
=== eternaljoy [n=truth@unaffiliated/eternaljoy] has joined #ubuntu-ops
eternaljoyany #ubuntu ops here please?12:30
eternaljoyLjL: you here?12:30
PriceChildeternaljoy, hello?12:31
eternaljoyPriceChild: hello12:32
eternaljoyPriceChild: Cannot join #ubuntu (You are banned).12:32
eternaljoyi havent been here for a few days12:32
eternaljoydidnt do anything last time12:32
PriceChildPlease be patient I'm checking logs etc.12:32
eternaljoycann u check it pls, its a mistake for sure12:32
eternaljoyPriceChild: ty12:32
PriceChildeternaljoy, You were banned for "heinous remarks toward another's religion." This ban is not going to be removed any time soon.12:33
eternaljoyPriceChild: wtf?12:33
eternaljoyshow me the log12:34
PriceChild!ohmy | eternaljoy12:34
ubotueternaljoy: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:34
eternaljoyPriceChild: show me the comments12:34
eternaljoyits only fair I am shown the accusation so I can defend it12:34
PriceChildI'll pm you the important bits.12:34
eternaljoyi never make any religios comments on ubuntu12:34
PriceChildeternaljoy, we have a large amount of operators here with logs that will concur that you _did_ say what I have pm'd you12:37
eternaljoyNO way!12:38
eternaljoyi never make comments about religion12:38
eternaljoyon ubuntu,12:38
eternaljoyim framed man!12:38
eternaljoysomeone has used my cloak :(12:38
eternaljoysomeone is framing me!  and I know no OP will believe me.  im guilty without a trial12:38
PriceChildYou were identified to services. If your password is not secure then that is your problem I'm afraid. However I highly doubt that to be the case.12:38
eternaljoydamn, :(  im banned for good from ubuntu for something im inoccent of12:39
eternaljoyPriceChild: as I said, im declared guilty without a trial12:39
eternaljoyPriceChild: this is just too bad.  im banned from a channel I love forever, for somethging I never said12:39
PriceChildeternaljoy, the decision was taken by a reasonable group of operators.12:39
=== PriceChild wonders whether they'll be evasion because of that /quit...
naliothyou know there will be12:44
crdlblisapc in #ubuntu fyi12:45
nalioththis will be fun12:46
mneptokis (s)he perm-banned?01:04
naliothmneptok: oh yes.01:05
mneptoki remember the nick. didn't know (s)he had pushed so far.01:06
naliothPriceChild has the revelent info handy, ask him to PM it to you01:06
mneptokeh, that strikes me as the IRC equivalent of reading a tabloid01:08
=== PurpZeY [n=brian@ool-4575248e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== PurpZeY [n=brian@ool-4575248e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PurpZeYI was wondering if someone might be able to give me advice on getting the server, in a location where IRC Ports appears to be blocked.01:10
=== PriceChild tries to wonder if that was a dig at him...
PriceChilds/wonder/figure out/01:10
naliothPurpZeY: try port 800101:10
PurpZeYnalioth: Tried that...=(01:10
mneptokPriceChild: saving the relevantlogs is responsible. reading them unnecessarily is a bit ... od, IMO :)01:12
PriceChildah ok gotcha :)01:12
naliothmneptok: well, EJ stepped on his/her crank in a big way01:12
naliothPurpZeY: ircatwork or some other cgi gateway then01:12
PurpZeYnalioth: The only thing I can think of is some kind of a proxy. . .01:13
=== PriceChild huggles mneptok then steps away quickly
effie_jayxPriceChild,  wise ...01:30
=== mneptok covers himself in Vaseline and pro-Bush stickers and chases effie_jayx, cackling maniacally
=== effie_jayx draw lightsaber
effie_jayxI wonder why you don't huggle mneptok  now PriceChild  :D01:33
mneptokprimordial survival instincts?01:34
ompaulthe truth is in the sunglasses01:35
effie_jayxmneptok,  the vaseline just burned all capability of applying imagery out of text :S01:37
mneptoki have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. and i'm all out of bubblegum.01:37
LjLi just made my first car accident. cheers.01:49
LjLanyway, not my fault, i was stopping at an amber light and the guy behind forgot where the brake pedal was01:50
mneptokLjL: it's OK. urine stains usually come out upholstery easily.01:50
mneptokoh ... wrong kind of "accident"01:50
jribLjL: did the guy stop?01:50
mneptokLjL: *immediately* his fault. you have no worries.01:50
LjLjrib: he had to, there wasn't much space left on the street to run away =) we just exchanged phone numbers... but my car really looks ok, i'll have to check again in the daylight but i'm pretty sure it's fine01:51
LjLyou know, it's pretty unusual to stop at amber lights in italy, so i guess i just did something unexpected to him ;P01:52
jribmy friend did something similar once.  He was going downhill and at the bottom someone was waiting to turn left.  He figured that by the time he got to the bottom of the hill, the person would have turned.  That turned out not to be the case01:54
LjLhappens... though everyone should care about safety distances more really01:55
LjLmy mom always yells at me when i'm driving because i stop too suddenly "without a reason". there *is* a reason: i stop for pedestrians, and i stop for pigeons. the guy behind just needs to keep the distance as he should.01:56
jribdo you have suicidal pigeons in italy too?01:58
LjLof course, they get more suicidal each day. i remember when i was a kid they used to run away when you came near them ;)01:58
PriceChildhehe you "shouldn't" stop/swerve for small animals01:59
LjLPriceChild: says who, the driving code? i don't think so, at least not here01:59
PriceChildhmm ok well over here you "shouldn't" :)01:59
=== PriceChild beds
LjLhere the concept is that you can always brake for any reason. if someone doesn't brake in time to avoid your behind, it's their fault...02:00
mneptokLjL: same in N. America02:01
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ubotuvox754 called the ops in #ubuntu03:13
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HobbseeBurgundavia: pong06:38
BurgundaviaHobbsee: huh? did I ping you?06:39
HobbseeBurgundavia: you asked if i was around06:40
Hobbseeoh dabian ddi06:40
=== Hobbsee only lastlogged Hobbsee, not Sarah
BurgundaviaI was wondering if I was more hopped up on pain killers than I imagined06:40
Hobbseewonder what he wanted06:40
Burgundaviano idea06:42
Myrttimorning folks06:42
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ubotuIn ubotu, crdlb said: no, pastebin is a service to post large texts without flooding the channel. To post a file such as your xorg.conf, open that file in a text editor (kate, gedit, etc.)...  Go to http://pastebin.ca in a web browser, and paste into the text field at that website.  Hit the submit button.  It'll give you a URL back.  Paste that URL here.08:58
crdlbwrong bot08:58
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-102.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mneptok tootles off to bed
=== Hobbsee beats Seveas with a large stick.
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ompaulany #ubuntu ops around for the next hour or so?01:38
ompaulI muted virusavirusa if you are going to watch him he can be unmuted but only if someone is watching him - currently he is in -offtopic and is ... I don't know01:42
=== crdlb [n=crdlb@unaffiliated/crdlb] has joined #ubuntu-ops
jribompaul: ok, I'll unmute in half an hour then02:03
jribthough I've only seen him ask about "hacking" and bruteforcing02:04
mc44jrib: the guy left02:04
jribmc44: oh02:04
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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jribwhy didn't you tell me before02:05
mc44he specifically asked how to crack passwords on his subnet :)02:05
mc44jrib: I told you in the future, expecting the symmetry of time to take care of the rest02:05
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kenthomsonWhere could i find the ubuntu forum mods outside of the forums? I have been banned from the forums.03:10
kenthomsonYou have been banned for the following reason:03:10
kenthomsonNo reason was specified.03:10
kenthomsonDate the ban will be lifted: Never03:10
kenthomsonNo warning no nothing, direct shot!03:11
pleia2kenthomson: there is an #ubuntuforums channel03:11
pleia2might want to try there03:12
kenthomsonI know but many of the forum-mods happen to be here and are also irc-operators so i thought this would be the most proper place03:12
ompaulthis is not a forums channel03:14
kenthomsonNo one is responding in the ubuntuforums channel03:14
vorianthanks a lot pleia2 :P03:14
=== vorian kids
ompaulthat is a forums channel wait and wait03:14
pleia2vorian :)03:15
mc44kenthomson: you probably want this http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=12303:16
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ompaulyou would not come here for gentoo ops and we don't happen to do forums issues here if people span more than one project the only place to address that project in the interfaces to that project03:16
vorianmc44, he cant see it, he's been banned :P03:20
mc44vorian: oh, they don't just ban usernames?03:20
vorianIt's complicated03:21
vorianThat's one way03:21
mc44ah :)03:21
PriceChildmc44, banned people used to be able to go to the RC, but that broke in a update, its on ubuntugeeks todo list. Will poke him about it again soon.03:22
=== LjL [n=ljl@ubuntu/member/ljl] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ubotustrigi is an application which index the files on your desktop. homepage: http://www.vandenoever.info/software/strigi/ package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=strigi&searchon=names&subword=1&version=edgy&release=all04:40
LjL!forget strigi04:40
ubotuI'll forget that, LjL04:40
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=== TheNerd [n=fuck@blk-222-166-20.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjLTheNerd: change your ident if you want to join #ubuntu04:51
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ompaulLjL, ask lots of sex and love to change its nick perhaps :-) #ubuntu I am trying to fix a keyboard on a laptop :-/04:54
=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-24-27-103-14.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu-ops
LjL!desktopsearch is <reply> Services to index your files for fast contents/metadata searches include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (front-ends: tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (front-ends: strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME)05:10
LjL- Doodle (for CLI)05:10
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL05:10
LjLngh, i had checked the length. or so i thought.05:10
LjLindexing, indexers, beagle, kerry, tracker, strigi, kat, pinot, doodle are <alias> desktopsearch05:14
=== poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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gnomefreaki see trouble06:40
ubotuIn #ubuntu, bijan said: ubotu:what is linux06:40
gnomefreak12:40 <cylent88> haaha !!! fuck you and fuck ubuntu  << in pm lets see if he tries other channels06:40
ompaulwell the best edge case in a while is there bastid_razor06:43
ompaulso cylent can do a byeee in the mean time06:43
=== ompaul goes back to fixing someones laptop keys
ompaulnot mine but arrrr worthy06:44
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ubotuPWill called the ops in #launchpad07:15
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mneptoktook care of PWill07:22
ubotuwols_ called the ops in #ubuntu07:59
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jendamneptok: poor guy08:48
mneptokno shit08:48
mneptokhe's very nice and very helpful. i'd hate to see him burn out.08:49
mc44yeah, hate to see people end up like mneptok :)08:50
mneptokjenda: you're getting a law degree, ja?08:50
jendamneptok: working on it.08:53
jendamneptok: you'll have to wait 4 more years - and be very lucky, though ;)08:53
mneptokjenda: any interest in FLOSS legal issues?08:54
jendaof course08:55
jendaWell, intellectual property in general08:55
mneptokhave you had any contact with FSFE?08:55
jendaFSFE is...?08:55
mc44fsf europe08:55
jendaI would be of no use to them given my current level of knowledge :)08:56
mc44you could groom rms or something08:56
mneptoki'll ping Georg and see if they have need of legal aides/interns08:56
jendamc44: O_O08:56
jendamneptok: wow :)08:56
jendamneptok: that would be... interesting.08:57
mneptokeh.  you know lawyers. if they can offload their research, they'll go play golf.08:57
jendamneptok: keep in mind I'm a first year student ;)08:57
jendamneptok: and not a particularly good one at that - I prefer studying my own stuff outside school :)08:57
mc44yeah, he hasn't had all the evil installed quite yet08:57
mneptoki know. this would be thankless, boring, brainless work. but it would pad a CV nicely.08:57
jendayeah, that takes time, dudes :)08:57
jendaThanks for the offer, it's certainly worth a thought.08:58
jendaI'm seeing my main directions in legal theory and international law, however.08:58
mneptoke-mail me your contact info. i'll tell Georg there's a law student willing to work cheap, or do some minimal volunteer work.08:58
jendamneptok: ok, will do :)08:59
jendamneptok: damn, you don't have an email addy in nickserv!09:00
jendamneptok: is PM fine?09:00
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=== ompaul looks at mneptok
ompaulmneptok, you do know now that jenda will have to move to Geneva now09:34
jendanah, to Canadians, Europe is so tiny, it's like all in one location :)09:35
ompaulmneptok, wasn't bad enough you going to Canada but jenda in Genve09:35
=== ompaul head desks
jendaI love the Geneva lake, though.09:36
ompauljenda, in English that is Lake Geneva ;-P09:36
=== ompaul runs
ompaulGod (ompaul hears a voice "Yes my child") I'd like to file a bug09:37
jendahehe :)09:37
ompaulrobbed shamelessly from xkcd09:38
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poningruompaul: rofl10:54
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ubotuIn #ubuntu, SillyZ said: ubotu - that url is a bad url.... ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto    its 40411:40
LjL!search binarydriv11:43
ubotuFound: ati-#ubuntu-effects, binarydriver, binarydrivershowto, binarydrivers, gatos, nvidia-#ubuntu-effects*, nvidia, ati, fglrx, nv11:43
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:43
ubotuUse the "fglrx" driver if you have a Radeon newer than an X800 or want TV-Out capabilities: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI - Use the "ati" driver for everything else.11:44
LjLi kind of doubt it11:44
PriceChildhe missed off the help. afaik...11:44
ompaulLjL, I got it and it worked11:56
mneptokompaul: we have parking lots bigger than many European countries >:)11:59
mc44bigger than Luxembourg maybe, and they don't count12:00
mc44you have bathrooms bigger than vatican city though12:00
ompaulmneptok, this country is a parking lot with houses scattered around it in case people get tired12:00
=== rob1 is now known as rob
ubotuThorn called the ops in #ubuntu12:09
ompaulubotu, we noticed :)12:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about we noticed :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:10
=== LjL slowly steps away from seveas
mc44LjL: just don't call him weird!12:13
SeveasI don't like being called weird by someon who most likly is as sane as a cow with mad cow disease12:13
mc44good analogy that12:14
Seveas _____12:14
Seveas< moo >12:14
Seveas -----12:14
Seveas        \   ^__^12:14
Seveas         \  (oo)\_______12:14
Seveas            (__)\       )\/\12:14
Seveas                ||----w |12:14
Seveas                ||     ||12:14
LjL ___________________12:14
LjL< i gotz no diseze! >12:14
LjL -------------------12:14
LjL        \   ^__^12:14
LjL         \  (oo)\_______12:14
LjL            (__)\       )\/\12:14
LjL                ||----w |12:14
LjL                ||     ||12:14
PriceChildthe first chance you get! :)12:14
mc44 _________________________________12:14
mc44< bovine spongiform encephalitis! >12:14
mc44 ---------------------------------12:14
mc44        \   ^__^12:14
mc44         \  (oo)\_______12:14
mc44            (__)\       )\/\12:14
mc44                ||----w |12:14
LjLnot really12:14
mc44                ||     ||12:14
Seveas ________________________12:14
Seveas< Haz u seen mah bukkit? >12:14
Seveas ------------------------12:14
Seveas        \   ^__^12:14
Seveas         \  (oo)\_______12:14
Seveas            (__)\       )\/\12:14
LjLi kick on the first chance i get, but only cowsay when appropriate12:14
Seveas                ||----w |12:14
Seveas                ||     ||12:14
ompaul ____________________________________12:18
ompaul/ ever notice how satan and sata are \12:18
ompaul\ similar ....                       /12:18
ompaul ------------------------------------12:18
ompaul     \12:18
ompaul      \  (__)12:18
ompaul         (\/)12:18
ompaul  /-------\/12:18
ompaul / | 666 ||12:18
ompaul*  ||----||12:18
ompaul   ~~    ~~12:18
=== ompaul buys mc44 a beer
=== maxamillion [n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== mc44 gets slozzled
LjLdoubt he's still got space in the fridge12:19
mc44LjL: :O12:19
=== poningru takes some of LjL's beer to clear up some space
poningruno need to thank me12:19
mc44LjL: there is always room, due to constant consumption :)12:19
poningruI do it out of goodness of my heart12:19
LjLmc44: FIFO?12:20
mc44GIGO more like12:20
mneptok                       _12:21
mneptok                /\    / `.12:21
mneptok               /  \__/   |12:21
mneptok MOOF!         |        /                           /`.12:21
mneptok---_---       .'  O     l                          /   `12:21
mneptok    `.      .'           \                       .'    |12:21
mneptok      `   .'              `.___________________.'      j12:21
mneptok         (                  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@       .'12:21
mneptok           `-------.             @@@@@@@@@@@@       .'12:21
mneptok                   l.               @@@@@@@        |12:21
mneptok                    |@@                            |12:21
mneptok                    |@@@                           |12:21
mneptok                    |@@@                           \12:21
mneptok                    |@@    ._______________.        ;12:21
mneptok                    |     /                 \       |12:21
mneptok                    |     |                  \      |12:21
mneptok                    |     |                   \     |12:21
mneptok                    |    .'                   |    .'12:22
mneptok                   .'    .'                  .'    .'12:22
mneptok                   `__.'                     `__.'12:22
ompaulsh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''12:22
ompaulsh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file12:22
ompaulsh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''12:23
ompaulsh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file12:23
ompaul _________________________________________12:23
ompaul/ Now mneptok dont have me use my hobbsee \12:23
ompaul\ on you                                  /12:23
ompaul -----------------------------------------12:23
ompaul   \         ,        ,12:23
ompaul    \       /(        )`12:23
ompaul     \      \ \___   / |12:23
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