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ashokhi friends03:46
ashokanyone here03:46
ashoki am a new developer04:02
ashokwant to contribute to ubuntu04:03
ashokcan u help me where to start with04:03
ashokseen it04:03
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`23megashok, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewDeveloperProcess04:14
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Hobbseehi all05:46
Burgundaviahey Hobbsee05:47
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HobbseeKeybuk: ping @ MOM06:49
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pittiGood morning08:16
Hobbseemorning pitti!08:21
pittihey Hobbsee 08:22
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viviersfMithrandir, ping08:52
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-devel.log
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Gutsy open, go ape!
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by siretart at Sun May 27 17:27:58 2007
Mithrandirviviersf: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I am around.08:56
Hobbseebitten by contentlessping.pl...08:57
viviersfMithrandir, i spoke to you about uswsusp a while back and i was just wondering if it was goign to be standard on gutsy ?08:58
Mithrandirviviersf: nobody has picked it up and run with it, so I would be surprised if that happens.08:58
viviersfMithrandir, okay cool thx08:59
Hobbseeseriously, why cant windows software just work?  that includes labview.09:02
stdinumm, because it's windows?09:05
viviersfHobbsee, cos then you wouldnt need to buy updated versions ?09:06
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Hobbseemmm. *grumbles a bit more*09:07
Hobbseei think i'm actually using a more updated version than what's on the lab computers anyway09:07
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StevenKviviersf, Mithrandir: I've been merging it for Gutsy, but that's about it.09:10
viviersfStevenK, i know ive filed sum bugs on it with patches for you09:11
viviersfStevenK, i got an issue with it when upgrading kernels :(09:11
StevenKDon't suspend if you're going to boot a new kernel.09:12
LaserJockHobbsee: you working on Labview today?09:13
HobbseeLaserJock: yeah.  attempting to.  but the ppt that i was working from doesnt seem to wish to open09:13
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LureMithrandir: can you give-back strigiapplet on i386 (not sure why only i386 got old version of libstrigihtmlgui-dev)09:18
MithrandirLure: given-back09:19
LureMithrandir: thanks09:19
viviersfStevenK, i know that :)09:22
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hungerI got a strange effect: I can log into my box in X, all the apps from my session start up fine. But I can not have new apps connect to the X server anymore...09:34
hungerDISPLAY is set, I am running gutsy.09:34
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hungerSorry... my mistake: Mounted /tmp over the X server named pipes:-)09:38
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mitsuhikodoko: got a second?09:46
cjwatsondholbach: gnome-orca's uninstallable on the CDs because it depends on libgnome-speech3 rather than the current libgnome-speech7. I had a look at the source but the control file has weird hardcoded dependencies and I wasn't sure I could safely touch it. Could you sort it out?09:47
dholbachcjwatson: sure09:48
dokomitsuhiko: sure09:50
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mitsuhikodoko: i recently encountered some problems with pycentral. really, really strange ones09:51
dokobug number?09:51
mitsuhikoi then contacted Piotr Oarowski who maintains my python packages in debian and he had no idea09:51
mitsuhikoi haven't filed a bug because i don't have any information to offer09:51
mitsuhikothe only thing i know is that it broke completely after i installed a python 3000 build09:52
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mitsuhikoi can file a bug if wanted, but the only thing i know is that most of the prerm scripts now break because they are unable to locate the python version09:53
mitsuhikosymlink of python points to python2.509:53
mitsuhikoand also this:09:54
mitsuhiko$ pycentral showdefault09:54
dokopycentral showdefault is deprecated; pyversions -d should replace it09:55
dokoI haven't tested the support tool with python3000 yet 09:55
dokowhere is python3000 installed?09:55
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mitsuhikodoko: i have removed it in the meantime10:02
mitsuhikoit was in /usr/local10:02
mitsuhikodoko: i know that it's deprecated, but it shouldn't fail tough10:02
mitsuhikois there some database pycentral has?10:03
mitsuhikobecause even reinstalling pycentral hasn't fixed the problems10:04
dokono state information10:05
dokols -l /usr/bin/python ?10:06
mitsuhikolrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 2007-05-13 16:11 /usr/bin/python -> /usr/bin/python2.510:06
mitsuhiko(interesting permissions Oo)10:07
cjwatsonsymlinks are always like that10:07
mitsuhikodoko: also pyversions -i only shows python2.4 and python2.5 although i have python2.3 too10:08
mitsuhikoalright. i have more information now10:10
cjwatsonlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 2007-05-24 17:29 /usr/bin/python -> python2.510:11
cjwatsonlooks like pycentral doesn't like the /usr/bin/ on the front10:11
dokomitsuhiko: you did change things manually?10:11
mitsuhikodoko: i changed the python symlink a couple of times i guess10:12
mitsuhikoand my python3 installation of course. but i now use that only in my local folder10:12
dokomitsuhiko: pycentral could be a more robust, but changing anything in /usr, which is not in /usr/local or /etc may break your system10:13
dokoso this should make it work again: ln -sf python2.5 /usr/bin/python10:13
mitsuhikodoko: yeah. that works indeed10:14
mitsuhikodoko: awesome. thanks :D10:17
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jdubKeybuk: yay, esr hot potato for you!11:06
Keybukjdub: he's been hanging out on #upstart for a few days11:06
Keybukhis chkconfig thing does look useful11:07
highvoltageKeybuk: just be careful, you might just end up on ELER ;)11:09
KeybukI love petunias, don't you?11:15
siretartMithrandir: there is something fishy with ffmpeg, the source is in main, but the binaries are in universe. could you please move libavcode-dev, libpostproc-dev, libavformat plus their dependencies on the respective library packages to main and give back xine-lib on all archs?11:17
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Mithrandirdoko: your ia32-libs upload seems to be missing a replaces on ia32-libs-gtk, or it should not include libXcursor.11:28
dokoMithrandir: I didn't merge that, or is this an earlier upload?11:29
Mithrandirdoko: hm, I thought it was you11:29
Mithrandirah, pitti is the uploaded.11:30
dokoheh, it's universe now :-)11:30
Mithrandiruploader, even11:30
Mithrandirdoko: that doesn't help when it's still installed on lots of systems.11:30
HobbseeMithrandir: yes, that was pitti.  i've been meaning to bug him about that, as it meant one of my packages ftbfs11:31
pittiMithrandir: oh, will fix11:31
Hobbseethere's a few related bug reports for those packages11:31
pittisiretart: ^ maybe you can incorporate this small change into your prepared upload which merges the games stuff?11:31
pittiMithrandir: so, I'll coordinate this with siretart to avoid two uploads of that huge beast in a row11:33
Mithrandirpitti: sure, thanks.11:35
MithrandirI just noticed it's been like that for a few days, and getting it fixed would be good11:35
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pittiMithrandir: I think we'll just fix it for good and merge ia32-libs and -gtk11:40
KeybukHobbsee: you ping'd?11:40
HobbseeKeybuk: indeed.  11:41
HobbseeKeybuk: MOM appears not to have picekd up that i merged sword a while ago.  i've recently been notified that the new patch is not on patches.ubuntu.com.  I'm not sure where the proceedure is breaking down, but it being broken isnt so great.11:42
Hobbseeand i've got no idea who to poke about it not beign on p.u.c - perhaps you could deal with it and/or pass it on?11:42
Keybukpatches.ubuntu.com is MoM11:42
Hobbseepoint.  then it's your domain, i believe.11:43
Keybukwhich sword package?11:43
Keybuk(full source package name)11:43
Hobbseeer, sword.11:44
Keybukno such source package11:44
Hobbseeit is the source package name.11:44
Keybuktry again :)11:44
Hobbseeit's listed on MOM as sword11:44
Keybukit's blacklisted11:44
=== Hobbsee stops herself before trying to put "madison sword" into cmd.exe
Hobbseeah right11:44
Keybukremoved it from the blacklist, it'll show up soon11:45
Hobbseegreat :)11:45
Keybuktollef blacklisted it because it caused a sync problem11:45
Hobbseeyes, differing tarballs11:45
Hobbseeone day, hopefully upstream will release a new tarball, and it can stay synced forever more.11:45
StevenKKeybuk: Is MoM able to show something is blacklisted?11:45
Hobbseesame to kguitar.11:45
Hobbseei just look forward to that day.11:46
KeybukStevenK: it's a general archive blacklist11:46
MithrandirI should find some free time to nuke the top of the blacklist11:46
StevenKhotplug # all hail udevd11:49
=== StevenK chuckles
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StevenKHah, there's one worse.11:50
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elmoI'm glad someone cleaned up that file before publicizing it - the version in the dak tree had err, much more interesting comments11:52
StevenKelmo: Actually, you're in it with "elmo, comment lost" a little bit11:53
elmoyeah, I know11:54
elmothe original version of that, f.e. was:11:54
elmo# old MOTU removals - use to have reasons, but I trashed the blacklist file by mistake.  go me. [JT] 11:54
StevenKI'm curious about some of these much more interesting comments, though. :-)11:54
cjwatsonit is possible that we artificially lost some of those reasons11:55
Mithrandirthey're actually lost, not just put in revision control.11:55
Mithrandircjwatson: *cough*. :-P11:55
Hobbseecjwatson: data loss bug.  totally coincidental.11:56
Hobbseeand the backups failed.11:56
Mithrandirwe use the Linus Backup Strategy, didn't you know?11:57
Mithrandirpublish your stuff on an ftp site and let the world mirror it.11:57
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cjwatsonspeaking of madison, anyone fancy porting rmadison to Ubuntu? madison.php is available from debian-qa CVS, and I'm sure it could be run easily enough on rookery or somewhere else with a full mirror12:00
StevenKMust it be PHP? :-)12:01
cjwatsonI'm no PHP fan, but it's what's there; at least it should have a compatible interface12:02
=== Keybuk thought "elmo, comment lost" was "CENSORED"
cjwatsonrmadison already supports multiple backends12:02
Keybukthere was certainly a pert turn of phrase we used in some cases12:02
Mithrandirhm, what does rmadison do again?12:03
cjwatsonremote madison; talks to a CGI12:03
Mithrandirah, ok.12:04
cjwatsondebian-qa CVS> I mean svn these days12:04
Mithrandirmy ~/bin/madison is ssh merkel.debian.org madison "$@"12:04
cjwatsonooh, there's a perl implementation12:07
cjwatsonI might just spend ten minutes deploying that this afternoon12:07
Keybukyou have 10 minutes of CFT?  you clearly don't have enough to do <g>12:07
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cjwatsonyou just work for ten more minutes in the evening :P12:08
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StevenKFinally. Memory usage isn't 100%12:08
Keybukcjwatson: David knows where the circuit breakers are12:09
MithrandirKeybuk: 10 hours of battery life and neighbour with wifi. :-P12:09
StevenKI have one, but not the other. Pity.12:09
Keybukmy neighbours use *my* WiFI12:10
StevenKFigure out which neighbours and bill them?12:10
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Hobbseeheh, another good removal message...12:19
Hobbseeltsp-utils # ogra wails like a girl if this gets sync'd12:19
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siretartpitti: right, I think we should just merge all three of ia32-libs{,-gtk,-sdl}12:20
pittisiretart: I agree; easier to maintain and update12:20
ograHobbsee, how did you know :)12:20
ograHobbsee, but its a) blacklisted and b) i talked to the DD who agreed to drop it from debian12:21
Mithrandirogra: Hobbsee was reciting from the sync-blacklist.12:21
Hobbseeogra: haha12:21
pittisiretart: hmm, you already added some GTKish bits to your version, didn't you? does -gtk actually contain anything on top of that?12:22
ograMithrandir, ah12:22
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siretartpitti: I've added the packages that where comment out in the previous version of the package12:27
siretartpitti: the comment was that they were in universe. most probably some of them are in ia32-libs-gtk as well12:27
pittisiretart: ah, ok; do you feel like merging -gtk, too, or do you want to send me your current patch and I finish it for -gtk?12:27
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siretartpitti: If you have time now, I'd prefer to send you my patch12:28
siretart(/me at work now and has to fight a lot with perl :/)12:28
pittisiretart: not now, probably on Monday12:28
siretartah, ok. 12:28
pittisiretart: tomorrow might work too if archive stuff doesn't keep me busy all the day12:29
siretartso either I find the time tomorrow or I'll send you the patch12:29
pittisiretart: good luck with Perl :)12:29
pittisiretart: so, if you can send me the patch, then I'll look into it ASAP unless you IRC-ping me about it and beat me to it12:29
siretartpitti: you said that running fetch-source.sh with BUILD=0 was okay, right?12:29
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pittisiretart: fetch-and-build.sh, yes12:29
siretarterr, yes. okay12:30
pittisiretart: those are perfectly valid buildd generated .debs, so I don't see a reason to not use them12:30
siretartI'll add a note to the readme about that12:30
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Keybukcjwatson: http://merges.ubuntu.com/stats.txt12:44
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StevenKKeybuk: Should you comment out events that fall off the front of the graph like Edgy Release and Edgy's archive being open?12:45
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Mithrandirthe code should remove them, IMO12:48
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fabbioneSeveas: ping?01:04
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fabbioneso it is safe to upgrade gutsy with the new lvm/raid stuff?01:09
fabbioneor can i expect the world to explode?01:10
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cjwatson$ scripts/rmadison.pl -u ubuntu -s gutsy -c main -a i386 man-db man-db |    2.4.4-3 |         gutsy | i38601:15
cjwatson(ignoring stupid irssi line-wrapping; anyone know how to turn that off?)01:15
cjwatson$ scripts/rmadison.pl -u ubuntu -s gutsy -c main -a i386 man-db01:16
cjwatson    man-db |    2.4.4-3 |         gutsy | i38601:16
cjwatsonbetter; /set paste_join_multiline off01:16
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StevenKcjwatson: Oh neat. I've been wondering how to stop irssi doing that.01:18
StevenKcjwatson: How many lines is rmadison.pl ?01:19
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pittimjg59: can we trade merges? I'd like to avoid breaking laptop-mode-tools and hand this off to you, and in return grab dhcdbd from you01:29
Hobbseemergebay again!01:29
Lurepitti: if you can let exiv2 and libkdcraw past binary NEW it would make new digikam build ;-)01:30
pittiLure: looking01:31
Lurepitti: thanks01:31
pittiLure: there's no exiv2 in NEW01:31
pittineither is kdcraw01:32
pitti     exiv2 |     0.14-1 |         gutsy | source01:32
pitti     exiv2 |     0.14-1 | gutsy/universe | amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc01:32
seb128pitti: I accepted them before lunch, why?01:32
pittilooks current01:32
pittiseb128: ah :)01:32
pittiseb128: because Lure asked01:33
seb128ah, k01:33
elmowhy does our tzdata package ask me questions  in it's postinst ?01:33
elmolike, not even with debconf01:33
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pittielmo: erm, it's not supposed to; we fixed the debconfishness right at the beginning of gutsy 01:34
pittielmo: what does it ask?01:34
elmopitti: ok, this is feisty01:34
elmoYour current time zone is set to Unknown01:34
elmoDo you want to change that? [n] :01:34
pittielmo: right, it didn't have any debconf stuff in feisty yet01:34
fabbioneif [ "$USER" = "*elmo*" ] ; then debconf_ask_random_question; fi01:34
elmopitti: ok, as long as it'll go away at some point01:34
pittielmo: is that true? I. e. did you really not have a TZ set before? or is that an upgrade bug?01:35
elmopitti: it's a chroot01:35
elmopitti:  I probably didn't have a TZ set01:35
pittiah, I see01:35
elmo(ronne's feisty-amd64 chroot to be precise)01:35
pittielmo: in gutsy that's properly debconfified now01:35
Lurepitti: sorry, seb128 was too fast01:36
Lurepitti: so libkdcraw is fine for main inclusion?01:36
pittiLure: I didn't look at it yet01:36
=== StevenK waits for exiv2 to hit archive.u.c
StevenK(I need to upload a build1 of a rdepends)01:37
=== Lure waits for libkdcraw to hit main ;-)
LureStevenK: great - I was just preparing the list for Riddell ;-)01:37
StevenKLure: And what did main ever do to it?01:38
StevenKI didn't think that was much that depends on exiv201:38
pittiBenC: FYI, I don't NEW the new kernel as long as it's FTBFS on powerpc, to avoid unnecessary ABI bumps in case the powerpc build fix needs to change ABI01:39
BenCpitti: sure things, I have another upload ready01:40
pittiBenC: oh, good morning. Early bird :)01:40
fabbionehey BenC 01:41
fabbioneBenC: upload? please pull the gfs2 stuff from kernel.org pretty please?01:41
fabbioneBenC: and add the 3 extra symbols?01:41
fabbioneBenC: and re-enable gfs1? :P01:42
fabbione(don't pull from my tree.. it's borked)01:42
BenCfabbione: I'll see what I can do, I didn't want to have to go through another round of build/boot tests...but for you, I might :)01:42
fabbioneBenC: ok.. if it's not this one, can you please make sure it's queued for the next?01:42
fabbioneBenC: i can't build userland without the new headers01:42
fabbioneand i need to start doing some QA on that stuff before we find that the world crashes 2 days before release01:43
BenCneed to get some coffee, just rolled out of bed01:43
pittiyay Priority: headers! /me hugs cjwatson; gutsy debootstrap works again01:43
cjwatsonyeah, it's healthier now01:44
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dholbachMOTU Q&A session in 3 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom01:57
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fabbioneKeybuk: ping?02:14
fabbione /etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules <- rewriting config files, isn't that a policy violation?02:15
Keybukrewriting conffiles is a policy violation02:15
ograconffiles is :)02:15
Keybukrewriting config files is entirely valid <g>02:15
ograeven though the definition in the policy is not very precise there, i often have that discussion with DDs as well02:16
fabbioneanyway that script is buggy...02:17
fabbionea lot :)02:17
fabbioneit's breaking my decnet setup...02:17
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fabbionehow can i live without decnet ?02:18
Keybukwhat's the bug?02:19
fabbioneKeybuk:  i am kidding.. it's not serious..02:19
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Keybukit's an upstream script, so we should probably fix it if it's broken for something02:19
fabbionedecnet protocol changes mac address on the interface in a very consistent way to define the "node address" (similar to the ip address)02:20
fabbionethat creates 2 entries in the rules02:20
nosrednaekimhello,does anyone know what language the restricted manager is written in? I would like to port it to kubuntu02:20
fabbioneand the interface that was named eth0 all of a sudden becomes eth102:20
fabbionedecnet setup can break and so does the ip because there might be no entry for eth1 in interfaces02:21
Keybukfabbione: they're named eth* ?02:21
fabbionedecnet breaks because you can specify what interface to use02:21
ion_nosrednaekim: Python, and its core functionality is separate from the UI, so it should be somewhat trivial.02:21
fabbioneKeybuk: yes..02:21
Riddellnosrednaekim: we already have someone working on that02:21
nosrednaekimion_: cool, I know Python!02:21
fabbioneKeybuk: there is no reason to change iface name.. just the mac address02:21
Keybukfabbione: we can add a rule to skip the script if we know a little more about it02:21
nosrednaekimRiddell: great minds think alike.. oh well02:21
Riddellnosrednaekim: although there are other programmes to be ported if you feel the urge02:22
fabbioneKeybuk: second.. let me gather enough info...02:22
Keybukor we can add decnet support to the script02:22
nosrednaekimRiddell: ok,like what? I really only know python02:22
fabbioneKeybuk: dnet-common or dnet-progs use /etc/default/decnet.02:22
fabbioneKeybuk: in that file there is: DNET_INTERFACES=""02:23
Riddellnosrednaekim: ltsp-manager for example https://wiki.kubuntu.org/EdubuntuKDE02:23
fabbioneif empty .. decnet won't run02:23
Keybukfabbione: oh, it's a software thing and not a kernel thing?02:23
fabbioneall = get all interfaces in decnet mode/mac02:23
fabbionenope.. it's all userland.. well the part that interest us at least02:23
fabbioneor a list of iface/ifaces02:23
Keybukso you can do decnet on any ethernet card?02:23
fabbioneit's enough you can change the mac address02:24
fabbionei am no decnet expert.. really. what i found was by mistake02:24
fabbionei thought it was worth mentioning it02:24
KeybukI'll raise it upstream :)02:24
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fabbionethere might be other protocols doing stuff like this02:24
fabbioneyup.. fair enough..02:24
Keybukbest fix would be to identify the cards participating in decnet by some other means than their mac address02:25
fabbionewell you have that config file02:26
fabbioneand the initscript for decnet to look at02:26
Keybukthat config file takes interface names <g>02:26
Keybukwhich aren't stable unless you have this config file02:26
Keybukwhich would change the names assigned by that config file02:26
fabbioneno.. they solved that problem a while ago02:26
nosrednaekimRiddell: I was also thinking about adding a wattmeter to guidance-power-manager02:26
fabbione /. for it02:26
Keybukyou use decnet?02:27
fabbionenot yet.. i installed the packages to do some testing02:27
Keybukunless I'm mistaken here (tracking workflow)02:27
Keybukthis will work just fine02:27
Keybuk1) kernel adds network interface02:27
Keybuk2) udev renames it according to its hardware mac address02:27
Keybuk3) decnet picks up interface from DNET_INTERFACES according to its udev-fixed name02:28
Keybuk4) decnet changes mac address02:28
Keybukudev won't change the name again, because it's already set02:28
Keybukthat's what the NAME!="?*" thing is for02:28
fabbione5) network manager takes down the interface and reset it...02:28
cjwatsonooh, ooh, debmake is up for demotion since dmapi stopped using it02:28
Keybukfabbione: network manager only downs the interface02:28
Riddellnosrednaekim: interesting idea, although I do wonder if the best place for it is ksysguard02:28
Keybukit doesn't pull out the card02:28
fabbione6) udev picks an up/down and rename it02:28
Riddellnosrednaekim: but I'm sure if you did that we'd include it02:28
StevenKcjwatson: Yay!02:28
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Keybukno, udev picks up hardware insertion/removal02:29
Keybuknot interface config changes02:29
Keybukthat's HAL-land02:29
fabbioneKeybuk: well something is renaming it and once i cleaned the 70*.rule i got my eth0 back02:29
Keybukyou'd have a suspend/resume issue, since the hardware does get removed and re-inserted02:29
fabbione[   51.927759]  skge eth0: addr 00:13:d4:85:0f:a402:29
fabbione[   90.967360]  skge eth1: enabling interface02:29
fabbionenotice this in dmesg02:29
fabbione39 seconds in between02:30
fabbionethis is a clean boot02:30
Keybukbut after the resume, the card would have its hardware mac again, so you'd need to reapply dnet again02:30
Keybukit'll get renamed to a persistent name02:30
Keybukthat just means that last time you booted, some other card had eth002:30
nosrednaekimRiddell: it only works on very new machines which have acpi 2, but I have the python framework which prints out the readings to the command line. If you are interested02:30
Keybukso that card is "eth1", and should be referred to as such in DNET_INTERFACES02:30
Keybukit won't get renamed after dnet tarts02:30
fabbionein the rule file I had eth0 with the decnet mac address02:30
fabbioneand eth1 with the real address02:30
Keybukrule file?02:30
fabbionethe 70-generated...02:30
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Keybukthat probably *is* a postinst bug02:31
Keybukin that the postinst ran while you were using decnet, and seeded the initial copy of the file02:31
Keybukthat's just a temporary hack anyway02:31
fabbioneyeps.. ok.. then we are at the same page02:31
KeybukI meant to copy iftab in, and let the others fix at reboot time02:31
fabbioneok.because i had iftab.. and it was ignored02:31
Keybukbut didn't get around to fully testing the perl, so went with the hack for now02:31
fabbionefair enough02:31
fabbioneat the next update i will see how it explodes :)02:32
Keybukthe actual proper udev rule stuff shouldn't break02:32
Keybukif you rmmod and insmod the module, the software mac address will be forgotten anyway02:32
fabbionei will test that at the next reboot02:32
fabbioneyes and that's fine..02:32
Keybukinterestingly, dnet should probably have a udev rule to run every time a network interface is inserted, no? :p02:32
fabbioneKeybuk: sounds like a good idea...02:32
=== fabbione reports the bug to one decnet upstream
pittiMithrandir: can you please give-back hplip?02:34
Mithrandirpitti: backgegubt.02:35
Lurenosrednaekim: does it get info through HAL? we would not like to add too many interfaces beside HAL to it...02:38
Lurenosrednaekim: and you may want to join #kubuntu-devel02:39
nosrednaekimLure: will do.02:39
nosrednaekimLure: sent you a message over there02:40
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dholbach dpkg-source -b libgdamm3.0-2.9.502:59
dholbachUndefined subroutine &main::warn called at /usr/bin/dpkg-source line 349.02:59
dholbachdebuild: fatal error at line 1239:02:59
dholbach^- anybody had that problem too?02:59
pittidholbach: I suspect it's from yesterday's dpkg merge03:02
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pittidholbach: that looks like a function that my Mainainer: check calls03:02
StevenKpitti: use Carp instead?03:03
StevenKI love doing use Carp; cluck("");03:04
pittiStevenK: I don't know; the previous dpkg had that function03:04
StevenKpitti: Bug iwj where it went?03:05
pittilooks like a simple s/warn/warning/03:05
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pittidholbach, iwj: I'll fix it03:10
=== dholbach hugs pitti
dholbachyou ROCK03:10
dholbach...but you know that already03:10
=== pitti hugs dholback
kwwiidholbach: the way things are now, to use the automaticartworkbuilder and artist needs to take an existing theme (like oransoda) and edit everything yet some things are pretty technical (like oransun-look.sh)...is there a way to remove parts of the theme without borking everything?03:12
kwwiidholbach: btw, I am working on the documentation for that stuff :-)03:12
dholbachkwwii: I read that you were working on that and was very pleased03:13
dholbachkwwii: what about example-theme?03:13
robertjhrmm patch 98_automake from gnome-system-tools won't revert...is that considered a bug?03:13
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kwwiidholbach: well, it means that I'll be asking you lots of questions :p (and I could not find the example-theme package on launchpad)03:17
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dholbachkwwii: http://code.launchpad.net/example-look03:18
kwwiilol, that is easy03:18
kwwiiwell "devel(+n)]  [Act: 2,4,5,7,8] 03:19
kwwiibzr: ERROR: Not a branch: https://code.launchpad.net/example-look/03:19
kwwiiok, I get it, sorry03:20
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ograoooh, someone fixed jadetex, my pbuilder works03:24
=== ogra dances
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pittidholbach: do you already know whether the -fPIC fix to texlive-bin was really necessary or just a fallout from the missing dependencies? I. e. did you get the same FTBFS locally?03:29
pittidholbach: Debian applied all other changes, this is the only one left03:29
dholbachpitti: sorry, I didn't try it yet - let me try03:31
cjwatsonstgraber: I'm just reading over https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IsoTestTracker03:38
iwjOh, no wonder I'm so sleepy.  I have forgotten to drink any coffee today.03:38
cjwatsonstgraber: my biggest concern at the moment is providing a way for release managers to sign off on problems, so that we can look through at the end and say "yes, all these problems have been noted but we're not concerned about them for release" or "oh dear, this problem is a blocker although these other 17 aren't"03:39
cjwatsonstgraber: do you think that's something that could be added? I'd be willing to approve the spec with that addition03:39
cjwatsonheno: ^--03:39
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elmocjwatson: so, I'm installing windows and it's playing music, like an actual song at me - when's ubiquity getting that feature? :-P03:42
seb128elmo: you have a full desktop you can use while ubiquity is running ;)03:42
StevenKelmo: When you run Rhythmbox while installing? :-)03:43
seb128that includes totem and rhythmbox ;)03:43
robertjelmo: after sitting through Apple's introductory song 100 times, hopefully never03:43
pittielmo: Around the same time when ubiquity is ported to beryl, I think03:43
robertj(10.2 had the best one)03:43
kylempitti, woah, that's a fantastic idea.03:43
=== evand runs away screaming
cjwatsonelmo: there's a really old community spec for that ...03:43
pittikylem: we totally need 3D shuffling in the partitioner03:44
kylempitti, when it's finished, the installer window could catch fire!03:44
robertjpitti: and multiple-cursor support03:44
StevenKpitti: That's about the only place I can see beryl being useful.03:44
siretartimagine burning windows as metaphor for segfaulting applications.. brrr03:45
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robertjStevenK: nahh, you just have to think about watching all the document icons fly from one drive to another during user migration ;)03:46
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cjwatsonbryce: any progress on the X spec changes I asked for? the deadline is today03:52
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dholbachpitti: seems we can sync texlive-bin again03:56
dholbachpitti: thanks for prodding me again03:56
pittidholbach: hm, so is the .so still built with -fPIC? if not, that'd be a bug03:57
dholbachthe real bug seems to have been the missing depends03:57
ogragah, g-p-m moved all hal code away, crap03:57
pittidholbach: ah, yes, it is03:57
pittidholbach: so I guess you tried adding -fPIC and it succeeded because you had libkpathsea4 installed03:58
dholbachpitti: yes, that must have been it03:58
pittidholbach: I just checked http://buildd.debian.org/fetch.cgi?pkg=texlive-bin;ver=2007-10;arch=amd64;stamp=118055078603:58
pittidholbach: kpathsea uses -fPIC, so all is well03:58
=== pitti syncs
pittidholbach: thanks for checking!03:58
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hjmfhi pitti 04:21
hjmfJust read your email 'Collection of useless top functions in Apport stack traces'04:21
hjmfwhat I usually do are *mozilla retraces* so I look for the string '<signal handler called>' and the next 9 - 10 stacks04:21
pittihey hjmf 04:21
hjmflast examples of it are bug 117951 home-retraced and bug 117827 from apport retracing service output04:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 117951 in firefox "[FEISTY]  firefox crashed [@IM_get_input_context]  [@nsWindow::IMELoseFocus]  (dup-of: 85627)" [High,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11795104:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 85627 in firefox "MASTER firefox crash [@ IM_get_input_context] " [High,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8562704:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 117827 in firefox "firefox crashed [@??]  [@~nsCOMPtr_base]  [@nsSoftwareUpdate::InstallJarCallBack] " [High,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11782704:22
pittihjmf: thanks; you were one of the key persons ;)04:22
hjmfIf you want I can email the related functions I use04:22
pittihjmf: that would be very helpful indeed04:23
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hjmfare for personal use thoug04:23
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hjmfpitti: Ok then, I'll translate the comments, and I'll email you04:24
pittihjmf: hm, how do you mean 'personal use'? I shouldn't put them into apport (or a .d directory which packages fill themselves or so)?04:24
pittihjmf: thanks a lot!04:24
hjmfoh, I meant by that that was coded w/o to much care :)04:25
pittihjmf: oh, I only need the function names and patterns, no code04:26
pittihjmf: <signal handler called> is indeed very common, if I can rely on that for Mozilla, that would be sufficient04:26
cjwatsonseb128: what are we going to do about desktop-volumes-representation? I assume you saw my comments on it04:27
hjmfpitti: it mozilla it is common for almost all the retraces, so that's all I guess04:27
hjmfpitti: what I do is check for that string and then the next 10 sacks, 04:28
pittihjmf: this <signal handler called> is certainly something that should be in apport itself rather than a package specific pattern file04:28
henocjwatson: that was the intention with marking a bug as 'Serious'. The release manager can change the seriousness of a bug and only keep the release blockers at 'Serious'. In practice it wasn't used that way, so I can see the case for adding another knob.I'll do that now.04:28
hjmfif the string is not indeed the just pick up the first 10 stacks :)04:28
pittihjmf: My idea was to unwind Stacktrace down to that line and then generate StacktraceTop starting from that; that should give us what we want wrt. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApportCrashDuplicates04:29
pittihjmf: yep, same approach here :)04:29
hjmfah OK, the for mozilla will be OK :)04:29
mjg59pitti: Sure04:30
pittihjmf: also, I made various improvements to the retracer and the ddeb archive now, let's hope that the auto retraces are much less crappy in the future04:30
pittimjg59: thanks, I'll appreciate04:30
hjmfpitti: good! 04:30
hjmfpitti: bye then :)04:31
seb128cjwatson: yes I read your comment, I've updated the implementation part to list only the things we want to do (ie, not change ubiquity nor gparted)04:31
pittihjmf: bye, and thanks a lot04:31
hjmfpitti: yw04:32
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cjwatsonheno: thanks, yeah, I don't think the seriousness knob worked all that well partly because some of the people who should have been able to set it had no idea how to. :)04:35
Mithrandirheno: I'm looking at the mobile-onscreen-keyboard spec.  The mockups there are meant as examples, not necessarily what we will want to end up with?04:35
henoMithrandir: examples of what is possible, yes04:36
henoI should make that clear in the spec04:36
Mithrandirheno: yes, that would be good, since it's very easy to look at the screenshots and go "I like this"/"I don't like this" and think the screenshots are binding for the spec.04:37
henoMithrandir: agree. done.04:39
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cjwatsonheno: looking at installer-for-windows; do you think wubi could be taught to use the CD as an alternative to loop-mounting the install image?04:49
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henocjwatson: you mean run from the CD or make an ISO image in Windows first?04:50
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cjwatsonheno: either, but run from the CD seems more efficient?04:51
henoit has been raised, certainly saves a download04:52
cjwatsonand we know we can boot Ubuntu from the CD :-)04:52
cjwatsonin fact, it's clear this is doable; why don't I just go ahead and change it04:52
henocjwatson: I'm sure Wubi could be taught to do one of those04:52
henocjwatson: please do04:52
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Mithrandirheno: do we know who'll implement the mobile onscreen keyboard?04:56
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henoMithrandir: Chris Jones (the maintainer) has said he'll work on it after his exams04:57
henoMithrandir: being a community contribution, it's not guaranteed of course04:58
heno(nor is anything really)04:58
cjwatsonmdz: could you re-review installer-for-windows? I've addressed your comments04:58
mdzcjwatson: could you send me email so I remember after the meeting?05:00
cjwatsonmdz: will the mail from LP do?05:01
mdzcjwatson: yes, if I haven't received it yet05:01
mdzyep, just came in05:01
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Mithrandirpitti: but, esc is just, esc?05:11
pittiMithrandir: vim user :)05:12
pittiMithrandir: I told my keyboard to swap esc and caps lock05:12
Mithrandirthen make esc a compose key. :-P05:12
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pitti(which is why I screw up on pretty much every other keyboard I sit at :) )05:12
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ograpitti, gpm-button.c:329: error: 'udi' undeclared (first use in this function)05:29
ogrado you know if there is something in hal now that provides udi ?05:30
pittiogra: no idea, there's too little context for me; however, that looks like a local variable05:30
ograseems all hal related code was moved out of gpm now ....05:30
pittithus nothing to do with hal05:30
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BenCofftopic> Anyone know a video/audio encoder that actually _uses_ threads for multicore/smp systems?05:34
BenCconverting videos for my blackberry, and it seems a real waste of hw to do it on a 8-way 2.6ghz xeon and only have it use one thread05:35
kylemmultithreaded codecs are difficult, i don't know of one offhand.05:35
ograpitti, gah, silly me, it was from one of our patches05:35
BenCsupposedly xvid does it, but it doesn't seem to be working05:36
BenCmaybe mencoder isn't using the API right05:36
pittiBenC: hm, maybe just convert 8 videos in parallel?05:37
brycecjwatson: re X spec changes, yes I have some further info to add; I'll get it finished up today05:37
BenCpitti: I'm going dvd->mpeg4/mp3, so the dvd extraction is the thread bottle neck for that05:37
BenCnot sure why I'm so worried about it, since it only takes 20-30 minutes to convert in in single thread, but I just hate seeing it go to waste :)05:39
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brycecjwatson: same with the bulletproofX spec; I have some code for that too05:46
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cjwatsonbryce: ok, please let me know when you're done and I'll look over it again05:47
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bryceok great05:50
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Seveasfabbione, pong06:29
SeveasKeybuk, I spec-i-fied the usplash design yesterday06:30
Seveasah, you approved it already (just reading mail), gracias!06:30
nnonixPlease excuse the OT question, but what do you guys think of the Dell E1505n notebook?06:35
nnonixI'm considering it due to the dell/ubuntu deal.06:36
brycennonix: I ordered the E1505n.  Scheduled to arrive tomorrow :-)06:37
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xivulonKeybuk are you around?06:43
Keybukxivulon: yup, what's up?06:44
xivulonhi I am ago06:44
xivulonOne of Wubi devs06:44
xivulonI had a conversation with cjwatson and he referred me to you06:45
Keybukok ...06:46
xivulonSome of the functionality of wubi will be incorporated into gutsy06:46
xivulonAt the moment there is a problem in the shutdown sequence06:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 87763 in sysvinit "killall5 in /etc/init.d/sendsigs should not kill ntfs-3g and other fuse filesystems" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  06:47
xivuloncolin mentioned that it could be addressed via session support06:47
xivulonand that is how your name came about06:48
xivulonI just heard about session support today06:48
xivulonI had a very nasty hack to go around the problem and would like to use a proper one06:49
SeveasI sent keybuk a patch for killall5 -x, could be useful as well xivulon :)06:49
xivulonSeveas will that address the bug above?06:49
Seveas(-x for excluding pid's)06:49
Seveasxivulon, it helps06:49
SeveasI need it for usplash :)06:50
xivulonso I'd need to patch sendigs so that it finds processes that rely on fuse and add pass them -x06:53
xivulonHow does session support come into the picture?06:53
SeveasI don't know what cjwatson had in mind06:54
Seveasprobably something better, since this is a hack :)06:54
KeybukI don't know what cjwatson had in mind either06:55
Keybukbut excluding processes from killall is trivial, since it's just a for() loop :p06:55
xivulon<cjwatson> sure, though it doesn't sound to me like sendsigs itself should be changed at all06:57
Seveaskylem, shouldn't filsystems (except /) already be unmounted before sendsigs is called?06:57
xivulon<cjwatson> perhaps it would be better to get the fuse processes into the same session as sendsigs06:57
Seveaserr, Keybuk*06:58
xivulon<cjwatson> the session support is there to make that kind of thing unnecessary06:58
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Seveasxivulon, I'm not sure that is true06:58
Seveasah, it is06:59
Seveasthat would indeed help06:59
xivulonCould you explain pls?06:59
xivulonI know nothing about session support06:59
Seveasapt-get source sysvinit, read src/killall5.c, line 639-64606:59
Seveasactually, those line numbers may be off07:00
xivulonNot on a ubuntu machine atm07:00
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xivulonWill have a look toonight07:01
KeybukColin is clearly barmy07:01
Seveas        for (p = plist; p; p = p->next)07:01
Seveas                if (p->pid != pid && p->sid != sid && !p->kernel)07:01
Seveas                        kill(p->pid, sig);07:01
=== Keybuk throws the complete Stevens set at him to learn about sessions
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Keybukthe only way for killall and fuse/ntfs-3g to be in the same session is for them to have been spawned by the same process07:02
Keybukthat code is literally just there to stop killall killing the shell that ran it07:02
Keybuk(or the shell script that it's running from)07:02
Seveasah, setsid isn't used to set the sid but to create new ones07:03
xivulonSo I guess that -x is my best shot07:03
Keybuksetsid() creates a new session, with the sid equal to your pid07:03
Keybukit also creates a new process group (pgrpid == sid)07:03
Keybukand your process becomes the leader of that process group07:03
Keybuk(which is to do with terminals and stuff, mostly)07:04
SeveasKeybuk, what is this stevens set you talk about? Useful programming books?07:05
Seveaslooks useful :)07:06
glatzormpt: I redesigned the dialog and just wrote an email to the ubuntu-dekstop list07:07
KeybukW. Richard Stevens07:08
KeybukAdvance Programming in the UNIX Environment07:08
KeybukUNIX Network Programming vol 1 + 207:09
KeybukTCP/IP Illustrated07:09
Keybukthose four books are pretty much essential bibles for programming07:09
Keybukthey're also very useful for reaching high shelves07:09
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Seveasyeah, found them all07:10
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Seveasordering the first one now07:10
KeybukI've not seen the Rago re-work of APUE yet07:10
cypherbiosglatzor: I made a small patch to software-properties adding the --add-cdrom command-line call method07:12
glatzoroh cool cypherbios07:12
cypherbiosglatzor: I'll work on a --hide-main-window later07:12
cypherbiosglatzor: it works for both -gtk and -kde07:12
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Riddellcypherbios: how does it work under kde?07:14
cypherbiosRiddell: it's just a small path that add the parser option --add-cdrom, which call the on_button_add_cdrom_clicked()07:15
glatzorRiddell: you wrote the KDE frontend :)07:16
Riddellcypherbios: that button doesn't do anything on the kde frontend, since we don't have a gui way to add CDs07:16
glatzorcypherbios: how do you plan to detect the correct frontend?07:16
cypherbiosRiddell: yes, we have a KDE gui for add cds07:16
cypherbiosRiddell: you made the GUI :)07:16
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cjwatsonKeybuk: heh, ok07:17
cjwatsonKeybuk: I think I must have thought that init had its own session that got used for init scripts or something07:17
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cjwatsonalthough this doesn't stand up to the cold light of day07:17
brycecjwatson: ok this one is ready to go:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xorg7%2e3Integration07:17
cypherbiosglatzor: I didn't take a look how to detect yet. But I plan to check if the software-properties-gtk is installed first, if yes use it (software-properties-gtk --hide-main-window --add-cdrom) if isn't installed use the -kde version instead07:18
cjwatsonSeveas: sendsigs is called before umountfs and umountroot07:18
Keybukcjwatson: sysvinit gives each entry in inittab a new session07:18
Keybukupstart gives each job a new session07:18
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Riddellcypherbios: does it work for you?07:18
cjwatsonwhich is pretty much required since you need to kill off processes that might have things open on those fses07:18
KeybukSeveas: since otherwise you can't unmount /usr cause processes are using it07:19
cjwatsonit's just a bit unfortunate for userspace filesystems, which need to be excluded07:19
cypherbiosRiddell: in the s-p-kde you have the button 'Add CDROM' right?07:19
cjwatsonwould it be possible to identify processes that are implementing userspace mounts at the killall5 level07:19
cjwatsonI don't really like the idea of having sendsigs have to go round identifying those processes07:19
KeybukI don't think it shows up anywhere07:20
Riddellcypherbios: yes07:20
SeveasEvrrything's possible, identifying them in sendsigs seems easier though07:20
cypherbiosRiddell: in the third-party software tab07:20
Keybukit's not as if there's something as elegant as a pid in /proc/mounts07:20
Riddellcypherbios: it doesn't seem to work adding a dapper CD07:20
Keybuk(cause that'd be useful)07:20
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Keybukthere might be something in /proc/fuse, if such a thing exists07:20
Seveasfuser /dev/fuse07:21
cypherbiosRiddell: so what my patch does is just add a call method (--add-cdrom) tho use s-p-{kde|gtk} to call the function def on_button_add_cdrom_clicked()07:21
Seveasgives you the pids of fuse things07:21
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KeybukSeveas: relying on fuser scares me07:22
Keybuksince you can have two /dev/fuse07:22
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ogranot with our udev rule07:22
ogra(but indeed that might change)07:22
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Seveaslsof | grep /dev/fuse any better? (don't know much about how either works) 07:23
Keybukogra: cp /dev/fuse /tmp07:23
KeybukSeveas: same problem07:23
Keybukcp -a07:23
cypherbiosRiddell: What the s-p does is just use python-apt to add the repository-medium as apt source, so the GUI for doing this doesn't matter, I think the GUI just show a progress dialog (gtk or qt) showing the progress and asking for a medium07:23
Seveasgrep /usr/lib/libfuse.so /proc/*/maps07:23
ograKeybuk, heh, right, didnt think of that07:23
Keybukthere's a fuse filesystem07:24
ograsince recently07:24
ograpre last upload to feisty brought it07:24
Keybukit bogusly wants to mount under /sys though07:24
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Keybukdon't suppose anyone has active fuse mounts right now?07:24
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ograi can create one in a second07:25
SeveasI have07:25
Seveassshfs#blackbird:/tmp on /home/dennis/p type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,max_read=65536,user=dennis)07:25
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Riddellcypherbios: ok, still doesn't work for me though07:26
Riddellbut that's my problem07:26
ograltspfs /tmp/.ogra2-ltspfs/edubuntu fuse rw,nosuid,nodev,user_id=1002,group_id=1002 0 007:26
KeybukSeveas: could you try for me07:26
Keybukmount -t fusectl none /sys/fs/fuse/connections07:26
Keybukand then look in that directory07:26
Riddellglatzor: I still think s-p should include commercial and backports07:26
ograKeybuk, that dir should be there if the module is loaded07:26
Seveasmount failed indeed, it existed 07:27
Seveasnothing useful though07:27
ograKeybuk, but by nature for fuse you cant rely on being able to read the subdir contents07:27
cypherbiosRiddell: actually I didn't tried the Add CDROM option of software-properties. Until now I've just used the synaptic --ask-cdrom to do it graphically07:27
Riddellcypherbios: yeah, that's the one we're missing (in adept)07:27
glatzorRiddell: it already includes backports and if commercial is added to the third party tab is not my decision.07:27
Seveasroot@mirage:~# ls /sys/fs/fuse/connections/07:27
Seveasroot@mirage:~# cat /sys/fs/fuse/connections/1/*07:27
Seveascat: /sys/fs/fuse/connections/1/abort: Invalid argument07:27
glatzorcypherbios: if there is a problem, it is a bug07:28
Seveas(the 0 is the contents of a file called waiting)07:28
Riddellglatzor: where does it include backports?07:28
glatzorOr does it not?07:28
glatzorRiddell: i have to check :)07:28
glatzorRiddell: "Not supported updates (feisty-updates)"07:29
cypherbiosglatzor: I have a lot of repository CDs and DVDs here, I'll test the s-p Add CDROM function and see what happens, but I think it works07:29
ograSeveas, 07:29
ograogra@laptop:~/packages/gnome-power-manager-2.19.2$ mount |grep fuse07:29
ograltspfs on /tmp/.ogra2-ltspfs/edubuntu type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=ogra2)07:29
ograogra@laptop:~/packages/gnome-power-manager-2.19.2$ sudo ls /tmp/.ogra2-ltspfs/edubuntu07:29
ograls: /tmp/.ogra2-ltspfs/edubuntu: Permission denied07:29
glatzorRiddell: it is on the updates tab07:29
ografuse has some weird features :)07:29
Seveasogra, I know07:29
cypherbiosRiddell: what doesn't work for you when adding a CD with s-p-kde?07:30
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Seveasogra, I implemented my own fuse fs once, wrapping gnomevfs. Didn't really work07:30
Riddellcypherbios: progress dialogue just sits there doing nothing07:30
glatzorRiddell: Canonical only has to add their disabled apt line somewhere in the sources.list with a comment and it would show up.07:30
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Keybukogra: why can't you guarantee it?07:31
glatzorRiddell: I even bloged about this some days ago.07:31
SeveasKeybuk, because the userland fs implementation can do what it wants07:32
ograKeybuk, sorry i was misled, i thought the Permission denied issue for rrot also applies to the sysfs data07:32
cypherbiosRiddell: you are trying using the alternate ubuntu cd?07:32
Riddellglatzor: so I just need to convince cjwatson :)07:32
cypherbios*are you07:32
Riddellcypherbios: ah, no, that could help 07:32
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ograbut apparently i can still access the sysfs data as root (even i cant see the fs contents)07:32
Keybukok ...07:32
Keybukwhat is in the sysfs data?07:33
Keybuk(trying to get back to answering the original question)07:33
ograogra@laptop:~/packages/gnome-power-manager-2.19.2$ sudo ls /sys/fs/fuse/connections/1/07:33
ograabort  waiting07:33
ograwaiting contains a zero07:33
Seveasabort has mode 200, waiting mode 600 and contains 007:33
ograah, thats why i cant read it :)07:33
Seveasactually, waiting has mode 40007:33
Seveasecho 1 > abort --- seems to have no effect07:34
Keybukwhat do the files contain?07:34
ogranothing else07:35
Seveasah, wait07:35
Seveasafter echo 1 > abort, i get this:07:35
Keybukso nothing useful like the pid of the daemon07:35
Seveasdennis@mirage:~$ ls p07:35
Seveasls: p: Transport endpoint is not connected07:35
ograwhat does mount think ?07:35
Seveasmount still thinks it's there (that misled me)07:35
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cjwatsonRiddell: I'm ok with it being added commented out; file a bug on apt-setup?07:39
Riddellcjwatson: ok, cool07:40
Keybukogra: so is there any way to determine the list of fuse processes07:40
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cypherbiosRiddell: I just tested the s-p-kde to add a CDROM (also using the --add-cdrom) and it works for me (very well I'd say). But seems it needs some error handle -- for example when add a invalid media (such a live cd ;))07:41
Riddellcypherbios: does the gtk frontend have that error handler do you know?07:44
ograKeybuk, not to my knowledge07:44
ograthey run as users ...07:44
ograso there is no central point apart from probably the fusectl fs (which doesnt contain anything)07:45
=== Keybuk wonders
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ograbest would likely be to patch fusermount to drop the pid into /sys/fs/fuse/connections/07:47
cypherbiosRiddell: For me it works (both kde and gtk), even if I add a invalid media its says: Error sanning the CD\n Unable to locate any package files, perhaps this is not a Debian Disc07:47
=== cjwatson pokes about in the kernel
xivulonKeybuk, Seveas, ogra can I assume you'll try to take care of the sendsigs/fuse issue? 07:47
Keybukcjwatson: don't poke where I'm poking, we might tear a hole07:47
cypherbiosRiddell: I mean, if is a valid media it works well, if it's not says that the media is invalid -- A good behavior at all07:48
Riddellcypherbios: it seems to sometimes work and sometimes leave progress dialogues doing nothing (for invalid media)07:48
cypherbiosRiddell: what version of s-p are you trying?07:48
Seveasxivulon, don't count on me :)07:49
Riddellcypherbios: feisty version07:50
cypherbiosRiddell: me too, the 0.59.4 version. But I'm testing using directly the source package (runing python software-properties-kde --add-cdrom), but it shouldn't matter07:51
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glatzorRiddell: how does apt-cdrom behave on the broken medias?07:53
Keybukso the tricky thing is that a fuse filesystem is valid as long as any process holds open the file descriptor that opened /dev07:53
Keybuk(I wonder how many fuse daemons remember to close-on-exec that fd <g>)07:54
cypherbiosglatzor: it usually says: "E: Unable to locate any package files, perhaps this is not a Debian Disc" indeed07:54
Riddellglatzor: complains normally and quits.  the problem will just be in the creating and deleting (or not) of dialogues07:54
Keybukso it's valid for a fuse daemon to open("/dev/fuse"), set up a filesystem, and then spawn unrelated children passing that file descriptor to them07:54
Keybukit's also valid for unrelated daemons to pass the fuse file descriptor between each other using a unix domain socket07:54
Keybuk(and thus the filesystem stays open and is valid)07:54
cjwatsonso you really want lsof("/dev/fuse"?07:54
cjwatsonoh, but those might have /usr open ...07:55
Keybukcjwatson: no, since that only tells us who's opening that inode07:55
Keybukand yeah, then we're into tricky territory07:55
Keybukwhat happens if the fuse filesystem daemon is in /usr/sbin and being used to mount /usr/local ? :p07:55
cjwatsonso IMHO there's only one thing we really care about here, and that's if a fuse filesystem daemon is used for /07:55
Keybukactually I think it's still valid to not kill them07:56
Keybuksince they'll be killed by unmounting the fuse filesystem anyway07:56
Keybukit just means we have to unmount the fuse one first ?!07:56
Keybuk-TERM them :)  they should cleanly unmount the filesystem damnit07:56
Keybukwe only care about /-on-fuse07:56
cjwatsonit means we have to go round and round until everything dies, in umountfs07:56
KeybukDear Kernel Developers,07:57
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KeybukTHIS is why these things belong in kernel-space, not userspace07:57
Keybukfortunately they realised the same thing about splitting out the partition code before they went ahead with it!07:57
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kylemssh does not believe in the fecking kernel.07:57
kylemer, belong07:57
cjwatson-TERM should do, I guess07:57
Keybukkylem: killing ssh doesn't normally trash your root filesystem <g><07:57
cjwatsonI'd be curious to know if ntfs-3g cleanly unmounts on -TERM07:58
cjwatsonthat's the concrete use here07:58
Keybukdo we care about /-on-fuse right now?07:58
cjwatsonyes, installer-for-windows07:58
Keybukwhy is that fuse?07:58
Keybuksurely that's just loop?07:59
cjwatsonloop on ntfs07:59
cjwatsonstable ntfs support => ntfs-3g => fuse07:59
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Keybukthat makes things even worse07:59
Keybuksince / isn't fuse07:59
cjwatsonntfs-3g installs a SIGTERM handler which appears to exit cleanly07:59
Keybukso "is / fuse?" won't work07:59
Keybuksince the answer is N, / is loop08:00
KeybukI really can't say a way around this right now08:00
cjwatsonthis is beginning to sound like the initramfs code that mounts the ntfs bit should leave a note for sendsigs08:00
cypherbiosRiddell, glatzor: all CD/DVD I've created using aptoncd and also some Ubuntu (alternate) and Debian ones works well with sofware-properties's Add CDROM -- I think everything is fine08:00
Keybukkernel engineering to export the list of pids using a particular file descriptor associated with each /dev/fuse connection08:00
Riddellcypherbios: groovy08:00
cjwatsonwhich I guess leads us back to changing sendsigs08:00
Keybukyes, I think we're back to a "don't kill THIS pid" file08:01
cjwatsonsigh. oh well, it's doable08:01
Keybukwe have a patch to change sendsigs anyway, for usplash08:01
cjwatsonis killall5 -x reasonable?08:01
Keybukso if we're taking the hit, we may as well go for full guts and gore08:01
Keybukit's not unreasonable08:01
cjwatsonsendsigs --shaun-of-the-dead08:01
Keybukit's kinda "I promise these pids are only in / and don't have anything opening for writing"08:02
sladenusing lsof style stuff it should be possible to check that08:02
KeybukI think we're into "contract" here, rather than "check"08:03
kylemcjwatson, LOL.08:03
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cjwatson[ job kbd_1.12-18ubuntu1_source from kbd_1.12-18ubuntu1_source.changes08:09
cjwatsonyay for untested weirdness08:10
glatzorcypherbios: Oh, I can relax now again :)08:13
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cypherbiosglatzor: you guys have done a good work, there is nothing to fear about it ;)08:18
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glatzorRiddell: it would be nice if the guidance python packages would be part of module09:26
glatzorRiddell: e.g. guidance.displayconfigabstraction09:26
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ogracjwatson, how am i supposed to get usplash installed currently ? 09:49
ograltsp-build-client fails on it09:49
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brycecjwatson: ok, this spec is updated too:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BulletProofX10:08
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glatzorbryce: could you sponsor a new upload of displayconfig-gtk?10:17
glatzorbryce: it now uses the guidance-backends instead of shipping our own copy10:18
bryceglatzor, unfortunately I don't currently have upload privs.  We could ask kees or kylem10:18
glatzorbryce: oh, I can also drop an email to dholbach10:19
glatzorbryce: he is my nanny as long as mvo is on vac :)10:19
bryceok cool.  :-)10:19
brycebtw, I'd appreciate your comments on that bulletproof-x spec too - there's a few items there we'll need from displayconfig-gtk to support it, so I'd like to get your input on them10:20
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cypherbiosglatzor: my patch is ready to review. I added the --add-cdrom and when using it doesn't show the main window -- works for both gtk and kde. Could you review and let me know what you think?10:22
cypherbiosRiddell: are you interested in take a look too?10:23
glatzorcypherbios: for sure. just drop me an email. but I am in the kitchen now.10:24
glatzorcypherbios: it is getting quite late in GB. So I am not sure if Ridell is still around10:25
cypherbiosglatzor: no hurry. I'm going to a meeting right now, then to home. If you want to tell me something drop me an email ;)10:25
cypherbioshere it's about 5pm, time to go home :D10:26
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=== ogra hugs bryce
ograthat new X is awesome10:48
bryceheya ogra10:48
brycegood to hear :-)10:48
ograall my thin clients boot without xorg.conf it seems10:49
ograand to the right resolution10:49
ograthat will gain us over 20 seconds bootspeed10:49
ogra(in ltsp)10:49
ograeah, you really rock 10:49
pygiauto-magic sometimes isn't good :)10:50
brycealso, I hear we can run with incomplete xorg.conf's, although I haven't tested that myself - in theory you can specify keyboard layouts, but leave out the Screen, Device, and Monitor sections10:50
ograwell, i can script that as well to be done at rutime ...10:50
bryceah, cool10:50
ograxmodmap and xrandr should do here ... so we can get the greeter up even earlier but unresponsive and greyed out until the setup is done ... so the user has something to look at10:51
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bryceglatzor: I've updated the displayconfig spec:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DisplayConfigGTK11:20
cjwatsonogra: usplash installs fine in a clean chroot for me. What's the problem?11:20
bryceglatzor: mostly I just folded the user and UDS comments into the main, and added a test plan section, but it would be good to review it in detail in case there are any other corrections needed11:20
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ograit wont install without artwork here and the artwork doesnt want to get onfigured without usplash installed11:21
ograit will take me a while to get the exact error again (i dropped usplash for now during testing here and need to rebuild the chroot first)11:21
cjwatsonI just installed it here without artwork11:23
glatzorbryce: oh, fine. I haven't found the time to do this11:23
ograjust apt-get'ing in the installed chroot works fine11:23
ograhow strange11:23
cjwatsonhappy to help once you have a better idea of what's going on ;-)11:24
cjwatsonif you can, perhaps try building the ltsp chroot with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer to see if it's usplash's debconf interaction that's going wrong11:25
bhalehas anyone renewed their coredev membership yet?11:25
bhalei imagine it is the same as the new member policy11:25
ogracjwatson, i'll rebuild the chroot ... must be related to ltsp-build-client's settings somehow11:26
cjwatsonI certainly wouldn't rule out a usplash bug, just don't know what it is yet ...11:26
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glatzorbryce: could you set the sub dialog thing to should be decided later11:27
glatzorbryce: system > administration > screen and graphics  seems to be a better place11:28
bryceI wonder if it wouldn't hurt to have it both places?11:29
brycewhich sub dialog thing?11:29
glatzorbryce: the advanced button11:29
brycehmm, mdz was fairly specific to do it that way though11:30
cjwatsonbryce: "Tools which need to override portions of xorg.conf (Kickstart, displayconfig-gtk, etc.) should be modified to cause a full xorg.conf to be written out before they add their overrides."11:30
cjwatsonbryce: that can't be done in the case of Kickstart - that code runs at the very start of installation11:31
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glatzorbryce: mdz said that he would not like to fight with me :)11:31
glatzorbryce: but having feedback on this won't be the worst idea11:32
cjwatsonbryce: the way it works is that the person doing the installation provides an installation script which may include various X settings, and our Kickstart implementation translates those into preseeded values in the debconf database which are (much) later honoured by the X maintainer scripts while generating xorg.conf11:32
cjwatsonso Kickstart is very different from displayconfig-gtk in this regard - it's just telling the X maintainer scripts what to do11:32
brycecjwatson: ok; would Kickstart be able to deal with an incomplete xorg.conf?  I think for moving ahead with enhanced use of config autodetection, we're going to need it to accept that?11:33
cjwatsonbryce: I'd say that if there are preseeded values in the debconf database in the fresh-install case then X should honour them and skip autoconfiguration11:33
cjwatsonbryce: when Kickstart runs, xorg.conf is a distant dream11:33
cjwatsonthis is in the alternate installer, pre-X11:33
glatzorbryce: furthermore we provide the same features as the GNOME dialog. and even more.11:34
bryceglatzor: ok, why don't you make that change, and then if there is still strong feelings in favor of that, you can discuss it further at that point11:34
cjwatsonit is certainly possible (and common enough) to omit X configuration in a Kickstart file, which should cause autodetection to be used11:34
cjwatsonbut if it's explicitly configured there, it seems that it should be honoured ...11:34
=== Hobbsee_ ponders big periods of blankness that she cant account for.
brycecjwatson: ok, sounds good11:35
glatzorbryce: I am going to bed. See you!11:36
bryceglatzor: sure, cya tomorrow11:36
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brycecjwatson: I guess my one concern is if this may narrow the situations where autoconfig is used to only a very small set of cases (but maybe that's good?)11:37
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cjwatsonbryce: I shouldn't think so; Kickstart is used by a relatively small number of people doing large deployments11:39
bryceah ok cool11:39
cjwatsonthe set of people doing that sort of automatic installation are generally expected to be relatively clueful11:39
bryceok maybe I misinterpreted "preseeded values in debconf database"11:40
=== ogra moans about "Error: 'C' is not a supported language or locale"
bryceI take it this means, preseeded prior to installation by the user?11:40
cjwatsonbryce: may be worth reading https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html11:41
cjwatsonthe effect of preseeding is to set a value for a question in the debconf database, and generally also to set the 'seen' flag on that question that indicates that it's been asked11:41
bryceokay, gotcha11:42
cjwatsonunfortunately (?) this is indistinguishable from the question already having been asked in a previous dpkg run - sort of by design11:42
bryceI've added a 5. in Autoconfiguration support for this11:42
cjwatsonbut xserver-xorg's maintainer scripts already check whether they're doing a fresh install or doing an upgrade, which is sufficient to disambiguate11:43
cjwatsonbecause on upgrades I imagine you'd often want to convert to autodetection11:43
tepsipakkisome of the xserver-xorg debconfage has been removed by debian, but only the uninteresting ones (like modules, fontserver)11:43
cjwatsontepsipakki: the stuff nobody bothered to preseed anyway? :)11:45
tepsipakkicjwatson: right, and where the defaults cover 99,999% of cases :)11:46
alex-weejXorg CPU usage spikes to 100% when i move my mouse - only started happening today. Any idea how to debug?11:48
brycealex-weej: there's been several 100% CPU Xorg bugs reported11:50
bryceso I'd start by searching for them in LP11:51
alex-weejca you give me a hint to their content so i can take a look?11:51
alex-weejany words to search for11:51
brycesure, one sec11:51
alex-weeji thought it was a problem when dragging windows at first :(11:51
tepsipakkialex-weej: feisty or gutsy?11:51
brycehere's a search that seems to pull many of them up:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg?field.searchtext=100+CPU&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=Unconfirmed&field.status%3Alist=Confirmed&field.status%3Alist=In+Progress&field.status%3Alist=Needs+Info&field.status%3Alist=Fix+Committed&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=11:52
alex-weejok thanks11:53
alex-weejwas there an Xorg update over the last few days?11:53
alex-weej'cause like i said i only started noticing it today11:53
tepsipakkialex-weej: nope11:53
alex-weejweeks? :E11:53
bryceI haven't run across ones that display 100% CPU on mouse movement, so that could be new.  But I haven't gone through the mouse-related bugs yet11:53
brycealex-weej: yeah xserver 1.3 went through a couple weeks ago11:53
alex-weeji'm still on 7.2.0 apparently?11:54
brycealso mesa got upgraded recently, although I doubt that'd result in this11:54
bryceyou mean xserver 1.2?11:54
alex-weeji guess, i just ran Xorg -version11:54
bryceoh sorry, these changes were for gutsy not feisty11:54
brycethere hasn't been any x changes for feisty in a while11:55
ogracjwatson, ok, the exact error is "Keine Alternativen fr usplash-artwork.so." (sorry there is no easy way to override ltsp-build-cliet using the system locale)11:55
tepsipakkisigh, this crappy gprs/3G connection has too much latency for IRC :I11:55
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Mithrandirtepsipakki: it's often better to run the IRC client locally on GPRS connections11:56
ogracjwatson, i'll see how to inject the DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer in there to get more details11:57
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alex-weejoh damnit11:57
alex-weejstracing Xorg and then doing it caused it to go mental11:57
cjwatsonogra: ok, I'll fix that, ignore the debconf comment11:57
alex-weejdamn, bonobo-activation-server still refuses to quit on logout11:58
cjwatsonogra: it was dpkg --compare-versions lt rather than lt-nl for upgrade checks11:59
cjwatsondunno why it didn't break for me though11:59
ograwell, it doesnt break if i manually apt-get it in the chroot12:00
ograonly from ltsp-build-client 12:00
tepsipakkiMithrandir: yep, probably so12:01
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RinchenGreetings.  Has anyone run across a situation where some system process on Feisty Linux c14n 2.6.20-15 and -16 smp continually writes to the harddisk? Every 30 seconds or so my harddisk starts grinding on my notebook. My desktop, same general config (diff hw) doesn't exhibit the problem.  12:03
cjwatsonogra: it's a behaviour change in update-alternatives and only happens with new dpkg12:03
cjwatsonthanks for spotting that12:03
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RinchenI've shutdown almost every process (even klogd) and it still happens12:03
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cjwatsonyou can't update-alternatives --auto an alternative that doesn't exist any more12:03
ograoh, then i'll have to check edubuntu-artwork :)12:04
RinchenI've also posted to the forum with no luck. I had hoped to find a clever way spying on the hd writes but haven't found one.12:04
cjwatsonogra: why?12:05
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cjwatsonI know it uses update-alternatives, but surely only on alternatives that exist?12:06
ograi think i might use --auto in there, not sure its a while ago i had to touch the maintainer scripts there12:06
pkl_j #ubuntu-kernel12:06
cjwatson--auto is fine as long as the alternative can be guaranteed to exist12:06
cjwatsonotherwise use || true12:06
alex-weejok... linux-2.6.20-16 reintroduces a bug that stops it booting without "irqpoll" on my hardware :(12:06
ograthats what i'm doing anyway in maintainer scripts... 12:07
alex-weejit's all going wrong for me today12:07
Rinchenfwiw, I though it was hal harddisk polling but with hal stopped it still does it12:07
ograRinchen, my disk is quiet here in the laptop12:08
ograwell, on half upgraded gutsy but with feisty kernel ...12:08
RinchenYeah that's what's annoying.  I'm on a system76 darter and others on feisty don't seem to have this problem.  My harddisk runs almost continuously.12:08
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RinchenI'm at a loss as to how to continue to diagnose it.12:09
ograbut it didnt use to do that in festy either12:09
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ogradoes something continously write logs ? 12:10
Rinchenogra, yeah that's what I was thinking. I'll have a look at /var/logs again. I didn't see any updates when I had kill everything I could kill12:11

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