
RiddellLure: done12:16
LureRiddell: thanks, have subscribed ubuntu-archive12:17
Riddellfabo: what creates .version files in the guidance package?12:19
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Daskreechmanchicken: They do release a lot of code as well12:37
manchickenDaskreech: What now?12:37
DaskreechThey do release internal code to oss12:38
DaskreechJust boring stuff :)12:38
Riddellthey do?12:38
RiddellI've never noticed that, except where they have to12:39
mhbI'm happy with them paying the SoC :o)12:40
Riddellah, right, spose so12:43
manchickenDaskreech: I don't recall saying anything about Google today.12:43
Daskreechmanchicken: me either12:43
DaskreechI thought it about time :-)12:44
manchickenOh.  Googles contributions are insufficient to make up for the privacy and freedom violations they've committed.12:44
RiddellI've not noticed any of them either12:44
manchickenI've noticed a lot of proprietary stuff and a lot of disingenuous grooming of the Free Software community. :)12:45
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Daskreechmanchicken: yeah I said they were boring stuff :002:27
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jjessewas someone looking for me?02:50
Daskreechhi kwwii02:52
jjessehello Daskreech02:53
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Daskreechhi jjesse :)02:53
DaskreechHow are you?02:53
jjessegood, frustrated at my dog, who insists he has to go outside and then nothing02:54
kwwiihi Daskreech, jjesse, all02:54
Daskreechjjesse: maybe he wants to walk02:55
jjesseits not time for that yet02:55
kwwiior maybe he is messing with your mind02:55
jjessehe goes at nine thirty02:55
jjesseevery day02:55
jjesseloading up a gutsy vm right now :)02:55
kwwiidogs are a lot smarter than you think :-)02:55
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claydohmy 3 dogs are definitely smarter than me03:10
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claydohthey can tell when I am  faking sleep early in the am03:12
nosrednaekimI read on your wiki that some apps needed to be programmed. Are any of these apps in Python?03:12
Daskreechclaydoh: They know your mensis :-)03:14
claydohmaybe, but it still suck if I acidently wake up at 4 a,m, they all wanna go outside03:16
=== claydoh has less patience than the mrs, they never get her with that one
DaskreechOh that yeah03:19
=== claydoh is enjoying kmymoney2 0.9 cvs
Daskreechwait that gets developed?03:22
=== claydoh also almost misread mensis for something else :), and subsequently felt stupid :)
Daskreechha ha :)03:23
claydoh0.9 has, get this, wizard driven online banking setup that *works*!!03:24
Daskreechit pretends to be IE? :)03:25
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claydohlol I have yet to use IE703:34
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nosrednaekimhi, I'm not sure if this is the place to ask, but i'm trying to register up on kubuntu.org, and its stalling.03:34
Daskreechclaydoh: how nice is it to use?03:36
Daskreech I was going to use it a while back for personal finances then I ran out of finances to manage :(03:36
claydohwell it works, in stable versions, but ofx was always hit and miss03:37
claydohbeing too lazy to manually enter transactions makes a working ofx very handy03:38
claydohOFX direct connectis broken/missing in Feisty/edgy03:39
Daskreechso you can od ofx and it catalogs them automatically?03:40
claydohhadn't tried it in a long time, so I decided to compile from cvs instead of stable, and viola03:40
claydohbefore, I had to set Konq file association for manually downloaded ofx files03:41
claydohnow, it is Just Like Quicken03:41
claydohmissing a big "download transactions" button tho03:42
claydohquicken was the last win app Ikept, until they removed support for it and force me to buy the new version03:43
claydoh2003 i think03:43
Daskreechwith the subscriptions03:43
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claydohwhen i say my last windows app of course does not mean games :)03:48
ryanakcaoops, sorry04:18
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jjessegrin :)04:32
jjessenice one Daskreech04:32
Daskreechjjesse: Which one? :)04:32
jjessethe exit :)04:33
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jjesseslow night??04:43
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Hobbseehi all05:46
Daskreechhi Hobbsee05:47
Daskreechhow are you05:49
Hobbseei'm attemtping to summon the energy to get up and actually do anything05:50
Hobbseeand knetworkmanager is being painful05:50
DaskreechYeah it does that05:53
Hobbseewhich is surprising, as it didnt used to05:53
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DaskreechHobbsee: What about posting with a language?05:57
HobbseeDaskreech: sorry?05:57
DaskreechHobbsee: You had a blog post a few days ago06:00
Daskreechsomething about posting in a different language that sounded too much like it was something you had hit in RL06:01
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HobbseeDaskreech: i dont understand06:10
Hobbseeoh, the harassment one?06:10
Hobbseei have hit most of that in real life, yes06:11
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DaskreechSomeone being offensive because of speaking a different language?06:12
Daskreech or pretending to not be offensive by speaking a different language?06:13
Hobbseei didnt say that in a blog post06:13
Hobbseei said "just because something is OK in one culture, does that mean it's okay in all of them?" type idea06:13
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DaskreechYeah you also said before that that at what point in a post do you decide that it's not the language barrier that the person is just being rude06:14
Daskreech type06:14
Daskreechidea. sounded like something specific :)06:15
Hobbseetrue that06:15
Hobbseesure.  didnt you see \sh's sexy lady from au post?06:15
Daskreechwas it on planet ubuntu?06:16
=== Daskreech admits he rarely reads it.
Hobbseeit was06:18
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HobbseeDaskreech: http://linux.blogweb.de/06:19
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HobbseeDaskreech: specifically http://linux.blogweb.de/archives/301-Ubuntu-is-going-to-be-sexy....html06:20
nixternalholy jeebus...writing cmake files aren't all that fun06:21
nixternalHobbsee: I don't care what people say, Kubuntu is secksy06:21
nixternaland I am still pissed that I wasn't considered secksy!06:22
Hobbseenixternal: heh06:22
=== nixternal starts talking like Austin Powers
nixternalhaha, or better yet, Fat Bastard06:22
nixternalget in ma belly06:22
Hobbseenixternal: you really want the guys to think of you as sexy?06:23
nixternalhey, better then me thinking I am just to curb the lonelyness06:24
DaskreechHobbsee: is that link right?06:24
Hobbseeif you take teh whole link06:25
Daskreechas in append .html ?06:25
Hobbseetake the whole link, as is, including the 4 .'s06:25
Daskreechnot htlm06:25
Hobbseeyou could just copy paste it06:25
Daskreechone dot works as well ...06:26
Daskreechbut ok06:26
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Hobbseeah right06:27
Hobbseei have no idea why it was done that way06:27
Hobbseehi mhb06:27
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JucatoHobbsee: but you are secksy! (and nixternal isn't) :P07:55
HobbseeJucato: :P07:55
crimsunpoor Vista user he is :\07:59
Hobbseecrimsun: nixternal isnt serious aobut anything except his pointy-clicky Vista love.  he said so last night.08:03
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Adios Espania! | Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | Kubuntu Meeting on 31 May, 2100 UTC - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings
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Lurehi Tonio_09:12
Tonio_hey lure :)09:13
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Tonio_Lure: little question concerning libdvdread09:29
Tonio_Lure: debian added the builddep to add dvd ripping function to k3b09:29
Tonio_Lure: shouldn't we try to get libdvdread in main to do the same ?09:29
LureTonio_: that would be great09:29
=== Lure uses medibuntu, so did not notice it ;-)
Tonio_Lure: I think so....09:30
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Tonio_Lure: yeah I know, I did the medibuntu package :)09:30
Tonio_Lure: okay let's add this to todo again then.....09:30
Tonio_Lure: still no internet connection at home........09:30
LureTonio_: it looks like french ISP suck09:30
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Tonio_Lure: no they globally rock, as long as you don't have a problem09:31
Tonio_the problem is that there are 2 telecom services, and each one pretends this is the others fault09:32
Tonio_the issue is that I have to go through the all process of validating everything even if I know where the problem is09:32
Tonio_it takes one hour to fix, not more........09:32
Tonio_but they have to test this, and that, and then this again etc.......09:33
Tonio_Lure: f*cking bureaucraty.......;09:33
HobbseeTonio_: last i knew, libdvdread was in main09:33
Tonio_Hobbsee: it's in universe.......09:34
Tonio_maybe demoted or so, I don't know....;09:34
Hobbseeokay, when i last modified it, it was in main09:34
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=== Tonio_ is merging k3b
Tonio_Hobbsee: so it would be easy to get it in main then....09:35
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Hobbseei've no idea hwy it was demoted09:43
Tonio_Hobbsee: maybe because there is no more application in main using this ? :)09:45
Hobbseequite possibly09:45
Tonio_hum, I have a couple of improvements for kds too....... let's upload09:45
Tonio_I found a few things to improve while working for the french parliament :)09:46
Hobbseewhat are they?09:46
Tonio_Hobbsee: can do alt+print to catch the window and not the full screen09:46
Tonio_for example09:46
Hobbseein ksnapshot?09:47
Hobbseenice :)09:47
Tonio_well using ksnapshot -c in fact09:47
Tonio_Hobbsee: do you know what is the status for the new usb stuff unmount thing from fdoving ?09:47
Tonio_Hobbsee: we should upload the package to revu right now, then get it in universe, and then in main etc.......09:48
Tonio_will be long, so we should start right now09:48
HobbseeTonio_: i believe he said it was going thru you09:48
Tonio_Hobbsee: it is09:48
Hobbseeit looks good ot me, but mine keeps erroring out with the newest block anyway09:48
Tonio_but as I have no internet connection for at least 10 days........09:48
Hobbseeyeah, fair enough09:48
Tonio_Hobbsee: I haven't been very active due to that recently09:48
Hobbseeyeah, fair enough09:49
Tonio_one month without a connection09:49
Tonio_my girlfriend is happy of this, I'm not :)09:49
Hobbseei thought it was already on revu?09:49
Tonio_Hobbsee: it isn't, bt I'll upload today, will you revu this ?09:49
Hobbseeget fdoving to upload it, if you want09:49
Hobbseein fact, i thought it might already be there.09:49
Tonio_Hobbsee: well I think there was a couple of things to fix in fdoving package.....09:50
Tonio_Hobbsee: will do that today09:50
Tonio_I'd like to get that in soon09:50
Tonio_Riddell: ping ?09:50
Tonio_Riddell: I have a fix, as you know, for the usplash on shutdown09:51
Tonio_Riddell: but I'd like to discuss with you about the way to implement this09:51
Tonio_Riddell: as this requires touching init.d files....09:51
Tonio_Riddell: dpkg-divert seems the nice way to do it, but that means beeing carefully to provide a file that feets the latest provided by kdm and the usplash packages.......09:52
HobbseeTonio_: ah, koay09:52
HobbseeTonio_: there's a meeting tomorrow, btw.09:52
Hobbseewhere tomorrow may equal anything in your tz09:52
HobbseeTonio_: you can upload, and you only need one other ack.  i'm fine to do that other ack, once on a linux-based system.09:53
Tonio_Hobbsee: which time ?09:53
Tonio_the meeting ?09:53
_marseillais23 heures09:54
Tonio_tomorrow or today ?09:54
Hobbsee^ topic09:54
Tonio_Hobbsee: hum, right :)09:54
Tonio_Hobbsee: I can't be there, as there is no internet home......09:55
Tonio_Hobbsee: are we deciding the new council toonight ?09:56
Hobbseeproposing, at least,  ithnk09:56
Hobbseegot suggestions?09:56
Tonio_Hobbsee: well I'm undecided if I wanna stay a member or not...09:57
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'd like too but we need to rotate people....09:57
Hobbseewhy so?09:57
Hobbseeif we're rotatingn half...09:57
Tonio_Hobbsee: well who are we rotating then ?09:57
Hobbseei'd still like to see you on there09:57
Tonio_toma and ?09:57
Hobbseeallee, toma, raphink, iirc09:57
Tonio_hum, well raphink makes sense as he doesn't have that much free time now09:58
Tonio_I think we should keep allee09:58
Tonio_but that's my opinion09:58
Tonio_allee thinks I should be prior to him.......09:58
raphinkI told Riddell that I might not be very useful in the council aznymore09:58
Tonio_undecision sucks :)09:58
raphinkgiven my poor contributions lately09:58
Hobbseehehe.  both of you think they should step down.09:58
raphinkwell I'm not being very useful there09:59
raphinkI'm more useful mentoring in the MOTU team09:59
raphinkor contributing to upstream projects09:59
raphinkthat's what I'm doing mostly lately, and it's easier for me because that's where I work09:59
Hobbseeyou remind me of some people at work.  "oh, i'll pay" "no i'll pay"  (rinse and repeat 10x).  "oh just give me hte flipping money..."09:59
Tonio_Hobbsee: the point is that if I'm not a member of the council, who will force the decision to remove kexi ? ^_^10:00
Tonio_I should stay a member at least till kexi is removed from the cd :)10:00
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Tonio_Hobbsee: well btw I'd like to stay there as I think I can be usefull on that point10:01
Hobbseeit's not like you cant make decions bing on there10:01
HobbseeTonio_: i think so too10:01
Tonio_but I'll leave if we need to rotate one more people10:01
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Hobbseewe'll see10:10
faboRiddell: yes, it is dh_pysupport.10:15
Riddellfabo: but how do I make it stop?10:35
Tonio_Riddell: hi ;)10:38
Hobbseemorning Riddell10:39
Tonio_Riddell: talking about the fix for the usplash on shutdown, are you okay with 2 init.d files provided with kds and dpkg-divert rules ?10:39
RiddellTonio_: why two?10:44
Tonio_Riddell: because to get the complete usplash we need to patch init.d/kdm and init.d/usplash10:45
Tonio_Riddell: second part of the shutdown process is done via usplash10:45
Tonio_Riddell: in case we only patch one, we don't get the all shutdown graphically10:45
Tonio_Riddell: tested on 1000 pcs, that works :)10:45
Riddellok, so edit those files, why the need for the diverts?10:46
Tonio_Riddell: because touching etc files is a policy violation10:47
Tonio_Riddell: and those files are provided by packages, so touching then requires human action to approve or reject at every update of usplash of kdm10:47
Tonio_Riddell: divert them makes upgrade silent, and is respecfull reguarding to the debian policy :)10:47
Tonio_Riddell: btw, I think we should consider doing a divert for the kdmrc and backgroundrc files too, instead of doing a sed....10:48
Tonio_Riddell: what I did for the french parliament is a third binary package from kds10:48
Tonio_Riddell: kind of kubuntu-etc-files10:48
Tonio_Riddell: and doing divert for those files10:49
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Tonio_Riddell: we should consider this for kubuntu in my opinion no ?10:49
Riddellwhat's wrong with editing init.d/kdm and init.d/usplash in the packaging?10:49
faboRiddell: why do you want to make it stop ? we need .version to support specific python version10:50
Riddellfabo: because it creates the .version file in all three packages so it overlaps10:51
Tonio_Riddell: ho you mean in the packaging ?10:51
RiddellTonio_: yes10:51
Tonio_Riddell: hum nothing's wrong there, except I'd like to be sure touching usplash doesn't create any issue10:51
Tonio_Riddell: that can impact gnome too10:51
Riddellwell write it in such a way that it doesn't :)10:51
Tonio_Riddell: lol10:51
Riddellkdm will get installed by gnome users too, including those that still use gdm10:52
Tonio_Riddell: well it shouldn't cause any trouble btw10:52
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Riddellif it doesn't cause any trouble then change the init file installed by usplash10:52
Tonio_Riddell: yup10:53
Tonio_Riddell: I'll also have to remove your kdm patch for usplash10:53
Riddellof course10:53
Tonio_let's go then :)10:53
Riddellbut but, I spent two days on that patch!10:53
Riddell(and it's still crap)10:53
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=== mhb_ is now known as mhb
mhbgood morning11:06
faboRiddell: i asked python-support dev. POV, but i wonder why i've got it only in powermanager ...11:06
Riddellfabo: by the way I changed mv powermanager/*.py $(PYSUPPORT_PATH)  to   cp powermanager/*.py $(PYSUPPORT_PATH)11:21
Riddellsince mv was changing the sources11:22
morn|eriRiddell: out of curiosity, how's python and spurious CPU wakeups? :)11:25
morn|erianyone here tried powertop on kubuntu already?11:26
morn|eriand what results?11:26
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Riddellmorn|eri: I havn't, although we included Kretz's patch for arts from his powertop searching11:27
RiddellI don't see why python in general would be bad for cpu wakeups11:27
faboi applied matthias patch on arts for infos. nothing to report atm.11:28
morn|eriRiddell: i have noticed some interpreter stuff in powertop when running amarok, from the scripts11:29
morn|eriRiddell: may or may not be case with other scripted apps11:29
faboRiddell: i wonder if the bug is to use PYSUPPORT_PATH everywhere ... it must use /usr/share/python-support/$PACKAGE11:30
Riddellfabo: for now I've worked around it by just not using pyversions11:31
faboi'll do the test to confirm11:32
morn|eribut the powertop thing is really great11:37
morn|erirunning a tickless kernel with the funky patches and doing some userspace tuning -does- improve battery life11:37
Luremorn|eri: I run powertop11:38
morn|eri2 hours on wireless already and still 3.5h left11:38
Luremorn|eri: there are still other offenders before powermanager ;-)11:38
morn|eri~12 watt11:38
Luremorn|eri: my bigest problem is usb (bluetooth)11:39
morn|eriautosuspend seems to work here11:39
morn|erino bt tho11:39
Luremorn|eri: it does 100 wakeups/sec when inactive (but turned on due to wireless)11:39
RadiantFireRiddell: I have read somewhere that the python interactive shell wakes up ever 100 ms or something11:40
LureRadiantFire: me to, but powermanager (python up) doe not get powertop list at all...11:41
LureRadiantFire: I suspect python in ubuntu already has fix11:41
RiddellTonio_: launchpad doesn't let me change the status of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-bluetooth11:48
RiddellTonio_: if you think it's ready, please change to "pending approval"11:48
Tonio_Riddell: sure11:48
RiddellTonio_: ah, wait11:48
RiddellTonio_: scott approved it, sorted11:49
Tonio_Riddell: yep, that's what I saw11:49
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Riddellah yes, powertop doesn't like me because I'm not using acpi11:54
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LureRiddell: what do you use?11:59
RiddellLure: a crappy laptop12:00
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kwwiilol, should I suggest that JRT work on Kubuntu?12:16
Riddellkwwii: see when I said yesterday about you not doing art any more, it was a joke!  we love you!  don't leave us to JRT!12:17
Riddellkwwii: well, if he does rant again I think that's a good time to unsubscribe him from the list12:21
LureRiddell: JRT?12:21
RiddellLure: KDE's most famous non-contributor12:22
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kwwiiRiddell: :-) I sent a nice email asking him to stop - if he doesn't listen he is gone12:41
kwwiihe is legally blind but wants to tell us how to do artwork :p12:41
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_StefanS_Riddell: I was considering applying for kubuntu membership later today12:59
Jucatooh... the meeting's tomorrow :/12:59
Riddell_StefanS_: great!01:00
Riddell_StefanS_: make sure you make yourself a wiki page01:00
Lure_StefanS_: go for it! you have my support!01:00
_StefanS_Riddell: err, was the meeting yesterday ? :D01:00
Lure_StefanS_: not that I count ;-)01:00
Riddell_StefanS_: 10 hours time01:00
_StefanS_Riddell: okay, I will create a wiki01:01
_StefanS_Lure: thanks ;)01:01
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marseillaiRiddell: i've done a debdiff for this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/90801 with a patch i've found here : www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/openSUSE+KDE+Tweaks?content=59337 but i can't test it because i don't have a running gutsy01:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 90801 in kdebase "moving desktop icons on kde" [Undecided,Confirmed] 01:23
marseillaido you want i give it to you or what should i do with it?01:24
Riddellmarseillai: sure, attach the debdiff to the bug report01:26
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Riddellmarseillai: by the way you can make gutsy in a chroot and run from there02:04
marseillaiRiddell: i've tryed02:04
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Riddellmarseillai: what happened?02:04
marseillaimy desktop is too old for this02:04
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Riddellwell yes, that's why you need the chroot02:04
marseillaiit is really slow02:04
Riddellthings won't be any slower in a chroot02:05
Riddellgood morning jjesse02:05
=== Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Kubuntu-devel
jjessemorning Riddell or its probablly close to afternono for u02:05
Tonio_Riddell: FYI, due to missing internet connection at home, I'll not be there toonight02:09
Tonio_Riddell: can you during the meeting send to messages for me ?02:09
Tonio_Riddell: first is that I +1 marseillai for membership02:10
Tonio_Riddell: second is that as long as there is no problem to find the people to rotate, I think I can be usefull as member of the council for one more year, so I am candidate :)02:10
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Tonio_Hobbsee: ready to approve kio-umountwrapper from fdoving ?02:16
Tonio_Hobbsee: will be on revu in 2 minutes02:17
HobbseeTonio_: -EWINDOWSXP02:18
Tonio_Hobbsee: is that a problem to approve the packaging ?02:19
Tonio_Hobbsee: works and builds, believe in me :)02:19
Hobbseeyes, because i'm not sure waht the password is02:19
Tonio_Hobbsee: ah02:19
Hobbseefeel free to upload and i'll ack late, if you like02:19
Tonio_Hobbsee: shame on you, vmware is free don't you remember ? ;)02:20
Hobbseethis is true02:20
Tonio_virtualbox too is, and works like a charm on kubuntu02:20
Tonio_that's the way I do my windows stuff now :)02:20
Hobbseehow is it performance-wise?02:21
LureTonio_: I can look at it02:21
Tonio_Lure: great, thanks :)02:23
Tonio_Lure: I forgot you were motu now :)02:23
LureTonio_: license in COPYING has wrong FSF address02:28
Tonio_Lure: ah ?02:29
LureTonio_: just something fdoving can fix in next upstream relase02:29
LureTonio_: same in some source files02:30
Tonio_Lure: well we'll tell him, but that's no reason to reject the package :)02:30
LureTonio_: right, just do not know why I cannot comment in revu02:30
LureTonio_: do I need to be in some special group?02:30
Tonio_Lure: no you just need to be motu afaik02:31
Tonio_Lure: are you authenticated ?02:31
Tonio_Lure: are you in the motu lp group ?02:31
Tonio_should work in that case afaik02:31
LureTonio_: I am logged in with my @ubuntu.com address and I am in MOTU in LP02:32
Tonio_Lure: you should ping siretart then02:32
Tonio_Lure: okay I don't wanna waste time on this :)02:33
Tonio_Lure: I approve on revu and upload, can you just add your comment when you get the permissions ?02:34
LureTonio_: yep, just do it - will do02:34
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siretartTonio_: sprry?02:37
Tonio_siretart: hey ;)02:38
Tonio_siretart: Lure is motu but doesn't appear to have commenting permissions on revu02:38
Tonio_siretart: what can explain that ?02:38
siretartTonio_: that I need to set its level in revu's postgresdatabase? ;)02:38
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Tonio_siretart: ho you do that manually ? :) fun !02:39
nosrednaekimLure: I get the information from /proc/acpi/battery02:40
Riddellthere must be a way to get it from hal02:41
Lurenosrednaekim: not available through "lshal"?02:41
Lurenosrednaekim: we do not want to read /proc unless really important02:41
LureTonio_: add my support to revu02:41
nosrednaekimOk. I'm looking to see if its in lshal02:41
Tonio_siretart: talking about ffmpeg, I just saw that latest version is in the repos for a few days02:42
siretartTonio_: /srv/revu1-production/scripts/alter_user.py -lreviewer -elure@ubuntu.com02:42
siretartthat's the command btw i need to issue02:43
nosrednaekimLure: Riddell confirmed, its in lshal.02:43
Tonio_siretart: shold we wait for xine-lib to build or isn't that better to just reupload ?02:43
siretartTonio_: the problem is that ffmpeg source is in main, but not the binaries02:43
Lurenosrednaekim: ok, great - they you can add it to popup by looking at other code02:43
siretartTonio_: we need to have the binaries moved to main, and give back xine to the buildds02:44
Tonio_siretart: yes but that shouldn't impact the build right ?02:44
Lurenosrednaekim: send me a patch (lure@u.c) and I can review it and include in kde svn02:44
siretartTonio_: 'giving back' means to let the buildds retry a previously failed build02:44
nosrednaekimLure: Riddell in fact, you can even tell the current in hal while the AC adapter is plugged in..02:44
nosrednaekimwhich is nice.02:44
nosrednaekimLure: ok.02:44
siretartTonio_: feel free to ask an ftpmaster to do that02:44
Tonio_siretart: sure02:44
Lurenosrednaekim: do you maybe have some non-laptop batteries (wireless mouse, ups...)?02:45
nosrednaekimLure: nope02:45
Lurenosrednaekim: we want to add support for that, but I am always to lazy to start that (as I do not have HW) ;-)02:45
nosrednaekimfor what..UPS?02:45
Lurenosrednaekim: ups or mouse battery yes02:46
nosrednaekimI have a UPS ( but not on the computer)02:46
nosrednaekim*this... can't type this morning02:46
Lurenosrednaekim: if it would be connected to computer and supported by HAL, we could easily add support for it02:46
Lurenosrednaekim: there is bug about it02:46
nosrednaekimmouse battery... that reports to hal? interesting.02:47
Lurenosrednaekim: bug 8227702:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 82277 in kde-guidance "[Feisty]  guidance-power-manager doesn't work for UPS on a desktop system" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8227702:47
nosrednaekimah... ok...well maybe i'll see what I can do. The UPS is not attached to a ubuntu machine ( its my brother's gentoo box)02:48
nosrednaekimbut I should be able to pull the hal output and see how to do it.02:48
=== Hobbsee is now known as LongPointyStick
RiddellTonio_: gutsy not feisty!  also if you're uploading kdebase you could look at marseillai's patch on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/9080102:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 90801 in kdebase "moving desktop icons on kde" [Undecided,Fix committed] 02:52
Tonio_Riddell: argh, I missed that one......02:53
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Tonio_Riddell: that's dch's fault ! ;)02:55
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Tonio_siretart: just tried to build xine-lib on feisty, fails due to ghostscript broken03:47
siretartTonio_: not my fault :)03:48
Tonio_I know :)03:48
Tonio_siretart: just to let you know as the maintainer :)03:48
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siretartTonio_: do you have a buildlog for me? feel free to bounce it to my ubuntu address03:51
Tonio_siretart: sure03:58
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fdovingTonio_: did you look at the kio-umountwrapper package yet? revu etc.04:34
Tonio_fdoving: yup04:37
Tonio_fdoving: it is in the main queue04:37
Tonio_New queue sorry04:37
Tonio_once in universe, I'll write the main inclusion report04:37
Lurefdoving: you may only want to update GPL licenses to point to new address of FSF, otherwise good work!04:41
fdovingTonio_: did you see that comment from lure ? :)04:47
fdovingLure: ok, thanks :)04:47
Tonio_fdoving: yep :)04:47
Lurefdoving: thank you!04:47
fdovingTonio_: great. keep up the good work. i'll have to run again. more work. see you :)04:47
fdovingTonio_: btw. the don't refresh desktop-icons-kdeeject-hack leaves old icons around the desktop if you umount from media:/ - or it did that once here. do you experience that too?04:49
fdovingi have not tested it very much. i just noticed it once.04:49
fdovinganyway.. have to run. bye.04:49
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Tonio_fdoving: yep, but we're not supposed to have media:/ :)04:50
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RiddellTonio_: shall I merge kdebluetooth?06:16
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Tonio_Riddell: well we'll probably look at packaging kdebluetooth-dbus-integration no ?06:33
Tonio_Riddell: if so, merging kdebluetooth might be a waste of time06:34
=== Hobbsee wonders how she's going to be up again in 4.5 hours.
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RiddellHobbsee: you need to give me your phone number again if you need a wake up call06:35
HobbseeRiddell: i never got your message from UDS, btw06:35
=== Hobbsee calculates what it is...
=== DaSkreech [n=ubuntu@port0002-abm-static-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #KUBUNTU-DEVEL
DaSkreechhi Hobbsee Jucato06:36
Hobbseeheya DaSkreech06:36
Jucatohi DaSkreech06:36
DaSkreechhow goes?06:36
Jucatohi Hobbsee! (still up?)06:36
HobbseeJucato: yeah, stupidly.  i'll go to bed soon06:37
HobbseeJucato: i found i had so many assignments, and there was interesting stuff in the ubuntu dev meeting.06:37
Jucatoer... I just realized that the meeting is just about 4 hours away?06:37
DaSkreechkubuntu meeting?06:37
=== Lure [n=lure@89-212-19-55.dynamic.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lureis it just me, or kdm still does not have kubuntu theme in gutsy?06:39
=== DaSkreech was hoping that there would be a theme that allowed you to see the users that could login
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Jucatohm... I just noticed mhb's proposal to turn off power manager's notification isn't in the agenda? was that resolved or withdrawn?06:40
JucatoDaSkreech: there is06:40
Jucatothere's one in kde-look. Kubuntu user list06:41
DaSkreechoh yeah saw that one.06:41
JucatoI think we will be considering that for feisty... dunno w/ kwwi06:41
RiddellLure: it doesn't?06:41
LureRiddell: it never did for me since upgrade from feisty (a week ago)06:41
LureRiddell: and system settings crashes :-(06:42
LureRiddell: also only noticed this today ;-)06:42
LureDaSkreech: that kind of theme I have now (with user selection ;-))06:42
=== DaSkreech thinks he crashed adept
Jucatowhat's new? :)06:42
DaSkreechLure: :-) I was thinking that a choice like that should be given with the default packages06:43
LureJucato: it was discussed on ML, do not remeber if it was on agenda06:43
JucatoLure: ok. just remembered it :)06:43
LureDaSkreech: I am fine with that being changed - you need to talk to kwwii to design something nice06:43
DaSkreechYeah I spoke with him after dapper06:44
DaSkreechforgot about it since then06:44
LureJucato: what about your kmilo enhancement - will we upload it (I got used to it - it is much nicer)06:44
JucatoLure: you'll have to ask mhb. it was originally his request. I just put it on the agenda :)06:44
Jucato(somehow he had the idea that because he already had an agenda topic, he can't add others :)06:44
LureJucato: good06:45
=== Lure checks agenda
LureJucato: he can add as many as he want06:45
Jucatomhb: heard that? :P06:45
HobbseeLure: does that apply to me too?06:46
LureHobbsee: of course06:46
Jucatobtw, the KDM theme on kde-look I mentioned earlier uses kwwi's theme, just modified a bit to include a user list06:46
=== Hobbsee goes and doubles the meeting agenda then, like she did once before...
=== Lure almost fogot about the days when we had Hobbsee only agendas ;-)
JucatoHobbsee: no one dares limit the powers of the LongPointyStick :)06:46
abattoirthe meeting is in around 4 hours 15 minutes, right?06:46
LureHobbsee: so you do not plan any sleep before meeting?06:47
=== Jucato wonders if he should stilll sleep at all....
HobbseeLure: i do plan to sleep, i think, and i'll hope like crazy that i wake up06:47
LureJucato: you are from similar timezone as Hobbsee, right?06:47
Hobbseenot sure how coherant i'll be, though, for a while06:47
DaSkreechmaybe someone can call you?06:47
JucatoLure: nope. +8 UTC. making the meeting 5:00 AM over here :)06:47
HobbseeDaSkreech: Riddell will06:47
Jucatohe usually does :)06:48
LureJucato: auch even worse06:48
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Jucatoheh no worries. it's not like we have meetings every month :P06:48
=== Jucato runs and hides from the stick
nixternalthat was a low blow ;p06:48
jjesseare we going to have meetings more frequently hten?06:48
JucatoHobbsee: you might want to take just a short nap, not more than 30 or 45 minutes. might be better than sleeping06:49
jjessei ment are we going to have more regular meetings ?06:49
HobbseeJucato: i tend to wake up pretty groggy06:49
Hobbseejjesse: yes06:49
Riddelljjesse: hope so06:49
Hobbseejjesse: it's a problem of hobbseeslackness.06:49
jjessegood, cause i can't make this one06:49
Jucatonixternal: lower than you not being secksy? :P06:49
Hobbseebut no idea about in hte next week or so, as... at last count, there's 2 opto200 assignments 1 opto230 assignment, 3 electronics assignments, the last one being due in a week, 3 physics assignments, 1 report, 1 lab....06:50
Hobbseemost of which to do before next friday.06:50
DaSkreechSounds like you need a minion06:51
=== Jucato sees DaSkreech volunteering
Hobbseeit looks like i'm goign to say "too bad" to 2.5 of the physics assignments, and a whole heap of electronics06:51
Hobbseeopto ones i can hand in next semester, i think, report is for over the break06:52
Hobbseeso i might cope06:52
Jucatopoor Hobbsee :`(06:54
Hobbseeyay, UDS, and getting sick afterwards06:54
yuriyHobbsee: what kind of stuff are you doing in electronics?07:01
Hobbseeyuriy: op amps, at the moment.  linear stuff07:01
Hobbseelinear circuits07:02
Hobbseestuff i dont really understand much07:02
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yuriyi think i understand opamps, but i may very well not remember anything at this point07:04
nixternalHobbsee: op amps are fun though07:04
Hobbseei just dont understand much of the complex ones07:05
Hobbseeand the non ideal cases and such07:05
nixternalya, I would have to brush up on them myself07:05
Jucatoall I remember about electronics is getting burned with the soldering iron :)07:05
=== Hobbsee rofl's
nixternalI just burnt myself the other day actually not paying attention07:05
nixternalbeen a while since I did that last07:05
=== DaSkreech gently carries Hobbsee to bed
Hobbseei cant sleep if not tired, though.07:07
Hobbseewhich is hte problem07:08
yuriyHobbsee: i don't htink we went that in-depth07:09
yuriywe made analog adders and subtractors with them, and some sort of feedback circuit, that's about it07:10
=== DaSkreech bounces at all the stuff in Plasma
Hobbseehehe, i'm looking forward to seeing that07:16
DaSkreechRaptor is so going to own :)07:16
Jucatohm... there are updates in tb?07:19
Jucatosorry to lazy to type.. fingers hurt already :)07:20
DaSkreechNo they have a meeting going on now I'm sitting in07:21
DaSkreechand I've been reading http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/Menu07:21
Jucatoah ok07:22
JucatoI was under the impression that raptor was qutie dormant. glad to see it alive again07:22
Jucatoalthough not really sure I know enough about it to root for it as *the* next K Menu :)07:22
DaSkreechIt sounds roxors07:26
=== Bent [n=bent@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
marseillaifirst episode of first season of heroes! a woman is using kde and kopete! :)07:42
DaSkreechmarseillai: Yeah thats how I found out about heros :)07:42
DaSkreechI've only watched that episode though :(07:42
marseillaiDaSkreech: honnestly07:42
marseillaii prefer the girl that kde .... :p07:43
DaSkreechmarseillai: yeah it was on the dot the day after Heroes debuted07:43
marseillaibut it's good to see kde and linux more often in films07:43
marseillaididn't saw it07:43
marseillaitrue that i don't read every days the dot.07:43
=== n8k99 watched the whole season in two days
Jucatosssh no spoilers please :)07:44
DaSkreechJucato: Umm ok there is no Flash of Blue and kopete in there .. .at all..07:48
DaSkreechOh and Al gore doesn't guest star07:48
JucatoI've seen the first 2 episodes :)07:49
n8k99in the third episode there is a young kde developer from manila who has the power to melt motherboards07:50
RadiantFireof course there is07:50
RadiantFirethe most useful power ever...07:50
Jucatoyay!!! :)07:50
Jucatofortunately, I'm not in manila bwahahaha07:51
Jucato(but quite close)07:51
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RadiantFireimagine, being able to solder chips onto the board with the power of your mind... dead useful07:53
=== n8k99 would prefer to being able to compile dreams into working code
RadiantFiremmm... focus follows dream... almost like focus follows mind07:55
DaSkreechRadiantFire: wouldn't that be nsfw most of the time?07:55
yuriymarseillai: really?? cool08:00
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mhbJucato: I know that ... but I did not want to have the only two agenda points at that time :o)08:30
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ubuntu__hii hunger08:59
=== ubuntu__ is now known as DaSkreech
hungerhi there.08:59
DaSkreechKhalkhi is stalled?08:59
hungerDaSkreech: Last thing I heared friedrich said he won't have time for it.09:00
DaSkreechright I saw a "final" release on KDE apps09:00
hungerwhich kind of sucks as that stalls decibel...09:00
DaSkreechDoes he have roadmap as to what needs to be done?09:02
=== Lure_ [n=lure@89-212-19-55.dynamic.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
hungerDunno. When I last talked to him in March he was still on it. Only got a mail a couple of days later about having RL interfeer.09:03
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=== DaSkreech ponders a restraining order against RL
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Tonio_Riddell: just fyi, I'm currently working on kdesudo code09:18
Tonio_Riddell: I've made it to work correctly09:18
Tonio_Riddell: it remembers the password, respects sudo rules etc....09:18
Tonio_Riddell: needs a bit of polishing, but I'll release a tarball soon09:19
Tonio_Riddell: hopefully we could use it as a kdesu replacement09:19
Tonio_Riddell: talking about the code, it isn't really outdated, as very simple and light09:19
Tonio_Riddell: it should resolve most of the issues we have with kdesu09:21
yuriywhat exactly is kdesudo?09:25
yuriyit's just like kdesu but by someone else?09:26
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tomaam i on time?09:40
nixternalyou are early09:42
tomahow much too early? 15 minutes?09:43
jjessean hour right?09:43
hunger_ttoo early for what?09:43
jjesse@time detroit09:43
ubotuCurrent time in America/Detroit: May 31 2007, 15:43:52 - Next meeting: Kubuntu Developers in 1 hour 16 minutes09:43
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
toma@time culemborg09:44
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tomaok, then i can see an episode of prison break09:45
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=== marseillai_ [n=mars@AMarseille-156-1-47-90.w90-27.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
marseillai_there is currently a big storm here10:06
jjessewhere is here?10:07
marseillai_my home marseille10:07
marseillai_i hope i'll be able to come to meeting10:07
marseillai_but i can't be certain of that10:07
nixternalheh, there is a big storm here as well10:08
marseillai_where ?10:08
marseillai_you are both from chicago ?10:09
nixternalalthough, I am thinking it is about over10:09
nixternalmarseillai_: he is from across the pond ;)10:09
jjesseno, nixternal is i'm from michagn10:09
nixternalI am from Michigan too!!! :)10:09
jjesseacording to weather.com it looks like it is still comming in to the chi-town area10:09
nixternalwell originally, born there at least and live the first 4 years of my life there10:09
nixternalya, but it seems to be dying out and turning into rain10:09
nixternalI haven't heard thunder for a bit now10:09
nixternaland from where I am sitting, I can see the skies have lightened up a bit10:10
marseillai_me is just in the storm10:11
marseillai_and i know my house and my net doesn't like storm10:11
nixternalI have been lucky with the storms and not knocking me out10:13
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yuriy [[1=1] (status) [2=2] #ubuntu-massachusetts [3=3] #guru [4=4] #kubuntu [5=5] #kubuntu-devel [6=6] #ubuntu-us-ne [7=7] #ubuntu+1    ] 10:15
yuriy [[1=1] (status) [2=2] #ubuntu-massachusetts [3=3] #guru [4=4] #kubuntu [5=5] #kubuntu-devel [6=6] #ubuntu-us-ne [7=7] #ubuntu+1    ] 10:16
yuriysorry, crappy kvm screwed with the mouse10:16
mhbno storm here :o)10:16
DaSkreechdell took Ubuntu off the front page10:18
=== Paulx4 [n=X4@host204.190-136-208.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalknew that was coming10:19
nixternalthey just took some bad publicity on CNBC about the whole deal10:19
Paulx4write spain?10:19
nixternalumm, Ubuntu is still on the front page10:19
nixternalBy Popular Demand.10:20
nixternalUbuntu Has Arrived.10:20
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p54954ABF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jjessei think you have to wait for the right screen of flash10:20
nixternalya, they were talking about the whole price thing10:20
dregorthoh it's that random ad one i think10:20
DaSkreechnixternal: gimmie URL10:20
nixternaljjesse: you are correct, it changes10:20
nixternaltheir header changes each reload10:20
RadiantFireyeah, i just checked 2/5 were the ubuntu add10:21
DaSkreechnixternal: I've been reloading it for two hours now10:21
DaSkreechI guess they don't like jamaica10:21
DaSkreech I got it this morning though10:21
nixternalhow could they not like Jamaica?10:21
DaSkreechWell obviously we deserve to pay for Vista10:22
DaSkreech I keep getting that one10:22
nixternalI need to get back out to Negril one of these days10:22
dregorthick vista...10:22
nixternalheh, I don't get the Vista one10:22
nixternalI get the Energy Smart one quite a bit10:22
dregorthafter 7 refreshes i got the ubuntu ad heh10:26
dregorthmainly got the ones for windows server 2k8 and the energy10:26
dregorthlike i need a server... ^^10:26
nixternalWindows Server 200810:26
nixternaljust got that one10:26
nixternalI can't believe we are sitting here refreshing that page...don't we have something else better to do :P10:27
dregorthlol nope10:27
dregorthnot me anyway10:27
repetekwwii: ping10:27
DaSkreechhi kwwii10:27
kwwiirepete: pong10:27
kwwiihowdy DaSkreech10:27
dregorthg/f just got outta school but i found out 10 mins ago she has to go back for some stuff :/10:27
dregorthso nope, nothing better at all10:27
nixternaluh oh, it is that art dude10:28
=== Lure_ [n=lure@89-212-19-55.dynamic.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_I have to go back home...10:29
mhbnixternal: we don't, we are all waiting for the meeting10:29
DaSkreechkwwii: have you given thought to having a userlist KDM login?10:29
Tonio_see you tomorrow, and sorry for not beeing there toonight.....10:29
nixternalmhb: I think you are right10:29
nixternalI am going to shower first...back in a few10:29
dregorthnixternal: ya, showers are always a plus lol10:29
dregorthmhb: what meeting is this, eh?10:30
jjessekubuntu meeting10:30
mhbnixternal: shower's a great idea, will keep me awake during the meeting :o)10:31
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
dregorthahh i believe i was reading about a meeting yesterday somewhere on a site for (k)ubuntu10:31
kwwiiDaSkreech: yepp, but there is no code to support that10:31
DaSkreechkwwii: there is one on KDE apps I heat10:32
dregorthsaw it required you to be a member tho and have a wiki page and all that kinda stuff so i figured i wouldn't do it seeing as how i don't have anything interesting to put about myself in the wiki10:32
kwwiiDaSkreech: it is based on the suse stuff I worked on a long time ago I bet and that is a total hack10:32
jjesseyou can attend the mtg w/o being a member10:32
dregorthand don't have any significant contributions to anything related to (k)ubuntu10:32
dregorthoh really?10:32
dregorthi guess i missed that part lol10:32
jjesseif you want to be a kubuntu team member then you have to have a wiki page, etc10:32
DaSkreechkwwii: ^^^ Guess there is an easy way to finid out10:33
dregorthoh well when is this meeting then?10:34
kwwiiDaSkreech: I'll look into it - it does not appear to be the same hack, as it is only 312KB10:34
=== DaSkreech nods
=== Jucato points dregorth to the topic
DaSkreech I just thought it would be nice to have a home friendly option to ship in Gibbon10:35
dregorthlol ty Jucato10:35
Jucatoer /topic10:35
kwwiiDaSkreech: definitely, as long as it does not do anything screwey with code10:36
dregorthsheesh. brain definitely isn't working today ;)10:36
=== ypsila [n=opera@wrzb-590cf741.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== ypsila waves hello from Germany
kwwiiDaSkreech: looks pretty straight forward, unless some problem arises that I cannot see now I do not see why we cannot do that10:41
DaSkreechWheee :)10:41
ypsilakwwii: :-D10:41
=== kwwii waves hello to ypsila from Franken
=== DaSkreech prompts someone to tack it onto the meeting agenda
ypsilakwwii: you are not in Franken!10:41
kwwiiright, I am in Bamberg!10:42
ypsilakwwii: you are in Oberfranken :-)10:42
kwwiibetter than franken10:42
neversfeldeMittelfranken rocks :D10:42
kwwiiI like to call it Ueberfranken10:42
neversfeldehello all10:42
ypsilakwwii: pschhttt, don't tell them what kind of beer we have and knodels ;-)10:42
ypsilathey will invase us :-D10:43
kwwiiit seem somehow fitting that germans take over kubuntu :p10:43
mhbypsila: everyone knows the best beer and kndels come from Czech Rep.10:43
kwwiiafter 7+ years at suse I just thought that all kde devs are german10:43
ypsilamhb: wrong! the czechs do consume more beer :-)10:43
kwwiibeer originated in belgium, so we both lose10:44
=== dregorth prefers irish beer and blames it on his heritage
dregorthalthough german beer is definitely comparable10:44
kwwiibut there are more breweries in franken per capita than anywhere else in the world10:44
ypsilamhb: my grandmother was born in czechoslovakia, so I adopted a lot about kndel10:44
kwwiibhmische kndel is my favorite :-)10:45
mhbthat reminds me ... everytime somebody says ubuntu is an african distribution I tell them kubuntu is scottish10:45
ypsilakwwii: how are they made? I love semmelkndel10:45
Luremhb: lol10:45
kwwiiypsila: it is very similar to a semmelkndel - you might know it as serviertklo10:46
ypsilamhb: scottish? isn't that the country where men do wear no underwear?10:46
DaSkreechypsila: Or do they???10:46
dregorthgood old kilts10:46
dregorthnever would wear one myself tho ><10:46
ypsilakwwii: okeh, I love them, in case you need a pracicable recipe, I deveopped one for microwave!10:46
kwwiithe best part was their tendency to eat magic mushrooms before they went to war10:47
dregorthlol made it more interesting i'm sure10:47
kwwiilol, I would like to see that recipe - I still do it in a double boiler10:47
ypsilakwwii: gimme your mail it is "dev-proof" :-)10:47
kwwiikwwii at kubuntu dot com10:48
DaSkreechanyone want to confirm a crash in adept?10:48
ypsila8 mins ready to serve!10:48
ypsilakwwii: promised10:48
manchickenGrumble.  KDE 3.5.7 has a bad kpilot version.10:48
kwwiiypsila: as long as it doesn't turn into a bouncing bread ball, I will try it10:48
manchickenThe version in our repos does that is.10:48
neversfeldeDaSkreech: in which situation crashes it?10:49
ypsilakwwii: my grandmother was born in Czechoslovakia, and made the world greatest Semmelkndel, I only ported it to micro-wave-ovens ;-)10:50
kwwiiother than bread, onions, eggs, nutmeg, parsly, salt and pepper, what is in it?10:50
DaSkreechneversfelde: adept -> manage repos -> Change server -> Find fastest server -> KRASH!!10:50
kwwiione of the best meals ever: a nice beef filet steak with semmelkndel and chanterelle mushroom sauce (pfifferlingsoe)10:52
kwwiiok, back to linux ;-)10:53
ypsilakwwii: nutmweg?10:53
neversfeldeDaSkreech: I do have "Find Best Server" and it freezes, i#ll give it a second try10:53
jjessekwwii: we are grilling tuna steaks marinated in a lime cilantro sauce w/ a nice wine to go along with it10:53
ypsilaah nothing!10:53
kwwiijjesse: sounds excellent - can't get cilantro here10:53
jjessekwwii: why not?  just curious10:53
ypsilajjesse: for the one who stands at the grill10:53
kwwiia pretty good replacement is a bit of oregano10:54
ypsilacilantro ist what?10:54
kwwiias cilantro is basically mexican oregano10:54
jjesseoh didn't know that10:54
=== jjesse learns something new
kwwiiI can get it from a wholesale place but I have to buy like 5K of it10:54
kwwiiwell, it is still not the same10:54
kwwiibut close10:54
ypsilakwwii: it is Koriander in Germany10:54
kwwiiypsila: no, it is not10:55
kwwiitrust me10:55
jjessewe are growing cilantro, basil, jalepeno peppers and three types of tomatoes in our garden10:55
kwwiikoriander is pretty close too though10:55
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=== toma_ is now known as toma
ypsilagoogle says it is10:55
Jucatosomeone wake up Hobbsee :)10:55
kwwiiach du scheisse, leo says the same thing10:55
kwwiibut that is not right10:56
ypsilakwwii: so? what is cilantro?10:56
ryanakcaaren't koriander/coriander and cilantro the same thing?10:56
ypsilajjesse: I grow a lot of that in my garden10:56
ryanakcaypsila: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriander10:56
ypsilaand I love dried seeds10:56
jjesseypsila: yeah we are trying to grow it, if it doesn't die10:56
ryanakcaypsila: that's cilantro. and that's coriander.10:56
jjessemy wife and aren't the greatest gardeners10:56
kwwiibut coriander in america is not cilantro10:57
kwwiifunky, you learn something new every day10:57
ypsilajjesse: it depends on the yeats, I arrived to die three thyms in three years10:57
neversfeldeDaSkreech: I can confirm it10:57
DaSkreechneversfelde: thanks10:57
kwwiiryanakca: I take that back, you are right10:57
kwwiicoriander = cilantro10:58
kwwiiit is late here10:58
kwwiiwell, late for me10:58
jjessecoriander is the seed of the cilantro plant10:58
ryanakcakwwii: staying for the meeting?10:58
jjesseso my wife the food expert says10:58
ypsilakwwii: you will get that at every good market, and even the seeds to plant them10:58
ypsilajjesse: ???10:58
=== neversfelde is hungry ;)
kwwiiahaa- one is the seeds and the other is the leaves10:59
ypsilakwwii: fresh at any asia-shop10:59
jjessei asked my wife if corriander and cilantro was the same thing and she said that corriander is the seed10:59
kwwiiypsila: exactly10:59
ypsilathe leaves look like persil10:59
kwwiithe leaves have a much more lemon-like taste10:59
Riddell** kubuntu meeting in a couple of minutes in #ubuntu-meeting10:59
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kwwiiryanakca: yes, I'll be at the meeting11:00
ypsilaRiddell: are you kidding?11:00
Riddellypsila: nope11:00
jjessecheck the /topic11:00
ryanakcaypsila: meeting at 2100UTC, today11:00
ypsilacan someone pls explain that to me?11:01
ryanakcaypsila: it's at 9 PM in the UTC timezone11:02
ryanakcaypsila: so, 9PM in the UK...11:02
yuriyoops joined on the wrong server. need to get used to irssi more11:03
DaSkreechSomeone called Hobbsee?11:03
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DaSkreechJucato: seen the stats for #ubuntu ?11:34
Hobbsee_DaSkreech: no, no one called me11:34
Jucatoaw.. :(11:34
mhbnixternal: good to have someone on the council who can be blamed11:34
JucatoDaSkreech: yeah. can't believe intelikey finally overtook me :(11:34
DaSkreechJucato: No #ubuntu11:34
DaSkreechUbotu is the one to rule them all11:34
fdovingDaSkreech: if that is my ubuntu stat, it's not accurate, i haven't been in there all the time.. :)11:34
DaSkreechfdoving: Nope mostly at night :)11:35
Riddellseele: about?11:35
nixternalJucato: ya, exactly what toma said in the meeting! you definitely deserve it!11:37
=== Jucato feels all warm and fuzzy :)
Jucatonixternal: but I would have felt a bit awkward, as I would be the only non-contributing member11:38
mhbJucato: I'll vote for you next time :o)11:38
Jucatoby contributing, I mean tech stuff :)11:38
fdovingJucato: hah, you're probably one of the most contributing members ever! EOD.11:44
Jucatolol :)11:44
=== Jucato is flattened
Jucatoer... flattered11:44
fdoving#kubuntu is important for kubuntu, and you're one of the few who helps in there.11:45
fdovingit's not like you make a package and go do other stuff, you sitt there waiting for new questions, keep up the great work :)11:46
fdovingpackaging/hacking/docs is not the only way to contribute.11:46
fdovingbuilding communtity and happy users is important too.11:46
nixternalfdoving: he is about the only one, oh and lets not forget #kde11:46
marseillai_nixternal: for kima don't care i follow it because 0.2 is buggy! 0.3 is in svn for the moment... if you want i let it to you11:47
fdovingnixternal: i'm not in #kde, wouldn't know anything about it.11:47
nixternalhe does just as much there..he is nuts with the IRC support...like a hamster on crack...or the energizer bunny11:47
fdovingeven better :)11:47
nixternalmarseillai_: need to check and see if it is in Debian11:47
Jucatoroflmao! yeah energizer :)11:47
nixternalthat is you11:47
Jucatoalthough I needed to take some breaks lately... just enough so that I could finish 2-3 chapters of C++ :/11:48
ryanakcaJucato: ever thought of joining the New User Network?11:50
Jucatooh... :(11:51
Jucatokinda forgotten about that ever since I sort of vanished from the classroom11:51
=== ryanakca wonders if he should just ask to have it scrapped, and have the couple active people reform a new group, without any history/etc dragging it down
=== ryanakca hasn't been that active lately. hmm.
Jucatoryanakca: I can't comit myself to NUN right now. I'm trying hard as I can to study C++ on my own. which will eventually lead to Qt and finally KDE development. trying to focus on that.. and planning to learn about packing on the sides...11:58
Jucatobut if NUN has any projects that will involve IRC and KubuntuForums.Net users, feel free to inform me and I will advertise :)11:59
Riddellypsila: did I remember you were thinking about membership once?12:02
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@mar92-13-88-165-255-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiDaSkreech: so what do you mean exactly?12:09
DaSkreechkwwii: What's the policy on artwork?12:09
kwwiinot sure what you mean exactly12:09
DaSkreechif changes are made to something should they be pushed back upstream?12:09
kwwiimost of the changes we do are kubuntu specific, but anything generic enough can go upstream, yes12:09
kwwiinote that /me is upstream :p12:10
DaSkreechfor Polyester Domino and QTcurve?12:10

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