
ikoniacompsman: ok12:01
m1r0help needed with compiz blocking screen on startup, only white screen12:01
nininadoes reporting actually mean anything in the wilds of IRC?12:01
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russhe can report you to me, and I will be very cross with you12:02
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illriginalAnyone know of a P2P program (Not Torrent) that is for videos only or has videos to download?12:02
ikonianinina: yes, in ubuntu you are supposed to abide by the code of conduct12:02
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ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.12:02
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:02
nininaikonia: good thing I try to be a good person at all times12:02
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Sergo!p2p > illriginal12:02
ikonianinina: thats the correct thing to do. Good on you12:02
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Tajmahalhelp with hibernate and standy somebody plz12:02
Sergoillriginal: check your private12:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:03
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nininaif I may ask, what are the real differances between kdm, gdm and xdm?12:03
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phylogenesisHow do I add a program to the top bar next to Firefox, Thunderbird, and Help?12:03
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ikonianinina: just looks really12:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:03
ikonianinina: little bit of funcitonality12:03
m1r0how to uninstall compiz12:04
ikoniaphylogenesis: right click on it12:04
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mag_how can I unistall a program installed in wine ?12:04
ikoniamag_: join #wine or #winehq12:04
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nininaikonia: *sigh* that always makes it hard, if it sometime important it's easy, but looks means I have to try them all =\12:04
phylogenesisikonia:  k, right-click->add to panel, but then it lists a bunch of stuff, not including the apps I want to add :-/12:04
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petr4phylogenesis: press "add plication launcher"12:05
ikoniaphylogenesis: do you see application launcher or customer launcher12:05
Sergomag_ go to .wine (it's hidden) then drive_c / Program files /12:05
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raf256can I pay someone to solve such trivial problems for my friend?12:05
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DekayHoly christ I've never seen such a crowded channel12:05
m1r0yes :D12:06
ikoniaraf256: we would solve it for free - but your not realying the info12:06
TakeOut{u}!ohmy | Dekay12:06
m1r0raf256 how much lol12:06
Sergomag_ then find uninstall like in windows12:06
Sergo=] 12:06
phylogenesisikonia:  yeah, sorry I found it.  I thought that was already what I was looking at, forget I asked X-\12:06
ikoniaraf256: get your friend to join irc from his ubuntu box and we'll help12:06
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ubotuDekay: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:06
jessicahey, just before i try to get it, can you download real player on ubuntu?12:06
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DekayOh..didn't realize I offended people12:06
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Mikehyes Jessica12:06
jessicathank you :] ]  x x12:07
PriceChildjessica, you "can", but why not use realmedia codecs in the standard players like totem?12:07
DekayQuestion, is it possible to run Ubuntu with vista preinstalled (Multi-boot)?12:07
TajmahalNow is ubuntu worth the effort?12:07
ikoniaDekay: yes12:07
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jessicacan you work hype machine without real player?12:07
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Mikehbecause they don't work right PriceChild :)12:07
GuyFromHelli think i just killed my sudo, i keep getting "sudo: must be setuid root", but my sudo's permissions are -rwxr-xr-x12:07
petr4dekay: ubotu is robot, do not worry about him12:07
ikoniaGuyFromHell: yup.12:07
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compsmani cant see my wifi card in the network12:07
PriceChildMikeh, which ones? even the rm ones in w32codecs?12:07
pike_Tajmahal: what effort specifically?12:07
compsmanany way to solve thAT?12:07
Dekaypetr4, Oh okay thanks :P12:07
ikoniaGuyFromHell: you'll need to boot from the cdrom and setuid from "safe mode"12:07
ikoniacompsman: you've been offered 3 solutions about 10 times now12:08
nininacompsman: look up Ndiswrapper in google12:08
m1r0compiz blocks my desktop with wihte screen, any solutions ???12:08
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ikoniacompsman: you just keep saying the same thing over and over "omg" "its messed up" " it doesn't work"12:08
GuyFromHellikonia, what's wrong with the permissions then? its currently "-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root"12:08
Mikehonly one I have had trouble with is rmvb PriceChild, it plays sound, but not video, all the others are fine12:08
Tajmahalthe headache one has to go through just to get things going12:08
ikoniaGuyFromHell: needs setuid12:08
PriceChildMikeh, ah k12:08
DekayAlso, beryl is an extension to ubuntu correct?12:08
pike_Tajmahal: are you coming from windows or another linux distro?12:08
GuyFromHellikonia, chmod u+s?12:08
Tajmahallike hibernate, standby, windows media player plugin to name the few12:08
ikoniaGuyFromHell: spot on !12:08
TajmahalWindows xp12:08
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Mikeh!beryl | Dekay12:08
ubotuDekay: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:08
khinhi, how do i hibernate my pc from a shell12:08
jessicacan you work Hype Machine using Totem?12:09
GuyFromHellikonia, feh how did this happen >.>... thanks12:09
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DekayOh okay thanks12:09
Tajmahalpike_: windows xp12:09
ikoniaGuyFromHell: messed up chmod command or something, easy mistake to make and miss12:09
Mikehnot sure what Hype Machine is Jessica12:09
Tajmahaland i don't want vista12:09
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nininaDekay: if you go there I can help you and be on topic12:09
jessicaokauy thanks anyway!12:09
Dekayoh thanks!12:09
petr4khin: look into gnome-power-manager docs12:09
pike_Tajmahal: ah well if you have significant problems by all means check out other distros too and compare. i think ubuntu is one of the more friendly distros but there are alot of good ones to choose from.  is it worth the effort to go from windows to linux. yes def12:09
GuyFromHelli'll go do that then12:10
=== limcore [n=limcore@aaiv8.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Tajmahali did a bit of searching and found ubuntu to be the most popular distro.12:10
Terzowhen using nvidia-settings to set up seperate x for two monitors, is there a way to move a program from one screen to the other?12:10
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MikehOpinion please! which IRCd should I use for my Ubuntu server, ratbox or unreal?12:10
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Tajmahalbut on scratching the google result more i found that ubuntu have issues with just about everything12:10
ikoniaMikeh: its personal preference, try them12:10
Tajmahaland it is consider the most user-friendly dirto???12:11
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Tajmahalpike_ Am i missing out on something?12:11
pike_Tajmahal: as far as the codecs go they are very easy to install. so thats not an issue. hibernate and suspend can be12:11
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DekayHi, would anyone know how I would go about creating a boot menu once installing ubunutu?12:11
pike_Tajmahal: i can say on my toshiba laptop i have almost no problems. but then it is fully supported on freebsd and other platforms as well12:11
DavidCrafthow do I run IRC in command line?12:11
zacherrinTajmahal, I am pretty new to linux.  I used mandrake a few years back and couldn't do much of anything on it.  I use windows mostly but come on here occassionally to learn and mess around.  I haven't spent much time in windows lately12:12
ikoniaDavidCraft: use an terminal based chat client like BitchX or irssis12:12
Tajmahalpike_ i have toshiba to12:12
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BigToehow do you block an IP from SSHing to a machine using command line?12:12
LjLDavidCraft: try irssi12:12
ikoniaBigToe: tcp_wrappers with hosts.allow or hosts.deny12:12
zacherrinI haven't had a problem that couldn't easily be fixed in here or a simple search12:12
BigToemmmkay ikonia, thanks12:12
petr4hello. I just upgraded from 6.10 to 7.04 and suspending to disk does fails to resume on boot. is this known problem? can you give me any pointers?12:12
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m1r0ok, i entered my gnome seesion and all i can see is white sceen , can some one help please with compiz uninstall ??12:13
petr4dekay: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:13
Tajmahaland fortunately for me no hardware issue but i really think it is making my cpu burn as hell since it almost feel like 80f by my laptop12:13
phylogenesisis there an easy way to find a bunch of different backgrounds?12:13
ikoniaphylogenesis: google.com12:13
pike_Tajmahal: burn a few livecds of various distros and see which you like.  i can say ubuntu warty was the first linux distro that let me say goodbye to windows. ive been on linux ever since12:13
DekayOnce multibooted will it try to make it my main os, kind of like XP did with vista?12:13
Mikehphylogenesis, www.gnome-llok.org12:13
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phylogenesisikonia:  lol, so none integrated into Ubuntu?12:14
ikoniaphylogenesis: search the package manager12:14
Mikeh*www.gnome-look.org actually phylogenesis I made a typo12:14
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petr4BigToe: i think there are AllowedHosts config option in /etc/ssh/sshd_config12:14
Tajmahalpike_ does ur ubuntu takes longer to boot up than windows?12:14
LjLDekay: "yes", meaning Ubuntu will boot by default unless you select Windows from the boot menu.12:14
BigToethanks petr412:14
Tajmahalif not hwo can u make it to boot faster than windows?12:14
DekaySo creating a boot menu beforehand would be wise then?12:15
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LjLDekay: why? it will create a boot menu for you, i never said it won't12:15
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LjLDekay: i just said "Ubuntu" will be the default choice in that boot menu12:15
pike_Tajmahal: no. but you have to compare win actual boot time. often youll get a desktop in win but still have to wait a few seconds for everything to load. the livecd takes a while to boot but that isnt an indication of how it will be installed12:15
DekayOh, just assumed it'd be stupid like windows ;)12:15
yesii'd like to know which version of xen is in the 7.04 ?12:15
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Tajmahalpike_ i have dual booted windows and ubuntu on my toshiba12:16
Tajmahaland the windows doesn't stay longer on the splashscreen12:16
LjL!info xen-hypervisor-3.0-i386 | yesi12:16
ubotuyesi: xen-hypervisor-3.0-i386: The Xen Hypervisor for i386. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.0.3-0ubuntu10 (feisty), package size 244 kB, installed size 296 kB12:16
Tajmahalwhile ubuntu does12:16
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Andy92how do I install java correctly?12:17
yesioki thk12:17
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Tajmahalbut once ubuntu loads it works like a charm whereas windows takes about 45 seconds so i think it is one and the same12:17
yesinot 3.1 of xen...12:17
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ikoniaTajmahal: stop comparing ubuntu to linux12:17
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pike_Tajmahal: also in /etc/init.d/ are the startup scripts. alot of those you dont need. like raid etc. i dont know of a good gui front end to update-rc.d though to make it easy for you to edit em. there is alot of stuff you dont need being loaded in ubuntu. anyone know of front end for editing symlinks?12:17
GuyFromHellikonia, It worked, thanks =)12:17
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yesiwhat's a pity!12:17
ikoniawindows to linux sorry12:17
=== forkmantis [n=will@tx-71-2-176-60.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Tajmahalpike_ i don't get it why people favor the likes of ubuntu being faster than windows in all aspect.12:18
Mikehlol @ comparing Ubuntu to Linux12:18
Tajmahalikonia: Pardon me!12:18
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Tajmahalikonia: are those different?12:18
ikoniaTajmahal: stop comparing ubuntu to windows12:18
LjL!boot | pike_, Tajmahal12:18
ubotupike_, Tajmahal: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto12:18
savvasDoes anyone know a script that helps to write a line in cron?12:18
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LjLalthough i'm not sure i'd go as far as saying "a lot of them you don't need"12:18
brk3hi, just wondering what bittorrents do you guys use? azureus is starting to piss me off..12:18
Andy92jordan@computer:~$ apt-get install sun-java6-jre12:18
Andy92E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)12:18
Andy92E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?12:18
LjLespecially if you don't know which ones you actually don't need ;)12:18
=== elecharny__ [n=elecharn@vol75-3-82-66-216-176.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Andy92why can't I install java?12:18
LjL!paste > Andy92    (Andy92, see the private message from Ubotu)12:18
ikoniaAndy92: use sudo12:18
savvasbrk3: www.deluge-torrent.org12:18
brk3s/bittorrents/bittorrent clients12:18
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LjL!sudo > Andy92    (Andy92, see the private message from Ubotu)12:18
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compsmani realy need my card to work12:19
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savvasbrk3: utorrent.com with wine as well :)12:19
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ikoniacompsman: we know12:19
MikehuTorrent seems to work fine under wine.12:19
brk3savvas: thanks :)12:19
TerzoIf I have two monitors, each one a seperate x, is there a way to move programs from one monitor to the other?12:19
MikehWithout any config12:19
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brk3savvas: im kind of looking for a nice native gnome one, deluge the best bet ya?12:19
tim167what can i do if a usb device doesnt show up in ubuntu running inside VirtualBox running inside Windoze XP ?12:20
brk3savvas: what about some of these ones gtorrent or something12:20
ikoniatim167: virutal machines cannot always access hardware direct12:20
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savvasbrk3: aye, zachtib (the developer) is all over the deluge bittorrent client12:20
tim167ikonia, is there a way to redirect them or something ?12:20
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brk3savvas: il give deluge a go thanks very much :)12:21
savvasbrk3: no idea, deluge is the closest to utorrent, and one of the most configurables12:21
ikoniatim167: normally the virtual host has config tools to map physical devices to virtual ones12:21
tim167ikonia or will restarting virtual box after plugging in the device help ?12:21
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ikoniatim167: I don't believe restarting will do anything different12:21
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Tajmahalpike_ how do u extract a tar.gz file in ubuntu?12:22
tim167ikonia, ok, i'll look at virtualbox's config settings, thanks12:22
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ikoniaTajmahal: tar zxvf $file12:22
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ikoniaTajmahal: or double click it in the gui12:22
pike_tim167: vmware makes this pretty easy usually12:22
ikoniacompsman: yes12:22
compsmanwhat should i do?12:22
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DekayOnce XP is emulated on ubuntu will I still be able to access certain kernal debug registries, memory edit?12:22
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Andy92How you install java?12:22
ikoniacompsman: stop asking and start searching the forums12:22
tim167pike_ ah nice one thanks12:23
limcoreWhat exacly is the best repos list one should configure? To have access to good software, dvd players, and quite recent (but not too unstable)12:23
compsmanno  i want some info12:23
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ikoniacompsman: well doesn't look like your going to get it12:23
compsmanwhat should i do?12:23
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Andy92How you install java??12:23
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pike_limcore: really universe and multiverse have about all you need. other than a few specific things12:23
ikoniaAndy92: open synaptics and search for java then click "install"12:23
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savvasAndy92: version 6 or 5?12:24
Phrozen_Onewhere is the script located that makes "pretty output" at boot12:24
TOoSmOotHAndy92, You can dload it directly from Sun12:24
ikoniaAndy92: pretty important to know what you want12:24
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LjL!easysource | limcore, the repos listed here (for edgy, not feisty, but most work if you change them manually to feisty) are mostly reliable12:24
ubotulimcore, the repos listed here (for edgy, not feisty, but most work if you change them manually to feisty) are mostly reliable: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:24
CommandLineIRCcommand for searching repositories is apt-cache search AppName right?12:24
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ikoniaCommandLineIRC: yes12:24
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Andy92Does  AutoMatrix works good?12:24
LjLCommandLineIRC: not "AppName", just "keyword", as it searches in the name *and* in the description12:24
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LjL!automatix > Andy92    (Andy92, see the private message from Ubotu)12:25
ikoniaAndy92: I think it is very weak12:25
=== limcore waves @ deadchip
DekayOnce XP is emulated on ubuntu will I still be able to access certain kernal debug registries, memory edit?12:25
savvasAndy92: NO! do this in terminal: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin12:25
DekaySorry to ask again but it's pretty important.12:25
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julianhow can i get rid of username@hostname:~$ in my cli?12:25
ikoniaDekay: memory edit ?12:25
Andy92o ok12:25
julianso that its just :~$12:25
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pike_julian: gedit ~/.bashrc12:25
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ikoniajulian: set PS!=":~$"12:25
DekayHack games, as stupid as it is.12:25
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Phrozen_Onejulian, its the PS1 variable that contols that12:25
ikoniaPS1 sorr12:26
ikonianot PS!12:26
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juliansuh weet, thanks12:26
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Andy92it works12:26
Andy92I forgot sudo12:26
Phrozen_Onewhat script takes verbose output at boot and makes it pretty, e.g. "Network is coming up  [ ok ] "12:26
ikoniaPhrozen_One: the functions script12:27
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Phrozen_Oneikonia, directory?12:27
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pike_Phrozen_One: you can just gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.list  remove the splash entry and add a line like vga=0x317 for framebuffer12:27
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ikoniaPhrozen_One: normally in the init scripts directory12:27
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Phrozen_Onepike_, thats not right, I have already taken care of that piece, just want to add color to the boot scripts12:28
spikebahh color12:28
pike_Phrozen_One: ah12:28
spikebso you have the ok bit then12:28
robert98374_Hello Everyone!12:28
troyDoes anyone know if there is any way to get adobe shockwave on ubuntu12:28
robert98374_I was just wondering what Getty was12:28
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robert98374_And why its runny 5 different times under system moniter12:29
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pike_robert98374_: i was about to suggest you look at inittab but.. i dont know where it is anymore :)12:29
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pike_robert98374_: when you alt-ctrl-f the login window you get12:29
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m1r0how can i stop /usr/bin/compiz from starting up ?12:30
pike_robert98374_: its initiated in inittab usually you can change how many getting logins you have12:30
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novato_brwhat is the best way to install my nvidia geforce 6150 video card: (1) restricted driver , (2) automatix ou (3) apt-get ?12:30
Pelom1r0, sudo apt-get remove compiz12:30
robert98374_pike_so can i close a couple of them?12:30
pike_robert98374_: yeah12:30
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robert98374_Pike_kewl thanks12:30
spikebnovato_br: 1 and 312:30
Pelo!nvidia | novato_br12:30
ubotunovato_br: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:30
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nitro4cehi. edit menu doesn't let me remove an entry. it just 'hides' it12:31
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nitro4ce(in applications)12:31
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nitro4cewhat file am i looking to edit?12:31
Pelonitro4ce, in main menu   right click delete12:31
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robert98374_pike_how many do i need to have running?12:32
nitro4ce<Pelo> nope i don't have the 'delete' option12:32
novato_brPelo, I asked what was the best way to install my video card.?12:32
troyLinux newbie, trying to get adobe shockwave, or something that will play it12:32
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novato_brand i didn't ask by tutorial to install my video card12:32
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nitro4ce<Pelo> is there a semi-manual way to remove the entry (gconf-editor)?12:32
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Pelonitro4ce,  in menu > system > prefs > main menu find the menu entry you want to remove , right click , delete12:33
pike_robert98374_: well one at least. i usually leave 3 or 4 up12:33
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Pelonitro4ce, or  /home/user/.config/menu   find the current one and edit it manualy12:33
robert98374_pike_ anywhere i can find more information about it?12:33
CommandLineIRChow do i switch between channels in bitchX?12:33
PeloCommandLineIRC,   like in all clients   /join #channelname12:33
pike_robert98374_: other than 'man getty' id just google12:34
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zerohello, there is anyone here who uses mysql?12:34
iconoshello, dos any body know how to add a external monitor with xorg ?? Im on ubuntu 6.10 ati adeon 200x12:34
robert98374_Pike_ man getty?12:34
CommandLineIRCPelo: theres no like crtl+tab or anything like that?12:34
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LuxuriousHi guys.12:34
LuxuriousIs there a way to monitor all input from a user in an SSH shell?12:34
zeroi wanna know if exists a GUI for mysql, like mysqlFron for windows?12:34
PeloCommandLineIRC,  you mean switch between open channels ?  I donT' know in bitchx12:34
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pike_robert98374_: open a terminal and type 'man getty' for the manual page. though manual can often be an optimistic term for em12:34
robert98374_Pike_ lol12:35
illriginalCan someone help me add Java plug in from my java plugin folder to my mozilla-firefox plugin folder, please!12:35
CommandLineIRCPelo: well what is it in other clients? (as these things tend to be the same)12:35
Pelozero, in synaptic, search for mysql and see what comes up12:35
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nitro4ce<Pelo> thanks.12:35
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nitro4ce<Pelo> u rule.12:35
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PeloCommandLineIRC, in other graphical clients you can just click on a tab12:35
zeroillriginal: download automatix12:35
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CommandLineIRCzero: i know of one called NaviKat12:35
zeroillriginal: it could be helpfull12:35
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compsmanok i realy need help12:36
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zeroCommandLineIRC: ohhh ok, and you can insert data from there to my database?12:36
CommandLineIRCPelo: tab lists all the people in the room12:36
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MrKeunerhi, are the translations I make using launchpad shared with the actual projects themselves?12:36
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walskiHey, I'm looking to run "LBRC" the Linux Bluetooth Remote Control. It's a Python script which needs on the one hand access to DBus, on the other hand access to /dev/input/uinput. It seems like a vicioius circle for me. If I try to start the LBRC with sudo, then there is no access to Dbus, otherwise no access to /dev/input/uinput12:36
illriginalhuh?... i already downloaded the JRE file I need... I just need to apply the plug in into my firefox, Zero12:36
walskiAny ideas?12:36
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CommandLineIRCzero: yep. its just like MS SQL but for mysql12:36
PeloCommandLineIRC,  hold on12:36
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caravelcould anyone please help me to load correctly grub's menu ? got two embed erros, I guess it's related ?12:36
LordLimecathey all....got an issue, and #nvidia referred me here....im using the restricted driver manager and its causing an error on boot--the blue screen says "API mismatch: kernel module has version 1.0-7184, this X module has the version 1.0-9755"12:36
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juliananyone using ndiswrapper on a linksys/broadcom chipset?12:37
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matt__hello world12:37
LordLimecati removed all modules (until the bluescreen told me that the nvidia module was missing) and did apt-get install nvidia-glx-new, and got that message12:37
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LordLimecatany help would be appreciated, since #nvidia cant help me12:37
PeloLordLimecat, ask again periodicaly untill someone with knowldege of yoru problem can answer, or you might also try asking in #ubuntu-effects and #beryl , they also have knowlegde of this issue12:38
robert98374_Pike_ thanks thats a nice way to see the manual for a program12:38
robert98374_Pike_ does that work for all programs?12:38
LordLimecatPelo: thanks for acknowledging me :) i will12:38
compsmansudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf replace the line driver "nvidia to nv"12:38
pike_robert98374_: yeah. also man -k something  to search all manuals is nice to locate a command12:38
bl3sinHow do I turn off icons on my desktop? I have two other partitions on this HDD and they appear on my Desktop, I can't seem to find a way to delete the shortcuts. Any ideas?12:38
imac1hello, I have a "messages" file posted here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24175/   would anyone be willing to look at it to tell me why I can detect cd's in a drive, but can't read files from any cd?12:38
zeroillriginal: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#selfextracting12:38
compsmandriver "nv"12:38
iconosHello ! does any body knows how to add a external monitor ?? I'm on ubuntu 6.10 with ati radeon 200x xorg12:38
zeroillriginal: there are the instructions12:38
robert98374_Pike_ man -k?12:38
Pelo!dualhead | iconos12:38
ubotuiconos: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama12:38
imac1iconos: google something called "switchmon"12:39
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illriginalzero I'm uing them except im confused in this one part12:39
pike_robert98374_: yeah type man -k memory for instance or man man for the man manual ;p12:39
PeloCommandLineIRC, try finding a bitchx channel12:39
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imac1iconos: it is a script that will switch between different xorg configurations, it is posted on the ubuntu forums12:39
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zeroillriginal: what part?12:39
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artmanakIs there a shortcut key that will switch screens in ubuntu?12:40
illriginalOk... see this is what I type into terminal: ln -s /usr/java/jre1.5.0/plugin/i386/ns712:40
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robert98374_Pike_ is there anyway to make i come up on like mousepad or gedit?12:40
illriginalln -s /usr/java/jre1.5.0/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so .12:40
compsmancan any one help me on wifi?12:40
pike_artmanak: dunno about gnome. usually either alt-fkey or alt-ctrl-arrowkey12:40
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illriginalzero why would I type /libjavaplugin_oji.so  at the end of that?12:40
bruenigillriginal, ln gets mad sometimes when you don't use absolute paths12:40
bl3sinAny one?12:41
imac1armanak: idk about a shortcut key ;however, there is a script that does so, called "switchmon" it is for video cards that use the intel i810 or i915 driver12:41
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imac1hello, I have a "messages" file posted here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24175/   would anyone be willing to look at it to tell me why I can detect cd's in a drive, but can't read files from any cd?12:41
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illriginalwait... i see that's the file12:41
illriginalok nvm... hold brb12:41
bl3sinany ideas at all?12:42
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Pelobl3sin, anyone what ?  I just scrolled back 20 minutes and hyou haven't said anything in that time12:42
enokstill having trouble doing a ppp connection12:42
zeroillriginal: are you installing (self-extracting) file?12:42
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Peloenok, anything specific ?12:42
bl3sinPelo: How do I turn off icons on my desktop? I have two other partitions on this HDD and they appear on my Desktop, I can't seem to find a way to delete the shortcuts. Any ideas?12:42
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bl3sinScroll up to about when I joined, I said that.12:42
cablesbl3sin, i can help you in a second12:42
illriginalyeah zero12:42
Pelobl3sin,   gconf-editor   /apps/nautilus/desktop12:43
illriginallibjavaplugin_oji.soi is the plugin12:43
compsmancan any one help me????12:43
enokwell I got this Gnome PPP but I don't know how to install it12:43
illriginallibjavaplugin_oji.so *12:43
pike_robert98374_: there is but im not sure offhand how to get the format right. you can just open the page but im not sure what best way would be.12:43
cablesbl3sin, it seems that Pelo's already helping you, so I won't be :)12:43
Pelocompsman, we can'T we donT' know the problem12:43
robert98374_Pike_ reading it right now :-)12:43
Pelocables, no you have him12:43
cablesPelo, ok12:43
enokWait, what does this refer to? "Gnome Modem Monitor and Network Monitor panel"12:43
getisboyI'd like to share a printer on my Ubuntu system with my Windows computers. It seems that the "share printers" option in the Printing menu only shares it with the other Linux computers in my system. Is there any way to get the printer shared with Samba?12:44
cablesbl3sin, do you have the Configuration Editor open?12:44
compsmanmy atheros ar5007eg card is not listed in the networks12:44
compsmanand its listed in the restricted driver12:44
lingimac1: all these "DriveReady SeekComplete Error" - is your hd about to take a dirt nap? :)12:44
bl3sinProblem fixed :) Tanks Pelo12:44
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zeroillriginal: that's  actually the absolute path for the plugin you are trying to link12:45
robert98374_Pike_ Thanks for the help either way12:45
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enokis the gnome modem monitor automatically installed or what12:45
illriginalyeah well it's not working.12:45
Pelogetisboy, you need to setup samba to comunicate with your windows machine, I I think you need to "allow" the printer in samba to share it ,  but I am not expert on this subject,  not even a noob in fact12:45
zeroillriginal: if you dont put that at the end you will actually linking the whole directory12:45
illriginalthere's obviosuly something I'm doing wrong even though im following the instructions.12:45
illriginalzero yeah i did the linking12:45
illriginali restarted firefox12:46
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Pelocompsman, make sure the driver is actualy installed,  not just available12:46
illriginali still don't have it installed onto firefox.12:46
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bluefox83oops :O12:46
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compsmanpelo; how?12:46
zeroillriginal: and then enable java12:46
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tgm4883_laptopquick question, easy way to generate a wpa key?12:46
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=== Pelo throws bluefox83 a suspicious look, oops yeah , right
illriginalhow do i enable? hold on12:46
imac1ling: what do you mean, is the hd bad?12:46
getisboyPelo, can you point me to a good resource for setting up my smb.conf?12:46
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cablestgm4883_laptop, that's offtopic12:46
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Pelo!samba | getisboy12:47
imac1ling: I though those errors were for the cdrom12:47
ubotugetisboy: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:47
=== tgm4883_laptop smacks head
tgm4883_laptopsorry forgot12:47
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bluefox83Pelo, no really, i was trying to join, and i totally forgot the /join part..i'd never been there till now...12:47
zeroillriginal: edit>preferences      advanced>enable java12:47
illriginalyeh that's BEEN enabled.12:47
Pelocompsman, thre is a restricted driver thingy in menu >`system > admin > restricted driver, start with that, if not,  check the forum or repeate your question here periodicaly12:47
illriginalzero i didn't have to enable it, it was already checked off to be enabled.... still doesn't work.12:48
imac1ling: I should also add that hdb is the cdrom drive12:48
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Pelolater folks12:48
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lingimac1: oh hdb is the cdrom, ok :)12:48
enokWhat is the Gnome Modem Monitor is it already installed12:48
zeroillriginal: hmmmm12:48
illriginalzero it's under the "content" tab, correct? To enable java?12:48
imac1ling: is my messages file at all helpful for a problem w/ my cd drive?12:49
compsmanpelo; it says Atheros Hardware Access Layer (hal) box checked In use12:49
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zeroillriginal: yes it is12:49
imac1ling: I should also mention that my computer is an old imac12:50
zeroillriginal: look if you just follow all those instruction and it doesnt work, i dont know what's happening12:50
lingimac1: i'm no expert but i've gotten messages like that on faulty HD's so...is the cd scratched or something?12:50
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robert98374_Pike_ how do i exit the man program?12:50
illriginalJava never worked on this machine.12:51
illriginaljava doesn't like linux on this computer lol12:51
imac1ling: no, I have tried many cd's that work in other computer, and the drive itself still works great for booting live-cd's12:51
pike_robert98374_: q key12:51
pike_robert98374_: or ctrl-c12:51
zeroillriginal: but you could try      automatix, with that tool you can install that plugin very easy, its a gui environment12:51
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zeroillriginal: you wont have to do all those stuffs12:51
zeroillriginal: btw what os are you running?12:51
illriginalafter i install it, can i uninstall automatix?12:52
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illriginalUbuntu Feisty12:52
zeroillriginal: yea sure, it's a pretty cool tool, you shall see12:52
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n2diy! automatix12:52
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:52
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illriginali just heard it really buggy.12:52
illriginalsee lol12:52
kitcheillriginal: well feisty should have a tool like automatix already it does the same thing really12:52
illriginalkitche, which is that tool?12:53
illriginali really need to get java installed, im sick of depending on windows.12:53
savvasillriginal: this works: sudo apt-get install --reinstall sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin12:53
megafaunaHi, Ubuntu can't read my ntfs USB drive. It's not an ntfs-3g problem (I think). It appears to be correctly mounted as I can see it in Nautilus and bash, but it is listed as being empty. Can someone help?12:53
illriginalsavvas, the problem is, it's not installing onto firefox.12:53
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illriginalmaybe im not properly configurin java12:53
savvasillriginal: once you install java, close and restart firefox ;)12:53
illriginalalright will do12:54
kitcheillriginal: you probably need the java plugin for firefox12:54
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illriginallol kitche, i have that plug in, just firefox doesn't want to work with it, but im gonna listen to savvas and see if it works12:54
compsmanit says Atheros Hardware Access Layer (hal) box checked In use in the restricted driver manger and i dont see my card in networks12:54
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Agg[Away] hi!  i'm (slowly) learning to be an admin.  I've written my first perl script to create backups of my www folder and my sql dbs.  when i try to sudo it manually (before I set it as a cron job) I get Permission Denied.  I checked that the root:root file and directory are u+x.  What next?12:55
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cablesWhat port does SWAT run on by default?12:55
alucxAnyone know about dual booting os x and ubuntu?12:56
savvasillriginal: i'm amazed to see it doesn't work. so far, it didn't work only in windows xp sometimes after a format/install12:56
Agg[Away] cables - 901?12:56
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savvasillriginal: when you restart firefox, go to www.java.com and verify your installation12:56
cablesAgg[Away] , thank you12:56
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Agg[Away] cables - googled it12:56
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illriginalsavvas lol... that's a really really old plugin bro... supposedly i need: Version 6 Update 112:56
illriginalerror from site: Oops! You don't have the recommended Java installed.12:57
illriginalYour Java version is 1.6.0. Please click the button below to get the recommended Java for your computer.12:57
NemesisDhi, im trying to get ssh set up between an edgy machine and a feisty machine (edgy is the target, feisty the remote user), ive never done this, how does one create a new user with root privs?12:57
savvasillriginal: so it works.. where do you need the update 1?12:57
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alucxHmm I'm trying to install ubuntu on my mac, but the disk won't do anything at startup as it did on my other machines (i've had it running on a windows machine for a while) can anyone help????12:57
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Agg[Away] neme - just adduser, have ssh on, and then when you ssh to the box use sudo for everything.  ...would be my guess.12:57
bluefox83NemesisBLK, adduser and then chgrp to admin12:57
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compsmancany any one help? my atheros ar5007eg is not showed in networks and in restrited driver manager it shows Atheros Hardware Access Layer (hal) box checked In use12:57
illriginalsavvas, true... it's good enough12:57
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pike_NemesisD: you can use the adduser command and add them to group admin but why do you need to create a new user?12:58
illriginali guess they're just recommending it but it's still working12:58
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savvasillriginal: so far, i haven't seen any online java programs to drop because it's not update 1 ;)12:58
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illriginalsavvas thank you, and thanks to the rest of you who helped :D12:58
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savvasno problemo seniore :p12:58
NemesisDpike_, actually i may not need to12:58
alucxHmm I'm trying to install ubuntu on my mac, but the disk won't do anything at startup as it did on my other machines (i've had it running on a windows machine for a while) can anyone help????12:58
phylogenesisHow can I set my background to automatically change to a random image (among a bunch of collected files) on boot?12:59
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Aggrav8daluc - is this a CD designed to boot on OSX?12:59
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alucxit's the amd/intel version, which is supposed to work on os x12:59
NemesisDpike_, this computer is behind more than one router though I think, is that going to be a problem? Im not much of a networking expert12:59
Aggrav8daluc - there may be a different boot sector for OSX discs.12:59
savvasalucx: maybe you need the ppc version of ubuntu12:59
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bluefox83alucx, in a pc you set the bios to boot from cdrom, no idea about a mac >.>01:00
Aggrav8di concur with savvas01:00
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alucxWell, the ubuntu side said to use the intel version if i have an intel mac01:00
pike_phylogenesis: a hacky way might be to change the cp a new image to the current filename setup if youre comfortable scripts01:00
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alucxI'll try the ppc though, to see if it'll do anything01:00
Aggrav8daluc - http://www.askdavetaylor.com/how_do_i_dual_boot_ubuntu_linux_mac_os_x.html01:00
savvasalucx: then it might be a bad iso download :) check it with md5sum01:00
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pike_NemesisD: youll need port 22 forwarded to the computer youre trying to connect to01:01
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kitchealucx: you might need bootcamp01:01
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mr_speckhow do i install sun java on feisty?01:01
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savvasoh borther01:01
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savvasmr_speck: sudo apt-get install --reinstall sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin01:01
pike_mr_speck: apt-cache search jre | grep -i sun should give you the package name id think01:02
alucx I'm going to go read a bit on bootcamp and check md5sum, thank you all.01:02
NemesisDpike_, alright cool and then i should just be able to do ssh username@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX and enter the password and ill have shell access? also is it easy to x11 forward from that point?01:02
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enokWhat is the Gnome Modem Monitor is it already installed01:02
pike_NemesisD: yeah not other setup needed for x forwarding just ssh -X username@ipaddress01:02
mr_specksavvas, pike:  i'm getting nothing  "couldn't find package sun-java6-jre"01:02
savetheWorldhttp://direct2dell.com/one2one/archive/2007/06/05/17450.aspx  << dell restores extended warranty on ubuntu systems01:03
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pike_NemesisD: if you look in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file x forwarding should be enable by default already01:03
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savvasmr_speck: you have to enable some server repositories01:03
caravelcould anyone please help me to fix a grub menu ? it loads its shell instead01:03
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compsmancany any one help? my atheros ar5007eg is not showed in networks and in restrited driver manager it shows Atheros Hardware Access Layer (hal) box checked In use01:03
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imac1ling: do you have any ideas about what I should research in order to find a solution to my problem?01:03
gnomefreakmr_speck: enable multiverse repo and backports (depending what version of ubuntu) and install sun-java6-plugin :)01:03
shwagwhat do I apt-get to install git ?  the source code management system.01:04
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gnomefreakshwag: you apt-get install packages not systems01:04
bruenig!info git01:04
mr_specksavvas,pike,gnomefreak-- i did-- i enabled universe and multiverse on everything, and still nothing-- is there a way to make sure i enabled multiverse correctly?01:04
gnomefreakshwag: what are you looking for?01:04
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ubotugit: GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.20-10 (feisty), package size 255 kB, installed size 972 kB01:04
mr_specki'm on feisty01:04
brueniggnomefreak, I think it is like svn or something else01:04
runatrainhow can i play .SHN files in ubuntu?01:04
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gnomefreakmr_speck: did you enabel multiverse or just backports multiverse01:05
tarzeaurunatrain: what says file the.shn?01:05
runatrainand .flac01:05
NemesisDpike_, awesome, ssh seems easier than i thought it would be01:05
shwaggnomefreak: git...the svn type of thing01:05
runatrainthey are music files01:05
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mr_speckgnomefreak: multiverse (no backports)01:05
gnomefreakshwag: subversion01:05
tarzeaurunatrain: can i have a few ?01:05
gnomefreakmr_speck: can you please post your /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin01:05
pike_NemesisD: i couldnt live without it :)01:05
runatrainof the shn files?01:05
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tarzeaurunatrain: shn and flac, yes01:05
shwaggnomefreak: not subversion though..  git. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_%28software%2901:05
gnomefreakshwag: install git than01:05
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runatrainthey are on www.archive.org hold one sec let me find01:05
gnomefreakshwag: iirc that is the package name01:05
compsmancany any one help? my atheros ar5007eg is not showed in networks and in restrited driver manager it shows Atheros Hardware Access Layer (hal) box checked In use      third time i said this01:05
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uberushaximus!info git01:06
ubotugit: GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.20-10 (feisty), package size 255 kB, installed size 972 kB01:06
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pike_compsman: sudo ifconfig -a     <-- does that command show a ath0 device?01:06
shwaggnomefreak: git - GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer01:06
tclevalhey, what are the keys to restart and kill x11?01:06
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gnomefreakshwag: why are you asking how to install it if you know the package name?01:06
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mr_speckgnomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24331/01:07
shwaggnomefreak: thats not the correct package01:07
gnomefreakshwag: it is the package git01:07
shwaggnomefreak: git - GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer  ... is not a version control system.01:07
gnomefreak!info fit | shwag01:07
compsmanpike_; no01:07
ubotushwag: Package fit does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:07
runatraintarzeau:  http://www.archive.org/download/ween2003-09-21.mbho.flac16/ween2003-09-21_mbho_d1t08.flac  ther is a link to a flac file01:07
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gnomefreak!info git | shwag01:07
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ubotushwag: git: GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.20-10 (feisty), package size 255 kB, installed size 972 kB01:07
runatraini cant get any of these players to play it01:07
enokno way to ppp connect right after installing ubuntu then? o_o01:07
shwaggnomefreak: see...wrong pacakge.01:07
pike_compsman: lsmod | grep ath     does that show any ath_hal or somesuch?01:07
gnomefreakmr_speck: enabel universe as well01:07
tarzeaurunatrain: would you use opencubicplayer if i added flac support?01:08
mr_speckgnomefreak-- it is01:08
runatrainyes sir!01:08
gnomefreakshwag: than you are not looking for git01:08
savvasmr_speck: do this: system > administration > synaptic package manager > settings - repositories - check the (main) (universe) (restricted) (multiverse) > press close > press reload ..then.. search > sun-java6-plugin and install it01:08
shwaggnomefreak: im looking for     Git is a distributed revision control / software configuration management project created by Linus Torvalds to manage software development of the Linux kernel.01:08
trprgnomefreak: heh. google git dude01:08
tarzeaurunatrain: k, i'll write a plugin for it01:08
trprgnomefreak: first match01:08
gnomefreakmr_speck: no it isnt look at lines 41 and 42 they have #01:08
mr_speckgnomefreak: line 24,2501:08
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mr_speckgnomefreak: i'm on server version so i can't do the gui stuff01:09
savvasah damn01:09
w33rdoport fowrding?01:09
gnomefreakmr_speck: line 41 and 42 need to be uncommented01:09
compsmanpike_;ath_pci                95392  0         wlan                  203076  1 ath_pci             ath_hal               191696  1 ath_pci01:09
kitcheshwag: you want git-core01:09
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gnomefreakmr_speck: than sudo apt-get update01:09
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mr_speckgnomefreak: but isn't that old stuff from my edgy past?  i'm on feisty now (24,25)01:09
pike_compsman: what is the card model?01:10
enokam i ignored? oh noes01:10
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compsmanits ar5007eg01:10
gnomefreakmr_speck: good eye. why is it there01:10
calexbganyone know anything about ndiswrapper?01:10
gnomefreakmr_speck: uncomment backports repo01:10
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mr_speckgnomefreak-- but that's also edgy backports-- no?01:10
gnomefreakmr_speck: than update than install sun-java6-* but shouldnt have to. are you on ppc?01:10
gnomefreakmr_speck: you want feisty backports01:10
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gnomefreakmr_speck: change edgy to feisty01:10
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gnomefreakmr_speck: why do you have so many edgy repos?01:11
pike_compsman: doesnt look good for native support : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45785201:11
kitche!info git-core | shwag01:11
ubotushwag: git-core: content addressable filesystem. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (feisty), package size 2295 kB, installed size 5128 kB01:11
gnomefreak!info sun-java6-plugin feisty01:11
ubotusun-java6-plugin: The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-00-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 1 kB, installed size 72 kB01:11
shwagkitche: ok01:11
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gnomefreakkitche: doesnt git install  git-core?01:12
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pike_compsman: that was a year ago though01:12
gnomefreakseeing as it needs it01:12
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kitchegnomefreak: umm no the git in ubuntu is some gnu program git-core is what he was looking for which has nothing to do with gnu01:12
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mr_speckgnomefreak: it's from my edgy past-- upgrade to feisty left it all behind i guess..  i haven't really touched source.list at all01:13
gnomefreakits gitk that installs git-core01:13
enokSeriously I need to get on the Internets with Ubuntu I can't do today's work until I do :(01:13
gnomefreakmr_speck: shouldnt have if you used update-manager if you did it by hand you shouldnt have left them01:13
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pike_compsman: apperantly hal in madwifi doesnt support 7th gen atheros cards yet01:13
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gnomefreakmr_speck: unless you are on ppc you should have sun-java6-* in multiverse01:13
gnomefreakmr_speck: if your system is full feisty not mixed01:14
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compsmanmy card is builtedn in tho] 01:14
mr_speckghomefreak: things are working now-- thank you so much!!!01:14
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kitchegnomefreak: yeah if you want the visualizer but you don't need it unless you want a gui type of frontend to git01:14
compsmanso my card too new?01:14
mr_speckgnomefreak: which packages should i install?01:14
xamoxanyone here know how to install torrentflux?01:14
gnomefreakmr_speck: sun-java6-plugin01:14
compsmanpike_; its works fine in vista and xp01:14
LuxuriousIs there a Linux equivalent for FreeBSD's "watch" utility?01:15
mr_speckgnomefreak:  oops i did sun-java6-jre   is that bad?01:15
gnomefreakLuxurious: apt-watch?01:15
gnomefreakmr_speck: no01:15
gnomefreakmr_speck: plugin installs jre01:15
foxinessA browser of files nautilus, now consume more than 1.2 GB,half wizard want to stop him,Is this safe? Note that I used the torrent01:15
xamoxdo I have to setup the database first? I am using the package, then it pops up with the deb-config thing, I'm entering in my root mysql password but then it wants the p-word for torrentflux and I don't know what that is01:15
kitcheLuxurious: umm watch01:15
Luxuriouskitche: No.01:15
mr_speckgnomefreak: i don't need it for firefox or anything-- i just need the commandline "java"01:15
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compsmanpike_; so i can get my to work?01:15
mr_speckgnomefreak: sweet-- it works!! you're awesome!!01:15
cablesHow can I share printers with Windows computers?01:15
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gnomefreakcables: samba01:16
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cablesgnomefreak, can you be more specific? I know I need to use Samba, but I don't know what I need to do in order to do it.01:16
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Luxuriousgnomefreak: Afraid not.01:16
gnomefreakLuxurious: if watch isnt what you want what is it you are looking for it to do01:16
kitcheLuxurious: oh you mean a program to snoop on another terminal01:16
mr_speckgnomefreak: i owe you a beer01:16
gnomefreakcables: sudo apt-get install samba01:16
VeganChick01i'm going to reinstall ubuntu...is there a way to add a small partition that i read/write from both OS's (mac 0s x and xubuntu) ?01:16
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cablesgnomefreak, it's installed, I use it for other things. Now how to I configure it to share a printer?01:16
Luxuriousgnomefreak: what it does in FreeBSDlike kitche saidsnoop on terminals.01:16
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gnomefreakcables: that i dont know.01:17
gnomefreak!samba | cables01:17
ubotucables: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:17
=== threebadwheels [n=thomas@c-76-17-222-118.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
hydanwhat's the gtk equivalent of kate text editor?01:17
pike_compsman: you could speak with somene more exp than me or ask in #freebsd maybe about madwifi and the card. i wouldnt mention youre on ubuntu though :)01:17
=== gnomefreak doesnt use windows
cablesgnomefreak, I've already /msgthebot-ed :(01:17
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:17
gnomefreakhydan: gedit01:17
kitcheLuxurious: might look at snoop01:17
cableshydan, gedit01:17
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gnomefreakcables: the docs should tell you how to set it up01:17
sebas_can I use the program cal to get the time remaining to a certain date?01:17
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gnomefreakatleast they used to when i had win pc01:18
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kitchecables: smb.conf should have a section for print sharing01:18
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cableskitche, it does, but I have no idea what to do with it!01:19
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compsmani cant join #freebsd01:19
bl3sinWhen I boot Ubuntu I don't get the loading bar just a black, screen how do I get my loading bar back?01:19
kitche!register | compsman01:19
ubotucompsman: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration01:19
hydangnomefreak, cables: thanks :)01:19
DekayWhat's the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu?01:19
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threebadwheelsis ubuntu really for me?01:19
bl3sinKDE and Gnome01:19
cablesDekay, one uses GNOME, one uses KDE01:19
threebadwheelsi like xfce01:19
bl3sinfluxbox ftw =O01:20
threebadwheelsno kde/gnome01:20
sebas_!GNOME | Dekay01:20
ubotuDekay: gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.01:20
premier_Hi, I'm not getting usb2.0 speeds on any of my usb ports, even though their all usb2.0 ports.  moving stuff to and grome my computer goes at about 7.4Mb/s01:20
jsweenybl3sin: second01:20
cablesDekay, I prefer GNOME, but it's a matter of personal preference. Also, you can install one and install the other from within that.01:20
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DekayGnome is supported on which os then?01:20
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cablesDekay, Ubuntu, but anything can be installed on any version of Ubuntu.01:21
bl3sinSo yeah, how do I get my loading bar back?01:21
cablesDekay, if you install Ubuntu, you can switch it to Kubuntu easily, or even have both.01:21
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DekayOh cool01:21
foxinessbl3sin: try to reinstall ubuntu splash "usplash" on synaptic01:21
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premier_cables: I got kubuntu and later installed ubuntu-desktop package, and it never ran without crashing (gnome that is)01:22
bl3sinfoxiness: I will try it.01:22
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cablespremier_, I've never had that happen.01:22
VeganChick01where are all the mac geeks when i need them?01:22
tds5016how do I switch encode to mp3 from ogg?01:22
cablesVeganChick01, I dunno, in ##mac?01:22
tds5016I know it's not a good idea, but I need to...01:22
VeganChick01cables: would they know about xubuntu?01:22
cablestds5016, sudo aptitude install lame oggenc01:22
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cablesVeganChick01, Xubuntu is the same as Ubuntu, just with a different UI.01:22
tds5016cables then what do I do to encode to mp3?01:23
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cablesVeganChick01, its interaction with Macs will be the same01:23
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VeganChick01cables: i know, but is that a mac chat, or specifically for mac/ubuntu users?01:23
tds5016I'm also on 6.10...01:23
cablestds5016, nvm, that won't work...01:23
cablesVeganChick01, that's for mac.01:23
cablestds5016, not sure then.01:23
tds5016that's not good.01:23
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VeganChick01maybe a non-mac user could still help me...i need to set up a partition that's R/W01:25
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ScottLandWhen installing ubuntu on a partitioned drive to share with windows .... Do i make the ubuntu partion a primary as well as declare the root as only  /   ???01:25
Tr0niccan i ask if i get an AOL wireless router working will i be able to connect to it using UBUNTU01:25
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kitcheScottLand: well the root has to be /01:25
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sebas_ScottLand: yes, and declare as swap the swap partition01:26
kitcheScottLand: and might as well choose primary since /boot can not be on a logical partition anyways01:26
ScottLandnow will i get a custom boot loader do distinguish which i wanna boot windows or ubuntu?01:26
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kitcheScottLand: grub handles that very well01:27
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Tr0niccan i ask if i get an AOL wireless router working will i be able to connect to it using UBUNTU01:27
ScottLandaight guys thanks a lot01:27
sebas_!GRUB | ScottLand01:27
ubotuScottLand: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:27
cvahow do I have udev create more than 10 /dev/input/events? the rules show events[0-9] *01:27
Tr0nicjust wondering if all wireless is the same01:27
MikehHow do I associate Terminal Server Client with .rdp files?01:27
savvassebas_m, kitche: you believe it's good to have two primary partitions?01:27
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kitchecva: change the rules?01:28
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kitchesavvas: I only have one myself since I have two hard drives in my computer01:28
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cvamy regex isn't that good. I'd think [0-9] * would do it01:28
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savvasScottLand: don't put two primary partitions on one hard disk, i think that creates problems (i might be wrong)01:29
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ScottLandwhoops to late :-*01:29
ritalinhow do i turn ssh on ?01:29
ScottLandwe shall see01:29
kitchesavvas: umm you can have four primaries on a disk01:29
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ScottLandROCK ON!01:29
Mikehanyone have any ideas?01:29
savvascool then :)01:29
newb_probI just installed the latest ubuntu how do I get compiz to work? can anyone point me to a guide?01:30
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ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/01:30
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Mikehnewb_prob, System > Preferences > Desktop Effects01:30
savvasnewb_prob: www.google.com search for this: "how to" compiz +ubuntu01:30
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MikehHello? How do I associate Terminal Server Client with .rdp files?01:31
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tds5016why does soundkonverter and soundconverter both crap out? they used to not.01:32
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newb_probhow do I get nvidia driers to work on ubuntu?01:33
diminthedamhelp please. my ubuntu is not loading anymore with 'file system error'01:33
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savvasnewb_prob: systems> administration > restricted drivers manager01:33
Mikeh!nvidia | newb_prob01:33
ubotunewb_prob: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:33
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BuzzygirlHello folks01:34
CokeManis there a guide for setting up a raid 5 in ubuntu? Also, i've got a software raid 5 card that required drivers for windows, and i got it up and working, last time i tried on linux (debian i think) it got stuck in the process of building the raid (no it wasnt being slow, it got stuck). So, with all of this in mind, can someone point me in the right direction?01:34
zacherrincan someone recommend a audio player that plays both wma, mp3 files?  had amarok but it wont play wma.  i know movieplayer plays wma but I would like one program to put all my music files in01:34
imac1hello, I have a "messages" file posted here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24175/   would anyone be willing to look at it to tell me why I can detect cd's in a drive, but can't read files from any cd?01:35
BuzzygirlI have a Q about digital audio players that work under Ubuntu or Linux in general?01:35
Mikeh!raid CokeMan01:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about raid cokeman - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:35
savvasBuzzygirl: ask the question ;)01:35
Mikeh!raid | CokeMan01:35
ubotuCokeMan: Raid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:35
tschaka^zacherrin xmms with wma plugin installed01:35
compsmanis atheros ar5007eg working in ubuntu yes or no??????????????01:35
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zacherrinthank u much01:35
tds5016let's say that I have a wav. Is there any way to get that to an mp3 easily?01:35
w33rdoguys!!!! iptables doesn't work on the lateste ubuntu?01:35
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w33rdoWTF??!! WARNING: Error inserting x_tables01:35
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BuzzygirlSo which brands work best? I have an iPod Shuffle that just won't work under Ubuntu... not that I expected it to... but what other brands work well with Linux?01:36
Akuma_why is it aptitude tells me libapache2-mod-php4 is not available? what should i get instead for feisty?01:36
w33rdohow do I fix iptables for CHRIST SAKE01:36
BuzzygirlI have heard a bit about Cowon and Samsung, but want to get a good idea of other brands that might work too01:36
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pike_w33rdo: sudo iptables -F01:37
MikehBuzzygirl, I've had no luck with syncing portable players, but my Iriver clix mounts just fine01:37
IndyGunFreakw33rdo: not sure what Christ has to do with it.01:37
deConMy audio is less loud in linux than in windows, anyone have an idea why?01:37
pike_w33rdo: but there is something you should know first01:37
diminthedamubuntu 7.04 fails to boot, saying cant read filesystem. a clean re-install of 6.10 gives same error. what can i try next?01:37
IndyGunFreakdeCon: open a terminal, type alsamixer01:37
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savvasw33rdo: we're not obliged to answer every question, so put that tone of writing elsewhere01:37
BuzzygirlIriver Clix? Okay Mikeh, I'll put that one on my list to research. Thanks!01:37
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Mikeh!manners w33rdo01:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about manners w33rdo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:37
deConIndyGunFreak, done01:37
compsmanpike_ they dont know any then01:37
Mikeh!manners | w33rdo01:38
ubotuw33rdo: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:38
IndyGunFreakdeCon: ok, are all your bars all the way up?01:38
VeganChick01ok, i think i'm going to try to reinstall xubuntu...hopefully that'll fix my screen problems!01:38
BuzzygirlCowon's website says their players (at least the ones in my price range) work under Linux too01:38
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IndyGunFreakif not, adjust them appropriately.. if so, i don't know why it would be that way01:38
savvasBuzzygirl: i have no idea, but i think for ipod they have a working firmware just for linux, i might be wrong, but i've heard something like that01:38
w33rdoomg! Iptables isn't working on my brand new installation01:38
deConIndyGunFreak: 94 81 81 0 001:38
w33rdoFATAL: Error inserting ip_tables01:38
IndyGunFreakdeCon: well, turn them up to 10001:38
w33rdohow can that even be01:38
MrKeunerhi, Cannot unmount the flash disk volumes as regular user in 7.04. Why is that?01:38
BuzzygirlI think that's Rockbox01:39
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deConIndyGunFreak: wow that was easy, thank you. could you tell me why that worked? Gain...?01:39
Mikehw33rdo, don't panic. I don't know much about Iptables, and maybe no1 else here does either, try searching the forums, or waiting for an answer.01:39
savvasMrKeuner: did you transfer/delete files from/to the flash disk?01:39
BuzzygirlI was hoping to keep the Shuffle for my WinXP computer, then buy another for Linux01:39
maynards-girlHello everyone.  Ever since I did a fresh install of fiesty my computer is very very slow when I run firefox. Also, firefox runs super slow when loading pages.  Is this common or is there an easy way to speed things up?01:39
CokeManMikeh, i did it through that system (in debian or ubuntu, i dont remember which) and it set up fine and would reach like 2 or 3% finished then the kb/s would progressively get lower and the time would progressively get bigger until it went from something like 10 hours to like 3 months and the kbs went froms something like 24k/s to like 1.01:39
deConIndyGunFreak: wow that was easy, thank you. could you tell me why that worked? Gain...?01:39
IndyGunFreakdeCon: not really  sure.. for some reason, i have to do it whenever i install Ubuntu.01:40
deConIndyGunFreak: what is LFE?01:40
MrKeunersavvas: I did, I moves files into it, waited for 30 minutes and then tried to eject using nautilus context menu01:40
Akuma_Buzzygirl: did you take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod?action=show&redirect=IPodHowto ?01:40
MikehWhich was this again CokeMan, LVM?01:40
Tr0niccan you connect to aol wireless router using ubuntu?01:40
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savvasmaynards-girl: firefox is slow when you have a lot of add-ons installed01:40
CokeMansoftware raid 501:40
CokeManMikeh, software raid 501:40
IndyGunFreakdeCon: oh, LFE, i'm not sure.01:40
IndyGunFreakmine is set to zero01:40
compsmancan any one tell me how i cxan get my stupid atheros ar5007eg to work??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????01:40
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w33rdoplease some ASAP iptables is screwed up outta the box in a brand new installation01:40
Tr0niccan you connect to aol wireless router using ubuntu?01:41
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savvascompsman: yeah, buy a router with wires :)01:41
BuzzygirlYeah, been there but I haven't had much luck with the lowly Shuffle. :-)01:41
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Mikehsorry to say I have no idea CokeMan, I've never seen that.01:41
compsmanthis a laptop u reject01:41
deConIndyGunFreak: Can I make the step a different size? its a 7 pt step right now01:41
Tr0niccan you connect to aol wireless router using ubuntu?01:41
IndyGunFreakdeCon: if it helps any, all of mine except LFE, are all the way up, LFE is at zero01:41
Mikehtry searching/asking on the forums CokeMan01:41
maynards-girlsavvas, it was slow before I added anything.  I added the no script package hoping it would speed things up, but it made no difference01:41
compsmanand its on the eth0 at the moment01:41
Buzzygirltried the suggested script from the Ubuntu forums and I couldn't get it to work either (maybe user error)01:41
IndyGunFreakdeCon: i don't see why not...01:41
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CokeManMikeh, what forums?01:42
savvasMrKeuner: it's the cache, you'll have to wait :\01:42
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Mikehhttp://ubuntuforums.org cokeman01:42
zacherrinwhat is the command to download the wma plugin for xmms?01:42
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compsmanatheros ar5007eg drivers pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee01:42
savvasMrKeuner: just right-click on the flash disk icon and "unmount volume", it will unmount it when it's done caching the files01:42
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MrKeunersavvas: that does not make much sense to me. I have to wait more than 30 minutes?01:42
savvasMrKeuner: depends on the load of files you have transferred01:43
savvasMrKeuner: sorry, size, not load :p01:43
IndyGunFreakdeCon: not really sure how to change that, mine goes in 3s.01:43
w33rdooh never mind :D I wasn't doing it sudo01:44
MrKeunersavvas: OK I reinserted my flash disk, saw the contents. No modifications made. Tried to eject and same error01:44
savvasthis goes for bash.org01:44
IndyGunFreakso what was messed up, iptables, the NEW UBUNTU INSTALLATION.. or the user?01:44
diminthedamubuntu 7.04 fails to boot, saying cant read filesystem. a clean re-install of 6.10 gives same error. what can i try next??01:44
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compsmanfucking hell i realy need my atheros ar5007eg to work:P.......................................................01:44
pike_IndyGunFreak: cant it be all three?01:44
IndyGunFreakpike_: i suspect its the last one more than the former 2,01:44
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deConIndyGunFreak: must be my keyboard01:45
IndyGunFreakdeCon: i don't know, mine goes in 3s...01:45
savvascompsman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=wireless&titlesearch=Titles01:45
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IndyGunFreakdeCon: do you have the little horn for your volume, in your taskbar?01:45
lawncarehey guys, what's the opposite of pmount?01:45
diminthedamanything wrong with my question, or is everyone too busy here?01:46
Mikehis there a command to get rdesktop to open an rdp file?01:46
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Allexhey everyone01:46
Mikehdiminthedam, did you use the Live or alternate install CD?01:46
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Allexdoes anyone have any good widget program to recommend?01:46
diminthedamMikeh: it failed on a normal install (updated through synaptic) and the re-install was an alernate01:47
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Mikehwhat filesystem did you use for your /boot partition? and are you dual or single booting?01:47
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diminthedamMikeh: dual booting to winFAT and boot filesystem was ext301:48
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Mikehdid you do a media test on your CDs?01:48
lorenzhi guys, can you tell me how to access a usenet address?01:49
Mikehdiminthedam, did you do a media test on your CDs?01:49
deConIndyGunFreak: yes i have the volume task thingy01:49
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lorenzI'd need to download something from alt.binaries.mp3.m - how do I do that?01:49
diminthedamMikeh: no, but the failure was not after a new install, it just happened one day01:49
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IndyGunFreakdeCon: right click it, choose properties, and it should have the same options as alsamixer, but with sliders.. you can try to adjust those to be more precise01:50
pike_lorenz: your isp normally would have a server01:50
Mikehsounds like bad blocks on the disk then diminthedam01:50
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IndyGunFreakdeCon: sorry, that should be open volume control, not preferences01:50
pike_lorenz: youd use something like pan which is in synaptic to connect to the server01:50
lorenzpike_: thanks!01:50
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deConIndyGunFreak: right...well the main problem was solved, thank you again. have a great day (or night)!01:50
w33rdowtf??!! bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission denied01:50
Mikehthe only program I know of to take care of that sort of thing is "Spinrite" www.grc.com, but it's not free.01:50
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diminthedamMikeh: damn... i did run disk checks (but only through windows). is there another one to try?01:51
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cafuegow33rdo: You need to be root eh01:51
savvasw33rdo: you forgot the sudo again01:51
=== IndyGunFreak thinks w33rdo's name fits
=== pike_ beats w33rdo with the sudo stick
cafuegow33rdo: Also note sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward won't work, as echo will be root, but the redirect won't.01:51
Mikehw33rdo, sudo -s -H then do whatever you are trying to do, it's like a permanent (for the session) sudo01:51
DekayCan ubuntu be installed straight from my running os, or do I have to insert a cd then restart?01:51
cafuegow33rdo: So you'll need to run sudo sysctl -w net/ipv4/ip_forward=101:51
savvasinstead of permission denied, ubuntu should have "YOU NEED SUDO IN FRONT" ;p01:52
cafuegow33rdo: And add it to /etc/sysctl.conf for convenience.01:52
IndyGunFreaksavvas: lol01:52
Mikehlol savvas01:52
pike_Dekay: there is a alpha .exe installer for windows but i dont think its very far along01:52
Akuma_why can't i find libapache2-mod-php4 in the feisty repos?01:52
DekayOh nevermind then.01:52
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IndyGunFreakDekay: i think there's a way to install it from the Windows desktop, but i'm not sure how to do it.01:53
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crimsunAkuma_: because we migrated to php501:53
DekayOh ..01:53
cafuegoAkuma_: Seems to only have php5.01:53
savvasAkuma_: libapache2-mod-php501:53
Mikehand I wouldn't trust one if there was on Dekay, go by the K.I.S.S. philosophy, use the alternate CD even if you are comfortable with it01:53
Akuma_crimsun: and so if i need to use php4 ? is there an alternative way?01:53
w33rdosorry guys I did do sudo... oh I got it since it can't redirect I put sudo again?---> sudo echo 1 sudo > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward01:53
crimsunAkuma_: compile it manually.01:53
cafuegoAkuma_: If needed, you can probably build the debian etch php4 package from debian source.01:54
Akuma_crimsun: hmm01:54
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cafuegow33rdo: So you'll need to run sudo sysctl -w net/ipv4/ip_forward=101:54
cafuegow33rdo: And add it to /etc/sysctl.conf for convenience.01:54
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cafuegoAkuma_: ... or the edgy one, of course.01:54
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cafuegoAkuma_: Do a forwardport rather than backport, but it'll work just fine.01:54
mr_speckso i upgraded to feisty (server dapper->server feisty) and now when i log into my main user the command line is very bare--  it seems the csh or ksh or whatever was is now gone-- anyone able to help?  (gnomefreak?)01:55
w33rdowhy this step? --->19:52]  <cafuego> w33rdo: And add it to /etc/sysctl.conf for convenience.01:55
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cafuegow33rdo: That way it'll be auto-set after a reboot.01:55
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kbrooks!info avant01:55
kbrooks!find avant01:55
ubotuPackage avant does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:55
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kbrooks!find avant01:55
clivecan some lead me 2 a site that can walk me thru installing myth tv on 7.04 i'm a super newbie01:55
Akuma_cafuego: i guess i'll just do it in php5 and tell the employer he should upgrade whatever he's using ... =/ anyway, i'll see. thanks01:55
ubotuFile avant found in wims-modules01:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avant - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:55
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IndyGunFreakclive: installing is fairly straightfoward01:56
IndyGunFreakbut google should turn up about a gazillion references01:56
tannerldI installed apache, php5, and the module for php5, but when I view a php page on localhost, I get a blank page, while html pages parse fine01:56
cafuegoAkuma_: Some php projects won't run on 5 (ezpublish is one) - I tend to install pache 1.3 with php4 for such legacy items.01:56
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clivehow is that i d/l the files, what do i need to type at a terminal to start the installation?01:56
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Akuma_cafuego: hmm, i see. didn't think about the 1.3 alternative ....01:57
w33rdocafuego: ok thanks01:57
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IndyGunFreakclive: download the iso, and burn the image to a blank cd/dvd.. insert disk, restart.  It will boot to the Ubuntu desktop, you can surf the internet, test hardware, whatever, if it works, ther's an install button on the desktop, click it, and it will walk you through the install process01:57
pike_clive: id start with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV01:57
w33rdoadd sudo sysctl -w net/ipv4/ip_forward=1 or without sudo?01:57
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w33rdoclive: try TIVO01:58
cafuegow33rdo: See the examples in the file?01:58
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w33rdois not there01:58
IndyGunFreakpike_: i didnt see him ask about mythtv01:58
cafuegow33rdo: "# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv4"01:58
cafuegow33rdo: should be in there01:58
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pike_IndyGunFreak: its a few lines up01:58
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clivethanks Pike01:58
Tr0nic!info aol01:58
ubotuPackage aol does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:58
IndyGunFreakpike_: oh ok..01:58
Tr0nic!find aol01:59
IndyGunFreaki thought he was just asking how to install Ubuntu01:59
w33rdocafuego: do you mean this one?#net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding=101:59
ubotuFound: aolserver4, aolserver4-dev, aolserver4-doc, aolserver4-nscache, aolserver4-nsimap (and 5 others)01:59
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cafuegow33rdo: yup01:59
FurryNemesis!info wmware01:59
ubotuPackage wmware does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:59
w33rdocafuego: ohh so I do'nt need to add your line?01:59
FurryNemesis!info qemu01:59
ubotuqemu: fast processor emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2+dfsg-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 3465 kB, installed size 9460 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 powerpc alpha sparc arm s390 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)01:59
tds5016anyone know of a decent gui program that will convert music file types?01:59
clivethanks also IndyGunFreak01:59
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hydananyone know where to install plugins for gedit?02:00
IndyGunFreakclive: no problem..02:00
IndyGunFreakgedit has plugins?02:00
clivei'm learning02:00
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savvas!info libapache-mod-gzip02:00
ubotulibapache-mod-gzip: HTTP compression module for Apache. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 102 kB, installed size 488 kB02:00
savvasnice ;)02:00
IndyGunFreakclive: lol, i've been learning for about a year..lol02:00
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loco_aulladorhi i want to copy my hdd (40gb) to another (125gb), the partimage sends me an error, and the dd comand needs 2 hdd of the same size, so i'll use the g4u but i dont know if it mades a copy from one small hdd (40) to bigger one (125), any suggestion?02:00
nickrudhydan, /usr/share/gedit/plugins02:00
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clivewell, i will take all the help from anyone that knows more than me02:01
hydani read online that i'm supposed to install them in ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins but the "plugins" directory doesn't exist, and i went ahead and made the directory and extracted the files there, but it didn't work.02:01
clivethank you02:01
IndyGunFreakhydan: i have no idea, i didn't know gedit had plugins.. what type of plugin are oyu wanting to use?02:01
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vbabiyhey what is the best solultion to so that i can edit files in my /var/www with out being root02:01
vbabiyshould i take ownership of them02:02
vbabiyor give them a 755 chmod02:02
hydanIndyGunFreak: it's called something like a "better python console"02:02
cafuegovbabiy: No, create a new group and make yourself a member of that group.02:02
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux02:02
IndyGunFreakhydan: hmm.. sorry, no clue.02:02
cafuegovbabiy: Then chmod the files to 664 and the directories to 2775, assign ownership to the new group.02:02
hydanit's ok, anyone else know?02:02
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cafuegovbabiy: Then add anyone else who needs write acesss to the same group.02:02
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vbabiycafuego: will Apache have access to the files still02:03
cafuegovbabiy: apache will be able to read them.02:03
tds5016what ripping software can I get that will rip mp3s?02:03
sutabiIs there a way to change the desktop without the gui interface?02:03
mr_specksomehow i lost my bash shell-- how do i get it back??02:03
vbabiythanks so much cafuego02:03
cafuegovbabiy: If it needs to be able to *write* as well, chown them to www-data:yournewgroup02:03
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sebas_tds5016: Sound Juicer with mp3 codecs02:04
newb_probhow do I enable compiz in ubuntu in kde?02:04
sebas_!mp3 | tds501602:04
ubotutds5016: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:04
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savvasmr_speck: type: echo $002:04
savvasmr_speck: tell me the output02:04
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mr_specksavvas: -sh02:04
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vbabiycafuego: your saying if Apache needs write access right02:05
pike_newb_prob: id /join ubuntu-effects if you dont get an answer soon02:05
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cafuegovbabiy: *if* yes02:05
mr_specksavvas:  it's wierd, i upgrade to feisty, and i still have the normal bash stuff in my root account, but not on my main account where i get that "-sh"02:05
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cafuegovbabiy: Usually it doesn't or only needs it on a single directory.02:05
pike_newb_prob: /join #ubuntu-effects might need the # depending on the client02:05
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vbabiycafuego: right when my php will need it i will only open a folder then02:05
w33rdoWTF??!! I've got TWO eth1??? eth1 and eth1:avah??!!!02:06
FurryNemesishi all02:06
cafuegovbabiy: Oh, you will need to logout and log back in to update group ownership on your session.02:06
omegacentiIs it simple to upgrade from 6.10 edgy? It is showing on software uodates upgrade to 7.04 available. Is this what I am looking for?02:06
cafuegovbabiy: *nod* that's the best way to do it.02:06
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mr_specksavvas-- i just have a "$" now where before i had the full username@server:dir stuff02:06
tds5016sebas_, which extra codecs?02:06
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enokGnome-PPP not installing for me02:06
Pelowhat do app do I use to open a .chm file ?  compressed html02:06
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tds5016sebas_, I've been to that site, and if I'm not mistaken, I believe I have the codecs. which ones would I be missing?02:06
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IndyGunFreakw33rdo: you have a lot of issues02:07
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Peloenok,  why do you want / need gnome-ppp for ?02:07
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sebas_tds5016: the one you need to listen to mp302:07
enokto connect to the internet in the first place02:07
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savvasmr_speck: hold a sec i'm reading something02:07
tds5016sebas_, I can listen to mp3s...02:07
vbabiycafuego: ok but, would i just do chown -R groupname on the www dir02:07
Peloenok,  what kind of internet connection ?02:07
tds5016soundjuicer doesn't have the option.02:07
omegacentiIs it simple to upgrade from 6.10 edgy? It is showing on software uodates upgrade to 7.04 available. Is this what I am looking for?02:07
w33rdoIndyGunFreak: why?02:07
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mr_specksavvas-- cool... thanks so much for helping..02:07
spanglesontoastdoes anyone if it's possible to convert ntfs to fat32 on linux ?02:07
cafuegovbabiy: yep02:07
vbabiythanks so much cafuego02:07
IndyGunFreakw33rdo: just a general observation02:08
Mikehanyone have *any* clue on how to open a *.RDP file?!02:08
cafuegovbabiy: and then 'chmod ug+rwX,a+rX www -R' as well to set the modes to 775 and 664.02:08
sebas_tds5016: ok then, open the sound juicer > edit > preferences > format02:08
Peloenok,   in  menu > system > admin > network,   select your dial up modem and fill in the correct information,  use pon and poff to connect disconnect02:08
IndyGunFreakMikeh: RDP?.. never heard of that, what is it?02:08
hydannope. that didn't work. anyone know where the default plugin directory for gedit is?02:08
hydanin ubuntu*02:08
chilehy! what's the best way to save or backup mulit-os data under ubuntu ?02:08
cafuegovbabiy: and then find www -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \; to make all directories setgid02:08
tds5016format only says ogg, flac, wav, ogg02:08
enokOh maybe that will work :D02:09
Mikehremote desktop file IndyGunFreak, Terminal Services Client & rdesktop can connect to the servers, but not open the files saved in Windows02:09
enokI finally found a tutorial that talks about pon/poff02:09
PointlessI would guess no. It also seems that if you have an external H.D. that is NTFS , it will not read/write properly. As I found out !02:09
sebas_tds5016: edit profiles?02:09
IndyGunFreakMikeh: hmm, never heard that problem02:09
astro73X is doing the whole side-scrolling can't-sit-still thin (like when you feed the wrong resolution to your TV), intel graphics. How do I fix it?02:09
tds5016sebas where would the mp3 profile be?02:09
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ascastro37: What caused it?02:10
newb_probberyl manager instaleld now what?02:10
savvasmr_speck: type this and tell me if the file exists: cat ~/.bashrc02:10
w33rdoWhat's this? ----> eth1:avah02:10
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w33rdoand it's supposed to be wireless not ethernet02:10
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hydanah, found it. /usr/share/gedit-2/plugins :)02:10
mr_specksavvas: yup02:10
sebas_if it is not in the menu, you have to add it: edit preferences02:10
sebas_sorry, profiles02:10
vbabiycafuego: vbabiy@vbabiy-desktop:/var$ sudo chown -R wwwfiles www/02:10
vbabiychown: `wwwfiles': invalid user02:10
chilewhat's the best program for time-organisation ? calendar / schedul ...???02:10
w33rdowhy does it register my wireless USB as eth1? --->[ 4022.898449]  zd1211rw 4-1:1.0: eth102:10
Mikehcorrection, terminal services client will open files from rdp v4 & 5 IndyGunFreak, but not v602:11
vbabiywhats wrong02:11
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pike_w33rdo: you can rename it i guess in /etc/iftab i dunno why its showing up as that though.. id guess missing correct drivers. does it work?02:11
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MikehIndyGunFreak, that's because not many n00bs to Ubuntu are windows SysAdmins02:11
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IndyGunFreakMikeh: i don't know,  i assume you tried Google.02:11
cafuegovbabiy: sudo chown -R :wwwfiles www/02:11
cafuegovbabiy: The ':' indicates a group.02:11
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zacherrinanyone know where the the xmms folder is in ubuntu?  i need to put my skin files in the skin folder but cant find the xmms folder for the life of me02:11
vbabiycafuego: o ok02:11
paddy_could someone help me install opera or firefox? I messed up firefox somehow, and it no longer works02:11
ramorekhello all is there any way to check if the vnc service is running ?? i can connect locally but not through wan02:12
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MikehI didn, it said use terminal services client IndyGunFreak ;)02:12
cafuegovbabiy: or you could use chgrp instead of chown.02:12
pike_zacherrin: ~/.xmms id say02:12
FurryNemesisanyone know of a dock I can use with with both beryl & metacity02:12
ascastro73*: What caused it?02:12
FurryNemesispaddy_, what went wrong?02:12
IndyGunFreakpaddy_: what do you need help with?02:12
PeloFurryNemesis, kxdockers02:12
astro73asc: I don't know02:12
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tannerldI installed apache, php5, and the module for php5, but when I view a php page on localhost, I get a blank page, while html pages parse fine02:12
savvasmr_speck: type this and tell me if the file exists: cat ~/.bash_profile02:12
AhadielHey, I just finished setting up Apache2 on my Feisty Server Box. When I try and access the website, I get an error: You don't have permission to access / on this server.02:12
FurryNemesisPelo, works reliably with gnome?02:12
paddy_I found a guide to update firefox, and i just screwed up somewhere, and now it wont launch. id like to install a new browser (firefox or opera or something else) but im not sure how02:12
Mikehpaddy_, sudo apt-get install firefox, or sudo apt-get install opera02:12
chile<FurryNemesis>: try gdesklets - starterbar02:12
ascastro37: Did it happen after exiting a fullscreen program, or at the login screen?02:13
PeloFurryNemesis, so I am given to understand02:13
mr_specksavvas: yup02:13
AhadielI do not get this error when accessing UserDirs, only files/folders in /var/www/02:13
ascGah, *7302:13
astro73All I know is that I had compiz going before, it stopped working for no apparent reason, and I tried to fix it and now I can't get X going again02:13
FurryNemesischii, nope, that only displays on one side of the cube02:13
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paddy_mikeh: do i need to download firefox/opera mfirst? or is there a command to dl from their ftp server?02:13
FurryNemesisfor some reason that I can't work out02:13
Mikehalso both Mozilla & Opera provide .deb packages for Ubuntu if you are uncomfortable with the command lines paddy_02:13
omegacentiWeird, I get subpar download speeds with Microsoft windows but perfect speeds in Ubuntu Linux... Just an observation.02:13
astro73it happened after logging off and restarting X02:13
IndyGunFreakpaddy_: no, just put the commands he told you in a terminal, it will do everything02:13
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paddy_will do02:14
paddy_ill report back02:14
imac1does anyone know where I can find information about common cdrom reading problems for ubuntu?02:14
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ascastro73: Okay, probably a configuration problem then. I have to admit that I am not in any way familiar with compiz.02:14
chilewhat's the best program for time-organisation ? calendar / schedul ...???02:14
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w33rdopike_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24343/02:14
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savvasmr_speck: try bash --help02:14
w33rdopike_: how can I find out it's the proper driver?02:14
Mikehimac1 search http://ubuntuforums.org02:15
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astro73asc: I've figured it was xorg.conf somehow, but I don't know what02:15
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blauzahlhere's my annoyance of the day: I'm using a pre-installed 6.06 and I'm about to wipe it, but first I have to write a Big set of data to a DVD.  So I'm trying to do this inside the file browser and it won't actually write it, instead it keeps claiming that I need to put in a DVD that will work. I've tried 3 different ones. Any ideas?02:15
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savvasmr_speck: does it output the help file?02:15
mr_specksavvas-- yup02:15
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imac1Mikeh: I have ;however, no luck for my problems because I can detect cd's in the drive, but can't read files from any cd02:15
paddy_IndyGunFreak: it said it can't find package opera02:15
vbabiyhey cafuego what was the command to permission on the files02:15
Peloblauzahl,  use  gnomebaker02:15
mr_specksavvas-- i can get bash to run by typing "bash", but it's not happening my default at login..02:15
Peloblauzahl,  and make sure you aren'T trying to overburn02:16
IndyGunFreakpaddy_: hang on02:16
blauzahlPelo: is that likely to be pre-installed? or will I have to grab it?02:16
savvasmr_speck: i really don't have a clue, i'm reading the bash manual but i can't find anything helpful, besides that "invokation" part02:16
ascastro73: If it was me, I'd so 'sudo dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg', but I don't know how that would affect compiz.02:16
Mikehhave you tried chmoding the files imac1 ? you shouldn't have to, but just in case.02:16
paddy_thank you02:16
mr_specksavvas-- but how does linux know what shell to run when you first login?02:16
imac1Mikeh: the files on the cd or what?02:16
astro73asc: I've done that a few times to no avail02:16
Peloblauzahl, you'll probly have to grab it ,  sudo apt-get install gnomebaker sould take care of everything02:16
ascmaybe 'dpkg-reconfigure'02:16
CokeManis there any way to make the mouse not have a threshold and stuff? i just want it to move one speed the same speed all the time. im using xfce.02:16
mr_specksavvas-- however it figures that out got screwed up somehow02:16
ramorekwhats the command for current running processes ?02:16
ascastro73: tried removing compiz?02:16
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astro73it comes with feisty02:16
astro73under "desktop effects"02:17
imac1Mikeh: because I can't see the files to do any permission changes period as my drive just shows a blank cd even though I can read the disk on other machines02:17
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Mikehyes imac1 the files on the cd, like this: sudo chmod +rwx /media/cdrom02:17
w33rdoIndyGunFreak: look at this, it's a Wireless and shows up as eth1  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24343/02:17
PeloCokeMan, the ppl in #xubuntu might know where you need to make the adjustments02:17
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ascastro73: Hmm.02:17
Mikehodd imac1, and you're sure it mounted properly?02:17
savvasmr_speck: try chsh02:17
diminthedamMikeh: back on the booting problem...do you think i could trick my bad hdrive (if its so) by leaving the 1st 1/2 gb unalocated?02:17
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IndyGunFreakpaddy_: go to http://www.opera.com02:17
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ascAnybody know if compiz can be removed without breaking anything?02:17
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IndyGunFreakand click Download02:17
astro73and in any case, it isn't running02:18
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mr_specksavvas-- it then asks me for a password02:18
Mikehdiminthedam, if your BIOS supports booting past the first 512mb then yes possibly02:18
astro73because last I saw, XGL was using mesa02:18
imac1Mikeh: well another part of my problem is that manual mounting won't work I just get an error02:18
paddy_IndyGunFreak: I can't access opera.com because firefox won't launch, must I dl it on my xp box and put it on a jump drive?02:18
astro73no hardware render02:18
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IndyGunFreakpaddy_: no, that should be unecessary02:18
LordLimecatreally quick question, if i want to install nvidia drivers using the restricted driver manager (NOT USING NVIDIA SCRIPTS), and i dont know the original state of the xorg.conf file (dont ask why), how do i convince it that i do, indeed, need restricted drivers?02:18
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omegacentiIs there anyting higher than feisty fawn?02:18
Peloasc, why would it break anything ?   remove it from synaptic if you have doubt  it will let you know what dependencies might be linked to it before you actualy remove02:18
savvasmr_speck: sorry, chsh -s bash02:18
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IndyGunFreakpaddy_: did you get my private message?02:18
LordLimecatshould i be using nv or nvidia?02:18
blauzahlPelo: beautiful! thank you02:18
Mikehwhat is the error imac102:18
astro73omegacenti: devel02:18
mr_specksavvas-- oh wait-- now it's asking me for a new login shell02:18
diminthedamMIkeh: never seen that option before...has it got a special name?02:18
omegacentithanks astro7302:18
w33rdonobody cares? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24343/02:19
paddy_IndyGunFreak: All it said was "are you there:02:19
IndyGunFreakyea, i wanted you to respond..lol02:19
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ascUsually scrolling happens because the desktop resolution is set different than the monitor resolution...02:19
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Mikehnot really diminthedam, it either works or doesn't02:19
mr_specksavvas-- that did it!!!02:19
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astro73it's done some weird stuff already02:19
LordLimecatdoes anyone have an nvidia card, but has not yet installed the restricted drivers?02:19
astro73but it's always managed to stabilize the image02:19
Mikehyou'll get a grub error 18 if it breaks diminthedam02:19
savvasmr_speck: seriously? it works ok now?02:19
LordLimecati REALLY need to see an unaltered, fresh xorg.conf02:19
astro73including this exact resolution/sync rate02:19
diminthedamMikeah: thanks02:19
blauzahlPelo: hey, just so I know, does it work better in more recent versions?02:19
r00tintheb0xdang, that sucked.02:19
r00tintheb0xheh, almost had to reinstall.02:19
ascPelo: For all I know it would make the gnome-desktop package explode. I've never had it installed.02:20
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imac1Mikeh: whoops I have to leave.. darn I'll have to get back to you on that error later :( thx for the willlingness to help though :)02:20
paddy_Indy: I can't reach opera.com to download it02:20
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Peloblauzahl, I haven,T used it much recently,  but it's always worked well for me , except for multi session dvd burning,02:20
omegacentiAnyone here using a laptop with an intel onboard graphics card  with Feisty Fawn?02:20
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tannerldI installed apache, php5, and the module for php5, but when I view a php page on localhost, I get a blank page, while html pages parse fine02:20
oozyCan anybody tell me how to run a .desktop file in the shell?02:20
ascastro73: Hmm. So it's scrolling, like you can just move the view around with the mouse, or does it get unusable?02:21
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blauzahlPelo: you haven't used which lately? gnomebaker or the file systerm version?02:21
astro73asc: unusable02:21
Peloasc, well just make sure your insurance is paid up and run away from the computer after you hit enter02:21
savvasmr_speck: by the way, the shell list are in /etc/passwd file ;) edit them there02:21
mr_specksavvas-- thank you so much.. yes it's working just like it should (i had some scripts that depended on the bash being the default at login-- just tried them now, and now it's all happy again-- thank you thank you thank you!!!  i owe you a beer now too :)02:21
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astro73asc: I have to do stuff blindly02:21
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IndyGunFreakpaddy_: ok, hang on.02:22
astro73Ctl+Alt+Plus/Minus isn't working02:22
omegacentiDoes feisty fawn use: X.Org 7.3 X server release02:22
savvasmr_speck: i accept them through beerpal :p02:22
Peloblauzahl, I never use the file system one , and I donT' think I have used gnomebaker since I upgraded to feisty,  I just haven,t had to02:22
Kamaitachi123hi, I want to have a file non-readable , but executable (password in file) . ls -lh gives me   -rwxr-x--x   . but when i try to start the file - i get - no right to do this ....  any ideas?02:22
ascastro73: Hmm. Uh, is everything configured just how you like it, or are you pretty much using the default setup?02:22
Daschello :D02:22
IndyGunFreakpaddy_: do this... "/join #indygunfreak"  no quotes02:22
astro73I'd rather not02:22
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astro73since I could probably just reinstall the packages to the same effect02:22
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Peloblauzahl, scracth that,  I used it twice,  it worked fine, just make sure you donT try to put too much on the dvd/cd   4.7 gig doesn,t actualy translate to 4.7 gB ,  it's more like 4.302:23
blauzahlPelo: ok, thanks!02:23
blauzahlPelo: oooo, that's good to know!02:23
DascI'm trying to setup a linux server to share my internet connection with load balancing, can someone point me to the right direction?02:23
paddy_ok indy02:23
savvastoodles ubuntities02:23
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Peloblauzahl, on any burning prog on any system on any computer02:23
ascastro73: One thing you might try, which may or may not change anything, is doing a 'rm -rf ~/.gnom*' to reset your gnome configurations02:24
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EADGI need to find out what font the console is using (not in X) How could I track that down?02:24
Peloblauzahl, that is why the progress bar in gnomebaker is so usefull02:24
kitsuneis anybody also having trouble with kiba-dock?02:24
sldkfjoozy, type the name of that file in a terminal and hit enter02:24
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super-6-1hello can anyone tell me how to enable ssid?02:24
MikehIndyGunFreak, get this, the problem with my RDP connections was that some of the file extensions were capitalized, and the ones that worked weren't WEIRD?!02:24
kitsuneI keep getting the "Black bar" when it starts up02:24
cafuegoPelo: it in /etc/console-tools/* or something02:24
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oozysldkfj - it says that permission is denied.02:25
IndyGunFreakMikeh: lmao02:25
sldkfjuse sudo02:25
ascBut who knows. What I'd like to try is using the gnome tool to switch resolutions, see if that resets things. But if it's unusable the closest you can come is resetting config.02:25
sldkfjsudo name02:25
Pelocafuego, ????02:25
kitsunerunning feisty fawn and Beryl .3 svn02:25
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Mikehthat is the last thing I would have ever thought of IndyGunFreak, it has nothing to do with anything ?!02:25
tannerldwhen I visit a php page in apache, its blank... how can I fix that?02:25
IndyGunFreaklol, no kidding02:25
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cafuegoPelo: I'm cross-eyed with lack of coffee ;-)02:25
cafuegoEADG: /etc/console-tools/config02:25
Matirhas anyone had problems reading large numbers of files from a FAT-formatted SD card?  About halfway through the disk, the files seem to be corrupted, but show up properly on the camera.02:26
oozysldkfj - sorry.  If I just type the name is say command not found.02:26
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kitsune.join #beryl02:26
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sldkfjoozy, what is the name of the file you're trying to open?02:26
Pelokitsune,   /join02:26
kitsunepelo: hehe typo...02:26
TerzoIf I've used nvidia-settings to set up my dual monitors with a seperate x-screen for each, is there a way to move a window from one x-screen to the other?02:26
oozysldkfj, the name is "magiSystem"02:26
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oozyIt's a .desktop file I created for Superkaramba02:27
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EADGcafuego: Thanks, you just made my night.02:27
sldkfjI'd say it opens with superkaramba then02:27
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ubotusuperkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org02:27
sldkfjoozy, you need to edit it or something?02:28
cafuego*hot* salami02:28
medianAnyone know how to delete windows from inside ubuntu? i have a partition but i just want to make ubuntu have all the space02:28
Pelomedian,  use gparted02:28
DascI'm trying to setup a linux server to share my internet connection with load balancing, can someone point me to the right direction?02:28
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sebas_median: use GParted to delete the NTFS partition02:28
oozysldkfj, I don't need to edit it.  I wanted to run it in a starup script so that it loads after Beryl.02:28
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puckHey, I'm currently running gutsy and using kernel-image-2.6.22-5-generic, but there is no matching linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-5-generic.  Is this expected?02:28
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ascastro73: Check the file '~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/screen/default/0' and see if the resultion indicated in it looks right02:28
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oozysldkfj - it never occured to me until just now I can just run the command the .desktop file runs.  DOH.02:29
kitsunedoes anybody else have issues when trying to connect to irc.freenode.org? I'm VERY new to irc so tell me if I'm missing something02:29
sebas_median: sudo apt-get install gparted. the one you used partition and install ubuntu02:29
tantrisHi! I have a quick question, which package do I have to install to get "glib-gettextize"?02:29
sldkfjoozy, does it load when it's set in Sessions?02:29
crimsunpuck: yes.  -6- is current, not -5-.  And you should use linux-generic as the meta.02:29
ascastro73: I mean '~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/screen/default/0/*'02:29
medianAahh, thanks02:29
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puckI don't have -6- as an available version.  No updates for other a week in fact02:29
kitchepuck: #ubunty+1 for gutsy support02:29
larson9999running gutsy already?02:29
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crimsunpuck: then your apt mirror is outdated.02:29
kitchekitsune: your on irc.freenode.net right now there is no .org02:29
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puckcrimsun:  bugger, okay, thanks02:30
astro73asc: it's right02:30
puckkitche: Sorry, didn't know about it.02:30
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kitsunekitche: right. But I'm trying to connect to irc.freenode.org to join the #kiba-dock channel02:30
astro73is xserver-xgl supposed to be installed?02:30
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pucklarson9999:  I like to live life on the edge02:30
oozymedian, you can also get the gparted CD.  This will allow you to use Gparted as a live CD.02:30
kitchekitsune: /join #kiba-dock02:30
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scarteri'm not too techie (i.e. noobish), and i'd like to install the proprietary ati drivers for my card, i am considering using ENVY, what complications might i experience? where can I find a good review/critique?02:31
kitsunekitche: hmm... wonder why it wouldn't work earlier. guess you just needed to say it. thanks ^_^02:31
ascastro73: Ah. Probably it is supposed to be, but it's not necessary.02:31
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kitchescarter: I thought envy is for nvidia drivers02:31
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medianYeah, I just *misplaced* the cd, that's why I'm trying to do it from inside02:32
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astro73asc: nothing depends on it, so I figured I'd ask02:32
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mischkoI have two nic's.  Sometimes when I boot, the second one's showing up as eth2 rather than eth1 for no apparent reason.02:32
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DascI'm trying to setup a linux server to share my internet connection with load balancing, can someone point me to the right direction?02:32
ascastro73: The default is xserver-xorg. I suppose if it's trying to use -xgl and you want it to use -xorg02:32
oozyscarter, ENVY has ATI and NVIDA drivers.  It works well.  The only problem I had was only one bios version for my motherboards allows the ATI and NVIDIA card to work properly.02:32
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scarterkitche: it does both... i've also got a notebook with nvidia that will be converted to linux within the month... so... will probably use for both if not too dangerous.02:32
sebas_how do I install a .emerald theme?02:33
puckcrimsun:  341MB to download!02:33
crimsunpuck: expected.02:33
kitchescarter: well when you update the kernel though ubuntu envy will need to be reran02:33
astro73asc: X is loading, poorly02:33
astro73it's using glx, though02:33
sldkfjsebas_, Open the '/home/<user>/.emerald' folder and deposit the '????.emerald' file there (maybe make a new folder named 'Thpeshul'?).  Right click the Red Diamond/Beryl Icon and hit the second entry there 'Emerald Theme Manager'.  When that opens, hit the [Import]  button and search for the path to your "Thpeshul" theme.02:33
astro73or somesuch02:33
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ascastro73: Hum. Say, have you tried using an old xorg.conf?02:33
astro73this is the old one02:34
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scarterkitche, oozy: i'm using hp/compaq R4012us (ati) and V3000Z (nvidia) the R4012us is converted, the V3000Z is in progress02:34
astro73at least, as old as I have02:34
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ascIs xerver-xorg installed?02:34
ascEh, it's got to be.02:35
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scarterkitche: are you saying that X won't start? will i be able to alt-f1 and run a reconfig from the term?02:35
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astro73how do I do that exactly from CLI?02:35
satxHello! Anyone have any clues why the Adobe flashplayer will not work with CNN/FOXNEWS videos?02:35
sldkfjsebas_, Did you know a dot in front of a file or folder makes it hidden?02:35
sebas_thank you, sldkfj. what a nick02:35
premier_Hello, whats the deal with option 3 in this tutorial?  http://news.softpedia.com/news/Optimize-Ubuntu-Feisty-Fawn-for-Speed-53836.shtml02:35
astro73that has always eluded me02:35
IndyGunFreaksatx: you need the divx plugin02:35
sldkfjok nevermind :)02:35
sebas_sldkfj yes02:35
kitchescarter: binary drivers will need to be reinstalled on update of kernel if you use envy02:35
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ascastro73: 'sudo aptitude search xserver-xorg' and on the left it indicates the package state. i is installed, p is not-installed.02:36
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sldkfjsebas_, my other option would be J_Sprat02:36
theBishopis there a way to redirect the output of tar -xvf to rm so i can delete all the extracted filenames?02:36
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satxIndyGunFreak- where do I download the divx plugin>02:36
kitchepremier_: what about it you can make linux not use swap at all until needed or have it use it all the time02:36
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scarterkitche: would it be better to switch back to the backup of the xorg.conf so that i'd be running the original drivers before updating the kernel, then re-run ENVY?02:37
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ubuntu-rocks1i'm having trouble acessing my web site on the Internet.  i can access it internally but can't seem to access it externally02:37
IndyGunFreaksatx: hang on a sec.02:37
tannerldwhen I visit a php page in apache, its blank... how can I fix that?02:37
astro73asc: it's installed02:37
kitchescarter: well you can do that if you wish just that ubuntu tends to update the module along with the kernel when an update is out02:37
sebas_how do I change the kubuntu splash screen to the ubuntu one?02:38
kitche!usplash | sebas_02:38
kitchehmm bot hanging?02:38
asctheBishop: There should be. See if 'tar -t archive' makes a list of the files which would point to their extracted locations.02:38
ubotusebas_: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork02:38
sebas_it is fixed there since I installed kubuntu-desktop!02:38
DavidCraftI get "unable to copy the user's XAthorization file" when I try to run any system administration.  I am VNCed to the box02:38
DavidCrafthow do I fix it?02:39
r4ngetrying to figure out why nmap -p80 localhost says my port 8- is closed but i can browse the net fine and dont have any firewall02:39
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kitcher4nge: port 80 is closed incoming02:39
preactionr4nge: port 80 is closed for incoming connections, not outgoing02:39
ascastro73: Well, removing xserver-xgl sounds like a good thing to try.02:39
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astro73it's not installed02:39
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scarterkitche: the proprietary module or the original video module? if the proprietary driver module, are you saying that it will be updated?02:40
DavidCraftany ideas?02:40
kitchescarter: yes if you install the ubuntu package if you use envy it will not02:40
paddy_can someone send me the .deb file for opera?02:40
IndyGunFreaksatx: i stand corrected, i was thinking MSNBC that needs the divx plugin02:40
r4ngekitche, on my ubuntu 6.10 server nmap -p80 localhost shows open02:40
paddy_i cannot access opera.com02:40
IndyGunFreakthat is wierd, flash seems to load, but won't play02:40
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kitcher4nge: does it have apache installed?02:41
r4ngeyes :)02:41
lazarulsupineyou can install opera through automatix02:41
kitcher4nge: that's why :)02:41
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scarterkitche: ok... are the ubuntu restricted modules kept up with ati's releases?02:41
paddy_laza: what is automatix?02:41
IndyGunFreakautomatix | lazarulsupine02:41
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r4ngekitche, on my desktop version, how would i see if the port is open, incoming or outgoing02:41
kitchescarter: umm no02:41
kitcher4nge: netcat02:41
IndyGunFreak!automatix | lazar02:41
ubotulazar: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe02:41
Ahadielpaddy_: try sudo apt-get install opera02:41
r4ngeso that if i want to check 80 and it hasnt been closed with a firewall it'll say open02:42
paddy_i tried that ahadiel02:42
IndyGunFreakAhadiel: he's using Ubuntu 5.10.. apparently its not in the repos anymore02:42
kitcher4nge: well firewalls usually don't close port 80 unless you tell it to02:42
satxOK. I have tried everything- Macromedia Flashplayer to the Adobe package directly from Adobe. Get audio- no video. Had it working once then it borked.02:42
AhadielIndyGunFreak: oh, okay02:42
lazarulsupineyeah its not supprted but it can be handy if you use it wisely02:42
ascastro73: So, it started after you installed compiz, but you never activated it?02:42
scarterkitche: ok, thank you for your assistance02:42
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r4ngekitche, yeah, i'm just playign around with shutting down ports with iptables02:42
r4ngeand was hoping to see it confirmed with nmap02:42
astro73asc: I activated compiz and all was happy, then compiz magically vanished02:43
paddy_so could someone send me that .deb file? is that possible?02:43
preactionr4nge: just because it's open through the firewall doesn't mean something is actually listening on that port02:43
megafaunaHi, my dual boot has stopping booting xp. This may be a good thing, buuuut, I'd still like to. Ubuntu can see several files on the disc but no file structure. fdisk can see the drive, and when I boot it, Grub spits me bak to the Dell Bios screen. Any ideas which I can google anyone pls?02:43
kitche!opera | paddy_02:43
ubotupaddy_: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser02:43
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IndyGunFreakkitche: have you listened to anything he's said?02:43
larson99995.10? shouldn't a guy upgrade if he's running 5.10?02:43
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lazarulsupinepaddy_ http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/automatix2_1.1-4.5-7.04feisty_i386.deb02:43
IndyGunFreaklarson9999: yes,02:43
kitcheIndyGunFreak: yes he wants the .deb for opera and I just told him where to get it02:44
paddy_larson: this pc is very slowwwwwwwwww02:44
IndyGunFreakkitche:  he can't get online02:44
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paddy_yeah i dont have a web browser02:44
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IndyGunFreakhe borked firefox02:44
kitcheIndyGunFreak: then he can't get the .deb then02:44
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digdugdoes feisty fawn come with madwifi drivers out of the box? (I don't have easy access to an ethernet connection)02:44
lazarulsupinewhy not links paddy_02:44
paddy_cant someone send it via irc?02:44
IndyGunFreakkitche: i guess we can chalk you up as first to figure that out02:44
lazarulsupineor dillo?02:44
kitchepaddy_: use links it's a web browser02:44
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paddy_what is links?02:44
medianalright, so I have deleted windows but the partition is still made, how do i make the space avaliable to ubuntu?02:44
paddy_where do i get it?02:44
r4ngekitche and all, thx for clearing it up02:44
purplepenguinsso my friend is having an ubuntu problem02:44
satxNo borked swf player on Firefox!02:44
kitchepaddy_:  a web browser it can be graphical or cli02:44
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ubuntu-rocks1how do i make the following permanent, "sudo route add default gw"?02:45
IndyGunFreakkitche: he's using ubuntu 5.10.. its very likely not in his repos anymore02:45
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lazarulsupineits a command line browser paddy_02:45
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purplepenguinshe's getting weird GNOME glitches when he boots up02:45
paddy_can someone tell me how to use it? I'm very new to linux02:45
larson9999oh boy, my 6 year old just asked me for my password02:45
Mikehpaddy_, have you tried deleting your /home/username/.mozilla folder, then reinstalling firefox?02:45
ascastro73: Back to work for me. If you've installed compiz, try a 'sudo apt-get autoremove', maybe there's something it left behind.02:45
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paddy_can someone dcc me  the file?02:45
MikehI had to do that once when I broke firefox02:46
medianDoes anyone know how to make space from a partition avaliable to ubuntu?02:46
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paddy_No mikeh, I just installed ubuntu to see what Linux is like, and maybe someday use it fully, but im not sure how to reinstall it02:46
megafaunapaddy_ what is the file u need?02:46
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paddy_megafauna: a .deb opera file to install it02:46
megafaunapaddy_let me look online02:46
paddy_thank you02:46
paddy_ill brb in 1 minute02:46
IndyGunFreakmegafauna: he needs the .deb file for Ubuntu 5.1002:47
Mikehpaddy_, go to applications> accessories > terminal a black window will open up02:47
lazarulsupinehttp://deb.opera.com/opera/pool/non-free/o/opera/opera_9.02-20060919.5_i386.deb paddy_02:47
megafaunaIndyGunFreak: k, thanks02:47
digduganyone know if madwifi drivers are included on the 7.04 cd?02:47
IndyGunFreakMikeh: i already talked him through that02:47
Mikeh5.10 O_o02:47
lazarulsupinehttp://deb.opera.com/opera/pool/non-free/o/opera/opera_9.21-20070510.6_i386.deb paddy_ this one is more recent02:47
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Mikehyou had him delete his .mozilla folder IndyGunFreak ?02:47
kitchepaddy_: use wget to grab it or links02:47
ubuntu-rocks1how can I define 2 default gateways to one nic?02:48
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IndyGunFreakkitche: i completely forgot about wget02:48
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IndyGunFreakgood thinki8ng02:48
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sldkfjdigdug, it's called madwifi-tools in synaptic02:48
paddy_im back02:48
digdugI won't have access to an ethernet connection, at least not very easily02:48
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gilsterhey there i need some help with dual screen on i915mobile card in a toshiba laptop02:49
paddy_ok ill tru that02:49
IndyGunFreakpaddy_: did you get it downloaded?02:49
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shachafAre there any good alternatives to NetowrkManager that support WPA and let you see the list of networks (they don't have to be GUI -- in fact, it would be better if they weren't).02:49
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IndyGunFreakpaddy_: type this in a terminal...    wget http://deb.opera.com/opera/pool/non-free/o/opera/opera_9.21-20070510.6_i386.deb02:49
shachafAny CLI alternatives to nm-applet would also be nice.02:49
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paddy_its dling now02:49
megafaunapaddy_I am sendcing u it. ACCEPT02:50
kitcheIndyGunFreak: but I looked though my logs real quick he didn't mention he didn't have a web browser he just said he couldn't access opera.com at least from what I seen scrolled a long way up also :)02:50
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megafaunapaddy_ I am sendcing u it. ACCEPT02:50
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sldkfjdigdug, here's what it says:  Tools for the Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi.   This package provides userspace tools for the madwifi driver. The tools are required to use and manipulate the madwifi interfaces present in a system.02:50
paddy_mega: i dont see it02:50
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:50
gilsterin my toshiba bios, i had set the feature to not use the LCD if there is a vga attached. Ubuntu  is insisting on turning the lcd on. does anyone know how to change that.?02:50
IndyGunFreakkitche: don't know, he made it clear to me.02:50
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Elfboy_!windows network02:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windows network - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:50
tim167hardware recommendation needed: what's a good dual head video card with good 3D accelleration and easy to get working on ubuntu ?02:50
paddy_sorry Kitche: i meant i didnt have a browse02:50
mediandoes anyone know how to un-partition02:50
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:50
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kitchegilster: just press your function key to turn off the lcd if you have one02:51
lineman60i got my wireless card working, with ndis wrapper, i then disabled it, rebooted and now i can not seem to find it in my list of networking connections02:51
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megafaunapaddy_ I'll try once more. Sometimes I can't connect to ppl on irc (w/ Mirc /dcc +59 I could). I'm on xchat in ubuntu now....02:51
ubuntu_hi guys .. how can you remove files when its read-only type.. i cant change file attributes :<02:51
lineman60anyone ever see a problem like that before?02:51
paddy_megafauna: thanks02:51
megafaunaHi, my dual boot has stopping booting xp. This may be a good thing, buuuut, I'd still like to. Ubuntu can see several files on the disc but no file structure. fdisk can see the drive, and when I boot it, Grub spits me bak to the Dell Bios screen. Any ideas which I can google anyone pls?02:51
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Icehawk78Does anyone know of a way to synchronize a folder in Windows with a directory on my local Ubuntu server?02:52
gravemindhey guys - I am wondering - can I write a bash script that looks at a network location and copies any changes02:52
gilsterkitche: i cant get that to work. it used to be fn-f5 to cycle through the screens but i cant get that to work02:52
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megafaunapaddy_ I am sorry, I can't connect to you02:52
will__Hi, I installed ubuntustudio graphics and the blender is outdated and has features I need.  I wish to update to newer binaries, where did ubuntu studio put my blender binaries?02:52
ubuntu-rocks1i need to set my default gateway for my external nic to my isp's router but whenever i set the gateway to that ip and do /etc/init.d/networking restart, i get SIOCADDRT:network is unreachable02:52
paddy_ok megafauna, thanks for trying02:52
Icehawk78Gravemind, that seems to be similar to what I'm trying to do.02:52
rlee23Can anyone tell me if they've seen a lot of people coming up with a blank screen when trying to run the 7.04 Live CD?02:52
megafaunaI can give you the url of the file if that helps (but from what I understand you don't have firefox)02:52
kitcher4nge: by the way it's netstat not netcat :)02:52
medianYar... I'm trying to dedicate all my space to ubuntu, I have windows deleted but the partition remains, and I would like to no longer have one, can anyone help?????02:52
IndyGunFreakmegafauna: i think wget is gonna work, he just got it downloaded02:52
kitcher4nge: just remembered02:52
gravemindIcehawk78: yeah, lol. It doesn't seem like it should be that hard02:52
ubuntu-rocks1if i run "sudo route add default gateway x.x.x.x", that works!02:53
satxubuntu_ got to terminal , type sudo -s, enter password, then issue chmod 755 filename.02:53
paddy_it says the archive type isnt supported when i try to install the .deb02:53
Icehawk78I'd think not. I've just got music on my Windows machine in the default iTunes gallery that I'd like to be able to access away from home.02:53
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paddy_am i sol?02:53
Stoffer_can someone here assist me with a kiba-dock issue?  There isn't anyone in #kiba-dock, and I already searched their forum for a solution... I just can't get the GMenu plugin to show up (it's enabled)02:53
ubuntu-rocks1satx - what filename?02:53
medianI'm trying to dedicate all my space to ubuntu, I have windows deleted but the partition remains, and I would like to no longer have one, can anyone help?????02:53
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will__Where does ubuntu studio place the blender binaries?02:54
kitchewill__: #ubuntu-studio for studio support02:54
Ghost_Aukmedian:  .. go to a terminal, and use fdisk -l02:54
IndyGunFreak!gparted | median02:54
ubotumedian: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:54
will__kitche: Thanks02:54
egbill3eagleIs there anyone who can help me get the pacakge libXt.so.6 installed for dapper server? I'm trying to setup a vmware server and that is the only package that is showing up missing. thanks in advance.02:54
Icehawk78gravemind: This page seems to be what we're looking for - http://opensourceheaven.net/?page_id=19102:54
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satxubuntu-rocks: the filename that you want to remove. Actually, id you are logged in as sudo you can remove it directly.02:55
medianThanks, ghost02:55
gilsterok let me ask this. When i first did a clean install i changed the xserver-i810 driver with the what seems like the newer xserver-intel driver this gave me the desired resolutions BUT now i cant turn the lcd off. I dont want to use it at all02:55
medianthe comp isn't hooked up to the internet02:55
gravemindIcehawk78: I'm actually looking to sync with a macintosh: treated on this page http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/UnisonAndOSX02:55
gravemindIcehawk78: maybe they're similar02:55
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MikehI install VLC from Synaptic and it doesn't play?02:55
satxSorry Ubuntu Rocks, I was talking to ubuntu_02:56
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megafaunaegbill3eagle http://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=libXt.so.602:56
ubuntu_satx: i still cant change it attributes.. keep saying read-only file system02:56
Icehawk78Gravemind: I'd assume that the Ubuntu side is probably similar.02:56
DavidCraftI get "unable to copy the user's XAthorization file" when I try to run any system administration.  I am VNCed to the box.  how do I fix this?02:56
megafaunaegbill3eagle which one is it?02:56
PurpZeYMikeh: codecs?02:56
kitchemegafauna: why send him to a rpm site02:56
satxubuntu_ who owns the file?02:56
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sldkfjMikeh, check their website for some finishing touches they have how tos for ubuntu02:56
ubuntu_satx: its in a windows partition02:56
kitcheegbill3eagle: well I know libxt is part of Xorg so look at couple of it's packages02:56
megafaunakitche. k, i'll keep my mouth shut. all i know is google02:56
ubuntu_satx: its actualy a spyware/adware dirty file02:56
MikehI was under the impression VLC came with it's own codecs PurpZeY02:56
ubuntu-rocks1satx - i don't follow. i'm just trying to set my default gateway to my isp's router, the command line works but modify the /etc/networking/interfaces file for the nic doesn't work02:56
Mikehok will do sldkfj02:56
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kitcheubuntu-rocks1: you got a modem?02:57
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satxAh...reboot into safe mode, locate the file and remove it. Rootkit?02:57
megafaunaHi, my dual boot has stopping booting xp. This may be a good thing, buuuut, I'd still like to. Ubuntu can see several files on the disc but no file structure. fdisk can see the drive, and when I boot it, Grub spits me bak to the Dell Bios screen. Any ideas which I can google anyone pls?02:58
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egbill3eaglemember:kitche I am following directions from here http://searchservervirtualization.techtarget.com/tip/0,289483,sid94_gci1241828,00.html I have setup vmware servers before but for some reason this package did not come down02:58
ubuntu-rocks1kitche, no02:58
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ubuntu-rocks1satx, which file? interfaces?02:58
ubuntu_satx: i actually did that.. but it wont do02:58
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satxubuntu-rocks: I am talking to another unbuntu_!02:58
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incorperatedi desperately need help with installing Cspace02:58
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brochu121can anyone help me with a php/apache2 issue?02:58
ubuntu-rocks1satx, that is what i just figured! :)02:58
paddy_can someone help me install a web browser? i tried that wget with opera, but it said  the archive type was unsupported02:59
ubuntu_satx: it's a dll file and it seem even safemode, it still running somehow...02:59
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kitcheegbill3eagle: do you have libxt-dev installed it might be looking for that02:59
satxLol, too many Ubuntus!02:59
sadfasdfew3i just install ubuntu on my computer and i get an grub error 18 is there another bootloader i can use on the install cd.02:59
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ubuntu-rocks1i would change my name if i knew how to do that easily02:59
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EADG_paddy_: which browser would you like to install?02:59
kitcheegbill3eagle: or libxt603:00
paddy_EDAG: Opera or firefox, anything really03:00
ubuntu_"/nick i think03:00
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brochu121anyone ever seen issues installing libapache2-mod-php503:00
satxShazbot! Restore to an earlier version! Use recovery...03:00
EADG_paddy_: lets do Firefox...03:00
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paddy_sure, im using 5.10 btw03:00
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jramseyanyone point me to a good site for configuring ip routes using route? i am trying to telnet to a windows machine and i get no route to destination03:00
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Mikehk sldkfj that fixed VLC's sound, but not the video03:00
EADG_paddy_: open Synaptic and search for FireFox.03:01
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ubuntu_satx: if that msg was for me... i dont have restoration enabled :<03:01
egbill3eaglemember:kitche I just installed so i am going to try to run the vmware configure again. Hoping that fixes the problem.03:01
sldkfjMikeh, hold on03:01
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satxubuntu_, not good. Let me think.03:01
tim167can someone recommend a dual screen video card for ubuntu ? I need to do dual screen openGL stuff, thanks03:01
paddy_done eadg03:01
TraeI heart my new Dell03:01
gravemindIcehawk78: the guide I'm using used a program called unison03:01
gravemindIcehawk78: what about yours03:01
kitchetim167: umm nvidia is good :) if you don't want much of a headache with getting the drivers to work03:02
ubuntu_satx: theoretically safe-mode removal should work... but it doesnt .. and i cant delete via another os...03:02
bremenbecktim167: most of the nvidia stuff works03:02
incorperatedcan someone help me03:02
EADG_paddy_: Right click and say "Install" then apply the changes :)03:02
TiradinI'm trying to set up a network between my Ubuntu machine and a Windows XP machine... My linux box can see the windows box, access it, etc... but the Windows machine can't see anything of my linux box.03:02
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TiradinCan someone help me fix this?03:02
incorperatedwith installing cspace please03:02
paddy_i did that, didnt work eadg03:02
sldkfjMikeh, go here and use the search feature with codec entered.........   http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty03:02
EADG_paddy_: did you get an error?03:02
superchodeshould i need to do anything to have ubuntu recognize the extra buttons on my MS explorer mouse?03:02
bremenbeckTiradin: we may need more info - like "see" what - cifs shares?03:03
bremenbeckor something else03:03
superchodefound a guide on the ubuntu forums, but my xorg.conf doesn't look the same as the example03:03
newbie2007ok, back to my original post, how do i make "sudo route add def gw x.x.x.x" permanent?03:03
superchodebit scared to change it03:03
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kitchesuperchode: just back it up first :)03:03
superchodewondering if there's a different driver i can use that'll set up the mouse03:03
Tiradinbremenbeck: I would like the windows box to see ONE directory... specifically "/media/Collective" and have read/write privileges03:03
tim167kitche, bremenbeck, ok thanks!03:03
superchodeyeah, i suppose that's a decent plan as well03:03
paddy_yes eadg03:03
IndyGunFreakEADG:  he's using breezy.. i suspect he needs to upgrade03:03
EADG_Oh my.03:04
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calexbgcan anyone help me with a wireless problem?03:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kpackage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:04
tim167bremenbeck, if you say 'most', that meens not all, any specific things i need to watch out for ?03:04
IndyGunFreakEADG:  thats his whole problem03:04
bremenbeckTiradin: you need to apt-get install samba03:04
Tiradinbremenbeck: On the windows machine as well? it's already on my linux box.03:04
EADG_paddy_: Looks like you might want to upgrade to Dapper.03:05
bremenbeckno just the linux box03:05
sldkfjMikeh, are you going to stream video also as a server?03:05
bremenbeckthen configure the samba server03:05
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Elfboy_my network shre dont work now and i dont know why03:05
bremenbeckthere are loads of howtos for that piece03:05
paddy_eadg: this laptop=reallly slow, 733 with 128mb of ram'03:05
IndyGunFreakhell just upgrade to Feisty03:05
MikehI've tried all the plugins sldkfj, and no I will not stream03:05
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bremenbeckthen you can \\linuxbox\media\Collective03:05
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Stoffer_how do I find out exactly which version of Ubuntu I'm running?03:05
EADG_paddy_: How do you feel about working in the console... on the command line? There are a couple browsers you could try.03:06
Mikehinterestingly enough sldkfj , VLC does give me the option to choose video track one, but it is just as blank as disabled03:06
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paddy_eadg: not very knowledgable of it03:06
bremenbecktim167: if you need to run mythtv - there are lots of gotchas.  if you are on a standard opengl/tuxracer deal you should be all set03:06
satxubuntu_: What's the name of the dll?03:06
egbill3eaglemember:kitche thanks that was the hang up03:07
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Elfboy_can some one tell me where i can read on seting up networking with window computer03:07
preaction!samba | Elfboy_03:07
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ubotuElfboy_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:07
ubuntu_satx: awtqr.dll03:07
EADG_paddy_: Lets give it a shot...03:07
paddy_sure, nothing to lose03:07
bremenbeckTiradin: here's a howto: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Share_files_using_Samba03:07
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sldkfjmikeh, I used to have it loaded but removed it.   They have a channel for questions03:07
bremenbeckthere are thousands as preaction pointed out :)03:07
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premier_Hi, scim/skim has been booting into anthy (Japanese) by defualt, but I want it to boot into english/european.  How do I change the defaults?03:07
bremenbecktwo identical questions in the space of 10 mins03:08
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tim167bremenbeck, I dont know mythv so I guess that wont be an issue :) thanks03:08
Mikehok, thanks for your help sldkfj, man have I had all the weird issues tonight03:08
Nukedgdm/kdm freeze upon startup for me on feisty x86_64, and also whenever I log out of my account... any help would be greatly appreciated03:08
EADG_paddy_: open a terminal and type < sudo apt-get install gpm >03:08
Elfboy_but it was working befor now its not how od i fix that03:08
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IndyGunFreakEADG_: he has the firefox tarball, i'm no good at source installing, you might be able to talk him through compiling firefox.03:09
paddy_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:09
paddy_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:09
IndyGunFreakpaddy_: close synaptic03:09
EADG_paddy_: close Synaptic first.03:09
AngryElfif I crtl+z a process can I bring it back in a different terminal03:09
paddy_oops ok03:09
sldkfjmikeh, think nothing of it. it's very common03:09
kitcheAngryElf: yes type fg03:09
EADG_IndyGunFreak: Me niether.03:09
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IndyGunFreakwell, good luck.03:09
AngryElfkitche, doesn't work in a different terminal03:09
kitcheIndyGunFreak: the firefox tarball might not be source it might be just the binaries03:09
paddy_Reading package lists... Done03:09
paddy_Building dependency tree... Done03:09
paddy_Package gpm is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:09
paddy_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:09
paddy_is only available from another source03:09
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paddy_E: Package gpm has no installation candidate03:09
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EADG_IndyGunFreak: I'll set him up with links203:10
kitcheAngryElf: you have to use screen for other terminals start the program in screen to do it03:10
IndyGunFreakEADG_: good luck... as you can see, first step already failed..lol03:10
IndyGunFreakits like tryign to downlod software for Windows 3.103:10
Trixsey"chmod u+x" that's +x for "user"?03:10
Elfboy_my network with windows computer work befor now its not working is there a way to find out why03:10
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EADG_paddy_: No mouse for you... next we'lle try < sudo apt-get install links2 >03:11
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satxubuntu_: go to http://fileinfo.prevx.com/QQ324f16411004-AWTQ3927892/AWTQP.DLL.html they have a free spyware remover. Sounds like Vundo03:11
paddy_EADG: Building dependency tree... Done03:12
paddy_E: Couldn't find package links203:12
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IndyGunFreakEADG_: you have the right idea, his distro is just to old03:12
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paddy_darn.. ITS ALL MY FAULT03:12
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kitchepaddy_: install links instead03:12
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tannerldwhen I visit a php page in apache, its blank... how can I fix that?03:12
EADG_paddy_: hmm, try links instead :/03:12
paddy_kitche: will try03:13
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paddy_ok eadg03:13
paddy_same thing03:13
paddy_couldnt find it03:13
IndyGunFreakmy head hurts03:13
nobleKKK Grand Wizard announces homosexuality, proud of it03:13
paddy_mine too03:13
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Elfboy_if i chage the host name would that make my network not work03:13
tectaCan you zoom in on a picture and save it in its zoomed in state???03:13
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paddy_tecta: you could take a screenshot03:14
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tectapaddy_, a picture i already have03:14
=== Mikeh hands IndyGunFreak a few tylenol
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paddy_yeah, zoom in, and take a screenshot of it03:14
EADG_this is turning ugly, hehe. But lets give it one more shot...03:14
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tectapaddy_, true03:14
IndyGunFreakMikeh: i'm gonna need vicodin for this one...lol,03:14
ubuntu_satx: is this site trustworthy?03:14
Deinumitewow finally got steam working! now cross fingers....i dont know if my video card will do 3d :(03:14
noblesorry wrong chanel03:14
EADG_paddy_: lynx   <-- thats gotta work.03:14
paddy_ok just type that?03:14
n2diy_Elboy: yep03:14
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IndyGunFreaksudo apt-get install lynx03:15
EADG_paddy_: sudo apt-get install lynx03:15
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sourcehow could i get to config.wtf:03:15
Elfboy_ok and i shojuld nano fstab  and fic host in there03:15
paddy_Package lynx is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:15
paddy_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:15
paddy_is only available from another source03:15
paddy_E: Package lynx has no installation candidate03:15
Deinumitei always use aptitude search <program name> to search for programs03:15
paddy_im a lost cause03:15
IndyGunFreakpaddy_: yeah, i think you are03:15
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sldkfjtecta, you can resize them03:15
EADG_IndyGunFreak: repos not enabled perhaps?03:15
kitcheElfboy_: fstab has nothing to do with hostname03:16
josesitorexcomanta bueno03:16
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IndyGunFreakEADG_: well, i think they are closed to be truthful03:16
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Elfboy_ok so how do i fix it03:16
IndyGunFreakits like he's using DOS03:16
josesitorexcomanalguien q hable el espaol03:16
n2diy_Elfboy: yep03:16
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:16
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EADG_IndyGunFreak: that would explain it...03:16
IndyGunFreakEADG_: maybe...03:17
satxUbuntu_:Better yet, go to Symantec: http://www.symantec.com/security_response/writeup.jsp?docid=2004-112210-3747-9903:17
EADG_paddy_: I don't know what tell tell ya man.03:17
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IndyGunFreakEADG_: i think his issue is his distro is so old.03:17
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paddy_ah ok dude, thanks EADG, indygunfreak, and all others who helped, ill just stay and answer irrelevent questions to ubuntu :p03:17
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EADG_IndyGunFreak: I'm going to agree.03:18
supertasticenatoHey guys.03:18
EADG_paddy_: just type lynx in a terminal.03:18
supertasticenatoI was wondering.03:18
IndyGunFreakEADG_: just about everythig you tried, i'd already tried with him via PM.03:18
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paddy_didnt work eadg03:18
IndyGunFreakEADG_: we even wget the opera9 file, and it wouldn't work03:18
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harryis there a mythtv irc channel?03:18
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Elfboy_any ideas03:19
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mneptokIndyGunFreak: Opera 9.02 is in the commercial repo03:19
n2diy_Elfboy: change it back.03:19
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IndyGunFreakmneptok: but not for Ubuntu 5.1003:19
EADG_paddy_: well, it would appear that you need to look at an upgrade.03:19
Elfboy_i dont want too03:19
Mikehwow UAC is a complete rip off of gksu :S03:20
mneptokwhy would anyone use 5.10?03:20
paddy_yeah, this laptop is so slow i doubt it could run a newer version03:20
n2diy_Elfboy: Then learn how to configure a network.03:20
IndyGunFreakmneptok: lol, ask paddy03:20
paddy_mneptok: speed03:20
scoobydoo28139ok i love this been 2 weeks now on ubuntu, even learned some terminal commands, but i need to find a player that will play videos in place of wmp03:20
Deinumiteso if i type glxgears and it works, does that mean 3d is enabled?03:20
mneptokpaddy_: what?03:20
EADG_paddy_: I would suggest Dapper03:20
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paddy_77 w/ 128mb of ram03:20
IndyGunFreakpaddy_: it will run Xubuntu fine.03:20
supertasticenatoI has a Dell, and from the looks of it, the only problems I would have with switching would be my WiFi adapter (WG111v2), my TV tuner (only nameless option from Dell), and my Logitech mouse's fancy features.03:20
kitchescoobydoo28139: vlc or mplayer or gstreamer there is tons :)03:20
supertasticenatoCan anyone help me?03:20
paddy_im worried about ndiswrapping my drivers again, im incompetent with that03:20
supertasticenatoOr should I go to a nonsensical channel?03:20
Deinumitescoobydoo28139: just make sure you download the codecs and the oens that just cone with ubuntu should work03:20
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl701.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokpaddy_: there's no considerable difference between 5.10 and 7.04 in terms of speed03:21
IndyGunFreakpaddy_: well, i don't jack with wireless03:21
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scoobydoo28139kitche:Deinumite: ok03:21
Tom47sup wg111v2 works ok03:21
IndyGunFreakmneptok: but his laptop probably would run better with Xubuntu.03:21
mneptokIndyGunFreak: agreed03:21
paddy_neptok: the requirements are double with 7.04 for ram03:21
ubuntu_satx: thanks gonna go to windows03:21
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TraeMy printer isn't in list of printers it seems:  HP Deskjet D2430.  What can I do?03:21
mneptokpaddy_: there's no considerable difference between 5.10 and 7.04 in terms of speed (x2) ;)03:21
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paddy_and im not competent with ndiswrapping my drvers, it took an expert at an install fest like 20 minutes03:22
scoobydoo28139May be once i figure my way around ubuntu real good i can offer some of my free time to support for nebee's as well:)03:22
PeloTrae,  pick a model in the same "number family"03:22
paddy_oh ok mneptok03:22
Deinumiteanyone? if glxgears works, does that mean wine should be able to run 3d aps?03:22
supertasticenatoDo I need to get a driver from somewhere? And does it support WPA or any kind of encryption?03:22
satxubuntu_: Good luck. They have a Vundo removal tool.03:22
mneptokpaddy_: is tis internal wireless?03:22
PeloDeinumite, try asking in #winehq03:22
paddy_pcmcia linksys card03:22
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mneptokpaddy_: are you in the US?03:22
IndyGunFreakpaddy_: there's probaby online instructions to configure it.03:22
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DeinumitePelo: will do, thanks :p im still a nub03:22
mneptokpaddy_: 1 moment03:23
paddy_there are, but i tried and failed with ndiswrapping it03:23
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paddy_ill try again though once i install xubuntu 7.0403:23
m1rhi Pelo03:23
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PeloDeinumite,  no problem, just directing you to the place you are more likely to get an answer03:23
Pelohello m1r03:23
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mneptokpaddy_: don't move! :)03:23
m1rtnx for tutorial, lappy instaled03:24
IndyGunFreakFreeze Dirtbag!03:24
IndyGunFreaki love police academy03:24
newbie2007not sute if this was answered but how do i make "sudo route add def gw x.x.x.x" permanent?03:24
b3tamikeDeinumite: if glxinfo | grep direct outputs "direct rendering : yes" you should be fine to run 3d apps, even through wine03:24
satxThanks all, out!03:24
mneptokpaddy_: http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1510063&CatId=269803:24
EADG_Go ahead. Make my day03:24
Pelom1r, which tutorial ? I donT, realy remember03:24
sienemLooks like someone else is asking about something related...03:24
PurpZeYm1r: Nahir got his wifi working, he did a few reboots, he said it just s tarted working.03:24
=== dhgwill [n=david@cpe-72-228-34-83.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
supertasticenatoIsn't this some kind of support channel?03:24
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paddy_mneptok: I DONT have a web browser :p03:24
mneptokpaddy_: that card will "just work" in any flavor of Ubuntu03:24
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m1rgj purp03:24
paddy_how much is it? lol03:24
IndyGunFreakmneptok: lol, he can't get online03:24
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mneptokpaddy_: CAD39.9903:24
IndyGunFreakhe borked Firefox.03:24
m1rpelo, floppy boot install03:24
supertasticenatooh i see03:25
Deinumiteb3tamike: Yeah i did that too, and got yes, last time i had cedega running it said i failed the 3d part of it, but im thinking it will work this time....thanks for the info :D03:25
SmegzorI want to open a file from console that resides on a Windows share on another pc.  In the file browser I can browse to the file, but how do I refer to it on the command line?03:25
Pelom1r, oh , ok that one, I've never read it myself but glad it worked out03:25
mneptokpaddy_: mitus what you get for your existing card on Craigslist03:25
paddy_no job+high school=lawn mowing for money, 39.99=hell NAW03:25
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sienemI've got a WPC54G v. 4 linksys wireless card in my laptop (ubuntu 7.0.4). I got ndiswrapper and the windows driver installed (tried a couple), and got the card recognized, but I can't connect to my wireless router, and it freezes the computer.03:25
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m1rwas heavy but sucsesfull :)03:25
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SmegzorIn windows I could map a network drive to a drive letter.  Does ubuntu have something similar?03:25
b3tamikeDeinumite: hehe yeah, I've found that cedega's 3d test often fails, but 3d still works anyway03:25
sienemIt can scan the networks and find them, but can't connect (strength 0%).03:25
paddy_thats true, i may just dual boot on my main pc..... i need a job03:25
=== Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-141-74.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
m1ralso dont recomend no one to try it :)03:26
EADG_Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't wireless setup easier in Fiesty?03:26
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Deinumiteb3tamike: lets cross our fingers and hope i dont need windows anymore :D03:26
b3tamikeDeinumite: good luck mate :)03:26
paddy_thats what Indygunfreak said, EADG03:26
paddy_ill give it a shot03:26
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IndyGunFreakEADG_: it should be.03:26
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sienemI'm able to connect to the router with the essid for the network from a windows machine, but not ubuntu yet. Help would be really greatly appreciated!!03:26
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=== IndyGunFreak is thankful his laptop is downloading a ton of crap right now.
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supertasticenatoThanks for being helpful guys. :-/03:27
Pelosienem, you need samba to connect ubuntu to windows,03:27
mneptokpaddy_: 800.800.8300 - item # T156-2238   :)03:27
paddy_whats that mneptok?03:27
EADG_paddy_: Good luck with the install, you know where we are if you need help.03:27
=== demianxyz [n=demianxy@c-67-183-144-129.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sienemPelo, just trying to connect to a wireless router, not a windows machine03:27
Deinumitethanks for the help guys, later03:27
paddy_thanks EADG03:27
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dcflysorry, but i need help with mounting ntfs volume at startup. if i remember correctly there's a script for this?03:28
mneptokpaddy_: phone for Tiger Direct and their part # for the wireless card03:28
Pelosienem,  my mistake03:28
IndyGunFreakEADG_: there's a deeper issue though, he has no ethernet jack, so if he can't get his wireless working, he can't get online03:28
paddy_ahh.... me no have a job :p03:28
Pelo!wifi | sienem03:28
ubotusienem: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:28
Pelopaddy_, join the club03:28
rttmhi all03:28
paddy_Pelo: :p, i hate this club03:28
sienemI've spent a good couple days buried in the docs. :)03:28
mneptokpaddy_: compared to getting ndiswrapper to work reliably, a working card is FAR more cost effective. you can always earn more money. time, once spent, is gone.03:28
Pelopaddy_,  so do I03:28
IndyGunFreakhaving no job sucks, i've got a wierd feeling im' about to get laid off.03:29
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EADG_IndyGunFreak: no eth port, man, thats brutal.03:29
newbie2007can i tell ubuntu to NOT check my default gw03:29
paddy_mneptok: my time is worth like 4 cents an hour :p03:29
IndyGunFreakEADG_: i know.. believe me, i was trying everything03:29
sienemIncluding the ubuntu wifidocs... couldn't sus out this particular issue though.03:29
mneptokpaddy_: only because you believe it is03:29
PeloIndyGunFreak,  I simpatise, my last one I had that feeling from the moment I got the call I got hired03:29
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rttmproblem .. when up scrolling with mouse in firefox i get the panel menu popping up.. it is very annoying " can i shut this off"03:30
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IndyGunFreakyeah... i'l bounce back.03:30
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paddy_mneptok: yeah, but im 16, i can make like 7 bucks cad an hour, and im prettu busy and dont have time for a job, but when i have freetime i just waste it in one way or another03:30
m1rgn all03:30
DavidCraftwith the server edition, to install gnome theres apt-get install gnome... but there was one more to make it like the desktop edition03:30
DavidCraftwhat was it?03:30
Pelog'night m1r03:30
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paddy_gn mlr03:30
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svega85i have a sound card that doesn't work but a usb speaker that does.03:31
svega85the problem is that i selected usb audio in system>Preferences>sound but output still goes to the sound card that doesn't work. the way i know that the speakers work is that certain programs work like totem and others let me select which sound card like xmms and others let me select cards but not the usb card ( last.fm for linux )and others wont let me pick at all like flash player. so is it possible to disable the sound card that do03:31
DavidCraftalso how do I shut down an xserver session03:31
PeloDavidCraft,  sudo apt-get install  ubuntu-desktop03:31
DavidCraftthx] 03:31
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persepthow do i run synaptic from terminal, is it just synaptic, or do i have to do gksudo synaptic03:31
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Pelo!sound | svega8503:31
ubotusvega85: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:31
perseptand i'm not talking about the apt-get command03:31
veinorgksudo synaptic &, I think03:31
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perseptveinor: thanks03:31
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=== paddy_ yawns
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securifyomg ubantu03:31
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Pelopersept, gksu synaptic will start it03:31
IndyGunFreakpersept: yeah thats it.. gksudo synaptic03:31
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Punkunityi have a problem, small one i think, anyone want to help me tackle it??03:32
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IndyGunFreak!ask | Punkunity03:32
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:32
paddy_hello douglas03:32
ubotuPunkunity: please see above03:32
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PeloPunkunity, can you tell us what it is or will you make us guess ?03:32
svega85thanks ubotu:03:32
Elfboy_root@TheSource:~# testparm /etc/samba/smb.conf03:32
Elfboy_Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf03:32
Elfboy_Processing section "[printers] "03:32
Elfboy_Processing section "[print$] "03:32
Elfboy_Loaded services file OK.03:32
Elfboy_ERROR: lock directory /var/run/samba does not exist03:32
Elfboy_ERROR: pid directory /var/run/samba does not exist03:32
DavidCrafthow do I get a prossesor list03:32
Elfboy_Server role: ROLE_STANDALONE03:32
veinoranybody know of any good image viewers that can work with JPEG EXIF tags?03:32
DavidCraftand/or shut down an instence of xserver03:32
Pelo!pastebin | Elfboy_03:32
ubotuElfboy_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:32
Punkunitypelo sorry man03:32
IndyGunFreakveinor: uh.. gimp03:32
Punkunitypelo i was burning cd's with feisty no prob fro some time03:33
veinorI meant something like gThumb03:33
vbabiyHey guys has any one used HomeBank03:33
IndyGunFreakveinor: well, you could install gthumb03:33
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Punkunityand yesterday i was burning one and serpentine(i think) told me that it cant convwert the mp3 files03:33
larson9999this kind of stuff ticks me off.  i just tried to add a bookmark to ff.  this is something i've been doing for ages.  ff decides to not let me do that.  instead it bookmards it as an index and makes me go to the specific file rather than the directory.  if they want to add the other functionality, fine.  but why change the default that i've been used to using forever?03:33
veinoryes, but all my images are tagged, and I don't want to have to change the tags into comments03:33
IndyGunFreakafter that, i think there's fspot03:33
Elfboy_where do i change hostname in shareing network03:33
PeloPunkunity,  you probably just need the mp3 codecs03:33
Pelo!mp3 | Punkunity03:34
ubotuPunkunity: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:34
Punkunitypelo i am goi g to find the exact phrase that its saying to me03:34
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rttmhelp ?.. when up scrolling with mouse in firefox i get the panel menu popping up.. it is very annoying " can i shut this off"03:34
Pelorttm, try asking in #firefox03:34
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Pelolarson9999,  try asking in #firefox also03:35
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cry0xveinor, I'm not sure if Mirage supports those tags, but besides gthumb and fspot, it's the only decent photo viewer out there03:35
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rttmdon't think it a problem with firefox.. it must some setting in ubuntu but i can't seem to find it03:35
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rttmbut good idea pelo.. will try that too03:35
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Elfboy_ i change the hostname now my network will not work cant get stuff off windows computer is there some way to fix this03:36
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frutaxI've already have Feisty installed, but can my Feisty install CD be used to just re-install GRUB after a WinXP install on another partition wipes it?03:36
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kitcherttm: think it might be in gconf for that option03:36
larson9999rttm i had a mouse that was sensitive on the wheel.  when i'd scroll up it would think i did a wheel click.  i had to get a new mouse to get it to stop.03:36
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omegacentiIn May 2007, version 2.0 of the driver (xorg-video-intel) was released. I need this!03:36
omegacentiHow do I get it?03:36
PeloElfboy_, you might find an answer here  http://book.opensourceproject.org.cn/distrib/ubuntu/unleashed/03:36
Punkunitypelo it told me that i was miossing something weird(not a codec) so i searched and downloaded 90 files with the name contained in them that serpentined mentionedd03:36
paddy_snes ftw!03:36
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Peloomegacenti, try the xserver website03:37
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rttmdidn't think of the mouse ok will try new one.03:37
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Punkunitythen i used an different program, and it just burnt the mp3s straight to the disc pelo, and nothing really supports mp3s on disk03:37
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omegacentiPelo I will give it a go. Do you know if it will cause any problems with feisty fawn?03:37
brk3hi, firefox keeps crashing on me when viewing flash videos espially on youtube, anyone know of a fix?03:37
veinorcry0x: no it doesn't...03:37
Peloomegacenti,  you want bleeding edge , expect problems,  if not wait for the repos to be updated with it03:38
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Punkunitypelo i am burning a disk now with serpentine to see if all those downloads might have worked...i thiink this happened when i tried to erase kubuntu from feisty so i could have only ubuntu/gnome and fluxbox03:38
kitchebrk3: not really sometimes it happens to me and other times it doesn't03:38
PeloPunkunity, what is the error msg ?03:38
Punkunityit didnt give me one this time pelo03:38
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Icehawk78I'm aware that this is likely a common issue, but can anyone help me connect to a Windows network in order to share files over the network?03:38
brk3kitche: is seems to be happening to me far too much lately, there are others on the net with the same problem03:38
=== Pelo knew that Punkunity was gonna make him guess, he just has that kind of face
Earwenalguien que hable en espaol?03:39
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Pelo!es | Earwen03:39
ubotuEarwen: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:39
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omegacentiPelo: I just want the simplicity of being able to use the resolution my laptop monitor was made for and can support. I have spent days on this issue with my video/laptop monitor configuration and no one found a solution. I think this is it.03:39
=== Deinumite [n=Deinumit@CPE0014bf9a1748-CM00195ee2c682.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
PeloIcehawk78,  you'll need to install and configure samba to communicate with the windows machine, but I am not familiar with it so Ic an'T realy help you03:39
Punkunitypelo i am almost done burning a new cd, and i dont remmeber the error messsage, sorry bro03:39
omegacentiPelo: However, I searched for xserver and did not find a clearcut answer to the website you said would help me. Could you clarify?03:40
satxHello! Has anyone been able to get Adobe Flashplayer plugin to work in Firefox?03:40
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Icehawk78I already have Samba running, and according to the Ubuntu documentation, I have Samba configured correctly.03:40
Peloomegacenti, I can'T realy help you ,  I was just replying to your first question of where to find the update03:40
brk3satx: use automatix to install it for you03:40
ubuntu-rocks1i'm trying to run, sudo add def gw x.x.x.x and i'm getting def:host name lookup failure?03:40
IndyGunFreakbrk3: don't recommend automatix03:40
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:40
omegacentiPelo: I see.03:40
=== SeveredCross [n=bojan@c-24-60-139-195.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Icehawk78Or at least configured the way the "Share files using Samba" documentation told me to.03:40
brk3IndyGunFreak: why?03:40
NickGarveyautomatix is... aaahhhhh03:40
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PeloPunkunity,  then I can't realy help you,  come back when you have a proper error msg we can work with03:40
omegacentiAnyone have any information on the main page for XserveR?03:40
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.03:41
=== CafeQuente [n=cristof@] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakalot of people have problems with automatix.., and when they do, its very difficult to track them.03:41
kitcheomegacenti: it's X.org :)03:41
gravemind!flash >satx03:41
=== rescon [n=jbrown@adsl-75-13-178-141.dsl.fyvlar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
omegacentiThanks kitche :)03:41
Deinumitehmmmm i havnt had any problems with it.....yet03:41
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Punkunitypelo if you would wait a minute i might have something for you, ty brb03:41
Peloomegacenti,  look up  x11 on  wikipedia you'll get a direct link there03:41
mneptok!wfm | Deinumite03:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wfm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:41
rttmThanks Larson999 tried a new mouse and sure enough, problem goes away,, then tried the org,, and fault also gone.. must have a flaky optical mouse03:41
brk3i think automatix rocks03:41
mneptok!works for me | Deinumite03:41
IndyGunFreakDeinumite: to be truthful, i never had a problemw ith it.03:41
ubotuDeinumite: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.03:41
IndyGunFreakbut enough people report problems, and well, "He who has ears, let him hear"03:42
veinorOK, then. Anybody know if there's a gThumb forum/IRC channel?03:42
satxbrk3- Tried installing it everyway possible. Put apt file in components, and .so file in /usr/lib/firefox. No go.03:42
brk3never had any probs at all it is the key to linux03:42
weltschmerzi need a non-destructive mp3 splicer, but i can't find mp3splt-gtk for ubuntu.  anyone know of any other options?03:42
Deinumiteubotu doesnt like automatix im guessing ;)03:42
IndyGunFreakbrk3: what is the key to linux?03:42
brk3satx: despite what these guys are saying i would try automatix03:42
Yitramwell aren't u not supposed to need automatix now anyway?03:42
Deinumiteits definatly not automatix, even tho i like it haha03:42
brk3IndyGunFreak: i meant ubuntu03:42
mneptokDeinumite: anyone with experience doesn't like it :)03:42
kitcheDeinumite: ubuntu does not support automatix at all03:42
IndyGunFreaksatx: what are you trying to install?03:42
IndyGunFreakbrk3: you think automatix, is the key to Ubuntu?..lol03:43
IndyGunFreaknow thats laughable.03:43
=== orangey__ [n=orangey@mctnnbsa28w-142167125133.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloweltschmerz, I have mp3splt-gtk,  I think I needed to dl it from the site as a deb package03:43
gravemindsatx: did you follow this guide? nano ~/.unison/docs.prf03:43
brk3IndyGunFreak: well ubuntu doesnt support all the codecs and software people want by default so automatix makes it easy03:43
kitchegravemind: ::)03:43
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gravemindsatx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash03:43
Peloweltschmerz, http://mp3splt.sourceforge.net/03:43
kitchebrk3: actually it does if you install it03:43
Icehawk78Is anyone familiar with configuring Samba to network with a Windows machine?03:43
Deinumitedoes easyubuntu break anything?03:43
IndyGunFreakbrk3: if you have the ability to use Google, you can install them in about 40sec, w/o automatix03:43
orangey__Hey all!03:43
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gravemindIcehawk78: I tried it once03:43
kitche!easyubuntu | Deinumite03:44
ubotuDeinumite: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu03:44
mneptoksatx: *please* do not use Automatix. it's a REALLY bad idea. and i assure you i have more experience than most people here. :)03:44
orangey__I'm trying to install a USB keyboard which is not automatically getting detected..03:44
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mneptok(same for EasyUbuntu)03:44
thirdymneptok, so wats the alternative?03:44
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YitramOk so I've keep getting Buffer I/O errors on my XP drive during bootup....and i've run "sudo smartctl -A /dev/hdb"  how am I supposed to tell if my disk is going to be fubard soon?03:44
mneptokthirdy: learn to use the package system03:44
IndyGunFreakthirdy: LEARN THE PACKAGE SYSTEM03:44
Deinumitetheres some good wiki's on aptitude / apt-get03:44
Peloorangey, make sure it is enabled in  menu > system > prefs > removable media ,  4th tab I think03:44
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satxThe ADobe Flashplayer plugin. In Firfox, cannot get FOXNEWS video, just audio. Installed Macromedia from Applications, also tried installing from Synaptics.  Did not work. Had it working once, but it stopped.03:44
Jack3anyone here use openDNS?03:44
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thirdymneptok, ok I wish .deb is the mose popular03:45
Icehawk78Gravemind: Have you had any luck making your ubuntu machine visible to non-Linux machines on the network?03:45
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IndyGunFreakthirdy: what are you trying to install?03:45
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thirdymneptok, and how do make my repos larger?03:45
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mneptokthirdy: huh?03:45
mneptokthirdy: i don't understand03:45
thirdyIndyGunFreak, everything, I have a broken java03:45
ThatGuyI have one PC with ubuntu and one with no OS. Plus I have no CD-burner. How do I install ubuntu on my other PC?03:45
gravemindIcehawk78: not really - I eventually just got use to typing \\ in internet explorer, which got me to my samba share in ubuntu03:45
IndyGunFreakwell fi your'e trying to reinstall everything, then just reinstall.. ;)03:46
thirdymneptok, make aptitude know lots and lots of program03:46
Pelo!install | ThatGuy03:46
ubotuThatGuy: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate03:46
kitcheThatGuy: does the other machine have pxe?03:46
gravemindIcehawk78: once, I was able to see my ubuntu computers in the windows workgroup, but I don't know how that happened, I can't get it back03:46
VRangCan I ask for a little advice?03:46
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:46
DeinumiteThatGuy: Maybe you could find a program that copies disk images?03:46
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PeloVRang, go ahead03:46
mneptokthirdy: enable universe and multiverse03:47
VRangGot a HP dv4000 laptop, which has ATI x700 radeon mobility03:47
thirdyhow do I do that in terminal?03:47
VRangso Ubuntu live cd won't run GUI, just CLI03:47
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ThatGuykitche, pxe?03:47
Punkunitypelo whatever i dowbnloaded form the synaptic seemed to work....ty anyways03:47
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VRangI'm a linux newb but i suppose i need to install it from CLI, then get the ATI drivers03:47
VRangi got linked to smthn called beryl by some dude03:47
IndyGunFreakVRang: just use the alternate install CD03:47
PeloVRang, if the live cd won't work because of vedio card issue,  install with the alternate install cd and add the video card drivers afterwards03:48
kitcheThatGuy: it's the same protcol as a thin client uses03:48
DeinumiteVRang: coming from a guy who spent forever trying to get ATI drivers in 6.10....wait till you get the gui working and go to the restricted drivers manager....works so much better03:48
VRangI have the original cd running with command line, can't i install with that?03:48
johnnyhi folks, i'm trying to get the wireless reworking on my gf's ubuntu box03:48
johnnyi don't know why it stopped03:48
johnnybut it seemed to change after a kernel upgrade03:48
johnnyi moved from a bcm43xx chip to a ipw2100 to test03:48
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mneptokjohnny: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:48
ThatGuyI'm not sure, my mobo is an Abit IP-9503:48
johnnyand  im still having trouble03:48
Pelog'night folks03:48
sldkfjtake the cd out and put it in the other computer03:48
gravemindsee ya03:48
johnnymneptok, what?03:48
mneptokjohnny: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:48
IndyGunFreakPelo: have a good night03:48
johnnywhy would i do that?03:48
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johnnyyou don't even know what i'm running03:49
mneptokjohnny: because it will fix the wireless issue?03:49
IndyGunFreakto upgrade your distro.,03:49
johnnyi'm using feisty03:49
zacherrinare there any websites to download complete ubuntu themes?03:49
CafeQuentejohnny: have you verified your routing table?03:49
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mneptokjohnny: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:49
kitcheThatGuy: like my computer can boot across a network if I setup a pxe server03:49
VRangDeinumite : so alternate cd?03:49
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johnnymneptok, i'm using feisty03:49
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johnnyso tha'ts neough03:49
IndyGunFreakVRang: thats what i would do.03:49
mneptokjohnny: so?03:49
Icehawk78Gravemind: I'm apparently not even able to directly access my server through the IP address. Is there something in particular that you changed to make it accessible? I thought I'd opened up everything.03:49
klobsteranyone know how/if i can grep the CD label out of an ISO file?03:49
mneptokjohnny: /whois mneptok03:49
johnnythere is nothing to upgrade to o03:49
sldkfjjohnny, that is the generic command to update....  it's good whatevere version you have03:49
ThatGuykitche, how hard would it be to try it out?03:49
VRangSuppose I'll download that...03:50
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DeinumiteDeinumite: yeah, id use that like they are saying, i dont know that much about installing and that....but the restricted drivers manager in Ubuntu worked instanatly for video card drivers for me, so make sure you use that to install them ocne you get it running!03:50
CafeQuentejohnny: route -n03:50
johnnythe generic upgrade command is apt-get update && apt-get upgrade03:50
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gabbaggiohi ho03:50
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kitcheThatGuy: not hard think the links ubotu gave you actually tells you how to do it I believe03:50
johnnydist=-upgrade is not generic03:50
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johnnybeen using debian for years03:50
CafeQuenteI think your wireless connection is gone cause a bug in routing tables.03:50
mneptokjohnny: those commands will NOT grab the new restriced-drivers during kernel updates. that's what dist-upgrade does.03:50
ThatGuykitche, oh, thanks I'll check it out03:50
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VRangDeinumite: I'll try that, thanks03:50
johnnyCafeQuente, even if the wired works fine?03:50
VRangI'll probably be back here soon enough though03:51
johnnymneptok, i already ran dist-upgrade to get to feisty03:51
sldkfjjohnny, that is the generic command to reply to that update is to use dist-upgrade and it will install what files that are already loaded but need to be updated03:51
sldkfjscratch 'that is'03:51
ubuntu-rocks1can a nic have 2 default gateways?03:51
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mneptokjohnny: you're not informed about what dist-upgarde does.03:51
johnnyubuntu-rocks it woudn't be default if there were 203:51
dcflyi need to edit grub config (menu.lst) but i don't have the proper permissions - could somebody please tell me the command?03:51
VRangWhat reading do you guys recommend to a computer literate person that's still a linux newb03:51
Punkunitydoes anyone know if you can just upgrade to the ubuntu studio edition form feisty without losing your files or anything??03:51
gabbarinhooops, i am in here twice03:51
johnnyonly thunderbird is there in there03:52
johnnythat's it03:52
CafeQuentejohnny: i got a similar problem with my Dell D620. The wireless was fine, but the the routing table was screwd.03:52
VRangThere's an insane amount of guides out there03:52
kitchedcfly: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:52
johnnysounds like ubuntu is abusing the idea of dist-upgrade03:52
johnnybut either way, only thunderbird is in there03:52
dcflythanks much!03:52
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mneptokjohnny: you don't see linux-restricted-modules for the new kernel you got?03:52
kitchejohnny: well debian is the same way :)03:52
johnnyalready installed it03:52
ubuntu-rocks1whenever I try to add my isp's router ip, i can start my external interface.  can i tell it not to check to see if the router exist?03:52
johnnya while ago03:52
gravemindIcehawk78: I'm not sure what you have done so far - have you done smbpasswd ?03:52
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mroci'd like to ssh into an ubuntu box behind a router.  can this only be done if the router has a static ip?03:53
VRangNo recommendations?03:53
CafeQuentejohnny: i deleted all the routing rules by hand (the init script was useless for that), rerouted everything "in the right way" and bum: everything went fine.03:53
ubuntu-rocks1that is can't start my external interface03:53
nirivenAnyone have any favorite multiplayer games for linux?03:53
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mneptokjohnny: so boot to the old kernel to see if it works. if it does, you have a discrepancy between your new kernel and its modules03:53
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sldkfjvrang, ubuntu bible03:53
mneptokniriven: Savage03:53
CafeQuentejohnny: the wired interface is working ok?03:53
johnnymneptok, no.. it stopped working around the time i upgraded to edgy03:53
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johnnyCafeQuente, yes03:53
VRangmroc: you can also use dynamic dns i suppose03:53
mneptokjohnny: wireless chipset?03:53
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johnnylaptop came with bcm43xx03:54
CafeQuentejohnny: exactly the same problem.03:54
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VRangthanks sldkfj i'll find it03:54
tedbundyjrmroc: you can subscribe to any dynamic service such as dyndns and no-ip.com to get a static domain.03:54
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johnnyCafeQuente, lemme see03:54
gabbarinhoi downloaded xubuntu through the terminal yesterday - i was told that after installing it i should be able to choose between xubuntu and ubuntu at login03:54
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mneptokjohnny: are you using ndiswrapper or fwcutter?03:54
Icehawk78Gravemind: Actually, I had a problem with that. The page said that if I get an error of "'smbpasswd: command not found' I may have to make the file executable. However, I was unable to find it03:54
johnnyCafeQuente, what does your says03:54
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CafeQuentejohnny: good luck.03:54
gabbarinhowell... in fact, i get the xubuntu login screen and then I end up in ubuntu :)03:54
CafeQuentejohnny: route del everything.03:54
rookiehwmgabbarinho, you mean xubunt/XFCE and ubuntu/GNOME right?03:54
kitchegabbarinho: you should click sessions and pick xubuntu it looks sort of like gnome in ubuntu03:55
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gabbarinhoyep, i think so at least03:55
PurpZeYgabbarinho: How are you progressing, this morning you were quite set and happy, still doing ok?03:55
CafeQuentejohnny: route everything again, by hand.03:55
nirivenmneptok: wow, its a now free retail game? :-003:55
gravemindIcehawk78: hmm, did you install samba with synaptic, or some other way?03:55
CafeQuentejohnny: voila.03:55
gabbarinhooh, still great - thanks for asking :)03:55
johnnymneptok, strange thing.. i installed this latop with hoary .. it used ndiswrapper, that worked fine, upgraded to breezy, it switched to bcm43xx with fwcutter03:55
johnnyand then it worked great for awhile03:55
rolnxyz_mroc: /join #fluxbox03:55
VRangthanks for the help people03:55
johnnyand then it randomly stopped working like 6 months later03:55
tedbundyjrgabbarinho: select session during login screen03:55
Icehawk78gravemind: Through apt-get. I don't have a UI on my server.03:55
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ubuntu-rocks1i have the following on our production gentoo box when i run netstat -nr, destination x.x.x.x (isp's router) and ip for external interface, both are default routes03:55
mrocVRang, tedbundyjr:  thanks, i'll look into that.   still trying to learn the networking stuff.  assuming i did have a static ip for the router, how do i specify the computer i'm trying to connect to03:55
engahi, i have installed ubuntu 7.04 and sound does not work.. i have looked at mixer, modules, reinstalled packages and nothing, my sound card is le los paquetes, le movi al mixer03:55
enga<caim> enga, has mirado si los modulos entan cargados?03:55
enga<enga> recrague los modulos y nada03:55
enga<caminomaster> les recomiendo leer el libro "presos de la tecnologa de Alan Cooper"03:55
enga<enga> si los modulos estan arriva03:55
enga<caminomaster> hablar de usabilidad no es para pelear03:56
johnnyCafeQuente, could you copy/paste yours03:56
enga<caminomaster> y punto.03:56
gabbarinhohmm, I must've missed that03:56
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johnnyto my pm03:56
mrocrolnxyz:  ok03:56
ubuntu-rocks1i'm trying to setup the equivalent on a ubuntu box03:56
kitchemroc: no you would use the computer's ip address03:56
johnnyjust to make sure what i have in here is wrong or right03:56
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rolnxyz_mroc: don't it was a mistake03:56
resconjohnny: broadcom wireless sucks03:56
gravemindIcehawk78: ok. I usually search 'samba' and see which packages I need. there might be a few you haven't installed yet but you need03:56
engasorry for that.. my sound card is Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 03)03:56
ubuntu-rocks1i'm using the same iptables on the ubuntu box that i stole from the gentoo box03:56
gabbarinholet me try that and come back03:56
kitchemroc: if your not on the same lan you would use the outside ip address03:56
Shirakawasunabroadcom -> ndiswrapper03:56
resconjohnny: its what im using now :(03:56
gabbarinhowould it be enough to log out?03:56
ale8onemroc, make sure you have ports forwarded as well so you can connect to the box through the router03:56
johnnyrescon, i don't have it anymore.. i switched it out to test to ipw210003:56
johnnyand that is not working either03:57
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mneptokjohnny: fwcutter is a much better solution03:57
johnnynot for ipw210003:57
PurpZeYmneptok: That will limit the connectivity on a broadcom.03:57
johnnyPurpZeY, i disagree03:57
johnnythat gave me wpa203:57
johnnydoes ndiswrapper work with wpa2 yet?03:57
gravemindIcehawk78: If you installed the 'samba' package, that should give you smbpasswd03:58
johnnycuz bcm43xx + fwcutter worked great with wpa203:58
tedbundyjrmroc: assuming u already have a static domain such as mroc.no-ip.info. after that u need to configure ur router to do snat or or to point the router port 22 to you (behind router) server.03:58
Icehawk78gravemind: It appears I may have missed something, so I'll see if reinstalling it works03:58
johnnyand last i heard .. ndiswrapper didn't03:58
mneptokjohnny: ipw2100 is Intel, not Broadcom.03:58
PurpZeYThat I don't know....But I do know that, the fwcutter method reduces the client's strength to pickup networks.03:58
johnnyi know that03:58
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johnnyi switched the card03:58
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johnnyto intel03:58
gravemindIcehawk78: ok. too bad you have windows, or you could use ssh : )03:58
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johnnyi was going over the history03:58
johnnyof whath appened03:58
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zacherrinI am running the latest Ubuntu and am looking at themes...which themes will work for it?  KDE 3.3 and 3.4??03:58
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mneptokjohnny: the ipw2*00 has open drivers03:58
johnnyusing them03:58
johnnyon 2 laptops03:59
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johnnythey rock03:59
johnnygentoo boxen03:59
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mneptokso ... what's the problem?03:59
mroctedbundyjr, ale9one, kitche:   thanks for the info.  i guess i should read up on this stuff a little more to understand it better.    can anyone suggest a good resource?03:59
johnnyit's only ubuntu i'm having trouble wiht03:59
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johnnyit's not working either03:59
gravemindIcehawk78: I have to go. Best of luck : )03:59
johnnyone moment03:59
johnnygf is calling03:59
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Icehawk78Gravemind: You're right, just reinstalling the samba package worked. And that's what Putty is for - ssh03:59
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gravemindIcehawk78: lol03:59
Icehawk78Thanks for helping04:00
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ThatGuyHow do I fire up Gparted?04:00
gravemindno problem. I love it when reinstalling solves everything :)04:00
DeinumiteThatGuy: if you have it installed in ubuntu, open a terminal and type gparted04:00
omegacentiI cannot seem to find Xorg 7.3 or where to download it. Supposedly it was completed in May. Does anyone have any information on this?04:00
IndyGunFreakThatGuy: did you download and burn it, or did you install it?04:00
gravemindThatGuy: it's in system>administration04:00
IndyGunFreakif you installed it, just type gparted04:00
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ThatGuyinstalled it, and thanks04:00
Icehawk78Gravemind: Yeah. It's a Windows backup that always works, but this is the first I've needed to do it under Linux.04:00
kitcheomegacenti: 7.2 was 7.3 is in development04:00
ale8onemroc, just google search it, it's been covered a lot04:00
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mrocok.  thanks everyone.04:01
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frutaxhey, i realize i just asked this not 20 minutes ago, but i realized i asked part of it wrong, so: if i have feisty installed now, and i install windows on another partition, can i use my EDGY install CD to reinstall just GRUB? (the windows install will wipe out GRUB)04:01
IndyGunFreaki like using the Live Gparted CD, more than I do the installed version04:01
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omegacentikitche: Alright, well that won't help my problem. Know anything about xorg-video-intel driver?04:01
gravemindIndyGunFreak: why?04:01
FezzlerIs there a comparable program to Macromedia Director, Authorware or Toolbook?04:01
RabidWeezlefrutax, is it a live cd?04:01
tedbundyjrmroc: good luck :)04:01
IndyGunFreakgravemind: i have no real answer for that to be truthful.04:02
IndyGunFreaki've just always preferred it.04:02
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frutaxi don't recall, but I'm pretty sure04:02
RabidWeezlefrutax, actually, all desktop cd's of edgy are live...04:02
gravemindfrutax: use sgd04:02
RabidWeezleI think that is04:02
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kitcheomegacenti: not really sicne I have an i810 card04:02
omegacentikitche: I have 910 :/04:03
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RabidWeezlebut yeah frutax if you can boot into the live cd, you should be able to fix grub04:03
omegacentikitche: Do you have the same issues with setting some video modes for your i810?04:03
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kitcheomegacenti: nope since I don't use modes04:03
=== RabidWeezle looks up a wiki or something for frutax
omegacentikitche: I don't quite understand.04:03
frutaxgravemind: awesome thanks04:04
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gravemindfrutax: I used this to restore grub after installing windows04:04
gravemindfrutax: http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/04:04
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zacherrinWhere can I get downloadable themes for Ubuntu 7.04????04:04
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kitcheomegacenti: my xorg.conf is setup with no modes in it unless you mean resolutions04:04
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IndyGunFreakzacherrin: http://www.gnome-look.org04:04
frutaxgravemind: i get a server not found from that link04:04
omegacentikitche: I mean resolution.04:04
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zacherrinwill KDE themes work on it IndyGunFreak?04:05
gravemindtry it again http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/04:05
IndyGunFreakzacherrin: well do you need KUBUNTU themes, or UBUNTU themes04:05
IndyGunFreakif you what KDE themes..04:05
kitcheomegacenti: not really I can go all the way up but stay at 1024x76804:05
zcat[1] there's a bunch of extra themes available through synaptic.. although they aren't great.04:05
zacherrinI am using Ubuntu...I just realized KDE is Kubuntu04:05
Punkunitywhy arent there any good game sfor ubuntu??04:05
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gravemindfrutax: also, this site has mirrors if the first one is offline http://adrian15.raulete.net/grub/04:05
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Punkunityi mean seriously??04:05
IndyGunFreakPunkunity: there's a few good games04:06
zcat[1] Punkunity: tried tremulous yet?04:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tremulous - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:06
gravemindPunkunity: Wesnoth!!!!1!!!!!one!!!04:06
Punkunitywtf is wrong with this world??04:06
frutaxgravemind: got it, thanks04:06
omegacentikitche: All I want: 640x480 (supported in windows). 800x600 (supported in windows) 1280x768 (supported in windows and native resolution for my screen). ALL I get though is 1024x768. This is a huge eyesore for me as my monitor is widescreen.04:06
Punkunitywesnoth sux04:06
gravemindlol yeah I know04:06
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zcat[1] or nexuiz ?04:06
Punkunityzcat[1] , tremulous??04:06
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IndyGunFreakPunkunity: its a unreal type game.. its fun04:06
zcat[1] it's a quake-like fps04:06
gravemindPunkunity: at the moment, windows is still better for games04:06
Punkunityis it in add/remove zcat[1]  ??04:06
zcat[1] yes, i think so04:07
IndyGunFreakPunkunity: sudo apt-get install tremulous04:07
EADG_Cube, Enemy Territory, Doom(s), etc.04:07
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ubotuTuxracer is now renamed Planet Penguin Racer! The package is planetpenguin-racer in !universe. Enjoy.04:07
gravemindif only game publishers would release linux binaries for all their games, then we could pwn windows people04:07
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Punkunityi think windows will always be better for games, if theres no money theres no motivation04:07
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kitche!915resolution | omegacenti might need this04:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 915resolution - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:07
IndyGunFreakPunkunity: true, i don't game, but thats the only reason i would dual boot.04:07
gravemindPunkunity: you don't understand what I'm saying04:07
omegacentikitche: I have dealt with that uite a bit and it did not fix my problem.04:08
rookiehwmyou want linux to win? make porn in a linux-only format.04:08
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Yitrami've heard that X3 Reunion is being ported....i was thinking about buying it....but i might just wait04:08
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gravemindPunkunity: games like Quake 4 you need to buy, but they work on linux and windows natively04:08
IndyGunFreakrookiehwm: lol04:08
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Punkunitythats thwe only reason i would dualboot back to windows too IndyGunFreak04:08
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Yitramwait for the Linux i mean04:08
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astomperI just changed the ip address of my router from to and now my networked printer doesn't work.   Does anyone have an Idea?04:08
Punkunitygravemind, do all games that you can buy work on linux?? cause i heard that most games were designed for directX which is owned by microsoft04:09
zcat[1] rookiehwm: funny thing, I download loads of porn clips and they always work in mplayer / vlc ... if I take them to friend's places I always have heaps of trouble getting anything to play in 'doze04:09
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Punkunity<----downloading tremulous04:09
zcat[1] even with whatever codec pack04:09
ice2007how can i tell if the "sudo reboot" command is supported on my box. i am connected to it remotely and don't want to loose connection04:09
ale8oneuntil ati drivers are reverse engineered... games are painful for me in linux04:09
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Yitrameve CCCP?04:09
BKI changed mobo's and video cards on an already installed system. It broke the X server and beryl, so I fixed the xserver and uninstalled beryl. but now when I log in, I get an unusable white screen. My guest account still works though, but no admin privileges. How do I fix this?04:09
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kitcheastomper: have to change the printer's ip also since it probably still ont he 192 address04:09
zcat[1] so linux us already way better for pr0n :-P04:09
rookiehwmzcat[1] , you keep that kinda stuff to yourself man.04:09
cordenguys is there a free linux distro for modile phones? since montavista is commercial04:10
Punkunityand why does feisty always crash?? like twice a day my computer just freezes, cant do anything??04:10
khoahmm, not getting any sound under fiesty... any way i can check if either my on-board sound died, or something is wrong with the OS?04:10
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PurpZeYcorden: I don't know...But, why would you want nix on your cellphone?04:10
tedbundyjrzcat[1] : try to get k-lite mega codec to play the videos04:10
zcat[1] well, if pr0n was the big motivator, linux should already be winning.. just saying..04:10
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astomperkitche, ok, would be an aexample of an acceptable address?04:10
sldkfjcorden, probably is, you just need to find ti04:10
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zcat[1] tried klite and xp codec packs.. still don't play everything that mplayer does..04:11
Punkunityit seems that games are better on microsuck, and windows is alot more stable too, i never had this many problems playing dvds with windows, or windows crashing..almost never crashed04:11
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cordenPurpZeY, want to replace java and symbian04:11
Punkunitybut fesisty's middle name is crash and "not suppoted"04:11
BKI changed mobo's and video cards on an already installed system. It broke the X server and beryl, so I fixed the xserver and uninstalled beryl. but now when I log in, I get an unusable white screen. My guest account still works though, but no admin privileges. How do I fix this?04:11
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PurpZeYcorden: interesting.04:11
kitcheastomper: it should be the last number can be anything the first 3 need to be the same as your router unelss you have a bridge04:11
DerangedDingospeaking of this stuff, yesterday, I installed Half Life (1) on my computer with wine and I'm having trouble actually playing the game. I'm WELL above the preferred requirements, but when I start it it auto-resizes my screen to  640 by 480 and I can't get the game to start. I have a 64mb direct x intel video card04:11
cordeni think motorola uses linux04:12
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WillOttomy name is will and i just installed ubuntu, now my other computer wont start04:12
DerangedDingoget a mission to start* that is04:12
WillOttoi need you too call me at 412-897-958204:12
tedbundyjrzcat[1] : my experience, k-lite mega codec runs any audio/video codecs available for windoze. :)04:12
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PunkunityErr http://mirrors.xmission.com feisty/multiverse tremulous-data 1.1.0-204:12
Punkunity  Connection timed out04:12
astomperkitche, It has an automatic mode and thats exactly what it put it at.  Thanks for all the help04:12
PunkunityGet:2 http://mirrors.xmission.com feisty/multiverse tremulous 1.1.0-3 [661kB] 04:12
PunkunityFetched 661kB in 3m29s (3162B/s)04:12
PunkunityFailed to fetch http://mirrors.xmission.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/t/tremulous-data/tremulous-data_1.1.0-2_all.deb  Connection timed out04:12
PunkunityE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?04:12
johnnyok back04:12
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CRIKEYhello bryan04:12
sldkfjcorden, Ubuntu plans a mobile distro:  http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070507-ubuntu-announces-mobile-and-embedded-edition.html04:12
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zcat[1] tedbundyjr: I thought so to.. but took some clips around to alan's and the latest k-lite installer .. couldn't play about a third of it.04:13
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johnnyok.. now back to fixing wireless04:13
johnnyyes, my route is messed up, i tried fixing it .. no dice04:13
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johnnyor rather, i thought i fixed it04:13
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tedbundyjrhttp://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070507-ubuntu-announces-mobile-and-embedded-edition.html -> any posibbility it runs on treo 650 :) missed my zaurus04:13
ale8onetry restting it?04:13
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ale8onethe router04:13
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cordensldkfj, hopefully - replace java, ose and symbian with python :)04:14
zcat[1] afk04:14
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jan51i have a usb to usb network facility on this pc and would like tyo disable it .... any ideas?04:14
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omegacentiOy, I feel like I am going on a wild goose chase and the goose is born in the future... Can anyone tell me if I can get what is said on this page? http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/index.html04:14
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CRIKEYk-lite is bad for whoever was talking about it stolen stuff04:15
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mneptok!offtopic > omegacenti04:15
zcat[1] CRIKEY: yeah, not sure w32codecs is all that clean either :)04:15
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:15
mikeeeeeeecan someone walk me through compiling a tarball, the docs dont really explain it04:15
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ubotuFiles with ".tar.gz", ".tar.bz2" or ".tgz" extensions are compressed archive formats, similar to ZIP files. See !tar for extracting them. Some of these files contain programs in source code form; see !compile for getting them to run.04:16
omegacentimneptok:  I feel that is not off topic as it helps me use my laptop with the latest version of ubuntu.04:16
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kitcheBK, mneptok kinda funny since he's ontopic for what he wants to do04:16
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zcat[1] !b-e > mikeeeeeee04:16
scoobydoo28139by default where is bit tourent for ubuntu?04:16
mikeeeeeeeyou guys are great04:16
CRIKEYtrue but it only uses dlls while k-lite uses bits and peices of proprietry programs04:16
noodzis anybody here good with web design?  #css and #html are dead04:16
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BKkitche, I was doing that because I wanted to find that channel04:17
Deinumitescoobydoo28139 try opening the file right now, bittorrent is installed by default04:17
johnnynoodz, go to #ubuntu-offtopic04:17
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gabbarinhoin xubuntu, what is the little 'o' button at the top-left corner of every program?04:17
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mneptokomegacenti: what is your technical Ubuntu question about that article?04:17
scoobydoo28139was going to use the bit tourent search04:17
zcat[1] scoobydoo28139: I tend to prefer rtorrent, but afaik you should just be able to click the link by default04:17
johnnyuggh.. the route is emtpy ...04:17
scoobydoo28139thanks all:)04:18
johnnyis there a way to resurrect it more easily than typing it all the route info by hand04:18
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omegacentimneptok: All I want, is the latest intel video driver that is either being released (will have wait for it) or, is available through ubuntu repositories( can get it now). Does this help?04:18
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gregoroviusHi... does anyone know how can I setup alsa so I can play an audio file through the front channel, and another through the back channel?04:18
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omegacentimneptok: However, I cannot tell if the one that it is talking about has been released or not.04:19
orangey__Hey all! I'm having trouble with a logitech cordless mx3200 keyboard.. the keyboard part of it doesn't seem to work. It comes with a mouse, which works. and the "scroll" part of the keyboard also works.04:19
orangey__any ideas what could be missing?04:19
jan51how would i disable a usb to usb network facility (Genelink) on this pc ?04:19
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zcat[1] gregorovius: not sure linux is there yet with wound :(04:20
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zcat[1] *sound04:20
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mneptokomegacenti: as soon as those drivers are in a stable state they will be integrated. right now, support for the 9xx series is not at all bad.04:20
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johnnydoes avahi automatically add a route?04:20
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gregoroviuszcat[1] , isn't it possible with .asoundrc?04:20
nargjan51: the bios?04:20
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lamvinhnguyen199xin lick sao dza04:21
omegacentimneptok: Then by all means please show me that it is so. I can't even get resolutions easily supported by windows to work under this driver.04:21
zcat[1] gregorovius: dunno.. I'm usually happy if I can get any sound at all... lots of onboard chipsets still don't work.. 5.1 and stuff I never even attempted :)04:21
=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-24-27-103-14.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
zambonianyone here make use of evolution in ubuntu 7.04?04:21
lamvinhnguyen199ai bit hack per sao chi minh voi04:21
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jan51narg yes i could do it there but i would lose the other usb ports on the "card" .... was hoping i could blacklist a driver in some way04:21
johnnyomegacenti, that's not in ubuntu yet afaik04:21
bruenig!english | lamvinhnguyen19904:21
ubotulamvinhnguyen199: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:21
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johnnyyou have to use 915resolution04:21
johnnyor 855resolution04:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:22
=== Spastic__teapot [n=joe@adsl-76-204-88-198.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
zambonianyone here make use of evolution in ubuntu 7.04?04:22
Spastic__teapotI downloaded a .run file for Enemy Territory. What do I do with it?04:22
johnnyrun it?04:22
zcat[1] zamboni: for basic email.. no expert though04:22
kitchebruenig: what do you need about vt or you want vte04:22
omegacentijohnny: I have tried very hard with 915resolution to get things to work under my current driver set/monitor. 2 people have deemed it lost cause (maybe lack of knowledge?)04:22
bruenigkitche, I am trying to get vietnam channel for lamvinhnguyen19904:22
johnnyomegacenti, well.. it sounds like you're gonna have to wait then :(04:23
mneptokomegacenti: have you chosen the resolutions you want using an xserver reconfigure?04:23
johnnyor try upgrading it manually04:23
zambonizcat[1]  and do  ever use the calendar feature?04:23
kitchebruenig: oh :::::)04:23
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Spastic__teapotjohnny: How? I tried ./(thinagmajiggy.run)04:23
johnnyi had trouble with it04:23
regeyaI sure wish I understood video terminology.  I'm wanting to use mencoder to drop a file to a lower framerate, and would love to blend frames rather than dropping frames...yet anything I search for on blending seems to get me discussions on various mencoder deint routines.  Bleh.04:23
omegacentimneptok:  if you mean by editing xorg.conf then yes.04:23
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zcat[1] zamboni: nope..04:23
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LekremSpastic__teapot: sh .../dasda.run04:23
johnnySpastic__teapot, then you're prolly gonna have to talk to them04:23
zamboniSpastic__teapot ls -l .run04:23
mneptokomegacenti: no, i mean using "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"04:23
=== lamvinhnguyen199 slaps lamvinhnguyen199 around a bit with a large trout
johnnySpastic__teapot, oh yeah.. make it executale04:23
DeinumiteSpastic__teapot: hey teapot :D04:23
johnnyi assumed you did04:23
jan51by default i now remove evolution as part of my minimise exposure to novell sensitivity... i use and am very happy with thunderbird04:23
johnnybad call on my part04:23
fog_proxyHi. I am using ubuntu 7.04, how to determine which runlevel I am running? There is no inittab now, seems instead with upstart.04:24
zambonichmod +x run04:24
omegacentimneptok: I do not know what that command is/does. should I do it now?04:24
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mneptokomegacenti: go for it04:24
Spastic__teapotDeinumite: Hello!04:24
zambonidoes anyone here have printing issues with ubuntu in general?04:24
johnnyomegacenti, it lets you set various xorg vars... maybe make a backup copy first tho04:24
kitchejan51: well you better uninstall gnome and mono and samba then :)04:24
johnnyunless it does it automatically04:24
Deinumiteoh btw...what should i do in terminal to show somethign similar to the windows ctrl+alt+delete?04:24
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omegacentijohnny: Any thoughts on how to do this?04:24
zcat[1] jan51: evo is a novell thing? I'll brb.. have to go remove a package!04:24
johnnyto back it up? or try the new version?04:24
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:24
shawn34How can i get the system monitor tray applet to display dual cpus? Does anyone know how>?04:24
DeinumiteSpastic__teapot: how goes it? no more windows on my box....hl2 and that is downloading now....i hope it works so i dont have to go back to windows!04:25
omegacentijohnny: To back it up04:25
johnnyevo isn't a novell thing04:25
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mneptokomegacenti: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup04:25
EADG_Deinumite: try 'top'04:25
johnnythat's how04:25
jan51kitche yes i understand there is only so far one can go but evolution is a sort of flag carrier04:25
gabbarinhohmm... is AbiWord the same thing as OpenOffice word processor? looks exactly the same to me04:25
Spastic__teapotOh good gravy.04:25
zcat[1] ahh, ok then04:25
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johnnyno..  they aren't the same04:25
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johnnyabiword doesn't do as much04:25
mneptokjohnny: Evolution is developed mostly by Novell employees04:25
gabbarinhoare they based on the same thing?04:25
johnnyand it's faster04:25
Spastic__teapotDeinumite: Badly. This is the third time I've tried to download Enemy Territory.04:25
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johnnymneptok, sure it is04:25
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johnnybut..  so are a lot of things04:25
Spastic__teapotChecksum my behind....04:25
DeinumiteEADG_: oh cool, it shows memory usage too04:25
johnnyevo isn't tainted imo04:26
gabbarinhoit does seem a little faster04:26
shawn34it has to be possible, anyone have any idea how?04:26
DeinumiteSpastic__teapot: :( i used to love that game, its pretty fun :P04:26
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johnnyas long as you don't use the exchange thingy04:26
EADG_Deinumite: If you like top install HTop, it has alot more functionality.04:26
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johnnynovell bought the company that mainly developed evo04:26
mneptokSpastic__teapot: Savage04:26
DeinumiteEADG_: cool ill check it out, thanks :D04:26
jan51johnny everything touched by novell is now tainted imho .... who knows what m$ insider info they are affected by04:26
johnnyjan51, then don't use linux04:27
Spastic__teapotDeinumite: I'd be using my new system (read: $250 worth of semi-junky parts I got real cheap) if I had a case to put it in.04:27
johnnycuz the kernel is tainted too04:27
hatterwhat do ubuntu gnome users use as a contact management system, crm,  database sort of thing ?04:27
zambonievolution seems a little  broken on my machine at least as far as printing goes04:27
jan51johnny thats no answer04:27
Spastic__teapotjan51: There's always NeXT. or BeOs.04:27
johnnyit's the same as what you said04:27
mneptokBeOS is dead04:27
hatterboycott Novell04:27
zcat[1] BSD isn't too bad..04:27
johnnyanything touched by novell is tained.. linux is tained..04:27
zambonieither that or printing in ubuntu is broken  on my machine04:27
=== NickGH [n=nhamilto@li14-49.members.linode.com] has joined #ubuntu
Spastic__teapotBut it's Novell-Free!04:27
NickGHhey all04:27
johnnyit's not novell free if you use linux04:27
gabbarinhoI just use Zoho - web-based office04:27
hatternovell did a deal with the devil04:27
cordenguys newbie question, how do i edit a txt file that has spaces between words on it's filename? tnx04:28
DeinumiteSpastic__teapot: im still using my 2ghz CPU with my 9600 card hehe, hoping wine runs steam and that well, i kinda should upgrade tho04:28
Spastic__teapotIs Enemy Territory in any of the repositories?04:28
steel_ladyplease I have very ugly problem: when I do to download link, it saves the file as 0 length file. When I go to open it downloads it normally but can not open because it says it is not permitted. what to do so I can DL it?04:28
digdughey, the devil gives some pretty sweet deals04:28
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:28
digdugor so I hear04:28
NickGHcan anyone offer any suggestions about how to resize fat32 and ext3 partitions (non-damaging)?04:28
Spastic__teapotDeinumite: It's an ATI card. You're farked.04:28
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johnnyNickGH, gparted04:28
johnnyget the gparted livecd04:28
gabbarinhohow good is wine emulation?04:28
johnnyit's nice04:28
johnnyand small04:28
zambonicorden if the file is on the desktop juts open it wit a text editor like gedit04:28
gabbarinhoI am surprised you can run something like steam at all04:28
mneptokcorden: nano this\ is\ my\ filename.txt04:28
NickGHcorden, use a \ characther04:28
digdugwine has come a very long way04:28
johnnygabbarinho,  it's pretty good.. but it's not emulation04:28
johnnyit just depends04:29
cordentnx guys04:29
DeinumiteSpastic__teapot: hehe, yeah i kinda feel that way, but it seems like it should work04:29
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gabbarinhowhat is it, exactly?04:29
zambonior open gedit and find the  file in gedits filer and load then edit04:29
digdugoh, it's an emulator if you use the term loosely04:29
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johnnymapping linux syscalls04:29
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DavidCrafthow do i start gnome??04:29
momocan i mount .cue .bin files ?04:29
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NickGHjonny - thanks .. parted (I assume gparted is just the gnome frontend) is having problems...04:29
johnnyto windows syscall equivs04:29
mikeeeeeeealright can someone tell me what this means: "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop."04:29
Spastic__teapotDeinumite: Here's hoping you're trying to run original counterstrike. CS-Source is a bit much for 9600 as-is. Considering that it's under WINE and the ATI drivers suck, you're in a bit of a pickle.04:29
DavidCraftand how do I make it my default windows manager?04:29
johnnyNickGH, try it from the cd04:29
zcat[1] mikeeeeeee: ./configure first?04:29
johnnythe livecd04:29
ice2007how can i make this permanent, "sudo route add default gw x.x.x.x". note that x.x.x.x does not respond to ping!04:29
NickGHjonny - i booted up with live cd and used it from there...04:29
johnnyi didn't have any problems resizing ngfs04:29
zambonimikeeeeeee no makefile lives where you want tobuild04:30
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DeinumiteSpastic__teapot: CS:S, you'd be surprised, i could run halflife 2 on high settings :P i stand by the old ATI, cards, the newer ones....not as much04:30
mikeeeeeeehow to i move one it04:30
johnnyso it shouldn't have a problem with something simple like ext204:30
khoaok so my sound card has been detected fine, yet I don't get have any sound... what could be some problems with this? (i already searched around online for solutions)04:30
gabbarinhoi would guess that games take a huge performance hit under wine04:30
NickGHjonny - it complains that the "File system has an incompatible feature enabled"04:30
mikeeeeeeeill do configure again04:30
johnnygabbarinho, that's why it's not emulation04:30
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johnnyif it was.. it woud take a big performance hit04:30
gabbarinhois there a rough mean figure?04:30
johnnythere's still obviously some overhead04:30
shawn34How can i get the system monitor tray applet to display dual cpus? Does anyone know how>?04:30
ale8oneDeinumite, i've been trying to get eveonline to run on cedega and wine all day... ati drivers just suck at games in linux atm04:30
johnnyit' depends on the libs used04:30
zcat[1] mikeeeeeee: usually ./configure will make a Makefile for you.. .also see if there's a README or some other instructions?04:30
johnnysome are better than others04:30
tedbundyjrmomo: check AcetoneISO04:30
NickGHjonny - debug message says that parted is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl04:30
DavidCraftany help here guys?04:30
gabbarinhoI see... kind of04:30
Spastic__teapotDeinumite: Back in the day, ATI was king. Today....Nvidia or bust.04:31
mneptokSpastic__teapot: http://www.happypuppy.com/s2games/Savage_with_sep3t.run04:31
johnnyand also depends on how many of the native dlls you use04:31
zamboniDavidCraft what sup?04:31
Deinumiteale8one: ive heard using opengl to run it, if supported, helps alot04:31
gabbarinhoI am sure your explanation is great, it's just that my technical knowledge isn't the best :)04:31
jan51how would i identify the driver thats being used for my usb/usb networking?04:31
johnnythe more native dlls.. the better04:31
momothanx tedbundyjr04:31
DavidCrafthow do I start gnome?04:31
digduggabbarinho: I'm installing world of warcraft under wine right now04:31
Spastic__teapotmneptok: What's that?04:31
ale8oneit runs for about a minute and it crashes04:31
mikeeeeeeeyeah the readme got nothing, i got an error during the configure though04:31
DeinumiteSpastic_teapot: Nvidia for sure when / if i upgrade heh04:31
NickGHjonny - (even tho the laptop doesn't have a scsi drive04:31
DavidCraftand make it my default windows manager?04:31
gabbarinhoI can't believe all these things work04:31
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mneptokSpastic__teapot: free game for Linux04:31
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johnnygabbarinho, that's why i love the freesoftware stuff04:31
mikeeeeeee"configure: error: *** 'nasm' missing, please install or fix your04:31
mikeeeeeee$PATH ***"04:31
gabbarinhoI actually only play one game, which runs pretty well on older PCs - i should try that04:31
zcat[1] mikeeeeeee: so install nasm ?04:31
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ale8onei've had 4 nvidia cards crap out from evga and xfx over the past year and a half.... i don't like nvidia that much04:32
LekremDavidCraft: what distro of ubuntu r u using04:32
mikeeeeeeewhat is nasm04:32
DavidCraftor w/e04:32
johnnymikeeeeeee, google..04:32
zcat[1] !info nasm04:32
ubotunasm: General-purpose x86 assembler. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.38-1.2 (feisty), package size 1511 kB, installed size 2776 kB04:32
johnnyit's an assemlber ..04:32
gabbarinhoyeah, it seems almost everyone can get away without using windows04:32
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gabbarinhoI've been thinking about just NOT buying vista, ever04:32
johnnygabbarinho, unless you use photoshop04:32
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LekremDavidCraft is it kubuntu r xubuntu or just ubuntu?04:32
mneptokSpastic__teapot: it's a "Real Time Strategy Shooter" that's great fun04:32
Spastic__teapotale8one: What are you going to use, then? ATI cards have god-awful video support. And some of the manufacturers are absolutely amazing - for example, BFG. Overclockariffic!04:32
damageDOneHi all, can anyone tell me what ubuntu app I can use to open/convert a .uif file?04:32
digdugI wouldn't have got a copy of vista if it hadn't come with my dang laptop04:33
johnnyit just depends on what you use a computer for04:33
ale8onei'll just run vmware and install xp to play my games Spastic__teapot04:33
johnnyalot of custom apps on corops04:33
johnnyin corps* have troubles04:33
Deinumiteale8one: ive heard you cant use 3d apps in vm machines04:33
gabbarinho98% of what I do is firefox, so04:33
johnnyDeinumite, tha'ts not true anymore04:33
johnnybut it's not that good i bet04:33
ale8oneoh really, there goes my plan...04:33
Ahadiel[19:33:12]  <ale8one> i'll just run vmware and install xp to play my games Spastic__teapot <=== That won't work.04:33
johnnythey just did that04:33
Spastic__teapotale8one: Why not dual-boot?04:33
gabbarinhoI use a lot of online apps04:33
ale8onei hate dual booting04:33
johnnymore and more folks are04:33
AhadielBut, they are working on OS Emulation with OpenGL Acceleration.04:33
Spastic__teapotmneptok: That's a 60kb file. I am suspicious.04:34
Deinumitevmware seems to lag a bit for me....does virtual box support 3d aps?04:34
zcat[1] 98% of people who use photoshop could do all the stuff they do in gimp... very few people actually _need_ photoshop..04:34
gabbarinhowhat is vmware? i've heard of that often04:34
AhadielSo, perhaps sometime in the future.04:34
johnnyzcat[1] ,  some people would rather pay $600 for photoshop04:34
johnnythan learn the gimp04:34
Spastic__teapotzcat[1] : Yes, and they know how to do maybe 10% of what they need to do in GIMP.04:34
ale8onei'll just have to play games on my main machine and use linux on my laptop i guess04:34
johnnysince it costs them over $600 in productivity04:34
zcat[1] some people are idiots :)04:34
shawn34Where can I go to download extra panel applets for gnome?04:34
Spastic__teapot$600 every three years for $60,000 a year is totally worth it.04:34
mneptokSpastic__teapot: 378MB04:34
johnnyif their time is worth 40/hr04:34
johnnyfor example04:34
Spastic__teapotmneptok: Nevermind.04:34
johnnyand learning the gimp takes more than 2004:35
Spastic__teapotIt's just downloading at 10kbps.04:35
johnnywhich it does..04:35
gabbarinhohmm, i wonder if avid is available for linux04:35
johnnythen they are already starting to lose out04:35
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zcat[1] the people making real money from photoshop are in the other 2%.. 98% of people don't need photoshop..04:35
mneptokSpastic__teapot: http://www.notforidiots.com/SFE/04:35
digdugzcat[1] : I talked my boss into letting us use the gimp in our department04:35
zamboniany ubuntustudio fans here?04:35
Deinumitewell, im off to test out CS:S and that...wish me luck, thanks for your help as usual04:35
johnnyzcat[1] ,  those are the people i know04:35
johnnypeople who actually use photoshop04:35
damageDOneHi, does anyone know of an app for converting/burning/opening .UIF files?04:35
johnnyfor it's rela purpose :)04:35
Spastic__teapotmneptok: Is your server using a dial-up connection?04:35
johnnymy wifi == the sux0r04:35
NickGHanyone got any ideas why parted is giving me a "program parted is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO"04:36
ale8onei was really wanting to run ubuntu 64 on my new amd 6000 though...  i really don't like dual booting because i like to leave the room when the machine starts up04:36
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johnnyNickGH, google?04:36
NickGHheh heh04:36
Spastic__teapotale8one: That's the most lazy thing I ever heard.04:36
Spastic__teapotFor starters, VMware will kill your framerate.04:36
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Yitramwow....that sounds like a response i would make04:36
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ale8oneeh, most people are lazy04:36
digdugale8one isn't alone ;)04:36
shawn34Where can I go to download extra panel applets for gnome?04:36
tedbundyjrzamboni: love the ubuntustudio theme ;)04:36
ale8onethat's why they use windows04:36
NickGHi did.. i'll try again if nobody knows of anything off the top of their head. thanks jonny.04:36
johnnycan somebody here who uses gnome + networkmanager please tell me04:36
gabbarinhodoes anyone absolutely *have* to use Microsoft Office?04:37
Yitramdon't know how many time's i've had to run back into the room to try to beat out the GRUB menu to select windows04:37
zambonihate it meself but love the toys04:37
NickGH(unless there is another way to repartion?)04:37
mneptokSpastic__teapot: huh?04:37
zcat[1] gabbarinho: legacy macros?04:37
johnnyNickGH, did you do what i said.. and try to use the livecd???04:37
omegacentiAny easy way to find out the name of the graphics card in my PC in linux?04:37
johnnyomegacenti, lspic04:37
mneptokomegacenti: lspci04:37
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johnnyerr lspci04:37
johnnytyping too fast..04:37
=== Dean [n=dean@host-138-38-226-21.nat.bath.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
EADG_shawn34: look around on www.gnome-look.org04:37
NickGHjonny - yeah - ive booted into the live cd now and parted is giving me that error04:37
johnnyor the hal device manager :)04:37
Spastic__teapotmneptok: 17 hour download.04:37
johnnyNickGH, maybe you submit bug report04:37
zamboniomegacenti try lspci -v from the command line04:37
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johnnyor look at the bug reports04:38
NickGH(yeah, just checking now)04:38
mneptokSpastic__teapot: and why do you think it's my server?04:38
omegacentiAlright now it has two possibilities.. which one is it? Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/PM/GMS/910GML E04:38
digdugI'm using gnome, but I didn't have to use the network manager to get my wifi up and running04:38
DeanHI, how can I find my kernel version04:38
zamboniomegacenti try lspci -v from the command line04:38
PhredwardI'm having an installtime machine lockup.  Mostly when trying to parition / format my drive.  I installed windows on the drive just to make sure it's not a bad drive, and I can fdisk / format by hand.  any suggestions?04:38
ice2007do i have to put sudo in my crontab file for root?04:38
johnnyi love nteworkmanager04:38
omegacentizamboni: I got that thanks04:38
gabbarinhohmm, no avid for linux04:38
jan51gabbarinho: as zcat says and also where compatibility has to be undoubted and you are part of an office-based communiyu04:38
digdugfeisty fawn auto-detected my wireless; all I had to do was select my wifi network, type in my wpa2 password, and I was done04:38
gabbarinhoand no premiere obviously - so i guess i do need windows for one thing, at least04:38
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ice2007i run "sudo crontab -e" to edit the crontab file04:38
johnnydigdug, had that working before :)04:38
gabbarinhoright, that makes sense04:38
Spastic__teapotmneptok: I did'nt. I'm just cheezed right now.04:39
gabbarinhobut in that case you are probably provided with windows anyway04:39
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digdugthough my wifi doesn't suck that bad :)04:39
Spastic__teapotOne of my relatives is in a coma and dying, my grades are shit, and I don't even have any @#%@#$ video games.04:39
johnnywell my gentoo box works great04:39
cheeeeEEEEseactually im cheesed04:39
digduggot openwrt on an wrt54g v2 router04:39
zamboniIm cheezed about the crappy support for my old Laserjet II P printer in ubuntu04:39
veinorI can't get gThumb 2.10.3 to compile.04:39
johnnyit's it's this ubuntu box.04:39
johnnythat is sucking04:39
johnnyi'd like to know if my route is good04:39
johnnyit seems good..04:40
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Scunizidigdug, how do you like it.. I haven't upgraded mine yet.04:40
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zcat[1] johnny: mtr ?04:40
johnnyi'm just not sure if the route is created by avahi or not04:40
johnnymtr ?04:40
Deanhow can I find my kernel version no? HELP!!04:40
veinorit keeps saying it can't find libexif etc, but I know I installed them04:40
Scunizidigdug, the router that is.04:40
nirivenAnyone have sound mixing problems with snd_hda_intel driver?04:40
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digdugscunizi: it's works really well, I'm still using white russian04:40
zcat[1] mtr will give you some idea of how stuff is being router04:40
omegacentiI don't know which one actually identifies my Intel Graphics card: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/PM/GMS/910GML. Any ideas?04:40
zamboniDean uname -a from the commandline04:40
johnnyuname -r ...04:40
zcat[1] *routed04:40
johnnyDean, uname -r04:40
zamboniyeah that too04:40
omegacentiThats what showed up in lspci04:40
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digdugthough I did upgrade the interface to webif^204:40
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Scunizidigdug, I'm still using the stock software...04:40
cleverthe game time is xx:41:03 PM04:41
johnnyi'm not quick enough..04:41
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johnnyzcat[1] ,  huh?04:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
ubotuQt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt applications04:41
Scunizidigdug, I miss some features like static IP w/ dhcp04:41
zcat[1] game time?04:41
digdugscunizi: ah, openwrt is really nice, much better options available (including vpn if you want)04:41
Scunizidigdug, is that the same as dd-wrt?04:41
johnnyzcat[1] , where you asking me soemthing when you said mtr?04:41
johnnyno.. it's not04:41
digdugI think they're pretty similar, but they're not the same04:41
johnnydd-wrt is like a big blob04:41
johnnyopenwrt is more like a normal linux distro04:42
zambonihere we go04:42
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johnnywith installable packages04:42
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Deanzamboni Sophos Anti-Virus for Linux on Intel using libc6, WAHT'S libc6?04:42
zcat[1] johnny: yeah.. mtr can help you figure out where packets are being routed, sometimes.. it's one of many tools.04:42
Spastic__teapotIS there a repository with Enemy Territory in it anywhere?04:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:42
johnnywell somebody suggested that was my problem04:42
johnnyi'm not sure04:42
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veinorcan anyone help me?04:42
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Scunizijohnny digdug so by normal linux distro you mean it's mostly command line stuff no gui?04:42
digdugspastic__teapot: let me see if I can find my old CDs; I've got the linux version burned somewhere around this house04:42
johnnylibc.. ============= MOST important package04:42
regeyajohnny, I guarantee that any linux problems you have will cease to seem like big problems if you do away with libc04:42
zambonilibc6 is a c library04:42
yobrienwhats the prob04:42
zamboniit runs the show04:43
gabbarinhois openoffice generally the most popular office suite?04:43
Intertricitylibc == glibc?04:43
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momohow can i do a partition on my hard disc to install windows ?04:43
Deanzamboni is that the version of c?04:43
johnnyIntertricity,  yes04:43
regeyalibc6 == glibc04:43
Deanzamboni: how do I find it?04:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about office - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:43
johnnydon't touch it04:43
veinoryobrien: I can't get gThumb 2.10.3 to compile04:43
zcat[1] had a weird problem yesterday.. dlink router that doesn't like SIP.. ran Gizom and it locked hard. Configured a sip peer in trixbox and it locked hard.. any attemps to start a SIP connection and down it goes again.. damn weird.04:43
johnnyignore it..04:43
johnnyyou don't need to know04:43
IntertricityWhat do you use in its stead?04:43
johnnyin what stead?04:43
IntertricityDoesn't that contain stdio.h and all that?04:43
zamboniDean do a " ls -l /usr/lib/libc*" without he quotes04:43
johnnyas opposed to ?04:44
digdugholy crap, I found it...04:44
yobrienveinor: 1st question why ? ... new version04:44
johnnythere's klibc, dietlibc04:44
Scunizigabbarinho, most everything gpl is either Open Office or a dirivitive.....04:44
johnnythey are for smaller embedded systems04:44
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gabbarinhowhatever happened to staroffice?04:44
zcat[1] oww, my head hurts and you guys type too fast :)04:44
veinoryobrien: Because I want better EXIF support than 2.7.9 has04:44
gabbarinhothe last time i used linux was 7-8 years ago04:44
IntertricityOhhh oh read the statement wrong04:44
Scunizigabbarinho, still around..04:44
zamboniwell I was wrong04:44
IntertricityYeah, libc is important XD04:44
veinorzcat[1] : more like there's a lot of us.04:44
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johnnyScunizi, no.. i mean normal linux distro .. in that you can actually install packages.. while dd-wrt is a big blob that you install.. no packages at all04:45
zcat[1] that too04:45
IntertricityI thought you were saying to get rid of glibc :P04:45
yobrienveinor: ok what error do you get?04:45
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veinoryeah, so did I04:45
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johnnyya'll are crazy04:45
Scunizijohnny,  what else would you install... just learning here..04:45
johnnystaroffice == openoffice basically04:45
veinorNo package 'gtk+-2.0' found04:45
johnnyScunizi, ???04:45
gabbarinhowasn't staroffice owned by sun?04:45
IntertricityGAWD I'm going to get so fat, I love ubuntu so much I've been using my computer for hours and hours every day c_c04:45
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veinoryobrien: and the same for libgnome-2.0,04:45
digdugopenoffice even includes the ms access clone04:45
veinoryobrien: and others04:45
zcat[1] startoffice == openoffice+nonfreestuff04:45
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Deanzamboni: There no libc6 and others do not make sense at all.04:46
Scunizijohnny, you said openwrt is like linux in that you can install other things as well... like what?04:46
gabbarinhoI only use word processing :)04:46
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gabbarinhoon windows I use word perfect more than word04:46
johnnydd-wrt comes with a bunch of stuff .. like vpn, dhcp daemons, qos, etc04:46
Scunizigabbarinho, try abiword04:46
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johnnyand tons of other server packagse04:46
johnnyopenwrt gives you choices04:46
gabbarinhoI was just playing with it, scuni04:46
johnnyon whether to install this or that04:46
johnnydd-wrt doesn't04:46
gabbarinholooks like openoffice word, basically :)04:47
=== dewey [n=dewey@c-67-168-51-149.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Scunizijohnny, gotcha  thanks04:47
Deanzamboni: what's glibc 2.2 BTW?04:47
zcat[1] i should get off irc and go for a walk04:47
veinoryobrien: Any idea as to what's going on?04:47
Scunizigabbarinho, but a lot faster...04:47
digdugscunizi: there's even a dns server package for openwrt04:47
gabbarinhowhy is it faster? less bloated?04:47
gabbarinhothat's probably what I want04:47
Scunizidigdug, now that I might be able to use..:)04:47
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gabbarinhoI feel most word processing programs have far more than i need or ever use04:47
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Scunizigabbarinho, yep.. and to me the screen appears cleaner, brighter and renders fonts better04:48
re-alignHmm...so I have an old RCA CDS1005 digital camera and need to use it through thee serial port as my UUSB port is DoA...any ideas?04:48
ubotuQt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt applications04:48
yobrienveinor: ok, so what you need are *-dev packages ... this provide the packages development files for libraries , probably the best thing to do sudo apt-get build-dep gthumb .... (or what ever the name of the package is for the old version that comes with your distro) .. this will download the development files need to build that pacakge , which are probably the same as the ones needed for the later version04:48
gabbarinhoah - well, great! i think i'll use it04:48
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smastmy beryl cube wont work, can someone help me with this?04:48
Scunizigabbarinho, don't forget to install the dictionaries if they are not already there..04:48
gabbarinhocertainly no word processing program has run this fast on my computer since office 97 :)04:49
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gabbarinho(it's six years old)04:49
yobrienveinor: this will download a whole lot of *-dev packages04:49
xopeyhow do i get my ubuntu server to appear in windows DNS?04:49
veinorso I see.04:49
johnnynot a single person in this entire room is using networkmanger ?????04:49
Scunizigabbarinho, I use office 97 as a verification to install 2000.. not that I like either.04:49
shawn34johnny, i am04:49
smastsomeone know about beryl manager?04:49
johnnyshawn34, can you paste the output or route -n into a pm?04:49
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gabbarinhoi have word 2003, i think04:49
sldkfjsmast, what's the trouble?04:50
yobrienxopey:  what do you mean windows dns?04:50
RoAkSoAxjohnny, I am04:50
shawn34smast, try #ubuntu-effects04:50
gabbarinhoand a newer version on my mac - but i hardly ever use that04:50
johnnyi just want to make sure04:50
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veinoryobrien: It works! Thanks.04:50
johnnyRoAkSoAx, go ahead too :)04:50
=== Scunizi "thinks beryl manager is a large gentleman with a baseball bat in one hand and a scowl"
gabbarinhowhat are some other good windows/microsoft/adobe alternatives?04:50
re-alignjohnny, i'vee not been able to get it to work properly with my rt2500. :/04:50
lamvinhnguyen199xin lic sao dzi04:50
lamvinhnguyen199chi cho tui voi04:50
veinorScunizi: you don't need the quotes there04:50
Scuniziveinor, oops.04:50
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=== OregonJim [n=ki7ay@72-173-54-19.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
shawn34How can i get the system monitor tray applet to display dual cpus? Does anyone know how>?04:50
ron1ndoes anyone here use opera as there primary email client?04:50
zambonistaroffice is the mother of OpenOffice04:50
xopeyyobrien: our windows server is hosting DHCP and DNS, but the hostname for my DHCP address isn't showing in DNS04:51
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OregonJimEvening folks04:51
hypronixhello world... my whole video stuff stopped working after i've tried playing what ended up being a borked dvd. games and movies don't work anymore. tried reinstalling drivers [ati]  codecs to no avail... any ideas? thanks in advance04:51
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yobrienxopey: ok but your linux machine gets an ip tho?04:51
Scunizishawn34, Mine does by default.. I'm on dapper though running the 686 kernal04:51
smastshawn34 i have everything installed correctly but when i ctrl alt left click does nothing and ctrl alt arrows just brings up the workstations box04:51
xopeyyobrien: yes it does04:51
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mikeeeeeeewhat dir is qt in04:51
zambonihypronix what kind of DVD drive?04:52
OregonJimI have a Compaq Evo N620c I can't seem to install 7.04 on. It thinks the drive is a SCSI drive.04:52
Elfboywhen i play a dvd i get u dont have the right plugin so it fis that and not is said it cant read from sourc dick04:52
zamboniie brand04:52
encompasshypronix: woah!04:52
calcmikeeeeeee: /usr/lib04:52
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encompasshypronix: I would have rebooted... did that help at all?04:52
shawn34Scunizi, im on feisty with generic kernel04:52
hypronixzamboni: tried it on an internal LG drive... but nothing works. no videos that are local either04:52
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:52
shawn34smast, is beryl-manager running?04:52
yobrienxopey: ok  not sure. :) , can windows clients set their host names?04:52
encompasshypronix: what error is given when you try running one of the games from the console?04:52
shawn34smast, are your windows wobbly?04:52
hypronixencompass: yup, i've been messing with this for a while, it didn't just happen04:52
jan51gabbarinho: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Linux_software_equivalent_to_Windows_software04:53
Scunizishawn34, the generic is suppose to recognise everything correctly .. I think...04:53
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ron1ndoes anyone know how to pgp encrypt emails send with opera?04:53
hypronixencompass: i've tried from cedega only, no error, just blank04:53
xopeyyobrien: yeah, the windows clients show up just fine. it's as if ubuntu server is not sending its DHCP hostname back to DNS04:53
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gabbarinhothanks for the link!04:53
zamboniwasnt there anasty LG bug on linux once upon atime?04:53
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shawn34Scunizi, the actual system monitor reads both cores, but I'm talking about the panel applet that displays cpu info\04:53
Elfboyanyone with a idea how ot fix this04:54
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encompasshypronix: so you haven't tried other linux only games... like tremulous?04:54
calczamboni: there was a bug in some LG firmware that a version of mandriva accidentally triggered04:54
encompasshypronix: if not... sounds like a cydega issue04:54
smastshawn34 - yes, no they are not the desktop effects do not work either - tells me that it is unable to enable desktop effects04:54
hypronixencompass: i'll set that up to install while i'm having dinner04:54
jan51gabbarinho: there are other links but thats a start04:54
=== mayze [n=maizie@66-188-197-38.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Deanhow can I unzip linux.intel.libc6.tat.Z04:54
OregonJimAnyone seen a way to make Fiesty detect the drives properly? Although the system seems to install, once I reboot I get grub error 18 and lockup. I do notive that04:54
Scunizishawn34, Ahhh..... I was looking at the system monitor.. that is my panel applet.. I'll look at the other.04:54
hypronixencompass: but i'm much more interested in the movie issues04:54
hattercan i ask which you guys prefer out of thunderbird or evolution ?04:55
OregonJimnotice that the system detects the ide HD as a scsi drive during install.04:55
encompasshypronix: I would reinstall the cedega stuff and besure to remove your settings files on your home directory that have to do with cedage too04:55
shawn34smast, run "beryl-manager" in a terminal and tell me what errors you get04:55
omegacentiOkay, if this xorg reconfiguration fails and every thing goes wrong, hwo would I go back to the backup?04:55
gabbarinhowhat's Gimpshop?04:55
yobrienDean: tar -zxf *tar.gz04:55
jan51hatter thunderbird for me04:55
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encompasshypronix: what error did it give with the movie?04:55
re-alignhatter, I use thunderbird as well04:55
smastshawn34 what do u mean in a terminal, im fairly new to ubuntu04:55
ron1ngabbarinho: gimpshop is a series of plugins for gimp to give it moire photoshop functionality04:55
cavalierprimethunderbird is simpler, doesn't have memos and notes and junk, evolution is an outlook clone04:55
Scunizishawn34, I put up what I think you're talking about adn it just shows 2.4 GHz and won't let me do anything with it.04:56
hattercan you import the messages rules from outlook express into thunderbird ?04:56
encompasssmast: the terminal is in applications--->> accessories--->> terminal04:56
veinoryobrien: Dang, now it didn't work.04:56
gabbarinholooks like there's an alternative for pretty much everything i need except high-end video editing04:56
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Elfboyanyone know dvd players04:56
encompasssmast: it is the most powerful tool you have in linux... all programs can be run from there04:56
hatterjan51, re-align, thx04:56
shawn34Scunizi, not the cpu speed applet04:56
yobrienveinor: what happend?04:56
smastokay, what is the command to run it, please bear with me04:56
gpledcan someone help me get sound working in 6.06?04:56
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encompassElfboy: better to jsut ask the question... most people "know"04:56
veinor/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib: No such file: File format not recognized04:56
Deanyobrien: doesnt work, it's .Z file04:57
gpledworks with some programs.  but not in vlc04:57
shawn34Scunizi, there is an actual "System Monitor" one you can add to the panel04:57
jan51gabbarinho: for somethinmg more directly related to ubuntu supported stuff https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareEquivalents04:57
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omegacentiOkay, if this xorg reconfiguration fails and every thing goes wrong, hwo would I go back to the backup?04:57
veinorsmast: Applications->Accessories->Terminal04:57
Elfboyok my move play dont work04:57
yobrienDean: type file <filename> to find what kind of file it is04:57
veinoromegacenti: xorg.conf?04:57
gabbarinhothanks again :)04:57
encompasshypronix: did you install the restricted formats?  like libdvd css?04:57
omegacentiveinor: yes.04:57
veinoromegacenti: Boot into rescue mode.04:57
ron1nElfboy: Whay movie player are you using?04:57
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hatteromegacenti, you copied xorg.conf to xorg.conf.backup didnt you ?04:57
smast<encompass> what do i type in the terminal04:57
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Scunizishawn34, ok.. the black box that monitors processor usage? has devices and hd usage?04:58
Elfboyit said to add pluging04:58
Elfboyand i did04:58
shawn34Scunizi, yes04:58
Elfboynow it said it cant read the dick04:58
yobrienveinor: what command are you using to configure , and make?04:58
encompasssmast: what ever that person told you too...04:58
shawn34Scunizi, i want that to display both cpus04:58
omegacentihatter: I put the one that currenlty works in xorg.conf.backup yes04:58
ron1nwhat plugin did you add?04:58
hypronixencompass: hold on.. yeah i have those... lemme try something now04:58
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jan51gabbarinho: gimpshop's main aim is to make the gimp interface as indistinguishable as possible from photoshop04:58
smast<encompass> im completely lost right now04:58
Elfboyi dont know sadi it need it to play dvd04:59
yobrienveinor: ok so configure completes?04:59
gabbarinhoright - that would've been my guess04:59
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ron1ntry this04:59
veinorconfigure completes04:59
smast<encompass>this is my first nite on linux04:59
omegacentibrb.. and I might be doomed :)04:59
OregonJimAnyone have any information on my problem with Fiesty on a Compaq Evo N620c?04:59
ron1nsudo apt-get install libdvdcss204:59
gabbarinhoGimp seems much improved to me04:59
hatteromegacenti, so when you reboot, if it doesnt work it will give you a shell, or if not you can press crtl alt F1 to get a shell, then ocpy your xorg.conf.backup to xorg.conf04:59
Scunizishawn34, that's the one I was talking about originally.. I see your point. You can't see both cpu's unless you open it.04:59
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Elfboythank ron1n04:59
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jan51Gimp def good ... just late on the scene and not quite as broadly supported for plugins05:00
hatter(did i get that right ?  ctl-alt-F1 ?)  memory is feeling a bit vague...05:00
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omegacentiOkay this isn't good.05:00
veinorhatter: yes you did.05:00
=== oogy [n=feh@cpe-024-162-254-085.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ElfboyPackage libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:00
ElfboyThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:00
Elfboyis only available from another source05:00
ElfboyE: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate05:00
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hattergot that omegacenti ?05:00
=== lazaruslupine [n=scott@12-207-221-239.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
yobrienveinor: it looks like its having trouble finding a file, (the linker ld) , its trying to link in a directory /usr/lib and failing05:00
omegacentihatter: I am now stuck with only 640x480....05:00
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ron1nhmm, I'm going to search around the repository and find out what you need, hang on05:01
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smast<shawn34> ok i got the terminal up what do i type in to run something05:01
=== veinor is trying sudo make
Elfboymsg me when u do ok05:01
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hatteromegacenti, i am late on your problem. i dont know what you are trying to acheive.05:01
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veinornope, sudo make doesn't work05:01
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OregonJimWell, let me try asking a different way. I installed Ubunto 7.04 via a CD onto a 30g hard drive. WHile it was installing05:01
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veinorsmast: what're you trying to do?05:01
yobrienveinor: where is the source file you are downloading ... ill give it a go if i have the right library versions05:02
smastget my beryl cube to work05:02
veinoryobrien: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gthumb/2.10/gthumb-2.10.3.tar.gz05:02
omegacentihatter: All I want. 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, and 1280 x 768 (native resolution) and be able to switch between them.05:02
mikeeeeeeeanyone know good software for capturing video/images from a webcam05:02
Deanyobrien: i find tar -xzvf worked05:02
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veinorsmast: beryl-manager05:02
OregonJimI saw "sda0 ..." being formatted. Once I finished the install procedure, the system rebooted. On bootup, I get05:02
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chileis there a prog like iCal (osx) for ubuntu-feisty?05:02
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smastveinor - beryl manager is running but no effects....cube, wobble windows etc...05:02
jan51elfboy have you added the medibuntu repositories?05:03
imac1chile: there is calc under accessories under applications05:03
veinorsmast: do you see a red gem in the upper-right corner?05:03
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Elfboyto tell u the truth i dont what i did at this point05:03
hatteri dont know how to switch between them.  but there is an xorg.conf setting for default res.  what video card are you trying ?05:03
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OregonJim"Grub error 18". I think it's because Fiesty did not set the bootloader up properly. Any ideas how to fix it?? I am running05:03
fog_proxyHowto use 'cp' to copy file which name start with '.' ?05:03
gabbarinhowhat does "need to be verified in repositories" mean?05:03
veinorsmast: right-click it, go to 'select window manager', and choose 'beryl'05:03
omegacentihatter: ?05:03
Ahadielfog_proxy: cp .<rest of file name>05:03
Ahadielfog_proxy: cp .<rest of file name> <destination>05:04
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veinorgabbarinho: It just means that they aren't digitally signed.05:04
OregonJim6.06lts now on the laptop and a different drive. It installed properly although I had to use a dated Orinoco driver and recompile the kernel to get05:04
hatteromegacenti, video card ?  ati nvidia s3 ?05:04
OregonJimwireless working.05:04
fog_proxyAhadiel: if there are many '.' start files, how? use '.*' ?05:04
smast<veinor>it keeps switching back to genome05:04
Ahadielfog_proxy: Sure05:04
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fog_proxyAhadiel: '.*' will also report a warning with copy '.' and '..'05:04
veinorto Metacity?05:04
m0u5ei hope they port KTorrent to gnome :(05:04
gabbarinhoso.... they don't have the official seal of approval, that's it?05:04
yobrienveinor: yeah wont configure on my machine (dapper) .... try doing make clean , then make again ... or try un taring the whole thing again into a clear dir and do configure/make again05:04
fog_proxyAhadiel: how to avoid this?05:04
Ahadielfog_proxy: But, it won't copy them.05:04
m0u5esomeone make a GTorrent :(05:04
chile<imac1>: no - what i mean is the calendar (schedule) proggi of osx ...05:04
aKKiLLaYo I am looking for a Diagramming program for ubuntu.  Is there anything out there that comes  close to OmniGraffle?05:04
fog_proxyAhadiel: I see, I just want avoid the warning05:05
omegacentihatter: graphics card Intel 915GM05:05
OregonJimCould I maybe fix the improper hard drive recognition by booting with the live cd, mounting the hard drive, and editing fstab?05:05
ron1nElfboy: sudo apt-get install libdvdplay0 libdvdnav4 libdvdread305:05
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ScuniziaKKiLLa, what kind of kiagramming program.05:05
OregonJimWill I need to do anything with grub???05:05
Ahadielfog_proxy: Write a script.05:05
veinorsmast: Hmm. Do you have emerald installed?05:05
Elfboyok hold on05:05
smast<veinor>i dont know what that is05:05
Ahadielfog_proxy: A script could check if the file was . or .., and if so, not copy.05:05
veinorIt's the theme manager for beryl; I think you might need it as well05:05
jan51gabbarinho: the problem is that unless you can be certain you are using carefully controlled repositories that guard against malware being inserted you really need to use this05:06
helfrezmounting usb devices by-id in fstab but getting duplicate icons on desktop, any suggestions?05:06
aKKiLLaScunizi: well I like to wireframe for web development also some UML05:06
Elfboyok done05:06
gabbarinhoah, i see05:06
aKKiLLabut anything that makes making flowcharts and wireframes with nice iconset05:06
veinorgabbarinho: I.e., unless it's from a known good place.05:06
ron1nrestart totem and try once more, that should be all there is to it05:06
cavalierprimeyou can install beryl with synaptic and get all the dependencies05:06
gabbarinhoright, i see!05:06
aKKiLLawell I don't even need nice icon set05:06
aKKiLLajust something that is clean and easy to work with05:06
smast<veinor>do i get that in add/remove?05:06
ScuniziaKKiLLa, not sure what UML is but wireframe...Blender is the cats meow..if you're use to it.05:06
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veinorsmast: how did you install Beryl?05:06
Ahadielcavalierprime: or sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager emerald emerald-themes05:06
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aKKiLLahaha the cats meow05:06
aKKiLLathe 3d tool?05:07
Elfboysaid cant read from resource05:07
ScuniziaKKiLLa, yep05:07
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smast<veinor>searched it in the add/remove option under applications05:07
aKKiLLaerr... nah not 3d wireframe05:07
aKKiLLalike a website wirefram05:07
mikeeeeeee*** If you know you have qt installed, try to run configure05:07
mikeeeeeee*** again with the "--with-qt-(lib|bin|inc)dir=<YOUR QT DIRS>" flags.05:07
yobrien!info inkscape05:07
aKKiLLathese are common things that diagramming software is used for05:07
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Deinumitesigh, now that ive restarted my computer...if i try to start up steam, it trys to update itself again, and then does the 26 percent crash bug...05:07
ubotuinkscape: vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.45-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 10487 kB, installed size 45256 kB05:07
mikeeeeeeewhat do i do?05:07
omegacentiThis is just annoying... Getting ready to give up on getting these resolutions to actually work on my laptop under Linux.05:07
Deinumiteand says "steam is already running" when its not05:07
ScuniziaKKiLLa, not sure I know what the diff is...05:07
gabbarinhoi am amazed how well xubuntu runs on 256mb of ram05:07
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imac1chilie: you might want to look at this: http://gnome-schedule.sourceforge.net/05:08
Elfboyomegacenti,  im run mine on a laptop05:08
veinorok, type sudo apt-get install beryl-manager emerald emerald-themes into the terminal05:08
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ScuniziaKKiLLa, you mean like a diagram with imbedded notes etc..?05:08
Ahadielveinor: Win =D05:08
yobriengabbarinho: what about the with the whole ubuntu desktop? ....05:08
imac1chilie: I believe both mac and linux are using cron with a graphical frontend such as the gnome one I sent the link for05:08
aKKiLLaa software to buidl flowcharts, uml digrams and website wireframes05:08
veinorAhadiel: hmm?05:08
OregonJimIs my question getting out?05:08
gabbarinhoit runs well, certainly compared to windows xp, but xubuntu is better05:08
chilewhich calendar programm do you use for time-organisation?05:09
OregonJimAre you other folks seeing the text?05:09
Ahadielveinor: Nvm :>05:09
ScuniziaKKiLLa, ah.. ok.. there's several.. hang on...05:09
veinorcrap, be right back05:09
aKKiLLaI see DIA and Inkscape05:09
aKKiLLabut they suck balls05:09
gabbarinhoi have about 20 tabs open in firefox at the moment - yesterday when i had that many tabs in ubuntu it did slow to a crawl05:09
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LekremOregonJim what was ur question?05:09
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OregonJimThanks, Lekrem. I have a Compaq EVO N620c laptop that I am presently05:10
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mattis___Has anyone gotten the YDL wireless support for the Playstation 3 working in Ubuntu yet?05:10
Elfboyron1n: nope that still did nto work said cant read from resource05:10
OregonJimrunning 6.06lts on. I wanted to install 7.04 on it, so I acquired another HD, installed it, and booted the live cd.05:10
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ScuniziaKKiLLa, Vym, kdissert & freemind.. Personally I like Vym with branches & trees, imbedded links, notes, graphics etc.. It also outputs to xml or xhtml..but kdissert is more like a flowchart.05:11
imac1does anyone know of a reason why a cdrom drive would be able to detect cd's but not be able to display the files on those cd05:11
smast<veinor>that didnt do anything05:11
LekremOregonJim so whats the problem05:11
ron1nare you reading from a retail disc or a legal backup?05:11
ScuniziaKKiLLa, I know them as mind mappers.05:11
aKKiLLawow nice Scunizi thanks looking into these now05:11
teferrahas any one got kfml working on ff05:11
Ahadielsmast: Any output?05:11
OregonJimWhen I ran install, it detected the HD as a scsi drive (???) and installed the system. Upon reboot, I got Grub erro 18.05:11
OregonJimANy ideas?05:11
imac1does anyone know of a reason why a cdrom drive would be able to detect cd's but not be able to display the files on those cds even if they can be05:11
ScuniziaKKiLLa, I use Vym to keep track of stuff like this....05:11
omegacentiAny help on getting 4 resolutions on my laptop working would be much appreciated. MUCH appreciated.05:11
smast<veinor>ok, its goin now05:11
imac1keep hitting enter too soon05:11
smast<veinor>it installed something05:12
yobrienOregonJim: do you get  the grub but menu?05:12
lerioi have now my feisty installed how do i use desktop effects like cube05:12
Ahadiellerio: sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager emerald emerald-themes05:12
Elfboyok what plugin Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because you do not have the appropriate plugins to handle it.05:12
Ahadielbut make sure you have the proper video driver05:12
Scuniziteferra, what kfml.. a radio station?05:12
imac1does anyone know of a reason why a cdrom drive would be able to detect cd's but not be able to display the files on those cds even if they can be viewed on other machines, here is my messages file here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24175/05:12
yobrien!res | omegacenti05:12
ubotuomegacenti: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:12
OregonJimI get Grub error 18 and that's all. I can't even get to another teminal.05:12
imac1chilie: are you by chance using ubuntu installed on a mac?05:13
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cavalierprimectrl+alt+backspace restarts X also05:13
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lerioi have an intel chipset is this enough to run beryl?05:13
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chileimacl: yes on a macbook05:13
Ahadiellerio: Dunno? more info05:13
omegacentiyobrien: I appreciate the effort, but I have tried a lot of whats on that page.05:13
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ron1nhmm I'm not exactly sure, I use VLC for the simple fact these issues simply don't come up because its packaged with all that stuff05:14
Elfboyok what plugin Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because you do not have the appropriate plugins to handle it.05:14
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leriodoes somebody knows if my intel chipset runs  a beryl? celeron processor only05:14
yobrienomegacenti: what resolution do you want to run?05:14
yobrienomegacenti: and on what monitor?05:14
teferraScunizi: i mean kmfl keyman with scim05:14
Scunizilerio, ya gotta give more info.. speed how much mem you have etc..05:15
smast<veinor>when i have beryl running it wont let me minimize or move windows05:15
Scuniziteferra, sorry can't help there.05:15
cavalierprimeelfboy you need the libdvd codecs, just search for em in synaptic05:15
omegacentiyobrien 14 inch wxga tft display. 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x768(native)05:15
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leriowhat sudo will i use to see my intel specs05:15
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si1Is there a way to load evolution 2.8.0 on 7.04? I can't find a lot of information on evolution.05:15
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teferrakmfl scim ???????????????05:16
Lekremsmast: check out #beryl, the people there can help you05:16
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ron1nElfboy: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-220564.html05:17
yobrienomegacenti: on my laptop i had to set the horizSync and VertRefresh  ranges in the monitor section of my xorg.conf ...05:17
ron1nthat might fix your problem05:17
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steel_ladyplease, I need help with an installation05:17
omegacentiyobrien: these sections are not well defined on this particular monitor.05:17
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yobrienomegacenti: "well" defined?05:17
PurpZeYsteel_lady: What do you need?05:17
omegacentiyobrien: not defined.05:18
Ahadielsi1: Evolution is a email client, yes?05:18
Scuniziteferra, have you checked out http://www.thanlwinsoft.org/ThanLwinSoft/MyanmarUnicode/InputMethods/KeymanKMFL.php05:18
yobrienomegacenti: can you find those values?05:18
sldkfjlerio, lshw shows some things, might not be what you want,  it's particular to  hardware05:18
si1Ahadiel: Yes.05:18
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omegacentiyobrien: I have tried. Oh have I tried...05:18
Ahadielsi1: Try looking through apt05:18
superchodeso i followed a guide on the ubuntu forums to get my MS explorer mouse working properly.... the Driver specified in the guide was something like 'mouse.usb' and mine was 'mouse' - i changed mine to match the guide and b0rked X11... had to resort to my backup05:18
steel_ladyPurpZeY I am trying to install IDL oficial trial package following instructions but it does not work05:18
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Ahadielsudo apt-get update | apt-cache search evolution05:18
superchodewas hoping to get some help to get my MS explorer and its extra buttons working05:18
PurpZeYsteel_lady: Link to instructions?05:19
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xand_hi,  what is the best way to convert a 3G video to avi, mpeg etc05:19
si1ahadiel: I've tried and it's not there. I'm running 2.10 that came with 7.04, but there doesn't appear to be any newer version05:19
PurpZeYxand_: mencoder ?05:19
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sldkfjlerio, maybe try   dmidecode   ???05:19
steel_lady<PurpZeY> I am not sure if you can open it?05:20
Ahadielsi1: Hrm, you could try removing it, and finding a debian05:20
yobrienomegacenti: well you could guess ... since its a tft it shouldnt break anything if they are wrong .... on my monitor they are HorizSync 28-49 , VertRefresh 43-7205:20
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pudland_hi,  what is the best way to convert a ogm video to avi, mpeg, VCD etc05:20
PurpZeYsteel_lady: what step are you up to?05:20
Ahadielsi1: perhaps sudo apt-get upgrade?05:20
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yobrienomegacenti: i cant remember how i got those values tho :)05:20
Dev05Hi! I've compiled and installed several times the new gnome-main-menu but I can't use it as it never appears in the Add To Panel dialogue. Any ideas?05:20
PurpZeYsteel_lady: You are trying to set the "predefined options" ?05:21
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steel_lady<PurpZeY> I am in licensing, actually the installation seems to go well but it does not run05:21
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superchodealso, just installed azureus... got it set up... was downloading... then i applied the updates for ubuntu 7.04 and rebooted... now azureus crashes just after it opens up05:21
PurpZeYsteel_lady: did you set the predefined options using sudo/05:21
imac1chilie: you may find these links helpful......     http://www.actsofvolition.com/archives/2004/july/simpledesktop      http://www.gnome.org/projects/evolution/doc/x2640.html05:21
superchodewell... just flashes open and then dissapears05:21
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OregonJi1Sorry I got booted. Anyone figure out the problem?05:21
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steel_lady<PurpZeY> how do I set predefined options?05:22
OregonJi1For some reason, gaim has decided to change me to OregonJil instead of OregonJim.05:22
imac1does anyone know of a reason why a cdrom drive would be able to detect cd's but not be able to display the files on those cds even if they can be viewed on other machines, here is my messages file here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24175/05:22
OregonJi1So any help on the Grub error?05:23
desdesHi all, need help, my log folder is 6gb big. is this normal? 3 files are 1.6gb in size - debug, kem-log and syslog.05:23
rookiehwmactually you're OregonJi105:23
rookiehwmthat's a one05:23
Dev05xand_, Look for audio converters in Add/Remove applications :)05:23
PurpZeYsteel_lady: The first step there... ITT-DIR/idl64/bin/idl_setup.bash05:23
OregonJi1Hard to tell the difference. Not important though.05:23
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PurpZeYsteel_lady: I am guessing that ITT-DIR is /usr/bin/ITT (or something similar, but I have no way of knowing.05:23
steel_lady<PurpZeY> I didn't even install it using sudo05:23
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yobrienOregonJi1: do a google for grub error 18 ... it comes up with stuff05:24
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OregonJi1So is there some way to prevent fiesty from detecting my hd as a scsi drive?05:24
xand_PurpZeY, Dev05: thanks guys, in just 3min its done!05:24
PurpZeYsteel_lady: That is probably necessary.05:24
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johnnythe networkmanager folks never pasted05:24
leriou want to see my specs if this can run beryl?05:24
PurpZeYxand_: No worries, I only said one thing...;P05:24
=== Scunizi I need another scotch. My eye's are getting tired of listening....
OregonJi1That's the only reason I can think of for the machine to get Grub errors after installation.05:24
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PurpZeYlerio: there is a wiki to test if you can run it.05:24
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steel_lady<PurpZeY> wait for me to repeat it although I dubt that it will be different05:24
Dev05xand_, You've got quite a nice PC... You're welcome.05:25
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desdesshould the logs be that big? ^05:25
johnnycan somebody please paste the output of route -n if you are using networkmanager and a wireless card?05:25
PurpZeYlerio: And also, #beryl or #ubuntu-effects is a better place for that question.05:25
OregonJi1I did do the google, but the stuff is not really appropriate to the symptoms. Further reading says05:25
PurpZeYsteel_lady: Ok.05:25
xand_Dev05: haha Why do say that?05:25
johnnypaste into a pm that is05:25
johnnyto me05:25
lerioa ok tnx how can i join there05:25
DekayLast quick check, Ubuntu does create a boot menu when installed for multibooting purposes, correct?05:25
PurpZeYlerio: /join #channelyouwant05:25
bulmerjohnny whats the problem with yours?05:25
OregonJi1that frequently you will see this error with unrelated problems. So I am assuming that the installer05:25
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Dev05xand_, Converting 3G of data within 3 to 4 minutes is quite fast.05:26
leriook gotit05:26
pudland_hi,  what is the best way to convert a ogm video to avi, mpeg etc?05:26
PurpZeYDekay: Yes, it should.05:26
=== SubOne [n=subone@c-71-56-222-150.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PurpZeYpudland_: mencoder ?05:26
DekayOkay thanks, wish me luck with my install I'm going to do then :D05:26
OregonJi1has mis-detected my hd as scsi instead of ide and although it seems to have installed05:26
SubOneif i run the installer for Wine 0.9.38 i386 will it automatically install over top of the newer version of wine i have installed?05:26
OregonJi1grub is misconfigured and I get the grub error 18.05:26
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Scunizipudland_, http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/mencoder.html05:26
steel_lady<PurpZeY> during the installation it says: current login: root. is it ok?05:26
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xand_Dev05: oh but that was just a tiny video...i'm impressed of how fast i found the solution to it05:27
PurpZeYsteel_lady: You ran it with sudo, right?05:27
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si1ahadiel: I have tried that as well.05:27
OregonJi1If i installed the drive on a usb interface what would I need to modify to change the boot so it actually sees the05:27
OregonJi1proper drive type??05:27
steel_lady<PurpZeY> nyes05:27
Dev05xand_, You said it was 3G...05:27
PurpZeYsteel_lady: yeah, that's good then.05:27
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PurpZeYDev05: I think he meant the format.05:27
desdesmy log folder is 6gb big. is this normal? 3 files are 1.6gb in size - debug, kem-log and syslog.05:27
steel_lady<PurpZeY> there is another thing suspicious for me05:28
Dev05PurpZeY, OK, is not a big issue, is it? :)05:28
Ahadielsi1: Not sure then.05:28
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PurpZeYDev05: Doesn't seem to be...; )05:28
Dev05PurpZeY, Hehe.05:28
PurpZeYsteel_lady: ok. what is it?05:28
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xand_Dev05: haha sorry guys that was a 3GP file05:29
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xand_i mean the extention05:29
Dev05xand_, lol Just, nevermind.05:29
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m0u5eanyone know what prisoner.iana.org is?05:29
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RobTheGlob26it's where bad IP's go...lol05:30
PurpZeYm0u5e: A website?05:30
steel_lady<PurpZeY> I requested 32 bit version, this one has the 64 in the name although on the DL page it was saying it is 32 version. it can be also version of the program 6.405:30
OregonJi1Ok, well, sorry about the hard questions. I'll go onto the user groups and look there. Later, folks.05:30
m0u5eRobTheGlob26: do you know why that happens? (that was my guess)05:30
PurpZeYsteel_lady: It is possible, I mean, why not keep walking through the install.05:30
m0u5eRobTheGlob26: I noticed it when I was using Ekiga?05:30
steel_lady<PurpZeY> seems that I am able to execute it now05:31
PurpZeYsteel_lady: So then, you are set?05:31
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desdescan someone tell me about these big logs?05:31
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desdesyeh in var/log05:32
desdes1.6gb big05:32
Scunizidesdes, what are they labeled05:32
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desdes3 files are 1.6gb in size - debug, kem-log and syslog.05:32
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enokI don't think I can install anything because I don't have the root password :(05:33
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veinorno, you type in your own password.05:33
PurpZeYenok: Use sudo05:33
si1Anyone know about Evolution 2.8.0 and 7.04 Fiesty? 2.10 that is available as part of fiesty has reported bugs on the forums.05:33
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omegacentiLTN140W2-L01 First person to get this monitors horizontal and vertical sync rates gets 1 free internet!05:33
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Scunizidesdes, some systems log everything and keep going.. as the files get bigger....I'm not sure if you can delete them or not.  You could rename them and see what happens. they may get recreated smaller ie at the beginning again05:34
imac1does anyone know of a reason why a cdrom drive would be able to detect cd's but not be able to display the files on those cds even if they can be viewed on other machines, here is my messages file here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24175/05:34
Scunizidesdes, then you can delete the files you renames.05:34
enokI tried using pon to connect but it tells me that dev/modem is invalid which makes me think that the modem was never correctly installed05:34
SillyZevening, just got an nvidia go-7800 here installed, how do i tell X not to start up at boot, so i can get the drivers installed?05:34
desdesok leme try05:34
enokand the install info says i need to be logged into root05:34
veinorSIllyZ: Boot in rescue mode.05:34
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PurpZeY!CN | Unbuntu_CN05:34
ubotuUnbuntu_CN: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk05:34
bknitramenok, on Ubuntu, the root account is disabled by default. sudo accepts your password and is the default was to do root operations05:34
RobTheGlob26the syslog daemoshould be able to delete the gzip ones...n should gzip the old logs files up when they get too big or old, so you05:34
steel_lady<PurpZeY> seems ok, thank you05:35
CokeMan im having trouble using wine, its a very simple application i used to use on windows which looks to be written in some version of basic (not visual basic) when i run it, i get the error which leads me to believe that it cant access a file that data exists in that needs to be loaded. Its an error from the application itself.05:35
Scunizidesdes, you may have to reboot.05:35
kslchm hi. I'm having problemwith my audio. I've been trying to google for my problem and some people seem to have had this problem and I've done what they say to fix it. Ubuntu seems to be able to see my audio card now and everything but no sound comes out of the speakers.05:35
PurpZeYsteel_lady: No problem.05:35
RobTheGlob26my last message got garbled, but I think you can figure it out05:35
SillyZVenior that wont affect any paths or anything by being in rescue mode?05:35
PurpZeY!alsa | kslc05:35
ubotukslc: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:35
omegacentiLTN140W2-L01 First person to get this monitors horizontal and vertical sync rates gets 1 free internet!05:35
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PurpZeYCokeMan: What kind of error?05:35
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kslcI'm on a HP Pavilion dv2310us hm the sound card is a High Definition nVidia05:35
VitaminsACockHol /leave05:36
SillyZk ill give it a shot here then , thanks again Veinor05:36
desdesok, think it was because of bandwidth monitoring in webmin05:36
godzirraCan anyone help me with wireless?  For some reason my iwconfig lists my wireless as eth1 instead of wlan0 like all the tutorials say  it should be.05:36
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kslcI'd appreciate any help on this05:36
Scunizidesdes, good..05:36
PurpZeY!alsa > kslc05:36
Kirschhey guys, i was searching the web and i found for my issue and i couldn't find a solution, only an empty thread (it's dated last yr tho) OS and everything is still the same (its for 6.06.1 LTS) http://www.linuxhelp.net/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t8196.html any ideas?05:36
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desdescan someone recommend other bandwidth monitoring app?05:36
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veinorgodzirra: Mine does the same thing, but I don't think it affects anything.05:36
mneptokgodzirra: eth1 is perfectly acceptable05:36
CokeManPurpZeY, i dont know how else to explain what im saying05:36
mneptokgodzirra: intel 3945?05:37
PurpZeYgodzirra: I might be wrong, but I think if your wired card appears as eth0, the wireless can be eth1...I might be wrong, so, odn't count on me05:37
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godzirramy wired card does appaear as eth0 so thats cool.05:37
wengkuowei= =05:37
CokeManwhat is not understandable about im getting an error from the application im trying to run in wine that leads me to believe its not being able to access a file thats in its own directory05:37
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godzirrabut when I try and run dhclient it says "send_packet:L network down05:37
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PurpZeYgodzirra: Yeah, you should be good then.05:37
leriowhat prog can i find like corel05:37
kslck I'll heck that real quick05:37
mneptokgodzirra: intel 3945?05:37
godzirraAnd if I just do iwconfig, it etlls me my access point is invalid.05:37
PurpZeYCokeMan: How about, what is the message? how are you running wine? what application are you trying to run?05:37
PurpZeYgodzirra: Can you pastebin iwconfig please?05:38
godzirranope, Broadcom 130905:38
Scunizilerio, corel draw?05:38
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:38
CokeManthe message "Error accessing file"05:38
CokeMangee, where did i get my conclusions...05:38
mneptokgodzirra: are you using ndiswrapper or fwcutter?05:38
PurpZeYgodzirra: Broadcom.....ack! using ndiswrapper?05:38
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mneptokgodzirra: good luck.05:38
PurpZeYgodzirra: Pastebin iwconfig.05:38
PurpZeYmneptok: Hahaha...Apparently you and I have had similar experiences with this.05:38
=== mneptok runs away from Broadcom *anything*
lerioyup something like for feisty05:39
PanzerMKZbroadcom used to be good05:39
PurpZeYCokeMan: Honestly, I'd like to try and help you, but, you can be nice to me, or I just don't want to.05:39
PanzerMKZbut they bought out serverworks05:39
mneptokPurpZeY: not really. i can say "unsupported! bye!" and not deal with it :)05:39
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mneptokPanzerMKZ: Broadcom *never* released open drivers05:39
godzirraPurpZeY: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24359/05:39
GSquaredI asked this last night but didnt find anyone who knew about this area, so sorry to bother again... does anyone know much about X11 config for multiple single monitor setups? I want to be able to log in via certain sessions (the ones you pick at gnome login) and get certain monitor definitions05:39
PurpZeYmneptok: I have a close friend trying to get a bcom 4318 to go and it is apparently the most difficult card to get going.05:40
godzirramneptok: Yeah, I know, but other people have gotten this laptop working with unbutu before.05:40
Scunizilerio, hard to see when you post if you don't put the nick in the line.. try Inkscape, gimp, openoffice draw05:40
CokeManim sorry, i just aggitated. The message is simple that, im trying to run the translation program from freelang.net and im just running it like wine dict.exe.05:40
CokeMan*simply that05:40
bruenigGSquared, x is already started before you get to the login screen05:40
godzirraPurpZeY: its a laptop, I dont have a choice.05:40
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calcgodzirra: you can probably swap out the minipci card, depending on the laptop05:41
omegacentiI need help. I need walkthrough analytical decisive help. My experience with this has been horrible in dealing with my configuration. Please, anyone who wishes to see true gratitude... Please take on my issue.05:41
PurpZeYgodzirra: I understand.  Have you tried configuring it manually?05:41
godzirracalc: not something I can do right now.05:41
bruenigGSquared, the best way to do it would be to make sure X doesn't start at boot, log in into the console, and then move whatever xorg.conf you need and startx05:41
calcgodzirra: i swapped a broadcom out 3.5 years ago for an intel centrino wireless board05:41
GSquaredbruenig: so there is no way to change what monitor definion it uses? is there at least a way to define what resolution is used on a per-session level?05:41
godzirraPurpZeY: Not yet.  I'm not entirely sure how to to be honest.05:41
PurpZeYCokeMan: And presumably you are sure that, that file is in the wine dir?05:41
calcgodzirra: ok05:41
godzirraI've gotten as far as getting the essid set.05:41
bruenigGSquared, you could obviously script that to make it easier05:41
CokeManPurpZeY, Wine directory? It is in the same directory as the exe.05:42
PurpZeYgodzirra: Open network manager and then walk it through that way. if you have to, set the mac. That *might* help.05:42
leriook.scunizi do we hav corel draw for feisty?05:42
GSquaredbruenig: sure :) trying to see if there is an existing construct to work within05:42
godzirrawhere's network manager?  (I'm a command line server guy :)05:42
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PurpZeYCokeMan: Wine has a dir where it stores the windows applications, so that when you run the program it looks for there.05:42
TiMoZihey room05:42
calclerio: i think corel draw was released for linux a few years back05:42
PurpZeYgodzirra: Not running gui at all?05:43
CokeManPurpZeY, so when i run an exe, it is not even able to access the files in its own directory? What is the usual location for this wine directory?05:43
TiMoZiCan anybody recommend a simple-setup GUI FTP Server for ubuntu?05:43
bruenigGSquared, the resolution one might be possible, although it would probably be hard05:43
bruenig!info proftpd05:43
ubotuproftpd: Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-21ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 765 kB, installed size 2276 kB05:43
lerioi heard it is another os to install they call it corel linux05:43
bruenig!info gproftpd05:43
calclerio: http://linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/previews/1981/3/05:43
ubotugproftpd: GTK+ configuration tool for proftpd. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.2.8-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 162 kB, installed size 580 kB05:43
TiMoZiI want to do some file sharing quickly cross platform over m local netowrk. security is not an issue05:43
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calclerio: corel linux doesn't exist anymore05:43
GSquaredbruenig: I know that the session file will exec a script that you can use to start up your window manager and launch any other apps, is there any command line way to interact with X11 that I could call from within that script to reconfigure either what monitor defiition/ServerLayout X11 uses, or more simply a command to tell X11 to change the resolution to a by b at freq c05:43
calclerio: turned into SCO05:44
calclerio: and then sued everyone05:44
PurpZeYCokeMan: Should be like ~/wine/programs or something like that05:44
leriowhat program similar to corel draw for feisty05:44
godzirrano, I am running a gui05:44
Tom47TiMoZi: with other linux ubuntu clients?05:44
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PurpZeYgodzirra: Ok, so the little network applet...double click on it.05:44
godzirrahuh, when I used the network manager thngie, it unset my essid05:44
TiMoZiTom47: no, a windows client05:44
linux_user400354hello. i need some help. when i launch midnight commander or finch from a linux console such as tty5, it displays strange characters, happy faces, etc. and does not display the lines correctly. how can i fix that?05:44
mneptokTiMoZi: sshd05:44
omegacentiNothing.. Noone...05:44
TiMoZiTom47: i dont wanna bother seting up windows networking... just quick ftp05:45
PurpZeYgodzirra: click once and select "manual configuration"05:45
godzirraI did.05:45
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mneptokTiMoZi: sudo apt-get install openssh-server05:45
PurpZeYgodzirra: Oh. my mistake.05:45
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Tom47ok was going to suggets you look at Shared Folders05:45
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godzirrabut now when I run iwconfig it lists everything as empy.05:45
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godzirrathe essid I set, etc, is gone.05:45
omegacentiScrew it. Good bye Linux! Talk to you maybe in a quarter of a year....05:45
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linux_user400354when i launch midnight commander or finch from a linux console such as tty5, it displays strange characters, happy faces, etc. and does not display the lines correctly. how can i fix that?05:46
PurpZeYgodzirra: If network-manager is being poor, I hear that wifi-radar has worked for people with bcom cards.05:46
TiMoZimneptok:ssh will do ftp?05:46
mneptokTiMoZi: yes05:46
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PurpZeYgodzirra: It's a package in the repos...It's just a different network manager.05:46
bruenigGSquared, insofar as you can change the resolution without being root, I can only assume that it is defined in a config file in the home directory. If you can figure out how that happens, you may be able to script it and run it in the startup commands. Anything that requires editing xorg will not work05:46
mneptokTiMoZi: it does SFTP, which is supported by all recent Linux and Win32 FTP clients05:47
godzirracan I configure the address manually?05:47
PurpZeYgodzirra: if you're of a mind it's worth a shot.05:47
leriodoes anyone knows what kind of draw will i use for my feisty?similar to corel draw05:47
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godzirraiwconfig eth1 address <my ip> doesn't work. :/05:48
TiMoZimneptok: ok thanks. what command line arguments?05:48
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mneptokTiMoZi: for what?05:48
godzirraIs that not correct?05:48
PurpZeYgodzirra: ping, is your router there?05:48
bulmergodzirra: wrong usage of command05:48
CokeManPurpZeY, Thanks very much. Works like a charm.05:48
godzirrawhat? is my localhost, not my router :)05:48
TiMoZimneptok: to host ftp at certain root folder at certain port?05:48
PurpZeYCokeMan: Not a problem..=)05:48
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godzirrabulmer: how do I set the ip address then?05:49
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PurpZeYgodzirra: Apologies, sometimes the mind doesn't want to work05:49
mneptokTiMoZi: sshd does not work like that. you create accounts for people that should have access05:49
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bulmergodzirra: with either the ip command or trusty ifconfig05:49
mneptokTiMoZi: you can specify a port for sshd to listen on in /etc/ssh/sshd_config05:49
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godzirraSigh.  If I run dhclient eth1 I ge this:  receive_packet failed on eth1: Network is down05:50
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bruenigterrestre, you are pitiful05:50
bruenigwoops, accidentally pasted my website, how did that happen05:50
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godzirraand if I try and do ifconfig eth1 up, I get "SIOCSIFFLAGS: NNo such file or directory"05:50
=== bruenig shrugs shoulders and raises hands innocently
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meatontwoveggieshi all05:51
terrestrebruenig: its not my website05:51
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terrestreactully its was a mistake05:51
meatontwoveggiesanyone have this same problem with democracy 0.9.6 on Ubuntu Feisty05:51
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terrestre i lost my swap after a freezing or something like that05:51
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desdesI get this error at bootup and kern.log is full of it :Jun  6 04:38:01 ubuntulap kernel: [193771.412000]  bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed.05:52
desdesany ideas?05:52
bulmergodzirra: wrong usage of commands05:52
PurpZeYdesdes: you trying to black list the broadcom drivers?05:52
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desdesno? i jus installed ubuntu, didnt mess with anything like tht05:53
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GSquaredbruenig: thx05:53
desdesit has a bradcom card in it05:53
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PurpZeYdesdes: Honestly, that is WAY beyond anything I, personally, can troubleshoot.05:54
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desdeserm okeyy05:54
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robert98374Hello Everyone!05:54
PurpZeYdesdes: I will look at the forums for you though.05:54
desdesok thanks..05:54
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robert98374How do i change the default icon to access my programs?05:54
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User766hello all05:55
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robert98374User766 Hello!05:56
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ramorekhello again guys05:56
robert98374ramorek Hello!05:56
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no0bGood morning/afternoon///05:56
ramorekthis is the ubuntu chnl right ?05:56
ramorekk cool05:57
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ramorekspliffster are you in ?05:57
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PurpZeYdesdes: what type of processor you running?05:57
desdesceleron m05:57
desdesacer laptop05:57
robert98374How do i change the Ubuntu Icon that lets me access my apps?05:57
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GSKA7anyone had success installing VMWare Workstation 6 on Ubuntu?05:58
ramorekcan anyone help me ? im trying to access vnc and i can get in locally but not remotely05:58
linux_user400354when i launch midnight commander or finch from a linux console such as tty5, it displays strange characters, happy faces, etc. and does not display the lines correctly. how can i fix that?05:58
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PurpZeYdesdes: Well, one thing that has popped up is that, this could be casued by trying to use x86 Ubuntu with x64 etc. . .But I am still looking05:59
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CokeManPurpZeY, another question: I attempted to make it an icon on my toolbar, to which i ran wine /home/UserName/.wine/drive_c/program files/whatever.exe   and i get that same error message, however when i cd into the directory and wine whatever.exe it works fine, how do i eleviate this?05:59
desdesok, can i just disable that wireless card?05:59
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PurpZeYdesdes: That should help, I believe.06:00
desdeshow can I do that?06:00
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stumpleithi in ubuntu using KDE how can I access the Restricted Drivers Manager?06:00
PurpZeYCokeMan: I'm honestly not sure. Ask in #winehq I would think maybe just made a type or something...case sensitivity, all that....06:00
PurpZeYdesdes: If there is a physical switch or something of that nature.06:01
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terrestrehttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/66637 someone, with this problem? any idea?06:01
stumpleithi in ubuntu using KDE how can I access the Restricted Drivers Manager?06:01
desdesnope, that switch doesn't work in ubuntu, just in windows06:01
ramorekcan anyone help me with VNC ?06:02
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desdeskern.log is full of that error and 1.7gb!06:03
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Toulousehello there, i am trying to set up a VNC server and client on two ubuntu machines that are hooked up via a network cable, but i have not been able to connect to the Vnc server with "vncviewer" in the terminal06:04
stumpleithi in ubuntu using KDE how can I access the Restricted Drivers Manager?06:04
PurpZeYdesdes: I'm really sorry, I honestly don't know, and I can't really find anything in the forums.06:04
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Toulouseis there anyone that is knowledgeable of VNC that could help?06:05
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ramorek<vnc help anyone ?06:05
desdesok i'll look elsewher06:05
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Tom47linux_user400354: i just installed mc to see if i could replicate yr problem ... seems fine here ...06:05
RobTheGlob26Toulouse: shoot06:05
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RobTheGlob26go ahead06:05
ramorektom47 : can you help me with vnc please ?06:05
linux_user400354Tom47: are you using mc in gnome-terminal?06:05
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RobTheGlob26Toulouse: what's your question?06:06
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Tom47linux_user400354: yes06:06
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Toulousehow do i "in simple steps" get a vnc server running on a machine06:06
linux_user400354Tom47: it works fine in gnome-terminal. push control alt f1 and try it.06:06
Toulouseand connect with another to it06:06
RobTheGlob26is the "server" Windows or Linux?06:06
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ToulouseUbuntu linux06:07
DekayAh, help I'm at the ubuntu partition screen. I just made a new partition within vista (20gigs) to install ubuntu onto. Every time I try to it says 'No root file system is defined'. What to I do D:?06:07
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DekayAlso I chose the manual option versus the Guided-full usage.06:07
stumpleitenable ATI accelerated graphics driver06:07
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FlannelDekay: is this Alternate or Desktop CD?06:07
stumpleitcan anyone tell me how I can enable enable ATI accelerated graphics driver under KDE?06:07
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PurpZeY!ATI | stumpleit06:08
ubotustumpleit: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:08
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ramorekcan anyone help with vnc ?06:08
Tom47linux_user400354: certainly there are some graphics conversion issues but it looks usable06:08
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RobTheGlob26Go to "Administration" -> "Remote Desktop", check the appropriate options within the dialog, and then hit "Close", then you should be able to connect as long as there is no firewall blocking the connection06:08
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FlannelDekay: you need to go back to the partition screen, delete that partition, and then re-create it.  Then you'll be able to mount it as /06:08
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DekayIf I were to choose the 'guided' partition selection would it wipe my vista?06:08
DekayOh okay06:08
ramorekno but when i connect remoteyl vnc is running real slow06:08
RobTheGlob26Toulouse: did you get that last msg?06:09
linux_user400354Tom47: it shouldnt look like that at all. it should look a whole lot better. it is a problem specific with ubuntu. i did not have the problem with other distros.06:09
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Toulousei see it, im working on it06:09
tovellaDekay: you may actually need to create 2 partitions - one would be used as a swap partition.06:09
DekayWhat setting should be on the partition, (Primary/logical, Location: Beginning/end, use as) I also don't want it to be my default.06:09
RobTheGlob26Toulouse: to connect, hit Alt + F2 and type "vncviewer" then type in the IP or DNS name06:10
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Tom47linux_user400354: ok .... my own recollection with earlier ubuntu's would suggest you are right but memory is an odd commodity here :)06:10
tovellaDekay: primary & begining will should work fine.06:10
FlannelDekay: Primary is fine if you've got slots left.  And beginning (but you'll be using the whole empty space, so that last bit doesn't matter)06:10
FlannelDekay: yep06:10
RobTheGlob26Toulouse: to connect, hit Alt + F2 and type "vncviewer", and hit Enter. Then, type in the IP or DNS name06:11
DekayMountpoint= /?06:11
stumpleitwhy doesnt my system have "System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Manager?06:11
PurpZeYstumpleit: Did you install the restricted drivers?06:11
robert98374How do i change the Ubuntu Icon,when i click on it it shows me the Applications Etc?06:11
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RobTheGlob26stumpleit: you running Feisty?06:11
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Frogzoostumpleit: maybe you're not using a restricted driver?06:11
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Toulouserobtheglob26: how do i find out the IP or DNS name??06:12
DekayOKay is swap space neccesary if I have 2 gigs of ram on my laptop?06:12
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jribDekay: yes, if you want to suspend to disk for example06:12
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DekayHow larg should a Swap space be allocated to then?06:12
Toulousejust give it like 51206:13
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jribDekay: I believe at least the size of your ram should be sufficient06:13
ToulouseRobtheGlob26: how do i find the DNS name or IP?06:13
tovellaDekay: if you wan't to suspend to disk, you may need to make it the size of your RAM.06:13
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DekayWhat does 'suspend disk' mean?06:14
jribDekay: hibernate06:14
yangeri noticed that in ubuntu, the fstab is setup via uuid instead of using the device names, how can i tell what the uuid of a hard drive is? (new hard drive)06:15
jrib!uuid > yanger (see the private message from ubotu)06:15
no0bI'm always having too restore my firefox sessions because it forever continues too crash. Any help?06:15
DekayOh that's pretty important. So when I edit partition it asks me to put in the new value for the partition, is this assuming changing the value of the current one, and will it wipe any information (i.e.windows?)06:15
terrestreyanger: sudo vol_id -u /dev/sda o hda06:15
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ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)06:16
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SillyZgreetings, really need some help here with getting an Nvidia GO-7800 going under ubuntu here06:16
terrestrey have a problem after a reboot, new uuid in swap partition so no swap on after reboot06:16
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bruenig!ati | SillyZ06:17
ubotuSillyZ: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:17
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CokeManhow come i cant cd into a directory in a sh script?06:17
RobTheGlob26Toulouse: in a terminal, type "ifconfig" and it will give you a list of the configs of all the network adapters in your system.  Find "eth0" or "eth1" and then look for the line with "inet addr:" and it will have the IP there06:17
bruenigCokeMan, you can06:17
SillyZbruenig: and thats a bad url to boot from ubotu, reported it yesterday06:17
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bruenigCokeMan, paste your script if you would like06:17
bruenig!pastebin | CokeMan06:17
ubotuCokeMan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:17
tovellaDekay: no, if you're editing the linux partition, it will not effect windows.06:17
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RobTheGlob26What's the line from the script look like?06:18
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KumasanHey! I just wanted to say *thanks* to all the folks making Ubuntu work!. Bought a System76 laptop, not a Linux newbie, and I really like not having to tweak the laptop. Dev box, yeah I tweak the hell out of that, laptop just works, as it should, .06:18
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CokeManbruenig i do cd "/home" and i get cd: 1: can't cd to home06:18
DekayOkay finished. What format do I make the suspend space then?06:18
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bruenigCokeMan, pastebin the script06:18
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tovellaDekay: the filesystem for the swap partition should be swap.06:18
CokeManbruenig, that is the script06:18
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bruenigCokeMan, just the shebang and then that?06:19
SillyZany nvidia users out there got a few min to help someone from the former ranks of the ATI ?06:19
CokeManer shebang?06:19
RobTheGlob26CokeMan, do you want to get to /home/ or /home/<username>?06:19
CokeMani forgot about those, whats that supposed to be?06:19
KumasanSillyZ, ?06:19
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bruenigCokeMan, #!/bin/bash06:19
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Kumasanbruenig, or :06:20
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CokeManwell i still get that i cant CD into /home06:20
SillyZKumasan, Installed a Nvidia GO-7800 on my system, Ubuntu 7.04, followed the directions, downloaded drivers installed them, and GDM/X still wont start06:20
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ToulouseRobtheGlob26: it says "no route to host" when i put in the Ip address06:20
bruenigcd /home06:20
steel_ladyis it possible to find licenses of propietary programs for linux, like for win? I need to use urgently the program I installed, but I don't have the license06:20
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RobTheGlob26CokeMan: If you want to get to YOUR home directory, then just use    cd ~06:20
CokeManRobTheGlob26, i want to cd into /home/UserName/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Program/06:20
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bruenigCokeMan, that is a script I just wrote, works, the last line should be pwd not pw06:21
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CokeManbut i've done that whole thing in quotes and it wouldent let me, so i tried just cding into home06:21
MultiFinder17-G4I need some help with AirPort Extreme on a MacBook under 7.04.06:21
CokeManwhich it will not allow me06:21
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bruenigCokeMan, does your script looke like that06:21
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vicentehullow :)06:21
RobTheGlob26hi vicente06:21
lerioafter i install the feisty i only see black screen during booting no usplash06:21
KumasanSillyZ, what directions? I have a 7600, just had that "restricted drivers" thing show up, worked great, for me.06:21
CokeManit is cd "/home"06:21
CokeManwhat is pw?06:22
bruenigCokeMan, pwd06:22
steel_ladyheloooouuuuu everybody! is it possible to crack on linux?06:22
CokeManwell what is pwd?06:22
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bruenigCokeMan, print working directory06:22
FlannelCokeMan: print working directory06:22
SillyZKaumasan, I didnt even get a 'restricted drivers' issue upon original installation, I had to install the drivers manually, no 3d accel, no 2d accel, etc06:22
bruenigCokeMan, so does that script work?06:22
Kumasansteel_lady, possible?? yes. You're welcome.06:22
SillyZits a fresh system so re-installing it isnt nothing but a cup of coffee and a few infomercials06:22
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CokeMansame deal, i get cd: 3: can't cd to /home06:23
steel_ladyKumasan, I need to use IDL urgently, where can I search for license to unlock it?06:23
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leriosomebody knows y only see black screen on my feisty on booting up and what will i do06:23
LicensedLunacyIs there a simple way to read/write to a FAT32 drive from the Ubuntu boot disk?06:23
KumasanSiliconViper,  Did you d/l the driver directly from Nvidia then rather than use the ubuntu package manager? are you using the default ubuntu kernel06:23
CokeManam i executeing it right? I go sh script.sh06:23
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Kumasansteel_lady, call the company, pay the $$. Problem solved06:24
LicensedLunacyshould mount -t vfat work?06:24
SillyZwelp maybe reinstalling from scratch here and starting from square one might be the best idea06:24
veinorIs upgrading to Feisty a good idea or should I wait?06:24
SillyZthanks Kuamasan for takin the time, its rare around here these days06:24
steel_ladyKumasan I don't have the money and I need it only now only tonight to use it for 10 mins06:24
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PurpZeYveinor: Some people have had problems. . .Seems like some had very few.06:24
lerioveinor u wait its more safer06:24
MultiFinder17-G4I need some help with AirPort Extreme on a MacBook under 7.04. Anybody?06:24
bruenigCokeMan, yeah that should work, that doesn't make sense, can you cd /home in the terminal?06:24
CokeManbruenig, yep06:25
veinorThe stuff I'd get wouldn't be worth it?06:25
leriosome help pls on my usplash06:25
Dekaysteel_lady, Which program?06:25
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KumasanSillyZ, maybe. I did a full reinstall for the desktop, and an upgrade for the laptop (isn't nvidia, so doesn't matter for this discussion)06:25
RobTheGlob26CokeMan: run your script like this:    ./script.sh06:25
steel_ladyDekey http://www.ittvis.com/idl/06:25
RobTheGlob26don't spawn a new shell06:26
bruenigshouldn't matter06:26
Kumasansteel_lady, sorry, they make the software, they get to chose what it costs. You get to chose to pay or not. What does it do? maybe there's an OSS equivilent?06:26
RobTheGlob26it does06:26
PurpZeYveinor: Some people seem to have troubles...Others it works with just a few tweaks...In a sense, if you're feeling adventorous do it. If not, don't rock the boat.06:26
bruenigno it doesn't, I just did it on mine with sh06:26
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bruenigand mine wasn't executable06:26
RobTheGlob26well I guess since he doesn't use any shell variables, it doesn't06:26
CokeManbash: ./Script.sh: Permission denied06:26
CokeManRobTheGlob26, bash: ./RunLang.sh: Permission denied06:26
bruenigCokeMan, yeah you need to chmod +x Script.sh06:27
steel_ladyKumasan, it is a program package, actually a compiler, I need to compile a little program written in it06:27
RobTheGlob26chmod +x script.sh06:27
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Toulousehey guys, how do i reconfig the X server and Xorg.conf?06:27
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bruenigToulouse, vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:27
SeraphimHi, I'm running my LiveCD right this second and am running the installer. Could someone help me with a problem I'm having?06:27
Toulousewell,i mean reconfigure X i guess06:27
Toulouselike the program06:27
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes06:27
Toulouseto dot hat06:27
CokeManbruenig, bash: ./Script.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory06:28
Flannel!ask | Seraphim06:28
ubotuSeraphim: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:28
PurpZeYSeraphim: Describe the problem.06:28
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:28
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preactionsteel_lady: this is not the place to ask for help in breaking international copyright law06:28
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SeraphimWhat I am doing is running the installer right now, right? I've got one NTFS partition, about 160 gigs. I've also got a new ext3 partition I've created that's 40 gigs that is to be installed for Ubuntu.06:28
steel_ladyDekay, are you familiar with it? are there pages for licenses in linux like in win?06:28
Kumasansteel_lady, then your options are fairly limited, either pay them the $, reimplement in a lang with an OSS compiler, or find if they have some sort of a demo version06:28
bruenigCokeMan, that has happened to me before, it is a very bizarre error, before it had to do with spacing at the end of a line and other times I just copied and pasted the entire script into another text file and it worked06:28
DekayI am not familiar with IDL06:29
CokeManbruenig, heh, i will try both06:29
SeraphimBasically, I just need to make sure that I've got everything setup for it correctly. I've got my NTFS partition that I want to leave untouched mounted as /dev/hda1 , mount point /media/hda1, and I've got the ext3 partition set as / mount point.06:29
SeraphimDoes that sound alright?06:29
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CokeManbruenig, tried both, both fail.06:30
steel_ladyKumasan, I am wit the demo version that does not demonstrate nothing since the saving is prohibited06:30
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Kumasansteel_lady, that sucks! sorry06:30
preactionSeraphim: sounds fine, if you used proper techniques for resizing the NTFS partition06:30
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SeraphimHeh, if you call using a Norton product a proper techniuqe.06:31
PurpZeYsteel_lady: It's not all that difficult...their software isn't free, so if you want to use it, you should pay for it.06:31
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steel_ladyPurpzey I don't want to use it normally, just now and never again06:31
maethcan somebody help me configuring grub?06:32
bruenigCokeMan, try to copy and paste this, then do "source nameoffile ; thing"  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24361/06:32
PurpZeYsteel_lady: I need a ride to work tomorrow, since my car is in the shop, should I just steal my roommates car just for tomorrow?06:32
maethi just wanna set a background picture, got it, followed the instructions and it trows me an error on start06:32
steel_ladyand PurpZey they say there that they will send an evaluating license by mail but it never arrived06:32
PurpZeYsteel_lady: Call them and get the eval liscense by phone.06:32
Seraphimso what steel_lady?  they don't just want you to pay for it ONLY if you need it a handful of times, they want you to pay for it to get the cash.06:32
=== hinesd [n=david@hlfxns0146w-142177044116.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
preactionsteel_lady: still not justification for a crime?06:32
steel_ladyPurpZey sure your roommate would give you one ride06:33
SeraphimASSume much?06:33
preactionsteel_lady: they aren't giving you saving though, doesn't mean you can just take it06:33
PurpZeYsteel_lady: He *might* but he'd give it to me, I wouldn't take his keys.06:33
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:33
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=== PurpZeY agrees and moves on.
maethPurpZeY, dude... piracy rocks06:34
no0bWho here knows how too show html in evolution mail?06:34
=== bruenig sounds not clever alert on Seraphim
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maethPurpZeY, besides, in my country , there arent those laws anyway... hehehe06:34
no0bI mean, when you receive a message...06:34
hinesdwho here knows after installing ubuntu how to change it so you can boot to either xp or ubuntu?06:34
Seraphim*sounds misspelling of the word "clevar" alert on bruenig*06:34
_Budwhere is firewall (firestarter)06:35
PurpZeYhinesd: It should set that up automatically.06:35
hinesdit's not06:35
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hinesdi jsut went from xp06:35
hinesdand now i can't boot06:35
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preactionrofl Seraphim, he speeled it corectly06:35
PurpZeYhinesd: How did you install?06:35
hinesdafter installing ubuntu06:35
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hinesdoff of live cd06:35
preaction!enter | hinesd06:35
ubotuhinesd: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:35
Dekayhinesd, I just did the same thing.06:35
no0bgrub would've stole the mbr06:35
PurpZeYhinesd: Partition or multiple hardrive?06:35
DekayIt creates a boot menu!06:35
maethanybody can help me with changing a background for grub splash?06:35
jzillaWhat are some advantages that ubuntu as over opensuse?06:36
no0bhe cant get into windows now06:36
DekayI did the same :|06:36
DekayNo less than a minute ago06:36
preactionjzilla: the main advantage imho is APT, but i've never used suse's packaging system06:36
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DekayUbunut does create a boot menu (tacky one at that)06:36
steel_ladyok, if I have to pay for it 40$ and I live in a country where my mother has the monthly salary of 150$, what should I do?06:36
PurpZeYhinesd: Did you do guided partitioning in the setup or manual?06:36
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PurpZeYtalk about it in off-topic06:36
no0bhe may of dekleted the xp partitions then06:36
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hinesdmanual partition and installed ubuntu edgey fit, the xp partition is here it's mounted on my desktop06:37
Dekaysteel_lady, How are you on the internet?06:37
theprofilei have a window that my game runs in.. has a red border and i can't switch to my desktop while the game is running.. is there any way to allow myself out of the game w\o closing it?06:37
Seraphimsteel_lady: enough about pirating the software. If you feel like you're so morally in the clear, just figure out a way to do it or something... I'm sick of hearing your justification on everything.06:37
preactionsteel_lady: re-evaluate your options, there are probably free solutions for doing what you want (since IDL looks to be a way to write programs, try learning a real program language)06:37
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no0boh my, did you format any partitions hinesd?06:37
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bruenigyeah like python, oh wait06:37
PurpZeY@preaction - burrrn.06:37
preactionsteel_lady: python is rather easy to learn, has a large number of accompanying libraries to do countless tasks06:37
no0byou create new partitions?06:37
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hinesdno0b: i created new partitions i formatted some, i cna see the sxp partition though06:38
bruenigjust learn bash06:38
steel_ladypreaction, IDL is the package written to handle astronomy images06:38
SeraphimLol, I love being in a room of people who are so superior in terms of tech knowledge to me, cracking jokes about programming languages.06:38
maethhow can i know what Hard disk im using ? like a HD(0,0)??06:38
Toulousehey guys, how do i find my dns name?06:38
no0byou may of formatted the xp partition..06:38
hinesdno0b:  it's mounted on my desktop i can see it06:38
PurpZeYno0b: No, he said he can boot to XP06:38
preactionsteel_lady: so look for a free solution? or write your own solution? the nature of free software06:38
=== MorningDew [n=johanes@pool-71-104-44-158.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cavalierprimehttp://swaroopch.info/text/Byte_of_Python:Main_Page  good starter tutorial for python  :)06:38
theprofilemay i say that beryl is absolutely breathtaking06:38
Toulouseit is06:38
theprofilei just got it going06:38
hinesdno0b:  i cant' boot to xp grub only gives me the option for buuntu06:39
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preactiontheprofile: i agree, when it works06:39
Toulousehey guys, how do i find my DNS name or IP (For VNC)06:39
theprofilei haven't had any issues.. i have read about many however06:39
no0bboot to the xp cd and see if you can enter the recovery console, if you can. at the command prompt, type chkdsk /r or, chkdsk / f hinesd06:39
PurpZeYhinesd: I would redo the install, leave the XP partition obviously...and then setup the other partitions as instructed by someone here or, reinstall grub06:39
CokeManbruenig, i figured it out, i was using winenotepad which saves it as an apparently not linux compatable encodeing.06:39
tclevali am using kubuntu  Feisty Fawn 32bits, how can i change to the 64bits version? coz i am using a sempron 2.6 64bits processor and i wanted to see if i can get a better performance with the change of architeture06:39
PurpZeY!grub | hinesd06:39
ubotuhinesd: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:39
PurpZeY!dualboot | hinesd06:39
ubotuhinesd: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)06:39
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:39
bruenigCokeMan, yeah, why are you using wine notepad?06:39
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no0bwoah that's just too much info06:39
bruenigCokeMan, use gedit06:39
CokeManbruenig, because i was too lazy to apt-get install leafpad (just done)06:39
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RoC_MMtcleval, I don't think you'll get better performance, and some things won't be available (browser plugins), other stuffzz...maybe.06:40
DekaySo I just installed ubuntu, how do I go about creating a new boot menu (the one I have now is..ugly)06:40
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ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX06:40
DekayAlso to include I multibooted it.06:40
bruenigDekay, by boot menu you mean the progress bar thing06:40
steel_ladypreaction, I am not a programmer nor linux user. what should I do, I have to submit the paper in 3 days and you say that I have to start learning to program to be able to do it. I can start to learn it but I will not do my work anyway because it will be out of time06:40
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PurpZeYDekay: That's the grub boot menu, it's functional....06:40
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DekayNo the multiboot selection.06:40
hinesdI used the gparted program, went to manual, i'm jsut worried about the whole redoing the install thing06:40
tclevalRoC_MM, so who can i get a better performance on ubuntu? is there a how to?06:40
SeraphimWhere is "my computer" on this OS?06:40
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DekayPurpZeY, lol heh..okay06:40
maethhi , i added this line = "splashimage=(hd0,0)/boot/grub/splash.xpm" on menu.lst06:40
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RoC_MMSeraphim, click Places.06:41
bruenigDekay, oh that, yeah any attempt to mess with that just makes it look tacky and worse I have found06:41
maethbut it says "cant load splash file"06:41
preactionsteel_lady: a "paper"? your school doesn't provide you with the tools necessary to do your paper? and say it with me: Failure to plan on your part does not mean an emergency on my part.06:41
no0bim out, people dont listen - too fix the problem hinesd, read what I wrote above.06:41
bruenigare they still going with the black and white or did they add stuff06:41
DekayOh dang, okay.06:41
PurpZeYDekay: You want pretty, take a peek at beryl when you get your desktop all functioning.06:41
theprofilerunning fiesty and beryl i just need a touch screen now :P06:41
DekayOh yeah I want to give that a spin for sure!06:41
preactionsteel_lady: what is the image format you're using?06:41
theprofilelol no pun intended?06:41
steel_ladypreaction, I am not in school, I am trying to support myself to do the PhD06:41
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hinesdit's jsut the colors noob i'm sorry i was listeningit's jsut hard to see the names becausei 'm colorblind06:41
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steel_ladypreaction, my image format is .fits data cube06:42
maetha little help?06:42
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maethdont know what im doing wrong06:42
darwin81My beryl cube just turned into a Hexagon and I have no idea what I did.06:42
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theprofilelol darwin06:42
PurpZeYdarwin81: horiztonal size06:42
maethdarwin81, dude06:42
maethdarwin81, yeah, set it on 4 sides06:42
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maethdarwin81, and it will become a cube again06:42
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tclevalif i have an amd 64bits processor, should i recompile the kernel to get more performance?06:43
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:43
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RoC_MMWith Beryl, where is the ring switcher? I have 0.2.0 I think.06:43
Avalo1anybody know how to change the buffering settings on totem-gstreamer?06:43
PurpZeYRoC_MM: Ring-switcher?06:43
RoC_MMYeah, the ring switcher is a tweak of the ALT+TAB application switcher.06:43
PurpZeYRoC_MM: Interesting...I never touched mine in beryl.06:44
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theprofileroc_mm do you mean a 3D version of thumbnails that circulate in a ring?06:44
DekayDang, someone told me the command line for ubuntu and how it would install all the beryl applications that would make it look all spiffy. Anyone might have that command line that I might run?06:45
PurpZeY!beryl | Dekay06:45
ubotuDekay: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:45
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PurpZeYDekay: There is a wiki speecifically for ubuntu.06:45
steel_ladyOk, I went to buy the student version of the program that is supposed to be cheaper, it costs 99$ that is really impossible for me and I am even not a student06:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sleep - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:46
PurpZeYtheprofile: That sounds cool. What is that all about?06:46
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theprofilepurpzey; not sure but i was trying to figure out what roc_mm was trying to describe06:46
theprofiledoes sound neat tho06:46
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:46
PurpZeYtheprofile: indeed it does.06:46
theprofile<- googles06:46
preactionsteel_lady: http://astromed.iic.harvard.edu/FITS-reader <- the start of one solution to your problem06:47
TheMoebiushow do I add a directory to my system-wide library path?06:47
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=== RoAkSoAx hi
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=== RoAkSoAx hi
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Tom47its a motherboard functionality allowing pcs to be connected via usb06:47
gilstercan someone tell me what is the easiest way to make mp4/aac audio fles ripped from cd06:47
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mogreense.archive.ubuntu.com <--- down  ?06:47
PurpZeYgilster: mencoder06:48
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jribTheMoebius: can you be more specific?06:48
gilsterPurpZey: do you mean at the command line06:48
steel_ladypreaction, I am not trying to read those files, I have to program with them. I have the reader06:48
mogreen:| any admins arond :|06:48
gilsteri want a gui ripper that properly does AAC/mp4 ripping06:48
jribmogreen: why?06:48
preactionsteel_lady: what do you mean "program with them"?06:48
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Avalo1anybody have any idea on where to change the buffering settings on totem?06:49
mogreenjrib: se.archive.ubuntu.com down  ?06:49
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PurpZeYgilster: Oh, mencoder is just for encoding and changing formats, as far as I understand it.06:49
maethk , found the problem...06:49
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mogreenjrib: cant connect06:49
maethwas bad specified the hard disk06:49
jribmogreen: seems to reply to pings here but I can't view it either06:49
maethi checked /etc/fstab06:49
mogreenjrib:  or update my sys06:49
TheMoebiusjrib, yeah, I'm setting my $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to add /usr/local/lib but when i launch some application like eclipse from the menu it doesn't start a bash shell so it doesn't load my .bashrc or .profile...06:49
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gilsteri cant get get soundjuicer to properly rip an mp4 file. anyone have problems with this06:49
mogreenjrib: can a change place ?06:50
theprofilehrmpf couldn't find anything on beryl having a 3d alt tab switcher06:50
jribmogreen: get rid of the "se." everywhere06:50
steel_ladypreaction, this format is not just any format, it is the data cube. every pixel has assigned intensity, coordinate and other data that IDL reads and you use this data in programing for fitting on it and overplotting contures and other stuff06:50
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mogreenjrib: in sourse.list ?06:50
jribmogreen: yes06:51
PurpZeYtheprofile: I highly prefer the "upper right hand corner" application switcher.06:51
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jribTheMoebius: you could put it in ~/.xprofile, though I'm not sure why you need to do this at all06:51
theprofilepurpz: holy hell yes06:51
mogreenjrib: will do thanks for your time06:51
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TheMoebiusjrib, but I know there's some file that i can edit where the standard system paths are stored06:51
theprofilei just recently installed beryl06:51
theprofileso i'm still like freaking out here06:51
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preactionsteel_lady: yes, i get that it's a data cube. a representation of 3-dimensional space. it seems also this format can be used to display medical/biological information as well. what do you mean by a "program". and why the hell did you start this thesis?06:52
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TheMoebiusjrib, because when i try to run an application from eclipse it can't find the .so library. I can run my app from command line just fine as long as I export the path to the .so in my LD_LIBRARY_PATH06:52
mogreenjrib: working so far06:53
Toulousehow do i use the remote login that comes with ubuntu if i have two computers sitting in front of me hooked up with a network cable????06:53
Toulousethis is getting frustrating06:53
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Toulousethere are so many different ways it seems06:53
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danny3793how do i run a python file through terminal?06:53
mogreenjrib: works... boykiss from sweden06:53
preactiondanny3793: python <yourfile>06:53
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danny3793preaction: tried that but it said python is not a command, i have python installed (through package manger)06:54
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mogreenwhy is there no pidgin in the source.list06:54
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preactiondanny3793: then try ./<yourfile>06:54
preactionmogreen: because it would require a backport, as pidgin was released after fiesty was released06:54
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steel_ladypreaction, I am using the formula that calculates distribution in space and finds pixels with certain properties on the image and plots over them, but before all it takes simultaneousley image and spectra and rescales it to the same size in arcseconds on the sky (each pixel is also assigned a portion of arcsec) how do you mean why did I start the thesis?06:55
jribTheMoebius: man ldconfig  maybe but I've never mess with it, so I can't tell you more06:55
TGMIs there a way to get skype to work on an AMD 64?06:55
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tome1will Beryl run on NVIDIA with 32 mb of ram?06:55
danny3793i tried that and at first it said permission denied to i used sudo ./filename, and it said sudo: ./ogremeshesexporter.py: command not found06:55
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preactiondanny3793: permission denied because it's not executable, chmod +x ./filename06:56
RoAkSoAxtome1, nope06:56
bullgard4Issuing the command 'groups' Ubuntu will list 14 groups which I am a member of. How can I find out for example what is the function of the Unix group 'netdev'?06:56
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tome1what the minimum?06:56
ramorekcan anyone help me ?06:56
ramorekis there a way to install nx gnome through terminal ?06:57
jribbullgard4: will help you with some: http://ftp.debian.org/doc/base-passwd/users-and-groups.html06:57
RoAkSoAxtome1, recommended is 256mb, i use it in 128mb and works fine06:57
preactionsteel_lady: you've done all this work, you have 3 days left, and just now you realize that you need an expensive piece of software you can't afford.06:57
preactionsteel_lady: http://gnudatalanguage.sourceforge.net/ <- how about this?06:57
tome1I guess I'm ot of luck06:57
IndyGunFreakramorek: nx gnome?06:58
ramoreksorry nx no machine06:58
bullgard4jrib: I will read the article you advised. Thank you.06:58
RoAkSoAxtome1, but sometimes it gets kinda slow06:58
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ramorekim not too familiar yet w/ apt get and such and i need to install it through terminal06:58
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IndyGunFreakramorek: install what through terminal?06:58
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ramoreknx no machine06:58
IndyGunFreaknever heard of it.06:59
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ramorekor any powerful remote app06:59
ramorekvnc is running suuuper slow06:59
steel_ladypreaction, I was using a free version, the wip package and then my revisors asked to implement one more thing that is not possible using that old crap06:59
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preactionsteel_lady: will they take "no" for an answer? will they take "give me $100 for a license and you'll get it" for an answer?07:00
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steel_ladypreaction, they do not have anything to do with it, I can do it or not to have the jobe done07:01
v3n0m!pastebin | v3n0m07:01
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steel_ladypreaction, that thing you found might help07:01
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steel_ladypreaction, I am just looking now how to get it07:02
preactionsteel_lady: http://gnudatalanguage.sourceforge.net/ <- so try the free implementation of IDL and (since they said it's not complete) if it fails it fails.07:02
preactionsteel_lady: i imagine you'll have to download and compile this yourself.07:02
preaction!compile | steel_lady07:02
ubotusteel_lady: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:02
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user_can u run oss on osx?:)07:03
preactionsteel_lady: a thread on how do compile GDL -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34697107:03
preactionuser_: see darwin07:04
user_native or virtualization?07:04
steel_ladypreaction, thank you07:04
preactionuser_: i believe there's also a project to bring the FreeBSD ports system to OSX, but this is all offtopic for ubuntu07:04
user_preaction: ty, knp07:04
preactionsteel_lady: bonne chance07:04
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jayshroomi have just installed ubuntu 7.4 when i click on add/remove programs it tries to start but then stops with no error message.  i have tried to install programs with synaptic package manager as well, it downloads and installs the program but it doesnt add the application to the menu . help please07:06
steel_ladypreaction, to do this work that I am doing, you are supposed to know IRAF, IDL, WIP, fortran, C... I am never finished learning all those things. and nobody cares if you know it or not, they just want the work done. and you can not even start if you don't know it07:07
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preactionsteel_lady: i've been using google to learn unix systems administration, mysql server optimization, and other things that i was expected to know (but was never TOLD that i was expected to know), so i know exactly how you feel07:07
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bulmersteel_lady: you get compensated well i assume for those stress :)07:08
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steel_ladypreaction, it is not that you have to learn all that, it is that you don't have the time to learn it because you need to give results and not let them wai to collect the tools07:09
=== TaJMoX [n=chatzill@adsl-71-131-183-158.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
TaJMoXIf I have an Intel based mac should I get the PPC version of Ubuntu or the x86 version07:09
preactionsteel_lady: yes, the deadlines still exist no matter if i know what i know or not07:09
preactionTaJMoX: x86 version07:09
TaJMoXpreactiont hanks07:09
steel_ladybulmer, yes I get compensated knowing that the garbage man is payed more than me07:09
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bcprofilesteel_lady; he's a garbage man07:10
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bulmersteel_lady: knowing that, then you are in the wrong business..hehehe07:10
preactionsteel_lady: doctorate of what, if i might ask?07:10
SillyZKumasan, did what you said, works like a champ now07:10
sidI'm using feisty on my laptop, and out of no where now, when I login.. it doesn't work. I just get a white box on the top right of the screen after I hit enter for the password when I login. it doesn't load gnome or anything07:10
steel_ladypreaction, astrophysics07:10
sidHow can I fix this?07:10
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steel_ladyI am considering to be a garbage girl though07:10
SillyZOnly issue ive got is a little bit of a chop in the audio, soon as I get that resolved its buh bye winhosed!07:10
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preactionsteel_lady: sounds only marginally more fun than quantum/theoretical physics07:11
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Tom47there's more money in rubbish than the stars07:11
sidHow to fix gnome?!?!07:11
preactionbut probably more respected than software engineer07:11
bulmerdidnt they use to call those people that looked into core dumps as garbage people at one time ? hehehe07:11
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bruenigsid, calm down07:11
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v3n0mcan someone help me with this : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24364/07:11
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steel_ladypreaction, it is mostly rather boring, I don't see sense in it any more07:11
sidhmm, gnome just logged in07:12
SillyZanyone know of an article or howto on resolving issues with choppy audio?07:12
sidit took literally 8 minutes07:12
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stumpleitI installed ubuntu on my macbook pro but I am having trouble getting my ATI rad 1600 working can anyone send me a link?07:12
sid"There were some errors in the gnome settings daemon"07:12
SillyZsec stump, ill see if Ati has native drives for that macbook07:13
preactionv3n0m: open the failsafe terminal and do these two things:07:13
Flannelsid: try failsafe gnome, from the sessions menu (at GDM)07:13
sidFlannel: it logged in, I'm in now.07:13
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preactionv3n0m: chown k /home/k/.dmrc; chmod 0644 /home/k/.dmrc; # assuming "k" is your username, of course07:13
bruenigv3n0m, get to a tty, ctrl + atl + f1 from the login screen, do sudo chmod 644 ~/{.dmrc,.ICEauthority} && sudo chown k:k ~/{.dmrc,.ICEauthority}07:13
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preactionv3n0m: better idea, do what bruenig said07:14
Flannelv3n0m: and don't use sudo with graphical programs anymore.07:14
steel_ladyoh shit now I have that problem again that my mozilla doesn't want to save it but creates 0 length file07:14
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steel_ladybesides programing I have to be linux administrator07:14
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SillyZstumpleit: try :: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html07:15
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:15
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SillyZwhat posting a link to a relavent question is a no no around here?07:16
bruenigSillyZ, not intended for you07:16
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mogreenwhy is the no pidgin in this...07:16
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mogreenand my update thing hates me cant click on it07:17
SillyZstumpleit: theres no specific 'mac' drivers for the X1600 that I could see on their page, but if your running ubuntu on it, those drivers should do the job07:17
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mogreenthe ubuntugod must hate me :|07:18
SillyZhow can I increase the buffer time, of the audio thats built up in the buffer before its played by the audio device , ie: the soundcard07:18
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bcprofile!markshuttleworth does not hate u07:18
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bruenigmogreen, there is no pidgin and won't be until october07:19
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mogreenbruenig: ok :| i cant "click" my updater ?07:20
bcprofileare there really 1031 ppl in here?07:20
bruenigmogreen, don't know about that, just use the command line, for x in update upgrade; do sudo apt-get $x; done07:20
bcprofilethats a lot of people idling07:20
clintonhow do i fix this problem with ubuntu? http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/9026/hpim1001bh8.jpg07:21
bcprofilesweet :)07:21
steel_ladythere is one thing i do not understand. why they put 100$ for a student program? This makes very few people buy it. If they would put 15$, a lot of people would buy it and they would earn even more!!!07:21
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bruenigclinton, vague07:21
bcprofilewhich student program07:21
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Toma-clinton: the funny characters?07:22
steel_ladybcprofile: student IDL07:22
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v3n0m[22:14]  <Flannel> v3n0m: and don't use sudo with graphical programs anymore. <What are you referring to?  Is that why I got the problem?07:22
bruenigv3n0m, likely07:22
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clintonbruenig: look at the picture and you will know exactly what im talking about07:23
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clintonToma-: yes07:23
v3n0mbruenig: strange, because I didn't use sudo with any graphical programs in the session prior to restart07:23
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bruenigv3n0m, history | grep sudo07:23
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Toma-clinton: ive the same problem here. it will be something to do with console-fonts. googling that might help?07:24
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clintonToma- ive googled already and searched all over the internet. thats why im here asking.07:25
steel_ladyI was installing something from synaptic and it says: E: linux-igd: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 107:25
v3n0mbruenig: what's that? (I'm in windows right now)07:25
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clintonToma-: i searched many forums too07:25
snakiesna who here has their CCIE cert??07:25
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bruenigv3n0m, it will show you all the times you use history, at least in the past few thousand commands07:26
shachafAdmiral_Chicago: Doesn't Vista have a new NTFS or something like that?07:26
v3n0mbruenig: I used the command 'sudo tvtime', perhaps that was it?07:26
bruenigv3n0m, is that graphical?07:26
Toma-clinton: First google result: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7556807:26
shachafSorry, wrong window (and old message).07:26
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v3n0mbruenig: It does launch a graphical window, but it posts console messages as well describing it's status07:26
bruenigv3n0m, that is probably it07:27
v3n0mbruenig: cool07:27
sharkbrainguyI'm running 7.04 and when I boot my monitor goes blank and refuses to soft reset, If I unplug it and plug it in again it works fine... does anyone know what causes this or how I can fix it?07:27
albertohey guys somebody can help me with Cinelerra?, i got bad playback and truly can't work well on videos and i don't think it could be because of my box...07:27
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jahzI'm trying to install a telnet program, but it isn't allowed to do anything in the root folder. How can I get it to create a folder for itself in the root folder?07:28
zerohi, there is any way i can change the name of a bouche of files at once?07:28
VeganChick01this is so frustrating. when i fix one thing in linux, another breaks!07:28
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t94xrthats because you're a vegan.07:29
tyler_dhow do I install source packages for 7.04 feisty fawn...07:29
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t94xrin the new gpl3 it excludes vegans from having a fun time with linux :)07:29
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sharkbrainguyit's what they deserve07:30
Nukedgdm and kdm keep freezing on me when I try to get into ubuntu feisty x86_64... could someone please help?07:30
VeganChick01t94xr: heh07:30
snakiesnaany one here have their CCIE cert?07:30
t94xrVeganChick01: comedy? understand?07:30
zero hi, there is any way i can change the name of a bounche of files at once07:31
jahzhow do I get the root folder to be writable so I can install a telnet program?07:31
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t94xrjahz: install it as root- by placing sudo at the front of the command07:32
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VeganChick01i dunno how to check my interface eth0...07:32
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VeganChick01probably b/c i have no idea what that is...07:32
t94xrifconfig eth007:32
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tyler_danyone help... source packages? feisty fawn 7.04?07:32
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zerosynaptic manager?07:33
Nukedtyler_d, are you trying to build a package from source07:33
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Nukedsudo apt-get build-dep packagename07:33
tyler_dnew machine... nvidia 880007:33
ramorekanyone know of a good remote app ?07:33
tyler_ddownloaded the appropriate package.... don't have the source files07:33
tyler_dNuked: any help would be appreciated07:33
VeganChick01should xubuntu automatically connect to an open wireless network upon install?07:34
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Nukedtyler_d, meaning you have the dependencies to build the program?07:34
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tovellatyler_d: i think the nvidia drivers are "closed source"07:35
bullgard4I do not understand the group security concept of Debian/Ubuntu: Why did Ubuntu set up a Unix group 'cdrom' whose member I am?07:35
tyler_dNuked: it was unable to find or download the sources.... for your version07:35
MonkeyLipsCan someone help me?07:35
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tyler_dNuked: I could get the exact message again if necisary07:35
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VeganChick01!anyone | MonkeyLips07:36
ubotuMonkeyLips: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:36
MonkeyLipsI have a bit of a problem with trying to use my Live CD to work..07:36
NukedTyler_d if you are trying to compile the nvidia source, you cant seeing as there is no nvidia source07:36
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Nukedif not, you are probably missing repositories07:36
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VeganChick01MonkeyLips: we need to know what your exact problem is before we can help you.07:37
tyler_dNuked: I will duplicate the error07:37
tyler_dNuked: brb07:37
MonkeyLipsI'd love for someone to tell me how to fix my Ubunut.07:37
VeganChick01!patience | MonkeyLips07:37
ubotuMonkeyLips: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:37
clintonToma-: that works in old versions of ubuntu, not feisty. look at how old those posts are.07:37
NukedMonkeyLips,  me too07:37
tovellaMonkeyLips: just ask your question.07:37
bruenigMonkeyLips, ask your question for the love of god07:38
=== unreal_ is now known as unreal
zero hi, there is any way i can change the name of a  big amount of files at once?07:38
Nukedhey VeganChick01 lay off it, you should have had !offtopic thrown at you07:38
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:38
=== stankhorns [n=austin@12-217-227-183.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
MonkeyLipsI got a Live CD and I put it in my CD Drive, reboot, and it still reboots as Windows.07:38
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bruenigMonkeyLips, did you set your bios to boot from cd first priority07:38
VeganChick01Nuked: wtf?07:38
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tyler_dlibc Developement package07:38
MonkeyLipsAnd how do I do this?07:38
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:38
bruenigMonkeyLips, when it boots, generally there is some little screen that says hit esc or f8 or some other key to get to the bios, hit that and go from there07:39
VeganChick01wow. apparently i have to get out of here....07:39
MonkeyLipsI did do that.07:39
Flannelv3n0m: you can use gksu (even from a terminal) to launch it in the future.07:39
zerohow can i mount a image?07:39
MonkeyLipsBut what do I do once I get there?07:39
VeganChick01i offend without even trying07:39
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zerolike daemon tools for windows07:39
NukedVeganChick01, im kidding relax07:39
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bruenigMonkeyLips, depends on the bios, just navigate around with the mouse until you find it, there aren't generally that many options, maybe under some boot tab or something07:40
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bruenig!mountiso | zero07:40
ubotuzero: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:40
=== Matthai [n=Matthai@kovacic-m.fdv.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigMonkeyLips, I meant keyboard not mouse07:40
=== vecina [n=vecina@c-69-180-232-15.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MonkeyLipsSorry, I completely am new to this Ubuntu stuffs. :P07:40
zerobruenig: thx07:40
bruenigMonkeyLips, that is computer stuff, not ubuntu stuff07:40
zeroubotu: thx, btw are you always here?07:41
MonkeyLipsMeh, I am new to both. :P07:41
Nukedbruenig may I ask you a question?07:41
MonkeyLipsSo what do I do too the bios?07:41
vecinaIs there a way from within kubuntu (and im sure ubuntu in general) to reformat an external HD i have? Its got two partitions and they need to be one big one for data07:41
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:41
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bruenigMonkeyLips, just monkey around in there until you find the right option, every bios is different, it should be fairly obvious07:41
vecinathat throws me off as a programmer. Preceeding something with "!" makes me think it's negated07:41
Nukeddo you think it is possible for the proprietary ati drivers to screw around with my kdm/gdm?07:41
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vecinathus !justask = Dont ask!07:42
MonkeyLipsThank you so much, Burenig. :)07:42
VeganChick01vecina: rotfl07:42
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vecinaso anyone know about reformmating external HDs?07:42
Megaqwertywill dpkg --set-selections download and install the selections, or do I have to have the packages downloaded already?07:42
bruenigNuked, if could screw with the whole of your graphical output, it wouldn't be localized to just gdm or kdm, it would be everything07:42
Megaqwertyvecina: use gparted07:42
vecinaMegaqwerty Oh, thanks. :)07:43
Megaqwertyvecina: you're welcome07:43
vecinanormally i have insane, unanswerable questions here XD07:43
Nukedwell bruenig kdm keeps on freezing for no apparent reason, and when I try to log out of an account the computer hangs07:43
PepperDo1I must compile a kernel module for Ubuntu. Can someone guide me ?07:43
vecinalike why i have to reinstall hal, pal and dbus every time i boot up o.o07:43
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zerothe mountpoint is the directory to mount the image?   for example    sudo mount -o loop <filename> /mnt/image07:43
vecinaIsnt that stupid? I log in to recovery mode and use "apt-get reinstall dbus pal hal && kdm07:44
vecinaotherwise bad stuff hapens07:44
bruenigNuked, oh that happened to me in edgy when I was using xfce, and I was using integrated graphics. Never found the problem07:44
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PepperDo1Any kernel developers here?07:44
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Nukedbruenig, it is absolutely driving me insane07:44
bruenigI never logged out, just one user07:45
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bruenigand I had auto login setup anyways07:45
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PepperDo1I'm trying to get my system set up to compile kernel modules... Where can I get help ?07:45
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bruenig!kernel | PepperDo107:45
ubotuPepperDo1: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:45
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ramorekhey does anyone know how to change the working directory to desktop in terminal ??07:46
zerothe mountpoint is the directory to mount the image?   for example    sudo mount -o loop <filename> /mnt/image07:46
Flannelramorek: cd ~/Desktop07:46
VeganChick01i need help on configuring my wireless internet in xubuntu. apparently it won't connect to an open wireless signal by itself...and i don't have a password because the connection doesn't ask for one...07:46
PepperDo1Thank you, ubotu!07:47
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jasonbc_ubuntu sux07:47
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dfgashow do i change the main menu icon in gnome?07:48
sivawhen i install any any packages from source, the error "configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.". how can i resolve it07:48
cafuegojasonbc_: don't use it then07:48
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sx66_!dual boot07:48
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)07:48
lynni have two different network cards in my system, how can I tell which one is eth0 and which is eth1?07:48
jasonbc_ubotu sucks07:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sucks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:48
Nukedhello cafuego07:48
RoC_MMunplug one lynn.07:49
bruenig!offtopic | jason0_07:49
ubotujason0_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:49
bruenig!offtopic | jasonbc_07:49
ubotujasonbc_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:49
PepperDo1Ubotu, I really just need to compile+install a kernel module from source. What's the best way to go about doing that ?07:49
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bruenig!opsnack | PepperDo107:49
ubotuPepperDo1: Chocolate!  And Peanuts!07:49
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lynnoh god I'm so dumb. thanks RoC_MM07:49
zerothere is any way to partition a ntfs partition!?07:49
Nukedcafuego, know anything about gdm/kdm?07:49
madunixay one installed ubuntu on powr pc (ibm p5+)?07:50
jasonbc_i don't use it07:50
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cafuegojasonbc_: then how do you know it sucks?07:50
Flanneljasonbc_: please take non-support related topics to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.07:50
bruenigzero, you mean resize it or create an ntfs partitios?07:50
cafuegoNuked: a litte bit07:50
zerobruening: resize07:50
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bruenigzero, is this vista?07:50
mineraleie  echo "foo" | r?? "foo" "bar"   -> return bar07:50
zerobruening: xp07:50
mineralewhat's the name of that one unix utility  r... that replaces text into input stream?*07:50
Nukedmine keeps freezing on poweron cafuego07:50
jasonbc_this place is dumb07:50
Flying-Penguin90Ok, so I have a smb server running, and I can view the folers by typing in the IP adress (the computer name doesn't work)07:50
Flying-Penguin90However, I cant edit the files remotly.. 0o07:50
cafuegojasonbc_: go away then, stop trolling.07:50
bruenigzero, there is a way, gparted and such can do it, not 100% though on that07:51
RoC_MMminerale, tr07:51
stumpleitthe instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto arent working for me and aticonfig --inital is seg faulting can anyone help me?07:51
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jasonbc_you go away07:51
Flannelminerale: you mean sed?07:51
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok07:51
RoC_MMminerale, or as said before, and now, sed.07:51
vecinaI deleted the partitions and then told gparted to format the entire partition as ext3 - good?07:51
PepperDo1Is there a guide for compiling kernel modules (drivers) from source ?07:51
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nixternalcafuego: ?07:51
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Amaranthcafuego: ?07:51
naliothcafuego: yes?07:51
cafuegonixternal: jasonbc_ is trolling07:51
vecinathat should make a good, private disk07:51
ramorekwhen i do cd /desktop it fives me "no such file or directory"07:51
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mineraleroc_mm: well it can be done by many tools, sed is one, perl is one, but this one only accepts to arguments07:51
naliothjasonbc_: please be civil07:51
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nixternalcafuego: yes he is...thanks07:51
v3n0mbruenig, preaction, flannel: I still am getting the same errors, I'm not sure if I made an error, but I don't think so, is there a way to check if the command given to me by bruenig has worked correctly?  Do I have to restart?07:51
cafuegotrolling for no good reason , i hsould say ;-)07:51
hinesdhey guys, i just installed ubuntu and now i cna't boot to xp anymore, grub doens't list it, though the drive is on my desktop, i'm not really sure what to do, i ran chkdsk /r through windows recover on the xp service pack 2 cd but now I can't boot up to xp still. any suggestions?07:51
Madpilotramorek, Desktop, not desktop - case matters07:51
sx66_!resizing partition07:52
Flannelramorek: / isn't the same as ~/ and, Desktop is different than desktop (case sens.)07:52
vecinaTrolling is  bad u.u07:52
tovellazero: weren't you asking about renaming a bunch of files?07:52
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zerobruening: the thing is i want to give more size to my linux partition, and take it from window's partition07:52
bruenigv3n0m, you shouldn't have to, I would just go with it07:52
zerotovella: yes i was!07:52
cafuegoNuked: Does the box lock up when you boot into recovery mode?07:52
Flannelhinesd: you'll need to reinstall GRUB,07:52
Flannel!grub > hinesd07:52
zerotovella: i felt ignored :(!07:52
RoC_MMhinesd, does it show up when you open GNOME Partition Editor?07:52
=== Flying-Penguin [n=jorden@cpe-76-170-244-178.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigzero, what is your deal with renaming files, I am better at scripting than ntfs resize07:52
NukedI have not tried cafuego... I wouldnt know what to do when I got there07:52
mineraleroc_mm: ah found it, tr07:53
hinesdi havne't opened the partition editor since installing jsut a moment07:53
tovellai know that xubuntu has a think called bulk-rename - i'm still trying to find out how to make that happen in gnome.07:53
RoC_MMminerale, do you prefer tr over sed...if so why?07:53
cafuegoNuked: At first, just see if it runs OK. if not, gdm is not the problem :-)07:53
Flying-PenguinOk so I have my smb server running right, but I can only view the computer if i go to "\\ip" not if I use computer name. Also I can not edit the files from the remote computer. I wish to fix both of thease problems? what shoudl I do?07:53
v3n0mbruenig: that's why I'm asking the question, because after executing the command, I get the same problems07:53
zerobruenig: i have a big amount of pics that i'd like to put them into my database for a job im making07:53
Nukedcafuego this also happens with kdm07:53
bruenigzero, I have a feeling though that your partitioning scheme isn't going to work. You can't tamper with the beginning of a partition without formatting it. You can't take away space or add space. So you won't be able to do what you are trying to do without formatting one of the partitions07:53
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cafuegoNuked: Well, gdm/kdm/X in general.07:53
bruenigzero, ok you are trying to name them from what to what, give some details here07:53
Nukedthen what do I do cafuego07:54
hinesdwhere is the gnome partition manager?07:54
mobutuhinesd: gparted07:54
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bruenigv3n0m, do startx from that tty07:54
cafuegoNuked: If recovery mode works fine, you disabled gdm and/or kdm, then check their log fiels and the system log fiels for issues.07:54
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mineraleroc_mm: well, that's the only thing I need07:54
v3n0mbruenig: k07:55
mineraleroc_mm: ie, preferring a full blown ide vs vi07:55
ramorekctrl alt f10 is for regular scrren ??07:55
hinesdok how do i launch gparted?07:55
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bruenighinesd, gksu gparted07:55
hinesddid that07:55
hinesdthen it asked for07:55
bruenigramorek, ctrl + alt + f707:55
zerobruenig: they have random names and i need them to have a sequential name, like    pic1.jpg    pic2.jpg07:56
yoyovoe_ctrl alt f7 for xwindows07:56
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bruenigzero, it doesn't matter what pic is named what number, you just want them in sequence?07:56
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ramorekno one in here has nx server ?07:56
hinesdit asked for my admin pass, i put that in and then i put it in and never launched07:56
tovellazero: take a look at this page:07:57
zerobruening: yep07:57
bruenigzero, ok are they all in one directory?07:57
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zerobruenig: yep i just need sequence07:57
zerobruenig: noup they are not07:57
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zerobruenig: i actually need them in different directories!07:58
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zerotovella: i'll take a look, thx!07:58
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bruenigzero, do they need to stay in the directories they are in?07:58
klobsterwhen a cd or flash disk is automounted how does it know where to mount to?07:58
hinesdhow do i reinstall grub?07:58
zerobruenig: yes07:58
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bruenigzero, how many directories are there?07:58
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zerobruenig: that is the path i use to call them from my data base07:59
cafuegoklobster: /media/volumenanem07:59
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cafuegoklobster: and it can check /etc/fstab for matching info.07:59
zerobruenig: mmm like 1007:59
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hinesdI think i found the problem07:59
imac1does anyone know of a reason why a cdrom drive would be able to detect cd's but not be able to display the files on those cds even if they can be viewed on other machines, here is my messages file here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24175/07:59
hinesdDoes anyone know if it's bad if your xp is set to media/hda5 ?08:00
klobstercafuego: how does it know to do it in /media, and not /mnt?  if I change it in fstabs to be /mnt will the automount follow suit?08:00
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xjkxI installed vncserver on linux and ultravnc on windows 98, i put ip:port, it asks for password, i give password, then i get a silver screen and nothing else o.o08:00
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Lekremhinesd: mine is, ubuntu just takes partitions as removeable devices as far as mounting goes08:01
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hinesdit's just08:01
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wwallacecan anyone help with amarok?08:01
hinesddoes it have to say boot next to  when it installs?08:01
wwallaceim able to play a cd in xmms08:01
wwallacebut when i got to amarok08:01
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wwallaceamarok says it  cant read the cd?08:01
wwallaceis a music cd08:01
wwallaceto play in xmms08:02
Lekremwhat format are the files on the cds?08:02
wwallacei do xmms /dev/scd008:02
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wwallacemusic cd08:02
tritium!enter | wwallace08:02
ubotuwwallace: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:02
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newb_probI got beryl/compiz working. I want to hack on it to have a minotirty report like ui. Basically, I need to hack the source code so that 1) I can grab location of windows + their sizes 2) emulate mouse clicks/ drags/etc ... <-- what is the easiest way to achieve this?can anyone point me to documentation / guides? [Asking here in ubuntu instead of beryl because the beryl guys told me to wait since they're merging; and I'm thikning -- if it08:02
newb_probalready works in ubuntu, I'll just hack whatever code that ubuntu is using to make it work since it's good enough for my purposes] 08:03
Lekremdid you u burn the cd?08:03
klobsterimac1: your hdparms are messed up?08:03
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ubunt1i want to install ubuntu server08:03
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ubunt1what i need08:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:03
tovellazero: i think thunar would be the easiest way to rename those files.08:03
ubunt1ubuntu server cd and after that how i can configure it08:03
Lekremwwallace what kind were they before you burned them?08:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:03
zerotovella: thunar?08:03
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sx66_stupid partition08:03
wwallacei burned with k3b08:03
xjkxI installed vncserver on linux and ultravnc on windows 98, i put ip:port, it asks for password, i give password, then i get a silver screen and nothing else o.o08:03
imac1klobster: well the drive in question  "hdb" is the cd drive on an imac08:03
Flying-Penguinwwallace: heh, oops =D08:04
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wwallacehi Flying-Penguin08:04
Lekremwwallace can amarok play the mp3s?08:04
ubunt1ubuntu server and webmin?08:04
wwallacemp3's in another puter08:04
ubunt1ubuntu server and ssh08:04
tovellazero: If you want to bulk rename files with a GUI tool, try Thunar file manager.08:04
Flying-Penguinwwallace: 0o hi?08:04
wwallacebut amarok can play mp3's08:04
ubunt1but how ssh work,is there a gui?08:04
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sx66_!mp3 synchronization08:04
klobstercan you open a shell and do a sudo hdparm -l /dev/hdb08:04
zerotovella: would work    sudo apt-get install Thunar ?08:04
hinesdhow do you reinstall grub08:04
difetaI've dl the i386 feisty iso live cd. When I boot from cd the whole computer freezes just after x starts to load. Any ideas? This didn't occur with the first release of feisty on the same computer.08:04
wwallaceubunt1, ssh user@ip08:04
tovellazero: exactly - it's covered in the web page i sent you.08:05
Lekremwwallace: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs08:05
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ubunt1wwallace: what08:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restart - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:05
mneptokubunt1: Unix server administration is not a GUI world.08:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restarting - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:05
wwallaceubunt1, ssh user@ip08:05
zerotovella: yeah i just saw it now08:05
ubunt1wwallace: now when i put the ubuntu server,what i need08:05
zerotovella: i'll try it now08:06
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues08:06
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klobstermneptok: not with _that_ attitude...08:06
mneptokklobster: huh?08:06
bruenigzero, are the directories structured in any common way, like do you have 1 directory and then 10 subdirectories with photos or does it go down a few in hierarchy08:06
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wwallaceLekrem, ?08:06
sourcehow do i edit the WoW configuration file08:07
xjkx I installed vncserver on linux and ultravnc on windows 98, i put ip:port, it asks for password, i give password, then i get a silver screen and nothing else o.o08:07
varkaubunt1: you have to specify what kind of server you want to set up, HTTP, FTP, LDAP.....08:07
sourcewith wine?08:07
ubunt1varka: all kind of server08:07
Flying-Penguinsource: uhh.. with Gedit?08:07
ubunt1varka: what i need08:07
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Lekremwwallace: type this in terminal: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs08:07
Flying-Penguinsource: well actuly.. any text editor realy08:07
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ftw - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:07
sourceFlying, you mean regredit08:08
ubunt1varka when i complete the install of ubuntu server,how can i configure it,.08:08
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Flying-Penguinsource: No NO NO08:08
wwallaceLekrem, E: Couldn't find package libxine-extracodecs08:08
zerobruenig: yep it is structured! i have 5 directories, then goes like 2 or 3 subdirectories for each directory08:08
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sx66_!how many people?08:08
Flying-Penguinsource: WoW doesn't put anything in the reg, all config info is in .../World of Warcraft/WTF/config.wtf08:08
sx66_anything new?08:08
zerobruenig: sorry im pretty slow :$!08:08
RoC_MMubunt1, you now have a server OS...what do you want to do with it?08:08
bruenigzero, are there any spaces in these directories or photos?08:08
JW_510Is this where I ask how to upgrade form Ubuntu 5.10 to 6.10 or 7.04?08:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:08
bruenigzero, the names that is08:08
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bruenigsx66_, stop being retarded08:09
mneptoksx66_: stop abusing the bot, please08:09
hinesdanyone know hwo to reinstall grub08:09
ubunt1RoC_MM: i want to,i want to configure it08:09
xjkxhelp with vncserver/viewer08:09
sourceFlying, i see08:09
varkaubunt1: there is no simple answer to that, you can log in to that server with ssh like wwallace said, but you should learn more about services and servers before it seems08:09
bruenig!grub | hinesd follow lost grub after installing windows08:09
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ubotuhinesd follow lost grub after installing windows: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:09
ubunt1RoC_MM: like,gui08:09
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sx66_bruenig, sorry08:09
zerobruenig: photos08:09
zerobruenig: what do you mean with spaces?08:09
ubunt1varka: ok from where i can see ssh.08:09
=== turkey [n=turkey@c-76-21-74-158.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hinesdi haven't lost grub08:09
hinesdi lost windows08:09
Lekremwwallace sudo apt-get update|Then try again08:09
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bruenigzero, in the names, like "photo one thing here.jpg" or "photoonethinghere.jpg"08:09
turkeywow just installed ubuntu, this is easier to use than windows =008:09
wwallaceim running kanotix lekrem08:09
Flying-Penguin source: http://www.wowwiki.com/Linux/Wine08:10
JW_510I have a brand new install of 5.10 and I would like to update it to 6.10 or 7.04 if it has better benefits over 6.10, can anyone help please?08:10
dogatemycomputerhinesd: then it soudns like everything is working fine :)08:10
RoC_MMagreed turkey .08:10
zerobruenig: there are no spaces08:10
hinesdio jsut need it to find the xp08:10
turkeyI have nvidia 7900 GS, do I have to download opengl? the chess game won't play in 3d08:10
RoC_MM!upgrade > JW_51008:10
zerobruenig: they all are like  askdfdqlrwer2s.jpg08:10
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varkaubunt1: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#SSH_Server08:10
bruenigzero, what about spaces in the directory names?08:10
mneptokJW_510: you need to work your way forward through releases. 5.10 > 6.06 > 6.10 > 7.0408:10
zerobruenig: should i change the names manually?08:11
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zerobruenig: yeah there are some spaces08:11
koHere's a long shot question: is anyone familiar with a method to fix (or prevent) the black windows problem in Beryl on nvidia cards? (I have a GeForce Go 440MX 64mb card on this machine).08:11
mneptokko: try #ubuntu-effects08:11
kothanks mneptok08:11
mneptokthank me when you find someone awake ;)08:11
sourceFlying, thanks but i already gone there... i just don't know how to edit it08:11
xjkx I installed vncserver on linux and ultravnc on windows 98, i put ip:port, it asks for password, i give password, then i get a silver screen and nothing else o.o08:12
bruenigok well the easiest way to do this without getting really complex is just to cd into each directory and run this command, I know not fully automated but quick: CTR='1' ; for PIC in *; do mv $PIC pic${CTR} && let "CTR++" ; done08:12
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ubunt1and if i install gui what will happend?08:12
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turkeyis there something I need to go get 7900 gs to support 3D? sorry for being newbie08:12
Lekremwwallace run /usr/bin/gnome-app-install08:12
Flying-Penguinsource: do you know where your wow install is?08:12
Nahihello when i used to use window there was a program called hot spot shield its like a vpn that gives me a new ip to bypass the proxy in uae is there something similar to use on linux ?08:12
wwallaceim using kde08:12
bruenigzero, woops left off the .jpg08:12
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bruenigok well the easiest way to do this without getting really complex is just to cd into each directory and run this command, I know not fully automated but quick: CTR='1' ; for PIC in *; do mv $PIC pic${CTR}.jpg && let "CTR++" ; done08:13
sourceflying, nope :<08:13
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Flying-Penguinsource: ok.. one sec08:13
ubunt1if i install ubuntu server with gui what will happend?08:13
JW_510mneptok, I tryed to just install 6.10 but once it gets past the inital "Install Ubuntu from cdrom, the progress bar bounces back and forth for a minute then the screen goes black and a cursor appears in the upper left hand corner, then my screen goes into standby mode? I get the same effect when trying to do a fresh install of 7.0408:13
bruenigubunt1, you will have a server with a gui08:13
Flying-Penguinsource: First make sure you have a nice edit program run "sudo apt-get install gedit"08:13
RoC_MMubunt1, if you want a GUI, you don't want Ubuntu Server, and should download the Ubuntu Desktop CD for a GUI out of the box.08:13
Nahihow can i bypass my isp's proxy ?08:13
zerobruenig:  i just run that command?08:13
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thinkl00pubuntu comes ready for bluetooth right/08:14
RoC_MMNahi, I am familiar with that great service...there are quite a few things, but nothing has the raw speed of HSS08:14
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mneptokJW_510: you don't need CDs. you can upgrade with the package system.08:14
bruenigzero, yeah everything after the colon, make sure you are cd into the directory with the pics first, you will have to cd into each directory and run it08:14
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ubunt1RoC_MM: ok then install ubuntu server and webmin?08:14
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sx66_fix resolution on dell 710m to 1280 x 800...08:14
sourceflying, okay08:14
RoC_MMubunt1, That would be a great idea...webmin is pretty slick, you'll love it.08:14
Lekremwwallace do you have some sort of package manager>08:14
=== TabooTreez [n=ej@CPE-70-94-4-87.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
NahiRoC_MM, i dont mind can u direct me please08:14
Flying-Penguinsource: to much trafic in here.. join #wow-wine08:14
TabooTreezhow does on kill x?08:14
thinkl00psomehow my logitech keyboard and mouse are working right now through bluetooth but 'hcitool dev' shows nothing08:14
zerobruenig:  ok ok, i'll givet it a shot! thx08:14
v3n0mbruenig: after I do that I'm getting more errors08:14
ubunt1RoC_MM: but can i install it without gui?08:14
TabooTreezhow does one kill xorg*08:15
bruenigv3n0m, what are the more errors08:15
VeganChick01i just realized...there are Atheros drivers present on my xubuntu partition upon installation...but i use an AirPort Extremecard...how do i change the drivers? (without internet access)08:15
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shachafTabooTreez: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, if you're sure you want to.08:15
Lekremwwallace try to install something called "Xine extra plugins"08:15
v3n0mbruenig: I'll put them in pastebin08:15
RoC_MMNahi, I've used Tor and JAP, you could try those...you can also buy cheap vpn service.08:15
bruenigTabooTreez, killall X08:15
wwallaceok lets c08:15
TabooTreezshachaf: that just restarts x08:15
RoC_MMubunt1, yes...run the command "sudo apt-get install webmin"08:15
tovellazero: did you figure it out yet?08:16
shachafTabooTreez: No, it kills X, but then gdm restarts it.08:16
TabooTreezbruenig: that doesnt kill antyhing08:16
ubunt1then see ya.08:16
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bruenigTabooTreez, well kill -9 the pid08:16
shachafTabooTreez: Try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:16
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JW_510mneptok, Should I update my current 5.10 befor I upgrade to 6.06?08:16
zerotovella: im working on it!08:16
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RoC_MMNahi, I think a cheap VPN service would be the best, JAP is significantly faster than Tor, which is very distributed, but slowish.  Sorry to hear you are in a bad situation.08:16
zerotovella: i just installed the tool you just told me08:17
Nahiwell tor ] 08:17
TabooTreezshachaf: thank you very much08:17
MenZaUpgrading all the way from Breezy to Feisty (if that's what you're planning), well, that sounds a bit risky, JW_51008:17
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bruenigzero, that command should work, have you tried it, oh and that bulk rename won't help you for a task such as this, I have used it before08:17
MenZaParticularly since upgrading tools weren't that good in Breezy or Dapper08:17
NahiRoC_MM, where cna i down jap from HSS rox though08:17
zerotovella: and i wants to try the script that bruenig gave08:17
wwallaceLekrem, nothing about extra plug ins08:17
TabooTreezsays im still running x when i try sh my nvidia driver08:17
RoC_MMNahi, search google.com for that.08:17
Sp4rKydoes i have a way to add users to some group by default ?08:17
zerobruenig: ok ill try it now!08:18
v3n0mbruenig: the list is quite long, but it starts out as this xauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/x/.serverauth.6473, .Xauthority, and then afterwards it says Fatal Server Error; Server is already active for display 0 and continues on giving other errors08:18
Lekremwwallace do you have synaptic?08:18
TabooTreezx is still running08:18
wwallaceill install it wait08:18
TabooTreezno help?08:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hang - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hangs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:18
NahiRoC_MM, JAP 00.05.056 ?08:19
wwallaceLekrem, ok installed synaptics08:19
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Lekremopen it up and find libxine-extracodecs08:19
RoC_MMNahi, JAP's website is http://anon.inf.tu-dresden.de/index_en.html08:20
zerobruenig: omg, i dont know what combination of keys i pressed but it just log me off :S08:20
Frogzoobruenig: please don't parlay with the bot in chan - try /msb ubotu your_query08:20
tovellazero: script? - i missed that - looking at some other stuff at the same time.08:20
Frogzoobruenig: please don't parlay with the bot in chan - try /msg ubotu your_query08:20
zerobruenig: can you recopy the script?08:20
Lekremwwallace open it up and find libxine-extracodecs08:20
MenZazero: probably CTRL+ALT+Backspace. Did X restart?08:20
RoC_MMNahi, the version you gave is old08:20
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wwallaceLekrem, where do i find synaptics?08:20
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Nahioh okay08:20
zeroMenZa: yes it did restart !08:20
bruenigFrogzoo, there once was a factoid I swear called hangs or something like that that told you to rm xauthority and iceauthority08:20
VeganChick01i think i might explode soon. this is ridiculous. ubuntu did not have any problems with wireless when i installed, but once i installed xubuntu by itself (rather than just updating on top of ubuntu)...i don't get wireless at all!08:20
MenZazero: That'd be CTRL+ALT+Backspace then :)08:21
zeroMenZa: lol, didnt know it :P!08:21
NahiRoC_MM, its blocked08:21
Nahidamn uae lol08:21
MenZazero: You know now :)08:21
Nahican u gime the exact download link please...08:21
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wwallaceLekrem, where do i find synaptics?08:21
zeroMenZa: and i wanted to restart X before!!08:21
Lekremwwallace run: synaptic08:21
zeroMenZa: several times when beryl crashes!08:21
RoC_MMNahi, how bad is the blocking?08:21
MenZawwallace: System -> Administration  -> Synaptic Package Manager08:21
MenZazero: have you not set a fallback manager?08:21
NahiRoC_MM, real bad08:21
MenZaRoC_MM: Bad.08:22
zerobruenig: i feel terrible, can you re copy  the script you just gave me08:22
MenZaRoC_MM: The UAE has a filtering that can be compared to the of China.08:22
Nahieverything goes through proxy.ae08:22
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zeroMenZa: what is that?08:22
v3n0mbruenig: any ideas?08:22
wwallacethanks MenZa08:22
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bruenigok well the easiest way to do this without getting really complex is just to cd into each directory and run this command, I know not fully automated but quick: CTR='1' ; for PIC in *; do mv $PIC pic${CTR}.jpg && let "CTR++" ; done08:22
MenZazero: Right click your Beryl icon in your tray, hover of "Select a fallback window manager if Beryl crashes" (or however that goes) and choose Metacity.08:22
wwallaceLekrem, how do i search for that in synaptic?08:22
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zerobruenig: sorry i just restart X :S08:23
bruenigv3n0m, sorry wasn't paying attention, get into console and delete .ICEauthority and .Xauthority and try again08:23
MenZazero: It could be further in, but I'm not sure08:23
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Lekremwwallace just search for xine08:23
RoC_MMNahi, can you access this url?  http://www.the-cloak.com/Cloaked/+cfg=15/http://anon.inf.tu-dresden.de/index_en.html08:23
MenZazero: Provided you have that Beryl icon. If not, run beryl-manager in a terminal emulator.08:23
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wwallacei have xine installed08:23
zeroMenZa: ohhh you mean that, well it is set, but didnt really help at all08:23
NahiRoC_MM, its blocked lol08:23
MenZazero: When you say 'disappear', I believe you mean the windows lose their borders?08:24
Nahii despise windowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww08:24
Nahii despise windowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwws08:24
hongyuhow can I move one folder on desktop to root? help!08:24
MenZazero: if so, just right click that and click 'Reload window manager'08:24
MenZazero: It should restore them.08:24
Nahihongyu, drag drop....08:24
MenZahongyu: Why would you want to move a folder to /?08:24
v3n0mbruenig: np, so I just go into ctrl+alt+f1 and type 'delete .ICEauthority and afterwards delete .Xauthority' ?08:24
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MenZahongyu: Out of curiousity?08:24
Lekremwwallace: can you find libxine-extracodecs?08:25
RoC_MMNahi, check to see if you have java by doing "java -version"08:25
wwallaceLekrem, lets c08:25
tovellabruenig: agreed - that command will work better ...enumeration.08:25
zeroMenZa: when it crashes, i cant really do anything08:25
bruenigv3n0m, rm08:25
hongyuit always warning me I am not the owner08:25
MenZazero: Oh. That sounds pretty bad :/08:25
MenZahongyu: Yes, it does.08:25
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Yago^^Potatocan some 1 help me i sent a few of you a pm08:25
MenZahongyu: That protection is set to protect you ;)08:25
zeroMenZa: yes it is, that's why i never use it08:25
MenZahongyu: Now, why would you want to move a folder to /?08:25
MenZa!pm | Yago^^Potato08:25
ubotuYago^^Potato: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.08:25
hongyuI know, how can i change?08:25
MenZahongyu: you can't /change/ it, but you CAN use a sudo operation to move it08:26
v3n0mbruenig: rm?08:26
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zeroMenZa: beryl it's a beta thing right?08:26
bruenigv3n0m, rm the files, don't type delete, type rm08:26
MenZahongyu: But since you won't tell me what you're moving, I'm leaving all responsibility for what happens08:26
hongyucp -r?08:26
MenZazero: Yeah08:26
wwallacei find libxines but no extra codecs08:26
bruenighongyu, cp -R08:26
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MenZahongyu: sudo cp -R <folder> <target folder>08:26
Yago^^Potatowell i came over from centos and just installed ubuntu and dont even know how to get to the desktop on it lol08:26
Lekremwwallace hit the reload button08:26
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MenZahongyu: but be extremely careful with it08:26
hongyuok, i try again, thank you guys!08:27
MenZaNp :908:27
RoC_MMNahi, ?08:27
NahiRoC_MM, java version "1.6.0"08:27
NahiJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)08:27
NahiJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)08:27
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RoC_MMNahi, can you access mediafire.com?08:27
Yago^^Potatoso can any 1 help me get to the desktop?08:28
MenZaYago^^Potato: What's the problem?08:28
NahiRoC_MM, yes08:28
Yago^^Potatowell i came over from centos and just installed ubuntu and dont even know how to get to the desktop on it lol08:28
Yago^^Potatoim at the log in screen08:28
RoC_MMNahi, I can download the JAP program and then upload it to mediafire where you could download it.08:28
NahiRoC_MM, if u give me the download link i can download it on my psybnc08:28
Nahiand use ftp to download it08:29
Nahiso u dont have to go through all this08:29
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magnetronYago^^Potato: do you remember the user account you created during install?08:29
wwallaceLekrem, no extra codecs08:29
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zerobruenig: mmm not sure i do something wrong, i change to the right directory and enter the command, just press enter and the appears     > as the prompt08:30
RoC_MMoh Nahi HSS is a VPN program, all Internet than goes through that program...JAP is a more traditional proxy where you tell each program to go through the proxy manually, but it works.08:30
VeganChick01can someone please help me figure out what's wrong with my wireless? xubuntu should be recognizing the connection automatically and it's not, and i don't know what to do...but i can't do anything until my internet works...08:30
magnetronYago^^Potato: you have to enter your name and password, using Enter key to finish the input08:30
=== ct2rips [n=ct2rips@p5486874A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Nahii just need the browser to go through proxy08:30
Lekremwwallace: Settings --> Repositories and tell me what 3rd party sources you have08:30
RoC_MMCorrect Nahi .08:30
Yago^^Potatook now what08:30
bruenigzero, the whole thing at once?   CTR='1' ; for PIC in *; do mv $PIC pic${CTR}.jpg && let "CTR++" ; done08:30
=== Szymek [n=assa@ewm142.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
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Szymekjestu jakis polak??08:31
RoC_MMNahi, it says you can start JAP by running "java -jar JAP.jar"08:31
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magnetron!pl | Szymek08:31
ubotuSzymek: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:31
Yago^^Potatoit says yago@ubuntu:~$08:31
tovellabruenig: actually the thunar bulk rename (feisty) will do enumeration.08:31
=== phizzalot [n=phizz@adsl-156-134-176.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nahiokay its on my shells im gunna download it to my laptop08:31
magnetronYago^^Potato: then there is some problem08:31
zerobruenig: lol i thought "done"    was like     "and you are done", not actually part of the command08:31
bruenigzero, oh no, it ends the for loop08:32
Yago^^Potatobut the install went fine08:32
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Szymekmoglibycie da mi link do jakiego poradnika jak zainstalowa srodowisko graficzne??08:32
=== pmangg [n=pmangg@bas1-montreal28-1168072984.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
zerobruenig: thx :D:D it worked08:32
wwallaceLekrem, thank u but i have to go to sleep08:32
wwallacetired bye now08:32
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wwallaceill c u08:32
Szymekna goym ubuntu08:32
wwallacethanks for your time08:32
Lekremwwallace: sorry i didnt fix ur problem08:32
zerobruenig: if i want to put a name like       house       i just have to change "PIC"?08:32
MenZaSzymek: Which language is that?08:33
hongyusudo cp -r /home/hongyu/desktop/wre-ubuntu.tar.bz2 /data, is it right?08:33
CheshireViking!pl > Szymek, See the private message from ubotu08:33
Yago^^Potatothis is the first time i have booted ububtu08:33
Nahiwhy isn't there sometrhing like hotspot shield for linux08:33
Szymekmoglibycie da mi link do jakiego poradnika jak zainstalowa srodowisko graficzne na goym ubuntu??08:33
NahiHSS rox08:33
magnetronYago^^Potato: try to restart the computer (sudo shutdown -r now)08:33
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke08:33
bruenigzero, no you would change pic${CTR}.jpg to house ${CTR}.jpg08:33
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:33
bruenigzero, no you would change pic${CTR}.jpg to house${CTR}.jpg08:33
=== aussieman [n=bobo@26.Red-88-18-93.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
hongyudata is one folder in root08:33
MenZamagnetron: There's one language I can't identify :P08:33
RoC_MMNahi, there isn't anything else like HotSpot Shield anywhereee..nothign else is as easy and and fast as it...I am surprised it is free of charge.08:33
zerobruenig: ok thx!08:34
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MenZahongyu: Why are you copying a bzipped tarball to /data ?08:34
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magnetronMenZa: he said "polak"08:34
Yago^^Potato-bash: sudu command not found08:34
MenZamagnetron: ah.08:34
VeganChick01there are a thousand people on and not one can help me?08:34
RoC_MMNahi, they do support OS X, maybe if enough people ask they will support Linux.08:34
MenZaYago^^Potato: It's 'sudo'08:34
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LekremYago: sudo08:34
MenZaVeganChick01: Well, that depends what your issue is.08:34
Yago^^Potatok now it asks for a password08:34
MenZaSo input your password08:35
Nahiim runing jap08:35
koYago^^Potato:  so enter your password.08:35
magnetronYago^^Potato: enter your password08:35
Nahibut its in a conf of something08:35
MenZako: :)08:35
zerotovella: the script bruenig just gave me worked really good, and the tool you gave me worked as well! thx08:35
Yago^^Potatok it says its rebooting08:35
hongyuyou mean i need move the extract folder?08:35
koMenZa you beat me :P08:35
MenZaI did indeed :)08:35
Yago^^Potatolike i said i just installed this08:35
magnetronYago^^Potato: tell us if it gives any errors during boot08:35
VoXanyone know why vlc would just quit when trying to watch something using the opengl output mode?08:35
RoC_MMNahi, , that's the proxy address and port that you set your browser to use.08:35
Nahihow do i know wich one to set08:35
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Yago^^Potatono errors08:35
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zerobruenig: btw where i can learn the thing you just made?08:36
Yago^^Potatonow it says ubuntu login08:36
RoC_MMlocalhost....port 4001...pick any of the names it has as servers, some are faster than others...08:36
NahiRoC_MM, can u gime a list08:36
Yago^^Potatoeverything said ok08:36
koYago^^Potato: are you looking at a black terminal screen? or a GUI login screen?08:36
magnetronYago^^Potato: wait. did you do a server install?08:36
Yago^^Potatoblack term08:36
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RoC_MMI don't have the software in front of me...I couldn't tell you much except from memory Nahi08:36
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MenZamagnetron: check if he has openssh-server installed; that should clarify. Server comes with it, Desktop doesn't.08:36
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RoC_MMdpkg -l openssh-server08:37
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Nahitry lol08:37
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Yago^^Potatothe newest 1 x8608:37
Nahii just need a webproxy08:37
tovellazero: no problem.  the script is probably much more efficient, but the bulk-rename thing could offer some additional flexibility - future reference.08:37
RoC_MMif last line starts with "ii" then it's installed.08:37
magnetronMenZa: you ask, i don't know the command08:37
tin_nqnhi people, just one question: how can I change the file permissions recursively in a directory?08:37
Myrttitin_nqn: yes.08:37
MenZaYago^^Potato: try doing sudo apt-get install openssh-server08:37
VeganChick01i don't know how to configure my Airport Extreme card in xubuntu....it should work automatically and it's not and i don't have a password or anything b/c it's an automatic open connection08:37
MenZatin_nqn: add the -R flag08:37
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MenZatin_nqn: so chmod -R <permissions> <target>08:38
MenZaIf I recall correctly; you may need to swap the -R flag and the permissions.08:38
zerotovella: yeah it does have some flexibility that i might use later08:38
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RoC_MMNo, you have it right MegaQuark__08:38
RoC_MMI mean...MenZa08:38
hongyuI did it:) thank you!08:38
MenZaRoC_MM: :)08:38
=== Pyro [n=claudius@p54917E28.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
GSquaredgreetings! how can I configure my wireless adaptor to connect to a default wep ssid without having to login to gnome, basically I want to have access to the network even if I dont use a GUI?08:39
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zerohow can i make adobe reader 7 my default pdf reader?08:39
RoC_MMZero, you can right click a PDF then click Open With.08:39
=== jzilla [n=jzilla@ip70-180-136-191.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
RoC_MMI mean08:39
magnetronVeganChick01: Apple has not released any Linux drivers for Airport Extreme08:39
koGSquared: do you need it to automatically connect every time or just one time right now?08:39
RoC_MMright click, Properties, Open With zero08:39
MenZamagnetron: Are there no FOSS drivers?08:39
GSquaredko: ideally every time08:39
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VeganChick01magnetron: why did it work before and all the sudden it doesn't?08:39
MenZamagnetron: Or do they run with any win32 drivers that may exist?08:40
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tovellazero: i couldn't get it to start in "rename mode", though.  i had to enter the full path "/usr/lib/thunar/ThunarBulkRename".  maybe i'll create a link to it.08:40
Yago^^Potatoit asked for disk and now its done08:40
MenZaYago^^Potato: Did it install it?08:40
zeroRoC_MM: so that simple, thx ^_^!08:40
MenZaYago^^Potato: Or was it installed already?08:40
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MenZaHmm, magnetron, I'm wondering; could he have installed alternate?08:40
magnetronMenZa: ask him08:40
zerotovella: what do you mean you could not start in rename mode?08:41
MenZaYago^^Potato: Which CD image did you download? Server, Desktop or Alternate?08:41
joojinis this a linux community?08:41
magnetronhi joojin08:41
Yago^^Potatosaid ok on that and back to yago@ubuntu:~$08:41
VeganChick01magnetron: it worked in ubuntu edgy , it worked with xubuntu edgy installed over ubuntu, it worked with feisty x/ubuntu,and it worked for 5 minutes after i installed plain xubuntu feisty...and then quit. that's not a driver problem i don't think...08:41
GSquaredbasically I have a desktop that sits in an odd location that can not have a wire to it with ease, so I want it to use wireless, but I dont always want to use gnome, but I still want the connection to work08:41
tovellazero: from the command line.08:41
Nahican anyone look a webproxy for me lol08:41
Yago^^Potatobut said ok on the install part08:41
MenZaYago^^Potato: Do you remember which disk image you downloaded when you installed Linux?08:42
magnetronVeganChick01: ok, i had read in ubuntu forums that airport extreme had no drivers08:42
MenZaUbuntu, even.08:42
Yago^^Potatoumm yea08:42
CheshireVikingjoojin, this is an Ubuntu room, so in a way it is linux, but the support is aimed at Ubuntu rather than linux in general08:42
Yago^^Potatolet me see08:42
jzillais there a walk though for installing nvidia drivers? i just formatted and for the life of me cant figure it out. i feel dumb ;\08:42
zerotovella: and why do you start it from the command line?08:42
joojinwhy every1 i know prefers kde ranther than gnome?08:42
kojzilla: what card do you have?08:42
magnetronjoojin: ask them08:42
zerotovella: i just tried now and it works well08:42
tovellazero: didn't at first see it put an icon in Accessories.08:42
jzillanvidia 7800gtx08:42
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Yago^^Potatoit was08:43
sx66_sx66_, sleep08:43
zerotovella: yes there it is ^_^!08:43
MenZaYago^^Potato: Ah.08:43
zerotovella: lovely isnt it?08:43
MenZaYago^^Potato: Hmm, try doing sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start08:43
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MenZa(after logging in)08:43
tovellazero: yeah, like most things ubuntu - lovely.08:43
Nahiwich proxy to add in jap so i can use it ?08:44
sx66_sudo command -exit08:44
zeroMenZa: i have to start sendmail in that way, can i put it in the "classPATH" and just call for sendmail, or it's just different08:44
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MenZazero: absolutely no clue. Sorry.08:45
Yago^^Potatosudo: /ect/init.d/gdm start not found08:45
VoXanyone know why vlc would just quit when trying to watch something using the opengl output mode?08:45
premier_hello, I'm trying to tranfer some data to a freinds external hard drive (ntfs)  ubuntu did not mount the hard drive (I had to do it manually) and I can't obtain write permissions, even as super user.  I have ntfs-3g installed08:45
MenZaYago^^Potato: ah. Try running sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:45
CheshireViking!nvidia > jzilla, See the private message from Ubotu08:45
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:45
tovellagotta get some sleep - gotta get ready for work in about 3 hours - goodnight all.08:45
MenZapremier_: Try adding an fstab entry for it.08:46
thinkl00pany ideas how to get my logitech v-uh9 webcam working in ubuntu?08:46
jzillaCheshireViking: thanks.08:46
MenZa!webcam | thinkl00p08:46
zeroMenZa: hehe ok, maybe i didnt made a good question08:46
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:46
ubotuthinkl00p: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:46
kimmeyDo any know how I can make a "read-only"-disk writeable? It's a usb-disk08:46
joojinit is so painful to install something on linux ...ehu...08:46
Yago^^Potatomenza that 1 is installing08:46
MenZaYago^^Potato: Good, good; that's the full Ubuntu package. For some reason, it sounds like you have no X08:47
MenZaWell, no WM08:47
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Yago^^Potatono X?08:47
MenZaYago^^Potato: Might take a bit. Highlight me when it's done.08:47
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MenZaYago^^Potato: X is your GUI08:47
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zerohey it's there a mysql gui like mysqlfront for windows?08:48
=== TaJMoX [n=chatzill@adsl-71-131-183-158.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
MenZazero: Yes.08:48
MenZa!info mysql-admin08:48
MenZaThat's the package you want ^08:48
ubotumysql-admin: GUI tool for intuitive MySQL administration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.5rc-1 (feisty), package size 1194 kB, installed size 3752 kB08:48
MenZaRemember to enable universe.08:48
zeroMenZa thx :)08:48
MenZaIt's quite a good tool.08:48
MenZaNo problem :)08:48
zeroubotu: thx08:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:48
Yago^^Potatois it like kde or gnome?08:48
zeroMenZa: what is ubotu?08:48
koYago^^Potato: yes.08:48
zeroMenZa: he is not human right08:49
MenZaYago^^Potato: KDE or GNOME are both Window Managers.08:49
=== runge [n=runge@c-3bdce255.215-5-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:49
zeroohh a bot08:49
koYago^^Potato: you are missing gnome, which should have installed when you installed ubuntu.08:49
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zeroso i shouldnt say thx to a bot :P?08:49
Yago^^Potatoodd i even did a check on the disk before i installed it and that said it was fine08:50
J-_how do I start jackd?08:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about porkchop13+42 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:50
cooliohiya - have a crazy problem, thunderbird startsup and then close again, any pointers08:50
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Toulousehi guys, i am interested in logging in remotely to my computer that is next to me with ubuntu's built in "XDMCP"08:50
MenZaYago^^Potato: Meh, it's downloading now.08:50
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Toulousebut it doesnt seem to work for me08:50
TaJMoXcoolio : run thunderbird in a terminal - it will give you an error08:50
TaJMoXcoolio : then relay the error message to us08:50
Toulouseit cannot see any of the "hosts" on the network08:51
MenZaTaJMoX: I think the command to run thunderbird is mozilla-thunderbird.08:51
Toulousewhen i try and log in08:51
TaJMoXAny linux user should know to run a program in the terminal when something isn't working08:51
TaJMoXmenza : i dunno i dont use it =] 08:51
Toulouseanyone know how to use ubuntu's remote login?08:51
TaJMoXtoulouse : yes - use xvncviewer as the client08:51
MenZaToulouse: I've only ever used ssh.08:51
Yago^^Potatoi hope this is not the live thing08:51
MenZaToulouse: Or VNC08:51
MenZaToulouse: I suggest ssh if you can live without a GUI08:52
GSquaredanyone? basically I have a desktop that sits in an odd location that can not have a wire to it with ease, so I want it to use wireless, but I dont always want to use gnome, but I still want the connection to work08:52
zeroMenZa: what did you mean with "enable universe"?08:52
TaJMoXubuntu's remote desktop is vnc08:52
MenZazero: It might be enabled already; see !universe08:52
Toulousetajmox: ok, so how do i get that ready to use08:52
Yago^^Potatowait i gave the wrong 1 i downloaded08:52
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Yago^^Potatoit was http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-server-i386.iso08:52
r3dbeardToulouse: i dont use that app so i could be wrong but you probably need to have the hosts in your /etc/hosts file with the corresponding ip address08:52
khoahas anyone found a way around the "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ATI wall08:52
TaJMoXtoulouse : is the other computer set up to recieve a remote desktop connection?08:52
MenZaYago^^Potato: There's your problem.08:52
Yago^^Potatobut still its installing08:52
Toulousei have the "Server" computer set up to recieve it yes08:52
MenZaYago^^Potato: That version doesn't ship with a GUI08:52
MenZaYago^^Potato: But it's installing that now08:53
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MenZaSo don't worry :)08:53
Yago^^Potatothanks a ton08:53
Toulousebut i dont know if i am connected in "Network settings" correctly08:53
MenZanp :)08:53
Toulouseit cant find the VNC server08:53
TaJMoXtoulouse : ok so on the client - run in a terminal: xvncviewer (ip)08:53
Toulousei dont know the ip08:53
premier_Hi, I can't find the nfts configuration tool in the kmenu... whats the command for it?08:53
TaJMoXtoulouse : replace ip with the internet address08:53
Toulousehow do i find the ip?08:53
MenZapremier_: You need to install those tools08:53
Frogzoo_how to get ubuntu to answer i/f queries from snmp ? i've installed snmp, but it doesn't answer to i/f queries: .
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TaJMoXtoulouse : ask the person who has remote desktop enabled - ask him to go to http://whatismyip.com08:53
premier_MenZa: okay, how do I install those tools?08:54
MenZa!ntfs-config | premier_08:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-config - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:54
MenZa!info ntfs-config08:54
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ubotuntfs-config: Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 41 kB, installed size 432 kB08:54
MenZaThat's what you want08:54
Toulousetajmox: it's my computer, but it's not connected to internet08:54
MenZasudo apt-get install ntfs-config08:54
Yago^^Potatobut now is there going to be a install problem because i can go back and do the iso for desktop08:54
MenZaYago^^Potato: There shouldn't be, really08:54
TaJMoXtoulouse : then do ifconfig on the computer and find out it's local address08:54
Yago^^Potatok ty08:54
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MenZaYago^^Potato: You'll have some unnecessary packages lying around you might not need, but other than that, not really08:54
TaJMoXntfs-config rocks08:54
Toulousehow do i know if my network settings are correct, so that i CAN connect to it08:55
=== mathmoi64 [n=mathmoi@modemcable096.204-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
fattyback with that thunderbird problem I missed the responses if there was any08:55
Yago^^Potatosaves me time from downloading them later on no?08:55
MenZaYago^^Potato: Well, they're all sorts of server applications.08:55
ravindrai want some openGL car racing games for ubuntu08:55
koMenZa: Will GNOME automatically load at boot or will he still get sent to the terminal though?08:55
MenZaMySQL, Apache, an SSH server and so on08:55
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MenZako: That's what I'm not sure of; but I think GNOME will boot by itself.08:55
Nahiguys does linux support webcam ?08:56
Yago^^Potatoi just need to learn the term commands better08:56
MenZaNahi: Yes, of course it does08:56
TaJMoXtoulouse : ping the other machine08:56
MenZa!webcam | Nahi08:56
ubotuNahi: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:56
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:57
zero!mysql query08:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mysql query - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:57
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JW_510Should I upgrade to 7.04?08:59
NegativeSpaceHi, can someone tell me how I can run something from the terminal without it closing when I close the terminal?08:59
zeroMenZa: mysql-admin, looks really cool ^^! thx again it looks like sql server enterprise manager08:59
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jammer_!screen | NegativeSpace09:00
ubotuNegativeSpace: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen09:00
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NegativeSpacejammer: looks good, thanks.09:00
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NegativeSpacejammer_: looks good, thanks.09:00
CheshireVikingJW_510, what version are you currently using, and more importantly, what do you use it for, if you need stability & don't want to take the risk of using newer software that could have problems, then 6.06 is probably better09:01
MenZazero: no problem.09:01
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zeroMenZa: ok last question ^_^!, there is any cool php editor?!09:01
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VeganChickthis is completely weird. my wireless doesn't work in xubuntu...but it works fine on the live cd...09:01
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NahiMenZa, im installing easy cam that should install the diver right ? i plugged the cam09:01
MenZazero: There's several. I like vim myself, but then there's emacs or just plain gedit.09:01
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MenZaNahi: That depends on the camera. Look at the page ubotu sent you.09:01
JW_510CheshireViking, I plan on using Linux for programming, some gaming and listening to internet radio09:01
MenZa!webcam > Nahi09:02
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Nahiits a genius webcam09:02
koNegativeSpace: did you just want to be able to run a program from the terminal in gnome and then close the terminal?09:02
NegativeSpaceko: yeah.09:02
zeroMenZa: vim, it highlights all php commands, like dreamweaver?09:02
Nahii dont think it supports linux thow09:02
MenZazero: Yes; but it is a terminal application09:02
MenZazero: and thus run in terminal09:03
TaJMoXveganchick - that is weird - people have been having problems with the xubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn - dunno if that is one of the problems09:03
MenZazero: sudo apt-get install vim09:03
MenZazero: when installed, try running vimtutor from the terminal09:03
koNegativeSpace: you can do "gedit & exit"09:03
MenZazero: If you just give it some time, I think you'll enjoy it.09:03
TaJMoXveganchick try to install regular ubuntu and see if the wireless works?    then you can install xfce09:03
premier_Hi, I ran the script ubotu gave me to automatically mount windows partitions, but now their still read only even though i have the newest versions of ntfs-3g09:03
zeroMenZa: ok i'll try it, thx again09:03
premier_this is getting annoying09:03
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NegativeSpaceko: wow that's totally cool09:03
VeganChickTaJMoX: but i didn't want to be running gnome! that's why i did a clean install09:03
NegativeSpaceko: cheers!09:03
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koNegativeSpace: =)09:03
CheshireVikingJW_510, sounds like you don't need the long term support/stability that 6.06 has, so whether you use Edgy or Fiesty probably isn't going to be that big a difference09:03
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JW_510CheshireViking,Thank you!09:04
VeganChickTaJMoX: i only have a cd of ubuntu edgy, and last time i updated to xubuntu feisty from ubuntu i ran into problems...09:04
=== arcade hopes https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/89892 will be fixed soon.
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arcadeI'm just SO willing to test any attempts to fix the problem.09:05
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)09:05
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TaJMoXveganchick : xubuntu live cd supports your wireless card but after you install it - doesnt work ?09:05
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)09:05
VeganChickTaJMoX: exactly09:05
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TaJMoXveganchick : i suggest you try to see if this is the same for ubuntu or kubuntu...if your wireless works on that - you can remove gnome and use xfce instead.   Like I said, there have been bad problems with xubuntu in the latest release09:06
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killjoycan anyone recommend a good irc client?09:07
VeganChickTaJMoX: i suppose i can go back to ubuntu. i was going to install enlightenment themes on top anyway...09:07
VeganChickTaJMoX: and i'm on a macbook, it's not like it's slow enough that there would be a huge difference running ubuntu or xubuntu09:07
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TaJMoXveganchick : yeah ubuntu usually works better - then you can use whatever desktop enviornment you want09:08
CheshireVikingkilljoy, i use xchat, works great for me09:08
NahiReading package lists... Done09:08
MenZaYago^^Potato: Is it working?09:08
NahiW: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>09:08
NahiW: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>09:08
NahiW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems09:08
Nahiops sorry...09:08
MenZaNahi: Do as it says.09:08
Nahii did09:08
MenZasudo apt-get update.09:08
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killjoyCheshireViking: thanks, I'll check it out.09:09
JW_510CheshireViking, What about 6.06 compared to 6.10?09:09
VeganChickTaJMoX: ok, i'll go waste another cd burning ubuntu feisty and just use that. i also ran into problems with video playback only after i updated to xubuntu09:09
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Nahistill the same...09:09
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CheshireViking!irc | killjoy09:09
ubotukilljoy: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines09:09
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ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)09:09
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)09:10
MenZa!botabuse | spg56509:10
ubotuspg565: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...09:10
NahiMenZa, still getting the same msg09:10
TaJMoXmenza : I dissagree09:10
MenZaNahi: hmm, well, it means the key is non-existant, which is pretty weird.09:10
MenZaTaJMoX: with whaet?09:10
VeganChicksomeone should work on porting Colloquy to ubuntu...it's sooo much better than any irc client available now...09:10
MenZaVeganChick: Go back to your Mac then :)09:10
NahiMenZa, should i remove it ?09:11
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TaJMoXmenza : take a chill pill ok09:11
VeganChickMenZa: i'm on my mac right now :P09:11
CheshireVikingJW_510, I didn't use 6.06 so I wouldn't like to say which is better, 6.06 does have the benefit of long term support for 3 years rather than a 6 monthly upgrade cycle that the other versions have09:11
MenZaVeganChick: Personally, I think Colloquy is worse than even mIRC for Windows (which is, by many, regarded as the worst client in existence)09:11
thinkl00pman i'm having mad problems setting up gallery209:11
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MenZathinkl00p: Go to Gallery's channel, then :)09:11
NahiMenZa, i agree mirc sux lol09:11
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VeganChickMenZa: really? why? i think it's fantastic09:11
demo_NHow can i kill an X started on display 109:11
SochBat/ns register09:11
Nahixchat ownz09:11
MenZaVeganChick: It has a pretty UI. Besides that, it has nothing.09:11
MenZaVeganChick: But if you wish to continue this, we need to go to #ubuntu-offtopic, to avoid upsetting the rhythm in here.09:12
TaJMoXMenza : sometimes a pretty UI can make all the difference09:12
MenZaTaJMoX: That's the general idea of OS X :)09:12
JW_510This is entertaining to read as I upgrade  Ubuntu :)09:12
MenZaJW_510: hehehe09:12
VeganChickMenZa: i'll come back and debate this if i can get my wireless to work on ubuntu09:12
MenZaVeganChick: Sure; I'm looking forward to it.09:12
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Yago^^Potatowhat is 1 i can download that will stay on the hardrive with a gui interface? so i can install it on other comps if i like it?09:13
MenZaYago^^Potato: What do you mean; packages?09:13
Yago^^Potatono a full iso09:13
VeganChickif only everything os x wasn't sooo expensive! heh09:13
MenZaVeganChick: Along with the computer you need to go with it ;)09:13
MenZaYago^^Potato: Urm, a full ISO of what?09:13
SochBathow do we register our names?09:14
MenZaSochBat: /msg NickServ help register09:14
sldkfjJW_510, I'd say it's the toughest novel to read, myself.09:14
TaJMoXVeganChick the computer costs way too much in my opinion09:14
JW_510=-] 09:14
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VeganChickTaJMoX: the only reason i go for them still is because nothing else looks the same...not even close09:15
JW_510Screw whats built in,\, my PC can beatup your Mac :P09:15
zerogood night, thank you all09:15
TaJMoXVeganChick : ah you should see my desktop =] 09:15
JW_510Whats up with your desktop?09:15
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TaJMoXVeganchick : if you're talking about the outside - you shouldnt pay an extra $1000 for how the case looks09:16
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demo_NHow can i set the mplayer to start on a diffrent Display?09:16
TaJMoXmy pc case is freakin beautiful09:16
maethanyone can help me with a bt headset???09:16
TaJMoXdemo_n try mplayer [command]  :109:16
maethwhat should i install??09:16
JW_510TajMox, so is mine :) I got a Gladiator XS case09:16
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VeganChickTaJMoX: well you can help me find the perfect pc after i install ubuntu...again...09:16
MenZaTaJMoX, JW_510; if you wish to continue with this conversation, bump into #ubuntu-offtopic--this channel is only for support :)09:16
koCan anyone assist in getting my suspend/hibernate to work? The machine will suspend or hibernate fine but will not boot back up.09:17
TaJMoXjw_510 : 100% clear acrylic case with fading LED's in custom colors09:17
JW_510TajMox, You win!09:17
TaJMoX=] 09:17
demo_NTaJMox: I need to start the X on a diffrent display and start mplayer in that display09:17
Yago^^Potatoa full iso of ubuntu that will install to a HD with a gui that i can install on multi computers09:17
CheshireViking!anyone | maeth09:17
ubotumaeth: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:17
kiasanthHi All, I'm having a problem remote controlling ubuntu via vnc - the screen is not updating on the client09:17
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MenZaYago^^Potato: Sure, the desktop edition09:17
Nahii cant access http://archive.ubuntu.com nor http://security.ubuntu.com09:18
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MenZaYago^^Potato: rather than the server edition you downloaded09:18
Yago^^Potatoi did that the first time and it only gace me a live iso09:18
maethwhat package should i install to get a Bluetooth Headset Working?09:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:18
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SochBathow about resolution changing?09:18
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thinkl00pI have onboard video card on this computer. Do you think ubuntu picked up the proper driver when installing? because minimizing screens is laggy and same with some other stuff09:18
SochBati hate 800x60009:18
ceil420do you have to do something special to use a microphone in Ubuntu?09:18
ceil420(Xubuntu Feisty)09:18
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kiasanthI'm having a problem remote controlling ubuntu via vnc - the screen is not updating on the client, any ideas?09:19
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ferronicaI need help regarding nokia mobile phone.09:19
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Nahii cant access http://archive.ubuntu.com nor http://security.ubuntu.com while updating09:19
CheshireViking!bluetooth > maeth, see the private message from Ubotu09:19
oxigenhi guys, apt want to upgrade my system to 7.04, but my concern are nvidia and other drivers. before i press 'start' i would like to ask you: can i expect some problems in this direction?09:19
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TaJMoXoxigen : yes09:20
michael117I'm trying to set up skype but it isn't getting anything from my microphone even though I can hear it out the speakers09:20
ferronicaI have nokia 6101 mobile , when i connect via USB (CA-42) ubuntu dont flash any message on desktop09:20
kiasanthI updated to 7.04 with nVidia drivers and had no problems at all09:20
TaJMoXoxigen : I never have good luck upgrading distro... i always install fresh version.   you'll always have a problem in my experience09:20
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ferronicai am trying to transfer photos to computer so any help regarding it?09:20
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MenZaTaJMoX: Well, it's much better since... Edgy or so.09:20
thinkl00pnevermind, it got my proper video card driver. Any idea why my screens lag (which look like a video problem)09:21
MenZaI remember Breezy -> Dapper. Oh, the horror stories.09:21
TaJMoXmenza : i remember too - thats why i skipped this upgrade and just did fresh install09:21
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ceil420do you have to do something special to use a microphone in Ubuntu?09:21
NahiMenZa, i cant access http://archive.ubuntu.com nor http://security.ubuntu.com while updating09:21
MenZaTaJMoX: same.09:21
michael117How can I enable recording through my microphone?09:21
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MenZaceil420: not really; It just needs to be setup09:21
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ferronica!seen PriceChild09:22
JW_510MenZa, I'm currently in the process of upgrading in the order of 5.10(clean install), 6.06, 6,10, 7.04, you think I will get problems?09:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen pricechild - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:22
MenZaceil420: Skype is bad like that. It uses an old audio driver.09:22
Yago^^Potatoalso menza can i get a kde interface instead of gnome?09:22
oxigenTaJMoX: me too, but today for the first time want apt upgrade distribution to 7.04!?09:22
ceil420i'm usin' teamspeak09:22
ceil420(well, trying to)09:22
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kiasanthso no-one knows about vnc??09:22
MenZaJW_510: I think your system will be messed up beyond anything you've ever seen when you're done, JW_51009:22
JW_510How do I check my Ubuntu version in a terminal?09:22
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MenZaJW_510: I highly recommend you back up your data and do a full re-install09:22
MenZaJW_510: It'll be faster, too09:22
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michael117JW_510: I think it's uname -v09:22
MISTERTibbsuname -l09:22
ceil420but i also tried recording something in Audacity a few weeks back to no avail09:22
ceil420tried with two different mics09:22
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kuruand I am about to install 3COM 3C905-TX Rev A NIc's09:23
JW_510MenZa, when I try to install Feisty, it gets to the initial "Ubuntu progress bar bouncing back and forth, then it looks like a loading progress bar, then it goes to a black screen, then my monitor goes into standby and I cant bring it out?09:23
TaJMoXjw_510 : dont listen - dont worry... at worst you wont get x server.     just fix your display drivers and/or gnome and you can recover09:23
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kurua quick look through the web reveals a plethora of problems09:23
kuruso can anyone confirm whether these cards are supported or not?09:23
killjoy_Is there a better system monitoring app than GKrellM?09:23
MenZaceil420: try double clicking your audio icon in the gnome panel and set itup from there09:24
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MenZaJW_510: Umm, alternate CD perhaps?09:24
sldkfjuname -v  give me   #2 SMP Wed May 23 01:46:23 UTC 200709:24
kuruI'm running kernel 2.6.17-11-server09:24
MISTERTibbstry the alternate install method09:24
kuruon Edgy09:24
ceil420MenZa, i don't have a gnome panel :x09:24
MenZaceil420: :/09:24
JW_510MenZa, I downloaded the alternate 7.04 ISO, burned it and tryed installing, same issue09:24
ymelaptopneed help installing mac80211 subsystem package, getting a buncha errors (yes, i've read the documentation) could really use some help09:24
MenZaceil420: alsamixer in console09:24
MenZaJW_510: Eh; that one doesn't have a GUI09:24
kuruMy system is up-to-date09:24
MISTERTibbstext based installation usually works when  all else fails09:24
oxigeneh, i'll press cancel then... my system working ok in current state, first rule: do not repair if it's not broken! :)09:24
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thinkl00pwould changing my refresh rate on my video card settings maybe fix my laggy problem?09:25
ceil420"Mic" volume is at 9009:25
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JW_510MenZa, but my monitor goes into standby befor it gets to the first actual setup screen09:25
premier_Hi, I'm only getting about 10-20 MB/s on a usb 2.0 port when transfering from one hard drive to another, and it takes 100% cpu09:25
MenZaJW_510: Hmm, what monitor is this?09:25
ceil420o_O Mic1 and Mic209:25
=== ceil420 tries more
ymelaptopneed help installing mac80211 subsystem package, getting a buncha errors (yes, i've read the documentation) could really use some help09:25
MenZaceil420: It took a bit of fiddling before I got mine working, but I did eventually09:25
MenZa!repeat | ymelaptop09:25
ubotuymelaptop: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:25
JW_510Menza, CRT 15'' Zenith Data Systems09:26
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MenZaJW_510: Don't you have another spare monitor around, somewhere?09:26
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:26
JW_510MenZa, no09:26
Yago^^Potatolol hertz to high?09:26
MenZaJW_510: Well, that sucks.09:26
Yago^^Potatoi had that problem also before09:27
JW_510Should I reboot my PC between upgrades from 6.06 to 6,10?09:27
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MenZaQuite possibly, JW_51009:27
oxigenJW_510: haha, what a question09:27
ymelaptopi am trying to compile the subsystem, but it says the source makefile for my kernel is not there.. i'm having issues getting that set up09:27
JW_510Ok Rebooting, wish me luck :D09:27
=== vontux [n=vontux@pool-71-254-130-222.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MenZaJW_510: gl :)09:27
vontuxhello, does anyone know of an error in feist fawn that causes audio to sound "clippy"?09:28
kuruubotu, what if you are chased by K9's and help on #ubuntu is your last chance of escape? ;)09:28
ymelaptopi also can't seem to find the source for my kernel readily available... does that mena i have to upgrade to the newest revision of the kernel, then use it's source to compile?09:28
kurubah.. and now I'm talking to a bot ;)09:28
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bainmornign all. I'm looking for something (php system or something) that I can put on a server that will allow people to login, add url's to their account and then using a cronjob in the evening dowload those files to the local machine ... anybody know of anything like that ?09:29
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kuruso I take it no one has had the pleasure of using a 3com nic09:29
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vontuxhello, does anyone know of an error in feist fawn that causes audio to sound "clippy"?09:29
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ewanm89bain: You probably have to make it yourself.09:30
MISTERTibbsvontux: google it.09:30
ymelaptopi still don't beleive none of you guys know where i can get the source of my kernel to do compiles.09:30
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ewanm89ymelaptop: What do you mean?09:30
GSquaredanyone know how to configure my wireless connection without the gui?09:31
CheshireViking!compiling | ymelaptop09:31
ubotuymelaptop: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:31
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Yago^^PotatoMenZa the patch will be done in 4 mins09:31
GSquaredI want my wireless connection to come up without having to use gnome09:31
MenZaYago^^Potato: :)09:31
=== Toulouse [n=evan@adsl-69-153-130-107.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Yago^^Potatothan can you walk me thou it?09:31
Toulousehi guys, it seems i am not able to be connected via Wifi and be connected to another computer via network cable, is there any way to fix this?09:32
ymelaptopbtw, telling me all i had to do was a terminal command saying apt-gte build essential woulda helped alot.09:32
rob_pkuru: According to my Google search, it looks like there are mixed results in terms of success with that card.  My guess is that it should work just fine.  My impression in the threads I read is that the users who had issues probably would have had issues with just about any NIC.  I'd say try it and see.09:32
MISTERTibbstoulouse: maybe I can help a little.  what brand of wifi ard??09:32
ymelaptopthanks.. for sicking the bot on me09:32
CheshireViking!headers | ymelaptop, that last link I posted is probably the wrong one, this should be the one you need to have a look at09:32
ubotuymelaptop, that last link I posted is probably the wrong one, this should be the one you need to have a look at: To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages09:32
Toulousemistertibbs: it's a D-Link09:33
Toulouseit works--but not while i have a network cable as well09:33
CheshireVikingymelaptop, :)09:33
MISTERTibbsI haven't seen many probs with dlink09:33
Toulouseif i go to network under Sys>Admin>Network09:33
ymelaptopit's stills creaming it can't find the source.09:33
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MISTERTibbstoulouse: you have aim or other chat?09:33
ceil420just poked around all up in alsamixer, and still can't get my mic to do shit in TS ><09:33
MISTERTibbsok wait 109:34
Toulouseceil420: have fun w/ that, me either09:34
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ymelaptopchesireviking, it keeps saying it can't find my kernel makefile09:34
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rob_pkuru: Generally speaking, 3Com NICs are widely supported under Linux.09:34
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MISTERTibbstoulouse: seattlechaz on google talk09:34
ymelaptopi'm not familiar with what it is09:35
Yago^^Potatocrap so much installing i opened 2 beers lol09:35
ceil420lookin' all over synaptic for some "audio input"  :x09:35
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Yago^^Potatobut its about done menza 20 secs09:35
Paddy_EIREdoes anyone know why my power-manager has vanished09:35
MenZaI'm just debugging something myself, dw if I don't respond for a bit09:35
SochBathow do you edit XCON?09:36
SochBati forget what its called09:36
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Yago^^Potatok back at yago@ubuntu:~$09:36
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Toulousemistertibbs: h/o im not very good w/ google talk09:36
Toulouseit's part of gmail right?09:36
CheshireVikingymelaptop, I'm not sure what the problem is then, I've never needed to compile the kernel09:36
MISTERTibbsyes it u have gmail09:36
ymelaptopi am not trying to compile the kernel09:37
Toulouseok, im working on it09:37
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Paddy_EIREToulouse, you need a gmail account to use it but its just a messenger client really09:37
Yago^^Potatomenza, should i restart or something?09:37
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newb_probI need to buy an array (like 6 of them) usb camears ... I want to get the cheapest ones that work under linux. Suggestions?09:37
MenZaYago^^Potato: nope09:37
MenZaYago^^Potato: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start09:37
CheshireVikingymelaptop, what are you trying to install?09:37
ymelaptopor maybe i am.. i'm not sure, i am trying to install the mac80211 package09:37
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Toulousei have a gmail account, im working on finding how to use the darn thing09:37
ymelaptopusing a new intel wireless pci-e card09:37
ymelaptopand i need to isntall the subsystem09:37
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MISTERTibbstoulouse: what's your google email09:38
Toulouseh/o i just added seatllechaz09:38
CheshireVikingymelaptop, i've not heard of that, so I don't think I can suggest anything else I'm afraid09:38
=== SillyZ [n=james@CPE-75-81-174-2.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SillyZGmorning, just getting ready to wipe winblows off the system here and had a quick couple of questions09:39
newb_probhow can I check if my laptop supports firewire ? (it's running ubuntu)_09:39
Toulousemistertibbs: it's wounsel09:39
JW_606SillyZ, ok :)09:39
SillyZlsmod 139409:39
ymelaptopchesire, i just need the ernel sources, i'm having a problem getting that09:39
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SillyZJW_606:  heres the plan, im gonna split a 160gb drive into 2 partitions, 40gb for the ubuntu system, and 120 for /home09:40
Yago^^Potatonot found haha09:40
lomitohi... i need help09:40
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Yago^^Potatoi typed it 3 times09:40
Flying-PenguinI have a samba Server up and running, However I cant edit the shared folders, and I cant access the computer by \\computer name only \\ip09:40
Flying-PenguinPlease help me09:40
JW_606SillyZ, I'm not the person to talk to, sorry, I was just acknowleding you, sorry!09:40
SillyZId like to setup in the /home   a /music  a /games, and a few other directories for storage of specific items, but I would like myself and my wife to be able to access them09:40
SillyZJW... rofl ok09:41
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lomitoplease, i need help09:41
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Paddy_EIREonce upon a time I had the power-manager applet and now its gone? I cant tell what my lappys battery life is, it just powers of when Im in the middle of something which has forced me to use it almost exclusively from the mains09:41
SillyZwhats the issue lomito?09:41
ymelaptopit keeps assuming the source for my kernel is going to be in /lib/modules/<kernel verison>/source09:42
ymelaptopbut it's not there.09:42
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SillyZnow its been a while since ive been into linux, but its usually under /usr/src/linux-<kernelversion>09:42
ewanm89ymelaptop: Where is the source and how did you get it?09:42
Flying-Penguinumm.. samba.. help? yaya?09:42
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MenZaYago^^Potato: 'm here09:43
MenZaYago^^Potato: Sorry09:43
Yago^^Potatonot found haha09:43
ymelaptopi just grabbed the build essentials, and a package i found in apt-get that had the source for the correct kernel, or it was supposed to09:43
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Yago^^Potatoi typed it 3 times09:43
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SochBathow do we edit xorg.conf?09:43
MenZaYago^^Potato: hmm09:43
SochBatterminal, right? =] 09:43
ewanm89ymelaptop: Get the kernel headers package too.09:44
ymelaptopthe problem is i don't know how to get my source for my kernel, and it can't be a very difficult process, i jsut am unfamiliar09:44
ymelaptopok, how do i do that?09:44
MenZaYago^^Potato: Hmm, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:44
MenZaFollow that guide09:44
Flying-PenguinMenZa: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:44
ewanm89ymelaptop: It'll be in the repos.09:44
MenZaFlying-Penguin: 1) That wasn't me, and 2) it's gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:44
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ymelaptopin synaptic it says they are already installed09:45
SochBatthat was me i think09:45
Yago^^Potatocommand not found09:45
SillyZanyone know if adding more physical ram to the system is going to create any problems later on down the line?  I have another 1gb of ram thats going to be here around friday, and would like to start setting up the system for ubuntu before hand09:45
SillyZif it is going to create a problem, then ill have to wait til after the ram has been installed09:45
ewanm89ymelaptop: What are you trying to ddo that requires the kernel source?09:46
Flying-PenguinMenZa: sorry for #1 =D09:46
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MenZano worries ;)09:46
Yago^^Potatoxserve is not installed09:46
ymelaptopi am trying to install the mac80211 subsystem09:46
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MenZaYago^^Potato: ohh09:46
Flying-Penguinanyone know what nmbd does 0o?09:46
MenZaYago^^Potato: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg09:46
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ymelaptopewanm89 cna i post links here?09:47
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ewanm89ymelaptop: Ah, ok, I'll grab the source and have a look.09:47
Yago^^Potatok its installing09:47
ymelaptopthat's the link, for quick reference09:47
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ewanm89ymelaptop: I know, I had trouble getting the git tree last time.09:48
Toulousehow can i get my darn network settings to save, so that i dont have to redo them every time i reboot09:48
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Yago^^Potatok i chose the res now what09:48
Yago^^Potatoback at09:48
SmegzorHi,  I'm trying to follow these instructions http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit#head-08d4087d863019523214064680fcf26721c9a1af   to install Wine on ubuntu 64bit and I'm stuck on ./configure  I get no such file or directory.  What am I doing wrong?09:48
ymelaptopbear in mind, i'm linux iliterate, but i've got a good grasp on software. I did a fresh isntall of fiesty, and i am trying to get my wireless link 4965 pice express mini card to work in my laptop09:49
Flying-PenguinOK, Please explain. My samba server WON"T let me edit its shared folders.. WTF?09:49
ymelaptopinstalling the subsystem is the first step, and i cna't even do that. I am totally unfamiliar with GIt, and everything09:49
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SochBati STILL can't figure how to fix my resolution.  AARRRRRRHHHHHHHH!09:49
bibbismegzor: trying to install 32bit software on a 64bit OS?09:49
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Smegzorwell that wiki seems to think it can be done09:50
RusikWho from Russia??09:50
demo_Nwhen i give  "exec xinit xterm  -- /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 -layout tv"  it dosent open xterm in my TV display i get a blank display witha  mouse ointer09:50
Madpilotubotu, ru | Rusik09:50
ubotuRusik:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:50
bibbito install 32bit software on a 64bit OS, you first need to add the 32bit libs to the OS. Discovered that last week09:50
demo_N] it says Xlib: connection to ":1.0" refused by server09:50
demo_NXlib: No protocol specified09:50
Smegzorif I can't make it work I will be ditching 64 bit09:50
SmegzorI've done all that09:51
=== binskipy2u [n=binskipy@user-0c6t86s.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
binskipy2uhey guys.. anyone here install fiesty with a MINIMAL (8MB) cd?09:51
MadpilotSmegzor, ditching 64bit is probably the simplest thing to do, for more than just Wine...09:51
ymelaptopewanm89, if you're familiar with this, i'm totaly willing to do this another way, unfortunately, this is the only way i've found documentation for09:51
binskipy2uand just get a minimal system with what YOU want on it?09:51
Smegzorthe instructions are step by step, I'm just not able to run ./configure09:51
SmegzorIts a shame because I would have liked to run 64bit09:51
bibbibut you did do this: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs*09:52
bibbithat qworked for me09:52
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Smegzorthis pc is just a trial run.  my next pc will become my main pc.  32bit here I come.09:52
binskipy2uanyone here get a minimal system with what YOU want installed from the 8mb fiesty minimal cd?09:52
binskipy2uif so how'd it go?09:52
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Smegzoryes.  its all in the page I linked above09:53
Smegzormy real problem is I do not know what I am doing :)  especially with make install09:53
bibbiyeah, just checked the page. Sorry, have no more ideas.09:53
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bibbisame for me!09:54
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SmegzorI'm a windows user *ducks*09:54
ewanm89ymelaptop: I'm not sure if you need the subsystem.09:54
bibbibut I got a lot of help on the Ubuntu formus09:54
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binskipy2uok one more time..  anyone here use a fiesty minimal cd (8mb) and sude apt-get install a system w/lil or no bloat09:54
binskipy2uand how did it work out?09:54
ymelaptopi just want to get my 4965 working,09:54
SochBatsome of this stuff is confusing as heck09:55
Madpilotubotu, repeat | binskipy2u09:55
ubotubinskipy2u: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:55
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:55
binskipy2ui have no attitued09:55
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binskipy2ufigured no one see's me09:55
demo_NI get a Blank screen with just a pointer when i enable TV out09:55
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com09:56
JW_606How do I set my FireFox font settings back to default? I messed them up and now my text is real small09:56
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:56
Madpilotbinskipy2u, three repeats in as many minutes - yes, you got seen. Have some patience.09:56
binskipy2udamn..sorry i iddnt know09:56
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MadpilotJW_606, you can delete ~/.mozilla/firefox - but that will kill ALL your firefox settings, including bookmarks and such09:57
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SmegzorI can adjust font size in firefox with my mouse wheel.  I hold control or shift down while doing it.09:57
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kimmeyctrl + +/- works als09:57
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:58
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ymelaptopewanm89... any news?09:58
ewanm89ymelaptop: Can you run "sudo modprobe mac80211 "09:59
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Flying-Penguinhrm.. anyone know how I could have "read only = No" in my smb.conf yet not be able to edit the share?09:59
SmegzorJW_606, just use your mouse wheel while holding the control key.  It works, I just tried it.09:59
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ymelaptopit doesn't scream anything09:59
LilacorFlying-Penguin: edit the share as in have write access to the drive?09:59
ymelaptopewanm89 if i get no error does that mean it works?09:59
posporo_pechayhow do I give write access to my NTFS drive?10:00
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:00
sutabiIs there any way to have Zoom without Compize?10:00
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ewanm89ymelaptop: Yep, That means you already have the subystem, follow http://intellinuxwireless.org/?p=iwlwifi&n=howto-iwlwifi10:00
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Lilacor!ntfs-3g | posporo_pechay10:01
ubotuposporo_pechay: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:01
Flying-PenguinLilacor: the shared folder is located in /home/_____/share should I like.. chmod 777 it to make sure?10:01
bibbitalking about firefox. The bookmarksfile is written to when firefox exists, if i'm not mistaken. Is there any way (via about:config??) to have firefox update the bookmarksfile on an interval basis or when new bookmarks are added?10:01
JW_606MadPilot, I don't fully understand"~/.mozilla/firefox" I'm kind of new to Ubuntu :)10:01
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LilacorFlying-Penguin: that doesn't sound like the best idea...10:01
MadpilotJW_606, anything with a dot in front of it is a hidden config file or directory - so .mozilla10:01
Flying-Penguinlol *10:01
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MadpilotJW_606, and ~ is shorthand for "your user's home directory"10:02
SmegzorJW_606, don't kill your settings unless my suggestion is no use to you.10:02
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posporo_pechayis there a driver for Epson Stylus C59 in ubuntu?10:02
JW_606Smegzor, its not just the font size, its also monospacing and actual font is messed up10:02
posporo_pechayI can't get it to work10:03
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posporo_pechayis there a driver for Epson Stylus C59 in ubuntu?10:04
posporo_pechayis there a driver for Epson Stylus C59 in ubuntu?10:04
ymelaptopewanm89, i'm a little confused by the multiple line terminal commands. and if there's known abreviations for things?10:04
Flannel!repeat | posporo_pechay10:04
ubotuposporo_pechay: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:04
MenZa!cups | protocol110:04
ubotuprotocol1: Printing in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:04
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ymelaptopparticularly iwlwifi-4965-ucode-4.44.14.tgz, as it comes back with errors10:05
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Flying-Penguinyou guys <3 the ubotu bot =p10:05
ymelaptoptar xvf .tgz, rather10:05
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Flying-PenguinAnyone know why after connecting to an IRC server with Xchat, I would lag out?10:06
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jzillaHI. I'm new to Ubuntu and Gnome. Just installed the 64bit version of Feisty and I was wondering how I would go about uninstalling firefox, and reinstalling a 32bit version of it.10:06
phanto1Ineed good  TTS voices , can someone help please ?10:06
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Flying-PenguinTTS voices??10:07
tytanybody here?10:07
insmod<posporo_pechay>use the propiatary ones they work best html10:07
phanto1Text too speach10:07
phanto1 Flying-Penguin: yes10:07
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ewanm89jzilla: I recommend installing swiftfox(x86-32) through automatix.10:08
bullgard4What is the purpose of the Unix user group 'netdev'?10:09
ymelaptopewanm89, i am really confused by alot of this faq... i know you're busy, but is there any way you can help me fill in the gaps?10:09
jzillaewanm89: thanks, ill give that shot10:09
demo_NHow do i open a new X window with an xterm running in it on a diffrent dispaly?10:09
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insmod<demo_N> cntrl alt F? then startx -- : 110:10
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jzillaewanm89: sorry, but what is automatix?10:10
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ramorekquick questions guys, how do i uninstall something in terminal ?10:10
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Madpilotubotu, automatix | ewanm89 jzilla10:10
ubotuewanm89 jzilla: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe10:10
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visofhi l have book with chm extension what is the suitable application that open it??10:11
phanto1 Flying-Penguin: Can you recomand a prog and a link where I could download voices?10:11
insmod<ramorek> apt-get remove nae10:11
demo_Ninsmod: when i do that i dont get any desktop or anything , I only find a blank screen and a mouse pointer10:11
anathematicwhere do i download mp3 codec? =D10:11
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ramorekinsmod : thanks, after nae i put the ?10:11
ipw2200userchm sounds like a windows helpfile format to me.10:11
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insmod<demo_N> then x is fist -- man .xinitrc10:12
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posporo_pechaywhere can I get a free ogg decoder in Windows? it won't read ogg file in media player 1110:12
insmod<demo_N> or just run what u aare loading10:12
demo_Ninsmod: i didnt get you10:12
Lekremvisof sure10:12
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Lekremvisof whats the extension?10:13
insmod<ramorek> naaaaaae is the prog name10:13
demo_Ninsmod: when i start the X in a new display , i dont find the icons or anything , Only a blank screen10:13
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insmod<demo_N> xinit is not set10:13
posporo_pechaysudo apt-get update10:13
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demo_Nstartx -- :1.010:14
demo_N this is what i am running10:14
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visoflekrem   Prentice.Hall.PTR.Practical.FPGA.Programming.in.C.Apr.2005.chm10:14
demo_NHow do i set it?10:14
visoflekrem thia is the book10:14
insmod<demo_N> startx -- :110:14
demo_NHow can i make it use the same xinint as of my primary X10:14
ewanm89Madpilot: And it works well for installing 32bit swiftfox.10:15
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insmod<demo_N> edit  .xinitrc10:15
ramorekanyone here have experience with NX SERVER ?10:15
Lekremvisof lemme look it up10:15
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.10:15
Lekremvisof its a HTML Help Compiled Help File that runs on windows10:15
Madpilotewanm89, autobreakitz? If it works for you, fine, but when it breaks your system, don't expect much sympathy here...10:16
J-_has anyone tried armour 99.3 and has it crashed?10:16
visoflekrem ok  thank you10:16
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insmodardour rocks10:16
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Lekremvisof you might be able to get it to open linxu with wine10:16
ewanm89Madpilot: So how do you recommend installing a 32bit browser on 64bit ubuntu?10:16
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insmod<J-_>ARDOUR IS BETTER10:17
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Madpilotewanm89, personally, I'd recommend against running the 64bit OS in the first place, actually.10:17
visoflekrem what is wine?10:17
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J-_!info wine10:17
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB10:17
Lekremthats it10:17
jzillalets pretend we've installed a 64bit os, how would you go about it?10:17
insmod<visof> installs win programs10:17
Akuma_what does /var/lib/ do ? does it make sense to exclude it from my backups?10:17
ewanm89Madpilot: It's too late for that, but I do too, (I run 64bit here though).10:18
VncViwierProblemHI, i installed vnctightserver...it runs fine but why the hell my keyboard isnt configured when i run with the vncviewer ??? if i run locally its configured -.-10:18
insmod<Akuma_> ah no10:18
ymelaptopdoes anyone know where the hotplug dir for Fiesty is by default? for firmware loading10:18
visoflekrem thank you10:18
Akuma_insmod: why not? what is it for?10:18
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insmod<Akuma_> library dir for what they read10:19
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ymelaptopdoes anyone know where the hotplug dir for Fiesty is by default? for firmware loading10:19
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sobersabrehi guys. what's the _good_ way to run my own custom kernel under ubuntu, without it being wiped out each upgrade ?10:20
insmod<ymelaptop>firmware is on everything -- specify10:20
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ymelaptophotplug. loading firmware....10:21
ymelaptopit says is distribution dependent,10:21
insmod<ymelaptop>for what10:21
ymelaptopso... if i have firmware for a wireless card, and i need ti put it in the hotplug directory, where do i put it?10:21
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Akuma_insmod: i'm talking about mostly data backup, do add after reinstalling. i'm guessing in that case i can ignore them?10:21
aMMuNixis there a way to make any window full screen?10:22
Akuma_*to add10:22
ymelaptopit's microcode, actually10:22
phanto1TTS prog that monitors clipbord or similar and good tts voices?10:22
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phanto1for gnome10:22
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insmod<ymelaptop> i would dump hotplug  i hate it the just load  the mod...10:22
insmod<Akuma_> yes10:23
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ymelaptopok, the problem with what you're telling me is, this readme tells me it's pivotal in making the drivers work.. and you're telling me to forget it, load the module10:23
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aMMuNixis there a way to make a window full screen in gnome?10:24
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johnybotaMMuNix: press mazimize10:24
aMMuNixfull screen, not maximized10:24
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twiztrSo, a limewire client, anyone?10:24
johnybotaMMuNix: firefox - press f11 other than that i dno10:24
johnybottwiztr: frostwire10:24
insmod<ymelaptop>why do you need it in hot plug?\10:25
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aMMuNixanyone else then?10:25
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insmod<ymelaptop>is it usb ?10:25
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ymelaptopok. i have a new wireless n card, with mimo. (internal, mini pci-express)10:25
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ymelaptopi need to get the "hotplug and udev infrastructure" ready for my card, before i can load the drivers10:26
ymelaptopso it says10:26
insmod<ymelaptop>then dump hotplug10:26
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ymelaptopdump hotplug? forget it? or is dump actually an action?10:26
insmod<ymelaptop> ah no10:26
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phanto1TTS prog that monitors clipbord or similar and good tts voices? For Gnome.10:27
ymelaptopah no.. what?10:27
insmod<ymelaptop> you are new i take it10:27
ymelaptopto linux, yes10:27
ymelaptopbrand new fiesty install.10:27
insmod<ymelaptop> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm10:27
Nahihow can i create a new partition my linux is already using the full hard disk is there a way to split it in 2 ?10:27
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aimtrainerNahi you can resze another partition with gparted10:28
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Ra|Kawhat's the difference between the fiesty and edgy?10:28
johnybotNahi: run gparted as superuser but beware10:28
MadpilotRa|Ka, Feisty is newer10:28
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Ra|Kabut the difference?10:28
insmod<Nahi>: fdisk  partisionmagic etc10:28
ymelaptopinsmod, should i be waiting for a reply?10:28
aMMuNixis there a way to make a window full screen in gnome?10:28
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ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php10:29
Nahiinsmod, i haven't used fdisk since ages10:29
MadpilotRa|Ka, Feisty is six months newer, has updated most things, is faster, etc10:29
insmod<ymelaptop> what card10:29
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Ra|Kai'm awaiting the release of ubuntu ultimate 1.4 which will be built from feisty10:29
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ymelaptopintell's new draft n pic-e card10:29
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spikebi thought that was out10:29
Ra|Kai'm just curious aside from the new control panel what else is new???10:30
johnybotaMMuNix: http://www.enigmacurry.com/2007/02/17/gnome-kiosk-mode-make-any-app-fullscreen/10:30
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insmod<ymelaptop> use the native driver or ndiswapperr10:30
Nahii cant access http://archive.ubuntu.com nor http://security.ubuntu.com while updating10:30
Nahiis it possibly they are down ?10:30
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ymelaptopi am doing that10:30
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ymelaptopbut i am in the process of using the antive driver, and getting the modules working10:30
ymelaptopbut it says it needs ucode, and firmware.10:30
ymelaptopso i am trying to do that10:31
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ymelaptopi don't think you understand my question insmod10:31
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aMMuNixthanks johnybot10:31
corntreatcould anyone please help me10:31
johnybotcorntreat: shoot10:31
insmod<ymelaptop> then what is it10:31
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corntreatim trying to get my maya pci soundcard to work.. but i cant find any drivers10:32
ymelaptopthis lilr eadme that comes with the driver tarball is telling me i need to put some microcode somewhere10:32
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Nahican someone lead me through the gparted operation ?10:32
sharkbrainguyI have a wacom intuos3 that is working great with pressure sensitivity a screen relative pointer etc. but I can't find how to set the face buttons to do anything. I've tried setting the buttons in the GIMP's configure extended input devices menu but no joy10:33
johnybotcorntreat: sorry drivers arent my speciality10:33
corntreatim afraid its too old =)10:33
sharkbrainguyhow can I use the buttons10:33
insmod<ymelaptop> wifi ?10:33
corntreatok thanks anyway10:33
ymelaptopyes, it's a wifi card.10:33
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insmod<ymelaptop> then you are on the wrong path10:33
corntreatbtw would you happen to know where i can get help? i've tryed with the forum and support page with no luck so far10:34
ymelaptophow am i on the wrong path? this is what the driver readme is telling me to do explicitly10:34
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johnybotsharkbrainguy: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=375320 look about haalf way down10:34
Ra|Kaur just here to annoy us ymelaptop ?10:34
corntreatthis is my last option on the ubuntu studio page10:34
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econobeingi'm trying to install this icon set, but it's saying "the file format is invalid" how can i fix that?10:35
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johnyboteconobeing: more details, file type, type expected, where you downloaded10:35
sharkbrainguythanks incredibly bot10:35
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johnybotbenje: YOHO10:35
insmod<ymelaptop> use my name  so i can see u -- that is a linux version of the driver if that does not work use ndiswrapper10:36
Nahijohnybot, i have 3 partitions /dev/hda1 /hda2 /hda5 and all 3 of them are locked10:36
sharkbrainguygood english ftw10:36
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johnybotNahi: WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?10:36
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johnybotsorry cpas lock10:36
Nahijohnny, create a new partition...10:36
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benjei have some sound problem with ubuntu fiesty it sut and came back again even on new install i strace vlc but there many line which i don't understand10:37
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econobeingbuuf 1.6-R7 from gnome-look.org, redirected to deviantart, it came in a tar.gz format.10:37
ymelaptopinsmod, i'm sorry, you must be very off course with my problem. I am looking at the driver's readme, and i am familiar with what ndiswrapper does, etc etc.. unfortuantely, this native linux driver is telling me this specific wireless card needs more stuff put somewhere.10:37
johnybotNahi: i believe you need to unmount first, some one else might no more10:37
ymelaptopand it has a command that supposedly tells me where to put it, but the command is screaming errors.10:37
benjethis do that with every videos but not music10:37
insmod<ymelaptop>then do it10:37
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Nahii need to unmount manualy10:37
Nahihow ?10:37
corntreatis there anyway to compile a microsfot driver into linux?10:38
ymelaptopit's not giving me an output, or telling me a directory, it says it can't find anything,10:38
johnybotnahi, you cant unmount in gparted?10:38
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johnybotcorntreat: no10:38
Nahijohnybot, no10:38
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benjeNahi, you have an applet to do this10:38
Nahibenje, sorry ?10:39
corntreatok thx10:39
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=== insmod ignores comments not at ne
benjecorntreat, it depend of which drive some network card use windows driver with ndiswrapper10:39
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benjeNahi, to unmount hdd10:39
Nahibenje, i downloaded gparted10:40
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ymelaptopinsmod, i am actually not directing comments at you, as you do not seem to understand what i am telling you. I am hoping someone else picks up10:40
johnybotNahi: if you have install cd, boot into the liveCD enviroment and run gparted10:40
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johnybotsince you are using the drive you want to unmount, you cant10:40
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Nahijohnny, i downloaded the iso i installed my system from there10:41
insmod<ymelaptop> i get it -- u just don't understand directions10:41
ymelaptopall i want to know is where the hotplug directory is in ubuntu,10:41
crimsunymelaptop: Ubuntu doesn't ship with hotplug.10:41
benjeymelaptop, udev do this with hal10:41
corntreatwould you happen to know if theres a user on this board who would perhaps be able to come up with a solution?10:41
ymelaptopok, it ships with udev?10:41
insmod<ymelaptop> whereis hotplug10:41
corntreatin other words can this problem really be solved? =)10:42
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insmod<ymelaptop> or locate hotplug10:42
ymelaptopthank you crimsun, by the way.10:42
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Nahijohnybot, , i downloaded the iso i installed my system from there10:42
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johnybotNahi: unfortunately you can't resize the root partition while running ubuntu10:43
johnybotZborg: yoho10:43
michiel_hello, does anyone know of any recent problems in apache2 in feisty?10:43
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ymelaptopcrimsun, i've talked to you about wireless cards before, if i have ucode that my card vendor insists the driver needs, where can i go about loading it?10:43
ZborgI'm sorry if I'm in the wrong chan for this, but I don't really know where to ask my question10:43
crimsunymelaptop: slap it into /lib/firmware/10:43
michiel_because my apache2 doesn't work (it gives syntax errors on somewhat any rule in the configuration)10:43
ymelaptopthank you.10:43
ymelaptoppreciate it crimsun10:44
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crimsunymelaptop: granted you need a udev rule instead of a hotplug script, but that's fairly straightforward to convert.10:44
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Zborgmnfs-based-homed users can't launch openoffice anymore10:44
gp|workmichiel_: Have you modified the configuration from it's original state?10:44
Zborgit hangs at the bootsplash screen10:44
ymelaptopi think it came with both, actually10:44
Zborgdoes anyone have this problem too ?10:44
ymelaptopcrimsun, is a udev rule called a ucode file?10:44
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michiel_gp|work: not in the beginnen, now I did, but these are recognised by the former version of apache2 though, so it shouldn't give any problem10:45
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corntreatthanks for the help. Il check in later have a nice day/night/evening/morning whatever time it is there10:46
gp|workmichiel_; I think it's possible to restore the original files from somewhere in the /usr/doc/ directory10:46
gp|worktry "locate apache2 | grep doc"10:46
_tilmanwhat exactly is the problem with apache2 ?10:46
crimsunymelaptop: no.10:47
gp|work_tilman: Syntax error in the config, apparenly.10:47
michiel_gp|work: I think it's apache2 itself which is not working very well, because it won't even work after: aptitude purge apache2; aptitude install apache210:47
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_tilmanwhich one ?10:47
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_tilmandoes he say, he doesn't find http.conf ?10:47
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michiel_it gives the following error:10:48
ymelaptopcrimsun, where can i either find documentation on converting it, or where do .ucode files go?10:48
michiel_Invalid command 'AddType', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration10:48
michiel_it's from PHP510:48
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_tilmanHehe, so remove it10:48
gp|workAddType invalid? Hmm..10:48
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ymelaptopcrimsun, by the way, sorry to bother you with trivial stuff, you're just the only one tossing out answers to my questions :/10:48
gp|workDo you have the MIME module installed?10:48
magnetronmichiel_: plz pastebin your errors and your apache conf10:48
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michiel_well, I did, but after I remove it it will go to the next line which it says it's invalid10:49
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gp|workYou'd need to install that if you wish to use "AddType"10:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:49
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tixxtaxxwhen using the time cmd, to time execution of a another cmd.. the output is real x secs, user y secs, sys z secs... what does that mean? should i add them all to get total time, or is real the total time? man time does not say10:50
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demo_NWhen i start xinit on a different display it never starts the xterm window10:50
demo_Nhow ca i make it start the same10:50
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michiel_gp|work: you mean mime_magic?10:51
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gp|workhold on10:51
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demo_NI am not able start anything on the new Display, I am getting Connection rejected error10:51
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gp|workmichiel_: Post your mods-enabled dir listing.10:53
michiel_demo_N: take a look at the xhost command, maybe it will help10:53
gp|workYou should be able to find that in /etc/apache2/, I believe.10:53
michiel_mime_magic.conf  mime_magic.load  php5.conf  php5.load10:53
ultrai've installed the updates today at 7.04 and.....my memory flash is not recognised anymore10:53
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ultranow is a new version of the kernel10:54
singamihow to start some app with support of cp1251 locale ?10:54
ultrawhat happened ?10:54
manurespreaderhi are there alternative for photoshop ? :)10:55
ultraor Pixel10:55
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michiel_gp|work: where there any big changes in apache2 from edgy to feisty?10:55
ultrapixel si very close to photoshop10:55
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michiel_gp|work: because in edgy it does work10:55
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gp|workmichiel_: Not exactly sure. I only just started with Feisty.10:55
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singamisomebody, please help me - how to start app with support of some locale, example - cp1251?10:56
ultra i've installed the updates today at 7.04 and.....my memory flash is not recognised anymore10:56
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ultrais because the kernel10:57
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manurespreaderultra: where i can get pixel ?10:57
ultrasearch on google10:57
ultrabut is not free10:57
ultra80 dolars10:57
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singamihow send and recieve files in kopete?10:58
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ultrathe buddy must have also kopete10:58
gp|workmichiel_: Do you have the libapache2-mod-php5 package installed?10:58
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michiel_gp|work: yes10:58
manurespreaderultra: free alternatives ?10:58
KurmensHI all, please come http://ngg.gamerx.lv/signup.php  and register in one of best Latvian CSS portal ! Need 500 reg. users to get ostcom.lv sponsor !!10:58
ultracorel phptopaint for linux10:59
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michiel_gp|work: when I disable php5 it will give me the same error, but then on DirectoryIndex in apache2.conf10:59
ewanm89singami: What protocol are you using?10:59
KurmensHI all, please come http://ngg.gamerx.lv/signup.php  and register in one of best Latvian CSS portal ! Need 500 reg. users to get ostcom.lv sponsor !!10:59
ewanm89And buddy does not need kopete.10:59
cafuegoKurmens: No spam, Go away.10:59
gp|workmichiel_: It looks like you're missing quite a number of modules.10:59
gp|workmichiel_: How about the apache2.2-common package?11:00
thedeviantoneI'm trying to install  Ubuntu 6.06 LTS on an AMD650 with a PERC2/SC SCSI Controller and i always get a "Kernel Panic Error" VFS: Could not Mount root device use correct root= boot option11:00
KurmensHI all, please come http://ngg.gamerx.lv/signup.php  and register in one of best Latvian CSS portal ! Need 500 reg. users to get ostcom.lv sponsor !!11:00
KurmensHI all, please come http://ngg.gamerx.lv/signup.php  and register in one of best Latvian CSS portal ! Need 500 reg. users to get ostcom.lv sponsor !!11:00
michiel_gp|work: I also installed that one11:00
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:00
gnomefreakcafuego: ?11:00
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cafuegoMyrtti: Kurmens11:00
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gnomefreaknvm :)11:00
singamiI using icq-protocol11:00
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thedeviantonecan anyone helpme with server install11:01
re-alignI have an old digital camera that uses a serial port. Can it be made to work under Ubuntu?11:02
ewanm89singami: Right click on buddy -> Other actions -> send file.11:02
ultraplease, until this morning my memory flash was recognised. one hour ago i've made the updates ( also for kernel ). now i cannot see my memory flash11:02
michiel_gp|work: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24380/11:02
singamiewanm89: yeah, but this button is gray, and i can't push it11:02
ultrawhat can i do ?11:02
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ewanm89singami: Does icq support file transfer?11:03
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Jowiultra, go back to the previous kernel11:03
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ultrais because of the patent rights ?11:03
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singamiyeah, in windows, using icq or qip, i can simply send and recieve files11:03
ymelaptopcrimsun, mind taking alook at a pastebin of mine?11:03
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ultraor is just a bug ?11:04
gp|workmichiel_: Let me see your LoadModules directives in the .conf file(s)11:04
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Jowiultra, no, might be a mistake was made in the kernel. use the previous one from the boot menu. I got usb errors on one kernel upgrade. just use the old one.11:04
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ultraok, thanks11:04
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ymelaptopcrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24381/11:05
michiel_gp|work: I don't have any, at least what fgrep is saying11:05
michiel_gp|work: sorry,11:05
michiel_gp|work: I do have11:05
singamiewanm89: maybe, there is some setting or plugins that i haven,t installed?11:05
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michiel_gp|work: LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so11:06
gp|workmichiel_: Only that?11:06
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michiel_gp|work: the files does exist in the same directory11:06
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michiel_gp|work: I can also post everything, one moment11:06
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thedeviantoneI'm trying to install  Ubuntu 6.06 LTS on an AMD650 with a PERC2/SC SCSI Controller and i always get a "Kernel Panic Error" VFS: Could not Mount root device use correct root= boot option11:07
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michiel_gp|work: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24382/11:07
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gp|workYou have all those modules available, but you don't have them enabled.11:08
gp|workThere's the problem.11:08
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gp|workmichiel_: Copy the files in mods-available/ to mods-enabled/ then try to restart Apache.11:08
michiel_gp|work: all of them>11:09
demo_NI am not able to run X on a different Display , it gives me only a blank screen11:09
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gp|workmichiel_: Well, it doesn't really do any harm. But if you want to be specific..11:09
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gp|worker.. hold on, compiling a list.11:10
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michiel_gp|work: even why i enable all modules, it will give me the same error11:11
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ymelaptopcrimsun, you still around?11:11
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crimsunymelaptop: no, I'm off to work.11:12
gp|workYeah, I just noticed that some files are not there.11:12
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gp|workHold on..11:12
ymelaptopah, any chance you can check that real quick? it's a 4 line pastebin11:12
maheshow to solve the err while booting the live cd11:12
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battlesquidis it possible to play .mov files in totem?11:13
Lekremmashes: what is it?11:13
mahesubunt2, i created a livecd based on ubuntu image it is not working11:13
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econobeingis there a dark gtk theme that actually works well? every time i use one, there's always a handful of sites that use light text on a light background with the theme, which just ruins it for me11:14
mahes i created a livecd based on ubuntu image it is not working11:14
jd20Does anyone know of an anticipated release date for NetworkManager 0.7?  I can't seem to find any info.11:14
gp|workmichiel_: Temporarily, create a new file in the mods-enabled directory called test.load, paste the following: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24385/ in it, and then restart Apache.11:15
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fw1987ciao a tutti ragazzi11:15
magnetron!it | fw198711:15
ubotufw1987: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:15
ymelaptophaving errors compiling a driver, keeps telling me i don't have the source. Need some help getting it resolved11:15
fw1987joint #ubuntu-it11:16
_tilmanymelaptop: Detailes ?11:16
fw1987/joint #ubuntu-it11:16
_tilmanfw1987 Try join11:16
ymelaptop_tilman, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24381/11:16
magnetronfw1987: it's /join #ubuntu-it11:16
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gp|workmichiel_: Any luck?11:18
_tilmanymelaptop: You need the kernel-sources / headers11:18
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juliusI have a DVD that contains a part of the ubuntu repository but he's not recognized by synaptic as a source of packages. Do you know why ? O_o11:18
ymelaptopi already dl' them, and reinstaleld them11:18
_tilmanuse synaptic to find and install em, also you should set the SHELL=/bin/bash11:18
mahes i created a livecd based on ubuntu image it is not working11:18
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michiel_gp|work: well, I don't have all modules, so i'm testing at the moment11:18
ymelaptopi've reinstaleld them 4 times over11:18
mahesanyone answer me11:18
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_tilmanymelaptop: The right ones? He's telling you the kernel-version he wants11:18
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gwarkhiello :)11:19
ymelaptopi know, i have them, but they didn't put them in that directory11:19
gp|workmichiel_: Oh, okay.11:19
juliusthe main file contains "dists" and "pools". There are 4 Packages.gz11:19
magnetron!patience | mahes11:19
ubotumahes: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:19
gwarkhow do i copy a whole directory of files please??   cp /media/disk/ubuntu (allof myfiles) /var/cache/apt/archives11:20
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_tilmanymelaptop: cd /11:20
ymelaptopwait, what?11:20
_tilmanymelaptop: sudo find * | grep 2.6.20-16-generic11:20
_tilmanwhen you found em, yet a symbolic link or copy em11:21
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gp|workmichiel_: Ignore the ones that you may not have in that list I gave you.11:21
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_tilmangwark: cp -R is your friend11:21
michiel_gp|work: It works better now11:21
michiel_gp|work: but it doesn't work yet11:21
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michiel_gp|work: now it gives errors on Order11:21
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ramorekhello ?11:21
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gwarkahhh thankyou :)   _tilman !11:22
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gp|workHold on.11:22
_tilmanymelaptop: got em ?11:22
ymelaptop_tilman, nope, that command didn't do anything11:22
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demo_Nwhen i try to run xinit from a current xterm , it says User not authorised to run X11:23
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frolleI have mounted a shared device from my windows computer with the follwing command: sudo mount -t smbfs, but i dont have any rights. What can i do?11:23
ramorekdoes anyone know how to setup nxserver ? or any other good remote app ?11:23
ymelaptoptilman, i isntaleld them using apt get, got headers, source, and build essentials, i guess i don't understand why that didn't put them in the right place11:23
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_tilmanymelaptop: I doubt it did nothing, in fact it found EVERYTHING on your computer, the grep option filters. And so I guess you did NOT install the SOURCES11:24
ymelaptopand, the grep command just repoduces another command line, with no print out11:24
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ubuntu_hello all11:24
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demo_NWhere do i find the Xauth file for the root in Ubuntu?11:24
ymelaptopis there some way other than installing the packages for both ehaders and sources?11:25
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mahesubotu, do u know my questions answer11:25
ymelaptopsynaptic is showing both currently installed11:25
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Frogzoomahes: you're talking to a bot11:25
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magnetron!repeat | mahes11:25
ubotumahes: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:25
ramorekcann someone please help me ?11:26
neil_feistyubotu is a bot11:26
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.11:26
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ramorekubotu help11:26
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:26
ramorekubotu vnc11:26
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX11:26
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ymelaptopactually, _tilman, how do i isntall the sources? and headers, cause apparently what i did was wrong11:26
ramorekubotu freenx11:26
gp|workmichiel_: In test.load, add the following line11:26
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ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX11:26
orbinymelaptop: what packages are you looking at?11:26
michiel_gp|work: I think I need mod_access11:26
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_tilmanymelaptop: Wait, i'll look11:27
mahesFrogzoo, let me share somthing from you11:27
gp|workmichiel_: That's only applicable to 2.0. It was replaced in 2.211:27
gp|workYou have the files:11:27
mahesmagnetron, im getting while booting the live cd11:28
ymelaptopi have linux headers 2.6.20-15 generic11:28
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ymelaptopand the matching source11:28
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michiel_gp|work: ah, this one: mod_auth_basic.so11:28
magnetronmahes: if you are making your own distro and it doesn't work, i cannot help you11:28
gp|workmichiel_: Add this line: LoadModule authz_host_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_authz_host.so11:28
gp|workmichiel_: Yeah, that one too.11:28
taggycan i boot in to single user mode from the ubuntu live cd ? i need to recover my lost grub !11:28
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mahesmagnetron, im using ubuntu's kernel for live cd11:29
ymelaptopcorrection, -1611:29
ymelaptopi have the -1611:29
gp|workmichiel_: Btw, I think your Apache installation is broken somewhere. I'm not sure where, though.11:29
magnetronmahes: did you see my message11:29
ubunterrorHello! need some help. Already tried everything in the forums, can't get video card to work VIA Chrome 9 HC IGP k8m890 chipset on Edubuntu 7.04. maybe the how-to's only work in ubuntu, not edubuntu?11:30
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ymelaptop_tilman, any luck?11:30
mahesmagnetron, ya mine distro is different in that i installed ubuntu's kernel with that i booted11:30
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salaahi need some help. somehow, the entry for window xp disappeared rom my grub menu, can someone help me put it back please?11:31
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magnetron<magnetron> mahes: if you are making your own distro and it doesn't work, i cannot help you11:31
_tilmanymelaptop: patience, I'm also working here :-)11:31
michiel_gp|work: thanks, it works now11:31
magnetrondid you read that mahes?11:31
=== salaah is now known as mrcreativity
gp|workmichiel_: Cool. You're welcome.11:32
mahesmagnetron, ya11:32
michiel_gp|work: it seemed that it didn't load the default modules it needed for the configuration to work11:32
ymelaptop_tilman, sorry, i wasn't trying to rush you, i'vejust grown accustomed to people abandoning a cause11:32
ymelaptopsadly :/11:32
gp|workmichiel_: Yes. That's what I noticed.11:32
mrcreativityi need some help. somehow, the entry for window xp disappeared rom my grub menu, can someone help me put it back please?11:32
_tilmanymelaptop: Did you install linux-source-2.6.20 ?11:32
mahesmagnetron,mine  distro is debian11:32
michiel_gp|work: the debian package didn't give me any in the configuration though11:32
mahesmagnetron, i read out your message , evethough i need your help11:33
magnetronmahes, this is the Ubuntu support channel11:33
mrcreativitycan someone help me please?11:33
gp|workmichiel_: Did you do a dist-upgrade?11:33
mrcreativityi need some help. somehow, the entry for window xp disappeared rom my grub menu, can someone help me put it back please?11:33
mahesmagnetron, k can you do one thing for me11:34
michiel_gp|work: no, installed Feisty from "scratch" with debootstrap11:34
ymelaptop_tilman, yes, have that installed11:34
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Jowi!dualboot | mrcreativity (see the first link)11:34
ubotumrcreativity (see the first link): Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)11:34
_tilmank, I'm currently doing it11:34
_tilmanthen I can tell you where it lands11:34
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ymelaptop_tilman, it jsut doesn't appear to be found, or it's in the wrong directory, or something.11:35
gp|workmichiel_: Hmm.. odd. I didn't have any of those problems with a fresh install of Feisty.11:35
mahesmagnetron, you plz send me a link how to create a live cd for ubuntu since it help me11:35
_tilmanymelaptop: 45seconds to download11:35
mrcreativityi need some help. somehow, the entry for window xp disappeared rom my grub menu, can someone help me put it back please?11:35
ymelaptop_tlman, kk11:35
ymelaptop_tilman, kk11:35
mahesmagnetron, i can find the bug when compare the both11:35
Jowimrcreativity, sorry. wrong one. it did not contain a way to fix grub11:35
mrcreativityi really need help, please someone11:36
michiel_gp|work: do you have those modules in httpd.conf?11:36
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Lekremmrcreativity ill try11:36
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anthony_hi, how can i capture the mouse in a screenshot in ubuntu 6.10?11:36
magnetronmahes: you could either use the prebuilt one, or you could base your distribution on gNewSense. they provide a lot of tools to make a derivate11:36
mrcreativityi really need to boot into windows11:36
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gp|workmichiel_: Well, I haven't studied all my .conf files yet, so I can't say for sure. Will have to wait till I get home.11:37
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michiel_gp|work: ok, but thanks anyway11:38
_tilmanymelaptop: I downloaded linux-source-2.6.20 and see:11:38
_tilmantilman@kamikatze:/lib/modules$ ls11:38
_tilman2.6.20-15-generic  2.6.20-16-generic11:38
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michiel_gp|work: i mean just thanks :)11:38
gp|workmichiel_: heh. no problem. :)11:38
Lekremmrcreativity what version of windows do you have?11:38
Jowimrcreativity, assuming your windows partition is on the first partition on the first disk in /boot/grub/menu.lst just add at the end of the file line1: Windows line2: root (hd0,0) line3: makeactive line4: chainloader +111:38
_tilmanoh sorry, there's no source, I see11:38
ramorekcan someone help me ?11:39
mrcreativityLekrem: ...windows xp pro11:39
ymelaptop_tilman, they are in /lib/modules/? and there is a source directory in them?11:39
ramorekdoes anyone have exp. w/ nxserver/freenx ??11:39
BlueEagle!anyone | ramorek11:39
uboturamorek: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:39
michiel_ramorek: I have some experience with NXserver11:39
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_tilmanymelaptop: found em11:40
ramorekmichiel_ : on what ver of ubuntu ?11:40
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ymelaptop_tilman, kk, tell me what to do11:40
michiel_ramorek: Edgy11:40
tedbundyjrramorek: more polite approach maybe?11:40
michiel_ramorek: but Feisty will also do11:40
_tilmanymelaptop: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic11:40
ymelaptopok.. so how do i make ubuntu know that, when i try to compile a driver?11:41
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_tilmanthe easiest way would be to set a symbolic link11:41
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Lekremmrcreativity go to /boot/grub11:41
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_tilmansudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic/ /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/source11:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:42
wtfkdplease help :(11:42
mrcreativityLekrem: yes11:42
mrcreativityLekrem: ...i think i found something. let me test it pleas.e11:42
_tilmanwtfkd: If you ask a question you might get an answer11:42
ramorekmichiel_ : how or where did you install it ?11:42
BlueEaglewtfkd: I cannot help you unless you ask a question.11:42
Jowi!ask | wtfkd11:42
ubotuwtfkd: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:42
wtfkdive spent 3 hours trying to setup my audio card and i cant11:42
Lekremmrcreativity is there a file called menu.bak11:42
wtfkdits realtek11:42
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BlueEaglewtfkd: Do you know how to use pastebin?11:43
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michiel_ramorek: I just downloaded the deb files from nomachine, did dpkg -i nx*; apt-get -f install and after that it just worked11:43
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michiel_ramorek: although i've changed some settings of NX11:43
_tilmanwtfkd: Which model ?11:44
BlueEaglewtfkd: Ok. We'll start from the top then. :D First open a terminal.11:44
wtfkdlook this is my audio card Realtek ALC86111:44
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ramorekmichiel_ : if i already went through some steps and it didnt work, how could i wipe all nx out to start again?11:44
wtfkdits open11:44
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BlueEaglewtfkd: did you run lspci to get the model of the card?11:44
michiel_ramorek: aptitude purge nxnode nxserver nxclient11:44
wtfkdno i cheked it on windows11:44
_tilmanwtfkd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=440251&highlight=realtek+ALC86111:44
ramorekmichiel_ : k let me try that brb11:45
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wtfkdlet me read11:46
mandhhey i want that freeradius support multirange in ippool can one help me11:46
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wtfkdive tried the first solution11:47
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ramorekmichiel_ : i get "warning: while removing nxclient, directory /usr/NX not empty so not removed"11:48
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wtfkdthis one: snd-hda-intel position_fix=1 model=3stack11:48
wtfkdand nothing happened11:48
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michiel_ramorek: just remove the directory by yourself (rm -rf /usr/NX)11:48
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_tilmanwtfkd: Search the forum: I found a bout 40 threads concerning your card11:49
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wtfkdi tried the 40 thread11:49
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ramorekmichiel_ : i get permission denied11:49
wtfkdi have 3-4 hours trying those threads :S11:49
Gionnedoes ubuntu support a firewire external audio card?11:49
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wtfkdand really dont kno what else to do11:50
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michiel_ramorek: you'll need root permissions11:50
_tilmanwtfkd: there was one saying oss 4.0 worked for him11:50
michiel_with sudo11:50
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Lekremramorek gksu nautilus then delete it11:50
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BlueEaglewtfkd: sounds like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/9326311:50
ramorekmichiel_ : i did sudo rm -rf /usr/NX11:50
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disposableif i can't use 'use secure authentication' option in thunderbird, but i do have imap over ssl enabled, does that mean my username and password are transmitted in plaintext?11:50
AdministratorXHello, I am looking  for a HowTo on Using SSH to Connect to IRC using Irssi.11:50
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ramorek*so i just type gksu nautilus ?11:51
michiel_ramorek: try sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/NX; sudo rm -rf /usr/NX11:51
JW_704How can I stream an internet broadcast To my pc then from my  PC to somewhere else?11:51
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_tilmanramorek: You should NOT use nautilus in root-mode11:51
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JW_704Basicly I want to turn my PC into the middle man11:51
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BlueEaglewtfkd: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/94373 should be a workaround according to the previous link.11:52
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ramorek*im not in root mode, let me try michiel_'s cmd11:52
_tilmanJW_704: Write a simple java-app with an BufferedInputStream and a OutputStream11:52
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gwarki ave a GRUB question :  when i install ubuntu, upon dualboot, my XP install always says missing hal.dll    -   this only happens after i install grub ... any thoughts ??11:52
JW_704_tilman, that sounds very complicated :)11:52
AdministratorXHello, I am looking  for a HowTo on Using SSH to Connect to IRC using Irssi.11:52
_tilmanJW_704: Erm, it's an application about 10 lines11:53
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JW_704_tilman, I have an internet radio talkshow I like to listen to, how I use to do it in windows was, use Shoutcast server on my PC to 'serve' it from my PC and Winamp on my PC to play the internet stream,11:53
wtfkdi dont understand what to do with that last link11:53
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newb_probI want to run git, the version contorl system, NOT gitfm ... how do I tell ubuntu that I want git, the version control system, not gitfm?11:54
ramorek* ok sudo rm -rf /usr/NX worked11:54
Lekremgwark it hassed to me a coincidence because ubuntu doesnt touch windows11:54
_tilmanJW_704 If you just want to LISTEN to a stream use one of the hundreds mediaplayers11:54
ramorek* so now wheres a good source to start from scratch ?11:54
ramorek* for fiesty ?11:54
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JW_704_tilman, I use my Sony PSP to recieve the shoutcast fro my PC11:54
jattgit-core, etc.11:54
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_tilmanPSP is network able ?11:55
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gp|work_tilman: Yeah, WiFi.11:55
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gwarkLekrem, ok cheers ... it has happened like4 time11:55
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BlueEaglewtfkd: try opening /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base using the command: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base11:55
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_tilmanSo just let the PSP connect to internet11:55
michiel_ramorek: just try to install the deb packages from nomachine11:55
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BlueEaglewtfkd: Then add the line: options snd-hda-intel model=3stack11:56
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ramorekwith sudo apt-get install <filename> ?11:56
medianDamn, this channel's always stuffed11:56
Nahiim trying to download madriva i have an hp laptop wich version should i download ?11:56
JW_704_tilman, the PSP can't just simply connect to the internet radio talk show.. its in WMA or Real format11:56
mogreenUB`: nice stargate we we we w e11:56
medianThis is going to sound retarded, but is there an app to minimize terminal use?11:56
_tilmaniproute - Professional tools to control the networking in Linux kernels11:56
wtfkdive already tried that11:56
gwarkyes Lekrem11:56
BlueEaglewtfkd: then run the commands: sudo rmmod snd-hda-intel; sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel11:56
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Lekremgwark http://www.afreedll.com/ if you want to get that missing dll11:56
_tilmanJW_704 so you want to recode the show ?11:56
wtfkdok let me try that11:57
gp|workmedian: Depends on what you want to do.11:57
gwarkoh cheers ... i think i can paste it right in from ubuntu now11:57
ramorekmichiel_ : with sudo apt-get install <filename> ?11:57
medianI just want to have it running normally and install applications, make system changes, etc11:57
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michiel_ramorek: no, with dpkg -i <filename>11:57
UB`mogreen thank tou :)11:58
JW_704_Tilman, ok heres the layout, I connect my PC to the internet talkshit, I can hear it on winamp on my PC, I use shoutcast on my PC to turn my PC into a shoutcast server that my PSP can connect to11:58
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to0omhi all11:58
JW_704talkshit = talkshow, I'm tired :)11:58
ramorekmichiel_ : ok thanks, let me try that, i have to do client and node first right ?11:58
_tilmanJW_704: xmms-liveice - XMMS plugin that sends your audio to a shoutcast server11:59
BlueEaglewtfkd: if that doesn't work either try changing the line in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base to: options snd-hda-intel model=auto11:59
michiel_ramorek: yes11:59
JW_704Basicly I want to know how to setup a shoutcast server on  Ubuntu11:59
to0omhow can i list all installed packages on my system?11:59
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_tilmanicecast-server - MPEG Layer III Streaming Server11:59
BlueEagleto0om: man apt-cache11:59
ramorekmichiel_ : k cool , affter that its just connect ?11:59
JW_704_tilman, how do I install that with Synaptic if it doesn't show up when I search for it?11:59
_tilmanJW_704: I guess you didn't activate the extended repos12:00
JW_704_tilman, how do I do that then?12:00
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:00
_tilmanIn System - Administration: Software sources12:00
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_tilmanthe icecastserver is in universe, the xmms-plugin in multiverse12:01
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gwarkhow do i enable writing to ntsf ?12:02
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:02
_tilmangwark: At first get your self in knowledge, that it is NOT good to write ntfs12:02
oOo_join #ubuntu-cn12:02
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_tilmanJW_704: I never tested it, but I guess you can use XMMS to listen to the stream and to send it to an icecast server running on your local machine12:03
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_tilmanJW_704: The psp must connect to your local machine's icecast server then12:03
BlueEaglegwark: You're welcome.12:03
JW_704I can't find xmms-plugin?12:03
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snoopshey - I'm looking for some pdf/chm/html book reading software for linux. Something I can bookmark pages for later, and view my library of books/texts in. Anyone know of anything like that?12:03
_tilmandid you activate universe and multiverse in your repository ?12:03
BlueEaglegwark: I would still advice caution when writing to ntfs. Be sure to have backups of irreplacable data.12:03
_tilmansudo apt-get update12:04
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_tilmansudo apt-cache search shoutcast12:04
gwarkwierd, coz the file im attemptng to replace is already there ... installing ubuntu wierds out XP's bootup12:04
anttmanloading ubuntu from boot disk several times and it seems to hang in soe graphic screen it says something about it cant load gnome and it will attempt to load it next time ....anysuggestions12:04
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_tilmanJW_704: should show you a bunch of about 10 progs12:04
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_tilmanand there's the icecast-server and the plugin12:05
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wtfkdi dont know why i keep getting bash access denied12:05
_tilmaninstall: sudo apt-get install <progname>12:05
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wtfkdwith this string /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base12:05
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Frogzoosnoops: there's ff extensions for bookmarking html12:05
JW_704_tilman, ok thats installed12:06
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JW_704Now I need Xmms?12:06
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_tilmanJW_704: Then first try to setup the icecast server12:07
anttmanhow long does it take to load ubuntu normally??????????????????12:07
mogreenload ?12:07
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_tilmanJW_704: If you install the xmms-plugin, xmms should be in the dependencies12:07
anttmanfrom the boot disk12:07
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_tilmaneverything else is senseless12:07
mogreenanttman:  time :p12:07
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JW_704icecast keeps shutting down on me!12:07
claesson92I'm new to linux. How do i 'install' a .rpm file?12:08
Nahiis mandravia better then ubuntu ?12:08
_tilmanJW_704: Try to run as root12:08
mogreenclaesson92:  use google :D12:08
JW_704I did12:08
_tilmandetails ?12:08
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Gionnewhere can i find the supported audio cards for ubuntu?12:08
claesson92mogreen: Ok =)12:08
JW_704Bind to socket on port 8000 failed.12:08
wtfkdu seee12:08
erUSULclaesson92: you do not install rpm in ubuntu you use System>Admin>synaptic or Aplications>Add/Remove12:08
levanderIs there a way to set up GNOME so that when I left click on the desktop I get a Window List?12:08
_tilmanAlso as root ?12:08
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wtfkdubuntu and audio cards are not friends :@12:09
mogreenGionne:  i think all are suported :d12:09
erUSUL!synaptic | claesson9212:09
ubotuclaesson92: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto12:09
erUSUL!repos | claesson9212:09
ubotuclaesson92: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:09
mogreenwtfkd: i hawe had no probs12:09
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wtfkdi do12:09
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_tilmanmogreen: Great for you12:09
mogreenerUSUL: nice bot :d12:09
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BlueEagle!hardware | gionne12:10
ubotugionne: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport12:10
mogreen_tilman: hey im great what can i say :D12:10
erUSULmogreen: indeed ;)12:10
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JW_704_tilman, http://paste.uni.cc/1613112:10
to0omBlueEagle: i read the man apt-cache, but there's no option to limit the output to only the installed packages12:10
wtfkdi had problems with my wirless card its an atheros and i fxed it and i cant fix a damn realtek sound card12:10
to0omBlueEagle: i can only search for all packages12:10
wtfkdits usless12:10
BlueEagleto0om: doesn't dump provide installed packages?12:10
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Gionnethanx ubotu12:10
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claesson92Ok, thanks all!12:10
erUSUL!sound | wtfkd12:10
ubotuwtfkd: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:10
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to0omBlueEagle: 'dump shows a short listing of every package in the cache' it says here. does 'in the cache' mean 'installed'?12:11
wtfkdalsa mixer failed12:11
mogreenppl must start to use mooooore UBUNTU12:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:12
erUSULto0om: list of installed packages? just do 'dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall'12:12
toddersok anyone know what device files the most recent ubuntu uses to access the ide drives, it used to be hdX then scdX, whats it now tho ?12:12
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wtfkdanyway my prob isnt with a format its my drivers12:12
wtfkdwell ill restart and see what have i done12:12
erUSULtodders: /dev/sdxx (as scsi disk)12:12
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to0omerUSUL: thanks, that seems to work :)12:12
JW_704_tilman, how do I check for xmms-plugin under multiverse?12:13
todderssd ah ok thanks ;)12:13
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YanZhi've got a little problem...there is 20kB/s upload even when there is now activ connexion in firestarter12:13
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_tilmanJW_704: sudo apt-get install xmms xmms-liveice12:13
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rambozahello, i get "/dev/fdo is not a valid block device" when i'm trying to access my floppy from ubuntu...it works well from "other OS" though...12:13
erUSULtodders: but if you are adding partitions to /etc/fstab you should use its uuid; run 'sudo blkid' on console12:13
JW_704_tilman, ok thats done12:14
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toddersim trying to help someone install new ubuntu, they cant find the cdrom device, and no /dev/sd* either :(12:14
YanZhanayboy knows if it's normal?12:14
_tilmanwhen you type icecast+<TAB><TAB> in console, which commands does he show you ?12:14
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JW_704i dont see commands i see hidden folders?12:15
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manuxhi folks. Why if i fill the data about my lan wi-fi the routing works, while if i fill the data with iwconfig the routing doesn't work?12:15
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_tilmanJW_704, just type in console icecast<tab><tab> - he should offer you some commands12:15
Tom47todders wat point are they up to?12:16
rabby_how to let adept update my kernel?12:16
hwildedoes anybody know what this ssh debug error means?  debug1: An invalid name was supplied; A parameter was malformed; Validation error12:16
toddersit boots, but wont install, it seems to lose the cdrom device and cant find it12:16
erUSULYanZh: no, it does not seem very normal... does 'sudo netstat -putan | grep STABLISHED sow any output ??12:16
JW_704_tilman, I open a terminal, type in icecast, press TAB twice and nothing shows up12:16
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toddershe can check the integrity of the cdrom from the installer, and that works ok tho , which seems strange12:16
Tom47todders yes v odd12:17
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JW_704_tilman, if i press TAB three times hidden dirs show up12:17
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BlueEagleto0om: aptitude search ~i12:17
ymelaptopis it possible to manually install the kernel?12:17
toddersit happened to me in breezy, but i was pretending a flash drive was cd and just mounted it and it worked12:17
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BlueEagleto0om: That should fit the bill. :)12:17
mrsn0the ubuntuforums doesn't automatically track your posted messages/replies ? im guessing i have to subscribe to any post im replying to, to get reply notification?12:17
mrsn0(hi btw)12:17
claesson92This might be the wrong place, i know. But is there any emulators that can boot from a floppy-disk?12:18
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_tilmanJW_704: try to run sudo icecast -p 3000012:18
villercan ubuntu run on intel macs?12:18
BlueEagleclaesson92: I am pretty sure wmware boots floppies.12:18
Tom47todders so i there an install icon and is he double clicking it and are you with him?12:18
mrsn0viller yes, as its x86 hardware12:18
BlueEagle!hardware | viller12:18
ubotuviller: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport12:18
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claesson92BlueEagle: Ok, thanks  lo12:19
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JW_704_tilman same thing12:19
knop7does ubuntu have a way to save apps in the live cd mode?12:19
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_tilmanwithout sudo same ?12:19
erUSUL!kernel | ymelaptop12:19
ubotuymelaptop: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:19
toddersnah im speaking thro irc to him, his not too good with english its often hard to follow him12:19
BlueEagleknop7: "save apps"? In what manner?12:19
Tom47knop7 you can install them but they evaporate when you close12:19
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JW_704 No configfile found, using defaults.12:20
JW_704[06/Jun/2007:05:20:11]  Damn, could not write log file [/var/log/icecast/stats.log] . Exiting.12:20
JW_704Damn, could not write log file [/var/log/icecast/stats.log] . Exiting.12:20
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raphaHi all!12:20
JW_704its like its tryn to find the cfg file12:20
knop7BlueEagle: if you have used knoppix it has a persistent home, are you familiar with that?12:20
Tom47todders what is his first languae?12:20
JW_704is there a way to config it?12:20
troxor_has anyone had any luck with freenx?12:20
toddersymelaptop, i install the latest kernel, but its not really supported anymore :(12:20
villerare there many linux distros that run on intel macs?12:20
_tilmanJW_704: of cource :-)12:20
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BlueEaglejw_704: check permissions on the directory /var/lock/icecast and the file /var/log/icecast/stats.log12:21
mc44viller: all of them12:21
hwildecan I change the mount point for one user (/home/myname) to a secondary harddrive ?12:21
wtfkdnothing happened12:21
raphaHow to get rid of this ".local domain blah blah conflict" message that pops up every bootup since I installed Feisty?12:21
BlueEaglejw_704: In any case it ought not to be a fatal error (but it might be if the programmer was sloppy)12:21
knop7Tom47: see reply sent to blue eagle12:21
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erUSULhwilde: yes you can, in fact having /home in a separate partition is a good idea12:21
JW_704BlueEagle, I'm not sure how to check permissions?12:21
ymelaptopanyone know when the new kernel with the redone ireless stack is getting released?12:21
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_tilmanJW_704: ls -la12:21
hwildeerUSUL, I just want /home/myname mounted to a separate hd, I want everything else to remain on primary hd12:22
_tilmanJW_704: To change permissions: use chmod12:22
Tom47knop7 hard of it not used it12:22
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hwilde!gutsy | ymelaptop12:22
ubotuymelaptop: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+112:22
hwildecheck release schedule.12:22
BlueEaglejw_704: ls -l /var/log|grep icecast;ls -l /var/log/icecast12:22
Tom47knop7 *heard12:22
JW_704BlueEagle, icecast isnt in /var/lock12:22
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BlueEaglejw_704: bad tab-completion on my end. :D12:22
toddershe has a p3 450mhz is this supported by most recent ubunut ?12:23
mrlnwzrdhwilde, try editing ur /etc/fstab12:23
BlueEagleBut I've gotta run you all. Have a good one. :D *waves*12:23
hwildemrlnwzrd, ok but myquestion is can I have /home/everybody else mount on /dev/hda1 , and have only /home/myname mount to /dev/hdd112:23
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knop7Tom47: it a great way to use linux; you can work from live cd and save all you configs and files by having them restored from a thumb the next time you boot the live cd12:23
toddershwilde, yes check /etc/fstab12:23
JW_704_tilman its showing that all the icecast files are -rw-r--r-- 112:23
Tom47todders i installed it on a p111 886 mhz today12:24
toddersah cool, yeah i thought it was much modern enuf12:24
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_tilmanJW_704: Yeah, thats ok12:24
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_tilmanBlueEagle: By running as root file permissions are not the problem12:24
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_tilmanWhat does tail -f /var/log/icecast.log say ?12:25
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Tom47todders but it was reasonably slow to install and while it only had 128mb ram it used a pre-existing swap file to get through  its labours12:25
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_tilmanJW_704: What does tail -f /var/log/icecast.log say ?12:25
toddersstill either way, his saying ls /dev/sd* reutrns nothing at all12:25
JW_704tail: cannot open `/var/log/icecast.log' for reading: No such file or directory12:26
JW_704tail: no files remaining12:26
todderseither way , that should be a list of files right ?12:26
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Tom47his cdrom  shoud be /dev/cdrom12:27
toddersoh his chinese12:27
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_tilmansorry tail -f /var/log/icecast/icecast.log12:27
toddersah he says there also is no /dev/cdrom hmm ?12:27
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toddersah here he is hey u^A ;)12:27
_tilmanTom47: There's no /dev/cdrom, there's /dev/hdA-D mounted to /media/cdrom12:28
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u^Aand guess what, it can have a pause in the middle of the installation12:28
hwildeok so if I edit /etc/fstab to have /home/myname  /dev/hdd1  what will become of the current files in /home/myname on hda112:28
u^Alist 50% 70%12:28
Tom47_tilman thats odd because /dev/cdrom mounted on /media/cdrom works in my fstab12:29
JW_704_tilman, http://paste.uni.cc/1613212:29
_tilmanok, that's the same - let try to get some useful information12:29
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erUSULhwilde: they will become "invisible" you have to move them before the change12:29
Tom47_tilman go for it12:30
_tilmanJw_704: Run icecast -consoledebuglevel 612:30
_tilmanand paste me the output IF you got more infors12:30
JW_704_tilman, same thing12:30
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_tilmanerm, ok - is there a file /etc/icecast/icecast.conf ?12:31
hwildeerUSUL, but that is a lot of stuff12:31
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Tom47todders is he saying its installing now?12:31
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_tilmanI think I gotta install it on my system :-)12:31
toddersnah it boots up but then wont install12:32
JW_704_tilman, no12:32
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_tilmanhm, do you still have the tutorial opened in browser?12:32
JW_704_tilman there is a icecast.conf.dist though12:32
Tom47todders let me boot up a livecd here and let me see if i can see this cdrom setup12:32
bullgard4Welchem Zweck dient die Gruppe 'netdev'?12:32
JW_704I didn't open a tutorial12:33
bullgard4What is the purpose of the group 'netdev'?12:33
toddersah nice one Tom47 thanks dude :D12:33
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erUSULhwilde: well that's how it is done. there is no other way12:34
_tilmanJW_704: Try this: icecast -P 20000 -d ~/12:35
troxorhas anyone had any luck with freenx?12:35
Tom47todders there is a chines support ....12:35
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk12:35
JW_704 Damn, could not write log file [/var/log/icecast/stats.log] . Exiting.12:35
JW_704Same thing12:35
_tilmanJW_704: sudo chmod a+w /var/log/icecast -R12:35
_tilmantry again12:36
JW_704Something different12:36
hwildeerUSUL, what does the "1 2" mean at the end of the fstab entry12:36
JW_704_tilman doesnt look like an error12:36
_tilmanok, CTRL-C12:36
_tilmanJW_704: mkdir ~/icacast12:37
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_tilmanJW_704: icecast -P 20000 -d ~/icecast12:37
_tilmanJW_704: Congrats, you've got icecast listening on port 2000012:37
claesson92Still don't get how to 'install' an rpm file... :'(12:37
hwildeerUSUL, nevermind I found a tutorial12:37
hwilde!rpm | claesson9212:37
ubotuclaesson92: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)12:37
erUSULhwilde: dump time and fsck time... one of them tell linux to pass fsck to the partition once in a while... man fstab12:37
JW_704_tilman you are a saviour! Thank you ! :D12:37
_tilmanNow you can write a conf file fitting to your needs and run it with -b (background)12:37
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_tilmanbackground mode12:38
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_tilmanso you don't have to keep the console open12:38
JW_704whats the folder in home for?12:38
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claesson92hwilde: Ok. =) But tar.gz files are no problem for Ubuntu, right?12:38
_tilmanIcecasts needs a folder to store files in12:38
_tilmanSo I made one in home12:38
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hwildeclaesson92, depends on what is inside the tar gz12:39
_tilmanRead the tutorial:12:39
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JW_704Link me please12:39
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claesson92WMware player12:39
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_tilmanVMware ?12:39
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crdlb!vmware | claesson9212:39
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ubotuclaesson92: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers12:39
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_tilmanJW_704: When you got ICecast running correctly try to get along with your xmms by streaming to localhost on port 2000012:40
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claesson92Ok, thank you12:40
joel234Hi. Forgive me if a bit off-topic - I haven't much success elsewhere. I have bind running on Ubuntu Feisty. I want every domain to point to the same address - the loopback address for now. Anyone know how I might do this?12:40
JW_704_tilman, anyway I can switch port 20000 to 8000???12:40
_tilmanJW_704: He said he can't bind socket on that one, so use another like 200012:41
claesson92But Synaptic can't find wmware when i searches...12:41
franhpHi, I was wondering if someone had trouble with the propietary driver of nvidia in feisty, because my video players play a little bit sloppy and video games look nasty (xmoto for example)12:41
_tilmancleasson92: Because its called Vmware12:41
JW_704ok but where do i change it?12:41
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ramorek* can someone help me with this ??? please this is what i get when im just about to run NXSERVER http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24388/12:41
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_tilmanJW_704: Take the sample config in tutorial and place it in /etc/icecast/icecast.conf12:41
sercikplease help me : http://pastebin.ca/54419412:42
claesson92_tilman: =) Hehe, thanks12:42
_tilmanJW_704: O'course you got to fill it with your data, like localhost for host and the 2000 for port and all that12:42
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_tilmanBlueEagle, where do I see which sockets are already in use ?12:43
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WipsWhen I start Azureus it closes itself in like, 2 seconds.. Why?12:43
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Wips"It says: (Core Dumped)" In terminal12:44
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gp|workWips: Maybe you don't have enough memory?12:44
ramorek**anyone ?? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24388/12:44
Wipsor "Aborted (Core Dumped)" To be more spesific12:44
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_tilmanWips: Which app does give you that output ?12:45
Wipsgp|work: You mean ram? but I have one gb..12:45
Wips_tilman: Azureus12:45
_tilmanOk, no clue about that, sorry12:45
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WipsIt suddenly started doing it.. been working perfect for a couple of days12:45
WipsMaybe I'll just try reinstalling12:45
Tom47cat /etc/fstab12:45
WipsTom47:  hm?12:46
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gp|workWips: Could be anything. Corrupt config files, etc.12:46
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gp|workWips: http://www.google.com/search?q=azureus+core+dumped&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a12:47
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Tom47Wips sorry wrong keyboard12:48
Tom47todders ru there?12:48
WipsTom, ok :)12:48
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JW_704How do I tell a internet stream to open with XMMS?12:49
tattersif I12:49
JW_704Usinf FireFox12:49
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_tilmanJW_704: Just copy the address of stream and open manually in xmms12:50
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JW_704_tilman, its a secure stream but i'll try12:50
todderssorry back whats happened ?12:50
ramorekanyone have experience with freenx ?12:50
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Wipshttp://pastebin.ca/544213 That's the error I get from Azureus..12:51
Tom47ramorek you could try #nx12:52
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ramorekwhat do you mean #nx ?12:52
toddersTom47, you comfirm that cd is mounted on /media/cdrom and from dev/sdXX ?12:52
JW_704Can XMMS handle ASX  fileS?12:52
ramorekTom47 : #nx ?12:52
Tom47todders the cdrom appears / is mounted at/in the livecd filestructure at /cdrom12:53
b08y_Wips, tried an other java vm?12:53
Tom47ramorek you are presently in #ubuntu12:53
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toddersah right, what device file does it access to access that ?12:53
Wipsb08y_:  How?12:53
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ramorekTom47 : oh the ubuntu chat12:53
ramorekTom47 : #nx is a freenx chat ?12:53
b08y_Wips, getting an other java vm, means getting e.g. the java vm from sun12:53
_tilmanJW_704: searching for asx shows me totem-gstreamer, just install all the gstreamer-plugins, xmms might handle it then12:54
Tom47todders no idea but i am puzzled as to why he wants to access it .....12:54
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toddershe just needs it mounted so he can continue with the install12:54
b08y_Wips, if im not completly mistaken, that your current used java vm isnt the one from sun12:54
Tom47ramorek: yes type /join #nx12:54
toddersits strange but hte check cd integrity works fine, but it doesnt seem to be to find it to install the distro12:54
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ramorekTom47 : no one responds.. therye all sleeping i guess... lol12:55
jack_hello world!12:55
boniiI have enabled Beryl on Feisty where the dropdown menus I made transparent as suggested in the Beryl wiki but the transparency doesnt work properly it has greyish lines where it is supposed to be transparent and also window borders have black outlines which go away on clicking12:55
ramorekTom47 : you dont know NX ?12:55
Tom47todders is it 7.04 / feisty?12:55
boniiCan anyone suggest something12:55
Wipsb08y_: I have no idea to be honest.. But I suppose not, how do I check?12:55
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_tilmanWips: update-alternatives --config java12:55
Tom47ramorek: no is wh i suggested you go talk to people who do12:55
_tilmanWips: There you see which vm is used12:55
ramorekTom47 : ohhh ok, thanks though i didnt know about that chat12:56
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ramorekTom47 : they seem to be away12:56
b08y_Wips, update-alternatives --list java12:56
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b08y_Wips, that should tell you which java vm are avaiable on your pc12:56
toddersah 5.04 he says12:57
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Wipsb08y_: I changed it, with the update-alternatives from Sun to Gij-wrapper... works now12:57
b08y_Wips, and if you have some of them in the list, you can try to select an other one, with "sudo update-alternatives java"12:57
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JW_704_tilman, all the gstreamer plugins? it looks like theres about 100 of them12:57
Tom47todders think he is wasting his time there in the sense tht  i dont think that version is no longer supported12:57
ubuntu-rockshow can make the default route to my isp's router permanent if i cannot ping the ip?12:58
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toddersoh his saying he has versions up to 6.10 and is trying that at the mo12:58
ubuntu-rocksi can change the default route via "sudo route add default gw x.x.x.x" from the command line12:58
_tilmanJW_704: Use meta-packages, wait I give you a link12:58
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jack_how do i upgrade to latest kernel?12:59
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toddersJack_ thats not supported anymore12:59
ramorekanyone have experience with freenx ?12:59
ramorekanyone have experience with freenx ?12:59
toddersgenerally no more kernel upgrades in linux now12:59
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todderslinus is having a fit of moods :(12:59
frolleramorek: why dont use the standard?01:00
ramorekas in VNC ?01:00
frolleramorek: yes01:00
ramorekfrolle : veeeeery slow remotely01:00
jack_is there any shorcut key to terminal??01:00
^rike^I have two cd-rom's. One correctly automounts and an icon shows on gnome desktop. The other neither automounts nor an icon shows on desktop. How can i fix this?01:01
frolleramorek: I know :)01:01
_tilmanJW_704: got my query?01:01
Shak-anyone familliar with GRUB error 18? it popped up all of a sudden today01:01
ramorekfrolle : yup my reason01:01
mogreenConky: /proc/i8k doesn't exist! use insmod to make sure the kernel driver is loaded...01:01
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_tilmanJW_704: private window01:01
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_tilmanthen write me01:01
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producemencham I here yet?01:02
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frolleramorek: to be honest i have only tried VNC.. but i am on my win computer using m$'s remote, and its great! Are you going to connect to a win maschine or?01:02
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ramorekfrolle : no win to lin or lin to lin, either way VNC runs sloooow and i use fast connections01:02
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frolleramorek: hmm.. thats true. it was easier if it was linux to win..01:03
JW_704_tilman, icecast -P 20000 -d ~/ is giving me the same error now01:03
_tilmanJW_704: netstat -l01:04
_tilmanSearch for the 2000001:04
_tilmanMaybe you run it twice ?01:04
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JW_704theres alot of stuff when i use netstat -l01:06
_tilmanlook for the 2000001:06
_tilmanthey're ordered01:06
_tilmanunix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     HRT         15863    /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket01:06
_tilmanYou gotto look for those numbers01:06
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JW_704i dont see 2000001:07
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_tilmanThat's confusing01:07
_tilmanYou wrote a config file now ?01:07
b08y_JW_704, maybe tried with sudo to see a complete list?01:08
_tilmanshow me the complete output again01:08
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JW_704I changed the port in the icecast.conf01:09
neztitidid ubuntustudio supported by dvb programs??01:09
JW_704no i still get the error01:10
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JW_704_tilmasn, I use -p 20001 and it works tho01:10
neztitidid ubuntu studio supported by dvb programs like kaffeine??01:11
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stroogleerm, howdy01:11
_tilmanJW_704: So the port was still in use01:12
stroogletrying to install man pages01:12
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stroogleused 'sudo apt-get install manpages-dev' which I got from a support forum01:13
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strooglebut still 'command not found' if i try say 'man find'01:13
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jribstroogle: well find's manpage isn't in manpages-dev.  Does /usr/share/man/man1/find.1.gz exist?01:14
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stroogleyes it does!01:15
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ccookecommand not found means that *man* isn't installed01:15
jribgood call01:16
stroogleso the manpages are there but man isn't.  i see01:16
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stroogleso i should go 'sudo apt-get install man' ?01:16
jribstroogle: sudo aptitude install man-db01:16
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stroogleye gods!  it worked :)01:17
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jribstroogle: did man ever work?01:17
strooglenot before no01:17
jribstroogle: are you sure the install completed successfully?  You may be missing other things01:18
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strooglejrib: indeed - i'm going through a tutorial, 'rute' and am starting to find this out01:18
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ubuntu-rockshow can make the default route to my isp's router permanent if i cannot ping the ip?01:19
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Frogzooubuntu-rocks: if you can't ping it, you can't route through it as a gateway01:19
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Frogzooubuntu-rocks: but maybe your isp is blocking ping?01:19
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ccookestroogle: To make sure you have a complete install, try 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-standard ubuntu-desktop' (assuming you're using Ubuntu (not K*/ed*/X* etc))01:19
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stroogleccooke: i'm using a headless server01:20
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ccookestroogle: you want ubuntu-standard, then01:20
JW_704_tilman, i can almost connect now! but in get a message in the terminal when I try to connect01:20
JW_704Kicking unknown 2 []  [No encoder] , connected for 1 seconds01:20
ccookejust leave off the ubuntu-desktop package01:20
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stroogleccooke: so 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-standard ubuntu' ?01:21
_tilmanJW_704 which app says that ?01:21
ccookestroogle: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-standard'01:21
stroogleccooke: erm 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-standard'01:21
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ccookestroogle: ubuntu-standard is a virtual package that exists to pull in dependencies01:21
hwolffcan someone help me with a Problem with xine?01:22
ccookestroogle: you can see more details with apt-cache show ubuntu-standard01:22
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_tilmanhm, maybe this is the point where you ask google, as I don't have icecast in use :-)01:22
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foughow do i open .rar files01:22
stroogleccooke: maybe I should do that first then huh01:22
jrib!rar > foug (see the private message from ubotu)01:22
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JW_704_tilman, i think it's asking for XMMS's icecast plugin?01:22
jrib!ask | hwolff01:23
ubotuhwolff: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:23
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_tilmanIcecast doesn't care about xmms01:23
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_tilmanxmms has to feed icecast01:23
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hwolffxine doesn't work. seems it doesn't find the Xv video driver01:23
bucatI have only ubuntu. it works fine, i am on line and i have deleted windows vista =I AM HAPPY01:23
hwolffAny ideas why that might be?01:23
stroogleccooke: if i do this 'apt-cache show ubuntu-standard' will it only get what i might be missing or will it whir away for ages?01:23
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ccookestroogle: it'll just show you stuff about the package, doing no network stuff at all01:24
_tilmaninstall xine extracodecs01:24
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ccookestroogle: what it is, the description, what it depends on, etc01:24
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ccookestroogle: apt-get install will then install it01:24
stroogleccooke: sorry, it was the 'install' that i meant.  i'll give it a go01:25
hwolff_tilman, is installed01:25
_tilmanxvid codecs?01:25
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bucatI use recordmydesktop and i made my video but if i try to see the video all my player close themself witout playing nothing01:25
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stroogleccooke: hoo, 25.3 MB, let's go01:26
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ccookestroogle: heh01:26
JW_704Xine extra codecs?01:27
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hwolff_tilman, I am looking for the video driver, not a Codec01:27
_tilmanah sorry01:27
hwolffxine doesn't even start.01:27
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ccookestroogle: you probably only had ubuntu-minimal installed. That's a minimal core which you can add the rest to01:27
hwolffEven if I don't give any file.01:27
antoHeya people i got a problem with runing my server as a router to send out internet to the rest of the computer and somone help me?01:27
stroogleanyone got perl going?  I tried a tutorial on it and found that i was into apache config i didn't understand straight away01:28
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antoHeya people i got a problem with runing my server as a router to send out internet to the rest of the computer and somone help me?01:28
ccookeanto: you want to use your Ubuntu computer as a router, with a number of computers behind it accessing the internet through it, yes?01:29
ccookeanto: Please don't repeat questions.01:29
savetheWorldstroogle: perl just works, assumining its installed.01:29
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magnetronstroogle: i use perl, but not in CGI01:29
savetheWorldstroogle: There is nothing to condigure.01:29
antoccooke: yes that what i want to do?01:29
savetheWorldstroogle: Now - are you really asking about mod_perl for apache?01:29
ccookeanto: have you done anything like this before?01:29
strooglesavetheWorld: well i make a .cgi file and the browser just outputs the lot, no processing01:29
JW_704I'm going ot bed01:29
savetheWorldstroogle: You do know that cgi isn't perl right?01:30
strooglesavetheWorld: mod_perl? i might be...01:30
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savetheWorldyou can run perl scripts uinder cgi, by invoking the perl interpeter vi #!01:30
stroogleccooke: thx, that's worked too :)01:30
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savetheWorldor you can add the perl moduleto apache to make perl part of the web server01:31
ccookehmm. Looks like feisty no longer includes an iptables init script01:31
savetheWorldwhich are you trying to do?01:31
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antoccooke: what i have done is that i put second network card to go to my main computer but for some reason it dose not connect to the internet01:31
antoand a second thing is that my apache no longer starts01:31
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strooglesavetheWorld: it's for web development mainly01:32
strooglesavetheWorld: vi #! gave me an editor btw01:32
ccookeanto: your main computer is what? Ubuntu?01:32
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savetheWorld"via #!"01:32
[Selfsearcher] how can i change the player for my DVD? Example: the menu says "open with Kaffeine" but i want to play it with Mplayer01:32
antoccooke: yes of course ubuntu feisty fawn amd6401:32
strooglesavetheWorld: ah, 'via' not installed01:33
ccookeanto: Okay. Is it a desktop system?01:33
savetheWorldvia is an english word (ok vrench actually)01:33
antoccooke: Yes on both01:33
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strooglesavetheWorld: but isn't it Latin?01:33
savetheWorldstroogle: do you know what #! means at the beginning of a script?01:33
strooglesavetheWorld: yes01:33
XotiCIf i use reiserfs instead of ext3 will it make ubuntu as fast as slackware?01:34
strooglesavetheWorld: i got that far in the tutorial01:34
BiTMAPhey, whats the defualt port for a irc server?01:34
strooglesavetheWorld: it's just having the webserver process it01:34
Parmenionguys, what is the minimum HD space required for windows XP01:34
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savetheWorldok then you know how to run a perl script as a cgi file.  forget mod_perl for now.01:34
[Selfsearcher] how can i change the "action" on the menu (in KDE)? I need to play my DVD with Mplayrer, not Kaffeine01:34
magnetronwhy are you asking that, BiTMAP01:34
antoccooke: what you suggest i use01:35
mrlnwzrdselfsearcher, right click->properties->open with01:35
BiTMAPbecuase im trying to connect to a diffrent server in gnomexchat and the link from a webpage isnt working.01:35
[Selfsearcher] mrlnwzrd: ok i'll try now01:35
BiTMAPnm, i got it to work this time.01:35
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strooglesavetheWorld: my book was on about scriptalias and so on, i'm a bit lost as how to set it up01:35
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magnetronBiTMAP: if you don't enter the port number, it will choose the default one for you01:35
ccookeanto: The basic commands are very simple. However, explaining them is something I don't have time for right now :-) I'm trying to find the recommmended advice01:35
BiTMAPahh, ok thanks :D01:35
BiTMAPim still pretty new to ubuntu :D01:36
Parmenionguys, what is the minimum HD space required for windows XP?01:36
ubuntu-rocksmy isp is blocking ping to their router. the problem is that i want to put my default route in a config file and manually change it everytime i rebbot01:36
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BiTMAPi finally got the nvidia workin01:36
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antoccooke: okej01:36
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Parmenionreally need a quick answer before i go partitioning01:36
zirodayBiTMAP: what card?01:36
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FrogzooParmenion: i run vmware out of 5 gig01:37
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[Selfsearcher] mrlnwzrd: ok i'll try now01:37
[Selfsearcher] mrlnwzrd: ok i'll try now01:37
[Selfsearcher] oops...01:37
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[Selfsearcher] mrlnwzrd: thank you ! All done01:37
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ccookeanto: ah ha.01:37
ccookeanto: This should be a good starting point: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing01:37
producemenchis there a CAD user out there? BRL CAD? I need help setting up.01:38
kbrooks<Parmenion> guys, what is the minimum HD space required for windows XP? # just leave the win partition 50% resized01:38
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zirodayhow do i create a directory in samba01:38
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ParmenionFrogzoo, err, another question. If i created a 30 gig  ntfs partition at the end of my drive, would it wipe the reiserfs partitions infront of it?01:38
strooglei have apache document root set up so that it reads from my /home/*me* dir.  if i upload .cgi files to it, the browser just shows the whole file as text, how can i get the perl processor to run it?01:39
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Parmenionnot too sure wheter the install/recovery discs do a clean reformat job01:39
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FrogzooParmenion: only if you were overwriting a reiser partition01:39
Tom47ramorek ru about?01:39
Parmenionkbrooks, running ubuntu, need to install windows XP01:39
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Parmenionie; it wouldnt touch the linux system infront of it then?01:40
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ccookeanto: It's not going to be *Everything* you need, but it's generally saying the right things. One thing it may get wrong is the network card configuration01:40
Parmenionit would just detect the free space/ntfs partition at the end of the drive?01:40
XotiCIf i use reiserfs instead of ext3 will it make ubuntu as fast as slackware?01:41
antoccooke: okej01:41
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ParmenionXotiC, no ...01:42
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strooglei have apache document root set up so that it reads from my /home/*me* dir.  if i upload .cgi files to it, the browser just shows the whole file as text, how can i get the perl processor to run it?01:42
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Parmenionnothing much about fs when your running a desktop system01:42
nexusStonehi all.01:42
stroogleshould i be configuring a scriptalias in apache.conf?01:42
Parmenionits all about configuration01:42
FrogzooXotiC: choice of file system rarely makes any significant difference01:42
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rob_panto:  This may help you out too.  -->  http://rob.pectol.com/content/view/5/28/01:43
kbrooksstroogle, no.01:43
NahiPurpZeY, here?01:43
XotiCcause i see a hugh difference in speed and perforence in these two sysstem01:43
XotiCslackware is way much faster01:43
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kbrooksstroogle, and change the document root back to /var/www01:43
kbrooksstroogle, enable the  user dir module instead01:44
antorob_p: thanks alot guys gonna dig into that and come back if need hopes not01:44
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Nahiwich do i isntall ?ubuntu or mandrivia ????01:44
strooglekbrooks: right , the user dir module, i'll look into it, where should i look?01:44
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rob_panto: welcome... good luck  :-)01:44
NahiXotiC, i have it to many problems with the wireless connection :(01:44
mairohey guys, does your automatix2 work?01:44
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kbrooksstroogle, not that hard, look in /etc/apache2/mods_available iirc01:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automatic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:45
Frogzoomairo: automatix isn't supported here -> #automatix01:45
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe01:45
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slackmagicNahi: install both, use them both and come back letting us know which one you decided to keep01:45
mairoit is in ubuntu01:45
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mairoi already install things from it01:45
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mairowhere're you from01:46
heffojust use apt-get, easy enough01:46
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strooglekbrooks: 'cd /etc/apache2/mods_available' -> no such file or dir01:46
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heffomairo, if you know the name of the package you can open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install packagename01:46
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heffomairo, if its in the ubuntu repository it will download and install it for you01:47
mairoI searched a bit, but there's no ubuntu club in the country, where i'm from :)01:47
stefg!install | mairo01:47
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ubotumairo: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate01:47
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Parmenionanyone knows a script/program to basically dump the /home folder of mine onto CDs?01:47
kbrooksstroogle, uh, look in /etc for apache*01:47
Parmenionactually, nix that ... ive got an interesting idea to test01:47
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kbrooksstroogle, find /etc -iname "apache*"01:47
mairono, i installed ubuntu01:47
mairoand i'm chatting from it now01:48
mairolike various desktops01:48
mairopretty well organized :)01:48
stefg!enter | mairo01:48
ubotumairo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:48
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mairook, sorry01:48
strooglekbrooks: 'ls /etc/apache2/mods-available' doesn't show me 'iirc'01:49
hwildemairo, you should try 3ddesktop01:49
mairowhere can i get it? and where are you guys from?01:49
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SoftIceanyone using ispconfig?01:49
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stefgmairo: so I'd suggest reading /topic, spending time on the !faq and first get a feel for it before hastily rushing to pseudo-easy solutions to fix problems which you don't have01:50
strooglekbrooks: loads of other mods there.  what is this iirc?01:50
mairoso, how can i get 3ddesktop01:50
stefg!fqa | mairo01:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fqa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:50
stefg!faq | mairo01:50
ubotumairo: A list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage01:50
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hwilde!synaptic | mairo01:51
ubotumairo: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto01:51
orbinstroogle: iirc = if i remember correctly01:51
hwildegoto synaptic and search for desktop01:51
hwildemairo, goto synaptic and search for desktop01:52
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stroogleorbin: doh!  i thought he meant a mod01:52
foo25Hey, quick question, can I install Ubuntu without booting into live by changing the boot parameters?01:52
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strooglekbrooks: what mod should i be looking for in there?01:52
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stefg!install | foo2501:52
IdleOne!alternate | foo2501:52
foo25Hit F6?01:53
ubotufoo25: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate01:53
ubotufoo25: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal01:53
foo25And add that01:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intall - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:53
stefgthe bot lags...01:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chill - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:53
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hwildehmm I thought someone programmed that in01:53
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guardianwhich media server do you recommend ? i'm running feisty01:54
vyddcan I use gparted from ubuntu dapper live to shrink ntfs partition, move ext3 partition to the newly formed space, and grow it afterwards?01:54
sharkbrainguyI'm using an intuos3 in 7.04 and while I was trying to get the expresskeys working I somehow made the stlyus do a middle click instead of a left click01:54
sharkbrainguyhow do I change it back01:54
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stefgvydd: theoretically, yes. but it's unreliable and will take ages01:54
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vyddstefg: hm....ok, thanks01:55
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gejrone thing I haven't been able to figure out with Linux in general is how i can install a program to another dir than it's default. What if my / partition is full, and I have 20 gb free on another partition. How can I install some app there instead of the default?01:55
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sbcsrvHi all01:56
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tokjuh, ipv6 :P01:56
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sbcsrvAnybody use distcc ?01:57
stefgvydd: so if you happen to have a windows partitioning tool i#d use that to shrink ntfs. then just create a ext3 in the free space and plain copy the files over01:57
antorob_p: i still aint geting internet on my dam main computer01:57
ubuntu-rocksso, my question for the day. how do i make the default route to my isp's router which doesn't allow pings, permanent?01:57
nexusStoneMay I know if there is a PAM equivalent in Ubuntu server edition?01:58
guardianwhich media server do you recommend ? i'm running feisty01:58
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erUSULgejr: due to the way Linux/Unix is designed what you want it not easy (or possible at all) the way to go is to enlarge the / partition or move /usr/ to its own big partition01:58
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stefgguardian: what do mean by media-server?01:58
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zirodayanybody here can elp a noob with samba?01:58
guardianto share videos and music01:58
guardianaccross the network01:58
rob_panto: Bummer!  :-)01:58
erUSUL!samba | ziroday01:58
ubotuziroday: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:58
vyddsbcsrv: I've used it... but I don't think I could help you much, cause it came all set up on distro I used01:58
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antorob_p; can you help me?01:58
sbcsrvubuntu-rocks route add default gw [IP]  ?01:59
vyddstefg: yeah....I'm gonna lend that from someone01:59
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rob_panto: Possibly.01:59
gejrerUSUL: is it possible to resize a partition without formatting anything?01:59
rob_panto: What type of internet connection do you have?01:59
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sbcsrvvydd, I want to compile my ubuntu kernel with distcc on a Debian client01:59
stefgguardian: there's a lot of options, depending on your scenario. samba for general filesharing, vlc as streaming server, maybe mythtv for tivo-like stuff01:59
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sbcsrvand I have an error about mtune ;'(02:00
hwildeubuntu-rocks, sudo /sbin/route add default gw [iphere]  [interface] 02:00
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vyddsbcsrv: sorry :( can't help you :S02:00
antorob_p DSL i think il ask my father02:00
sbcsrvok vydd thanks02:00
rob_panto: So your Ubuntu box connects to the 'Net via an ethernet adapter or similar?02:00
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vyddsbcsrv: no problem, wish I knew how to help you with that02:01
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foo25Hopefully install will work with noapci02:01
guardianstefg: i don't want file sharing, but upnp server02:01
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hwilde!apci | foo2502:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apci - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:01
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foo25Nothing showing about it02:01
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erUSULgejr: afaik gparted can resize partitions without data loss but messing with partitions is allways risky02:01
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antorob_p yeah02:01
hwilde!gparted | gejr02:01
ubotugejr: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:01
foo25I keep getting "The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly"02:01
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rob_panto: Ok.  So is the ethernet interface configured properly?  Can you reach the 'Net via that interface?02:02
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lovingyousomeone can help me with crontab ?02:02
hwilde!crontab | lovingyou02:02
antowell i'm on the server right now >.<02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crontab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:02
lovingyouI want to put a process in crontab02:02
sbcsrvWhen I search informations about "mtune" on Google, I found almost all results about "Gentoo" and my Debian / Ubuntu dont have a make.conf, it's normal ?02:02
antoits just that i cannot access the internet from my "regular" computer02:03
rob_panto: Ok, so yes then...02:03
antorop_p yeah02:03
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stefgguardian: look at http://mediatomb.cc/pages/download02:03
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rob_panto: I'm assuming you have a second ethernet interface on your Ubuntu server box, correct?02:03
guardianstefg: thx02:03
antorob_p exactly02:03
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rob_panto: Is that interface up and functioning properly?02:04
logixoulhi. Rosegarden says my kernel timer resolution is too low (250hz). How do I fix this?02:04
antothe internal network card is eth2 and and the external one is eth102:04
antorob_p: i think so02:04
logixoul(without installing a new kernel, if possible :)02:04
rob_panto: Can you ping other computers from that interface?02:04
toddersthanks for the everyone, Tom47, im offski, cheers it was much appreciatted and very helpful02:05
toddersmatey gave up and left :(02:05
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rob_panto: You do have 2 separate networks configured on separate subnets, one for each NIC, correct?02:05
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antorob_p: i have no idea02:06
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rob_panto: You should probably pastebin the output of ifconfig.02:06
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rob_panto: If you followed the guide I posted earlier, you'd see that it covers all of this. :-)02:07
sutabianyone know the know of the application that lets Edit docs at the same time of someone else? think I started with a g >.<02:07
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kismetbefore i ask my question i'd like to specify that i've already searched through the forums and faq's and noting came up02:07
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antorob_p: the thing is that i'm only 15 and i'm not born in england so i realy dont understand all of it02:08
rob_panto: eth2 is not configured.  That is your problem.02:08
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sharkbrainguyI have somehow changed my wacom so that the stylus registers as a middle click (button2) in xidump but obviously I need it to be left click (button1?) how do I change it back?02:08
ubuntu-rocksguys, i can add the default route from the command line but i want to make it persistent, e.g from the /etc/network/interfaces config file02:08
antorob_p: okej that dosen't sound to good maybe you could explain how i set it up?02:08
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rob_panto: Whenever you are using your Linux box as a NAT/gateway, you should have at least the internal network interface configured with a static IP.02:09
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kismeti have 2 hard hdds (1:IDE / 2:SATA) (xp is already installed on sata) the ide is primary. I have 2 partitions on the IDE and i deleted one partition / formatted and installed ubuntu on it. On boot up though xp just starts normally. No grub nada :/02:10
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ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications02:10
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andrea\s irc.darksin.net02:10
spacebearim using wine and i looove it forever02:10
ubu121How do i get ubuntu to automatically login to terminal while booting?02:10
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spacebearthe answer i got. by reading the howtos02:11
rob_panto: You need to configure a static IP for eth2 (your internal network interface).  This can be done via the /etc/network/interfaces file.02:11
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strooglein '/etc/apache2/sites-available/default' i have set my DocumentRoot to a dir in /home/.  there is a ScriptAlias set for cgi so shouldn't i be able to put a .cgi file in my dir that servers web pages and have perl process it?02:11
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antorob_p: yeah i know how to configure but i don't know _WHAT_ to configure it too02:11
spacebearubu121 u need to change runlevel i think maybe so it stops in shell., and upi start from there.., not sure02:12
kismetany suggestions?02:12
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antorob_p i know how to configure a regular interface working  to a normal router but my router is dead now so i decided to do this but i have no idea where the gate way ip and stuff should be configured because i don't realy know what it means when you already got two network cards installed on the computer :/02:12
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ubu121spacebeAR: I DID THAT , BUT WHAT ABT AUTO LOGIN?02:12
rob_panto: Well, you can pick something in any of the designated private IP address space.  Something like would work fine.02:12
stroogleam i asking in the wrong place here?02:13
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spacebearcaps off you yucky caps lock lover02:13
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antorob_p what :S?02:13
spacebeari would turn that shit off02:13
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spacebearno auto login for me02:13
rob_panto: Am I going too fast?02:13
kismetspacebear, do you possibly have a solution for me?02:13
antorob_p no its just you have to explain a bit more as i said i'm only 15 and not that good on computer yet02:14
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Paddy_EIREdoes anyone know how to get frostwire/limewire to display correctly while running beryl?02:14
rob_panto: Configure your internal interface to a static IP address of with a netmask of
antoand what gateway?02:14
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ubu121spacebear: I never asked what the hell you love, I need autologin for a purpose02:14
hwildeubu121, "sudo gdmsetup";  Security Tab; Enable Automatic Login02:14
rob_panto: Don't specify a gateway for that interface.02:14
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hwilde!patience | ubu12102:15
ubotuubu121: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:15
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antorob_p done02:15
spacebearsorry tab mt02:15
=== kismet waits patiently
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ubu121my Apologies!02:15
rob_panto: Ok.  Bring the interface up with the new configuration.02:15
strooglecan anyone tell me how perl should be set up on an ubuntu webserver?02:16
antoyou mean do another ifconfig and paste?02:16
strooglei may have it already02:16
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hwildestroogle, which webserver, apache?02:16
strooglehwilde: yes, apache202:16
spacebearrob;: you want to auto logi into kdm ?02:16
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rob_panto: Sure, that'll work.02:16
spacebearor gnomishness02:16
BiTMAPis idleing ok in here?02:16
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hwildestroogle, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-16578.html02:16
kismeti have 2 hard hdds (1:IDE / 2:SATA) (xp is already installed on sata) the ide is primary. I have 2 partitions on the IDE and i deleted one partition / formatted and installed ubuntu on it. On boot up though xp just starts normally. No grub nada :/02:16
spacebearBITMAP ..they are strict on iding02:17
spacebeari idled 3 sec once02:17
BiTMAPlol :P02:17
hwilde!grub | kismet02:17
ubotukismet: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:17
rob_panto: I've got to take care of something... I'm at work.  I'll get back when I can.02:17
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hwildekismet, follow the recovering grub instructions that should work fine02:17
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BiTMAPyah, i have fun with ubuntu doing formatting. id fix my partitions but instead imma just wait till i get my raid on this box and build my ubuntu dedicated machine.02:17
antorob_p Okej :/02:18
BiTMAPcuase i dont feel like rebuilding ubuntu yet again02:18
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rob_panto: Looks like you need to do ifdown eth2 and then ifup eth2... gotta run for now.02:18
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Paddy_EIREis there anyway that I can in a Mepis style copy my exact setup onto a livecd now from ubuntu02:18
spacebearanto:what you doing ?02:19
Paddy_EIREwould like soething to demo for others02:19
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antospacebear: trying to setup this computer as a server using two network cards02:19
spacebearwithout a router...02:19
spacebearand linking another thrugh a regualar uto cable?02:19
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spacebearw8 have recipe for u02:20
antoto bake a cake ^.^?02:20
spacebearive done same thing on this one except wireless02:20
spacebearno .. commands02:20
hwildespacebear, can you put your thoughts together on one line ok?02:20
spacebearone sec02:20
hwilde!enter | spacebear02:20
ubotuspacebear: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:20
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spacebearil do02:21
hwilde!apache | lovingyou02:21
ubotulovingyou: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:21
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=== bastid_raZor feels stupid
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=== bastid_raZor forgets which 'ch' changes permissions
hwildebastid_raZor, chmod02:22
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bastid_raZorhwilde thanks02:23
Paddy_EIREdoes anyone know how to get frostwire/limewire to display correctly while running beryl?02:23
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hwilde!beryl | Paddy_EIRE02:23
ubotuPaddy_EIRE: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:23
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Paddy_EIREhwilde, errr, thats not what I asked02:23
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hwildePaddy_EIRE, see where it says "Help in #ubuntu-effects"  ?02:23
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Paddy_EIREhwilde, already asked in ubuntu effects :)02:24
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Paddy_EIREasking here02:24
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Tom47Paddy_EIRE: re yr prev question https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization02:25
Paddy_EIRETom47, oh nice one02:25
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Paddy_EIRETom47, fantastic02:25
spacebear   still there02:26
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^rike^Why doesn't one of my cd-roms get automounted and the corresponding icon show on gnome desktop?02:26
spacebearhad to go through a pile of magaines?02:26
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hwilde^rike^, is there a cd in the drive02:27
Paddy_EIRE^rike^, do you know if that cd works02:27
berentwhich is the best html editor02:27
berenton linux02:27
^rike^i can use it on the other drive02:27
Myrttiscreem, quanta etc.02:27
erlingreI have some NFS problems with 7.04 in a diskless setup. During boot the client stalls for at least 1 minute while /usr is mounted over NFS. When it finally boots I can mount usr exported from the server in diffrent directories instantly. The delay is only while booting. any suggestions?02:27
^rike^and i can manually mount it02:27
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Paddy_EIRE^rike^, oh, is it a cd or dvd02:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:28
^rike^dvd, reader only02:28
hwildeberent, emacs is the best editor.02:28
Paddy_EIRE^rike^, could you paste the output of fstab02:28
berenthwilde : what??02:28
ccookehwilde: heathen. :-)02:28
^rike^in here?02:28
hwilde!pastebin | ^betul^02:28
spacebearhmm ., what was the name of the guy,.. anyway., set up ifconfig eth1 (or whatever eth) to up02:28
ubotu^betul^: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:28
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hwilde!pastebin | ^rike^02:28
ubotu^rike^: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:28
d747does Ubuntu still disable admin tasks on the CUPS web interface?02:29
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spacebearifconfig mode02:29
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GranbarHello. I get a DPMSDisable error on my SDL apps... Is anybody familiar with this problem?02:30
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=== luca____ hello all:)
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^rike^the fstab contents is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24407/02:30
berenthwilde : emacs is vi right02:30
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WhoopieHi, I get an error while trying to upgrade to gutsy. "Package index files are corrupted"02:31
WhoopieAny hints how to solve?02:31
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hwildeberent, emacs != vi02:31
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hwilde!emacs | berent02:31
ubotuberent: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code02:31
hwilde!html | berent02:31
ubotuberent: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com02:31
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berenthwilde : emacs has a lot of functionalities 42 MB to download i want a good "only html" editor02:33
sahilmy bottom panel has disappeared what should I DO? noob here02:33
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magnetronsahil: right click the upper panel and choose "new panel"02:34
hwildeberent, do you see the message from ubotu about html editors...02:35
hwilde!html > berent02:35
rob_panto: Ok.  I'm back now.02:35
CheshireVikingberent, just adding to the factiod from ubotu, NVU is no longer included within Ubuntu, its been replaced by Kompozer https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kompozer, but isn't included in the repositories02:35
berenthwilde : which is the best02:35
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antorob_p greate02:36
hwildeberent, I already told you, emacs!!02:36
rob_panto: Ok, so do, "ifconfig eth0" and tell me if you see an IP address listed for it.02:36
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d747does Ubuntu still disable admin tasks on the CUPS web interface? any1 know the answer?02:37
berenthwilde : i will take it02:37
antorob_p: eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found02:37
sharkbrainguymy wacom intuos3 stylus clicks are showing as middle button clicks rather then left button clicks how can I fix this?02:37
rob_panto: Oops!  I meant eth2.  :-)02:37
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fxfitzI'm buying a commercial program for Linux, however they do not have "Ubuntu" as a selectable distrobution. They do have Linux Lindows, which has a .deb file. Do I download that to install???02:38
jribfxfitz: ask them02:38
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rob_panto: It will be listed next to inet addr:02:39
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jribfxfitz: you are paying them, they should tell you what works and what you can do to use the program.  And it's impossible for us to tell you if you do not mention what program it is (maybe someone else here has it).02:39
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antorob_p ifconfig eth2 | grep addr02:39
antogonna restart network to see if it works02:40
GharbeiaHi, did anyone get their internal mic on their Travelmate to work?02:40
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rob_panto: I assumed you had already done that.02:40
fxfitzjrib, Oh, I understand. I just wish they had an Ubuntu option. :-P02:40
antorob_p: how do i restart it ?02:40
rob_panto: The easiest way is to do, "sudo ifdown eth2" and then "sudo ifup eth2"02:41
jribfxfitz: well you could ask them, it shouldn't be hard for them to create one since they already know how to create deb's02:41
hwildeifconfig eth2 down; ifconfig eth2 up02:41
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rob_panto: hwilde that'll work too  :-)02:41
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rob_panto: Once you have brought eth2 back up, it should have the IP address you configured in the interfaces file.02:43
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^rike^Why doesn't one of my dvd-roms get automounted and the corresponding icon show on gnome desktop?02:43
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rob_panto: So how'd it go?02:44
anto_rob_p still here?02:44
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ubuntu-rocksguys, i can add the default route from the command line but i want to make it persistent, e.g from the /etc/network/interfaces config file02:44
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rob_panto_: Yup.02:45
lovingyou!ftp | lovingyou02:45
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anto_Sry for this spamm guys02:45
anto_ inet6 addr: fe80::202:44ff:fe64:4408/64 Scope:Link02:45
rob_panto_: So what does, "ifconfig eth2" show for inet addr?02:45
rob_panto_: Something's wrong then.02:46
cypher1ubuntu-rocks, you can try adding "gateway <address>" to the file02:46
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ubuntu-rockscypher1 - i already have a gateway line for that nic, itself, it complains if i have 2 lines that says gateway02:46
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cypher1ubuntu-rocks, can you paste it02:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:47
anto_auto eth202:47
anto_iface eth2 inet static02:47
rjuneDoes Ubuntu server integrate samba+ldap into it's default user management tools?02:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:47
anto_sorry for spam02:47
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ubuntu-rockscypher 1 - will do02:47
anto_rob_p http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24410/ this is my interface file02:48
lovingyou!proftp | lovingyou02:48
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Shane-wxif the disk in the drive is displayed on the desktop does that mean it has automatically mounted itself?02:48
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hwilde!ftp > lovingyou02:49
rob_panto_: Sorry about that.  I had to take a phonecall.02:49
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berenthwilde : does emacs as helpful as dreamweaver02:49
anto_rob_p cest la vie02:49
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hwildeberent, you are asking for matters of personal preference...   emacs is the ultimate editor in my opinion02:49
orbinShane-wx: most likely02:49
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^rike^i think not, but the disk doesn't appear in nautilus, either02:50
anto_rob_p what you suggest i do :/?02:50
ccookeberent: if you're wanting something like dreamweaver, *don't* look in emacs. Or vim, which is my preference.02:50
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ccookeberent: you want a dedicated gui html editor, right?02:50
ubotuFTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP02:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about proftpd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:50
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anto_i would say that quanta plus is like dreamweaver its what i use when writing php/html02:51
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dmatysiakquick question: the ubuntu installer warns that it will destroy all data on any partitions i have "removed" . what does that mean? will that kill my /home partition if i haven't marked it for formatting?02:51
berentccooke : yes02:51
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dmatysiakin the past it hasn't02:52
magnetrondmatysiak: formatting will clear/destroy data02:52
anto_rob_p: any suggestions?02:52
berentccooke : what do you suggest02:52
rob_panto_: Unfortunately I don't have time to help you right now.  Too much going on at the moment.  However, perhaps in an hour or so I could get back to you. For now, if you can get eth2 to come up with the network settings in your interfaces file, simply follow the guide I posted and you'll have a NAT router up and running.  Good luck.  Gotta go...02:52
dmatysiakmagnetron, i know that, hence my question. did you read it?02:52
magnetronyes, dmatysiak02:52
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anto_rob_p k ill try again02:52
Granbarunknown symbol: DPMSDisable :(02:53
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ccookeberent: I've heard some good things about scribus, but I haven't used it myself. You've also had quanta recommended as being dreamweaver-like02:53
dmatysiakmagnetron, "WARNING: This will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as well as on the partitions that are going to be formatted." what does it mean, partitions I have removed?02:53
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hwildeanto_, are you just trying to set an IP?  it is easy02:53
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hwildedmatysiak, do you know what a partition is?02:53
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anto_hwilde: i know how to set a ip thank you its just setting up a ubuntu box as a router with multipel eth cards that is abit harder02:54
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dmatysiakhwilde, i am an experienced user. let's start with that. :) yes i know what a partition is. what i'm asking is, what does ubuntu mean by removed.02:54
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dedihow secure is vino-server?02:54
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ccookedmatysiak: When you install Ubuntu, the guided partitioner (where you tell it to either "delete a partition and use the freed space" or "delete the whole disk and use the freed space") will remove some partitions to make space to install.02:54
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ccookeif you chose manual partitioning, you may also have deleted some partitions02:55
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ccookein those cases, the data on partitions you delete will be lost when the install proceeds. Thus, the installer warns you02:55
hwildeanto_, chances are other people have already tried what you want to do.  did you search google?02:55
hwildeanto_, http://ubuntulinuxhowto.blogspot.com/2006/06/setup-your-computer-to-be-router.html02:55
magnetrondmatysiak: you can remove partitions in several ways. one is to use the guided partitioner.02:55
DARKGuyGood day people :) anybody know how can I get the IPs of the PCs on my network? kinda like "Active IP Scanner" in XP or same as querying a PC in LinNeighborhood?02:56
anto_already done that one dosen't help02:56
dmatysiakacha, okay. well, i guess that was obvious :) i manually changed things.02:56
hwildeDARKGuy, ping -b
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DARKGuyhwilde: I don't know the IP, just the hostname02:56
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hwildeDARKGuy, ping the hostname then it will show you ip02:56
magnetronDARKGuy: if they all use SMB, try smbtree02:56
dmatysiakthe reason i ask is because as ubuntu becomes more user friendly, i am suspicious of what i will do behind my back :)02:56
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DARKGuyhwilde: says unknown host with the ping command =/02:57
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hwildeDARKGuy, do you have the dns servers in /etc/resolv.conf02:57
DARKGuymagnetron: No,  they're all XP machines, unless you mean that?02:57
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hwildeDARKGuy, do you know what your IP is ?02:57
magnetronDARKGuy: yes, they are SMB machines then02:57
DARKGuyhwilde: yes02:57
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DARKGuymagnetron: thanks for clarifying02:57
magnetronDARKGuy: use smbtree and nmblookup02:57
dmatysiakthanks guys02:57
hwildeDARKGuy, ping -b youripwithlastoctet.002:57
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ubuntu-rockscypher1 - here is my pastebin http://apache.pastebin.ca/54443702:58
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ccookeDARKGuy: ping -b sends a broadcast ping - given the network address, it will send a ping to all hosts on that network.02:58
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dylan_is it possible to "finalize" a cd after it has been burned using k3b?02:58
dylan_apparently, my machine will not boot the ubuntu cd it has been fed.02:59
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fabio__|which is the file in which is it set to print out "/etc/motd" on login? i have looked in the bash configuration files, but i have not found references to the motd..02:59
BlueEagledylan_: Any .iso image burned are automatcally finalized afaik. (ie you can't burn a multi-session .iso image)02:59
Dr_willisfabio__|,  thers a bash option to not show the MOTD if thats wqhat you want.   grep the init scripts for 'motd' perhaps.02:59
ccookeDARKGuy: that's an active scan, but not all systems respond to ping. You can also do a passive scan, if you're an admin user and your network isn't too complicated.02:59
DARKGuyccooke: how?03:00
dylan_BlueEagle: alrightey, thanks.  do you have any inclination as to why my machine won't boot the cdrom, then?  i have the bios set to boot cd first, and i forced it to select the cd-rom as the boot media.03:00
ccookeDARKGuy: That would either need additional software or some scripting, though03:00
DARKGuyhwilde: the ping command has not been having any effect :/03:00
dylan_but lo and behold, nothing.03:00
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hwildeDARKGuy, windows firewall sucks...03:00
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DARKGuymagnetron: smbtree returns the network names to me, but I need to get the ip o.O03:00
DARKGuyhwilde: it does :P we need to have it enabled too >.<03:00
BlueEagledylan_: The most common error is to burn the .iso as a file on the cd instead of burning the files on the image to the cd.03:00
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fabio__|Dr_willis: in the /etc/init.d a file set the content of the "motd", but i don't understand where it is written to "show" the content of the motd after the user login..03:00
magnetronDARKGuy: that's why i told you to use nmblookup03:00
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Dr_willisfabio__|,  thats a feature of the shell to show it.03:01
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dylan_BlueEagle: i burned the image the correct way, which is why my laptop now uses GNU/Linux.03:01
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BlueEagledylan_: How old is your cd-rom drive?03:01
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dylan_BlueEagle: a few years, but it works fine when i'm actually in the OS itself.03:01
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BlueEagledylan_: Are you able to boot other CDs from it?03:02
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Dr_willisfabio__|,  i think its some env setting. I forget the detils.  i also may be gettingit conrused with ssh. But i think theres some file you can make that  bash sees and then stays in a more-quiet mode03:02
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dylan_BlueEagle: occasionally.03:02
dmatysiakbtw, sry if i came off brash. :) you are providing a great service to people who are starting to use linux, as well as more experienced users. keep up the good work!03:02
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dylan_BlueEagle: should i just shop for a new drive?03:02
magnetronDARKGuy: did you try nmblookup or what?03:02
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DARKGuymagnetron: well I tried "nmblookup host", "nmblookup HOST", "nmblookup \\host", "nmblookup \\HOST", "nmblookup -W workgroup host" with no avail :/03:03
marsHi all, i have a question. Firefox in my ubuntu looks very BIG. I mean i set up resolution and all others windows look good, but firefox is not. How can i make it similar to windows look?03:03
BlueEagledylan_: Well if it's troublesome to boot from that might be a good idea. Especially if the disc boots on other machines/drives.03:03
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dylan_BlueEagle: thanks a lot.  i'll do that.  take care.03:03
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BlueEagledylan_: No problem.03:03
magnetronDARKGuy: don't enter the hostname, enter the SMB network name03:04
DARKGuymagnetron: isn't that the PC name in XP?03:05
magnetronDARKGuy: yes it is03:05
slackmagicfabio__|: look at /etc/login.defs, comment one of the lines starting with  MOTD_FILE...03:05
BlueEagledarkguy: see also smbtree03:05
DARKGuymagnetron: well, it's not working, that's what I tried :P03:05
Dr_willisfabio__|,  i cant find WHERE i saw that at.. May of been in the Oriealy Using Bash book i got. Its also possble its a option/feature of the 'login' command.03:05
ritalinrobbed a jewlry store and told them make me a grill03:05
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Dr_willisaha slackmagic  is on the rigth track.03:05
magnetronDARKGuy: XP switch places between the comment and the name for a PC03:05
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DARKGuyBlueEagle: been using that, it only gets me the names but not the IPs :P03:06
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BlueEagledarkguy: Be aware that SMB systems easily get confused when the SMB master is rebooted. Thus using the windows NFS drivers might be a more satisfying solution.03:06
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tattersmy screensaver is blank,yet when I choose and test screensaver it is fine,also if I choose suspend from logof option the sceensaver actually kicks in works for the few seconds it takes my box to go into standby ;/03:06
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BlueEagledarkguy: also note that \\ = \ so you might want to try \\\\host03:07
DARKGuyBlueEagle: I see, thanks for the tip03:07
DARKGuyBlueEagle: d'oh, forgot about that xD03:07
magnetronThis is what smbtree give me: " \\UBUNTU1                          ubuntu1 server (Samba, Ubuntu)" so i use nmblookup UBUNTU103:07
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BlueEaglemagnetron: try nmblookup \\\\UBUNTU103:08
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DARKGuymagnetron, BlueEagle, hwilde: Yup, looks like the problem is on the other end. I was able to nmblookup another PC on the network, so that command's working cool with just the PC name :P03:08
smalinovskijhi to all! i've got a question to the ubuntu guru! :) how to wipe out all critical data from the SCSI HDD, so, nobody will be able to restore it afterwards03:08
tattersUse a large magnet?03:09
VoXi was thinking that03:09
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magnetronsmalinovskij: this is not 100% safe, but you could use a tool called "wipe"03:09
antorob_p You here ???? its setup the ip what should i do now?? i still don't have internet on my main computer but i do see it threw the nmap 192.168.1.*03:09
BlueEaglemagnetron: \ is the escape character that is used for special characters like newline (\n), tab (\t), backslash (\\) and so on). Thus \\ = a litteral \ on the command line.03:09
tatterstreat it to a dose of thermalite03:09
marsis there superkaramba for ubuntu?03:10
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hwildewhere are the bootup messages logged?03:10
magnetronBlueEagle: i know that. you don't need any \ at all for this situation03:10
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slackmagichwilde: try dmesg03:10
Dr_willismars,  its in the repos. Karamba is normally used with kde.. gdesklets for gnome03:10
BlueEaglemagnetron: Ok. Then please disregard my statements. :D03:10
smalinovskijthanks, i'll try wipe03:10
Dr_willis!info gdesklets03:10
ubotugdesklets: Architecture for desktop applets. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.35.3-4ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 466 kB, installed size 2452 kB03:10
hwildeslackmagic, no I want the messages that scroll on boot like Configuring network interfaces [FAILED] 03:10
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longpigmars, both equally useless, of course03:10
chariot_My NTFS partition cannot be mounted and Windows has crashed, as usual.  Windows will not start and I'd like to recover my data using Ubuntu.  Can I fix the NTFS partitions from Ubuntu, mount the NTFS partitions and recover my data?03:11
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Dr_willisTheres some NTFS tools for linux. but ive never tried themn to 'fix' a ntfs partition. I do recall a (not legal) XP Live cd. somewhere on the net. Or a xp install cd may be able to fix it.03:12
Jowimars, I would recommend screenlets ( http://hendrik.kaju.pri.ee/screenlets/ ) which are much less buggy then gdesklets03:12
antoccooke: you here?03:12
ccookeanto: not very, but yes03:12
BlueEaglechariot_: What caused your NTFS partition to become corrupted?03:12
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tatters  I think it is easier to prevent windows from crashing than learning linux03:12
antowait ill make a pastebin of my ifconfig03:12
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chariot_We lost power when Windows was running.03:12
tattersntfs-ng has a ntfs fix thingy me bob03:12
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DARKGuymagnetron, BlueEagle, hwilde: so, thanks for the help ^_^03:12
marscan i use karamba aplets with gdesklets?03:12
ccookeanto: are you still after connection sharing help? I probably have the time to go over it now03:13
Dr_willismars,  they are 2 different systems. so no, not that i know of.03:13
marswhere can i find aplets for gde?03:13
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hwildewhere are the bootup messages logged?03:13
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ubotudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com03:13
BlueEaglehwilde: /var/log/dmesg iirc03:13
antoccooke: my main computer shows up on nmap 192.168.1.* but i ain't got any internet?03:13
marsou i have it03:14
Dr_willismars,  check the repositoies/pcakcage manager. or some googling for gdesklets will show its homepage/sites of appl;ets03:14
antoccooke: mayeb i should set somthing up on it?03:14
ccookeanto: okay. How do you connect to the internet?03:14
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Jowimars, gdesklets-data03:14
BlueEagleanto: I'm sorry, but I didn't see the start of your question. How is your network set up?03:14
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antothrew a dsl connect to my server (i'm on the server at the moment)03:14
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antoccooke: threw a dsl connect to my server (i'm on the server at the moment)03:14
lovingyouchecking whether the C++ compiler works... configure: error: cannot run C++ compiled programs.03:14
lovingyouI dont understand03:15
lovingyouI have gcc and cpp installed03:15
lovingyouwhat missing ?03:15
ccookeanto: and your server is the machine you want to enable connection sharing on, yes?03:15
tarzeaulovingyou: binutils?03:15
BlueEagleanto: Have you set up ipforwarding trough your server?03:15
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BlueEagle!firestarter | anto03:15
lovingyoutarzeau what binutils?03:15
ubotuanto: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:15
tarzeaulovingyou: pkg03:15
DarkEDtoniglandyl: where are you?03:15
hwildeBlueEagle, that is just dmesg, I want to see the messages on boot03:15
lovingyoutarzeau binutils is installed.03:15
BlueEagleanto: firestarter will set up internet connection sharing.03:15
tarzeaulovingyou: buildessential?03:15
tarzeaulovingyou: what are you trying to build?03:15
BlueEaglehwilde: Not sure about that. But browse your log directory. Not sure it's saved.03:16
gilo1firestarter is awesome03:16
tarzeaulovingyou: build-essential03:16
lovingyoutarzeau a dc++ hub03:16
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hwildeBlueEagle, darn it doesnt look like it is anywhere03:16
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lovingyouI'm installing now build-essential03:16
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lovingyouworked :)03:16
gilo1anyone know of a good gui for snort?03:17
antoccooke: yes that what i wanna do03:17
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lovingyouHow can I install the mysql-devel ?03:17
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lovingyouapt-get install mysql-devel / mysql-dev doesn't work...03:18
ccookeanto: okay. as people have said, you can use firestarter to configure connection sharing.03:18
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DJ-_-I am having a problem with ubuntu03:18
ccookeanto: have you installed and tried it?03:18
DJ-_-very slow...03:18
DJ-_-it has become seriously slow03:18
jazzcathi. i am trying to install grub from an ubuntu livecd and i have to say i amb not able to do it. can someone tell me if i am doing well ?03:18
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JowiDJ-_-, what is slow and what are the computers specs?03:18
antoGoing to now03:18
SlartDJ-_-: is everything slow?03:18
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montgonje ne comprend que le francais ou le castillan et le catalan03:18
lovingyouHow can I install the mysql-devel ? apt-get install mysql-devel / mysql-dev doesn't work...03:18
DJ-_-I just installed it yesterday...and it is very slow as in boot time and application loading time ---- 2.4GHZ 1.5GB RAM 96VGA 40GB HArd03:19
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Slart!fr | montgon03:19
Jowimontgon, va a #ubuntu-fr03:19
ubotumontgon: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:19
doviendelovingyou: why doesn't it work?  what's the message?03:19
DJ-_-@Slart yes03:19
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stefgjazzcat: what's the device name of the drive you want grub install to?03:19
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lovingyouE: Couldn't find package mysql-devel03:19
DJ-_-@Jowi  I just installed it yesterday...and it is very slow as in boot time and application loading time ---- 2.4GHZ 1.5GB RAM 96VGA 40GB HArd03:19
lovingyousame for mysql-dev03:19
BlueEaglejazzcat: I am assuming you've installed linux then re-installed windows and thus lost grub that way. What you need to do is mount your linux partitions and chroot into them and then re-install grub from the chroot. I think that's the easiest way but I may be wrong.03:19
SlartDJ-_-: was it ever fast? or slow since the install?03:19
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DJ-_-Slart: it was fast at the beginning comparatively03:20
doviendeoh, i don't see any existing mysql-dev package03:20
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lovingyouyah :)03:20
lovingyouits weird.03:20
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DJ-_-Slart: i am on gnome-desktop ubuntu fiesty03:20
noelferreirahow to minimize mozilla thunderbird to the system tray?03:20
SlartDJ-_-: until you installed something? huuuugesoftwarepackagethatrunsinthebackground.deb perhaps? ;)03:20
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DJ-_-Slart: nothing installed as yet03:21
jazzcatBlueEagle: you almost assumed the right thing. I am trying to install a linux in a new hd to a machine with an old windows03:21
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lovingyoudoviende thats the package?:)03:21
JowiDJ-_-, does not sound promising. did you install any application to make it behave that way or it's been like that since the first boot?03:21
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doviendelovingyou: i think so03:21
DJ-_-Jowi: no03:21
SlartDJ-_-: ok.. default options I presume? ext3 etc03:21
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doviendelovingyou: p   libmysqlclient15-dev            - mysql database development files03:21
DJ-_-Slart: yes03:21
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antoO my god thanks so bloody mutch eagel,ccookeand rob_p its working now03:21
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lovingyoudoviende worked :)03:21
lovingyounow I need pcre-devel03:21
Lacrymologydoes anybody have any experience compiling Comical8.0?03:21
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DJ-_-Slart: but was much faster when i installed yesterday but after 3-4 hours tthe performance depreciated badly03:21
doviendelovingyou: i did "aptitude search mysql | grep dev" and saw that03:21
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SlartDJ-_-: if you open the process explorer thingy.. (system, administration, system monitor)... processes page.. what is the load average?03:22
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gilo1I'm looking for two different GUIs to help me out with managing things... I need one for Snort and one for IPSec.. anyone have suggestions?03:22
BlueEaglejazzcat: Are you using SATA, PATA or SCSI disks or a mix of them?03:22
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doviendelovingyou: libpcre3-dev maybe?03:22
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JowiDJ-_-, sounds like an indexing service is running or something like that. follow Slart advice.03:22
DJ-_-Slart: 1.35, 1.77, 1.2203:22
doviendelovingyou: same thing, aptitude search pcre | grep dev03:22
inflexhiya all, I need something I can convert a 2D DXF/CAD file into 3D03:22
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DJ-_-Jowi: ok03:22
inflexwell, rather, I want to import into a 3D program a 2D outline (which I'll then extrude/cap etc03:22
SlartDJ-_-: hmm.. any processes using more than 10% cpu in the list?03:23
cidwelwhat is the difference of nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new pleease03:23
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lovingyouthank you :)03:23
DJ-_-Slart: gnone-system-monitor at 15+03:23
Slartcidwel: new is newer.. =).. afaik it's only a different version03:23
BlueEaglecidwel: Check the changelogs and/or the nvidia home page.03:23
tim167_i have a harddisk connected to IDE, but it didnt mount by itself, how can i mount it from the terminal, i dont see it in /media...thanks03:24
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dbrewer_rjri am having an issue with shorewall. it allows me to make an ftp connection on a nightly cron as root, but not open a data connection to transfer the file in. I dropped the firewall and it is proceeding nicely. ???03:24
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SlartDJ-_-: and everything else is below 10%? .. odd..03:24
BlueEaglecidwel: afaik some cards don't play well with the newer driver and thus both are availible in the repos. Also the wiki (wiki.ubuntu.com) is a good resource.03:24
DJ-_-Slart: yes03:24
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SlartDJ-_-: in the view menu.. enable "All"03:24
DJ-_-Slart: yes03:24
SlartDJ-_-: or.. "All processes"03:24
BlueEaglecidwel: (I am assuming you've tried google already so I don't think it need mentioning but I'll mention it just in case :D)03:25
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cidwelyes, i tried but the only thing that i found is that the driver is buggy03:25
KomiaPoikai screwed up my system trying to dist-upgrade from 6.06 to 7.04, and now my system is stuck: when trying to apt-get -f install, i repeatedly get on the error: package has no field-python version03:25
SlartDJ-_-: check the resources page..03:25
BlueEaglecidwel: Well there you go. :)03:25
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DJ-_-Slart: CPU 9-20%03:26
SlartDJ-_-: are you sure you're not running something in the background.. bittorrent, dc++ etc?03:26
DJ-_-Slart: no03:26
DJ-_-Slart: nothing in background03:26
doviendeKomiaPoika: is that the exact error?03:26
DJ-_-Slart: only gaim i guess03:26
stefgtim167_: you need to device name of the partition. fdisk -l gives you a list... the it's like sudo mount /dev/blah99 /mnt03:26
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DJ-_-Slart: should I try adding my hostname to the /etc/hosts?03:26
SlartDJ-_-: gaim shouldn't really be a problem... in a terminal run this "uname -a" what is the output03:27
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DJ-_-Slart: i just read that on the net03:27
tsbcan you rip music cd's with gnomebaker?03:27
KomiaPoikadoviende: no, but i dont have mouse in tty03:27
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SlartDJ-_-: but you say everything is slow.. even running local stuff..03:27
stefg!info soundjuicer | tsb03:27
ubotutsb: Package soundjuicer does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas03:27
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KomiaPoikaso i cant cut n pastge03:27
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SlartDJ-_-: what kind of graphics are you running? desktop effects?03:27
DJ-_-Slart: yeah and apps take 10-20 secs to open03:27
tim167_stefg do i have to install fdisk ? i get command not found03:27
DJ-_-Slart : black bg03:27
doviendeKomiaPoika: ok, so it's close enough then03:27
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neil_feistytsb, nope, use soudjuicer03:28
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KomiaPoikadoviende: it's a /usr/bin/pycentral error03:28
doviendei've never heard of "package has no field"03:28
stefgtim167_: sudo fdisk  -l03:28
DJ-_-Linux XXXXX 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Wed May 23 01:46:23 XXX 2007 i686 GNU/Lin03:28
KomiaPoikaand i cant deinstall and reinstall python, because it stucks on that error03:28
SlartDJ-_-: system, preferences, desktop effects.. disabled or enabled?03:28
KomiaPoikait happens trying to instlal bycicle repair03:28
stefg!info sound-juicer | tsb03:29
tsbyeah I found it thanks03:29
ubotutsb: sound-juicer: GNOME 2 CD Ripper. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.3-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 784 kB, installed size 3460 kB03:29
DJ-_-Slart: disabled03:29
KomiaPoikait basically whines about python-central deps03:29
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doviendeKomiaPoika: can you tell hat stage of the install of the package it is?  pre-install, post-install, or whatever?03:29
DJ-_-Slart: someone told me to get kubuntu desktop you think i should try that?03:29
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SlartDJ-_-: what programs are running slow? firefox? openoffice?03:29
KomiaPoikadoviende: it downloaded 1GB of packages, installed a few dozens of them and then stuck on that error03:29
DJ-_-Slart: all take 10-20 secs to load03:29
SlartDJ-_-: I don't think KDE will run any faster... if anything I would say slower03:30
KomiaPoikai can't figure out any command to purge the process03:30
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doviendeKomiaPoika: ok, try just "aptitude install packagename" where packagename is the right one03:30
DJ-_-Slart: ok what could be the possible error? Shall i try the /etc/hosts?03:30
doviendeand then maybe you'll get more info03:30
SlartDJ-_-: you could try xubuntu if you're looking for a more light weight system.. but with your specs you shouldn't have to03:30
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KomiaPoikadoviende: what right one?03:30
SlartDJ-_-: I don't see how it could do any harm.. why not try it03:30
doviendeuhh...whatever one makes that message03:30
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DJ-_-Slart: gimme a sec03:30
doviendethe package name just before the error03:31
tim167_stefg alright, so now i do sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt for example ?03:31
stefgtim167_: right03:31
KomiaPoikahuh, i hit aptitude install python and it's installing freetype fontes03:31
hwildetim167_, sudo mkdir /mnt/mydrive;   sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/mydrive03:31
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DJ-_-Slart: wow....its much better lol but still takes upto 4 secs03:32
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tim167_hwilde , why ntfs ?03:32
doviendeKomiaPoika: a common solution to apt problems is to just try the single package that's having problems, and sometimes it'll either tell you more info, or it'll fix itself03:32
hwildetim167_, well whatever filetype it is03:32
doviendethen after that, you can go back to the full upgrade again03:32
SlartDJ-_-: at first I was thinking you were running something in the background.. such as azureus, indexing of hard drive.. or some background task.. next I would check drivers for graphics, network etc.. something might be wrong there... last I would start checking IDE harddrives for DMA settings and such.. perhaps memory03:32
DJ-_-Slart: it was listed on ubuntu bugs section03:32
tim167_hwilde how do i see the filetype ?03:32
JowiDJ-_-, you don't have beagle or anythiing like that installed?03:32
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hwildetim167_, you dunno what filetype that partition is?03:32
KomiaPoikadoviende: i can't deinstall bicycle, because it produces the same python error03:32
SlartDJ-_-: oh.. known error.. odd.. never heard of it before.. do you have a link to the bug report?03:33
DJ-_-Slart: i just switched from windows and i need help doing that03:33
lupo7Does somebody know how to mount a LMV partition in ubuntu server 7.04??? It's a disk that had suse 10.0 before.03:33
DJ-_-Slart: a sec03:33
doviendeKomiaPoika: what's aptitude doing right now?  did it go back to the error again?03:33
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KomiaPoikahowever i'm trying with bicycle now03:33
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slackmagictim167_: sudo fdisk -l03:33
tim167_hwilde, its a disk where i had ubuntu on, but now i put it in another computer and want to read from the old disk03:33
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stefg!lvm | lupo703:33
ubotulupo7: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO03:33
aMMuNixI'm trying to set a hotkey to fullscreen a window using gconf-editor,whatever I set the hotkey to be, it won't work!03:33
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KomiaPoikadoviende: wait let me try on the targeted package03:33
hwildetim167_, try ext3 then03:33
SlartDJ-_-: of course we'll help you.. just letting you know what might be worth looking at03:33
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knoppixhey ppl03:34
DJ-_-Slart: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-desktop/+bug/9404803:34
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO03:34
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KomiaPoikadoviende: now it's stuck on python-central03:34
SlartDJ-_-: looking at it now03:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fullscreen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:34
KomiaPoika"removing python-central..."03:34
erUSULlupo7: mount -t fstype /dev/xxxx /mount/point ?? donno how lvm devices are named though03:34
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KomiaPoikadoviende: can i /msg you?03:35
aMMuNixI'm trying to set a hotkey to fullscreen a window using gconf-editor,whatever I set the hotkey to be, it won't work!03:35
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SlartDJ-_-: wow.. I'm going to give that a try myself... hang on03:35
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knoppixim getting a error msg when i try to boot my installed ubuntu, something like timer sync i think, any clues on how to solve this??03:35
DJ-_-Slart: ok03:35
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nofxxany help with realtek RTL 8139D  on feisty? its on lspci... but never on ifconfig...03:36
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tim167_ok thanks guys i got it03:36
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sbcsrvI have an mtune error when I compile my kernel with distcc. Somebody had an idea about it ?03:37
stefgerUSUL: LVM is somewhat different...03:38
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TxsTchN2this is the ubuntu help chat thing right?03:38
DJ-_-TxsTchN2: yes03:38
antouhm lol03:38
TxsTchN2I am totally new lol, so far I like ubuntu though03:39
stefgTxsTchN2: read /topic and do what you are told there :-)03:39
stroogleafter installing a perl module and restarting apache, i can't connect to my linux box by winscp or putty, anyone had that?03:39
CheshireVikingTxsTchN2, yes, you're in the support channel, if you're after general chat, try #ubuntu-offtopic03:39
ma_Is it normal to have 6 proccesses of apache?03:39
DJ-_-TxsTchN2: welcome to the world of linux!!03:39
SlartDJ-_-: well. I think my gnome system got a bit faster too.. sweet03:39
strooglethe webserver is running though03:39
DJ-_-Slart: hehe kewl03:39
DJ-_-Slart: How do i check the settings you were talking of?03:39
slackmagicma_: yes03:39
sbcsrvma_ yes, you can define the number in the configuration03:39
SlartDJ-_-: well.. hard drive settings can be changed using hdparm03:40
ma_Does it matter?03:40
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SlartDJ-_-: if you're using pATA drives... it doesn't work on SATA03:40
DJ-_-Slart: from terminal sudo hdparm i guess?03:40
TxsTchN2ok so I like the way the desktop version looks is there a way so set it up to use LAMP like the server version?03:40
SlartDJ-_-: indeed... you might have to install it03:40
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DJ-_-Slart: ah k03:40
SlartDJ-_-: can't remember if it's included by default..03:40
strooglewhy would it suddenly kick me out?03:40
Slart!info hdparm03:40
ubotuhdparm: tune hard disk parameters for high performance. In component main, is standard. Version 6.9-1ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 60 kB, installed size 240 kB03:40
DJ-_-Slart: ok03:40
DJ-_-Slart: its already enabled in services03:41
slackmagicma_: nope, it doesn't...as long as your apache runs fine you shouldn't have to worry03:41
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lupo7stefg: Do you have a link for LVM mount?03:41
DJ-_-Slart: what are the settings i got to make in hdparm03:41
CheshireViking!lamp > TxsTchN2, See the private message from Ubotu03:41
SlartDJ-_-: oh.. ok.. then it should be there.. you run it with a hard drive device name as a paramterer "hdparm /dev/hda" for example03:41
stroogleafter installing a perl module and restarting apache, i can't connect to my linux box by winscp or putty, anyone had that?03:42
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slackmagicstroogle: maybe your sshd is not running?03:42
stroogleslackmagic: i see, what's the command to get it going?03:42
DJ-_-Slart: using dma and reahhead (265) only enabled03:42
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JowiDJ-_-, "hdparm -d 1 /dev/hdc" would turn on DMA for my DVD-Rom. hdparm --help for more options :)03:42
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SlartDJ-_-: IO_support?03:42
DJ-_-Jowi: thanks03:42
TxsTchN2ah ok thank you, i am new to this chat system too, so ill have to get use to it.. alright well i need to reboot for my updates and ill take a look at that thanx guys03:42
DJ-_-Slart: off03:42
stefglupo7: read the howto i gave you earlier... there is no single 'mount' for lvm volumes, because you hvae to know which PE s (physical extends) belong to a VG (volume group)... that's no trivial task you are attempting03:42
slackmagicstroogle: do    ps -aux | grep sshd03:42
DJ-_-Slart: 0 defualt 16bit03:43
slackmagicany results?03:43
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JowiDJ-_-, to make it default, you need to edit /etc/hdparm.conf I believe03:43
DJ-_-Jowi: it shows that03:43
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SlartDJ-_-: try this first  "sudo hdparm -tT /dev/hda"03:43
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stroogleslackmagic: because i'll have to change monitors i'll have to do this in one go, what will i look for after i've greped?03:43
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SlartDJ-_-: it will do a quick benchmark03:43
DJ-_-Slart: ok hol on03:43
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SlartDJ-_-: just to have something to compare with03:44
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lupo7stefg: OK thanks.03:44
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DJ-_-Slart:  Timing cached reads:   834 MB in  2.00 seconds = 416.73 MB/sec03:44
DJ-_- Timing buffered disk reads:  132 MB in  3.03 seconds =  43.58 MB/sec03:44
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slackmagicstroogle: if it's running it should list possible processes run by root with   /usr/sbin/sshd ..if it's not you might just get nothing in return (then you know you have to run the ssh daemon to be able to use winscp / putty to connect via ssh)03:44
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yell4hello there03:45
SlartDJ-_-: ok.. try this now.. "sudo hdparm -c 1 /dev/hda".. it will enable 32-bit IO transfer thingies03:45
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stroogleslackmagic: ok.  how to run the ssh daemon?03:45
DJ-_-Slart: done03:45
SlartDJ-_-: and run the benchmark again03:45
yell4i am trying to change the gnome distributor-logo.png , but cant get it done, any tips are welcome03:46
DJ-_-Slart:  Timing cached reads:   792 MB in  2.00 seconds = 396.05 MB/sec03:46
DJ-_- Timing buffered disk reads:  126 MB in  3.04 seconds =  41.43 MB/sec03:46
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slackmagicstroogle: it's in your init.d folders somewhere, I'm not running ubuntu, so i can't help you there sorry03:46
snookHi, I neet to run php script in console which should run after I will close SSH session. How can I do it?03:46
stroogleslackmagic: thx03:46
DJ-_-Slart: guess its better to disable it?03:46
SlartDJ-_-: eh.. odd.. it should have become faster.. not slower.. well.. you can reset it by doing a sudo hdparm -c 0 /dev/hda03:46
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necrite_hi all03:47
DJ-_-Slart: done n re benchmarking03:47
Juhazexcept it probably already was on and the "slower" is just slight measurement change03:47
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DJ-_-Slart:  Timing cached reads:   724 MB in  2.00 seconds = 361.62 MB/sec03:47
DJ-_- Timing buffered disk reads:  136 MB in  3.02 seconds =  45.04 MB/sec03:47
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rijoanyone know how to mount ext3 from windows xp?03:47
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snookHi, I neet to run php script in console which should run after I will close SSH session. How can I do it?03:47
DJ-_-Slart: i can just say lol03:47
SlartDJ-_-: hdparm is a weird beast.... lots of options.. lots of things to change.. but your numbers are pretty ok. I get about 600 and 60 with an AMD64x203:47
snook`php script.php` is what i need?03:48
DJ-_-Slart: ok..03:48
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snookah sorry `php script.php &`?03:48
DJ-_-Slart: any other performance tweaks?03:48
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necrite_where is the alsaconf package? i make one apt-cache search alsaconf and i didint find it03:48
SlartDJ-_-: well.. you can always disable stuff you're not using.. disabling ipv6 might give you some performance boots when using dns03:49
DJ-_-Slart: i feel that gnome is very slow for me...any way i can switch to KDE without losing anything?03:49
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DJ-_-Slart: how do i get rid of ipv603:49
SlartDJ-_-: you can install the KDE desktop ... I'm not sure if it will be as lean as a fresh install.. but it's doable03:49
rambo3ask ubotu03:49
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv403:49
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DJ-_-Slart: will it much faster than gnome?03:50
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Slartit might affect web browsing and other things using dns03:50
stefgDJ-_-: are you running ATI-graphics?03:50
DJ-_-Slart: i mean the gnome and kde03:50
DJ-_-stefg: no intel chipset03:50
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manurespreaderhi for all i would please to rate our idea at oneyeartrip.com :) a lot of thanks03:51
DJ-_-stefg: no,*03:51
SlartDJ-_-: I haven't tried KDE for a long time.. my guess would be that they are about equal03:51
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DJ-_-Slart: ok i will stick to gnome then and let me try disabling ipv603:51
stefgDJ-_-: so what's your machine like cpu/ram -wise ? kde won't be faster ingeneral03:51
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DJ-_-stefg: one is p4 2.4ghz/1.5gb ram another machine i plan to switch: p3 1ghz/256mb03:52
CheshireVikingrijo, have a look at this website, http://www.fs-driver.org/03:52
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rijoCheshireViking, ok03:52
SlartDJ-_-: the next step I guess would be compiling your own kernel... some say that the low latency kernel feels faster.. some say it doesn't make any difference.. I didn't notice any difference03:52
DJ-_-Slart: thanks for your help if i need anything i will ask03:52
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SlartDJ-_-: you're welcome..and good luck03:52
DJ-_-Slart: more tweaks? :D03:53
stefgDJ-_-: so go xubuntu with the p3.... and what exactly is slow on gnome?03:53
DJ-_-stefg: loading of apps03:53
qawshi, I have problem with Opera under Ubuntu - it takes 89% of CPU and it takes about 2 seconds to switch a tab03:53
DJ-_-Slart: how do i do that?03:53
qawshow can i solve it?03:53
stefgDJ-_-: apps like ?03:53
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DJ-_-stefg: all03:53
=== Spider pops in. Quick question, how do I back-resolve a filename to a package?
DJ-_-stefg: 4-5secs03:54
SlartDJ-_-: nope.. I think I've run out for the moment.. you're moving into a territory of chasing diminishing returns.. you can tweak for weeks and in the end your computer boots 3 secs faster.. I don't know if it's worth it =)03:54
DJ-_-Slart: ah lol ok thanks03:54
^rike^Why with my dvd-rom only cd's get automounted but not dvd's in gnome desktop?03:55
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^rike^I can mount dvd's manually, though.03:56
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ward_how do i close manbual?03:56
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ward_ctrl-c works everywhere but in the retarded manual program03:56
DJ-_-stefg: any ideas?03:56
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doviendeward_: "q"?03:56
ward_doviende, thanx03:57
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ward_i tried everything03:57
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ward_and there's a program that autoopens the manual when done compiling03:57
ward_and i need to see the compile output03:57
mrhjkimIn unbuntu, how can I change my desktop style like mac os X such as program short cut?03:57
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qawshi, I have problem with Opera under Ubuntu - it takes 89% of CPU and it takes about 2 seconds to switch a tab. How can I solve it?03:58
ward_huh :s03:58
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LtsneadHey, I'm new to IRC, and Linux in general, is there anyway to connect to zirc server through this cliet? It's not in the server list03:58
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custom163having trouble with console display over ssh keep getting    instead of f - or | any ideas?03:59
doviendeLtsnead: what client are you using?03:59
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stefgDJ-_-: it's not a problem of the Desktop... and 4-5 secs for e.g. firefox is pretty average. what do you expect? you could use the preload daemon and maybe optimize here and there a bit, but that won't improve it by orders of magnitude03:59
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DJ-_-stefg: i just installed yesterday and have not installed any plugins and have only chkd gmail04:00
DJ-_-stefg: the 2nd part I am clueless lol04:01
stefg!info preload | DJ-_-04:01
ubotudj-_-: preload: adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-3 (feisty), package size 33 kB, installed size 172 kB04:01
mrhjkimIt's my first time install for ubuntu and I need recommendation for desktop style tool.04:01
|rt|has anyone gotten to the bottom of what's causing random system freezes in Feisty?  I saw that a number of people are reporting this on the forums.04:01
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doviendehmm...i just realized i'm using the Canadian mirror for ubuntu still, even though i'm living in china right now04:01
mrhjkimanyone have any suggestion?04:02
DJ-_-stefg: thanks04:02
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv404:02
|rt|my mythtv box at home is driving me nuts with this system freeze issue....may reinstall edgy04:02
DJ-_-thanks bot :P04:02
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SpiderAh,  I just got it, dpkg -S /usr/bin/filename,  to backwards-resolve a file to a package04:02
SpiderThanks though04:02
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JiffaMaafanello all04:02
DJ-_-Slart Joey and stefg thanks a lot04:02
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ipxAfter installing 2 lib-packages, my firefox wont start. I copied the files from the lib-dir from the packages to /usr/lib/ (Packages: nspr-4.4.1 and nss-3.9) and firefox gives me this unpleasant message: "/usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/firefox/components/libdocshell.so: undefined symbol: PR_GetPhysicalMemorySize". Any ideas?04:03
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nofxxhow to bring my 3Com NIC up??? its on lspci but not on ifconfig04:04
ipxtry ifconfig -a04:04
ipxdo you see it?04:04
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|rt|nofxx: is it's driver loaded?04:04
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nofxxipx: yea bro. .tnx.. i was trying eth1... but it assigned eth2 ..... heheh... is the pci slot that changes this?04:05
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ipxnofxx: no idea :)04:05
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nofxx|rt|: tnx bro.. working xD04:05
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nofxxipx: ok...ty anyway xD04:05
stefgnofxx: look at /etc/iftab04:05
antohttp://pastebin.ca/544541 can somone help me with this problem :S?04:06
burepecan someone take a look at the problem I am having and give me some advice? my hard drive is hdc ever since I started using it but after the fiesty update I am having troubles. I am not sure how to fix it Check it out here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2786745#post278674504:06
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nofxxstefg: ty, that will make this more organized here....  just a question... can I use arp 1  on all of them?04:06
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stefgnofxx: not sure... try it04:07
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nofxxstefg: trial and error... saves the world !04:09
antohttp://pastebin.ca/544541 can somone help me with this problem :S?04:09
stefgburepe: paste your /etc/fstab and the output of 'blkid' to !pastebin as mentioned in /topic04:09
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rambo3!lamp | anto04:10
ubotuanto: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:10
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burepestefg, I gotta start up the live cd to get the blkid but the fstab is posted in the forum post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2786745#post278674504:10
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antoRambo3: that didnt help04:11
erUSULburepe: ide disks are now recogniced as /dev/sdxx (scsi disks just like usb and sata before)04:12
erUSUL!uuid | burepe04:12
ubotuburepe: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:12
necrite_where can i find the alsa-conf package?04:12
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meloni installed feisty from the live cd but when i try to load - i get left with a flashing underscore thingie without actually loading anything.. any ideas or links i should check to fix this?04:12
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rambo3anto, it says you have server running at : . just change it to
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stefgburepe: ah, i see.. you need to give the UUID of the root-drive to the kernel root=/dev/hdc1 won't work with libata... use root=UUID=85b1eb3c-8f01-4478-9b58-3ae813807ae8  instead04:12
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stefgburepe: talking of menu.lst04:13
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burepeso just change that in the menu.lst?04:13
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stefgburepe: yes, for a start04:13
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hounited1erm how do i configure dkpg04:13
hounited1when i enter sudo dkpg --configure -a04:14
hounited1i was suppose to enter my passowrd, but i cant type anyhting in04:14
hounited1anyone help pls04:14
tim167_can I TYPE a location to go to in Gnome-Commander ?04:14
erUSULhounited1: that command configures packages not dpkg itself afaics04:14
hounited1E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:15
hounited1E: _cache->open() failed, please report.04:15
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hounited1i go that pop up when i try update04:15
hounited1how should i solve it?04:15
erUSULhounited1: password chars are not echoed to escreen but that does not mean that it is not acepting the password04:15
antoramob3: and how do i change that?04:15
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tim167_is there an alternative to gnome-commander that supports keyboard input ?04:15
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hounited1pls help04:16
Dr_willishounited1,  and  ' sudo dpkg --configure -a  ' dosetn help eh?04:17
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hounited1god..u must be some sort of god..it works when u mentioned it04:17
DJ-_-stefg: new problem my gmail wont get logged in :D04:18
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Dr_willishounited1,  you WERE using the 'sudo' befor?04:18
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hounited1i type the same thing many time04:18
hounited1it dint work04:18
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hounited1untill you told me04:18
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hounited1thanks Dr_willis..now working through it04:19
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rambo3use the force Dr_willis04:20
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karrotxis there a way to install a package and all it's suggested packages?04:20
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hounited1update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-16-38604:20
hounited1cp: cannot stat `/etc/udev/rules.d/85-brltty.rules': No such file or directory04:20
FiZzYKarrotx, for the large ones with many suggested packages - you just need to pick a META package.04:20
hounited1what does that mean04:20
hounited1and how to solve that04:21
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AndehHey, is there an animation package for ubuntu? Maybe a simple frame-by-frame one?04:21
AndehAnd no, I don't mean GAP.04:21
karrotxFiZzY: how do i find a meta package?04:21
demo_NI run 32 bit opera in a 64 bit ubuntu, I have installed flash for opera, I still find the youtube videos jittery even after complete buffering04:22
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FiZzYkarrotx, You should see it in the description in Synaptic, if you do not chances are the program you are trying to install - has not created on for their stuff04:22
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FiZzYDemo, what Flash do you have? - 9?04:22
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FiZzYI think Ubuntu still installs default04:23
strooglesuddenly i can't use winscp or putty after a perl install.  i put apache2 back to how i found it, made sure sshd was running, but still no dice.  ideas?04:23
FiZzYflash 7 by default*04:23
burepestefg, I did that but now it says it can't find the partition. No boot04:23
AndehIs there a good animation package for ubuntu?04:23
tarzeauAndeh: blender ?04:23
Dr_willisstroogle,  check the ssh logs. perhaps enable vebose logging for ssh and try agian.. try 'ssh localhost'   - check logs some more. :)04:23
demo_NFiZzy: Iam on 64 bit ubuntu04:23
Andehtarzeau: Blender is not a good idea if you're going to draw frame by frame animation with a brush tool.04:24
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stroogleDr_willis: aha, what's the command to view ssh logs?04:24
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AndehAnd i mean something where i can draw a frame, press next frame and draw the next.04:24
Dr_willisstroogle,  look in /var/log* for themn04:24
FiZzYDemo, Oh, I have no clue about the 64bit system sorry :(04:24
stefgburepe: the UUID might not be right.. best you boot to Live CD and come back from there so you are able to look at the system you are trying to troubleshoot04:24
stroogleDr_willis: brb04:24
tarzeauAndeh: 2d animation?04:24
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Andehtarzeau: Yes. Oh, sorry i thought i said that04:25
tarzeauAndeh: how many frames do you plan to have?04:25
burepestefg I am there. So check with blkid?04:25
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tarzeaugimp can do simple gif animations. but i woudln't do more than 20 frames with it04:25
=== Marcvs [n=Marcvs@212-139-65-3.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Marcvsanyone around to give me some help?04:25
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erUSUL!anyone > Marcvs04:25
hwilde!ask | Marcvs04:25
ubotuMarcvs: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:25
Andehtarzeau: Put it this way: I want a program where that won't matter04:26
stefgburepe: give me menu.lst, /etc/fstab and blkid output to !pastebin04:26
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Marcvsokay: Its an install problem.. I cant install any version of ubuntu on my PC04:26
tarzeauAndeh: i see... i liked deluxe paint, remember it?04:26
Andehtarzeau: To answer properly, usually about 30, but sometimes 50004:26
stefgburepe: and a sudo fdsik -l listing04:26
tarzeauAndeh: cool. for a game? movie?04:26
Andehtarzeau: No, not really04:26
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stefgburepe: sudo fdisk -l04:26
Andehtarzeau: No, for my online avatar04:26
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MarcvsIt has to be 64bit because of my programs, and my processor is 64bit compatible04:26
Andehtarzeau: I meant i don't remember deluxe paint04:26
Jowitarzeau, I see a few packages in the repos. not sure they are any good but might be worth a try.04:26
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Jowi!info synfig04:27
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ubotusynfig: vector-based 2D animation package. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.61.05-8 (feisty), package size 42 kB, installed size 148 kB04:27
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp123-121.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
Marcvsso any ideas?04:27
Andehtarzeau: For games i use flash, and for things like flash I wont be seeing a native linux alternative for some time yet.04:27
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Parmenionwhats a good amt of space for /boot?04:27
tarzeaugnash but it sucks04:27
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antoCan somone help me+??04:27
tarzeauAndeh: oh there's many other stuff one can use for games04:27
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Andehtarzeau: Yes, but I use flash for games and that runs fine in wine (but i cant install it in wine due to disk space shortage04:28
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Parmenionlike, a general guideline for partitions04:28
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erUSULMarcvs: you have to give us much info than "I cant install any version of ubuntu on my PC" . Any error msgs? what stage of the install fails? can you boot the liveCD? have you tried the alternateCD? ...04:29
Andehtarzeau: So PaintDeluxe might be good?04:29
=== Knoeki [n=Knoeki@ip56521cba.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULMarcvs: also what version of ubuntu?04:29
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Marcvsokay; boots upto Start or install ubuntu then screen goes black, yes ive tried the alternate and my PC is modern04:29
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Marcvs6.06LTS and 7.04 ive tried04:29
tarzeauAndeh: it was for amiga :)04:29
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stefgParmenion: /boot can be like 50 MB, i have 128 MB and hold a rescue image on it. generally the / fs is comfortable in 10-12 GB, use the rest for /home04:30
Andehtarzeau: Oh... LOL04:30
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Pirolocitohelp with NetworkManager Applet 0.6.4 please!04:30
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KasoSo, im confused by command line searching, find locate and whatnot. I want to recursively search for any file with "fred" (case insenstive) in the title within a certain directory, how do i go about that04:30
erUSULMarcvs: have you tried any boot option? noacpi acpi=off or something else? it is a laptop? maybe you just need to pass the apropiate vga=.... ? (/me just shooting in the dark ;P)04:31
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Andehtarzeau: Ummm... you know Easytoon? It's a great, tiny windows program to make black and white GIFs. It's very good, obviously not as good as flash but still very good.04:31
iam8up|lpydoes all the recent *buntu releases have nano?04:31
iam8up|lpyor pico? or both?04:31
PirolocitoNetworkManager Applet 0.6.4 - connection information gives me Could not find some required resources (the glade file)! - Any idea?04:31
Sp4rKydoes someone know how i can connect on many computer at the same time with ssh ?04:31
Marcvsnope its a desktop, i can give ya the specs ive you want em04:31
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Parmenionthanks stefg .... need to install windows for a certain app which doesnt run well under wine ... thus by as well take the opportunity to partition properly=)04:31
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burepe2stefg ok here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24430/04:31
deardorffI am trying to build a kernel module,  the install script trys to run mkinitrd (which relies on udev, which is no longer in the 2.6 kernel)... how do i manually install the module... whats the normative procedure?04:31
Marcvssp4rky: use multiple instances04:31
erUSULKaso: man find ;P find /dir -name 'fred' -print04:32
Andehtarzeau: So is there any program aimed at 2D FBF animation? Using an image manipulator and adding an animation plugin can't be the best way, i'm sure of that04:32
erUSULKaso: man find ;P find /dir -name '*fred*' -print04:32
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Marcvsive not tried boot options cos i cant set em :(04:32
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erUSUL!boot | Marcvs04:32
ubotuMarcvs: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto04:32
tarzeauAndeh: nope, does it have source for linux port?04:32
tarzeauAndeh: i don't know of any sorry04:32
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stefgburepe2: and  the /boot/grub/menu.lst and /etc/fstab of the installed system04:33
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Marcvsnah before i get there the screnn goeds black so i cant do it04:33
=== hasta [n=hasta@78.29-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
Andehtarzeau: Oh... so i'm stuck with windows programs, even with a 10 KB monochrome gif animation.04:33
Marcvsand i dotn have a floppy04:33
burepeI will copy and paste it but it is in this forum right now http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2786745#post278674504:33
tarzeauAndeh: :(04:33
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Andehtarzeau: I mean obviously you can do it on linux, but the methods are less than lovely04:33
burepestefg look at my last post04:33
erUSULdeardorff: udev does exist in modern kernels (devfs was the deprecated) you are right that mkinitrd no longer works... i use mkinitramfs04:34
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tarzeauAndeh: i know, there's a lot of software lacking for artists04:34
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tarzeauAndeh: but some software gems exist04:34
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tarzeauAndeh: i know of 3d stuff and music trackers04:34
stefgburepe: ok, if it didn't change04:34
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Andehtarzeau: Trackers?04:34
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tarzeauAndeh: yes, like midi authoring software04:34
tarzeauAndeh: with computer keyboard04:34
Marcvssystem is core 2 duo 3.2ghz, Intel P35 Mobo, 8800 GPU, 2gb ram04:34
tarzeauAndeh: search schism tracker in google, for example04:35
Andehtarzeau: ok...04:35
stefgburepe: but yu have fesity now installed right? that means 2.6.20 kernel, not 2.6.17 anymore04:35
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nico__anyone happen to know how to get dual screen on a laptop with a ATI card working?04:35
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Andehtarzeau: Gimp is good, i like it more than photoshop, and i run FL STUDIO in wine, but i would at least expect a simple bitmap animation program...04:35
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stefgburepe, so better get me the actual files, not the outdated ones from the forum post04:37
AndehOk, anyone else here know a simple 2d animation program? Vector or bitmap, color needed, transparency?04:37
tarzeauAndeh: try mtpaint - painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos04:37
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tarzeaudon't think it does animations, not sure04:37
Marcvsandeh - for windows?04:37
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tarzeauAndeh: and there's pixen 3 for mac os x... it could be ported to gnustep04:37
Marcvsor nix?04:37
antohttp://pastebin.ca/544541 Can somone help me with this apache error?04:37
AndehMarcvs: Would I be here if it was for windows?04:37
Marcvserrm.. nope04:37
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Andehtarzeau: Can mtpaint animate??04:38
Marcvsyou could run it through wine or somethin tho04:38
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tarzeauAndeh: not sure, i don't think so, but it's nice bitmap drawing, try it04:38
Parmenionnow, to clean04:38
antohttp://pastebin.ca/544541 Can somone help me with this apache error?04:38
Parmenioncya later laddies =)04:38
stefg!repeat | anto04:38
AndehOk. There must be a way to decompile flash, and then recompile it, right?04:38
ubotuanto: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:38
Marcvsanto: have you got httpd.conf set right because its using localhost atm04:38
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antomarcvs: what else should it use :S?04:39
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Marcvsits a DNS error;04:39
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RodGohi, i have an ati card and i want to change screen resolution04:39
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RodGois there a comand similar to nvidia-settings but for an ati card?04:39
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Marcvsive not used bind for ages but you need to set it to use a nameservered or IP configuration and then map the name to the IP04:40
strabesRodGo: I believe there is an "fglrx-control" package04:40
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Andehtarzeau: Hmm... i remember synfig but it looks... not suited for a 10 kb avatar :D04:40
Andehtarzeau: Rather massive...04:40
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DJ-_-does gmail require anything ipv6? cuz after disabling it I am unable to login to gmail the page stays blank04:41
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tarzeauAndeh: yep04:41
tarzeauDJ-_-: no04:41
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DJ-_-what could be possibly wrong then? Any ideas?04:41
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godzirraOk, does anyone have experience with wireless on laptops?  For some reason my Network Manager Applet doesn't show the wireless at all...04:43
kaizadhey can someone tell me a nice place 2 chat arround with girls ????? :D ...04:43
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Marcvswireless + laptop = busted04:43
burepe2stefg: here is it all up dated, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24434/ also, the kernels I have in grub are and 1004:43
=== Luxurious [n=fridrik@213-176-151-102.in.is] has joined #ubuntu
LuxuriousWhat's the easiest way to set up a LAMP server on your local machine?04:44
stefgburepe2: ok... let me see04:44
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godzirraMarcvs: no, the wireless works just fine.  I need the applet to work correctly.04:44
=== Jimmey [n=james@user-5445df7b.lns3-c13.telh.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
DJ-_-:S gmail...04:44
Marcvsah ubuntu doesnt work with my wireless card04:44
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JimmeyWhere do I go to ask about "Desktop effects" in Ubuntu 7.04?04:45
Marcvsstill wont install04:45
JimmeyMarvcs, what card?04:45
teamworkJimmey, #ubuntu-effects04:45
Marcvsnew 200Mbit one - its an ES one04:45
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JimmeyThanks teamwork04:45
Marcvses = engeneering sample04:45
teamworkur welcome04:45
ALMimonihi, how to remove sopcast tv player, I install it from this guide http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_SopCast_.28p2p_internet_TV_client.2904:45
FrogzooJimmey: #ubuntu-effects04:45
Andehtarzeau: Ok, i think i found a simple gif animator, and im going to install synfig too. Luckily, both are in the repos :-D04:45
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stefgburepe2: hmm... didn't you say you upgraded to feisty? That would mean a 2.6.20 kernel must be present. Was the upgrade interrupted?04:46
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tarzeauAndeh: gifsicle ?04:46
fragger56I seem to have broken xorg on my laptop install, the most recent thing ive done or changed was trying to get my swap to work. I have already tried to do the reconfigure xorg trick via the recovery mode04:46
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Andehtarzeau: Yes04:46
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Arrickhey all04:47
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Andehtarzeau: Isnt it good? You would have reccomended it if it was?04:47
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Arrickhow do i extract a tar.gz file ina  terminal console?04:47
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burepe2stefg: it wasnt interupted. It just wouldnt start after I did it.04:47
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ALMimonihi, how to remove sopcast tv player, I install it from .deb package04:47
MattJArrick: tar xvvzf file.tar.gx *I think*04:47
neil_feistyArrick, tar -xzvf filename04:48
PirolocitoArrick: tar zxfv fil04:48
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JimmeyALMimoni, it should turn up in Synaptic package manager04:48
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stefgburepe2: there is no sign of an upgrade. How did you start the process, and what happened?04:48
fragger56is there a way to fix my ubuntu setup/xorg problem short of a reinstall?04:48
Solarionare there !gutsy04:48
Andehtarzeau: Oh, i'm reading that you already need to have all the frames as seperate gif files.04:48
Jimmeyfragger56, what kind of error messages are you getting?04:48
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+104:48
Andehtarzeau: Doesnt help much04:48
stefgburepe, and have you plugged your disk to another IDE channel lately?04:49
fragger56jimmey: GDM just tells me it cant start xorg04:49
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Jimmeyfragger56, and what did you say the most recent major changes you've made are?04:49
tarzeauAndeh: no it's just that i packaged it :)04:49
Solarionman.  I gets the new hard drive 1 day before Tribe CD 104:49
hounited1how do i enable package manager to download files from 3rd party software provider?04:49
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ALMimoni<Jimmey> thx04:49
tarzeauAndeh: do you never play some 3d games?04:50
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burepe2stefg: i used the upgrade gui thing. Nothing strange happened during it. It was like a month ago soI am having trouble remembering details04:50
Andehtarzeau: You packaged it :D04:50
Andehtarzeau: Not much, no, why?04:50
burepe2stefg: the one in the toolbar04:50
Arrickthanks all04:50
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tarzeauAndeh: i found out about www.sauerbraten.org packages one or two weeks ago, and i got totally addicted04:50
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fragger56jimmey: the only thing i can think of is trying to get my swapfile to work, as my laptop was lagging massively when i tried to use virtualbox. i realised that my swap partition wasnt being used so i tried to get it to work, found out that the uuid based settings for drive usage wernt working and i tried to fix the drive info stuff for the swap partition04:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sauerbraten - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:51
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Solarionsweet!  gutsy CDs are out04:51
tarzeauFrogzoo: it's in non-free/contrib04:51
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tarzeauFrogzoo: does it know about gutsygibbonthingy?04:51
XnX17i need help04:51
stefgburepe2: ok, to get things straight: you did not upgrade to feisty (7.04) but to edgy (6.10), right? and you have had dapper on the box(6.06)  before?.04:51
tarzeauFrogzoo: i've seen quite a few ubuntu players, i know fuddl made the pkgs for debian04:52
Andehtarzeau: I just opened synfig and... um...04:52
Jimmeyfragger56, when you're doing a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", select "vesa" as the driver04:52
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Andehtarzeau: I made a new document... now how do i draw something?04:52
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tarzeauAndeh: dunno, i didn't recommend that one, never used it04:52
XnX17can anyone help me install linux ubuntu04:52
Andehtarzeau: lol04:52
fragger56jimmey: lemme try that now, and thanks04:52
Absortohello! is there a way to run apache 2.0 instead of 2.2 in feisty?04:52
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Marcvscan anyone offer any more clues as to why ubuntu wont install fot me04:52
tarzeauXnX17: yes04:53
nico__does anyone know how to get a second screen on a laptop with ATI graphics card working?04:53
alex-_is there a program to talk to a serial port like hyperterminal?04:53
Andehtarzeau: LOL. I click "Help" Then it says "Sorry, this feature has not yet been implemented" :(04:53
XnX17ok tarzeau04:53
tarzeauAndeh: rofl04:53
burepe2stefg: I upgraded from edgy to fiesty. I cant remember if i upgraded from dapper to edgy or did a fresh install. I think it might have been fresh04:53
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tarzeauAndeh: check the homepage maybe?04:53
Andehtarzeau: Which is rubbish since they have online docs04:53
Absortoalex-_: minicom04:53
Andehtarzeau: So they could atleast make it link to them :-D04:53
tarzeauAndeh: maybe they are not free?04:53
Andehtarzeau: lmao04:53
alex-_Absorto, thanks, ill try that04:54
Andehtarzeau: You get the help files if you donate, and you get banned if you help anyone use it04:54
Andehtarzeau: :)04:54
XnX17how do i install it i formatted my hard disc and i dont understand it ask for 2 gb and yes im a newbie how much mb is 2 gb ? and i formatted my hard drive i tryed everything to install it and i put the parttiton at end04:54
tarzeau*shrugs* i want to play sauerbraten04:54
dust_thi i am new in ubuntu. my sound card volume is very low. how can i fix it ? it is set to maximum but still sound is very low volume.04:54
tarzeauXnX17: 2gb is 2000mb04:54
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rob_panto: Did you get your Ubuntu NAT router configured yet?04:54
stefgburepe2:  there is no feisty on your box, and things a starting to look messed up enough to justify a reinstall. do you have means to backup the disk (at least your personal files?04:54
Andehtarzeau: Look what they call it :-D "Synfig is a powerful, industrial-strength vector-based 2D animation software package, designed from the ground-up for producing feature-film quality animation with fewer people and resources."04:54
fragger56jimmey: i think the just errored, tells me ite creating a symbolic link then read-only filesystem04:55
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tarzeaudust_t: the button on the speakers? the other sound levels?04:55
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Andehtarzeau: and it doesnt even come with a help file :D04:55
fragger56gonna try a restart anyway'04:55
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tarzeauAndeh: is only for pro people not n00bs like you ;)04:55
DJ-_-anyone know why firefox and gmail may have problems? I tried clearing cookies n cache n stuff but still no reponse??? Any help would be appreciated04:55
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godzirraOk, does anyone have experience with wireless on laptops?  For some reason my Network Manager Applet doesn't show the wireless at all...04:55
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dust_ttarzeau, its also set to maximum. it is a dual boot with windows xp. sound is fine there.04:55
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dust_ttarzeau, in ubuntu also i can hear it but very low.04:56
Andehtarzeau: I can imagine the "Pro" people using synfig to make Finding Nemo04:56
Solarionuse vmware server and boot Windows under vmware.  ;)04:56
Ix0sDJ-_-, The only problem I ever got was not actually having cookies turned on inside foirefox04:56
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alexIdoiais there a way to force a crontab to execute now04:56
tarzeauAndeh: did you see the example movies clips?04:56
Solarionyou can boot it right off the disk.  It is teh awesome.  :)04:56
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XnX17tarzeau but i tryed to install it at the entire hard disc and it froze during the installation i use to have vista but i used my vista disc to format the hard disc04:56
DJ-_-lx0s: it is turned on by default yesterday i was able to login but today i cant04:56
XnX17like it froze at 64 percent04:56
tarzeauXnX17: dunno, sorry. i use debian04:56
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DJ-_-only change i made was disable ipv604:56
Jimmeyfragger56, ahh04:56
fragger56godzirra: you have a hardware or software switch on your laptop? cause on mine if i hit the softbutton it turns the wireless off or on without telling me, so try hitting the wireless switch04:56
Andehtarzeau: Yes. They are ok...04:57
dust_ti also saw the example clips in live cd but couldn't hear them04:57
JimmeyThat sounds bigger than a xorg problem..04:57
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fragger56jimmey: x server is still broken04:57
burepe2stefg: I spent weeks setting up a server and drupal. I would really like to find a way to fix it instead of a new install. I had edgy. Can i just update to fiesty from the command line? What is really messed up?04:57
Marcvsbtw does anyone know if my Xfi will wotk in 7.0404:57
godzirrafragger56: I do, but the wireless is definitely on.04:57
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godzirraI'm downloading stuff through it.04:57
frolleI have mounted a shared device with this command: sudo mount -t smbfs. How do i get permission to edit in this folder now?04:57
kaizadsome one plz help me get a chat room where i can get some galzzz 2 chat to ! ?04:57
rob_panto: I guess you aren't around...04:57
fragger56jimmey: i htink i broke the config file for my drives04:57
godzirrathe network manager only shows wired which is greyed out, or manual config.04:57
Solarion!lart kaizad04:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lart kaizad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:57
XnX17tarzeau what do you recommend for my pc to use on my laptop? wich one do you think i should get that will actually work instead of ubuntu04:57
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Solarionubotu: you should learn it then04:58
fragger56is there any way i can view or edit it from terminal? cause if i can then i think i can fix it04:58
Jimmeyfragger56, how are your drives setup04:58
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ubotugmail is a webmail service. For information on using it with Evolution see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution04:58
kaizadthanx !04:58
tarzeauXnX17: with your knowledge, ubuntu. it's feisty right?04:58
Jimmeyfragger56, which file do you need to edit?04:58
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RodGohey how i change my screen resolution i am using an ati video card04:58
fragger56jimmey: i have 1 60gb physical drive with 2 parrtitions on it, a 58gb OS part and 2gb swap04:58
tarzeauXnX17: where you live?04:58
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tarzeauXnX17: find local linux user group and try make them help you?04:58
XnX17usa new york04:58
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RodGoi cant see more than 800x600 in my gnome systerm menu04:59
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fragger56jimmey: im going to have to look that up again... it was the one that states what each partition/drive is used and mounted04:59
Telepis there a way for beryl to use the top and bottom of the cube as a desktop too?04:59
fragger56was /etc/ something04:59
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Dr_willisRodGo,  you install the fglrx drivers yet?05:00
Jimmeyfragger56, I know which that is.05:00
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Jimmeyfragger56, try, "sudo nano /etc/fstab"05:00
Jimmeyfragger56, careful, though.05:00
RodGoi installed the drivers05:00
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RodGofrom the gnome panel05:00
RodGorestricted drivers05:00
fragger56jimmey: that sounds right05:00
stefgburepe2: first you have to check if the /etc/apt/sources.list points to the feisty repos (and i promise, they do not). after your sources.list is right you go 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'... that should trigger an upgrade. But noone knows how broken the box will be after that because it's in an unclean state now. If it's a server i'd rather backup (so you have your...05:00
stefg...conf-files secured) and start over05:00
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Dr_willisRodGo,  you may have to restrt the X server. or perhaps reboot for them to take effect05:01
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lingRodGo: i could not set higher than 1024x768, until i added a "Modeline" in xorg.conf05:01
=== EFing_A [n=asif@c-68-82-4-84.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fragger56jimmey: i think if i get rid of the uuid for the swap drive that should fix it, as i changed the syntax of stuff after the uuid, plus the uuid wasnt being registered proerly or smth, which was keeping the swap from registering right05:01
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RodGohow is that ling?05:02
=== tombs [n=tombs@ip565e4a39.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
godzirraOk, does anyone have experience with wireless on laptops?  For some reason my Network Manager Applet doesn't show the wireless at all...  My wireless works fine, but I have no wireless option in the manager.05:02
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stefgburepe2:  and BTW by keep your drupal and server stuff on a separate partiton, so you're not loosing it even if you reinstall the base-system05:02
EFing_Ahello.. this is my 1st time in ubuntu...and.. it rocks!05:02
fragger56jimmey: and replace it with the old style syntax for drives05:02
RodGook ill try to reboot it right now05:02
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RodGoill be back Dr_willis05:02
teamworkEFing_A, great.  welcome to Ubuntu.05:02
Marcvsso anyone have any ideas as to why my screen goes black really fast05:02
Jimmeyfragger56, I think there's some specific commands for enabling swap05:03
Marcvsas soon as i try to load ubuntu05:03
Jimmeyfragger56, something like, swapon/swapoff05:03
tarzeauMarcvs: out of sync on the monitor?05:03
Jimmeyfragger56, did you try those?05:03
Marcvstarzeu how do you mean05:03
teamworksick of typing sudo all the time?  enter an alias in your .bashrc file, and forget about sudo!05:03
Marcvsit loads the start page for about a second then goes black05:03
Linteamwork: use sudo bash05:03
tarzeauLin: YUCK05:04
Lintarzeau: why yuck?05:04
Dr_willis'sudo -s' :) no need to sudo bash05:04
tarzeauLin: just sudo su when you need it. sudo bash is BAD BAD BAD05:04
LinDr_willis: i didn 't knew05:04
Dr_willislin :)05:04
fragger56jimmey: yea, but i think the reason its messing up is my fstab file. also how do i save in nano? is it the writeout command?05:04
Lintarzeau: cause you dont need to create a password to root user and can control who can/cannot turn root05:04
RodGohey i just restarted and the problem persists05:05
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Jimmeyfragger56, CTRL + X - It prompts05:05
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RodGoi still cant change my screen resolution05:05
neverbluemy "mini., max., and close" buttons are not in the top right hand corner, they are about an inch from it, is it maybe a theme i have loaded, and reloading it may fix it, or does someone else have an idea of what it is?05:05
Lintarzeau: sudo su?05:05
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fragger56jimmey: this is craptastic, its telling the FS is read-only05:05
skriptjust installed feisty... i see that it mounts by default NTFS partitions with RW privilages... is this based on ntfs-3g ?05:05
tarzeauLin: like sudo bash but with the right shell :)05:05
teamworkneverblue, using emerald?05:05
Jimmeyfragger56, are you using "sudo"?05:05
novato_brwhat's it the packet for http://www.cjb.net/images.html?2abc0.png ?05:05
Lintarzeau: I didn~t new too.05:05
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RodGoDr_willis: i stil have the same screen resolution :(05:05
neverblueteamwork, nope05:05
Dr_willislin thats also not really needed. :) but theres lots of little differanc3es.05:05
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lingRodGo: try adding something like  Modeline "1280x1024_75.00"  138.54  1280 1368 1504 1728  1024 1025 1028 1069  -HSync +Vsync - or similar for your prefered resolution05:06
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Lintarzeau: yeah.. it loads the environment variable05:06
Dr_willisRodGo,  ive no longer have any ati cards. so there may be other fix's needed.05:06
burepe2stefg: You are right. The repos are edgy, But if it is already broken it cant hurt to try the update. When I start up I get this error.  /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off (initramfs) But there is a command line. can I update from there even though the system wont mount?05:06
lingRodGo: in the Monitor section05:06
RodGoaight letme c05:06
Dr_willislin i tend to use the 'sux' command :)05:06
dust_ti installed gsynaptics to configure my touchpad. But I keep getting an error about adding SHMConfig. Where do I add that?05:06
teamworkneverblue, well if you were using emerald (with beryl) then we could modify that easily.  not sure how to do that for metacity.05:06
fragger56jimmey: yup, heck in terminal i got root@fragger5605:06
LinDr_willis: Lol05:06
Dr_willisdust_t,  thats a optiuon in the xorg.conf file05:06
neverbluewell, its happened since these last two days of updates05:06
=== Amarilis [n=MuadDib@Home03062.cluj.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu
godzirraOk, does anyone have experience with wireless on laptops?  For some reason my Network Manager Applet doesn't show the wireless at all...  My wireless works fine, but I have no wireless option in the manager.05:07
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neverbluebut nothing was updated relating to metacity05:07
XnX17i think my partition dosent like me lol05:07
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Jimmeyfragger56, maybe try editing these files from a liveCD, if you have one - Or boot into recovery mode. Is a re-install feasible?05:07
fragger56jimmey: btw i am in the alt boot thingy, the recovery mode thats accessible via grub05:07
teamworkneverblue, is it only that one theme that does that?05:07
novato_brhow can I remove this error: http://www.cjb.net/images.html?2abc0.png ?05:07
neverblueteamwork, no idea05:07
neverbluelets see what happens :)05:07
Dr_willisgodzirra,  wireless problems can vary greatly - i advbise finding out what wirless card/chipset ya got and checking the ubuntu forums/wireless wiki pages05:07
dust_tDr_willis, where exactly in that file ? I added it in InputDevice but it still says the same thing.05:07
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stefgburepe2: no... that's jsut a very basic rescue shell. the upgrade went terribly haywire. Gte from the disk *now* what's important, repartition to a sane layout and start from scratch. You'll end up with a broken system if you try to upgrade now05:07
Jimmeyfragger56, you're one step ahead, then ;-)05:07
Marcvsnovato_ what gopu do ya have?05:08
Dr_willisdust_t,  its in its own option section at the very end of the file as i recall..05:08
neverbluelost all my icons in my menus05:08
neverblueand I cannot start metacity05:08
fragger56jimmey: ill try recovery mode from the alt-install cd i have, i could do a reinstall but i'd rather not, unless i know that my files will still be there05:08
novato_brMarcvs, Geforce 615005:08
novato_brMarcvs, Geforce nvidia 615005:08
XnX17/server snape.p2pchat.net05:08
dust_tgodzirra, You need to check Roaming Profile for Wireless05:08
Marcvsit maybe that its too weak05:08
=== hodgejj_ [n=hodgejj@adsl-221-204-131.mgm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Marcvsi cant get into ubuntu atm05:08
Jimmeyfragger56, probably not. Is there anyway you could make backups? How much disk space is your files taking up now?05:08
Marcvsi get black screen as soon as i go anwhere near startin it05:09
teamworkneverblue, what errors (exactly) are you getting?05:09
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teamworkerror messages?05:09
fragger56jimmey: not much, i just DL'd the normal live cd install and will try that in a sec05:09
not_a_kis there a way to force all files created in a directory to be group writable? without setting a umask for each user who will create a file there?05:09
neverbluelots of things (strange) are happening05:09
stefgburepe2: or have a backup from the time before the upgrade failed?05:09
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novato_brWhat's the pack about OpenGL python bindings ?05:09
fragger56jimmey: do i have to do anything special to access my HDD from the recovery console on my install disc?05:09
burepe2stefg, honestly I am not sure exactly what I need. I have the server and drupal which uses mysql. What do I need to copy to make sure I have everything?05:10
dust_tgodzirra, Click on System | Preferences | Network. For wireless click on Properties and enable Roaming Mode. Then Network Manager will show wireless otherwise itwill show Manual Config.05:10
darioc' qualche italiano?05:10
CheshireViking!it | dario05:10
neverblueopening Themes: "The default theme schemas could not be found on your system.  This means that you probably do not have metacity installed, or that your gconf is configured incorrectly."05:10
ubotudario: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:10
burepe2stefg: I dont have a backup05:10
hwildenot_a_k, recursively change the permissions to add group write permission:   chmod -R g+w [directory] 05:10
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Matic`MakovecHey! How could I remove anything that's eft from gij or current java installed so I can install sun JRE?05:10
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not_a_khwilde: i want the files to already be group writable on creation05:10
stefgburepe2: just do complete backup so you have everything. you can later see what you need out of it05:10
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Jimmeydario, buona serata..05:11
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:11
Marcvsknay here goes nothing; gonna burn another copy of the cd from a fresh dl and try again05:11
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somepersonI have a question, I can only use Dapper, but can I install the theme from Feisty?05:11
Dr_willisMatic`Makovec,  i just install the  sun-java6-jre  package and it handles all that.05:11
not_a_khwilde: if bob and sue are members of the same group. and have group write access to a folder, i want to ensure that the files they create are also group writable. without forcing them to do a chmod everytime05:11
neverbluemetacity is installed05:11
Marcvsnero isok for burning right05:11
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Jimmeysomeperson, why can you only use dapper?05:11
neverblueMarcvs, burning what?05:12
Matic`MakovecDr_willis, oh, great. Thanks05:12
burepe2stefg: thanks for all your help. damn, I wish I hadnt upgraded05:12
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somepersonFeisty has a problem not allowing me to install it05:12
Marcvsnamely the ubuntu image05:12
somepersonon certain computers05:12
neverblueMarcvs, what are you putting on the image I mean05:12
Marcvsjust the ubuntu iso05:12
neverblueare you a winblows user?05:12
Solarionneverblue: isn't just about everybody?05:12
neverblueSolarion, no05:12
stefgburepe2: and it's a chance to get things right now. you should have , say, a 10 Gig partion for ubuntu, and the rest on another partition which holds the drupal stuff05:12
Marcvsi use mac, pc and nix - unfortuneatly i have to use winblows05:12
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neverblueMarcvs, thats too bad, Nero should be fine05:13
somepersonis there some way to change the theme to the one from Feisty?05:13
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Marcvsk, burning05:13
neverblueVista belongs in a VM machine, thats about it05:13
godzirradust_t: For some reason I don't have a system -> preferences -> network anymore.  Just network proxy.05:13
Matic`MakovecDr_willis, it says 0 removed. This makes me wonder05:13
Marcvsdont know of any advanced model prorams for nix05:13
JiffaMaafanubuntu sucks, Vista tools05:13
dust_tDr_willis, I added an entry in the xorg.conf file. Do I need to reboot for it to work ?05:13
JimmeyMarcvs, what kind of model programs?05:13
dust_tgodzirra, Sorry05:14
Dr_willisMatic`Makovec,  it dosent HAVE to remove the other stuff. it just sets up to use the sun stuff by default05:14
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neverbluegodzirra, right click your menu and edit --> check to see that network is checked05:14
Marcvsthings like 3ds max, photoshop (for texturning) etc05:14
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burepe2stefg: My hard disk was used as a second disk in an old comp and it has always been hdc. Should I change that? How do I do that?05:14
JimmeyMarcvs, Blender, and The Gimp05:14
Dr_willisdust_t,  you must restart the X server. not really the same as a reboot.05:14
dust_tgodzirra, System  |  Administration | Network05:14
teamworkneverblue, so is your desktop borked?05:14
godzirraGot it, thank you :)05:14
neverblueteamwork, not entirely05:14
JimmeyMarcvs, if you're serious about that kind of thing, there's Ubuntu Studio05:14
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Dr_willisdust_t,  log out. and use 'alt-ctrl-backspace'05:14
Marcvsbit crude really - i cant do really advanced stuff in blender05:14
frolleHow do i get rigths to a mounted device?05:14
neverblueteamwork, but its not acting normal05:14
JimmeyMarcvs, why not?05:14
Matic`MakovecOh, okay05:14
Matic`MakovecI hope it will05:14
somepersonso is there a way to change the theme?05:14
dust_tDr_willis, thank you very much, will just try it.05:14
JimmeyMarcvs, what kind of stuff?05:14
Marcvsi.e. some of the models i was working on have > 9000 polygons - exporting them05:15
Matic`MakovecHow can I check if it takes as a default, Dr_willis ?05:15
Marcvsthey are exported is .cas files05:15
Dr_willisMatic`Makovec,  try java -version05:15
JimmeyMarcvs, there are import scripts for Blender, I'm sure it can be done05:15
neverblueteamwork, my backspace/space are not repeating when held down, my menu icons are missing, not able to adjust my themes, meatcity is installed05:15
stefgburepe2: actually its not that important if your bios has no problems with it. you can change it by plugging it to the other IDE connector (should be hda then05:15
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Marcvsprobably; i just dont have the time, enegery of ability to write one05:15
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teamworkneverblue, i'd re-install the desktop.05:15
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Jimmeyfragger56, sorry - I don't think so05:15
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RodGoi have this on my xorg.conf file05:15
RodGoSection "Device"05:15
RodGoIdentifier"Generic Video Card"05:15
JimmeyMarcvs, they've already been written05:15
teamworkbut that's just me. :)05:15
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RodGothat means that my video card is not installed right?05:15
neverblueteamwork, and the above stated issue, my min./max./close are in a strange spot05:15
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Marcvsthere isnt a .CAS one im sure05:16
neverblueso just sudo ubuntu-desktop from cli?05:16
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neverbluei mean05:16
Dr_willisRodGo,  it means it gave it a generic name. its using the fglrx driver.. so its set up rght it seems05:16
GreyGhost-Ubuntuwhere can i find a good sources.lst for fiesty ?05:16
neverbluesudo aptitude05:16
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:16
fragger56jimmey: seems recovery mode from alt-install disc wont work either, gonna try with the livecd now, also how would i copy files from terminal to say, a flashdisk?05:16
JimmeyMarcvs, no, but you can convert between .cas, surely05:16
Marcvsanyway - ill brb just gonna have another craxk with a new CD - im not holding my bvreath for it to work tho05:16
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Marcvsits difficult to as its an encrypted format05:16
Matic`MakovecDr_willis, here it is. After installing, I get root@kista:~# java -version05:16
Matic`Makovecjava version "1.4.2"05:16
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Dr_willisMatic`Makovec,  read ALL it said.. not just the ##05:17
godzirraOk, well I have the wireless network options now.  Its just not connecting :)05:17
Jimmeyfragger56, your flashdisk will be mounted in /media/ somewhere - My usb disk is in /media/usbdisk, so to copy files, use "cp" command05:17
teamworkneverblue, i'd purge the ubuntu-desktop and then re-install it.  backup your data first though.05:17
neverblueno need to backup :)05:17
GreyGhost-UbuntuDr_willis ,thanks :05:17
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Jimmeyfragger56, something like "cp -r /original/folder /media/usbdisk"05:17
neverbluenothing on here I cannot do without05:17
teamworkneverblue, use aptitude though, instead of apt-get.05:17
rabby_is there a ubuntu ditribution that is recommended for servers?05:17
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neverblueso I have to close X to purge/reinstall?05:18
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre05:18
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Matic`MakovecDr_willis, gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-14ubuntu7)05:18
JimmeyMarcvs, what program are you using currently? 3DSMAX?05:18
neverbluei always do teamwork :)05:18
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Marcvs3ds max and maya05:18
RodGoDr_willis: ttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24440/05:18
teamworkrabby_, you can install the "server" task from within any Ubuntu flavor.05:18
neverbluewine runs windows apps05:18
RodGoDr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24440/05:18
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JimmeyMarcvs, can you save as other formats?05:18
somepersonis there some way I can get the feisty theme on dapper since I can't install Feisty on my computer due to a bug05:18
CheshireViking!server | rabby_05:18
uboturabby_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support05:18
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Marcvsapart from .cas and max not really05:18
corecode_windowmaker seems totally strange in 7.04:  no key combinations work (e.g. no alt-tab).  can somebody reproduce this?05:18
rabby_thx, sounds interesting!05:18
Dr_willisapt-get install sun-java6-jre --> and version gives me ---> java version "1.6.0"  Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)05:18
tarzeaucorecode_: yes that's normal05:19
Marcvsyah but then id be kinda breaking the point of using windows to convert it anyway - and brb05:19
tarzeaucorecode_: i made that :)05:19
RodGoi have that on my xorg.conf file05:19
tarzeaucorecode_: so the key combinations for gnustep work. you can fix it in WPrefs05:19
corecode_tarzeau: how do i go back to original?05:19
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tarzeaucorecode_: in WPrefs05:19
corecode_tarzeau: how do i enable alt+tab?  i didn't find an entry05:19
Matic`MakovecDr_willis, lucky you :) I'll try more, thanks for your time!05:19
RodGois that normal? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24440/05:19
tarzeaucorecode_: the 5th icon from right05:19
corecode_tarzeau: what's gnustep?05:19
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atrushow can i start debugging why NetworkManager fails to connect to open access points? it works fine manually with iwconfig/dhclient, or with wifi-radar, but nm-applet just sits hovering on "attempting to join..." until it times out05:20
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DJ-_-anyone know how i can install opera?05:20
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tarzeaucorecode_: i think it's select active window05:20
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tarzeaucorecode_: see www.gnustep.org05:20
neverblueteamwork, ?05:20
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser05:20
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neverbluedid I lose you :)05:20
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tarzeaucorecode_: is like mac os x cocoa API05:20
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Paddy_EIREIf I ever need to re-install my ubuntu install for some reason, how/what would be the fastest way to get it straight back to the way say I ave it now05:20
corecode_tarzeau: no, it's not select active window05:21
neverbluePaddy_EIRE, image it05:21
corecode_tarzeau: am i supposed to use windowmaker with gnustep now?05:21
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teamworkDJ-_-, you can install the deb from the website.  there's also the possibility of using the unstable debian repository, but that's not entirely recommended.05:21
r00tintheb0xDoes anyones pidgin IM keep crashing when you add your Yahoo account to it?05:21
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tarzeaucorecode_: no, you can use wmaker completely fine without gnustep05:21
Paddy_EIREneverblue, how so05:21
stefgPaddy_EIRE: having a devent backup policy :-)05:21
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corecode_tarzeau: ah, focus next window05:21
atrusalternatively, is there some user-accessable gui that's more successful than networkmanager?05:21
neverbluePaddy_EIRE, I usually partition my HD into three paritions, one for the OS, one for SWAP and the other for my /home05:21
tarzeaucorecode_: it's just they fit well together05:21
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corecode_tarzeau: but not when you remove the keyboard shortcuts05:21
stefgPaddy_EIRE: having a decent(not deviant)  backup policy :-)05:21
burepe2stefg: thanks for your help05:21
tarzeaucorecode_: sorry for the inconvenience, but wmaker shortcuts break some gnustep apps05:21
corecode_tarzeau: that's a serious regression in my eyes05:22
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neverbluethat way I can just format the OS partition, and start from a clean slate05:22
tarzeaucorecode_: file a bug :)05:22
Paddy_EIREstefg, and that would be :D05:22
stefg!backup | Paddy_EIRE05:22
ubotuPaddy_EIRE: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:22
neverbluethen take it one step further, and image that drive05:22
corecode_tarzeau: and it now places new windows over the clip...05:22
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tarzeaucorecode_: can be configured :)05:22
sldkfjI want to change the icon for the Quit panel applet, default icon is a Door.  I want to make it the Gnome Foot.  How would I go about this?05:22
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Lov3hi, i'm having some problems setting up my ATI graphics card. can anyone give me a hand?05:22
corecode_tarzeau: how?  i just found the "when maximizing... do not cover dock"05:22
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neverblueLov3, using any tutorials?05:23
tarzeaucorecode_: right click, keep on top? oh wait that's for dock. you say clip?05:23
corecode_tarzeau: plus, wmprefs doesn't seem to like the root menu format and wants to start over new05:23
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tarzeaucorecode_: clip options, keep on top05:23
tarzeaucorecode_: say no, you use menu system of ubuntu05:23
Paddy_EIRESo creating an Image of the drive and maybe using AptOnCD so I do not have to spend loads of time downloading again, also using the home user backup tool, ok05:23
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tarzeaucorecode_: i know it's annoying, but nobody bothered to fix it05:23
corecode_tarzeau: ah05:23
tarzeaucorecode_: neither will i05:23
Lov3neverblue,  actually i've got this far just using common sense :P is there a tutorial you reccommend?05:23
corecode_tarzeau: sad.  do you know what is wrong?05:24
Paddy_EIREI suppose I could create a cutom Live CD out of my current config aswell and Install from that05:24
neverblueLov3, that might be your issue :)05:24
tarzeaucorecode_: not really no, it's just a window manager05:24
neverbluegoogle "ubuntu guide"05:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about image - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
tarzeaucorecode_: and not perfectly integrated into gnustep (not objective-c, own wings library)05:24
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neverbluethere is a setup for your system, including your ATI drivers :)05:24
ubotuOn IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>05:24
CheshireViking!ati | Lov305:24
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:24
corecode_tarzeau: i mean wrong with the menu system05:24
neverbluePaddy_EIRE, no norton here :)05:24
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tarzeaucorecode_: the reasons i don't care too much about it, wmaker has some other maintainers ...05:24
tarzeaucorecode_: it's fine, just don't use the WPrefs one05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about g4l - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:25
Paddy_EIREneverblue, haha, what would I use instead05:25
bsd_anyone here do lots of video / dvd authoring ?05:25
ArrickI used the blasted new server OS with the Lamp install option and uhmm, it didnt install apache or any other of the LAMP insta05:25
corecode_tarzeau: yuck, i see.  that's a completely different menu format05:25
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neverbluePaddy_EIRE,  if you could read, someone already posted 3 links to you :)05:26
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Paddy_EIREneverblue, yeah but nothing for creating an image of my drive05:26
teamworkPaddy_EIRE, man dd05:26
Paddy_EIREneverblue, could you give me a hint maybe, the name of the app05:26
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neverbluehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:27
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neverbluePaddy_EIRE, I think you need to learn to read :)05:27
ubotusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe05:27
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ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate05:27
Arrickwhere is the sources list located at again?05:27
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:27
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neverblueArrick, /etc/apt/sources.list05:27
corecode_tarzeau: and actually it doesn't seem it uses my menu file at all05:28
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:28
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ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:28
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neverblueok, so anyone know the answer, teamwork seems to have left, do I have to shut X down to purge/reinstall ubuntu-desktop ?05:28
teamworkfeed tha bot05:28
Paddy_EIREneverblue, sorry I just think this channel is like a game show where Im getting hints, how hard is it for someone to go this app here05:28
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neverbluePaddy_EIRE, how hard is it for you to read?05:29
Lov3CheshireViking, ahh, I see what you meant :P05:29
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neverblueppl take the time to write up a tutorial on how to do what you want05:29
teamworkneverblue, i'm here.  yeah, i'd shut down X before I did all that.05:29
neverblueits upto you to decide to check out the links to see05:29
Paddy_EIREneverblue, on the subject of reading did you "read" my second question " what would I use to make an Image of my install" ??05:29
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neverblueteamwork, so just do it in a ttyl?05:29
PurpZeYneverblue: I'm honestly not sure, but I don't see how it could hurt if you plan on reinstalling gnome05:29
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teamworkneverblue, and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:30
stefgneverblue: no... any way reinstalling ubuntu-desktop will only draw eventually missing apps. what do you expect it to do?05:30
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Paddy_EIREneverblue, I did'nt ask for a vague list, and some course work05:30
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neverbluePaddy_EIRE, EOD05:30
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PurpZeYstefg: Out of curiosity, reinstalling ubuntu desktop won't reinstall gnome?05:32
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stefgPurpZeY: no it would just check if all the default packages are installed. a metapackage does nothing more than having a predefined set of dependencies05:33
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giany911can someone tell me a app that changes audiobitrates? ..preferably with a GUI05:34
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neverbluestill issues05:34
PurpZeYstefg: So what would you do if you somehow corrupted gnome?05:34
stefg!audacity | giany91105:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audacity - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:34
HymnToLifegiany911, what kind of audio ?05:35
neverbluemaybe purge/reinstall metacity?05:35
stefg!info audacity | giany91105:35
ubotugiany911: audacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.6-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2032 kB, installed size 6016 kB05:35
HymnToLifeaudacity is your thing, then05:35
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Paddy_EIREneverblue: have you used aptoncd? I was wondering if after installing a fresh copy of ubuntu if I also installed the aptoncd .deb package would it require a net connection05:35
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stefgPurpZeY: dpkg-reconfigure or apt-get install --reinstall the package off the app which got corupt05:36
neverblueEOD == end of discussion05:36
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Paddy_EIREneverblue, as it kinda makes the process redundant if that cannot be satisfied in order for the aptoncd disk created requires it already installed05:36
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok05:38
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nixternalkaizad: keep it family friendly05:38
nixternalok, never mind :)05:38
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Hobbseeidiot was in -offtopic before05:39
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craigbass1976I'm riggin up a dns server behind a sonicwall.  Anyone ever done this?  Not sure if the trouble is bind or the firewall.05:39
atrusi'm trying to get nm-applet to connect to my access point, which right now has no WEP or WPA or any authentication of any kind, but it fails to connect, just hanging on "attempting to join...". configuration with iwconfig & dhclient directly works fine.05:39
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ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser05:39
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PurpZeYatrus: What chipset?05:39
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SupaplexHobbsee: he's in #ubuntu-effects05:39
Paddy_EIREwould anyone know if AptOnCD is used on this install say and I wanted to use the disk it creates on another comp with fresh install of ubuntu with no net connection how would I install the aptoncd package so that the cd can serve it purpose05:39
HobbseeSupaplex: -ENOOPSTHERE05:40
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atrusPurpZeY: intel 3945g05:40
hwildeHobbsee,  [kaizad]  #ubuntu-effects #kubuntu05:40
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PurpZeYatrus: And it's worked before?05:40
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andragohi, I just installed ubuntu server SLE edition. It doesn't ask me for a root password during the installation. I only can create one user. After that I can't login with root05:40
Hobbseehwilde: gone from #kubuntu now05:40
neverbluethis is very odd05:40
hwilde!sudo | andrago05:40
ubotuandrago: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about roor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:41
neverblueeven my shell font has changed05:41
atrusPurpZeY: it worked under edgy fine. and configuring it manually, or with wifi-radar, works perfectly. i'm on that AP right now.05:41
neverbluelots of little changes, all because of some updates?05:41
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lbawinownsHello! Is there anything like the windows autostart folder in Ubuntu?05:41
stefgandrago: SLE is in #suse .... :-)05:41
sivaji is there any way to protect a file with password  in kubuntu05:41
feromonothere you can do it05:41
andragoyes hwilde, but I want to know the root password05:41
az4z3lim need help. my grub is reboot system after boot with windows XP05:41
feromonoand type in a shell this:05:41
andragostefg:  sorry I confused05:41
az4z3lim need help. my grub is reboot system after boot with windows XP05:41
hwildeandrago, there is no default root pw05:41
PurpZeYlbawinowns: System --> Admin --> System05:41
hwilde!root | andrago05:41
ubotuandrago: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:41
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feromonosudo passwd05:42
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feromonotype your user password05:42
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stefg!gpg | sivaji05:42
feromonoan then the new password for the root05:42
ubotusivaji: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts05:42
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andragoferomono:  so, with sudo I should do everything?05:42
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PurpZeYatrus: That was my next question...if a manual configure will work...Buy a manual configure using nm-applet doesn't work?05:42
PurpZeY!grub | az4z3l05:42
ubotuaz4z3l: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:42
hwildeandrago, after you auth sudo once it won't ask for pw for the rest of the session05:42
feromonoyes andrgao05:42
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neverbluemy min./max/close buttons have moved over an inch(left), my menus have lost its icons, I cannot adjust my "themes", shell font has changeds, mouse is more sensative (single presses act like double clicks)05:43
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feromononot all but yess05:43
aoirthoirandrago, There are good reason we avoid the use of root.05:43
neverblueanyone else having issues with Gnome since the last few updates?05:43
az4z3lubotu, no, my grub lost in restart windows05:43
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hwildeneverblue, no issues here... all updates across many systems05:43
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aoirthoirandrago, anything you want to do with root you can do with sudo command or sudo -s or sudo -i and just enter your administrator user password05:43
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neverbluehwilde, have you added any themes into your settings? or are you just using the standard?05:44
PriceChildaoirthoir, anything that "requires" root terminal (ie more than sudo foo) is broken05:44
PurpZeYaz4z3l: Ubotu is a bot, not a person, that link can give you to instructions to restore grub back to how it was.05:44
hwildeneverblue, no themes just standard05:44
neverbluemight be my themes then05:44
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humboltois there a place to find wireless pcmcia cards supported under ubuntu_05:44
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hwilde!hardware | humbolto05:44
ubotuhumbolto: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport05:44
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ubuntu_hey anyone there05:45
hwildeneverblue, if you want to eliminate themes just create a new users with default see if that is broken05:45
andragothanks all05:45
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ubuntu_its marcvs again -  any idea how to install onto a load of free space thats in the middle of a drive05:45
burepe2I mounted a harddrive with the live disk but I cant delete anything? how can I mount it with full permissions?05:45
neverblueah, good idea05:45
hwildeburepe, is it an ntfs (windows) drive?05:46
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dbrewer_rjri just added shorewall firewall to ubuntu. how do i know that things like spamassassin are still able to get their nightly updates?05:46
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hwilde!ntfs | burepe05:47
ubotuburepe: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:47
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ubuntu_hwilde: can it be done?05:47
neverbluethat wasnt it05:47
neverbluemy new user is having the same issues05:47
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PurpZeYneverblue: Have you tried dpkg reconfigure?05:48
neverbluei guess maybe remove/add metacity?05:48
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hwildeubuntu_, resize the partitions so there is free space, create a new partition, install to that partition.05:48
pike_burepe2: there is a handy script at that link05:48
neverbluei never use dpkg reconfigure :)05:48
wally\join #ubuntu-uk05:48
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ubuntu_i cant it only wants to let me write to the whole disk05:48
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A_I_I'm rebuilding an ubuntu install CD05:48
ubuntu_i.e. erase it all05:48
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A_I_and I want to modify bootlogo file05:48
A_I_in isolinux05:48
A_I_how can I do that ?05:48
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DJ-_-:S man i have been trying to do all i can to get gmail working for about 2-3 hours now!!!!05:49
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sivajistefg i cant understand u just tell me how to encrypt and decrypt a file in some dir05:49
DJ-_-its some other error i am pretty sure....cuz I installed opera for this on ubuntu but same problem05:49
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DJ-_-after logon it is blank05:50
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hwildeubuntu_, do you have the 7.04 install cd?  it has updated partition manager05:50
neverbluei never use dpkg reconfigure :) PurpZeY ?05:50
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neverbluewhat will it do PurpZeY ?05:50
MarcvsThwilde: yep05:50
ubuntu-fan555555nerolinux was born.site:http://www.nero.com/eng/nerolinux-up.html05:50
MarcvsTjust dled today05:50
hwildeneverblue, dpkg-reconfigure [options]  packages05:50
stefgsivaji: you were asking how to protect a file with a password.... people tend to call that encryption, and gpg is an encryption program05:50
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neverbluehwilde im aware of the syntax :)05:51
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Luxurious| Partition A | Partition B                         | Partition C | >--- is this possible? ---> | Partition A | Partition B |                         Partition C |05:51
A_I_bootlogo, isolinux ?? noone ?05:51
tim167_how do i set sync to vblank ??05:51
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MarcvsTbasically want to install like thiis05:51
MarcvsTdisk /dev/hda105:51
neverbluei really dont want it to rewrite my xorg.conf05:51
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KR-datawhere do I find something as simple as a list over boot options to the install cd for (k)ubuntu?05:51
hwildeMarcvsT, yo ucould try defragging the drive first.  If that doesn't work, you could ghost it up to a ghost server and back down, that could compress all data to the front of the disk...05:51
neverbluei just want to find out why these little oddities are happening...05:51
hwildeKR-data, boot from cd and type help05:51
sivajistefg ok05:51
MarcvsTpartition1 | Partition 2 | Free Space | Partition 3 | Partition 405:52
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MarcvsTdefragged already05:52
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hwildeMarcvsT, you can only have 4 primary partitions.05:52
MarcvsTextended ones...05:52
MarcvsTits on a dynamic raided drive05:52
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hwildelol way over my head.  good luck05:52
hwilde!RAID | MarcvsT05:52
ubotuMarcvsT: Raid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO05:52
KR-datahwilde: I'm nowhere near the user with the cd, and I'm requested to help via the phone, so a website would be a lot better05:52
hwildeKR-data, did you google "ubuntu live cd boot options"05:53
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MarcvsTwhats the difference between alternate and normal cd btw05:53
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neverblueguess ill just try out KDE :)05:53
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MarcvsTim trying to make it use an exisiting raid partition - as i cant exactly change it05:54
hwildeneverblue, XFCE05:54
KR-datahwilde yes05:54
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hwilde!XFCE | neverblue05:54
ubotuneverblue: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels05:54
neverbluei dont mind KDE05:54
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sldkfjMarcvsT,   http://www.releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/05:54
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hwilde!alternate | MarcvsT05:54
ubotuMarcvsT: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal05:54
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MarcvsTthe alternate makes raid but thats nto really any use to me05:55
DarKnesS_WolFhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postgis/+bug/116432 <-- what dose this means ? that i can run postgis scripts from postgresql-8.1-postgis  in my postgresql 8.2 ?05:55
tim167_how do i set X to sync to vblanc? i can select this in nvidia settings tool but it doesnt remember it, and i cant find how to enter it in xorg.conf thanks05:55
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KR-datahwilde well atm, what I need is a way to disable bluetooth at boot, any ideas?05:56
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hwildeKR-data, disable it in the bios?05:57
M_Fatihhey, can i create an iso, with dd what from a big partition. i have ~40GB partition and i want to backup to an iso, and i want to mount, read some files from there..05:57
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M_Fatihis iso file has a limit for this action?05:57
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atrusno, manual configuration from nm-applet doesn't seem to work. i have a log from NetworkManager i can put on a pastebin somewhere.05:58
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neverbluehttp://pastebin.ca/544745 << my metacity --replace errors05:58
KR-datahwilde my mouse and keyboard uses bluetooth, but if Linux start bluetooth before this is set up they wont work, then it is better that they run on the basic system where they work05:58
KR-datahwilde I'm not sure why this is so though05:59
hwilde!bluetooth | KR-data05:59
ubotuKR-data: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:59
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atrusPurpZeY: http://pastebin.ca/54474705:59
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LuxuriousDoes anyone here know a decently thorough (but beginner-aimed) guide to partitioning?06:00
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TxsTchN2awesome! i have now set up an ubuntu lamp server!06:00
neverbluecan I reset back to the default theme via command line?06:00
KR-datahwilde but that doesn't help me deactivate bluetooth long enough to set this up06:00
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hwildeKR-data, sorry I don't have anything bluetooth06:01
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TxsTchN2Ok now, right now I have a Yahoo! Hosting account which uses mysql 3.23 can I back up my databases there and move them to my computer?06:01
KR-datahwilde ok, thanks for trying though :)06:01
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sivaji2009 is it possible to apply password for a file  in kubuntu06:02
hwildesivaji2009, what kind of file06:03
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sivaji2009hwilde audio06:03
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hwildeKR-data, changing the file /etc/default/bluetooth to contain "BLUETOOTH_ENABLED=0".  http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_7.04/Bluetooth_Keyboard_and_Mouse_do_not_work_across_reboots06:03
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TxsTchN2Does anyone know if it's possible?06:04
hwildesivaji2009, not audio.  openoffice will let you protect its files tho06:04
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hwildeTxsTchN2, ask yahoo06:04
ulisse'lo people06:04
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ulissehow can I get the keycode of a multimedia key in the terminal?06:05
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TxsTchN2well I can make backups, but I don't know how to import them into my mysql, they zip them up06:05
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sivaji2009hwilde ya i know that06:05
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hwildeulisse, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2703906:06
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hwildesivaji2009, you could just own the file as root06:06
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nghostkerelhow can i use my microphone on kopete?06:06
Absortohellow! which packages do I need to install xen?06:06
sivaji2009hwilde ok06:06
hwilde!xen | Absorto06:07
ubotuAbsorto: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy06:07
hwildeEdgy? I thought we were Feisty now06:07
nghostkerelcan i use my  microphone on kopete?06:07
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Absortogood ubotu :D06:08
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hwilde!thanks | Absorto06:08
ubotuAbsorto: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:08
sivaji2009nghostkerel i dont find any option to use that06:08
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StucKmancan I ask ubotu about a package?06:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:08
nghostkerelits because a friend of mine just got ubuntu,and his not used to kopete,his a windows user06:09
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hwildeStucKman, to ask about a package say  !info [packagename] 06:09
StucKman!info firefox-dom-inspector06:09
ubotufirefox-dom-inspector: tool for inspecting the DOM of pages in Mozilla Firefox. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 236 kB, installed size 2644 kB06:09
nghostkerelis it possible to talk on the microphone with kopete?06:09
StucKmanhmm, how about a certain ubuntu release?06:09
hwilde!repeat | nghostkerel06:09
ubotunghostkerel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:09
nghostkerelis there a plug in i need to instal or something?06:09
hwilde!feisty | StucKman06:09
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ubotuStucKman: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents06:09
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astra-xanyone have a dell ubuntu system yet?06:10
StucKmanhwilde: I mean, a package version in certain rellease06:10
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StucKmanlike, f-d-i in dapper06:10
hwildeastra-x, multiple dells06:10
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astra-xhwilde: worth the money?06:10
hyljewhat to do to rescan sound devices06:10
hwildeStucKman, I dont think ubotu is that technical06:10
hwildeastra-x, dells?  compared to what06:10
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mlealOlaa! Por favor alguem sabe se o Ubuntu 7.4 reconhece AIC9405W ?06:14
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JimmeyI have a Soundblaster Audigy SE with like, four jacks at the back. I don't know what two of them are for. Aside from the one I've got my speakers plugged into, and the jack that the microphone's for, the other two I assume can be used for surround sound speakers. Can I just plug another set of normal speakers in there, though?06:16
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mlealPlease they alguem knows if Ubuntu 7,4 recognizes AIC9405W?06:16
mlealPlease!  the Ubuntu 7,4 recognizes AIC9405W?06:16
burepe2 I mounted a harddrive with the live disk but I cant delete anything? how can I mount it with full permissions?06:17
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andragoI want to install ntop on ubuntu server, but apt-get doesn't find it. I should add other installation source?06:18
Jimmeyburepe, what filesystem is on the drive?06:18
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antomarcvs: what else should it use :S?06:18
antohttp://pastebin.ca/544541 Can somone help me with this apache error?06:18
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.06:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu-dekstop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:18
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burepe2Jimmey: ext306:19
Jimmeyanto, are you running some other kind of server on port 80?06:19
mlealPlease!  Ubuntu 7,4 recognizes Adaptec AIC9405W?06:19
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ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.06:19
ubjj!LTS Upgrade06:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lts upgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:19
neverblue2how can I reload my "human" theme via cli?06:19
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Jimmeyburepe, maybe "sudo mount -rw /dev/blahbah"06:19
tru_`z24Anyone know how to change the render on linux to use mesa instead of the version fglrx uses?06:19
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Mar2anyone have an xorg.conf for two screens that work?06:20
erUSULtru_`z24: you will loose hw accel just uninstall the fglrx driver06:20
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phanto1I have a litle problem . evry window, notification, yes-no dialog opens, in sted of on top of other window ,beneathit. I use beryl gnome feisty06:21
burepe2Jimmey: It doesnt work. Keep in mind I am in the live cd06:21
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Q_ContinuumI'm VNC'ing into this machine (feisty) from another feisty laptop right next to it, and when viewing the remote session, the machine I'm viewing the session on (at least in xchat) displays whatever was last seen behind the text - be it another window, the desktop background, etc.  So far just xchat does this06:21
neverblue2Mar2, yes, on maany of my boxes06:22
nico_hello, i need some help with 2 monitors on a laptop (ATI graphics card)06:22
joincampso i'm trying to put ubuntu on this box and when i boot the installation cd i'm getting a kernel panic.  how do i diagnose this?06:22
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Mar2neverblue2: can you send me one so that I can try something?06:22
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:22
neverblue2phanto1, turn off beryl, and see if it happens06:22
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neverblue2Mar2, each is different06:22
neverblue2Mar2, what video cards are you using?06:23
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Mar2neverblue2: nVidia on a powerpc G406:23
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neverblue2Mar2, just one nvidia for the duals?06:23
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Mar2neverblue: I'd say just one... but not sure06:24
nico_at least it works on a laptop06:24
neverblue2im sure its just one06:24
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neverblue2if its a laptop06:24
nico_one built in screen and one external :D06:24
adcurti1Do I need to do anything special to get ubuntu working on a MacBook Pro (i.e. use bootcamp) or will it run natively?06:24
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nico_but a powerpc ..06:24
nico_it's a apple right?06:24
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neverblue2looking to use Beryl as well?06:24
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nico_mixed up with imac sorry :D06:25
Mar2first just to have a second screen06:25
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phanto1neverblue2: Probably some setings in beryl ? It dosent fail in metacity.06:25
Mar2(tired of working on laptop screens)06:25
nico_but how do you configure a laptop for dual screen06:25
Dimension1hiya how can i mount a mac hdd ... i have a usb mac hdd but when i plug it ... it doesn't mount06:25
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nico_i got used to dual screen, and working with only one now in linux sucks06:26
neverblue2http://pastebin.ca/544809 <-- Mar206:26
Q_ContinuumAnyone done work with VNC causing display issues? (specifically when using XChat)06:26
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neverblue2phanto1, yes, its probably BEryl06:26
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Mar2thanks I'll look at that06:26
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neverblue2phanto1, so check in #ubuntu-effects06:26
orbisvicisDimension1, not sure but you might need to have hfsutils06:27
iam8up|lpynico_ - control+alt+f1-806:27
phanto1neverblue2: thancks06:27
neverblue2they have lots of expertise for that topic06:27
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orbisvicisive used tightvnc with xchat sans error06:27
nico_eh yeah that's switching to console iam8up|lpy06:27
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neverblue2Mar2, you will want to use the driver nvidia06:27
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neverblue2not the ati or the other one...06:27
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Dimension1orbisvicis:  i can mount any other hdds but only this one not sure its ubuntu can't read mac systems or what ... there might be some command with mount ... as dmesg shows /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 as mac ...06:28
nico_i have a ATI card in my laptop, a am trying to use 2 screens06:28
Q_Continuumorbisvicis, any idea if you had the binary drivers for your video card?  *just remembered he restored the dell-ubuntu image, and is running free nv drivers, might be the issue*06:28
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neverblue2nico_, check the ubuntu guide (google it)06:29
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neverblue2it will help setup the drivers06:29
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marnanelWhat package do I install so that I can do "man fopen"?06:29
kj0ttdeigany modeline-gurus here?06:29
orbisvicisQ_Continuum, yes i was using the closed pre-packed .deb nvidia drivers06:29
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=== marnanel has been trying to get this information out of apt-cache search for five minutes now
colbertIs there a way to configure a program to minimize to the tray when it normally doesn't ?06:30
marnaneli.e. the man pages for libc606:30
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tiekylIs there any way to change the gnome startup programs when your not in gnome? I think one of them is causing it to crash.06:30
Q_Continuumorbisvicis, ok - I'll give it another try after I get those installed (testing with the image, getting automated backup/restore scripts figured out before I start fully using this box, so I'm 'restoring' it almost daily)06:30
neverblue2marnanel, google it?06:31
new-ubuntu-userHow do we do sound card configuration in ubuntu?06:31
Q_Continuumorbisvicis, thanks for the info - I'll stop worrying about it until I get that installed :D06:31
neverblue2tiekyl, startup06:31
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new-ubuntu-userhave SB but doesn't seem to work yet...06:31
dredhammerhello i just lost all audio output in feisty, i checked alsamixer, aplay restarted alsa, rebooted but my audio is not there although the sound card is listed06:31
nico_neverblue2: the guide only mentions Nvidea cards06:31
orbisvicishope itll work06:31
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tiekylneverblue2, text command? Oh...06:31
neverblue2nico_, use the drapper guide06:31
neverblue2it will have the ati ones, i think06:32
new-ubuntu-user Creative Labs SB Live!06:32
orbisvicisDimension1, just search synaptics for hfs06:32
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marnaneltiekyl: ~/.gnome2/session or ~/.gnome2/session-manual06:32
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neverblue2can I change my themes via cli?06:32
tiekylmarnanel, thanks...I'll try that.06:32
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:32
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neverblue2and if so, how do I "fallback" to the human "default" theme?06:33
orbisvicisthen if its usb it should mount auto, if not search /proc for it, if its internal you might have to redo fstab06:33
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new-ubuntu-useror... ?06:33
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marnanelneverblue2: thanks06:33
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new-ubuntu-userI have SB - pci06:33
orbisvicisanyone familiar with burning movie dvds onto 4.3 Gb dvds ... ie split w/ titles or shrink ?06:34
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new-ubuntu-userbut not configured or.. ?06:34
new-ubuntu-userdoesn't seem to work.06:34
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orbisviciscan it be done in k3b, or not ?06:34
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elliotjhugHi all, trying to install JBoss onto ubuntu server, got all dependencies installed fine, but when I run java -version I get an additional "java version "1.5.0_11"" appended to the top, where it should just say Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_11-b03) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_11-b03, mixed mode, sharing). Any ideas how to get rid of that top line?06:34
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new-ubuntu-userubotu: ok.. got it,  Thanks06:35
moquistanybody know what sets the fs.file-max kernel param? I've just checked several different Ubuntu boxes here and they all have different values, and I didn't set them.06:35
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johnnyhi folks, anybody here with networkmanager here who could send me the output of route -n ?06:35
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tiekylmarnanel, Um...a little bit of a newb question, but...what if I dont see that file in the .gnome2 folder?06:35
johnnyafter connection06:35
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sldkfjorbisvicis, the info from synaptic says it will only burn data dvds06:36
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sldkfjthat's k3b06:37
elliotjhugok, obviously nobody knows that particular one.. Anyone remember the command to select the java you use. Something alternates if I remember correctly?06:37
zambaroowhen running on dual monitors with separate X servers, is there a way to move a window from one monitor to another? or do i need xinerama for this?06:37
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nico_cant find anything in the ubuntu guide06:37
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nico_looked in feisty, dapper and edgy06:37
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orbisvicishmm after editing gdm.conf-custom i keep getting Use Gnome keyboard localization after reboot, how to get rid of ?06:37
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Dimension1orbisvicis:  i have hfsutils installed already ... how can i mount it now \/06:38
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orbisvicissldkfj, someone should update it, theres this button rip/burn video dvd06:38
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sldkfjorbisvicis, send a note off to the k3b developers06:39
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nico_any more ideas to get dual monitor running?06:39
orbisvicislol ... ok so if its not k3b (b/c that button doesnt do what i need it to do), how else to do the burning?06:40
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elliotjhugnico_, what was your original question? if you just want dual monitor xinerama's what you need?06:40
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orbisvicisDimension1, sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/location?06:41
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kj0ttdeiganybody here from finland that can tell me how this guy got 1280x720 to work? http://www.dvdplaza.fi/forums/showthread.php?t=41678&page=1106:41
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l1anybody have a hint on what i should enter into my menu.lst, if my windows parition lies in /dev/sdc2???06:41
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orbisvicishey obsethryl06:42
antohttp://pastebin.ca/544541 Can somone help me with this apache error?06:42
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sldkfjorbisvicis, there are a few other dvd burning applications in the repository,  you're like an iceman and 'take your pick'06:42
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nico_elliotjhug: i have a laptop with a ati graphics card06:42
nico_elliotjhug: and i want to use a second monitor06:43
aldin!mkinitrd > aldin06:43
elliotjhugnico_: Then do a google on xinerama or ask some guys in here. I am no expert so I can't guide you through it. But xinerama is the program you need.06:43
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orbisvicisl1, something like root (hd1,0) / savedefault / makeactive / map hd0) (hd1) /map (hd1) (hd0) / chainloader +106:43
andragoif I change the IP with ifconfig it will resist the reboot?06:43
aldin!initrd > aldin06:43
orbisvicisswap the drives & chainload06:43
obsethrylhi orbisvicis06:43
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tarzeaucolbert: :)06:44
elliotjhuganto: Your apache server can't find where its supposed to bind itself to, you might be able to define it in your /etc/hosts file06:44
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elliotjhuganto: Cancel that, you've got something else running on port 80 is another possibility06:44
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Murrlinhi all06:45
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antoyeah thats what i thougt but i know know how to find out what it is and remove it06:45
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ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead06:45
k_direktoratedoes anyone knows, were i could find a list of commands for terminal>06:45
elliotjhuganto, pastebin the output of ps -A to me06:45
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=== Murrlin is wondering how to ... update? improve? renew? graphics drivers for my geforce 6800xt (upgraded from a geforce 2 mx)
hwildeanto, elliotjhug, it is problem with /etc/hosts not matching hostname.06:46
antoanto@anto-server:~$ ps -a   PID TTY          TIME CMD 17399 pts/0    00:00:00 ps06:46
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hwilde!nvidia | Murrlin06:46
ubotuMurrlin: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:46
nico_OK anyone experience with Xinerama?06:46
hwildek_direktorate, google "built in bash functions"06:46
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hwilde!xinerama | nico_06:46
ubotunico_: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead06:46
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elliotjhughwilde: That was my first conclusion, but it says that port 80 is already in use. But you are probably more knowledgeable.06:47
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orbisvicisnico: do you want special effects or not ?06:47
hwildeelliotjhug, the and ServerName errors are /etc/hosts06:47
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antohwilde: http://pastebin.ca/54484906:47
elliotjhughwilde: Yeah, but they don't normally cause fail errors on my apache, the line that I was guessing it was failing at was 05, but you are probably right06:48
k_direktoratedoes anyone knows, were i could find a list of commands for terminal>06:48
demetriousman bash06:48
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k_direktorateall of them06:48
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elliotjhughwilde, anto, yeah, that hosts file is probably not good for running a webserver off of. I'll be quiet.06:48
ALMimonihow to mount cue image?06:49
ferronicacan any one send me file in GAIM?06:49
ALMimonihow to mount bin,cue image?06:49
antohwilde, elliotjhug, could one of you help me sort this problem out then?06:49
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ferronicaCan any one send me file in GAIM and who is in my buddy list?06:49
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hwildeanto, what is the output of this command "cat /etc/hostname"06:49
antohwilde: http://pastebin.ca/54484906:50
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elliotjhugWhats the command to change the default java?06:50
hwildeanto, what is the output of this command "cat /etc/hostname"06:51
hwilde!gaim | ferronica06:51
ubotuferronica: Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.06:51
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antohwilde: its anto-server06:51
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brumk_direktorate: http://www.onlamp.com/linux/cmd/06:52
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hwildeanto, edit /etc/hosts so the last two lines are " localhost anto-server"   " localhost anto-server"  then reboot and see apache errors change06:52
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albertAnybody knows a good terminal-mp3-player ?06:54
johnnyother than mpg123 ?06:54
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TxsTchN2How do I log in as the 'root' user?06:54
hwilde!mp3 | albert06:54
ubotualbert: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:54
ALMimonihow do I mount bin,cue image?06:54
hwilde!sudo | TxsTchN206:54
ubotuTxsTchN2: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:54
hwilde!root | TxsTchN206:54
ubotuTxsTchN2: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:54
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ferronicahwilde: i have a problem , when someone sends file from yahoo messanger GAIM didnt show sny request06:55
johnnythat sounds like a gaim bug06:55
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johnnydoubt anybody here will be able to help you06:55
alberthwilde, i'm mainly searching for a terminal-player06:55
hwildeferronica, those companies are proprietary so they change the protocols alot.  did you get the latest gaim?06:55
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hwildealbert, search on google.06:55
johnnyalbert i just told you one06:55
TxsTchN2k back to work then thanx06:55
=== Murrlin brb updating grfx
albertjohnny, sorry, i didn't read yours06:56
ferronicahwilde: that i dont know?06:56
johnnyif you don't like that.. google  the phrase "mpg ncurses"06:56
johnnythat one is old06:56
johnnylast update in 200306:56
johnnybut still works06:56
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hwildecurses lol06:56
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johnnyerr sorry "mp3 ncurses"06:56
ferronicahwilde: its gaim 2.0.0beta606:56
johnnyif you can't find one you like there, you're prolly gonna have to deal06:56
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johnnywith mpg12306:56
ferronicahwilde: just checked from Help menu of gaim06:57
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hwildeor write it yourself in c++ and ncurses06:57
andy__how can I get my username if it's in use by someone else? I did register it.06:57
albertk, thx, i'll have a look and will google06:57
hwildeandy__, /msg nickserv help06:57
alberthwilde, well, i'm not yet as experienced as you06:57
mc44andy__: /nickserv ghost06:57
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johnnyferronica, the folks here don't fix bugs in upstream packages all of the time06:57
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johnnythat would be too many bugs06:57
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hwildeferret, yeah that's the latest version.  yahoo or aim probably changed the file transfer protocol again specifically to thwart gaim06:57
ferronicajohnny: what you mean???06:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about upstream - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:58
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johnnyubuntu developers can't be responsible for every package they provide06:58
ferronicajohnny: oh06:58
johnnythere are too many06:58
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johnnyit is up to the people actually developing the packages themselves to fix them in most cases06:58
Nahihow can i update from gnome to kde ?06:58
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hwilde!kde | Nahi06:58
ubotuNahi: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.06:58
antohwilde: samme error still06:58
johnnyNahi wouldn't call that updating06:58
hwildeanto, I dunno something is broken...06:59
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slowfusecan you run both desktops?06:59
johnnynot at the same time06:59
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johnnybut you can run programs from both in any case06:59
hwilde!XFCE | Nahi06:59
slowfusedo you get to choose when you loin?06:59
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johnnyslowfuse, if you set it up right06:59
ubotuNahi: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels06:59
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johnnydon't ask me how06:59
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johnnyi'm a gnomer06:59
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orbisvicisok, I have found programs to compress 8.5Gb to 4.3 Gb dvd, but none to split & preserve menus ?07:00
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johnnyfollow all the links posted07:00
Nahijohnny, wich is better kde gnome or xfce ?07:00
johnnybetter to who?07:00
orbisvicisanyone w/ experience doing this stuff ?07:00
johnnyfor a system without nice hardware.. xfce is better07:00
hwilde!dvd | orbisvicis07:00
ubotuorbisvicis: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:00
johnnyotherwise.. it's personal preference07:00
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Dr_willisbetter depends on the job you are doing..,07:00
johnnyi prefer gnome07:00
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Q_Continuumare there any apps that store user-data that I would want to retrieve outside of a user's home directory? (config files aren't a concern)07:00
EkToBoTi have been trying to get the audio working in fiesty fawn can anyone help me please07:00
Nahijohnny, i have an hp laptop... compaq nx900007:00
Nahiwich do u recommend07:00
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johnnyNahi that's meaningless07:00
Dr_willisQ_Continuum,  there shouldent be any. :)07:01
johnnyi don't know anything07:01
johnnyabout that hardware07:01
Q_ContinuumDr_willis, I know that - but we aren't perfect :D07:01
johnnylike whatp rocessor, memory, etc07:01
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squid0as per this bug ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/firestarter/+bug/42759 ), firestarter doesn't seem to be starting on system boot. there's a proposed fix there, but I'm having trouble finding the firestarter configuration file... anyone done this?07:01
Q_Continuumfigured I'd ask and see if anyone knew of any off-hand07:01
spencei need a good (or at least basic) howto on taking a pressed ubuntu cd and incorporating all the updates since its pressing into a new cd?07:01
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johnnyNahi download all the live cds .. and try them out07:01
Dr_willisQ_Continuum,  of course the user shoul;dnet even be able to write stuff outside his home dir. well except for /tmp i guess. :)07:01
johnnysee which one you like bettr07:01
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Q_ContinuumDr_willis, true.07:01
Nahii have kubuntu with gnome07:01
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Nahididn't like it07:01
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hwildespence, just install from cd and run update manager07:01
Nahibrb cigi break07:01
neverblue2how can I use my .bashrc (aliases/scripts) in an ssh session?07:01
fivetwentysixgdesklets.org is down? is it no longer suppoted?07:02
Dr_willisQ_Continuum,  unlike this disaster of another OS  know. :)07:02
johnnywell.. then your personal preference is prolly kde then :)07:02
EkToBoTcan anyone help me with an audio problem?07:02
hwilde!audio | EkToBoT07:02
ubotuEkToBoT: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:02
johnnyso don't ask silly questions :)07:02
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Q_ContinuumDr_willis, I know all to well of that one...I still have a few things I need to retrieve from it, before too long :-/07:02
johnnyplease somebody07:02
Dr_willisneverblue2,  when you login with ssh it should parse the .bashrc I think. It may be reading the .bash_profile instead07:02
johnnyi just want the output of route in07:02
johnnyroute -n07:02
johnnywhen running networkmanager07:02
johnnyi know somebody here is running that07:02
neverblue2Dr_willis, i dont have one, just .profile07:02
hwilde!enter | johnny07:02
ubotujohnny: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:02
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Dr_willisneverblue2,  then make one. :)07:03
spencehwilde: that's what i'm trying to get away from... for low speed or nearly no speed clients i would like a cd already including the updates07:03
neverblue2do I need to create a.bash_profile and reference the .bashrc?07:03
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Dr_willisneverblue2,  thats normally how its donw.07:03
Dr_willisor ya can just link the 207:03
neverblue2now to learn to bash script :/07:03
johnnyhwilde, please send me the otuput of route -n when running nm :)07:03
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about abs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:03
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hwildespence, http://www.livecdlist.com/wiki/index.php/LiveCD_Creation_Resources07:03
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hwildejohnny, I don't like networkmanager.07:03
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Dr_willisneverblue2,  whole books on it. :) that "advanced bash scripting guide" is a Must read also.07:04
hwildeneverblue2, google "advanced bash scripting guide"07:04
johnnynm is the future of wireless on linux07:04
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Dr_willisits in the repos.07:04
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neverblue2absg :)07:04
AngryElf_when I xine dvd:// its saying can't open /dev/sda1 for reading.... but /dev/hdb (the drive the disc is on) -> /dev/dvd ... so why is it looking on my sda1?07:04
Dr_willisugh?   Just give up then. :)07:04
johnnyusing it on gentoo.. it's great,  having trouble with ubuntu tho07:04
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neverblue2nah, I dont have time to read an entire book atm07:04
Dr_willisWho needs power! and Flexability! heh heh07:04
neverblue2ill just be without my scripts :(07:04
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hwildeneverblue2, google "advanced bash scripting guide" and then look at .bashrc!07:04
Dr_willisneverblue2,  thats why ya skimm it- then come back to the parts ya need.07:05
neverblue2skim a book!07:05
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Dr_willisPlus keep the books in the bathroom. (err Library) that way you can read them during your.. err.. "down time"07:05
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spencehwilde: thanks for the link... i'm checking now.07:05
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Delirium-NLHey everyone =)07:06
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novato_brhi dudes, how can I be sure that pack  haven't virus?07:07
Dr_willisnovato_br,  what 'pack' ?07:07
hwilde!virus | novato_br07:07
ubotunovato_br: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:07
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repete!seen repete07:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen repete - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:07
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Delirium-NLCould anyone here tell me if the XGL/Compiz works better on Ubuntu then Suse (not opensuse) 10.1 (which i'm using as of now..)07:08
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hwilde!compiz | Delirium-NL07:08
ubotuDelirium-NL: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:08
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belgarath_need some advice about acpi!  anyone?07:08
hwilde!ask | belgarath_07:08
ubotubelgarath_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:08
Neoquinxhey, anyone else having trouble with firefox not saving cookies?07:09
Delirium-NLWell yea, i know how to install xgl, but im wondering if it runs allright..?07:09
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hwildeDelirium-NL, might be better off asking in #ubuntu-effects07:09
fotoflo_im currently using the stock ubuntu - how do i change window managers?07:09
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Delirium-NLoki, thanks a lot ^ ^ will try there =D07:09
hwildeDelirium-NL, fwiw lots of people are in here asking and complaining about it07:09
hwilde!kde | fotoflo_07:09
ubotufotoflo_: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.07:09
Dr_willisfotoflo_,  install some, then on the GDM login screen theres a menu07:09
Scunizifotoflo_, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop for Kde07:10
hwilde!xfce | fotoflo_07:10
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ubotufotoflo_: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels07:10
Delirium-NLcomplaining...? no i think it's amazing, i got it to work prity good =)07:10
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belgarath_my pc dont boot fist time i start it.. need to power off and then it boots  when I turn acpi=off it boots everytime but when I shutdown I have to power off manually07:10
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Dr_willisfotoflo_,   dozen+ window managers to play with in the repos/package manager07:10
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Dr_willisbelgarath_,   sounds like the mb's apci has some bugs. :)  seen that a lot on older machines.07:11
JW_510Help! My 3D screensavers run very slow! I believe its a driver issue, I have an ATI Radeon 9800Pro with 128MB ram07:11
fotoflo_trying kubuntu07:11
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Delirium-NL@JW did you install the video drivers?07:11
fotoflo_500 odd mb07:11
belgarath_Dr_willis  okey... is there a way around ?07:11
hwilde!ati | JW_51007:11
ubotuJW_510: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:11
JW_510Delirium-NL, I have a fresh install of Feisty07:12
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hwildebelgarath_, apt-get install acpi acpi-support acpidump acpitool07:12
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Delirium-NLThen you need to install the drivers ;)07:12
EkToBoThi can i have the audio liks again please :)07:12
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hwilde!audio | EkToBoT07:12
ubotuEkToBoT: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:12
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Dr_willisbelgarath_,  those issies can be very very hard to work around. just let the box run 24/7  is what i do.07:13
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Dr_willisbelgarath_,  may want to googld for your exact MB/Bios and see if any other linux info sites have details. Check for bios updates also.07:13
belgarath_Dr_willis   hehe ... I love to do that too but I got my computer in the bedroom07:13
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Dr_willisbelgarath_,  the humm od the drives lull to sleep!07:13
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Ben_If anybody can solve this problem for me I will cry tears of pure joy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46611607:13
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Dr_willisbelgarath_,  now ya know why i build 'quiet' pc's :)07:13
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belgarath_Dr_willis   Next step a queit terminal and put the computer in another room :)07:15
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repeteWhat is the difference between this channel irc.ubuntu.com and irc.freenode.net?07:15
Myrttirepete: nothing?07:15
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colberthow do I turn off ESD in gnome settings ?07:15
hwilderepete, connecting to the same channel through different servers07:16
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belgarath_<hwilde>  thanks...  is that all I have to do?07:16
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repetehmm... but I guess nick reg is not the same07:16
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repeteI can't get my nick here :-(07:16
hwildebelgarath_, installing that stuff would be a start07:16
hwilderepete, /msg nickserv help07:16
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belgarath_hwilde ok!07:17
repetehwilde, thx.  I already tried authenticating and registering, and the NickServ says my nick is already registered07:17
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Paddy_EIREHey guys I've been googling around for free newsservers that I can maybe post to aswell does anyone know of any or could link me to the settings I need07:19
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raf256!info bouml07:20
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raf256!list bouml07:20
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ubotubouml: UML2 tool box to specify and generate code. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.19.5-1 (feisty), package size 4246 kB, installed size 27712 kB07:20
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about list bouml - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:20
julianis there a way to get extended desktop?07:20
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hwilde!multihead | julian07:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about multihead - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:21
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hwilde!dualhead | julian07:21
ubotujulian: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama07:21
raf256basing on that info - what do I have to put in sources.list to be able to download bouml ?07:21
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julianthanks alot for the info07:21
hwilderaf256, you have to have universe repos uncommented07:21
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anethemais there a way to totally disable the trash? i never ever want anything to go to the trash when i delete. i dont want to have to shift-delete everythign07:21
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hwildeanethema, I guess you could link trash to /dev/null07:22
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StErGi0shello im installing ubuntu from a live cd right now and it has gnome as default, how can i change to KDE?07:22
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hwilde!kubuntu | StErGi0s07:23
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ubotuStErGi0s: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE07:23
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johnnyStErGi0s, download the kubuntu livecd? :)07:23
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anethemahaha hwilde  you think that would work ?07:23
Yitramu just need to install the kde-desktop package07:23
Yitrami think07:23
Yitramand all its required things07:23
hwildeanethema, theoretically yes07:23
StErGi0sim istalling it to my hdd07:23
anethemawould it still treat it as a folder though ?07:23
StErGi0sso it wont be live anymore :P07:23
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new-ubuntu-userMountaingod: Did you check to make sure  your MAC Cloning is working for you?  And that the new MAC address isn't already in  use by another computer?07:24
Yitramu want to use a live CD07:24
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Yitramwell no u install ubuntu with gnome07:24
Yitramthen u download the package to the installed07:24
Tajmahalhow to upgrade to gusty , anybody?07:24
colberthow do I turn off ESD in gnome settings ?07:24
StErGi0sits a live cd and im installing it to my hard drive07:24
nickrudanethema, there's a gconf key under apps/nautilus in gconf-editor that adds a delete option to nautilus's context menu07:24
StErGi0sbut its on gnome07:24
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Yitramu have to install it with gnome first07:24
Tajmahaland will it mess up my dual boot or i wud be fine.07:24
RabidWeezleo rly07:25
=== RabidWeezle nods
StErGi0sthen download KDE package?07:25
johnnylol.. upgrade to gusty Tajmahal   that's too soon07:25
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anethemanickrud: thanks i know about this option, but i dont really use the mouse to delete stuff07:25
Yitramand then when u get to your login screen07:25
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johnnyanybody askng that question shoudn't be upgrading07:25
johnnyit just causes headaches for the developers07:25
Yitramthere's a menu that u can use to choose which one u want to use07:25
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anethemai want to be able to just disable the trash functionality completely07:25
Tajmahalwut is so funny johnny07:25
YitramKDE or Gnome07:25
belgarath_hwilde Thanks a lot it worked!!  :D07:25
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Tajmahali think that is funny johnny07:25
aporiasAnyone else had a problem with a ps/2 mouse not working under the AMD64 ubuntu?07:25
Tajmahalit rhymes too07:25
StErGi0sand then i could remove gnome?07:25
pike_colbert: file --> changedevice i think07:26
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Yitramum....i would assume so07:26
astronouth7303on my intel graphics chip ("82G965"), I had compiz working pretty much out-of-the-box. It stopped working suddenly and mysteriously. glxinfo reports mesa, nothing about any intel drivers. How do I get Xorg to use hardware instead of mesa?07:26
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anethemalinking to /dev/null didnt work :(07:26
Yitramjust make sure u set it to always load the KDE environment07:26
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StErGi0si just want KDE as my default env07:26
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nickrudanethema, I used to have rm aliased to moving to my Trash; I like the double action ;)07:26
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Yitramwell when u choose KDE from the menu u can choose to just use it for that session or to set as default07:26
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StErGi0sokies, thanks Yitram07:27
klavHi i'm looking for a movie player that has the controls seperate from the video - anything out there with that convention?07:27
nickrudanethema, but hwilde's suggestion seems like a big enough black hole07:27
StErGi0slets hope i dont mess with it :P07:27
Yitramglad i could help07:27
pike_astronouth7303: so 'grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf' doesnt show i810?07:27
anethemaheh yeah07:27
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anethemai linked it (symbolic) to /dev/null07:27
anethemabut then nautilus just gives an error when trying to delete07:27
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Yitrami actually have a question along the lines of gnome and KDE....is any one particularly better than the other?07:27
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TudotI'm looking for some assistance on the Internet DJ Console program. Is anyone familiar with this?07:28
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=== Fathefner kills
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications07:28
BatsotOYitram : It' s old story07:28
nickrudYitram, yes, but for one person or another ;)07:28
anethemai cant believe there is no actual way to disable the trash. even windows lets you disable the recycle bin07:28
pike_Yitram: kde apps are normally more effecient on memory issues. gnome is a little cleaner imo07:28
klav!video player07:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about video player - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:28
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klavoh i see :P07:28
astronouth7303pike_: it did, but i changed it to "intel", because I have xserver-xorg-video-intel installed instead of xserver-xorg-video-i81007:28
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new-ubuntu-useranethema: Just don't use "Trash".  What's wrong with that?07:29
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Yitramwell the menu setup seemed more complicated on KDE....the default setup, when i tried if a few months back07:29
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new-ubuntu-userrm this or rm that  -  no trash.07:29
anethemanew-ubuntu-user: when you press delete, it goes in the trash, there doesnt seem to be a way around it07:29
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anethemai dont always use the command line for file organization though07:29
teamworkany way to adjust the niceness of a certain application, like clamav for example?07:29
astronouth7303anethema: shift-delete07:29
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ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs07:30
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new-ubuntu-useranethema: But there is a way around it.  rm07:30
anethemai know shift delete, but i want to disable it so just delete works07:30
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Yitramnice -20 clamav?07:30
Yitramis that what u mean?07:30
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anethemarm is not a nautilus command, im asking how to disable it in nautillus07:30
astronouth7303Yitram: he means a running app07:30
anethemawill adjust the niceness of a running app07:30
Yitramok i'll stop pretending that i know anything about this07:30
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teamworkYitram, yes.  where would I place that, which config file/07:30
astronouth7303teamwork: process manager has it, too07:30
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new-ubuntu-useranethema: It's quicker to use CLI anyway.07:30
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new-ubuntu-userto manage  your files.07:31
Goophey all, I need some help getting the Dapper LiveCD working on a PC.07:31
anethemanew-ubuntu-user: its not always quicker to use the cli07:31
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anethemai use the cli extensivly07:31
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teamworkanesthema, cool.07:31
GoopI think it might be a video card issue07:31
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astronouth7303anethema: it's sometimes faster to use python ;)07:32
new-ubuntu-useranethema: but if you have 20 or 30 .txt files, and you click and click and click, when you can just go "rm *.txt"  That's not quicker?07:32
pike_Goop: honestly unless its to install ubuntu id use knoppix or a deriv07:32
=== almien installed ubuntu yesterday on laptop, and today it just displays a black screen when you'd expect the desktop
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anethemayes new-ubuntu-user there are times when it is quicker to use the cli, and when it is, i do07:32
astronouth7303pike_: should I install & use xserver-xorg-video-i810?07:33
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Gooppike_: well, I plan to install Ubuntu if it'll work.07:33
teamworkYitram, so where is it I place 'nice -20 clamav'?07:33
anethemabut when you are organizing files, moving a bunch of directories around07:33
anethemadeleting some07:33
anethemait can be quicker to use the file manager07:33
anethemaso i do07:33
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new-ubuntu-useranethema: Yes, those kinds of things are easier done via CLI.07:33
anethemaive been using linux since..slackware 4 maybe? im no stranger to the cli07:33
pike_astronouth7303: ive only use i810 in beryl/compiz so i cant say for sure but id try it07:33
xerophytei have IBM thinkpad T43 but i am not able to get the Fn+F7 to work to switch the LDC to the screen and back to the LCD .. does anybody know how can i switch between it07:33
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almienxerophyte: isn't it just f7 without the fn key?07:34
pike_Goop: alt-ctrl-f2 the login then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg then choose vesa as the driver and defaults for other stuff then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:34
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anethemaeither way, it doesnt answer my question, im going to submit a bug report07:34
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anethemano way to disable trash07:34
anethemain nautilus07:34
almienthe t21 only did screen switching if the external vga was plugged in before you booted up07:34
phantom_need to reinstall ad/remove app from applications menu dose anyboddy now the comand?07:34
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PurpZeYxerophyte: some of those fn-key functions won't work out of box w/ ubuntu, you can try to do it using keyboard mapping, or find a script to do that task...which is what I did w/ monitor brightness w/ AC-Adapter/Battery07:35
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new-ubuntu-useranethema: Well, I just don't see the "Trash" thing being all that inconvienient.  (Using the Ctl key will help you get around it.  Right?)07:35
almienGoop: what was the problem?07:35
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anethemashift-delete gets around it07:35
anethemabut why not give the option to disable it07:35
anethemaeven windows does07:35
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anethemaand windows has shift-delete07:35
xerophytePurpZeY, thx..07:35
new-ubuntu-userokay shift-delete, there u go.07:35
teamworkyou can change nautilus to include a delete command in the right click.07:35
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Pale_folkloreanyone know if audacious works with iPod?07:36
anethemaphantom_: the command is /usr/bin/gnome-app-install07:36
xerophytealmien, mine says to press Fn +F707:36
Delirium-NLi have like a 3000 file mp3 collection and that made xmms crash when adding the directory's..>.<"  that logical07:36
new-ubuntu-userteamwork: very good.07:36
gordonjcpdoes the trash can actually use libreash?07:36
p1lshey what text editor you guys recommend, expect abiword, openoffice, gedit, nano07:36
astronouth7303anethema: new-ubuntu-user: shift-del does work07:36
gordonjcplibtrash even?07:36
teamworknew-ubuntu-user, yeah.  great huh.  :/07:36
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astronouth7303p1ls: basic text editor? gedit or leafpad07:36
Goopalmien: Well, it starts up slow, sometimes I/O error, prob 'cause of my cd, but it resets into 640x480 and freezes when I try to use a menu.07:36
commander-apehow do I set the screen res to 1280 ?07:36
commander-apeits not listed in the drop down screen-change field07:36
PurpZeYcommander-ape: Then you'd have to set it using xorg.conf07:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screenres - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:37
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:37
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pike_p1ls: vi for cli or mcedit or nano.. abiword for regular stuff because OpenOffice takes long time to load07:37
almienxerophyte: I just meant that doesn't it do the blue-actions by default, and you use fn key to get F7 itself07:37
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spowerson my edgy system i can't load the nvidia kernel module07:37
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spowers"error running install command for nvidia" when doing 'modprobe nvidia'07:37
p1lswhat about similar to abiword or openoffice not in terminal07:37
PurpZeYspowers: did you install it via sudo?07:37
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pike_p1ls: using gtk?07:37
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Pale_folkloreI would like to dl audacious, but would also like something that works w/iPod - suggestions?07:38
spowerswell i'm running the modprobe command as root of course.  i decided to try out the edgy facility for doing restricted drivers07:38
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spowersbut it appears that my nvidia.ko has disappeared07:38
anethemaah fuckit, for this trash thing i think im just going to make a cron job that rm -rf's the trash directory every minute07:38
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teamworkPale_folklore, i prefer GTKpod and amaroK.07:38
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jcazorla_ola max07:39
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new-ubuntu-useranethema: Didn't you see teamwork's comment>?07:39
Delirium-NLi have like a 3000 file mp3 collection and that made xmms crash when adding the directory's..>.<"  that logical?07:39
pike_p1ls: dunno a basic edit is pretty easy to make im sure there are a ton of light ones for gtk07:39
Pale_folkloreteamwork: I don't see amaroK in the sound packages for Feisty07:39
Yitramwould reformating a hard disk get rid of Buffer I/O errors?  or if it doesn't then I know my drive is truely fubar'd?07:39
PurpZeYspowers: There is a guide for installing nvidia...But still when installing the driver you have to use sudo07:39
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DJ-_-In KDE should i choose gdm or kdm07:39
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DJ-_-for best performance07:39
spowersPurpZeY: that's the thing, it was installed, now my kernel module is gone after rebooting07:39
new-ubuntu-useranethema:  Edit --> Preferences --> Behavior -->07:40
pike_!fsck| Yitram07:40
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ubotuYitram: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot07:40
=== Luxurious [n=Luxuriou@157-157-28-103.dsl.dynamic.simnet.is] has joined #ubuntu
teamworkPale_folklore, not sure why.  make sure you have all the repositories enabled.  if you want it, sudo aptitude install amarok.07:40
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NET||abusearrrg,,, anyone else using democracy from the ftp.osuosl.org repository?? they upgraded to 0.9.6 from 0.9.5 yesterday... :( now it's borked for me,, i get a series of errors,, which look like ffmpeg related errors,, "error while decoding" and "top block unavailable for requested intra4x4 mode -1 at 0 0" and "decode_slice_header error \n reference error"07:40
Yitramwell its my XP NTFS drive07:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:40
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DJ-_-anyone know what is better kdm or gdm?07:40
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teamworkDJ-_-, you'll need kdm for KDE.  you'll be able to select a default at login time.07:40
new-ubuntu-useranethema: "Include delete commad that bypasses trash"07:40
Yitramand not at the computer that i'm on right now07:40
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DJ-_-teamwork: thx07:40
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Pale_folkloreteamwork: how do I make sure all repositories are enabled?07:40
teamworkDJ-_-, ur welcome.07:41
spowersPurpZeY: so with that in mind, is there a "right" way to reinstall in the framework of the restricted modules manager, or should i just purge nvidia-kernel-common and reinstall it?07:41
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:41
Yitramso i can't do anything....was thinking about using the partition manager in ubuntu to format it to ext3, and then reboot to see if it gives me errors07:41
DJ-_-brb after KDE install07:41
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spanglesontoastdoes anyone know why my vga output doesn't work on fiesty ?07:41
PurpZeYspowers: That help?07:41
teamwork!repository | Pale_folklore07:41
ubotuPale_folklore: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:41
Yitrami'm copying stuff off of it right now07:41
yeniklasoris there any application for my "C" programs get auto compile and lanch. Like Dev-C++ ? I don't want use shell everytime :(07:41
teamworkPale_folklore, blah.  i thought that'd be instructions.07:41
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Goopalmien: Well, it starts up slow, sometimes I/O error, prob 'cause of my cd, but it resets into 640x480 and freezes when I try to use a menu.07:41
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astronouth7303pike_: i810 gives me no hardware render and default-only resolutions07:42
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mataharihi folks07:42
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astronouth7303less than before07:42
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mataharii wanted to ask you what i need mdadm for.07:42
matahariIt complains all the time07:42
WhoNeedszzzhello, i want to configure a NVIDIA 8800 GTS and remove all settings for my ATI Radeon X1600 Pro07:42
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smastwhere do i go for help installing video drivers?07:42
iqonanyone know where i can get help getting quake4 to run?07:42
PurpZeY!ATI | WhoNeedszzz07:42
ubotuWhoNeedszzz: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:42
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teamworkPale_folklore, in a terminal, type: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep universe07:43
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warbox_hi, can someone help me ?07:43
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PurpZeY!ask | warbox07:43
ubotuwarbox: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:43
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warbox_lol right07:43
teamworkPale_folklore, understand?07:43
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warbox_Well, my sound just doesn't work...07:43
=== Don [n=dpowers6@ip68-102-225-218.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
smastwhere do i go for help installing video drivers?07:43
PurpZeY!alsa | warbox_07:44
ubotuwarbox_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:44
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Pale_folkloreteamwork: preceded by sudo?07:44
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PurpZeYsmast: What kind of card do you have?07:44
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Tarkushey, anyone know why nautilus just started to open/run very slow for me, it takes about 3 times as long for thing to show up while im browsing my files.. any idea on what i could do to reset the nautilus settings or something?07:44
teamworkPale_folklore, no.  only files in /root need sudo to be able to cat, AFAIK.07:44
gagaanybody german here who wants to help me?07:44
OhMyAudiI did an initial install of ubuntu, then installed kubuntu-desktop, now I wish to remove ubuntu-desktop and all gnome apps possible without breaking my system.  I looked in the forums and it suggested sudo apt-get remove --purge ubuntu-desktop, but it only removed ubuntu-desktop; no other packages.  Any advice is appreciated...???07:44
TudotOnce again: I am looking for assistance with getting Internet DJ Console to run properly. Is there anyone that has messed with this program before?07:44
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JuJuBeeI am preparing to clone my HD.  I have identical drives... I want to make sure the drive is good to clone.  How can I check it?07:44
clouder`grrwhat do i type in console to get my kernel version?07:44
Pale_folkloreteamwork: ok07:44
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smast<PurpZeY> nvidia geforce 407:44
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PurpZeY!nvidia | smast07:44
ubotusmast: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:44
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iqonclouder`grr, uname -a07:45
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limcoreI have a request (I dont have ubuntu here) - can any one install ubuntu program?  and paste me the exact /etc/apt/sources.list needed to do so?07:45
clouder`grriqon: ty07:45
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PurpZeYclouder`grr: unname -r07:45
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Pale_folkloreteamwork: so once that command is executed, I can go back to the ubuntu packages website and amarok should be there07:45
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teamworkJuJuBee, i think checking the filesystems is a good idea.  use fsck.07:45
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pistahi. doesn't someone know, how to change the default ctrl-alt-backspace x-termination key sequence?07:45
JuJuBeeI am booted from live cd, how do I do that?07:45
gagaHello, im a noob on using linux and on english *g*,,,, could anybody tell me with what program i can hear my musik?07:45
pistagaga, amarok07:45
=== commander-ape [n=commande@p508F1A2D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
NET||abuseis anyone else using democracy here? I have an issue that i think may be related to ffmpeg, but i need to check if anyone else has it working with a different version of ffmpeg07:45
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JuJuBeeteamwork : do I mount the drive first?07:46
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ALMimoniazureus crashes after starting.07:46
teamworkPale_folklore, did you get some lines that weren't preceded by # when you executed that command?07:46
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WhoNeedszzzo just installed an AMD processor and wanted to install the nvidia-glx-new for AMD and it says error-wrong architecture07:46
xRainbowshi, i updated to edgy and now my fstab looks like this ---> http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/11500/   is that normal07:46
Pale_folkloreteamwork: haven't done it yet - ubuntu is on my lap top in the other room, was just writing it down07:46
pike_gaga: for lightweight xmms or beep for alot of frills amarak is my preference. also you need to install codec /msg ubotu mp3 for information07:47
PurpZeYPale_folklore: I am not really following you, but just a suggesting, bring the laptop to you. this way you can make and follow changes more easily. if it's possible.07:47
teamworkJuJuBee, i can't remember offhand.  do you know how to mount them?07:47
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betamikegaga: rhythmbox is installed by default if you'd rather not install anything new07:47
JuJuBeeI can. yes.07:47
Pale_folklorePurpZeY: yes, just didn't know I would need it :P07:47
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smastmy terminal wont produce anything,07:47
pistaxRainbows, any problems with that fstab?07:47
OhMyAudiI did an initial install of ubuntu, then installed kubuntu-desktop, now I wish to remove ubuntu-desktop and all gnome apps possible without breaking my system.  I looked in the forums and it suggested sudo apt-get remove --purge ubuntu-desktop, but it only removed ubuntu-desktop; no other packages.  Any advice is appreciated...???07:47
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PurpZeYOhMyAudi: So you are just trying to get rid of any packages gnome installed?07:48
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pike_OhMyAudi: youll need to remove a common lib for gnome glib or somesuch would work id think07:48
=== DaveMorris [n=dave@host-212-158-244-26.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzo just installed an AMD processor and wanted to install the nvidia-glx-new for AMD and it says error-wrong architecture07:48
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teamworkPale_folklore, when you execute that, you should see some lines that don't have # in front of them.  if all of them do, you need to edit sources.list ('sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list') and delete the #.  you don't really need the backport repo's, but you can if you want them.  :)07:48
=== csills [n=csills@c-71-59-52-223.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
OhMyAudiPurpZey: Yes exactly07:49
iqonwhat happened to /etc/inittab?07:49
OhMyAudiPurpZey: I tried sudo apt-get remove --purge gnome as well,and nothing07:49
smasti just need someone to walk me through installing a driver07:49
DaveMorrisguys mythbuntu has been dugged and we'r trying to find a tracker for the torrent files, any suggestions on where we can get one?07:49
PurpZeYOhMyAudi: So why not just search your installed packages in synatpic?07:49
Pale_folkloreteamwork: thx :)07:49
teamworkPale_folklore, no problem.07:49
pike_!upstart | iqon07:49
ubotuiqon: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/07:49
teamworkJuJuBee, you get it going ok?07:49
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xRainbows<pista>   well when i look dmesg  i get this reading after line 374 -->   http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/11498/07:49
Pale_folkloreteamwork: btw, why do you have both amaroK and GTKPod?07:49
iqonpike_, ah, thanks07:50
OhMyAudiPurpZey: Search every individual package for gnome installed?  Little overkill07:50
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xRainbowsdoes that have anything to do with my fstab?07:50
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WhoNeedszzzcan someone please freaking help me???07:50
aporiasHmm.  My ps/2 mouse doesn't work under the AMD Ubuntu 7.04, and after just trying the i386 version, the CD doesn't fully boot, as it can't find a tty.07:50
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-69-215-133-220.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
PurpZeYOhMyAudi: If you removed ubuntu-desktop, it should technically remove all associated packages.07:50
IndyGunFreak!ask | WhoNeedszzz07:50
ubotuWhoNeedszzz: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:50
WhoNeedszzzi know that genius07:50
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:51
WhoNeedszzzi have asked my question twice07:51
IndyGunFreakhmm, i guess i see why you haven't been helped07:51
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OhMyAudiPurpZey: I'm not that lucky apparently07:51
teamworkPale_folklore, well, I started with GTKpod because amaroK acted funny on me at first.  I mainly use amaroK, but I keep GTKpod around, because it's more "raw".  GTKpod is a little simpler to use, for me.07:51
=== polluX_ [n=poll@ALyon-254-1-68-208.w86-200.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzthat wasn't my question07:51
=== khermans [n=khermans@c-65-96-191-13.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzit was about AMD07:51
redboxWhoNeedszzz: if its saying wrong architecture then its the wrong architecture.07:51
WhoNeedszzzI have an AMD processor07:51
Pale_folkloreteamwork: so maybe a good option for me would be audacious + GTKPod ?07:51
IndyGunFreakredbox: maybe he should hire an architect?07:51
=== pmangg_ [n=pmangg@bas1-montreal28-1168075034.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzso why is it saying that07:51
PurpZeYWhoNeedszzz: B/C the architecture is wrong07:51
redboxWhoNeedszzz: and for future reference, the ruder you are, the less you'll be helped.07:51
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DJ-_-well kubuntu is ok07:52
DJ-_-i mean kde*07:52
=== pppoe_dude [n=pppoe_du@unaffiliated/blimpdude] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzhow do I make it the right architecture?07:52
IndyGunFreakKDE is the DEVIL!07:52
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pistaxRainbows, and what's wrong? is your hd slow? do you have jmicron? (i noticed hda and sda)07:52
ALMimoniazureus crashes after starting. how can I fix it?07:52
redboxWhoNeedszzz: you probably downloaded a x64 arch?07:52
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: why?07:52
xRainbowshdb is cdrom07:52
IndyGunFreakredbox: that would be my guess07:52
PurpZeYWhoNeedszzz: Are you running Ubuntu x64?07:52
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: it just looks awful to me07:52
DJ-_-but i dont notice a performance issue07:52
iqonargh, i can't get quake running07:52
WhoNeedszzzoh crap07:52
WhoNeedszzzthere is a seperate install for that?07:53
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: you on gnome then?07:53
pistaxRainbows, ok and what is the problem??07:53
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: yeah, or my laptop, which runs Xfce07:53
redboxWhoNeedszzz: really though, if you *read* the error, you might gain insight.07:53
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IndyGunFreakwell see WhoNeedszzz you got your answer, reinstall and use the i386 iso07:53
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: Xfce? sudo apt-get install Xfce?07:53
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PurpZeYWhoNeedszzz: As I understand it, you don't need x64, you can run x86 for a 64 setup...I might be wrong.07:53
teamworkPale_folklore, well i can't speak to audacious, b/c I've never used it.  but GTKpod will definitely do the trick.  just be sure you know where your iPod is mounted (usually /media/IPOD).  sometimes GTKpod will say something like "if you're sure it's mounted on /media/IPOD, then click here to do it anyway", GTKpod not always recognizing on it's own that there's an iPod there.  Might not be the case for you though.07:53
xRainbowsit says there is an error I/O and so on...07:53
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teamworksheesh.  that was too long.  sorry.07:53
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IndyGunFreak!xfce | DJ-_-07:54
ubotuDJ-_-: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels07:54
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: performance increases with Xfce or KDE?07:54
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PurpZeYIndyGunFreak: I think it's the opposite issues...I think he is using x86, but the drivers he's trying to use are for x64...Maybe it was me.07:54
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: with Xfce, its quite a bit "lighter" than Gnome or KDE.07:54
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WhoNeedszzzI want to take full advantage of my processor07:54
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Pale_folkloreteamwork: thx :)07:54
IndyGunFreakPurpZeY: might be, to be frank, i put him on ignore07:54
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: thanks i will try that now07:54
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repeteCan anyone tell me if 7.04 uses gnome-keyring for evolution and gaim?07:54
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: whats your system specs?07:54
PurpZeYWhoNeedszzz: Are you running x64 or x86?07:54
warbox_ubuntu spanish what channel ?07:54
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:54
PurpZeY!es | warbox_07:54
ubotuwarbox_: please see above07:54
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DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: 2.4ghz 1.5gb ram 96mb vga07:55
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: that should be more than enough for Gnome and KDE...07:55
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: but i want best performance07:55
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WhoNeedszzzhow do I know what I am runnning07:55
warbox_so ?07:55
xRainbows"/join #ubuntu-es07:55
WhoNeedszzzI just installed the processor yesterday07:55
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: well, best performance, i like Gnome, i despise KDE..,07:55
MeleniumHey all, I just installed ubuntu on a 2nd primary partition on my pc, with grub (xp is on the 1st partition). On boot, grub works, the ubuntu splash shows, but then the screen is all corrupted. Even if I drop to the shell, the text is all garbled. Any ideas?07:55
WhoNeedszzzi was using an Intel processor07:55
IndyGunFreakbut Xfce is good, i like it.07:55
DJ-_-wat bout Xfce?07:55
PurpZeYWhoNeedszzz: Did you change your ubuntu install?07:55
smasthow do i install a new video driver so i can run beryl07:55
MeleniumThe vid card is an Nvidia 7600gt07:55
DJ-_-performance wise?07:55
xRainbowswithout the "07:55
pike_smast: ati or nvidia or intel or what?07:56
PurpZeYsmast: I pointed you to the nvida drivers install07:56
teamworksmast, what video card?07:56
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: im not sure its actually faster, but it is lighter...07:56
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IndyGunFreakonly requires 128mb of Ram07:56
smast<teamwork>nvidia geforce 407:56
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: i will try dat now den07:56
pike_DJ-_-: though with 1.5 gig ram you might as well use it for something :)07:56
PurpZeYWhoNeedszzz: Then you are running x86, most likely...Unless you were running x64 before you changed.07:56
IndyGunFreakpike_: thats kinda what i was thinking..lol07:56
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DJ-_-pike_: planning on running some servers07:56
teamworksmast, did you run the Restricted Drivers Manager?07:56
smast<PurpZeY>and thanks, but i dont understand much of it07:57
johnnyhi, can somebody assist me with a wireless configuration issue with ipw2100 and nm ?07:57
johnnyi'm having trouble connecting to my AP07:57
smastteamwork> told me that i didnt need to run it07:57
IndyGunFreak!wireless | johnny07:57
ubotujohnny: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:57
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WhoNeedszzzhow do I use the 64-bit version?07:57
johnnythat didn't give me much info IndyGunFreak07:57
johnnyi already had it set up already07:57
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johnnyit stopped working around the edgy upgrade07:57
xRainbowsfluxbox is cool too <DJ-_->07:57
pistaxRainbows, so i guess cd i/o problems...cd/dvd-rom can not read cd?. what is your manufacter etc...07:57
DJ-_-thanx for da help07:57
PurpZeYWhoNeedszzz: Need to install it off an ISO.07:57
IndyGunFreakjohnny: well, don't know whatto tell oyou07:57
teamworksmast, oh.  you already have nvidia drivers installed and have reconfigured xorg to use the proprietary drivers?07:57
DJ-_-xRainbows: what is that07:57
ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox07:57
IndyGunFreakxRainbows: flux is good, but its a little to light for me07:57
johnnywas hoping an expert could help me fix it07:57
xRainbowsLG DVD player07:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:57
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DJ-_-I will try both07:58
johnny!info fluxbox07:58
ubotufluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 899 kB, installed size 2888 kB07:58
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: if you want really light, fluxbox si the way to go.07:58
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smastteamwork>all i know is that when i plug my monitor into the new card it does nothing07:58
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: but flux isn't quite as useable as the other 3 GUIs, at least in my opinion07:58
jcazorla_ola a tos07:58
johnnythere ya go07:58
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pike_DJ-_-: fluxbox is a window manager not a full desktop environment like xubuntu or ubuntu desktop will provide. that said its what i use07:58
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: I will try that now07:58
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teamworksmast, you mean your screen doesn't receive a signal?  then you need to adjust your BIOS.07:58
DJ-_-pike_: ok07:58
new-ubuntu-usersmast: Nvidia Gforce 4 what _____?07:58
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smastteamwork>how do i do that07:59
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n00buntuHi, I've just installed feisty fawn and can't even connect t0 my router top see what's wrong. DHCP has assigned me an ip address, but I can't connect to any server, or anything. Anyone know what the problem might be?07:59
smast<new-ubuntu-user>its a bloody monster07:59
matthew1429does kubuntu have an official support channel?07:59
PurpZeYn00buntu: wireless or wired?07:59
matthew1429#kubuntu doesn't seem to07:59
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n00buntudoi cant update my respitories or anything lol07:59
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: if you like it, download Fluxbuntu... http://fluxbuntu.org08:00
WhoNeedszzzis there a way to backup my packages?08:00
DJ-_-how do i download the fluxbox package08:00
WhoNeedszzzso i don't have to reinstall them?08:00
new-ubuntu-usersmast: http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp08:00
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PurpZeYn00buntu: can you run iwconfig and pastebin it?08:00
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: i think its sudo apt-get install fluxbox08:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:00
yeniklasoris there any application for my C programs get auto compile and lanch. Like Dev-C++ ? I don't want use shell everytime :(08:00
teamworksmast, when you boot up, you'll see a little message like "press f2 to enter setup".  the setup is your BIOS.  you need to go into that and turn off the onboard video controller.  every BIOS is different so I can't give you exact instructions.  you need to refer to the documentation that came with your motherboard.08:00
spanglesontoastanyone know much about the apollo pro266 not doing dual monitor support on ubuntu08:00
spanglesontoastor is there a gui for doing such ?08:00
n00buntuok i will, im on windows now, ill have to change. ill brb in 10 minutes, thanks.08:00
pistaxRainbows, if your dvd-rom actually reads dvd's? (i still don't know if it does), it should be ok imho, maybe stupid drivers08:00
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n00buntuthanks brb08:01
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: thanks and getting it now08:01
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: yeah, i think thats it.08:01
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pike_yeniklasor: ive heard good things about kdevelop as an ide never used it though08:01
teamwork!info pastebinit feisty08:01
ubotupastebinit: A command line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB08:01
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xRainbows<pista>i think its giving its life up... it about 2.5 years old08:01
JW_704Hello, I want to make a launcher for my Quake game, but when I right-click my desktop, and click make launcher then fill out all the information to make it, the launcher doesnt't work?08:01
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IndyGunFreakspanglesontoast: apollo pro266?  whats that, a videocard?08:02
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DJ-_-@All: Why do not we just think of a way to get ubuntu running on mobile phones...just think about it, it has its plusses08:02
ALMimoniazureus crashes after starting. how can I fix it?08:02
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spanglesontoastI think so it's in my laptop08:02
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: there was someone here asking that question yesterday.08:02
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DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: its a neat idea though what say?08:03
PurpZeYIndyGunFreak: And I asked the opposite question. Why?08:03
pistaxRainbows, lol, try google, this is the first thing i've found http://www.captain.at/howto-linux-driveready-seekcomplete-error-drivestatuserror.php (it is a hd problem not cd, but same error)08:03
maaikedoes anyone know how I can do a printscreen? I am quite new to ubuntu :)08:03
spowersi think you can get dev-cpp for linux, right?08:03
IndyGunFreakPurpZeY: lol, and i still don't know why.08:03
almienumm, when X starts on my laptop (showing a black screen), then no key presses work any longer (e.g. ctl-alt-f2 or ctl-alt-backspace have no effect) - anyone an idea what might cause that??08:03
xRainbowsoh ok08:03
PurpZeYmaaike: You talking about about screen-cap?08:03
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: yeah, i guess, but i'm oneof those wierdos, i use a cell phone, to make phone calls.08:03
pistaxRainbows, np08:03
pike_DJ-_-: if i was looking for a mobile phone os i wouldnt use ubuntu. all the things that make ubuntu nice are things that make it not so streamlined as other options08:03
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DJ-_-maaike: Applications-->Accessories-->Print Screen08:03
jimmy89hey, i booted live cd, installed feisty, but whenever i boot it, keyboard and mouse are completely frozen, any ideas?08:03
JW_704maaike, press the printscreen button? :)08:03
maaikeDJ-_-: thank you08:04
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BatsotOmaaike : does print screen button works?08:04
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DJ-_-pike_: i mean not ubuntu in actual but some linux like OS...a new distro maybe?08:04
DJ-_-maaike: your welcome08:04
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GoopCan anyone help with a video problem?08:04
JW_704Pressing the "Print Screen" button is so much quicker08:04
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pike_DJ-_-: openmoko is the one im holding out for atm08:04
teamworksick of copying and pasting into the pastebin?  install pastebinit and be done with it!  someone needs your xorg.conf, just 'cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit" and you'll get back the link to your paste!  this is not spam!08:04
JimmeyWhen I enable "Desktop Effects", the window borders and all their controls disappear. How can I stop this from happening08:04
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IndyGunFreakspanglesontoast: i can't offer much of a suggestion, i've never heard of that chipset.08:04
DJ-_-JW_704: ya but some keyboards may not have dat08:04
IndyGunFreaki've got an Nvidia, and dual displays works great08:04
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DJ-_-pike_: i will google that a bit08:05
JW_704DJ-_-, true08:05
JW_704Hello, I want to make a launcher for my Quake game, but when I right-click my desktop, and click make launcher then fill out all the information to make it, the launcher doesnt't work?08:05
skyfallerhey folks... does a normal Ubuntu live CD work on an Intel Mac?  It's not clear to me from the documentation08:05
pike_DJ-_-: neo 1973 coming out this year to compete with iphone hopefully08:05
spanglesontoastbut when I press the dual monitor button on my laptop08:05
DJ-_-pike_: sounds good08:05
IndyGunFreakJimmey: i had the same prob, i gave up trying to fix it, some said it was a bug in berlyl Ubuntu08:05
spanglesontoastit does it but it's all fuzzy lines on both screens08:05
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IndyGunFreakJimmey: try asking in #ubuntu-effects08:05
PurpZeYJimmey: I've seen people with this issue before, I dont know the fix, but I imagine #ubuntu-effects will know.08:05
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JimmeyIndyGunFreak, I have, there's no-one there08:05
spanglesontoastso I have to restart back to gdm08:05
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jimmy89anyone got any idea why oard and touchpad would freeze after i installed feisty?08:05
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IndyGunFreakJimmey: yeah, thats how it usually goes..lol08:05
JimmeyIndyGunFreak, PurpZeY, No-one replies08:05
DJ-_-brb after googling some mobile OSs08:06
ilektrojohngood afternoon from greece, i have a very strange problem with grub .it takes about 1.20 min to load. it seems to be a hardware specific problem as i didn't face it with installs on other machines would you recommend lilo or another version of grub, i'm currently using 0.9708:06
IndyGunFreakjimmy89: no idea.08:06
frolleI am trying to mount my windows shared folder via lan, it is working, but i cant get write permssions, what is wrong?08:06
new-ubuntu-userJW_704: Are you getting the path to the executible file correct?  (you might try it from cli and see).08:06
PurpZeYJimmey: You can try #beryl...They have a fix for that issue in #beryl.08:06
JimmeyIndyGunFreak, Beryl works fine on my old install - Ubuntu uses Compiz as default for "Desktop Effects"08:06
JimmeyPurpZeY, I'm sure it's Compiz that's installed08:06
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IndyGunFreakJimmey: oh ok, i was having that issue with Beryl, not compiz08:06
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jimmy89should i just try and reinstall and hope my keyboard problems are a glitch?08:07
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JW_704new-ubuntu-user, cli?08:07
killerbunnyI have a volume up/down on my keyboard, when i press them it popups a box showing volume indicates, but it doesnt change the volume, What does it acually map to ?08:07
JimmeyIndyGunFreak, the way to solve that with beryl is to reload the Beryl window manager after you launch "Beryl-Settings", I'm pretty sure08:07
PurpZeYJimmey: Yes, I understand, but, the last time someone had that issue, they have a fix, which may not be dependent on beryl/compiz.08:07
JimmeyIndyGunFreak, it used to happen to me sometimes08:07
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new-ubuntu-usercli - command line interface08:07
JimmeyPurpZeY, ahh, oki08:07
new-ubuntu-useror command line08:07
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IndyGunFreakJimmey: ah, i gave up on it, it worked great under Edgy, not so w/ feisty.. its no big deal.. it was only cool for about 3 days, then i started wondering why i installed.08:08
hellogoodbyeanyone please help me?08:08
arnisraidohello!  i have just started server installation -08:08
teamworkoops, it's actually 'pastebinit <filename>'.08:08
arnisraidoand it hangs up after first reboot on "running local boot scripts"08:08
new-ubuntu-userJW_704: if you get the command right, it should work.08:08
teamworkhellogoodbye, what's up?08:08
JimmeyIndyGunFreak, haha, yeah, I did the same - Although, while Compiz is installed as default with Fiesty, I'd like to to work..08:08
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LOLZebrayou tell me08:08
JimmeyIndyGunFreak, no big problem though.08:08
IndyGunFreakJimmey: i understand08:08
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IndyGunFreakif we wanted an OS that almost worked, we'd all use Windows08:09
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hellogoodbyeteamwork, i just installed feisty on my laptop, but the keyboard and mouse are unresponsive, but they wroked on the live cd, which i am in now?08:09
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FFighterhello folks08:09
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ilektrojohnanyone for grub problem?08:09
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IndyGunFreakpike_: did you ever get your problem resolved?08:09
new-ubuntu-userilektrojohn: what... grub problem08:09
ticnailer69does anyone know the command for getting to root?08:09
JW_704new-ubuntu-user, /home/jeremy/Quake/tyr-glquake is how the launcher is setup now, i know this exists08:09
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Jimmeyticnailer69, "sudo"08:09
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:10
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n00buntuok i got the data08:10
teamworkhellogoodbye, ouch.  a fresh install?08:10
new-ubuntu-userticnailer69:  sudo passwd root08:10
hellogoodbyeteamwork, yep08:10
arnisraidowhat about first boot and hang up on /etc/rc.local execution08:10
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n00buntuthats the output there of iwconfig and ifconfig08:10
WandererAnyone know of a backports for sources.list which will cover pidgin?  Can't find a good amd64 package08:10
ilektrojohn i have a very strange problem with grub .it takes about 1.20 min to load. it seems to be a hardware specific problem as i didn't face it with installs on other machines would you recommend lilo or another version of grub, i'm currently using 0.9708:10
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n00buntuanyone know whats wrong? please help08:10
pike_IndyGunFreak: problem?08:10
hellogoodbyehard shutting down, i see lots of messaged about "KDSETKEYCODE"08:10
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IndyGunFreakpike_: i might have you mixed up with someone else, we'rent you having a problemwith firefox and Ubuntu 5.10 yesterday08:11
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pike_IndyGunFreak: nah not me :)08:11
ALMimonireal player does not installed with  sudo aptitude install realplayer08:11
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new-ubuntu-userJW_704:  If you type   /home/jeremy/Quake/tyr-glquake   into a terminal window, does quake start and run?08:11
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atarikidHello all :) I just switched over to Ubuntu from SUSE.. and I'm having an issue with the install CD not properly mounting when I'm trying to install packages. Never encountered this with SUSE or Fedora.. anyone else have this issue?08:12
new-ubuntu-userif not, try    "which try-glquake"  or  "which glquake"  or "which quake"08:12
IndyGunFreakatarikid: just remove the CD from the repos, and it will download the requirements from the internet08:12
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PurpZeYQuestion, why is 'uptime' showing 2 users, when I only have one user created? Is sudo or root a user? If I created a sudo -s term?08:12
n00buntucan anyone help? i cant connect to the internet with feisty fawn, this is the pastebin data from iwconfig and ifconfig08:12
new-ubuntu-userJW_704:  if not, try    "which try-glquake"  or  "which glquake"  or "which quake"08:12
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GugaDoes anybody know how to install the genksyms script by using synaptic? I'm trying to install the NVIDIA driver from the NVIDIA website and it can't compile the kernel header interface and the log says it can't find genksyms. I've already created the symlink 'linux' on /usr/src pointing to the correct kernel source08:12
IndyGunFreakatarikid: doo you have synaptic open?08:12
eKnghtWishey everyone08:12
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teamworkhellogoodbye, hmmm .... i'm not qualified to answer your question, unfortunately.  sounds like the installation went bad for some reason or another.  there may be a way to fix it, but if I were you i'd simply re-install.  someone else may be able to get you going w/out reinstall though.08:12
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atarikidIndyGunFreak: Simple enough solution :) I was just wondering why I was having that issue. But that fix should work, thank you08:13
hellogoodbyeteamwork: yea thanks, i was thinking of reinstalling08:13
IndyGunFreakatarikid: yeah, it should.. i had the same problem08:13
Knightwsehad anyone had any experience with connecting a mac machine to a cups printer ?08:13
pike_PurpZeY: use the 'w' command in the terminal08:13
=== bluefox83 [n=bluefox@dynamic-acs-24-239-249-234.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
teamworkGuga, installing nVidia driver from website is bad.  use the one in the repos.08:13
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IndyGunFreakatarikid: open synaptic, then System Menu/Repositories, and in the bottom, uncheck the CDRom options.08:13
mrsn0n00buntu what wireless card are you using? try lspci and pastebin the output, or lsusb if its a usb device08:13
serdatdid anyone have trouble with launchers after installing gdesklets on a 64 bit?08:13
JW_704new-ubuntu-user, Yes it loads08:13
mrsn0maybe its a notebook? knowing the model would be useful too08:13
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KnightwseI installed cups and would like to use the printer i connected to it08:14
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows08:14
atarikidIndyGunFreak: Thank you, I'll try it out now08:14
Gugateamwork, but the one in the repos is not updated, and I can't get nvidia-driver-new to work...08:14
teamworkhellogoodbye, how do you shut down?08:14
PurpZeYpike_: looks like x-session manager is the only thing, plus the w.08:14
dbrewer_rjrdoes ubuntu have a program that will unzip multipart windows zip files?08:14
KnightwseThanxx :)08:14
new-ubuntu-userJW_704:  Then insert the command just as you typed it into the terminal window, (cut and paste).08:14
JW_704new-ubuntu-user, didn't work08:15
pike_dbrewer_rjr: cant you just concatonate them?08:15
hellogoodbyeteamwork, i had to just hold the power button, as i couldnt interact with the laptop08:15
Gugateamwork, because I have to work with 3d applications (also games :P)08:15
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dbrewer_rjrpike_: no08:15
teamworkGuga, hmm ...  you must have a smoking hot new  card.08:15
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IndyGunFreak!the internet08:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about the internet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:15
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lostboyzhi i was wondering how you install ie6 with wine in ubuntu08:15
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IndyGunFreaklostboyz: why?08:15
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serdatdoes anyone know which part of gnome controls launcher and .desktop files?08:16
Gugateamwork, but the thing is that I want the gemksyms to work also, because I need that to compile new modules...08:16
teamworkhellogoodbye, wow.  you could try to chroot into it from the livecd and update it, that may help.08:16
lostboyzi need to use esignal and other programs for trading in wine08:16
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PurpZeYpike_: Still showing 2 users.....but only one application08:16
hellogoodbyeteamwork, it just seems very weird that the live cd works but the install doesnt08:16
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IndyGunFreakwarbox?..lol, his exit message sounds a little angry08:16
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teamworkGuga, oh.  that's beyond me, dude.  try wiki.debian.org and search for nvidia.  there are good howto's there.08:16
prestosdhello all! :D08:16
prestosdDo you support xubuntu here?08:17
johnnyhow can i rebuild my routing table08:17
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IndyGunFreakprestosd: not usually08:17
IndyGunFreaktry #xubuntu08:17
lostboyzdo you know how indygunfreak08:17
IndyGunFreaklostboyz: know how what?08:17
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Gugahello, i know some people that had problems with that and their cd was recorded with a problematic speed, so they simply got a new cd08:17
lostboyzinstall ie6 with wine08:17
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IndyGunFreaklostboyz: no way08:17
Gugateamwork, ok, tks dude :P08:17
IndyGunFreaklostboyz: will ie4linux work?08:18
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IndyGunFreaki think thats the name of the package08:18
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lostboyzonly if there is a way i can copy the dlls so that my software recognizes that ie6 is installed08:18
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prestosdread all about it08:18
IndyGunFreaklostboyz: hmm,i don't know.08:18
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teamworkhellogoodbye, yeah.  sometimes the livecd acts different because of its fat kernel.  the installation process may have mis-identified your hardware, or whatever.08:18
PurpZeYlostboyz: ie4linux08:18
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johnny it's ies4linux08:18
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IndyGunFreakjohnny: oh ok, knew i was close08:19
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johnnypretty nice proggy08:19
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hellogoodbyeteamwork, assuming this reinstall attempt fails, could i put the fat livecd kernel into my install?08:19
johnnyused it a few times to test websits08:19
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johnnyteamwork, yes08:19
IndyGunFreaki don't think its gonna work for him though08:19
prestosdhow do i change my bit depth in xfce?08:19
acefrahmTrying to setup first apache website with Fiesty, trying to create a number of sites using Hostname lookup.  I have verizon DSL, I already configured inadyn to update DynDNS when the IP address changes.   I'm failing to configure apache2 correctly.  Where do I get help?08:19
lostboyzpurpzey how do i make it so ie is shown as installed? when i try to install my other programs that need ie they say it has to be installed08:19
johnnyhellogoodbye, yes08:19
prestosdis there a console command?08:19
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redhow do i install a VPN tunnel08:20
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johnnyit asks if you want to use the liivecd kernel iirc08:20
PurpZeYlostboyz: in wine or in ubuntu?08:20
lostboyzpurpzey in wine08:20
hellogoodbyejohnny i assume you mean on the laternate cd?08:20
batistaantono comova la  vida08:20
johnnyi'm not really an ubuntu user08:20
=== DFb0T [n=DF-B0t@gladiator.dnsslave.com] has joined #ubuntu
hellogoodbyewe make typos :)08:20
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:20
johnnyonly trying to fix gf's wireless08:20
PurpZeYlostboyz: I don't now, maybe someone in #winehq08:20
teamworkthe laternate fesity krenel?08:20
JuJuBeeI know that dd takes a while to clone, but just how long can I expect for a160GB SATA HD?08:20
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IndyGunFreakhellogoodbye: yeah.. i was just kidding08:21
PurpZeYlostboyz: But you could try ies4linux as already suggested.08:21
hellogoodbyeyeah i know08:21
IndyGunFreakteamwork: alternate08:21
=== Tigger_ [n=Tigger@host86-137-19-202.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
newbhello... who could help a newbie? my text only mode is messed up and does not display correctly. it could be a display adapter problem i presume?08:21
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teamworkIndyGunFreak, didn't realize there was an alternate laternate fesity krenel.08:21
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IndyGunFreakteamwork: its very advanced08:21
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redi need to create a VPN connection, HOW?08:21
IndyGunFreakits a text based graphical install.08:22
Tigger_hi is there a dvd player for ubuntu 6.06.1 please ?08:22
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ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD08:22
johnnyred, you're gonna have to google it08:22
teamworkIndyGunFreak, wow!  will that be in Gutsy?08:22
PurpZeYnewb: Is it a fresh install?08:22
redi can do that08:22
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teamworkIndyGunFreak, i mean, Gusty?08:22
PurpZeYteamwork: It's already here, it's just superl33t.08:22
Jay-Dubcan i install Ubuntu by ftp?08:22
IndyGunFreakteamwork: we're probably not gonna see it fully released until Happy Hippo08:22
JuJuBeeHow / who do I report a problem with NIS under recent feisty?08:22
johnnyNIS LOL08:22
PurpZeYteamwork: The entire install is in l33t sp34k08:22
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batistablopez coantos aos tienes08:22
newbPurpZeY: yes08:22
Jay-Dubbecause i have no OS on my computer whatsoever08:23
PurpZeYIndyGunFreak: It's Hungry Hippo, get it right...;)08:23
JuJuBeejohnny : yep, its what I know how to set up...08:23
PurpZeYnewb: And what happens when you bootup now?08:23
IndyGunFreakPurpZeY: i'vegot some other H's that would work08:23
johnnyJay-Dub, uhmm.. use the livecd08:23
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Dekkardhow does he burn the cd with no os?08:23
Jay-Dubi cant because i have no way of burning the iso to a disk08:23
[Lightning] anybody with networking experience and is willing to help a guy with strange networking problems ?08:23
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johnnyget a friend to burn it for you08:23
IndyGunFreakDekkard: thats a great question.08:23
johnnyi'm sure you know somebody with a cd burner08:24
johnnyor order one08:24
johnnyyou need to boot off of something08:24
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm:  http://httpd.apache.org/docs/08:24
johnnyeven if you were to install over ftp08:24
Jay-Dubdoes it take long for an order?08:24
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JuJuBeejohnny : do you have any idea?  NIS broke after a recent update.08:24
batistaantoa contesta08:24
IndyGunFreakJay-Dub: at least a few days08:24
johnnyJuJuBee, no.. i would NEVER use NIS08:24
johnnyJay-Dub, get a friend to burn it08:24
JuJuBeeWhat then?08:24
johnnyor go to  some place like kinkos08:24
johnnyfor what?08:24
Jay-Dubdoes it take days or weeks..08:25
JuJuBeeSmall network with only a few workstations.08:25
johnnyon what you'reu sing NIS08:25
IndyGunFreakJay-Dub: do youhave a compusa near you?08:25
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johnnyJay-Dub, don'ty ou have friends08:25
johnnywith cd burners?08:25
johnnythen get them to burn it08:25
johnnyproblem solved08:25
JuJuBeejohnny : I have 6 workstations for students and a single server.08:25
PurpZeYHe's on IRC, if he had friends, would he be here?08:25
IndyGunFreakJay-Dub: well theres your answer, have them burn it.08:25
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=== IndyGunFreak has no friends
johnnyi have friends08:25
johnnyyeti 'm on IRC08:25
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thomaxhi y'all08:26
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thomaxanyone an idea whats best for the life extent of your hdd's, keem em spinning, or spindown after x time of inactivity?08:26
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Jay-Dubwould there be any way i could install Knoppix on my hard drive then burn the iso that way?08:26
IndyGunFreakJay-Dub: do your friends have high speed or dial up?08:26
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PurpZeYjohhny: Look, I'm right along side you, but let's be honest, ubotu is really not a friend...;P08:26
Tigger_hi is there a dvd player for ubuntu 6.06.1 please ?08:26
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marcoshigh speed08:26
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IndyGunFreakTigger_: a DVD player?08:26
Jay-Dubmy friends have high speed08:26
Jay-Duband so do i08:26
Jay-Dubi asked08:26
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hellogoodbyejohnny: worst case scenario, i have to chroot and replace the kernel?08:27
Jay-Dubwould i be able to install Knoppix?08:27
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:27
Tigger_IndyGunFreak : dvd playing software08:27
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IndyGunFreakTigger_: yeah there's lots of them08:27
hellogoodbyetigger: try vlc08:27
IndyGunFreakVLC, Totem, Mplayer,08:27
PurpZeYTigger_: Totem or Gstreamer? You just need the dvdlibs08:27
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IndyGunFreakVLC is best08:27
=== PurpZeY agrees...VLC is tight.
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Tigger_thanks PurpZeY08:27
IndyGunFreakVLC rox!08:27
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:27
hellogoodbyeVLC FTW08:27
=== paz_ [n=paz@host254-85-dynamic.8-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
batistaejliecol mecaguen en tus muertos del enterrador08:28
PurpZeYTigger_: I think you're best with VLC08:28
IndyGunFreakTigger_: you should have totem installed with a new install.08:28
PurpZeY!es | batista08:28
ubotubatista: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:28
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Tigger_IndyGunFreak, Totem dosn't work without a plugin and i can't find it08:28
PurpZeY!dvdlib | Tigger_08:28
Jay-Dubwould i be able to install Knoppix then download the iso and then copy it to a cd08:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdlib - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:28
IndyGunFreak!dvd | Tigger_08:28
ubotuTigger_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:28
PurpZeY!dvd | Tigger_08:28
Tigger_i'll try VLC08:28
=== superdild [n=mario@host233-220-dynamic.59-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakTigger_:  see above, VLC won't work w/o a DVD codec installed either08:28
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PurpZeYSee, even ubotu isn't my friend.08:28
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=== IndyGunFreak thinks ubotu loves everyone
pike_Jay-Dub: a few install options are listed here:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation08:29
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IndyGunFreakXine is pretty good for DVD s/w also.08:29
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.08:29
PurpZeYCan someone just help me root out as to why my uptime is showing 2 users, it's weirding me outt.08:29
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DJ-_-How do i remove everything that can with kubuntu-desktop?08:29
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Tigger_ahh ok IndyGunFreak08:29
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: sudo apt-get remove KDE, or kubuntu-desktop  not sure which08:30
teamworkDJ-_-, use aptitude and purge it.08:30
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DJ-_-teamwork: command?08:30
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erUSULPurpZeY: if you have a terminal emulator running you count as two users X and the terminal08:30
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: i told you, KDE is the DEVIL!08:30
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teamworkDJ-_-, sudo aptitude remove --purge kubuntu-desktop08:30
hellogoodbyeheh, it's configuring hardware at 94%, im pretty sure it didnt do that last time08:30
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[Lightning] does anyone know why the system suddently stopped accepting connections and firestarter reports problems initializing eth0 but after a configuration with xnetcardconfig it starts acception connections to the web, even localhost connections are blocked08:30
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PurpZeYerUSUL: I just have gnome, so, me and gnome are the two users?08:30
DJ-_-hold on i will try that08:30
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Tigger_why dosn't Totem come with the plugin, would so much easyier08:30
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PurpZeYTigger_: It's a restricted module.08:30
erUSULPurpZeY: sort of08:31
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dredhammercan someone help me i lost all audio in feisty although ubuntu says my sound card is working08:31
DJ-_-only removed 45.1 kb08:31
IndyGunFreakTigger_: because, they say it would be a federal offense08:31
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DJ-_-has installed 500+ mb08:31
PurpZeYerUSUL: So long as that's the way it's supposed to be, it's fine by me.08:31
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Tigger_ahh ok thanks for your help PurpZeY and IndyGunFreak :)08:31
DJ-_-how do i take those off?08:31
pike_dredhammer: /msg ubotu sound08:31
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: lol08:31
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xjkxI installed tightvncserver and i am using ultravnc as client to run it from windows, everything is ok but.....the keyboard isnt configured ! wtf? if i run it locally the keyboard is ok, if remotely its not08:31
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justin420hi all. can anybody tell me how to install zoneminder on ubuntu edgy? is there a repo for that app or do i have to compile by source?08:31
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: KDE is the Linux version of a Virus08:31
KobaltsAnyone know how to fix a desktop-file-utils error ? I can't install/remove/update any packages now08:31
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Traeis there a clicky clicky tool I can use to setup my drive so it mounts when booted?08:31
batistaviva espaa08:31
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: reinstall?08:31
PurpZeYerUSUL: So the kernel is recognizing gtk as a manager, and a user?08:32
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: no, i don't think so.08:32
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: what next?08:32
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: open synaptic, and do a search for kubuntu-desktop08:32
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IndyGunFreakrightclick, mark for complete removal, then apply08:32
dredhammerpike what does that do?08:32
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erUSULPurpZeY: i do not think it's gnome it some process that is accesing a pty (terminal)08:32
PurpZeY!sound > dredhammer08:32
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: its clear you're a windows user, i said virus, and the first thing you said was "reinstall?"08:33
pike_dredhammer: it starts a private message with the bot you can also type !sound here but it tends to cram the channel08:33
PurpZeYerUSUL: Fair enough.08:33
dredhammerok thanks08:33
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:33
Assassin`is there any dock program more simple than kiba dock08:33
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: i switched yesterday08:33
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ubuntu-rocksi have an existing ubuntu box. can i take the hard drive out and install it in another pc with better specs?08:33
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: i'm just teasin..08:33
Assassin`i think it uses to many resources for me08:33
Kobalts usr/bin/update-desktop-database: 2: U] : not found    <<---looks like corrupt?  So how fix?08:33
IndyGunFreakthat was always my answer to WIndows problems.. reinstall.08:33
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erUSULPurpZeY: for example i have 3 users now X, screen irssi08:33
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DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: i know :P...i opened synaptic on serach it shows but right click only has mark for installation08:34
MarcoPauhow do I activate /dev/midi?08:34
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: hmm08:34
PurpZeYubuntu-rocks: I think that might end up someone risksy with hardware recognition...Seems like it would work, but, might not work immediately and might cause issue.s08:34
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Tigger_ok i've just found http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-play-dvd-under-ubuntu-linux i'll try that :)08:34
xjkx I installed tightvncserver and i am using ultravnc as client to run it from windows, everything is ok but.....the keyboard isnt configured ! wtf? if i run it locally the keyboard is ok, if remotely its not08:34
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pike_Assassin`: it will work, i guarantee it. but if somthing horrible happens i accept not respondiblility08:34
ubuntu-rocksi'm using fiesty, is the kernel generic?08:34
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PurpZeYTigger: There is a guide for ubuntu...but whatever guide it shouldn't matter. . .as long is it's for ubuntu.08:35
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: try this... sudo apt-get remove kde08:35
padonakhelp me08:35
PurpZeYpike_: That was classic, btw.08:35
PurpZeY!ask | padonak08:35
IndyGunFreak!ask |08:35
clever#0  0xb5eb1e1d in memmove () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.608:35
cleverNo symbol table info available.08:35
ubotupadonak: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:35
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: could not find package08:35
clevercan i get external debuging info for the version in ubuntu and put it in a place where gdb will use it?08:36
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: well, i have one suggestion.08:36
KobaltsHeh, then maybe they will answer how to fix...  {waiting in line...} ;)08:36
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justin420hi all. can anybody tell me how to install zoneminder on ubuntu edgy? is there a repo for that app or do i have to compile by source?08:36
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: go on08:36
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: open synaptic, and do a search for KDE.. and uninstall anything that is part of the KDE OS.. like kde4games, kde4graphics, etc.08:36
PurpZeYKobalts: State your problem and then someone who might know will hop in08:36
KobaltsAnyone know how to fix a desktop-file-utils error ? I can't install/remove/update any packages now08:36
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: omg08:36
IndyGunFreakor reinstall, if you're really feelin squirrly08:36
Kobalts usr/bin/update-desktop-database: 2: U] : not found    <<---looks like corrupt?  So how fix?08:36
teamworkDJ-_-, how did you install KDE?08:36
PurpZeYKobalts: dpkg08:36
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IndyGunFreakteamwork: it didn't remove all the packages08:37
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DJ-_-teamwork: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:37
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KobaltsYeah, I tried dpkg and it fails also08:37
teamworkDJ-_-, don't use apt-get.  use aptitude.08:37
Dekkardsudo apt-get install kde08:37
PurpZeYKobalts: dpkg -reconfigure?08:37
Dekkard Sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:37
IndyGunFreakaptitude under gnome?08:37
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DJ-_-teamwork: better command?08:37
teamworkDJ-_-, hold on.  i'll get you what you need.  just a sec.08:37
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: KDE uses aptitude08:37
DJ-_-teamworl\k: k, thx08:37
teamworkDJ-_-, aptitude is a superior program to apt-get.08:37
IndyGunFreakinstead of apt-get08:37
PurpZeYI've heard it is merely a preference b/w aptitude and apt-get08:38
DJ-_-teamwork: k08:38
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: gotcha08:38
IndyGunFreakPurpZeY: i just like apt-get cuz its easier to spell08:38
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ubuntu-rocksi thought apt-get and aptitude were the same!08:38
PurpZeYIndyGunFreak: I've got no appptidute for spelling08:38
KobaltsHmm there is no dpkg -reconfigure  option ?08:38
PurpZeYubuntu-rocks: similar.08:38
IndyGunFreakubuntu-rocks: well, they have differences08:38
IndyGunFreakbut they are minor08:38
Jowiubuntu-rocks, they are both front-ends for libapt08:38
teamworkPurpZeY, no,  it's not just preference.  if you read the Debian doc's, it'll spell out that aptitude is the recommended program.08:38
Dekkardisnt aptitude ncurses?08:38
IndyGunFreaki personally don't believe one is superior to the other.08:38
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PurpZeYKobalts: I don't know the exact option. Just a sec.08:38
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serdataptitude is atext based interface for apt08:39
PurpZeYWhat is the command line for dpkg reconfigure?08:39
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: try aptitude then08:39
IndyGunFreaksudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop08:39
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KobaltsI did do sudo dpkg --configure -a  ... that failed also08:39
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PurpZeYOh. That'd be the one I was looking for.08:39
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: no success08:39
Dekkardlooks like mp3blaster08:39
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Dekkardi think thats ncurses08:39
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: see you did it, you installed the only known virus for Linux.. KDE!08:39
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PurpZeYKobalts: I think there may be a --reconfigure...But this is getting to be beyond me, although that's not really a tough task.08:40
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atarikidIndyGunFreak, it worked beautifully, thank you!08:40
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: lol, windows user you know :P08:40
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PurpZeYIndyGunFreak: There are real viruses. But they were created just to prove it is POSSIBLE to create a virus in linux.08:40
IndyGunFreakatarikid: ok.. i figured it would, that insert cd thing is annoying anyways08:40
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IndyGunFreakPurpZeY: i know, i'm just kiddin him08:40
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teamworkread all about it:  aptitude is the preferred app.  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/quick-reference/ch-package.en.html#s-apt-install08:40
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AD7sixhi all, how can I disable my wifi card, i.e. so I can use my laptop on a plane?08:41
IndyGunFreakatarikid: half the time, i don't even know where my cd is..lol08:41
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DJ-_-teamwork: ?? what do i do??08:41
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PurpZeYAD7six: I think you can use it on a plane without disabling it. There's no access point. So, it's not going to come on.08:41
teamworkDJ-_-, you're trying to get back to pure GNOME?08:41
KobaltsANY idea what this means/how to fix?   usr/bin/update-desktop-database: 2: U] : not found08:41
PurpZeYAD7six: I mean, in windows, you wouldn't disable it. . . .08:41
IndyGunFreakKobalts: i don't know, but it lookslike you rolled 2 4's.. that must be pretty good08:42
PurpZeYKobalts: FYI, That line comes out totally garbled over here.08:42
AD7sixPurpZeY: well - it scans when I turn it on, which is a no-no. In windows you would disable it.08:42
DJ-_-teamwork: trying to remove all KDE crap08:42
PurpZeYIndyGunFreak: WAHAHAHA!08:42
KobaltsYes, that is how it is on the console also...  Looks like corruption.08:42
jj_AD7six, use ifconfig <interface> down08:42
DJ-_-teamwork: taking up space :S08:42
PurpZeYAD7six: Boot up, as soon as network manager opens, right click, disable?08:42
teamworkDJ-_-, check this page: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome08:42
[Lightning] anyone know why a recently installed ubuntu suddently stopped accepting connections even on localhost but after a configuration with xnetcardconfig it starts allowing internet access ?08:42
PurpZeYAD7six: That is, check off, enable wireless?08:42
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DJ-_-teamwork: looking now08:43
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: if you're not to far along, maybe a clean install is easiest...lol08:43
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PurpZeYAD7six: Don't misunderstand me, I don't advocate for violating any laws, especially FAA safety laws. My step-dad flies a private plane, I assure that 1) It is safe for it start, long enough for you to disable and 2) No one is going to notice or know.08:43
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hellogoodbyehey, im booted in recovery mode through grub, keyboard and mouse now work08:43
trprAD7six: maybe iwconfig <device> power off08:43
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justin420sorry to spam the channel but; can anybody tell me how to install zoneminder on ubuntu edgy? is there a repo for that app or do i have to compile by source?08:44
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IndyGunFreakhellogoodbye: well, thats good news.08:44
lixHi there. Will the pimlico project (http://pimlico-project.org) be maintained by a ubuntu developper any time soon?08:44
Eric_Jardascan anyone tell me where can I find Terminal escape codes for colors ?08:44
PurpZeYtrpr: Right, but he is saying, he wants to have it disabled on boot.08:44
teamworkhellogoodbye, awesome.  do an update and upgrade, see if that helps.08:44
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hellogoodbyeindygun freak, i just run dm (as root, yea not a good idea)08:44
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DJ-_-teamwork: i guess i will reinstall08:44
IndyGunFreakhellogoodbye: what version are you using?08:44
hellogoodbyebut im assuming i need to switch kernels08:44
teamworkDJ-_-, that's not necessary, but if you want too...08:44
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DJ-_-teamwork: ma ISP is bad!! so download ubuntu-desktop again :S08:45
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Kobaltsargh.  Guess I will take the windows approach, and reinstall the OS. :(08:45
hellogoodbyecan i use the livecd / recovery kernel?08:45
hellogoodbyeor grab a newer one?08:45
Eric_Jardascan anyone tell me where can I find Terminal escape codes for colors ?08:45
PurpZeYKobalts: There has to be a fix...it just may mean that someone at this exact moment may not know.08:45
AD7sixPurpZeY: trpr thanks for the tips (did I miss anyone)? Yeah I've flown enough times forgetting to turn it off to konw that it's a precuaution rather than a problem - I'll check those settings when I'm not connected via wifi :).08:45
teamworkDJ-_-, what do you mean?  you can't copy/paste from that page I sent you?08:45
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PurpZeYAD7six: Exactly dude...How many idiots don't turn their blackberry off.08:46
DJ-_-i can but then it is uninstalling everything and installing ubuntu desktop again08:46
DJ-_-gonna take ages to complete08:46
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DJ-_-i will try that anyway08:46
DJ-_-gotta close all apps08:46
hellogoodbyewill changing kernels fix my problems?08:46
PurpZeYKobalts: Have you searched the forums? Give me the error one more time.08:46
nickrudEric_Jardas, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x329.html08:46
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: i tihnk teamwork is on the righ ttrack with that link08:46
PurpZeYhellogoodbye: If you just upgraded to .16 you can run .15, solves problems for people.08:46
hellogoodbyeshould i install updates as root in recovery mode?08:46
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hellogoodbyeim on .1508:47
DJ-_-ya...dats why i am going to give it a try ttyl08:47
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KobaltsPurpZeY: Yeah, I know, but I need to get some packages so I can compile some stuff..  error is: desktop-file-utils error08:47
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Jowilix, looks like there are already ubuntu packages available from their page. http://pimlico-project.org/dates.html08:47
teamworkhellogoodbye, it may.  you should try updating.  since you're in recovery mode, you won't need sudo.  so just type in: aptitude update && aptitude upgrade08:47
PurpZeYhellogoodbye: I wouldn't upgrade anything until i got up and running, my opinion.08:47
IndyGunFreaki bet he re-installs..lol, its easier08:47
hellogoodbyewell, im not up and running and thats the problem08:47
PurpZeYKobalts: That's it?08:47
hellogoodbyeive already reinstalled!08:47
PurpZeYKobalts: I want to search the forums right quick.08:47
Jowilix, and I use "contacts" already actually. it's quite good.08:47
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lixJowi: Yes. I know. But not on the official repository.08:48
Eric_Jardasnickrud, those are the only colors I can use ?08:48
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hellogoodbyeupdating now08:48
PurpZeYhellogoodbye: I don't think updates will help you there, but it sounds like these guys got you on the right track, stick with them.08:48
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KobaltsYeah, that is the main error message, then the garbled stuff starts.08:48
trprAD7six: i am a little surprised there isn't a key combo you can't press to disable the wireless at the physical level08:48
SHAW344Any one upgraded to UBUNTUSTUDIO using the studio web site and not had a glitch?08:48
PurpZeYKobalts: can you pastebin perhaps so I can try and track it in forums for you?08:48
lixJowi: Sure. But would be nice to have them correctly authenticated with a ubuntu-repo gpg sig08:48
KobaltsOK, one sec.08:48
hellogoodbyeok, im going to eat while it updates, speak in a bit08:48
teamworkhellogoodbye, k.08:48
AD7sixtrpr: me 2. I have a button on my laptop for exactly that which doesn't work :)08:49
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trproh, bummer08:49
PurpZeYtrpr: Some you can...mine is pysical switch....But some people have like fn+f3 or something, and ubuntu doesn't recognize the FN.08:49
lixJowi: And I generally would be very happy, having a cross plattform pim that really does work.08:49
KobaltsPurpZey: This is my post at the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46619008:49
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trprwell, mine uses an FN button and it is recognized. those keys are caught by the bios, not ubuntu08:49
nickrudEric_Jardas, no, with gnome-terminal you can play around with some colors under edit->profiles or edit->current profile.08:49
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thugwhat would you guys recommend for a good dc++ client ?08:50
DrStrangeLovmorning all. I ve got a question- what kind of a file do i get when i use nautilus cd burner to create an iso image? is it anything similar to those image (.k3b) meta files created by k3b?08:50
Jowilix, I understand what you mean08:50
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lixJowi: e.g. Synching addresses to the iPod. Allwoing my mail client to send reminders on schedules etc.08:50
lixJowi :)08:50
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Eric_Jardasnickrud, yeah I know I can set the colors there but I need the escape codes for something else...08:50
finalbetaDragnslcr: I assume you get a .ISO , standard file recognized by pretty much anything.08:50
SHAW344Any suggestions on how to get the graphical interface working for ubuntu studio?08:50
allblacks_hi i have a big question : why does my ubuntu can not see my external hdd on USB  but it can see a 2gb flash on USB i have tested the hdd on diffrent linux and it worked08:51
duelbootiso *should* be iso is iso....DrStrangeLov08:51
TxsTchN2sweetness! so I got my MySql info from yahoo and now have it on my desktop! now I have another question, how to I see my website from the web?08:51
lixJowi: It's not about coding another PIM. It's about making a pim work with all other applications and devices ;)08:51
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IndyGunFreakSHAW344: what do you mena graphical interface?08:51
OuZowhere are things installed to if you build from source? thanks08:51
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Eric_Jardasnickrud, maybe I could set a color using the menu and read its escape code in some terminal file ?08:51
DrStrangeLovdo'h. hate to admit it- know i've got to look up what iso is.08:51
Eric_Jardasnickrud, would that be possible ?08:51
Jowilix, I would welcome it. there should be a request page somewhere on the ubuntu site....08:51
thugwhat would you guys recommend for a good dc++ client ?08:51
teamworkallblacks_, you may need to mount it manually and then place a line for it in fstab.08:51
PurpZeYKobalts: Just give me a sec. Might sound stupid, and I might come up with something, but I am in law school and I excel and research, might be able to find you something.08:51
lixJowi: You think I should write it into the wiki?08:52
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allblacks_teamwork could you help me on that?08:52
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nickrudEric_Jardas, as far as I know, those are the ones that bash knows. Anything else is probably dependent on Xdefaults or the app itself08:52
KobaltsPurpZeY: Ok... I have tried google for over 2 hours.  Maybe you got better luck :)08:52
finalbetaallblacks_: see if you can see the drive with gparted (if not installed, install it from apt), if you don't see the usb disk. type dmesg and check if you see any usb related errors08:52
sivajiwhat will happen if i kill init process08:52
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teamworkallblacks_, well, first thing is to see if Ubuntu finds it.  unplug it, plug it back in, wait five seconds, and then check dmesg.08:52
finalbetaallblacks_: if you get the errors, post them on the forums or something, but it probably would mean the drive is not supported.08:52
DrStrangeLovc++ client? you mean ide?08:52
[Lightning] thug until Apex for linux comes out try linuxdc++08:52
Eric_Jardasnickrud, would it be possible to set the color using the menu and read its escape codes in some config file ?08:53
PurpZeYKobalts: This help at all?08:53
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teamworkallblacks_, and do everything finalbeta is telling you.  :)08:53
[Lightning] or valknut but it's not up to date08:53
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Jowilix, no idea :)08:53
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DJ-_-teamwork: what was that link you gave me08:54
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finalbetaDrStrangeLov: dc++ is some p2p protocol. though it's server based for chats (IRC)08:54
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KobaltsPurpZeY: No, I tried all that... no luck08:54
DJ-_-thanks again08:54
teamworkDJ-_-, that's a handy website for Ubuntu.  you should dig around in it.08:54
SixFeetUnderhey all08:54
thug[Lightning]  thanks08:54
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DJ-_-This IS pretty cool08:54
[Lightning] "Linux port of the famous dc++ client08:54
[Lightning] This package provides the linux port of the famous08:54
[Lightning] windows client dc++ for the P2P network Direct08:55
[Lightning] Connect." there is a package with a cvs snapshot in ubuntu08:55
nickrudEric_Jardas, gnome doesn't use the escape codes; you can see what it uses in gconf-editor at /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/<>08:55
DJ-_-you get to do whatever you want....oh the sense of POWER :P08:55
DrStrangeLovfinalbeta, oh, never heard of it- so is anything better than bittorrent protocol on the horizon?08:55
DrStrangeLovmost torrent clients on linux sucks - except maybe for rtorrent/bittornado08:55
DJ-_-teamwork: I sure will man thanks08:55
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PurpZeYKobalts: Did you upgrade the kernel during your recent upgrades that you didn't pay attention to?08:55
bensodeLooking for a guide to install a network printer on a ubuntu 6 server with no gui08:55
[Lightning] anyone know why the system suddently stopped trafic even to localhost ?08:56
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finalbetaDrStrangeLov: Not better, the bittorrent solves many of the problems dc++ has, but it has it's own fan base.08:56
KobaltsAt least, I am 90% sure I didn't.08:56
dragonhe says nop08:56
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PurpZeYKobalts: Run unname -a08:56
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: Linux is a beautiful thing.. wait till you actually figure out what you're doing08:56
finalbeta[Lightning] : no idea. I think we just have to little information. I have no idea where to start debugging that.08:56
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KobaltsLinux zopty 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP Tue Mar 13 23:32:38 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux08:56
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KobaltsLooks same to me.  Hmm08:57
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IndyGunFreakKobalts: are you using the 64bit version?08:57
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DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: k, if u say so08:57
KobaltsNo, 3208:57
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jj_anyone have any information on the 2.6.20 kernel thrashing a Netgear wifi cards?08:57
DrStrangeLovDJ-_-, they all say that- and sometimes you learn it the hard way. first time a guy's ever said that to me was while i was on gentoo- a linux n00b. imagine the ride I had to go through :>08:57
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Eric_Jardasnickrud, where is taht apps folder ?08:57
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PurpZeYKobalts: 17?!08:58
allblacks_oh yes another thing i all most forgot when i have installed the Ubuntu it worked the hdd on USB after the update to the next kernel it did not08:58
humehow do I force a disc check on next reboot?08:58
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duelbootjj_, not me...am running it but don't have Netgear, but it hasn't messed up my linksys and dell wifi cards08:58
Journymanwhy is there no seamonkey package for ubuntu08:58
dragoni have played with linux never commited some thing would always stop my conversion08:58
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KobaltsPurpZeY:  ? Or, kernel version ?08:58
teamworkhume, why not run fsck now?08:58
PurpZeYKobalts: Kernel version08:58
Kobaltserr Oh ;)08:58
hellogoodbyeso does the live cd have more support for hardware or something?08:58
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hellogoodbyekernel wise08:58
humeteamwork, disc is mounted08:58
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jj_dualboot, thanks for the info, every little helps08:59
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nickrudEric_Jardas, the settings are in ~/.gconf ; the best way to review & change them is with the app gconf-editor; if it isn't in your applications->system tools menu, right click the menu and select edit, then enable it08:59
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dragonbut i think i am goign to have a shreading party of all my msft software disks i am over it08:59
PurpZeYKobalts: uname -a08:59
IndyGunFreakJournyman: czu it pretty much sucked.08:59
KobaltsPurpZey:  Yeah, 2.6.17-1108:59
teamworkhume, oh.  hmm ... let me check the fsck man page.08:59
JournymanI wasn't aware of the suckage08:59
IndyGunFreakJournyman: its obviously opinion, but i didn't like it at all.09:00
duelbootjj_, it's 20-16-generic #2 SMP that I have...don't know which version you have09:00
PurpZeYKobalts: Is that the most recent kernel, I am running 16, and I just upgraded, I didn't realize an upgrade came so fast....Have you tried using grub to boot into one of the older kernels?09:00
humemy laptop does not find any swap even though I have I GB on hda2 - anyone got ideas on what to check?09:00
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finalbetaKobalts: you did sudo apt-get install -f ?09:00
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IndyGunFreakJournyman: whats wrong with Firefox09:00
teamworkhume, you sure it has to be unmounted?09:00
KobaltsPurpZeY: No, didn't think of that.  Though my list in the grub menu only lists that one, and a non SMP one.09:00
jj_dualboot, fyi, I updated to feisty but I can only get the card to work using 2.6.2709:00
DJ-_-in xubuntu i dont see an application list09:00
humeteamwork, not sure....09:00
hellogoodbyehow can i get the latest kernel then put it as an option in grub?09:01
teamworkhume, try it.  i don't think you have to, looking at the fsck man page.09:01
duelbootjj_, interesting indeed...no help here09:01
IndyGunFreakhellogoodbye: it should become an option automatically09:01
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hellogoodbyeindygunfreak: is there an official kernel update then?09:01
DJ-_-I still have a p3 running on windows having some servers on it....i just wish i knew stuff so i could change that to linux too and get the similar servers09:01
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PurpZeYKobalts: I would see if you can't get grub to boot into one of the older kernels, see if that doesn't help....I mean, it's worth a shot...I know .16 caused a lot of issues for people, they reverted to .15 poof...09:01
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IndyGunFreakhellogoodbye: hold on, let me see which one i'm using09:02
PurpZeYIndyGunFreak: What is the current kernel version?09:02
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: no application menu in xubuntu?09:02
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:02
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jj_dualboot, that should be 2.6.17. Getting a bit ahead of myself there.09:02
KobaltsPurpZeY:  I am thinking a reinstall would be best.  Wasted so much time on this.  And yeah, I will try that before I do the SOP for windows people --reinstall OS.  lol09:02
DJ-_-teamwork: no application menu in xubuntu?09:02
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bensodeLooking for a guide to install a network printer on a ubuntu 6 server with no gui09:02
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IndyGunFreakU;n rybbubg 2,6,20-1609:02
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IndyGunFreakoops, that should be, I'm running, 2.6.20-1609:02
teamworkDJ-_-, there should be.  if not add to the panel with a right click "add to panel"09:03
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: no application menu?09:03
PurpZeYKobalts: See, I don't know of a .17 kernel...I would seriously try -16 first. then try to reinstall.09:03
hellogoodbyeis that just by normal updates tou got that kernel?09:03
KobaltsPurpZeY: Thanks for the help though.  If you don't hear back in this channel, then it means I am reinstalling. :S09:03
DJ-_-add to panel and then?09:03
N9NUdoes anyone know if I need a special driver for grub to install to by HD0, which is RAID 0 Running Vista (sata drives). This is a NVIDIA MOBO09:03
PurpZeYKobalts: Goodluck.09:03
DJ-_-teamwork: add to panel and then?09:03
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: lol, relax... do what team-work said.. except i think its xfce menu, not application menu09:03
ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO09:03
KobaltsLater all.09:03
teamworkDJ-_-, menu bar09:03
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: add to panel, then drag XFCE menu to the panel.09:03
DJ-_-k wait09:03
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N9NUoh i downloaded the wrong CD then09:03
PurpZeYhellogoodbye: That's normal updates usually.09:03
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IndyGunFreaksounds like he might have had an issue.09:04
hellogoodbyeok, whats the cli command to update please?09:04
N9NUi downloaded the desktop one09:04
PurpZeYIndyGunFreak: You mean, with -17 kernel?09:04
elliotjhugany ideas on how to get rid of ' #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)' error in phpmyadmin when I try and login. Tried restarting mysql and apache09:04
allblacks_gparted can see the external hdd ... so what can i do to access it?09:04
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PurpZeYN9NU: I think you need alternate.09:04
IndyGunFreakPurpZeY: no.. he was trying to add the xfce menu to his panel.09:04
IndyGunFreakand just vanished.09:04
jj_bensode, cups has a browser based config. utility. No GUI needed09:04
N9NUyeah...no biggie. i will download that one09:04
teamworkallblacks_, what's gparted calling it, the device name?09:04
IndyGunFreakhellogoodbye: i have no idea, never done that via terminal.09:04
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hellogoodbyeil do it via the gui then09:05
MemoriesHello everyone, how you all doing!09:05
PurpZeYIndyGunFreak: Oh...hehe...Yeah, that other guy was running -17 kernel, which weirded me out, b/c I haven't see that as an upate.09:05
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Memoriesfew min ago i got 2 hits on my firestarted firewall09:05
VampBoiI'm trying to get the latest version of Ubuntu to run.  I got it installed and went to reboot it but I get this message /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off.09:05
allblacks_  /dev/sda109:05
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Memoriesone of em on port 80 and the other on 44309:05
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Memoriesshould i bworried?!09:05
DJ-_-well i am done09:05
Memoriestheyre from the same ip09:05
teamworkMemories, two hits!  that's all.  i usually get hundreds of hits a day.09:05
allblacks_  /dev/sda= external hdd09:05
DJ-_-one more question09:05
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PurpZeYMemories: The one from port 80 is someone try to browse your IP.09:05
centrexWhen I was installing ubuntu, I accidentally set my single/double quote key to be something else.  how can I go about fixing this?09:05
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IndyGunFreakPurpZeY: i think i'm using -1709:06
Memoriesteamwork, am using a proxy so usualy the server gets all the hits09:06
DJ-_-i cant login to gmail via ubuntu i tried firefox opera and other browsers too09:06
centrexIs it locales, kernelmapping, or what?09:06
bensodejj_, Not sure what you mean by browser based.  It runs it's own mini-web server?09:06
IndyGunFreakwait, no.. -1609:06
Memoriespurpzey, you mean theyre trying to brwose through my pc ?09:06
IndyGunFreakmy bad09:06
PurpZeYMemories: Besides, the whole point of having the firewall is to keep people out. It's like a banker saying, someone shot at my bullet proof glass. If the bullet can't get through you're good...Just keep an eye on it.09:06
PurpZeYMemories: Not likely.09:06
DJ-_-teamwork: i cant login to gmail via ubuntu i tried firefox opera and other browsers too09:06
teamworkMemories, it's nothing to worry about.09:06
hellogoodbyeseems like the update manager is downloading 2.6.20-16-generic09:06
PurpZeYIndyGunFreak: Right, -1609:06
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: do you get an error message?09:06
teamworkDJ-_-, you need cookies and javascript enabled.09:06
PurpZeYIndyGunFreak: That's what I thought -16 is the current version, I dunno where heck he got -1709:06
DJ-_-no after logon loading and then blank09:06
Memoriesthats the thing, am worried tht they might have found a way tht im not aware of!09:06
PurpZeYMemories: Don't even think twice about.09:06
DJ-_-both are enabled09:06
finalbetacentrex: you chose the wrong keyboard layout? System - Preferences - Keyboard - Layouts09:06
jj_bensode, install apache and cups on the print server and then add the network09:06
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: well, thats probably why he's having trouble.09:07
Memoriesi dont know how to test if theres any port oipened on my pc09:07
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hellogoodbyeindygunfreak: so there's a change this new kernel will solve my woes?09:07
allblacks_now i can find the partitions on /media but it says i need root privileges to access the content .... but how i am going to do that09:07
jj_bensode, ... printer09:07
IndyGunFreakhellogoodbye: i didn't say that.09:07
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centrexfinalbeta, whats the commandline package to dpkg-reconfigure?  Im not using gnome09:07
IndyGunFreakbut i don't think it could hurt.09:07
PurpZeYHow do I check all the network services my computer is running?09:07
bensodejj_, Thanks.  Don't suppose there is anyway to do this by hand without having to install apache09:07
hellogoodbyebut it's a step in the right direction?09:07
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PurpZeYhellogoodbye: It may not have any effect.09:07
iqonPurpZeY, try netstat09:07
DJ-_-teamwork: it is enabled but firefox is blank aftr the loading part of gmail09:07
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elliotjhug #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured) error with phpmyadmin?09:07
PurpZeYMemories: See iqon.09:07
MemoriesTeamwork , how can i scan my ports if theyre opened or not (mind you im using a proxy so i cant use online tests cos they will scan the server and not my pc )09:08
teamworkDJ-_-, hmm ... i dunno dude.09:08
PurpZeYMemories: netstate09:08
jj_bensode, I don't think you _need_ to install apache, but you will then have to configure cups from a terminal09:08
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: Any ideas?09:08
roland_hi, i have internet acces trough eth0 (wich has a public IP address) and i have a second nic, eth1 wich has a static private ip configured , and a router is connected to eth1 , and the router is suposed to forward packets to the internal lan , but i cant acces the router to configure it, altough i know its interface can be accesed on
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: thinkin09:08
DJ-_-teamwork: k, thx for all the oda help09:08
IndyGunFreaki just logged in to my gmail account09:08
Memoriespurpzey, as u noticed am a beginner, so could u point it out plz!09:08
teamworkMemories, ports are closed by default.  unless you've messed with iptables, they're closed.  nothing to worry about.  :)09:08
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: k09:08
frolleI am trying to mount my windows shared folder via lan, it is working, but i cant get write permssions, what is wrong?09:08
allblacks_and on Gparted i have a lock in front of all partitions09:08
teamworkDJ-_-, no problem.  :)09:08
PurpZeYMemories: just type netstat at a term09:08
Memoriesteamwork , oh ok thank you then :)09:08
finalbetacentrex: no idea.09:08
PurpZeYteamwork: seriously, yeah. don't worry.09:09
Memoriesthanks teamwork , purpzey sorry if i bothered:)09:09
DJ-_-teamwork: without your help another 1-2 hrs wasted on reinstall :P09:09
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: and you're not getting any error messages or anything?09:09
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: no09:09
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PurpZeYMemories: We are here to help, you're welcome...09:09
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PurpZeYOr not.09:09
teamworkMemories, no bother.  most folks in #ubuntu enjoy helping.09:09
bensodejj_,  Yeah I just have shell access setup no gui on the server.  I just needed to be able to print text and config files from this server to an existing IP printer on the network.  This box doesn't need to be a print server just need a way to print from it.  It's a very minimal NFS server and cvs host09:09
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IndyGunFreakwell, must be a javascript issue, is th only thing i can figure, since its effecting all your browsers09:09
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DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: what can i do about it....lets say firefox09:10
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IndyGunFreaki'm thinkin09:10
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: kl09:10
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: k09:10
teamworkDJ-_-, yeah that'd be wasted time for no reason.  hey, you'll be reinstalling in a few months anyway, so you'll get the clean slate then.09:10
jj_bensode, not sure, but have a look at man lpr09:10
PurpZeYroland_: That sounds like quite a setup.09:10
centrexfinalbeta, I threw the gnome menu into an enlightenment window and found it, thanks so much!09:10
hellogoodbyeindygunfreak: when updates are installed, assuming it doesnt fix the problem, would it be a good idea to get an ssh server running so i can try and fix it remotely?09:10
DJ-_-teamwork: why is that lol? ii gotta reinstall in a few months?09:10
bensodejj_, I'll take a look at the cups site and look for a manual configuration for it or I'll go the lpr method.  Thanks for the yip =)09:10
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: Click Edit/Preferneces.. then click the Content Tab... is enable Java/Javascript checked?09:10
VampBoihi, I'm trying to get the latest version of Ubuntu to run.  I got it installed and went to reboot it but I get this message /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off.09:10
bensodejj_, err thanks for the TIP09:10
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: enabled09:11
OuZohow do you benchmark a hard drive's read & write speeds? thanks09:11
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PurpZeYDJ-_-: Fiesty is only going to be supported for a year-and-a-half, so when gutsy comes out, most peope will upgrade at some point.09:11
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: click Advanced, what all is checked there?09:11
finalbetacentrex: np, wish I knew what packages where available through dpkg--reconfigure09:11
TraeHey gang, is there a tool I can use to have a hard drive mount at boot?09:11
teamworkDJ-_-, you want to upgrade to Gusty don't you.  clean install is the best way to update.  upgrades are sooo bugged out for most folks.09:11
Traea graphical tool that is.09:11
jj_bensode, no problem. For you, lpr should do the trick09:11
IndyGunFreakhellogoodbye: you're way over my head with that kinda talk, i don't know.09:11
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DJ-_-oh ok....what bout dist-upgrade?09:11
spencedoes ubuntu include an applet that monitors the cpu/hd/video temperature on notebooks?09:11
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hellogoodbyeah ok09:11
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DJ-_-teamwork PurpZeY: got yall09:11
stiv2kwhat's better, using NFS or just using nautilus + SSH to browse/download stuff off my file server ?????//09:11
PurpZeYspence: If it's not included there are certainly packages for gui.09:11
hellogoodbyei think i shall, then i can see what's going on09:11
centrexfinalbeta, I usually do everything command line, trying out ubuntu at work, this menu stuff has got me all hosed :-/09:12
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PurpZeYspence: And I think they might be included.09:12
CokeManwhere is that list where i remove the cdrom from being used when i apt-get something?09:12
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: still thinking?09:12
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: did you click the advanced tab, what all is checkd htere?09:12
PurpZeYCokeMan: The repository list.09:12
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: resize windows09:12
teamworkCokeMan, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   Comment out the cds.09:12
PurpZeYCokeMan: It;s source.list09:12
centrexCokeMan, /etc/apt/sources.list09:12
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spencePurpZeY: what name would i be looking for?09:13
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: it says waiting for mail.google.com and after sometime it becomes blank09:13
capitalideaI need a little direction in getting my soundcard to play whats coming out of Beep Media Player and Tremulous at the same time, I guess I have to set up my conf so that all sounds play through it at the same time and no one program can possess the card. Anyone got any URLs or buzzwords?09:13
PurpZeYspence: I don't know the names of the packages....just ask the chan "What is the name of the package that does X"09:13
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CokeManeveryone: thanks :P09:13
[Lightning] why do you think i get this behaviour ?09:13
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IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: i wonder if in your efforts to remove KDE and Xfce, if you borked something09:13
[Lightning] PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.09:13
[Lightning] --- ping statistics ---09:13
[Lightning] 119 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 118051ms09:13
IndyGunFreaki wouldn't think so, but you never know.09:13
PurpZeYcapitalidea: You looked all the alsa stuff?09:13
allblacks_teamwork, if i type fdisk -l i can see the partition on the external hdd how can i access them09:13
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DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: it started before that09:13
rizhunCan anyone tell me how I can shrink the root filesystem on Ubuntu 6.06 ?09:13
IndyGunFreakoh ok09:13
capitalideaPurpZeY: no09:13
PurpZeY!alsa | capitalidea09:14
ubotucapitalidea: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:14
IndyGunFreakhmm, i don't know, and it doesn't work on Opera or Firefox?09:14
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: it was working fine yesterday09:14
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stiv2kwhat's better, using NFS or just using nautilus + SSH to browse/download stuff off my file server ?????????//09:14
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DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: all the browsers i tried09:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about temp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:14
rizhunresize2fs ?  but the root filesystem is mounted...09:14
hellogoodbyestiv2k: for security - ssh09:14
spence!temperature monitor09:14
teamwork!chmod | allblacks_09:14
ubotuallblacks_: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux09:14
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: can you access it through thunderbird, or have you tried that?09:14
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DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: i have not enabled pop in there09:14
PurpZeYspence: Watch me.09:14
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iqonspence, try lm-sensors09:14
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stiv2khellogoodbye: but lets say i want to stream a movie from my server....would SSH still be ideal?09:15
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: ping is fine09:15
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: oh ok.. well, i guess that would make a difference09:15
PurpZeYiqon: thx...hehe...09:15
johnnyi streamed movies ovr ssh locally09:15
johnnyit worked fine09:15
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hellogoodbyestiv2k: as long as you have a fairly powerful computer you should be fine09:15
DJ-_-johnny: i need to learn that :P09:15
johnnyor rahter.. i mounted remote fs via sshfs09:15
IndyGunFreakthats just wierd, i don't know.09:15
hellogoodbyeyou may want to look into sshfs09:15
teamworkallblacks_, see the message from ubotu above.  you'll need to chmod the appropriate files/directories that you want 'user' to be able to access.09:15
johnnythat works easily09:15
stiv2khellogoodbye: i tried but it kept lagging.09:15
johnnyssh rules09:15
johnnyuse that09:15
stiv2khellogoodbye: it kept having to buffer09:15
hellogoodbyemounts a remote folder over ssh, appears like a local folder09:15
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DJ-_-johnny: ah lol k i gotta google about dat 1st09:16
hellogoodbyestiv2k: in your media player boost your buffer09:16
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak:  ok....09:16
elliotjhugstiv2k: sorry to interupt.. but gnump3d is good for streaming..09:16
IndyGunFreakJay-Dub:  deep subject09:16
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: sorry... i'm baffled on that one09:16
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stiv2kelliotjhug: what is gnump3d?09:16
hellogoodbyewhoops sorry09:16
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DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: np...i ll figure out sumthing09:16
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: thanks for the help  too09:16
DJ-_-I am going ppl ttyl09:16
stiv2khellogoodbye: um i tried to open it with VLC but it would not open it kept opening wiht totem which i dont know how to change the buffer size09:16
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: no prob... when in doubt, fix it like you'd fix windows.. :)09:16
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teamworkallblacks_, there's also the option of having your external mount to somewhere in /home, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.  you'll probably have to write a udev rule and then add a line to fstab.09:16
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: will try09:16
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: good luck09:17
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: thx09:17
elliotjhugstiv2k: its like a webserver that produces m3u files from mp3s or oggs in the /var/music dir on your PC. Then you can open the m3u on another system to stream the files09:17
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stiv2kelliotjhug: interesting09:17
hellogoodbyestiv2k, it's probs cos vlc can't see the folder because it isnt part of gnome09:17
Yitramfix it like you'd fix windows?  Fdisk and hope it works the next time?09:17
stiv2khellogoodbye: oooooh09:17
stiv2khellogoodbye: any other *good* media players to suggest09:17
IndyGunFreakJay-Dub: so what were you going to say?09:17
hellogoodbyestiv2k, vlc is the shit:P09:17
coreGrlsomeone knows how to install Sagem eagle usb adsl modem on feisty?09:17
Yitramum...i'd say vlc lol09:17
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hellogoodbyetry using sshfs and vlc will see it09:18
stiv2khellogoodbye: right but as you said it wouldnt see the remote folder09:18
stiv2kso i couldnt play the movie09:18
teamworkmplayer is on par with vlc, IMO.09:18
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Yitramor CCCP using MPC but thats on windoze09:18
DJ-_-just got back on to ask....it was working before i disabled ipv609:18
DJ-_-could that be a problem?09:18
weetabixdick dick dick09:18
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Jay-Dubi still can't get something going and im leaving for mexico so i need something on my laptop by friday09:18
Jay-Duband i can't reach my friend09:18
teamworkweetabix, you know better.09:18
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DJ-_-teamwork: just got back on to ask....it was working before i disabled ipv6...cud dat be a problem?09:18
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dragoni just installed ubuntu and how do i look at you tube videos09:19
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ikoniadragon: you need to install flash09:19
ikonia!flash >dragon09:19
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teamworkDJ-_-, uh ... ipv wha??   :)  maybe.  try and see.  also make sure you have https enabled if you're using a firewall.09:19
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dragonok ill attempt it09:19
DJ-_-teamwork: k09:19
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: does gmail conflict with ipv6?09:20
capitalideahm, that didn't work09:20
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv409:20
hellogoodbyestiv2k: sshfs means any application will be able to access your media server09:20
iqonDJ-_-, i don't see how it could09:20
IndyGunFreakit might, i don't use it... i don't think..lol09:20
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: k09:20
capitalideaTremulous cannot be heard while BMP is playing09:20
DJ-_-iqon: then what could be the possible error?09:20
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capitalideaI tried the tip for getting more than one application to use the soundcard at the same time, didn't work09:21
IndyGunFreakwell that link doesn't work09:21
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DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: which ling09:21
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: the one in the ipv6 link09:21
DJ-_-well i disabled it from that link09:21
dragonshould i get tar09:21
IndyGunFreakJay-Dub: i asked you twice what you we4re talking about.09:21
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teamworkcapitalidea, try System > Pref's > Sound > Sounds > Enable software sound mixing (ESD)09:21
ikoniaJay-Dub: you have to ask a question to get help09:21
IndyGunFreakjust ask09:21
ikoniadragon: no - read the url I sent you09:21
DJ-_-IndyGunFreak: I disabled it from that link09:21
DJ-_-iqon: ?09:22
IndyGunFreakDJ-_-: oh ok.09:22
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IndyGunFreakwell, i don't know, maybe re-enable it.09:22
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DJ-_-IndyGunFreak:  will try09:22
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IndyGunFreakikonia: greetings.. you must have snuck in.. i haven't saw you around in a while.09:22
allblacks_i heard about writing in fstab in the lines -o force09:22
capitalideateamwork: that is already checked09:22
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stiv2khey is there a way to stretch all the icons on my gnome desktop to all be the same size instead of having to do them one by one09:22
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allblacks_and it will make the partition availble09:22
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: greetings back, I've been in most nights although my hours have been a bit random/unusual09:22
Jay-Dubi said that i couldn't find anything that i needed and i can't get in touch with a friend to get the iso in time, because im leaving for mexico and i need something on my laptop before then09:22
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IndyGunFreakikonia: understood.09:23
ikoniaJay-Dub: what do you want ?09:23
sam000I reinstalled mount because it wasn't working and now it won't boot09:23
ikoniasam000: you re-install mount09:23
acefrahmcan anyone see my website?  http://acefrahm.com/      with ip address right now of
ikoniaJay-Dub: http://www.ubuntu.com09:23
IndyGunFreakikonia: you're perfect for j-dub, he needs advanced help..lol09:23
ikoniasam000: what are you talking about re-installing mount09:23
Jay-Dubbut i have no way of copying the iso to a cd09:23
hellogoodbyejaydub, get something like damn small linux on a usb stick, boot that then install ubuntu from there?09:23
sam000i did reinstall mount09:23
elliotjhugacefrahm: yup loading, slow though09:23
VeganChickhow weird...i had so many problems with xubuntu, but almost no problems with ubuntu09:23
ikoniaJay-Dub: then you need to go and buy a magaine with it on the front cover09:23
capitalideaacefrahm: the dns doesn't work...09:24
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: I smell a stitch up09:24
elliotjhugcapitalidea: its just slow I think09:24
sam000I removed mount (sudo apt-get remove mount) then installed (sudo apt-get install mount09:24
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silvertip257I'm trying to use the "dd" command to make a copy of a disk and then I'd like to pipe it to bzip2 to compress it; I need help generating a command09:24
Jay-Dubwhy would i go buy a machine when i already have something to put it on?09:24
ikoniaJay-Dub: I said "magazine"09:24
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IndyGunFreakyou know, like Linux magazine09:24
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Jay-Dubi knew that09:24
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hellogoodbyejay-dub, where there'ss a will, there's a way09:25
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[Lightning] acefram apparently will timeout09:25
teamworkJay-Dub, have you looked at these:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation09:25
[Lightning] acefrahm*09:25
ikoniasam000: looks like you've broke you system and mount is not on it09:25
DUPAShey wassup ubuntu dudes :D09:25
acefrahmwhy isn't that site working?  I added   "ServerName localhost" to the end of apache2.conf09:25
Jay-Dubyea i looked there09:25
sam000ikonia: yep09:25
VeganChickit's really dizzying to watch terminal work...09:25
IndyGunFreakteamwork: *he's tried everything*09:25
ikoniasam000: get re-installing09:25
capitalideaJay-Dub: you need to install Ubuntu on your laptop?09:25
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sam000ikonia: any chance of fixing09:25
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Jay-Duband on my computer09:25
ikoniasam000: not easily09:25
hellogoodbyeupdates applied, rebooting into standard kernel! brb09:26
Jay-Dubbut the computer can wait09:26
teamworkIndyGunFreak, oh.  :-|09:26
DUPASrealy dizzy the terminal :D:D:D:D09:26
capitalideaGo get an hour at Kinkos or a computer cafe and burn an iso09:26
sam000ikonia: hard isn't bad09:26
tech13We have a remote cups server, how do we set gnome to use it?09:26
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DUPASUse Freespire man , PEACE!09:26
capitalideatech13: add a printer09:26
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IndyGunFreaksam000: i thinkt he bigger issue, is it'd be difficult to talk you through over an irc channel.09:26
ikoniasam000: ok - boot from a cdrom - setup a complete chroot environment, setup networking and do an apt-get install mount09:26
capitalideatech13: ever add a printer from gnome?09:26
acefrahmI built a folder with a webpage, added a  symlink in "sites-enabled" to acefrahm.com file in "sites-available"09:26
OgguWhy cant I change my resolution? In xorg.conf there 3 diffrent but I can just use 800x60009:26
lemmingsrulewhat version of ubuntu would i download for a dual core processor ??????????????????????09:26
tech13capitalidea, is there a way to add all the printers from the cups server vs each printer?09:26
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: thats as good as he's going to get09:26
roryysilvertip257: maybe "dd if=/dev/cdrom |bzip2 > img.bz2"  ?  you might want to change the device and blocksize09:26
ikonialemmingsrule: any one you want09:27
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Faemirlemmingsrule, the normal one.09:27
elliotjhuglemmingsrule: 7.04 desktop is as good as any09:27
capitalideatech13: I'm not sure09:27
IndyGunFreakikonia: you're killing me09:27
spasticteapotlemmingsrule: Generic Ubuntu would be fine.09:27
lemmingsrulenot 64bit one right ?09:27
ikoniaroryy: thats not how you use pipe09:27
sam000ikonia: what do you mean set a complete chroot enviroment09:27
ikonialemmingsrule: you can if your chip is 64 bit09:27
silvertip257roryy:  sorry hard disk partition :(09:27
elliotjhuglemmingsrule: 32bit will be just fine09:27
ikoniasam000: as I said - hard09:27
spasticteapotlemmingsrule: Depends on your processor. Are you using a C2D or A64?09:27
roryyikonia: it isn't?09:27
ikoniaroryy: no09:27
capitalideatech13: System/Prefences/Printing09:27
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roryysilvertip257: if=/dev/hda1 or whatever09:27
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tyler_dberyl with emerald theme manager on a nvidia 8800 , ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn, upon loading beryl(which works wonderfully); my menu bar has dissapeared... tried switching decorator as well as from emerald manager to gtk... still nothing.... anyone help please?09:27
roryyikonia: pray enlighten me09:27
sam000ikonia: how?09:27
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ikoniaroryy: nor is that how you use dd09:27
ikoniasam000: I'm not talking you through it09:27
spasticteapotlemmingsrule: Yeah, 32 bit. Unless you're messing around with SPARCs, 32 bit is the way to go.09:27
thefirstdudeis there a package for FTP in terminal?09:27
ikoniasam000: its easier to re-install09:28
tdnIt takes very long to establish SSH connections on my LAN. I have the output from "ssh -vvv host" here: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/p/P596.html. Why does this happen? What can I do to fix it?09:28
ikoniaroryy:  you want redirect >09:28
thefirstdudelike puttyFtp?09:28
ikoniaroryy: and you need an of= for dd09:28
lemmingsruleok 32 bit it is as i dunno what sparcs is :P09:28
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roryyikonia: i'm afraid you don't actually know what you're talking about09:28
ikoniaroryy: possibly not09:28
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acefrahmI restarted apache and got no errors, so why doesn't apache serve that page?09:28
capitalidealemmingsrule: what kiind of PC do you have?09:28
donfernathefirstdude, did you try to use 'ftp' command on a terminal?09:28
iqonhow about "dd if=/dev/xyz | bzip2 > file"09:28
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CokeManim trying to create a raid 5 and apon issueing the command for mdadm to create it, i recieved the following error: mdadm: An option must be given to set the mode before a second device is listed09:28
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thefirstdudedonferna, yes09:28
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KaKaRoTohi, I need help again with my soundcard09:29
thefirstdudedonferna, but I don't know how to use it09:29
KaKaRoTolenovo x60s09:29
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silvertip257ty roryy; gonna work on it09:29
capitalideaCokeMan: read the man page first09:29
KaKaRoTosnd-hda-intel loaded with probe_mask=309:29
KaKaRoToit works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't09:29
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shiryuwhat is the code for be root and change things?09:29
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capitalideashiryu: sudo09:29
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shiryuok thanks09:29
jermaincan somebody tell me how to find the device i want to mount?09:29
CokeMancapitalidea, beings as i have no idea what that command does or what it requires, i doubt reading the man page would help.09:29
hellogoodbyeget in, one working ubuntu laptop! :D:D09:29
OgguIn my xorg.conf there is 3 different resolutions but I cant change from 800x600. What to do?09:29
hellogoodbyethanks all helpers09:29
jermainsudo mount <device> <mountpoint>09:30
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donfernathefirstdude, ftp gives you an ftp shell, you can use some commands there to get help, try 'help'09:30
jermain<device> = ?09:30
capitalideaCokeMan: the man page will tell you most of the time09:30
donfernathefirstdude, to start a coneccion, use 'open ftp.site.com'09:30
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IndyGunFreakjermain: lspci i think will show all the devices attatched to your PC, if that helps09:30
donfernathefirstdude, it'll ask you for your user/password09:30
shiryucapitalidea i put sudo but what more? i want to pass archives to a external c:09:30
capitalideajermain: dmesg | less to find your device and the name it's given in /dev/09:30
CokeMancapitalidea, ok thank you, anyone else?09:30
The_Machineanyone know how i can decrypt an encrypted zip file?09:30
ikoniaThe_Machine: use the password ?09:30
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acefrahmMy /etc/apache2/sites-available/acefrahm.com    is09:31
iqonThe_Machine, man zip09:31
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The_Machineikonia, i don't have it.09:31
The_Machinewhich is why i'm asking...09:31
jermainoh thanky you guys09:31
=== The_Machine blinks
ikoniaThe_Machine: then you shouldn't be trying to crack it09:31
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acefrahm<VirtualHost *:*>09:31
acefrahmServerName acefrahm.com09:31
acefrahmServerAlias www.acefrahm.com09:31
acefrahmDocumentRoot /var/www/acefrahm.com09:31
acefrahmServerAdmin webmaster@acefrahm.com09:31
acefrahmErrorLog /var/log/apache2/acefrahm.com-error_log09:31
acefrahmCustomLog /var/log/apache2/www.example.com-access_log common09:31
KaKaRoToalsa-info script : http://pastebin.ca/54531309:31
The_Machineikonia, you shouldn't be typing.09:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:31
capitalideashiryu: if your external drive is connected you should just copy to it using the desktop icon that shows up09:31
ikoniaThe_Machine: I disagree09:31
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:31
CokeManim trying to create a raid 5 and apon issueing the command for mdadm to create it, i recieved the following error: mdadm: An option must be given to set the mode before a second device is listed09:32
KaKaRoTocrimsun, u there ?09:32
shiryubut it says that i dont have the permision capitalidea09:32
Toulousehey guys, is there any way i can have an internet connection with WiFi and a wired connection to another machine at the same time???09:32
ikoniaThe_Machine: no need for language, or to try to crack files09:32
The_Machineikonia, no need to be a dick cheney, or talk to me any more.09:32
capitalideaToulouse: yeah09:32
PurpZeYWe had this same convo yesterday, same exact issue. . .09:32
ikoniaToulouse: yes tottally just need to manage your routes09:32
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok09:32
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Seveasikonia, ?09:32
Toulouseikonia: how could i do that09:32
jribikonia: ?09:32
dragonok i got a padlock on a file i am trying to install what gives09:32
nixternalikonia: ?09:32
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ikoniasorry guys check #ops channel09:32
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Toulousecapitalidea: how can i do that09:33
jj_Toulouse, you need to set up the ip routing to use 2 cards. Try Guidedog for a nice GUI way to do it09:33
donfernathefirstdude, use 'lcd /local/folder/' to move between local folders, 'cd remote/folder/' to move in ftp folders, 'get' and 'put' to transfer files, use the command 'binary' to be able to transfer binary files, such mp3, images, etc, 'ls' to list files/folders from FTP09:33
iqonCokeMan, you need to specify the mode of mdadm, try build09:33
=== Kalisto [n=Kaliso@user84.77-105-193.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaToulouse: if you use route add you can use card 1 to route to the internet router and then card 2 to route over a lan ip09:33
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Kalistoanyone know how i can get xchat to minimize to my gnome panel when i click on the X to close? right now it just closes altogether09:33
capitalideaToulouse: ifconfig -l to see the devices you can use, then ifconfig devicename up to bring both of them up and also dhclient devicename with both devices so they are both using dhcp09:33
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capitalideaToulouse: you can sudo su to become root or you can just sudo if you like09:34
thinkl00pis there a synaptic install for VU-meterplugin for XMMS in ubuntu?09:34
Toulouseumm, ok maybe i'll try that guidedog gui method first, cuase i dont know much about this09:34
capitalideathe first option saves some time09:34
KaKaRoToanyone here can help me with my problem ?09:34
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Toulousei dont know much about networking09:34
capitalideaKaKaRoTo: Do you drink too much?09:34
CokeManiqon, i did, -create09:34
capitalideaCan't pay the bills?09:34
thefirstdudedonferna, thanks :)09:34
ikoniaToulouse: give us the network ranges and I'll give you the route add ommands09:34
lemmingsrulewhats the current release of ubuntu called, the last one i used was dapper drake09:34
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, I don't, but I don't see how it's relevant :p09:34
ikoniaToulouse: I'm being sporting09:34
PurpZeYlemmingsrule: Feisty Fawn09:34
donfernathefirstdude, you can install puttyftp too, sudo apt-get install putty-tools09:34
iqonCokeMan, -create or --create?09:34
Toulouseikonia: i dont understand what that means09:34
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capitalideaKaKaRoTo: Well, we have to know your problem first!09:35
CokeMansudo mdadm create verbose /dev/md0 level=5 raid-devices=3 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc109:35
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, and I assure you, I didn't spill anything on the hardware :p09:35
thefirstdudedonferna, how to use it?09:35
Toulouseim just trying to get a machine to run vnc09:35
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, I stated it, but noone answered.. at least, now I have your attention09:35
ikoniaToulouse: give me your network ranges and I'll give you the commands09:35
CokeManiqon, i think i know whats wrong, one sec.09:35
Toulousewhat are my network ranges09:35
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, lenovo x60s sound card isn't working09:35
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thefirstdudedonferna, typing 'puttyftp' doesn't work?09:35
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, sure, no prob09:35
oldude67will ubuntu run on a p3 with 256 mem?09:35
ikoniaToulouse: your ip addresses and gateways09:35
DrStrangeLovanyone's tried envy to install nvidia drivers not supported for legacy cards and got feisty running on beryl?09:35
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, last time, crimsun suggested to load snd-hda-intel with probe_mask=3, and it worked09:35
PurpZeYoldude67: It might, I'd recommend xbuntu for a computer like that.09:35
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ikoniaDrStrangeLov: thats not a great idea09:35
SeveasToulouse, the output of the commands iconfig and route will help ;)09:35
Toulouseok.. i know how to get the ip, but now the other09:35
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pike_oldude67: id recommend xubuntu for that at a maximum. probably vector linux or a lighter distro though09:36
Seveasifconfig that is09:36
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, but now it doesn't, I reloaded the module as much as I can, but it still doesn't work, at some point it worked again, then it stopped...09:36
dragonwill anything bad happen if i install everything lol09:36
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ikoniaToulouse: stick ifconfig -a and netstat -rn in a pastebin09:36
capitalideaKaKaRoTo: it should. That sucks.09:36
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CokeManiqon: yah, i copy pasted the command from the web, has a single dash (probably in converting it to html)  thanks.09:36
PurpZeYpike_: Xbuntu can run on lower specs...Someone in here last night with p2 128.09:36
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, I noticed that it failed to work after a suspend or reboot, but when I shutdown, then power on the pc, it worked.. but now I tried it and still nothing09:36
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, alsa-info here : http://pastebin.ca/54531309:36
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Toulouseikonia: is it safe to give out that info (ip and gateway) on the internet???09:36
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, any idea why it would work sometimes and sometimes wouldn't ?09:36
PoustaFlexhello I'd like to know how to make the mouse left click every 3 minutes? Can i do it easily?09:37
PurpZeY KaKaRoTo: It seems that hibernate and suspend don't always work too well in Ubuntu.09:37
ikoniaToulouse: well, thats your call, but I suspects so as you'll be natted09:37
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pike_PurpZeY: well.. ive run debian and blackbox on 8mb ram p133 but it wasnt fun :)09:37
viktorhi dutchy09:37
ikoniathe 2.6 kernel needs 24 meg of ram to boot09:37
KaKaRoToPurpZeY, well, I did add the sound modules to /etc/apci/suspend.d/70-modules-unload .. but it's not working even after a full shutdown09:37
DrStrangeLovikonia, ok, supposing that i do get it work, how else do i risk b0rking the system? not saying this to defy your opinion- just need to know. :)09:37
=== Jenkins [n=samjenk@71-37-212-109.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dutchyhi :)09:37
Toulouseikonia: how do i put it in the pastebin09:37
KaKaRoToPurpZeY, capitalidea btw,  kernel 2.6.20-15-generic09:38
PurpZeYKaKaRoTo: What is not working now?09:38
KaKaRoToPurpZeY, no sound outputed09:38
PurpZeYKaKaRoTo: Did you check alsa?09:38
ikoniaDrStrangeLov: your drivers will be potentially incompatible with the kernel supplied by ubuntu09:38
capitalideaKaKaRoTo: dmesg|grep snd09:38
ikonia!pastebin >toulouse09:38
DvyjonesI'm away (Please send me suggestions for cooler messages)09:38
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KaKaRoToPurpZeY, modules load correctly, alsamixer works, everything seems normal, but when I play something, I hear nothing09:38
capitalideaKaKaRoTo: if nothing shows up the card is going out :/09:38
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:38
JenkinsHi, i'm a linux noob, just installed Ubuntu Server 7.04 and I was wondering how I change the root password from the command line so i can log in as root and start x?09:38
PurpZeYKaKaRoTo: Did you check alsa?09:38
KaKaRoToPurpZeY,  http://pastebin.ca/54531309:38
jrib!away > Dvy|Away (see the private message from ubotu)09:38
ikoniaDvy|Away: away messages are frowned upon09:38
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PurpZeY!root | jenkins09:39
PoustaFlexAnybody know how to automate a mouse click?09:39
ubotujenkins: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:39
acefrahmI feel like i'm so damn close to having a working webserver, but . . . . some tiny config detail has stopped me dead in my tracks.  Help me apache2_kenobi, you're my only hope!09:39
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, dmsg|grep snd returns nothing09:39
ikoniaacefrahm: ask the question if you want help09:39
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, dmesg | grep -i hda, returns nothing either09:39
IndyGunFreakwow, pastebin changed its look.09:39
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ikoniaKaKaRoTo: what version of ubuntu are you using09:39
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PurpZeYKaKaRoTo: Make sure alsa mixer is output device See below09:39
PurpZeY!alsa | KakaroTo09:39
ubotuKakaroTo: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:40
=== tox [n=wolfgang@dslb-084-058-173-047.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribPoustaFlex: you can use xvkbd or xmacro (packaged), or you can find a simple C program called "click" that is floating around somewhere09:40
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ikoniaToulouse: looking09:40
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acefrahmI get no error when I restart apache2 , but the webpage is not externally visible.   How do I fix it?09:40
Toulousei need wifi for internet, then wired for vnc to other computer09:40
viktorhi dutchy are you there09:40
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capitalideaKaKaRoTo: sorry, I'm wrong09:40
viktorhow we can talk private09:40
ikoniaacefrahm: what url are you using to view the site09:40
Toulouseikonia: wifi for int. and wired for VNC on other machine09:40
ikoniaToulouse: ok09:40
capitalideaKaKaRoTo: Actually see if it shows up in lspci09:40
iqonacefrahm, what ip's is it listening to?09:41
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frolleI have another server with apache on, but i can not access the dns name? what do i do?09:41
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donfernathefirstdude, psftp, pscp, plink, but putty-tools includes an SFTP client, not FTP, its not the same thing, it depends on what kind of server are you trying to connect09:41
ikoniaacefrahm: and is your apache server set to listen on that ip ?09:41
acefrahmports.conf =09:41
acefrahmListen 8009:41
acefrahmListen 44309:41
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KaKaRoTocapitalidea, lspci -vvv (part of audio) http://pastebin.ca/54534109:42
Toulouseikonia: i have installed guidedog, if that helps09:42
vakoselhi gents ! any idea how a python script can be run as executable ie double clicked?09:42
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ikoniaacefrahm: does your server have the ipaddress of 151.x.x.x. set on a network card?09:42
jribvakosel: make sure it starts with    #!/usr/bin/env python   and give it executable permissions09:42
JenkinsOk, so how do I boot into the GUI after installing Ubuntu Server 7.04 for the first time?09:42
PurpZeYKaKaRoTo: Did you see the steps ubotu supplied, did you look at that?09:42
jj_acefrahm, are you connecting to the internet via a router?09:42
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iqonJenkins, there's not a gui installed by default with server09:43
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capitalideaKaKaRoTo: I think you have a software problem. Congratulations!09:43
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ToulouseJenkins: try "startx" in terminal09:43
KaKaRoToPurpZeY, yeah, alsa mixer is selected09:43
ToulouseJenkins: nvm09:43
acefrahmIt's verizon through a bridging WESTELL 610009:43
capitalideaKaKaRoTo: this means you can fix it :)09:43
KaKaRoToPurpZeY, but I don't think that's the problem.. I use aplay on wav files09:43
vakoseldoes this affect this special script or all files that end .py09:43
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acefrahmit passes everything to the server09:43
pike_Jenkins: server install doesnt include gui though..09:43
Toulouseikonia: anything interesting?09:43
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, lol, thanks :)09:43
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capitalideaas for me, I have to go play Tremulous without Opeth because I can't share the soundcard with multiple programs apparently09:43
ikoniaToulouse:  your networking setup looks spot on09:43
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vakoselcan i do it once and for all?something like file associations?09:43
=== Ghent [n=seidelin@0x50c63f3c.arcnxx15.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Toulouseikonia: ok, so maybe i just need help with vnc?09:43
spasticteapotoldude67: Yes, but not marvellously. Try Xubuntu, or the "Ubuntu Speed Tutorial."09:43
spasticteapotOkay,  wrong link.09:43
acefrahmI set inadyn to update DynDNS for DNS service when the IP changes09:44
KaKaRoToPurpZeY, also, it works sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't, so it's a total mystery..09:44
spasticteapotoldude67, http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2007/04/22/howto-set-up-feisty-for-speed/09:44
ikoniaToulouse: anything on the 192 range will go out of the card ath0 and anything else will go out of wifi to the router
acefrahmbut I have to rus inadyn manually09:44
spasticteapotoldude67: http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2007/04/22/howto-set-up-feisty-for-speed/09:44
PoustaFlexjrib, thank you09:44
PurpZeYKaKaRoTo: Try opening alsamixer and make sure everything is max, and also that if you need amplification it's on.09:44
spasticteapotUbuntu is far, far, far more user-friendly than Vector.09:44
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spasticteapotIf you just need to do basic stuff (internet, watch movies, listen to music, word processing, etc.) then Ubuntu is the way to go.09:44
spasticteapotIf you are, on the other hand, a grizzled System 5 veteran, head over to Slackware.09:44
Toulouseikonia: i just got it to work!!!!!09:44
Toulouseit was a problem with how i entered the ip into vnc09:44
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ikoniaacefrahm: it looks like your traffic is not hitting your server09:44
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ikoniaToulouse: thats great09:44
KaKaRoToPurpZeY, it's already checked, and everything is already maxed out09:45
Toulousewee hoo09:45
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Toulousethanks you for the help anyways09:45
KaKaRoToPurpZeY, last time, crimsun said it was a codec issue not being intialized, so I added probe_mask=3 to the snd-hda-intel module loading options, and it worked, but now, even this trick doesn't seem to work09:45
acefrahmmy /etc/apache2/sites-available/acefrahm.com09:45
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ikoniaacefrahm: it looks like your traffic is not hitting your server09:45
acefrahm<VirtualHost *:*>09:46
acefrahmServerName acefrahm.com09:46
acefrahmServerAlias www.acefrahm.com09:46
acefrahmDocumentRoot /var/www/acefrahm.com09:46
acefrahmServerAdmin webmaster@acefrahm.com09:46
acefrahmErrorLog /var/log/apache2/acefrahm.com-error_log09:46
acefrahmCustomLog /var/log/apache2/acefrahm.com-access_log common09:46
roryyuse the pastebin09:46
PurpZeYKaKaRoTo:  If that is the case, this problem might be beyond my ability to solve.09:46
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acefrahmhow do I troubleshoot the problem?09:46
KaKaRoToPurpZeY, ok, thanks anyway for trying09:46
jinxedhello, I was trying to get NVU for a graphical web design program for linux, and I found a link for Kompozer, and i'm not sure if it is part of NVU, the new version of NVU, or something completly different09:46
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KaKaRoTocapitalidea, any 'capital idea' from your side ?09:46
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ikoniaacefrahm: it looks like your traffic is not hitting your server09:47
capitalideaYes, one09:47
KaKaRoTocapitalidea, shoot09:47
acefrahmI'm using IRC on the very same server to IRC with you, by the way09:47
ikoniaacefrahm: it looks like your traffic is not hitting your server09:47
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jj_acefrahm, firewall?09:48
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hellogoodbyeanyone got a good feisty tutorial for setting up all the graphical effects?09:48
shiryusomeone can help me? i want to move some archives to a external drive but i tried and tried and i cant cause i dont have the permisions what i do09:48
ikoniahellogoodbye: click "desktop effects" and enjoy09:48
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acefrahmDid ubuntu installed a firewall by default?  I didn't configure one.09:48
ikoniaacefrahm: it looks like your traffic is not hitting your server09:48
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GenomsarenIs it necessary to use a firewall and an antivirus in ubuntu_09:49
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bastidrazornot really but you can use a firewall if you want09:49
hellogoodbyeikonia: i have those, but ive seen so many more09:49
jj_acefrahm, I was asking if you had a firewall.09:49
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alexmaxIs there a ubuntu-specific way of modifying ALSA's configuration, or does alsaconf still work?09:49
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PurpZeYacefrahm: I believe that it closes most ports by default. If you want to open them you can set a firewall up.09:49
hellogoodbyegenom: not really at all as long as you dont do anythign really foolish09:49
capitalideaKaKaRoTo: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/33719           Search for everything that has to do with snd-hda-intel in the forums09:49
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Genomsarenbastidrazor: which firewall would you prefer?09:49
biggzhey, I'm a serious noob at this, I was wondering if there's an easy way to change the default window background colour and font coulor, I'm finding the default grey on grey really hard to read09:50
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: Firestarter should be in stalled.09:50
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jinxedhello, I was trying to get NVU for a graphical web design program for linux, and I found a link for Kompozer, and i'm not sure if it is part of NVU, the new version of NVU, or something completly different?09:50
acefrahmUnless ubuntu installed one by default that I don't know about, then there is no firewall.09:50
bastidrazorGenomsaren i don't have a firewall, my router has enough stopping power..09:50
shiryu someone can help me? i want to move some archives to a external drive but i tried and tried and i cant cause i dont have the permisions what i do09:50
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hellogoodbyeshiryu: ssudo09:50
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AndehHey,  i have a problem in OO Impress09:50
Andehcan anyone help?09:51
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shiryusudo what more?09:51
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: If you are security minded, a hardware firewall is what you need.09:51
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KaKaRoTocapitalidea, thx, I'll look for that09:51
AndehI need to change the background for all the slides, and i know how to do it but i just spent 20 minutes making one in gimp and it wont let me choose that one09:51
jinxedIs there a difference between KompoZer and NVU??09:51
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new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: ipcop.org09:51
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shiryui put sudo but doesnt works what more?09:52
alexrait1hey, when ubuntu boots I can't see any text, due to some resolution problem... how to solve it?09:52
AndehI only get the list, how can i browse and choose my own slide background in OO Impress?09:52
jinxedIs there a difference between KompoZer and NVU??09:52
emaginationuse1not that i know of09:52
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: All a firewall will do is block ports that you choose09:52
bastidrazorgenomsaren: i hear Firestarter is a good one09:52
acefrahmI don't care about a firewall at all, if the webserver can't even serve a page this whole machine is worthless to me.09:52
oslojinxed> i think kopmozer is an fork/update of nvu09:52
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hellogoodbyeacefrahm, whats your webserver problem?09:52
osloon a ftp server, WITH Konqueror: i can create Files&Folders, i can Modify Files&Folders, i can erase folders BUT i CAN'T erase Files ! with another client like kasablanca all is fine ( exept that there another probleme, with casablanca u can't cut & paste, only copy & paste )09:52
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AndehHow do i choose a custom slide background in OpenOffice?09:52
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jinxedoslo, thank you very much09:52
shiryusudo what more?09:52
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: what is your problem?09:53
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:53
jj_acefrahm, have you checked to see which ports are open to the net?09:53
acefrahmI can view the website in firefox on the server, but no one on the internet can09:53
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ikoniaacefrahm: it looks like your traffic is not hitting your server09:53
hellogoodbyeacefrahm, port forwarding issues?09:53
alexrait1I tried to add vga=791 option to the kernel at grub, but it had no effect09:53
alexrait1I still can't see anything09:53
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VampBoiI'm trying to get the latest version of Ubuntu to run.  I got it installed and went to reboot it but I get this message /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off.09:54
Toulousehey guys, in VNC how do i set it up so that i dont always have to type in the ip of the computer i will be viewing (regularly)09:54
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acefrahmno router is in the way, just got a PPPoE to verizon09:54
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acefrahmstraight from the server09:54
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new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: Why can't anyone on the internet see it?  What's your ip address?09:54
pike_alexrait1: occationally for some reason ive had to use like vga=0x317 for example09:54
jj_acefrahm, I've pinged you ok so 'something' is working!09:54
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gilsterhas anyone here gotten AAC/mp4 encoding to work in soundjuicer or any other program for that matter?r09:55
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ikoniafor the last time apache is not listening on that address by the sounds of it09:55
radioaktivstormhello, trying to configure ra2500 to work with WEP. any pointes??09:55
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alexrait1pike_: but as I said... it wasn't effective09:55
alexrait1pike_: is there aynyting else I can do?09:56
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acefrahmroot@DAGOBA:/home/acefrahm# netstat -a | grep LISTEN09:56
acefrahmtcp        0      0 localhost:2208          *:*                     LISTEN09:56
acefrahmtcp        0      0 localhost:mysql         *:*                     LISTEN09:56
acefrahmtcp        0      0 *:www                   *:*                     LISTEN09:56
acefrahmtcp        0      0 DAGOBA.local:domain     *:*                     LISTEN09:56
acefrahmtcp        0      0 pool-151-196-21-:domain *:*                     LISTEN09:56
acefrahmtcp        0      0 localhost:domain        *:*                     LISTEN09:56
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acefrahmtcp        0      0 localhost:ipp           *:*                     LISTEN09:56
acefrahmtcp        0      0 localhost:953           *:*                     LISTEN09:56
acefrahmtcp        0      0 *:https                 *:*                     LISTEN09:56
acefrahmtcp        0      0 localhost:2207          *:*                     LISTEN09:56
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acefrahmSo doesn't the *:www show that apache2 is listening to the internet?09:57
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thinkl00pThis makes no sense. when I do 'cd /home/~/' it says no file or directory. Shouldn't it point to /home/myuser ?09:58
Toulousehow do i get vnc to memorize my computer's ip??09:58
ikoniathinkl00p:  bi09:58
ibtwhat's the console ubuntu way of setting up wireless devices?09:58
thinkl00pikonia: what do you mean bi?09:58
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Dutchythinkl00p: try cd ~09:58
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TxsTchN2how do i change my host name?09:58
Dutchy~ points to /home/user09:58
cjsoftuk_Anyone know where umount.cifs is?  It doesn't seem to be installed, but mount.cifs is09:58
UB`thinkl00p ~ is /home/user or /root if you are root09:59
Scuniziacefrahm, I had the same issue.  What I found out is my ISP blocks port 80 (standard web port).  You need to designate a different port.  the only thing I see is localhost:2208/7/953.  Replace localhost with "*" and see what happens.09:59
PriceChild!hostname | TxsTchN209:59
ubotuTxsTchN2: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab09:59
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binvijHi all, i have a question regarding pppoe09:59
gilsterso no one uses mp4/aac audio encoding? i really want this to work for me, but so far no luck09:59
hydeis there a bot for this channel?09:59
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Scuniziacefrahm, you'll also get more detailed help on #ubuntu-server09:59
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thinkl00panyone running VU-meterplugin for xmms here?09:59
thinkl00pcuz mine won't work10:00
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new-ubuntu-userbinvij: what's your pppoe question10:00
roryyhyde: ubotu10:00
hyderoryy: thnx10:00
pike_hyde: /msg ubotu10:00
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iqongilster, you can use lame, but i believe you have to recompile it10:00
cjsoftuk_Anyone know where I can get umount.cifs from10:00
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binviji have a dsl connection at home and my provider says i need to have pppoe utility installed in order to connect using ethernet10:01
acefrahmscunizi: Adding ServerName * to the end of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and restarting apache210:01
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forfoliashi all10:01
TxsTchN2not that host name but thanx, the one i want to change is the "localhost" for mysql?10:01
binvijbut i did not see that in ubuntu cd10:01
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roryycjsoftuk_: looks like it's in the smbfs package.  You can search for contents of packages at packages.ubuntu.com10:02
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shiryui cant i use sudo again and again but i cant move archives from my desktop to a external drive10:02
acefrahmrestarted with no error10:02
biggzhey, anyone know how to change the default window and font colour to something other than grey on grey?10:02
biggzI've messed around with themes and fonts to no avail10:02
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amorphous_ the beautiful people...10:03
forfoliasis there any way to download the packages (and write them to a cd) for ubuntu? because i will install one tomorrow and i will not have internet at this pc. (sorry for my english)10:03
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osloon a ftp server, WITH Konqueror: i can create Files&Folders, i can Modify Files&Folders, i can erase folders BUT i CAN'T erase Files ! with another client like kasablanca all is fine ( exept that there another probleme, with casablanca u can't cut & paste, only copy & paste )10:03
KDan_is there a way other than recompiling from source to install subversion 1.4 on an ubuntu 6.06 image?10:03
osloany help ?10:03
roryyforfolias: you can investigate aptoncd, or possibly apt-zip10:03
Scuniziacefrahm, did you set up secure certs?10:03
CokeMani have an sh script that launches an application with wine, when in terminal and i sh thescript.sh it works fine, but when i added a button the the panel at the top of my screen and set the command to 'sh ~/thescript.sh' the application wont launch. why?10:03
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Dutchyis it possible to remove the keyring? i want to remove it because it doesnt respond to any of my passwords10:04
amorphous_could someone possibly try to ping me @ i cant seem to get any response :(10:04
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amorphous_but not sure if it's because I'm trying to ping myself10:04
binviji found the pppoe packag on the ubuntu archives10:04
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binvijbut their is also one called rp-pppoe package'10:04
KDan_amorphous_: I get a response10:04
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acefrahmscunizi, jj_ , new-ubuntu-user, ikonia :  I don't suppose you can reach it now?10:05
binvijwhich one should i install and how10:05
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jribCokeMan: try:  sh /home/USERNAME/thescript.sh10:05
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CokeManjrib: i did, same effect10:05
KDan_amorphous_: so it is because you're trying to ping yourself... from a NAT?10:05
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jribCokeMan: pastebin your script10:05
isabela1634anyone know how to check for bad sectors in ubuntu LiveCD?10:05
binvijwill installing this allow me to connect to internet using ethernet10:05
amorphous_KDan - i'm ssh-ing accross town & trying to ping back to here... should that work?10:05
CokeManjrib: my script is wine app.exe10:06
new-ubuntu-userbinvij: http://www.pastebin.ca/54558810:06
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jj_acefrahm, sorry, still nothing10:06
jribCokeMan: give the full path to app.exe10:06
KDan_amorphous_: yes, unless pins are blocked by the host you're using10:06
amorphous_KDan_, so in effect, am i not pinging from there?10:06
acefrahmscunizi, jj_ , new-ubuntu-user, ikonia : No, i haven't set up any cert yet10:06
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CokeManjrib: its not the script10:06
binvijthanks new_ubuntu_user10:06
KDan_amorphous_: if it's reasonably secure, pins may be blocked.10:06
amorphous_KDan_, pins?10:06
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jribCokeMan: huh?10:06
maethwant to install vmware on my ubuntu machine, what do i need?10:06
KDan_amorphous_: i block icmp traffic on my secure servers10:06
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KDan_maeth: it's all on vmware.com10:07
KDan_maeth: and free, too10:07
maethKDan_, k, gonna check10:07
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roryy!vmware | maeth10:07
ubotumaeth: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers10:07
amorphous_KDan_, you reckon they've 're blocked by default? i don't think Ireally touched any setttings on any routers/modems...10:07
acefrahmScunizi:  Thanks for the #ubuntu-server channel tip, I never would have found it otherwise10:07
Scuniziacefrahm, I got mine working after setting up secure certs... check out https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/httpd.html10:07
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Scuniziacefrahm, np.. gotta run .. good luck10:08
KDan_amorphous_: they can have blocked it on the router, or on the server itself10:08
KDan_try pinging something else10:08
KDan_e.g. google10:08
cyber_brain_mfkgi've just puted second ethernet card but ifconfig doesn't recognize it!card is Value Rotronic(it uses 8139too module-it has that module on install disk for kernel 2.4.18)!!!i'm running 6.06LTS!any sugestions???10:08
jj_acefrahm, I'm not sure it will help, but I can try running nmap on your ip10:08
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maethroryy, thanks :D10:08
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binvij<new-ubuntu-user>: will this work ubuntu 7.0410:09
RabidWeezlevmware rocks10:09
carolyn_i can't find the linux source directory...hmm10:09
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amorphous_KDan_, i have no probs pinging out anywhere else - just to here... i can't ssh into here either... from the ssh server (not here) - am i missing something stupid?10:10
acefrahmroot@DAGOBA:/home/acefrahm# nmap
acefrahmStarting Nmap 4.20 ( http://insecure.org ) at 2007-06-06 16:09 EDT10:10
acefrahmInteresting ports on pool-151-196-21-23.balt.east.verizon.net (
acefrahmNot shown: 1693 closed ports10:10
acefrahmPORT    STATE SERVICE10:10
acefrahm22/tcp  open  ssh10:10
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm:  80/tcp    filtered http [your IP] 10:10
acefrahm53/tcp  open  domain10:10
maethk, gonna have to resize the partition , i tried to use the partition manager that came with ubuntu , but it shows a lock on the hard disk and doesnt let me do anything....10:10
acefrahm80/tcp  open  http10:10
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acefrahm443/tcp open  https10:10
acefrahmNmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.115 seconds10:10
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KDan_amorphous_: ok, on your machine google for "what's my ip" and find out what your ip is10:10
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gilo1Does anyone know of a GUI that they would recommend for Snort or IPSec?10:10
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KDan_amorphous_: if your ip is what it is, then it means your own router is not responding to pings10:10
KDan_er, if it is what you think it is10:11
CokeManjrib: the /home/user name fixed it thanks.10:11
virtualpessoal todos sabem que o pandora esta bloqueado para o brazil10:11
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jribCokeMan: np10:11
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jrib!br | virtual10:11
ubotuvirtual: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.10:11
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virtualexiste uma maneira de ter ele novamente10:11
virtualcom vpn10:11
thinkl00phow do i grant permission to everyone to a certain folder10:11
jj_acefrahm, I can only see ports 22, 53 and 443 open using nmap -P010:11
thinkl00pfull permission10:11
jribvirtual: /join #ubuntu-br10:11
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maethk, gonna have to resize the partition , i tried to use the partition manager that came with ubuntu , but it shows a lock on the hard disk and doesnt let me do anything....10:12
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amorphous_KDan_, i been there, it's and you said you got a response...10:12
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KDan_amorphous_: ah true... hmm10:12
KDan_amorphous_: don't know, sorry...10:12
jribvirtual: para falar portugues, escreve:  /join #ubuntu-br10:12
acefrahmnew-ubuntu-user:  80/tcp    filtered http [your IP]       What does this mean?10:12
KDan_amorphous_: out of ideas :-)10:12
binvijwhat will pppoeconf do ? will i need any package to run this10:12
virtuala sim10:12
jrib!permissions > thinkl00p (see the private message from ubotu)10:12
finalbetaWhat is the best way to emulate PowerPC on x86? I need to compile some soft for a powerPC linux box. Looking for the best way to do it. don't have a box like that.10:12
cyber_brain_mfkgi've just puted second ethernet card but ifconfig doesn't recognize it!card is Value Rotronic(it uses 8139too module-it has that module on install disk for kernel 2.4.18)!!!i'm running 6.06LTS!any sugestions???it is Realteck chipset and I want to use Ubuntu as routing machine!!!10:12
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politicohey all, does anyone know how i get the  System Monitors on the desktop i keep seeing?10:13
aporiasThe Ubuntu 7.04 live CD doesn't recognize my ps/2 mouse.  It's recognized by by Windows XP and Ubuntu 5.10.10:13
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amorphous_KDan_, Also - i had this problem at home before i installed here... I think it must be the machine...10:13
Scuniziacefrahm, I think that means your ISP is blocking port 80.10:13
tyler_drecommended virtual machine?10:13
aporiasI've heard that these newer kernels are really picky.  Does anyone have any suggestions?10:13
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: Means that your ISP is more than likely filtering [blocking]  incomming connection attempts to it's users.10:13
amorphous_Anyone else have any idea why a machine would stop responding to ping & ssh?10:14
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm:  conatct your sysadmin.10:14
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amorphous_KDan_, the router/modem is different now.10:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eth1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:14
pike_thinkl00p: you could do a sudo chmod 666 foldername to give read write access or you can use chmod +r  or +w instead of number10:14
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acefrahmjj_ , new-ubuntu-user, ikonia :   OH, I see.   I never would have known verizon was blocking port 80 without your help from the outside!10:14
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maethk, i dont get it, im having problem with internet speed on ubuntu10:14
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maethi use windows and it works fine10:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eth - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eth0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:14
new-ubuntu-useramorphous_:  could be that port 113 is blocked.10:14
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politicoSystem Monitors on desktop how do i get them?10:15
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maethbut when i use ubuntu, it goes reaaalllyyy slow10:15
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager10:15
pike_cyber_brain_mfkg: ?10:15
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acefrahmjj_ , new-ubuntu-user, ikonia :  I may need to spring for a costly static ip - business service after all.10:15
jribpike_: you usually want directories to have +x10:15
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cyber_brain_mfkgpike_: ???10:15
fxfitzIs it possible to copy a DVD movie to a DVD-R?? If so, which program would be best?10:15
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: That's why someone suggested using a non-standard port.10:15
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ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead10:16
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm:  443/tcp   open     https10:16
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cyber_brain_mfkgpike_: i've just puted second ethernet card but ifconfig doesn't recognize it!card is Value Rotronic(it uses 8139too module-it has that module on install disk for kernel 2.4.18)!!!i'm running 6.06LTS!any sugestions???10:16
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama10:16
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Slartfxfitz: there are a few.. k9copy is one10:16
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Slartfxfitz: dvd95 is another.. they are all nice gui apps10:17
DrAk0when installing ubuntu, 7.04 i installed nvidia drivers but every time i reboot they are lost, why?10:17
acefrahmjj_ , new-ubuntu-user, ikonia : Ok, so how do I try it out on a non-standard port?   Can you see the site via port 443?10:17
fxfitzSlart, Alrigth. Thanks!10:17
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Perunhi all10:17
pike_cyber_brain_mfkg: cat /etc/iftab  doesnt show the card?  what about lspci -v10:17
Perunis ubuntu + X/KDE == kubuntu?10:17
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YanZhi've got a little problem, it seem's it does not load files in modprobe.d anymore. For exemple i have to configure my tvcard every times... anybody got the same problem?10:18
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm:  So you could tell  apache to listen on port 443, and tell users to access your server via port 443.  e.g.
roryy!kubuntu | perun10:18
ubotuperun: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE10:18
deConi need help removing my java so i can replace it with a lower version, can someone give me the cli for removal of java?10:18
pike_jrib: ive not had much exp on user/group permission stuff :)10:18
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PaulButlerI am getting a 404 error with ubuntu from security.ubuntu.com, is there anything i can do about it? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24478/10:18
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MaddOpsAfternoon everyone.10:19
jribpike_: that page is a gentle introduction, but you can ask me about anything that isn't clear after reading it10:19
YanZhno idea???10:19
acefrahmjj_ , new-ubuntu-user, ikonia : It should already be listening on 443, can you see it?10:19
PerunI mean are only the pkgs the difference beetween server and desktop edition?10:19
deConhow do i uninstall java?10:19
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binvijcan any one help me in connecting to dsl over PPPOE10:20
Tom47Perun in terms of packages though ubuntu-desktop installs the things that make it ubuntu, kubuntu-desktop make kubuntu and xubuntu-desktop, guess is?? - xubuntu10:20
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roryyPerun: more-or-less. I *think* there might be a server specific kernel; however, they use the same repositories10:20
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maethroryy, k, i installed the vmware player... know it ask me for a vmx file... wich i suppose is the virtual machine config file10:20
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Perunroryy: ok thx10:20
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: edit  /etc/apache/apache.conf and add line "Listen 44310:20
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maethroryy, so, what do i do to install my windows xp ??10:20
acefrahmjj_ , new-ubuntu-user, ikonia : It's already there10:20
MaddOpsQuestion:  when you get the boot prompt for Ubuntu as in  boot:  what is the command line to get RID of quiet and splash to see all possible error messages?  I think the home system is hanging10:20
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roryymaeth: i don't know.  according to ubotu, you can go here: http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml to create vms10:21
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: edit  /etc/apache/httpd.conf   and then restart the server10:21
jj_acefrahm, using 443 may add complications as it's used for https. Try another high numbered port to test it.10:21
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strabesMaddOps: if you just want to disable it for one boot, edit the kernel line in the grub menu and remove quiet splash"10:22
cyber_brain_mfkg0000:02:04.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.: Unknown devic e 8039 (rev 10)10:22
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cyber_brain_mfkgpike_: maybe this is my second card???10:22
cyber_brain_mfkg0000:02:04.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.: Unknown devic e 8039 (rev 10)10:22
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antoHeya guys is it possible for a firewall to block the somone in your own network to view the apache page?10:22
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Eric_JardasHello guys I have one big problem...I had installed ruby, ruby gems and rails..then I wanted to remove them so i did rm -Rf /usr/lib/ruby /usr/local/lib/ruby /usr/lib/site_ruby :( now i managed to reinstall ruby but i cant install ruby gems, is there any way to install ruby gems ?10:22
MaddOpsI'm booting from the LiveCD for 7.04.  I'm new to this game.10:22
maethroryy, k, gonna check10:22
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new-ubuntu-useracefrahm:  sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart  or something like that.10:23
acefrahmjj_ , new-ubuntu-user, ikonia : adding a different port, say 3333, to ports.conf10:23
PriceChildEric_Jardas, that is _not_ the way to remove applications10:23
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Eric_JardasPriceChild, I know :(10:23
PriceChildEric_Jardas, if you install apps via "sudo apt-get install foo", then you remove with "sudo apt-get remove foo"10:23
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strabesMaddOps: so why do you want to see all the output?10:23
YanZhgive me a clue pease i get mad!!!10:23
Eric_JardasPriceChild, is there a way to install those things back ?10:23
PriceChildEric_Jardas, what's the output when you try and isntall ruby gems?10:24
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kismettrying to install the nvidia drivers, any howto's appericiated10:24
PriceChildEric_Jardas, sudo apt-get install -reinstall foo ?10:24
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jj_acefrahm, not sure about ports.conf. I think you can change the listen port in the apache config file from 80 to 333310:24
PriceChild!nvidia > kismet (see pm from ubotu)10:24
kismetthanks PriceChild10:24
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new-ubuntu-useracefrahm:  Right now, it says: 3333/tcp closed10:24
MaddOpsNo matter what options I choose I get a flash of text and then the screen goes black.  Checked the CD but it won't show anything.  Checked the MD5 of my ISO and it's correct.10:24
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strabesMaddOps: do you have an ATI card?10:25
MaddOpsWondering  if it's due to the BFG 8800GT on the system.10:25
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new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: ok:  3333/tcp open10:25
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PriceChildMaddOps, is this after enabling the restricted drivers?10:25
OgguWhy cant I change resolution? xorg.conf http://pastebin.se/19306 log http://pastebin.se/1930710:25
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: Ok you got it.  [DIR] acefrahm.com/06-Jun-2007 12:23 10:25
PriceChildMaddOps, (and dude what a beast of a card)10:25
radioaktivstor1the RT2500 does not work with WEP?10:25
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PriceChildradioaktivstor1, works for me10:26
Eric_JardasPriceChild, this is what i get after i run ruby setup.rb to install ruby gems : http://pastie.caboo.se/private/gcc0rvigsbvtweo3ar10:26
MaddOpsI would say no, seeing as I'm just trying Ubuntu 7.04 from a live CD on the home built machine,  Work machine takes it like a champ (32bit Edition).10:26
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acefrahmjj_ , new-ubuntu-user, ikonia :  so you can reach it and verizon was blocking 80 without telling me.10:26
amorphous_what service do I have to restart to reset the hostname?10:26
PriceChildMaddOps, odd... sorry I don't know then.10:26
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PriceChild!hostname > amorphous_ (see pm from ubotu)10:26
MaddOpsUsing 64bit on Home10:26
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PriceChildEric_Jardas, haven't a clue sorry.10:27
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dou213hey does someone know a good program for an i-net cafe?10:27
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm:       It works!10:27
radioaktivstor1pricechild, i see the ESSID but no signal strength then when i sign in.....it tries to connect, then fails10:27
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binvijHi, please can any one help me on my question on pppoe10:27
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Eric_JardasHello guys I have one big problem...I had installed ruby, ruby gems and rails..then I wanted to remove them so i did rm -Rf /usr/lib/ruby /usr/local/lib/ruby /usr/lib/site_ruby :( now i managed to reinstall ruby but i cant install ruby gems, is there any way to install all those thing back ?10:27
new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: Yes, you are correct10:27
PriceChildradioaktivstorm, as I say, works for me... haven't a clue what to suggest to fix it sorry.10:27
strabesMaddOps: just use the alternate CD10:27
amorphous_thanks PriceChild10:27
megafaunaHi, what's a good bulk copy program pls?10:27
PriceChilddou213, maybe if you asked what you wanted the cd to do10:27
PriceChildmegafauna, cp10:27
isabela1634how do I detect bad sectors on my HDD?10:27
PriceChilddou213, s/cd/application/10:28
radioaktivstormpricechild, thats cool, thanks anyhow10:28
acefrahmjj_ , new-ubuntu-user, ikonia : and you can see http://acefrahm.com:3333 as well as http://www.acefrahm.com:333310:28
MaddOpscan I download the Alternate CD from the ubuntu site?10:28
new-ubuntu-useramorphous_: the network10:28
dou213PriceChild, it should be somekind of "reboot to restore"-prog10:28
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megafaunaPriceChild: I have tried that, also w/ drag & drop in Nautilus, it is failing to copy vast numbers of my .mp3 file to my backup drive10:28
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new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: Ace is the greatest!10:28
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PriceChilddou213, you want it to reboot into a fresh install, nomatter what you change?10:28
jj_acefrahm, works on both links10:28
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SimAtWorkhow do you set up raid 1 during the install of 7.04 ?10:28
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PriceChildmegafauna, ok well then what errors does it come up with when you do?10:29
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new-ubuntu-useracefrahm: yes, they both work10:29
BiTMAPhey, i know that the desktop effects likely arnt truely supported, any way to make the window titlebars still appear when you use it?10:29
MaddOpsThe plan is to get Ubuntu to live on my 160GB and then i can boot back to vista if I need it.10:29
strabesMaddOps: yes, just check the box that says alternate cd10:29
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Eric_JardasHello guys I have one big problem...I had installed ruby, ruby gems and rails..then I wanted to remove them so i did rm -Rf /usr/lib/ruby /usr/local/lib/ruby /usr/lib/site_ruby :( now i managed to reinstall ruby but i cant install ruby gems, is there any way to install all those thing back ?10:29
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PriceChilddou213, I'm not sure, I'm thinking something like mounting a ramdrive on /home so that its erased on reboot or something, and don't give sudo access so they can't change the rest of the system10:29
megafaunaPriceChild: "Unsupported Operation when copying ..... .mp3"10:30
NightCrawlerHi, experimenting with gutsy, deleted xorg.conf since I had ATI drivers, X server now works , however in restricted drivers manager I cannot uncheck ATI driver. Any suggestions? Where is that info storred in the filesystem?10:30
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acefrahmjj_ , new-ubuntu-user, ikonia :  Thanks guys, I never would have figured it out without you, I assumed verizon was passing port 80.10:30
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megafaunaPriceChild: The drive is ntfs10:30
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PriceChildmegafauna, copying to or from ntfs?10:31
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acefrahmjj_ , new-ubuntu-user, ikonia : Now how do I make inadyn run every 10 minutes?10:31
megafaunaPriceChild; to ntfs. I have ntfs-3g installed10:31
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jj_acefrahm, try a cron job10:31
dou213PriceChild, thx, i'll give it a try10:31
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strabesmegafauna: you have to mount the drive as filesystem ntfs-3g10:31
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PriceChildmegafauna, I've no experience with ntfs-3g and don't recommend it... sorry I can't help... :S10:31
megafaunaPriceChild: Thanks10:32
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acefrahmjj_ , new-ubuntu-user, ikonia : Isn't there a cron?  right, I'll man page it!10:32
MaddOpsAnything special I need to do with the 8800GB10:32
megafaunastrabes: as far as I know, my dive is mounted. I can navigate it and write single files to it. My problem is it is a bulk directory of .mp3's to backup that is causing me pain.10:32
MaddOpsGT  not GB.10:32
jxi'm unable to play dvds in 7.04. I can't see libdvdcss2 in synaptic, and vlc won't play either. Any suggestions??10:32
MaddOpsThanks for the lead!  I really appreciate it.10:32
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thinkl00p how do you setup transparencies in Ubuntu  So that all your xterm's are transparent?10:34
newknoossaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :O10:34
greyfrog!dvd | jx10:34
ubotujx: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:34
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eDoMfree room i like it10:34
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shiryusomeone please help i want to delete ubuntu and reinstall it how i do it10:34
eDoMno ops nice10:34
dizzzHello, I tried to upgrade to edgy, but when making "dpkg --configure -a" it hangs with update-initramfs...10:34
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spasticteapotdizzz: Go download Feisty. It's much better.10:35
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maethhow can i know how much free space i have on a partition??10:35
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belgarath_meath   try  df -h10:35
dizzzlol... spasticteapot, but i should first upgrade to edgy... !10:35
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TxsTchN2I feel so new lol.. I need some help, I can't move or delete folders in my var/www directory.. how do I lol?10:35
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Dutchydizzz: i think he means a reinstall10:36
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Dutchybut thats your choice10:36
PriceChildTxsTchN2, add yourself to the www-data group10:36
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shiryuplease someone help10:36
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shiryui need to do this10:36
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dizzzyes, i'd have preferred an upgrade, but yep i think i'll have to reinstall...10:36
TxsTchN2K thanx Price let me try that now10:36
shiryuhow i remove ubuntu to reinstall it with a bigger partition10:36
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spasticteapotdizzz: I'd also reccomend a reinstall.10:36
sinthhellu :o10:37
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Eric_JardasI need some help please ! I did sudo rm -Rf /usr/lib/ruby /usr/local/lib/ruby /usr/lib/site_ruby and now I cant reinstall rubygems and stuff...what should I do ?10:37
jontyjontHi all! how do I change default applications? I have searched the help and got nowhere. I want to change the video player from totem to mplayer.10:37
=== dizzz starts to download the feisty install cds
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TxsTchN2I don't have a www-data group, do I create it?10:37
maethhow can i know how much free space i have on a partition??10:38
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shiryuplease someone10:38
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Mikasulielquick question, how do i format a second drive?10:38
greyfrogmaeth, use df -h in a terminal10:38
kazim51#ubuntu is the sweetest room i ever entered!10:38
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shiryuhow i delete this partition to reinstall ubuntu in a bigger partition?10:38
Dutchykazim51: its a bit spammy here :P10:39
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kazim51Dutchy: why? and how?10:39
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MikeMLP@shiryu - there is no 'remove' procedure.  When you reinstall, the installer reformats the partition, provided you are installing on the same partition as before.10:39
Eric_JardasI need some help please ! I did sudo rm -Rf /usr/lib/ruby /usr/local/lib/ruby /usr/lib/site_ruby and now I cant reinstall rubygems and stuff...what should I do ?10:39
NightCrawlershiryu: boot from live cd, erase partition and create a bigger one. If you have dual boot then you need to resize the other partition.10:39
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Dutchykazim51: much text scrolling... especially before i ignored the joins, parts and quits10:39
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politicoVOTE RON PAUL....the last hope for the U.S.10:39
TxsTchN2ok I made a www-data group but it didn't do anything..10:40
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:40
hub_call me please any one a programm in ubuntu who can show image files and modifize him ??????????????10:40
jason_hmm, i was trying the mythtv irc channel and freenode, and no response.  any mythtv gurus in here?10:40
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Mikasulielhub_: gimp10:40
kazim51Dutchy: how do i ignore them?10:40
crimsunjason_: #ubuntu-mythtv10:40
kazim51/ignore joins10:40
BiTMAPis there a way to change the root partition without reinstall?10:40
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shiryubut i tried and i cant delete this partition10:40
hub_lol no i mean qemu image10:40
shiryuin live cd10:40
bobIs it possible to transform an existing ubuntu installation to ubuntu studio?10:40
PriceChild!studio | bob10:40
ubotubob: ubuntustudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at http://www.ubuntustudio.com. Or visit #ubuntustudio.10:40
maethgreyfrog, k thanks10:40
Dutchyjontyjont: not sure if it is _the_ way, but it a way: right-click a file, select open with other app and it will always open with that10:40
jason_crimsun, thanks10:40
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Dutchykazim51: depends on your client10:41
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MikeMLP@shiryu-For partition-related maintenance only, I would recommend downloading a Gparted live cd - http://gparted.sourceforge.net/10:41
MikeMLPI have one and it works great.  Just be careful not to wipe out you data by accident.10:41
zylcheI like the joke added into the erase history on Nautilus, "Do you want to forget history?" "If you do you will be doomed to repeat yourself"10:41
kazim51Dutchy: gaim..10:41
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=== Dutchy doesnt use gaim for irc, so dont know :)
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DrAk0when installing ubuntu, 7.04 i installed nvidia drivers but every time i reboot they are lost, why?10:42
hub_call me please any one a programm in ubuntu who can show image files and modifize him ??????????????10:42
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PriceChildDrAk0, did you use the restricted manager?10:42
PriceChildhub_, please clarify your question and explain what you want to do10:42
jontyjontDutchy: thanks for reply - I have often chosen from the shortcut menu an alternative and this has never reset the default!10:42
shiryuok mike thanks10:42
maethi need to resize a NTFS partition, how can i do that??10:42
DrAk0PriceChild, i downloaded the drivers from nvidia's site10:42
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Tom47hub_: gimp probably10:42
PriceChildDrAk0, well then you haven't installed them properly.10:42
MikeMLP@ maeth-the Gparted livecd can resize NTFS partitions10:42
DrAk0PriceChild, how should I do?10:43
hub_i  will in my qemu partiotion a file in10:43
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PriceChildDrAk0, we don't really support those here seen as the restricted manager works fine10:43
Eric_JardasI need some help please ! I did sudo rm -Rf /usr/lib/ruby /usr/local/lib/ruby /usr/lib/site_ruby and now I cant reinstall rubygems and stuff...what should I do ?10:43
MikeMLPI have used it twice on a single NTFS partition and all my data on that partition is still intact10:43
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Dutchyjontyjont: ok dunno then, i do find it a bit tricky myself...10:43
maethMikeMLP, k10:43
PriceChildDrAk0, I'd suggest checking your xorg logs to see what its crying about10:43
sinthSo how do I install gtk themes with default theme manager? or any other way >< . dumb question i know.10:43
Malmsdoomis there a bug in the prorietary-nvidia-legacy drivers? I get random freezes with no log-informations....10:43
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Dutchydoes anyone else know how to change default applications for certain filetypes?10:43
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amorphous_KDan_, thank you... I went searching around in the router setup and found a switch filtering unknown10:44
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hub_who can change and modifize my qemu image10:44
jammer_!default | Dutchy10:44
ubotuDutchy: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"10:44
amorphous_KDan_, sorry - anonymous internet requests..10:44
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hub_i will insert files10:44
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carolyn_for some reason terminal says that i don't have the libxslt package installed10:44
carolyn_but it is installed! i swear!10:44
MikeMLPThe ubuntu installer should be able to do those things too, since it has gparted built in, but there were some problems a while back with the ubuntu installer using an older, more buggy version of gparted that did cause some data loss.  It probably has been fixed in the newest ubuntu installers, but I still like using just the gparted livecd myself, even though it is an extra step.  It seems safer to me.10:45
jontyjontDutchy: i expect there is a text file somewhere with linking mime types but i don't know where.10:45
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radioaktivstormhub_ like an iso?10:45
amorphous_KDan_, shoulders are going down a bit now and I can breath again... thanks again for your help.10:45
hub_i create a *.img10:45
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KDan_amorphous_: aahh10:45
KDan_amorphous_: cool, so it was the router10:45
jontyjontall: is there a utility for editing mime types and default applications??10:45
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BiTMAPis there a room for beryl installs on ubuntu/ubustu here?10:46
PriceChildBiTMAP, #ubuntu-effects10:46
paddythechumpcan the ubuntu installer partition my hard drive when for dual booting for me?10:46
PriceChildpaddythechump, yes10:46
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phantom_If i install KDE (feisty user) what should I expect in maters of error, are gnomeapps functioning. sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop wiill add KDE or replace Gnome???10:46
Eric_JardasI need some help please ! I did sudo rm -Rf /usr/lib/ruby /usr/local/lib/ruby /usr/lib/site_ruby and now I cant reinstall rubygems and stuff...what should I do ?10:47
PriceChildphantom_, both will be installed at once. both sets of apps will be installed at once. both will function in each other10:47
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Mikasulielcan someone just toss out the command to format a secondary hard drive real quick for me?10:47
p1lsare they editors similar to abiword or openoffice?10:47
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Mikasulieli need to get this hd to fedex to be shipped out10:47
new-ubuntu-usermkfs /dev/hdb110:47
Mikasulielthank you10:48
paddythechumpis there an official torrent of ubuntu?10:48
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Agg[Away] hi, everyone.  my auth.log is showing a log series of login failures last night from a few foreign ips.  I'm wondering what, if anything, I should do about it.10:48
Yitramubuntu comes with a torrent program of some kind10:48
new-ubuntu-userMikasuliel: mkfs.ext3 or mkfs.something-else etc.10:48
j-rockAgg[Away] : through ssh?10:48
Yitramjust open the torrent file10:48
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Aggrav8dj-rock - yes10:48
tarzeauAggrav8d: nothing10:48
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PriceChild!torrents > paddythechump (see the pm from ubotu)10:48
radioaktivstormhub_  never tried this but http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=131382210:48
paddythechumpthank you10:48
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j-rockAggrav8d: install fail2ban or denyhosts10:48
j-rockAggrav8d: then configure10:49
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Yitramhmmm i'mma checkout this PM10:49
phantom_PriceChild: Dose it make chanfes or for example reads xorg like gnome?10:49
j-rockAggrav8d: yup10:49
p1lsare they editors similar to abiword or openoffice?10:49
Yitram!torrents > Yitram10:49
radioaktivstormhub_  i think if you mount the img, then you can add files and whatnot.10:49
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PriceChildphantom_, chanfes?10:49
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carolyn_why would i get an error saying i don't have a package when it has al?ready been installed previously10:50
MikeMLP@phantom_ - it has always worked for me, but I've just gotten fed-up with the clutter it causes.  If you boot into KDE, you have all the gnome-apps in the menus, and vice versa in Gnome.  It was too much of a mess for me, but It is fun to check out!  If you want to go back go only gnome or only kde, you should be able to sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop, and then sudo apt-get autoremove to remove all of the extra packages.  Alternatively, you can try copy-10:50
new-ubuntu-userp1ls: yes, there'10:50
LOLZebrathat's a secret10:50
PriceChildphantom_, what is chanfes?10:50
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new-ubuntu-users MS Office  :)10:50
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krylenhey guys, i've got a serious issue, i'm building a stand-alone kiosk based on ubuntu for some pretty sizable clients, but i've got an issue when i start the "gnome time" utility (time-admin part of the gnome-system-tools package) it hangs waiting for an ntp server on the localhost, umm.. how can i prevent this behaviour? or better yet, remove the ntp support from the package all together? (probably not possible?)10:50
PriceChildcarolyn_, could you pastebin the exact error please?10:50
kazim51Dutchy: did u answer about how to turn off joins etc... the room's really spammy...10:50
kazim51Dutchy: i m using gaim10:50
new-ubuntu-userp1ls: windord.exe10:50
carolyn_PriceChild, http://pastebin.ca/54567410:50
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PriceChildkrylen, ntp support isn't installed by default...? and i think the package is ntpupdate10:51
carolyn_plls, gdocs10:51
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phantom_<PriceChild>change things10:51
StErGi0shello after installing beryl all toolbars from all windows are lost and the minimise close buttons too, what should i do?10:51
new-ubuntu-userp1ls: koffice10:51
jontyjontubotu: thanks for your advice for dutchy - That works great for individual types. But how do I do it more generally for all video??10:51
krylenPriceChild: so if i install ntpupdate it will allow time-admin to start properly?10:51
PriceChildphantom_, well then I don't understand the question10:51
krylen*tries it*10:51
PriceChildjontyjont, ubotu is a bot10:51
new-ubuntu-userp1ls: if you have kde10:51
sinthagain : noobish question, how do i install gtk themes ><10:51
new-ubuntu-useror kdelibs10:51
colbertWhat are the benefits to backing up using incremental backups as opposed to a full backup? I backup every Sunday and burn to dvd-rw, and I'm wondering if it matters which way one does it10:52
gilo1I'm looking for two things... A GUI for snort and a GUI for IPSec.10:52
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PriceChildkrylen, actually, I think its just called "ntp"10:52
PriceChildkrylen, and it shouldn't every try syncing unless you have that package10:52
new-ubuntu-userp1ls:  http://www.koffice.org/10:52
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PriceChildcolbert, quicker resotres?10:52
carolyn_plls, there's also zoho.com10:52
Dutchykazim51: i dont use gaim, so i dont know10:52
dragon_why is it when i install software i get a padlock on the aplication and they wont launch10:52
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colbertPriceChild: Ok.. how so ?10:52
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phantom_KDE install dose change things ore can I simply chose KDE Gnome without problem?10:53
gwhitehow much space do i need minimum for a full ubuntu install?10:53
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PriceChildcolbert, well you only have to copy back a small amount of data instead of restoring the entire lot...10:53
anethemaphantom_: just download the kubuntu cd10:53
PriceChildcolbert, although you could just copy back a small amount of your full backups10:53
new-ubuntu-usergwhite: about 2.5 - 3 gig10:53
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zerohow can be ensure that php has compiled support for Zlib?10:53
gilo1dragon_  you don't have the proper permissions.10:53
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krylenPriceChild: no go, still "hanging" on start, strace stops here: connect(14, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(16001), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 1610:53
PriceChildcolbert, but it also means if you haven't got much space then you can backup without doing full backups10:53
BiTMAP?wish rhapsody - ride of the dragon lord10:53
krylenprobably not very usefull other than the localhost address :/10:54
BiTMAP:P :D10:54
BiTMAPwrong server10:54
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phantom_<anethema>You mean new install?10:54
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PriceChildkrylen, Haven't a clue really... that's after removeing and reinstalling the packages you messed up?10:54
Aggrav8dthanks guys for the fail2ban tip.10:54
Caleb_why does ubuntu request for your phone number in it's free "shipit" service?10:54
colbertPriceChild: well using Simple Backup it makes a files.tgz and few other smaller ones.. but that's the big one, currently i have it at about ~6gb, and every week the incrementals are maybe 200-500megs.. so if i restore won't i need them all anyway? or am i misunderstanding10:54
krylenPriceChild: I did a --reinstall10:54
jontyjontPricechild: thanks I had no idea!! bit of a novice at these chat things.  you got an answer for me?? (changing default video app)10:54
krylenPriceChild: I'll try to completely remove and reinstall them10:54
PriceChildeeek 4 people at once...10:54
StErGi0shello after installing beryl all toolbars from all windows are lost and the minimise close buttons too, what should i do?10:54
dragon_thank you10:54
colberti'm in no rush help the others10:55
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crimsunPriceChild: you can do it.  If I can, I know you can.10:55
politicoStE.. are u using nvidia?10:55
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new-ubuntu-userStErGi0s: unplug your computer.10:55
zeroSrErGiOs: change theme10:55
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StErGi0spolitico: no ati10:55
new-ubuntu-user[sorry, couldn't resist]  ;)10:55
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StErGi0sand cant find how to change themes :S im very new10:55
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PriceChildcolbert, well the idea with incrementals is that you do have a full version of your system spread over many discs... the whole advantage with it is that it takes less media to make the backups if your strapped for backup space10:55
greyfrogStErGi0s, your window manager, probably beryl isn't loading... not sure how to help with this though10:55
politicoare ur drivers installed for the ati card?10:55
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gilo1I think there's a #beryl room that might be a better place to ask10:56
StErGi0sgreyfrog: beryl seems to work as i have many of its effects10:56
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zeroSrErGiOs: you can change themes with beryl manager10:56
PriceChildkrylen, strange.... might be silly, but have the deleted things reappeared?10:56
BiTMAPwhats the luanch command for giving a gui'ed app sudo?10:56
StErGi0slet me try10:56
PriceChildjontyjont, as in something other than totem?10:56
BiTMAPand whats the gpartitioners app name.10:56
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PriceChildBiTMAP, gksudo fo10:56
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BiTMAPok i had the gksudo rite thanks10:56
PriceChildBiTMAP, for example, gksudo nautilus10:56
zeroSrErGiOs: did you install esmerald-theme-manager?10:56
Genomsarenhow can I change regional settings in ubuntu?10:56
colbertPriceChild: ok, right.. but i do'nt see how that is, if i have a 6gb and 200megs every week.. isn't that the same as next week 6.2gb, 6.4, etc. ? and when restoring wouldn't all incrementals be required and so it's more convenient to have it in one already?10:57
BiTMAPyah, i wanna luanch the partition manager (gnome partition)10:57
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krylenPriceChild: "deleted things reappeared10:57
ciaronanyone know the solution to this error: could not open default font 'fixed'?10:57
krylenPriceChild: "deleted things reappeared" how so?10:57
Genomsarenall: how can I change regional settings in ubuntu?10:57
krylenPriceChild: I remove and reinstalled said packages, no luck :/10:57
NetersLandreauwhat is the trick to getting the intel pro/wireless 3945ABG card recognized?10:57
PriceChildkrylen, all that stuff that you removed to uninstall it.... has it come back?10:57
krylenPriceChild: I've stripped this thing pretty bare, making it fit on less than a gig10:57
jontyjontPrice child: yeah I have set up mplayer and it plays just about everything. I struggled to get totem to play anything!!10:57
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StErGi0szero no i dont think i did install it10:58
PriceChild!mp3 > jontyjont (see pm from ubotu_10:58
crimsunciaron: make sure you have xfonts-base installed.10:58
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PriceChildjontyjont, those instructions will let you get everythignw roking in totem10:58
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krylenPriceChild: most of gnome is removed, it's openbox and core system components with firefox10:58
kling0nhello... I jsut added the galdalfn repositories to get at the compiz extras (beryl ports) etc.... Now I am getting the compiz core from the central repositories and the extras from the gandalfn repos..... This is not good since they seem to be conflicting in some way... Any suggestions as to how to make apt-get use the gandalfn respos as priority?10:58
PriceChildcolbert, yeah its more convenient to have it all in one :)10:58
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zeroSrErGiOs: sudo apt-get install beryl-manager esmerald-theme-manager10:58
new-ubuntu-userChange regional settings?  I think it's something like;  control center -> administration -> time and date10:58
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zeroSrErGiOs: how did you install beryl?10:58
PriceChildcolbert, but you need to have more space to do the whole backup :)10:58
StErGi0sfrom the package manager10:58
new-ubuntu-userGenomsaren:  ^^10:59
kling0nzero: s/esmerald/emerald10:59
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PriceChildkling0n, those are 3rd party and not supproted here. Please contact gandalfn10:59
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tyler_dvirtual machine recommendations?10:59
belgarath_Anyone know how to send text  to another application?   I want to send a fortune as a textstring to another application!10:59
greyfrogtyler_d, QEmu10:59
kling0nPriceChild: tup... just figured I  probably wasnt the only one wondering...10:59
colbertPriceChild: gotcha.. well i've figured i make a full one every week and use split to spread it across dvd's.. unless you are aware of more efficient/simpler means10:59
bastidrazori use vmware10:59
krylenPriceChild: I installed everything gnome-system-tools depended on, depite my better judgment, knowing that most of those have nothing to do with the one program i need, the time-admin program10:59
zeroSrErGiOs: ok try that10:59
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Eric_Jardashow to uninstall manually installed packages ?10:59
kling0nPriceChild: the priority part of the question is relevant here though.. how do I make apt-get do what I want it ot ?10:59
belgarath_sry not a ubuntu question... :)10:59
new-ubuntu-userfrotune > another application10:59
PriceChildcolbert, I just keep backups on remote servers... if I mess up this machine then I just hope I've got backups spread around somewhere :P11:00
colbertEric_Jardas: apt-get remove package ?11:00
PurpZeYEric_Jardas: sudo apt-get remove11:00
PriceChildcolbert, oh and my ipod ;)11:00
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zeroSrErGiOs: you will find applications > systems tools > beryl manager11:00
new-ubuntu-useror... ?11:00
PriceChildkling0n, apt-get will always try and install the latest version... however read the message from ubotu11:00
maethwhat works better ? vmware or wine??11:00
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colbertPriceChild: hehe.. fair enough. thanks very much for your help11:00
PriceChild!pin > kling0n11:00
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maethvmware with windows xp installed11:00
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KR-datashould I chose nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new when I install the nvidia drivers?11:00
greyfrogmaeth, completely different things11:00
StErGi0szero i get couldnt find package esmerald-manager11:00
PriceChildKR-data, use the restricted manager11:00
Eric_Jardascolbert, PurpZeY, a pogram that I compiled not installed using apt-get11:00
new-ubuntu-userfortune | another application ?11:00
PriceChildkrylen, and still no joy?11:01
zeroSrErGiOs: emerald**11:01
maethgreyfrog, i know, but still.... if i want to run a windows app11:01
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krylenPriceChild: no love for me ;.;11:01
bastidrazorno windows XP go with 2000 no WGA bullcrap11:01
zeroSrErGiOs: emerald-theme-manager11:01
kling0nPriceChild: yup.. figured it might be something like that.. thanks11:01
StErGi0s Couldn't find package emerald-theme-manager11:01
tyler_dtrying to find as well, a graphical app for modifying my workgroup and computer name??? and possibly network passwords?11:01
TorvusLinaldshi, my sound has stopped working, is there any driver i can restart or anything like that?11:01
greyfrogmaeth, depends on the app... you should check winehq to see how well supported the app is in wine11:01
maethbastidrazor, dont worry here there are no laws :D11:01
colbertEric_Jardas: ahh.. then i am not sure.. i've never had to get rid of a prog i compiled11:01
zeroSrErGiOs: ok give me a sec11:01
KR-dataPriceChild, why? And that doesn't exactly answer my question :S11:01
PriceChildkrylen, grrr... I'm not sure what to do.... have you checked launchpad for bugs against the package?11:01
peciskpeople, any suggestions how to enable cairo to use glitz backend in Ubuntu? I installed libglitz, but now what?11:01
PriceChildKR-data, because it will do it all for you :)11:01
maethgreyfrog, k, i specifically want to run macromedia flash 811:02
krylenPriceChild: good idea, I had not yet thought of that11:02
bastidrazormaeth: heck with the laws, it is the hassle of WGA.. i found a site that gives you all the updates/patches for windows anyway11:02
KR-dataPriceChild, how do I switch?11:02
PriceChildKR-data, switch?11:02
gwhitei havent tried ubuntu since 6 months ago, back around december/january. has it dramatically improved since then? mine was crashy a lot11:02
KR-dataPriceChild, to the restricted manager11:02
PriceChildgwhite, "yes"11:02
maethbastidrazor, winup :D11:02
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PriceChildKR-data, on feisty?11:02
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KR-dataPriceChild, yep :)11:02
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PriceChildgwhite, I don't really know what answer you were expecting....11:03
bastidrazormaeth: actually softwarepatch.com11:03
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zeroSrErGiOs: sudo apt-get install emerald-themes11:03
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PriceChildKR-data, system > admin > restricted manager11:03
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gwhitePriceChild an honest one :P11:03
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PriceChildgwhite, read my hostname and decide if I'm honest :)11:03
maethbastidrazor, then there is two haahahaha11:03
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p1lswhat woudl be the command if i want to have a file with permission of lrwxrwxrwx11:03
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gwhitejust because somethin has a new version doesnt make it more stable11:03
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PriceChildp1ls, chmod 777 foo11:03
kling0np1ls: chmod 777 fielname11:03
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aschmackhow do i switch  window managers11:03
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PriceChildp1ls, what are you trying to do thoguh?11:03
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kling0nfilename even11:03
PriceChildp1ls, don't do that to random files...11:03
TorvusLinaldshi, is there any way to sort of reset the sound system?  my sound isn't working any more :(11:04
Linyos_Torovoltohow to uninstall manually installed packages ?11:04
greyfrogpllsthat is a symbollic link, look at man ln11:04
KR-dataPriceChild, I'm on KDE :S11:04
zeroSrErGiOs: dont forget  to install beryl-manager11:04
kling0ngwhite what kinds of crashes did you have?11:04
PurpZeYTorvusLinalds: Check the Alsamixer11:04
PriceChildKR-data, bah11:04
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gwhitemostly x window and somethin about process forkin11:04
Slartanyone here using anjuta?11:04
PriceChildKR-data, have you read !nvidia ?11:04
Slartbah.. I know.. !ask11:04
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kling0nTorvusLinalds: try 'sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart'11:04
p1lsi did, but it gave me rwxrwxrwx without l in front11:04
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KR-dataPriceChild, duh, sorry I keep forgetting asking the bot (blush)11:04
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:04
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greyfrogplls, that is a symbollic link, look at man ln11:05
zerohow can be ensure that php has compiled support for Zlib?11:05
SlartI'm trying out anjuta and almost none of the default projects I can make using the project wizard compiles/builds without errors and such.. is it me? or is anjuta just broken?11:05
TorvusLinaldsklig0n: hmm, that looked really hopeful but it didn't help11:05
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greyfrogpllsthink "shortcut" in windows11:06
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zerohow can be ensure that php has compiled support for Zlib?11:06
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aoirthoiranyone have any familiarity with evolution email? Ive a question that i dont want to take up the chat room space for11:07
zerouse pastebin11:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:07
PriceChildaoirthoir, ask your question11:07
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paintcanis there a firewall on by default in ubuntu11:07
johnnyzero, look in the phpinfo , but this is prolly the wrong channel anyways, join ##php11:07
PriceChild!firewall | paintcan11:08
ubotupaintcan: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:08
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zerojohnny: thx11:08
jxafter following all the directions here (https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html), I still can't play DVDs in 7.04. Totem tells me, "Please install the necessary plugins and restart Totem to be able to play this media.". VLC doesn't work. Any suggestions?11:08
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johnnyor the ubuntu server channle.. if there is one11:08
paintcanpricechild, ty11:08
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__Ace__anyone here used the cli version of avidemux2?11:08
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sinth_Hi, can anyone please tell me how to deal with gtk theams? :/11:09
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zerommm overflow11:09
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StErGi0szero:  i have downloaded the theme manager now what should i do?11:09
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zeroStErGiOs: did you downloaded beryl-manager?11:09
tdnWhat type of SSH keys do you recommend me using?11:09
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carolyn_will someone please look at this and tell me why i'm getting a bogus "missing package" error? http://pastebin.ca/54574311:09
StErGi0si already have it11:09
zeroStErGiOs: ok Applications > system tools > beryl manager11:10
tyler_dgreyfrog: thank-you11:10
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zeroStErGiOs: right click on the try icon then emerald theme manager11:10
Yitramgeeze i thought it was kidding when it said it was going to take 24 hours to copy these files -_-11:10
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Slartcarolyn_: you have those packages installed?11:11
StErGi0szero: where that try icon? :(11:11
cabrioleurI got an Intel sound card, with realtek alc861-vd. The sound is not working in ubuntu 7.04, fresh installation. I upgraded kernel and checked on alsamixer if something is muted. Any suggestions?11:11
kling0nyitram how much are you copying and over which kind of connection?11:11
zeroStErGiOs: didnt appear a tray icon when you start beryl manager?11:11
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Yitramwell it is like 90GB......from one hard disk to anohter11:12
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greyfrogcabrioleur, what is the output of asoundconf list11:12
StErGi0snope :S11:12
Dekkardcabrioleur,  in sound prefs what device is handling sound?11:12
Yitrambut i think its becuase its from an NTFS to the ext3 partition thats slowing it down11:12
=== BiTMAP [n=user@S01060015e9d304c7.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
k0rnzdo more people use ubuntu than any other distro?11:12
Slart!info libxslt111:13
ubotuPackage libxslt1 does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas11:13
Jowicarolyn_, seems like 'libxslt' was not found, so exml can not be built. Why don't you use the e17 repo to install instead?11:13
k0rnzi'm currently a fedora user but wanting to switch to ubuntu11:13
Slart!search libxslt11:13
zeroStErGiOs: go to #beryl channel11:13
BiTMAPwhat was that ubuntu beryl room again :|11:13
PriceChildpaintcan, the firewall is active in ubuntu by default11:13
eduhatk0rnz: what is fedora like? im thinking about trying it11:13
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RavenousX_make the switch kOrnz, i did, its great11:13
SeveasBiTMAP, #ubuntu-effects11:13
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tyler_dand anything for network management???11:13
PriceChildpaintcan, I suggest you use "firestarter" to configure it11:13
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Ubuntuishbeen trying to install nvidia drivers for the past hour11:13
Ubuntuishi am confused crazy11:14
PriceChildUbuntuish, used the restricted manager?11:14
sebas_how can I install shockwave in ubuntu?11:14
spydrrrrrhas anyone gotten Fiesty to work at 1680x1050 with a Dell monitor?11:14
UbuntuishPriceChild, thats the thing i dunno should i or shouldn't i?11:14
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paintcanpricechild, thanks I will look in the synaptic for firestarter11:14
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PriceChildUbuntuish, SHOULD :)11:14
Ubuntuishi've been to, 2 different places where one says remove all11:14
Agrajagsebas_: there's no such thing as shockwave for linux11:14
Ubuntuishand the other says install11:14
PriceChildpaintcan, sudo apt-get install firestarter11:14
k0rnzi dual boot Vista Ultimate and Fedora 7 on my Pentium 2.4Ghz 512mb and Nvidia 5500 PC and Fedora runs much faster than Vista11:14
PriceChildUbuntuish, where was the other palce?11:14
Tom47seveas ty for the feisty nx debs .... worked well11:14
k0rnzmuch much faster with a whole lot of difference11:14
Jowicarolyn_, http://e17blog.tuxfamily.org/e17blog-feisty_en.php/post/2007/03/10/Enlightenment-Repositories-for-Ubuntu-Feisty-Fawn11:15
UbuntuishPriceChild, on the ubuntu forums :/11:15
spydrrrrrI can't get Fedora Core to work on my Dell GX62011:15
sebas_Agrajag: do you know whether there will be a linux version?11:15
UbuntuishNVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run < i downloaded this11:15
PriceChildUbuntuish, linky?11:15
Agrajagsebas_: not that I'm aware of.11:15
Ubuntuishwhat is the point of this11:15
Ubuntuishjust a sec11:15
PriceChildUbuntuish, what card have you got?11:15
Ubuntuish7600 GS11:15
spydrrrrrhas anyone gotten Fiesty to work at 1680x1050 resolution11:15
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k0rnzspydrrrrr what doesnt work?11:15
PriceChildUbuntuish, you don't need to do it manually.11:15
Ubuntuishso what do i do11:15
PriceChildUbuntuish, system > admin > restricted drivers manager11:15
Ubuntuishokay cool11:15
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=== Ubuntuish crosses fingers
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spydrrrrrk0rnz: It does not offer me that resolution11:15
spydrrrrrI have a Dell 22" monitor11:16
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hjmillsspydrrrrr, reconfigure xorg and enable that resolution seems to be the normal solution I think11:16
k0rnzspydrrrrr you can cheat xorg and make it think you got another monitor that got that resolution11:16
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UbuntuishPriceChild, just a query but have you known anyone to have one of these and get the 1440x900 resolution?11:16
PriceChildUbuntuish, I see no reason why not with appropriate xorg.conf alterations...11:17
spydrrrrrk0rnz: how do I do that?11:17
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UbuntuishPriceChild, thanks a bunch11:17
k0rnzspydrrrrr go ask in #fedora11:17
k0rnzthere is a bot in there with question answer script11:17
spydrrrrrk0rnz: I mean in Ubuntu I cannot get 1680x105011:17
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k0rnzjust ask your question and if it already has answer the bot will know it11:17
krylenPriceChild: oh whoa, i didn't solve my problem, but while trying stuff the touchscreen stopped responding and i got this error message: 26490: arguments to dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block() were incorrect, assertion "connection != NULL" failed in file dbus-connection.c line 2873.11:17
krylenThis is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.11:18
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PriceChildkrylen, that's scary and I haven't a clue sorry... :s11:18
spydrrrrrhow to enable 1680x1050 in Feisty11:18
tyler_dsomehow I remember their being an online img builder for virtual machines? can't quite remember the name?...11:18
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krylenPriceChild: Thanks very much for your help11:18
Ubuntuishis there a linux look a like for fixedsys11:19
TOoSmOotHAnyone know if it is possible to move a running app between screen?11:19
Ubuntuish*font* i.e.,11:19
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TOoSmOotHscreen as in xwindow screen11:19
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AgrajagTOoSmOotH: I'm almost certain that's impossible11:19
TOoSmOotHscreen[0]  to screen[1] 11:19
CarlFKwhat is the mozilla flash plugin package name?11:19
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TOoSmOotHI am running dual monitors11:19
TOoSmOotHas separata screens11:19
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k1gwbif you want to move windows between the two then make them the same screen... why have two xsessions?11:20
AgrajagTOoSmOotH: doesn't matter if they're on the same machine, they're still separate X servers. as far s I know, there's no way to do that11:20
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AgrajagTOoSmOotH: It would be nice, of course... like screen, but for X11:20
TOoSmOotHAgrajag, thanks.. I will jack with it some more11:20
TorvusLinaldsis there any sort of thingy i can run to try and diagnose my sound system, which has stopped working?  it worked for quite a while, but now it doesn't... dunno what i did to it11:20
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TOoSmOotHJust having issues with Beryl when they are on 1 screen11:20
brk3ive just installed realplayer as in ubuntuguide, but am getting no sound.. any ideas?11:21
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heffoturn on speakers11:21
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ubunuHey. I'm having trouble with my apache web server on my laptop. I haven't used it in a while, and now I can't connect to the web server. Ports.conf says Listen 80 and when I try to restart the web server, It says it's already running and serving to I can't connect with a browser though11:21
TorvusLinaldsbrk3, i dunno, it didn't work for me until after i rebooted, but i dunno if it was that that fixed it11:21
hjmillsbrk3, turn up the volume in everything11:21
hjmillsubunu, to or to
brk3hjmills: def not the volume is up full and all other apps sound work fine11:21
simplyw00xAgrajag: Ratpoison has most of screen's features11:21
simplyw00xAgrajag: sadly not the useful ones...11:22
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brk3TorvusLinalds: maybe can try a reboot11:22
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Agrajagsimplyw00x: the window manager isn't the problem11:22
JowiTorvusLinalds, (nice nick btw :)) run "alsamixer" (alternative amixer) and see if anything is muted or if you get an error.11:22
TorvusLinaldswow that looks weird11:22
ubunuhjmills: Yes I agree that's odd. It is also new11:23
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simplyw00xanyone have any thoughts on fixing a Realtek ALC861-VD (using snd-hda-intel) that works through speakers with model=3stack but won't output anything through the headphones?11:23
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Jowisimplyw00x, I thought I saw a bug on that earlier today...11:24
crimsunsimplyw00x: you've omitted the /proc/asound/card0/codec#0 info.  Pastebin it.11:24
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ompaulady please don't11:25
ubunuhjmills: Anything more to add?11:25
simplyw00xcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24487/11:25
sparrwin openoffice.org, this file prints 5 pages instead of 3, and 4 of them are printed very very tiny, what is wrong with it?  http://sparr.homeip.net/BADFILE.ods11:25
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simplyw00xJowi: several people have similar problems but theirs are usually solved by recompiling alsa11:25
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ubunuOr anyone else?11:26
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crimsunsimplyw00x: are you using alsa-kernel hg?11:26
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hjmillsubunu, did you try both addresses in firefox (as well as localhost)11:26
simplyw00xcrimsun: I have no idea. How do I check?11:26
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crimsunsimplyw00x: if you don't have any idea what I'm talking about, you aren't.11:27
TorvusLinaldshmm, no all my mixer settings look hunky dory but still no sound :(11:27
FlatlineHello. How do i record screen activities in linux?11:27
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simplyw00xcrimsun: should I be?11:27
SimAtWorksparrw: set a page range, and i only see 3.11:27
simplyw00xFlatline: recordmydesktop, istanbul11:27
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crimsunTorvusLinalds: please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the alsa-info.sh script linked from that page.11:27
SimAtWorksparrw: i mean print range, not page range.11:27
sparrwSimAtWork: that doesnt explain the tiny printing11:27
TorvusLinaldswill do11:27
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Flatlinesimplyw00x,  I should download those apps? or what?11:27
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rohdefiswhen I boot my box I get a lot of interrupt messages and it doesn't really boot, what do I do?11:28
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SimAtWorksparrw: it does!  the problem is you have a bunch of cells (NOPQR) and you have it set to print to 1 page wide and 1 page tall (under format->page)11:28
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carolyn_Jowi, thanks. that worked (i think)11:28
spanglesontoastanyone know how to configure xorg for vga output on a laptop11:28
simplyw00xFlatline: http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=RecordMyDesktop11:28
sparrwSimAtWork: interesting..  good to know, thanks11:28
simplyw00xFlatline: Install it, and it's fairly easy-to-use after that11:28
carolyn_slart, yes, i had all the packages installed. it just doesn't like me for some reason. i think i got it now though11:28
hind-kevinsalut sa va11:28
SimAtWorksparrw: np11:28
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Flatlinesimplyw00x, tyvm. I'll get right on it11:29
hind-kevinsa va11:29
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PopofI've a problem with my usb disk, when I launch it ubuntu mount it automatically. There is 2 partiotions on the disk, sometimes the first partition is mounted on usbdisk, sometimles on usbdisk-1. Is there a way to  fix it in order to have always the same partition on the same mount point ?11:29
Flatlinesimplyw00x, what is istanbul then?11:29
simplyw00xFlatline: Another program that does a similar thing11:29
petr4hello. Is resume= option still needed for software-suspend in 7.04? Can somebody check his /boot/grub/menu.lst?11:29
PopofPS: I cannot use fstab because if i start ubuntu with the usbdisk it slow the system11:29
simplyw00xFlatline: Older and worse, imo11:29
Flatlinecan i get it via adept?11:30
crimsunsimplyw00x: we simply haven't added the jack sense for that series yet.11:30
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Flatlinenvm i did it :)11:30
aoirthoiranyone have any familiarity with evolution email?(or other email clients on Ubuntu) Ive a question that i dont want to take up the chat room space for11:30
d3m0anyone use the cisco vpn client for linux?11:30
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simplyw00xcrimsun: can I at least manually control the headphone volume?11:30
SimAtWorkaoirthoir: evolution is ok.  TB is far better IMHO!11:30
simplyw00xcrimsun: it outputs nothing from the socket11:30
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crimsunsimplyw00x: not yet.11:30
SimAtWorkaoirthoir: what is your question though11:30
ubunuhjmills: Yes I tried both11:30
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simplyw00xcrimsun: Ok then. Can I change it so it uses the jack and not the speaker?11:31
crimsunsimplyw00x: not yet.11:31
crimsunsimplyw00x: like I said, we've not added the jack sense for your model yet.11:31
aoirthoirSimAtWork, I have catch-all@mydomain sent to one email address so, basically i just need an email client that will let me click REPLY and the FROM will then be whatever the address of the original TO was11:31
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simplyw00xsimplyw00x: Ah, ok. well that saves me some time at least11:31
crimsunsimplyw00x: it requires a new stanza.11:31
SimAtWorkaoirthoir: oh! neat.. hrm.. dunno if such a thing exists though!11:32
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NutubuntuIs Firefox 2 available for Dapper?11:32
simplyw00xcrimsun: Idiot request i know, but any eta on that?11:32
sebas_I can't activate Desktop Effects: "Desktop Effects could not be enabled". But I was using it until a few minutes11:32
SimAtWorkaoirthoir: what a fantastic idea though!11:32
crimsunsimplyw00x: no.  Unless you mail me a laptop with that hardware.11:32
aoirthoirSimAtWork, thanks. I dont want to have to write it in php atm...if I dont have to.11:32
simplyw00xcrimsun: :P11:32
simplyw00xcrimsun: I have a lot of time atm. could I do it myself?11:32
crimsunsimplyw00x: sure.11:32
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simplyw00xcrimsun: are there any docs i should hit?11:33
crimsunsimplyw00x: sound/pci/hda/patch_realtek.c11:33
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petr4hello. Is resume=/dev/my-swap-device option still needed for software-suspend in 7.04? Somebody check his /boot/grub/menu.lst please?11:33
crimsunsimplyw00x: your /proc/asound/card0/codec#0 has all the info you need.11:33
d3m0anyone use the cisco vpn client for linux?11:33
simplyw00xcrimsun: Awesome11:33
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crimsunsimplyw00x: make sure you use pci/hda/patch_realtek.c from alsa-kernel current hg tip11:34
antoAnyone here using firestarter that could help me abit?11:34
simplyw00xcrimsun: hg?11:34
PopofI've a problem with my usb disk, when I launch it ubuntu mount it automatically. There is 2 partiotions on the disk, sometimes the first partition is mounted on usbdisk, sometimles on usbdisk-1. Is there a way to  fix it in order to have always the same partition on the same mount point ?11:35
PopofPS: I cannot use fstab because if i start ubuntu with the usbdisk it slow the system.11:35
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SimAtWorkaoirthoir: i'd look for a tb plugin!11:35
SimAtWorkaoirthoir: i bet one exists!11:35
aoirthoirSimAtWork, ok heading there now. mozilla.com right?11:36
SimAtWorkaoirthoir: (Tb  = Mozilla ThunderBird)11:36
SimAtWorkor www.getthunderbird.com11:36
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aoirthoirSimAtWork, i'ma lookin:) thanks for the suggestion11:36
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petr4popof: i think it is possible mount it manually to specific mount point11:36
sebas_is there any command like lspci to get the cpu information?11:36
crimsunsimplyw00x: I recommend you get up to speed.  Read the ALSA web site.11:36
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nofxxhey, anyone tryed installin kiba-toolbar lately? ive added the repo, key, apt-get update..... but when I go to install there is no kiba- nothing packet....11:37
Popofpetr4: I've made a script but i'd like to make it automatically ;)11:37
petr4popof: also i think that you can use fstab and use "noauto" or something which would prevent mounting the drive at boot11:37
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kriebzsebas_: cat /proc/cpuinfo11:37
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simplyw00xcrimsun: any particular bits you can recommend? ;)11:38
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sebas_thanks, kriebz11:38
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petr4popof: fstab man page should describe how to list but not mount it. sorry i do not know plug and play system enough11:38
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crimsunsimplyw00x: all of it, particularly the bottom of the Download page.11:38
Popofpetr4: the problem is that when the usbdisk is plugged its take a long long long time to boot11:38
Jowiaoirthoir, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/120311:39
PopofSo i must power it wen the os is started11:39
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aoirthoirjowi thanks11:39
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petr4popof: my usb disk has labels on its partitions, and hotplug system mounts it to /media/Teac-5GB/ automagiclay11:39
aoirthoirJowi, thanks:) I am going to install TB now and try that11:40
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Jowiaoirthoir, hope it does what you want. looks like it (I haven't tried it myself)11:40
simplyw00xcrimsun: Excellent. So it's like cvs, I just download, modify and build?11:40
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simplyw00xJowi: Any ideas how I could do that in mutt or evolution?11:41
petr4popof: long? so you still need to boot without. and if you tell the system to not mount the fstab entry when mount -a is about to be executed, you have it11:41
kahrytanHow do you make it so external hdd  is mounted w/ user privledge?11:41
crimsunsimplyw00x: it's similar in spirit.11:41
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kriebzI would avoid installing alsa from source, whatever you are thinking11:41
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ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod11:42
timtuxHum, got a strange problem. Everyime i run "Check" in update manager @ Ubuntu 7.04  it locks up11:42
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nofxxahh,.about kiba-dock... there are only 32bit versions avaiable... hm..thats the problem......11:42
simplyw00xkriebz: You mean me?11:42
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crimsunkriebz: he has to if he's modifying the source to add support for his model.11:42
nofxxthere is a easy apt-get to get all the tools I need to compile from source?11:42
TorvusLinaldscrimsun, it seems my private messages were being blocked11:42
Jowisimplyw00x, no idea. I gave up on Evolution (too slow and is a bit weird UI wise), mutt I don't know (only have the local mail configured for it)11:42
klav!ipod feisty11:42
kahrytanHow do you make it so external hdd  is mounted w/ user privilege?11:42
kriebzsee if you can pull a deb from Debian Sid or something11:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipod feisty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:42
simplyw00xJowi: Cheers anyway11:42
pike_klav: what is the problem with ipod?11:42
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kriebzkahrytan: user,umask=000 in options11:43
klavwell - i hook it up - but the default program won't load up music :(11:43
kriebzor something along those lines11:43
crimsunkriebz: his model isn't supported in 1.0.14.  I normally add support for them.11:43
koI'm trying to get my XG-300 prism54 based wireless card into monitor mode. Does Ubuntu install the same drivers for my card as what i'd find on prism54.org?11:43
TorvusLinaldscrimsun, it seems like i have been bitten by a known bug...  evince (i had a PDF open) opens the alsa stuff somehow... in such a way that other sound can't play11:43
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klavpike_: but i can access the ipod11:43
pike_klav: well ive used gtkpod before is that what youre using?11:43
crimsunTorvusLinalds: meaning firefox?11:43
klavpike_ :nope just the default program11:44
klavpike_: ill try that program. it works good?11:44
kahrytankriebz: There is two partition. Ones for Windows to use. Other for Linux11:44
TorvusLinaldscrimsun, i guess i opened it from firefox but it was in an app called evince, externally to firefox11:44
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crimsunit's firefox.  evince doesn't depend on libasound2.11:44
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TorvusLinaldscrimsun, i found it using the lsof command ripped from the reload alsa script11:44
pike_klav: it works.  one thing is for some reason the playlists i create need to be drug to the top above music videos and such or they dont show up in ipod. beside that and a few little quirks it seems to work just fine11:45
kriebzkahrytan, what problem does that cause?11:45
sebas_kriebz: is there any RAM information other than meminfo?11:45
TorvusLinaldscrimsun, well hmm ok, but i closed evince, and it worked. and evince was listed as having devices open11:45
crimsunTorvusLinalds: right, so closing firefox and any apps spawned from it should "fix" that.11:45
tyler_dqemu detects only 1gig h/d after creating the vm image with easyvmx?? any help?11:45
pike_klav: ill be here for a couple hours as im stuck at work if you run into any problems11:45
kahrytankriebz: What?11:45
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kriebzsebas_, run the free command.  beyond that, I don't think LInux knows memory specifics11:46
klavpike_ : thanks a bunch11:46
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TorvusLinaldscrimsun, i didnt have to close firefox.  but maybe i had already closed the instance of firefox that spawned evince, i guess11:46
kriebzkahrytan: do you know how to add lines to your fstab?11:46
kahrytankriebz: I used "user,umask=000" and now it wont mount11:46
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NutubuntuBe well all11:46
kriebzkahrytan, check my syntax against the man page11:46
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kahrytankriebz: I suggest oyu dont help people where you don't know anything about it11:47
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kriebzkahrytan, I do know11:47
kriebzbut I'm not a book11:47
kriebzit's not like you are worse off11:47
kahrytankriebz: Then why did you tell me to use "user,umask=000"?11:47
kahrytanIt doesnt work and now it wont mount partitions at all11:48
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sebas_kriebz: i mean more from a way of hardware, for instance the vendor and model.11:48
kriebzwell then change it back11:48
Ezepanyone know why i cannot enter tty when im in X?11:48
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simplyw00xcrimsun: The patch_realtek file doesn't appear to be in the hg code I've downloaded11:48
kriebzsebas_, LInux doesn't now that stuff.  Just how much RAM you have11:48
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crimsunsimplyw00x: of course it is.11:48
simplyw00x#define __NO_VERSION__11:48
simplyw00x#include "../../alsa-kernel/pci/hda/patch_realtek.c"11:48
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kahrytanCan anyone fix kriebz's mistake?11:49
crimsunsimplyw00x: alsa-kernel:pci/hda/patch_realtek.c11:49
kriebzEzep: ctrl-alt-F# not just alt11:49
TorvusLinaldsok well i'm happy for now, until something else breaks :)  thanks, crimsun11:49
sebas_k thanks kriebz11:49
crimsunsimplyw00x: you simply forgot to check out alsa-kernel in addition to alsa-driver.11:49
Ezepkriebz, nono..11:49
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simplyw00xcrimsun: it's a separate branch? ...11:49
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crimsunsimplyw00x: ...yes11:49
simplyw00xcrimsun: sigh11:49
Ezepkriebz, i tryed a lot of times before...11:49
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kriebzkahrytan, change it back to what is was11:49
KR-dataI got some partitions from a previous Linux installation, how is the best way to set those up, so my user have rw-permissions?11:49
kahrytankriebz: I can;t11:50
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kahrytankriebz: I can't mount the drive11:50
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kahrytankriebz: Therefore, I cant change it11:50
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kriebzyou can't mount /?11:51
pike_KR-data: might /msg ubotu ntfs  you can open the automount script there in an editor and it might give you a good idea of the process for different formats11:51
Ezepanyone know why i cannot enter tty when im in X?11:51
stefgKR-data: permissions are not handledl on partition-level, but on file/dir -level11:51
kriebzkahrytan, read man mount11:51
zylcheI like the joke added into the erase history on Nautilus, "Do you want to forget history?" "If you do you will be doomed to repeat yourself"11:51
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pike_KR-data: of course thats a horrible answer :)11:51
MikehEzep, did you try ctrl+alt+f#11:51
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kahrytankriebz: and that'll confuse me more11:51
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KR-datastefg, well what I mean is rohde:users the best ownership or is root:users better, or?11:52
EzepMikeh, of course... but... nothing happen...11:52
kriebzkahrytan, I can't imagine how that would confuse you11:52
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aoirthoirJowi, I'm trying that one out. Not sure if its exactly going to do it. I think it just wants to change to one of the existing accounts...11:52
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kahrytankriebz: Because it is bunch of crap to me11:52
aoirthoirbut still playing with it11:52
KR-datapike_, well since I use ext3 and just wan't to know what setup is best, I guess you are right, sorry :p11:52
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MikehI have a similar bug Ezep, where I get into tty but can never get back to gdm/x but I never thought anything of it because usually when I enter tty I don't want to get back11:53
petr4good bye everybody11:53
kriebzkahrytan, what FS is the partition you're trying to mount?11:53
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EzepMikeh, i have to reboot and then boot in runlevel 2 for a tty11:53
kahrytankri ext3 and fat3211:54
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stefgKR-data: you are talking of dir-ownership. partitions are mounted as root in ubuntu, just the files on it belong to some user or group11:54
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simplyw00xcrimsun: Well this looks horribly complicated :) Thanks for the help, I'd better get a-reading 11000 lines of code11:54
Geoffrey2I see I have Avahi installed...can't remember why specifically, whether it was for a build of pidgin or whether it was an overkill attempt at file sharing....any particular problem with just removing the whole thing?11:54
eKittencould someone help me get a nVidia gpu working? the guide on ubuntuguide.org doesnt seem to work for me11:54
crimsunsimplyw00x: it's not that bad.  Granted I've spent a few years doing it.11:54
albano_djhello how can i open a new server ??11:54
Mikehreally odd ezep, has this been since install or just recently?11:54
albano_djcan you tell me pls11:54
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kriebzkahrytan, the ext3 shouldn't need anything but default11:55
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albano_djcome in my pv end tell how can i open a new server on mirc11:55
KR-datastefg, yep, then the dir ownership (whatever same thing to me :p ) should be root:users and with write permission to the users to get what I want?11:55
keith1234albano_dj are you asking how to use your irc client?11:55
simplyw00xcrimsun: Thanks again for the help. Bye!11:55
pike_albano_dj: /server irc.freenode.net  usually11:55
kriebzkahrytan, the fat32 needs to be told that non-root users can write to it11:55
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stefgKR-data: right...11:55
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OhMyAudiHi all11:55
EzepMikeh, i had reinstalen xubuntu a lot of times, and i have added fluxbox to try if there is still the problem...and yes...11:55
Jowiaoirthoir, bottom checkbox in the prefs say "attempt to find and use an identity that appears in its recipent list". let me know if it works. :)11:55
albano_djpike i ask how to open a new irc server11:55
kahrytankriebz: Let me repeat it. Both partitions were mounted as root.11:55
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krylenPriceChild: well, I still havn't solved my problem, but time-admin is definatly causeing dbus to crash, and basically "disabling" the system (no touchscreen and no other input means reboot time)11:55
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aoirthoirJowi, aye. I also tried another one...will update you in a moment:)11:56
kahrytankriebz: Now I can't mount them at all because of your mistake.11:56
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keith1234what mistake?11:56
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KR-datastefg, is i safe to ignore "other" users and make a chmod like 770? Or should other have read permission?11:56
kriebzkahrytan, change the file back to what it was11:56
pike_albano_dj: i might have misunderstood. but the /server command will let you connect to a new server11:56
kahrytankeith1234: He told me to use "user,umask=000" in the options11:56
kriebzthen run `mount -a` as root11:56
kahrytankriebz: I CAN'T.11:57
kahrytankriebz: I can't access drive properties when it unmounted11:57
stefgKR-data: that depends what's in that dirs...11:57
=== kahrytan doesnt use bash
keith1234access drive properties?11:57
kriebzwhat are you taking about11:57
keith1234doesn't use bash?!?11:57
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stefg!permissions | KR-data11:57
ubotuKR-data: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux11:57
fivetwentysixIs there any cd emulators for Linux which can read bin/cue files?11:57
aoirthoirJowi, here we go, this one is perfect: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/59411:57
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keith1234you need to edit /etc/fstab11:57
KR-datastefg, ok, thanks :)11:57
pike_fivetwentysix: cdemu is a prog that can mount em otherwise youll need to convert to iso11:58
RodGohi all, i have an aty video card, and i want to change my screen resolution11:58
pike_fivetwentysix: if its a movie mplayer can just play the cue11:58
=== OhMyAudi says no
RodGosomehow i cant make ti trough System >> Preferences >> Screen Resolution11:58
zambaroowhen running on dual monitors with separate X servers, is there a way to move a window from one monitor to another? or do i need xinerama for this?11:58
GrueTamerRodGo: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file please11:58
kahrytankeith1234: I can't right click on the partiton to access mount options11:58
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keith1234zambaroo: what driver?11:58
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Jowiaoirthoir, thanks. will try it a bit later!11:58
zambarookeith1234, nvidia11:58
Ezepanyone know why i cannot enter tty when im in X?I tried alt+ctrl+fx and nothing happened11:58
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keith1234kahrytan: if you can't use bash, you're SOL11:58
zambarookeith1234, binary11:58
kriebzkahrytan, what program are you using that you can right click on a drive?11:59
melonwhen i try to install feisty.. everything appears to install fine.. until i try to run it - then i simply get an underscore cursor type thingie on a blank screen.. nothing else.. no load..11:59
kahrytankeith1234: I can. But Im not using it11:59
keith1234zambaroo: you want TwinView11:59
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melonwhat to do?11:59
pike_!cue might be easier to convert to iso11:59
kahrytankriebz: ummmm Gnome11:59
zambarookeith1234, thanks, will try11:59
gwhitein cfdisk  07 HPFS/NTFS is the right one for NTFS file system for windows XP right?11:59
Mikehwhat do you use kahrytan, and why won't you use bash?11:59
aoirthoirJowi, thanks for your help. You got me on the right track. SimAtWork thanks for your help too G. It's much appreciated.11:59
RodGook wait Grue11:59
kahrytanMikeh: I hate it11:59
kriebzkahrytan, alt-f2 and run "sudo gedit /etc/fstab"12:00
kahrytanNo more questions. I just want it mounted right12:00
Jowino probs aoirthoir. TB is great.12:00
SimAtWorkJowi: you found a solution?12:00
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kriebzkahrytan, sorry, "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab"12:00
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Mikehexplain why kahrytan, there are other shells if bash is really inconvenient for you12:00
kahrytankriebz: I'm not logged in as user.12:00
JowiSimAtWork, TB addons rule the day :)12:00
SimAtWorkerr aoirthoir you found a solution?12:00
pike_!iso | fivetwentysix12:00
ubotufivetwentysix: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:00
SimAtWorkJowi: that they do :)12:00
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kahrytanMikeh:  Being technical. No commandline.12:00
aoirthoirSimAtWork, yes with Jowi and your help. solution: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/59412:00
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