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qman | I have a question about dhclient-exit-hooks | 06:43 |
qman | where is the script supposed to be, such that it will actually be called? I'm getting a lot of conflicting information | 06:44 |
foo | I'd check the man page | 07:01 |
qman | it doesn't go into detail | 07:14 |
qman | it seems like it just wants /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-exit-hooks, but some other files hint at it being just in /etc, and there is a /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/ directory | 07:16 |
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JuanTao | I've tried several attempts to setup a firewall and do NAT on eth1 for my LAN including the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/ip-masquerading.html and firewallhttp://www.section6.net/wiki/index.php/Setting_up_a_Firewall_NAT_using_IPTables but i've only succeeded in breaking stuff (three ffr's) any recommendations? | 07:56 |
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qman | All I can tell you is, I've spent the last few weeks doing basically the same thing, and I finally gave in and read about a dozen manuals on iptables | 08:12 |
qman | none of the programs that are supposed to make it simpler have worked | 08:12 |
JuanTao | qman, one of the sysadmins where I used to work wrote a script for me that worked beautifully - but for the last two years I've run FreeBSD. Now that I'm switching back to Linux, he's going to re-send it to me. Do you want to try it if it works? | 08:17 |
qman | no thanks, I've already done it the hard way | 08:19 |
qman | but I appreciate the offer | 08:19 |
JuanTao | qman: did you say 'do some reading'? Ack... | 08:19 |
qman | I've spent a total of around 30 hours reading just on iptables | 08:20 |
qman | no lie | 08:20 |
JuanTao | hat's off! | 08:20 |
qman | at least it's knowledge that can be put to good use in more than just one situation :) | 08:20 |
JuanTao | yes. I seem to be a pretty slow learner, but the notebook i've kept has been valuable. I will keep pluggin away. (or chmod a+x my friend's script when it arrives ; - ) | 08:24 |
qman | heh | 08:25 |
qman | for some reason, iptables is just one of those things that doesn't make sense until you've put a LOT of time into it | 08:25 |
JuanTao | thanks for the encouragement, I'm off to bed - lot's of reading in my future ... | 08:34 |
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qiyong | is there any web interface to manipulate virtual users for postfix? | 10:03 |
qiyong | or any other MTA | 10:03 |
ivoks | afaik, no | 10:18 |
ivoks | but you can always write one your self :) | 10:18 |
ivoks | or try ispconfig | 10:18 |
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fernando | moin all | 03:14 |
svschwartz | fernando | 03:22 |
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lparry | hey can someone help me with svn. I have got it working successfully, but I want to know how I can use it to monitor a web directory, that I can browse and update using svn | 03:28 |
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steveire | Hey. I've installed an AMP stack on my laptop, because I want to try out a few cmses for a website. I'd like for it to be possible for my friends to be able to connect wirelessly to the server on my laptop from their windows laptops. Is it possible? | 05:36 |
mralphabet | steveire: sure | 05:36 |
steveire | Do I need to install samba or anything? | 05:37 |
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steveire | mralphabet: A little help? | 05:44 |
shawarma | steveire: It should just work. | 05:44 |
shawarma | steveire: If they have network access to your machine, it should be all good. | 05:45 |
steveire | How do I give them network access to my machine? | 05:45 |
shawarma | Er... Be on the same network as them :) | 05:45 |
steveire | Imagine I'm in a room with them. We all have wireless network cards in our laptops. There is no router or anything. Next what? | 05:46 |
steveire | No existing network | 05:46 |
mralphabet | wireless is not limited by an existing network | 05:47 |
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steveire | OK. I type in my browser to access the server on my own laptop. How do I access it from the other laptop? | 05:51 |
shawarma | steveire: I suggest you ask in #ubuntu how to set up networking between you. | 05:53 |
steveire | shawarma: I have to set up some kind of ad-hoc network then, yes? | 05:53 |
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shawarma | steveire: probably, yes. | 05:54 |
steveire | Thanks for the help. I seem to be going in circles. | 06:01 |
leonel | steveire: first setup your wireless | 06:09 |
steveire | leonel: My wireless card? Network? Do I need samba? | 06:10 |
leonel | no | 06:10 |
leonel | weel | 06:10 |
leonel | well | 06:10 |
leonel | how are you going yo update the contents ? | 06:11 |
leonel | most of the CMS update their content using the html forms provided | 06:12 |
steveire | I'm trying out some cms software. Some friends and I want to make a website. I've installed ubuntu-lamp and some cmses on my laptop and they work fine. I'd want them on their windows laptops to be able to see what I put up there. That's about it. | 06:13 |
leonel | that's with apache only | 06:13 |
steveire | hmm? | 06:13 |
leonel | use the browser on the windows machines | 06:13 |
leonel | and point to the wireless ip | 06:14 |
steveire | Ok. I think someone on #ubuntu suggested that too. I'll try 192.168.x.x. | 06:14 |
steveire | Aren't ip addresses usually assigned by a router though...? | 06:15 |
leonel | you can set up that in /etc/network/interfaces | 06:16 |
leonel | so the wireless can be static | 06:16 |
leonel | or in the router assing the same ip to your wireless with the ARP | 06:17 |
steveire | OK. There won't be any router, just three laptops. I'll have a look at /etc/network/interfaces | 06:17 |
steveire | So I add something like http://pastebin.ca/519246 to the file? | 06:22 |
steveire | Actually I'm not so sure about that any more. | 06:25 |
steveire | q | 06:25 |
leonel | that's right | 06:27 |
steveire | other man pages like wireless and iwconfig seem to say wireless is different/separate. I'll turn off the router here and have a go anyway. Cheers | 06:28 |
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steveire | leonel: Hey. That entry in /etc/network/interfaces didn't change anything. | 06:42 |
leonel | ?? | 06:42 |
steveire | I turned off the router here, and tried to access the apache server on my ubuntu laptop from my windows laptop after editing /etc/network/interfaces like this: http://pastebin.ca/519246 | 06:44 |
leonel | did you restart the network ? | 06:44 |
steveire | I don't know the command-line way. I used knetwork manager to go to offline mode and online mode again. I thought that would reparse the config file. ifconfig didn't show anything about a ip address after that. I don't know what else to look for. | 06:46 |
leonel | ok | 06:48 |
leonel | /etc/init.d/networking restart | 06:48 |
leonel | and then check the ip with ifconfig | 06:48 |
steveire | right so. That'll probably disconnect me. | 06:49 |
leonel | it will | 06:50 |
steveire | It didn't O_o | 06:50 |
steveire | I'll disconnect my router and try again. | 06:51 |
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steveire_ | http://pastebin.ca/519321 <<< There's the output | 06:55 |
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steveire | Am I missing something obvoius that I need in the interfaces file? | 06:57 |
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shawarma | steveire: It's really not within the scope of this channel. You should try #ubuntu. When you get to the apache bit, you can come back here :) | 07:02 |
steveire | sigh. Alright. Didn't get any answers from them though. Cheers. | 07:03 |
leonel | let me understand | 07:06 |
leonel | you want wireless to wireless communication ? | 07:06 |
leonel | steveire: ? | 07:06 |
steveire | leonel: Yes. | 07:06 |
steveire | leonel: Is that something specifically difficult? | 07:08 |
leonel | you need to setup your wireless as ad-hoc | 07:09 |
steveire | OK. How? | 07:10 |
steveire | Do I edit /etc/network/interfaces to do that? | 07:11 |
leonel | check this link http://justlinux.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-147208.html | 07:12 |
steveire | Alright thanks. I'll think about how that applies to me. When he says he gives the wireless network adapter a certain configuration, that means editing interfaces, right? | 07:16 |
leonel | yes | 07:18 |
leonel | or use iwconfig | 07:18 |
steveire | leonel: I followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=841459&postcount=5 which was linked to in that one. Here's the output: http://pastebin.ca/519439 | 07:29 |
steveire | I don't know what the error means | 07:29 |
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leonel | steveire: | 07:35 |
leonel | leonel@ubuntu:~$ sudo iwconfig eth1 mode ad-hoc | 07:35 |
leonel | no errors here | 07:35 |
leonel | what wireless card you have ? | 07:35 |
steveire | Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01) | 07:37 |
steveire | according to lspci | 07:37 |
steveire | I'm gonna have to give up. | 07:46 |
steveire | cheers. | 07:46 |
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hansin321 | http://myy.helia.fi/~karte/ubuntu_pxe.html | 08:53 |
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ph1zzle | hey guys | 08:56 |
ph1zzle | I have a small problem with feisty server I was hoping someone could help me with, I just installed a new hard disk in this server and copied everything from the old one to the new one, now /var is a seperate partition like it was on the old system but mountkernfs is complaining because it cannot find /var/run and /var/lock I think was the other one, in order to mount them tmpfs, does anyoen know what I shoud do? | 08:58 |
qman | check /etc/fstab to make sure it's correct for the new disk | 09:00 |
qman | your partition labels may have changed, and if it uses UUIDs, they will be different for sure | 09:01 |
ph1zzle | yes I setup uuid's and I just found the problem | 09:03 |
ph1zzle | ubuntu needs /var/run and /var/lock to exist even if they are mounted over, I don't know why | 09:04 |
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ph1zzle | if you look at the /etc/rcS.d/S01mountkernfs.sh it will mount /var/run and /var/lock as tmpfs even though the /var is not mounted till S35mountallfs.sh | 09:06 |
mrpoundsign | how do I tell dhclient to renew on an interface? | 09:11 |
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ivoks | ph1zzle: er... | 09:14 |
ivoks | ph1zzle: you need to have mountpoint to mount something in it | 09:14 |
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ph1zzle | ivoks, yes I do | 09:15 |
ph1zzle | glad you noticed | 09:15 |
qman | what he's saying is, /var/run and /var/lock need to exist before /var is mounted | 09:15 |
ivoks | ah... :) | 09:15 |
qman | I was unaware of this, too | 09:15 |
ph1zzle | I had to do some greping and readnig of shell scripts to find out | 09:15 |
ph1zzle | I actually kind of thought it a little odd that they would mount that but not allow me to mount /var first but it works now and I have other shit to do so I will let it go the way it's meant to | 09:16 |
ph1zzle | I had a spammer abuse my mail server yesterday which seems is fun... | 09:17 |
ph1zzle | on one hand I when I came home from boating (me lives in Fort Lauderdale) the companies /var partition was so full all company mail had stopped moving, but on the other hand a) the boss bought a bigger hard drive and I see a vital flaw I misunderstood in the configuration | 09:18 |
ivoks | well... true... | 09:20 |
ivoks | /var/run is mounted before /var | 09:20 |
ivoks | but is cleaned after that | 09:20 |
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spiekey | hello! | 10:37 |
spiekey | i am trying to smbldap-populate my box but get: failed to add entry: no global superior knowledge at /usr/sbin/smbldap-populate line 495, <GEN1> line 2. | 10:38 |
spiekey | any idea why? | 10:38 |
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dashaun | postgres isn't starting, installed binaries with apt-get, try to start the service, status confirms that service did not start | 11:06 |
dashaun | i did have logs before today, at some point, something went whacko | 11:06 |
dashaun | my /var/lib/postgresql dir is empty | 11:07 |
dashaun | thats not good | 11:07 |
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CharlieSu | could anyone help me w/ a PAM problem? please look at http://pastebin.ca/520158 I'm trying to login via SSH w/ a publickey instead of password auth.. | 11:16 |
dashaun | you are trying to login as root? | 11:18 |
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qman | generally, remote root logins are disabled by default, for security | 11:23 |
qman | try doing it with another user | 11:23 |
Burgundavia | CharlieSu: using root is a bad idea, in general | 11:25 |
CharlieSu | Burgundavia: understand.. besides that though? | 11:25 |
CharlieSu | any idea? | 11:25 |
Burgundavia | are you having issue siwth general users? | 11:25 |
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CharlieSu | Burgundavia: no regular users login w/ keys.. only passwords.. and that is LDAPed | 11:29 |
Burgundavia | ahh | 11:29 |
Burgundavia | hmm | 11:29 |
CharlieSu | it is a PAM config error.. i was wondering if you knew of any part of that config file in the paste bin that would stop keys from logging in.. now when i try and use the key it prompts for password still instead. | 11:31 |
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