=== cjwatson_ [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === javamaniac [n=gerardo@unaffiliated/javamaniac] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === irotas [n=irotas@c-66-30-195-112.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === irotas [n=irotas@c-66-30-195-112.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === merriam__ [n=merriam@85-211-245-180.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === doko_ is now known as doko === jsmanrique [n=jsmanriq@cme-212-89-8-169.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === asac [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === mdz [n=mdz@yttrium.canonical.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === heno [n=henrik@ubuntu/member/heno] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === adam_b [n=adam@bumble.xosia.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === agoliveira [n=adilson@] has joined #ubuntu-mobile [01:34] (Mithrandir/#ubuntu-mobile) agoliveira: hiya; I started on hildon-desktop this morning. It's slowly getting there now. [01:34] (Mithrandir/#ubuntu-mobile) agoliveira: also, your mce-dummy branch seems to not have any commits in it, do you have any idea what's up with that? [01:35] Mithrandir: I think I made a mistake with this one, I was about to ask you btw. I started it but I figured out later that there is a mce-dev in the gutsy repository already. [01:36] (Mithrandir/#ubuntu-mobile) yes, there is [01:36] Mithrandir: They are actualloy the same. What to do in that case? [01:37] (Mithrandir/#ubuntu-mobile) agoliveira: I'd fix up the branch so it's in a sane state, then just move on [01:37] agoliveira: Fine. Thanks. [01:38] Mithrandir: Fine. Thanks. [01:38] Mithrandir:BTW, I'm working on hildom-fw. [01:38] I mean fm. [01:39] (Mithrandir/#ubuntu-mobile) you've seen the branch in LP? [01:39] (Mithrandir/#ubuntu-mobile) also, we might be able to revert most of my hacks from it; seb's agreed to take the patch posted to the mailing list with the minimal set of changes we need for gtk [01:40] Mithrandir: Hmmm... now you got me. So should I jump it for now? [01:42] (Mithrandir/#ubuntu-mobile) yes, just skip it for now [01:42] (Mithrandir/#ubuntu-mobile) if you could grab osso-af-settings that'd be good [01:42] Mithrandir: Righto! === irotas [n=irotas@c-66-30-195-112.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-mobile [02:31] agoliveira: I just synced in mce-dev from maemo directly, since it was trivial and didn't require modification [02:32] it's pretty much just two .h files [02:32] mdz: Yes, it's just that. === Mithrandir [n=tfheen@vawad-xen1.err.no] has joined #ubuntu-mobile [03:09] yay, hildon-help compiles now. [03:13] Mithrandir: I believe we can safelly ignore osso-af-utils, osso-af-startup and osso-app-killer for now. They are specific to booting and organize the Nokia devices. There is one dependency for osso-af-startup in hildon-application-framework but I'll deal with it when the time arrives as I guess I'll have to bypass, addapt or mock-up the app start procedure anyway. [03:14] Mithrandir: Cool :) [03:15] move them to ignore on the todo list, then? [03:18] Sure do. === etrunko [n=edulima@] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === etrunko [n=edulima@] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === svaksha [n=svaksha@unaffiliated/svaksha] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-mobile [04:10] ok, libhildonhelp should really be good now. [04:10] I'll update the todo, then go home [04:13] Mithrandir: Nice. I'm checking out hildon-control-panel. It should be going to hildon-1 but it's not even into the trunk yet. [04:13] ok [04:14] did you get anywhere with osso-af-settings? [04:16] It compiled just the way it is. No changes required. [04:16] ah, you said. Goodie [04:16] I'll get to it tomorrow. [04:17] Cool. Have a nice evening. === agoliveira is now known as adilson-lunch [04:34] Mithrandir,adilson-lunch: do the intel guys ever come by the channel here [04:34] ? [05:28] mdz: I've seen them on-channel, but they don't speak much === adilson-lunch is now known as adilson [05:42] mdz: They hang out more often over the ML. I don't remember anyone around here. === seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === jsmanrique [n=jsmanriq@cme-212-89-8-169.telecable.es] has left #ubuntu-mobile [] === tko [n=tko@jumbo180.adsl.netsonic.fi] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === ramki_ [n=ramki@] has joined #ubuntu-mobile [06:48] Mithrandir: did rusty send you his image builder yet? [06:48] no. [06:48] I'll note it down and prod him about it. [06:49] thanks === tko [n=tko@jumbo180.adsl.netsonic.fi] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === tko [n=tko@jumbo180.adsl.netsonic.fi] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === ramki [n=ramki@] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === tko [n=tko@jumbo180.adsl.netsonic.fi] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === tko [n=tko@jumbo180.adsl.netsonic.fi] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson === svaksha [n=svaksha@unaffiliated/svaksha] has left #ubuntu-mobile [] === doko [n=doko@dslb-088-073-101-115.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === edmondt [n=edmondt@CPE00131019c345-CM000a739a7119.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile [09:09] looks like a tight deadline for ubuntu mobile [09:24] edmondt: Yes, it is but we believe that it's feasible. [09:26] I would be great tho... support for smart phones, synchronization with evolution [09:27] it won't be able to both sing, dance and make coffee at first go, but two out of three should be doable. === lucasr [n=lucasr@cs164220.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu-mobile [09:28] hei [09:28] hiya lucas [09:29] Mithrandir, hei :-) [09:32] hey lucasr [09:33] edmondt: Right now we want to create a common and stable base that allows applications to do the the stuff you're talking about to be built. [09:33] lucasr: Oi Lucas. [09:34] apparently, the eds-sync bits were just opened up from Nokia [09:34] so we'd want to pull that in too [09:36] Mithrandir, cool [09:36] Mithrandir, very nice piece of software [09:36] adilson, oi! [09:36] seb128, yo! [09:36] and I had a chat with pvanhof earlier today, he seemed interested in getting modest or something tinymail-based into ubuntu mobile === agoliveira [n=adilson@] has joined #ubuntu-mobile [09:50] Mithrandir, I would try to use modest [09:51] Mithrandir, it will be already integrated with Hildon [09:51] Mithrandir, integrated = use Hildon [09:51] yup [09:51] that was my thought too. [09:52] Mithrandir, let me know if you need any help with this. I can talk to Modest developers if needed [09:52] Mithrandir, they are only a few meters from me :-P [09:52] great. :-) It'll certainly be interesting once we have hildon-desktop up and running here.- [09:52] s/-$// [09:53] until we have a basic hildon UI, trying to get apps running is a bit insane. [09:56] lucasr: btw, why is control panel trunk still not using hildon-1? [09:56] tko, because the new code is not in trunk yet :-) [09:57] tko, https://stage.maemo.org/svn/maemo/projects/haf/branches/hildon-control-panel/refactoring/ [09:57] tko, I need to merge this thing :-P [09:57] in trunk [09:58] lucasr: are you a good person to feed our changes to the packaging? [09:58] or should we talk to somebody else? [09:59] Mithrandir, depends on the package [09:59] Mithrandir, but if it simplifies to you, you can send me and I forward to the correct person [09:59] Mithrandir, or tko or fer [09:59] :-) [10:00] ok [10:00] do you want it by email or is being hassled on IRC good enough? [10:00] hmm, I can't access irc at work [10:00] ok [10:00] so email then [10:00] Mithrandir, email me [10:00] Mithrandir, there's this firewall there [10:00] :-/ [10:01] I think the @nokia person in the maintainer field should be able to handle them.. or use bugzilla? === Mithrandir nods [10:01] tko, yep [10:02] tko, it's just that *maybe* the maintainer could possibly not be interested in ubuntu mobile stuff and just ignore it [10:02] :-P [10:02] lucasr: especially when it's fixes like "makes this compile on amd64". [10:02] lucasr: true.. thus bugzilla :) [10:02] tko, Mithrandir, and add us to CC maybe? [10:03] ok [10:04] I'm fine with more or less any workflow, but I'd like there to be a workflow which eases our work since we'll have less of a delta to maintain and gives you fixes you can apply easily. [10:04] Mithrandir, ok [10:05] Mithrandir, I guess things will get simpler when we move to gnome infra [10:05] I've been considering setting a git mirror of your bzr mirror of our svn for tracking :) [10:05] (I already run git-svn on our svn) [10:05] too bad git-bzr doesn't exist atm :-( [10:05] ok, gotta go [10:05] tko: it's called "tailor" [10:06] night all! [10:06] night, Lucas === seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === javamaniac [n=gerardo@unaffiliated/javamaniac] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === sabotage_afk [n=sbryan@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === sabotage_afk is now known as sabotage === fcarvalho [n=Flavio@dasasob.nokia.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile === landley [n=landley@c-71-199-114-26.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mobile [12:25] mdz: got your email. :) [12:26] So I've been pondering bootstrapping Ubuntu on non-x86 platforms for a while. [12:26] I spent a largeish chunk of last year making a bootstrapping environment thing (Firmware Linux), which cross compiles a minimal native build environment for various platforms, allowing you to build packages natively under an emulator (usually qemu). [12:27] I got it mostly to the point where I could then bootstrap a distro. [12:27] I was initially looking at gentoo, but most of the users I talked to wanted debian or ubuntu... === Mithrandir waves at landley