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azzco | Hi how do I install flashplayer plugin on 64 bit enviroment? | 12:20 |
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Daisuke_Ido | you familiar with chroot? | 12:23 |
azzco | Not really, I read something about nsplugin | 12:23 |
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Daisuke_Ido | i've never done it, the way i always heard about was running FF 32 bit in a 32 bit chroot environment | 12:24 |
azzco | OH okay I'll keep browsing a bit more then | 12:24 |
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nosrednaekim | i'm on PClinuxOS right now, not bad. | 12:25 |
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kane | nosrednaekim: PClinixOS turned me off when i tried to install the nvidia packages from the repos, and it killed X | 12:30 |
kane | its not that i dont how to fix it, its that i shouldnt have to. | 12:30 |
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nosrednaekim | right... | 12:31 |
kane | but i reall love the control panel. | 12:31 |
nosrednaekim | i'm just browsing... seems very promising, but lacks "polish" | 12:32 |
nosrednaekim | oh yeah.. I love the control panel | 12:32 |
kane | i think it destroys what what ubuntu has to offer as far as that goes. | 12:32 |
kane | which is really nothing more than what gnome/kde offers. | 12:32 |
sa | hello! Anyone know how to view history of a chat in kopete? | 12:32 |
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kane | i think thats really a strong point of pclinuxos, and mandriva for that manager. | 12:32 |
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kane | errrr manner.... | 12:33 |
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nosrednaekim | suse has something like it as well | 12:33 |
melkart | sa: they should be in .kde/share/apps/kopete/logs | 12:33 |
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melkart | (the logs) | 12:33 |
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sa | melkart: can i view them by right clicking on a contact? | 12:33 |
kane | nosrednaekim: i found suses to be kinda clunky and slow. | 12:34 |
kane | suses package manger was way way way broken when i tried it last. I'm sure they fixed it, but i cant trust a distro who would release something that broken. | 12:34 |
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kane | on a "stable" version. | 12:34 |
melkart | sa: go to menu->properties(or "settings")->module settings... (or sth similar) and then tick "history" (or how it is called in english) | 12:34 |
melkart | sa: (sorry, i have a non-english localization here and dont know how the menu entries are called) | 12:35 |
Dragnslcr | sa- it's in Settings -> Configure Plugins | 12:35 |
sa | melkart: the history is already ticked | 12:35 |
Dragnslcr | It took me 15 minutes to remember that when I was doing it on my parents' computer | 12:35 |
Dragnslcr | sa- I think you have to check the first option in the plugin settings | 12:36 |
Dragnslcr | Something like "Show histories" | 12:36 |
nosrednaekim | kane: yeah that was the one bad part about suse | 12:36 |
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Dragnslcr | It didn't seem to actually log messages without that turned on (personally I think that would be a bug) | 12:36 |
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sa | Dragnslcr: the alias option? | 12:37 |
sa | melkart: thank you! | 12:37 |
kane | Dragnslcr: hrm i dont think soseems like you should have to enable logging. | 12:37 |
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Dragnslcr | kane- yeah, it's weird, but it seemed like that's what happened | 12:37 |
|lostbyte| | !symbian | 12:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about symbian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:37 |
Dragnslcr | No messages were logged from before I turned that option on | 12:37 |
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Dragnslcr | sa- in Settings -> Configure Plugins -> History, there should be a checkbox at the top. I think it's called something like "Show history in chat windows" | 12:38 |
sa | Dragnslcr: f!ound it! thank you | 12:40 |
Dragnslcr | sa- test it out to be sure it works. It definitely seemed weird when I did it | 12:40 |
joe__ | i need some help with ktorrent...if anyone can help | 12:41 |
sa | Dragnslcr: yeah it is working all fine :) thanks alot | 12:41 |
joe__ | can anyone help me with ktorrent? | 12:42 |
Dragnslcr | joe__- not unless you ask a specific question | 12:42 |
Daisuke_Ido | and stop repeating yourself incessantly like a little kid trying to get his mom's attention while she's on the phone. | 12:43 |
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sa | Dragnslcr: another question, everytime i shut off my system a bug error report pops up | 12:43 |
galaxygazer | I thought id buggered up my install of kubuntu, then I realised I just hadnt done an update and needed some major patching.. :p | 12:44 |
joe__ | well im tryin to dl a season of a show and ive been sittin at less than 1 kbs dl rates... | 12:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | are your ports forwarded in your router? | 12:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | are you using the upnp plugin? | 12:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | do you have the proper ports open in your firewall? | 12:44 |
Dragnslcr | sa- for Kopete? | 12:44 |
sa | Dragnslcr: no, for my touchpad | 12:44 |
galaxygazer | could be the person sending it | 12:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | there are a hundred different reasons why things could be slow | 12:45 |
Dragnslcr | sa- I dunno, probably something in the driver | 12:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | check general bittorrent FAQs for more | 12:45 |
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sa | Dragnslcr: ok | 12:45 |
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joe__ | yeah thats what i thought...just thought maybe someone would know more than me about it | 12:46 |
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BluesKaj | lots of torrent sources are slow, it come with the territory ..mostly has nothing to do with network one's setup | 12:46 |
BluesKaj | errone's network setup | 12:47 |
joe__ | i have a bunch of leechers tho...it drives me insane | 12:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | if you're upping pretty fast, then it's neither the client nor your connection, just the torrent | 12:47 |
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BluesKaj | joe__, you have to share :) | 12:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | that's the entire point of bittorrent | 12:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | oink ^_^ | 12:47 |
Graham | Umm... right I don't know why but in system settings > about me I can't change my image. | 12:48 |
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Graham | Says admin won't let me. | 12:48 |
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kane | whats a decent webhosting co? | 12:49 |
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Daisuke_Ido | can check servage.net | 12:49 |
Dragnslcr | http://localhost | 12:49 |
Graham | Dragnslcr: :P | 12:49 |
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Graham | www.streamline.net | 12:50 |
Dragnslcr | Hehe, sorry, I couldn't resist | 12:50 |
kane | Dragnslcr: hehe, i dont have enough upstream | 12:50 |
kane | I want to use it for a webproxy | 12:51 |
kane | my school shut mine down. | 12:51 |
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Graham | www.prawxsie.net ? | 12:52 |
Graham | http://www.prawxsie.com/ * | 12:52 |
kane | well its to block a certian work webfilter. | 12:53 |
kane | er bypass | 12:53 |
kane | and its got most of those gigs blocked. | 12:53 |
Graham | Yeah, that's a good one. | 12:53 |
Dragnslcr | kane- ah, well, I don't have enough content to fill my upstream bandwidth | 12:53 |
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kane | Dragnslcr: if you run a proxy you would. | 12:53 |
Dragnslcr | Heh | 12:54 |
drblood | n e one here who is pro with kubuntu | 12:54 |
Dragnslcr | Glad I work for a small company | 12:54 |
Dragnslcr | drblood- nope, we're all clueless n00bs | 12:54 |
drblood | :( | 12:54 |
kane | actually i did set up a home proxy its just a little slow. | 12:54 |
drblood | i dled kubuntu to disc on site | 12:54 |
drblood | now im on the preview | 12:54 |
kane | in fact i hit it via an SSH tunnel, so they never even know. | 12:54 |
drblood | im currently installing it | 12:55 |
drblood | im on step | 12:55 |
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drblood | 4 or 5 | 12:55 |
drblood | :\ | 12:55 |
drblood | how long do i need to wait for it to load | 12:55 |
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drblood | fine no one answer | 12:56 |
Dragnslcr | drblood- you mean when it's installing the system and packages? | 12:56 |
drblood | no | 12:56 |
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drblood | the stuff to the discs | 12:56 |
BluesKaj | 50mins or so, the last time i did a clean install | 12:56 |
drblood | it says use full system space | 12:56 |
drblood | or | 12:56 |
drblood | use remaining space | 12:56 |
drblood | i did full system space | 12:56 |
Dragnslcr | You mean partitioning and formatting the disks? | 12:56 |
drblood | full disc space* | 12:56 |
drblood | yes! | 12:56 |
Dragnslcr | Depends on the size of the disk | 12:57 |
drblood | its | 12:57 |
BluesKaj | do want to keep other OS's installed on the pc | 12:57 |
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drblood | 4.7 gb | 12:57 |
Dragnslcr | A full format of a 250 GB disk could take a while | 12:57 |
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drblood | its 4.7 gb | 12:57 |
drblood | -.- | 12:57 |
kane | i have a 500 gig and it does take a bit. | 12:57 |
drblood | wat kind of disc should i be using | 12:57 |
Dragnslcr | A 4.7 GB disk probably won't be enough for a normal desktop | 12:58 |
BluesKaj | hard drive is 4.7 ? | 12:58 |
joe__ | tiny hd | 12:58 |
drblood | wen u dl on site | 12:58 |
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phishinphree | anyone ever have luck installing swat for samba? It's driving me nuts | 12:58 |
drblood | i loaded it to a DVD + R disc | 12:58 |
BluesKaj | sounds like a dvd to me | 12:58 |
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drblood | it said to copy it to a dvd | 12:58 |
drblood | :\ | 12:58 |
Dragnslcr | I'm already using 50+ GB on mine | 12:58 |
drblood | hmm | 12:59 |
Dragnslcr | Er, are you talking about burning the DVD? | 12:59 |
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drblood | yes | 12:59 |
K-Ryan | !java | 12:59 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 12:59 |
drblood | to get on the preview thing | 12:59 |
drblood | and then theres the install | 12:59 |
BluesKaj | right, but how large is the hard drive to which you are installing ? | 12:59 |
AnyKey | Anyone know what could be wrong when my "Adept Installer" crashes. I was given the command "sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a" but that did not seem to work. I hit the enter and it just accepted the command and moved to the next line. No root password was even asked for. :( | 12:59 |
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Dragnslcr | Well, what speed is your burner? | 12:59 |
drblood | idk >_> | 12:59 |
drblood | how i check | 12:59 |
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Dragnslcr | The front of the burner might say | 12:59 |
drblood | its | 12:59 |
drblood | DVD+R | 01:00 |
Dragnslcr | Or look up the specs for your model | 01:00 |
drblood | 120 Min | 01:00 |
drblood | 4.7 GB | 01:00 |
joe__ | most are like 8X | 01:00 |
drblood | 1x To 16X | 01:00 |
Dragnslcr | So probably 8x or 16x | 01:00 |
drblood | Compatible with 1X to 16X Drives and Recorders | 01:00 |
drblood | soo | 01:00 |
drblood | do i need a new disc to copy the stuff on | 01:00 |
BluesKaj | geezuz .... I think he needs to know how much space for the OS partition | 01:00 |
joe__ | you can usually pick which speed you want it to burn at | 01:00 |
drblood | >.> | 01:01 |
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drblood | do i need a bigger disc? | 01:01 |
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Dragnslcr | Burning a 4.7 GB DVD will probably take something like 10-20 minutes | 01:01 |
Dragnslcr | Depending on your burner speed | 01:01 |
drblood | um | 01:01 |
drblood | where i check burner speed | 01:01 |
drblood | :/ | 01:01 |
=== BluesKaj goes for a cold one | ||
Dragnslcr | You said it was a 16x | 01:01 |
joe__ | the app you use might give ya that option somewhere in the prefs...thats what id thing | 01:01 |
joe__ | think* | 01:02 |
Dragnslcr | So it's most likely burning at 8x or 16x | 01:02 |
drblood | that wat it says on the cd case | 01:02 |
timmay | does anyone own a blackberry and charge it with linux? | 01:02 |
AnyKey | (sorry it's a resend) Anyone know what could be wrong when my "Adept Installer" crashes. I was given the command "sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a" but that did not seem to work. I hit the enter and it just accepted the command and moved to the next line. No root password was even asked for. :( | 01:02 |
Biovore | xubuntu install fits in 2.1 GB :-P | 01:02 |
timmay | bcharge doesn't work for me | 01:02 |
drblood | should i restart the install? | 01:02 |
fannagoganna | i thought xubuntu would fit on one CD :) | 01:02 |
joe__ | i suggest using automatix also...anykey | 01:03 |
Biovore | well I talking about a full install of xubuntu.. I have a lappy with 5GB HD on it and 256MB of ram runnning xubuntu | 01:03 |
AnyKey | automatix only has limited number of files though | 01:03 |
drblood | hmm | 01:03 |
joe__ | true | 01:03 |
drblood | im so confused | 01:03 |
drblood | -.- | 01:03 |
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drblood | im going to exit the installer | 01:03 |
drblood | and restart | 01:03 |
drblood | does n e one wanna take me step by step | 01:03 |
drblood | im dumb | 01:03 |
drblood | :/ | 01:03 |
BluesKaj | drblood, how lrge is your hard drive on the pc ..or do you not know ? | 01:04 |
drblood | hmm | 01:04 |
BluesKaj | large | 01:04 |
vecina | s there any solution for retrieving large files off old cds? The transfers always run into brick walls. | 01:04 |
drblood | on my hardriver | 01:04 |
drblood | it says my hard drive is 250 GB+ | 01:04 |
drblood | memory 2048 MB | 01:04 |
BluesKaj | ok | 01:05 |
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drblood | amd athlon 64 processor 3800 | 01:05 |
fannagoganna | hmm, have you opened up konqueror with media:/ ? | 01:05 |
joe__ | joe has :-D | 01:05 |
drblood | ? | 01:05 |
drblood | i went to | 01:05 |
drblood | kubuntu.org | 01:05 |
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drblood | went to download | 01:05 |
drblood | told me to put in dvd disc | 01:05 |
drblood | i did | 01:05 |
drblood | on the disc had sum info | 01:06 |
BluesKaj | drblood, is the an operating system on the pc ..windows XP? | 01:06 |
drblood | noo | 01:06 |
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BluesKaj | ok | 01:06 |
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drblood | i restarted comp with disc in | 01:06 |
drblood | so it went to kubuntu | 01:06 |
joe__ | any ubuntu distro should fit on a regular cd...800 mb or less | 01:06 |
drblood | xD | 01:06 |
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drblood | and now im on kubuntu | 01:06 |
drblood | and i have the choice to install it | 01:06 |
drblood | on my normal computer without the disc i have windows xp | 01:06 |
BluesKaj | the just follow the instructions when you boot the kubuntu disc | 01:06 |
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drblood | wat instructions | 01:07 |
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drblood | y wont the installer close | 01:07 |
drblood | >.< | 01:07 |
BluesKaj | drblood, what's your first language ? | 01:08 |
drblood | english.. | 01:08 |
drblood | the installer wont close | 01:08 |
joe__ | wait...so you already have your hd partitioned for multi OS's right drblood | 01:08 |
drblood | i have no idea | 01:08 |
drblood | i went to the partition for the disc thingy | 01:08 |
drblood | i chose the second one | 01:09 |
drblood | use all disc space | 01:09 |
drblood | and its now a screen | 01:09 |
=== genii sips a large black coffee | ||
drblood | thats all grey n white | 01:09 |
phishinphree | swat? does anyone use it or is there a better way to config samba other than going through the config file? | 01:09 |
joe__ | have ya rebooted windows again since messin with all this? | 01:09 |
drblood | with a smaller grey box that says | 01:09 |
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drblood | no | 01:09 |
drblood | havent gone onto my windows since started installation | 01:09 |
BluesKaj | then whatever other OS was on the pc will be overwritten by kubuntu | 01:09 |
drblood | yes i want that | 01:09 |
BluesKaj | windows will be gone | 01:10 |
drblood | is the installer not responding | 01:10 |
joe__ | eww...i wouldnt | 01:10 |
drblood | ? | 01:10 |
drblood | y? | 01:10 |
drblood | y? | 01:10 |
drblood | y? | 01:10 |
drblood | i need to put a new running system on my computer | 01:10 |
drblood | i like kubuntu | 01:10 |
drblood | but i do have windows xp disc | 01:10 |
genii | drblood Because when you chose to use all the disk space, that meant all the space, including what Windows had been using | 01:10 |
joe__ | id suggest tryin to reboot and see if windows is still there | 01:11 |
drblood | hmm | 01:11 |
joe__ | do a hard shut down if you need to | 01:11 |
drblood | if no windows is there then wat? | 01:11 |
BluesKaj | yes , but don't install windows after kubuntu cuz you'll have problems getting back into it | 01:11 |
drblood | hmm | 01:11 |
drblood | can kubuntu play games? | 01:11 |
joe__ | i dont play comp games much...it has a few that come w/it | 01:12 |
BluesKaj | if you want to keep windows now is the time to save it | 01:12 |
drblood | i have a windows xp disc | 01:12 |
drblood | didnt come with my comp | 01:12 |
drblood | so i can reinstall windows n e time | 01:12 |
drblood | and then i have this kubuntu disc dled off the kubuntu.org | 01:12 |
drblood | <_> | 01:12 |
=== BluesKaj gets another cold one | ||
BluesKaj | gawd | 01:13 |
=== ArakuS [n=ArakuS@host-81-190-165-61.gorzow.mm.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
drblood | so wat should i do | 01:13 |
drblood | >> | 01:13 |
joe__ | i know what id suggest blues...what is your's for drblood? | 01:13 |
genii | drblood If you have all your cds then just install first XP but use only some of the hard drive space when you partition. Then install afterwards Kubuntu on the other part of the disk and make sure it put the bootloader Grub on | 01:13 |
joe__ | exactly genii...100% agree | 01:14 |
drblood | would if windows xp is still on my comp | 01:14 |
drblood | ? | 01:14 |
drblood | wait | 01:14 |
kane | has anybody here every used privoxy? | 01:14 |
drblood | if i use both part of my hardrive | 01:14 |
drblood | for kubuntu and xp | 01:15 |
drblood | would i have xp and kubuntu on my comp | 01:15 |
drblood | ? | 01:15 |
drblood | O_o | 01:15 |
BluesKaj | so you overwrote windows already then? | 01:15 |
drblood | i have no idea | 01:15 |
drblood | -.- | 01:15 |
drblood | its still on the loading thing | 01:15 |
drblood | >.> | 01:15 |
BluesKaj | ok, when the partitioning option came up, which one did you choose ? | 01:16 |
drblood | first | 01:16 |
drblood | butttttttttt | 01:16 |
drblood | it was 0% for long time so i canceled after 2 minutes | 01:16 |
drblood | then i chose 2nd | 01:16 |
drblood | and been on it since | 01:16 |
drblood | >> | 01:16 |
drblood | >_> | 01:16 |
drblood | <_< | 01:16 |
drblood | ^_^^ | 01:16 |
drblood | v_v | 01:16 |
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BluesKaj | can you remember what the second option was ? ...cuz i can't :) | 01:17 |
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joe__ | i read on one site thingy that one of the options is best for multi OS's...cant remember which option tho | 01:17 |
drblood | use all disc space | 01:17 |
=== Jahooty [n=sam@235.126-113-64.ftth.swbr.surewest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jahooty | i have a question about kubuntus monitor and dsiplay settings manager | 01:17 |
drblood | use all disc space was second option | 01:17 |
BluesKaj | windows is prolly gone then drblood | 01:18 |
joe__ | yes i agree blues | 01:18 |
BluesKaj | Jahooty, what's yor question ? | 01:18 |
Jahooty | you know the controls on a monitor to adjust the screen image position and size? so you can take up all the black space around the edges on a crt? is there settings in ubuntu to adjust that or is there stand alone software to do it? | 01:19 |
ardchoille | brb | 01:19 |
Jahooty | i have an apple monitor and it has no buttons | 01:19 |
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joe__ | who still uses a crt monitor?--haha...sorry jahooty | 01:19 |
BluesKaj | not even underneath? | 01:20 |
drblood | >_> | 01:20 |
crimsun | buttons detract from usability, apparently | 01:20 |
Jahooty | it'll take me a while to get a flatscreen, i wont get anything smaller than 21 inch anymore, and...those are pricey still | 01:20 |
BluesKaj | joe__, lotta ppl still use em | 01:20 |
Jahooty | no, it's meant to go with an apple tower like the G4's. it's a monitor meant for a graphic artist type | 01:20 |
joe__ | i guess im content with my 15 in flat panel | 01:21 |
Jahooty | meant to work with other apple hardware | 01:21 |
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Jahooty | my eyes are going bad, 15 in wont cut it for me, not with how big i have to make text anymore | 01:21 |
drblood | lol :/ | 01:21 |
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joe__ | ahh good reason | 01:21 |
genii | jahooty If you mean one of those monitors which a serial port plugs to for using the onscreen display controls, I have not seen anything yet for it | 01:21 |
Jahooty | suse has something that's supposed to do this.....but it doesnt work right | 01:21 |
Jahooty | no serial port so far as i can tell | 01:21 |
BluesKaj | my old flatscrn mitsubishi diamond plus 73 crt still looks better than most LCDs i've seen | 01:22 |
Jahooty | it's this guy: http://www.welovemacs.com/m4868.html | 01:22 |
joe__ | yeah my screen has this one tiny green pixel all the time...been there since i bought it--haha | 01:23 |
Jahooty | crt's just have more pixels | 01:23 |
genii | BluesKaj Oddly, that is the sort of monitor I was describing :) It has an apple serial port plug on it for the onscreen display control | 01:23 |
drblood | hmm | 01:24 |
drblood | is this gonna be like this for 2 hours atleast | 01:24 |
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drblood | the installer o.O | 01:24 |
drblood | installing on this step | 01:24 |
drblood | >_> | 01:24 |
drblood | my friend says its gonna take 2 hours for this step | 01:25 |
drblood | O.o | 01:25 |
BluesKaj | yeah, mine is a disguised trinitron as well, with controls on the front tho | 01:25 |
genii | I have an awesome old IBM workstation crt that no one wanted at the Goodwill because it had a Sun connector. 21" and does pretty good resolutions, not bad for $10 | 01:25 |
genii | I did have to make the interface tho | 01:25 |
BluesKaj | cool genii | 01:25 |
joe__ | well when i put linux on...first i used ubuntu...then i switched to kubuntu...so my partitions were already there...just formatted and overwrote ubuntu | 01:25 |
Jahooty | i'm jealous genii | 01:26 |
Jahooty | i'll give you $15 for it? that's a prift | 01:26 |
Jahooty | *profit | 01:26 |
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joe__ | OOO auction--haha | 01:26 |
genii | Jahooty If you ever find an old IBM P200 monitor lemme know I'll send you how to make the interface to vga for it :) | 01:26 |
joe__ | can i get 20 for the monitor?--haha | 01:26 |
BluesKaj | yeah and those were canuckbucks eh genii ? :) | 01:26 |
genii | BluesKaj Yuppers :) | 01:27 |
genii | Jahooty I already sold the other 3 they had there after I made the new cords for $80 each :) | 01:28 |
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Jahooty | brb, might have solved it | 01:28 |
BluesKaj | they're monsters on a desk tho, a 21" crt is large | 01:29 |
genii | BluesKaj: Yeah thats why I got rid of em, my workspace is just not large enough | 01:29 |
drblood | can u watch youtube videos on kubuntu | 01:29 |
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BluesKaj | yessir | 01:30 |
joe__ | yes...if you get the plugins for firefox | 01:30 |
joe__ | firefox! | 01:30 |
drblood | hmm | 01:30 |
drblood | is there something like photoshop for kubuntu | 01:30 |
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BluesKaj | konqueror plays them too | 01:30 |
genii | the gimp | 01:30 |
drblood | gimp 2? | 01:30 |
drblood | O_o | 01:30 |
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drblood | does it come with | 01:30 |
joe__ | FIREFOX! | 01:30 |
joe__ | haha | 01:30 |
drblood | or u have to dl | 01:30 |
drblood | >.> | 01:30 |
genii | I'm not sure if gimpshop has a deb | 01:31 |
t_ | Hi, is it me, or is there no way to make the panel buttons not have backgrounds? | 01:31 |
joe__ | of course t | 01:31 |
=== Kite_DH [n=Kite_DH@p57B352EC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
t_ | 'Default' just draws a grey square which looks stupid on anything other than a panel of the same colour. | 01:31 |
drblood | can u only have like 4 things running | 01:31 |
drblood | O_O | 01:31 |
t_ | joe__: Ok how? | 01:31 |
joe__ | there should be a checkbox to make the whole panel transparent | 01:32 |
drblood | hmm | 01:32 |
drblood | once i get kubuntu installed | 01:32 |
drblood | be so sweet | 01:32 |
joe__ | then you pick a color to make it transparent to...i personally have it set to black | 01:32 |
drblood | im gonna try to find a way | 01:32 |
drblood | http://youtube.com/watch?v=kYgV2GlsufI | 01:32 |
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drblood | to do that with my kubuntu | 01:32 |
drblood | matrix screen | 01:32 |
drblood | and 3d | 01:32 |
drblood | O_O | 01:32 |
genii | drblood: Just the gimp will be in a package you can install easily. If you want the other, gimpshop, you need to find a package somewhere for it. It is basically the program The Gimp with a photoshop-like interface | 01:32 |
drblood | 0_0 | 01:33 |
t_ | joe__: There is, but a) I don't want a transparent panel, and b) it still draws the button backgrounds. | 01:33 |
drblood | genii | 01:33 |
drblood | can u have more than 4 programs running? | 01:33 |
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joe__ | gimme a sec to try it myself.... | 01:33 |
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Rick^ | evenin all. etiquette in here just to ask a question? | 01:33 |
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t_ | joe__: I should mention I'm using the default kubuntu panel background image (a gradient). | 01:34 |
genii | drblood You can have far more than 4. It all depends on how good your computer is | 01:34 |
drblood | k i was just wonderin cuz theres 4 spots on the bottom bar | 01:34 |
joe__ | do you really like that image?--haha | 01:34 |
drblood | joe | 01:35 |
drblood | or n e one | 01:35 |
drblood | do u kno how to make a 3d matrix style backround thing | 01:35 |
drblood | http://youtube.com/watch?v=kYgV2GlsufI | 01:35 |
drblood | like that | 01:35 |
genii | drblood Those 4 spots are for how many desktops, not how many programs :) | 01:35 |
Rick^ | I'm just starting back in linux after many years away from it, and was wondering on the importance of splitting any other than /home and /swap into their own partitions? | 01:35 |
t_ | joe__: No, - actually I've changed it to the default kde backgorund image - a nicer gradient, but the button backgrounds are still drawn as a solid colour which looks stupid. | 01:35 |
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drblood | 4 desktops put together? | 01:35 |
drblood | O_O | 01:35 |
drblood | hmm | 01:35 |
drblood | thats amazin | 01:35 |
drblood | but how did he do everythin else | 01:35 |
drblood | ownage matrix backround | 01:36 |
drblood | closing things made fire | 01:36 |
drblood | >_> | 01:36 |
=== TheCreationist [n=elyon@c-71-205-65-72.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TheCreationist | What can I use to add files to an .ISO image? | 01:36 |
TheCreationist | What can I use to add files to an .ISO image? | 01:36 |
genii | drblood: If you click on one of them you can open things that only sit on that desktop for instance | 01:36 |
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drblood | um | 01:37 |
drblood | how he do the flames wen he close programs | 01:37 |
drblood | O_o | 01:37 |
t_ | drblood: install beryl I assume. | 01:37 |
t_ | drblood: And change the options. | 01:37 |
drblood | beryl? | 01:37 |
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joe__ | gimme a min...im messin with mine to help ya t | 01:37 |
t_ | drblood: A new windows manager - it has fancy 3D effects. | 01:37 |
drblood | awesome | 01:38 |
t_ | drblood: window*. | 01:38 |
drblood | wen i get this installed | 01:38 |
crdlb | drblood, what video card do you have? | 01:38 |
drblood | n e one wanna help me with making an awesome thing like the video has | 01:38 |
drblood | O_o | 01:38 |
t_ | drblood: Probably reasonably hard to set up though - search for a guide to installing it. | 01:38 |
drblood | umm | 01:38 |
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t_ | More to the point, why are my buttons silly? | 01:38 |
t_ | grr | 01:38 |
drblood | idk my video card | 01:38 |
drblood | :( | 01:38 |
crdlb | drblood, lspci|grep VGA | 01:39 |
drblood | i think its | 01:39 |
drblood | like | 01:39 |
drblood | nvidia geforce 6150 le | 01:39 |
drblood | yeah im pretty sure thats it | 01:39 |
drblood | >_> | 01:39 |
Graham | Does anybody here know a bit about ktorrent? | 01:39 |
joe__ | ok t...im in the panel config window... | 01:40 |
Biovore | I use ktorrent some | 01:40 |
joe__ | im in the appearance tab...and im checkin out the panel options... | 01:40 |
t_ | Yeah Appearance-> Button Backgrounds - You'd think there would be a 'none' options somewhere. | 01:40 |
genii | TheCreationist: loop-mount the iso file with option rw then just put whatever in it like a regular mount | 01:41 |
Graham | Biovore: I just don't know what some stuff is. | 01:41 |
Graham | Biovore: What is choked/snubbed in the peers list? | 01:41 |
drblood | hmm | 01:41 |
joe__ | so im guessin for your background you have an image selected, right t? | 01:41 |
TheCreationist | genii: Does that automatically save it so I can burn it right away? And is there a GUI app that I could use instead? | 01:41 |
Daisuke_Ido | same as it is in every bt client | 01:41 |
drblood | im thinking >_> | 01:41 |
t_ | joe__: Yeah | 01:41 |
joe__ | ok | 01:41 |
=== Skyblast [n=mike@ppp-70-244-154-167.dsl.lbcktx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Biovore | not sure.. Maybe other peers in the swarm that are blacklisted or have not open slots | 01:42 |
joe__ | so what do you wanna change here t? | 01:42 |
t_ | joe__: http://www2.eng.cam.ac.uk/~tdh29/sshot.png | 01:42 |
drblood | so | 01:43 |
drblood | wen i get this installed | 01:43 |
Narada | hi guys | 01:43 |
t_ | joe__: I want the buttons not to have backgrounds so that the gradient shows through. | 01:43 |
drblood | u guys wanna help me work beryl T.T | 01:43 |
drblood | and set up my computer | 01:43 |
drblood | D: | 01:43 |
t_ | drblood: Search google for 'beryl guide'. I'm sure you will be able to work it out. | 01:43 |
Narada | My X config is totally fried; how do i get kubuntu to autodetect and create it like it did first time? | 01:43 |
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drblood | i kno but im rly dumb | 01:44 |
drblood | >_> | 01:44 |
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drblood | <--- only 13 | 01:44 |
t_ | Narada: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or something like that. | 01:44 |
drblood | oh btw if u use konquer will u get like 0 viruses | 01:44 |
drblood | konqueror | 01:44 |
Narada | t_: i did that but it asks a million questions which i don't have the answers to; | 01:44 |
drblood | *8 | 01:44 |
t_ | drblood: Heh, I'd never of guessed. | 01:44 |
Narada | there must be a way to reconfigure X automatically like by autodetecting | 01:45 |
t_ | Narada: Yeah not sure how you do the no questions method. Hmmm | 01:45 |
joe__ | not sure how to help ya t | 01:45 |
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drblood | if u use konqueror will u get like 0 viruses cuz no one uses it rly? | 01:45 |
joe__ | the whole panel is gonna do the same thing | 01:45 |
joe__ | cant really pick and choose what each button is gonna do | 01:45 |
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t_ | joe__: But I just want it to say 'None' or 'Transparent' instead of default, which seems to do the same thing as solid colour. | 01:46 |
Dragnslcr | drblood- most viruses are Windows-specific anyway. If you don't run every script and program you can download from random sites, you should be fine | 01:46 |
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joe__ | are you tryin to have your desktop background show thru your panel t? | 01:47 |
TheCreationist | What can I use to add files to an .ISO image? | 01:47 |
ctroyer | anyone use a serial term program? | 01:47 |
drblood | kool | 01:47 |
drblood | u guys are rly nice :D | 01:47 |
drblood | i thot ud like ban me for being incredibly stupid | 01:47 |
drblood | and not deal with me this long >.> | 01:47 |
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K1765 | Why does it say this when i try to install the nvidia driver, "ERROR: Unable to build the NVIDIA kernel module." | 01:47 |
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joe__ | <--- goin away for a few | 01:49 |
drblood | bye joe asian | 01:50 |
drblood | :D | 01:50 |
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Graham | K1765: Because it's unab;e to build the nvidia kernel module. | 01:51 |
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Graham | I don't recommend installing with a tarball when packages are available, much easier to update. | 01:52 |
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drblood | i ordered a kubuntu disc too | 01:52 |
drblood | its commin 4-6 weeks | 01:52 |
drblood | xD | 01:52 |
drblood | >.> | 01:53 |
drblood | <.< | 01:53 |
drblood | <( '.'<) (>'.'<) (>'.' )> | 01:53 |
dwidmann | Okay, I've got a question that I think is interesting. Is it possible to get WINE apps to behave with a multi-screen setup (such that the mouse can't go into the next screen)? | 01:53 |
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drblood | sooo | 01:55 |
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phlawless | hey guys anyone have chance to install www.linuxmce.com | 01:56 |
joe__ | imma get outta here...get me some dinner | 01:56 |
dwidmann | 4-6 weeks = ouch | 01:56 |
drblood | thats how long it takes to send the free disc | 01:57 |
drblood | lol | 01:57 |
dwidmann | drblood: I broke down and paid for mine, course, it was pretty cheap, and shipped 4-6 times faster | 01:57 |
Dragnslcr | And that's why CD/DVD burners are nice | 01:57 |
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Biovore | drblood: goto a lug meeting in your local area.. and get a disk.. | 01:58 |
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Arwen | Dragnslcr, why are they nice? they suck.. | 01:58 |
drblood | lug meeting? | 01:58 |
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Biovore | Linux Users Group? | 01:58 |
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drblood | um | 01:59 |
drblood | no idea where thats close to me | 01:59 |
Dragnslcr | Arwen- don't attach a vacuum to them then? | 01:59 |
drblood | i live in massachusetts not NY | 01:59 |
Arwen | lol.. | 01:59 |
Dragnslcr | Might be one in Boston | 01:59 |
drblood | hmm | 01:59 |
drblood | maybe >.> | 01:59 |
Dragnslcr | Actually, I would think there must be | 01:59 |
Biovore | FOSS headquarters is in bostion isn't it? | 01:59 |
Dragnslcr | Isn't FSF's headquarters in Boston? | 01:59 |
Biovore | yeah | 01:59 |
Biovore | lolz | 01:59 |
drblood | LOLOLOLOLOL | 01:59 |
drblood | so wen are these "lug meetings" u speak of.. | 02:00 |
Biovore | kinda fell sorry because you have to live near RMS.. | 02:00 |
Biovore | :-P | 02:00 |
drblood | rms? | 02:00 |
Biovore | wikipedia it.. | 02:00 |
Biovore | Stalman.. the head man of GNU | 02:00 |
drblood | i live in marlborough | 02:01 |
drblood | stalman is old fat and weird | 02:01 |
drblood | :( | 02:01 |
Arwen | stallman is eccentric :-\ | 02:02 |
dwidmann | Stallman is ... Stallman! | 02:02 |
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crimsun | (without RMS, much of the software discussed in these IRC channels wouldn't exist) | 02:02 |
crimsun | anyhow, to return to on-topic discussion...)~( | 02:03 |
drblood | i dont live in ny | 02:03 |
drblood | :\ | 02:03 |
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Biovore | google for lug in your state I sure MIT has one.. | 02:04 |
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Dragnslcr | http://www.wlug.org/ There ya go, one in Worcester | 02:04 |
drblood | hm | 02:05 |
drblood | i get confused | 02:05 |
drblood | i live like 2 mins from worcester | 02:05 |
drblood | and hudson | 02:05 |
fbvortex | I'm having the problem where Adept keeps giving an error committing changes for any attempted change in the packages (add/remove/update). Is there any way to cleanly rebuild or reset the package databases? | 02:05 |
drblood | i cant remember which one is the crack streets | 02:05 |
drblood | o.O | 02:05 |
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Dragnslcr | Lawrence? | 02:05 |
Dragnslcr | http://www,blu.org is the Boston group | 02:06 |
Dragnslcr | I cringed when I saw a huge "Ruby on Rails" message on their front page | 02:06 |
drblood | -.- | 02:06 |
Dragnslcr | Their August meeting looks good though | 02:06 |
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drblood | hmm | 02:06 |
soulrider_ | fbvortex: try sudo aptitude dist-upgrade | 02:06 |
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BluesKaj | there's an article I read about Stallman being the original linux guru , Linus Torvalds just took his code and made it his own to develop the linux kernel | 02:06 |
drblood | do u think i want to wait til august | 02:06 |
drblood | wen i can get it in | 02:07 |
drblood | 4-6 weeks in mail | 02:07 |
Dekkard | lol | 02:07 |
fbvortex | soulrider_: Will do. Does adept tend to be flaky/buggy? | 02:07 |
Dragnslcr | You could probably write to their mailing list and ask if anyone can make a copy for you | 02:07 |
drblood | who are at these "linux meetings" | 02:08 |
drblood | wat is happened there n stuff | 02:08 |
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l_r | hello | 02:08 |
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Dekkard | stallman the original 'nix guru? | 02:08 |
drblood | hmm | 02:08 |
Dragnslcr | Oh man, BLU's April meeting was about MythTV | 02:08 |
Biovore | drblood: Lugs are like this channel.. a bunch of linux/unix nerds talking about nerd stuff.. | 02:09 |
drblood | in a university | 02:09 |
drblood | O_o | 02:09 |
Dragnslcr | Except there's a more specific topic, and probably one or two people giving a presentation | 02:09 |
drblood | lol | 02:09 |
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drblood | im godly in wc3 | 02:09 |
drblood | T_T | 02:09 |
BluesKaj | Dekkard, it was a rant by some Linus hater , i think | 02:09 |
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Dekkard | BluesKaj: stallman .. I believe was behind GNU... | 02:10 |
soulrider_ | fbvortex: it has allways been good with me | 02:10 |
l_r | i have a problem with my wireless card. the knetwork manager does not properly handle the wpa configuration i set. i need to do every steps every time i boot into kde. not only i do not want to repeat these steps, but i'd like to start my wireless session, at boot, with a service. how can i solve these two issues? links to docs are appreciated. thanks | 02:10 |
Dragnslcr | I always thought Linus did most of the kernel and Stallman did most of the GNU programs | 02:10 |
drblood | dragn | 02:10 |
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drblood | how old are u | 02:10 |
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Dekkard | Linus is linux | 02:10 |
Dragnslcr | Oh man, I actually have to think about that now | 02:10 |
Dragnslcr | I'm 27 | 02:11 |
drblood | cool :D | 02:11 |
drblood | where u work? | 02:11 |
Biovore | Stallman is a figure head for GNU.. (think of him as a knight for open source) | 02:11 |
drblood | intel? | 02:11 |
Dekkard | his original work was a thesis..w here he wanted an desktop os as dependable as minix | 02:11 |
Biovore | yup.. linux was a college project.. :-P | 02:11 |
BluesKaj | !wireless | l_r, | 02:11 |
ubotu | l_r,: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 02:11 |
Dragnslcr | Didn't Stallman actually write a fair amount of the original code for GNU programs? | 02:12 |
drblood | hmm u kno tht video on youtube i put earlier | 02:12 |
Dragnslcr | i.e. he's not just a clueless spokesman | 02:12 |
drblood | how did he make that cube computer | 02:12 |
drblood | that spins | 02:12 |
drblood | >.> | 02:12 |
Biovore | well GNU was develop by alot of people.. stallman just one of many.. | 02:12 |
Dekkard | he and his instructor disagreed a great deal.. as linux wanted linux to be monolithic.. and his instructor believed in microkernels | 02:12 |
Dragnslcr | drblood- you mean Beryl? | 02:12 |
drblood | yes | 02:12 |
drblood | was that used with beryl | 02:12 |
drblood | or more than one comp | 02:12 |
drblood | it was like a cube | 02:12 |
drblood | with matrix backround | 02:12 |
drblood | and windows | 02:13 |
Biovore | yup.. beryl | 02:13 |
drblood | that wen u dragged were wavy dragged | 02:13 |
drblood | and closing would make fire | 02:13 |
Biovore | look on youtube for beryl | 02:13 |
Dragnslcr | Biovore- well yeah, I was referring more to the early code | 02:13 |
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drblood | beryl sounds sexi | 02:13 |
drblood | a cube matrix desktop with fire | 02:13 |
Dragnslcr | Obviously there are tons of contributors now, just like the Linux kernel | 02:13 |
drblood | i wanna use that >_> | 02:13 |
Dragnslcr | Beryl is cool, but it's not quite ready for prime time | 02:13 |
Dragnslcr | Latest version is 0.2 I think | 02:14 |
drblood | dragn | 02:14 |
drblood | wat do u recommend | 02:14 |
drblood | i use | 02:14 |
Biovore | got a beefy computer.. beryl is a resource hog.. (I am running it right now) | 02:14 |
drblood | on my comp | 02:14 |
fbvortex | Dekkard: are you sure you're not talking about linus / andrew tannenbaum ("ast") usenet flamewar? | 02:14 |
Dragnslcr | I tried it for a bit, but I couldn't get it to work quite right | 02:14 |
drblood | dragn | 02:14 |
drblood | wat stuff u recommend i use on my comp | 02:14 |
drblood | to make it cool and run good | 02:14 |
drblood | O_o | 02:14 |
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Dragnslcr | Plain KDE works well enough for me. I'll keep trying Beryl as they release new versions | 02:15 |
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drblood | wat is xensource | 02:16 |
Rictoo | Is there a way I can check the modification history for a certain file? | 02:16 |
K`zan | Anyone know of something a handicapped person can use to paste in a phone number and have the modem dial it? | 02:16 |
drblood | K'zan are u handicapped | 02:16 |
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drblood | :/ | 02:18 |
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drblood | i wanna goto the | 02:19 |
drblood | Upcoming Events | 02:19 |
drblood | Wed, Jun 20, 2007 :: Ruby on Rails | 02:19 |
drblood | and maybe the xensource one | 02:19 |
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drblood | do the meetings cost money to attend them | 02:22 |
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delight | !avahi | 02:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about avahi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:29 |
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drblood | wat u guys use for firewalls | 02:30 |
drblood | and virus protection | 02:30 |
drblood | avg? | 02:30 |
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malcolm | i put an old nvidia card in my computer, and booted it up, and the xserver gave me trouble, so i figured ether the card's bad(more than likely) or it's incompatable with linux and removed it, then started it up againusing the onboard intel 810 (which worked b4 i put the card in), but not instead of getting a graphical loggin or a text loggin i get a solid grey screen, and have no clue how to... | 02:31 |
malcolm | ...fix it. can some1 help me? | 02:31 |
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klobster | when do you get a solid grey screen? at boot up? before bios check? grub? login? | 02:33 |
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Dragnslcr | drblood- iptables works well for a firewall. kmyfirewall is a decent GUI for it | 02:34 |
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drblood | dragn wat u currently usin | 02:34 |
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Dragnslcr | I haven't set up iptables on my desktop yet | 02:35 |
jamster545 | why cant i get my ext2 and swap partitions to resize on QTParted? i am running from the live CD. it let me change my FAT32/windows partition | 02:35 |
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Dragnslcr | Not having any programs listening for connections is the best way to block a port | 02:35 |
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malcolm | i get it where i should get a login screen | 02:36 |
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jamster545 | HELLO? PLZ help ME! | 02:37 |
=== jamster545 yells angrily | ||
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=== jamster545 asks for help on something in kubuntu HELP me | ||
kane | jamster545: are you on the dope? | 02:37 |
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jamster545 | no | 02:38 |
jamster545 | never will be | 02:38 |
kane | perhaps you should be? | 02:38 |
jamster545 | no | 02:38 |
kane | heh, whats your problem? | 02:38 |
=== jamster545 smacks kane | ||
jamster545 | ok | 02:38 |
jamster545 | i am running kub. on the live CD and i am in QTParted but it wont resize my ext2 and swap partitions... it did resize my FAT32/windows one | 02:39 |
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kane | jamster545: are you sure its not mounted? | 02:39 |
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kane | do umount -a | 02:39 |
jamster545 | it shouldnt be... i am running from live CD | 02:39 |
kane | and try again. | 02:39 |
jamster545 | ? | 02:39 |
kane | might have mounted it automagicly | 02:39 |
malcolm | i got to the text login by hitting ctrl+alt+f1(i think) but can't figure out how to fix my xserver to run gnome or kde(i've got both on there) | 02:39 |
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kane | it the command line, type umount -a | 02:40 |
kane | sudo umount -a | 02:40 |
jamster545 | ok | 02:40 |
kane | malcolm: do ctrl+alt+f7 | 02:40 |
kane | thats is where your xserver lives | 02:40 |
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malcolm | i've now got vertical alternating blue red and green lines | 02:40 |
kane | ah. | 02:41 |
kane | its busted. | 02:41 |
malcolm | duh | 02:41 |
jamster545 | it didnt do anything | 02:41 |
kane | did you just insatall some dfrivers? | 02:41 |
malcolm | no | 02:41 |
malcolm | i inserted the card and booted it up | 02:41 |
=== jamster545 yells in the ear of kane | ||
jamster545 | it didnt work | 02:41 |
=== jamster545 stops yelling | ||
malcolm | it got screwed up and not won't work on anything | 02:41 |
kane | malcolm: which card? | 02:42 |
kane | jamster545: be calm | 02:42 |
malcolm | nvidia tnt2 64 or something like that | 02:42 |
jamster545 | well it wont work | 02:42 |
malcolm | about 5 years old | 02:42 |
malcolm | or more | 02:42 |
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kane | malcolm: go to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and check what the video driver is | 02:43 |
kane | should be nv | 02:43 |
jamster545 | i typed in the command and it looked at all the drives and partitions and said either: not found, device is busy, or not mounted | 02:43 |
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kane | jamster545: copy/paste the results into paste bin. | 02:43 |
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jamster545 | different computers... i will try to get on konquer from live CD | 02:44 |
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hivemind | Hi guys. I can't get flash audio working in Firefox. I tried alsa-oss but no luck. Any suggestions? | 02:45 |
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drblood | restartin comp brb | 02:45 |
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kane | hivemind make sure you dont have any other apps that might be using the audio | 02:45 |
kane | like gaim | 02:46 |
malcolm | i've forgoten how to edit files from command line :( | 02:46 |
jamster545 | kane: the pastebin link is: paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23353 | 02:46 |
hivemind | kane: Nothing. | 02:47 |
kane | jamster545: herm looks ok, i dunno why it wont let you mess with it, try gparted. | 02:47 |
kane | hivemind you have sound otherwise right? | 02:47 |
kane | try restarting the sound server | 02:47 |
jamster545 | ok... | 02:47 |
kane | jamster545: sorry i cant help more, you can always post in the forums. | 02:48 |
jamster545 | kane, is the command to instal GParted: sudo apt-get install gparted? | 02:48 |
hivemind | kane. I do. | 02:48 |
malcolm | how do i check what driver? i can't remember what the names of the command line text editors r | 02:48 |
jamster545 | nvm it is | 02:48 |
hivemind | I'll be right back, going to just restart (This is pretty much a fresh install) | 02:48 |
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kane | jamster545: yes | 02:49 |
kane | you can actually do it on the live cd | 02:49 |
jamster545 | it isnt available already... so i will install it | 02:50 |
jamster545 | i installed it not using the live CD but it doesnt show up booted to live | 02:50 |
=== jamster545 sighs | ||
hivemind | I take it back | 02:53 |
hivemind | Audio doesn't work at all | 02:53 |
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BluesKaj | GParted rules ...easiest and most effective partition editor that I've come across so far | 02:53 |
dromer | hi all, I'm just using mpd and mpdscribbler, can someone help me setup mpdscribbler so it will start simultaneously with mpd ? | 02:54 |
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yurimxpxman | how do I mount a floppy in KDE? | 02:56 |
stanley | hi guys...i've been havin a major problem...everytime i open a program that needs root access (like adept) it says su returned with an error...can someone help me pleez? | 02:56 |
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BluesKaj | su or sudo ? | 02:57 |
Arwen | sudo | 02:57 |
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stanley | su blueskaj | 02:58 |
BluesKaj | whynot use sudo ...it's will open apt | 02:59 |
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stanley | how do i do this?? | 02:59 |
BluesKaj | er it will | 02:59 |
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drblood | hola | 03:00 |
dom | hi | 03:00 |
dom | lol | 03:00 |
drblood | hi dimonikis | 03:00 |
BluesKaj | are you typing su in the password box in adept , stanley? | 03:00 |
dom | devan ur supposed to restart | 03:00 |
drblood | im on | 03:00 |
drblood | 56% | 03:00 |
stanley | no...when i select adept | 03:00 |
drblood | >.> | 03:00 |
drblood | :D | 03:00 |
LjL | !language > dom (dom, see the private message from Ubotu) | 03:00 |
LjL | !caps > dom (dom, see the private message from Ubotu) | 03:00 |
drblood | dragn u there? | 03:00 |
LinkCanabico | hi does someone know how to mount a ntfs sata hdd as normal user? | 03:00 |
stanley | it doesn't even allow me to enter my password...it just returns "Su has returned with an error" | 03:01 |
dom | this is the shit dude | 03:01 |
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@ool-182ea0ee.dyn.optonline.net] by LjL | ||
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
drblood | dragnslcr u there? | 03:01 |
Dragnslcr | drblood- hm? | 03:01 |
drblood | dom is my friend | 03:01 |
drblood | :D | 03:01 |
drblood | hes smart n stuff | 03:01 |
Dragnslcr | No comment | 03:01 |
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BluesKaj | LjL, can you help with stanley's problem ? | 03:02 |
drblood | he just got excited cuz he finished dling kubuntu | 03:02 |
drblood | hes working on doing matrix now | 03:02 |
drblood | :D | 03:02 |
LjL | BluesKaj: maybe he used sudo for a GUI program, and that messed up some permissions, i'd try perhaps a chown -R himself:himself ~/ | 03:03 |
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BluesKaj | stanley, did you get that ? | 03:04 |
drblood | soo | 03:04 |
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stanley | yea?? | 03:04 |
stanley | what was that sorry | 03:04 |
LinkCanabico | how do i mount a ntfs sata hdd as normal user any ideas? | 03:04 |
drblood | hmm | 03:04 |
drblood | how do u register nick | 03:04 |
drblood | wat command u use :/ | 03:04 |
BluesKaj | stanley, read LjL's answer to me | 03:05 |
stanley | ok | 03:05 |
stanley | thnx | 03:05 |
LjL | !register > drblood (drblood, see the private message from Ubotu) | 03:05 |
stanley | i'll try that | 03:05 |
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drblood | <3 LJL | 03:06 |
drblood | dragn | 03:06 |
drblood | wats name of that firewall u said b4 | 03:06 |
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drblood | i wanna write it down cuz im almost done with install | 03:06 |
Dragnslcr | LinkCanabico - something like "sudo mount /dev/whatever /path/to/mount/location -o user=1000,group=1000" | 03:06 |
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drblood | wat? | 03:06 |
drblood | linkcanabico is the name of the program? | 03:07 |
Dragnslcr | drblood - iptables should be installed by default. kmyfirewall is a decent GUI for it | 03:07 |
drblood | iptables is a default firewall? | 03:07 |
drblood | where u view settings? | 03:07 |
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drblood | dragn do u kno where to view the settings of iptables | 03:09 |
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drblood | >> | 03:10 |
stanley | hey blueskaj...should i specifiy a folder after ~/?? | 03:10 |
Biovore | ~/<dir1>/<dir2> | 03:10 |
Dragnslcr | In a shell, iptables -l | 03:10 |
drblood | 94% done guys | 03:10 |
drblood | yay :D | 03:10 |
jamster545 | ok... GParted is giving me problems... i got it to change the partition sizes i wanted. but then it just made two separate blank, unformatted spots, with an ext2 partition between them. how do i merge the two together? | 03:11 |
Dragnslcr | Er, sorry | 03:11 |
=== hivemind [n=kasdaye@S010600179a9f2971.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dragnslcr | sudo iptables -L | 03:11 |
drblood | i dont get it | 03:11 |
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Dragnslcr | Or install a GUI for it | 03:11 |
jamster545 | who u talking to Dragnslcr? | 03:11 |
drblood | me | 03:11 |
drblood | im dumb | 03:11 |
drblood | : | 03:11 |
drblood | :| | 03:11 |
LinkCanabico | thanks sorry for the troble but im installing this sys for a newbie and he only knows double click how would i do it im trying to get fstab right but it doesnt help | 03:11 |
Dragnslcr | LinkCanabico- I have "/dev/sdb1 /mnt/windows ntfs uid=1000,gid=1000,auto,ro,owner 0 0" in fstab, but it doesn't seem to work. It might be enough to get you started though | 03:12 |
LinkCanabico | Dragnslcr what does the owner option do? | 03:13 |
drblood | reinstall time! | 03:13 |
drblood | i mean restart | 03:13 |
drblood | <3 | 03:13 |
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willrobinson | Hi guys | 03:14 |
willrobinson | Any idea how I can force the refresh rate of my monitor? And what refresh rate would I likely need on a 1440x900 monitor? My eyes are killing me. :) | 03:14 |
jamster545 | WILL SOMEONE HELP ME FOR ^$%^$&*^ OUR LOUD | 03:15 |
jamster545 | GAWD! | 03:15 |
jamster545 | ANGER MAN | 03:15 |
nosrednaekim | jamster545: whats you problem? | 03:15 |
jamster545 | finally | 03:15 |
jamster545 | sorry for the yelling | 03:15 |
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jamster545 | i am running GParted off the live CD and it resized the partitions i wanted it to. but when it did instead of making one big unallocated it made two that are separated by my ext2 for kubuntu. how do i combine them and move them between my fat32 and my ext2 | 03:16 |
jamster545 | it wont let me move or resize or do anything but format them | 03:16 |
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jamster545 | well nosrednaekim? | 03:18 |
nosrednaekim | jamster545: yeah... what do you want to move? | 03:18 |
jamster545 | the one unallocated next to the other one and then combine them | 03:18 |
bharath | jamster: you gotta move your ext2 partition to the beginning so that the free space before it meets the free space after it | 03:18 |
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jamster545 | how? | 03:19 |
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bharath | select your ext2 partition and select resize/move | 03:20 |
bharath | u have to move it instead of resize | 03:20 |
jamster545 | how? | 03:20 |
nosrednaekim | jamster545: do either have any data on them? | 03:20 |
jamster545 | no | 03:20 |
bharath | set the free space preceeding to zero | 03:21 |
jamster545 | it already is | 03:21 |
jamster545 | i didnt do that | 03:21 |
Thehound666 | just to confirm, I'm about to do kernel upgrade to shut adept up. I use fglrx and don't want to break it. I can still use old kernel right? | 03:21 |
jamster545 | it is grayed out so i cant change it | 03:21 |
bharath | can u list down in sequence what your partitions are? | 03:21 |
nosrednaekim | Thehound666: yes... but it should automatucally upgrade fglrx as well | 03:21 |
jamster545 | sure | 03:21 |
Thehound666 | it won't. My card needs proprietary | 03:22 |
Thehound666 | and even that's hard to make work | 03:22 |
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jamster545 | starting at the top: FAT32, 17.5 GB; unallocated, 3.69GB; ext2 5.52GB; swap 776.58 MB | 03:23 |
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jamster545 | oops | 03:23 |
jamster545 | i did it wrong bharath | 03:23 |
Thehound666 | any word anywhere about when open source will support an X1950PRO XGE? | 03:23 |
Thehound666 | would be very nice | 03:23 |
Thehound666 | not upgrading for awhile | 03:23 |
bharath | try again | 03:24 |
=== dwidmann [n=dustin@dpc67142237054.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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dwidmann | Hmm, is there any way to trick/force a program to think there is only one processor/core? | 03:24 |
Daisuke_Ido | Thehound666: i'm guessing right around the time the cubs win the world series, and people stop being so friggin obsessed with celebrities | 03:25 |
Thehound666 | use a 32-bit os lol | 03:25 |
jamster545 | from the top: fat32 17.5GB; unallocated 3.69GB; ext2 5.52 GB; unallocated 502.03 MB; swap 776.58MB | 03:25 |
Thehound666 | well otherwise I don't know | 03:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | Thehound666: um, i'm using the 32 bit version of feisty and it sees both processors. try again. | 03:25 |
bharath | ok, when u right click ext2, is resize/move enabled? | 03:25 |
jamster545 | ya | 03:25 |
=== NotWired [n=notubunt@bas1-ottawa10-1177946801.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== dwidmann hopes for a clever response | ||
=== aimes [n=aimes@pool-72-71-9-166.plspca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bharath | ok, then go to resize/move | 03:26 |
jamster545 | ok | 03:26 |
jamster545 | then? | 03:26 |
bharath | set the free size preceeding to zero | 03:26 |
NotWired | any way to resize an ext3 partition? parted doesn't seem to support it | 03:26 |
aimes | can anyone tell me how to get more than one sound track playing, so they would be mixed together? | 03:26 |
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dwidmann | Seems Red Alert (yes, that old game) running in WINE, has threading issues with SMP. | 03:26 |
jamster545 | it is unchangeable on it... it says zero, but it is grayed out | 03:26 |
=== hivemind [n=kasdaye@S010600179a9f2971.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke_Ido | ouch :( | 03:27 |
Daisuke_Ido | play starcraft, it's a better rts anyway ^_^ | 03:27 |
=== jamster545 waits for response | ||
Thehound666 | I'm going to backup this xorg.conf, put in my original and try to get fglrx proprietary in the new kernel. wish me luck ;) | 03:27 |
Daisuke_Ido | seriously though, i'm not sure how... | 03:27 |
bharath | can u tell the partition names in sequence? | 03:28 |
dwidmann | I already had to jump through one hoop already and switch my xorg.conf so it'd only use one screen (it didn't like the multi-screen setup either :P) | 03:28 |
jamster545 | ya sure | 03:28 |
dwidmann | I guess I'll have to reboot with some fancy kernel options to make it work, but I was hoping there was a nicer way of going about this | 03:28 |
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jamster545 | from the top: /dev/sda1, unallocated, /dev/sda2, unallocated, /dev/sda3 | 03:29 |
bharath | hmm | 03:29 |
dwidmann | if I do recall the option I'll have to use is nosmp ... but I'd best check that first | 03:29 |
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Thehound666 | I might try another custom kernel meself. I had 2.6.21 running but fglrx gets rejected like a freak by it at this point | 03:30 |
bharath | ok, tell me the values from all the fields when u select move/resize on the ext2 | 03:30 |
Thehound666 | and everyone says it can't support 2.6.21 yet | 03:30 |
=== K1765 [n=michael@cpe-075-178-044-119.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Biovore | ATI drivers kinda are lacking.. | 03:31 |
K1765 | How do I run a program in OpenGL | 03:31 |
Arwen | Biovore, more than lacking... | 03:31 |
Arwen | K1765, err... by clicking on it? | 03:31 |
Biovore | you compile it and run.. | 03:31 |
Thehound666 | very lacking. I might post the ded to do in Ubuntu forums when I'm up to it | 03:31 |
jamster545 | all in MB: preceding (grayed out, unchangeable) 0; new size 5648, following 502 | 03:31 |
Thehound666 | since noone seems to get my card working | 03:31 |
dwidmann | thehound666: I've gone the other way, I'm running an older kernel, 2.6.18 to be exact | 03:31 |
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=== linuxwizard [n=masterse@74-141-160-82.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Thehound666 | 2.6.20-15 is cherry with fglrx | 03:32 |
Thehound666 | long as xorg is up to date | 03:32 |
jamster545 | hey linuxwizard i live by you! i am on insight too! | 03:32 |
nosrednaekim | yeah.. ATI drivers aren't that bad...besides performance issues | 03:32 |
=== lunar-raven [n=lunar-ra@71-36-43-56.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | nosrednaekim: not that good either | 03:32 |
Thehound666 | I get around 5900 on glxgears | 03:32 |
nosrednaekim | haha... at what res? | 03:33 |
Thehound666 | 1024x768 desktop res | 03:33 |
jamster545 | bharath did u get that/ | 03:33 |
bharath | can u restart gparted and see if you're still unable to enter values for 'free space preceding' | 03:33 |
nosrednaekim | I think I get about 200 at that lol | 03:33 |
jamster545 | ok i will | 03:33 |
linuxwizard | Hi jamster545 where do you live | 03:33 |
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Thehound666 | in fact the new drivers clip below that res | 03:33 |
Thehound666 | a bug | 03:33 |
jamster545 | covington, linuxwizard | 03:33 |
Thehound666 | but nothing I can't deal with | 03:34 |
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drblood | hm | 03:34 |
jamster545 | bharath it is still unchangeable | 03:34 |
linuxwizard | rockford jamster545 | 03:34 |
jamster545 | indiana linuxwizard/ | 03:34 |
jamster545 | ? | 03:34 |
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bharath | what does it say for fields minimum size and maximum size? | 03:34 |
=== Trevinyo [n=Trevi@adsl-ull-78-180.41-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
drblood | wen i go on youtube and try to watch a video | 03:35 |
drblood | it says | 03:35 |
drblood | Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. | 03:35 |
jamster545 | minmimum 2105 maximim 6150 | 03:35 |
=== luis_lopez [n=luis@ip216-239-85-32.vif.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Biovore | drblood: you have flash installed.. works here... | 03:35 |
linuxwizard | comcast is taking over insight here | 03:35 |
jamster545 | that is good... insight sux major ballz | 03:35 |
drblood | so how come i cant view youtube videos on konquest | 03:35 |
drblood | konqueror* | 03:36 |
jamster545 | you cant? | 03:36 |
bharath | is ext2 unmounted? | 03:36 |
jamster545 | yeah, i am live booting and i can resize the actual partition | 03:36 |
drblood | should i dl firefox | 03:36 |
linuxwizard | jamster545: tell me about it i hate insight | 03:36 |
Biovore | drblood: works on konqueror here | 03:36 |
drblood | -.- | 03:36 |
jamster545 | SLOW, SUCKY COMMERCIALS, CRAPPY SERVICE, BAD QUALITY TV, ETC.! linuxwizard | 03:37 |
drblood | it doesnt work for me | 03:37 |
=== tinin [n=tinin@149.Red-83-33-247.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jamster545 | bharath it should be unmounted because i am booting from the kubuntu CD | 03:38 |
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lunar-raven | drblood, you have flash installed right? when did you install it? | 03:38 |
dwidmann | hmm, I'm only getting 9000fps, that's odd, used to get 17k, wonder which of the many things I've changed is causing that :\ | 03:38 |
drblood | i didnt install n e thing | 03:38 |
drblood | i just installed kubuntu | 03:38 |
drblood | xD | 03:38 |
dwidmann | might be the antialiasing/texture sharpening/etc, hmm | 03:38 |
bharath | strange you aren't able to change free space preceding | 03:38 |
jamster545 | bharath? | 03:38 |
lunar-raven | http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash | 03:39 |
jamster545 | i know | 03:39 |
lunar-raven | download and extract to your .mozilla/plugins folder in your home directory | 03:39 |
bharath | how big was the ext2 initially? did it include both the unallocated sections? | 03:39 |
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jamster545 | no the bigger unallocated came from when i made my FAT32 smaller. | 03:39 |
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bharath | hmm | 03:40 |
jamster545 | i have an idea | 03:40 |
drblood | wat u mean extract to plugins folder | 03:40 |
jamster545 | maybe i should change space preceding to 0? | 03:40 |
bharath | isn't that what i asked u to do initially? | 03:40 |
=== ejupin [n=ejupin@c-24-61-16-90.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jamster545 | i meant following | 03:41 |
jamster545 | and it wont work anyway | 03:41 |
lunar-raven | drblood: ok go to that website, and download option 1 | 03:41 |
=== willrobinson [n=willrobi@82-42-181-43.cable.ubr04.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lunar-raven | drblood: then right click the downloaded file, and click "extract here" | 03:41 |
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bharath | then it'll only include the unallocated space after it | 03:41 |
drblood | i clicked | 03:41 |
willrobinson | Hi guys | 03:41 |
drblood | save in the home directory | 03:41 |
jamster545 | and it wont let me hit apply when i try it anyway | 03:41 |
willrobinson | Installed the latest nVidia graphics card drivers, but doesn't look like there's any support for the 5100 | 03:41 |
willrobinson | Any ideas? | 03:41 |
kane | willrobinson: you need to install the legacy ones then. | 03:42 |
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drblood | now i extracted | 03:42 |
willrobinson | Ah | 03:42 |
bharath | why don't u create a ext2 partition of the first big unallocated? | 03:42 |
drblood | but i have no plugins folder | 03:42 |
bharath | and then just move the data from ext2 to that one? | 03:42 |
jamster545 | because i dont want my linux to get removed from the existing ext2 | 03:42 |
lunar-raven | drblood: k, did you extract it? once you do..enter it's folder "install_flash_player_9_linux". Select all of the files in that folder and right click, and cut em. Then go to your plugins directory and paste them. Your plugins directory is /home/yourusername/.mozilla | 03:42 |
lunar-raven | if there is no plugins directory in the .mozilla folder create it | 03:43 |
lunar-raven | and paste them there | 03:43 |
lunar-raven | :P | 03:43 |
=== nick__ [n=nick@cpe-71-72-156-180.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke_Ido | unless i'm losing my mind, 7zip can't handle wildcards :\ | 03:43 |
bharath | no, create ext2, move data from current ext2 to new ext2, then delete current ext2 to make one big unallocated | 03:43 |
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drblood | home/yourusername/.mozilla | 03:43 |
jamster545 | wont that get rid of my linux installation and kill some of my files/ | 03:43 |
jamster545 | ? | 03:43 |
Daisuke_Ido | '7z x *.7z' fails every time :\ | 03:43 |
lunar-raven | well, yourusername = whatever your username is | 03:43 |
lunar-raven | lol | 03:43 |
bharath | nope | 03:43 |
lunar-raven | like mine is lunar-raven | 03:44 |
jamster545 | tell me how... can i do it from the live CD? | 03:44 |
drblood | wait | 03:44 |
drblood | wen did i get a mozilla folder | 03:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | drblood: do you use firefox? | 03:44 |
jamster545 | bharath i dont have much more time | 03:44 |
drblood | no | 03:44 |
nosrednaekim | drblood: its made automatically | 03:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | hmm | 03:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | thunderbird | 03:44 |
drblood | should i cut the folder | 03:45 |
Thehound666 | nosrednaekim, could you type fglrxinfo into a konsole and give me the results | 03:45 |
drblood | ? | 03:45 |
lunar-raven | oh, you have no mozilla folder? | 03:45 |
Thehound666 | 200 is terrible | 03:45 |
drblood | im not using mozilla | 03:45 |
drblood | >> | 03:45 |
nosrednaekim | Thehound666: sure.. but what for? | 03:45 |
=== Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-14-231.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke_Ido | nosrednaekim: kubuntu doesn't install FF by default, there shouldn't be any .mozilla directory | 03:45 |
Thehound666 | see what you have for openGL | 03:45 |
=== Daisuke_Ido shrugs | ||
Thehound666 | sounds like you lack acceleration | 03:45 |
drblood | only if dragn was here | 03:45 |
drblood | hed kno wat to do | 03:45 |
=== jamster545 shrugs | ||
Daisuke_Ido | anyway, nosrednaekim, what do you know about 7zip? | 03:45 |
lunar-raven | ah its no problem, konqueror will search there though. in your home directory make a folder called .mozilla then in the .mozilla folder make a folder called plugins and paste your plugins there | 03:45 |
Thehound666 | and are emulating | 03:45 |
lunar-raven | that'll do it | 03:45 |
nosrednaekim | Thehound666: i'm sorry, but right now I'm using the opensource driver | 03:46 |
Skyblast | Is there a way to keep the seach bar in different view modes other than icon mode on Konquerer? I have looked and looked in the Configure Toolbars window, and I can't find anything even when it's in icon mode | 03:46 |
Thehound666 | ahh may be why | 03:46 |
nosrednaekim | Daisuke_Ido: 7zip? | 03:46 |
nosrednaekim | Thehound666: why what? | 03:46 |
bharath | if you copy the data from this ext2 to new ext2 by preserving all the file permissions and attributes, it should work | 03:46 |
lunar-raven | you know..automatix may be a good thing for you, to. that program can install flash, firefox, and many programs with a few clicks | 03:46 |
Thehound666 | the performance | 03:46 |
lunar-raven | pretty convenient | 03:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | an open source compression program. it's either poorly designed or i'm an idiot | 03:46 |
Thehound666 | I hear the open source driver is lacking | 03:46 |
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jamster545 | ummm... still, how? | 03:46 |
drblood | wats the folder name again | 03:46 |
drblood | >.> | 03:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | NO. | 03:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | automatix is not a "good thing" | 03:47 |
Thehound666 | doesn't even work on my card | 03:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | please don't recommend that people use it. | 03:47 |
lunar-raven | bah, ive always used it without problem | 03:47 |
lunar-raven | so have many people | 03:47 |
lunar-raven | ive found it completely flawless | 03:47 |
drblood | wen i goto mozilla | 03:47 |
drblood | it goeas | 03:47 |
drblood | locate:home/yourusername/.mozilla | 03:47 |
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drblood | now wat | 03:47 |
nosrednaekim | Thehound666: it is... but its a little more stable when doing suspend to ram | 03:47 |
Thehound666 | but you should see something like this, it's short enough to paste here | 03:47 |
Thehound666 | display: :0.0 screen: 0 | 03:48 |
Thehound666 | OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc. | 03:48 |
Thehound666 | OpenGL renderer string: Radeon X1950 Series | 03:48 |
Thehound666 | OpenGL version string: 2.0.6458 (8.36.5) | 03:48 |
nosrednaekim | Daisuke_Ido: yeah I really don't know anything about it... I use ark, or tar from the CLI | 03:48 |
kane | Ive used automatix on about 10 installs and never had an issue, i think the "often" that ubuntu bot spits out is a little biased. | 03:48 |
lunar-raven | sorry drblood, i think im confusing you. i suck. hahaha. yourusername isn't literal, when i said yourusername I meant your username..as in what you chose. your login name | 03:48 |
bharath | the current ext2 is /dev/sda2 | 03:48 |
Daisuke_Ido | it integrates into ark | 03:48 |
jamster545 | right | 03:48 |
drblood | wat O_o | 03:48 |
drblood | i went to home folder | 03:48 |
bharath | if you just make the new one /dev/sda2.. your grub should easily pick that up | 03:48 |
drblood | with the plugins | 03:48 |
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drblood | >.< | 03:48 |
drblood | now im so confused | 03:48 |
lunar-raven | ahaha | 03:48 |
nosrednaekim | Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". | 03:48 |
nosrednaekim | display: :0.0 screen: 0 | 03:48 |
nosrednaekim | OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org | 03:48 |
nosrednaekim | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 03:48 |
nosrednaekim | OpenGL version string: 1.4 (1.5 Mesa 6.5.2) | 03:48 |
bharath | and then delete the current ext2 | 03:48 |
lunar-raven | maybe i can find you a howto | 03:48 |
jamster545 | ok? | 03:49 |
Thehound666 | yup you're emulating :( | 03:49 |
lunar-raven | ok...like this, in your home folder, did you create a folder called .mozilla? | 03:49 |
bharath | yep | 03:49 |
Thehound666 | that's what you don't want to see | 03:49 |
jamster545 | bharath how do i change the name? | 03:49 |
Thehound666 | but don't think the open source suppiorts direct on many cards | 03:49 |
drblood | no | 03:49 |
=== hitmanWilly [n=KVIrc@66-190-176-18.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lunar-raven | ok hehe. goto your home folder, right click, make a new folder. call it .mozilla | 03:50 |
bharath | if you create a ext2 in the first unallocated... it will become /dev/sda2 and the current one will automatically become /dev/sda3 | 03:50 |
drblood | -.- | 03:50 |
bharath | then you just copy data from sda3 to sda2 | 03:50 |
nosrednaekim | Thehound666: only older cards (of which this is one, unfortunately this has a bug, and 3d is not supported) | 03:50 |
Skyblast | And even on the ones it does it's kinda iffy | 03:50 |
bharath | and then delete sda3 | 03:50 |
=== Skyblast has a Radeon 9800SE | ||
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Skyblast | It mostly works 3d-wise with the open source driver, but is still not there | 03:50 |
drblood | okie dokie | 03:50 |
drblood | i made a folder called .mozilla | 03:50 |
drblood | but i dont see it to | 03:50 |
drblood | tho* | 03:50 |
jamster545 | but wont the files die? i have the current ext2 at the position / | 03:51 |
Thehound666 | yeah I got a fancy card because I'm a gamer and only fully switched to Linux this year | 03:51 |
=== Trevi [n=Trevi@adsl-122-73.37-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Thehound666 | Linux does have some good games | 03:51 |
jamster545 | and it made the new one sda4 instead of 2 | 03:51 |
nosrednaekim | Thehound666: hows gaming and linux coming along? | 03:51 |
=== Biovore a big UT2k4 player on linux :-P | ||
lunar-raven | yeah, the "." makes it hidden. So in your address bar on konqueror..you should see /home/username right? after your username type /.mozilla to enter it | 03:51 |
Thehound666 | works nice once you get proprietary up and running | 03:52 |
drblood | yes | 03:52 |
Thehound666 | some games are beautiful but less resource hogging that DirectX | 03:52 |
lunar-raven | k, in your mozilla folder? | 03:52 |
drblood | yes | 03:52 |
bharath | if you open up /etc/fstab | 03:52 |
drblood | i made a folder called plugins | 03:52 |
drblood | O_o | 03:52 |
lunar-raven | now make a folder called plugins | 03:52 |
lunar-raven | inside of it | 03:52 |
Biovore | the games that have native support for linux work good, just as good as windows. Probablem is there isn't that many that have linux support.. | 03:52 |
lunar-raven | k | 03:52 |
lunar-raven | then paste your new flash files in it | 03:52 |
bharath | you can change the '/' to point to the new partition | 03:52 |
drblood | i did | 03:52 |
lunar-raven | k cool | 03:52 |
lunar-raven | now in konqueror | 03:52 |
=== nikkiana [n=nikkiana@c-24-34-69-166.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jamster545 | ok in konsole? | 03:53 |
lunar-raven | go to settings, configure konqueror | 03:53 |
bharath | yep | 03:53 |
lunar-raven | click plugins on the left | 03:53 |
Thehound666 | http://happypenguin.org/ | 03:53 |
Thehound666 | good stuff | 03:53 |
bharath | but i guess we're getting ahead of ourselves | 03:53 |
Thehound666 | :) | 03:53 |
jamster545 | it said permission denied | 03:53 |
lunar-raven | then click "scan for new plugins" and click apply | 03:53 |
bharath | what did you try to do? | 03:53 |
drblood | which settings | 03:53 |
lunar-raven | oh, the menu on konqueror | 03:54 |
drblood | nvm | 03:54 |
drblood | i got it :D | 03:54 |
lunar-raven | :P | 03:54 |
lunar-raven | then once you scan it should find the new flash plugin | 03:54 |
lunar-raven | clock konqueror then reopen and try youtube | 03:54 |
lunar-raven | click* | 03:54 |
lunar-raven | close* | 03:54 |
Thehound666 | you can play some of it without direct rendering | 03:54 |
lunar-raven | omg i cant type | 03:54 |
jamster545 | i typed in your command /etc/fstab/ | 03:54 |
Thehound666 | I tested Quake 4 recently though to give things a workout | 03:54 |
bharath | no /etc/fstab is a file | 03:54 |
bharath | you have to view it | 03:55 |
bharath | anyways... | 03:55 |
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jamster545 | how do i view it? konqueror? | 03:55 |
drblood | it no work | 03:55 |
lunar-raven | it doesnt? | 03:55 |
lunar-raven | it should | 03:55 |
bharath | use 'vi /etc/fstab' | 03:55 |
drblood | was i supposed to do the hole folder | 03:55 |
drblood | of the flash | 03:55 |
drblood | or the files inside t | 03:55 |
lunar-raven | you're not using the amd74 version are you? | 03:55 |
lunar-raven | amd 64* | 03:56 |
bharath | i still don't understand why you can't just move the ext2 to before the big unallocated... | 03:56 |
drblood | amd 64? | 03:56 |
jamster545 | i know... i will mess with it tomorrow | 03:56 |
jamster545 | bye and thanks for the help | 03:56 |
drblood | it doesnt find new plugins | 03:57 |
lunar-raven | if you're using the amd74 version of kubuntu flash can be annoying..but it should work. | 03:57 |
lunar-raven | so you pasted the flash files you extracted into .mozilla/plugins | 03:57 |
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lunar-raven | correct? | 03:57 |
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lunar-raven | wtf i keep tying 74* | 03:57 |
lunar-raven | lol | 03:57 |
drblood | twa | 03:58 |
drblood | yes | 03:58 |
drblood | umm | 03:58 |
drblood | is there a certain folder i should scan | 03:58 |
bharath | try one last thing | 03:58 |
lunar-raven | no, doing scan plugins should scan them all | 03:58 |
bharath | delete /dev/sda4 and make it unallocated again | 03:58 |
lunar-raven | hmm | 03:58 |
bharath | and then go to rezise ext2 | 03:58 |
Dragnslcr | Doesn't the Flash .tar.gz have an installer script? | 03:58 |
Dragnslcr | The one I downloaded does | 03:59 |
lunar-raven | yeah..but it just copies it into the mozilla directory | 03:59 |
Dragnslcr | Too bad they still don't support amd64 | 03:59 |
lunar-raven | yeah =[ | 03:59 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Pricey] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-b secleinteer!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by Pricey | ||
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lunar-raven | drblood: you could try firefox. | 03:59 |
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nosrednaekim | you have to use nspluginwrapper for AMD64 | 03:59 |
lunar-raven | or just use the 32bit version of firefox | 04:00 |
lunar-raven | easier that way | 04:00 |
lunar-raven | :P | 04:00 |
secleinteer | hi, does anyone know how to make konqueror default to detailed list view for all folders, instead of icon view? | 04:00 |
drblood | dling firefox | 04:01 |
lunar-raven | k | 04:01 |
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lunar-raven | i use firefox and it works fine for me | 04:01 |
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nosrednaekim | secleinteer: yes.. just a second. | 04:02 |
=== maltaethiron [n=paul@c-68-43-146-198.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
secleinteer | kk | 04:02 |
maltaethiron | help, my wireless doesnt work any more | 04:02 |
nosrednaekim | secleinteer: do you know how to switch to that mode? | 04:02 |
drblood | hmm | 04:02 |
drblood | i got the installer | 04:02 |
drblood | now wat i do with it | 04:02 |
secleinteer | nosrednaekim: yes | 04:02 |
drblood | kubuntu confuses me | 04:02 |
maltaethiron | Can anyone help me fix my wireless? It was working the other day, then in the middle of a session, it just crapped out on me, and now I have to plug my laptop into an ethernet, LAME | 04:03 |
nosrednaekim | secleinteer: change it to that setting, and then go to Settings-> save view profile | 04:03 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: were you doing a system upgrade of any sort? | 04:04 |
drblood | can someone send me a firefox dler for kubuntu | 04:04 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: nope, just on the internet, and then it stopped working | 04:04 |
secleinteer | nosrednaekim: thanks, it works great | 04:04 |
Admiral_Chicago | drblood: what do you mean? | 04:04 |
Dragnslcr | drblood- Firefox is in the repositories. Just use Adept | 04:04 |
drblood | ? | 04:05 |
maltaethiron | drblood: in konsole type "sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox" | 04:05 |
maltaethiron | without the quotes | 04:05 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: what does iwconfig give you? | 04:05 |
lunar-raven | drblood: linux is confusing at first, you'll get use to it and it will be nice and simple | 04:05 |
lunar-raven | :P | 04:05 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: also, are you sure its not your router? | 04:05 |
Thehound666 | firefox downloader what do you speak of? | 04:06 |
Thehound666 | you can get it simply by editing sources.list and uncommenting the commented repositories' | 04:06 |
drblood | it seems hard | 04:06 |
drblood | :/ | 04:06 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: my parents' laptops work fine on our network | 04:06 |
maltaethiron | so it's not my router | 04:06 |
lunar-raven | it really isn't hard, just different compared to windows | 04:06 |
maltaethiron | but i havent checked iwconfig | 04:06 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: ok, then pastebin iwconfig | 04:06 |
drblood | sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox | 04:06 |
lunar-raven | that'd do it | 04:06 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: is there encryption or anything on it? | 04:06 |
Thehound666 | maybe that works | 04:07 |
Thehound666 | I just do sudo apt-get install firefox | 04:07 |
Thehound666 | but he needs to enable all the repositories | 04:07 |
Thehound666 | trust me | 04:07 |
nosrednaekim | Thehound666: no he doesn' | 04:07 |
nosrednaekim | its in the default one. | 04:07 |
lunar-raven | haha | 04:07 |
nosrednaekim | !firefox | 04:07 |
ubotu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 04:07 |
lunar-raven | you guys are going to confuse him | 04:07 |
Thehound666 | the default ones for me said not found | 04:07 |
Admiral_Chicago | firefox is in main | 04:08 |
lunar-raven | drblood: did you get that command working? | 04:08 |
Thehound666 | hmm maybe it changed | 04:08 |
=== Thehound666 shrugs | ||
=== nosrednaekim grins | ||
Admiral_Chicago | Thehound666: no firefox is in main | 04:08 |
Thehound666 | my install is old | 04:08 |
drblood | yes | 04:08 |
drblood | im on firefox | 04:08 |
Admiral_Chicago | i can tell you 100% that is it in main | 04:08 |
nosrednaekim | maybe mozzilla-firefox is not? | 04:08 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: the router is encrypted, but i havent been asked to put the key in | 04:08 |
lunar-raven | ok cool | 04:08 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: and how do i use iwconfig | 04:08 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: ok, I'm totally unfamiliar with knetworkmanager | 04:08 |
lunar-raven | btw, if you prefer the graphical way, you can install programs with adept (which is in your menu) or add/remove programs which is also in your kmenu | 04:09 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: just type it in on the command line | 04:09 |
drblood | OH EM GEE IT WORX | 04:09 |
lunar-raven | lol | 04:09 |
nosrednaekim | and pastebin the results | 04:09 |
lunar-raven | YAY | 04:09 |
drblood | BONER YAYAYAY | 04:09 |
lunar-raven | haha | 04:09 |
=== userXa0 [n=user@adsl-69-224-113-100.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
drblood | how come kubuntu is filled with nice people? | 04:09 |
Admiral_Chicago | becuase we are awesome | 04:09 |
=== Lunar_Lamp [i=lunar@unaffiliated/lunarlamp/x-038437] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nosrednaekim | drblood: lol | 04:10 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: lemme guess, youve been to #ubuntu as well... | 04:10 |
nosrednaekim | that place is MOBBED! | 04:10 |
drblood | no | 04:10 |
drblood | is ubuntu mean? | 04:10 |
lunar-raven | lol | 04:10 |
nosrednaekim | no... bu there are 1100 people on it. | 04:10 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: sometimes... | 04:11 |
drblood | :O | 04:11 |
nosrednaekim | yeah | 04:11 |
=== lunar-raven doesn't like the regular ubuntu. thinks gnome is ugly | ||
lunar-raven | lol | 04:11 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: if you get an idiot in there | 04:11 |
drblood | im an idiot :( | 04:11 |
lunar-raven | nah, you're just a newb | 04:11 |
lunar-raven | :D | 04:11 |
drblood | n e one wanna help me with beryl | 04:11 |
lunar-raven | oh dear, beryl is much more complicated | 04:11 |
Lunar_Lamp | I have a multimonitor setup, but when I run opengl programs (e.g. games) - the same things gets shown on each screen. That is I get cloned rather than "bigdesktop. My xorg.conf is here: http://pastebin.ca/524400 | 04:11 |
lunar-raven | :P | 04:11 |
nosrednaekim | drblood: you just have to hit all the biggies don't you? | 04:11 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: as in the holier-than-thou linux-i-know-everything types :P | 04:12 |
lunar-raven | !beryl | 04:12 |
drblood | :D | 04:12 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 04:12 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23364/ | 04:12 |
drblood | im going to do beryl | 04:12 |
drblood | with multi cube screen | 04:12 |
drblood | matrix backround | 04:12 |
lunar-raven | beryl is fun, but it a bit buggy | 04:12 |
lunar-raven | lol | 04:12 |
drblood | and wen close programs flames go down page | 04:12 |
drblood | :D | 04:12 |
drblood | wat do u download on beryl lol? | 04:13 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: i hope you've got a powerful system and a really good graphics card | 04:13 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: so let me guess, knetworkmanager stalls on 28% progress? | 04:13 |
drblood | i got a pretty good one | 04:13 |
nosrednaekim | drblood: yeah what graphics do you have? | 04:13 |
nosrednaekim | nvidia or ATI> | 04:13 |
nosrednaekim | ? | 04:13 |
=== Daisuke_Ido waits for it | ||
drblood | nvidia 6150 | 04:14 |
nosrednaekim | oh... that'll work fine | 04:14 |
Daisuke_Ido | ...actually, you should be okay | 04:14 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: should handle it :P | 04:14 |
drblood | :DDDDDDDD | 04:14 |
drblood | i <3 u guys | 04:14 |
drblood | so what do i dl for beryl | 04:14 |
Daisuke_Ido | nosrednaekim: you were prepared to go off the deep end too weren't you? :P | 04:14 |
drblood | i see all this stuff | 04:14 |
drblood | aquamarine-0.2.1.tar.bz2 | 04:14 |
drblood | aquamarine-0.2.1.tar.gz | 04:14 |
drblood | beryl-core-0.2.1.tar.bz2 | 04:14 |
drblood | beryl-core-0.2.1.tar.gz | 04:14 |
drblood | beryl-manager-0.2.1.tar.bz2 | 04:14 |
drblood | on this page http://www.beryl-project.org/releases.php | 04:14 |
hitmanWilly | !beryl | drblood | 04:14 |
ubotu | drblood: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 04:14 |
Daisuke_Ido | whoa! slow down there pardner | 04:14 |
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Daisuke_Ido | drblood: using feisty? | 04:15 |
nosrednaekim | Daisuke_Ido: going off the deep end is safer, that way you don't break your neck on the bottom | 04:15 |
drblood | ? | 04:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | nosrednaekim: agreed | 04:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | or as my mother always says, hope for the best and expect the worst | 04:15 |
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maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: how do i start knetworkmanager | 04:16 |
drblood | do i want to dowload the script | 04:16 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: most anything you want to install is in the ubuntu repos...ie download and set themselves up | 04:16 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: what are you using to connect to wireless? | 04:16 |
nosrednaekim | drblood: are you using fiesty or edgy? | 04:16 |
drblood | fiesty i think | 04:16 |
Daisuke_Ido | drblood: sudo aptitude install beryl beryl-manager | 04:16 |
drblood | link? | 04:17 |
nosrednaekim | drblood: do you have the nvidia drivers installed? | 04:17 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: look in your k-menu and open up add/remove programs....and take a look around :) | 04:17 |
Daisuke_Ido | link to what? | 04:17 |
drblood | beryl installer :D | 04:17 |
Daisuke_Ido | oi | 04:17 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: im using nothing now, but before when it was working my builtin wireless card | 04:17 |
Daisuke_Ido | it's in the repos | 04:17 |
Daisuke_Ido | there's no installer | 04:17 |
drblood | nos wat u mean | 04:17 |
Daisuke_Ido | drblood: have you installed any video drivers? | 04:17 |
drblood | idk | 04:17 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: so something just popped up for you to enter your code in? | 04:17 |
Daisuke_Ido | probably not | 04:18 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: this isn't windows where you have to scour the web for individual apps...most are held in a central server(s) called repos | 04:18 |
drblood | i got my comp this december | 04:18 |
maltaethiron | no not right now | 04:18 |
=== ben_ [n=ben@pool-71-98-51-246.gdrpwi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: a week and a half ago I did | 04:18 |
drblood | so um | 04:19 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: could you pastebin the output of "ifconfig"? thanks | 04:19 |
drblood | how do i get beryl | 04:19 |
drblood | im confused | 04:19 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: most things you can install directly from the menu or a single command in konsole | 04:19 |
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maltaethiron | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23366/ | 04:20 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: run "sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager" in the konsole | 04:20 |
drblood | where do u find these commands | 04:20 |
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hitmanWilly | drblood: man pages :) | 04:21 |
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drblood | ? | 04:21 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: according to that, you are connected. via wireless AND wired. | 04:21 |
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Daisuke_Ido | drblood: you'll learn more as you go | 04:21 |
drblood | i find it hard to believe i havent found n e one in kubuntu whos mean and wants me to fail :) | 04:21 |
Daisuke_Ido | and now? cancer break | 04:22 |
maltaethiron | hmm... | 04:22 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: if you're ever confused about what a certain cmd word does in linux type "man <command>" and it'll bring up an explanation | 04:22 |
dwidmann | Gah, seems it didn't want to work right with nosmp :( | 04:22 |
drblood | daisuke u have cancer? | 04:22 |
drblood | "man | 04:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | no, i smoke | 04:22 |
drblood | lol | 04:22 |
drblood | i smoke stogeys and weed | 04:22 |
drblood | >.> | 04:22 |
sam_ | Does anyone know how to install a new font? | 04:22 |
dwidmann | that's nice | 04:22 |
Thehound666 | guys does anyone have a link I can copy a default unmodified xorg.conf? | 04:22 |
drblood | but thats just me | 04:22 |
ben_ | weed | 04:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | too much info, as this is a family channel | 04:22 |
Thehound666 | can't seem to find my original | 04:22 |
ben_ | :-( | 04:22 |
drblood | i was kidding | 04:22 |
drblood | O_O | 04:22 |
ben_ | all gone | 04:22 |
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drblood | or was i.. | 04:23 |
drblood | im proally the youngest person in here | 04:23 |
=== hitmanWilly is ignoring the talk of the evil narcotics...:P | ||
dwidmann | sam_: you can do so in systemsettings -> appearance -> fonts | 04:23 |
drblood | i have 0 things on my desktop lol | 04:23 |
dwidmann | drblood: how young is that? | 04:23 |
drblood | 13 | 04:23 |
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drblood | u dont rly need items on ur desktop with kubuntu | 04:23 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: i just unplugged my ethernet, and i didnt get any connection | 04:23 |
drblood | im turnin 14 at the end of august | 04:24 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: thats very interesting. | 04:24 |
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nosrednaekim | drblood: yep, you probably are | 04:24 |
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nosrednaekim | 17 here | 04:24 |
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dwidmann | I'm a figment of your imagination that was never actually born, therefore I must be the youngest, because I don't exist. | 04:24 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: heh...when i was 13 the 386 was fresh off the assembly line | 04:24 |
Thehound666 | wonder if I deleted all the data for device in xorg.conf and did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:24 |
drblood | 386? | 04:24 |
atraylen | i was probably about 8 years old | 04:25 |
=== wander [n=wander@ool-457cccf6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
atraylen | then | 04:25 |
drblood | lol :D | 04:25 |
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Dragnslcr | I think the 486's were just coming out when I was 13 | 04:25 |
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maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: yeah... lol | 04:25 |
drblood | NOW TIME TO PLAY WITH BERYL | 04:25 |
wander | hi can anybody give me a link to a full universe repository? | 04:25 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: intel processors all had numbers before the original pentiums (which were the 586) | 04:25 |
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atraylen | i had me a compaq dx 486 with one of them fancy dancy math coprocessors | 04:25 |
drblood | lol | 04:25 |
Dragnslcr | Got my first x86 PC when I was 13. It was a 486-40 with 2 MB of memory | 04:25 |
atraylen | that was back in the day | 04:25 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: I have absolutely no experience with WPA, but try pinging your router. | 04:25 |
drblood | hmm | 04:26 |
drblood | how do u work this contraption | 04:26 |
drblood | im in beryl settings manager | 04:26 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: they started calling them pentiums when they found out they couldn't copyright numbers | 04:26 |
drblood | and completlly lost | 04:26 |
drblood | :p | 04:26 |
nosrednaekim | drblood: did you install nvidia drivers? | 04:26 |
nosrednaekim | hitmanWilly: lol | 04:26 |
atraylen | My very first computer was a old colecovision with the printer and keyboard and tape drive i learned to type on that when i was only 7 | 04:26 |
wander | anybody? | 04:26 |
drblood | nvidia drivers? | 04:26 |
drblood | wher i install those | 04:26 |
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hitmanWilly | !nvidia | drblood | 04:27 |
ubotu | drblood: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:27 |
nosrednaekim | drblood: nvidia-glx | 04:27 |
atraylen | apt | 04:27 |
atraylen | drblood: apt nvida-glx | 04:27 |
nosrednaekim | atraylen: no kiddin? ;) | 04:27 |
kane | wander: they are already in your apt list just uncomment them | 04:27 |
dwidmann | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/ wander | 04:28 |
drblood | hmmm | 04:28 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: do you know how to ping? | 04:28 |
drblood | how do u put on wallpaper | 04:28 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: i can ping it succesfully | 04:28 |
drblood | i wanna put on a moving matrix thing | 04:28 |
Thehound666 | this should work right? delete all my gfx card info from xorg.conf and use recovery mode dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:28 |
drblood | :D | 04:28 |
=== hitmanWilly goes for a deathstick | ||
drblood | and put in a cube | 04:28 |
Thehound666 | to get the defaults | 04:28 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: then there is nothing wrong with your wireless. | 04:28 |
Thehound666 | ati don't like installing with its settings already there | 04:28 |
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maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: but how do you know it's not pinging my router through the ethernet cord i'm connected to? | 04:29 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: you sure your parents didn't block your MAC or something?;) | 04:29 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: hahaha, they arent that smart | 04:29 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: oh you're connected to the ethernet? | 04:29 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: Yeah, and when i disconnect the cord, my internet dies | 04:29 |
nosrednaekim | haha... disconnect that. | 04:30 |
wander | thank you | 04:30 |
maltaethiron | then i'll leave the chat | 04:30 |
maltaethiron | if i disconnect | 04:30 |
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nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: yeah try it and ping the router. | 04:30 |
maltaethiron | ok hold on... | 04:30 |
Thehound666 | ok guys rebooting to do some risky stuff. Wish me luck | 04:30 |
drblood | hmm | 04:30 |
nosrednaekim | Thehound666: GOOD LUCK! | 04:31 |
drblood | im confused | 04:31 |
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Kr4t05 | Feh... I can't get the printer on my parents' Dell to work with mine. I've done it before, but something seems to be befuzzled... | 04:31 |
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drblood | i have nvidia 6150 | 04:31 |
drblood | :/ | 04:31 |
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atraylen | drblood: whats confusion about ? | 04:32 |
drblood | which card to dl and how | 04:32 |
atraylen | drblood: wich driver to download ?? ar you using that link that was zapped to you for info ?? | 04:32 |
=== Bel93 [n=mctux02@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
drblood | yes | 04:33 |
drblood | im confused | 04:33 |
nosrednaekim | Kr4t05: are you doing samba? | 04:33 |
drblood | it mentions 7. something | 04:33 |
drblood | and 6.10 or earlier | 04:33 |
drblood | im in between | 04:33 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: hmm, no pingage happening on disconnect... | 04:33 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: hmm, no pingage happening on disconnect... | 04:33 |
atraylen | drblood: personally what i would do is fire up adept | 04:34 |
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atraylen | drblood: and look for nvidia and see what comes up | 04:34 |
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nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: hmm ok... I notice it has given you an ip. try running "sudo dhclient eth1" and paste the last 3 lines | 04:34 |
drblood | after i get this card thing | 04:34 |
drblood | ima make a rotating cube | 04:34 |
Kr4t05 | nosrednaekim: yeah | 04:34 |
drblood | and make an attempt to find a matrix screen | 04:35 |
drblood | where the codes go down | 04:35 |
atraylen | drblood: like an animated one ??? | 04:35 |
nosrednaekim | Kr4t05: oh ok...no experience with samba here. | 04:35 |
drblood | yes | 04:35 |
atraylen | *scratches head* | 04:35 |
drblood | hmm | 04:35 |
drblood | i searched it | 04:36 |
drblood | and got several results | 04:36 |
drblood | now wat | 04:36 |
nosrednaekim | install nvidia-glx | 04:36 |
nosrednaekim | ^^that package | 04:36 |
nosrednaekim | without the install of course | 04:36 |
maltaethiron | DHCPREQUEST on eth1 to port 67 | 04:37 |
maltaethiron | DHCPACK from | 04:37 |
maltaethiron | bound to -- renewal in 4539 seconds. | 04:37 |
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maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: ^^^ | 04:37 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: that looks good. | 04:37 |
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nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: try disconnecting the ethernet. | 04:37 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: so then what's the problem with my wireless? | 04:37 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: ok | 04:38 |
atraylen | drblood: did you find the package yet? | 04:38 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: wait, do you want me to run it once i disconnect? | 04:38 |
drblood | just nvidia glx | 04:38 |
drblood | or nvidia glx dev | 04:38 |
nosrednaekim | maltaethiron: no, you shouldn't need to | 04:38 |
atraylen | drblood: you dont' want dev | 04:38 |
maltaethiron | nosrednaekim: wish me luck | 04:38 |
drblood | do i want new? | 04:38 |
nosrednaekim | yeppers | 04:38 |
=== maltaethiron disconnects the ethernet cord | ||
drblood | i want new? | 04:38 |
nosrednaekim | drblood: yeah. | 04:38 |
atraylen | drblood: 'speciallly if you don't know what it means by dev | 04:38 |
lunar-raven | im using new | 04:38 |
drblood | nvidia-glx-new-dev? | 04:39 |
nosrednaekim | no...not the dev | 04:39 |
lunar-raven | no dev | 04:39 |
lunar-raven | lol | 04:39 |
lunar-raven | :P | 04:39 |
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atraylen | :-) | 04:39 |
drblood | i requested install | 04:39 |
drblood | now wat | 04:39 |
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atraylen | drblood: hit apply | 04:39 |
drblood | kk | 04:40 |
drblood | now wat | 04:40 |
drblood | O_o | 04:40 |
atraylen | ** hey anyone who is willing to scratch there head over this one i have a question.... i am tryin to get the PHP CLI to work with my Xampp installation... ** | 04:41 |
nosrednaekim | atraylen: too late at night..lol | 04:41 |
drblood | i have no idea :/ | 04:41 |
atraylen | I've been lookin for two days now.. i might just get rid of xampp | 04:41 |
atraylen | drblood: well is it done installing ?? | 04:41 |
drblood | yes | 04:41 |
drblood | now wat | 04:41 |
drblood | O_o | 04:41 |
atraylen | drblood: what happens when you attempt to start up beryl ?? | 04:42 |
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drblood | which beryl | 04:42 |
nosrednaekim | atraylen: he needs to enable the driver... | 04:42 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" in a konsole | 04:42 |
drblood | manager | 04:42 |
drblood | or settings manager | 04:42 |
atraylen | drblood: hitmanWilly is right i 'spose.. i was bankin that it might have just worked... | 04:43 |
nosrednaekim | have to go all... tell maltaethironwhen he gets back.. to ask around. | 04:43 |
maltaethiron | im back | 04:44 |
maltaethiron | and it didnt work =( | 04:44 |
ardchoille | !lamp | 04:44 |
atraylen | <-- haven't messed with my beryl installation since december.. | 04:44 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 04:44 |
drblood | i did that | 04:44 |
drblood | now wat | 04:44 |
maltaethiron | i've got a couple buddies i can ask, thanks for your help though | 04:44 |
atraylen | drblood: so the driver is configured and stuff.... | 04:44 |
nosrednaekim | ok... sorry | 04:44 |
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lunar-raven | if you configured the driver you need to reboot | 04:45 |
atraylen | drblood: you might have to reboot. | 04:45 |
atraylen | drblood: or hit ctr + alt + bkspace and log back in .. | 04:46 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: you don't need to reboot, just restart X | 04:46 |
atraylen | drblood: reboot would better... | 04:46 |
drblood | ? | 04:46 |
drblood | restart x? | 04:46 |
atraylen | drblood : log out of your session and log back in | 04:46 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: ctrl-alt-bksp will do it | 04:46 |
atraylen | *poof * | 04:47 |
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atraylen | <maltaethiron>: what didnt' wrok ??? | 04:50 |
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lunar-raven | wb drblood | 04:51 |
atraylen | drblood: hello again | 04:51 |
drblood | ok | 04:52 |
drblood | know wat | 04:52 |
drblood | i restarted comp completely | 04:52 |
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atraylen | drblood: is beryl-manager running ? | 04:52 |
drblood | no | 04:53 |
drblood | y would it be | 04:53 |
atraylen | drblood: fire it up | 04:53 |
atraylen | drblood: see what happens.. | 04:53 |
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drblood | WOAH | 04:53 |
drblood | ADEPT NOTIFIER IS SO COOL | 04:53 |
atraylen | *hehee* | 04:53 |
drblood | ok | 04:54 |
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atraylen | i had too many beers | 04:54 |
drblood | OWNAGE | 04:54 |
drblood | OWNAGE | 04:54 |
drblood | hmm | 04:54 |
drblood | does n e one kno how to make it flame effect | 04:54 |
drblood | instead of swooshy | 04:54 |
atraylen | drblood: all of that stuff can be configured in the beryl-settings app | 04:55 |
atraylen | drblood: dig around | 04:55 |
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lunar-raven | adept rocks | 04:55 |
lunar-raven | best package manager out there | 04:55 |
lunar-raven | :P | 04:55 |
drblood | O_o | 04:55 |
drblood | where can i find an animated matrix backround | 04:55 |
atraylen | drblood: that is a good question... i dunno. i'm wondering if kde can display animated gif's as background image.. never tried... | 04:56 |
drblood | nothing has a bar to minimize n e more | 04:56 |
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atraylen | drblood: you lost the window handles ?? | 04:56 |
jacques | how to fix this | 04:58 |
atraylen | drblood: if there is a beryl icon in you task bar right click on it and try reloading the window manager | 04:58 |
jacques | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 04:58 |
jacques | E: Unable to lock the list directory | 04:58 |
atraylen | jacques: do you have multiple windows of apt open ?? | 04:58 |
atraylen | jacques: i mean adept | 04:58 |
jacques | no | 04:59 |
klobster | new package adept-updater? anyone know what it is/does? | 04:59 |
jacques | no | 04:59 |
atraylen | jacques: usually when that happens to me it means that either adept is still running or something funny is going on with a package management program... | 05:00 |
atraylen | jacques: and i either have to restart my session or kill the process responsible for the package list lock.. | 05:00 |
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atraylen | jacques: what are trying to do exactly >?? | 05:01 |
jacques | yes bu someone told me something yesterday and that had fix it | 05:01 |
jacques | I just installed kubuntu and change the repository mirrors | 05:01 |
jacques | and apt-get update | 05:01 |
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atraylen | jacques: hmm .. and now its telling you that error message... | 05:02 |
atraylen | jacques: are you using konsole or adept to update?? | 05:02 |
jacques | console | 05:02 |
atraylen | jacques: close any console windows that you have executed apt in and open a new one and try it again .. if that doesn't work.. i think there is some sort of command to unlock the list... i'm not sure | 05:03 |
jacques | ok thank you | 05:04 |
jacques | I will try | 05:04 |
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atraylen | klobster: adept-updater i think is sort of like a helper or updater for adept the package manager ... | 05:05 |
jacques | still the same | 05:05 |
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atraylen | hmmm .... | 05:05 |
kane | hey whats the command to install apps in fedora? | 05:05 |
kane | yum? | 05:05 |
crimsun | yum install package IIRC | 05:06 |
BluesKaj | try #fedora | 05:06 |
crimsun | probably better posed in ##fedora | 05:06 |
BluesKaj | yast in suse, yum fesora | 05:06 |
kane | hrm, thanks.... | 05:07 |
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klobster | it looks like just plain adept | 05:08 |
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drblood | n e one kno how | 05:12 |
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drblood | i can get my windows bar back | 05:12 |
atraylen | drblood: can you see the little red gem | 05:13 |
atraylen | drblood: in your kde panel ? | 05:13 |
drblood | mhm | 05:13 |
atraylen | drblood: did you right click and try reloading the window manager ? | 05:13 |
navets | !mp3 | 05:13 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:13 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: run "sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals" in the konsole then restart X | 05:13 |
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hitmanWilly | drblood: sorry, should've told you that earlier :) | 05:14 |
kane | stupid fedora.... | 05:14 |
atraylen | hitmanWilly: i just added that command to my x.org.conf file... | 05:14 |
atraylen | *line of information.. | 05:14 |
atraylen | well kids.. its been fun look in around imma go get more drunker :-p | 05:15 |
atraylen | Peace . | 05:15 |
hitmanWilly | later... | 05:15 |
drblood | lol | 05:15 |
drblood | ima do that after i get the matrix | 05:15 |
drblood | >.> | 05:15 |
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drblood | ? | 05:16 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: any luck with that cmd? | 05:16 |
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drblood | im still trying with this matrix stuff | 05:17 |
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hitmanWilly | drblood: ok, cool | 05:17 |
hitmanWilly | drblood: but if you want your title bar back, that's what it needs :) | 05:18 |
drblood | after i get matrix | 05:18 |
hitmanWilly | :P | 05:18 |
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drblood | scripting T_T | 05:22 |
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Nuked | who here knows about kopete in depth? | 05:29 |
sparr | ktorrent wont upload while i am not downloading. it usually won't even connect to any peers while i am not downloading. other clients work fine. help? | 05:29 |
drblood | im close to finishing my matrix :D | 05:29 |
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Nuked | is kopete's icq plugin capable of communicating with AIM users? | 05:31 |
mindslant | Sorry to intrude, can anyone tell me waht the "Edubuntu" support channel is? #edubuntu is a ghost town | 05:32 |
drblood | k i loaded the backround | 05:33 |
drblood | now wat? | 05:33 |
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drblood | h.o | 05:34 |
drblood | relogging | 05:34 |
Nuked | mindslant that is the edubuntu support channel | 05:34 |
mindslant | uh oh | 05:36 |
mindslant | I'll just have to lurk a bit, thx | 05:36 |
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drblood | wen i entered the stuff in the terminal | 05:36 |
drblood | to load the screensaver | 05:36 |
drblood | it said | 05:36 |
drblood | glmatrix: window 0x3400002's visual 0x154 does not support the GLX extension. | 05:36 |
drblood | /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix died, exit status 1 | 05:36 |
drblood | is that bad? | 05:36 |
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kane | so ive decided, fedora community < ubuntus | 05:37 |
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drblood | n e help someone? | 05:37 |
kane | sounds like you are missing drivers. | 05:37 |
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drblood | i need so much help T_T | 05:39 |
r0cks0ul | change nick | 05:39 |
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drblood | im out for the night | 05:39 |
drblood | il bb tommoro | 05:39 |
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wolferine | you'va decided? | 05:43 |
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calamari | hi | 05:44 |
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dewey | anyone testing kde 4? | 05:46 |
Nuked | hell Im still trying to get a hold of 357 | 05:48 |
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dewey | Nuked, is it out for feisty? | 05:48 |
Nuked | yeah | 05:48 |
dewey | Nuked: where is it? | 05:49 |
Nuked | having a minor issue with kopete though | 05:49 |
Nuked | KDE 3.5.7 Released http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php | 05:49 |
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dewey | Nuked: I am going to try 3.5.7 | 05:53 |
Nuked | go for it | 05:53 |
Nuked | havent had a problem with it so fat | 05:54 |
Nuked | r | 05:54 |
Nuked | other than kopete | 05:54 |
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atraylen | i'm back from the bar next door.... | 05:58 |
atraylen | how you guys feelin | 05:58 |
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klobster | wow, I finally got my audigy ls card to upmix my mp3's!! | 06:02 |
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halsafar | join #perl | 06:03 |
halsafar | sorry :) | 06:03 |
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mikaelnelson | Hello, can anyone recommend a ftp server that is easy to setup and add "virtual" users? | 06:12 |
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mikaelnelson | the things i've looked up so far have been pretty complex | 06:12 |
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dewey | wow 245 updates downloaded for 3.5.7 | 06:13 |
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oldwest | hay this | 06:14 |
oldwest | hay there | 06:15 |
OlliK | howdy, y'all | 06:15 |
DarkED | hey all | 06:15 |
DarkED | is there any way to get the trash can on the desktop? | 06:15 |
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DarkED | i like the panel and all but i'm switching it for kxdocker so i need the trash to be on the desktop instead | 06:15 |
leotr | hi all. how can i speed-up the loading of openoffice programs? | 06:16 |
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dewey | DarkED: go oputside and grab trashcan and bring inside adn I will show you how to trashcan on your desk top :) | 06:18 |
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ses1959_ | question on modems This is the first modem i have worked with on Feisty | 06:18 |
dewey | ses1959_: what kind of modem | 06:18 |
ses1959_ | it is shown in system info but is shown as unknown device | 06:18 |
ses1959_ | it is us robitics | 06:19 |
ses1959_ | has error code subsystem error 2013 | 06:19 |
leotr | how can i speed-up the loading of openoffice programs? | 06:19 |
ses1959_ | maybe this will not work with linux but thought some one might know | 06:19 |
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dewey | leotr: google openoffice speed up | 06:20 |
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dewey | brb | 06:22 |
ses1959_ | us robotics model number 309-4.3095 is on the modem itself | 06:22 |
leotr | dewey: i mean what package. i tried to install oooqs-kde but it loads my computer (runs 10-15 copies of soffice.bin) ^( | 06:23 |
ses1959_ | at lease the system see this one had some the system did not show. | 06:23 |
ses1959_ | http://www.linmodems.org/ tried this web site but has this to say: For 3COM/US Robotics Inc. winmodems, drivers were NOT available as of May, 2001 | 06:24 |
=== dewey [n=dewey@c-67-168-51-149.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ses1959_ | i wondered if maybe this modem was newer and would work | 06:25 |
leotr | dewey: i mean what package. i tried to install oooqs-kde but it loads my computer (runs 10-15 copies of soffice.bin) ^( | 06:25 |
dewey | ok I am back with kde 3.5.7 installed :) | 06:25 |
dewey | leotr: | 06:27 |
dewey | open openoffice calc | 06:27 |
dewey | go to tools . options . memory | 06:27 |
leotr | did | 06:28 |
leotr | and what now? | 06:28 |
dewey | increase graphics cache use to 50 | 06:28 |
secleinteer | hi, where can i find a tutorial for installing vnc server on kubuntu (like the one that comes by default on ubuntu) | 06:28 |
dewey | memmory per object to 15 or 20 | 06:29 |
dewey | 50 mb and 15 -20 mb | 06:29 |
leotr | ok thx | 06:29 |
dewey | say ok and it starts faster | 06:29 |
dewey | wow woth kde 3.5.7 my zip-100 finally shows upon my desktop :) | 06:31 |
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flake | they still make zip drives? | 06:40 |
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ads_ | wen i install virtual box on feisty i get the pueal license agreement and it says ok at the bottom but i am unable to proceed with the install.. any ideas how i can change this? | 06:42 |
ads_ | puel* | 06:42 |
sandy_ | my eyesight is really bad...need help | 06:42 |
sandy_ | my name is already taken? | 06:43 |
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flake | sandy_ do you have it registered? | 06:43 |
sandy_ | I don`t know | 06:44 |
sandy_ | how do I do it? | 06:44 |
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flake | it may be already taken, my flake name is and sometimes I get set to flake_ | 06:45 |
flake | come up with a unique name and register it with irc (I forget how) | 06:46 |
sandy_ | this is the 1st time I was able to install and use kubuntu besides live cd | 06:46 |
ads_ | how may i release the status database area lock after a failed apt process?? what will the likely process be called? | 06:46 |
ads_ | rebooting evry time is tedious | 06:46 |
flake | on other channels sandy_, if your name isn't registered, some of them won't allow you to talk to the people in the channel or go private-message with a person | 06:47 |
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sandy_ | thaanks for help | 06:47 |
stdin | !aptfix | ads_ | 06:48 |
ubotu | ads_: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 06:48 |
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ads_ | sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg | 06:48 |
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ads_ | no good saying its stil locked | 06:50 |
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stdin | you ran the exact command "sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a" ? | 06:50 |
ads_ | yes | 06:51 |
stdin | ok, use brute force: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 06:51 |
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ads_ | trying to get virtualbox running from a binary but wen i install it i get the PUEL license agreement and no way to get past this.. ctrl c qont end the job, i have to close the shell | 06:52 |
ads_ | so after closing shell i get locked database | 06:53 |
stdin | you press tab to navigate and enter to agree | 06:53 |
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ads_ | okz ill try that any idea how i may release the locked database now pls(without a reboot)?? | 06:54 |
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stdin | remove that lockfile | 06:54 |
ads_ | location? | 06:54 |
stdin | /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 06:54 |
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ads_ | simply deleteing it will be ok? | 06:54 |
stdin | yeah | 06:54 |
ads_ | thanks | 06:55 |
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stdin | (as long as there really isn't any process using it) | 06:55 |
stdin | but fuser -vik would have killed that | 06:55 |
ads_ | thanks .. much better than a reboot lol | 06:56 |
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s330d3r | trying to get gotmail going... doesn't seem to do anything | 06:57 |
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s330d3r | made my .gotmailrc file and still nothing... help | 06:58 |
hitmanWilly | s330d3r: i think it probably just monitors your unix mailbox...unless that's what you want | 06:58 |
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stdin | what about hotway? | 06:59 |
s330d3r | hotway? | 06:59 |
stdin | !hotmail | 06:59 |
ubotu | If you must use this microsoft product, consider hotway: hotwayd/hotsmtpd are POP3/SMTP-HTTPMail gateway daemons, also works for lycos spray and msn | 06:59 |
s330d3r | hitmanWilly: if you man gotmail, it is supposed to download your hotmail to a directory | 06:59 |
hitmanWilly | hmmm, never mind... | 07:00 |
s330d3r | I want to use a decent mail and pim program, was going to use evolution | 07:00 |
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stdin | evolution will work with it, it's just pop/smtp to it | 07:00 |
hitmanWilly | but that's cuz im old school :P | 07:01 |
s330d3r | hitmanWilly: what pim do you use for tasks and calendar? | 07:01 |
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hitmanWilly | i don't | 07:01 |
hitmanWilly | s330d3r: i think thunderbird works pretty well for that, tho | 07:02 |
s330d3r | ah... I need to, unfrotunately | 07:02 |
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ses1959_ | would installing a windows driver for a modem work if using wine to install the driver on feisty? I did do this on wireless card but did not know on modem | 07:04 |
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hitmanWilly | ses1959_: it may...softmodem i take it? | 07:04 |
ses1959_ | us robotics usr263095oem | 07:05 |
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ses1959_ | how can i tell a softmodem from hardmodem | 07:06 |
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Mach3 | how do i change the default audio output device in kubuntu fiesty? (ie, switch sound output from my speakers to my usb headset, and vice versa) | 07:06 |
ses1959_ | it is a pci and feisty shows it as a conexant modem with error unknown device subsystem 2013 irq12 | 07:07 |
ses1959_ | irq 12 | 07:07 |
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hitmanWilly | ses1959_: yeah, looks like a softmodem from my googling | 07:08 |
ses1959_ | thank you | 07:09 |
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user__ | hi.......... | 07:09 |
user__ | can i ask for q please? | 07:09 |
ses1959_ | which win driver to use xp 2000 or 98 | 07:09 |
user__ | is there any flash design progame work in ubuntu???????? | 07:10 |
hitmanWilly | ses1959_: if you're going to go that route, i would say 98 | 07:11 |
user__ | is there any flash design progame work in ubuntu???????? | 07:11 |
Daisuke_Ido | stop repeating yourself | 07:11 |
Daisuke_Ido | stop repeating yourself | 07:11 |
hitmanWilly | ses1959_: wine has better support for older windows apps | 07:11 |
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Daisuke_Ido | :) | 07:11 |
user__ | sorry daisuke,,,,,,,,,,,,] | 07:11 |
Daisuke_Ido | and you might be able to run flash under wine, but other than that, i don't think so :) | 07:11 |
hitmanWilly | ses1959_: you may be able to find a nix driver for it tho.... | 07:12 |
user__ | web site design programe??? | 07:12 |
user__ | like frontpage there? | 07:12 |
ses1959_ | what is nix this is a new term to me | 07:12 |
Daisuke_Ido | ses1959_: a general term for unix-like OSes | 07:13 |
Daisuke_Ido | unix, linux, BSD | 07:13 |
ses1959_ | thank you | 07:13 |
ses1959_ | have not found a nix for this modem yet | 07:13 |
hitmanWilly | user__: there's a few, most require a little hand coding of html | 07:13 |
user__ | daisuke,,,is there any website maker programe for ubuntu? | 07:14 |
hitmanWilly | ses1959_: you may want to try searching the chipset vice the model number | 07:14 |
Mach3 | how do i change the default audio output device in kubuntu fiesty? (ie, switch sound output from my speakers to my usb headset, and vice versa) | 07:14 |
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hitmanWilly | ses1959_: a lot of stuff uses similar chipsets with different brand names | 07:15 |
hitmanWilly | ses1959_: a good way to figure that out is via lspci | 07:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | user__: nvu and bluefish seem to be the most popular | 07:15 |
user__ | wow..so nice,,,thanks alot for ur help | 07:16 |
user__ | but is it powerfull | 07:16 |
user__ | like frontpage? | 07:16 |
hitmanWilly | user__: define powerful... | 07:17 |
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user__ | support java codes,,audio video? | 07:17 |
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hitmanWilly | user__: do you know any html code? most of these let you plug in your own code, which will ALWAYS be cleaner than what a wysiwyg editor will give you | 07:19 |
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user__ | ohh thanks.... | 07:19 |
hitmanWilly | user__: you can do all that in a simple text editor if you know how :P | 07:19 |
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user__ | thanks so much | 07:20 |
user__ | can i ask last q? | 07:20 |
hitmanWilly | go for it | 07:20 |
user__ | lol....thanks | 07:20 |
user__ | ok,, | 07:20 |
user__ | i have now ubuntu in my 80 gb hd,,so what the most safe way to get 20 gb partion to get winvista in it?? | 07:21 |
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ses1959_ | ok used lspci and it has modem listed as 2f10 | 07:22 |
ses1959_ | rev 1.0 | 07:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | ooh | 07:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | um | 07:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | you see... the way windows works... it requires that it be *first* :\ | 07:23 |
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hitmanWilly | user__: there's no real SAFE way to resize a partition, i think gparted will strip stuff off, but backups are highly reccommended | 07:23 |
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user__ | so u do not know a way safe to do that? | 07:24 |
hitmanWilly | ses1959_: try this link, http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/index.php | 07:25 |
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hitmanWilly | ses1959_: it looks like it might be supported, search the page for 2f10 | 07:25 |
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s330d3r | anyone here get their hotmail in evolution? | 07:26 |
hitmanWilly | user__: sorry, no... | 07:28 |
user__ | thanks alot | 07:28 |
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user__ | i hope not bothering u | 07:28 |
hitmanWilly | user__: nah | 07:28 |
hitmanWilly | user__: bored anyway :) | 07:28 |
user__ | lol | 07:28 |
kalorin | sup hitman? | 07:29 |
hitmanWilly | kalorin: howdy | 07:29 |
user__ | u think that i have to setup an antivirus in ubuntu? | 07:29 |
hitmanWilly | user__: no | 07:29 |
kalorin | heh poor ipod, going ot have about 100meg left when I'm done iwth it toniht | 07:29 |
user__ | firewall? | 07:29 |
kalorin | user, never hurts if your'e directly connected | 07:29 |
kalorin | I use a device | 07:29 |
hitmanWilly | user__: firewall maybe, unless you live behind a router with a hardware one | 07:30 |
kalorin | a packet contraceptive if you will :) | 07:30 |
user__ | i c,,, | 07:30 |
user__ | sorry | 07:30 |
user__ | as i am new to this | 07:30 |
kalorin | bah | 07:30 |
user__ | and i like it so so much | 07:30 |
kalorin | good questions | 07:30 |
user__ | but as i am medical student | 07:30 |
kalorin | better than all the rtfm questions that come in here | 07:30 |
hitmanWilly | user__: there are no known linux viruses in the wild as far as i know | 07:30 |
user__ | and will do all my studies here | 07:31 |
user__ | i want stable good one | 07:31 |
hitmanWilly | user__: linux is very stable | 07:31 |
user__ | so i need an advice from heart from you to me? | 07:31 |
hitmanWilly | user__: ? | 07:31 |
user__ | what is the best distrubuation for me to work in? | 07:31 |
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user__ | ubuntu or another? | 07:32 |
user__ | from heart | 07:32 |
user__ | not brain? | 07:32 |
user__ | lol | 07:32 |
hitmanWilly | user__: when you're still new, ubuntu is about the best | 07:32 |
user__ | when be good doctor???lol???what one? | 07:32 |
kalorin | or if you just don't want to fight with it | 07:32 |
hitmanWilly | user__: i personally use it on my laptop still | 07:32 |
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kalorin | <-- not new just too tired to fight with a computer all the time | 07:32 |
hitmanWilly | and gentoo on the desktop...but you don't want to mess with that yet :P | 07:33 |
user__ | but i think to make like elctric reachers with some data record and so on,,, | 07:33 |
user__ | lol....i mean i have to develope medical programes later on....is that ubuntu enought for me? | 07:34 |
=== mohsin [n=mohsin@246.032.dsl.brs.iprimus.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
trakinas | dude! i try to not think about gentoo.. | 07:35 |
trakinas | but the second line says "gentoo".. heehehhe | 07:35 |
user__ | gentoo | 07:35 |
user__ | what us the differnet? | 07:35 |
trakinas | AHHH | 07:35 |
user__ | what is the different? | 07:35 |
DarkED | hey all | 07:35 |
DarkED | anybody manage to get kxdocker working in kubuntu 7.04? | 07:35 |
trakinas | i mean, i freaking loved gentoo and my dvd drive was working there. and now it does not. guess it is the scsi emu | 07:36 |
mohsin | hi dear i can't see the bootsplash while starting my kubuntu oly black screen appears after it kubuntu starts i want to set a boot splash can any one help me | 07:36 |
user__ | hi dark.. | 07:36 |
DarkED | i tried using a panther preset (from kxdocker's site) but it failed to find any of the plugins | 07:36 |
trakinas | someone told me to recompile the kernel, but which are the packages needed to do so? | 07:36 |
mohsin | hi dear i can't see the bootsplash while starting my kubuntu oly black screen appears after it kubuntu starts i want to set a boot splash can any one help me | 07:36 |
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DarkED | user__: uh hi | 07:36 |
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trakinas | mohsin: come down... | 07:36 |
mohsin | okay dear | 07:37 |
trakinas | you'd installed it and them no bootsplash? | 07:37 |
mohsin | no dear | 07:38 |
mohsin | i didn't change any setting at all | 07:38 |
mohsin | while installing kubuntu | 07:38 |
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trakinas | mohsin: hmmm... | 07:38 |
mohsin | yeah | 07:39 |
mohsin | can u tell me the simplest way to enable it | 07:39 |
hitmanWilly | mohsin: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure usplash | 07:39 |
trakinas | mohsin: Im thinking... | 07:39 |
mohsin | sudo dpkg-reconfigure usplash its not working dear | 07:40 |
hitmanWilly | mohsin: what errors does it spit out? | 07:41 |
hitmanWilly | mohsin: not installed? | 07:41 |
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mohsin | not | 07:41 |
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mohsin | i try this command several time | 07:42 |
mohsin | but al invane | 07:42 |
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hitmanWilly | mohsin: ok, try sudo apt-get install usplash | 07:42 |
trakinas | so, anyone? which are the packages for kernel re-configuration? on debian it was easy cause they were named like "kernel-version-architecture" | 07:42 |
mohsin | usplash is already the newest version. | 07:42 |
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mohsin | its says me taht | 07:43 |
mohsin | i am using the lcd may be its a prob | 07:43 |
trakinas | ah! you are under de live=cd... | 07:43 |
trakinas | boot to your installed system... | 07:43 |
mohsin | no | 07:43 |
mohsin | dear | 07:43 |
hitmanWilly | mohsin: ok, open /boot/grub/menu.lst and pastebin the contents please | 07:44 |
hitmanWilly | !paste | mohsin | 07:44 |
ubotu | mohsin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 07:44 |
mohsin | wait | 07:44 |
=== DarkED [n=darked@h460bdd82.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
trakinas | hitmanWilly: so, gentoo fella... what are the kernel packages? i cant find anything... | 07:45 |
mohsin | where to past it | 07:45 |
trakinas | mohsin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 07:45 |
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mohsin | i past it | 07:46 |
mohsin | plz see | 07:46 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: as far as the src? linux-source iirc | 07:46 |
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hitmanWilly | trakinas: the ubuntu kernel is generic for pretty much every architecture | 07:46 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: that's a meta package for the newest source | 07:47 |
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hitmanWilly | mohsin: what's the url of the paste? | 07:48 |
mohsin | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23379/ | 07:48 |
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mohsin | please see that | 07:48 |
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mohsin | its realy anoying wile seeing the black screen | 07:49 |
Lynoure | If there is someone with kpilot installed, could you try if it hangs for you too? | 07:49 |
hitmanWilly | mohsin: well, that's correct, hmmm.... | 07:49 |
mohsin | yea | 07:49 |
mohsin | hitmanwily : u are seeing the script | 07:50 |
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hitmanWilly | mohsin: yes | 07:51 |
mohsin | okay | 07:52 |
mohsin | please try to resolve it | 07:52 |
hitmanWilly | mohsin: im working on it... | 07:52 |
mohsin | thanks | 07:52 |
trakinas | hitmanWilly: ok! but i need special configs for it do not use scsi emulation, insteed, use direct access (my drive was /dev/hdd on gentoo and worked great! :P) ) | 07:54 |
hitmanWilly | mohsin: try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-artwork-usplash | 07:54 |
mohsin | okay | 07:54 |
trakinas | so i can try and figure out if it is a bug on scsi emu or my drive is weckred. also, what about 2.4 kernel? | 07:54 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: just do a make menuconfig and tweak it around... | 07:55 |
=== hivemind [n=kasdaye@S010600179a9f2971.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mohsin | hitmanwily:kubuntu-artwork-usplash is already the newest version. | 07:55 |
hitmanWilly | crap | 07:55 |
mohsin | its shows me that | 07:55 |
trakinas | hitmanWilly: ok! but it outputed some weird msgs like if it was missing some libs | 07:55 |
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hitmanWilly | trakinas: well, see if it boots :) if not, you know you messed something up | 07:56 |
hitmanWilly | mohsin: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure kubuntu-artwork-usplash | 07:57 |
mohsin | hitmanwily:kubuntu-artwork-usplash is already the newest version. | 07:57 |
mohsin | ok | 07:57 |
mohsin | and now | 07:57 |
mohsin | hitmanwilly:what to do | 07:57 |
mohsin | i did that | 07:57 |
hitmanWilly | mohsin: that may or may not have fixed the problem | 07:58 |
trakinas | hitmanWilly: sorry! i meant i can even enter in menuconfig | 07:58 |
mohsin | ahan | 07:58 |
mohsin | so what i do please tell me | 07:58 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: oh, yeah, you may need the ncurses dev pkg | 07:58 |
mohsin | restart the machine | 07:58 |
trakinas | or maybe the img for the bootsplash could be missing? | 07:58 |
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hitmanWilly | mohsin: that's the only way to tell | 07:58 |
trakinas | ah ha! the dev pack... | 07:59 |
trakinas | dude, i forgot that anything cool on debian-based distros needs dev pack. :P | 07:59 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: yup...problem with binary distros :) | 07:59 |
mohsin | okay i am gona to restart the machine see what happen | 07:59 |
hitmanWilly | mohsin: good luck :) | 07:59 |
trakinas | hitmanWilly: ya! but waiting emerge to compile isnt thaaat cool. | 07:59 |
mohsin | thx | 07:59 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: yeah, well... | 07:59 |
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hitmanWilly | trakinas: you know, you can turn a debian/ubuntu box into a source distro too, via apt-build... | 08:00 |
trakinas | hitmanWilly: nah! thanks! it isnt the same | 08:01 |
trakinas | no packages.use | 08:01 |
hitmanWilly | i feel ya :) | 08:01 |
trakinas | no packages.anything | 08:01 |
trakinas | no fun! :/ | 08:01 |
hitmanWilly | ah, use flags, how i love them :P | 08:01 |
trakinas | heck yeah! :] ] | 08:01 |
trakinas | emerge cow | 08:02 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: i just do all mine in make.conf tho | 08:02 |
trakinas | hitmanWilly: i used too, but i got lost once... hehe! | 08:02 |
hitmanWilly | lol | 08:02 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: or just use the -av and set them manually :) | 08:03 |
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trakinas | yep! | 08:03 |
trakinas | i guess if we keep talking about gentoo we will be kicked to #gentoo... | 08:04 |
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hitmanWilly | trakinas: im already over there :P | 08:04 |
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=== mohsin [n=mohsin@246.032.dsl.brs.iprimus.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mohsin | same prob dear | 08:05 |
mohsin | nothing happen | 08:05 |
trakinas | hehe | 08:05 |
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mohsin | the same anoying black screen | 08:05 |
trakinas | mohsin: i dont know, but check if the bootsplash img file exists... | 08:05 |
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mohsin | wait | 08:06 |
mohsin | where can i found it | 08:06 |
trakinas | hitmanWilly: i used to hang on on gentoo-br more often... | 08:06 |
mohsin | ? | 08:06 |
trakinas | on sec | 08:06 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: the reconfigure should have made sure of that | 08:06 |
trakinas | hitmanWilly: hmmmm... so, it is really weird what is happening. | 08:06 |
hitmanWilly | yeah | 08:07 |
trakinas | mohsin: you said it shows only a black screen, with no texts no images... | 08:07 |
mohsin | yeah | 08:07 |
mohsin | its like that | 08:07 |
MattParry | Hi, im trying to compile a program, trying to run ./configure and error c compiler cannot create executables. any ideas? | 08:07 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: that's cuz menu.lst is configured for quiet splash | 08:07 |
ses1959_ | thank you I have the driver installed and the modem is working | 08:08 |
hitmanWilly | ses1959_: :) | 08:08 |
mohsin | so hitmanwilly what to do | 08:08 |
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hitmanWilly | mohsin: i don't know, im honestly out of ideas on this one...sorry :( | 08:09 |
ses1959_ | the problem now is how to start it to dialing I used the kppp dial tool to set it up but do not know how to start from there | 08:09 |
mohsin | then can you please tell me where can i get the idea to resolve that prob | 08:09 |
hitmanWilly | ses1959_: when you dial out via kppp it should be connected | 08:10 |
trakinas | hitmanWilly: so, what about nano menu.lst? | 08:10 |
hitmanWilly | !usplash | 08:10 |
ubotu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 08:10 |
ses1959_ | kppp does not dial out | 08:10 |
trakinas | and trying to comment the quiet one? | 08:10 |
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mohsin | then can you please tell me where can i get the idea to resolve that prob | 08:11 |
hitmanWilly | mohsin: try "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" and see if that works | 08:11 |
mohsin | ahan | 08:11 |
trakinas | !kernel | 08:11 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 08:11 |
mohsin | There is only 1 program which provides usplash-artwork.so | 08:12 |
mohsin | (/usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so). Nothing to configure. | 08:12 |
mohsin | update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-16-generic | 08:12 |
mohsin | this what i got | 08:12 |
hitmanWilly | mohsin: ok, that may have worked | 08:12 |
greg_g | quick question: I am trying to get a list of applications on the left hand side of my desktop. So far I right clicked on the main panel, added panel, and added some applications. All is good, but I want to make the new panel smaller. But whenever I right click on it and select "configure panel" it brings me to the configuration menu for the main panel | 08:12 |
mohsin | okay i reset ma machine again | 08:13 |
greg_g | what am I doing wrong? | 08:13 |
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trakinas | 372980k used.. kde really eats that amount of memory? only konversation, terminal and konqueror running | 08:13 |
hitmanWilly | mohsin: yeah, go ahead | 08:13 |
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hitmanWilly | i keep forgetting ubuntu uses an initrd image | 08:14 |
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ses1959_ | it works just me in a hurry I did not give my modem a name in the config window to setup at start | 08:16 |
ses1959_ | thank you for all the support | 08:16 |
trakinas | hitmanWilly: so, that means? | 08:16 |
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hitmanWilly | trakinas: it means ubuntu uses a compiled image with all the rc scripts plus some other stuff built in...stupid way to do things | 08:17 |
hitmanWilly | sorry... | 08:17 |
trakinas | heheh | 08:17 |
trakinas | maybe debian way? | 08:18 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: maybe...haven't used vanilla debian in a LONG time | 08:18 |
trakinas | oh no! it said: no rules for processing 'init/main.o'... | 08:18 |
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=== hitmanWilly thinks compiling an ubuntu kernel is much more of a headache than it needs to be | ||
trakinas | hitmanWilly: yep. i've went from debian to gentoo last year. decide testing kubuntu last saturday... lol | 08:19 |
mohsin | hitmanwilly: same nothing changes | 08:19 |
=== trakinas agrees | ||
hitmanWilly | mohsin: then im completely at a loss, sorry... | 08:19 |
trakinas | make sure the framebuffer driver loads | 08:19 |
mohsin | ahan | 08:20 |
trakinas | echo vesafb | sudo tee -a /etc/initramfs-tools/modules | 08:20 |
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mohsin | then nobody can help me here | 08:20 |
trakinas | then echo fbcon | sudo tee -a /etc/initramfs-tools/modules | 08:20 |
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trakinas | mohsin: try those 2 commands and post them in pastebin | 08:20 |
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mohsin | which ones | 08:20 |
trakinas | echo vesafb | sudo tee -a /etc/initramfs-tools/modules | 08:20 |
trakinas | then echo fbcon | sudo tee -a /etc/initramfs-tools/modules | 08:20 |
mohsin | can u resend me back | 08:21 |
trakinas | done. read my last 2 msgs | 08:21 |
mohsin | okay | 08:21 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: you could always try make xconfig | 08:22 |
trakinas | hitmanWilly: dude... Im thinking about switching back to gentoo if i can make my drive work... | 08:22 |
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trakinas | error too... heehehhe | 08:22 |
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trakinas | scripts/kconfig/.tmp_qtcheck this time. | 08:22 |
trakinas | and all that cause i cant copy one single file... | 08:23 |
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trakinas | do you wanna see the terrible output? | 08:23 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: they just DONT want you to recompile, do they... | 08:23 |
mohsin | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23381/ | 08:23 |
mohsin | seee this one | 08:23 |
trakinas | no they dont | 08:23 |
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hitmanWilly | trakinas: plus it doesn't really matter anyway since the next kernel update will wipe it anyway | 08:24 |
trakinas | thanks Im not a new linux user, cause i would be cursing it because my drive does not work on it. | 08:24 |
trakinas | haha | 08:24 |
trakinas | yes! that's why i hate updates | 08:24 |
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mohsin | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23381/ | 08:25 |
mohsin | hitman:please see this | 08:25 |
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hitmanWilly | trakinas: if you ever do get it to recompile, use synaptic and remove all the kernel packages, that SHOULD stop the updates from destroying it | 08:26 |
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trakinas | mohsin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23382/ | 08:28 |
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^RiaN^ | . | 08:28 |
trakinas | yep. | 08:28 |
trakinas | but seriously, Im almost swthcing back to gentoo... only cause my drive worked there. :P | 08:29 |
mohsin | okay trakinas | 08:29 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: also, figure about an hour just for compile time with the ubuntu kernel | 08:29 |
=== Agrajag` [i=Agrajag@c-67-186-9-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
mohsin | trankins | 08:30 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: unless you seriously just gut it gentoo style | 08:30 |
mohsin | what to write in konsole | 08:30 |
mohsin | plz tell me again | 08:30 |
mohsin | trakinas | 08:31 |
trakinas | copy from that url | 08:32 |
mohsin | okay | 08:32 |
trakinas | echo vesafb | sudo tee -a /etc/initramfs-tools/modules | 08:32 |
trakinas | and echo fbcon | sudo tee -a /etc/initramfs-tools/modules | 08:33 |
trakinas | hitmanWilly: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23383/ | 08:33 |
trakinas | thats what dmesg gets... :P | 08:33 |
lewix | I don't get it, I cant access my windows partition | 08:34 |
lewix | it's empty | 08:34 |
mohsin | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23384/ | 08:34 |
trakinas | lewix: ntfs or fat32? | 08:34 |
mohsin | trakinas | 08:34 |
lewix | ntfs | 08:34 |
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trakinas | mohsin: they are loading... now, I dont have any clue... | 08:35 |
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mohsin | loading | 08:35 |
mohsin | i don understand | 08:35 |
mohsin | what do u mean by that | 08:35 |
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trakinas | the modules | 08:35 |
mohsin | i think i loaded | 08:35 |
mohsin | its loaded | 08:35 |
trakinas | it is. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23383/ | 08:36 |
trakinas | ops | 08:36 |
trakinas | nevermind the url | 08:36 |
lewix | trakinas, ntfs | 08:36 |
mohsin | already | 08:36 |
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trakinas | lewix: how is your fstab configured? | 08:37 |
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trakinas | first, could you mount it previously? | 08:37 |
lewix | trakinas, what should I do | 08:37 |
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trakinas | cat /etc/fstab | 08:37 |
trakinas | copy and paste on any pastebin, like here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 08:38 |
hitmanWilly | ok, i need to get some sleep, see y'all later... | 08:38 |
lewix | trakinas, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23385/ | 08:39 |
lewix | seems like it's not mounted | 08:39 |
lewix | that's weird though, because I feel like it has always been mounted automatically since I installed kubuntu | 08:40 |
mohsin | trakinas when did the files load | 08:40 |
lewix | how to I mount an ntfs partition again? | 08:41 |
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Admiral_Chicago | !mount | 08:41 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter | 08:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | no... you want this... | 08:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | !diskmounter | 08:41 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 08:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | lewix: ^^ | 08:41 |
trakinas | mohsin: during boot | 08:41 |
mohsin | no dear | 08:42 |
mohsin | they are stucked | 08:42 |
mohsin | NOT EXECUTING | 08:42 |
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-048-232.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
trakinas | mohsin: no, honey, they are loading... | 08:42 |
mohsin | AHAN | 08:42 |
trakinas | working is another matter | 08:42 |
mohsin | WHAT I DO NOW | 08:42 |
trakinas | i dont know. | 08:42 |
mohsin | RESTART THE MACHINE | 08:43 |
mohsin | OR WAIT | 08:43 |
trakinas | mohsin: stop yelling | 08:43 |
mohsin | sorry | 08:43 |
trakinas | mohsin: what about google? have you seeked for toubles like yours? | 08:43 |
mohsin | yeah | 08:43 |
mohsin | but all invane | 08:43 |
mohsin | can i paste my menul.lst | 08:44 |
trakinas | lewix: there is no ntfs on your fstab | 08:44 |
mohsin | u can see from there whats the prob is | 08:44 |
trakinas | mohsin: yes. i cant do much, but go ahead | 08:44 |
mohsin | okay | 08:44 |
lewix | trakinas, ya so? | 08:45 |
=== principo [n=principo@pD9E5D8AD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lewix | Admiral_Chicago, (funny nick by the way)...huh thanks | 08:45 |
mohsin | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23386/ | 08:45 |
mohsin | see it | 08:45 |
mohsin | its my menu.list | 08:45 |
Admiral_Chicago | thanks. | 08:45 |
trakinas | lewix: go there | 08:46 |
trakinas | and read this: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html | 08:46 |
mohsin | trakinas http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23386/ | 08:46 |
mohsin | see it | 08:46 |
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mohsin | please | 08:46 |
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trakinas | seeing | 08:47 |
mohsin | okay | 08:47 |
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mohsin | and thats gr8 | 08:47 |
lewix | oh no | 08:48 |
lewix | it's more complicated than I thought | 08:48 |
lewix | ok I'm sleepy, I'm gonna read it tomorrow. thanks trakinas | 08:48 |
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mohsin | trakinas | 08:50 |
mohsin | whats wrong with it | 08:50 |
mohsin | ? | 08:50 |
trakinas | nothing | 08:51 |
trakinas | just like mine | 08:51 |
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mohsin | then whats the prob | 08:51 |
trakinas | lewix no is not. | 08:51 |
mohsin | why its not working | 08:51 |
mohsin | have u any clue abt that | 08:52 |
trakinas | read that tomorrow, but your ntfs partition isnt hard to discover where it is mounted | 08:52 |
trakinas | no | 08:52 |
trakinas | it is 5 to 4am | 08:52 |
trakinas | i should be in bed 3 hours ago... | 08:52 |
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 3.5.7 Released http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php | ||
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by fdoving at Tue May 22 19:45:45 2007 | ||
(trakinas/#kubuntu) mohsin: no. it means i dont know what to do and i must go to bed cause in 6 hours i will be wake | 08:54 | |
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trakinas | cheers all! | 08:56 |
trakinas | mohsin: good luck! i will be back tomorrow about 10pm brazil... gues 00:00 there | 08:56 |
kraut | moin | 08:56 |
trakinas | kraut: moinmoin! | 08:56 |
trakinas | gtg! cheers all | 08:57 |
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rdallarmi | hi, can anybody point out a wiki or how to on how to set up the "big desktop" with an ATi card, using the open source driver? | 08:59 |
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myky | hi all can we help me with install my graphics card ati x200 for my kubuntu fiesty fawn | 09:03 |
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_Shade_ | hi there | 09:12 |
_Shade_ | is there anyone alive ? :) | 09:13 |
KevinAlaska | hello _Shade_ | 09:13 |
KevinAlaska | just got back from afk. :) | 09:13 |
_Shade_ | KevinAlaska: great... maybe you could help me then ? | 09:14 |
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KevinAlaska | doh... you had to ask me that... :S | 09:14 |
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KevinAlaska | heh.. Most likely no I can't help you... but I will give you an honest try. :) | 09:15 |
_Shade_ | I've just downloaded KIO Slave sysinfo package and i have no idea how can i use it now :) | 09:15 |
_Shade_ | btw: it's here http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/KIO+Slave+sysinfo:++-+Distro+pkg?content=58704 | 09:15 |
_Shade_ | it's the opensuse's thingy... you know.... | 09:16 |
KevinAlaska | ahh.. have you installed it and just want ot know how to use it or you don't know how to install it? | 09:17 |
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underdog5004 | if you give me 10 minutes, I can probably help you | 09:17 |
_Shade_ | i don't know how to use it | 09:17 |
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_Shade_ | sysinfo:/ doesnt help | 09:17 |
_Shade_ | i mean in the konqueror address box | 09:18 |
_Shade_ | underdog5004: well i have a lot of time... :) | 09:18 |
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koriel | I have kubuntu 7.04 on my laptop and I have a projector...how can I configure it so I can have output on both screens.. | 09:18 |
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underdog5004 | good...I'm playing a game of kdice right now...www.kdice.com | 09:19 |
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_Shade_ | underdog5004: i have never heard about it... what is it? | 09:19 |
underdog5004 | www.kdice.com | 09:19 |
underdog5004 | google around for dicewars...multiplayer of that | 09:20 |
underdog5004 | like risk | 09:20 |
Admiral_Chicago | Jucato: ping | 09:20 |
Jucato | Admiral_Chicago: pong | 09:20 |
Maxdamantus | Anyone installed vmware-server on *Ubuntu? | 09:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | Jucato: i'm looking for a popular package name...got one? | 09:21 |
Jucato | Admiral_Chicago: er... any popular package name? libxine-extracdecs :D | 09:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | well one that crashes often as well.. | 09:22 |
epimeth | oh!oh!oh! I have one! libc!!! | 09:22 |
Jucato | hahah | 09:22 |
Admiral_Chicago | its part of my next blog... | 09:22 |
Jucato | build-essential, nvidia-glx | 09:22 |
_Shade_ | what do you guys think about feisty's speed? It slowed down for me in comparison to the previous releases | 09:22 |
Jucato | flashplugin-nonfree :) | 09:22 |
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Admiral_Chicago | amarok has a clue file for it | 09:22 |
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Jucato | Admiral_Chicago: btw, have you checked the popcon results/web page? | 09:22 |
Jucato | !info popularity-contest | 09:23 |
ubotu | popularity-contest: Vote for your favourite packages automatically. In component main, is standard. Version 1.39ubuntu5 (feisty), package size 39 kB, installed size 188 kB | 09:23 |
Admiral_Chicago | i should check that piece of spyware... | 09:23 |
epimeth | kdice looks like risk.... | 09:23 |
Jucato | Admiral_Chicago: heh :) | 09:23 |
epimeth | where are the results? | 09:24 |
underdog5004 | _Shade_, | 09:24 |
underdog5004 | _Shade_, ok, I'm done w/ my game | 09:24 |
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defcon_ | I screwed up my permissions from "/" to /home/* what are the default permissions | 09:24 |
underdog5004 | have you tried sysinfo from the CLI ? | 09:24 |
Jucato | epimeth: http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ | 09:24 |
underdog5004 | try looking in your K-menu under system? | 09:24 |
_Shade_ | underdog5004: not yet | 09:24 |
Jucato | underdog5004: sysinfo isn't an executable app. it's a kioslave | 09:25 |
Jucato | _Shade_: someone earlier this week tried to install it. I forgot what he did to make it work | 09:25 |
underdog5004 | oh, whoops...I'm in over my head then, sorry | 09:25 |
=== underdog5004 goes back to kdice | ||
huz | hello! how can I disable the automount service in kubuntu (7.04)? | 09:25 |
epimeth | what happened between jan and feb that useage doubled? not that I'm complaining.... | 09:26 |
_Shade_ | underdog5004: konsole says that the package is not installed | 09:26 |
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Jucato | _Shade_: how did you install sysinfo:/ ? | 09:27 |
_Shade_ | Jucato: i've downloaded the package from kde-look and then install it by a context menu | 09:27 |
Jucato | _Shade_: did the installation actually finish correctly? | 09:28 |
epimeth | hehe... nobody installed php3 | 09:28 |
_Shade_ | Jucato: indeed... no errors | 09:28 |
epimeth | and this "zope" thing looks to be unpopular | 09:28 |
Admiral_Chicago | afaik pph3 is dropped | 09:28 |
Admiral_Chicago | !zope | 09:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about zope - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:28 |
Maxdamantus | !vmware | 09:28 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 09:29 |
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Jucato | Admiral_Chicago: feisty only has php5, but edgy has both 4 and 5. not sure which version still has php3 | 09:29 |
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_Shade_ | Jucato: there's no such thing in my kmenu neither | 09:30 |
koriel | I have a projector and a laptop...how can I have output on both screens? | 09:30 |
Jucato | _Shade_: it really won't be in the K Menu | 09:30 |
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Admiral_Chicago | Jucato: nothing supported afaik | 09:31 |
_Shade_ | Jucato: when i put it to konqueror it tries to locate it | 09:31 |
Jucato | _Shade_: can you check in Adept if "kio-sysinfo" is installed? also, have you tried restarting konqueror? | 09:31 |
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_Shade_ | Jucato: i tried both | 09:32 |
_Shade_ | i mean i have checked if it's installed in adept as well | 09:32 |
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Jucato | _Shade_: ok.. last try. in Konsole, go to where you downloaded the .deb file, then "sudo dpkg -i <package_name>" | 09:33 |
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Jucato | see if it spits out errors. use a pastebin if there are | 09:33 |
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_Shade_ | Jucato: it went smooth and with no errors again | 09:36 |
Jucato | _Shade_: hm.. can you pastebin the whole output? | 09:37 |
flake | I would like to use my defunct windows key on my keyboard for the k-menu.. how do I do that | 09:38 |
_Shade_ | Jucato: sure... if you know polish :) | 09:39 |
Jucato | flake: you can set it to Win+(any other normal key) in System Settings -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> look for Popup Launch Menu | 09:39 |
Jucato | _Shade_: er... hm... try it anyway, maybe I can decipher a bit :P | 09:39 |
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_Shade_ | Jucato: something's wrong with pastebin i think | 09:41 |
Jucato | try http://rafb.net/paste instead | 09:41 |
|lostbyte| | !codecs | 09:41 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:41 |
_Shade_ | Jucato: http://rafb.net/p/ceIOp753.html | 09:42 |
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Jucato | _Shade_: looks normal... can't understand why it's not working though... | 09:43 |
_Shade_ | Jucato: tell me if you wouldn't be able to get it - i'll help you :) | 09:44 |
Jucato | hm.. are you sure you downloaded the correct version? (32 or 64-bit) | 09:44 |
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v0taguz | where i found the KDM Theme manager in Kubuntu ? | 09:44 |
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_Shade_ | Jucato: well i think i got a good version but since you asked, i am a bit confused :) | 09:45 |
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Jucato | v0taguz: if you installed the package "kdmtheme" it will be in System Settings -> Appearance. but because of a bug in Feisty, you should use KCOntrol instead. Press Alt+F2, type in "kcontrol" | 09:46 |
Jucato | _Shade_: well, presuming you are on a 32-bit system, it seems you got the correct package (i386) | 09:46 |
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_Shade_ | Jucato: that's right - it's a 32 bit machine | 09:47 |
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_Shade_ | Jucato: i don't know how this could happen but it works now | 09:49 |
Jucato | lol :) | 09:49 |
Jucato | that's good :) | 09:49 |
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v0taguz | Jucato: Thanks :D | 09:50 |
_Shade_ | Jucato: maybe installing from the command line helped? | 09:50 |
Jucato | dunno :/ | 09:50 |
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Jucato | v0taguz: you're welcome | 09:50 |
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_Shade_ | Jucato: well the point is it works, thanks | 09:52 |
Jucato | hehe yeah | 09:52 |
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_Shade_ | oh i have one more question: if i use inkscape i'd like it to be in my native language, but it isn't as long as i am using kubuntu... it supports the appropriate translation only when i install ubuntu-desktop | 09:53 |
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Jucato | hm.. sorry no idea | 09:54 |
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flake | jucato - thanks, I also had to remap the Win+ key using xmodmap | 09:57 |
Jucato | ah | 09:57 |
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myky | exist any ati driver for Xorg 7.2 | 10:02 |
^RiaN^ | hii all | 10:02 |
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KevinAlaska | hummmm... did a message I sent 2 too 3 minutes ago get published in here? | 10:05 |
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_Shade_ | i've just created a connection profile via the pppconfig tool... what can i do to connect on startup? | 10:10 |
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abruptum | hi | 10:21 |
abruptum | i have a problem i try to install ubuntu 7,04 and when i boot it tell me something turned off tty and i can't continue install anyone help me? | 10:22 |
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abruptum | i have a problem i try to install ubuntu 7,04 and when i boot it tell me something turned off tty and i can't continue install anyone help me? | 10:24 |
premier_ | hello, can I download youtube videos, like the Download Helper in firefox? | 10:25 |
abruptum | yes | 10:25 |
abruptum | u can | 10:25 |
llutz | abruptum: seems to be a known problem without real solution. use the search in ubuntuforums.org, maybe you'll find some usefull hints. | 10:26 |
premier_ | abruptum: sorry, I meant in konqueror | 10:26 |
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abruptum | i try a lot of solutions llutz nothing solve me:P | 10:26 |
llutz | abruptum: for me the solution was to use one of the daily-build-isos instead of the official ones | 10:26 |
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abruptum | is the official iso that i have too | 10:27 |
llutz | abruptum: try a daily-build | 10:27 |
abruptum | u mean?i don't understand | 10:27 |
abruptum | "( | 10:27 |
llutz | abruptum: or, like lots others: install edgy and do an upgrade after installtion is finished | 10:27 |
Admiral_Chicago | abruptum: i have a link for you.. | 10:29 |
Admiral_Chicago | abruptum: ah neveming, went to the wrong persom | 10:29 |
Admiral_Chicago | premier_: http://www.fabianrodriguez.com/blog/archives/2007/05/10/free-those-youtube-videos/ that link is for you | 10:30 |
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premier_ | Admiral_Chicago: there seems to be no safe way of downloading a .deb file from kde-apps.org | 10:31 |
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premier_ | take a look: | 10:31 |
premier_ | http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=41456 | 10:32 |
premier_ | if you attempt to dl the .deb file, it automatically opens it kwrite (or kate) and then warns you against saving it | 10:32 |
premier_ | since its a redirect, konqueror isn't smart enough to attempt saving it to a file | 10:33 |
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vbanait | hi | 10:34 |
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vbanait | I installed gnumed on ubuntu. I have to configure psql. can anybody help | 10:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | premier_: wait a sec... | 10:35 |
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Admiral_Chicago | premier_: same with firefox | 10:36 |
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premier_ | lol | 10:36 |
premier_ | I swear I've done this before, just don't remember what I did | 10:36 |
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paolo_ | hi: which is the command line to find all the files with the name beginning with "conf" inside "/home/myname" dir? thnks | 10:38 |
llutz | paolo_: find ~ -name conf* -print | 10:38 |
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paolo_ | llutz: and inside "/somedir" ? | 10:39 |
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paolo_ | llutz: found | 10:39 |
paolo_ | thnks | 10:39 |
llutz | paolo_: find /some/dir -name conf* -print | 10:39 |
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Whiz2 | For some reason, my Linux server keeps crashing, so that my PHP forum will not open, then when i type the command "sudo shutdown -r now" from a remote prompt, the computer changes to a tty prompt, and my keyboard is locked out. the only way I've seen to get anything working again is to physically turn off the computer, and turn it back on again only to have it happen again a few hours alter. any ideas? | 10:43 |
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Whiz2 | later* | 10:43 |
rolnyzx | Whiz2, maybe reinstall php? | 10:44 |
Whiz2 | could that really be the problem? | 10:44 |
Whiz2 | when the forum works fine for hours? | 10:44 |
rolnyzx | I don't know | 10:44 |
rolnyzx | yes.. that's true | 10:44 |
Whiz2 | never had a problem, until several hours ago. | 10:44 |
Whiz2 | had tghe forum working fine for months | 10:45 |
rolnyzx | have you checked the processes? | 10:45 |
rolnyzx | maybe there is memory leaking | 10:45 |
Whiz2 | is it possible someone is trying to hack into the system? | 10:45 |
Whiz2 | haven't checked that... but again wouldn't thaqt have shown up before now? | 10:46 |
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paolo_ | and which is the command line to find all the files containing the text "mytext" in /dirA/dirB ? | 10:46 |
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_4str1 | yop yop | 10:46 |
llutz | paolo_: you'll need (f,e)grep for that | 10:46 |
Whiz2 | goodness... how could a gig of space just disapear? | 10:47 |
Whiz2 | what is the command to clean out old temporary installation packages? | 10:47 |
rolnyzx | grep -l "mytext" /dirA/dirB | 10:47 |
llutz | paolo_: like "egrep mytext /dirb/* | 10:47 |
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llutz | Whiz2: sudo aptitude clean | 10:48 |
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flake | is XML primarily windows? Because using IE6+ and the W3Schools XML tutorials, the examples work but with feisty and firefox, there are some incompatibilities | 10:50 |
paolo_ | llutz: thnks for all | 10:50 |
Whiz2 | llutz: that didn't actually do anything | 10:50 |
llutz | Whiz2: then your gig wasn't caused by downloaded .debs | 10:51 |
Whiz2 | is it possible i have mail still stored in me email server? | 10:52 |
Whiz2 | even though i fetch it remotely every 60 seconds? | 10:52 |
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Whiz2 | i can't even load my desktop! | 10:53 |
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rolnyzx | Whiz2, now after you said maybe somebody is trying to hack your server, i would like to know how to monitor any suspicious activity in a server. | 10:55 |
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Whiz2 | that's not an answer i can give you. | 10:55 |
rolnyzx | i have snort, and an IDS, | 10:55 |
rolnyzx | but i don't know how to interpret the IDS information | 10:56 |
Whiz2 | heh | 10:56 |
Whiz2 | well atm i've having another problem | 10:56 |
llutz | rolnyzx: then it's useless | 10:56 |
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Whiz2 | where would temporary files for mail be stored? | 10:57 |
rolnyzx | i know | 10:57 |
llutz | Whiz2: /var/mail | 10:57 |
Whiz2 | ty | 10:57 |
llutz | Whiz2: maybe /var/spool | 10:57 |
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rolnyzx | llutz, my IDS logs a bunch of attacks that i get every day | 10:58 |
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rolnyzx | it says that even hotmail is trying to send me mysql overflow attacks | 10:58 |
rolnyzx | xd | 10:58 |
rolnyzx | lol | 10:59 |
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llutz | rolnyzx: that's the problem if you don't know how to interprete those logs. try to learn it | 11:01 |
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Whiz2 | ok any idea how i can purge my temp email files? | 11:02 |
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Whiz2 | cuz i can't actually find them | 11:02 |
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llutz | Whiz2: use "du -sh" to browse your directories to find suspicious ones | 11:05 |
Whiz2 | that just gives me a blank line | 11:05 |
llutz | Whiz2: for expample " find -P /var -type d -exec du -hP --max-depth=0 {} \; " | 11:06 |
Whiz2 | llutz: i'm not that advanced with linux | 11:07 |
llutz | Whiz2: you should, if you run a public-server ;) | 11:07 |
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Whiz2 | theonly part of the "server" that runs from the Linux system drive is the email server... all oter aspects from frfom a different drive all together | 11:18 |
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rdallarmi | hi, I am checking access permission to a directory , can anybody explain to me what this means? drwx--S--- 5 1001 mail (the drwx part is clear, it is th ""S" part that is not) | 11:20 |
llutz | Whiz2: your email-server should have a function like "cleaning queue", read docu | 11:20 |
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Whiz2 | can't read the documentation. no free space | 11:21 |
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adaptr | Whiz2 log in as root, then, and delete /tmp | 11:21 |
Whiz2 | i hate command prompt... | 11:23 |
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Whiz2 | ok how do i delete a directory that isn't empty? | 11:24 |
adaptr | well, bye, then | 11:24 |
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Maxdamantus | Whiz2, command prompt is part of Windows. | 11:24 |
adaptr | rm -rf /directory | 11:24 |
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Maxdamantus | The Linux terminal is so much more than command prompt. :P | 11:26 |
Whiz2 | Maxdamantus: maybe you can help me with my problem? | 11:26 |
Maxdamantus | Command prompt doesn't even have STDIN, so can't make complex programs for it. | 11:26 |
Maxdamantus | Which is what? O_o | 11:26 |
Whiz2 | a month ago i transferred my system to a new drive with an extra GB of free space... now that extra GB is seemingly gone for no apparent reason | 11:26 |
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Whiz2 | the only thing i can think of is temp email files | 11:27 |
Whiz2 | but i dunno where they would be stored, or how to purge them | 11:27 |
Maxdamantus | Well can't you kind of easily tell what's on a physical hdd? | 11:27 |
Maxdamantus | Unless it's on RAID. | 11:27 |
Whiz2 | not when you dunno where to look | 11:27 |
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^RiaN^ | Maxdamantus: how to print from konsole | 11:28 |
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adaptr | Whiz2 "temp email files" ? from which client ? | 11:28 |
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Maxdamantus | ^RiaN^, print what? | 11:28 |
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adaptr | a GB of email is rather a lot for one month | 11:28 |
^RiaN^ | printing | 11:28 |
Whiz2 | adaptr: exim4 | 11:28 |
Maxdamantus | echo "Some Text" | 11:28 |
hyuma | hello people | 11:28 |
adaptr | Whiz2 exim is not a client | 11:28 |
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^RiaN^ | thx | 11:28 |
Maxdamantus | Oh. Print. | 11:28 |
nahemoth__ | anyone using KDE 4 alpha? | 11:28 |
Maxdamantus | As in a printer? | 11:28 |
hyuma | anyone could help me please with wireless pci card with Ralink chipset? | 11:28 |
^RiaN^ | Maxdamantus: printting text into paper i mean | 11:28 |
hyuma | I want use my pci wireless card like access point | 11:29 |
Whiz2 | teapop | 11:29 |
Maxdamantus | If you want to do that, you'd probably need some program. However I do not have a printer, so no idea what you could use. | 11:29 |
Whiz2 | that's the popserver | 11:29 |
hyuma | but I've problem with signal | 11:29 |
adaptr | Whiz2 are you talking about a server ? | 11:29 |
Whiz2 | yes | 11:29 |
adaptr | servers do not save temp files | 11:29 |
Whiz2 | ok so what could've possibly taken up a free GB | 11:29 |
Whiz2 | ? | 11:29 |
adaptr | get on it, sudo df -h | 11:29 |
adaptr | see what it says | 11:30 |
adaptr | on the partition with no space left, run tune2fs -l | 11:30 |
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adaptr | there's 5% "root" space on any new partition by default | 11:30 |
adaptr | inaccessible by anyone else | 11:30 |
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Maxdamantus | You don't need root permissions to use df. | 11:31 |
adaptr | fine | 11:32 |
Whiz2 | tune2fs -| only gave me a small help txt | 11:32 |
adaptr | yes, and of course you did not read it | 11:32 |
adaptr | you probably want to specify the partition to use | 11:32 |
Whiz2 | the partition is hda1 | 11:33 |
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adaptr | well, then use that one | 11:34 |
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Maxdamantus | Can see what hda1 is mounted as in df too. | 11:34 |
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Whiz2 | mounted to / | 11:35 |
Whiz2 | it is my system drive | 11:35 |
Ash-Fox | Why is adept being updated? I didn't get any USN notification on it | 11:35 |
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myky | all: hi exist any how to for ati graphics card in kubuntu fiesty fawn?please help me | 11:35 |
Ash-Fox | myky, I would suggest installing restricted-manager and running that. | 11:36 |
Whiz2 | adaptr: that 5% of root space doesn't matter... there was a full GB free one month ago according to df... now there is none | 11:36 |
Ash-Fox | Assuming you're talking of proprietary drivers. | 11:36 |
Ash-Fox | sudo apt-get install restricted manager && kdesu restricted-manager | 11:37 |
myky | Ash-Fox: and aften what i do? | 11:37 |
Ash-Fox | myky, it should offer to install proprietary drivers | 11:38 |
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Ash-Fox | I'll let you figure out how to tick boxes and so on. | 11:38 |
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Whiz2 | here is the basic deal... something, somewhere has taken up a GB of space that should be free. I need to find that, and purge it | 11:39 |
sivaji | kaffeine returns this error whenever i run it "xine_part loading failed" | 11:40 |
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Ash-Fox | Whiz2, try 'sudo apt-get clean' and see if it frees up... | 11:40 |
adaptr | Whiz2 it'll be packages | 11:40 |
Whiz2 | tried that already | 11:41 |
sivaji | kaffeine returns this error whenever i run it "xine_part loading failed" it is not playing any vedio or audio file | 11:41 |
Ash-Fox | Whiz2, well, you could manually check every folder using 'du -h /' | 11:42 |
Whiz2 | what would i be looking for? | 11:42 |
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Whiz2 | that's what i need to figure out | 11:42 |
Ash-Fox | I don't know. You claim a extra GB has been taken up.. but I really don't know where else it could be taken up | 11:43 |
Ash-Fox | You could try emptying your /tmp/ folder | 11:43 |
Whiz2 | i just deleted it | 11:43 |
adaptr | THAT's going to cause you problems | 11:43 |
Ash-Fox | I said empty, not delete | 11:43 |
Whiz2 | i remade it | 11:43 |
Whiz2 | right after deleting it | 11:43 |
Ash-Fox | It's not going to help, now you've screwed it up | 11:44 |
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adaptr | you need special permissions on /tmp | 11:44 |
Ash-Fox | I can't remember the correct chmod permisions for /tmp either | 11:44 |
Whiz2 | blame the person in here who gave me that advice | 11:44 |
CapriCorn^80 | hi | 11:44 |
adaptr | to be exact, 777 and sticky | 11:44 |
adaptr | Whiz2 NOBODY did, you did | 11:44 |
Whiz2 | incorrect | 11:44 |
CapriCorn^80 | i just installed kubuntu 6.06 | 11:44 |
Ash-Fox | Whiz2, I didn't say delete /tmp, I said empty it. | 11:44 |
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adaptr | Whiz2 indeed, but the commadn I gave you would not have deleted tmp... | 11:45 |
CapriCorn^80 | when i try to run sudo apt-get update . It gave me msg Reading package lists... Done | 11:45 |
adaptr | CapriCorn^80 so there's nothign to update, or you don't have a network connection | 11:45 |
Whiz2 | and I quote: [05:21] adaptr: Whiz2 log in as root, then, and delete /tmp | 11:45 |
adaptr | Whiz2 that was not a command | 11:45 |
CapriCorn^80 | i have | 11:45 |
CapriCorn^80 | coz i can browser internet | 11:46 |
Whiz2 | that tells me to delete the /tmp directory | 11:46 |
adaptr | no, the next line would be the one to tell you to empty it | 11:46 |
CapriCorn^80 | adaptr: i m browsing the net now | 11:46 |
Whiz2 | there was no next line | 11:46 |
CapriCorn^80 | how to restart network in kubuntu ? | 11:47 |
Whiz2 | so now i'm screwed | 11:47 |
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adaptr | but just mkdir /tmp && chmod 1777 /tmp, both as root | 11:48 |
Ash-Fox | CapriCorn^80, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 11:48 |
Whiz2 | done | 11:48 |
Whiz2 | still have the other problem tho. :-p | 11:48 |
adaptr | yes... you sure /var/cache/apt/archives is empty ? | 11:49 |
Ash-Fox | Whiz2, 'dh -hs ~' is your home folder a extra gb ? | 11:49 |
adaptr | ...or that | 11:49 |
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Ash-Fox | Sorry, mistake in the command: du -hs ~ | 11:49 |
Whiz2 | dh command not found | 11:50 |
Whiz2 | ty | 11:50 |
Whiz2 | 91M | 11:50 |
sivaji | how to set firefox as my default browser when i click any link i want that link to be opened in firefox | 11:51 |
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adaptr | sivaji set it as browser in every application you want it in | 11:51 |
sivaji | i cant get u | 11:51 |
Ash-Fox | Whiz2, so, is there a extra gb there? | 11:51 |
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adaptr | not unless 1GB < 91MB | 11:52 |
Whiz2 | the entire ~ directory is 91M | 11:52 |
sivaji | adaptr rephrase u r sentense | 11:52 |
Whiz2 | so that would be no | 11:52 |
adaptr | sivaji no, why ? | 11:52 |
CapriCorn^80 | adaptr: y i cant download firefox | 11:52 |
Ash-Fox | My glasses are dirty, I read 91MB as 91GB | 11:52 |
adaptr | Whiz2 run "du -chs /var/*" | 11:52 |
CapriCorn^80 | i dont have ndiswrapper package | 11:52 |
CapriCorn^80 | its not downloading it | 11:53 |
CapriCorn^80 | my internet is working fine | 11:53 |
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Ash-Fox | CapriCorn^80, ndiswrapper comes with kubuntu | 11:54 |
Ash-Fox | Only the management tools don't. | 11:54 |
CapriCorn^80 | but its not there | 11:54 |
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Ash-Fox | CapriCorn^80, how do you know? | 11:54 |
CapriCorn^80 | when i write ndis it dont show me any thing | 11:55 |
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Ash-Fox | that's part of the management tools. | 11:55 |
CapriCorn^80 | ndis n press tab i dont show me any thing | 11:55 |
Whiz2 | omg... /var/spool is 1.3 GB | 11:55 |
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Ash-Fox | CapriCorn^80, install ndiswrapper-utils | 11:55 |
CapriCorn^80 | i told u my apt-get is not working :( . my internet is working fine | 11:56 |
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Ash-Fox | CapriCorn^80, Reading package lists... Done <- seems fine to me. | 11:57 |
Ash-Fox | I don't see how that message indicates it's not working | 11:57 |
CapriCorn^80 | hmm | 11:57 |
Ash-Fox | 'sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils' | 11:57 |
CapriCorn^80 | well its means that kubuntu got less packages to update from net | 11:58 |
CapriCorn^80 | yes i run this | 11:58 |
adaptr | Whiz2 repeat the du -chs * inside /var/spool | 11:58 |
CapriCorn^80 | but it gave me message . Reading package lists... Done , Building dependency tree... Done , E: Counldn't find package ndiswrapper-utils | 11:59 |
adaptr | Whiz2 thsi does suggest, however, that you have a far too small root partition | 11:59 |
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adaptr | CapriCorn^80 then you have not enabled the repository it's in | 11:59 |
Whiz2 | there is nothing i can do about that except decrease the size of the swap partition | 11:59 |
Ash-Fox | .... CapriCorn^80, what version of kubuntu are you using? | 11:59 |
adaptr | CapriCorn^80 check this with aptitude serach ndis | 11:59 |
CapriCorn^80 | tell me how can i do that ? | 12:00 |
adaptr | *search | 12:00 |
Whiz2 | my mail program is the issue | 12:00 |
Whiz2 | i need to purge it | 12:00 |
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Whiz2 | mail server* | 12:00 |
CapriCorn^80 | it gave me output . v ndiswrapper-modules-1.8 | 12:01 |
Whiz2 | the largest directory size is /var/spool/exim4/input which is over 800MB in size... email servers don't store temp files? are you sure about that? | 12:03 |
adaptr | Whiz2 if it's filling up /var/spool/mail with gigabytes of data then something is definitely wrong, yes | 12:03 |
adaptr | yes, I am very sure about that | 12:03 |
adaptr | do you have any spam measures in place ? | 12:03 |
CapriCorn^80 | sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-modules-1.8 . it gave me message Reading done ,Building done .. Note Selecting linux-image-2.6.15-23-286 instead of ndiswrapper-modules-1.8 linux-image is already the newest version | 12:03 |
Whiz2 | attempting to get an ls in that directory now... | 12:03 |
CapriCorn^80 | 0 upgrade , 0 newely installed | 12:03 |
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adaptr | CapriCorn^80 again, you need to enable the proper repository for it | 12:04 |
CapriCorn^80 | ah | 12:04 |
adaptr | CapriCorn^80 but first try sudo aptitude search ndis | 12:04 |
CapriCorn^80 | how ? | 12:04 |
adaptr | get some facts, man! | 12:04 |
Whiz2 | can i just safely delete the contents of the directory??? | 12:04 |
adaptr | !repo | 12:04 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 12:04 |
CapriCorn^80 | i did that | 12:04 |
adaptr | Whiz2 how large is the mail queue ? | 12:04 |
CapriCorn^80 | it gave me output . v ndiswrapper-modules-1.8 | 12:04 |
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CapriCorn^80 | sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-modules-1.8 . it gave me message Reading done ,Building done .. Note Selecting linux-image-2.6.15-23-286 instead of ndiswrapper-modules-1.8 linux-image is already the newest version | 12:05 |
adaptr | CapriCorn^80 then that's all you have available now | 12:05 |
adaptr | CapriCorn^80 you need some glasses ? | 12:05 |
Whiz2 | i did ls in that directory specified above, and outputted thousands of files | 12:05 |
adaptr | Whiz2 that's not the question - how big is the mail queue ? | 12:05 |
CapriCorn^80 | yess | 12:05 |
CapriCorn^80 | coz i cant found ndiswrapper | 12:05 |
Whiz2 | not sure how to find that out | 12:06 |
adaptr | CapriCorn^80 I already told you what to do, you still have to do it | 12:06 |
adaptr | Whiz2 mailq ? | 12:06 |
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Whiz2 | mailq returns an error saying that it should only be called from a client | 12:06 |
adaptr | okay, so you have at least 2 problems in you rmail setup | 12:07 |
Whiz2 | can i safely delete the files in /var/spool/exim4/input ? | 12:07 |
adaptr | what is in them ? | 12:07 |
Whiz2 | this is not rmail | 12:07 |
Whiz2 | it is exim4 | 12:07 |
adaptr | duh | 12:07 |
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Whiz2 | example file: 1HtfD4-0000eD-WD-H | 12:08 |
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adaptr | yeah, that's mail | 12:09 |
adaptr | don't you want to know what it is you're deleting ? | 12:09 |
Whiz2 | no, because none of it is addressed to me | 12:09 |
adaptr | I'm willing to bet you have misconfigured exim somehow to not delete read mails | 12:09 |
adaptr | which is why I asked you if you have spam control in place | 12:09 |
Whiz2 | well if that's the case, then it doesn't matter, because i have them all downloaded | 12:09 |
adaptr | yes, and it will be the exact same problem a month from now, so you'd better start thinking about *solving* the issue | 12:10 |
Whiz2 | i promise you i didn't get this many files sent to my client when i fetched them, so none of these are addressed to me | 12:10 |
adaptr | if you do get mail it isn't a permission problem on the directory | 12:11 |
adaptr | Whiz2 how do you *know* ? take a look | 12:11 |
Whiz2 | how do I look? I can't fetch them | 12:11 |
adaptr | by reading them ? | 12:11 |
Whiz2 | I'm on a tty prompt... i dunno how to read anything | 12:11 |
adaptr | cat 1 <TAB> | 12:11 |
adaptr | enter | 12:11 |
Whiz2 | ok | 12:11 |
adaptr | just *read* one | 12:11 |
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Whiz2 | there are over 200,000 files | 12:13 |
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adaptr | and ? | 12:14 |
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adaptr | cat 1HtfD4<TAB> <ENTER> | 12:14 |
sivaji | hi | 12:14 |
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Whiz2 | someone is using my outbound email server! | 12:15 |
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adaptr | yeah, funny how that works | 12:17 |
adaptr | your ISP is probably very grateful... | 12:17 |
Whiz2 | i need to fix this problem | 12:17 |
adaptr | actually, "using" is not exactly the right term... it's more like "trying to use" | 12:17 |
adaptr | they're still in the input queue, right ? | 12:18 |
adaptr | so nothing has been sent | 12:18 |
Whiz2 | they got sent back to the user via mailer-daemon | 12:19 |
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adaptr | ah, and how do you know this ? | 12:19 |
Whiz2 | unless i'm wrong... http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/23405/ here's a copy of the entire message | 12:20 |
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Whiz2 | will rm * re3move every file in the directory? | 12:22 |
Whiz2 | remove* | 12:22 |
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sebastian_ | sure | 12:24 |
Whiz2 | argument list too long haha | 12:25 |
Whiz2 | anyway i can see whayt the chmod for the directory is? | 12:26 |
sebastian_ | ls -al | 12:26 |
sebastian_ | hi, i'm totally confused with my regex that should match subdomains like name.domin.com and www.name.domain.com. but it should NOT match www.domain.com | 12:27 |
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Whiz2 | this would explain a lot of things... like why my network runs so slowly now... | 12:27 |
adaptr | Whiz2 of course, ls -l /var/spool/exim | 12:27 |
adaptr | Whiz2 you're being used as a bounce remailer... I'd advise you to stop exim until you have solved this | 12:28 |
Whiz2 | i have simply cut the server off from the net all together | 12:28 |
Whiz2 | at least until i can remove the files | 12:28 |
adaptr | sebastian_ and we're supposed to guess ? | 12:29 |
adaptr | Whiz2 there is a test setup you can use to see if your mailer is at risk to spammers | 12:29 |
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adaptr | Whiz2 go here: http://www.abuse.net/relay.html | 12:30 |
Whiz2 | when inputting a filename for rm what wildcards will it accept when a partial filename is already typed in? | 12:30 |
adaptr | it may take a few minutes but it tests about 25 different "bad" things on your server | 12:30 |
sebastian_ | i tried ^(www\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9\\-] *\\.(?[a-zA-Z] *)$ but its wrong | 12:30 |
adaptr | Whiz2 * and ? | 12:30 |
Whiz2 | * in this case returned a result of filename* doesn't exist | 12:30 |
sebastian_ | i dont know how i can exclude the www.domain.com | 12:30 |
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adaptr | sebastian_ try rephrasing your question so it's actually understandable - what do you want to achieve ? | 12:31 |
adaptr | i.e. input examples, desired output examples, and what code did you try | 12:32 |
sebastian_ | i want to write regex that match subdomains like name.domin.com and www.name.domain.com. but it should NOT match www.domain.com | 12:32 |
adaptr | that'll be ugly | 12:33 |
sebastian_ | yes | 12:33 |
Whiz2 | adaptr: will it tell me how to fix the insecurities? | 12:33 |
adaptr | Whiz2 no, but it will give you hints on what the security holes are | 12:34 |
adaptr | how could it, it doesn't know what mailer you run | 12:34 |
adaptr | or what you want to do with it, either | 12:34 |
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Whiz2 | didn't hurt to ask | 12:35 |
adaptr | sebastian_ I see no other recourse but to write one giant exclusion match | 12:35 |
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sebastian_ | i only know exlusion with [^] | 12:36 |
adaptr | so, one regex that matches *.domainpart.tld AND NOT www.*.* | 12:36 |
adaptr | no, I mean two different match sets | 12:36 |
adaptr | much easier to write it as two regexes | 12:37 |
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adaptr | matych (domain) | match NOT (www.domain.tld) | 12:37 |
Whiz2 | ok well i managed to free up 11MB lol | 12:37 |
adaptr | Whiz2 have you stopped exim yet ? | 12:38 |
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Whiz2 | no, but that computer no longer has access to the internet | 12:38 |
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adaptr | Whiz2 you have 200K files in that dir, with a random distribution of filenames.. so you do for letter in abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890; do rm -rf /var/spool/exim/input/$letter*; done | 12:39 |
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adaptr | that takes it down to at most 5K names per letter | 12:39 |
adaptr | or 3 K or something | 12:39 |
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adaptr | you'd need to do uppercase as well | 12:40 |
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yeniklasor | Do you know any application for Tv Tuner Cards? | 12:41 |
Whiz2 | how much free space do i need to be able to login to my desktop? | 12:42 |
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Whiz2 | once I login to my desktop, i can delete everything in the directory MUCH easier | 12:43 |
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jermia | i can't see my external harddisk in kubuntu, not like in ubuntu (gnome). Newbie here, pls help | 12:46 |
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Whiz2 | did you mount it? | 12:46 |
yeniklasor | Do you know any application for Tv Tuner (capture) Cards? | 12:47 |
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Goliath23 | yeniklasor: to watch tv? kaffeine works quite well with DVB-(t) cards. | 12:47 |
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Goliath23 | maybe it can handle dvb-s and dvb-c as well. | 12:48 |
yeniklasor | yes to watch tv | 12:48 |
Goliath23 | yeniklasor: give kaffeine a try | 12:48 |
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jermia | how to mount it? in ubuntu, it was automatically mounted | 12:49 |
Whiz2 | you have to know the device name | 12:49 |
jermia | how? | 12:49 |
jermia | is it the name when i format the disk under windows? | 12:50 |
Whiz2 | will be something like /dev/hdc1 | 12:50 |
Whiz2 | do you have gparted, or qparted installed? | 12:50 |
=== hhlp [n=hhlp@133.Red-83-44-158.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
randy | Having installed kde 3.5.7, I no longer can get kcontrol to work. In root, it says that oudated database is found. | 12:51 |
jermia | i think i dont have gparted or qparted | 12:51 |
jermia | because i dont see them in the program list | 12:51 |
Whiz2 | know how to get to the linux equivilant of control panel? | 12:52 |
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jermia | system settings? | 12:52 |
randy | And I also get an error when I invoke using kdesu kcontrol that says could not find mime type (this seems to have no effect, but it's annoying). | 12:52 |
Whiz2 | *nods* | 12:52 |
Whiz2 | go there, and look at your storage devices | 12:52 |
randy | Can anyone here help me to get rid of the mime type problem and also get kcontrol back? | 12:52 |
Whiz2 | you should find one that isn't mounted | 12:53 |
randy | System settings works, by the way. | 12:53 |
jermia | i will try | 12:53 |
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Whiz2 | adaptr: any idea what programs i could use for inbound/outbound spam control? | 12:56 |
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jermia | :( now i cant access my home folder | 01:01 |
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magical_trevsky | can anyone recommend a brand of mobile phone that syncs nicely with kubuntu? | 01:02 |
randy | Repeat your problem, jermia. | 01:02 |
magical_trevsky | I'm using a windows mobile phone with synce atm | 01:02 |
Whiz2 | jermia: what exactly did you do? | 01:02 |
jermia | i connect an external harddisk (usb) | 01:02 |
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jermia | then i open system settings | 01:02 |
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jermia | (i can;t open system settings now) | 01:03 |
jermia | i click the disk icon | 01:03 |
Nostferka | kubuntu is sooo much better than gnome | 01:03 |
jermia | there's my external harddisk icon | 01:04 |
jermia | i click the admin mode and input the password | 01:04 |
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jermia | then i change the mount option to /home, then i enable it | 01:04 |
jermia | so? | 01:04 |
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Whiz2 | oops | 01:04 |
^Slick | Hello | 01:05 |
Whiz2 | you just changed the location of your entire home directory | 01:05 |
jermia | o ow | 01:05 |
Whiz2 | in a console window, type the following two comamnds | 01:05 |
Whiz2 | sudo umount -a | 01:05 |
Whiz2 | sudo mount -a | 01:05 |
Whiz2 | that should fix it | 01:06 |
jermia | umount or unmount? | 01:06 |
Whiz2 | umount | 01:06 |
jermia | ok, but it says KDEinit couldn't launch konsole | 01:06 |
Whiz2 | reboot | 01:06 |
Nostferka | How do i speed up my kde remote desktop? | 01:06 |
Whiz2 | that should also fix it | 01:06 |
jermia | ow ok | 01:06 |
Nostferka | it was pretty nippy on gnome | 01:07 |
Nostferka | now its really slow | 01:07 |
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jermia | thanks whiz2, thanks a lot | 01:07 |
jermia | i reboot now | 01:07 |
Whiz2 | you're welcome | 01:07 |
Nostferka | Question: How do i speed up remote desktop on the lan? | 01:08 |
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nahemoth | I want to extract a package called xmlto | 01:11 |
nahemoth | should I write apt-get xmlto | 01:11 |
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nahemoth | "apt-get xmlto" | 01:11 |
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nahemoth | or what am i missing here | 01:11 |
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mohsin | hi dear i can't see any booot splash while boot or nor any text can anybody help me | 01:12 |
mohsin | ? | 01:12 |
mohsin | is any one here | 01:13 |
mohsin | ? | 01:13 |
Whiz2 | i'm slick... i sent the abuser named in that one email a message stating they would be reported to thier mail service provider... | 01:13 |
Whiz2 | can you see your login screen? | 01:13 |
mohsin | yeah | 01:14 |
Whiz2 | and everything else works fine? | 01:14 |
mohsin | before login screen nothing just a black window | 01:14 |
mohsin | yeah | 01:14 |
Whiz2 | then i wouldn't worry too much about that | 01:14 |
mohsin | its very anoying to see black screen evry time | 01:14 |
mohsin | while booting up the system | 01:15 |
Whiz2 | did it ever show? | 01:15 |
mohsin | no | 01:15 |
mohsin | never | 01:15 |
Whiz2 | then it likely will not | 01:15 |
mohsin | i install my kubuntu almost 5 times | 01:15 |
randy | The things that should be in Kcontrol are now in Lost & Found in the K menu. But I cannot access them in Administrator mode (doesn't ask for the root password) | 01:15 |
mohsin | but nothing change | 01:15 |
Whiz2 | probably has something to do with your video hardware. nothing you can do about it | 01:15 |
randy | All this after installing 3.5.7. | 01:15 |
mohsin | just try sudo kcontrol | 01:16 |
randy | Sudo kcontrol doesn't work... | 01:16 |
mohsin | installing 3.5.7 | 01:16 |
mohsin | don understand | 01:16 |
randy | After the upgrade to 3.5.7, kcontrol doesn't work | 01:16 |
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randy | If I run kdesu kcontrol, I get the GUI, but no programs | 01:17 |
randy | If I look for the programs that are in kcontrol, I find them in Lost & Found in the K menu | 01:17 |
mohsin | whiz2 my video card is fine i think because it work great in windows enviornament | 01:17 |
mohsin | but didn't work in unix flaour like kubuntu | 01:17 |
randy | So, for example, if I want to run the Samba configuration (which I usually do in Kcontrol), I can't do it. | 01:18 |
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Whiz2 | mohsin: it's probablty just a minor glitch in the video compatability with Linux. | 01:18 |
Whiz2 | that's what i mean | 01:18 |
mohsin | its an intel one | 01:18 |
randy | sambaconf shows up in Lost & Found in the kmenu. | 01:18 |
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mohsin | i don think there is any prob wid it | 01:18 |
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Whiz2 | basically there is nothing you can do about it | 01:18 |
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mohsin | can i past my menu.lst | 01:18 |
mohsin | please have a look | 01:18 |
Whiz2 | http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/ put it there then paste the given URL here | 01:19 |
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mohsin | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23409/ | 01:20 |
mohsin | just have a look | 01:20 |
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mohsin | i think there is a minor prob there | 01:20 |
jermia | whiz2 thanks. it works | 01:21 |
mohsin | which i can't handle | 01:21 |
=== drblood [n=drblood@pool-70-20-26-148.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
drblood | n e one here | 01:21 |
mohsin | yeah | 01:21 |
drblood | n e one here smart | 01:21 |
mohsin | no | 01:22 |
jorik808 | anyone knows a good tutorial on GRUB ? i installed windows on a secondary (slave?) harddrive and GRUB doesn't allow me to choose it | 01:22 |
drblood | :/ | 01:22 |
drblood | il get sum help after skool i guess | 01:22 |
mohsin | past ur menu.lst | 01:22 |
mohsin | on | 01:22 |
mohsin | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 01:22 |
hyuma | how can I install frozen-bubble 2.0 on edgy? | 01:22 |
hyuma | I've 1.0 | 01:22 |
mohsin | and give the url back | 01:22 |
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Whiz2 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23409/ i don't see anything wrong with it | 01:23 |
mohsin | ahan | 01:23 |
mohsin | then whats the prob wid it | 01:23 |
mohsin | dear can u tell me how can i upgrade my video card drivers | 01:24 |
jermia | now how to mount my harddisk (external) | 01:24 |
mohsin | this might make some difference | 01:24 |
jermia | i think the name is sda1 | 01:24 |
=== JohnFlux_ is now known as JohnFlux | ||
Whiz2 | jermia: you're welcome... next time mount the drive to /media/devname (devname is the hard drive device name) | 01:24 |
Whiz2 | jermia: then mount it to /media/sda1 | 01:24 |
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mohsin | dear sda is for flash drives | 01:24 |
Whiz2 | but first you have to make the dir | 01:24 |
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Whiz2 | mohsin: it is an external drive | 01:25 |
mohsin | ahhhhhhh | 01:25 |
mohsin | dear can u tell me how can i upgrade my video card drivers | 01:25 |
mohsin | this might make some difference | 01:25 |
Whiz2 | mohsin: ask your card manufacturer if they have updated drivers for linux based operating systems | 01:25 |
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mohsin | this means that i can't do anything regarding to this | 01:26 |
mohsin | ? | 01:26 |
chuen | Hi. Can someone help me out with a problem I have with how my machine boots? | 01:26 |
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Whiz2 | mohsin: I don't see how you can, but if the system works fine once it's up, then it's not a problem. just a visual issue up to that point | 01:27 |
mohsin | chuen whats the prob is | 01:27 |
jermia | my internal harddisk name with windows in it is hda1, and is mounted to /media/sda1 | 01:27 |
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jermia | what should i do? also mount my external hdd to /media/sda1? | 01:27 |
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mohsin | yeah but its realy anoying to see black window every time and not knowing whats happening | 01:27 |
mohsin | dear i can't see even the text | 01:27 |
chuen | mohsin: Until recently, my machine booted 'automatically' using grub - i.e. selected kubuntu as default and went on eith the process ... | 01:27 |
chuen | Now I have to 'intervene' at the menu and select the kernal manually. | 01:28 |
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Whiz2 | jermia: did you manually mount the windows drive to sda1? | 01:28 |
chuen | I s thsi menu.lst that needs editing? | 01:28 |
jermia | no | 01:28 |
mohsin | whiz2 dear i can't see even the text | 01:28 |
jermia | it is in the disk & filesystem menu | 01:29 |
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mohsin | chen yeah u are right | 01:29 |
mohsin | if i can seee only the text i will fine to me | 01:29 |
jermia | i never touched it before | 01:29 |
chuen | mohsin: Ah. So what will I need to look for to change edit? Can I pastebin what I currently have? | 01:29 |
=== rogerheien is now known as HoocH_LAP | ||
Whiz2 | jermia: do you know how to access your fstab? | 01:29 |
mohsin | yeah | 01:29 |
jermia | no | 01:29 |
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Whiz2 | mohsin: there really is nothing to see | 01:30 |
chuen | mohsin: OK - one sec (minute!) | 01:30 |
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mohsin | lol | 01:30 |
mohsin | i know that but the same black is realy anoying and i want to get rid of it | 01:30 |
Whiz2 | jermia: in the k menu, click on run, and type kdesu kate /etc/fstab | 01:31 |
chuen | mohsin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23412/ | 01:31 |
Whiz2 | it will prompt you for a password. just enter yours, and it should open it | 01:31 |
=== HoocH_LAP [n=rogerhei@242.81-167-47.customer.lyse.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
Whiz2 | mohsin: I can understand how it may annoy you, but sometimes there is just nothing you can do. | 01:32 |
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Drblood[away] | 01:32 | |
jermia | ok. nothing happen | 01:32 |
Drblood[away] | afk time | 01:32 |
Whiz2 | jermia: did you even get a password prompt? | 01:32 |
mohsin | ahhhhhhhh | 01:32 |
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mohsin | cheun | 01:33 |
mohsin | can u tell me whats the prob u are facing right now | 01:33 |
jermia | ok wait it works, it should be no space between kate and /etc | 01:33 |
jermia | wait | 01:33 |
=== soulrider_ [n=mauro@r190-64-49-170.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu | ||
defcon | how do I get a uuid for a hard drive | 01:33 |
Whiz2 | jermia there swhould be a space | 01:33 |
jermia | ok it works | 01:34 |
mohsin | cheun are u still there | 01:34 |
jermia | theres space | 01:34 |
Whiz2 | jermia http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ paste your fstab into there, and i'll take a look and tell you what to change | 01:34 |
chuen | mohsin: Yes, sorry .. | 01:34 |
Whiz2 | jermia: please provide me with the URL it gives you too | 01:34 |
mohsin | chuen | 01:35 |
chuen | mohsin: Yes, still here. | 01:35 |
mohsin | u are using the dual operating system | 01:35 |
chuen | mohsin: No, just Kubuntu | 01:35 |
jermia | whiz2: it's http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23414/ | 01:35 |
mohsin | then whats the prob is | 01:36 |
mohsin | ? | 01:36 |
jermia | fyi, i currently plug my external hdd | 01:36 |
chuen | mohsin: I have to now hist 'esc' to enetr the menu and manually select the kernel , hit enter before the boot continuues .. | 01:36 |
chuen | chuen: before this problem, it would automatially go to Kubuntu oloading splash screen | 01:37 |
chuen | mohsin: before, it would automatically display splash screen. | 01:38 |
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mohsin | ahan | 01:38 |
mohsin | i can't say anything about that please refer to whiz2 | 01:39 |
chuen | mohsin: was that for me (refer to whiz2)? | 01:39 |
mohsin | yeah | 01:39 |
chuen | mohsin: OK, thanks,. | 01:39 |
Whiz2 | jermia: go to system settings, then storage... look for the drive that is not mounted. what is the device, or UUID? | 01:39 |
mohsin | no worries might | 01:39 |
chuen | mohsin: you in Oz? | 01:40 |
Whiz2 | chuen: does your system work fine once you get to login screen? | 01:40 |
mohsin | lol | 01:40 |
mohsin | no i live in aus | 01:40 |
chuen | Whiz2: Yes, once I enter the menue manually via 'es' key and select kernel, hit enter, yes. | 01:40 |
chuen | mohsin: Ak zo! | 01:41 |
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Whiz2 | chuen: what did you change just before this issue started? | 01:41 |
chuen | Whiz2: All I did was install GDE. It' been like that suince then. | 01:41 |
mohsin | okay whiz2 thanks for your time and have nice time | 01:42 |
jermia | whiz2: there's no storage icon in system settings, but there's disk & filesystems icon in advance tab | 01:42 |
Whiz2 | mohsin: sorry i couldn't help more | 01:42 |
jermia | is it what you mean? | 01:42 |
mohsin | no worries might | 01:42 |
Whiz2 | jermia: yes | 01:42 |
epimeth | anybody know the tool for viewing tcp traffic? I'm trying to catch the request/response from this site.... | 01:42 |
mohsin | thanks for what u do ! :) | 01:42 |
balaji | hi everybody | 01:42 |
jermia | ok, there's my removable USB Disk and my internal HDD | 01:43 |
Whiz2 | chuen: gnome desktop? | 01:43 |
chuen | Whiz2: Did you see my pastebin link? | 01:43 |
Whiz2 | no paste it again plz? | 01:43 |
chuen | Whiz2: yes, I tried uninstalling it but still made no difference: | 01:43 |
mohsin | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23412/ | 01:43 |
jermia | there's no information on UUID though | 01:43 |
mohsin | for cheun | 01:43 |
balaji | i have a brand new USb harddisk which is not formatted to any filesystem just empty can u help me in formatting one part as NTFS and other part as ext3 for linux? | 01:43 |
jermia | the name is Removable USB Disk MHT208RAH | 01:43 |
chuen | mohsin: Thanks mate :) | 01:44 |
Whiz2 | jermia: does it have a device name? /dev/devicename | 01:44 |
chuen | Whiz2: see above (mohsin) | 01:44 |
mohsin | bye everyone | 01:44 |
jermia | device name is /dev/sda1 | 01:44 |
balaji | ? | 01:44 |
jermia | it is marked disabled | 01:44 |
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Whiz2 | chuen: delete the repeats | 01:45 |
balaji | i have a brand new USb harddisk which is not formatted to any filesystem just empty can u help me in formatting one part as NTFS and other part as ext3 for linux | 01:45 |
=== savetheWorld [n=Lester@c-24-62-225-133.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chuen | Whiz2: 'repeats'? | 01:46 |
balaji | i would like to load linux in the ext3 partion | 01:46 |
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Maruko | hi | 01:47 |
Whiz2 | chuen: under ## ## End Default Options ## look at each "title" section, and delete each complete section that is repeated anywhere else... make SURE it is a repeat before deleting, or you could make your system unbootable | 01:47 |
Maruko | can anybody help me with a problem with my wireless card? | 01:47 |
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balaji | i have a brand new USb harddisk which is not formatted to any filesystem just empty can u help me in formatting one part as NTFS and other part as ext3 for linux | 01:48 |
chuen | Whiz2: OK, thx. I'll take a careful look. brb. | 01:48 |
Whiz2 | jermia: according to your fstab, /dev/sda1 is automounted to /home | 01:49 |
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mohsin | hay cheun | 01:49 |
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jermia | but in /home, there's only 'jermia' folder which contains 'desktop' folder | 01:50 |
Whiz2 | mohsin: i think i figured chuen's problem | 01:50 |
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chuen | Whiz2: Just a thought, when I booted manually the 2.6.17-11-386 kernel would not load. I tried 2.6.17-10-386 which did. So | 01:50 |
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mohsin | ahan | 01:50 |
mohsin | i just seee his menu.lst | 01:50 |
defcon | does kubuntu work on gutsy | 01:50 |
defcon | ? | 01:50 |
chuen | Whiz2: what should I delete? Also, presumably I need to keep one 'real and 1 'recover'? | 01:50 |
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mohsin | okay dear cheeers | 01:51 |
Whiz2 | which one's boot properly? 11 right? | 01:51 |
chuen | Whiz2: No, 10. | 01:52 |
Whiz2 | delete all but 10 | 01:52 |
chuen | Whiz2: OK, thx. | 01:52 |
Whiz2 | keep memtest | 01:52 |
jermia | whiz2: how to fix it? i can't see my external hdd in /home | 01:52 |
chuen | Whiz2: OK. | 01:52 |
Whiz2 | jermia: how did it mount to home? | 01:53 |
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jermia | i think because i change it in the disk & filesystem dialog | 01:54 |
jermia | i just changed it to /mnt | 01:54 |
jermia | just now | 01:54 |
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Whiz2 | you should never mount anything to /home | 01:54 |
jermia | ow i see | 01:55 |
aleubuntu | good morning | 01:55 |
jermia | is it safe for me now to enable it? the ext hdd is mounted to /mnt | 01:55 |
Whiz2 | that directory is a system directory located on your root drive normally (C) | 01:55 |
aleubuntu | is anyone able to help me to reset the gnome-window-manager? | 01:55 |
balaji_ | <aleubuntu> what happened? | 01:56 |
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Whiz2 | jermia: what happens when you try to open /media/sda1 by browsing to it? | 01:56 |
Whiz2 | is there anything there? | 01:56 |
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compilerwriter | How is it that one could have a blank Konqueror window open on a desktop? | 01:56 |
aleubuntu | hi balaji | 01:57 |
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jermia | whiz2: it opens my windows partition | 01:57 |
nosrednaekim | compilerwriter: blank? you mean with abosolutely nothing displayed? | 01:57 |
aleubuntu | bah ...i really don't know.....because we are 2 user (Admin) working in this computer | 01:57 |
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Maruko | anyone who can help me with my wireless card? | 01:57 |
Whiz2 | jermia in console type sudo bash | 01:58 |
aleubuntu | and nowdays i when i open a window program i don't have the access to the preferences of windows manager file | 01:58 |
jermia | ok | 01:58 |
jermia | done | 01:58 |
compilerwriter | That is correct nosrednaekim. Absolutely nothing displayed. | 01:58 |
aleubuntu | ---> maruko which problem? | 01:59 |
Whiz2 | jermia: then enter your password. next type mkdir /media/extrenal then change the mount point for the drive to that folder | 01:59 |
nosrednaekim | Maruko: are you doing wpa? if not I can help | 01:59 |
nosrednaekim | compilerwriter: make a blank html file and macke it your homepage | 01:59 |
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Whiz2 | jermia: then try to mount it, or reboot, and see if that fixes it | 02:00 |
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compilerwriter | A this page left blank intentionally thing nosrednaekim? | 02:00 |
Nostferka | you know when u install the kde and it asks whether u wanna focus on processor power or how hot it looks | 02:00 |
Nostferka | how do i get back to that? | 02:00 |
nosrednaekim | compilerwriter: huh? | 02:00 |
JuJuBee | Im using feisty. Where do I set the display manager kdm/gdm ? I installed gdm to test something and want to switch back to kdm. | 02:01 |
Jucato | compilerwriter: put "about:blank" in Konqueror? | 02:01 |
jermia | do you mean my external drive? or my windows partition? | 02:01 |
Whiz2 | the extrenal | 02:01 |
balaji_ | i have a brand new USb harddisk which is not formatted to any filesystem just empty can u help me in formatting one part as NTFS and other part as ext3 for linux | 02:01 |
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nosrednaekim | Nostferka: I don'tthink kubuntu has that | 02:01 |
balaji_ | help | 02:02 |
nosrednaekim | balaji_: get qtpatred | 02:02 |
Nostferka | it was like a slider thingy | 02:02 |
chuen | Whiz2: Thnx for that. I came back as #'proof' that sys booted ok :) | 02:02 |
Whiz2 | balaji_: use qtparted, or gparted | 02:02 |
Jucato | nosrednaekim, Nostferka: that's the "kpersonalizer" app I believe | 02:02 |
jermia | whiz2: should i enable it before i reboot? | 02:02 |
nosrednaekim | Nostferka: yeah I know.. the program is called kpersonalizer, and kubuntu doesn't have it | 02:02 |
Whiz2 | chuen: did it autoboot, or did you have to select the boot? | 02:02 |
compilerwriter | I did that jucato. Now to make that my home page? | 02:02 |
Whiz2 | jermia: yes | 02:02 |
chuen | Whiz2: auto | 02:02 |
bentob0x | anybody has advices on how to read .icns files on Kubuntu? | 02:03 |
Whiz2 | chuen: glad to be of assistance | 02:03 |
bentob0x | icons basically | 02:03 |
Nostferka | hmm | 02:03 |
Nostferka | ok ty | 02:03 |
aleubuntu | is anyone able to help me to reset the gnome-window-manager? | 02:03 |
aleubuntu | is anyone able to help me to reset the gnome-window-manager? | 02:03 |
aleubuntu | is anyone able to help me to reset the gnome-window-manager? | 02:03 |
Whiz2 | balaji: I'm sorry gparted or qtparted | 02:03 |
chuen | Whiz2: I'm in awe of the quality of support here - thx again. | 02:03 |
Jucato | compilerwriter: you wouldn't want to make it your home page (because that should be ~ or $HOME). rather, what you would want to do is to Save the View Profile so that it will be the default page when you launch Konqueror | 02:03 |
Whiz2 | chuen: lol | 02:03 |
jermia | whiz2: should i reboot or i can just use ctrl+alt+backspace? | 02:03 |
Jucato | aleubuntu: please ask in #ubuntu | 02:03 |
Whiz2 | chuen: believe it or not, i'm kind of a linux newbie. ;-) | 02:03 |
chuen | Whiz2: bye ttyl | 02:03 |
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Whiz2 | jermia: in console try umount -a then mount -a | 02:04 |
compilerwriter | jucato my home page is ~ | 02:04 |
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jermia | it said: device is busy | 02:04 |
compilerwriter | jucato now how do I save the view profile exactly. I am looking right now, but just so I get this done correctly. | 02:05 |
Whiz2 | reboot | 02:05 |
balaji_ | yeah i used gparted but that shows parttion as unallocated and filesystem as unallocated | 02:05 |
Jucato | compilerwriter: yes. Save View Profile instead of changing the home button | 02:05 |
Whiz2 | jermia: reboot | 02:05 |
jermia | ok | 02:05 |
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Jucato | compilerwriter: leave only one tab open. then put about:blank in the address. then go to Settings -> Save View Profile "Kubuntu Web" | 02:05 |
Nostferka | Is there anyway of speeding up my remote desktop on my kubuntu machine?! | 02:05 |
Nostferka | is soooo slwo | 02:06 |
Nostferka | it used to be rapid on gnome | 02:06 |
balaji_ | <aleubuntu> u didnt explain ur qn fully | 02:07 |
compilerwriter | Do I need to call it "Kubuntu Web" or will the default name work jucato. | 02:07 |
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Maruko | aleubuntu: I juast cannot use that port | 02:07 |
Jucato | compilerwriter: the default name will work, but generally you want to use the default Konqueror Web Profile (the one that's used when you launch Konqueror from the K Menu) | 02:07 |
balaji_ | whiz2 i have gparted installed but it shows both filesystem and parttion as unallocated | 02:08 |
Maruko | when I give ndiswrapper -l it says the driver is installed | 02:08 |
Maruko | but if I try to use it I cannot find any network | 02:08 |
Maruko | nor I can use that port | 02:08 |
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balaji_ | ? | 02:09 |
balaji_ | i want to create a file system and a partition on it | 02:09 |
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Maruko | compilerwriter: what should I do | 02:11 |
Maruko | I cannot use my wpa | 02:11 |
balaji_ | whiz2/ | 02:11 |
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ph8 | hey all, i'm trying to install nvidia drivers - the ubuntu.com guide says goto System -> Administration -> Restricted Devices Manager | 02:12 |
ph8 | does anyone know what the kde equivalent is? | 02:12 |
cntb | anyone did dual boot with Vista-homepremium already ? | 02:13 |
cntb | anyone made dual boot with Vista-homepremium already ? | 02:13 |
ph8 | i'm planning to later cntb | 02:13 |
ph8 | are you having problems? | 02:13 |
nosrednaekim | ph8: ther is no equivalent...hoever, you can instal resticted manager from the repositories | 02:13 |
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nosrednaekim | cntb: I want to... | 02:13 |
ph8 | nosrednaekim: cool - i'll just apt get the packages and see what happens :p | 02:13 |
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nosrednaekim | ph8: I think the package name is restricted-manager..probably will have a couple depenedencies | 02:14 |
berozaliii | hey... I'm wondering how to mount an external HD? | 02:14 |
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nosrednaekim | berozaliii: just plug it in.,.. | 02:15 |
berozaliii | jupps... tried that one :) | 02:15 |
nosrednaekim | bye all. | 02:16 |
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balaji_ | can anyone help? | 02:20 |
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Whiz2 | balaji_: what's do you need? | 02:21 |
balaji_ | see i have a USB harddisk with no partition and no filesystem how to create two spaces and have two partiton? | 02:22 |
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Whiz2 | balaji_: use qtparted, or gparted to create partitions, and format them | 02:22 |
balaji_ | yeah i just downloaded qtparted but when i try to create partition it gives error | 02:23 |
Whiz2 | balaji_: what error? | 02:23 |
balaji_ | wait | 02:23 |
balaji_ | it was not possible to create a new partition table | 02:25 |
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balaji_ | but first i want filesystem in it no? | 02:25 |
Whiz2 | you must create partitions first before file systems | 02:25 |
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Whiz2 | when creating the partitions, it should ask what kind of file system you want there | 02:26 |
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balaji_ | but thats not happening? | 02:27 |
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Whiz2 | right click the "empty" space, and creat | 02:27 |
Whiz2 | create | 02:27 |
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pm1 | hello ;) | 02:29 |
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BluesKaj | too bad balaji_ isn't using GParted Live CD partition editor ...it will see the HDD | 02:29 |
Whiz2 | i need to go... good luck balaji_ | 02:30 |
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balaji_ | lueskaj i used the live cd its not showing /dev/sdb at all | 02:30 |
pm1 | herre , i have a probs with my kubuntu can any1 help | 02:30 |
compilerwriter | Maruko I have no idea what you should do. | 02:30 |
balaji_ | blueskaj i used the live cd its not showing /dev/sdb at all | 02:31 |
SlimeyPete | pm1: just ask your question. If anyone knows the answer, then they'll talk to you :) | 02:31 |
balaji_ | what do u mean can u explain fully? | 02:32 |
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balaji_ | blueskaj? | 02:33 |
compilerwriter | ok Jucato I have done the save the profile thing, Now what was causing me to have a Konqueror window with absolutely nothing displayed. That was not bothering me so much as not knowing why it was happening. | 02:33 |
pm1 | klkl... when i go to shut down kubuntu ... it comes up the kubuntu sign n it keeps flashing n it does not shut down :S how do i fix this | 02:33 |
Jucato | compilerwriter: I though that was what you wanted? | 02:33 |
SlimeyPete | pm1: do you have an ATI graphics card by any chance? | 02:33 |
jermia | whiz2: it says that i don't have enough permissions to read the external hdd | 02:34 |
BluesKaj | balaji_, does windows see the drive | 02:34 |
pm1 | yes | 02:34 |
BluesKaj | ? | 02:34 |
balaji_ | yes but nothing displyed like no drive icons | 02:34 |
SlimeyPete | pm1: thought so. I have the same problem, as do some other people. It seems to be a problem with the ATI drivers. I'm afraid I haven't heard of any way to fix it. | 02:34 |
balaji_ | it shows new hardare located | 02:34 |
balaji_ | new usb drive found and mass storage found | 02:35 |
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BluesKaj | does it show in "my compouter", balaji_ ? | 02:35 |
balaji_ | no | 02:35 |
jermia | oops | 02:35 |
pm1 | ok ... can u tell me how to play .divx file on kubuntu | 02:35 |
BluesKaj | !codecs | pm1 | 02:36 |
ubotu | pm1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:36 |
compilerwriter | What was happening Jucato, was that, when I pointed to a desktop with my mouse, Pager {I think that is what it is called} told me I had a Konqueror window open. However, on my screen I had absolutely nothing but the desktop. My first question was how that could be and why? | 02:36 |
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BluesKaj | balaji_, do you have other ports that show on "my computer" as drives ? | 02:37 |
compilerwriter | Getting the about:blank thing properly set up was a good thing though. I sure as hell would have put about:blank in the homepage line, not remembering that Konqueror is also my file system browser as well. :-) You gave me a really good lesson, albeit, inadvertantly. | 02:37 |
balaji_ | yes i have small pen drives with 1 gb space they show up | 02:38 |
compilerwriter | That having been said what the hell was going on? | 02:38 |
BluesKaj | balaji_,did an install software disc come with outboard drive ? | 02:39 |
compilerwriter | Please tell me o wise Jucato. | 02:39 |
balaji_ | yes | 02:39 |
BluesKaj | did you use it | 02:39 |
balaji_ | but that reads supercomp external casing disc or something of that sort | 02:40 |
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BluesKaj | in windows | 02:40 |
epimeth | anybody know the tool for viewing tcp traffic? I'm trying to catch the request/response from this site.... | 02:40 |
balaji_ | no | 02:40 |
Jucato | compilerwriter: I have no idea though... maybe it has been minimized or hidden? sorry I can't see your desktop so I'm a bit clueless | 02:40 |
balaji_ | i'll give u the model no wait | 02:40 |
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compilerwriter | Just out of curiosity Jucato is it better to have home set to ~ or $HOME? and while I am at it, is it just convention to captalize environment variables or is it something that the OS expects? | 02:41 |
MrDigimon | how do i install TLS so aMSN works? | 02:41 |
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balaji_ | ST93823A | 02:42 |
epimeth | ahoy Jucato! :-) | 02:42 |
balaji_ | ST98823A | 02:42 |
balaji_ | sorry | 02:42 |
compilerwriter | It wasn't minimized, as I could not click on it on the kicker Jucato. Why would I have a hidden Konqueror window come up? | 02:42 |
MrDigimon | anyone thats know the answear to my Q? Y or N | 02:43 |
balaji_ | the CD has following files | 02:43 |
compilerwriter | Would Kontact perhaps utilize a hidden Konqueror Window to display the various other programs for which it is a front-end Jucato? | 02:43 |
Jucato | compilerwriter: 1) it's better to have home set to $HOME because that's what the system expects. 2) some of the environment variables have been standardized so there's little use in changing that. but they don't have to. you can pretty much make your own environment variables | 02:43 |
aldin | which package contains xubuntu 7.04 wallpaper? | 02:43 |
Jucato | compilerwriter: no idea. I don't know why/if you have a hidden konqueror window | 02:44 |
balaji_ | ximeta driver | 02:44 |
cntb | anyone made dual boot with Vista-homepremium already ? | 02:44 |
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epimeth | cntb: I did | 02:45 |
epimeth | cntb: no problems | 02:45 |
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balaji_ | ?/ | 02:46 |
Jucato | epimeth: hi! (sorry for the late greeting) | 02:46 |
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epimeth | cntb: it even found the installer on hda1 | 02:46 |
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epimeth | Jucato: and here I thought you just didn't like me | 02:46 |
compilerwriter | Jucato, I was thinking that perhaps the $HOME thing would be better, as it is specific, compared to the ~. Would there be any difference in interpretation, say in the instance of doing a su to another id, between the two? | 02:47 |
epimeth | you wouldn't happen to know what the name of the tool that monitors tcp packets is, do you? | 02:47 |
epimeth | isn't ~ = $HOME ? | 02:47 |
epimeth | erm | 02:47 |
epimeth | $HOME/<username> | 02:47 |
Maruko | can anybody help me with wireless? | 02:48 |
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Jucato | compilerwriter: there's no difference between the two. you don't need to have only one | 02:48 |
balaji_ | blueskaj? | 02:48 |
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Jucato | compilerwriter: both are used by the system. no need for you to change anything there. | 02:48 |
Jucato | compilerwriter: although $HOME can probably be used more in scripts than ~ | 02:48 |
Jucato | and I think ~ is hardcoded to point to $HOME, while $HOME, being a variable, can be changed | 02:49 |
BluesKaj | sorry balaji_ I don't know why GParted/qparted can't see or partition your USB drive ...Jucato ? | 02:49 |
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Jucato | no idea. me is no hardware guru :) | 02:49 |
balaji_ | ok thanks for the help | 02:49 |
balaji_ | bye | 02:49 |
compilerwriter | Jucato can a person write a bash script on the the fly from the terminal? | 02:50 |
=== youlin [n=user@ppp198-203.lns3.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
compilerwriter | Or must one write the blasted thing to a file and execute it? | 02:50 |
Jucato | a bash script is just a collection of individual commands that you run on a command line. so you can run each line in the command line | 02:51 |
Jucato | but it doesn't really make sense, specially when you want to run it as a sort of whole | 02:51 |
=== _Shade_ [n=adam@nat2.subscribers.sferia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | but I'm no BASH expert either :P | 02:52 |
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=== frojnd [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
epimeth | lol | 02:52 |
mcgregor | could someone please tell me how to recover some deleted files? | 02:52 |
epimeth | in fact, Jucato doesn't know much of anything... | 02:52 |
=== gary_ [n=gary@user-5445277f.lns4-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mcgregor | the files i deleted are not in the trash folder because i used shift-delete | 02:53 |
mcgregor | could someone please tell me how to recover some deleted files? | 02:53 |
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epimeth | mcgregor: I shredded some important documents into tiny peices, can you help me paste them back together again? | 02:53 |
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epimeth | mcgregor: I didn't mean for that to sound mean | 02:53 |
epimeth | but it makes the point.... | 02:53 |
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epimeth | mcgregor: take this is an important lesson: backup backup backup | 02:54 |
compilerwriter | I had a friend who would do little scripts to move a subset of files from one directory to a new directory utilizing a for [ls ] something or another. do [mv ] something or another thingy Jucato. That was the only use I had in mind for it. I was just trying to figure out if it would work in bash like it did for him in sh Jucato. | 02:54 |
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mcgregor | dudes | 02:55 |
mcgregor | i am not some master in linux | 02:55 |
epimeth | compilerwriter: sh commands should work perfectly in bash | 02:55 |
compilerwriter | Mcgregor welcome. We have masters here if you brought the scotch. | 02:55 |
epimeth | :-) | 02:55 |
mcgregor | yeah right | 02:55 |
mcgregor | the beer | 02:55 |
mcgregor | and the weed | 02:55 |
=== epimeth raises a rocks glass and looks around expectantly | ||
=== compilerwriter reminds epimeth that scotch should be drunk neet perhaps with room temperature water. | ||
epimeth | sooo... tcpdump shows me the request/responses... but not the content... how do I view that? anybody? | 02:57 |
=== SlimeyPete sometimes has ice with scotch. It can be more refreshing on a hot day. | ||
=== epimeth begs compilerwriter to notice the lack of the phrase "with ice" in his statement | ||
epimeth | however, | 02:57 |
=== epimeth mentions something about blended malts being okay to chill | ||
=== compilerwriter concedes that he has chilled scotch on a very hot day. But never on the rocks. | ||
=== compilerwriter drunk it on the rocks. | ||
=== compilerwriter shudders at the thought. | ||
=== epimeth is very upset at the thought of diluting such a fine liquer with water | ||
=== mobkey_ [n=mobkey@207-47-225-134.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== compilerwriter now understands that epimeth was talking about the glass only. | ||
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=== epimeth shudders and mentions a humerous story concerning a new bartender and her confusion as to what he meant by "a drop". | ||
=== epimeth was very understanding as, in hebrew, "a drop" can also mean "a little" | ||
=== epimeth was happy at the amount of liquid in his glass when he arrived, but then had to send it back as she "drowned the thing in water!!! what the hell?!?!!??" | ||
=== epimeth felt bad cuz it meant that a fine 15 year glenmorangie was left for the dogs | ||
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=== kunagisa [n=kunagisa@nn4.opt2.point.ne.jp] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BluesKaj | where's the offtopic police ? :) | 03:01 |
epimeth | !offtopic | 03:01 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 03:01 |
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=== compilerwriter nearly cries at 15 Glenmorangie being destroyed. | ||
epimeth | so... any network admins here? I forget how to view tcp packets coming to/from a specific site... tcpdump seems to only tell me that there *are* packets and not what they contained | 03:02 |
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BluesKaj | iptables ? | 03:02 |
kane | epimeth wireshark? | 03:02 |
=== epimeth pats compilerwriter on the shoulder soothingly and hands him a nappie | ||
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epimeth | kane: never heard of it... you suggest? | 03:03 |
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JuJuBee | I need some advice. I have a classroom with 20 workstations. I am currently using NIS to handle login accounts. It seems to be broken since one of the recent updates to feisty (it also causes problems with userconfig). What other options do I have that are not very difficult to set up and maintain for a linux beginner (about a year)? | 03:03 |
kane | epimeth: well it might be a bit much for what you want, it used to be called ethereal maybe you know it by that name. But its a very good tool. | 03:04 |
kane | very powerful for analayizing traffic. | 03:04 |
=== Jack3 [n=michael@pool-71-120-235-151.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee | ||
epimeth | ack... too much... if I need something like that I'll use ettercap... I just need to view my http request to this site and its response... I have a feeling he's doing something sneaky with me cuz I'm not trying to view it with a browser | 03:05 |
kane | ahhh. | 03:05 |
kane | no si then. | 03:05 |
=== sa [n=sa@0x5358db6c.bynxx17.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sa | hi everyone | 03:06 |
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=== notspam is now known as Hobbsee | ||
epimeth | hi sa | 03:06 |
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sa | i have a problem with my system while trying to shut it off | 03:07 |
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sa | when i shut down, the system exits, the screen goes black, blinks a coupe of times and stays black | 03:07 |
sa | but it does not shut off completely? | 03:07 |
epimeth | kane: conocer would be the verb choice there, I think... at least thats how it is in hebrew. you're not "aquainted with" a program that does it :-) | 03:08 |
supernova_ | how do i install the ATI drivers in kubuntu? | 03:08 |
malakun | hi! | 03:08 |
supernova_ | i have an RPM file (linux noob) | 03:08 |
supernova_ | i cant use adept because 9200 isnt supported in the new drivers | 03:08 |
=== blenheim [n=blenheim@217-78-203-59.ktab.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kane | i meant to type "no se" just i dont know. | 03:08 |
kane | if i spoke hebrew i would be much cooler than i am though. | 03:09 |
epimeth | supernova_: rpms are for redhat derivatives... you're using a debian derivitive which uses .deb files... | 03:09 |
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supernova_ | epimeth: so how do i solve this? | 03:09 |
JuJuBee | supernova_ : got mine at ati site. | 03:10 |
sa | anyone knows what is wrong with my comp= | 03:10 |
epimeth | kane: I know... just making the point that it probably should have conocer instead of ser :-) | 03:10 |
epimeth | supernova_: dunno... I'm sure there are people here with ATi who can help you... | 03:10 |
epimeth | heh... like JuJuBee here | 03:10 |
supernova_ | anyone with an ATI card? | 03:11 |
JuJuBee | Yep, go to ati's site and download the drivers. | 03:11 |
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supernova_ | epimeth: how do i make the icons etc (bottom at screen) smaller? | 03:11 |
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kane | epimeth: hrm hard to say, when i was it mexico i was taught that saber should be used to indicate a lack of knowledge of information or facts, and conocer should be a person place or object. | 03:12 |
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kane | i guess an application would be an object. | 03:12 |
kane | so i could see that. | 03:12 |
JuJuBee | supernova_ : http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon-prer200.html | 03:12 |
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kane | sa, if you hit like alt ctrl f1 does anything come up? | 03:13 |
supernova_ | jujuBee thats were i got the RPM from | 03:13 |
epimeth | kane: while I do remember something along those lines, I know that in hebrew (as in spanish) knowlege and acquantance are also different, and in hebrew I would say "makir" instead of "yode'a" | 03:14 |
=== Latty [n=Latty@host86-132-240-163.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sa | kane: yes, it says main login | 03:14 |
JuJuBee | supernova_ : right-click on the task bar and configure panel change the size... | 03:14 |
=== mikeont [n=mike@xplr-ts-t11-74-127-219-183.barrettxplore.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
supernova_ | i found out.. | 03:14 |
supernova_ | jujuBee but what do i do? rpm didnt work.. | 03:15 |
JuJuBee | https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run | 03:15 |
kane | sa: huh, try to do in a console. sudo halt | 03:15 |
JuJuBee | supernova_ : ^ | 03:15 |
BluesKaj | rpms aren't for kubuntu ...they won't work | 03:15 |
BluesKaj | !rpm | 03:15 |
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ubotu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 03:15 |
supernova_ | ubotu: yes yes but what do i do? ati only have .rpm | 03:16 |
=== dennis_ [n=dennis@f244.ip7.netikka.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BluesKaj | supernova_, look again | 03:16 |
JuJuBee | supernova_ : ubotu is a bot, not a person | 03:16 |
=== dennis_ is now known as MrDigimon | ||
JuJuBee | Did you follow my link? | 03:17 |
supernova_ | JuJuBee: yes | 03:17 |
MrDigimon | Anyone that knows how to get rid of the signal 11 error in WolfET | 03:17 |
=== sa [n=sa@0x5358db6c.bynxx17.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
supernova_ | .rpm | 03:17 |
sa | kane: back! | 03:17 |
kane | that run script generates the proper package doesnt it? | 03:17 |
BluesKaj | gawd | 03:17 |
sa | kane: that worked fine | 03:17 |
=== Quetzlcoatl [n=fmp@Home03062.cluj.astral.ro] has joined #kubuntu | ||
JuJuBee | No, it is a .run file... | 03:17 |
sa | kane: did "sudo halt" hybernate or shut off the system? | 03:18 |
kane | i forget how the silly ati drivers worked. | 03:18 |
kane | that halted. | 03:18 |
kane | turned it off | 03:18 |
supernova_ | the big one yes.. but it inly opens as a textfile kind a thing .. | 03:18 |
kane | i meant to say. | 03:18 |
BluesKaj | JuJuBee, this is not going to be easy for him unless you walk him thru it | 03:18 |
MrDigimon | where can i download drivers to Nvidia Vanta-16? | 03:18 |
kane | were you trying to shutdown or suspend? | 03:19 |
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sa | kane: hmmm...that worked all fine though...but when I shut off the system by pressing turn off it does not work | 03:19 |
=== roadfish [n=user@ip-66-203-178-31.ac2.golden.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sa | kane: I was trying to shut down | 03:19 |
kane | thats real strange, sorry sir i dont know what might cause that... | 03:20 |
sa | kane: hmm | 03:20 |
sa | kane: thanks anyway! :) | 03:20 |
sa | kane: what exactly is suspend? | 03:20 |
supernova_ | JuJuBee: when i folow the guide in the read me it says to type sh ./.... | 03:20 |
supernova_ | i do that and it executes but i get an error | 03:20 |
sa | kane: is there a site where I can find the short commands and their explanation? | 03:21 |
supernova_ | JuJuBee: ./ati-installer.sh: 165: Syntax error: Bad substitution | 03:21 |
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kane | sa: suspend basicly puts the computer to sleep. | 03:21 |
sa | kane: ok | 03:21 |
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kane | saves power | 03:21 |
sa | kane: and if I hybernate the computer then? | 03:21 |
ubunturos | anyone using Kopete on Kubuntu 6.06? | 03:21 |
sa | kane: Hibernate, sorry | 03:22 |
ubunturos | sa: you save your current state of your computer onto the disk | 03:22 |
ubunturos | eeks, *save the current* (correction) | 03:22 |
kane | Hibernate is sorta like suspend but it actually saves the info from ram to disk. | 03:22 |
epimeth | my current state is 'seated' | 03:22 |
kane | oh yeah like ubuntuross aid. | 03:22 |
JuJuBee | supernova_ : do you still have the .run file? | 03:23 |
sa | ubunturos: oh, ok...thank you! | 03:23 |
=== diego [n=diego@116.Red-88-24-220.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sa | kane: thanks for your help! | 03:23 |
JuJuBee | If not, then try sh ati-installer.sh | 03:23 |
=== diego is now known as hamaldragon | ||
ubunturos | anyone using Kopete on Kubuntu 6.06? | 03:23 |
kane | sa here are some linux commands for you http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/linux/cmd/ | 03:23 |
JuJuBee | ubunturos : yes. | 03:24 |
_rekisser_ | Oh, i see U r discussing suspend. Can smb give me a link 2 simple manual? (Noob) | 03:24 |
supernova_ | JuJuBee: yes i have the file | 03:24 |
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JuJuBee | supernova_: chmod o+w that file and then ./ati-driver.... | 03:24 |
ubunturos | JuJuBee: the docs of Kopete, are of which version of Kopete? | 03:24 |
supernova_ | JuJuBee: i didnt unsterstand that last thing | 03:25 |
=== Nostferka [n=tinwell@host86-135-34-144.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sa | kane: thanks! | 03:25 |
kane | np | 03:25 |
JuJuBee | supernova_ : you need to make the file executable... chmod o+w {filename} will turn on the execute bit for the file you type (without the {}. | 03:25 |
supernova_ | okey... | 03:26 |
supernova_ | but it executes the file already (extrakting it and so on) | 03:26 |
supernova_ | Uncompressing ATI Proprietary Linux Driver-8.28.8 | 03:26 |
supernova_ | .. | 03:26 |
JuJuBee | supernova_: then you run the file (I think the ati drivers need to be installed as root) by typing sudo ./ati-driver-installer-{whatever your version numbers are} and it will install | 03:27 |
JuJuBee | OK. THen it installed. | 03:27 |
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sa | kane: Can beryl work properly without a good graphics accelerator? | 03:27 |
JuJuBee | Check your K-menu for an ATI Control center. | 03:27 |
kane | depends on what you mean by good. | 03:27 |
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supernova_ | JuJuBee: then this line appears ./ati-installer.sh: 165: Syntax error: Bad substitution | 03:27 |
kane | what do you have? | 03:27 |
sa | kane: is there any info on beryl? as in, how to install and use? | 03:27 |
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=== arvinder [n=arvinder@CPE00d0b793336f-CM0019475dc908.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
JuJuBee | Did you run the installer as root? (sudo ) | 03:28 |
supernova_ | just typed sh ./ | 03:28 |
kane | sa if you go here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu and type in beryl for the search it should bring up that sort of info | 03:28 |
Dekkard | !beryl | 03:29 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 03:29 |
sa | kane: nothing fancy, i have a intel GMA 900 | 03:29 |
JuJuBee | supernova_ : the .run file is not a shell script. run by : sudo ./ait-driver-installer ... | 03:29 |
supernova_ | in the command promt it says username@username :$ | 03:29 |
akrus | how to format SD card in FAT32? :) | 03:30 |
JuJuBee | supernova_: are you logged into the computer with an account that has sudo priv's? | 03:30 |
kane | sa: hrm, sec there was a good review of different card with berly the other day.... | 03:30 |
supernova_ | JuJuBee: i assume... fresh install | 03:30 |
kane | sa: here http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=730&num=1 | 03:30 |
JuJuBee | supernova_: does your prompt litteraly say username@username ? | 03:31 |
sa | kane: ok | 03:31 |
supernova_ | yes | 03:31 |
supernova_ | tried sudo sh ./... but the same error appears | 03:31 |
JuJuBee | You created an account called username? | 03:31 |
icf7 | akrus: Fastest way: mkfs.vfat /dev/[SDCARDDEVICE] | 03:31 |
supernova_ | JuJuBee: haha now i missunsterstood you | 03:31 |
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JuJuBee | NO, just sudo ./ati-driver-installer... | 03:31 |
akrus | icf7: not working :) | 03:32 |
supernova_ | it doesnt literaly say username.. it says my username | 03:32 |
icf7 | akrus: Why? | 03:32 |
akrus | no idea | 03:32 |
akrus | akrus@flygroup:~$ sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdd1 | 03:32 |
akrus | mkfs.vfat 2.11 (12 Mar 2005) | 03:32 |
akrus | that's all | 03:32 |
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icf7 | akrus: Well, do you get any error message? | 03:32 |
supernova_ | JuJuBee: okey ill try.. but how did you know to type that (i want to learn) | 03:32 |
akrus | nothing o_O | 03:32 |
akrus | or is it supposed to be this way? | 03:32 |
akrus | it takes ~1 second | 03:32 |
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akrus | 2gb disk drive | 03:33 |
=== milian_und_emonk is now known as milian | ||
supernova_ | JuJuBee: so i shoult type sh ./ati-driver-installer ? | 03:33 |
akrus | and the files are still here :) | 03:33 |
=== bentob0x [n=laurent@ip-213-49-82-96.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sa | kane: hmm | 03:33 |
supernova_ | cant open file | 03:33 |
akrus | working well with ext3 | 03:33 |
JuJuBee | supernova_: NO, type sudo ./ati-driver-installer.... | 03:33 |
icf7 | akrus: The files are still there? Please unmount first | 03:33 |
akrus | but not with vfat | 03:34 |
akrus | icf7: sure i unmounted it :) | 03:34 |
JuJuBee | supernova_: use sh filename.sh when it is a shell script. | 03:34 |
icf7 | akrus: so it works with mkfs.ext3 but not mkfs.vfat? | 03:34 |
akrus | yes | 03:34 |
akrus | vfat does nothing | 03:34 |
akrus | no error messages, just plain nothing :) | 03:34 |
icf7 | akrus: mkfs.vfat has a verbose option -v, could cou paste that to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 03:35 |
supernova_ | JuJuBee: by ........ you mean? | 03:35 |
akrus | ok one sec | 03:35 |
icf7 | akrus: It's normal that it does not output anything | 03:35 |
=== sa [n=sa@0x5358db6c.bynxx17.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
akrus | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23425/ | 03:35 |
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JuJuBee | supernova_ : https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_8.28.8-inst.html look for custom driver installation option. | 03:35 |
JuJuBee | supernova_ : whatever follows the ati-driver-installation in the filename. I don't know what version you have. | 03:36 |
akrus | omg | 03:36 |
akrus | it's not convertable o_O | 03:36 |
icf7 | akrus: That looks fine. Could you remount it and make sure you have no directory cache? | 03:36 |
akrus | ext3 also does nothing | 03:36 |
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akrus | lemme check | 03:36 |
supernova_ | JuJuBee: sorry if im slow but the complete filename is ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run | 03:37 |
sa | kane: another problem: when I look in the hardware for my graphics card it does not show the card that I have but a different intel card | 03:37 |
supernova_ | so i should type sudo ./ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run | 03:37 |
JuJuBee | supernova_ : yes | 03:37 |
akrus | hm | 03:37 |
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akrus | no cache o_O | 03:37 |
supernova_ | JuJuBee: it says command not found then | 03:38 |
kane | sa: its likley just wrong, do you have 3d acceleration working? | 03:38 |
akrus | the files are present anyway | 03:38 |
JuJuBee | supernova_: ok, open a terminal window. | 03:38 |
epimeth | woo hoo! anybody want a perl script for checking pagerank? | 03:38 |
supernova_ | open.. | 03:38 |
akrus | while ext3 | 03:39 |
akrus | Warning: could not read block 0: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read | 03:39 |
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JuJuBee | supernova_: ok, when you type ls | more, can you see the file? | 03:39 |
akrus | other messages look okay | 03:39 |
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sa | kane: hmm | 03:39 |
ahsyamim | yooo | 03:39 |
sa | kane: how do I check that? sorry | 03:39 |
akrus | lol nothing happens | 03:39 |
supernova_ | yes i se the file and destop and then the rpm file | 03:39 |
JuJuBee | Or just ls, depending on how many files are in the current directory. | 03:39 |
JuJuBee | What about the .run file? | 03:40 |
supernova_ | yes i se it | 03:40 |
JuJuBee | OK | 03:40 |
JuJuBee | now sudo chmod o+x ati-driver-install... | 03:40 |
^RiaN^ | JuJuBee: what media player can playing .wmv format | 03:40 |
JuJuBee | ^RiaN^ : not sure. | 03:41 |
BluesKaj | mplayer | 03:41 |
^RiaN^ | mplayer | 03:41 |
supernova_ | JuJuBee: sudo chmod o+x ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run | 03:41 |
^RiaN^ | oc | 03:41 |
JuJuBee | Yep | 03:41 |
supernova_ | a new empty line just apeared | 03:41 |
JuJuBee | Good. | 03:41 |
ahsyamim | ello | 03:41 |
JuJuBee | now sudo ./ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run | 03:42 |
ahsyamim | what soft do neeed for webcam capturer | 03:42 |
kane | sa: do this glxinfo | grep OpenGL | 03:42 |
sa | kane: by the way, can you send the link to the konsole shortcuts again? i bookmarked the page but it didnt save, sorry | 03:42 |
icf7 | akrus: Are you sure /dev/sdd1 is the right device? | 03:42 |
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akrus | yes | 03:42 |
kane | sa: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/linux/cmd/ | 03:42 |
supernova_ | sudo ./ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run ? | 03:42 |
JuJuBee | supernova_: here is a link to a website with some good info....http://www.linuxcommand.org/ | 03:43 |
akrus | trying with another card-reader | 03:43 |
JuJuBee | yes | 03:43 |
akrus | pocket pc also failed with formatting | 03:43 |
sa | kane: thank you | 03:43 |
akrus | returned success | 03:43 |
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supernova_ | okey same syntax error | 03:43 |
sa | kane: ok, I did the glxinfo: what do you need? | 03:43 |
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icf7 | akrus: are there other partitions on this card? | 03:43 |
kane | sa: OpenGL vendor string | 03:44 |
BluesKaj | ahsyamim, Avidemux ...I think :) | 03:44 |
sa | kane: tungsten graphics, inc | 03:44 |
akrus | the same :( | 03:44 |
akrus | no | 03:44 |
JuJuBee | supernova_: sorry, that should work fine. Something else wrong.... either file is corrupt or somethings misconfigured on your box. Mine worked flawlessly right after fresh install. | 03:44 |
icf7 | akrus, ok, then what about deleting the whole disk and repartition? | 03:44 |
icf7 | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd1 removes everything on it | 03:45 |
akrus | hmmm | 03:45 |
supernova_ | latest kubuntu too | 03:45 |
akrus | lemme try :) | 03:45 |
icf7 | akrus: is write-lock activated ? ;) | 03:45 |
akrus | Clearing | 03:45 |
akrus | sure no :) | 03:45 |
supernova_ | bad substitution... perhaps it means that my current drivers are better (perhaps i should uninstall them first? | 03:45 |
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akrus | how long will it take to clean? :o | 03:46 |
supernova_ | these drivers are old sine its an old card | 03:46 |
kane | sa: yes, i think thats correct for the intel some intel chipsets, you likley have it working. | 03:46 |
icf7 | akrus: you can stop after a few seconds, the important blocks are in the beginning. You may have to clean all though if some tools detect backup blocks | 03:47 |
JuJuBee | supernova_: try typing aticonfig at command line... | 03:47 |
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supernova_ | JuJuBee: this is supposed to be a fix.. but what do i actually do by typing that? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1609940 | 03:47 |
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akrus | CTRL+C not working x) | 03:47 |
sa | kane: hmm, ok, thanks alot | 03:47 |
kane | anytime. | 03:48 |
sa | kane: one last question for now, a very simple one :) | 03:48 |
icf7 | akrus: Wait a few secs, and maybe have a look into /var/log/messages (LONG file, use tail -f /var/log/messages) | 03:48 |
kane | whats that sir. | 03:48 |
sa | kane: How do I make firefox my default browser? | 03:48 |
akrus | lawl still the same | 03:48 |
akrus | May 31 17:48:18 flygroup kernel: [121387.256000] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdg] READ CAPACITY failed | 03:49 |
kane | sa: run update-alternatives --config x-www-browse | 03:49 |
kane | and select firefox | 03:49 |
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jan___ | how is the adress of the german channel? | 03:49 |
icf7 | akrus: Well the problem seems to be a completely different one | 03:49 |
icf7 | jan__: #kubuntu-de | 03:49 |
Dekkard | ubuntu-de ..? | 03:49 |
kane | might need to be sudo that i cant recall. | 03:49 |
akrus | maybe :( | 03:49 |
jan___ | thank's | 03:50 |
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Whiz2 | is there a way i can get a ls to output to a txt file? | 03:50 |
JuJuBee | supernova_: use the terminal... | 03:50 |
JuJuBee | command line | 03:50 |
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kane | Whiz2: ls > textfile | 03:50 |
Whiz2 | ty | 03:50 |
Dekkard | konsole ..under session has a print function | 03:50 |
sa | kane: where do I run it? | 03:51 |
JuJuBee | Anybody here use NIS and feisty? | 03:51 |
kane | a terminal. | 03:51 |
kane | konsole | 03:51 |
kane | but it has to be : sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browse | 03:51 |
icf7 | akrus: Have you ever written anything to that card? Did it work? | 03:52 |
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akrus | sure | 03:52 |
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akrus | but lately it started to work wrong | 03:52 |
akrus | some files are not readable | 03:52 |
akrus | but mostly working | 03:52 |
supernova_ | JuJuBee: i typed that which it said on the page and a got a bith further but now it says... | 03:52 |
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akrus | even after writing them | 03:52 |
sa | kane: sorry, what is the command? (linux newbie) | 03:52 |
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supernova_ | Detected version of X does not have a matching 'x720' directory | 03:53 |
supernova_ | You may override the detected version using the following syntax: | 03:53 |
supernova_ | X_VERSION=<xdir> ./ati-driver-installer-<ver>-<arch>.run [--install] | 03:53 |
sa | kane: I wrote the command you wrote before but I get "command not found" | 03:53 |
kane | hrm.... | 03:53 |
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kane | oh well i gave you the wrong option but it should be on a default intstall. | 03:54 |
kane | its just: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser | 03:54 |
kane | all it does is manipulate sys links to point to whatever browser you pick. | 03:55 |
epimeth | oohh... adept update... cool | 03:55 |
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sa | kane: oh ok...i missed that line above...just saw it, so sorry | 03:55 |
akrus | synaptic > adept | 03:55 |
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aseigo | really? i find synaptic inane | 03:55 |
kane | oh no worries. | 03:55 |
epimeth | syanptic speed < adept speed | 03:55 |
epimeth | :-D | 03:55 |
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meemohello | hello | 03:56 |
akrus | but it's better anyway~ | 03:56 |
akrus | and adept crashes sometimes | 03:56 |
akrus | that sucks | 03:56 |
kane | apt-get > synaptic | 03:56 |
akrus | xD | 03:56 |
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akrus | kane: confirmed | 03:56 |
epimeth | w00t @ kane | 03:56 |
aseigo | or have they fixed the "popup dialog circus" and "we're going to hide the terminal you need to interact with inside a collapsing widget and make it postage stamp sized"? | 03:56 |
rashid | hi | 03:56 |
icf7 | arkus: You may want to search launchpad.net, i.e. http://www.google.de/search?q=+site%3Abugs.launchpad.net+%22READ+CAPACITY+failed%22&btnG=Search | 03:56 |
meemohello | i have a problem in sound, first it started to be choppy, then it stopped at all. but realplayer and flash player still have sound, can anybody help or at least guide me whre to search ? | 03:56 |
icf7 | arkus: Other than that, I'm sorry I can't help you | 03:57 |
epimeth | akrus: I only ever had adept crash on me when I got the feisty beta... ever since feisty went stable adept has been fine for me | 03:57 |
sa | kane: ok! thanks a lot for your help | 03:57 |
rashid | hi , how can i get realplayer please? i am newbie | 03:57 |
JuJuBee | supernova_: I'm no expert by any means, I don't know how to proceed. You need someone with better knowledge of X. | 03:57 |
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sa | kane: appretiated... | 03:58 |
supernova_ | okey.. but thank you for your help! | 03:58 |
kane | sa: np, just happy to help. | 03:58 |
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JuJuBee | np | 03:58 |
c1|freaky | what is a good virus protection? and should i use a firewall with kubuntu? | 03:58 |
epimeth | !antivirus | 03:58 |
ubotu | antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus | 03:58 |
JuJuBee | I get plenty of it myself... | 03:58 |
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JuJuBee | happy to be able to give... | 03:59 |
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c1|freaky | !linuxvirus | 03:59 |
ubotu | The short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 03:59 |
epimeth | c1|freaky: and as for a firewall, it is always best to use one... preferably a hardware solution | 03:59 |
BluesKaj | JuJuBee, that error is common when installing the fglrx driver , usually it can be safely ignored | 03:59 |
epimeth | c1|freaky: but linux does come with a firewall... its called iptables | 04:00 |
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epimeth | c1|freaky: I know there are gui frontends for it, I just don't remember what they are | 04:00 |
SlimeyPete | firestarter. | 04:00 |
c1|freaky | there is a virus arround for openoffice which also works with linux (per script) and sends itself via dcc (irc) to other users | 04:00 |
meemohello | I have Ubuntu Fiesty and I have problem with sound, can anyone guide me where to look or at least *where to ask* ? | 04:00 |
c1|freaky | k, thx | 04:00 |
epimeth | firestarter is for gname! guarddog :-) | 04:01 |
epimeth | !firewall | 04:01 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 04:01 |
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epimeth | did anyone hear about that linux virus found in the wild a bit ago? | 04:01 |
hunger | Can I move the sidebar in konqeror to the right side? | 04:02 |
meemohello | can any one read what i send ? anyone ? | 04:02 |
hunger | meemohello: I can read what you send. | 04:02 |
SlimeyPete | meemohello: yes | 04:02 |
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meemohello | hunger: thanks | 04:02 |
epimeth | why wouldn't we able able to read it? | 04:02 |
meemohello | SlimeyPete: thanks | 04:02 |
epimeth | anyone can post here... its private messages that you need to register to use :-) | 04:03 |
meemohello | is this the right place to ask for help in a sound problem ? | 04:03 |
epimeth | depends on the problem | 04:03 |
SlimeyPete | if you run kubuntu, yes | 04:03 |
SlimeyPete | if you're running plain ubuntu, #ubuntu is a better place to ask | 04:03 |
meemohello | thank you very much, i will go ask there as i am using ubuntu | 04:04 |
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icf7 | Where do I get the debootstrap script to use a gutsy-pbuilder on feisty? | 04:05 |
epimeth | why to ubuntu newbies people show up here a lot? | 04:05 |
kumamoto | epimeth: desperate for help or attention | 04:06 |
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icf7 | oops, wrong channel | 04:06 |
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epimeth | oh! oh! look at me!!!!! | 04:06 |
epimeth | :-p | 04:06 |
epimeth | icf7: how did you get here?!?!? | 04:07 |
pm1 | wat software would i use on kubuntu to wat .divx files | 04:07 |
icf7 | epimeth: Used wrong tab | 04:07 |
epimeth | pm1: .divx files are .avi... just change the name and use kaffeine | 04:08 |
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Whiz2 | i have a directory that has thousands of files i need deleted. if I do rm /directory/* i get the error that there are too many arguments... is there an easier way to delete these files without having to delete the directory itself? | 04:08 |
epimeth | icf7: xirc comes with a #kubuntu tab by default? | 04:08 |
epimeth | those sneaky bastards... | 04:08 |
epimeth | :- | 04:08 |
epimeth | :-) | 04:09 |
epimeth | Whiz2: is it a flat directory? | 04:09 |
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Whiz2 | epimeth: define "flat" | 04:09 |
icf7 | epimeth: no, I am here to provide support and read interesting things about kubuntu, i.e. for arkus SD card's problem | 04:09 |
epimeth | Whiz2: or does it have subdirectories you need to keep? | 04:09 |
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epimeth | icf7: ahh... cool | 04:09 |
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pm1 | epimeth do i need to download kaffine | 04:10 |
Whiz2 | epimeth: no subs. it is a directory that stores mail that hasn't been delivered (spam) i just found out that my mail server has been used as a spam relay. | 04:10 |
epimeth | icf7: we would have helped meemo... he just ran off... | 04:10 |
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epimeth | pm1: it should be installed by default | 04:10 |
epimeth | pm1: otherwise, open up adept and search for kaffeine | 04:11 |
epimeth | pm1: or apt-get install kaffeine | 04:11 |
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epimeth | Whiz2: rm -r /directory | 04:11 |
rmd_ | pm1: install VLC | 04:11 |
pascal | How do I set the embedded multimedia player to something else than kaffeine in konqueror? | 04:11 |
Whiz2 | epimeth: everything inside the directory itself can go, but the directory itself must stay | 04:11 |
epimeth | oohhh | 04:11 |
epimeth | right | 04:11 |
epimeth | ummm | 04:11 |
rollerskatejamms | I just installed the kubuntu-desktop over a regular ubuntu feisty install, and my sound wont work in KDE | 04:11 |
epimeth | can't you just recreate the directory after you delete it? | 04:12 |
rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: intel? | 04:12 |
pm1 | wats vlc | 04:12 |
SlimeyPete | VideoLAN Client. It's a media player. | 04:12 |
rmd_ | pm1: a superior media player to kaffeine. | 04:12 |
Whiz2 | i dunno the rights that need to be set for the directory if i recreate it | 04:12 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: hmm | 04:12 |
rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: that is, if you lspci can you see that your sound hard is an intel model? | 04:12 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: I donnu this isnt my normal computer, how can I identify my sound card. lspci? | 04:12 |
icf7 | Whiz2: ls -l direcotry shows them | 04:13 |
icf7 | Whiz2: change with chmod and chown | 04:13 |
Whiz2 | and i dunno how to read the right when i look at them,m because they are not in 777 type format | 04:13 |
rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: yeah, just lspci | 04:13 |
rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: alternatively, you can upen up "kcontrol" and look in there | 04:13 |
icf7 | Whiz2: Well post them, and we'll translate them | 04:13 |
Whiz2 | one moment please... | 04:13 |
icf7 | Whiz2: But find dir -exec rm '{}' ';' will do the job you want | 04:14 |
pm1 | i have kaffeine so how do i open a div x file | 04:14 |
=== dr_willis wonders if thers a File->open menu item | ||
Whiz2 | icf7: without removing the directory? | 04:14 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: Ok, well alsa works under gnome, so i set it to ALSA | 04:15 |
epimeth | Whiz2: the permissions are 3 sets of rwx (read/write/exec). first is for owner, second is group, third is everyone | 04:15 |
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rmd_ | pm1: you have to download some extra packages with codecs in them. seriously, just download VLC. it will make your life easier | 04:15 |
epimeth | r = 4, w = 2, x = 1 | 04:15 |
icf7 | Whiz2: yes, rm needs the -r flag to remove directories | 04:15 |
epimeth | Whiz2: add them together to get the equivalent number | 04:15 |
kumamoto | anyone using a dev app like bluefish or scite? | 04:15 |
rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: i know, but i'm asking because i had similar problems when i upgraded to the new kernel, it has broken sound under KDE | 04:15 |
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rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: and i've got an intel card on a dell laptop | 04:15 |
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icf7 | kumamoto: Yes, Quanta, kate and Eclipse ;) | 04:16 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: I don't think its intel, given that this is a dell pc with an amd cpu, and lspci says lots of stuff about nvidia. | 04:16 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: nothign about audio or sound though | 04:16 |
Whiz2 | icf7: {} would be the dir name? | 04:16 |
epimeth | Whiz2: so for example, rwxr-xr-x = 755... and r-xr--r-- is 544 | 04:16 |
rmd_ | roller: nothing about audio or sound at all? | 04:16 |
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rollerskatejamms | rmd_: not in lcpci | 04:16 |
icf7 | no, directory in find directory -exec '{}' ';' | 04:16 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: but it worked a second ago | 04:16 |
icf7 | '{}' is replaced with every filename in that directory | 04:17 |
epimeth | Whiz2: and r-------- is 400 | 04:17 |
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icf7 | Whiz2: But the easiest way is deleting the whole directory and recreating it | 04:17 |
kumamoto | I have both installed but for some reason 'open url' part doesn't work | 04:17 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: not that i can see, want me to pastebin it? its short | 04:17 |
pm1 | can any1 help i have kaffine how do i open a divfile with it ????x | 04:17 |
rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: if you dont see anything about an audio controller when you run lspci, youve got some bigger problems. yeah pastebin it. i want to see this | 04:18 |
epimeth | pm1: did you rename the file to .avi? | 04:18 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: actually no it does show up when i do sudo lcpci, i did it as my regular use before | 04:18 |
pm1 | no | 04:18 |
rmd_ | pm1: sudo apt-cache search codecs | 04:18 |
epimeth | pm1: thats the first thing I told you to do :-) | 04:18 |
rmd_ | pm1: and install anything that reports that it has codecs in it | 04:18 |
=== epimeth gives pm1 a dunce cap | ||
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: 00:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2) | 04:19 |
rmd_ | pm1: or just install VLC and make your life infinitely easier | 04:19 |
epimeth | pm1: now wear that until I finish helping you | 04:19 |
rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: ok. now which kernel version are you using? | 04:19 |
pm1 | rmd .... were u get vlc | 04:19 |
rmd_ | pm1: sudo apt-get install vlc | 04:19 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: the newest feisty kernel . . .. uh 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP | 04:19 |
kumamoto | icf7: does opening a url using those dev apps work for u? | 04:19 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: keep in mind sound works just fine under gnome/ubuntu-desktop | 04:20 |
icf7 | kumamoto: Yes, if it's a KDE application (quanta, kate) | 04:20 |
rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: i'm sure it does. have you tried booting the previous kernel. i'm still using the old one because the new one broke my sound. ;) | 04:20 |
dr_willis | amazing how easy the packageing system makes isntalling stuff. :) | 04:20 |
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rollerskatejamms | rmd_: idk if its even still installed. | 04:21 |
kumamoto | for some reason mine doesn't work one bit | 04:21 |
Whiz2 | icf7: so if i typed find /var/spool/exim4/input -exec rm '{}' ';' it will remove everything in the input dir, but not input itself? | 04:21 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: yeah i havent . . . but thats not really a fix. | 04:21 |
icf7 | it will remove everything that's not a directory in that dir | 04:21 |
rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: unless you removed the image, it is still there. the update process should have made a new grub menu.lst that has both kernels. | 04:21 |
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rollerskatejamms | rmd_: I havent done anything, but its not my computer, at least it wasnt. | 04:21 |
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Whiz2 | icf7: you just made my day :-D | 04:21 |
rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: i know it's not technically a fix, but it works, and there's nothing wrong with the old kernel. | 04:21 |
epimeth | I guess pm1 doesn't want help... I'll bbl folks | 04:22 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: yes but im one of those people who has to have the newest version of everything, no matter how silly, even if its 2.6.000000002 vs 2.6.00000001 | 04:22 |
rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: what i'm saying is that i dont know how to fix it. you could try downloading dev files and the newest alsa and compiling/intalling it | 04:22 |
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dr_willis | !find | 04:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about find - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:22 |
dr_willis | !find vlc | 04:22 |
ubotu | Found: libvlc0, libvlc0-dev, mozilla-plugin-vlc, vlc, vlc-nox (and 8 others) | 04:22 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: mmmm. or i could go back to gnome :-D | 04:22 |
rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: true, you could. | 04:22 |
rmd_ | *shrug* its a personal call. i like KDE. i dont mind using a week-old kernel... so i'm fine :) | 04:23 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: in fact just for arguments sake let me see if that even still works | 04:23 |
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rmd_ | k | 04:24 |
Whiz2 | icf7: why would find tell me that a file no longer exists? If it can name the file, doesn't that mean it's there? | 04:24 |
pm1 | rmd thanks :>:>:>:> i got it i can watch shrek 3 now !!! | 04:25 |
Whiz2 | icf7: sorry not "no longer exists" "No such file ot directory" | 04:25 |
icf7 | Whiz2: maybe it's temporary and got deleted? | 04:25 |
rmd_ | pm1: oh good! i can log your IP and report you now you scumbag. | 04:25 |
Whiz2 | doubtful. it's an email | 04:25 |
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icf7 | Whiz2: Could you post the whole message? | 04:25 |
pm1 | what | 04:26 |
rmd_ | pm1: i mean you've pirated a movie and i'm reporting your IP | 04:26 |
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pm1 | y | 04:26 |
rmd_ | pm1: because you've pirated a movie | 04:26 |
Whiz2 | icf7: find: /var/spool/exim4/input/1HteSU-000678-DL-J: No such file or directory | 04:26 |
pm1 | its on a syt :S | 04:27 |
rmd_ | pm1: don't worry | 04:27 |
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rmd_ | pm1: they keep plenty of logs that can identify you personally | 04:27 |
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^RiaN^ | hiii alll | 04:28 |
pm1 | thanks for ur help | 04:28 |
icf7 | Whiz2: Sorry, I have no idea - unless you typed in find /var/spool/exim4/input/1HteSU-000678-DL-J ... | 04:28 |
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kane | whoever they, they sure do. | 04:28 |
kane | they also know you took those basketball cards when you were 13 they were just waiting for you to slip up again. | 04:28 |
Whiz2 | icf7: i typed in find /var/spool/exim4/input -exec rm '{}' ';' | 04:28 |
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rollerskatejamms | rmd_: it now mysteriously works | 04:29 |
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rollerskatejamms | rmd:_ Does kopete have no sound theme by default? | 04:29 |
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rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: you'll have to look on your own, i dont IM | 04:30 |
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rollerskatejamms | ok | 04:30 |
Dan[Laptop] | Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble booting from my Ubuntu Live CD. | 04:30 |
icf7 | Whiz2: No idea. Did the process stop? | 04:30 |
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^RiaN^ | can someone help hot to enable bsa on nvidia | 04:30 |
rmd_ | Dan[Laptop] : so why don't you go into the #ubuntu channel and ask there? | 04:30 |
Dan[Laptop] | Every time I try to boot from the CD it ends up booting windows. | 04:30 |
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Dan[Laptop] | oh wait | 04:30 |
Dan[Laptop] | wrong chan. | 04:31 |
^RiaN^ | can someone help how to enable bsa on nvidia | 04:31 |
Dan[Laptop] | sorry | 04:31 |
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Whiz2 | icf7: no, but it gave me that error on 2 files | 04:31 |
icf7 | Whiz2: Do they still exist? | 04:31 |
icf7 | ^RiaN^: If you tell me what bsa is, maybe | 04:32 |
^RiaN^ | i dunno what it is sba | 04:32 |
^RiaN^ | but i see it on the forum | 04:32 |
rollerskatejamms | Ok so, sound is working for me, but for some reason not in Kopete. I HAVE enabled kopete sounds. Any ideas why? | 04:32 |
Whiz2 | icf7: i have no way of really knowing, unless you think i should do an ls for those specific files? | 04:33 |
icf7 | ^RiaN^: Well, what do you want to change by performing the action described in the forum? | 04:33 |
Whiz2 | icf7: the process is still going | 04:33 |
^RiaN^ | title "how to enable agp fast write and BSA" | 04:33 |
icf7 | Whiz2: exactly ;) | 04:33 |
icf7 | ^RiaN^: link? | 04:34 |
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^RiaN^ | wait | 04:35 |
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^RiaN^ | ice7: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Nvidia_Driver_AGP_FastWrite_and_Side_Band_Addressing | 04:36 |
Whiz2 | icf7: no on both files | 04:36 |
Whiz2 | odd | 04:36 |
killermach | FYI: yesterday I could not ssh to my machine and forward port 5900 back through the tunnel, this was because 5900 was already bound to by local desktop sharing, solution, I forwarded port 5920 back thru the tunnel to port 5900 on ssh client machine | 04:36 |
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icf7 | ^RiaN^: Well, it's SBA, and not BSA, and where's your problem with that guide except it's neither official nor for current distributions? | 04:38 |
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Whiz2 | icf7: i think i've got it figured out now. ty for the help. i wrote down that find command for later use. ;-) | 04:38 |
^RiaN^ | heheh | 04:39 |
^RiaN^ | sory i'm wrong | 04:39 |
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Whiz2 | epimeth: thank you for the information on file permissions. I'll keep it for future use as well. :-) | 04:40 |
^RiaN^ | ice7: i've do all what's wrote on the forum, but just my sba can't be enable | 04:40 |
pascal | How do I set the embedded multimedia player to something else than kaffeine in konqueror? | 04:40 |
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icf7 | ^RiaN^: why not? What part does not work? | 04:41 |
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rmd_ | ok | 04:43 |
rmd_ | firefox has decided to start every time i boot kde and i'm not happy about it at all | 04:43 |
rmd_ | it's not in autostart | 04:43 |
rmd_ | how do i make it stop? | 04:43 |
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dwbell | is kde set to restore session on login? | 04:43 |
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^RiaN^ | icf7: wait | 04:44 |
rmd_ | dwbell: it might be. but firefox is never open when i logout/quit | 04:44 |
^RiaN^ | i'll open my konsole | 04:44 |
rmd_ | lemme check, though | 04:44 |
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Chani | how do I stop that darn guidance thing from starting when I log in? it keeps hibernating my laptop when it shouldn't! | 04:44 |
sercik | someone remember the name of kde program to configure startup services? | 04:44 |
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^RiaN^ | glxgears -printfps | 04:45 |
^RiaN^ | Error: couldn't open display (null) | 04:45 |
rmd_ | dwbell: yeah, session manager confirms that it should restore previous session. changing it to starting with an empty session | 04:45 |
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^RiaN^ | icf7: u still there | 04:45 |
dwbell | rmd_: I bet that will solve it. To my knowledge it is the only way other than ~/.kde/Autostart to have an app start at login. | 04:46 |
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icf7 | ^RiaN^: your problem is a completly different one. Did glxgears work before? | 04:46 |
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rmd_ | dwbell: still does it | 04:46 |
rmd_ | it doesnt start anything else | 04:47 |
rmd_ | just firefox | 04:47 |
^RiaN^ | Status: Enabled | 04:47 |
^RiaN^ | Driver: AGPGART | 04:47 |
^RiaN^ | AGP Rate: 4x | 04:47 |
^RiaN^ | Fast Writes: Enabled | 04:47 |
^RiaN^ | SBA: Disabled | 04:47 |
dwbell | rmd_: then I'm clueless, sorry | 04:47 |
Chani | oh bleep. | 04:47 |
Chani | The following packages are BROKEN: kubuntu-desktop | 04:47 |
Chani | The following packages will be REMOVED: kde-guidance-powermanager | 04:47 |
Chani | now aptitude wants to remove kubuntu-desktop | 04:48 |
Jucato | Chani: what did you try to do? :) | 04:48 |
Chani | Jucato: remove kde-guidance-powermanager | 04:48 |
Chani | the bloody thing won't go away | 04:48 |
Jucato | Chani: ah then that's natural :) | 04:48 |
Chani | how do I make it never ever start again, short of deleting hte executable? | 04:48 |
Jucato | Chani: remove it from /usr/share/autostart | 04:49 |
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rollerskatejamms | Anybody know how to get gmail working properly in Konqueror? I've tried chaning my browser identication to IE, Firefox, Etc. | 04:49 |
Chani | ahhhh | 04:49 |
rmd_ | Chani: removing kubuntu-desktop won't do anything. its just a named meta-package. | 04:49 |
Chani | rollerskatejamms: it used to work by default in kubuntu. it stopped working for me last week. might need a newer version | 04:50 |
rmd_ | rollerskatejamms: you can set gmail to display in standard HTML. but i've never seen it display correctly any other way | 04:50 |
rollerskatejamms | Chani: if you google remove kubuntu theres a script out there somewhere. also if you installed it with aptitude, and you remove it with aptitude, it will remove everything for you | 04:50 |
icf7 | ^RiaN^: Which Kubuntu version are you using? The most recent ones don't even have the glxgears -printfps option | 04:50 |
rollerskatejamms | rmd_: but . . . isnt KHTML basically gecko? | 04:50 |
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dwbell | rmd_: did you check bothe /usr/share/autostart and ~/.kde/Autostart? fir firefox? | 04:50 |
Chani | rmd_: no, that's the awful way. kubuntu sets konq to identify as ff, which used to make gmail work | 04:50 |
rmd_ | dwbell: its not listed in either | 04:51 |
^RiaN^ | icf7: kubuntu 6.06 | 04:51 |
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milian_lt | servus | 04:51 |
rollerskatejamms | thats pretty lame. back to firefox then | 04:52 |
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milian_lt | ups | 04:52 |
milian_lt | wrong channel | 04:52 |
milian_lt | sorry | 04:52 |
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icf7 | ^RiaN^: Did glxgears work before you tried to install SBA? | 04:53 |
Chani | rollerskatejamms: what version do you have? | 04:53 |
Chani | rollerskatejamms: google keeps doing weird things to break konq. I'm really starting to wonder if they do it on purpose | 04:53 |
dwbell | rmd_: one more for you, how about /etc/xdg/autostart? If you're using gnome /usr/share/gnome/autostart? | 04:53 |
rollerskatejamms | Chani: Oh I think they DEFINITELY do it on purpose. | 04:55 |
^RiaN^ | icf7: om sorry, but i've to go now | 04:55 |
rollerskatejamms | Chani: In fact I think next week I'll ask | 04:55 |
rollerskatejamms | or in 2 weeks rather | 04:55 |
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Chani | rollerskatejamms: what version of konq do you have? | 04:55 |
^RiaN^ | my cyber cafe will close for now | 04:55 |
rmd_ | dwbell: i don't use gnome | 04:55 |
^RiaN^ | see u | 04:55 |
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rollerskatejamms | Chani: uh whatever the latest in feisty is | 04:55 |
dwbell | rmd_: run 'locate autostart' from terminal (no quotes) to find anyother places apps could be autostarting from. maybe locate firefox would turnup something suspisious. | 04:55 |
rollerskatejamms | 3.5.7 | 04:55 |
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rollerskatejamms | 3.5.6* | 04:55 |
Chani | damn. I was hoping feisy had it fixed. I'm still on edgy | 04:55 |
rollerskatejamms | Eww edgy | 04:56 |
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rollerskatejamms | Also konquerer doesnt seem to honor my font changes | 04:56 |
Chani | I'm also wondering if my school proxy is interfering | 04:56 |
rollerskatejamms | I set new default fonts and it makes no difference, yet it works fine in firefox when I do the same thing | 04:56 |
Chani | yeah, it started doing that to me a couple months ago too | 04:56 |
Chani | I really should've filed a bug | 04:56 |
rollerskatejamms | Chani: the font thing? | 04:56 |
rollerskatejamms | Cuz if you use liberation fonts, text that normally appears weird on linux apperas correctly. i.e. go look at the utorrent.com website | 04:57 |
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Chani | I use special chinese-friendly fonts | 04:57 |
Chani | have to use em until kde4, when font stuff will work better | 04:57 |
rollerskatejamms | Chani: Interesting, My font changes are no longer honored under Firefox either, on KDE. Only on gnome. Ok wtf. | 04:58 |
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Chani | weeeird | 04:58 |
rollerskatejamms | kde is starting to piss me off. | 04:58 |
Chani | kubuntu is starting to piss me off. :) | 04:58 |
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Chani | I'd try updating my gentoo partition, but on this lousy connection it'd take forever | 04:59 |
icf7 | Firefox has a dedicated font configuration, so you should be pissed off by it | 04:59 |
rollerskatejamms | Chani: maybe if i set the default fonts in kcontrol | 04:59 |
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tro | is it normal for a kernel to cache ~512mb of memory and never use it? | 04:59 |
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tro | it's just swapping a lot right now | 04:59 |
=== pascal thinks nobody knows the answer to my question | ||
pascal | How do I set the embedded multimedia player to something else than kaffeine in konqueror? | 05:00 |
=== rmd_ breaks down and reinstalls firefox | ||
rmd_ | pascal: you dont. it has to be a kde app to be an embeded player | 05:00 |
epimeth | rollerskatejamms: why is kde pissing you off? | 05:00 |
dwbell | rollerskatejamms: in System settings -> appearance -> GTK Styles and fonts is Use my KDE fonts in GTK applications ticked off? | 05:00 |
Chani | oh yeah, and java has stopped working in konq, but it works in FF (after half an hour of tweaking) | 05:00 |
Chani | this also might be a proxy issue | 05:01 |
pascal | rmd, but earlier it was kmplayer. i feisty its Kaffeine | 05:01 |
icf7 | tro: Maybe you wrote to /dev/shm or another ramdisk? | 05:01 |
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Chani | pascal: it's in kcontrol somewhere | 05:01 |
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Chani | pascal: file association stuff | 05:01 |
lewix | how to play wmp video | 05:02 |
titanix88 | hendaus: hi, how is ur linux ging? | 05:02 |
titanix88 | hendaus: hi, how is ur linux going? | 05:02 |
Chani | lewix: I would try kmplayer | 05:02 |
lewix | streaming video online with firefox | 05:02 |
pascal | chani also when it's embedded in a website? | 05:02 |
szaku | hi, how can I unrar a file? | 05:02 |
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rmd_ | okay | 05:03 |
rmd_ | i've autoremoved and reinstalled firefox | 05:03 |
rmd_ | and it is still doing it | 05:03 |
pascal | chani, I like to use kaffeine, but it's embedded interface doesn't allow fullscreen (wtf!) | 05:03 |
lewix | huh | 05:03 |
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rollerskatejamms | dwbell: tried that | 05:04 |
titanix88 | szaku: dload 'rar' package. | 05:05 |
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titanix88 | szaku: install 'rar' package. | 05:05 |
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rollerskatejamms | dwbell: Anyway since when is firefox GTK? I thought it was XUL, something totally seperate | 05:05 |
tro | icf7: i don't think i personally did anything like that, but maybe some application did? i do have vmware running | 05:05 |
dwbell | rmd_: removing will leave behind config files, I think adept has an option called purge that will remove settings | 05:05 |
tro | icf7: but it doesn't seem normal to completely ignore half of my memory | 05:05 |
JuJuBee | Is LDAP > NIS for small installations? | 05:05 |
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Bios1992 | Are there any plans for a restricted manager in QT? I've seen the spec in launchpad, but it's all blocked... | 05:06 |
yuriy | JuJuBee: did you get your problem figured out? is the + thing a normal thing used for NIS? do you know if it's used for anything else? | 05:06 |
JuJuBee | yuriy : it is normal for NIS. | 05:06 |
JuJuBee | Required. | 05:07 |
icf7 | tro: If VMware is running, this may be caused by the guest OS memory | 05:07 |
JuJuBee | When I remove it, the list of users on the server goes away. | 05:07 |
JuJuBee | Just cannot log into any of my NIS accounts now either. | 05:07 |
dwbell | rollerskatejamms: firefox is both XUL and GTK, GTK is a rendering engine and XUL is a scripting language (at least thats how I understand it). native kde apps use QT and native gnome apps use GTK. | 05:07 |
yuriy | JuJuBee: i was just thinking if we need to patch userconfig to ignore lines starting with + or something else | 05:07 |
JuJuBee | Figured I'd try my hand at LDAP if not too difficult. | 05:07 |
tro | icf7: the guest OS is configured to take up no more than 300-something MB. That still leave a good 200MB never used | 05:08 |
tro | besides, I had vmware running on a gentoo machine and all the memory was used as usual | 05:08 |
yuriy | JuJuBee: could you file a bug, please? | 05:08 |
JuJuBee | That would solve one problem. But now I have another. I spent soo much time logging in as admin, I haven't checked my NIS login for a while. | 05:08 |
JuJuBee | Where do I file a bug? | 05:08 |
JuJuBee | Tried sending email to sime again, bounced again. | 05:09 |
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JuJuBee | !bug | 05:10 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 05:10 |
yuriy | gah note to canonical: buy launchpad.com domain | 05:10 |
yuriy | JuJuBee: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+filebug | 05:11 |
JuJuBee | got it. | 05:11 |
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djdarkman | hy I did a fresh reinstall for kubuntu, but I can`t see my mouse pointer what should I do? my display isn`t deteced eighter | 05:12 |
tro | ice9: i do have "devshm 502M 0 502M 0% /dev/shm" showing in "df -h", though. what is that anyway? | 05:12 |
djdarkman | this is a very old bug I can`t believe it`s still present in feisty | 05:13 |
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yuriy | djdarkman: have you filed this bug? | 05:14 |
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rollerskatejamms | If I do dpkg-reconfigure usplash-theme-ubuntu will that restore my regular ubuntu splash screen (i like it more then kubuntu's) | 05:14 |
djdarkman | I can`t file the bug cause I can`t be sure what`s the problem here | 05:14 |
Bios1992 | Are there any plans for a restricted manager in QT? I've seen the spec in launchpad, but it's all blocked... | 05:15 |
SlimeyPete | rollerskatejamms: not sure. Give it a go, and find out :) | 05:15 |
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rollerskatejamms | Bios1992: sudo apt-get install synaptic :-D | 05:15 |
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rollerskatejamms | I may keep using KDE, but I'll never use adept over synaptic | 05:15 |
Bios1992 | What do you mean? | 05:16 |
djdarkman | btw why does my monitors resolution detected badly if I install an nvidia driver? | 05:16 |
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rollerskatejamms | Bios1992: you can also just install ubuntu's regular restricted-manager | 05:16 |
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Bios1992 | Yes, I know, but I would have to install gtk packages, wouldn't I? Also, it would be useful to have it installed by default | 05:19 |
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khore | i have just installed fawn and i hear a very high pitched background sound all the time when i play an audio file (in amarok), and then, after a while, the background sound stops playing and then it plays again as soon as i play some audio file again | 05:20 |
khore | why is this? | 05:20 |
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Graham | khore: Because there's a high pitched background sound in the audio file? | 05:22 |
khore | Graham: no, it looks like it's from the audio driver | 05:22 |
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khore | Graham: the audio file stops playing thirty seconds before the background sound stops hearing | 05:23 |
djdarkman | is there a way to make my mouse visible,why can`t I see my cursor, how can I debug this? | 05:23 |
Graham | You're not making any sense | 05:23 |
khore | Graham: this sound looks like it shows when the sound card is on | 05:23 |
Graham | khore: I don't understand what the hell you're on about. | 05:23 |
Graham | djdarkman: You... don't have a cursor | 05:24 |
Graham | All the time? | 05:24 |
Graham | Have you previously had a cursor? | 05:24 |
djdarkman | yep, and I can still use it | 05:24 |
djdarkman | but I don`t see it | 05:24 |
djdarkman | no mather what theme I select | 05:24 |
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djdarkman | even If I start something I can see the bouncing icon where my mouse is | 05:25 |
djdarkman | but it just doesn`t show my mouse`s pointer for some reason | 05:25 |
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djdarkman | to make thing even more idiotic, I plug in an USB mouse it works too but I just doesn`t show the cursor and I don`t get no error message | 05:27 |
jitendra | hi | 05:27 |
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khore | Graham: i run amarok or any audio app and then i play an audio file in it. as soon as it starts playing, i hear a sharp background sound. then i stop playing the audio file, but the sharp background sound is still hearing. then i close the audio app, but the sharp background sound is still hearing. then i logout, but the sharp background sound is still hearing. after 30-60 seconds, the sharp background sound stops hearing. is it clear now? | 05:28 |
Skunk | sounds like a driver glitch | 05:28 |
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khore | Skunk: oops, i just discovered that the sharp background sound stops hearing as soon as i logout -- does this change your attempted diagnostic? | 05:29 |
jitendra | hello | 05:29 |
Graham | djdarkman: Sounds like a problem with your xorg config | 05:30 |
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Skunk | khore: slightly. when you log out it stops the amarok process, cutting off the sound feed to your sound card. you might uninstall and reinstall the sound system driver youre using (alsa, arts, etc) if that doesnt work, remove and reinstall amarok | 05:31 |
Skunk | does it happen with any other media players like xmms or kaffiene? | 05:31 |
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||arifaX | hi, i changed my laptop (same model) by just changing the hdd. i fixed my mac-addresses for the network cards in /etc/iftab now I think I need to do the same for my built in bluetooth device because my bluetooth mouse does no longer work. any ideas in which config files I should look? | 05:32 |
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balaji | hey people i have a poblem | 05:35 |
balaji | i get a grub loader error 21 | 05:36 |
balaji | i recently loaded ubuntu 7.04 on a usb harddrive | 05:36 |
balaji | i have kubuntu on the laptop harddisk | 05:36 |
balaji | help! | 05:36 |
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djdarkman | Graham: but where is the problem? (it is very hard to do anything without seeing my mouse pointer) | 05:37 |
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shabo | balaji: have u set MBR correctly? | 05:42 |
neoncode | Is it possible to accsess a CD-ROM drive from my laptop(running Ubuntu) via my main computer(running Kubuntu)? | 05:42 |
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balaji | shabo how to do that pleae help | 05:42 |
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balaji | iam in trouble | 05:42 |
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ubuntu_ | test | 05:43 |
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shabo | balaji: try google that error, else install another boot loader fe. lilo | 05:45 |
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balaji | another boot loader meaning? | 05:46 |
nahemoth | did anyone installed kde 4 alpha? | 05:46 |
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shabo | balaji: http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2005/02/msg00415.html maybe this will help u ;) | 05:46 |
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Skunk | nahemoth: nah not yet but i want to | 05:48 |
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aethelrick | greetings all | 05:49 |
aethelrick | anyone know how to change the volume increment/decrement value of kmix | 05:49 |
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djdarkman | ok so if I`m not a xorg.conf specialist means that I won`t see my mouse cursor? | 05:52 |
nahemoth | Skunk: actually me too :) | 05:53 |
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nahemoth | Skunk: I downloaded the files, and tried to install them, it completed even, but I couldn't see any change | 05:54 |
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khore | Skunk: it does the same with xmms, it's just that this time the sharp background sound stops as soon as i stop playing the audio file | 05:57 |
djdarkman | so can someone help me find out why I can`t see my mouse cursor or not? | 05:57 |
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Skunk | khore: what sound system are you using? are you using arts or alsa, etc | 05:59 |
Skunk | you can find out by going to the k menu, then system settings, then sound system | 05:59 |
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aethelrick | djdarkman - what graphics card you got? | 06:01 |
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ja | hi | 06:01 |
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nflgr | fdgqdf | 06:02 |
ubuntu_ | can I open kmail outside of Kontact? | 06:02 |
aethelrick | yes... just type kmail in a console | 06:02 |
aethelrick | or make a menu item for it :) | 06:02 |
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djdarkman | aethelrick nvidia geforce 6100 | 06:03 |
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djdarkman | note : it worked in the previous installation, but I had to tweak the xorg.conf badly there too | 06:04 |
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Nostferka | I am in x terminal: How to i log into my kde desktop? | 06:05 |
Nostferka | I have it installe | 06:05 |
Nostferka | i just need to know how to start the session | 06:05 |
djdarkman | startkde I think | 06:05 |
djdarkman | or alt+ctrl+f7 maybe | 06:06 |
chuen | Hi. I've been using and app which calls a shared libraray. Suddently (for no apparent reason) I'm getting the error that it can't find or open the shared object file | 06:06 |
balaji_ | i found out that the grub has to be changed but how to do that | 06:06 |
balaji_ | ???? | 06:06 |
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Nostferka | Cheers | 06:07 |
chuen | Is there any reason why the change might have occured which makes this happen? | 06:07 |
NiceGuyUK | Is there a way to integrate GPG into KDe so I can right-click a file in Konqeror and encrypt it using my GPG key ? | 06:07 |
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khore | Skunk: when i use oss (or something like that) i still hear a sharp background, only it is probably one tone lower pitched and more intense; i am using alsa | 06:08 |
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chuen | I get "No such file or directory | 06:08 |
chuen | ", but there is! | 06:08 |
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DaSkreech | !gpg | 06:09 |
ubotu | gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | 06:09 |
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Nostferka | I got a load of errors.. | 06:09 |
Nostferka | how do i reinstall kde? | 06:09 |
balaji_ | just diable the setting when u startup | 06:10 |
sercik | hi all! | 06:10 |
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khore | Skunk: so it seems the problem is lower level than alsa | 06:10 |
balaji_ | disable | 06:10 |
DaSkreech | Nostferka: aptitude remove kdelibs2c4a I think | 06:10 |
sercik | someone knows a program like cpu-z for linux? | 06:10 |
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chuen | Anyone? | 06:11 |
Daisuke_Ido | i'm gonna go out on a limb and say this isn't right: camera://Sandisk Sansa e260@[usb:002,009] / | 06:11 |
NiceGuyUK | DaSkreech: thanks dude, foudn the bit I need | 06:11 |
NiceGuyUK | sudo aptitude install kgpg | 06:12 |
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selolie | hi! | 06:12 |
NiceGuyUK | *cough* leave IRC first *cough* | 06:12 |
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DaSkreech | *laughs* | 06:12 |
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selolie | what is the "command" to kill amarok please | 06:13 |
sercik | someone knows a program to analyze hardware under linux?? | 06:13 |
sercik | like cpu-z for windows | 06:13 |
sercik | selolie: try killall amarok | 06:13 |
selolie | thank you sercik | 06:14 |
sercik | every window can be closed using xkill | 06:14 |
sercik | do alt+f2 and write xkill | 06:14 |
Skunk | khore: it seems like its an issue with your sound card or its drivers. has this ever happened before? | 06:14 |
selolie | ok | 06:14 |
sercik | then click on window to kill! | 06:14 |
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payam | #kubuntu.se | 06:14 |
sercik | selolie: to see all processes running you can use ksysguard | 06:15 |
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sercik | or from konsole ps -ax | 06:15 |
payam | #Ubuntu | 06:15 |
sercik | payam you need to write /j before channel name | 06:15 |
sercik | like /j #ubuntu | 06:15 |
sercik | please someone knows a program to analyze hardware under linux?? like cpu-z under windows?? | 06:16 |
payam | I know but i use to write #kubuntu first och then i click on it | 06:16 |
DaSkreech | what does cpu-z do? | 06:16 |
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sercik | DaSkreech: i need to see fsb and multiply! | 06:16 |
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DaSkreech | Umm | 06:16 |
sercik | then it is possible to change multiplier and voltage under linux? | 06:16 |
DaSkreech | lshw doesn't help I guess ? | 06:16 |
payam | I have qustion | 06:17 |
payam | How can i chatt with other people here . | 06:17 |
DaSkreech | payam: You just did | 06:17 |
payam | People who dont ask wbout Linux | 06:17 |
DaSkreech | congrats | 06:17 |
DaSkreech | Oooh | 06:17 |
DaSkreech | !OT | 06:17 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 06:17 |
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sercik | DaSkreech: i see some informations but not what i need! | 06:18 |
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Nostferka | ok so im logged onto a kinda temporary kde | 06:18 |
payam | !OT | 06:18 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 06:18 |
DaSkreech | sercik: the info is in /proc I'm sure | 06:19 |
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khore | Skunk: it's a new computer | 06:19 |
khore | Skunk: it's a new mainboard | 06:19 |
sercik | ok but i like a program to see fsb and multiplier directly i think it exists! | 06:19 |
DaSkreech | sercik: I'm sure there is one. | 06:19 |
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sercik | also i! | 06:20 |
ph8 | hey hey all - does anyone know the 'approved' method of installing nvidia drivers? -> is it direct from the nvidia site? | 06:20 |
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sercik | i think that the best way is use envy | 06:20 |
sercik | i have tried all methods! | 06:20 |
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sercik | perhaps envy is not ready for feisty if you use feisty you can download from nvidia and compile | 06:21 |
hyuma | ph8: I've used a .deb utility for Nvidia | 06:22 |
morneHeru | ph8: have you tried installing nvidia-glx? | 06:22 |
ph8 | i tried installing -new originally | 06:22 |
hyuma | search on google for "envy" | 06:22 |
ph8 | when that didn't work i removed it and tried installing with the nvidia .run | 06:23 |
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ph8 | I was always told things like envy were bad? | 06:23 |
jacques | Is there a way to find out the kind of keyboard I am using so I can enable the hotkey buttons | 06:23 |
ph8 | or is it really good and i've been mislead? | 06:23 |
hyuma | envy is a script for Nvidia and ATI that lsearch for you all that you need | 06:23 |
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ph8 | cheers | 06:23 |
hyuma | envy is very good | 06:25 |
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ph8 | alright - i'll give it a go | 06:25 |
ph8 | let you know later! | 06:25 |
bch | if I don't want a module to load at boot, how can it de-active it without recompiling the kernel? | 06:25 |
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morneHeru | which module is it, bch? | 06:26 |
bch | sata_sil24 | 06:27 |
bch | I want it to use a different module that I built from source. sii_3124 | 06:27 |
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bch | i added 'insmod sii_3124' to /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit | 06:28 |
bch | and that loads it find, but i think i need to remove the open source driver first | 06:28 |
morneHeru | I think it's /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist that you need to add sata_sil24 to | 06:30 |
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bch | thanks. I read about blacklist, but didn't know where that was | 06:31 |
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Jazon | i am installing feisty on a mates desktop, and am running into a problem i can't seem to get past. | 06:31 |
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morneHeru | :) hope it works | 06:31 |
ph8 | haha | 06:32 |
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ph8 | envy worked! | 06:32 |
ph8 | thanks guys! | 06:32 |
Jazon | he has a belkin usb wifi | 06:32 |
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Jazon | the problem is i cant make it work | 06:32 |
Jazon | it shows up as wlan0 | 06:32 |
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Jazon | i did sudo iwconfig wlan0 ap xx:xx:xx:xx | 06:32 |
Jazon | etc | 06:32 |
Jazon | the wild thing is that the live cd it worked | 06:33 |
Jazon | so am hopeing for some pointers | 06:33 |
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Jazon | *hoping | 06:33 |
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Jazon | Jucato: kumusta? ikina gagalok kong mukilala kayo | 06:33 |
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Jazon | lol spelling WAY bad! Jucato: make any sense of that? heh | 06:34 |
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Jucato | Jazon: yep :) | 06:34 |
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Jucato | heheh hi Jazon :) | 06:34 |
Jazon | how are you dude? staying dry? | 06:34 |
Jucato | depends on what you mean by "dry"... :) | 06:34 |
Jazon | hehe | 06:34 |
TheJuggernaut | can ne1 tell me why it takes forever for a letter to apeer ? | 06:35 |
Jazon | so Jucato do you have any ideas re: wifi probs ? ^^^ | 06:35 |
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Jucato | nope... sorry :( | 06:35 |
Jazon | know anyone/anywhere i might get some advice? | 06:35 |
Jucato | hm.. hang around till someone answers? check the forums? | 06:36 |
TheJuggernaut | can ne1 tell me why it takes forever for a letter to apeer ? | 06:36 |
Jazon | TheJuggernaut: bad postal service???? :P | 06:36 |
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TheJuggernaut | heh | 06:36 |
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TheJuggernaut | i have to hol d down a key for it to work | 06:37 |
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Jazon | TheJuggernaut: try accessability features?? | 06:41 |
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Maruko | hi people | 06:43 |
Maruko | who can help me with my wireless card? | 06:43 |
BWolf85 | what card do u have | 06:44 |
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Maruko | BWolf85 : U.S. MAXg PCI wireless adapter | 06:45 |
Maruko | U.S. Robotics | 06:45 |
Maruko | I used ndiswrapper | 06:45 |
Maruko | and when I give ndiswrapper -l it says the driver is instaleld | 06:46 |
BWolf85 | is your cards light on? | 06:46 |
Maruko | but | 06:46 |
Maruko | no | 06:46 |
Maruko | the card light is not on | 06:46 |
BWolf85 | did u restart it | 06:46 |
Maruko | how? | 06:46 |
Maruko | the pc u mean? | 06:46 |
BWolf85 | the computer | 06:47 |
Maruko | yes, I restarted my computer | 06:47 |
BWolf85 | so u just cannot connect to the router? | 06:47 |
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Maruko | well | 06:47 |
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Maruko | I receive this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23461/ | 06:48 |
Maruko | when I try to put the card on | 06:48 |
BWolf85 | that error makes no sense to me | 06:48 |
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Maruko | the part in italian means no such file or directory | 06:49 |
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BWolf85 | ipconfig? | 06:49 |
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Maruko | command not found... | 06:50 |
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compilerwriter | Just had a power spike and for some reason the battery backup didn't kick in for the computer I XDMCP to my *nix box from. What do I need to do if anything now that I am reconnected to get rid of old jobs from the previous session? | 06:51 |
djdarkman | hy, I there a way to check and repair fat32 errors? | 06:51 |
djdarkman | (under linux) | 06:51 |
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iarwain_ | hiya, anyone knows why amsn crashes with these errors? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23463/ | 06:52 |
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rmd_ | ok. firefox is still automatically starting when i log in. its not listed in any autostart anywhere, neither is it running when i quit | 06:54 |
rmd_ | anybody have any ideas? | 06:54 |
hyuma | I've a similar problem with beryl | 06:55 |
hyuma | 2 beryl starts when I load kde, and I don't know how to fix it | 06:55 |
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lenny__ | Hi. i'm newby and a bit stu... I've replace a image folder for another with the same name, so i lost all the old images. I only wanted to add the new ones but ... | 06:57 |
lenny__ | sorry for my english | 06:57 |
lenny__ | any idea? | 06:57 |
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spawn57 | you want the old images back? | 06:57 |
lenny__ | yessss | 06:58 |
hyuma | I think you can't | 06:58 |
lenny__ | I've migrated from w$ recently, so I don't know | 06:59 |
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diegoschulz | lenny what image folder are you talking about? /usr/share/wallpapers ? | 07:03 |
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diegoschulz | or one you've created yourself? | 07:04 |
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lenny__ | no. the images of a forum template i'm testing in a local server | 07:04 |
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diegoschulz | ah | 07:05 |
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sercik | it is possible to configure automount in kubuntu? | 07:09 |
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sercik | i want that my sdcard will be mounted under a specific directory | 07:09 |
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rmd_ | why | 07:10 |
rmd_ | wont | 07:10 |
rmd_ | firefox stop loading at login?! | 07:10 |
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morneHeru | rmd_: is your session being saved before you logout? | 07:12 |
rmd_ | morneHeru: i dont know, but session manager is supposed to be loading an empty session at login | 07:13 |
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pouic | bonsoir tout le monde | 07:13 |
morneHeru | hmm | 07:14 |
pouic | oula aurais-je reveiller quelqun ? | 07:14 |
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morneHeru | if you do "ls -a ~/.kde/Autostart" is anything related to firefox in there? | 07:15 |
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rmd_ | nope | 07:15 |
pouic | j'ai un petit soucis, si je lance un flash sous firefox alors que amarok est en route | 07:15 |
pouic | je n'ai pas de son sur le flash | 07:15 |
pouic | bizarrement le probleme ne ce pose pas avec fluxbox | 07:16 |
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TheGateKeeper_ | !fr | 07:16 |
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ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 07:16 |
pouic | sorry | 07:16 |
TheGateKeeper_ | pouic: that ok :-) | 07:17 |
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stamen | hi, does anybody knows a program like ultra vnc and to be universal for lin and win | 07:17 |
pouic | so hello world | 07:17 |
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pouic | I will try in english, I have a little prob with amarok and flash 9 | 07:18 |
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TheGateKeeper_ | pouic: have you installed flash? | 07:18 |
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pouic | yes | 07:18 |
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TheGateKeeper_ | ahhh | 07:18 |
pouic | if I play a flash when amarok is running I have nno sound on the flash | 07:18 |
TheGateKeeper_ | are you using alsa sound? | 07:19 |
pouic | and if I launch amarok when a flash is playing ( in firefox) amarok crash | 07:19 |
pouic | yes | 07:19 |
timmay | is anyone familiar with KIAX? | 07:19 |
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pouic | but on fluxbox the problem doesn't appear | 07:19 |
pouic | only with kde | 07:19 |
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pouic | someone has already see this probleme ? | 07:21 |
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TheGateKeeper_ | I have heard about it pouic, sadly I don't know what the fix is, may be someone else, it also wouldn't hurt to ask in #ubuntu | 07:22 |
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TheGateKeeper_ | may be someone else *does | 07:23 |
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rollerskatejamms | Anybody know where I can find a clone of the Human theme for kde? | 07:24 |
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rollerskatejamms | A *good* one | 07:24 |
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titanix88 | hendaus: u there? | 07:25 |
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dfgas | why are there kde4 stuff in synaptic and normal kde stuff? is kde4 in synaptic? | 07:25 |
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titanix88 | rollerskatejamms: 'humam' theme is only for gtk maybe but i would like to have one in kde. | 07:26 |
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rollerskatejamms | titanix88: I know its only GTK, thats why I said a *clone* of human | 07:27 |
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supernova_ | How do i enable 1024x768@75Hz? | 07:28 |
supernova_ | if i run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg i can get this to work by setting 1280x1024 as the best res... the only problem is that the loginscreen runs at 1280 then | 07:29 |
supernova_ | i want to have 1024x768@75Hz ALL the time! what can i do to fix this? | 07:29 |
ph8 | can anyone think of a reason why splash could just display a black screen and never progress? Boot works if i edit the line in grub and remove 'quiet' and 'splash' and then add 'nosplash' | 07:30 |
ph8 | i've had some issues with gfx drivers, but these are resolved now (nvidia gtx 8800) | 07:30 |
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supernova_ | ph8 same problem as me? splash runs at a diferent resolution | 07:30 |
supernova_ | ? | 07:30 |
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ph8 | ooo maybe | 07:33 |
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khaije1 | i'm not able to launch neverwinter nights after installing nspluginwrapper, on my edgy amd64 system, can't figure out whats going on... | 07:35 |
khaije1 | it just segfaults.... | 07:35 |
khaije1 | though it worked flawlessly before | 07:36 |
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rollerskatejamms | How can I make Konsole dump everything to a log | 07:38 |
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rollerskatejamms | i.e. everything that gets displayed on screen | 07:38 |
kane | is there a way to tell kubuntu which sound card to use? | 07:38 |
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SlimeyPete | rollerskatejamms: you can redirect the output of a process to a file by doing, for example: "sudo apt-cache search linux > linux_search.txt" | 07:39 |
timmay | anyone use KIAX? | 07:39 |
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rollerskatejamms | SlimeyPete: Yes but I need to be able to see the output on screen as well. | 07:39 |
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rollerskatejamms | SlimeyPete: AS the process is running. | 07:39 |
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SlimeyPete | rollerskatejamms: I suggest doing that, and then opening a new terminal and doing a "tail -f linux_search.txt" | 07:40 |
SlimeyPete | that will display the contents of the file in the second terminal, as the file is writen | 07:40 |
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rollerskatejamms | SlimeyPete: wont work, i need to feed the process input | 07:40 |
rollerskatejamms | im talking about telnet here | 07:40 |
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rollerskatejamms | SlimeyPete: man with xterm you can just do -l to dump things to a log file. why the hell cant gnome-terminal and konsole do that | 07:41 |
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igniter | hey | 07:43 |
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igniter | I'm looking for a program to limit my download speed on my own computer, what's an easy to use program that can do that? Thank you! | 07:44 |
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xevious | what's this avahi daemon and why do i need it? | 07:48 |
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nick_ | hi again | 07:49 |
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nick_ | i am still not able to make this wifi work. wireless shows up when i boot the livecd, but *not* when I boot off the fresh install on the hdd :s | 07:50 |
nick_ | it is s abelkin usb G 3000uk | 07:50 |
diegoschulz | rollerskatejamms have you tried with screen ? | 07:53 |
diegoschulz | man screen | 07:55 |
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diegoschulz | kane try editing /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base | 07:56 |
kane | hrm, thanks diegoschulz | 07:56 |
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diegoschulz | mine has "install sound-slot-0 /sbin/modprobe snd_emu10k1" | 07:57 |
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supernova_ | does anyone know how to limit the resolution of the loginscreen? | 08:01 |
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supernova_ | can i change the xorg.conf file manually? | 08:01 |
supernova_ | it says that i dont have premision | 08:01 |
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diegoschulz | supernova use sudo | 08:02 |
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diegoschulz | sudo youreditor /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:03 |
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supernova_ | diegoschulz: i have this problem: if i set the maximum resolution to 1024 (dpkg-reconfigure) i can only run the screen @ 1024x768@60Hz | 08:04 |
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supernova_ | if i set it to 1280x1024 (dpkg...) i can run the screen 1924x786@75Hz (as i like)..... BUT the loginscreen runs @ 1280x1024@60Hz which looks like crap | 08:05 |
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supernova_ | i want to run EVERYTHING @ 1024x768@75Hz | 08:05 |
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rollerskatejamms | Anybody have a blackberry? | 08:06 |
diegoschulz | you can switch the res on the fly by pressing CTRL and ALT and +/- | 08:06 |
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supernova_ | diegoschulz: @ the loginscreen? | 08:06 |
supernova_ | will that setting be saved? | 08:07 |
supernova_ | or do i have to to it every time? | 08:07 |
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diegoschulz | i think should work also at the login prompt | 08:07 |
diegoschulz | graphical login prompt | 08:07 |
chemist109 | supernova_: It sounds like your monitor settings aren't just right. Why don't you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? | 08:07 |
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supernova_ | -ill try brb | 08:07 |
tatters | small problem.but how do I set kmenu to scroll through program list rather than expand? I cannot seem to find the option anywhere........... | 08:07 |
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xevious | is it possible to make a clickable login screen in kubuntu? | 08:12 |
xevious | with icons for the users and passwordless login? | 08:12 |
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ph34r | siema | 08:13 |
toast | does it work? | 08:13 |
ph34r | : ) | 08:13 |
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toast | yay... fucking irc is pretty sweet once you get the hang of it. | 08:14 |
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pauljw | nice language toast | 08:14 |
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toast | oh | 08:15 |
xevious | toast: you might wanna chill out on the swears.. i got banend a lot early on | 08:15 |
xevious | ...cuz of swearing | 08:15 |
toast | I used /amsg ... didn't know it worked on other servers | 08:15 |
toast | thought it was just on the server I was chatting | 08:15 |
toast | sorry guys. | 08:15 |
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pauljw | np | 08:15 |
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dr_willis | kdm has an auto login feature. passwordless logins are possible also i think. just never messed with that | 08:17 |
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xevious | dr_willis: but the kubuntu login screen is just a username and a password text box | 08:19 |
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xevious | this is a computer for my mother and sister | 08:19 |
xevious | i want them to click on their username and have it log in | 08:19 |
Graham | xevious: Can't you just tell them their user names? :) | 08:20 |
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Graham | An XP style login is probably possible, though I think it'd require an extra theme | 08:21 |
xevious | Graham: they're doing it with the typing, but there's no need for them to have to type their passwords | 08:22 |
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Graham | xevious: Security? | 08:23 |
Graham | Are either of their users sudo enabled? | 08:23 |
xevious | nope | 08:23 |
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chemist109 | xevious: You can do this from within kcontrol | 08:23 |
xevious | chemist109: under login manager? | 08:24 |
chemist109 | system settings>advanced>login manager>administrator mode | 08:24 |
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chemist109 | under "users" just check the ones that you want to show up in the login screen. | 08:26 |
unu | dfgdb | 08:26 |
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sa | hi everyone | 08:26 |
FroggyTheGreat | Adept question... | 08:26 |
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FroggyTheGreat | When I boot my system here (Kubuntu FF) and try to run Adept, it says something is locking the Adept database. I have no idea where even to begin looking. | 08:27 |
FroggyTheGreat | I think this started after I tried to designate a directory as a place that would hold packages. | 08:27 |
FroggyTheGreat | I removed the line from the Adept config file, but it hasn't worked since then. | 08:28 |
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FroggyTheGreat | Anyone have any insights? | 08:28 |
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Graham | Can you use apt-get ? | 08:28 |
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sa | i downloaded and installed baryl (or beryl?) earlier today. when I restarted the computer it would not let me log in | 08:28 |
chemist109 | xevious: Under "convenience | 08:28 |
sa | so i had to re-install the whole KDE | 08:28 |
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chemist109 | oops | 08:28 |
FroggyTheGreat | Pretty sure it doesn't let me, but I can try. What's a good small package to try it with? | 08:28 |
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xevious | chemist109: thanks. | 08:29 |
Graham | open-arena :) | 08:29 |
Graham | Nah j/k it's like... 70mb | 08:29 |
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FroggyTheGreat | that's the name of the package? | 08:29 |
chemist109 | xevious: under "convenience" there is the auto login option for each person. | 08:29 |
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xevious | chemist109: i found it. gonna log off and test it | 08:29 |
Graham | krec | 08:29 |
sa | Anyone know why? | 08:29 |
thev | hi, if I install something from source, IE gimp 2.3.15, how do I uninstall it? | 08:29 |
FroggyTheGreat | "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." | 08:29 |
Graham | That'll be why :) | 08:29 |
Graham | Run the command good sir :) | 08:29 |
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dr_willis | with an sudo of course. | 08:30 |
Graham | Yeah, sudo dpkg --configure -a | 08:30 |
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FroggyTheGreat | Looks like it worked. Then I ran apt-get again and it says another package (one I installed via Alien) needs to be reinstalled but it can't find its archive. | 08:30 |
FroggyTheGreat | Looks like this will block any use of Adept till I get it fixed. | 08:31 |
Graham | Just remove it. | 08:31 |
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FroggyTheGreat | The package is adobereader-enu | 08:31 |
Graham | Remove it, be safe. | 08:31 |
FroggyTheGreat | Sigh. | 08:31 |
FroggyTheGreat | After all the trouble I went to in order to get adobereader installed, too. Heh. | 08:32 |
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Graham | Just get rid of it, PURGE IT! CLEANSE IT! | 08:32 |
Graham | Then alien the rpm again | 08:32 |
FroggyTheGreat | apt-get purge [package] yes? | 08:32 |
Graham | remove | 08:32 |
FroggyTheGreat | That gives me the same error. | 08:33 |
Graham | What error? | 08:33 |
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FroggyTheGreat | "E: The package adobereader-enu needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." | 08:33 |
cox377 | is there anyway to set the download directory of azureus to an smb share opposed to downloading to the the local hdd? | 08:33 |
Graham | cox377: Mount the share. | 08:33 |
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chemist109 | FroggyTheGreat: sudo apt-get remove --purge adobereader-enu | 08:34 |
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supernova_ | how do you add icons/shortcuts to applications and harddrives on the desktop? | 08:34 |
FroggyTheGreat | I get the same error on the purge command. | 08:35 |
FroggyTheGreat | And though Adept runs graphically now, it can't commit the updates. | 08:35 |
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sa | does anyone know how I make firefox the standard browser? | 08:35 |
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HighHo | Supernova > Right click on desktop > Create new > Link to Device | 08:36 |
chemist109 | FroggyTheGreat: How about this: sudo dpkg -P adobereader-enu | 08:36 |
FroggyTheGreat | chemist109 - same error. | 08:36 |
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=== FroggyTheGreat is apparently the chat-plague. Cool. | ||
chemist109 | FroggyTheGreat: I would try installing it again and then purging it. | 08:37 |
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FroggyTheGreat | Ok. | 08:38 |
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sa | ? | 08:40 |
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imagie | nemluvm anglicky | 08:40 |
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acemo | im installing kubuntu.. i want to devide my hard disk in 10GB for /, 2GB for swap, 148GB for /home.. wich partition would be best to place on the beginning of the hard disk and wich at end? | 08:41 |
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nosrednaekim | put /home at the beginning | 08:42 |
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nosrednaekim | acemo: that way if you kill your partition tables, its very easy in restore your home partition | 08:42 |
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sa | does anyone know how to make firefox the default browser | 08:43 |
sa | ? | 08:43 |
acemo | sa: K -> System settings | 08:43 |
supernova_ | HighHo: now do i change icons? | 08:43 |
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supernova_ | i want to use another icon | 08:43 |
acemo | sa: default applications | 08:44 |
chemist109 | sa: K>system settings>Default Applications>web browser | 08:44 |
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supernova_ | HighHo: link do device doesnt work.. says its already mounted | 08:44 |
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HighHo | supernova_ > Simply right click the created icon and select "properties" in the general tab, just click the icon. You can then choose a new icon. | 08:45 |
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supernova_ | HighHo: i found out :p | 08:46 |
supernova_ | back to the harddrive... | 08:46 |
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supernova_ | i would like a link to my fat32 drive on the desktop how do i do (id did as you said but it sais that the drive already was mounted) | 08:46 |
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sa | chemist109: thank you! | 08:48 |
sa | acemo: thank you! | 08:48 |
HighHo | supernova_ > Sounds like its created correctly, try logging out and back into your desktop | 08:49 |
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supernova_ | HighHo: strange.. | 08:51 |
supernova_ | can you just rightklick on a folder and add a shortcut tp desktop? | 08:51 |
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HighHo | supernova_ > Yes, you can left click and drag a folder to the Desktop and select "Link Here" | 08:53 |
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Drblood[away] | n e one here who wants to help me | 08:55 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 08:56 |
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Graham | ZIS IST NOT GERMANY! | 08:57 |
Drblood[away] | lol | 08:57 |
Graham | Drblood[away] : Ask and ye shall receive. | 08:57 |
cg0def | where is grub.conf in kubuntu? | 08:57 |
Graham | There isn't a grub.conf | 08:57 |
Graham | Unless you mean menu.lst | 08:58 |
Graham | I think | 08:58 |
cg0def | so how do I change the grub configuration | 08:58 |
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Graham | change /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:58 |
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Graham | That's the config. | 08:58 |
Graham | Drblood[away] : What did you want. | 08:58 |
cg0def | oh ix | 08:58 |
ozkan | sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:58 |
Graham | ozkan: You failure, we use kwrite | 08:58 |
Drblood[away] | i got this | 08:58 |
Drblood[away] | wen trying to load my animated matrix screen | 08:59 |
Drblood[away] | glmatrix: window 0x3600002's visual 0x154 does not support the GLX extension. | 08:59 |
Drblood[away] | /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix died, exit status 1 | 08:59 |
cg0def | :) | 08:59 |
ozkan | :) | 08:59 |
cg0def | actually i prefer nano | 08:59 |
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Graham | nano rules! | 08:59 |
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greg_g | so, I can't play dvds, Kaffiene says it can't find the right codec, and totem and vlc won't run. Where in adept do I find the packages required (libdvdcss2 and such) I can't find them and I have all the repositories enabled? | 08:59 |
Graham | Drblood[away] : I see, now that IS a problem. | 08:59 |
Drblood[away] | yes it is isnt it | 08:59 |
Drblood[away] | >.> | 08:59 |
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Graham | sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:00 |
cg0def | Graham do I have to comming the changes or saving the file is enough | 09:00 |
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spectrumpac | hi could any one help me | 09:00 |
Graham | And comment out the line the loads GLX | 09:00 |
Graham | spectrumpac: The queen, but she's not here, you'll have to deal with us instead. | 09:00 |
Graham | cg0def: Umm... I don't get you | 09:00 |
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Graham | Just save it | 09:00 |
supernova_ | how do you make a link to the / directory in the desktop? | 09:00 |
kunal_ | i want to use the font Albany AMT. In which package will I find it? | 09:00 |
Drblood[away] | so umm n e help? | 09:00 |
Graham | kunal_: Search packages.ubuntu.com | 09:01 |
cg0def | well is it like xorg.conf where just editing the config file does not change anything | 09:01 |
kunal_ | I cant find it on packages.ubuntu.com even after using file search | 09:01 |
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Graham | Drblood[away] : I told you, don't load the GLX extension.# | 09:01 |
HighHo | Greg_g > http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#codecs | 09:01 |
Drblood[away] | kunal patel :D | 09:01 |
Drblood[away] | glx extension #? | 09:01 |
supernova_ | found out.. | 09:01 |
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spectrumpac | i want to remove a package that i installed but i have a problem when i use the apt-get remove | 09:01 |
Drblood[away] | wat do u eamn | 09:01 |
Drblood[away] | mean* | 09:01 |
Graham | In section module, comment out this line: load "glx" | 09:01 |
Drblood[away] | can u tell me how to do this | 09:02 |
Drblood[away] | im pretty dumb | 09:02 |
Graham | cg0def: Chaging the file for x is all you need to do, you need to reload it, and since you only use grub when you login :) | 09:02 |
Graham | Drblood[away] : Place a # at the start of the line. | 09:02 |
Graham | It should go grey or something, depends what editor you're using. | 09:03 |
Drblood[away] | wat line | 09:03 |
Drblood[away] | :/ | 09:03 |
Drblood[away] | im using kubuntu | 09:03 |
kunal_ | Graham: I cant find it on packages.ubuntu.com | 09:03 |
Drblood[away] | u want me to turn on konsole? | 09:03 |
Graham | load "glx" | 09:03 |
Drblood[away] | um | 09:03 |
Graham | kunal_: Then just install it like you would with any other font, google it. | 09:04 |
Drblood[away] | idk wat ur talkin about can u tell me wat to do | 09:04 |
Drblood[away] | :/ | 09:04 |
Graham | konsole | 09:04 |
=== Drblood[away] is now known as Drblood | ||
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Graham | sudo kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:04 |
Graham | and find the ling in Section "Modules" that says load "glx" | 09:04 |
Graham | place a # at the beginning of the line. | 09:04 |
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Graham | Seriously, it can't be easier. | 09:04 |
Drblood | sudo kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:05 |
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Drblood | um | 09:05 |
Drblood | i got an error | 09:05 |
Graham | No you didn't. | 09:05 |
Drblood | sudo kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:05 |
Drblood | kded: cannot connect to X server :0.0 | 09:05 |
Drblood | kded: ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Registering failed! | 09:05 |
Drblood | kded: ERROR: Communication problem with kded, it probably crashed. | 09:05 |
Drblood | hmm no error? | 09:05 |
Graham | That's because your x server is configured crap, don't worry about it for now. | 09:06 |
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Drblood | ok now wat i do | 09:06 |
Graham | Has kwrite popped up? | 09:06 |
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Drblood | no | 09:06 |
Graham | Run sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:07 |
hyuma | anyone can help me please? | 09:07 |
hyuma | I don't know how to fix the auto load of beryl on my KDE | 09:08 |
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Drblood | ok | 09:08 |
hyuma | 2 beryl loading | 09:08 |
Drblood | i closed out konsole then went back in and did | 09:08 |
Drblood | sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:08 |
Drblood | now wat | 09:08 |
Graham | Find Section "Modules" | 09:08 |
Drblood | kwrite is up | 09:08 |
Drblood | O_o | 09:08 |
Graham | Fuck kwrite, it's a gobshite. | 09:08 |
Graham | Concentrate on nano. | 09:08 |
greg_g | HighHo: Kaffeine still cannot play the dvd, "plugin not found" | 09:09 |
Graham | greg_g: Install the extra codecs | 09:09 |
Drblood | ?? | 09:09 |
Graham | libdvdcss2 | 09:09 |
Drblood | i dont get it | 09:09 |
Graham | NOT YOU! | 09:09 |
greg_g | Graham: installed | 09:09 |
Graham | That's a problem. | 09:09 |
Graham | Gimme a moment. | 09:10 |
greg_g | Graham: sure is | 09:10 |
greg_g | Graham: k | 09:10 |
Graham | Drblood: Find Section "Module" | 09:10 |
spectrumpac | men you got some problems here maybe more late i will come | 09:10 |
Graham | There should be a line that says Section "Module" | 09:10 |
Drblood | kk | 09:10 |
Graham | spectrumpac: What's your problem? | 09:10 |
Drblood | i found it | 09:10 |
Remo_A | hi all, why is imagemagick still on version and not version 6.3.4? When will it be updated? I have problems using feisty fawn repos, because 6.3.4 conflicts with libmagick9, which kaffeine depends on. After deinstalling those two packages, imagemagick 6.3.4 works, but I would like to keep kaffeine... | 09:10 |
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spectrumpac | i cant remove a package | 09:11 |
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spectrumpac | i use apt-get remove | 09:11 |
Graham | Drblood: Now, find the line that says load "glx" and place a # before it so it reads # load "glx" | 09:11 |
Graham | sudo apt-get remove | 09:11 |
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Drblood | do i put it before the " | 09:11 |
Drblood | or in it | 09:11 |
Drblood | #Load "glx" | 09:12 |
Drblood | is that right? | 09:12 |
Graham | Drblood: I said put it at the START of the LINE | 09:12 |
Graham | Yes! Like that! | 09:12 |
Drblood | im sorry im stupid | 09:12 |
Graham | spectrumpac: Did you use sudo? | 09:12 |
spectrumpac | yes | 09:12 |
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Drblood | now wat :O | 09:12 |
Graham | What error do you get? | 09:13 |
Graham | Drblood: Save the file | 09:13 |
Graham | ctrl + x | 09:13 |
Remo_A | kindergarden in here... | 09:13 |
Graham | Remo_A: Tell me about it... | 09:13 |
Drblood | are u talking about me remo | 09:13 |
Graham | Drblood: Focus! | 09:13 |
Drblood | now u want me to close kwrite | 09:13 |
Graham | Save and close | 09:13 |
Remo_A | that's the problem of making ubuntu so userfriendly, you get people here, which don't know, how to comment out a line :) | 09:13 |
Drblood | kk | 09:13 |
Graham | Tell me when you've done that | 09:14 |
spectrumpac | dpkg: error al procesar libghc6-gtk-dev (--remove): | 09:14 |
spectrumpac | el subproceso pre-removal script devolvi el cdigo de salida de error 1 | 09:14 |
Drblood | its not my fault im dumb | 09:14 |
Graham | It is. | 09:14 |
Zackson | hello | 09:14 |
Zackson | como estan | 09:14 |
Zackson | estoy con un grande problema | 09:14 |
Zackson | perdi el pass de root | 09:14 |
Drblood | glmatrix: window 0x3600002's visual 0x154 does not support the GLX extension. | 09:14 |
Drblood | /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix died, exit status 1 | 09:14 |
Zackson | y no logro accesar como admin a modificar cosas | 09:14 |
Zackson | alguien me puede dar una mano | 09:14 |
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Zackson | soy kubuntu user | 09:15 |
Graham | Press ctrl + alt + backspace and I'll see you in a few mins k :) | 09:15 |
Graham | Zackson: We spekenzy English | 09:15 |
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Remo_A | Zackson: aqui habla ingles | 09:15 |
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Graham | Drblood: Did you press ctrl + alt + backspace | 09:15 |
Graham | Was he speaking Spannish? | 09:16 |
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spectrumpac | i can speak spanish | 09:16 |
drblood | >_> | 09:16 |
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Graham | spectrumpac: I can't understand that error, I'm only fluent in 3 lanuages, english, american and australian | 09:16 |
drblood | glmatrix: display ":0.0" does not support the GLX extension. | 09:17 |
spectrumpac | ok let see | 09:17 |
drblood | /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix died, exit status 1 | 09:17 |
Graham | drblood: You restarted x server, it'll work now. | 09:17 |
drblood | yes i restarted x server | 09:17 |
drblood | >_> | 09:17 |
greg_g | the subprocess pre-removal script returned the code of something of error 1 | 09:17 |
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drblood | i went to konsole | 09:17 |
drblood | typed cd Desktop | 09:17 |
drblood | ./coolbg | 09:17 |
drblood | glmatrix | 09:17 |
drblood | run in foreground | 09:17 |
drblood | y | 09:17 |
drblood | and then | 09:17 |
drblood | glmatrix: display ":0.0" does not support the GLX extension. | 09:17 |
drblood | /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix died, exit status 1 | 09:17 |
Graham | drblood: Do some googling. I don't know what the hell you're on about. | 09:18 |
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Graham | I don't even know what glmatrix is | 09:18 |
drblood | graham | 09:18 |
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drblood | its a screensaver | 09:18 |
drblood | >.> | 09:18 |
drblood | well backround | 09:18 |
drblood | :/ | 09:18 |
Graham | Use euphoria, it's pretty. | 09:18 |
drblood | matrix is better | 09:18 |
drblood | ! | 09:18 |
greg_g | Graham: the error that you can't read is: the subprocess pre-removal script returned the code of something of error 1 | 09:18 |
Graham | Translate it for me please :) | 09:19 |
Graham | dr# | 09:19 |
spectrumpac | dpkg: error when processing libghc6-gtk-dev (--remove): the pre-removal subprocess script gave back the code of exit of error 1 | 09:19 |
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greg_g | EXIT, of course! | 09:19 |
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drblood | engine: display ":0.0" does not support the GLX extension. | 09:19 |
drblood | /usr/lib/xscreensaver/engine died, exit status 1 | 09:19 |
Mind7 | Free calls - http://callfree.point-serv.com/en/ | 09:19 |
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Graham | drblood: ask in ##linux | 09:19 |
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Remo_A | Anyone know, if/where there is a package-in-repo-placement shedules list? I would like to know, when a higher imagemagick version will be considered feisty fawn-like stable. | 09:20 |
greg_g | Graham: you have any ideas about my dvd playback problem? | 09:20 |
Graham | Remo_A: Depends on the repo masters, you can remove it if you want and build your own version. | 09:20 |
Graham | greg_g: You have the restricted packages from adept installer don't you? | 09:21 |
greg_g | Graham: yep | 09:21 |
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Remo_A | Graham: I do have built my own version, BUT if conflicts with libmagick9 which kaffeine depends on. | 09:21 |
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Graham | Do you NEED a higher version? | 09:22 |
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Graham | greg_g: Can you try it in mplayer? | 09:22 |
Remo_A | Graham: yes, there is some very important functionality, and also many fixes applied... | 09:22 |
Graham | greg_g: Hang on, you use xine with kaffiene don't you? | 09:23 |
Remo_A | that's actually why I really wonder, why it's still on the version from...uhm a very long time ago *g | 09:23 |
greg_g | yeah, I think it does | 09:23 |
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Graham | greg_g: Hang on, I as got do so some work. | 09:23 |
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Graham | greg_g: apt-get yourself libxine-extracodecs | 09:25 |
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sa | i have a question regarding kopete | 09:25 |
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sa | when I log on with kopete for MSN messenger, I only have 43 contacts on my list | 09:26 |
Graham | Do you feel lonely? | 09:26 |
sa | usually I have 168 contacts...does anyone know what the problem is? | 09:26 |
Graham | I'll be your friend if you want :) | 09:26 |
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Remo_A | sa: maybe the others are offline and thus not displayed? | 09:27 |
Graham | Yes. | 09:27 |
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Remo_A | or... that guy who was before in here, didn't he say something about he was running from somewhere, having highjacked several kopete contacts? | 09:28 |
sa | Remo_A: no that is not the problem. 43 including the offline users | 09:28 |
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ph8 | sorry - i think i got disconnected - does anyone know a way of 'indexing' all your drives so that they are added to /etc/fstab for mounting on boot automagically? | 09:28 |
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spectrumpac | Graham ?? | 09:28 |
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Graham | spectrumpac: A-yeeeeeeeeeees? | 09:28 |
Remo_A | sahin_h: different account you forgot to include? msn..icq... | 09:29 |
Graham | sa: You may prefer aMSN | 09:30 |
ensgabe | I'm attempting to install the alpha KDE 4 packages- how can I prevent dozen or so direct dependancies of kdebase from being removed by apt? | 09:30 |
spectrumpac | dpkg: error al procesar libghc6-gtk-dev (--remove): | 09:30 |
spectrumpac | el subproceso pre-removal script devolvi el cdigo de salida de error 1 | 09:30 |
Graham | ensgabe: Don't think you can. | 09:30 |
spectrumpac | dpkg: error when processing libghc6-gtk-dev (--remove): the pre-removal subprocess script gave back the code of exit of error 1 | 09:30 |
Graham | Since they can't work with the new kdebase. | 09:31 |
sa | Graham: sorry? | 09:31 |
ensgabe | Graham, so it's an "if I can't fix it, I shouldn't do it" scenario? | 09:31 |
greg_g | Graham: the gxine-extracodecs worked, thanks | 09:31 |
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Graham | sa: sudo apt-get install amsn | 09:31 |
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Graham | greg_g: Another satisfied customer :) | 09:31 |
sa | Graham: aha! thank you | 09:32 |
Lars_G | How compatible is 7.04 for compiling KDE4 svn pull? | 09:32 |
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whiles | anyone remember the address of the site that save the internet cache ... | 09:32 |
Lars_G | whiles: Coral Cache? | 09:33 |
whiles | something like internethistory.com | 09:33 |
Lars_G | whiles: Ahh, i's at www.archive.org | 09:33 |
Graham | ensgabe: By all means do it if you want, but all the kde 3 stuff is going to be useless. | 09:33 |
Lars_G | The wayback machine | 09:33 |
whiles | yes!!! thank you very much!!! | 09:33 |
Lars_G | How compatible is 7.04 for compiling KDE4 svn pull? I clear a little, with 6.xx it was necesary to have parallel Qt4 libraries and such, is there any dev enviro for easy compile thats 7.04 firendly? | 09:34 |
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BlueBird22 | can any one help me with my modem . i just ran scanModem. (i have lucent/agere winmodem), i have the results now. what next? | 09:34 |
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ensgabe | Graham, it's just that the kubuntu website doesn't intimate that you're likely to break your KDE3 system with the given repository | 09:34 |
Lars_G | BlueBird22: Last time I used a winmodem in linux, then you had to buy the closed source driver. | 09:35 |
ensgabe | I was wondering if I was missing something | 09:35 |
Graham | I'd recommend you didn't overwrite it. | 09:35 |
Graham | If that's at all possible. | 09:35 |
Remo_A | you know what is missing? A poker-bot for IRC! | 09:35 |
Remo_A | that'd be fun! | 09:35 |
BlueBird22 | Lars_G many ppl use winmodems in linux. for free drivers | 09:35 |
Graham | Remo_A: I reckon a cyber bot would be fun, good for you, and you can set it on ususpecting nerds. | 09:35 |
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Graham | idiotnerd: does something naughty | 09:36 |
Graham | cyberbot: you've been caught cybering by cyber bot, submitting to bash.org | 09:36 |
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sa | is there an vobsub-equivalent program for linux? | 09:36 |
Graham | That would rule so hard! | 09:36 |
sa | as in, any program for vewing srt-files? | 09:37 |
Graham | sa: Survay says! Google it! | 09:37 |
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sa | Graham: if somebody knows then I would save time :) | 09:37 |
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Graham | sa: Google? This is SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAA! | 09:37 |
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sa | Graham: haha! | 09:38 |
sa | no, this is KUBUNTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! | 09:38 |
titanix88 | hendaus: | 09:38 |
sa | :) | 09:38 |
Graham | sa: It's not, Lupus, it must be Google | 09:38 |
MaTiAz | lol @ sa | 09:38 |
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Graham | That was a House reference BTW | 09:39 |
Graham | It's never Lupus | 09:39 |
PriceChild | !offtopic | 09:39 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 09:39 |
BlueBird22 | helo.... | 09:39 |
titanix88 | sa: :) | 09:39 |
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Graham | I'm having some fun, I spent the past 40 minutes telling someone how to comment out a line in xorg.conf! | 09:39 |
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Graham | I love 300, it's like... the most epic movie I've ever seen. | 09:40 |
Lars_G | How compatible is 7.04 for compiling KDE4 svn pull? I clear a little, with 6.xx it was necesary to have parallel Qt4 libraries and such, is there any dev enviro for easy compile thats 7.04 firendly? | 09:40 |
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kain__ | hello | 09:41 |
Graham | hello | 09:41 |
MaTiAz | Graham: It's propably one of the homosexually erotic movies I've ever seen | 09:41 |
drblood | linux people didnt help me | 09:41 |
drblood | they bring me in circles | 09:41 |
MaTiAz | But slow-motion decapitations are cool :) | 09:41 |
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Graham | MaTiAz: I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. | 09:41 |
kain__ | i followed instructions on getting my dell 1390 broadcom wireless card to work it picks up signals but sits at 28% and says configuring device or something | 09:41 |
MaTiAz | Graham: Sure :) | 09:41 |
kain__ | can someone help please? | 09:41 |
Graham | drblood: Try #tuxhacker | 09:41 |
drblood | hi | 09:42 |
drblood | i need help | 09:42 |
pegasuscht | kain, specifics? | 09:42 |
titanix88 | deblood: whatz ur prblm?? | 09:42 |
kain__ | specifics of what | 09:42 |
drblood | im a retard | 09:42 |
kain__ | what would you like to know pegasus | 09:42 |
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pegasuscht | "configuring device or something" | 09:42 |
kain__ | brb i'll get the error | 09:43 |
kain__ | brb | 09:43 |
Graham | drblood: Ask in #ispenthalfanhourtellingyouhowtocommentoutalineinxorg.confandifyoucontinuetoaskquestionsaboutanobscurescreensaverthatdoesn'tworkmyheadwillexplode | 09:43 |
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PriceChild | Everyone please get back on topic and abide the CoC | 09:43 |
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drblood | graham O_o | 09:43 |
Graham | Seriously | 09:43 |
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drblood | >.> | 09:44 |
titanix88 | deblood: whatz ur prblm?? | 09:44 |
titanix88 | drblood: whatz ur prblm?? | 09:44 |
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MinceR | hi | 09:44 |
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drblood | this is | 09:44 |
drblood | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 09:44 |
drblood | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 09:44 |
drblood | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 09:44 |
drblood | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 09:44 |
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drblood | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 09:44 |
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drblood | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 09:44 |
Graham | STOP SPAMMING! | 09:44 |
drblood | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 09:44 |
BlueBird22 | can any one help me with my modem . i am using kubuntu. i just ran scanModem. (i have lucent/agere winmodem), i have the results now. what next? | 09:44 |
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drblood | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 09:45 |
drblood | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 09:45 |
greg_g | drblood: stop pasting that | 09:45 |
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MinceR | i see nvidia-glx-new but no nvidia-kernel-new or nvidia-new-kernel, only nvidia-new-kernel-source. am i missing something? | 09:45 |
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crdlb | MinceR, nope, l-r-m includes all three versions | 09:45 |
Graham | MinceR: There's only one package for the kernel. | 09:45 |
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Graham | With the glx for normal, new or legacy | 09:45 |
drblood | -.- | 09:46 |
crdlb | and it picks the right one at boot | 09:46 |
drblood | y u do that | 09:46 |
titanix88 | drblood:what graphics card? | 09:46 |
crdlb | !u > drblood | 09:46 |
drblood | geforce 6150 | 09:46 |
Graham | !u | 09:46 |
ubotu | Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 09:46 |
greg_g | because you were pasting the same thing over and over, you were spamming, just don't do it again, it was probably an accident, so just learn from your mistakes | 09:46 |
=== nkoc [n=nkoc@p5082d670.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Graham | !u | drblood | 09:47 |
MinceR | startx still says that the kernel module is 9631 but the X module is 9755. what did i do wrong and how can i fix it? | 09:47 |
ubotu | drblood: please see above | 09:47 |
LjL | !msg the bot | 09:47 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 09:47 |
drblood | I've only had kubuntu for a day... | 09:47 |
crdlb | err I already did that | 09:47 |
greg_g | drblood: it is ok, just learn from mistakes is all one can do | 09:47 |
Graham | !beef | 09:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about beef - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:47 |
=== word [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Graham | :P | 09:47 |
Graham | I love bot abuse. | 09:47 |
titanix88 | drblood: tried"sudo nvidia-xconfig"? | 09:47 |
drblood | !hi | 09:47 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 09:47 |
drblood | i dont think so | 09:48 |
Graham | bot | 09:48 |
Graham | i love bot | 09:48 |
Graham | !beef | 09:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about beef - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:48 |
Graham | !SPARTAAAAA | 09:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about spartaaaaa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:48 |
PriceChild | Graham, please investigate with him in pm | 09:48 |
drblood | wat max lines i can paste | 09:48 |
drblood | Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". | 09:48 |
drblood | Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup' | 09:48 |
drblood | New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' | 09:48 |
Graham | I'm having fun. | 09:48 |
PriceChild | drblood, 3 | 09:48 |
Graham | Joykill. | 09:48 |
drblood | one too much | 09:48 |
drblood | >_> | 09:48 |
spectrumpac | by thanks for all | 09:48 |
drblood | how can i do less? | 09:48 |
=== pegasuscht uses the internet and books before asking questions ;) | ||
titanix88 | drblood:installed "nvidia-glx"? | 09:48 |
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Graham | Survay says! Use Google | 09:49 |
Lars_G | Graham: You can have fun without aggravating others | 09:49 |
Graham | I'm not argoing others. | 09:49 |
=== Kartibok [n=jim@host217-44-243-172.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
drblood | i installed | 09:49 |
drblood | nvidia-glx-new | 09:49 |
drblood | no nvidia-glx tho | 09:49 |
titanix88 | Graham: did u tall him/her to run "nvidia-xconfig"? | 09:49 |
drblood | im a guy | 09:50 |
Graham | Who? | 09:50 |
drblood | <----- | 09:50 |
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titanix88 | drblood:it's ok.now run:"sudo nvidia-xconfig". | 09:50 |
Graham | Oh him! No I heard it screws up x | 09:51 |
Graham | I don't take the change. | 09:51 |
Graham | chance* | 09:51 |
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drblood | ? | 09:51 |
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titanix88 | drblood:wait a minute.maybe ur driver is in 'nvidia-glx' not 'nvidia-glx-new' | 09:52 |
drblood | ok | 09:52 |
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voicu | hi, can i disable automounting of devices? | 09:53 |
titanix88 | Graham: no it does not,u have to give proper options.it works fine. | 09:53 |
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Graham | titanix88: You're a nvidia-xconfig propogandist, I see through your lies! | 09:54 |
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Graham | Only thing you need to change is the driver from nv to nvidia, nothing moew. | 09:54 |
Graham | more* | 09:54 |
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drblood | ? | 09:54 |
Graham | Not you. | 09:55 |
=== BluesKaj [n=Blues@bas1-sudbury98-1177675760.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
titanix88 | Graham: maybe. but when u r using their binary blob u have not much option. | 09:55 |
Graham | !u | 09:55 |
Graham | :) | 09:55 |
ubotu | Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 09:55 |
Graham | I'd like to add "are" to that list | 09:55 |
=== dregorth [n=dregorth@66-190-240-43.dhcp.klmt.or.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lars_G | Graham: There are more fine tune options you can add appart from changing the driver | 09:56 |
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Graham | Lars_G: Such as | 09:56 |
Lars_G | the agpgart to use, composite options, and many other driver parameters | 09:56 |
titanix88 | Graham: drblood is a newbie. s/he needs to just get things done.not digg through xorg.conf.don't mislead a new linux user. | 09:56 |
Graham | titanix88: You don't even know. | 09:56 |
Graham | titanix88: Seriously. | 09:57 |
Graham | I spent 20 minutes telling the guy how to comment out a line, trust me I hepled him! | 09:57 |
sa | good niht everyone! | 09:57 |
titanix88 | LArs_G:i can do that with nvidia-glx. | 09:57 |
sa | night | 09:57 |
dregorth | night sa | 09:57 |
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Graham | BTW you can uncomment that line if you're installing a driver. | 09:57 |
titanix88 | LArs_G:i can do that with nvidia-xconfig. | 09:57 |
Linuxape | anyone playing WoW on kubuntu? | 09:57 |
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Graham | Which you should of done before you ever used it. | 09:57 |
Graham | Linuxape: I know of people who do. | 09:57 |
Lars_G | titanix88: yep. | 09:58 |
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Lars_G | Linuxape: I do | 09:58 |
dregorth | Graham: know of anyone doing it on freeservers? | 09:58 |
Linuxape | with just wine? | 09:58 |
Graham | Yeah, wine is all you need | 09:58 |
drblood | great now berylmanager isnt working | 09:58 |
drblood | >_> | 09:58 |
Graham | Now if you excuse me, ima go watch house. | 09:58 |
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drblood | brb to relog x | 09:58 |
Linuxape | veery cool | 09:58 |
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kain__ | pegasus: ok i'm connected wirelessly now | 09:58 |
=== drblood [n=drblood@pool-70-20-26-148.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kain__ | it was hanging ip on Connecting Device | 09:59 |
kain__ | then the IP step it sat at | 09:59 |
titanix88 | drblood:open ur terminal(Konsole) & type there"sudo nvidia-xconfig" | 09:59 |
kain__ | i dunno | 09:59 |
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kain__ | it's like my wireless card freezes or something? | 09:59 |
drblood | ok | 09:59 |
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drblood | Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". | 09:59 |
drblood | Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup' | 10:00 |
drblood | New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' | 10:00 |
drblood | >_> | 10:00 |
drblood | it says that | 10:00 |
=== Dellilah [n=elin@217-211-191-208-no39.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
titanix88 | drblood:now press"ctrl+alt+backspace" | 10:01 |
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kain__ | can anyone help with my laggy/freezing wireless connection? | 10:01 |
Lars_G | Linuxape: I use Cedega myself | 10:01 |
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=== drblood [n=drblood@pool-70-20-26-148.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
drblood | now wat | 10:02 |
kain__ | ? | 10:02 |
BluesKaj | Having a difficult time with installing tvtime ...have the right settings in modprobe.d, but no luck ...still getting errors like : make[1] : *** [tvtime-videoinput.o] Error 1 during the install ...looks like tvtime doesn't see my tvtuner card ...any ideas ? | 10:03 |
titanix88 | drblood:now try "glxgears" in Konsole.if it runs smoothly then u have a 3d accel. | 10:03 |
drblood | it worx | 10:03 |
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BluesKaj | drblood, sixsided cube with gears spinning on all sides ...glxgears is one dimensional | 10:04 |
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BluesKaj | no spinning cube means no 3D | 10:05 |
drblood | i see a program | 10:05 |
titanix88 | drblood:try also "glxinfo | grep direct" | 10:05 |
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drblood | with 3 gears | 10:05 |
chx | hi. I have a very strange problem , my keyboard occassionaly just stops working, if i log out then it begins to work again | 10:05 |
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titanix88 | Bluskaj:r u kidding? | 10:06 |
chx | log out from KDE, that is | 10:06 |
drblood | direct rendering yes | 10:06 |
drblood | O_o | 10:06 |
supernova_ | how do i remove the desktop "selector" down by the clock? i only have one desktop | 10:06 |
chx | supernova_: try right click | 10:06 |
supernova_ | chx well that didnt work | 10:07 |
titanix88 | drblood: looks like ur prblm solved. | 10:07 |
MinceR | thx for the hint, looks like i've forgot to install linux-restricted-modules entirely :) | 10:07 |
chx | supernova_: not on the icon itself | 10:07 |
chx | supernova_: on an empty grey area | 10:07 |
yeti | what was libxine-extracodecs replaced with in feisty? | 10:07 |
drblood | how is my problem solved | 10:07 |
BluesKaj | dunno about other drivers and cards but "fgl_glxgears" on ATI gives a 6sided cube with gears spinning on all faces | 10:08 |
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LjL | yeti: linxine1-ffmeg | 10:08 |
LjL | and maybe others | 10:08 |
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drblood | glmatrix: window 0x3800002's visual 0x154 does not support the GLX extension. | 10:08 |
drblood | /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix died, exit status 1 | 10:08 |
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yuriy | yeti: libxine-extracodecs is still there and installs the right package for you | 10:08 |
titanix88 | drblood:when do u see that? | 10:09 |
drblood | wen i type | 10:09 |
drblood | cd Desktop | 10:09 |
drblood | ./coolbg | 10:09 |
drblood | glmatrix | 10:09 |
drblood | n (for the foreground question) | 10:09 |
jthomas__ | supernova_: to remove it, right-click a blank space on the Kicker, select Remove From Panel > Applet > Pager | 10:10 |
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drblood | im trying so hard to get this matrix up :( | 10:11 |
titanix88 | open Adept & check which one :"nvidia-glx" or "nvidia-glx-new" | 10:11 |
titanix88 | open Adept & check which one :"nvidia-glx" or "nvidia-glx-new" for u. | 10:11 |
drblood | i have nvidia-glx-new loaded | 10:11 |
drblood | not nvidia-glx tho | 10:11 |
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BluesKaj | anyone here using TVTIME on TV Wonder Pro ? | 10:12 |
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supernova_ | why does xord use 300MB of memory with one page open? | 10:13 |
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titanix88 | drblood: what verson of kubuntu? | 10:14 |
drblood | feista 7.01 | 10:14 |
Rictoo | guys, how come whenever I run a java program on linux, when I checkt he process list it is running about 5 instances of java? | 10:14 |
drblood | or watever the newest is | 10:14 |
drblood | >_> | 10:14 |
Rictoo | and it uses about 90% cpue | 10:14 |
titanix88 | drblood:feisty7.04? | 10:15 |
glauco1 | hi | 10:15 |
chx | I have a very strange problem , my keyboard occassionaly just stops working, if i log out then it begins to work again. | 10:15 |
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glauco1 | i have a problem with the graphic, the risolution is locked on 640x480 | 10:16 |
glauco1 | what i can do? | 10:17 |
timmay | PortAudio error at Unable to open streams: Illegal error number | 10:17 |
jthomas | chx: is it a loose connection? bad keybd? have you tried a different one for a few days? | 10:17 |
chx | jthomas: definitely not hardware. i tried different keyboards, USB, PS/2 | 10:17 |
titanix88 | glauco1: what graphics card? | 10:17 |
jthomas | odd | 10:17 |
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chx | jthomas: and every time I log out I can type back my password. | 10:17 |
jthomas | very odd | 10:17 |
chx | jthomas: so it begins to work. | 10:17 |
BlueBird22 | http://pastebin.ca/526420 this is the modem info. iam using kernel 2.6.xx which one shouldi use. or where to get it (or shouldi use any other)? | 10:17 |
jthomas | keybds are controlled with the X server; have you looked into that at all? | 10:18 |
chx | jthomas: is there some software in /tmp/kde-chx or dunno where which could go kerpunkt? | 10:18 |
glauco1 | it is a sis vga | 10:18 |
jthomas | chx: i am not sure but it wouldn't hurt to look i suppose... | 10:18 |
chx | jthomas: X server? nto really. It's a pretty simple xorg.conf, wanna see a paste? | 10:18 |
drblood | yes | 10:19 |
drblood | feisty 7.04 | 10:19 |
jthomas | chx: not really... | 10:19 |
chx | :) | 10:19 |
jthomas | chx: i am at work, cannot be spending too much time here... | 10:19 |
jthomas | but it may still be a slight error that only gets read every once-in-a-while... | 10:19 |
chx | jthomas: and the symptops really point to KDE not X -- because then I would need an X restart too, not just a logut | 10:20 |
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glauco1 | it's silicon integrated system 661/741/750 PC/AGP | 10:20 |
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jthomas | chx: true enough | 10:21 |
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glauco1 | the driver that kubuntu used are sis 650 | 10:21 |
glauco1 | but they don't work! | 10:21 |
jthomas | chx: could it be the language setting, somehow? | 10:21 |
chx | jthomas: hmmm it worked in warty , hoary, dapper and edgy | 10:21 |
=== gisella [n=gisella@host146-254-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chx | jthomas: only since Feisty is installed (or maybe the new KDE... wait!) | 10:22 |
titanix88 | glauco1:try"sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 10:22 |
chx | I am running deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-357 feisty main | 10:22 |
chx | could that be a problem? | 10:22 |
drblood | hmm | 10:22 |
glauco1 | ok i try tanks | 10:22 |
drblood | i wanna get my matrix backround to work rly ad | 10:22 |
jthomas | chx: mmm new KDE you say? | 10:22 |
drblood | bad* | 10:22 |
titanix88 | drblood: wait. | 10:23 |
chx | jthomas: 3.5.7 only. Not 4.0. I have understood the message when they called the first release Krash :D | 10:23 |
jthomas | chx: it could be i suppose, if it seems to be a KDE thing... | 10:23 |
chx | yes | 10:23 |
dregorth | glauco1: just make sure to take the best guesses possible on things you might not know about when going through the reconfigure | 10:23 |
chx | definitely a downgrade is in order. | 10:23 |
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drblood | ok | 10:24 |
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jthomas | yeah i get the 3.5.7 idea; I've not looked into it nor 4.0 yet... waiting to be suprised, chx ;) I've had a lot of bad issues with the JRiddell kde packages in the past... | 10:24 |
glauco1 | ok | 10:24 |
dregorth | jthomas: 4.0 should be awesome from what i've seen :D | 10:24 |
=== Skyblast [n=mike@ppp-70-244-154-167.dsl.lbcktx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BluesKaj | 4 isn't stable yet from most reports | 10:25 |
dregorth | yup | 10:25 |
joe2371 | My 2D graphics is acting slow and I notice glxgears reports low numbers. Everything appears to be set right in xorg.conf and I have the nvidia module loaded. Perhaps I'm using mesa for 3D instead? How do I check/switch? | 10:25 |
BlueBird22 | helo....... | 10:25 |
dregorth | won't be out until near the end of the year i believe | 10:25 |
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rollerskatejamms | Is there any way to log a telnet session? | 10:26 |
joe2371 | is there a kubuntu/ubuntu nvidia howto? | 10:26 |
titanix88 | drblood: i will say:"sudo dpkg -r nvidia-glx-new" to uninstall current one. then "sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx" then "sudo nvidia-xconfig" then Ctrl+Alt+Backspace" | 10:27 |
drblood | >_> | 10:27 |
jthomas | dregorth: i cannot wait... i read Oct is the current plan... | 10:27 |
MinceR | rollerskatejamms: script will do that, i think | 10:27 |
rollerskatejamms | joe2371: the restricted-manager from regular ubuntu should still work | 10:27 |
BluesKaj | google it joe2371 , like the rest of us do :) | 10:27 |
titanix88 | joe2371:"glxinfo | grep direct" | 10:28 |
dregorth | jthomas: i thought it WAS Oct but i didn't wanna say that and then be wrong ;P | 10:28 |
titanix88 | joe2371: if it says no then no 3d accel. | 10:28 |
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jthomas | dregorth: yeah no doubt... | 10:28 |
dregorth | jthomas: how long you been using kubuntu for? | 10:29 |
jthomas | since 6.06 | 10:29 |
joe2371 | it says yes | 10:29 |
jthomas | before that was Mepis, then Suse started it all | 10:29 |
jthomas | dregorth: 6.06; before that was Mepis, then Suse started it all | 10:30 |
joe2371 | I think the problem is that I edited my xorg.conf manually and that broke the ubuntu scripts | 10:30 |
titanix88 | joe2371:"sudo nvidia-xconfig" to enable the binary blob. | 10:30 |
dregorth | jthomas: ahh cool | 10:30 |
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dregorth | longer than me :P | 10:30 |
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user_ | hi guys | 10:30 |
jthomas | dregorth: ah, we all start somewhere! | 10:30 |
=== user_ waves | ||
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dregorth | jthomas: was using edgy back in oct of last year and then got upgrade to feisty a couple weeks after it's official release :) | 10:31 |
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dregorth | jthomas: ya gotta start somewhere and there is no time like the present to do that | 10:31 |
user_ | can anyone help with a .img file please | 10:31 |
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titanix88 | joe2371: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to restart X. | 10:31 |
user_ | if created a 1.44Mb file named floppy.img | 10:31 |
jthomas | dregorth: no kidding, free software is so exciting these days! | 10:31 |
user_ | and need to format it as MSDOS filesystem | 10:32 |
user_ | but i cant mount it | 10:32 |
user_ | can anyone please advise | 10:32 |
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dregorth | jthomas: ooo very. i love the very idea of it | 10:32 |
dregorth | jthomas: could still be considered quite the noob at anything gnu/linux related tho | 10:33 |
dregorth | jthomas: this is first os that i've actually sat down and spent a lot of time with aside from windows | 10:33 |
Rictoo | Is there any way I can change the priority of a process? | 10:33 |
dregorth | jthomas: have a feisty/xp dual-boot right now goin but am in the middle of finding progs to use in feisty that are like the ones i use in windows | 10:34 |
dregorth | :D | 10:34 |
jthomas | dregorth: the only thing that i dislike about free software (or the unix/linux setup) is package installation. MS forces hardware upgrades but FLOSS forces software upgrades; MS allows anything to be installed, Unix needs special compiling, too many shared dependencies... makes it hard to keep 6.06 running with the newest release of whatever; Win98 can still run the newest MSOffice tho... trade off i guess | 10:34 |
user_ | can anyone advise on how to get this file formatted? | 10:34 |
jthomas | Rictoo: 'sudo renice -3 ____' | 10:35 |
Rictoo | -3 ? | 10:35 |
Rictoo | what's that do? | 10:35 |
dregorth | jthomas: true true. wasn't 98 obsoleted by MS tho? | 10:35 |
jthomas | Rictoo: well... -20 is MOST priority; +19 is LEAST priority... but don't make stuff too 'high' (aka too low of a number) or it'll be more important than some system process and that could be bad | 10:35 |
jthomas | Rictoo: go to a command prompt and type 'man renice' | 10:36 |
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Rictoo | jthomas: I did | 10:36 |
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Rictoo | but I don't get what to put for 'proces priority' | 10:36 |
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jthomas | dregorth: yes indeed, but the point is -- you don't HAVE to upgrade software to run software on MS (but yes upgrade hardware); linux is the opposite | 10:36 |
Rictoo | do I put "high" "medium" and "low" ? :S | 10:36 |
Rictoo | ahh | 10:37 |
jthomas | Rictoo: what is asking? | 10:37 |
Rictoo | I see | 10:37 |
Rictoo | nm | 10:37 |
Rictoo | I got it <3 | 10:37 |
dregorth | jthomas: mmm ya i see your point hehe | 10:37 |
jthomas | Rictoo: ok cool | 10:37 |
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dregorth | jthomas: never thought of it that way at all until you brought it up | 10:37 |
joe2371 | Now my glxgears numbers have dropped by half once I let kubuntu overwrite my manually configured xorg.conf. yuck | 10:37 |
Rictoo | is +17 too low, jthomas ? | 10:37 |
jthomas | dregorth: makes it hard in the business world when free software improves so quickly | 10:37 |
chx | jthomas: after removing that line from repository how can i downgrade? | 10:37 |
jthomas | Rictoo: depends what you want to do | 10:37 |
dregorth | jthomas: i wouldn't know too much about that part of it but i'll take your word for it for sure :) | 10:38 |
ph8 | can anyone tell me how to set a shortcut key so when i do winkey + f<x> it jumps to that desktop? i can't find a central shortcuts screen anywhere | 10:38 |
jthomas | chx: you cannot, in Adept. Install and use Synaptic for that | 10:38 |
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chx | and in Kynaptic I should do owhat? | 10:38 |
drblood | wow | 10:38 |
drblood | u asshole | 10:38 |
drblood | -.- | 10:38 |
drblood | u made me delete stuff that shouldnt of been | 10:38 |
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dregorth | drblood: who? | 10:39 |
titanix88 | joe2371: what crd & what driver installed(eg nvidia-glx)? | 10:39 |
drblood | titanix | 10:39 |
drblood | he just made me delete like all of kubuntu | 10:39 |
jthomas | chx: not Kynaptic, Synaptic... different (but Kynaptic may have it...) Look for a way to Pin a package or Downgrade it... | 10:39 |
drblood | im using the disk to get on - - | 10:39 |
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dregorth | ph8: ouch | 10:39 |
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ph8 | hmm | 10:39 |
ph8 | ? | 10:39 |
dregorth | ph8: i'm looking around for some stuff for you right now | 10:40 |
drblood | now i gotta reinstall kubuntu | 10:40 |
ph8 | thanks! | 10:40 |
dregorth | np | 10:40 |
jthomas | drblood: what did he make you run?? | 10:40 |
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Jucato | drblood: how are you sure that you deleted Kubuntu? | 10:40 |
titanix88 | drblood: how r u so sure? | 10:40 |
drblood | cuz | 10:40 |
drblood | wen it tried to log in | 10:40 |
drblood | went to kubuntu loading screen | 10:40 |
drblood | then | 10:40 |
drblood | screen turns black | 10:40 |
drblood | and a _ in the corner | 10:40 |
drblood | and if i press enter it skips a line | 10:40 |
joe2371 | titanix88: I had the card model in xorg.conf but kubuntu overwrote that with "generic video card" | 10:40 |
glauco1 | I've solve my problem!!! | 10:40 |
drblood | and the screen doesnt change | 10:40 |
glauco1 | tank you! | 10:40 |
jthomas | drblood: thats the loading without splash... maybe your X is broken, it can be fixed w/o reinstall | 10:41 |
jthomas | !xserver | 10:41 |
BlueBird22 | how to install ltmodem-8.31a10.tar.gz? from http://www.heby.de/ltmodem/ | 10:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:41 |
joe2371 | titanix88: It is a moderate pricerange nvidia based card. | 10:41 |
joe2371 | 8x agp | 10:41 |
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dregorth | ph8 | 10:41 |
Jucato | drblood: first of all, calm down. your Kubuntu is not deleted. | 10:41 |
jthomas | !xorg | 10:41 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 10:41 |
drblood | >_> | 10:41 |
drblood | why he make me delete that then | 10:42 |
jthomas | !xorg |drblood | 10:42 |
ubotu | drblood: please see above | 10:42 |
dregorth | ph8: i think i found something here for ya but you gotta read the posts. http://www.kde-forum.org/artikel/14824/Using-arrow-keys-with-alt-tab-to-change-windows.html | 10:42 |
drblood | the X | 10:42 |
jthomas | drblood: um maybe trying to help? | 10:42 |
dregorth | ph8: look for one made by jucato | 10:42 |
Jucato | drblood: nothing has been deleted | 10:42 |
joe2371 | titanix88: I'm still checking about the nvidia driver versions | 10:42 |
titanix88 | drblood: it's just videao card prblm. | 10:42 |
Jucato | dregorth: O.o | 10:42 |
jthomas | drblood: removing a line or two might stop it but it doesn't delete it... | 10:42 |
drblood | he told me to delete | 10:42 |
drblood | nvidia | 10:42 |
drblood | gfx | 10:42 |
drblood | -new | 10:42 |
drblood | and install | 10:42 |
drblood | nvidia-gfx | 10:42 |
drblood | and then ctrl+alt+backspace | 10:43 |
drblood | >_> | 10:43 |
Jucato | !enter | drblood | 10:43 |
ubotu | drblood: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 10:43 |
jthomas | drblood: ok so he was telling you how to install and use a different driver. it failed. not the end of the world. | 10:43 |
Pensacola | is it possible to let firefox display pdf in the application itself with kpdf? | 10:43 |
drblood | ok | 10:43 |
dregorth | Jucato: i was looking for some global shortcut key stuff on google for ph8 and one of your posts came up helping someone out :P | 10:43 |
drblood | do i need to reinstall? | 10:43 |
Tm_K | Jucato: YAY! | 10:43 |
drblood | or what do i need to do | 10:43 |
jthomas | Pensacola: yes look for Applications or something in the Preferences. | 10:43 |
dregorth | Jucato: it was on kde-forum.org | 10:43 |
Jucato | drblood: yes. he asked to uninstall nvidia-glx-new and install nvidia-glx. he didn't cause you to delete anything | 10:43 |
jthomas | !xorg |drblood | 10:43 |
ubotu | drblood: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 10:43 |
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Jucato | dregorth: heh ok :) | 10:44 |
titanix88 | drblood: it's actually "nvidia-glx". did u do "sudo nvidia-xconfig"? | 10:44 |
drblood | yes | 10:44 |
drblood | i cant access my kubuntu | 10:44 |
Arwen | to whoever was trying to install ltmodem.... there's fricking debs, geez | 10:44 |
drblood | so how do i fix it | 10:44 |
drblood | >> | 10:44 |
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titanix88 | drblood"then Ctrl+Alt+Backspace? | 10:45 |
superbenny | hey some people are new to kubuntu and dont kno about debs | 10:45 |
drblood | yes | 10:45 |
drblood | to log out | 10:45 |
superbenny | calm down | 10:45 |
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superbenny | or linux in general | 10:45 |
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dregorth | ph8: getting anything yet? | 10:45 |
Jucato | titanix88: he's on a live cd right now I think | 10:45 |
drblood | yes i am | 10:45 |
drblood | >_> | 10:45 |
titanix88 | drblood:when u see the blck screen.press"Ctrl+Alt+F1"then login. | 10:45 |
drblood | ok | 10:46 |
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titanix88 | drblood:in command line. | 10:46 |
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jthomas | um titanix88 you should also tell him how to get back into the graphical login [ctrl] [alt] [f7] ... | 10:47 |
titanix88 | drblood:remind this process when u login next time then. | 10:47 |
jthomas | um titanix88 you should also tell him how to get back into the graphical login [ctrl] [alt] [f7] ... drblood read this | 10:48 |
dregorth | he's gone so ya gotta wait a sec | 10:48 |
jthomas | err | 10:48 |
titanix88 | jthomas: yes but after s/he gets back "nvidia-glx-new" | 10:48 |
jthomas | IF... | 10:48 |
jthomas | lol | 10:48 |
timmay | what does Segmentation fault (core dumped) mean? | 10:49 |
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ph8 | sorry dregorth, got d/ced | 10:49 |
jthomas | i gotta go, i am not working here, too much fun ;) | 10:49 |
ph8 | sec | 10:49 |
titanix88 | drblood: then"sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new" install it. | 10:49 |
dregorth | ph8: np take your time :) | 10:49 |
jthomas | timmay: bad code, crashed program | 10:49 |
titanix88 | drblood:"sudo nvidia-xconfig" again. | 10:49 |
jthomas | timmay: send them a bug report | 10:49 |
timmay | ...yes...yes it does...how can i fix that? | 10:49 |
jthomas | timmay: if you want and have time and know how (or are willing to learn) | 10:50 |
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titanix88 | drblood:Ctrl+Alt+Backspace | 10:50 |
titanix88 | drblood: then"Ctrl+Alt+F7" | 10:50 |
timmay | meh, i'm at work for another 5 hours either way...so i got the time | 10:50 |
jthomas | :D | 10:50 |
chx | jthomas: I grepped out the 3.5.7 versions and with the apt-cache madison command I discovered the version they have and fed the madison output to apt-get so that i am installing foo=4:3.5.6-ubuntu... | 10:51 |
titanix88 | drblood: then back to where u were. | 10:51 |
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dan724 | Im having some problem adding an entry to the autoplay box that shows up when I insert a dvd. What im trying to do is add vlc player as one of the options. I inserted the dvd, got the autoplay box asking what I wanted to do and then clicked 'Configure'. This button brought up a list of all the current autoplay actions and allowed me to add one. I created a new entry with the command 'wxvlc dvd://'. When I type this command into a term | 10:52 |
dan724 | inal, up comes vlc player and it starts playing whatever is in my dvd drive, all good. However when I tried to use my menu entry I get a message box that says '/media/cdrom0 is a folder ,but a file was expected' and then my dvd does not play, nor does vlc player come up. | 10:52 |
dregorth | titanix88: you know that drblood isn't here right now, right? | 10:52 |
jthomas | chx: wow. more than i know...! | 10:53 |
jthomas | chx: but good fine | 10:53 |
jthomas | chx: but good finD | 10:53 |
supernova_ | i added a second panel... how do i change the size and possition of that one? if i right clock and select "configurate panel" ass settings applie to the first one... | 10:53 |
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chx | jthomas: RTFM saves the day | 10:53 |
jthomas | LOL | 10:53 |
dwidmann | supernova: should be a dropdown list for the panels or something, I can't recall, but I think that's what it is | 10:54 |
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ph8 | dregorth: my connection is all over the place - i understand now how to add custom keyboard shortcuts, but there's no default action to change desktops? | 10:54 |
ubuntu__ | um | 10:54 |
ph8 | i have to know some command line command to do it? | 10:54 |
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ubuntu__ | i did it | 10:54 |
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drblood | it | 10:54 |
titanix88 | dregorth: damn! u r right! | 10:55 |
drblood | brought up a thing that acted as terminal i think i didnt know what to put in | 10:55 |
dregorth | titanix88: :P | 10:55 |
dan724 | does anyone have any clue what im talking about? :P | 10:55 |
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drblood | >_> | 10:55 |
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chx | jthomas: i am ... well, the Drupal community joke is that i can not be distracted. see http://chxcannotbedistracted.com | 10:56 |
jthomas | dan724: i know the concept but not tried it at all | 10:56 |
drblood | -.- | 10:56 |
titanix88 | drblood: u have to give ur user name first then it will ask ur passward. | 10:56 |
drblood | yes i did | 10:56 |
drblood | a line that looks like one in a terminal | 10:56 |
drblood | thats blank | 10:56 |
dregorth | ph8: hmmm i don't think you should have to. for the first time ever of using kubuntu (feisty) i wanted to setup a shortcut key for konsole and only thing i did was go in the menu and found the konsole then i right clicked it and went to properties and found a shortcut key thing in there | 10:56 |
Rictoo | How would I change an environment variable permanetly? | 10:57 |
titanix88 | drblood: it is a terminal. | 10:57 |
drblood | wat was i supposed to put in +_+ | 10:57 |
dregorth | ph8: not sure how to switch desktops. i know there is a shortcut key for it already but can't remember what it was off the top of my head | 10:57 |
dan724 | Rictoo: do you want it to stick between reboots? | 10:57 |
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dwidmann | Rictoo: I'd set it in the bash_profile | 10:57 |
dregorth | ph8: and i'm in xp right now | 10:57 |
Rictoo | dan724: yup | 10:57 |
supernova_ | dos anyone know? | 10:57 |
Rictoo | ok | 10:57 |
Rictoo | thanks | 10:57 |
Jucato | dregorth, ph8: Ctrl+Tab? | 10:57 |
Rictoo | thats the file I wanted :p | 10:57 |
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jthomas | chx: nice page there! ok I have to go... for reals.. | 10:58 |
titanix88 | drblood: then "sudo apt-get install nvidai-glx-new" to install it.(write down what i say). | 10:58 |
Rictoo | dwidmann: A long time ago I setup an extra thing for my PATH variable | 10:58 |
drblood | ok | 10:58 |
chx | dan724: have you stfw'd ? | 10:58 |
Rictoo | I didn't do it the bash_profile way | 10:58 |
chx | dan724: if you do then you land on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126795 | 10:58 |
Rictoo | and I looked there, and my additions aren't there | 10:58 |
titanix88 | drblood: sorry actually "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new" to install it.(write down what i say). | 10:58 |
dregorth | Jucato: is that what is it? lol | 10:58 |
Rictoo | I nede to actually remove my additions, so what other ways are there? | 10:58 |
dwidmann | Rictoo: perhaps the bashrc? | 10:58 |
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Rictoo | YEAH! | 10:59 |
Rictoo | THATS IT | 10:59 |
dregorth | Jucato: i thought it had to do with alt in there somewhere but never had to use it before | 10:59 |
titanix88 | drblood: wrote down? | 10:59 |
dan724 | chx: I did, but apparently not well enough, thanks for the link | 10:59 |
Riddell | ** kubuntu meeting in a couple of minutes in #ubuntu-meeting | 10:59 |
chx | dan724: want to know what to google to get only this page back? | 11:00 |
chx | dan724: http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=%22is+a+folder+but+a+file+was+expected%22&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 this gives you many results | 11:01 |
chx | dan724: but if you add vlc, then there is just that thread.but apparently, it's not a vlc problem. | 11:01 |
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dan724 | chx: I see, I googled the whole error message and didnt get much | 11:01 |
dwidmann | Riddell: What about? | 11:01 |
chx | dan724: always get rid of anything that might be variable. dev/file names, line numbers are suspects | 11:02 |
dan724 | chx: thanks for the help | 11:02 |
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dregorth | ph8: getting anything figured out yet? | 11:03 |
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titanix88 | where is drblood ? | 11:05 |
Graham | I is back. | 11:05 |
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timmay | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded. | 11:05 |
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dregorth | wb Graham | 11:05 |
timmay | why are 7 not upgraded? | 11:05 |
drblood | it worx | 11:05 |
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dregorth | titanix88: mmm not sure. i belive i saw him leave again | 11:05 |
Graham | Is he still trying to get that smegging wallpaper working? | 11:05 |
dregorth | guess you're still here drblood lol | 11:06 |
drblood | o.o | 11:06 |
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titanix88 | drblood: "glxinfo | grep direct" says "yes"? | 11:07 |
drblood | yes | 11:07 |
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titanix88 | drblood: some screensavers does not work on Kubuntu. | 11:08 |
drblood | >.> | 11:08 |
drblood | glxinfo | grep direct | 11:08 |
drblood | http://youtube.com/watch?v=kYgV2GlsufI | 11:08 |
titanix88 | drblood:epecially that comes with ubuntu. | 11:09 |
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drblood | wat cool backrounds can i use | 11:09 |
drblood | n e ideas? | 11:09 |
dwidmann | lots of ideas, no good ones | 11:09 |
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titanix88 | drblood: go to www.kde-look.org to get something. | 11:10 |
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titanix88 | drblood: say sorry for clling me an asshole >) | 11:11 |
ph8 | dregorth: ctrl+tab doesn't do anything | 11:12 |
ph8 | not much luck otherwise | 11:12 |
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ph8 | surely this should be a really obvious option | 11:12 |
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dregorth | ph8: hmmm well let me boot into feisty and i'll check into it a bit more because i am pretty sure it had the alt key in the key combo and then the corresponding number for the desktop | 11:13 |
dregorth | ph8: try ctrl + alt + 2 | 11:13 |
titanix88 | drblood: or right click -> change Desktop->background->get new | 11:13 |
drblood | sorry for calling u an ass | 11:14 |
drblood | :O | 11:14 |
ph8 | no joy dregorth | 11:14 |
drblood | how do you change the backround | 11:14 |
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dregorth | ph8: alright lemme google a tad more and then if nothing comes of it, i'll boot into feisty | 11:14 |
dregorth | :) | 11:14 |
dregorth | don't worry. we'll get this working for you and unfortunately i'm not all that experienced but it's something i'm willing to take on no matter how small it may seem to others | 11:15 |
drblood | k i got my wallpaper | 11:15 |
ph8 | thanks man | 11:15 |
drblood | now how do you do the other features of the video | 11:15 |
drblood | http://youtube.com/watch?v=kYgV2GlsufI | 11:15 |
titanix88 | drblood: u new installed wallpapers can be found at ./kde/share/wallpapers/ | 11:15 |
ph8 | i'll keep googling to | 11:15 |
ph8 | i seem to remember doing this back in the day | 11:16 |
ph8 | but god knows how | 11:16 |
drblood | i put on the fire | 11:16 |
drblood | and a good backround | 11:16 |
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drblood | how does he zoom out his cube | 11:16 |
drblood | and go under it and over and theres another backround | 11:16 |
dregorth | ph8: np man. i like helping out and this shouldn't be too hard :P | 11:16 |
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peroksid | hi all | 11:17 |
titanix88 | drblood: i don't have the connection to see a video but maybe u r talking abt beryl #d desktop. | 11:17 |
peroksid | have someone seen firefox with segmentationfault? | 11:18 |
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peroksid | after update of kubuntu to fiesty | 11:18 |
titanix88 | drblood: actually beryl 3d desktop. | 11:18 |
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decapitated | Hi all | 11:18 |
drblood | hmm | 11:18 |
drblood | yes i am | 11:19 |
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drblood | i think | 11:19 |
drblood | how do u get that? | 11:19 |
peroksid | kubuntu updated, and that's it | 11:19 |
peroksid | firefox stopped to work | 11:19 |
supernova_ | can please someone tell me how to add a new panel in which i place some shourtcuts. The point is to get a bar similar to mac | 11:19 |
dregorth | ph8: are you on desktop one right now? | 11:19 |
supernova_ | i can get a new panel but i cant change its size and so that windows ipens on top of it | 11:20 |
peroksid | maybe to use static build of firefox? | 11:20 |
titanix88 | drblood: it's steel very unstable & for the power users.(i crashed my system two times & finally got it working(WoW))but that was another installatiuon. i'm not gonna do that again until it becomes stabe. | 11:20 |
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drblood | how do i get beryl 3d desktop | 11:20 |
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drblood | oh | 11:20 |
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drblood | titanix | 11:21 |
drblood | i play warcraft 3 | 11:21 |
drblood | do u kno how i could get that to work on kubuntu | 11:21 |
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CaBlGuY | !wine | 11:21 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 11:21 |
titanix88 | drblood: maybe with wine or cedega. | 11:21 |
decapitated | Anybody here from Denmark or Iceland?? | 11:21 |
supernova_ | please does anyone know how to apply settingt to a newly added panel? every setting i try applies to the original one | 11:22 |
drblood | does kubuntu have its own thing like photoshop? | 11:22 |
peroksid | gimp? | 11:22 |
peroksid | own thing :) | 11:22 |
peroksid | of kubuntu )) | 11:22 |
dregorth | ph8: you there? | 11:22 |
peroksid | firefox | 11:22 |
decapitated | Krita | 11:22 |
peroksid | have someone got it crashing on fiesty? | 11:22 |
drblood | does gimp come on kubuntu | 11:22 |
drblood | or u need to download it | 11:22 |
decapitated | no | 11:22 |
titanix88 | drblood: wine is simple "sudo apt-get install wine" .For cedega u will have to pay a monthly price. | 11:22 |
peroksid | sudo apt-get gimp | 11:23 |
dregorth | peroksid: nope. been working fine so far | 11:23 |
titanix88 | drblood: not by default.but krita is. | 11:23 |
peroksid | krita is like paint | 11:23 |
decapitated | yup | 11:23 |
decapitated | and it suck | 11:23 |
decapitated | *sucks | 11:24 |
peroksid | deep throat | 11:24 |
decapitated | oops | 11:24 |
drblood | hmm | 11:24 |
decapitated | Anybody here knows a good guide on upgrading from dappper to Fiesty? | 11:25 |
drblood | my windows bar is lost because of beryl | 11:25 |
drblood | how do i get it back | 11:25 |
titanix88 | drblood: u installed beryl??!!?? | 11:25 |
dregorth | ph8: you there? | 11:25 |
drblood | yes | 11:25 |
drblood | thats how i have the fire | 11:25 |
drblood | and the 4 screens | 11:25 |
titanix88 | drblood: then why did u ask me????!!!!! | 11:26 |
jthomas | decapitated: none that i know of... the upgrade messed up two computers for me, i had to go from scratch on both | 11:26 |
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ph8 | dregorth: yes | 11:27 |
ph8 | another problem i'm having is my on board ethernet dropping out every 3 minutes! | 11:27 |
ph8 | no idea how to diagnose it | 11:27 |
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dregorth | ph8: mm couldn't help you with the ethernet :/ | 11:27 |
dregorth | ph8: mine crapped out on me on this laptop so i had to get a wireless router up and running so i could still use internet | 11:28 |
jthomas | ph8 install iptraf and run it as root (its a terminal program) to be sure its 'dropping'... also (terminal) run 'dmesg' after a drop and after a restore, see if that tells you anything | 11:28 |
dregorth | ph8: i think i found something for the shortcuts | 11:28 |
dregorth | ph8: what desktop are you on right now? | 11:28 |
titanix88 | is drblood pretending to be a noob or they made beryl installation very easy in feisty?!!!?(i have dapper) | 11:29 |
dregorth | titanix88: no idea lol | 11:29 |
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ph8 | jthomas: I confirmed it with a ping? | 11:29 |
ph8 | 7% packet loss | 11:29 |
ph8 | nothing in dmesg :( | 11:29 |
jthomas | ph8: ping works too i suppose... | 11:30 |
ph8 | i'll install iptraf anyone - useful++ | 11:30 |
ph8 | dregorth: kde? | 11:31 |
ph8 | dregorth: or desktop 3? | 11:31 |
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jthomas | ph8: no more that i can think of right now... do you have a slower computer, that might be busy with other system stuff and not networking? just wondering | 11:31 |
ph8 | no it's pretty new | 11:31 |
joshin | Hi all, was wondering how tolerable Kubuntu would be on a P3 1Ghz with 512MB of RAM notebook. Mainly playing DVD's and other multimedia, Web Browsing, and KOffice/OO. | 11:31 |
ph8 | so it's not just happened, this must have been happening since it's been running ubuntu | 11:31 |
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dregorth | ph8: sorry i hsoulda clarified. as in desktop 1, 2, or 3 or what | 11:31 |
ph8 | well it's very new | 11:31 |
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ph8 | quad core etc | 11:31 |
ph8 | dregorth: 3, i have 6 | 11:31 |
dregorth | *shoulda | 11:31 |
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fdoving | joshin: should behave nicely on that kind of hardware. | 11:32 |
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dregorth | ph8: alright try ctrl + f2 | 11:32 |
ph8 | interestingly, i don't appear to be able to contact the route | 11:32 |
drblood | i installed beryl yesterday | 11:32 |
ph8 | haha! | 11:32 |
drblood | someone took me through it | 11:32 |
ph8 | that works! | 11:32 |
dregorth | ph8: SHOULD take you to desktop 2 | 11:32 |
ph8 | nice | 11:32 |
dregorth | sweet lol | 11:32 |
ph8 | any idea how i can change it though? | 11:32 |
drblood | dragnc then like 2 other letters | 11:32 |
dregorth | hmm one sec | 11:32 |
joshin | fdoving: that's what I thought too. My kids thank you. :) | 11:32 |
ph8 | ok - anyone explain to me how i can ping the outside world but not my router | 11:32 |
dregorth | ph8: i can't test it to see if it still works but read through this thread for the shortcut stuff: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=6931.0 | 11:33 |
joshin | Router has ping turned off? | 11:33 |
ph8 | it usually pings | 11:33 |
ph8 | let me check on my laptop | 11:33 |
drblood | titanix | 11:33 |
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dfgas | why are there kde4 stuff in synaptic and normal kde stuff? is kde4 in synaptic? | 11:33 |
drblood | how do i get my windows bar back | 11:33 |
ph8 | no it pings :p | 11:33 |
Mijonir | rictoo@rictoo-desktop:~$ java | 11:33 |
Mijonir | bash: /usr/bin/java: No such file or directory | 11:33 |
ph8 | cheers dreg | 11:33 |
Mijonir | How come it is looking in /usr/bin? | 11:33 |
ph8 | Mijonir: apt-get install java-bin? | 11:33 |
Mijonir | I unisntalled it | 11:33 |
CaBlGuY | ok.. anyone else installed wine on 6.10?? I just installed it but I don't see it on the menuy anywhere.. | 11:33 |
Mijonir | ph8: No, I uninstalled it | 11:33 |
Mijonir | but it is still looking there | 11:33 |
Mijonir | how come? | 11:33 |
ph8 | /usr/bin's probably first in your $PATH | 11:33 |
Mijonir | I want to remove ALL referances to java | 11:33 |
ph8 | or last | 11:33 |
ph8 | well that doesn't look like a reference | 11:33 |
dregorth | ph8: :D | 11:34 |
ph8 | what happens when you type 'b0rk' | 11:34 |
Mijonir | ph8: but if I type hskdhsjkd it just says "Command not found" | 11:34 |
ph8 | oh - command not found | 11:34 |
ph8 | my bad | 11:34 |
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Mijonir | I want it to say that when I'm trying to run java too :p | 11:34 |
ph8 | does /usr/bin/java exist? | 11:34 |
Mijonir | no | 11:34 |
Mijonir | I uninstalled it | 11:34 |
Mijonir | but it still thinks it might be there | 11:34 |
titanix88 | drblood: i get it now.That's why u r having the problem cause u r running Xgl. It conflict's with fullscreen 3d apps. | 11:34 |
Mijonir | and I dun want that :p | 11:34 |
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Mijonir | I wanna know where the info that java might be there is | 11:34 |
drblood | i dont get it | 11:35 |
drblood | <_> | 11:35 |
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ph8 | I know you uninstalled it, but does /usr/bin/java exist? | 11:35 |
Mijonir | no | 11:35 |
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ph8 | what happens if you type 'which java'? | 11:35 |
Mijonir | ictoo@rictoo-desktop:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-$ which java | 11:36 |
Mijonir | shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory | 11:36 |
Mijonir | /usr/java/jdk1.6.0/jre/bin/java | 11:36 |
ph8 | cd out of the missing directory maybe | 11:36 |
jpnurmi | hi. i keep having problems while shutting down my kubuntu feisty. shutting down / rebooting rarely works. most of the times it frozes to an empty black screen where it should show the kubuntu logo + progress bar | 11:36 |
CaBlGuY | Hobbsee, got a sec?? I can't seem to get Wine to work correctly.. | 11:36 |
Mijonir | that's what it says | 11:36 |
ph8 | cd $HOME && which java | 11:36 |
Mijonir | rictoo@rictoo-desktop:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-$ cd $HOME && which java | 11:36 |
titanix88 | drblood: i was talking about the matrix screensaver. | 11:36 |
Mijonir | /usr/java/jdk1.6.0/jre/bin/java | 11:36 |
jpnurmi | what could i do to solve the problem? any hints which logs to examine or so..? | 11:36 |
Mijonir | that's what it says | 11:36 |
ph8 | jpnurmi: what gfx card are you using? | 11:36 |
ph8 | ah i see | 11:36 |
drblood | i want the matrix screensaver | 11:36 |
ph8 | and that dir exists? | 11:36 |
Mijonir | so how do I remove the reference to that directory? | 11:37 |
Mijonir | ph8, yup :| | 11:37 |
ph8 | nfi unfortunately :s | 11:37 |
Mijonir | But I don't want it to rememver that | 11:37 |
Mijonir | I want it to forget all about that directory :p | 11:37 |
ph8 | maybe do a bit of random fgrep'ing | 11:37 |
ph8 | fgrep "java" /etc/* | 11:37 |
jpnurmi | ph8: radeon 9200se | 11:37 |
Mijonir | ok | 11:37 |
Mijonir | a bunch of stuff came up | 11:37 |
ph8 | jpnurmi: I've just been having a similar problem - that might be the cause | 11:37 |
titanix88 | drblood: probably not with beryl working :( | 11:37 |
Mijonir | whatb do I do with it? :O | 11:37 |
ph8 | Mijonir: that's a list of all the files containing the word 'java' | 11:37 |
drblood | how did that guy do it then | 11:37 |
=== CaBlGuY waits to hear form Hobbsee .... | ||
Mijonir | ah, I see | 11:37 |
Mijonir | so I remove it all :\ right? | 11:38 |
CaBlGuY | *from | 11:38 |
ph8 | dpkg -l | grep java <-- presumably you're done that to make sure all java packages are rmeoved | 11:38 |
ph8 | well maybe not | 11:38 |
ph8 | almost definitely not | 11:38 |
jpnurmi | ph8: ok, good to hear it's not just me then | 11:38 |
ph8 | some of them might be important for other things | 11:38 |
ph8 | jpnurmi: My problems stopped once i configured my gfx drivers properly | 11:38 |
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ph8 | are yours setup right? | 11:38 |
titanix88 | drblood: but beryl is much more fun then a screensaver. | 11:38 |
ph8 | and has this just happened? or always happened? | 11:38 |
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ph8 | titanix88: If i wanted to use my new 8800GTX to its full capability and impress all my friends, what do i need to 3d up my KDE? | 11:38 |
drblood | tell me how to use beryl to its full extent? | 11:38 |
Mijonir | erm, ph8, I'm gonna have to weed through all of this? | 11:38 |
ph8 | i've heard the words beryl, compiz thrown around - but i don't know what's best / what they are | 11:39 |
Mijonir | Isn't there an easier way? :( | 11:39 |
Hobbsee | hey CaBlGuY | 11:39 |
Hobbsee | CaBlGuY: sorry, meeting, 30 things at once | 11:39 |
CaBlGuY | roger that.. ;) | 11:39 |
jpnurmi | ph8: i have had same problem since dapper i think. oh, and a fresh feisty works better than one updated up-to-date | 11:39 |
titanix88 | ph8:goto www.beryl-3d.org their u will find instrucsions for ur kubuntu version. | 11:39 |
dregorth | ph8: i hope you get your probs figured out. i gotta get goin now! | 11:40 |
dregorth | ph8: take it easy man | 11:40 |
jpnurmi | ph8: anyway, i'm not using anything custom nor i have customized gfx settings anyhow | 11:40 |
Mijonir | ph8: WHY does which java return that directory? | 11:40 |
Mijonir | I don't want it to, I want it to not hink java is a command at all | 11:40 |
Mijonir | how would I do that? | 11:40 |
dregorth | bye all | 11:40 |
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titanix88 | drblood: same link for u to learn abt beryl. | 11:41 |
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CaBlGuY | So, anyone else know anything about Wine??? | 11:41 |
titanix88 | CaBlGuY: i do!! | 11:42 |
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Jucato | CaBlGuY: try #winehq too | 11:42 |
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CaBlGuY | cool.. titanix88 I just installed it but it's not on my menues.. | 11:42 |
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drblood | wat link is that | 11:42 |
ph8 | Mijonir: i wish i knew | 11:42 |
CaBlGuY | Thanks Jucato ;) | 11:42 |
ph8 | maybe check man which | 11:42 |
drblood | i never learned about beryl | 11:42 |
drblood | titanix | 11:43 |
drblood | wen i run beryl | 11:43 |
drblood | my windows bar on evrythin disappears | 11:43 |
drblood | do u kno how to fix | 11:43 |
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titanix88 | CaBlGuY: only installed apps will appear in menus. | 11:43 |
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jpnurmi | ph8: so, don't you happen to know which log to look into for possible error messages? | 11:44 |
CaBlGuY | titanix88, ok so, I have a file (an EXE) that I'm trying to open but it's still not openeing.. | 11:44 |
CaBlGuY | and I already installed it.. | 11:44 |
drblood | hello | 11:44 |
drblood | >.> | 11:44 |
titanix88 | drblood: sorry,it's steel unstable. that's why i don't use it. can't help :( | 11:45 |
Graham | drblood: You need to run with glx instead of kdm. | 11:45 |
drblood | how i do that? | 11:45 |
Jucato | !beryl | drblood | 11:45 |
ubotu | drblood: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:45 |
titanix88 | CaBlGuY: what program? | 11:45 |
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Jucato | drblood: there are some good guides in the #ubuntu-effects channel | 11:45 |
CaBlGuY | titanix88, wine silly.. :p | 11:45 |
Graham | Logout, you see the little menu, press that and select xgl as the session. | 11:45 |
Jucato | CaBlGuY: have you tried running it from the command line? "wine filename.exe" | 11:45 |
drblood | graham | 11:46 |
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CaBlGuY | Jucato, not yet.. I guess I could try that... | 11:46 |
drblood | how i do it | 11:46 |
Graham | CaBlGuY: You can't run the .exe you need to open it with wine | 11:46 |
Jucato | CaBlGuY: that's normally the way to use wine | 11:46 |
Graham | Or do it through console like he said. | 11:46 |
titanix88 | CaBlGuY: right click on it_>properties_>open with-> wine | 11:46 |
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CaBlGuY | titanix88, tried that, wine wasn't there, Graham ok, I'll try it on the command line.. Jucato ok, thanks.. | 11:47 |
Graham | drblood: Log out, and change your session to XGL using the context menu left of the text boxes, press it and it'll let you change session to xg; | 11:47 |
Graham | NO! | 11:47 |
Graham | It won't BE there | 11:47 |
Graham | Select open with and then type wine | 11:47 |
drblood | ? | 11:48 |
Graham | Not you. | 11:48 |
titanix88 | CaBlGuY: use custom command and type"wine" silly | 11:48 |
Graham | Just log out, and press the context menu. | 11:48 |
CaBlGuY | Graham, OK.. no need top yel;l.. geez.. | 11:48 |
Graham | Off you go. | 11:48 |
Graham | I didn't yell. | 11:48 |
KevinAlaska | does anyone know if devilspie works on Kubuntu not just gnome? link is ---> http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Background_Terminal | 11:48 |
Graham | How can you yell on IRC? | 11:48 |
CaBlGuY | anyway.. trying now.. | 11:48 |
titanix88 | Graham: can't use highlighting? | 11:48 |
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Graham | ? | 11:49 |
Jucato | Graham: using CAPS is considered a form of shouting | 11:49 |
titanix88 | CaBlGuY: right click on it_>properties_>open with->use custom command and type"wine" silly | 11:49 |
Graham | KevinAlaska: You can run gnome apps in KDE | 11:49 |
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Graham | KevinAlaska: So long as you have the gnome files it depends on. | 11:49 |
Jucato | KevinAlaska: have you tried Yakuake? | 11:49 |
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zarate | alguien de mexico que me pueda ayudar con esto del linux | 11:50 |
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KevinAlaska | hay Jucato.. no.. what is yakuake? | 11:50 |
Graham | Jucato: I used 3 out of place capitals | 11:50 |
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Graham | Who do you think I am? Hitler? | 11:50 |
ph8 | KevinAlaska: Al alternative to Konsole i hear | 11:50 |
Jucato | !yakuake | KevinAlaska | 11:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about yakuake - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:50 |
Jucato | er sorry | 11:50 |
Graham | Or barry scott or something | 11:50 |
Jucato | !info yakuake | KevinAlaska | 11:50 |
ubotu | kevinalaska: yakuake: a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.5-4ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 73 kB, installed size 512 kB | 11:50 |
titanix88 | Graham: just right desired name in anyplace of ur context. | 11:50 |
Graham | ? | 11:50 |
Jucato | Graham: I was responding to your question <Graham> How can you yell on IRC? | 11:50 |
Graham | But it's not strickly yelling is it. | 11:51 |
zarate | alguien que sepa hablar espaol | 11:51 |
KevinAlaska | does yakuake work on the desktop? | 11:51 |
CaBlGuY | ok, worked.. :) | 11:51 |
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Graham | KevinAlaska: Can I ask what's wrong with konsole? | 11:51 |
Jucato | !es | zarate | 11:51 |
titanix88 | Graham: it's called hilightening. | 11:51 |
ubotu | zarate: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 11:51 |
CaBlGuY | thanks guys.. O/ | 11:52 |
KevinAlaska | nothing... just like to play around and mess with stuff.. I am in the learning process and its fun to learn this way. :) | 11:52 |
titanix88 | Graham:or whatever. | 11:52 |
Graham | titanix88: You're not making much sense. | 11:52 |
Jucato | KevinAlaska: have you seen a Quake style console? | 11:52 |
KevinAlaska | no. | 11:52 |
titanix88 | CaBlGuY:yew 8) | 11:52 |
Graham | KevinAlaska: Never played quake? | 11:52 |
Graham | Oh man you're missing out! | 11:53 |
Jucato | KevinAlaska: it's a console that drops down from the top of the screen | 11:53 |
KevinAlaska | I have sure... all but the more recent | 11:53 |
Graham | Go into adept installer and search Open Arena | 11:53 |
Jucato | so imagine Konsole rolling down from the top of the screen | 11:53 |
Graham | It's a free Quake 3 adaptation | 11:53 |
KevinAlaska | I will check it out then. Sounds like something fun to play with. :) | 11:53 |
titanix88 | Graham:played Nexuiz? | 11:54 |
Jucato | KevinAlaska: much more fun than devilspie | 11:54 |
Graham | It is pretty fun, bit buggy. | 11:54 |
Graham | titanix88: Yeah, it's too laggy for me. | 11:54 |
=== do1jrb [n=jan@dslb-088-073-007-027.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | KevinAlaska: you can have tabs and skin in yakuake | 11:54 |
=== tmbg [i=tmbg@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x3DA923CF] has joined #kubuntu | ||
titanix88 | Graham:muscle graphics!! | 11:54 |
KevinAlaska | thank you everyone and thank you 'again' Jucato. :) | 11:54 |
Graham | I don't like Quake 1 based stuff because it either doesn't have much gameplay, or has loads of add ons for gameplay that are laggy | 11:54 |
=== GrueTamer [n=tg@CPE-72-133-203-78.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Contrast | Speaking of free games, get-deb.org has some good ones. Somehow, I just discovered that site a few days ago. | 11:55 |
Graham | KevinAlaska: Ye be welcomed, go forth and spread the word. Mr. Fibbles is alive! | 11:55 |
titanix88 | Graham:u r right same thing again! | 11:55 |
Contrast | Sure wish they'd set up a repository though. | 11:55 |
Graham | !u | titanix88 | 11:56 |
ubotu | titanix88: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 11:56 |
=== ouf [n=net@ppp189-46.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Contrast | Bwahahaha | 11:56 |
Contrast | titanix88 just got pwned by a bot. | 11:57 |
intelikey | !sol | 11:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:57 |
Contrast | J/K :D | 11:57 |
=== ouf is now known as aspa | ||
KevinAlaska | spreading the word like this --> M are. F i b b l e s ... maybe spred it more like this--> M are. F i b b l e s... heh. jk | 11:57 |
titanix88 | Graham: yew u!i don't want to be taken more seriously. | 11:57 |
KevinAlaska | humm.. messed up with the are part in there. stupid copy and past. =/ | 11:57 |
Graham | Yes but unless you use English I don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. | 11:58 |
MinceR | o w n e d | 11:58 |
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KevinAlaska | d'oh! | 11:58 |
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Graham | Wait, it's Mr. Flibbles | 11:58 |
PriceChild | !offtopic | 11:58 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 11:58 |
Graham | There's an l | 11:58 |
Graham | Shut up. | 11:58 |
PriceChild | Please watch the language Graham | 11:58 |
Graham | Are you my friend? | 11:59 |
=== Luxurious [n=fridrik@85-220-109-7.dsl.dynamic.simnet.is] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Luxurious | 'Ello. | 11:59 |
Luxurious | I was wondering. | 11:59 |
KevinAlaska | can't read if you don't watch the language.. heh.. take care everyone.. got to go for now. | 11:59 |
intelikey | if a man wants firends, he must show himself friendly. | 11:59 |
Graham | PriceChild: Will you be my friend? | 11:59 |
titanix88 | !fucking | Graham | 11:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fucking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:59 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ | ||
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-o PriceChild] by ChanServ | ||
Luxurious | When I run qtparted and get a warning "Unable to open /dev/hdc read-write (Read-only file system). /dev/dc has been opened as read-only.", does that mean that I haven't mounted the drive? | 12:00 |
Graham | lmao! he doesn't know anything about *@#$ing | 12:00 |
PriceChild | Graham, please stay on-topic or move it elsewhere. | 12:00 |
=== KevinAlaska [n=Kevin@84-16-174-206.gci.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
Graham | If you're my friend | 12:00 |
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Graham | Luxurious: I think you should of ran it as root. | 12:00 |
Graham | Did you use kdesu? | 12:00 |
=== KevinAlaska [n=Kevin@84-16-174-206.gci.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
KevinAlaska | Jucato, what was the name of that konsole program again.. I forgot to write it down. =/ | 12:01 |
Jucato | yakuake | 12:01 |
KevinAlaska | sweet.. thanks agian | 12:01 |
Jucato | it's in the repositories | 12:01 |
KevinAlaska | even better.. /wave_bye | 12:02 |
KevinAlaska | cheers | 12:02 |
Luxurious | I haven't been totally honest. I'm actually using a Knoppix LiveCD. | 12:02 |
titanix88 | PriceChild: i did not . u r frienf Graham did. | 12:02 |
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Luxurious | And it's giving me "qtparted: cannot connect to X server" if I try to run it as root, but I imagine the same would happen on Kubuntu, if you su'ed root. | 12:02 |
Graham | titanix88: I refuse to reply to you until you speak English. | 12:02 |
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Graham | Luxurious: I assume you have a GUI? | 12:03 |
Luxurious | Graham, indeed I do. On the user knoppix, but when su'ing to root the same doesn't seem to apply with KDE. | 12:03 |
Graham | If anything you shouldn't mount it. | 12:04 |
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@mar92-13-88-165-255-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Graham | Try mounting it, you're on liveCD now? | 12:04 |
Luxurious | Graham, yeah, I tried that. Didn't quite do it actually. | 12:04 |
titanix88 | Graham: so u r tellin me tht i hav2 spk english lyk this? | 12:05 |
PriceChild | !offtopic > titanix88 (last warning) | 12:05 |
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=== mas195 [n=mas195@pool-72-72-248-187.altnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Graham | !u > Graham | 12:06 |
mas195 | good day to all! | 12:06 |
Graham | I see. | 12:06 |
Graham | mas195: Mr. Flibbles welcomes you. | 12:06 |
mas195 | who here is a wireless networking expert? | 12:06 |
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=== arykn [i=IceChat7@200-55-66-181.dsl.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Graham | I know my stuff, what do you need? | 12:06 |
mas195 | kubuntu does not recognize that there is a wireless network available... i was thinking that it might be an IPV6 problem since my router doesn't support it... | 12:07 |
mas195 | but i don't know how to enable IPV4 or what i need to do... | 12:07 |
titanix88 | PriceChild: i'm a kubuntu user. i have a prblm with /etc/xorg.conf.i am having beryl not working.happy? | 12:08 |
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Graham | mas195: It wouldn't be a problem. | 12:08 |
Graham | You use DHCP yes? | 12:08 |
mas195 | yes | 12:09 |
Graham | It'll do it for you. | 12:09 |
Graham | Open console | 12:09 |
Graham | do iwconfig <device> essid <essid> | 12:09 |
greg_g | ignore this | 12:09 |
Graham | with sudo | 12:09 |
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mas195 | ok, i did that | 12:11 |
arykn | Hi! Can Anybody tell me how to connetc to ADSL from Kubuntu 7.04 with a Realtek RTL8138/810X Family Fast Ethernet modem? | 12:11 |
=== merrycolors [n=merrycol@nor75-18-82-241-239-251.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== intelikey walks away whistling special tune... "hail king jucato" | ||
Admiral_Chicago | arykn: pppoeconf | 12:12 |
intelikey | http://ubuntu.lnix.net/irc/kubuntu.html | 12:12 |
Admiral_Chicago | sudo pppoeconf | 12:12 |
Admiral_Chicago | arykn: also, check the kubuntu system documentation | 12:13 |
=== Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-14-231.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arykn | <Admiral_Chicago> I did that but didnt work | 12:14 |
mas195 | graham: that didn't seem to help any... the adapter shows present but doesn't show a network available, additionally, in network manager the adapter is listed as disabled even though i enabled it | 12:15 |
Luxurious | Graham, actually doing a sudo worked fine. Thanks a lot man. | 12:15 |
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