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xivulonHI all,05:30
xivulonit's ago05:30
xivuloncjwatson, evand are you around?05:30
evandHello ago05:30
xivulonHi evan05:30
xivulonIs colin around?05:31
cjwatson16:30 <cjwatson> hi05:31
xivulonis it ok to discuss briefly on wubi and other matters?05:32
evandsure, go ahead05:32
cjwatsonsure; did you see my spec updates recently?05:32
cjwatsonbooting directly from CD was the main one I think05:32
xivulonyep I am subscribed05:33
xivulonfirst some status report05:33
xivulonwe had a few nasty bugs to take care of05:34
xivulonwe still have not finished but we are almost there05:34
xivulononce wubi is fairly stable I can help you guys out to merge our changes upstream05:34
cjwatsondo you have a patchset I can look at?05:34
cjwatsonas far as lupin is concerned05:35
xivulonnot yet colin05:35
xivulonlupin is yet to be considered stand-alone code05:35
cjwatsonor, you know, code :)05:35
cjwatsonit doesn't have to be final05:35
cjwatsonI'm capable of reviewing and possibly merging half-formed patches05:35
xivulonas mentioned I wanted to ship a stable wubi first05:35
cjwatsonbut I'd like to look at them ASAP05:36
=== cjwatson has a look at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lupin-team/lupin/devel
xivulonon a side note, my wife is expecting a son, so I might be a bit busy over next few weeks05:37
xivuloncjwatson, as far05:37
xivulon as lupin goes, I will have to split the code into initrd patches and live/alternate-iso patches05:38
xivulonnow both functionality is merged05:38
cjwatsonbasically I'd like to be in a position where we can somewhat independently look at the changes that need to be made to core code05:38
cjwatsonI don't mind if it's in a messy state right now as long as I know where to look05:38
xivulonyou can start looking at lupin/devel branch that05:38
cjwatsonit's very important that we be able to assess the feasibility of the changes pretty much now05:39
xivulondelicate topiccs:05:39
xivulonwe require ntfs-3g05:39
xivulonif users uninstall it when they use wubi bad things happen05:39
cjwatsonI've all but approved that spec; the sticking point is that I don't like the proposal for locale configuration05:40
xivulonother gotcha is that the boot folder has to be a windows folder05:40
cjwatsoncould you expand on that/05:40
xivulonit's the only way I could think of to upgrade kernel05:40
xivulonwhen you boot the kenrel initrd cannot be inside an image file05:41
cjwatsonoh, I see. is that implemented in lupin at the moment?05:41
cjwatsonah, you munge the grub configuration05:41
xivulonwe do not install grub at the moment05:41
cjwatsoncould we arrange to ntfs-mount /boot instead?05:41
xivulonwhat do you mean exactly?05:42
cjwatsonre lupin.postinst, I don't think we can merge that as it stands, as (due respect) it isn't really maintainable as part of the core; but we could look at teaching partman how to do loop-mounting and then it could be preseeded as a recipe05:42
cjwatsoncould the initramfs just arrange to mount /boot as a directory on the hosting NTFS filesystem?05:42
xivulonit does that already05:43
cjwatsonhmm, grub doesn't understand ntfs at the moment though05:43
xivulonthere are a lot of parts of lupin that can be avoided05:43
cjwatsonI assume you've patched that05:43
xivulongrldr does05:43
xivulonwe are in touch with grub4dos devs05:43
xivulonthey have helped us out a lot05:43
xivulonand we provided lot's of corner cases ;P05:44
xivulonwe basically use grldr to boot from within windows05:44
cjwatsonmy concern is to integrate this fully into Ubuntu, so replacing workarounds with more straightforward approaches in the core code05:44
xivulonthere were several patches recently05:44
xivulonas mentioned lot's of workarounds can be avoided05:44
xivulonntfs-3g installation (ditto)05:45
xivulonpatch for clean reboot/shutdown05:45
xivulonnow when you shutdown sendisgs is used05:45
xivulonthat kills all userprocesses05:45
xivulonincluding fuse05:45
xivulonthat does not go to well with us05:45
cjwatsonthat's one messy patch :)05:46
xivulonbut if that is corrected properly upstream nothing is needed in lupin05:46
xivulonI have submitted a bug report05:46
cjwatsonperhaps it would be better to get the fuse processes into the same session as sendsigs05:46
cjwatsonthe session support is there to make that kind of thing unnecessary05:47
xivulonI did not know about session support05:47
xivulonwhat is relevan is that once shutdown is handled properly upstream that is a bit of nasty patches off lupin05:48
cjwatsonsee killall5(8)05:48
xivulonmkinitramfs patches05:48
xivulonnow lupin replaces /etc/initramfs-tools05:49
xivulonso that it can clone itself05:49
cjwatsonyes, those clearly should be integrated05:49
cjwatsonclone itself?05:49
xivulonclone so that when you generate a new initrd it is a lupin-initrd05:50
xivuloncapable of booting from loopmounted file05:50
cjwatsonerr, right, but that should be part of the core initramfs' features, right?05:50
xivulononly 3 is the relevant part05:50
cjwatsonok, so stepping back a little bit05:50
cjwatsonit seems likely that we will proceed by gradually fixing/integrating things piece by piece05:50
cjwatsonuntil, essentially, lupin disappears05:51
cjwatsonbecause it's entirely integrated in other bits of Ubuntu05:51
cjwatsondoes that make sense?05:51
xivulonthat was my plan to begin with05:51
cjwatsonwill it be possible to gradually update a branch of lupin to track what's been integrated in gutsy?05:51
cjwatsonso we know we're done when it's empty :-)05:51
cjwatsonok, great05:52
xivulonwho do I bother to update sendisgs / initramfs-tools?05:52
xivuloncan I send the patches to you?05:53
cjwatsonsure, though it doesn't sound to me like sendsigs itself should be changed at all05:53
xivulonI'll have to read about session support05:53
cjwatsonyou'll probably need to read a fair bit of source code05:54
cjwatsonmight be worth talking to Keybuk, the upstart autho05:54
xivulonwhat channel is he usually on?05:54
cjwatsonactually, rather than sending them to me, send them to ubuntu-installer@lists.ubuntu.com05:54
cjwatsonmail is sometimes better05:54
xivulonany q about lupin?05:55
evandI like that idea.  It'll give me the opportunity to see what's changing.05:55
cjwatsonthe partman patches are probably the scariest bits05:55
cjwatsonI know partman very well, and can work on that05:55
cjwatsonI expect it will be easier to ask questions once we have some experience05:56
xivulonI have an openbug to improve the code there but never got down to do it05:56
cjwatsonsigh, I'm going to have to actually bite the bullet and get a Windows installation, aren't I05:56
cjwatsonnot so much, I've been Windows-free since 1998 ;)05:56
=== evand lives in constant fear of his four
cjwatsonwell, no, 1999 I think05:57
xivulonwell I do not have windows05:57
evand99 for me, but testing m-a required me to build XP images for testing.  MSDNAA for the win.05:57
xivulonI test lupin on linux05:58
cjwatsonI wonder where givre is; I was hoping to talk with him about the ntfs spec05:58
cjwatsonI might just have to make the change I want and approve it ;-)05:58
xivuloncan I assume that ntfs-3g is going to be there?05:58
xivulonfor gutsy?05:58
cjwatsonI think you have to; it's clearly a prerequisite05:59
evandmakes sense, aren't we in overtime as far as the spec cutoff goes?05:59
cjwatsonand implementation-wise, ntfs-3g doesn't seem all that scarily difficult now05:59
xivulonI wanted to discuss the windows GUI as well05:59
xivulonDon't know if any of you has experience with nsis06:00
cjwatsonI do not06:00
xivulonIt's very nice for "standard" installers06:00
evandnegative, though I have some experience programming in a Windows environment, if that counts for anything.06:00
xivulonBut it becomes quite nasty for customized installers06:01
xivulonI am myself a python programmer06:01
xivulonAnd we wanted to move to python06:01
xivulonNot sure if that will happen for gutsy, gutsy+1 or never06:01
cjwatsonwell, that obviously fits general Ubuntu preferences well06:02
cjwatson(although personally I use whatever comes to hand ...)06:02
xivulonAnd it's cross platform06:02
xivulonSo we can have wubi ported to mac and linux06:02
xivulonWith relatively little changes06:02
cjwatsonI'm not concerned about that in the short term06:02
cjwatson (I realise you might be)06:02
xivulonI just mentioned that06:02
xivulonRealistically we'll probably stick to nsis for this release06:03
xivuloneven though we might create some python prototype06:03
cjwatsonTBH, I have deep reservations about the loop-mounting approach in general, and steered clear for a long time06:03
cjwatsonbecause it doesn't really scale to permanent installations06:03
cjwatsonbut I realise that it is an expedient approach for this particular use case06:03
cjwatsonand avoids the whole "partitioning is scary" thing06:03
xivulonmigration should not be so much difficult06:04
xivulonI mean from a virtual disk to a real partition06:04
cjwatsonevand has plans there, but in general, any migration is harder than no migration06:04
evandyeah, we tried to make wubi more of a "try ubuntu" thing because of the lack of a clear migration to a permanent solution (m-a aside)06:04
cjwatsonand migration is always going to be pretty hard if you're short on disk space06:04
xivulonBut all I mean is that is not unfeasible06:05
cjwatsonanyway, I'm not arguing against using it from Windows, just saying I don't really want to see it presented by Ubuntu as a good option for running from Linux06:05
cjwatsonobviously you guys can do what you like :-)06:05
evandwe being those of us at the spec meeting06:05
xivulonWe had several thousands of new ubuntu users and lots of them then decided to go with a full installation ;)06:05
cjwatsonand there are some useful cases for partman being able to loop-mount things anyway06:05
cjwatsonso at this point, I'm easy06:06
cjwatsonthat too, though that's sort of separate06:06
cjwatsonthat's already done in partman-crypto06:06
xivulonAll the things in lupin.postinst should be incorporated into ubiquity06:07
xivulonThat was only a quick hack06:07
cjwatsonone concern I have about lupin/wubi, which I'm not sure made it to you, is that it doesn't appear to identify itself properly06:07
cjwatsonI get people showing up here asking for support06:07
cjwatsonideally, it should identify itself in /var/log/installer/version on the target system, so that it's more easily identifiable06:08
xivulonOk I'll take care of that06:08
cjwatsonobviously that's not so much of a concern if it's fully integrated06:08
cjwatsonsorry we didn't manage to connect up properly at UDS, btw06:08
xivulonI apologize myself06:08
xivulonI have been told my voice was very loud06:09
cjwatsonthere was apparently some VoIP difficulty, and then the scheduling got horribly confused because we were both trying to schedule items for roughly the same thing06:09
xivulonI could not hear well06:09
cjwatsonplus I was ill one day06:09
xivulonAnd when you cannot hear you assume that the other end cannot hear well either...06:09
evandxivulon: we had quite a bit of trouble hearing you06:09
cjwatsonVoIP at conferences has always been a bit hairy06:09
cjwatsonnever mind06:09
xivulonSo I was shouting in the mic...06:09
cjwatsonthere's a tendency to mutter when you think you can see everyone06:10
cjwatsoneven if you intellectually know there's somebody on the phone, it doesn't get to the visceral layer06:10
xivulonwhat is the time schedule?06:11
xivulonI had the impression we are quite late06:13
xivuloncolin there is one more issue06:14
evandSpecifications were due today.  Code: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule , though Colin might want certain pieces in at certain points, you'd have to consult him directly on that.06:14
xivulonLet me know if there is something I can help with in the short term06:15
xivulonthe other issue is that at the moment lupin finds the host drive via heuristic06:15
xivulonthat was due to overcome the issue of mapping windows drives to grub devices06:16
xivulonif that is addressed properly that too is much less code to make it into lupin06:17
cjwatsonI don't really have enough background to know about that06:17
xivulonme neither but I am sure that the grub4dos devs will be able to help on that06:18
xivulonAs for the downloader we are now using metadl06:18
cjwatsonmm, Ubuntu ISOs don't have metalink support though06:18
cjwatsonunless it is cleverer than I last heard06:18
evandthere's a spec for that, I believe06:18
cjwatsonthere is06:18
cjwatsonthat shouldn't be a dependency if you already have the physical CD or have downloaded an Ubuntu ISO though06:19
cjwatsonso it doesn't need to block installer-for-windwos06:19
xivulonjust mentioning since I saw bittorrent mentioned06:19
cjwatsonI changed that to metadl in at least one place06:19
xivulonwe had bittorrent originally06:19
cjwatsonfollowing your comment06:19
cjwatsoncould you ensure the spec is kept up to date with anything we've discussed here that isn't in there?06:20
cjwatsonperhaps the lupin spec06:20
xivulonmetadl developer is helping us out as well06:20
cjwatsonI noticed that the lupin spec linked to another launchpad page where it really should link to a wiki page06:20
cjwatsonthe "more information" link06:20
xivulonI linked to the lupin project06:20
cjwatsonit would be much better if it linked to an Ubuntu wiki page, and had most of the stuff currently in the status whiteboard moved there06:20
xivulonbut I will do a lupin spec06:21
cjwatsonyes, that's not appropriate as the "more information" link06:21
cjwatsonthat is intended to link to a wiki page06:21
cjwatsonthe status whiteboard is just for brief notes06:21
xivulonapologies for the abuse then06:21
cjwatsonthen we could have a lot of this discussion recorded there06:21
cjwatsonthat's ok, I just wanted to make sure you knew06:21
xivulonshall we keep frontend wiki in the same place?06:22
cjwatsonsorry, which?06:22
xivulonI mean topics relating to the windows GUI06:23
xivulonI guess they should be in the installer-for-windows spec06:23
xivulonOne question06:25
xivulonnever mind06:26
cjwatsonoh, uh, hmm06:27
xivulonDo you want to keep also a stand alone installer?06:27
cjwatsoninstaller-for-windows should be the minimum necessary to get this integrated and working and acceptable, I think06:27
cjwatsonxivulon: what, you mean d-i and ubiquity?06:27
xivulonin which context?06:27
cjwatson17:27 <xivulon> Do you want to keep also a stand alone installer?06:27
xivulonWhat I mean an installer that is downloaded standalone and supports multiple distros at once06:28
cjwatsonoh, right06:28
cjwatsonthat's up to you06:28
xivulonLike the one we currently have06:28
cjwatsonthat seems like the sort of thing you can quite reasonably continue to provide, and we have no reason to object06:29
xivulonConsidering the current interface, what changes do you envisage?06:29
xivulonI have no problem if the wubi project is integrated within ubuntu06:30
xivulonIn fact I'd be glad06:30
cjwatsonI have to be honest and say I have not yet seen the current interface ...06:30
cjwatsonso it's pretty hard to have that conversation :)06:30
xivulonThe original idea was to make a 1 click installer06:31
cjwatsonok, one concern I have is that a lot of validation code is going to have to be duplicated with that design06:31
cjwatsonand that's something that gets updated quite a lot06:31
xivulonSince most settings can be autodetected and the system can be uninstalled06:31
cjwatsonI would rather that the wubi interface just asked for the bare minimum (language and keyboard if it can't autodetect those, and the Windows side of partitioning), and left the rest to ubiquity06:32
cjwatsonspecifically user/password setup06:32
xivulonThat's reasonable06:32
xivulonWhat about virtual disk creation?06:32
cjwatsonthat sounds like something that wubi needs to take care of06:33
evandIs there any reason why you have a separate /home?06:33
cjwatsonit's outside the sandbox that ubiquity will see06:33
evandjust out of curiosity06:33
xivulonWe were thinking about eliminating it06:33
xivulonMain reason was security06:33
cjwatsonideally, wubi would hand ubiquity a virtual disk and ubiquity would partition it06:33
xivulonIf a user reinstalls he won't loose his settings06:33
cjwatsonbut I don't know if that's possible06:33
xivulonand it's easy to backup06:33
cjwatsonthat's not security, that's safety or something06:34
cjwatsondon't confuse the two06:34
cjwatsonyes, that's a reason we often get that request; I've avoided it so far because repartitioning if you get it wrong is such a pain06:34
evandnot to completely side track the coversation, but if I may nit pick one thing, I'm not sure your users are going to know what swap space is.06:34
cjwatsonI can see that it might be less of a problem with a virtual disk, though I don't know the details06:34
xivulonWe were going to remove it as well in fact06:34
evandah :)06:35
cjwatsonanyway, I have a visitor so need to wander off for a bit06:35
xivulonNext design will have six selectors in one single dialog06:35
xivulonok thanks a lot06:35
cjwatsonI appreciate your continued efforts06:35
xivulonI am glad to be helpful06:35
xivulonI'll setup a lupin wiki06:36
evandyes, thank you xivulon, I am quite excited about this spec.  And congratulations on the son!06:36
xivulonthanks a lot06:36
xivulonevan do you have any question for me?06:39
evandNot at the moment, but I know your irc nick and email address.06:39
evandI'll be in touch, should anything arise.06:40
xivulonI'll try to bother Keybuk then, his turn now ;)06:41
evandcurious, the icons for mounted partitions we've chosen to hide are appearing on the desktop again06:41
evandhe's a nice guy, you shouldn't have any trouble there :)06:41
xivulonthe host partition is always mounted06:41
xivulonsince it contains /boot06:41
xivulonthat is a windows folder06:42
evandin Ubiquity we tell gconf to ignore showing mounted partitions on the desktop as it tends to get a bit crazy with os-prober and friends.06:42
xivulonthere is no particular code we use to create the icon06:43
xivulonI though it was some standard ubuntu feature06:43
evandI'm not sure I follow.  In GNOME if you mount a partition, it will appear on the desktop.  That's the default behavior, afaik.06:44
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xivulonevand, yep that is what I meant, since we always mount the host device and have no code to alter the gnome behaviour07:16
CIA-19ubiquity: evand * r1500 ma/ (122 files in 11 dirs): Merged with trunk.07:46
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xivulonHi colin11:26
xivulonstill around?11:26
cjwatsonxivulon: couple of IRC things you need to know11:35
xivulonI know11:35
xivulonwhat you are going to say11:35
cjwatsonxivulon: firstly, if you want to get somebody's attention, use their nick at the start of the line, like "cjwatson: hi"11:35
xivulonshould I havc used11:35
xivulonsecond thing I do not know11:35
cjwatsonxivulon: secondly, please just ask the question you want to ask rather than waiting for somebody to say they're here first - people tend not to watch IRC all day and you can end up with lots of round-trip delays otherwise11:35
cjwatsonI'm going to bed soon, but go ahead and ask :)11:36
xivulonJust wanted to tell you that I edited the wiki11:36
xivulonI did it in a rush, I will re-read that tomorrow11:36
xivulonbut at least formally I met the deadline ;P11:37
cjwatsonthanks, that's hugely useful11:37
xivulonfeel free to edit, I might have forgotten something of what was said11:37
cjwatsonI'll have a more detailed look tomorrow, but that looks very good indeed; thanks!11:38
xivulonyou very welcome11:39
xivulonI wanted to add some questions to the installerforwindows11:39
xivulonre the interface11:39
xivulonthe GUI11:39
cjwatsongo ahead and edit them in11:40
xivulonIs that ok if we keep the wubi name for the windows installer?11:42
xivulonThat is an acronym for Windows UBuntu Installer11:42
xivulonAs a project name I mean, then branding and title will be Ubuntu of course11:42
cjwatsonas a project name, sure11:43
cjwatsonas far as branding goes, we actually kind of like to keep branding minimal11:43
xivulonIt would show continuity with our efforts11:43
cjwatsonif you fire up ubiquity, you'll notice it doesn't mention Ubuntu at all11:44
cjwatsonthis saves having to worry about translations of Ubuntu into other languages and suchlike11:44
xivulonexactly same thing11:44
cjwatsonand branding those translations to talk about Edubuntu or whatever11:44
xivulonWe do not use "Wubi" name much either11:44
cjwatsoncontinuity> absolutely, I respect that11:44
xivulonnow it's in the version and folder name11:45
cjwatsonthat's certainly fine11:45
cjwatsonmm, I suppose the branding requirements are arguably sort of different in wubi's case11:46
xivulonthe banner will go of course11:46
cjwatsonin the case of ubiquity, you've booted an Ubuntu CD and selected "Install", so it's already pretty clear that you're installing Ubuntu!11:46
cjwatsonbut wubi is sort of pretending that Ubuntu is an application you're installing on Windows, and it's conventional for that to mention the application name, AIUI11:47
cjwatsonso I guess I don't really mind11:47
xivulonThe dialog title reads simply Ubuntu Setup11:47
xivulonI am not sure how to convey the fact that it is not a "long-term" setup11:48
xivulonwithout explaining technical details11:48
xivulonThat might do11:49
xivulonThe only issue I have with that is that most people are from the windows world11:50
xivulonwhere demo means that you get partial functionality for free, and full functionality for fee11:50
evandyeah, that crossed my mind as well11:50
xivulonAnyway there are 4 months to think about that11:51
evandthere are some great usability people in the Ubuntu community who it might help to consult on that.11:52
xivulonWe'll certainly do so11:52
evandbut yeah, I wouldn't get caught up in that detail for now :)11:52
xivulonAnything else I can do for you tonight?11:52
evandcjwatson: real quick: any word back from daniel on orca?11:53
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cjwatsonevand: yeah, he fixed it earlier11:55
cjwatsoncurrent CDs are built with that11:55
evandah, thanks!11:56
xivulonsorry lost connection before11:57
xivulongood night everyone11:57
evandnight xivulon11:59

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