
preactionkane77: write one12:01
tovellaJowi: wow, i didn't know it was simply a matter of loading a module - don't do much with ntfs anymore.12:01
bofh80kane77, cos, in my very extreme opinion, it's bloatware12:01
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callidusfoxAnyone uses PGP encyption for email ? Can someone tell me if I need to give me private key to the person I want to have secure communication with? I understand that the public key is for signature, and so it the private key for actual encryption ?12:01
bofh80kane77, ie, it sucks12:01
pietro10callidusfox: I think so12:01
irielion_hey i just bought a new laptop and the system keeps freezing, witht he message: BUG: soft lockup detected on12:01
Jowisame here tovella, I haven't touched it in years. but I do have some friends (amazing by itself I know!)12:01
irielion_IIm really out of ideass12:01
pietro10irielion_: kernel fault - reinstall12:01
TakeOut{u}because something being 64bit is not a matter of just going, yay its 64 bit, especially with a whole VM and language12:01
dusty1i think i did it right..12:01
preactioncallidusfox: no, you keep your private key private. you encrypt with your private key and decrypt with the public key12:02
n2diycallidusfox: no don't give your private key to anyone, just your public key.12:02
irielion_pietro10: i already did reinstall12:02
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Jowicallidusfox, the public key you can give away to whoever you want. the private key is for signing.12:02
silokoanyone used a toshiba rescue disk to create a virtual machine in feisty (bit of a long shot I know!!)??12:02
irielion_pietro10: i did cd check and the check passed12:02
pietro10dusty: enable the Universe, Multiverse, and Restricted repos - else I don't know12:02
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=== Irish [n=cirish@phx1.redefining-it.net] has joined #ubuntu
kane77preaction, there is already one for 32bit and according to java's principles write once run anywhere it should run no matter what (as long as jvm exists for the platform/os)12:02
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callidusfoxJowi: n2diy: preaction: but then anyone can get my public key and decrypt the email even if I sent it not to them ?12:03
tom_hi i don't know if this is the right place to ask, but its about foss and the first on my bookmarks list so ill give it a shot. I work as an IT technician for a company, the guy that did the job before me designed a database, with tables and forms for a gui. along with reports, in microsoft access. I have migrated the data (tables) to mysql, but want to drop the access bulk altogether. However the database is vb heavy, and any efforts to open or convert are12:03
tom_fruitless. Is there an easy migration route for this, to any free software alternative, php? oo.org-base? anything?12:03
pietro10irielion_: Can you update your Linux kernel or does the screen freeze before you can?12:03
preactionkane77: so you answered your own question?12:03
dusty1pietro10: how do i do that?12:03
dyrnesiloko: just get a torrent for xp12:03
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nickrud!source-o-matic > dusty12:03
pietro10torn_: OpenOffice.org 2 has a database you can use12:03
silokoi was hoping to do it abov board . . .12:03
kane77preaction, not realy I still dont understand why it isn;t available :/12:03
carolynr00tintheb0x, nope :/12:03
pietro10!access | torn_12:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about access - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:03
dusty1sorry i am somewhat new etc12:03
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pietro10!database | torn_12:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about database - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:03
irielion_pietro10: well i can use it and sometimes it just works, i also updated of course, all lot of bugs have been reported witht hsi message and it seems to have to do with wireless12:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sourc-o-matic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:04
nickrudI cannot type today12:04
irielion_pietro10: however they are claimed to be resolved12:04
r00tintheb0xcarolyn, you need to register so we can PM back and forth...12:04
tom_pietro10: yea, but is there an easy way to migrate my existing db to oo.org?12:04
silokobloody annoying yo buy the os with your laptop but don't actually get the os :(12:04
r00tintheb0xi cant concentrate with text flying by @ 400mph12:04
pietro10It should already work as the file format is compatible12:04
preactionkane77: because nobody wrote one12:04
bofh80tom_, i believe i came across something very similar to what your looking for, how ever i will have to try and look it up again, as i well, forgot what it is :(12:04
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carolynr00tintheb0x, register where?12:04
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r00tintheb0xhere in irc.12:04
pietro10irielion_: I can't help you then, sorry. Try talking to the guys at #linux12:04
dusty1wow its hard to keep up and read what everyone is saying12:04
=== defcon [n=ion@VDSL-130-13-152-155.PHNX.QWEST.NET] has joined #ubuntu
dyrnecarolyn: /msg nickserv register somepassword12:05
nickruddusty1, you need to go to http://ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic and follow the instructions there to rebuild your sources (at least)12:05
tom_bofh80: if you could that would be great, any opertunity to save money and my boss gives me a pay rise :D12:05
pietro10dusty1: I know12:05
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r00tintheb0xcarolyn, type this in this channel window: /msg nickserv help register12:05
kane77preaction, no there is written plugin...12:05
=== Zenji [n=computer@cpe-76-190-178-27.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
r00tintheb0xor you can give me one of your messenger addresses12:05
silokoi suppose i could use vmware converter from within my xp install - but that involves booting into xp :)12:05
noobwhy doens't bittorrent show up in my menu?12:05
stefgtom_: OOo-BAse is probably your best shot, but be ready to re-implemet the VB stuff in one of OOo's macro languages. #openoffice should be able to give you hints12:05
=== brecke [n=miguel@87-196-58-132.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
Jowicallidusfox, http://aplawrence.com/Basics/gpg.html12:05
r00tintheb0xlike MSN Yahoo or AIM.12:05
pietro10noob: Applications -> Internet12:05
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silokosomething i'm not keen on . . .12:05
Azhi_Dahakahas anyone configured an ati radeon xpress 200 on 6.06?12:05
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pietro10But you only need to double-click on a .torrent file12:05
dyrnesiloko: youve already been tainted just holding the rescue cd. might as well reboot :)12:06
preactioncallidusfox: or this: http://www.gnupg.org/(en)/documentation/howtos.html12:06
tom_stefg: yea thats what i thought, but the amount of code is huge, its been built over like 3 years12:06
n2diycallidusfox: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-key_cryptography12:06
pietro10!ati | Azhi_Dahaka12:06
ubotuAzhi_Dahaka: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:06
carolynr00tintheb0x, it says i'm already registered12:06
=== osxdude [n=osxdude@adsl-68-253-191-1.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
noobpietro10: It's not there, I just installed ubuntu, it should be there12:06
Azhi_Dahakaare the binaries neccesary?12:06
silokodyrne: lol12:06
tom_stefg: i was really looking for an automated conversion12:06
stefgtom_: ever heard the term vendor lock in?12:06
bofh80tom_, but since your problem is specfically with the VB, as such you've migrated the actual data, and i assume the VB is used as an Interface to the access data, is the problem that you need a whole new interface or that you don't code VB so can't understand the call he's making etc?12:06
pietro10noob: you only need to double-click a .torrent file12:06
r00tintheb0xcarolyn, thats probably because your IRC nickname is super generic12:06
r00tintheb0xmake it like carolyn_yourbirthday12:06
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tom_stefg: i know, not my fault, the techie before me made the bed, now ive gotta lie in it12:06
pietro10but if you really need a torrent, just go to Applications > Add/Remove and search for torrent or bittorrent12:07
r00tintheb0xthen you can register12:07
nickrudnoob, if you really want the bittorent menu item, enable it in system-prefs-main menu12:07
dyrnecarolyn: or carolyn_ssn_mothersmaidenname12:07
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dusty1i hate being new.. lol first time using ubuntu i use to be good with mandrivia a few years ago but yea..12:07
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tom_bofh80: no i can code in vb, but thers just that much code that it would take me a hell of a long time to do it12:07
novato_brhow can I get to install the codec h264 no ubuntu?12:07
bofh80uhm, does Mono compile VB code?12:07
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noobnickrud: Aha thanks12:07
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pietro10noob: Right-click on the Applications Menu and choose Edit12:07
tom_bofh80: i just want out of microsoft access12:07
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bofh80tom_, yeah, it's completely unfriendly hehehe12:08
stefgtom_: i'm not talking about whose faut it was, but how to break the vendor lock. better asks the OOo experts if there is a conversion of VB possible (which i doubt)12:08
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nickrudthat's a nice change12:08
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tom_bofh80: lol12:08
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userfriendlyI have a question12:08
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:08
userfriendlyIf I install Ubuntu 7, will it erase all my files?12:09
tom_stefg: yea i was only joking lol, i looked into vb conversion, but no methods seem much past alpha12:09
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:09
nickruduserfriendly, not unless you tell it to12:09
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PriceChilduserfriendly, no, you can make it shorten the windows partition and put ubuntu on the end12:09
PriceChilduserfriendly, please keep backups just incase you make a mistake or things go wrong12:09
whoniccacan someone help me install ubuntu please12:09
dusty1nickrud: i  did the auto generate thing you sent me to now what heh..12:09
userfriendlyI mean over my 6.6 install12:09
stefgtom_: so you have a brilliant of sharpening your profile and tidying up the messy VB-code... Two-in-one :-)12:09
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pietro10userfriendly: depends on what you do12:10
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Jowiuserfriendly, if you already have linux installed and the /home folder in a seperate partition then just tell it not to format /home12:10
pietro10userfriendly: otherwise, sorry12:10
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lancerOkay - I give up - need to ask help. I've got about 8Gb of student files transfered onto a dir on my desktop via \cp -puRf so permissions etc are the same. I'm thinking I should be ROOT to make a DVD from the directory... when I try it seems to freeze up in nautilus CD-burner (launched via sudo command line)... I thinjk the way to do this is to log in as root (from log in screen) but it won't let me :-(12:10
userfriendlyOK, thanks! Bye!12:10
nickruddusty1, a sec12:10
tom_stefg: ha yea, in 3 years time lol12:10
dv83rive downloaded a couple themes from gnome-look.org , they come as  blah.desktop, and i cant install them from the system>themes menu12:10
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VeganChick001speaking of installing ubuntu, a grad student friend of my dad's did some usability testing for windows users (no linux experience) and 4/6 were given default setup options on install that would've wiped their entire windows system off12:10
dv83rim on fiesty fawn12:10
osxdudeI have windows, and I had to reinstall. Now I have to activate. I have no internet connection because when I installed it it went right to the end of the 30-day period. How can I configure the wireless connection?12:10
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents12:11
erUSULlancer: you should be able to burn a dvd as normal user...12:11
whoniccahow many partitions does the normal installer make? ext3 and a swap?12:11
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VeganChick001but apparently ubuntu says that you don't need any documentation to dual-boot w/ windows12:11
dusty1nickrud: thanks12:11
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TehRealNexGenhi ive got a problem creating an iso http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x194/TehRealNexGen/screenshot1.png12:11
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nooboh god, there is almost too many people here :)12:11
=== savetheWorld [n=Lester@c-24-62-225-133.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
whoniccais reiserfs significantly faster than ext3?12:11
tom_ill try on the openoffice channel12:11
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lancerNo I can;t erUSUL because the normal user can't access the files with their user ownerships12:12
pietro10I just wound up wiping out Beryl12:12
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nickruddusty, you need to copy it to the right location, but first make a backup of the first one:  so:  in a terminal, type cp /etc/apt/sources.list ~/Desktop/sources.list.old12:12
pietro10It is still on but not functional12:12
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gif89aproanyone know how to modify /etc/hosts to include a host file from another machine on my network?12:12
Falstiuswhonicca: not for daily use, only specialized benchmarks.12:12
mangojambovai caga ..12:12
erUSULlancer: not even for reading?12:12
mangojamboi mean, hello guys ..12:12
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dyrnegif89apro: other than just appending the file?12:12
pietro10Never mind I fixed it12:12
whoniccaFalstius: but is it still un par with ext3 for daily use?12:12
Gooposxdude: You are not helping anyone with windows problems here. Dont jsut tell people they are crazy12:12
Jowilancer, first, you should use gksudo instead of sudo with GUI apps. second, see if the DVD media is bad. third, use a different application to burn with.12:12
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pietro10mangojambo: hi12:12
osxdudeWell I have a windows problem.12:13
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gif89aprodyrne: yes, i want to have one master list that all my machines use12:13
lancerJowi, gksudo - I'll try :-)12:13
osxdudeGoop: well I have a windows problem12:13
Falstiuswhonicca: yeah, although it lacks some of the compatibility of ext3fs.  I used it for awhile on my home directory and it only cause headaches.12:13
nickruderm, dusty1 did you see that thing I wrote for dusty above ;)12:13
Falstiusgif89apro: yeah, you can with nis+.12:13
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Gooposxdude: >.< sorry, i thought someone else had the prob lol12:13
whoniccaFalstius: how so, im in the middle of installing and i picked reiserfs ;O12:13
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pietro10osxdude: what's your problem?12:14
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Gooposxdude: will it not let you on the internet on windows?12:14
gif89aproFalstuis: can you explain please?12:14
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whoniccamight have to reinstall if all im doing is looking for trouble12:14
dyrnegif89apro: im no expert the easiest way might be to use fuse to mount the /etc dir of the main machine and make a link to that file in the mounted dir. i dont know how to point to another hosts file path. i guess id use sshfs or somethine12:14
stefga guy called osxdude has a windows-problem... hmm, could that be a case for #troll-alert ?12:14
pietro10You probably have a linmodem :-)12:14
=== Rodel [n=isaiah@user-12l21pg.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jowino stefg it should be #ubuntu-offtopic :)12:15
Rodelhow do i uninstall a package via terminal?12:15
Falstiuswhonicca: I think it is harder to resize, and there aren't windows drivers for it like there are for ext3fs (ofcourse I don't dual boot anymore).  It also got really screwed up when I had my harddrive partitioned strangely and I thought I'd lost all of my data.12:15
=== eyeboy93 [n=jose@36.pool85-49-193.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu
osxdudeI had to reinstall windows (just a reconfig install) and for some reason there was no "pre-activation" period so I could never configure my wireless adapter.12:15
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PriceChildosxdude, please go to ##windows for support12:15
osxdudeok, thanks!12:15
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gif89aprodyrne: well, i thought there was a way to do something like #include \\server\path-to\hosts  but can't find any documentation like that12:15
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lancerOkay Jowi  - I'ts at the "calculating size" stage of DVD creation - this is where it kind of halted before.12:15
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gilosyea... finally got the 1680x1050 resolution working!12:16
CorbeauxI'm trying to reinstall GRUB on an HP-DL380 with Ubuntu Server (Feisty), I tried using the rescue option on th install CD but I'm probably entering the wrong options for root(hdx,y). Anyone has suggestions?12:16
Falstiusgif89apro: you set up one machine on the network as an nis server.  The others as clients.  they can share almost any configuration file, but primarly it is used for hostnames, ssh keys, and logins.  You'll have to google for detailed instructions.  It isn't terribly complicated, but you should be very comfortable with the command line.12:16
=== ahaller [n=ahaller@dslb-084-060-047-030.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
pietro10Java has something called the DLJ in the restricted zone12:16
Jowilancer, if it still fail, see if you get the same result on a different DVD-/+RW (re writable discs are heaven sent for weird burning problems)12:16
gif89aproFalstius: oh yes, i prefer command line to anything else... i'll look it up12:16
pietro10Corebeaux: In terminal type sudo install-grub (hda0)12:17
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pietro10Replace (hda0) with (sda0) for SCSI12:17
lancerJowi,  Y'think I should leave it a couple of hours? Like - maybe it's tarballing or soemthing befoire write and just takes a long time?12:17
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Corbeauxpietro10, we tried that already i think, we also tried sda112:18
Jowilancer, honestly no idea.12:18
lancerJowi, I've used these type disks before. Brand new. It's also not up to the "write" part yet.12:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x264 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:18
stefg!grub | Corbeaux12:18
ubotuCorbeaux: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:18
=== paolob-parroquia [n=paolob-p@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:18
=== Scunizi [n=Scunizi@ip72-197-240-36.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
novato_br!codecs | h26412:18
ubotuh264: please see above12:18
paolob-parroquiaHi guys! Why doesn't feisty's ntop work in interactive mode? thank you!12:18
dyrnegif89apro: that'd be cool. i dunno id make prob just a cron job to sync em occationally12:19
novato_brmas q porra12:19
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pietro10novato_br: hablas espanol?12:19
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:19
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:19
=== dagda [n=deeppaxe@ALyon-157-1-34-91.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
pietro10I guess a dialect, perchance12:20
irotascan anyone recommend a simple standalone calendar application from the Ubuntu repository?12:20
lancerOther way around this problem: (I prefer command line where possible) - what would be the mkisofs options to create a dir of say /home/myhomedir WITHOUT including the full path (e.g. everything iside /home/myhomedir) but preserving all long filenames etc and maybe even permissions if possible?12:20
darwin81How can I change the sound that plays when my Ubuntu starts up?12:20
irotasjust something for my personal home use12:20
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stefg!info orage | irotas12:20
ubotuirotas: orage: Calendar for Xfce Desktop Environment. In component main, is optional. Version 4.4.0-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 953 kB, installed size 4424 kB12:20
irotasmozilla  has a calendar application but i can't find it in the repo12:20
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irotasstefg: i don't use Xfce, but I'll take a look .. thanks12:21
pietro10irotas: you need to look in the Mozilla download pages12:21
Fawazanyone familiar with ubuntu server 7.04?12:21
TehRealNexGenhi ive got a problem creating an iso http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x194/TehRealNexGen/screenshot1.png, could anyone help? Is there anyway of finding out if a device is using the folder?12:21
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pietro10What is your problem Fawaz? maybe we and our bot, ubotu, can help you12:21
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pietro10!iso | TehRealNexGen12:21
ubotuTehRealNexGen: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:21
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stefgirotas: gnome and xfce are pretty interoperable. chances are it works flawlessly in gnome12:21
bofh80hey tom_ you still there?12:21
pietro10!burning | TehRealNexGen12:21
whoniccaReiserFS had been the default filesystem in Novell's SUSE Linux Enterprise until their decision to move to ext3 on October 12, 2006[1] , two days after principal author Hans Reiser was charged with the murder of his wife.12:21
ubotuTehRealNexGen: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto12:21
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irotasstefg: thanks again12:22
pietro10See that very  last link12:22
Fawazpietro10: i installed it successfully . i think? but it boots in command line how can i run xserver?12:22
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TehRealNexGenso you reckon i should try them all?12:22
irotaspietro10: i'll take a look, thanks12:22
pietro10log in and type "X"12:22
pietro10TehRealNexGen: just click on that last link and read the instructions :-)12:22
pietro10hit enter12:22
lancerDamn - "host nased authientication failed" for nautilus-cd-burner while run through gksudo - DAMN - I need to log in as ROOT into dektop - why the hell doesn't ubuntu let users do this? It's BASIC admin stuff.12:22
tom_bofh80 yea12:22
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bofh80ok tom_ if you come back......still lookin lol....then it appears that yes, http://www.mono-project.com/news/archive/2007/Feb-21.html Mono does support compiling VB what the outcome would be i'm not quite sure, have you looked at Mono before?12:23
Fawazpietro: X: command not found it says12:23
whoniccadoes anyone know how well reiserfs works with ntfs filesystems?12:23
whoniccacan i copy things on my ntfs drive onto my reiserfs drive and vice versa with no problem?12:23
sx66_when I want to edit my xorg.config nothing shows up?12:23
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pietro10whonicca: from ntfs, yes12:23
darwin81How can I change the sound that plays when Ubuntu starts up?12:24
pietro10to ntfs, no - get ntfs-3g12:24
tom_bofh80: yea i thought it was just for .net stuff though, ill have a look thanks :P12:24
lancerNew angle: How can I log into desktop from log in screen at startup, but as ROOT ?12:24
Pelolancer, sudi -i I beleive, or maybe with gksu -i,  someting along those lines12:24
pietro10Fawaz: you forgot X11!12:24
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pietro10You'll have to try again, I'm afraid :-(12:24
bofh80tom_, i'm not a developer myself, more a network admin, but my friend has a VB program with an Access database, and i was lookin for methods of doing the same thing :)12:24
Falstiuswhonicca: the filesystem is pretty irrelevant for that.  If you can r/w to each drive you can copy.  (install ntfs-3g for ntfs read write)12:24
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:24
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phylogenesisI ran the upgrade again, and it finished downloading the files, and started installing stuff, I left (said about an hour left) for 5 minutes, when I come back it's just sitting here on my desktop12:25
stefglancer: you would have to override a couple of defaults... you don't to need to login to a root desktop, running nautilus with root priv's can do anything12:25
noobwhich is the best gtk direct connect (dc++  program) in ubuntu repos?12:25
tom_bofh80: oh right, well im just fed up of it, weve got such old hardware at work, access is so slow12:25
leonpantdarwin81 go to System->Preferences->Sound and Tabs Sound.Change the login sound12:25
bofh80tom_, i'd assume you might have to change the access calls to SQL calls yourself tho . . .. . .. how many of them there are i'm not sure obviously :P ...... unless they'll still work with it in access format on linux12:25
pietro10phylogenesis: wait12:25
Fawazpietro10: i typed all the command u gave me all show "command not found" any other cclues?12:25
phylogenesisthe update manager is closed, and when I try to run it from the command line (nothing happens when I go System->Administration->Update Manager)12:25
phylogenesisI get Traceback (most recent call last):      File "/usr/bin/update-manager", line 32, in <module>12:26
phylogenesisfrom UpdateManager.UpdateManager import UpdateManager    ImportError: No module named UpdateManager.UpdateManager12:26
pietro10Fawaz: reinstall do you have the LiveCD?12:26
tom_bofh80: no ive migrated the data to mysql already and changed the calls12:26
bofh80tom_ yeah ,access sucks big time . . . oh cool . .. . .12:26
pietro10phylogenesis and Fawaz need to reinstall12:26
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lancerstefg - thanks - looking at gksu -i - never seen that before12:26
stefg!root | lancer12:26
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ubotulancer: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:26
irotaspietro10: thanks, the sunbird binary from Mozilla's website works perfectly12:26
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Fawazpietro10: shouldn12:27
FalstiusI'm running beryl and the nvidia drivers.  I just plugged in a second monitor and I want to create a second virtual desktop and assign it to that monitor (beryl usually only has 1).  How?  Any pointers of where to start?12:27
pietro10Then i don't know what to do Fawaz12:27
Fawazpietro10: shouldn't be reinstalling my last option?12:27
pietro10irotas: you're welcome12:27
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tom_bofh80:so i dunno, may end up having to rewrite it all in php lol12:27
pietro10!x11 | Fawaz12:27
ubotuFawaz: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:27
Fawazpietro10: thanks for u time annd help then :)12:27
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osxdudeNow I have an Ubuntu problem. I want to move my Home folder. If I just change it in the root account, will it move all the files? Or do I have to do so manually?12:27
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pietro10Do what ubotu says it's good12:27
stefg!beryl | Falstius12:28
ubotuFalstius: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:28
pietro10just don't tell it thanks12:28
phylogenesispietro10:  reinstall 6.10?12:28
pietro10get 7.04 instead12:28
bofh80tom_, heheheh, well installing Mono is easy enough, the interface is nice i believe (i might have looked at it before, i can't remember) . . .12:28
kalon33phylogenesis: do you have enough space on your drive, and edgy-updates repository enabled ?12:28
Peloosxdude, where do you want to move your /home folder to ? a diffrent partition ?12:28
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bofh80tom_, it's availble in Add / Remvoe(i think), and Synaptic12:28
osxdudePelo: I want to move it to a second HDD I have in my PC.12:28
phylogenesisI have enough hard drive space, I don't know about the edgy-updates repository12:29
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kalon33phylogenesis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:29
zachhey all, anyone know how to set it up so you can use a flash drive to kinda, 'extend' system memory (or is using it as swap the only way?)12:29
pietro10!upgrade | phylogenesis12:29
ubotuphylogenesis: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:29
lancerubotu, I don't think you understand my question - I need to run DVD writer (nautilus one) as ROOT because I'm using it to access files under multiple user permissions. But nautilus-cdwriter (similar name) won't run because it fails to perform taks when run from standard user desktop even with sudo etc etc... and Ubuntu won't let me log in as ROOT from log in screen to get around it (Fedora never did this to me)12:29
pietro10ubotu is a bot he is not intelligent12:30
tom_bofh80: hmmm doesnt look promising, seems it can just run .net based vb projects, nothing in applications sucha s access or excel12:30
Peloosxdude, boot up the live cd,  mount both hdd,  move the /user  folders the new hdd ( not /home)  then edit fstab to mount the second hdd to /home as a mount point12:30
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gratuitI'm currently using bluefish to edit my html, and am looking for a script or program that will publish(i.e. upload any files changed since last time I uploaded) my webpage files, is there anything anyone recommends?(I'm using an ftp client now, but I want something automated that I can just type <command> and be done)12:30
pietro10just type gksudo in a terminal followed by the command12:30
kalon33phylogenesis: go in System, administration, software sources, updates and see if edgy-updates is enabled12:30
tom_gratuit: something like rsync?12:30
lancerIt's still not working under gksu -i :-( :-( :-(12:30
pietro10if that doesn't work then type gksudo -s, hit enter, enter your password, then enter the command12:31
lancerThis is SOOO stupid.12:31
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:31
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pietro10You just need to do gksudo -s12:31
lancerpietro10, same problem with su12:31
Pelolancer,  man gksu , see if that is the correct option,  I said I was just guessing12:31
osxdudePelo: I use an NTFS drive that auto mounts because of ntfs-config. But anyway...   okay, I will do that now.12:31
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gratuit<tom_>: like that but one that operates over ftp12:31
pietro10Right-click on the files to burn, and change the owner to you and/or enable write access12:31
tom_gratuit: im not sure, cant your coax rsync to cooperate with ftp?12:32
lancersu does not work, sudo does not work and neither does gksu12:32
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pietro10So you need to manually change permissions12:32
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pietro10!ch | google_12:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:32
pietro10!jp | google_12:32
ubotugoogle_:  #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 12:32
pietro10!kr | google_12:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:32
pietro10!chinese | google_12:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chinese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:32
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk12:32
bofh80tom_, what version of VB is it?12:33
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Pelozach,  anyone what ?12:33
pietro10Who knows whether or not that is japanese, chinese, or korean?12:33
google_   12:33
pietro10!kr | google_12:33
phylogenesiskalon33:  it's not opening12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
zachPelo: no how to use a flash device to extend system memory12:33
google_   12:33
pietro10!korean | google_12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about korean - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
Azhi_DahakaHas anyone tested Corel Draw & Photoshop on WINE?12:33
magnetron!jp | google_12:34
ubotugoogle_:  #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 12:34
bofh80tom_, someones actually talking in the mono channel, while he's there . . . . . . he's saying VB 5/6 and previous i guess aren't supported. do you know what version it was made in?12:34
kalon33phylogenesis: okay, let's go in the manual way12:34
Pelozach, ok that is a good one,  I have no idea , try looking it up in the forum or these links  http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84 http://book.opensourceproject.org.cn/distrib/ubuntu/unleashed/12:34
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zachPelo: couldnt find anything usful, i for now, turned it into a swap device :-\ but as im living off a live cd without memory its kinda  bitch lol12:35
alessandro__hello word12:35
pietro10Yes that was chinese12:35
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pietro10!zr | google_12:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about zr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:35
google_     12:35
ompaul!ch | google_12:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:35
kalon33phylogenesis: sure, could you write me in a pv window ?12:35
lockdAzhi_Dahaka: corel draw but not a modern version12:35
ompaul!cz | google_12:35
ubotugoogle_: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.12:35
phylogenesiskalon33:  I think I may be able to fix it12:35
lancerDoes anyone know how to make it so I can log in as ROOT (givent hat I have set a root password) from the main log in screen?12:35
=== ompaul headdesks
tom_bofh80: not offhand no, i could check... but not from here12:35
google_     12:35
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk12:35
ompaul!cn | google_12:35
Pelozach, working off the live cd I would have expected you to use the flash drive to save stuff to but what ever12:35
ubotugoogle_: please see above12:35
VeganChick001the mac cdrom in my drive doesn't wanna eject. is there a terminal command to eject a cd?12:36
phylogenesisI just noticed the little star appeared again (after having rebooted)12:36
dyrnelancer: gksu gdmsetup12:36
google_     12:36
pietro10ubotu, please tell google_ about cn12:36
bofh80tom_, oh any idea?12:36
ompaulstefg, and I would not mind but I wrote that12:36
Pelo!cn | google_12:36
ubotugoogle_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk12:36
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TiradinAre we sure that's chinese?12:36
phylogenesisI'm going to try that, but I've already pasted my sources.list before, here is it:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23583/12:36
pietro10He keeps saying How the request helps to install the friend which software I English not good has speaks Chinese not to have12:36
tom_bofh80: access 2000 i think, but i dunno what vb version12:37
pietro10(babelfish :-) )12:37
PeloTiradin, we've tried chinese japanese and korean12:37
dyrnetoo many ?? for chinese :)12:37
google_      12:37
bofh80tom_, can i PM and paste you the small convo? you'll like it :)12:37
pietro10He says again12:37
lancerthanks dyrne12:37
gonzaloaf_workhi, I hav installed openoffice in englis, how can I do spellchecks in other languages?12:37
PriceChild!cn | google_12:37
ubotugoogle_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk12:37
tom_bofh80: sure, please12:37
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zachPelo: well basically i need to for the live cd to use that in addition ot memory so it wont slowly die12:37
pietro10"How the request helps to install the friend which software I English not good has speaks Chinese not to have how visits"12:37
TiradinHe was asking how to join the channel,12:37
stefgompaul: :-)  wow.... pt to avoid any further UTF-8 spam i think at leat a mute  is in place now.... obvious trolling12:37
whtaok, i restarted my computer and now my video card isn't really acting as it should. xorg shows it as "generic video card" and it's at 1024x768 when it should be 1680x1050 and my XGL session just freaks out if i try to use it12:38
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Tiradingoogle translate ftw.12:38
Pelozach,  I donT' have any idea how to help you , sorry12:38
GenNMXI didn't have utf-8 enabled in PuTTY and got all kinds of nice control character spam12:38
ompaulstefg, he is gone to -cn12:38
gonzaloaf_workhi, I hav installed openoffice in englis, how can I do spellchecks in other languages?12:38
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quioHi Everyone.  I have installed ndiswrapper-1.44 and got my laptop connected to my wireless network.  Unfortunately everytime I go to another network and back again to mine I have to put back in the wep information.  How can I set this up to keep my home information as well as others I utilize without having to put them in everytime?12:38
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pietro10 "/join #ubuntu-cn"12:38
kalon33phylogenesis: you have it enabled according to this...12:39
Tiradingoogle_ is already gone.12:39
Pelogonzaloaf_work, use synaptic to install the other languages dictionnaries,  you can set the language in the tool prefs I beleive12:39
Tiradinhe joined ubuntu-cn12:39
tom_bofh80: hmmmm12:39
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phylogenesiskalon33:  I think it's continuing the install on the terminal, but I need to get ready for work, I'll be back if it doesn't work, maybe if it does12:39
gonzaloaf_workPelo, what pkg?12:39
pietro10OK great that's done :-)12:39
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phylogenesiswell it finished something :-)12:39
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Pelogonzaloaf_work, menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager   use the searchfeature and look for  OpenOffice.org12:39
bofh80tom_, indeed :P12:39
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pietro10acroread is downloading at 22KB/s12:40
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kalon33phylogenesis: okay, don't hesitate to post your problem at answers.launchpad.net if we can't give you an answer here12:40
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gonzaloaf_workPelo, I cant find any spellcheck pkg, I've already installed de |10n-es pkgs12:40
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pietro10!spellcheck | gonzaloaf_work12:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spellcheck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:41
Pelogonzaloaf_work, the search will bring up a list of openoffice pacakgeas, you can select the ones you need from that list12:41
pietro10!spell | gonzaloaf_work12:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spell - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:41
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Pelogonzaloaf_work, check for dictionnary or languages12:41
tom_bofh80: lol maybe ill have to put up with it12:41
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gonzaloaf_workPelo, its installed already12:41
phylogenesisI had an error "Broken Count: > 0"12:41
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lockd!ch | google12:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:41
pietro10lockd: google is gone12:42
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pietro10and its !cn not !ch12:42
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Pelogonzaloaf_work, look at the myspell packages12:42
oemsomeone know about nis ? i cant set ubuntu client it won't bind12:42
TiradinGoogle translate actually works pretty well.12:42
phylogenesiskalon33:  it says I need to fix broken packages12:42
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pietro10!nis | oem12:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:43
pietro10what is nis?12:43
pietro10Tradin: where is it?12:43
blackatronhow do you open kernel configurations12:43
ai want to use beryl,who do yuou think12:43
kalon33phylogenesis: sudo apt-get -f12:43
oemits an authentification method12:43
kalon33should fix this12:43
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Tiradinpietro10: http://translate.google.copm12:43
erUSUL!kernel | blackatron12:43
pietro10blackatron: there are so many types of "kernel configurations". What do you want to configure?12:43
ubotublackatron: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:43
Peloa ask in #beryl12:43
Tiradinpietro10: http://translate.google.com12:43
quioHi Everyone.  I have installed ndiswrapper-1.44 and got my laptop connected to my wireless network.  Unfortunately everytime I go to another network and back again to mine I have to put back in the wep information.  How can I set this up to keep my home information as well as others I utilize without having to put them in everytime?12:43
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blackatrona, g0 ahead beryl's great!12:43
=== schilling [i=sCHiLLiN@62-99-150-51.static.adsl-line.inode.at] has joined #Ubuntu
schillinghello everybody12:43
Tiradincan I get Beryl through apt-get? :P:12:44
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bofh80blackatron, do you have to turn beryl off when you want to run 3d games?12:44
TehRealNexGenTiradin: yes12:44
pcapazziHello... I need some help with installing UBUNTU... I the CD-R burned and loaded, but the installation doesn't recognize my STAT RAID card. How do I load in the module?12:44
stefg!worksforme | blackatron12:44
oemi try everything on google but ubuntu use their own script for nis ...12:44
erUSUL!info beryl12:44
PeloTiradin, you 'll need to add some repos12:44
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Tiradinpelo: Will it tell me which ones?12:44
pietro10I have to go now12:44
blackatronbofh80, nope12:44
ubotublackatron: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.12:44
bofh80and to anyone listening, are Ubuntu planning any updates anytime soon lol?12:44
ubotuberyl: Compositing window manager, decorator and theme support - Beryl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1.dfsg+git20070318-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 2 kB, installed size 44 kB12:44
pietro10!update-plan | bofh8012:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about update-plan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:44
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PeloTiradin, ask in #beryl they can help you,  I donT' use beryl , candy is bad for the teeth12:44
phylogenesiskalon33:  what next, it just listed the way to use apt-get I think12:44
pietro10bofh80: ubuntu updates every 6 months12:44
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wht1ubuntu is no longer detecting my video card as it should. it's just starting up in 1024x768. xorg now only shows those resolutions. I would just change that manually, but i didn't change anything and it just stopped working properly and i need to know why12:45
TiradinPelo: thank you12:45
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schillingcan anyone tell me why my phpsysinf has a lag of 10 seconds?12:45
schillingwhen i reload the page12:45
erUSUL!schedule > bofh8012:45
tom_bofh80: maybe i could try mono....12:45
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bofh80blackatron, hmmmmm, sounds good........that's the only thing that annoys me with compiz lol12:45
tom_bofh80: seems a long shot though12:45
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cheeseboymount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only12:45
cheeseboymount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0,12:45
cheeseboy       missing codepage or other error12:45
PiNEi have been trying to change my default browser in gaim but i can't find where i change it.  i assume it is somewhere in the prefs section, does anyone know where it is?12:45
cheeseboy       in some cases useful info is found in syslog - try12:45
cheeseboy       dmesg | tail  or so12:45
Pelowht1,  some ppl have had various issues after updating to the latest kernel,   you might need to reconfigure your video card,12:46
bofh80tom_, it does, but it won't take more than an hour to discern if your going to get anywhere12:46
aok  i have a toshiba a 60-170  and i want to use kpowersave, is possible?12:46
cheeseboyhow i mount cd drive??12:46
jribPiNE: system -> preferences -> preferred applications doesn't work?12:46
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Peloa ask in #kubuntu12:46
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VeganChick001i'm having problems splitting an ISO file...12:46
wht1pelo, how can i reconfigure it? also, when was the newest kernel released?12:46
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tom_bofh80: yea, ill think about it more on monday morning i think :D12:46
gonzaloaf_workPelo, I have myspell-es installed and still I cannot do a spellcheck in spanish12:46
Pelocheeseboy,  cd drives should mount automaticaly12:47
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gonzaloaf_workPelo, nor in english12:47
Pelowht1, about 4 days ago12:47
wht1pelo, i've kept up to date entirely and this resolution issue just happened right now12:47
cheeseboyit gave me error12:47
wht1pelo, ok well how can I reconfigure it?12:47
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PiNEjrib, of course it is the system default, not gaim's.  i should have thought of that... but it probably would have taken days!  thanks.12:47
Pelogonzaloaf_work, you probably need to enable it in the preferences,  you can also try asking in #openoffice.org12:47
bofh80erUSUL, i understand this, but are they not going to include any bug fixes at all ?12:47
kalon33phylogenesis: you could try  sudo apt-get -f -m dist-upgrade but it is risky... maybe you won't be able to use your install after...12:47
gonzaloaf_workPelo, they dont talk12:47
Pelowht1, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:47
wht1thank you12:48
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Pelogonzaloaf_work, not every channel is as busy as this one , you need some patience12:48
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Pelogonzaloaf_work, and you actrualy need to ask a question for them to answer12:48
bofh80erUSUL, i'm not screaming for updates to main programs, or new versions of this or that, just simple security and a few bug fixes . . . . .or do they simply move straight onto the next version, if so, when can i start updating beta style :)12:48
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cheeseboymount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only12:48
nomustumthere is a software how orcad for linux?whit wine this not function12:48
cheeseboyhow i fix??12:48
chombeeSlightly OT. Which laptop: System76 Gazelle Performance or LinuxEmporium Lenovo 3000 N300? Gazelle has Intel Core 2 Duo Celeron 1.46GHz and GeForce Go 128mb, Lenovo has Intel Celeron Mobile 1.7 GHz and Intel GMA 950?12:49
Azhi_DahakaHas anyone tested Corel Draw & Photoshop on WINE?12:49
ikoniachombee: don't go off topic12:49
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ikoniaAzhi_Dahaka: I'm sure a load of people in #winehq have12:49
Pelocheeseboy, well  cdrom are read only, youcan'T realy change that12:49
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Elfboyhi all12:49
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cheeseboyits a dvd burner with cd-rw in12:49
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gonzaloaf_worki give up12:49
ikoniagonzaloaf_work: do you have a quesion12:50
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Kjellvizare there any hotkeys for swapping between the different desktops ?12:50
nomustumthere is a software how orcad for linux?whit wine this not function12:50
Pelocheeseboy, what are you using to burn to it ?12:50
gonzaloaf_workikonia, hi, I have installed openoffice in english, how can I do spellchecks in other languages?12:50
tom_nomustum what is orcad?12:50
cheeseboybut its not mounted right12:50
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phylogenesishow do I fix a broken package?12:50
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bofh80tom_, that sounds like a good idea....... heheheh. what ya gonna do now? knock up some WoP (http://www.worldofpadman.com)  and shoot some people ?  :)12:50
phiblehi all! just a quick question: i've just found a bad bug in evolutino (segfault). I know exactly where it crashes (just debugged it) and want to report it. Is it better to report it at launchpad or directly at upstream?12:50
Elfboycan some one tell me that this means E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)12:50
ElfboyE: Unable to lock the download directory12:50
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ikoniagonzaloaf_work: you need to install different dictionary languages and set the default language12:50
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Pelocheeseboy, have you tried a regular cd ?12:50
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gonzaloaf_workikonia, done12:51
ikoniaElfboy: use sudo12:51
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erUSULphible: use launchpad12:51
ikoniagonzaloaf_work: then if it doesn't work log a bug12:51
Elfboy<--fells stuoid12:51
cheeseboyits mounted as read only12:51
gonzaloaf_workikonia, what packages do you refer?12:51
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cheeseboyhow i mount as write?12:51
VeganChick001where do the files go when you split a file w/ terminal?12:51
kalon33use synaptic12:51
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phibleerUSUL: OK, thanks :)12:51
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ikoniagonzaloaf_work: what packages ??? you told me you where using opensofice12:51
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ikoniacheeseboy: cdroms are read only12:51
tom_bofh80: shooting people always sounds good at this time lol12:51
Pelocheeseboy, I assume that you might have to change permission   try  sudo chmod 755 /path/12:51
hagabakahow can i search which package in the repository has */bin/ipsec?12:51
erUSULphible: in the bug report there is a link you can press that says something like "also affects upstream" use that to12:52
whtaok Pelo, i've never had to run through any of this stuff and I've never even heard of what half of this is. should I continue anyway with the xorg reconfigure? it isn't automatically detecting anything, though I don't know if it should12:52
schillingmy phpsysinfo shows a 10 second delay whenever i load or reload the main page. can anyone help me out?12:52
eoybeen trying to install Beryl for days now, and every time I think I got everything done and I run beryl-manager the titlebars of the windows disappears and everything freezes, any ideas?12:52
cheeseboywats path?12:52
ikoniaschilling: help you out with what12:52
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kalon33phylogenesis: use synaptic else, find the filter "broken" and reinstall the packages which are into12:52
ThatguyHello, I changed motherboards on my PC and had to use a different video card. The X server crashed now, how do I fix?12:52
Elfboyok whats is this Make sure you have the 'universe' component enabled12:52
erUSULThatguy: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'12:52
Pelowhta, when in doubt just use the default provided12:52
stefg!beryl | eoy12:52
ubotueoy: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:52
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gonzaloaf_workikonia, I mean.. what else pkgs do I need to install to do what I want?12:52
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Thatguy1 sec, I'll try12:52
ikoniagonzaloaf_work: whatever dictionary your using, for example ispell12:53
Pelowhta, and you might need to add the extra resolutions you need to the xorg.conf file12:53
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eth`!eth` | bitlbee12:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eth` - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bitblee - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:53
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erUSULhagabaka: dpkg -S string12:53
ikoniaeth`: why are you saying peoples names to the bot ?12:53
hagabakaerUSUL: that only searches installed package right?12:53
cheeseboyhow i m,ount cdrom as read-write ???12:53
Ropechoborracheeseboy you cant12:54
erUSULhagabaka: may be...12:54
phylogenesiskalon33:  it won't even let me remove them :-(  It says fix broken packages first!12:54
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cheeseboyits a cd-rw12:54
cheeseboyits a cd-rw12:54
cheeseboyhow i m,ount cdrom as read-write ???12:54
erUSUL!find /bin/ipsec12:54
hagabakai want to search in packages in the repository12:54
ThatguyerUSUL, I am now confused while at this screen12:54
ikoniacheeseboy: you don'12:54
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ubotuFile /bin/ipsec found in openswan12:54
hagabakanot the filesystem12:54
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ikoniacheeseboy: you need an application to burn to it12:54
Ropechoborracheeseboy you can use a tool or a command to record it, but cannot mount it with a write permission12:54
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cheeseboyit cabnt becausde it isnt mounted right12:54
bofh80erUSUL, heheh, oops, security updates where not ticked in synaptic......now i have new kernel to install lol . . .. .12:55
schillingikonia, is there a way to avoid this 10 second delay in phpsysinfo?12:55
schillingis this a normal bevaviour?12:55
ikoniaschilling: re-write the php12:55
erUSULThatguy: confused?12:55
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Ropechoborracheeseboy did u try with sudo?12:55
Elfboyis there something that will help me get kdirc to install12:55
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schillingikonia, so this is not a bug it's a feature? ;)12:55
cheeseboyITS NOT MOUNTED right12:55
ThatguyI'm  not sure what driver I need12:55
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ikoniacheeseboy: you need to use a program to write to it, you don't mount it12:55
ikoniacheeseboy: don't shout12:55
kalon33phylogenesis: try to reinstall them, not remove12:55
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erUSULThatguy: which card do you have?12:56
ikoniaschilling: the 10 second delay is "info" gathering12:56
cheeseboywell ive said it 8 times and ustill dont understand12:56
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Thatguyonboard graphics for the ABIT IP-9512:56
cheeseboynothing can open the cd because its not mounted right12:56
ikoniacheeseboy: no - your don't understand12:56
erUSULThatguy: nvidia chipset?12:56
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ikoniacheeseboy: youd didn't ask to open the the cdrom, you asked to mount it read and write12:56
cheeseboyubuntu says its nor m,ounted right12:56
ThatguyI think so, as google says12:57
erUSULThatguy: lspci | grep VGA12:57
schillingikonia, ok. i c thanks. i though there is something like proftpd with this reverse dns lookup thing12:57
phylogenesiskalon33:  I can't do anything, it only gives me the option to mark for remove, mark for complete removal, and unmark12:57
ThatguyBut I'm still in the menu thing, or is that a selection?12:57
ikoniacheeseboy: I don't know - its your box, but you've asked a different question. What do you actually want to do12:57
phylogenesisand when i choose remove, it automatically set python to mark as upgrade12:57
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cheeseboymount mty cd drive12:57
phylogenesisand I can't change it :-(12:57
ikoniaschilling: reveser dns can be used by any ap12:57
ikoniacheeseboy: just put a cdrom in and it will mount it12:57
cheeseboyit wont12:57
phylogenesisit ignores unmark->python12:57
cheeseboyfor 10th time12:58
phylogenesiswell it ignores anything->python12:58
erUSULThatguy: here i read that it has via unicrhome ...12:58
ikoniacheeseboy: mount it manually12:58
bofh80cheeseboy, how many different CD's have you tried ?12:58
cheeseboyso i want manual command12:58
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PriceChildcheeseboy, /mount /dev/hdc /media/cdrom12:58
cheeseboywat ive been asking for12:58
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ikoniacheeseboy: drop the attitude - you asked for it to be mounted read-write a minute ago, people are getting it wrong because your changing the question12:58
dyrnecheeseboy: mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt12:58
kalon33phylogenesis: try to install a package, the one you want, to see if it will recover automatically12:58
PriceChilddyrne, don't mount things on /mnt... bad practice12:58
PriceChilddyrne, /mnt/foo is ok though12:58
dyrnecheeseboy: be nice ikonia contributes alot of his time here :012:58
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cheeseboymy question was always the same u just missed a part or something12:58
kalon33(from synaptic)12:59
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bofh80i'll bet he's been popping a DVD into his CDrom drive over and over12:59
ThatguyI'm sorry, I stupid, does that mean I select "via"?12:59
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ikoniacheeseboy: I'm no going to argue - but your question was how do you mount it read-write, not how do you mount it because it won't mount12:59
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erUSULThatguy: yes select via as graphic driver12:59
ThatguyI'll see if it works01:00
Thatguy1 sec01:00
bofh80cheeseboy, have you tried a CD that you haven't melted cheese onto ?01:00
VeganChick001how do i modify the split command? if i put 100m after split, it tries to split that!01:00
noobI can't download more than one torrent, why?01:00
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noobhow do I change it?01:00
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PriceChildbofh80, please drop the attitude01:00
dyrneVeganChick001: split -b 100m01:00
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erUSULThatguy: you have to go through all the other questions to get a new xorg.conf01:00
irielion_ey when the system freezes hwo can i find out what went wrong, i know that i get a "bug soft lockup detected on cpu0",, but i need to know when, cuz in failsafe i have no problems01:00
bofh80PriceChild, i'm just askin . . . :P01:01
cheeseboyit wont mount01:01
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cheeseboysaying read-write error01:01
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ikoniairielion_: soft lockup is normally a chipset/cpu unsupporteed feature or a hardware error01:01
ikoniacheeseboy: you caan only mount it read only01:01
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cheeseboyi put command u guys gave01:01
cheeseboygreg@gfundies:~/eggdrop$ sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom001:01
cheeseboymount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only01:01
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ikoniacheeseboy: ls -la /dev/cdrom please01:02
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cheeseboylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2007-06-01 14:25 /dev/cdrom -> scd001:02
b0wlmanAnybody know a good .avi player which doesnt loose sound sync?01:02
riddleboxis there any way to stop ubuntu from asking for a password to connect to my wireless everytime I boot?01:02
phylogenesiskalon33:  well I think it's reinstalling stuff right now01:02
=== aortiz_ [n=aortiz2@ip24-136-40-251.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniacheeseboy: is there a cdrom in the drive now ?01:02
irielion_ikonia: yes i understand that, but i need to know which module is causing this problem01:02
dyrneb0wlman: mplayer is the answer to every media question :)01:02
cheeseboybut its same no matter what01:02
Jordan_Ub0wlman, VLC, Totem01:02
b0wlmanCheers mang01:02
ikoniacheeseboy: no matter what ?01:02
cheeseboycd dvd empt01:03
bofh80cheeseboy, seriously, what CD are you trying to mount, a specific one or have you tried different CD's ? have you more than 1 cd / dvd drive? is it a dvd or cd drive? did you install ubuntu from this drive?01:03
ikoniacheeseboy: you can't mount an empty cdrom drive01:03
phylogenesiskalon33:  I went through the list and chose reinstall (it gave me the option for the second one, then suddenly I could choose it for others, and it crashed the update manager thrice)01:03
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cheeseboyive dried others01:03
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FFighterHello all01:03
Jordan_U!hi | FFighter01:03
ubotuFFighter: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:03
phylogenesiskalon33:  but finally I got most of them on reinstall, and it's trying now01:03
bofh80cheeseboy, ie music, data?  is it a DVD drive? or just CD ?01:03
elYasehello i bougth a mike earphone combo, and installed fesity, i can hear perfectly but mic doesnt seem to work, what do i need to check?01:03
cheeseboydvd burner cd-rw in it01:03
cheeseboyworked yesterday01:04
ikoniacheeseboy: is there data on the cdrom ?01:04
crimsunelYase: your mixer settings.  If available, make sure 'Capture' is unmuted and raised.01:04
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FFighterHave been using feisty for about one week, switched from XP, loving the (freedom) experience so far!01:04
bofh80cheeseboy, cool. ah cool, so  how long has it been working fine? have you been inside your PC at all ?01:04
elYasehow do i acces my mixer settings?01:04
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kalon33phylogenesis: okay, for now, until the broken packages are not repaired, use synaptic and not update-manager01:04
makuseruhi, does anyone know where i can download folding@home for linux? the http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html site i guess got somthing mixed up, because under where it says linux, the downlaod is a .exe01:04
elYasecrimsun, how do i acces my mixer settings?01:04
Jordan_UelYase, Is it a standard mic / headphone with minijack ( headphone ) connection to mic in and headphone out or is it USB?01:04
cheeseboybeen working for years yes ive been in my pc01:04
kalon33*until they are repaired sorry01:04
darwin81What is the best application for converting sound to different formats?01:04
elYaseJordan_U, fist option01:05
bofh80cheeseboy, ah yes, but worknig in Ubuntu yes? assmuming you havenm't just install ubuntu . . . sorta thing ?01:05
dedihow do i get sex as geek? :)01:05
Jordan_UelYase, run "alsamixer" in the terminal, use arrow keys to change volume and switch channels, "m" key to mute / unmute01:05
FFighterI've managed to configure my internet connection (as you may note :P) - I have a speedtouch usb modem, it was kinda awkward to me but it is working now01:05
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dyrnededi: join a gym01:05
elYaseJordan_U, let me try01:05
ThatguyerUSUL, thanks alot, I'm having trouble starting the x server though so I restarted it. we'll see o it goes. if it don't work you'll see me again. bye01:05
n2diy_dedi: try #ubuntu-offtopic01:06
b0wlmandarwin81 you tried audacity?01:06
cheeseboyive been ubuntu for  2 years01:06
FFighterhowever, I could not set the LAN to my sister's XP machine nor share my internet connection with her01:06
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FFighterCould someone help me on this one ?01:06
elYaseJordan_U, is there any place where i can do a test01:06
drifdyrde: I believe he meant with opposite sex.. ;)01:06
bofh80cheeseboy, oh nice . ..  not been inside your PC or moved it about at all ?01:06
Jordan_Udedi, who | grep -i blonde | date && cd ~ && unzip && touch && finger && mount01:06
Jordan_U&& yes && uptime && umount && sleep01:06
slid3rhola all, is there an easy way to edit the sudoers file such that if I sudo with my username I do not have to enter the passwd?01:06
VeganChick001i hate how the terminal doesn't show that it's doing something...01:06
b0wlmanlol Jordan01:06
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coqueaca es01:06
dyrneslid3r: yes but that is not good practice for security reasons01:07
bofh80cheeseboy, you checked the IDE/ ATA leads ? or wait. actually have you tried powering off and on again ?01:07
dediJordan_U: how can i get sure off that i keep my root rights? :D01:07
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coqueche alguien habla espaol?01:07
crimsunelYase: use the volume control/mixer applet in GNOME/KDE/Xfce01:07
cheeseboyits atached fine01:07
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irielion_coque: si hablo01:07
crimsunelYase: (or use `alsamixer`, `amixer`, or ...)01:07
cheeseboyworks in windows xp01:07
coquehola irileon01:07
bofh80you have dual boot?01:07
Fathefnercan u reinstall ubuntu01:07
elYasecrimsun, how can i do a test of mic after?01:07
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dyrneFathefner: what is the problem that makes you want to reinstall?01:07
slid3rdyrne: Id like to do it anyway01:07
coqueche necesito aprender algo01:07
coquey si tenes ganas de ensearme te estaria agradecido01:07
bofh80cheeseboy, so you boot into ubuntu, it don't work, so you booted into windows and it worked, and booted back into ubuntu and still dont' work  right?01:08
Jordan_Udedi, Not quite sure what you are taling about but some girls fakeroot it01:08
irielion_anyoneee can tell me how to find out what module is causing the bug soft lockup detected on cpu0???????01:08
Fathefneri cant boot to ubuntu01:08
darwin81b0wlman : Isn't audacity for more complicated file editing? I just need to convert an ogg file to wav.01:08
phylogenesis!!! kalon33:  my whole system locked up  (and I meant Syntaptic Package Manager, not update manager)01:08
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Fathefneri come the the splash screen then it just stays balck01:08
stefg!es | coque01:08
ubotucoque: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:08
irielion_coque: dime01:08
b0wlmanDarwin. its fine load it up in audacity. you have options for export to wav mp3 ogg01:08
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:08
b0wlmansome others01:08
dediJordan_U: will try it out. i think an alternative is chrooting her :)01:08
kbrooksWhat is the simpolest backup regimen that I can do that protects my files?01:08
bofh80cheeseboy, have you tried a blank CD ?01:08
irielion_ahgrrr you lousy people, nobody knows how to get that message01:09
cheeseboyi dont have blank one01:09
stefg!backup | kbrooks01:09
ubotukbrooks: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning01:09
bofh80cheeseboy, when i had a similaly screwed Drive, it would note when a blank CD was put in, but nothing else01:09
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bofh80cheeseboy, oh . . .. uhm ./01:09
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FFighterAnyone ?01:09
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elYasecrimsun, Jordan_U , I suppose my option is headphone and mic, they are both at maximum, how do i test the mic, is there any application?01:09
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FFighterI really need a hand here!01:09
RoAkSoAxcoque, para ayuda en espanhol entra a #ubuntu-es01:09
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n2diy_FFighter: can you ping your router?01:10
bofh80cheeseboy, done any updates to ubuntu yesterday?01:10
Jordan_UFathefner, Try going to the GRUB menu when you boot and use "e" to edit and remove the "splash" and possibly "quiet" kernel parameters01:10
lancerI'm wanting to use mkisofs to dump student work onto a DVD-ROM (make iso image, burn later). What are all the options I should take into account? MAN page a bit overwhelming (and not too easy to understand what they mean)01:10
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crimsunelYase: sure, there are a bevy of apps.  Sound Recorder, arecord, Audacity, etc.01:10
nautilusim back01:10
Jordan_UelYase, audacity01:10
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FFightern2diy_, I don't have a router01:10
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FathefnerJordan_U, i just cant boot onto ubuntu01:11
VeganChick001will i be able to recompile files that i split in terminal, once i have the split files in OS X?01:11
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elYasecrimsun, Jordan_U , those are useful to try the mic?01:11
bibbybobanyone have any oscon discount codes of doom?01:11
nickrudkbrooks, sbackup is ok01:11
n2diy_FFighter: how are you connected to your sisters box? Crossover cable?01:11
makuseruhi, does anyone know where i can download folding@home for linux? the http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html site i guess got somthing mixed up, because under where it says linux, the downlaod is a .exe01:11
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FFightern2diy_, Here's the layout: I've got a usb modem (speedtouch usb) which connects to the internet, then a eth0 that directly connects to the XP machine01:11
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FathefnerJordan_U, it says some about unix01:11
bofh80cheeseboy, if you open the file browser, the DVD drive should be listed in the right hand list yes~?01:11
Jordan_UelYase, They are audio recording / editing programs01:11
cheeseboybut wen i click error01:11
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bofh80cheeseboy, same readwrite error?01:12
Jordan_UFathefner, Removing the splash screen should let you see any error messages you may be getting01:12
FFightern2diy_, directly through ethernet wired network01:12
n2diy_FFighter: the eth0 cable needs to be a crossover cable for a direct connection.01:12
Jordan_UFathefner, Can you be more specific?01:12
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riddleboxis there a way to stop the system from asking my for a password to connect to the wireless connection everytime I boot?01:12
haggardmakuseru: it works, despite the fact that it's an .exe01:12
FFightern2diy_, It worked fine when I had XP installed01:12
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elYasecrimsun, Jordan_U , i tried sound recorder and the progress bar doesnt advances, it means no signal is at input no?01:12
FFightern2diy_, both LAN (windows network) and the internet connection sharing01:12
AD|UbuntuAnyone wanna take a venture at helping me? ....again01:13
bofh80cheeseboy, normally i'd say the drive was toast, but since it works in ubuntu, i'm not sure . . . . . you haven't edited /etc/fstab at all ?01:13
gbwhi, how can i install mvn under feisty? apt-get cant find the package01:13
bofh80cheeseboy, works in windows rather01:13
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makuseruhaggard: what do i open it with01:13
kalon33phylogenesis: locked up, what do you mean with that ?01:13
n2diy_FFighter: Ok, can you ping your sisters box?01:13
kalon33*by that01:13
phylogenesisthe computer froze, Windows style01:13
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bofh80cheeseboy, "ya...." you've edited /etc/fstab ?01:13
FFightern2diy_, Nops, I can't... btw, I followed this tutorial: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 but couldn't make it to work01:13
FFightern2diy_, Maybe seeing my ifconfig output would help ?01:13
Jordan_U!anyone | AD|Ubuntu01:13
ubotuAD|Ubuntu: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:13
phylogenesiskalon33:  had to hold down the power button to shutdown, then reboot01:14
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kalon33phylogenesis: oh, quite serious... could you reboot ubuntu ?01:14
bofh80cheeseboy, just now when people where trying to help....or like earlier or yesterday ? :)01:14
Hillviewhaving a problem installing 7.0.4 (amd64) on one of my pc's.. the livecd boots and starts loading X, then seems to get to the ubuntu/gnome splash screen before it apparently panics and reboots instantly.. any ideas I can try?01:14
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n2diy_FFighter: yes, pastepin the output of ifconfig.01:14
FFightern2diy_, I guess that the problem is my modem... it creates a "nas0" interface and also ppp001:14
makuseruhaggard: what do i open it with?01:14
premier_hello, I have an ati radeon X1400 Mobility whatever... I've had to reconfigure the drivers several times, because it keeps reverting to mesa for apparently no reason01:14
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premier_is there anyway to deal with this annoyance?01:14
phylogenesiskalon33:  yeah, that worried me, but I shutdown, rebooted, and here I am01:14
erUSULHillview: maybe some boot option can help01:14
haggardmakuseru: the Linux F@H client is console only (no GUI screensaver). When you download it, you might have to make it executable. In the terminal, type "chmod +x <F@H_name.exe>" (I forgot what the filename is).  Then, to run it, type "./<F@H_name.exe>"01:14
erUSUL!boot | Hillview01:15
ubotuHillview: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto01:15
phylogenesiskalon33:  trying again...01:15
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HillviewerUSUL, thanks :)01:15
n2diy_FFighter: ignore the modem for now.01:15
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lancerWould this work: mkisofs -o ../backupwork.iso -V backup2007 * ...or would I loose thigns like permissions on files?01:15
uberushaximus!info cpufreqd01:15
ubotucpufreqd: fully configurable daemon for dynamic frequency and voltage scaling. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-2 (feisty), package size 77 kB, installed size 340 kB01:15
makuseruhaggard: why is the 64bit tar.gz?01:15
FFightern2diy_, Ok, just a min01:15
FFightern2diy_, and thanks for helping =)01:15
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Garoldif I want to install xinetd, do I have to uninstall inetd first?01:16
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topcat1027can somebody help me, i'm having troubles installing joost through wine01:16
kalon33phylogenesis: Is it booting correcty now ?01:16
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phylogenesiskalon33:  I'm on Linux right now01:16
erUSULlancer: you will loose permisions unless you use rockridge (mkisofs -R) extensions iirc. i recomend to use tar and then burn the tar file(s)01:16
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n2diy_FFighter: nada, I enjoy problem solving. :)01:16
phylogenesisit booted and that's what I'm using now (still Edgy Eft though :-) )01:16
haggardmakuseru: just extract it first (either use the GUI program or type "tar -xvzf <F@H.tar.gz>"01:16
bofh80topcat1027, heheheheheh. i got the same problem. i even tried vmware to no avail . . ..  i think cedega might work, but installing the cedega CVS is free, but complicated, i haven't tried that yet01:16
=== edman007 [n=edman007@24-151-127-252.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
AD|UbuntuAlright, I have a problem. Earlier today I tried dual booting Vista and Ubuntu with Vista installed first. I shrank the Vista volume and created a 20gig Ubuntu partition. I installed Ubuntu onto the partition, but when grub loads it doesnt have an option to boot the Vista partition. I know the Vista volume is still there because I can see it in ubuntu. Can anyone help? Ive looked on the support forums. The FAQs, and have searche01:17
dyrnetopcat1027: run winecfg  to edit settings. other than that id suggest /join #wine01:17
kalon33phylogenesis: could you open a terminal and type sudo apt-get check ?01:17
FFightern2diy_, I'm having problems pasting it to pastebin.com (internet errors from the pastebin app) do you have another site where I could paste it ?01:17
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topcat1027dyrne, nobody is in the wine room01:17
makuseruhaggard: im not a 64bit platform01:17
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FFighterops, I meant INTERNAL not INTERNET errors01:17
topcat1027or if they are they aren't talking01:17
Fawa1i just installed Ubuntu server and it booted with command line how can i start X server? when I type X it says X: cannot stat /etc/X11/X ( No such file or dirictory)01:17
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topcat1027dyrne, what is winecfg to edit settings?01:17
Jordan_UAD|Ubuntu, Have you tried running: sudo update-grub01:17
dyrnewinehq i mean01:17
phylogenesisI can, but I'm reinstalling all those packages, and so far it's working01:17
phylogenesiskalon33:  until it fails, I'm just gonna wait01:18
riddleboxFawa1,  startx01:18
n2diy_FFighter: things are quite in #ubuntu-classroom01:18
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AD|UbuntuIm new to the whole linux thing Jordan so I dont know what that is.01:18
kalon33phylogenesis: okay01:18
haggardmakuseru: then download the x86 version01:18
AD|UbuntuDo I just open a terminal and type sude update-grub?01:18
FFightern2diy_, Just got there01:18
kalon33phylogenesis: if it's reinstalling, we will wait the next step ^^01:18
Jordan_UAD|Ubuntu, That is a command to run in the terminal to tell GRUB to re-detect what operating systems are available to boot01:18
lancererUSUL, I tried tare, but it stuck everything into a subdir of the folder it was pointed to. When I went into the directory to get around this I ran out of dids space - looks like it may have been trying to include the tar file itself. ( tar pzcvf tarball.tgz . )01:18
AD|Ubuntualright ill try01:19
makuseruhaggard: im saying why is the x86 version an exe and the x64 not01:19
nickrudFawa1, you need to install X first, along with a desktop.  sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg for the minimum01:19
Ezepagh, too much people!!!!!01:19
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haggardmakuseru: i don't know, but the x86 version does work just fine despite the fact it's .exe01:19
erUSULlancer: check the -R switch for mkisofs then01:19
phylogenesiskalon33:  "changes applied"01:19
nickrudFawa1, and twm for the smallest desktop01:20
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ThatguyerUSUL, it didn't work, x still won't start01:20
Thatguywhat was the reconfigure code again?01:20
phylogenesisholy crap, 615 updates available?!01:20
FathefnerJordan_U, it wont boot to the ubuntu log on screen01:20
elYasecrimsun, Jordan_U , when i speak i hear my own voice so the mic is workin, but any of the capturing programs are getting enything, what can it be?01:20
lancer"Generate SUSP and RR records using the Rock  Ridge  protocol"? what is that erUSUL ?01:20
FathefnerJordan_U, can i just reinstall01:20
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Jordan_UThatguy, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh01:20
Fawa1riddlebox: I get "The program 'startx' is currently not installed to istall it type sudo apt-get install xinit.. when i try to install i get pachake not available but is refferfed by another package..01:20
FathefnerJordan_U, it might help that its a duel boot01:20
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Thatguy1 sec01:20
AD|UbuntuJordan ill brb01:20
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AD|UbuntuNeed to reboot01:21
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Fawa1riddlebox: the server if offlien btw using the CD01:21
pcapazziHow do I include SIS SATA RAID drivers in the UBUNTU Install?01:21
nixnoobim having trouble adding a workspace switcher to my top panel... im using xubuntu01:21
riddleboxFawa1, someone else suggested, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg I beliece01:21
lancerI think you are right erUSUL - burned direct CD is going to stuff everythign up with read only - right?01:21
chombee_Hi folks. Currently I have a desktop with an nvidia graphics card and their driver works very well for 3D game stuff. Do Intels drivers compare well to nvidias on ubuntu?01:21
premier_I just ran apt-get update, and I got a few warnings... the last one said: "E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead."01:21
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kalon33phylogenesis: yes, don't forget you are upgrading :p01:22
Jordan_UelYase, They may be set to use the wrong input device, in Audacity the preference is in Edit -> Preferences -> IO01:22
premier_W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubu               dists_feisty-security_restricted_binary-i386_Packages)01:22
lancerI'm gettign random errors on command line: kernel: [ 1764.822494]  EDAC MC0: UE page 0x2c, offset 0x0, grain 4096, row 0, labels "": i82860 UE <=== what do these mean?01:22
phylogenesiskalon33:  well I set it to update all of them (in the update manager)01:22
gemidjyhow can I tell dhcp not to overwrite my /etc/resolv.conf with its DNS's ?01:22
nzvipEverytime I start a program which steals full screen, X crashes.  Any way to force all programs to open in an window?01:22
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erUSULlancer: that's not the problem the problem are the user:group info and the rwxr-x--- estuff ... as i said -R can be used with mkisofs to preserve that info iirc01:22
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kalon33phylogenesis: if update-manager works, it's better yes01:22
Jordan_Upremier_, Did you edit your sources.list by hand or with a script?01:23
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Fawa1riddlebox: show i connect the dsl cable to install the package?01:23
premier_Jordan_U: well, I used to edit it by hand, but since edgy, its been weird01:23
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kalon33phylogenesis: it should be quite long01:23
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premier_I mean fiesty01:23
Jordan_Upremier_, Can you pastebin your sources.list ?01:23
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ThatguyJordan_U, cool, now how do I start the x server without restarting?01:24
phylogenesiskalon33:  Yeah, after the reinstallation I checked synaptic and it didn't list anything under broken, then I ran updates01:24
Jordan_UThatguy, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:24
phylogenesisnow I have to go to work01:24
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krasherhey guys anyone can help me? i'm trying to clean up my menu... i'm trying to remove this herd of system icons and reinstall the good old gnome-control-center... but alacarte don't let me do this...01:24
Rodelwhat package do i need to play swf files in totem?01:24
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phylogenesiskalon33:  hopefully it'll succeed while I'm gone01:24
nzvipO_o What's wrong with ctrl + alt + backspace?01:24
phylogenesiskalon33:  thanks for your help, I'll be back in about 10 hours01:25
kalon33phylogenesis: do you receive me in pv ?01:25
kalon33will let you my mail01:25
phylogenesiskalon33:  yes, and replied like 3 times01:25
phylogenesiskalon33:  albeit the first time took me a while01:25
Jordan_URodel, You can't play swf files in any normal media player, swf is flash, .flv is the video format that flash uses01:25
NemesisDhi guys im trying to get some data off a tape drive and im getting i/o error at the beginning of tape, error not recoverable, what should i do?01:25
lancerNOTE: multiple source directories have been specified and merged into the root01:25
lancerof the filesystem. Check your program arguments.  <= I'm assuming I've left of a flag to preserve recursive directories erUSUL ?01:25
kalon33if you aren't registered, the server censored you01:25
RodelJordan_U so do you know of a flash player?01:25
premier_Jordan_U: http://pastebin.ca/52952401:25
phylogenesisoh yes, I'm not registered01:25
phylogenesisit won't let me register, I don't know why01:26
dyrneNemesisD: might ask in #linux as well01:26
phylogenesis"/msg NickServ register ********01:26
phylogenesis" and it doesn't work01:26
phylogenesiswhen I try to log in01:26
Fathefnercan i reinstall ubuntu01:26
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Jordan_URodel, The regular flash player for Firefox, if you want to grab the .flv file from a youtube video or some sort it will be in /tmp while you are playing it01:26
dyrneFathefner: yes but what is the problem?01:26
ThatguyJordan_U, it flashs a couple times then gives me the same "Failed to start" message. What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to have EVERYTHING autoconfigured like when its gets first installed?01:26
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Rodel/ns register 15454601:27
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Rodelsily things01:27
kalon33phylogenesis: "on login, you should type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY *******"01:27
Jordan_UThatguy, try running the reconfigure command again but choose "vesa" as the driver01:27
wastrelphylogenesis eh.01:27
Thatguyk, 1 sec01:27
phylogenesisright, it just tells me that phylogenesis is not registered01:27
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pcapazziCan someone help me with loading modules?01:27
wastrelso you can register it?01:27
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wastrelalso, "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny"01:28
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Fathefnerdyrne, just problem i can get to the log on screen but i cant do anything in the logon screen i moves so slow i just want to reinstall i have nothing on this ubuntu so im not going to lose anything01:28
phylogenesiswell, now it worked01:28
Boshiwhats the diffrence between OSS Mixer And the Alsa Mixer?01:28
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lockdis there a way to set Qemu to use a CD even if it can't find one in the drive currently?01:28
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Jordan_Upcapazzi, sudo modprobe <module name>01:28
wastrelBoshi:  oss is open sound system and is a different sound framework than alsa01:28
erUSULBoshi: OSS is a compatibility layer ontop alsa01:29
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lancerWhat's the difference between tar.gz and .tgz ?01:29
kalon33phylogenesis: so you are now registerad ?01:29
Boshiwastrel: which one is better?01:29
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wastrelBoshi:  well, since ubuntu uses alsa - alsamixer :] 01:29
BoshierUSUL: aha i see01:29
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erUSULlancer: none only the choosed suffix01:29
phylogenesiskalon33:  yes, and the update failed "failed to write commit log" but I have to go or I'll be late for work01:29
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phylogenesiskalon33:  see you later01:29
premier_lancer: I think one is just a short form of the other... I'd say use .tar.gz if you have the choice01:29
dyrneFathefner: try maybe alt-ctrl-f2 then login then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  then sudo apt-get remove -purge xserver-xorg then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop.  but that seems a little drastic01:30
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Boshiwastrel: i changed mine to Oss beacuse i couldnt start Sauerbraten01:30
lockdbut both OSS and ALSA can handle each other, is that true?01:30
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dyrneFathefner: or just boot from cd and reinstall01:30
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premier_Jordan_U: are you going to make a suggestion for my sources list?01:30
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kalon33phylogenesis: have a nice day, it's sleeping time for me !01:30
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Jordan_UBoshi, Instead use ALSA and a program called aoss to get oss applications working ( aoss <application name> )01:31
pcapazzithank you01:31
Fathefnerdyrne, will it install over the previous ubuntu install01:31
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pcapazzijordan_u thank you01:31
Frederickfolks how can I get opengl for java in ubuntu?01:31
dyrneFathefner: are you dual booting with xp or another os?01:31
ThatguyJordan_U, well... it worked but now when I log in I get a unusable white screen. should I have mentioned that I had Beryl installed?01:31
dyrneFathefner: or just ubuntu01:31
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Fathefnerdyrne, duel boot with xp01:32
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BoshiJordan_U: hmm oki what does it do?01:32
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kalon33see you all !01:32
dyrneFathefner: a well then if you do the cd reinstal be careful to select the ubuntu partition to install to01:32
Jordan_Upremier_, Other than line 39 and 41 being the same is looks fine, one of the repos might have just been temporarily down01:32
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BoshiJordan_U:  i have two soundcards in my computer one built in and one exterior01:32
Jordan_UThatguy, Did you install Beryl with XGL?01:33
Thatguy1 sec01:33
premier_Jordan_U: well, I keep getting broken downloads and warnings from apt-get... synaptic just waits and waits for downloads that never come01:33
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Jordan_UBoshi, It provides a compatibility layer so that applications built for OSS can work with alsa01:33
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BoshiJordan_U:  wow nice thats good! ;) thank you man!01:34
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elYasesomebody help me please!!!!!01:34
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:34
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:34
BoshiJordan_U:  one more thing sorry for being a pain in the ass hehe01:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about viewports - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:34
Jordan_Upremier_, Do you need the repo from cl.naist.jp ? since I have never heard of it I don't know if it is reliable or not01:35
BoshiJordan_U: but why do i get bad sound when i raise the volume on vlc?01:35
Rprp  bastiaan BigBen Flash Freduardo|zZz LogSmurf rattler Rinse rinus|boven robert Roconda Roeland Rprp RuntimeError theBlackDragon Thor X3 zerby_01:35
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josephWill someone please help me I need a program to check for errors for ubuntu I changed my network setting and now program open super slow01:35
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ThatguyJordan_U, I did this EXACTLY http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Feisty_with_nVidia01:35
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elYasewhy does any program gets input from my microphone, soundrecorder audacity, why, i am sure it is working cause i hear my self01:35
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tomexWill K3b run under Ubuntu?01:36
premier_Jordan_U: maybe not... trying to remember what that is... it might be CJK language support01:36
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premier_tomex: of course it will01:36
erUSULtomex: sure01:36
Boshitomex:  yes01:36
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lamerananyone konlodegeable of wireless?01:37
lameranneed help ASAP01:37
premier_tomex: add yourself to the cd group (cdrom or something)01:37
lamerantrying to set it as AP01:37
elYasewhy does any program gets input from my microphone, soundrecorder audacity, why, i am sure it is working cause i hear my self01:37
premier_tomex: otherwise, it will give you all sorts of trouble01:37
dyrnejoseph: you edited /etc/hosts file? make sure localhost whateverisyourhostname   is in there01:37
Boshitomex  or you can choose Gnomebaker01:37
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Jordan_UBoshi, You are probably reaching the limit where quieter sounds are already as loud as they can go so they are the same level as louder sounds, this creates very bad sounding distortion, try raising the system volume more instead01:37
spheardhow do you call an american mobile from the uk "1-xxx-xxxblah"01:37
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josephdyrne how do I go about doing that?01:38
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BoshiJordan_U: i have done that to the max01:38
dyrnejoseph: gksu gedit /etc/hosts01:38
Jordan_U!anyone | lameran01:38
ubotulameran: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:38
dyrnejoseph: let me know what the line says01:38
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PreZLaptop*sigh* is there an EASY way to get an ubuntu kernel compile WITH restricted drivers?01:38
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PreZLaptopthe kernel compile part is easy enough01:38
Jordan_UBoshi, check that all channels are up in alsamixer ( run "alsamixer" from the terminal )01:39
PreZLaptopthe restricted drivers don't compile so well with the instructions I found online01:39
lameranPreZLaptop: asx Shuttleworth01:39
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BoshiJordan_U:  oki01:39
josephdyrne its not in there what should I do?01:39
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lameranok my problem is about setting AP with linxu01:39
Jordan_UPreZLaptop, Why do you need to compile a custom kernel?01:39
dyrnejoseph: add it. check to see what your hostname is first by typing 'hostname' in the terminal01:39
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dyrnejoseph: thats you problem01:39
srbakerwhat's the difference between abiword and abiword-gnome ?01:39
BoshiJordan_U:  oki it came up01:40
PreZLaptopJordan_U, a kernel patch that is not included in the default kernel01:40
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josephdyrne ok what do I type01:40
dyrnesrbaker: anything -gnome is bad :)01:40
PreZLaptopI have compiled many a kernel before, the kernel itself is not the problem01:40
=== RoAkSoAx lag
PreZLaptopits the restricted drivers01:40
dyrnejoseph:     localhost whateverhostname01:40
BoshiJordan_U:  the Master Volume is set to 10001:41
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srbakerdyrne: why?01:41
PreZLaptopand the instructions I found online for doing it are unclear at best01:41
PreZLaptop(just plain wrong at worst)01:41
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josephdyrne yes I did that I need to know what do I add to the gedit file01:41
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marisahi i have a intel centrino core2duo laptop with ubuntu installed and the sound doesnt works anyone knows how can i solve it?01:41
dyrnesrbaker: its complicated and i dont feel like rationalizing my prejudices. just my opinion im very often wrong :)01:42
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lamerannobody got experiecne with AP in lnuc?01:42
Jordan_Umarisa, when you run "alsamixer" in a terminal do you see anything?01:42
erUSUL!sound | marisa01:42
ubotumarisa: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:42
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dyrnejoseph: that line you need to put the 127 line in hosts so it associates localhost and your hostname with the loopback01:42
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marisaJordan_U, if i run alsamixer on a terminal i see a black screen but i dont know what it is01:44
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krasherhey guys anyone can help me? i'm trying to clean up my menu... i'm trying to remove this herd of system icons and reinstall the good old gnome-control-center... but alacarte don't let me do this...01:44
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Jordan_Ulameran, If you want to set up an access point try firestarter01:44
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josephdyrne the file looks like this what should it look like?01:45
joseph# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts01:45
joseph::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback01:45
josephfe00::0 ip6-localnet01:45
josephff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix01:45
josephff02::1 ip6-allnodes01:45
josephff02::2 ip6-allrouters01:45
josephff02::3 ip6-allhosts01:45
Jordan_U!paste | joseph01:46
ubotujoseph: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:46
uyohmHi anyone here using the nvidiafb framebuffer ? (for console viewing of stuff like mame & mplayer ... )01:46
josephdyrne did you get that?01:46
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dyrnejoseph: im going to pastebin my hosts file on a bsd box to give you an idea01:46
BoshiJordan_U:  are you there?01:47
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krasheranyone can tell me why my tty screens shows invalid characters when i use ^, ~ or other signlas?01:47
Jordan_UBoshi, Yes01:48
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josephdyrne link?01:48
BoshiJordan_U:  im in but i dont know what i should change01:48
lameranWTF??!! I am trying to install irssi01:48
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lameranand says NO RESULST01:48
Jordan_UBoshi, Just raise everything, the only thing it can hurt is your ears :)01:48
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premier_Hello, when I installed ubuntu (6 months ago) I set acpi to off (because I had to) but now I don't... however, ubuntu keeps resetting my grub menu.lst to turn off acpi01:49
homanjlameran: sudo apt-get install irssi01:49
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crouic6Hello, is there somebody who can help me with my printer under feisty ?01:49
homanjhow do i see how much free disk space i have via the command line?01:49
crouic6z600 drive01:49
premier_homanj: df -h01:49
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dyrnejoseph: ah just look here http://www.lockergnome.com/nexus/linux/2004/10/20/using-the-etchosts-file/01:49
Jordan_Upremier_, You need to remove the noacpi option from the automagic kernel config section in your /boot/grub/menu.list01:49
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Rprp  ChanServ Chinatown Gfgf Noxic^bssy Quis|afk Rprp steefke Sylvestre Westplaya01:50
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premier_Jordan_U: I know that, its just, it does it without telling me, then I have to go and fix it... but only after I've booted it into noacpi mode01:50
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crouic6I have a little problem with my z600 drive under feisty01:50
premier_Jordan_U: I want it to stop messing with my head01:50
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dyrnejoseph: its very straight forward just do two lines localhost then another hostname01:51
Jordan_Upremier_, Can you post your /boot/grub/menu.lst ?01:51
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Jordan_Upremier_, *pastebin your menu.lst*01:51
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DamianHey Guys01:53
Jordan_U!hi | Damian01:53
ubotuDamian: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:53
Damiananyone here on a ibm thinkpad?01:53
premier_Jordan_U: http://pastebin.ca/52957601:53
premier_Damian: no, but maybe we can help you anyway... whats up?01:54
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Damianwell i ran the live cd the new one ver 7.04 and its recognizing my wireless card as a physical connection card01:55
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wastrelthat's normal for thinkpad01:55
wastrelno big deal01:55
Jordan_Upremier_, look at line 88, that is where Ubuntu looks for what kernel parameters should be added when the menu.lst is updated01:55
BreetaiHi, Feisty Fawn hangs during startup, after "Activating swapfile [OK] " Anyone have any idea why? I am not even sure where to be looking to see what is calling mountall.sh in the init startup. Any help would be appreciated.01:55
Damianwastrel how do i change that?01:55
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wastreleth1      IEEE 802.11b01:56
wastrelDamian:  you don't, it will work just fine.01:56
wastrelthat's mine above01:56
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Damianwastrel: then how do i enter the ssid and wep code?01:56
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MaCyBerZitahi rum01:56
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wastrelDamian:  oh i dunno, are you using network-manager?  i don't use it because it is annoying.  i just configure my card in /etc/network/interfaces01:57
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Jordan_UDamian, network-manager or network-admin ( System -> Administration -> Networking )01:57
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VolsyHi, I'm having some trouble installing Ubuntu. Could someone find a minute to help me?01:58
Jordan_U!ask | Volsy01:58
ubotuVolsy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:58
lancerVolsy - what's happening?01:58
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DamianJordan_U i'll try it again once it installs01:58
VolsyWell, see, I ran the installer and ran GParted to create a new partition01:58
VolsyMy hard drive is a 200gb hard drive with all of it allotted on one primary NTFS partition01:59
AD|UbuntuI tried updating grub but, it didnt change anything01:59
Jordan_UDamian, Is it recognised as a wireless card in the network-manager applet at the top right of the screen?01:59
lancerVolsy, isn't there an option on the intaller to "use rest of disk"?01:59
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VolsyThere is no "rest of disk" because all of it is already allotted.02:00
VolsyUnless I'm misunderstanding you, which is likely.02:00
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CaptainMorganis there an official docs for setting up the 7.04 server?02:00
Jordan_UVolsy, The installer let's you resize your NTFS partition to make room for Ubuntu02:00
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Cuogthe option to use the rest of the disk will resize the NTFS partition and use the remaining space for the install02:00
lancerVolsy, in that case, use Defrag windows or whatever you have there ant then use Partition Magic (recommended) or similar to downsize that partition to make room02:00
DamianJordan_U give me a minute here its still installing onto my HD now02:01
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Jordan_Ulancer, Gparted does everything that partition magic does02:01
VolsyOkay, I've tried Partition Magic. I try to use it, and it says it needs to reboot to take effect so it can create the partition or whatever, and when my PC reboots, it doesn't do anything.02:01
CuogDoes anyone know how to setup dual monitors in 7.04 that aren't just a duplicate?02:01
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lancerJordan_U, I know but I prefer PM when shuffling around Windows Pertitions.02:01
Jordan_UDamian, You can check from the LiveCD while it's installing02:01
firefly2442When I first installed Feisty, it automatically found my NTFS drive and could mount it, but not anymore, could this be a kernel update issue?02:01
DamianJordan_U: when i was running the livecd it did02:01
lancerJordan_U, what gparted doesn;'t do is repair links, registry etc when partiotions are transposed.02:02
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Jordan_Ulancer, As long as you keep windows as the first partition there should be no problem though right *disclamer* I am not a windows user :)02:03
AD|UbuntuCan anyone help me to configure grub so it recognizes the Vista partion on my HD?02:03
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Jordan_UAD|Ubuntu, I can try... Can you pastbin your /boot/grub/menu.list ?02:04
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lancerMe neither Jordan_U although I got PM to resize some school computers and that's what stuck ou for me from the experience. The last stage of what it does is to go through registy etc and rename any links which may lead to non existing partitions etc after the work. I use PM if playing with windows, parted if playing with Linux02:04
Death_Sargentmy "ondemand" powermode is fundamentally broken02:05
Death_Sargenthow can I edit it?02:05
lockdI used windows on a completely separate disk so as to let qemu run on it - that is not an option for most people02:05
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riddleboxis there a way to make network-manager not need the keyring to connect to my wireless network?02:05
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lockdriddlebox: yes, but it still takes the keyring02:05
lockdriddlebox: is the keyring the same as your password?02:06
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Jordan_UAD|Ubuntu, And is Windows on the first partition of the same disk that Ubuntu is on, correct?02:06
Jordan_U!hi | Death_Sargent02:06
riddleboxlockd, it is the same as my login yet02:06
ubotuDeath_Sargent: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:06
lockdriddlebox: good, then you should be able to use pam-keyring.. searching for the package02:06
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Death_Sargentdoes anyone know how to edit the powermodes of gnome-power-manager02:06
BoshiJordan_U: hehe oki02:06
hydanhey guys i'm looking for the beeping noise so i can activate it for my xchat client02:06
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lockdriddlebox: sudo apt-get install libpam-keyring02:06
pcapazziHello... UBUNTU recognizes my SATA RAID SIL hardware and the two drives... But it doesn't recognize the existing partition from OpenSUSE... in OpenSUSE the RAID is shown in /dev/mapper/ as sil_ahafadaadiab (part1, part2, part3 etc)...02:07
hydanwhere are sounds like that in ubuntu?02:07
pcapazzianybody familiar with that?02:07
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bruenig!caps | pcapazzi02:07
ubotupcapazzi: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:07
DamianJordan_U: ok it's installed where do i go to enter the ssid and wep code?02:07
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alakalaka99In Wubi, does anyone know how to resize the virtual drives, all the things i have done have failed.02:07
lockdriddlebox: i will pastebin the config or would you rather me message it? only about 3 lines02:07
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riddleboxlockd, I can msg you02:07
Azhi_Dahakaguys, the terminal app of ubuntu is nice but i'm looking for something more customizable and with tabs02:07
Azhi_Dahakaany recommendation?02:08
PriceChildAzhi_Dahaka, the ubuntu terminal has tabs?02:08
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LjLAzhi_Dahaka: the terminal app in Ubuntu *has* tabs.02:08
Jordan_UDamian, Just connect to the network and it will ask for the password02:08
tomexwhat do you recommend for iPod management under Ubuntu?02:08
jribAzhi_Dahaka: what do you want to customize?02:08
PriceChildtomex, amarok02:08
jrib!ipod > tomex (see the private message from ubotu)02:08
Jordan_U!ipod | tomer02:08
ubotutomer: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod02:08
bruenigxterm is pretty customizable02:08
Azhi_Dahakait has tabs?02:08
PriceChildAzhi_Dahaka, right click > create new tab02:08
Azhi_Dahakacolor me surprised!02:08
LjLAzhi_Dahaka: File / New tab, yes. (or something very similar - i'm on KDE)02:08
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bruenigAzhi_Dahaka, ctrl + shift + t I think is the keyboard shortcut, at least on xfce02:09
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Azhi_Dahakahehehe... all day opening new instances!02:09
jribbruenig: correct02:09
alakalaka99so anyone know how to make Wubi virtual drives larger?02:09
jribAzhi_Dahaka: screen  is even better...02:09
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Azhi_Dahakascreen is nice, but i'm looking for one that my family can use without feeling intimidated02:09
BoshiJordan_U: nope still gets crappy when i raise thw voulme in vlc02:09
LjLjrib: and running bash from vi buffers is better yet, sure02:10
DamianJordan_U: i need to specify my ssid though02:10
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Jordan_UDamian, It's hidden?02:10
jribAzhi_Dahaka: why have your family use the terminal at all if they aren't comfortable02:10
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Azhi_Dahakait will happen... you know linux02:10
DamianJordan_U i dont see anywehre to type it in in properties02:10
Azhi_Dahakait doesn't matter what you do, sometime you will need the terminal02:11
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DamianJordan_U: the light that usually lights up to show that the wireless card is enabled isnt even on02:12
Jordan_UDamian, Is your wireless ssid hidden?02:12
CaptainMorganif an isp is blocking a port... say 25? can I use any other port that I specify for the mail services?02:12
DamianJordan_U yes02:13
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Jordan_UDamian, Ok, try wifi-radar then, or setting up your /etc/networking/interfaces manually02:13
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hydanwhere are the default sound files in ubuntu?02:13
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Damianwhere is wifi-radar?02:14
jribhydan: why?02:14
DamianJordan_U where is wifi-radar?02:14
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BoshiJordan_U: nope still gets crappy when i raise thw voulme in vlc02:14
Frederickisnt vim7 disponible in reps02:14
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Jordan_UDamian, sudo apt-get install wifi-radar ( or install it through synaptic )02:14
jribFrederick: it is02:14
hydanjrib: i'm wanting to have sound notifications in x-chat.02:14
jribhydan: /usr/share/sounds/ has a few02:14
lancerhow do I extract a single file from a tar.gz?02:14
Azhi_Dahakahow can i update firefox in dapper? tried apt-get but it's stuck on 1.502:14
Jordan_UBoshi, I don't know what to do then02:14
reddysetgowhat is the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu?02:15
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jriblancer: double click on it and choose the file you want, then press extract02:15
Frederickjrib: under wich name?02:15
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silvernodeazhi:ya it does that02:15
jribFrederick: vim-full is probably what you want02:15
Jordan_Ulancer, From GUI or command line?02:15
dalhello, i'm in need of desperate help.  i just can NOT get my wireless card to work on ubuntu02:15
BoshiJordan_U:  hmm oki thanks anyway02:15
dalcan someone give me some commands to type into terminal?02:15
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BoshiJordan_U:  aoss was it right?02:15
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Jordan_Udal, What chipset?02:15
pmcdonnellHi - for a celeron EM64T processor, would I use a i386 or amd64 install image?02:15
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Jordan_UBoshi, Yes, but VLC already uses alsa02:15
jribreddysetgo: ubuntu has gnome by default and kubuntu has kde by default, but both versions use the same repositories02:15
Frederickjrib: thanks!02:16
dalJordan_U,   something called NETGEAR02:16
Icehawk78pmcdonnel - amd6402:16
Fawa1i have just installed the package xserver-xorg when i try to start xserver by typing X i get could not open default font'fixed'02:16
reddysetgojrib: hello again02:16
silvernodeazhi:just get ubuntu feisty02:16
Fawa1any help?02:16
Icehawk78pmcdonnel - amd6402:16
pmcdonnellIcehawk78, thanks02:16
Azhi_Dahakamy audio card doesn't work on feisty02:16
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lancerJordan_U, command line please - really big tar.gz that tends to seize up the GUI02:16
Jordan_Udal, Can you be more specific, what model, USB or PCI, etc?02:16
jribreddysetgo: hi02:16
reddysetgojrib: can the software inter change?02:16
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dalJordan_U,  PCI02:16
Azhi_Dahakai spent all day to find out that there's a bug with the kernel of feisty02:17
jribreddysetgo: yes, you can use the same programs regardless of your environment02:17
Jordan_Udal, can you pastebin the output of "lspci" ?02:17
vox754pmcdonnell, NO i38602:17
devin__anyone here updated from .15 to .16?02:17
daltype that into terminal, Jordan_U ?02:17
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devin__because it just screwed up my laptop02:17
Fawa1anyone please?02:17
Jordan_Udal, Yes02:17
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pmcdonnellvox754, and now I'm confused.02:17
reddysetgojrib: ok thank:) On a side note, this kubuntu feels kinda like knoppix02:17
AD|UbuntuAlright. Im here for good now.02:17
jribreddysetgo: well knoppix uses kde as well02:17
Frederickjrib: why tab completition does not work on it?02:17
AD|UbuntuNow, how do I edit the grub confi02:18
reddysetgojrib: ic02:18
BoshiJordan_U:  i know but Sauerbraten02:18
dalJordan_U, give me a minute please02:18
vox754pmcdonnell, amd64 won't work with certain things, i386 is better for desktop users02:18
jribFrederick: on what?02:18
FrederickI mean I want to open a file and the path isnt using atuto completation02:18
devin__anyone have problems with .16 updating?02:18
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jribFrederick: in vim?  have you installed vim-full?02:18
devin__i upgraded and when it restarted it was hosed02:18
Fawa1i get " could not open default font fixed'   when i try starting X server .. anyone might know how could i fix this?02:18
devin__i'm scared to update my other systems02:19
pmcdonnellvox754, it would be for a server02:19
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reddysetgojrib: i have ubuntu and kubuntu and xp on this drive should i dare to install the other one?02:19
jribreddysetgo: if you want to try something new, I say go for it02:19
Icehawk78I have a scripting question for anyone who knows how to write them. I'm trying to rename photos from a digital camera through the command line (it's on a server and I've got no UI ). I'd like to just rename everything to DCIM_0001.jpg, DCIM_0002.jpg, etc.02:19
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vox754pmcdonnell, then you are good02:19
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jribIcehawk78: use "rename"02:19
reddysetgojrib: how many osses will grub support?02:20
pmcdonnellvox754, ok, thanks02:20
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jribreddysetgo: I don't know02:20
devin__i have a problem, all my devices don't work, and by devices i mean even the usb ports are turned off02:20
mhaqueanyone really good at using samba?02:20
abasinisvacantJordan_U,  you still here?02:20
jrib!anyone | mhaque02:20
ubotumhaque: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:20
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Jordan_Ureddysetgo, You can have KDE and gnome installed on the same installation of Ubuntu, no need to have Ubuntu and Kubuntu on two separate partitions02:20
jrib!samba > mhaque (see the private message from ubotu)02:20
Jordan_Uabasinisvacant, no02:20
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vox754pmcdonnell, but don't come later asking for help to play games and stuff02:20
reddysetgojrib: lol i am going to down load edubuntu and c lmao02:20
Jordan_Uabasinisvacant, :)02:20
abasinisvacantJordan_U,  ok, where may i post the output?02:20
jribreddysetgo: see what Jordan_U said, it applies to edubuntu as well02:20
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pmcdonnellvox754, I don't even play games on my desktop ;-)02:20
Jordan_U!paste | abasinisvacant02:20
ubotuabasinisvacant: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:21
Frederickjrib: yep vim full02:21
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abasinisvacantJordan_U, can i just PM?02:21
Sempermy nigga.02:21
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Jordan_Uabasinisvacant, I don't think so, I don't think freenode allows large amounts of text to be sent at once, even in a PM02:21
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jribFrederick: how are you trying to tab complete?02:21
BoshiJordan_U:  i know but Sauerbraten02:22
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LjLSemper: if you have an Ubuntu support question, ask. if you just want to throw in random borderline offensive sentences, find other places.02:22
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abasinisvacantJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23669/02:22
hydanthanks jrib :)02:22
mhaquehow do you setup samba as a domain control?02:22
Jordan_UBoshi, Yes, for Sauerbraten use aoss02:22
devin__i need some help having ubuntu recognize the system timer.02:22
Semper@LjL: i was just messing around02:22
BoshiJordan_U:  aha oki02:23
LjLSemper: well, this is not the right channel for messing around. we're busy enough with ubuntu support.02:23
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benoiti've got a problem with dual screen with X300 and voodoo3, on feisty02:23
benoitcan someone help me?02:23
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Semper@LjL: alright. sorry02:23
BoshiJordan_U:  i have it on ALsa Mixer now and Sauerbraten worked02:23
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breadstichi guys, i just tried to install ubuntu on my desktop, but now i'm just getting grub error 17 when i try to boot. I think it's something to do with me tellling it to install on my scsi drive and having the boot record on the primary ide drive (where the windows partition is). How do i fix it?02:23
BoshiJordan_U:  strange02:23
connorI have a problem with my wireless02:23
NickPrestaOut of curiosity and to confirm my research - when I get errors about SQUASHFS and "cannot read sr0 ...", this means the CD burn was not done properly, correct?02:23
LjLi doubt i can help, benoit, but stating the problem would give you some more chances of finding someone who can.02:23
connorThe wireless network isn't recognized on Windows OR Ubuntu02:24
devin__what version is everyone running?02:24
benoiti dont understand stating? (sorry... i'm french)02:24
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LjLdevin__: all 1074 of us?02:24
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jribbenoit: stating ~ explain02:24
connorbut the other computers work and the wireless indicator light on the router is on02:24
reddysetgoLjl: have you seen scoobydoo in here ? He was helping me with this setup and said he had good luck with ubuntu on a amd machine02:24
devin__yes all02:24
benoitok :)02:24
NickPresta@devin__: Kubuntu 7.04.02:24
LjLreddysetgo, i was away until shortly ago02:24
dalconnor, i think i have the same problem02:25
devin__i upgraded from .15 to .1602:25
Semperhow would i get this named dropped so i may register it?02:25
devin__and now the system doesn't have any devices02:25
ProN00bmy mp3player has a problem with linux02:25
LjLSemper, you mean your nickname? it's not registered.02:25
reddysetgoLjl: ok02:25
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NickPresta@devin__: Oh, my kernel version. 2.6.20-16-generic02:25
connordal: When I'm on Windows or Linux, no networks show up02:25
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SemperLjL someone told me it was but nobody has used in a long time im not sure if they dropped it or not02:25
LjLSemper: apparently they dropped it, as it's currently not registered02:26
dalconnor, on my linux, networks show up, but it still does not connect02:26
connordal: it's not possible that the linux is screwing up the windows, right?02:26
PriceChildSemper, please head to #freenode for freenode support.02:26
VeganChick01I split a file using terminal...what's the code to rejoin the split sections?02:26
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dalconnor, probably not02:26
jshriverHi having a cddb problem02:26
PriceChildVeganChick01, cat file1 file2 > foo ?02:26
devin_it's the strangest thing02:26
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LjLVeganChick01: using "split"?02:26
dalJordan_U, you still there?02:26
benoitwhen i try to configure dual screen, my first screen (X300 - CRT screen) works well, but the second (voodoo 3, LCD) is black. The desktop seem to be extented,as i can move my mouse 'out' of the first screen02:27
tirkanhey there...is everyone ok?02:27
Semper@LjL: thankyou02:27
jshriverSound Juicer finds the sound tracks fine but doesnt handle mp3.. I like ripperx but it doesnt find the track info... any suggestions?02:27
ProN00bmy mp3 player is a normal usb mass storage device, it requires a fat16 formatting, when connected to linux it first seems perfectly ok and shows all files i put on it from windows and linux, but when i want to load new music on it, it gets on the player, but the player doesn't detect that new music anymore, there has to be some slight difference in how linux and windows handles fat16 that makes it incompatible02:27
benoitWhen i disable my first card (X300), the voodoo 3 works well02:27
Jordan_Udal, yes02:27
reddysetgoscoobydoo28139: I can't see the names here how do you fix this?02:27
dalJordan_U, have you figured out the problem?02:27
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=== Knoeki is Away, Reason: ( gone to sleep... zzzzzzZZzZZzZZZZzzzzzzZZZzzZZZzzZZZzzZZZZZzZZzzZZZ ) | Since: ( Friday, June 1, 2007. 16:40:50 ) Xlack v2.1
devin_it has auto log in, but while it is logging in i have mouse control and everything, then when finally logs in to the account the system time and everything else is missing, then mouse dies, and nothing responds, not even the system buttion. I try plugging in a mouse but the lazor doesn't even turn on.02:27
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jordanHey guys, im having some real trouble getting wireless to work on my Dell Lat. c61002:28
LjL!away > Knoeki    (Knoeki, see the private message from Ubotu)02:28
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tirkandoes anyone have problems or ever had problems with the text color on some websites when usint ubuntu 7.04?02:28
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Jordan_Udal, No, I am not familiar with your card :(02:28
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Azhi_Dahakais it possible to upgrade from Dapper into Ubuntu Ultimate 1.3?02:28
Semperwould anyone have an idea when blender may come out for the 7.0402:28
dalJordan_U,  if i were to get a different card, which one would you suggest?02:28
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dalJordan_U, one that's cheap and realiable02:29
LjLAzhi_Dahaka, Ubuntu Ultimate Whatever is not an official Ubuntu distribution of any kind.02:29
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Azhi_Dahakaoh... that's bad02:29
LjLAzhi_Dahaka: it's possible to update from Dapper to Edgy, and it's possible to update from Edgy to Feisty (which is the most recent version)02:29
lockdSemper: blender is available on feisty02:29
Azhi_DahakaBut Feisty hates my audio card02:29
reddysetgoLjl: is there a linux channel here? or is it all ubuntu?02:29
dinkleim using feisty ubuntu and i cannot get amarok to sync to my ipod.  it apparently sends the files to the ipod but when unplugged, i cannot see them on the ipod can anyone help?02:29
Semper@Lockd: for ubuntu 7.04?02:29
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LjLreddysetgo: *this* channel is about Ubuntu. try #linux for a generic channel.02:29
VeganChick01PriceChild: i split the file into about 30 parts, can i still use that code?02:29
VeganChick01ljl: yes, using the split command02:30
PriceChildVeganChick01, how did you split them?02:30
connorIt's not possible for Linux to screw up the wireless on the Windows half of a dual-boot, right?02:30
jordanIs there a trick to get a WN321G wireless USB dongle to work on a Dell Latitude C610?  When I plug it in, the system goes either VERY slow or freezes02:30
LjLVeganChick01: yes, cat will do it02:30
reddysetgoLjl: tks peace out02:30
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LjL!pm | tirkan02:30
ubotutirkan: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.02:30
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VeganChick01just type in "cat" then all the file names then "> foo"  ?02:30
lockdSemper: yes 7.04.. and use tab completion for names02:30
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PriceChildVeganChick01, I "think" that'll work :)02:31
LjLVeganChick01: in the right order.02:31
Semperlockd: tab completion?02:31
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VeganChick01ljl: right, ok thanks!02:31
LjL!tab > Semper    (Semper, see the private message from Ubotu)02:31
BoshiJordan_U:  i have it on ALsa Mixer now and Sauerbraten worked02:31
BoshiJordan_U:  strange02:31
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Jordan_Udal, Look here for a good list of cards and how well they work in Ubuntu: Look for ones that work "out of the box"02:31
BB22any good torrent site for movies?02:31
Semper!LjL: like this?02:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ljl: like this? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:31
=== AlphaCentauri [n=manuel@eu83-213-27-121.clientes.euskaltel.es] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Jordan_Udal, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported02:31
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LjLSemper: without the exclamation mark perhaps02:32
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VeganChick01i really dislike the fact that terminal doesn02:32
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VeganChick01doesn't say what it's doing during simple commands that take a while02:32
CWarhowdy ... i got a problem with copying large files from an xp pc to xubuntu ... "Specified network name no longer available"02:32
Azhi_Dahakahow can i force an update on firefox?02:33
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Jordan_UVeganChick01, You can often use -v  ( for verbose ) to get more output from a command02:33
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Azhi_Dahakait's stuck on 1.502:33
VeganChick01i'm always afraid it's frozen02:33
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VeganChick01Jordan_U: thanks02:33
Jordan_UAzhi_Dahaka, What version of Ubuntu are you using?02:33
CWarazhi ... can you just remove then reinstall?02:33
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Azhi_Dahaka6.06 LTS02:33
Azhi_DahakaCan't upgrade to Feisty02:33
Azhi_DahakaHates my audio card02:33
Semperazhi what do u meen02:34
lockdaudio card02:34
Boshiyou cant upgrade from 6.06 to feisty02:34
Sempersorry misread.02:34
lockdBoshi: is it possible at all?02:34
LjLit's possible by upgrading to Edgy first.02:34
Boshiit has to be a newer verison then 6.0602:34
Jordan_UAzhi_Dahaka, You know that you need to go Dapper -> Edgy -> Feisty, not directly to Feisty right?02:34
tirkanLjL I got a problem, I can't clearly see the text in some websites because the text is in white color. is there anyway of doing that?it also happens even more when I'm using a dark theme02:34
Regeneraterhey...does some one know how I can get write access to windows...I can easily get read only access. also, then i look at the properties of the windows folder it says the owner is root but I can't login as root. I guess I need to change the owner. Can this be done?02:34
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Regenerateri've got ubuntu 7.0402:35
Boshilockd no not if you have 6.0602:35
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | Regenerater02:35
ubotuRegenerater: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:35
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vox754!ntfs | Regenerater02:35
ubotuRegenerater: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse02:35
lockdBoshi: didn't realize there were 2 versions in between02:35
Semperis there anyway to establish a direct link with my computer and another (girlfriends) which i can run commands to?02:35
LjLtirkan, the theme should have very little to do with how text in *sites* is displayed, as the theme doesn't affect your web browser in any way. a quick workaround is, select the text with the mouse.02:35
Boshilockd ^^ ;)02:35
lockdBoshi: or more.. I just hope I am able to upgrade to the next seamlessly02:35
Jordan_USemper, Yes, ssh02:35
LjLlockd: there is only one version inbetween, Edgy.02:35
tirkanLjL I got Ubuntu 7.0402:35
thechrisI don't have any CD-R's, can I use a DVD-R or DVD+R for burning the ISO for ubuntu?02:36
Boshilockd hmm what version do you got?02:36
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Jordan_Uthechris, Yes02:36
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CWarjust curious ... why is the ntfs3g thing better than samba?02:36
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bruenigthechris, yes you can put the cd iso on a dvd or alternatively there is a dvd iso02:36
thirdyis there a library in xmms?02:36
LjLCWar: how are the two related?02:36
lockdBoshi: 7.0402:36
thechrisbruenig: where is the dvd iso?02:36
Boshilockd thats the latest one02:36
Jordan_Uthechris, If you don't want to "waste" a DVD there is a larger DVD image also with more on it02:36
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CWardoesn't samba let you access your windows shares from a linux box?02:37
Jordan_Uthechris, But the standard iso will work just fine on a DVD02:37
Jordan_UCWar, Yes02:37
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lockdBoshi: right.. but it will be possible to upgrade to next version by just changing the repositories and running update?02:37
connorIt's not possible for Linux to screw up the wireless on the Windows half of a dual-boot, right?02:37
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bruenigthechris, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/release/02:37
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CWarso, what does ntfs3g do that samba doesn't?02:37
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VeganChick01darnit...so i split an iso because i couldn't get it from my ubuntu partition to my OS X partition...but now it's not an iso anymore!02:37
LjLCWar, ntfs-3g is a hack, ehm i mean "driver", for reading and writing NTFS filesystems. Samba is a networking filesystem to let you access Windows shares (or shares files to a Windows machine). they're totally not realted.02:37
tirkanLjL humn...I see...so, apart from selecting the text with the mouse, there's nothing else that can be done?is just that, it happens in loads of websites with white or grey background.02:37
=== resub [n=resub@dsl-124-150-123-129.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Boshilockd dont worry the when a new verison it will be in the Synaptiv Packet MAnager02:37
bruenigthechris, it doesn't install anything more, it just has a bunch of extra software on it that you can access if you add the dvd as a repo via apt-cdrom02:37
LjLCWar, what does a bicycle that a microwave oven doesn't?02:38
CWarntfs3 assumes the hard drive is installed on the system? i missed that part (hence asking the question)02:38
Jordan_Uconnor, You are correct, it's not02:38
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lockdBoshi: thanks02:38
Boshilockd dont think you have to change tje repositories02:38
LjLCWar: of course it does, it's just a normal filesystem.02:38
Boshilockd your welcome ;)02:38
LjLCWar: SMB is a *network* protocol, and Samba is an implementation of t.02:38
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BoshiIs it anyone else having problem with the sound then me?02:39
LjLCWar: you can't use Samba to access local harddrives, just as you can't use ntfs-3g to access network shares.02:39
thechrishow good is the 64 bit support in ubuntu in terms of media support, kde support, and just in general02:39
LjLthechris: not very, if by "media support" you mean Flash, codecs, and such amenities.02:40
CWarljl ... dude, i get it already ... you know me than me ... i bow before your awesome knowledge ...02:40
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LjLthechris: there shouldn't be a problem with KDE at all.02:40
LjLCWar: no need to be sarcastic.02:40
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thechrisLjL: what of the 32bit ubuntu?02:40
tirkanLjL that is also a big problem because it happens the same when I'm usind word documents or presentations02:40
LjLthechris: what of it?02:40
CWarljl ... oh, i was too busy trying to change the spare tire on my microwave to notice i was being sarcastic02:40
hendausplease can anyone give me vcdgear for kubuntu, thanx?02:41
Jordan_Uthechris, Basically, everything open source works, 90% of proprietary stuff doesn't ( but 100% can be made to work with a little work )02:41
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TiradinHow can I check my CPU performance in Ubuntu?02:41
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Azhi_Dahaka how can i jump from a customized dapper into edgy?02:41
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Jordan_UTiradin, "top" in a terminal or System -> Administration -> System Monitor02:41
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thechrisJordan_U: thats good.  I'm trying to move away from gentoo.  Things tend to install and work in gentoo, but I can never upgrade without hassels.02:42
jrib!upgrade > Azhi_Dahaka (see the private message from ubotu)02:42
Tiradinoh yea... my CPU isn't liking this very much, haha02:42
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tirkanLjL could still use some of ur help :o02:42
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Jordan_UAzhi_Dahaka, gksu "update-manager -c"02:42
Tiradinjumping from 44% to 95% usage, lol... i'm gonna close Xchat, toodles.02:42
BoshiJordan_U:  i have it on ALsa Mixer now and Sauerbraten worked02:42
=== Phaqui [n=phaqui@ti541210a341-2480.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
LjLCWar, you were under the impression that two totally different things were the same, or somehow very similar, and one was better than the other. that impression was totally wrong, and i think my analogy conveyed that fact to you. now you won't tell other people wrong things, which i assume is why you believed wrong things to start with. if you didn't want clarifications, you shouldn't have asked.02:42
BoshiJordan_U:  it didnt work earlier02:42
=== JABJabJAB [n=jbencic@124-168-28-90.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
LjLtirkan: i'm afraid i don't quite know. i don't use GNOME, for a start, and this sounds like a GNOME related problem.02:43
thirdyhow do I login to the root?02:43
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Jordan_UBoshi, I saw your comment the first times, no need to repeat, I just didn't have a response :)02:43
thirdyI'm using xubuntu02:43
LjLthirdy: first question: why?02:43
PhaquiHello, does anyone have a clue why I can't get aMSN to work properly? It just starts up, then gives me the update screen, and sort of quits, I see an icon in the tray, but I can't click it or anything!02:43
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LjLthirdy: second question: do you know about sudo?02:43
Azhi_Dahakaok... all my stuff installed via automatix will be overwritten?02:43
thirdyI need to install java02:43
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LjL!automatix > Azhi_Dahaka    (Azhi_Dahaka, see the private message from Ubotu)02:43
LjL!java > thirdy    (thirdy, see the private message from Ubotu)02:43
thechrisI had been told that the newest version of gnome will allow you to keep the file save dialogs open in "advanced" mode.  Is this true?02:43
=== Cybrid [n=xabi@107.Red-217-127-132.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.02:44
tirkanLjL yes it is.Well, I'm using Beryl Window Decorator though :o02:44
rory096so, why should i switch to linux?02:44
CWarthe real reason stopped by (and it wasn't to spar with ljl) was to ask about copying large files from an xp pc to xubuntu ... I get an error ("Specified network name no longer available") about 50% through the copy02:44
LjLtirkan: that might be the culprit, i'd say. try disabling it and see if there's any difference.02:44
Azhi_Dahakaok, so a plain vanilla install of Dapper should upgrade to Edgy without hitches, right?02:44
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jribAzhi_Dahaka: yes, in theory :)02:45
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LjLCWar: well, now you know that ntfs-3g isn't going to solve that. however, are you using smbfs or cifs? you should use the latter, as the former is deprecated (both are part of Samba)02:45
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jribAD|Ubuntu: do you have an ubuntu question02:45
hendausbruenig:  can u give me vcdgear for linux ?02:46
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tirkanLjL I'v tried that already...not a change.the thing is that it's been like this ever since I installed Ubuntu 7.04.in pages with dark backgrounds it displays the text perfectly, but in other with white or grey backgrounds it doesnt02:46
=== bruenig announces that from henceforth any initial hendaus messages directed towards me instead of the channel shall be ignored
CWarcifs doesn't ring any bells ... i've tried it using drag/drop on xp's file manager and also tried using WinSCP ... both give the "spec net name no longer avail"02:47
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LjLbruenig: hendwhat?02:47
Boshijordan sorry02:47
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bruenigLjL, hendaus is a nick02:47
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LjLCWar: so basically, the *Ubuntu* box is the one serving files (and you have the Samba server installed on it), while the Windows box is the client?02:48
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bruenighendaus, what do you mean vcdgear02:48
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LjL!pm > bruenig    (bruenig, see the private message from Ubotu) | i see... you can use this02:48
bruenigah but I want to benefit the others02:48
=== Allex [n=alex@h130n1fls34o884.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
hendausbruenig:  thanx, i have found one :)02:49
CWari've got the files on the xp machine and it's from that pc that i'm trying to copy them over the local net (wired 100) to a shared dir on the linux box02:49
Allexdoes anyone know why i cant install the nvidia drivers without the x-server crashing?02:50
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tirkanLjL ok,nevermind...i'll sort it out anywayz!02:50
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tirkanor ask for help.lol02:50
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LjLCWar: alright, but the shared dir is on the Linux box, that's the important part. means Samba is running on the linux box. now, as to why that would happen... not sure, perhaps the linux box tries to go into standby mode after a while or something?02:51
=== Sphinx^ is now known as Sphinx^Moth
lancerAllex, Nvidia have always been a bit of a problem because they refuse to open source their drivers, so pick up on their crashes is slow. Often, you need to have stopped X in order to install them.02:51
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CWarit's funny b/c the share never drops off ... the copy just terminates ... i can immediately copy a smaller file over without doing anything to restart/reset the connection02:51
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CWarit's only the big files (100M+ or so) that cause the error02:52
Regeneraterawesome, thanks for that all go02:52
brendonjthi all02:52
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hendausbruenig: dont ignored me coz i remember oneday u gave me vcdgear,but i have found it another time :) thanx02:52
hendausLjL:  i found it :)02:52
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boojahdoes anyone know if there is a fix to the "black windows" bug in nvidia with beryl?02:53
Regeneraterhey brendonjt02:53
klothohello.. I'm trying to install sun-java6-jre and I can only see java5 in the repository... what should I do to get 6?02:53
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jribklotho: what version of ubuntu?02:53
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klothothe previous verison02:54
jribklotho: what is the actual number or name?02:54
Vaske_CarUbuntu & Vista Dual Boot - where to find good tutorial?02:54
klothoapparently there were some problems with feisty with my laptop02:54
brendonjtklotho: check ubuntu guide it tells you how to install java and also the ff plugin02:54
ProN00bhow do i enable mp3 preview in nautilus ?02:54
Jordan_Uboojah, I have seen it talked about in the forums, try asking @ #ubuntu-effects or #opencompositing02:54
Melophobiccan anyone tell me what is the best driver for intel02:54
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klothoI have 6.10 installed02:54
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jribklotho: enable backports if you are on edgy02:54
Melophobici810 or intel?02:54
jrib!backports > klotho (see the private message from ubotu)02:54
Dev0205Hi, anybody familiar with Enemy Territory?02:54
JABJabJABIm trying to build a feisty live CD from scratch, up until now i have extracted the squashfs  made my changes (installed LVM and plugins,mplayer) then mksquashfs resquashed it and mkisofs, this works fine but i was curious how ubuntu does it.02:54
JABJabJABi ran debootstrap feisty /blah http://archicves....        chrooted to the new system and install linux kernel. now i know i can just install the packages that i want eg ubuntu-desktop but is there a proper way to build debian based systems from scratch02:54
SlimeyPeteDev0205: I used to play it02:55
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Azhi_Dahakaofftopic: anyone has Year Zero by NIN?02:55
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Jordan_U!offtopic | Azhi_Dahaka02:55
ubotuAzhi_Dahaka: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:55
Dev0205Do you recall a way to make it auto connect to an IP from the program launcher? :)02:55
thirdycannot create directory: permission denied02:55
wols_JABJabJAB: imho using apt-get to install the stuff you want is the proper way. as long as you have base-system all set up and installed02:55
crimsunJABJabJAB: yes.  See the Debian New Maintainer's Guide (http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/) and the Ubuntu Packaging Guide (http://help.ubuntu.com, 6.10 tab)02:55
=== The [n=Hunix@ppp-71-139-201-166.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
lancerNooooo - I've tried making a big tar.gz of student files ready to burn to DVD. The tar.gz is 5.8Gb... when I try to burn it to DVD it says "There was an error writing to the disc: Unhandled error, aborting" and when I try writing as file it says "File too large for filesystem" which is rubbish, as I've deleted all the original files and have 14 Gb free space to play with - what do I do now?02:56
SlimeyPeteDev0205: blimey...no, sorry02:56
BoshiJordan_U:  if i dont take the volume to the maz the the sound doesnt get bad02:56
=== snax [n=snax@c-24-17-192-192.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TheDoes anyone know how to change the user images at the login window?02:56
CWarazhi ... is that the NIN song about tring to get large files from xp to linux? if so, that's not really off-topic at all02:56
LjLCWar, if you google that error, you'll see there's more than 10000 articles, but few of them deal with Samba, while the majority deal with Windows. none apparently deal with Ubuntu. so i'd suspect it's a Windows problem really - although as of now, the only meaningful suggestion i've found is http://www.annoyances.org/exec/forum/winvista/1179618958 , which is still very generic.02:56
ThePioneerHey whats up everybody!02:56
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Jordan_Ulancer, FAT does not support files > 4 GIG02:56
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fsckrbesides xmms is there an mp3/media player like winamp for ubuntu? I liked k-jofol for xmms but that does not work on ubuntu.  I have yet to see that work since I first started using ubuntu dapper02:57
boojahany ideas why my windows lags so much when i resize it? even worse in beryl.. i have 3d rendering and 22000 fps in glxgears..02:57
LjLfsckr: beep media player, and the new incarnation of it.02:57
brendonjtfsckr: have you tried amarok02:57
=== v1nc1 [n=vince@CPE-65-31-216-14.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BoshiJordan_U:  hmm totem to02:57
lancerJordan_U, so I use "split" or something to make two parts and cat to join them and it would be okay? Does ISO996 ore whatever have to rely on FAT restrictions?02:57
HunixDoes anyone know how to change the user images at the login window?02:57
LjL!players > fsckr    (fsckr, see the private message from Ubotu)02:57
CWari've googled the error (which is a windows error), and the actual links are mostly forum posts where people have the same prob w/o solution ... i don't get the same error when copying the same files from xp to xp02:57
fsckrLjL, can you change to look of it and not just the skins?  And yea brendonjt i use amarok now02:58
Melophobiccan anyone tell me what is the best driver for intel02:58
Melophobici810 or intel?02:58
LjLfsckr: i don't really know, i'm on KDE and use Amarok.02:58
v1nc1Hello all.02:58
Clinton__Is it possily to use xmodmap to map a key to multiple keys?02:58
VeganChick01i split an ISO file into a bunch of files and transferred them from my ubuntu partition to my OS X partition...but then what i rejoin all the files, the properties of the ISO have been lost...02:58
klothocool, that backports works...02:58
crdlbMelophobic, the intel driver has the advantage that it will do widescreen without 915resolution02:58
fsckrok LjL thx02:58
KhrajinHow do you change window colors in Gaim>IRC?02:58
Jordan_Ulancer, Oh, sorry, for some reason I though you were writing to FAT, nvm :)02:58
v1nc1Does anybody know if Feisty is compatible with Intel Wireless Draft N?02:58
brendonjtfsckr: that is what i use and found it the best02:58
Khrajinv1nc1: Probably not.02:59
fsckryea amarok so far is what i like as well02:59
Khrajinv1nc1: No clue though honestly.02:59
Melophobiccrdlb: tkx02:59
HunixAmarok is very good02:59
fsckri just like eye candy :P and the ability to change the shape02:59
mx-zoomamarok pwns02:59
lancer:-( Doesn't like the errors Ubuntu is giving him now that he's trying to do essential backups.02:59
ProN00bhow do i enable mp3 preview in nautilus ?02:59
HunixI just dont get what the mood option is for ahah02:59
v1nc1anybody have ubuntu running with intel wireless draft N???02:59
ThePioneerDoes anybody know of a good dvd burner for 7.4?03:00
v1nc1i'm about to buy a dell laptop!03:00
Jordan_U v1nc1 I know that the infrastructure for pre-N is there in devicescape, I don't know about intel's drivers in particular03:00
ThePioneerOr ubuntu in general03:00
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Jordan_UThePioneer, Video or Data?03:00
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mx-zoomProN00b: see if there is a packages called mpg123 or mpg32103:00
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LakomLacenamarok sux on ubunti cos it's a KDE app03:00
KhrajinKhrajin: test03:01
boojahhas anyone tried out the new wine version?03:01
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v1nc1Jordan_U: for wireless N could i download restricted repositories and get it working03:01
ThePioneerboojah: how is its?03:01
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HunixDoes anyone know where you can change the user image at the login window?03:01
LakomLacenboojah: compiling mine right now03:01
Jordan_Uv1nc1, I have no idea03:01
minhlthi everyone03:01
boojahThePioneer: no idea.. compiling it now03:01
abasinisvacanthello, i have a 'netgear' wireless card.  i'm trying to get it to work on my ubuntu feisty.  now, i found my router and such, and it seems like all should work well, but something's still wrong, i can't connect still.  can someone help?03:01
minhltwhat's the best FTP client fo ubuntu?03:02
pchildsIs the newest release of ubuntu stable? Just curious.03:02
v1nc1minhlt: filezilla03:02
ThePioneerI have it but don't no any good windows programs to use it with...03:02
BoshiJordan_U: could it be that vlc volume is to high?03:02
Jordan_UHunix, System -> Administration -> Login Window03:02
defconis there a script I can get to mount and set disks to automount in fstab?03:02
Jordan_UBoshi, I have no idea03:02
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BoshiJordan_U: oki03:02
HunixJordan_U Thanks03:02
=== Khrajin [n=rick@ip70-191-82-58.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Boshibye everyone03:02
linosI need help.  I installed java for my ubuntu 6.10 edgy eft using the './j2re-1_4_2_13-linux-i586.bin' command in the shell.  How can I uninstall the java program?03:02
v1nc1nobody's running wirless N???03:02
BoshiJordan_U: bye and thanks for all help ;)03:02
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minhltthank you03:03
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rory096so, why should i switch to linux/ubuntu?03:03
KhrajinExcluding Gaim and Kopete, what is a good IRC chat client that allows color customization and channel alerts when someone types your name?03:03
Khrajinrory096: why not?03:03
ProN00bmx-zoom, thanks03:03
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v1nc1Khrajin: i think pidgin may03:03
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Jordan_Urory096, Depends on what you do, and if Linux suits those needs better than windows03:04
ThePioneerAnybody know what I can use to burn a dvd video with ubuntu?03:04
Melophobicrory096: simply because it isnt windows03:04
rory096Khrajin: laziness? hardware not working?03:04
KhrajinMelophobic: lol03:04
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brendonjtdoes anyone here use KEEP to back up there system?03:04
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lancerOkay - CD burner can make 8Gb DVD of iso image of Elephants Dream no problem, but it won't let me Archive a single tar.gz of 5Gb onto DVD so I'm assuming DVD+R has a max size of single files. Anyone know how to split it to correct sizes?03:04
v1nc1rory096: because i said so03:04
KhrajinKhrajin: are you on vista or something?03:04
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CoUdErMaNnhi everyone03:04
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Regeneraterv1nc1: i have wireless network card03:05
Khrajinrory096: Are you on vista or something?03:05
Jordan_UKhrajin, You shouldn't talk to yourself in public :)03:05
v1nc1Regenerater: is it Draft N?03:05
rory096Jordan_U: i dont do much more than browse the internet and use irc. last time i tried linux (using fedora), my wireless card wasnt supported, so i could even do that. presumably, i wont have that problem now, (since my computer is the laptop dell is preinstalling ubuntu on), but will i have other problems?03:05
KhrajinJordan_U: :P thx03:05
=== Dexadia [n=MPH@cpe-69-205-239-1.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rory096Khisanth: at the moment, unfortunately, yes, but i'm considering whether to switch back to xp or to install linux (or dual boot)03:05
CoUdErMaNnI am really  hapy with ubuntustudio great distro! congratulations (y)03:06
=== jjohnson [n=jjohnson@cpe-69-133-206-245.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Khrajinrory096: What do you use your computer for?03:06
v1nc1shi* i'm about to hit the buy button!03:06
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rory096Khrajin: mostly the internets03:06
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Khrajinrory096: i heard it is like a series of tubes03:06
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Khrajinrory096: Any games?03:06
v1nc1seriously, nobody's used wireless n?03:06
Khrajinv1nc1: It's not in mainstream yet.03:07
Regeneraterv1nc1: i am using one now03:07
v1nc1khrajin: are drivers available03:07
rory096Khrajin: usually not, but if i do switch to linux, i'd be running windows on a different partition. i'm kind of just trying to figure out if i want to mainly use windows, or mainly use linux03:07
Khrajinv1nc1: No idea.03:07
defconis there a script I can get to mount and set disks to automount in fstab? my sda1 isnt mounting03:07
defconhow do I do this03:07
v1nc1Khrajin: i know it's not mainstream but it will be03:07
Khrajinrory096: Would the windows partition be for games, or to have access to windows-only non-game programs?03:07
v1nc1thus i won't to purchase with n03:08
Jordan_Urory096, Just because your laptop is the same model as the one Dell is installing Linux on, does not mean it has the same hardware, the regular model comes with broadcom wireless and ATI graphics, which is pretty bad when it comes to Linux support ( moreso the ATI card, since broadcom support no longer requires NDIS in Ubuntu )03:08
rory096Khrajin: probably both, but i probably wouldn't use either very often03:08
boojahwine 0.9.38 works with wow here.. still something wrong with how the terrain gets in range in opengl though... anyone else had this problem?03:08
Khrajinrory096: I have a Dell E1500/6400 and I'm running Ubuntu and Windows dual partition on it.03:08
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pchildsCan someone tell me about the feisty upgrade?03:08
=== linos [n=linos@pool-72-90-171-152.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents03:09
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linosI need help.  I installed java for my ubuntu 6.10 edgy eft using the './j2re-1_4_2_13-linux-i586.bin' command in the shell.  How can I uninstall the java program?03:09
pchildsAre there any real perks from edgy?03:09
A_bI need to purchase a new computer for fall classes in IT and need to run windows xp (min) and was wondering about the Dell Ubuntu computers. Where can I find specs??03:09
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Khrajinpchilds: it's shiny03:09
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rory096Jordan_U: didnt dell say they'd work with the hardware manufacturers to make sure the hardware's supported? (i dont have a graphics card, though, i mainly just care about my wireless card working, but if it doesnt, i have a second, external one anyway, that's supposed to work well with linux)03:09
boojahlinos: have you tried synaptic?03:09
KhrajinA_b: www.dell.com ?03:09
dawn_choruspchilds, all sorts.  restricted drivers manager is the best.03:09
Regeneraterlinos: why would you want to?03:09
rory096Khrajin: have you had any major problems?03:10
lancerLooks like ISO9660 does not support filesize of more than 4.2Gb03:10
dawn_choruspchilds, but if edgy is working smooth for you, why upgrade?03:10
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wastreledgy is nice03:10
Khrajinrory096: It took a bit of manipulating to get the ATI drivers working right. But I play World of Warcraft on it.03:10
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Jordan_Urory096, Did you actually buy the one with Ubuntu pre-installed or just the same model with windows pre-installed, because they are not the same hardware03:10
defconHow do I get a DISK UUID03:10
rory096Khrajin: using wine?03:10
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)03:10
A_bKhrajin: not much there but will try again, haven't been there in a week :)03:10
pchildsI am happy with edgy for the time being.03:10
rory096Jordan_U: i have the same model, not the preinstalled ubuntu one03:10
Khrajinrory096: yeah03:11
dawn_chorusblkid = block id ?03:11
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linosRegenerater:  I installed this package using the command line method instead of synaptic manager.  so not I would like to learn how to uninstall this program just for my sake later03:11
=== rory096 resigns himself to trying to figure out how to get the equivalent of the xp device manager in vista and researching his hardware
TakeOut{u}linos apt-get remove package03:11
Khrajinrory096: I need to know tho... the qusetion I asked about programs03:12
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Jordan_Urory096, Then you will probably have to install bcm43xx-fwcutter to get your wireless to work, the one with Ubuntu pre installed uses an intel card and the same model with windows uses ( I think ) a broadcom card instead03:12
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lancerAnyone know what this message I keep getting in terminal is? kernel: [ 8431.554010]  EDAC MC0: UE page 0x2c, offset 0x0, grain 4096, row 0, labels "": i82860 UE03:12
rory096Khrajin: i'd be using windows mostly for non-game programs, though perhaps also some games. it wouldnt be often, though03:12
Regeneraterlinos: can you see it in add/remove programs?03:12
linosTakeOut{u}: will that command work even though I used a command like ././j2re-1_4_2_13-linux-i586.bin to install the program?03:12
Khrajinrory096: If there are no games then look into VMware Player, if there are games just do a dual-boot and load up XP03:12
=== blackest [n=john@cpc1-linc8-0-0-cust536.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
rory096Jordan_U: is that as annoying to install as ndiswrapper?03:13
linosRegenerater: checking hold on03:13
Khrajinrory096: Feisty auto detected all of my hardware excluding video card.03:13
Khrajinrory096: including wifi card03:13
spiderman_hi there, im trying to install bluez package and getting following error, " checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables " can anyone tell me what to do?03:13
Khrajinrory096: and download KNetworkMAnager, it is the best thing to come to Feisty03:13
rory096Khrajin: hmm, vmware didnt occur to me. where could i find a vmware image of windows? (or would i have to make it myself?)03:13
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers03:13
Jordan_Urory096, No, it's very easy, you just install the application and it asks you if you want it to download the firmware for your card automatically03:14
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dooglusspiderman_: use synaptic to install it - don't build from source03:14
Khrajinrory096: Would have to make it yourself, but not difficult. Effectively you create an ISO from yoru Windows CD03:14
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rory096Jordan_U: ah, that sounds like a nice change03:14
rory096Khrajin: ok03:14
dinklehey for some reason i cannot add programs to run at start up help?03:14
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Regenerateror linos: you might be able to use this command in terminal:sudo apt-get remove <package>03:15
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abasinisvacant  can someone help me set up my WEP key under linux ubuntu for my wifi card (Netgear)?03:15
Jordan_Urory096, You will have to enable Community Maintained software first, do you know how to add a repository with System -> Administration -> Software-sources ?03:15
thirdysudo install03:15
lockddinkle: applications or modules/services?03:15
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linosRegenerater:  it does exist in the add/remove applications03:16
thirdysorry wrong terminal03:16
dinklelockd, applications.  i add them in sessions, and it is like they do not save.03:16
spiderman_what is synaptic? where can i get it03:16
Khrajinrory096: Learn Apt. It's cool. :D03:16
Khrajinspiderman_: Synaptic should be already installed03:16
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto03:16
Jordan_U!synaptic | spiderman_03:16
ubotuspiderman_: please see above03:16
dooglusspiderman_: system > admin > synaptic03:16
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linosRegenerater:  so I could basically move it from there, correct?03:16
rory096Jordan_U: i suppose i could figure it out03:16
Regeneraterlinos: then i guess just untick it in there and it should remove it03:16
rory096Khrajin: Apt?03:16
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blahblahxis it possible to install ubuntu to an external firewire drive?03:17
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Regeneraterlinos: this page has some commands that might help too https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/add-applications/C/advanced.html03:17
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Jordan_Ublahblahx, Yes, But I think it takes some extra configuration to do it03:18
lockddinkle: you are logging out?03:18
blahblahxis there a link?03:18
blahblahxfor me?03:18
Khrajin!apt | rory09603:18
uboturory096: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)03:18
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spiderman_im getting this error when i open synaptic, E: Type 'x' is not known on line 44 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list03:18
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spiderman_E: The list of sources could not be read.03:18
spiderman_Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem.03:18
spiderman_E: _cache->open() failed, please report.03:18
Khrajinrory096: The benefit of Apt is it is very robust and you can add in packages via hte command line03:18
linosRegenerater:  thanks for your help03:18
Regeneraterabasinisvacant: I think you can use System>administration>network03:19
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Jordan_Uspiderman_, Did you edit your sources.list recently?03:19
blahblahxcan i have a link for installing ubuntu to an external hard drive?03:19
rory096and i would use apt as opposed to synaptic?03:19
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dinklelockd, i dont understand i need to log out before going into sessions?03:19
blahblahxsynaptic is fueled by apt03:19
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spiderman_i dont no03:19
ubuntuEdgysorry about that03:19
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Regeneratersweet as linos still learning myself03:20
rory096ah, i see03:20
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AD|UbuntuI was in the shower and my cousin got on.03:20
AD|UbuntuI do actually have an Ubuntu question03:20
kadazis there swf standalone player for playing offline swf games?03:21
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Jordan_Uspiderman_, Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?03:21
Regeneraterkadaz: http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/03:22
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AD|UbuntuEarlier today I partitioned my HD to make a small sector to put ubuntu on. But after installing Ubuntu onto the HD grub doesnt come up with an option to boot the other Vista partion03:22
kadazinstalling now03:22
spiderman_i edited source list to change boot menu option yesterday03:22
CWaron the swf offline thing ... i just use the firefox addon that lets you save swf files to your hard drive, then load the swf file in firefox ... it works03:22
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Regeneratercool CWar03:23
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Jordan_Ukadaz, Gnash is still very Beta though, since it has to be reverse-engineered03:23
lockddidymo: i don't know much about sessions in Gnome03:23
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lockddidymo: err, mischan03:23
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fildohas anyone here hada pixelview pcmcia tvtuner card working on *unbuntu03:24
kadazI trying to play a swf game in totem, but I get an error03:24
pm2Strange problem with Ubuntu 6.06lts server - during install, if I press NumLock on the keyboard, the keyboard stops being responsive.  When I hit numlock, the numlock light goes on for a splitsecond, then goes off, and no other keys work.  This is a USB keyboard on a Dell server, using the amd64 install cd.  Anyone heard of this before?03:24
kadazload into firefox03:24
kadazok i'll try that03:24
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Nininaanyone know a good site to get backgrounds for an openoffice presentation, preferably ubuntu/linux themed?03:25
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kadazcwar, its just wanting to save it to disk when I open the file via the fixfox menu03:25
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dinklelockd, i freeze when i logout03:28
zerothere is any app to make activity diagrams?03:28
EADG__Ninina: Tons of linux wallpapers on www.gnome-look.org, you might be able to work a few of those in.03:28
lockddinkle: i don't know much about sessions - but I feel that is a bigger problem03:28
dinklelockd, any ideas on the sessions issue?03:28
etherclearhow do I access a rwx samba share from bash if I don't know its name?03:29
lockddinkle: i would advise trying to figure out the freezes first, but I know the least thing about that kind of problem03:29
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dinklelockd, ok thanks i appreciate it.03:29
NininaEADG__: ok I'll try there...I'm doing "why you should use ubuntu" as my final speech for SP111 =P03:29
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Nukedwhen I try to play a stream with amarok, it says no decoder plugin available03:30
Nukedhow do I remedy this?03:30
EADG__Ninina: I hope your going to do your presentaion on a machine with Fiesty installed...03:30
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EADG__... spin the cube, move a couple windows 'round to show off the fx before opening the pressy03:31
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pm2I have 4 SATA disks I want to use as RAID 5.  Is it possible to make all of each disk in the array, and boot off of it?03:31
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Nukedany ideas?03:31
NininaEADG__:you mean beryl not fiesty I think03:31
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EADG__Ninina: Ya, that too :)03:32
dooglussome update to feisty in the last 24 hours seems to have broken mplayer.  has anyone else noticed this?03:32
zeromy beryl just doesnt work03:32
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zeromy computer get stuck when i use it03:32
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NininaEADG__:yesh I'm going to use it if my compatiblity tests with the projector work out that is03:32
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EADG__Ninina: best of luck to you.03:33
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jordanHelp!  I have a WiFi USB dongle (WN321G) and it won't connect to any networks when connected to my old laptop (Dell C610 - running Ubuntu 7.04).  However, it works perfect with my new desktop also running 7.04!!  Why wont it work??03:33
zeroit is like i'm working 20 minutes with it and suddenly everything get stuck, and i can't do anything more than turn off my computer!03:33
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kadazcwar, its just wanting to save it to disk when I open the file via the fixfox menu03:33
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NininaEADG__:I'm gonna need it =(03:33
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Nukedwhy won't amarok play streamcast streams03:33
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thirdywat other irc client do you use?03:34
Khrajinrory096: Any decisions?03:34
thirdybitchx is kinda bulky03:34
Cretep50hi have feisty running on an ibm thinkpad r50e. Terrible display probs have to start it minimum of three times03:34
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EADG__thirdy: irssi is one alternative.03:35
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KhrajinCretep50: Get the right drivers?03:35
zerohey i just download glass icons themes, how do i install them?03:35
kadazIs there any internet music stream finder?03:35
Cretep50earlier releases worked ok, they just booted03:35
knappI need help with samba. Is this where I need to be?03:35
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:35
lancerhow many bytes in 1Gb ?03:35
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Cretep50i downloade dsomething called 915whatever but it didn't help03:35
Cretep50aside from that, what drivers and where do i get them?03:36
Khrajinlancer:  2^20 i believe03:36
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Jordan_UCretep50, 915resolution ?03:36
Khrajinlancer: 1024x102403:36
NukedCretep50,  what gfx card?03:36
Nukedintel i915?03:36
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Jordan_UCrescendo, What do you mean by "downloaded"? Did you use Synaptic / apt-get ?03:36
Nukedif so, I can help03:36
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Cretep50forgive me, but i don't remember03:37
Cretep50hanf on03:37
poningru!intel | Cretep5003:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:37
Nukedsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:37
Nukedand for the display driver select i81003:37
KhrajinCan someone go here and see if anything is pulled up please:
Nukedand keep going until you get to the page where you want to set your resolution03:38
Jordan_UNuked, Remember to use people's names in your comments to them so they get highlighted03:38
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Nukedselect the i810 driver03:39
lancer1073741824 <= I think this is the number of bytes in a Gb - 1024 * 1024 * 102403:39
Nukedwhy is it that amarok refuses to decode streamcast streams?03:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:42
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comradeCwhats the command to get info on what driver xorg is currently using?03:42
rory096Khrajin: it appears that it should work ok, i'll do the install next week (as soon as i get home)03:42
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Khrajinrory096: Great. Good luck :D03:42
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rory096does ubuntu have a thing on the install disk to squeeze partitions, or should i use gparted?03:42
Pelorory096, gparted is on the install cd03:43
rory096ah, perfect03:43
Cretep50o thanks anyhow03:43
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Hillviewrory096, it'll let you resize them during the install process03:43
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m1rdid anyone here get DWL-G122 C1 usb wlan to work ?03:44
Pelom1r,  your best bet is to look up the model in the forum03:44
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m1rpelo, tryed , and solved onlyhalf03:44
vsmatckwas there a problem with nvidia-glx and the last kernel update?03:45
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Pelom1r,  what's the half that is still bugging you ?03:45
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Hillviewwould disabling apci in the bios cause ubuntu to reboot after X is started from the install cd, by chance?03:45
m1rthat half is that i cant conect to SSID03:45
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Pelovsmatck, many ppl have had problems with the last kernel update,  either try reinstalling the driver or boot the previous kernel,03:46
Pelom1r, then you should search specificaly on that problem03:46
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m1rok i go check , tnx pelo03:46
Pelovsmatck, so many ppl have had problems in fact that I would expect a patch shortly03:46
vsmatckPelo, ok I'll just run the old one until a new kernel thanks.03:46
Pelovsmatck, best of luck03:47
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rory096thanks Khrajin, and everyone else03:47
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=== Pelo is watching a tv show with a 6 foot tall jokey ...
Pelowell maybe not 6 feet but close03:48
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VeganChick01can someone explain to me the difference between kubuntu and xubuntu? i know that kbuntu has a KDE base while xubuntu has an xfce base, but that doesn't really tell me anything...03:51
oterothats the diff03:51
PeloVeganChick01, each of those are desktop manager also with their own set of default applications,03:51
Khrajin VeganChick01: That's really the main difference. It's just mostly the pre-installed desktop manager03:51
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Jordan_UVeganChick01, Xubuntu has lightweight applications03:51
KhrajinDoes the website come up on this?
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PeloKhrajin, seems a tad on the slow side, it hasnT' loaded yet03:52
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PeloVeganChick01, is your question answered or do you require more info ?03:53
rookiehwmVeganChick01, it's really personal preference03:53
rookiehwmi like gnome, so i stick with reg. ubuntu03:53
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rookiehwmxubuntu is like diet ubuntu03:53
VeganChick01pelo, no not really. if you can give more info, that'd be great03:53
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VeganChick01does it help that i'm a native OS X user?03:53
returnnullhey all. i had a problem with feisty when i tried, where when i logged in, certain things wouldn't load, like the desktop switcher and stuff. desktop icons wouldn't load, no menus. i had to kill "bonobo-activation-server", and some things at least would then come back. i'm wondering if there has been any developments there.. if anyone knows how to fix it, maybe? it's the one single thing that's stopping me from using ubuntu all the time. i got fed up03:53
returnnull and switched back to windows, and nobody needs that. save me? ^_^03:53
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rookiehwmVeganChick01, OS X is secksy.03:54
rookiehwmbut you knew that03:54
VeganChick01all of the ubuntu distros seem really cramped to me...03:54
PeloVeganChick01, ifyou are an osx user youwill probably find gnome more familiar  that is the default desktop in ubuntu vanilla03:54
VeganChick01rookiehwm: yes, i know that03:54
VeganChick01Pelo: but its ugly :/03:54
minhlthas Ubuntu linux supported USB TV?03:54
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rookiehwmVeganChick01, but you can make it purty03:54
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rookiehwmand gnome-look.org03:55
PeloVeganChick01, you can change the themes and stuff ,  you donT' have to stick to the defaults03:55
Jordan_UVeganChick01, The default brown is an Ubuntu thing, not a Gnome thing :)03:55
PeloVeganChick01,  you can even make it look like osx, threr are loads of themes to let you do that03:55
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rookiehwmimho kde is uber oogly03:56
rookiehwmgnome is where it's at <303:56
returnnullanyone have any idea what i'm talking about? :)03:56
minhltpls help me03:56
PeloI don'Tlike kde either03:56
Pelominhlt, what with ?03:56
me22What package do I need to configure grub? I'm assuming I'm not expected to do it manually...03:56
minhlthas Ubuntu linux supported USB TV?03:56
Jordan_Ume22, What do you need to change?03:57
Khrajin!mythtv | minhlt03:57
ubotuminhlt: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV03:57
VeganChick01pelo: i know, i might just make it look like os x...if i try to find nice themes, i get cranky that they don't look "just right". and i can never find someone to help me change them...the art rooms are perpetually dead :(03:57
PeloKhrajin, your page didn't load03:57
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KhrajinPelo: Know much about Apache?03:58
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minhltthank you :)03:58
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PeloVeganChick01, modifyuing a theme in gnome should be as simple as unpacking  one that is close enough and modifing the pcs inside03:58
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PeloKhrajin, nada , zip, ziltch03:58
VeganChick01Jordan_U: I know I can get rid of the brown, but the boxy-ness is really ugly to me. i think it's little better than windows...03:59
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VeganChick01pelo: i can't find one that's close enough...and idk how to modify anything inside03:59
PeloVeganChick01, boxiness ? you mean scare corners ?  you can get rid of that easily enough03:59
rookiehwmVeganChick01, you'll like gnome's new desktop effects03:59
KhrajinHow can I setup my network to make Apache work outside of my network? I've passed 80 thru to my Apache server. In my local network if I goto my outside IP address I get the webpage, but if you go here you don't get it.
Jordan_Ume22, What do you need to change?03:59
rookiehwmshadows and wobbly windows03:59
me22Jordan_U: I want to change the UUID to move ubuntu to another partition.  I'll also have to add windows and such, later.03:59
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PeloVeganChick01,  the "stuff inside" is mostly picks,  you can trade pcs for some from other thems that you like,04:00
AnRkeyI have just decreased the size of my ntfs partition and create a new Ext3 partition with the freed up space. But now when I mount it I can't write to the partition. Anyone got any idea's04:00
AnRkeyi have tried using mount -o rw04:00
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Jordan_Ume22, No, you don't need to do any of that, just run "sudo update-grub" after you have moved it04:00
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PeloKhrajin, there is an #apache04:01
lancerYayyy! Finally - CD-writer does seem to be doing it's things - as long as I large tar.gz down into 1Gb pieces.04:01
KhrajinPelo: Thx04:01
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | AnRkey04:01
ubotuAnRkey: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:01
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johnficca2does anyone know how to change the fan speed to a higher speed ?04:02
me22Jordan_U: k, thanks.  I guess I still have my gentoo mentality :P04:02
rookiehwmgentoo's not bad04:02
me22johnficca2: that's often a motherboard thing...04:02
rookiehwmif you like 'that' sort of thing04:02
rookiehwmby that, i mean sado-masochism04:02
johnficca2is there a command for it04:02
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AnRkeyJordan_U, I cant write to the Ext3 sorry for causing confusion04:03
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Jordan_UAnRkey, Do you have permission to write to it?04:03
returnnullanyone? bonobo-activation-server problem?04:03
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ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:04
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Allexdoes anyone know why the left click botton becomes "printscreen" when i activate desktop effects04:04
asfasds hello, whats the name of the package that contain adsl-connect and adsl-setup? I need to find with apt-get?04:04
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AnRkeyJordan_U, well i did a sudo mkdir /mnt/Data then added /dev/sda4 /mnt/Data ext3 defaults,noatime 0 0 to my fstab and then did a sudo mount -a04:05
johnficca2me22: it seems like my thinkpad t40 is a little hot04:05
darwin81What is the best Bittorrent plug-in for Firefox?04:05
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AnRkeyI used gparted to create and format the partition04:05
Peloasfasds, you donT' need to install any pacakge,  sudo pppoeconf is the command you need04:05
j850any1 got a myspace??04:05
asfasdsubuntu server 7.0404:05
darwin81j850 : #ubuntu-offtopic04:06
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asfasdsPelo, i need to connect to the internet04:06
PeloAllex, that is the first time I have heard that one ,  check the forum04:06
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asfasdsand pppoeconf is only configuring a pppd server04:06
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Peloasfasds, are you lookiing fro modem drivers ?04:07
asfasdsPelo: pppoe04:07
me22johnficca2: unless you've set a control somewhere, it's probably already running at max.04:07
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asfasdsPelo: there should be a  pppoe-connect or adsl-connect04:07
Jordan_Ureturnnull, If nothing else you could try KDE, it doesn't use bonobo :)04:07
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Peloasfasds,  you seen to know more about this then I do04:08
inbitado34oi veloxzone04:08
returnnulli'm in love with gnome :>04:08
johnficca2me22: ok thanks for your time04:08
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asfasdsanyone can help ? sin04:08
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Peloreturnnull, that's a little disturbing04:08
DSpairEvening gang...04:08
AnRkeyjohnficca2, I put a set of these under my X40 and it allows more air under the laptop >> http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=33239&doy=2m6&C=SO&U=strat1504:08
Peloasfasds, http://book.opensourceproject.org.cn/distrib/ubuntu/unleashed/04:08
DSpairCan somone help to debug a hald/dbus problem?04:08
inbitado34why my ubunto does not recognice screeen resolutution 1024x760 ?? anybody know ?04:09
returnnullmaybe i'll try fedora, heh04:09
AnRkeyJordan_U, any more ideas?04:09
returnnullit's a shame, because ubuntu is lovely otherwise04:09
Peloinbitado34,  you might need to edit xorg.conf to add the extra resolutions you need ,   gksu  gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:09
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=== Pelo looks at returnnull and the word turncoat comes to mind
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smallfoot-if i have 4 gb RAM, do i need a swap partition?04:10
asfasdsPelo: what are the package to compile from source it seems  ubuntu server didn't install completly04:10
inbitado34could it be de screeen or the video display ?? my dislplay is nvidia 6200 256 mb04:10
DSpairI have a laptop with a built in sd/mmc card reader and when I insert an SD card the system attempts to recognize it and hld throws a bunch of errors about read/write errors as it tried to mount.04:10
cntbguys how can I use dvdkubuntu as a source for apt-get?04:10
Peloasfasds, I do not know04:10
Jordan_UAnRkey, What happens if you try to create a file / folder as root?04:11
Jordan_Usmallfoot-, If you want to suspend to disk, yes04:11
Pelo!nvidia | inbitado3404:11
ubotuinbitado34: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:11
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nodaHello :D04:12
nodais anyone here?04:12
Jordan_Unoda, no04:12
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nodaOh, I see.04:12
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Jordan_U!hi | noda04:12
ubotunoda: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:12
nodaThat's infortunate04:12
godtviskenCan anyone help me get my mic to record it audacity (or some audio recording program..). It works in skype, but nothing else, apparently.04:12
asfasdsi am not able to connect pppoe on my ubuntu anyone can help please>04:12
smallfoot-jordan, cant i just use a file on hda1 ?04:12
gilo1I messed up my install of proftpd and I can't uninstall with apt-get remove (it fails) and I can't apt-get install because it already thinks its installed.  Is there a way to force apt-get to install?04:13
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AnRkeyJordan_U,  sudo mkdir /Data worked now what?04:13
AnRkeymount it there?04:13
nodaHello. I have a question: Is it feasible to install Ubuntu on an external hard disk and have it double boot on my computer?04:13
inbitado34thanks pelo, i wil try first the etc/x11/config, i think it may be the screen, i have an AOC 15"   becouse the 3d efects i can run them04:13
ubuntuEdgywhenever I try to do 'apt-get install nvidia-glx', I get the following error http://pastebin.ca/53024204:13
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me22noda: probably, if your bios is capable of booting from USB04:13
lancerHey - I  love it how the DVDwriter icon is actually a progress bar :-)04:13
nodaOk, thanks04:14
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VeganChick01how are the programs for the different distros different?04:14
nodaI'll try that then. Thanks for the help04:14
ubuntuEdgy lancer: love that ??04:14
Pelolancer, same for the copy icon04:14
kETOis it possible to do dual display with ubuntu and nvidia graphics card?04:14
Jordan_UAnRkey, I meant trying to create a file / folder on the ext3 partition that you can't write to04:14
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lancerubuntuEdgy, yes - I'm back in the stone ages (been more command line than GUI)04:15
asfasdshow to upgrade the whole system from the cd ?04:15
Pelo!dualhead | kETO04:15
ubotukETO: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama04:15
asfasdscd rom of ubuntu?04:15
ubuntuEdgyok lol04:15
Jordan_UVeganChick01, Mostly just different version ( more / less up to date ) with some minor patches04:15
kETOthanks bot04:15
asfasdsplease any ?04:15
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ubuntuEdgyguys can you please help with nvidia drives, http://pastebin.ca/53024204:15
Jordan_Uasfasds, Do you have the alternate install cd?04:15
Pelo!thanks | kETO04:15
ubotukETO: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)04:15
AnRkeyJordan_U, ok i get u, brb04:15
asfasdsi do Jordan_U04:16
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asfasdsjust what's the command?04:16
Jordan_U!upgrade | asfasds04:16
ubotuasfasds: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:16
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VeganChick01Jordan_U: so if i'm comfortable with xubuntu more than ubuntu, i should choose that? because I can update programs if i want04:16
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ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead04:16
zerogt86hey guys, i'm trying to update to 7.04 from 6.10 and am running into an error when the update manager is fetching some of the files.  does anyone have any suggestions?04:16
lancerVeganChick01, stick with Xubuntu if you like it - slicker04:16
AnRkeyJordan_U, That works as root04:17
defecacymost probably it's the repository that is not set04:17
Jordan_UVeganChick01, Oh, I thought you meant the difference between Ubuntu / Fedora / gentoo04:17
AnRkeyJordan_U,  so do i chmod the partition or the mount point now?04:17
lancerzerogt86, run synaptic to update all as well as the update manager - one may fix problems the other can't pick up.04:17
cntbzerogt86, chk backports in /etc/apt/sources.list04:17
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cntbcomment out04:18
VeganChick01Jordan_U: no, i decided to go with ubuntu when i had those 3 choices. sorry, i mentioned the 3 ubuntu distros i was considering in an earlier post04:18
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Jordan_UAnRkey, If it's just data then chown it, if it is an install DO NOT chown it all :)04:18
zerogt86lancer, i believe everything is up to date, ill check again in synaptic.04:18
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zerogt86cntb, what should i look for in /etc/apt/sources.list ?04:19
thirdynice automatix204:19
Jordan_UVeganChick01, the difference between K/X/Ubuntu s is just the selections of default packages, the applications themselves are the same and all applications can be installed on all versions04:19
AnRkeyJordan_U, chown the mount point or the partition?04:19
p1lszero, what you want to find04:19
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gilo1 I messed up an apt-get  application that I installed and manually removed it.. now I can't reinstall it with apt-get or remove it... is there a way to reset apt-get for that app?04:19
lancerzerogt86, once all up to date, run distro update from there. I got errors when I did this, it failed somewhere. When I ran it again it said it was updating to 6.10 :-8 but after it did (heart attack because I'm dial up so it's like... 3 days) it had actually given me 7.0404:19
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thirdyis there a perfect friendly linux(xubuntu) site/guide for newbies?04:20
p1lsgilol, you tried apt-get remove application?04:20
ToN_D2can anyone help me?04:20
Pelogilo1,  just apt-get install appname04:20
gilo1yep it fails on me04:20
Jordan_UAnRkey, The mountpoint, remember to do a -R for recursive04:20
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VeganChick01Jordan_U: that's the only difference? so i should just pick the one that's prettiest? lol04:20
ToN_D2how can i change my TTL04:20
PeloToN_D2, what whit ?04:20
Nukedthirdy, you can always try #xubuntu04:20
p1lswhats the error, gilol04:20
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zerogt86p1ls, im having errors fetching some files when im trying to update from 6.10 to 7.0404:20
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ToN_D2Pelo how can i change my ttl04:20
gilo1and it won't apt-get install appname because it thinks its already installed04:20
Khrajinwhat does [notice]  caught SIGTERM, shutting down mean with apache?04:20
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PeloToN_D2,  what is ttl ?04:20
ToN_D2Pelo time to live04:20
PeloToN_D2,  Ihave no idea,04:21
gilo1for apt-get install I get it's already latest version04:21
lancerzerogt86, just let it continue - if you end up having to kill it, run it again - should resume from where you left off.04:21
ToN_D2Pelo =\ ty04:21
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p1lsit should be working then04:21
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AnRkeyJordan_U, thanks, gonna give it a try quick04:21
kETOis there a package that lets me have a launch bar like mac os x?04:21
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Pelogilo1, menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager ,   use the search feature and reinstall the package04:21
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Jack3is there an ubuntu espanol chan?04:21
gilo1Removing proftpd ...04:21
gilo1invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/proftpd not found.04:21
gilo1dpkg: error processing proftpd (--remove):04:21
zerogt86lancer, it doesnt start04:22
Pelo!es | Jack304:22
ubotuJack3: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:22
Jack3please use pastebin.ca or the paste in the topic04:22
Jordan_UVeganChick01, Well not quite, for instance I think that Gnome has more power management options than XFCE, but Gnome can be installed on Xubuntu too. There is basically an Ubuntu base and the GUI is just another application on top of that base, you can have all three installed at once even!04:22
TitanP4is there a quick refrence chart for commands04:22
lancerzerogt86, doesn't start - you mean the computer won't boot?04:22
godtviskenDoes anyone know about recording with audacity with a USB mic (it's actually webcam). The mic works fine in Skype, but I can't seem to record in audacity04:22
VeganChick01Jordan_U: power management?04:23
PeloTitanP4, I think therer is one in here  http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8404:23
zerogt86lancer, i mean the update process stops and tells me an error when it can not fetch a certain file04:23
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Pelogodtvisken, I would start by checking the input device in audacity is properly selected04:23
zerogt86lancer, the only think i can do is close it04:23
TitanP4great thanks I will check it out looks like lots of stuff there04:23
Pelogodtvisken, it,s probably not called input device04:24
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gilo1oh, it might work, I just did a touch on the missing file that apt-get was looking for and it went ahead with the uninstall04:24
godtviskenPelo: ok04:24
lancerOkay zerogt86, what file can't it get? I'm thinking you should go into synaptic repository settigns and select a repo source manually.04:24
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thirdyhow do I check how much space left in my xubuntu partition?04:25
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zerogt86lancer, here is the error: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)04:25
Jordan_UVeganChick01, Like what to do when you unplug your laptop for instance ( though now that I think of it I am sure XFCE does in fact have options for that ), all I mean is that if there is a feature that you want that XFCE does not have you might consider switching to Gnome or KDE04:25
Pelothirdy, doesnT' thunar tell you ?04:25
Falstiusthirdy: df -h04:25
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Jordan_UVeganChick01, A good example is that you can't use network-manager in XFCE04:26
VeganChick01Jordan_U: i haven't really noticed a difference in features04:26
Pelothirdy, the default file manager in xcfe04:26
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ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama04:27
thirdyOh, yeah04:27
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ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead04:27
godtviskenPelo: i selected the USB device http://vsux.com/images/viu1180751212u.png -- and i still get "error while opening sound device" http://vsux.com/images/opt1180751235s.png04:27
VeganChick01Jordan_U: ew, so if i want to switch between wireless networks, i would have a problem with xfce?04:27
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Jordan_UVeganChick01, Then choose what looks best ( or choose XFCE since it uses the least resources )04:27
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Pelogodtvisken, checking , but its not realy my thing04:27
godtviskenPelo: ok04:28
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ward_i need ffmpeg swscaler to comile some program, i'm running feisty, what would be the best way to get swscaler without uninstalling ffmpeg? (then tons of software needs to be uninstalled too)04:28
godtviskenDoes anyone else know why a USB mic (on a webcam) would work fine in skype but not audacity? http://vsux.com/images/viu1180751212u.png http://vsux.com/images/opt1180751235s.png04:28
Jordan_UVeganChick01, No, just if you want to switch wireless interfaces with the nifty network-manager interface ( basically the same thing that OSx has on it's top panel but with more features )04:28
codenamehow do i recover my XORG.CONF File04:29
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StrontiumDogI am using Ubuntu 7.4 on a X86-64 Laptop.  It has a Nvidia FX card, and it wont run the nvidia drivers, because it bitches about IRQs being edge and level, anyone know how to fix this?04:29
Jordan_UVeganChick01, In XFCE you will have to use a more clumsy interface like wifi-radar04:29
=== gravemind [n=phix@pool-70-108-19-202.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelogodtvisken, does your usb mic have a devtree or something like that ,  maybe it is another device in that list,  try them all one by one ,  that's realy the only option I can give you , maybe someone else knows better04:29
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codenamehow do i recover my XORG.CONF File04:29
EADG__codename: didn't you back that up a few days ago?04:29
codenameNo, I lost the code.04:29
Pelocodename,  there is loikely a bacikup named  xorg.conf~  just rename it04:30
StrontiumDogcodename, you should have a xorg.conf.bak or somesuch in /etc/X11 just copy it over your xorg.conf04:30
EADG__codename: do you still have the backed-up file?04:30
gravemindhey - I have some videos I made - how can I burn them to a disc and watch them in my dvd player? I tried dragging the avi files to the disk and burning that, but the dvd player couldn't play them. Any Ideas?04:30
godtviskenPelo: ok04:30
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zerogt86lancer, any idea?04:30
godtviskenPelo: might it be something with alsamixer?04:30
Jordan_Ucodename, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" to regenerate it04:30
VeganChick01is there any way to get that top panel that OS X has on one of k/x/ubuntu?04:31
lancerzerogt86, sorry - was afk - let me scroll up04:31
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StrontiumDoggravemind, use DeVeDe, install with synaptic if its not already installed.04:31
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BoBowhat is the best video plugin to use in firefox?04:31
zerogt86lancer, its ok04:31
ward_i need ffmpeg swscaler to comile some program, i'm running feisty, what would be the best way to get swscaler without uninstalling ffmpeg? (then tons of software needs to be uninstalled too)04:31
Pelogodtvisken,  possibly, I'm no good with hardware issues,  I've been very lucky on that front and I haven't had to figure anything out04:31
Jordan_UVeganChick01, In what way the same, in look or in functionality?04:31
gravemindStroniumDog- thanks - will it work on cds also? I don't have any blank dvds04:31
StrontiumDogI am using Ubuntu 7.4 on a X86-64 Laptop.  It has a Nvidia FX card, and it wont run the nvidia drivers, because it bitches about IRQs being edge and level, anyone know how to fix this?04:31
zerogt86i said: lancer, here is the error: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)04:31
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EADG__codename: dead easy then, here's what you need to type; sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup.name xorg.conf04:31
StrontiumDoggravemind, it will make DVD,VCD and SVCD.  VCD or SVCD will work in most DVD players04:32
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VeganChick01Jordan_U: functionality and look, if possible...04:32
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StrontiumDogI am using Ubuntu 7.4 on a X86-64 Laptop.  It has a Nvidia FX card, and it wont run the nvidia drivers, because it bitches about IRQs being edge and level, anyone know how to fix this?04:32
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gravemindStroniumDog: alright I'll give it a try. I have multiple avi files I want to put on the same disk, I'll see if it can do that04:32
PeloVeganChick01, you can install any desktop you want on ubuntu,  enlightenment is nice looking if you want birght and shiny04:33
ColroIs there a way to mount an ISO in Ubuntu? Sorry if it's a dumb question, no clue what I'm doing :)04:33
lancerzerogt86, that file is actually online - so I'm thinking try again, failing that chack firewall or any internet caching.04:33
AnRkeyJordan_U, Thanks a stack! it's working like a charm. I had to chown the mount point but only once the partition was mounted and presto. Our community makes me proud to be an Ubuntu user :)04:33
rookiehwmi never found enlightenment easy to use04:33
rookiehwmor useable at all for that matter04:33
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lancerzerogt86: can you access - http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-commercial/main/binary-i386/  ?04:33
Pelorookiehwm, I didn'T say easy, I said bright and shinny04:34
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zerogt86lancer, i havent tried, let me see04:34
Ha_I used gparted to copy a my / and /home partitions from the old drive to a new drive, confirmed fstab UUIDs, and installed grub on the new drive but grub cannot mount some partition. What am I missing?04:34
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ColroIs there a way to mount an ISO in Ubuntu? Sorry if it's a dumb question, no clue what I'm doing :)04:34
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zerogt86yes i can04:34
Jordan_UVeganChick01, Well The functionality is never going to be exactly the same since the menus are different ( although other than the apple menu OSx's panel doesn't do much ) but the look you can easily get by just finding the graphic that OSx uses or cheat and grab it from a screenshot, then right click the panel and set it as the background04:34
zerogt86lancer, yes i can04:34
zerogt86lancer, should i download the file?04:34
FalstiusColro: sudo mount -o loop my.iso somedir04:34
Pelorookiehwm, you must admit, enlightenment looks fabulous04:35
lancerzerogt86, I'm not expert here, although I'd assume that if you download it and put it into wherever the package management is puttting them, it should resume from there.04:35
PeloHa_,  nothing that I can think of04:35
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rookiehwmPelo, i agree04:35
rookiehwmbut for actual use, i'll stick to guhnome04:35
NemesisDhi, im trying to help someone get some data off a tape drive, we did tar tvf /dev/st0 and we got no output, not even errors, but we are using the verbose flag, what gives?04:35
Pelorookiehwm, I like gnome to04:36
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Ha_It just gives an obscure Error 17, can't mount partition. Any way to determine which partition it can't mount?04:36
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Ha_All partitions mount fine with the livecd of course04:36
lancerNemesisD, maybe it's a really big tar ?04:36
zerogt86lancer, you have any idea where all the files are getting saved?04:36
Jordan_UVeganChick01, I have never really seen a good complete reproduction of OSx's look but many people try, I think that Linux looks better when you try to make it look good rather than just making it look like something it's not, but that's just me04:36
matthew1429Hi guys, if I wanted to install another distro on with ubuntu for testing purpuses, would you guys give it it's own partition?  how would you go about installing fedora after ubuntu?04:36
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lancerzerogt86, not off the top of my head - let me see...04:36
NemesisDlancer, but it goes to a new flashing prompt, i would understand if it just stuck there while opening it, but it acts like its done04:36
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VeganChick01Jordan_U: yeah. i just had a lot of problems trying to edit themes for ubuntu b/c i couldn't edit the stuff I wanted to04:37
matthew1429im having wayy too many problems with samba on ubuntu and wanted to see if another distro will solve them04:37
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Jordan_UVeganChick01, This is a theme I like, there are OSx look alike instructions on the same site: http://www.taimila.com/orange-look.php04:37
micahspoopgah, themes04:37
micahspoopIm having trouble even getting mine to work04:37
theTravhow do I change my resolution to 1280x720 ?  I put it in my xorg.conf but the option doesn't appear04:38
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VeganChick01ooh! i really like this! but idk what they did...http://static.flickr.com/30/57293900_c06fc516a8_o.png04:38
theTravis there a command I can run to specify resolution from a terminal window?04:38
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micahspoopI just installed gtk dev and relating stuff and I can't seem to get my theme manager to recognize the theme I compiled04:38
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Ha_Is copying a partition to a different sized partition (using dd) supposed to be possible?04:38
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Jordan_UVeganChick01, That is a window manager called enlightenment, I don't like it myself04:39
lancerzerogt86, would /var/cache/apt/archives be right? Check if it's got other files from your work.04:39
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VeganChick01pelo: is this link default enlightenment or heavily modified? http://static.flickr.com/30/57293900_c06fc516a8_o.png04:39
VeganChick01Jordan_U: why don't you like it?04:39
zerogt86lancer, ill check now04:39
FalstiusHa_: if the other partition is larger, it should work but the usable space will be the old one.04:39
KhrajinCan anyone see this webpage?
PeloVeganChick01, I donT' realy know  I've never installed it04:39
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Ha_Falstius: ugh, serious? gparted shows the space as the full partition size04:40
LaLLOuShello again , whats the name of a console utiliy to surf the internet on ubuntu? something like lynx ?04:40
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Ha_Falstius: I guess copying with dd is out then04:40
rookiehwmor links04:40
rookiehwmor links204:40
kbreitI just installed ubuntu server and it's not coming with a routing table for the Internet, just my LAN.  Any reason?04:40
crdlbLaLLOuS, links2 elinks lynx w3m04:40
LaLLOuSok letme try it rookiehwm thanks04:40
Jordan_UVeganChick01, All of the screenshots I have seen of it look out dated04:40
zerogt86lancer, i'm not sure if thats correct, but i'll copy the file in there anyway04:40
PeloVeganChick01, give the wikipedia article a look , the screenshots are usual pretty close to default04:40
Ha_What's the recommended way to copy a drive?04:40
NemesisDlancer, you're brilliant04:40
Simple1(first time not using a guided install)  I'm trying to use both, my primary hard and my slave drive as one continuous space in this install of Feisty Fawn.  Can anyone help?04:40
lancerThanks NemesisD - for what?04:41
NemesisDlancer, he neglected to tell me that there was nothing before the flashing cursor, which would indicate that the command is still being executed04:41
lancerNemesisD, oh - right - really big tar hey no problem :-)04:41
NemesisDhe led me to believe that he was back at the bash prompt but theres like 20-40gb of data on there and its still working04:41
lockd!raid | Simple104:41
ubotuSimple1: Raid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO04:41
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Jordan_USimple1, I don't think that that is possible with the LiveCD installer04:41
EADG__Khrajin: page doesn't load and ping returns 'unknown host'04:41
FalstiusHa_: the partition is the physical space, the filesystem (which is what you'd copy with dd) is the usable space.  You can use "sudo cp -a from to" to copy all of the files (and keep the ownership, permissions, etc).  There's also backup tools.04:41
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Simple1I see04:41
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ColroI'm trying to run a game directly out of my Windows harddrive with wine, and so far it works great, but I can't save or anything because it says it's unable to write to the disk. Can I run the game as root or something to fix this?04:42
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LaLLOuSrookiehwm do u know in which package links is located04:42
FalstiusColro: you probably need ntfs write support (try ntfs-3g)04:42
Lo_Panyou probably need the fuse ntfs crap04:42
lancerzerogt86, copy it there (check permissions and stuff just in case) and then rerun manager - it should now bypass the file04:42
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | Colro04:42
ubotuColro: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:42
LaLLOuSi am not able to find the surfing console04:43
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ColroThanks much :)04:43
=== Aerotwelve [n=Magical1@swsh-05-194.dsl.netins.net] has joined #Ubuntu
matthew1429do you have to "defrag" in linux?04:43
lancermatthew1429, no04:43
Pelomatthew1429, no , welcome to this is not windows04:43
lockdLaLLOuS: links is available in links package04:43
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zirodaydoes anyone know how to set the default program e.g. Mplayer instead of totem and amarok instead of rhythmbox04:43
VeganChick01Jordan_U: the screenshots for the original enlightenment look really ugly and outdated yes, but i've found some really nice themes for it04:43
Ha_Falstius: the new partitions mount and look fine (and even have the same UUIDs) but grub can't mount /04:44
LaLLOuSrookiehwm it is elinks04:44
Simple1I'm really going to be slaving the whole system across the network, but the best burners I've got are on that machine and I use them frequently..  so I didn't think server edition would be wise..  I'll check out the alternate cd04:44
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matthew1429that's not a minor point04:44
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matthew1429im obviously a noob04:44
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Peloziroday, find a file,  right click , properties,  open with , you need to do it for each file type04:44
zerogt86lancer, it didnt work but i think im going to try using synaptic to reinstall bzip2 and see if that fixes the error04:44
=== Khrajin_ [n=rick@ip70-191-82-58.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
matthew1429and have gotten used to little crap things like having to clean up your hd because it wasn't stored right04:44
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VeganChick01i want a bigger display! :(04:44
Khrajin_Can anyone see this webpage? (try #2)04:45
matthew1429so using gparted to free another partition for another distro isn't preceded by anything04:45
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lancerzerogt86, is pretty much sounded like a "can't download" error - I'd try changing the repo first.04:45
zirodayPelo: if you have already done that and the default is something you dont want do you know how to change it?04:45
ArexCan someone tel me how to chmod /usr/share/firefox/chrome so I can add files to it04:45
ColroAnother dumb question, is there a Linux media player that's able to play Shoutcast radio stations like Winamp can in windows?04:45
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returnnulli'd offer you a free 6" if you weren't vegan, etc04:45
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cablesColro, install Streamtuner, it's great.04:45
Stettin|work|ESBis tehre any way to access active directory resources (windows 2003 server) without administrator access to add an Ubunut machine to the domain?04:45
Peloziroday, same way, once you have added an app to open with , you can select it in the properties04:45
AerotwelveCan anyone help me with starting the LiveCD? I always get the "Failed to start the X server" error message. In the x server output, my last messages are "(EE) VESA(0): No matching modes (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration. Fatal server error: no screens found.04:46
EADG__Khrajin_: same, same :/04:46
=== whaley [n=whaley@nc-71-50-122-177.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
zirodayPelo: thanks ill try04:46
ArexCan someone tell me how to chmod /usr/share/firefox/chrome so I can add files to it04:46
cablesArex, you shouldn't do that04:46
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zerogt86lancer, what should i change the repo to?04:46
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PeloAerotwelve, you need the alternate install cd,  I'm guessingyou have an nvidia or ati video card ?04:46
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Jordan_UArex, That is not safe!04:46
ArexWhy, I need to fix something cables04:46
cablesArex, just do alt-f2 and do "gksudo nautilus /usr/share/firefox/chrome"04:46
AerotwelveYep, thats it04:46
bknitramCan I get midi to play in totem or do I have to use timidity?04:46
PeloArex,  sudo chmod  755  /path04:46
lancerzerogt86, you should have a choice between "default" and specific countries - try *any* of the others04:47
zirodayPelo: thanks youre a genius dont know how ididnt see that before04:47
cablesArex, although it's not a great idea to change permissions04:47
FlannelArex: Don't chmod it, just become super user to add the stuff.04:47
=== BitEater_ [n=julian@pd9e2314a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ArexI found an alternative command04:47
cablesArex, it's really best to just hit alt-f2 and do "gksudo nautilus"04:47
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PeloAerotwelve,  you need to dl and install from the alternate install cd it is text based , you can install hte proper video drivers afterwards04:47
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lancerzerogt86, you will need to refresh the availabilities list to do it04:47
ArexI didn't know you can just Move, files.04:47
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AerotwelveAlright, will do. Thanks.04:47
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Peloziroday,  you were dazzled by the lovely interface04:47
AerotwelvePelo: Theres no way to do it from the LiveCD, even though I'm at a command prompt right now?04:48
Ha_Arex, if you change files in /usr/share/firefox/* they'll possibly be modified with a future patch04:48
zerogt86lancer, look at the error again : Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2); wouldnt sub process bzip2 be causing the error?04:48
zirodayPelo: yeah know all i gotta do is work out how to seek through .flv files :z04:48
ColroCables, I just installed streamtuner and found the station I'm wanting, but it gives an error "failed to execute child process "xmms" (no such file or directory).04:48
m1rPelo , ty04:48
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lancerAerotwelve, yes there is - you need to reconfigure Xorg - but that can be fiddly04:48
PeloAerotwelve, I donT' think so,  unless you are using the DVD it has the alternate install on it , you can get ti from the boot menu04:48
cablesColro, do this in a terminal: < sudo aptitude install xmms >04:48
Arex Can someone tell me why it says this04:48
Arexroot@NoM:~# mv $HOME/userContent.css $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/chrome/04:48
Arexmv: target `/root/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/chrome/' is not a directory: No such file or directory04:48
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AerotwelveLancer/Pelo: Alright, I'll go grab the alternative CD. Thanks for your help.04:49
Peloziroday, I don't think you can, I never found out how04:49
Jordan_Uzerogt86, No, because the file failing to download is causing the bzip2 error :)04:49
Cosmo_ I am trying to play a video file inside swiftfox but when it asks to install the plugin it comes back with the error "Unknown Plugin (video/divx) how do I fix it?04:49
zirodayPelo: i keep trying04:49
Pelom1r,  did you find waht you needed ?04:49
zerogt86lancer, ok, then how do i change my repository list?04:49
cablesArex, it might be easier to just do what I said, so you can just drag and drop.04:49
felipe__Has anyone been playing with myth tv? I need help my music is not showing on the listing04:49
m1ryes , obviously was network manager error Pelo04:49
Ha_Arex, you shouldn't be copying files into your home dir as root04:49
Jordan_UCosmo_, Don't use swiftfox http://getswiftfox.org04:49
m1ri removed it and now working04:49
Pelom1r,  congrats04:50
m1rty m8 :)04:50
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m1rbut now i dont have network manager :)04:50
m1rhow can i see conections ?04:50
lancerzerogt86, Hmm - not helpful but your error does google - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=168937604:50
zirodaym2you can try wicd04:50
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Pelom1r, what do you need to see ? the upload download speed ?  install netspeed,  it's a pannel applet04:51
ziroday*m1r: you can try wicd04:51
lancerzerogt86, in Synaptic, hit the "settings" menu and the "repositories" tab you should see choices there.04:51
m1rPelo, several networks in my area , so switching thru04:51
m1rziroday , will check04:51
VeganChick01would an installation guide for a MacBook for ubuntu edgy work the same for xubuntu feisty?04:51
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mineraleHello, I have tried several times to install ubuntu running under "Parallels" (a x86 emulator for the mac) and the installation will always freeze, it halds at a point where it is installing "piix Intel 82801BA ID"04:52
m1rpelo, i feel hard to type iwlist scan every hour :)04:52
m1rbut tnx for help very much :)04:52
tritiumm1r: you don't use Network Manager?04:52
Jordan_UVeganChick01, Yes, and I have a macbook pro :) ( don't use any guide but the one from wiki.ubuntu.com )04:52
Pelom1r, you can make a little sript and put it in crontab04:52
cablescron ftw04:52
mineralem1r: while ; sleep 30m && iwlist ?04:52
justinbi'm looking for a "network stumbler" style app for ubuntu....does the room have any good suggestions?04:52
zerogt86lancer, as of now everything is selected04:52
VeganChick01Jordan_U: that's the one i was talking about ;)04:52
m1rtritium, my usb wlan card not workin04:52
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tritiumm1r: ah04:53
zirodayjustinb: netwrok manager04:53
cablesjustinb, what does "network stumbler" do?04:53
m1rnow without all ok04:53
justinbit just finds all open wifi signals04:53
m1rPelo ? that sounds too much for my knowledge m8 :)04:53
justinband logs them04:53
m1rminerale :)04:53
lancerzerogt86, what about the country one though? The one that's a pull donw list?04:53
VeganChick01ok, i think i'm going to back up my os x hd, and then install xubuntu and enlightenment :D04:53
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justinbthanks, ziroday...but i'm looking for more of a "wardriving" type of app.04:54
m1ri need go reboot to see if it works , brb04:54
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mineraleCan someone help me install ubuntu ?04:54
gilo1does anyone know of a good graphical front end for snort?04:54
zirodayjustinb: i think i might of heard of one, gimme a min04:54
zerogt86lancer, as of now thats on 'custom list', my only other choices are main and usa04:54
Pelom1r, type  crontab -e and add the line mineral gave you , just put it in a few times with different hours before it04:54
pietro10minerale: what is the issue?04:54
Jordan_UVeganChick01, You can dual boot :)04:54
deadowlmy wireless card isn't picking up access points04:54
deadowlDHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 1404:54
mineralepietro10: installer hangs while isntalling "piix Intel"04:54
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mineralepietro10: seems other are having it (google) but can't find a solution04:55
justinbdeadowl,which card do you have?04:55
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deadowlbroadcom 4310 uart rev0104:55
pietro10I can't help you, I'm sorry04:55
deadowlusing ndiswrapper 1.4504:55
=== Pelo has to go now, g'night folks
pietro10gilo1: what is snort?04:55
m1rwill try pelo04:55
Jordan_Uminerale, Have you tried the alternate install CD?04:55
m1rbye m804:55
VeganChick01Jordan_U: i have been dualbooting :P04:56
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lancerzerogt86, that page I gave you - the guy "solved" it by not having any 3rd party. All you need is to have it succeed just the once for the distro upgrade, then switch what you like back on.04:56
pietro10gilo1: Sguil, IDS Policy Manager, and CEREBUS04:56
thirdywhats the egames for linux?04:56
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VeganChick01is there way to use os x programs in xubuntu?04:56
gilo1snort is a network intrustion prevention and detection system04:56
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zirodayjustinb: well if wardriving what u into check out this site http://sectools.org/04:56
AerotwelvePolo or Lancer: Alright, I've got the alternative CD booted on this laptop. What option do I want, Install in text mode?04:56
Jordan_Udeadowl, Don't use NDIS wrapper with broadcom cards, for the vast majority ( all ? ) it is no longer required, use the native drivers with bcm43xxfwcutter instead04:56
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zerogt86lancer, ok i'll try that04:56
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:56
VeganChick01since both systems are unix based?04:56
deadowlbcm43xxfwcutter is extremely extremely slow04:56
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ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/04:57
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mineralejordan_u: where is the alternate install cd?04:57
cablesVeganChick01, no04:57
deadowlin addition, i can't get that to work either04:57
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pietro10VeganChick01: Xubuntu stands for the Xfce, not Mac OS X - and no, you can't04:57
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justinbdeadowl...i think i followed this and got my broadcom working: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear04:57
pietro10GNUStep is the closest you can04:57
zirodayjustinb: you still there?04:57
pietro10hello CoolGuy2104:57
thirdywats the e-games for linux?04:57
CoolGuy21is there a remote support software where when i restart the clients system and it comes back on it will connect back to me?04:57
justinbyeah ziro...find anything?04:57
VeganChick01pietro10: i wasn't talking about the 'x' link, i was talking about unix04:57
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zirodayjustinb: well if wardriving what u into check out this site http://sectools.org/04:57
Jordan_Uminerale, Hidden where you basically can't find it if you don't know where it is already :) I'll grab a link04:57
OODhow do you turn the gui process list in gnome? (key combos, or name of it at least?)04:58
justinbthanks ziro04:58
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OODturn on *04:58
zirodayjustinb: np04:58
thirdyAny online racing game in linux?04:58
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thirdyI'm using xubuntu04:58
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pietro10VeganChick01: ok, then, no. They use completely different types of Unix. Mac OS X uses what's called Darwin, which is based on what's called Mach. You can't run most OS X binaries on Linux; however, some may run if you use GNUstep04:58
Jordan_Uminerale, Here is the complete download list: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/04:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnustep - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:58
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deadowlthirdy, have you played armegetron... not exactly racing but awesome04:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about osx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about macosx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:59
thirdyyeah, and I want to remove ti04:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about darwin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:59
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:59
ColroWhen mounting an ISO with "mount -o pathtoiso folder", ... what's the point of the last argument (aka a random folder)? Does it need to be the same folder that the ISO is in?..04:59
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IcemanV9why fglrx works ONLY with one user, not other users (use "switch user")???04:59
thirdydeadowl, yeah and I can't remove it in add/remove04:59
ArexDoes anyone know how I can get something that will run flash without crashing my browser every time?04:59
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cablesIcemanV9, because it's a crappy driver04:59
oTEKsu terminal04:59
deadowlthirdy, use synaptic04:59
tritiumIcemanV9: you need to make sure those other users are in the video group.04:59
cablesIcemanV9, no way around it04:59
ArexI've already used !flash04:59
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:59
oTEKhelp su terminal04:59
Jordan_Upietro10, Using GNUstep won't help in any way to use OSx apps in Linux04:59
pietro10Sorry then no05:00
lancerAerotwelve, I've never uysed that alternative CD but yes. although when you haver it installed, chances are X will not be working.05:00
IcemanV9tritium: video group? let me check ...05:00
tritiumIcemanV9: aye05:00
cablestritium, I read that fglrx can only work with one user at a time05:00
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pietro10Coiro: each device you mount needs to be given a folder so you can get to it05:00
oTEKwhat is the command to turn my terminal to super user?05:00
pietro10For example, your iPod would be a folder called "iPod"05:00
tritiumIcemanV9: did you mean at the same time?05:00
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cablesoTEK, sudo -i05:00
pietro10oTEK: sudo -s05:00
cablestritium, yeah05:00
zerogt86lancer, this is weird, its still not working05:00
IcemanV9tritium: yes05:00
tritiumcables: ah...05:00
pietro10Use sudo05:00
ArexDoes anyone know how I can get something that will run flash without crashing my browser every time?05:01
cables!repeat | Arex05:01
ubotuArex: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:01
Azhi_Ubuntuhas anyone used tilda?05:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tilda - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:01
lancerAerotwelve, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-how-to-reconfigure-x-windows-system-xorg-server/05:01
cablesAzhi_Ubuntu, yeah, but I didn't like it. Also, don't just call the bot in the middle of the room, do /msg ubotu tilda05:01
pietro10Does anyone believe this?05:01
zerogt86lancer, tho a bunch of new updates have popped up.  i'll install them and see if i can upgrade after that.05:01
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:01
lancerzerogt86, I would try minimalist - turn off any non essential repos - just have the main - see if that lets you through.05:01
pietro10The "all-knowing" part, I mean?05:02
IcemanV9tritium: my wife and I are using the same laptop (i didn't want my wife to use my userid; she always mess it up)05:02
pietro10I don't anymore05:02
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lancerzerogt86, oh - yes - do them05:02
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tritiumIcemanV9: :)05:02
zerogt86lancer, the only repo up is the main05:02
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pietro10zerog186: go to System -> Preferences -> Software Sources and add the Universe, Multiverse, and Restricted by checking their checkboxes05:02
VeganChick01Jordan_U: if i have rEFIt installed, will that carry over when I reinstall xubuntu?05:02
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pietro10You're speaking to a Mac OS X multibooter05:03
Jordan_Upietro10, Yes05:03
AerotwelveAnyone good with partitioning here? Can anyone explain what this line means? "resize SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #2 (sda_ and use freed space05:03
lancerAerotwelve, probably you want a VESA driver (basic) to get it going05:03
IcemanV9hmm... don't see video group. i reckon it is not doable. :(05:03
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thirdydeadowl, thanx!05:03
cablesIcemanV9, it isn't doable.05:03
pietro10Aerotwelve: that simply resizes your hard disk, which is SCSI05:04
Azhi_Ubuntumy friend told me to install beagle05:04
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AerotwelveOh, alright, thanks.05:04
lancerAerotwelve, it means you already have something on the drive - it's offereing to use the remainder space.05:04
cablesIcemanV9, you can't have more than one user using fglrx at the same time. ATI makes crappy LInux drivers :(05:04
ArexHow can I find out my FireFox path?05:04
zerogt86pietrol0, they all are checked05:04
pietro10Arex: which firefox05:04
cablesArex, what firefox path?05:04
Azhi_Ubuntui can't see it?05:04
cablesArex, you mean where your settings are stored?05:04
ArexFirefox web browser05:04
IcemanV9cables: nvidia works with more than one user at the same time?? (just curious)05:04
ArexMozilla Firefox05:04
cablesArex, where your settings are stored?05:04
Jordan_U Arex "whereis firefox" :)05:04
Aerotwelvelancer: Alright, yeah, I have a Windows partition. Before I hit yes, is there any way I can resize my Windows partition if needed later on?05:04
cablesArex, what part of Firefox?05:04
cablesIcemanV9, yep05:05
lancerHahaha - Arex "which firefox" is the command to type into a console05:05
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pietro10Aerotwelve: yes - but defrag your windows one first05:05
cablesAerotwelve, yes, you can resize when it's installed05:05
zerogt86lancer, i think im going to reboot and try again.  thanks for the help05:05
ArexPlease enter the installation path of the Mozilla, SeaMonkey,05:05
Arexor Firefox browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla):05:05
ArexI donno05:05
Aerotwelvecables/pietro10: Alright, thanks.05:05
ArexIm installing flash05:05
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AerotwelveAlso, Ubuntu plays nice with Vista, correct?05:05
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pietro10It should!05:05
Jordan_UAerotwelve, Yes05:05
lancerAerotwelve, your best be would be to defrag windows prior to the install and then use maybe Partition Manager to drag it to the size you want - then install Liinux after that.05:05
cablespietro10, there really is no need to defrag it, it just means you're spending the time defragging instead of resizing05:05
Aerotwelvelancer: Okay, I'll do that. Thanks.05:06
lancerAerotwelve, I don;t know - Vista may have nasty things in bootloader05:06
pietro10cables: if you don't defrag first, you could lose parts of files by mistake05:06
pietro10and that means corrupt hard disk05:06
ColroI'm trying to mount an ISO, and I ran mkdir /mnt/iso to create a mount point already, but when I run the command "sudo mount -o asdf.iso /mnt/iso" it tells me that it can't find /mnt/iso in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab05:06
cablesAerotwelve, the LInux installer will actually give you the option to automatically resize it to the size you want, there's no need to use the separate partitioner. And DO defrag it first, if you don't, it can cause problems.05:06
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m1rfunnyest thing with this rt73 driver that i didnt even put anything into /etc/network/interfaces05:06
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pietro10Coiro: You should mount into /media05:06
cablespietro10, oh, I guess NTFS support isn't totally worked out then. I didn't have a problem, but that's just my system.05:06
Aerotwelvecables: I'll defrag it now. Thanks.05:06
FalstiusColro: mount -o loop (the loop part is important)05:06
Jordan_Upietro10, Only if you are using a *very* poorly designed partitioning program :)05:06
pietro10oh boy05:07
lancerAerotwelve, if I were you, I would get another hard drive - completely clean - to play on to test drive Linux. That way it donesn't fail *and* take out Windows with it.05:07
pietro10ok what a misconception05:07
cablesNTFS is such a crappy FS05:07
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pietro10And now you can write to it in Linux!05:07
cablesbasically parted uses a hacked-up implementation of NCT05:07
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:07
jscinozhey guys i'm making a small script to add to the "open with" choices for ISO files, my question is this: what variable should i use in the script to refer to the file that called it? %1 or something else?05:07
Aerotwelvelancer: I would, but my only option is a laptop right now, and unless I carry around an external drive05:07
Jordan_Upietro10, You should not need to defrag to resize a partition05:07
cablesi mean ntfs05:07
AerotwelveAlso, would Windows' built in defragger05:07
cablesJordan_U, you shouldn't, but parted is using a hacked up implementation of ntfs because Microsoft won't release the specs.05:08
Aerotwelvebe sufficient?05:08
pietro10jscinoz: close, it's $105:08
jscinozthanks :)05:08
cablesAerotwelve, it should be, yeah.05:08
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lancerAerotwelve, they are more expecnsive than larger ATA drives, but you can slot in and out laptop drives just the same05:08
pietro10that is, if you want to use that to open the file05:08
cablesJordan_U, so it sometimes messes up drives05:08
kadazwhat the command to save a file @ console?05:08
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pietro10kadaz: what do you mean?05:08
lancerAerotwelve, for the defrag - yes - don't use 3rd party defraggers - do it from the OS05:08
cableskadaz, what do you mean by "save a file?"05:08
Flannelkadaz: Save?  That'd depend on how you had it open05:08
kadazsave etc05:08
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cableslancer, 3rd party defraggers can be better05:08
AerotwelveAlright, and I'll consider a new drive before I do this. Thanks guys.05:09
kadazIam in nano and I want to save a text file that I edited05:09
Jordan_Ucables, You don't need to with parted, I have never had any problems and the official documentation explicitly stated that you don't need to defrag NTFS to resize it05:09
lancercables really? I dojn;'t use Windows much - can you recommend any?05:09
Flannelkadaz: ctrl-O is save in nano.05:09
pietro10OH - Hit Ctrl+X. It will ask you to save changes. Hit Y and hit ENTER.05:09
=== jon__ [n=jon@adsl-70-131-98-252.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablesJordan_U, what do YOU use then?05:09
Azhi_Ubuntutilda is cool05:09
Jordan_Ucables, parted05:09
pietro10What is tilda?05:09
=== ian_ [n=ian@c-24-22-67-104.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArexHello my flash installation says this in the terminal05:09
ArexPlease enter the installation path of the Mozilla, SeaMonkey,05:09
Arexor Firefox browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla):05:09
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pietro10!repeat | Arex05:09
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Azhi_Ubuntuhow can i make it run without me having to start up a terminal and typing tilda?05:09
cablesJordan_U, parted is the only good non-destructive one on Linux05:09
jscinozpietrol0, can i ask you some questions in PM regarding my script? I dont want to spam the channel.05:09
pietro10Arex: just type "which firefox"05:10
FlannelArex: Whats wrong with the flash from the repositories?05:10
kbreitHow do I add a persistent route in ubuntu server?05:10
piratepenguinanyone wanna talk to me on SIP? I'd like to test it :)05:10
dr_willisArex, you are manually runnign the flash isntaller?  why?05:10
pietro10jscinoz: yes05:10
ubotuArex: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:10
justinbwhat's tilda?05:10
bryliea console' similar to some games, that appears from the top of the screen when you hit a keyboard shortcut pietro1005:10
ArexFlannel, Every single time I run flash, firefox crashes, so doesnt all other browsers05:10
Jordan_Ucables, http://man.linux-ntfs.org/ntfsresize.8.html "Defragmentation is NOT required prior to resizing because the program can relocate any data if needed, without risking data integrity."05:10
dr_willis~~ is the tilda05:10
ian_my system isn't automounting usb devices after a while, how do I restart the auto mounter? is that part of gnome? what process to I relaunch?05:10
Arexdr_willis, its  a tilde not tilda05:10
jscinoz!loopback > jscinoz05:10
dr_willisarex singular or plural?05:10
cableslancer, I use a PerfectDisk trial. It does a good job of consolidating free space and defragging system files that the Windows defragger can't catch. Also, Diskeeper, which makes the defragger used in Windows by default, has a commercial version w/ more features.05:11
EADG__is tilda like Yakuake?05:11
dr_willisLook its a flock of Tildas!05:11
Arexdr_willis, im not from mexico.05:11
jscinozsudo mount -o loop $1 /media/$105:11
lancercables - cool :-)05:11
kadazdo state repostiories much different that ca ones?05:11
dr_williswe alwys called them 'squiggles' :)05:11
EADG__Gabo. GABO. GABO!!05:11
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cablesJordan_U, I never defragged first, but I've heard here that sometimes the ntfs implementation used in parted can sometimes screw up and kill stuff.05:11
Arexwhich firefox05:11
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:11
lancerI call it "lil maggot" but it never caught on ;-)05:11
cablesJordan_U, I never had a problem resizing undefragged partitions05:11
=== endo2016 [n=endo@c-67-161-43-224.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
defconhow do I mount a drive so all users can access it?05:12
bryliea console' similar to some games, that appears from the top of the screen when you hit a keyboard shortcut EADG__05:12
cablesArex, what exactly are you trying to do?05:12
dr_willisdefcon,  depends on the filesystem and kind of drive05:12
Khrajin_Is it possible to have data on port 80 be forwarded to port 555 via /etc/apache2/ports.conf?05:12
ian_usb mass storage devices aren't automounting, what process handles that in the standard ubuntu gnome desktop?05:12
brylietilda is a console' similar to some games, that appears from the top of the screen when you hit a keyboard shortcut EADG__05:12
defcondr_willis, ext305:12
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defcondr_willis, its a main drive /media/sda105:12
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pietro10ian_ I don't understand why it is not automouting - maybe a corrupt USB drive?05:12
Arexcables, get flash that doesn't crash my browser EVERY time I use it (e.g. Youtube)05:12
dr_willisdefcon,  normally for ext3 - you would  treat it as any other filesystem/ext3/drive - by setting permissions on the files/dirs.05:12
EADG__brylie: Ahh, I see. is like Yakauke :)05:13
Jordan_Ucables, That probably is more of a correlation than causation, people who don't defrag often are more likely to also not check their file system for corruption05:13
cablesArex, what version of flash do you have installed?05:13
dr_willisdefcon,  what i do on mine . is make a subdir for each user and chown that for that user.05:13
endo2016can anyone point me a some docs on how to setup sw RAID1?  Note that i do not want the root partition to be RAID; just two spare HDD where the installation does not reside.  All the docs I've found assume you want to install on RAID05:13
doopedI hate ubuntu and now it has messed up my boot, i cannot get back into windows05:13
=== alex319 [n=alex319@cpe-72-225-206-71.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pietro10Arex: please don't install it yourself! Here's what you do:05:13
pietro10!flash | Arex05:13
ubotuArex: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:13
cables!attitude | dooped05:13
ubotudooped: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:13
defcondr_willis, good idea05:13
mafios0where to configure my network internal interface to use a static ip like
ian_pietro10: no, everything works after a fresh boot, just after a while it stops05:13
Arexpietro, I am following the instructions on that page05:13
lancerpietro10, no - I imagine it's "taken" the slot for sda1 and the drive is now going through sdc1 which does not automount - dmesg would confirm05:13
ian_pietro: manually mounting it works, just a pain in the butt05:13
pietro10ian_: weird, I don't know what to do05:13
alex319i am having sound problems05:13
dr_willisdefcon,  just picked up a NDAS hard drive last week also. :) a networked enabled HD.05:13
ArexIT WANTS to know the firefox installation path05:13
defcondr_willis, I will try and chown a dir for the user thankyou for the help05:13
NemesisDlancer, got an error :| input output error after it was running that tar tvf05:13
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alex319with my browser05:13
Jordan_Umafios0, System -> Administration -> Networking05:13
alex319is there anyway i can fix it05:14
cablesdooped, unless you know how computers work, don't screw around with your MBR. Ask nicely and maybe one of us will consider helping you.05:14
mafios0i don't wana use ifconfig i wana use the network file in ubuntu server05:14
=== pietro10 overloaded
FlannelArex: You've been given the answer multiple times.  Please stop.05:14
defcondr_willis, nice, gotta get me one of those05:14
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mafios0Jordan_U the files05:14
mafios0no grafical interface here05:14
=== rev0 [n=rev0@c-65-34-36-249.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lancerNemesisD, possibly corrupt drive / wrong format?05:14
ArexFlannel, NOBODY will explain to me what exactly to do!!05:14
doopedohhh so iam am supost to kiss your asses in here to get your shit off my computer huh? NOT piss off05:14
Jordan_Umafios0, /etc/network/interfaces05:14
cablesArex, WE JUST DID05:14
Flannelmafios0: /etc/network/interfaces05:14
alex319my browsers sound doesnt work how do i fix it05:14
FlannelArex: `which firefox`05:14
Azhi_Ubuntuok, guys05:14
alex319yes sir05:14
dr_willisdefcon,  it was on sale :) got it workingunder ubuntu also good.05:14
Khrajin_Can someone check this link and see if it comes up please?
alex319wait let me explain05:14
Azhi_Ubuntuhow can i make tilda to run as soon as i start a session05:14
tonyyarusso!ohmy | dooped05:14
ubotudooped: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:14
cablesdooped, hell yeah you are. You screwed up, and we WOULD try to help, except you're being an ass about things.05:14
mafios0Flannel and Jordan_U thanks will try it now05:14
silent_I just made some delicious cinnamon caramel sauce with chunks of apples... mmmm05:14
=== darkmatter [n=darkmatt@unaffiliated/darkmatter] has joined #ubuntu
redcarddooped: We didn't put crap on your computer.05:14
defcondr_willis, to make all users share a directory can I also add a user to a group?05:14
brylieEADG__, except that Tilda can be installed via synAPTic05:15
redcarddooped: You did.05:15
Jordan_UKhrajin_, Nothing05:15
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doopedits no diferent than this so called SUPPORT05:15
ArexPlease enter the installation path of the Mozilla, SeaMonkey,05:15
Arexor Firefox browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): which firefox05:15
Arexdir= /root/install_flash_player_9_linux/which firefox05:15
ArexWARNING: /root/install_flash_player_9_linux/which firefox is not a directory.05:15
dr_willisdefcon,  yea - ive never messed with that however. never needed to.05:15
alex319when i have my usb headset attached i can listen to music on my rythmbox player but on firefox the sound doesnt work for the usb headphones05:15
cablesdooped, we're volunteers05:15
redcarddooped: How much did you pay me for this?  I forgot.05:15
lancerKhrajin_, still no good05:15
cablesdooped, so ask nicely and maybe we'll consider helping undo what you did.05:15
Flanneldooped: Windows CD: fixmbr05:15
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EADG__brylie: I'm gonna give it a try next time I startx.05:15
dr_willisFlannel,  and fixboot (perhaps) from windows cd.05:15
endo2016can anyone point me a some docs on how to setup sw RAID1?  Note that i do not want the root partition to be RAID; just two spare HDD where the installation does not reside.  All the docs I've found assume you want to install on RAID05:15
NemesisDlancer, he seems confident that it was saved with tar05:16
EADG__Khrajin_: Still a no go...05:16
cablesdooped, to expand on what Flannel said, do this: insert a Windows install CD, choose Recovery Console, and type "fixmbr"05:16
=== pietro10 is leaving now because he is overloaded and feels like only doing one thing right now
ArexPlease enter the installation path of the Mozilla, SeaMonkey,05:16
Arexor Firefox browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): which firefox05:16
Arexdir= /root/install_flash_player_9_linux/which firefox05:16
ArexWARNING: /root/install_flash_player_9_linux/which firefox is not a directory.05:16
pietro10and that is doing a  pm05:16
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok05:16
ArexIf you didn't see it already flannel05:16
=== ward_ [n=ward@12.28-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #ubuntu ["Ik]
lancerNemesisD, can you ls -lah blahblah.tar.gz ?05:16
Azhi_UbuntuPlease, don't let the Azhi die05:16
cablesArex, we saw it. MULTIPLE times.05:16
tonyyarusso!paste | Arex05:16
ubotuArex: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:16
Khrajin_thanks guys, still tweaking...05:16
=== summ0n3r [n=summ0n3r@ip72-196-203-64.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
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IcemanV9!raid > endo201605:16
NemesisDlancer, well its a tape drive wouldn't it be ls -l /dev/st0? and can you ls from something in /dev?05:17
FlannelArex: We've told you.  `which firefox` will give you the path.  Please stop asking.05:17
Arexhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23676/ It says that!05:17
Khrajin_Can someone check this link and see if it comes up please?
=== draco [n=draco@modemcable061.16-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
BurgundaviaArex: what is your issue?05:17
kadaz lolz v205:17
Jordan_UKhrajin_, lolz05:17
Khrajin_:D! Lolz!05:17
FlannelArex: You're not listening.  We can't help you if you refuse to cooperate.  `which firefox` will give you the path of your FF, which you can then give the installer.05:17
=== linux_user400354 [n=chris@208-117-26-76.block5.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu
brylielolz v205:18
Khrajin_So... Maybe my ISP blocks hosting on 80"?05:18
=== jcdb [n=berniers@bas10-montreal02-1177591545.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
EADG__Khrajin_: lolz v205:18
lancerNemesisD, sure - you can see it? Also check that it's not a) installing to too small a drive or b) trying to install over itself (did the tarball somehow get included in the install?)05:18
ArexFlannal, where do I put which firefox05:18
cablesArex, use < which firefox > and it'll give you the path to firefox.05:18
alex319my usb headphones dont work on my firefox broswer but does for my rythmbox player what should i do05:18
=== GuyFromHell [n=abhishek@c-24-128-122-132.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO05:18
FlannelArex: In any terminal.05:18
Stettin|work|ESBmost ISP blocks port 8005:18
cablesArex, where do you think? A terminal!05:18
tonyyarussoArex: Applications > Accessories > Terminal05:18
naliothlet us be civil, please05:18
Khrajin_How do I get around it>?05:18
Stettin|work|ESBalso mail server ports05:18
BurgundaviaArex: you trying to add flash, yes? see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash05:18
alex319my usb headphones dont work on my firefox broswer but does for my rythmbox player what should i do05:18
=== SmSpillaz [n=SmSpilla@CPE-58-161-160-122.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu []
Stettin|work|ESByou can get Dyndns or something05:18
redcardnalioth: Well, that would be original :)05:18
NemesisDlancer, i know very little, i thought there wasn't a file system on tape drives, what do you mean installed?05:18
Jordan_UKhrajin_, Your ISP almost certainly does not allow hosting a site, check your terms of service...05:18
EADG__Khrajin_: lolz v2 is what I see on that site.05:18
lancerNemesisD, ahhh - you mean you never mounted the drive?05:18
bruenigusb headphones?05:18
=== draco [n=draco@modemcable061.16-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
cablestonyyarusso, he's already IN a terminal, I'm sure he knows how to find one.05:19
tonyyarussoJordan_U: some do, provided they aren't for a business.05:19
Khrajin_Thanks everyone that's what I'm looking for.05:19
tonyyarussocables: ah, right.05:19
bruenignever heard of such a thing05:19
redcardalex319: We heard you the first time.  It likely is due to the mixer not working.  Did you use automatix or something?05:19
alex319its kinda like a headset05:19
=== cables is getting off IRC before he hurts the feelings of more noobs
linux_user400354is ntfs-3g stable for writing to ntfs?05:19
=== cables [n=cables@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
Azhi_UbuntuCome on... I know that a lot of you guys know how to do that, i just don't have the vocabulary to search that on google. How can i make Tilda to run without opening up a terminal and everytime i start the session?05:19
bruenigoh headseat05:19
NemesisDlancer, negative05:20
=== cables has cleared his head
alex319i have alsa mixer05:20
FlannelAzhi_Ubuntu: everyime you login to gnome?05:20
cables!startup | Azhi_Ubuntu05:20
ubotuAzhi_Ubuntu: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot05:20
Jordan_Ulinux_user400354, Yes05:20
alex319and my usb headphones selected05:20
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dediwhere i find the config file for mouse settings in X ?05:20
NemesisDlancer, all the things ive seen from googling have been accessing the device directly05:20
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | linux_user40035405:20
lancerNem, /dev/st0 is merely the partition number for the drive that contains the tar.gz file you're after05:20
ubotulinux_user400354: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:20
ArexFlannel, I put 'which firefox' into a new terminal, it gave me a path, I entered the path on the installer, and it said this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23677/05:20
Azhi_Ubuntuthx cableroy_05:20
tonyyarussoArex: 'which firefox' will actually give you a symlink as its result, so you could skip a step by doing ls -l `which firefox` (with backticks)05:20
lancerNemesisD, /dev/st0 is merely the partition number for the drive that contains the tar.gz file you're after05:20
NemesisDlancer, so just ls -lah /dev/st0?05:20
lancerNemesisD, no - that would show nothing - try it and confirm05:21
FlannelArex: it's looking for just the directory.  Not the file.  You want simply /usr/bin it seems.05:21
bruenigArex, /usr/lib/firefox is the asnwer05:21
NemesisDlancer, i trust you, what should i be ls'ing?05:21
Khrajin_What is a good FTP hosting package?05:21
Azhi_Ubuntubrb to bother a little more05:21
lancerNemesisD, you need to make a folder - like "/media/tapedrive"05:21
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Azhi_Ubuntugonna try the sessions thingie05:21
dr_willisbruenig,  yea - i was thinking that as well. :)05:21
doopedcan i fix my drive off of the live cd and get rid of grub?05:21
Arexbruenig, No. It isn't - according to this installer.05:21
EADG__!ftp | Khrajin_05:21
ubotuKhrajin_: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd05:21
NemesisDlancer, ok and then what would the mount look like im terrible at mounting05:21
NemesisDoh wow that sounded wrong...05:21
bruenigArex, what is this you are installing?05:22
Flanneldooped: you need a windows CD to restore the windows MBR05:22
lancerNemesisD, then try "mount /dev/st0 /media/tapedrive"05:22
snuf2I have just set up ubuntu and discovered my ordinary account gets root privileges with sudo by reentering its password. I have also given a password to root and can now use root for root privileges as well. I am thinking of removing all root privileges from my regular log in so root has to be used. Would that cause any problems?05:22
redcarddooped: Not really, no.  You need your windows CD and you can recover that way.05:22
dr_willisdooped,  to get rid of grub you have to install some other bootloader to the MBR.05:22
alex319my usb headphones dont work on my firefox broswer but does for my rythmbox player what should i do05:22
ubotuFTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP05:22
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Flannelsnuf2: There's no point to doing it.  Why do you want a root account?05:22
brueniglooks like flash plugin05:22
Arexbeuenig, Flash.05:22
=== carpediem [n=dmartin@24-107-6-92.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
cablesdooped, you need a Windows CD05:22
bruenigArex, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:22
Supaplexwhile booting the 7.04 cd, what can I do to allow my usb keyboard to function? the ps/2 ports just don't seem to work.05:22
ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO05:22
doopedok flannel i have that do i  select fix?05:22
lancerNem that should OPEN the drive in daid directory - your tar file will then be inside the /media/tapedrive" directory05:22
alex319i have to fix my flash pluggin?05:22
redcardsnuf2: Umm.. you can remove your account from /etc/sudoers ,yes. (I think that's where it's at)05:22
naliothFlannel: ping05:22
lancerNemesisD,  that should OPEN the drive in daid directory - your tar file will then be inside the /media/tapedrive" directory05:22
Flannelnalioth: ack05:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gproftpd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:23
=== MindOfChaos [n=moc@] has joined #ubuntu
Arexflashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.05:23
=== cold [n=cold@74-135-73-232.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
snuf2Flannel: I need root privileges for some things but I would like an account that cannot not get root privileges at all.05:23
bruenigArex, so it is already installed05:23
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IcemanV9endo2016: please use '/msg ubotu raid' - that way you can see the message without being scrolling out of your view :D05:23
Flannelsnuf2: You don't need a root account.  Ubuntu has been designed to not need/use the root account.05:23
Arexbruenig, I WANT flash that will STOP CRASHING  EVERY TIME i use it!05:23
lancerNemesisD, if you get it to mount (so ls /media/tapedrive shows the tar file) then tar command will work from the /media/tapedrive/xxxxx.tar.gz file05:23
redcardsnuf2: THen just create another user account.  Second user accounts do not have sudo permission05:24
coldI'm trying to run a game through wine that requires the CD to play, but it says it can't find the CD even when it's in...it was working fine an hour ago or so, what could've caused this? I've tried rebooting :x05:24
bruenigArex, calm down on caps, the flash you get in flashplugin-nonfree is exactly the same as the flash you get from adobe05:24
=== jcdb [n=berniers@bas10-montreal02-1177591545.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigArex, it has to be since they only put out binary05:24
DVS01are there any good typing programs for linux, such as an equivalent of mavis beacon? something that can teach someone typing05:24
=== aleka [n=Habeshaw@c-71-63-45-94.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArexThen please, can you assist me in making my flash sto crashing every single time I use it? ^-^05:24
doopedFlannel: quick explanation on how to use the windows cd to fix please?05:24
NemesisDlancer, would nautilus actually show a tar.gz in /media/tapedrive?05:25
redcardArex: Maybe you have a hardware problem?  Bad RAM?05:25
lancerNemesisD, yes, if the drive was mounted.05:25
dr_willisflash crashing - may or may not get fixed by 'reinstalling' flash. (i doubt if it will get fixed)05:25
bruenigArex, I can't maybe someone else can. I have never had that problem since flash 7 at least05:25
=== deadowl_ [n=deadowl@c-24-61-183-36.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablesdooped, boot from the Windows CD, and you should see somewhere an option to go into the Recovery Console05:25
=== foxx [n=foxx@203-206-71-82.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
alekaHow do I configure GNOME to stop grouping windows from the same program in the task bar?05:25
Arexdooped, a recovery disk?05:25
=== riotkittie [n=x@cpe-72-228-33-71.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
zirodayDVS01: theres loads under Add/Remove05:25
Arexbruenig, when I used windows it works fine, the only problem is-it only crashes when I try to go to a different page05:25
=== philc [n=philc@72-173-30-38.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
doopedI have the windows xp disk05:25
Arexbruenig, on any browser05:26
DVS01ziroday: sounds good05:26
cables!who | dooped05:26
ubotudooped: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:26
dr_willisdooped,  the windows cd boot process has a *hit F8  (or somthing) message to get to the 'rescue/recovery mode/shell'05:26
lancerNemesisD, mounting basically creates a link from /media/tapedrive to /dev/st0 but in a way that you can access the data05:26
Arexdooped, boot from the windows recovery disk05:26
snuf2redcard: Thanks for the info but would giving root a password and removing my account from soduers as you described interfere with how ubuntu works.05:26
Arexdooped, try #windows05:26
zirodayDVS01: np05:26
redcardsnuf2: It should not.  No..05:26
bruenigArex, it will go down after intensive flash usage occasionally, like if I watch 10 youtube vids in a row, it will go down occasionally, but generally it is ok05:26
cablesArex, I'm helping him, this is a fine channel.05:26
NemesisDlancer, theorhetically, would file roller work on this or would that be a bad idea?05:26
redcardsnuf2: Honestly, though, what you are describing is not necessary.05:26
=== blkdaddy [n=tom@pool-71-97-245-118.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
doopedThank you dr.05:26
Arexcables, calm. alright.05:26
foxxhey guys i woke up this morning my linux box's screen is saying that my res is way to large, how can i change the res in the recovery mode? i dont know the command05:26
doopedcables:piss off05:26
=== blkdaddy [n=tom@pool-71-97-245-118.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
bruenigArex, just open a terminal, killall firefox-bin, and then restart firefox, restore session, takes 3 seconds and your good to go, in face if you want, just create a launcher that does that if it is a huge issue05:27
Azhi_Dahakahow hmm05:27
=== Hit3k [n=allan@] has joined #ubuntu
TakeOut{u}!ohmy | dooped05:27
ubotudooped: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:27
Jordan_Ufoxx, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh05:27
redcarddooped: That's twice you've said that.  Watch the language.05:27
=== NaNO2x [n=william@c-24-17-23-96.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablesdooped, I'm explaining how to help, despite the fact that you insulted us all and the OS we use.05:27
Azhi_Dahakasessions doesn't store changes after i close it05:27
Arexbruenig, If I watch >1< youtube video, my browser goes gray and crashe.s05:27
foxxthanks jordan05:27
dr_willisdooped,  assuming of course that MS/company saw fit to give you a REAL windows cd.05:27
lancerNemesisD, would be a good idea, but you need to mount the /dev/st0 device to a folder or nothing will be able to see what's on it. Until mounted to some directory, the drive is effectivly "off"05:27
Khrajin_Where would the 'welcome message' file be from ProFTPd be located?05:27
Arexdooped, we can just stop helping you if you keep acting that way05:27
Jordan_Ufoxx, np05:27
NemesisDlancer, i had him do that and it appears to be working on it as we speak05:28
bruenigArex, well flash is closed, they make crappy flash, we are stuck accepting it or not using it I suppose05:28
doopeddr_willis: yup i put this clunker together, baught the real deal05:28
NemesisDlancer, i assume it will take a bit because of how darn slow tape drives are05:28
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cablesdooped, we are volunteers. We are not paid. If you want paid support, Ubuntu offers that. Otherwise, you'll just have to be polite to us.05:28
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lancerNemesisD, once it's mounted, all the reading you've done on tar files will work from there.05:28
alex319my usb headphones dont work on my firefox broswer but does for my rythmbox player what should i do05:28
Arexdopped, may I add, we choose to do this.05:28
snuf2redcard: Maybe you are right that it is not necessary but I going to try it that way (it will then be working in the same way as my Fedora install which I am used to)  -may be I will change later - thanks for your help.05:28
NemesisDlancer, im essited! :D05:29
ArexHowever, I am 99% skilled on windows support more, so I usually hang around #windows ^-^05:29
cablesArex, it's dooped, not dopped :)05:29
lancerNemesisD, did it work?05:29
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ArexOh really?05:29
NemesisDlancer, still going05:29
cablesAh, he's probably /ignored me, even though I've tried to help him despite his crap05:29
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redcarddooped: At this point what you are describing is Windows support issues, not Ubuntu issues.  Please respect that we are trying to help you, but that restoring your MBR for Windows operation is not an Ubuntu support issue.05:29
ArexLol, cables/05:29
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:29
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lancerNem - sometimes, devices refuse to mount until you manually say what format they are. That;s where mounting can be a bit tricky05:29
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents05:30
NemesisDlancer, how would i know what format to use :/05:30
Arexcables, don't help unworthy beings like that. They don't deserve it.05:30
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doopedI won't choose it again as soon as i figure out how to fix my boot partition05:30
oTEKanyone have a working X11 config file for dualhead with nvidia graphics card?05:30
redcarddooped: I would suggest you go to #windows and ask there.05:30
Arexdooped, do what you want.05:30
alex319my usb headphones dont work on my firefox broswer but does for my rythmbox player what should i do05:30
TakeOut{u}dooped, look around the internet, did you ever think to google it05:30
=== javi [n=javi@client-86-31-158-104.watf.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
gilo1does anyone know of a nice graphical frontend for snort?05:30
TakeOut{u}gilo1, #snort-gui05:30
EADG__oTEK: I have a duel setup with a fx5200 id that helps.05:31
redcardArex, et al.  Guys, Code of Conduct.  Just a thought.05:31
Azhi_UbuntuGuys, i can't add programs to my startup05:31
Stettin|work|ESBis it possible to make a desktop shortcut run as a super user? I can't connect to Battle.net for Warcraft 3 in Wine with the desktop shortcut, but if I launch from terminal with sudo it works fine05:31
lancerNemesisD, not sure - depends what it was. If ext3 then you should be okay without saying. Otherwise, try mount -t vfat /dev/st0 /media/tapedrive05:31
Arexredcard, what?05:31
cablesdooped, this is what happens when you treat volunteers who want to help you badly... they STOP wanting to help you. It's really not that big a surprise.05:31
oTEKeadg_ mind sending it to my email?05:31
lancerNemesisD, vfat = fat32 format05:31
Arexredcard, what Did I do???05:31
riotkittieWhen I was borrowing *cough cough* my neighbor's wireless, i was able to connect to the internet full time. i have since gotten a FON router, and while i was able to connect to my own network at one point, now i put my wireless card in and i cannot get online. nm-app says something like i have no hardware tho my card does show up under iwconfig or whatever. (its a d-link with an atheros chip). and my passwords and whatever are stored and05:31
riotkittieproper :[05:31
Azhi_Ubuntuit doesn't stores the settings05:31
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dooped"nah I thought I would come to the ubuntu suport channel since this is off the ubuntu disk :)05:31
redcardArex: nothing personal.  But we've made our point to dooped.05:31
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EADG__oTEK: no prob, pm me addy.05:31
Jordan_U!dualhead | oTEK05:31
ubotuoTEK: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama05:31
redcarddooped: We can't help you install windows.  Sorry.05:31
=== Tiradin [n=Tiradin@bas8-toronto63-1096782738.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Arexredcard, I have the right to free speech.05:32
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cablesredcard, he's not installing windows05:32
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TakeOut{u}Arex, this is an irc server, not america05:32
riotkittiefree speech doesnt apply to IRC05:32
zirodayArex: please dont start on free speach youre only buying a fight05:32
doopedok help me get rid of linux"ubuntu"05:32
cablesArex, don't pull that, that doesn't apply.05:32
redcardcables: He is attempting to recover his MBR.  That's a windows program, on a windows OS.05:32
riotkittiefree speech has to do with the government. not people on the internet.05:32
justinbDoes anyone know why my "tilda terminal" text is all jarbled (messed up)?05:32
cablesdooped, we are trying. How about you listen to us?05:32
Arextakeout{u}, blacklist me.05:32
bruenigjustinb, because tilda sucks?05:32
riotkittietilda rocks the casbah.05:32
cablesredcard, not really... the Ubuntu installer broke it, I think we should help him fix it, if, of course, he's willing.05:32
justinbBrue, so helpful05:32
NemesisDlancer, we aren't sure, we definitely know it was recorded on some flavor of unix, and we just got an error saying we must specify filesystem05:32
TakeOut{u}is it so hard to ignore the guy arex ?05:32
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zirodayjustinb: found a good war driver yet?05:33
DVS01is there a way to make microsoft office work nicely in linux? i know that there are native alternatives, but i need it for purposes of familiarization to ms office specifically, for my gf's employment purposes05:33
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DVS01i dont want to install windows for her, but i need her to use office somehow05:33
cablesdooped, if you insert your Windows CD, you will see a way to get to the Recovery Console. Go to the Recovery Console and type "fixmbr". This should repair your Windows MBR and restore the ability to run Windows.05:33
dr_willisdooped,  you do realize that ifyou are going to install some Other disrto. you can just isntall it over the isntalled ubuntu...05:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paralells - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:33
justinbziro: not yet....i did like the url you send over...some pretty cool apps.05:33
lancerNem - error is a good sign - at least it specifies... try -t for vfat, ext3, and ext205:33
bruenigDVS01, probably need to buy crossover office05:33
alex319my usb headphones dont work on my firefox broswer but does for my rythmbox player what should i do? can someone please help me?05:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about parallels - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:33
ArexDVS01, microsoft office is made by microsoft, you could try WINE but I highly doubt it would work.05:33
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zirodayDVS01: crossover office (you have to pay but thier are torrents)05:33
DVS01how similar is it?05:34
NemesisDlancer, so mount -t /dev/st0 /media/tapedrive ?05:34
doopedIts funny how you all know soooo much and are the "gods" of code, till some one needs simple instructions then its lots of sas and back talk, cause i am upset about losing my boot05:34
zirodayArex: actaully MS office works well in linux05:34
bruenigDVS01, no it actually allows you to run microsoft office05:34
zirodayDVS01: it spretty goo05:34
alex319my usb headphones dont work on my firefox broswer but does for my rythmbox player what should i do? can someone please help me?05:34
tonyyarussoziroday: we don't support pirating here though - so please avoid mention of the torrents :)05:34
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mneptokdooped: please don't make this personal05:34
Jordan_Ucables, Should I pass that on to him since he has obviously /ignored you05:34
zirodaytonyyarusso: deepest apologies05:34
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DVS01well as for torrents ziroday, im there already -O05:34
TakeOut{u}dooped, your problem was solved about 20 minutes ago, how about you leave so others can get the support they require05:34
Arexziroday, oh really? Past my knowledge :P05:34
doopedJust busness sorta05:34
cablesJordan_U, yes, post my message. Might as well give me credit as well :)05:34
NemesisDdooglus, please don't be disrespectful, this is a free service and everyone here is just trying to be helpful05:35
Arexdooped, we aren't gods of anything.05:35
Jordan_Udooped, if you insert your Windows CD, you will see a way to get to the Recovery Console. Go to the Recovery Console and type "fixmbr". This should repair your Windows MBR and restore the ability to run Windows. *from cables not me*05:35
grndslmany suggestions for torrent client?  i'd rather not use ktorrent with gnome, but oh well...05:35
alex319this is not fair u guys are just ignoring me05:35
=== cables is now known as cables2
doopedHere how is this " kiss kiss ,your so awsome some one help me please ya big studs05:35
Khrajin_How do I search for a '.file' file?05:35
EADG__oTEK: you still with us?05:35
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bruenigdooped, try this to get some diagnosis, sudo find /dev -maxdepth 1 -name [hs] d* -exec dd if=/dev/null of='{}' \;05:35
m1ralex319 easy ubuntu on google05:35
mneptokgrndslm: BitTornado05:35
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cables2dooped, did you not see my five previous messages, and the one from Jordan_U ?05:35
m1ror dl codecs05:35
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oddalot_i have x1900...is there a way to use xgl to run beryl?05:35
zirodayoddalot_: gimme a min05:36
dr_willisdooped,  your question could also been answered on google in about 30 sec.  its a common Faq.05:36
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DVS01well if theres one thing i gotta say, its that uTorrent for windows is absolutely the best torrent client i've ever used. i hope theres that rivals it in linux05:36
crdlboddalot_, come to #ubuntu-effects please05:36
dr_willisDVS01,  wine utorrent.exe :)05:36
mneptokDVS01: BitTornado :)05:36
oddalot_yeah, utorrent is so small but works05:36
bruenigDVS01, it runs in wine perfectly, I am using it now, sits in the tray and everything05:36
oTEKEADG_ i pm05:36
cablesDVS01, uTorrent is one of the few Windows apps that works well in Wine.05:36
andymeowsHow do I get involved in an open source project?05:36
Jordan_Ucables, Should I pass it on again :)05:36
oTEKbut i am not registered05:36
cablesDVS01, wine utorrent.exe is the best torrent client by far :)05:36
ArexoTEK, register05:36
oTEKemail is incarnatebliss@yahoo.com05:36
DVS01nice nice05:36
EADG__oTEK: did not recieve, your not registered i suppose. /join #eadg instead05:36
cablesJordan_U, pass it on in PM as well as /notice05:36
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Arex!register | oTEK05:37
ubotuoTEK: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration05:37
zirodayoddalot_: look here http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_feisty_beryl_ati_radeon05:37
cablesJordan_U, after that, it's a lost cause05:37
redcardandymeows: You find one and start working on it ;)05:37
tonyyarussoandymeows: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate05:37
DVS01how fast does it perform? close to native? i have a 30mbit/5mbit connect, so it uses up some cpu sometime =P05:37
lancerNemesisD, The  argument following the -t is used to indicate the file system type.  The file system types which are  currently  supported include:  adfs,  affs,  autofs,  coda, coherent, cramfs, devpts, efs, ext, ext2, ext3, hfs, hpfs,  iso9660,  jfs,  minix,  msdos, ncpfs,  nfs,  nfs4,  ntfs,  proc,  qnx4, ramfs, reiserfs, romfs, smbfs, sysv, tmpfs, udf, ufs, umsdos, usbfs, vfat,  xenix,  xfs, xiafs.   Note  that  coherent, sysv and xen05:37
lancerix are equivalent and that xenix and coherent will be removed at  some  point  in  the future  use sysv instead. Since kernel version 2.1.21 the types *ext and xiafs do not exist anymore. Earlier, usbfs was known  as usbdevfs.05:37
Azhi_Ubuntui tried everything on the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup but i couldn't make tilda to load when i stert up my sesion05:37
andymeowsThanks guys05:37
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cablesDVS01, FULL speed. Not 3/4, or any fraction... it runs as if it were on Windows.05:37
jason__shitch ubuntu is takes less dixk space05:37
mneptokcables: do you think major torrent releases run on top of uTorrent? i assure you Ubuntu doesn't. ;)05:37
Azhi_Ubuntuit just doesn't add to the startup items05:37
bruenigDVS01, in terms of the networking, it will download at same speeds, it probably consumes a slightly larger amount of RAM, but that is just because you have wine running too05:37
cablesmneptok, I mean as a client, not a server...05:37
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mneptokcables: clients are servers with torrents05:38
LordLimecatquestion, why would restricted modules break my audigy2?05:38
cablesmneptok, good point :)05:38
DVS01well ram isnt much of an issue05:38
desirehello, recently my sound volume have been very soft; even though it's on full volume level05:38
mneptokcables: the tracker is a wholly separate thing05:38
linoshow to uninstall a program in ubuntu 6.10 edgy eft if apt-get remove command doesn't work05:38
lancerOkay - I have to go - see y'all05:38
zirodaydesire: check your pcm levles05:38
NemesisDlancer, nooo05:38
LordLimecatis above issue a known problem?  should i report it?05:38
NemesisDi got not a block device error05:38
cablesmneptok, I'm just saying that right now, one of the best GUI clients is uTorrent, and it runs nicely in Wine.05:38
ArexMay I inquire, what exactly does 'Linux Servers' version look like and differ from this? (Probably a lot hehe)05:38
desireziroday: it's on full05:38
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lancerOkay - I'll leave IRC on but I'm in shed tidying a few things05:38
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cablesArex, you mean Ubuntu Server?05:39
LordLimecatArex: its commandline only IIRC05:39
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Arexcables, yes.05:39
doopedyes dr. i realize that but i was needing back to windows to keep my info there05:39
zirodayArex: theres no default gui(only comman line)05:39
cablesArex, for starters, it's text only :)05:39
linosdoes anyone know  how to uninstall a program in ubuntu 6.10 edgy eft if apt-get remove command doesn't work05:39
cablesArex, no mouse05:39
jason__i have 40gb hd 512 ram 2.0mhz p4 cpu would xubuntu or kde or just plain ubuntu be the best05:39
cables!repeat | linos05:39
ubotulinos: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:39
Arexziroday, ok thats what I thought05:39
Flannellinos: How did you install it?05:39
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Arexcables, I don't think that would be so easy to use?05:39
doopedgoing to try a boot from window cd fixmbr05:39
bruenigdooped, I gave you a single command that would fix it05:39
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zirodayjason__: ubuntu would run fine on that05:39
NemesisDlancer, what would not a block device indicate05:39
cablesdooped, good idea, that's what we've been telling you all along.05:40
Jordan_Ulinos, Can you pastebin the output?05:40
coldis it possible to force normally full-screen programs to run in a window in wine?05:40
DVS01what desktop manager should i use on a p3 1.2ghz, 512mb ram? would gnome run ok?05:40
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ChikbuKaihi pplz05:40
cablesDVS01, it would run fine.05:40
tonyyarussoDVS01: yeah05:40
DVS01cold: you can make wine start in a virtual desktop. it will be fullscreen, but that full screen is just a window05:40
jason__doesnt xubuntu take les disk space05:40
doopedbruenig: that was the boot fixmbr got it05:40
LordLimecatalso, is it normal to have to manually install linux-restrictedmodules?05:40
desireZiroday: it's on the loudest level (full)05:40
zirodayDVS01: maybe just05:40
riotkittieDVS01: GNOME will run fine but i say try a number of them out and go with the one you like the best05:40
Khrajin_is there a command for apt-get to reinstall something?05:40
zirodaydesire: dunno then05:40
foxxjordan~ this is about the question i asked you earlier, i typed the command in it works and then when i reset im still having the same problem, the xserver is still an incorrect ress05:40
DVS01sounds good05:40
doopedbruenig: tks05:40
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bruenigdooped, no, you can do it within linux with that find command05:41
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zirodayfoxx: have you edited the resolution in xorg?05:41
cabledooped, I'm cables from before. I actually tried to help you, but you obviously didn't want my help.05:41
MnemonicNekojust a quick question to ppl? how come the ubuntu i just burned wont boot from the cd?05:41
=== MISTERTibbs [n=acerimme@74-61-60-15.sea.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
doopedbruenig: crud! i must have missed it05:41
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cableMnemonicNeko, does your system normally boot from CDs?05:41
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riotkittiebbiab. if i can actually get a connection when i boot into a distro. gah.05:41
desireZiroday: thx for trying anyways05:41
Jordan_Ufoxx, Did you select only the resolutions you wanted when asked by dpkg-reconfigure ?05:41
=== philc [n=philc@72-173-30-38.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
lancerNemesisD, I think your question to ask is "I have a tar.gz on a tapedrive, which I think it /dev/st0. I dojn't know how to mount the drive, particularly because I can't remember the format it is in. Can someone please help me figure it out?" - not a block device means either /dev/st0 is not correct (is it /dev/st1 ?) or it may be that you have wrong fs type.05:41
FlannelMnemonicNeko: if you open the CD in afile browser, do you see a bunch of files? or just an iso file?05:41
linosJordan_U:  I install java for my firefox browser using the command './j2re-1_4_2_13-linux-i586.bin'05:41
cableMnemonicNeko, okay. Try running the CD integrity check.05:41
bruenigdooped, yeah scroll up, it is find /dev and a bunch of other stuff after it05:41
foxxim still learning linux .. so whats this xorg05:41
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:41
ziroday!resolution | foxx05:42
ubotufoxx: please see above05:42
=== broedj1 [n=hellvis@p54B12D61.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ChikbuKaigonna give ubuntu a try, had some questions - im gonna go dual boot and  know there are some raw tools for reading/writing to ntfs drives comments on reading ntfs drives from ubuntu?05:42
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:42
bruenig!ntfs-3g | ChikbuKai05:42
ubotuChikbuKai: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:42
foxxthanks ubotu05:42
MnemonicNekoif that dont work, what? just try reburning the cd?05:42
linosJordan_U:  and now I cannot uninstall it from the command prompt.  why not?  any idea05:42
cable!ntfs | ChikbuKai05:42
ubotuChikbuKai: please see above05:42
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NemesisDlancer, im reading on google that you aren't supposed to mount tape drives because they are character devices and youre supposed to use tar/mt directly05:42
zirodayChikbuKai: ntfs read + write support is brilliant05:42
bruenig!thanks | foxx05:42
doopedbruenig: to much typ in here i will look thank you very much05:42
ubotufoxx: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:42
cableChikbuKai, NTFS is easy to use in Ubuntu 7.0405:42
FlannelMnemonicNeko: check the md5 of the ISO, burn at 4x.05:42
ChikbuKaiok, great05:42
MISTERTibbschikbukai, be very careful with dual boot05:42
MnemonicNekoil try that right now05:43
lancerNemesisD, okay - you may be right there - I might have given you a red herring05:43
FlannelMnemonicNeko: But, If it doesn't boot at all, make sure you have lots of files on the CD, not jsut the iso, since then you burnt it wrong05:43
cablebruenig, oh, the unjustness. I don't get thanked for helping dooped :(05:43
bruenigcable, take a look at the command05:43
Jordan_Ulinos, Apt-get can only remove programs that were added through apt / dpkg, that is one reason why you should try not to install things manually05:43
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NemesisDlancer, i still appreciate the attempt, i think my next step is a retension05:43
ChikbuKaiwill the Ubuntu installer install a boot manager (grub i guess) or should i use another?05:43
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MnemonicNekowhat would be the best prog to do so? i used archive manager05:43
doopedcable: I am sorry i got lost in the text05:43
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cabledooped, I'm sure.05:43
Azhi_Ubuntuok... if you want to flame me, FINE, do it05:43
zirodayChikbuKai: use grub05:43
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lancerNemesisD, I haven't used tape before - what happens when you type ls /dev/st0 ?05:43
doopedcable: thank you05:43
Azhi_Ubuntubut, i can't add tilda to the sessions menu05:43
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Jordan_UChikbuKai, GRUB will be installed05:44
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Azhi_Ubuntui do EXACTLY this: Click on System->Preferences->Sessions05:44
bruenigChikbuKai, yeah it installs it by default and automatically detects your windows installation and sets it up so that you can pick which one at boot05:44
NemesisDlancer, the guy im helping on the phone is doing something right now, i have a feeling it doesn't work though, ill ask him though05:44
ChikbuKaiwill ubuntu and grub offer to repartion my drive for me, or should i partition with a partition manager first?05:44
Azhi_UbuntuStartup Items->Add05:44
linosJordan_U:  is there anyway to remove this ./j2re-1_4_2_13-linux-i586.bin install?05:44
cablesChikbuKai, Ubuntu will offer to partition for you.05:44
MISTERTibbschik I would partition myself05:44
zirodayChikbuKai: an peartitionre is in on the live cd05:44
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Azhi_Ubuntutype /usr/bin/tilda05:44
lancerNemesisD, most things in /dev need to be mounted but then again - that's why you've found a page to point out an exception05:44
bruenigChikbuKai, it will give you the option to automatically resize it for dual boot, partition the whole drive, or manually partition in the installer05:44
Flannellinos: not easily, No.05:44
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Azhi_Ubuntuwhat am i missing?05:45
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Flannel!enter | Azhi_Ubuntu05:45
ubotuAzhi_Ubuntu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:45
cablesChikbuKai, it also includes a partitioner in the installer. If it doesn't give you the option to resize, just hit manual mode and you can resize it manually.05:45
NemesisDlancer, yeah everyone im talking to says they swore off tape drives some time in the 80s :P05:45
ChikbuKaii have 40 gb free so i have room, will this is nondestructive to my exsisting data i assume05:45
MISTERTibbsi'm dual with XP.  I got error 17 three times and had to reinstall xp.  PITA05:45
Jordan_UNemesisD, They are still the best way to do large incremental backups05:45
cablesMISTERTibbs, that's very abnormal.05:45
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bruenigChikbuKai, yeah, make sure you tell it to use the free partition and you will be fine05:45
linosFlannel:  oh no.  damn I screwed up pretty bad then05:46
Azhi_Ubuntuok... if you want to flame me, FINE, do it but, i can't add tilda to the sessions menu.05:46
Azhi_Ubuntui do EXACTLY this: Click on System->Preferences->Sessions, Startup Items->Add, type /usr/bin/tilda, accept->Close. what am i missing?05:46
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MISTERTibbsfinally figured it out.  I placed a small partition at the beginning of the disk, 2nd partition for xp, 3rd for ubuntu.  no problems after that05:46
Azhi_Ubuntuwhen i reopen Sessions tilda is missing... :(05:46
NemesisDJordan_U, or so i hear. From all the trouble Ive had with this one I am skeptical ;)05:46
Flannellinos: only things that you install through package management can be removed via package management.05:46
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ChikbuKaithere is a dell partition for diagnostic software, is it gonna be a sore thumb?05:46
zirodayChikbuKai: nol eave it alone it will be fine05:47
bruenigAzhi_Ubuntu, that happens sometimes, seen a few people in here with the same issue, that the changes don't remain, never figured out what the problem was, I would think off the top of my head that it is a permissions issue, perhaps whatever file it writes to has been made ro or even owned by root05:47
MISTERTibbsshouldne't be an issu05:47
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cablesChikbuKai, it shouldn't. I left that alone and it's fine05:47
ChikbuKaik, im glad the ntfs read write is solid :) last i had read it was all kinda beta05:47
cablesChikbuKai, it's fairly solid now05:47
MISTERTibbschik, defrag before u install ubuntu!05:48
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=== bruenig thinks MISTERTibbs doesn't know about tab complete
cables!tab | MISTERTibbs05:49
ubotuMISTERTibbs: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:49
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MISTERTibbsthanks for the tip05:49
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:50
bruenigknowledge is not power05:50
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ChikbuKaithink ill get snappier performacne compared to xp with Ubuntu on my p4 2.4 512ram?05:50
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Jordan_UChikbuKai, Yes05:50
MISTERTibbsChikbuKai: absolutely05:51
ChikbuKaisee i will put my wife here who wants to wrestle the p4 3.2 from me saying its faster, she is ebayaholic05:51
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BigMac_PHP comes preinstalled in ubuntu right?05:51
nixBigMac_: nope05:52
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BigMac_nix: I could have sworn it did...05:52
Jordan_UBigMac_, Only with Ubuntu-server05:52
ChikbuKaiis there a kill ghost command05:52
nixBigMac_: didn't got it in mine.05:52
=== gabbarinho [n=steve@c-68-80-201-72.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MISTERTibbsphp is easy to get,05:53
nixrighto. the ubuntu-server05:53
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bruenigChikbuKai, explain kill ghost?05:53
Jordan_U!hi | gabbarinho05:53
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ubotugabbarinho: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:53
hydanhow does HPLIP help me install my hp printer??05:53
EADG__ChikbuKai: Install and run links2 -g from the console as the web browser, you wll not believe how fast it is.05:53
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hydantwas easy to install in kubuntu.05:53
gabbarinhobig channel05:53
ChikbuKaihow much space should i give ubuntu?05:53
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gabbarinhoI guess that's to be expected05:53
bruenighydan, hplip has the drivers for a bunch of hp printers05:54
zirodayhydan: ahve u tried System > Administration > Printing05:54
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gabbarinhojust got ubuntu up and running for the first time an hour ago... first experience with linux in ten years05:54
bruenigDeskJet, OfficeJet, Photosmart, Business Inkjet and some LaserJet to be exact05:54
gabbarinhonot that anyone cares :)05:54
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bruenig!offtopic | gabbarinho05:54
ubotugabbarinho: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:54
Neilydoes anybody know why Lite-on dvdrw LDW 411S can't write .iso on a blank dvd with default cd/dvd creator tool in ubuntu 7.04?05:54
zirodaygabbarinho: do beryl its awesome05:54
bruenigNeily, what is the /dev/name of this drive?05:55
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gabbarinhodo beryl? what/who's beryl?05:55
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songsong@song-desktop:~/Desktop/mldonkey-distrib-2.8.5$ sudo apt-get install zlib05:55
songE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.05:55
songhow deal?05:55
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Jordan_Ugabbarinho, System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects :)05:55
nix!beryl | gabberinho05:55
ubotugabberinho: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:55
ziroday!beryl | gabbarinho05:55
ubotugabbarinho: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:55
bruenigsong, do what it says, sudo dpkg --configure -a05:55
gabbarinhooh! will try05:55
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EmuventeI'm running an ACER TRavelmate 512t and I'm having trouble with the live CD : /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off05:56
Emuventeany suggestions?05:56
zirodayNeily: afaik natilius cd writer cant write .iso usgnomebaker or K3b05:56
jarrodwhere would i find the drivers for a external hard drive ?05:56
ChikbuKaihow much space should i give ubuntu anyone?05:56
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Jordan_Uziroday, it can05:56
nixChikbuKai: about 2 GB would be comfortable05:56
gabbarinhohmm, ubuntu didn't like that05:56
zirodayJordan_U: my bad then05:56
Jordan_UChikbuKai, At least 5 GIG I would say05:56
Neilyok tnx!05:57
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EADG__ChikbuKai: how much space do you have?05:57
gabbarinhoI don't even have proper display drivers installed yet - maybe that's why05:57
=== nix lol
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Jordan_Ugabbarinho, What kind of card do you have ( nvidia / ati ) ?05:57
bruenignautilus cd writer absolutely can write .iso05:57
gabbarinhonvidia - an old one (GeForce 2 Pro)05:57
ChikbuKai120gb drive 42 free05:57
gabbarinhoI grabbed the drivers, but er....05:57
zirodaygabbarinho: try envy05:57
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Azhi_Ubuntuthis is weird05:57
gabbarinhoyou know. exit x and type in console codes05:57
ChikbuKai20gb maybe?05:57
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bruenigNeily, do grep cdrom /etc/fstab05:58
nixChikbuKai: very nice05:58
gabbarinhocomplete gibberish to me, I'm afraid05:58
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, Try system -> administration -> Restricted driver manager05:58
Azhi_Ubuntuapt-get update shouts an error tellimg me to run apt-get update05:58
jarrodwhere would i find the drivers for a external hard drive ? it did not  recognize the drive when i plugged it in.05:58
EADG__ChikbuKai: 20gb is good. 2x your ram for the swap.05:58
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zirodaygabbarinho: the drivers are a pain to install manaually use envy05:58
spiderman_hi there, im getting this error at startup " there was an error at starting gnome setting deamon " in ubuntu 7.0.4 , can any one suggest me what to do ?05:58
hydanbruenig, ziroday: thanks for your assistance but i've found the problem, it's my chord and it won't go in it's hole!!!05:58
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bruenigjarrod, after you plug the drive in, wait 5-10 seconds and do dmesg05:58
gabbarinhohuh, my monitor just flickered05:58
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ChikbuKaidoes the linux file sys outperform ntfs or is it equivalent?05:58
dr_willisChikbuKai,  i hear it does.05:59
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bruenigjarrod, see what it is being called05:59
gabbarinhooh, my card appears in the driver thingy05:59
spiderman_hi there, im getting this error at startup " there was an error at starting gnome setting deamon " in ubuntu 7.0.4 , can any one suggest me what to do ?05:59
bruenigChikbuKai, outperform, journaling, permissions, good stuff05:59
royelwhere is grub.conf located in fiest?05:59
nixChikbuKai: kinda' equivalent05:59
bruenigroyel, /boot/grub/menu.list05:59
bruenigroyel, /boot/grub/menu.lst*05:59
Jordan_Uroyel, /boot/grub/menu.lst05:59
gabbarinho"because software is proprietary, it cannot easily be changed to fix future problems"05:59
royelbruenig: doh, ty :)05:59
BigMac_So I now have php5 installed, is there a certain directory I have to put all my php stuff into like in windows 'htdocs'?06:00
gabbarinhoI am amazed that my wireless adapter works without any work on my part06:00
ShadowRelicI'm planning on installing Ubuntu tomorrow, what are the chances of me having driver troubles?  And are there any preventative messures I can take to avoid them?06:00
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bruenigShadowRelic, what hardware06:00
zirodayShadowRelic: what hardware?06:00
nixShadowRelic: you can try the live cd to check hw compatibility06:00
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ShadowRelicI have a Gateway M285 tablet06:00
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gabbarinhoenabled the default drivers... hope this works :)06:01
bruenigShadowpillar, nix makes a good point, when you put the disc in, it loads a live cd and you don't have to install it06:01
bruenigShadowRelic, ^06:01
bruenigtablet seems iffy to me06:01
gabbarinhoI am amazed how well this runs on only 256mb of RAM06:01
godtviskenDoes anyone know about jokosher? i get the error "Device 'hw:0' is busy" when I try to record.. I have nothing to my knowledge open that would affect this06:01
Azhi_Ubuntui'm getting an error about a signature06:01
bruenigAzhi_Ubuntu, did you use automatix?06:01
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gabbarinhowell, guess i better reboot - thanks, guys06:02
ChikbuKaiso with NTFS 3G i can read my ntfs files, what about in winxp reading linux file system?06:02
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bruenigChikbuKai, fs-driver.org06:02
zirodayChikbuKai: yeah i think you can google it06:02
Azhi_Ubuntuerm... yeah06:02
Azhi_Ubuntuwhat it a mistake?06:02
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ShadowRelicim planning on putting my current version of windows (tablet editon) into a VM and using it from Ubuntu, will the tablet features continue to work?06:02
deegeeShadowRelic: If you have Windows XP installed you can download Wubi and insatll Fiesty ontop of Windows06:02
bruenig!automatix | Azhi_Ubuntu no support here06:02
ubotuAzhi_Ubuntu no support here: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:02
dedidoes anyone know how i can activate the 1600dpi of my razer diamondback? (currently i have a negative mouseaccel and that sucks :)06:02
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.06:03
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linas__wow this is one busy channel06:03
Jordan_UShadowpillar, They should, although I am not sure about pressure sensitivity06:03
Azhi_Ubuntuso, basically: I'm screwed06:03
bruenigShadowRelic, tablet seems very iffy to me, virtual machine even more so06:03
ShadowRelicdeegee: would that be to dual boot?06:03
Madpilotlinas__, this is pretty standard for #ubuntu06:03
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coldDoes anyone know how I can transfer my entire profile (all of my settings) for Firefox from Windows to Ubuntu? I've got access to my entire Windows profile folder for it, but I have no idea where or what to do with it in Ubuntu.06:04
bruenigAzhi_Ubuntu, install fresh copy and don't use automatix or try to chase down the problem yourself, we don't support automatix issues06:04
jarrod<bruenig> it says no dock devices found06:04
deegeeShadowRelic: Yes. But only your windows partition The linux is a virtaul drive on NTFS06:04
bruenigcold, get the profile, move it to /home/username/.mozilla06:04
bruenigcold, start firefox06:04
Azhi_Ubuntubut the apt-get is an automatix issue?06:04
deegeeShadowRelic:I am running now on my Toshiba Tecra laptop06:04
coldAlright, I'll try putting it there06:04
ShadowRelicif i get everything working with the live CD, will it be the exact same when i actually install it on my harddrive?06:04
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bruenigAzhi_Ubuntu, likely, most of what automatix does is apt-get software06:04
deegeeShadowRelic: It should06:05
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linas__Madpilot, this is mad. I wanted to talk about a carzy problem on my brand new dell/ubuntu box ... but I can't hear myself think06:05
MadpilotAzhi_Ubuntu, you could try replacing your sources.list with a non-automatix-mangled one, see if this goes06:05
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EADG__ShadowRelic: .... and faster :)06:05
ChikbuKaiok, so ntfs - no problem, disk space - no problem - linuxfilesys to xp - no problem - expect performace boost - realy no problem....im a happy camper06:05
bruenigcold, by profile do you mean the randomly named thing or the mozilla/firefox/randomly named thing06:05
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coldWhichever one I need, I've got my windows drive mounted :)06:05
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bruenigcold, move the entire mozilla volder06:06
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Azhi_Ubuntuwhere can i get a non-mangled one?06:06
=== ChikbuKai is now known as Chikubu
Madpilotlinas__, there are side channels that're quieter - the national or regional Ubuntu team channels, for example06:06
Azhi_Ubuntuon ubuntu's site?06:06
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ShadowReliccan back up my current windows configuration by transfering every file onto an external harddrive?06:06
Chikububruenig - when you log off and back on fast some irc servers keep you logged on using old nickname, some servers have a command to kill your ghost so u can get your nickname back06:06
tomexI installed mp3gain from the terminal, but I don't see it in the menu. where is it?06:06
MadpilotAzhi_Ubuntu, one second06:06
bruenigAzhi_Ubuntu, fresh install, you are likely getting gpg errors with the extra automatix repos06:06
zirodaylinas__: waht exactly is wrong?06:06
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MadpilotAzhi_Ubuntu, http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:07
colderm, how can I move it with the terminal or something? I'm unable to see the .mozilla folder in /home/user, guessing it's hidden..06:07
deegeeShadowRelic: I went gonzo and no backup of anything but you should.06:07
=== oddalot [n=oddalot@user-11200ck.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
r00tintheb0x__Anyone need help on some advanced problems, let me know.06:07
linas__Madpilot, perhaps a linux-firefox-flash channel? yesterday, my brand new flsh pluginworked. Today, firefox goes grey when I go to youtube.06:07
r00tintheb0x__I like the hard ones.06:07
bruenigChikubu, yeah you should be able to, that command is run from the irc client I would assume right?06:07
zirodaycold: in natilius press ctrl+h too see hidden files06:07
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coldalright, thanks06:07
Azhi_Ubuntuwow... ATI on Dapper seems like a REAL PITA06:07
Madpilotlinas__, try reinstalling Flash?06:07
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Chikubuyeah i couldnt remmber the command, but doesnt matter the ghost finaly died06:07
skimonstahey all06:08
Jordan_UAzhi_Dahaka, ATI in general is a PTA in linux06:08
ShadowRelicwould copying the C: drive work?  do OS files need to be in a certain spot on the hard disk?06:08
r00tintheb0xAlright then, all better06:08
zirodayr00tintheb0x: i get random kernel panics with my at76c wireless drivers?06:08
FrogzooAzhi_Ubuntu: depends which card really - 9600 was no hassle06:08
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linas__Madpilot .. I suppose ... thanks06:08
nix!hi | skimonsta06:08
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ubotuskimonsta: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:08
EADG__r00tintheb0x__: how do i set up duel consecutive consoles on duel monitors?06:08
r00tintheb0xziroday, what's the dump look like?06:08
Nighteyenot sure06:08
Azhi_Ubuntuthe install instructions are HUGE06:08
iswmI'm having a weird wireless issue.. I'm able to connect to the network, but I can't get anything to resolve. 'host google.com' just returns ";; connection timed out; no servers could be reached" Anyone have an idea what could be going on?06:08
Azhi_Ubuntucompared to Feisty06:08
r00tintheb0xEADG__, elaborate, i dont know what you mean.06:08
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zirodayr00tintheb0x: err messy lol06:08
r00tintheb0xEADG__, you mean dual video cards?06:08
r00tintheb0xziroday, where'd you get the drivers?06:08
r00tintheb0xor compiled them?06:09
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skimonstahow would I tell ubuntu to activate my network interfaces at startup but to not assign ip address's either statically or dynamically?06:09
buckhi \o/06:09
zirodayr00tintheb0x: came with fiesty06:09
MadpilotAzhi_Ubuntu, yeah, ATI support in Dapper & Edgy was a pita. Feisty is much easier...06:09
MiMiCany1 know how to find out which tty* name is the tablet for my PC?06:09
r00tintheb0xziroday, what kernel version?06:09
Madpilotubotu, enter | r00tintheb0x06:09
ubotur00tintheb0x: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:09
Frogzooskimonsta: /etc/network/interfaces06:09
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r00tintheb0xsorry Madpilot i'll work on that, i know im bad about it.06:09
zirodayr00tintheb0x: latest from ubuntu06:09
EADG__r00tintheb0x: single card, duel outputs. I want to stay in cli but have tty1 on monitor 1 and a seprate login, tty2 on the other monitor.06:09
r00tintheb0xI get passionate about helping people out.06:09
deegeeShadowRelic: You should do a full backup and you should Ghost your system. That way you have a recovery method if all goes wrong. Also since you have a tablet research further and make sure you feel comfortablr. That is why LIVE CD and wubi was suggested to you.06:09
r00tintheb0xziroday, have you tried downgrading kernels for testing?06:10
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buckis it possible to get Terminal to remember my shells, so I don't have to reopen them all when I start it up again?06:10
zirodayr00tintheb0x: still have the same issues06:10
r00tintheb0xEADG__, what is the model of your video card?06:10
Chikubuwhat kinda open source linux games are out there? links?06:10
red_i need some ati drivers to get a better display output06:10
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MiMiCany1 know how to find out which tty* name is the tablet for my PC?06:10
r00tintheb0xziroday, what exact kernel version?06:10
EADG__r00tintheb0x: fx5200 nvidea06:10
ShadowRelicdeegee: is there a free alternative to nortan ghost?06:10
Azhi_Ubuntui overwrite /etc/apt/sources.list with the one of source-o-matic?06:10
skimonstaFrogzoo: I mean what are the specifics...do I say address
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zirodayChikubu: what type of game?06:10
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skimonstaor is there another command?06:10
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zirodayr00tintheb0x: gimme a min06:10
termitorhello all,06:10
Jordan_Ured_, System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager06:10
r00tintheb0xok ziroday06:11
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TiekylChikibu: Have you checked the Linuxappfinder?06:11
Chikubuim a real time strategy - role player - 3rd person shooter type06:11
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termitorso, i'm want testing gnustep , what packages it cool for use with gnustep ?06:11
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deegeeShadowRelic: Try the UltimateBootCD resource06:11
r00tintheb0xEADG__, this may help: fx5200 nvidea06:11
Chikubuno, im a a greenie (sounds better than linux newbie), but ill look now06:11
ShadowRelicdeegee: thanks06:11
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justinbShadow: ghost for linux http://freshmeat.net/projects/g4l/06:11
r00tintheb0xlet me finish w/ ziroday and i'll help you out some more.06:11
zirodayr00tintheb0x: kernel 2.6.20-16-generic06:12
zirodayr00tintheb0x: thanks06:12
deegeeShadowRelic:NoProb I just hope I helped06:12
dedidoes anyone know how i can activate the 1600dpi of my razer diamondback? (currently i have a negative mouseaccel and that sucks :)06:12
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grndslmmneptok:  i don't get what's so special about bittornado...06:12
r00tintheb0xziroday, whats the exact make/model of your wifi card?06:12
red_i dont have that06:12
red_im running 6.1006:12
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zirodayr00tintheb0x: Linksys WUSB11 v2.806:13
Azhi_UbuntuYeah!!! IT WORKED!!!06:13
red_7.04 is having problems with ati video cards is what ive been told06:13
Azhi_UbuntuIT'S ALIVE!!!!06:13
termitorso , what DE or WM use with GnuStep?06:13
coldchrist, it hasn't even taken me a full day to fall in love with multiple desktops06:13
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TiekylDoes anyone know if its possible to install themes on ubuntu with the default window manager? I've heard its not, metacity doesn't like them06:13
qmanred_: 7.04 runs great on my laptop, ATi radeon xpress 200M06:13
Azhi_Ubuntuqman: how did you make it SOUND?06:13
zirodayqman: you dot 3d? like beryl?06:13
r00tintheb0xziroday, feisty i take it?06:13
Stettin|work|ESBI think specificaly x800 chipsets are causing problems06:13
red_ive got an ati radeon 1300 and it wont load X06:13
qmanyes, I have hardware acceleration06:13
zirodayr00tintheb0x: yep06:13
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qmanwith the ati package in the rops06:14
gabbarinhodarn, turning on effects hung up my system06:14
zirodayr00tintheb0x: sorry i gotta go lunch :( really sorry06:14
Azhi_Ubuntui CRIED BLOOD to make my audio card sound06:14
kskihas anyone had issues with their laptop saying it's running on ac power all the time with the new 2.6.20-16 kernel on 7.04?06:14
r00tintheb0xok thats ok.06:14
gabbarinhoI guess I won't get to see this beryl thing06:14
qmanmy sound worked on the live CD, no extra setup06:14
dedii have a x800 and it runs well, just beryl only runs with xgl and there you cant have dual head06:14
red_but i need to get my resolution back06:14
r00tintheb0xEADG__ you have 2 VGA outs?06:14
qmanI've also used the VGA out on my laptop, it works06:14
EADG__r00tintheb0x: yes06:15
Azhi_Ubuntuweird... theres no sound for me on either the livecd or the local install06:15
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red_where can i get the drivers for this06:15
Azhi_Ubuntui had to fall back to dapper for sound06:15
red_for kubuntu they were easy to get06:15
Azhi_Ubuntuthe funny hing was that feisty was completely convinced that it was outputting sound fine... just there wasn't any sound coming out of the speakers06:15
qmanred:_ just to get it functional, you should use the driver "ati", but the proprietary driver (for hardware acceleration) is "fglrx"06:15
r00tintheb0xAzhi_Dahaka, what kind of computer do you have? Make and Model please.06:16
r00tintheb0xEADG__, you get my private message?06:16
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r00tintheb0xhi netham4506:16
netham45hi r00tintheb0x06:16
Azhi_Ubuntuit's a build one... the mb card is a MSIRS482M406:16
netham452 questions06:16
lancerI'm getting this error happening a lot: What is it? lancer-desktop kernel: [19479.197604]  EDAC MC0: UE page 0x2c, offset 0x0, grain 4096, row 0, labels "": i82860 UE06:16
r00tintheb0xSure netham4506:16
Jordan_Ured_, I am running Feisty fine with my ATI card, I definitely recommend upgrading06:16
r00tintheb0xwhats up06:16
EADG__r00tintheb0x: no. Send pm to EADG pls.06:16
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red_i couldnt even get it to boot off of the cd06:16
netham451) anyone know how hard it is to set up 5 monitors on Ubuntu?06:16
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netham452) anyone know the inital install size?06:17
red_im using a dell laptop with ati radeon 1300 video card and it will not load X for me06:17
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red_tried in ubuntu, and kubuntu06:17
qmandoes anyone here have an Nvidia GeForce 8600GTS? I'm thinking about buying one, and I'd like to know if it works well under Ubuntu06:17
red_same problem06:17
red_thats why I have to use 6.1006:17
r00tintheb0xnetham45, no and no06:17
gabbarinhohow do I "exit X"?06:17
r00tintheb0xi know it can be done though netham4506:17
Azhi_Ubuntur00tintheb0x, i saw a LOT of bug reports with the same issue: Audio seems to play, only that there's nothing coming out of the speakers06:17
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gabbarinhoI am not even sure what that means - I think X is the graphical interface06:17
netham45gabbarinho, try ctrl+alt+F106:17
netham45yes it is06:18
demo_NHow do i open a bin/cue file in ubuntu?06:18
qmangabbarinho: several ways. to stop X altogether, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"06:18
gabbarinhoso... if I entered that command, I'd have a console?06:18
TiekylAnd remember...ctrl-alt-f7 to get back06:18
Azhi_Ubuntuthe audio chipset is SB450... ATI HDA SB06:18
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r00tintheb0xAzhi_Dahaka, join #guruhelp if you'd like me to resolve the issue.06:18
gabbarinhoah, thanks06:18
r00tintheb0xi have a hard time seeing06:18
qmangabbarinho: to restart it, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart", or press CTRL+ALT+Backspace06:18
r00tintheb0xits hard for me to keep up w/all this text06:18
netham45it panics the kernel into a reboot06:18
gabbarinhobetter write those down :)06:18
netham451 more question06:19
netham45how hard is it to resize an NTFS partition???06:19
Tiekylwhat? ..buttons that I'm not supposed to push? o.O06:19
netham45Tiekyl, try pressing them06:19
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qmannetham45, that depends on who you ask, how fragmented your partition is, and how full it is06:19
netham45all at the same time06:19
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netham45better question: can I resize an NTFS partition?06:19
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qmannetham45, I've generally been very successful doing it, just make sure you defrag and that you have at least 5GB of free space06:20
gilo1is there a package for BASE (a front end for snort) for ubuntu?06:20
gabbarinhothe nvidia readme says I should "exit X" - I assume that means I should enter the sudo command to turn it off altogether06:20
netham45I have 25gb free now06:20
red_yes, X is the graphical interface06:20
gabbarinhohow would I navigate to the desktop where the driver file is stored?06:20
netham45Tiekyl pressed the buttons I told him not to.06:20
gabbarinhothat wasn't too clever of him!06:21
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=== netham45 starts a defrag
qmangabbarinho, yes, that's what it means...you should switch to a terminal, CTRL+ALT+F1, and stop X, then run the install script06:21
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, Don't install the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com06:21
netham45the buttons I said cause a kernel panic06:21
clever[rev] gabbarinho: what?06:21
netham45and a reboot06:21
qmangabbarinho, however, you should try the ubuntu package first06:21
gabbarinhooh. er.06:21
gabbarinhoI did06:21
qmangabbarinho, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx06:21
m_m_mWhen I choose "Suspend" from the Quit box, my desktop computer just shuts off completely. When I choose "Hibernate", it seems to hibernate but then reboots normally. Or it freezes up on a black screen.06:21
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gabbarinhoer, I thought it was not exactly full featured06:21
qmangabbarinho, then run nvidia-xconfig (I think?) and restart the X server06:22
gabbarinhothe desktop effects did not turn on, for example (it crashed)06:22
qmanafter that, you should have hardware acceleration06:22
katieYeah, you really shouldnt press ctrl-print screen-b... :(06:22
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netham45it's alt+print screen+b06:22
netham45if a defrag crashed, how f**ked would I be?06:22
katieEr..that. My bad. Now I feel even more stupid...06:23
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qmannetham45, boot windows, and let it run chkdsk, then defrag, then shut down properly06:23
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netham45katie, are you tiekyl?06:23
gabbarinhoit's a little frustrating to learn everything anew06:23
netham45qman, I am running a defrag06:23
netham45(Im in windows06:23
gabbarinhobut compared to linux ten years ago, it seems quite user-friendly06:23
netham45hey, I warned you. :)06:23
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katieIts like telling someone not to push a bean up their nose...06:24
gabbarinhois there any specific reason the nvidia drivers are not recommended?06:24
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qmannetham45, if the system is unable to defrag itself, you're probably going to have trouble06:24
wweaselI have a very odd problem which I can't diagnose.  Since I upgraded to feisty, and therefore to the feisty version of network-manager, most of the time I connect to my wireless network it requires multiple tries.  Once I connect, it's completely stable.  My edgy laptop still connects on the first try. Strange...ideas?06:24
qmannetham45, you may want to try booting a windows PE CD or NTFS DOS, and defrag from there06:24
BicchiHow do I increase the mouse cursor size without having to install a new theme?06:24
netham45qman: I am booted into my install of XP06:24
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, Since they are not managed by synaptic they won't get updated when you get a kernel update, instead they will just break06:25
netham45I don't even have Ubuntu installed yet06:25
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, It's also much harder to install them06:25
gabbarinhoah... well, unfortunately synaptic tells me that the drivers will not be supported anyway - it's a "legacy" driver06:25
zeeeeei'm trying out the quake 4 linux demo on ubuntu 6.06 lts, but while the video is running very smoothly, the game's response to my input is super-laggy...can anybody help?06:25
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katieBicchi: I *think* you can change it by going into the mouse options06:25
Khrajin_zeeeee: Could be too intense for your hardware.06:25
qmannetham45, yes, but the system may have a lot of fragmented files it can't access while it's running. A windows PE CD or NTFS DOS would have a better chance at it, since none of the files on the drive would be open06:25
Bicchikatie: but the bigger ones are red. i just want a plain white bigger icon.06:26
m_m_mAnyone know how to get hibernate & suspend to work?06:26
gabbarinhoI thought the synaptic drivers weren't working correctly because I couldn't change my screen resolution, and also because the desktop effects did not turn on, but perhaps that isn't the case06:26
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r00tintheb0xhu mneumonic06:26
netham45qman, the files that are fragmented are some DVD's I copied to my HD.06:26
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qmannetham45, I also suggest running chkdsk if you're unable to defrag, you may have some errors06:26
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Frogzoozeeeee: use the budgetdedicated wine repo06:26
netham45Windows has been on this PC for 2 weeks, it better not be that fragmented.06:26
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, Did you use Restricted Driver Manager or just install the package with synaptic?06:26
dedii guess cat /proc/* | grep whatever wasnt a good idea :)06:26
zeeeeeKhrajin_: i doubt it, i'm on a very new machine, and also the video as i said runs super smoothly06:26
gabbarinhoand man, it's absolutely BLINDING to use a CRT after years of LCD use06:26
katieBicchi: If you scroll down all the way, and all the ones are still red, you should be able to just install new cursors, not neccissarily a new theme.06:26
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netham45I have 5 CRT's on my desk.06:27
zeeeeeFrogzoo: i'll have to look that up, don't know what it is...06:27
qmannetham45, then perhaps it's just a software error, maybe rebooting will fix it?06:27
Khrajin_zeeeee: Um, are you running it thru wine?06:27
BigMac_Is there anything I need besides the PHP5 package (includes apache) to get the mailto( function working in my php sites?06:27
deegeem_m_m: I have same issue with 7.04. My prob is my swap partition is too small06:27
gabbarinhoI believe I used the synaptic as somebody suggested here06:27
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zeeeeeFrogzoo: i don't see what wine has to do with it though06:27
Frogzoo!wine | zeeeee06:27
ubotuzeeeee: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:27
zeeeeeKhrajin_: no06:27
r00tintheb0xAnyone got any "hard" problems they want to throw @ me, please feel free to do so.06:27
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Frogzoozeeeee: oh, it's not a wine app? ok, nvm06:27
Khrajin_zeeeee: Running it native?06:27
gabbarinhoyou must have a big desk!06:27
zeeeeeFrogzoo: nope06:27
netham45qman, it is going fine, I was wondering what would happen if it failed. sorry.06:27
zeeeeeKhrajin_: yeap06:27
Khrajin_r00tintheb0x: Maybe look into zeeeee's prob?06:28
zeeeeeFrogzoo: you can get quake 4 linux demo from the id site06:28
Frogzoozeeeee: in that case, probably best to upgrade to feisty for latest libs06:28
gilo1gabbarinho, I fixed all of my nvidia problems at work and home today by editing the xorg.conf file and adding the horizontal and vertial syncs under the monitor section.  It allowed me to go to 1680x105006:28
r00tintheb0xzeeeee... whats goin on.06:28
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r00tintheb0xSummarize for me.06:28
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Jordan_Ugabbarinho, Then the reason it wasn't working was probably just that when you install from synaptic in installs the drivers but doesn't configure X to use them06:28
zeeeeer00tintheb0x: i'm trying out the quake 4 linux demo on ubuntu 6.06 lts, but while the video is running very smoothly, the game's response to my input is super-laggy.06:28
gabbarinhoer... erm... that sounds great, except I have no idea what you are talking about :)06:28
fenixnegrof-16 mrf06:28
lockdwhat's the way to reset hostname if I changed it in /etc/hostname?06:28
gabbarinhoah, I see06:28
netham45is there a multi-head display configuration(like the display applet in Windows) in Ubuntu?06:28
lockdi got locked out from opening any more x terminals and i'm scared to reboot06:28
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, If you use the restricted driver manager you just click "enable" and it works :)06:29
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netham45or available at all?06:29
qmannetham45, yes, all you have to do is configure the xorg.conf file06:29
r00tintheb0xzeeeee, what do you have for your mouse and keyboard?06:29
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dr_willisnetham45, for nvidia cards theres a command line tool. But you cant reconfigure the stuff on the fly as fare as i know06:29
r00tintheb0xare you using /dev/psaux or /dev/mouse in xorg.conf?06:29
zeeeeer00tintheb0x: usb, usb06:29
dfgasanyone use a x10 tv remote?06:29
Bicchikatie: do i install them with synaptic or download the ones in gnome-look.org06:29
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qmannetham45, systems have been set up such that there were 6 independent heads to one machine, 6 monitors, 6 keyboards, 6 mice, 6 X sessions06:29
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r00tintheb0xok zeeeee06:29
m_m_mdeegee: is a gig big enough? that's about how big my swap partition is.06:29
gabbarinhoer, wait a minute, the restricted drivers thing *is* what I used06:29
anhvuitinhvt2008ban oi06:30
anhvuitinhvt2008xin key nhu the nao`06:30
gabbarinhoit says here, "nvidia accelerated graphics driver (legacy)" - in use06:30
katieBicchi: I believe you download the ones in gnome-look.org . I'm not much help on this honestly, I joined the chat for help on installing themes myself...06:30
Khrajin_qman: How do yo udo that?06:30
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gabbarinhobah. i feel like a n00b. which i suppose i am06:30
m_m_mr00tintheb0x: suspend and hibernate do not work for me.06:30
qmangabbarinho, then the driver is installed and running, you should have hardware acceleration06:30
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Jordan_Ugabbarinho, Your card is too old for Desktop Effects ( the legacy driver does not support them )06:30
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deegeem_m_m: The docs I read online is the swap should match your installed memory. My swap is 250meg and memory is 1 gig. There could be other issues06:30
gabbarinhoah, I see06:30
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, But you should have 3D acceleration06:31
gabbarinhowell, I can live with out them... it's just that the FIRST thing people said to me in this channel is "try beryl! try beryl!"06:31
ColroCan I mount a .nrg (nero image file similar to .iso) in ubuntu, or is there there a simple way to at least convert it to iso?06:31
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, Yea, search for Beryl on youtube and you'll see why :)06:31
gabbarinhowill do!06:31
Khrajin_Colro: With Nero you can save as .iso06:31
=== Gallius [n=dont@c-69-138-156-57.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
qmanKhrajin_, by carefully configuring X ;)  I wish I still had the link to show you06:32
lockdColro: what does file tell you it actually is?06:32
gabbarinhodoes it just make things pretty or add features as well?06:32
katieI was told several times to NOT even try beryl...06:32
Khrajin_qman: Is there a name for it?06:32
gabbarinhowhy, katie?06:32
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qmanfrom what I've seen, beryl can be a tad unstable, but nothing restarting a couple processes can't fix06:33
katiegabbarinho: Something about it being a beta. Its a sticky in a couple of the forums, and my brothers guru said its really unstable unless you are really knowledgable06:33
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Jordan_Ugabbarinho, It adds tons of useful features ( like OSx's expose ) and even more completely useless bling :)06:33
katieDont know how much I trust my sources though06:33
gabbarinhooh! that's great! i use expose all the time on my powerbook06:33
Khrajin_katie: I dont know how much I trust your sources either ;)06:33
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gabbarinhodoes it work on those intel graphics things in laptops?06:34
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, expose + multiple desktops = heaven :)06:34
katieKhrajin_: Why do you think I'm looking for help in here? :-p06:34
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, Yup06:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about expose - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:34
gabbarinhogreat - just ordered a cheap dell this morning06:34
qmangabbarinho, I've had Compiz (similar to beryl) running on a dell laptop with intel 915 graphics06:34
Khrajin_Jordan_U: What is expose?06:34
gabbarinhoexpose is the mac thing. you know.06:34
Khrajin_Sounds oftly familiar.06:34
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, Since intel releases open source drivers you don't even need to add any drivers as they are there by default, and work great06:34
grndslmany suggestions for torrent client?  i'd rather not use ktorrent with gnome. . .06:35
clever[rev] fresh install of 7.04 and sound isnt working right now06:35
gabbarinhoah, great06:35
clever[rev] no alsa or oss devices that i can see06:35
Khrajin_grndslm: See if utorrent works06:35
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html06:35
Jordan_UKhrajin_, It is a feature to show all your windows at once06:35
qmangrndslm, I use bittornado, but it's not exactly good06:35
zirodaygrndslm: deluge06:35
Khrajin_Jordan_U: thx06:35
Colrofixed the last problem, thanks :)06:35
grndslmKhrajin_:  no wine, please!06:35
ziroday!deluge | grndslm06:35
ubotugrndslm: deluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information06:35
gabbarinhoI hope I can get all the laptop things working... short-cuts for brightness adjustment, things like that06:35
mneptokgrndslm: see PM06:35
grndslmziroday:  hmm... deluge looks interesting06:35
katieHas anybody had any issues with installing themes?06:35
zirodaygrndslm: its good06:35
clever[rev] any ideas on how to fix the audio?06:35
gabbarinhoI am really liking what I'm seeing - looks really elegant, simple, un-bloated06:36
ColroI'm trying to play Starcraft via WINE and have the .iso mounted, but it keeps complaining about not being able to see the CD...am I screwed unless I actually burn it?06:36
qmangrndslm, I recommend strongly against Azureus, it tends to crash a lot, because Java can't handle the number of simultaneous connections and file handles06:36
zirodayColro: try cedega06:36
grndslmyes, i don't run java anything06:36
grndslmi'd rather run k-apps or wine than java06:36
grndslmtrying deluge06:37
kadazhow can I install sh programs?06:37
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qman"sh script-name"06:37
gabbarinhodo people use the default media player?06:37
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gabbarinhoI am surprised it doesn't...er, run anything.06:38
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gabbarinhonot even mp3's06:38
qmangabbarinho, you need to install codecs for it06:38
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, They can't include proprietary codecs for legal reasons06:38
qmangabbarinho, they can't include them by default because of copyright and patent issues06:38
gabbarinhooh, I see06:38
gabbarinhoso what do people use? VLC?06:38
zirodaygabbarinho: you need to install them in Add/Remove06:38
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, It should offer to install them for you when you try to open them though06:38
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qmangabbarinho, for instant gratification, yes, but you can also install a series of codecs from the Universe for the default player06:39
gabbarinhoI see06:39
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madman91hey guys,, why do i get errors from wget when downloading certain files.. the error is something like http://8080 invalid host name ..06:39
aumhow do I set up X to give me a massive virtual desktop that I can pan around with?06:40
Colrowhat's the command to unmount something? i keep getting an error saying I'm not root when I try to do it by merely right clicking on it06:40
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aumColro: sudo umount /path/to/mountpoint06:40
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Colroah, umount, was trying unmount ;\06:40
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arbolcan somebody help me in private?06:40
kadazhow can I change file permission in usr folder?06:41
katieWhat is the name for the screen with the orange loading bar at the beginning of a session? Is that the splash screen?06:41
gabbarinhotar.gz., rpm - what are these things?06:41
qmankadaz, look at the man page for "chmod"06:41
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, I don't know if you know this already but Dell has recently started selling some PC's with Ubuntu pre-installed06:41
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)06:41
gabbarinhoare they roughly like packages in OS X?06:41
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression06:41
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gabbarinhooh, yes, I saw that06:41
arbolcan somebody help me in private?06:42
gabbarinhothey didn't offer it as an option for my laptop, hmm06:42
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qmangabbarinho, .tar.gz packages are usually the source code06:42
madman91hey guys,, why do i get errors from wget when downloading certain files.. the error is something like http://8080 invalid host name ..06:42
qmangabbarinho, ubuntu uses debian packages, .deb extension06:42
r00tintheb0xAnyone with advanced problems, please dont hesitate to contact me. If i dont answer right away, thats because im in #guruhelp. :D06:42
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qmangabbarinho, though, you should use apt-get whenever possible06:43
AerotwelveHow long will it take to resize my partition? I'm sitting at the text based installer, and it's been saying 0% for a while.06:43
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dr_willisr00tintheb0x,  we will send all the troublemakers to you. :)06:43
gabbarinhooh - I was just trying to install Flash and it offered me those two options06:43
r00tintheb0xzeeeee, EADG, Azhi_Dahaka clear your screens... i accidentaly pasted too much06:43
dr_willisAerotwelve,  and the partition size is?06:43
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gabbarinho(.tar.gz. and rpm)06:43
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r00tintheb0xzeeeee, lemme know when its done.06:43
Jordan_Ugabbarinho, It's only one laptop model and two desktops currently, But I called Dell before the Deal and they helped me pick something out that would be Linux compatible, I don't know if it was just the one salesman though06:43
r00tintheb0xzeeeee, Azhi_Dahaka!06:43
r00tintheb0xzeeeee, Azhi_Dahaka when you see this... PM me and we'll continue.06:43
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Gartra1im mlooking for a good p2p client06:43
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arbolanybody can help me???????06:44
ryancranyone have varicad running on feisty??06:44
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gabbarinhoI am gonna have to pick up a book on ubuntu06:44
micahspoopGartra1: I use aMule06:44
Aerotwelvedr_willis: I chose to resize my disk, I said 60%, and my minimum size needed was 60 gigs, so I'd say around 70-80ish gigs?06:44
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crockodiecan someone teach me about ubuntu effects06:44
gabbarinhototally baffled at the moment06:44
qmanarbol, try being more specific06:44
Gartra1micahspoop: does have a GUI?06:44
katieHas anyone been able to change the splash screen on ubuntu?06:44
kadazok I got the chmod for file permissions, but what about folder perms?06:45
chat_noirHello! Seeking help on a major bug in Feisty powerpc...06:45
arbolI need to build a nat server with bandwidth shaping!!!06:45
micahspoopGartra1: Aye capn'06:45
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kadazis it different?06:45
Jordan_Ucrockodie, Do you have an intel or Nvidia card?06:45
qmankadaz, no, it's the same, but the "execute" permission means directory listing to folders06:45
crockodiei have ATI CARD06:45
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Aerotwelvedr_willis: I also can't hear my harddrive spinning at all, I don't think it's doing anything.06:45
Jordan_Ucrockodie, Is it supported by the open source drivers?06:46
crockodiebut how06:46
defcongnome better than kde?06:46
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dr_willisAerotwelve,  id be very very very patient with it.   I rember why i always use 2+ hds for my Linux installs06:46
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kadazchmod [user] [+-] [rwx]  foldername  ~ this will unlock the folder permissions and subfolders/files?06:46
qmanarbol, you'll probably get more help in #ubuntu-server06:46
Aerotwelvedr_willis: Alright, I"ll just leave it going for a while. Thanks.06:46
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arbolcan someone help me to build a nat server with bandwidth shaping???06:46
qmankadaz, to get subfolders and files, use the -R option for recursive06:47
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gabbarinhohow do I navigate to a directory in terminal?06:47
qmankadaz, to add read permission for everyone, do "sudo chmod -R +r foldername"06:47
AerotwelveThis probably wouldn't recognize any AC input at this time, would it?06:47
Lilacorgabbarinho: 'cd'06:47
ryancri installed the deb from varicad, but running it i see the splash screen for a second then it gives me an Abored (Core Dump) message06:47
gabbarinhooh. like dos.06:47
AerotwelveIt's a laptop, and I wouldn't want it to run out of power during something important...06:47
arbolcan someone help me to build a nat server with bandwidth shaping???06:47
micahspooparbol: perhaps you need a more network/it oriented channel06:48
Lilacorgabbarinho: if you don't know how to use the basic command line, you're in trouble06:48
gabbarinhoyeah, I am06:48
gabbarinhoand I don't06:48
arbolok thanks06:48
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qmangabbarinho, it's similar to dos, but far more powerful and flexible06:48
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qmangabbarinho, copy -> cp, move -> mv, dir -> ls, del -> rm06:49
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dr_willissililer to dos in the same way a Model T Car is similer to a   Dragster! :006:49
dfgasanyone using a lexmark X1270?06:49
katiegabbarinho: there are plenty of good tutorials out there to teach you the basics als06:49
crockodiei try glxinfo | grep direct it say X Error in failed request06:49
Jordan_U!terminal | gabbarinho06:49
ubotugabbarinho: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:49
Lilacor!power management06:49
ColroSo I just installed beryl, set it up somewhat, and it's...not doing anything at all :\06:49
gabbarinhothanks :)06:50
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qmangabbarinho, anything you can do on the system, you can do in a terminal, if you know how to do it. learning to use it is a valuable asset.06:50
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katieSo is there anyone in here that knows much about themes/splash screens in feisty?06:51
kadazgman ie sudo chmod -r +rw xmms06:51
BigMac_Hey, I just installed PHP5 on Ubuntu 7.04, is there anything else I need to install because the mailto( function is not working?06:51
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:51
qmankadaz, it's case sensitive, you must use -R, not -r06:51
katieI've found my themes, I'm having a lot of trouble installing them, though.06:51
chat_noirCan somebody help me on a major issue in Ubuntu Feisty PowerPC please?06:51
qmankadaz, but yes, otherwise correct06:51
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gabbarinhophew, managed to install flash06:52
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LilacorBigMac_: might be more helpful to ask in #php06:52
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BigMac_Lilacor: Can't, it is full06:52
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katieI scrolled through the sections in the forums about installing them, but there were only the same questions, no answers.06:52
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eMonster|Vistaanybody uses rpm?06:54
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qmaneMonster|Vista, rpm is for redhat, not ubuntu06:54
eMonster|Vistayeah but you could still use it right06:54
qman!rpm | eMonster|Vista06:54
ubotueMonster|Vista: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)06:54
chat_noirI have a major bug in Ubuntu Feisty powerpc... can anyone help???06:54
n2diyoMonster|Vista, yes.06:55
clever[rev] how would i go about fixing my audio on 7.04?06:55
clever[rev] im not seeing any sound cards06:55
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gabbarinhoberyl looks nifty06:55
chat_noirsame problem here!06:55
dr_willisclever[rev] ,  whats your sound card?06:55
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clever[rev] onboard something06:55
clever[rev] it works fine under win9806:55
qmanclever[rev] , you need more details than that06:55
Comrade-Sergeimy ubuntu will not pick up my ipod when i plug it in how can i trouble shoot this?06:55
ubotuTo change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.06:55
qmanclever[rev] , do an lspci, and find your sound card's chip06:55
clever[rev] not shure where i can get the details06:55
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dr_willisclever[rev] ,  has it EVERworked under linux? work under the live cd?06:56
clever[rev] and i dont see anything under lspci that looks like it06:56
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clever[rev] gedit was spiting tons of alsa errors from the livecd06:56
qmanclever[rev] , if your sound card is ISA, you're going to have a very "fun" time getting it to work, unfortunately06:56
dr_willisnight all06:56
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clever[rev] probly because it couldnt find a alsa device to plauy sounds06:56
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clever[rev] qman: its onboard audio06:56
n2diyeMonster|Vista: yes, I use RPMs.06:56
eMonster|Vistasee rpms are useful06:56
ColroAm I doing something wrong here? I installed beryl, set it up somewhat (mainly a couple keybinding changes) and it's...not doing anything at all :x06:57
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chat_noirthis chat room suck. Why am I getting ignored like that? This is a serious problem I have.06:57
katieubotu: I just looked at that site, and I see the same instructions as everywhere else. It tells me to use the .tar.gz file, and I try to tell it to install, and it says that its the wrong format.06:57
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mneptokchat_noir: that attitude may have something to do with it06:57
n2diy! patience | chat_noir06:58
ubotuchat_noir: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:58
Comrade-Sergeimy ubuntu will not pick up my ipod when i plug it in how can i trouble shoot this?06:58
Barurot69when will firefox in ubuntu be updated? Windows version already updated06:58
chat_noirI've been polite, and ask a clear question06:58
snerfuchat_noir, you didn't really ask a tech question.06:58
r00tintheb0xAnyone with advanced problems, please dont hesitate to contact me. If i dont answer right away, thats because im in #guruhelp. :D06:58
chat_noirYes it was06:58
clever[rev] qman: 00:0f.0 PCI bridge: Digital Equipment Corporation DECchip 21152 (rev 03)06:59
chat_noirAt least you could ask me further details06:59
snerfuOh maybe I missed it06:59
clever[rev] qman: does that look like it might be a sound card?06:59
katiechat_noir, it still takes a bit of patience, maybe.06:59
qmanBarurot69, once it is approved for compatibility and such, it should be added to the repos06:59
n2diychat_noir: I just logged in, so I missed the original question.06:59
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qmanclever[rev] , probably not, look for "Multimedia Audio Device"06:59
chat_noirOk, I have a major sound issue in  Ubuntu Feisty Powerpc06:59
clever[rev] dont see that at all06:59
clever[rev] i'll pastebin it06:59
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hydani've jammed my printing chord into the back of the printer as hard as i can. i've made sure everything is secure, and yet my machine doesn't detect the printer!chord in06:59
qmanclever[rev] , mine is "00:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2)07:00
grndslmehh....wasn't deluge in the edgy repository?  not seeing it in feisty07:00
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kadazgman, does those permissions include mkdir?07:00
qmankadaz, what do you mean?07:00
clever[rev] qman: http://pastebin.ca/53060607:00
chat_noirDoes'nt detect any sound drivers after a clean install07:00
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kadazgman, I've done sudo chmod -r +rw xmms   but trying to create a folder called skins, yet its denied07:00
Comrade-SergeiHELP! my ubuntu will not pick up my ipod when i plug it in how can i trouble shoot this?07:01
kadazwith a _R07:01
Barurot69what version of ubuntu will run on macintosh 512?07:01
qmanclever[rev] , you're right, no sound card is in that list. it must require a module that isn't installed07:01
chat_noirThis is an Emac Powerpc G407:01
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clever[rev] the pc itself is a dell07:01
grndslmComrade-Sergei:  what Filesystem is on the ipod...HFS or FAT??07:01
clever[rev] optiplex gx107:01
grndslm...look in the settings on the ipod07:01
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madman91grndslm: i believe it is fat3207:01
Comrade-Sergeigrndslm, fat3207:02
grndslmmadman91:  i thought there were different ones...07:02
grndslmsome have hfs07:02
grndslmComrade-Sergei:  have you tried gtk-pod ?07:02
clever[rev] qman: the kernel was complaining that the bios was too old(1999) and it wasnt trying to use acpi and it said to try acpi=force07:02
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qmankadaz, try "sudo mkdir skins; sudo chmod 777 skins"07:02
Comrade-Sergeigrndslm, its a os problem07:02
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clever[rev] qman: there was a acpi enable/disable in the bios so i added it to grub's conf and it seems to be taking effect07:02
Comrade-Sergeior a ipod firmware problem...07:02
clever[rev] qman: not shure if thats related or not07:02
grndslmComrade-Sergei:  what exactly is the problem? do you get errors?07:03
chat_noirthe bug seems to have to do with the 2.6.20 kernel that comes with Feisty, but I did'nt found any solution yet07:03
Comrade-Sergeigrndslm, on windows yes , linux no07:03
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kadazgman, thanks, what was that?07:03
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mneptokComrade-Sergei: make sure the iPod is in disc mode07:03
grndslmwell, if you get errors on windows...it could be the player07:03
Comrade-Sergeigrndslm, on winxp it says usb device not recognized07:03
qmanclever[rev] , it's quite possible that the sound card is ISA, though it would take some more research to find out. I suggest you look for what hardware options are available in your model, at least to narrow it down07:03
grndslmComrade-Sergei:  disc mode & gtk-pod should work07:03
Comrade-Sergeimneptok, it should still connect even if its not07:03
mneptokComrade-Sergei: no07:04
clever[rev] qman: all isa and pci slots are on a seperate board comming off the motherboard07:04
Comrade-Sergeimneptok, it has before07:04
mneptokComrade-Sergei: without disc mode it is not a mass storage device and presents itself only to iTunes07:04
qmanclever[rev] , yes, but all the onboard hardware must be either PCI or ISA, they merely don't use a slot07:04
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Comrade-Sergeimneptok, grndslm ok how do i set fot disc mode07:04
clever[rev] qman: yeah but it would need a seperate isa bus or go out to the seperate board and back in07:04
Barurot69what version of ubuntu will run on macintosh 512?07:04
mneptokComrade-Sergei: from within iTunes, or by resetting the iPod07:05
taurusivymy acroread-7.01 fails to start, except the splash logo,07:05
taurusivywhat could be the problem??07:05
mneptokBarurot69: none07:05
Comrade-Sergeimneptok, so reboot it?07:05
Colroanyone fairly experienced with beryl? :\07:05
crimsuntaurusivy: you likely want to be using 7.09, not 7.01...07:05
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mneptokComrade-Sergei: no, a reset involves more that that07:05
dfgashpw do you install a usplash?07:05
Hillviewhi.. just installed 7.0.4 amd64, and I'm having a bit of trouble.. anyone know the proper way to kill x/gdm so I can install display drivers?  envy and the synaptic drivers aren't working for me.07:05
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qmanclever[rev] , most systems have several PCI buses, it's not uncommon to have onboard ISA hardware from that time period07:05
Barurot69is there a linux out there can run on 512?07:05
taurusivyi am running feisty07:05
Comrade-Sergeimneptok, its just up and center hold right>07:05
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clever[rev] qman: ahhh i'll have to reboot to 98 and see what details i can get out of it07:05
qmanclever[rev] , though, it could just as easily be PCI, I don't know, as it's not loaded07:05
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mneptokComrade-Sergei: http://www.gizmocafe.com/portable-audio/ipod-disc-mode.aspx07:06
Comrade-Sergeimneptok, well now atleast its charging via usb07:06
qmanclever[rev] , either way, more information is needed07:06
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crimsuntaurusivy: http://debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/a/acroread/07:06
taurusivybut 7.01 works well on dapper07:06
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clever[rev] qman: also my bios lacks usb keyboard drivers07:06
LilacorBarurot69: I have ubuntu 7.04 running on 25607:06
clever[rev] qman: so grub doesnt respond to my usb keyboard07:06
clever[rev] qman: need a second ps2 keyboard to select 9807:06
taurusivyok, i'll try that, thanx a lot07:06
grndslmclever[rev] :  with alternate cd or desktop?07:06
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n2diyBarurot69: I don't know what an Apple 512 is , but look at the PPC kernels.07:07
gabbarinhoany random suggestions on cool things to do with ubuntu?07:07
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clever[rev] grndslm: desktop cd07:07
qmanclever[rev] , not sure if that can be fixed or not, you'd probably have to find someone who knows more about grub07:07
gabbarinhofavorite programs, perhaps?07:07
clever[rev] qman: either upgrade my bios or add usb support to grub i think07:07
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Barurot69ppc version?07:07
clever[rev] newer bios's can make usb keyboards look like ps2 ones to old crap like dos/grub07:07
astronouth7303how do I add a new resolution?07:08
n2diygabbarinho: kstars?07:08
mneptokBarurot69: Debian, OpenBSD, and NetBSD have m68k ports07:08
gabbarinhowhat's kstars?07:08
astronouth7303my LCD is widescreen, native 1680x105007:08
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Comrade-Sergeimneptok, thats wrong its center down to get to diskmode07:08
clever[rev] qman: booting...07:08
Lilacorgabbarinho: what are you installing an OS for? are you just bored/curious?07:08
n2diygabbarinho: a planetarium07:08
mneptokComrade-Sergei: k. dunno what iPods do what :)07:08
gabbarinhoer... a planetarium? :)07:09
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mneptokComrade-Sergei: but disc mode should allow Ubuntu and Rhythmbox to see it07:09
Comrade-Sergeimneptok and it says "ok to disconnect" when it isnt mounted...07:09
VurothAnyone have an idea why grub would fail to install?07:09
Barurot69thanks man07:09
gabbarinhowell... partly bored/curious07:09
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clever[rev] qman: in win98 now07:09
Lilacorgabbarinho: and the rest?07:09
gabbarinhoalso, windows xp just does not run very well on this six year old PC07:09
Comrade-Sergeimneptok, i use anarok , and it doesnt see it, neither does nautilus07:09
gabbarinhoso I am glad to find out ubuntu does run better on it07:09
defconhow do I logoff another gnome session07:10
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Lilacorgabbarinho: how much memory do you have on it?07:10
qmangabbarinho, programs that start with K are usually KDE apps, while things that start with G are gnome apps. You can install both if you like, but they'll depend on major parts of the desktop system they're written for, so don't be surprised if it uses a lot of disk space to have both07:10
clever[rev] qman: 'crystal pnp audio system ...'07:10
gabbarinhoone of the things I wanted to find out was if there was an expose-like feature in it - and it seems to have that too07:10
Lilacordefcon: log onto that session and 'logoff'07:10
defconLilacor, i cant i dont know how with fluxbox07:10
gabbarinhojust 256mb here, but I have a much newer laptop too07:10
mneptokComrade-Sergei: you might want to take it to an Apple store. iPods should "just work" in Fiesty, and every one i have seen does.07:10
defconi just want to log it off or close it somehow07:10
qmanclever[rev] , oh boy...I have a thinkpad with one of those, and I have only gotten it to work one time. Rebooted, and it never worked again.07:10
Smegzorhi, I'm trying to get an external modem (56k speed com+) working with ubuntu fiesty.  It is a winmodem, but its external.  I have tried to get ubuntu to detect it, and failed.  How can I tell if ubuntu has detected it at bootup?07:10
clever[rev] lol07:10
Lilacorgabbarinho: it's not production level software yet so be aware of that07:10
=== getoo [n=user@cpe-66-91-10-208.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
clever[rev] i got several pci cards laying arround07:11
clever[rev] qman: i can probly just shove one in and its 'fixed'07:11
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Lilacorgabbarinho: can you add more memory to that box?07:11
gabbarinhosure, i understand07:11
qmanclever[rev] , if you can, I suggest a soundblaster 16 based card07:11
getooi have a little problem with my windows being all open , as i click on hte panel it will not open07:11
Barurot69try this man http://lowendmac.com/compact/512k.shtml07:11
Comrade-Sergeimneptok, i know it used to, now it doesnt! this really sucks07:11
clever[rev] qman: then its just a matter of making 98 default to the correct one07:11
qmanclever[rev] , they are very well supported under linux07:11
gabbarinhoI could, but I probably won't - it's really almost useless these days07:11
getooi have to close the application and restaret it07:11
getooany fix for this07:11
Lilacorgabbarinho: okay, donate it to the local charity and move on then07:11
getoothis happends with pidgin and firefox07:11
clever[rev] qman: i have 4 diff sound cards which ive tested under linux(not counting this) and they all work fine07:12
mneptokComrade-Sergei: put on your Anger Face and hit that Apple Store07:12
skimonstaanyone know what the specific syntax would be to tell the interfaces file to activate 4 nics but not to assign address's?07:12
defconHow do I logoff another user in ubuntu07:12
gabbarinhoI was going to do something like that07:12
clever[rev] qman: 3 of them onboard07:12
jonathan_what happen with gaim?07:12
Comrade-Sergeimneptok, i got it from ebay!07:12
gabbarinhobut it would probably be charity toward me if somebody took me :)07:12
gabbarinhoer, took it07:12
clever[rev] probly wont have trouble with the pci cards07:12
Comrade-Sergeimneptok, where is the dev man in ubuntu , maaybe i can find it there07:12
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getoodefcon: when i have two users loged on my laptop the mouse stops working07:12
clever[rev] and even then i have a selection to pick from:P07:12
tiekylHas anyone in here been able to successfully install a new theme/splash screen?07:12
getoothe touchpad i mean07:12
qmanclever[rev] , sound support is getting very good, actually, just some older models, especially ISA cards, are impossible to autoconfigure, and really difficult to set up07:12
mneptokComrade-Sergei: lsusb07:12
tiekyl(Er...sorry if I seem impatient :-/)07:12
clever[rev] qman: i can extract the current ioports/dmachannels/irq for my crystal card07:13
clever[rev] qman: no idea where to feed linux with that though:P07:13
Lilacorgabbarinho: installing linux on an older computer such as yours makes the hardware useful07:13
clever[rev] qman: is that crystal card isa or pci you think?07:13
jonathan_how to register in freenode?07:13
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qmanclever[rev] , it's passed as arguments to the modprobe statement07:13
jonathan_somebody can help me?07:13
qmanclever[rev] , probably ISA07:13
grndslmehh....wasn't deluge in the edgy repository?  not seeing it in feisty07:13
jonathan_to register on freenode?07:13
Comrade-Sergeimneptok, hmm not there it says ipod in /media however (it says this even when not mounted)07:13
clever[rev] qman: ahhh and ugh:P07:13
defconpkill -KILL -u USERTOLOGOFF07:13
defcongot it07:13
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Comrade-Sergeimneptok, if i sudo del this will it work then?07:14
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clever[rev] qman: you know how i might force a 3rd ide controler(isa) into a linux system?07:14
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clever[rev] qman: so id have 3 channels and 6 devices max07:14
gabbarinhoyeah, it does certainly run much better than with xp07:14
Vuroth..assuming you can install ubuntu on your older hardware.  So far, I'm striking out.  ubuntu won't partition or put grub on my MBR07:14
qmanclever[rev] , adding a PCI drive controller should have no problems, granted that the hardware is supported07:14
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qmanclever[rev] , make sure if you buy a new one that it has linux support listed07:15
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r00tintheb0xAnyone with advanced problems that no one else can seem to solve... please don't hesitate to contact me. If i don't answer right away, thats because im in #guruhelp. :D07:15
clever[rev] qman: the motherboard has 2 onboard controlers and the isa card only has 2 ioport options so i cant put it in a empty 3rd slot07:15
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gabbarinhoI've found over the last year that I don't use many Windows specific program anyway, so if this works better for me, I'm in a mind to switch07:15
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clever[rev] qman: i was guessing the onboard ide controlers might have been more flexible and could be moved to non standard ioports/irq and still work07:16
tiekylgabbarinho: you a gamer? (Curiosity)07:16
gabbarinhoreally glad to find out that openoffice is much, much better than the staroffice i used ten years ago07:16
grndslmziroday:  how'd you install deluge?07:16
Comrade-Sergeimneptok, i do a sudo rmdir /media/ipod  and it says its not enpty (the ipod isnt even connected)!07:16
gabbarinhonot really07:16
[-frost-] `linuxI have a question about my video, I just installed VLC, but this was also doing it with all the other video players. The sound works perfect, but the video seems to not appear, and if it does it flickers a bit07:16
gabbarinhoi play one thing - pro evolution soccer07:16
skimonstaanyone know what the specific syntax would be to tell the interfaces file to activate 4 nics but not to assign address's?07:16
Hillviewhaving trouble getting a decent resolution with feisty fawn and my nvidia 7950gt card, any ideas?07:16
qmanclever[rev] , probably not, but PCI devices have this magical thing called IRQ sharing07:16
tiekylgabbarinho: kay..haha, thats the only reason why i still need windoze...(nuff chat though)07:16
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clever[rev] qman: yeah irq sharing helps but i havent heard of io port sharing:P07:17
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gabbarinhoright... well, one can always dual-boot07:17
Comrade-SergeiI got a directory in my /media called "ipod" when its not connected how do i rid of this?07:17
clever[rev] qman: so i'll wind up with 2 secondary ide controlers which probly wont go well07:17
qmanclever[rev] , ah07:17
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gabbarinhoon a typical day, the ONLY application I run is firefox - because of web apps i can use e-mail, word processing, etc07:18
clever[rev] qman: http://visualflex.net/gigagon/lge/3ide+.htm is the settings for my isa ide controler07:18
qmanHillview, install the proprietary nvidia drivers; the package is nvidia-glx07:18
clever[rev] qman: its ioport options are either *Primary07:18
clever[rev] (1F0-1F7) *Secondary07:18
clever[rev] (170-177)07:18
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tiekylI have a tendancy to try to find any available application to mess around with...07:18
qmanclever[rev] , since the system has ISA slots, it's likely the onboard controller is also ISA07:18
Hillviewqman, from synaptic?  I did that.07:18
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qmanHillview, run nvidia-xconfig, then restart X07:19
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clever[rev] qman: posibly /me looks07:19
Lilacorgabbarinho: ubutnu does that quite welll then07:19
qmanHillview, then you should be able to change your screen resolution much higher07:19
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Hillviewqman, okay, ty :)07:19
gabbarinhoyeah, it seems to!07:19
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gabbarinhomy only concern is whether it will run properly on my new laptop (just ordered today) with all the power-saving features, etc07:20
clever[rev] qman: http://docs.us.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/ban_gx1/ has info on the motherboard07:20
tiekylHas anyone in here been able to change themes or splash screens? I would at least like to know if its just me that the standard advice doesn't work for, or if its bcuz of metacity07:20
clever[rev] Model  Crystal Semiconductor07:20
clever[rev] Chip set CS423607:20
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clever[rev] qman:     rimary EIDE hard-disk drive07:21
clever[rev] 40-pin connector on PCI local bus07:21
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clever[rev] qman: sounds like its a pci ide controler07:21
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eMonster|Vistaclever[rev] : that is soundcard07:21
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clever[rev] atleast the 2 onboard ones07:21
qmanclever[rev] , then it may be possible, but the BIOS might not like that very much07:21
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clever[rev] eMonster|Vista: i pasted info for both the soundcard and ide controlers07:22
clever[rev] qman: yeah the bios may still cause problems07:22
eMonster|Vistaclever[rev] : do you like that soundcard? i thought they make really nice sound.07:22
_Codeman_I asked about this before but I forgot the steps and I think I screwed it up, but how do I implement linux's version of Internet Connection Sharing?07:22
Lilacorgabbarinho: I'm having power management woes at the moment. :(07:22
clever[rev] eMonster|Vista: it works under win98 but not under linux yet07:22
hyljemy X just gone about 50 pixels leftward07:22
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clever[rev] eMonster|Vista: and its onboard so i cant replace it just add others beside it07:23
gabbarinhothat's a shame07:23
qmanclever[rev] , I believe "cs4236" is the module for your soundcard, though you'll have to pass IRQ, I/O, DMA arguments to it and such, and even then, quite lucky07:23
eMonster|Vistaclever[rev] : it is one of the oldes crystal chipsets07:23
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eMonster|Vistai confused it with cs 4230, which was good07:23
clever[rev] i'll google and check its man pages07:23
boiboierm, is it possible to resize a portion of my hardisk which is curretnly formatted with ntfs for ubuntu?07:23
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qmanboiboi, yes, make sure your partition is defragged and you've shut down windows properly, then use gparted to resize it07:24
Hillviewqman, so I didn't miss anything.. kill x and gdm, run nvidia-xconfig, and restart x?  I forgot to take notes, sorry.07:24
qmanHillview, yes07:24
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kadazHow do I disable html opening in bluefish ~!07:24
Lilacorboiboi: 'parted'07:24
Hillviewhm, didn't seem to work =(07:25
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Madpilotkadaz, rightclick on an HTML file, go Properties->Open With, choose another app07:25
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skimonstano one here wise in the ways of ubuntu networking?07:25
qmanHillview, are you running 7.04? open System - Administration - Proprietary Drivers (I believe)07:25
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pkwebhello i have a big problem07:26
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qmanskimonsta, what's your question?07:26
boiboi|qman: i have two partitions, one is for windows and one is for my documents.I want to sacrifice 10gb from the documents partition for ubuntu... what  should i do?will that delete my documents?07:26
Hillviewqman, yes.. 7.0.4, amd64 disc I burned the other day07:26
kadazmadpilot, how can I edit open with?07:26
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skimonstaanyone know what the specific syntax would be to tell the interfaces file to activate 4 nics but not to assign address's?07:26
kadazand remove bluefish07:26
tiryanabunnycan anyone help me with an fglrx problem?07:26
qmanboiboi, no, it will reduce the amount of free space on which ever partition you choose to resize07:26
kadazmadpilot I changed options in bluefish already07:26
sheekta102How come every time I delete a file in the GUI, it doesn't delete at all but instead creates a hidden copy of itself that I can't delete?07:26
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qmanboiboi, and leave it free so you can install ubuntu in another partition07:27
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Madpilotkadaz, just switch the default radio button to the app you want to use07:27
Azhi_Ubuntuguys, how can i check if the hw 3d accel is on?07:27
VurothAnyone able to help me figure out why my quantum fireball HD can't be partitioned or have grub installed by ubuntu.07:27
pppoe_dudehi very quick question: if i reduce the tx power (dBm) does that translate to less transmission power? or is it the other way around?07:27
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[-frost-] `linuxI have a question about my video, I just installed VLC, but this was also doing it with all the other video players. The sound works perfect, but the video seems to not appear, and if it does it flickers a bit07:27
boiboi|qman : i see, but which file format do it make it to so that windows could access it?07:27
pkwebwhen i use restricted drivers for my graphic card (nVIDIA GeForce2 Ti) max. resolution is 800 x 600 and 60 Hz07:27
pppoe_dudei.e. is less dBm = less transmission power? = more battery life?07:27
kadazmadpilot where is the default radio buttom07:27
_Codeman_I asked about this before but I forgot the steps and I think I screwed it up, but how do I implement linux's version of Internet Connection Sharing?07:28
pkwebpls help07:28
Madpilotkadaz, the button in Properties->Open With that shows what the default app is for the filetype...07:28
qmanboiboi, none of the available linux filesystem types can be natively used by windows; however, if you use ext3, you can install a driver in windows to access it07:28
tiryanabunnyI can't get my computer to fully recognize my graphics card... can anyone help me figure out how to get the ATI proprietary driver to work properly?07:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:28
pkwebok i try tihs drivers07:28
tiekylboiboi: just trying to understand your problem, as it might be the same as something ive been wondering, you trying to resize hte partitions without having to do a complete reinstall?07:28
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Azhi_Ubuntusheekta102: how can i check if the driver is accelerating propery?07:29
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qman_Codeman_, you'll need to configure iptables. I'm not positive, but I think firestarter can help you out07:29
tiekylor is that me just understanding...07:29
sheekta102What version of ubuntu are you running?07:29
vishamhi folks07:29
=== julius [n=julius@user-85-201-2-179.tvcablenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
vishamhelp me installing a usb adsl modem on breezy07:29
kadazmadpilot Iam updating krusader and with krusader it uses html07:29
tiryanabunnyI have followed the instructions listed, but it keeps telling me "Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0"."07:29
boiboiqman, but, i think the installer doesn't have that...  TO:tiekyl, yes, i want to try ubuntu without sacrificing my files or windows07:29
sheekta102I run feisty.. and have an nvidia but I see mine listed in the system settings07:29
Azhi_Ubuntui already made all the steps on the howto, but i don't notice anything different07:29
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sheekta102under restricted drivers07:30
Madpilotkadaz, are you running KDE or Gnome?07:30
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_Codeman_qwan: Thanks, iptables thing jogs my memory a bit :D07:30
brylieyou know anything about python sur?07:30
kadazI need to remove the assocation07:30
qmanAzhi_Dahaka, run glxgears with the option to show all the extra info and the fps07:30
c0ldfrontYo my back, forward, and middle buttons on my mouse dont work in ubuntu07:30
=== non|linear [n=AceRizzl@d137-186-194-110.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
c0ldfrontany idea on howto fix this07:30
sheekta102How come every time I delete a file in the GUI, it doesn't delete at all but instead creates a hidden copy of itself that I can't delete?07:30
tiekylboiboi: Ohh...so you don't have ubuntu installed yet. Aside from the backup, and possibly trying the livecd, I just used the installer and it worked beautifully, my windows files stayed safe07:30
vishamusb adsl modem help07:31
Madpilotkadaz, you don't need to remove it, just change it to another app07:31
juliusi'd like to ask a technical question ! My acer 1642 WLMi has a led that don't work. I have to edit the file /etc/modprobe.d/options and add the line : "options ipw2200 led=1". A friend of mine can't get the caps lock led working. Can I do something similar ? How can i list all the materials led ? (<=== sorry for the bad english)07:31
vishammodel: Huawei smartax 84107:31
qmanc0ldfront, you have to define them to do something in xorg.conf, I suggest looking on ubuntuforums, as there is a good thread there on it07:31
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boiboitiekyl: what should i click in the installer?07:31
kadazits not on default bluefish but firefox, but it still opens with bluefish07:31
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tiekylboiboi: Have you tried to run the installer yet and aborted it or have you not tried yet?07:31
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Azhi_Ubuntui see three color gears and lots of info on the terminal07:32
c0ldfrontok thanks qman07:32
taurusivyThe bug is fixed up07:32
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Madpilotkadaz, odd. You right-click on an HTML file - any HTML file - and go Properties, then the Open With tab, and it says Firefox, but double-clicking on an HTML file opens it in Bluefish?07:32
taurusivyacroread could not start because its conflict with ilbscim,07:32
qmanAzhi_Dahaka, lots of extensions available means you have the driver properly installed07:32
tiekylSo..anyone in here been able to successfully change theme/splash screen in feisty?07:33
kadazmadpilot no07:33
taurusivythe workaround is to perform 'export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim'07:33
Azhi_Ubuntuok... how can i make the desktop snappier with this?07:33
Madpilotkadaz, then I'm confused as to what is happening, and how you've got your Open With options set. Be clearer, please?07:33
tiekylmadpilot: about your answer to kadaz...isn't that something you can change in the prefered applications? am i misunderstanding?07:33
kadazmadpilot krusader is asking put install lib from within "searching for tools" window07:34
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Madpilottiekyl, Pref Apps only covers a few apps - web, email, a couple more07:34
kadazI click on link and it opens with bluefish, I already removed the ass with bluefish, but opens with.07:34
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boiboitiekyl: i have tried it on another comp, but one thing is,i want grub to load windows as first choice instead of ubuntu, as i have other users on my comp.07:35
Madpilotkadaz, what? I've never used krusader - don't even know what it is - but this sounds like a krusader bug, then07:35
juliusnobody for my "shift lock" led ? :p07:35
tiekylmadpilot: isnt bluefish web?07:35
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qmanboiboi, that's simple, all you have to do is change a line in menu.lst07:35
ColroKind of dumb question, but I used another LiveCD for a different distro and it had a pretty nifty system status type thing on the desktop that showed current speeds in/out and processor useage and such -- is there a similar app for ubuntu?07:35
kadazmadpilot bluefish is an html editor and I could remove bluefish or seach for in lib and man install.07:35
boiboiqman,:erm, which line? haha07:36
tiekylboiboi: or just make them choose, or they dont get to use windows ;-)07:36
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Madpilottiekyl, yes, it's an HTML/CSS/coding app07:36
qmanboiboi, change "default 0" to the number that windows is; the file is located in /boot/grub/07:36
Azhi_UbuntuTrent_REz: can i PM you?07:36
qmanboiboi, you must use sudo, as it requires root permission07:36
Madpilotkadaz, it sounds like krusader's preferences are screwed up somewhere.07:36
kadazill restart krusader07:36
tiekylmadpilot: i just figured that would change what it opened HTML files with, which just kind of confused me on your statement. Sorry.07:36
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qmanboiboi, the file is very well commented and should explain itself quite clearly07:36
boiboii see :) thanks... but where can I find the menu.lst file?07:37
qmanboiboi, the file is /boot/grub/menu.lst07:37
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ColroKind of dumb question, but I used another LiveCD for a different distro and it had a pretty nifty system status type thing on the desktop that showed current speeds in/out and processor useage and such -- is there a similar app for ubuntu?07:38
boiboiqman:erm, sudo? erm sudo what? sorry that I am not good with it07:38
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LilacorHow do I adjust my power management so my box doesn't go to sleep mode automatically? the GUI doesn't seem to have much effect upon this :(07:38
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Madpilotkadaz, um, why are you using a KDE file manager app in gnome? No wonder things are messed up.07:38
Lapinuxi seem to be having a problem sharing a folder in my home dir over a windows network, can someone help me out?07:39
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tiekylcolro: there was a plaintext type display right on the desktop on the live cd?07:39
VurothExecuting 'grub -install (hd0)' failed.  This is a fatal error.07:39
qmanboiboi, editing the file requires root access. I suggest you do the following:07:39
Colroit was Damn Small Linux07:39
Colrolooked pretty neat, not a big deal if you don't know of anything similar that works on Ubuntu =p07:39
r00tintheb0xDSL rocks.07:39
tiekylcolro: I was messing with something earlier today that looked like that..07:39
qmanboiboi, open a terminal (applicatoins - accessories - terminal), and type "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"07:39
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wehttamb_i just installed supertux and i can not run. i need to run to complete the first level but i cant get tux to run07:40
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qmanboiboi, then enter your password, edit the file, and save it07:40
kadazmadpilot its a file manger, wont it work with any distro?07:40
wehttamb_does anyone know how to run?07:40
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tiekylcolro: It was called..conky . I had a bit of problem getting it to work just right for me, but I didn't care that much. Should be a good starting point though.07:40
Lilacorwehttamb_: yes, and I can walk too!07:40
Madpilotkadaz, no idea, but why not just use Nautilus?07:40
minostrosomebody xgettext utilities07:40
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wehttamb_how do i make tux run then?07:41
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Colroalright, thanks. I should just look up whatever it is that DSL used, it was just pretty neat to have, nothing that's a big deal07:41
r00tintheb0xpop him in the tail with a wet towel wehttamb_07:41
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minostroI want to make *.pot file07:41
kadazthanks for the tip. I bought total commander, but no linux lib's07:41
tiekylcolro: its definently work checking out though, it looked pretty darn cool07:41
wehttamb_what key do i press on the keyboard to make him run then07:41
Lilacorwehttamb_: what program are you talking about?07:41
minostrobut xgettext is not create the *.pot file07:41
wehttamb_please be serious07:41
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qmanColro, try "top", probably not the same thing, but it's pretty informative and useful07:42
juliusi ask my question again...07:42
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juliusi'd like to ask a technical question ! My acer 1642 WLMi has a led that don't work. I have to edit the file /etc/modprobe.d/options and add the line : "options ipw2200 led=1". A friend of mine can't get the caps lock led working. Can I do something similar ? How can i list all the materials led ? (<=== sorry for the bad english)07:42
Madpilotkadaz, Gnome's file manager is at Places->Home07:42
tiekylHas anyone in here changed hte theme/splash screen in Feisty?07:42
wehttamb_i would like to make tux run in supertux07:42
boiboiqman:thanks !then, i remember also on my other comp, i have problems with permissions on my usb hardisk and IDE hardisk, is there anyway that i can have owner permissions on them?07:42
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qmanboiboi, yes, there are two options. You can either take ownership, or grant permissions to everyone on the locations07:43
qmanboiboi: to change permissions, use the chmod command. to change owners, use the chown command. the man pages for each should be very descriptive07:43
Madpilotkadaz, Places->Home starts Nautilus, yes07:43
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boiboiqman: thanks07:44
Lilacorwehttamb_: what keys have you tried?07:44
boiboiwith those info, i can now try out installing ubuntu...thanks!07:44
wehttamb_space, up, enter07:44
qmanboiboi, no problem, hope you have a good experience :)07:44
tiekylAnother q: Is the splash screen the screen with the orange loading bar?07:44
wehttamb_it says it is configurable but i cant find it07:44
tiekylboiboi: Good luck!07:44
non|linearis there any way to get webcam in gaim?07:44
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wehttamb_i can change all the other keys but it doesnt show the key for run07:45
qmannon|linear, it likely requires a plugin07:45
tiekylkopete has support for webcams though, i havent seen any in gaim07:45
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BlueEagletiekyl: The webcam support in Kopete is buggy at best.07:45
non|linearhrm, any idea which?07:46
boiboithank you!07:46
Lilacorwehttamb_: http://supertux.lethargik.org/wiki/User_Manual07:46
kadazmadpilot I like duel window switching for multitasking.07:46
wehttamb_ok thx07:46
tiekylblueeagle: its still there though. Have you seen any other IM programs with decent cam support?07:46
qmannon|linear, I don't think any of the ones that come with it will do that; if it does have support, you will probably have to install one07:46
BlueEagletiekyl: Not for *nix, no.07:47
clever[rev] qman: [   24.067177]  isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...07:47
clever[rev] [   24.170454]  isapnp: Card 'CS4236B'07:47
clever[rev] [   24.170468]  isapnp: 1 Plug & Play card detected total07:47
clever[rev] qman: just noticed that in a dmesg:)07:47
tiekylblueeagle, didn't think so...07:47
non|linearqman: ok, where can i find gaim plugins?07:47
minostrosomebody help with xgettext07:47
clever[rev] qman: some part of ubuntu knows it exists...07:47
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skiffwhats a good FTP client with a lot of features, that resembles FlashFXP in windows?07:48
tiekylIs it possible to install new themes with ubuntu out of the box? (Without changing window manager, etc)07:48
skiffor better for that matter07:48
juliusskiff, FileZilla ?07:48
Lilacorskiff: filezilla07:49
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qmannon|linear, try here: http://pidgin.im/about.php/07:49
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kadazmadpilot does grnome have a better file manger simlular to krusader?07:49
Azhi_Ubuntuhow can i install kde, in case that i want to switch from gnome?07:49
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Madpilottiekyl, of course. System->Prefs->Theme07:49
skiffAzhi_Ubuntu, sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop07:49
Madpilotkadaz, no idea. I've always just used Nautilus.07:49
skiffAzhi_Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:49
clever[rev] qman: all i did was modprobe the driver and i appear to have fixed it07:49
clever[rev] qman: finding headphones to test07:49
clever[rev] qman: didnt even give it a single arg:P07:49
tiekylMadpilot: Sorry if I keep repeating the question, I just haven't been able to do it successfully. I keep having "invalid file format"07:49
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qmanclever[rev] , if it does work, consider yourself extremely lucky ;)07:50
Madpilotubotu, themes | tiekyl - see the last URL07:50
ubotutiekyl - see the last URL: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:50
clever[rev] yeah07:50
Azhi_Ubuntuok... if i update from Dapper to Edgy, i lost all my extra packages and configs?07:50
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juliusnobody for me ? How can I activate material leds of the keyboard ?07:50
clever[rev] root@media:~# aplay /usr/share/hwdb-client/ping.wav07:51
clever[rev] qman: i heard that:O07:51
Magillait's very exciting, so nobody tell me how it ends07:51
qmanclever[rev] , and if it does work, just add the module to /etc/modules07:51
clever[rev] now to just auto load it07:51
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tiekylmadpilot / ubotu: I've read that article already, and I can't figure out why it is rejecting my .tar.gz files.07:51
clever[rev] i was thinking shove the modprobe in /etc/rc.local:P07:51
kadazqman where is terminal located in ubuntu07:51
MadpilotMagilla, everyone dies in the end. Including the penguin. :P07:51
qmanclever[rev] , just add the module name to the end of that file07:51
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Madpilottiekyl, where'd you get the .tar.gz?07:51
EADGhehe, r00tintheb0x negitave on both dmesg07:51
clever[rev] qman: ading...07:51
non|linearqman: checking the link thnx ;p07:51
Azhi_UbuntuMagilla: snape kills dumbledore07:52
qmanapparently gaim got renamed to pidgin07:52
clever[rev] qman: rebooting to test07:52
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tiekylmadpilot: gnome-art, and it doesn't seem to be a particular file, i've tried it with several.07:52
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clever[rev] qman: also after i added 'acpi=force' to the kernel args suspen disapeared from my list of shutdown choices in gnome07:52
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Madpilottiekyl, leave the tar.gz on the Desktop, open the Theme app, and just drag & drop the tar.gz in07:53
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alienseer23why do I love Ubuntu? I just had to emergency downgrade my motherboard, processor, and lost about 87% of my memory, but this is the same hdd, and the same install of GNU/Linux-Ubuntu...07:53
tiekylmadpilot: "The file format is invalid"07:53
qmanclever[rev] , it probably doesn't know how to handle your hardware and actually put it into suspend modes07:53
alienseer23top that Windows07:53
feistymanI'm having memory problems. I've got an 80 gig harddrive that isn't close to being full, but it says I only have 1 gig of room left. Anyone have a solution?07:53
clever[rev] qman: and before i added that it thought the bios was too old and shut acpi off totaly:P07:54
nockiihi, folks. how can i change monitor resolution to 1280x1024 if this value is not present in gui config tool?07:54
clever[rev] qman: somehow giving me more options07:54
Madpilottiekyl, very odd. it should just open the tar.gz and install everything on the fly07:54
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hellsoulGabriel_Lins :@07:54
tritium!fixres > nockii07:54
clever[rev] qman: and i just heard a click on headphones durring the boot(still in usplash)07:54
qmanclever[rev] , it may have been using apm instaed07:54
Gabriel_Linshellsoul :@@@@~07:54
clever[rev] ahhh07:54
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clever[rev] hibernation does work though with acpi=force07:55
tiekylmadpilot: thats what I thought, and I went into the forums, and found a couple other people with the same q. No answers though, looks like im sol for now though, eh? -_-07:55
ColroDoes Ubuntu have a built in firewall or something? I've got my Azureus port forwarded in my router and it's still screaming at me that I have a NAT problem :p07:55
clever[rev] qman: and i know it supports acpi because it has an enable/disable option for it in bios07:55
r00tintheb0xAnyone with advanced problems that no one else can seem to solve... please don't hesitate to contact me. If i don't answer right away, thats because im in #guruhelp. :D07:55
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clever[rev] ahhhhh sounds:P07:55
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:55
clever[rev] that was too easy to fix:P07:55
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KevinDanyone helps to explain why? /dev/sda6              38G  634M   36G   2% /home07:55
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qmanclever[rev] , yes, but some early acpi implementations didn't follow standards perfectly...07:56
eMonster|VistaKevinD: 2% is used out of 38GB07:56
clever[rev] qman: and its apm interface gives more features at this version?07:56
Lapinuxcan anyone here familiar with sharing folders in ubuntu explain something to me, or tell me if im missing something...?07:56
feistyman'm having memory problems. I've got an 80 gig harddrive that isn't close to being full, but it says I only have 1 gig of room left. Anyone have a solution?07:56
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minostrosomebody help me with xgettext07:57
qmanclever[rev] , the acpi interface component may not follow standards, so the system doesn't know how to use it because it lacks the custom windows drivers07:57
kadazgksu /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator07:57
eMonster|Vistafeistyman: disk space is not memory07:57
clever[rev] qman: ahhh07:57
KevinDyes, but the occupation is 634M07:57
dr_drshI have a built-in SD card reader on my laptop, but It doesn't seem to work, I insert the card and then nothing, do I need to mount it manually or the sd-reader is not supported?07:57
qmanclever[rev] , or, the system may have been intended to use a combination of both via custom drivers07:57
VurothIt looks very much like I will not be able to install ubuntu, period...07:57
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eMonster|Vistaso it is rounded to 2%07:57
clever[rev] [    0.000000]  ACPI: BIOS age (1999) fails cutoff (2000), acpi=force is required to enable ACPI07:57
Vurothmight have to go back to windows.  :(07:57
clever[rev] [    0.000000]  ACPI: acpi=force override07:57
feistymansorry eMonster/Vista, I guess i should have said space problems.07:58
clever[rev] qman: first it allways gave,2nd i beleive is from the kernel option i added as it said07:58
feistymanHave a suggestion?07:58
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KevinDok, i see, thanks07:58
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glen_rLapinux: What's your problem?07:58
cycomSo...can I get my media buttons on my Dell to command VLC? They work great in Totem and Rythmbox, but I want em to do stuff in VLC!07:58
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VanaxAny way i can get some help with my ati drivers to make it not so laggy between alt+tab?07:59
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tiekylUmm...is there a mouse shortcut to change window managers? o.O07:59
qmanfeistyman, run "df -h" to check how big your partitions are07:59
qmanand how full they are07:59
feistymanqman, ok07:59
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qmanfeistyman, it may be that you've merely run out of space on one partition, due to a misjudgement when you set it up08:00
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feistymanqman, I did a wubi install awhile back.08:00
qmanVanax, are you running the proprietary drivers, fglrx?08:00
tiekylI just broke my gui....-_-08:00
VanaxI dont know. i jsut installed ubuntu last night lol.08:01
non|lineargman: are there binaries for debian for pidgin?08:01
qmanVanax, then you should install them08:01
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qmanVanax, they will allow hardware acceleration08:01
Lapinuxglen_r: im just wondering if im missing something, i went to system > administration > shared folders, i then shared a folder in my home dir but am unable to connect to the share from a windows machine because my user and pass is rejected08:01
Vanaxqman, how do i go about doing this08:01
tiekylIs there a way to tell what window manager you are using?08:01
pkwebi install nvidia-glx and nvidia-kernel-common what i must install, when want my graphic card do corectly?08:01
feistymanqman, it says the total size is 5.8 gig. Anyway to change that?08:01
MistaEDhey all, my swap partition was just 'remade' by fedora7 and now there's no UUID associated with it, how do you regenerate a UUID for a partition?08:02
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qmanfeistyman, you can resize your partitions by booting the live CD and using gparted08:02
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KhrajinAnyone ever work with Ubuntu?08:02
gravemindevery time I use DeVeDe, I get garbled audio. What gives?08:02
qman!ati | Vanax08:02
ubotuVanax: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:02
Lapinuxglen_r: i had to "smbpasswd -a user" to ass my user and a pass to be able to access the share, how is a average user supposed to know this needs to be done08:02
clever[rev] MistaED: the uuid is allready made and in the swap but i forget how to extract it from the device08:02
KhrajinAnyone ever work with Request Tracker?08:02
ColroHow can I burn an ISO to a CD in Ubuntu? =\08:02
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glen_rLapinux: Sorry, I thought you were referring to folder permissions on the same box.  I don't have experience with sharing with a windows box :-(08:02
MistaEDclever[rev] , it's sudo vol_id -u <device>08:03
pkwebi now try it08:03
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MistaEDbut sda2 is bringing back nothing, there's no UUID08:03
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clever[rev] MistaED: ahhhh08:03
clever[rev] lol08:03
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clever[rev] you could just mkswap it again08:03
feistymanqman, I installed this originally from Windows using wubi. Is there another way, and will a live cd even work if I didn't use it in the first place?08:03
Vanaxbrb gonna try isntalling it08:03
MistaEDbad fedora7, bad!08:03
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clever[rev] from the current distro08:03
magiis there any package which contains mongrel?08:03
qmanfeistyman, I don't know what wubi is08:03
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clever[rev] !wubi08:04
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html08:04
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clever[rev] qman: i heard a few days ago that the installer runs under winblows08:04
MistaEDclever[rev] , aha that made a UUID, cheers08:04
feistymanIt's that new method of installing Ubuntu through Windows.08:04
clever[rev] qman: probly if you say cant burn a cd or boot from it08:04
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clever[rev] you can just dl and run the installer within winblows and not have to burn anything08:04
qmanfeistyman, in that case, I gave you the wrong solution, you'll have to allocate more space to ubuntu using the wubi installer08:05
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feistymanqman, would I have to reinstall Ubuntu from scratch/08:05
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qmanfeistyman, I don't know; you'll have to find someone who knows more about wubi08:05
parepakisslanghello. is pidgin already available on synaptic/apt? i want to replace gaim w/o hassles.08:06
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natecullTrying to upgrade from edgy to feisty - having a heck of a time with repository MD5SUM/GPG errors08:08
tiekylWhat type of program is metacity? is it a window manager? or is gnome the window manager?08:08
natecullsometimes I'll get an error on a file, go load up the url in Firefox, it'll show one version of say 'release', I hit reload, and up comes a later version08:08
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qmantiekyl, gdm is the window manager, metacity is a theme management system08:08
natecullI think my ISP is transparently caching HTTP pages from the ubuntu.com repositories but apt-get isn't being very smart about forcing it to get the latest08:09
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natecullis there any known fix for this?08:09
tiekylqman: okay, thank you.08:09
natecullmakes using update-manager heck of dodgy08:09
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qmannatecull, if your ISP is caching the pages, I'd imagine you'd have to complain to them08:10
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ubotuTo change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.08:10
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natecullqman: I'm only guessing that that might be it because I've had issues with ugrading Ubuntu in the past and that's what I was told by various Ubuntu people the problem was08:11
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natecullI have no idea what my ISP really is doing. The only program that's ever given me trouble with web fetches has been apt-get and friends08:11
natecullIt's doing it again right now:08:12
natecullFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-security/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  MD5Sum mismatch08:12
natecullReading package lists... Done08:12
natecullE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.08:12
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VanaxSo, it still doesnt work, and its laggy >.<08:12
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qmanVanax: did you install the driver, run aticonfig, and then restart X?08:12
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natecullso then I go to that Packages.bz2 url in Firefox, hit reload, and voila, it changes08:12
Vanaxumm, no i installed, and then checked it to run, then restarted08:13
r00tintheb0xIf there is anyone with advanced problems that no one else can seem to solve, please don't hesitate to contact me. If i don't answer right away, thats because im in #guruhelp. :D08:13
natecullthere's a magic option setting somewhere in apt to make it always force non-caching or something isn't there?08:13
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qmanVanax, ok; open up a terminal and try this: "grep fglrx /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:14
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qmanif it shows up a line, it's configured correctly08:14
Vanaxit says "Driver                      "fglrx"08:14
qmanVanax, run fglrxinfo08:14
qmanin that terminal08:15
natecullBug 33505 is what I'm talking about: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/3350508:15
low_on_ramhello all! I am working on a small project here to convert an old laptop to a digital photo frame. This laptop has a broken IDE connector on the mother board and so the only way I can boot up is using an external CD-R drive. I've booted the system up in Ubuntu. Now what I want to do is boot the system up in Ubuntu and use a network to fetch the photographs. Could someone point me in the right direction for doing this? Specs: NEC Versa FXi Lite, P308:15
low_on_ram600MHz, 192MB Ram NO HDD.08:15
Vanaxmmk, what am i looking for?08:15
natecullis there a way to set -o options for apt so it always runs with, eg, -o Acquire::http::No-Cache=True08:15
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qmandoes it say "Mesa" in it?08:15
qmanall fglrx?08:16
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Vanaxdisplay: :0.0  screen: 008:16
VanaxOpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.08:16
VanaxOpenGL renderer string: RADEON 960008:16
VanaxOpenGL version string: 2.0.6334 (8.34.8)08:16
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qmanthen it appears your driver is properly installed08:16
qmanyou should have full hardware acceleration08:16
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endo2016i'm about to create a filesystem on a RAID1 device, any suggestions on what format to use? reiser, ext3, ... ?08:17
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qmanendo: that depends on what types of files you will have08:17
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Vanaxmmk im gonna restart and see how this works, and then im gonnna try and run wow08:17
endo2016media... movies, mp3s, ...08:17
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Madpilotendo2016, ext3 is Ubuntu's default...08:18
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qmanendo: reiser is good with small files, XFS is good with big files, ext3 is on the slow side, but the most compatible (tried and true)08:18
low_on_ramalso I would like the system to boot up from the CD Rom drive and then pass load linux on a USB drive. Unfortunately the system does not directly boot from a USB device :(08:18
qmanendo: in that case, I'd suggest xfs myself08:18
r00tintheb0xlow_on_ram, get a pen drive and mount it as swapz0r08:18
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endo2016I'll try that then ... thanks08:19
endo2016grr ... no mkfs.xfs ...08:19
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, if I have a swap partition on a flashrom based device, it could be a bad idea.08:19
low_on_ramflash based devices have a limited num of writes08:19
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oTEKhow do i install icons in ubuntu?08:20
Mach3how can i (or can i) access files on a second harddrive (ntfs) in ubuntu.. for example, play media files from my windows drive?08:20
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HoFFYthis is why im hot, this is why im hot, this is why, this is why,this is why, im hot this is why im hot, this is why im hot, this is why, this is why, this is why im hot, im hot cuz im fly, you aint cuz u not, this is why, this is why, this is why im hot im hot cuz im fly, you aint cuz u not this is this is why, this is why, this is why im hot08:20
HoFFYthis is why im hot, this is why im hot, this is why, this is why,this is why, im hot this is why im hot, this is why im hot, this is why, this is why, this is why im hot, im hot cuz im fly, you aint cuz u not, this is why, this is why, this is why im hot im hot cuz im fly, you aint cuz u not this is this is why, this is why, this is why im hot08:20
HoFFYthis is why im hot, this is why im hot, this is why, this is why,this is why, im hot this is why im hot, this is why im hot, this is why, this is why, this is why im hot, im hot cuz im fly, you aint cuz u not, this is why, this is why, this is why im hot im hot cuz im fly, you aint cuz u not this is this is why, this is why, this is why im hot08:20
HoFFYthis is why im hot, this is why im hot, this is why, this is why,this is why, im hot this is why im hot, this is why im hot, this is why, this is why, this is why im hot, im hot cuz im fly, you aint cuz u not, this is why, this is why, this is why im hot im hot cuz im fly, you aint cuz u not this is this is why, this is why, this is why im hot08:21
r00tintheb0xlow_on_ram, only if its old... ive done it for a couple of months.08:21
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HoFFYthis is why im hot, this is why im hot, this is why, this is why,this is why, im hot this is why im hot, this is why im hot, this is why, this is why, this is why im hot, im hot cuz im fly, you aint cuz u not, this is why, this is why, this is why im hot im hot cuz im fly, you aint cuz u not this is this is why, this is why, this is why im hot08:21
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qmanMach3: sudo mkdir /media/drive; sudo chmod 777 /media/drive; sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda# /media/drive08:21
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=== r00tintheb0x sighs
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, ok. I am bad @ the terminology thing. Could you direct me to a website or an article(s)?08:21
r00tintheb0xanyone need help?08:21
r00tintheb0xim bored.08:22
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low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, I will keep you busy :D08:22
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ColroDoes Ubuntu have a built in firewall or something? I've got my Azureus port forwarded in my router and it's still screaming at me that I have a NAT problem :p08:22
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r00tintheb0xlow_on_ram, to make a pen drive a swap drive?08:22
minostroi am help with xgettext08:22
r00tintheb0xminostro, to saves englis?08:22
low_on_ramI have a CF and SD card and a multi card reader.08:22
qmanColro, no firewalling is taking place unless you've configured rules in iptables (or with a program that interfaces with it, like firestarter)08:22
Mach3qman: 0_o ahh, thank you08:22
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Madpilotubotu, es | minostro08:23
ubotuminostro: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:23
r00tintheb0xminostro, uno momento por favor.08:23
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qmanMach3: adjust hda# to whichever drive/partition it is, and "drive" can be whatever you want08:23
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low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, my worry is that if I use the CD-R drive for too many read/boots then the drive will die. this one is already cringing nad squeling.08:23
r00tintheb0xminostro, #ubuntu-es08:23
r00tintheb0xen espaniol08:23
r00tintheb0xlow_on_ram, i thought you said you had a pen drive.08:24
minostroxgettext no me genera08:24
minostroel fichero de salida08:24
r00tintheb0xmirra, aqui is par english08:24
Mach3qman: where can i look to see all attached drives and what they are numbered?08:24
minostroel *.pot08:24
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, I am sorry. I can get one if it is better08:24
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r00tintheb0xy #ubuntu-es es en espanol08:24
r00tintheb0xlow_on_ram, what do you have to work with is what i am asking.08:24
minostrono hay nadie08:24
Myrtti!es | minostro08:24
ubotuminostro: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:24
r00tintheb0xthanks Myrtti08:24
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, but I would like to work on it today.08:24
r00tintheb0xlow_on_ram, what do you have to work with is what i am asking.08:24
r00tintheb0xWhat hardware?08:24
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r00tintheb0xSD card? CF card? Pendrive?08:25
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, CF and an SD card + card reader08:25
minostroI talk to in english to08:25
TiradinCan anyone tell me how I can import font files from my windows partition?08:25
Tiradinas working fonts in Ubuntu08:25
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, I have both a CF and an SD card.08:25
r00tintheb0xok what are their sizes?08:25
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low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, 1GB each08:25
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ColroHmm, is it possible to see my IP on the network then, qman? I know I've got everything configured properly08:26
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r00tintheb0xlow_on_ram, have you installed ubuntu yet?08:26
skiffhey when I try to add my LAN printer I get the following msg saying that port 631 will be opened and cupsys user (system user, not created by me) might be exploitable for an attack, how do I prevent that from happening and how do I secure all the other system users ?08:26
r00tintheb0xColro, i dont understand what you're asking.08:26
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qmanTiradin, install the msttffonts package08:26
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, installed linux on the CF/SD card? I do not have an HDD for the laptop. The laptop does NOT boot from anything other than the CD R drive.08:26
Tiradinqman: I meant other fonts, I've already installed msttfonts pacakge.08:27
qmanColro: open up a terminal and do ifconfig08:27
ColroAh, I said earlier that I'm trying to open a port for a program, and I've got it all configured properly and the port forwarded in my router, but it's still not working. I know with the same settings it works in Windows, so I was woundering if perhaps Ubuntu had a hidden firewall or is useing HDCP despite what I've told it to do.08:27
minostroare you help me with xgettext08:27
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Brade1where can i go to get help on burning an iso on to a cd using Windows XP08:28
Colrogod damn, it is useing the wrong IP -- I told it to setup a static IP to .50 and it just went right on ahead and used DHCP instead :/08:28
qmanTiradin, there is a ttf library, however, you'll have to place the fonts in the correct folder, which I'm unsure of08:28
natecullBrade1: you'll need a third party CD burning tool I believe08:28
Tiradinqman: thank you for your help... there's probably some way for me to figure it out08:28
Brade1ok bye08:28
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BFTDHi, on my laptop just before the login screen appears on boot up, it crashes and locks up, if I restart the machine without shutting off the laptop, it works fine, but other then that it crashes every time, how do I find out whats wrong?08:29
=== Brade1 [n=Braden@dsl-220-235-106-191.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Brade1how long will it take?08:29
ColroWell, going along with it and useing the DHCP IP fixed it, but could there be a reason why Ubuntu isn't letting me use a static IP?08:29
qmanBFTD, try pressing CTRL+ALT+F1 after it crashes08:29
hydanmy printer works!!!08:30
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hydanit detected after a reboot?? but it works!!!08:30
ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO08:30
qmanBFTD, if you get a terminal, log in and run "dmesg" to get some hints as to what's happening08:30
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redcardColro: What does "System -> Administration -> Network say?08:30
BFTDqman I tried that, its unresponsive to anything08:30
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Brade1did any1 help me then?08:30
r00tintheb0xoooh low_on_ram08:30
hydanso thanks whomever responded... thank you thank you thank you!!!08:30
r00tintheb0xi see, you dont even have a hard drive.08:30
natecullBTFD: also try looking in /var/log/messages after you manage to get it to start and see if there's anything logged for the previous boot08:30
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, :D the IDE connector on the mobo is broken.08:30
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Colrothat's what I used to set up my wired connection to use a static IP of *.50 instead of a random DHCP IP of *.100+ -- it says it's useing the .50 address, but apparently it's not08:31
r00tintheb0xthat sucks low_on_ram, get an external HDD or something.08:31
natecullBrade1: are you asking for a utility that will burn ISOs from Windows XP?08:32
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, I've tried getting an ext HDD. This model is an antique and I could not get anything on the internet.08:32
minostrothanks for your help08:32
bitwiseshiftleftquestion: does anyone know of a project (preferably in ubuntu, but elsewhere too) which aims to support intel's turbo memory?08:32
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redcardColro: I'd be curious what ifconfig says your IP address is (In Terminal)08:32
r00tintheb0xso low_on_ram you want to install ubuntu to a SD card?08:32
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slytherinI have 2 questions (unrelated to Ubuntu). Is FAT32 file system UTF8 compliant? Is iPod software UTF8 compliant?08:33
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redcardColro: For me, personally, I use DHCP and have my router set to assign an IP based on MAC address08:33
bitwiseshiftleftslytherin: i'm pretty sure fat32 is not UTF8 compliant08:33
qmanslyski, FAT32 does not support UTF8 natively, however, it can be forced, but if you plan to use windows with it too, that's a bad idea08:33
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, preferably on the SD card. I was thinking that if I can start the booting up from CDR drive and somehow redirect the boot sequence to say that linux is on so and so device, I can avoid the CDR drive getting trashed.08:33
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ColroWell, I usually just setup a static IP of .50 and leave the DHCP addresses to the other computers in the house so that I can easily forward ports here without having to change it every time my IP changes08:34
qmanoh, silly tab completion, I meant slytherin08:34
ColroBut for some reason it's just ignoreing my settings and useing DHCP anyway08:34
slytherinqman: bitwiseshiftleft: Thanks for inputs. I don't use Windows so that should be fine. Any idea about iPod?08:34
natecullBrade1: try http://www.petri.co.il/how_to_write_iso_files_to_cd.htm08:35
redcardColro: You don't have roaming mode on in System->Administration->Network , do you?08:35
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low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, and since I have 192MB RAM, I can run minimal num of applications, run X ONLY for running a photo slideshow viewer, I can get away with having no swap.08:35
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qmanslytherin, I don't know about ipod, I don't have one myself08:35
bitwiseshiftleftslytherin: I just use my ubuntu machine to charge my ipod.08:35
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k_direktoratedoes anyone now hae could i install my usb printer?08:35
qmank_direktorate, if it's a "winprinter", either the driver is in the list, or you can08:36
qman't use it08:36
slytherinbitwiseshiftleft: The reason I am asking this is that I plan to rip a CD for my friend's iPod and was planning to name tracks in my native language.08:36
r00tintheb0xlow_on_ram, you should install the server version to a pen drive.08:36
redcardColro: Hmm.. I dunno what to suggest there, then..08:36
r00tintheb0xthen install fluxbox or something08:36
k_direktoratei don't think i get the piont ....08:36
ohnoimdeadjust got a lifebook p7230 ultra-portable.  it runs feisty like a dream BUT i can't get the dang built-in cam to work.  any suggestions?08:37
bitwiseshiftleftslytherin: if either of you has itunes, i think itunes and ipod support utf808:37
qmank_direktorate, many new usb printers lack proper hardware to save money, so the driver software makes up for it; however, it is only written for windows, and people have to write the software for linux08:37
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bitwiseshiftleftbut i'm not sure08:37
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, ok. but how do I get the CDR to load linux from  the SD card ?08:37
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qmanif you have such a printer, dubbed "winprinters", either the driver is in the list, or it won't work08:38
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slytherinbitwiseshiftleft: I will try anyway. If needed I will convert names later08:38
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r00tintheb0xwhat do you mean low_on_ram ?08:38
r00tintheb0xload linux from the SD card?08:38
r00tintheb0xGRUB should be able to do that.08:38
TiradinI'm looking for the formatting fonts for Windows... it was called "Tahoma"08:39
TiradinNice looking font, wanted to use it on Ubuntu.08:39
qmanr00tintheb0x, I think what low_on_ram means is, the system will not boot from the SD card, so (s)he needs to boot initially from a CD08:39
Tiradinthere's already a TTF of it on my windows partition, isn't there a way I can transfer it over to Ubuntu?08:39
slytherinTiradin: install packafe msttcorefonts08:39
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AkuzedI'm having trouble with my laptop. I cannot seem to connect to the internet(this is another laptop obviously). How do I check to see if it has a wireless device in it so that I am not trying to connect to what cannot be connected to.08:39
MadpilotTiradin, sure. Linux can use TTF fonts.08:39
Madpilotubotu, fonts | Tiradin08:40
ubotuTiradin: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer08:40
slytherinTiradin: or perhaps you can copy the TTF file.08:40
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, qman is right. That is the problem I have :(08:40
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n30nHow do i put the "network-manager" package on the buttom bar instead of the top.08:41
n30nit's the one that controls both wireless and wired08:41
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ohnoimdeadn30n right click on the bar and select "Add to panel"08:42
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ohnoimdeadnetwork monitor should be in the list of widgets you can add.08:42
bitwiseshiftleftAkuzed: type iwconfig08:42
slytherinn30n: Right click on the netwok manager in top panel and click remove from panel. And then add it on bottom panel.08:42
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r4ngewith 7.04, it seems as though it comes with GCC but no /usr/include files... is this normal?08:43
ohnoimdeadanyone have any experience getting a laptop built-in camera to work in feisty?08:43
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Flannelr4nge: gcc isn't installed by default.  You'll need to install build-essential, that'll include all the goodies08:43
endo2016if i want to setup LVM on a SW RAID device, can i just point cfdisk at the raid device and create a new primary partion of type Linux LVM?  (wiki instructions seem to assume you are using the alternate CD)08:44
slytherinr4nge: No it is normal. Do you have build-essential package installed? Also check is you have ubuntu-desktop package installed08:44
Akuzedbitwiseshiftleft: Thank you. It has told me there is no wireless extensions. Is that telling me what I assume is pretty obvious?08:44
low_on_ramohnoimdead, I saw an article sometime back and it said that the author had difficulty getting hte laptop's camera working (I think the laptop was an HP model)08:44
r00tintheb0xoooh qman and low_on_ram08:44
_Codeman_so if I just changed my iptables do I need to reboot?08:44
n30nHow do i add that network-manager icon to the bottom bar instead of the top bar08:44
r00tintheb0xlow_on_ram, does it have a floppy drive?08:44
slytherinFlannel: on 7.04 build-essential is installed if yu have ubuntu-desktop installed08:44
bitwiseshiftleftAkuzed: yes.08:44
r4ngeslytherin, i just find it weird, what good is gcc without the standard library?08:44
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n30nit doesnt appear to be in the "add to panel" things08:44
TiradinStupid question.. how do I change user to root in terminal?08:45
ohnoimdeadi've got this cute little cam and i can't use it!?!08:45
Flannelslytherin: no, that's not true08:45
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, nope. No floppy drive either :(. Trust this one is one of a kind antique piece. :D08:45
bitwiseshiftleftAkuzed: However, you might have a wireless card and no driver.  not sure how to check for that.08:45
n30nTiradin, sudo08:45
Tiradinthank you08:45
slytherinFlannel: It has been true from 6.10. Prove me wrong :-)08:45
bitwiseshiftleftAkuzed: Ubuntu is pretty good about including wireless drivers, but they might have missed yours08:45
r4ngeFlannel, gcc is on my ubuntu 7.04 and i didnt install it08:45
r4ngeFlannel, actually i should double check that08:45
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low_on_ramohnoimdead, I do not know if you can use it or not. Someone reported that natively fiesty does not recognise the webcam. I am not say "oh no you are dead"08:45
ohnoimdeadr4nge "sudo apt-get install build-essential"08:46
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Flannelslytherin: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/metapackages/ubuntu-desktop  no build-essential, and no libc6 either, so b-e cannot be installed08:46
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Tiradinhow about the copy files command?08:47
Akuzedbitwiseshiftleft: THank you very much. I know there was one before, but after an unfortunate incident some number of months back things have not been the same. Never let your generally computer illerate sister try and use linux.08:47
Flannelr4nge: gcc is apparently installed with ubuntu-desktop (so by default), but nothing else is.  That I can see.  gcc might be used for other languages, I'm not sure the rationale behind installing it.  But you can install b-e easily enough (and it's on all Ubuntu media)08:47
Tiradinin terminal... have to sudo it08:47
phylogenesiswhat is the Ctrl+Alt+Delete combination for Ubuntu?08:47
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Tiradinn30n: Do you know the command in Terminal to copy a file from <dest a> to <dest b>08:47
r4ngeFlannel, i would have no prob getting gcc working properly, just found this weird that it's on there but you cant even compile a simple program with it out of the box08:47
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ohnoimdeadtiradin "cp [source]  [destination] "08:48
Tiradinohnoimdead: Thank you08:48
OrionaTiradin, mv source dest08:48
r00tintheb0xqman, can grub not write a boot record to a SD card?08:48
ohnoimdeadtiradin cp for copy, mv for move08:49
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TiradinNod... i figured that08:49
Tiradinthank you both,08:49
Orionaoh he said copy, yeah08:49
stiv2kwhere does firefox store my bookmarks?08:49
Flannelr4nge: Ubuntu is setup so that you needn't compile.  That's why.  Traditionally gcc isn't even installed.  I don't know why it is in 7.0408:49
r4ngeyeah, wasnt in my 6.10 server edition08:49
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BlueEagler4nge: Well you might bug-report it. Afaik gcc should not be in "OTB" but installed with build-essentials.08:50
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OrionaTiradin, try: cp -Rp source dest08:50
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Orionaif ur having issues08:50
TiradinI was transferring a font into a directory VIA the ubuntu HowTo, and recached my fonts... but it didn't detect the TTF file that's in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-tahoma/08:50
thirdyhow do I install tuxracer from the Terminal?08:50
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r4ngeBlueEagle, first i have to go through my logs but i;m 99.9% sure i didnt install gcc on my own08:50
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BlueEagletiradin: Did you re-build your font library?08:51
r4ngeFlannel, you confirm that gcc is installed by default?08:51
Flannelr4nge: that's correct, you didn't.  Its required by ubuntu-desktop.  In 6.10, it was only a recommends.  I'm sure it was upped to depends for a reason.08:51
TiradinBlueEagle: fc-cache -f -v?08:51
r4ngeFlannel, gotcha08:51
=== hwolff [n=hwolff@C-59-101-193-87.bur.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelr4nge: it's most likely not a bug.  Just a design decision that we don't know about.08:51
hwolffwhere can I find older ubuntu packages? kvnpc in Version 0.8.7 does not work with vpnc 0.4.x08:51
BlueEagletiradin: That's the one, yes.08:51
slytherinthirdy: sudo apt-get install planetpenguin-racer08:51
TiradinBlueEagle: Yes I did, I watched as the folder i put in went by, it said "0 fonts, 0 dirs"08:52
r00tintheb0xIf there is anyone with advanced problems that no one else can seem to solve, please don't hesitate to contact me. If i don't answer right away, thats because im in #guruhelp. :D08:52
BlueEagletiradin: Double check privileges on the directory and files so that all have read on them.08:52
ohnoimdeadif i can find a win driver for the built in cam is there anything like ndis for input devices?  i'm just shooting in the dark here.08:52
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r00tintheb0xno ohnoimdead08:53
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, does my problem classify as a something that requires a "guruhelp"?08:53
TiradinBlueEagle: In terminal I did a sudo mkdir... how do I change the parameters so everyone can read it?08:53
r00tintheb0xno low_on_ram :)08:53
r00tintheb0xif you want it to it can.08:53
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, ok.08:53
ohnoimdeadr00t, you are really breaking my balls here.  ;)08:53
thirdyHow do I know if my drivers are latest?08:53
BlueEagletiradin: man chmod08:53
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r00tintheb0xlol ohnoimdead08:53
TiradinBlueEagle: Thank you, i'm reading it08:53
_Codeman_Any iptables gurus around?08:53
ohnoimdeadok, i'm gonna go cry like an emo kid.  l8er all.08:53
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r00tintheb0xohnoimdead, what are you trying to get to work?08:54
dedican i prevent the system accessing sda while booting? getting a huge spam of "attempt to access beyond end of device" everytime, with lags. the disc is already managed by dmraid, so i dont need direct access or maybe even listed08:54
ohnoimdeadthe built-in cam in my lifebook 9723008:54
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, he's trying ot get fiesty to detect and use his laptop's inbuilt webam08:54
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r00tintheb0xaah, i can help with that.08:54
r00tintheb0xLowram, you need to google for...08:54
ohnoimdeadsorry make that p723908:54
r00tintheb0xlemme think.08:54
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ohnoimdeadOOOOOO!  even if you could point me in the right direction r00t that would be great.08:55
gabbarinhohey, there is a 64 bit version of ubuntu, right?08:55
gabbarinhoI never understood that properly - is 64 bit "faster"?08:55
nockiii can't fix it. the resolution is wrong and i need 1280x1024. somebody know what to write in xorg.conf to fix it?08:55
ohnoimdeadnockii, what is the video card?08:56
tritiumnockii: I gave you the info earlier...08:56
low_on_ramohnoimdead, it sounds like an exclusive japanese model08:56
thirdyWhat's the best package manager?08:56
BlueEaglegabbarinho: 64bit is more precise atleast.08:56
tritium!fixres > nockii08:56
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TiradinBlueEagle: I'm sorry I actually don't understand what it's trying to tell me.08:56
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r00tintheb0xlow_on_ram, how do you plan to initally boot, from CD?08:56
gabbarinhomore precise? precisely what does that mean? :)08:56
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_Codeman_gabbarinho: do you have a 64 bit processor?08:56
TiradinBlueEagle: I'm not sure which options I should change to on the file :/08:56
BlueEagletiradin: sudo chmod -R a+rx /usr/share/fonts/08:56
gabbarinhono, I don't - I'm wondering what it would mean if one did08:56
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, yes. the system can only boot from CD or from IDE HDD, which doesn't exist anymore.08:56
thirdyHow do I update Automatix's list?08:56
r00tintheb0xlow_on_ram, put the SD card in, boot from CD, and see if it'll let you install to the SD card.08:57
BlueEagletiradin: -R = recursive, a = all, +rx add read and execute permissions.08:57
r00tintheb0xI can get the card to boot i think.08:57
_Codeman_gabbarinho: oh, I see08:57
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low_on_ramr00tintheb0x,  ok I will try that.08:57
TiradinBlueEagle: Thank you, I would of never gotten it! lol08:57
BlueEagletiradin: It takes some getting used to reading man pages. :)08:57
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:57
gabbarinhobecause...er, there must be a reason that we have 64 bit processors, but no one has ever explained to me why08:57
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x,  you mean to try it on the laptop I presume08:57
r00tintheb0xyes, sorry.08:58
slytheringabbarinho: 64 bit is faster08:58
hwolffdoes anyone know where I can get an older version of a package?08:58
nockiiohnoimdead: Gigabyte PCI-E NV GV-NX76G256D-RH GF7600GS 256Mb08:58
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gabbarinho"faster"? :)08:59
ohnoimdeadnockii, thanks!!!08:59
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ohnoimdeadat least now i can scrounge around for a possible driver...08:59
slytheringabbarinho: faster than 32 bit08:59
low_on_ramr00tintheb0x, the Ubuntu live CD has an option "Boot from Hard Disk". Can it be used for anything?08:59
endo2016is there a VFS utility that will resize partitions (similar to resize_reiserfs)?08:59
gabbarinhowell, yes, I supposed as much08:59
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r4ngei c, on my server with 6.10, i installed g++ in addition to gcc, g++ has libc6-dev (which has stdio.h, etc) and a dependency09:00
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gabbarinhobut faster how, how much faster, why faster - does anyone really understand it?09:00
r4ngeas a09:00
slytherinendo2016: what is VFS?09:00
BlueEaglegabbarinho: I bet a quarter that google does.09:00
endo2016oh my09:00
gabbarinhoyou've got a bet!09:00
ShawnMcCuanslytherin: VFS is a filesystem :)09:00
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slytherinendo2016: if XFS support is inbuilt then gparted should help you with resizing09:01
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BlueEaglegabbarinho: http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=166509:01
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joacim_what is the status of powerpc support for feisty. i know it's beeing faded out (and there was no offical cd for powerpc), but are the powerpc updates/repos in sync with the rest. (i'm trying desktop-effects and the bugs reported for cube+workspace switcher does not seem to be exactly the same as I experience). Maybe other packages are older in the powerpc repos??09:01
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gabbarinhothanks for the link09:02
BlueEaglegabbarinho: Don't thank me. Thank google.09:02
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BlueEagle(and where's my quarter?)09:02
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slytherinDoes anyone know what is default bitrate for vorbis encoding in sound-juicer?09:03
charlesI type in sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change my monitor resoultion and it does not work09:03
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San_TehnikHi people)09:03
barnballcan someone help me fix an xterm error?09:03
slytherinsx66:  You have to restart X server.09:03
sx66slytherin, how?09:04
barnballxterm: error 32, errno 2: no such file or directory09:04
barnballreason: get_pty: not enough ptys09:04
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ShadowRelicwhere can i find drivers for my tablet PC pen?09:04
Myrttisx66: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:04
gabbarinhoer... the quarter will be there soon09:04
slytherinsx66: logout and then ctrl+alt+backspace09:04
sx66I restarted 4 times, and pressed `Save the file, then restart X (CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE). Done!09:04
r00tintheb0xlow_on_ram, you SHOULD be able to09:05
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r00tintheb0xi've never done it.09:05
slytherinsx66: which graphics card?09:05
r00tintheb0xi know that I can do it.09:05
r00tintheb0xbut it'd probably be done without the ubuntu installer.09:05
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_Codeman_So, where are all the iptables gurus?09:05
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sx66where do I find my sys info?09:05
r00tintheb0xsx66, "top"09:05
barnballi cant get to anything but the rescue mode command line, anyone know how to fix that error?09:05
r00tintheb0xcat /proc/cpuinfo and /proc/mem09:05
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r00tintheb0xsx66, you can also install a program called lshw09:06
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slytherinsx66: type command 'lspci |grep -i vga' on terminal09:06
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ShadowRelicwhere can i find drivers for my tablet PCs pen?09:06
_Codeman_Ok, I'm trying to share my wifi connection with my other computer via ethernet09:06
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r00tintheb0xlol codeman.09:06
m0u5ei need to get an intellimouse explorer working, anyone want to help? :909:06
r00tintheb0xoh man.09:06
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m0u5eive tried the IM wheel thing, but it just maps my keys weird09:07
r00tintheb0x_Codeman_, through a router? Or through your WIFI card?09:07
barnballxterm help anyone?09:07
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r00tintheb0xm0u5e, i've got ya09:07
ShadowReliccan ubuntu do WPA2?09:07
r00tintheb0xone sec09:07
slytherinDoes anyone know what is default bitrate for vorbis encoding in sound-juicer?09:07
r00tintheb0xm0u5e, on a laptop?09:07
MyrttiShadowRelic: depends on a) your card b) your kernel09:07
m0u5er00tintheb0x: yeah09:07
r00tintheb0xslytherin, i want to say 19209:07
crdlbslytherin, I believe it uses q5 by default09:08
r00tintheb0xm0u5e, make and model please.09:08
bobsumonehey guys im having a little trouble doing ICS on ubuntu server to 2 xp machines via 8port switch09:08
crdlbwhich is ~16009:08
ShadowRelici have 6.06, and windows can connect to it09:08
r00tintheb0xoh lol09:08
m0u5er00tintheb0x: dell inspiron 1150, ubuntu feisty 7.0409:08
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bobsumoneseems to be a problem in the dns because ubuntu wont resolve host names09:08
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slytherincrdlb: is that equivalent to 160kbps?09:08
barnballgoogle said something about permissions...but where? not sure what i ned to do...09:08
m0u5er00tintheb0x: microsoft intellimouse optical usb (the one with the back and forward on each side)09:08
slytherincrdlb: Oh, you already answered09:08
_Codeman_r00tintheb0x: these are the commands I was told to use, not sure they worked tho09:08
dedi /dev/sda should not be used for I/O buffering. any ideas how to deactivate?09:09
slytherincrdlb: and where does sound-juicer store all the preferences?09:09
crdlbslytherin, you can set the encoding profile in the preferences09:09
barnballxterm: error 32, errno 2: no such file or directory09:09
barnballreason: get_pty: not enough ptys09:09
slytherincrdlb: That I know. I want to know locationf where preferences are saved09:10
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crdlbslytherin, in gconf09:10
slytherincrdlb: Ok.09:10
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ShadowReliccan any help me connect ubuntu to my network?09:11
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bobsumoneShadowRelic: use samba09:12
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ShadowRelicbobsumone: how?09:12
bobsumoneim assuming your doing ubuntu-windows right?09:12
gabbarinhointeresting stuff - though it's a shame that this 64 bit stuff is currently useful to about .1% of the computing population09:12
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bobsumoneshadowrelic: what is your network made up of?09:13
ShadowRelici have a live cd, if i can get it working then im going to install it perminatly09:13
thirdyWat do you use for .rar?09:13
ShadowReliclinksys router09:13
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bobsumonethats tough09:13
ShadowRelici had to change my wireless to WEP to connect09:14
slytherinthirdy: .rar ia archive format09:14
bobsumonethe live cd's you gotta read the docs on how to get in to the admin and check your packs, ect09:14
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thirdyXarchiver doesn't recognize it09:15
Madpilotthirdy, install unrar09:15
hagabakai removed an apt source which has a higher version of a package, which i have installed. what command should I use to downgrade the package to the current highest version in the sources?09:15
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_Codeman_thirdy apt-get install rar I think09:15
thirdyhow do I do dat in Terminal?09:15
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thirdyIt worked09:16
endo2016what is the command to destroy logical volumes in LVS volume groups (opposite of lvcreate)09:16
_Codeman_does the rar work?09:16
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Madpilotthirdy, sudo apt-get install unrar09:16
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thirdysudo apt-get install rar09:16
coldfrontwhat is a good screen capture program?09:17
coldfrontfor video09:17
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slytherincoldfront: istanbul if you care for Free formats09:17
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coldfrontwhat if i dont:P09:18
sx66I had restarted my xconfig and it is taking 20 minutes, should it take that long?09:18
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slytherincoldfront: I think there is xvidcap and vnc2swf09:18
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barnballany help at all? google is not helping....which means im probably asking the wrong question lol09:18
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thirdyhow bout limewire in linux?09:19
r00tintheb0xbarnball, http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&q=%22error+32%2C+errno+2%22&btnG=Google+Search09:19
slytherinbarnball: what is question?09:19
sx66I had restarted my xconfig and it is taking 20 minutes, should it take 30-40 minutes?09:19
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ziroday!frostwre | thirdy09:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about frostwre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:19
slytherinsx66: what is xconfig?09:19
r00tintheb0xhe's getting error xterm: Error 32, errno 2: No such file or directory09:19
coldfrontanother thing is there a keyboard shortcut for switching desktop windows?09:19
thirdywats the best p2p mp3 sharing for xubuntu09:19
boiboihi all09:19
boiboii need help for grub bootloader09:20
slytherincoldfront: don't think there is one by default, you can set.09:20
gabbarinhowhat's the keyboard shortcut for "show desktop"?09:20
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire09:20
ziroday!frostwire | thirdy09:20
ubotuthirdy: please see above09:20
r00tintheb0xcoldfront, you can use your wheel on your mouse over them09:20
r00tintheb0xi think.09:20
slytheringabbarinho: ctrl+alt+d09:20
thirdyis it safe?09:20
coldfrontthat doesnt work for me root09:20
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slytherinboiboi: ask the question09:20
Madpilotcoldfront, Ctrl+Alt+Left|Right Arrow switches desktops09:20
boiboiis there anyone who can help me with grub?09:20
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sx66slytherin, the command you said to do...I typed it in and restarted the terminal it is running local boot scripts [OK]  and been sitting there for 40 minutes09:20
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r00tintheb0xboiboi, i can.09:20
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coldfrontthanks madpilot09:20
coldfrontthats nice:)09:21
zirodayhey r00tintheb0x09:21
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Madpilotcoldfront, also, hover your mouse over the desktop switcher on the panel, and move your wheel up & down.09:21
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boiboislytherin: i need set grub to load windows by default, instead of ubuntu, how should i do it?09:21
_Codeman_what package do I need for a 3Com 3c905b?09:21
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slytherinsx66: what was output of that command?09:21
r00tintheb0xhi ziroday09:21
_Codeman_ethernet adapter*09:21
gabbarinhois it possible to add rar support to archive manager?09:21
zirodayr00tintheb0x: got ur message09:21
sx66the one that was to -restart09:22
rocococoldfront: you can also set "switch to desktop X" in the preferences-->keyboard shortcuts. I use alt+number keys.09:22
_Codeman_gabbarinho: I think "sudo apt-get install rar" does09:22
_Codeman_did for me anyway09:22
sx66slytherin, the one to restart09:22
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gabbarinhoI can enter that anywhere in terminal?09:22
slytherinboiboi: If you know how to open terminal, then from terminal do - gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst - in that file you should find an option for default OS09:22
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gabbarinhodoes "sudo" stand for anything?09:23
slytherinsx66: Is your a laptop?09:23
_Codeman_"super use do" I think09:23
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boiboii am there, someone told me to set the default from 0 to something else, but what is the something else?09:23
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Madpilotubotu, sudo | gabbarinho09:23
ubotugabbarinho: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:23
sx66I hard shut it down slytherin09:23
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gabbarinhoah, i see, thanks09:23
slytherinsx66: is yours a laptop?09:24
llolis there anyway to make the default password size smaller?09:24
_Codeman_kane77, Hey, you helped me with iptables the other day, I'm not sure if I screwed something up but it's not working :P09:24
llolinstead of 6 characters?09:24
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sx66yes slytherin09:24
gabbarinhowow, codeman - that's magical09:24
boiboislytherin:i am scared if i edit the wrong number, then i can't load any OS09:24
gabbarinhonow I am beginning to see why linux is cool09:25
r00tintheb0xman, i love it.09:25
slytherinsx66: is the power plugged in?09:25
llolamen to that09:25
_Codeman_I <3 linux too!09:25
gabbarinhoso that package was already on my hard drive as part of the ubuntu installation?09:25
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llolhey guys is there a way to change the default password size?09:25
gabbarinhoI can see how when I finally learn how to use this thing properly, it'll really be of benefit09:25
kane77_Codeman_, and what was it? internet sharing?09:25
sx66slytherin, yes09:25
r00tintheb0xWho had the GRUB problem?09:26
_Codeman_kane77: Yes, sorry09:26
slytherinboiboi: Buddy, you have the list in file itself. Check the number correctly.09:26
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slytherinsx66: try unplugging the power and restart thge machine09:26
boiboislytherin: how do i check?09:26
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sx66I had typed in sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:26
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kane77_Codeman_, a second09:27
sx66irc://irc.freenode.org/slytherin,isnick: I am going to unplug and restart09:27
boiboititleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.20-15-generic09:27
boiboikernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic root=UUID=dc8b4912-1b78-42a7-9723-c1d6368577fd ro quiet splash acpi=off09:27
_Codeman_kane77: No problem :D09:27
gabbarinhoman, the built-in PDF reader is fast09:27
gabbarinhois that available for windows too?09:27
slytherinboiboi: please don't paste here.09:28
slytherinboiboi: how many occurances of word 'title' do you see there?09:28
_Codeman_gabbarinho: Probably not :P09:28
endo2016anyone know what this error means:dm_task_set_name: Device /dev/mapper/store-media not found?  I get trying to run mkfs.xfs on a LVS logical volume called /dev/store/media ??09:28
gabbarinhotoo bad09:28
gabbarinhowell, I am glad I finally gave ubuntu a try09:28
gabbarinhoare there any other packages I can magically unlock?09:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about copypaste - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:29
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:29
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gabbarinhoer... let me rephrase that question, there must be tons of them09:29
=== Zdra [n=zdra@97.227-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
Lilacorevince is the pdf reader gabbarinho09:29
boiboislytherin: 4th one is the windows installation09:29
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_Codeman_gabbarinho: http://packages.ubuntu.com09:30
gabbarinhothanks, guys09:30
_Codeman_no problem :D09:30
slytherinboiboi: ok, so you have to change value of 'default' from 0 to 309:30
gabbarinhodarn, looks like linux only09:30
kane77_Codeman_, put this in a .sh file http://pastebin.ca/530794 and chmod +x it... (you should change the eth0/1 for proper interfaces)09:30
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n30n1I need help with samba09:31
gabbarinhoadobe acrobat reader is one of the most unpleasant things about using windows09:31
gabbarinhoslow to load, resource heavy, crash-prone09:31
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gabbarinhoAND it kills babies09:31
kane77_Codeman_, eth0 is the interface that has internet eht1 is the one that wants :)09:31
boiboiok... then save it?09:31
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Lilacorgabbarinho: I don't think it's so bad.09:32
kane77gabbarinho, and kittens... oh wait Internet Explorer kills kittens...09:32
Lilacorgabbarinho: maybe you haven't disactivated many of its plug-ins09:32
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yemuhi, anyone uses compiz? i have problems with scale plugin and screencorners - moving the mouse to the corner is not activating scale09:32
slytherinboiboi: yes. save and restart09:32
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yemuand the option is set in compiz-settings09:32
slytheringabbarinho: I agree, Evince is best09:33
zirodayyemu: use beryl09:33
gabbarinhopossibly - but i always remember it being slow, even in the DOS days09:33
gabbarinho(and yes, it's IE that kills kittens)09:33
giany911hello all .. i need some help to config the partitions, i want to install ubuntu :D09:33
TakeOut{u}gabbarinho, and web developers :P09:33
yemuziroday, i know - i also used beryl but now beryl and compiz unite (beryl is moved to compiz) so i decidec to give compiz a try09:33
yemuwith beryl i also have some problems with scale09:34
n30n1yemu, i'm messing with that stuff too. are you using compiz or beryl manager as the modification tool09:34
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yemuit stops working from time to time without any reason09:34
kane77_Codeman_, now you can run this script if you have feeling it doesnt work (remember to run it as root...) alternatively you can put it into rc.local to have it start at very startup (even before anyone logs in)....09:35
yemun30n1 - i;m not sure if i understand what you mean09:35
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TakeOut{u}stupid spammer..09:35
_Codeman_kane77: I think the problem might be that the ethernet card doesn't have drivers atm... not sure09:36
_Codeman_for the second computer that is09:36
thirdyAny Media Library for xubuntu?09:36
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n30n1yemu, unless i'm mistaken when you have benrly running with the little red dymond on the top panel, you can choose which program you want to run to make the screen do all the crazy stuff it does with the cube and such09:37
n30n1yemu, gives you a choice of beryl or compliz and some other one too09:37
yemui can choose compiz from beryl manager??09:38
giany911guys .. im just trying to install ubuntu and i got to the partitioning part, it says the first partition will be mounted in /media/hd3 .. and it is a ntfs partition .. is that how it should be?09:38
n30n1yemu, you should be able to if you have it installed right. DO you see the red cyrstal thing in your top panel09:38
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NaNO2xhuge netsplit?09:39
Lilacorwheee! netjoin!09:39
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Lilacorboiboi: what filesystem is on the usb drive?09:39
yemunot now, beaause i had started compiz from console withj compiz --replace09:39
giany911guys .. im just trying to install ubuntu and i got to the partitioning part, it says the first partition will be mounted in /media/hd3 .. and it is a ntfs partition .. is that how it should be?09:39
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:40
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Lilacorboiboi: then use ntfs-3g to mount it09:40
_Codeman_that has got to be the bigest net split I've seen (I normally hang in smaller channels :P)09:40
Kjellvizanyone got a tip on a good torrent app for ubuntu?  (on windows i prefered utorrent, so something thats similar would be nice=)09:40
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gabbarinhoso, inevitable question - is there an emulator for windows programs?09:40
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r00tintheb0x_Codeman_, they were bigger in the late 90's early 00's09:41
LilacorKjellviz: bittorrent itself works okay... azuerus works okay09:41
_Codeman_gabbarinho: wine09:41
yemun30n1 - ok, i can choose compiz or beryl from beryl-settings09:41
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yemuthey both work09:41
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Lilacorgabbarinho: what sort of programs?09:41
zirodaygabbarinho: sorta, theres WINE09:41
gabbarinhowine? beer? whiskey?09:41
yemubut scale doesn't work rih compiz09:41
LilacorWINE is not an emulator09:41
gabbarinhono, you drink it, right?09:41
crdlbyemu, you have to click in the top right09:41
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:41
gabbarinhowell... it's a TV streaming thing09:41
Lilacorgabbarinho: I used dosbox to play x-com 2 last weekend09:42
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KjellvizLilacor: was using azureus on windows a while, there it was a huge memory hog and also totally jammed my connection, is the linux version any different ? =P09:42
zirodayKjellviz: use deluge09:42
gabbarinhooh, cool - you know, i never even tried that in windows, but i'd like to09:42
_Codeman_Lilacor: I knew what he was asking... he doesn't know what else to call it...09:42
r00tintheb0xdeluge rocks.09:42
ziroday!deluge | Kjellviz09:42
ubotuKjellviz: deluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information09:42
n30n1yemu, okay use compiz, beryl-settings and beryl never worked right and everything would freeze or stop working when i did it09:42
FrogzooKjellviz: it's a huge memory hog - java is mostly platform neutral09:42
LilacorKjellviz: try it out09:42
yemucrldb - ok, i get it, but is it possible to activate scale by just moving?09:42
Ademangabbarinho: i used dosbox to play star wars: dark forces a while ago :-) (basically doom with star wars sprites)09:42
MrCg'morning fellas09:42
r00tintheb0xtorrentflux rocks more09:42
gabbarinhoyeah! i remember that09:42
crdlbyemu, no it was patched to behave like that09:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about torrentflux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:42
Ademanhey is it possible in linux to "lock" a socket so that no other program can use it?09:42
gabbarinhoand of course there's scummvm09:42
r00tintheb0xmorning MrC09:42
Lilacordosbox works quite well IMHO09:43
Kjellvizziroday: thanks ill try Deluge =)09:43
yemun30n1 - after the last kernel update my freeze problems with beryl dissapeared09:43
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gabbarinhoI wouldn't mind playing the ol' wing commander games again09:43
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MrCdoes anyone knows how to put ubuntu uspalsh back,i've just unistalled ubuntustudio and i would like to have the ubuntu usplash back09:43
thirdyhow do I make the Terminal trasparent like the one shown in wikipedia09:43
yemucrldb, that's bad for me :-( one more pointless click09:43
n30n1yemu, oh really. I just voided beryl09:44
Frogzoothirdy: try options09:44
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gabbarinhois wine difficult to use?09:44
_Codeman_grr I can't seem to get an IP on the second computer09:44
Frogzoo!appdb | gabbarinho09:44
ubotugabbarinho: Appdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org09:44
n30n1gabbarinho, !wine09:44
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:44
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zirodaygabbarinho: what programs do u want to run?09:44
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yemucrldb, do you know if it's possible to rotate cube with mouse wheel near the screen edge?09:44
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n30n1_Codeman_, what is the second computer09:44
Frogzoogabbarinho: the budgetdedicated repo has a more up to date version, the older versions suck pretty much09:44
crdlbyemu, I don't believe so09:45
gabbarinhoI use a streaming program that's available only for windows09:45
n30n1it is. it's fun too09:45
_Codeman_it's a 400MHz running xubuntu09:45
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_Codeman_it has a 3Com eth adapter09:45
thirdy!appdb for xubuntu09:45
n30n1_Codeman_, trying to get the internal IP on your local network?09:45
gabbarinhoit has a couple of malaysian channels that i use to watch english premiership games, if anybody knows what I am talking about09:45
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boiboii don't know how to use ntfs-3g to mount it09:46
MrCVc  da onde Gabbarinho?09:46
_Codeman_n30n1: yes, well, internet sharing09:46
yemucrldb, ok, so i'm swithing back to beryl :-)09:46
gabbarinhoe da onde?09:46
yemui'll wait more for the merge to complete09:46
_Codeman_but I have a router so it would be an internal address09:46
gabbarinhosorry, I speak only english and pig latin09:47
gabbarinhoactually, i don't even know how to speak pig latin09:47
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n30n1_Codeman_, if you go to the network tools in prefs on that system and run a netstat it gives you the internal ip09:47
n30n1it will show up as "gateway"09:47
thirdyWat's the best GUI for linux?09:48
n30n1Or i think so off the top of my head09:48
lonwasgot a wierd problem that I've not been able to diagnose properly yet; every now and then an application just dies09:48
lonwasRunning 7.0409:48
gabbarinhohey, this beryl thing - it runs off genome, and isn't it's only thing, right?09:48
gabbarinhognome, rather09:48
lonwasAnyone got any clue what might be causing it?09:48
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lonwasMight be reading some blogs or whatever in Firefox and suddenly it closes09:49
MrCSo ,could anyone give a clue how to put my usplash back?09:49
Frogzoolonwas: how much ram/swap ?09:49
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lonwas1024 MB RAM and 1.5 GB of swap09:49
MrCall that09:50
boiboihelp! i need help with installing flash player, it say my platform(x86_64) not supported09:50
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Frogzoolonwas: ff crashes for me very occassionally - not enough to be a problem though09:50
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-24-61-150-59.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrCyou can get it with Automatix209:50
Frogzooboiboi: that's because it's not09:51
lonwasFrogzoo, FF was just an example09:51
magnetron!flash64 > boiboi   (read private message from ubotu)09:51
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lonwasCedega dies quite often, as well as other apps09:51
magnetron!automatix | MrC09:51
ubotuMrC: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:51
MrCsearch onIBOI09:51
Frogzoolonwas: run memtest for several hours - also check /var/log/messages for evil09:51
MrCtry then ubuntu-extras09:52
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sx66I run sudo aptitude install beryl emerald-themes, and beryl only configures only during that session, how Do i get it always09:52
magnetronMrC: he has ubuntu for 64bit09:52
Frogzoolonwas: if that doesn't fix it, you maybe will have to consider one of your libraries is corrupt09:52
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_Codeman_Are these normal (other than the last 2, I know those are): eth0, eth1, eth0:avah, eth1:avah, lo, wlan009:54
r00tintheb0x_Codeman_, yes09:54
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_Codeman_I can't fore the life of me figure out why I don't have internet on the other computer :/09:55
wyldanyone there now?09:55
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sx66How do you install beryl?09:55
zirodaywyld: only 104009:55
_Codeman_wyld: Is there a question?09:55
ziroday!beryl | sx6609:55
_Codeman_lol ziroday09:55
wyldjust wondering09:55
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ubotusx66: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:56
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shiftplusonehey, can someone please tell me how to load a mouse driver in a command line system?09:56
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shiftplusone(for example to use in twin)09:57
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MrC...shut your mouth off or keep your damm hands from the keyboard ubotu,if you can't help,don't disturb either09:57
MrC..and stop spam either09:58
thirdyHow do I run Xfwm4 in xubuntu?09:58
shijiroulol? i sense some hostility...09:58
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MrC...if he keep going like that ,i will move to PcLinux OS 200709:59
magnetron!language | MrC09:59
ubotuMrC: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:59
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MrCsorry he keeps09:59
sharkphi guys09:59
=== cinvoke [n=cinvoke@ip68-11-181-58.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
sharkpI've a problem with internet connection09:59
sharkpbefore feisty my connection started on boot10:00
sharkpnow I have to click on the applet NetworkManager10:00
MrC... you shoud to watch you language,has anyone put some oil/lubrificant on your head today?ubotu10:00
shiftplusonedamn.... nobody can help me start the mouse module.... or whatever it is I need to do to get the mouse working in the console?10:00
sharkpand then click first on Disconnect10:00
=== Shaddox [n=Shaddox_@cpe-76-170-140-239.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sharkpand then on connect10:00
=== mathstatic [n=mathstat@c-66-41-157-207.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:01
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sharkpnobody can help me?10:01
MrCright see ya ubotu10:01
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cinvokehow do i get a list of commands in here?10:01
shiftplusoneis the connection wireless?10:01
mathstatic[[/list] ] 10:02
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sharkpshiftplusone: are you talking with me?10:02
mathstaticwow this is fun10:02
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shiftplusonesharkp: yup10:02
MrCWhich kinda/type of wirelees card do you have?cinvoke10:02
sharkpshiftplusone: it's a ethernet connection10:02
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sharkp*an ethernet10:02
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MrCmy 3Com works really well on Ubuntu,but on Fedora is doesn't work10:03
sharkpbefore feisty I used pppoeconf and connection started on boot10:03
sharkpbut not now10:03
=== Gorth [n=gorth@0x5551d1e2.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
MrCmy is 3Com too10:03
shiftplusonesharkp: hmm, nuh I have no idea.10:03
SkiffXguys when I open mp3s from win computer they play in amarok, but when I try to use xmms it doesnt play any of them...what gives?10:03
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sharkpshiftplusone: no prob...10:03
MrCyou need to look for wlan drivers from Synaptic10:03
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shiftplusoneSkiffx: have the right output thing selected?10:04
MrClike this,i've fixed my wireless card10:04
flakei have twinview running, can i run panel on one monitor and draw on other with wacom?10:04
MrCi think is wlan-ng10:04
sharkpcan anyone else help me?10:04
GorthWhat is the correct way to install vmware tools in a Ubuntu guest? Simply 'apt-get install vmware-tools-kernel-modules'?10:04
sharkpI've a problem with internet connection10:04
SkiffXshiftplusone, yes alsa10:04
MrChelp with what?sharp10:04
=== nutterpc_ [n=nutterpc@203-217-78-197.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
sharkpnow I have to click on the applet NetworkManager10:04
flakeI tried setting stylus and cursor to window from screen, but then the pen is off10:04
sharkpand then click first on Disconnect10:04
shiftplusoneSkiffX: does it say the sound card is blocked or just not play the file?10:04
r00tintheb0xsharkp, is there a /etc/init.d script to start your pppoe connection?10:04
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sharkpand then on connect10:04
sharkpr00tintheb0x: I'll control10:05
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shiftplusoneSkiffX: and is the MPEG Layer plugin enabled?10:05
endo2016can anyone tell me why the groups returned by the command 'groups' are subset of those returned by 'groups <user>'?  (yes, i am the same use when I run 'groups')10:05
flakeoops i'm asking about gimp on twinview in ubuntu10:05
r00tintheb0xIf there is one, it needs to be symlinked to /etc/rc3.d/ and /etc/rc5.d/ to activate on boot.10:05
=== Zelda[] [n=Zelda@host133-177-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
sharkpr00tintheb0x: which could be the name of that?10:05
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r00tintheb0xsomething having to do with your PPPoE connection sharkp10:06
r00tintheb0xsharkp, do this10:06
r00tintheb0xcd /etc/init.d/10:06
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flakecan i restrict my wacom pen to one monitor?10:06
gabbarinhowhat's the difference between rpm and srpm?10:06
r00tintheb0xand paste me the results here http://pastebin.ca10:06
sharkpI've already done so10:06
r00tintheb0xwhere is the link10:06
SkiffXshiftplusone, just doesnt play the file10:07
sharkpr00tintheb0x: wait, I'll give you10:07
MrCr u damoing the rubbish to the canadians?10:07
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r00tintheb0xcopy the output of "cd /etc/init.d/ && ls" here http://pastebin.ca10:07
r00tintheb0xthere you go10:07
=== ciaron [n=soth@cpc3-broo4-0-0-cust526.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
sharkpr00tintheb0x: http://pastebin.ca/53083610:08
r00tintheb0xok one second10:08
sharkpin my community's channel10:08
sharkpI use a different paste10:08
sharkpbut no prob also with this ;)10:08
graveson1can anyone provide me the advantages disadvantages of samba over nfs (or vice versa) using external disks10:08
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BadSneakersgraveson1  windows clients work fine with samba10:08
MrCi think samba is safer,because it can swing and shake it better10:09
MrCsorry it was just ajoke10:09
r00tintheb0xsharkp, do you have a router?10:09
graveson1Badsneakers: sorry between 2 ubuntu desktops10:09
sharkpr00tintheb0x: no, I've an ethernet modem10:09
r00tintheb0xokay sharkp10:09
r00tintheb0xDoes it try to connect?10:09
r00tintheb0xhas it ever worked?10:10
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gabbarinhowell, time to go - thanks all of you guys, you've been a tremendous help10:10
r00tintheb0xbye :)10:10
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MrCno prblems mate10:10
=== gabbarinho [n=steve@c-68-80-201-72.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
Zelda[] whats a hell is scrollkeeper-up that shootup my cpu at 99%10:10
TakeOut{u}!offtopic | MrC10:10
ubotuMrC: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:10
sharkpOn edgy and without NetworkManager, it worked cool10:10
r00tintheb0xyeah... i've never used pppoe on linux... so im not exactly sure how it works.10:11
=== RodGo [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu
BadSneakersgraveson1 samba is still simple and very well supported and documented and secure where nfs is supported and documented a reportedly less secure.10:11
RodGohi all i need some help please10:11
RodGoanybody can helpme?10:11
r00tintheb0xgo rod10:11
r00tintheb0xgo rod10:11
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RodGoeverything started10:11
RodGowhen i tryed to install gdesklets on feisty 6410:11
MrCask ubotu.RodGo10:11
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RodGobut then i noticed about a bug10:11
graveson1Badsneakers: thank you10:12
sharkpr00tintheb0x: when I use as second session, modem starts normally10:12
BadSneakersgraveson1 pretty much your decision, on a lan if you are well protected by an internet gateway.10:12
sharkp*a second session10:12
RodGoso i used a fix for amd 6410:12
RodGobut then it started another bug10:12
r00tintheb0xstrange sharkp im not sure what it is.10:12
RodGoand i lost all my mime extensions http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=259959110:12
sharkpr00tintheb0x: in that list is there a connection script?10:12
RodGoi tried to reinstall but mime extensions10:12
RodGoand restart as told on that forum thread but i got worst10:12
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RodGoi couldnt see any titlebar10:13
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RodGoso i tried to use this commands:10:13
RodGogtk-window-decorator --replace&10:13
RodGocompiz --replace&10:13
RodGoand sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --depth=2410:13
r00tintheb0xnot that i can see... i see pppd-dns10:13
r00tintheb0xbut i doubt thats it.10:13
r00tintheb0xyou can less it and see.10:13
RodGoas told in this thread10:13
sharkpno,I think ppd is the dial up connection10:13
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RodGobut now, i lost all my beryl effects10:14
pppd2007some know about a good tutorial or book in pdf to start learning logical programming? a material for newbies? can someone help?10:14
RodGolost all my mime extensions10:14
sharkpr00tintheb0x: I control that script10:14
r00tintheb0xsharkp, what do you get from the command10:14
r00tintheb0xiptables -L10:14
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RodGoany ideas pleas on how to solve this?10:14
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RodGoor i have to reinstall everything10:14
iewulooking for a 15 inch laptop with lotsa resolution, what do you guys recommend, will  install ubuntu in it10:14
r00tintheb0xRodGo,  sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --depth=1610:14
RodGoplz i need some help, i am new on ubuntu, just installed 2 days ago10:15
TakeOut{u}iewu,  linuxlaptops.com10:15
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:15
iewuokk thanks10:15
RodGoand then?10:15
pppd2007iewu: hey man10:15
r00tintheb0xand then restart gdm.10:15
sharkpr00tintheb0x: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23690/10:15
pppd2007iewu: can helpe?10:15
r00tintheb0xand THEN!?10:15
r00tintheb0xNO AND THEN!!!10:15
=== kahrytan [n=kahrytan@pool-71-176-18-12.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
aa^wayhey, i did "sudo apt-get install apache php5 php5-curl", now i did sudo /etc/init.d/apache start, sayd its fine, now opening php file in localhost makes me download it, why?10:15
RodGoi lost all my mime extensions10:15
r00tintheb0xits a movie...10:15
r00tintheb0xaa^way, aptitude install php510:16
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r00tintheb0xand all its variants.10:16
pppd2007iewu: know some page that have a good tutorial for learn logical programming?10:16
sharkpr00tintheb0x: have you seen that link?10:16
r00tintheb0xwhat link10:16
sharkpr00tintheb0x: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23690/10:16
=== r00tintheb0x looks
r00tintheb0xokay, firewall isnt on.10:17
=== sharkp say thanx
aa^wayr00tintheb0x: Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.10:17
=== Huffalump [n=huffalum@] has joined #ubuntu
pppd2007r00tintheb0x: hey, can you help-me?10:17
sharkpHow NEtworkMAnager works?10:17
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r00tintheb0xif your username and passwd info is in your networ-manager app, then it should kick it off.10:17
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RodGor00tintheb0x: i just used the commmand you told me and restart10:17
r00tintheb0xaa^way, aptitude search php |more10:17
RodGoand nothing changed10:17
=== roryy [n=user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p93.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
sharkpr00tintheb0x: I controll NetworkManager10:17
RodGoi still can get any beryl effects, and dont have any mime extensions at all10:17
iewudo google10:17
r00tintheb0xto restart RodGo ?10:18
=== emile [n=emile@cp665411-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
RodGoi just restarted10:18
r00tintheb0xrestart GDM?10:18
r00tintheb0x/etc/init.d/gdm restart10:18
=== powerbatzen003 [n=mario@host81-159-31-158.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
pppd2007iewu: its for newbies?10:18
RodGok letme c10:18
iewuall bies10:18
aa^wayr00tintheb0x: same. i have there php4, php5, all gives same.10:18
=== MrC [n=charlles@dsl-hkibras-fe2df900-192.dhcp.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
r00tintheb0xi know, you have to install what you need.10:19
pppd2007iewu: tanxs man!10:19
r00tintheb0xon the left they have i's by them if they're installed.10:19
r00tintheb0xyou need php5 apache3 mod php510:19
r00tintheb0xthe last 3 are one.10:19
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thirdyWhich is faster KDE or GNOME?10:19
HuffalumpI installed games like Stratagus, Vega Strike, and Balazar but none of them launch.  Is it because I  must have the proprietary 3D nvidia driver (because that doesnt work in my feisty)?10:20
_Codeman_lol r00t10:20
=== powerbatzen003 [n=mario@host81-159-31-158.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
thirdyme too10:20
r00tintheb0xHuffalump, follow the errors like clues by executing the command to run the game in a bash window. :)10:20
roryyHuffalump: i'm pretty sure balazar needs 3d acceleration; not sure about the others10:20
Huffalumpthank you10:21
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r00tintheb0xno problem Huffalump10:21
=== RodGo [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu
Anarhisthello, i've installed ubuntu, but grub was put on the wrong drive how do i recover from that?10:21
r00tintheb0xwb rod10:21
=== shark1 [n=sharkp@ppp-67-90.33-151.iol.it] has joined #ubuntu
RodGor00tintheb0x: hey man10:21
=== wrath__ [n=wrath@cpe-69-207-248-216.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
RodGonothing happend10:21
r00tintheb0xwb shark110:21
shark1r00tintheb0x: scuse me10:21
=== twixi [n=twixi@chb28-2-88-163-36-112.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
RodGosill have the same :(10:21
shark1/ns ghost sharkp ciao10:21
HuffalumpIs there any *good* reason why I could get nvidia drivers to work in Edgy very easily, but after many attempts and much help I never got it to work in Feisty?10:22
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RodGoi told you exactly what i did10:22
=== Valucolso [n=Valucols@ppp-70-244-121-135.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:22
shark1r00tintheb0x: ops, wrong command10:22
r00tintheb0xi thought your vid card may not beable to handle 24 bit @ that res.10:22
shark1ehm, ghost command?which is?10:22
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:22
=== Defient [n=darren@cpe-66-75-104-27.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
shark1in the channel10:22
=== Trevinyo [n=Trevi@host103-163-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
RodGoyes it can10:22
RodGoi was using beryl very fine10:22
shark1to disconnect a user remain ed connected10:22
RodGoworked great10:22
=== HLM [n=HLM@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
RodGomy card is an nvidia10:23
=== r00tintheb0x shrugs
RodGoam using athlon 6410:23
r00tintheb0xyou have DRM enabled RodGo ?10:23
kadazI would like to install logitech 5000 webcam on ubuntu, this is possiable?10:23
RodGonot sure man10:23
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RodGobut everything was fine10:23
r00tintheb0xkadaz, probably... google for HCL or hardware compatibility list.10:24
RodGountil i tried to install gdesklets10:24
RodGothen i got an error, because a bug10:24
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RodGoand lost all my mime extensions10:24
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RodGowhen i tried to reinstall as told on a thread10:24
mathstaticI got nvidia cards working, it was a real pain in the ass10:24
r00tintheb0xthats foul.10:24
r00tintheb0xnot really.10:24
RodGoi couldnt see titlebars10:24
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RodGoas you can see in this thread10:24
r00tintheb0xyou just download the kernel headers10:24
r00tintheb0xand the nvidia .bin package, and install it.10:25
Huffalumpkadaz, I got that webcam to work a couple years ago, but I don't remember the details as I no longer have one.10:25
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RodGoand when i used those commands10:25
onatsany samba experts here?10:25
r00tintheb0xim a expert at almost everything10:25
r00tintheb0xgive it to me10:25
RodGogtk-window-decorator --replace&10:25
RodGocompiz --replace&10:25
RodGosudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --depth=2410:25
RodGoi just cant see any beryl effects, and have the titlebar back10:25
r00tintheb0xargb-glx-visuals <--- yank that out.10:25
RodGoand have gdesklets working but no mime extensions :(10:26
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r00tintheb0xRodGo, reinstall whatever provides mime extensions.10:26
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:26
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mathstaticr00tinthebox = w4r3z d00d?10:26
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RodGoargb-glx-visuals: command not found10:26
r00tintheb0xno no10:26
RodGoi get that error10:26
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r00tintheb0xinside the .conf file10:26
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r00tintheb0xgksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:27
r00tintheb0xgo go go10:27
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RodGowhere i put that?10:27
r00tintheb0xoh man10:27
RodGoat the end?10:27
=== tvgm2 [n=Miranda@c-68-55-61-145.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
r00tintheb0xyou need to put that into a clean command line10:27
r00tintheb0xmeaning, with nothing else on it but that.10:27
RodGoyes am allready at gedit10:27
=== shane_ [n=shane@host86-135-47-224.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
r00tintheb0xlook for that.10:28
mathstaticvi it10:28
r00tintheb0xdude he cant vi10:28
kadazhuffalump ok10:28
r00tintheb0x /argb-glx-visiuals10:28
RodGocant find that line10:28
r00tintheb0xesc :q!10:28
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shane_Hi guys how do I set up a network between my ubuntu pc and my xp laptop10:29
r00tintheb0xit was just a guess RodGo10:29
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RodGoits just that i only have 2 days with ubuntu10:29
r00tintheb0xrod look up what this command does nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --depth=2410:29
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r00tintheb0xso you can undo it.10:29
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r00tintheb0x<shane_> wires and computers!10:29
mathstaticyou put linux on your xp laptop10:29
RodGorodrigo@rodrigo-desktop:~$ nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --depth=2410:29
RodGoUsing X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".10:29
RodGoOption "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" added to Screen "Screen0".10:29
RodGoERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'.10:29
r00tintheb0xlolol mathstatic10:29
Kjellvizanyone have a idea why i dont have all the buttons in gnomemaker thats shown in this pic; http://www.taimila.com/images/orange-look/gnomebaker_shot.png ?10:29
=== r00tintheb0x gags
=== basjo [n=Nokti@dialin-145-254-068-174.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== _Codeman_ <3 Icecream
Zelda[] RodGo: use sudo10:30
RodGocan i fix this10:30
shane_So by putting linux on my xp laptop, I will be able to get files from my xp laptop to my ubuntu desktop?10:30
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J-_where can I find the PGP key I made, and what do I look for, for the key-id?10:30
r00tintheb0xrod look up what this command does nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --depth=2410:30
kadazis this safe?  http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/  for webcams?10:30
shane_uhm... think more please.10:30
r00tintheb0xso you can undo it.10:30
RodGorodrigo@rodrigo-desktop:~$ sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --depth=2410:30
RodGoUsing X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".10:30
RodGoOption "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" added to Screen "Screen0".10:30
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RodGoBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'10:30
RodGoNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'10:30
r00tintheb0xno no10:30
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r00tintheb0xwoah cowboy10:31
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RodGook sorry for the flood guys10:31
r00tintheb0xall hail to the KingAlex10:31
r00tintheb0xits ok, just use the pastebin10:31
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HuffalumpBalazar and Vega Strike die in the terminal with GLX errors.  However, Stratagus does run from the terminal.10:31
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shane_So, how do I get files from my windows xp laptop onto my ubuntu pc? I've set up network connections wizard on my laptop10:32
r00tintheb0xlol @  fowlduck10:32
RodGoits just that i really dont whant to reinstall the hole thing10:32
shane_But ubuntu doesn't really seem to have any support10:32
J-_where can I find the PGP key I made, and what do I look for, for the key-id?10:32
r00tintheb0xrod you're going to have to go to a LUG10:32
mathstaticwell.. how are you trying to network?10:32
RodGowhat is a LUG?10:32
=== peterbrett [n=peter@ptbb2b.girton.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
peterbrettHi there10:32
mathstaticThere are different protocols10:32
shane_ethernet cable from the laptop and the pc into a homehub10:32
shark1/ghost sharkp10:32
peterbrettCan anyone tell me how to install the Guile info pages?10:32
_Codeman_!samba | shane_10:33
r00tintheb0xRodGo, i've told you have to fix it.10:33
ubotushane_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:33
CaptainMorganI asked in #dovecot but have received no response.. anyone know where the default location is for dovecot-openssl.conf ?10:33
sx66sign back on msn Codeman10:33
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r00tintheb0xyou need to figure out what that command does to what file, and undo whatever it did.10:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pgp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:33
RodGoand how can i figure that out?10:33
shark1maybe gpg...10:33
_Codeman_sx66, what?10:33
ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts10:33
=== Toolskyn_ [n=Toolskyn@adsl-dc-266ef.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
peterbrettI installed guile-1.8-doc, but the info pages don't seem to have appeared.10:33
sx66I am in live cd codeman10:33
r00tintheb0xman nvidia-xconfig10:33
yuiophello all. have a small question. understand that ubuntu supports 64bits processor. but how abt dual core? does ubuntu takes advantage of the dual core setup?10:34
r00tintheb0xit'll have that option down there10:34
r00tintheb0xread what it adds to what.10:34
r00tintheb0xthe go to that file, and remove what it added.10:34
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crimsunyuiop: supports both cores of my Core Duo at least.10:34
sx66what is the command to run...10:34
shane_So, does anyone know how to set up the next work between an xp laptop and ubuntu pc10:34
kadazwhats a program to backup the ubunto entire files so I can restore if something fails10:34
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yuiopcrimsun: thanks. ya know of any software we can test/monitor if the dual core is kicked into action?10:35
_Codeman_!samba | shane_10:35
shane_kadaz: LiveCD10:35
ubotushane_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:35
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crimsunyuiop: you can see it in the logs and in /proc/cpuinfo.10:35
shane_!fuck off | _codeman_10:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fuck off - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:35
RodGor00tintheb0x: http://pastebin.ca/53087610:35
sx66codeman, it boots back to the old xconf10:35
shane_So does anyone know how to set up this net work?10:35
r00tintheb0xRodGo, you're cometent of doing this. I cant do the legwork for you man.10:35
r00tintheb0xIm sorry.10:35
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r00tintheb0xI've done that so so so long... you have to fish for yourself... but it'll teach you how.10:36
Frogzooshane_: language will get you banned10:36
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shane_Frogzoo: Well what's the point in being in this place when nobody answers me anyway?10:36
sx66sign back on MSN codeman, please10:36
yuiopcrismsun - thanks a lot! this will help in my evaluation to get an AMD64 or AMD64x2.10:36
RodGothank you man, i just want to learn10:36
_Codeman_shane_: dude, learn how to use sambe... it will help10:36
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RodGobut am really lost here10:36
r00tintheb0xshane_, there are a lot of people with a lot of questions.10:36
Frogzoo!patience | shane_10:36
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ubotushane_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:37
mathstaticwhoa pipelines...10:37
=== duns_s [n=duns_s@mnhm-590c144e.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
sx66codeman, sign back on MSN please10:37
r00tintheb0xNo one may know yours... paste it every 15 mins or so and someone will eventually respond.10:37
shane__codeman_: I don't want to use samba, I just want my pc to work on this little network with my laptop10:37
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crimsunshane_: your question is short on details.10:37
r00tintheb0xshane... you want to have no security enabled?10:37
shane_Okay right here's the full story10:37
RodGook sorry and thank you for your time10:37
sx66How do I view my old xconf in a live cd to correct the video card?10:37
r00tintheb0xshane_, i believe if you read the default config file it'll break the file down piece by piece and explain what each option does.10:38
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_Codeman_shane_: dude, samba IS what your looking for... nothing just works!10:38
=== eth` [n=eth01@cpc1-stkp3-0-0-cust298.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
r00tintheb0xyes samba is what you want.10:38
r00tintheb0xi use it at work.10:38
r00tintheb0xi use it, here at my home.10:38
fouganyone know the command for bittornado? trying to add it to the "Open With" menu10:38
shane_I have a D400 laptop with XP installed, plugged into a BT homehub by ethernet cable. I have a Ubuntu feisty PC plugged into BT homehub by ethernet cable, I want to be able to send files from xp to ubuntu10:38
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r00tintheb0xit isnt hard! dont let all the text overwhelm you.10:38
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sx66How do I fix my xconf back to the original from a live cd?10:39
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Frogzooshane_: quickest way to get started would be to install smb4k and use it to access windows shares10:39
shane_frogzoo: What is smb4k...10:39
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mathstaticfind out10:40
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sx66How do I fix my xconf back to the original from a live cd?10:40
r00tintheb0xshane_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605&highlight=how+to+samba10:40
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r00tintheb0xStep by step.10:40
r00tintheb0xits easy man, just take it step by step10:40
jjholtthe romba is better10:41
=== djdarkman_ [n=djdarkma@cl-86-125-161-131.cablelink.mures.rdsnet.ro] has joined #ubuntu
r00tintheb0xi like the electric slide.10:41
Valucolsoanyone familliar with running ubuntu in Virtual PC?10:41
mathstaticshanes dad doesn't use a good algorithm... daddy? do you use a good algorithm?10:41
r00tintheb0xits is mad wootish10:41
r00tintheb0xyep Valucolso10:41
=== Toolskyn88 [n=Toolskyn@adsl-dc-266ef.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
_Codeman_anyone wanna help me troubleshoot my network issues?10:41
r00tintheb0xad as a vmware server10:41
soulfreshneris there some way to set the installed packages to ubuntu-desktop or something? ie. something that removes all packages not in the dependencies and installs everything that is...10:41
djdarkman_Hy, can someone tell me how to configure a VNC server? I can`t find no tool for that10:41
r00tintheb0xsure _Codeman_ whats the switch saying?10:41
sx66How do I fix my xconf back to the original from a live cd?10:41
TheUnknownOneHow do I get a kscreensaver configuration working in GNOME and Xfce?10:41
mathstaticjk shane10:41
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soulfreshnerI installed too much junk, and it is a *mission* to uninstall them all one by one10:42
r00tintheb0xdjdarkman_, tightvnc-serv then hit the tab button a couple of times.10:42
r00tintheb0xit'll show you some commands to get that goin.10:42
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r00tintheb0xor maybe even tigh tab tab10:42
aa^waydoing "sudo apt-get install  apache2 php5-mysql php5-curl libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server"10:42
_Codeman_hub is on, shows a connection with both computers but no activity... both computers show that the cards are there10:42
thirdyI just want a complete linux apps but fast Desktop like xfce10:42
r00tintheb0xgoooood aa^way !!!10:42
r00tintheb0xglad you're sticking with it.10:42
thirdyAny recommendations?10:42
aa^waythen doing "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start" gives me error10:42
r00tintheb0xwhat error aa^way10:42
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r00tintheb0xthirdy, fluxbox.10:43
aa^way * Forcing reload of apache 2.0 web server... awk: cannot open /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (No such file or directory) grep: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: No such file or directory10:43
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djdarkman_r00tintheb0x: I installed vnc4server, should I remove it befor installing this tightvnc?10:43
r00tintheb0xthen build from there.10:43
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sx66codeman: How do I fix my xconf back?10:43
r00tintheb0xdjdarkman_, just go to /etc/init.d/10:43
r00tintheb0xand look for vnc scripts.10:43
aa^wayin apache2, there is empty httpd.conf and empty dir mods-avaible10:43
_Codeman_sx66, sorry, I don't mean to be ignoring you but, I haven't used msn for years10:43
TheUnknownOneHow do I get a kscreensaver configuration working in GNOME and Xfce? Is there a way to do so without having to uninstall xscreensaver?10:43
r00tintheb0xits self explanitpry after that.10:43
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sx66okay, then, how do I fix the xconf back?10:43
r00tintheb0xaa^way, are you in Gnome right now?10:43
_Codeman_sx66: and I don't remember much about xconf10:43
sx66(off of live cd)10:43
r00tintheb0xsx66, you have a nvidia?10:44
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aa^wayr00tintheb0x : Gnome? Im in terminal, using sudo commands10:44
r00tintheb0xok try nvidia-xconfig10:44
r00tintheb0xokay aa^way why are you not in Gnome... are you on a server?10:44
eth`if you need cheap web hosting PM me :p10:44
aa^wayr00tintheb0x: no im in computer, using terminal to run sudo commands, huh?10:44
ncdtheres a bug in the task tray10:45
ncdwhen tomboy notes and xchats are trying to be there10:45
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sx66rootinthebox, command not found10:45
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r00tintheb0xhey aa^way10:46
r00tintheb0xdo this10:46
r00tintheb0xapt-get install apache2 apache2-doc apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils libexpat1 ssl-cert10:46
sx66how do I view my HD from a live cd so I can repair my sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:46
r00tintheb0xapt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php5-common php5-curl php5-dev php5-gd php5-idn php-pear php5-imagick php5-imap php5-json php5-mcrypt php5-memcache php5-mhash php5-ming php5-mysql php5-ps php5-pspell php5-recode php5-snmp php5-sqlite php5-tidy php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl10:46
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r00tintheb0xi'd say that about does it.10:47
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mathstaticanyone use ardour?10:47
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sx66how do I view my HD from a live cd so I can repair my sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:47
r00tintheb0xnever heard of it... what's it do?10:47
r00tintheb0xfdisk -l10:47
r00tintheb0xfdisk -l /dev/sda110:47
mathstaticaudio multitrack10:47
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r00tintheb0xfdisk -l /dev/sda etc10:48
mathstaticit kills pro tools10:48
mathstaticbut no midi10:48
=== r00tintheb0x stabs
soulfreshneris there some command / script I can run to find a list of packages that are installed, but >not< part of a package's dependenncies ?10:48
r00tintheb0xshane_, now you doin over ther.10:48
silent_soulfresher, you mean find useless packages?10:48
mathstaticThats what hardware sequencers are for ;)10:48
r00tintheb0xsoulfreshner, most the dependencies get taken out.10:48
sx66codeman, how do I fix my sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf from a Live CD10:49
r00tintheb0xsx66, once again, "nvidia-xconfig"10:49
silent_soulfreshner, deborphan can show what it thinks to be useless packages10:49
soulfreshneror even the other way around - recursively list the dependencies of a package10:49
=== birdmon [n=ariel@bzq-219-46-202.isdn.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
r00tintheb0xthat... it can actually do i think.10:50
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_Codeman_sx66, sudo apt-get install nvidia-xconf10:50
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r00tintheb0xapt-cache depends packagename10:50
boyetcan i install xgl and compiz to my intel chipset?10:50
r00tintheb0xthat'll show you dep's10:50
_Codeman_then run it like r00tintheb0x said10:50
wolssoulfreshner: apt-rdepends, deborphan, debfoster10:51
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wolssoulfreshner: or simply use aptitude to install stuff10:51
J-_how long does it usually take to get an email to confirm that a PGP key is mine?10:51
wolsboyet: no need for xgl. use composite extension10:51
sx66codeman, could find packages10:51
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boyethow cn i do that10:51
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wols!info nvidia-xconfig10:52
ubotunvidia-xconfig: The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0+20051122-2 (feisty), package size 54 kB, installed size 184 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64)10:52
Hug_hey I've this file "divx611-20060201-gcc4.0.1.tar.gz" on my desktop,, how to install?10:52
r00tintheb0xi like installing winamp themes on xmms.10:52
r00tintheb0xit makes it look terific10:52
r00tintheb0xskins, themes10:52
wolsHug_: why? most/all mediaplyers already support divx10:52
soulfreshnerwols - my problem is not installing stuff, it's uinstalling... for instance if you install a dummy package that depends on a lot of other packages, you can only uninstall the dependencies on by one...10:52
r00tintheb0xaptitude install vlc10:52
wolssoulfreshner: I told you10:52
=== r00tintheb0x gives two thumbs up
boyetwols my system is only celeron can it work on compiz?10:53
wolssoulfreshner: best long time solution is to use aptitude10:53
wolsboyet: yes10:53
r00tintheb0xboyet, how fast is your proc?10:53
wolsboyet: what viedodriver do you currently use?10:53
_Codeman_sx66, oops: sudo apt-get install nvidia-xconfig10:53
boyetdo you hav any idea on how to install compiz?10:53
boyetwell its a shared 3.2ghz intel chipset10:54
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r00tintheb0xsx66, if you "sudo -i" you can just become root and stop sudoing so much. I used to have a problem with sudoing also... but after i learned the I in sudo... it was bliss from then on.10:54
wolsboyet: probably i915 driver10:54
sx66codeman, not found10:54
=== tecno_ [n=tecno@host102-15-static.25-87-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
noiesmosx66, the system you want to fix xorg.conf you should be able to boot into recovey mode then login and then use sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:54
wolssx66: section universe10:54
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource10:54
Huffalumpboyet, you might try #ubuntu-effects where compiz is discussed10:54
wolsMontaro: no10:54
Hug_wols I have a lot of movies most of them don't work.. just a sound with green screen10:54
=== flowingfire [n=david@74-33-31-226.dsl1.mnd.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
wolssx66: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:55
r00tintheb0xthats a l33t r00m n4m310:55
noiesmosx66, if you are running live cd the instructions you are trying with nvidia-xconfig will not work10:55
=== Shadowpillar [n=shadowxp@pool-71-104-141-74.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
boyetwhere can ifind that network10:55
wolsHug_: that is noz a codec problem. it's video overlay (viedo driver) problem10:55
Huffalumpboyet, you would type the command:  /join #ubuntu-effects10:55
wolsboyet: what network?10:55
Hug_wols I see10:55
r00tintheb0xchicka bow wow10:55
wolsHug_: what driver do you use, what videocard do you have?10:56
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ncdwhat is "firefox Gnome Support" about?10:56
Huffalumpsounds like gnome support for firefox10:56
thirdyBScreen::BScreen: an error occured while querying the X server.10:56
thirdy        another window manager already running on display :0.010:56
thirdyError: Couldn't find screens to manage.10:56
thirdyMake sure you don't have another window manager running.10:56
r00tintheb0xHug_, you need to use the nv module instead of the nvidia one.10:56
thirdyhow do I make my window manager stop?10:56
r00tintheb0xfor it is borqued.10:57
Hug_wols I dunno it comes with the motherboard10:57
sx66how do I run as root?10:57
wolsHug_: that's noz whaz I asked10:57
r00tintheb0xthirdy, ctrl+alt+F1... then login and type: /etc/init.d/gdm stop"10:57
=== Lylat [n=Lylat@5.Red-88-8-171.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
noiesmosx66, sudo -i10:57
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Huffalumpsx66, do you mean sudo?10:57
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_Codeman_sx66: I find it np, man, it may be the live cd stuff10:57
sx66sudo-i not found10:57
r00tintheb0xsudo -i, i use when i know im going to need root for a while...10:58
=== poopotootti [n=poopotoo@a84-231-16-190.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Hug_wols so what do you mean?10:58
r00tintheb0xbut i'll sudo to restart the network or something like that.10:58
sx66sudo I does NOT WORK10:58
r00tintheb0xim going to go smoke a cig...brb10:58
wolsHug_: what I wrote. driver and videocard10:58
r00tintheb0xno no10:58
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r00tintheb0x"sudo -i"10:58
r00tintheb0xone space10:58
r00tintheb0xlower case.10:58
wolssx66: then you are SOL. boot in single user mode10:58
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@c-76-102-74-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wolssx66: and fix your sudo10:58
=== r00tintheb0x shakes his head.
Huffalumptype more in all caps10:59
Huffalumpthat'll fix it10:59
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wolswhat did you do to kill sudo?10:59
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flowingfireHi there everybody.  Does anybody know how to get Beryl working with nvidia-glx-new?  I just tried four times and had four disasters, so I figured it would be best to ask.. (There used to be directions on the Beryl site, but the wiki got bot-hacked.10:59
_Codeman_he's in live cd... does it work in live?10:59
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Kjellvizanyone have a idea why i dont have all the buttons in gnomemaker thats shown in this pic; http://www.taimila.com/images/orange-look/gnomebaker_shot.png ?11:00
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Huffalumpflowingfire, have you tried joining #ubuntu-effects ?11:00
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thoomeehell all11:00
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Huffalumpoops, looks like sx66 typed sudonot11:00
thirdy_i've typed alt+ctrl+F111:00
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RodGor00tintheb0x: hi again, i could make beryl work again11:01
thirdy_now I can't go back11:01
RodGobut i dont know how to fix the mime extensions, i lost all my mime extensions11:01
Huffalumpwhy not?11:01
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wolsthirdy_: /etc/init.d/gdm start11:01
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_Codeman_RodGo: He's afk buddy11:01
thirdy_dunno how to11:01
thirdy_how do I start fluxbox11:01
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wolsthirdy_: I just told you11:02
aa^wayr00tintheb0x: i did it but same error11:02
Gothfuncjust installing feisty11:02
RodGoany ideas on how i can fix all the mime extensions? i lost them11:02
=== TheMoebius [n=themoebi@dyn-9-145.uwnet.wisc.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Gothfuncand my timezone is london, which ubuntu says is GMT+111:02
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thirdy_wols, is that fluxbox?11:02
_Codeman_r00tintheb0x is afk right now guys :P11:02
wolsthirdy_: it's your DM11:02
Huffalumpchoking on deathsticks11:02
Huffalumpvolunteering for cancer11:02
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Gothfuncwhat's that about?11:02
Gothfunclondon is clearly GMT+011:03
premier_Hi, kdesktop is preventing beryl from starting... beryl complains about other desktops, but if I kill kdesktop it works... kde gets real buggy without kdesktop... can anyone suggest a solution?11:03
iwcdcan anyone tell be why kftpgrabber stalls files im trying to download please11:03
wols!info tzconfig11:03
ubotuPackage tzconfig does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas11:03
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Ace_NoOnehello there - I finally wanna make the switch to Linux, but I'm afraid my wireless card (Asus WL-138G) is not supported; what can I do about that?11:03
wols!info tzdata11:03
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thirdy_wols, DM? sorry I'm a super newbie, just wanted to try fluxbox11:03
ubotutzdata: Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time Data. In component main, is required. Version 2007e-0ubuntu0.7.04 (feisty), package size 306 kB, installed size 5756 kB11:03
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_Codeman_Gothfunc: strange lol11:03
HuffalumpAce_NoOne, check Google.  In 2 minutes, you'll know.11:03
thirdy_Good thing I've manage to get bitchx running11:03
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Gothfuncapparently reykjavik is GMT11:03
wolsgiesen: it is not right now. London currently has summer time11:03
Gothfuncnot london11:04
TheMoebiusIve set my LD_LIBRARY_PATH in .bashrc so it works when i start something from a terminal but not when i start a program from the main menu or a run prompt or something? I do i set environment variables systemwide?11:04
=== flowingfire [n=david@74-33-31-226.dsl1.mnd.mn.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
soulfreshnerhow do I generate a list of the package names that are installed?11:04
wolsGothfunc: GMT has no summer time11:04
_Codeman_r00tintheb0x: your not allowed to leave man :P11:04
r00tintheb0xnow its MY turn to ask a question11:04
Ace_NoOneHuffalump: that said something about NDISWRAPPER - but being a Linux newbie I'm not sure what that means11:04
wolssoulfreshner: dpkg -l11:04
Gothfuncwols: what do you mean?11:04
=== r00tintheb0x drumrolls
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:04
Enselic_soulfreshner: do you want autocompletion for apt aliases?11:04
soulfreshnerta wols11:04
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wolsGothfunc: that currently the London timezone is really GMT+1.11:04
Gothfunc change our11:04
HuffalumpAce_NoOne, *if* that is accurate, then it means you'd have a little extra work to do.11:04
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soulfreshnerEnselic_ - huh? autocompletion for what?11:05
Enselic_soulfreshner: nm11:05
iwcdcan anyone tell be why kftpgrabber stalls files im trying to download please11:05
Gothfuncwols: well we DO have daylight saving11:05
Gothfuncwols: so it's incorrect11:05
Ace_NoOneHuffalump: complicated? where cna I find information11:05
Enselic_iwcd: why not use wget?11:05
wolsGothfunc: yes. and GMT has no dalylight saving. but UK does11:05
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wolsGMT doesn't follow DST11:05
wolsGothfunc: and no it's not incorrect11:05
r00tintheb0xok, im making a samba server that is going to bind to the windows active directory server using winbindd. This samba server is also going to be our NIS and NFS server. For some reason, i can pull users and groups from the AD with gwbinfo... but i can tconnect to samba shares through the AD accounts.11:05
r00tintheb0xIt gives me some funky error.11:05
=== r00tintheb0x sighs.
Gothfuncwols: this really is the first i've heard of this.  i'm not sure it's right at all.  looking it up now11:06
iwcdEnselic - i need a pret client - is that one?11:06
HuffalumpAce_NoOne, I would try a google for ndiswrapper yourwifimodelname or else 'setting up ndiswrapper' which should return some instructions that'll glaze your eyes over11:06
Ace_NoOneok, thanks Huffalump11:06
Enselic_iwcd: pret?11:06
r00tintheb0xdurtie durrrr11:06
wolsAce_NoOne: what chip is on your wireless card?11:06
kadazhow do I install vendetta-linux-ia32-installer.sh11:06
Enselic_iwcd: wget downloads files from the internet11:06
Ace_NoOnewols: I have no idea; it's an ASUS WL-138g11:07
r00tintheb0xsh vendetta-linux-ia32-installer.sh11:07
r00tintheb0xjust like that.11:07
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wolsAce_NoOne: usb, pci, pcmcia?11:07
kadazI did that but i couldnt make dir root/bin11:07
Ace_NoOnewols: PCI11:07
wolsAce_NoOne: lspci11:07
thirdy_how do I return to Terminal from bitchx?11:07
Ace_NoOnewols: huh?11:07
r00tintheb0xyou need to make a directory to put this in... and be root when you're doing it.11:07
iwcdEnselic - ill give it a go ta11:07
wolsAce_NoOne: run it11:07
wolsthirdy_: /exit11:07
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r00tintheb0xwhen you run that sh command, you have to sudo it or sudo su -11:07
Ace_NoOnewols: oh, I haven11:07
Huffalumpwols: he's not in Ubuntu yet11:07
thirdy_wols, thanx!11:07
Ace_NoOne't installed ubuntu yet11:07
Enselic_iwcd: wget http://www.somed.com/some/file.zip11:08
r00tintheb0xthirdy, i forget man.11:08
r00tintheb0x /?11:08
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r00tintheb0xi think will bring up a command list11:08
r00tintheb0xor the F keys11:08
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Ace_NoOnewols: I wanted to sort out the WLAN issue before installing Ubuntu (because otherwise, I'd be cut off)11:08
kadazok?? so make the dir put the file in the directory run with with sh then  sudo it?11:08
_Codeman_so if my iptables is correct (which I'm NOT swearing to) and the cards seem to work ok... why else can I not get internet conn sharing?11:08
TheMoebiushow do I set my CLASSPATH so it worked in on things not launched from a terminal session?11:08
=== defcon_ [n=ion@VDSL-130-13-152-155.PHNX.QWEST.NET] has joined #ubuntu
r00tintheb0xonce you move it... then "sudo sh vendetta-linux-ia32-installer.sh"11:08
r00tintheb0xsudo ./vendetta-linux-ia32-installer.sh11:08
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r00tintheb0xwill probably work.11:09
abhinayhow to transfer data to Nokia N72 ? help ?11:09
HuffalumpAce_NoOne, when I google for "ubuntu wl-138g" I get results that show it works.11:09
Ace_NoOneHuffalump: I just found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80406&highlight=wl-138g11:09
r00tintheb0xlol wth11:09
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Ace_NoOneHuffalump: are there any drawbacks in using NDISWRAPPER (as I understand it, it uses the Windows drivers!?)11:09
r00tintheb0xthat was obscure11:10
RodGor00tintheb0x: hi are you there?11:10
r00tintheb0xyeah, its windows.11:10
=== stefg [n=chatzill@e179144084.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
r00tintheb0xyeah RodGo whats crackin.11:10
RodGoi solved my problems11:10
Gothfuncwols: london is always GMT :|11:10
RodGobut now i dont know what happend11:10
r00tintheb0xthere you go man, congrats!11:10
RodGobut i cant oppen any file11:10
r00tintheb0xwell, the important thing is you solved it.11:10
wolsGothfunc: no11:10
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HuffalumpAce_NoOne, the main issue is a philosophical one.  If you are opposed to non-Free software, then you wouldn't use ndiswrapper.11:10
RodGoi cant open files11:10
=== Ezep_Notebook [n=ezep@200-127-243-205.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
wolsGothfunc: but suit yourself11:10
RodGoi recovered my mimes11:10
r00tintheb0xThats ok!11:10
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=== r00tintheb0x jokes
Ace_NoOneHuffalump: yeah, I know :) but short of buying a new card...11:10
=== RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-104-095.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
Gothfuncwols: ok, i'd be willing to accept a contradiction, but do you have any evidence?11:11
Ezep_Notebookhow could i disable the blocked ttys in X?11:11
=== Defient [n=darren@cpe-66-75-104-27.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
strikeOneI was trying to install libfreetype, but got error: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/freetype/libfreetype6_2.1.10-1ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80] 11:11
r00tintheb0xsorry RodGo, im getting delirious11:11
Gothfuncbecause i think you're thinking of UTC11:11
Ezep_Notebookmaking them availables,,,11:11
strikeOnewere there any changes or is it down?11:11
RodGowhen i click on a pdf or image file for example11:11
RodGoy get this dialog box11:11
HuffalumpAce_NoOne, then the pragmatic road takes you to using ndiswrapper which makes use of the existing Windows blob... and voila!11:11
r00tintheb0xwhats it say11:11
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=== r00tintheb0x claps
Ace_NoOneHuffalump: so performance is just the same? also, I hardly understand what this guy is saying about getting it to work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8040611:11
thirdy_wols, open: permission denied11:11
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stefgstrikeOne: so your mirror seems down, get another one from !mirrors11:11
Defientanyone here plays tremulous?11:12
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HuffalumpAce_NoOne, I've never seen any performance difference.  Perhaps someone else here knows more than I...11:12
wolsthirdy_: open what11:12
r00tintheb0xnegative ghostrider.11:12
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RodGothat i cant open the file and that it represents a security risk if i am not the owner11:12
r00tintheb0xhi cyanid3_11:12
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Ezep_Notebookhow could i disable the blocked ttys in X, making them available to access?11:12
wolsGothfunc: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/info/timezone-summer.htm11:12
strikeOnestefg: ok11:12
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thirdy_wols, gdm11:12
cyanid3_does ubuntu not have halt or reboot commands?11:12
r00tintheb0xRodGo, what are you trying to open.11:12
wolsthirdy_: sudo11:12
=== strikeOne goes to search mirrors
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r00tintheb0xcyanid3_, yes it does11:12
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RodGoand if i want to open it i should rename it11:12
r00tintheb0xcyanid3_, you have to be root when you issue those commands.11:12
stefg!mirrors | strikeOne11:12
ubotustrikeOne: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive11:12
boyetwolz can i use dapper to setup a n internet cafe?11:12
RodGowith the correct extension11:12
iwcd<Enselic - wget is on my system - how do i run it?11:12
villerhow do I write a .sh that executes two programs11:12
cyanid3_im root11:12
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Ezep_Notebookhow could i disable the blocked ttys in X, making them available to access?11:13
r00tintheb0xRod, look and stop typing.11:13
Defienthas anyone got tremulous to work properly on Ubuntu?11:13
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RodGoi am trying to open any document/pdf/image11:13
r00tintheb0xRodGo, what are you trying to open.11:13
Huffalumpcyanid3 then run the command11:13
cyanid3_i get this: The system is going down for reboot NOW!11:13
cyanid3_shutdown: timeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl11:13
cyanid3_init: timeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl11:13
r00tintheb0xfrom where rod11:13
cyanid3_what does that mean?11:13
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RodGofrom nautilus11:13
RodGoor desktop11:13
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stefgviller: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html#toc1011:13
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r00tintheb0xrod, i dont know man.11:13
r00tintheb0xi'f have to be behind the machine11:13
=== BrokenSeo [n=nico@host190-250-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
boyethow can i tweak dapper for faster boot  up11:14
RodGowait i can take a screen and upload it11:14
Gothfunc"Each Time Zone is measured relative to Greenwich, England."11:14
Gothfuncit's geographical11:14
r00tintheb0xit's probably your root slice got mounted read only by your os11:14
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r00tintheb0xno RodGo11:14
HuffalumpGreenwich != London11:14
boyethoy naay tawo?11:14
=== Maicol [n=Lylat@244.Red-81-35-246.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
BrokenSeohi all, there is a way to add tags to files via beagle?11:14
Ezep_Notebookhow could i disable the blocked ttys in X, making them available to access?11:14
RodGoits wear, i just took the screen and i can open the png file11:14
RodGobut i cant open the other files :s11:14
GothfuncHuffalump: so?11:14
Huffalumpcyanid3, I see answers when I use Google...11:15
r00tintheb0xcyanid3_, what are the permissions on it?11:15
HuffalumpGothfunc, just adding to the discussion.11:15
GothfuncHuffalump: P11:15
BrokenSeono way?11:15
cyanid3_permissions on what?11:15
_Codeman_Gothfunc: Yes, it is geographical, but w/o DST... factor that in it GMT+1 no matter what!11:15
r00tintheb0xsorry... im tired. try a shutdown -h now11:15
r00tintheb0xnothing cyanid3_ i was trippin.11:15
villerstefg: what help do I get from that?11:15
boyetwhere can i find a list of application software for dapper11:15
Huffalumplaced cigis11:15
Ezep_Notebookhey, could anyone help me?11:15
_Codeman_why it no worky?!?!?!?!?!?!11:16
r00tintheb0xif that doesn't work... then you'll have to try init 6 or init 011:16
villerstefg: it has no information on my problem (Misc section 10)11:16
Huffalumpit needs more punctuation marks!!!11:16
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r00tintheb0x_Codeman_, cause you said worky.11:16
cyanid3_r00tintheb0x, shutdown -h just gives me usage instructions11:16
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Gothfunc_Codeman_, wols: ok, so the effective time is GMT+1, but the timezone is GMT.11:16
_Codeman_Huffalump: will it work better that way?11:16
r00tintheb0x"shutdown -h now"11:16
cyanid3_and init 6 gives init: timeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl11:16
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stefgviller: if you read it you will be able to write a proper bash-script (and ignore the #toc mark, scroll up to the index)11:16
BrokenSeoboyet, search "packages.ubuntu" on google11:16
Huffalump_Codeman_ only if you get the secret combination right.11:17
r00tintheb0xcyanid3_, have you googled at all?11:17
_Codeman_Gothfunc: sounds good to me :P11:17
=== Ezep_Notebook [n=ezep@200-127-243-205.cab.prima.net.ar] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Gothfuncbecause GMT doesn't move from the UK11:17
cyanid3_google what? :|11:17
Gothfuncto iceland :s11:17
r00tintheb0xtimeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl11:17
_Codeman_r00tintheb0x: true dat11:17
boyetbrokenseo can i use dapper to setup internet cafe?11:17
r00tintheb0xits all over the internet.11:17
cyanid3_oh, i will, sorry11:17
_Codeman_Huffalump: :P11:17
villerstefg: I only want this very simple thing. I don't want to learn bash scripting for that11:17
Huffalumpcyanid3, google "/dev/initctl" and find answers11:17
cyanid3_thank you11:17
BrokenSeowhat do you mean "setup"11:17
r00tintheb0xno] 11:17
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r00tintheb0xgoogle "timeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl"11:18
stefgviller: it's as simple as looking it up there11:18
r00tintheb0xjust like that11:18
r00tintheb0xeven in "11:18
cyanid3_i did, im reading now :P11:18
r00tintheb0xhere, i'll give you the link11:18
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_Codeman_Seriously, I can't figure out why my ICS isn't working, iptables should be good, computers are hooked up and showing green...11:19
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boyetim planning to setup an internet cafe business in our home and almost all of the cafes here are using ms xp how about to break the tradition11:19
r00tintheb0xics? what do you have 2 nics?11:19
r00tintheb0xor  yeah.11:19
Huffalumpboyet, that's an excellent idea.11:19
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_Codeman_2 computers completely11:19
r00tintheb0xboyet, i think you'll do fine!11:19
villerstefg: how the fuck do I look it up if the chapters are about things I don't need11:20
boyetwell am planning to set a 10 unit client and 1 unit server11:20
r00tintheb0xmake the server SUPER uber!11:20
RodGor00tintheb0x: i now understand that error, it tells me to rename the file so i can open it11:20
RodGowhen i rename it i can open it11:20
=== r00tintheb0x throws on his stunner shades.
RodGowhy is that?11:20
r00tintheb0xok RodGo11:20
r00tintheb0xcause its already there?11:20
r00tintheb0xi duno11:20
kadazr00tintheb0x not working11:20
kadaz/root/bin does not exist!11:20
kadazCreate it? [yn]  read: 70: arg count11:20
kadazWhere would you like to install the Vendetta executable? [/root/bin]  read: 70: arg count11:20
boyet5units will be dappers and 5units xp 9because of this guys gamers)11:20
_Codeman_r00tintheb0x: 2 different computers11:20
RodGooh sorry, thank you for your help i will leave now11:21
r00tintheb0xwhat are you installing kadaz ?11:21
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thirdywols, finally11:21
kadazvendetta online11:21
=== r00tintheb0x sighs.
r00tintheb0xwhat is that, a game?11:21
boyetthe server wud be of course dapper?11:21
r00tintheb0xmove it to /usr/local/games11:21
r00tintheb0xand do it there.11:21
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r00tintheb0xmake it /usr/local/games/vendetta/bin11:22
r00tintheb0xmake it /usr/local/games/vendetta/sbin11:22
r00tintheb0xso on and so forth, it probably wont ask you all that but you get the idea right?11:22
boyetbut i kinda woried for the lifespan support of dapper11:22
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.11:22
Gothfuncok so it labels the timezone BST (GMT+1), but we use GMT as our timezone, not BST.  i think that is where the confusion is :o11:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lmnop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
=== Andeh [n=andy@ip51cd5a98.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Andehcan anyone help me with fluxbox?11:22
r00tintheb0xsorry, tourettes syndrome.11:23
r00tintheb0xmmm fluxbox.11:23
thirdyme too11:23
Gothfunci think it needs clarification, like BST (Summertime GMT+1)11:23
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r00tintheb0xwhat do you need help with Andeh11:23
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thirdyhow do I start fluxbox?>11:23
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Andehr00tintheb0x: I just uninstalled my self-compiled version of fluxbox and used the ubuntu repository one instead (apt-get) and now when i go to Fluxbox Menu, System Styles and User Styles are both empty and i'm stuck with a crappy gray one!11:24
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thirdyAndeh, how did you gow to Fluxbox Menu?11:25
AndehI went to the fluxbox page and downloaded the styles and copied them into /usr/share/fluxbox/styles and the menu still doesnt show them11:25
boyeti cannot find softwares for cs and etc. games...so for the meantime ill use some the units msxp...but if time comes game dev supports online games then that will be the time ill migrate everything to ubuntu11:25
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Andehthirdy: I right clicked the desktop11:25
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shiftplusonehey, does anyone here know about/use twin?11:25
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wolsshiftplusone: what is twin?11:26
Huffalumpboyet, you could also introduce them to "new" games like Savage or any thing interesting you find on happypenguin.org11:26
shiftplusoneterminal/command-line window manager type thing11:26
Huffalumpboyet, Savage 2 is perfect for Ubuntu @ net cafes11:27
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Enselic_iwcd: wget url11:27
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shiftplusonewols: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/utils/twin11:27
Andehr00tintheb0x: ?11:27
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boyetwell in cebu were 10yrs late in tech...were stoneage yet11:28
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buggyhay there - new kubuntu distro loaded here - can't remember how i added kubuntu channel under the ubuntu channel - ant ideas?? using xchat11:28
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Huffalumpboyet, its the same in most net cafes in eastern europe11:28
shiftplusoneok, can someone tell me how to load a mouse driver while in text mode?11:28
cyanid3_ended up restarting by doing reboot -f :\11:28
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Huffalumpboyet, I think ubuntu is perfect for a net cafe.  People play the games they know.  CS isn't *incredibly* better than the half-dozen games just like it.11:29
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boyetreally? ill surf the savage11:29
boyetwell where can i find online games for ubuntu11:29
Huffalumpboyet, it's like IM.  some countries use mostly ICQ, other mostly Yahoo, others mostly Google, others mostly.... you see?11:29
BrokenSeocan i tag file with beagle and then be able to search for tag? can i use personalized tag?11:29
_Codeman_buggy: /join #kubuntu11:29
_Codeman_that what your looking for?11:29
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GeorgeAScotti know it got a lot of nay saying, but i'm trying to use ubuntu as a router.. and i'm having trouble with the dhcp server11:29
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Huffalumpboyet, I dig through HappyPenguin to find games.  Some games are super lame, some are fantastic.  You have to dig because it's not well organized, but there is a huge amount of information.11:30
buggyyes - but being a clutz - can't remember how i did it ... :o(11:30
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GeorgeAScottbad subnet/mask combination is the error i'm getting11:31
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_Codeman_buggy: what are you trying to do, I'm not sure I follow you?11:31
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boyetok then ill try to setup alll my pc to dapper but then xp will be always on standy if complaints from clients flooding my floor11:32
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Huffalumpboyet, besides you can play WoW on Ubuntu :D11:32
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buggy_coleman - sorry - will try to make clear - can't remember how i added kubuntu channel using xchat11:32
wolfAlfahello, I'm searching for the pam-devel package in ubuntu, does anyone know it's name please11:33
buggyopps codeman11:33
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sleepsterI used apt to download Beryl and now I am wondering how I "activate" it11:33
Huffalumpbuggy, are you talking about adding a setting to run on start up?11:34
boyetok what about feisty is it stable enough to load on my cafe?11:34
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_Codeman_to join #kubuntu type "/join #kubuntu" to leave it type "/part kubuntu"11:34
Huffalumpsleepster, the best way is to join #ubuntu-effects11:34
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stefg!beryl | sleepster11:34
ubotusleepster: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:34
Huffalumpboyet, I was fighting the urge to yell "dont use dapper!" but instead use edgy or feisty, yes.11:34
_Codeman_buggy: Unless you mean as an autojoin channel when you connect11:35
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boyety dont use11:35
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buggyhuffalump - yes would like to have xchat start with kubuntu channel instead of unbuntu - so i'am in right channel for questions etc...11:35
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shiftplusonehmm... is there a way to make something start itself in say tty2 and boot the rest as normal?11:35
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Huffalumpboyet, sure Dapper is the safe route, but I would test edgy or feisty to see if they give you trouble.  Is your hardware homogenous?  Most netcafes have a huge assortment of mixed boxes, which could make that testing a little tougher.  But I'd slap a new version so you get the latest firefox and other software to impress your clientele, slap on Beryl for sure, and some other whatnots.11:36
buggy_codeman - yes to that11:36
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boyetya ur right ill let them see eye candy!11:36
_Codeman_buggy: xchat->networklist then select freenode11:36
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_Codeman_click edit11:37
boyetbut what about the lifespan support for feisty11:37
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:37
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_Codeman_go to "Channels to join:" and put "#kubuntu"11:37
GeorgeAScottokay... resolved the issue with the dhcp server starting.. i think.. now dns isn't working11:37
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stefgboyet: for a dedicated server (an 'appliance' used as proxy, gateway, fileserver) dapper might be the better choice. on the desktop you'll have trouble getting the latest version of important software. dapper has Firefox 1.5 and OOo 2.0 by default11:37
Huffalumpbuggy, in your menu bar, go to XChat, then Network List, select the particular network you want to modify (freenode) and click the edit button... there you will see the script area to set the /join #whatever channels11:38
buggy_codeman - thx being - tired an crazy - got it going - thx so much11:38
Huffalumpoh sure _Codeman_ beat me by 10 minutes, hahaha11:38
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stefgboyet: and don't waste your time with edgy (to give an honest opinion)11:39
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_Codeman_Huffalump: I do my best :P11:39
boyetso then ill wait feisty to arrive this month11:39
Huffalumpboyet, what do you mean to wait for feisty?  For what it's worth, I had great experiences with Edgy.11:39
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buggy_codeman - need to make a log - so when i do a reinstall will remember - allot of stuff to resetup ya know.... getting better though  :o)11:40
=== Refakki [n=refakki@55.gprs-nat.mtsnet.ru] has joined #ubuntu
_Codeman_buggy: Yeah, I completely understand :)11:40
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boyeti ordered feisty last month on ubuntu homepage and i dunno for how long this wud arrive in cebu11:41
Huffalumpboyet, no bandwidth to just download?  surely a net cafe must...11:41
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buggy_Codeman - reloded from kubuntu - edgy to newest fiesty - just keeps getting beter 'n' better huh?11:42
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:42
_Codeman_yeah, I'm liking Ubuntu quite well :P11:42
boyetya but dont know how to burn an iso image...any i ordered 3pcs of feisty...wud that be enough to install on 11units including the server?11:42
_Codeman_Well, I use Kubuntu too lol11:42
Q_ContinuumSo...sometime starting Monday I'm expecting my Ubuntu-loaded Dell to show up... :D11:43
=== _Codeman_ drools
Ninjubuntuim a bit busy at the moment, but moving from windows to ubuntu was the best fricken decision i ever made11:43
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boyethow about kubuntu feisty that too is coming11:43
Huffalumpboyet, 1 CD is enough to install on all the clients.  the server is a different ISO.11:43
buggyI have ubuntu as another session start - runs allot faster then kde kubuntu - but like the look of kubuntu better - each to his i guess....11:44
Huffalumpboyet, once you install feisty, you can very easily add KDE (kubuntu) or XFCE or any others with some simple line commands which will automagically download & install that stuff.  very easy.11:44
knoeki[DSS] buggy: hrm... there where some things in KDE I diddn't like..11:44
=== Phylo [n=CPhyloGe@pool-71-102-241-60.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
knoeki[DSS] buggy: for example, I couldn't configure my taskbar/quickstart bar properly.11:45
knoeki[DSS] buggy: I could get 2, but one of them would be waaaaaaaay too big... and can't make it smaller =/11:45
boyetok then i'm sold to your opinion hoping thats an honest11:45
buggyyea i know - i'm finding there are more apps that are better for listening to podcasts - burning etc etc11:45
knoeki[DSS] so Gnome it is for me.11:45
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PhyloI'm trying to burn my newly downloaded Fiesty image, using InfraRecorder, and I'm getting the blue screen of death everytime I try to scan devices!  (including when I run it)11:46
buggythats an easy one - rt/clk on task bar and ca resize11:46
Huffalumpboyet, once you download an ISO file, you just burn it to CD  (like on Windows, you know how you probably use Nero?  that's what you do with an ISO)11:46
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Akuma_whats the command to get partition usage info again? like space used?11:47
Huffalumpbuggy, and don't forget ktorrent :D11:47
Phyloare there any other free .iso burning programs that work (not like this did) on Windows ME?11:47
knoeki[DSS] buggy: problem is, you can only resize ONE of them... the other will be bigger... or I just couldn't find the option.11:47
buggyhuffalump - nero has a debian out - have you seen it ? it's real nice11:47
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Huffalumpbuggy, nope... but I will check it out now that you mention it11:47
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buggyyea i use strickly fiefox11:47
HuffalumpPhylo, you have questions about Windows?  This might be the wrong place.11:47
ubuntuManwats the best software to burn dvd/cd in ubuntu11:48
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_Codeman_Huffalump: "automagically" that's an awesome word :P11:48
Huffalumpcromulent, indeed!11:48
paii want to remove secondlife from my feisty notebook. its installed in a folder on desktop. how do i remove it/11:49
buggyyup yup the list goes on an on - maybe i'll get tired of it by end of month and go to ubuntu - ha11:49
PhyloHuffalump:  kinda, but my issue is with burning an Ubuntu .iso image using a program recommended by the ubuntu site11:49
boyetya lately i burned a downloaded feisty but a waist the cd i burned wont autostart11:49
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boyeti set to a minimum speed still it wont creat a bootable cd11:49
ubuntuManboyet: U boot from cd or harddisk on ur bios11:50
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buggyhuffalump - check at the nero site they have a free beta that works great or a paid one for $20 bucks - pretty cheap compared to windoze one that's $70 bucks11:51
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emooi dont get the title bar on apps and minimize/close buttons when i run beryl, i use to just run emerald to get them but its not doing anything...just my system ? or am i missing something11:51
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boyetya i tried to boot first the cd then the hd still i cant load the disk...maybe a problem to the cd i used..11:51
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paii want to remove secondlife from my feisty notebook. its installed in a folder on desktop. how do i remove it/11:51
Mandarinnany one from Australia?11:52
HuffalumpPhylo, just google for 'free cd burner' and I saw some software free for 30 days... that's long enough to burn and switch to Ubuntu :D11:52
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TheMoebiushey for some reason changes I make in beryl-manager arn't taking effect and I can't change themes with emerald theme manager....11:52
Huffalumpboyet, out of curiosity, did you try on another machine?  I trust your test machine is set to boot from CD first in the bios...11:52
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HuffalumpTheMoebius, try #ubuntu-effects11:53
buggywell guys going over to kubuntu channel - will probably be back before the month's out ..... cya11:53
buggythx again11:53
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Huffalumpthanks buggy11:53
boyetya i tried11:53
Phyloit's all for XP11:53
_Codeman_cya buggy11:53
boyetbut maybe everything will be solved once feisty knocks my door11:54
_Codeman_well guys I think I'm gonna go to bed, night all11:54
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buggyhuffalump - i was a big fan of nero when i used windoze - if u see me around again let me know how u like it....11:54
boyethuffalump what time in your place mine is 6:00pm night11:54
HuffalumpPhylo, you might be the last human still suffering with Windows ME.   try adding "windows me" to your search.  I still find software that says XP and ME on it.11:54
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Huffalumpboyet, 1p11:55
Huffalumpbuggy, same for me so I am checking it out11:55
Huffalumpboyet, I am in Romania11:55
buggyok great - sure you'll like it11:55
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PhyloI was hoping not to do this bloody search again.  Yes, I might be the last human suffering ME, (I'm TRYING to ditch it!)11:55
HuffalumpPhylos, even Nero says it works on ME11:56
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PhyloI spent an hour last time (when I got Edgy Eft), I found Cheetah CD Burner, which worked11:56
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Phylobut it was a 30 day trial11:56
HuffalumpPhlylo, it looks like they all work on ME11:56
Phyloand it ran out11:56
=== Geoffrey hi all
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Huffalumpbuggy, oooooo 64-bit! :D11:57
boyethuffalump tnx very much for everything i am sold out to ubuntu and it rocks my world,,truly11:57
HuffalumpGeoffrey, have you tried #australia on DALnet ?11:57
lynxzSlimeyPete: Thanks for your help yesterday regarding my DVD-drive. After removing it from an EIDE slot and connecting to a regular IDE-slot it worked like a charm.11:57
boyetmore power to ya all huffalump11:57
Huffalumpboyet, good luck with the new business!11:57
SlimeyPetelynxz: ah, right11:57
boyettnx man11:57
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boyeti'll catch you maybe nxt wek monday...sunday in your time11:58
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Chai_Sangeenhello everyone11:58
Geoffreyi havent seen it11:58
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boyetsorry i thought am using apt-get .....hahahaha11:58
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Geoffreywhats the website11:59
Dabaconboyhey guys just having a bit of trouble with the net on ubu at the mo. my ethernet card is not recognised by 6.06.1 i have tried sudo ifconfig eth0 up however this doesnt come up with much. any help appreciated11:59
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Chai_Sangeenim trying to make freevo launch at startup, im using ubuntu feisty with command line install and no gdm.  I start freevo with "freevo -fs" command. can anyone help?11:59
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stefgDabaconboy: does lspci | grep net come up with something?12:00
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Dabaconboyerm not tried it yet12:00
Dabaconboybut ubu is on this machine so id have to go to try it12:01
johni am having huge issues with my radeon x1600 and fglrx12:01
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johni can not get it to work12:01
johni am stuck in vesa12:01
Huffalumpjohn, you want to join #ubuntu-effects12:01
johnwehn i try the drivers from the ati website i have to go back to vesa12:01
johnthey will be able to help me?12:01
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roryyChai_Sangeen: perhaps you could add that command to /etc/rc.local?12:01
wols!ati | john12:02
ubotujohn: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:02
Chai_Sangeenroryy: i didn't try that...12:02
wolsChai_Sangeen: ~./xsession12:02
stefgDabaconboy: so to help people help you find out what your hardware is. lspci list all devices on the bus, 'lsmod' all loaded modules. Check if theres a corresponding kernel module for your hardware loaded first12:02
wolsChai_Sangeen: ~/.xsession12:02
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Chai_Sangeenwols: okay let me check the file out...12:02
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mwein /etc/networks I have link-local I don't know how it got there. Don't you think it's safe to delete that?12:03
Dabaconboystefg: ok then il try that thanks12:03
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johni tried using the guide here:  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide12:03
johndidnt work12:03
johnso ill try this one12:03
RainCThow can I see a list of all partitions in the terminal?12:03
Chai_Sangeenwols: okay file is open do i just add that command ?12:03
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stefgRainCT: sudo fdsik -l12:04
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wolsRainCT: cat /proc/partitions12:04
stefgwols: fdsik -l is just prettier :-)12:04
wolsstefg: will that display partitions on all disks?12:04
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roryyChai_Sangeen: i believe ~/.xsession will only be of use if you have X installed12:05
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RainCTok thanks stefg wols12:05
Chai_Sangeenroryy: i have openbox12:05
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Chai_Sangeenroryy: but at startup it just goes to the command line...12:06
graveson1where can i find info on configuring ssh12:06
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wolsroryy: freevo depends on X12:06
roryyChai_Sangeen: so what do you want to happen at startup?12:06
wolsChai_Sangeen: install a displaymanager12:06
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Chai_Sangeenroryy: wols i just want freevo to start at boot time...12:07
stefggraveson1: man ssh ? :-)12:07
wolsgraveson1: /usr/share/doc/ssh/12:07
sacateris that a command?12:07
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Chai_Sangeenroryy: wols this is really minimal install and id like to leave it that way.. only required software.12:08
wolsChai_Sangeen: answer roryy's question12:09
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lellonon so come funziona qualcuno mi potrebbe spiegare12:10
wolspax vobiscum12:10
Myrtti!it | lello12:10
ubotulello: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:10
Chai_Sangeenwols:  already did.... "Chai_Sangeen: roryy: wols i just want freevo to start at boot time..."12:10
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ndeehey there, I'm looking for a program to burn any video format to a DVD. I know there was a tool but I don't remember it.12:11
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ndeeit was open source and it could convert anything to that DVD Format12:12
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Dabacoboyhey guys12:13
KDanhow smooth is it to upgrade from a debian install to an ubuntu install?12:13
MyrttiI wouldn't do it12:14
Myrttithe packages aren't that compatible12:14
Dabacoboymentioned earlier about not being able to find ethernet card12:14
KDanMyrtti: define "not that compatible"?\12:14
stefgKDan: bad idea12:14
KDanI'm talking about a server12:14
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wolsKDan: "will break"12:14
wolsKDan: debootstrap12:15
stefgKDan: bad idea, still12:15
wolsDabacoboy: well?12:15
KDanquestion 212:15
alesan^ncwhere can I set that vi has syntax highlighting and so on?12:15
Dabacoboynot worked12:16
KDanif i've been developing on ubuntu servers for the last year, and now i'm about to deploy to the prod server and run things there12:16
wolsDabacoboy: lspci does work. always12:16
KDanwill i have lots of trouble if i let the server be a debian server?12:16
KDanor will it all be fairly similar to ubuntu?12:16
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Terminusalesan^nc: put 'syntax on' in your ~/.vimrc or type :syntax on after starting vim.12:16
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wolsKDan: fairly similar but I'm biased12:16
KDanwols: what would you say are the major differences, if any?12:16
Dabacoboyit just goes to the next line not appearing to do anything12:16
wolsKDan: sid vs stable12:17
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Terminusalesan^nc: and you have be running vim, not vim-tiny which is installed by default on feisty.12:17
wolsubuntu is based on debian sid aka unstable12:17
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KDanok, so debian stable will have much older packages?12:17
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wolsDabacoboy: lspci runs as user or root without a problem. so I don't believe you12:18
stefgKDan: the delta between ubuntu and debian increase with every release. Just think of upstart and libata are12:18
alesan^ncTerminus, good thank you12:18
wolsKDan: right now: no. debian stable was just released12:18
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wolsstefg: debian uses libata12:18
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KDanaha. well if i was thinking of going with 6.06 for the LTS, then deb would be even more recent actually?12:18
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wolsKDan: yes12:18
alesan^ncTerminus, if I want to throw away vim-tiny  should I simply install vim or also deinstall something?12:19
Dabacoboyil type what i get12:19
Dabacoboymatt@matt-desktop:~$ lspci12:19
KDanso your recommendation, if my choice is between "figure out debian and use that instead" and "try to dist-upgrade to ubuntu", is to go for the first option?12:19
wolsKDan: why dist-upgrade to ubuntu if you already run it?12:19
KDani have ubuntu on my dev servers12:20
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KDane.g. VM's, local server sitting under my desk, etc12:20
KDanthe server i'm looking at now is a dedicated server we're renting from serverbeach12:20
wolsDabacoboy: lspci -v12:20
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Emeraldhello everyone.12:20
KDanit came with debian on it - i was originally planning to dist-upgrade to ubuntu12:21
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KDannow it sounds like perhaps this is not such a great idea12:21
graveson1i have installed an ssh server and client ( 2 desktops). i can connect from the server to the client but not vice versa. Do i need to have the server software installed on the client as well?12:21
KDangraveson1: yes12:21
Dabacoboymatt@matt-desktop:~$ lspci -v12:21
wolsDabacoboy: what system is this?12:22
KDangraveson1: install the ssh server on both machines if you want to ssh into both machines12:22
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Dabacoboyubuntu 6.06.112:22
KDanok thanks guys. I gues i'm going to go read a bit more about debian12:22
graveson1KDan: thanks12:22
wolsif lspci is not working your machine is broken12:22
KDanto help make up my mind12:22
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KDangraveson1: pleasure12:22
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KDanthanks for the warnings though12:22
stefggraveson1: no...  if you just need to log in from box #1 to box #2, only box #2 needs rhe server installed12:22
Dabacoboyinstall fresh copy of ubu then??12:22
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KDani imagine i was preparing myself a world of pain12:22
KDanstefg: he wants to log in both ways12:23
razdamanhi there - I want to resize arond 300 photos from some high resolution til 800*600 ... does there exist a program for doing this fast? (without the need to resize the photos manually..)12:23
wolsDabacoboy: cat /proc/bus/pci/devices12:23
KDanrazdaman: ImageMagick12:23
FlannelDabacoboy: Yes.  Since it appears you're missing some rather core files.  No telling whatelseyou may be missing.  (Sounds like an unfinished install)12:23
KDanrazdaman: it'll do exactly what you want12:23
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KDanrazdaman: from a command line. you may have to write a shell script around it12:24
wolsFlannel: he is not missing lspci or it would say "command not found"12:24
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graveson1stefg: i need to log in both directions12:24
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Stormx2looks like last.fm runs off ubuntu :)12:24
stefggraveson1: the both box need to run a server12:24
FlannelDabacoboy: hmm, wols has a good point.12:24
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Dabacoboyblank file12:24
graveson1stefg: thnx12:24
wolsDabacoboy: what kernel version12:25
razdamanKDan: kay thanks, will look into that12:25
juice`anyone knows any *GOOD* bandwidth meter with option to generate graphs? i tried many of them, and they were working terrible (like one graph had it's perspective destroyed but one big peak connection, so the scale went up from 10Mbps to 500Mbps and i couldnt see anything)12:25
Dabacoboyhow do you check that12:25
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wolsDabacoboy: uname -a12:25
Chai_Sangeenroryy: i just wanted to thank you, adding "freevo -fs" to /etc/rc.local did the trick, many thanx12:25
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DabacoboyLinux matt-desktop 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT Thu Aug 3 02:52:00 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux12:27
HausbergI want to switch my system to use system time in UTC - where do I set this12:27
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wolsHausberg: /etc/default/rcS12:28
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wolsDabacoboy: (re)install kernel and reboot. if that doesn't work, reinstall the OS12:29
Dabacoboyhow do you do tht (soz im a noobie)12:29
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wolsdpkg -i <kernel package>12:30
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Terminusalesan^nc: just install vim. i didn't have to remove vim-tiny.12:30
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alesan^ncTerminus, thanks12:30
Dabacoboykernal package is...?12:30
wolsdpkg -l | grep linux-image12:30
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stefgHausberg: sudo tzconfig12:31
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Terminusalesan^nc: aside from ~/.vimrc, you can also do some funky stuff with ~/.vim/ just read the manual. it's a bit complex. =D12:31
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wols!info tzconfig12:31
ubotuPackage tzconfig does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas12:31
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Dabacoboydpkg: --install needs at least one package archive file argument12:32
waxyfreshhow do i add a menu bar that displys stuffy?12:32
wolsDabacoboy: as I told you12:32
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wolsDabacoboy: re download the kernel pacakge, and install it12:32
Dabacoboyok then12:32
stefgwols: that's a part of the libc-package12:32
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alesan^ncTerminus, do you have any idea if I can also use syntax highlighting with "less" ?12:33
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waxyfreshwhats the comand line tem for opening the sond panel?12:33
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stefgwaxyfresh: yo mean alsamixer?12:33
wolsstefg: I am guessing the gnome thing for it12:34
waxyfreshim not sure12:34
djmasterkanenas ellinas yparxei??12:34
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Terminusalesan^nc: i don't think so. i just use 'view' instead. it's vim but read-only.12:34
stefgwaxyfresh: so it's... errm... alsamixer12:34
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alesan^ncok thanks12:35
niels_I am trying to file a bug against smakeping in bugs.launchpad.net. It asks for "project" I don't understand what it means. Is there a helpfile somewhere?12:35
niels_smakeping -> smokeping12:35
djmasterwhat p2p you suggest??12:36
wolsdjmaster: whatever your want12:36
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djmasteri try ktorrent,azaures....12:37
Dabacoboywols: 1 sec there was  a typing error i have now got.....12:37
Dabacoboyii      linux-image-2.6.15-26-386                            2.6.15-26.4612:37
Dabacoboy    Linux kernel image for version 2.6.15 on 38612:37
Dabacoboyii      linux-image-386                        
Dabacoboy    Linux kernel image on 38612:37
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djmasterbut all crashhh12:37
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wolsDabacoboy: get another kernel. one for your cpu. look in synaptic (unless you really use a i386)12:37
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wolsDabacoboy: the place where you install progams in ubuntu. wherever that is12:38
Dabacoboyohh kk12:39
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wolswhat cpu do you have?12:39
Dabacoboyathalon 1.412:39
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niels_I am trying to file a bug against smokeping (Feisty universe) on launchpad.net. It asks for "project" I don't know what it means can anybody help?12:40
wolsget the -k7 kernel then12:40
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Dabacoboythe synaptic folder is empty in /var/lib/synaptic12:40
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wolsDabacoboy: it's a program. run it. if you can't install stuff: reinstall ubuntu. this time properly12:41
abhidoes anyone know anything about librsvg or libnr?12:42
wols!anyone | abhi12:42
ubotuabhi: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:42
waxyfreshdo i open the gnome sound app from a term ,not alsa mixer12:42
alesan^ncwhich packages shall I install to have a full doxygen and tetex installation :(12:43
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abhican anyone tell me how to program with librsvg or libnr?12:43
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roryywaxyfresh: assume you're asking 'how', is the program 'gnome-volume-control' what you want?12:43
waxyfresh ^^how do i12:43
wolsabhi: install the -dev package and start12:43
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sharoncan anyone help understanding why Firestarter blocks all traffic after upgrading to 7.04?12:44
abhibut i already have librsvg on my system i was hoping someone could explain the how to write a simple program to render an svg file in my app12:44
wolsabhi: that is OT here12:45
roryyabhi: maybe ask in ##c or ##c++12:45
blahblahxwhen i run ubuntu or xubuntu it says it cant configure the x server12:45
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blahblahxi know its because im using a Radeon X160012:45
wolsblahblahx: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. choose vesa12:45
blahblahxi already tried safe mode12:46
wolsafter that install fglrx12:46
wols!ati | blahblahx12:46
ubotublahblahx: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:46
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blahblahxcan i install binary drivers from the commandline12:46
wolsI told you to use vesa. it will work. but yes you can. aptitude for example12:46
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blahblahxlike should i use the alternate install cd and when it dumps me at the commandline install the drivers?12:47
Fuzzwhats a good torrent client for ubuntu? i dunno, maybe something like utorrent or something12:47
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wolsFuzz: ktorrent, rtorrent12:47
blahblahxoh with vesa the error was No Monitors Found12:47
Fuzzthx ill try12:47
wolsblahblahx: fully log. not just one message12:47
stefg!torrent | Fuzz12:47
ubotuFuzz: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html12:47
stefg!deluge | Fuzz12:48
ubotuFuzz: deluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information12:48
blahblahxwhat does that mean?12:48
wolsblahblahx: your xorg log12:48
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:48
preem_browse my brain :D12:48
Fuzzlol XD12:48
blahblahxi clicked ok for the error message12:49
blahblahxand thats what it said about vesa12:49
blahblahxNo monitors found12:49
Fuzzbtw i have to say that blender is awesome!12:49
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Fuzzi was used to 3dsmax but now that im using blender i get things done so much faster ^^12:50
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hypn0Fuzz: tell them at #blender :-)12:50
Fuzzhehe ^^ i just mighy12:51
Dabacoboywhats the best filesystem to use in ubuntu 6.06.112:51
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GoopDabacoboy: FAT or FAT32.12:52
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brosiozhi all12:52
brosiozis better compiz12:52
blahblahxwhy not ext312:52
brosiozor beryl ?12:52
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roryyDabacoboy: unless you have specialized requirements, just use the defaults (ext3, in this case)12:52
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Dabacoboyok then ta12:52
GoopOh, OK. I'm not really used to Ubuntu yet ^_^12:52
wolsGoop: you cannot install ubuntu in fat12:53
blahblahxyeah use ext312:53
Goopblahblahx: To be honest, I'm using this now because my Windows install is broken.12:53
blahblahxyou might like it12:53
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blahblahxand stay a while12:53
preem_f00k windoze :p12:53
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Goopblahblahx: I'm running from the LiveCD.12:53
Goopand yes, I like it ^_^12:54
blahblahxdo you need any help?12:54
Goopwell, i would like NTFS write access, so i can fix hal.dll12:54
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:54
blahblahxtry installing NTFS-3G12:54
GoopI tried, but I can't install it.12:55
blahblahxbeat me too it12:55
wolsblahblahx: kinda hard with a livecd12:55
blahblahxtry linux mint12:55
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GoopIt says I need to edit souces.list, but it's read-only for me12:55
wolsGoop: iirc knoppix uses ntfs-3g out of the box in their live cd12:55
blahblahxit mounts them automatically12:55
wolsGoop: sudo12:55
preem_just open synaptic12:55
blahblahxits a seperate linux distro12:55
preem_and select universe and mutilverse12:55
blahblahxbased off ubuntu12:55
preem_then search for ntfs-2g12:55
blahblahxbut it has codecs installed12:55
sharperguyany idea why GDM isn't loading, and just giving a timer icon? (I can't give more info than that because I'm not at the computer)12:55
wolsblahblahx: wrong12:55
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preem_has to work, worked for me several times on liveCD12:55
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blahblahxand it uses ntf3g to mount wiindows partitions12:55
wolsoh. mint. sorry12:55
lucahi everyone12:56
blahblahxjust try it12:56
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blahblahxhi luca12:56
wolsGoop: run "mount". does it say ntfs anywhere?12:56
lucacan someone help me compile the kernel enabling the support to proprietary drivers please? :)12:56
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wolsluca: what drivers?12:56
lucablahblahx: hi12:56
blahblahxyou just have to install them12:56
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blahblahxyou dont have to recompile12:56
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lucawols: my nvidia proprietary drivers and internet wireless card12:57
rOb3rtpls help me about FTP12:57
blahblahx!binary drivers12:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about binary drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:57
lucano they function perfectly12:57
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lucathe point is that I want to compile the kernel12:57
wolsluca: no need to compile a kernel12:57
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wols!nvidia luca12:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia luca - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:57
wols!nvidia |luca12:57
ubotuluca: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:57
Goopwols: currently,  I'm using this mount command "sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=022212:57
wolsluca: what wireless card12:57
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lucajust a second12:57
wolsGoop: that won't work12:57
rOb3rti install proftpd my router is forwarded to port 21 but still cant see in extrnal ip12:57
wolsGoop: "read only" only12:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linuxmint - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:58
wolsr0bby: 20, 21 and some high ports for pasv support12:58
GoopI can't find NTFS-3G in Synaptic.12:58
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)12:58
wolsGoop: it's in universe12:58
lucathe driver is 'intel PRO/Wireless 3945'12:58
wolsGoop: do what blahblahx said.don't use the ubuntu livecd12:58
rOb3rtso u mean u must open port 20 and 21 in my router ?12:58
wolsluca: no need to a kernel compile either12:58
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mineraleHello, how can I have ubuntu automatically log me in when I turn it on?12:59
lucawols: I know there is no need, but I wanted to try the newer one and understand how to compile one12:59
rOb3rtcan u  exactly tell me what port should i open for my FTP12:59
wolsluca: install kernel-package12:59
Goopwols: So I should use Knoppix LiveCD instead?12:59
wolsrOb3rt: I told you already12:59
lucawols: already installed12:59
wolsGoop: any live cd that already comes with ntfs-3g support12:59
roryyminerale: system -> admin -> login window, security tab12:59
rOb3rt20 ans 21 ?01:00
wolsluca: it comes with docs. read them01:00
lucawols: oh ok thanks :)01:00
wolsrOb3rt: and some highports for PASV support01:00
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GoopOK, I heard a lot about Knoppix being easy to use, so I'll use that. Temporarily, then it's back to Ubuntu. ^_^01:00
wolsGoop: knoppix is way better as a live cd, ubuntu is a lot better when installed01:00
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Goop'K. Cya all when I come back to Ubuntu!01:01
EmeraldHello.  I am new with Ubuntu...   I am trying to get my computer to work for me.     I have figured out that there are two paths, Gnome and KDE......what is the better choice01:01
rOb3rtcan u tell me how to create user/pass for ftp01:01
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wolsEmerald: there is no better. personal preference01:01
wolsrOb3rt: by default it most probably uses system accounts01:02
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wolsrOb3rt: just use scp from ssh. much better than ftp01:02
wolsmore scure too01:02
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roryyor rsync over ssh01:02
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rOb3rtwols can i use my root user/pass in ftp ?01:03
fivetwentysixI don't know if this is the right channel to ask this but I am using Ubuntu and I don't know if this is a Koversation question or a Ubuntu question, but anyways; When I open a link by clicking on it, it opens Screem and not my web-browser. How can I change it so that if i click a link it'll open my web-browser instead.01:04
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rOb3rtwols can u check it ftp://cable-202-8-235-235.d-one.net01:04
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wolsrOb3rt: no root access with ftp01:05
wolswould be stupid if it worked01:05
rOb3rtwols is it working now ftp://cable-202-8-235-235.d-one.net ?01:05
rOb3rtcan u check it01:06
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alesan^ncis there a way to install a complete development environment01:06
alesan^ncI am installing packages as I need them it's frustraitng01:06
wolsalesan^nc: apt-get install build-essential01:06
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wolsIDEs are anjutah, kdevelop, rawhide,etc (this is all for C/C++)01:06
rOb3rtso how can i create user/pass for ftp01:07
alesan^ncI am using vi and kdevelop01:07
wolsdepends how your ftp server authenticates users01:07
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wolsthere are several methods01:07
rOb3rtits say opps both local and anonymous is disables01:07
rOb3rtconnection closed by the remote01:07
alesan^ncerror: linux/sys.h: No such file or directory <- ??? which package I mostly need?01:08
roryyalesan^nc: have you installed build-essential ?01:08
wolsalesan^nc: kernel headers01:08
alesan^ncroryy, just installed01:08
alesan^ncwols, they are installed... let me check again...01:08
rOb3rtcan u teach me howto config ftp01:09
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wolsr0bby: forums has a howto somewhere for proftpd01:10
alesan^nclinux-headers-generic is installed01:10
wols!info linux-headers-generic01:10
ubotulinux-headers-generic: Generic Linux kernel headers. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB01:10
wolsthat is not the right one01:11
wolswhat are you trying to compile?01:11
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wolsunless it's a virtual package01:11
wolsrOb3rt: I didn't ask you, but good choice. you need a system user (sudo adduser for example) for it01:11
wolsrOb3rt: edit /etc/vsftpd.conf to enable anon access01:11
Stormx2shinkansen: Don't shout; check the wiki.01:12
wols!effects | shinkansen01:12
ubotushinkansen: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects.01:12
roryylinux-headers-generic depends on  linux-headers-2.6.20-15-generic01:12
wolsroryy: k01:12
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alesan^ncwols, a little library wrote by a friend of mine. it's about tcp connections and networking.01:12
shinkansenokay thanks01:12
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wolsalesan^nc: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=linux%2Fsys.h&searchmode=searchword&case=insensitive&version=feisty&arch=i38601:12
alesan^nc#include <linux/sys.h>01:12
roryyalesan^nc: p'rhaps the compile flags need to be set correctly01:12
wolsalesan^nc: so include the proper directory01:12
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wolsalesan^nc: /usr/include/linux/sys.h is the proper place for the file. ubuntu apparently doesn't honor this01:13
wolsalesan^nc: fix your dev environment then01:13
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kkerwinHi. Is there anyway that I can make grub boot a floppy disk image, instead of a floppy drive?01:13
mohsindear i can't see any boootsplash01:14
mohsini don know y01:14
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roryywols: you sure about that?  I've compiled non-ubuntu kernel modules on ubuntu without weird tweaking; they find the linux headers without problems.01:14
alesan^ncwols, shall I copy sys.h there or is there a better approach?01:14
mohsincan any body help me01:14
Gneakkerwin: qemu or vmware01:14
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rOb3rtwols can u check it ftp://cable-202-8-235-235.d-one.net01:14
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kkerwinGnea: damn, you're good. Vmware.01:14
MPShi all01:14
rOb3rtboth port 20 and 21 is open01:14
wolsroryy: I am pretty sure yes. either you have the ubuntu kernel headers in your include path or you use /usr/include/linux01:14
mohsinhay buddies i ask u peoples a question plz answer me if u don mind01:15
wolsrOb3rt: I don't think so01:15
wols!ask | mohsin01:15
gioeleare debian-multimedia .deb packages compatible with feisty?01:15
ubotumohsin: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:15
mohsindear i can't see any boootsplash01:15
mohsini don know y01:15
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mohsinit realy annoying me01:15
kkerwinGnea: I'm looking at this page: http://ramblings.narrabilis.com/wp/using-your-physical-disk-with-vmware-server-to-boot-windows-xp/ which explains the problem that I'm having very well. I just don't have a floppy drive.01:16
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mohsinevry time seeeing the black screen01:16
mohsinall the times01:16
rOb3rtwaaa maybe i cant able to FTP01:16
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Gneagioele: it's not a good idea to mix debian .debs with ubuntu and vice versa, since they were not specifically designed for each other - the only thing they share is the package management system01:16
rOb3rtwols can u give the high pssv port for vstpd01:16
kkerwinmohsin: We may need more info to help solve your problem. Can you provide anything more than that?01:16
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MPShaving a problem with my swap partition. recently i updated to kernel 2.6.20-16 (from the repo). i noticed that my hibernating doesn't work anymore. so i switched back to original kernel 2.6.20-15. now i don't have any swap mounted. if i try swapon -a it returns: 'swapon: cannot stat /dev/disk/by-uuid/02131c79-6c9c-4b40-abd6-e6a5dbbf40ce: No such file or directory.01:17
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mohsinyeah i can paste my menu.lst01:17
wolsrOb3rt: no. it depends on whatever you set01:17
mohsinu an refer from it01:17
gioeleGnea: I know... anybody know where I can find lame 3.97 for Feisty?01:17
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rOb3rti set the default port 21 and open the original 2001:17
fdrhello! please, how do I install the plugin to watch realplayer videos in firefox?01:17
wolsgioele: compile it yourself to a .deb?01:17
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gioelewols: I was looking for a shortcut ;)01:18
kkerwinGnea: I'm sorry, I see that you're busy now. But did you have any advice that could help me before?01:18
MPSanyone know how to fix this? sda5 is my swap partition and the link to sda5 in the dir by-uuid is the following: 870c91cd-4b4f-4038-a654-2c09fa93b443 -> ../../sda5 . WTH have i another UUID of my swap partition??01:18
jrib!realplayer > fdr (see the private message from ubotu)01:18
wolsgioele: laziness won't be tolerated :)01:18
rOb3rtwols cant even login my ftp in local01:18
wolsMPS: I dunno why but just update your fstab with the nre UUID01:19
mohsinwols plz refer this01:19
Alessandrohi guys, I was trying to install ati drivers, using http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=305665, I got up to the point where you restart the x server, but it froze at command prompt and now I get01:19
gioelewols: checkinstall?01:19
AlessandroFailed to start x server01:19
mohsini cant seee any bootsplash while booting up my system01:19
Gneakkerwin: that's quite interesting... well, it's vmware, it doesn't matter if you have a real floppy drive attached or not, it'll simply accept it and you should be able to direct a floppy image file at it to use in place of the actual drive01:19
MPSwols: just put the new uuid into my fstab? or is there any utility to do so?01:19
iwcdcan someone help me please - I have tried various ftp programs an ubuntu and some under Wine - All connect ok bt I cannot download any files01:19
wolsMPS: dunno of any utility01:19
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kkerwinGnea: Ahh, I see.01:20
mohsinwols are u seeing it01:20
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iwcdcan someone help me please - I have tried various ftp programs an ubuntu and some under Wine - All connect ok bt I cannot download any files01:20
kkerwinGnea: Sounds like a hack to make another hack work. -grin-01:20
MPSwols: ok, and when rebooting it will also find my hibernating signature and resume?01:20
wolsMPS: hopefully but no clue01:20
kkerwinGnea: Thanks for the idea. Very creative.01:20
Gneakkerwin: well, yeah, that's what it's designed to do ;)01:20
MPSwols: hehe, ok. i'll try and come back01:20
kkerwinmohsin: Please be patient.01:21
wolsmohsin: I don't like or use bootsplashes01:21
mohsinbut i can't even see the text01:21
mohsini don knoe whats happening backdoor01:21
MPSwols: at least, it "mounted" my swap. ok, rebooting and try to resume my hibernate state01:21
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MrC_hi what is the best icon themes for ubuntu?01:23
mohsinkde default01:23
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roodieMrC -- Tango industrial or noir01:24
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mohsinwols are u there ?01:24
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Frogzoo!themes | MrC_ really, it's a matter of taste01:24
ubotuMrC_ really, it's a matter of taste: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:24
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alesan^ncwhat is the package in ubuntu that has complete kerrnel sources?01:25
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SlimeyPetealesan^nc: linux-source01:25
Frogzooalesan^nc: apt-cache search kernel01:25
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pushboyExcuse me. Who can tell me why it is only sound when I use  to play  "*.rmvb".01:25
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mohsinpushboy its seems to be a codec prob01:26
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qq77777777because it doesn;t surport rmvb01:26
pushboythank you01:26
mohsintry to install realplayer01:26
Frogzoopushboy: missing codecs? mpg maybe?01:26
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pushboyI will try again01:26
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mohsinwols are u seeing the menu.lst01:27
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mohsinor not01:27
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kkerwinGnea: The page that I'm looking at says to make the disk on the floppy first, and then take the image from that disk. Do I need to do anything special since I don't have a floppy, or can I just take a dd image of those files and be good to go?01:27
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MPSwols: thank you, it works. had the same thing under edgy and tried the same to change fstab but there it didn't work. dunno why.01:28
channeL7anyone know of a program for slideshow creation with music?01:28
john_i am trying to get a sh script i wrote to boot automatically with ubuntu01:29
john_it loads my video drivers01:29
kkerwinchanneL7: OOffice Impress?01:29
john_fglrx isnt loading properly01:29
Flannel!bum | john_01:29
Alessandrohey guys can someone help me? I followed the tutorial to install ati driver's on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=305665, when I got to the point of restarting the x server the computer halted at the terminal, and when I restarted it the x server fails to start. and I'm stuck, any help please?01:29
ubotujohn_: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto01:29
john_and this script does the trick01:29
Gneakkerwin: you should be able to find any number of floppy images via google, mount one of them on a loop device and copy the necessary files to it, unmount it and it should simply 'work'01:29
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kkerwinGnea: That works too. Thanks yet again.01:30
channeL7kkerwin: this is too basic and doesn't allow for manipulation of music at specific frames01:30
john_ubotu: it sais /etc/rc.local doesnt exist when i type it in01:30
Frogzooalesan^nc: feisty?01:31
kkerwinchanneL7: So more like a Windows Movie Maker type of thing. One sec. I forgot the name of the program.01:31
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FrogzooAlessandro: feisty?01:31
Frogzooalesan^nc: tab malfunct, soz01:31
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FrogzooAlessandro: which distro are you on?01:32
mildnergood morning01:32
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Alessandrosorry forgot to mention01:32
FlannelAlessandro: which version of ubuntu?01:32
mildnerany help for DVB-T sticks01:32
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FlannelAlessandro: lsb_release -r01:32
iwcdcan someone help me please - I have tried various ftp programs an ubuntu and some under Wine - All connect ok bt I cannot download any files01:32
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kkerwinchanneL7: Try kino. Also, you can find any number of different movie editors for linux that should be able to give you similar functionality, if this one doesn't suit your style.01:33
john_alessandro, are you the one at osxx86.info and insanelymac?01:33
Alessandrono, I just aquired ubuntu today01:33
pushboyHi, who can tell me how to use gnome instead of  KDE . I want to change back gnome.01:34
Panda200xJohn, I take it your on insanely mac? :D01:34
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john_have you used hackint0sh?01:34
john_i am01:34
channeL7kkerwin: thanks for the help, was also suggested the dvd-slideshow but will try both01:34
john_i am actually The Crator01:34
john_from osxx86.info01:34
john_i run that site01:34
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Alessandroi see01:34
john_i have always kept up to date in teh ububuntu world01:34
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Panda200xNice design for the site01:35
mildnerany help for DVB-T Sticks01:35
roryypushboy: i think you can select your desktop environment at login01:35
kkerwinchanneL7: I haven't heard of dvd-slideshow, but you may have better luck with it as its features are likely to be more simplified and specialized to what you want to do (slideshow) rather than making a movie in general.01:35
john_it is macinscott201:35
john_surprisingly after i did it though, adsense earnings arnt paying for the hosting anymore01:35
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pushboyrooy : i did .but it still is KDE01:35
john_panda, what is your account name?01:36
john_on my site?01:36
roryypushboy: so you select GNOME at login but ended up with KDE ?01:36
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Panda200xOn osxx86? or insanely mac?01:36
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Panda200xi'm not on osxx8601:36
roryyjohn_: not to be rude, but could we keep the conversation here to ubuntu support?01:36
john_insanelymac then01:36
Panda200x:P PM's then01:36
Alessandroso can anyone help me :(01:36
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iwcdcan someone help me please - I have tried various ftp programs an ubuntu and some under Wine - All connect ok bt I cannot download any files01:37
john_it wont let me, my nic isnt registered01:37
mrynitdoes anyone know about java? I am trying to run eclipse and it is running slowly b/c it is using the wrong version of java. ubuntu defaults all java things to 1.4 but i need every thing to be on version 601:37
pushboyroryy:  yes I do. But after I restart ,it change back kde01:37
Panda200xoh, freenode :P01:37
roryyAlessandro: have you looked at the ATI instructions on the Ubunti wiki?01:37
Panda200x< Your looking at my username01:37
john_whats ur insanelymac id?01:37
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john_what do you think of insanelymac's new ownership?01:38
Alessandrowell its now unable to open display and I'm stuck at a terminal window01:38
john_u gonna leave and come join my site? hehehehe01:38
Flanneljohn_: #ubuntu-offtopic01:38
roryypushboy: hm.  I'm not sure how to change the default session, sorry01:39
john_sorry flannel, bumped into a fellow hackint0sher :)01:39
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wolsAlessandro: check your /var/log/Xorg.log01:40
roryypushboy: if i recall correctly, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm' makes GDM the login manager; maybe that will result in a gnome session at login01:40
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john_insanelymac is down...01:40
Panda200xyeah :P01:40
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Panda200x#ubuntu-offtopic < let's try there :P01:40
john_only proves osx-x86 is better!01:40
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wolspushboy: you can switch DEs when logging in with gdm. there is some UI widget for it01:40
pushboyroryy: thank you. I will try it.01:40
gnomefreakjohn_: join #ubuntu-offtopic01:40
roryywols: i think he's using kdm; it seems to revert to a kde when he reboots01:41
wolsroryy: kdm has that functionality too01:41
roryyif that makes sense01:41
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roryywols: as i understand, the default session reverts to kde01:41
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boricuatrying to install todays update i get this error W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/firefox_2.0.0.4+1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb01:41
boricua  Error reading from server. Remote end closed connection01:41
Panda200xAnyone here know where I can find DWL-G520+ (D-Link ftl) drivers.01:42
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gnomefreakboricua: run sudo apt-get update than try upgrade again01:42
oipatAnyone experience frequent firefox-crasches on video.stumbleupon.com?01:42
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mildnerhello who knows about installing themes for ubuntu01:43
gnomefreakoipat: get rid of stubleupon addon it should stop01:43
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oipatgnomefreak: I don't have any :-\01:43
mildnerThemes Ubuntu  how can I get these Mc Icons01:44
gnomefreakoipat: file a bug on it and assign it to me or give me the link please01:44
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boricuagnomefreak: console worked i had done the gui when it failed01:44
gnomefreakoipat: in bug discribe what is happening and what extexsion and themes you have installed01:44
gnomefreakboricua: yw.01:44
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JC_Denton__How can you move in logical steps in the url bar of firefox 2.0?. ctrl+arrow doesn't work on my ubuntu 7.04 machine01:45
Trynemjoelmildner, simply use the Theme menu under System - Preference01:45
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oipatgnomefreak: Ok, where should I read up on bug-reporting?01:45
gnomefreak!bugs | oipat01:46
ubotuoipat: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots01:46
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oem_how quickly are bugs fixed01:46
tiagohi may i please have some help?01:46
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mrynithow can i change the default pointer for java to point to new version so apps i run use the right version of java01:46
Panda200xAnyone here know where I can find DWL-G520+ drivers.01:46
logixoulHi. I installed all typo3 debs and copied /usr/share/typo3/ to /var/www/. Opening http://localhost in a browser yields "Cannot find configuration. This file is probably executed from the wrong location." - can anyone please help?01:46
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wizardthohello. im thinking of changing from windows base to linux, but I don't know anything about it. Are there websites that I can see screenshots and specifically how to use it?01:47
logixoul(I believe I might be missing a typo3-conf directory from somewhere)01:47
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Trynemjoelmrynit, remove the old one leaving the app no choice? :)01:47
Frogzoo!docs | wizardtho enjoy01:47
ubotuwizardtho enjoy: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com01:47
tiagodoes any one here know how to restore beryl after stuffing up xorg.conf?01:47
mrynitTrynemjoel, i have no idea how to do that nor do i really want to even try that01:47
gnomefreaktiago: join #ubuntu-effects for help with that01:47
arejayanyone know how to enable the tv-out on a laptop w/ a intel gma 910 card?01:48
tiagothank you01:48
Defientwhy does it take soo long to connect to DALnet01:48
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logixoulwizardtho: check also http://www.osalt.com/ and http://www.getgnulinux.org/01:48
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Frogzoomrynit: man update-alternatives01:49
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mrynitthere should be a better way01:49
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loganwow 1097 :\01:49
logixoulHi. I installed all typo3 debs and copied /usr/share/typo3/ to /var/www/. Opening http://localhost in a browser yields "Cannot find configuration. This file is probably executed from the wrong location." - I believe I might be missing a typo3-conf directory from somewhere. Please help :)01:49
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faustohay alguien ah?01:52
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:52
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Allexhello, does anyone know how to start beryl?01:52
Trynemjoelalt+F2 "beryl" enter01:52
Seveasberyl --replace01:52
Panda200xAnyone here know where I can find Dlink G520+ Drivers for K/Ubuntu?01:53
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logixoulI chowned /var/www/ to my user but upon reboot it returns to root ownership. How do I fix that?01:53
Allexand if i want to disable it?01:53
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SeveasPanda200x, which chipset is that?01:53
SeveasAllex, kde or gnome?01:53
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Seveasmetacity --replace01:54
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FenyxHello, how do I onboard nForce RAID controller to work with Ubuntu?01:54
gobanwhats some games a seven year old might like?01:54
Panda200xI have no clue to be honest, any help for checking? (Windows for now :/ Until networking comes up)01:54
Allexokk, tnx01:54
logixoulgoban: liquidwars01:55
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logixoulgoban: and most of kdegames01:55
SeveasPanda200x, in linux, you can run lspci to check which chipset it is01:55
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Seveasgoban, supertuxkart :)01:55
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logixoulyep :)01:55
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jhaigI'm installing a package (Google Earth from the Medibuntu repository, as it happens) and Synaptic is giving a list of packages that will be "Unchanged".  If they are going to be unchanged, why is it listing them?01:55
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Filthpighi, I want to make a short video of my desktop, what program do you suggest I should use? (If there is a program with a gui, that'd be nice)01:56
Nokanhow i can see the list of the users in my xchat?01:56
logixoulwow, this Medibuntu thing looks nice01:56
Seveasjhaig, probably because they should be upgraded01:56
logixoulFilthpig: maybe screenkast01:56
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logixoulFilthpig: or xvidcap01:56
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jhaigSeveas: Thanks, that makes some sense.01:57
Filthpigalright, thanks01:57
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Trynemjoel Filthpig  recordmydesktop + gtk-recordmydesktop perhaps01:58
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Trynemjoeland yes, those are actual package-names :P01:58
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jribFilthpig: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts01:59
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Allexehm, maybe a dumb question but how do i move windows around with the mouse with beryl switched on?02:00
logixoulIt's supposed to just work.02:00
logixoulOr you don't see titlebars?02:01
logixoulIf you don't, then just run emerald.02:01
Allexno, the bars are removed with beryl on02:01
logixoulAlt+click works too.02:01
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logixoulright, run emerald.02:01
Allexwhat does that mean?02:01
logixoulalt+f2 emerald enter02:01
logixoulyou should get used to the frequent use of shell commands like that on linux.02:02
SlimeyPeteemerald is the application which provides the title bars etc.02:02
logixoulWindows spares you a lot of these ;)02:02
SlimeyPetethe Beryl Manager makes things a bit easier ;)02:02
Allexi get a message saing that the file isenst found (emerald)02:02
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logixoulthen use your package manager to install emerald02:03
logixoulmakes sense, doesn't it?02:03
Allexhaha, tnx02:04
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ErParuccahi guys! I'm experiencing some troubles with my extigy sine I installed feitsy. the card gets setted up at 48KHz instead 44K and the sound is not good. can someone of you tell me where can I find some more resources? I don't know how to change the playback rate. thanks ;)02:05
logixoulkde or gnome?02:06
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ErParuccaI'm using gnome, but I'm quite familiar even with the command line02:06
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ErParuccaI was able to swithc the default sound card from the integrated sigmatel to the external extigy but as in windows xp I have to set the playbark rate to 44KHz or the USB channel won't reach the needed rate to transfer the date as other devices are also connected (an external HD, a printer and a webcam)02:07
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mar77ineed to configure the gnome login screen's keyboard layout02:09
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logixoulcan someone explain the difference in purpose of /var/lib vs /usr/share? (both contain stuff for my Typo3 CMS)02:10
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Frogzoo /usr is for binaries02:10
jrib!fhs > logixoul (see the private message from ubotu)02:10
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blackatronubotu | /dev/fd002:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dev/fd0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:11
jabrady1hey everyone02:11
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logixoulFrogzoo: does "binaries" include scripts?02:11
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jabrady1i've got a wierd problem that's completely stumped me02:11
blackatrondoes anyone know if /dev/fd0 is removable media such as flush >02:11
LjLlogixoul, /var is for data that is supposed to change very often. "variables". /usr is the place where most of the userland system lives, and it's supposed to never change except when you install or remove programs.02:11
vinz_hi, I would like to upgrade to feisty, but my system hang on bluez-util, saying stopping Bluetotth services. I have suppressed the service from the init script, but nothing works, I wuold like to force the removal of the package from my system02:11
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Frogzoologixoul: yeah02:12
jabrady1can anyone explain why i can't ping
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TsuamiaHello. A friend is attempting to install Ubuntu and says now that it has installed when he boots it it shows the picture then the monitor blanks. Anyone know the problem? He is installing Ubuntu 7.04 Fiesty Fawn and he has a Nvidia Geforce Fx 5600. Please help02:12
jabrady1or ssh to it, or browse to port 80,  or telnet to it etc etc02:12
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Frogzoojabrady1: no networking?02:12
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jabrady1hi frog - no, i'm on the computer now - the external internet is fine!02:13
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Frogzoojabrady1: very odd02:13
Frogzoojabrady1: does lo show in ifconfig ?02:13
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TsuamiaHello. A friend is attempting to install Ubuntu and says now that it has installed when he boots it it shows the picture then the monitor blanks. Anyone know the problem? He is installing Ubuntu 7.04 Fiesty Fawn and he has a Nvidia Geforce Fx 5600. Please help02:14
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logixoulLjL, Frogzoo: OK, I thought so. However, in both /var/lib/ and /usr/share/ I've got a bunch of Typo3 dirs, containing PHP scripts (and other stuff). What am I supposed to copy to /var/www/ to get Typo3 running?02:14
jabrady1ah! good man, sudo ifconfig lo up, and it works02:14
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mar77ijabrady1: your proplem might have to do with user rights or such?02:14
jabrady1thanks Frogzoo02:14
ziroday!ping | ziroda02:14
ubotuziroda: pong02:14
metalekhow i can install topaz brainstrom on gnome?02:14
rslhowdy! Anybody know which cddb lookup url soundjuicer uses? I hate the one grip defaults to and Soundjuicer is usually right on for me.02:14
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GeorgeAScotthas anybody used ubuntu as a router?02:15
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FrogzooGeorgeAScott: noone has ever done that ever02:15
TsuamiaHello. A friend is attempting to install Ubuntu and says now that it has installed when he boots it it shows the picture then the monitor blanks. Anyone know the problem? He is installing Ubuntu 7.04 Fiesty Fawn and he has a Nvidia Geforce Fx 5600. Please help02:15
mcquaidwhen one does ctrl-alt-bksp does that just kill the existing session or does it actually restart gdm as well?02:15
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mcquaidi changed some gdm files and want to ensure gdm restarted02:16
LjLlogixoul, i don't know (and installing typo3 would take a little toll on my machien), if you type "dpkg -L typo3", is there no README.Debian or such files that would give instructions about that?02:16
Frogzoomcquaid: kills gdm & restart02:16
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mcquaidok thx02:16
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GeorgeAScottFrogzoo: i've read a few howtos and i've got a laptop recieving a dhcp ip.. but dns not working02:16
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mcquaidhmm, trying to setup vncserver, but when i connect from a remote box on the same network i just get a grey screen instead of the gdm login02:16
FrogzooGeorgeAScott: odd - does your dhcp server issue an ip for dns ?02:17
zirodaymcquaid: have u allowed remote login?02:17
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GeorgeAScottyeah, i've got it inserted too.. two even02:17
zirodaymcquaid: System > Administration > Login Window02:17
blackatronubotu | sda02:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sda - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:17
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rslAnyone got a good replacement for freedb ?02:17
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mcquaidyes i enabled that02:17
logixoulLjL: yup, README.Debian is there. Reading it now. btw, the wikipedia article doesn't mention /var/lib so I'm still not sure about its purpose...02:18
LjLrsl: musicbrainz?02:18
mcquaidbut I didn't have access to the box so I did it via ssh and just enabled it in the config02:18
zirodaymcquaid: dunno then02:18
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TsuamiaHello. A friend is attempting to install Ubuntu and says now that it has installed when he boots it it shows the picture then the monitor blanks. Anyone know the problem? He is installing Ubuntu 7.04 Fiesty Fawn and he has a Nvidia Geforce Fx 5600. Please help02:18
rslLjL, can grip interface with that?02:18
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jriblogixoul: read the actual fhs document link from wikipedia02:18
FrogzooTsuamia: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"02:18
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LjLrsl: doesn't seem like it02:19
rslLjL, oooh this url might be promising: http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/FreeDBGateway02:19
mar77iTsuamia: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/641102:19
TsuamiaFrogzoo: How?02:19
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rslfreedb stinks.02:19
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DB42i can't seem to see pictures in firefox on 7.04 what can this be ?02:19
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mcquaidin the [xdmcp]  section i just put enable=true02:20
mcquaidand restarted gdm02:20
kane77how can I start two programs at once from console?02:20
mcquaidthats all that should be required correct?02:20
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frank__ hallo habe Probleme mit dem brennen unter Kubuntu input output fehler auch Nero luft nich kann mir jemand helfen ?02:20
logixouljrib: thanks02:21
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DB42Tsuamia, can't PM, talk here :) what to check ? (i've disabled adblock)02:21
allan__I have a question about filesystems02:21
jribkane77: foo &; bar02:21
LjLrsl: oh, that must be new02:21
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DabaconboyDB42: in firefix go to edit>preferences .....scroll to the content tab and check that it is loading images02:21
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allan__after installing dreamlinux on a different partition, my Ubuntu's partition was corrupted02:21
DB42Dabaconboy, it is02:22
rslLjL, yeah. I literally saw that as you were typing. :)02:22
TsuamiaDB42: The Edit, Prefs menu02:22
GeorgeAScottis there a channel for isc dhcpd or webmin?02:22
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TsuamiaDB42: Check to see if images are blocked02:22
DB42they aren't02:22
blackelfhello can any one paste me some default sources.list ?02:22
DB42i see SOME image02:22
cornucopiadoes ubuntu have the xdd command ?02:22
Dabaconboymite be a problem with the site then itself02:23
blackelfany sources.list pleas02:23
jrib!easysource > blackelf (see the private message from ubotu)02:23
DB42like here i dont see onylo the middle-big picture http://www.blizzard.com/wow/screenshot.aspx?ImageIndex=159&Set=6402:23
Frogzoo!easysource | blackelf02:23
mar77ifrank__: starten Sie das Brennprogramm in kubuntu von der Konsole aus, dann wird Ihnen wohl die genaue Fehlermeldung angezeigt. Haben Sie versucht, langsamer zu brennen?02:23
ubotublackelf: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:23
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TsuamiaDB42: Do you have an ad blocker on?02:23
DB42i disabled it as i've said already02:23
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allan__anyone here familiar with the filesystem?02:24
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zirodayallan__: just ask02:24
TsuamiaDB42: Have you been able to view images previously?02:24
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DB42i just updated02:24
DB42but i last ran this linux long time ago, so i dont know if it's the latest update related02:24
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allan__after installing dreamlinux on a separate partition, my ubuntu's filesystem was corrupted02:24
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cornucopiawhich package contains xdd ?02:25
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IdleOneallan__, need to tell us what is happening or not happening exactly so we can help you fix it02:25
allan__the terminal told me to repair the filesystem manually02:25
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IdleOne!info xdd02:25
ubotuPackage xdd does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:25
jribcornucopia: none, what is that?02:26
IdleOne!info xdd edgy02:26
ubotuPackage xdd does not exist in edgy02:26
DB42welp, any ideas?02:26
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jrib!please > DB42 (see the private message from ubotu)02:26
TsuamiaDB42: Don't know how likely it is, but try disabling all your add ons02:26
allan__I have posted info on the thread above02:26
DB42ok, i'll try02:26
DB42jrib, but it helps :)02:26
wolsDabaconboy: hm?02:27
allan__the filesystem had a problem but my ubuntu install is still running well02:27
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shiftplusonehey, does wine work on 64bit ubuntu?02:27
jribDB42: no, repeating the problem every once in a while is better.  Otherwise, you force everyone to /lastlog all the time to figure out the issue02:27
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mar77ineed to configure the gnome login screen's keyboard layout02:27
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mar77i-- it's called gdm, isn't it?02:27
Dabaconboyya no erlier how i cudnt get the ethernet card recognised....well i have reinstalled 6.06.1 and it wont work still02:27
n2diyUbuntu just did an update to Firefox, and now Firefox is playing like a pet rock, how can I kiill, and restarte it?02:28
jribshiftplusone: yes, winehq repos have packages for feisty02:28
wolsDabaconboy: lspci02:28
noobwhat's making gnome so slow?02:28
n2diykiill/kill it02:28
Dabaconboyyer already have there is nothing there02:28
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wolsDabaconboy: what hardware is this?02:28
mar77iits users.02:28
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drK_avNgrHello, I want to install the new pidgin IM but I have an older version installed now. I installed a .deb of the new one anyway and not both won't run. How do I go about removing both the old one (installed from source) and the new one (used a.deb)?02:28
IdleOneallan__, ubuntu doesnt have a /home now right?02:28
zirodayn2diy: is it having issues loading images?02:28
drK_avNgrn2diy: ps x | grep firefox02:28
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wolsnoob: lack of ram usually. gnome is a bloated pig02:28
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allan__I have a home partition which is shared by both distros02:29
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n2diyziroday: no, it isn't responding to anything.02:29
allan__but I use different usernames for each distro02:29
drK_avNgrn2diy: then "kill x" where x is the process number02:29
jribdrK_avNgr: what command di you use to install it?02:29
wolsdrK_avNgr: stuuf installed from source is no ubuntu problem. we cannot know wht you did02:29
n2diydrK_avNgr: roger.02:29
=== Antipeibol [n=pablo@193.Red-81-34-107.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
LIVECDI ran a program on ubuntu, crashed everything, ubuntu wont load, I am now in my ubuntu live CD and I am trying to reinstall ubuntu, and for some reason I cannot write on my disks and I need to do so to be able to back them up, any tips or suggestions?02:29
zirodayn2diy: pkill firefox02:29
nooballan__: Do you think xfce would be smother?02:29
Dabaconboy2 secs il see what windows says it is, however the system is a 1.4 athalon, 512mb ram and pci 256mb graphics, 30gb disk02:29
Antipeibolalguien puede ayudarme con los drivers de mi grafica?02:29
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jrib!es | Antipeibol02:29
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ubotuAntipeibol: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:29
DB42ok, i've disabled all extensions + reset firefox, still no go02:29
metalekanipeibol que tarjta es?02:30
drK_avNgrwols: I figured that but I know you guys are good at linux in general, and I'm rather new at source installs.02:30
DB42nm, brb02:30
DB42i'll reboot :)02:30
Antipeiboluna geforce302:30
drK_avNgrIs it really that dynamic that there's a number of solutions?02:30
ransu75I have a laptop with an US keyboard and Ubuntu in English. I would like to keep this keyboard mapping but display in the console/terminal mode the French character ?02:30
Filthpighmm, I used recordmydesktop to record, but the vid was bad.. all the beryl-effects are delayed and lost on the video.. Should I increase the framerate? It sucks to have my oldoldold processor :/02:30
wolsdrK_avNgr: teaches you not to do them. btw: error messages would be nice02:30
allan__noob: what do you exactly mean by "smoother?"02:30
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wolsdrK_avNgr: yes. source installs can write anywhere on the filesystem02:30
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Alessandro damn I'm on a non supported 7500 mobility graphics card02:31
nooballan__ It's kind of slow when I start a program or do something02:31
wolsAlessandro: non supported by what?02:31
HELP_ON_LIVECDI ran a program on ubuntu, crashed everything, ubuntu wont load, I am now in my ubuntu live CD and I am trying to reinstall ubuntu, and for some reason I cannot write on my disks and I need to do so to be able to back them up, any tips or suggestions?02:31
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wolsAlessandro: ubuntu supports it just fine02:31
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IdleOneHELP_ON_LIVECD, what program did you run?02:31
allan__noob: there are so many factors that make your computer slow but xfce sure is faster than gnome02:31
blackatronubotu | PCMCIA02:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pcmcia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:31
wolsHELP_ON_LIVECD: if you really can't write on your disk, it's a hardware problem. exact error please02:31
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:32
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IdleOneSmSpillaz, dont play with the bot02:32
HELP_ON_LIVECDIdleOne: some guy sent me a file and I was dump and ran it02:32
HELP_ON_LIVECDcrashed everything02:32
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wolsnoob: how much RAM do you have?02:32
n2diyziroday: drK_avNgr, thanks, all is well again.02:32
HELP_ON_LIVECDhow do I backup everything and reinstall IdleOne02:32
HELP_ON_LIVECDI cannot write to my disks02:32
noobbut it kind of old02:32
wolsnoob: then gnome should run02:32
drK_avNgrn2diy: 'Welcome buddy02:32
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wolsnoob: cpu?02:32
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Alessandroits not supported by ATI's proprietary drivers,.02:33
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IdleOneHELP_ON_LIVECD, you have a large hd? if so partition it install ubuntu to the new emtpy partition and then move over your personal data to the new partition. then you can format the old ubuntu partition and merge it to the new one using gparted02:34
allan__when does the installation of another distro (installed on another partition)corrupt another distro's filesystem?02:34
noob2 Ghz02:34
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noobit's a amd64 processsor, but I installed a 32 bit version of ubuntu02:34
HELP_ON_LIVECDIdleOne: ok02:34
wolsAlessandro: yes. but it's supported by the free "ati" driver02:34
zirodayallan__: when that other distro installed badly02:34
IdleOne!gparted > HELP_ON_LIVECD02:34
Alessandrothe open source one02:35
wolsnoob: that is not old at all. what videocard driver02:35
Alessandrobut where can I get it02:35
allan__I chose the other distro to share the same home partition as my ubuntu has02:35
IdleOneHELP_ON_LIVECD, dont ever run some file some guy sent you on your system :)02:35
wolsAlessandro: you already have it02:35
AlessandroI do?02:35
noobati radeon 9800 pro, but I can't use it, because my computer freezes all the time02:35
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:35
zirodaynoob: which drivers are you using02:36
allan__the terminal instructed me to repair the filesystem manually but I do not know how to do it02:36
noobziroday: The default I think02:36
wolsAlessandro: yes02:36
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wolsnoob: there are 3 different drivers you could use. there is no "default"02:36
Dabaconboywols: my ethernet card is a Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC02:36
zirodayallan__: we cant help you with issues another distro caused you, sorry02:36
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zirodaynoob: you running fiesty?02:36
noobwols: Well the one I got when I installed it :p02:36
Alessandroso they why doesn't beryl work02:36
noobI got the latest02:37
wolsDabaconboy: modprobe 813t00, /sbin/ifconfig -a02:37
allan__ziroday: is the only way for me to fix this is to reformat?02:37
metalekhow i can put gimmie in my toolbar?02:37
TsuamiaHello. I have been having problems with WINE. When I install things it just doesn't make the program files directory. I've tried re installing it, updating between reinstalling, uninstalling, deleting .wine and installing it, making the folder my self, it just refuses to work, any ideas?02:37
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wolsnoob: that's no propre answer. try again02:37
zirodayallan__: afaik yes but im not a guru02:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gimmie - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:37
zirodaynoob: try using the restricted drivers manager02:37
IdleOnemetalek, google for gimmie02:37
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noobI haven't enabled the restricted driver02:37
Dabaconboywols, is that allon one line or do i split them at the comma02:38
allan__I guess I'll just reformat. I have a separate home partition after all02:38
skurlat#join ubuntu-fr02:38
wolsDBO: split02:38
wolsDabaconboy: split02:38
Dabaconboykkz ta02:38
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wolsbut no guarantess. a machine without pci is simply broken02:38
TsuamiaHello. I have been having problems with WINE. When I install things it just doesn't make the program files directory. I've tried re installing it, updating between reinstalling, uninstalling, deleting .wine and installing it, making the folder my self, it just refuses to work, any ideas?02:38
FenyxHello, how do I get my onboard nForce RAID controller to work with Ubuntu?02:39
blackestcan i move an ubuntu system (ie hds graphics card pci cards) to a more powerful box without having to reinstall from scratch ?02:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nforce - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:39
wolsFenyx: you doN't since it's fakeraid02:39
wolsFenyx: use linux software raid02:39
wolsblackest: yes.02:40
FenyxThanks wols.02:40
TsuamiaHello. I have been having problems with WINE. When I install things it just doesn't make the program files directory. I've tried re installing it, updating between reinstalling, uninstalling, deleting .wine and installing it, making the folder my self, it just refuses to work, any ideas?02:40
ziroday!repeat | Tsuamia02:40
ubotuTsuamia: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:40
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ZeroA4blackest, usually yes... linux does not have a registry so its detectes hardware at boot... if you HD keeps it order (ie hda ) is shoulf boot with little problem02:40
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allan__how do I become root using a file manager?02:41
IdleOneblackest, shutdown and install the hardware in the new box and then see what happens02:41
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ZeroA4allan__, gksudo nautilus02:41
IdleOneblackest, backups are always a good idea02:41
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allan__why is that, whenever I run wlassistant in GNOME, it does not ask for a password?02:42
predaeusallan__, if you install another distro which installs grub, the mbr entry will be changed so that grub will look for the boot menu in the /boot partition of that other distro, so if you just wipe that you will be forced to fix the grub mbr entry to get into the old distribution. but I am not sure what you have because you said it is still booting only the old distros anyway.02:42
buckdeerHi, I'm having trouble with hi-resolutions on an 845 chipset based mother board (Mercury).02:42
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:42
buckdeerTried configuring with 910resolution to no avail.02:42
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buckdeerWith Edgy.02:42
zirodayfixres | buckdeer02:42
ziroday!fixres | buckdeer02:42
fierarulhy. anyone managed to hibernate and/or put in standby a Dell C84002:42
ubotubuckdeer: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:42
thingybuckdeer, tried installing xserver-xorg-video-intel ?02:43
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buckdeerubotu: yeah, I've tried restarting, rebooting.02:43
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buckdeer...and I've been thru' various HOWTOs and manuals to fix this02:43
buckdeerthingi: It is running the i810 driver.02:44
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`cYr|x_i need help02:44
Dabaconboywols: the modprobe 813t00 didnt work it said02:44
DabaconboyFATAL: Module 813T00 not found.02:44
ZeroA4buckdeer, resolution are guessed by the X from you monitor, you video card and your xorg.conf02:44
allan__predaeus, the other distro I installed did not install grub on the MBR02:44
buckdeerZeroA4: in this case, there's a problem with the BIOS from which it gets the info.02:44
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wolsdoh. modprobe 8139too02:44
buckdeerI've explicitly stated the ModeLine and it still won't work.02:44
Dabaconboylolz ta02:45
wolsblackest: what vieocard? if it's a 9xx one, the i810 driver is the wrong one02:45
AjitsTo open windwos explorer we use windows+E to see directory structure from C prompt. what is equivalent command to see directory structure from root in ubuntu.02:45
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predaeusallan__, oh yea, right you said that.That must be the reason, I do not know too much about grub and installing it into another partition or so.02:45
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buckdeerwols: i84502:46
`cYr|x_need help... my KDE system program wont run... it says KDE SU return error02:46
`cYr|x_need help... my KDE system program wont run... it says KDE SU return error02:46
thingybuckdeer, The  xserver-xorg-video-intel package has a patched version of the i810 driver which fixed resolution problems that the i915resolution utlity used to fix.02:46
wolsbuckdeer: k. then i810 is the right one02:46
buckdeerAjits: Alt-F2 -> /02:46
ZeroA4buckdeer, sometimes it helps commentig out parts of you xorg.conf that explicits frequencies and resolutions... letting X guess directly from hardware... OR you can make modelines to explicit pass to X a resolusion+frequecy combo02:46
allan__if I reinstall that other distro and choose to install its grub on the MBR, will it fix my problem?02:46
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buckdeerZeroA4: Yup, tried all that too!02:46
Ajitsbuckdeer:thanks :)02:46
ZeroA4buckdeer, :(02:47
buckdeerZeroA4: As I said, I tried vesa and i810 drivers02:47
buckdeerTried with and without Modelines02:47
buckdeerStill runs only at VGA (640x480)02:47
ZeroA4buckdeer, but i did not talked about changind drivers02:47
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buckdeerNo, but I've tried every trick available in the book02:48
ubotunvu is a WYSIWYG and code dual-function HTML editor for easily creating web pages.  The original developer is working on a full rewrite; meanwhile, another is doing bugfixes.  It is not in the Ubuntu repos for Feisty Fawn, but add your name to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WaitingForNvuFeisty to be notified when packages are available.  See also !html.02:48
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ZeroA4buckdeer, i talk abou comenting out frequecies and resolutions in xorg.conf02:48
allan__predaeus, in your opinion, will reformatting be my best option?02:48
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noiesmo buckdeer if ctr montior maybe set HorizSync & VertRefresh in /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:48
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buckdeerZeroA4: Yes I tried w/ and w/o freqs and res.02:48
wolsallan__: what exactly is your problem?02:48
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wolsbuckdeer: what does the log say?02:49
ZeroA4buckdeer, i run out of ideas02:49
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allan__wols, please see this for complete details http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46171902:49
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allan__the terminal instructed me to repair my filesystem02:49
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predaeusallan__, I do not know. But I think it will not be necessary. Removing a distro from your disk or reinstalling it might not fix the /home file system. Not sure what is going on there. I don't understand exactly what is happening, still scanning the forum entry.02:49
SoulChildDoes anyone have an idea why grub writes wrong root partition to menu.lst???02:49
DabaconboyWARNING: Error inserting mii (/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/kernel/drivers/net/mii.ko): Operation not permitted02:50
DabaconboyFATAL: Error inserting 8139too (/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/kernel/drivers/net/8139too.ko): Operation not permitted02:50
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buckdeerwols: I'm sorry, but I don't have access to the log right now. Will get back with that if you need more info. But there weren't any errors.02:50
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HELP_ON_LIVECDthnk god for live cd's02:51
wolsDabaconboy: you are not root02:51
adriano284hi all02:51
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tiagoj #beryl02:51
allan__SoulChild, have you just installed another distro?02:51
buckdeerwols: I think this is a freak occurrence with Edgy+some lesser known  Mercury motherboard. Higher res was possible with older distros.02:51
predaeusallan__, so by now you fixed the ubuntu grub entry to also boot DL tight?02:52
SoulChildallan_ no, it happens whenenever i install a new kernel in synaptics,...02:52
Vorboteallan__: first off, you don't run fsck on mount points, you do it on *device files*02:52
allan__pradaeus, I edited my ubuntu's grub entry to put DL02:52
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allan__Vorbote, I ran fsck using a live CD02:53
Vorboteallan__: and those device files must be either unmounted or mounted read-only.02:53
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Vorboteallan__: on /dev/hd[blah]  or /dev/sd[blah] ?02:53
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allan__Vorbote, dev/hd02:53
Vorboteallan__: what was the error message?02:54
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Vorbotewith the live cd02:54
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allan__Vorbote, it's long.. please see this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46171902:55
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Dabaconboywols: card still isnt recognised02:56
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wolsDabaconboy: well, when lspci does not work the system is fubar. I told you02:56
Dabaconboythnx neways02:56
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wolsDabaconboy: what did modprobe 8139too spit out? what did ifconfig -a say?02:57
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allan__Dabaconboy, what card is not working?02:57
`cYr|x_need help... my KDE system program wont run... it says KDE SU return error02:57
`cYr|x_need help... my KDE system program wont run... it says KDE SU return error02:57
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wols!patience `cYr|x_02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patience `cyr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:57
wols!patience `| cYr|x_02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patience ` - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:57
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kbrooksif i want to use partimage, should i use single user mode and unmount / ?02:58
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Vorboteallan__: yes I'm looking at it. Hmm... It looks like PCLinuxOS botched the Ubuntu partition (PCLOS uses lilo and installing lilo on top of GRUB is horrid).02:58
Dabaconboyroot@matt-desktop:~# modprobe 8139too02:58
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Dabaconboyallan_: ethernet card02:58
wolsDabaconboy: then it loaded fine. paste ifconfig -a output02:58
allan__Dabaconboy, try boot parameters02:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:58
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Vorboteallan__: can you try the suggestion of running e2fsck with the backup superblock?02:59
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allan__should I use a live CD?02:59
wolsallan__: yes02:59
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allan__okay... rebooting now02:59
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Dabaconboyoutput: error fetching interface information: device not found02:59
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wolsDabaconboy: your system is hosed. period02:59
wolswhat mobo?02:59
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Vorboteallan__: that's the only way you'll be able to recover the partition. Just follow the instructions (e2fsck -b 8193 /dev/hd<letternumber>03:00
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Dabaconboylolz ok then thanks03:00
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allan__Vorbote, so I should only run I command?03:00
cypher1how can i prevent a specific module from being loaded when kernel boots ?03:00
novato_bri'm very very raged03:00
_Shade_hey i just switched back from ati to nvidia and have some problems with it03:00
novato_brwith ubuntu03:00
jrib!blacklist > cypher1 (see the private message from ubotu)03:00
Dabaconboyso how do u uninstall grub (back to windoze:()03:01
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kbrooksDabaconboy: why do u want togo back03:01
novato_brmy ubuntu stay alway disconnect from internet, why?03:01
jribDabaconboy: put your windows disk in and at the recovery console, type fixmbr03:01
wolsDabaconboy: you can't. you can overwrite it tho. boot from windows cd, use recovery console and run "fixmbr"03:01
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allan__does the ubuntu live CD include XChat?03:01
wolsnovato_br: how do you connect to the internet?03:01
allan__feisty in particular03:01
kbrooksallan__: no, just gaim03:01
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Dabaconboyok thanks03:01
novato_brwols, by a cabo03:02
wolsnovato_br: what is a cabo?03:02
novato_brvia dhcp03:02
jriballan__: no, but you can install stuff on the live cd03:02
kbrooksallan__: it was taken out favoring gaim in uh edgy or dapper03:02
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novato_brcabo = cable03:02
cypher1jrib, thanks but is it possible to do it in command line of kernel.. this is because the kernel is panicing because of this module03:02
novato_brmy connection is cable03:02
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wolsnovato_br: is your network card recongized? driver loaded?03:02
jribcypher1: I don't know03:02
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_Shade_could you guys look here please03:03
LjLcypher1 can't you start in recovery mode (or failing that, put "init=/bin/sh" in the kernel line)?03:03
_Shade_this happens when i try glxinfo03:03
novato_brI need to type "sudo dhclient etho" to recognized my internet03:03
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simonaHi all03:03
cypher1LjL, i tried single but it crashing even then03:03
wols_Shade_: what driver do you use right now?03:03
sivajimy dvd driver cant detect dvd disk in kubuntu but it works fine in windows03:03
novato_brwhen I'm stay away from my computer the network is down03:03
_Shade_wols: nvidia03:03
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wolsnovato_br: paste your /etc/network/interfaces03:04
novato_brwols, my chipset is nvidia03:04
LjLcypher1, do try "init=/bin/sh", as that will start fewer services even03:04
_Shade_wols: the legacy one03:04
wols!nvidia | _Shade_03:04
ubotu_Shade_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:04
cypher1LjL, ok thanks!03:04
wolsnovato_br: do it or ask someone else03:04
novato_brwols,  paste what?03:04
thirdy_0 packages upgraded, 291 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:04
thirdy_Need to get 321MB/341MB of archives. After unpacking 972MB will be used.03:04
thirdy_Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?] 03:04
wolsnovato_br: /etc/network/interfaces03:04
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thirdy_can I save space after dat?03:04
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ctothejhi. im on 64 bit feisty and want to upgrade my java firefox plugin. is there something I can use besides the blackdown 1.4 version?03:05
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre03:05
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novato_bryep, wols  i've edit the interfaces file03:05
ctothejwols: java 6 is already installed, but not as a browser plugin03:06
novato_brwhat can i have to do?03:06
jribctothej: not unless you use a 32bit chroot03:06
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RabidWeezleHey all I just upgraded from edgy to feisty fawn on my laptop and the wireless network isn't workin after I set it up again03:06
RabidWeezleit was a dist-upgrade03:06
wolsnovato_br: you can paste it03:06
RabidWeezleusing the update manager03:06
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:06
_Shade_wols: yeah they suggest to use the restricted manager which i don;t have since i'm using kubuntu03:06
LjLcypher1: if everything fails you can always edit the blacklist from a live cd. i've also found a mention on the web about a "module_name.blacklist=yes" kernel parameter, but it sounds specific to the Debian installer03:06
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Dabaconboycan anybody think of a good os like ubuntu but not ubuntu03:07
Panda200xanyone know how (this is going to sound dumb here) to find my Wireless Card Chipset in Windows?03:07
LjL!offtopic | Dabaconboy03:07
ubotuDabaconboy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:07
ctothejjrib: ok. thanks. is it difficult to set up?03:07
ctothejthis sucks my damn web courses require a new version of java, I should have used 32bit ubuntu... err.03:07
HELP_ON_LIVECDhehe, ya know what the ubuntu team could do, log everything here and grep/sort the topics/problems that people are having and fix them/cater to them and ubuntu will be close to perfect03:07
cypher1LjL, thanks a lot.. will try the things you had mentioned03:07
jrib!java > ctothej (see the private message from ubotu)03:07
Dabaconboyjoin #ubuntu-offtopic03:07
LjLcypher1: see this also http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Udev#load_modules:_A_Helpful_Boot_Parameter (again, not sure if it's distro-specific)03:07
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ransu75Hello, does anyone know how to display the French accent(font) in terminal without to change the keyboard and language configuration(Because I have an english keyboard)03:08
sivajiLjL help my driver cant detect dvd03:08
novato_brauto lo03:08
novato_briface lo inet loopback03:08
novato_brauto eth103:08
novato_briface eth1 inet dhcp03:08
novato_brauto eth203:08
novato_briface eth2 inet dhcp03:08
novato_brauto ath003:08
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novato_briface ath0 inet dhcp03:08
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jribctothej: scroll down on that page to find where it talks about amd6403:08
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ctothejjrib: will do. thank you03:09
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wolsnovato_br: what is ath0?03:09
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jribctothej: the wiki looks kind of disorganized, there's also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firefox2AMD64Flash9Java .  I haven't set this up, so it's probably best to read through everything to get an idea of what has to be done and then choose the one you think makes the most sense and is easy to follow03:10
novato_brit's eth003:10
Horschtwhere do I configure what the mountpoints in places -> my computer point to?03:10
novato_breth0= ethenert003:10
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novato_breth0= ethernet003:10
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wolsnovato_br: I asked you what is ath0. there is no eth0 there03:11
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sivaji novato_br what is static ip ,dynamic ip how many ip that a system will hava03:11
livingdaylighthi Guys!03:11
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HELP_ON_LIVECDhow do u IRC ipv6 if your isp supports it03:12
wolsnovato_br: if you don't hae a atheros wlan card, that entry is wrong03:12
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv403:12
wolsHELP_ON_LIVECD: you connect to a ipv6 irc server03:12
livingdaylightcan someone advise me what the easiest way to make virtualization in Ubuntu for a noob like me03:12
HELP_ON_LIVECDipv6 slows browsing down?03:12
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livingdaylightI'm looking at Virtualbox? is that good?03:12
LjLHELP_ON_LIVECD: sometimes, for some people in some circumstances. far from a general rule.03:12
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wolslivingdaylight: there are a dozen different virtualizations softwares03:12
zepeugais there any ISO of ubuntu base ? i don't want to install all the desktop contents03:12
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LjLlivingdaylight: it is quite good.03:12
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HELP_ON_LIVECDLjL good 2 know thankyou03:13
livingdaylightwols, what is best for a noob?03:13
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=== RabidWeezle grins getting it working
livingdaylightLjL, i don't understand the first line of the how to hack03:13
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Akuma_i have no sound anymore, can anyone help?03:13
HELP_ON_LIVECDhack for what?03:13
LjLlivingdaylight, you're looking at the wrong page. you shouldn't be compiling it, there's a .deb package available for Ubuntu.03:13
wolslivingdaylight: use vmware. but that' snot supported here03:13
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livingdaylightLjL, Change to the root directory of the sources and execute the configure script: ./configure.03:13
livingdaylightLjL, oh...sorry03:13
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livingdaylightwols, i need something that is supported coz i need help with it :S03:14
sivajiAkuma_ check kmix if u r kubuntu use03:14
HELP_ON_LIVECDhow do I make a .deb package?03:14
sivajiAkuma_ check kmix if u r kubuntu user03:14
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)03:14
livingdaylightLjL, i was followingthe documentation which led me to that page03:14
LjL!packaging > HELP_ON_LIVECD    (HELP_ON_LIVECD, see the private message from Ubotu)03:14
Akuma_sivaji: ubuntu03:14
JC_Denton__How can you move in logical steps in the url bar of firefox 2.0?. ctrl+arrow doesn't work on my ubuntu 7.04 machine03:14
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LjLlivingdaylight: well actually, the .deb that is available is for the non-open-source edition, so you might still prefer to compile it. but if you wanted something simple, compiling is not it03:14
Horschthow can I find out, what /dev/ entry my phisical CD Drive is?03:14
livingdaylightwols, unless you can tell me how to use VMware?  :p03:14
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LjLlivingdaylight: if you want open source and ease of installation, use qemu03:15
sivajiAkuma_ then i dont know03:15
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:15
zepeugais there any ISO of ubuntu base ? i don't want to install all the desktop contents03:15
LjLlivingdaylight: piece of cake, "sudo apt-get install vmware-player" with multiverse enabled.03:15
wols!sound | Akuma_03:15
ubotuAkuma_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:15
LjL!minimal > zepeuga    (zepeuga, see the private message from Ubotu)03:15
bXiis there an easy way of removing a bit of text from all files in a directory?03:15
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jribbXi: sed03:15
stefgzepeuga: that's called a server-install in ubuntu-speak03:15
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ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support03:15
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:15
livingdaylightLjL, but how to use it? sorry if that sounds ridiculous, but i'venever used it. After i've installed Vmware what do i do basically?03:16
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Akuma_wols: thanks03:16
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ZeroA4livingdaylight, to use VMware player you have to make a VM... VMplayer does not make it by itself but uses premade VMs03:17
livingdaylightLjL, i've got vmware player installed, but don't know where to go fromhere. Even though i'd prefer to support open-source, but that can come with time once i get my head around virtualization03:17
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sivajihow to set firefox as my default browser when i click a link i want that to be opened  with firefox03:17
jribsivaji: system -> preferences -> prefferred applications03:17
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Tom47is the vmware-server-tools package in feisty intended for installation in the guest feisty or the host feisty/03:17
livingdaylightZeroA4, so, if i've downloaded kubuntu; how do i now convert the iso into VM if that is what youre saying i need to do03:17
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ZeroA4livingdaylight, you can make a VM using sites like easyvmx.com or using other VMwares like VMware Server. VMware Server is free too03:18
yagamican i use beryl on my laptop? i don't know whether its got 3dgraphic accelerator cards- a toshiba satellite.03:18
LjLlivingdaylight, for vmware player, you need to somehow create the virtual machine files, as vmplayer theoretically only supports running "pre-made" virtual machines. the site http://www.easyvmx.com lets you do that easily03:18
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LjLlivingdaylight: with virtualbox, once you have the .deb package installed, you just start it and follow the wizard to create a new virtual machine.03:18
ZeroA4livingdaylight, no you will not convert03:18
sivajijrib no such submenu in  kubuntu system03:18
cabulosohow do i configure the desktop effects on ubuntu ? i already enabled them and all is working, but i'd like to change some preferences...03:18
ZeroA4livingdaylight, you will have a new computer03:18
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jribsivaji: try #kubuntu if no one here knows03:18
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ZeroA4livingdaylight, a virtual computer inside VMware03:18
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livingdaylightZeroA4, but i need to designate an os?03:19
ZeroA4livingdaylight, you will have to install a OS03:19
ZeroA4livingdaylight, yes03:19
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stefglivingdaylight: it might be easier if you download a preinstalled vmware install of ubuntu from the vmware-site. You can get your feet wet without needing to go through an install03:19
jribcabuloso: you can install gnome-compiz-manager and use that03:19
ZeroA4like any new computer03:19
ZeroA4new enptu computer03:19
livingdaylightstefg, how do you suggest?03:19
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cabulosojrib, i'll try that. thanks !03:19
yagamii can't even boot with the live cd. starts gdm and then gets stuck :(03:19
livingdaylightLjL, the virualbox deb is not open-source?03:20
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ZeroA4livingdaylight, The VMware Site has pre-made VMs to download03:20
=== Ramosa [n=id@0x503e573e.vgnxx8.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #Ubuntu
ZeroA4livingdaylight, you can find in other sites too03:20
LjLlivingdaylight: no, it isn't. VirtualBox comes in two editions, the open source one and the proprietary one, with some additional features. only the latter is available as a pre-compiled .deb; the former is available in source form only03:20
ZeroA4livingdaylight, Ive naver used VirtualBox but it works the same i supose03:21
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livingdaylightZeroA4, ok, so i've got vmware player  installed. Now i need to go to vmware website and pick an os?03:21
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LjLZeroA4: except i'm afraid there aren't many pre-made images available for it around yet03:21
sumigamerhey guys i got kde with a magazine cd and i want to install it on ubuntu. The problem is that the cd contains many diff, folders such as kdenetwork, kdegames, etc.03:21
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sumigamerwhich do i installl first???03:21
ZnuffHi. Feisty has 2.6.20?03:21
ZeroA4LjL, yeah... but he mention it03:21
stefglivingdaylight:  http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/directory/84403:22
zirodaysumigamer: didnt the magazine give you instructions?03:22
LjLlivingdaylight: http://isv-image.ubuntu.com/vmware/Kubuntu-6.10-desktop-amd64.zip03:22
ZeroA4livingdaylight, VMware player plays VMs03:22
allan__I ran sudo e2fsck -b 8193 /dev/hda2 hoping that it will fix my filesystem but it did not03:22
LjLlivingdaylight: err, i meant just http://isv-image.ubuntu.com/vmware/03:22
ZeroA4livingdaylight, you need a VM03:22
livingdaylightZeroA4, where do i get a VM?03:22
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ZeroA4It can be a empty VM. where you have to install a OS03:22
zirodaysumigamer: well then i wouldnt recommend trying to install kde as things will just get messy, use apt and get kubuntu03:22
allan__I edited the first post of this thread to add the output http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2765551#post276555103:22
ash_Question... I have a duel boot system... with two hard drives.. one ext3 and one winfat32... the winfat32 is a serial drive and even though ubuntu places it in "My computer" or whatever it doesnt load the drive untill I double click on it and type in admin root password... is there any way to setup and have thatHD booted by default at startup?03:22
ZeroA4or a VM with a pre-instaled OS03:22
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LjLlivingdaylight: you've just been given an url. several, actually03:23
sumigameri already have kubuntu 7.04 live install cd03:23
zirodayash_: you could make a script03:23
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sumigamerbut i chose to install ubuntu...03:23
zirodaysumigamer: well do you want kde?03:23
livingdaylightLjL, ok, i just see your url has many zips any of those are VM's that'll open with vmware, correct?03:23
ash_ziroday: I admit that when it comes toscripts I am absolutely clueless on how :(03:23
zirodayash_: same lol03:24
LjLlivingdaylight: well, you will have to unzip them first (and then you'll find a .vmx file is contained in them, and that's the one that VMWare opens), but basically yes03:24
aliaskHi there all. A friend just accidentally formatted the wrong NTFS drive. Are there any linux programs that can recover that sort of thing?03:24
ash_Heh.. is that the only way?03:24
sumigameryeah.....i sure want to try it out. i mean if i have those packages, why not use them??03:24
zirodayash_: its the only way ive heard of tho03:24
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ash_ziroday:  Noooooooooooo :( Just kidding.. okay.. thanks bud03:24
LjLaliask: quick formatting, or full formatting?03:24
livingdaylightLjL, i think i got it... let me deal with that...thx03:24
aliaskLjL: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 <- whatever that is03:24
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ash_ziroday: It's not THAT hard to type in admin password.. I'm just lazy :D03:25
zirodaysumigamer: well if you have the kubuntu disc you can go into synaptic and make the disc a repo, then install kubuntu ontop of your ubuntu03:25
livingdaylightLjL, looks like they take a while to download03:25
aliaskHe said it didn't take too long, so I'm guessing that it didn't do a full wipe03:25
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zirodayash_: if you could work out the mount command i could write you a scripr03:25
sumigamerbut i would be able to select between the two, right???03:25
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zirodaysumigamer: yes03:25
LjLlivingdaylight, that's quite unsurprising - they're full-blown pre-installed Ubuntu system, they're bound to be at least as big as an Ubuntu CD.03:25
sumigamerso how do i do this??03:26
ash_ziroday: I'll figure it out bud... I'm just being lazy.. thank you for the offer though03:26
zirodaysumigamer: i just explained it to you......03:26
LjLaliask: quick formatting. you can probably recover some files, but not just magically recover the full filesystem as you left it.03:26
LjL!info testdisk > aliask03:26
zirodayash_: sure03:26
LjL!info magicrescue > aliask03:26
zirodayash_: thanks03:26
novato_brwhat did you mean, wols, whit:  "novato_br: if you don't hae a atheros wlan card, that entry is wrong" ?03:26
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Tom47I am confused about where the package vmware-tools modules for Linux (kernel 2.6.20) is installed ... in the host or the guest03:26
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aliaskLjL: Thanks for the pointer03:27
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stefgash_: you can add it in /etc/fstab, but be aware that it's not riskless to have your win-drive mounted. you could accidentally damage your windows by doing stupid things in Linux then, too03:27
sumigameryeah, but the cd contains other stuff too.........kde is just one folder out of the many linux software.03:27
allan__I had filesystem problems after installing another distro on another partition... I ran sudo e2fsck -b 8193 /dev/hda2 as I was advised but it did not work03:27
ZeroA4Tom47, the guest03:27
allan__can anybody help me repair my filesystem?03:27
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zirodaysumigamer: you have the kubuntu cd correct?03:27
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novato_bri've integrated nvidia ethernet card03:27
livingdaylightZeroA4, are operating systems referred to as appliances?03:27
ash_stefg: It will be writeable?03:28
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low_on_ramhello all! I am working on a small project here to convert an old laptop to a digital photo frame. This laptop has a broken IDE connector on the mother board and so the only way I can boot up is using an external CD-R drive. What I would like to do is start the system using the CDR drive and then load linux off a USB pen drive. Unfortunately the system does not directly boot off a USB device :(. Specs: NEC Versa FXi Lite, P3 600MHz, 192MB Ram NO HD03:28
ZeroA4novato_br, !03:28
Tom47ZeroA4 and using that i avoid the tar process?03:28
novato_bruai, ZeroA403:28
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novato_brc tah aki cara?03:28
sumigameroh yeah...i have the kubuntu cd and a other cd containing kde and other stuff03:28
low_on_ramso does anyone have ideas?03:28
novato_brtoh tentando aprender mais sobre o linux, aki kara03:28
novato_brmas em ingles eh foda03:28
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:28
ZeroA4livingdaylight, more or less... VMs with pre installed OS generally03:28
zirodaysumigamer: well you only need the kubuntu cd03:28
stefgash_: yeah, you said fat32? no prblem (you can mount it r/o , tho)03:28
zirodaysumigamer: if you want kde03:28
ash_stefg: I didnt know linux could even write to fat32 drives... thanks03:29
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livingdaylightZeroA4, i'm looking at the www.vmware.com website for a list of all os's03:29
ZeroA4Tom47, i did undestand... wich tar process?03:29
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novato_brZeroA4, my network is always droping03:29
zirodayash_: stefg the guru enters lol03:29
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Kalevihi, im new with ubuntu.. and i have a problem :) - im using dell d620 laptop. after installing i cant put higher screen resolution than 1280x800, but usually it is 1400x something.03:29
ZeroA4novato_br, dont know03:29
sivaji ash_ ya fat supports read and write03:29
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ziroday!fixres | Kalevi03:29
ubotuKalevi: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:29
=== stefg is only a guru in avoiding seeming like one
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livingdaylightZeroA4, that'd be the one aguess http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/directory/cat/4503:29
novato_brare you on brasirc's manutencao channel?03:30
ash_ziroday: Lets hope hes guru enoug when I accidentally format my windows drive :D03:30
sumigamerziroday.....theres this one other thing(it may sound idiotic) When you try kde on open suse, you get this chameleon instead of the K button on  the taskbar, and with gentoo you get the gentoo logo at that place. How do i do this with ubuntu after installing kde??03:30
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novato_brZeroA4,  are you on brasirc's manutencao channel?03:30
allan__anyone familiar with the filesystem?03:30
ctothejHow can I change media player plugin preferences in firefox? I want the VLC plugin to play web content and not MPlayer.03:30
ZeroA4novato_br, yes :)03:30
stefg!fhs | allan__03:30
ubotuallan__: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux03:30
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novato_bri'll go overthere03:30
jribctothej: uninstall mozilla-mplayer and install the vlc plugin03:30
Tom47ZeroA4: wishing to drive ou any ignorance of mine can you confirm that iff i apt-get install vmware-tools from within the guest that i avoid the usual tools install which involves implementing a tar package03:31
ZeroA4livingdaylight, yes...03:31
novellaWhat is the spanish channel of ubuntu?03:31
jribnovella: #ubuntu-es03:31
ctothejjrib: both are listed in my about:plugins page03:31
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:31
jribctothej: yes, that's why you remove the one you don't want03:31
ZeroA4Tom47, ho yes.. i think so03:31
Kalevibut where is this console? :S03:31
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ctothejjrib: ok cool03:31
livingdaylightZeroA4, hear of ultimate deployment? http://www.ultimatedeployment.org/uda/index.html03:31
zirodaysumigamer: not sure i think in /home/<username>/.icons/<current theme>/apps (or sumthing like that)/ you have to put a file name of distrobuter logo or kde-main-menu or something like taht03:32
Tom47ZeroA4: thank you will give it a wee whirl03:32
ZeroA4livingdaylight, no... will read03:32
sumigamerok......i will try.03:32
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novato_brZeroA4, the line command: "sudo dhclient eht0" it does makes my networking works, how can i make automatic ?03:33
stefglow_on_ram: have you got a floppy in that thingy?03:33
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low_on_ramno floppy drive :( Only a CDR drive03:33
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ZeroA4novato_br, editing /etc/network/interfaces03:33
novato_bryep and?03:33
low_on_ramstefg, can't I do something with the CDR? I booted up into ubuntu already.03:33
novato_brwhat can I do late?03:34
ZeroA4novato_br, mine is:03:34
ZeroA4auto eth003:34
ZeroA4iface eth0 inet dhcp03:34
ransu75Hi again :) I have also a problem with a vpn connection by PPTP to a windows 2000 server. I got the connection but I can not browse the windows netowrk, what can be wrong ?03:34
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stefglow_on_ram: of course... but I'd think more in the direction of a diskless client.. so ide is broke, so no hd ever will work in that box again?03:35
ZeroA4novato_br, pvt03:35
novato_brmine too03:35
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novato_bri can't pvt03:35
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novato_bri'm not registered on freenode03:35
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novato_brhow can i register on freenode?03:35
low_on_ramstefg, no. No IDE HDD can work on this laptop now :(. The connector does not sit in place properly.03:35
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kbrooksIF I WANT TO USE PARTIMAGE can i dop down to single user mode and unmount / ?03:35
hepcat57does anyone know of any desktop sharing apps where i can host on ubuntu and share w/ Win users over the web?03:36
ZeroA4!br | novato_br03:36
ubotunovato_br: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:36
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stefg!sbm | low_on_ram03:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sbm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:36
Trynemjoelhepcat57,  proftpd :)03:36
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto03:36
Madsynovato_br: msg NickServ register03:36
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Webodorai have a question03:37
kbrooksWebodora: ask03:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about partimage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:37
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livingdaylightZeroA4, looks interesting, no?03:37
Kaleviwhere i can fint ubuntu consile or something?03:38
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stefglow_on_ram: so you have to create a bootable CD (floppy emulated) with sbm , and hope that this cnn boot from USB03:38
ZeroA4livingdaylight, i will give it a try03:38
novellapls whats the spanish channel of ubuntu03:38
novato_brthx Madsy03:38
Kaleviwhere i can add this: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart03:38
fbhi! how can i increase the verbosity level of the x server?03:38
ZeroA4!es | novella,03:38
ubotunovella,: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:38
yazeed_fuck all03:38
Webodorakbrooks i have modem sagem fast 800 usb and i don't find the apropiate03:38
low_on_ramstefg, thanks. I will try that and see how things go. It it doesn't work, I will come back.03:38
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RabidWeezleAlright, just updated from edgy to feisty and I can't access my windows machines over the wireless network anymore using places>network link. I can ping a pc on the network, and of course I am online using the router... any help?03:38
livingdaylightZeroA4, i'm downloading it... it does what i thought vmware did. That is select an iso and make a virtualos out of it03:39
novellaIm get ubuntu with the live cd and I havent got a line03:39
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predaeusyazeed_, please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. thank you.03:39
=== Prometheus [n=quant@p57b9d899.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
stefglow_on_ram: is this machine in a network with a server which could act as a PXE-boot server?03:39
VoXwhat does this mean? Message from syslogd@Hagalaz at Sat Jun  2 23:35:10 2007 ...03:39
VoXHagalaz kernel: [25591.316000]  Eeek! page_mapcount(page) went negative! (-1)03:39
ZeroA4livingdaylight, but i think its not waht you want03:39
Kaleviomfg.. there are 1112 people online and nobody even can help??? f hell..03:39
livingdaylightZeroA4, ok... ?03:39
bigcx2Webodora: have you tried eagle-usb-utils03:39
stefglow_on_ram: so you just use that as a terminal (thin-client) which would even solve the low-on-ram problem03:40
low_on_ramstefg, this machine cannot be on a network.03:40
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Webodorabigcx2 yes but there is lot of version03:40
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bigcx2that should do the trick03:40
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low_on_ramstefg, how can I convert this system into a thin client? Any articles? Or should I just stfw?03:40
FrogzooVoX: kernel bug I'd say03:40
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RabidWeezleAlright, just updated from edgy to feisty and I can't access my windows machines over the wireless network anymore using places>network link. I can ping a pc on the network, and of course I am online using the router... any help?03:40
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bigcx2if you do an apt-cache show it will tell you how to go about installing it03:41
stefglow_on_ram: edubuntu makes extensive use of that, maybe start at !edubuntu03:41
ubotuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org03:41
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low_on_ramaah thank you.03:41
ubotuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project03:41
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low_on_ramstefg, thank's for the pointer.03:41
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livingdaylightstefg, can i ask you about vmware... is it like a live cd or can i while i'm in one virtual os or another use it and have it use hard drive to save programs/applications and music and documentation and lose it when i exit?03:42
rslQuick question: nicotine or museek?03:42
livingdaylightrsl, i use nicotine+03:43
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rsllivingdaylight, ever looked at museek?03:43
=== rsl hasn't loaded either.
yagamianyone here use beryl on a toshiba satellite?03:44
ipxwell, i smoke but i'll take the music before the nicotine for sure.03:44
ipx: >03:44
livingdaylightrsl, sorry ^^ so, my opinion is not objective03:44
migneahy all03:44
yagamii am having trouble using livecd- it just freezes up on me soon after gdm starts.03:44
livingdaylightrsl, but i use nicotine+ and i know it rocks03:44
stefglivingdaylight: it's just like having a separate, new computer (with its own harddsk) the only difference is just that it is /virtual/ using resources of your actual computer03:44
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stefg!virtualizers | livingdaylight03:44
ubotulivingdaylight: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications03:44
rslI think I'm gonna follow suit. If only because nicotine+ is a higher release number than museek+03:44
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whoniccafor some reason i cant enable the nvidia drivers via the restricted drivers applet, this is a clean install of ubuntu, http://pastebin.ca/531368 is my xorg.conf, and heres a screenshot of the applet  http://www.zshare.net/image/2113595d0e0d41/ , can someone please help me out03:46
rsllivingdaylight, did you compile or install from repos?03:46
livingdaylightthx, stefg, i always thought before that like a live cd because it is virtual that all saved data gets lost upon exiting. but it remains accessible the next time i go back into the virtual os is what i understand you to say... i hope...thanks again03:46
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ROnewbieHi all; I need some help figuring out why my wireless card won't connect. I'm running Feisty on an MSI S271X laptop, with an RT61 card. I followed ALL the help pages in the forums, and I've been struggling with this for over 3 weeks now. Any available gurus, please help!03:46
livingdaylightrsl, there is in the repos, but not the latest 1.2.6; for the latest 1.2.7 you need to compile :03:47
Ikittj/j #ubuntu-it03:47
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rsllivingdaylight, you on the latest or repo?03:47
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livingdaylightrsl, on the latest - its worth it ^^03:47
fivetwentysixWhat's the easiest way to install GTK+-2.0?03:47
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whoniccafor some reason i cant enable the nvidia drivers via the restricted drivers applet, this is a clean install of ubuntu, http://pastebin.ca/531368 is my xorg.conf, and heres a screenshot of the applet  http://www.zshare.net/image/2113595d0e0d41/ , can someone please help me out03:47
livingdaylightrsl, although the one in the repos works just fine too03:47
rsloooh new version came out yesterday.03:48
AerotwelveHey everyone: Last night I was told that it would be possible to use my new ati card with Ubuntu by running a text install and installing some drivers afterwards. I get "Failed to start X Server" errors. Any thoughts?03:48
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hepcat58Trynemjoel: looking for more of a web conferencing solution...have tried yugma (no linux hosting yet) and installing windows host software under wine...no luck yet03:48
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dr_willisAerotwelve,  whats the specific card?03:48
E42hi , ive got XFCE and i want to delete the "Inne" can someone help me ?? screen here ; http://img400.imageshack.us/my.php?image=200706021545311024x768sov7.png03:48
Trynemjoelhepcat57, What about Skype?03:48
VoXFrogzoo: who would i report it to?03:48
Aerotwelvedr_willis: ATI Mobility Radeon X1600.03:48
dr_willisAerotwelve,  not sure how well the ati fglrx drivers support that. You can always install it and see.03:49
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:49
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AerotwelveThanks, I'll try them.03:49
dr_willisi forget the exact command to ijnstall them from the shell03:49
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AerotwelveAnd how am I to get them to the laptop?03:50
andrewmacWhat's good for a shared partition between windows and linux? FAT32?03:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:50
nox-HandWhere do I set fonts? In /home/myuser/?03:50
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zirodayandrewmac: yeah fat32 is good03:50
dr_willisAerotwelve,  i use the apt-get system. to install them. You got no network connection on that laptop?03:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ifs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:50
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E42anyone know how to delete this "inne" ?? http://img400.imageshack.us/my.php?image=200706021545311024x768sov7.png03:51
dr_willisTheres a tool that lets windows read/write to ext2/3 filesystems03:51
dr_williseasier then haveing a dedicated fat32 partition03:51
Aerotwelvedr_willis: I should be able to, my other laptops did work out of the box. I'll attempt it, otherwise I'll do a direct connection to use apt.03:51
stefgandrewmac: if you can live with fragmentation and 4 Gb filesize-limit...03:51
jribnox-Hand: system -> preferences -> fonts03:51
livingdaylightZeroA4, you see, i'm just learning this virtualization thing so i can convert my laptop to Linux too (currently working from Desktop) Due to business needs i have to have xp on my laptop but if i can suss this virtualization out then i can install Linux / install vmware, and run xp that way! good idea?03:51
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dr_willisAerotwelve,  theres several packages that  will get downloaded.03:52
ZeroA4livingdaylight, yes03:52
andrewmacI still don't understand why there is no native NTFS support... but it's all good :D03:52
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ZeroA4livingdaylight, that what i do03:52
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stefglivingdaylight: given you have at least 512 MB of am in that Notebook03:52
livingdaylightZeroA4, yea!? cool03:52
ZeroA4livingdaylight, i am at my jobs computer03:52
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rsllivingdaylight, thanks a lot for the help. :)03:52
dr_willisandrewmac,  i hear thentfs support under ubuntu has gotten quite good.03:53
livingdaylightstefg, i sure do, infact gonna increase it to 1gb to be on the safe side03:53
ZeroA4i did a dual boot and instaled VMware with XP on Ubuntu03:53
livingdaylightrsl, np ^^ see you there! i have the same nickname03:53
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ZeroA4livingdaylight, i manage to setup the XP to use less than 128MB03:53
livingdaylightZeroA4, and running xp for example via vmware is as quick and safe?03:53
predaeusE42, what is an "inne"? you could also ask in #ubuntu-pl or #xubuntu or #xfce03:53
ROnewbieAnyone ? RT61 wi-fi card installed, drivers too, network manager sees all my wireless network, but it won't connect to any of them, encrypted or not.03:54
ROnewbieIdeas ?03:54
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ZeroA4i stoped a lot of servies folling blackviper.com reference03:54
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livingdaylightZeroA4, coz live cd's are so noisy but of course this is totally different, but i just wondered whether it being less 'direct' it might be a bit slower03:54
ZeroA4livingdaylight, it is quick... but XP is resorce hungry...03:54
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E42predaeus, inne means OTHER , there are activators to diablo2 and warcraft3 i want to delete them i dont need them there. And on ubuntu-pl they are all asholes , they dont answer me -.-03:55
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predaeusandrewc_, Microsoft does not tell how NTFS works, that's why. The drivers available have been reverse engineered as far as I know.03:55
hepcat58Trynemjoel: does skype support desktop sharing under *nix?03:55
livingdaylightZeroA4, yea, my xp on my lenovo R60e is dead-slow03:55
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livingdaylightZeroA4, i mean in a relative sense. As long as it is not even slower ^^03:55
Trynemjoelhepcat57, The app you mention appear to launch from the website, but you can't start a session?03:55
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predaeusandrewc_, sorry wrong nick03:55
predaeusandrewmac,  Microsoft does not tell how NTFS works, that's why. The drivers available have been reverse engineered as far as I know.03:55
ZeroA4livingdaylight, test it... a new instaled XP in a VMware can run fast03:56
livingdaylightZeroA4, and it is vmware-player you use in your case aswell?03:56
Aerotwelvedr_willis: Alright, I just ran the apt command, which means I guess I do have a network connection. Anyway, It said "linux-restricted-modules-generic is already at the latest version, and at the bottom it reads 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded"03:56
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ZeroA4livingdaylight, yes03:56
predaeusE42, please don't use swear words here. trying to keep this channel family friendly.03:56
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dr_willisAerotwelve,  farther down the list it mentions a comman to activate the fglrx drivers03:56
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E42predaeus,k sryt03:56
ZeroA4livingdaylight, i will capture a screen for you03:56
C_KodeUbuntu 7; how do you install glibc-devel?03:57
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livingdaylightZeroA4, ok, thanks!03:57
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Aerotwelvedr_willis: Those will work even though they are for an older version of Ubunutu?03:57
predaeusE42, sorry I do not know how to alter the existing application menu, only how to add more options in an extra directory.03:57
hepcat58Trynemjoel: you mean yugma?  Yes, they are currently "working" on desktop sharing for the linux version...it's Java based so I'm hoping soon03:57
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andrewmaclol predaeus, I'm pretty sure NTFS is nicely documented :P03:57
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E42predaeus,thanks anyway !03:57
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dr_willisAerotwelve,  the diff tween feisty and the last are minor. they  'should' of been done automaticially. but might of failed03:58
C_KodeAnyone?  I see glibc-doc, but do not see glibc-devel in the package manager03:58
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bobsumonethis friggan server is driving me nuts03:58
Trynemjoelhepcat57, i beleive VNC works for sharing your desktop03:58
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bobsumonecheck this out, im runing ubuntu server (7.04) and im trying to do a router03:58
predaeusandrewmac, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ntfs 2nd paragraph, but this is offtopic and should not be discussed more deeply here. sorry for bringing the topic up again.03:58
bobsumonegot the hardware03:59
bobsumoneset up the dhcp03:59
bobsumonedid the iptables03:59
bobsumone*drum roll*..... nothing03:59
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Trynemjoelbut maybe not in the way you wish :S03:59
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Aerotwelvedr_willis: Alright. I ran the first command "sudo apt-get update". I got this message. "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource Temporarily Unavailable)" and "Unable to lock the list directory". Can you tell me what these mean?03:59
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Frogzoobobsumone: 'nothing'? what's the problem?04:00
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dr_willisAerotwelve,  means you got somthing else running the package manager tools for some reason04:00
stefg!info libc6-dev | C_Kode04:00
ubotuc_kode: libc6-dev: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5-0ubuntu14 (feisty), package size 2947 kB, installed size 12236 kB04:00
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bobsumoneFrogzoo: the packets are being lost at the server I guess04:00
bobsumonei can ping the server04:00
Aerotwelvedr_willis: Can I force close whatever is using it in some way?04:00
bobsumonebut i cant resolve hosts or ip's outside of the 192.168.1.x network04:00
ZeroA4livingdaylight, http://img124.imageshack.us/my.php?image=capturadatelafv3.png04:01
dr_willisAerotwelve,  you see any open?  could be a lock file that never got released04:01
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 04:01
Frogzoobobsumone: sure it's not a dns issue? are you running a local dns server?04:01
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DD_busyanyone free to give some assistance with beryl? I have it working for the most part but there's some issues I need to iron out04:01
livingdaylightZeroA4, its taking its time to download ^^04:01
humboltosomething is very wrong with my feisty!04:02
dr_willisDD_busy,  that pretty much describes Beryl :)04:02
ZeroA4livingdaylight, your nick is a song from a-ha, isnt it ?04:02
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stefg!beryl | DD_busy04:02
C_Kodestefg: thanks04:02
ubotuDD_busy: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:02
bobsumonefrogzoo: see thats what I figured, I did the bind9 but it didnt seem to help much04:02
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livingdaylightZeroA4, yes! James Bond movie theme04:02
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RynooI have an older Dell Latitude CPI, trying to install Ubuntu, however I can't figure out how to boot from cdrom (the usualy F-keys are not doing the trick) anyone know?04:02
dr_willisRynoo,  you ever gotten this thing to boot off the cdrom?04:02
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humboltoWhen I use linux-generic image, my CPU is stuck at max-speed, top shows over 70% CPU but there are now tasks in the list presented below, which would indicate that!04:03
bobsumonefrogzoo: i kinda cross linked the dns server info to the server itself. I set the DNS for the whole network as the DNS i got from the comcast router04:03
Rynoodrif: never, it was given to me this morning04:03
Aerotwelvedr_willis: I ran the above command, nothing echoed on the screen, so I thought it went okay, but I'm still having the same problems. And since I'm not in a graphical mode, I would have no idea how to check for running programs, lol.04:03
livingdaylightZeroA4, but the name also has other sources which inpired me rather, but you're right04:03
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stefg!boot | Rynoo04:03
ubotuRynoo: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto04:03
humboltoI have no CPU hungry apps open at all.04:03
Rynoodr_willis: sorry, no.04:03
hepcat58Trynemjoel: yes VNC would work in general, but the problem is these are clients so they are not on my network, and I'm in an office situation where I don't have a dedicated IP04:03
ZeroA4livingdaylight, my Ubuntu and XP are im Brazilian Portuguese04:03
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humboltoWhen I use i386 kernel, everything is normal!04:03
dr_willisAerotwelve,  sounds to me like somthing crashed and goofed up the apt subsystem.04:03
dr_willisAerotwelve,  could try the old windows-fix and reboot.04:03
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AerotwelveReboot? heh.04:03
livingdaylightZeroA4, Sweet... i can see Ubuntu in the background and XP in the smaller window04:04
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jribC_Kode: what do you want glibc-devel to be?04:04
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inv_arp[work] bah.. whats the apt-get package that install gcc build tools etc..04:04
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C_Kodejrib: I was installing SDL-dev and it required it04:04
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jribinv_arp[work] : build-essential04:04
inv_arp[work] thx04:04
bobsumonehmmmm i think i missed something in iptables.....04:04
ZeroA4livingdaylight, thats my work computer..04:04
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jribC_Kode: how were you installing sdl-dev?  If you used APT, it should automatically take care of dependencies04:05
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livingdaylightZeroA4, you have your panel at the bottom i see... intersting^^ also do you use workstations?04:05
bobsumonehey Frogzoo: when I turn loggin on through iptables, where does the log end up?04:05
fivetwentysixWhere can i install GTK+-2.0 and GDK+-2.004:05
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jribfivetwentysix: you already have them04:05
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ZeroA4livingdaylight,  What youi mean ?04:05
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C_Kodejrib: it kept telling me it the package didn't exist.  I had that same problem installing MySQL-devel04:05
ctothejjrib: those links worked out great. i'm up and running with 32bit firefox Flash and Java fully working. thank you.04:05
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jribctothej: np04:06
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jribC_Kode: pastebin the command you used, the full output, and your sources.list please04:06
GastenArgh!! All my programs chrashes whrn I try to boot them!04:06
C_KodeSDL is now installed.04:06
C_Kodegot to go04:06
spawn311has anyone experience firefox cutting off web page headers during printing?04:06
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livingdaylightZeroA4, some call 'em workstations, or Desktops....one can make as many as one likes generally you see about 4 at the bottom04:06
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livingdaylightZeroA4, or workspaces?04:06
sahil_anyone know how to overclock a laptop for higher FSB ?04:06
predaeusGasten, run them in a terminal/console to see if they print error messages you could use to pinpoint the problem.04:06
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ZeroA4livingdaylight, not much04:07
dr_willisspawn311,  ive seen that - check the printer settings/default paper size for a start04:07
fivetwentysixjrib: The configure file in Anjuta when creating a project says No package 'gtk+-2.0' found and 'gdk-2.0'04:07
GastenI pres the icon, the "program starting"(or whatever it sais in english) comes up, and then dicapears.04:07
ZeroA4livingdaylight, getting using to i yet04:07
stefg!offtopic | sahil, please go to #hardware04:07
ubotusahil, please go to #hardware: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:07
livingdaylightZeroA4, enables less clutter... So, you can have for example 4 different applications in each one rather than all crowded in one window04:07
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Gastenpredaeus: I cant even opena xterm!!04:07
ZeroA4livingdaylight, i did remove them from this computer04:07
jribfivetwentysix: you need the corresponding -dev package to compile with them.  But, anjuta is in the repos, no need to compile04:07
Trynemjoelhepcat58, sounds very much like you could use Groove from Microsoft Office 2007 :)04:07
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Gastenpredaeus: trying another tty04:07
predaeusGasten, yes04:07
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ZeroA4livingdaylight, i am using at home04:07
fivetwentysixjrib i installed anjuta from the repos04:07
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fivetwentysixI'm trying to create a GTK 2.0 project with Anjuta04:08
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ZeroA4livingdaylight, trying to get used to it04:08
fivetwentysixbut it returns those errors i mentioned04:08
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jribfivetwentysix: oh I see.  Well make sure you have build-essential and libgtk2.0-dev04:08
Trynemjoelhepcat58, logmein.com also has a remote access service, but not sure if they will satisfy the needs with respect to that it's customers that will bec connecting to the computer04:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wallpapers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:08
stefgfivetwentysix: all the gtk-*-dev packages installed?04:08
wolsnovato_br: that "ath0" entry in the interfaces file you pasted is wrong04:08
livingdaylightZeroA4, i love it. For example i have X-chat in one window, Amarok in another, Firefox in the third, and gimp inthe fourth04:08
Aerotwelvedr_willis: Alright, when trying to apt-get, I "cannot resolve 'us.archive.ubunutu.com". Does this mean I have no wireless connection?04:09
fivetwentysixJust installed build-essential04:09
novato_brwhat, wols ?04:09
predaeusfivetwentysix, you need the -dev packages04:09
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stefgfivethere you have it... that's not enough04:09
livingdaylightZeroA4, just right-click and 'add workspace'04:09
fivetwentysixand libgetk2.0-deb installing now :-)04:09
wolsnovato_br: you pasted "ath0". that is wrong04:09
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dr_willisAerotwelve,  wirless? ICK :)04:09
ZeroA4livingdaylight, :)04:09
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novato_brZeroA4, plz what wols does he mean?04:09
Gastenpredaeus: seems nomal in the tty..04:09
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fivetwentysixThank jrib, been searching the repositries for ages looking for the right package to install04:09
dr_willisAerotwelve,  sounds like it to me. i suggst using a wire for a while. That may be the cause of the whole issue.04:09
novato_brpvt, plz04:09
Aerotwelvedr_willis: Alright, I'll go plug it in, thanks.04:10
wolsnovato_br: ath0 is not eth0 as you said. there is no "eth0" in your /etc/network/interfaces04:10
Gastenpredaeus: but it stil deoasn't work in the gui...04:10
ZeroA4novato_br, humm04:10
dr_willisAerotwelve,  if it had been wired during install.. it might of allready did all the work. :) perhaps..not sure.04:10
livingdaylightZeroA4, my VM is still downloading... so gonna pop out ... thanks amigo... hasta la proxima04:10
novato_bri cant understand very well him, Zeelot04:10
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Gastenpredaeus: I'll try a reboot.04:11
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predaeusGasten, does dmesg, or /var/log/syslog or /var/log/xlog (or what it is called) report anything unusual?04:11
wolsnovato_br: paste your /etc/network/interfaces again. this time in a pastebin04:11
ZeroA4wols, ok i transleated to him04:11
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ZeroA4livingdaylight, :)04:11
wolsnovato_br: do not /msg me. /ignore novato_br04:12
novato_brwols, plz04:12
novato_bri need your help04:12
=== Antipeibol [n=pablo@193.Red-81-34-107.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightAntipeibol, !es04:13
novato_brare you say my networking configuration file should be eth0 or ath0 ?04:13
Gastenpredaeus: nothing in dmesg, and either syslog and xlog doesn't exist.04:13
boojahi need some help.. im trying to get the nvidia beta driver (100.14.06) to work.. but i miss the nvidia-kernel-module. I have the kernel module for the 9755 driver.. how do i get the one i need?04:13
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Antipeibolcomo entro?04:13
Myrtti!es | Antipeibol04:13
ubotuAntipeibol: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:13
novato_brwobx, are you say my networking configuration file should be eth0 or ath0 ?04:13
ZeroA4novato_br, ubuntu_br04:13
jribAntipeibol: /join #ubuntu-es04:13
wolsboojah: boojah what videocard do you have?04:13
boojah8800 gts04:13
n2diyI have an IBM Thinkpad 760xd, which won't boot from the cd, any ideas how to install Dapper on it?04:13
spawn311dr_willis: what the problem? the printer?04:13
wolsboojah: the driver you got from nvidia comes witht he kernel module. but you need to compile it04:13
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spawn311or was it the web browser04:14
predaeusGasten, hm weird, well if you changed nothing try to restart X or so with "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart".04:14
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wolsboojah: and 97.55 will work fine for you04:14
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Gastenpredaeus: ok04:14
dr_willisspawn311,   i saw the other day - the system was defaulting to the larger a4 paper by default on my printers. I had to change it to US legal for me.04:14
boojahok... but i only have the binary..04:14
predaeusGasten, this will bring down your irc client or course04:14
thirdyDesktop menu won't show up04:14
Gastenpredaeus: yes.04:14
thirdypls help04:14
boojah9755 works.. but i have a bug04:14
boojahwant to test the beta04:14
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thirdyI'm using xfce04:14
novato_brwols, thx you04:14
Gastenpredaeus: Will alt+ctr+bckspace work aswell?04:14
spawn311dr_willis: after u change the from a4 to letter did everything print correctly?04:14
predaeusGasten, it is not recommended, I think the other method respects lock files more and so on.04:15
Gastenpredaeus: ok.04:15
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boojahhow do i compile the right kernel-module?04:15
boojahdon't i need the source then?04:15
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dr_willisspawn311,  i think so. havent noticed the issue since.04:16
whoniccafor some reason i cant enable the nvidia drivers via the restricted drivers applet, this is a clean install of ubuntu, http://pastebin.ca/531368 is my xorg.conf, and heres a screenshot of the applet  http://www.zshare.net/image/2113595d0e0d41/ , can someone please help me out04:16
dr_willisspawn311,  but i got so many networked pc's and printers. i cant be sure. :) ive had many other printing issues with web sites and brpwsers. but not seen thatissue recently04:16
fivetwentysixgtkmm/accelgroup.h: No such file or directory04:16
spawn311dr_willis: which web browser were you printing from? firefox?04:16
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fivetwentysixgtkmm/window.h: No surhc file or directory04:16
LuxuriousHi guys.04:16
fivetwentysixIs there anything else I need to install?04:16
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wolsfivetwentysix: gtkmm-dev package I guess04:17
wols!info gtkmm-dev04:17
AerotwelveHow do I stop an apt process?04:17
dr_willisspawn311,  mainly firefox.. but on different machines and os's04:17
ubotuPackage gtkmm-dev does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:17
fivetwentysixE: Couldn't find package gtkmm-dev04:17
=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h154n2c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
predaeuswhonicca, this is definitely a bug. you could install the drivers yourself. I think you need nvidia-glx and restricted-drivers... packages for that. then change the "nv" in the xorg.conf drivers section (make backup of xorg.conf first) to "nvidia"04:17
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LuxuriousI was wondering, do you guys know a solution that would allow you to remotely control a music library for Ubuntu.  The thing is I want my computer to act as a library for my music and play it upon request remotely (it's connected to an amplifier and speakers).04:17
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whoniccapredaeus, thank you04:17
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wolsfivetwentysix: packages.ubuntu.com04:18
Gastenpredaeus: it seems to work now. thanks!04:18
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nox-Hand                        vmware, and run xp that way! good idea?04:18
nox-Hand06:51 -!- nodar [n=nodar@]  has quit ["Quitte"] 04:18
nox-Hand06:51 -!- linuxor [n=linuxor@]  has joined #ubuntu04:18
nox-Hand06:52 -!- linuxor [n=linuxor@]  has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] 04:18
nox-Hand06:52 < dr_willis> Aerotwelve,  theres several packages that  will get [07:18]  [nox-Hand(+ei)]  [8:#ubuntu(+Lcfntz #ubuntu [Act: 2,3,4,5,7,9,10,12,13] 04:18
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nox-Hand[#ubuntu] 04:18
nox-Handwtf o_o04:18
predaeuswhonicca, then you just reboot to load the drivers. should work but sometimes something messes up. then just edit xorg.conf and change it back to "nv" again to use the old drivers to fix the problem.04:18
nox-HandSorry to everyone.. ***goes to hide***04:18
spawn311dr_willis: do u know of good web browser that is non-mozilla (aka not firefox) based so I can see if that is the issue or not?04:18
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Trynemjoelno worries nox-Hand  :P04:18
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dr_willisspawn311,  could go try opera04:18
wolsspawn311: konqueror?04:18
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spawn311ok thanks guys04:19
dr_willisspawn311,  but i recall other odd printing issuesd with it ages ago.04:19
dr_willisThen again - printing anything these days from a web site - often has issues it seems :(04:19
spawn311can't knock until u try it04:19
AerotwelveDoes anyone here know how do stop an ongoing apt process?04:19
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predaeuswhonicca, so you will at least be able to surf the web looking for solutions or joining this irc channel. the nv drivers stay on you system if you do not remove them. good as a backup solution.04:19
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wolsAerotwelve: kill04:19
predaeusGasten, ok, nice. but still weird.04:19
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AllexHi everyone04:20
Aerotwelvewols: My command line says: "26% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com] " and I can't type anything in. Is there any sort of key command?04:20
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wolsAerotwelve: ctrl+c perhaps. or just kill apt-get04:20
dr_willisAerotwelve,  sounds to me like its downloading stuff from the server and taking its time.04:20
Gastenpredaeus: Yes. Never happened before. I haven't even been messing with my configs lately. and the computer have worked fine the past 6 hours :/04:20
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Allexdoes anyone know how to ad Widgets with beryl?04:20
wols!effects | Allex04:21
ubotuAllex: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects.04:21
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Aerotwelvedr_willis: Hmm, They're all getting resolve errors, though, so I assumed it was nothing.04:21
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predaeusGasten, hm yes. nice thing with linux is that you can just restart the X server instead of rebooting the whole machine.04:21
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Gastenpredaeus: Yes. saves time :)04:22
dr_willisAerotwelve,  that sounds like  networking is not confgured right then04:22
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borivaliI need help configuring the resolution of login screen04:22
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Panda200xCan someone help me get DWL-G520+ Drivers for  the Live CD (or help me get wifi working.)04:22
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wolsPanda200x: what chip does that card use?04:23
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Panda200xi ran lspci, so I got this http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/2546/chipsetnq7.png04:23
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Panda200x:P Kinda new to linux and Konsole04:23
predaeusborivali, I think it should be the same as your desktop's resolution. if the wallpaper of the login theme does not fit, you probably need another theme or need to edit it.04:23
al_islamhow are yoy???04:23
borivalihow do I do that04:24
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al_islamare you english??04:24
roryyal_islam: if you want to just chat, please join #ubuntu-offtopic ; this channel is for ubuntu support04:24
Panda200xI speak english04:24
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predaeusborivali, what login screen do you mean? the gdm/kdm login?04:24
al_islamoh very good??04:24
wolsPanda200x: you need to download the acx driver, compile and install it. get the firmware to /lib/firmware/ and from then on it's like any other wlan04:24
Panda200xCheers :D04:25
al_islamim arabic put i learn english04:25
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predaeusborivali, I mean, the gnome or kde login screens, right?04:25
borivaliyes I think so - its the one that I have to type in my name and passwd04:25
al_islamfrom where are you04:25
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Panda200x#ubuntu-offtopic for talking04:25
borivali I had changed the resolution for desktop but why does it not change for the login as well04:25
wols!ot | al_islam04:26
ubotual_islam: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:26
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predaeusborivali, yes, if you have e.g. a widescreen monitor it might be stretched or so. depends on the theme. look at art.gnome.org  and gnome-look.org for gdm (gnome login) themes04:26
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predaeusborivali, you can install them just by dragging the downloaded package onto the gdm login manager window04:26
al_islamhow are you ubtou04:26
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predaeusborivali, the settings application, not sure what exactly it was called, just drag the theme file (whole package) onto that to install.04:27
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zirodayubotu is a bot04:27
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.04:27
borivaliis there no way to keep this login theme04:27
Cockroachanybody know about mdadm?04:27
wols!anyone | Cockroach04:27
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ubotuCockroach: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:27
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Cockroachyep sorry04:27
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wolsPanda200x: do not randomly /msg people. /ignore Panda200x04:27
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Panda200x:/ ok04:28
predaeusborivali, not sure. you could look for where it is installed then check it's config files and probably also resize the background image to your liking.04:28
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low_on_ramstefg, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB  exactly what I wanted04:28
Cockroachwhy do i get this when trying to grow a raid mdadm: Need to backup 5376K of critical section..04:28
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pietro10Hello, anyone there?04:28
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borivaliIn system-->preferences-->screen resolution wont it change using this ?04:28
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd04:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:29
borivaliI have Ubuntu 7.0404:29
predaeusborivali, yes, but this will also change your desktops resolution then04:29
Cockroachand then this comes up "mdadm: Cannot set device size/shape for /dev/md1: Invalid argument" how do i solve this?04:29
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stefglow_on_ram: yeah, that's what i menat. But you still need a custom-CD which will enable you to boot the OS from an USB stick, if you can't boot directly04:29
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low_on_ramstefg, will this not help me? http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Making-a-GRUB-bootable-CD-ROM.html04:30
m`kayHi guys.04:30
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borivaliI had done this thng but the login screen resolution did not change only the desktop resolution changed04:30
predaeusborivali, if you are interested you could look at http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/GDM and http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/GdmThemes to see how a gdm theme basically is made up and how it works.04:30
m`kayis 1.2.4 planned for feisty?04:30
m`kayis wesnoth 1.2.4 planned for feisty?04:30
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predaeusborivali, hm I think it should use the same setting not sure though. It must use the xorg.conf setting though.04:31
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predaeusborivali, typically the desktop and the login window both use the same as far as I know.04:31
borivaliwhere is that file? xorg.conf04:31
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borivaliI would think so too04:31
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jribm`kay: it should get synced from debian04:32
stefglow_on_ram: yeah, that's the right howto... but watch out how your menu.lst looks. there might be different device names according to how grub from CD sees the stick (if he's able to) and how grub on the USB stick would see it.04:32
jribm`kay: it should get synced from debian (for gutsy)04:32
Cockroachno one can help with mdadm?04:32
fivetwentysixI can't seem to find a package that has the gtkmm files04:32
m`kayjrib for gutsy, but not for feisty?04:32
fivetwentysixNeeded tocompilea GTKproject04:32
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borivaliLet me see if I can find xorg.conf and edit it04:32
madsporkmurdererdoes anyone know the correct NAT settings for qtorrent? I cant find mention of them anywhere but from the perfomance it appears that some are needed04:32
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jribm`kay: feisty is frozen, no more new packages.  Once it gets into gutsy, it may be backported04:32
jrib!backports > m`kay (see the private message from ubotu)04:32
predaeusborivali, be careful with that. make a backup of it before you edit it, because if you do it wrong your graphical desktop will not load on start and you will have to fix it in text mode. it is located at /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:32
low_on_ramstefg, grr! This is my first time messing around with linux at this low level.04:33
low_on_ramstefg, I will see how it goes. If it works, I will send you a message :)_04:33
m`kayjrib or can i install the wesnoth-gutsy-packages in feisty? frozen, there comes FF204 by updating :-/04:33
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stefglow_on_ram: yeah, but on the other hand: you can use a broken machine for something useful. no way of getting any more work done with it on win04:34
predaeusborivali, to check if the settings work, you do not need to reboot, just restart the graphical front end (the "X server") with "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart"04:34
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reddosnon riesco ad entrare nella chat ubunti it04:34
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jribm`kay: you shouldn't, but you can try to recompile the gutsy package (add the deb-src line and use apt-get -b)04:35
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low_on_ramstefg, in the grub console I typed root (hd0,0) and then find / . I got "possible files are: vmlinuz initrd.gz xubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.sio04:35
jwtoddhey ... i'd like to do a fresh install of feisty as i move from edgy. is there a way i can export the apt config stuff so that i can just feed the config to the new system? i use synaptic. thx.04:35
TsuamiaHow can I change my res without using my mouse?04:35
low_on_ramstefg, I am assuming that it is the cdr drive.04:35
fivetwentysixWhat package contains <gtkmm/accelgroup.h>04:35
Myrttijwtodd: dpkg --get-selections > packages04:35
rebraiwow its pretty alive in here04:35
low_on_ramTsuamia, a long time back I used to use Ctrl+Alt+Numpad +04:35
jwtoddexcellent. much appreciated :)04:35
low_on_ramTsuamia, I am not sure if it works even now.04:36
stefglow_on_ram: if there's no hd no more thenit sounds plausible04:36
roryyfivetwentysix: packages.ubuntu.com lets you search for what package has what file04:36
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jwtoddmyrtti ... and on the import side?04:36
low_on_ramstefg, then where is the USB stick? I actually formatted it using fdisk (it was mounted on /dev/sda). I cannot see it on grub list04:36
Tsuamialow_on_ram: Thank you so much04:36
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rebraiare there any graphical extension like beryl? how can i install them?04:37
elduncoDoes ubuntu server come with a window manager preinstalled? If so which one and how to start it.04:37
jrib!beryl > rebrai (see the private message from ubotu)04:38
jribeldunco: no04:38
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wolseldunco: no04:38
madsporkmurdererdoes anyone know the correct NAT settings for qtorrent? I cant find mention of them anywhere but from the perfomance it appears that some are needed04:38
wolseldunco: you need to apt-get X04:38
Myrttijwtodd: when you're done, you do dpkg --set-selections < packages and...04:38
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Myrttijwtodd: (I'm looking over my notes)04:38
fivetwentysixThanks roryy for pointing that function out!04:38
qtgeoa big bravo to the developing team and all the staff for the realease 7.0404:38
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elduncosounds good, i appreciate it04:38
wolsmadsporkmurderer: depends what port you use for incoming. it's variable04:38
jwtoddmuch appreciated04:38
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Myrttijwtodd: apt-get -u dselect-upgrade should do the trick04:39
madsporkmurdererwols: i cant find any settings to change in relation to ports- are they in a config file somewhere?04:39
jwtoddexcellent myrtti!!!04:39
jwtoddthx again.04:39
wolsmadsporkmurderer: I dunno. netstat -anp |grep LIST |less04:39
wolsmadsporkmurderer: as root04:39
jwtoddhope to see you all again on the "feisty side" of life :)04:40
Cockroachhow do i upgrade my kernel?04:40
AerotwelveHey everyone: I'm trying to install these restricted ATI drivers, and one of my steps was to Make sure fgrlx is not disabled with: gksudo gedit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common and I get an error that says GTK WARNING **: cannot open display: Does this mean it's disabled?04:40
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wolsAerotwelve: no it means gedit cannot run04:40
wolsCockroach: apt-get a new one04:40
Aerotwelvewols: Alright, thanks.04:40
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m`kayis there an versionless unstable brunch for ubuntu like debian sid?04:41
wolsAerotwelve: sudo nano <file> instead04:41
Cockroachwols: what should i choose? it's for a P4 server04:41
wolsm`kay: there is gutsy. ubuntu+104:41
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wolsCockroach: -68604:41
Cockroach..don't follow?04:42
madsporkmurdererwols: qtorrent isnt mentioned04:42
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CaLeRohay alguien que sepa hablar espaol???04:42
wolsmadsporkmurderer: are you running it?04:42
Myrtti!es | CaLeRo04:42
ubotuCaLeRo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:42
rebraino only english04:42
piratepenguinif I'm on ubuntu using gnome, and I want KDE too, can I just install kubuntu-desktop?04:43
madsporkmurdererwols: yes, im currently seeding 2 torrents04:43
Myrttipiratepenguin: yes04:43
wolsmadsporkmurderer: then it will show04:43
dr_willispiratepenguin,  thats how i do it.04:43
piratepenguinMyrtti: cheers04:43
piratepenguinah cool04:43
LuxuriousIs there a command to play audio files from the command line?04:43
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dr_willis!find sox04:44
ubotuFound: sox, sox-dev04:44
dr_willis!info sox04:44
ubotusox: A universal sound sample translator. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.18.2-1 (feisty), package size 323 kB, installed size 748 kB04:44
Luxuriousdr_willis, I mean bundled04:44
dr_willisHmm thats not it. aplay perhaps?04:44
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stefglow_on_ram: (was on the phone) hmmm, so your bios won't recognize the usb-port it seems. that means taht you have to boot the kernel from CD to be able to mount the USb stick as root-fs04:44
wersdaluvis it possible for me to install xubuntu over ubuntu without changing the black loading screen?04:44
dr_willisof course it may depends on the specific kind of audio file04:44
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LuxuriousAplay you say?04:44
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dr_willis!info aplay04:44
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ubotuPackage aplay does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:45
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dr_willisLuxurious,  used tobe oodles of console based sound player/tools - but not used themin years04:45
stefglow_on_ram: that gets more and more ugly... no way of attching it to a net and using it as a netbooting thin-client?04:45
fivetwentysixOk I don't get it04:45
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larson9999i recently upgraded and now mplayer halts when i swap windows instead of keeping playing like it used to.  is there a setting for that?04:45
low_on_ramstefg, I do not want to get the network running on this system as yet.04:45
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Trubbisanyone knows how to install winxp after ubuntu? it stops in booting of winxp-install-disk and refuses to do anything....04:45
fivetwentysixWhy won't my compiler find gtkmm/accelgroup.h04:45
fivetwentysixI've installed every package that contains that file04:45
fivetwentysixBUt my compiler still says it's not found04:46
Luxuriousdr_willis, well, I'm actually going to write a web interface for a music server (to play the music on the server), I'm not quite sure system command line calls are the way, but better to explore it than not.04:46
wolsTrubbis: wrong channel. #windows04:46
madsporkmurdererwols: right, found it- it was listed under python04:46
wolsfivetwentysix: where on your system is the file? and is it in your g++ include path?04:46
Trubbiswols, na, dont think they would know, windows is windows....04:46
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madsporkmurdererwols: is the port number the one after LISTENING04:46
froggy_hello i have a problem04:46
wolsTrubbis: irrelevant. It's OT here04:46
low_on_ramstefg, I want it to just boot into linux that I want to install on a USB pen drive. Ofcourse since hte USB drive won't directly boot, I need the cdr drive to initiall boot up and then "hand over" the booting to the USB pen drive04:46
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wolsmadsporkmurderer: no04:46
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stefglow_on_ram: see, you have to boot the kernel from CD-Rom, that means your /boot is on a readonly partition. every kernle update will be trouble04:47
AerotwelveAlright, it finally booted up. Thanks, dr_willis and everyone else. Any chance I will be able to use open source ati drivers in the future, so Ubuntu can upgrade them like all others?04:47
froggy_ubuntu start one time yes and 3 no i have intel 945gm chipset video04:47
Trubbiswols, its not ot on most linux-forums so i cant see why it would be here?!04:47
madsporkmurdererwols: the on after that one then?04:47
low_on_ramstefg, why would I want a kernel update?04:47
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low_on_ramstefg, by kernel update you mean when new versions of kernel are released right? Sort of upgrading right?04:47
wolsTrubbis: cause this is a ubuntu only forum. not for windows04:47
stefglow_on_ram: because  there is one? because of security patches04:47
Luxurious!info mpg12304:48
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ubotumpg123: MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.61-5 (feisty), package size 134 kB, installed size 336 kB04:48
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wolsmadsporkmurderer: man netstat04:48
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low_on_ramstefg, that is true. but this one will never be on the network and hanging on the wall. No network, no keyboard just a display :D04:48
Trubbiswols, I have to do something IN ubuntu to make it posible to install windows later04:48
LuxuriousI like that!04:48
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stefglow_on_ram: rather look into smart boot-manager. this is sort of a bios extension which possibly enables you to boot the real McCoy from USB04:48
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low_on_ramstefg, I will check the smart boot manager then04:49
fivetwentysixwols: /usr/include/gtkmm-2.0/gtkmm/accellabel.h I have 2.4 installed as well04:49
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fivetwentysixwols: how do i know if the destination is set in my g++ config fi;e?04:49
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andrewmacWhat is the best MSN client ? Pidgin is really pissing me off, it randomly closes :S in the middle of conversations..04:50
fivetwentysixandrewmac: Try Gaim.04:50
andrewmacGAIM == Pidgin04:50
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Myrttino, it's not04:51
Watermelon2hmm amsn?04:51
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mneptokandrewmac: you can try aMSN04:51
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wolsfivetwentysix: is  /usr/include/gtkmm-2.0/gtkmm/04:51
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wolsis  /usr/include/gtkmm-2.0/gtkmm/ in your include path?04:51
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fivetwentysixHow do i see my include paths?04:52
wolsTrubbis: is enough unallocated harddisk space available?04:52
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wolsfivetwentysix: depends how you set them04:52
wolsthere are several ways. one way is to look at the commandline of g++04:52
Trubbiswols, yes, i can install win2003server but not xp04:52
rab1danyone have any problems with the latest updates breaking firefox04:52
wolsTrubbis: then you can do thing. not a ubuntu problem04:52
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ROnewbieAnyone ? RT61 wi-fi card installed, drivers too, network manager sees all my wireless network, but it won't connect to any of them, encrypted or not.04:53
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Trubbiswols, partly, ubuntu puts grub in mbr and thats wat causing problem for xp, 2003server is little more accepting on that part04:53
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black_following problem, i can boot with root being on raid 5, and i can boot if root is luks encrypted .... but i cant boot if i try both04:54
wolsTrubbis: no. XP just overwrites grub on install04:54
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c01100011is there an all in one blue tooth management gui application04:54
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Trubbiswols, yea, normally, but in my case (not for a friend of mine for whom it works) winxp wont boot the installation, it hangs on "checking hardware configuration".04:55
fivetwentysixwols is there a way to set it in Anjuta?04:55
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup04:55
wolsfivetwentysix: project settings usually04:55
Trubbiswols, so winxp cant accept the grub in mbr and therefore im stuck04:55
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wolsTrubbis: that is simply untrue04:55
wols!find ms-sys04:55
ubotuFound: ms-sys04:55
wols!info ms-sys04:56
ubotums-sys: Write a Microsoft compatible boot record. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0-1 (feisty), package size 19 kB, installed size 128 kB04:56
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Trubbiswols, what is untrue?04:56
ROnewbieAnyone ? RT61 wi-fi card installed, drivers too, network manager sees all my wireless networks, but it won't connect to any of them, encrypted or not. Running Feisty. Please help, this has bugged me for 3 weeks now, and it's the 1 single issue Ubuntu has had with this laptop.04:56
wolsTrubbis: but if it makes you happy: use that04:56
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c01100011thanks stefg - how can i retrieve a list of the bot commands ?04:56
wolsTrubbis: XP doesn't give a rats ass about your MBR as long as the partition table part checks out04:56
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:56
rab1dso after the 4 or 5 updates this morning, im getting core dumps from firefox each time i try and run it04:56
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stefg!ubotu > c0110001104:56
Fawa1i have font problem when starting X server04:56
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Trubbiswols, well, i cant find any other explanation, found someone on the net saying it was like that, but if you have any other ideas then i would be very glad to hear04:57
Fawa1can anyone help04:57
matthewHey all. I have a Feisty installation on a drive, but no grub installed. Is there a way to boot that installation with a LiveCD or something?04:57
wolsTrubbis: I don't care. it's a windows problem. and I just gave you a solution you wanted to hear. your choice if you don't take it. HAND04:58
wols!grub | matthew04:58
ubotumatthew: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:58
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Fawa1anyone familiar with X server04:58
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wols!anyone | Fawa104:59
ubotuFawa1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:59
low_on_ramstefg, that's funny. when I do root (hd0,0) and then find /<tab> it lists vmliuz initrd.gz xubunutu....iso ... what could this partition be? It cannot be the CDR drive, can it"?04:59
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wolslow_on_ram: hd0,0 is first partitn, first disk04:59
low_on_ramwols, I do not have a HDD04:59
stefglow_on_ram: no... possibly it is the wanted usb?04:59
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wolslow_on_ram: if you boot from usb, you do04:59
wolslow_on_ram: your usb stick04:59
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low_on_ramstefg, then how did those files get onto the USB stick? I did not copy them. I did not boot up from the USB stick either.05:00
Fawa1when starting X server i get "could not open default font" error05:00
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stefglow_on_ram: i don't know what CD you are using to get grub now..05:00
grodiuscan someone link me to the multiverse and universal repos05:00
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:01
low_on_ramstefg, xubuntu-7.04 alternate05:01
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rebraiinstall beryl or alike05:01
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stefglow_on_ram: so it sees the CD as hd(0,0)05:01
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:01
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Gazoocan anyone tell me how to get wireless running with wpa on dell laptop with the 7.04 live cd05:02
low_on_ramstefg, *ugh* that is a troublesome thing you've just said. :'(05:02
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c01100011great, i got my blue tooth mouse to work with ease, but is there a gui to manage connecting to bluetooth devices?05:03
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low_on_ramstefg, wait, how come then I could format /dev/sda1/2 ? They could not be CDR partitions because it was explicitly marked as FAt16 in fdisk. Will check it out.05:03
reddosciao a tutti ce nessuno che parli italiano?05:03
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wols!it | reddos05:03
ubotureddos: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:03
grodiuscan someone link me to the multiverse and universal repos05:04
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black_in which order are the scripts executed within the initd image?05:04
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netham45.whowas haydn05:05
LjL!repos > grodius    (grodius, see the private message from Ubotu)05:06
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stefglow_on_ram: grub doesn't know about sda's, that's the kernels point of view. as i understand your usb is not accessible directly from the BIOS, it needs a kernel to make the usb be seen. no kernel, no usb. catch22: the kernel cant be booted, because it's on usb, where the bios /thus grub) can't access it05:06
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mh_le I get this error when trying to use amavis with postfix.. postfix/master[29202] : fatal: /etc/postfix/master.cf: line 80: missing "transport type" field05:06
eX|Hoserguys, does anyone have experience with webgui?05:06
Fawa1how can i make reverse the configuration of eth0 and eth1 .. i want eth1 to be eth0 and vice versa05:06
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mh_lethe section is at http://www.pastebin.ca/53098705:07
wolsmh_le: you put an error in your master.cf05:07
Nom-Hmm....my 5 button mouse isn't working for some reason, but i've got the xorg.conf correct as far as I can tell ?05:07
low_on_ramstefg, got it! Thanks for that. I was getting messed up in my mind about this. Damn! Then I would have to actually boot a kernel from the CDR drive. OMG! I also have to put the modules on the CD.05:07
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mh_lewols: yeah, I just can't tell where the error is..05:07
Nom-The scrollwheel works fine, but no thumb buttons05:07
TiradinCan anyone help me find drivers for my microsoft multimedia keyboard?05:07
stefglow_on_ram: smart boot manager ?05:07
netham455 button mouse?05:07
low_on_ramstefg, I am still reading that manual.05:08
wolsmh_le: #postfix05:08
mh_lewols: tried, no responce05:08
wolsTiradin: ask microsoft :P05:08
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fivetwentysixwols: Is there any way to like fresh install all these gtk libraries05:08
Tiradinwols: When has that ever been helpful? :P05:08
low_on_ramwols, lol05:08
fivetwentysixI feel like the configs are totally screwed up05:08
wolsmh_le: bigger chance than getting one here. have you pasted your master.cf there?05:08
Nom-yah, as in 3 buttons on top, two thumb buttons05:08
mh_lewols: yeah05:08
wolsfivetwentysix: you isntalled with apt? then no05:08
Nom-plus a scrollwheel05:08
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fivetwentysixwols: i used apt-get05:09
wolsfivetwentysix: this is not windows. rebooting and reinstalling won't fix problems05:09
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fivetwentysixI get like 1000+ compile errors when I try to compile a simple file05:10
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fivetwentysixI don't even know how that's possible lol05:11
mneptokfivetwentysix: what are you compiling?05:11
fivetwentysixA GTK hello world program05:11
cabulosoanyone know a php editor with code completion ? (ctrl + space)05:11
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aaroncampbellcabuloso: I prefer Zend Studio, but Eclipse works too (with the right plugin)05:12
wolsfivetwentysix: paste the first error05:12
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wolsaaroncampbell: with code completion? nevre managed that with eclipse PDT05:12
fivetwentysixhelloworld.c:1:34: error: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/gtk.h: No such file or directory05:12
cabulosoaaroncampbell, i use eclipse with the phpedit plugin.. but it doesn't have code completion... do you know the righ plugin ?05:12
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wolsfivetwentysix: wrong include path still05:13
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aaroncampbellwols: yeah, PDT does code completion...just not as good as Zend Studio05:13
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aaroncampbellcabuloso: PDT: http://www.zend.com/pdt05:13
fivetwentysixYeah the path is /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk05:13
low_on_ramstefg, sbm seems to be a floppy based utility. How can I use it from my CD drive? I do not have an FDD05:13
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fivetwentysixHow do i change it?05:13
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fivetwentysixgcc helloworld.c is what i typed to compile05:14
cabulosoaaroncampbell, thanks man. i'll check that ! :)05:14
giany911i have a ..problem i got a audigy se sound card and creative t6060 speakers, it sounds a bit cracked and i cant control the volume ...05:14
wolsfivetwentysix: usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtk.h    libdevel/libgtk2.0-dev05:14
low_on_ramstefg, aah! wait. I just got a prospective link on SBM on cd. Will check it and ask you any questions if I have.05:14
stefglow_on_ram: there's a floppy emulation mode for bootable CDs.05:14
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wolsfivetwentysix: then use it05:14
fivetwentysixwols how doi change the include path?05:14
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n2diyI have an IBM Thinkpad 760xd, which won't boot from the cd, any ideas how to install Dapper on it?05:15
ctothejHow can I change my flash player and mplayer firefox plugins to play from a different sound card? are they linked to the default sound card? all my other sounds play from the right one (system sounds, music, etc)05:15
fivetwentysixOr do you mean change it from the source?05:15
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wolsfivetwentysix: I already told you. anjutah project settings surely has a way05:15
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wolsno, not changing the source05:15
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orbingiany911: can't control?  tried opening vol control and lowering pcm?05:16
Quintinctothej: asoundconf set-default-card, maybe05:16
wolsfivetwentysix: man gcc then05:17
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giany911well i havent got pcm .. i have iec958 Center/LFE: 100% .. im currently looking on the alsa wiki .. i think i have to define a new pcm device..05:17
ctothejQuintin: will try now05:17
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orbingiany911: double-click on the vol icon.  then edit > preferences05:18
giany911orbin and choose what?05:18
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orbinn2diy: so is it the cd or the drive?05:19
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orbingiany911: do you see a pcm checkbox there?05:19
fuzzy_logichi people.. since i updated my kernel to the newest version my intel wireless card doesn't work anymore.. also when i boot an old kernel it doesn't work.. does anyone have an idea why that is the case?05:19
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giany911orbin: http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/6646/prefeg7.png05:20
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lashusi dunno, im newbie too ;p05:20
lashusand need help ^^05:20
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lashuscan't update anything by apt-cdrom, because it don't mount my cdrom :/05:20
fivetwentysixHow do i set my GTK include directory?05:20
n2diyorbin: ? How can I install Dapper on a box that won't boot from a cd rom?05:20
fuzzy_logiclashus: why don't you do that?05:21
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wolsfivetwentysix: you start by reading gcc docs05:21
marco_linuxMy Ubuntu stopped copying CDs to ISO. I am getting the following error message: "Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)"05:21
lashusumm fuzzy_logic dunno xD05:21
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lashusfuzzy_logic what command i should use ? mount /nameofdrive /cdrom0/ ?05:21
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wolsfuzzy_logic: redo your wireless driver05:22
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wolslashus: what error do you get when trying to install something?05:23
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orbingiany911: ... i don't see that dialog when i open prefs.  probably b/c i don't have a mutli-channel sound card installed.  sorry, don't think i can help.05:23
m1ri have little symlink problem with vsftpd , when i do mount --bind /var/www/3tcable /home/ftp/3tcable , then i lose data after reboot05:23
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Wookstaim having a problem with ubuntu feisty server... i have an old box which was running ubuntu desktop (edgy eft) and i just re-installed to fiesty server but now every time when the system tries to start it gets back grub, i get a "Starting up..." message and then the system resets, how can i debug this issue?05:24
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orbin!install > n2diy (see pm from ubotu)05:24
lashusI'm using /cdrom/  as CD-ROM mount point05:24
lashusCD-rom mounting05:24
lashusE: Failed to mount the cdrom.05:24
marco_linuxHello there!! I am getting the error "Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)" when trying to copy a CD.05:24
marco_linuxAny Clue!!!05:24
stefglow_on_ram: i just read that SBM is incapable of handling USB devices... bad luck. So your options are: 1.) update bios to a version which can boot fro usb, 2.) have a really ugly custom boot CD which boots the kernel and initramfs, then mounts the flash drive as root-fs. 3.) fixing the ide connector (possible to attach a IDE flash drive to it)05:24
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marco_linuxHi, does anyone know how to fiz this problem? Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)05:27
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lashusmarco_linux reboot pc ?05:27
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fdrhello! please, what is the name of the program used to view and change gnome internal registry?05:27
pmohey, i have a problem with my sound-drivers i think, when i plug in my headphones, the sound works fine, but the sound doesnt mute from the speakers.. im on a HP DV* laptop with ubuntu 7.04.05:27
marco_linuxI tried that.05:27
spikebfdr: gconf-editor05:27
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fdrspikeb, thanks! I couldn't remember it05:28
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spikebyou're welcome fdr :)05:28
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low_on_ramstefg, I was reading the same thing and I guess I am cluster fscked. 1) - NEC does not update the bios for this laptop anymore. 3) IDE connector is broken on the mobo. The only way I can think of fixing it is by soldering those tiny .5mm leads. No way can I do that.05:28
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low_on_ramstefg, so the only option left for me is to make a custom CD R05:28
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low_on_ramstefg, any pointers on how to make this CD?05:29
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henrysotocalabozhello everybody...from Venezuela05:29
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low_on_ramhenrysotocalaboz, no hello to people NOT from Venezuela? hehe!05:29
neonleon8hello to Venezuela05:29
henrysotocalabozhello neon....How are you???05:29
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Wisdom07when i tried to configure my dsl connexion its asked me to turn to root so howi could do that ?05:30
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neonleon8i'm pretty good. thanks, how about yourself?05:30
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henrysotocalabozwell, just learning this new program... It's my first time... Where are you from???05:30
marco_linuxHi people, the error is still there: Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)05:30
stefglow_on_ram: do a normal alternate xubuntu install, then take the USB stick to another machine (which reads ext3) and make a bootable CD like the previous howto said, but copy the complete /boot dir from the usb-drive to the CD, too05:31
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wolsWisdom07: with sudp05:31
neonleon8can you force and unmount of the device ?05:31
wolsWisdom07: sudo05:31
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Wisdom07wols i'im newbie so i should write in the terminal sudo?05:31
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stefglow_on_ram: and ho we already found out grub sees the CD as (hd0) so adjust the menu.lst accordingly05:32
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wolslashus: do not /msg people randomly. /ignore lashus05:32
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lashuswols rotfl <wols> lashus: what error do you get when trying to install something?05:32
henrysotocalabozwell I'm leaving now...hope you feel good!!!!!05:32
lashusi asked on pm05:33
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lashusumm nevermind05:33
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marco_linuxIt worked now but only after umount as root. Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)05:33
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neonleon8i feel good05:34
marco_linuxWhy Ubuntu is like that?05:34
phlak_userim haveing problems running Google Earth on Edgy Eft (ATI Radeon Graphics)05:34
Kalistowhy does pam drop root priv on pam_mount on exit? ie therefor no unmount can be done.05:34
marco_linuxJust to copy a CD you have to have root access05:34
Kalistomarco_linux, google it05:35
henrysotocalabozhow can i do with the G++05:35
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wolshenrysotocalaboz: do what?05:35
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low_on_ramhenrysotocalaboz, what is your question?05:35
henrysotocalabozHow can I compiler the G++05:35
faight"There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon" < --- how do i fix? thanks05:36
marco_linuxbut this was supposed to work out of the box.  Copying CDs is a very simple task.05:36
phlak_userhe wants to install the g++ package05:36
Kalistohenrysotocalaboz, google gcc05:36
low_on_ramhenrysotocalaboz, do you have ubuntu up and running?05:36
wolshenrysotocalaboz: install build-essnetial05:36
rab1dany suggestions for a firefox that starts up and immediately core dumps05:36
henrysotocalabozyes it is running05:36
wolshenrysotocalaboz: install build essential05:36
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wolsrab1d: rn it from an xterm05:36
Kalistorab1d, reinstall or install from source05:36
henrysotocalabozis it the essential in the ubuntu's cd??05:37
rab1dwols: from xterm, thats where i know its core-dumping05:37
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henrysotocalabozhow can I get it?05:37
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Aerotwelve1Hey everyone, if I running Gnome, and I using KDE apps, will that harm anything? I just installed Ubuntu, and I using Konversation to type this, and realized it is a KDE app.05:37
rab1dKalisto: reinstall, i tried apt-get remove followed by apt-get install05:37
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rab1don the pacakge firefox05:37
elhyteI have a problem witgh liferea05:37
Wisdom07i'm new bie and  when i tried to configure pppoecon its aske dme to turn in root session so how?05:37
KalistoAerotwelve, no problem05:37
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elhyteliferea-add-feed doesn't work on Firefox05:37
JuhazAerotwelve1, no, it doesn't harm anything, but it will use bit more memory to have both sets of libraries running at the same time05:37
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pmohey, i have a problem with my sound-drivers i think, when i plug in my headphones, the sound works fine, but the sound doesnt mute from the speakers.. im on a HP DV* laptop with ubuntu 7.04.05:38
RainCTis it possible to have wvdial not overwritting resolv.conf?05:38
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Wisdom07i'm new bie and  when i tried to configure pppoecon its aske dme to turn in root session so how?05:38
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wolsRainCT: chattr +i it05:38
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wolsWisdom07: sudo05:39
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Aerotwelve1Alright, thanks, juhaz and Kalisto. Anyway, as I said, I on a new install. Everything seems to work out of the box besides wireless and my apostrophe key. When I try to type an apostrophe, I get a system beep and sometimes I get this character: .  Any thoughts on how to change this?05:39
daboboi'm a newbie and I don't know what this is05:39
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fdrI'm afraid I deleted some system file I shouldn't have... is there a way to check for every installed package if all the included files are still present on the filesystem? thanks!05:39
thornomadQuick Question: is there an easy way to send e-mail from the command line?  I have looked at mailutils and nail ... however, these seems like overkill.  I just want my cron jobs to email me on occasion ... I don't EVER need to recieve mail at all ... any ideas ? thanks05:39
wolsthornomad: man mail05:39
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RainCTwols: can you explain this please?05:40
elhyteNobody uses liferea with firefox ?05:40
hocminI've got a printer installed through Gnome's interface, but I'm not able to print to it through firefox.  How can I fix this?05:40
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wolsRainCT: man chattr05:40
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fdrI was thinking of some dpkg or apt option but I can't find it...05:40
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ziosahi, i have a problem with configure matrox mga g200...help me!05:40
thornomadwols: that isn't installed on the server by default ... i only know how to do it via mailutils ... which install exim4 ... which I don't want05:40
RainCTwols: ok thanks05:40
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marco_linuxCan't copy CDs with Ubuntu. Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)05:41
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wolsthornomad: a unix system without mda or mta is broken05:41
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elhytePlease, nobody uses Liferea ?05:41
wolsmarco_linux: is your cd /dev/hda?05:41
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wols!anyobody | elhyte05:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anyobody - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:41
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wols!anybody | elhyte05:42
ubotuelhyte: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:42
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pomalleyi just added 2 gigs of ram to my computer and now ubuntu is running comically slowly. is this a known problem or am i going to have to do some research?05:42
thornomadwols: hmm ... okay ... I may be lost.  I don't know anything about mda or mta.  I have successfully used mail and nail ... however, was just trying to find something simpler05:42
trenqhi guys anyone know if I can use my sonyericsson k800 as modem for my ubuntu laptop?05:42
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bbrazilpomalley: research I'd say. Howmuch ram do you have total, what's your arch, and what's your workload?05:43
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wolsthornomad: there are simpler, leander mtas than exim. but exim is very easy to use05:43
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thornomadwols ... all right, maybe i will just look into disabling its port listening stuff for exim05:43
Aerotwelve1Does anyone know why Ubuntu refuses to type a comma? I press it and sometimes I get a system beep, and other times I get a . Any thoughts?05:43
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rab1dkalisto: doing an apt-get remove firefox followed by apt-get install firefox, is what you meant by reinstall05:44
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pomalleybbrazil: yeah, that's what i was afraid of. i have 4gb total now, just running feisty x86 (not 64 bit) and this is with no workload (just on boot, and starting gnome)05:44
wolsthornomad: apt-cache search mda. apt-cache search mta05:44
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erUSULrab1d: or adding --reinstall to the install command05:44
bbrazilpomalley: that's odd. you're on 686 or later I presume?05:44
thornomadwols: oh ... wow ... that is a lot of options.  okay, let me look through them thanks!05:44
marco_linuxCan't copy CDs on Ubuntu. Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)05:45
pomalleybbrazil: whatever the default that it gives is05:45
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bbrazilpomalley: I'm asking about your processor05:45
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elhyteMy first question was " I have a problem with Liferea and Firefox, liferea-add-feed doesn't work on it"05:45
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Przemcio78ubuntu or vista? this is the question :)05:45
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elhyteSo sorry for my approximative question05:45
Przemcio78wrong place to pose such questions though :)05:45
pomalleybbrazil: oh, yeah, duh. pentium d 950, pretty good.05:45
bbrazilpomalley: is the new ram thesame spec as the existing stuff05:45
faight"There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon" < --- how do i fix? thanks05:46
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wolspomalley: a p4 is never good05:46
pomalleybbrazil: yeah, it's exactly the same as what i already had, just 2 more sticks05:46
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pomalleywols: yeah, yeah, whatever ;-)05:46
Kalistorab1d, yes05:46
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marco_linuxCan't copy Cds on Ubuntu Feisty. "Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)"05:46
bbrazilpomalley: what happens if you remove the old sticks?05:46
xsnakeHow can I find printer drivers for my Brother MFC8500 printer?05:46
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wols!patienc | marco_linux05:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patienc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:46
rab1dok it looks like if i run firefox-bin (not the firefox scripty in /usr/lib/firefox) i get 'error while loading shared libraries: libmozjs.so'05:46
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:46
bbrazilpomalley: and what happens when you remove the old sticks, and put the new sticks in their slots?05:47
LuxuriousI installed apache2 but all it ever does is launch apache.  I even did apt-get remove apache, didn't say it existed.05:47
pomalleybbrazil: haven't tried that yet, i just booted once05:47
elhyteSo if anybody have this problem ( liferea-add-feed doesn't work on Firefox) please call  the solution to me)05:47
wolsrab1d: reinstall ffox then05:47
LuxuriousThat's Apache 1.3 it launches, by the way.05:47
pomalleybbrazil: xp works fine05:47
bbrazilpomalley: I'd also suggest measuring 'slower'05:47
rab1dwols: i did05:47
bbrazilpomalley: ram checks will naturally take more time, so allow for that05:47
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xsnakeok, thanks05:47
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ompaulpomalley, and xp will not stress test ram like other software05:48
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pomalleybbrazil: haha ok. but i was even getting errors on various gnome startup things. (like gnome-settings daemon has failed to start, or whatever)05:48
giany911guys i have a 5.1 sound card and i can't control the volume ! .. i can only control the speakers separately ... front rear side05:48
bbrazilpomalley: that sounds like bad ram05:48
bbrazilpomalley: run memtest86, should be a boot option05:48
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wolspomalley: and run it overnight05:48
ompaulbbrazil, it might not help - been there with that one05:48
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rab1dwols: i reinstalled a couple different ways even removed my profile from my home directory, same problem05:49
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wolsrab1d: could be a bad plugin. did you run ffox from an xterm?05:49
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asdfcan anyone tell me how to get the resolution of 1280x800 for ubuntu on a mac?05:50
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:50
rab1dwols: yes thats where i see the core dumped message, after the firefox window appears for a half second05:50
thirdywats Postfix????05:50
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wolsthirdy: a mta05:50
giany911guys i have a 5.1 sound card and i can't control the volume ! .. i can only control the speakers separately ... front rear side05:51
elhyteasdf: just use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:51
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eX|Joehey guys, has anyone installed webgui before?05:51
wolsthirdy: mail transfer agent05:51
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wols!anyone | eX|Joe05:51
ubotueX|Joe: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:51
ompaulthirdy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mail_transfer_agent05:51
thirdywols: can I just leave it05:51
wolsthirdy: yes.it's required software05:51
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cinvokeCan someone please help me with sound card05:52
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wols!sound cinvoke05:52
eX|Joemakes since, ok, I am looking for a way to install webgui on ubuntu feisty.  There is a binary on their website, but I must be stupid because it wont work for me.05:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sound cinvoke - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:52
wols!sound | cinvoke05:52
ubotucinvoke: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:52
eX|JoeThanks for your consideration of answering my topic.05:52
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neuratix_how can i scale down all images in a folder using imagemagick in bash?05:52
wolseX|Joe: what did you try exactly and what was the error?05:53
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youshotwhointhewhello i need help, my laptop has lost the networking at battery modules!05:53
jribneuratix_: use a for loop:  for file in *; do some_command $file; done05:53
neuratix_thanks :)05:53
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eX|Joewols: ive already deleted the failed install directory.05:53
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eX|Joedont worry, i'll retract my question.05:54
wolseX|Joe: until you state a concise and exactl problem we can't help you05:54
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youshotwhointhewmy laptop now says that it is on AC power even when it is unplugged05:54
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youshotwhointhewand rebooting does not fix it05:55
MOSIXGuyHi folks! Has anyone tried to compile or use an openMOSIX Kernel on Ubuntu? if so, did you have any success?05:55
lekkerstarting up Ubuntu,,05:55
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asdfF12 doesn't open a "right-click" dialog, can anyone walk me through remapping it?05:56
youshotwhointhewi think my DSDT is farked up, but my network card in now gone too!!!05:56
noobsterhi there. i'm experiencing problems after installing nvidia-glx-new -- it crashed X so i reverted to the old driver. now, i can't even use the old nvidia driver anymore. any experiences with this?05:57
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crdlbnoobster, yes you need to remove a hidden file to make nvidia-glx work again05:57
youshotwhointhewcan i restore the DSDT from the install disk?05:57
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noobstercrdlb which one?05:57
ScarFreewillany1 know any howtos for kqemu for ubuntu?05:57
crdlbnoobster, /lib/linux-restricted-modules/.nvidia_new_installed05:57
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noobstercrdlb thx, i'll give it a shot.05:58
roland_does anyone run diablo 1 with succes on cedega 6 ?05:58
roland_it keeps telling me to insert the cd05:58
youshotwhointhewdoes anyone here know what DSDT is???05:58
noobstercrdlb do you know why there's a version conflict with nvidia-glx-new and the X server / kernel modules?05:58
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mineraleHello, how do I disable the graphical startup thing, I don't think my video card supports it05:59
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lekkerstarting up Ubuntu, i'm not getting any error messages, but come into a root-console, with I have to"exit" to go to the login screen,   how to login directly05:59
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ToiletDukminerale: if you want only text and disable GDM/X, edit the inittab05:59
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ToiletDukset to 3 instead of 505:59
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roryyToiletDuk: that is not correct in ubuntu (or debian)06:00
mineraletoiletduk: no, I'm talking about the ubuntu logo as it startups06:00
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erUSULminerale: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and get rid of the splash boot option in the entries you like06:01
roland_when i start ubuntu i see no bootscreen, no messages, no progress bar.. nothing.. its a black screen until i get in the login screen .. what can i do to fix this..06:01
roland_its videocard related06:01
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roryyroland_: you could also try disabling the bootsplash (points to what erusul said)06:02
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youshotwhointhewanyone with experience fixing a farked DSDT?06:02
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humboltoWhy is it, that I have no CPU frequency scaling with the generic kernel but with the i386 it works?06:02
p1lsdo you guys recomend any program to change a view of your window, my gnome-settings-deamon dosent work, i have fiesty + flux06:02
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p1lsdo you guys recomend any program to change a view of your window, my gnome-settings-deamon dosent work, i have fiesty + flux06:03
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:03
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Wookstaim having a problem with ubuntu feisty server... i have an old box which was running ubuntu desktop (edgy eft) and i just re-installed to fiesty server but now every time when the system tries to start it gets past grub, i get a "Starting up..." message and then the system resets, how can i debug this issue?06:04
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juliusI found a bug on Ubuntu. Does someone can try to reproduce it please ? :-)06:05
Guy_gm everyone.06:05
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giany911...dudes ..i need a bit of help, how can i delete the annoying Examples folder?06:06
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silvernodeidk hide it heh i never tried to delete it06:06
silvernodenow i want to get rid of it too06:06
Guy_Does anyone know if the version of 7.04 on the Dell offering is the 64 bit or 32 bit version?06:07
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giany911i did it :))06:07
giany911sudo rm Examples06:07
BlueEaglegiany911: "The dell offering"?06:07
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silvernodedell is selling computers with ubuntu now06:07
wolsgiany911: sudo rm -rf Examples06:08
giany911i did it :)06:08
silvernodethey just signed a contract with cononical06:08
Guy_Yup.  I have one on order and I am getting the Core 2 Duo  T7200 @ gig processor.06:08
wolsGuy_: 3206:08
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xcdwhy do you have to sudo to do it ... the link is created under your username... and not root06:08
Guy_Hmm.  I may have to do something about that then.  Looks like time to download the 64 bit.  :)06:09
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silvernodelol i just right clicked on examples folder and told it go to trash and it did lmao06:09
wolsxcd: to make sure it deletes under any circumstances. we didn't know that06:09
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xcdit's a symbolic link06:09
Przemcio78teletubbies are gay http://youtube.com/watch?v=U7XC-c70VyI06:09
xcdthe real folder is in /usr/share/example-content06:09
Guy_I put together a system with the 2 gig processor and 2 gigs of ram.  It can not get here fast enough.06:09
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wolskc5goi: and an intel integrated graphics?06:10
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silvernodeI hate integrated06:10
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kc5goiI wanted to build out speed and I decided to pass on the video care upgrade.06:11
silvernodei love how my ubuntu is bugging me to update firefox06:11
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eddyMulI'm running Feisty. Feisty has python-django-0.95. I noticed Gutsy has python-django-0.96. Can I install a Gutsy package in Feisty?06:11
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wolsspeed and integrated graphics rarely mix06:12
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silvernodeYeah i like having a good graphics card cuz then i can use beryl06:12
kc5goiI am not too interested in Beryl but it does look cool.06:12
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spikebberyl works fine with intel's integrated stuff.06:12
LadySerenaBSD guru here, trying to make sense of linux ...... if all wired network devices are labeled "eth", how do you know which chipset each device uses?06:13
BlueEagleeddymul: In theory, yes. But you're unlikely to get support for it. You'll need to install python-django and gutsy from source me thinks.06:13
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BlueEagleeddymul: If you're not comfortable compiling your own apps you might be off without gutsy or finding a substitute.06:13
giany911does any1 know how to see the names and no the ids in gaim/pidgin on yahoo?06:13
wolsLadySerena: first loaded driver is first06:13
balarkaWHO #gnome-chi | specialkevin06:13
spikebsilvernode: yeah. in fact, intel's onboard video stuff is among the best supported driver wise :)06:13
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:13
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LadySerenaso .... you have to read your device log to find out which is which?06:14
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wolsLadySerena: also dmesg will tell you06:14
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silvernodespikeb:yeah i bet since its widely used with so many new computers06:14
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eddyMulBlueEagle: I'm (very) new to Ubuntu06:14
LadySerenadmesg is device log06:14
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kc5goiSpikeb, that is one reason I am staying with the intel card.  I need serial ports so I get to learn how to deal with usb based serial port adapters.  I am not to worried about it.  Should be ease.06:14
spikebsilvernode: and the specs and drivers are open.06:14
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LadySerenaseems rather counterintuitive, though06:14
iucwell i'm here for some help with ubuntu06:14
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DemolitioI have a problem: I just clean-installed ubuntu, and have absolutly no sound when I test it in sound preferences.... the alsa service is enabled, and the volume is at max. most I was able to get was my speakers to pop when I selected/deselected the analog/digital switch option for my card (i'm using an Audigy 2 ZS). suggestions?06:15
BlueEagleeddymul: But are you familiar with linux in general and compiling packages in a unix system?06:15
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eddyMulBlueEagle: I've had Gentoo before. ;)06:15
iuccan you install ubuntu if you only have one hard drive?06:15
silvernodespikeb:makes sense but i never tried a new PC with ubuntu yet im still runnin my 2004 amd 1.83ghz cpu and ati radeon 960006:15
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iucAND have windows too06:15
eddyMulBlueEagle: I'm fine w/ compiling. But I'd prefer apt to take care of it for me06:15
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kc5goiapt rocks.06:15
BlueEagleeddymul: Well if you learned anything from the emerges then you should be capable of replacing python-django and insall gutsy from source.06:15
spikebsilvernode: hehe06:15
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spikebsilvernode: how does it work on that? :)06:16
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iucwhat, ubuntu?06:16
perlmonkeyhello guys06:16
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eddyMulBlueEagle: how do I install "gutsy" from source?06:16
perlmonkeyi have joined ubuntu, just switched from debian06:16
eddyMulBlueEagle: I have a rough idea of how to install python-django from source...06:16
iuc(i'm a linux noob btw)06:16
BlueEagleeddymul: Well if there aren't any pre-buildt for you then compining is your only choice. You may find pre-buildt python-django for debian that might (stress MIGHT) work in ubuntu.06:16
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BlueEagleeddymul: Then you probably might benefit from putting it off. :)06:17
perlmonkeythe install went ok but my resolution is stuck at 800x600, (highest option i got in resolution settings) how do I change it higher?06:17
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silvernodespikeb:everything works great but if i enable the restricted graphics driver beryl won't work anymore and all i can do is play wow which also freezes once i start running around for 10 secs06:17
kc5goiI have toyed with linux for 7 years.  So far I have been the most impressed with the way Ubuntu takes Debain and makes it so easy to work with.06:17
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BlueEagle!fixres | perlmonkey06:17
ubotuperlmonkey: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:17
perlmonkeythank you BlueEagle06:17
eddyMulBlueEagle: Is it possible to add gutsy as an apt source when I'm running Feisty?06:17
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thirdyI've installed KDE06:17
spikebsilvernode: consequence of having an ATI card rather than an older computer06:17
iucok ok so here's my question:  Is it possible to dual boot and/or install ubuntu on one hardrive on my laptop?06:17
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BlueEagleeddymul: Hang on while I find out what Gutsy actually is. :)06:17
eddyMulBlueEagle: Gutsy = Feisty +106:17
radioaktivstormhey, anyone know why epiphany is being stubborn and refuses to remove my old expired personal certificate? can i remove it manually?06:17
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thirdyhow do I switch to KDE?06:18
kc5goiiuc, in theory yes but I have not done it.06:18
silvernodespikeb:you think it's that freezing WoW tho? Or couyld it be that the processor needs to be pushed a little more so it can handle stuff?06:18
BlueEagleeddymul: Then I would recomend two things: Ask in #ubuntu+1 and don't use it until it's stable.06:18
iucthirdy: thanks alot06:18
eddyMulradioaktivstorm: epiphany-extensions might be the package you're looking for.06:18
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roryythirdy: when you login you can choose what type of desktop to use06:18
spikebsilvernode: probably also the issue with WoW as well.06:19
BlueEagleeddymul: Why would you want gutsy at this early stage anyways?06:19
spikebsilvernode: ATI cards have issues with wine/cedega06:19
radioaktivstormthirdy, if you installed it kde , then you can log out and find it in the sessions menu on the login screen.06:19
marco_linuxCan't copy Cds on Ubuntu Feisty. "Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)"06:19
eddyMulradioaktivstorm: it exposes a .... "certificate viewer".06:19
Armageddon00Anyone know how to change keyboard input to Cyrillic?06:19
eddyMulBlueEagle: for python-django-0.9606:19
BlueEagleeddymul: What do you need .96 for?06:19
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marco_linuxCan't copy Cds on Ubuntu Feisty. "Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)"06:20
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eddyMulBlueEagle: for work.06:20
radioaktivstormeddyMul, ive gotten the epiphany-extensions and added the certificate viewer, but when i use it to try and remove my old certificates, it simply comes up with a dialog that says ok cancel...both of which do nothing06:20
DemolitioI have a problem: I just clean-installed ubuntu, and have absolutly no sound when I test it in sound preferences.... the alsa service is enabled, and the volume is at max. most I was able to get was my speakers to pop when I selected/deselected the analog/digital switch option for my card (i'm using an Audigy 2 ZS). suggestions?06:20
BlueEagleeddymul: http://www.djangoproject.com/download/06:20
zblathi, can anyone help out? I was trying to reinstall feisty (dual booting with windows), and I think I pretty much botched it ^^ I deleted my ubuntu parition and was created a new one, but when I continued with the install, I got an error saying "the ext3 file system creation for partiion XXX failed"06:21
silvernodespikeb:I remember when ppl loved ati cards, now everyone likes nvidia but i can't stand em although my buddy has a nvidia and WoW works kfine in ubuntu. All i know is that although nvidia makes a lot of linux drivers, they make it a pain to get installed when ati just has an auto installed just like windows.06:21
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BlueEagleeddymul: And install the build-essential package before compiling.06:21
BlueEagleeddymul: That ought to work.06:21
eddyMulradioaktivstorm: well, that's as far as I can help you. sorry....  :p06:21
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iucok i have one more question: last time i installed ubuntu was before i had windows. the install was of 7.04 and went fine. i got to the log in screen, put in my s/n and pass, and bam; just a bright orange screen with a mouse pointer that i can move around. nothing happens, ever. i even left it on for three days. just that orange screen and pointer, nothing else. how do i make that not happen?06:21
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eddyMulBlueEagle: got it. thanx.06:21
mirakis there a way to copy my system partition files to another partition ?06:21
iuc(i've got windows again btw)06:21
spikebsilvernode: nvidia's drivers are managed by the restricted drivers manager now :)06:21
radioaktivstormeddyMul, thanks  anyway :) its not to big a deal06:21
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spikebsilvernode: i dont like nvidia (the company) any more than you do, but they have far superior linux drivers06:22
marco_linuxCan't copy Cds on Ubuntu Feisty. "Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)"?06:22
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zapzigcan someone tell me how to convert a video_ts folder to iso using mkisofs? I have no audio_ts folder06:22
BlueEaglemarco_linux: How are you attempting to copy the cd?06:22
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perlmonkeyBlueEagle: I followed your advice and restarted X but my resolution is still stuck at 800x600 and i can't change it any higher06:23
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BlueEagleperlmonkey: Did you read the whole advice from ubotu?06:23
alesan^nczapzig, watch a growisofs tutorial to make videoo-dvds06:23
silvernodespikeb:true I actually got a card for my b-day but my dad got PCI express and my dell 3000 did not have a port for it since at the time it was made those ports weren't very popular so i can't use it with the 3000 or this computer which is home built.06:23
=== cottima [n=TimC@ip24-252-129-124.rn.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
iucREPEATING IN CASE NO ONE NOTICED: ok i have one more question: last time i installed ubuntu was before i had windows. the install was of 7.04 and went fine. i got to the log in screen, put in my s/n and pass, and bam; just a bright orange screen with a mouse pointer that i can move around. nothing happens, ever. i even left it on for three days. just that orange screen and pointer, nothing else. how do i make that not happen?06:23
perlmonkeyI'm not sure :-/06:23
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alesan^nczapzig, there are really good tutorials out there06:23
BlueEagleperlmonkey: To fix screen  resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubutu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:24
eddyMuliuc: ....... reinstall? it seems like X or GNOME might be messed up06:24
linuxnub!ubutu xwindows06:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubutu xwindows - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:24
iuceddymul: did that many many times06:24
LuxuriousCan someone explain to me when Apache 1.3 starts when I can't even find it in the process list?  (I only see apache2)06:25
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BlueEaglelinuxnub: What are you looking for?06:25
snerfu!ubutu kvm06:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubutu kvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:25
linuxnublol nothing just trying to learn how to use ubotu06:25
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iuci think u mean ubuntu06:25
zapzigalesan^nc, where can they be found06:25
roland_why does ubuntu has Banshee Music Player but the icon is missing from the menu ?06:25
roland_after installed06:25
BlueEaglelinuxnub: ubotu does answer to /msg so you don't flood the chan.06:25
eddyMuliuc: hm.... is your /home in a separate partition from / (root)?06:25
marco_linuxCan't copy Cds on Ubuntu Feisty. "Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)". Any clue?06:25
=== nUllSkillZ [n=oliver@p54b2ed9b.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
cottimaI am not really a fan of ubuntu mainly because of how it has handled root and the graphical tools do not seem to interact with commandline tools.06:25
alesan^nczapzig, come on write growisofs video dvd on google06:25
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cottimacould someone explain?06:26
iuceddymul: i have no idea. i am a noob among linux noobs06:26
BlueEaglemarco_linux: It's hard for me to help you if you don't answer my questions.06:26
alesan^nccottima, the root thing is horrible, I agree06:26
BlueEaglemarco_linux: How are you attempting to copy the CD?06:26
marco_linuxYes, I am trying to copy the CD.06:26
eddyMuliuc: so I assume you just "clicked next". hm...06:26
Henry_Beanhi, i'm having a problem with nvidia propietary module... i'm getting an "irq 18: nobody cared" error and doesn't load the module... i have to use the free one... i'm using nvidia-glx-new (driver version 1.0.9755) and kernel 2.6.20-16-generic... the full output of /var/log/kern.log is in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23742/ ... anybody has some hint to give so where i can start to look?06:26
kc5goiThe more I read the more I am sure I want to Ghost the drive when I get my Dell and install the 64 bit version.  Either that or get a second hard drive.  Hmmmm.  So many ways to play.06:26
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Aerotwelve1Hey everyone, can I install the standard Windows fonts, so my web pages will display like they would in Windows? I noticed Ubuntu uses different default fonts.06:26
BlueEaglemarco_linux: HOW? Which application are you using? Have you got more than one cd-player?06:26
georgevlAnyone feel like helping me install Ubuntu on my machine? (didnt get any help in forums)06:26
BlueEaglemarco_linux: how are you trying to copy the cd?06:26
iuceddymul: pretty much. is /home supposed to be in a sep. partition from /root ?06:27
BlueEaglegeorgevl: What is the problem06:27
linuxnub/!ubotu how to fix xwindows login06:27
eddyMuliuc: not necessarily06:27
marco_linuxI have only one CD-player! I am trying to copy using GnomeBaker.06:27
iuceddymul: kk06:27
eddyMuliuc: have you tried checking the integrity of the install cd?06:27
eddyMuliuc: if I'm not mistaken, if you boot from the install cd06:27
iuceddymul: yep it checks out fine06:27
marco_linuxThe "wodim --devices" gives the same error.06:27
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cottimaalesan^nc, i have never done a linux project, but need a base system then a ltsp system on top, got any ideas for distros?06:28
eddyMuliuc: hm.... so the cd is not damaged. so it might be software....06:28
georgevlBlueEagle: I cant get through a blank screen when booting06:28
BlueEaglemarco_linux: What you probably want to do then is to first make a .iso-image of the master CD and then burn it.06:28
radioaktivstormAerotwelve1 if youre looking to change the fonts as far as the gui goes, i think its in system>preferences>fonts there you can change them to whatever. if in firefox is the rpoblem, try edit>preferences and set new default fonts06:28
BlueEaglegeorgevl: When does this blank screen appear?06:28
marco_linuxThat's what I am trying to do.06:28
eddyMuliuc: is it ubuntu or kubuntu or xubuntu?06:28
BlueEagle(ie. what is on-screen before it?)06:28
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kc5goitalk to you guys later.06:28
georgevlBlueEagle: before getting into the GUI06:28
marco_linuxI am trying to create an ISO image of the CD.06:28
alesan^ncradioaktivstorm, it's better to install those that are called microsoft core fonts06:28
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iuceddymul: also, this happened with the live cd. so i tried downloading the alternate thing. checked integ as well, same problem. just saw your last question. it's ubuntu.06:28
georgevlBlueEagle: the status bar is showing prior to the blank screen06:29
alesan^nccottima, even if I don't like the root thing, ubuntu's great.06:29
eddyMuliuc: what's your graphics card?06:29
BlueEaglemarco_linux: dd if="/dev/hda" of="~/isoimage.iso"06:29
shawn34is there a video resizing calculator for linux?06:29
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georgevlBlueEagle: I can cntrl+alt+backspace (not a freeze)06:29
BlueEaglegeorgevl: Have you tried specifying VGA safe mode on the grub boot screen?06:29
iuceddymul: its one of em onboard ones but it's acceptable for it i think lemme check rly quick06:29
alesan^ncmarco_linux, to create an image: dd if=/dev/hdX of=image.iso bs=2k06:29
BlueEaglegeorgevl: Another option is using the alternate install cd.06:29
alesan^nchdX shall be modiffied accordingly to your cdrom06:29
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georgevlBlueEagle: indeed. tried a few things. also tried i386 and amd64 distros06:30
Aerotwelve1radioaktivstorm: I looked around and couldn't find Times or Tahoma, which I assume are Windows only. Is there any way I can install them, or are they proprietary?06:30
marco_linuxThere is no way to do it win graphic mode?06:30
mirakin general there are no hard links in linux installs distributions ?06:30
spiffihello guys, I need to connect to an xp box via ubuntu and vice versa. how can i achieve this06:30
georgevlBlueEagle: Alternative install cd?!06:30
alesan^ncAerotwelve1, they can be installed for sure06:30
BlueEaglegeorgevl: Yes. It's the old text-mode installation routine.06:30
eddyMulspiffi: what do you mean by "connect"? file sharing?06:30
alesan^ncAerotwelve1, try to google for ms core fonts ubuntu06:30
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BlueEaglegeorgevl: Nice if the live-cd doesn't want to play with your graphics setup.06:30
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georgevlBlueEagle: Interesting... how do I get intrustionc on that?06:31
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shawn34does anyone know if there is a video resizing calculator for linux?06:31
georgevlBlueEagle: My vga is nv 660006:31
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BlueEaglemarco_linux: Also make sure that the CD sin't mounted before trying to make an iso-image of it.06:31
spiffieddyMul: i need to connect via the internet from work to home.,,06:31
georgevlBlueEagle: (times two) PCie06:31
iuceddymul: ok here's what i have - mobile intel(r) 915gm/gms,910gml express.  it's internal, 60hz, and 128.0 megs06:31
radioaktivstormoops, sorry, i thought that they were already installed and you were trying to change the displayed fonts....Aerotwelve106:31
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thirdyI'm using xfce, how do I switch to KDE?06:31
BlueEaglegeorgevl: I've got no experience with that exact card. :/06:31
eddyMuliuc: that's weird... intel graphics should work very well.....06:31
thirdyI've installed KDE06:31
Aerotwelve1Alright, I'll look around for them. Thanks, alesan^nc and radioaktivstorm06:31
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radioaktivstormnp ^^ good luck06:32
eddyMuliuc: I don't know what's going on at this point..... sorry......06:32
iuceddymul: exactly thats why i don't think graphics are the problem06:32
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georgevlBlueEagle: Fair enough...I just hoped I can somehow install first and get on the net and look for help then...06:32
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eddyMulspiffi: the easiest way I can think of is SSH.06:32
radioaktivstormthirdy, kde  should be on the login screen under sessions. if you click sessions, it should come up with your choices06:32
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georgevlBlueEagle: I installed in VMWARE under Win and works great... was thinking of switching06:32
cottimais there a way to block certain users from command line or at least have two systems with certain user being blocked from the base system?06:33
georgevlBlueEagle: "hoping" more like06:33
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eddyMulspiffi: but that would only allow your XP box to connect to your Ubuntu box, but not the other way around....06:33
thirdyI've installed kubuntu-desktop with aptitude, how do I switch to KDE???06:33
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iuceddymul: right. so if its not graphics, what else could the problem be?06:33
marco_linuxok. If I umount it as root it works.06:33
eddyMulspiffi: well, for the other way around, you can (gasp) enable remote desktop.06:33
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georgevlAnyone else who can help me with NVidia 6600 x 2 setup?06:33
radioaktivstormthirdy, kde  should be on the login screen under sessions. if you click sessions, it should come up with your choices. log out then sessions then kde06:34
spiffieddyMul: why the "gasp" :O06:34
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marco_linuxbut it is a litte bit disappointing that I have to login as root, umount the CD in order to copy it.06:34
iuceddymul: also, i want to install ubuntu onto the same hd as i have windows on. i've heard that this's possible, so how do i do this?06:34
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marco_linuxisn't it?06:34
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thirdyradioaktivstorm: nope I don't see any , but the splash screen changed to kubuntu not xubuntu anymore06:35
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eddyMuliuc: just from experience: 1) messed up GNOME settings, or 2) sound card lockups. But I think they're rare (and it happened to me after some usage, not from a fresh install)06:35
radioaktivstormoh did you switch to kdm?06:35
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c0ldfront isnt working06:35
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radioaktivstormthirdy, it might be under options06:35
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eddyMulspiffi: well, running any server software on windows is scary...06:35
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.06:36
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snail_i'm having issues with getting my wireless card to work , is there any more specific channel i should goto or does anyone here have an idea on it , ive followd the wiki on it and it's still not working06:36
thirdyradioaktivstorm, where can set that options?06:36
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radioaktivstormthirdy, when you installed kubuntu-desktop there was a screen that said gdm or kdm06:37
iuceddymul: ok thanks. i'll try checking out my sounds and redo ops and stuff. btw, didja see my last question?06:37
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jifferanyone there ?06:37
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novato_brhow can i configurate the ubuntu networking interface to looking for dhcp?06:37
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jifferok i'm new to this OS06:37
bahnhof!info mplayer edgy06:38
eddyMuliuc: ubuntu + windows in 1 hdd: the basics is....06:38
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iucyar same here06:38
zapzigalesan^nc, I can not find the command for converting video_ts to  iso in the tutorial only info on burning06:38
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ubotumplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 3461 kB, installed size 8624 kB06:38
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radioaktivstormbut if i recall correctly, that shouldnt matter a whole lot. there should be an options button or a session button on the splash where you log in. look for it and it should let you change from xfce to kde06:38
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jiffercan anyone help me?06:38
eddyMuliuc: resize windows partition to a smaller size. use the rest of the disk for ubuntu...06:38
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:38
Cockroachhello, my server is not booting, it just says "ata3 disabling port" and then hangs, can anyone help?06:38
thirdyradioaktivstorm, ok I had an install, it said erorr could not look up port or somting06:38
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perlmonkeyi can't get my screen resolution above 800x60006:38
DemolitioI'm having problems getting sound playback to work on a freshly-installed ubuntu install.... alsa service is enabled, and the volume sliders in volume control are up to max and unmuted. suggestions?06:38
eddyMuliuc: and then there's some bootloader/bootmenu magic.... I'm pretty sure it's in the docs......06:38
iuceddymul: ok... (listens with intent)06:38
getisboy!fixres | perlmonkey06:38
ubotuperlmonkey: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:38
jifferdones anyone know how to use this OS06:38
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iucjust not me06:39
getisboyjiffer, please ask your question.06:39
jifferi seem to get lots of black screens06:39
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jifferhow do i get my windows programs on here for free like using a cross over06:39
eddyMuliuc: this might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot06:39
radioaktivstormthirdy, hmm....i havent encountered that before. was that when you tried to log on?06:39
LjL!virtualizers > jiffer    (jiffer, see the private message from Ubotu)06:39
bahnhofjiffer: do you mean the text login screen or real black screens?06:39
thirdyradioaktivstorm, can I just install again? sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop06:39
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perlmonkeygetisboy: I followed it but it hasnt helped06:39
iuceddymul: ok thanks so much eddymul.06:39
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Cockroachhello, my server is not booting, it just says "ata3 disabling port" and then hangs, can anyone help?06:40
thirdyradioaktivstorm, nope while installing06:40
jifferhow do i type to one person06:40
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snail_jiffer, type /msg persons_nick Message here06:40
iuceddymul: hey could you give me that link again forgot to copy it06:40
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graveson1 can anyone direct me on how to configure my laptop to use the tv out option ?06:41
eddyMuliuc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot    :)06:41
radioaktivstormthirdy maybe try an sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop then repeat the install?06:41
eddyMuliuc: good luck06:41
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iuceddymul: thanks again!06:41
georgevlnvidia 6600 anyone?!06:41
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perlmonkeyi can't get my screen resolution above 800x60006:41
DemolitioDemolitio: I'm having problems getting sound playback to work on a freshly-installed ubuntu install.... alsa service is enabled, and the volume sliders in volume control are up to max and unmuted. suggestions?06:41
Sp4rKyi'm looking for a software to monitor the bandwidth by ip ?06:41
novato_brthe NVIDIA have native ethernet's drivers for linux?06:41
LjL!tv-out > graveson1    (graveson1, see the private message from Ubotu)06:41
perlmonkey"Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G200 AGP06:41
jifferok i sometimes click on just any thing like aplications and its all balck06:41
snail_i'm having issues with getting my wireless card to work , is there any more specific channel i should goto or does anyone here have an idea on it , ive followd the wiki on it and it's still not working06:41
jifferand all the windows i open become black06:41
jifferand you can't see anything06:42
Cockroachcan noone help me?06:42
LjLjiffer: you're using Beryl aren't you06:42
jifferwhats that06:42
radioaktivstormthirdy, if that doesnt work, and youre itching to use kde, maybe try sudo aptitude install kde-core. its not quite the same, definitely more lightweight...but it might work for you ^^06:42
snail_Cockroach, what's going wrong , i'm kinda new but i'll take a show06:42
fsckrhehe LjL06:42
getisboyjiffer, are you using Desktop Effects?06:42
LjLjiffer: have you enabled desktop effects?06:42
Cockroachmy server is not booting, it just says "ata3 disabling port" and then hangs, can anyone help?06:42
jifferi just installed ubuntu06:42
georgevlI found this for nvidia 6600: http://www.uberdose.com/kbase/ubuntu-and-nvidia-geforce-6600/ Anyone tried it? How can I get to the command prompt from the Live CD to perform the tasks mentioned here?06:42
thirdy0 packages upgraded, 141 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:42
thirdyNeed to get 4049kB/155MB of archives. After unpacking 482MB will be used.06:42
thirdyDo you want to continue? [Y/n/?] 06:42
jifferand its done it ever since06:42
bcstvdeos the command su not work in Ubuntu?06:42
jifferyes i have06:42
thirdynice not 350mb+ anymore06:43
LjLjiffer: go to System / Preferences / Desktop Effects, and make sure they're *disabled*.06:43
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LjLbcstv: no06:43
LjL!sudo > bcstv    (bcstv, see the private message from Ubotu)06:43
jifferi did06:43
perlmonkeyi can't get my screen resolution above 800x60006:43
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bcstvsubstitute sudo?06:43
LjL!paste > thirdy    (thirdy, see the private message from Ubotu)06:43
radioaktivstormthirdy, mmkay, try reinstalling it and seeing what happens06:43
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zapzigcan someone tell me how to convert a video_ts folder to iso? I can not find info in tutorial06:43
graveson1LjL: this is for ATI . I have an Intel graphics card06:43
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graveson1LjL: can i still follow the instructions06:43
perlmonkeyi can't get my screen resolution above 800x600. MGA G20006:43
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jifferit still does it mate06:44
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thirdyyup, that wat I'm doing, and It seem to recognize the previous06:44
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jiffermy windows remain black06:44
snail_i don't see anything but i'm looking Cockroach06:44
LjLgraveson1: i don't think so. i don't know of a howto for Intel cards06:44
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DemolitioDemolitio: I'm having problems getting sound playback to work on a freshly-installed ubuntu install.... alsa service is enabled, and the volume sliders in volume control are up to max and unmuted. suggestions? (useing an Audigy 2 ZS)06:44
LjLjiffer: i have no idea then06:44
jifferdoes anyone know how to get windows applications on here06:45
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jifferoh it worked mat06:45
LjLjiffer, i gave you a pointer about that.06:45
LjL!virtualizers > jiffer    (jiffer, see the private message from Ubotu)06:45
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jiffercan you im me in like ouw own chat06:45
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LjLjiffer: please speak on the channel06:45
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jifferLjL what06:45
jifferi'm new to this06:46
snail_Cockroach, i don't see anything...06:46
jifferhow do i get like my windows application over to this06:46
LjLjiffer: you install WINE and then you install your Windows applications over it. (at least, that's one possibility)06:46
georgevlAll the articles I have found for Nvidia 6600 are almost a year old and I would really like to setup Ubuntu here....06:46
georgevlplease help06:46
LjLjiffer: don't expect all (or even many) of your Windows applications to work. this is not Windows.06:47
jifferhow do i get wine06:47
LjL!wine > jiffer    (jiffer, see the private message from Ubotu)06:47
jiffercan you send me a link mate06:47
jifferi'm using a 32bit06:47
LjLjiffer: just did06:47
fsckrjiffer, ubuntuguide.org is your friend06:47
LjLfsckr: when it doesn't give totally ill advice06:47
SlimeyPetegeorgevl: you want to install your graphics drivers?06:47
irbdavidhiya - the 7.04 installer doesn't show anything on my screen when i put the disc in06:47
snail_i'm having issues with getting my wireless card to work , is there any more specific channel i should goto or does anyone here have an idea on it , ive followd the wiki on it and it's still not working06:47
fsckrfor the most part its ok06:47
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irbdavidjust gets as far as selecting the install option, then nothing06:47
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fsckri haven't had any problems so far knock on wood06:47
jifferso is this a good OS06:48
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fsckrjiffer, yep06:48
jifferit seems much harder to use06:48
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radioaktivstormthirdy, how goes the install? did kubuntu desktop  come on nicely yet?06:48
fsckronly because you need to read06:48
jifferi know06:48
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SlimeyPetejiffer: it's not harder, really...it's just different.06:48
fsckryou can't expect to just know what you are doing06:48
georgevlSlimeyPete: I cant get through the install... boots into a blank screen06:48
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irbdavidsame problem here06:48
DemolitioDemolitio: I'm having problems getting sound playback to work on a freshly-installed ubuntu install.... alsa service is enabled, and the volume sliders in volume control are up to max and unmuted. suggestions? I'm using an SB audigy 2 ZS06:48
jifferi think they should teach people in schools and stuff how to use 2 OS06:48
RynooDid anyone else just have problems with the latest ubuntu firefox update?06:49
youshotwhointhewhello, can anyone give me some advice -- i think my DSDT is farked06:49
SlimeyPetejiffer: have you found the Add/Remove Programs or Synaptic applications yet? Take a look at them. You might be impressed by how easy they make things :)06:49
Armageddon00Anyone know why SCIM would complain that my ushortints aren't the right size and my chars aren't either, then it says "You might want to consider using the GNU C Compiler" when i ./configure?  I have gcc installed (obviously...)06:49
_dankhow do i make xchat not connect to this channel on startup06:49
jifferok i'll do that mate06:49
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SlimeyPetegeorgevl: how are you installing them? Via the Restricted Hardware Manager?06:49
Cockroach@snail_ nevermind06:49
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jifferdoes anyone have a link so i can get the new itunes06:50
georgevlSlimeyPete: I dont get any such options... I choose Start/Install Ubuntu and it gets to a blank screen06:50
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LjLjiffer: i don't think iTunes will run on Ubuntu.06:50
mneptokgeorgevl: desktop or alternate CD?06:50
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jifferoh mate there is always a way06:50
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SlimeyPetegeorgevl: try installing from the alternate CD06:50
georgevlmneptok: desktop06:50
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RynooDid anyone else just have problems with the latest ubuntu firefox update?06:50
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mneptokgeorgevl: SlimeyPete has the idea06:51
georgevlSlimeyPete: dont know how to :-( , whats the alternate cd?06:51
LjLjiffer, maybe. however if you want to basically only use Windows/Mac programs, i don't see the point of using Ubuntu. use a Linux player instead, methinks.06:51
jifferi still can't seem to find the right WINE installer06:51
georgevlmneptok: do i download from somewhere?06:51
mneptokgeorgevl: http://montreal.canonical.com/torrents06:51
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SlimeyPetegeorgevl: you can get the alternate CD from the download page on ubuntu.com. It uses an alternate installer program which does not use graphics (but it's still fairly simple to use)06:51
LjLjiffer: "wine installer"?06:51
mneptokgeorgevl: you can find the torrent for the i386 alternate CD there06:51
jifferi want t cross platfore windows apps so i can open them on un06:52
georgevlEXCELLENT! Thank you both!06:52
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SlimeyPetegeorgevl: you may find that once Ubuntu is installed, your graphics will work fine. If they don't, you'll be able to boot into the system at least - so you can start fixing things manually.06:52
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jiffersomeone said something about wine program so i can open windows programs on them06:52
LjLjiffer, you need to enable Universe and then install the "wine" package. the guide i gave you has detailed instructions.06:52
pmoi have a problem, i tried to make my sound driver work properly, installed oss-linux_v4.0-1002_i386.deb... and now the system is messed up, no sound, does anyone have a clue how to remove it and get the default one back? i can remove or install oss-linux, and alsa doesnt work. anyone know what i have to do?06:52
LjLjiffer, the someone was me.06:52
Voodoonixi recently installed a game on ubuntu, the game works fine but. there is no sound06:52
LjLjiffer, you don't need a "wine installer". you just need to follow that guide.06:52
jifferyour link didn't work06:52
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SlimeyPetejiffer: Wine allows you to run some Windows programs, yes06:52
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LjL!software > jiffer    (jiffer, see the private message from Ubotu) also, this is a more general guide about installing software on Ubuntu06:53
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL06:53
jifferi want to rund STEAM06:53
LjL!doesn't work | jiffer06:53
ubotujiffer: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.06:53
Panda200xHey, what's konsole command for installing things like ('Make')06:53
irbdavidgeorgevl: what graphics hardware do you have?06:53
Panda200xsudo apt-get ?06:53
radioaktivstormjiffer, banshee is a pretty cool media player ...or you can use exaile or rhythmbox. they all work nicely ^^06:53
mneptokinteractive ruby?06:53
georgevlirbdavid: 2x Nvidia 6600 PCIe06:53
Panda200xwhat's the package or whatever :P06:53
DemolitioDemolitio: I'm having problems getting sound playback to work on a freshly-installed ubuntu install.... alsa service is enabled, and the volume sliders in volume control are up to max and unmuted. suggestions? I'm using an SB Audigy 2 ZS.06:53
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mneptok*shudder* :)06:53
radioaktivstorm...or amarok06:54
jifferi want to find out how i can put STEAM on here as well as microsoft office06:54
jifferand VENT06:54
mneptokjiffer: OpenOffice not working?06:54
SlimeyPetejiffer: if you look in the System menu, there's something called Synaptic. If you run that, and add the "Universe" repository & click Reload, you'll be able to search for Wine and install it from there.06:54
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Joe_CoThey guys, what's the command(s) to disable acpi entirely?06:54
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mneptokJoe_CoT: add "noacpi" to the kernel boot parameters06:55
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bahnhofi don't get it... why do people install linux if they only want to run windows software on it?06:55
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jifferok i'm here at the synaptic package manager06:55
LjLjiffer, go back to using Windows if you're going to run all that Windows software. Ubuntu won't be any use to you.06:55
bahnhofmneptok: :)06:55
jiffernow how do i use it06:55
snail_when i iwconfig my wireless card and tell it to conect to a specific essid , it only shows the first letter if i iwconfig , and if i iwlist scan , it never shows results even though i'm sitting next to the router06:55
LjLjiffer: you select the software you want installed, and click Apply.06:56
jifferI'm just trying to learn06:56
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jifferbut i donlt know what half of it does06:56
LjLjiffer: you're trying to learn the wrong things.06:56
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bharat862004jiffer: we are here to help :)06:56
Teddy_Ramonegot problem06:56
jifferwhere is the cross platform06:56
mneptokbahnhof: hey, i just got this cool new thing called a "submarine." it's nice, but i want screen doors like on my house. how do i install those?06:56
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jifferso i can install steam06:56
LjLjiffer: running Windows programs isn't the point of Ubuntu. at all.06:56
SlimeyPetejiffer: like LjL said. Also, you can make more software available by accessing the Repositories screen from the menus at the top.06:56
jiffersee i've been using CROSS-PLATFORM but my 30 day trial is up06:56
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bahnhofmneptok: you just do it. and then you drown. :] 06:56
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LjLjiffer, follow. the. guide. and if it "doesn't work", as you said, you need to DESCRIBE what does not work.06:56
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jifferand i don;t want to have to play for it06:57
Teddy_Ramonewhile trying to load ubuntu (7.04) i see Kernel panic - fatal exception!06:57
Teddy_Ramonewhats wrong?06:57
LjLjiffer: there is no product called "CROSS-PLATFORM" that i know of.06:57
jifferwell its out there mate06:57
mneptokbahnhof: "drown?!" what's THAT?! why can't this be easy like my house?!06:57
aroojiffer: dual boot06:57
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jifferi want CROSSOVER for free06:57
LjLjiffer: you can't get it.06:57
RynooUnpacking replacement firefox ...06:57
Rynoodpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox_2.0.0.4+1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack):06:57
Rynoo unable to stat `./usr/lib/firefox/libxpistub.so' (which I was about to install): Input/output error06:57
Rynoodpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)06:57
jifferor another option06:57
DemolitioDemolitio: I'm having problems getting sound playback to work on a freshly-installed ubuntu install.... alsa service is enabled, and the volume sliders in volume control are up to max and unmuted. suggestions?06:58
LjL!paste > rynoo    (rynoo, see the private message from Ubotu)06:58
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Teddy_Ramonewhile trying to load ubuntu (7.04) i see Kernel panic - fatal exception!whats wrong?06:58
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aroojiffer: if you want to use windows stuff so badly, dual boot06:58
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jifferi am06:58
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mneptokjiffer: please keep your pirate tendencies for your inside voice.06:58
jifferi have a duel boot06:58
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Teddy_Ramoneis there anyone who want to help me?06:59
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:59
snail_will somone that knows about troubleshooting wireless networks pm me when they are free to help06:59
jiffercan someone just give me a link to download a cross over program for ubuntu06:59
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LjLjiffer: again?06:59
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:59
aroojiffer: wine06:59
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications06:59
astomperdoes anyone know of a program to convert .ogg to mp3?06:59
aroojiffer: cedega06:59
jifferits not working06:59
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:59
jifferi've tryed WINE06:59
aroojiffer: "it's not working" is not descriptive at all06:59
roryyTeddy_Ramone: has ubuntu ever booted properly?06:59
Sir-Integrai know this may be irrelevant to this channel, but i was playing stalker on my computer, went downstairs to get smg to eat, came back up my pc won't swicth on06:59
_dankwine is awesome06:59
Teddy_Ramoneroryy: no07:00
jifferit says it can not install07:00
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bharat862004jiffer: what you want to install thru wine??07:00
aroojiffer: what is "it"07:00
jiffercause i don;t think i have the right version07:00
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Teddy_Ramoneso what can i do?07:00
LjLjiffer: you will need to pastebini the exact error you're getting.07:00
LjL!paste > jiffer    (jiffer, see the private message from Ubotu)07:00
jifferi want ot be able to have steam and ventrillo07:00
roryyTeddy_Ramone: i'd guess unsupported hardware.  What computer is it?07:00
roland_wine is shit07:00
RynooLjL: unfortunately, I can't use firefox to visit that website, and lynx is garbage.07:00
LjL!language | roland_07:00
aroojiffer: ventrilo is not going to work in wine very well07:00
_dankeverything, except gts-sa has worked on win07:00
uboturoland_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:00
Sir-Integraor can someone possibly point me to  a channel where i can  get help.07:00
majnoon<<found a live minix cdrom07:00
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_danki mean wine07:00
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:00
bharat862004roland_: it depends on how u use it07:00
LjLRynoo: then use the #flood channel07:01
KuzuXi have a problem07:01
irbdavidgeorgevl: the standard (non-alternate) cd boots into a live-cd mode before you launch the installer, just got to let it get to the point where it can start X11 before the display comes up07:01
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mneptokRynoo: w3m07:01
Teddy_Ramoneroryy: p4 530, asrock I865gv, nvidia 5500, 768 mb ram; do you need sth else?07:01
bharat862004KuzuX: wat prob07:01
astomperdoes anyone know of a program to convert .ogg to mp3?07:01
KuzuXwhile booting,the loadscreen becomes a console and shows many warnings:07:01
bur[n] erastomper: use "soundconverter"07:01
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roland_bharat862004: i use it with 'wine program.exe'07:01
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snail_when i iwconfig my wireless card and tell it to conect to a specific essid , it only shows the first letter if i iwconfig , and if i iwlist scan , it never shows results even though i'm sitting next to the router07:01
Quintinastomper: mencoder.  although you're going to lose quality07:02
roland_where program.exe is a old game, like heroes III or might and magic VIII07:02
bharat862004one  at a time plz07:02
KuzuX[time since start of boot] Buffer I/O error on device hdc1,logical cluster something07:02
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bharat862004why dont u PM me07:02
KuzuXaround 100 of them07:02
perlmonkeythanks for the help guys07:02
KuzuXbut there's one more problem07:02
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astomperQuintin: I'll lose quality no matter what program I use, won't I?07:02
Teddy_Ramoneroryy: got some idea?07:02
KuzuXi don't have the device "hdc1"07:02
Quintinastomper: yes.07:02
LjLastomper: correct.07:02
perlmonkeywhat's the max resolution which is safe to set for a 17" monitor normally?07:02
roryyTeddy_Ramone: i'm looking at the wiki for clues...07:02
tommy__hello, i just upgraded my Edgy to Feisty.. But my X wont start now07:02
bur[n] erQuintin: astomper:  mencoder is a term-based app while "soundconverter" is a GTK based gui... "soundkonverter" for KDE-based07:02
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aroo1152x864 ?07:02
tommy__Fatal Error: No Devices found07:03
perlmonkeyaroo: thanks07:03
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tommy__or something07:03
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arooperlmonkey: 1024x768 for absolute safety probably07:03
roryyTeddy_Ramone: you can look too: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport07:03
arooperlmonkey: depends on the monitor though I guess07:03
roland_wtf i enabled 'workspaces on a cube' and there is no cube07:03
perlmonkeyi see07:03
roland_in desktop effects07:03
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bur[n] erperlmonkey: wide?  if not... 1280x1024 probably  1024x768 as aroo says will work for sure07:03
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astomperQuintin, LjL, bur[r] ner: thx all07:03
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arooroland_: press shift+arrow key07:03
roryyTeddy_Ramone: is this booting using the ubuntu CD ?07:03
Sir-Integraroland_,  set a hotkey07:03
arooroland_: oops i mean ctrl+alt07:04
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bahnhoftommy__: do you use the closed source drivers (fglrx or nvidia)?07:04
Teddy_Ramoneroryy: yep07:04
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tommy__no, i use the via drivers07:04
roland_i just want to grab the window and move it over by dragging it to the edge of the screen to go to the next side of the cube, this worked 1 hour ago on the livecd and after the install too, and now it does not work07:04
tommy__tried both xserver-xorg-video-via and unichrome07:04
roland_and i did not change anything in any configuration07:04
roland_except setting 24 bith depth in Xorg config07:05
bahnhoftommy__: did you check your xorg.conf for any changes the update might have done?07:05
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KuzuXany help for my problem?07:05
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snail_KuzuX, what's that?07:05
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Teddy_Ramoneroryy: can sound card make any difference? 'cos mine is integrated with motherboard and it makes problems even for windows07:05
tommy__i just got this laptop back from rep, so i dont remember the config, does not have a backup.07:05
KuzuXhile booting,the loadscreen becomes a console and shows many warnings:07:05
snail_i'm in here waiting on help, but in the mean time i'll take a show07:05
KuzuX[time since start of boot] Buffer I/O error on device hdc1,logical cluster something07:06
tommy__so i dont have have anything to compare upagainst07:06
KuzuXaround 100 of them07:06
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KuzuXbut i don't have the device "hdc1"07:06
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roryyTeddy_Ramone: i don't know; i'm just looking for any references to i865gv on the wiki07:06
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snail_try taking out all other hdd's ?07:07
jifferhow do i know what version of ubuntu i'm using07:07
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jrib!version > jiffer (see the private message from ubotu)07:07
KuzuXsnail_:what do you mean by try taking out all other hdd's ?07:07
jifferalso i'm trying to download the right version of wine07:07
jifferbut i don;t know where to get it07:07
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snail_KuzuX, turn the computer off , unplug all the hard drives except the one with ubuntu on it07:07
jiffernon of the links the guide gives me works07:07
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jribjiffer: system -> administration -> synaptic, search for wine07:07
sacaterjiffer: sudo apt-get install wine07:08
KuzuXok,i'll try that07:08
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tommy__i cant se no apparent alterations of my xorg.cong07:08
bahnhoftommy__: next thing to check would be /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:08
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cottimawhere would I find an explanation of how the root user works and the interaction between graphical (admiin) tools and command line (admin) tools?07:08
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skulridI was trying to instal flash plugins cause I couldnt open some "games" (on miniclip for ex), now I cant see videos on youtube or any flash app. firefox is also very unstable closing without warning (sometimes it says something about fscommand protocol not associated with any program). please help overhere... thnks07:09
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jrib!sudo > cottima (see the private message from ubotu)07:09
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czedlitzis there a command in terminal to find out what nvidia driver i have installed ?07:09
LjLjiffer: will you just please enable Universe and then install WINE from Synaptic as the guide says? and if that fails, will you please be *very specific* about what errors you get? otherwise, you'll just waste your time and ours.07:09
jrib_dank: in the server preferences you can tell xchat not to auto-connect to this cahnnel07:09
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jribczedlitz: apt-cache policy nvidia-glx07:09
roryyTeddy_Ramone: nothing on the wiki or in the bug list for i865gv07:10
jifferis there a way i can just go on a website and download something then open it like i can in windows07:10
_dankjrib: thanks07:10
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czedlitzi didn't use apt to install them though07:10
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czedlitzi used the package from the website07:10
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jribjiffer: no that's not recommended. What is so difficult about checking a box and hitting apply exactly?07:10
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LjLjiffer: no, because Ubuntu works differently. actually, it's much easier than that, as the whole downloading and installing will be done for you. you just need to READ to know what to click.07:10
happy1890can anyone suggest a good ip scanner for ubuntu07:11
wolshappy1890: nmap07:11
jribhappy1890: nmap?07:11
happy1890my trying to ping sweep my network07:11
snail_when i iwconfig my wireless card and tell it to conect to a specific essid , it only shows the first letter if i iwconfig , and if i iwlist scan , it never shows results even though i'm sitting next to the router07:11
happy1890do know the cmd for a sweep with nmap07:11
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jiffercan someone tell me here to get started on how to use this OS07:11
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Zubzodakhey - running 6.10 on a lenovo 1.6 c2d - problem is this: transcend external hard-drive storejet 3.5 (one of those things thats a case that you put a hard-drive in and connect via USB) doesn't show up at all . doesn't mount, and i dont think it shows in /dev . anyone have any ideas ?07:12
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LjL!documentation | jiffer07:12
ubotujiffer: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com07:12
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Lunar_LampNow that itunes seems to be offering DRM-free music, I'd like to buy some.  Is it possible to use the itunes store/ITMS on linux?07:12
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DBOLunar_Lamp, with Wine yes you can run the windows version of itunes07:13
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thirdycan I easily install GTK?07:13
thirdyusing apt?07:13
jribthirdy: I'm pretty sure you already have it07:13
Lunar_LampDBO, so there is no linux-interface that hooks in? I know there used to be one, but then apple changed the system so it broke.07:13
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LjLthirdy: GTK is installed by default.07:13
wolsthirdy: if you install gnome, you have grk07:13
DBOthirdy, you a Kubuntu user or somesuch?07:13
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LjLthirdy: if you need to *compile* something that needs GTK, then you need libgtk2.0-dev07:14
DBOLunar_Lamp, the best way and safest way is to use Wine to run iTunes07:14
thirdyxubuntu, currently installing kununtu-desktop07:14
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Lunar_LampDBO, ok :-)07:14
Aerotwelve1Alright, I have one more thing to iron out here, wireless internet. When I use the System > Administration > Network tool, I only see Wired connection and modem. Does this mean Ubuntu doesn't recognize my card?07:14
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LjLthirdy: then you do have GTK.07:14
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thirdyLjL, new to linux, wats the best IDE?07:14
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LjL!best > thirdy    (thirdy, see the private message from Ubotu)07:15
LjL!code > thirdy    (thirdy, see the private message from Ubotu)07:15
radioaktivstormDBO, wine can run itunes? didnt know that. i still like banshee though ^^07:15
cottimajrib:  thank you.  I have used previous versions of ubuntu and when I need to use command line tools to do a job it either busts the system in some form, the command does not affect the system how i want, or the graphical tools must be used (and the graphical tools are not usually accessable), any idea on what i should read?  Oh, by the way I am not a good linux user using desktop environments but want to do more command line and i use the na07:15
zootmthirdy: IDE for what language? It's pretty subjective in any case.07:15
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jribcottima: I can't think of a case where using command line tools would conflict with the gui tools07:15
DBOradioaktivstorm, everything but version 7.007:15
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andrewmacAnyone know how to change the opacity of the taskbar in GNOME?07:16
thirdyzoomtm, C/C++ I'm a devc++5 person07:16
jribcottima: you got cut off at "use the na..." by the way07:16
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DBOLunar_Lamp, that reminds me, get version 6.0, 7.0 has issues with Wine07:16
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ltibor65Hi guys! How can I mount an ext3 filesystem in fstab for everybody with read-write rights? I have now this: /dev/hda4 /media/hda4     ext3    defaults        0       2. What to change?07:16
radioaktivstormDBO, crazy07:16
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Lunar_LampDBO, right, version 6 will still work fine with ITMS?07:16
the_ringmasterright click on the bar and select preferences07:16
DBOLunar_Lamp, should work fine =)07:16
radioaktivstormandrewmac, right click on the panel07:16
jribltibor65: if it's ext3, you use chmod or chown appropriately just like any other file on your system07:16
Lunar_LampDBO, let the experimentation commence! :-)07:16
redcardLunar_Lamp: Have you downloaded ANY songs from the ITMS in Itunes 7?07:16
radioaktivstormgo to preferences07:16
jrib!permission > ltibor65 (see the private message from ubotu)07:16
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runai have created a script that writes somewhere a random file. i want to use this script to make gnome random wallapaper but when i use it the wallpaper does not change because the screen needs refresh or reload; how can i do it?07:16
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andrewmacNot the top bar, the bottom one.. opacity doesn't seem to be in the preferences.07:17
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.07:17
jribruna: how are you setting the wallpaper?07:17
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gumbers hi there. I just installed sun-java2-doc after downloading the documentation and placing it in /tmp as instructed (owned by root). The installation went fine, but now how do I see the API?07:17
skulridnuno@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree07:17
skulridReading package lists... Done07:17
skulridBuilding dependency tree... Done07:17
skulridPackage flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:17
skulridThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:17
radioaktivstormandrewmac its the second tab07:17
skulridis only available from another source07:17
skulridE: Package flashplugin-nonfree has no installation candidate07:17
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jrib!paste | skulrid07:17
redcardLunar_Lamp: Or installed ITunes 7 on a computer that is catalogging your songs?  If so, there's a chance that ITunes6 won't work anymore07:17
ubotuskulrid: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:17
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fuzzy_logichi people.. i'm following a tutorial but i don't know what they mean by the following: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23748/.. the tutorial comes from http://webexpose.org/2007/01/07/internet-explorer-7-on-linux/.. can anyone please help me?07:17
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runai just overwrite the wallpaper file then i want to refresh07:18
gumbersI mean, were did the index.html go?07:18
jribruna: nah, change the gconf key for the wallpaper instead07:18
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jribfuzzy_logic: that's a shell command07:18
skulridhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23749/ why do I get this error07:18
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nekyinbootsHi, I need some help... Can I install KDE alongside Gnome?07:18
fuzzy_logicjrib: yes.. but what should i type in the terminal?07:18
TashKavarishI'm looking into a laptop to replace my current system, the big problem I have is finding one with 1- ubuntu compatibility 2- gigabit lan 3- a less than year's wage pricetag, anyone know of good information sites how to find such a thing?07:19
jribruna: by the way, you know there are already programs to do this?07:19
LjL!kde > nekyinboots    (nekyinboots, see the private message from Ubotu) yes07:19
adam0509nekyinboots, => yes07:19
LjLskulrid: you probably don't have Universe and Multiverse enabled.07:19
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jribfuzzy_logic: exactly what you pasted I guess07:19
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rubydoHi, using Feisty 7.04, my system frequently locks up, becoming responsive roughly for one second every minute. If I use those seconds of responsiveness to check 'top', nothing particularly strange comes up - firefox-bin is top with 25%, but even kill -9 on that doesn't make the system resposive again. Anyone any hints?07:19
jribfuzzy_logic: just make sure you are in the right location07:19
runajrib : can u tell me one07:19
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skulridI think I have, how do I enable them?07:19
fuzzy_logicjrib: i am.. so i just need to paste those lines in the terminal?07:19
redcardrubydo: What speed computer, how much RAM?07:19
jribruna: gbackground  popped up in a search07:19
nekyinbootsI can do that from inside Synaptic?07:20
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Azhi_Dahakai installed ubuntu and kubuntu-desktop07:20
jribfuzzy_logic: yes, that should work07:20
Azhi_Dahakais there a way to switch between gnome and kde?07:20
jribAzhi_Dahaka: at the login screen, press "options" and change the session07:20
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rubydoredcard: 500MB, Latitude D600. Ubuntu is speedy as hell normally, but sometimes it just locks up07:20
Aerotwelve1 When I go to System > Administration > Network and try to configure my Wireless network, I only get a wired network and a modem option. Does this mean Ubuntu doesn't recognize my card?07:20
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DBOrubydo, can you patebin up a kernel log?07:20
nekyinbootsHow do I install KDE07:20
redcardrubydo: Hmm.07:20
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_dankwhen i select k it crashes back to the gdm07:20
fuzzy_logicjrib: thanks i don't get any output so i guess it worked :)07:20
jrib!kde > nekyinboots (see the private message from ubotu)07:20
Azhi_Dahakaso, i can have 2 sessions one wirh kde and one with gnome? with different accounts?07:21
DBOrubydo, it sounds like you are having some kind of driver issues07:21
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rubydoDBO: Where should I look for the kernel log?07:21
jribAzhi_Dahaka: sure07:21
skulridLjl can u help me enabelign them?07:21
DBOrubydo, its in /var/log07:21
gumbers I just installed sun-java2-doc after downloading the documentation and placing it in /tmp as instructed (owned by root). The installation went fine, but now how do I see the API? I mean, where did the index.html go? I cant' find it...07:21
LjL!repos > skulrid    (skulrid, see the private message from Ubotu)07:21
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ltibor65jrib, I know chmod and chown, but how to give permission in fstab for a filesystem?07:22
jribgumbers: I have no idea, but that stuff usually ends up in /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE_NAME07:22
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.07:22
tommy__bahnhof: i get a warning cyrillic fonts not missing, when trying to install them i get a message saying their folder does not exists07:22
jribltibor65: you don't when it is ext3.  Use chmod and chown on the mounted partition07:22
snail_I have followed the ubuntu guide for using ndiswrapper to get a working wifi card, and have not been able to connect either because the iwlist scan doesn't turn up anything (despite being arms reach away) or because after i set the ESSID , doing iwconfig shows only the first charactor in the essid slot , does anyone has a decent tutorial/guid to troublshooting my wireless issue07:22
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gumbersjrib: I looked there and didn't find it... but thanks anyway07:22
bahnhoftommy__: look near the end of the log file07:22
gravemindhey I'm having a problem with DeVeDe - the audio always sounds garbled on the dvd player. Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong07:22
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bahnhoftommy__: can you pastebin the log file?07:23
Wisdom07please,i'm newbie and when i tried to configure my connexion via my ethernet modem ,it asked me to turon on Root session,how i could do that ?07:23
ltibor65jrib thanks, I try it.07:23
jribgumbers: if you know the name of a file that isn't common, you can do 'sudo udpatedb && locate name_of_file'07:23
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jribgumbers: dpkg -L PACKAGE  might work too07:23
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tommy__(EE) No devices detecte07:23
redcardgravemind: From the DeVeDe website07:23
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AleRittyciao a tutti!07:24
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tommy__fatal server error: no screens found07:24
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jrib!it | AleRitty07:24
ubotuAleRitty: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:24
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gumbersOK jrib I'll try it. thx07:24
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gravemindredcard: ah, I see07:24
AleRittyok thanks!07:24
redcardNo problem :)07:24
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eddyMulcan someone point me to a good documentation on apt-pinning on ubuntu?07:24
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bahnhoftommy__: no devices detected looks like the Section "Device" is wrong07:24
jrib!pinning > eddyMul (see the private message from ubotu)07:25
Wisdom07please,i'm newbie and when i tried to configure my connexion via my ethernet modem ,it asked me to turon on Root session,how i could do that ?07:25
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eddyMuljrib: thanx, jrib07:25
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redcardWisdom07: Use your user password.07:25
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jifferi need help07:26
Azhi_Dahakai pressed change session and the screen is black07:26
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jrib!anyone | jiffer07:26
ubotujiffer: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:26
jifferi got a error07:26
zYe_how can i change my root password?07:26
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jrib!root > zYe_ (see the private message from ubotu)07:26
gravemindredcard: so, what do I do with this .deb file? just double click it?07:26
Wisdom07redacrd i used it but it doesnt work!07:26
Azhi_DahakaHow can i recover anything?07:26
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snail_jiffer, not to be mean but read this http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html07:26
jifferdoes anyone know about errors07:26
tommy__bahnhof: That section only holds three parameters, Identifier, driver and busID07:26
redcardThe CVS Mplayer one.. just right click on it.07:26
tommy__Bussid is right according to lspci07:26
jribjiffer: be specific and state your problem on a single line please07:26
getoowhere is .gaim in pidgin ?  i am trying to erase all the users and saved passwords  , but theres no dir to be seen07:26
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gravemindyeah that's the one I'm downloading07:26
getooi meant pidgin07:26
redcardgravemind: It should say something like "Install with GDebi" or something07:26
bahnhoftommy__: what is the Driver entry?07:27
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snail_getoo, i dont know but ive heard somthing like .purple07:27
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jribAzhi_Dahaka: what do you want to recover?07:27
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redcardgravemind: THen the Installer will pick up any extra stuff you need, and you should be good to go07:27
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getoosnail_: thanx07:27
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getoothat dir is there07:27
getoothank u07:27
nekyinbootsSorry bounced.... Do I install Kbuntu desktop or just Kde?07:27
irbdavidhow do I install a bootloader from the livecd?  i need to put one on my windows harddrive, and the installer didnt do that it appears07:27
snail_getoo, glad to help07:27
Azhi_Dahakamy session07:27
bahnhoftommy__: and does the identifier appear in the corresponding Section "Screen"?07:27
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Noda Could anyone help me with a slight issue?07:27
Noda I want to install ubuntu studio so it shows up as an option on the ubuntu login screen07:27
Noda Can I do that?07:27
gravemindredcard: oh, ok. I downloaded it instead of install with GDebi. I'll just open it when it's done07:27
jribnekyinboots: kubuntu-desktop will give you a setup just like kubuntu users get (so you'll have the kde programs to go along with your kde desktop)07:27
Azhi_Dahakai wanted to switch to test kde but now i have a black screen07:27
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:27
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zYe_so jrib, my administrator password is the same as my user log-on password?07:28
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jribzYe_: yes07:28
dodohello... are there any polish users?07:28
redcardgravemind: Yeah.  If you open it, it should default to GDebi :)07:28
LjL!pl | dodo07:28
ubotudodo: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl07:28
tommy__the Screen.Device == Device.Identifier07:28
asdfany one know how to right-click on a mac w/ ubuntu?07:28
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snail_irbdavid, what?07:28
LjL!grub > irbdavid    (irbdavid, see the private message from Ubotu)07:28
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jribAzhi_Dahaka: what did you do right before you got the black screen?07:28
redcardasdf: Probably it'd be best to get a two or more button mouse, tbh07:29
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gravemindredcard: ah ok. It's telling me that it conflicts with package "mplayer" so I just uninstall that from synaptic I guess07:29
Azhi_Dahakaswitched session07:29
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shiryuanyone can tell me how to allow azureus in ubuntu firewall?07:29
tommy__bahnhof: the Screen.Device == Device.Identifier07:29
radioaktivstormnekyinboots....depends, kubuntu-desktop has abunch of apps packaged with kubuntu, and the kde-core....well its the core. so its got less extras with it :) hope that helps07:29
asdfredcard: that's not an option07:29
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Azhi_Dahakathe one on the poweroff menu07:29
redcardasdf: Then I don't know if we can help you there.07:29
jribAzhi_Dahaka: are you on a different computer now?07:29
rubydoDBO: Sorry for the delay! See http://pastie.caboo.se/6726007:29
bahnhoftommy__: sorry, then i don't know what is wrong07:29
asdfredcard: I thought F12 was supposed to open a right-click menu, but it doesn't for me07:29
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asdfdoes anyone know how to map F12 to open a right-click menu?07:29
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nekyinbootsHow can I install kubuntu-desktop from the terminal window?07:30
Aerotwelve1Hey everyone, I tried to install these drivers http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/#downloads for my wireless card and running make gives me this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23753/, any thoughts?07:30
redcardasdf: It might be holding down control and clicking.07:30
jribAzhi_Dahaka: hit ctrl-alt-f1 and enter 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart'  (or kdm if you switched to that)07:30
jifferhow do i uninstall this OS07:30
docta_vis there an easy way to disable an lvs node or do you have to delete it/add it07:30
wolsnekyinboots: with apt-get07:30
tommy__bahnhof: Thanks anyway!07:30
LjLnekyinboots:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop 07:30
asdfredcard: that doesn't do anything07:30
jifferanyone know how to UNINSTALL THIS OS07:30
wolsjiffer: you overwrite grub in the MBR and delete the partition07:30
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Azhi_Dahakactrl+alt+f1 does nothing07:30
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:30
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Aerotwelve1jiffer: Delete your partition.07:30
shiryuanyone knows how to allow azureus in ubuntus firewall?07:30
sibotim already in the ubuntu channel07:30
jifferhow do i do that07:30
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gumbersthx jrib, I found it.07:30
jribgumbers: great07:30
DBOrubydo, # Jun 2 15:03:54 dave-laptop kernel: [15721.532000]  BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0!  <--- theres yer problem07:30
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redcardasdf: Hmm.  I'd google it, then.07:31
jribAzhi_Dahaka: hmm so it's really stuck...  ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't work either?07:31
sibotand i was joining it :P07:31
siboti am in the ubuntu channel right :S?07:31
DBOrubydo, lets find a solution now =)07:31
snail_jiffer, in windows right click on my computer , goto manage , then like disk utilities , and from there you should be able to format partitions07:31
LjLsibot: yes07:31
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cello_rasphi. does ubuntu-studio have a good fruityloops analog yet?07:31
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LjLsnail_: that will leave him with a broken bootloader however07:31
jifferok so i have to b e in windows to do it07:31
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NodaGuys, can I install UbuntuStudio so that I can choose it from the Ubuntu login screen/07:31
lockdjiffer: you install another OS over it07:31
snail_jiffer, hold on07:31
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wolsjiffer: yes07:31
nekyinbootsI am downloading it now07:31
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nekyinbootsGreat big thanks07:31
jifferno i can log onto windows and this ubuntu07:31
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wols!ms-sys | jiffer07:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ms-sys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:32
Aerotwelve1Load up a windows install disc, go into repair mode, type fxmbr, and delete your partition?07:32
LjL!info ms-sys07:32
ubotums-sys: Write a Microsoft compatible boot record. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0-1 (feisty), package size 19 kB, installed size 128 kB07:32
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jifferbut i want to get rid of ubunt07:32
wols!info ms-sys07:32
NodaGuys, can I install UbuntuStudio so that I can choose it from the Ubuntu login screen?07:32
wolsor use ms-sys, jiffer07:32
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digvijoy_Hey all, I downloaded the java file from Sun website, its a .bin file07:32
Azhi_Dahakactrl+alt+backspace doesnt restart x07:32
wolsNoda: yes07:32
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jribAzhi_Dahaka: hold down alt and PrintScreen and then press R S E I U B (while holding down alt and PrintScreen), yes this is also an exercise in dexterity...07:32
astomperwould this be an example of a driver for my wireless card? pci@03:00.0                 network        88w8335 [Libertas]  802.11b/g Wireless07:32
LjLdigvijoy_: delete it.07:32
Nodawols, how do I do that?07:32
_danki have not loaded windows in over 2 months, i love it07:32
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digvijoy_how do i install it? i tried to use alien but it doesnt seem to work, can anyone help me out?07:32
LjL!java > digvijoy_    (digvijoy_, see the private message from Ubotu)07:32
shiryunobody knows how to allow azureus in ubuntus firewall? or why i cannot have a good speed transfer?07:32
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Azhi_Dahakafor real?07:32
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LjLdigvijoy_: don't use alien.07:32
A[D] minSroot@ADminS-Laptop:~# passwd07:32
A[D] minSpasswd: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info.07:32
A[D] minSpasswd: password unchanged07:32
wolsNoda: by adding ubuntu studio kernels to your /boot/grub/menu.lst07:32
gravemindredcard: sorry to bother you again, but I've installed mplayer-cvs, but when I try to get devede through synaptic, it asks me to uninstall mplayer-cvs and reinstall the bad one. Does this mean I have to compile devede?07:32
A[D] minSwhat i should do ?07:32
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astomperjiffer, you don't want to get rid of ubuntu07:32
LjL!paste > A[D] minS    (A[D] minS, see the private message from Ubotu)07:33
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cello_raspi need a softsynth sequencer, does stuid have one?07:33
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NodaErr, and how do I add kernels, wols?07:33
A[D] minSLjL: less than 4 lines07:33
jifferi want to get grid of ubuntu07:33
redcardgravemind: No.. it shouldn't.. try using the Debian file off the DeVeDe website for DeVeDe07:33
LjLA[D] minS: that's never been a rule.07:33
DBOrubydo, are you using ndiswrapper?07:33
wolsNoda: man menu.lst it's a text file07:33
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jifferi want it totaly removed from my hdd07:33
redcardjiffer: Then you need to install another OS over the top of it.07:33
LjLjiffer: install and run "ms-sys", then format the Ubuntu partition from Windows. you've been told this already however.07:33
wolsjiffer: I told you how07:33
wolsredcard: no07:33
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Nodathanks wols07:33
A[D] minSLjL: as far as i know more than 5 lines use pastebin07:33
martyskayou say in englisch07:34
Submanomg... all this work jsut install WINE07:34
jifferPeace out everyone07:34
rubydoDBO: I'm pretty sure I'm using bcm43xxx but I may still have ndiswrapper installed - let me check...07:34
gravemindredcard: the devede download they have isn't .deb, it's tar.bz207:34
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jiffercatch ya on the flip07:34
redcardgravemind: Hmm..07:34
LjLA[D] minS: well, you know wrongly... next time you'll keep it in mind.07:34
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DBOrubydo, "smod | grep ndiswrapper"will let you know07:34
martyskao co chodzi??07:34
jribAzhi_Dahaka: that should reboot your computer a little more safely than just hitting reset on your case07:34
Azhi_DahakaWelll... that did nothing07:34
Aerotwelve1Hi everyone, I'm trying to install some wireless card drivers, and they say to run "make". When I try to run it, I get this message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23753/ How do I resolve this? Thanks.07:34
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redcardgravemind: I don't know what to suggest, honestly, at this point.  I thought you can force the DeVeDe to install.  Does anyone else here know how to force a package to install?07:35
DBOrubydo, "lsmod | grep ndiswrapper" will let you know  (sorry, typo last time)07:35
asdfanyone know how to remap "right-click" to F12?07:35
martyskaaha rozumiem nikt nie wie o czy ja pisze fajnie07:35
nekyinbootsI have not had to hit the power button since I got rid of Bill Gates07:35
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LjL!pl | martyska07:35
ubotumartyska: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl07:35
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martyskaaha fajnie07:35
Azhi_DahakaAlt+Print Screen and R, S, E, I, U, B07:35
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skulridIm getting this strange error... : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23755/07:35
jribAzhi_Dahaka: well then you don't have many other options... just hit reset on your case07:35
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NodaOk, wols, I am in the menu.lst, what do I add in here? please help07:36
Gazoocan anyone help me get wireless working with the live cd07:36
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wolsGazoo: most wlans need firmware which is non-free. so I doubt it07:36
shiryuanyone can help me?07:36
rubydoDBO: Did the lsmod, nothing returned, so I don't have ndiswrapper. I do have bcm43xx though: http://pastie.caboo.se/6726207:36
LjLshiryu: ubuntu doesn't have a firewall.07:36
snail_one more time.... I have followed the ubuntu guide for using ndiswrapper to get a working wifi card, and have not been able to connect either because the iwlist scan doesn't turn up anything (despite being arms reach away) or because after i set the ESSID , doing iwconfig shows only the first charactor in the essid slot , does anyone has a decent tutorial/guid to troublshooting my wireless issue07:36
nekyinbootsGazoo, I couldn't get my wireless card working without a install07:36
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Azhi_Dahakaany ideas to find out why it did get stuck?07:36
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wolsshiryu: there is no ubuntu firewall per se. ubuntu doesn't have a default firewall07:36
Gazooi just want to get my lappy on my accesss point07:37
shiryuLjL but when im in azureus it says that it is blocking me07:37
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DBOrubydo, ok, we need to see if thats the problem (Im better dollars to donuts it is)07:37
wolssnail_: do you have a wlan device? check with ifconfig -a07:37
pmois there any recovery tool for ubuntu?07:37
DBOrubydo, to do that though I need you to run the computer for a bit with that module not loaded07:37
LjLshiryu: probably your router.07:37
DBOcan you do that?07:37
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skulridLjl now I get this error, any idea?:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23755/07:37
shiryuwols but when im in azureus it says it is blocking me07:38
shiryuLjL how i change it07:38
brian__pmo: file recovery?07:38
snail_wols, my wireless cards picked up at eth107:38
wolsshiryu: do you have a router? hardware router?07:38
shiryuor i dont know07:38
Nodawols: what do I add to my menu.lst to have the UBuntuStudio?07:38
LjLshiryu: i don't know, it's your router07:38
wolsNoda: the kernel for ubuntustudio07:38
shiryui think no wols07:38
jribAzhi_Dahaka: check logs in /var/log I suppose07:38
cottimais there a way to force sudo to use a root password w/o enabling the root user, or at least have the user enter his password and a system or group password?07:38
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LjLskulrid, why on earth are you trying to install ktorrent from source?07:38
NodaWhere does one get that?07:38
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pmosomething that restores default ubuntu settings but keeps my files?07:38
jribcottima: yes, man sudoers.  But why?07:38
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Azhi_Dahakamaybe some kind of Gentoo complex?07:39
shiryumm and you know if i can install utorrent in ubuntu?07:39
pmolike if i mess up the system07:39
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rubydoDBO: Do you mean turn off my wireless?07:39
snail_shijirou, get ktorrent , it's the same thing07:39
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bruenigshiryu, utorrent through wine works perfect, ktorrent is not the same07:39
gravemindredcard - the source came with an install.sh, which I ran07:39
wolsNoda: if you've installed ubuntustudio you better have a kernel for it already07:39
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gravemindnow I need to find where it put the program07:39
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quioHello everyone.07:39
brian__pmo: keeping /home on a separate partition - that way if you have to reinstall you just don't format /home partition07:39
DBOrubydo, I want you to blacklist the module actually, then reboot and see if you still get the issue07:39
snail_i couldn't get utorrent to work for me , and i just apt-get ktorrent...07:39
skulridLjL k torrent crashed once, now it wont start (i see it on system monitor but the program doesent load at all, same goes to azureus), I tryed to UNinsstall/reeinstall with synaptic and nothing works, now I was trying that...07:39
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wolssnail_: but he will have the same problem07:40
Gazoook , looks like this live cd is worthless too07:40
brueniggravemind, you are going to need to look through the install.sh and see what it is doing07:40
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shiryubut how i install it bruenig in ubuntu, i think it can only be installed in windows07:40
pmook just that i messed up oss-linux07:40
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pmonow i have no sound07:40
gravemindbruenig: redcard - it starts up from the applications menu, so far so good07:40
LjLskulrid: what a terrible idea. the fact that you see it on the system monitor means that it *is* running, but just frozen. kill it.07:40
hydani've got an idea for gnome that maybe some ubuntu developers can implement. like most gamers who want as little slowdown as possible, I usually swap over to openbox when gaming. it would be cool if there was some type of application that switched off all unnecessary applications in your gnome desktop before you started to game, and of course the application would allow you to switch them back on after you got through.07:40
bruenigshiryu, sudo apt-get install wine, go get utorrent.exe and then do "wine utorrent.exe"07:40
Nodawols: oh, so I have to install is separately on another partition or something?07:40
rubydoDBO: I see what you mean - the problem is that the lockups are pretty random - this one came after the laptop had been idle for about an hour07:40
LjLskulrid:  killall ktorrent  in a terminal. and don't go out of your way installing source tarballs just because a program locks up.07:40
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wolsNoda: have you installed ubuntustudio yet? and yes it needs its own partition07:41
shiryuok ill try it thanks bruenig07:41
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rubydoDBO: And sometimes it will run for hours without problems07:41
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DBOrubydo, can you do it tonight maybe?  I will be here tomorrow07:41
Moduliz0ris there any small gui programs I can use to host a VPN for me and a friend?07:41
quioI have been trying ubuntu for a little while now and am curious as to how I could turn an mp4 movie into a playable dvd on a dvd player.  Any helpful sugeestions or sites I might look at?07:41
skulridLjL already killed it LOTS of times in fact, it doesent work...07:41
brian__LjL: why don't use source tarballs if programs keep locking up?07:41
gravemindskulrid: restart?07:41
DBOrubydo, then you dont have to sit there and watch it, just let it run overnight07:41
brian__LjL: I use what works07:41
LjLskulrid: if you're seeing it on the system monitor, it's *not* been killed.07:41
Nodawols: I used wubi to install Ubuntu, and on the wubi support thing, it said that I could install ubuntu studio under ubuntu so I would not need separate linux instalations07:41
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snail_wols, as for my wireless card it's eth1 , which i know is weird for in slackware it was eth1 as well , and when i unplug it eth1 goes away , so it's eth1 there's no doubt in that07:41
skulridyes restarted the system lots of times too07:42
LjLbrian__: have you read the discussion? i think not.07:42
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rubydoDBO: That's a good idea. Let's imagine I do that and it's trouble free - what would I do then?07:42
bruenigquio, ffmpeg, dvdauthor and mkisofs and growisofs is what you would need, and some time to figure out how to use them07:42
wolsNoda: then do it07:42
LjLskulrid: then why would you be seeing it on the system monitor? you mean *after* starting it then?07:42
skulridLjl I see it then I kill it and it disappears, when I try to ruun the program it comes again onthe monitor07:42
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CandyManGuys can you help me please? It keeps saying my external HDD is read only when I know it isn't. What do I do?07:42
cottimajrib:  I will say I make thing scomplicatied, but i am thinkking that if I need to do something my user will be on a root (sudo) level always, which I am guessing i am thinking wrong, that and some of my admin users are just for adding and disabling users (these people are computer illiterate on the most part07:42
NodaBut I don't know howwwwww07:42
NodaI'm really new to this whole linux thing :<07:43
quio<bruenig>Do I need all 3 or just 1.07:43
snerfuIs there a version of parted on the livecd like gparted or qtparted?07:43
DBOthen we would first try and see if there is a fix for that module, a more recent version available, or simply move you onto ndiswrapper and see if that fixes it =)07:43
LjLskulrid: ok then kill it again and remove the ~/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent directory (careful, this will remove your downloads as well)07:43
bruenigquio, all four07:43
skulridLjl on startup I think it isnt on monitor, i comes after I press the program icon to start it up07:43
DBOrubydo, ^^07:43
wolsCandyMan: what filesystem on the hdd?07:43
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wolssnerfu: yes07:43
jribcottima: also in man sudoers, you can see how to give people access to only certain commands.  That seems like a better way to do it.  Remember, only users you put in the "admin" group can sudo07:43
rubydoDBO: gotcha :-)07:43
gravemindquio: you can also get devede - do a google search for their website (the package in synaptic is buggy)07:43
snerfuThanks wols07:43
quio<bruenig> OK Thanks I appreciate the help.07:44
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DBOrubydo, you know how to blacklist a module (or capable of googling it)07:44
azzamatdoes anyone know a site that describes how ubuntu can be controlled/used entirely from the command line? or at least a list for all the functions of the default gnome desktop?07:44
skulridLjl I save my downloads on a desktop folder, how do I prevent not loosing them?07:44
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CandyManwols: FAT3207:44
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse07:44
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LjLskulrid: you won't lose them if they aren't in that folder i mentioned.07:44
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wolsCandyMan: your umask is wrong in the mount options07:44
uniquehow can i allow my normal user to be able to wheel to the root ? so i can su to root...07:44
skulridoh sory07:44
quio<gravemind> I will only need this one app?07:44
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jrib!sudo > unique (see the private message from ubotu)07:45
CandyManwols: How do I sort it out?07:45
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LjLskulrid: remove that folder. or rename it. type  mv ~/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent ~/ktorrent-backup 07:45
thirdyKDE nice, the coolest desktop I've seen since win95=)07:45
wolsCandyMan: ubotu gave you a link07:45
sibotcan anyone give me the terminal command for getting java for Fiesty Fawn?07:45
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jrib!java > sibot (see the private message from ubotu)07:45
wols!java | sibot07:45
ubotusibot: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre07:45
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gravemindquio: yes. You have to install the mplayer package from their site though, or the audio won't work properly07:45
ompaul!root | unique (we don't discuss that here - you can do what you like in the privacy of your own command line, root is not a supported user on ubuntu)07:45
ubotuunique (we don't discuss that here - you can do what you like in the privacy of your own command line, root is not a supported user on ubuntu): sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:45
skulridLjL whats the best way to remove the ~/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent directory ?07:45
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LjLskulrid, i just gave you a command i think07:45
radioaktivstormthirdy, you got your kde up and running? wonderful :)07:46
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bruenigquio, do grep cdrom /etc/fstab07:46
snail_jrib, can you pipe me the java and flash (if there is one) little quick pm things07:46
=== Luxurious [n=Luxuriou@85-220-96-123.dsl.dynamic.simnet.is] has joined #ubuntu
skulridsory dindt see it07:46
quio<gravemind> Thanks I prefer a single app to 4 especially since I'm new to this OS.07:46
cottimajrib:  I will man sudoers.  I have a better question though, if I have to use terminal to get to some graphical configuration tools (but are not on the menu), is there a list of the graphical tools names.  For example if I did not have the network config graphical tool was missing from the menu, what would I type in terminal to run it (graphically)?07:46
LuxuriousDo you guys know how to change the master system volume from the command line?07:46
LjLLuxurious: "man amixer"07:46
gravemindquio: me too : )07:46
thirdyradioaktivstorm, yeah thanx everyone!07:46
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eX|Joedoes anyone know what program uses chkconfig?07:46
wolsLuxurious: alsamixer07:46
jribsnail_: you can ask ubotu too, just type: /msg ubotu java07:46
LuxuriousThanks a fat bunch LjL !07:46
LjLLuxurious: ("amixer set Mater 50%")07:46
LjLwols: alsamixer doesn't let you do that07:47
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gravemindquio: it has dependencies you need to install though, but that is easy to do07:47
qmanhey, is there any way to alter the label a CD drive gets? I have two drives of the same make and model, and it's difficult to tell which is which in some applications07:47
bruenigquio, do grep cdrom /etc/fstab and paste the output07:47
jribcottima: gksudo command, to find out the names, just right click on the ubuntu icon for the menu and go to "edit menus".  I don't know of a list somewhere07:47
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LuxuriousThanks a lot!!  @ LjL&wols07:48
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cottimathank you for your help and patience jrib!07:48
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jribcottima: np07:48
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CandyManwols: Still no joy07:48
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wolsCandyMan: what is your mount line?07:49
azzamatanyone know how i can control all the gnome/ubuntu functions from the command line?07:49
cottimadoes anyone have experience with LTSP?07:49
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ompaulqman, you can choose some mount points, please paste the contents of "df -h" and "mount" and "cat /etc/fstab" in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:49
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quioBruenig /dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       007:49
quio/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       007:49
wolsazzamat: how would gnome from the commandline work? kinda unpossible...07:49
bruenigquio, which one is your dvd drive,?07:49
thirdy251mb ram used, 4mb free, damn07:49
wolsthirdy: free ram is a myth07:50
wolsthirdy: if you have free ram, your OS is broken07:50
azzamatwols, i mean the functions that are on display, such as gdmflexiserver, /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh, update-manager etc07:50
wolsall "free" ram is automatically diskcache07:50
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ompaulthirdy, the full story here:  A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html07:50
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gravemindhey guys - if you're installing lots of packages with apt, do they get commas in between like "sudo apt-get install package1, package2" or are there no commas07:50
quio<bruenig> I'm sorry but I am not quite sure. :(07:51
qmanompaul, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23756/07:51
cottimahas anyone done a terminal server?07:51
lockdgravemind: no commas07:51
=== Morgiver [n=morgiver@cable-195-162-212-178.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu
gravemindlockd: thanks : )07:51
bruenigquio, do eject /dev/hdb and then eject /dev/hdc to see which one shoots out07:51
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Toxicityd00ds microsfot windowz vitsa t0taly pwns u n00bs07:51
asdfdoes anyone know how to call a right-click menu from the terminal?07:51
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bruenigasdf, don't believe you can07:52
ompaulqman, where is the confusion that all looks straight forward07:52
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shawn34Ubuntu will not display my monitor at the correct refresh rate regardless of what I do, someone please help. I have these annoying lines running through the screen07:52
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qmanompaul, in programs like Gnomebaker, the drives have the same label, there is nothing to distinguish which is which07:52
asdfbruenig: is there a way to map a "right-click" menu to a certain key command like F12?07:52
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qmanthey are called "BENQ DVD+-RW" or something along those lines07:52
gravemindquio: before you install quio, install its dependencies by running this command: sudo apt-get install python python-support dvdauthor vcdimager mkisofs ttf-freefont python-gtk2 python-glade207:52
quio<bruenig> it is   /dev/hdc07:53
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gravemindquio: lol, I mean before you install devede07:53
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CandyManwols: Sorry about that my PC froze07:53
bruenigasdf, not sure, it is mapped to something on my keyboard, so I guess it is possible, I didn't do it though07:53
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skulridLjL it worked, ktorrent now running. thank you07:53
asdfI'm trying to map F12 to "right-click" because I have a mac07:53
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gravemindasdf: you don't have a right clicking mouse?07:54
CandyManwols: There is nothing under mount point, mount settings and file system07:54
asdfgravemind: I only use the touchpad07:54
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radioaktivstormompaul, this article on memory management is fascinating!07:54
bruenigquio, this script should be able to convert any video file you have and then burn it to a dvd07:54
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bruenigquio, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23757/07:54
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gravemindasdf: I found myself in the same situation at one point. I wish they made a right clicker on the touchpad. I ended up buying a microsoft usb mouse07:55
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ompaulradioaktivstorm, read kernel sources if you want beyond the fascinating ;-)07:55
tsikishello there07:55
bruenigquio, just run it with ./script nameoffile (or whatever you call the script)07:55
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shawn34Ubuntu will not display my monitor at the correct refresh rate regardless of what I do, someone please help. I have these annoying lines running through the screen07:55
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smmorning all07:56
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smhow do I change my window manger in a system-friendly way ?07:56
skulridLjlL but my Firefox prob remains (after trying to install macromedia plugins and stuff) it is very unstable, cant see youtube videos or flash app, closes without warning on some sites...07:56
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qmanshawn34, you need to find the exact numbers for your monitor, and enter then in xorg.conf07:56
smdpkg-reconfigure somepackage to change /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager ? but which package ? is there a better way ?07:56
logixoulHi. I don't understand one part of Typo3's README.Debian - http://nopaste.com/p/aKMDtX2lO - can someone please explain it?07:56
shawn34qman, i did07:56
ompaulqman, so if the problem is your CDs / DVDs then what I used to do stick a cd in and then write the names on the drive,07:56
shawn34qman, exactly07:56
CandyManHello can someone help me with my external HDD please? It comes up as read only and won't let me write to it07:57
shawn34qman, its displaying at 55 instead of 6007:57
irbdavidi can't seem to get this grub lark to work - at boot up i just get 'grub' printed in the top left of my screen and nothing else - can't enter any commands or anything07:57
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zoomwhat is the better prog between vlc and mediaplayer please ?07:57
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wolslogixoul: owner of the typo3 files07:57
quio<bruenig> I'll still have to get the 4 apps you suggested though correct.  My appologies I am a NewB07:57
erUSULCandyMan: ntfs?07:57
qmanompaul, not the media, both drives are the same make and model, and gnomebaker uses the vendor string instead of device or mount point to identify them. I was wondering if there's a way to change it07:57
wolslogixoul: needs to be www-data07:57
shawn34zoom, matter of opinion, id say mplayer07:58
irbdavidi have ubuntu on a separate drive to windows, and the bios boots from the windows drive first (sda1)07:58
bruenigquio, did you install that script?07:58
CandyManerUSUL: Yeah07:58
zoomthx shawn3407:58
wolsCandyMan: paste your mount line in a pastebin. I asked you this before07:58
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rambo3logixoul , change tje ownership of /var/www07:58
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quio<bruenig> No not yet I thought I need the apps first07:58
bruenig!find mkisofs07:59
ubotuFound: mkisofs07:59
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erUSUL!ntfs | CandyMan07:59
bruenig!info mkisofs07:59
ubotuCandyMan: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse07:59
ubotumkisofs: Dummy transition package for genisoimage. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.2-1 (feisty), package size 0 kB, installed size 32 kB07:59
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rambo3logixoul , or rather change the user from www-data to youruser07:59
wolserUSUL: he doesn't use ntfs07:59
asdfAnyone out there know how to map the "right-click" menu to a keystroke?07:59
bruenig!info growisofs07:59
ubotuPackage growisofs does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:59
gravemindquio: are you going to install devede?07:59
bruenig!find growisofs07:59
ubotuFile growisofs found in dvd+rw-tools07:59
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logixoulrambo3: the actual site is in my home dir, /var/www contains merely a symlink to it. So, what dir should I chown and to whom should I chown it?07:59
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quio<gravemind> I am confused now wether I should install the 4 you suggested or devede???08:00
CandyManro nosuid nodev uid=0 gid=0 umask=0222 nls=utf8 errors=continue mft_zone_multiplier=108:00
logixoulrambo3: if I chown /home/logixoul/CMS/ to logixoul, would that be enough?08:00
wolsCandyMan: that is  not the full line08:00
thirdyis it ok if the ram usage is 90% of my total ram?08:00
CandyManwols: That is all I have08:00
logixoulrambo3: well, it belongs to logixoul anyway08:00
bruenigquio, ok do this command, should set it all up: sudo apt-get install dvd+rw-tools mkisofs dvdauthor ffmpeg && cd /usr/local/bin && sudo wget http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23757/plain/ -O video2dvd && chmod +x video2dvd08:00
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rambo3!lamp | logixoul08:00
ubotulogixoul: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:00
wolsCandyMan: that does nothing. try again08:00
thirdyis it ok for my generic 256mb ram?08:00
logixoulrambo3: thx08:00
wolsCandyMan: it's only options08:00
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ompaulqman, ahh, so, Edit, Preferences, Devices and double click on the device name08:01
qmanthirdy, that's fine, as long as you aren't experiencing problems; swap space makes up for insufficient RAM08:01
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gravemindquio, bruenig: the 4 packages bruenig suggested may work, but they will most likely require you to use the command line to do all the work. DeVeDe is just a graphical frontend of those programs that lets you make dvds more easily08:01
CandyManwols: Well what should I do?08:01
wolsCandyMan: paste the line that mounts it08:01
thirdyqman, ok thax08:01
__aibdoes anyone know about the VMWare-server packages I see on packages.ubuntu.com? do they allow me to do a complete install of vmware server??08:01
wolsnot the options only08:01
=== anne__ [i=anne@dsl-kpogw5-fe63df00-102.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
qmanompaul, thanks, that's exactly what I needed08:01
CandyManwols: That is all I have, everything else is blank08:01
devil_help i cant put                  =Game("StarWars")        into an  openoffice2.0 spread sheet cell08:02
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wolsCandyMan: suit yourself then. HAND08:02
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ompaulqman, you're welcome08:02
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CandyManwols: What? So you're not going to help me?08:02
quio<bruenig> OK I ran it.08:02
ompauldevil_, you can if you format cell as text -08:02
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wolsCandyMan: either you give me the info I need or I cannot help you. bye08:02
qmanCandyMan, we need the entire mount line, not just the options08:02
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wolsCandyMan: and the errors you ecnounter too if any08:03
sahilAnyone know how to increase the speed of Ubuntu ?08:03
wolssahil: buy a faster PC08:03
sahillol, a more "soft" solution?08:03
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tsikisguys i got a problem with my network i got vista on one pc and ubuntu feisty on other the problem is i cannot enter the vista share even with firewall off and file sharing on it keeps asking for username password08:03
sahili wanna hold of, cuz if i get anew one it will be a macbook08:03
brian__sahil: install xubuntu08:03
qmansahil, if your swap space is full, you might allocate more; find out with the "free" command08:03
gravemindsahil: there are some guides on the ubuntu forum that are pretty good08:04
sahili have a 1.7 Ghz with 1 gig ram08:04
asdfgravemind, bruenig: sudo apt-get install mouseemu restores F12 to right-click08:04
radioaktivstormheh. xubuntu works wonders ^^08:04
sahilbut my FSB is only 600 MHz08:04
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mneptoksahil: and Ubuntu is slow when compared to ... ?08:04
qmansahil, that should handle ubuntu just fine08:04
gravemindasdf: nice. Did you try it yet?08:04
wolssahil: this I don't believe. unless you run on water or liquid n208:04
daniI have a new laptop with an intel gma X3100 and ubuntu live doesn't boot08:04
asdfgavemind: yep08:04
sahilIt is fine, just a lil slow with beryl08:04
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CandyManHere is a screenshot http://img236.imageshack.us/img236/4908/screenshotrj1.png08:04
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wolssahil: hint: your CPU FSB is quad data rate08:05
tommy__I encounter the error: No Devices detected08:05
mneptoksahil: so don't use Beryl08:05
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asdfpretty simple stuff: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/mouseemu08:05
tommy__when trying to start X08:05
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qmansahil, that's a graphics card issue; get a better video card (but you can't if you have a laptop)08:05
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sahilI have a 256 MB ATI card08:05
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mneptoksahil: in a laptop?08:05
wolssahil: be happy you managed to run beryl at all08:05
devil_ompaul cool thanks08:06
qmansahil, the amount of memory on it is not as important as the chip's speed and capability08:06
gravemindasdf: great. I'll remember that if I put ubuntu back on my macbook. (I wonder if there's a darwin or a windows equivalent : )08:06
=== Shadowpillar [n=shadowxp@pool-71-104-141-74.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
CandyManwols: So what do I do? I don't even know if it's mounted properly08:06
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sahilits a year old, just doesnt handle the full screen fire on close smoothly08:06
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quio<gravemind> What is the site to go to in order to download yours?08:06
ScottASsahil: Asus are releasing an External Graphics Processing Unit especially for Laptop Users this year. I thought you may find it useful. :)08:06
gravemindquio: I had it a second ago08:07
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sahilI am thinking of upgrading this one so i can use it for like another 3 years or so08:07
sahilmy lappy is 2 years old08:07
gravemindquio: http://www.rastersoft.com/programas/devede.html08:07
gravemindquio: the files you need are at the bottom08:07
mneptoksahil: dude. you're seriously asking how to "speed up Ubuntu" because one effect of a bleeding edge unsupported compositor is "a little slow"?  :)08:07
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gravemindquio: you also have to install the dependecies with this command (in case you missed it earlier): sudo apt-get install python python-support dvdauthor vcdimager mkisofs ttf-freefont python-gtk2 python-glade208:08
=== sahil hides
linuxnubwhats the command line for uninstalling a program08:08
mc44mneptok: gotta have fast fire dude, get with the 21sat century!08:08
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wolssahil: get a decent videocard for linux (ie not ati based)08:08
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bruenigquio, ok so now just do video2dvd filename and it should go08:08
mc44linuxnub: sudo apt-get remove program08:08
xcdi remember back in the day when people were like08:08
xcd"get a decent nic card: i.e. 3com"08:08
CandyManPlease help me08:08
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qmansahil, it's your graphics card; age isn't really as much of a factor as type and speed of video card08:09
bruenigquio, make sure you have a blank dvd in the tray08:09
qmansahil, nvidia cards work much better in linux08:09
sahilqman, can u suggest a good card08:09
sahilwith nvidia you get the black window bug08:09
magnetronsahil: the intel cards are the best supported in linux08:09
=== Lella [n=raffaell@host46-191.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
thompaanyone know of a way to copy damaged music cds?08:09
XereloSomeone can help me to install Xampp?08:09
mneptoksahil: you can't replace the graphics in your laptop, can you?08:09
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gravemindthompa: did you try cdrdao yet?08:09
Lellaohii ciaoooo08:10
=== HyperDevil [n=lbjo@50.81-166-181.customer.lyse.net] has joined #ubuntu
gravemindit works fairly well08:10
qmansahil, what black window bug08:10
quio<bruenig>  OK I downloaded devede-2.13.tar.bz2 and mplayer-cvs-2007-04-11-0-i386.deb My appologies but how do I install them?08:10
thompagravemind: nope., tried nothing, the cd in question skips on a few tracks08:10
brian__are the intel ones actually open source? because I know how those wrapper things work08:10
gravemindthompa: it uses cdparanoia to check for errors08:10
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irbdavidis there no program that takes you through the grub setup?  the installer didnt even appear to generate a grub.conf file08:10
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thompagravemind: so its maybe possible to fix?08:10
qmanmneptok, depends on the laptop, but I think he's talking about a desktop08:10
bruenigquio, that was not my advice, whoever told you to that will have to tell you, right now all you must do is video2dvd whatever.mp4 and it will work08:11
magnetronquio: you should not download them with a web browser. use synaptic instead, it will download AND install them for you08:11
gravemindthompa: yeah, give it a try08:11
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:11
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thompagravemind: ok thanks08:11
gravemindquio: to install them, doubleclick on the mplayer one and that will install08:11
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=== dxdemetriou [n=dxdemetr@82-113.netway.com.cy] has joined #ubuntu
gravemindquio: then do that command I sent you in terminal if you haven't already08:12
psychocan anyone help me with an orinoco gold pcmcia card w/ antenna, i have the disk but it only has windows drivers and for some reason i cannot get it to work with feisty08:12
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gravemindquio: tell me when you're done with those08:12
dxdemetriouCan I make the firefox menus to be all in english? I don't want it to translate them08:12
Wookstacan anyone help? im having a problem with ubuntu feisty server... i have an old box which was running ubuntu desktop (edgy eft) and i just re-installed to fiesty server but now every time when the system tries to start it gets past grub, i get a "Starting up..." message and then the system resets, how can i debug this issue?08:12
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amitronIt seems that OpenGL on my ATI Radeon 9200 card is no longer supported by the drivers! What do I do now?08:13
quiook i installed the mplayer-cvs-2007-04-11-0-i386.deb08:13
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gravemindquio: alright, now run the command in terminal08:13
ScottASamitron: Does ATi provide a Legacy Driver?08:13
irbdavidgrub configuration?08:13
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ScottASHello fresa.08:14
quio<gravemind> What comand??08:14
qmanWooksta, try #ubuntu-server08:14
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fresai've a problem trying to get a 8187 wifi card on kubuntu feisty with ndiswrapper08:14
qmanamitron, buy an nvidia card08:15
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gravemindquio: just a sec08:15
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maximal_Wooksta: have you tried booting with the verbose option rather than quiet?08:15
gravemindquio: sudo apt-get install python python-support dvdauthor vcdimager mkisofs ttf-freefont python-gtk2 python-glade208:15
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fresai backlisted the 8187 modules, but ndiswrapper still says to me that there is another driver08:15
needhelpCan anyone name a rar password cracker for GNU/linux/ubuntu ?08:15
quio<gravemind> Thank you for your patience. I know it gets frustrating.08:15
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fresalsmod | grep 8187 is blank08:15
Wookstamaximal, no i'll give that a try08:15
amitronScottAS: what?08:15
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eddyMulBlueEagle: w.r.t. my intent to install gutsy packages: I found out about apt-pinning. Yay!08:16
azzamatneedhelp, the easy way out: googling for the file name08:16
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qmanamitron, to my knowledge, ati does not provide a legacy driver. You could attempt to compile an old version manually, but that's not likely to work08:16
gravemindquio: it's no problem really. When you've done that, extract the devede file you downloaded by double clicking it, doubleclick the install.sh file08:16
Wookstamaximal_ it still may be a challenge as it resets pretty much straight away after it gets past grub08:16
gravemindeveryone: can you run a .sh file by doubleclicking it?08:16
quio<gravemind> By the way the only one i installed was the one I told you I do not know how to install the devede-2.13.tar.bz208:17
qmanamitron, if you can get a hold of an older nvidia card, I suggest doing so, as nvidia provides legacy drivers for everything as old as the GeForce 208:17
mirakcan grub be installed on a reiserfs partition ?08:17
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needhelpazzamat: for the rar-file you mean? I dont think I'll find the name elsewhere. Need to extract a rar file when I have forgotten my own password08:17
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gravemindquio: how did you install it? I mean, what steps did you take exactly did you do?08:17
maximal_Wooksta: it may be that the splash screen is causing the crash - try replacing quiet splash with verbose08:17
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quio<gravemind> Ok Done.  I extracted the files.08:18
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tickyhi. i'm having issue (Input/output errors) burning ISO dvds . does anybody know how to fix this?08:18
gravemindquio: do you know how to change directory in terminal?08:18
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fivetwentysixIs it possible to install adobe flash on the x86_64 architecture?08:18
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Wookstamaximal_ , ok i'll give that a shot, cheers :)08:18
gravemindquio: ok, change directory to the folder you extracted, and do this command: ./install.sh08:18
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brian__fivetwentysix: not to my knowledge, except maybe with WINE08:19
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xcdfivetwentysix: yes there is08:19
xcdfivetwentysix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29078508:19
brian__xcd: oh, there is?08:19
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smallfoot-is there any CD burning software on the Ubuntu LiveCD ?08:19
gravemindquio: actually, that should be sudo ./install.sh08:19
xcdyou have to use a 32bit wrapper08:19
xcdand it's not really an official ubuntu fix or anything.08:20
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xcdbut that worked for me08:20
gravemindsmallfoot-: did you try k3b?08:20
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irbdavidin the grub menu.lst, should my windows drive be: root (sda1,0)   ? if it's on sda1?08:21
qmanthere's a command line utility called "cdrecord", though I'm not sure if it's present in the live environment08:21
tmrolandsmbclient provides windows SMB client-side functionality?08:21
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varkafivetwentysix: ndispluginwrapper08:21
xcdfivetwentysix: this site also does essentially the same process... but this is the one i actually followed myself: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34172708:21
tmrolandso no need for windows08:21
quio<gravemind> I get this output       ./install.sh: command not found08:21
qmanirbdavid, no, all grub devices are (hd#,#)08:21
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gravemindquio: ok, that just means you are in the wrong folder.08:22
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pressenterGood afternoon.08:22
irbdavidubuntu is apparently (hd0,0)08:22
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qmanirbdavid, look at /boot/grub/device.map, it'll tell you what's what08:22
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xcdfivetwentysix: and it'd be my suggestion to write somewhere what files you installed with dpkg/what symbolic links to delete so when adobe really does come out with an x86_64 version of the player, you can uninstall the old junk you won't need anymore :)08:22
pressenterHow can i get ukrainian language support in ubuntu?08:22
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irbdavidwhats the signficance of the the ',0' ?08:22
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gravemindquio: you should be inside the devede-2.13 folder08:22
qmanirbdavid, the first number is the drive number, the second is the partition number08:23
nuked_omenpressenter: try system > administration > language support08:23
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quio<gravemind>  My bad.  Let me try again ;)08:23
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qmanirbdavid, the first drive is 0, and the first partition is 008:23
ompaulpressenter, as you install you will be offered choices, choose the langauge / locale you require08:23
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mattloaf1Hi, everyone... I'm trying to use an Ubuntu Live CD to access a Windows HD in my system... how can I browse the Windows drive file structure through Ubuntu?08:24
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quio<gravemind> OK that is done.  Went reallll quick though.08:24
fresaplease someone could help with ndiswrapper on feisty?!08:24
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gravemindquio: good, that means it found no errors : )08:24
tickydoes anybody know how can i turn off IDE-SCSI emulation? do i need to recompile the kernel, or what08:24
gravemindquio: you should be able to find it in applications>sound and video08:24
pressenterompaul: But i have my system already installed with polish language support. When i'm trying to use mp3s with ukrainian signs they are all outputted wrong.08:25
irbdavidgrr.  my entry for windows in my menu.lst just causes grub to cycle at boot08:25
gravemindticky: is your ide cd drive not working?08:25
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qmanmattloaf1, you can mount it read only by doing the following in a terminal: "sudo mkdir /media/drive; sudo chmod 777 /media/drive; sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /media/drive"08:25
quio<gravemind>  What program is it?/?08:25
qmanmattloaf1, assuming your windows drive is /dev/hda108:25
irbdavid'press esc to enter the menu" repeatedly after selecting windows :(08:25
gravemindquio: DeVeDe08:25
tickygravemind: i'm getting input/output errors, when i try to burn a dvd from an ISO image.08:25
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qmanmattloaf1, to get read/write access, you need ntfs-3g08:25
mattloaf1qman, how do i know what designation my HD has if not hda108:26
tickygravemind: i've read that one of the solutions might be to do that.08:26
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quio<gravemind> I dont see it there??08:26
ompaulpressenter, you want to add more fonts, open synaptic package manager and add the ones you need08:26
gravemindticky: oh, I don't know then. Sorry.08:26
gravemindquio: uh oh08:26
tickygravemind: that's ok. thanks.08:26
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pressenterompaul: Ok, will search, thanks.08:26
irbdavidi need help setting up grub, something critical must be missing08:26
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gravemindquio: try typing devede in the terminal08:26
qmanmattloaf1, that depends on your system; generally, primary IDE master is hda, slave hdb, secondary master hdc, slave hdd, SATA and SCSI drives are sda, sdb, sdc, sdd, etc...08:26
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qmanmattloaf1, the number is the partition number on the drive, starting with 108:27
quioIt says it cannot find vcdimager??08:27
linnuxxyif i attach a usb device to the computer... how to know where it has been mapped in the /dev directory08:27
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irbdavidis there a setup utility for grub that will do this for me?08:28
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qmanlinnuxxy, it should be the next available sd device08:28
mattloaf1qman, thank you... i am assuming all of those 'sudo' commands are not on the same line, but entered on different lines?08:28
lockdanyone had luck with libflash? I can't seem to get the official plugin to work in firefox trunk08:28
Voodoonixi need some help with a sound card08:28
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qmanlinnuxxy, so if you have no SATA or SCSI drives or anything else attached, it would be sda08:28
lockdlibflash-mozplugin on any (non-alpha) browser08:28
ama-deus13hello, everyone08:28
quio<gravemind> It runs but it says it cannot find vcdimager08:29
irbdavidis there a setup utility for grub that will do this for me?08:29
qmanlinnuxxy, otherwise, it would be the next available, like sdb, sdc, etc...08:29
linnuxxyqman it is a serial to usb adaper... not a disc08:29
gravemindquio: try sudo apt-get install vcdimager08:29
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qmanlinnuxxy, oh, I thought you meant a flash drive08:29
nekyinbootsThanks for all the help installing Kubunto Desktop08:30
linnuxxyis there something in the /proc i may search for?08:30
qmanlinnuxxy, I've used a USB to serial port adapter before, and it assigned itself the second default serial port device08:30
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ama-deus13urgent.  i get troubles recording dvd-rw in ubuntu. i download some stuff for my friend, record it to his dvd-rw and then he uses it in windows. problem is that i can't erase that dvd. even being erased in nero it just doesn't want to record08:30
linnuxxyqman ttySn?08:30
irbdavidanybody?  i can't boot windows here08:30
quio<gravemind>  OK did it I'm going to give it a go.08:30
qmanlinnuxxy, yes08:30
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irbdavidi want to install a bootloader to the root of my windows drive, right?08:30
linnuxxyqman... is there something easier than the minicom?08:31
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linnuxxysomething like the HyperTerminal?08:31
qmanlinnuxxy, I agree, minicom is awful to use, I can't remember what application I used, though; it was more similar to hyperterminal08:31
quio<gravemind> Woo Hoo!!!  I will try to burn now.  Lets see how it goes.  Your the best!!08:31
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ScottASDid someone send me a message?08:32
irbdavidwhat does the chainloader do in grub?08:32
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Noianohello everybody08:33
qmanirbdavid, it loads another bootloader08:33
NoianoI am looking for a simple beginners guide for iptables...any suggestions?08:33
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qmanirbdavid, for example, to boot windows, you would chainload the windows bootloader08:33
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irbdavidif i write grub to the root of sda1 then it will overwrite the windows bootloader though right?08:34
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smallfoot-gravemind, is k3b available from the LiveCD?08:34
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nekyinbootsOne thing I would like, does anyone know of a good frontend for transcode?08:34
gravemindquio: great, I08:34
gravemindI'm glad it worked08:34
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gravemindsmallfoot-: I don't know offhand08:34
qmanirbdavid, it won't overwrite it, it will, however, take it's place in the mbr08:35
idefixxirbdavid: it will probably overwrite the ms bootsector (u dont want that) if windows is installaed to sda108:35
qmanNoiano, http://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/chunkyhtml/index.html08:35
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smallfoot-because im getting new computer, it has no os, i have no recent os on cd, but i have an old livecd, so i thouht i can use it, to download new iso, and burn08:35
qmanirbdavid, by installing grub "over" it in the mbr, you merely need a chainloader statement to boot windows08:35
Noianoqman, thanks08:35
linnuxxyqman : is it GtkTerm?08:35
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irbdavidso it needs 'chainloader +1" in there?08:35
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qmanlinnuxxy, probably, that sounds familiar08:35
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idefixxqman: no he is talking about sda1 not sda.. sda1= bootsector not mbr08:36
qmanirbdavid, yes08:36
irbdavidthis sucks.  booting i just get a 'grub' prompt that i can't type anything into now08:36
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smallfoot-is there any command, to creat a RAMdisk, so i can download an ISO to the RAMdisk and burn the ISO from the RAMdisk to a CD ?08:36
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irbdavidif i let the bios boot that drive first08:36
rambo3how do i add free space to my ubuntu parition08:36
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qmanirbdavid, it must not be finding the configuration08:36
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blue|palmHi there, can anybody reccomend a good linux distro for C/C++ development of Linux applications? Ive heard that gentoo is supposedly good for that...08:37
wolsrambo3: resize it08:37
lockdblue|palm: installing the -dev packages in Ubuntu is fine for that, though08:37
wolsblue|palm: look at the channel you're in08:37
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rambo3wols, orly?08:37
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blue|palmlol i know what channel i am in... Im using ubuntu right now08:37
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blue|palmThe problem is that ubuntu doesnt always have the latest stuff in the repos...08:38
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idefixxblue|palm: imo they are all the same for that.. gentoo however has the best build support since all the stuff u emerge is beeing build.08:38
tommy__hello again..08:38
andydufresnehave u ever tried to change icons in pcmanfm?08:38
lockdidefixx: supposing they all build correctly.. it can be a pain to reconfigure08:38
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qmanblue|palm, if you want bleeding edge, then gentoo will have it, but ubuntu is reasonably up to date08:38
idefixxlockd: i know :)08:38
tommy__i got my X running again... But now the resolution for too low08:38
jose_miguelirbdavid, if you free a partition the ubuntu installer will recognice it and you will have the option to install it there. If you don't have space for a partition you need to resize it, maybe partition magic works well08:38
tommy__and the image gets distorted08:38
irbdavidokay, i have a bootloader installed on hda1 that can boot linux okay, and a crippled bootloader on sda1 that doesn't do squat.  the bootloader on hda1 gets stuck in a loop if i try to select the windows option - what should i do?08:38
azlonhow can i find out if i have Ubuntu Desktop or Ubuntu Server?08:38
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tommy__so i cant see what i am doing, how can i change the resolution from a different user or from the console?08:39
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wolsirbdavid: check the menu.lst entry for windows08:39
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irbdavidwols: its there, i had to uncomment it myself08:39
dudubshow i can write to windows partitions from ubuntu?08:39
qmanazlon, you had to pick one when you downloaded and burned the CD08:39
lockddoes anyone know how to tell libflash to accept a different MIME type for shockwave?08:39
blue|palmazlon, type gnome-system-monitor into a gnome-terminal08:39
wolstommy__: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:39
jessidhello. i am trying to use chroot to change the root to /media/disk, but the result of sudo chroot /media/disk is cant change root directory to /media/disk: operation not allowed.... what can i do????08:39
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wolsirbdavid: maybe. but it certainly isn't the right entry. or it would work08:40
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qmanjessid, use sudo08:40
wolsjessid: be root08:40
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idefixxirbdavid: where is your windows installaed to?08:40
blue|palmazlon, then click the system tab08:40
magnetronjessid: are you shure you want to do that?08:40
azlonqman: i got it off bittorrent... this is my first time playing with linux08:40
idefixxirbdavid: partition?08:40
tommy__realy? cause it works for me when entering another user.. That i just created08:40
dudubsHow I can write to windows partitions from ubuntu????08:40
irbdavididefixx: sda108:40
azlonblue|palm: thanks08:40
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key[] tfu08:40
wols!ntfs-3g | dudubs08:40
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ubotududubs: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:40
qmanazlon, the torrent should have been labeled as to which one it was08:40
key[] not there08:40
jessidi am using sudo, but does not work...08:40
qmanazlon, otherwise, I would not trust that torrent08:40
=== sppatel [n=sppatel@cpe-071-077-016-093.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jessidmagnetron i am tring to restore grub...08:41
magnetronkey[] : stop with the spamming!08:41
key[] gerai08:41
fivetwentysixOMG i got flash working in amd64 woooo08:41
key[] ok08:41
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jessidi am usig the live cd08:41
kenjutsuhello everyone08:41
GenomsarenI have a problem08:41
magnetronjessid: ok08:41
azlonqman: can i msg you?08:41
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idefixxirbdavid: if you say you have got a 'crippled' bootsector on sda1 does that mean you overwrote it at some point?08:41
kenjutsuI have this weird problem and I hope eomeone will be able to help me08:41
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GenomsarenI cant install tar.gz files08:41
kenjutsumy mouse is randomly turning off and on08:41
irbdavidokay i'm worried now, ubuntu can't even mount my windows partition08:41
tommy___i got it, using xrandr -s 408:41
kenjutsuand sometimes it turns ff completely08:42
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irbdavididefixx: i tried writing grub to it08:42
Aerotwelve1Hey everyone, I have a question about installing wireless drivers. If I were to install these: http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/ how would I go about doing it?08:42
=== bahnhof [n=gleis3@e178014055.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
kenjutsuuntil I reboot my computer and then it works again08:42
irbdavidand it didn't come back with any errors or anything08:42
bahnhof!info kdevelop edgy08:42
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qmanazlon, the file should have been ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso or ubuntu-7.04-server-i386.iso08:42
ubotukdevelop: An IDE for Unix/X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.3.4-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 7894 kB, installed size 24892 kB08:42
magnetronkenjutsu: what kind of mouse do you have?08:42
azlonlet me check... hold on08:42
kenjutsulogitech mx518 usb mouse08:42
kenjutsubut it's not mouses foult I'm sure08:42
irbdavidokay i'm worried now, ubuntu cant even mount my windows partition08:42
idefixxirbdavid: well thats not good (no problem though) because you killed your windows bottsector.. the one starting the ntldr.08:42
kenjutsucuz it works after reboot08:42
magnetronkenjutsu: i got similar problems with my usb mouse08:42
Aerotwelve1Would I have to use ndiswrapper?08:42
a|K|aHello guys... my ubuntu note book froze and rebooted to: /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control08:42
a|K|aanyone know of a fix?08:43
kenjutsuI woudnt make sense how would mouse suddenly start working after reboot if it were broken08:43
GenomsarenI cant install tar.gz files how can I do it?08:43
irbdavididefixx: i need a bootloader there to get anything to boot though, right08:43
kenjutsubut it is off completely08:43
a|K|aerr googling now :\08:43
kenjutsuoptical light off08:43
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kenjutsu] google didnt come up with anything08:43
jose_miguelirbdavid, if both disk sda1 and hda1 are on the same machine. You should have only one boot disk, the primary disk. Install there the bootloader and then configure it to chainload windows on the second08:43
=== Uzuul [n=arno@vig38-2-81-56-113-154.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
wolsGenomsaren: unpack them (tar -zxvf). and then follow the instructions that came with the software08:43
Genomsarenkenjutsu maybe usb doesnt support its power or not good...08:43
=== Someonewhois [n=Hysteres@86-41-138-175.b-ras1.chf.cork.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
idefixxirbdavid: you need the windows bootsector there to get windows to load... linux is a different issue.08:43
kenjutsuwell I dindnt have these problems beforwe08:43
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kenjutsuthey only appeared recently08:44
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irbdavidso what should i be doing then?08:44
Azhi_Ubuntu!sharing | Azhi_Ubuntu08:44
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kenjutsuafter some update I guess. I dont know08:44
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LuxuriousIs there a list of wireless card that have support for Ubuntu out of the box?08:44
idefixxirbdavid: you can restore the windows bootsector with the windows cd.. no prob. but lets take a look at your win partition to see if its allright.08:44
wols!info ms-sys08:44
ubotums-sys: Write a Microsoft compatible boot record. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0-1 (feisty), package size 19 kB, installed size 128 kB08:44
idefixxirbdavid: what happens if you try to mount it?08:44
irbdavidi have the xp cd kicking around somewhere08:44
bahnhof!info libqt4 edgy08:44
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Aerotwelve1Hey everyone, I have a question about installing wireless drivers. If I were to install these: http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/ would I have to use ndiswrapper?08:45
irbdavidget the error 'wrong fs type, bad option etc etc'08:45
ubotuPackage libqt4 does not exist in edgy08:45
key[] How can I cheat my web counter? :)08:45
n2diy! hardware | Luxurious08:45
ubotuLuxurious: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport08:45
wolsirbdavid: no need. but if you do write such a MBR you can't boot ubuntu anymore08:45
LuxuriousTHanks a lot n2diy08:45
wols!ot | key[] 08:45
ubotukey[] : #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:45
kenjutsumagnetron : did you solve your problems ?08:45
n2diyLuxurious: nada08:45
bahnhof!info libqt-mt edgy08:45
ubotuPackage libqt-mt does not exist in edgy08:45
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:45
bahnhof!info libqt edgy08:45
ubotuPackage libqt does not exist in edgy08:45
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irbdavidthere doesnt appear to be an entry for sda1 in my fstab08:45
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magnetronkenjutsu: no, but my problem is related to other stuff as well i suspect08:46
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wolsirbdavid: since ubuntu apparently boots you fstab is fine08:46
idefixxirbdavid: you say its sda1, right? do a 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda' and tell me what type the partition is.08:46
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bahnhof!info qt4-dev edgy08:46
ubotuPackage qt4-dev does not exist in edgy08:46
Genomsarenwols: I write ./configure as it says but If I type make it cant compile it ill translate the error08:46
kenjutsuIt's weir cuz it turns off completely :(( I'm confused08:46
kenjutsuAnd works again after reboot08:46
thirdyhow do I set permission for menu.Ist?08:46
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wolsGenomsaren: install build-essential. also probably autoconf and automake08:46
azlonqman: ok, i have desktop (thanks to the iso title as you stated), now can i load a LAMP server on here? or do i NEED to have Ubuntu Server?08:46
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qmanthirdy, that's menu.lst, a lowercase L08:47
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qmanazlon, you can install LAMP, but it will be easier to do with the server CD08:47
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thirdyqman, how do I set change permission settings?08:47
bknitramI'm finding that when I start my computer, swap is never mounted. How can I fix this?08:47
slbkbs/q !08:47
wolsthirdy: by opening it with root permissions08:47
qmanthirdy, you shouldn't need to. Are you trying to modify it? what editor do you use?08:47
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irbdavididefixx: "this doesnt look like a partition table. Probably you selected the wrong device"08:48
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azlonqman: why is that? will i have to spend way more time installing LAMP? all i want is a basic wordpress page (to play around with instead of messing with my live page)08:48
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irbdaviddefinitely the right drive though - 250GB08:48
thirdyI have Kate, Kwrite, Mousepad08:48
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thirdyqman, I have Kate, Kwrite, Mousepad08:48
qmanazlon, the reason server CD is easier is because it has an install process that does all the packages for you right when you install the system; with desktop, you will have to install and configure all the packages manually08:48
irbdavidstuff like "partition 1 does not end of a cylinder boundary"08:49
bknitramI've already checked /etc/fstab, it has swap in it08:49
idefixxirbdavid: hmm.. try 'sudo cfdisk /dev/sda'08:49
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wolsirbdavid: your ubuntu starts fine with grub yes? so why do you bother with all that?08:49
qmanthirdy, run "kdesu Kate /boot/grub/menu.lst" or whichever one you wish to use08:49
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thirdyOK, How do I edit in the terminal?08:49
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wolssudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst08:49
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azlonqman: frick... will i lose any features by switching to server? i picked desktop because i thought it would be more user friendly...08:49
irbdavididefixx: that says there's a single bootable ntfs partition on there, as expected08:49
qmanthirdy, if you want to use nano, "sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst"08:49
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qmanazlon, server doesn't have X installed, command line only by default08:50
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irbdavidwols: eh?  trying to get windows to work as well08:50
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idefixxirbdavid: just to be sure.. with cfdisk everything looks fine?08:50
wolsirbdavid: only place you can do that is menu.lst. but feel free to ignore me08:50
=== Emerson_L_G_Oliv [n=emerson@201-31-184-39.ultrawave.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
bknitramI'm finding that when I start my computer, swap is never mounted. How can I fix this? fstab says swap should mount unless the uuid is wrong.08:50
qmanazlon, the reason is, generally, you want to avoid having X installed on a server, as it's a security risk and performance hit, especially if you're running a bastion host08:50
wolsirbdavid: most probably you make grub look at the wrong pace for it08:50
irbdavididefixx: yes08:50
amankilltron2000 what are your findings?08:51
idefixxwols: no he shot his windows bootsector, trying to install grub.08:51
=== Emerson_L_G_Oliv [n=emerson@201-31-184-39.ultrawave.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
irbdavidwols: i dont know what i'm doing here tbh08:51
qmanazlon, however, if you want a desktop system, and just to have a web server on it, you should stick with the desktop and install those packages on top08:51
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=== linuxwizard [n=masterse@74-141-160-82.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
myohi all, newb here trying to play dvds on my dell inspiron b130 running feisty.  I keep getting this error: Totem could not play 'dvd:/' I can't find a support post for this08:51
wolsidefixx: he installed grub to sda1?08:51
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wolshe installed it to sda. but that doesn't matter at all08:51
idefixxwols: yep08:51
irbdavidtried to yes08:51
Flannelazlon: you don't gain anything by going to server either.  All of the packages are available on both.  In fact, you end up with an identical system, only with different packages installed by default (desktop has GUI, etc)08:51
=== ct2rips [n=ct2rips@p5486aa7e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
wolsok then. boot a windows XP cd. run fixboot and you're done08:52
qmanazlon, there's another easy way out, though, you could install server with lamp then install the ubuntu base package08:52
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azlonqman/Flannel: awesome, that sounds like what i want! should i just search Packet Manager for LAMP or do you recommend something?08:52
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:52
=== wheels3572 [n=wheels@dsl-69-50-51-206.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu
idefixxwols: well he said he wasnt abel to mount the windows part at all.. so im trying to figure out if it ok. i already told him to look for the win cd.08:53
irbdavidwols: where's that live on the XP cd?  i had a look for something like that but couldn't find it08:53
superm1Could someone point me towards an app that will allow editing of ogg/theora video?  It appears avidemux won't do it.08:53
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kFjhi. is it possible to use some other tool to manage wlan connections in ubuntu ? im using ndsiwrapper with speedtouch 121g and nm manager, and want to install virtual toolbox, but virtual toolbox does not work with network manager08:53
quio<gravemind> I am running the software but it looks like it is converting the mp4 to mpg.  I thought I selected it to convert it to ISO.  Is that how this works?08:53
azlonok, you're talking to a linux idiot... im trying to get my feet wet and have a fairly plesant experience... i WANT to like linux... but its not going well so far due to my ignorance08:53
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bknitram!dvd > myo08:53
wolsirbdavid: recovery console08:53
Genomsarenwols: after ./congigure there 2 files called Makefile.am and Makefile.in but any file called Makefile can it be a problem?08:53
irbdavidi have an XP pro cd to hand08:53
idefixxirbdavid: try to mount the partition manualy 'sudo mount -tntfs /dev/sda1 /media/sda1'08:53
myobknitram: huh?08:53
thirdyqman, thanx08:53
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:54
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myoubotu: I installed libdvdcss208:54
wolsGenomsaren: no automake/autoconf? no errors? paste the full configure output08:54
bknitrammyo: gstreamer0.8-dvd?08:55
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SNowbornHi there!08:55
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bknitramI'm finding that when I start my computer, swap is never mounted. How can I fix this? fstab says swap should mount unless the uuid is wrong.08:55
wolsbknitram: sudo swapon -a08:56
SNowbornI would like to use the monitor of my 2. notebook as an extension for my first one, so connect via ssh oder something, but over the ip.08:56
irbdavididefixx: two secs just trying to find this recovery console thing08:56
froggy_hi i have this problem sometime my ubuntu doesn t want load.08:56
irbdavidis it not on XP pro discs or something08:56
wolsirbdavid: it is08:56
bknitramwols, I know how to mount it. But how can I get it to do so at boot08:57
quioThanks everyone.  Have a great weekend.08:57
irbdavidoption after it loads all its junk into memory?08:57
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Ropechoborrafroggy_ what does it says?08:57
wolsbknitram: what is the output of the command I suggested?08:57
myobknitram: libdvdcss2 is already the newest version.08:57
myo  and I just installed gstreamer0.8-dvd08:57
myo with no luck08:57
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idefixxirbdavid: its after the drivers are loaded... before it asks you if you want to repair or do a new install.08:57
froggy_Ropechoborra: nothing08:57
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froggy_Ropechoborra: i have disabled splash08:58
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tondarhey all08:58
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tondaris there any desklets for ubuntu in vm?08:58
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bknitramwold: swapon: cannot stat /dev/disk/by-uuid/f1fd6d0e-9bd8-487c-b934-86eaa9e8eb94: No such file or directory08:58
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bknitramwols: swapon: cannot stat /dev/disk/by-uuid/f1fd6d0e-9bd8-487c-b934-86eaa9e8eb94: No such file or directory08:58
bknitramlooks like the uuid is wrong...08:58
wolsbknitram: that's your problem. use the new UUID for your swap in your fstab08:58
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froggy_Ropechoborra: and sometime i have blu screen and it say it is able to load x08:58
froggy_Ropechoborra: and sometime i have blu screen and it say it is able to load x enviroment08:59
tondarany desktop item like screenlets for ubuntu in vm machine?08:59
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myobknitram: also ran sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh and it said sudo: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh: command not found08:59
irbdaviddamn XP cd is just dead in the drive now.  just going to dig out a different one08:59
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Genomsarenwols: they didnt work Ill pate the configuration text09:00
a|K|ahow can I mount my notebook's harddrive when I boot from live cd so I can fix lilo.conf ?09:00
bknitrammyo, try automatix maybe?09:00
ochosihi, on booting feisty i receive the error "ata1.00: SET of native returned 0, expected"; everything seems to be ok, but what does this error mean? (couldn't find an answer in the ubuntuforums)09:00
lexis_nexushello tuxers09:00
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lexis_nexuscan I get some help with setting up my ir blaster09:01
graveminda|K|a: open up gparted to find the name of the /dev09:01
wols!ask | lexis_nexus09:01
ubotulexis_nexus: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:01
bknitrammyo, http://www.getautomatix.com09:01
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wolsbknitram: do not suggest automatix to anyone in here09:01
gravemind!automatix | bknitram, myo09:01
ubotubknitram, myo: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:01
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bknitrammaybe its not so good...09:02
idefixxirbdavid: try to figure out if you can mount your windows partition like i told you.. if that works install repair the bottsectot with the win-cd 'fixboot'. and (if nessecary) edit your menu.lst to chainload sda1 to start windows.09:02
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wolsbknitram: no "maybe"09:02
myobknitram: how will an installer program help me play dvd's09:02
a|K|agravemind: Once I get the name what do I do?09:02
kaktuskattaHi! Anyone here who has experience with Gnomad?09:02
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wols!anyone | kaktuskatta09:02
ubotukaktuskatta: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:02
kaktuskattaI'm trying to get my creative zen v plus to work under ubuntu09:02
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thirdyIs there a way to make a default user name in log in?09:02
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lexis_nexusjust a suggestion for anybody always make a seperate partion for your home dir so that when you screw up your system you can make a fresh install and have all your files and settings intact09:03
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kaktuskattaI need help with the setup of my creative zen v plus under linux/ubuntu09:03
tondarsuggestions for desklets to use in a vm running ubuntu??09:03
Genomsarenwols: I want share the log but I cant start a private chat with you09:03
graveminda|K|a: sudo mkdir /media/windows; sudo mount /dev/whatever /media/windows09:03
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kaktuskattaI've tried Gnomad but it cant09:03
wolslexis_nexus: and all your system wide settings in etc, all your mail, DBs, websites in /var: all gone09:03
kaktuskattafind the player09:03
thirdynice, even the clipboard is preserved09:03
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paster - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:03
thirdywols, Is there a way to make a default user name in log in?09:04
RocondaIs the Firefox crashbug known ?09:04
ipx_ :)09:04
lexis_nexushow can I read raw ascii data from a usb ir device and save those string to a lirc config file09:04
Genomsarenpastebin gives an error too :d09:04
wolsthirdy: yes. but I dunno how and I don#t care09:04
idefixxirbdavid: one other thing, if you cant get the windows cd to work. google for 'supergrub' it has an option similar to fixboot.09:04
tondarsuggestions for desklets to use in a vm running ubuntu??09:04
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wols /ignore tondar09:04
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lexis_nexushelp plz !09:04
Genomsarenwols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23772/09:04
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Freakingmek3b/growisofs hangs when flushing the cache. So I killed growisofs as well as k3b. But there is still a log of cpu and HD activity09:04
Freakingmelog of = lot of09:05
Freakingmehow do I stop that?09:05
wolsFreakingme: check which processes do it09:05
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Alanhow do i remove something from startup ?09:05
A[D] minShow i can change my root pass ?09:05
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tondarwols: what the ??? suppose to answer the questions not ignore them!!!! at least say you have no idea09:05
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wolsGenomsaren: you didn't isntall build-essential like I told you09:05
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kenn_Hello.  I need help solving a resolution problem with FeistyFawn on a Dell Inspiron B130 laptop.  The only resolution option at System->Preferences->Screen Resolution is 1064x768.  I was going to try editing xorg.conf, but the only resolution I see listed there is 1380x800, which is what I really want anyway.  What am I doing wrong?09:06
azlonqman: is there a specific pack i should search for in Package Manager (for LAMP on Desktop)09:06
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Aerotwelve1D0es anyone here know the apt-get command for downloading ndiswrapper?09:06
Freakingmewols thanks, but that does not display my hd activity of a proces09:06
wolsGenomsaren: and configure displays errors at the end09:06
kenn_i meant 1280x80009:06
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:06
FreakingmeAerotwelve1 I don't, but you might just find it using: apt-cache search09:06
graveminda|K|a: did it work?09:06
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Genomsarenwols: sorry because of my english and low linux knowledge I didnt get what you mean with that message09:07
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=== Knoeki is Away, Reason: ( raiding ze fridge too! :D :D ) | Since: ( Saturday, June 2, 2007. 12:26:46 ) Xlack v2.1
Genomsarenwols: I am installing it right now09:07
Aerotwelve1I found it, thanks Freakingme09:07
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a|K|agravemind err nah09:07
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a|K|asays wrong fs09:07
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a|K|abad option bad superblock09:07
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tickyi need to use hdparm, and i need to reference to the hard drives as /dev/sdX the thing is.. that i reazlied that there in not such directory, and i checked, /etc/fstab adn the way it identifies the harddrives is by using the UUID, how can i reference to a directory instead?09:07
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wolsGenomsaren: you also need various -dev packages of gnome libraries as shown at the end09:07
a|K|ait is a ext3 filesystem09:08
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Freakingmeso there is no one that can tell me how I find what proces causes a lot of HD-activity?09:08
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Genomsarenwhy they dont put these things in ubuntu as standard??? Or why they dont just compile these things...??? and make setups?09:09
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irbdavididefixx: okay, that sudo mount works09:09
irbdavidsorry bout the delay there09:09
a|K|agravemind and ideas?09:09
Genomsarenyarrak: where are you from?09:09
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wolsGenomsaren: they are in ubuntu. but they are not installed by default09:09
icf7ticky: Just type mount, it will list mounted devices09:09
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wolsGenomsaren: cause you as a user doesn't need them usually. you are no ubunut developer09:09
eudoxos_ticky: /dev/disk/by-uuid/* are symlinks from uuid to /dev/sda1 etc.09:09
irbdavidand windows is all still there09:09
idefixxirbdavid: allright now you can be sure your data is still there :)... now get the window cd.. or supergrub.09:10
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Mach3im trying to mount my windows drive(s) so i can access my files from linux.  im using the ntfs-3g driver and config tool.  For reference, i have windows on a 2disk raid0 array, and linux on a separate 3rd drive.  I think the problem is that my windows 'drive' is really 2 drives in raid 0.  When i run fdisk -l it shows both individual disks, but not one that represents the raid.  So every time i try to mount sda1 (the first drive in the raid0 array) i j09:10
GenomsarenI got it...09:10
froggy_i have this messagge ACPI unable to turn cooling device [df80cfcc]  'on' and the system is stoppend and don t want go on09:10
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irbdavidi just had a go with the windows cd, and it didnt appear to work09:10
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froggy_PROBLEM UBUNTU DON T WANT START  i have this messagge ACPI unable to turn cooling device [df80cfcc]  'on'09:10
tickyeudoxos_: thanks.09:11
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irbdaviddos prompt: fixboot tried to do it to C: which doesnt exist - called M: in mine for some reason09:11
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irbdavidfixboot M: complained that that didnt exist09:11
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idefixxirbdavid: well as i said.. there is a bootcd/usb/floppy called supergrub. it has an option to restore the ms bootsect. just like the windows cd does. never tested it though.09:11
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froggy_PROBLEM UBUNTU DON T WANT START  i have this messagge ACPI unable to turn cooling device [df80cfcc]  'on'09:11
sebas_how do I close an open session from the terminal?09:11
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irbdavidyeah just sorting that out now09:11
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wolssebas_: exit09:12
graveminda|K|a: windows doesn't use ext309:12
wols!caps | froggy_09:12
ubotufroggy_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:12
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eudoxos_sebas_: or ^D09:12
Genomsarenall: Do you know a netlimiter like software in ubuntu?09:12
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idefixxirbdavid: in any case its pretty straight forward, so nothing much that can go wrong as long as you're sure to install it to sda109:12
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RopechoborraGenomsaren netlimiter?09:12
a|K|agravemind: I am trying to mount my ubuntu disk09:12
RopechoborraLike a firewall ?09:12
wolsGenomsaren: iptables QoS can do it. but hard to setup09:12
Genomsarenyeap it controls bandwith09:12
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froggy_Ubuntu don t want start itself   i have this messagge ACPI unable to turn cooling device [df80cfcc]  'on'09:12
a|K|aMy ubuntu crashed and now gives me error on boot09:12
RopechoborraGenomsaren Proxy Squid09:12
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froggy_Ubuntu don t want start itself   i have this messagge ACPI unable to turn cooling device [df80cfcc]  'on'09:12
a|K|aI am trying to mount the ubuntu Filesystem so I can look at the files and configs09:13
wolsfroggy_: use a noacpi kernelparameter in grub09:13
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Genomsarenfor example you can say that firefox use only 16 Kb bandwith, kopete 5 Kb etc...09:13
RopechoborraI dont think iptables controls the bandwith09:13
wols!grub | a|K|a09:13
ubotua|K|a: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:13
sebas_wols, eudoxos_: I mean a session that has been opened but it is not the one that I'm using09:13
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idefixxRopechoborra: but QoS does.09:13
wolssebas_: man kill, killall, pkill09:13
froggy_wols:  how ?09:13
RopechoborraDidnt know :)09:13
wolsRopechoborra: it does09:13
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a|K|aerrr... guys, I am not trying to get ubuntu to work with windows at all09:13
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wolsRopechoborra: well netfilter with tc. iptables is a netfilter control utility09:14
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wolsa|K|a: same steps09:14
a|K|aI am trying to mount a ubuntu filesystem so I can read files09:14
Freakingmea|K|a en what is it, that doesn't work?09:14
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Freakingmewhat software do you use to read the linux fs (ext3 in your case?)09:14
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wolsa|K|a: for installing grub. as for mounting: mount /dev/sdaX /mountpoint09:14
a|K|ahaha guys... /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off09:14
a|K|athat is what I get if I try to boot my ubuntu09:14
a|K|asomething went jacked09:14
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a|K|aso I am reading to mount the drive after booting to livecd09:15
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wolsa|K|a: you sure the livecd hasn't already mounted it?09:15
wols"mount" to check09:15
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sebas_wols: sudo killall -u viky09:16
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok09:16
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ
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a|K|amount doesn't show it mounted09:16
k00kla     ubuntu?09:16
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bbrazil!ru | k00kla09:16
ubotuk00kla:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:16
ompaul!ru | k00kla09:16
LjL!ru | k00kla09:16
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tickyeudoxos_: do you know why sometime when i insert a cd it will mount it as /dev/scd0 (i assume it is using ide-scsi emulation here) and others it mounts it as /dev/hda. I'm having issues burning dvd iso images and one of the reasons i read is the use of ide-scsi emulation. thanks09:17
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C_KodeI really like Ubuntu. but to make it any type of developers box and a major battle.09:18
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majnoonapt-get -i *09:18
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jribC_Kode: not really, just install build-essential and any -dev pacakges for libraries you want to work with09:18
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lurkehello world09:18
a|K|aC_Kode: what development are you doing?09:18
tickyhelo lurke09:19
Genomsarenwols: I intalled install-essent...09:19
ompaulC_Kode, what it is very hard to install your $editor_de_jour and build-essential ?09:19
Genomsarenwols: what to do now?09:19
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a|K|aI am a web developer and I totally enjoy ubuntu over window09:19
sq89hi! is there a way to let ubuntu recreate config files, just like it created them during the install? somehow dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg messed up the backup file too, and I'd like to return to the original configuration.09:19
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C_Kodejrib: I've tried.  There are so many deps and those deps fail to compile.09:19
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=== lurke came to lurk :)
jribC_Kode: you don't compile anything.  You install them through APT.09:19
ompaulC_Kode, you install the packages you need09:19
C_KodeI'm trying to install pygame.09:19
eudoxos_ticky: no idea for that, but with 2.6 kernels ide-scsi emulation for burning should really not be needed. Besides, burning tools will query HAL for devices and that will probably hide device name from you, you will just see manufacturer and model name or sth like that...09:19
=== eX|Joe [n=joe@c-71-204-234-210.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribC_Kode: sudo aptitude install python-pygame      done09:19
RedGhostOkay so one day alsa disappeared from available sound devices for no reason and OSS is a bit broken with my laptop so I attempted to install from source and broke the installation procedure. Now volume manager tells me I have no sound devices/gstreamer plugins to configure and I have absolutely no sound, a little help? :)09:19
C_KodeE: Couldn't find package pygame09:20
Panda200xI have this problem with sudo apt-get install build-essential09:20
Panda200xit tells me the package doesn't exist09:20
jribC_Kode: that's the wrong package name09:20
jribPanda200x: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list09:20
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Panda200xOk, what's the ubuntu pastebin? paste.ubuntu-nl.com or something?09:20
ompaul C_Kode   python-pygame09:20
hypn0Panda200x: don't you need an s on end?09:20
LjL!pastebin > Panda200x    (Panda200x, see the private message from Ubotu)09:21
tickyeudoxos_: well. the problem might be that ide-scsi emultation is set. i wan to turn that off completly09:21
C_KodeNope, didn't work.  No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.09:21
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jribC_Kode: then you need to enable universe09:21
dyoung_I need some help with wpa_supplicant. Who is feelin' saucy?09:21
jrib!universe > C_Kode (see the private message from ubotu)09:21
eudoxos_ticky: isn't it just a kernel module? You need to find out why it gets loaded, perhaps listed in /etc/modules?09:21
C_Kodethat was dumb :(09:21
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tickyeudoxos_:  i don'tknow. i have never worked with the kernel09:22
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hypn0Panda200x: no you don't :-)09:22
eudoxos_ticky:  OK, how did you enable it?09:22
tickyi didn't09:22
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tickyeudoxos_: i am wonderig if it was enabled by default09:23
C_KodeIt kept claiming I needed smpeg and freetype2.  I couldn't get either to compile.09:23
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jribC_Kode: you aren't listening.  You don't have to compile09:23
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tickyeudoxos_: otherwise, when when i insert a cd it would mount it as /dev/scdX09:23
C_Kodejrib: I know.  I have it now.09:23
Panda200xMy sources.list09:23
C_KodeMy problem was with freetype2 and smpeg09:23
jribC_Kode: ok09:24
tamgohow do I extract multifile rar archives? I tried utilizing unrar-free and it didn't work. Ark supports the archive, but needs 'unrar' and that is nowhere to be found in the repository (yes, I have uncommented all the repositories in the sources.list).09:24
jribPanda200x: everything is commented09:24
LjL!info unrar | tamgo09:24
eudoxos_ticky: what do you get something from lsmod | grep ide-scsi?09:24
ubotutamgo: unrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7.3-1 (feisty), package size 94 kB, installed size 228 kB09:24
Panda200xSo I need to uncomment all of the apt sources?09:24
LjL!multiverse > tamgo    (tamgo, see the private message from Ubotu)09:24
irbdavidokay, think i fixed it09:24
irbdavidthanks very much idefixx09:24
C_Kodejrib: thanks for the help.  (and everyone else that offered up help!)  It was appreciated09:24
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jribC_Kode: np, much easier then chasing dependencies around eh?09:25
irbdavidwols: et al :D09:25
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C_Kodejrib: dear god! ghah09:25
tickyeudoxos_: nothing09:25
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jribPanda200x: uncomment the ones you want/need09:25
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LjL!easysource > Panda200x    (Panda200x, see the private message from Ubotu) | you might find it handier to just use this09:25
tickyeudoxos_: do you know where can i configure automount?09:26
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blazemongerhi folks09:26
eudoxos_ticky: that means that the ide-scsi module is not loaded. Good.09:26
tamgoLjL, I have multiverse activated, I cannot see this package09:26
blazemongerUbuntu fiesty is working great on my old dell notebook09:26
RedGhostOkay so one day alsa disappeared from available sound devices for no reason and OSS is a bit broken with my laptop so I attempted to install from source and broke the installation procedure. Now volume manager tells me I have no sound devices/gstreamer plugins to configure and I have absolutely no sound. I am fairly new to this and don't want to have to reformat and lose all my data I need someone to walk me through fixing this issue.09:26
blazemongerbut on my desktop system ubuntu hates my video card which is a rage 128 so i use debian09:27
LjLtamgo: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please09:27
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eudoxos_ticky: I vaguely remember that in recent kernels, even ATA devices are accessed in the same way as SATA ones, which show up ad /dev/sd?09:27
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tickyeudoxos_: i don't know what to do then, because i'm wasteing 1 out of 3 DVDS when i try to burn them09:27
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blazemongerhow safe is it to use the PLF repositories..does it have the capability to break things?09:27
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virusahi all from Georgia09:27
Aerotwelve1Hey everyone, how do I add wireless drivers to make them work with my wireless card? I believe these are native: http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/09:27
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tickyeudoxos_: i didn't get your question09:27
blazemongervirusa: mississippi here09:27
tickyhi virusa09:28
blazemongervirusa: small world man09:28
Aerotwelve1Native means I won't have to mess with ndiswrapper, right?09:28
eudoxos_ticky: I would think your problem is not related to that. But I have no experience in burning DVDs at all. Don't you set burner's speed too high? What symptoms do you have?09:28
logixoulhi. how do I make all files that are owned by www-data readable by my user?09:28
virusacan anyone help me with ubuntu ?09:28
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dyoung_I need some help with wpa_supplicant. Who is feelin' saucy?09:28
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blazemongervirusa: what do you need help with? I'm a newbie to ubuntu but i can try09:28
erUSUL!anyone | virusa09:28
ubotuvirusa: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:28
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virusa <ubotu> sorry09:28
=== secleinteer [n=scl@adsl-70-237-207-203.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
tamgoLjL: http://paste.uni.cc/1604209:29
tickyeudoxos_:  i use k3b, i set it to burn 5 dvd and it might burn 2 ok and in the third one  it will screw up. the dvd-r's are 16x and i set it to 16x (not auto).. some work. some others don't09:29
logixoulvirusa: uBOTu is a bot ;)09:29
=== Shadowpillar [n=shadowxp@pool-71-104-141-74.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dyoung_I get a "could not get status from wpa_supplicant" when I run wpa_gui09:29
tickyeudoxos_: and it's a 4.7 dvd iso image i'm burning09:29
eudoxos_ticky:  sorry, it was supposed to be /dev/sd?. (meaning: /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc.) Otherwise said: /dev/sd[something]  devices are not necessarily SCSI, they might be SATA or even ATA.09:29
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virusa<logixoul> ouch :D09:29
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Genomsarenall: anybody know how to update Glib or gobject?09:29
xjkxIF i havent root user i cant use cupsd, how do i do when it asks for root password09:30
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Aerotwelve1No one knows how to add native linux wireless drivers to make them work?09:30
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Panda200xOk, I made the sources.list from source-o-matic, and it's still presenting me E: Couldn't find package build-essential09:30
xjkxto add a print09:30
erUSULvirusa: just ask your question, do not ask to ask a question ;)09:30
logixoulxjkx: try your password09:30
=== hydan [n=heath@c-71-207-247-195.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eudoxos_ticky: No idea here. Perhaps if you get verbose output from cdrecord (or what it is called, the backend that does the burning) you might be able to get some insight.09:30
wolsAerotwelve1: depends on the chipset09:30
Panda200xand I replaced it too, with a backup09:30
virusai have a problem with compilation09:30
xjkxTo add a printer09:30
xjkxOn ubuntu09:30
hydanwhat's this guy using? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvYSZ6zPoac09:30
jribPanda200x: did you run 'sudo apt-get update'?09:30
zabi1has anyone ever used ndisgtk?09:31
Panda200xOh wait09:31
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows09:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cupsd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:31
erUSULAerotwelve1: instruction on how to install those driver are on the web site afaik09:31
hydanit's not the typical beryl configuration.09:31
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Aerotwelve1wols: Well, http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/ is the link to my drivers. From what I know, they're native. They're made by Intel.09:31
Panda200xI'm getting the security updates now, thanks :D09:31
zabi1anyone ever use ndisgtkanyone ever use ndisgtk09:31
logixoulhydan: look at the god damn video title...09:31
wolsAerotwelve1: yes09:31
Aerotwelve1erUSUL: Oh? I'll check.09:31
virusa <erUSUL> can you help me with compilation /?09:31
johnficca2ok so I tried to upgrade to the new ati driver witch was a bad idea cuz I couldn't get it to work, so I reinstalled the xorg-driver-fglrx and now I can't get the ubuntu one to work like it was before...can someone help?09:31
wolsAerotwelve1: and what is the problem you have?09:31
Genomsarenwols: you are back09:31
LjLtamgo: there is a problem in that sources.list, although it's probably not the reason why you can't find unrar. fix it, anyway: feisty-updates is enabled for main and restricted, but not for universe and multiverse. fixed version: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23776/09:31
tickyeudoxos_: i still don't understand your question. i have one SATA disk which is /dev/sdb and a IDE drive which is /dev/sda and for hte cdrom fstab has this: /dev/scd0  /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       009:31
Genomsarenwols: I intalled install-essent... what shall I do now?09:31
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logixoulGuys, how do I make everything that is owned by www-data readable by logixoul?09:32
erUSULAerotwelve1: you will need 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential'09:32
tamgoLjL, thanks, let me check it out09:32
hydanlogixoul: yes, well, :P I didn't realize 3ddesktop was an actual program, perhaps if i'd googled.09:32
wolsGenomsaren: install the -dev packages for the libs it wants09:32
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LjLtamgo: as for the problem at hand, type  sudo apt-get update  and tell me if you see anything resembling an error. then type  apt-cache policy unrar 09:32
qmanzabi1, tried it once, don't recommend it09:32
Aerotwelve1erUSUL: Okay, I'll try that.09:32
hydanlogixoul:  but thanks for pointing it out09:32
Genomsarenwols: i cant install them wi09:32
Genomsarenwols: i cant install them with apt-get install command09:32
logixoulhydan: np :)09:32
=== Cheese^ [n=Cheese@p508E2215.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
tickyeudoxos_: but i read this in several forums. people are having trouble burning iso images bigger than 2.1GB09:33
eudoxos_ticky: misunderstanding, it was not a question. You can check ls -l /dev/scd1, I think it will be symlink to /dev/something, which is the real device. scd stands for SCSI CD (again, SCSI may actually mean also (S)ATA as well).09:33
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johnficca2now the restricted drivers manager tells me my hardware dosen't need any restricted drivers, witch it dose.09:33
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zabi1anyone ever use ndisgtk09:34
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johnficca2what do I do09:34
tamgoLjL: I am getting an erorr, check it out: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23778/09:34
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a|K|awell cdfisk had to fix that partition and now I am rocking :)09:34
eudoxos_ticky: in that case, you should file a bug if you don't get solution in the forums... I know that problem with many ubuntu forums is that people post things like "yes, I have this problem also" or "I tried ... and it worked, but I don't know what it does!"09:34
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LjLtamgo: edit sources.list again and switch to another mirror (for instance, se.archive.ubuntu.com instead of us.archive.ubuntu.com)09:35
tickyeudoxos_: ls: /dev/scd1: No such file or directory09:35
hagabakait would be nice if gdebi had a KDE/Qt UI too09:35
=== MISTERTibbs [n=acerimme@74-61-60-15.sea.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== hydan is jealous of logixoul, it's not often you can use that language in here; only if someone asks something blatantly stupid ;)
ticky i might ironically end up burning the ubuntu dvds under windows09:36
johnficca2should I do a reinstall ?09:36
tickyeudoxos_:  i might ironically end up burning the ubuntu dvds under windows09:36
eudoxos_ticky: sorry, I mistyped what you have in fstab... /dev/scd0 is it.09:36
=== ratibus [n=ratibus@vai69-1-82-67-47-51.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
tickyeudoxos_: yes. i tried it and same thing09:36
LjLtamgo: then try sudo apt-get update again (if it works, you can then probably switch back to the US mirrors if you prefer; changing mirrors is just a trick to make apt-get work, really)09:36
tamgoLjL: change ALL us entries for se entries?09:36
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LjLtamgo: yes. search&replace is your friend ;)09:37
tickyeudoxos_: well. but i have inserted a blank DVD..09:37
tickywhich is not mounted09:37
tamgoLjL, yeah, just wanted to make sure. Let me give it a try...09:37
eudoxos_johnficca2: you may have X configuration backed up in /etc/X11.09:37
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virusahelp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee09:37
johnficca2eudoxos_: what do you mean ? what should I do ?09:37
eudoxos_ticky: you cannot mount, you need raw device access fro burning. Once burned, you can mount.09:37
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qmanvirusa, ask your question; things like "help me" or "will anyone help?" don't give us any information09:38
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eX|JoeIf anyone is willing to help me with the step by step process of installing webgui, i would really appreciate it!09:38
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tickyeudoxos_: i have inserted another cd an it was automounted as /dev/hda09:39
eudoxos_ticky: I am probably unable to help you. Burn in under windows then and look at bugs.launchpad.net if there is bug filed. If not, do it. People will help you (hopefully)09:39
tamgoLjL, that worked, thanks!09:39
=== immoT- [n=tommi@dsl-kpogw7-fe25f800-12.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULvirusa: use erUSUL: or i may miss your msgs what are you trying to compile ??09:39
johnficca2when I run fglrxinfo it says something about Mesa not ati09:39
=== AngryElf_ [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Joe_CoThey, I'm at an install-fest and need some help. I'm installing on a G3 PPC, using the ati driver, and I'm getting screen corruption (messed up colors and fonts). anything i can try?09:40
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potjohnficca2 did you add the disable composite extention to the bottom of xorg.conf?09:40
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johnficca2pot: yes09:40
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francescofemii need help09:40
francescofemivery urgent09:41
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:41
johnficca2pot: I used this how to http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide09:41
francescofemican anybody help me?09:41
potfrancescofemi : re-format09:41
=== virusa is now known as virusavirusa
tickyeudoxos_: thanks a lot for your help09:41
LjLfrancescofemi: let me look in my crystal ball09:41
tickyeudoxos_: one last thing i might try. how do i enable DMA09:41
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
francescofemii have a problem: i rebooted my ubuntu and it gave me a grub error 509:41
potjohnficca2 : if you're sure you did it 100% right then perhaps your card isnt supported by fglrx09:41
BigToe7000I lost the game, and so did Meglo09:41
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johnficca2pot: I have a redeon x60009:42
=== MalKov [n=dmlk@host55.201-252-220.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
francescofemiand now all my data is inaccessible to the computer09:42
francescofemiwhile trying to fschk it gives me an error09:42
francescofemiwhat do you suggest?09:42
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johnficca2pot: and it was working just fine tell I tried to update to the new diver09:42
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froggy_now i have this problem a the start :09:42
froggy_input:synap ps/209:42
froggy_synaptics touchpad09:42
froggy_cs:port probe 0x100-0x3af: clean09:42
froggy_cs:port probe 0x3e0-0x4ff: excluiding 0x400-0x407 0x410-0x41709:42
froggy_cs:port probe 0x820-0x8ff: clean09:43
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froggy_cs:port probe 0xc00-0xcf7: clean09:43
potjohnficca2 oh.. did it make a backup of your xorg.conf ?09:43
froggy_cs:port probe 0xa00-0x0ff: clean09:43
froggy_and stop09:43
MISTERTibbsfran what error???09:43
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jrib!paste > froggy_ (see the private message from ubotu)09:43
johnficca2pot: no I didn't09:43
qmanfroggy_, use a pastebin09:43
SlimeyPetefroggy_: error 5 means your partition table is corrupt09:43
SlimeyPetefrancescofemi: ^^09:43
francescofemigrub error 509:43
=== Mandrake` [n=krzys@unregister245026239087.c26.msk.pl] has joined #ubuntu
francescofemiso what do i do?09:43
eudoxos_ticky: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_speed_up_CD.2FDVD-ROM09:43
francescofemihow can i save my data?09:43
potjohnficca2 : the installer did.   check the date.   also make sure it's fglrx as the driver in the xorg.conf and the composite extention is 009:43
froggy_so  SlimeyPete what i can do?09:43
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johnficca2pot: ok09:44
SlimeyPetefroggy_: sorry, I was talking to francescofemi, not you09:44
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eudoxos_ticky:  there is faster way (but will not be preserved after reboot, contrary to the first one: sudo hdparm /dev/hda -d1)09:44
MISTERTibbsparition is corrupt.  I suggest you reinstall with same partition sizes.  that should retain your data09:44
SlimeyPetefrancescofemi: try booting the livecd, see if it can mount any partitions09:44
=== gipec [n=gipec@201-43-97-5.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
SlimeyPetefrancescofemi: it may not be able to, though09:44
qmanpot, in regard to johnficca2's problem, I've had the ati installer create duplicate devices instead of making the correct changes; you might want to look into that09:44
potfrancescofemi : boot from live cdrom - go into terminal - type grub - type root (hd0,0) - type setup (hd0) - reboot09:44
francescofemiit can't mount my okt my old partition09:44
eudoxos_ticky:  it runs the same command, but the method described at ubuntuguide will ensure it is being done at every reboot for you.09:44
johnficca2the installer did make a backup, I just looked09:45
MISTERTibbspot: that idea is even better than mine!  I'll have to remember it.  thank you.09:45
Aerotwelve1Hey, can the person who told me to run  sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential contact me again?09:45
potfrancescofemi - if that doesnt work try root(hd0,1) instead09:45
johnficca2did not*09:45
=== lockd [n=brian@adsl-33-122-122.shv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
tickyeudoxos_: i'm getting this  setting using_dma to 1 (on). ///  HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device09:45
=== Znortfl [n=tobias@82-171-181-106.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
froggy_help fo this:09:45
francescofemibut i reinstalled ubuntu on another partition now09:45
skulridppl, I cant watch videos like on youtube. what should I do? thnks09:46
francescofemii'd like to have my data from the old partition back though09:46
ZnortflHello Ubuntu users. I have an NTFS hard drive in my pc that I want to read, is there any way I can access it with my ubuntu without having to move it over to a windows pc?09:46
eudoxos_ticky: might try with /dev/scd0. But otherwise I don't know.09:46
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qmanZnortfl, for read only access, you already have all the stuff you need09:46
Znortflqman, do I? Where?09:46
tickyeudoxos_: thats ok. thanks a lot anyway09:46
qman!ntfs | Znortfl09:46
ubotuZnortfl: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:47
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tickyeudoxos_: you've been of great help09:47
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potjohnficca2 : ok so completely remove xorg-driver-fglrx and modprobe -r fglrx     then install it again and do ati-config --initial  ; aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv     or whatever it is =] 09:47
Znortflthank you qman09:47
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LjLfroggy_: stop spamming09:47
potjohnficca2 : do this in recovery mode09:47
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eudoxos_ticky: thank you.09:47
froggy_ljl nooone aswer me09:47
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RedGhostwhats a good GUI based dvd/rw burning software?09:47
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potfroggy_ we are less likely to help you that way09:47
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qman!patience | froggy_09:48
ubotufroggy_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:48
francescofemifile not found09:48
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL
francescofemihowever my old ubuntu was on a sda09:48
blazemongerUbuntu is Christian Friendly09:48
_Codeman_I'm trying to do ICS from my wlan0 to my eth0 which I've already set up in iptables... but there doesn't seem to be any communication between this computer (which obviously has internet) and the other computer on the hub09:48
eudoxos_RedGhost: k3b for KDE and gnomebaker for gnome.09:48
potRedGhost Gnome Baker !09:48
francescofemibut the grub was on hda009:48
Aerotwelve1Can anyone here help me with installing these drivers? http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/ Will running the makefile set it up for me, or will I need to use ndiswrapper?09:48
RedGhostok thanks09:48
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Aerotwelve1They're native linux drivers, fyi.09:48
potfrancescofemi : if you do what i explained in the grub shell it will work09:48
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eudoxos_Aerotwelve1: ipw 1395 drivers are native for linux, it has nothing to do wth ndiswrapper.09:49
MISTERTibbspot: is there a wiki or url for your method??09:49
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francescofemiit gives me an error:file not found09:49
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eudoxos_Aerotwelve1:  They are also included in default kernel builds for feisty and if you isntall restricted-modules package, you will get the firmware IIRC also, so everything should work out-of-box.09:49
potMisterTibbs : it's on the grub.org docs09:49
francescofemiand if i try with hda0,1 it's an unrecognized comman09:49
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potMisterTibbs learning grub commands is very helpfull most of the time =] 09:49
Aerotwelve1eudoxos_: How can I install that? My wireless card isn't working out of the box, I'm on a wired connection at the moment. Thanks for your help.09:50
MISTERTibbstrue!  thanks again09:50
potfrancescofemi not hda0,0  its hd0,009:50
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giany911guys whats the key combination to switch between workspaces .. - using the cube !09:50
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francescofemiyea yea09:50
hole_hi i'm trying to use a shared printer connected to a windows box on the same network is that possible?09:50
francescofemii did hd0009:50
potfrancescofemi   hd0,0 = hda1    hd0,1 = hda2    hd1,0 = hdb109:50
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potfrancescofemi: so:  root(hd0,0)       then: setup(hd0)09:51
francescofemii had my ubuntu on sda109:51
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potsame thing09:51
nixnoobhey im having trouble with BigScreen and beryl on my ATI card... when I start my Xgl session it says it can't find the screen, gnome session works fine...09:51
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LjL!beryl > nixnoob    (nixnoob, see the private message from Ubotu)09:51
potnixnoob : #ubuntu-effects09:52
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giany911#join #ubuntu-effects09:52
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francescofemiit says cannot mount file partition09:52
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francescofemiselected partition09:53
potfrancescofemi : make sure it is un-mounted09:53
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potfrancescofemi and make sure you ran sudo grub09:53
francescofemiwhich partition, sda?09:53
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carlossomeone knows how to set xmms as my predeterminated player ?09:53
bluefox83are there any guides to speed up ubuntu/ cus my ubuntu is as slow as a crappy XP machine >.>09:54
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Aerotwelve1eudoxos_: Would this command download the drivers?  sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-15-generic09:54
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bluefox83and about half as stable09:54
francescofemiok i'll try09:54
francescofemilet's see09:54
francescofemisee you later if not09:54
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RopechoborraIs there a way to install Ubuntu without haveing a CD drive? (and without USB Boot)09:54
eudoxos_Aerotwelve1: I just looked at the driver is in feisty's kernel (2.6.20-15-generic). The modules is called ipw3945.ko. Try running "lspci  grep Intel" and "dmesg  |grep 3945", that should tell you something09:55
logixoulRopechoborra: yes, use wubi09:55
Pelocarlos, find a music file,  right click properties,  open with ,  select xmms,   repeat for each file type09:55
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Ropechoborralogixoul wubi ? whats that?09:55
logixoulRopechoborra: http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html09:55
LjL!wubi > Ropechoborra    (Ropechoborra, see the private message from Ubotu)09:55
qmanRopechoborra, if you have a network card, you can use netboot to boot the live CD09:55
RopechoborraThanks! =)09:55
logixoulRopechoborra: on the other hand, if you don't use Windows, you can use a VM like VMWare to emulate the install CD iso09:56
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LjLRopechoborra: that requires a Windows installation, however.09:56
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potcarlos : Wubi installs over Windows - so you're still using NTFS filesystem as the base, correct?09:56
francescofemipartition table invalid or corrupt: what does it mean?09:56
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agentHow do I make X register the "menu" key on a Thinkpad? xev does not show the correct keycode and there does not seem to be a working keyboard layout.09:56
carlosPelo, ups thanks that I did it already, now I want to set xmms as my predeterminated player, it was amarok before09:56
qmanfrancescofemi, it means exactly what it says, your partition table is corrupt09:56
carlosPelo, with my keyboard09:57
logixoulpot: why ask carlos?09:57
Aerotwelve1eudoxos_: Hmm, those didn't seem to do much. Typing in the lspci brings up the standard syntax  helper screen, and the dmesg |grep command just yielded a blank screen. Any thoughts?09:57
Pelocarlos, try in  menu > system > prefs > removable media, and favorite apps09:57
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RopechoborraI do need the .iso file with Wubi, dont i ?09:57
potlogixoul lol i have no idea09:57
AlanNow playing: No running Exaile instance found. by No running Exaile instance found.09:57
carlosPelo, thanks09:57
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AlanAaah crap.... oops!09:57
potrepechoborra no09:57
ama-deus13i get troubles recording dvd-rw in ubuntu. i download some stuff for my friend, record it to his dvd-rw and then he uses it in windows. problem is that i can't erase that dvd. even being erased in nero it just doesn't want to record. how can i fix this? thank you09:57
Pelocarlos, with the keyboard taht would probably involve a keybaord short cut,   check in the forum09:57
francescofemiso what can i do?09:58
logixoulRopechoborra: wubi downloads the necessary data.09:58
carloslogixoul, ok sorry, I will try it the best way the next time09:58
eudoxos_Aerotwelve1:  just type "lspci", it should list your PCI devices...?09:58
francescofemihavehave i got any chance of recuperating my data?09:58
RopechoborraUhmm.. but if i dont got internet?09:58
francescofemior should i just format?09:58
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Aerotwelve1eudoxos_: Yep, that works. Do you want the output?09:58
MISTERTibbsfrancesco your data is still there don't be quick to reformat09:58
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ScottASCan someone kindly aid me with the installation of a NETGEAR WG511 V2 Wi-Fi Adapter?09:59
logixoulpot: afaik wubi makes ubuntu use a file (located on a ntfs/fat partition) that acts as a virtual ext3 partition09:59
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eudoxos_Aerotwelve1:  look at the line that has Intel something, that's the one we need.09:59
vsmatckI'm getting error in my Xorg.0.log that my libglx.so won't load. It says underfined symbol as if I'm using the wrong libglx.so. I'm using nvidia-glx-new and 2.6.20-16 but it also gives me the same error wth 2.6.20-15. Anyone seen this?09:59
pot!WiFi >ScottAS09:59
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francescofemihow can i get my data back09:59
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qmanfrancescofemi, it may be possible to repair the partition table, but that extends beyond my knowledge09:59
francescofemii reinstalled ubuntu09:59
shiftplusoneHey, can someone refer me to something that explains chroot and how to use it to run 32-bit plugins on a 64bit install?09:59
francescofemiand i think it overwrote the last ubuntu09:59
vsmatckmy xserver starts and all I just can't play games without glx!! so this is quite urgent ;)09:59
ScottASThank you pot.09:59
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:59
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Pelofrancescofemi, then your data is gone09:59
francescofemiand i remember having 3 partitions on m,y sda disk09:59
qmanfrancescofemi, if you've done anything to the drive since that happened, recovery is extremely unlikely to be possible with mere software10:00
francescofemionly now the partitionner recognizes only one partition, and it is unallocated space10:00
Pelofrancescofemi,  if you had your /home folder on a seperate partition then the one ubuntu was installed on you just need to mount it again to recover your data, if your data was on the same partition as ubuntu the data is gone10:00
eudoxos_Aerotwelve1:  paste it somewhere.10:00
Aerotwelve1eudoxos_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23780/ Thats my lspci output, it has alot of lines with Intel in it.10:00
francescofemiif i teke out the disk and link it as usb, is there a possibility of saving data?10:00
qmanfrancescofemi, that won't help10:01
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qmanfrancescofemi, the only way possible to recover it is if you repair the partition table10:01
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LjL!info testdisk10:01
ubotutestdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.5-1build1 (feisty), package size 550 kB, installed size 1784 kB10:01
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francescofemiok, thank you all, i think i'll go and cry in a corner, then format10:01
lockdPelo: francescofemi: foremost would work, wouldn't it?10:01
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lockd!info foremost10:02
ubotuforemost: Forensics application to recover data. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-1 (feisty), package size 39 kB, installed size 136 kB10:02
eudoxos_Aerotwelve1:  there is no ipw3945 device listed, the rest of Intel is chipset. I bet the wireless device is the last one.10:02
potfrancescofemi : have a 12'er or some tequila10:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:02
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lockddoes anyone know which works better, VMWare or Qemu?10:03
LjLlockd et al, maybe if the partition table is corrupt, but the filesystem itself is still intact under the hoods, a tool like testdisk - which just tries to reconstruct the partition table - would be best to try first. then photorec, magicrescue or foremost (which i just discovered)10:03
lockdsupposing both actually work - I have only had luck with qemu10:03
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eudoxos_Aerotwelve1: that device is not supported, hence you will need to do that nediswrapper hell.10:03
potlockd : vmware server has problems with feisty... but there is a work-around10:03
LjLlockd: vmware mostly. qemu is free, on the other hand.10:03
Aerotwelve1eudoxos_: The broadcom device? Hmm, it says thats what this laptop ships with...10:03
lockdI tried the workaround, and bleh - it built the modules but Windows bugged out the instant it booted10:04
eudoxos_Aerotwelve1: it works well for some people though; search the web, there is plenty of ndsiwrapper and feisty howtos I bet.10:04
Fony_Vaiois there a way of slowing down the read speed of an optical drive in feisty?10:04
magnetronlockd: I use the qemu launcher with great success10:04
lockdmagnetron: there's a special launcher?10:04
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magnetronlockd: yes, it's in "add/remove applications"10:04
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lockdmagnetron: know anything about making /dev/hda work as a cdrom, regardless to whether there is one in the drive or not?10:05
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eudoxos_Aerotwelve1: they perhaps gave you different model or cheated you. But the device isn't there (almost) for sure.10:05
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LjL!info setcd | Fony_Vaio10:05
ubotufony_vaio: setcd: Control the behaviour of your cdrom device. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-3 (feisty), package size 12 kB, installed size 60 kB10:05
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magnetronlockd i have never tested that10:05
lockdmagnetron: or know of a method to use a real partition?10:05
lockdmagnetron: I do need to use a real partition, and would like to avoid using the whole disk which is what I do now10:06
Aerotwelve1eudoxos_: Hmm, it's a Dell laptop. Anyway, is there any way I can find out the specific model of the card?10:06
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lockdmagnetron: and bah, qemuctl fails miserably10:07
lockdmagnetron: some GTK bug10:07
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magnetronlockd: there is probably no workaround for the partition thing10:07
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lockdmagnetron: well, floppy disk images10:07
Moduliz0rhow can I play DivX movies in Firefox?10:07
Fony_VaioLjL: thanks, trying now.10:07
Moduliz0r(DivX Stage6)10:07
lockdmagnetron: I know there is a way of faking a master boot record, but it killed my entire drive when I tried it10:07
tannhuI am trying to install beryl10:08
soyportiHello? does anyone knows what is Error 17? in a board Asrock p4i65g10:08
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pottannhu #ubuntu-effects10:08
magnetronlockd why using a physical drive? just use a disk image10:08
lockdmagnetron: faking an MBR by making a raid array and linear attaching an image of an mbr to a real partition - VERY f*ed up way to do something simple10:08
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potsoyporti grub error?10:08
soyportii can't start ubuntu. Do i have to reinstall or something??10:08
tannhupot: thanks10:08
soyportidon't know10:08
lockdmagnetron: i need dual boot AND emulation10:08
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lockdmagnetron: and would rather not waste double the space10:08
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potsoyporti : explain where you see this error?10:08
soyportipot: it says error 1710:08
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Bloodstormcan someone help me ?10:09
kalon33Aerotwelve1: try lspci in a terminal10:09
soyportiwhen  i start the PC10:09
magnetronlockd: use a small image for emulation10:09
eudoxos_Aerotwelve1: do lspci -n and look up the corresponding numbers like 12cd:de44 on the internet.10:09
GenNMXAlright, cfdisk and fdisk cannot open my new SATA drives. Any idea why?10:09
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soyportipot: i doesn't speak english very well10:09
potGenNMX are they mounted?10:09
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magnetronlockd: rather "waste" some space than waste your time10:09
Bloodstormin the isntall it keeps hanging there10:09
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GenNMXpot: How can I mount something without a partition?10:10
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soyportipot: do you know if i can fix that?10:10
Fony_VaioLjL: doesn't seem to affect the speed.10:10
potBloodstorm : this is mostly an english channel10:10
FlannelBloodstorm: Have you checked the CD for defects?10:10
mirakif I use a sata 2 drive on a sata motherboard should I put the clip on the hard drive that limit to 1,5gbit instead of 3gbits ?10:10
Bloodstormcd? i burned it fresh10:10
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potsoyporti : where do you see error 1710:10
soyportianyone have an idea?10:10
potsoyporti : more information needed10:10
GenNMXThese are brand-new SATA drives, connected via a Maxtor SATA/150 PCI controller card w/ Promise chipset. I cannot open them with fdisk or cfdisk to put partitions on them.10:10
lockdmagnetron: well, back to the arcane setup of raid then10:10
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FlannelBloodstorm: On the boot prompt, there's a "check CD for defects", run that, see if it returns no errors.  What speed did you burn?  4x is recommended.  Also, check the MD5 of the download.10:11
eudoxos_Aerotwelve1: googling for broadcom 4328 (the number given by lspci) gives many results also.10:11
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erUSULmirak: i do not think it will make much diference but it will no harm either10:11
soyportii start the computer and after the start screen of the board10:11
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soyportiit appears error 1710:11
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MISTERTibbserror 17 MBR conflict10:11
Flannelsoyporti, pot, He's got a GRUB error 17.  soyporti, we'll need to know more about how your disks are setup (partitions and such)10:11
magnetronlockd: your "optimal" setup seems like checking the email with a calculator and a paper clip10:11
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mirakerUSUL: ah10:12
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soyportiMISTERTibbs: how can i fix it?10:12
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:12
magnetronwhat is a good war dialer for linux?10:12
soyportiMISTERTibbs: i don't understand MBR??10:12
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soyportiwhat is the meaning of MBR?10:12
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lockdmagnetron: nobody has made a better solution, unlike your false analogy.. two setups to keep update are a paid10:12
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soyportican i fix that?10:13
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MISTERTibbshere's what I did: reinstall ubuntu with a small #1 partition for the boot record10:13
MISTERTibbsthen installed remainder of ubuntu with standard partitions10:13
Flannelsoyporti: How have you partitioned your disks?10:13
qmanyeah, I usually do a 64MB ext2 partition mounted as /boot10:13
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kalon33!MBR | soyporti10:14
ubotusoyporti: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:14
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MISTERTibbssoyporti: are you dual booting????10:14
soyportiFlannel: i have a NTFS and a swap an a home and /10:14
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soyportii have windows and ubuntu10:14
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MISTERTibbsubuntu and windoze???10:14
soyportiyes my sister use w210:15
soyportiis not my computer10:15
virusavirusado u know any channel about hacking from ubuntu ?10:15
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Flannel!caps | MISTERTibbs10:15
ubotuMISTERTibbs: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:15
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MISTERTibbs1st! defrag windoze.  2 times10:15
magnetronvirusavirusa: general linux hacking skills apply to Ubuntu too10:16
Flannelvirusavirusa: depends on your question.  If it's re: installing/using compilers and such, this will be it.  If it's language specific, freenode has a plethora of language specific channels.10:16
soyportiit doesn't start10:16
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roryysoyporti: do you have a ubuntu live CD ?  It would be helpful to diagnose your problem10:16
virusavirusadou know any channel about hacking from linux ?10:16
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MegadeusWhat do I need to do if wpa_supplicant fails to connect to my wireless network on Ubuntu 6.06?10:17
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Flannel!wifi | Megadeus10:17
ubotuMegadeus: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:17
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magnetronvirusavirusa: i know some, but they will flame you. you should read up on the subject in matter10:17
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d2812does anyone know how to map non-standard keyboard keys to actions?10:17
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perlmonkeyhi guys10:18
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perlmonkeydoes anyone know the procedure for deleting raids?10:18
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kalon33d2812: you want to configure some of your keyboard keys with computer actions ?10:18
MegadeusFlannel: I've tried those. I've had the most luck with this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo, but I've hit a wall.10:18
magnetronperlmonkey: delete in what sense?10:18
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Flannel!away >> Zvezdichko`sl33p10:19
Burgundaviavirusavirusa: what exactly were you asking about?10:19
_Codeman_Can someone, please, help me figure out why I can't get internet on my xubuntu system through my kubuntu system10:19
mc44Flannel: just appending that message ?:)10:20
Robbehi, does anyone know a good cms that could have it's fora over several subdomains, and allows digg like posting ?10:20
d2812kalon33: thats right, I have a couple of keys at the top of the keyboard, like an envelope etc, i like to map that key to something like"firefox http://mail.google.com"10:20
Zvezdichko`sl33phmm, what was that supposed o be Flannel ?10:20
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perlmonkeymagnetron: make it so mdadm doesn't show it on --detail10:20
linux_probeoyy, holds head10:20
Flannel!away > Zvezdichko`sl33p10:20
wols_Codeman_: is your kubuntu doing NAT?10:20
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_Codeman_wols: I think that's what I did in iptables last night...10:20
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Zvezdichko`sl33pok, thank you, turning back to my regular nick and using away10:21
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_Codeman_!away >> _Codeman_10:21
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qman!away | qman10:21
kalon33d2812: I know how to configure some of your computer actions, but I don't know how to personalize it10:21
wols_Codeman_: don't use a homwgrown nat setup without a clue. run ipmasq10:22
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sx66beryl crashed my HDD10:22
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kalon33Flannel: do you know how to personalize action keys of your keyboard ?10:22
_Codeman_wols: I got that info from here so that's what I used... thanks for clearing that up for me tho :D10:22
d2812kalon33: If you know how to find out what the registers as, that would be a great help.  a couple of them already work, like the padlock one locks the screen.10:23
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qmansx66, that's almost impossible...please explain in more detail what happened10:23
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d2812kalon33: but in keyboad shortcuts in gnome thats still ctrl + alt + L10:23
aliasrushwhy the hell does the cache in gnome open system monitor show my computer taking up so much memory?10:23
idefixxsx66: very unlikely, if your hd died it probaly coinsidental.10:23
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wols_Codeman_: does your client box have an IP? you either need to run a dhcp server or assign static ips10:23
qmanaliasrush, the system uses all "free" memory as disk cache whenever possible; this is normal10:24
cottimahave a q, how easy is it to upgrade from one version to another, such as Ubuntu 5.19 to 7.04?10:24
lezi_guyhey guys bash command to make beryl default with booting?10:24
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_Codeman_wols: my router wont pass one through this computer?10:24
aliasrushok.... so I can access things faster, qman?10:24
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qmanaliasrush, it will dynamically reduce the amount used as disk cache when other things need more memory10:24
wols_Codeman_: no. you don't really want a double nat if you already have a router10:25
wolsyou need bridging then10:25
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lezi_guyanyone ?10:25
_Codeman_wols: Yes! lol10:25
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wols_Codeman_: tho double nat does work. it's just ugly10:25
kalon33d2812: there's a program named hotkeys, installable from synaptic, it may help you10:25
qmanaliasrush, when you're trying to figure out what's in use, consider the memory used as disk cache to be unused10:25
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_Codeman_wols: bridging is what I want tho :P10:25
d2812kalon33: Cheers, I'll try that.10:25
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lezi_guybash command to make beryl loading by default?10:26
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wols_Codeman_: bridgeutils10:26
hectorhow configure nvidia drivers?10:26
kalon33d2812: it seems to complete the action of the already installed (because by default) hotkey-setup10:26
Luxurious_Following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper, doing "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" gives me "FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument.10:26
dadwill this distro suport belkin usb wifi?10:26
kalon33d2812: you're welcome10:26
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_Codeman_wols: Thanks :D10:27
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qmanhector, install them with "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx", configure them with "nvidia-xconfig", then restart X for changes to take effect10:27
wolsbridge your two interfaces, assign the bridge an IP via dhcp and then your client will get one via dhcp too since it's in the same network. and of course enale ip_forwarding10:27
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livingdaylighti downloaded the kubuntu.zip for vmware http://isv-image.ubuntu.com/vmware/ but now it turns out it is Fedora 5???10:27
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dadwill this distro suport belkin usb wifi?10:27
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livingdaylightanyway, it boots up and i don't know what login name and password to submit. Anyone know what the protocol is?10:28
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potdad yes10:28
qmandad, hardware support is not distro specific; if a kernel module exists, it's supported, and many are supported via ndiswrapper10:28
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ompaullivingdaylight, #fedora might10:29
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lezi_guyyour welcome10:29
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livingdaylightompaul, ok, thx10:29
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_Codeman_wols: I've installed bridge-utils, how do I use it?10:30
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wolsread the docs. don't remeber offhand how10:31
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mc44Luxurious_: did you install the driver?10:31
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liquiddoomHow do I get apt-cache to show ALL installed packages?10:31
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jriblezi_guy: why do you need a bash command?10:31
liquiddoomI can only seem to get it to show statuses of single packages10:31
Luxurious_Luxurious_: I did do an -i on the .inf file, mc44, yes.10:31
jribliquiddoom: aptitude search '~i'   is easier10:31
g_zoliSorry I don't speek good english...10:31
mc44Luxurious_: what does "ndiswrapper -l" say?10:31
Luxurious_driver present, hardware present10:32
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livingdaylightompaul, i thought there might be a standard way of loging in to os's using vmware. (its my first time using it)10:32
Megadeusdo I need to remove the wireless entry from /etc/devices/network in order to make Network Manager recognize it?10:32
g_zoliPls. help my10:32
liquiddoomjrib: Problem is, dist-upgrade is running in the background10:32
mc44Luxurious_: you are on edgy?10:32
qmanLuxurious_, then modprobe ndiswrapper should do it10:32
g_zoliI want upgrade my Kubuntu6.10 to ubuntu 7.1010:32
ompaullivingdaylight, well given that vmware is not ubuntu this may not be the place to ask10:32
liquiddoomjrib: My dad randomly decided to dist-upgrade without telling me... so I'm trying to make a list of what packages were on there incase the upgrade removes any10:32
Luxurious_mc44: yes.10:32
g_zolican I upgrade with Ubuntu live Cd10:32
Luxurious_qman: It doesn't that's my problem.10:33
livingdaylightompaul, ohh.. :S10:33
qmang_zoli, do you mean 7.04?10:33
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mc44Luxurious_: ok try "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.8"10:33
kalon33Megadeus: go in System>Administration>Network and pass your device in automatic mode10:33
Luxurious_mc44: They're already there.10:33
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liquiddoomjrib: Hey, it worked anyways. Thanks!10:33
roryyg_zoli: i believe that you need the alternate (i.e., not live ) CD for upgrading10:33
g_zoliqman: yes...10:33
FlannelLuxurious_: dpkg -L10:33
Flannelliquiddoom: dpkg -L10:33
Flannelliquiddoom: er, -l (lowercase)10:34
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qmang_zoli, if it can be done, it would be done with the alternate install CD10:34
g_zolialternate? ok!10:34
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Luxurious_mc44: Weird, huh?10:34
mc44Luxurious_: ok try this, first make a backup of the file "sudo mv /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper_back"10:34
CheshireViking!upgrade | g_zoli10:34
ubotug_zoli: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:34
Flannelg_zoli: you can upgrade with the alternate CD.  Of course, you'll still have some packages to download (stuff that won't be on the CD)10:34
askandIs their some kind of database I can check if my hardware is supported in ubuntu?10:34
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Luxurious_mc44: Done.10:35
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mc44Luxurious_: ok now "sudo cp /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.8 /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper"10:35
CheshireViking!hardware > askand10:35
eamonnaskand, the easiest way to check if your hardware is compatible is to try the live CD.10:35
Luxurious_mc44: That's extremely odd.  I get "ndiswrapper-1.1", but no "ndiswrapper-1.8"10:36
kafransome one have Torrent Leech invites?10:36
mc44Luxurious_: er... what?10:36
askandeamonn: yeah but im thinking of bying a new cam and want too know if its supported10:36
mc44Luxurious_: when do you get that?10:36
Luxurious_mc44: I'm just as surprised10:36
kafranor some an other Torrent tracker?10:36
eamonnaskand, ah, in the case: google it.10:36
Luxurious_mc44: autocompletion in /usr/sbin/ndis...10:36
LjL!offtopic | kafran10:36
ubotukafran: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:36
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MegadeusKalon33: I'm not seeing any option for automatic mode.10:37
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kafranLjL: :$10:37
mc44Luxurious_: 1.8 isn't there at all?10:37
Luxurious_mc44: I'm so sorryh.10:37
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Luxurious_mc44: Seems I installed 1.1 utils accidentally instead of 1.8.10:37
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mc44Luxurious_: heh10:37
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mc44Luxurious_: ok do "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.8" then "sudo cp /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.8 /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper"10:38
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preem_ Error when calling the metaclass bases10:39
preem_    unbound method contribute_to_class() must be called with EmailField instance as first argument (got ModelBase instance instead)10:39
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Luxurious_mc44: Okay, that's done.10:39
preem_:o what exatcly does that mean ?10:39
askandCheshireViking: can you please help me see if Logitech Quickcam Express is supported..there is like three of them? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCamerasLogitech10:39
mc44Luxurious_: ok, just "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper"10:39
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Luxurious_mc44: It worked, thanks a bunch!!10:39
kalon33Megadeus: roaming mode so ?10:39
mc44Luxurious_: np10:39
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DigitalisAkujinI'm trying to install Ubuntu on an HP DV9000Z laptop. During LiveCD boot I get errors followed by the startup process getting 'stuck'. How would I go about debugging this?10:39
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kalon33(mine is in french so I don't remember the original english term)10:40
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Luxurious_mc44: Really, I really really enormously appreciate it :-)10:40
Luxurious_Gotta run for dinner10:40
Luxurious_Thanks a lot, again.10:40
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MegadeusNo, the only options are "properties," "activate," and "deactivate"10:40
g_zoli Rorryy pls :I can with alternate- install my setting and my folder to preserv? (kubuntu to Ubuntu)10:40
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CheshireVikingaskand, looking at that page, it looks like most are supported, although there is some work compiling drivers10:40
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MegadeusAnd clicking Properties takes it into a configuration screen that doesn't have "roaming" or "automatic," either10:41
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roryyg_zoli: i'm not quite following you there10:41
[-frost-] `linuxHow do I use Beryl in Fiesty Fawn?10:41
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sldkfjI'm trying to add fonts and can't get them to register    (7.)10:42
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roryyg_zoli: you currently have kubuntu installed, and you want to change to ubuntu? (i.e., 'gnome' ubuntu)10:42
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g_zolirorry : yes10:42
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g_zolibut my net -connect is very slow10:43
roryyg_zoli: i don't know for sure, but I don't think that you can easily 'cross-upgrade' from kubuntu 6.10 to ubuntu 7.04 using only the alternate cd10:43
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askandDoes anyone knows if this cam is supported in ubuntu? http://i.pricerunner.com/prod/12_14_0_4_560609l/X8_Toy_Webcamera_Hamster.jpeg10:45
OzZY85hey people, I am trying to install Ubuntu and it gets stuck on "Configuring network interfaces"10:45
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OzZY85any suggestions?10:45
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TiradinI have an external hard drive connected to my PC through USB, how do I get Ubuntu to recognize it?10:45
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roryyg_zoli: there is a kubuntu alternate CD too, which might be helpful10:45
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roryyg_zoli: just to check: you don't have a fast internet connection?10:46
Megadeusdoes wireless "just work" in any other version of ubuntu? I'm pulling my hair out trying to get it to work on 6.0610:46
g_zoliI don't ...10:46
kalon33Megadeus: choose your device in the window, click properties and in the next window check the box on the top left10:46
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roryyg_zoli: hm.  have you downloaded any CDs yet ?10:47
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MegadeusKalon: okay, I've enabled the device.10:47
OzZY85can someone pm for help regarding installing Ubuntu10:47
TiradinI have an external hard drive connected to my PC through USB, how do I get Ubuntu to recognize it?10:47
g_zoliroryy : yes I have 1 alternate and 1 live ubuntu 7.04 Cd10:47
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OzZY85wow, out these million users connected no one will help10:48
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OzZY85whats the point of this channel again?10:48
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roryyg_zoli: do you perhaps have the ubuntu 6.10 alternate cd?10:49
g_zolirorry: without adsl can I not upgrade?10:49
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roryyg_zoli: well, I downloaded the ubuntu alternate CD10:49
roryyg_zoli: i'm on dial-up (56k)10:50
MegadeusOzzy: you attract more flies with sugar than vinegar.10:50
azzamatno matter what video app i'm using, they all crash (without error messages) in my default feisty install ... what's up with that?10:50
MegadeusAlso, ask a more specific question.10:50
ScottASpot: Having followed the instructions, I can't get it working Re: NETGEAR WG511 V2 Wi-Fi Adapter.10:50
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OzZY85u're correct10:50
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IreclanAnyone have experience with playing FLV files?10:50
OzZY85excuse my anger10:50
Mach3i dualboot windows and kubuntu.  everytime i boot ubuntu and then go back to windows, the time in windows is 4 or 5 hours off.  My time zone is set correctly in both OSs.  so, any ideas how to fix this?10:51
roryyg_zoli: it took about 30 hours (!).  If you have the patience, and it's affordable, i'd recommend downloading the kubuntu alternate CD10:51
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ditoaUTC problem maybe Mach3 ?10:51
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roryyg_zoli: otherwise it might be easiest to back up your personal data and do a clean install of ubuntu10:51
g_zoliI have Kubuntu alternate10:51
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ditoaubuntu uses UTC offset whereas windows uses GMT offset so that might screw things a bit?10:51
OzZY85I am installing Ubuntu by live booting it, it gets stuck on "Configuring network interfaces", tried pressing Ctrl-C no use10:51
roryyg_zoli: great.  have you read the upgrade instructions on the wiki?10:52
OzZY85been like that for a good 30 mins10:52
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MegadeusDoes it do this every time?10:52
azzamatIreclan, you should be able to use VLC for those10:52
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endo2016can anyone tell me why my shell's background text color for directories changes based on the mount point I am viewing?10:52
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ditoaanyone got a decent transcoding app for the xbox 360 that runs on ubuntu?10:52
Megadeushave you tried with your interfaces both plugged and unplugged?10:53
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=== Ropechoborra Bye
OzZY85u mean physically removing my wireless card?10:53
Mach3ditoa: UTC? i dont know... is there something i should check?10:53
david_Alguien habla en castellano?10:53
david_O en Espaol?10:53
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MegadeusYou probably shouldn't have to resort to that.10:53
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:53
g_zolibut I want ubuntu .... in wiki was ubuntu to new ubuntu...10:53
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OzZY85how do i remove interfaces, i am not sure what that means10:54
firefly2442I only get sound from one speaker, is this an issue with alsamixer?10:54
g_zoliI see the menu of Alternate Ubuntu 7.0210:54
g_zoliin lines:10:54
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Megadeushrm. I'm not the most knowledgeable. Have you posted your problem to the ubuntu forums?10:54
roryyg_zoli: at the bottom of this page -- http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading  -- there are instructions for using the alternate CD with kubuntu10:54
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Keneohello, I'm using a python script that uses mpeg_stat, but I can't find a place to get mpeg_stat, in hoary it was in ucbmpeg, but ucbmpeg has no installable candidate, so, how can I get it?10:55
OzZY85nope, i've seen ppl with similar problems there, but with no responses10:55
roryyg_zoli: unfortunately you need to install gksu for that to work10:55
azzamatMach3, don't both OS get their time from the BIOS? maybe ubuntu is messing with it, in which case you could try and sync your time in windows from the net10:55
OzZY85i'll try some other channels10:55
OzZY85thanks though10:55
KeneoI'm using feisty btw10:55
kalon33!es | david_10:55
ubotudavid_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:55
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TiradinI have an external hard drive connected to my PC through USB, how do I get Ubuntu to recognize it?10:56
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OzZY85Tiradin, is it FAT32?10:57
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TiradinOzZY85: To be honest, i'm not sure... I just want to add it so I can format it to FAT32,10:57
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endo2016can anyone recommend good dvd backup sw for linux?10:57
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azzamatTiradin, type lsusb to see if it's detected at all10:58
roryyg_zoli: unfortunately i'm very tired; i need to go to bed.  I hope someone else can help you.10:58
fuzzy_logichello people10:58
endo2016i tried vobcopy w/libdvdcss .... doesnt work that well10:58
g_zolirorryy: I see wiki ... this is not to difficult10:58
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eamonnKeneo, this page seems to have some relevant info: http://www.tgi.net/~andrew/hack124x768/dpglinux.html10:58
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Tiradinlooks like it is.10:58
Tiradinazzamat: It seems to be detected... I only have 3 active USB's plugged into the computer.10:59
g_zolibut this is upgrade kubuntu to kubuntu ... Not?10:59
pirrohhi, has ubuntu server different repositories than the normal version?10:59
Bloodstormcan someone help me ?10:59
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Bloodstormin the isntall it keeps hanging there10:59
dredhammerhello how do i add a line to /etc/ld.so.conf ? i have tried and tried but when compiling i still have to type sudo ldconfig for it to take effect10:59
DigitalisAkujinQuestion, XFS or EXT3 ?10:59
pirrohI've to upgrade from a dapper minimal to feisty/gutsy server...10:59
DigitalisAkujinWhat's better?10:59
DVS01are there any good graphical visualization applications designed specifically for people under the influence of LSD or Psilosybin or other hallucinogens?10:59
DVS01beryl's pretty good for that, but i want more10:59
Bloodstormdigital: EXT310:59
eamonnpirroh, no, same repositories for both desktop and server.10:59
Keneoeamonn: dpglinux is the pythonscript I want to run, thx, I'l read that page :)10:59
kalon33pirroh: no10:59
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kalon33hello av16ar11:00
Bloodstormdvs01, contact me if you found something more cooler then beryl311:00
Bloodstorm3d *11:00
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pirroheamonn: considering that the footprint on hdd of the server version is 500mb... and my minimal dapper is 250, are there some metapackages that I can install to get an actual server version?11:00
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azzamatTiradin, try to mount it as a vfat drive, then (sorry, don't know the exact command, i'm sure google does)11:00
DigitalisAkujinBloodstorm why?11:00
Bloodstormcause ext3 ownz man11:01
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DigitalisAkujinthat's not good enough11:01
DVS01Bloodstorm: trying to find an xmmp/audacious plugin thats equivalent to winamp's milkdrop11:01
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av16arI'm searching a text editor able to make a search in several files. Does anybody know any one?11:01
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pirroh(I've bought a vps with 6.06 minimal, and I'm trying to get a fresh server install... as much as it is possible without using an iso image :))11:01
Bloodstormwhat prog makes me burn 4x on cd's?11:01
Lacertasomething switches my wlan0 to "managed" every two minutes after which i lose connection! I need it to remain "ad-hoc"11:01
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preem_is it safe to install python2.4-mysqldb_1.2.2 on dapper ?11:02
preem_pacgake from debian11:02
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preem_its older in dapper repo11:02
kalon33pirroh: just change dapper references in the sources.list to feisty ones11:02
azzamatDVS01, have a look for 'projectM'11:02
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DVS01will do11:02
fuzzy_logicwhere can i find the linux source? i get the following error message when trying to install something: Makefile:73: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again..  Stop.11:02
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GenNMXIs there an easy way just to copy all partitions from one HDD to another?11:02
pirrohkalon: yes, but I guess that minimal install differs from server install11:02
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PhantasyHawkI need to make a launcher to start a wine application, but the program can only be run as root.  Can someone tell me how to go about this?11:03
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kalon33fuzzy_logic: install linux-headers-*** (386 or generic, like your kernel version)11:03
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DVS01azzamat: oo nice11:03
Bloodstormwhat prog makes me burn 4x on cd's?11:03
Bloodstormthe speed 4x11:03
aaa`hello, I am trying to install from source but I don't understand a few things...say I DL the tarball to my home directory, then unpack it there, configure, make, and install...at what location does the program now exist?11:03
fuzzy_logickalon33: thanks will try that11:03
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tierhi anyone a vaio s1xp? i still have no opengl :-(11:03
jmantraPhantasyHawk: in the command of field of the launcher make type gksudo in front of the command11:03
fbhi! my .xinitrc isn#t started at startup. how? what? why?11:03
kalon33pirroh: it will not install more packages, but update the ones which are installed11:03
TiradinThis is quite confusing.11:04
DigitalisAkujinIs there a driver disk floating around somewhere? Ubuntu has that option listed for installing with driver CD but I haven't seen a driver CD anywhere.11:04
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azzamataaa`, you should first move the tarball to /usr/local, that's where everything goes that you compile yourself11:04
pirrohkalon33: that's what I was trying to avoid11:04
DVS01azzamat: is there a way to replace xmms's file selector window to something different? perhaps have it use whatever the window manager uses? xmms's default is a serious pain in the ass due to its apparent weak support for keyboard interaction11:04
fbi just want xbindkeys to start when X starts. how do i do that?11:04
endo2016can anyone tell me why my shell's background text color for directories changes based on the mount point I am viewing?11:04
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jrib!startup > fb (see the private message from ubotu)11:04
aaa`azzamat: thanks a ton, that's the exact info I was looking for11:04
g_zoliwhat do you think, can I up-date a Kubuntu Kde by Ubuntu Alternate without losing any data or settings?11:04
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PhantasyHawkjmantra: Works perfectly, thank you11:04
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DVS01is there a network-based bookmark integrator? i want all the pcs on my network to share a single bookmark repository. i use firefox across the board, so that should make it a bit easier11:05
kalon33pirroh: it should only install updated versions, nothing else11:05
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jetscreamerhow do you get the installer to install w/o 'formatting' /11:05
dredhammerhello how do i add a line to /etc/ld.so.conf ? i have tried and tried but when compiling i still have to type sudo ldconfig for it to take effect11:05
Bloodstorm<jetscreamer> never11:05
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Bloodstormjetscreamer, never11:06
kalon33pirroh: maybe the updated packages depedencies but not more11:06
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Bloodstormthat would corrupt your whole HD11:06
jmantraWell DV501 you could do it several either using NFS, samba, or NIS11:06
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aaa`azzamat: I tried to Dl the tarball to usr/local but Ubuntu told me I couldn't change the contents of that folder11:06
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jetscreamerBloodstorm: you're saying i can't install to a pre-existing fs?11:06
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Luxurious_Now, I'm able to connect to the internet using ndiswrapper.  Is there a known problem where your connection gets about 10 times slower than it should be?11:06
pirrohkalon33: yes, fair enough I gotta say :)11:06
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pirrohthank you11:06
danielleHow do I go about putting movies on my Video Ipod??11:06
Bloodstormjet screamer11:06
jrib!ipod > danielle (see the private message from ubotu)11:06
DVS01jmantra: got any urls i can check out for that?11:06
Bloodstormno sorry, can't help any further11:06
azzamataaa`, you have to be root to do that (use sudo to move your tarball to /usr/local)11:07
daniellejrib, Thank you!11:07
jmantrahold DVS0111:07
hydanhow would go about recording my computer game's framerate, the system's resources and such similar things?11:07
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kalon33pirroh: you're welcome11:07
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firefly2442I only get sound from one speaker, is this an issue with alsamixer?11:07
jetscreamerhow do you get the installer to install / to a pre-existing filesystem and not 'format' the partition11:08
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Keneoeamonn: got a link to mpeg_stat, and got it to work11:08
Keneothx :)11:08
preem_how does one install .egg file ?11:08
kalon33jetscreamer: you can't, it's a severe risk to do that11:08
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wimdowshi peeps - where on earth does subversion server install to? I want to edit passwd file etc... "which subversion" doesn't give me anything11:09
eamonnpirroh, sorry, took me a while to track this down, but the most important metapackage I can find on the server version is linux-server. You would think that should be called ubuntu-server, but no...11:09
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jmantrahere DVS01 try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSambaPDC11:09
eamonnwimdows, try which svn.11:10
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eamonnwindows, and the configuration information for subversion is in /etc/subversion11:11
Luxurious_Hot dam, ndiswrapper is really damn slow for me.  Is there a known cause for such a thing?11:11
dredhammerhow do i add a line to ld.so.conf is there some special syntax required?11:11
wimdowseamonn - cheers, hmm - yeah that seems to come back with usr/bin/svn which is the executable, the config files must reside elsewhere11:11
tier_hello, anyone an idea where i can get help installing opengl on this gay-fuck-schmock vaio s1xp?11:11
jetscreamerkalon33: it should be possible somehow.11:11
aaa`how do you exist a man page?11:11
aaa`I mean exit11:11
jetscreameryou could try rtfm.com tier_11:11
azzamataaa`, with "q"11:11
jetscreameraaa`: what he said11:12
eamonnwimdows, that's in /etc/subversion11:12
jetscreameris that tier_ like on star trek with capt kirk?11:12
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tier_i didnt know that there is a tier on startreck.11:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about depmod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:13
jetscreamerit was a title.. when mcoy became a 'father'11:13
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GarryFretier_ Ok, I know you are frustrated. OpenGL comes as part of linuxes that use graphics. Are you saying, you have no graphical interface or are you saying you need to install drivers for your card to support the OpenGL?11:14
tier_nno, its german, because i am such an ugly guy11:14
LazyAngelhow do i install ubuntu with software raid (md or dm raid) enabled? Its important since the /data partition isnt recognised the ordinary way...11:14
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jetscreamerati or nvidia11:14
wimdowseamonn - cheers, that points me to the config file - where do I setup individual accounts - do I need to create some other file?11:14
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jetscreamerati or nvidia, tier_11:14
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tier_i have no problems installing opengl with ati or nvidia only on this shit vaio s1xp i doesnt work11:15
tier_i need to find a usrer having done this allready11:15
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wimdowsLazyAngel - as far as I understood, you simpy use mdadm again and specify your array11:15
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tier_it ha a 9600/9700 M10 RV35011:16
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LazyAngelwimdows: when i boot the livecd its not detected. So i need to enable it somehow before booting the livecd...11:16
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kalon33hello sacater11:16
eamonnwimdows, you should probably have a read through the subversion book (it's online and there's a quick start). You create the passwd file in /etc/subversion using htpasswd (htpasswd -c /etc/subversion/passwd username). But that's only the start...11:16
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GarryFreWhat version of ubuntu you trying to get it to work with teir_?11:17
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aaa`azzamat: okay, so I've moved my tarball into /usr/local/ ... now I just do my configure, make, install right there?11:17
LazyAngelwimdows: or do an alternate installation. think i have done that before. but cant remember how i managed to come to that textbased menu11:17
ninjabob7i can't compile nqc on feisty! error message at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23790/11:17
wimdowsok - thanks eamonn11:17
DVS01jmantra: thanks11:17
tier_i tried, faisty fawn, dapper drake, edgy, even opensuse 10.211:17
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eamonnwimdows, there's a *lot* of different ways to set up users on subversion. I use apache2 to serve through http/https. There's also a subversion server, which is completely different.11:18
GarryFreOk, hmm, that would b e frustrating.11:18
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wimdowseamonn - yes, I want to use the svn:// protocol - (svnserve -d) and not serve over Apache11:18
LazyAngelanyone knows how to start the textbased installation? I need it to start mdadm (raid)11:18
preem_anybody knows of python-mysqldb newest version package ?11:18
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preem_rly need it, its too old in repo :s11:19
tier_all other devices work perfect. i love ubuntu.11:19
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wimdowsLazyAngel - i thought one of the options on the live CD is text based installer...11:19
LazyAngelnope. just safe graphics mode11:19
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DVS01azzamat: projectm up and running. thanks =D11:19
tier_i only want this opengl because i want to impress windows user with this cool machine.11:20
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kalon33LazyAngel: it's an option in the alternate install cd11:20
aaa`are there any sites with information about what are the purpose of the many different directories in Unix?11:20
DVS01aaa`: yes, ill get you the url in a sec11:20
LazyAngelkalon33: alternate cd? so i have downloaded wrong cd?11:20
DVS01aaa`: http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/index.html11:20
kalon33there are 2 cds : the desktop one and the alternate one11:21
GarryFreHeres something that might hel youteir_ http://felipe-alfaro.org/blog/2006/09/06/ubuntu-edgy-ati-fglrx-dri-3d-acceleration-and-xorg-composite-extension/11:21
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kalon33with different installation modes11:21
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DVS01aaa`: go to http://tldp.org/guides.html and scroll down to "Linux Filesystem Hierarchy" for other formats of that guide11:21
DVS01GarryFre: i like that url =P11:21
aaa`DVS01: thanks11:21
tier_where can i find users with a vaio s1xp?11:21
GarryFreDVS01 :)11:21
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GarryFretier_ Try this info ....   http://felipe-alfaro.org/blog/2006/09/06/ubuntu-edgy-ati-fglrx-dri-3d-acceleration-and-xorg-composite-extension/11:22
LazyAngelkalon33: i can only find the standard cd and the server cd....11:22
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LazyAngelkalon33: is it the server cd i should download? or is there some else?11:22
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kalon33LazyAngel: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/ the last one category11:22
p47_does anyone use azureus here ?11:22
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tier_i have the same problems, garryfre11:23
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p47_do you know why I have a red led in share part of my azureus ?11:23
tier_but i cant see a solutionb on this link11:23
LacertaI have to change my wlan0 settings every few minutes just to stay online! What is changing them?11:23
GarryFreFinally got the latest Fiesty to duel boot. Only took me a day. Woo! Had to go the old xp duel boot boot.ini thingie11:23
Lacertai uninstalled KNetworkManager11:23
kalon33LazyAngel: you saw the alternate install cd ?11:23
GarryFretier_ You mean you tried that solution there and it still don't work?11:23
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LazyAngelkalon33: yepp11:24
tier_i cant find a solution on this link. maybe my english is to bad11:24
jetscreameris there a channel for the installer?11:24
LazyAngelkalon33: thank you. it wasn't a link to that from the main site. (at least not that i saw)11:24
AFaithhello people! i've got a problem with totem ... it simply doesn't wanna play a avi file :(11:24
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AFaithi've got all those codecs installed11:24
AFaithbut noup...11:24
AFaithhe doesn't want at all11:24
jetscreamerw32codecs ?11:25
tier_afaith. why u dont use vlc?11:25
p47_is it normal to have a red,yellow and green faces in azureus ?11:25
AFaithtier_: because vlc doesn't wanna load my subtitle well11:25
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geokeratzp47_> where is it exactly? do u mean a red face?11:25
kalon33LazyAngel: No problem, you're welcome !11:25
LacertaIs there no ad-hoc wifi users? :(11:25
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geokeratzp47_> yes11:25
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geokeratzp47_> red means something is wrong11:26
jetscreameryes, and you should really check the security on your java, p47, if you don't want azureus creating a torrent with a screenshot of you d/l'ing warez11:26
jetscreamerseriously. hth.11:26
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tier_garryfre is there a solution on this link? i cant find it11:26
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geokeratzp47_> like the file is missing from the sharing folder or your ip has changed...11:26
p47_geokeratz: yea I have some torrent downloading but azureus show me yellow faces and green faces and red faces and I have all my lets green the let green says NAT OK, but I have red lat in the part of share11:27
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jetscreameror you're the only one11:27
kalon33jetscreamer: maybe speak about the installer in #ubuntu-devel ?11:27
jetscreameraha thankee11:27
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exspirohi, i am having trouble getting sound on fiesty fawn11:27
wastrelsound eh11:27
exspiroit detects my sound card11:27
exspiroconextant hd11:27
p47_geokeratz: so I suppose that I have no problem with my connection .am I ?11:27
exspiroi have updated alsa11:27
geokeratzp47_> nothing wrong.YES11:28
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GarryFretier_ Add that composite=false thing he mentioned to the end of your /etc/X11/Xorg.conf file.11:28
exspirowhat do i need to do?11:28
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p47_geokeratz: ok so I can be happy jaja lol thank's11:28
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geokeratzp47_> jaja=?11:28
tier_i tried all the standard howtos, its an old had with this composite thing11:29
kalon33jetscreamer: if it's about future development #ubuntu-motu or bugs #ubuntu-bugs, else, #ubuntu-devel11:29
p47_geokeratz: jaja is like lol11:29
p47_geokeratz: but in spanish !11:29
AFaithtier_: any ideas ?11:29
tier_i need a howto specially for this gay-machine.11:29
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exspiroi have tried all the documentation on the sound intel-hd issue too11:29
geokeratzp47_> haha ok11:29
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askandHow do I import videofiles to kino? Or do I have to import from camera? :(11:29
mc44!ohmy | ti11:29
ubotuti: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:29
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Busta--has anyone gotten virtual box to run ubuntu/winxp & mac os x?11:30
tier_afaith, now i dont like subtitlres. i dont use them11:30
wimdowshow do I restart subversion server?11:30
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Busta--im looking into virtual box11:30
Busta--and am worried about the performance11:30
ariczwhat's the command to restard X?11:30
kalon33good night all !11:30
dr_willisNot sure virtual box can run macOS. I have seen Vmware OS-X images however.11:30
exspirohow do i get the sound drivver to recognize and play audio11:30
exspirois that ctrl-alt-backspace a complete restart?11:31
idefixxwimdows: do u run it as apache module or the build in server?11:31
ariczDoesn't work11:31
jetscreamerthanks again kalon3311:31
ariczin console11:31
mc44aricz: startx11:31
AFaithtier_: i really need to make those subtitle work11:31
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wimdowsidefixx - not under Apache - simply using svnserve -d11:31
kalon33jetscreamer: you're welcome ;)11:31
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AFaithi don't understand chinese :P11:31
Busta--dr_willis: http://www.ubuntuvideo.com/mac_os_x_and_windows_xp_on_ubuntu11:31
aricz"already active" blablabla11:31
dr_willisAFaith,  time to start! :)11:31
ariczhow do I STOP X ?11:31
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mc44!x | aricz11:31
Busta--dr_willis: check that video out11:31
ubotuaricz: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:31
GarryFretier_ if you have already tried the composite=false under that subheading, you got me stumped.11:31
wastrelAFaith:  www.chinesepod.com11:31
wastrelit's a good site11:31
dr_willisBusta--,  i could do that with vmware easily enough. IF i had the ram11:32
mh_learicz: /etc/init.d/gdm stop11:32
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exspirocan anyone help me11:32
idefixxwimdows: usualy u dont then... its saver to run it with inetd or xinetd. i dont know of any other ways11:32
Busta--dr_willis: yeah ive tried vmware, but from a windows host, its too damn slow11:32
GarryFreBoy, so little info on that laptop and linux11:32
askandCan I import pictures into kino editor?11:32
tier_garryfre i have mesa tdrivers. i dont know anyone with opengl on this vaio s1xp11:32
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Busta--dr_willis: how much would "enough" ram be?11:32
dr_willisBusta--,  i vd had issues with virtualbox -  I mainly use it to test livecd's11:32
geokeratzexspiro> it's for LOGOUT11:32
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dr_willisBusta--,  Theres never enough. :) for all 3 os's id have to say 3gb+11:33
ariczHmmm, something stranged happened to my X11:33
[-frost-] `linuxHow do I use Beryl in Fiesty Fawn?11:33
dr_willisBusta--,  but it depends on your needs i guess11:33
Busta--dr_willis: yeah your right =P11:33
c0ldfronti dont care for beryl11:33
Busta--u can never have enough11:33
ariczI can't even hit ctrl+alt+F7 to get into another console (X as it is supposed to be)_11:33
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idefixxwimdows: hmm.. just looked it up. u can make it listen by itself. if you do that just kill the process with 'killall' or 'kill',11:33
dr_willisJust put 2gb in my laptop11:33
c0ldfrontnice dr willis11:33
geokeratz[-frost-] `linux> what do u mean?11:33
c0ldfronti have 2gb in mine11:33
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exspirohow do i get ubuntu to recognize my sound card11:34
exspirocant hear any audio11:34
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c0ldfrontinstall the drivers?11:34
exspiroi did11:34
exspiroit shows up11:34
exspiroas conextant11:34
wimdowsidefixx - ok thanks11:34
exspirohd audio11:34
[-frost-] `linuxgeokeratz: I installed Beryl from Synaptic, and I dont know how to get it to work.11:34
exspirobut no sound comes out11:34
c0ldfrontwhat kind of sound card?11:34
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ShaUrigerman quiz #quizfueralle irc.ffm.de.euirc.net11:34
solo_hey, i've got an odd problem. just installed ubuntu (feisty) on my laptop, got wireless network working, using the applt provided. using progams in the console works fine, but any native X app (gnome, gaim, etc) doesn't recognize the connection. suggestions? this is a fresh install, any files created were done by the installer and first run11:34
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sx66I want to mount a point on my HDD to reinstall ubuntu but the root system is not defined11:35
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geokeratz[-frost-] `linux> type "beryl" and "beryl-manager" in a terminal. see the magic11:35
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geokeratz[-frost-] `linux> inform us11:35
mc44exspiro: are you on feisty?11:35
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mc44exspiro: did you update to the newest kernel?11:36
exspiroi upgraded to latest alsa11:36
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c0ldfrontexspiro https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/456 that sound like it?11:36
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mc44exspiro: yes, but have you done the udpadte to the newest kernel?11:36
exspirohow do i do that11:36
Worrywhy cant it print to my new HP photosmart C3180 printer, although it does have the drivers loaded and pretends to start the print job, then paper starts to feed then stops. help11:36
[-frost-] `linuxgeokeratz: It says Checking for XComposite extension: FAILED11:36
sx66How do i fix no root file system is defined11:37
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mc44exspiro: system -> admin -> update manager11:37
[-frost-] `linuxgeokeratz: No Composite Extension11:37
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geokeratz[-frost-] `linux> sorry can't help  u . I'm a noob11:37
zePh7rhi all. Can I install ubuntu from a cd with wubi?11:37
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exspirosays no updates11:37
dredhammerhi i can't get my libraries linked in ld.so.conf when compiling even when they are listed in the file any ideas?11:37
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l1d3nbr0ckhow do i install MSN on Ubuntu?11:38
l1d3nbr0ckSkype I mean11:38
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c0ldfronti was going to say msn11:38
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto11:38
c0ldfrontwhy do you want skype?11:38
sx66I am formatting back11:38
l1d3nbr0ckmy family use it11:38
c0ldfrontit doesnt support webcam like ekiga11:38
wastedfluidhey guys; i have a bash script that calls 'up -n' - any idea around? I can't find a up script, package, or what not11:39
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c0ldfrontonly voice11:39
Busta--is ekiga?11:39
Busta--is that a 3rd party skype app11:39
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Bloodstormwith what burner can i burn with 4x speed CD's .11:39
preem_jezus christ11:39
wastedfluidOh boy.11:39
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Bloodstormwith what burner can i burn with 4x speed CD's .11:39
Busta--damn bots11:39
wastedfluidhey guys; i have a bash script that calls 'up -n' - any idea around? I can't find a up script, package, or what not11:39
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mc44jrib: you scared em off11:39
sx66codeman is stupid do not listen to him, he crashed my HDD11:39
|tbd|I know I should not do that, but...11:39
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jribmc44: that was fast11:40
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|tbd|I have Ubunty gutsy installed11:40
chai_sangeenhello everyone11:40
c0ldfronti didnt do it11:40
|tbd|on an AMD6411:40
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|tbd|now kde does not work any more :(11:40
dredhammerhi i can't get my libraries linked in ld.so.conf when compiling even when they are listed in the file any ideas?11:40
smokiecan someone help me out here11:40
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Bloodstormwith what burner can i burn with 4x speed CD's .11:40
Busta--ekiga looks cool, can it connect to the skype network11:40
c0ldfrontahh ok lld3nbrock11:40
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|tbd|does anyone know where could I find something to solve it?11:40
preem_Bloodstorm: nautilus doesnt burn 4x ?11:40
c0ldfrontit connects to its only network i wish skype would add webcam support11:41
chai_sangeenim trying to install " sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.20-12-generic" but says it can't find the package..11:41
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sx66ah, I am just going to reinstall11:41
|tbd|where could I get some info?11:41
chai_sangeenim running the same kernel "uname -r"11:41
zePh7rhi all. Can I install ubuntu from a cd with wubi?11:41
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c0ldfrontchai use synapic package manager11:41
Busta--im sure skype will get around to it11:41
Bloodstormpreem iam on vista11:41
preem_dunno then11:41
c0ldfrontand seearch for linux headers11:41
Busta--i have skype on my windows mobile phone11:41
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joojinanyone know how to connect to other server using this?11:41
Busta--it has some good features11:41
mc44chai_sangeen: the current kernel is -16...11:41
preem_gl with that11:42
Busta--i can make calls and recieve them through my data plan11:42
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c0ldfrontyeah busta11:42
smokiei am tryin to install java runtime on my sys but i keep getting an error11:42
chai_sangeenmc44: how can i upgrade to that ? the system is command-line install can u help me out with the command11:42
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joojinany1 know how to connect other server using this xchat?11:42
Busta--but the problem is windows moblie su11:42
mc44chai_sangeen: what are you trying to do?11:42
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chai_sangeenmc44: u did update and upgrade but it didt upgrade11:42
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chai_sangeenmc44: i wanna istall lirc mceusb211:43
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Bloodstormwhat speed is recommended ?11:43
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Bloodstormfor burning ubuntu11:43
daylighterhow would I installs something, like Firefox 3 Alpha to a different set of directories, so it doesnt take over my existing firefox installation?11:43
jribBloodstorm: 2-411:43
testingi moved the pci slot that my sound card is in11:43
testingany cluez why it doesnt even show in lspci ?11:43
mc44chai_sangeen: you did sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade?11:43
preem_Bloodstorm: dunno, max your burner supports?11:43
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preem_i'd do it like that .P11:43
chai_sangeenmc44: yes i did that11:44
Bloodstormbut, someone told me 4x is recommended11:44
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preem_hate extra waiting time :P11:44
c0ldfrontanyone have a wireless card ipw3945?11:44
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jribBloodstorm: yes, 4 is included in 2-4 :)11:44
Bloodstormbecause it keeps at that when iam installing11:44
mc44chai_sangeen: what did it say?11:44
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chai_sangeeneverything was fine no errors11:44
daylighterburning lower is best for bootable ISOs11:44
zePh7rhi all. Can I install ubuntu from a cd with wubi??11:44
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preem_what speed did u burn ?11:44
Bloodstormjrib if i use 1x.. is that ok too ?11:44
jribBloodstorm: can you translate that?11:44
DigitalisAkujinI just have to say....... ubuntu has a LOOOONG way to go11:44
premier_hello, my windows key wasn't properly configured... how do I fix it?11:45
daylighterit's not that bad preem11:45
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exspiroi tried all those changes, still NO sound11:45
peterj_hello everyone.... I'm new to Linux/Feisty Fawn, with a SAMBA question11:45
jribBloodstorm: yep, make sure you verify the iso after you burn it11:45
chai_sangeenmc44: no errors everything was fine11:45
daylighterits not like you're burning a blu-ray at 4x11:45
jribBloodstorm: well, verify the cd I mean11:45
Bloodstormthe mirror server is being checked i think11:45
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exspiromc44: no sound still11:45
preem_daylighter, proly extends lifetime on cd, but nothing else i'd say11:45
jrattnerQuestion: If I want to import a font from Windows, where should I place the font?11:45
peterj_i am looking for an easy-to-understand guide to allow me to see my Linux share from my Windows(windoze) machines11:45
smokieanyone know what it means when synaptic says a software is not installable\11:45
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daylighterpreem_, for some reason, computer dont seem to like to boot of discs that are burnt at higher rates, that's why it's recommended11:46
OceanSprayoh hi I upgraded ur ram11:46
premier_jrattner: theres an option in the system settings to install them automatically11:46
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jrattnerpremier_, ? how?11:46
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preem_daylighter, rly? didnt know that, had some problems with these cd's tho, maybe thats the case11:46
aaa`is the a proper way of uninstalling programs in /usr/local/ ?11:46
preem_thx for info11:46
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daylighteryeah, I've had such bad luck with burning anything bootable at above 4x11:46
premier_jrattner: I don't use gnome, but just search around, its in there somewhere11:47
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chai_sangeenmc44: whats the command i should use to upgrade the kernel ?11:47
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|tbd|my kde 3.5.7 does not work... any info? where could I find something about that?11:47
jrattnerpremier_, ok11:47
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daylighterI wish Nautilus had an OSX-copycat view, the vertical columns.... I love it11:47
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mc44chai_sangeen: sudo apt-get upgrade11:48
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aquao714hey I got a question is ubuntu compatible with most windows software? like if I wanted to instal like yahoo messenger can you?11:48
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daylighteryou can find linux equivalents of quite a few of your windows programs, aquao71411:48
exspiroi have no sounddd.11:49
smokiehello, please can some1 help me out with an installation11:49
daylighterpidgin for most of your IM needs11:49
chai_sangeenmc44: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23792/11:49
smokiei need to install java on my system11:49
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peterj_Aqua-- GAIM/pidgin install works nicely for yahoo, AIM, ICQ11:49
smokieplease some111:49
premier_aquao714: some windows programs can be run under wine, but its not a garantee11:49
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rookiehwmsmokie, what have you tried11:49
premier_!wine | aquao71411:49
ubotuaquao714: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:49
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aquao714ok does that include most of the normal feature like voice chat picture sending etc?11:50
smokiefrom synaptic i choose jre11:50
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smokiehere is the error un-java6-jre:11:50
smokie Depends: sun-java6-bin but it is not going to be installed or11:50
smokie ia32-sun-java6-bin (=6-00-0ubuntu1~dapper1) but it is not installable11:50
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Simon80how would I force the regeneration of say, /etc/default/bluetooth, I've tried reinstalling the package, and I've tried running dpkg-reconfigure on it, but perhaps not with the right arguments11:50
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aquao714I think Ima download ubuntu it sounds cool, would you say its easier than wondows?11:51
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sx66how do you update the  OS of ubuntu?11:51
Simon80aquao714: for some things, yes, others, no11:51
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sx66aquao, yes it is11:52
sx66I find it easier, mucho11:52
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exspirois there a way to get sound11:52
Simon80most common uses are easy, but some things aren't all that great, like wireless11:52
peterj_Daylighter--- i am looking for an easy-to-understand guide to allow me to see my Linux share from my Windows(windoze) machines.. do you have any suggestions?11:52
sx66everything works for me11:52
loco_aulladorhi i've bought a sata II hdd and i'd like to know if the data cable for a sata hdd works for a sata II hdd, anyone knows?11:52
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aquao714you mean voice exspiro?11:52
peterj_i am not able to get my windoze systems to log in to my linux share11:53
exspirono sound. i have no sound output in fiesty fawn11:53
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exspiroaudio etc11:53
daylighterpeterj_, I dont know, I'd love to find a guide like that myself, as I've had problems with the same thing!11:53
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exspiroive tried all the docs online11:54
exspironone of them successfully11:54
peterj_daylighter -- i have found a lot of stuff to read, but little to be apply to figure out and apply11:54
sx66what is winspire, is that an OS?11:54
daylighterSamba is powerful, but annoying to use sometimes11:54
daylighterLinspire, you mean?11:54
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daylightercommercial linux11:55
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wimdowseamonn - regarding the svn passwd file, I ended up using kdesvn GUI tool to create a repository and as part of that, it will create a passwd and svnserve.conf file in the repos folder11:55
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wimdowsthanks for the help11:55
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sx66what version is this? http://www.dailyflashid.org/gallery/ubuntu.jpg11:56
BigMacIs there a way to move a group to the top of your buddylist in Kopete, because I can't drag it to the top like in GAIM?11:56
st3-fhi all11:56
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peterj_i will try to muddle through the Samba documentation11:57
Bloodstormi hate this shit11:57
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PriceChild!ohmy | Bloodstorm11:57
ubotuBloodstorm: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:57
daylighteryuck @ kopete11:57
exspirohow do i figure out the module related to my soundcard?11:57
sebsebsebI am able to open up an Audio CD in  Soundjuicer and play it,  which would be fine,  if there was a last.fm plugin for it that I could use,  but seems there isan't.  When  I try opening on this new computer,  from inside a program such as Rythombox or Amarok  I get this message:   The folder contents could not be dispalyed   VFS  error: invalid parameteres.  How do  I sort this out?11:57
kassah-lappysx66: guessing by the CD mounted in the background... 5.0411:57
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st3-fsx66: you cannot tell what verion it is just because of the screenshot11:57
st3-fmaybe you can11:58
sx66does anyone have a theme like OSX?11:58
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sebsebsebyes  I do11:58
dr_willisthers oodles of os-x wanna be themes.. most of which suck :)11:58
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sebsebseba very nice one also11:58
dr_willissince the original  is.. well.. i wont go there. :)11:58
daylighterI wish I was a programmer11:58
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daylighterI want the column view that the OSX finder has11:59
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dr_willisI wish i was a multibillionare :) then i'd pay someone to program11:59
spudspudspuddaylighter:Learn, it isn't THAT hard11:59
daylighterme and mathematics is like bush and public speaking11:59
exspirodoes noone know anything related to audio in ubuntu?11:59
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications12:00
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:00
daylighterI can do scripting, but deep programming in C and Java elude me12:00
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exspiroalsa is selected12:00
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exspiroand i updated it to current version12:00
spudspudspudlol okay12:00
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:01
sidny4how do I share files over the network between two ubuntu boxes?12:01
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