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bmmAlthough it's not long after my first advocation, I'm looking for my second for ccbuild http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5413 or any comments.12:32
RainCTgood night12:33
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bmmnight night12:33
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pochubmm: I'd change the link to the downloads in debian/copyright, so you don't have to change it with every new release ;)12:58
bmmpochu: change it how? You mean point to the homepage, not the source file?12:59
pochuWell, either the homepage, or the downloads page.01:00
=== Simon80 [n=Simon80@CPE00e098558963-CM000a7363ecf6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bmmI'm not really expecting a new release soon, so it should be ok. But I'll put it on my todo01:03
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pochuNight folks01:46
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TheMusoHey all.01:55
RAOFHey TheMuso 01:55
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RAOFAh, forums.  Where else would you find such useful suggestions as "make it boot faster" :)01:59
YokoZarRAOF: Well, it may not specify HOW to do it, but it does help to know what users want in general every now and again02:00
YokoZarI'd imagine many of us never reboot, so boot times aren't as big a deal for us than most of our users ;)02:00
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RAOFYokoZar: Eh, maybe.02:04
YokoZarRAOF: On the other hand, I get tons of "make it work better", which isn't exactly useful :)02:05
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persiaIs there an easy way to determine from package source whether a package is VCS maintained in Ubuntu vs. being VCS maintained in Debian?02:08
nixternalpersia: good morning :)02:17
persianixternal: Good morning.  I'm looking now :)02:17
nixternalhey, just so you know, I put the latest kplayer on mentors and ana will hopefully sponsor it shortly02:17
persianixternal: Great!02:18
nixternalya, but take a quick look and see if you come up with anything...just in case ana and them decide there are to many k*players in kde-extras :)02:18
AndyPhmm, the latest pymsnt merge should've been a sync02:18
TheMusoGrrr! You gotta love companies that release proprietary software for Linux, and make a deb available, which is *ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING* quality.02:22
TheMusoThe deb packaging that is.02:23
TheMusopersia: For a start, they ask questions in pre/postinst, and do not use debconf.02:23
persiaTheMuso: You could submit a patch.  Most of debian/ can be reconstructed from the binary :)02:23
TheMusoMy thoughts exactly02:23
TheMusopersia: Very true.02:24
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crimsunactually I reboot fairly often02:29
crimsunone of the side effects of testing changes02:29
RAOFIs kvm broken for anyone else?  Man, Sid's gnome looks ugly by default.02:31
crimsunnot ugly ... functional :-)02:32
=== StevenK appears.
=== ceros [n=user@c-76-111-84-156.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== TheMuso cringes even more at this appauling deb.
=== caleb_ [n=caleb@cust0920.vic01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoSymlinking libraries from /opt/lib to /usr/lib is just asking for trouble.02:42
fredericthewisegood morning all!! (jussi01 on brothers machine)02:43
TheMusoWhats more, the libraries don't have version numbers in their names.02:43
=== TheMuso c hecks for a soname.
fredericthewisemorning  TheMuso 02:44
TheMusoHey fredericthewise02:45
AndyPTheMuso: so does this mystery demonic package have a name? :)02:45
TheMusoAndyP: Its a software speech synthesizer, that is only available for purchase.02:46
jussi01hey TheMuso, you are in au correct??02:46
=== ajmitch returns
TheMusojussi01: Yes.02:47
jussi01hello ajmitch 02:47
persianixternal: Commented.  Note that menu files are more important in Debian than in Ubuntu.02:48
crimsuntime to take a look at LSR.  New $employer will allow me to spend some time to work on it.02:48
ajmitchcrimsun: where are you now?02:49
crimsunajmitch: in a coffee shop :-)02:50
ajmitchI mean in terms of $employer02:51
crimsunI'm in the Washington, D.C. area02:51
nixternalpersia: which directory should I populate the kplayer manpage to?02:54
crimsun"the correct one."02:54
nixternalheh, there are quite a few "one"s02:54
crimsunno, literally one.02:55
crimsunone (1)02:55
nixternalso in the kplayer.manpages, it should be populated with?02:55
nixternalkplayer.1 is in debian/02:55
persianixternal: Just put debian/kplayer.1 in kplayer.manpages (yes, 1)02:55
nixternalrock on02:56
=== AndyP looks at the easytag merge and goes cross-eyed
persianixternal: dh_installman takes care of the destination based on the manpage filename.02:56
TheMusocrimsun: Um... What are you on about?02:57
AndyPwhen debian catches up with the versions of our -0ubuntuN packages, how on earth do we merge them?02:58
crimsunTheMuso: I'm doing to dig in02:58
crimsungrr, going to dig in02:58
TheMusocrimsun: Why? Whats up with it?02:58
crimsunTheMuso: nothing's "up" with it.02:58
TheMusocrimsun: um ok.02:58
persiaAndyP: Use the ubuntu orig.tar.gz, and create a debdiff including the debian changes (if appropriate) in the Ubuntu package.02:58
crimsunTheMuso: employer has an interest in making it work for our aging workforce, many of whom are impaired.02:59
TheMusocrimsun: aaah02:59
TheMusocrimsun: Well maybe orca would be a better bet.02:59
=== persia thought LSR was deprecated for actual screen reading
crimsunI'll look into that03:00
AndyPpersia: ok, i think i get that03:00
TheMusopersia: LSR was IBM's screen reader for GNOME, but now that its dormant, I say let it lie. I'd rather the one screen reader for GNOME.03:00
crimsununlike alsa, it's a fairly new category for me03:00
persiaTheMuso: That makes sense to me, although my (very light) interest in LSR is more about the input device management.03:01
TheMusopersia: um ok.03:02
=== macd [n=d@cl-116.atl-01.us.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
AndyPah i see seb128 is the easytag maintainer for both debian and ubuntu, i'll wait until i've asked him about it03:09
=== AndyP scours MoM for another victim
persiabluekuja: About kid3: Please remerge once Ubuntu actually ships FLAC 1.1.4: the current merge doesn't work.03:12
TheMusoAndyP: You're welcome to do nufw which is in the updated merges sectio.03:12
AndyPTheMuso: thanks, i'll take a look03:13
TheMusoewwwwwwww!!! Ok this package really sucks! It depends on libstdc++2.10-glibc2.203:15
crimsunflac is in binary NEW.03:15
crimsunyay for transitions.03:15
persiacrimsun: Yep!03:17
persiaIf anyone has a moment, would they be willing to tell me why `find /usr/share/applications -type f -name *.desktop -printf '%p\n' -execdir grep -q "^MimeType";` doesn't work?03:18
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AndyPpersia: maybe the * is being used by bash (or whatever shell) and not find ?03:23
persiaAndyP: Thanks.  I've actually just realised I need \; instead of ;, which seems to address it.  Darn shell quoting rules.03:24
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nixternalis there a set of tools, besides lintian and linda, that you use for revu'ing? I want to cut down on packaging issues I seem to have by following the documentation03:30
persianixternal: There's a list of hints for reviewers available from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Reviewing.  It's not everything people use, but it might reduce comments.03:33
nixternalya, already use that03:33
nixternalfor instance, how do you validate a .desktop file? that was the first I have ever heard of that03:33
nixternaland I can verify the desktop file does in fact work when installing the pkg's03:34
persianixternal: Ah.  That's just me :)  The tool is called desktop-file-validate, in the desktop-file-utils package.  The current .desktop only works in KDE (not that many XFCE or GNOME users are likely to use kplayer, but...)03:34
nixternalahh, very true03:35
nixternalwell my fix for that is everyone should do the right thing and use KDE :p03:35
=== nixternal hides
persianixternal: So, you'll port plucker-desktop to QT then :)03:36
nixternalnow that is a sweet tool03:37
nixternalbah, to much work involved with that horrible app03:37
nixternalit seems a lot of people are ditching plucker-desktop and using a util called Sunrise03:38
nixternalsupposedly similar, except for the fact that it just works :)03:38
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nixternalpersia: for the desktop files, is it recommended to use a patch for each .desktop file, or is it fine to have 1 patch fix all .desktop files?03:42
persianixternal: I think 1 patch for all the .desktop files is easier to maintain.  Also remember to put something in /usr/share/pixmaps, as other environments don't search the legacy KDE image locations.03:42
nixternalyup...I will get that03:43
nixternalthe cut&paste desc..you were referring to the manpage?03:43
persianixternal: debian/control.  The manpage is great, but the long descriptions in the control file for -common and -doc looked like repetitions of the main description at first glance.  On the other hand, descriptions isn't really a strong point for me.03:47
nixternaloh, they are..only following other packages, that is why I did it that way03:48
AndyPwhat does it mean when the .po files in debian/po/ all have .UBUNTU suffixes and there aren't any .DEBIAN counterparts? they were removed from the debian package?03:48
AndyP(from MoM)03:48
crimsunfor main source, always prefer the Debian .po03:49
crimsunRosetta's used for that.03:49
crimsunfor universe, it's a bit more complicated03:49
persianixternal: As I said, it's not something I know well.  If you have other example packages, it's probably fine.03:49
AndyPcrimsun: um ok, but there aren't any Debian .po03:51
crimsunAndyP: so prefer the Debian source.03:51
AndyPah i see, ok03:51
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crimsunjoejaxx: have you made headway on ndisgtk?04:07
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joejaxxcrimsun: hmm?04:08
crimsunjoejaxx: I pinged you a couple weeks ago regarding the merge04:10
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joejaxxcrimsun: i do not see it on MoM04:14
crimsunuse DaD04:15
joejaxxdo you have a link? it is not in the top any longer04:16
crimsunnote that the DaD version is broken; you need to manually inspect it04:17
leonelcrimsun:  for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbmail/+bug/119131    I see the package in MoM  that's where I'll start ?04:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119131 in dbmail "Please Merge 2.2.5 from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  04:17
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crimsunleonel: according to DaD, luca is already working on it.04:19
LaserJockhaving both MoM and DaD really bugs me04:20
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leonelcrimsun: I've mailed him knowing that he fixed somethings  for 2.2.3  and  said  it was ok  for me to do the merge 04:21
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=== persia encourages people working on merges to 1) Check LP for bugs on the package that might have patches that could be applied during the merge, and 2) File a merge bug before starting work (and not work on packages with open merge bugs).
crimsunleonel: ok, please change the comment on DaD and update the bug Status on LP according04:22
joejaxxLaserJock: do you have a link to DaD04:23
crimsunsee the topic.04:23
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crimsunsilly topic.04:23
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ScottK2Good $TIMEOFDAY everyone.04:29
ScottK2siretart: I saw your note to Doko on ubuntu-devel about recommending python-celeemttree.  I think a large question about that particular pacakge is why we build it for Python 2.5 at all since it's now built in.04:32
ScottK2siretart: Debian only builds it for Python 2.4 and earlier.04:33
ScottK2urgh. large/larger.04:33
leonelhey ScottK2 I'm going for my first  merge ..04:34
ScottK2Hey leonel.  Great.  Which one.04:34
ScottK2Ah.  04:34
leonelbut there are patches that need to be applied04:35
ScottK2How's clamav security updating going?  I've been offline the last two days.04:35
leonellet's see how it gets04:35
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viveksri15hi all04:36
joejaxxwell time for my merge adventure :P04:36
leonelscottK2 clamav   I had to  stop it,  It  turned  complicated to find the patches in the changed version  ..04:36
joejaxxviveksri15: hello04:36
ScottK2leonel: Did you talk to dktrkranz about doing the dbmail merge?04:36
leonelscottK2  but  I'm  not abandoning  clamav04:36
leonelscottK2 yes  I've mailed him  and  said  it was ok  for me to do the merge04:36
ScottK2leonel: It might be worth it to pubilsh the patches you've gotten done so far.04:36
ScottK2leonel: OK.  Just making sure.  It's considered polite, but not everyone does it.04:37
leonelscottK2 for dapper's clamav  I can only  apply  1 the  ole2  04:37
leonelscottK2  the o04:37
ScottK2leonel: One fix is better than no fixes.04:37
leonelscottK2 there are 4 more to be fixed 04:37
leonelscottK2 but I got  lost  since the patches must be applied  in    cab.c  and  dapper's  clamav   does not have  cab.c  file ...04:38
leonelScottK2 the ole2  I'll work on it  tomorrow    04:38
ScottK2OK.  But if you end up having to put it aside for a while, you should ask keescook to publish what you've gotten done.04:39
leonelscottK2 ok    I was not going to abandon  dapper's  clamav    04:40
ScottK2Sounds good.04:40
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leonelscottK I need to find those patches in sarge's clamav04:40
leonelscottK2 I need to find those patches in sarge's clamav04:41
ScottK2leonel: I expect keescook could help you find them.04:41
leonelscottK2 ok  I'll  ask him  but first let me  search in sarge's  04:42
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AndyPTheMuso: nufw merged in bug #11924905:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119249 in nufw "Please merge nufw 2.2.0-2ubuntu1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11924905:03
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TheMusoAndyP: Ok, will have a look in a bit.05:16
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ScottK2Hello effie_jayx.05:34
effie_jayxhey ScottK 05:35
effie_jayxhey ScottK205:35
ScottK2How are things going?  Have you started working on anything else?05:35
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effie_jayxScottK2,  moodle05:38
effie_jayxI am a bit stuck05:38
=== ScottK2 hasn't looked at the pacakge, but could try and help if you have a question...
=== caleb_ [n=caleb@cust0920.vic01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
effie_jayxScottK2,  the only change reads... new upstream version05:42
LaserJockeffie_jayx: you are merging moodle?05:43
effie_jayxLaserJock,  just for kicks ... to learn ... yes05:44
LaserJockEdubuntu is working on moodle I think05:44
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effie_jayxLaserJock,  I am trying to learn... I am not going for the money yet :D05:46
effie_jayxScottK2,  did you check the changelog?05:51
effie_jayxthe thing is I am not quite sure If I am doing the right things...05:51
LaserJockso, today I merged lintian and added in a check that will stop NMU warnings for ubuntuX packages05:52
ScottK2effie_jayx: No.  I was waiting to see if LaserJock had anything to say.05:54
ScottK2LaserJock: That sounds good.05:54
effie_jayxScottK2,  Ok05:55
LaserJockmoodle isn't exactly the ideal "starter" package05:55
=== ScottK2 will look now.
effie_jayxI see05:55
ScottK2effie_jayx: Did you pick moodle or did someone suggest it to you?05:55
effie_jayxI picled it05:56
effie_jayxmy bad...05:56
ScottK2LaserJock: Do you have a pending merge that would be good for someone new (I have none)05:56
LaserJockhmm, how about texmacs05:59
=== effie_jayx check MoM for texmacs
minghuaLaserJock: Debian "fixed" the octave wrong result bug by switching back to g7705:59
=== ScottK2 hides from anythin with tex in the name...
LaserJockminghua: and that "fixed" it?05:59
LaserJockScottK: it's an editor, it's not that bad05:59
LaserJockdarn it, I'm running out of hard drive space06:02
crimsunyou don't need it.  Gimme.06:02
LaserJockwell, I've got a gutsy source/i386 mirror06:03
LaserJockit's eating up a lot of space06:03
LaserJockand now I'm actually using vmware06:03
=== StevenK wishes he had another 15Gb or so to commit to his mirror so it could grab source.
LaserJockI've got 1 last partition to wipe06:04
LaserJockit has OpenSUSE on it06:04
LaserJockbut I can just use vmware for that06:04
minghuaLaserJock: yes, because gfortran and g77 has different ABI for complex numbers on 64-bit platforms06:04
minghuaLaserJock: and BLAS/LAPACK/ATLAS is compiled by g7706:04
LaserJockso I'm using up 49GB for gutsy mirror06:06
RAOFMan, there's this strange voice recognition filter on Telstra's support line.06:07
StevenKMy edgy/fiesty/gutsy amd64/i386 mirror is 57Gb.06:07
StevenKI'm thinking it might be time to stop mirroring edgy.06:08
StevenKRAOF: Whenever I call Telstra, it can't seem to pick up my mobile number.06:09
StevenKRAOF: It asks "Is your query about the phone you're on now?" Which is the office PRI, so of course it isn't.06:10
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RAOFStevenK: Or it's about the landline at my new flat, and I want to know whether it's atually *connected* or not!06:11
=== RAOF thought he'd merged TeXMacs recently.
LaserJockStevenK: only 57GB?06:12
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StevenKLaserJock: Heh, I only have 60Gb available for it.06:12
effie_jayxRAOF,  there is a new package06:13
LaserJockStevenK: I've got 942M free06:13
effie_jayxRAOF,  texmacs-
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
RAOFeffie_jayx: Oooh, I use texmacs.  What interesting bugs are fixed :)06:14
Hobbseehi all06:16
RAOFHey Hobbsee 06:16
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AndyPhm 5:25am... time for bed. good night folks06:26
RAOFSo, I should get internet at my flat in a week or so.  Woooo!06:27
=== Hobbsee has already hard-rebooted the router this morning, to get internet.
=== Hobbsee should play phone-mangling at some point, too.
Hobbseeyup. it's dead.06:28
nixternal.desktop file, for an action, is it necessary to provide a name and and type?06:29
persianixternal: Could you rephrase?  I'm not sure how to answer other than http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/06:29
nixternalya, I was looking at that, and ummm they forgot all about Actions :)06:30
Hobbseeyay, successful phone-mangling!06:30
nixternali.e. actions uses in service menus and such in KDE06:30
RAOFHobbsee: Phone mangling?06:30
crimsunthis channel is particularly random tonight.06:30
HobbseeRAOF: VOIP phone.  hell when the internet connection goes down06:30
RAOFHobbsee: Oh.  Whoops :)06:31
HobbseeRAOF: ie, it usually doesnt get another IP, so you have to hard-reboot the voice box.06:31
Hobbseeand usually, once you do that a few times, it'll come back06:31
Hobbseeelse you have to wipe all the settings, put them back in, etc.  much pain.  or just ignore the phone :P06:32
RAOFAh, technology.  Isn't it wonderful.06:32
Hobbseeyep, yep06:32
Hobbseetechnology in au is definetly very wonderful06:32
=== Hobbsee plans to move to another country, at some point.
persianixternal: I'm having trouble finding docs on that, but I think http://techbase.kde.org/SysAdmin/Kiosk/Keys implies you want to use X-KDE-AuthorizeAction=06:33
persiaHobbsee: It's not all the tech, just everything that has anything to do with telecommunications :)06:33
crimsunHobbsee: denmark? sweden? the netherlands? finland? germany?06:33
Hobbseepersia: hehe06:33
TheMusoHobbsee: Muscent be a good VOIP device then.06:33
Hobbseecrimsun: europe somewhere.  maybe germany06:33
nixternalpersia: those are for kde rc config files06:33
HobbseeTheMuso: it's an engin voicebox.06:34
crimsunI'd choose .nl for sure06:34
HobbseeTheMuso: and i'ts on hellstra, so...06:34
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Hobbseecrimsun: why so?06:34
TheMusoHobbsee: Hmm ok. A voicebox is a rebranded spa afaik06:34
crimsunbecause everywhere else sucks.06:34
HobbseeTheMuso: yeah, that sounds vaguely familiar06:34
persianixternal: See the "Authorising .desktop files" section.  I'm just not finding a good reference for legacy KDE menu entries, and how to migrate to f.d.o .desktop files.06:34
TheMusoWell I am using a SPA-3102 here06:35
TheMusoWith no real problems.06:35
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=== persia wonders if a .desktop file installed in a non-ideal location is actually a bug in Debian.
crimsunsure, why not?  Bugs for everyone!07:20
=== polopolo [n=IceChat7@ip5457cfa6.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
polopolohello all, what must I do if I want to merge from debian?07:22
persiacrimsun: The difficulty is that while I can find documentation indicating that Ubuntu appls should follow the f.d.o spec, I'm not finding anything similar in Debian, aside from a couple notes that .desktop files are nice, and that applying Ubuntu .desktop file patches is safe.  I don't want to generate heaps of extra bugs that don't apply just to reduce my personal delta.07:22
polopoloAnd if I want test my package in debian, must I then test in debian 4.0?07:22
RAOFpolopolo: Sid, I believe.07:23
RAOFpolopolo: AKA: unstable.07:23
crimsunpersia: a wishlist bug certainly seems innocuous07:23
persiapolopolo: If the Ubuntu package differs from the Debian package, you need to apply any Ubuntu changes that are still appropriate to the Debian package and propose it for upload.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Merging for more guidance.07:23
persiacrimsun:  Maybe.  I'll put those last in the queue of patches to feed.07:24
polopoloRAOF: where can I download unstable, I cannot find on debian.org07:24
polopoloAnd is a sponsor who says in revu 'yes' or it says 'uploaded'?07:26
man-dipolopolo: cdimage.debian.org07:26
polopoloman-di ty07:26
polopoloman-di: then I come to http://www.debian.org/CD/07:26
=== IanC26 [n=IanC26@2002:cb36:1caf:4:216:6fff:fe39:ff6e] has joined #ubuntu-motu
polopolowait, i'm now on ftp of the serer07:27
persiapolopolo: For a merge, you generally wouldn't want to use REVU.  See the merge docs above, or "Preparing New Revisions" in MOTU/Contributing.07:27
minghuaman-di: I don't think it's safe to point people to sid installers unless the d-i team acclaim that they are useful07:30
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man-diminghua: the page contains etch too07:31
minghuaman-di, polopolo: the standard way to get an unstable/sid system, I believe, is installing stable and dist-upgrade07:31
man-diminghua: its the official page for downgrads07:31
=== RAOF didn't know there *were* sid installers.
nixternalpersia: the desktop files can't be fixed 100% until they update the xdg standards a little more07:31
minghuaman-di: I thought polopolo was asking "how to download unstable"?07:32
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nixternaldesktop-file-validate contradicts itself with X-Type and Type07:32
man-diminghua: oops, I overlooked the "unstable"07:32
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persianixternal: desktop-file-validate was recently rewritten upstream, so I'm not surprised.  If you get it close enough, that's good enough.07:33
minghuaRAOF: http://people.debian.org/~joeyh/d-i/build-logs.html07:33
RAOFHeh, cool.  Next time I want to install a sid vm, I'll head there :)07:34
=== man-di always uses debootstrap...
minghuaRAOF: make sure you read http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Today first07:35
minghua(actually, I found the link on that wiki page)07:35
RAOF"Fails due to dpkg database corruption".  Fun.07:35
=== IanC26 [n=IanC26@2002:cb36:1caf:4:216:6fff:fe39:ff6e] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Konversation]
nixternalpersia: when I build out the package, kplayer and tmp seem to hold the same files..how can I fix that?07:40
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viveksri15hi all07:42
persianixternal: I'm not sure, nor if you need to.  Do the binaries contain the right files?  I'll download again and do a local build to experiment in a little bit.07:42
persianixternal: If your binary debs match your desires, I wouldn't worry about extra files that only appear during the build.07:43
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=== crevette [n=crevette@man06-2-88-167-44-76.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
nixternalI have the xpm icon being installed via rules into debian/tmp/usr/share/pixmaps using install/kplayer-common::07:49
nixternalis that cool, or would you do it another way?07:49
persianixternal: I'd use debian/kplayer-common.install to install things in general, but specifically, I recommend putting the icon in kplayer, as otherwise lintian will complain that your menu file references a icon not included in the package.07:50
nixternalso no need to add that to the rules then?07:51
persianixternal: CDBS already uses kplayer*.install to install the files into the packages.  Putting it in debian/rules makes two places where you are installing things, and will likely be more confusing to anyone else working with the package.  In general, only overload CDBS when the helper files cannot do what you wish.07:52
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StevenKHrm RAOF isn't running around on fire.07:55
chris_Nope, RAOF has found somewhere inside that's got UniWide coverage.07:56
StevenKRAOF: Does that mean your usual desk is open to the elements? :-P07:57
RAOFNope, but my usual desk *isn't* "UniWide"07:58
crimsunhe's referring to his uni's lovely wifi08:01
crimsunwhich undoubtedly still beats my uni's08:01
RAOFThey're pretty clueless when it comes to linux support.08:02
crimsunno, I retract that.  I'm sure it does.08:02
crimsunI'll put it this way: all the APs in this building are in closets on each floor next to the rear stairwell.  That's right.  Precise identical location on each floor.  One per floor.  For nine floors.08:03
RAOFSounds good to me.08:04
RAOFNice and predictable deadzones!08:04
crimsunIt would - except only the one on the bottom floor (basement) is connected.08:04
crimsunI happen to be on the sixth floor.08:04
RAOFOh, dear.08:04
crimsunRemember, the admins for this dear place named the two MACs I can use "FUN" and "Box".08:05
RAOFOk. UniWide beats your wireless.08:06
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jussi01hello everyone08:34
Hobbseehiya jussi01 08:34
persiaHi jussi0108:34
jussi01hi Hobbsee, persia08:35
RAOF_Hey jussi01 08:35
jussi01hello RAOF_08:35
=== Hobbsee wonders if her uni wifi will work today
jussi01good luck Hobbsee08:35
Hobbseei have to go in there at some point... :(08:36
=== jussi01 is heading to the football tonight. (essendon v west coast) :D
Hobbseeooh, fun!08:36
StevenKjussi01: Woot!08:36
StevenKjussi01: At the 'G?08:36
jussi01yeah, going with the little brothers :D08:37
Hobbseejussi01: are you normally australian, or you a temporary one?08:37
jussi01StevenK: telstra dome08:37
=== svschwartz installed gysty i386, looks fresh and stable :)
jussi01Hobbsee: Im neither... I am an aussie, how ever i reside in finland....08:37
jussi01hee on holiday08:37
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Ej_Pulsarhi to all, i have 2 dirs: one with source files and another with patch files. I wan't to merge diff files with source, can anybody help? I try to use patch command but don't know how do it recursively for all patch files08:38
Hobbseeyou should come pu to sydney08:38
RAOFYeah, that's where all the cool kids are :)08:38
jussi01hehe, I wish...08:38
jussi01someone paying for my virgin/jetstar flights ?08:39
RAOFJust walk.  It's not *that* far :P08:39
persiaEj_Pulsar: You might be looking for combinediff, but you might also be looking for dpatch.08:39
=== crevette [n=crevette@man06-2-88-167-44-76.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jussi01RAOF: only, what, maybe 1000 k's ?08:39
RAOFYeah, give or take.08:39
jussi01hehe :D08:40
crevetteI have a problem when I try to build a package with 'debuild -S -sa -kDEADBEEF', the resulting *.change use my local address not the one set in DEBEMAIL08:40
crevetteI have me@myhostname08:41
Ej_Pulsarpersia, thank a lot08:41
persiacrevette: Check your debian/changelog08:41
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jussi01morning dholbach08:41
dholbachgood morning08:42
dholbachhey jussi0108:42
persiacrevette: More expansively, I recommend not using -kDEADBEEF unless you are sponsoring someone else's upload, as that way the attempt to sign the package will automatically check against the available keys.08:42
crevettepersia: it seems it doesn't work without that08:42
nixternal_crevette: better yet, add -> export DEBEMAIL=email@address.com  <- to your ~/.bashrc08:42
persiacrevette: Right.  You need to have your key match the last email address in the changelog.  That's why I recommend not using -k, because it fails if that's not the case.08:43
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jussi01anyway lads and ladies, im off to the footy, see you all later08:44
Hobbseehave fun :)08:44
Hobbseehi spam08:44
jussi01i will...bye08:44
dholbachcrevette: DEBEMAIL - I wrote this in the mail too, no?08:44
crevettebut for a reason I didn't understant, it didn't worked, now it will worked08:45
crevetteI'm sure08:45
geserStevenK: Hi, have you read your scrollback about the bug in requestsync?08:45
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dholbachcrevette: did you    source ~/.bashrc   ?08:46
StevenKgeser: Yup.08:46
dholbachcrevette: or restart the terminal session?08:46
crevettedholbach: I forgot to modify debian/changelog08:46
dholbachah ok08:46
StevenKgeser: I'm still thinking about the whole affects ubuntu/ thing for new packages. What makes you think it won't download changelogs for libs?08:46
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geserif you take sourcepkg[0]  from e.g. "libgnome" you get "l" and if you prepend "lib" to it, you get "libl" not "libg"08:48
nixternal_persia: my menu file is getting installed in /usr/share/menu as kplayer-common and not kplayer..how do I fix that?08:49
persianixternal_: Umm..  I think you have to do something tricky with the .install files.  Let's both read `man dh_install` and see if we can figure out what.08:50
nixternal_ya, that had a lot to say :)08:51
dholbachgeser: if sourcepkg.startwith("lib"): str=sourcepkg[0:4]  else: str=sourcepkg[0]    no?08:51
StevenKgeser: Ahhhh, right.08:52
persianixternal_: On the other hand, if you put both menu and the icon in kplayer-common, I think you won't get a lintian error.08:52
StevenKgeser: That's me just being a bozo.08:52
nixternal_I am going to try something...08:52
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=== RAOF goes off watch Battlestar Galactica.
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persianixternal_: If that doesn't work, you could probably add an rm to install/kplayer-common::, as I don't see any way to pass -X to dh_install under CDBS.09:01
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nixternal_persia: menu relies on the order of debian/control. I put kplayer at the top and it works as it should09:17
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persianixternal_: Neat!  Thanks for sharing the solution.09:20
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superm1hi persia could i query you for a revu this evening?09:33
persiasuperm1: Depends on where in the world you live, and what you mean by evening, but likely.09:34
superm1persia, :)  I'm in the US, CST so, i guess its somewhat evening - probably past my bed time though either way 09:34
persiasuperm1: In that case sure.  I'll look in 10-15 minutes.09:35
superm1persia, thanks 09:35
minghuait's early morning in US CST :-)09:36
nixternal_it is very early morning in CST :)09:40
Admiral_Chicagoquite early.09:41
superm1I dont declare it early morning until like 3 or 4A09:41
superm1when i realize i should have gone to bed 5-6 hrs before09:41
nixternal_20 minutes until 309:41
nixternal_god I enjoy the slowness of pbuilder09:41
=== persia thinks it's even odds whether it's morning or evening CST at this point.
persiasuperm1: Is this a Debian candidate package for pre REVU before submitting to Debian mentors?09:43
superm1persia, No, its going into ubuntu only09:44
superm1as its for an ubuntu derivative09:44
nixternal_persia: when you get a chance, no rush, as I am going to update my RFS with this info for sponsors as well09:45
persianixternal_: Are you still seeking a separate early Ubuntu upload, or just going to Debian for sync?  If the former, please also update REVU.09:47
nixternal_going Debian and then request sync09:47
nixternal_unless Debian says no, at which point I convert it back into Ubuntu only09:48
persiasuperm1: Commented.09:51
persianixternal_: OK.  I'll check the Debian package.  How would you like comments, if any?09:51
superm1persia, thanks.  question though.  Why -0ubuntu109:51
nixternal_persia: what ever is easiest09:52
superm1if its ubuntu native package09:52
persiasuperm1: It's an Ubuntu package, so it should have an Ubuntu revision.  For native (see my other comment), 0.1ubuntu1 works as well.09:52
superm1persia, even if it has no aspirations of ever going up to debian?09:53
persiasuperm1: The package may not have aspirations, but I cannot speak for the thoughts of Debian maintainers in the future.  Someone might like the artwork.09:53
superm1persia, reason I bring it up, is because we recently had another mythbuntu-artwork package uploaded09:54
superm1that got a 0.109:54
superm1version 09:54
superm1without the ubuntu1 appended09:54
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persiasuperm1: That's the beauty of REVU.  You'll get different comments from different reviewers.  In any case, debian/copyright and debian/docs would have prevented my advocation.09:55
superm1Ok :)09:55
superm1persia, when opening a bzr branch on LP to manage this, is there a different tool to grab from the branch and update?09:56
superm1(a good example avail that you know)?09:56
persiasuperm1: Personally, I think there should never be new Ubuntu native packages.  We use launchpad, so it's really not that hard to generate a bzr upstream (and track in LP) for these packages.  This also allows work to be done during freezes without interfering with the release candidate versions.09:56
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@adsl-69-209-68-46.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
nixternal_OK, I am going to go to bed...persia, if that package is wrotten, highlight me :)09:58
=== icf7 [n=icf7@PPPOE-06-0105.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #ubuntu-motu
persiasuperm1: I haven't worked with any bzr packages yet, but for cvs packages, I use get-orig-source: in debian/rules, as documented in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/CommonPackagingMistakes/ChangingTheOrigTarball.  I'm guessing bzr ... export would do the same thing.09:58
superm1persia, any such page that explains how to do it with cdbs though?09:59
dholbachyou can just    rm .bzr10:00
dholbachor use ... hang on10:00
persiasuperm1: The example listed as "directly imported from cvs" was extracted from a CDBS debian/rules.10:00
persiadholbach: is rm .bzr preferable to bzr ... export?10:00
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superm1oh 10:01
dholbachI don't think there's a bzr export10:01
persiadholbach: Ah.  man bzr is lying to me then.10:01
dholbachoh, there is10:01
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superm1persia, i'll look into switching this to bzr then too.  thanks for the suggestions10:01
persiasuperm1: That'd be great.  Thanks for taking the extra trouble.10:02
dholbachthere's also    DEB_AUTO_CLEANUP_RCS10:02
dholbachDEB_AUTO_CLEANUP_RCS := yes10:02
dholbachnot sure if that helps you there10:03
superm1dholbach, are those supposed to clean up .bzr?  ( I would assume they have support for .svn and .cvs already)10:03
persiadholbach: Neat!  I still prefer foo export, but that's a nice tool for broken upstreams.10:03
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maarten_I set up an account without password yesterday, for my daugther, and it was not as straightforward as i expected (i had to edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom and /etc/pam.d/gdm by hand...). is this something to take upstream, or might this be something to improve for ubuntu?10:05
Fujitsumaarten_: System->Administration->Login Window?10:06
maarten_Fujitsu: this particular option can not be set there10:06
persiamaarten_: It's difficult by design.  You might be interested in the Enable Automatic Logon.10:07
maarten_persia: yes, i have seen the option but it does not do what i want10:07
persiamaarten_: The side effect of not having a password is a very high probabilty of remote exploit.  If you use Automatic Logon, you can then use logoff, logon to get to a different user, while maintaining a default for use by those who don't remember passwords well.10:08
=== pochu [n=emilio@14.Red-88-27-31.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
maarten_persia: but if i restrict login only to gdm, this is no problem10:09
persiaFujitsu: I noticed your comment on bug #110151.  I'm not sure how to commit the changes safely.  Could you?10:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 110151 in mplayer "mplayer not compiled with nas audio support" [Wishlist,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11015110:10
Fujitsupersia: Sure, but it's fairly easy. Check out ~ubuntu-dev/mplayer/ubuntu, make changes, commit.10:10
persiamaarten_: I understand what you seek, and why.  I just believe that a request to make it easy will be rejected if a bug is submitted to either the Ubuntu bugtracker or upstream.10:10
persiaFujitsu: Thanks.  I keep meaning to read some bzr docs, but keep putting it off :)10:11
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@host-85-27-113-187.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuBaaah. Stupid MSN Messenger. Today the servers are denying the existence of any of my contacts when I use PyMSNt + jabberd14, and Pidgin just crashes.10:12
pochuFujitsu: amsn?10:13
DarkMageZFujitsu, how long ago did this start happening/10:13
maarten_persia: what surprises me most is the fact that gdm.conf has this option PasswordRequire=false , but that this is not enough10:13
FujitsuDarkMageZ: Some time within the last 12 hours.10:13
DarkMageZFujitsu, i just logged on fine10:14
FujitsuI can log on fine, but attempting to establish a switchboard session results in the server telling me the contact doesn't exist, even when I just received a presence notification.10:15
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FujitsuHi \sh.10:15
\shguys, who is responsible for the nexuiz packages in universe?10:15
Hobbseeandyp did hte merge10:15
persia\sh: There's a sync request pending.  AndyP has been working on them.10:15
=== Q-FUNK [n=q-funk@dsl-hkibras1-ff55c300-121.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shI prepared some packages for feisty (nexuiz 2.3) if you need them, http://archive.linux-server.org/nexuiz/ source and binary.10:16
Nightrosehi \sh10:17
\shhey Nightrose 10:17
persia\sh: Would you mind filing a bug about that?  It'll be easier to track.10:17
BugMaNhi \sh :)10:17
\shpersia, sure10:17
persia\sh: Thanks.10:18
persianixternal_: When you get to backscroll, the only thing I see left is that kplayer.install should specify usr/share/pixmaps/ instead of debian/tmp/usr/share/pixmaps/kplayer.xpm for the icon installation.10:21
maarten_persia: anyway, i'd be pleased to add this functionality to gdmsetup. but i'd like to know beforehand if it would have a change of being included..10:21
superm1persia, debian/  shouldnt be committed to the bzr branch too in this arrangement, correct?10:22
persiasuperm1: Right.  debian/ is different.  If you like, consider having a separate branch for debian/ to maintain the ubuntu package.10:23
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superm1I think the thing that was confusing me is that bzr-buildpackage refers to grabbing directly from the branch to build10:23
superm1that woudl be referring to the debian/ branch then10:24
persiasuperm1: bzr-buildpackage is designed for bzr debian/ with standard upstream.  I think you're planning the opposite.10:24
superm1yup :)10:24
persiamaarten_: I don't think the chances are high, but gdm is in main: if you really want pre-discussion, either #gnome or #ubuntu-devel may contain people with stronger opinions.10:26
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superm1persia, regarding debian/copyright, calling it a library.  do you mean to just change all instances of Library to say "Theme Package"10:35
superm1or something to that effect?10:35
persiasuperm1: That's a tricky one.  LGPL is usually for libraries.  I think you can search and replace to adjust it, but you might want to search for examples.  You probably also want to make sure to identify which files are covered by which copyrights - I don't know which icons belong to the MaxTux2 theme.10:39
siretart\sh: I uploaded nexuiz 2.3 yesterday to debian. you might rather want to sync from there10:40
persiasiretart: AndyP requested a sync, but I asked why {$Source-version} was a good replacement for {$Upstream-version} before ACK'ing.  Feel free to update bug 119252 if I am in error (and a sync is correct).10:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119252 in nexuiz "Please sync nexuiz (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11925210:41
superm1persia, i really like the way this turned out with the bzr branch instead.  I can see how new revisions will be incredibly easy the way its done now10:49
\shsiretart, cool....I just packaged it yesterday evening ... and hooray...fantastic game ;)10:49
maarten_persia: ok, thanks for your input. i just mailed the people most prominently listed in the gdm changelogs, to ask what they think10:49
persiasuperm1: Great!  You might consider deporting your other native packages for the next release :)10:49
persiamaarten_: That's also a good strategy.  Good luck.10:50
\shsiretart, btw...are you DD now?10:50
superm1persia, for sure i will. We have several other one sthat will be on their way in still, i'll update them to do it this way instead too10:50
bashelierhey \sh 10:50
\shmoins bashelier 10:51
=== Hobbsee waves to \sh
persiasuperm1: That'd be great, and it also increases the chances that your work will be also used by other distributions (and more people will help).10:51
\shHobbsee, btw...congrats for core-dev :)10:51
Hobbsee\sh: thankyou :)10:52
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bashelier\sh: I've just axchanged a mail with Scott Ritchie, looks like he wants to upload wine packages inubuntu himself now10:52
\shbashelier, which is good :)10:52
\shbashelier, hopefully for him it's easy to become a motu in no time...10:53
bashelier\sh: right, the downside is he asked me to sponsors his uploads... but I'm not a MOTU :)10:53
\shbashelier, hehe...I think you find at least one motu to sponsor those packages...he will take over the responsibilty10:53
bashelier\sh: np for me, thanks :)10:54
\shbashelier, at least there are people who are taking care of wine in ubuntu...and scott is one of the good guys...10:54
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bashelier\sh: ok ;)10:56
\shbashelier, and scott has a lot of know how regarding wine10:56
bashelier\sh: I've noticed that yes :)10:57
superm1persia, i've got one more that i updated to be done the same way if you could look it over http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=542010:59
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persiasuperm1: Sure.  As a note, you'll probably get better response by asking for general review than targeting specific individuals (unless you've been working with them on a specific package for a while).10:59
superm1noted.  I had figured since you had got me to use bzr for these you might be the best to leave the first comment :)11:00
persiasuperm1: No worries.11:01
superm1on this note though i will actually get to bed.  4am.  yikes.11:02
superm1Thanks again for all the help this evening persia.  really appreciate it.11:03
persiasuperm1: 5420 still looks native.  Are you sure you uploaded the files you wanted?11:03
superm1whoops there is one that didnt get moved into that directory11:03
siretart\sh: since quite some time already...11:04
persiasuperm1: If you upload again in a hurry, there'll be a comment when you wake up :)11:04
\shsiretart, so you could do mentoring for debian?11:04
siretartpersia: I think this should have been dealt now in debian, I talked to Fuddl about this11:04
siretart\sh: yes, I'm e.g. sponsoring Fuddl's work on the nexuiz packages11:04
superm1ok all reuploaded.  bed now11:05
\shsiretart, cool...I'll come back to you ;)11:05
siretart\sh: sure!11:05
persiasiretart: OK.  Do you want to ACK the sync, or shall I paste your comment?11:05
siretartpersia: let me see the bug first, what's the bugno?11:06
persiasiretart: bug 11925211:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119252 in nexuiz "Please sync nexuiz (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11925211:06
siretartpersia: ack'ed11:08
persiasiretart: OK.  Sorry for the confusion.11:08
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persiaI'm trying to clean out the U-U-S queue, and there are about 10 ACK'd sync requests there.  Does anyone have an objection to me unsubscribing from them?11:38
lionelpersia: that's what you proposed in your procedure. Nobody object, so, go on :)11:41
persialionel: I usually like to wait 10-15 minutes before slapping people with procedure, but that's the plan :)11:42
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Lutinanybody with a feisty amd64 and 5 minutes free ?12:35
=== wolfeon has a intel64 :)
wolfeonLutin: what is up?12:36
Lutinwolfeon: would you mind installing cinepaint, checking that it fails to install, and then install it from feisty-proposed and see if it works ?12:37
wolfeonguess it doesnt help I have proposed by dedault :P12:39
Lutinerr :/12:40
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wolfeontells me unmet deps for cinepaint-data12:41
wolfeonfor the non-proposed repos12:41
Lutinwolfeon: ok12:42
Lutinwolfeon: does it install fine when proposed then ,12:45
wolfeonit installs..12:45
wolfeonbut when I run cinepaint, there is a sigsegv aught12:45
Lutinwolfeon: yep, I have a fix for it but need to propagate the -proposed package to -updates before uploading the right fix12:47
FujitsuLutin: Won't one SRU be better than two?12:48
wolfeonI wonder if my patch for python-fam was ever fixed12:48
LutinFujitsu: well, pitti told me to upload the 2nd after the first has been uploaded12:48
FujitsuThat's odd.12:48
FujitsuI guess it allows for minimal regressions.12:49
persiaLutin: While in general it's better to have 1-change debdiffs for SRUs, wouldn't the release of something that installs but doesn't run just lead to frustration for users?  In this special case, you might want to check with an archive-admin again.12:50
Lutinpersia: doing it right now :)12:51
=== persia types too slow
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persiamshima: About the wm5 support bugs.  Have you had further contact with upstream?12:58
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=== persia notes that those who like to prepare debdiffs should review https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=patch as a source of bugs to fix.
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leonelhello  everyone !01:15
joejaxxHello leonel 01:16
DktrKranzhi leonel 01:16
leonelhey  DktrKranz   my  please  merge dbmail 2.2.5  report was cancelled   on launchpad  01:17
leoneldidn't know that I must do first the diff and then  report it  on launchpad 01:18
DktrKranzso, do you mean rejected?01:18
affluxDktrKranz: bug 11913101:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119131 in dbmail "Please Merge 2.2.5 from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11913101:18
DktrKranzI see01:19
leonelwell no problem   let's do the diff first01:20
persialeonel: That was only rejected because you forgot to assign yourself, and a triager wanted to reduce extra bugs.  Please set to "Confirmed" and assign yourself while you work on it.  Apologies for any confusion.01:20
DktrKranzyou could set it to "In progress" and assign it to yourself01:20
persialeonel: As DktrKranz says, "In Progress" is probably even better.01:20
leonelpersia: I'm learning   sorry for causing the confusion ..01:20
DktrKranzleonel, thanks for working on that01:20
persialeonel: No worries.  The same thing happened to me a few times :)01:21
leonelgreat !01:21
DktrKranzhave a look at BTS too01:21
leonelthis is a great way to start a day ...01:21
DktrKranzI submitted some of Ubuntu deltas to Debian01:21
leonelhaving  great support  for  breakfast   what  else you can ask ?01:21
DktrKranzso they could hopefully be included in the feature01:22
leonelDktrKranz: ok I'll check the  BTS 01:22
leonelbut I'm  stuck  with some bugs in clamav that I'll fix  today  and  then  start the  dbmail merge01:23
persialeonel: Looking through the backscroll, I'd just like to confirm that the best practice is to have an open bug ("In Progress", Assigned) in LP before proceeding with a merge, to let others know you are working on it (and to check to make sure such bugs don't exist prior to working on a merge).01:23
leonelOk    assigned to me  and  set it  to  "in progress"01:24
leonelpersia: which bugs ?  that someone is already working ?01:24
DktrKranzcheck if there are rejected bugs, too01:24
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DktrKranzsometimes maintainers want to push some changes in01:24
DktrKranzand provide a merge themselves01:24
DktrKranzit happened to me once01:25
leonelok  that's why I've mailed  you DktrKranz  first  01:25
persialeonel: I only see your merge listed from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbmail/+bugs, but it's just a good idea to check before processing.  Also, if you can fix 78946 when merging, that would be great.01:25
leonelbug 7894601:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 78946 in dbmail "ssl wrapper support broken for pop3 (init script)" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7894601:26
leonelpersia: will do 01:26
DktrKranzI think it's fixed in gutsy01:26
DktrKranzor it is no longer an issue01:27
DktrKranzmaybe we can nominate for stable releases and mark as fixed in gutsy01:27
persiaDktrKranz: If it's fixed in gutsy, it can be closed, unless it represents a security update or SRU, in which case the applicable releases should be nominated.01:27
leonelso  how  does the  non security bugs  get  fixed ??    like  the security bugs ?01:28
persiaLooking at the bug in detail, I don't think it meets the criteria for SRU, as it's not reported as a regression, and doesn't cause a loss of user data.  Maybe a backport?01:28
DktrKranza backport could go01:29
persialeonel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates have some information.01:29
DktrKranzI don't know if it is critical bug01:29
DktrKranzbut I think it isn't01:29
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leonelpersia: thanks01:30
DktrKranzanyway, we could tell submitter to do what persia suggested01:30
persiaDktrKranz: To request a backport, for something fixed in the current development release, mark the package task "Fix Released" and report it against the whatever-backports virtual package (e.g. feisty-backports).  You'll want to first make sure it meets the backport criteria (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BackportRequestProcess).01:31
leonelooo  that's what SRU  means ..01:31
DktrKranzit should, I will give it a try later this evening01:33
persiaDktrKranz: In general, it's a good idea for maintainers to chase these processes, rather than submitters.  If you (or leonel, or another one of us) believe it should be backported or SRU'd, we can follow the process.  If not, it's better just to tell the submitter that it is fixed in the current version, and will be released shortly (if it doesn't meet the policy criteria for any of SRU, Security, or Backport).01:34
DktrKranzso, If I think it can be eligible, it's me who asks for a SRU/Backport/something, right?01:35
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persiaDktrKranz: Right.  We review the bugs, and follow the processes to get the fixes in the archive (or whatever is required to close the bug).01:36
persiaThat way the submitters can use their computers happily, and the more technically ept can send us patches (to save us time).01:37
DktrKranzI'm in contact with the guys from bug #11063701:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 110637 in php5 "php5-interbase missing in feisty" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11063701:38
DktrKranzfor an issue related to php5 universe packages01:39
DktrKranzwe are gathering informations in order to have a good base to start working01:39
DktrKranzis it worth to ask suggestions to TB?01:39
persiaDktrKranz: I'd start by contacting some of the recent PHP5 uploaders here or in #ubuntu-devel, rather than going straight to the TB.01:41
DktrKranzI asked pitti during feisty developmen cycle01:41
DktrKranzI was late do to anything, though01:42
persiaDktrKranz: Is it still an issue for gutsy?  It's certainly not to late to do something now.01:42
DktrKranzis it01:42
DktrKranzI waited for tribe 1 to be released before asking01:43
DktrKranzgutsy misses php5-interbase, php5-imap and php5-mcrypt01:43
DktrKranzwhich are not shipped in php5 since they depend on package in Universe01:44
DktrKranzI collected some info here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2007-June/001687.html01:44
persiaDktrKranz: I think there is time.  FeatureFreeze isn't until August, so there's a while yet to prepare a new complementary package that could provide those, if there is sufficient coordination with the main packages.01:45
DktrKranzso, a php5-universe could be a choice01:46
persiaIf you have time to speak with interested parties and document a proposed strategy to address it (perhaps a Spec formatted document in the wiki), you could probably get it done.01:46
DktrKranzI will coordinate with carlos, who uploaded a package in REVU01:46
DktrKranzwe mailed in the later days to define a strategy01:47
DktrKranzand we should meet in IRC during weekend01:47
persiaDktrKranz: Great!  Good luck.  Please document the plan in the Wiki once finalised, and announce the page to ubuntu-motu@ to ensure that interested parties have a chance to review prior to execution.01:48
DktrKranzshould I ask for a mentor to help us reviewing it?01:48
DktrKranzonce it is done01:48
persiaDktrKranz: If you have a mentor, asking them for review is a good idea.  Whether you already have a mentor or not, asking for review here is a good idea.01:49
DktrKranzI'll keep it into account01:49
DktrKranznow, let's get business :)01:49
DktrKranzthanks for your feedback01:52
DktrKranzsee you01:52
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leonelwow no php5-imap  in gutsy  ?  we need that  for squirrelmail   don't we ?02:03
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persialeonel: You might want to get involved with the plan, just to make sure :)02:04
leonelgreat  !02:05
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DarkSun88Hi all02:12
=== persia stops processing U-U-S for the day. Anyone want a REVU?
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bmmAny MOTU willing to comment on ccbuild http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5413 is very welcome. I'm looking for the second advocate02:36
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affluxcan anyone unsubscribe ubuntu-archive from bug 119317?02:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119317 in empathy "Please sync empathy (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11931702:46
affluxI forgot to use -s in requestsync02:46
StevenKOnly ubuntu-archive can unsubscribe themselves.02:47
mshimapersia: the libsynce maintainer is blocked. so I couldn't email him02:49
persiamshima: OK.  Based on the last comment, do you still seek sponsorship for bug 11662602:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 116626 in libsynce "WM5 (Windows Mobile 5) support" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11662602:50
mshimayes, but libsynce is in main.02:51
mshimapersia: and the others packages depends on it.02:51
mshimapersia: Don't know what to do.02:52
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persiamshima: Unless you are working on something that depends on the newer packages, and cannot wait until it reaches Debian, I would suggest either waiting until it syncs, and closing the bug, or rejecting the bug as not required now.  If the new upstream doesn't reach debian until after Debian Import Freeze, you can manually request a sync for the relevant packages.02:57
persiaStevenK: Why did you set bug 119317 "Needs Info"?03:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119317 in empathy "Please sync empathy (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11931703:00
StevenKNo ack03:01
=== persia looks again
mshimapersia: They will not work, for now I'm using my packages but would be nice to have at ubuntu repos.03:01
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persiaStevenK: Ah.  Did you refresh first?  I'll adjust :)03:02
StevenKpersia: Right, thanks. :-)03:02
persiamshima: My apologies, but I'm confused.  What will not work, exactly?  In what way?03:03
mshimapersia: There is a new framework for syncing with the wm5, there is a new program (odccm) to make the connection with wm5.03:07
persiamshima: OK.  Am I correct then in assuming that all the packages upstream listed in the bug need to be added to the repository, or updated to make things work, and that some of those components are in main?03:08
mshimaAnd I have to compile the kernel module by myself. They are working upstreams but didn't got in already.03:08
mshimapersia: yes03:08
persiamshima: OK.  Thanks for explaining it.  This sounds like a medium-sized transition to me, given that there are several source updates and new packages that must happen together, and a number of packages in universe and main need to be updated to use the new library.03:10
persiamshima:  Could you please create a wiki page documenting everything that needs to be done to manage this transition, including links to the upstream-generated .dsc files (that are intended for Debian) and information about which packages need to be recompiled to use the new library?03:11
persiaOnce complete, please email ubuntu-devel-discuss@l.u.c to announce your plan (feel free to ask for feedback here first), and notify the appropriate people of what must be done?  This will probably work better than trying to process it one bug at a time.03:12
mshimapersia: I think I made a confusion.03:13
persiamshima: I've unsubscribed ubuntu-universe-sponsors from the bug, pending the development of the new strategy.  Let me know if you need any help.03:13
mshimapersia: libsynce is not in main.03:13
mshimapersia: it is in universe03:14
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persiamshima: That makes it easier then :)  I still recommend making a library transition wiki page, as there are ~15 rdepends that should be managed together, but the annoucement should be sent to ubuntu-motu@l.u.c instead.03:15
mshimapersia: ok thanks03:16
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RainCTpersia: new debdiff for bug #48292 uploaded ;)03:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 48292 in dosbox "Doesn't have a .desktop file" [Wishlist,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4829203:30
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persiaRainCT: Thanks.  I'll look at it now.03:33
mshimapersia: how do I do to get core-devs attention at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/11910003:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119100 in libvirt "Please update to 0.2.2" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  03:41
pochumshima: you can subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors03:42
mshimaThere is no package at the repos that depends on it so it shouldn't be difficult to update it03:42
mshimapochu: thanks03:43
persiamshima: Firstly, you'll generally get a faster and better response if you ask questions to the channel, rather than individuals.  Secondly, you've already done everything you need to do.03:43
Hobbseepochu: only if there's actually something to upload03:43
Hobbseeoh, there is, cool03:44
persiainterdiff too :)03:44
mshimapersia: ok03:45
persiamshima: For future note, you don't need to attach the .dsc and .diff.gz files when you've already uploaded to REVU.  It's also a good idea to give an explanation of why the package should be upgraded (new feature X, closes bug Y, etc.).03:45
persiamshima: Nevermind: you've got that - it's just small, and I missed it.  Sorry.03:46
pochuHobbsee: hi :)03:47
Hobbseeer, sorry, that was to go to mshima 03:47
mshimapersia: ok, I think it is small too, but there are a lot of changes. Next time I will make it bigger  ;)03:47
persiamshima: If a core-dev doesn't comment in the next 10-12 hours, I'd recommend updating the description to include more.  If it is getting attention, there's no need.03:48
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mshimapersia: right03:49
zullibvirt is universe not main03:50
pochu!info libvirt gutsy03:50
ubotuPackage libvirt does not exist in gutsy03:50
pochu!info libvirt gutsy003:51
pochu!info libvirt0 gutsy03:51
ubotuPackage libvirt does not exist in feisty03:51
ubotulibvirt0: library for interfacing with Xen & other virtualization systems. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 68 kB, installed size 196 kB03:51
zuli could of have sworn ajmitch did something with libvirt in friesty03:51
=== ajmitch did
pochuMaybe it's been promoted03:52
zuloh hey ajmitch 03:52
persiazul: Boundaries are vague :)03:52
ajmitchit was put straight to main due to rh cluster suite stuff03:52
ajmitchhi zul 03:52
mshima!info libsynce0 gutsy03:52
ubotulibsynce0: A helper library for synce, a tool to sync WinCE devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-1 (gutsy), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB03:52
zulwasnt that part of xen that got promoted?03:53
ajmitchlibvirt-dev was a build-dep 03:53
zulah ok03:53
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persiaRainCT: Given the ffmpeg delay, would you like to consider a fix for bug 62987 as part of your work on 118422?03:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 62987 in xmms2 "won't build on ubuntu's buildds, but builds locally and in Debian" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6298703:54
geserpersia: is xmms2 still using scons?03:59
geserlast I looked it switched to something others04:00
persiageser: As usual, you are correct.  That's part of what makes fixing 62987 easy :)04:01
geserwithout scons it should build now also on the buildds04:02
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polopoloWho is a sponsor?04:03
persiapolopolo: Someone who reviews and uploads the work of others.04:04
ajmitchnight all04:04
polopoloso the revewers and uploaders are the sponsers?04:05
persiaNight ajmitch04:05
persiapolopolo: Usually.  Not everyone who can upload chooses to sponsor.04:06
polopoloI know, ok, thank you04:07
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RainCTpersia: eh.. how?04:11
geserRainCT: you can probably ignore it. xmms2 had problems building on the buildds (but only there) in the past.04:13
geserbut as I doesn't use scons anymore, it should build now04:13
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persiaRainCT: Take a look at the build log, and see what is missing.  Verify that it is being provided by the build-depends of the new package.  If geser is correct (as is usually the case) the problem was the use of scons, which is no longer used, so you could put a changelog entry that says "No longer uses scons (LP: 62987)" to close it.04:13
=== persia doesn't think ignoring bugs helps reduce the 30,000 open bugs
zulpersia: maybe so but it does improve your sanity04:14
geserpersia: what I meant is that the bug probably doesn't need any special action04:15
persiazul: To some degree.  I've reviewed about 50 bugs that were being ignored today, and by prodding them, have been able to solicit about 6 new revisions to address the issues, which makes me feel good.04:16
persiageser: It probably doesn't, but I expect it will just get left if not looked at.  During a merge is a great time to check for bugs that probably don't apply and mark them closed.04:17
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RainCTuo, is \sh back?04:20
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apacheloggerRainCT: nope, away as we can see :P04:31
RainCTapachelogger: well, that's not what I mean :p04:32
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apacheloggerRainCT: yeah I know but I dunno a proper answer :P04:32
apachelogger\sh_away: any nice reason why you're idling here?04:33
RainCTpersia: I agree with geser that it should work without scons, but how can we be sure of that if it does not try to build?04:34
persiaRainCT:  With scons, it's hard to test, as the behaviour on the buildds is special.  If you watch the bug separately, that's fine too.04:35
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JonathanArghola a todos04:39
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persiaJonathanArg: 04:42
JonathanArgq tal04:42
JonathanArghay alguien q conteste04:43
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sacaterjust to say, I going away for 2 weeks from sunday, so if my membership things get acted upon whilst I am away, just hold onto them until the 24th05:12
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keescookleonel: I use a script to attempt to extract debdiffs from debian packages: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/scripts/d-pulldebdiff05:23
keescooke.g. d-pulldebdiff clamav 0.90.1-3etch205:24
leonelkeescook: Great !  I'll take a look and  let's finish those  bugs ..05:24
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pochusacater: your membership won't be touched until it expires, and I think they're for one year + renewal05:50
pochuSo don't worry ;)05:50
sacaterpochu: its been about a week since I gained membership, when does it normally get processed05:51
lionelsacater: what do you mean by "get processed"05:52
lionelYou are already in the LP team05:52
gnomefreak2 years05:53
gnomefreaksacater: if you mean email than it more than likely is already enabled try having someone send you email to <yourLPid>@ubuntu.com :)05:54
RainCTkeescook: "(you can check what patch system is in use with scripts like this[1] )" you forgot to say what [1]  is :P05:59
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keescookRainCT: eek! sorry, one sec06:01
keescookRainCT: okay, bug 119135 updated.  sorry about that!06:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119135 in gdm "wrong &quote; entity" [Low,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11913506:03
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Kmosanyone have time to look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5396 (gqview latest stable version)07:36
keescookarchive admins, can you check on a binary-NEW of "libmyth-dev"?  I don't see it listed at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+queue but it's not been published yet.07:37
Hobbseekeescook: wrong channel for htat07:37
keescookHobbsee: ah, dang, was hoping myth==universe would land me here07:37
Hobbseekeescook: sure, but the canonical employees tend to hang in -devel07:38
Hobbseekeescook: at least hte archive ones07:38
=== keescook nods
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leonelkeescook: now we got  4  new  CVEs  for  clamav  one is local  07:51
leonelkeescook: cve  2007-3023 2007-3024  2007-3122 2007-3123 07:52
=== keescook nods
ubotuunsp.c in ClamAV before 0.90.3 and 0.91 before 0.91rc1 does not properly calculate the end of a certain buffer, with unknown impact and remote attack vectors. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-3023)07:54
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keescookleonel: that reminds me, I just opened bug 119361 so that LP will correctly use CVE-YYYY-NNNN instead of YYYY-NNNN for their tracking07:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119361 in malone "CVE links should use CVE-YYYY-NNNN format" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11936107:56
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leonel3023 patch found .07:57
mok_I can't log on to revu's homepage.07:58
mok_When I do "recover" and decode the message, it says "None"07:59
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bmmAny MOTU: ccbuild is looking for a second advocate or comments http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=541308:34
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leonelkeescook: we got in  feisty's clamav    0.90.2-0ubuntu1.1    after patching the new  4 cves  will be   0.90.2-0ubuntu1.2 ??08:49
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RainCTbug #119220 can be rejected or?08:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119220 in empathy "empathy: no launcher in the menu" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11922008:55
RainCToops wrong channel :p08:55
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pochuIf a package doesn't have a dh_iconcache call, does it mean that when you install, the menu item won't load the icon?09:08
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keescookleonel: yes, that's the correct version for feisty.09:08
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leonelkeescook: pbuilding now 09:12
keescookleonel: great!  thanks for staying on top of clamav.09:14
leoneldapper's  clamav   Is my pain ...09:19
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alexisesi have a problaime for a desktop file09:20
alexisesi have creat a desktopfile but i don't know to install it09:20
alexisesi use dh_install ?09:21
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pochualexises: yes, putting it in debian/<package>.install09:24
pochuIf the desktop file is in debian/, the line in <package>.install should look like "debian/<package>.desktop usr/share/applications/09:26
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RainCTkeescook: please check bug 11913509:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119135 in gdm "wrong &quote; entity" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11913509:28
keescookRainCT: looks great. I will get it built & uploaded.  thanks! :)09:29
jekilafter a down of my internet connection where i am uploading to revu, i cant upload the same file. how can i do?09:29
Kmoskeescook: u're a core-dev ?09:29
keescookKmos: yup09:29
Kmoskeescook: can you look at this one http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=539609:30
Kmospitti doesn't have time09:30
keescookKmos: sure, one sec09:30
Kmosvery much09:30
jekilthe error is this: Error '553 Could not create file.' during ftp transfer 09:32
keescookKmos: I think the "X-Original-Maintainer" field needs to be "XSBC-Original...."09:32
Kmoskeescook: why?09:32
Kmosisn't that a debian thing ?09:32
KmosMaintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>09:33
KmosX-Original-Maintainer: Torsten Landschoff <torsten@debian.org>09:33
keescookfor it to be processed correctly by launchpad (as I understand it) the "S" "B" and "C" are for binary, source, and ... changes, I think.  anyway, without that, the "Original-Maintainer" field just kinda vanishes09:33
Kmosi've this at my ddclient package, that is at gutsy09:33
keescookI might be wrong.  :P09:33
Kmoskeescook: i change it right now09:34
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keescookKmos: the other issue is that this is a new upstream, so pitti will end up looking at it anyway.  :)09:34
Kmoskeescook: uploading with XSBC changed09:35
Kmoskeescook: pitti tells me that another one can check it and upload09:35
Kmoshe told crimsun some days ago, but the main was frozen because of tribe109:35
keescookah, right, because it existed prior, yes.  (sorry, I'm still new to doing REVUs.  ;)09:35
Kmoskeescook: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=542809:37
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keescookKmos: I'm waiting for the orig to download.  brb09:39
Kmosit tested it with pbuilder and it created .deb fine09:40
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PriceChildI'm trying to figure out how to fix an unmet dep on libetpan10. I can't figure out why ${shlibs:Depends} would pull that in instead of libetpan11. apt-get install libetpan10 mentions that it is referred to by another package and I'm wondering if this could have something to do with it?09:52
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geserPriceChild: the package needs a rebuild to get linked against libetpan1109:53
=== PriceChild wonders if he was so silly that he didn't just rebuild it himself to see...
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keescookcrimsun: is there a special magic you use to take a REVU-approved package and uploaded it (which generates the motu email, etc?)  I wanted to pull the trigger on http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=541909:56
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keescookKmos: your changelog seems to replace pitti's.  instead it should be added on to the top.  (i.e. the changelog for 2.0.1-1ubuntu2 is missing)10:02
keescook(and actually, it seems that that version was uploaded to fix the Original-Maintainer issue)10:03
PriceChildgeser, Thankyou. I can't believe that wasn't the first thing I did... :(10:04
Kmoskeescook: hmm.. it seems that that version was uploaded to fix the Original-Maintainer issue ??10:04
Kmoskeescook: uploading with martin changelog10:07
keescookKmos: cool, thanks.10:08
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Kmoskeescook: i deleted martin changelog accidently10:09
Kmoswhen I do the dch -i -D gutsy10:09
keescookheh  :)10:10
Kmoskeescook: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=542910:12
geseranother security bug in wordpress 2.2 :(10:12
alexisesbashelier toujours rien ?10:14
Kmosgeser: wordpress is a mine of bugs :)10:15
Kmosbad php code written10:15
=== pochu wonders whether anybody is running unstable ATM :)
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keescookgeser: unless source of fun.  *sigh*10:18
geserKmos: Debian discussed dropping WP for etch10:19
keescookgeser: yeah, I watched that for a while.  I guess we'll see how much traction they got from upstream's promise to support security updates better.10:19
Kmosgeser: i think that's good =) if someone needs it, install and maintain it10:20
keescookKmos: looks good.  I've marked it +110:21
RainCTwhat has to be done in order that a program starts automatically after installation? (for bug 119220)10:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119220 in empathy "empathy: no launcher in the menu" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11922010:21
geserkeescook: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/120857 points to the changeset fixing this problem10:21
keescookgeser: nice, that's an improvement.10:21
Kmoskeescook: thanks10:23
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keescookKmos: np.  I need the REVU practice.  ;)10:23
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Kmosmy project :)10:24
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persiaRainCT: Regarding 119220, I believe that the correct method to have something start up by default is to add a .desktop to /etc/xdg/autostart, but you might want to seek confirmation that this is not GNOME-specific.10:32
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Kmoskeescook: try to find another core-dev to give another +1 and upload it10:33
vilhi all10:33
vilany idea why buntudot.org does not work?10:34
vilI did not check it lately and now I get server not found in firefox10:34
=== persia thought only one REVU (or core-REVU) was required for new upstream versions prior to UVF.
RainCTpersia: that starts it each time you start session? if I understood right it already does start automatically, but only once it was launched for the first time (or perhaps after reboot, reporter did not confirm that), so what it needs is to be started after installation10:36
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keescookleonel: great work.  were you able to test against a "bad" RAR file?10:40
leonelstill looking for a bad one ..10:40
persiaRainCT: It seems to use the legacy /usr/share/gnome/autostart directory, but yes, it only activates after logout and login (or reboot).  Fixing this is hard, as the postinst runs as root, and so doesn't know which sessions to update.  I don't think a menu item is helpful - it would be used only once, and only by people who just installed empathy, and haven't logged out and logged back in, thereby cluttering the menus uselessly.10:41
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RainCT_brbpersia: isn't it possible to run    su <username>; empathy; exit;         ?10:52
RainCT_brbpersia: (where username have the script replace it with the user that is logged in)10:52
persiaRainCT: Sure, but for which <username>?10:52
persiaRainCT: What if multiple users are logged in?  How about one user on the desktop, and one via ssh?10:53
leonelkeescook: I'm making a bad rar to test 11:00
RainCT_brbpersia: ok, thanks11:00
RainCT_brbgood night11:00
=== TheMuso [n=luke@ubuntu/member/themuso] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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leonelkeescook: couldn't make the file 11:09
=== blackskad [n=blackska@d54C4A53D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
leonelkeescook: i've asked a  clamav developer if he can provide the bad rar which I cant access in the clamav bugtracker11:10
keescookleonel: okay, good11:10
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alexises_bashelier tu est la ? j'ai envie d'esseyer un truc11:14
alexises_bashelier voir si je peut me connecter sur ton ordi (enfin juste voir si 'jarrive  l'identification)11:15
bashelieralexises_: please, first do /topic, then choose the right chan11:15
alexises_ho sorry 11:15
alexises_i have not see  11:16
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somerville32join #ubuntu-devel11:33
alexises_good night i go in my bed11:39
=== acm_ is now known as acm
leonelkeescook: Eliot from Clamav  send me the a bad rar     tested on  clamav  without patches : 11:46
leonelleonel@human:~ $ clamdscan Desktop/clamcrash.rar 11:46
leonel/home/leonel/Desktop/clamcrash.rar: lstat() failed. ERROR11:46
leonelkeescook:  tested  in with the patched  clamav :11:46
leonelleonel@ubuntu:~$ clamdscan Desktop/clamcrash.rar 11:46
leonel/home/leonel/Desktop/clamcrash.rar: OK11:46
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pochu_Night MOTUland :)12:07
=== superm1_ [i=malimonc@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-motu

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