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jribTiradin: hey01:33
iShockWalk me through installing grub someone please?01:33
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Tiradinjrib: Am i right in assuming that i'll be editing fstab?01:33
jribyour pastebin looks a little funny, can you check that line 9 is right?01:34
iShockjrib do u no how to install dis grub?01:34
Tiradinit does look a little funny.01:35
jribiShock: not really but I can point you to the documentation, try #ubuntu01:35
jrib!grub > iShock (see the private message from ubotu)01:35
iShockjrib, i need halp wid it, dat makes no cents to me01:35
iShockI need to remove it toally01:35
Tiradinjrib: I think it just formatted it funny.01:35
jribwell line 9 has no device01:36
iShockI need to remove it toally jrib plz halp01:36
TiradinAre you talking specifically about the format of the text or something in the way /media/hda2 is represented?01:36
jribiShock: what do you want to replace it with?01:36
jribTiradin: well, it should be:01:36
Tiradinyou mean that big space...yes that's in my fstab.01:36
jrib<file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>01:36
iShockjrib i need to run windows01:36
jribbut you have no <file system>01:36
jribiShock: grub can load windows01:37
iShockwow dat lks confuzing01:37
iShockI got error 22 jrib01:37
Tiradinyou mean that there is no UUID= in the fstab?01:37
iShockAnd it dont boot01:37
jribTiradin: right01:37
jribTiradin: do you know what hda2 is?01:37
Tiradinjrib: it should be my drive designated "collective", but apparently it is not.01:37
iShockjrib pls halp01:37
jribTiradin: /dev/hda5 is Collective01:37
TiradinThat might be why then...01:38
jribTiradin: pastebin one more thing:  blkid01:38
iShockjrib i got error 22 wif dis grub and windows wont start01:38
iShockhow kan i fix dat?01:38
TiradinI think I may have a solution from looking at it.01:38
jribiShock: does ubuntu start?01:38
iShockony da live cd01:38
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jribiShock: I don't know, try #ubuntu.  More people there can help you01:39
iShockjrib no one answers01:39
Tiradinjrib: I have 4 HDA's, designated hda1, hda3, hda6, and hda5, in that order. The reason for this might be because of the way I partitioned the drive. The linux partitions exist BETWEEN the two NTFS partitions... I'm not sure if that matters,01:39
mseneyjrib, ishock is electricity01:39
mseneycheck his IP01:39
iShockno im not01:40
Tiradinjrib: I think I mis-informed about my issue.01:40
Tiradin/whowas Electricity01:40
Tiradinthat command doesn't work here...01:40
iShockdo i look like my name is electrcity?01:40
Tiradinnicks can change all the time01:40
iShockso bcuz ppl share same fking net it makes dem same pplz01:41
Tiradinmode (+b *!*@
TiradinNick: iShock01:41
TiradinUsername: n=ubuntu@
iShockso myb we r usn same net?01:41
Tiradinfirst line is from #ubuntu when jrib had Electricity banned.01:41
iShocknot to mention electricit is still on nubs01:41
TiradinSo all the sudden your speech becomes un-impaired and your attitude becomes similar to his?01:41
jribthat's ok, he's welcomed here if he is more friendly this time01:42
TiradinSorry jrib..01:42
Tiradinin any case01:42
iShockim nt fking electricity whois him nubs, he still on, and im on, meaning i aint same 101:42
iShockjrib, u no how to install grub?01:42
iShocki tink i is banned from #ubuntu01:43
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iShockwat kind of classroom is dis?01:43
Tiradinjrib: I would like the two ntfs partitions to be immediately useable and available upon startup. /dev/hda1 (one of the NTFS partitions) is available immediately and shows up on my desktop upon startup. The other, (/dev/hda5) does not and I would like it to.01:44
jribiShock: classrooms about linux happen here sometimes01:44
jribTiradin: k, pastebin "blkid"01:44
iShockjrib, i r not allwoed to tlk in ubuntu wtf?01:44
Tiradinjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23352/01:45
iShockjrib kan u unban my ip from ubuntu i cnt tlk01:45
jribiShock: no01:46
iShocky da fk not?01:46
iShockwtf did i do?01:46
iShocki get banned 4 sittin dere?01:46
jribiShock: this isn't the right place to talk about it, feel free to discuss it in #ubuntu-ops01:46
naliothiShock: your attitude is not helping you at all01:46
iShockdis is bullsht....banned for fking idling...whores..01:47
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jribTiradin: erm ok, do you want to use the uuid? or is /dev/hda5 fine?01:47
Tiradin/dev/hda5 is fine01:47
jribTiradin: ok since line 9 isn't doing much anyway, the easiest way to do it is to change line 9 from:01:48
jrib                /media/hda2     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       101:48
jrib/dev/hda5        /media/Collective     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       001:48
jribnotice that 1 at the end was changed to a 001:48
jribyou should do that for all the ntfs stuff (line 8 too)01:49
Tiradinjrib: this is line 8:01:51
Tiradin# /dev/hda1 /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0    001:51
Tiradinand this is line 9:01:51
Tiradin/dev/hda5 /media/Collective ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46  0      001:51
Tiradinsorry for the spam.01:52
jribTiradin: you got rid of uuid in line 8 and commented it?01:52
Tiradinit was already commented :/01:52
jribhmm, not in your pastebin01:52
TiradinThat is very odd.01:52
Tiradin/dev/hda6 is commented in my fstab too...01:53
jribah yes01:53
jribthat is just a comment so you know what the uuid corresponds to01:53
Tiradinoh ok01:53
jribbut if you replace the uuid with /dev/foo then you don't want it commented01:53
Tiradinso either or is fine... I see01:53
Tiradinso should that work now? (I removed the comment from /dev/hda101:53
jribI just realized we are doing this the hard way, there is a gui tool called ntfs-config in feisty now.  But we're done now so it's ok01:54
jribTiradin: yeah that should work, do this: sudo umount /dev/hda5 && sudo mount -a01:54
Tiradinthat's alright, learn to walk before you run :P01:54
Tiradinstupid error, one second.01:55
Tiradinmount: mount point /media/Collective does not exist01:55
jribah, sudo mkdir /media/Collective01:55
Tiradinumount: /dev/hda5: not mounted01:56
jribk, just do: sudo mount -a01:56
Tiradinso is that going to be from start up now?01:56
TiradinBecause when I start up, I had to type in a password before accessing /media/Collective :P01:57
jribTiradin: /media/hda1 was working fine right?  without password?01:57
Tiradinalright, well i'm going to reboot and then join back in here to tell you how it goes... Thank you jrib :)01:57
jribyeah, should be good then01:57
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TiradinJrib: it works fine, thank you very much :)02:00
jribTiradin: great02:00
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Kioshenjust a quick check ... am I an hour too soon for the MOTU Q&A ?02:09
leonelKioshen:   date  --utc ..02:10
Kioshenleonel: thanks02:10
Martinp23is the Q&A to 0:00 or 1:00? UTC02:18
leonel0:00  acoording to the mail02:18
Kioshensupposed to be 0:00 UTC02:18
=== Martinp23 wonders where everyone is
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leonelhave any questions ?02:19
KioshenWell, I would really like to get involved in MOTU but I'm afraid to screw up02:21
StevenKDon't be afraid of screwing up. We're all human.02:22
leonelKioshen: that's why there are sponsors  and  we all make mistakes02:22
KioshenDo I have to do something special to have somebody prod me in the right direction when I'm lost02:23
Kioshenbecause i've looked up the documentation but it's really vast02:23
KioshenI have to start somewhere like helping out in mergings02:23
StevenKKioshen: I would suggest you join #ubuntu-motu, and don't be afraid of asking questions.02:24
Kioshenbut i'm not too sure how to procede and certainly not make angry a Debian dev because of a bad merge02:24
StevenKI don't see that as being too much of a concern.02:25
KioshenStevenK: mkay02:25
KioshenI know there was a new section in LP about mentoring or something02:26
KioshenI already have an LP account but do I need something more to list myself ?02:26
StevenKI don't know much of anything about the mentoring side of LP, sorry.02:28
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KioshenStevenK: No problem I guess I should have searched first : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring02:29
KioshenSo basically I should read up in the MOTU section of the wiki, read the packaging guide02:31
KioshenIf i'm not too sure (that will probably come up often) i go at #ubuntu-motu and ask what I don't understand02:31
=== Kioshen feels like i'm stealing the stage here ...
StevenKSounds sensible. Even if you just lurk in #ubuntu-motu you'll pick stuff up.02:33
KioshenDo you use bazaar constantly to manage patches ?02:33
Kioshenor Quilt is another one that comes up often02:33
StevenKActually, what I see most often is dpatch and cdbs's simple patch system.02:34
Kioshenas for the automated merging software ... does MOTUs still use MoM or DaD ?02:35
StevenKYes. Often.02:36
=== Kioshen_ [n=kioshen@modemcable125.151-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
Kioshen_ugh sorry my wifi broke down02:38
Kioshen_anyway ... so is MoM deprecated now that DaD is online or they both complement each other as of now02:38
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Kioshen_leonel talked about sponsors earlier ... do I ask in #ubuntu-motu for a review and at the same time for a sponsor or I put it in bug report ?02:44
Kioshen_regarding a patch on a package or publishing a merge02:44
StevenKYou can put your merge onto REVU, or you can file a bug with a debdiff and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors.02:46
Kioshen_from the wiki page it says that I need a GPG key for uploading to REVU02:47
StevenKYes, that's correct.02:47
Kioshen_do I need to have it signed first in a key signing party or one that I create will be okay at first02:47
StevenKYou also need one to upload to the archive, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. :-)02:48
Kioshen_yes since i will need training wheels first02:49
StevenKI would suggest you get your key signed first.02:49
Kioshen_I'll be going to the Ottawa Linux Symposium ... I guess I'll be able to find someone to sign mine there02:49
StevenKYou might also want to join the ubuntu-ca team in LP.02:50
Kioshen_Any requirements except being Canadian ?02:51
StevenKI think that's the only requirement.02:51
Kioshen_a gpg key is mainly need for uploading packages but nothing prevents me for submitting patches right ?02:52
StevenKThat's right.02:53
=== Kioshen_ is now known as Kioshen
Kioshenhow do I join a team in LP. I've tried searching for ubuntu-ca in LP but it doesn't bring up anything. I tried checking out an option in my profile but didn't see anything either02:55
StevenKIf you know the name of the team or person: https://launchpad.net/~<name>02:56
StevenKYou can search by using https://launchpad.net/people02:57
Kioshenokay thanks02:57
Kioshenhum from the page : This is a moderated team; all subscriptions are subjected to approval by one of the team's administrators.02:57
KioshenI guess I'll have to introduce myself in #ubuntu-ca first then ?02:57
StevenKBy all means. In the case of ubuntu-au, I clicked the join button and was approved within 24 hours.02:58
Kioshenso if I get everything correctly ... read the documentation available in the wiki and practice up the craft, create a GPG key and upload it to LP, apply to ubuntu-ca, check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO once in a while for pointers on where to go, ask questions in #ubuntu-motu and have fun03:02
StevenKSounds like you've covered everything. :-)03:03
Kioshengreat thanks a bunch :)03:03
StevenKNo problem. :-)03:04
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porthosewhen is the next MOTU Q&A05:46
porthosedid I miss it05:47
leonel12:00 utc05:51
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trommasdid I miss the event?11:52
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Belutzelkbuntu, hi :)01:51
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Belutzimtheface :D01:55
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dholbachHello everybody! Welcome to the MOTU Q&A session!02:00
dholbachdo we have some MOTUs in here?02:00
=== StevenK chuckles.
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=== ScottK looks for one.
=== dholbach counts 4 or more - that's a good start :)
=== pochu waves
agoliveiraJust Eager Cadets :)02:01
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imthefacehi all02:01
dholbachfirst of all, I'd like to invite everybody who's interested in becoming a MOTU at some stage, to sign up for https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-motu-mentors - it's still quite low traffic and it'll be a good place to ask questions, get a mentor etc02:01
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dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring explains a bit about mentoring and what you should do become part of the process02:02
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Recipes and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation are quite good to get started too02:02
=== Hobbsee isnt here. definetly not.
dholbachdoes anybody have some quetsions already? :)02:02
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Hobbseedholbach: can i have a pony?02:02
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porthoseDo you any other resources that explain how to use debconf and dbconf-common other than the man pages02:02
StevenKHobbsee: No pony for you!02:02
Belutzdholbach, what if i don't have a good programming skill?02:02
=== Hobbsee cries
dholbachHobbsee: hehe, do I look like Santa Claus? :-)02:03
Hobbseedholbach: YES!!!!02:03
ScottKBelutz: Programming skill is not required for packaging.02:03
dholbachHobbsee: NO :-)02:03
HobbseeScottK: except a bit of bash helps02:03
ScottKBelutz: There are certainly lots of times it helps, but it's not a hard requirement.02:03
Hobbseedholbach: awwww02:03
=== Hobbsee cries
StevenKporthose: There are some good guides and tutorials for debconf usage, but I'm not sure about dbconfig-common.02:03
ScottKBelutz: And what Hobbsee said is right.02:03
BelutzScottK, then what skills are required to be a part of MOTU team?02:04
dholbachporthose: as for all packaging I recommend looking at existing packages and see how they deal with it02:04
StevenKIt's shell scripting, not bash scripting. The two are different, since bash has bash-only features.02:04
ScottKBelutz: Learn about the Debian packaging system02:04
dholbachporthose: I'll make a note about assembling a list of 'example packages'02:04
persiaBelutz: A basic understanding of Makefiles is also useful.02:04
dholbachBelutz: mostly interest in making things work, motivation and being able to cope with pioneer atmosphere :-)02:04
ScottKBelutz: Often a good way to get started is to look for bugs in Launchpad tagged bitesized and packaging.02:04
dholbachScottK: excellent point... we have links to those lists on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Bugs02:05
StevenKBelutz: And feel free to stop by #ubuntu-motu and ask us questions.02:05
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dholbachany more questions? maybe about the processes? specific questions?02:06
=== Belutz definetly will sign up :-)
porthoseWhat controls the postinst and the postrm02:06
dholbachgreat Belutz02:06
TheMusoBelutz: The only signing up you really have to do, is get assigned to a mentor, if thats the route you want to take.02:07
dholbachporthose: I'm not sure I understand your question02:07
StevenKporthose: Controls in what sense?02:07
dholbachand read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring/Contributor carefully02:07
persiaporthose: They get created by debhelper scripts usually, but can also be included in the debian/ directory if specific additional action is required.02:07
BelutzTheMuso, yes, I really do need a mentor02:07
porthosedoes debconf invoke postinst?02:08
TheMusoDebconf is separate to postinst/postrm.02:08
ScottKBelutz: You can also just show up, dive in, and get to work learning if that's your style.02:08
StevenKporthose: No, you invoke the debconf "confmodule" from the postinst.02:08
TheMusoThey get called when the package is installed regardless, if they exist.02:08
TheMusoAnd what StevenK said.02:08
BelutzScottK, is slow internet connection could be a problem?02:08
StevenKBelutz: Certainly not!02:08
TheMusoBelutz: Depends on how big the packages are that you work on/02:09
porthoseooooh ok02:09
TheMusoBut usually not.02:09
StevenKBelutz: You might end up cursing it if you upload/download something big, but that's about it.02:09
agoliveiraBelutz: I think that as long it's *stable*... velocity is not a big deal.02:09
dholbachalso if you don't have a download quota02:10
Belutzfortunately i don't have a download quota :D02:10
dholbach(you might have to download packages from the newest development release)02:10
dholbachok... who in here is vaguely interested in becoming ubuntu-dev at some stage?02:11
=== evand raises hand
=== Hobbsee raises hand
=== Martinp23 too
=== Belutz raises hand
=== StevenK three
=== dholbach hugs Hobbsee
Hobbsee(seeing as ajmitch isnt here)02:11
=== Hobbsee hugs dholbach
dholbachnice... did you all check out some docs already and tried to do some packaging before?02:11
ccmstill hug day?02:11
StevenKAll this is showing is that the MOTU are a bunch of children. :-P02:11
Belutzdholbach, not yet :(02:11
dholbachdid you have many difficulties along the way?02:12
agoliveiradholbach: I'm doing the Hildon/Maemo ones and, as Tollef said, I was thown into to the deep side of the pool :)02:12
evandI tried a merge yesterday.  It was a little confusing at first, but asking in -motu helped quite a bit.02:13
dholbachagoliveira: I can imagine that - if you should ever need help along the way, let me know - also if you find documentation to be wrong/broken/etc - it's really important we improve things as we go, so people don't have to go through the same ordeal wtice02:13
dholbachevand: super - if you need a review or something, let us know02:14
evandthanks dholbach02:14
evandWhat about working on packages that have a previous maintainer.  Is that considered stepping on their toes?02:14
evandErr uploader02:15
dholbachevand: not at all - we inherit most packages from debian, so it's group maintenance anyway02:15
TheMusoevand: There is no real such thing as maintainer for universe in Ubuntu.02:15
persiaevand: Many uploaders welcome this.  It's polite to check with the last uploader, but most are fairly busy.02:15
agoliveiradholbach: Indeed, right now we are in a packaging frenzy due to time constrains so to be sincere I'm paying attention to details but I expect to be able to do it once we manage to have the first wave beatten.02:15
TheMusoBut if you want to take care of a package that you like using/want to keep up to date, thats fine too.02:15
dholbachevand: if you encounter a dedicated ubuntu maintainer in the maintainer field you might want to ask first02:15
evandgotcha, thanks02:15
porthoseDoes anyone know of other good examples of packaging php web apps like gallery2, roundcube02:15
dholbachagoliveira: if you can write a small list and send that off to the mentor list, that helps us a lot - even if it's just bullet points02:16
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highvoltagehi asac02:16
dholbachporthose: hi charlie... now I recognize you. welcome! :-)02:16
dholbachporthose: did you talk to shawarma (Sren Hansen) about that?02:16
asaci am late i guess ... sorry got to some adminstrative stuff02:16
dholbachwe can answer specific packaging questions too - is anybody blocked on a packaging problem at the moment?02:17
porthoseHe showed me roundcube and I was wondering if there were other examples I didn't know about02:17
dholbachporthose: at the moment I can't think of any - as I've never touched any of those... but that might be a good question for the mentoring list - that way you reach more people and they can make up their mind before they reply02:18
porthosetrying to learn by example02:18
porthosewill do02:18
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dholbachas I said... I'll try to make a MOTU/ExamplePackages page or something where we can list good examples for 1) python packaging, 2) cdbs, 3) debconf, ...02:19
=== zul_ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
dholbachthat way we can point to reference packages02:19
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dholbachso what apart from the merging process seemed complicated and hard to understand for you?02:20
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dholbachI think that one of the biggest problems of new contributors is to find out where they can help out or what might be appropriate for their skill set02:21
dholbachdid anybody experience that already?02:21
asacdholbach: i guess maybe an introduction on how to interpret conflicts during merge might help02:22
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asace.g. how are the conflicts marked ... what does that mean02:22
dholbachasac: good idea - what do you think would help in the documentation?02:22
dholbachasac: an example maybe?02:23
asacdholbach: actually i have no idea ... but an introduction on what the syntax means might be a good start02:23
asacdholbach: yes ... and example is mandatory02:24
dholbachok... I'll start off a thread on ubuntu-motu{,-mentors}@ about that02:24
dholbachour documentation about merging is a bit ... confusing02:24
asacdholbach: actually the main problem is that when it comes down to tricky things, you have to understand the code02:24
dholbachthanks asac02:24
dholbachso asking people who merged or changed the package before is a good idea too02:25
asacbut i think that is one challange that motus should and actually want to face/tackle02:25
dholbachwho in here had trouble with merges already?02:25
=== dholbach raises hand
=== ScottK too
=== evand also raises hand
dholbachit'd be nice to have your input on the thread too02:26
dholbachwe have some people in here who are being mentored at the moment - what are you working on currently? are you all supplied with tasks?02:26
asaci had problems to understand the docs ... so i did it based on what appeared sane02:26
=== Martinp23 is looking for a task
dholbachseb128: have a desktop task for Martinp23? :-)02:27
seb128https://launchpad.net/%7Edesktop-bugs/+mentoring ?02:28
seb128anything in the list ;)02:28
dholbachMartinp23: I have vte on my "to update" list - although I can't promise that it will be easy to do, but I'd help you out if you'd like to do that02:28
dholbachalthough there might be some universe desktop merges left (camorama for example)02:29
Martinp23dholbach: Hmm ok - should I give camorama a go, and then try vte?02:30
dholbachexcellent - let me know how it goes, I'm happy to assist02:30
dholbachnobody else being mentored?02:30
dholbachxxxxx1: I believe siretart is your mentor, right?02:30
xxxxx1dholbach: yes02:31
xxxxx1i'm working with him in ecryptfs02:31
dholbachwhat has your mentoring experience been until now?02:31
xxxxx1and.. opencryptoki, trousers, tpm-tools02:31
dholbachoh wow - how's it coming a long?02:32
xxxxx1amazing experience.02:32
dholbachthat's nice to hear :-)02:33
xxxxx1siretart is a good mentor. we're working together discussing some fixes and enhancements with upstream authors02:33
effie_jayxdholbach,  I am fairly new to the motu world, I started triaging bugs... what's the next step?02:33
effie_jayxnot like Im done with triaging bugs ;)02:34
=== dholbach pats siretart on the back
StevenKeffie_jayx: I'd suggest you look at bitesize and packaging tagged bugs on Launchpad.02:34
=== Kioshen [n=kioshen@MTLXPQAK-1168109941.sdsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
StevenKKioshen: I missed some questions earlier, did I? :-)02:34
dholbachxxxxx1: anything you're unhappy about or would like to know?02:34
dholbacheffie_jayx: you could also take a look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Recipes and play with the tools we use a bit02:35
KioshenStevenK: nah i'm fine ... i'm here for checking out questions from others ;)02:35
=== siretart hugs both xxxxx1 and dholbach
xxxxx1dholbach: absolutely not. we're doing a good work.02:35
Kioshendholbach: just read your e-mail about the recipes thanks for building up that page :)02:35
xxxxx1dholbach: ;)02:35
dholbachxxxxx1: thanks a lot for helping out02:36
effie_jayxStevenK,  sorry if this is too uch of a noob question.. but How can one tell if they are packaging tagged?02:36
dholbachKioshen: thanks :-)02:36
siretartdholbach: we are testing your proposal with reviewing packages managed in bzr branches on lp02:36
dholbacheffie_jayx: we have lists of bugs at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Bugs02:36
siretartdholbach: lp's subscription feature is indeed very handy here02:36
dholbacheffie_jayx: packaging bugs, bitesize bugs, etc are linked from there02:36
effie_jayxdholbach,  thanks :D02:37
dholbachsiretart: I hope we can use bzr in a broader scope soon02:37
dholbachI expected more packaging related questions to be honest... :-)02:38
xxxxx1i think the review process in lp with bzr is more flexible than revu.02:38
evandWhat's the proper protocol for getting a package that's already packaged for Ubuntu, but in upstream's personal repository, into Universe?02:38
StevenKevand: Firstly, upload it to REVU.02:39
StevenKevand: Secondly, bug people to review it.02:39
persiaevand: If upstream did a good job, it's just an upload, but often is requires some repackaging before being uploaded to REVU.02:39
StevenKevand: Thirdly, keep bugging people, if necessary. :-P02:39
evandheh, thanks02:40
StevenKevand: Once it has two MOTU say it's fine, it should be uploaded.02:40
dholbachwho of the new contributors wants to get a simple task assigned to start helping out or do you all think you'll find something easy to work on yourself? :-)02:41
Kioshenxxxxx1: any link to this proposal I think i missed it ... ?02:41
Kioshendholbach: I know I do :)02:41
evanddholbach: I think I could use a directed task.02:41
dholbachanybody have a task they'd agree to review afterwards?02:42
porthosepothose raises hand02:42
StevenKporthose: /me is fun02:42
dholbachpersia, ScottK, asac, TheMuso, Hobbsee?02:42
StevenKAww. dholbach always forgets about me.02:43
=== persia looks
dholbachStevenK? :)02:43
=== StevenK sniffs in the corner.
dholbachI'm sure you all complain about having too much to do? :-)02:43
=== Kioshen pats StevenK in the back
asacdholbach: i need someone who can code some php (or any other web tech)02:43
ScottKdholbach: Sorry not at the moment.02:43
TheMusodholbach: I'd be happy to give a merge of mine to someone.02:43
StevenKKioshen: Ouch! In the back?02:43
TheMusoAnd would be happy to review it.02:43
asacdholbach: its for the firefox plugin web-service02:44
dholbachTheMuso: Kioshen, evand and porthose would be willing to work on a task02:44
StevenKTheMuso: I'll take one of yours and you can review it afterward. :-P02:44
effie_jayxdholbach,  me too :S02:44
TheMusoStevenK: hardy har har.02:44
dholbachasac: I think porthose works on PHP stuff02:44
KioshenStevenK: as in encouragement probably lost in translation i guess :)02:44
asacporthose: you wanna help?02:44
porthosesure if I can02:44
asacporthose: its about server side of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/firefox-distro-addon-support02:44
StevenKKioshen: I know. :-) It's the "on the back", in the back being painful. :-)02:44
dholbachI'm sure seb128 wouldn't mind if somebody took care of the  easytag  merge02:44
TheMusoOk. Who wants to merge plib?02:45
dholbach^who wants that one?02:45
ScottKdholbach: I take it back.  clamav needs a merge.  If someone wants to try that, I'll review it.02:45
StevenKScottK: That's mean.02:45
dholbachScottK: how hard do you think it is?02:45
seb128dholbach: I think easytag can be synced02:45
asacporthose: if you want you can join #ubuntu-mozillateam channel ... where i usually do mentoring for all things around firefox/mozilla02:45
ScottKdholbach: It's actually a very easy one now.02:45
persiaIf anyone wants the merge of kstreamripper, I'd be happy to review.02:45
seb128dholbach: I would not mind somebody else maintaining it though :p02:45
porthosek will do02:45
dholbachseb128: doing a merge is a first good step02:46
xxxxx1guys, i have a work meeting now. thanks dholbach !02:46
ScottKStevenK: Debian clamav package recently got a makeover that makes it a lot easier.  There's only one Ubuntu unique change now.02:46
=== xxxxx1 is now known as xxxxx1_away
dholbachbye xxxxx1_away02:46
dholbachso who does clamav?02:46
seb128dholbach: right, I just think it's syncable directly02:46
StevenKHrm. I have one universe merge left, and I have a package that's nearly ready to upload.02:46
effie_jayxdholbach,  me02:46
dholbachwho does easytag?02:46
dholbachthanks seb12802:46
=== StevenK is too efficient or something.
ScottKeffie_jayx: ping me on #ubuntu-motu if you need help or when you have something.  I'll be mostly here for the next 7 hours.02:47
dholbachxawtv might be easy too02:47
seb128dholbach: people can help with GNOME 2.19.3 updates coming if they want02:47
effie_jayxScottK,  will do02:47
dholbachyes, ping me next week if you want to help out with gnome 2.19.3 updates - I'm happy to review updates02:47
StevenKseb128: Most of them being main, though?02:47
dholbachStevenK: that's no problem02:47
seb128StevenK: right, we can sponsor them02:47
dholbachbluez-hcidump might be easy too02:48
seb128we did it for most of the merges on gutsy opening02:48
dholbachso everybody grabbed a merge/update?02:48
seb128gdeskcal has a 1.01 upstream and we have an outdated version02:48
seb128if somebody wants to do the update I'm happy to sponsor it02:49
seb128I'm "maintaining" the package for Debian but didn't update it for quite some time02:49
StevenKIf no-one takes it, I can do it, and I don't need sponsorship.02:49
StevenKI can even NMU it for you, seb128. :-P02:49
seb128StevenK: you can take over it if you want ;)02:50
dholbachexcellent, seems everybody has grabbed a task - if not ping me later and we'll sort something out02:50
StevenKI'm not quite that glutton for punishment.02:50
evandDid anyone take plib?02:50
evandI missed it02:50
TheMusoevand: You can take it if you want.02:50
dholbachI guess it's yours now :)02:51
TheMusoUnless someone else said they did.02:51
evandWill do02:51
=== TheMuso is doing xawtv
TheMusounless someone else has it02:51
Kioshendholbach: is there a page for the gnome update ?02:52
dholbachwe grab them from the list as they come in02:53
Kioshendholbach: okay and afterwards it's the normal merge process ?02:53
dholbachwe mostly just update the packages02:53
dholbachin the past seb128 and I have been doing one merge with debian once the archive opened for the new release and another one before feature freeze or some time around that02:54
dholbachso there's no need to merge every debian change at any given time02:54
seb128We do sometime a merge when Debian has interesting changes02:54
seb128when they just update to new version like they just did to GNOME 2.18.2 there is no need to merge the new changelog entry02:55
Kioshenso basically you can the old package, take the new upstream tarball, rev it up, upload to revu and poke people02:55
dholbachyes, roughly using the process outlined on the Recipes page ... roughly :)02:56
Kioshenokay and gnome 2.19.3 is scheduled next week so i'll give time to read up on the subject then02:56
dholbachjust hop into #ubuntu-desktop and let us know02:57
=== Kioshen is bookmarking it now
dholbachI prefer to review than to do it myself, so I can help up with issues as they creep up02:57
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dholbachdo we have any other questions?02:58
Kiosheni'm in the process of moving out of my current appartment but i'll do my best02:58
Kioshenno from me since i've poked a lot StevenK yesterday02:58
StevenKHeh, it wasn't yesterday here. :-)02:59
icf7how can I test a package for gutsy? just configure pbuilder with gutsy instead of feisty?02:59
StevenKicf7: That's one way, yes.02:59
dholbachicf7: that's for a build test, yes02:59
dholbachicf7: you can mostly install a gutsy package on feisty to test it, but it's not optimal03:00
StevenKicf7: You can test the package builds in the gutsy pbuilder, and then log into the gutsy pbuilder to test install as well.03:00
icf7thank you!03:00
Kioshencome to think of it, will I need a full gusty installation if I want to test unstable gnome packages ?03:00
dholbachwe should have some documentation about 1) chroots, 2) installations on separate partitions, 3) stuff like vmware, etc03:00
StevenKKioshen: Not really.03:00
agoliveiraAfter messing up my chroot twice I went for vmware and I'm a happy camper now :)03:01
KioshenStevenK: Why ? it's mostly graphical applications or we can run them from a chroot03:01
StevenKKioshen: They can be run from a chroot, yes.03:02
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StevenKKioshen: As agoliveira, a VMware instance of Gutsy could work, too03:02
StevenKEr, as agoliveira said03:02
KioshenStevenK: great thanks03:03
dholbachany other questions?03:05
Kioshenoh yes gpg keys03:06
=== Hobbsee still wants a pony
dholbachah yes03:06
Kioshendo we need them signed first ?03:06
persiaKioshen: It's stongly encouraged, but not required.03:06
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dholbachI'm very happy with how the Q&A session went - thanks everybody for coming here03:10
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
dholbachwe should do this regularly - so what about doing them in 2 weeks again?03:10
evandthank you to everyone who helped03:10
dholbachsame time? other date and time?03:10
Kioshenwell at least this time I wasn't the only one asking questions hehe03:10
=== hunger slaps his forehead. Q&A is Question and Answers... I listened in since I thought it was Quality Assurance;-)
asacdholbach: 2 weeks is fine03:11
hungerWow... that took me long to figure out.03:11
agoliveiradholbach: That would be nice. I'm still a bit at large due the huge workload but for sure I'll get more involved as soon as the things settle down a bit.03:11
asacdholbach: maybe people that are out of task can add some info about them to a wiki page so we can take a look a day in advance and think about suitable tasks?03:11
dholbachasac: we should always have those tasks ready03:11
asacdholbach: point is... we don't know the skills03:12
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dholbachasac: but still it's good to have a bunch of tasks at hand, if somebody asks you03:12
dholbachI'll try to make that part of my daily workflow: adding bugs to my 'easy tasks' list03:13
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dholbachok, thanks everybody for coming - be sure to hang out in #ubuntu-motu and ubuntu-motu-mentors@lists.ubuntu.com and ask questions there03:14
dholbachhave a nice day :)03:14
evandthanks dholbach03:14
asacthanks all03:14
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Kioshenthanks everybody03:14
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agoliveiradholbach: Thank you!03:15
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dholbachthanks :)03:15
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