=== kitsune [n=clifford@] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [03:02] hello? === cjwatson_ [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === kitsune [n=clifford@] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [04:21] hello? [04:22] hey there [04:23] yes. I'm having trouble viewing https pages in firefox [04:23] It was working great this morning and I didn't change a SINGLE THING and now I'm getting errors [04:24] hmm... wait a second. i've done that befoe.. [04:24] win 17 [04:24] I alreadly tried installing mozilla-psm and libnss3 [04:24] crap...sec === asac [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Admiral_Chicago_ [n=freddy@adsl-68-255-99-153.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@ubuntu/member/admiral-chicago] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Admiral_Chicago_ [n=freddy@adsl-68-255-99-153.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Admiral_Chicago_ [n=freddy@adsl-68-255-99-153.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === cjwatson [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@adsl-68-255-99-153.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === asac_ [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [11:30] good morning [11:40] hi gnomefreak [11:43] anything imporatant need to get done. i have about ~4 hours before i get to make phone calls and can do anything around here [11:54] unp looks pretty good very light on the docs part of it but looks nice === sivaji [n=sivaji@] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === sivaji [n=sivaji@] has left #ubuntu-mozillateam ["Konversation] === spheard [n=andrew@85-210-129-59.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [12:04] asac: you have edgy chroot handy? === sivaji [n=sivaji@] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [12:05] asac: or an edgy system === sivaji [n=sivaji@] has left #ubuntu-mozillateam ["Konversation] [12:06] shwhat happens when you load the pages? [12:07] spheard: ^^ [12:07] I click a link or enter into the address bar directly It loads, displays the but does not refresh the actual page [12:07] <spheard> going crazy on refresh does nothing [12:08] <gnomefreak> spheard: you have a bit of time while i set up edgy chroot to test? [12:08] <gnomefreak> it worsk on feisty and gutsy [12:08] <gnomefreak> let me try dapper [12:08] <spheard> gnomefreak: yeh, I want breakfast and shower. this probs been annoying me blind for bout 3 months, few hours is okay [12:09] <spheard> :-) thanks [12:09] <gnomefreak> spheard: thank you. i will let you know asap [12:10] <gnomefreak> hmmmmm that cant be good. ok setting it up now [12:12] <gnomefreak> spheard: does it work in safe mode? [12:13] <spheard> gnomefreak: it works in normal mode most of the time, its intermittent [12:14] <gnomefreak> hmmmmm [12:14] <asac> gnomefreak: i have edgy 64bit [12:14] <spheard> gnomefreak: google allways works tho [12:15] <spheard> gnomefreak:I was thinking it was something dodgy with the hosting, or cos perhaps I was developing and firefox cache got all confused [12:15] <spheard> (www.moonet.co.uk) [12:18] <gnomefreak> asac: can you test a few pages for me real fast [12:19] <gnomefreak> asac: www.moonet.co.uk, www.akiratech.com do they load everytime? [12:19] <gnomefreak> i remember seeing a bug like this on edgy but its been so long [12:20] <gnomefreak> wait a minute [12:20] <gnomefreak> spheard: what does apt-cache policy firefox show. the line that say Installed: === gnomefreak might know the issue [12:21] <asac> gnomefreak: moonet loads [12:22] <asac> akiratech as well [12:22] <gnomefreak> asac: what version is in edgy (im doubting its higher than gutsys [12:22] <asac> multple reloads don't expose a problem either [12:23] <asac> gnomefreak: standard edgy version - [12:23] <gnomefreak> thought so [12:23] <gnomefreak> 06:03 < spheard > gnomefreak: ubuntu 6.10, firefox www.moonet.co.uk, www.akiratech.com and various other sites. Everything works fine in konqueror. [12:23] <gnomefreak> iirc that is still RC1 ish [12:24] <gnomefreak> spheard: how did you install === gnomefreak looked at it last week hoping it would be released soon so we could push it edgy feisty gutsy [12:49] <asac> gnomefreak: hey ... please don't wake a sleeping dragon :) [12:49] <asac> gnomefreak: why are you so eager to update firefox in edgy feisty et al :) [12:50] <asac> gnomefreak: its not much fun to do updates :) ... I would be more happy if there was never a release :) [12:50] <asac> i would be more than happy if they release in august :) [12:50] <spheard> gnomefreak: apt-get [12:51] <spheard> apt-get install mozilla-firefox [12:51] <asac> spheard: is not out yes [12:51] <asac> yet [12:52] <spheard> asac: ah...err [12:53] <spheard> rather [12:53] <spheard> (sorry) [12:53] <gnomefreak> spheard: update [12:53] <gnomefreak> is old [12:53] <spheard> oh [12:53] <spheard> apt-get upgrade mozilla-firefox? [12:54] <gnomefreak> we have had 3 or more releases uploaded to edgy since that one [12:54] <gnomefreak> spheard: sudo apt-get update than sudo apt-get upgrade [12:56] <spheard> gnomefreak: thanks, Ill holler in here if I have any more problems [12:57] <spheard> is the ubuntu firefox going to go over to damplemming or whatever it is in debian now? [12:57] <gnomefreak> if im here ill answer if noone answers you please file a bug report [12:57] <spheard> gnomefreak:sure [12:57] <gnomefreak> spheard: firefox is staying firefox [12:57] <gnomefreak> debian uses the branding iceweasel [12:58] <spheard> gnomefreak: I think damplemming is better but thats probably just me [12:58] <gnomefreak> spheard: wtf is damplemming? [12:58] <asac> spheard: name suggestions are not accepted anymore [12:59] <asac> gnomefreak: he wants us to rename iceweasel to damplemming [12:59] <gnomefreak> oh [12:59] <gnomefreak> we are staying firefox and you are only about 3+ months late [12:59] <spheard> I know, a boy can dream tho [01:00] <asac> spheard: you can rename by yourself :) [01:00] <asac> then it will become true :) [01:00] <spheard> asac: in my own private, sad little linux world I am th master [01:01] <asac> right [01:01] <asac> which is what GNU/Linux is about [01:03] <spheard> asac: I wish I was cool so I could have microsoft [01:04] <gnomefreak> brb === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [01:13] <spheard> sudo apt-get upgrade mozilla-firefox but Im still on v. Firefox/ (Ubuntu-edgy) [01:13] <spheard> reboot? [01:17] <gnomefreak> spheard: did you restart firefox? [01:18] <gnomefreak> did it upgrade firefox (when you ran sudo apt-get upgrade? [01:18] <spheard> yes [01:20] <spheard> actually no, it seemed to upgrade everything other than firefox [01:20] <gnomefreak> spheard: what does apt-cache policy firefox say for installed and canidate? [01:25] <asac> spheard: use apt-get dist-upgrade [01:26] <asac> spheard: be sure that you have security archives in your apt sources.list [01:26] <asac> first try dist-upgrade [01:26] <gnomefreak> http://security.ubuntu.com edgy-security/universe Packages [01:26] <gnomefreak> missed that part [01:27] <asac> deb http://security.ubuntu.com edgy-security/universe Packages [01:27] <asac> deb http://security.ubuntu.com edgy-security/main Packages [01:27] <asac> ? [01:27] <asac> gnomefreak: ` [01:27] <gnomefreak> no [01:27] <asac> ? [01:27] <spheard> Installed: [01:27] <spheard> Candidate: [01:27] <gnomefreak> hold on ill get it [01:27] <gnomefreak> than its upgraded [01:27] <asac> spheard: you have installed [01:27] <spheard> weird its opening [01:27] <asac> be sure that firefox is all stopped [01:27] <gnomefreak> spheard: restart firefox than go to help about and see what it says [01:27] <asac> then starting it will bring up [01:28] <spheard> nope, still [01:28] <spheard> I recon a reboot will fix that [01:28] <gnomefreak> deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-security universe is the repo [01:29] <gnomefreak> reboot wont do anything unless you have firefox running in background [01:29] <gnomefreak> spheard: try killall firefox [01:29] <asac> kilall firefox-bin [01:29] <asac> that is [01:29] <asac> killall firefox-bin [01:29] <gnomefreak> or firefox-bin [01:29] <gnomefreak> i forgot the -bin sorry [01:30] <spheard> yay === gnomefreak thinks ill walk tomorrow :( [01:32] <asac> gnomefreak: walk where? [01:32] <gnomefreak> my daily 4 mile walk [01:32] <gnomefreak> seems more of everyother day lately though [01:33] <asac> ah :) [01:33] <asac> gnomefreak: go now ... fresh air helps a lot to clear your mind [01:33] <spheard> gnomefreak: I agree [01:33] <spheard> Im going to go for a big run [01:34] <spheard> maybe tommorrow [01:34] <spheard> or persuade the missus to stay over tonight [01:36] <gnomefreak> if my foot wakes up i will go [01:36] <gnomefreak> before it gets too hot to go [01:37] <gnomefreak> right now its 66F high for today is 94F give or take [01:46] <gnomefreak> asac: good news [01:46] <gnomefreak> asac: looks like is just about out the door [01:46] <gnomefreak> ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/ [01:47] <gnomefreak> but under there is no source yet [01:48] <gnomefreak> dir was added today [01:57] <gnomefreak> ok im going for hte walk ill be back in a couple hours or so. [01:58] <asac> gnomefreak: its in preparation [01:58] <asac> might take a wekk [01:58] <asac> week [01:58] <asac> or so [01:59] <gnomefreak> k. when it releases the rules file and stuff we already have will work right? [02:00] <gnomefreak> iirc the rules file uses the version it finds for upstream source [02:04] <asac> gnomefreak: usually it will [02:04] <asac> problem is that all but gutsy have no patch system [02:04] <asac> which is a pita [02:05] <gnomefreak> true [02:05] <asac> the problem is not the debian/ dir, but the huge diff of the rest [02:05] <gnomefreak> we cant add that change in for feisty can we? once .0.4 is released? [02:06] <asac> what change? [02:06] <gnomefreak> adding a patch sys [02:06] <asac> the patch system ... no [02:06] <gnomefreak> thats what i thought [02:07] <asac> i will do it ... dapper ... edgy ... feisty [02:07] <asac> those are the ones that matter [02:07] <asac> if you want you can try to respin gutsy with new orig [02:07] <gnomefreak> ok [02:07] <gnomefreak> can do that [02:07] <asac> should be fairly simple ... drop in tarball and see if patches break [02:08] <gnomefreak> i cant remember if i get release announcements but i heard there is a list for them. i will subscibe when i get home today so im kept up to date on releases [02:09] <gnomefreak> ill bbl its already > than 70F [02:09] <asac> k [02:09] <asac> gnomefreak: the pre-announcements are a private list [02:09] <asac> gnomefreak: dunno if you can get in [02:09] <asac> official announcements are available through RSS [02:10] <gnomefreak> i will look i got a post from somewhere about it either on a Ml or on rss cant remmeber [02:11] <asac> gnomefreak: pkg-mozilla-maintainers list [02:11] <asac> gets announcements [02:11] <asac> you are on it afaik [02:11] <asac> that is list is on debian -> alioth [02:11] <gnomefreak> yes i am [02:11] <gnomefreak> maybe thats where i saw it [02:11] <asac> then you get announcemnts [02:11] <asac> yep [02:11] <asac> most likely [02:12] <gnomefreak> k cu [02:57] <spheard> gnomefreak: thanks, appears to be working perfectly. sorry for bothering you. I thought I had the most upto date version [03:04] <asac> just offered to mentor https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/firefox-distro-addon-support [04:01] <spheard> gnomefreak, asac Still have the problem of pages not appearing in firefox [04:05] <spheard> I think it might have something to do with firebug :-o [04:05] <gnomefreak> spheard: with the pages the list of extensions and themes not much can do [04:05] <gnomefreak> spheard: run it in safe mode and see if it still happens [04:06] <gnomefreak> asac: mentoring yourself? [04:21] <hjmf> hi all [04:21] <hjmf> ping asac [04:21] <asac> hjmf: pong [04:21] <hjmf> ... I haven't found a way to determine if a report has a test case or not yet. [04:21] <hjmf> however this morning I've wrote a draft script that atm does: [04:21] <gnomefreak> hi hjmf [04:21] <hjmf> hi [04:22] <hjmf> search and returns a list (can tag or directly reject bugs if you uncomment parts of code) of bugs with [04:22] <hjmf> tag 'mt-confirm', with any importance *except* whishlist, [04:22] <hjmf> with state 'Undecided' and 'Needs Info', and which age is older than two months, [04:22] <hjmf> oops, and w/o duplicates attached. [04:22] <hjmf> You can download and test it from http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23250/ [04:22] <hjmf> ... in order to properly run you have to enable $PYTHONPATH to your local copy of the last bzr merge of python-launchpad-bug [04:22] <asac> gnomefreak: why myself? ... i hope to find someone who wants to code a tiny mozilla extension [04:22] <gnomefreak> ah ok [04:22] <gnomefreak> i saw you were implementing it so i wasnt sure [04:23] <asac> hjmf: do you have branch url of python-lp-bug at hand? (sftp or http) [04:24] <asac> gnomefreak: i might be assignee [04:24] <asac> but mentoring is still available :) [04:24] <asac> in the end i am responsible that it happens [04:24] <gnomefreak> true [04:24] <gnomefreak> wish i could code [04:25] <hjmf> bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bughelper-dev/python-launchpad-bugs/main python-launchpad-bugs/main [04:25] <hjmf> ... c&p with vnc is a hell :( [04:26] <hjmf> asac ^^^ :) [04:26] <asac> yeah :) [04:26] <asac> vnc is a hell ;) [04:26] <hjmf> agree [04:27] <asac> hjmf: maybe we can "find" the cookiefile? [04:28] <hjmf> didn't thought of that [04:28] <asac> hjmf: like first match of "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*/cookies.txt" [04:28] <hjmf> Added to TODO :) [04:29] <asac> cool [04:29] <asac> maybe try that as best approach if no explicit cookies file is given at command line :-) [04:30] <asac> hjmf: so you auto confirm now? [04:30] <asac> ah its commented :) [04:30] <hjmf> no, I just added that as an option [04:30] <hjmf> if it has a dup then it shouldn't be mt-confirm but confirmed [04:31] <asac> hjmf: hmmm yes, but only if its a master right? [04:31] <hjmf> yes, right :P [04:31] <asac> especially since we will probably get auto-dupe detection soon [04:32] <asac> that would move bugs that haven't even been looked at to confirmed :) [04:32] <asac> auto-dupe for crashes [04:33] <hjmf> interesting... [04:33] <hjmf> in apport? or in bughelper? [04:33] <asac> in auto-retracers [04:33] <hjmf> ah yes [04:33] <asac> they will go ahead and dupe away :) [04:34] <hjmf> by comparing the first # stacks [04:34] <hjmf> I guess [04:34] <hjmf> when # < 12 or so [04:34] <hjmf> I suppose [04:34] <asac> we aggreed to implement special case for mozilla [04:34] <asac> and apps that have a special stacktrace [04:34] <asac> wait a second [04:35] <asac> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/apport-crash-duplicates [04:35] <hjmf> tk will look [04:37] <asac> hjmf: i think we will want the tagging reject candidate option for now [04:38] <asac> maybe for dupes we can add the dupe count to the summary :) [04:38] <asac> that would awesome :) [04:38] <asac> e.g. always in front [04:38] <asac> in this way you can easily see the weight of bugs in the bug list :) [04:38] <hjmf> for the masters? [04:39] <asac> but we could add that feature as a greasemonkey script as well [04:39] <asac> hjmf: no ... for those that are in mt-confirm and have dupes [04:39] <hjmf> ah [04:39] <asac> but are not masters :) [04:39] <asac> e.g. not confirmed [04:39] <asac> actually i would like that on all bugs [04:39] <asac> which is why i prefer a greasemonkey script [04:39] <asac> to display that info [04:39] <asac> might be a bit slow though :) [04:40] <hjmf> asac any idea of how to determine if a mt-confirm has a test case? [04:41] <asac> hjmf: we should be strict about setting mt-needtestcase when a crash arrives :) [04:41] <hjmf> that's what I think [04:41] <asac> at least that is the most obvious way i see now [04:41] <asac> actually i am a bit unsure, why crashes without dupe and testcase end up in mt-confirm [04:41] <hjmf> maybe I spam the 'mt-confirm' bugs with mt-needtestcase and review them later by hand if they have it or not [04:42] <asac> maybe thats a problem with our procedure? [04:42] <asac> i remember that mt-confirm was though as a state where bugs can wait for dupes [04:42] <hjmf> yes I remember you saying that a good retrace deserved a mt-confirm :P [04:42] <asac> hjmf: the spamming is a good idea :) [04:43] <asac> i think we can live with a bug without a good testcase [04:43] <asac> because bugs that have a good testcase shouldn't be long in mt-confirm :) [04:43] <asac> so most bugs that sit there should actually be mt-confirm + mt-needtestcase [04:44] <hjmf> OK I'll tag as 'mt-reject-candidate' bugs with mt-confirm + mt-needtestcase [04:44] <asac> yes [04:44] <hjmf> after I'll review all of them, of course [04:44] <hjmf> then I'll set up the crontask [04:45] <hjmf> with that script, to be run, once a day [04:45] <asac> cool [04:45] <asac> i can review mt-needtestcase as well for now [04:45] <hjmf> I'll do it in the next couple of days [04:45] <asac> ok let me know :) [04:45] <hjmf> of course the 'mt-needtestcase' spam will happen in a few minutes :)_ [04:46] <asac> hjmf: does malone allow OR expressions to be searched by URL? [04:46] <asac> or just and [04:46] <asac> AND [04:46] <asac> hjmf: yeah ... go ahead :) [04:47] <asac> we like spam ;) [04:47] <hjmf> AFAIK only AND [04:48] <asac> yeah i guess its refinement only [04:48] <hjmf> but understood as state Needs Info AND Undecided means OR [04:48] <asac> yes right [04:48] <asac> you can broaden search by naming same field multiple times [04:48] <asac> thats a good point :) [04:49] <asac> dunno if that works with every field though :) [04:49] <asac> but maybe its just implemented generically ... and works :) [04:49] <hjmf> will try asap [04:50] <hjmf> ... field.searchtext doesnt admit multiple queries :( [04:51] <asac> crap :) [04:52] <asac> searchtext is indeed broad enough [04:52] <asac> maybe you can encode something in the field itself already [04:52] <asac> :) [04:52] <asac> who knows :) [04:54] <asac> hjmf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApportBetterRetracing [04:54] <asac> our problem is dealt with in 4. [04:54] <asac> i guess :) [05:01] <hjmf> looking ... [05:05] <hjmf> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23260 [05:06] <hjmf> asac ^^^ these are the functions I wrote to deal with that [05:06] <hjmf> and are used to post my retraces [05:07] <hjmf> if a retrace has <signal handler called> then the stack signature begins with the next stack [05:07] <hjmf> otherwise begins with stak 0 [05:07] <asac> so we have auto-dupes already? [05:07] <asac> how well do they work? [05:08] <hjmf> they aren't auto yet, but you can compare a couple of stacks w/o the rubish [05:08] <asac> ah ... you are not using it yet, right? it doesn't look at summary (which is good) [05:09] <hjmf> I'm using it but by hand, not automated [05:09] <asac> do you have some kind of stack database? [05:09] <asac> have you tried to do that [05:09] <hjmf> not yet [05:09] <asac> should be fairly simple [05:09] <hjmf> Havent got the time, but it should be simple [05:09] <hjmf> just start with the masters [05:10] <asac> k [05:10] <hjmf> and then store the new retraces [05:10] <hjmf> no free time, but I'm writting code towards something like that [05:12] <asac> ok ... maybe talk to pitti because he is the lead of the dupe stuff [05:12] <asac> maybe he can use your code :) [05:13] <hjmf> before I have to use his code :P [05:14] <gnomefreak> we are not getting june 5th meeting so let me think about it but im looking towards 12th(ish) for meeting [05:14] <asac> what day is that? [05:14] <hjmf> in my TODO list is on top use last apport-retrace stuff :P [05:14] <asac> hjmf: oh :) [05:16] <gnomefreak> tuesday [05:18] <hjmf> bye all of you. Going out! [05:19] <asac> hjmf: bye [05:19] <gnomefreak> yay lots of breakage [05:19] <gnomefreak> bye hjmf have fune [05:19] <gnomefreak> fun [05:20] <gnomefreak> asac: thunderbird-quickfile needs to be rebuilt and change depends in control file (not build-deps) [05:20] <gnomefreak> for gutsy [05:21] <asac> gnomefreak: who pushed it into ubuntu? [05:21] <gnomefreak> dont know [05:21] <asac> please figure out [05:21] <gnomefreak> i dont think it was [05:21] <asac> auto-synched? [05:21] <gnomefreak> !info thunderbird-quickfile feisty [05:21] <ubotu> thunderbird-quickfile: faster mail filing for the Thunderbird mail client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 18 kB, installed size 100 kB [05:22] <gnomefreak> wasnt synced or merged at all [05:22] <gnomefreak> same version in feisty as in gutsy [05:22] <gnomefreak> adam conrad was last to touch it afaict [05:22] <gnomefreak> hes listed as maintainer atleast [05:22] <asac> gnomefreak: so its not in debian? [05:23] <gnomefreak> not sure what version is in debian [05:23] <gnomefreak> give me a few ill let you know [05:23] <gnomefreak> not in ndebian at all [05:23] <gnomefreak> debian** [05:24] <gnomefreak> thunderbird-quickfile: Depends: mozilla-thunderbird (< but is to be installed [05:24] <gnomefreak> that tells me it was old but had to make sure [05:25] <gnomefreak> !info epiphany-extension-gwget gutsy [05:25] <ubotu> epiphany-extension-gwget: Gwget extension for Epiphany web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.2-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 30 kB, installed size 116 kB [05:26] <gnomefreak> !info epiphany-extension-gwget feisty [05:26] <ubotu> Package epiphany-extension-gwget does not exist in feisty [05:26] <gnomefreak> thats bullshit [05:27] <gnomefreak> or not [05:27] <gnomefreak> i guess ill look at that one fix it maybe [05:30] <gnomefreak> epiphany-browser (>= 2.18), epiphany-browser (<< 2.19), [05:37] <gnomefreak> asac: whats the correct/safest way to change a depend on << 2.19 to use all point versions of 2.19? [05:38] <gnomefreak> dont see why i cant drop that depend to begin with as >= 2.18 covers 2.19 version [05:43] <asac> first it has to be checked if thunderbird-quickfile is compatible with tbird [05:43] <asac> for the point releases: [05:44] <asac> << 2.20~ [05:44] <asac> will match everything below 2.20 [05:53] <gnomefreak> asac: tbird-quick file used to be i used it a while ago edgy/feisty [05:55] <gnomefreak> well that sucks [05:59] <asac> what sucks [05:59] <asac> there should be nothing sucky [05:59] <gnomefreak> yeah well there is [06:00] <gnomefreak> checking which epiphany to use... 2.18 (autodetect) [06:00] <gnomefreak> checking for EPIPHANY_DEPENDENCY... configure: error: Package requirements ( glib-2.0 >= 2.4.0 gmodule-2.0 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0 epiphany-2.18 >= 2.18 ) were not met: [06:00] <gnomefreak> No package 'epiphany-2.18' found [06:00] <gnomefreak> there is no depend of epiphany-2.18 in control anywhere [06:00] <gnomefreak> its epiphany (>= 2.18) [06:01] <gnomefreak> DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS = --enable-epiphany-extension \ --with-epiphany-version=2.18 [06:01] <gnomefreak> in rules file [06:01] <gnomefreak> is that what could be cuasing it? [06:01] <gnomefreak> causing* [06:05] <asac> epiphany-dev missing? [06:06] <gnomefreak> no [06:06] <gnomefreak> version 2.18 is missing on my system [06:06] <asac> i don't know what you are doing :) [06:06] <gnomefreak> since its gutsy [06:06] <asac> what version do you have? [06:07] <asac> if you knopw that then the changes might be obvious [06:07] <gnomefreak> epiphany 2.19.2-0ubuntu2 [06:07] <asac> yeah you will figure it out [06:07] <gnomefreak> it fails to install due to the .2 in the version === Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@adsl-69-209-68-46.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [06:07] <asac> if you fixed configure.ac (or configure.in) then you have to run autoconf [06:08] <Admiral_Chicago> hey everone [06:08] <asac> hey [06:11] <gnomefreak> i found what i would have to change in configure.in just never done it before [06:11] <gnomefreak> EPHY_AUTODETECT="(autodetect)" [06:11] <gnomefreak> if pkg-config --exists epiphany-2.18; then EPHY_VER=2.18 [06:11] <gnomefreak> elif pkg-config --exists epiphany-2.16; then EPHY_VER=2.16 [06:11] <gnomefreak> can i chage first if to elif and add a if for version 2.19 [06:17] <asac> add an elif for epiphany-2.19 [06:17] <asac> but don't ask me to fix your typos :) [06:17] <asac> just take care [06:18] <asac> probably do exactly what is done in 2.18 block [06:18] <gnomefreak> ok should i use 2.19.2 [06:18] <asac> but for 2.19 [06:18] <asac> obviously not [06:18] <asac> just figure out [06:19] <asac> :) [06:20] <gnomefreak> theres new upstream so i may be doing that [06:21] <asac> k [06:21] <asac> gnomefreak: Bug 113590 [06:21] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 113590 in firefox "[FEISTY] firefox crashed [@??] [@??] " [Medium,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113590 [06:21] <asac> there is a testcase [06:21] <asac> you see that crash? [06:21] <gnomefreak> gutys? [06:21] <asac> dunno [06:21] <gnomefreak> looking [06:23] <gnomefreak> thats 64 arch afaict [06:24] <gnomefreak> that is a shitty test case [06:26] <gnomefreak> installing noscript atm [06:34] <gnomefreak> oops i need to install flasha nd java first [06:40] <gnomefreak> bluekuja: you around? [07:22] <gnomefreak> asac: i think i found the issue with that bug. i dont think he ran update-alternatives to config java version used. [07:23] <gnomefreak> i am unable to reproduce it on gutsy as well as feisty [07:24] <asac> maybe thats the case [07:25] <gnomefreak> i asked for the info on that === gnomefreak doesnt think its gonnna be as easy as i think it is to do this but i guess ill find out [07:28] <asac> k [07:30] <gnomefreak> if it doesnt state in debian/rules how to make .orig.tar where else would it be in make.in make.am? [07:30] <gnomefreak> makefile.* === JenFraggle [n=jen@] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [07:39] <asac> what are you trying to do? [07:40] <gnomefreak> merge gwget [07:40] <asac> in what context are you? [07:40] <asac> there is no standard how to build orig [07:40] <asac> you have to do it manually usually [07:40] <asac> normally it should be the exact upstream tarball === gnomefreak needs to look at this patch if good than all i should have to do is figure out how to build orig. than see if it builds [08:00] <Admiral_Chicago> hey there JenFraggle [08:35] <gnomefreak> cdbs sucks [08:44] <Admiral_Chicago> asac: you have bughelper working? [08:44] <Admiral_Chicago> it likes to crash out on me.. [08:45] <Admiral_Chicago> bughelper -T audactity Xfreefont "possible duplicate of 87434" -A -U -p audacity [08:46] <Admiral_Chicago> i think that will return what i'm looking for. [08:47] <Admiral_Chicago> crap...i can't search this query correctly [08:49] <Admiral_Chicago> even better, asac do you have a simple search I can do in bughelper based on summary [08:51] <asac> he? [08:51] <asac> you can match title afaik [08:51] <asac> Admiral_Chicago: from bzr? [08:51] <asac> i am not up to date [08:52] <asac> but can try in a few [08:52] <Admiral_Chicago> yes, I know that. it's coded into the clue. but i was wondering how to do it in a bughelper search [08:52] <Admiral_Chicago> like bughelper -T firefox master "a Master bug report" -A -U -p firefox [08:53] <Admiral_Chicago> whoudl that would... [08:56] <asac> hmm no idea about the command line :) ... just know the clues :) [08:56] <asac> would have to look in code ;) [08:59] <gnomefreak> bluekuja: when you merged gwget to gutsy you didnt change the build deps nor the depends nor the patch to use gutsy's 2.19 or 2.20(will be final) now it fails to do anything until i find a way around that === Admiral_Chicago_ [n=freddy@adsl-69-209-68-46.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [09:02] <Admiral_Chicago_> did i miss anything [09:03] <gnomefreak> no [09:07] <gnomefreak> !info epiphany-extension-gwget feisty [09:07] <ubotu> Package epiphany-extension-gwget does not exist in feisty [09:07] <gnomefreak> !info epiphany-extension-gwget gutsy [09:08] <ubotu> epiphany-extension-gwget: Gwget extension for Epiphany web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.98.2-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 30 kB, installed size 116 kB [09:08] <spheard> gutsy what? [09:08] <spheard> gibbon? [09:08] <spheard> he he it is! [09:10] <Admiral_Chicago> JenFraggle: I won't get to finish my blog today, just keep an eye pelled on the planet. [09:25] <asac> lets see what security build does :) [09:31] <asac> unfortunately my smart merge was wrong ... ftbfs [09:47] <gnomefreak> if a build-dep is cdbs does that mean for the patch to work it has to be made using cdbs asac? [09:48] <asac> you can do the patch with cdbs ... or properly add it manually :) [09:48] <asac> what to do depends on the patch system used [09:48] <asac> which one is included in rules? [09:48] <asac> gnomefreak: ^^ [09:51] <gnomefreak> no nothing in rules about it [09:51] <asac> then it doesn't use a patch system [09:51] <asac> its not mandatory for cdbs [09:51] <gnomefreak> let me rephrase that [09:51] <asac> based packages [09:52] <gnomefreak> include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk [09:52] <asac> then why do you say the obviously wrong? ("no nothing in rules about it") [09:52] <asac> :) [09:52] <asac> it uses simple patchsys [09:52] <gnomefreak> i missed it i saw the gnome-pkg ones [09:53] <asac> guess dropping the patch in debian/patches is enough ... you have to name it so that its at the end [09:53] <gnomefreak> its the only one [09:54] <gnomefreak> http://gnomefreak.pastebin.ca/523435 [09:54] <gnomefreak> that is the patch [09:55] <gnomefreak> when i go to build it fails level 0-2 [09:55] <gnomefreak> hmmmmm [09:55] <asac> dunno ... patch looks ok (structurally) [09:55] <asac> probably its against a different version [09:55] <gnomefreak> i think i know what it is [09:56] <asac> there should be a reject info [09:56] <gnomefreak> i screwed up about 2 hours ago [09:56] <asac> gnomefreak: is autotools update enabled in rules? [09:56] <asac> otherwise you need to add a patch for the configure update as well [09:56] <gnomefreak> no [09:56] <gnomefreak> can't find file to patch at input line 3 [09:56] <gnomefreak> Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option? [09:56] <gnomefreak> The text leading up to this was: [09:56] <gnomefreak> it has the file names [09:56] <gnomefreak> File to patch: [09:56] <gnomefreak> Skip this patch? [y] [09:56] <gnomefreak> Skipping patch. [09:56] <gnomefreak> 1 out of 1 hunk ignored [09:57] <gnomefreak> that was from 2 hours ago with cdbs [09:57] <asac> can't tell [09:57] <gnomefreak> cdbs-edit-patch. it confused me so i went to do it by hand [09:57] <asac> don't know how the underlying source is organized [09:57] <asac> gnomefreak ... do the patch with cdbs-edit-patch ... e.g. start over again [09:58] <gnomefreak> Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n] [09:58] <gnomefreak> that is what i got confused on [09:59] <gnomefreak> should i go with n(default) to be on safe side? [10:03] <gnomefreak> ha i think i fixed it :) [10:03] <gnomefreak> it moved on to configure [10:05] <gnomefreak> cp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/lib/epiphany': No such file or directory [10:05] <gnomefreak> dh_install: command returned error code 256 [10:05] <gnomefreak> make: *** [binary-install/epiphany-extension-gwget] Error 1 [10:05] <gnomefreak> son of a bitch i cant win with this peice of shit package [10:06] <asac> gnomefreak: can you summarize in three lines what you are doing, and what is the problem? [10:07] <asac> often this kind of reflection helps to tackle a problem :) [10:09] <gnomefreak> im merging gwget into gutsy. the reason is because it wont install (new release too) so before i can build the new version i have to fix the current version due to the build-dep and deps are << 2.19 and version in gutsy is 2.19.2. to do this i had to fix the patch that was there so i did [10:09] <gnomefreak> it builds cp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/lib/epiphany': No such file or directory [10:09] <gnomefreak> dh_install: command returned error code 256 [10:10] <gnomefreak> ignore that [10:10] <gnomefreak> it builds epiphany-extension-gwget with it. i looked for the tmp/usr/lib/epiphany there is no tmp/usr/lib [10:10] <asac> just try to see the root cause :) [10:11] <asac> yes ... probably the build fails? [10:11] <gnomefreak> yes === gnomefreak cant fix missing files or dirs that i know of maybe try cleaning again and doing build over? [10:11] <gnomefreak> although i only need source [10:12] <gnomefreak> so i can take the source and run with it [10:13] <gnomefreak> gonna try something [10:46] <asac> gnomefreak: lots of packages are broken and you cannot properly clean them [10:46] <asac> so you have to start over for every modification [10:46] <asac> that is bad and needs to be filed as a bug for the package you are merging ... e.g. in debian bts [10:46] <gnomefreak> true [10:46] <gnomefreak> im so close though [10:56] <gnomefreak> well i failed and i cant fix the clean issue if he wants everything i have the new patch and new source all he has to do is fix the clean the the dh_install issue not finding files [10:59] <asac> your build probably failed [10:59] <asac> otherwise the file would exist [11:00] <gnomefreak> because it keep cleaning and eerytime it cleans it reverts control back [11:00] <asac> try to read the output of your make install [11:00] <asac> it reverts control back? [11:00] <asac> you have to fix control.in gnomefreak [11:00] <gnomefreak> yes any change i make it reverts it [11:00] <asac> and post a bug at debian that regenerating control during build is EVIL (TM) [11:00] <asac> gnomefreak: change control.in [11:00] <asac> instead of control [11:01] <gnomefreak> ah [11:01] <asac> and run clean once to update control for those changes [11:01] <gnomefreak> than try build again [11:01] <asac> at best fix both [11:01] <asac> and disable auto regneration of control [11:01] <asac> in rules [11:01] <asac> because its a serious issue [11:01] <asac> a packaging bug [11:01] <asac> that should not be ignored [11:01] <gnomefreak> its a pita [11:01] <asac> not exactly in your case [11:01] <asac> but in general yes [11:01] <asac> gnomefreak: disable control regen [11:02] <asac> change both: control.in and control [11:02] <gnomefreak> clean:: [11:02] <gnomefreak> rm -f data/GNOME_Gwget.server.in data/GNOME_Gwget.server \ [11:02] <gnomefreak> data/gwget.schemas [11:02] <asac> comment this carefully in changelog ... and say how you submitted this problem to debian maintainer [11:02] <asac> gnomefreak: no [11:02] <gnomefreak> that would be what the svn is in control.in [11:02] <asac> ask on motu [11:02] <gnomefreak> thats all the clean ther eis [11:02] <asac> how to disable control auto regen in cdbs [11:02] <asac> i am out now [11:02] <asac> :) [11:02] <gnomefreak> night [11:02] <asac> gnomefreak: its not in there [11:02] <asac> motu people definitly know [11:03] <gnomefreak> XS-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/gwget2 [11:03] <gnomefreak> XS-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/gwget2/?op=log [11:03] <asac> that doesnt matter [11:03] <gnomefreak> oh [11:03] <asac> k out ... read above and you will get a step in advance [11:03] <gnomefreak> ok ill ask them [11:03] <asac> cool [11:03] <asac> cu tomorrow [11:04] <gnomefreak> k [11:04] <gnomefreak> cu