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Admiral_Chicagocan someone help me add a picture attachment at this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/GutsyGibbon/Tribe108:26
Admiral_Chicagoi've attached the image, just not sure how to call it within the document.08:26
nixternalsee how I did it08:31
nixternalif you want it looking secksy, do it the way I do with the thumbnails08:31
nixternalotherwise you get a bunch of of big images, and some people don't know how to correctly shadow, so they put up a bad looking page08:31
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: looking now08:32
nixternalwould be nice if I could easily float images in moinmoin and the == foo is bar == headers would automatically do breaks08:32
nixternalerr, clear: both08:32
beunoAdmiral_Chicago: it seems you haven't uploaded a correct image type08:33
Admiral_Chicagoi used jpg and png, it didn't like either beuno08:33
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: what kind of image should i upload?08:34
nixternalpng is what I do, however jpg is fine, no gifs08:34
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: you alos linked me to a 404...08:34
beunoAdmiral_Chicago: look now08:34
beunoyou have to give it an extension  :D08:35
Admiral_Chicagobeuno: thanks08:35
beunoAdmiral_Chicago: at your service08:36
beunoI'm going to bed now though  :p08:36
beunohave fun!08:36
nixternalI did08:37
nixternalhaha I did08:37
nixternalk..one sec08:37
nixternalmust have done /ubh instead of /ubw08:38
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: looking...08:42
nixternalbeuno: just so you know, I envy you08:42
beunonixternal: don't, think of all the beers you'll be able to drink here next year with our exchange rate   ;)08:43
beunoI'll take you to the best bars!08:43
nixternalvery true...oh, and I staying at your house...so have some brewhahas ready :)08:43
nixternalman I can't type tonight08:43
beunosure thing, "open ubuntu house"08:44
beunowell, you might be DD by then   :p08:44
nixternalI can only wish08:44
beunoI'm checking out hotels and conference rooms as soon as I get back from my trip, seems the same amount of money used in europe can take us a ling way here   :D08:45
beuno(think free beer every night)08:46
nixternalfree as in free beer, I am down08:46
nixternalto bad I don't drink, but in Argentina, I just might have to08:46
beunomake sure you get all those parking tickets payed   :p08:46
nixternalhaha, ya working on that now08:46
beunoyou probably will end up drinking if you hang around me, yes   {08:47
beunoaaaaaaaaaanyway, really bed time now, haven't even packed my bag and I'm leaving in a bit over 12 hours08:48
nixternalalrighty, g'nite08:48
nixternalhave fun and catch you when you get there and online08:48
Admiral_Chicagoyou visiting argentina without me nixternal ?08:55
nixternaldebconf 200808:55
Admiral_Chicagooh crap when is that?08:56
Admiral_Chicagoah august, couldn't go if i wanted08:57
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Admiral_Chicagonixternal: i apparently don't have your skills with wiki editing, can you look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/GutsyGibbon/Tribe1 and please fix the images09:17
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nixternalAdmiral_Chicago: stop what you are doing on that page please09:27
nixternaldon't add anymore09:27
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nixternalAdmiral_Chicago: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe1/Xubuntu09:28
nixternalI moved the page to the correct location09:28
nixternalAdmiral_Chicago: images should be 1024x768 as well09:29
mdkemorning all09:29
nixternaluse pngs, that way there you can do drop shadows to make the thumbnails stand out09:29
nixternalgood morning mdke09:29
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: i couldn't get the size to be 1024*768 due to the VM...09:29
nixternalAdmiral_Chicago: that is fine then...if you want..give me all of the images you have and I will doctor them up until I can get a nice screenshot howto done up09:30
Admiral_ChicagoThat is something I could try again tomorrow. I have a few pns lying around, I just dont want to break my system again09:30
nixternalI think the screenshot size you have anyways scales to 1024x768 anyways, just a few pixels off09:31
nixternallooks good btw09:32
Admiral_Chicagoyea it was close to it. i run a few sizes about 1024x768 anyways.09:32
Admiral_Chicagothanks, i have much more locally, just wanted to get some things on there09:32
mdkejjesse: you've slightly misunderstood the question on the mailing list. He's not necessarily looking for PDF - what he is complaining about is that our docs are not comprehensive enough09:32
nixternalmaybe tomorrow/err today I can find a little time and do a good screenshot wiki page for us09:32
mdkehe's looking for any format that he can download09:32
Admiral_Chicagothats something i'd like to read. it would cover VMs too?09:33
nixternalmdke: any plans for a future meeting to discuss necessary changes?09:33
mdkenixternal: we could have one, definitely09:33
nixternalAdmiral_Chicago: I am sure it would cover some VMs09:33
mdkenixternal: do you want to arrange it?09:33
nixternalmdke: I can do that...let me add it for the todo when I wake up09:33
nixternalget everyone to toss in a time that works for them09:34
Admiral_Chicagosounds good.09:34
nixternalalrighty, I am going to take it to bed now...see everyone in a few hours09:36
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BugMaNhi all10:02
BugMaNsomebody colud confirm this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-doc/+bug/9735510:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 97355 in ubuntu-doc "Packaging Guide command error" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 10:02
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JanChm, this documentation is wrong: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToEnableSpamFilteringInEvolution06:05
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Admiral_ChicagoJanC: feel free to correct it06:20
JanCAdmiral_Chicago: I'm working on it, but I'm not sure about the spamassassin part06:33
JanCI do know that bogofilter works fine though (contrary to what that page says)06:34
Admiral_Chicagoi haven't used evolution or spamassassin...06:34
JanCthe main problem is that spam filtering doesn't work if more than 1 spam filter plugin is enabled06:35
JanCI guess both plugins try to go through the same door at the same time and knock their heads together, resulting in a double K.O.   ;-)06:36
JanChm, I wonder if bogofilter itself is installed by default...06:39
nixternalhaha, nice analogy06:42
nixternalI have bogofilter and spamassassin running with KMail06:43
nixternaland they both don't do a great job, they do an OK job, but not great06:43
JanCboth ?06:43
JanCbogofilter works fine here06:43
JanCnot perfect, but that's impossible06:44
JanCand for the mail account that I use for mailing lists, it actually works almost 100% perfect06:45
JanCat least > 99.9%  :)06:45
nixternalmaybe I should remove spamassassin and let bogofilter work on its own06:47
JanCon other accounts it's less succesful06:47
JanCmight depend on how much ham & spam you get06:48
JanCe.g. for the mailing list account, I get almost no spam compared to the flood of good messages06:48
nixternalactually...I don't get much now to my inbox...google seems to be doing a good job now all of a sudden06:48
nixternalat times to good, and they mark some of my kde and ubuntu mail as spam..especially bug reports06:49
JanCthat's not so good...06:49
nixternalya, I have to go in and check my filters there every now and then and make "not spam"06:50
JanChm, lets see if I can find out if bogofilter is on the ubuntu install CD06:50
JanCseems not06:52
JanCStatus van het verzenden van kennisgevingen:07:04
JanC[en]  nixternal: E-mail correct verzonden07:04
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alefteriscan anyone suggest a video editor for prossesing screencasts?07:43
nixternalkino is the only one I know...I wonder if popey is online07:44
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alefteriskino work with ogg and mpeg or only dv?07:55
nixternaltruthfully I don't know07:55
nixternalpopey is online, just afk right now07:55
nixternalhe is the screencast master iirc07:55
alefterisaha :) ok i'll ping him later. thanks07:56
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popeysomeone was after some screencasting info?07:56
JanCpopey: alefteris07:56
popeyalefteris: hello07:57
alefterishi, i was just looking for a video editor that I can use to produse some screencasts07:57
popeyi generally do very little editing, but what I do, I use avidemux for07:58
nixternalthere he is now07:58
popeywhat did you record the video with?07:58
alefteriswhen the video is in ogg format and i need to insert some still images in it07:59
popeyif you want to edit in avidemux you'd need to convert to some other format07:59
popeyi dont think avidemux will edit oggs (yet)07:59
popeyffmpeg -i foo.ogg foo.avi08:00
alefterisok i found and this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts/ very helpfull :)08:01
popeyheh, i wrote that08:02
popeythere are some more pages under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCastTeam/08:02
alefterisok chears mate08:02
popeyif you can't see me about on irc feel free to email me alan at my irc nickname dot com08:03
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bdmurraynixternal: ping11:14
nixternalhiya bdmurray11:14
bdmurrayI was looking at bug you were confirming with a Gutsy daily build and was curious about it.11:15
bdmurrayIt is bug 118863 regarding desktop icons11:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118863 in kdebase "[Gutsy]  extra icons on desktop in kubuntu daily 20070605" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11886311:16
nixternalbdmurray: we have fixed that or are in the process of fixing that11:16
bdmurrayokay, I won't milestone it then11:16
nixternalya, as soon as main unfreezes the fix will be released11:16
bdmurrayokay, I'll move on then11:17
bdmurrayplenty more bugs to look at. ;)11:17
nixternalit was done to go hand-in-hand with the iso tests11:17
nixternaldocumentation purposes really..but yes it has been taken care of11:17
nixternalgo fill my inbox with all of your fixes :D11:17

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