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aliasrushanyone use xubuntu+beryl+xgl+ati?12:30
=== Jester45 did
aliasrushJester45:why not anymore?12:31
Jester45i did i used aglx12:31
Jester45i use*12:31
Jester45my card became opensource supported12:31
aliasrushoh... which one is that?12:32
scot1967Anyone here familiar with Rdesktop?12:32
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Jester45aliasrush: radeon 925012:34
aliasrushyeah... open source drivers have yet to come out for my radeon x160012:36
aliasrushbut just for the heck of it I loaded xubuntu on my laptop with xgl and beryl12:36
Jester45mine was a lot cheaper... free12:37
aliasrushso far I like it.... it just does not seem as smooth as gnome+beryl12:37
Jester45are you sure it wasnt gnome+compiz?12:37
aliasrushyeah... positive... still have it installed on another partition12:39
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Jester45i just notice that cmpiz is faster12:40
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M_42got a weird bug12:40
M_42if I run a java app it hogs all my cpu... and my system becomes unbearably slow.. but I have a dual core12:41
aliasrushcraziest thing just happened though... lost my desktop and icons after installing adept12:41
emdashwhat is the difference between the desktop and alternate iso images?12:41
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M_42alt isn't a livecd12:41
M_42if im not mistaken12:41
GrueTamerthe alt cd is not a livecd, you are correct12:42
Jester45emdash: the desktop iso is a live cd (gui) the alternative is just an installer12:42
Jester45both are simple to use, and if you have a older computer the alt is much faster12:42
scot1967Running from the command line RDesktop coredumps :(12:43
scot1967Segmentation fault...12:43
scot1967ANyone have any ideas?12:43
vidd_laptopscot1967, what is rdesktop?12:43
Jester45remote desktop12:43
scot1967It's an app used to connect to terminal servers12:44
Jester45i need to stop guessing12:44
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jimmicaboolieHELLO, WORLD!12:45
jimmicaboolieHI, WORLD!12:45
jimmicaboolieI'M GREETING YOU!12:45
jimmicaboolieO GREAT WORLD!12:45
ubotuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)12:45
jimmicaboolieCARROTS ARE YUMMY12:45
jimmicaboolieLETTUCE IS YUMMY!12:45
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scot1967What was that?12:46
Jester45a little kid who figured out irc12:46
M_42sounds like an exploding fagtard to me12:46
TehRealNexGenprobably has no life so is probably spamming the whole of freenode12:46
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scot1967Anyone here know how to remove Rdesktop?12:47
=== kalikiana ducks as Pumpernickel got oped. :P
=== mode/#xubuntu [+b *!*@c-71-203-10-234.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] by Pumpernickel
scot1967I would like to try to re-install12:47
=== mode/#xubuntu [-o Pumpernickel] by Pumpernickel
Jester45he got owneded12:48
=== kalikiana doesn't know Rdesktop.
T`hi.. anyone know how t make xchat not quit when i press Ctrl + X? thats the shortcut for cut!!12:56
scot1967apt-get remote rdesktop12:57
scot1967opps...  apt-get remove rdesktop12:57
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scot1967removed and re-installed still core dumps...  bummer eh?12:59
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scot1967Found a bug report.... In the Ubuntu form...  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40359201:03
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scot1967I am not sure how to fix this..  It says this was fixed in 7.04 which is what I am running.01:12
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Catoptromancy_managed to kill my sound01:17
Catoptromancy_when i figured out to redownload01:17
Catoptromancy_this new driver is extremely loud01:18
Catoptromancy_hopefully fix my old crackling problem01:18
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test3rHiHi! Does anyone have experience using "dd" to copy from cdrom to an image file?01:46
=== Cinnander [n=cinn@cpc1-cdif4-0-0-cust304.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #xubuntu
test3rI keep getting this trying to backup a very tricky disk - dd: reading `/dev/cdrom': Input/output error01:46
test3rit will only do the first part then it fails out.  Is there another way to make the disk image better?01:47
PumpernickelIt's probably one of a) a broken disk, b) a broken drive, or c) a non-standard disk e.g; DRMed, part audio, etc.01:50
test3rit is the disk for Postal2:STP.  It has StarForce / similar encryption and/or crazy method of messing me up making a backup of a software I have legaly purchased   =(((01:51
test3ris there another way to make an image of it that possibly wont fail out ?01:52
Catoptromancy_ hmm Starforce is tricky01:53
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Catoptromancy_Im sure starforce is probably the problem, it isnt scratched too badly01:54
Catoptromancy_Starforce wasnt suppose to let people make copies01:54
test3rOn RunningWithScissor's forums (back when they were still Up - the guys who make Postal) they said if you could make a backup of the disk you were allowd to.01:55
Catoptromancy_starforce may only run in windows01:55
Catoptromancy_and probably counts the number of times you make copies01:55
test3rIt may or may not be starforce. there is something goofy on it, though. Even ALCEE 120 has a glitch in it's image it makes of it.01:55
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test3rI can mount the image and the game thinks it is in the drive, but the game will crash randomly in the middle of itself probably due to a direct call where there should have never been one01:56
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silvertip257I'm looking to make a custom LiveCD of Xubuntu, but cannot find very good instructions/tutorials01:56
test3rSo I figure if I can burn a 1:1 copy of the thing, I'll be set01:57
Catoptromancy_sounds more like a glitch01:57
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test3rwell - Only Alcee can copy the thing. So you KNOW it has something goofy on the disk.01:57
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test3rAH HA ! I found an article that says i should try interface to Scd002:00
test3rit is a stream reference in the system. lets see if i can02:00
test3rdoes not exist.   =(02:01
test3rwould it make any difference if I manually mounted it thru loopbak?02:02
test3roh poo, it says /mnt is a directory so it doesnt want to dd it02:05
=== boxnetnet [n=box@81-228-28-154-o1110.telia.com] has joined #xubuntu
test3rok hopefully This will do it-  i added a conv=noerror  on that sucker hopefully it will keep going and do it Perfect.02:09
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test3rit's still going! It's gana make Something. I'll just have to burn it and test it.02:14
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Jester45does anyone know how stable phpbb3 is02:28
T`anyone here using xchat?02:37
GrueTamerT`: ive used it in the past, what do you need?02:44
T`GrueTamer: it exits if i press Ctrl X02:44
T`so trying to figure how to make it not do that02:44
T`thats the shortcut for cut02:44
T`so its annoyyong02:44
GrueTamerlook in settings > advanced > keyboard shortcuts02:47
GrueTamerthere *might* be something in there02:47
test3rWow the image of that CD came out quite large - 707473408.  looks like it might be over-burned, too. Can the "Xfburn" overburn auto like Nero will? Or should I try to use "growisofs" ?02:56
Jester45xfburn usees growisofs i think02:57
test3rhmmmmm......  6 in 1 half dozen in the other, then?02:58
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test3ri mean between those two, and say, wodim?02:58
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carolyn_is 7.04 out of the beta stage now?04:10
carolyn_like will it be safe to download if i'm dual-booting?04:10
ibbit should be04:10
ibbwhat kind of worries do you have?04:11
carolyn_i mostly just would like my other partition to be as safe as possible04:11
PumpernickelIt should be fine, so long as you have decent partitioning skills.04:12
carolyn_because it's a pain to have to wipe and reinstall04:12
PumpernickelIt's been out of beta for a month, and there haven't been any disasters that I've heard about.04:12
carolyn_ok. it probably won't be a huge problem anyway. i would just hate to lose all of my bookmarks and saved passwords and such04:13
carolyn_mostly i would just lose my iTunes library04:13
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PumpernickelOne thing worth noting ahead of time is that, because of the kernel's change re: libata, ide devices will now be named /dev/sd*.04:16
carolyn_Pumpernickel, ide?04:17
PumpernickelDevices that used to be named /dev/hd*.04:18
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test3rhey Pumpernickel - I ended up using CDRDAO tool that is pre-installed with Xubuntu. I just let it create it's own type of CUE sheet (it calls it a TOC file), and told it to burn the image at 16X. I had to use Raw-Mode reading to create the image with it.04:31
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:45
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:48
fogwarhey, i have java installed but its not working with my firefox?04:50
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infamyautomount on the xubuntu live cd is preventing me from installing xubuntu am i the only one with this issue?04:58
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BFTDI hate sansa05:05
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xub-nubanyone feel up to helping me set up my printer?05:12
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test3rfogwar: have you looked into Automatix?05:33
test3rPumpernickel: Yeah, it was great. I just tested for a good 30min & it seems the game is happy with the backup cdrdao made.05:35
fogwartest3r: dude im having such a hard time installing java..05:35
fogwari dont know wtf is up05:36
fogwarjava for firefox plugin05:36
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test3ryeah Automatix installed it fine for me I'm pretty sure05:36
test3ryou will need to click the output window to show Details so that you can accept the JAVA liscense thing05:36
test3ryou will see because it will just be sitting there.05:36
test3rhave u installed a native Deb packedge yet from manually on your system?05:37
test3rfrom within X?05:37
fogwari did thru root05:37
test3rOK then automatix will look like that did when it comes up, only hopefully by the time its done, it will setup better for whatever reason it does05:38
fogwarim talking about firefox java05:38
test3ryes so am i05:38
test3rjust google Automatix. you will see.05:38
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fogwartest3r: its tring to install wine but it says  it will runa config and once im done configuring it, i should hit ok but no config came up05:49
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test3rnot all of it is in perfect order it might launch winecfg when it's all completely done I'm not sure. Worse comes worse just manually launch the config option.05:59
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test3rfog did you get it?06:09
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carolyn_ok, something's wrong with my screen...but only in firefox so far...06:28
carolyn_i just updated to Feisty06:29
carolyn_and the entire screen of firefox is distorted. it's like stretched diagonally and the part that gets cut off is repeated on the opposite side06:30
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test3rThis ATX case is missing a 3-side-wrap cover. The outsides. Can linux fix me a new one?  ;907:57
test3ri would laugh if there is a prog like PCB for cases07:58
Jester46i know my question is offtopic and outdated but... i have a 80gb drive that i used as extra storage on my old win98 machine i figured, why not install a fresh copy to the 80 to see how fast it is.. and well when i try to do a lot of i/o the whole system freezes, is this somthing to do with win98 or the drive08:17
Jester46i was thinking that the drive is to advance08:17
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test3ra fresh copy of What, jester?08:36
test3rOSs dont like to be on removable media.08:36
Jester46it just puzzeled me08:36
test3ralthough youd think win98 would b better about it08:36
Jester46?? its a 80gb harddrive08:36
Jester46it worked fine as a 2nd drive08:37
Jester46but when i installed the os to it08:37
test3rif i remember correct didnt FAT32 and win98 have gig limitations?08:37
Jester46i couldnt do much i/o08:37
test3rdid you patch the 'kernel;' ?08:37
Jester46thats whats weird, when it was storage it was 80gb08:37
Jester46but shoulded it of been less08:38
test3reven winXP needed a fix to see my 160Gig back two years ago when i installed that08:38
test3rhow is the 80gig partitioned?08:38
Jester46fat32 all of it08:38
test3rmake a small partition for the WIn98 maybe that will help.  just keep all partitions in fat3208:38
Jester46could it of been becuase i used a downloaded cd? i lost mine08:39
=== Jester46 still had his product key
test3rcould b.  I know I didnt sent it to u so it could b anything on it08:40
test3ru scanned the thing, yes?08:40
test3rmount the iso and gut it with at Least AVG?08:40
Jester46i burned it then installed08:40
Jester46well.. i dont care what happens to the machine08:40
Jester46at long as the hardware is fine08:40
test3rit might not Damage the machine. perhaps it is supposed to Root it08:41
test3rid recommend using the tools from that security site...   shucks what is it.  You can trace running processes08:41
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test3rit is the guy that found the sony kit08:41
[g0t0] hello i need help on intalation08:42
test3rhe made some freeware tools to trace stuff08:42
[g0t0] if i pxe boot (i already success on it) can i use ubuntu iso that i already download08:42
[g0t0] my connection at home rather slow08:43
test3ryou mean thru network??? booting from a network?  erm, how is the CD in the system? network-wide shared drive?08:43
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Jester46test3r: there is a thing called netboot08:44
[g0t0] yes using tfttpd08:44
Jester46[g0t0] : maybe have a look at08:44
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate08:45
[g0t0] cd can be shared through my another computer it has http server on it08:45
test3rah ha= jester- it is at  www.sysinternals.net08:45
test3rso than boot from flop[py and mount thru loopbak08:45
test3rwait no ud have to launch it up in stuff somehow08:46
test3rsee a boot CD works because it is tricking the BIOS kind of08:46
Jester46not really08:46
test3rboot CDs have a small "floppy boot" image in the first part of the disk.08:46
Jester46its acting like a harddrive no trick08:46
test3rthe BIOS reads that and boots it just like a floopy would08:47
test3rso yes, it does kind of trick it08:47
[g0t0] yes but on instalation using pxe u must redownload packages from ubuntu server08:47
Jester46the bios knows its a cd08:47
test3ryour saying a boot cd has an MBR>? or how would it do that???08:47
[g0t0] if i would like to mirror feisty.. which one i need to download..08:48
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test3rthe packedges should be on the cd itself . use apt-get on them somehow pointing to the disk.    LoL  there are system Reqs for the different versions. AND it depends what you are trying to do with the install cd itself08:49
test3reasy route? Get the LiveCD08:49
test3rput it in. reboot your computer.08:49
[g0t0] well let see i have 100pc i want to install ubuntu.. i dont want each of them connect to ubuntu server asking packages.. so its better if i can mirror it...08:50
Jester46download the packages to your http then have each computer download the packages to apt's cache08:51
test3rthan you need to make a custom install disk possibly.  make scripts onto the disk image that will point to your own network locations for the packs (a giant server-mirror in your own network)08:51
Jester46then when you try to install apt all ready has them and installes08:51
test3ryes get them all in apt cache08:52
[g0t0] ubuntu cd seems compress the packages in casper/filesystem.squashfs08:53
[g0t0] hmm well gona try something...08:54
[g0t0] thank you08:54
test3ri mean08:55
Jester46minus the . at the front08:55
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test3rman, i dont think i can find Just The Top to an ATX case to buy Anywhere it seems09:10
test3reveryone wants to sell you a full new case again. sheesh!  I hope my buddy can find an Extra top for this case.09:11
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test3rgreetings fellow tuxer, how are you doing today?09:21
=== TheoMurpse [n=kyle_goe@cpe-70-112-72-206.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
TheoMurpseSo I just installed xubuntu 7.04 on my laptop, and am now trying to get a certain program compiled. However, when I do ./configure.sh, I get "Please install (or upgrade to) GTK+ 2.6.0, at least." How do I do this?09:25
Catoptromancysudo aptitude install gtk09:27
test3ryou might want "build-essential," too, if you plan on using MAKE at all09:29
TheoMurpsetest3r: yes, I plan on using MAKE. Do you mean I should sudo aptitude install build-essential? or what exactly is this "build-essential"?09:29
Myrttiit contains c++ compiler etc09:31
Myrttiall the stuff essential for compiling and building stuff09:31
TheoMurpseCatoptromancy: I tried "sudo aptitude install gtk" and got Couldn't find package "gtk", and more than 40 packages contain "gtk" in their name.09:31
Myrttiexcept automake, packaging stuff etc09:31
test3risnt it apt-get ?09:35
test3rtry sudo apt-get install gtk09:35
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test3ryou might need a full file name though and not just "gtk"09:35
Myrttitest3r: aptitude is in many ways better than apt-get09:35
sutabiIs there a way to upgrade xubuntu without downloading the .iso and putting it into a cd/etc09:35
test3rlol- use synaptic.09:35
Myrttifor instance, if you remove programs installed with it, it also remove redundant packages09:36
test3rclick the little button and Search    =909:36
Myrttisutabi: sure there is09:36
Myrttisutabi: gksudo "update-manager -c"09:36
TheoMurpsetest3r: what is the full name of gtk? gimp toolkit?09:36
test3rno that is for the program GIMP09:36
test3ra photoeditor09:37
sutabiMyrtti, ah thanks!!!09:37
Myrttitest3r: try libgtk-dev09:37
TheoMurpseI know what GIMP is. However, I need GTK+ 2.6.0? sudo apt-get install gtk 2.6.0?09:38
test3rmmmmm, i remember whan i looked for GTK i had trouble finding it also.  yes that might be it. i remember it wasl Already Installed I believe09:38
=== Eagle_101 [n=eagle@unaffiliated/eagle101/x-0000001] has joined #xubuntu
test3rlibgtk2  is the newest i can see and it is installed on my system here. I am using Xubuntu 7.04 though09:40
Eagle_101Ok, I'm trying to get the LiveCD to work for whatever the latest (7.04) cd to start up. I am stuck in the "auth window, I can't even play around in the enviroment, because I can't log in09:40
TheoMurpseI tried sudo apt-get install libgtk2 and got Couldn't find package libgtk209:41
sutabiHm.. doing the update but it stops and errors with Execption from gpg: GnuPG exited with non-zero, with code 13107209:41
test3ryou booted from the CD-ROM ?  The CD has no install / login window.09:41
Eagle_101yes I booted from the CD-ROM09:41
Eagle_101put up the xubuntu login screen09:41
TheoMurpseSomeone just tell me how to get at least GTK 2.6.0 on my system, that's all I need. Isn't this a major component of running a lot of LInux apps? should't it be easier to update this?09:41
Catoptromancysudo aptitude install gtk+09:42
test3rTheo you are running it right now if you are using Ubuntu OR Xubuntu09:42
Catoptromancywhatever is packages it lists09:42
Catoptromancycopy and paste09:42
Eagle_101no test3r I'm running gentoo linux at the moment09:42
Eagle_101version me ;)09:42
sutabiMyrtti, and idea on why update-manager would give me this? http://dpaste.com/1121909:42
test3rthen, WHY, are you in This support channel?09:42
Eagle_101test3r,  because I want to install xubuntu09:43
Myrttisutabi: wow, no idea09:43
Eagle_101but the LiveCD won't let me play around or get into the install window09:43
TheoMurpseCatoptromancy: I tried sudo aptitude install gtk+ and it couldn't find a package called gtk. 0 packages to update.09:43
Myrttisutabi: try #ubuntu?09:43
sutabiMyrtti, thanks will do09:43
test3rwait I thought gentoo was the end all of end alls? At least some of the die-hards would have me believe that.09:43
Eagle_101test3r, heh ;) it is unless you want to use wireless ;)09:44
test3rI just got slack running on a Pentium One with 16MB Ram though09:44
test3rhmmmmmm- yes- auditing my own WiFi is nice & i like it.   ^ ^09:44
Eagle_101I want to try xubuntu to see if I can't make my wireless owrk on that :)09:44
test3rthere is a page about what cards will work what brand is your wifi card?09:45
Eagle_101but I can't get the live cd to work, forget the card09:45
Eagle_101test3r, I'm running broadcom 4318 if I recall correctly, I've spent hours trying to configure this on gentoo09:45
test3rhmmm the name doesnt ring a bell but that doesnt mean it wont work09:46
Eagle_101test3r, yeah I've seen some promising guides on ubuntu forums09:46
test3rmine is some AirLink from WORSTbuy stores  some grace of god it is a great card to have apparently09:46
Eagle_101 which would be nice if I could only use the CD09:46
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test3rYeah - the cd gave you a Login? That is really weird.  did u try "root" ?09:47
Eagle_101I'm getting some login screen thats all blue (pretty much blue background) with two options language, and something else09:47
Eagle_101yeah I've tried root, I've tried putting nothing, I've tried putting my old name for my gentoo install09:48
Eagle_101(and yes the MD5 hashes match)09:48
test3rboy- thats what i woulda done. You got Me. !!! No clue  =(09:48
Eagle_101so yeah... I've got a useless CD here :(09:49
test3rmaybe yolu need to pass the kernel a boot option at start time?09:49
test3rbecause root should be starting up X for you09:49
Eagle_101mmm what would I want to pass it... I thought this was for new folks to linux >.>09:49
test3rit is but perhaps you have goofy hardware09:50
Eagle_101and at no point does the CD seem to allow me to interrupt its start up09:50
test3rI just ran across an INTEL graphics chip that GParted wont boot on09:50
test3ri now have to get a PCI graphics card for the box09:50
test3rits at the first first first menu09:51
test3rthe one with "start Xubuntu"  and "test memory"09:51
Eagle_101thats my lspci output09:52
test3rthere is an option to pass things to the kernel at that spot09:52
Eagle_101ok, what would I want to pass it?09:52
Eagle_101I saw 5 options09:52
TheoMurpseOK, for anyone who is curious, I got my problem solved by going to synaptic and selecting to install libgtk2-dev09:52
test3rthat link is 404 for me, & my net is obviously working09:52
Eagle_101try that sorry09:53
Eagle_101I'm in terminal only mode. (no Xfce)09:53
test3rno way- you needed the Development pak huh?  Thanks Theo! I'll write it down actually on my cheat sheet09:53
TheoMurpsetest3r: yeah, as soon as I added the dev pack, ./configuration.sh worked like a charm09:54
test3roh crap, so you cant even spawn a new tab and search forums even   =/09:54
test3ru can spawn new tty tho09:54
Eagle_101yeah :)09:55
Eagle_101If I wanted to I could start up X09:55
Eagle_101but I was hoping one of you folks would be able to say, you dunderhead you should be doing X09:55
test3rlynx is nice i like it09:57
Eagle_101it is :)09:57
test3r!kernel option09:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel option - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:57
test3r!boot option09:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about boot option - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:57
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto09:57
Eagle_101well be right back I'm going to start up X09:57
test3rthere check that spot there09:57
test3rcan u believe the dumb luck. at least i know what to show him when he returns.09:58
=== Eagle_101 [n=eagle@unaffiliated/eagle101/x-0000001] has joined #xubuntu
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto09:58
test3ryes exactly - hopefully the answer is there 4 u09:59
Eagle_101ok :)10:00
Eagle_101this is really odd though, why does the CD even have a login window O.o10:00
test3rI have never had that window happen pre-installation.10:01
Eagle_101thing i I had at one time the Dapper10:02
Eagle_101and it had no problems >.>10:02
Eagle_101test3r, none of those links above seem to be helping anything :(10:04
TheoMurpseWhat si the default password for root? I need to run something as root, not just through sudo (linux tenderfoot here, so perhaps I'm wrong about this, but my program instructs that I must run make install as root).10:04
Eagle_101TheoMurpse, when you use the install CD you should *be* root10:05
test3rno just use SuDo, running as true-root on *buntu is a bad idea10:05
test3roh he is on the LiveCD?10:05
Eagle_101at least that was how the dapper cds work10:05
TheoMurpseEagle_101: I'm not running off the livecd right now.10:06
test3rsudo runs a command as root would either way.10:06
test3rit is equal10:06
Eagle_101ok test3r if I were to ask a question in the forums, where is the best place to ask something of the nature I just asked you?10:06
test3rbut you are setup for One10:06
TheoMurpsetest3r: sudo elevates My privileges, but doesn't make me root. It just makes my user account a "privileged user". Am I mistaken?10:06
test3rare you talking about running with -i ????  just use the command you need as root by " sudo COMMAND"10:07
Eagle_101TheoMurpse, sudo makes you root10:07
TheoMurpseEagle_101: OK. I keep getting conflicting statements on this account. Thanks, Eagle, I'll take your word for it.10:07
Eagle_101welcome ;)10:07
test3rif Quake3 Shareware can install from source using SuDo, you can install the command you want using sudo10:08
test3rit is equal to root, as I said back up there ^^^^10:08
TheoMurpsetest3r and Eagle_101: I'm from an XP world, where "Admin" (root) and "runas" (su) are different.10:10
TheoMurpseJust get confused sometimes.10:10
test3rEagle: I wish I knew why the CD is giving you a login prompt when you havent even installed yet.10:15
Eagle_101test3r, me too, I"m going to ask a question in the forums... my first post there! yey :P10:15
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MaxFrameshello channel10:18
TheoMurpsehello visitor10:18
test3rEagle for Ubuntu the login name i read is "ubuntu"  and no pass10:20
test3rso try "xubuntu"  no pass10:20
test3rall i did was webcrawler for "buntu livecd login prompt"10:21
test3rits the 11th link.  OS News it says as title10:21
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Eagle_101tried that10:24
Eagle_101'xubuntu' does not work10:24
Eagle_101sorry :(10:24
Eagle_101(and sorry for the delay in the response, I'm typing up a forum post)10:25
test3roh it is also the 8th link as well.  Oh no you are kidding? And you said your MD5 is perfect??????? No corrupt disk?10:25
Eagle_101dead sure10:25
Eagle_101perhaps I should try "ubuntu"?10:25
test3rlol maybe so eh?  =D10:25
test3rgive it a shot.10:25
Eagle_101I will, /me saves forum post ;) )10:25
Eagle_101ok I'll be back shortly... hopefully ;)10:27
Eagle_101thanks test3r :)10:27
Eagle_101bye for now :)10:28
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test3rT` > your nick name has a "n=" inside of it it looks like10:36
test3ractually you are not the only one now that i look above.10:37
Catoptromancywhat the bash command to show kernel version?10:39
Catoptromancylike "kernel --version"? something10:39
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Eagle_101no good test3r10:39
MercheloCatoptromancy: uname -a10:39
Catoptromancyuname "linux"10:39
test3rThat was my last suggestion. I had seen that work for another In This Room prob a yr ago. Someone will know what to do.  Good Luck!10:44
Merchelowho's looking for the password for root?10:44
test3rEagle cant boot LiveCD as it drops him at prompt10:44
test3rer, at login prompt graphical boot tho- so X is up.10:44
test3rexactly. he has tried ubuntu//null , ubuntu//ubuntu, xubuntu//xubuntu,  and maybe more.  Oh- his current linux login.  he has Gentoo installed I think ?10:45
T`test3r, ?10:45
test3rT` >  yes?10:45
T`test3r, should i be concerned?10:45
T`test3r, regarding the n=10:46
test3rabout the n= thing????  no i thought it messed up your name at first10:46
T`haha ok10:46
test3rid say -   Wipe the gentoo.  I compiled that sucker for THREE days and it couldnt get Auto-DHCP from a PCI-3COM card to get internet from my network here at my house.  as far as im concerned, if you want a minimal dist- use slack.10:48
Eagle_101oh test3r its not letting me put in passwords10:48
Eagle_101test3r, heh ;) my gentoo works flawlessly other then my wireless card10:48
test3ryeah but I installed slack in hours.10:48
test3rnot says.10:48
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Eagle_101hehe :)10:49
test3rfrom floppy.10:49
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Eagle_101test3r, I'm seriously thinking about axing the microsoft10:49
Eagle_101well I'm going to put a post in the ubuntu forums10:50
test3rout of curiosity - which loader did u go with?10:50
test3rGRUB or LiLO/?10:51
test3rhmmmm-   well that logically should play well with *buntu, as long as it is a newer up to date version I'd guess10:52
test3rI dont imagein they make much changes to those10:53
Eagle_101test3r, yeah and I can't see how that would affect the LiveCD10:54
test3rit wouldnt. X had already started!  the whole thing is bizzar10:55
Eagle_101affecting the install I can imagine, especially if it wants to put in LiLO10:55
test3rno it uses GRUB as GRUB is supposidly better with dualboot I guess10:55
test3rbut I know gentoo can choose either10:55
test3rit is in their manual which i read front-2-back10:55
Eagle_101yep :)10:56
Eagle_101gentoo is like the ultimate in terms of getting to choose10:56
test3rchoices are great once you know what to choose.10:57
test3rfor my first tux box though it was a bit much obviously10:57
Eagle_101heh :)10:57
test3reven Following the instructions10:57
Eagle_101oh I dumped my question into absolute beginner talk >.>10:58
test3rthat's probably better-  less change of flame-edge & prob low response time10:59
Eagle_101hopefully ;)10:59
test3rand then when they Solve it you will be plenty prepared to issue any piece they have you changing.11:00
test3rwell - I hope they do.  I have to get to bed it is 5 AM where I am11:00
test3rtake care11:01
Eagle_101ok night :)11:01
Eagle_101thanks for your help.11:01
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jlehtoHi. I have some core.xxxx files in my home directory, where xxxx are numbers. What all those and can I delete those?11:49
jlehtoAll of those are over 100 MB11:50
Eagle_101mmm have not a clue, I don't see any in my gentoo install (I'm still working on trying to install xubuntu) though I don't know if they are required for ubuntu11:51
jlehtoThunar says that those are some kind of programs crash information11:52
Eagle_101jlehto, I don't know if you can or not, I don't think those are critical to the distro, but as I'm not running it I can't tell you for sure11:53
graziejlehto: As you've already discovered, they are core dump files that can be produced when an app crashes11:55
jlehtoSo can I just remove those and my system work as before after it?11:58
Eagle_101jlehto, yeah I think11:58
Eagle_101sounds like all they are, are dump files11:58
jlehtookei. I removed all of those12:00
graziejlehto: you remove then without problems, yes. They can be used to debug why a program is crashing.12:01
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=== Eagle_101 is still wondering what makes the LiveCD request a username... and it won't take any username that I enter
grazieEagle_101: which livecd?12:02
Eagle_101I wrote the whole problem out there >.> :P12:02
Eagle_101its really odd :O12:02
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grazieEagle_101: it actually difficult to read that page, but iirc the gentoo livecd does need username/password. Unfortunately, I can't remember what it is. I use ppc gentoo which has no livecd as yet. It must in the docs which are usually excellent.12:05
Eagle_101no no, I'm using the xubuntu liveCD12:06
grazieEagle_101: that's really odd?12:06
Eagle_101I already have gentoo installed12:06
Eagle_101I'm trying to install xubuntu12:06
Eagle_101feisty 7.0412:06
grazieEagle_101: you haven't downloaded a tweaked version of the iso?12:07
Eagle_101grazie, nope, this is the one from the website12:09
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grazieEagle_101: I don't know how ubuntu handles login, but some livecd distros generate a random password. Maybe this is where you are failing?12:12
Eagle_101grazie, no random pass, all I'm getting is a request for me to enter a username12:12
Eagle_101this is the first thing that I see after it boots into the CD12:13
grazieEagle_101: again I don't know, but the user will probably be root. I think you'll need to contact one the devs to sort it12:14
Eagle_101:S bug?12:14
grazieEagle_101: seems like it...did the md5 check out? Can you try the cd on another machine?12:15
Eagle_101don't have a second machine to test on... if it were a bug, the forums would be full of cries for help12:16
Eagle_101I can't install the distro without getting past this login screen12:16
Eagle_101md5 did check out12:16
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grazieEagle_101: not necessarily...there may be something unusual about your machine12:17
Eagle_101mmm :S12:17
grazieEagle_101: don't you get the boot menu with check memory etc?12:19
Eagle_101I would rather not try to re burn the CD... it took 3 hours to download O.o12:19
Eagle_101I get that, and the CD checks out there12:19
grazieEagle_101: you tried the recovery mode?12:20
Eagle_101:S recoery mode...12:20
Eagle_101um... I don't have it currently installed...12:20
grazieEagle_101: sorry...I'm getting confused12:20
Eagle_101grazie, I don't have xubuntu installed, so how would the recovery information help?12:21
Eagle_101err the recovery mode.12:21
grazieEagle_101: like I said ...I was getting confused12:21
Eagle_101ok :)12:22
jlehtoEagle_101: Can't you just install it from alternative install cd?12:22
grazieEagle_101: Do you have VirtualBox  or similar installed?12:23
Eagle_101 I have gentoo installed, and I'd rather not install it with the alternate as I would like to see if my wireless will work12:24
Eagle_101as to do so means I'm over writing gentoo12:25
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grazieEagle_101: No...do you have virtualisation software on  XP (vmware, etc) or gentoo (qemu, vmware, virtualbox,etc)?12:26
Eagle_101no... :(12:26
Eagle_101would having any of that help?12:26
Eagle_101and if I were to try that, which one should I try?12:27
Eagle_101well I'm installing virtualbox now12:28
grazieEagle_101: yes....you can see if the the livecd boots correctly under virtualisation. On XP would be quickest...no building required...vmware would be a demo...virtualbox is now open source12:28
Eagle_101grazie, I've just run emerge virtualbox ;)12:29
=== grazie linux is better anyways
Eagle_101so in about 30 minutes I will have it working hopefully :)12:29
grazieEagle_101: how much ram you got though?12:30
Eagle_101I'm only keeping my microsoft XP at the moment as it has wireless... and at my house thats all we have12:30
graziea bit tight...12:30
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Eagle_101grazie, yeah I know...12:30
Eagle_101but gentoo is lightweight12:30
Eagle_101I'll shut down firefox and non-essential stuff.12:30
Eagle_101hopefully I won't hit swap O.o12:31
Eagle_101what I don't get is why the CD even has that login screen to start with >.>12:33
=== TehRealNexGen [n=benjamin@81-178-255-168.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #xubuntu
jlehtoI'm upgrading my xubuntu 6.06 to 7.04. Should I replace the /etc/login.defs. The upgrading thing is asking it12:50
graziejlehto: you should upgrade to 6.10 first if you are not already doing this12:54
Eagle_101http://freeshells.ch/~jargoman/ndiswrapper.html << that makes me hopefull that someday my wireless will work ;)12:57
Eagle_101iff I can get my CD to work first ;)12:57
Eagle_101grazie, when I get the virtualbox thing installed, what do I do to get the CD going?01:01
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grazieEagle_101: can't give exact instructions for vb as it's not installed on current machine, but it should be pretty obvious. Create a virtual machine and use the livecd01:04
Eagle_101ok :S use the CD or the .iso file on my cd?01:06
Eagle_101err the .iso on my harddisk?01:06
grazieEagle_101: iso image would be faster...think vb supports that01:09
Eagle_101if it will ever finish installing O.o01:10
graziei think an hour to compile is more realistic, maybe more with 256M of ram01:14
Eagle_101yeah I see that ;)01:15
=== Eagle_101 is just finding it frustrating that the LiveCD is giving him a login window O.o
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Mercheloyeah, i didn't get that, just  a clean install for me01:30
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Eagle_101is there a commend in windows similar to wget?02:45
pleia2there is a version of wget for windows02:54
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=== homebrewcider [n=malandme@219-90-136-35.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #xubuntu
homebrewcidergot a bit of a problem, trying to install libxine-extracodecs to get mp3 support for amarok, says " Package libxine-extracodecs has no installation candidate", can someone help please03:17
pleia2homebrewcider: do you have multiverse in your /etc/sources.list ?03:18
homebrewciderin synaptic? is that what you mean?03:19
pleia2libxine-extracodecs is part of multiverse, so you'd need it added to your sources03:19
homebrewciderall the boxes are checked as far as repositories go03:19
pleia2what version of xubuntu are you using?03:20
homebrewciderdapper shows it's head in the repositories lists03:20
homebrewciderthey're shown as 6.0603:21
homebrewciderthat's dapper isn't it?03:21
gnomefreakhomebrewcider: can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to pastebin03:21
homebrewciderok hang on03:21
pleia2gnomefreak: gah, gnomefreak thanks :)03:22
gnomefreakpleia2: yw ;)03:22
gnomefreakhe may have them #03:22
gnomefreakor a fun mixed list03:22
pleia2libxine-extracodecs is in dapper multiverse03:22
gnomefreakshould be03:23
=== gnomefreak needs a break from bzr anyway :(
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gnomefreakhomebrewcider: you dont have multiverse03:24
gnomefreakhomebrewcider: you have backports/multiverse03:24
leobloomcould somebody tell me where I can find a listofthe common problems with xubuntu feisty? Id lik e to know if they've fixed that damned troublewith the menu that edgyhad03:25
homebrewciderah okay03:25
homebrewciderhow do I rectify that please?03:25
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gnomefreakhomebrewcider: open that file up with gksudo <yourchoiceofeditors> and add a space than the word multiverse after all lines ending in universe03:25
gnomefreakor sudo nano03:25
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gnomefreakhomebrewcider: than save it than close it and run sudo apt-get update than sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs03:26
homebrewciderhang on03:27
gnomefreakhomebrewcider: when you are done editing it before you close it please pastebin it and type my nick like gnomefreak linktopastebin  i have to look away for a little bit saying my nick will alert me03:28
homebrewciderevery line, even security lines?03:30
homebrewciderevery line, even security lines?03:31
gnomefreakhomebrewcider: yes as long as they end in universe03:31
gnomefreakif they end in anything but universe leave them alone03:31
homebrewcidernearly done03:31
gnomefreakshould be ~4 lines03:32
gnomefreakthat need to be changes03:32
gnomefreakhomebrewcider: save it and close it03:34
homebrewciderdid it look right?03:34
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jlehtoHi. I'm upgrading my xubuntu system to 7.04. I'm not sure was it 6.06 or 6.10. Can it cause bad damages if it was 6.06?03:40
jlehtoI used the Update manager and it seems to go well03:41
homebrewcidergnomefreak, many thanks03:42
gnomefreakhomebrewcider: yw03:42
homebrewcider :)03:42
homebrewcidergoodnight, it's late here03:42
gnomefreakhomebrewcider: it looked right just do sudo apt-get update than install the package03:42
homebrewciderI now have mp303:42
homebrewcider :)03:43
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jlehtoso what kind of damage can upgrading from 6.06 to 7.04 do?03:45
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Merchelojlehto: not much03:50
Merchelojlehto: use the update manager to upgrade03:50
jlehtoMerchelo: I used it03:50
Mercheloany problems?03:50
jlehtoMerchelo: Not yet. It is still doing the upgrade03:51
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jlehtoMerchelo: Maybe it was already 6.10 if it was released last year and I installed my xubuntu in January03:53
jlehtoI'm not sure03:53
Merchelodid it have a nice feisty upgrade icon on the update manager?03:53
jlehtoI don't remember what that icon looks or was it there03:54
jlehtoThe update manager just said that there is version 7.04 available03:54
W8TAHim having issues with vmware -- when i try to run it, it complains that it needs to be re-configured when i try to it complins it cant stop all the services03:54
W8TAHim on fiesty03:55
W8TAHwhat do i do?03:55
Merchelojlehto: yeah, thats it, did you click on it?03:55
jlehtoyes I did and it started upgrading03:55
Merchelocools, best way to do it, ^5 jlehto03:55
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jlehtoso maybe it will work okay03:56
jlehtoI'm just quite new xubuntu user03:57
jlehtoDo I have to install nvidia drivers again after upgrading?03:59
Merchelofglrx ?03:59
Merchelooh wait, thats ati, it should be fine03:59
jlehtoI just got those drivers installed this morning04:00
Mercheloshould be no change under fiesty04:01
Mercheloyour not relation to JJ lehto ?04:02
jlehtono im not but I am too from Finland04:03
Merchelocool, fins rock04:03
jlehtomaybe they do04:04
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jlehtobtw is it easy to get logitech web cams work with xubuntu?04:07
Mercheloi don't know, but i remember reading about a guy who wrote drivers for over 2000 webcams :)04:08
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:08
jlehtoI have read something about those drivers04:08
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silvertip257I've recently tried to customize a xubuntu liveCD, but the md5sum on the CD fails and of course the CD will not run the live distro04:16
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djuuss_how to install Xfce 4.4.1 ?04:58
djuuss_can i use the debian unstable repository?04:58
TheSheepdjuuss_: you can upgrade to Gutsy04:59
djuuss_:O how!05:00
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:00
djuuss_some stuff (most notably focus changing when changing desktops) that are annoying me atm are fixed in 4.4.1 so i'm looking forward to it      (gotta love dual-head and cedega)05:00
TheSheepdjuuss_: but remember that it's an early alpha version05:01
djuuss_can i selectively pick packages to upgrade to or do i get the whole thing? are you using it atm?05:01
TheSheepdjuuss_: yes and yes05:01
TheSheepdjuuss_: just add the gutsy repositories and do a refresh in synaptic05:02
djuuss_cool, theres nothing about Gutsy on that link you gave me tho,  just put 'gutsy' after 'main universe' etc05:02
TheSheepdjuuss_: just copy the entries for feisty and replace all the 'fesity' with 'gutsy;05:03
TheSheep'feisty' with 'gutsy'05:04
djuuss_Will do05:04
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djuuss_i prefer Xfce4 over gnome and kde quite a lot, mostly look and feel and memory footprint, tho i think KDE handles dual-head setups a bit better05:07
tobiasHi, how do I install Skype in Xubuntu? I've got something wrong.05:07
tobiastobias@hakkburk:~$ sudo dpkg -i skype_debian-
tobiasdpkg: status database area is locked by another process05:07
djuuss_if i have more questions should i ask in private or is this channel ok TheSheep?   I have one, why does XFCE metapackage upgrade demand the removal of gimp and swfplayer05:09
djuuss_tobias, kill synaptic first05:09
TheSheepdjuuss_: ask here05:11
TheSheepdjuuss_: thexfce metapackage is obsolete, I think05:11
TheSheep!info xfce05:11
ubotuPackage xfce does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:12
TheSheepdjuuss_: it's no longer in feisty even05:12
TheSheepdjuuss_: install particular components instead05:13
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djuuss_tobias, did that help? 'database area is locked' means some apt process is already running, so if its not synaptic then check your terminal(s) to see if apt is running in any of those05:14
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Rocito!info xfce405:19
tobiasWhere do I change the volume at my microphone?05:19
ubotuxfce4: meta-package for xfce4 dependencies. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 4 kB, installed size 48 kB05:19
tobias!info microphone05:19
ubotuPackage microphone does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:19
Rocitotobias, run 'alsamixer' in a terminal05:20
Rocitotobias, do you use the microphone on your sound card or is it an external usb headset?05:20
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tobiashow do I save the settings?05:21
tobiasJust close it?05:21
tobias(it's working)05:21
Rocitoyour done05:22
tobiaswooh \o/05:22
tobiasYou'r so kind :)05:22
tobiasNow I've got skype up 'n working :)05:22
RocitoTheSheep, you seem to be an authority on this channel.. Can we use it for general 'oh i love xfce4 / Ah nice, this package i was looking for!'  chat, or only ask/answer questions05:23
ubotu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:24
RocitoGrey area i say, 'Oeh nice, 'xmove' is a brilliant new utility for people who use dual-head'  doenst sound offtopic to me ;)05:26
TheSheepRocito: if you want to please the developers, better say it on #xfce05:27
tobiasJust don't talk about your mother having sex at the next door. ;-)05:27
tobiasTHAT would be off-topic.05:27
RocitoWill do TheSheep, last time i checked that channel it was empty but apparantly you need to register with nickserv before it shows anything, did that now (djuuss is my pc login name, fallback for xchat apparantly)05:28
tobiasI liek irssi :)05:28
=== Eagle_101 [n=ubuntu@unaffiliated/eagle101/x-0000001] has joined #xubuntu
Eagle_101Finally got the liveCD to work >.>05:30
TheSheepwierd, you only should need to register to send private messages05:30
TheSheepEagle_101: \o/05:30
TheSheepEagle_101: generated own checksum? :)05:30
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:30
tobiasSomething I could do with linux, wich is fun or necessary? I'm total newbie :)05:31
Eagle_101TheSheep: no I had to pass it a boot command :S05:31
Eagle_101tobias install it :)05:31
tobiasI've done so :)05:31
TheSheeptobias: anything you can do with a computer in general. personally I find programming fun, but your mileage may vary ;)05:31
RocitoWill installing xserver-xgl instead of xserver-xorg affect 3d gaming performance negatively? (or positively!) Anyone know?05:31
tobiasI've done some basic VB anc C# before, but... they are bound to Windows :'(05:32
Eagle_101TheSheep: new problem it does not like mounting my file systems... anything change since dapper on dual boot systems?05:32
TheSheeptobias: untrue, there is mono and pnet for linux05:32
Eagle_101tobias: pick up something like php or perl ;)05:32
TheSheeptobias: for example, beagle and tomboy are both written in c#05:32
Eagle_101TheSheep: mono sorta sucks... it does not work well with windows forms05:32
tobiasWhat does tomboy?05:32
TheSheeptobias: a note-taking program05:33
tobiasaha :-)05:33
TheSheeptobias: zim is something similar, only written in perl and faster05:33
Eagle_101are there any changes in how ubuntu does partitions since dapper?05:35
TheSheepEagle_101: no05:36
Eagle_101mmm ok05:36
TheSheepEagle_101: I think the interface to the partitioner migth have changed in the GUI installer, I never used it though05:36
tobiasbrb :)05:36
Eagle_101yeah it has05:36
Eagle_101and its not as good for daul boot systems >.>05:37
Eagle_101I don't know what its problem is.05:37
TheSheepEagle_101: there are some bugs about automounter preventing formatting of pertitions05:38
tobiasbah! no job for me this summer. Unless they find some speciality I know >.<05:39
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TheSheeptobias: penguin rising05:39
tobiasw00t? :D05:39
TheSheepand penguin training05:40
tobiasah ;o05:40
tobiasis it installed?05:40
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TheSheeptobias: I was proposing some specialities05:40
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Eagle_101interesting problem :S05:55
tobiasOh noes, I haet problems.05:55
Eagle_101I'm trying to make an ext2 partition into an ext3 partition (from my older gentoo install) Its throwing a tempertantrum :(05:56
Eagle_101telling its mounted, even when I unmount it05:56
Eagle_101 mmm nice... it has fdisk :)05:59
tobiasWhats the difference of man and xman?05:59
Eagle_101man is the mauals... dunno about xman... sounds like it is a graphical ting06:00
Eagle_101ah I see... the CD has a really nasty tendency to want to mount drives right when you don't want it to06:02
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Eagle_101mmm making me reboot to set the partition table >.<06:10
Eagle_101back in a sec06:10
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Laibschwhat do you guys suggest as an XML editor?06:25
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Jester46Laibsch: scite06:31
LaibschJester46: Thanks, I'll give it a try.  I have so far googled "conglomerate".  I'll test them both06:37
LaibschOther suggestions welcome06:37
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Merchelonvu is nice06:47
Eagle_101one gripe, way too much work to do the partitions...06:52
Eagle_101other then that its working fine :)06:52
=== test3r [n=ubuntu@71-89-151-154.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
test3rHey I have an eMachines box here with WinXP already on it and I wanted to dualboot it. I cant get GParted livecd to boot up though because of the graphics chip, apparently. However, I just tried the 704 BETA livecd on a hunch, and here I am.06:57
test3ris there a way I can get my vid driver this is using and use it on the GParted livecd?06:57
test3r*funnies part- its an INTEL graphics, it should work like a charm. All hardware call SHOULD work to it, you'd think.06:58
=== W8TAH [n=tholmes@static-acs-24-239-210-31.zoominternet.net] has joined #xubuntu
test3ranyone that says our dist sucks is out of their mind. this can come up but gparted wont even come up for me07:00
test3r(Watch-  I'm immitating what INTEL must have been thinking making this graphics chip - ) "OH gee, all we have exp w/ is crappy INDEO video that died the week it was made, but let's make a Graphics Card! We shouldn't use other manufacturer's codes, either, as that would be too logical, might save time/R&D, and would actually allow our chip to FUNCTION!"          ^ ^07:03
test3r=D   rofl.  Hi there, Eagle. Did you get that boot prob sorted, yet?07:05
TheSheeptest3r: I think that there is also gparted on the livecd07:06
test3roh my god it would be the saving grace! so if i type that at prompt it should come up?07:06
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hyper__chTheSheep: hiho07:10
hyper__chTheSheep: you're a good server admin, right?07:10
Eagle_101TheSheep: the graphical partition thingie on ubuntu is broken >.>07:10
hyper__chEagle_101: what's the problem?07:12
=== test3r [n=shane@71-89-151-154.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
test3rby the time i realised it was too late-  when you launch term from the Apps menu on the liveCD, it switches to TTY1, mmm?07:16
test3rI thought it freeked out and didnt shutdown proper either07:16
test3rn/m i just recieved special delivery-  the top/sides to an ATX case and a PCI-based graphics accell...  ^ ^07:31
test3rpeeeeeeeeeeee iece07:31
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Eagle_101hey test3r I did get the LiveCD to work finally ;)07:33
tobiasTeh install to?07:33
Eagle_101hyper__ch: it kept mounting the drives when I told it not to >.> so it would error out when I tried to change the formats... luckly there is a commandline editor :)07:34
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hyper__chEagle_101: your wifi card works now?07:34
Eagle_101hyper__ch: no :( but I"ve not played with the tuturials yet07:35
Eagle_101I'm installing it now, I found a really promising tuturial, one thats speciicially for my card07:35
test3rholy crap- nice 1, Eagle.07:35
tobiasIf I want to autostart Skype, I go in to "Autostarted application", when I browse for the files I go to hidden files, and then Skype. What file should I choose?07:35
test3rsee - you'll learn some nittygritty doing it too  ;)07:36
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tobiasEagle_101: You know the awnser to my autostart question?07:41
test3ryou want to choose the one that says .x86  or the such07:41
test3ryou might b able to use a link in BIN if exists, too07:41
test3rcheck in /bin , and see if your cmnd is there07:42
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tobiasit was not :-( And I don't find any .x86 @ .skype07:42
tobiasThat might be the settingsfolder?07:43
Eagle_101tobias: sorry what was your question?07:43
tobiasI want to start skype per default when booting the computer07:43
test3rur not going to believe this- the PCI card wont fit it is a midge of nothing away frrom the length it needs to be07:44
Eagle_101tobias: get crontab07:44
Merchelois there a winscp type app with a  nice GUI07:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crontab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:44
test3ryes use cron07:44
ubotucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm07:44
Eagle_101there you go07:44
Eagle_101and set it to @reboot skype07:44
test3rset it up how you would setup PG07:44
test3ris there a reboot tab? i thought cron ran by day month year etc07:45
Merchelotest3r: you on xubuntu?07:45
Eagle_101test3r: yeah there is a reboot07:45
test3reither way- chek about yusing a cron tab with it07:45
test3ryes i am07:45
Eagle_101you just do @reboot in the crontab07:45
tobiasdoes cron have GUI?07:45
test3raaaaaa OK07:45
test3rno no gui for cron07:45
test3rull need to edit those with SUDO07:45
Eagle_101you just put the command in :)07:45
Mercheloah wait, tobias are you on xubuntu? menu->settings->autostarted applications07:46
Eagle_101like if you want something to go daily at midnight07:46
Eagle_1010 0 * * * /your/command/here07:46
Eagle_101oh! xubuntu has that O.o07:46
test3ryes you should learn it it is vital for any linux admin to know.07:46
tobiasWell, I'm looking for the file witch is like windows .exe? :P07:46
tobiasI'm total newb to linux.07:46
Eagle_101tobias: don't worry :)07:46
Eagle_101tobias: linux does not have .exe07:47
Eagle_101err it does, but you run those through wine07:47
test3r"Biggie SQUEEEEEEEEZE it ta make ch*t fit"  horray that card barely slid in07:47
tobiasI know linux don't have .exe, but how does an application start? Linux don't use something similar?07:48
test3rits an S3, too.07:48
test3rgparted livecd should have NO pro with it07:48
test3rboard made 6/6/95 t says on the sticker on the back side of the board07:48
grazietobias: easiest solution is to exit xfce with skype still running ensuring to check the save session. Next time you start xfce, skype will start up too.07:49
Eagle_101test3r: I was having problems with it, configuring my dual boot, so I just used the command line fdisk07:49
test3rtobias > i told you there should be one that says *.x8607:49
test3rthats the one that will come up In Here07:49
test3rnot in terminal07:49
tobiasI'd got it now. It's just to write "skype" in consol, witch would make it easy to write "skype" in the commandline to ;) I'm so stoopid.07:49
test3ryouhave to launch that file from some type of command line, tyou see? BUT THEN it will make a window in here ad come up07:50
test3rI'll laugh if I confused my extentions too07:50
test3rim 99% sure you wanta .x86 file07:50
W8TAHhi folks - im lookin for suggestions here - - i have been using adobe premier to do all my video editing in, but for this vacation i'll have my xubuntu laptop with me -- i can capture using kino but it does not seem to want to do titling etc07:51
W8TAHwhat editor would you recomend07:51
test3rheh....  ^ ^07:51
test3rbeing as it takes a fration of the time to mux down compared to adobe07:52
W8TAHis pinnacle available for xubuntu?07:52
test3rprobably not,but you can ask them07:53
tobiasDo I have to get cedega if I want have the possibility for my brothers kids to play counter-strike 1.6 on my computer?07:53
Smygistobias, i think it works under wine07:54
test3rAdobe After Effects is nice though, because you can do alot of FX not in other prgs with it. But it still takes a rediculous amount of time to save anything down to usable video.07:54
tobiasDo I have to install something else than Wine?07:54
Smygisdont think so07:55
test3ryes, wine luv valve07:55
test3ryou have to run winecfg07:55
test3rdid u do that yet? still dont go?07:55
W8TAHtest3r, ya - i use AE here too - - i guess im looking for a program that is similar / equivalent to premier for this trip07:56
test3rmy best guess would b pull up synaptic and search for key words related to what you want07:57
test3r"non-linear" should show a vid editor if its out there07:57
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SmygisW8TAH, LiVES, Cinellera, Avidemux, Cinepaint and so on, Have not tryed (And definetly not AE) many of them so i dont realy know07:58
W8TAHcool - thanks07:59
SmygisNot realy my feald of expertis07:59
W8TAHya -- i understnad -- my heavy duty editing i do on our premier bay here at school, but im gonna be out storm chasing for 2 -3 weeks, and i wanna be able to trip / title stuff if we get good stuff that i may wanna sell / upload07:59
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SlimGWhat's the password of the Xubuntu Live disk?08:01
test3rwhy not just copy the files onto a FAT32 partition on the same disk? tux can read/write to FAT3208:01
test3rand then a winblows box will see and copy the files with ease08:01
test3rslim > ask Eagle he might know. he has same prob08:02
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Merchelojees, two in the one day :/08:04
SlimGtest3r: mkay, I currently see no Eage thou08:05
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test3rut o he mustve left.  just webcrawl for "buntu livecd login"08:07
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Jester46ok im thinking about dual booting a machine08:10
Jester46win 2000 pro and xubuntu08:11
test3rkewl.  and livecd boots on the hardware?08:11
SlimGEither the login is the biggest secret I've encountered or there is an error on the Live disk08:11
Jester46it has a 80gb drive i was thinking 30 for windows 10 for linux ~40 for shared and some for linux swap08:11
Jester46what would be a good filesystem for windows and xubuntu to share08:12
Jester46i was thinking FAT32 because i know both OS can use it but would ntfs be faster?08:13
tobiasntfs is a windows-file-system?08:13
=== CHORUSS [i=CHORUSS@morgan.sh.cvut.cz] has joined #xubuntu
SmygisJester46, EXT2/3, or (the evil) NTFS08:14
CHORUSScan u help me?08:14
tobiasCHORUSS: dont ask to ask.08:14
tobiasPlease :(08:14
CHORUSS:-) sorry..08:14
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:14
CHORUSSI installed Network manager in my Xubuntu08:14
CHORUSSbut I dont know how to use it... I cant see its systray...08:15
Jester46Smygis: so how hard is it to get win2kpro to use ext308:15
CHORUSSthere should be a service and systray running, but i cant prove it08:15
SmygisJester46, http://www.fs-driver.org/08:15
CHORUSSI need help way how to get network manager systray on panel08:16
MyrttiCHORUSS: nm-applet?08:18
hyper__chJester46: you're jester45?08:18
=== sacater [n=sacater@colchester-lug/member/sacater] has joined #xubuntu
Jester46my bot is taking over Jester4508:19
test3r"It's a Secret to Everyone"08:19
test3rgrumblegrumblegrumble^ ^08:19
CHORUSSy, network manager applet...08:19
hyper_chyou are controlled by a bot? *g*08:20
test3rHow do i r tell winblows to use new PCI card instead of onboard? The onboard should be Disabled at BIOS.08:20
tobiasI am a bot ;o08:20
hyper_chtest3r: try in #windoze08:20
=== hyper_ch needs to wipe his server
test3rThere - devicemanager, properties of the vid device then goto box that says "Enable"08:21
test3rez enuf08:21
CHORUSSok, solved08:22
test3rNow i just have to gut this dumb "webshots" backdrops that is lagging Everything08:23
Jester46if i use the driver from http://www.fs-driver.org/ should i make the shared partition ext2 or 3 ? i tend to crash windows alot so one that is more crash resistant would be nice08:26
=== adam0509 [n=benoit@stc92-1-82-227-107-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #xubuntu
test3raw man, it can only 800x600 at 32bit color.  =(  and its a 64MB card!08:27
hyper_chJester46: ext3 is backwards compatible08:27
hyper_chJester46: so you can make it ext308:27
hyper_chat least the say so in the wiki/faq/howto08:27
Jester46but would it make any diffrence once i come back to linux08:28
hyper_chI don't think so08:28
=== crdlb_ [n=crdlb@unaffiliated/crdlb] has joined #xubuntu
test3rif i remember correct ext3 is ext2 with journaling08:29
test3rso that is the diference there. not much.08:29
hyper_chext3 is with journaling08:29
hyper_chext2 isn't08:29
hyper_chthat's the only difference between those two08:29
test3ryeps  exactly =)08:29
Jester46If you mount an Ext3 file system as an Ext2 file system and the file system is not cleanly dismounted, (e.g. due to a system crash), you have to run the e2fsck tool. (Linux does it automatically.) Running e2fsck can take several hours on large volumes. You do not benefit from journaling the Ext3 file system, because you have to run e2fsck.08:30
test3rSo is gparted itself on the Xubuntu 704 LiveCD then??08:30
Jester46i think i will make it ext2 i dont really want to have to run that08:31
Jester46yea it is08:31
hyper_chJester46: you only need to run it if windoze crashes08:31
hyper_chsort of 3-4 times a week ;)08:31
Jester46i will probly crash it each day08:31
test3rbeing as ive used it already, and i know it works, thats what i would like to use. and only buntu is loading up with the lame Intel eMachines graphics accel08:32
test3rso if i can use gparted on the xubuntu livecd im gold.08:32
test3ralso- all i have is the beta live cd right now can i install from that and then just run Update?08:33
=== Boje [n=boje2@soundgeil.de] has joined #xubuntu
test3rjester > up there that says it has to scan itself it was mounted as the Wrong Thing and then not umounted At ALl08:36
test3rhow many times are you gaa incorrectly guess the filesystem of your drive?08:37
=== chowdah [n=pakroon@h-68-167-96-246.phlapafg.covad.net] has joined #xubuntu
test3rletalone forGET how to shutdown   =)08:37
=== predaeus [n=predaeus@chello212186005030.401.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #xubuntu
test3rat 2:30:38  say ext3 is bad for that reason there, but what it is really saying to you is, if you mount ext3 as the wrong thing, then proceed to pull the plug from the back of the box- not umounting anything, then there will be complaining when you reboot08:41
test3rthat is what that says08:41
test3r(I think)08:43
test3r(which is like, lol, obviously)08:43
=== foxiness [n=nayif@unaffiliated/foxiness] has joined #xubuntu
test3rspeaking of shutting down -08:45
test3rif i am on a dist that dumps me at prompt after exiting X08:45
Jester46yea so if i make it ext3 and use windows and its moutns at ext208:45
Jester46and i crash it then i have to run that program08:45
Jester46type sudo halt now08:46
test3ri try to issue sudo shutdown now, right?  well it does SOME f the shutdown then puts me back at a prompt again. Is it safe to shutoff at that point?08:46
test3rif i type at that point it yells and says "if you are rly sure u need to, here, i put u bak at prompt"  and then when i shutoff the power that time there it didnt like that08:47
test3roh yes I suppose so in that case of mounting it through winblows.  will winblows ONLY mount it as ext2 ? and why cant you use FAT32 as the shared partition for files between the OSs?08:48
Jester46is there a speed diffrence08:49
test3rSlack has a dist that runs entirely on the FAT32 filesys itself08:49
test3ryou can inject it into a win98 box i suppose.08:49
test3rwell yes it is as long as win98 takes to access a file I suppose (if it was on your newer, faster machine you are using)08:50
test3rThere is prob a way to get *buntu to write to fat32, too, im guesing08:50
test3rif slak can08:51
Jester46i think buntu can by default08:51
test3rNice! prob solved. go 4 it, playa08:51
Jester46FAT doesn support permissions08:53
test3rI haven't had the chance to do it yet, myself, I have 3 OSs on this laptop so not much room for a FAT32 partition. However, you can format some of the old first JumpDrives with FAT32, and that might work for sharing / temp storage08:54
test3rnot fat1608:54
=== hyper_ch [n=hyper@84-75-93-168.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #xubuntu
test3rand i think it did somehow because I remember those settings inside win9808:54
test3rmight have gbeen the SE update08:54
Jester46ok so i will make the shared FAT32 mounted at /home/ryan/storage08:54
test3ryou should have 98se anyway08:54
test3rmount it whereever u lik whe ur in linux i suppose08:55
test3rthe tricky will be getting winblows to accept it being there08:55
test3ri suggest rebooting into win after creating the new FAT partititon08:55
Jester46winblows will not know08:55
test3r^ ^     it can see it if it is an official partition on the disk,though.08:56
test3rif u use, say, gparted to make a free space OK. then use a dos dsk to partition that space into fat3208:56
test3rit doesnt add ur linux ones because (yep) they are in ext3,,raiser, watever08:57
test3rdoesnt know wat 2 do08:57
Jester46umm... im going to be formating the drive08:57
test3roh thats too ez! do the whole thing leaving te orig win intact08:58
test3rthats what i did on this laptop.08:58
test3ru can do eeeet!08:58
test3rhp laptop can do it- YOU can do eeet!08:58
Jester46well... im done backing up08:59
test3rDoes anyone know yet if gParted is on the buntu live cd? or what- shouldi just sudo apt-get install gparted once im in?08:59
Jester46i think its on there but you can just apt-get it09:00
kalikianaAlex is a fake, seriously: http://w3collective.com/node/909:19
=== doc_solitude [n=doc_soli@p5B17796C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu
=== dredhammer [n=dredhamm@pool-71-247-11-221.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu
tobiashow do I burn an .img file to a DVD-disc? (it's a movie)09:27
hyper_chwell, use a burning program :)09:29
tobiasGief example of one of the best? :-)09:30
hyper_chtobias: xfburning is included in xfce... however I prefer k3b09:30
tobiasok thanks :-)09:30
hyper_chtobias: the "best" depends on the criteria you apply :)09:30
hyper_chand burn it as cd-image09:30
tobiaskipi-plugins, do I need them for k3b?09:32
hyper_chno clue what they are09:32
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yknotttobias: i thought those were the plugins that show in konqueror, for example audiocd:/09:46
tobiashey my xarchiver is freezed :<09:52
tobiashow do i kill it?09:52
predaeustobias, applications/system/process manager   rightclick on process09:54
predaeustobias, first try "term" then "kill" if it does nothing09:54
tobiaswhat is09:55
tobiasand abiword?09:56
tobiasthey take like... 84% of my CPU09:56
predaeusxfce4panel is the panel (the bars) on top and bottom09:56
predaeusof your desktop, abiword is a word processor as far as I know09:56
tobiasabiword took 94% of my processor. GLHF :D09:57
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=== Cinnander [n=cinn@cpc1-cdif4-0-0-cust304.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #xubuntu
tobiasI can't open my DVD-burner10:10
tobiasFailed to eject "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_TSSTcorpCD/DVDW_SH_S162L".10:10
tobiasGiven device "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_TSSTcorpCD/DVDW_SH_S162L" is not a volume or drive.10:10
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=== st3-f [n=waltraut@p50816E87.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu
st3-fmy panel disappeared, how can i get it back?10:24
st3-fbtw, hi all10:24
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=== aliasrush [n=aliasrus@cpe-024-211-104-040.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
st3-ffound it - thx though10:32
Mercheloeh, no problem?10:33
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aliasrushdoes anyone know how to disable tooltips in xfce?10:41
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wildcat430need help with sound card10:51
=== kalikiana_ [n=kalikian@xdsl-84-44-177-55.netcologne.de] has joined #xubuntu
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kalikiana_aliasrush, I am not aware of an xfce specific option for tooltips. You might ask in #gtk+ (freenode or gimpnet) for gtk programs.10:55
=== GrueTamer [n=tg@CPE-72-133-203-78.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
hyper_chwhy does this take up extremly much cpu?       4767 10.3 10.0 127568 103652 tty7    SLs+ May26 485:23 /usr/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt711:01
crimsunthat really shouldn't be a surprise at all if you're using any sort of gui.11:03
hyper_chcrimsun: 90% cpu?11:03
hyper_chcrimsun: just only somteims11:03
=== grumpymole [n=warren@c220-237-175-49.lowrp1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #xubuntu
hyper_chfor like 1-2min11:04
=== TheDarkKiller [n=darkkill@0x50c53bc5.esnxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #xubuntu
TheDarkKillerToday, I tried to change from Xubuntu to Ubuntu...11:05
hyper_chTheDarkKiller: why?11:05
=== namelessjon [n=jon@stott1.demon.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu
TheDarkKillerI'm going to use it for a server now11:06
hyper_chthought so.. there is no real reason to switch11:06
hyper_chwhat do you want then gnome for?11:06
TheDarkKillerIt has more server utilities11:06
hyper_chrunning a server with gui?11:07
TheDarkKillerI mean, reason for switching to Ubuntu11:07
st3-fserver != gui11:07
=== xjkx [n=vulto@201009053245.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #xubuntu
xjkxi cant play dvds11:07
TheDarkKillerWell, I like shiny interfaces11:07
=== darrend_ [n=darren@43-015.adsl.zetnet.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu
hyper_chyou don't run a server with a gui11:07
TheDarkKillerSo I just typed11:07
TheDarkKillerI need Wine11:08
hyper_chfor two reasons:11:08
hyper_ch(1) waste of server power that can be put at better use11:08
TheDarkKillerSome of my server applications needs to be run my Wine11:08
hyper_ch(2) a matter of security... the more stuff is installed the more likely it will be hacked11:08
TheDarkKillerBut I still need Wine, tough11:09
hyper_chTheDarkKiller: what for?11:10
TheDarkKillerIt is a bit complicated, but let me explain11:10
TheDarkKillerA game I'm currently making (for Windows) has a specific protocol that's currently not 'defined'11:11
hyper_chwhy don't you make it for linux?11:11
TheDarkKillerBecause I can't code in Linux11:11
TheDarkKillerBecause almost every gamer uses Windows, sadly11:12
hyper_chTheDarkKiller: c++11:12
TheDarkKillerI hate C++11:12
hyper_chmake it open source... then it should be simple to convert11:12
TheDarkKillerI have a C++ handicap, so to say11:12
TheDarkKillerWell, my development enviroment is a bit easyfied11:13
hyper_chanyway, what is the problem now?11:13
TheDarkKillerIt has a Lua interpreter with alot of functions11:13
=== Eagle_101 [n=eagle@unaffiliated/eagle101/x-0000001] has joined #xubuntu
xjkxlibdvdread3  is in its newer version and i cant play dvds11:13
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:14
hyper_chTheDarkKiller: no clue what Lua is11:14
TheDarkKillerThe problem is, that after I did 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' and11:14
TheDarkKillerremoved xubuntu11:14
TheDarkKillerthen restarted11:14
TheDarkKillerI don't seem to have Gnome, but XFCE11:15
xjkxnoone plays dvds?11:15
hyper_chare you sure you remove xubuntu?11:15
hyper_chxjkx: dvd play fine here11:15
xjkxhyper_ch: libdvdread3  is in its newer version and i cant play dvds11:15
TheDarkKiller'sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop xubuntu-artwork-usplash' + 'sudo apt-get autoremove'11:15
xjkxwhat have i done wrong11:15
hyper_chI guess you need libdvdcss211:16
TheDarkKillerAlso, it didn't ask me what gm I wanted.11:16
xjkxhyper_ch: u use gxine?11:17
hyper_chTheDarkKiller: for proper removal, now that you screwed up, search on google for "psychocat ubuntu" --> there is a small guide on how to uninstall desktops and switching them in case you have f**** up something before :)11:17
hyper_chxjkx: nope11:17
xjkxwhat u use11:17
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aliasrushanyone use openoffice with xubuntu?11:48
aliasrushanyone have a problem with openoffice being really huge while running in xubuntu?11:49
TheSheepaliasrush: disable java11:49
aliasrushreally... how do I do that?11:50
aliasrushyou mean in the actual program?11:50
aliasrushI think I found it11:50
aliasrushTheSheep: it is still doing it11:54
aliasrushit is real ugly too... not sure why and I am using v2.2.011:55
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TheSheepaliasrush: screenshot?11:56
aliasrushshould I pastebin it?11:57
aliasrushand how do I take a screenshot in xfce... I am used to gnome11:58
TheSheepaliasrush: there is a panel applet, or you can use gimp, or you can install scrot11:59
aliasrushI will do the applet... and should I send it to ya?11:59
TheSheepaliasrush: just upload it to some imageshack or something12:00
TheSheepaliasrush: or you can dcc it to me if you know how12:00
=== Eagle_101 bows to xubuntu :)
Eagle_101now if I can only figure out how to configure the wireless connection :S12:01
aliasrushTheSheep: I will use imageshack12:02
Eagle_101ok how do I make my wireless card actually scan for networks?12:05
aliasrushTheSheep: http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/8545/ooscreenshotsj6.png12:05
TheSheepEagle_101: I only ever used 'iwconfig --ESSID=any" or something like that12:06
TheSheepaliasrush: looks like it uses a qt frontend, not a gtk one12:06
aliasrushok what does that mean?.... and how do I change it to look like gnome12:07
TheSheepaliasrush: install openoffice-gtk12:08
aliasrushahh.... ok12:08
TheSheepand removet he openoffice.org-kde one12:08
=== Eagle-101 [n=eagle@unaffiliated/eagle101/x-0000001] has joined #xubuntu
Eagle-101TheSheep: thanks :D I'm on the wireless now :D12:10
aliasrushthank you... already fixed it12:13
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