
=== _lucky_ [n=lucas@183-130.0-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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jjesseremember when i said i hate chicago airport12:24
jjessestupid plane is canceled or delayed and they can't gaurnetee i'll make my connection12:29
fdovingnice, airports are fun. they have been flying for many many years, but the airport system still doesn't work well.12:33
jjesseyeah i was supposed to be in omaha nebraska to teach a class tomorrow morning at 8am12:33
jjessebut can't get ther until 10am tomorrow now12:33
jjesseair traffic controllers are delaying the flights due to "low ceiling"12:34
fdovingfun. ohwell.12:35
fdovingnot much we can do about the weather.12:36
jjesseyup now i have a 6am flight to catch12:36
nixternaljjesse: so no flight ey01:09
nixternalit is sunny and warm here in Chicago right now :)01:09
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-59-132.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ryanakcashould I test kde4 with the kubuntu.org packages or built from source?01:23
_lucky_the packages are now quite old01:24
ryanakcaokies, from source it is01:25
_lucky_yes but there some minutes breakage, don't expect to compile all the modules tonight01:25
_lucky_kdenetwork for instance01:25
_lucky_http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE4 good starting point01:26
jjessenixternal: seriously sunny?01:34
nixternalsuper sunny01:34
jjesseall i heard was "there is a low ceiling and we can't gaurentee any flights"01:34
nixternalI can see clouds over the lake heading your way01:34
jjessemust have been it01:34
nixternalthe planes are flying..I am in the path of the main runway01:35
jjessei don't understand how things work01:35
nixternalwe have had popcorn showers and storms, nothing crazy though01:35
nixternaljjesse: they make sh*t up all of the time01:35
jjesseyup, i was supposed to be in omaha ne for a class at 8am tomorrow01:35
jjessenow i don't get into omaha until 10am01:35
nixternalwhen were you supposed to fly out?01:36
jjesse6 est01:36
nixternalnext year?01:36
jjessei was supposed to land at 6:30 in chicago and fly out to omaha at 8pm01:36
jjessebut the planes were all delayed and i wouldn't make my connection or something like that01:36
nixternalyou should have just hopped in a rental01:36
nixternal3 hours and you would have been here01:36
jjesseyeah i could have but oh well01:37
jjessenow i have a 6am flight out of gr to chicago01:37
nixternaland that is cheaper and you spend the same amount of time as you would flying01:37
jjesseand then an 8am out of chicago to ne01:37
jjesseoh well, time to go pick up dinner be back later01:37
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jjessethanks ryanakca02:24
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Hobbseemorning all03:54
nixternalhiya Hobbsee04:01
Hobbseehey nixternal :)04:01
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mhbgood morning07:53
=== nixternal hopes someone will approve KPlayer RFS so I can request a sync
mhbnixternal: well definitely not me :o)07:54
nixternalthe only issue I see someone having is with the copyright file, and if they do, I have enough firepower to back it up07:55
nixternalit is GPL, but the author likes to remain anonymous to an extent07:55
crimsunthere's nothing in the GPL that states a pseudonymn cannot be used.07:56
crimsunit makes it more difficult for the originator to enforce claims, but it doesn't affect the source code itself, which is ultimately what matters07:57
nixternalcrimsun: that I found out...I dont' care how many people tried to argue laws, there is some sort of weird Bern* something rule that allows for it internationally, and the FSF allows it08:00
nixternalthe FSF goes as far as verifying the license as well08:00
=== DaSkreech [n=chatzill@katapult/ninja/daskreech] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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DaSkreechHobbsee: Hi08:36
DaSkreechJucato: hi08:36
Hobbseehi DaSkreech08:37
Jucatoyo DaSkreech08:37
Jucatohi Hobbsee!08:37
=== nixternal crosses fingers and hopes sid boots
nixternallogging out after dist-upgrade crashed08:39
=== nixternal seens kdm
=== DaSkreech looks up seens
nixternaloh wow08:43
nixternalthat's why08:43
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-59-132.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechsid up?08:44
nixternalembedded http library WORKS! embedded HGET, HPOST, HHEAD WORKS! libhttp-dev, libhttp-dbg WORKS! new Plucker Desktop WORKS! KPlayer WORKS!08:44
nixternalI am batting 1000 tonight with Debian builds08:44
nixternalclose the ITPs, RFS, sleep....08:44
nixternalsoon, we will have goodies that will wipe out some annoying boogs08:45
DaSkreechkde4 ?08:45
nixternalKDE whatever! :)08:45
nixternalversion .whatever08:45
nixternalwell, I am leaving the KDE 4 stuff up to the Debian KDE 4 people08:46
nixternalthey are rigorous08:46
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=== DaSkreech rolls out his iceweseal
nixternalKonqui FTW08:47
nixternalI only have to use FF for my bank..and that is enough pain right there08:48
nixternalnothing like pressing the little icon and watching it bounce almost to timeout, and then boom, my Kubuntu welcome page ;)08:48
nixternalKonqui, I just think about opening Konqui, and Kubuntu does it...great stuff08:49
Jucatoyou think about opening Konqi and Kubuntu does it? you have some sort of thought recognition device in there?08:50
nixternalya, it is called KDE..it is just that darn smart08:50
Jucatohehehe :)08:51
Tm_Tit IS!08:52
Tm_Toutsmart me every day08:52
Tm_Tnot that would demand much08:52
nixternalsame here08:52
nixternaldolphin don't browse the intarweb though does it?08:52
Tm_T"be smart, use KDE"08:53
Tm_T"KDE, outsmart you every day"08:53
Tm_T"why be dumb whenyou can be smart with KDE"08:53
=== Tm_T flips
Jucatonixternal: no it doesn't. Dolphin is a dedicated file manager only... no embedded previews either08:54
nixternalkonqui ftw!08:54
Tm_Tnice, I have to call, so I have to disconnect from internet =)09:00
Tm_Tsee you on the other side ->09:00
DaSkreechnixternal: tried the new kmymoney?09:01
nixternalnot yet...I need to..last time I tried they didn't import my bank statements worth a junk09:01
nixternaland I wasn't to happy about the usability either09:02
DaSkreechI like the new one09:02
Jucatogn8 nixternal!09:08
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siretartRiddell: xine-lib 1.1.6 has been built now successfully. I think that's what Tonio needed for new kaffeine09:44
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Tonio_heya ;)09:49
raphinkhi siretart && Tonio_09:49
Tonio_raphink: ;)09:49
raphinka roule?09:49
siretarthey raphink, hi Tonio_!09:49
raphinkwhat's up siretart?09:50
siretartTonio_: xine-lib 1.1.6 has been built now successfully. I think that's what you need for new kaffeine09:50
siretartraphink: thanks, fine, and yourself?09:50
Tonio_siretart: perfect ! will upload today :)09:50
Tonio_raphink: http://launchpad.net/kdesudo09:50
Tonio_raphink: :)09:50
raphinkI'm good siretart09:50
raphinkah super kdesudo09:51
raphinktrs bien09:51
Tonio_raphink: based on a 4 year unmaintained code.....09:51
Tonio_I love free software :)09:51
raphinkhehe yes09:51
raphinkwho is the new maintainer then?09:51
Tonio_me :'(09:52
raphinktu fais du C?09:52
Tonio_raphink: well there is a team for this, including me, mhb, _stefans_...09:52
raphinkje te vois pas dans les admins sur sourceforge09:52
Tonio_raphink: I don't know anything about c++, that's the funny thing :)09:52
raphinkbut you're not using the sourceforge page ?09:52
Tonio_raphink: upstream is gone for 4 years, no chance to get the key of the sourceforge page....09:53
Tonio_raphink: we will use launchpad + kde-apps to release the tarballs09:53
raphinkhow about contacting sourceforge about it?09:53
Tonio_raphink: bah sourceforge is nice for cvs and bugtracker, but for this we have launchpad, so.......09:53
Tonio_raphink: it already works, fancy testing ?09:54
Tonio_I have a deb ;)09:54
siretartTonio_: you seriously like sf's bugtracker?!09:54
raphinkTonio_: hmm sure09:55
Tonio_siretart: no ;) but I said the functionnality was there09:55
Tonio_siretart: I don't feel the need of sourceforge for such a project09:55
Tonio_raphink: http://tonio.homelinux.org/temp09:55
Tonio_raphink: the deb install a dpkg-divert rule for kdesu, so just use "kdesu adept_manager" for example09:56
siretartthe problem is that xine's bugtracker is still at sf, and they don't want to move to anywhere else09:56
Tonio_raphink: should remember the passwors09:56
Tonio_raphink: no need to launch it twice ;)09:56
siretartthat's why the bugpages for the xine packages are so filled up :(09:56
raphinka marche sous feisty?09:56
Tonio_raphink: and it resolves the app name + icon via the desktop file09:56
Tonio_raphink: waip09:56
Tonio_all we need now is the fade effect by _stefans_ and we can release a tarball :)09:57
raphinkthe fade effect?09:57
Tonio_raphink: same than on logout, and same than gksudo uses09:57
Tonio_raphink: there is a little bug when using X-Kde-SubstitudeUID, icon and app name are not resolved, so try command line09:58
Tonio_btw, that'll work from the kmenu, except the fancy things are gone :(09:58
raphinkyou also miss a bash_completion rule09:58
raphinkthat's something I could do at least09:59
raphinkhi _marseillais09:59
Tonio_raphink: hum, true ;)09:59
_marseillaishi raphink09:59
raphinkc'est mon truc les rgles de completion maintenant09:59
Tonio_raphink: well I don't use bash anymore ;)09:59
Tonio_zsh rules10:00
_marseillaisin a source package is it acceptable if there is a debian-something dir ? i've ask smplayer dev to remove his debian dir and he rename it in debian-rvm....10:00
Tonio_completion is 10x better than with bash10:00
Tonio_lots of things are really better10:00
Tonio__marseillais: I generally rebuild the tarball without the debian stuff, and put en changelog entry for this10:01
raphinkyep, that's the best option imo10:01
Tonio_except when the packaging is nice, which never happens :)10:01
raphink_marseillais: the problem with existant debian/ dirs is that we're not the maintainers of it10:01
raphinkso we're stuck with following their changelogs and so on10:02
raphinkwhen debian/ should our field of action10:02
Tonio_raphink: and they generally are done upstream, which means bad packaging, most of the time10:02
_marseillaisTonio_, oki i'll do that i didn't it was allowed10:02
Tonio__marseillais: it is :)10:02
raphinkthere's a problem with the dpkg-divert with kdesu Tonio_10:02
raphinkwhich is the options10:02
raphinkI don't really think it's a great idea10:02
Tonio_hu ?10:02
raphinkbecause kdesu and kdesudo don't take the same options10:03
Tonio_where is the problem ?10:03
raphinkand don't have the same man pages10:03
Tonio_raphink: I know I have to divert the man too10:03
raphinkwhat if people still want to use kdesu?10:03
raphinkI don't expect anyone to use dpkg-divert10:03
Tonio_raphink: they have to remove the package...10:04
raphinkthat's a problem10:04
raphinkwhy can't users have both programs installed?10:04
Tonio_raphink: we are not going to patch the all kde to use kdesudo as backend for krun and X-Kde-SubstitudeUID10:04
Tonio_that would be nightmare stuff10:04
raphinkhow about developers who need to be sure that their program will run fine with both kdesu and kdesudo?10:04
Tonio_raphink: because kdesu is hardcoded anywhere in kde, there is no way to set the app we want as default10:05
Tonio_that's the issue10:05
Tonio_of course I'd do that differently if I could10:05
raphinkthere's no variable in kderc for that?10:05
Tonio_raphink: the current work on kdesudo is to make it compatible with kdesu options10:05
Tonio_we already added teh -c, --comment10:05
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Tonio_raphink: I hope to have something 100% command line compatible with kdesu in about a month10:08
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Tonio_mhb: hey ;)10:42
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mhboh no, I missed Tonio again11:30
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Riddellyes, me too, I hope he uploads kaffeine before the freeze11:35
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_marseillaiswich freeze ? it's not in august ?11:36
Riddellthe Tribe 1 freeze11:37
mhb_marseillais: tribe 1 freeze11:37
mhb_marseillais: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/GutsyReleaseSchedule11:38
_marseillaismhb, thanks i was asking you that link11:38
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fdovingis revu dead?11:53
glatzorRiddell: morning. when do you plan to upload the new python-kde3 3.17? guidance depends on it.12:07
Riddellglatzor: I'll look at that now12:07
crimsunfdoving: machine's down for new kernel/maintenance12:16
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Congratulations to Hobbsee | Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Riddell at Fri Jun 1 12:33:05 2007
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Tm_TKate & Kontact crashing on quit01:16
mhbTm_T: now that is a completely useless message to us :o) (sorry for the joke, I mean it well)01:19
mhbTm_T: you know, if you want to get it fixed, report a bug about it and include lots of information (release, KDE version, crash backtrace, etc.)01:20
mhbTm_T: and pray that a developer can reproduce it01:21
=== apacheLAGger is now known as apachelogger
Tm_Tmhb: err01:24
Tm_Twhy you're telling me this?01:24
=== Jucato guesses mhb doesn't know Tm_T :)
=== Tm_T is laughing his weak beard
mhbJucato: not personally, no...01:25
JucatoTm_T: serves you right for being too elusive :P01:25
Jucatoer.. "elusive" really isn't the correct adjective..01:25
mhbTm_T: I'd tell the first line to everyone01:25
mhbTm_T: and those others are because I'm a nice person :o)01:26
Tm_Tmhb: oh, I was just thinking out loud01:26
Tm_TI was about to start hunting the issue, if it is reported, if not, check what exactly is causing it,then report ;)01:26
=== Jucato goes for some dinner :)
Tm_Thappy meal01:27
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mhbTm_T: cool01:27
Tm_Thmm, no pun intended01:27
JucatoMcDonald's Happy Meal? :)01:27
Tm_Tbah, still no kde devel cloak01:27
Jucatonow you made me crave for a nice, juicy, cholesterol-loaded burger...01:28
JucatoTm_T: how come?01:28
Jucatoyou haven't applied yet?01:28
Tm_TI have01:28
=== Jucato really goes now
Tm_Tbah, I think njaard just hates me01:29
Jucatoyou think? :D01:29
Tm_Tmaybe I have mocked him too much =)01:29
mhbTm_T: serves you right for thinking out loud :o)01:29
jjessenixternal: finally in o'hare airport01:29
Jucatoor maybe you have thought out loud too much01:29
Tm_Tthat too =)01:29
Tm_TWHEEEE =)01:29
=== Tm_T had too much coffee
Tm_Tthat said, more coffee ->01:30
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Tm_Tah right, I remember this one01:37
Tm_T*** glibc detected *** kate: free(): invalid pointer: 0xbfdd9ab0 ***01:37
jjesseTm_T: theres no such thing as too much coffee01:37
Tm_Tjjesse: there is, trust me01:39
=== jjesse has been up since 4am trying to catch a flight
jjesseso there is no such thing :)01:39
Tm_Tthere is, trust me01:40
=== Tm_T can hear the echo
Tm_Tbut too much sleep? that's harder to achieve01:40
jjessei get a headache if i sleep too long, does that count as too much sleep01:40
Tm_Tno, that's just headache01:41
Tm_TI get backpains from over 6 hour sleeps01:41
Tm_Tbtw those headaches prolly comes from your neck, rotate your head and sleep more ;-P01:42
jjessegrin i'll try that next time01:42
Tm_Talmost like this crashing is sort of libc issue01:43
Tm_Tok, time to crash kontact too01:43
Tm_Tand failure02:03
=== Nightrose [n=lydia@port-87-234-150-228.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
NightroseRiddell: so I did not package stuff before so I would need a mentor02:04
Nightroseand somesting small to start with ;-)02:05
apacheloggerwelcome Nightrose :)02:05
Nightrose;-) hey02:05
=== apachelogger takes a look in his todo directory
Jucatowhat's a "todo"? ;)02:06
Nightroseah don do that - I know your list....02:06
=== Nightrose is afraid
apacheloggerNightrose: that's the alpha folder :P02:06
mhbI see a list of choirs coming up for Jucato02:06
apacheloggertodo is filled with crap I'm not interessted02:06
Jucatomhb: heh :)02:07
apacheloggerNightrose: all the good software is already in alpha here ;-)02:08
RiddellNightrose: the main task we need done now is merging package with newer debian versions02:08
RiddellNightrose: I'd recommend picking a KDE package from http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html and trying to merge it02:09
Riddellhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/MOTU/Packages/Merging has a merging howto02:09
apacheloggermh, good idea that is02:09
Nightroseok I'll have a look at that as soon as possible02:09
sebasapachelogger: Do you have a rokymotion mailinglist?02:10
RiddellNightrose: try kftpgrabber perhaps02:10
Nightrosesebas: we do02:10
sebasNightrose: What's the address?02:10
Nightrosesebas: one moment - looking for it02:10
sebasNightrose: Thanks02:11
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NightroseRiddell: I'll get back to you when I read everything thats necessary02:12
RiddellNightrose: let me know if you have any questions02:13
Nightrosewill do thx02:13
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Hobbseehi all!02:48
mhbhi Hobbsee02:48
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mhbTonio_ !!02:55
Tonio_mhb: how are you ? :)02:55
Hobbseeyay, Tonio_!02:55
Tonio_yop Hobbsee ;)02:56
mhbTonio_: great, because I'm finally beginning to understand the konsole kPart magic :o)02:56
Tonio__StefanS_: ping ?02:56
mhbTonio_: has RadiantFire tried to join the team?02:56
mhbTonio_: kdesudo one02:56
Tonio_mhb: yep, what will e do ?02:56
_StefanS_Tonio_: hey02:56
Tonio__StefanS_: just wanted to know if you have a planning for the fade effect and kdesudo ?02:57
_StefanS_Tonio_: like a timeframe+02:57
Tonio__StefanS_: if yes I'll wait, if no, I'll release a tarball on kde-apps02:57
Tonio__StefanS_: yep02:57
Tonio_mhb: RadiantFire is interested in working on the code too ?02:57
mhbTonio_: yes02:58
_StefanS_Tonio_: just release the tarball, I have had a sick child for a few days, so it has been hard to get anything done on the side02:58
_StefanS_Tonio_: I will make it though (soon i promise)02:58
Tonio_mhb: great, does he have ideas on things to do ?02:58
mhbTonio_: the thing is, some people would like to see only one KDE app for admin granting02:58
Tonio__StefanS_: no pb :) just wanted to be sure I wouldn't have to re-release another tarball in 2 days ;)02:58
Tonio__StefanS_: take your time, our target is gutsy now...02:59
Tonio_mhb: true02:59
_StefanS_Tonio_: yep, true.02:59
Tonio_mhb: but in my opinion, different framework mean different apps.....02:59
mhbTonio_: so he and me would like to try to achieve that, separate the kdesudo and kdesu into a backend and a frontend02:59
mhbTonio_: two backends/one frontend02:59
Tonio_mhb: very hard to do..... have you check kdesu structure ?03:00
Tonio_mhb: it is a nightmare03:00
Tonio_using kdesu_stub, kdesud etc....03:00
mhbTonio_: I haven't, but RadiantFire might have03:00
Tonio_this is the problem :)03:00
mhbTonio_: yes, I don't say it's an easy job03:00
Tonio_mhb: at the moment, as we have to divert kdesu to kdesudo, it would be nice to clone the maximum number of options kdesu has03:01
mhbwe want to start with having a single UI class for both of them, that's simple03:01
Tonio_I mean command line options03:01
Tonio_btw that would help for the backend/frontend thing03:01
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mhbTonio_: I think it would be cool to have him on the team03:01
mhbTonio_: he can help with that, I'm certain03:01
Tonio_mhb: I approved him03:01
Tonio_I'm just doubting of the feasability of this03:02
Tonio_kdesu is a nightmare03:02
Tonio_if you plan to do that, it would be more interesting to rewrite kdesu for kde4, compatible with sudo :)03:02
_StefanS_^ sounds a like a good path03:02
_StefanS_+1 for kde4+kdesu with sudo support03:03
Tonio_but of course the backend/frontend idea is good03:03
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mhbyeah, that might be the best approach03:03
Tonio_just that it would be easier to make a kdesudo compatible with su than a kdesu compatible with sudo :)03:03
nosrednaekimI think that sounds good too... kdesu has always annoyed me03:03
Tonio_mhb: if the plan is to have kdesudo also compatible with su, I of course approve that03:04
_StefanS_Tonio_: how many options are we talking about in the kdesu that needs to be supported?03:04
Tonio_just get afayc of the kdesu code, bad for your health03:04
mhbTonio_: hehe :o)03:04
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Tonio__StefanS_: man kdesu03:04
Tonio__StefanS_: not that much in fact03:04
Nightrose;-) nice picture in the mail sebas03:05
Tonio_mhb: btw, jdesu is just perfect for su03:05
Tonio_mhb: that's why it doesn't sound a big issue for me to have 2 apps03:05
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_StefanS_Tonio_: thats not much I think, AFAIR most of that is coming from kpassworddialog class anyways03:05
Tonio_mhb: but of course, if you consider the long term approach03:05
Tonio__StefanS_: yep03:05
Tonio__StefanS_: I planned to work on that toonight, adding more options03:06
mhbTonio_: yes, in the long term it would be great to have one app on KDE SVN03:06
_StefanS_Tonio_: lets do that together then03:06
mhb-i is mine :o)03:06
_StefanS_Tonio_: my kid is pretty well now and shouldn't cause too much noisy tonight03:06
Tonio_mhb: the long term is to replace kdesu, or patch kde to set the wanted backend03:06
Tonio_mhb: the problem is that kdesu is hardcoded everywqhere in kde code03:06
Tonio_mhb: that's why I think the first thing to do is reproduce all the command line options in fact.....03:07
sebasNightrose: :>03:07
Tonio_then separate to frontend + backend03:07
Tonio_mhb: agree on the idea ?03:07
Lure_apachelogger: I have seen you khalki packages on revu - do you plan to upload libkhalki too?03:09
apacheloggerLure_: it's alrady uploaded I think03:09
apacheloggerjust waiting for it to get in the repos03:09
Lure_apachelogger: on revu?03:09
apacheloggerwell, and ubuntu03:09
Lure_I have only seen khalkicards/applet03:10
_StefanS_Tonio_: I just look at that fade, it seems like you and mhb will take the command line (?)03:10
apacheloggermight it be a typo03:10
apacheloggerthe name just sux03:10
apacheloggerand the unreachablility of revu sux even more03:10
Lure_apachelogger: yep, it seems revu is down for maintenance03:11
apacheloggerjust like LP is03:11
Hobbseeit's probably sitting in new03:11
=== apachelogger hates when ubuntu servers go down for maintenance
apacheloggerseems to always happen when I want to work :P03:11
=== apachelogger writes a mail to Riddell
Tonio__StefanS_: yep03:15
Tonio__StefanS_: the command line options is one of the only thing I think I can do myself :)03:15
_StefanS_Tonio_: I won't take the only thing away from you :D03:16
=== mhb looks forward to see those bling effects :o)
mhb_StefanS_: ^^03:17
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=== Jucato polishes ShinyMonster
=== ShinyMonster gets shinier
Jucatoyay shiny!!!03:28
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=== n8k99 looks in here and gets scared, really scared
Hobbseehiya n8k9904:10
n8k99hey Hobbsee04:10
Hobbseewhy scared?04:10
n8k99all this shinying going on in here04:10
n8k99are the kde4 packages in the repos- and can i switch one of my machines over to using it by apt-get?04:14
Hobbseeyou probably could, but i'd wait for the first beta, as apparently they dont work too well04:15
n8k99hmm.. ok04:16
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Riddellkwwii: about?  don't suppose you remember where you put that akademy logo alteration you made?04:24
RiddellHobbsee: mm, best not to kick people without giving them a chance04:24
HobbseeRiddell: he's been warned before, i'm quite sure.04:25
Hobbseeadn it's in !guidelines and such, which is a standard #ubuntu, etc, factoid04:25
kwwiiRiddell: sure, let me send it to you04:25
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kwwiiRiddell: http://sinecera.de/akademy_long_g.svg04:27
Riddellthanks kwwii04:27
Lure_Riddell: can we get this in for Tribe1: http://packages.ryanak.ca/pool/ryan-gutsy/kmilo/kdeutils_3.5.7-1ubuntu2.debdiff04:41
Lure_Riddell: and kwwii can then work on some cutomization for next Tribe: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KMilo+-+Customizable+DefaultSkin?content=5628704:42
Lure_Riddell: I am running this now for a week without any problems04:43
=== Hobbsee notes that she could now upload that.
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HobbseeLure_: main's not frozen yet, iirc?04:43
Lure_Hobbsee: sure, use you superpowers04:43
HobbseeLure_: wrong target, though04:43
Riddellactually I did upload that, but it was for feisty so it got rejected, re-uploading04:43
Lure_Hobbsee: you should know that better now (I do not need to know that) ;-)04:44
Lure_Hobbsee: but I think freeze is tommorow04:44
Hobbseedefine tommorrow.04:44
Lure_Riddell: thanks04:44
Lure_Hobbsee: 00:00 UTC?04:44
Hobbseeofwhat date?04:44
Hobbsee9+ hours away, possibly04:44
Lure_00:00 UTC Tuesday04:44
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
kwwiiLure: is that already in k-d-s ?04:52
Lurekwwii: not yet, but default is already better than old kmilo04:52
Lurekwwii: but it can be controled trough k-d-s (rc file)04:53
kwwiisomeone should put that in and then I can theme it ;-)04:53
seeleRiddell: ping05:07
Lurekwwii: Riddell just did so it should be in Tribe105:08
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Riddellseele: hi05:24
kwwiiLure: great, I'll look into it later05:25
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siretartTonio_: Riddell: how angry would users get if xine would drop the arts output plugin?05:50
siretartread: no arts support at all05:50
apacheloggersiretart: they wouldn't notice05:50
nixternalsome would05:50
apacheloggeror if they would, they probably would love it05:51
Riddellsiretart: not sure, some people use it when they have sound cards that can only play from one source at a time05:51
siretartI don't use kde, I just now that arts is this kde soundserver thingy05:51
siretartRiddell: don't we use dmix for that?05:51
nixternalahh, in phonon05:51
apacheloggerphonon == pure love05:51
nixternalyes it does05:51
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seeleRiddell: the kopete question, is this for determining the default?05:52
Riddellsiretart: I wouldn't object if it was easier to drop it, but why is that the case?05:52
nixternalman, everything I have read and seen == pure love, except for KHelpCenter...but we are working on that :)05:52
Riddellseele: konversation.  yes, konversation upstream uses tabs at bottom, kubuntu uses list view at side05:52
siretartRiddell: see debian bug http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=35443705:53
ubotuDebian bug 354437 in xine-ui "Crash with "can't create mcop directory"" [Grave,Open] 05:53
siretartRiddell: upstream is going to drop it for xine 1.2, and we're currently discussing dropping it from the debian package05:53
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apachelo1gerkonvi is suffering a lot here :(05:54
Riddellsiretart: can't the user just uninstall the xine arts plugin?05:55
siretartRiddell: now he can, since I seperated it to 'libxine1-kde'05:56
siretartbefore, you couldn't05:56
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Riddelloh, I was confusing it with libarts1-xine05:56
Riddellwhich is the other way around05:57
Riddellwow, multimedia on linux can get quite crazy05:57
RiddellI wonder what happens if you feed xine into arts and arts into xine05:57
Riddellso aye, I don't mind it being dropped05:57
nixternalask crimsun he knows all of the sounds stuff05:58
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mhbhmm, is there a search engine indexing KDE3's API?06:32
mhbfor some reason, google doesn't produce very useful results06:32
mhbusually dead links only - for me, that is06:33
Riddellthe API stuff has moved around recently06:33
apacheloggermhb: http://api.kde.org/06:33
apachelogger..and got search feature06:33
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mhbapachelogger: oh yes06:33
mhbapachelogger: thanks06:34
Hobbseedo we have any specific kde packages which need upgrading?06:35
Hobbseeor easy bug fixes?06:35
=== apachelogger is wondering whether he can get his own packaging mentor
apacheloggerjust throwing packages up to revu is far too slow for me :D06:36
Riddellapachelogger: you do need to poke people to review stuff on revu06:36
Riddellapachelogger: are you going to merge filelight and filelight-i18n?06:36
apacheloggerRiddell: though where? or who?06:36
apacheloggerfirst I'd need filelight 1.0 to be in debian, don't I?06:36
Riddellany kde type in ubuntu-dev06:36
Riddellapachelogger: no, we don't depend on debian06:37
apacheloggerso, how to do what with filelight?06:37
Hobbseeapachelogger: here or #ubuntu-motu06:39
=== apachelogger will just poke everyone :P
Hobbseethat works06:39
apacheloggeranyway, that's not sorta issue.... though filelight not being 1.0 is!06:39
Riddellapachelogger: move all the po files into the main .orig, package, revu06:42
apacheloggerah merging the two package :D06:42
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apacheloggerRiddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=537007:19
apacheloggerLure: khalkhi - http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=530807:19
DaSkreechapachelogger: isnt that stalled?07:20
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Riddell"DEFT (acronym of "Digital Evidence & Forensic Toolkit) is a customized distribution of the Kubuntu live Linux CD."  cool07:37
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Riddellapachelogger: that compiles fine.  it still deviates from debian unnecessarily by converting to cdbs.  I'm happy to upload it so long as you send changes back to the debian developer07:49
apacheloggerRiddell: tried to contact him :|07:50
apacheloggerno response07:50
Riddellapachelogger: P??r Andersson <paran@lysator.liu.se>07:51
Riddelloh, he's not debian07:51
apacheloggerjust noticed :D07:51
apacheloggerok, gotta mail him07:52
Riddellapachelogger: ask him if he's happy just ceding it to the debian-qt-kde team in debian, if you want to maintain it there07:52
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Riddellanyway, I'll upload this now07:54
Riddellimbrandon: ping, you havn't uploaded k-d-s07:54
apacheloggerRiddell: is there any reason why filelight package should have a debian/menu file?07:57
Riddelleverything /should/ have a debian/menu file07:57
Riddellgenerally I don't bother since any sane desktop should use XDG now07:58
apacheloggerRiddell: so better leave it? ... if yes - do I have to carry the postinst postrm with it to update menu database?08:01
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Riddellapachelogger: I didn't think debian menu needed postinst/rm08:16
apacheloggerok, because they are missing debhelper stuff and I'm not motivated to add it ^^08:17
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paranRiddell: thats is me. I never claimed to be debian :)08:36
Riddellparan: no, my mistake, not sure why I thought you were08:37
=== paran is wondering if he should take that as a compliment or not
Riddellwell it's not an insult :)08:38
paranI only care about the package as I use filelight a lot. nice having 1.0 uploaded now08:40
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apokryphosyeah, filelight's great08:42
paranonly annoying thing about it is that it doesn't handle sparse files08:43
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=== apachelogger feeds new filelight into lintian
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giangy[ 1626.768000]  device-mapper: table: 254:0: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed08:54
giangy[ 1626.768000]  device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table08:54
giangy[ 1626.768000]  device-mapper: table: 254:0: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed08:54
giangy[ 1626.768000]  device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table08:54
giangy[ 1627.152000]  device-mapper: table: 254:0: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed08:54
giangy[ 1627.156000]  device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table08:54
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Riddellnixternal: licence won't pass http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=535709:16
Riddellbut as least it clears up why it's not in debian, which I've been wondering for ages09:16
nixternalahh, remove that Riddell...we are going to seperate libmonkey from that package09:16
Riddellnixternal: doesn't that defeat the whole point of the package?09:17
nixternalwell, the package is actually a library and binary09:17
nixternalwe need to pull the library and seperate it into multivers, and then the k3b plugin can go into universe09:18
nixternalso I have been told09:18
Riddellright, but k3b still can't link to the library09:18
nixternalwhy can't k3b link to it?09:21
nixternalthe license says any GPL software can use it09:21
nixternalor is the linking the bad part?09:21
DaSkreech-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6820 2007-03-07 21:42 /usr/bin/free09:22
Riddellnixternal: yes, it says GPL can use it, but GPL doesn't allow GPLed software to use it09:22
Riddelllinking is the bad part, that's what makes it a derived work09:23
ScottKnixternal: Dad says, "You can go to the party and drink with your friends as long as Mom is OK with it."  Mom, of course, is not OK with it.09:23
nixternalso toss it out then, and tell Sebastian he needs to fix that :)09:24
DaSkreechI can't run apps :(09:24
nixternalScottK: you just had me thinking of freakin' merges with that statement :) MoM and DaD :)09:24
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DaSkreechWhy would I not be able to run programs?09:36
DaSkreechthey segfault or tell me cannot execute binary file09:36
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apacheloggersomeone wanna revu kopte-otr plugin? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=529809:48
=== apachelogger pokes Lure_
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Riddellapachelogger: try manchicken__ ?09:53
apacheloggerreally, we should get a mailing list or something, I have no idea who's motu and who's not :S09:54
=== apachelogger pokes manchicken__ as well
Riddellapachelogger: well there is a mailing list, the trouble is that everyone assumes someone else will do it09:54
apacheloggeroh ^^09:54
Riddellso you need to poke people explicitly usually09:55
Riddellapachelogger: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5377 has the wrong version number, ubuntu1 is already uploaded09:55
apachelogger--- but remember to move changelog item for post* to new entry09:55
apacheloggerRiddell: shall I reupload right now?09:55
Riddellapachelogger: sure09:56
apacheloggerk :)09:56
apacheloggerRiddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=537910:05
apacheloggerbtw, does kopete-otr depend on kopete for you?10:05
ScottKapachelogger: It's not in the depends for the package.10:06
apacheloggerScottK: ${shlibs:Depends} detects a depend10:07
apacheloggerScottK: or do you mean at compile time?10:07
ScottKNo, I meant run time.  Hmm.  I didn't think it would pick something like that up.  I guess I need to go study that one more.10:08
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RiddellDepends: kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.7-1), kopete (>= 4:3.5.7-1)10:08
apacheloggerScottK: well, I also wondered, but as long as it works ^_^10:09
RiddellScottK: it's because kopete itself uses a library10:11
Riddellroot@lichts:/root/kopete-otr# ldd /usr/lib/kde3/kopete_otr.so libkopete.so.1 => /usr/lib/libkopete.so.1 (0x00002ac24470f000)10:11
Riddelland /usr/lib/libkopete.so.1 is part of kopete's package, so shlibs will pick up that dependency10:11
=== ScottK is downloading it now.
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DaSkreechhi ubotu10:17
Arbyis it known that kde system settings app is broken in gutsy?10:18
manchicken__What does that plugin do?10:18
ScottKapachelogger: I don't know enough yet to feel comfortable advocating this package.10:19
Riddellapachelogger: khalkhi uploaded, I presume it's ok to upload it even though it hasn't passed NEW yet10:19
RiddellArby: I've heard complaints10:19
ArbyRiddell: yes, kmenu > system settings == crash10:20
apacheloggermanchicken__: Off-The-Record encryption10:20
RiddellArby: how's kcontrol?10:20
Arbynot sure, haven't tried10:20
apacheloggerRiddell: thanks, btw, is there a way I can track the upload status of packages?10:21
ArbyI'm used to the gui for those things, can I just run kcontrol in commandline10:21
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Arbysorry, naive question I know10:21
Riddellapachelogger: only keep watching https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/khalkhi and gutsy-changes10:21
apacheloggerk, thank you10:21
Riddellapachelogger: ok, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+queue to see NEW queue10:22
Arbyok kcontrol launches but has very limited options10:22
RiddellArby: so it's probably a problem with XDG menu foo10:22
RiddellScottK: if you're in a revu mood, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5313 needs looked at10:23
Arbyhave I got a cat in hells chance of debugging that?10:23
Arbyand where would I start?10:23
DaSkreechha ha John Mcain is thinking of having Ballmer on his tech cabinet if he gets elected10:23
=== apachelogger is checking a bug in oooqs2-kde
Arbymessage in konsole reads 'Warning No K menu group with X-KDE-BaseGroup=settings found Default to Settings/'10:24
apacheloggernow that memload can't be normal10:25
manchickenHas anybody seen imbrandon lately?10:26
DaSkreechI have10:28
ScottKI love downloading from REVU.  It reminds me of the good old days on dial-up.10:28
ArbyRiddell: what do I need to do to get enough info for a useful bug report?10:28
Arbysystem settings gives a traceback but most of the debugging symbols are missing.10:28
RiddellArby: find a fix :)10:28
mhbScottK: how I hate those good old days10:29
Arbymight be tricky since I don't even understand what's broken :)10:29
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Arbyhmm, maybe I'll go and poke something I might understand :)10:31
RiddellArby: kcontrol just has networking and periferals folders?10:33
ArbyRiddell: yes10:34
ArbyRiddell: most of the stuff that should be in system settings seems to be in kmenu>lost + found10:35
ScottKmhb: </sarcasm>10:37
=== apachelogger isn't in mood for code revu
apachelogger*report to upstream*10:38
DaSkreechnixternal: have a feisty machine?10:39
ScottKRiddell: Reviewed.10:40
ScottKNo problem.  That one actually had problems I knew enough about to comment sensibly on...10:43
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RiddellArby: I take it the kmenu is otherwise normal?10:51
ArbyRiddell: yes fine10:52
Riddellall a bit strange10:52
ArbyI've just installed a load of updates, let me reboot and see what happens.10:53
ArbyRiddell: what package would I need to ge the relevant debugging symbols?10:56
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nixternalDaSkreech: I have a feisty machine, what's up?11:33
nixternalI use Feisty for my some-what stable box :)11:33
DaSkreechcan you give me the md5sum for gwenview?11:34
crimsunfrom the repo?11:53
crimsunthat info is available via `apt-cache show gwenview|grep ^MD5`11:53
nixternalMD5sum: 541bf7df4c03123eb08105c25a0f548c11:53
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=== nixternal goes to school
DaSkreechI think mu /usr/bin folder is corrupt11:53
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ArbyRiddell: turns out the system settings problem has been reported, bug 11428611:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 114286 in kde-systemsettings "systemsettings crash in Gutsy Gibbon" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11428611:53
Arbyadded a comment fwiw.11:53
xRaich[o] 2x can somebody tell me where i can get the german localisation files for kdevelop?11:53
DaSkreechs/j k3b11:53
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@p508F1294.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
marseillaito build pykde package what should i use in debian/rules for cdbs packages?11:53
=== apacheLAGger [n=me@N934P020.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LureArby: can confirm bug (I thought it was just my system at first)11:58
LureRiddell: this bug should be milestoned to tribe-111:58
ArbyLure: thanks, nice to know it's not just me11:59
marseillaiLure: does this sort of error remind you a classic error : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24134/ ??12:02
Luremarseillai: never saw something like this - this looks like .orig.tar.gz is uncompressed again as part of build?!12:04
Luremarseillai: is there such rule in debian/rules?12:04
marseillaiLure: my debian rules only contain : debhelper and kde rules12:04
Luremarseillai: and french does not help me ;-)12:04
marseillaiyes Lure i can understand this12:05
marseillaiin fact i don't know how to set my console in english12:05
Luremarseillai: you can du "LANG=C <command>" to get english12:05
marseillaiLure:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24138/12:08
marseillaiyou have an idea ?12:08
marseillaiand if i remove this dir12:09
Luremarseillai: check for this tmp-nest file - possible that you have run it before as root12:10
Luremarseillai: you may try in -motu - I really do not have any good idea12:11
Lureand also have to go to bed now (have early meeting tommorow)12:11
Lurenight all12:11
marseillaii've not have man lucks in motu12:11
marseillaiso i'll try tomorrow12:11
marseillaithis evening is too late12:11
Arbyis anyone else finding OpenOffice very unstable in gutsy?12:12
Riddellwe don't care about openoffice, canonical will be hiring someone to do that soon :)12:13
Arbyoh that's good, because it's utterly screwed right now.12:13
Arbyis it worth filing a bug then?12:14
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@04-073.200.popsite.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ArbyRiddell: if writer and calc crash with the same errors, do I file one bug or two?12:15
Riddelland it's the same source package anyway12:15
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ArbyOK thanks, lots of stuff about glib and gdk whatever they are12:16
Riddellgnome stuff12:17
Arbywell it's b0rked :)12:17

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