file that explains it. | 11:34 |
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thornomad | jrib, nickrud, LjL ... oh ... I see myfoolishness. i thought it would run every minute | 11:34 |
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thornomad | let me test the time and then try again | 11:34 |
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LjL | thornomad: also, that line, if anything, execute that test command not every minute (as i think you meant), but every hour, one minute after the hour | 11:34 |
usr_rob | anyone who's experience distortion on wmv movies via totem-mozilla plugin ? | 11:34 |
Taxman | hmm wonder why the guide recommended 750mb. The only difference is they were mounting an image | 11:34 |
gnomefreak | ikonia: i have heard its a pain to build on anything <= feisty | 11:34 |
cattellar_ | so anybody knows how to manually recover lost files in OpenOffice? | 11:34 |
ikonia | gnomefreak: building what ? | 11:35 |
MKS | OH I have bongo drums that WONT stop! And I don't know how they started!!! It's driving me NUTS! Please HELP!!! | 11:35 |
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gnomefreak | pidgion | 11:35 |
ikonia | gnomefreak: I don't think I mentioned anything about building ? | 11:35 |
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nickrud | thornomad, unless you need the root crontab, just using the user's crontab is enough anyway | 11:35 |
jrib | thornomad: you only need the username if you are using /etc/crontab btw. If you are using "crontab -e", then you shouldn't need the username | 11:35 |
=== loran [n=loranjam@S01060004ac9d9e11.su.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | ikonia: you told him to find a deb | 11:35 |
ikonia | gnomefreak: no, I didn't | 11:35 |
loran | HELP i upgraded my kernal and now my system does not boot (I'm using LILO). It says "/bin/sh: cant access tty; job control turned off | 11:35 |
LjL | thornomad: sample valid global crontab entry: */10 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/checkdisk (executes every 10 minutes, by root) | 11:35 |
ikonia | gnomefreak: think you've got me confused | 11:35 |
n2diy_ | cattellar_: did you check your trash folder? | 11:35 |
ikonia | I didn't see anything on pigden | 11:35 |
ikonia | never used it | 11:35 |
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kerik | I have some problems with the "send to..." when I right click...it tells me that I have no plugins installed and to check my install...anybody know what that even means? | 11:35 |
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thornomad | nickrud, jrib, LjL ... thanks ... i do need it to run root ... will want to empy user's libtrash Trash folders | 11:35 |
dooglus | dpkg is telling me: "dpkg: warning - unable to delete old directory `/usr/local/man/man1': Directory not empty" - what can I do? | 11:36 |
ikonia | gnomefreak: although FYI: its been reasonalbe straight forward the package I've built based on fesity, | 11:36 |
gnomefreak | ah sorry it was bruenig | 11:36 |
ikonia | dooglus: you don't want that dir deleted | 11:36 |
akromyk | is there anyway to setup my wireless to use a static ip without going into "manual configuration"? that always screws up my connection. DHCP is running through my router which does not allow for much customization. | 11:36 |
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ikonia | gnomefreak: not a problem, I was just confused | 11:36 |
dooglus | ikonia: no, I don't | 11:36 |
thornomad | LjL, oh I see ... interesting ... thanks for that hint with the */10 ... anyhow! I got it to work | 11:36 |
nickrud | kerik, I think you need the nautilus-sendto package (install) | 11:36 |
thornomad | thanks everyone !! you are great | 11:36 |
ikonia | dooglus: good, so its not a problem | 11:36 |
dooglus | ikonia: seems dpkg thinks I do | 11:36 |
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ikonia | dooglus: no it doesn't | 11:36 |
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ikonia | dooglus: its telling you its not going to delete it because its not empty | 11:36 |
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gnomefreak | ikonia: i havent tried it yet but when i get free time i may try to backport it if it gets oked | 11:36 |
kerik | nickrud, sudo apt-get install nautilus-sendto ? | 11:36 |
nickrud | kerik, yes | 11:37 |
angasule | I found a bug when installing the binary nvidia driver with feisty (the bug is in the xorg.conf setup, not in the binary blob), | 11:37 |
grndslm | hello all...wondering if it's possible to decrypt hddvd content?? | 11:37 |
ikonia | gnomefreak: I had no problems with anything I've built | 11:37 |
gnomefreak | but i need to get changelogs from upstream | 11:37 |
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kerik | nickrud, thanks bunches mate! | 11:37 |
LjL | !bugs > angasule (angasule, see the private message from Ubotu) | 11:37 |
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cattellar_ | n2diy, yeah....it not in there... the thing is... i never quite saved it ... | 11:37 |
kerik | nickrud, you shouldn't by chance know about bluetooth as well? | 11:37 |
nickrud | kerik, not a thing :) | 11:37 |
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Taxman | welcome ubuntu_ | 11:37 |
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loran | <======= HELP!!! =======> | 11:37 |
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jrib | loran: please do not do that | 11:38 |
LjL | !spam > loran (loran, see the private message from Ubotu) | 11:38 |
BoBo | Boooooooooom! | 11:38 |
ikonia | loran: great way to be ignored | 11:38 |
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loran | thank you | 11:38 |
ikonia | BoBo: great way to be ignored | 11:38 |
Siph0n | hey, does fiesty come with any drivers for an xbox controller attached to a computer? | 11:38 |
kerik | nickrud, :) that's cool thanks anyways | 11:38 |
n2diy_ | cattellar_: well, then it's gone, linux is through when it comes to deleting stuff. | 11:38 |
loran | since i have your atttention now | 11:38 |
assasukasse | hi all, i have a question about transmission, if i call transmission-gtk & tru a terminal, when i close the terminal it closes too, how can i make it to stay open instead? | 11:38 |
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ikonia | Siph0n: no | 11:38 |
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loran | i upgraded my kernal and now my system does not boot (I'm using LILO). It says "/bin/sh: cant access tty; job control turned off | 11:38 |
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Siph0n | ok ikonia | 11:38 |
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nickrud | assasukasse, I do <app> & | 11:38 |
ubuntu_ | hello I manged to fix my sis 5513 problems by changing aload of bios settings, I set all the EDB bus items to PCI bus, and disabled acpi and turning hard drives off after 15mins. So far alot better and no problems/crashing. Format time :D | 11:38 |
ikonia | loran why are you using lilo | 11:38 |
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shawoho | hey all... | 11:38 |
ikonia | loran how did you update your kernel | 11:39 |
nickrud | assasukasse, then disown <tab> (hit the tab key) | 11:39 |
LjL | ikonia look at your backscroll | 11:39 |
ikonia | ahh | 11:39 |
ikonia | thanks | 11:39 |
ikonia | missed that | 11:39 |
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kerik | nickrud, hmm...seems like I already have the package... | 11:39 |
shawoho | is it possible an ubuntu into an apple G4? | 11:39 |
akromyk | is there any good channel to go to to ask networking questions? | 11:39 |
kerik | nickrud, any other ideas? | 11:39 |
ikonia | shawoho: yes | 11:39 |
ikonia | akromyk: not here | 11:39 |
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assasukasse | nickrud: thanks, it works wonderfully | 11:39 |
assasukasse | nickrud: can u explain me why i need to disown it? | 11:40 |
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usr_rob | did a fresh install of ubuntu, now the totem-mozilla won't open any movies, don't get it | 11:40 |
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shawoho | ikonia: have you tried that on a G4? | 11:40 |
mh_le | is there anything worng with these fstab lines? | 11:40 |
mh_le | /var/run/mysqld /var/spool/postfix/var/run/mysqld none bind 0 0 | 11:40 |
gnomefreak | usr_rob: you need to install the codecs | 11:40 |
mh_le | /var/run/cyrus/socket/ /var/spool/postfix/var/run/cyrus/socket/ none bind 0 0 | 11:40 |
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angasule | LjL: thanks, now I have to report another error: I can't access bugs.ubuntu.org ;) | 11:40 |
jrib | usr_rob: did you install any codecs that you might need? | 11:40 |
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nickrud | kerik, I'm not sure then, I just tested my evolution send-to | 11:40 |
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ikonia | shawoho: not personally | 11:41 |
usr_rob | gnomefreak: yes, i have installed all the codecs, can wath movies in a standalone player | 11:41 |
usr_rob | watch* | 11:41 |
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kerik | nickrud, evolution send-to? | 11:41 |
LjL | angasule: i can access it, can't say it's being particularly fast though | 11:41 |
clifford_ | anybody know a more specific server pertaining to totem on feisty fawn? | 11:41 |
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nickrud | kerik, send to... and chose evolution | 11:41 |
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gnomefreak | usr_rob: on feisty? | 11:41 |
clifford_ | yes sir | 11:41 |
shawoho | ikonia: I looked for that .iso at ubuntu.com, and there wasn't... | 11:41 |
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jrib | usr_rob: do any videos on http://www.linspire.com/products_linspire_whatis.php?tab=compatibility work? | 11:42 |
kerik | nickrud, well..the thing is when I right click I get the error...I can't choose anything | 11:42 |
LjL | angasule: the actual page you want (bugs.ubuntu.com is just a redirect to it) is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs anyway | 11:42 |
gnomefreak | usr_rob: what version of firefox are you using? | 11:42 |
ikonia | shawoho: ppc is now a public port | 11:42 |
ikonia | shawoho: community port I should say | 11:42 |
angasule | LjL: tried a few times, no luck, the bug is rather simple in its description: in the Device section of xorg.conf I got BusID "PCI:0:5:0" (the correct value would be "PCI:5:0:0" for my PC) | 11:42 |
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MKS | OH I have bongo drums that WONT stop! And I don't know how they started!!! It's driving me NUTS! | 11:42 |
gnomefreak | jrib: known mozilla problem on certain videos | 11:42 |
kerik | nickrud, "could not load any plugins" | 11:42 |
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jrib | gnomefreak: oh | 11:42 |
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nickrud | assasukasse, from my limited understanding, no | 11:42 |
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usr_rob | gnomefreak: yes, i did install meadiaplayerconnectivity plugin to firefox, and it worksotem-mozilla do not work, it opens in the external player, not in the firefox window so t | 11:42 |
shawoho | ikonia: where? | 11:42 |
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gnomefreak | i have rebuilt feisty version taht doesnt crash when opening vids. and plays them even too | 11:43 |
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n2diy_ | MKS: system-prefrences-sound | 11:43 |
assasukasse | nickrud: thanks anyway, at least now it works | 11:43 |
gnomefreak | usr_rob: where did you get them from? | 11:43 |
usr_rob | gnomefreak: sorry about that, keyboard f*** up my keystroke | 11:43 |
clifford_ | can anybody help me with Totem on Feisty? | 11:43 |
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LjL | angasule, you should retry in a while. i can't file the bug for you, as you may be asked questions about the bug that i cannot answer | 11:43 |
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py_geek | how do i check my computer's specs? | 11:43 |
usr_rob | gnomefreak: via aptitude, apt-get | 11:43 |
mh_le | which file do I have to edit for the changes to have effect /etc/fstab or /etc/fstab.pre-uuid??? | 11:43 |
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n2diy_ | py_geek: lshw | 11:43 |
MKS | n2diy_, I want to know what started them suddenly! I logged off one user and they started | 11:44 |
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kerik | anybody have an idea how to fix right click send-to issue? error:"couldn't load any plugins" | 11:44 |
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con-man_ | sigh | 11:44 |
nickrud | kerik, do you have evolution or gaim installed? That's what nautilus-sendto says are the plugins it provides | 11:44 |
con-man_ | a kernel update | 11:44 |
gnomefreak | usr_rob: some wont open in ff window, do you have flash installed? | 11:44 |
mwe | mh_le fstab, back it up, though | 11:44 |
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con-man_ | this means I have to restart my comp | 11:44 |
n2diy_ | MKS: check your logs? | 11:44 |
jrib | py_geek: system -> preferences -> hardware information as well | 11:44 |
mh_le | mwe: I can't get the changes I make to it take effect.. | 11:44 |
usr_rob | gnomefreak: yes, all codecs that are in the repo | 11:44 |
gnomefreak | usr_rob: what type of file format is the video? | 11:44 |
MKS | n2diy_, I did not yet, but wonder if it is some notification i'm not aware of | 11:45 |
kerik | nickrud, I have gaim...but think I uninstalled evolution... | 11:45 |
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mwe | mh_le maybe you don't do it right | 11:45 |
MKS | n2diy_, maybe related to evolution/ | 11:45 |
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kerik | nickrud, you do mean evolution the mail handler? | 11:45 |
n2diy_ | MKS: I don't know? | 11:45 |
nickrud | kerik, and maybe gaim needs to be running, I don't use it: and evolution, the swiss knife of gnome email clients | 11:45 |
thrice` | why is it that desktop effects quits working when fglrx is installed ? | 11:45 |
usr_rob | gnomefreak: none works, mpg, wmv and so on, it's annoying to watch them on external player | 11:45 |
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MKS | n2diy_, ok, thanks, also, how to I remove the * messages on this irc/ | 11:45 |
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box | say what | 11:46 |
n2diy_ | MKS: Bongo drums are part of my system sounds here, on Dapper. | 11:46 |
box | oh cool .. | 11:46 |
gnomefreak | usr_rob: the plugin doesnt handle those formats. try totem-xine with the xine codecs | 11:46 |
shawoho | ikonia: where is that port for ppc? | 11:46 |
ikonia | shawoho: http://releases.ubuntu.com/dapper/ | 11:46 |
nickrud | thrice`, fglrx doesn't support compiz without xserver-xgl | 11:46 |
Lilacor | How do I install the nvidia driver if I'm using a custom kernel? | 11:46 |
kerik | nickrud, swiss knife? I thought it to be a pain...but I might have been unlucky...I just like thunderbird...can evolution do something that thunderbird can't? | 11:46 |
n2diy_ | MKS: I don't know that either? | 11:46 |
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ikonia | Lilacor: if your using a custom kernel you can't use the drivers in synaptic | 11:46 |
nickrud | thrice`, and it's buggy as all get out in my experience | 11:46 |
Lilacor | ikonia: that's what I thoughts. :S | 11:47 |
ikonia | Lilacor: you should know this if your running / building custom kernels | 11:47 |
thrice` | nickrud, hrm...alright. thanks. | 11:47 |
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nickrud | kerik, no, I've just been using it for so long I'm trained | 11:47 |
shawoho | ikonia: OK. 'm checking it out... | 11:47 |
usr_rob | gnomefreak: yes, i have installed totem-xine and those codecs, the problem is that i can't watch the movies embedded in the firefox window | 11:47 |
MKS | n2diy_, there has to be a way to reduce the 'noise' on the screen of when people enter/leave | 11:47 |
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gnomefreak | shawoho: what version of ubuntu? | 11:47 |
Lilacor | ikonia: oh well.. back to my original kernel then... | 11:47 |
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kerik | nickrud, :) cool - well one must try to check out the market...I wouldn't miss it if it was good :) | 11:47 |
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gnomefreak | usr_rob: re read what i just said. some wont play in the plugin. (some start to load and freeze with the plugin | 11:48 |
cbs | kerik: are you furry? | 11:48 |
akromyk | i just installed ssh on both of my ubuntu computers but the admin password doesn't work on either. What password do I type in? | 11:48 |
gnomefreak | usr_rob: are you using gstreamer or xine atm? | 11:48 |
n2diy_ | MKS: Depends on your client, never heard them here with xchat-gnome. | 11:48 |
=== Bradf0rd [n=Bradd_Ro@adsl-64-160-201-171.dsl.bkfd14.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
py_geek | ALL: what are the minimum system requirements for ubuntu feisty? | 11:48 |
nickrud | kerik, I use thunderbird on my office vista machine, I like it overall. I just like the integration | 11:48 |
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Bradf0rd | dfjghaskdfjhglkdsfhg | 11:48 |
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ikonia | py_geek: they are on the ubuntu website | 11:48 |
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Bradf0rd | dfkjghskdljfhgklsdfhgkhsdfghsdklfhggksdfhgsd | 11:48 |
ikonia | Bradf0rd: don't spam please | 11:48 |
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kerik | cbs, lol furry? hmm...don't know...I'm not a teddy bear if that's what you mean :) | 11:48 |
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grndslm | hello all...wondering if it's possible to decrypt hddvd content with default mplayer version in feisty?? | 11:49 |
py_geek | ALL: check ur updates, i just got 1 4 the linux kernel | 11:49 |
gnomefreak | ikonia: he does that all the time | 11:49 |
jrib | akromyk: you are logging in with the same information you use to log in locally? | 11:49 |
ikonia | gnomefreak: great ! can't get enough | 11:49 |
mh_le | are these fstab lines correct? | 11:49 |
akromyk | no. i use the password of the remote computer | 11:49 |
mh_le | /var/run/mysqld /var/spool/postfix/var/run/mysqld none bind 0 0 | 11:49 |
mh_le | /var/run/cyrus/socket/ /var/spool/postfix/var/run/cyrus/socket/ none bind 0 0 | 11:49 |
usr_rob | gnomefreak: i use those: libxine-extracodecs gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-pitfdll | 11:49 |
kitsune | anybody know how to fix the issue with toem in fiesty? It prompts me to search for a suitable codec and then it only plays the sound | 11:49 |
akromyk | jrib: no. i use the password of the remote computer | 11:50 |
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kerik | anybody know about send-to issues? | 11:50 |
LjL | they don't make any sense to me. and please put them in one line to avoid spamming, mh_le | 11:50 |
=== Walter [n=John@9.Red-83-41-29.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kerik | which plug ins I need to install? | 11:50 |
cbs | heh | 11:50 |
ikonia | mh_le: they are not fstab lines | 11:50 |
gnomefreak | usr_rob: what totem do you have installed all of them check with dpkg -l totem-* | 11:50 |
jrib | akromyk: right but you are using the same information that works when you are physically at the other computer right? | 11:50 |
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mh_le | LjL: sorry | 11:50 |
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mh_le | ikonia: they are not? | 11:50 |
ikonia | no | 11:50 |
kerik | cbs, sorry mate...what did you mean? ;) | 11:50 |
mh_le | ikonia: why? | 11:51 |
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ikonia | or at leat they shouldn't be | 11:51 |
=== Xaero_Vincent [n=vince@or-76-2-8-176.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
akromyk | jrib: right, im not using a username though. maybe thats the problem. | 11:51 |
LjL | mh_le: perhaps you should tell us what you're trying to accomplish | 11:51 |
Xaero_Vincent | hello? | 11:51 |
LjL | !hi | 11:51 |
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jrib | akromyk: yeah, you need to specify that, like: ssh username@host | 11:51 |
usr_rob | gnomefreak: totem-gstreame, totem-xine, totem-xine-firefox, totem-mozilla | 11:51 |
Xaero_Vincent | anyone here use terminal services? | 11:51 |
dave-ubu | how do i redetect my soundcard? I've upgraded from a Soundblaster Live 5.1 to an Audigy SB0230 and have no siund | 11:52 |
gnomefreak | usr_rob: no you dont | 11:52 |
dave-ubu | sound* | 11:52 |
Xaero_Vincent | like rdesktop? | 11:52 |
LjL | !anyone | 11:52 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 11:52 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 11:52 |
mh_le | LjL: I'm trying to mount /var/run/mysqld to /var/spool/postfix/var/run/mysqld | 11:52 |
ikonia | Xaero_Vincent: just ask the question | 11:52 |
ikonia | mh_le: why ? | 11:52 |
gnomefreak | usr_rob: you cant have totem-xine and totem-gstr. as they conflict | 11:52 |
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ikonia | mh_le: there is no reason to do that | 11:52 |
kerik | !sendto | 11:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sendto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:52 |
usr_rob | gnomefreak: ah, okey :) | 11:52 |
LjL | mh_le: you're trying to mount a directory? that doesn't seem to make much sense | 11:52 |
kerik | !send-to | 11:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about send-to - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:52 |
ikonia | mh_le: you can only mount partitions on shares | 11:52 |
Xaero_Vincent | how do I get seamless virtualization to work | 11:52 |
Xaero_Vincent | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization | 11:52 |
LjL | !fishing | kerik | 11:52 |
ubotu | kerik: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 11:52 |
mh_le | ikonia: because so postfix can read the files in /var/run/mysqld from it's chroot jail | 11:52 |
MKS | n2diy_, thanks for your help. I'm off to figure this one out somehow. | 11:53 |
Xaero_Vincent | I'm having a hard time getting rdesktop to connect | 11:53 |
Taxman | dave-ubu: it may be an unsupported card then | 11:53 |
n2diy_ | MKS: gl | 11:53 |
=== JDStone [n=jd@netblock-208-127-108-187.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ikonia | mh_le: thats not how you do that | 11:53 |
kerik | LjL, thanks for letting me know | 11:53 |
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usr_rob | gnomefreak: sorry, a bit tired here, there was version "none" ;) on that line | 11:53 |
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mh_le | ikonia: please tell me how then :) | 11:54 |
dave-ubu | Taxman: it works ok from the Live CD - i just need to make my install redect it | 11:54 |
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dave-ubu | redetect* | 11:54 |
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akromyk | jrib: i think i might be using the wrong ip since its setup for dhcp. what is the equivalent for ipconfig in Ubuntu to check the ip on a local machine? | 11:54 |
gnomefreak | usr_rob: install totem-xine and try it go to 5 different types of video and let it sit there for a while before you can say its not working. some take longer than others. vlc plays almost everything and firefox will use whatever app will play the video | 11:54 |
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jrib | akromyk: ifconfig | 11:54 |
ikonia | mh_le: there are multiple methods but postfix in a chroot should have no reason to access that file system. You need to read the howto guide on help.ubuntu.com | 11:54 |
Xaero_Vincent | I follow what the wiki said: rdesktop -A -s "c:\seamlessrdp\seamlessrdpshell.exe C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" <IP of VM>:3389 -u administrator -p password | 11:54 |
Taxman | dave-ubu: look at the output of dmesg from the livecd and compare it to the dmesg output from the installed version | 11:54 |
Xaero_Vincent | but it says it cannot connect | 11:54 |
akromyk | jrib: thanks | 11:54 |
usr_rob | gnomefreak: okey, thx alot for your help, mate! | 11:54 |
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kerik | seriously guys...can anyone tell me why I can't use the right click "send to" ??? - I get a "could not load any plugins" | 11:55 |
Tacroy | !wpa | 11:55 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 11:55 |
mh_le | ikonia: postfix uses mysql as a back end so I can asure you that it needs it :) | 11:55 |
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sebas_ | is there any difference between a parameter in capitals -A and -a? | 11:55 |
dave-ubu | dmesg scrolls off the console on the installed feisty lol - but cheers for the input | 11:55 |
ikonia | mh_le: I know this, and I can assure thats not what it needs | 11:55 |
ikonia | sebas_: yes | 11:55 |
Taxman | !sound > dave-ubu should help too | 11:55 |
n2diy | sebas_: usually, yes. | 11:55 |
hoarycripple | i have lost the file /etc/init.d/ntp and reinstalling ntp is not bringing it back. I definitely did not remove this file manually. what happened? | 11:55 |
dave-ubu | !sound | 11:55 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 11:55 |
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gnomefreak | sebas_: yes | 11:56 |
jrib | kerik: is "nautilus-sendto" installed? run this command: apt-cache policy nautilus-sendto | 11:56 |
Tacroy | The !wpa documentation does not seem to describe how to enable wpa for a wireless card running in master mode in the commandline, where should I look for that? | 11:56 |
mh_le | ikonia: then please explain to me why it works when it is mounted and don't when it isn't? | 11:56 |
sebas_ | thanks | 11:56 |
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akromyk | jrib: it works now. thanks. | 11:56 |
ikonia | mh_le: when its mounted ? | 11:56 |
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jrib | akromyk: great | 11:56 |
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ikonia | mh_le: do it your way then | 11:56 |
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kerik | jrib, well...it tried the sudo apt-get install nautilus-sendto and it said that it was updated.. | 11:56 |
mh_le | ikonia: I just need to know how! :) | 11:56 |
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jrib | kerik: try reinstalling | 11:57 |
M_42 | can anyone help me... I have a dual core... but for some reason only one core is being used | 11:57 |
ikonia | mh_le: well you know how if you know it works when its mounted, you must have mounted it before | 11:57 |
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kerik | jrib, I got an output reading installed: 0.10 | 11:57 |
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mh_le | ikonia: yes manually but I would like to do it automatically when I boot | 11:57 |
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ikonia | go for it | 11:57 |
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compengi | !mov | 11:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mov - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:58 |
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kerik | jrib, is it just apt-get reinstall <package>?? | 11:58 |
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corevette | does anyone here use yahoo answers? | 11:58 |
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ikonia | corevette: no | 11:58 |
jrib | kerik: sudo aptitude reinstall <package> OR sudo apt-get --reinstall install <package> | 11:58 |
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mh_le | ikonia: I'm trying , but I don't know how to make fstab do what I want it to do | 11:58 |
cdcarter | hi all, I installed teh sun-java6-jdk package, but I get Kaffe as my VM when I do java -version, is this right? | 11:59 |
ikonia | mh_le: I advise against using the bind option in the fstab | 11:59 |
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jawee | Hi, I'm having a problem with ndiswrapper | 11:59 |
jrib | !multijava > cdcarter (see the private message from ubotu) | 11:59 |
jawee | I get the correct readout with ndiswrapper -l | 11:59 |
kerik | jrib, thanks mate...can you tell me the diff with the 2? | 11:59 |
jawee | then I can't modprobe | 12:00 |
cdcarter | jrib: sweet, thanks | 12:00 |
mh_le | ikonia: why? | 12:00 |
jrib | kerik: none that I know of... well the aptitude command is easier to type imo | 12:00 |
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ikonia | mh_le: I'm not going to go into it, its clear you've made your mind up about what you want to do, get on with it | 12:00 |
kerik | jrib, :) true :) | 12:00 |
jawee | jake@lappy-3:~$ modprobe ndiswrapper | 12:00 |
jawee | FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/ubuntu/misc/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko': No such file or directory | 12:00 |
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LjL | cdcarter: sudo update-alternative --config java | 12:00 |
jrib | kerik: aptitude also installs recommended dependencies by default, I'm not sure if it does that for a reinstall too | 12:00 |
ikonia | jawee: there is no such file | 12:00 |
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ikonia | jawee: the message is pretty clear | 12:00 |
kerik | jrib, but it didn't work though... | 12:00 |
metac0rtex_ | i've got a usb vocal effects processor that i can only find windows drivers for...is there any way i can get this thing recognized? | 12:01 |
jawee | ikonia: Then what do I do? That is what the tutorial says to do | 12:01 |
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