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Eagle-101 | anyone have any clue how to use http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-netload-plugin | 12:44 |
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TheSheep | Eagle-101: add it to the panel, and enter your card device name in the properties | 12:45 |
Eagle-101 | card device name? | 12:45 |
TheSheep | Eagle-101: usually 'eth0' | 12:45 |
Eagle-101 | mmmmm I've tried that | 12:45 |
TheSheep | Eagle-101: wireless card tend to be named differently | 12:46 |
Eagle-101 | mmm ok works for eth1 ;) | 12:46 |
Eagle-101 | duh :) | 12:46 |
TheSheep | Eagle-101: what does 'ifocnfig' say? | 12:46 |
TheSheep | ah, ok | 12:46 |
Eagle-101 | I was trying /dev/eth1 | 12:46 |
Merchelo | wireless card is normally ra0 | 12:46 |
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Eagle-101 | not here | 12:46 |
Eagle-101 | :S | 12:47 |
Merchelo | no matter | 12:47 |
Eagle-101 | yep :) | 12:47 |
Eagle-101 | its probably a broadcom thing >.> | 12:48 |
Eagle-101 | I'm *very* happy that wireless works | 12:48 |
Eagle-101 | as this means I get to use linux all summer when I'm at home where we only have wireless >.> | 12:48 |
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Jester45 | !seen vidd | 01:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about seen vidd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:13 |
Cinnander | I last saw vidd doing something in #xubuntu at 23:58:09 on 27/05/2007. "vidd goes of to do some research...." | 01:13 |
Jester45 | !seen vidd_laptop | 01:13 |
Cinnander | I last saw vidd_laptop quitting IRC 01:52:18 on 29/05/2007 ("Leaving") | 01:13 |
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Merchelo | is there a nice svn GUI client for ubuntu? | 01:24 |
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Pumpernickel | There's gnome-svn, although it uses Mono - if you're worried about excessive dependencies, that might not be ideal. | 01:27 |
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mortal5 | can someone tell me what media player xubuntu has built in now? | 03:09 |
boxnetnet | gxine | 03:11 |
mortal5 | boxnetnet, can it do the whole dl codec thing ubuntu does? | 03:11 |
boxnetnet | sure | 03:12 |
mortal5 | ...also, did yall ever get that cd burner bug fixed in cdrecord? | 03:12 |
mortal5 | I had to dl the vanilla src to fix that | 03:12 |
boxnetnet | 'yall' dosent have a clue.. | 03:12 |
mortal5 | :) | 03:13 |
Pumpernickel | Which bug? | 03:13 |
TheSheep | mortal5: if you reported the bug, you should receive a notification of its status changes via e-mail | 03:13 |
mortal5 | http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/cdrecord.html <-- search for text "Debian specific bugs" | 03:16 |
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mortal5 | "Be careful with cdrecord derivates from Debian. Debian seems to ignore the new constraints for SCSI pass through on Linux-2.6. As a result, that they still incorrectly believe that it is possible to use SCSI pass through as non-root on Linux-2.6, they created a cdrecord variant that tries to hide the problems instead of dealing with the problems. " | 03:17 |
mortal5 | Given that xubuntu still uses debian binaries, I'm not sure this has been fixed | 03:19 |
mortal5 | ...well, that's not exactly a logical statement...but you get my drift | 03:19 |
Pumpernickel | Per bug 26576 and bug 37601, you'd see there's a solution. | 03:21 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 26576 in cdrtools "Gnomebaker and Serpentine fail to burn cds" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26576 | 03:21 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 37601 in gnomebaker "unable to burn dvd .iso" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37601 | 03:21 |
mortal5 | interesting, thank you | 03:25 |
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`s` | what is the name of the terminal in xubuntu (the default name of it, so I could call it from the command line say from the Verve command line)\ | 03:33 |
TheSheep | xfce4-terminal | 03:33 |
`s` | thanks | 03:33 |
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mortal5 | can you disable the menu bar in the xfce term? | 03:35 |
TheSheep | mortal5: yes | 03:35 |
mortal5 | ah good | 03:35 |
mortal5 | I usually wind up using xterm, given that my beloved aterm isn't unicode compliant :( | 03:36 |
TheSheep | xterm doesn't do my favorite Terminus font and doesn't "link" links | 03:37 |
TheSheep | and is slower than gnome-terminal | 03:37 |
mortal5 | TheSheep, you have gnome terminal in xfce? | 03:37 |
TheSheep | no, xfce terminal | 03:38 |
mortal5 | ah ok | 03:38 |
TheSheep | but they both use the same vte library | 03:38 |
mortal5 | I'm gona try xfce's term again | 03:38 |
TheSheep | and I've only seen speed comparions of xterm vs gnome-terminal | 03:38 |
mortal5 | I didn't like it when i first used it | 03:38 |
TheSheep | comparisons | 03:38 |
mortal5 | xterm 'just works' when your sshd into an aged solaris box though :) | 03:39 |
TheSheep | yes, it's good for a fallback | 03:39 |
TheSheep | I guess I'm getting soft -- got used to clicking links, pasting with shift+insert, etc. | 03:40 |
TheSheep | not to mention real transparency :) | 03:42 |
mortal5 | TheSheep, you have the xgl stuff installed? | 03:43 |
TheSheep | mortal5: no, xfwm4 does compositiong on its own | 03:44 |
TheSheep | compositing | 03:44 |
TheSheep | mortal5: and since I use nvidia, I don't need anything additional to have it accelerated | 03:44 |
mortal5 | TheSheep, I used the compwiz thing with gnome, but i noticed a nasty bit of overhead | 03:45 |
mortal5 | not much, but enough | 03:45 |
mortal5 | (I have an nvidia card as well) | 03:45 |
mortal5 | what all does the xfce compoz thing do besides real transparency? | 03:46 |
TheSheep | mortal5: shadows | 03:46 |
TheSheep | mortal5: and transparency of various parts of the interface | 03:46 |
mortal5 | ah | 03:47 |
mortal5 | k | 03:47 |
Jester45 | mortal5: it also can make window manager easier and make workspaces into a cube | 03:48 |
TheSheep | Jester45: not xfwm4 | 03:49 |
TheSheep | Jester45: that's compiz or beryl | 03:49 |
TheSheep | Jester45: for xfce you can install 3ddesktop and skippy for that | 03:49 |
Jester45 | o i though you where talking about beryl | 03:50 |
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cescalante | ubuntu servers having some issues tonight? | 05:44 |
cescalante | had to run dist-upgrade 5 times before all packages would resolve | 05:45 |
crimsun | archive seems fine to me. | 05:45 |
Jester45 | my iso download was kinda slow | 05:45 |
Jester45 | cescalante: are you using US server? | 05:45 |
cescalante | yeah | 05:45 |
cescalante | brb | 05:45 |
Jester45 | me to | 05:46 |
cescalante | it finally took | 05:46 |
cescalante | going to edgey | 05:46 |
cescalante | and then hoping to go to feisty | 05:46 |
cescalante | brb | 05:46 |
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BFTD | hey all | 06:33 |
Jester45 | hi | 06:34 |
BFTD | whast the best way to clean the snot off of my LCD monitor? | 06:34 |
Jester45 | cloth | 06:35 |
BFTD | ? | 06:36 |
BFTD | just any cloth? | 06:36 |
Jester45 | yup dont press to hard | 06:36 |
BFTD | wet? | 06:36 |
Jester45 | try to get one that little pieces of lint wont come off of | 06:37 |
tonyyarusso | BFTD: A clean, soft cloth, but one that won't leave lint behind. Dip the cloth in a 50-50 mixture of water and isopropyl alcohol, wring out so it is barely damp, and rub gently in small circles. | 06:37 |
BFTD | ok | 06:40 |
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jibberish | how does one copy text with keyboard? ctrl v pastes fine, ctrl +shift+c doesnt copy for me or ctrl +c, i have to use mouse | 07:06 |
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jibberish | how does one copy text with keyboard? ctrl v pastes fine, ctrl +shift+c doesnt copy for me or ctrl +c, i have to use mouse | 07:11 |
jibberish | does anyone know the command to copy just text? i know cp is copy file | 07:16 |
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jibberish | im trying to use ctrl + c without dling additional app like glipper, anyone know command to copy just text? | 07:24 |
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Gerro | yo anyone know where I can buy a xubuntu cd? | 07:27 |
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insmod | <Gerro>: just d/l it | 08:34 |
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insmod | why does xubuntu list the hard disks as sda and kubuntu does hda ? why is xubuntu makeing them scsi | 08:41 |
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_aussieman | because xubuntu is better insmod | 08:51 |
insmod | <_aussieman>: not an aswer since it should be the same repositories :P | 08:53 |
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reaVer | different kernels probably | 08:57 |
reaVer | hd* are IDE mode discs | 08:58 |
reaVer | sd* are scsi and derivatives(SATA, PATA) | 08:58 |
insmod | <reaVer>: i know but it is on the same computer | 09:03 |
insmod | <reaVer>: first time in five yrs it has shown that | 09:04 |
Myrtti | insmod: the other one is feisty and the other is not? | 09:04 |
insmod | <reaVer>: both the same | 09:05 |
insmod | <reaVer>: 7.04 just one kubuntu and the othe xubuntu -- diff updates though -- which maybe the reason | 09:06 |
insmod | <reaVer>: or remove or rename /etc/init.d/usplash | 09:09 |
insmod | eek sorry | 09:10 |
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sigmamu188 | whats a good way to stream media from my ftp to other computers around the house? | 11:06 |
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TehRealNexGen | hi can anyone recommend a music management program that works for xubuntu? | 01:29 |
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kumamoto | TehRealNexGen: define 'music management program' | 01:32 |
TehRealNexGen | something like amarok, which doesnt seem to work for me | 01:34 |
Myrtti | exaile for one | 01:35 |
crdlb | mpd is great if a bit unfriendly to set up :P | 01:35 |
crdlb | once you have it running there are tons of clients | 01:35 |
kumamoto | it seems amarok doesn't have a lot fans | 01:38 |
kumamoto | though I like it a lot | 01:38 |
kumamoto | it does everything I need though a bit on the resources hog side | 01:39 |
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Eagle_101 | just wondering but at idle how much ram should Xfce be using? | 02:20 |
Eagle_101 | like with nothing open | 02:20 |
Eagle_101 | as right now xubuntu is using up twice the memory of gentoo | 02:20 |
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hdoria | im installing xubuntu-desktop meta package. should i change something in my sources.list or can i use my kubuntu's sources.list? | 02:55 |
Myrtti | kubuntus sources should be the same as in ubuntu and kubuntu | 02:57 |
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homebrewcider | small problem, i need to mount my main dvd drive (the burner) as the default dvd drive, can anyone help? as far as I can gather it's /dev/hdc | 03:03 |
homebrewcider | it shows up on my mount devices tray icon | 03:03 |
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homebrewcider | small problem, i need to mount my main dvd drive (the burner) as the default dvd drive, can anyone help? as far as I can gather it's /dev/hdc. it shows up on my mount devices tray icon, but says not mounted | 03:20 |
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guigz | Hello...I have problems with the xubuntu screensaving and power management feature. | 03:43 |
guigz | When screen is shut off,backlight keeps going on. | 03:44 |
guigz | How can I corrrect | 03:44 |
guigz | correct this problem? | 03:44 |
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guigz | hello | 03:58 |
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Eagle_101 | guigz: hi | 04:06 |
Eagle_101 | guigz: what do you mean by backlight? | 04:07 |
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W8TAH | before i go and make a BIG error -- if a package is setup for i686, that is the 64 bit side, right? | 04:21 |
W8TAH | and i should be using a pentium 4 pacakge if im running a Pentium 4 3.0ghz machine? | 04:22 |
Eagle_101 | no | 04:22 |
Eagle_101 | i686 is x86 | 04:22 |
W8TAH | ok - cool | 04:23 |
Eagle_101 | though I'd be careful | 04:23 |
W8TAH | so i should install that package | 04:23 |
Eagle_101 | I thought they were supposed to be i386 | 04:23 |
Eagle_101 | W8TAH: what are you installing? | 04:23 |
W8TAH | ok - im working on cinelerra | 04:23 |
W8TAH | they have fiesty packages as follows | 04:23 |
Eagle_101 | can you give me a link ;) | 04:23 |
W8TAH | http://cv.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php | 04:24 |
W8TAH | there ya go | 04:24 |
Eagle_101 | :) | 04:24 |
Eagle_101 | ok W8TAH you are running xubuntu fiesty right? | 04:25 |
W8TAH | yes i am | 04:25 |
Eagle_101 | ok that means you are running i386 ... I'm not sure if that is safe or not, could you wait a second.. perhaps someone else will reply, or I can look something up | 04:27 |
Pumpernickel | It's safe. | 04:27 |
W8TAH | im glad to wait | 04:27 |
W8TAH | Pumpernickel, which is safe the i686? | 04:28 |
Pumpernickel | Yes. | 04:28 |
W8TAH | kool | 04:28 |
W8TAH | thanks | 04:28 |
Eagle_101 | Pumpernickel: :) | 04:28 |
W8TAH | im just gettin it put into synaptic now - - | 04:29 |
W8TAH | thanks for the assist | 04:29 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 04:56 |
Eagle_101 | slow-motion: you need something? | 05:01 |
slow-motion | no | 05:05 |
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asmith42a | Installed Opera. Made it the preferred Web browser. Click on links in e-mail. Firefox still pops up. | 05:16 |
asmith42a | What to check? | 05:16 |
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Smygis_ | Opera is dangerus. Right out of the blue you realize you have 50+ tabs open. | 05:22 |
asmith42a | Huh? | 05:22 |
Smygis_ | :) | 05:22 |
TheSheep | that's tabs that introduce dangerous browsing habits | 05:22 |
asmith42a | What does that have to do with anything that I'm talking about? | 05:22 |
Smygis_ | Not a hing? | 05:23 |
Smygis_ | thing | 05:23 |
asmith42a | Pretty much. | 05:23 |
Smygis_ | Zero, Nada | 05:23 |
Smygis_ | and so on | 05:23 |
TheSheep | asmith42a: what is "in e-mail"? | 05:23 |
TheSheep | asmith42a: and how did you make it the preffered web browser? | 05:24 |
asmith42a | A link that resides in the body of an electronic mail. | 05:24 |
asmith42a | I used the Preferred Applications in Settings. | 05:24 |
TheSheep | asmith42a: and Opera calls firefox when you click the links in mails displayed in it? | 05:25 |
TheSheep | asmith42a: that's weird, I'd report a bug in Opera | 05:25 |
asmith42a | Opera doesn't do anything. | 05:25 |
TheSheep | asmith42a: let me get this straight. You read your mail in opera, you click on al ink in your mail, opera opens firefox to display it. right? | 05:26 |
asmith42a | No. | 05:26 |
asmith42a | The e-mail is in Evolution. I'm sorry. | 05:26 |
asmith42a | Poor communication on my part. | 05:26 |
TheSheep | asmith42a: I think that evolution is a gnome application and respect the gnome settings about the default browser | 05:27 |
asmith42a | Ah. | 05:27 |
TheSheep | this is one hairy part where there is a freedesktop.org spec, but neither gnome or kde respect it | 05:28 |
asmith42a | That would be why GAIM opens Konqueror as well... | 05:28 |
asmith42a | ? | 05:28 |
asmith42a | Not much point in the Preferred Applications then, is there? | 05:29 |
asmith42a | Thank you for your help, TheSheep | 05:31 |
asmith42a | It makes sense now. | 05:31 |
TheSheep | asmith42a: the standard is there, and xfce uses it | 05:37 |
TheSheep | asmith42a: we just need to wait for all the other applications to catch up :) | 05:37 |
asmith42a | Ah, yes. I get it. | 05:37 |
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tobias | My device buffer is going up and down all the time when I'm using k3b :-( | 05:45 |
tobias | from 20% -> 90% | 05:45 |
TheSheep | tobias: are the files you're tryingto burn on a network drive? | 05:46 |
tobias | they are stored localy. | 05:46 |
tobias | .img | 05:46 |
TheSheep | tobias: how much ram? cpu? | 05:46 |
tobias | where do I check that | 05:46 |
TheSheep | /proc/cpuinfo, /proc/meminfo | 05:47 |
tobias | @terminal? | 05:47 |
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TheSheep | tobias: these are files, open them with any text editor | 05:48 |
tobias | sorry for my newbie question, where are those stored? :$ | 05:49 |
Eagle_101 | tobias: um? I don't think those are stored anywher | 05:49 |
Eagle_101 | *anywhere | 05:50 |
tobias | Then how could I open them? :P | 05:50 |
tobias | If they do not exist? | 05:50 |
Eagle_101 | what did you open? | 05:50 |
tobias | Nothing? You said that /proc/meminfo was files. | 05:50 |
tobias | And files are as far as I know stored somewhere? | 05:50 |
tobias | And to open them, I have to go there and open them? :P | 05:51 |
TheSheep | tobias: you go to 'filesystem', them to directory 'proc', then open file 'meminfo' | 05:51 |
tobias | MemFree: 6736 kB | 05:51 |
TheSheep | tobias: MemTotal | 05:52 |
tobias | MemTotal: 515984 kB | 05:52 |
tobias | what to look for @ cpuinfo? | 05:52 |
TheSheep | tobias: and cpuMhz? | 05:52 |
tobias | cpu MHz: 1491.610 | 05:53 |
TheSheep | sounds like plenty | 05:53 |
tobias | Hope the disc won't get ruined or smthn :) | 05:54 |
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TheSheep | tobias: not until the device buffer hits 0% | 05:54 |
tobias | ah ok! :-D | 05:54 |
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TheSheep | tobias: and even then there is burnproof | 05:55 |
tobias | how cool isn't that? ;) | 05:55 |
TheSheep | tobias: are you running some other programs that may hog the cpu? | 05:55 |
tobias | lemme check | 05:56 |
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tobias | keb takes 15%, and nothing else takes more than 3% | 05:57 |
TheSheep | then I'm out of ideas, maybe the cables are old :) | 06:00 |
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tobias | ;) | 06:02 |
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TheSheep | any idea on how to make firefox store its cache in /tmp ? | 06:46 |
Eagle_101 | TheSheep: no clue, perhaps an about:config option? | 06:49 |
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Pumpernickel | TheSheep: Symlink /tmp | 07:12 |
TheSheep | Pumpernickel: I'd rather not do it for every one of 4k users we have | 07:12 |
Pumpernickel | True, it doesn't scale well. | 07:12 |
TheSheep | the problem is that our users run out of their quotas | 07:13 |
Pumpernickel | http://plasmasturm.org/log/241/ | 07:13 |
TheSheep | Pumpernickel: thanks a lot, that should do it | 07:14 |
Pumpernickel | anytime | 07:19 |
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ciro314 | hello. i installed xubuntu feisty and xubuntu feisty on a friend of mine's computer. he is linux newbie and he's in trouble. both have installed gnome-rdp but i do not know how to connect to its comp. i do not find any tutorial. any idea?? thanks in advance | 07:40 |
Pumpernickel | gnome-rdp is a client; he'd need a server of some kind running. | 07:45 |
ciro314 | pumpernickel, and which server you will recommend to install | 07:48 |
Pumpernickel | Tightvnc seems a popular choice, although I've never used it. | 07:54 |
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nozey | anyone using murrine? | 08:00 |
TheSheep | nozey: yes | 08:00 |
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nozey | TheSheep, how did u installed it? i installed it using apt, but i cant find the theme in xfce configuration | 08:01 |
nozey | im new to xubuntu and xfce | 08:02 |
nozey | any tips/ | 08:02 |
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TheSheep | nozey: murrine is just a theme engine, it doesn't include any actual themes | 08:02 |
TheSheep | nozey: get the themes form xfce-look.org | 08:02 |
TheSheep | from | 08:02 |
nozey | hum ... i see. im gona do that | 08:02 |
nozey | i have others questions | 08:02 |
TheSheep | shoot | 08:03 |
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nozey | is there a app similiar to yakuke for xfce? tilda is not the one im looking for | 08:03 |
nozey | is there another? | 08:03 |
TheSheep | I guess so, but I never used any, so I can't recommend them | 08:03 |
TheSheep | nozey: there is a verve command line plugin for panel that has a similar use too | 08:04 |
vidd | nozey, what is yakuke? | 08:04 |
TheSheep | vidd: quake-like terminal | 08:04 |
nozey | yakuake is a quake-like terminal for qt | 08:04 |
TheSheep | vidd: drops from the top of your screen when you press ~ | 08:05 |
nozey | im brazilian, so im sorry if my english sucks #) | 08:05 |
TheSheep | nozey: your english is very good | 08:05 |
vidd | ah | 08:05 |
nozey | nah... its not. i know it. but thanks anyway :D | 08:05 |
vidd | nozey, sudo apt-get install yakuake | 08:06 |
vidd | its in the universe repo's | 08:06 |
TheSheep | vidd: but its qt... | 08:07 |
nozey | yep ... but it doenst work right when im using xfce | 08:07 |
nozey | i need one that uses gtk | 08:07 |
vidd | hmmm | 08:07 |
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Eagle_101 | any idea of the package name for gvim? | 08:12 |
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TheSheep | !info gvim | 08:16 |
ubotu | Package gvim does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 08:16 |
TheSheep | !info gvim-gtk | 08:17 |
ubotu | Package gvim-gtk does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 08:17 |
TheSheep | !info vim-gtk | 08:17 |
ubotu | vim-gtk: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI. In component main, is extra. Version 1:7.0-164+1ubuntu7.1 (feisty), package size 905 kB, installed size 1812 kB | 08:17 |
godless | nozey: try tilda | 08:23 |
Smygis_ | !info funny-manpages | 08:25 |
ubotu | funny-manpages: more funny manpages. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-5 (feisty), package size 30 kB, installed size 140 kB | 08:25 |
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Eagle_101 | TheSheep: thanks :) | 08:33 |
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metal1633 | I am trying to install Xubuntu in VMWare. It is really really slow. Is that because of the LiveCD? Nothing else I run in VMWare is this slow. I clicked on the Install Icon almost 5 minutes ago and the dialogue is still loading. | 10:14 |
Jester45 | metal1633: are you running it in VMware from a cd or iso | 10:15 |
metal1633 | I am running it from the ISO | 10:15 |
Jester45 | ok it will still be slow becuase the iso is 600mb and whne you boot it (even in vmware) you have to decompress 600mb into about 2gb | 10:16 |
Jester45 | so each time you try to access a file you have to decompress it | 10:16 |
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metal1633 | Hmmm. I did a Debian install from a Knoppix LiveCD ISO and it was not this slow. | 10:18 |
metal1633 | Perhaps if I allocated more RAM.. | 10:19 |
hyper_ch | just install it into vmware and see then | 10:20 |
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metal1633 | Can I boot it to text mode and install it that way? | 10:43 |
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reevester | guys........xubuntu setup taking ages :| | 10:47 |
Eagle_101 | reevester: yeah how long has it taken? | 10:47 |
reevester | well its taken me more than 25 mins | 10:49 |
reevester | its reached the blue screen with a little ball in the middle with dots revolvin in it :S | 10:49 |
reevester | tats it | 10:49 |
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reevester | any suggestions/ideas on why its taking so long? | 10:52 |
reevester | its been more than 45 mins now | 10:52 |
reevester | and i dunno whether to wait or screw it and go back to windows | 10:52 |
hyper_ch | reevester: you're running the live cd | 10:52 |
reevester | yea....unfortunately :( | 10:53 |
hyper_ch | reevester: I did install it once on a 350mhz / 64mb ram notebook and it took several hours | 10:53 |
reevester | shit | 10:53 |
reevester | mine is a P3 550Mhz box with 128 MB ram | 10:53 |
reevester | any average time frame? | 10:53 |
hyper_ch | no clue | 10:53 |
hyper_ch | but get the alternate cd | 10:53 |
reevester | damn...... | 10:53 |
reevester | u installed via the alternate cd or the live cd? | 10:54 |
reevester | cos if alternate cd took so long then its not worth it | 10:54 |
reevester | and how fast did the machine work? faster than windows? | 10:54 |
hyper_ch | 64mb is too little ram to run the life cd | 10:54 |
hyper_ch | slower than win98 but faster than winxp | 10:55 |
reevester | i got 128 megs but a p3 550 mhz.... | 10:55 |
reevester | and a brand new dvd rom so i know the dvd rom drive aint the slow part! | 10:55 |
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hyper_ch | cd/dvd-drives are slower than your harddisk and ram | 10:56 |
reevester | ok wait...something blue with a logo is loading.....and loading slow as hell! | 10:57 |
reevester | grrrr | 10:57 |
reevester | ok wait now its asking for username......what do i do next? | 10:58 |
reevester | below that its saying 'User ubuntu will login in 9 seconds' | 10:58 |
reevester | and the timer is stuck at 9 | 10:58 |
reevester | ? | 10:59 |
reevester | no one ? :( | 11:00 |
=== aoirthoir [n=Aoirthoi@wsip-68-99-156-37.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
aoirthoir | howdy, in Ubuntu there is a PLACES->Search For FIles menu...does XUBUNTU have anything similar to find all files in a dir or on the file system? | 11:01 |
reevester | some support channel | 11:02 |
aoirthoir | (asking for someone who's running xubuntu..I dont run it so Im not much help) | 11:02 |
aoirthoir | reevester, its community support. And free..so a lot of time folks are busy with their real lives.:) | 11:02 |
reevester | :( | 11:03 |
reevester | well till now ....the last 24 hours i have spent with linux have mostly been about finding out things myself :| | 11:04 |
reevester | ! | 11:04 |
reevester | hehe | 11:04 |
Maybelline | reevester: did the counter ever start moving? | 11:04 |
reevester | yes it started.....but very very slow | 11:05 |
reevester | its at 2 now | 11:05 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: hmmm, not that I konw... i normally use the command line for searching | 11:05 |
reevester | no wait....now it disappeared and im back to a light blue screen....... | 11:05 |
reevester | what will happen next? | 11:05 |
Maybelline | reevester: seriously, the thing you need to do is download the alternate install CD, and use that -- the LiveCD is too much for your system | 11:05 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, we are looking for a graphical form so that a mass delete can be done, across folders, like in ubuntu places->search for files | 11:05 |
Maybelline | reevester: Trust me... I had to do the same thing on an OOOOOLD compaq laptop | 11:05 |
aoirthoir | reevester, why dont you pm me:) | 11:05 |
reevester | lol | 11:06 |
reevester | great | 11:06 |
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Maybelline | aoirthoir: you might try installing catfish or beagle | 11:06 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: there's currently a developer meeting... I can bring that request in if you want to | 11:06 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, i personally dont use xubuntu, but I am sure others might like the idea. | 11:07 |
aoirthoir | Maybelline, ah ok..first we will see if thunar does it..as suggested just now in #ubuntu, then catfish or beagle | 11:07 |
aoirthoir | thanks:) | 11:07 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: well, you got a point there... I just prefer using the cli for that | 11:07 |
reevester | oh damn! i didnt notice the alternate cd link in the downloads section | 11:07 |
reevester | stupid me :S | 11:07 |
Maybelline | aoirthoir: AFAIK, thunar doesn't, but there's talk of creating a plugin that will | 11:08 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: I haven't seen an option in Thunar that does it | 11:08 |
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aoirthoir | Maybelline, ah ok thanks. | 11:08 |
reevester | btw in the alternate CD....i have an issue with the partitioning part.....i want to partition my disk such that i leave the first 6 GB empty on the disc.....and use the remaining | 11:08 |
Maybelline | reevester: that's harder in the CLI installer... | 11:09 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, Maybelline thanks for the suggestions, I am relaying them. | 11:09 |
reevester | Maybelline.....one last query....should i let the installation run or do u think i should download the alternate CD? | 11:10 |
reevester | and use that? | 11:10 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214059 | 11:17 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, thanks | 11:18 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, thanks. | 11:19 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, catfish lets you search but didnt let us delete. The solution they came to was to use midnight commander. | 11:19 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: this integration should work but mc is also nice :) | 11:20 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, well the person is a cli fan..a.nd so am I | 11:20 |
aoirthoir | but then I am an old cobol dude:) | 11:20 |
hyper_ch | if you like the cli, what do you need a gui for? | 11:21 |
hyper_ch | or gui search tool :) | 11:21 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, I only found out they liked cli when they told me that MC was doing the trick | 11:22 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, most folks dont like cli, so I go with graphical | 11:22 |
aoirthoir | but... | 11:22 |
aoirthoir | cli rm -r bla bla doesnt let you do something like rm -r *.jpg | 11:22 |
hyper_ch | oh well, mc is nice ... I also use it sometimes (on my debian server) just when I need to reorganise files and stuff :) | 11:22 |
aoirthoir | you'd have to have a script (afaik) to recursively delete just a certain set of files. | 11:22 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: such a script is no problem :) | 11:23 |
Maybelline | reevester: I would really let it run, if you can bear it. Partitioning is a lot easier with the GUI. | 11:23 |
hyper_ch | find in a loop and then rm | 11:23 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, for someone knowing how to script:) | 11:23 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: for someone knowing how to google :) | 11:24 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, like the existing mass move script for Gnu, it works..sure enough..if you understand regex. But to do a simple ren *.bat *.exe wont work easily for someone without knowledge of regex. | 11:24 |
hyper_ch | Maybelline: text installer partitioner isn't that difficult either | 11:24 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, more for someone having time to google. | 11:24 |
aoirthoir | :D | 11:24 |
Maybelline | aoirthoir: you can always do a "find /home/me -iname *.jpg -delete" | 11:24 |
hyper_ch | aren't we all googleholics? | 11:24 |
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aoirthoir | Maybelline, AH! | 11:25 |
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reevester | ok cool.....also...i hope the damn thing doesn go into sleep mode if left unattended for long periods of time? | 11:25 |
Maybelline | google is my second brain! | 11:25 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, yes..yes we are | 11:25 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: btw, that guy that coded catfish is also a xubuntu-dev... so it might well be that the file search thing could be included in the next release | 11:26 |
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aoirthoir | hyper_ch, cool. | 11:26 |
aoirthoir | gosh yall are much nicer than ubuntu in general:) | 11:26 |
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Maybelline | aoirthoir: you attract more flies with honey than vinegar! | 11:27 |
aoirthoir | Maybelline, ah see I didnt realize that find had all those features. I just went and man find when you gave that command..WOW its packed. | 11:27 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: --> Ok . . . we'll send the catfish / thunar idea up. i like it, though. | 11:27 |
Maybelline | aoirthoir: yeah, the -exec and -execdir flags are awesome. | 11:27 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: nicer? I don't think so... the ubuntu peeps are quite nice | 11:27 |
reevester | ok u guys are busy.....i shall be back later then | 11:27 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, thanks kindly. hyper_ch currently we are using Ubuntu at my office. But I have 9 legacy machines that I am going to try to get going on either xubuntu, puppy or dsl. Whichever works best. | 11:27 |
Maybelline | hyper_ch: personally, I would rather see a panel plugin like the deskbar for gnome... Think that could get brought up? | 11:28 |
hyper_ch | dsl is on my usb stick :) | 11:28 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: I should put dsl-n on it | 11:28 |
hyper_ch | Maybelline: a what? | 11:28 |
aoirthoir | Maybelline, ive not realized find was more than find. So I am going to have to study it more. | 11:28 |
hyper_ch | Maybelline: well, the meeting is over | 11:28 |
reevester | whats dsl ? | 11:28 |
reevester | another OS ? | 11:28 |
hyper_ch | reevester: yes, DamnSmallLinux... | 11:29 |
aoirthoir | reevester, yes. Damn Small Linux. Its 50 mb Gnu/Linux. | 11:29 |
vidd | reevester, yes Damn Small Linux | 11:29 |
hyper_ch | reevester: uses 50mb | 11:29 |
Maybelline | reevester: you might disable the screensaver, but I'd do an ctl-alt-F2, and sudo killall xscreensaver, rather than trying to use the gui | 11:29 |
reevester | hmmm.....gotta google that! | 11:29 |
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aoirthoir | Puppy Linux is 79mb. And it saves back to the cd/dvd if you burned in multisession. | 11:29 |
Maybelline | hyper_ch: Have you seen the deskbar plugin for the gnome panel? I'd love to see something like that for XFCE. So, it's not exactly a xubuntu request, but XFCE. | 11:30 |
hyper_ch | dsl-n is also about that size I think | 11:30 |
hyper_ch | Maybelline: I had ubuntu for... hmmm... 1 week... but I don't remember what you mean | 11:30 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, yes dsl-n is HUGE..it, like puppy is a massive memory hog <wink>. | 11:30 |
aoirthoir | :D | 11:30 |
Maybelline | hyper_ch: try this -- http://raphael.slinckx.net/deskbar/screenshots.php#current | 11:31 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: so far I only got dsl and OOo on the stick... | 11:31 |
aoirthoir | OOo? | 11:31 |
aoirthoir | ah | 11:31 |
aoirthoir | duh. | 11:31 |
aoirthoir | nvm. | 11:31 |
hyper_ch | Maybelline: hmm.... I wouldn't use it :) | 11:31 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: yes, needed to be able to write on my master thesis everywhere | 11:32 |
reevester | Maybelline....when i do the ctl-alt-F2, and sudo killall xscreensaver .....it will return to the setup or will continue like as in the alternate CD? | 11:33 |
reevester | just want to know that in advance! | 11:33 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, i dig abiword and gnumeric. I am waiting for gnumeric to become available for portableapps.com on windows. Then I can start training folks in it. But as soon as my apps are done, and they no longer need to use the old legacy apps at my company (2-3 more months) then we will be moving all the workstations to ubuntu/xbunutu/puppy/dsl/slax. | 11:33 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, and that will include abiword and gnumeric by default..I will be hiding OOo from the users. | 11:34 |
Maybelline | reevester: to get back to the gui, press ctl-alt-F7. That's normal, but on the liveCD, it might be ctl-alt-F1 | 11:34 |
hyper_ch | why? OOo Writer is excellent at styling scientific papers... | 11:34 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: btw, can gnumeric spreadsheets also be added to google-docs? | 11:35 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, I dont use google docs..i signed up for it..but havent converted to using it yet | 11:36 |
aoirthoir | so I dont know if gnumeric spreadsheets can be used with google docs..but gnumeric can save in .xls format..so i am guessing yes | 11:36 |
hyper_ch | I have a few spreadsheets on there that I want to share with some people... it's actually quite a cool thing | 11:36 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, however the reason to use gnumeric and abiword for me..is less complication. The users need fewer features not more. those that have to have the massive features will continue to run ms word and excel on the terminal server. | 11:37 |
hyper_ch | aoirthoir: I see :) | 11:37 |
aoirthoir | OOo and MSOffice are bloated for our needs (not for everyone's needs). Plus I dont like macros in an office product. The _potential_ for virus kind of activity..is greater . | 11:38 |
Jester45 | aoirthoir: if you have a proxy server you can run an ati virus that will examine office files and remove macos/attachments | 11:39 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, honestly they might not even need those. Most of the stuff they do will be done through our app. Cobol, PHP and Mysql on the server end, with the broswer on the user end. | 11:40 |
aoirthoir | Jester45, yes. But the letters they will be creating will be very small. If they could be taught to understand xhtml, I would do it that way. As it is we will go with Abiword/Gnumeric and then eventually wittle them down to WYMEditor | 11:40 |
hyper_ch | I'm off to bed | 11:46 |
vidd | hyper_ch good night | 11:46 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, thanks for the help g! | 11:46 |
aoirthoir | hyper_ch, holler atcha next time. | 11:46 |
Jester45 | would a download drom feisty to drapper via sources.list change be safe? | 11:49 |
aoirthoir | Jester45, dunno. | 11:50 |
Jester45 | downgrade* | 11:50 |
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