
lousygaruacr0_ php.conf that is12:01
flowmasterwhat is your video card brand12:01
PyroSamalousygarua: does it support ip filter lists and udp?12:01
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lousygaruapyrosama i have no idea actually i just needed a gtk client nad it worked for me.. it's only version 0.6 so they might be missing some features12:01
tristanmikeIf I may, what are some good ID3 tag editors in Linux...I asked ubotu, but he doesn't seem to get me :P12:01
Flannelcr0_: It's offering the PHP file for download?12:02
cr0_i think i got it working now12:02
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lousygaruacr0_ what did u do?12:02
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PyroSamacr0_: make sure you have your apache server configured with the proper mime types for php12:02
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[Al] chemist_exI am on the live cd and really need ntfs write support. I installed ntfs-3g, is there something else I need to do?  I still cant write to my disk.12:03
lousygaruapyrosama apache installer does that automaticaly so it's weird he says it won't work12:03
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PyroSamalousygarua: hmm12:03
PyroSamacr0_: try lamp12:03
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:03
PyroSamacr0_: LoadModule php4_module php/sapi/php4apache2.dll12:04
PyroSama        AddType application/x-httpd-php .php12:04
PyroSama        AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps12:04
PyroSamaMake sure that or something close is in your apache config12:04
Chagobittorrent is already the newest version...but...where is it?12:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about baby - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:04
ramatiegAnybody know how to exclude relative directories in rdiff-backup (I think it is the same as rsync or duplicity). I get | Warning: file specification 'excludedir/' in filelist exclude.txt doesn't start with correct prefix .. Ignoring |12:04
PyroSamacr0_: under your apache folder ook for httpd.conf12:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about god - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:04
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Mirrakoris there a comparison  between edubuntu and a normal (K/X)ubuntu?12:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about baby-jesus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:05
omegacentiSorry had to...12:05
Flannel[Al] chemist_ex: you need to install ntfs-config12:05
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PyroSamaMirrakor: just packages bundled with it12:05
[Al] chemist_exFannel, oh duh then let me guess I run ntfs-config right?12:05
PyroSamaMirrakor: one is general use and the other education related apps12:05
idefixxramatieg: just a guess... but i'd say it cant be a relative path it must be absolute.12:05
MirrakorPyroSama: so in fact it's just an Ubuntu with additional packages?12:05
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flowmastershould i go with vmplayer or VirtulBox ?????12:06
lousygaruacr0_, pyrosama ubutnu installer does all of t hat automatiicaly12:06
Flannel[Al] chemist_ex: There'll be a menu item Applications > system tools > NTFS Configuration Tool (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions)12:06
PyroSamaMirrakor: from what I understand yes its just diff packages12:06
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lousygaruaChago - bittorrent is only the protocol, u can choose from a lot of differnet clients that 'talk' to this protocol12:06
MirrakorPyroSama:  I thought so too, but what do you recommend for school use(as student) an ubuntu and install packages manually or would you recommend using Edubuntu directly?12:07
FlannelMirrakor: Edubuntu is geared more towards the client/server thing, although there are standalone versions.  If you're looking for a desktop system with edubuntu look/programs/etc you're probably better off installing Ubuntu, and then adding the Edubuntu theme and apps.12:07
Chagowhich one?12:07
r00tintheb0xhi guys12:07
arianei would like to install some 3d desktop on my ubuntu feisty. i tried before but it crashed my computer, i panicked and i deleted all the files related to it. now is there someone that could explain me how do i get that 3d desktop without killing my computer please?12:07
PyroSamaMirrakor: I actually dont know too much about ubuntu but since my office is transitioning to it I had to preempt every one so when the trouble shooting starts I know what I'm doing so any thing I say needs to be taken with a grain of salt12:07
sebas_Chago, just open a .torrent file12:07
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MirrakorFlannel: you know something about it?12:07
lousygaruaChago, yeah ubuntu has a very basic built in bittorrent client12:07
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lousygaruaChago u have to look on google for example for bittorrent stuff12:08
PyroSamaariane: 3d desktop is buggy at best its still beta if your hardware didnt support it look around for how to make it work and if you cant find anything discussing your hardware then give it a while and wait for the next beta12:08
bruenigChago, I recommend utorrent12:08
lousygaruaChago then u download a bittorrent file (small file) adn ur client does all the downloading for u12:08
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lousygaruabruenig did u hear of deluge-torrent?12:08
brueniglousygarua, no rss12:08
flowmasterbittorrent is awsome12:08
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tristanmikeIf I may, what are some good ID3 tag editors in Linux...I asked ubotu, but he doesn't seem to get me :P12:09
PyroSamalousygarua: Do you know how to join two files end to end? aka output = input1.input2.input312:09
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lousygaruabruenig i'm sure it will have, it's only a matter of time :) i also use utorrent from time to time but i prefer deluge now coz i don't use rss12:09
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lousygaruapyrosama on php? or unix12:09
todd_i just installed ubuntu, pretty new to linux... My computer seems to lock up for about a second at random intervals. What could be causing this?12:09
PyroSamatristanmike: i think bmpx will let you change id3 tags12:09
brueniglousygarua, it keeps getting put off, now it is projected some crazy long time in the future12:09
arianePyroSama: i successed to install beryl a long time ago (i was with kubuntu 6.10) and it was buggy but it was working. i heard compiz is more stable. is that really true?12:09
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Mirrakortristanmike: as player Amarok, as stand alone tagger I'd use easytag12:09
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tristanmikeThanx a bunch load PyroSama and Mirrakor, much appreciated :D12:10
OuZowhat is the keyboard short cut for switching tabs in the terminal?12:10
flowmasteri heard the same about compiz12:10
lousygaruabruenig well there are other features that are unimplemented there and i guess rss isn't on their minds now12:10
idefixxlousygarua: deluge-torrent will be the next major client (i hope) but for now it still doesnt beet utorrent imo.12:10
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flowmasteri cant get beryl to on nivida2go 64mb video card12:10
PyroSamaariane: I dont know.12:10
bluebananai downloaded armyops250linux.run from http://americasarmy.filefront.com/file/AASF_Direct_Action_v25_Linux_Full_Install;49654. How do i play the game?12:10
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ramatiegflowmaster: #ubuntu-effects12:11
lousygaruaidefixx u r right, utorrent rocks now but deluge meets my needs12:11
PyroSamabluebanana: is it a .deb package or a .tar.gz?12:11
Mirrakorbluebanana: execute the .run (chmod +x first), and look what it says12:11
Chagois it a good option bittorrent_5.0.5_python2.4.deb?12:11
MirrakorPyroSama: a binary file12:11
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PyroSamaMirrakor: ah ok12:11
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PyroSamabluebanana: ignore my comment12:11
flowmastereasynews it the best for download movie, music and warez!!12:12
[Al] chemist_exFlannel: Thank you, it seems to be working :)12:12
Chagois it a good option bittorrent_5.0.5_python2.4.deb?12:12
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smusi just installed ubuntu 7.0.4, i have geforce 8600, i can only use 1024x768 @ 60 hz, i want use 1280x1024 @ 85 hz, how?12:12
smusin System -> Screen Resolution12:12
Chagois it a good option bittorrent_5.0.7_python2.4.deb?12:12
PyroSamahmm still looking for any ideas on joining files end to end12:12
lousygaruachago most chances u already got a bittorrent client already on ubuntu12:12
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idefixxlousygarua: its allways a good idea to get away from utorrent.. because of all the stuff going on ;)12:12
FlannelChago: Install bittorrent from the repositories.  There's no reason to manually download debs.12:12
mogreenChago: apt-get install rtorrent12:12
PyroSamaChago: apt-get install azures or apt-get install qbittorent12:13
Chagojust only that?12:13
bluebananaMirrakor, i did chmod +x, now how do i execute it?12:13
bdfso I'm having this odd issue with apache2 and the event mpm... it doesn't seem to want to start12:13
lousygaruaok bye all have fun12:13
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bdfreturns an odd error in error.og12:13
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bdf[Sat Jun 09 08:09:36 2007]  [crit]  (70023)This function has not been implemented on this platform: Couldn't create a Thread Safe Pollset. Is it supported on your platform?12:13
bdfPre-configuration failed12:13
PyroSamaChago: azures is java based and bloated but feature packed, qbittorrent is light weight but limited feature wise12:13
flowmasteryou have hack your xorg.conf file to 1280X102412:13
Mirrakorbluebanana: you're in a shell, I assume - now just type ./filename.run (tab will probably a help for you :) )12:13
bdfworker mpm works fine12:13
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ramatiegPyroSama: It's azureus12:13
ticnailer69Why would I need to use the NTFS write support configuration tool?12:13
bdfbut there are nice performance benefits to the event mpm :(12:13
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PyroSamaramatieg: I cant spell ;)12:14
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smusflowmaster, okay, why cant i do it from System -> SCreen Resolution?12:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about life - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:14
Flannelticnailer69: Uh, you only need to if you plan on writing to NTFS.12:14
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idefixxsebas_: hehe, pls dont abuse the bot.12:14
smushow do i sudo in this dumb unbut12:14
smusit hasno root12:14
smusis so confusing12:14
PyroSamasudo -s12:15
ctothejhow do i find the location of the python interpreter?12:15
Chagomogreen: apparently is downloading rtorrent12:15
bluebananaMirrakor,  bash: armyops250linux.run: command not found12:15
Flannelsmus: You don't need root.  Just `sudo [command] ` to perfrm that command as super user.12:15
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bluebananathe tab function won't even work.12:15
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FlannelPyroSama: `sudo -i` is the recommended root shell, not -s anymore.12:15
smusannoying, aff12:15
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PyroSamaFlannel: what is the difference between the two?12:15
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arianei'll try to install correctly the appropriate drivers for my graphic card and if i have some problems, i'll come back...12:16
ticnailer69I'm not familar with writing to NTFS so why would I want to do this, if you dont mind me asking..12:16
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FlannelPyroSama: some of the environment settings12:16
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Mirrakorbluebanana: uhm, I did say you should type ./filename, so in your case ./armyops250linux.run12:16
smuswhere is my x config file?12:16
ChagoI don't see any client on my desktop12:16
PyroSamaFlannel: ok12:16
the_walrussmus: /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:16
Flannelticnailer69: If you needed/wanted to write to a windows partition.  Otherwise, there's no reason.12:16
PyroSamaetc/X11/xorg.conf i belive12:16
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PyroSamaI got beat to it.12:17
ticnailer69nah haha. thanks12:17
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Chagomogreen: apparently is downloading rtorrent...but I don't see any client12:17
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symbiotehey anyone know how to uninstall wine.. I installed it while the system was updating lol.. think it messed shit up.. sometimes ubuntu hangs now.. that aint normal.. and wine doesnt show up in my applications menu or any otehr menu.. and i dont knwo where it is to start it eather lol..12:17
PyroSamaChago: is installing or is installed?12:17
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mogreenChago:  u use consoll12:17
PyroSamasymbiote: apt-get12:17
greyfrogsymbiote, sudo apt-get remove wine?12:18
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symbiotewould taht really work lol?12:18
smusim disappointd, i cant put my screen res in the app in System -> Screen res to 1280x102412:18
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greyfrogsymbiote, it should12:18
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Flannelsymbiote: you shouldn't have been able to install it while the system was updating.  It should have blocked you, unless you did something funky.12:18
idefixxsymbiote: you dont 'just' start it.. you'll have to supply a windows app as argument. also i dont think its running 'ps xa | grep wine' to check.12:18
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Fawazwhich package to install glibc?12:19
greyfrog!find glibc | Fawaz12:19
ubotufawaz: Found: glibc-doc, libc6, libc6-pic, libg++, libstdc++2.10-glibc2.212:19
crimsunlibc6* are already installed...12:19
FlannelFawaz: you probably want build-essential, which installs the whole lot of things you'll need12:19
we2bycan some one tells me a simple gtk mp3 player?12:19
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idefixxsymbiote: also, yes apt-get remove really works... why wouldnt it?12:19
symbioteoh... well i mean yeah it woudlnt install but i kept teh synatic installer open for it whiel waiting for the updates to be done.. then isntalled it as soon as they were done.. I think I was suppostt o restart first lol..12:19
cp84whats a good program for my ipod  on ubuntu12:19
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tarzeauwe2by: simple AND gtk? ...12:19
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smusi type "sudo ls", nothing happends, why?12:20
we2bytarzeau, zo xmms is not an option12:20
PyroSamacp84: file browser?12:20
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greyfrog!ipod | cp8412:20
Flannelsymbiote: well, synaptic and update-manager shouldn't have been able to be running at the same time even.12:20
ubotucp84: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod12:20
EmanonI'm looking for alpha-testers for a package I'm writing (supposed to work a little like Apple's TimeMachine): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46904912:20
tarzeauwe2by: i was thinking of opencubicplayer12:20
Fawazhmm them it's not the error i'm looking for12:20
symbiotek this is what it says when i try that12:20
symbiote$ sudo apt-get remove wine12:20
symbioteE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)12:20
symbioteE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:20
idefixx!paste | symbiote12:20
ubotusymbiote: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:20
greyfrogsymbiote, close out of synaptic12:20
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Flannelsymbiote: Right.  Close the other package managers you have open (update manager, or synaptic, or whatever)12:20
tarzeauwe2by: besides xmms IS gtk (just not version 2 of it)12:21
PyroSamasymbiote: are you running synaptic package manager or similar at the same time?12:21
symbiotesynatic isnt open12:21
Fawazi'm compiling something but i get configure: error: Missing zlib12:21
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Flannelsymbiote: update-manager?  another apt-get? aptitude?12:21
Fawaz!find zlib | fawaz12:21
XiCillinis threre a wauy to make the main menu transparent?12:21
symbioteIm runnign NOTHING lol cept terminal and this12:21
XiCillin...or a specific color?12:21
EmanonFawaz: apt-get install zlib1g-dev12:21
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symbiotesee i think i somehow messed stuff up lol12:22
Flannelsymbiote: If you're absolutely certain of that, then go ahead and manually remove /var/lib/dpkg/lock12:22
PyroSamasymbiote: reboot then before any thing try apt-get remove12:22
ShendarHow can i install kernel with lowlatency on edgy?12:22
Fawazemanon: thanx a lot12:22
greyfrogXiCillin, right click your menu bar and click properties12:22
EmanonFawaz: try it now to make sure it works12:22
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symbiotei just rebooted like 10 minutes ago12:22
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XiCillinmenu bar>? you mean panel, greyfox?12:22
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Fawazemanon: i'll try to recompile now :) thanx12:23
greyfrogXiCillin, yep12:23
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PyroSamaany one know if ubuntu can boot from a yaffs partition or a jffs partition? If so how do I create said partition?12:23
XiCillini dont' want to make the panel transparent12:23
smusi type "sudo ls", nothing happens, why?12:23
symbiotebut Ill try removing that folder12:23
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PyroSamaI am running an SSD and would like to extend its life as best I can12:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yaffs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jffs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:23
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...12:24
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greyfrogXiCillin, just the "application" menu?  do you want it to go away or just be less opaque?12:24
Fawazemanon: i get configure: error: Missing openssl    but i think i have it installed12:24
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smusi type "sudo ls", nothing happens, why?12:24
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PyroSamasmus ls doesnt need to be prefaced with sudo12:24
Flannelsmus: because the directory youre in is empty12:25
smuspyrosama, i know, but as a test12:25
smusFlannel: , its not, when i type "ls" it works12:25
Lightenixhi,  is it possible that return code obtainable by $?  is only within range from 0 to 255?  and what happens if that exit code is too high (like 40000) ?12:25
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smus"sudo uname" doesnt work either12:25
smusnothing with sudo works12:25
EmanonFawaz: try apt-get install libssl-dev12:25
symbiotelol ok thats anotehr thing Ive been wondering.. how do u delete stuff if its locked.. why cant i log on as root like I could in fedora(btw fedora sux compaired to ubuntu hehe)12:25
Fawazemanon: i think  i fixed it installed libssl-dev it fixed it :)12:25
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ShendarHow can i install kernel with lowlatency on edgy?12:25
Fawazemanon: yeah was just telling :)12:26
smuswow, this ubuntu sucks12:26
EmanonFawaz: right :)12:26
smusi think im gonna install windows12:26
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PyroSamasmus: you broke ubuntu. evil msoft spy. i condem you to the trash bin!12:26
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idefixxPyroSama: ubuntu is compiled with jfs as module.. to create it install jfsutils.12:26
PyroSamasmus try a reboot12:26
symbiotehey dont go bad mouthin ubuntu.. im happy with it..12:26
smusyou cant even change a screen resolution without edit config files, and you cant edit config files12:26
edmonheeyy can some one help me with my grafikcard? ATI radeon 9800 i can't install the driver12:26
smushmm okay12:26
smusill try restart12:26
PyroSamaidefixx: jffs (journaling flash file system)12:26
EmanonSo, not takers for testing this app: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46904912:26
Flannelsymbiote: because Ubuntu doesn't use the root account, it uses sudo instead.  You'll need to use sudo to delete things.  Either sudo rm from a terminal, or `gksu nautilus` to open nautilus (your file browser) with super user privs.  Be EXTREMELY careful with that nautilus window, and close it immediately after you're finished.12:27
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idefixxPyroSama: oops misread that, sry.12:27
edmonheeyy can some one help me with my grafikcard? ATI radeon 9800 i can't install the driver12:27
Emanonsymbiote: try 'sudo -s'12:27
dayylinso because you are unsure of how to make it work it sucks?  check out the forums and you will get a lot of info on how ubuntu works12:27
we2byis there a tool to change the wallpaper every 5 seconds randomly? like in OSX?12:27
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PyroSamaidefixx: np. I got my self a fancy new lexar 8gig express card ssd and just dont want to burn it out from log files or web surfing12:28
n2diywe2by: qsl?12:28
we2byn2diy, what does qsl mean?12:28
edmonheeyy can some one help me with my grafikcard? ATI radeon 9800 i can't install the driver12:28
PyroSamaEmanon: i was told a a few minutes ago that sudo -l is now the standard.12:28
n2diywe2by: never mind, I thought your nick was a ham call sign. :)12:29
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bdfn2diy: wk9kkn ;)12:29
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:29
FlannelPyroSama: `sudo -i` not -l, but really there's few reasons to open a root shell anyway.12:29
n2diybdf: hi om.12:29
symbioteok I know what i must do now.. sudo rm lock woo12:29
Emanonsymbiote: once you become root using 'sudo -s', you can set a password if you really want to and then log in as root from then on. In general, not having a root account makes it much harder for attackers coming in over ssh (for example) to get in since they don't know the super-user account name12:29
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pike_course no one runs sshd to where root can login12:30
PyroSamaEmanon: is ssh running out of the box on ubuntu?12:30
symbioteooo i knew tehre was a way haha!12:30
EmanonPyroSama: I believe that sudo -l just lists what you can and can't do...12:30
pi-mesonI have a laptop without a cdrom drive; are there directions on instaling ubutnu -from- a usb memory stick? all the google hits I find are targeted at installing ubuntu onto a memory stick12:30
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bdfso any takers on my apache issue?12:30
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FlannelPyroSama: Ubuntu has nothing listening by default.  So no.12:30
EmanonPyroSama: Not unless you install the ssh-server package if I remember correctly12:30
PyroSamaEmanon: i dont know i havent tried. some one corrected me when i said sudo -s12:30
bdfgoogle is stumped :(12:31
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rageagaintthiswhat is the button(s) to relieve mouse and keyboard from a virtual system in virtualbox?12:31
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idefixxPyroSama: well sounds reasonable.. not much i know about it though.12:31
PyroSamaFlannel: emonon: ok wasnt sure on that one12:31
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EmanonPyroSama: I just tried it now and it responds with: "User blah may run the following commands:..."12:31
symbioteyay wine is beign removed!12:31
nn-gentoo_PyroSama, what are you trying to do?12:31
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FlannelEmanon, PyroSama, it's `sudo -i` not `sudo -l`12:32
greyfrog!install | pi-meson12:32
ubotupi-meson: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate12:32
pike_PyroSama, , no server apps out of box12:32
bdfthe part that hurts the most is that this is a totally fresh install of ubuntu 7.04 and the steps to reproduce are very simple :(12:32
PyroSamaidefixx: yeah i havent found much on it relating to ubuntu or much in general i played with the mtd-utils but couldnt figure it out12:32
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pike_well cupsd i guess12:32
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PyroSamaFlannel: ah thats what it was ><12:32
EmanonFlannel: Thanks - do you know why -i is better than -s?12:32
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symbiotek now I just gotta see if that worked..12:33
FlannelEmanon: they set some environmental variables differently12:33
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lucindoanyone knows how to install Sagem USB modem?12:33
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PyroSamapike_: i am behind a hardware firewall and have my server running ubuntu server (with ssh enabled + vnc + smb) should I consider more than just hardware firewall or should that be sufficiant?12:33
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cyber_brain_mfkganyone can provide help with routing useing iptables???12:34
leftcasePyroSama, depends what service you have running on the server?12:34
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PyroSamaI have ports 10k to 65k open for torrents other than that web ssh ftp vnc12:34
EmanonFlannel: OK, I just checked the man page, and it does seem to provide a more complete root environment12:35
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tabare1new to ubuntu: i've installed open suse (10.2); now i want to swith to Ubuntu but disk partition is giving me an error "file systema type ext3 in parfition #7 - any help?12:35
bdfPyroSama: a firewall wont do anything to prevent exploitable services from being exploited.12:35
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nn-gentoo_PyroSama,  i might give you an account on my server if you could explane what your trying to do12:35
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PyroSamabdf: I'm more concerned about the fact that root is enabled on my server via ssh12:36
ubuntuishThanks a lot guys for all the help my migration to ubuntu is finally complete.12:36
symbioteok onto the next problem.. this problem ive had since I installed ubuntu.. its kinda annoyhing but I have a workaround already but I wanna fix it..12:36
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leftcasePyroSama, Your server should only be vunerable on the ports you have open - If you've got strong passwords in place, And you're only forwarding the ports to services that you need, you're as safe as anyone else.... If you want more security you'll have to deal with hardening the server12:36
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PyroSamabdf: and my password is 4character alpha12:36
smallfootrestarting works, now sudo works... why it broke before?12:36
leftcasePyroSama, not good12:36
smallfooti edited my xorg config file, but its still 1024x768, why?12:36
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HOTPyroSama: you can disable ssh root logon in the config file12:36
PyroSamabdf: however it is a firewalled port12:36
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symbiotewhen i boot up teh screen goes blank.. and stays liek taht.. id ont think it even laods anything.. the monitor doesnt go into powersave mode it just is black..12:36
PyroSamaHOT: I use the root ssh all the time though.12:37
symbioteive tryed to reconfigure xorg in teh recovery console.. didnt work12:37
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acai'm recompiling my kernel and getting tons of errors when I make menuconfig or xconfig12:37
HOTPyroSama: can you not login as another user then elevate?12:37
symbiotemy solution is to run recovery mode.. then type init 5 and it boots up fine..12:37
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symbiotebut I wanna fix it permenantly12:38
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nn-gentoo_PyroSama,  There is a way you can say onily a computer with this public key can ssh as root12:38
cootpcanyone have screen rez problems after install?12:38
PyroSamaHOT: if i wasnt lazy I'm sure. I supose I could change the setup a bit to protect it.12:38
PyroSamann-gentoo_: huh?12:38
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HOTwell i disable root over ssh as my first step, it takes like three seconds to become root12:39
PyroSamann-gentoo_: oh i gotcha12:39
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HOTand stops me doing anything rash12:39
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symbioteanyone know how to fix that? do we all have that same silly bug?12:39
FlannelPyroSama: just disable root, and use sudo.12:39
cyber_brain_mfkganyone can provide help with routing useing iptables???12:39
edmonHEEEEEEEEY can some one help me with my grafikcard? i tryed to install the driver but it still dont work12:39
PyroSamaFlannel: what i'm getting at is should I be concerned since I am behind a hardware firewall12:40
edmonATI 980012:40
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:40
FlannelPyroSama: why shouldn't you be concerned?  How does a firewall help in this case?12:40
edmoni tryed to do those step but still dont work12:40
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PyroSamaFlannel: since outside of my network those ports are not open12:40
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FlannelPyroSama: er... whats the point of SSH if you can't do it remotely?12:41
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edmon HEEEEEEEEY can some one help me with my grafikcard? i tryed to install the driver but it still dont work12:41
PyroSamaFlannel: my server is in my garage with out mon key mouse12:41
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FlannelPyroSama: besides, you'll find not needing to open a second SSH session simply to do some administrative task is a benefit.  connecting again for root is stupid12:41
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HOToh new kernel eh, that sounds fun.....12:41
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idefixxPyroSama: just read up on jffs2 a little. the mkfs.jffs in mtd-tools doesnt work for you?12:41
kimy_is possible to use vol_id from knoppix live to view uid of disk and then write this uid in fstab of ubuntu in the same pc?12:41
edmon HEEEEEEEEY can some one help me with my grafikcard? i tryed to install the driver but it still dont work12:41
HOTbtw you can also log in as root with : ssh -l root12:42
HOTif you must12:42
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Flannelkimy_: Yeah.  Those should be the same regardless of how you're looking at them12:42
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edmon HEEEEEEEEY can some one help me with my grafikcard? i tryed to install the driver but it still dont work12:42
PyroSamaidefixx: from what i read it doesnt actually make the fs on the drive but makes a disk image12:42
Flannel!repeat | edmon12:42
ubotuedmon: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:42
smallfootonly the first user can use sudo?12:42
nn-gentoo_or sudo su or plane su12:42
symbiotescreen BLANK after grub!!! I want a fix for that anyone know how? besides reconfiguring xorg.. cuz Ive already tryed that12:42
n2diy! repeat | edmon12:42
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PyroSamaidefixx: which i'm not sure what to do with12:42
Flannelsmallfoot: only users in the admin group.  First user is by default12:42
smallfootoh ok12:42
edmon HEEEEEEEEY can some one help me with my grafikcard? i tryed to install the driver but it still dont work12:42
smallfootthat explains why sudo didnt work12:42
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Flanneledmon: Please stop repeating that.12:43
edmonomg no one well hlep me?12:43
idefixxPyroSama: i'll try that now.. still got some unsed flash thingys here :)12:43
PyroSamaedmon: those who help them selves.....12:43
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dayylinedmon: did you check out https://help.ubuntu.com?12:43
Flannel!patience | edmon12:43
ubotuedmon: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:43
PyroSamaidefixx: awesome let me know how it turns out. I would love to run a flash native file system on this thing12:44
PyroSamaidefixx: it is buggy at best when running ext212:44
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shnastybiznasticso I want to be able to run WoW with beryl running also.  I've got a Radeon 9800 Pro, which is an ATI card.  According to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=344271 I need to have Direct rendering enabled, but when I $glxinfo | grep render it says I don't have Direct rendering enabled.  how can I enable it?  DRI in xorg.conf?12:44
symbioteman i used to help people with computer problems.. deskside assistance for a windows office.. man.. I was treated liek a god.. as should u guys lol *bows down b4 the almighty Ubuntu gurus*12:45
tabare1need to leave but do not forget me. any help will be appreciated!12:45
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n2diyshnastybiznastic: can you tell edmon how to configure the 9800?12:45
PyroSamaFlannel: how do I provide key restrictions for my ssh?12:45
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PyroSamaFlannel: if I understood  that correctly12:45
HOTshnastybiznastic: what drivers are you using, the open or closed source?12:46
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idefixxPyroSama: just to keep you updated as far as i understand this by now... you create the file write it to the flash device and mount the 'file' like if you mount with -oloop.. i guess.. trying now.12:46
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shnastybiznasticHOT: fglrx.  I believe those are ATI's closed source ones.12:46
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acais CPU Frequency scaling needed in the kernel?12:47
HOTshnastybiznastic: they are, and they have uses with DRI im afraid12:47
PyroSamai'm about to upgrade my laptop to 64 bit cpu. will I need to reinstall with 64bit version or will ubuntu transition fine with out an upgrade?12:47
shnastybiznasticn2diy: sure, what's the problem, simple 2d rendering, or 3d stuff?12:47
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HOTshnastybiznastic: let me check my config12:47
FlannelPyroSama: 32 to 64bit isn't an 'upgrade', you need to reinstall12:47
shnastybiznasticHOT: that's a bummer12:47
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n2diyshnastybiznastic: not sure, he was asking for help with it, and nobody responded, edmon you still with us?12:47
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FlannelPyroSama: however, you *can* still run a 32bit OS on your new CPU12:48
PyroSamaidefixx: hmm I wounder if that will conflict with booting to the ssd12:48
HOTnano /ect/X11/xorg.conf | grep DRI12:48
PyroSamaFlannel: Should show up as two cpu's right?12:48
n2diyedmon: you still here?12:48
HOTdammit, sorry12:48
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symbioteok im gonan reinstall wine from synaptic now.. now that i dont got any updates to do and everything seems fine.. I wanna play world of warcraft lol12:48
FlannelPyroSama: the 64bit part wont, no.  But you're most likely getting a CPU with dualcore, so that part will cause it to, yes.12:48
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shnastybiznasticedmon: what seems to be the problem?12:49
n2diyedmon: shnastybiznastic has a 9800 setup, and is willing to help you.12:49
PyroSamaFlannel: the cpu I purchased isnt dual core sadly12:49
edmoni install the driver like it says here http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide12:49
FlannelPyroSama: Hyperthreading at least then, most likely.12:49
PyroSamaFlannel: I am upgrading from a sempron 3300 to aa turion12:49
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edmonbut when i type fglrxinfo inte mass-porjct not ati12:49
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PyroSamaFlannel: Ok.12:50
FlannelPyroSama: yeah, that'll have hyperthreading.  So you'll still have two CPUs.  But 64bit doesn't downgrade into two 32bit CPUs12:50
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acaFlannel: not all amd64s have HT12:50
HOTok this is what i have for DRI on the closed source12:50
HOTSection "DRI"12:50
HOT        Mode    066612:50
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HOTi remember having to manually specify that on a X300 at least12:50
symbiotehow do u close this do hicky lol12:50
dylockanyone found a solution yet for crackly alsa sound?12:50
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acadylock: install windows12:50
FlannelPyroSama: alright, then maybe you won't necessarily have HT.  You'll have to check12:50
shnastybiznasticHOT: I'll try that, thanks12:50
PyroSamaFlannel: I though maybe it would treat it as two cpu's but I dont know enough about 64bit to really know without trying.12:50
shadowhywindwhat is the correct line i should add to my fstab to mount a vfat partition with read/write for all users?12:50
symbioteoh nm its not all text based lol im oblivious soemtiems lol12:50
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dylockshame on you aca  :D12:51
PyroSamaFlannel: I supose I'll find out tuesday :)12:51
acadylock: it's only the truth :(12:51
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edmonshanastybiznastic  i install the driver like it says here http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide12:51
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harvesterthere is any channel in spanish?12:51
sotec_prodofficial decision on SWAT3 with WINE: junk.12:51
edmonshnastybiznastic  i install the driver like it says here http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide12:51
n2diy! es | harvester12:51
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shnastybiznasticedmon: well, lets see... can you put the output of fglrxinfo to pastebin.com or something, so I can take a look?12:51
ubotuharvester: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:51
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harvestergracias ubotu12:52
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cerberehello.  i have a slight problem with headphones on my laptop.  when i plug them the sound still comes out on speakers.  it doesn't do that on windows.  any ideas?12:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about join - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:53
shadowhywindcerbere HP?12:53
shnastybiznasticcerbere: what model?  I think I remember helping someone with a similar problem12:53
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PeDePanoa question: how do I install sound drivers for Acer Aspire 5050 on ubuntu 7.04?12:53
cerbereyes it'a compaq presario12:53
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PyroSamacerbere: what product family?12:54
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cerberecompaq presario c506ca12:54
shadowhywindcerbere do you know if your card is ?12:55
shadowhywindcervere if you have the nvidia mcp51?12:55
shnastybiznasticPeDePano: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=280346912:55
n2diycerbere: have you googled for it, yesterday I was trouble shooting korganizer, and found a couple bug reports that addressed your issue.12:55
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cerberei found someone with the same problem on the forums but no answer12:56
cerberei can try another search12:56
shadowhywindcerbere try this http://xopen.dyndns.org/linux/v6024ea/12:56
TaJMoXHas anybody successfully got a custom screen resolution with fglrx?   Or am I forced to use the resolution modes it picked for me.   (Yes I know how to edit xorg.conf, that didn't change the modes available)12:56
sldkfjcerbere, see if this would help.....   http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-271473.html12:56
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cerberethanks for the info i'll have a look12:58
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ubuntuishanyone tried playing C&C:3 on ubuntu? :p12:59
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AnObfuscatorHey, I'm having problems restoring GRUB -- I updated Ubuntu, and it lost my windows partition in Grub -- how do I restore it? I tried doing a Grub setup, but it didn't fix the problem12:59
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idefixxPyroSama: well i create a file with mkfs.jfss2 load the module (jffs2) but when i try to mount it, it fails i guess i forgot some options when creating it.01:00
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n2diy! ask | jay01:00
ubotujay: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:00
jayi popped yo momma's cherry!01:00
shadowhywindjay a) stop spamming...b) just ask01:00
linnuxxyyesterday I had a major filesystem corruption ... and now when I try to apt-get anything i got alot of this errors : dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `xfce4-appfinder' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.01:00
linnuxxyhow can i fix that01:00
jayi popped yo momma's cherry!01:00
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shadowhywindc) god i hate idiots today...01:00
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jayi popped yo momma's cherry!01:00
HOT/ignore jay01:00
jayi popped yo momma's cherry!01:00
techjimHow does one issue a command in terminal and stop tracking it's output?  I forget.01:00
RabidWeezleDoes anyone know of a way to get s-video output working on an ati radeon series chipset?01:00
jayi popped yo momma's cherry!01:00
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n2diy! ops01:00
jayi popped yo momma's cherry!01:00
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok01:00
jayi popped yo momma's cherry!01:01
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RabidWeezle!ohmy | jay__01:01
Seveastoo slow :p01:01
ubotujay__: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:01
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Flannel!grub | AnObfuscator, first link01:01
ubotuAnObfuscator, first link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:01
bluebananaMirrakor,  i may have missed what you said. how do i start the army.run game after doing chmod command?01:01
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Shin_Goukihello! i need help with install/ setup free nx01:01
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Shin_Goukii used this tutorial : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2743152, but there a problem with the server01:02
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PyroSamaidefixx: i read alot of help me posts on the web with issues surounding nand flash01:02
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Mirrakorbluebanana: uhm, I did say you should type ./filename, so in your case ./armyops250linux.run01:02
ghata1Hi, I am trying to get Xen on my system, the Wiki on ubuntu site mentions two versions of Xen, xen-server and xen-desktop, What is the difference between these? I want to run multiple os's using Xen for testing etc, Which version would be appropriate for me ?01:03
bluebananaMirrakor, ok. i forgot to add the . and the / last time01:03
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bluebananaMirrakor, what does ./ mean?01:03
Shin_Goukican anyon e help me with free nx installation?01:03
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PyroSamabluebanana: execute01:03
TaJMoXHas anybody successfully got a custom screen resolution with fglrx?   Or am I forced to use the resolution modes it picked for me.01:03
Mirrakorbluebanana: it represents the current directory01:03
n2diybluebanana: in this directory01:04
PyroSamaTaJMoX: you can set that in xorg.conf01:04
shnastybiznasticShin_Gouki: what's the problem?01:04
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bluebananaMirrakor, PyroSama i tried the command without "./", but it didn't work. but now it does. i still don't understand why i have to add ./ when i'm in the correct directior.01:05
PyroSamabluebanana: dont listen to me if some one posts a responce after I do since I am more or less making guesses based on experiance not actuall knowlege01:05
n2diybluebanana: ./ means the file is in this directory01:05
Shin_Gouki<shnastybiznastic> strangly it says: warning cant find print.conf, i think it mumbels something about CUps missing or not started??01:05
alexmaxI'm having a little trouble with PANDA-glGo.  I've installed the .deb package and both of the additional required packages (python 2.4 and sdl-ttf), however I'm running into a final problem.  When I open a board, I get a second window opening behind it with a black background.  I know this is not desireable behavior because it did not do this on debian.  Also, the website says that the packages were compiled on Ubuntu.  Any ideas?01:06
dragonmchello, i'd like to create a script that appends a list of files on one of my drives to a txt file.  I know it's done with the ls command and redirecting output to a file...any suggestions on that?01:06
Mirrakorbluebanana: well ./ is the directory you're in, i.e. ../ would be the directory above your current one, and so on (you can make funny combinations with it, e.g. ../../../blabla01:06
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HOTdragonmc: ls -al > example.txt01:06
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HOTdragonmc: > tells a command to output to whatever you put after it, in this example we are making a file called example.txt01:07
PyroSamaany one want to buy two 256mb sticks of laptop ddr 333mhz?01:07
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atlantis$2.00 US01:07
dragonmchot:  is > append or replace?  cuz in dos > is replace and >> is append.01:07
TaJMoXPyroSama : no matter what xorg.conf says, the modes don't change in the "Select Screen Resolution" under preferences01:07
Juhazdragonmc, same thing.01:07
HOT>> is append01:07
jribtechjim: what do you mean exactly?  Can you give an example?01:07
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dragonmcah nice, thanx hot01:08
HOTno be carefull , > and >> are not exactly the same01:08
atlantisno.... wait, $2.00 CAN01:08
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HOT>> is append01:08
PyroSamaTaJMoX: why not set it in xorg.conf to what you need and leave it there?01:08
PyroSamaatlantis: I'll pass sorry :P01:08
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brad_i'm having a slight problem, i have a Microsoft LifeChat LX-3000 headset, ubuntu see's it, and knows what it is.... but i dont hear sound.... any idea why? or what i can do to fix it?01:08
JuhazHOT, same as in same as what he said they were in dos01:08
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atlantisok, ok $2.00 - Paso's01:08
TaJMoXPyroSama : Like I said, no matter what it is in xorg.conf, it doesn't change my screen resolution.01:08
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HOTJuhaz: ah i see01:08
idefixxPyroSama: doh, it doesnt work on blockdevices it has to be a mtd device to work. that much i know now :)01:09
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PyroSamaatlantis: if I can keep the pretty stickers off the sticks that say "oem crap hp stuck you with"01:09
atlantisleave it to a bipolar to quit....01:09
Shin_Goukihow do i verify that cups is installed and running as it should?01:09
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TaJMoXPyroSama : Also it is nessicary for me to switch between 2 screen resolutions.   Any idea why xorg.conf doesnt matter?   I'm using fglrx01:09
brad_its a usb headset.... is there a drive i need to make sure is installed?01:09
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atlantisoem crap hp stuck me with ?!?, that's below the belt. you meant to say the OEM crap Crucial stuck me with.01:10
HOTShin_Gouki: type lpstat -d01:10
ubuntuishis there a firewall auto enabled in ubuntu?01:10
PyroSamaidefixx: Ah so no nand flash compat. Hmm yaffs was written with nand in mind I belive01:10
TaJMoXubuntuish : yes01:10
jrib!firewall > ubuntuish (see the private message from ubotu)01:10
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RabidWeezleHello all, I'm looking for instructions of setting up s-video out on my laptop, I can't find anything on the wiki01:10
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PyroSamaidefixx: I wounder if there is a patch for jffs2 floating about01:11
n2diyubuntuish: yes.01:11
Shin_Goukiho shit01:11
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Herosbladehey im having trouble getting my wireless card in ubuntu01:11
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Shin_GoukiHOT, it says: no system wide target01:11
ubuntuishis there possibly a gui to control it?01:11
HOTno printer is available then01:11
atlantiswireless in ubuntu - problems.... ?!? - thats just unheard of.01:11
Herosbladeubuntu site said that it works out of the box01:11
n2diyubuntuish: Firestarter01:11
Herosbladebut it doesnt show up at all01:11
fosohow do i repartition my hd? im dual booting, want to give linux more room01:11
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atlantisreformat - give linux the whole drive.... no need for anything else.01:12
ubuntuishn2diy, just told me firestarter isn't installed :/01:12
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PyroSamaidefixx: http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS7386103729.html01:12
Shin_GoukiHOT, i just want to install freenx and the nx node isntall gave me that CUPS is not installed or in a non" standard path", actually i have NO printer installed, do i need to install a PDF cups to get the nx node install working?01:12
n2diyubuntuish: correct, install it with apt-get, synaptic, etc...01:12
sldkfjfoso, ever heard of gparted ?01:12
jhasseHow can i adjust my cpu speed with gnome-power-manager?01:12
fososldkfj no i havent01:12
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ubuntuishn2diy, i think you missed my question01:13
brad_so is there some documentation somewhere about microsoft lifechat headsets i can read?? or some trick to making them work?01:13
HOTShin_Gouki: in a nutshell yes01:13
fosoatlantis i need to keep xp for running programs at school01:13
TaJMoXfoso : gparted can resize your partitions - make sure they're un-mounted first01:13
sldkfjgparted = gnome partition editor01:13
ubuntuishn2diy, it seems my ports are being blocked which have been forwarded on the router already i was wondering are they being blocked by ubuntu automatically?01:13
atlantiswhat programs does school use that you can't find a substitue on linux for .01:13
Shin_Goukihot, ok u got a link/guide for me , which is short and works? :D01:13
fosoTaJMoX how do i make sure they are unmounted?01:13
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atlantisother than games. most have alternatives01:13
n2diyubuntuish: nope, the firewall is installed and running, but the gui to control it isn't.01:14
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fosoatlantis microcase, its a stats program01:14
TaJMoXfoso : um.. the umount command.01:14
ubuntuishah gotchya ty01:14
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HOTShin_Gouki: in a nutshell yes again : http://applications.linux.com/article.pl?sid=07/05/03/1421232&tid=4701:14
RabidWeezleHerosblade, what wireless card?01:14
fosoTaJMoX, do i find that in the gui for gpart?01:14
tsuamiais there a deb for pidgin?01:14
jhassetsuamia: yes01:14
tsuamiaJhasse: where? I can't find it01:15
Shin_Goukihot, thx a lot i try this!01:15
jhassetsuamia: http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=Pidgin01:15
TaJMoXfoso : gparted can try to unmount your partition ...unless it is the root partition (the partition you are running)   if you want to resize your OS that you are using right now, you will need to boot from the live CD so that it isn't mounted01:15
sldkfjfoso, open it up and see what is there in the gui exactly01:15
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Herosbladeits a netgear wg311v2 pci01:15
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RabidWeezleHerosblade, do a lspci in a terminal, does it show up?01:15
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ubunt1hey someone help01:15
Herosbladea what?01:16
sldkfjit doesn't coast you anything to take a lood01:16
main2ubunt1, hi trolly ;D01:16
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fosook im downloading it01:16
sldkfjcost either01:16
RabidWeezleHerosblade, lspci01:16
TaJMoXIs there an official ubuntu general linux tutorial somewhere?  Something that covers terminal commands and mounting disks, etc01:16
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ubunt1main2: trolly01:16
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Flannel!cli | TaJMoX01:16
ubotuTaJMoX: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:16
PriceChildubunt1, please ask your question01:16
Herosbladeuhh hold on01:16
guttsany idea for this probleme ?01:16
Herosbladei tryed01:16
Herosbladesudo lshw -C <class>01:16
HOTTaJMoX: consider starting here http://linuxbasics.org/course/book/index01:17
sldkfjTaJMoX, yeah, I think it's titled 'Google'01:17
idefixxPyroSama: hmm well cant test that got no nand devs here... but from the looks of it im not sure i'd want to keep my data on jffs at the moment.01:17
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Herosbladeonly changed class to network01:17
Herosbladewith and without the <?01:17
WillbertTaJMoX:  http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/01:17
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Herosbladeim currently on my windows install i dual boot01:17
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:17
Herosbladeso i gotta reboot in linux to try anything01:17
RabidWeezleHerosblade, goto adminastration>networking01:17
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ubuntu-dellI lost windows after installing grub01:17
ubuntu-dellanyone know a guide for this?01:17
Herosbladei dont have that01:17
n2diyHerosblade: linux commands won't run in winders!01:18
ubuntu-dellafter installing ubuntu i should say01:18
Herosbladein admidistration there is no networking tab01:18
Herosbladeand yes01:18
Herosbladei did it from linux01:18
Herosbladelast night01:18
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RabidWeezleoh, well, reboot if you gotta then01:18
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:18
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Herosbladeill try it01:18
max_hey guys01:18
Herosbladewait real fast01:18
Flannelubuntu-dell: you didn't lose windows.  GRUB should have autodetected, and included a windows option for grub, but if not, it's easy engh to add.01:18
idefixxPyroSama: but as for booting from it. i guess that has to work as its deved by axis which probably use it for their stuff and all their devices have to boot some how :)01:18
RabidWeezleI'm always here01:18
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl759.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Herosbladei dont have a administrator>networking01:18
RabidWeezleubuntu or kubuntu?01:18
sldkfjthere ya go ubuntu-dell.  ^^^01:19
PyroSamaidefixx: my goal is to run my os on my ssd in my laptop for power consumption reasons. 8gb doesnt afford much personal file space so any thing I need safe is kept on my server01:19
RabidWeezlehold on, lemme get on my laptop01:19
TaJMoXgutts : try #winehq01:19
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KEEEVwhat would be a good distro for hosting Web and IRCd? FreeBSD?01:19
ubuntu-dellFlannel: I was lazy in my typing, i lost the option to boot... :)01:19
b_e_n_zHerosblade, left click on the network applet, pick your wireless network from the list, right click on the selected wireless network, enter security information if any (WEP, WPA etc.), enter passphrases, keys... that's it01:19
aamyjust installed the latest release of ubuntu. I have a three-monitor setup with two video cards (both nvidia). I read the guide, and got the second monitor working using twinview, but my third monitor which is on a seperate video card is not working. have already tried googling for this info. any help is appreciated?01:19
tsuamiaherosblade: click edit menus and tick the tab you want01:19
Flannelubuntu-dell: To boot what?01:19
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PyroSamaSo with nand flash's limited life span I know this will die fairly quick so data security is already thought about01:19
PeloKEEEV, the ppl in ##linux might have an answer for you01:19
fosoTaJMoX i have gparted, and it has an unmount command, but i want to make my xp partition smaller and this one bigger01:20
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TaJMoXKEEEV ubuntu makes a fine server01:20
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Flannelubuntu-dell: oh, boot windows.  Right.  You just add windows to the end of your menu.lst, are you sure it's not there already?01:20
ubuntu-dellFlannel: I installed ubuntu over windows vista01:20
ubuntu-dellit's not i just checked01:20
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TaJMoXfoso : right click your windows partition and go at it...01:20
RabidWeezleok Herosblade, oto System>administration>network01:20
odatanyone know where deli linux irc channel is?01:20
sldkfjI'd remove vista myself01:20
sldkfjgood lord01:20
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ubunt1PriceChild: http://www.pichaga.com:81/squirrelmail/src/configtest.php01:20
fosohow do i add it to my linux partition TaJMoX?01:21
ubunt1PriceChild: how can i make the directory to be writable RROR: Data dir (../data/) is not writable!01:21
Peloodat, check on their site if they have an official one it will be listed01:21
RabidWeezleHerosblade, it's on the top bar there in gnome01:21
Flannelubuntu-dell: hmm. Well, I'm not familiar with the proper windows boot stuff.  But you'll be able to add it back in.  I'd try googling, I guess.  A lot of people aren't familiar with grub + vista yet, since it's still new01:21
TaJMoXfoso ...after you shrink your windows partition - then enlarge your linux partition ?01:21
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inherit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:21
odatanyone know anything about deli linux01:21
fosocan i do that, unmount it etc while im in linux?01:21
ubunt1Flannel: windows vista and ubuntu is working,i have them,.01:21
Herosblade :rabid i tryed that01:22
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Peloodat, what is deli linux ?01:22
ubunt1PriceChild: are you here?01:22
Flannelodat: #ubuntu-offtopic, if anywhere.01:22
Herosbladeit didt detect a wireless network01:22
PyroSamaHmm attempting to run a script and it returns "inherit command not found"01:22
TaJMoXfoso : boot from live cd ?01:22
RabidWeezleHerosblade, does it show your wireless network card?01:22
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n2diypdat: I just discovered that yesterday! I'm thinking about DLing it.01:22
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Herosblade RabidWeezle, no01:22
Montehello there01:22
idefixxPyroSama: nice approach, 8GB should be enough for the os.. i guess you'll have to look into the whole mtd.. stuff to make it work.01:22
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fosook, so i should be running from the cd to do this, can i get gparted while running the cd TaJMoX?01:22
RabidWeezleHerosblade, so in all reality linux isn't seeing it at all?01:22
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TaJMoXfoso : yes01:23
PyroSamaidefixx: I found some info on yaffs201:23
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oneseventeenI'm running Feisty Fawn and can't see my external HDD, any tips?01:23
stojanceCan I please talk to someone, again, for a very serious bug that no one seems to care about but me?01:23
Flannelubunt1: Then give ubuntu-dell appropriate grub entry for it, if you don't mind.01:23
jriboneseventeen: what filesystem?01:23
oneseventeen(I can see many external storage devices, just not this particular USB HDD)01:23
fosoTaJMoX thanks alot, i just want to make sure im doing this right, im obviously pretty new at this01:23
PyroSamaidefixx: do you have an aim / msn account that I could hit you up on since this many people in an irc is confusing?01:23
TaJMoXPeople, come back when you actually have a problem or need help.   Otherwise your first step should be to try something for yourself.01:23
RabidWeezleHerosblade, like on my linksys wireless it shows eth0 as my wired, then eth2 as my wireless01:23
Flannelstojance: Did you file a bug report?01:23
Pelooneseventeen, make sure it is powered on01:23
ubunt1Flannel: why???01:23
ubunt1Flannel: RROR: Data dir (../data/) is not writable!01:24
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oneseventeenjrib: can't remember, but it is the one I used to back up my old Ubuntu install before formatting and starting from scratch01:24
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RabidWeezleHerosblade, what I would say then, hrm, what's the model again?01:24
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stojanceFlannel: of course, and again, no one seems to care about it... I filed it a year ago01:24
Herosbladethe pci one01:24
oneseventeenPelo: yup, it's on and I can even hear the drive spinning.01:24
n2diyPelo: http://delili.lens.hl-users.com/index.html#download01:24
ubunt1Flannel: i'm killing,to search how to enable it.01:24
bulio|I used a live CD to edit my partition table, now when I am trying to boot grub gives me an error 1501:24
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TaJMoXfoso : best way to learn is by doing01:24
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bulio|how can I fix the partition table to reflect the changes?01:24
ubunt1Flannel: why he don't see it01:24
jriboneseventeen: does it show up when you type 'sudo fdisk -l'?01:24
idefixxPyroSama: i am allways on freenode with nick... feel free to msg me :). sry but it takes some time until someone gets my im accounts ;)01:24
Flannelubunt1: What?01:24
Herosbladeits a netgear01:24
RabidWeezleI'd say Herosblade, check the wiki first01:24
idefixxPyroSama: with this nick*01:24
Flannelstojance: Which bug?01:24
ubuntu-dellwhen im in grub, how do i find out what to point root toward when adding an OS?01:24
RabidWeezleHerosblade, they have lists of working hardware, and such there01:25
TaJMoXbulio| because grub is still looking for the /boot in the same place it used to be... its not there anymore01:25
ubuntu-dellthe existing options say root hdd (0,0)01:25
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Pelooneseventeen, make sure it stays powered on and unplug/replug the usb cable01:25
ubunt1Flannel: you hear me01:25
ubunt1Flannel: why i need to help01:25
PyroSamaidefixx: haha np I'll hit you up on freenode in a moment01:25
Herosbladei checked the wiki01:25
Montehok ive tried the alternate install disk, but there is an error about my processor cant be found or identified ~.~01:25
bulio|TaJMoX: how can I fix this?01:25
TaJMoXubuntu-dell hd(0,0) means hda1       hd(0,1) means hda201:25
stojanceFlannel: I don't even have the url any more... but that's why I'd like to talk to someone... I have the solution, it's just for you guys to implement it01:25
oneseventeenjrib: I *think* I see it after fdisk -l01:25
RabidWeezleHerosblade, Is this a PCCard wireless, a pci wireless or usb wireless?01:25
ubunt1Flannel: i put this error and nobody see it01:25
ubunt1RROR: Data dir (../data/) is not writable!01:25
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Herosbladepci wireless01:26
TaJMoXbulio| i suggest you start reading the existing grub conversations01:26
oneseventeenjrib: it is marked as /dev/sda1 and is Fat3201:26
=== RabidWeezle thinks
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jriboneseventeen: when you type 'mount', you do not see it listed, correct?01:26
RabidWeezlelspci doesn't even show it01:26
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Herosbladelet me try it01:26
TaJMoXbulio| it depends on where your partitions are at now.    try the grub docs01:26
Flannelubuntu-dell: That'll be the partition that you want to boot to.  So, your windows partition01:26
Shin_GoukiHOT, great that seemed to work u have a advise how i now uninstall my "broken" nx server install i folloed this guide so far: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=274315201:26
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI01:26
bulio|TaJMoX: but what file do I edit to add in the new changes01:26
ubunt1ubuntu-dell: it can rubn01:26
=== RabidWeezle blinks
bulio|and what command do I use to see all my current partitions?01:27
TaJMoXbulio| try 'grub'01:27
RabidWeezlethis is why I choose my hardware according to the compatibility lists...01:27
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TaJMoXbulio| and man grub01:27
ubunt1ubuntu-dell: what can i say you man.01:27
omegacentiIf I am using gnome, is GTK a part of it? I am not sure if I should download some stuff such as wdigets for GTK+01:27
tritiumbulio|: sudo fdisk -l01:27
oneseventeenjrib: nope, it is not there when I type mount01:27
Flannelubunt1: That's hardly a descriptive error.  What are you doing?  when does it happen?  And you're helping him because you have a vista entry in grub, and he needs to know what to append to his.01:27
ubunt1ubuntu-dell: can you receive pm01:27
RabidWeezleI never get linux unfriendly hardware01:27
n2diyRabidWeezle df -h01:27
TaJMoXbulio| you might have to edit that too01:27
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Peloomegacenti,  gnome uses gtk01:27
jriboneseventeen: alright, try to mount it.  Are you familiar with using mount on the command line?01:27
RabidWeezlewhat n2diy ?01:27
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omegacentiPelo: So its okay to download widgets made for GTK+?01:28
Flannelstojance: Well, The best place to put it would be in your bug report.  So you'll be best off doing it there.  I can help you find it though.  Whats your LP ID?01:28
PyroSamaIt apears this server is on freenode :P01:28
n2diyRabidWeezle df -h list your partitions.01:28
ubunt1Flannel: from #ubuntu-uk they say to come in ubuntu01:28
TaJMoXmoving around your partitions can make the OS confused, as it doesn't know where to look - fix grub and edit your fstab01:28
ubuntu-delli can rx pm01:28
bulio|ok, I see all the devices with fdisk -l01:28
Peloomegacenti, it should01:28
=== Herosblade [n=Herosbla@216-15-75-87.c3-0.eas-ubr5.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
omegacentiPelo: Thanks :)01:28
ubuntu-delli just installed ubuntu and the disk usage analyzer says it installed on all of my hard drive01:28
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RabidWeezlen2diy, I didn't ask a question about partitions01:28
ubunt1Flannel: in ubuntu nobody help01:28
Herosbladehey rabid what was that command again?01:28
RabidWeezleor even hard drives01:28
stojanceFlannel: I'll file another one... :)01:28
ubuntu-dellis there a program like fdisk in ubuntu01:28
oneseventeenjrib: I haven't used mount from the command line in a while, I'm assuming sudo mount /dev/sda1 /some/mountpoint01:28
idefixxPyroSama: it is :)01:28
n2diyRabidWeezle This channel moves to fast!01:28
Peloomegacenti,  worst possible problem you will be told you need to install a couple of extra dependencies,  it won't break your system or anything01:28
Flannelstojance: no, that won't be helpful at all.  What was your LP ID?01:29
RabidWeezleit ok n2diy01:29
ubunt1ubuntu-dell: now man01:29
PyroSamaidefixx: Ygpm01:29
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ubuntu-dellnow man?01:29
omegacentiPelo: Thanks :)01:29
Flannelubunt1: that's because nobody knows what you're asking.  We need more information.01:29
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ubunt1ubuntu-dell: WIndows VIsta ultimate work with ubuntu and ubuntu feisty01:29
RabidWeezlebut if you got any answers for a not working s-video out n2diy lemme know ;)01:29
bulio|TaJMoX: http://rafb.net/p/AczcUI99.html01:29
stojanceFlannel: sdimitrovski (I think... I havent been really using lp that much)01:29
jriboneseventeen: right, make sure you create /some/mountpoint first, then: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /some/mountpoint   .  If that works, you'll probably want to tweak the permissions and/or add it to fstab01:29
ubuntu-dellyhes it does01:29
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ubunt1ubuntu-dell: what first you install?01:29
ubuntu-delli had it working on another computer01:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about svideo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:29
TaJMoXbulio| not found01:29
ubunt1ubuntu-dell: vista?01:29
n2diyRabidWeezle Nope, can't help you there, gl.01:29
ubuntu-dellubunt1:  you have to install windows first or it gets feisty01:29
ubuntu-dellthen you have to add an entry in grub01:30
PeloRabidWeezle, try here  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty and http://book.opensourceproject.org.cn/distrib/ubuntu/unleashed/01:30
ubunt1ubuntu-dell: it don;t mater01:30
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TaJMoXubuntu-dell : you need to edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst    the comments in there will tell you how01:30
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ubunt1ubuntu-dell: when you install vista,then install ubuntu01:30
jribRabidWeezle: have you tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Radeon7500TVOut01:30
ubuntu-delllol i think ubuntu just installed over my windows vista install01:30
ubuntu-dellthat i took 2 days tweaking01:30
bulio|TaJMoX: http://rafb.net/p/AczcUl99.html01:30
ubuntu-delleven though i told it not to01:30
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tritiumRabidWeezle: make sure you've read /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/README.txt.gz01:31
CJ_can anyone tell me how to add IPv4 to an network interface?01:31
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ubunt1ubuntu-dell: when return to windows vista and make partition01:31
Peloubuntu-dell, that's very lucky,  linux is the only antivirus capable of getting rid of windows01:31
idefixxPyroSama: na i dont you'll have to register (nickserv) to send msgs... if you dont want to look me up on quakenet, i think you can msg unreged there.01:31
TaJMoXbulio| you have two Linux partitions - which one contains /boot ?01:31
RabidWeezletritium, I would, but I have an ATI01:31
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ubuntu-dellgparted would see an ntfs partition wouldnt it?01:31
tritiumRabidWeezle: ah, okay01:31
bulio|TaJMoX: I'm not sure01:31
stojancethis one is very similar to the one01:31
bulmerCJ_ what was the problem?01:31
ubunt1ubuntu-dell: and install there,after that install grub and vista maybe will be there,if not put the dvd of windows vista01:31
Flannelstojance: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~sdimitrovski/  But I don't see any bugs reported.  Is that you?01:32
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PyroSamaidefixx: eh at the first part? and I'll just register01:32
ubunt1ubuntu-dell: and go to recovery and make fixmbr01:32
TaJMoXbulio| that'd be the first step - figure out where your linux is01:32
bulio|I thought it was on /dev/hda201:32
oneseventeenjrib: thanks, that worked great, I can at least read data from it (which is all I want to do today)01:32
ubuntu-dell... but gparted sees the partition as ext01:32
n2diyCJ_: I thought all network interfaces supported IPv4?01:32
TaJMoXbulio| look at the thing u sent me - it says its windows on hda201:32
oneseventeenjrib: any ideas why it doesn't automount like it used to?01:32
stojanceFlannel: yup that's me... dunno why it isn't there01:32
bulio|TaJMoX: which is weird, I don't have windows installed01:32
CJ_its a wireless netwokr card, IPv6 is active but the router doesnt support it, IPv4 isnt running on that network interface01:32
ubunt1ubuntu-dell: did you make a partiton for ubuntu01:32
jriboneseventeen: no, I'm not sure.  Do other drives automount at the moment?01:33
ubuntu-dellyes, in the install wizard01:33
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ubuntu-dellwell see you guys later01:33
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ubuntu-dellit's going to be a late night lol01:33
n2diyCJ_: ok, gl.01:33
oneseventeenjrib: I actually don't have any other with me... but they did when I first installed Feisty Fawn....01:33
ubuntu-dellhopefully windows activation doesn't get borked01:33
CJ_it need to run off the DHCP01:33
ubunt1ubuntu-dell: install it again,becouse01:33
PyroSama/server irc.quakenet.com01:33
PyroSamaerr crapp01:33
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ubunt1ubuntu-dell: install vista manager01:33
ubunt1ubuntu-dell: and make a backup of activation.01:33
oneseventeenjrib: could it be because I modified fstab at one point?01:33
ubuntu-dellsigh...sigh sigh sigh01:34
jriboneseventeen: check that gnome-volume-manager is running, check that it doesn't have "noauto" in your fstab for your drive01:34
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ubuntu-dellc ya guys later01:34
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ubuntu-dellit's going to be a late night01:34
ubunt1ubuntu-dell: install the latest,i have 1.1.6 and it backup it.01:34
bulmerCJ_: how did you verify that ipv4 is not running on that interface?01:34
stojanceFlannel: can I tell someone here the solution, it's pretty simple (for you), for us it's a BIG pain in the ass01:34
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ubunt1ubuntu-dell: ok see godnist.01:34
CJ_ifconfig ra001:34
bulio|how do I mount one of those hda in a live CD, TaJMoX?01:34
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Flannelstojance: #ubuntu-bugs would be the place01:34
Montehwould anyone with to help me with my "getting ubuntu to isntall at all problem"?01:34
TaJMoXbulio| mount /dev/hda6 /mnt01:34
stojanceFlannel: thanks!01:34
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Flannelstojance: but really, commenting on the package is the proper place01:34
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AeosHi I installed ubuntu desktop and I was wondering what is stopping my other PC from making an SSH connection01:35
TaJMoXbulio| mount (device) (destination)     also i suggest a linux beginner guide01:35
stojanceFlannel: it's not a package that's the bug, the solution is a package01:35
FlannelAeos: did you install openssh-server?01:35
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bulio|I need to specify a filesystem01:35
oneseventeenjrib: gvm is running, and the cdrom is the only place I see "noauto"01:35
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bulio|TaJMoX: I'm familiar with Linux commands01:35
Aeosah no01:35
bulmerCJ_: can you respond with a nick as prefix..its easier to follow01:35
PupenoAny ideas how to use Ekiga for a regular SIP account? I have the information that I can just configure a hardware VoIP phone, dial and it works... and most softphones as well, but Ekiga refuses to make calls ("Can not connect to host" or "Security check failed") but I can receive phone calls.01:35
Flannelstojance: I meant adding a comment to your bug report.01:35
TaJMoXbulio| try mounting hda701:35
stojanceoh, k01:35
AeosI can do that if it will allow me to use putty into it01:35
n2diyAeos: what command are you using to connect with?01:35
magikHey everyone :) any know how to get in touch with an admin for freenode? Theres a nickname registered by nickwserv thaqt I would like to claim.. It hasnt been used in over as year01:35
=== Rex_ [n=pgaiger@140-130.cust.lyttonnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
AeosI am using putty to connect01:36
Rex_hello all...01:36
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Rex_can someone tell me where I can start and configure compiz?01:36
n2diyAeos: to the root account?01:36
jrib!freenode > magik (see the private message from ubotu)01:36
FlannelAeos: you need to install the SSH server, to be able to connect.01:36
drake4magik, I wish mine would expire, forgot the password01:36
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Rex_I already have it installed01:36
drake4you would think they would have more sane expiration policies01:36
Aeosno ubuntu didnt even let me setup the root account01:36
bulio|I mounted it, but in /mnt only lost+found is there01:36
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CJ_bulmer:  Ok01:37
bulio|magik: /stats p01:37
Aeosok thanks Fannel01:37
n2diyAeos: ok just double checking, I'm not familiar with putty, gl.01:37
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bulmerCJ_: how did you verify that ipv4 is not running on that interface? what was the result?01:37
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ubunt1how can i share from ubuntu server folder?01:37
omegacentiIf I wanted to start being an activist  in the sense of getting Game publishers to try releasing linux binaries for games, where should I start?01:37
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comphappyany ideas on how to combine 2 video files into one with the two sidebyside01:38
drake4I wonder what kind of hoops you have to jump through if you were to install ubuntu on one of these Asus EE PC 107 notebooks they are getting ready to sell?01:38
h4wk0Is there anything i can change so when i make a new user that i can 'mkdir public_html' - automattically01:38
TaJMoXbulio| you are familiar with linux - find your partition that contains your operating system and /boot - then get back to me01:38
drake42/4/8/16 GB SSD drives only01:38
massctrlhi, when enabling DMA on my ide disks mdadm isn't able to see the raid configuration,... Is this a known issue?  The raid config is extremely slow, this is caused by dma turned off, .... anyone an idea ?01:38
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nerdygirl_ellieh4wk0: yes, Update the skeleton01:38
Flannelh4wk0: adding users copies /etc/skel, so just make public_html inside of that (with the correct permissions)01:39
HerosbladeRabid: nothing didt show my wireless card01:39
Montehtried to install ubuntu, tried alt install disc, official cd, official dvd, using noapic, nolapic, irqpoll, always hangs just after pressing enter on the first menu, i tried leaving it for ages, but it never moved on, cant do alt +f1 either :( can anyone help me?01:39
CJ_buler: Im not on it at the moment as the only internet access is wireless. but it responds with ra0 link encap:Ethernet...inet6 addr: fe88::20e:2eff:fe9d:6725/64 scope:Link....UP BROADCASR RUNNING MULTICAST MTI:150001:39
FlannelMonteh: have you checked the CDs for defects?01:39
h4wk0Flannel; Is there a tutorial somewhere you can point me to please - I just wonna make sure its right01:39
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Montehi have, 2 of the discs i tried are official ubuntu ones01:39
CJ_bulmer: inet isnt listed other than on eth0 and lo01:40
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Montehoh sorry i put name before reploy lol01:40
Flannelh4wk0: er, no.  There's probably no tutorials out there, since it's pretty simple.  `man useradd` talks about /etc/skel (down by -m option)01:40
CJ_bulmer: Im not on it at the moment as the only internet access is wireless. but it responds with ra0 link encap:Ethernet...inet6 addr: fe88::20e:2eff:fe9d:6725/64 scope:Link....UP BROADCASR RUNNING MULTICAST MTI:150001:40
nerdygirl_elliehawk:  Not really, but you can look in the adduser documentation if you want to see it.01:40
MontehFlannel: i have, 2 of the discs i tried are official ubuntu ones01:40
FlannelMonteh: still, have you checked those CDs for defects?01:40
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comphappyhe said yes01:40
MontehFlannel: yes i did all of them01:40
Herosbladei have an eth0 and eth1 or what ever there called there but wired connections those things are built into my mobo for ethernet crap01:40
mirakis there a way to have hard drives with a fat32 partition to be mountable easily by a user ?01:40
omegacentiIf I wanted to start being an activist  in the sense of getting Game publishers to try releasing linux binaries for games, where should I start?01:40
mirakautomatically ?01:40
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FlannelMonteh: and they all saidwhat?  Theyre good? theyre bad?01:41
MontehFlannel: good01:41
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nerdygirl_ellieMonteh:  A couple of things you can try.  1.  Check the cd's for errors.  2.  Try another cd-rom drive.  3.  run memtest.01:41
comphappyhave you run a MD5 test on the CD01:41
jeppif I start utorrent via WINE I get this error: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/11581/01:41
bulmerCJ_ does your /etc/modprobe.d/aliases file disabled ipv4?01:41
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n2diyomegacenti: ubuntu-marketing?01:41
nerdygirl_ellieMonteh:  I had that problem on a laptop, turns out the cd-rom drive was failing under load.01:42
zeeeeehow do i find out what's the conflict in some package? (when i see "iBA" next to a package when doing aptitude search)01:42
Herosblade<omegacenti>: id say get alot more people useing linux or wait till microsoft messes windows up so bad that over 40% of its users switch01:42
CJ_bulmer: but its running on eth0 and lo.... give me a mo illl have a look01:42
PyroSamais there a way to disable any form of logging in ubuntu?01:42
Montehnerdygirl_ellie: hrm ill try memtest, do another cd check, and try another cd rom01:42
omegacentiHerosblade: How much would you say of the windows market has switched?01:42
PyroSamaI want to reduce disk writes as much as posible01:42
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chip273can someone tell me where to set the typematic rates and delays with numeric values instead of a no value showing slider.01:42
nerdygirl_ellieomegacenti:  Game publishers publish where the money is.  TO get more linux games, buy linux games.01:42
Montehnerdygirl_ellie: even centos that used to install, now wont lol01:42
comphappyPyroSama, why dont you just run in mem then like livecd01:43
omegacentinerdygirl_ellie: any idea what linux games there are?01:43
Herosbladeomegacenti: not much id say maby under 10%01:43
Aeosdoes apt-get have a list function like yum?01:43
nerdygirl_ellieMonteh:  sounds really suspicious.01:43
FlannelAeos: apt-cache search [stuff] 01:43
nerdygirl_ellieaeos: apt-cache search01:43
PyroSamacomphappy: I am running off a solid state disk01:43
Aeosok thanks01:43
jrib!apt > Aeos (see the private message from ubotu)01:43
Herosbladeomegacenti: but alot of people dual boot wich id say is the best to use atm01:43
comphappyyes run in memory01:43
PyroSamacomphappy: I want full os functionality but reduced disk read writes to extend the life of my ssd01:43
Montehnerdygirl_ellie: ok ill see what all that lot does, brb01:44
nerdygirl_elliePyroSama:  Make a ramdisk and stick /var/log on it.01:44
omegacentiHerosblade: what do people normally do with a dual boot system? what do you do in linux that you don't do in windows?01:44
comphappyi have a SBC, i know what you are talking about01:44
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Herosbladeomegacenti: i currently have linux installed on an external harddrive and that way i can run windows and linux on same system01:44
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TaJMoXnerdygirl_ellie how do you tell it to send the log there?01:44
comphappyi would recommend reading a live cd guide and building a system like that01:44
omegacentiHerosblade: What do you do in one that you don't do in the other?01:44
nerdygirl_ellieI sole-boot linux.  Have since 6.10.01:44
drake4omegacenti, the port of Army Ops isnt bad01:44
PyroSamanerdygirl_ellie: I was hoping to avoid ram disk and disable logging so I dont have to sacrafice memory01:45
CJ_bulmer: there is an entry for ipv4 on line 401:45
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nerdygirl_ellieahh.  I see.01:45
chip273can someone tell me where to set the typematic rates and delays with numeric values instead of a no-value-showing-slider.01:45
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omegacentidrake4: I will take that into consideration :)01:45
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drake4the guy that ported it, also ported a few other games01:45
nerdygirl_elliepyro:  lemme see if I can change syslog's destination to /dev/null.01:45
Herosbladeomegacenti: i run apps i cant get on linux especialy games well i will be id be useing linux more if i cloud get my stupid network card working01:45
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comphappyPyroSama, read this it will help http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/724601:45
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n2diychip273: take a look at the man page for loadkeys.01:45
PyroSamanerdygirl_ellie: Ok.01:45
nerdygirl_ellie/dev/null is an electron black hole.01:45
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bulmerCJ_ its is odd that your eth0 have ipv4 but your other nic does not, am not sure if one can independently tell the nic driver to apply only on specific nic card01:46
HerosbladeOmegacenti: do you have xfire or gfire? or wine?01:46
omegacentiHerosblade: Whats your net card not doing. detailed version :)01:46
PyroSamanerdygirl_ellie: Can I put my roomate in it?01:46
Aeosone last question, when ubuntu was installed it allowed me to create a user but not set the root password. DOes it default to something?01:46
omegacentiHerosblade: I am trying to set up wine, having a few issues though01:46
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Herosbladeomegacenti: well linux doesnt even detect it01:46
nerdygirl_ellieIf you can pipe him through a shell, yes.01:46
TaJMoXnerdygirl_ellie where do i change syslog's destination?01:46
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comphappyjust use mount01:46
Herosbladeomegacenti and the wiki says that it works out of the box01:46
omegacentiHerosblade: Windows does yes?01:46
PyroSamacomphappy: I dont want to run a live cd though or any thing requiring ram disk01:47
comphappymount /dev/null /var/log01:47
Herosbladeomegacenti: works fine on windows im useing it on windows right now01:47
comphappywell the data has to go somewhere01:47
PyroSamanerdygirl_ellie: I got a new usb blender that might do the trick. I'll let you know the results.01:47
omegacentiHerosblade: Alright what is the exact brand/model number of the net card?01:47
chip273n2diy: that is of no help, no such setting in there01:47
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nerdygirl_elliepyro:  you can edit /etc/syslog.conf and change all the destinations to /dev/null01:47
Herosbladeits a netgear pci wg311v201:47
nerdygirl_ellieHeros: wireless or wired.01:47
n2diychip273: ok, maybe in .bashrc?01:47
PyroSamanerdygirl_ellie: Thank you01:48
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nerdygirl_ellieAny time.01:48
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omegacentiHerosblade: How did you istall ubuntu?01:48
Herosbladei tryed the live cd01:48
comphappyi would highly recommend mounting /var/ in a ramdisk, that way all of the locks will not be writen to disk, make it like 10MB01:48
Herosbladebut it didt work will with my external drive01:48
Herosbladeomegacenti: so i used the text installer01:48
nerdygirl_ellieHeros:  Most wireless cards can be made to work with "ndiswrapper" that allows linux to use the windows driver.01:49
TaJMoXcomphappy : my /var is like 5gb01:49
omegacentiHerosblade: Its easier to see that you responsed to me if you auto complete my name. I have it set up so it produces a sound when someone speaks to me directly.01:49
aamymy first day with ubuntu today, have been trying for several hours now tinkering with the xorg.conf file to get all my monitors working. Two are working....third one is not working, any help at all will be appreciated!01:49
Aeosor is the default install of ubuntu not designed to allow access to the root user01:49
omegacentiHerosblade: so you tried an external harddrive install01:49
Herosbladehow do i do auto complete?01:49
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comphappywell if you pay attention to what goes into var, you can get it way down01:49
IndyGunFreakaamy: three monitors?.. wow..lol, i had a heckuva time with dual monitors... good luck01:49
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nerdygirl_ellieHeros:  It's a pain in the arse to walk someone through,01:49
n2diyHerosblade: with the tab key.01:49
omegacentiHerosblade: depends on what you are using but try typing ome then hitting <tab>01:50
PyroSamanerdygirl_ellie: Should I change every thing in there to /dev/null or select things?01:50
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CJ_bulmer: I have added the interface to /etc/network/interfaces seeing ra0 isnt a tyical name for an interface....and the others have 'iface {if name} inet dhcp' under 'auto {if name}'01:50
nerdygirl_elliePyro:  I'd just make it /dev/null, but feel free to experiment.01:50
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Herosbladeomegacenti: well i have it set so i toss a floppy in and that brings up grub01:50
omegacentiHerosblade: I type her and then hit tab and you name pops up01:50
comphappyPyro you need to watch what you move to /dev/null or soon locks wont work and then you are in trouble01:50
aamyIndyGunFreak: you think it's not possible to run three monitors with ubuntu?01:50
nerdygirl_ellieaamy:  what kind of video card(s)01:50
omegacentiHerosblade: you using super grub disk?01:50
Pupenohow do I capture packets for latter inspection is wireshark?01:50
chasmarangis there a way to fix sound recorder in fiesty01:50
Herosbladeomegacenti: no in the text installer you can choose where to install i put it in /dev/fd001:51
omegacenticomphappy: What is a lock?01:51
nerdygirl_elliePupeno:  From the command line, tcpdump -s0 -wsomefile.cap01:51
aamynerdygirl_ellie: NVidia GeForce 5500 (AGP) with two monitors hooked up and 5200 with one monitor01:51
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omegacentiHerosblade: Ah. Okay.01:51
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Herosbladeomegacenti: so basicly if floppy isnt in i boot directly to windows01:51
nerdygirl_elliePupeno: from inside wireshark, Click the new capture button01:51
omegacentiHerosblade: So the live CD wouldn't detect your external harddrive?01:51
PyroSamanerdygirl_ellie: Now if your not too busy :D any idea how to make backspace go back one page in FF? :P01:51
aamynerdygirl_ellie: the 5500 is working correctly with two monitors, can't get the other one to come online01:51
Pupenonerdygirl_ellie: thanks.01:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about external - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:51
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate01:51
nerdygirl_ellieAamy:  are you using the linux-restricted-modules nvidia package?01:52
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Herosbladeomegacenti: actualy no the live cd wouldent let me choose where to install grub01:52
comphappyomegacenti it keeps devices or programs from beeing accessed by multiple programs, think of is as two people using the same keyboard01:52
vbabiyhey guys how can find out what kind of video card a computer has using the terminal01:52
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aamynerdygirl_ellie: yes, i installed it. that's how I got the second monitor to work. (with twinview)01:52
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nerdygirl_ellievbabiy: lspci01:52
TaJMoXpyrosama http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/12/21/fix-firefox-backspace-to-take-you-to-the-previous-page/01:52
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Shin_Goukiwhats the url for the pastebin if i want to paste here?01:52
PyroSamaTaJMoX: Thanks01:52
Herosbladeomegacenti: and it ended up messing up my mbr and took me awhile to figure out to use repair console with windows install to fix it01:52
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omegacenticomphappy: so this is usally bad?01:52
omegacentiHerosblade: so now you fear the grub )01:53
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vbabiyis this video card support by default 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]  630/730 PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter (rev 3101:53
comphappyyou want locks01:53
nerdygirl_ellieaamy:  apt-get install nvidia-settings and run it from the command line.01:53
n2diy! pastebin | Shin_Gouki:01:53
ubotuShin_Gouki:: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:53
chasmarangwill they ever fix it?01:53
omegacentiHerosblade: I understand, I am new to linux and I am trying to dive in on helping people so that I may learn more.01:53
Herosbladeomegacenti: same01:53
nerdygirl_ellieaamy.  I use it and it "just works"!01:53
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Herosbladeomegacenti: you have email? or aim/xfire01:53
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nerdygirl_ellie<<< has dual monitors on her laptop!01:54
jamieanyone help me just got a hp color lazerjet 4550dn and has a print server aint got a clue how to set it up?01:54
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Herosbladedual moniter labtop01:54
nerdygirl_elliejamie:  do you know the print server IP?01:54
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omegacentiHerosblade: However, it seems that your problem is a bit drastic and I am falling behind on how to help you. I will keep trying though. I suggest you keep asking the question when your screen no longer displays your question. That is what I often do.01:54
nerdygirl_ellieLaptop lcd + external.01:54
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comphappywell i have dual projectors on my laptop  (justkidding)01:54
erpoI need to stop Ubuntu 7.04 from upgrading the kernel in any way. How can I accomplish this?01:54
chasmaranghello - any one know what to do about sound recorder01:54
nerdygirl_ellieThat would be a trick.01:54
PyroSamaHerosblade: yeah most laptops have external monitor support and some allow extended / multi desktop rather than just cloning01:54
Bixbyhey my Ubuntu is giving me "the nevest kernel headers" the version 2.6.20-16 but I've alrery upgraded to that version. What shouls I do?01:54
omegacentiHerosblade: I apologize but I often dont give out information like that. I might if I get to know you better :)01:54
jamienerdygirl_ellieno this is the problem any ideas01:54
nerdygirl_elliewhy erpo?01:55
TMMomegacenti: bad advice, there might be a lot of noise, and that might be 2 times a minute... good way to get banned01:55
LjLBixby: upgrade again. it's a new subrelease01:55
PyroSamaHerosblade: in my case I also have tv out and can run 3 displays :D01:55
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LjL!pinning > erpo    (erpo, see the private message from Ubotu)01:55
aamynerdygirl_ellie: okay, i installed the package. how do I run it from the command line?01:55
Shin_Goukilol-> called  a spammer becuase i have java script turned off XD01:55
omegacentiTMM: I apologize, could you help me improve that advice then? What is appropriate?01:55
nerdygirl_elliejamie:  missed your question, can you pm it to me?01:55
Herosbladeomegacenti: k np01:55
=== cwillu [n=cwillu@s142-179-196-150.ab.hsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
TMMomegacenti: 'once every 20 minutes' is acceptable I think01:55
cwilluI say termcap01:55
nerdygirl_ellieOh cool!  (have to try that)01:55
omegacentiTMM 20 minutes?!01:55
cwilluyou say...01:55
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:55
PyroSamaWell thank you every one for your help and I hope that the help I gave you didnt cause you any issues :P time for some babylong 5 and some dinner01:56
nullMy PCMCIA Wifi card wasn't detected at install.  What can I do?01:56
BixbyLjL: Do I have to mess whit my Nvidia drivers again?01:56
Herosbladeomegacenti: i have 2 accounts for email,aim, and other crap01:56
Herosbladeomegacenti: so im usualy fine01:56
omegacentiHerosblade: I probably need to set something up like that.01:56
comphappynull: what chipset is it01:56
aamynerdygirl_ellie: i installed the nvidia settings package, how do i run it from the command line?01:56
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Herosbladeomegacenti: lol01:56
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nullEthernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 20)01:56
FerrariDreamsw00t ! :D01:56
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nullIt worked in XUBUNTU01:56
TMMomegacenti: yeah, you'll just annoy people if you ask the question too many times, people might be too busy or simple don't know. if you ask too often people who don't know the answer will have read the question 20 times, and people who DO know the answer will get annoyed01:56
LjLBixby: shouldn't have to, as it's still 2.6.20-16, not an ABI change. but if you're not using the drivers from the repos, i can't really guarantee it01:56
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nerdygirl_ellieaamy: alt-f2 for a "run" prompt, then nvidia-settings01:56
nullbut my hdd took a crap and i installed ubuntu today01:56
PyroSamanull: I'll trade my broadcom 4318 for it :D01:57
nerdygirl_ellieaamy: then "ok"01:57
erponerdygirl_ellie: I use vmware server which has binary kernel modules. When the kernel gets updated, I have to rebuild the module from source, which I want to avoid.01:57
Rex_does anyone know what package contains glib-2.0? I have been looking for an hour and I need it for dependencies.01:57
nullPyroSama, I had one.  Traded my roommate who runs XP :)01:57
PyroSamanull: mine works out of the box untill you actually attempt to use it ;)01:57
jribRex_: what are you compiling?01:57
comphappyglib, i thouhgt it was gclib01:57
TMMerpo: you can install vmware server from the canonical commercial repository and it'll all be done automagically for you01:57
omegacentiTMM: However, I find it usually works when I ask the question on the out of sight out of mind method. when I no longer see the question and ask, it often gets addressed. I will try and do it less often in the future.01:57
Rex_jrib: sorry... Awn01:57
BixbyI am using the display driver kernel that updatet to the last patch01:57
nerdygirl_ellieerpo:  If you install the vmware server package from commercial... yep, what he said.01:57
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chasmaranghello - Did any one know that sound recorder doesn't record?01:57
jribRex_: you need the -dev package: libglib2.0-dev01:57
erpoTMM: commercial == $?01:57
jrib!compile > Rex_ (see the private message from ubotu)01:58
TMMerpo: no, it is just commercial software, won't cost you a penny01:58
Shin_Goukihi there i try to install free nx by this guide:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2743152,  but when i try this step : sudo /usr/NX/scripts/setup/nxserver --install debian i get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24918/01:58
omegacentierpo: not always. For instance vmware is commercial however it is free for use with a supplied serial code.01:58
PyroSamanull: I actually got mine working flawlessly on another ubuntu install but dont remember what I did to get it to work as well as it did. Now that Im using a new drive I'm sitting here with a cable sticking out of my lappy01:58
Bixbywell. in trying it out, let's see what happens :)01:58
TMMomegacenti: good :) annoying the people that are supposed to help you is generally a bad idea :P01:58
PyroSamanull: but the 4318's do work well once you get them to work01:58
erpoTMM: Where can I find out more about the canonical commercial repository.01:58
TMMerpo: google? :)01:58
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omegacentiTMM: I know. Thankyou very much for your advice. I will consider it :)01:58
nullPyroSama, I had it working with ndiswrapper, but it broke after reboot and i couldn't fix it01:58
TMMerpo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu01:59
Rex_jrib: I installed that thinking that was it... still got a compile error. :( I will go read the PM now... thanks.01:59
PyroSamaIf you togle the up down state it usually helps when it does that01:59
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Herosbladeomegacenti: hey do you know anything on ndiswrapper01:59
nullSo, PyroSama, is there a network-card-detection-script i can run?01:59
erpoTMM: Thanks.01:59
chasmaranghello - Did any one know that sound recorder doesn't record?01:59
jribRex_: feel free to pastebin the error and link to it01:59
TMMerpo: np01:59
PyroSamaAlso modify the txpower and it works better01:59
jamienerdygirl_ellie: I got it I managed to make it print the conf. Thanks01:59
omegacentiHerosblade: ndiswrapper is supposed to help with network cards, you might want to try it01:59
omegacenti!ndiswrapper | Herosblade01:59
ubotuHerosblade: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:59
PyroSamanull: I dont know :P01:59
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nerdygirl_ellieerpo:  if you prefer otherwise, you can tell it not to upgrade that package by tiddling about in the apt.conf.d.  Or you can find the kernel in synaptic and "lock version"01:59
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Ynshi all01:59
n2diyRex_: maybe in build-essentials?01:59
Ynskubuntu rulz01:59
TMMomegacenti: ndiswrapper is only userful for network cards which do not have a native linux driver :)01:59
Ynsgnome su02:00
jrib!offtopic | Yns02:00
ubotuYns: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:00
SR71-Blackbirdanyone tried sauerbraten?02:00
BixbyOK, reboot, thumbs up!02:00
omegacentiTMM: Hmm. Well than might you address Herosblade's situation with his external not installing and his supported network card not working under ubuntu?02:00
Shin_Goukii need help with a free Nx install could anyone help me?02:00
TMMHerosblade: ndiswrapper is a tool to load wireless network card drivers for devices that do not have linux drivers, it emulates the windows OS a bit and it'll allow linux to use the closed source windows drivers.02:00
omegacentiHerosblade: How new is the Ubuntu live CD? What release is it?02:00
SR71-Blackbirdi just get the blank screen.. everything in the game  seems to be working02:00
TMMHerosblade: what kind of hardware do you have?02:01
Herosbladeomegacenti: im useing feisty text02:01
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chasmaranghello TTM - any one know what to do about sound recorder02:01
n2diyomegacenti: 7.04 stands for April, 200702:01
HerosbladeTMM: i got a pci wireless network card its a netgear wg311v202:01
nerdygirl_elliechas:  what's broke on it?02:01
omegacentiTMM: His network card is a netgear wg311v2 and is trying to install on an external harddrive02:01
cwilluwhat'd be a good irc channel to ask a telnet question?02:01
chasmarangwont record02:01
jribchasmarang: it's broken02:01
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jribchasmarang: I'm pretty sure I've seen a but about it on bugs.ubuntu.com02:02
n2diycwillu: #linux02:02
nerdygirl_ellieChas:  Audacity works well.  Try it instead.02:02
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cr_I need a driver for GeForce7950 somebody help? ubuntu 7.0402:02
chasmarangno nothing02:02
Herosbladenerdygirl_ellie: its not even detected by linux02:02
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TMMHerosblade: try #acx100, they might be able to help02:03
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omegacentiTMM: What is acx100?02:03
nerdygirl_ellieHeros:  Lspci and lsusb don't see it at all?02:03
n2diynerdygirl_ellie: don't you have tab completion, I was looking all over for "Chas".02:03
Rex_jrib and n2diy: it looks like it was build-essentials. Thanks for your help.02:03
Shin_Goukii need help a free nx setup, anyone?02:03
chasmarangboth sound recorder and audacity wont record02:03
TMMHerosblade: omegacenti: that's the name of the texas instruments wireless chip used on your pci card.02:03
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n2diyRex_: Glad you found it.02:03
nerdygirl_ellien2diy:  I don't think so, I use gaim.02:04
omegacentiTMM: ah. Thanks again :)02:04
cr_I need a driver for GeForce7950 somebody help? ubuntu 7.0402:04
jrib!nvidia > cr_ (see the private message from ubotu)02:04
omegacentiTMM: very informative.02:04
CJ_bulmer: you still there>02:04
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n2diynerdygirl_ellie:  roger that.02:04
nerdygirl_elliecr_: nvidia-legacy or nvidia-glx?02:04
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Herosbladetmm: i tryed that but im very new to linux and cloudent figure that out02:04
TMMHerosblade: omegacenti: that is also the name of the linux native driver that you could use, problem is, it needs firmware and I can't be sure it is included with ubuntu default. I would recommend you try and boot the DESKTOP live cd02:04
TMMHerosblade: no problem, we are here to help :)02:05
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TMMHerosblade: your first step really should be trying to boot the normal i386 live/install cd02:05
cr_tglx nerdy_girl ellie i think02:05
n2diynerdygirl_ellie:  what happens if you type n2 and then hit the tab key?02:05
omegacentiTMM: I think his problem with the desktop one is that it wont allow him to choose where to install grub and it messed up hiw MBR enough that wg311v2e had to fix it in windows.02:05
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symbiotehey im back.02:05
HerosbladeTMM: omegacenti: heres what happend02:05
omegacentiTMM: weird, replace wg11v2e with Herosblade :)02:05
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symbiotei still got taht same problem taht i thought wine was causing..02:06
Rex_argh... still not working. http://www.pastebin.ca/55405602:06
TMMomegacenti: Herosblade: I believe that if you press 'advanced' at the last screen of the installer it'll allow you to choose where to install grub02:06
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HerosbladeTMM: omegacenti: i installed ubuntu with live cd it messed up my mbr so i did /fixmbr from windows install then i formatted my external02:06
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symbioteok when i first start ubuntu everythign works fine.. but if I log off then log back on everything is messed.. when i open a window its blank.. and stays liek taht.. I cant do anything..02:07
omegacentiHerosblade: did you see the comment about advanced at the end if install?02:07
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HerosbladeTMM: omegacenti: so then i reinstaled with text after doing02:07
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Herosbladeomegacenti: not sure02:07
acaafter i recompile my kernel, do i just apt-get install nvidia-glx to reinstall the drivers?02:07
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acaor is there more too it?02:07
jribRex_: apt-cache policy libglib2.0-dev02:07
acado i have to wate for after a reboot?02:07
TMMHerosblade: could you try just booting the livecd and tell me if the wireless card words? you can check by right-clicking the little screen in the top right of the screen on the panel02:07
omegacentiHerosblade: read TMM's commment about the advanced at the last screen of the installer. it might allow you to choose where to put grub02:07
davidddI messed up my volume control. Now i can't record any sound with my mic. How do i restore my settings?02:07
TMMHerosblade: have you already installed the text-version?02:08
Rex_jrib: run that in terminal and try again?02:08
jribRex_: show me the output02:08
HerosbladeTMM: yea02:08
TMMHerosblade: ok, and then the wireless card is not functional?02:08
HerosbladeTMM: correct02:08
acaafter i recompile my kernel, do i just apt-get install nvidia-glx to reinstall the drivers or is there more to it?02:08
HerosbladeTMM: works fine on windows02:08
Rex_jrib: http://www.pastebin.ca/55405902:09
omegacentiAny really good guide on experiencing all the aspects of linux from start (basic command line) to finish? (compiling own kernals, becoming expert enough to help with most issues)02:09
jribRex_: sudo aptitude install libglib2.0-dev02:09
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TMMHerosblade: well, manufacturers of wireless hardware aren't always a big fan of that whole 'consumer choice' thing, and don't make drivers for linux, and even don't want to tell anyone how their sacred chip works, so noone else can make drivers for it. it really isn't linux's or ubuntu's fault02:10
symbiotethe problem happened after I updated everything in ubuntu.. tehres 2 ubuntus now in GRUB.. one is kernal xxxxx.15 and one is xxxxx.16 i dont remember the exact numbers02:10
n2diyomegacenti: http://rute.2038bug.com/rute.html.gz02:10
Shin_Goukihello! i really need help with free Nx setup can plz anyone help me?02:10
HerosbladeTMM i know that02:10
Flannelsymbiote: right.  That's not a problem, that's normal.02:10
davidddI messed up my volume control. Now i can't record any sound with my mic. How do i restore the default settings?02:10
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omegacentin2diy: WOW! is that guide current? if it is... just... wow.02:11
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symbioteyeah but when i logout then log back in all my apps dont work.. if i open nautalis it shows nothing but a white blank screen in teh window02:11
HerosbladeTMM: its just i cant afford to buy a new network card im only 15 and nobody in this god forsaken town hires02:11
Rex_jrib: sweet... I looked high and low for that package... now there is another dep prob... http://www.pastebin.ca/55406002:11
n2diyomegacenti: it is dated, but it is still useful.02:11
mx-zoomaca: are you compiling your own kernel?02:11
omegacentin2diy: friggin amazing. Thankyou so much. That is going to be a wonderful read :)02:11
TMMHerosblade: according to the acx100 wiki, it should just work out of the box02:12
Flannelsymbiote: Does booting to the old kernel work better?02:12
acamx-zoom; es02:12
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TMMHerosblade: are you booted in ubuntu right now?02:12
acamx-zoom: yes02:12
jribRex_: now you do the same thing, run:  apt-cache search -n lib gtk dev   and you read the results and choose the appropriate one to install02:12
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mx-zoomaca: then nvidia-glx will not work. I think it is precompiled for ubuntu's kernel02:12
n2diyomegacenti: yep, I keep it at the top of my bookmarks.02:12
symbiotei just tryed it and no.. same problem happens if i log out/in02:12
mx-zoomaca: you might have to use nvidia's installer02:12
Rex_jrib: cool.. thanks. I learned something new. :)02:12
acaah ok02:12
omegacentin2diy: might take a few weeks but still. Thanks!02:12
Shin_GoukiWhen i try to run my free nx server i get the message: ssh: conenct to host port 22 conection refused, nx server stopped, how do i solve this?02:12
Flannelsymbiote: then it's not a kernel specific issue.  Mustve been something else in the upgrade that broke something02:12
symbioteit was fine b4 i updated though..02:12
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n2diyomegacenti: weeks!? :)02:12
HerosbladeTMM: no im on winodws atm02:12
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symbioteyeah but how do i find out?02:13
TMMHerosblade: that makes it a bit difficult to help you I'm afraid :(02:13
jribRex_: libgtk2.0-dev - Development files for the GTK+ library  would be the right one for that, the others should be straightforward02:13
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omegacentiDoes Ubuntu resemble redhat or debian in terms of common commands and where things are located in the file systems?02:13
HerosbladeTMM: i know but i cant accsess irc any other way02:13
symbiotedo i gotta re-install.. i just got everythign all customized teh way i like it :D02:13
mx-zoomaca: same thing for everylthing in the restricted modules: wifi, madwidfi etc02:13
TMMHerosblade: no way to temporarily use a wired connection?02:13
Flannelomegacenti: Ubuntu is based on debian02:13
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Herosbladeomegacenti: ubuntu is based off of debian02:13
omegacentiFlannel: thanks :) you too Herosblade02:13
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acamx-zoom: is there a way i can see a list of what i've got installed from the restricted modules?02:14
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HerosbladeTMM: not unless i take a gun to my head or my friend lets me drag my computer to his house and hook it up there02:14
mx-zoomaca: I believe there's a description in synaptic02:14
Peloaca, open synaptic and play around with the filters02:14
HerosbladeTMM: its wireless or no internet02:14
TMMHerosblade: euh... you only have wireless?02:14
cr_I cannot deal with this card GeForce7950GT  especially with resolution!02:14
Rex_jrib: sweet... looks like the install of libgtk2.0-dev will solve the other deps.02:14
Deinumiteis there an easy way to boot from a .iso image on your harddrive? (ie install a linux distro without burning a cd"02:14
mx-zoomaca: other than that I have no idea02:14
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davidddI messed up my volume control. Now i can't record any sound with my mic. How do i restore my settings? What file do I delete?02:14
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Shin_Goukihello! how do i install ssh access on my xubuntu?02:15
omegacentiHmm LPI institute still around?02:15
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FlannelShin_Gouki: install openssh-server02:15
Pelodaviddd,  don'T delete anyting just review the settings in alsamixer02:15
TMMHerosblade: hum, in that case, the only thing I can tell you is a) are you sure you installed ubuntu feisty b) are you sure it is that netgear you said it was c) do you need wpa? d) does anything show up if you type 'iwconfig'02:15
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Aeosdoes anyone use an LCD TV as their monitor?02:15
PeloShin_Gouki, I belive there are instrucitons in here  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty02:15
omegacentiCan you install Deb packages on Ubuntu?02:15
mx-zoomomegacenti: at great great risk02:16
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: i think so, but not 100% sure.02:16
TMMomegacenti: ghe, I would hope so02:16
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symbiotei gotta re-install ubuntu :( at least my intuition tells me Im fucked and gotta start over.. Im thinking nautalis got messed up somehow.. I dont think u can uninstall and re-install it.. or can u?02:16
Pelodaviddd, I don'T take private msg  please talk to me in the channel02:16
Flannelomegacenti: yes, ubuntu uses .deb packages.  However, debian and ubuntu packages aren't necessarily compatable02:16
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IndyGunFreakas long as you have all the dependencies, etc, resolved02:16
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acathanks for my help02:16
Flannelsymbiote: of course you can02:16
HerosbladeTMM: i got latest version 7.04 fiesy from ubuntu.com,dont use wpa or wep,its correct card and what was that otherthing02:16
omegacentiFlannel: would it interfere with reading the rute manual?02:16
=== PCGenie [n=PCGenie@dsl017-048-181.sfo4.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
cr_I cannot deal with this card GeForce7950GT  especially with resolution!02:16
davidddPelo: i tried all kinds of combination and I still couldn't get it to work02:16
IndyGunFreaksymbiote: if you think nautilus is borked, uninstall it, and install thunar.02:17
TMMHerosblade: ok, do you know anything about using linux?02:17
AeosI am using my sharp Aquose as a monitor, the picture is crisp and clear, but its being distorted by scan lines02:17
=== Lacerta [n=simo@dsl-imtgw1-ffffc000-124.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreaksudo apt-get remove nautilus, sudo apt-get install thunar02:17
HerosbladeTMM: not much02:17
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TMMHerosblade: that was not an insult :) I just need to know your level :)02:17
PCGeniehello, my Port 80 closed and I am trying to open it, how do I do that?02:17
Pelodaviddd, that was the best I could personnaly offer,  if no one else here can provide information try searching the forum02:17
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symbioteok mabey illt ry that.. but its not just nautalis taht is messed up.. if i right click on teh desktop and select change screen saver taht shows me an empty blank window too.. actually all of thsoe kind of screens are like tahta fter i relogin02:17
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HerosbladeTMM: just what iv found from research on it02:17
HerosbladeTMM: and some of the help files02:17
Flannelomegacenti: What?  Uh, I have no idea.  Really the biggest difference is package names for dependencies.  Although there are some other incompatabilities as well02:17
TMMHerosblade: if I ask you to get me the output of 'lspci' 'iwconfig' and 'dmesg' what would you say? :)02:17
IndyGunFreaksymbiote: well what caused it you think?02:17
=== macabro23 [n=macabro2@200-161-155-78.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
symbioteme :( lol02:17
davidddPelo: How do I turn on something in alsamixer?02:18
symbioteim still new to linux.. only had it about 2 weeks..02:18
omegacentiFlannel: this guide: http://rute.2038bug.com/node4.html.gz#SECTION00410000000000000000 need something like .deb's or .rpm's02:18
=== josedawg [n=josedawg@ool-4577dea0.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
omegacentiFlannel: just wondering if this guide will be useful in learning more about linux even though using an ubuntu installation.02:18
mx-zoomsymbiote: before reinstalling. uninstall nautilus, remove ~/.nautilus and install it again02:18
Pelodaviddd,   you can navigate alsamixer with  tab , arrows , + -  and enter02:18
TMMomegacenti: ubuntu is .deb based, all software initially on ubuntu is installed through .deb files02:18
HerosbladeTMM: id say hold on 5min let me get on linux and type them in and copy the results02:18
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omegacentiTMM: so you think this guide will still be compatible with my expereince on ubuntu?02:19
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TMMHerosblade: huzzah! :) do you know you can put the output of a command to a file with a ">"?02:19
cp84how can i burn a mp3 cd02:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmesg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:19
cp84anyone ahve any ideas?02:19
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TMMHerosblade: so ifconfig > ifconfig.txt02:19
Flannelomegacenti: We use the deb system in Ubuntu, that book appears to be geared towards rpm based distros.  So probably not too useful for most things02:19
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qualwhy the hell is chmod 777 not giving me access to write to my usb disk02:19
symbiotethere was something liek 48 packages installed on teh update.. so it could be any of them.. is tehre anyway to backtrack an upgrade liek that? or see which thigns were installed?02:19
TMMHerosblade: you can then put ifconfig.txt on a memory stick, or copy it to your windows partition02:19
HerosbladeTMM: yea gimme a sec02:19
Rex_jrib: thanks for your help.. I gotta get to work... have a good one.02:19
Pelocp84,  as mp3 or as music files playable in a regular player ?02:19
davidddPelo: Should it be the Mic?02:20
jribRex_: np, you too02:20
n2diyomegacenti: the Rute manual is Red Hat based, so it focuses on RPMS, not debs, but RPMs can be converted to debs, with Alien.02:20
omegacentiFlannel: hmm. do you offer another comprehensive guide to become much more knowlegable with Ubuntu?02:20
TMMHerosblade: great, you get me those files, and I might be able to help02:20
symbiotetaht woudl help alot if I coudl justs ee what was installed last02:20
HerosbladeTMM: do those commands just work by typeing em?02:20
Pelodaviddd, what do you think ?02:20
Deinumiteis there an easy way to boot from a .iso image on your harddrive? (ie install a linux distro without burning a cd"02:20
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Pelocp84, use gnomebaker02:20
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Flannel!install | Deinumite02:20
ubotuDeinumite: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate02:20
omegacentin2diy: any other comprehensive guides?02:20
cp84pelo and then what i download that02:20
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cp84i dunno02:20
davidddPelo: I honestly don't know...the Mic is[off]  and I couldn't turn it on.02:20
mx-zoomsymbiote: what did you use to update your system?02:20
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Pelocp84,  sudo apt-get install gnomebaker02:20
TMMomegacenti: you can never have too much knowledge, there's only one way to go from n00b to 1337 :) that is time, and fixing fuckups :P02:20
IndyGunFreakDeinumite: there is, but burning a cd is a lot easier.02:21
symbioteupdate manager02:21
Flannel!language | TMM02:21
ubotuTMM: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:21
n2diyomegacenti: nothing I've come across that compares to Rute.02:21
omegacentiTMM:  lol :) I will try and keep that in mind :)02:21
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Pelodaviddd, hmm ,  I assume you need to turn it on ,  give me a mminute to find out how02:21
omegacentin2diy: I will read it with caution then. Thankyou :)02:21
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Bixbycp84: You also might wanto to check out Brasero02:21
cp84i have gnome baker02:21
davidddPelo: thank you!02:21
cp84i have banshee02:21
macabro23Hi. Anyone using a clevo D700T laptop?02:21
cp84and none i see where i can burn mp302:21
omegacentiDoes the channel mind if I ask questins that dont seem to work in Ubuntu that are described in Rute?02:21
mx-zoomsymbiote: if you want logs, either use aptitude ir synaptic. I don't know if apt keeps logs02:21
Bixbydon't know if somewone alreary sead it02:22
mx-zoomsymbiote: the other ones do02:22
jribomegacenti: rute is excellent.  For deb-specific stuff go with the debian manuals and howto's.  tldp.org has good stuff too02:22
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n2diyomegacenti: Yes, and also, RH uses lilo as the boot loader, not grub. But 95% of stuff in there is still relevant.02:22
symbioteill do a google search hehe02:22
Pelodaviddd, just you can use the "M" key to toggle mute on/off  and the arrows to raise and lower the volume02:22
omegacentijrib: What exactly do you mean go with the debian manuals and howto's?02:22
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Flannelmx-zoom, symbiote, /var/log/dpkg.log02:22
Flannelmx-zoom, symbiote, those are for aptitude, synaptic, adept, apt-get, etc02:23
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omegacentijrib: thanks on a new website filled with info! ^_^ tldp looks great.02:23
cp84or anyone know what i need to do inside to burn the mp3?02:23
jribomegacenti: after you learn the basics and are comfortable, http://www.debian.org/doc/02:23
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mx-zoomFlannel: you learn something new everyday :P02:23
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Bixbyyes cp8402:23
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cp84bixby  priv?02:23
omegacentiExcellent advice everyone. Thankyou so very much. :) I now know why Linux thrives. Community. ^_^02:23
CJ_bulmer:  I managed to get it working. it was finding the command to restart the network system using the command '/etc/init.d/networking restart'02:24
davidddPelo: After Mic is on, there's still no sound02:24
GrueTameromegacenti: i have one more thing to add, dont know if anyone said it yet, but a good place to look for howtos is the gentoo wiki.  theres stuff on there that should help you02:24
Pelodaviddd, check in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.com02:24
omegacentiGrueTamer: I will keep that in mind. thanks!02:24
Bixbycp84 send me a private msg, I don't know hot do that whit x-chat02:25
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:25
PeloBixby, /query nick text02:25
omegacentiI hope my attitude is appropriate. :)02:25
=== underbear [n=ubuntu@c-67-188-51-174.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ihmSelbsti try to install feisty amd64 but he don't boot. when i boot with acpi=off and without 'quiet' i can read text for 3 seconds. then the screen is black. i can start the thrid position in grub root (0,0)  or something.. Does exist anywhere logfiles from the boot process ??02:25
omegacentiafk, reading rute and experimenting.02:25
Peloomegacenti, we can't stand ppl who keep saying thankyou,  it slows down the helping process02:26
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omegacentiPelo: sorry.. heh.. cough.. wheeze... tha... uh..02:26
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=== Pelo goes looking for his boot
=== omegacenti sniffles and hides in corner.
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symbioteis tehre anyway to search in this log so it will just show the stuff that says "status Installed _____"02:27
symbiotecuz this is a huge log to go threw02:27
guerrillawonI think I am having Esound, Alsa, and Oss conflicts knocking out all of my sound, and was wondering if anyone could help me to reset any of these, if they indeed can be reset.02:27
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guerrillawonI think Esound is giving me the problem.02:27
Bixbythanks Pelo, hhope I got it right I'm a littel bit drunk right now :)02:27
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jribsymbiote: grep  or use any text editor's search feature.  Did you mean something else?02:27
n2diyomegacenti: I understand your enthusiasm, I wish I had found Rute five years ago.02:27
Pelosymbiote,  in gui you can get that in synaptic02:27
=== dal_ [n=dal@cpe-97-99-121-179.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kraypiusapt-get installed git version 1.4.1 and i need a newer version. is there a repo i can add to get it to install newer version?02:28
omegacentin2diy: This guide is extremely comprehensive.02:28
PeloBixby, it should have opened an extra window02:28
ihmSelbstDoes exist anywhere logfiles from the boot process ??02:28
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cp84can anyone tell me how to burn a mp3 cd?02:28
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PeloihmSelbst,   /var/log02:28
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ihmSelbstthx Pelo02:28
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n2diyomegacenti: Yep, If you can read and comprehend it and "weeks" my hat is off to you. :)02:29
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kraypiusanyone? im having a hard time ere02:29
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=== particleman [n=particle@68-190-227-90.dhcp.azus.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelocp84, install  gnomebaker, open gnomebaker  , select the mp3 files you want to put on the cd , add the files to the cd burning list,   put cd in the cd burner,   burn cd02:29
particlemanhowdy...dumb question02:29
particlemanrunning Ubuntu Dapper02:29
particlemannot kubuntu02:29
Pelokraypius, hard time with what ?02:29
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omegacentin2diy: so you think it will take longer eh? :)02:29
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Flannel!enter | particleman02:30
ubotuparticleman: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:30
particlemanwhat do I have to install to allow KDE app help files to work?02:30
kraypiusfiguring out how to get apt to upgrade my git02:30
cp84Pelo,   will it burn it as a audio cd or a mp3 cd02:30
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kraypiusit installed 1.4.1 and I need newer02:30
jribparticleman: I think you can just install khelpcenter, but not sure02:30
tsuamiahey all. Anyone know why when I attempt to install things on wine it won't make the Program Files directory?02:30
tim167cp84, you can also use nautilus for that, pop in an empty cd, drag your mp3's to it and burn02:30
Pelocp84,  that will burn as mp3 data cd , do you need to burn as audio cd ?02:30
particlemanoh...oops :)02:30
BixbyihmSelbst: have you tried with live-cd?02:30
n2diyomegacenti: I don't try to read it, I just use it as a reference. :)02:30
guerrillawonIs anyone here proficient in ESD and willing to take a few minutes to throw me a bone?02:30
symbiotewhoa.. seriously thats alot of stuff it installed.. im just gonna re-install ubuntu lol it will be easier02:31
cp84no but will it pay on mp3 cd players like that?02:31
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n2diyguerrillawon: ESD?02:31
Pelokraypius, got to the git website and look for a deb file or the source code02:31
symbiotebut does anyone know how to fix this bug i got that if you let ubuntu boot up by itself u get a blank screen02:31
jribacs kraypius02:31
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symbiotei boot up using recovery mode then type init 5 and it works fine.02:32
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bobbob1016can anyone recommend a C++ gui compiler?  something like visual studio?02:32
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guerrillawonn2diy : yes.02:32
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tsuamiabobbob: Anjuta02:32
Pelocp84, doyou need to make an audio cd ?  if you want an audio cd  use  menu > application > sound/video > serpentine02:32
omegacentiHow long can file names be in Ubuntu 7.04?02:32
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underbearthe verification of my ubuntu cd tested fine. but after install ubuntu wont boot from the hard drive.  Is there some other tests I can preform to figure out why it wont boot ?02:32
tsuamiaBobbob: I use Anjuta to make my software and it works perfectly02:32
cp84Hrm.. My cd player will play  MP3s on disk02:32
Pelobobbob1016,   search for c++ in synaptic and see what comes up02:32
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n2diyguerrillawon: The ESD I'm familiar with is Electro Static Discharge, is that what your referring to?02:33
cp84but it has to be a certain format02:33
guerrillawonn2diy : I think I am having a conflict. As I knock out all of my sound, when I use both mplayer and flash at the same time. Videos unaffected, but no sound.02:33
=== |-David-| [n=dumstot@CPE-65-30-150-155.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelocp84,  then you can burn as mp3 using nautilus or gnomebaker02:33
moofsHi all,...can anyone help with my ubuntu install?02:33
bobbob1016Pelo, I was asking if anyone had a preference, I'll try that though02:33
symbioteha! see that! underbear has teh same problem I do!02:33
moofsI am trying to install on Dell Inspiron 600m02:33
tsuamiabobob: Anjuta :)02:33
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moofsit installs fine02:33
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jribkraypius: what version of ubuntu?02:33
moofsbut it freezes when trying to boot02:33
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symbiotemy solution is recovery mode then type "init 5"02:33
guerrillawonn2diy : I'm referring to Esound, a linux audio archetecture used to handle the playing of multiple sound sources through single devices simultaniously.02:33
Pelobobbob1016,  the nice thing about linux is you can try them all , for free02:33
HerosbladeTMM: hey back problem02:33
omegacentiHow long can file names be in Ubuntu 7.04?02:33
symbiotebut i wanna fix it so i dont have to do that02:34
TMMHerosblade: back problem? :)02:34
HerosbladeTMM: now grub is giving me a freakin harddisk error02:34
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underbearthe latest I guess,  I just downloaded it this morning .. 7.04 or something02:34
guerrillawonn2diy : I wish I could just throw on an esd wrist strap and fix my problem, but I tried to no avail.02:34
TMMHerosblade: what harddisk error? :)02:34
Pelocp84,  it is very hard to tell you what do do with so little info,  what format will your cd player accept02:34
guerrillawonStill can't hear a thing.02:34
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kraypius6.10 edgy02:34
bruenigomegacenti, that is a linux thing, not an ubuntu thing and would not have changed version to version,  I would imagine hundreds of characters02:34
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moofs"Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel"   <--- it freezes here02:34
cp84mp3 format02:34
n2diyguerrillawon: Nope, can't help you with that, maybe your wrist strap is open? :)02:34
HerosbladeTMM: just says harddisk error02:34
omegacentibruenig: more than 256?02:34
jribkraypius: feisty has git
moofsI tried nolapic, etc02:35
guerrillawonnsdiy : I'll check.02:35
moofsbut nothing,....any ideas?02:35
Pelocp84, then burn your mp3 files to the cd using gnomebaker or nautilus and it should be fine02:35
guerrillawonn2diy : Nope. :(02:35
|-David-|I messed up my x server file, any way to change it without reinstalling ubuntu?02:35
Pelocp84, use gnomebaker it,s simpler02:35
tsuamiahaving problems with wine, anyone know anything about it?02:35
guerrillawonThanks though. I appreceate atleast an interest in helping.02:35
n2diyguerrillawon: GL02:35
underbearmine just says boot failure. please insert system disk02:35
Pelo|-David-|,   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:35
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|-David-|i can do that without booting ubuntu?02:36
HerosbladeTMM: no offence but so far linux has ben nothing but trouble02:36
johan__hey room02:36
Pelo|-David-|,  no you need to boot at least the recovery mode02:36
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|-David-|\Because i messed it up to the point of no-boot =O02:36
tsuamiaherosblade: a lot of people think that the first time they use linux02:36
tsuamiaherosblade: but its worth it02:36
Pelo|-David-|, can you boot the recovery mode ?02:36
symbioteoh haha.. i dont got the same problem as underbear.. dewd.. reinstall.. if u still get problems try re-installing but first unplugging any otehr harddrives u may have.. taht helped with otehr linux distros I had problems installed02:37
Herosbladetsuamia: well lets see iv installed it a total of 5 times now02:37
|-David-|Can't boot anything02:37
TMMHerosblade: well, it can be depending on your hardware :) try installing windows on an external disk, see how it does :)02:37
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HerosbladeTMM: iv done that once before worked fine02:37
HerosbladeTMM: just abit slow02:37
Pelo|-David-|,  boot the live cd ,  navitage to  /etc/X11  and rename the xorg.conf back up file to xorg.conf02:37
symbiotebut im not linux pro.. soo yeah.. lol Im new also..02:37
TMMHerosblade: no, you didn't and windows can't work from a usb disk, it simply can not, it will crash with a blue screen that it can't access the boot device02:38
=== Monteh [n=ubuntu@dyn-62-56-112-246.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
tsuamiaHerosblade: did you self burn the ubuntu disk? check if its alright, I had to burn it twice cause the fist dusk I used was dodgey02:38
Montehamg D:02:38
|-David-|ok, let me try that...I'll be back if it doesn't work02:38
Montehi got it too boot!02:38
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Herosbladetsuamia: i did the test disk for errors02:38
Pelo|-David-|, make sure you go to /etc/X11 on the hdd , not the one from the live cd02:38
Montehi got ubuntu to boot by using the command as follows linux -- acpi=off pnpbios=off :D02:38
|-David-|ok, I'll try =)02:39
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tsuamiaherosblade: when I did that it didn't tell me it was broken, but it still was.02:39
symbiotesoo ok noone wants to help me fix that stupid boot problem eh? blank screen? eh? eh? hehe02:39
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Herosbladetsuamia: O.o02:39
tsuamiaSymbiote: Tell me the problem again02:39
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Herosbladetsuamia: well heres where im anoyed02:40
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Pelosymbiote, there is a lot of traffic in this channel ifyou get over looked it helps to restate the whole problem02:40
cp84i dont think its gonna play as a data02:40
bruenigomegacenti, it can do up to 25502:40
underbearyea. I've unplugged any non essential hardware.  Ive reinstalled more then a few times and re-burnt and verified the install cd numerous times and I still cant boot from HD02:40
cp84in windows i have to do it as a   Audio but burn as mp3 format02:40
Pelocp84, then use serpentine to make an audio cd02:40
Herosbladetsuamia: i installed it it botted correctly numours times02:40
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johanafter i ran pstree -p , i found there were 3 pppd processes.02:41
tsuamiaSymbiote: This will sound strange if you don't but do you watch stargate? :P02:41
Herosbladetsuamia: last night and even 20min ago02:41
symbiotewhen i boot up using the normal mode of ubuntu it shows it loading a little bit then goes blank.. black screen no flashing command promt thing or anything.. just black.. if i use recovery mode and type init 5 after everythings loaded it works fine.. its how Im here right now.. but I wanna fix that02:41
Herosbladetsuamia: now thought grub just gives me a harddisk error02:41
tsuamiaHerosblade: same thing happened to a friend..02:41
=== Marz [n=Marz@63-228-53-193.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
cp84it will not convert it to audio?  it will leave it as  mp302:41
Herosbladetsuamia: what just crapped out on him for no reason?02:41
johanand the ifconfig command shows 2 pppoe interfaces , ppp0 and ppp1 ,etc.02:41
kkathmanwhat would be the best program to rip music from a cd ?02:41
tsuamiaherosblade: yeah, will ask him what he did when he comes online, if you are still on here ill tell you02:42
n2diykkathman: Audacity02:42
Pelosymbiote, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , hopefully it will restore the boot stuff as well02:42
kkathmanthanx n2diy  :)02:42
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n2diykkathman: nada02:42
symbiotetaht was teh first thign i tryed.. read it ona  forum.. didnt help02:42
=== Plantain [n=Banana@ppp157-216.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelocp84, it will make an audio cd ,  not an mp3 cd02:42
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Herosbladetsuamia: so your saying format my external again.... and format the grub boot again then reburn my install disk?02:42
ihmSelbsthttp://rafb.net/p/FCyzoG83.html <-- there is my boot-logfile.. can anybody see what is wrong ?!02:42
PlantainOkay peeps, I've got a fresh ubuntu 5.1 install here, how might I upgrade to the latest (7.1? or 7.04?)02:43
tsuamiaHerosblade: worth a try, do it on a brad new disk etc02:43
symbiotetsuamia: no i dont.. I saw the movie though.. i think teh tv show is pretty lame.. bad costumes those big headed guys lol.. soo funny02:43
Plantainsudo apt-get dist upgrade?02:43
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Plantainwill that upgrade to 6.04, or 7.04?02:43
Herosbladetsuamia: ill try it again02:43
tsuamiaSymbiote: assumed it was where you got the name from02:43
bruenigPlantain, you will need to upgrade to 6.06, then 6.10, then 7.04, certain breakage02:43
FlannelPlantain: fresh 5.10?  You're better off reinstalling.02:43
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Herosbladetsuamia: ill be back in an hour or so02:43
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Pelocp84, honestly just try the damn thing , if one doesn't work try the other,  it will take less time then asking over and over again , we do not know, we donT' know what cd player you use and we wouldn'T know if/what even if we did ,   cds are 10 a pcs  just get on with it and try02:44
PlantainAlright then, I've got it installed02:44
Plantainwhat now? :S02:44
tsuamiaherosblade: K02:44
joebob777as7how do i copy a file locally when I'm logged in ssh to a headless server?02:44
Monteh*dances round with ubuntu :D:D* now to install it lol02:44
ubotunvu is a WYSIWYG and code dual-function HTML editor for easily creating web pages.  The original developer is working on a full rewrite; meanwhile, another is doing bugfixes.  It is not in the Ubuntu repos for Feisty Fawn, but add your name to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WaitingForNvuFeisty to be notified when packages are available.  See also !html.02:44
FlannelPlantain: 5.10 upgrades to 6.06 to 6.10 to 7.04, which is 3x the data you'll need to download to just reinstall with a fresh 7.04 CD02:44
bruenigjoebob777as7, copy a file from the machine you are sshed into to the one you are sshing from?02:44
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=== Pelo takes a few steps away from Monteh
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moofscan someone help me out with my ubuntu install?02:44
kitchejoebob777as7: do you mean copy a file over or on the same machine?02:44
=== Trae [n=october@ip24-252-207-46.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelomoofs,  do you have a specific issue ?02:44
n2diyjoebob777as7: cp doesn't work?02:45
p1lshey, i would like to record a short clip how to install something, what program ya guys suggest02:45
rampycan someone help me with ubuntu  install on my laptop??02:45
p1lsrampy, whats up02:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about recordmydesktop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:45
ihmSelbstfeisty fawn will not start and crash while booting. there is my /var/log/system.0  http://rafb.net/p/FCyzoG83.html    anybody an idea ??02:45
Pelop1ls,  recordmydesktop02:45
n2diyp1ls: audio?02:45
joebob777as7I mean how do i pull it onto the computer i'm logged in from... I logged into a pc with ssh and I want a file on my system02:45
moofsPelo, yes, well...after installing both 6.06 and 7.04 the system freezes when trying to boot...02:45
moofsPelo, "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel"   <--- it freezes here02:45
symbiotetsuamia: no i got the name from aliens.. ya know the thing taht lives inside the host and kilsl them.. anotehr note.. Headcrabs are symbiotes also lol02:46
Pelomoofs,  you upgraded to 7.04 ?  try a clean install instead,02:46
n2diyp1ls: you want to record audio?02:46
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moofsPelo, I did a clean install with both02:46
joebob777as7bruenig, yes that is what i'm tryin gto do02:46
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rampyhi p1...i need to know if i already have xo installed how do i install ubuntu without erasing my data ...i have alread 4 partion drives each of 20gb02:46
cp84ok it worked02:46
moofsPelo, its on a Dell 600m02:46
rampyand i want to install in one of the drives which does not have xp..like either D, E or F02:47
tsuamiasymbiote: yeah that's what they call the goa'uld in SG102:47
Pelomoofs,  I assume that you have a seperate / partiton for each release ?02:47
symbioteok so the only solution for my problem is " sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"02:47
joebob777as7bruenig, is there a way?02:47
symbioteand Ive already done that02:47
PlantainOkay, so I stopped my install half way through (Before installing GRUB), will I just be able to pop in 7.04 and install ontop of my botched install?02:47
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moofsPelo, The hard disk is wiped for each install02:47
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bruenigjoebob777as7, I am not familiar with ssh as I have only one computer, I assume since you are asking cp doesn't work, try cat remotefile > localfile02:47
moofsPelo, its an old laptop02:47
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FlannelPlantain: Yes02:47
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moofsPelo, so I dont care whats on it02:47
moofsor lost02:47
omegacentibruenig: thanks :)02:47
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Pelomoofs, what are the system details ?  cpu ram etc02:48
{BFG}does anyone here know If i will have trouble running triple monitors with an nvidia and ati card in ubuntu02:48
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ihmSelbstfeisty fawn will not start and crash while booting. there is my /var/log/system.0  http://rafb.net/p/FCyzoG83.html   can somebody seen an error?02:48
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n2diybruenig: joebob777as7 or use scp.02:48
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crdlb{BFG}, what ati card?02:48
tsuamiaBFG: My brother has 3 monitors and ati so it should be ok02:48
moofsPelo, 1.4 Pentium M, 512mb RAM, 40gb HD, Radeon 900002:48
joebob777as7n2diy, how do i use scp?02:48
{BFG}its an x70002:49
bruenigjoebob777as7, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_copy02:49
Pelorampy,  xp is usuealy installed on the first partiton  do donT' insatll to taht, you can also probably telll which partition is which from the size02:49
ihmSelbstx700 = radeon driver02:49
{BFG}yea i know02:49
rampyanyone who can help me install ubuntu on my laptop?02:49
symbioteok well im off to re-install.. gotta write down my bookmarks.. and remember to redownload this app..02:49
=== KanadaKid [n=mike@pool-72-76-97-9.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
{BFG}i was just wondering if x is going to flip out02:49
underbearI've installed version 7.04 runs from the live CD fine, but it wont boot from the hard disk it says filed to boot .  please insert system disk and restart.  Is there some test I can run or should I run, or do you think an older version may work better02:49
bruenig!anyone | rampy02:49
uboturampy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:49
laser2please how syncronize my treo on ubuntu?02:49
Pelomoofs,   the problem maybe iwth the ati video card,  did you install with the live cd or the alternate install ,  actualy were you able to install at all ?02:49
rampy(8:45:48 PM) rampy: hi p1...i need to know if i already have xo installed how do i install ubuntu without erasing my data ...i have alread 4 partion drives each of 20gb02:49
rampy(8:45:58 PM) rampy: and i want to install in one of the drives which does not have xp..like either D, E or F02:49
rampy(8:46:28 PM) rampy: i want to  use 20gb for ubuntu related stuff02:49
rampy(8:46:39 PM) rampy: i have my xp installed in C drive02:49
rampy(8:46:42 PM) rampy: u there?02:49
n2diyjoebob777as7: pretty much the same way you use cp. I haven't down it in a while, so can't tell you exactly, off the top of my head.02:49
tsuamiasymbiote: if you use ff you can just export them and email them to yourself02:49
moofsPelo, yes the install completed02:50
bruenig!pastebin | rampy02:50
tsuamiasymbiote: probably could with ie too02:50
uboturampy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:50
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symbiotewhats ff?02:50
kkathmann2diy:   can you help me along as to how audacity can rip the tracks - it seems to be more of an editor?02:50
symbioteoh lol02:50
Pelomoofs, I don'T know then,  can you boot the recovery mode ?02:50
laser2please how syncronize my treo 650 (palm) on ubuntu?02:50
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Pelorampy,  xp is usuealy installed on the first partiton  do donT' insatll to taht, you can also probably telll which partition is which from the size02:50
moofsPelo, nope02:50
{BFG}open up synaptic and search for PALM02:50
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{BFG}there is a good syncing app for ubuntu02:51
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jscinozhey guys how can i set the environment value MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME?02:51
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bruenigjscinoz, put it in /etc/profile if you want it to constantly be the same02:51
bruenigjscinoz, then source /etc/profile02:51
Pelomoofs, then I don'T have a clue,  try looking up the computer model in the forum, maybe someone else had the same issue and figured out a fix02:51
{BFG}there is also a gstreamer plugin to allow you to have some easier support for your palm02:51
laser2what's name /dev/ usb in ubuntu for configuration ?02:51
rampyi did not get Pero02:51
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brueniglaser2, restate02:51
rampyPeto...if my drives are already partitioned.02:51
rampyinto four drives each of 20gb02:52
moofsPelo, Am I right in thinking the alternative is Ubuntu 6.06 LTS?02:52
jscinozhow do i source /etc/profile?02:52
Pelorampy,  it's Pelo ,    in the live cd    menu > system > admin > gnome partition editor , it will display the partitions avaiable02:52
bruenigjscinoz, do "source /etc/profile"02:52
symbioteok so how do i email msyelf my bookmarks?02:52
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jscinozso where in /etc/profile should i add the line?02:52
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Pelomoofs, no  the alternate cd says alternate,  there is one for each release for each architecture02:52
rampySorry..ok...and can i select which drive to install after that02:52
bruenigjscinoz, it doesn't matter to the system, wherever you are comfortable putting it02:53
rampycurrently i am on xp so i cannot test it..02:53
moofscool I will take a lok02:53
underbearthe alternate is an non graphic installer02:53
jscinozalright thanks, and is this the right syntax "MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox"?02:53
Pelorampy,  yes you can02:53
rampyso basically you are saying i will have option which drive to install02:53
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johananybody there get some time to answer my question ?02:54
Pelorampy, ubuntu is a full featured os,  you can do pretty much everything you can think of and some more on top of that02:54
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:54
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Flannelmoofs: If you simply change "desktop" to "alternate" in the URL of the torrent/iso, you should get the alternate CD.  Otherwise you'll have to dig a little bit more on ubuntu.com (or go to releases.ubuntu.com)02:54
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n2diy! ask | johan02:54
ubotujohan: please see above02:54
bruenigjscinoz, yeah, I think you are supposed to put quotes around /usr part but it probably doesn't matter02:54
Pelojohan,  just ask the question02:54
jscinozok thanks02:54
rampyhmm and can i  recover that drive in future if i uninstall ubuntu on worst case scenario02:54
johanafter running pstree -p ,i found 3 pppd there02:55
Pelorampy, ...02:55
underbearrampy: burn a live CD and test run from that.  but you may run into the same problem as I have,  I can test it fine.  but I cant run it from the hard drive for some reason02:55
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rampyi have ran the live cd and it works fine for me...02:55
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jscinozbruenig, when i  run the source command it thinks that mozilla_five_home is a program not a variable..02:55
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joebob777as7thanks all!!! scp worked like a charm!02:55
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symbioteok nm i figured it out..02:56
n2diyjoebob777as7: cool!02:56
rampyunderbear what  problem did you face?02:56
johan!ask > after running pstree -p ,i found 3 pppd there02:56
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guerrillawonn2diy : you here?02:56
=== paul__ [n=paul@81-178-59-2.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
i-like-beansHow could I go about turning off X to run at start up, and only have it run when i need it?02:56
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n2diyguerrillawon: yep02:56
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kripsneed some helo with my ubuntu 7.0402:56
Pelojohan,  you are not being ignored,  we just donT, know what to tell you , is there an actual problem ?02:56
bruenigjscinoz, make sure it looks like this: MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME='/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox'02:56
rampyi mean for me it works like charm on live cd ..so i want to now install on my harddrive02:56
nerdygirl_ellieaamy:  You still here?02:56
bruenigjscinoz, nothing else don't call it like $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME just assign the variable02:57
Pelokrips,  we need an actual question02:57
jscinozworked, thanks02:57
guerrillawonn2diy : I cleaned my computer yesterday right, plugged everything in... except for my friggin esd wrist strap. You were right, it was just unplugged. (I still have sound problems, but not these anymore) haha02:57
Pelorampa,  just click the install icon on the desktop from the live cd02:57
guerrillawonn2diy : The help is very much appreciated.02:57
jscinozproblem was i used this kind of quote" instead of '02:57
=== guerrillawon slaps self on forehead.
=== spasticteapot [n=spastict@adsl-71-150-254-49.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
kripspelo i see diferent desktop same with the desktop in vista02:58
n2diyguerrillawon: Ok, I was joking, but I'm glad you are making progress.02:58
kripshow can i do that02:58
guerrillawonn2diy :basically my speakers were not plugged in.02:58
kripsfot example02:58
Pelojohan,  I do not take private msg , please talk to me in the channel02:58
kripsthe clock wiget02:58
kripshow can i install this?02:58
n2diyguerrillawon: Yea, that would cause trouble.02:58
jscinozhmm still having a problem with my program02:58
underbearrampy:  mine says something like boot failure.  please install system disk and restart.   I've reinstalled many times , and reburnt the cd but it still wont boot from the hard drive02:58
kripspelo u know something?02:59
Pelokrips, sudo apt-get install gdesklets gdesklets-extra02:59
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guerrillawonI'm so used to it being application layer bs, I didn't even think to check.02:59
rampyis u xp still working Underbear?02:59
kripsty pelo02:59
kripslets me see ok02:59
=== whali [n=whali@AOrleans-157-1-139-14.w90-24.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
jscinozthis application i'm trying to use requires libraries from the Mozilla suite, since i cannot install that from synaptic anymore, i need to have a variable to tell it to load the libs from firefox instead, any ides how i would do this?02:59
Bixbyhey I'm in a trouble, I have a dvd (Pantera 3 Vulgar Videos From Hell) and it's protected. The audio and video is a mess, how do I watch it?02:59
rampyUnderbear, is ur xp still working?02:59
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underbearrampy: yes.  im installing to a totally different hard drive.  Ive completely disconnected the xp drive02:59
kitchejscinoz: seamonkey is the Mozilla suite02:59
jscinozahh thanks03:00
spasticteapotunderbear: What's your problem?03:00
nerdygirl_ellieBixby:  Install Audacity and install xine + the illegal dvd codecs.03:00
rampyi don't wanna end with crashed xp in any case..:)03:00
Flannelkitche: it's not in feisty though, for some odd reason (although it is in edgy)03:00
Flannelkitche: er, is in gutsy03:00
Aeoswhere might I find the controls for switching the display from vga to s-video03:00
n2diyguerrillawon: Yep, when I use my HF I rig I turn of my speakers to keep the RF out of them, and then I forget to turn them back on! :/03:00
underbearrampy you can partition to prevent that03:00
nerdygirl_ellieAeos:  what video card?03:00
jscinozbut is there a way to do it without installing extra stuff? It only needs the libs to render a web page from mozilla03:00
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rampymy is 1 hard drive with four partitons03:00
AeosRaedon 900003:00
kitcheFlannel: that's odd03:00
Pelolater folks03:00
underbearspasticteapot.  my ubuntu 7.04 wont boot from the hard drive.  says failure, please insert system disk and restart03:01
i-like-beansHow can you make it so X doesnt automatically run at start up and can be started and stopped manually?03:01
nerdygirl_ellieAeos:  sorry, can't help.  If it was nvidia, the nvidia-settings widget could do it.  I don't know if ATI has a similar program.03:01
johani dont know how to use an IRC ,shame for that.03:01
kitcheFlannel: yep it sure isn't03:01
rampyso i hope installing in another drive won't affect the original xp03:01
rampyhey Johan this is my first time in IRC too...03:01
kitchei-like-beans: umm chmod -x the gdm script you can rename the symlink also if you wish but I just do the main script myself03:02
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kraypiushow do i tell apt-get to ask me before removing ANY dependencies when telling it to remove something?03:02
nerdygirl_elliei-like-beans:  change the default runlevel to 3.  one sec.03:02
tim167johan, bu typing that you are contradicting yourself ;)03:02
rampythough i am using windows pidgin version03:02
underbearrampy, as long as you choose that correct drive to install . lol.  it shouldnt effect your xp partitions03:02
bruenigkraypius, apt-get doesn't automatically remove dependencies unless you apt-get autoremove03:02
n2diyi-like-beans: google for ubuntu boot levels, I know how to do it in Fedora, but Ubuntu does it differently.03:02
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spasticteapotunderbear: That's a problem, yes.03:02
spasticteapotunderbear: How did you install?03:02
rampythanks underbear...later03:02
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kraypiusthere is no deb package for git 1.5 so looks like ill need to use the rpm.. which i have little experience with03:04
underbearspasticteapot.  I booted from live CD to a dedicated hard drive jumpered as master  with the xp drive completely disconnected . I also disconnected any hardware I wont be using such as the dialup modem ect.03:04
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underbearthe install said complete. remove the disk and restart03:04
spasticteapotThat's odd indeed.03:04
matthew1429hey guys, what aside from lacking any windows manager, will xubuntu server have installed that ubuntu desktop won't have out of the box?03:04
bluebananaMirrakor, hello again. How do i delete the americaarmy.run game i installed via ./foo.run?03:04
bruenigkraypius, get the source, don't use an rpm03:04
underbearit hung on restart.  when it finally did .  it just says boot failure. please install system disk and restart03:05
spasticteapotunderbear: Try downloading again.03:05
Bixbynerdygirl_ellie; umm.. what exactly are the dvd codecs 'couse i've already installed them thourgh Automatix- But I guess they don't work? I'm using feisty amd64 version03:05
kraypiusbruenig, i will do even worse with that lol03:05
kitchematthew1429: all the gui applications it will be a barebone system pretty much03:05
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nerdygirl_elliematthew1429: a bunch of xfce apps and gnumeric+abiword instead of openoffice03:05
spasticteapotunderbear: Sounds dumb, but it happened to me once.03:05
bruenigkraypius, the rpm has a very real chance of harming the system, the source doesn't03:05
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spasticteapotmatthew1429: Why do you need XFCE for a server?03:05
Mirrakorbluebanana: technically the game wasn't installed, everything should be inside the .run (so it's a package which includes the whole game). simply rm it and it's deleted03:05
underbearspasticteapot.  I've downloaded 3x .  and also reburnt the disk 3x.  ive been reinstalling all night.  the same version 7.04 .03:05
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spasticteapotunderbear: Odd indeed.03:06
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underbearthe only thing I can think of is running a different version ?03:06
matthew1429just wanted to try to solve the weird problems I'm having03:06
matthew1429and considering that as an option03:06
|_ockecan someone help me get my alsa sou8nd working again03:06
spasticteapotunderbear; Try your BIOS. After switching drives, it may have been removed from the boot order.03:06
=== takanishi [n=takanish@201-1-87-6.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubunt1how can i see what folder is permission03:06
ubunt1chown and what???03:06
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rslARGG! Is there an easy[ish]  way to convert from id3v2.4 to id3v2.3 on mp3s?03:06
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rslARGG! Is there an easy[ish]  way to convert from id3v2.4 to id3v2.3 on mp3s?03:06
spasticteapotunderbear: Well, what's your hardware?03:06
rslSorry. I didn't think I hit enter.03:07
|_ockei put a sblive card in because the onboard ac97 wasnt working03:07
kitcheMirrakor: umm .run files are usually install scripts it's half script half binary so if he rm's the .run he will still have to uninstall the game03:07
underbearspasticteapot: ive tred that.  and it should sees everything fine03:07
underbearhold on let me get the rundown really quick03:07
=== john [i=john@CPE000e08e73e0d-CM0019479325ac.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #Ubuntu
spasticteapotunderbear: Once again - what hardware?03:07
nerdygirl_ellieBixby: If you installed xine/gxine, then you can run it via applications -> sound & video -> gxine.  It plays DVD's like magic!03:07
Mirrakorkitche: but how?03:07
|_ockei disabled the via8237 in bios, but it still shows up in lspci and alsamixer opens up using it03:07
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spasticteapotunderbear: Are you using the 64-bit version?03:07
spasticteapotAnd do you get anything at all?03:07
spasticteapotPastebin your error message, maybe?03:08
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kitcheMirrakor: by deleting the files or it might have an uninstall script someplace03:08
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nerdygirl_ellieubunt1: from the gui, right-click => properties -> permissions.  from the command line ls -asl03:08
|_ockei had it working before last restart, and all i did then was change the output of the alsa xmms plugin, then it worked in all applications03:08
|_ockebut this time that didnt work03:08
rslAnyone here know an easy way to convert between id3v2.3 and v2.4? 2.4 isn't compatible with everything and frakkin' SoundJuicer labelled everything 2.403:08
johanafter i ran 'pstree -p' i got 3 pppd daemons there.03:09
Montehhey can anyone advise me on how to resize  windows partition to make space for a ubuntu install?03:09
=== whali [n=whali@AOrleans-157-1-139-14.w90-24.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
underbearpent III copermine 1ghz , wd 120gb hd , all inwonder radeon 7600, 764mb ram03:09
nerdygirl_ellieMonteh:  I would use the demo version of Partition Magic if it is still around.03:09
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bluebananaMirrakor, thanks. I found an uninstall file in the folder that the installation produced. and it uninstalled everything.03:09
bruenigMonteh, the installer can do it automatically or you can select manual and point and click03:09
bruenigMonteh, I would not use partition magic03:10
spasticteapotunderbear: Very strange indeed.03:10
bluebananai deleted it coz America's army is not as good in linux as in Windows03:10
=== johan i dont konw how to get help...
=== luke__ [n=luke@220-253-36-40.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
spasticteapotunderbear: Maybe try repartitioning your main drive?03:10
bluebananaanybody have any suggestions for free First-person Shooter games for ubuntu?03:10
nerdygirl_elliebruenig: Really?  it worked for me last year when I was still in dual-boot land.03:10
underbearboot from cd takes longer then it should03:10
Montehhow can the installer do it, when i tried  to do it just now, it was gonna delete my whole partition lol03:10
luke__whats the command to get clam av? sudo apt-get what?03:10
|_ockeyeah dont use partition magic03:10
spasticteapotDual-booting might fix it - it could be that you have a hard drive problem.03:10
=== Wilfredo [n=santamar@adsl-68-76-97-199.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
|_ockeitll screw up your linux partitions03:10
kitchejohan: you still didn't tell us your problem with 3 pppd's03:10
Bixbynerdygirl_ellie: This is really weird I installed all the libarys that the feisty wiki told me to but still no luck. I'll try it tomorrow after I get some sleep... :)03:10
bruenignerdygirl_ellie, yeah what |_ocke says03:11
|_ockeuse GParted03:11
luke__gparted is good03:11
|_ockeluke__, you trying to scan a windows drive?03:11
nerdygirl_ellieBixby:  ok.  the ones in partition magic worked great.03:11
luke__u can partion without loosing data03:11
Monteh|_ocke: what is gparted?03:11
=== SeriousStorm85 [n=SeriousS@cpc3-cmbg5-0-0-cust124.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
johancan u see my questions ? ok ,i will continue03:11
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|_ockeMonteh, the best graphical partitioner youll ever use03:11
nerdygirl_ellieBixby: Try that again... Automatix! worked.03:11
aroojohan you haven't asked a question03:11
underbearspasticteapot: there is only one drive installed.  wd 120gb on ide 1 on ribon 1 jummpered master03:11
=== snowman [n=snowman@archlinux/trusteduser/Snowman] has joined #ubuntu
|_ockeits on the ubuntu livecd03:12
spasticteapotunderbear: That is odd indeed.03:12
bruenig!automatix | nerdygirl_ellie Bixby03:12
ubotunerdygirl_ellie Bixby: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:12
snowmanHi folks, anyone here have samba up and running with xp and 7.04? :|03:12
spasticteapotHave you checked the hard drive?03:12
Monteh|_ocke: my computer is 1 ntfs partition, i want to partition off about 30gb for ubuntu, where do i find gparted on the cd, :S03:12
johanrunning ifconfig ,it shows 2 pppoe interfaces there03:12
spasticteapotsnowman: Welcome to hell. There are tutorials on the forum, but Samba is a pain in the ass any way you look at it.03:12
luke__ill tell u what gparted is, its a gnome partioning program, lets you partion your hdd without loosing data03:12
|_ocketheres also a much smaller livecd just for running gparted03:12
underbeardurring the install I chose the guided - use entire disk option03:12
|_ockeMonteh, just boot the livecd03:12
johanthey both use do receive and send data03:13
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nerdygirl_ellieMonteh: You'll want to Defrag the hard drive from inside windows first.03:13
snowmanspasticteapot, yeah, I know, but it worked in prior versions, but when I reinstall with 7.04, I can see the smb box, just can't connect.  keeps asking for user/password, and the usual fixes don't work :\03:13
SeriousStorm85has any one used an external tv tuner on ubuntu yet?03:13
|_ockeits in system tools or administration of something03:13
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Montehunderbear: does that not format the whole hd :s03:13
spasticteapotsnowman: I have no idea at all.03:13
spasticteapotVery sorry.03:13
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snowmanMonteh, yeah, that'd bomb the whole drive, not set aside 30g for you.03:13
underbearMonteh : yes.  this is to be a linux only dedicated drive03:14
luke__ummm hello?03:14
nerdygirl_ellieMonteh: ... and if you don't have any existing linux partitions, then partition magic will work without the learning curve of gparted.03:14
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snowmannerdygirl_ellie, partition magic is rather non-free though.03:14
snowmanspasticteapot, oh well.  thanks anyway.03:14
Montehnerdygirl_ellie: ill give partition magic a go :) my god ubuntu is sexy lol03:14
underbearI have all my seperate OS's on seperate hard drives in removable drive bays. but do the initial installs direct to the cables03:14
kitcheluke__: clamav03:15
=== luke__ [n=luke@220-253-36-40.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
luke__how do i get clam av?03:15
Montehif anyone is interested i got it to boot using linux acpi=no pnpbios=no03:15
kitcheluke__: sudo apt-get install clamav03:15
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|_ockeluke__, why do you need clamav?03:16
luke__scan my windows portion03:16
IndyGunFreak|_ocke: thats what i was wondering03:16
underbearmy final option is to try an older version or a different distro all together.  but wanted to check if I was missing something 1st03:16
luke__i think i got a vuries03:16
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luke__hey its indygunfreak03:16
SeriousStorm85Does anyone know how to set up an external tv card in Ubuntu?03:16
IndyGunFreakhey its me..lol03:16
spasticteapotluke__: Unlikely. More likely, you just messed something up.03:16
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|_ockeluke__, thats cool, didnt know if you knew it isnt necessary for linux FSs :)03:17
=== inverselimit [n=jason@adsl-69-107-114-209.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
luke__lol unix is the cleanest OS ever03:17
kitcheluke__: not really03:17
|_ockewell, im sure minix was probably cleaner03:17
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Arrickheya all03:18
|_ockesince nobody would ever want to make a virus for it03:18
luke__eny 1 got the latest linux?03:18
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Arrickhow do I copy an entire directory into another directory?03:18
|_ockeluke__, what do you mean "the latest linux"03:18
|_ockethe latest kernel?03:18
bruenigArrick, cp -R entiredirectory anotherdirectory/03:18
nerdygirl_ellieArrick: And subdirectories?03:18
ArrickI know its cp, but its telling me it is ommiting the directory03:18
|_ockeim sure many people have the latest kernel03:18
luke__lol im new to linux i think its like frenzy something03:18
nerdygirl_ellieArrick: cp -R03:18
Arrickok thanks03:19
HymnToLifeArrick, just the same way you would do if your directory was a file, instead you just add -R03:19
|_ockeoh you mean ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn03:19
nerdygirl_ellieArrick: or cp -aR to copy all the attributes and stuff.03:19
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luke__thats it03:19
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|_ockeyeah i have it but i havent installed it03:19
arooluke__, many many many people have it03:19
nerdygirl_ellieThanks to whoever showed me the tab completion for names.03:19
IndyGunFreakluke__: anyone with common sense has it...lol03:19
luke__i ordered tht about a week ago03:19
|_ockemmm young's double chocolate stout03:19
IndyGunFreaknerdygirl_ellie: yeah, its rough typing out all those names03:19
luke__i just learnt about gpart so before then i couldent portion my hdd to suport linux03:20
|_ockeluke__, you ordered the cds from ubuntu.com?03:20
kitcheluke__: gpart or gparted?03:20
luke__iv got about 10gig for lunix and 512mb swap seeing as i have 1gb of real ram03:20
|_ockedont have fast internet?03:20
=== xander [n=xander@ip24-251-133-181.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
|_ockelunix :)03:20
luke__i got adsl 1500kbps but i dont wanna go over downloads03:20
luke__only got 5gig a month03:20
|_ockeluke__, understandable03:20
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=== kitche really wishes developers stop making names so close to each other like git and git
aroolunix lol03:20
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xanderI've googled and looked for help, but how do I endable the latest iwlwifi driver for the intel 3945ABG under the lastest version of Fesity?03:21
luke__in 6.06LTS how do i get bluetooth working?03:21
IndyGunFreakluke__: first, upgrade to feisty03:21
IndyGunFreakthen !bluetooth03:21
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup03:21
luke__lol that will come in about 3 weeks03:21
|_ockei have 2mbps up and dwon unlimited access, but right now the trees grew leaves directly in my antenna line of sight03:21
nerdygirl_ellieHOWTO: Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse - Ubuntu Forums...03:21
IndyGunFreak3 weeks?.. why03:21
|_ockeso i have like 50% packet loss03:22
SeriousStorm85Hi, I am having a problem using my external tv card (Wintv-USB) on Ubuntu, Tv time can detect my external tv card but cannot detect that I am using the Composite03:22
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|_ockemaking using the web impossible03:22
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luke__i ordered it off shipit03:22
xanderanyone? intel 3945ABG and iwlwifi driver?03:22
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luke__im in australia they say 3-6 weeks03:22
xandermac80211 subsystem?03:22
arooluke__: you're easily excitable aren't you03:22
IndyGunFreakluke__: oh thats right, the laptop03:22
luke__???? easily excuteable?03:22
luke__and what laptop03:22
IndyGunFreakluke__: well how do you know it has Feisty on the new laptop?\03:22
luke__what new laptop?03:23
IndyGunFreakluke__: didn't you order a new laptop or something, maybe i'm confusing you with someone else.03:23
luke__yeah yur confusing me wif somone else03:23
inverselimitHi, anyone know if there is a workaround for the shutdown-not-working problem in Feisty (e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/71040)?  Thanks if you have any clues for me.  I am fully updated, running 2.6.20-16-generic kernel on xeon hardware.03:23
underbearI once had 6x6 wifi .. I fought with those jerks.  they kept saying my bandwith usage exceeded user agreements.  and I kept telling them. you're charging me business rates.  the bandwith is supposed to be unlimited03:23
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.03:23
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spasticteapotAs a side note....anyone who wants Linux + Laptop, go buy a Thinkpad.03:23
underbearthey'd freaking cap me.  or disconnect my service03:23
spasticteapotWorth every penny.03:23
bruenigspasticteapot, thinkpads are ugly03:24
luke__ubotu? whos that03:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about whos that - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:24
xanderiwlfifi driver, intel 3945ABG hardware03:24
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luke__who is ubotu03:24
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:24
xanderits a bot03:24
underbearI hate the thinkpad nub button03:24
bruenigI couldn't find any of the new thinkpads with ipw3945 either03:24
snowmandamnit.  why must samba be such a pain?03:24
|_ockeor anything that isnt 100% lossless03:24
xanderbruenig: i have a new t60 with the ipw394503:24
bruenigwell on their website...03:25
luke__damn clam av dident install03:25
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luke__man i hate tht03:25
spasticteapotbruenig:So? They're functional.03:25
nerdygirl_elliesnowman: what issue are you having?  I've got a half-dozen samba boxes out.03:25
bruenigor maybe it was ati, I forget, it was wireless or ati03:25
kitcheluke__: are you sure it didn't?03:25
xanderi think they have ati too03:25
IndyGunFreakluke__: how do you kno w it didn't install?03:25
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spasticteapotunderbear: As I recall, all but the X60 also have a trackpad.03:25
brueniganyway, I went with good ole hp, linux friendly03:25
xanderbut i opted for the linux-friendly intel GMA03:25
underbeari love my hp 17in laptop.  just hate the fact that I bought it before realizing there was an option with a higher rez screen03:25
luke__it tells me error error error03:25
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xanderbut seriously, does anyone here know anything about the iwlwifi driver and mac80211 subsystem? specifically how to get it working on an ipw3945 under the lastest feisty?03:26
luke__o well it dont matter when i get festy fawn ill have everything03:26
=== ticky [n=joedoe@host169.190-30-135.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
snowmannerdygirl_ellie, I can see the samba box in Network neighbourhood from the xp box, but can't connect to it.03:26
luke__stupid thinkpads have a nuvin03:26
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snowmanit asks for a user/pass and I give it that, but it just keeps asking.  I've set password via 'smbpasswd -a snowman', but no luck.03:26
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underbearmy laptop has a full size keyboard and 10key03:26
nerdygirl_elliesnowman: what happens when you try to open it from XP...  hmm.03:27
SeriousStorm85Hi, I am having a problem using my external tv card (Wintv-USB) on Ubuntu, Tv time can detect my external tv card but cannot detect that I am using the Composite03:27
bruenigunderbear, and weighs 10 lbs03:27
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ubunt1IT WORKS.03:27
underbearbruenig:  thats ok.  im 21003:27
snowmannerdygirl_ellie, just a loop of user/password requests.03:27
ubunt1i receive e-mails03:27
nerdygirl_elliesnowman: anything in the samba log on the server?03:28
underbeari got a lotta  muscle to haul it03:28
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snowmannerdygirl_ellie, not that I can see, no.03:28
bruenig17 seems a bit much to me for a laptop at least, I stuck with 15.403:28
=== Puppy_ [n=Kipper@oh-65-40-75-33.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
snowmanlooked in log.machinename and log.smbd, as well as log.nmbd03:28
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nerdygirl_ellieA lot of games don't like widescreen laptops.03:28
underbearhell .. when I was a gamer I hauled 2 21 in crt to lan partys 2x a week03:28
underbearand a full tower03:28
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bruenigwell for a gamer I suppose03:28
nerdygirl_ellieI'm getting ready to submit a patch for open arena03:29
Puppy_What is the best Linux distribution for REALLY old computers?03:29
IndyGunFreakunderbear: lol, so did you seek out a support group to stop that?03:29
luke__ship it03:29
=== Converso [n=julio@138.pool85-61-9.dynamic.orange.es] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
andrewbrysonhiyas everyone03:29
snowmanPuppy_, define really old.03:29
nerdygirl_elliePuppy_: how old?  486?03:29
bruenigPuppy_, arch03:29
=== ori [n=ori@S0106001a7058772c.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenignot arch03:29
underbeard; indyGunFreak no to find out why ubuntu wont boot from hd03:29
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underbearI hardly even open solitaire nowadays03:29
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underbearbills suck03:30
Puppy_I am not sure... It is pretty old... I am looking at installing linux in the future. not right now.03:30
=== tarnold [n=tarnold@ip70-174-174-217.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
underbearinstall now while its still supported03:30
tarnoldhey all03:31
luke__??? 6.06 lts is suported till 2009 and festy is only suported till 2008...03:31
nerdygirl_elliePuppy_: If I were me, I would look at the current or previous LTS version of xubuntu.03:31
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|_ockeluke__, LTS == long term support03:31
snowmanluke__, LTS means "long term support"03:31
tarnoldif i have a cd with .m4a how can i rip it to my HD? i want to put it on my ipod03:31
Puppy_nerdygirl_ellie: ok I will may look into that. Thanks!03:31
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luke__i aint downloading 700mb i stick with cds03:32
nerdygirl_elliePuppy_: THere are some people that would say Gentoo.  I am not one of them.03:32
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|_ockeit is considered one of the stable releases and they've developed loads of documentation and such for it03:32
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gavin_has anyone gotten audacity to record properly in feisty?03:32
erpotarnold: If you have a CD with .m4a files on it, you can just copy those files to your hard drive. They will play on your ipod unchanged.03:32
Puppy_nerdygirl_ellie: just out of curiosity why?03:32
tarnolderpo: how can i load em on my ipod?03:33
|_ockePuppy_, you could try DSL, Knoppix, older slackware and such03:33
|_ockei heard sabayon might be good too03:33
bruenigor puppy03:33
bruenigsabayon is not for old stuff03:33
|_ockeyeah of puppy :)03:33
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snowmanknoppix isn't that lightweight anymore.03:33
|_ockebruenig, wasnt sure03:33
nerdygirl_elliePuppy_: Good: Runs well and a lot of control over packages  Bad:  Installing and testing is not for newbies.03:33
snowmanit bogs down older computers badly, it's only selling point imho is that it's a liveCD03:33
|_ockei heard good things about MEPIS03:33
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erpotarnold: Install the gtkpod-aac package.03:33
bruenigsabayon is the official distro of beryl if that tips you off03:34
kkathmanI think probably this discussion needs to go to offtopic tho guys03:34
Puppy_nerdygirl_ellie: ok thanks!03:34
|_ockeoh i didnt know that03:34
Puppy_l_ocke: ok thanks03:34
tarnoldok thanks03:34
|_ockei should try it now that i have a pretty sweet machine to run it on03:34
gavin_So audacity doesn't work at all on feisty?!? Has no one gotten it working properly to record audio?03:34
luke__which linux is the best? (e.g fedora, ubuntu ect)03:34
UbersmushHi, I want to install ubuntu but reckon I should ask some questions first03:34
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bruenigluke__, arch03:34
nerdygirl_elliesnowman: I agree, it chews on the CD-rom a lot.03:34
kitche!best | luke__03:35
SeriousStorm85Does anyone know how to bring back the Title frame when Beryl is being used?03:35
ubotuluke__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.03:35
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about best? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:35
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ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.03:35
nerdygirl_ellieluke__: Ubuntu! is my favorite because of the people here.  There really is no best.03:35
UbersmushIf I install it with the ubuntu live cd will it delete my windows partition first?03:35
MacDrunkso i try to mount samba but i couldnt any ideas?03:35
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Dr_willisMacDrunk,  samba is rather complex. there can be a lot of reasons why things dont work.03:36
spasticteapotluke__: That's like asking "What's the best tool."03:36
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spasticteapotluke__: A soldering iron is pretty useless for replacing lug-nuts.03:36
SeriousStorm85Does anyone here use Beryl?03:36
MacDrunkwell yea man but i follow every struction i have read03:36
=== gavin_ is angry because no one is answering him.
cavalierprimeuber it won't delete your windows unless you tell it to03:36
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MacDrunkany ideas for a graphical instalation03:36
luke__OK OK I GET THE POINT03:36
UbersmushSo I can install it and all my files will stay?03:36
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cavalierprimeyes, it will just make another partition for ubuntu03:37
gavin_SeriousStorm85: I use beryl03:37
UbersmushAnd I'll be able to choose what OS to use on startup?03:37
KEEVgavin_, beryl owns ;)03:37
|_ockeSeriousStorm85, ive used it03:37
luke__i might just delete my linux portion till festy fawn comes03:37
|_ockenot recently though03:37
nerdygirl_ellie<< is checking to see if his audacity works.03:37
|_ockethough i really want to now03:37
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luke__how do i get limewire to work on linux?03:37
KEEVgavin_, what type of dock do you use? kiba?03:37
SeriousStorm85gavin_: do u know how to enable the title frame when beryl is enabled (Minmize/maxmize buttons)03:37
|_ockeluke__, you dont03:37
luke__i dont? y?03:37
Hirvinenluke__: Till Feisty Fawn comes? It's been out for almost two months.03:37
|_ockethere is frostwire if you insist on that thing03:38
|_ockebut amule is better03:38
kraypiusI cant figure out what I need to do. Im trying to compile git and I keep getting:03:38
kraypius    CC convert-objects.o03:38
kraypiusIn file included from convert-objects.c:1:03:38
kraypiuscache.h:6:21: error: openssl/sha.h: No such file or directory03:38
kraypiusmake: *** [convert-objects.o]  Error 103:38
gavin_SeriousStorm85: what do you mean? It's there already (or it should)03:38
|_ockeand theres otehrs that arent so resource hungry03:38
luke__... i ordered it!!! so im waiting till it comes03:38
KEEVSeriousStorm85, iwhat type of vid card do you have?03:38
spasticteapotSeriousStorm85: Everyone here but me, it seems.03:38
HirvinenOh, the cds...03:38
SeriousStorm85Nvidia geoforce 520003:38
gavin_KEEV: I use Avant-window-navigator03:38
kitchekraypius: did you install build-essential? it might need openssl-dev also03:38
nerdygirl_elliekraypius: install the openssl-devel package.03:38
=== tarnold [n=tarnold@ip70-174-174-217.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
KEEVgavin_, ok so install nvidia-glx03:39
tarnoldok ive installed the gtkpod-aac, what else do i do?03:39
KEEVgoto System > Admin > Synaptic package manager03:39
KEEVsearch for nvidia03:39
IndyGunFreakluke__: you can get Limewire from LImewire.com03:39
gavin_KEEV: i don't have a problem with beryl..... are you confusing me with someone else?03:39
KEEVinstall the glx driver03:39
IndyGunFreakI wish i could support Open source, but Limewire kills Frostwire03:39
KEEVgavin_,  oh i thought you did :(03:39
edkonhi, I was wondering if someone knows how to make the irda port work on ubuntu Feisty?03:40
SeriousStorm85keev:- i have installed da nvidia driver using Envy03:40
KEEVyou said your borders didnt work03:40
gavin_KEEV: SeriousStorm85 did03:40
SeriousStorm85will that cause a problem installin glx?03:40
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KEEVoh sorry03:40
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luke__y does dapper download very slowly?03:40
nerdygirl_ellieedkon: what are you using it for?  Just curious.03:40
IndyGunFreakluke__: because its ancient03:40
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KEEVSeriousStorm85, i forgot the command to type in teminal which adds a line to your xord.conf03:40
IndyGunFreakno seriously, it could be any number of reasons.03:41
luke__i reallllllyyyyy need festy fawn to come right about now03:41
edkonI want to transfer files to a cellphone03:41
KEEVSeriousStorm85, join #ubuntu-effects03:41
gavin_once again, people I'm asking about audacity. Is anyone using it to record things successfully?03:41
KEEVthey'll give you to commands03:41
nerdygirl_ellieedkon: neat!03:41
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cwgannonanybody know of a tutorial or help file or something that explains where stuff is in ubuntu/linux -- as in, what folder stuff is in and whatnot?03:41
nephishhello all03:41
nerdygirl_elliegavin_: He just checked mine and it locks right up.03:41
|_ockeim running an athlonXP 3000+ 512mb ram, geforce FX 5500 256mb, and sblive and via 8237 onboard, but i cant get the 8237 to not be default even though i disabled it in bios03:41
SeriousStorm85Keev:- u mean gksudo gedit xxxxxxxxxxx03:41
nerdygirl_elliecwgannon: configs are usuallyy in /etc... are you looking for something in particular?03:42
gavin_nerdygirl_ellie: it doesn't work for you either?03:42
KEEVbut there is a command03:42
kitchecwgannon: you can read the FHS doc to learn how everything is layed out and do some more research after that03:42
KEEVthat adds it for u03:42
KEEVi'm looking for u03:42
{BFG}i know what you are talking aobut keev03:42
{BFG}one sec03:42
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nerdygirl_elliegavin_: Nope.  It locks up.03:42
cwgannonno, i'm just trying to get a hang of where stuff is, so i know where to look03:42
nephishcwgannon_: this one helped me http://blog.lxpages.com/ultimate_linux.html03:42
edkonso what kind of tools can i use? is there a specific process to follow to make the irda port work?03:42
cwgannonnephish, et al: thank you03:42
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SeriousStorm85keev:- thanks i will join ubuntu-effects03:43
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gavin_nerdygirl_ellie: It's so annoying how audio and video software for linux is horrrrrrrible... it never seems to work. Why is that?! Some day i'm going to learn how to code so i can fix that...03:43
nerdygirl_elliegavin_: good idea!03:43
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kitchegavin_: works here perfectly of course I don't run linux03:44
jmitchjhey guys, has anyone come across having wireless quit working after 2.6.16-20 upgrade?03:44
nerdygirl_elliegavin_: I put some patches in evolution.  It's not that hard to learn.03:44
gavin_nerdygirl_ellie: do you have a realtek or nvidia card for your sound?03:44
kraypiusyay i compiled something without using packages!03:44
imac1hello, lets say that my media folder has an impossible date of "1904" for its creation date, could that cause errors with mounting things such as the cd drive?03:44
=== hatredx [n=odium@c-68-42-210-194.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kraypiusexcept now the program is in some weird directory i compiled in and no command alias for the bin!03:44
hatredxHi, I would like to ask a question with out using google or trying my self... is that ok? =p03:44
gavin_kitche: yeah, win/mac audacity is much better than linux audacity03:44
nerdygirl_elliekraypius: does the program have a ./configure step?03:44
underbearok.  gonna try another download again03:44
macabro23what do you mean "wireless quit" ?03:45
kraypiusnerdygirl_ellie, its git03:45
nerdygirl_ellieNever compiled it.03:45
{BFG}sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals03:45
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{BFG}if you have an nvidia card you can use the sudo nvidia-xconfig03:45
nerdygirl_ellieThen you can sudo updatedb && locate git | grep bin03:45
kitchegavin_: I don't use windows or a mac I use FreeBSD but audiacity always worked for me even on Linux before I dropped Linux03:46
jmitchjwireless connects in 16-15 but not in 16-2003:46
nerdygirl_ellieand ln -s (where it is) /usr/bin/03:46
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KEEVBFG ty03:46
kitchekraypius: which git is this by chance git-core or the gnu tools03:46
gavin_kitche: oh, sorry (i hear freebsd people are always annoyed at not being recognized....) It's so annoying... maybe I need a different sound card...03:46
=== eX|Joe [n=joe@c-71-204-234-210.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kraypiusnerdygirl, i know where it is, i just dont like where it is and i cant run the git command from anywhere now03:46
kraypiuskitche, git-core03:47
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kraypiuskitche, or both03:47
eX|Joehey guys, does anyone use ktorrent's rss feature?  and if so, can you please give me some examples on how the "test" field works?03:47
nerdygirl_elliekraypius: why didn't you use it out of apt?03:47
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kraypiusnerdygirl, version in repo is way out of date03:48
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kitchekraypius: your probably compiling git-core it's in the ubuntu repos03:48
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kraypiusnerdygirl, i needed 1.5.2, the repos have like 1.303:49
gavin_has anyone ever heard of a replacement for audacity?03:49
gavin_that actually records?03:49
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nerdygirl_elliegavin_: I think it's something upstream of audacity, 'cause sound recorder does it too.03:50
kitchekraypius: ah git-1.5.2 is latest I haven't used git in a while so I didn't see what was new03:50
IndyGunFreakoh well, go figure.03:50
gavin_nerdygirl_ellie: what audio card do you use03:50
{BFG}ardour is a great editor03:50
laser2how name usb in /dev ?03:50
{BFG}with almost as many features as protools03:50
omegacentiwhats the best CLI web broswer to date? I use links2.03:50
kraypiusoops last message meant for u not nerdygirl03:50
{BFG}its kinda of a pain to setup though03:50
KEEVmay i PM pls03:51
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laser2wat's name usb in /dev?03:51
kitchekraypius: I used to use git myself when I worked on Source Mage but that was during last summer so I haven't really looked at it in a while :)03:51
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kitchelaser2: sdx usually03:51
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snowmanok, so even with swat, I don't get a working smb install03:51
gavin_i'm restarting to see if that makes audacity work again03:52
gavin_bye guys03:52
nerdygirl_elliegavin_: Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family)03:52
nephishare there any cli web browsers that use vim commands to navigate?03:52
gavin_nerdygirl_ellie: hmm... well it's not just one card then03:52
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nephishalso, what is the best cli irc client ?03:52
gavin_nerdygirl_ellie: because i have either nvidia or realtek03:52
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.03:52
kitchenephish: umm no since vim is not an OS :)03:52
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nerdygirl_ellieand gaim.03:52
macderrr, nephish lots of people like irssi03:52
kitchenerdygirl_ellie: well considering there is only about 4 cli irc clients03:53
laser2How know what's port is plugged my pen bluetooth, what's command?03:53
nephishwill check out irssi, thanks, doing more without a gui lately, but cant be outta here.03:53
=== ajmorris_ [n=l337h4x0@220-253-17-109.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
{BFG}KEEV you were going to PM me something?03:53
KEEVI did03:53
KEEV<KEEV> whats this about pro tools?03:53
KEEV<KEEV> I have it!! can i set it up on nix?03:53
KEEV<KEEV> i have the mbox2 mini03:53
|_ockenephish, many people say irssi is the est CLI irc client03:54
imac1hello, lets say that my media folder has an impossible date of "1904" for its creation date, could that cause errors with mounting things such as the cd drive?03:54
kitchelaser2: dmesg03:54
{BFG}no protools for nix =[03:54
Dr_willisimac1,  id doubt it. Change the date with the 'touch' command if you want03:54
KEEVhow about kingpin?03:54
{BFG}just for os x or xp/vista03:54
{BFG}i g2g03:54
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imac1Dr_willis: thx03:55
macdimac1, dates only cause problems if theyre too far in the future03:55
omegacentiwhats the best CLI web broswer to date? I use links2.03:55
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imac1macd: hmm.....ok, thx03:55
kitcheomegacenti: depends there is really only two that I know of links and lynx03:55
omegacentikitche: Which do you use?03:56
omegacentinerdygirl_ellie: do you like it?03:56
kitchenerdygirl_ellie: yeah there is elinks to forgot that one :)03:56
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kraypiuskitche, im starting to think my compile didnt go so well actually03:56
nerdygirl_ellieomegacenti: I only use it when I need it, i.e. I broke the gui or I'm on a server.  for that it works skippily.03:56
omegacentinerdygirl_ellie: Thanks :) aptting it now ^_^03:56
omegacenti!thanks | nerdygirl_ellie03:57
ubotunerdygirl_ellie: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)03:57
omegacentilol nm03:57
kkathmanhow do you control the size of the icons on the desktop???03:57
omegacentithey should do counts for thanks / person03:57
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erpokkathman: Right click on one of them, select resize, and drag it until it's the right size.03:58
kkathmanahh kewl ...didnt know that :)03:58
kkathmanthanks erpo03:58
nerdygirl_ellieerpo: is there a way to do that for them all automagically?03:58
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kraypiuswtf http://pastebin.ca/55422903:58
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ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:59
deebusanyone know how I can convert ogg to mp3?03:59
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kkathmanerpo  can you change the icon grid size on the desktop??03:59
nephishdeebus, quick and dirty you can use audacity03:59
Alanis there any way to switch of the "you need to restart" style nags?03:59
deebusnephish:  audacity can do it?04:00
erpokkathman: You mean, how far apart the icons are when you "clean up by name"?04:00
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kkathmanerpo:  yes04:00
kitchekraypius: why do you think that( I was busy in the ##slackware channel and watching my make buildworld compile04:00
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kkathmanerpo:  seems that the farthest left I can put an icon is pretty far into the screen for me04:00
erponerdygirl_ellie: Yes. You need to go to the "File Management Preferences" applet and you can set the default icon zoom level. This sets the icon zoom for all folders, though, not just for the desktop.04:00
nerdygirl_ellieAlan: restart? :D  You can kill the update-notifier process too.04:01
imac1if I have made a change to fstab, how do I apply it without rebooting?04:01
kraypiuskitche, nm it works now04:01
erpokkathman: Yes, I have a lot of gripes about the nautilus's treatment of icons, and that's one of them. You can, however, disable the grid.04:01
nerdygirl_ellieimac1: what kind of change, add a partition, change options?04:01
kitcheimac1: mount -a04:01
kkathmanyeah I saw that on the left click on the desktop04:01
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erpokkathman: You mean right click?04:02
kkathmanoops yes...right click hehe04:02
imac1nerdgirl_ellie: change of options from noauto to auto for a mount operation for my cd drive04:02
nerdygirl_ellieThis whole using a mouse in linux thing seems wrong.04:02
nerdygirl_elliemount -a. :D04:02
imac1kitche: mount -a will apply all fstab changes?04:02
Alannerdygirl_ellie, hmm, ok then :)04:03
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kitcheimac1: yeah04:03
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imac1kitche, nerdygirl_ellie: I get the following error when I try "mount -a"   "mount: No medium found"04:04
atlantisIs anyone naked tonight ?04:04
kitcheimac1: you using sudo with it?04:04
imac1kitche: yep04:04
atlantisWhy not....04:04
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ShintoBecause Im trying out ubuntu?04:04
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josedawgis there a utorrent-like client available for ubuntu?04:04
atlantisSomeone send me some big-boob-pics04:04
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atlantisyah dumbass its call TORRENT04:05
Shintoi think is installed by default04:05
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IndyGunFreakatlantis: relax, there's plenty of rooms for your type of chat04:05
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nerdygirl_ellieModerator, atlantis needs a swift kick in the IRC.04:05
nephishdeebus, yes, you have to have lame installed also, but you load the sound file in one format and export it as another.04:05
KEEVjosedawg sudo apt-get install azureus04:06
atlantisI'm always relaxed bitch04:06
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IndyGunFreakazureus isn't all that great.04:06
josedawgazureus huh? was never a big fan of that resource hog on windows04:06
ShintoIts not bad04:06
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:06
josedawgis it better for linux?04:06
IndyGunFreakktorrent rocks.04:06
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Shintojosedawg: I think you mean Java runtime?04:06
erpojosedawg: No.04:06
imac1kitche, nerdygirl_ellie: any ideas as to why my "mount -a" failed?04:07
erpojosedawg: The answer is just no. In fact, it's worse.04:07
nerdygirl_ellieimac1: nope.04:07
EADGRTorrent ftw... nice light wirght client.04:07
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ShintoI used uTorrent on windows04:07
nerdygirl_ellieyou could mount -o remount,auto /dev/.... it04:07
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EADG... weight I should have said.04:07
Shintowas impressed with that04:07
nerdygirl_ellie(sudo of course.)04:07
imac1nerdrygirl_ellie: would rebooting accomplish the task too?04:07
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nerdygirl_ellieif you want to take the easy way out!04:07
josedawgyeah, i liked utorrent on windows. azureus was a huge resource hog with multiple torrents open so i stopped using it.04:07
erpofwiw, rtorrent is a text-only client.04:08
josedawgok, i'll check out ktorrent04:08
Shintoheh, anyone brave enough to walk a noob through installing ATI drivers?04:08
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dinklewhat is the best program to use for backing up dvds04:08
Shintodinkle, cc04:08
nerdygirl_ellieSlay dragon: yes.  Ati Drivers: no.04:08
erpoShinto: Do you mean dd?04:08
noiesmodinkle, k9copy04:08
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KEEVShinto, just Dl the driver! it's a self installer i'm sure.04:08
imac1nerdrygirl_ellie: would rebooting accomplish the task of applying fstab changes too?04:08
erpodinkle: wine+DVD Decrypter.04:08
Shintoerpo: yes :P04:08
nerdygirl_elliedinkle: you want to shrink it to CD size, or just back it up?04:09
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:09
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dinklei appreciate it guys i'm having issues with some newer dvds copying. thinking maybe its better protected?04:09
nerdygirl_ellie<< Has used dvdshrink with limited success.04:09
kitche!ati | Shinto04:09
ubotuShinto: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:10
imac1dinkle: you can use vlc player for ripping dvd's04:10
Shintoubotu: thanks mate :)04:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks mate :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:10
QuallAnyone able to help with Dial Up access in Ubuntu?04:10
imac1Quall: you may have to look into "linuxant" drivers04:10
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NaisenuI installed the Kubuntu & Xubuntu metapackages. Going back to Gnome, I think the KDM is being loaded and used instead of GDM. Lots of k-prefixed processes in "top" - how do I switch it back to GDM?04:11
cwgannonwhat's the ubuntu equivalent of ctrl+alt+delete?04:11
Quallimac1: linuxant drivers? What are they?04:11
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kitcheNaisenu: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm04:11
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imac1Quall: if I remember correctly, dial-up modem drivers don't usually work in linux, linuxant develops drivers, but you have to pay :(04:11
nerdygirl_elliecwgannon: ctrl-alt-backspace restarts x windows04:11
erpocwgannon: There is no equivalent, sadly.04:11
kitcheNaisenu: also there is some kernel processes that have k in the name :)04:11
QuallGah shizer04:11
KEEV!ubuntu paste04:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu paste - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:11
erpocwgannon: Look into the magic sysrq key combos.04:12
cwgannonwhat's the command to see the running apps and processes?04:12
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:12
erpocwgannon: ps aux04:12
Naisenu... would this also be what's causing my User Switcher not to be working?04:12
erpocwgannon: gnome-system-monitor04:12
kitchecwgannon: there is couple myself I use top04:12
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nerdygirl_elliecwgannon: if you have something hung, you can ctrl-alt-(f1,f2...) to go to a command line and run top or us ps auxwww04:12
cwgannonawesome, thank you04:13
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NaisenuI ran the command line given by Kitche, going to restart X ...04:13
cwgannonis there a command to bring up the terminal?04:14
standfirehey can anyone help me get wine running? i am new to linux04:14
Ahadielstandfire: sudo apt-get install wine04:14
erpocwgannon: Ubuntu menu -> Accessories -> Terminal04:14
KEEVcrossover > wine04:14
mrsn0cwgannon alt+f2 > type gnome-terminal04:14
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SeriousStorm85crld:- u there04:14
QuallUbuntu identifies my modem in hardware, it is a winmodem (?). But I dont know how to set it up properly...04:14
standfirei installed the packet, but i can't find it anywhere in my root folder04:14
omegacentiIs this still true? There are several special keys interpreted directly by the LINUX console or text mode interface. The Ctrl-Alt-Del combination initiates a complete shutdown and hardware reboot, which is the preferred method of restarting LINUX.04:14
SeriousStorm85crdlb:- u there04:15
kraypiusneed some help.. trying to compile this thing and i dont understand the errors: http://pastebin.ca/55424104:15
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KEEVpaste you terminal here04:15
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:15
nerdygirl_ellieomegacenti: in text mode, yes.... or shutdown now -r04:15
KEEV http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:15
SeriousStorm85i have pasted it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24928/04:15
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KEEVpaste it here04:15
crdlbSeriousStorm85, #ubuntu-effects04:15
imac1standfire: to view the hidden files in gnome, just click view, show hidden files, and then open the folder ".WINE" to see wine's folder04:15
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erpoomegacenti: Yes, the key being they are interpreted by the text mode interface.04:15
omegacentinerdygirl_ellie: so if I were to hit that in a terminal in gnome.. it would shutdown my computer?04:15
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omegacentierpo: so I would have to be in something like tty104:16
nerdygirl_ellieomegacenti: terminal != text mode interface.04:16
erpoomegacenti: No. The text mode interface is what you get when you hit ctrl+alt+F104:16
erpoomegacenti: If you try it, hit alt+F7 to come back to the GUi.04:16
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omegacentinerdygirl_ellie: what is the correct name of something ,ike what is at ctrl alt f1?04:16
GrueTamera tty04:16
standfirewow... thanks imacl...04:16
standfirei appreciate the help04:17
omegacentiso tty1 is ctrl alt fq04:17
omegacentiso tty1 is ctrl alt f104:17
imac1nerdygirl_ellie: mount -o remount,auto /dev/ didn't work, so, would rebooting apply all fstab changes?04:17
GrueTameromegacenti: yes04:17
cwgannonsay i'm in the terminal and i run gnome-system-monitor -- how can i run another command in the terminal without having to close the system monitor?04:17
GrueTamertty2 is ctrl alt f204:17
nerdygirl_ellieimac1: yes04:17
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omegacentiGrueTamer: k :) interesting name btw.04:17
GrueTamerbut if youre in the tty's, just alt f<whatever> will go to the other tty's04:17
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NaisenuHeh - X restarted... how do I tell which display manager it's using?04:17
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GrueTameromegacenti: danke04:17
imac1nerdygirl_ellie: ok thx a bunch :)04:17
nerdygirl_elliecwgannon: put an & on the end of the command to background it.04:17
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NaisenuStill, I have no User Switcher04:17
kraypiusoh i think i know whats going on. how do I install my kernel's source?04:17
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nerdygirl_elliecwgannon: Or... press ctrl-z and then bg to background it after it is running.04:18
GrueTamerkraypius: uh...make install or something after the menuconfig process04:18
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GrueTameri havent done that in awhile, hard to remember exactly04:18
cretepis there anyone here who knows about weird video problems w gnome on thinkpads?04:18
kraypiusgruetamer, you are speaking of what i am trying to accomplish with the wifi?04:18
omegacentiIs it ctrl pgeup and pgdn that scrolls terminal or tty or is it shift pgup and dn?04:19
kraypiusi have a feeling im about 2 steps away from breaking everything04:19
GrueTamerkraypius: you talked about installing kernels source04:19
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kraypiusgruetamer, apt cant do it?04:19
GrueTamermight be able to04:19
kraypiusgruetamer, i just need the source files04:20
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GrueTameri thought you wanted to compile a custom kernel04:20
cretepok, will try ano day04:20
GrueTameruh, it might be sudo aptitude install linux-generic or something04:20
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jscinozhey guys, kind of off topic but i'm reapplying thermal paste to my lappy's CPU and i noticed this other thing that used to have thermal paste, its about 1inch square and has four large chips on it, what is this the GPU?04:20
nerdygirl_elliekraypius:  apt can do source files ... apt source package..04:20
Kaitlyn2004Anyone able to help me? I installed Ubunut, and after it prompted to restart + eject cd.. now it boots up SUPER (SUPER) slow and I can't get past the login screen04:20
anandanbuHow do i change the default GRUB image in ubuntu 7.0404:20
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nerdygirl_elliekraypius: if you just need to build a kernel module, you only need kernel-headers04:21
jscinozKaitlin, can you boot it again and press control alt F1 as soon as you see the boot splash04:21
jscinoztell me any errors you see04:21
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Kaitlyn2004Press taht as soon as I see the Ubuntu with the orange loading bar?04:21
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omegacentiWhat is control + D?04:22
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dragonmcI just wanna say you guys are doing a great job.  I can't believe how friendly the ubuntu community, and in particular this channel, is.04:22
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omegacentidragonmc: I agree :)04:22
nerdygirl_ellieomegacenti: End of File.  it will close a terminal session if you have one open.04:22
Kaitlyn2004no resume image, doing normal boot04:22
kraypiusnerdygirl, i think im trying to make a kernel patch04:22
Kaitlyn2004starting a bunc  of stuff... ok...04:22
omegacentinerdygirl_ellie: good way to end a cat command to right?04:23
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Kaitlyn2004taking a kibg rtune ib tge avagu daemon04:23
nerdygirl_ellieomegacenti: only way that I know. :D04:23
Kaitlyn2004that failed04:23
kraypiusnerdygirl, im following these instructions: http://tinyshell.be/aircrackng/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=cbec3188d8688bcd6f830108d5c87e8a&topic=1387.004:23
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Kaitlyn2004the avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon04:23
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:23
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Kaitlyn2004timeout reached while waiting for return value04:23
jscinozHey, whats the offtopic/general channel?04:23
omegacentinerdygirl_ellie: Thanks for being nerdy :)04:23
kraypiusnerdygirl, im at this part:04:23
kraypius% cd mac8021104:23
kraypius% make patch_kernel04:23
Kaitlyn2004jscinoz: that's all that failed04:24
jscinozNever heard that on before04:24
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jscinozwhat are the specs of this machine?04:24
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amicrawlerhow to install deb files04:24
Kaitlyn20042.66 Ghz... 768mb RDRAM04:24
nerdygirl_elliekraypius: neat!....  Yes, you need the kernel-headers package, not the whole kernel source.04:24
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jscinozwhat graphics card?04:24
mrsn0<<dragonmc>> I just wanna say you guys are doing a great job.  I can't believe how friendly the ubuntu community, and in particular this channel, is. <-- makes helping just that bit easier :-)04:24
Kaitlyn2004jscinoz: I am not 100% sure...04:25
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jscinoznvidia or ATI?04:25
anandanbuDoes anybody know how to change the default GRUB splash image in Ubuntu 7.0404:25
jscinozor mobo onboard04:25
nerdygirl_ellieamicrawler: dpkg -i yadayada.deb04:25
Kaitlyn2004i think its onboard04:25
Kaitlyn2004a dell04:25
jscinozwhen did you get it? recently or a while ago04:25
nerdygirl_ellieKaitlyn2004: lspci will tell you what video card you have.04:25
Kaitlyn2004nope its not onboard04:25
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omegacentianandanbu: if you find out I would like to know too. I don't like a plain black background.04:26
Kaitlyn2004nerdygirl_ellie: how do I get to where I can run lspci?04:26
kraypiuscool, found headers04:26
jscinozterminal or console04:26
Kaitlyn2004jscinoz: its fairly old04:26
jscinozsince yu cant log on use console04:26
Kaitlyn2004its NOT onboard... but...04:26
imac1okay...I'm having a strange errror now, with my cd drive,would someone be willing to look at my fstab entry from my cd drive and see what could be wrong?04:26
jscinozctrl alt f1, then type lspci04:26
jscinozsorry, lspci|less04:26
jscinozthat way you can scroll04:26
nerdygirl_ellieKaitlyn2004: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal ... then run lspci04:26
jscinozKaitlyn cant get past the logon screen04:26
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anandanbuok omegacenti i would let you know04:26
omegacentithanks anandanbu04:27
kraypiusnerdygirl, im getting: Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/source/04:27
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Kaitlyn2004when I do lspci|less I get login incorrect04:27
jscinozyou have to login first :P04:27
kraypiuswhen i do make patch_kernel04:27
jscinozuse the usename and and password you made when you installed it04:27
Kaitlyn2004I should also point out that even in this console window, it lags my input..04:27
andrewbrysonwell spotted jscinoz :P04:27
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hikenbootgreetings all --- on my ubuntu system I am trying to fdisk a flash drive I am getting the following error Re-reading the partion table failed with error 16 device or resource busy..any ideas how i find what is locking it?04:28
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Kaitlyn2004oh boy04:28
Kaitlyn2004a long lis lol04:28
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nerdygirl_elliehikenboot: Is ubuntu automounting it?  (icon on the desktop?)04:28
NaisenuHow can I get user switcher back on gnome?04:28
jscinozkaitlyn once you've logged in at console, do this command: cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature04:28
linuxorhi, Why my konqueror is too slow to scroll??04:28
Kaitlyn2004GeForce MX42004:28
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jscinozyou're compy may be overheating.04:29
Kaitlyn2004*geForce4 MX42004:29
jscinozalright let me check if there are any known issues with that card.04:29
nerdygirl_elliehikenboot: if so, right-click and go to "unmount"04:29
imac1would anyone be willing to look at my fstab entry for my cd drive to see what is wrong with it :) ?04:29
hikenbootah thanks that was stupid of me .04:29
Kaitlyn2004how do I get "out" of this to type another command?04:29
jscinozpress  q04:29
Kaitlyn2004i tried ctrl+q :)04:30
jscinozhang on a sec i need to open firefox to check that card, might overheat me :P04:30
jscinozjust q by itself04:30
kraypiusdamn i cant find anything on this error04:30
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omegacentinerdygirl_ellie: elinks is REALLY nice. thanks for the recomendation!04:31
nerdygirl_elliekraypius: go ahead and install the full kernel source.04:31
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Kaitlyn2004doing that long cat command i get no file/director04:31
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nerdygirl_ellieomegacenti: yw!04:31
excitatorySo does anyone else experience random hard freezes in feisty?  I've been exhaustively searching various forums, mailing lists, and bug reports and are finding piles of users with the very same problem.  It tends to be independent of the video card and if desktop effects are enabled or not.04:31
uberushaximusI have them once in a very short while in gutsy...04:31
jscinozalright do this, cd /proc/acpi04:31
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kraypiusnerdygirl, is that kernel-image?04:32
jscinozthen do an ls and tell me if any sound like temperature/thermal04:32
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nerdygirl_ellieexcitatory: I did when I used the nvidia binary driver and beryl  .04:32
Kaitlyn2004thermal_zone is blue04:32
Pelotonight's episode of DrWho made the rest of the season worth it04:32
Kaitlyn2004and also a video which is blue04:32
omegacentiHow do you get a background image on grub?04:32
kraypiusnerdygirl, i mean linux-image rather04:33
nerdygirl_ellieexcitatory: not at all since going to the stock nvidia from restricted and turning off desktop effects.04:33
jscinozalright do, cd thermal_zone, then do an ls again04:33
Peloomegacenti, search for grub on gnome-looks.org  some of the available images have insctructions in the discription04:33
jscinozand tell me the output04:33
Kaitlyn2004nothing in there04:33
omegacentiPelo:  Thanks :)04:33
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hikenbootnerdygirl_ellie,  there is no option to unmount it only eject it in which case fdisk is unable to open it04:34
Peloomegacenti, come back when you've screwed it up and I'll help you fix it04:34
excitatorynerdygirl_ellie: yea, im using ati, default driver and it happens with or without beryl04:34
Kaitlyn2004seems there is nothing in anyy of the directories04:34
slackmagicomegacenti: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20309304:34
omegacentiPelo: lol04:34
omegacentislackmagic: checking it out04:34
jscinozok forget that then, your compy doesnt have any thermometres.. let me just find that GPU driver for you now, i need to figure out if its legacy or new04:34
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jscinozprobably legacy but i need to make sure04:34
Kaitlyn2004haha its an old dell04:35
Kaitlyn2004go figure it wouldn't have any sensors :)04:35
=== Mets_ [n=IceChat7@cpe-24-195-124-227.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
omegacentiDo I have Uspalsh by default if I have grub?04:35
jscinozok can you run this command, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx04:35
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jscinozit'll ask for your password when you press enter04:35
SeriousStorm85Hi, I am having trouble with my external tv card (Wintv-USB) setting it up with tvtime and vlc.They are able to detect my card but not show the source which is the composite04:36
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jscinozit'll then download and install the driver i hope04:36
ZemusWhat's a single command for adding user "george" to the sudoers list, logged in as root?04:36
Peloomegacenti, usplash and grub background are seperate things04:36
hikenbootfigured it out thanks04:36
Kaitlyn2004its taking a while..04:37
slackmagicomegacenti: unless you're not comfortable to recompile your kernel, you're probably better off just changing grub's image04:37
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Kaitlyn2004.. I don't have it connected to any lan...04:37
omegacentislackmagic: thanks04:37
omegacentislackmagic: was confused as to wht it was talking about usplash in the grub section.04:37
KEEVZemus, System > Admin > Users / Groups04:37
omegacentiPelo: Thanks :)04:37
imac1would some tell me if there is anything wrong with this fstab line:  /dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,auto     0       004:37
nerdygirl_ellieZeus:  echo george    ALL=(ALL) ALL >> /etc/sudoers04:37
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omegacentiwhat if I don't have /boot/grub/splashimages. Should I mkdir?04:38
Zemusnerdygirl_ellie, thanks :)04:38
jribZemus: you can just add the user to the "sudoers" group04:38
jribZemus: you can just add the user to the "admin" group, ignore my last comment...04:38
jscinozKaitlyn alright.. that could be a problem >_<04:38
slackmagicomegacenti:  i personally wouldn't worry about any of the splashes or real eyecandy stuff as long as everything works, but then again i'm on lilo and slackware :D04:38
Zemusnerdygirl_ellie, does it need to have the odd spacing, or can it just be echo george ALL=(ALL) ALL >> /etc/sudoers04:38
Kaitlyn2004jscinoz: lemme connect one and reboot04:38
omegacentislackmagic: I like the eye candy XD04:39
Peloomegacenti,   the /splashimages/ part is not mandatory04:39
jscinozwhen you ran the livecd, did it work properly?04:39
hikenbootnever mind that didnt work nerdygirl_ellie  eject is the only option and then fdisk cant see it what am i doing wrong?04:39
slackmagicomegacenti: i can't afford to have too much eyecandy with my 5 year old system P4 1.3 ghz and 512 RDdam :P04:39
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jscinozor did you have to use failsafe graphics?04:39
omegacentiPelo: Then what do you recommend? just put the umages in /boot/grub?04:39
Kaitlyn2004it ran perfectly fine04:39
Peloomegacenti, start by getting the right kind of image from  gnome-looks.org04:39
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omegacentislackmagic: ew.04:39
omegacentiPelo: K.04:39
Kaitlyn2004it booted into ubuntu JUST FINE... which is where I clicked the "INSTALL"..04:39
Kaitlyn2004and that went fine too04:39
Kaitlyn2004and I also had tried the "alternate cd"04:40
Peloomegacenti, don'T unpack it , just put the file as is in the /boot/grub/ folder04:40
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=== slackmagic scratches his forehead "hm..might actually be already 6 years old"
omegacentiPelo: will do, would it harm to put it in a folder named spalshimages inside /boot/grub?04:40
KEEVthats a question04:40
Zemusjrib, right, but I'm not sure. It has to be a single command, like what nerdygirl said. :P04:40
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jscinozI have no idea what it is now, if the live CD worked then the installed should run fine04:40
|-David-|Hey, I'm on the live CD, and I don't have permission to write to the filesystem for my ubuntu installation, is there some command i can run in terminal to copy a file over to the filesystem?04:40
jribZemus: sudo adduser george admin04:40
Thornei installed ubuntu studio, pure sex04:40
ZemusThat's it? Wow. Easy. Thanks.04:41
Kaitlyn2004jscinoz: I redid the install too :(04:41
Kaitlyn2004should I try downloading that driver?04:41
KEEVhow can i take my old kernal out of the boot menu like what i start my pc.. i can choose between old kernal and new???04:41
ZemusAnd that puts you in the sudoers group?04:41
jscinozonly suggestion now is to connect your lan run, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx04:41
jscinozand see if that works04:41
Peloomegacenti,  no it won'T cause any arm it is just superfluous if you only have the one image, you can'T realy rotate them04:41
=== Torahteen [n=jordan@c-71-196-216-202.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kaitlyn2004oky will do that04:41
ThorneKEEV:  yes but i wouldnt if i were you04:41
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omegacentiPelo:  might have more than one. I am going to put it in spashimages then :)04:41
jribZemus: no, in the "admin" group.  The "admin" group has sudo privileges in /etc/sudoers by default04:41
snowmanHi there folks, anyone got a moment to help with apache and/or virtualhosts and/or wordpress under feisty?04:41
jscinozWhat is the max safe CPU temp on a laptop?04:41
slackmagicKEEV: you'd have to play around with     /boot/grub/menu.lst04:42
TorahteenOT: Anyone know of a freenode channel where I can ask general PC questions?04:42
Thorneabout 75 celsius i think04:42
snowmanjscinoz, depends heavily on the cpu type.04:42
=== SeriousStorm85 [n=SeriousS@cpc3-cmbg5-0-0-cust124.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
PeloTorahteen, #hardware maybe,04:42
jscinozSingle core centrino 1.8ghz04:42
snowmanjscinoz, my dell lattitude p3 1ghz is only rated up to about 5504:42
jscinozit runs at 59C idle, 79 load04:42
snowmanjscinoz, for a centrino, that's not bad.04:42
TorahteenTY Pelo :)04:42
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Thornedoes your fan run all the time?04:43
Zemusjrib, thanks :)04:43
jscinozOnly when it goes above 6504:43
jribZemus: np04:43
PeloTorahteen, knowing the actual question might help us properly direct you04:43
omegacentiPelo: so do something like this? splashimage=(hd1,1)/boot/grub/splashimages/splash.xpm?04:43
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bonemaster69has anyone here used the dell ubuntu laptop yet?04:43
jscinozis that ok?04:43
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Peloomegacenti, looks about right,  check in your menu.lst file and tell me what the (hd?,?) of your ubuntu boot listing is04:44
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omegacentiPelo: one sec.04:44
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omegacentiis that an I or and L in lst04:44
Kaitlyn2004wow my cable is SUCH a tight fit! haha04:44
bonemaster69i haven't seen any reviews for the dell ubuntu laptop yet04:44
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Peloomegacenti,   sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst   just copy paste that command04:45
omegacentiPelo: K04:45
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orihow do I downgrade from wine 0.9.38 to 0.9.37?04:45
Pelobonemaster69, it's a dell , not even ubuntu can save it04:45
omegacentiPelo: what is savedefault in grub mean?04:45
bonemaster69oh shit04:46
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SeriousStorm85Having a problem setting tvtime or vlc to use the composite of my external tv card (wintv-USB)04:46
bonemaster69so much for linux saving the world04:46
porkchop_I'm booting the ubuntu 7.04 cd on a thinkpad a20p. Couldn't get it working, playing with vga= options and acpi options. I removed the "silent" option from the kernel arguements and I can watch the boot... it stops right after squashfs module is loaded. Any guesses as to what I should try?04:46
omegacentiPelo: I have a problem where the one that is highlighted first in Grub is not the one I use to boot into the system. I have to manually push down arrow and select the kernel I want.04:46
Peloomegacenti,  means "don'T touch this line if you still want windows to boot"04:46
Thornelol Pelo04:46
omegacentiPelo: I don't have windows any more :) Its dead...04:46
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snowdonkeyHi.  I'm having trouble with a slow Xterm.  It takes about 10 seconds for prompt to come up and another 10 to shut down once I hit the X.04:47
Peloomegacenti, you can move the grub menu entry you want to boot by default to the first positon,  just make sure you move all the related lines04:47
Kaitlyn2004great I can't get back to the console lol04:47
Thornewhat gdm are you using snowdonkey04:47
omegacentiPelo: Okay, so I will move its whole entry in menu.lst before the one that is first. Got it.04:47
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snowdonkeythorne: Well actually I'm using Kubuntu but we couldn't solve it in #kubuntu.04:48
Thornehm i need to make coffee04:48
slackmagicSeriousStorm85: does tvtime start?04:48
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Peloomegacenti, do you still hve windows installed and it just can'T boot from grub ? or is your windows just borked ?04:48
Thornesnowdonkey:  i had that prob in kde also04:48
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Thornenot just ubuntu mind you04:48
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snowdonkeythorne: I see.  Were you able to fix it?04:49
Thornei think its something to do with kde in genereal04:49
Thornei installed gnome04:49
PeloThorne,  put coffee in filter,  poor boiling water in the filter make sure you have a container below the filter to received the coffee04:49
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Kaitlyn2004jscinoz: how do I know if its even downloading it?04:49
Thornety pelo :D04:49
snowdonkeythorne: lol, great.  :)04:49
SeriousStorm85slackmagic:- yes it does, it says no source.....but when it starts my tv card shows a red light indicating its been detected by da rpgram04:49
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Kaitlyn2004i ran the command.. goes to blank line, but doesn't exactly look like its downloading it...04:49
Thornewell ive always prefered gnome04:49
omegacentiPelo: My windows is destroyed. rm'ed.. deleted. Killed. Stabbed with a knife while yelling die die die.04:49
Thornejust wante to try out kde04:49
nerdygirl_ellieomegacenti: yeah!04:49
Peloomegacenti,  wow you realy wanted to get rid of it04:50
omegacentinerdygirl_ellie: Liked that eh?04:50
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bonemaster69what do you guys think is better: xterm, aterm, or rxvt?04:50
Thornekde its too much of a memory hog also04:50
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slackmagicSeriousStorm85: it's been a long time since i set up tvtime, now i just use it to watch TV ...pressing i while tvtime is runnig will switch from television, to composite1, then s-video and then composite-3 i believe..give that a try yet?04:50
Peloomegacenti, pastebin your menu.lst file when you are done so I can have a look at it04:50
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Kaitlyn2004jscinoz: ya there?04:50
nerdygirl_ellieomegacenti: I ordered this laptop from Dell with Freedos.  Windows never touched that.04:50
Thornehm anyone here run fluxbox on feisty yet?04:50
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omegacentiPelo: okay, my ubuntu default is (hd0,3)04:50
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bluefoxicyok I give up04:50
omegacentinerdygirl_ellie: nice :)04:50
superkirbyartistIs there a way that I can use an animated gif as an Ubuntu background?04:50
snowdonkeythorne: Ok, well can you suggest a stab in the dark of where I might start?  Switching to gnome won't happen.  :-/04:51
bluefoxicyI can't figure out the command to change from nvidia-glx to standard glx04:51
omegacentinerdygirl_ellie: I am a recent convert. :)04:51
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bluefoxicywithout uninstalling the nvidia GLX extension04:51
dino__HP NX6325 how to resolve problem with alsa headphone jack04:51
Peloomegacenti, then in your splashimage line you want the  (hd1,1) to be  (hd0,3)04:51
omegacentiPelo: k04:51
bluefoxicydoes anyone know?  it's apparently not update-glx or update-opengl or update-nviida04:51
slackmagicThorne: not on feisty/ubuntu..but on slack :D04:51
Thornesnowdonkey: truthfully i dont know , but i was wondering why you wont use gnome04:51
Peloomegacenti,  and ddon'T put the splashimage line at the end of the file,  put it near the top right after  the hiddenmen  line04:51
=== stormy| [n=irc@pool-72-64-127-156.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
EaglerayHi, I am looking for a CLI AACplus-v2 encoder, and have been unable to find one - can anyone point me in the right direction?04:51
Thorneyea i run flux on my slack box04:51
omegacentiPelo: where the heck should I put: splashimage=(hd0,3)/boot/grub/spalshimages/splash.xpm?04:51
Thornethats why i was wondering04:52
superkirbyartistIs there a way that I can use an animated GIF as an Ubuntu background?04:52
omegacentiPelo: lol thanks :)04:52
snowdonkeythorne: It's not as configurable as I'd like, but the latest gnome I tried was Dapper so maybe some things changed.04:52
Thornesuperkirbyartist: not htat i know of04:52
Peloomegacenti, looks good,  as long as the image is called splash.xpm04:52
nerdygirl_ellieFlux is pretty.    I am not that ambitious though.04:52
superkirbyartistThorne: Can I make the background change by itself?04:52
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SeriousStorm85slackmagic:- Other than no source , it says frames to short from USB vision (cannot open capture device /dev/video0......selecting i does nothing as well)04:52
slackmagicsnowdonkey: you mean fluxbox wasn't as configurable?04:52
Thornewell gnome seems a lot more configurable to me than kde but i guess it depends on taste though04:52
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dino__anybody have problem with ALSA - headphone jack doesn't mute speakers on HP laptops04:53
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snowdonkeyslackmagic: I haven't tried fluxbox04:53
Thornesuperkirbyartist:  you might be able to write a script for it04:53
superkirbyartistThorne, yes or no?04:53
nerdygirl_ellie16 minutes of battery left.04:53
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Thornelike macosx?04:53
slackmagicSeriousStorm85: how did you install the card's driver/modules? did you follow some people's guides that have installed it successfully by googling for it?04:53
superkirbyartistThorne, how?04:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about background - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:53
Dr_willisThorne,  youve not looked in depth at kde then. :)  Thers some  neat things one can do.04:53
Pelodino__,  I think there is a jacksense switch you need to check in  the sound dialog box04:53
ThorneDr_willis: i used it for like 4 mos04:53
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CokeManwhere are fonts stored?04:53
Dr_willisThorne,  but a lot of it is not for the 'casual user'  Koisk mode stuff and so forth.04:53
Pelosuperkirbyartist,  I think you can have random backgrounds if you use f-spot04:54
|-David-|I'm trying to write to my filesystem using the live CD, but I don't have permission...any ideas, like command lines I can run?04:54
=== slackmagic is proud of his minimalism eye-candy :D http://www.slackmagic.com/uploads//files/02272007_4441_1680x1050.png
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dino__thnx, i'll try to find it04:54
PeloCokeMan,  locate  fonts04:54
SeriousStorm85slackmagic:- yes.....i have installed it using some instructions by people sayin install usbvision etc04:54
Thornewell im just used to gnome, does what i want it to do so lol04:54
nerdygirl_ellie|-David-|: What filesystem, ntfs/fat/?04:54
Pelo|-David-|,    sudo chmod 755 /patch04:54
Thorneill post a screenie04:54
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Dr_willisThorne,  thats the Linux mantra. :) im getting where I like "matchbox" in some cases even.. and its.. really out there in ways04:54
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|-David-|Pelo: I can run that in Live CD?04:55
kraypiuscan someone please do apt-get update and tell me if any repos are down. im having apt connection issues04:55
Pelo|-David-|, yes , in the terminal04:55
superkirbyartistPolo, no offence, but f-spot reminds me of g-spot.  Is that where the name was fetched?04:55
|-David-|thanks pelo, you've been a big help =)04:55
Kaitlyn2004anyone know when i CTRL+ALT+F1 and log in, even that seems to be quite laggy?04:55
dino__can't find jacksense switch04:55
omegacentiPelo: I am having a problem, when I try and save splash.xpm to /boot/grub/splashimages/ from Firefox it looks like it went okay.. however when I ls in splashimages its not there...04:55
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Pelo|-David-|, sarcasm isn'T very kind04:56
|-David-|I wasn't being sarcastic o.O04:56
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calmin feisty, do you have to register the "unrar" package after 40 days? (the package description for unrar no longer says "This program is shareware and you must register it after 40 days of use", but the package description for "rar" still says that.)04:56
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slackmagicSeriousStorm85: i don't think it's tvtime, so it's gotta be your driver/modules or even something that is required to be loaded via kernel which isn't...04:56
Peloomegacenti, try with just synaptic04:56
soyportihello to the ubuntu tribe!04:56
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omegacentiPelo: what do you mean?04:56
Peloomegacenti,  I mean try just with nautilus04:56
omegacentiPelo: look for the file?04:56
|-David-|You've helped me like 6 times since I've started Ubuntu, lol04:56
Peloomegacenti, yes04:57
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omegacentiPelo: don't see it. Weird!04:57
superkirbyartistPelo, can you answer my simple question, please?04:57
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Pelo|-David-|,  ;-)04:57
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Thornelike if theres a k app i want to use i just use it in gnome anyway04:57
soyportionly a question if anyone knows i will be glad to hear the answer. there is support in feisty for 5.1 surround audio?04:57
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EaglerayHi, I am looking for a CLI AACplus-v2 encoder, and have been unable to find one - can anyone point me in the right direction?04:57
Peloomegacenti,  gksu nautilus ,  move your file to the proper location from there04:57
dg10050Non-Ubuntu-related: If I would like to try out a distro in order to possibly learn a bit more about the under-workings of Linux, would Gentoo be good?04:58
Pelosuperkirbyartist, yes I can04:58
|-David-|Also, best way to install an NVIDIA gfx card driver is what?04:58
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Eagleraydg10050: yes, but you may find it rather complex04:58
MultiVerso_How can I configure my Evolution client to test my postfix configuration?04:58
Pelosoyporti,  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty , I think there are instrctions in there04:58
omegacentiPelo: have any idea why I can't put splash.xpm in splashimages directly from firefox? permissions maybe?04:58
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ThorneDr_willis:  http://i11.tinypic.com/549xj5h.png04:58
dg10050David: I usually just run the Nvidia installer. It works fine for me.04:58
KEEV|-David-|,  use the Synaptic Package Manger04:58
soyportithanks Pelo04:58
Eagleraydg10050: something like debian will let you mess around under the good pretty easily, but you don't have to compile the whole thing04:58
Pelo|-David-|,  the ppl in #beryl and #ubuntu-effects can probably help you with that04:58
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Eagleraydg10050: *under the hood04:58
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SeriousStorm85slackmagic:- here is the link i used to install it....http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3492&highlight=usbvision04:59
|-David-|alright, i'll give them a visit after I'm done with the filesystem04:59
Peloomegacenti, yes permission,  just save to desktop and the run nautilus as root to move it04:59
Thornedavid i did it with apt-get04:59
dino__problem with fn+F9 and fn+F10 key on hp nx632504:59
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ThorneMultiVerso_:  what was your question05:00
PeloMultiVerso_, try looking in the forum for help05:00
EaglerayMultiVerso_: can you be more specific? What do you want to test with postfix?05:00
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SeriousStorm85slackmagic:- i followed the comment made by alpnon05:00
dg10050Eagleray: Thanks, but lets just say that I _want_ to compile everything, like as a learning experience, would Gentoo be good? Or do you recommend something else?05:00
Thornedg10050: slackware05:00
Eagleraydg10050: if you want that, then I can say from personal experience that gentoo is brilliant05:00
Thornebest det05:00
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jscinozKaitlyn2004, I'm back, did the driver install?05:01
superkirbyartist<22:58> Polo, no offence, but f-spot reminds me of g-spot.  Is that where the name was fetched?05:01
dg10050Thorne: What makes Slackware any better for me?05:01
Pelosuperkirbyartist,  what is my nick ?05:01
Thornetad more secure05:01
dg10050I'll look into it05:01
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MultiVerso_yes. I want to how to configure the Evolution client to access the account in my postfix so I can test if everything is fine... By telnet I know that's ok05:01
Thorneyou can also try the salx livecds dg1005005:02
slackmagicSeriousStorm85: when you remove the module with   rmmod usbvision    and then     modprobe usbvision   again ..any errors? any errors on dmesg?05:02
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dg10050ok, I was just looking for them :)05:02
ZambeziAnyone know how to enable allow_url_fopen and set date.timezone in my php.ini?05:02
EaglerayMultiVerso_: are you trying to test authentication? Mail relaying? Spam protection?05:02
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CokeManok, when i go to system > preferences > fonts; where is that directory at?05:02
MultiVerso_Authentication Eagleray05:02
mayzedg10050:  linux from scratch05:02
spazi have a cable modem connected to my computer with a USB cable. Will internet still work if i use ubuntu?05:02
omegacentiPelo: Here, also. if I don't need half of those other kernals, could you tell me what okay to delete and what not? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24938/05:02
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Dr_willisSlax Live cd's are Very handy to have in your PC toolbox.05:02
Thorneand theres a few diff slax livecds for diff configurations to suit your taste05:03
dg10050mayze: I lol'd. XD05:03
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PeloCokeMan,  use the terminal and type  locate fonts05:03
notwenis ther eany way to restore /etc/inittab ? it's somehow missing and i have issues installign new apps and updatin/upgrading05:03
EaglerayMultiVerso_: then just tell evolution to use your postfix server as the SMTP server, and set it to use authentication05:03
EaglerayMultiVerso_: then send an e-mail05:03
Dr_willisspaz,  if you can connect it to a router or pc with a network cable. You will have MUCH better speeds.05:03
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Peloomegacenti,  donT, delete any kernels, just leave them05:03
Thorneyea i pretty much burned all of the slax05:03
omegacentiPelo: there are a TON05:03
CokeManPelo: a list of a billion and one fonts in various random locations is not very helpful.05:03
=== superkirbyartist wonders why Pelo hasn't answered the question, despite being asked twice.
SeriousStorm85slackmagic:- no errors......if the command you gave me is correct05:03
spazDr_willis, /me has no ethernet cable :(05:03
MultiVerso_I've used this how-to to configure : http://www.howtoforge.com/virtual_postfix_mysql_quota_courier_p3   . Do I have to open my port 25 at my router?05:04
spazi'm really, really broke05:04
PeloCokeMan,  look for the most common location05:04
omegacenti!patience | superkirbyartist05:04
ubotusuperkirbyartist: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:04
slackmagicSeriousStorm85: can you pastebin your   lsmod    and   dmesg please?05:04
dg10050Thorne: Cool. Thanks.05:04
EaglerayMultiVerso_: hang on, looking at that URL05:04
CokeManPelo: it goes off the screen05:04
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Thorneport25 shouldnt be blocked on your router by default05:04
Thornevbabiy: albanys is my hometown05:04
PeloCokeMan, /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/05:04
superkirbyartist"Patience" DIDN'T get my iMac G3 to dual-boot Mac OS 9 and Ubuntu.05:04
CokeManPelo: ty05:04
Dr_willisspaz,   bummer.  it MIGHT work usb.. but every time ive heard someone try it.. they always end up using network cable. Try a Livecd as a test perhaps?05:04
vbabiyThorne: where you now05:05
vbabiyit sure is mine05:05
Thornecolumbus moved from albany bout a yr ago05:05
omegacentiPelo: hows that grub look?05:05
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IndyGunFreaksuperkirbyartist: ok, patience or paxil, take your pick05:05
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Peloomegacenti,  checking hold on05:05
vbabiyThorne: College?05:05
Thornelived on lancaster down near lark05:05
superkirbyartistBesides, the question is NOT technical.05:05
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: lmao I love your exit statement.05:05
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Thorneno college i went to school in boston05:05
vbabiyThorne: yep i know where that is05:05
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vbabiyo I see05:05
EaglerayMultiVerso_: if you're just testing the authentication, you don't need to map port 25. But if you expect your system to actually receive email for your domain, then yes - port 25 will need ot me mapped to the postfix serevr05:05
Thorneim old now05:05
aamydoes anyone have experience running beryl with more than 1 X window ?05:06
KEEVomegacenti, what is it. I must know!05:06
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vbabiywell its hard to tell on IRC05:06
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omegacentiKEEV: A comment about Quinin :)05:06
Thornetrue :D05:06
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EaglerayMultiVerso_: note also that many residential ISPs block all port 25 traffic that isn't directly from you to the ISP's mail server05:06
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Thornewell i still get carded for cigs so thats gotta be a sign05:06
vbabiyI give everyone the benefit of the doubt05:06
omegacentiKEEV: actually a quote from quintin.05:06
Montehhey guys i enabled desktop effects, and wondered what the keyboard command was to activate cube switching =o05:06
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EaglerayMultiVerso_: (as a spam-reduction measure)05:06
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EaglerayMonteh: last time I looked, was CTRL+ALT+Left/Right05:07
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: re my exit statement, that dude infuriated me yesterday05:07
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Thornearrow keys Monteh05:07
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: Same here.05:07
Peloomegacenti, your splashimage line looks ok,  for the kernel thing you can probably comment out all the ubuntu ones with kernels older then 2.6.20  leave the memtest one alone05:07
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: generally rude and condescending with a touch of arrogance.05:07
Thorneor use ctrl alt and drag mouse05:07
MultiVerso_Eagleray: I use a cable ISP that don't block my port 25 because my ISP don't provide me a mail server...05:07
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: i'd never seen him before...05:07
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omegacentiIndyGunFreak: same here.05:07
Peloomegacenti,  and if you are not usinsg any windows on that comp you can also comment out the windows one05:08
MultiVerso_BTW: sorry about my english... I'm from Brazil...05:08
VeinorCan anybody recommend some music-playing software?05:08
omegacentiPelo: only comment out eh? :)05:08
KEEVPelo sorry to bust in your convo but are you showing him how to change the slash screen when ubuntu boots?05:08
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SeriousStorm85slackmagic:- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24939/05:08
omegacentiPelo: Will do. and thanks for taking the time to look at my stuff!05:08
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harryHow do I tell my computer to start a shell script on boot and run it in the background?05:08
Thorneim from the USA so my english is horrid05:08
Peloomegacenti,  don'T remove them just in case05:08
omegacentiPelo: Easier way then putting a # on every line?05:08
alienseer23Veinor: try amarok05:09
PeloKEEV,  I am showing him how to add a background image to the grub boot screen05:09
EaglerayMultiVerso_: lucky. I had to get a special exception from my ISP to unblock my port. And your English is brilliant ;-)05:09
VeinorI have indeed heard good things about amarok.05:09
Peloomegacenti, your funeral05:09
Montehi enabled 3d nvidia drivers, and desktop features, but those key combos dont work =o05:09
Thornehahaha pelo05:09
KEEVPelo??/ huh what?05:09
omegacentiPelo: I meant is there something easier to comment out stuff by adding a # to every line05:09
alienseer23but not for 5.1 or DTS, I use VLC for that05:09
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KEEVyou can do that?05:09
omegacentiPelo: Sorry for the confusion.05:09
EaglerayMonteh: is compiz/beryl actually *running*?05:09
Thorneok i really need to make coffee05:09
KEEVPelo, likle where it shows you which OS you'd like to run??05:09
omegacentiPelo: Like a /# or something #/05:09
Thornepelo be a good man and make it for me >.<05:10
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MontehEagleray: how do i check >.>05:10
MultiVerso_Eagleray: so I have to put my machine IP in the SMTP server option when I configure the account in evolution ?05:10
PeloKEEV,  when you boot yoru computer  you get a  menu listing all the os on your computer,   that is wat you can put a back ground to05:10
Peloomegacenti,    put # is the way to do it05:10
EaglerayMultiVerso_: yes05:10
omegacentiPelo: k. :)05:10
KEEVpelo AHHH!!! show me :005:10
MultiVerso_ok. thanks a lot Eagleray. Trying right now...05:10
EaglerayMonteh: if you need to ask that, it most likely means you haven't set it to autostart.05:10
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PeloThorne,  professionnaly made coffee can be purchased from several outlet stores in your area I am sure05:11
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ThorneKEEV:  just put the # at the beginning of the line you want to not be used05:11
EaglerayMonteh: whatever howto you wree following should explain that bit05:11
ubunt1i want to install gnome on ubuntu server but only for one user that i will make05:11
PeloThorne,  wrong person05:11
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ubunt1is that possible05:11
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MontehEagleray:  i was randomly fiddling with linux, ill find out more on the beryl thing D: ty05:11
ThornePelo: i used to be a barista, i like homenade coffee now05:11
ubunt1on ubuntu server05:11
PeloKEEV,   www.gnome-look.org   search for grub   many of the images have instrucions in there05:11
Eaglerayubunt1: do you mean only one user is alowed to use it, or only one user has it as default?05:11
KEEVThorne, true.. but i'm trying to add a BG Img05:11
PeloThorne,  I hae no idea what a barista is05:12
ubunt1Eagleray: only one user to be alowed to use it05:12
EaglerayMonteh: good idea. Good luck!05:12
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Thorneprofessional espresso makers stuff like that05:12
ubunt1Eagleray: for example i'm on ubuntu server,and i want only one user to use it,becouse ubuntu server when install gnome have a hole05:12
bipolarI've installed the nvidia driver from nvidia's site (need up to date for SLI fixes) but modprobe can't find the nvidia kernel module.05:12
Thornecappucino lattes you name it05:12
Pelohello LDSTrooper05:12
bipolarI can use insmod to load it.05:12
jhalsteadI use Firefox in both my windows at work and my Ubuntu at home.  On the windows side, the backspace key goes back a page.  In linux it goes up.  can I change this to be more like in windows?05:12
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bipolarI've run depmod -a to no avail05:13
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Eaglerayubunt1: yes, this is possible. Is the user that should have access 'root'?05:13
=== Pelo murders Thorne for the blasphemy he perpetrated onto coffee, the divine bean
omegacentiIs there a way to reboot and keep open all current applications?05:13
LDSTrooperI'm new to Ubuntu kinda and I am not able to see Flash or Shockwave content.. like on YouTube... how do I do this?05:13
ubunt1Eagleray: for example toni is admin for the server,and refc only to use gnome05:13
Peloomegacenti, no05:13
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Thorneespresso is divine05:13
GrueTamer!flash | LDSTrooper05:13
ubotuLDSTrooper: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:13
ubunt1Eagleray: is that possible05:13
omegacentiPelo: snifle..05:13
Pelo!flash | LDSTrooper05:13
Thorneits the purest coffee you can get05:13
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ubunt1Eagleray: i only want to install for personal use,like skype.05:14
PeloThorne,  latte was the blasphemy,05:14
MultiVerso_Eagleray: I'm using DynDNS to provide me a fix IP. Can I put my DynDNS address in the POP and SMTP server at evolution config ?05:14
Thornebrb making elixir of the gods05:14
alienseer23Q: I had to replace my motherboard, processor, and memory, but am still using the same install, is there anything I should do to ensure 100% performance??05:14
omegacentibrb rebooting.05:14
Eaglerayubunti1: yes, it's possible, but rather non-standard. You realise that other users will be able to run skype without needing gnome?05:14
=== Pelo likes his coffe like he likes his women, hot dark and bitter
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Thornepelo very true btw about the latte05:14
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ubunt1Eagleray: and how i can make it to work.05:14
LDSTrooperok I did that and nada05:14
IndyGunFreakPelo: bitter huh?..lol05:15
harryanyone know a good python tutorial?05:15
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PeloIndyGunFreak,  they get like that after a while,  not sure why :-)05:15
akahigeI'm in the feisty installer trying to partition a drive and after setting up 4 partitions, it's telling me the rest of my space is "unusable". I'm confused...05:15
EaglerayEagleray: just set it so that the script that starts the X session will start gnome if $USER == 'toni', otherwise do whatever you want it to do for the other users05:15
ubunt1Eagleray: man i05:16
LDSTrooperPelo I did do that and its not working....05:16
ubunt1Eagleray: on ubuntu server,and i want to install skype,is that possible.05:16
Peloakahige, unusable or unallocated ?05:16
Eaglerayubunti1: just set it so that the script that starts the X session will start gnome if $USER == 'toni', otherwise do whatever you want it to do for the other users05:16
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Eaglerayubunti1: yes, you can install skype on ubuntu05:16
PeloLDSTrooper, which architeture of ubuntu are you running ?05:16
ubunt1Eagleray: ok how to do it.05:16
akahigepelo: unusable05:16
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LDSTrooper64 Bit05:16
VeinorOK, the key to the right of 'o' and left of '[' doesn't work.05:16
Peloakahige, I beleive there is a 4 primary partiton limit,  you need to make 3 primary and make the other ones logical05:17
Eaglerayubunt1: Go to the skype site. Download skype. Install it.05:17
PeloLDSTrooper,   thre is not flash for the 64 bit version, you 'll have to install the 32 bit05:17
LDSTrooperahh ok05:17
PeloLDSTrooper,  I mean x86 ubuntu ,05:17
ubunt1Eagleray: and another,man for example when i want to eliminate toni and gnome too will be eliminated or no?05:17
LDSTrooperso basically... start this system over?05:18
ubunt1Eagleray: no how to make that to start only for toni user.05:18
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PeloLDSTrooper,  or go without flash05:18
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akahigePelo: I think I read that somewhere, too, but it's not giving me the option to add logical partitions in that other space, and it's also not letting me go back and edit the types of the other partitions05:18
PeloLDSTrooper,  and a few other things05:18
HalonChilledHi I just installed ubuntu to dual boot with osx, Just booted osx and it wont let me mount my linux partition (ext3). how do I fix this?05:18
Eaglerayubunt1: cna you clarify your question?05:18
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LDSTrooperok thanks Pelo05:18
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LDSTrooperoff to format and re-install05:18
Veinormy 'p' key isn't working for some reason.05:19
Peloakahige,  delete one of the other partitons,   and you will need to make an extended partiton for the rest of the space and put your logical partions in the extended one05:19
SeriousStorm85slackmagic:- sorry its not composite its s-video05:19
ubunt1Eagleray: now i want only toni to have gui,and ferc to have that is root to be server.And when i want to eliminate toni is gnome too will be eliminated?05:19
omegacenti_Pelo: It worked :) now, you said you can't rotate the images out. you sure? nothing like an advanced script with some naming or something that changes the imagenumber every time the system comes down?05:19
=== Pelo cheers that Veinor won'T be able to type his nick
akahigePelo: okay. does it matter which partitions are primary and which are extended?05:19
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Eaglerayubunt1: removing the user 'toni' will not remove gnome05:20
Peloomegacenti_,  if you want to play with that you are on your own05:20
VeinorPelo: Ha!05:20
ubunt1Eagleray: ehhhhh,that is bad05:20
omegacenti_Pelo: hehe thanks :)05:20
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Eaglerayubunt1: why is that bad?05:20
omegacenti_Veinor: character maps FTW05:20
alienseer23can someone tell me the ubuntu time server so i can add it to the list of time servers??05:20
Eaglerayubunt1: just manually remove it05:20
Peloakahige, I think you would do well to hvae the primary partitions first on the extended one the last05:20
xtknightalienseer23, ntp.ubuntu.com05:20
ubunt1Eagleray: becouse i'm on ubuntu server and want to create one user to use the gnome05:20
Veinoromegacenti_: Or coPy-Paste, yes.05:21
alienseer23thank you05:21
ubunt1Eagleray: is that possible05:21
Zylstra555Hello. I am having a problem with my Dell TrueMobile 1300 Wireless card. I am unable to get it installed. I have searched and searched, but just cant find anything. What do I do?05:21
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Eaglerayubunt1: yes, I told you that before05:21
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ubunt1Eagleray: i know for that i ask you again05:21
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akahigePelo: right. but what I meant was "Is it important what I mount as primary, vs. extended?" sorry for the confusion.05:21
ubunt1Eagleray: and now,how to edit the script man.05:21
Eaglerayubunt1: you need to read my answers a little more carefully. Removing the user 'toni' does _NOT_ mean that all other users will have access to gnome05:21
Peloakahige, I donT' think so05:21
akahigePelo: thanks!05:22
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cycomHow can I change the extra properties in ubuntu's screensaver?05:22
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Pelo!hardware | Zylstra555  try looking your card here for some intructions if not look up your card model in the forum see if anything turns up05:22
ubotuZylstra555  try looking your card here for some intructions if not look up your card model in the forum see if anything turns up: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport05:22
ubunt1Eagleray: and from where to edit the script to say that to start only for toni05:22
Zylstra555ok, I will05:23
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SirKeatscan someone direct me to the version of pidgin that will install on my ubuntu05:23
MultiVerso_Eagleray: Evolution said: connection refused05:23
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ubunt1SirKeats: getdeb.net05:23
PeloSirKeats, check the pidgin website for a deb file05:23
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ubunt1Eagleray: man?05:23
Eaglerayubunt1: edit whichever script you use to start the DE. You will also need to set a group for the gnome files05:23
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SirKeatsi got an error when i tried to open the .deb file05:23
Pelocycom, what extra properties ?05:23
PeloSirKeats, what error ?05:23
ubunt1Eagleray: ahhh,and how to do it?05:23
SirKeatsfigured it wasn't the right version.  obviously it's something else05:24
EaglerayMultiVerso_: that means that your conn is being rejected, and you don't have port 25 access05:24
SirKeatslemme run it again and i'll let you know05:24
SirKeatsone sec05:24
cycomPelo: Stuff like the number of squares in popsquares. Junk like that.05:24
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Zylstra555My card is not anywhere on the hardware list05:24
ubunt1Eagleray: can you make a little how to.05:24
EaglerayMultiVerso_: what does "telnet yourserverip 25" do?05:24
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Pelocycom,  you can probably edit the screensaver file by hand,  but at your own risk,  do a search on your hdd for the screensaver name , see if you can edit hte matching file05:25
omegacenti_Also, never use the space or tab character in a file name, and never begin a file name with a - character. Is this still true?05:25
Eaglerayubunt1: No. Are you sure you should be administering anm ubuntu server? You don't seem to have a grasp on the basics of how the OS works.05:25
PeloZylstra555, search for your model in www.ubuntuforums.com05:25
MultiVerso_Eagleray: It connects05:25
SirKeats"archive type not supported" is the error i get when trying to open the .deb file05:25
cycomPelo: Most screensaver manager have an extra options thing. I'm rather suprised that the one that comes with ubuntu doesn't.  Is it gnome-screensaver or X-screensaveR?05:25
SirKeats(i'm new to linux so am no doubt doing something wrong)05:25
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EaglerayMultiVerso_: send "HELO yourhostnamehere"05:25
EaglerayMultiVerso_: what does it return?05:25
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ubunt1Eagleray: i know how the os work05:26
Bradf0rdHow do I reset my password in Ubuntu, I can't log in05:26
alienseer23if i replace my motherboard, is there anything i should do if I am using the same hdd/installation, or will ubuntu make all detections/chages automatically?05:26
Peloomegacenti_, you can use space  but underscores are better,  why would you want to use the others  is behond me05:26
ubunt1Eagleray: why you don't want to explain how to.05:26
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omegacenti_Pelo: just in the comphrehensive text I am reading.05:26
omegacenti_Pelo: Thanks yet again pelo!05:26
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PeloSirKeats,  don'T try to unpack it ,  deb files are debian installer files, just run it05:26
Eaglerayubunt1: because I have better things to do with my time that explain the baics of ubuntu to you, when there are a million howtos out there for you to follow05:26
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MultiVerso_Eagleray:  It returns 250 multiverso.homelinux.net05:27
Eaglerayubunt1: try using google05:27
SirKeatsthat's what i was doing.  well... i said to open05:27
SirKeatsis that different than run in linux?05:27
Thornemmm coffee and classical music05:27
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ubunt1Eagleray: and what to search?05:27
CokeMancan anyone help me figure out why my computer keeps randomly crashing? I get this horizontal-diagonal repeating pattern down the screen and the PC is locked.05:27
MultiVerso_Eagleray : BTW multiverso.homelinux.net is my DynDNS domain name05:27
intelikeywhy is ubuntu officially using alpha software in the LTS main   ?    Get:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main libtheora0 0.0.0.alpha5-0ubuntu205:27
Bradf0rdHOW do i reset my password in Ubuntu, or get into verbose mode or w/e05:27
PeloSirKeats, I was assuming you were trying to unpack it ,  open should have run it ,05:27
ThorneCokeMan: sounds like xwindows or your vid card driver05:27
CokeManand it seems to occure when i tend to be putting a heavy load on the PC like multitasking05:27
EaglerayMultiVerso_: that means there is a connection. How are your relaying permissions set up? Have you told evolution to authenticate for SMTP?05:28
PeloSirKeats, just dbl click on it05:28
SirKeatssame thing05:28
SirKeatsunsupported file type05:28
CokeManThorne: i've used both the vesa driver and the nvidia driver specifically for the card05:28
intelikeyBradf0rd terminal  passwd05:28
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omegacenti_Ummm...  is a directory a file or is it actually a directory.. I'm confused...05:28
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PeloSirKeats, sudo apt-get instal gdebi05:28
MultiVerso_Eagleray: yep. By PLAIN05:28
Bradf0rdIntelikey, I can't bet into terminal, I can't log in05:28
PeloSirKeats, sudo apt-get install gdebi05:28
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SirKeatspelo: k. thanks. trying now05:28
akahigepartitioning question: I'm going along setting all the partitions and mount points. going to give the rest of the free space to /home, but I'm getting an error: "Can't have the end before the start!" wtf does that mean?05:28
Thorneit might be just the actual vid card then CokeMan05:29
intelikeyBradf0rd drop into a console and login.    ctrl+alt+f105:29
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Peloakahige, make sure the start and end values you are setting are in the right order05:29
intelikeyBradf0rd alt+f7  (tty7) is the default console for the xserver to run in.05:29
Eaglerayubunt1: http://www.google.com/support/bin/static.py?page=searchguides.html&ctx=basics05:30
VeinorI might have found a bug.05:30
intelikeyanyone know why   alpha  on the LTS ?05:30
SeriousStorm85slackmagic:- any luck...if not its ok...thanks for ur time though05:30
harryomegacenti_: I might be wrong, but as far as I know, a directory is actually a special file that lists other files that are in it05:30
EaglerayMultiVerso_: is postfix set to allow plaintext authentication?05:30
VeinorIf I go into keyboard shortcuts under system->preferences05:30
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:30
omegacenti_harry: Thanks for the attempt :)05:30
SirKeatspelo: thanks a ton.  that worked.  switching over to linux pidgin.  hehehe. brb.05:30
Bradf0rdI can log in console either.... it's asking me for a password, and that's what I need05:30
akahige@Pelo: not following you. I set this partition up the way I did all the others. Does this have something to do with the location being "beginning" or "end"? (because I don't know what that means...)05:31
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ubunt1Eagleray: ok thanks then.05:31
intelikeyomegacenti_ what issue ?   i know a little about file systems.05:31
harryomegacenti_: one min...05:31
imac1would some tell me if there is anything wrong with this fstab line:  /dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,auto     0       005:31
omegacenti_intelikey: is a directory a file, or a directory....05:31
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intelikeyomegacenti_ in linux everything is an "inode"  (aka file)05:32
Peloakahige,  whn you make your new partiton, in the dialog box there are fields for  starting sector and ending sector,  ( they might be called differently) ,make sure the start one is lower then the end one05:32
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omegacenti_intelikey: inode?05:32
Veinori've just disabled a bunch of my keys05:32
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inode - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:32
CokeManlike that >_< I just crashed05:32
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CokeManim tried of my pc crashing like a crackwhore :(05:32
Peloakahige, that is the best thing I can do for you, I think I recall someone mentionning that there was a bug in there somewhere, with a lot of partition,  try applying your previous changes before making your last partition05:32
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Bradf0rdhow the f do I reset my password@!!!????05:32
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omegacenti_CokeMan: Give more crack then. less DT's05:33
harrymy unix book (paraphrased) says a directory has an entry for each file. each entry has the filename and inode number05:33
akahige@Pelo: I've got nothing like that in the feisty partitioner. Just size in megs, location: beginning or end, fs type, and mount point.05:33
bruenigBradf0rd, just passwd05:33
intelikeyBradf0rd boot to safe mode and run      passwd <username>05:33
EaglerayBradf0rd: are you locked out fo your account?05:33
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omegacenti_harry: inode? inode number?05:33
harryomegacenti_: err se tthe one I just posted05:33
SuperQharry: yep05:33
Peloakahige, beginning and end would the the starting sector and finishing sector05:33
MultiVerso_Eagleray: sasl and TLS05:33
Peloomegacenti_, http://book.opensourceproject.org.cn/distrib/ubuntu/unleashed/05:33
harrythe inode number points to a place on the disk05:33
akahige@pelo: but all it is is a radio button05:34
Thornebrb going to try the fluxbox05:34
SuperQharry: ext2/3 store the directory listing in the datablocks associated with the directory's inode05:34
EaglerayMultiVerso_: you will need to use either SASL or TLS in evolution then05:34
Peloakahige,  forget that partittion for now, and apply the other ones,  then come back and make the last one05:34
EaglerayMultiVerso_: the authentication schemes in evolution and on the server will need to match05:34
akahige@pelo: the last one is home. isn't that going to cause problems?05:34
CokeMancan anyone help me figure out why my PC crashes with a horizontal-diagonal pattern down the screen?05:34
SuperQharry: the on unfortunate thing is that ext2/3 grow directory tables, but do not garbage collect05:34
harryi see05:35
Bradf0rdbruenig, intelikey, Eagleray, I don't know how to get into safe mode... I forget05:35
intelikeyomegacenti_ may i sujest  rute-book   it's in the repos and your package manager can install it.  it's very comprehinsive (!/sp)05:35
harrywhat about reiserfs05:35
bruenigBradf0rd, single user mode05:35
akahige@pelo: or should I cancel out of this and do it all in gparted?05:35
MultiVerso_Eagleray: But I'm already using TSL... I just can't find a option that matches SASL in my SMTP preferences on Evolutin05:35
SuperQharry: drwxr-xr-x 5 foo bar 4096 2007-05-17 15:27 src05:35
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Peloakahige, sure do that05:35
SuperQharry: one 4k block is assigned to that dir05:35
AnRkeydoes anyone know why i can't paiste from my pc to a server through vncviewer?05:35
omegacenti_intelikey: interesting. didnt know it was available as a package ^_^05:35
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EaglerayMultiVerso_: hang on (*fires up evolution*)05:35
akahige@pelo: k. thanks05:35
omegacenti_intelikey: how do you read it? gui?05:35
intelikeyBradf0rd at the boot prompt.  [esc]   if you don't see a list.05:35
intelikeyomegacenti_ yes.05:36
intelikeyomegacenti_ iirc it's html  or xml format.05:36
SuperQharry: drwxrwxrwt    3 root     root      4554752 Jun  9 20:30 tmp05:36
omegacenti_Pelo: that book you posted me, is it available free or do I need to purchase it at my local bookstore?05:36
imac1would some tell me if there is anything wrong with this fstab line as a cd drive:  /dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,auto     0       005:36
SuperQharry: that tmpdir got spamed with MANY long filenames05:36
MultiVerso_Eagleray: I have PLAIN  NTLM/SPA  DIGEST-MD5  CRAM-MD5  Login and  POP before SMTP05:36
harrySuperQ: by the way, is it possible to encrypt at the filesystem level with ext3?05:36
intelikeyimac1 auto05:36
Peloomegacenti_, the site is free as far as I know05:36
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SuperQharry: i dunno.. most encryption is done at the block layer, because it's easy05:37
intelikeyimac1   s/auto/users/05:37
imac1intelikey: what does the auto do wrong for a cd drive?05:37
SuperQharry: and you only have to build one encrypter for all filesystems05:37
intelikeytrys to mount at boot time.05:37
slackmagicSeriousStorm85:   http://diantn.free.fr/dp/?q=node/31    try this please05:37
SuperQharry: the filename index for that dir takes up 4.3MB05:37
omegacenti_Pelo: ah didn't see the right menu had scripts turned off.05:37
SuperQharry: which is insane05:37
EaglerayMultiVerso_: use digest-md5, and set digest on postfix05:37
imac1intelikey: what would be appropriate entries?05:37
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SeriousStorm85slackmagic: thanks05:37
SuperQharry: fragmentation of those blocks can also make 'ls' really freaking slow too05:38
intelikeyimac1 user,users,noauto05:38
omegacenti_SuperQ: can you "defragment" ?05:38
SuperQomegacenti_: "yes", but not online05:38
SuperQomegacenti_: you must unmount the filesystem05:38
intelikeyimac1 or without the noauto either.05:38
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omegacenti_SuperQ: so sometimes I need to unfragment my ext3 filesystem?05:39
EaglerayMultiVerso_: gotta go now - good luck05:39
porkchop_I'm booting the ubuntu 7.04 cd on a thinkpad a20p. Couldn't get it working, playing with vga= options and acpi options. I removed the "silent" option from the kernel arguements and I can watch the boot... it stops right after squashfs module is loaded. Any guesses as to what I should try?05:39
MultiVerso_Eagleray: How can I set digest on postfix? Do I have to edit my main.cf ?05:39
SuperQomegacenti_: not generally05:39
intelikeyomegacenti_ prolly not.05:39
EaglerayMultiVerso_: yes, main.cf05:39
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omegacenti_intelikey: what might cause a need for defragmentation?05:39
slackmagicSeriousStorm85: it's definetely one of those devices that work for some people and for some it just wouldn't want to work..then again sometimes people say the quality is not as good..might have better gotten the PCI version instead of the external usb..if there is a chance for you to return it and get the pci version, you might want to do so05:39
SuperQomegacenti_: ext3 is fairly good at distributing data in the first place so it doen't have the clasic fat32/ntfs blunder of writing linearly to a disk05:39
intelikeyomegacenti_ i've been using linux for about 10 years and have never defraged an ext# fs05:40
omegacenti_intelikey: wow :)05:40
omegacenti_SuperQ: thanks!05:40
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SuperQomegacenti_: it does tend to fragment badly when disks reach near-full status05:40
intelikeyhighest non-contigueus count i have seen is 3%  and that's very rare05:40
porkchop_Generally, ext fss dont need to be defragged. In some rare cases a superfragmented fs can cause slowness, but thats not really common.05:41
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imac1intelikey, where in the fstab line, would you place : user,users,noauto I see where to place noauto, but I don't see where to put users and user05:41
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omegacenti_intelikey: how would I check that?05:41
intelikeynormally in the .#% range05:41
SirKeatsthanks again for helping me get pidgin installed pelo!05:41
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SuperQintelikey: heh.. i see lots of filesystems that hit 10-25% fragmentation05:41
SuperQintelikey: but they're generally heavy-hit storage servers05:41
PeloSirKeats, no problem05:41
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omegacenti_SuperQ: how would I check fragmentation?05:41
porkchop_if you have 400 tarballs being appended to at different times, then you could have a problem. I've seen 65% fragmentation on a fs used for backups. It was just tarballs being appended to with diffs.05:41
porkchop_it was just slow. Not actually problematic.05:42
CokeMancan anyone help me figure out why my PC crashes with a horizontal-diagonal pattern down the screen?05:42
imac1intelikey: would my entry ideally look like this: /dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user users,noauto     0       005:42
Peloomegacenti_, you donT' have to worry about that05:42
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SuperQomegacenti_: fsck will tell you05:42
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SirKeatsanother question. i'm running a kvm between two boxes. one with windows, one with ubuntu. the screen is fine in windows, but in linux here it's a little smaller and not centered.05:42
porkchop_CokeMan: driver issue. somethings getting into your video mem prolly.05:42
PeloCokeMan,  what video card ?05:42
SirKeatsdo i just have to live with it or can i adjust in ubuntu05:42
omegacenti_omg wow. thank goodness it warned me!!! I almost did fsck on my mounted ubuntu05:42
intelikeyomegacenti_ every 20 or 30 mounts it will run e2fsck on the root fs   the report should show the stats.   you can before you shutdown  remount to read only /  and run fsck -f /dev/<your_root>   if you think you need to.05:42
SuperQomegacenti_: heh05:42
SirKeatsi don't want to mess with my actual monitor setting cuz they're set perfect for the windows box05:43
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porkchop_omegacenti_: it'd have warned you.05:43
nootropeanyone have recommendations for a decent video editing tool? is Kino the state of the art for Linux video editors?05:43
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imac1intelikey: would my entry ideally look like this: /dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user users,noauto     0       005:44
Pelonootrope, give avidemux a try05:44
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CokeManPelo:  nVidia Corporation C51G [GeForce 6100]  (rev a2)05:44
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intelikeySirKeats monitor have buttons ?    adjust it.05:44
PeloCokeMan,  i'm assuming you've installed the proper dirvers?05:44
CokeManPelo: yep05:44
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intelikeyimac1 no.  the space between user and users  should be a comma05:45
SirKeatsit does... but if i adjust it, it'll then mess it up for the windows box, which is set perfect at the moment05:45
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SuperQSirKeats: you probably have a refresh rate differnece05:45
imac1intelikey: thx very much05:45
nootropePelo, thanks, I'll checkit05:45
tannerldanyone know how to get this (http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/set-gmail-as-default-mail-client-in-ubuntu/) to pass the address to gmail?05:45
SirKeatsoooohhhh.  thanks superQ05:45
SuperQSirKeats: windows tends to default to crappy low refresh rates05:45
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SirKeatslemme check that05:45
NaisenuHow do I force quit an app that isn't showing in "top"?05:45
PeloCokeMan, then I suggest you try and review your driver configuration, also check the forum for your problem , maybe somene else as experienced this and found a solution already05:45
SirKeatswhat's a good refresh rate then05:45
SuperQSirKeats: 70+05:45
imac1intelikey: so...something like this :   /dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,users,noauto     0       005:45
Pelog'night folks05:46
SuperQSirKeats: for a CRT05:46
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intelikeyi like 9005:46
SirKeatsokay.... this is set to 75 right now05:46
SuperQSirKeats: it doesn't matter for LCD05:46
SirKeatslemme change windows to match05:46
SuperQSirKeats: 75 is fine05:46
SirKeatsi'm on an old crt05:46
CokeManPelo: how do i check my video configuration? And... its done this using both vesa and this new nvidia driver. It was the cause of me enableing the "proper" video driver05:46
SirKeatsbrb... adjusting windows05:46
DARKGuyHey, if I want to submit a fix to a file in /usr/lib/i18n/ for fixing a timezone, what would I have to do?05:46
MultiVerso_Eagleray: I couldn't find in Google how to enable digest in my main.cf. I suppose that I have to put some line like " smtpd_digest_enable = yes" or something. Is that it?05:46
Zylstra555I need to know how to blacklist a driver. Where do I start?05:46
BluhdI heard that there is a guide somewhere that causes extra localizations to be removed after every update in synaptic... since I only use English on Ubuntu, I find that this would be useful. Does anyone know where I could find it? I tried a search on the ubuntuforums, but I couldn't find the link05:47
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DARKGuyBluhd, that's called localepurge05:47
intelikeyso no clue-by-four on why there are alpha softwarez in the LTS main repo  ???05:47
omegacenti_tannerld: that is so cool! I am doing it right now05:47
Bluhdah, I'll search for it now05:47
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DARKGuyBluhd, good luck :)05:47
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intelikeyok i'll ask when the night shift comes in...05:48
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SeriousStorm85slackmagic:- i think i know where the problem lies....my sudo make doesn't work...it says No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop05:48
Zylstra555I need to know how to blacklist a driver. Where do I start?05:48
SeriousStorm85slackmagic:- i will try and fix that first05:48
imac1intelikey: thx again05:48
tannerldomegacenti_: heh tell me if it works; I can get it to open gmail, but it won't bring over the email adddress :E05:48
DARKGuyHey, if I want to submit a fix for Ubuntu for a file in /usr/lib/i18n/ for fixing a timezone, what would I have to do?05:48
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omegacenti_tannerld: wont bring over the email address?05:48
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BluhdDARKGuy: do you know what language codes I'm looking for?05:49
tannerldomegacenti_: yeah; it'll just bring up the send msg page w/o anything in the to field05:49
BluhdDARKGuy: also, does it remove oriental character support?05:49
DARKGuyBluhd, anything that starts with "en"05:49
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DARKGuyBluhd, I have no idea about that :(05:49
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slackmagicSeriousStorm85: yeah..definetely need those kernel-headers for that05:49
omegacenti_tannerld: ill try it out. gimme an example page with a mail to link on it please.05:49
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BluhdDARKGuy: should I bother with uk codes?05:50
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tannerldomegacenti_: scroll up to the top of that page; look right to the nav bar and "contact the geek" at the top05:50
Zylstra555I need to know how to blacklist a driver. Where do I start?05:51
BluhdZylstra555: what do you mean by blacklisting?05:51
DARKGuyBluhd, I wouldn't select them, but for safety, better do05:51
Zylstra555Blacklistng a Linux default driver05:51
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Zylstra555so that my Dell TrueMobile 1300 card can work05:51
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BluhdZylstra555: you mean you want to install a non-default one?05:51
Zylstra555Bluhd: Yes05:52
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BluhdZylstra555: you'll probably have to install the new one then uninstall the old one05:52
BluhdI don't know if you can blacklist drivers05:52
Zylstra555You can blacklist a driver. Its part of the NDISWRAPPER, but I have no idea how05:52
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:53
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Hillview<3 ubotu05:53
SeriousStorm85slackmagic:- i keep getting this error....Package linux-kernel-headers has no installation candidate...when using sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-headers05:54
MultiVerso_How can I enable digest in my postfix ?05:54
bruenig!find linux-kernel-headers05:54
ubotuFound: linux-libc-dev05:54
bruenig!info linux-libc-dev05:54
ubotulinux-libc-dev: Linux Kernel Headers for development. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.20-16.29 (feisty), package size 651 kB, installed size 3784 kB05:54
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bruenigSeriousStorm85, linux-libc-dev05:54
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BluhdZylstra555: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=468793&highlight=blacklist05:55
omegacenti_tannerld: it doesn't work either for me.05:55
DARKGuyHey, if I want to submit a fix for Ubuntu for a file in /usr/lib/i18n/ for fixing a timezone, what would I have to do?05:55
BluhdZylstra555: that should help you to a certain extent I think05:55
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Zylstra555Thanks, Bluhd. Ill take a  look05:55
MultiVerso_anybody ?05:56
bruenig!bugs | DARKGuy05:56
ubotuDARKGuy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots05:56
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tannerldomegacenti_: heh - I thought I'd post on the forums later to see if anyone else has figured it out yet05:56
CaptainObliviousanyone know how to remove and reinstall sound drivers for soundblaster live?05:56
DARKGuybruenig, thanks05:56
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bruenig!thanks | DARKGuy05:56
ubotuDARKGuy: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:56
Dr_willisCaptainOblivious,  why do you think that would help?05:56
omegacenti_tannerld: keep me updated please :)05:56
CaptainObliviousbecause it works in windoze...05:57
=== bruenig saw that answer coming
SeriousStorm85bruenig:- still getting the same error05:57
bruenigSeriousStorm85, are you in feisty?05:57
CaptainObliviousall my other cards work, just not sound05:57
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PipBoyreallllly quick question..... is ubuntu server a live cd?05:58
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SeriousStorm85bruenig:- yes....when using sudo apt-get linux-libc-dev it does 0 upgrades05:58
bruenigCaptainOblivious, unless you have configured stuff by editing scripts or something, removing the files and then replacing them is not going to be any different05:58
bruenigSeriousStorm85, sudo apt-get install05:58
puffMessage from syslogd@localhost at Sat Jun  9 23:43:51 2007 ... localhost kernel: [904412.088000]  Disabling IRQ #1805:58
bruenignot sudo apt-get05:58
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puffwhy would that suddenly pop up on my terminals?05:58
Dr_willis'removing/reinstalling' is windows thinking/training05:58
omegacenti_tannerld: I think I found it!05:58
puffThat is, I'm familiar iwth syslogd, terminal messages, etc, but I have no idea why it would spontaneously disable IRQ #18.05:59
MadpilotPipBoy, no05:59
tannerldomegacenti_: O.o05:59
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CaptainObliviouswell im new to linux, been a windows tech for 10+ years05:59
PipBoyty mad05:59
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CaptainObliviousdos before that05:59
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omegacenti_tannerld: one sec still loading.05:59
SeriousStorm85bruenig:-linux-libc-dev is already the newest version.05:59
SeriousStorm850 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:59
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omegacenti_tannerld: Eureka it works!05:59
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bruenigSeriousStorm85, so it is already installed, hooray05:59
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|-David-|the chmod did't do anything... o.O05:59
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omegacenti_tannerld: you know the custom command in prefferred applications?06:00
tomerany idea for a good VMWare channel?06:00
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|-David-|I still can't write to that folder06:00
tomeri need to know if i can backup VMs while they are running06:00
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omegacenti_tannerld: how its like /home/YOUUSERNAME/open.mailto.sh? add a space and %s06:00
tomercopy the folder of the VM while it is running, will it still work:06:00
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SeriousStorm85bruenig:- but using sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-headers give me this error  E: Package linux-kernel-headers has no installation candidate06:01
omegacenti_tannerld: for instance /home/tanner/open.mailto.sh %s06:01
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bruenigSeriousStorm85, what exactly are you doing06:01
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tannerldomegacenti_: hey eureka that works06:01
tannerldomegacenti_: thanks :)06:01
SeriousStorm85bruenig:- my sudo make doesn't work06:01
omegacenti_tannerld: np :) I read the comments btw.06:01
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Madpilotubotu, sound | CaptainOblivious06:01
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ubotuCaptainOblivious: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:01
bruenigSeriousStorm85, sudo apt-get install build-essential06:01
omegacenti_what is %s?06:01
tomer#join vmware06:01
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tannerldomegacenti_: heh I read them too, must've missed that one06:01
omegacenti_tannerld: thanks for coming up with that problem! your problem became my joy ^_^06:02
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tannerldomegacenti_: hehe06:02
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omegacenti_how do I kill a ghost in irc?06:02
SeriousStorm85bruenig:- build-essential is already the newest version.0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. sudo makemake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.06:02
tannerldomegacenti_: /ghost name password06:03
bruenigSeriousStorm85, there is no Makefile in the directory you are running make in, hence it isn't working06:03
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bruenigSeriousStorm85, link to the tarball06:03
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omegacentitannerld: thanks :)06:03
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tannerldomegacenti: no problemo06:05
omegacentiwow Ubuntu is awesome... I am seriously in Awe.06:05
omegacentiI have always feared the mailto links but now...06:05
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omegacentiI am complete.06:05
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kazolDoes anyone here use freeNAS?06:05
SeriousStorm85bruenig:- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24944/06:06
tannerldomegacenti: you are one with ubuntu06:06
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omegacentiHowever, how would I go about enabling my ability to change my processor frequency? I know I can do it (used to do it in windows) but now it only happens if the cpu gets loaded.06:06
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bruenigSeriousStorm85, first off there is no reason to use sudo, so don't06:06
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bruenigSeriousStorm85, when you ran ./configure what error did it spit out at you06:07
bruenigSeriousStorm85, and also, if ./configure errors, don't run make06:07
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SeriousStorm85bruenig:- there was no ./configure steps in what i was doing:- http://diantn.free.fr/dp/?q=node/3106:08
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bruenigSeriousStorm85, read the real documentation, don't follow tutorials blindly unless you understand what is going on. This tutorial says it is for 6.1006:09
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bruenig!find linux-headers06:10
ubotuFound: linux-headers-2.6.20-15, linux-headers-2.6.20-15-386, linux-headers-2.6.20-15-generic, linux-headers-2.6.20-15-lowlatency, linux-headers-2.6.20-15-server (and 14 others)06:10
kazolDoes anyone here use freeNAS?06:10
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omegacentiWhat is an Xwindow?06:10
tyloCan anyone help me out with a kernel update problem involving LILO, initrd, and problems mounting my root directory?06:10
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bruenigSeriousStorm85, step two is not serious when he says linux-kernel-headers, he is saying to install the linux headers for your kernel: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)06:10
roostishawomegacenti: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XWindow06:10
MultiVerso_I'm back! Anyone can help me to enable Digest-MD5 in main.cf on my postfix? I have LOGIN and PLAIN enabled as authentication methods o my server, but when I try to authenticate with evolution, it returns "Connection refused"06:11
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MultiVerso_Can anybody help me?06:11
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omegacentiroostishaw: Unfortunately I already read that. When I am running gnome and I see windows, those are X windows right?06:11
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roostishawomegacenti: yes06:12
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omegacentiroostishaw: what is an X window root?06:12
MultiVerso_I couldn't find anything in google...06:12
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hagabakawhich package for sun java provides /usr/bin/java ?06:12
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omegacentiroostishaw: I am trying to run groach :)06:13
bruenig!info sun-java6-jre06:13
ubotusun-java6-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-00-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 6176 kB, installed size 14148 kB06:13
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hagabakai installed it but it didn't install a java in PATH06:13
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roostishawomegacenti: hehe. What's the problem while running it?06:13
DARKGuyHey, how can I change the default file manager to be thunar instead of nautilus?06:13
hagabakain dpkg --listfiles, it shows /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
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DARKGuyor any other program? :P06:13
bruenighagabaka, it should have, do which java06:13
omegacentiroostishaw: I don't see any roaches :(06:13
hagabakawhich can't find java06:14
tylowhenever I try to boot after updating my kernel, I get a "cannot mount root fs" error. my root filesystem is on hda2, and my lilo.conf file reflects this06:14
omegacentiroostishaw: Where do I run it from and how?06:14
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roostishawomegacenti: What have you done so far?06:14
tylohowever, it still tells me it can't mount the root fs :-\06:14
bruenighagabaka, that is not normal, you can either add that thing you put up above to the path or symlink it so it is in the path06:14
MultiVerso_anybody ?06:14
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bulmerhagabaka: man update-alternatives06:14
omegacentiroostishaw: # groach; # groach default; # gksudo groach; gksudo groach default06:15
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roostishawomegacenti: as far as installing it06:15
omegacentiroostishaw: installed via synaptic package manager06:15
DARKGuyHey, how can I change the default file manager to be thunar instead of nautilus? or any other program?06:15
omegacentiroostishaw: I just did alt f2 and tried to run it that way.. no roaches :(06:16
hagabakaah, thanks bulmer06:16
roostishawomegacenti: and do those commands return "command not found"?06:16
bruenigDARKGuy, I tried to do that in so many different ways, I am convinced it is not possible, at least not in gnome06:16
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omegacentiroostishaw: no they run06:16
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joebob777as7how do i release and renew my ip in the console?06:16
omegacentiroostishaw: I just dont see roaches06:16
DARKGuybruenig, and I just got a great idea06:16
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VeinorHow can I change the media player that launches via the 'launch music player' shortcut06:16
DARKGuybruenig, that's what I needed to know, that it wasn't possible - to make it possible! xD06:17
bruenigI tried symlinking and everything06:17
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joebob777as7how do i release and renew my ip in the console?06:17
Veinorjoebob777as7: sudo ifconfig eth0 down; sudo ifconfig eth0 up ?06:17
omegacentiroostishaw: I have to hit ctl c to exit it06:17
Veinorreplace eth0 with your interface06:17
bruenigDARKGuy, you think you know how?06:17
kkathmananyone know where firefox keeps its other icons??  the one I have is quite a bit too large :)06:17
joebob777as7Veinor, thanks a bunch!06:17
Veinorthat'll kill your connection momentarily, of course.06:17
roostishawomegacenti: does it just print a newline in the terminal, and do nothing?06:17
omegacentiroostishaw: yes06:17
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roostishawomegacenti: ok, I see what you mean. gimme a second06:18
DARKGuybruenig, make a shell script and link it to "nautilus"... that script would get the first parameter - if the first parameter is "--desktop" (or whatever nautilus gets for showing the desktop only), then run nautilus... else, run thunar, with the supplied script parameters :306:18
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tylocan anyone help me solve a "cannot mount root file system" error during the boot process?06:18
bruenigDARKGuy, I tried something similar to that06:18
DARKGuybruenig, did it work? xD06:18
bruenigDARKGuy, I think that the command launched by the places>home folder is bizarre in some way06:19
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DARKGuybruenig, do you know how can I know what's the command?06:19
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bruenigyou would think it was nautilus ~ or some path like that, but I guess not06:19
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chrisjs169how can i clear dns on ubuntu?06:19
roostishawomegacenti: have you looked at the launchpad?06:19
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bruenigit seems like it is just some internal thing like when you use nautilus you can provide arguments like %s and %f and other stuff like that, it almost seems like that is what it is doing06:20
omegacentiroostishaw: wish I knew what a launchpad is.06:20
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mzuverinkwhats the proper way to go about changing permission for an index.html to be -rw-r--r--  ?06:20
roostishawomegacenti: right. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/groach/+bug/113446 & https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/groach/+bug/7183306:20
roostishawomegacenti: seems like you're not alone06:20
VeinorHow can I change the media player that launches via the 'launch music player' shortcut?06:20
bruenigmzuverink, chmod 64406:20
Veinormzuverink chmod 0644 file06:20
Veinorsudo chmod 0644 file if you need to.06:21
bruenigVeinor, what is that 0 for, I have seen that before06:21
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mzuverinkbruenig, and everyone else thanks06:21
Veinor0 is for octal.06:21
omegacentiroostishaw: could I have harmed my system by doing gksudo groach or might it be a melevolent application?06:21
Veinorit might still work without it, but just to be safe.06:21
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jrsimshey, any xubuntu users her?06:21
Veinoryeah, it works without it.06:21
bruenigVeinor, so it just specified octal?06:21
brueniglike a switch06:21
roostishawomegacenti: I'd very much doubt that you ruined anything at all...06:21
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Veinoryeah, it works either way I think. It might not be necessary, it might even weird up directories.06:22
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VeinorIt's a holdover from C.06:22
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roostishawomegacenti: here is the ubuntu launchpad, if you want to check it out: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu06:22
intelikey            would i be correct in assuming that it is impossable for a user to mount *   without suid  ?06:22
VeinorHow can I change the media player that launches via the 'launch music player' shortcut?06:22
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roostishawomegacenti: mostly bug reports06:22
armenbhey...does anyone here know if linux will work with a06:22
armenbSATA CD/DVD burner?06:22
omegacentiroostishaw: I just ended the process groach from system monitor06:22
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roostishawomegacenti: that should be fine06:23
bruenigVeinor, gnome thinks that the ability to do that is just too complex and bewildering06:23
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VeinorYou mean I can't? :-(06:23
Dr_willisarmenb,  it should.06:23
bruenigVeinor, not on gnome, maybe you can hack around gconf-editor, but no clean way06:23
intelikeyno clues ?06:23
Dr_willisarmenb,  but ive yet to actually try it myself.  Those things are amazing in how rare they are at this time06:23
Dr_willisintelikey,  with the FUSE tools users can mount all sorts of things. :)06:24
Veinorso then how does it determine it in the first place?06:24
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armenbi need a CDR for my linux box06:24
omegacentiroostishaw: Ah cool :) thanks :)06:24
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Dr_willisarmenb,  ive recall seeing ONE in the stores.06:24
intelikeyDr_willis "without sudi" ?06:24
Zylstra555I am having problems with my Dell TrueMobile 1300 Wireless PCMCIA card. When I install the Windows Driver (via NDIS Wrapper) it shows as "Not Present" what do I do?06:24
armenband newegg is trying to sell me lots of SATA drives...06:24
roostishawomegacenti: sure, sorry we couldnt get it working06:24
Dr_willisintelikey,  the fuse tools are basicially doing the task of the suid stuff. i guess is the proper way of saying it.06:24
MultiVerso_Anyone can help me to enable Digest-MD5 in main.cf on my postfix? I have LOGIN and PLAIN enabled as authentication methods o my server, but when I try to authenticate with evolution, it returns "Connection refused"06:25
omegacentiroostishaw: np :) thanks for the help!06:25
intelikeyDr_willis hmmm   i have my doubts, but i'll look into it.06:25
roostishawomegacenti: certainly06:25
chrisjs169how can i clear dns on ubuntu?06:25
Dr_willisintelikey,  what are you trying to mount exactly?06:25
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tylocan anyone help me solve a "cannot mount root file system" error during the boot process?06:25
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intelikeyDr_willis oh just anything.06:25
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Dr_willisintelikey,  the Fuse tools may be SUID set. Never noticed. :)06:25
intelikeyDr_willis a cdrom  or a floppy image06:26
Dr_willisintelikey,  i would guess some of them are. But it is also a kernel module. So ive only used them. not programed them06:26
intelikeyDr_willis yes i suspect they are.06:26
Zylstra555I am having problems with my Dell TrueMobile 1300 Wireless PCMCIA card. When I install the Windows Driver (via NDIS Wrapper) it shows as "Not Present" what do I do?06:26
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Dr_willisa floppy image. Hmm. i recall specificially fuse tools to let a user mount iso images.06:26
intelikeyDr_willis and on a "nosuid" system that's worthless...06:26
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Dr_willisintelikey,  cant recall ever seeing a nosuid system.06:27
oriis there any ATI drivers for ubuntu?06:27
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KEEVhey on the gnome-look.org webpage under the icon section what is the icon replacement program06:27
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intelikey!fuse > intelikey06:28
Dr_willisintelikey,  i mainly use the fuse stuff for the sshfs and the sambafs features06:28
roostishawchrisjs169: what's the problem?06:28
oriis there any drivers for radeon x1100?06:28
Dr_willisintelikey,  they got some encryption features that some people use Ive heard as well.06:28
maikolhow can i get my network to auto configure on boot. it used to do it, but upgraded to feisty and it no longer works. /etc/init.d/networking doesnt work either as in it starts and stops but does nothing to the interfaces06:28
intelikeyif it will get things mounted without root is all i'm after06:29
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Zylstra555I am having problems with my Dell TrueMobile 1300 Wireless PCMCIA card. When I install the Windows Driver (via NDIS Wrapper) it shows as "Not Present" what do I do?06:29
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chrisjs169roostishaw: a domain is resolving to the wrong ip, and i don't really want to change it via /etc/hosts06:29
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roostishawchrisjs169: /etc/resolv.conf ?06:29
omegacentichrisjs169: sounds like you need to clear dns?06:30
Dr_willisintelikey,  it lets my users mount their samba shares  with out them using sudo.  No idea on the 'suid bit' part.06:30
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chrisjs169omegacenti: yeah, i'm trying to figure out how06:30
Montehello :D06:30
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mzuverinkusing cli, what would the command be to enable the userdir mod from /etc/apache2/mods-available to /mods-enabled?06:31
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intelikeyDr_willis yeah i'm checking it now.06:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dns - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nameserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:31
chrisjs169roostishaw / omegacenti: changed dns servers to something better than my router and it works06:31
omegacentichrisjs169: I am glad :)06:32
chrisjs169no need to do !dns and !nameserver :P06:32
aeyakovenkoi am new to apt, and i want to get packages from this repository, http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/h/, so do i need to add pool?  to my sources.list?06:32
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Dr_willisintelikey,  mountlo -->  Loopback mount filesystem- or disk-images without root privileges.06:32
roostishawchrisjs169: just curious, are you using dhcp on the router?06:32
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chrisjs169roostishaw: yes06:32
roostishawchrisjs169: does it not reset on reboot?06:32
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NeoGeo64Should I install Ubuntu or WindoWs Vista?06:32
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JourneymanNekos, that is a stupid question06:33
redcardNeoGeo64: Vista.06:33
MadsyNeoGeo64: Well, what do you use the computer for?06:33
NeoGeo64mostly porn06:33
BiTMAP_awesome :D06:33
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MadsyDefinately Ubuntu ;-)06:33
chrisjs169roostishaw: it does, but i tihnk i've got a neighbor using my wifi, and i feel like monitoring how much they're downloading (resetting clears it)06:33
Bluhdwell, look at this:06:33
Journeymanyeah ubuntu would protect you from the viruses and spyware that many port sites contain06:33
Bluhd<Bluhd> (11:54:37 PM) Michael: localepurge just gave me 62716K back06:33
Bluhd<Bluhd> (11:55:39 PM) Melissa: that's 61.2460938 more mb you can store porn on06:33
Bluhd<Bluhd> (11:55:58 PM) Michael: FUCK YEAH06:33
redcardNeoGeo64: Clearly Vista then. Websites will, if you so wish, install bonus programs that will download even MORE porn for you.06:33
BiTMAP_Hey, Question, Sound drivers. They work i hear sound, but JACK and other similar apps will not see my sounddevices :|06:33
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MadsyJourneyman: And better less hassle with codecs06:34
Madsys/better less/less06:34
BiTMAP_only codecs are xvid and divx06:34
Journeymaneh codecs arn't really a problem on either system for me06:34
NeoGeo64can i use those 900# dialers on ubuntu06:34
Dr_willisintelikey,  fuse is one of those tools thas so flexable - its fun to see what all has been done with it.06:34
NeoGeo64can i use wine to install windows trojans and viruses06:35
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Journeymanwhats with the trolls06:35
redcardNeoGeo64: Nope.  Told you, you want Vista.06:35
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redcardNeoGeo64: #windows .  Have fun :)06:35
roostishawchrisjs169: try this while you're at it:
BiTMAP_anyone wanna help me get my realtec soundcard to work with the sound apps?06:35
MadpilotNeoGeo64, not really. There's a great article about wine vs viruses somewhere out there...06:35
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Dr_willisNeoGeo64,  ive used wine to install that stuff to see what it puts where.06:35
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cablesHow can I manually run fsck when my disk isn't mounted? Should I just use a LiveCD to avoid having it mounted when I run it?06:36
Dr_willisNeoGeo64,  and to install 'things' and get to the real data/programs and remove the spyware06:36
omegacentiAlright, whenever I try and save a splash image from gnome-look to /boot/grub/splashimages using firefox, it doesn't work. Any suggestions?06:36
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cablesomegacenti: you need to save it somewhere else first06:36
omegacenticables: Why?06:36
Bluhdcables: every 30th boot it'll auto run fsck06:36
cablesomegacenti: firefox doesn't have permission to write there06:36
cablesBluhd: I'd like to force it to run with my own options06:37
chrisjs169roostishaw: so you're a Digg user?06:37
BiTMAP_anyone wanna help me get my realtec soundcard to work with the sound apps?06:37
omegacenticables: and probably not recommended to give it said permissions?06:37
roostishawchrisjs169: :)06:37
cablesomegacenti: then do alt-f2 and < gksudo nautilus /boot/grub/splashimages > and drag it in there06:37
roostishawchrisjs169: what about yourself?06:37
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cablesomegacenti: just download it to the desktop, and do what I said, and drag it from desktop to there.06:37
omegacenticables: from like the desktop06:37
omegacenticables thanks :)06:37
cablesomegacenti: just beat you by a few seconds :)06:37
chrisjs169if only that 166 MHz router Verizon gave me could handle squid =/06:38
roostishawchrisjs169: although it does *really* tick me off that that story makes it to the front page every few weeks...06:38
omegacenticables: Thanks again for being nerdy :)06:38
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intelikeyDr_willis let me guess requires 2.6+ kernel ?    Setting up fuse-utils (2.4.2-0ubuntu3) ...06:38
intelikeydpkg: error processing fuse-utils (--configure):06:38
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Dr_willisintelikey,  actually the faq i think said it worked with 2.406:38
omegacentiroostishaw: What story?06:39
Dr_willisbut i jsut skimmed the faq/docs/wiki page a few min ago. but i THOUGHT i saw that mentioned06:39
roostishawomegacenti: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdigg.com%2Fsecurity%2FSo_neighbors_steal_your_wi_fi_net_access_kill_the_connection_or_have_fun&ei=doBrRvuPHp6wggOxi5ThAg&usg=AFQjCNGdIw-Pgh7_Q_BAtjUXibo4qt0XTQ&sig2=K8c5LvW7cw0NY8iJ-OmI3A06:39
roostishawoops, sorry for the long url people...06:39
BiTMAP_tinyurl.com ;)06:39
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roostishawheh, right06:39
Dr_willisintelikey,  Runs on Linux kernels 2.4.X and 2.6.X    - first page says.  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/06:40
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cablesWhere can I find more Tomboy plugins?06:40
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cablescan anyone see this? My hotel wifi just crapped out on me, i want to see if i'm still connected06:40
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roostishawcables: yep06:40
Madpilotcables, you seem to be here still...06:40
Dr_williscables,  4+2 = ?06:40
redcardcables: There aren't that many plugins for Tomboy06:40
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omegacentiIs a strong wpa2 AES passphrase with mac address filtering good enough to secure a wireless router?06:41
cablesomegacenti: more than enough06:41
cablesCan anyone see this? My hotel wifi just crapped out on me and I think I'm not connected properly06:41
BiTMAP_WEP is enough to secure a wireless router.06:41
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omegacenticables: I can see06:41
BiTMAP_your up cables06:41
cablesBiTMAP_: not really06:41
roostishawomegacenti: if you're really crazy, I suppose you could use RADIUS06:41
FrogzooBiTMAP_: wep can be cracked given time06:41
omegacentiroostishaw: don't know what radius is. I would like to know more though.06:42
BiTMAP_but anything can be cracked given time06:42
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cablesFrogzoo: it can be cracked given about 10 minutes now.06:42
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omegacentiFrogzoo: can wpa be cracked? what about wpa2?06:42
cablesBiTMAP_: yes, except that WPA takes much, much longer to crack (longer than you'll live) than WEP06:42
redcardcables: Not really.06:42
cablesredcard: maybe not longer than you'll live...06:42
cablesbut WAY longer than WEP06:42
BiTMAP_256bit encryption is about is good06:42
BiTMAP_well no06:42
redcardcables: It depends.06:42
BiTMAP_its possible06:42
BiTMAP_but really, most folks aint gonna try even.06:43
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cablesbut they could, if they really wanted it06:43
omegacenticables: how long do you think a wpa passphrase should be? wpa2?06:43
roostishawomegacenti: http://www.wi-fiplanet.com/tutorials/article.php/311451106:43
Zylstra555I am having problems with my Dell TrueMobile 1300 Wireless PCMCIA card. When I install the Windows Driver (via NDIS Wrapper) it shows as "Not Present" what do I do?06:43
cablesomegacenti: as long as a normal password06:43
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omegacenticables: how long is that?06:43
Bluhdthe passphrase is FFFF06:43
redcardcables: I've seen people do REALLY fast WPA cracks.  But , then again, this day and age, WEP is perfectly fine if you run an unbroadcasted net06:43
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cablesomegacenti: I use at least 806:43
roostishawredcard: not true at all06:43
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omegacentiredcard: how do you run unbroadcasted and still connect?06:43
roostishawredbox: heard of a deauth attack?06:44
cablesomegacenti: type in the SSID yourself06:44
BiTMAP_redcard: even unbroadcasted isnt exceptionally great, vista lists even the unbroadcasted wireless nets, just doesnt give you a name06:44
redcardomegacenti: You know the name of the SSID06:44
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omegacentiredcard: yes, turn off essid in the past has crapped out my thing.06:44
redcardBiTMAP_: That's weird, because I have Vista, and it doesn't list mine.06:44
cablesWEP is cracked now? wth?06:44
roostishawa deauthentication attack will instantly reveal a hidden ssid06:44
cablesi mean06:44
cablesI know that WEP is cracked06:44
intelikeyDr_willis all i can get out of fusermount is a standerd error    fusermount: old style mounting not supported06:44
redcardcables: Like we said.  Given time, they're all crackable.06:44
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BiTMAP_redcard: that is :| cuase yah, we where testing it in training (i work at the ev0l dell in software support) and we could see an unbroadcasted wireless network.06:45
cablesredcard: exactly, even my GPG is crackable, GIVEN TIME.06:45
zeroim trying to mount an ISO with this mount -o loop macromedia_dreamweaver.msi /home06:45
CokeMananyone know a stable torrent downloader? that handles multiple torrents?06:45
cablesThe question is how much time.06:45
cablesCokeMan: Deluge, or uTorrent in Wine06:45
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fstxxhi! what IRC clients are you guys running? I am using gaim, but I am not happy. I want one that hides enetr/left/disconnect messages.06:45
PeDePanowhy some itens of my ubuntu menus appear blank?06:45
Dr_willisintelikey,  no idea there. Ive only used it a few times and had no issues.06:45
zeroim missing the filesystem, what would it be?06:45
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cablesfstxx: definitely Xchat is the way to go06:45
khermansCokeMan, rtorrent06:45
Dr_willisintelikey,  i think they got a Channel here. Good luck06:45
Frogzoozero: iso966006:45
redcardfstxx: irssi.06:45
Madpilotfstxx, xchat can hide join/part msgs06:45
gordboyfstxx, do a ctcp version on me, and see06:45
omegacenticool :) just turned off essid broadcast :)06:45
omegacentiuh oh...06:46
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cablesgordboy: nice version mod... sorta06:46
omegacentiCan you see this?06:46
cablesomegacenti: no06:46
zeroFrogzoo: and in what part of the command would it be placed?06:46
omegacenticables: bleh.06:46
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fstxxgordboy: cant;t you just tell me. I am not an irc expert :->06:46
Frogzoo!iso | zero06:46
ubotuzero: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:46
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cablesfstxx: he's just messing with you06:46
gordboyfstxx gordchat 2.0106:46
omegacentiawesome, now its not being broadcast.06:46
yurimxpxmanwhat functions should I use to read/write files with ncurses? The stdio functions won't work with it.06:46
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omegacenticables: how strong is radius?06:46
PeDePanowhy some itens of my ubuntu menus appear blank? i am using ubuntu 7.0406:46
zeroFrogzoo: yeah and where it goes iso9660?06:47
fstxxgordboy: and you are the authour of it?06:47
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omegacenticables: is there a big difference between security in wpa and wpa2?06:47
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khermansyurimxpxman, ncurses has nothing to do with read/write files06:47
zeroFrogzoo: ISO-filename would be the iso itself, mountpoint directory, so where it goes the filesystem?06:47
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maikolzero: mount -t iso9660 -o loop image point06:47
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gordboyfstxx, it's really xchat, with a bespoke ctcp version reply06:47
PyroSamaidefixx: howdy06:47
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zeromaikol: thank you06:47
maikolzero: np06:48
redcardgordboy: Be careful with that ;)06:48
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thaihi. Is it possible to play a xvid file on feisty? If yes, which codec & player shoudl I have?06:48
redcardgordboy: Many IRC networks will do a version on you, and if they don't recognize the client, kline you as a spambot06:48
khermansthai, sudo aptitude install vlc06:48
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gordboybespoke == tailor made, for the benefit of our teenage colonial friends06:49
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thaikhermans: how about codecs?06:49
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:49
khermansthai, unnecessary06:49
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PyroSamakhermans: I find that installing from package manger gui gives you a better install not sure why but when installing from command line vlc doesnt show up in the run with menu06:49
cablesthai: just double click it, it'll install the necessary codec automatically.06:49
fstxxis irssi descen06:50
cablesfstxx: it's commandline only, but if you like that, it's great06:50
thaithanks khermans & cables.06:50
fstxxis irssi descended from ircII?06:50
PeDePanohas does anybody here installed a wireless device on ubuntu feisty?06:50
gordboydecent enough. but xchat is the shiznitz06:50
khermansPyroSama, it shoudl have the same effect, explain further06:50
khermansthai, np06:50
cablesfstxx: if you want a GUI client, just use Xchat, it rocks06:50
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fstxxcables: sorry, I missed your suggestion among the enter/left lines06:51
zeromaikol: check this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24946/06:51
redcardfstxx: It's terminal based, but then again, It's very customizable, and since IRC is a text based medium, I didn't see a good use for xchat06:51
cablesI switched to Pidgin though, with a ton of plugins that make IRC a little more tolerable, because I like having my channels in my buddy list.06:51
khermansPeDePano, sure tons06:51
zeromaikol: i could not mount it06:51
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PyroSamakhermans: I ran a test on a fresh install because I thought it was odd that this happened. I install from terminal and find an avi right click no vlc. Remove vlc install with package manager right click the same avi and vlc is now an option06:51
maikolzero: what kind of image is it06:51
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fstxxredcard: very cutsomizable, hmm, does that mean it does not work very well out out of the box?06:51
gordboyredcard, there are no other irc networks, apart from freenode. dalnet has gone down the toilet. efnet still sucks. undernet is falling apart. anyways, i like it here. everyone is as mad as i am :)06:51
redcardfstxx: Works perfectly fine out of the box.06:52
PeDePanokhermans, i am using a atheros device on a acer aspire laptop... no way to works :(06:52
cablesfstxx: no, it's fine out of the box, but it's harder to configure and stuff.06:52
zeromaikol: extension .msi           that is what you mean?06:52
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alexmaxgartt: OFTC rocks06:52
maikolzero: your not mounting an sio imgae, your mounting an install file06:52
alexmaxso does quakenet06:52
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zeromaikol: ohh06:52
maikolzero: you cant mount that06:52
khermansPyroSama, r u sure you didnt associate it after first click?06:52
zeromaikol: im confused now06:52
zeromaikol: give me a sec let me check06:52
maikolzero: what exactly are you trying to do06:52
khermansPeDePano, ndiswrapper always works06:52
reinaldoI need Help06:52
fstxxin synaptic thera are two xchat versions, one xchat and one xchat-gnome. Which one shoul I use?06:53
PyroSamakhermans: Yes I am quite sure. It was not an option and I didn't open the file when the vlc was not an option.06:53
cablesfstxx: xchat06:53
symbiotehey everyone.. woo! i re-installed ubuntu.. re-installed those updates.. now i got no problems.. (minus teh stupid bootiproblem but its bearable the os works fine from recovery mode "init 5"06:53
cablesfstxx: xchat-gnome is a watered-down version06:53
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khermansPyroSama, but just clicking it might populate some db06:53
zeromaikol: run dreamweaver, with wine, but i thought i had to mount the image of dreamweaver first to get the setup.exe or something like that, im not sure what i am doing06:53
PeDePanokhermans, that was my doubt: there is nothing better than ndiswrapper, right?06:53
Zylstra555I am trying to install a device in Ubuntu, and have installed the Windows driver, but it is showing as "Not Present"06:53
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reinaldoCan anybbody help me please??06:53
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cables!anyone | reinaldo06:54
ubotureinaldo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:54
khermansPeDePano, its better if there is an open source driver, but ndiswrapper will work if there is none06:54
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maikolzero: run wine on the file your trying to mount06:54
PyroSamakhermans: Its posible.06:54
zeromaikol: ok06:54
fstxxcables: yes that seems to be what the gnome project does.06:54
khermansreinaldo, ask your question06:54
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cablesfstxx: I agree with it for most things, but xchat-gnome takes it way overboard.06:54
PeDePanokhermans, i don t think there s a native driver, only ndiswrapper... do u know a really good tutorial about it?06:55
elpargohow can I force apt to redeploy files to /etc06:55
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ChagoHow I can see my free disk space?06:55
khermansPeDePano, model number?06:55
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elpargoChago, df and du06:55
khermansi will brb06:55
maikolChago: df -h06:55
symbiotendiswrapper sux.. it never worked for me.. it would load teh drivers sure easy.. but teh device would never really work.. it woudl find wireless networks fine.. but it would never connect to them.. I wasted soo much time with those stupid RA73 drivers.. do urself a favour and buy a Bridge.. it works with no drivers!06:55
PeDePanokhermans, atheros 5007eg net5211.inf file06:55
reinaldoI have a problem trying to connect over my home wi-fi connection I have a tp-link wireless router06:55
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ivxhey i am trying tt figure out how to use rsync to make an ubuntu mirror but can't seem to find any step by step documentation, does anyone know of any such documentation?06:56
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive06:57
cablesChago: if you want a nice graphical representation of that, go to Applications>Accessories>Disk Usage Analyzer06:57
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Zylstra555I am trying to install a device in Ubuntu, and have installed the Windows driver, but it is showing as "Not Present"06:57
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ivxfrogzoo, that wasn't the question, i know where to get a copy.06:57
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reinaldoit was direct in windows, but i changed to Ubuntu to forget windows, Ubuntu detects my wi-fi card and it also detects my ssid network but it still doesnt connect06:57
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redcardreinaldo: I had the same problem.  Turns out, NDISwrapper seems to be the only way to do the wireless driver on my DELL laptop06:58
intelikeyfuse fails also.    i really don't think it's possable without a rootkit  for normal users to mount06:58
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felixreinaldo, do you use "wap"/"wep" key?06:58
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PeDePanoreinaldo, does yr wireless router use wpa?06:58
BiTMAP_:'( my sound driver is not working06:59
omegacenti_I hosed my connection.06:59
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reinaldoi have completely unlocked it06:59
ivxreinaldo, make sure you select the right kind of encription from the list, i had that problem06:59
pike_omegacenti_: ?06:59
zeromaikol: i cant it says bad exe format06:59
Zylstra555bitmaap_: What driver are you trying to use?06:59
PeDePanoreinaldo, check if the wpa key is ascii or hexa...06:59
reinaldoits unprotected06:59
BiTMAP_Zylstra555: I have a realtec card06:59
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BiTMAP_and I let it install the defualts06:59
omegacenti_pike_: Alright, in my linksys router, there is an encryption option called TKIP or AES, I used it, but there doesn't seem to be an option like that in Network Applet 0.6.407:00
Zylstra555bitmap_: What program are you using to install the drivers? Ndiswrapper?07:00
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BiTMAP_that didnt work, so i installed a pack supposidly for my card, but it does not appear to have worked07:00
katarahi, somebody know how to mount a freebsd partition on linux?07:00
BiTMAP_Zylstra555: naw, It was a linux driver07:00
reinaldoits wep, hex07:00
pike_omegacenti_: ah.  yeah i know nothing about either of those ;-)07:00
reinaldowithout password07:00
maikolhave you checked the winehq.com site to see if dreamweaver works07:00
Zylstra555BiTMAP_: To tell you the truth, I know hardly anything about Linux... so I cant really get you much farther07:01
redcardBiTMAP_: Sounds very familiar to me.   I have found the fwcutter method that Ubuntu seems to use to be quite messy07:01
omegacenti_Alright, in my linksys router, there is an encryption option called TKIP or AES, I used it, but there doesn't seem to be an option like that in NetworkManager Applet 0.6.407:01
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zeromaikol: yes it works07:01
Zylstra555I am trying to install a device in Ubuntu, and have installed the Windows driver, but it is showing as "Not Present"07:01
pike_katara: not sure ufs is supported out of the box in ubuntu07:01
omegacenti_So I couldn't connect to my router.07:01
BiTMAP_redcard:  the waah?? haha :| yah, basicly i have sound, but applications cant find the hardware acceleration :|07:01
maikolzero: alright, so tell me exactly what you downloaded and what you have done so far07:01
katarapike_, read-only, thats what i need07:01
PeDePanoreinaldo, try wep ascii07:01
pike_omegacenti_: so you cant deselect the encryption?07:01
redcardBiTMAP_: Ack.  Thought you meant the wifi. :) Got you confused with someone.07:01
omegacenti_pike_: in the router? yes.07:02
BiTMAP_redcard: haha its ok ;)07:02
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redcardBiTMAP_: But.. Hardware acceleration on the sound?   Or on video?07:02
BiTMAP_redcard: you know anything about soundcard.07:02
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omegacenti_pike_: hold on Im going to reconnect wirelessly07:02
zeromaikol: i follow installation instructions from winehq.org07:02
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omegacenti_pike_: Im currently red in07:02
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maikolzero: link please07:02
zeromaikol: ok07:02
AS6hello everyone...i`m a new bie, a very newbie. Just downloaded ubuntu. and its in the ISO format. what tool that i use to burn it? Can it co-exist on the same machine as windows?07:02
redcardBiTMAP_: I know a lot of "Hardware Acceleration" on soundcards is really just software.. so I'd search the ubuntuforums at "Ubuntuforums.org"07:03
PeDePanoAS6, yes,,, will u use windows for burn cds?07:03
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AS6pedepano: yes, using windows to burn cds.07:04
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zeromaikol: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb07:04
PeDePanoAS6, just double click an iso image and let a program like nero burn it for u07:04
AS6at the moment, i`m on WinXP07:04
redcardcables: For what its' worth, I do think I'll give xchat a second chance ;) I had written it off after using xchat-gnome07:04
Madpilotubotu, iso | AS607:04
ubotuAS6: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:04
zeromaikol: i am running feisty 7.0407:04
omegacentipike_: okay now I am connected.07:04
Zylstra555I am trying to install a device in Ubuntu, and have installed the Windows driver, but it is showing as "Not Present"07:04
omegacenticables: which one is stronger, AES or TKIP?07:04
MadpilotAS6, actually: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto07:04
AS6thanks, Ubuto. Thats so helpful of u.07:05
PeDePanoZylstra555, same thing to me07:05
FrogzooZylstra555: que? ubuntu doesn't use windows drivers (cept for printers/some wifi)07:05
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pike_katara: well im not on an ubuntu box right now but gentoo docs say: mount -r -t ufs -o ufstype=44bsd /dev/hda1 /mnt/07:05
=== AS6 is very flattered and touched by the kindness of the Ubuntu community. Everyone is helpful!
Zylstra555Frogzoo: I am using Ndiswrapper07:05
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Frogzoo!wifi | Zylstra55507:05
ubotuZylstra555: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:05
AS6thanks, madpilot07:05
Zylstra555Oh, not this again07:06
AS6thanks, pedepano07:06
Zylstra555I have looked at all the documentation07:06
cablesWhy does the right-click menu of some disks say "Unmount Volume" and some say "Eject"? Both do the same thing.07:06
PeDePanoAS6, u r welcome07:06
Zylstra555The problem is the device is showing as "Not Present"07:06
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intelikeyso if i want users to be able to mount a cdrom    but my system is mounted nosuid    what can i do ?07:06
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omegacentiWhat is stronger for wireless: AES or TKIP?07:06
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PyroSamaHow do I change the temp files, cookie file, history file location?07:06
=== Zylstra555 appoligizes for his impatience
PyroSamainf fire fox07:06
maikolzero: you havent installed wine yet?07:06
Shankysv87i'm looking for help with how to use beryl07:06
PyroSama*in firefox07:07
pike_katara: that will mount first slice to mount others youll need dmesg info like 'dmesg | grep bsd' and so p1: >bsd: p5 p6   youd do /dev/hdx5 instead for a diff slice07:07
Shankysv87i'm very new to linux and ubuntu07:07
Shankysv87(just switched from windows)07:07
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Shankysv87and i'm not sure how to get anything from beryl to work07:07
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zeromaikol: i already installed wine07:07
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shijirouShankysv87:  have you installed beryl already?07:08
kataraok pike_ thanx07:08
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kakado_omegacenti: AES is strong encryption, I dont know the other07:08
reinaldo_I have a problem trying to connect over my home wi-fi connection I have a tp-link wireless router07:08
omegacentikakado_: thanks07:08
omegacentiWhat is Crossover?07:08
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reinaldo_ it was direct in windows, but i changed to Ubuntu to forget windows, Ubuntu detects my wi-fi card and it also detects my ssid network but it still doesnt connect07:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crossover - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:08
maikolzero: you said you followd the instructions from wine to install dreamweaver07:08
dhruva023hello guys,07:08
cables!msgthebot | omegacenti07:08
ubotuomegacenti: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...07:08
fstxxnow I am using xchat. How do I get rid of the enter/leave/quit  noise messages07:09
scales11hello all.  is there a reason why i do not see wpa as an option when i try and manually configure the wireless adapter?07:09
Shankysv87the Beryl Manager, Beryl settings manager, and Beryl Settings Manager (simple)07:09
cablesfstxx: right click on the channel tab, uncheck it07:09
omegacenticables: thanks07:09
PyroSamaHow do I change the temp files, cookie file, history file location in firefox? - Sorry for the repeat just combining fragmented statements so people know what I'm talking about.07:09
shijirouShankysv87: open up terminal and type "beryl-manager"07:09
cablesscales11: you need to use Network Manager, the manual config doesn't support wpa yet07:09
dhruva023i want to test remote desktop. can any budy let me connect to his or her desktop.07:09
zeromaikol: i followed instructions from wine to install wine.. that was what you asked for, then i tried to read the instructions to install use it but i got really confused :(07:09
intelikey    system is   /dev2/root2 on / type ext2 (rw,nosuid)   without being root    is it possable to mount a cdrom ?07:09
dhruva023i will let him connect to my desktop07:09
cablesdhruva023: connect to yourself07:09
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omegacentiSorry about that. Does anyone know what Crossover 6.1 is? is it free?07:10
zeromaikol: to use it**07:10
scales11cables:  humm too bad07:10
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:10
Shankysv87shijirou: ok, now what?07:10
dhruva023i tried07:10
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scales11cables: any other good alternatives?07:10
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dhruva023it disconnect  by it self07:10
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dhruva023it doesn't start07:10
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reinaldo_ I have a problem trying to connect over my home wi-fi connection I have a tp-link wireless router: please help07:10
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iMayKnowomega, crossover costs money07:10
zeromaikol:  then i tried to read the instructions to use it but i got really confused****07:10
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fstxxcables: thanks, l looked in the settings/preferences but I could not find anything there07:10
cablesdhruva023: fine, i will connect to you.07:10
reinaldo_ it was direct in windows, but i changed to Ubuntu to forget windows, Ubuntu detects my wi-fi card and it also detects my ssid network but it still doesnt connect07:10
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maikolzero: to use wine07:11
cablesdhruva023: hold on a sec07:11
dhruva023pm me please07:11
zeromaikol:  yes, to use wine07:11
shijirouShankysv87: there's a gem icon... on the upper right? tell you what... its better to read thru the beryl wiki than spoon feed you everything... => http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Main_Page07:11
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MISTERTibbs_reinaldo: let's talk07:11
IndyGunFreak!wireless | reinaldo07:11
ubotureinaldo: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:11
zeromaikol:  but i could not really understand the instructions07:11
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maikolzero: so you go tthat error when you tytped: wine file.msi07:12
Shankysv87i've read the wiki.. but i wasn't able to find where it tells how to get it going...07:12
Shankysv87skimmed it anyway07:12
shijirouwhat is it exactly you are trying to do with beryl?07:12
Shankysv87maybe i'm reading the wrong wiki lol07:12
Shankysv87what is the wiki address?07:12
zeromaikol:  yes07:13
=== Monkey_ [n=aj@daedalus.dsl.visi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Shankysv87i'm trying just pretty much anything07:13
reinaldo_THX UBOTU07:13
AS6I`m using a Compaq laptop that has 80gb harddisk which i have 2 partitions C & D and at the moment its running on Winxp. How can i install ubuntu onto partition D and not corrupt windows system?07:13
DShepherdturning on the touchpad on my hp dv9000 series laptop launches yelp in gnome and khelpcenter in kde. anyone else have this issue?07:13
Shankysv87i'm trying to find out what it can do07:13
shijirouShankysv87: i posted the wiki... scroll up07:13
zeromaikol:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24948/07:13
Shankysv87ok thanks07:13
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cablesdhruva023: I cannot connect to your server. To make this work properly, you need to forward the port 5900 on your router. Also, beryl needs to be disabled or whoever's connecting will only get the first frame.07:13
maikolzero: try msiexec.exe file.msi07:13
MISTERTibbs_reinaldo: uboto is a robot, fyi07:14
dhruva023let me do it07:14
reinaldo_dindn't know07:14
intelikeyAS6  hehhe  C and D   not in linux.   sda1 & sda2  maybe07:14
dhruva023how do i forward the port?07:14
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MISTERTibbs_reinaldo: no prob.  good luck with the wifi07:15
soyportihey does anyone install mandriva using qemu?07:15
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zeromaikol:  well actually i only have one exe file and its a keygen.exe07:15
AS6Can i use ubunto on the same machine that is running winxp? I have some files on my winxp....and need to use them. Can i have like 2 options to boot from? either from linux or win?07:15
maikolzero: without the .exe, sorry. so it would be msiexec file.msi07:15
soyportiit ask for a username?07:15
intelikeyAS6 installing into a file system that doesn't support permissions bits ?      i don't think you can.     cigwin maybe07:15
cablesAS6: yes.07:15
DShepherdAS6, yes07:15
cablesintelikey: what are you talking about?07:16
iMayKnowAS6, you can dual boot or run it in vmware or the like07:16
cablesAS6: the installer will automatically resize Windows for you if you select "resize existing" or whatever07:16
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cablesAS6: if that doesn't show up as an option, come back here and we'll tell you how to do it manually.07:16
soyportiwhy is mandriva one 2007 asking me for a username? it is because i'm using qemu?07:16
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intelikeycables  you can't install linux in ntfs space   nor into vfat space07:16
zeromaikol:  yes that is what i am trying to do07:16
zeromaikol:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24948/07:16
cablesintelikey: sure you can07:16
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cablesintelikey: it's called loopmounting07:17
intelikeycables that's what i was talking about.     and lagging.07:17
cablesintelikey: and he's not asking how to install it on his existing partition07:17
cablesintelikey: he just wants to keep Windows intact.07:17
Shankysv87shijirou, i guess i still don't understand.. where on the site does it show you a tutorial for a beginner07:17
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Shankysv87i'm looking to use one of its themes it has07:17
maikolzero: type: msiexec file.msi in the console07:17
zeromaikol:  ok07:18
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cablesShankysv87: you need to right click on the icon, go to Window Manager, and choose Emerald07:18
alperyilma1is there anybody who can help me with VMware server running on Ubuntu?07:18
alperyilma1I installed it but it crashes07:18
Shankysv87cables, now what?07:18
intelikeycables you can install linux on ntfs ???    any docs on that ?07:18
AS6cable: thank u man.07:19
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Shankysv87if i double click on the theme, it does nothing.. is there something else i need to click instead?07:19
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maikolzero: if that fails, try msiexec /i file.msi07:19
dhruva023i have disabled the beryl and opened the port07:19
zeromaikol:  ok i did it, and appeared some messages07:19
alperyilma1i have permission issue with VMware server installation07:19
hkBstintelikey: you can install a linux filesystem as a file on any other filesystem including NTFS07:19
dhruva023please somebudy try to connect07:19
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maikolzero: ok pastebin them07:19
zeromaikol:  ok07:20
Bandit_what the hell, im new to linux, just got x-chat. im used to mirc. is there even a damn nicklist window?07:20
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zeromaikol:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24949/07:20
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dhruva023i got two connection07:20
Tom47intelikey: you can even instal ubuntu inside windows without vm .... wubi07:20
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dhruva023but they closed it self?07:21
maikolzero: try msiexec /i file.msi07:21
dhruva023do you have my password??07:21
zeromaikol:  ok07:21
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AS6tom47: wont that affect the NTFS partition?07:21
lazaruslupinenicklist window on the right side, just drag it to the left until you see it Bandit_07:21
CantiIs it possible to disable thumbnail rendering when browsing files or if the thumbnails are cached is there a way to change where they are saved to?07:21
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reinaldo_why cant i delete or modify dat un my portable hard disk07:21
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Tom47!wubi | AS607:21
cablesdhruva023: hold on07:21
ubotuAS6: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html07:21
Bandit_thanks lazarus07:21
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reinaldo_It say i dont have permission07:21
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Bandit_is there a auto-complete for nicks, like when you press tab in mirc07:22
lazaruslupineno problem07:22
zeromaikol:  it worked!07:22
cablesdhruva023: connected07:22
cablesBandit_: yeah07:22
maikolzero: good07:22
BiTMAP_i'm trying to follow the guide for installing ubuntu sound card drivers, and i am on the alsa project page trying to get the driver07:22
Bandit_how do i use it cables?07:22
dhruva023what do u see?07:22
lazaruslupineBandit_,  yup just used it07:22
zeromaikol:  thank you so much!07:22
BiTMAP_and its making me confused, im not sure how to use the instructions.07:22
cablesdhruva023: it's asking me for a PW, do you want to give that to me or not?07:22
Bandit_how :)07:22
cablesBandit_: in what client? normally you just hit tab07:22
czaveriHi All! I just got my first Ubuntu install done. It is 6.06 LTS. I have nearly everything setup except for display.07:22
dhruva023i will07:22
zeromaikol:  so i am not using wine or i am?07:22
dhruva023just a minut07:22
cablesreinaldo_: is it ntfs?07:22
BiTMAP_Hepl! Having trouble installing Intel-HDA Driver from alsa.07:22
hkBstintelikey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/Prototype07:22
DShepherdtoday i connected my laptop to a projector and booted the laptop up. The screen was being displayed on the projector but not via my laptop display.. what do i need to do to make them both show at the same time....07:22
lazaruslupineBandit_,  yup just hit tab07:23
maikolzero: yes, misexec is a part of wine07:23
Bandit_it shows a list of all nicks07:23
Bandit_do i just then click it?07:23
DShepherdDShepherd, nvidia card here.. Geforce Go 760007:23
cablesCanti: disable them in edit>preferences, and they're cached in ~/.thumbnails07:23
AS6Ubuto: I thought wubi was a slang, till u mentioned that its an installer. thanks.07:23
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Bandit_oh nevermind07:23
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Bandit_thanks for the quick help guys :D07:23
Shankysv87cables, i'm in emerald... how do i get the theme i want to work?07:23
Bandit_man i love the linux community already.07:23
maikolzero: and once its installed, to run dreamweaver, it will have to be using the wine command. for example, wine dreamweaver.exe or whatever the exec file name is07:23
lazaruslupineBandit_,  just type the first few letters and hit the tab key07:23
cablesAS6: dual booting the normal way will resize the ntfs partition, and is a bit riskier than Wubi. However, Ubuntu installed through Wubi isn't as good, and it's beta07:23
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czaveriMy display has been setup as 1024x768 but it should be 1280x800. (Dell Lat D680). xorg.conf displays correct info but it just doesn't work as 1280x800.07:24
Bandit_everyone's so much nicer, helpful, and friendly07:24
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zeromaikol:  ohhh ok, and where the app is stores?, the installation just finish but not sure where is it07:24
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maikolzero: $HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/07:24
lazaruslupinecool welcome07:24
maikolzero: unless you changed anything yourself07:24
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zeromaikol:  i dont think so, i'll check now07:25
cablesShankysv87: select it07:25
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Shankysv87i did07:25
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czaveriCan someone HELP me understand why my display is set to 1024x768 eventhough my xorg.conf is setup for 1280x800 ?07:26
cables!fixres | czaveri, read this first07:26
ubotuczaveri, read this first: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:26
BiTMAP_Need help installing the ALSA Intel-HDA sound driver, attempting to follow the alsa instructions page and it is not working07:26
zeromaikol: ok i found id07:27
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czaverithanks, cables, ubotu - I will check that out07:27
Shankysv87cables, i selected it, nothing happened07:27
cablesczaveri: ubotu is a bot07:27
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cablesShankysv87: what are you selecting?07:27
lazaruslupineczaveri,  Its most likely setting it to what it thinks is your highest resolution07:27
phixwhat package has lvdisplay, lvscan, lvetc.. ?07:27
Shankysv87the theme i want Fayal (System Theme)07:27
phixI tried installing lvm2 but with no luck07:28
czaveriok, cables07:28
lazaruslupineczaveri,  what video card are you using?07:28
phixNo program "lvdisplay" found for your current version of LVM07:28
zeromaikol: cool, now just works!!, thx a million!07:28
maikolzero: no prob07:28
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czaverilazaruslupine, I am using some intel card bundled with dell latitude d62007:28
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cablesShankysv87: is that an Emerald theme?07:29
intelikeyTom47 wubi looks like a cygwin clone to me.   is it not ?07:29
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cablesintelikey: no way!07:29
cablesintelikey: it doesn't run ubuntu within windows07:29
cablesintelikey: it just uses the NTFS partition as a host for Ubuntu, Ubuntu is running completely natively.07:29
czaverilazaruslupine, thanks for your willingness to help - i will checkout that wiki page07:29
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lazaruslupineczaveri,  yeah and check the forums too07:29
phixok nm07:29
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phixI had to restart the LVM service07:29
lazaruslupineit a common problem it seems like07:29
Shankysv87it says next to it Engine:YES(0.1) Emerald:YES 90.1.3) Legacy07:30
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czaverilazaruslupine, ok thanks! :_)07:30
cablesintelikey: Windows isn't running at the same time as Ubuntu when you use Wubi07:30
Shankysv87sorry.. Emerald:YES(0.1.3)07:30
hanasakiwhat is avah and why is eth0 not getting an IP but there is an eth0:avah07:30
lazaruslupineczaveri, no prob07:30
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Tom47intelikey am not expert on how ts does its magic but it would have an apeal to a number of folk .... i was contemplating its use to aid freenx connection to windows at one point instead of colinux07:31
intelikeycables so you boot windows then exec a second stage boot loader that dumps windows and starts linux  ???   interesting07:31
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Tom47cables ah well that would not have helped me then looks like it colinux or nothing07:32
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intelikeyTom47 well i'm inpressed.  i didn't know that anyone was building a system that could use ntfs hosting for ext#    (and yes i know about mount -o loop, that's not what i meant)07:33
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intelikeynow if anyone could tell me how i might make normal users able to mount fs's  with a nosuid system ...... ?07:34
omegacentiIm having problem hearing ventrilo in wine. Need some help.07:34
reinaldo_Cables: the partition its ntfs07:34
omegacentiwrong channel07:34
intelikeyi know it can't be done, but thought i'd ask anyway.07:35
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hkBstintelikey: if it can't be done there is always "sudo"07:36
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intelikeyhkBst no there isn't07:36
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DShepherdDShepherd, help ^?07:36
Shankysv87cables, i'm using emerald and the theme is an emerald theme07:36
intelikeyhkBst not on a nosuid system07:36
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reinaldo_In cant delete or modify files under NTFS partition: why is that? What can I do?07:37
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Shankysv87i need help with emerald themer07:37
Shankysv87when i click on the theme i want, it doesn't do anything07:38
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hkBstintelikey: I see. So what you're asking for is how can I do something that requires root privs when it is impossible to get root privs?07:38
omegacentiGreat, Im banned from #winehq. Could anyone help me out?07:38
omegacentiThey are not nearly as nice as this channel.07:38
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pike_!ntfs | reinaldo_07:39
ubotureinaldo_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse07:39
intelikeyhkBst exactly.07:39
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|-David-|what is with this? My screen blacks out right before the login, and won't go any further...07:39
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AS6for a starter using WUBI, what option is the best: Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu, UbuntuStudio?07:40
maikolintelikey: fstab07:40
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Shankysv87i need help with emerald themer07:40
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Shankysv87when i click on the theme i want, it doesn't do anything07:40
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IntertricityHow do I kill a process in D state?07:40
intelikeymaikol tried that.  good idea but   mount still says  "only root can mount"07:40
BiTMAP_anyone able to give me a hand with alsa on my soundcard. I am not sure if i have installed my sound card correctly I have sound but some applications still do not view it correctly.07:41
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basswasterhi... seeking help installing to a computer with no cd drive... can someone help?07:41
intelikeymount: must be superuser to use mount07:41
maikolintelikey: oh. what are you trying to mount07:41
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intelikeyfstab line    disk.img        disk            auto    user,users,noauto 0       007:41
omegacentison of a $%^& vitamin from #winehq is getting on my last nerve, I can't even defend myself since hes some rogue op...07:41
pike_basswaster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/installation  i belive is right07:42
intelikeymaikol heres another test.   it fails too.   mount /dev/fd0        fstab says; /dev/fd0        /mnt/floppy     auto    sync,noauto,users,user 0  007:43
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basswasterpike: thanks, but i've already tried both a network install and a hdd install (as in, copying the cd contents to hdd on another comp), and couldn't get either to work...07:43
intelikeyomegacenti  /ignore user07:43
Razor__How do I kill a process in D state?07:43
omegacentiintelikey: hes an op, and I need advice from that channel07:44
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intelikeyof course ignoring ops can get you banned.   i tried it to see....07:44
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maikolintelikey: thats weird07:44
SochBatHello Ubuntites07:44
intelikeyRazor__ kill it's parrent ?07:45
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Razor__What if it doesn't have a parent?07:45
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jrsimswhat's a good wireless GUI tool for xubuntu?07:45
basswasteris there some way to copy the installation cd contents to hdd and point the boot loader to it?07:46
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CantiIs there a way to make so firefox in full screen mode doesnt cover the bottom 23 pxl's?07:46
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intelikeymaikol not really.   mount is set suid by default   but my whole system is mounted 'nosuid' so that negates the S and leaves mount as helpless as anyother app when ran by user *07:46
saeedany one can help me?07:46
IndyGunFreakjrsims, search the repos, i'm sure there is one.07:46
AS6I already downloaded ubuntu file. Rite now, i am launching the installation using WUBI. Wubi is now downloading the files again, but i already have the file. How do i make wubi to use the file that already exist?07:46
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maikolintelikey: ah07:47
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saeedAny way I can conect with wirelessly?07:47
IndyGunFreak!wireless | saeed07:47
ubotusaeed: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:47
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intelikeyRazor__ all processes have parrents.  except init!     but init may be it's parrent and you can't kill init.   (normally)07:48
melonlol - i spent up to a week trying to figure out how..07:48
Razor__Ahh =\07:48
intelikeyRazor__ what is the process ?07:48
cablesHow do I set a default font in OpenOffice.org? I've tried setting the font for the Default style, but it didn't stick.07:48
AS6I already downloaded ubuntu file. Rite now, i am launching the installation using WUBI. Wubi is now downloading the files again, but i already have the file. How do i make wubi to use the file that already exist?07:48
ZemusHi! I'm new to ubuntu, and my microphone doesn't work. Any ideas?07:48
Razor__It died eventually o_x; just takes a little longer than it should07:48
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saeedindy I tried every thing I had linksys notbook adapter but it is not woking07:49
omegacentiwget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add does this look safe?07:49
CokeManwhere does firefox store its cache?07:49
intelikeywell does it have a window or icon or anything Razor__   "i'm not familear with blender"07:49
saeedI am new to ununtu but my wirless conection is not working07:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wget - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:49
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IndyGunFreakwget rocks.07:49
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omegacentiIndyGunFreak: I don't know if I should do that.07:49
QuallI am totally newq07:49
Razor__It's a window, it's a 3D program07:49
IndyGunFreakwhy not?07:49
QuallAnd I need some real help with Ubuntu07:49
Razor__intelikey: it has a window07:49
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: that command. I don't know what it does.07:50
IndyGunFreakwhat are you trying to install?07:50
saeedany help?07:50
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KEEVHow can i make my xterm trans? By editing my profile? if so where can it be found?07:50
IndyGunFreak!wireless | saeed07:50
ubotusaeed: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:50
intelikeyRazor__ oh   ok.      and it was probably just waiting for a child proccess to return.          (i'm lagging if you didn't notice)07:50
QuallCan anyone provide help installing an agere soft pci modem driver?07:50
=== tone [n=tone@ip70-162-101-218.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
aubadeKEEV: What emulator you using?07:50
IndyGunFreakomegacenti, what are you trying to install?07:50
Razor__intelikey: no problem =)07:50
Razor__intelikey: thanks ^_^07:50
=== Dave|Away [n=dumstot@CPE-65-30-150-155.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: the LATEST version of wine07:51
intelikeyRazor__ normally anything that has a window    you can use   "xkill" on.07:51
Tom47AS6 it would appear you would need to use the alternate iso installer rather than the ivecd07:51
KEEVxterm? forgive me aubade this is my first week on ubuntu(linux period).07:51
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: wow those guys over at winehq are @$$holes.07:51
IndyGunFreakomegacenti, lol07:51
IndyGunFreakomegacenti, did you go to http://www.winehq.com07:51
aubadeAh, xterm doesn't support psuedo or actual transparency from what I know.07:51
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: yeah07:51
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Tom47AS6 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#head-60b926cce3373ab80f68bdc74caa7587d087b26907:51
tonecan anyone confirm this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40785907:51
Razor__intelikey: Yeah, that works unless I need to change the screen to grab the terminal because it's in fullscreen and not updating07:51
IndyGunFreakit has pretty clear instructions.07:51
maikolKEEV: xterm no tranparency. aterm -tr will do the trick for aterm07:51
toneis anyone running 21?07:51
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: here look at this:http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb07:51
basswasteri've copied the cd to an iso and copied it to the hdd, but the nocd installer won't find it... help?07:52
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KEEVWhen i installed it via synaptic manager...07:52
aubadeIf you want to retain settings, most terminals rely on .Xdefaults. gnome-terminal, konsole, and xfce4-terminal all have menus and save their settings elsewhere.07:52
KEEVi cant find the icon07:52
reinaldo_!ntfs | reinaldo07:52
ubotureinaldo: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse07:52
KEEVor maybe its a command to run it?07:52
CokeMandoes anyone know where firefox stores its internet cache?07:52
aubadeCommand to run what? :o07:52
intelikeyTom47 i won't but in there but you might mention to as'six'  to be sure to check the disk after burning too.07:52
IndyGunFreakomegacenti, yes, its perfectly safe07:52
cablesCokeMan: in ~/.mozilla/firefox/profilefolder07:53
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: k07:53
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: following guide fully then07:53
IndyGunFreakthe "apt key add".. its adding the wine repository to your repo list, so wine wil update automatically, etc.07:53
IndyGunFreakomegacenti, yeah..07:53
IndyGunFreaki did, and it snever given me an issue07:53
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cablesCokeMan: if you want to clear it, just go to Tools>Clear Private Data07:53
aubadeIt's simply 'aterm'.07:53
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Tom47AS6 did you see intelikey's comment above?07:53
intelikeyRazor__ hehhe yeah  "xkill" on full screen   "might" kill your window manager...    ;/07:53
CokeMancables: nah, i was intrested in making a program, exparimental in nature. thx07:53
cablesCokeMan: ok07:53
Razor__intelikey: lol07:53
|-David-|alright, can ANYONE help me with this screen blackout? I just put in an NVIDIA TNT2 Vanta card. It blanks right before the login and won't let me get any further. I have an onboard card, too, but my BIOS says that the PCI card is already taking precedence over the onboard. Any takers?07:53
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aubadeCan you disable the onboard entirely in the BIOS, David?07:54
matthewI've given up attempting to become a programmer; I have enough trouble figuring out the formation of the Linux filesystems07:54
|-David-|Not that I can see07:54
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basswasterno cd install?07:55
QuallI need help installing an agere soft pci modem driver. Can anyone PM me to help please? It would be much appreciated07:55
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AS6Tom47: I am using WUBI, not the direct installer.07:55
chrisjs169i'm getting 'svn: relocation error: svn: undefined symbol: svn_ra_initialize' when trying to use svn...any ideas?07:55
matthewOh.... any explanations on installing w32codec?07:55
matthewI'm having the worst of tribulations07:55
KEEVaubade, i'll right i have it installed.. how do i look at its config>07:55
|-David-|Maybe there is something in my Windows XP that i can disable it with?07:55
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intelikeyRazor__ this is a command that can be used,  WITH EXTREEM CAUTION!  killall5    and/or   kill -9 -1     but those are drastic measures07:56
basswasterno cd install?07:56
aubadeKEEV: Have what installed, aterm?07:56
basswasterlocal network install?07:56
CokeMancables: firefox stores stuff in one big file doesnt it?07:56
Razor__intelikey: hm... lemme give that a try07:56
KEEVaubade, yes07:56
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intelikeyRazor__ and you really don't want that last one as root   hehhe  kills all but init.07:57
matthewAnybody able to assist me with the installation of w32codecs?07:57
basswasteri've got another computer running windows... cant work out how to set up a tftp server to install ubuntu07:57
Razor__intelikey: er.. nevermind then c_c;07:57
omegacentihow do I find out what the link in my applications menu actually points to? like for instance I have something called wine, and I want to know what version it is.07:57
slackmagicCokeMan: not really ..look inside $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default07:57
matthewI know it's pathetic and there are online intructions but I've failed repetitiously07:57
maikolomegacenti: wine --version07:57
chrisjs169re: svn issue?07:57
QuallI need help installing an agere soft pci modem driver. If someone could pm me that would be much appreciated07:57
matthewalthough, i did finally manage to install wine07:58
CokeMani did07:58
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: open a terminal, type.. "wine --ver"  no quotes07:58
omegacentimaikol: Im talking about the link in my applications folder. I need to know if it points to the right wine07:58
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CokeManslackmagic, i did, and theres a folder in there called Cache with 2 files in there07:58
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: read message to maikol07:58
maikolomegacenti: or use "which" to find the path of the exec in question;so which wine07:58
omegacentimaikol: um... the one in my applications folder... oy...07:58
intelikeymatthew you have the .deb package down loaded  ?07:58
aubadeKEEV: aterm itself doesn't have a configuration all to its own, it uses the .Xdefaults file in your home directory. There's a plethora of options listed in aterm's manual.07:58
omegacentiIm not sure if Im getting it out right.07:58
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: are you wanting to know your wine version?07:58
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maikolomegacenti: which is a command07:59
cablesCokeMan: not that I know of07:59
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Shankysv87your back07:59
cablesShankysv87: what?07:59
chrisjs169re: svn issue?07:59
slackmagicCokeMan: you sure you didn't go inside root's .mozilla/firefox ?07:59
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: no. wanting to know what this wine thing in my gnonme applications menu is pointing to07:59
cablesShankysv87: did I miss anything you said?07:59
KEEVaubade, humm so how can i make it trans?07:59
Shankysv87i think07:59
intelikeymatthew  sudo dpkg -i path/to/packagename.deb     it's that simple    iirc.07:59
aubadeKEEV: http://linuxreviews.org/software/x11-terms/aterm/Xdefaults.aterm.txt <-- Good example.07:59
Shankysv87it is an emerald theme07:59
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IndyGunFreakomegacenti: oh ok.. i have no idea on that.07:59
QuallI need help locating and installing an agere soft pci modem driver. If someone could pm me that would be much appreciated07:59
Shankysv87but when i click on it, it still does nothing07:59
matthewooh thanks07:59
KEEVaubade, thank you!07:59
maikolomegacenti: type which wine07:59
Tom47AS6 unless you have the alternate install iso i think you are tuck with the download08:00
CokeManslackmagic, yeah, i went into mine, i've got _CACHE_001_ and _CACHE_MAP_08:00
omegacentimaikol: not in a cli... I am talking about something I am clicking. inside of gnome. can't tell if its opening the right wine...08:00
Tom47AS6 stuck*08:00
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maikolomegacenti: dunno since i dont use gnome08:01
intelikeymatthew err i think there was also a script in either that package or the one for dvds    i dont  remember which.  but you had to do something like  sudo sh /usr/lib/something/script.sh       to finish the install but that should be in the instructions if it's the codecs.08:01
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intelikeysomeone in here may know.08:01
chrisjs169any suggestions for the svn issue?08:02
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intelikeymaikol you either ?08:02
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maikolintelikey: gnome question or use?08:02
AS6tom47: i have the alternate file. I have downloaded it earlier. How do i tell WUBI to use my file instead of download?08:02
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intelikeymatthew  if no one pipes up with the answer   you can always     dpkg -L <packagename> | grep .sh     and see if it had a script in it  :)08:03
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chrisjs169any suggestions for the svn issue?08:03
intelikeymaikol use gnome.08:03
Tom47AS6 see the item 2.4 in the url reference .... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#head-60b926cce3373ab80f68bdc74caa7587d087b26908:04
ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/08:04
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matthewoh right on... will do08:04
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matthewI'm actually still trying to locate a w32 .deb download08:04
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matthew'cause I got some other one that's .tar.bz208:05
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Shankysv87cables, you still awake?08:05
intelikeymatthew oh.  /msg ubotu codecs     i think08:05
matthewwill try08:06
cablesShankysv87: yes, but barely08:06
Shankysv87same here.. its 2am...08:06
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basswastercould someone plz help me with install issues?08:06
matthewno luck08:06
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:06
jrsimsanyone been able to install Oracle Databae 10g Enterprise Edition on ubuntu?08:06
intelikeymatthew  it's   http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:06
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Shankysv87i was asking to see if you are able to help me or not08:07
matthewk... there08:07
matthewchecking it out now08:07
basswastercould someone plz help me with install issues?08:07
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intelikeymatthew sorry about the misscue,  was w32codecs that held the url08:07
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matthewithe misscue?08:08
omegacentialright winehq is not helpful in any way. I am now experiencing some bad erors with wine and I don't know what to do...08:08
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matthewanyway, it's all good08:08
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AS6tom47: thats what i did, but it doesnt work.08:09
AS6it still download.08:09
basswastercould someone plz help me with install issues?08:09
intelikeymatthew  yeah  i said  /msg ubotu codecs  it was   /msg ubotu w32codecs    sorry.08:09
jrsimsQUESTION: what is the best music player?08:09
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matthewoh, got'cha... that's all right.08:09
intelikey!ask | basswaster08:10
ubotubasswaster: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:10
matthewtrying revised now08:10
basswasteri have, about 3 times now!!!08:10
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Tom47AS6 you have several choices ... let it run, or take the issue up in the wubi forum http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=23408:10
Shankysv87in beryl emerald themer, i click on a theme i want, but nothing happens, what do i do?08:11
basswastercan you copy the contents of the install cd to the hdd and install without booting from cd?08:11
matthewintelikely: says no such file or directory exists... will that be the site of w32codec installation?08:11
basswasteri mean, i know you can... but I can't get it to work...08:11
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Tom47AS6 if neither of those are attractive you may want to consider a more conventional aproach08:12
logmeinwhen I do acpi -t it says "No support for device type: thermal" so should I turn off acpid and apmd under services?08:12
intelikeybasswaster you mean while windows is running ?08:12
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AS6Tom47: I think i`ll leave to it to download the file.08:13
intelikeymatthew give me a minute let me find it for you.08:13
matthewkk... thanks08:13
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basswasterintellikey: no, i have a separate computer running windows and a usb hdd cradle, so getting it onto the hdd is easy. Making it boot to the installer... that's got me beat...08:13
sumigamerhey guys whenever i try to compile stuff i get the error that the compiler cant create executables. whats this??08:14
Tom47AS6 yes its prob the best course if yr download speed is adequate08:14
saeedany way I can play mp3 in uuntu?08:14
|_ockestill no sound :P08:14
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Tom47AS6 nevertheless pls bookmark the two references for future use08:15
matthewOh..... ***Clarification*** the url worked perfectly and I'm taking those steps but just thought I'd clarify that I meant /msg ubotu w32codecs didn't work08:15
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orbinsumigamer: install the build-essential package. another tip is to check the repository before you compile as what you want may be in there08:15
matthew...just being sure of clarity08:15
sumigamerhow do i install the build essential package??08:16
intelikeymatthew  feisty ?08:16
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basswasterhas anyone installed successfully from the hdd?08:16
AS6Tom47: Thank you, gentleman your kind assistance. Its greatly appreciated. The links have been bookmarked.08:16
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matthew....often.... j/k08:16
lazaruslupinesumigamer,  just open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install build-essential"08:16
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lazaruslupinesudo apt-get update first preferably though08:17
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orbinsaeed: i think you get prompted for a codec install if you try an open one in feisty, otherwise, check here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats08:17
intelikey /msg matthew wget 'http://mirror3.ubuntulinux.nl/pool/feisty-seveas/extras/w32codecs_20061022-1~seveas1_i386.deb'08:17
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yangyiyun 08:18
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ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk08:19
ubotu #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 08:19
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intelikeyah i mis id'd that  i guess.08:20
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ortega10when i try to upgrade my software, i get this error in synaptic "E: Can't write /root/.synaptic/selections.proceed"... i also get errors in update-manager and apt-get... what should i do?08:20
basswasterplease help me with my installation problems08:20
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pukekowhat is the "discover" package called by the installer dapper install disk ?08:21
lazaruslupineortega10, do you have root privileges when u update?08:21
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues08:21
ortega10lazaruslupine: yes i do08:21
Tom47basswaster: the only help i can offer is to ensure you have had the benefit of what is in ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows08:21
Madpilotintelikey, to be honest, I can't tell the difference, so was planning on hitting both zn & jp08:21
matthewdidn't work at first because I forgot to add .deb but the DL has commenced08:22
basswastertom47: I have... i'm pretty sure I've tried everything from in there...08:22
ortega10lazaruslupine: seems like a strange error, i can't find much about in on the web08:22
Tom47basswaster: ok ... sory but thats the limit of my help unfortunately08:22
matthewETA 00:4008:23
basswastertom47: it's k, thanks for replying :)08:23
pukekowhats the ubuntu version of kudzu called in dapper ?08:23
lazaruslupineortega10,  if its a file that is causing problems, why not rename it and try again?08:23
basswasteranyone else?08:23
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ortega10lazaruslupine: because i don't know if it's a key system file, i don't want to mess with it08:23
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lazaruslupineortega10, by renaming it it won't be deleted, but yeah I know what you mean08:24
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Rootsalguem ae?08:25
ortega10lazaruslupine: well thanks anyway08:25
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matthewso.... intelikely.... now do I just follow the instructions of the URL?08:25
intelikeybasswaster no. not me.  but  if you can kickoff any kind of linux kernel  "maybe using loadlin.exe and a ramdisk "floppy" distro,  you might be able to run ubiquity there.... idk.08:25
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matthewcontinue with that?08:25
RootsI ! Im from brazil!08:25
lazaruslupineortega10, sorry I couldn't help more08:25
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orbinpukeko: what is it?08:26
intelikeymatthew yep.      or just  sudo dpkg -i <the-file-you-dl'd.deb>08:26
Rootsis chat?08:26
elpargoanyone here can tell me how I can make ubuntu reinstall config files, it's giving me some bull about not restoring it because it was deleted.08:26
Rootsim redided in 20min of forum of free software!08:26
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matthewkk... where did it dl to?08:26
basswasterintelikey: well, i've been able to get that far using FreeDOS and GRUB, and so I can get an installer running... thus far I have both a local network install kernel and a hdd install kernel which i can boot into... but the net one does nothing and the hdd one just refuses to open the ISO!08:26
pukekoorbin: i need to know what it is called too i want to install discover form install cd but apt says it is referred to by another package ..08:27
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Flannelpukeko: discover is in universe, so it won't be on the CD08:28
pukekoorbin: as i am having boring nic detection probs with no spares08:28
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intelikeyelpargo  sudo apt-get -u --reinstall --fix-missing install packagename.deb08:28
elpargointelikey, thank you08:29
KEEVCan anyone help with with a weather gdesklet08:29
pukekoFlannelL: cheers ! my nic probs get worse ..08:29
Flannelpukeko: you'll have to sneakernet it08:29
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pukekoFlannelL: whats that?08:30
Flannelpukeko: Actually, you want "discover1" which is in main, and might be on the CD.08:30
pukekoFlannelL: ta brb08:30
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Flannelpukeko: which CD do you have?08:31
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elpargoit's still giving out this stupid message Not replacing deleted config file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini08:31
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Flannelelpargo: remove libapache2-mod-php5 with --purge (or "complete removal" via synaptic) and then reinstall it.08:32
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basswasteranyone else help me?08:33
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orbinhmm, in update manager i seem to have a proposed download total of 67MB  for updates, yet if i uncheck all the ones listed, the value only drops to 46MB.08:33
QuallI need some help obtaining a driver and installing a driver for a PCI K56flex08:33
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elpargoFlannel, i ran  sudo apt-get -u --reinstall --fix-missing install libapache2-mod-php508:33
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omegacentibash: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy. How do I find out whats currently using it?08:35
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Flannelelpargo: sudo apt-get remove --purge libapache2-mod-php5 && sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php508:35
pukekoFlannelL: found discover1 ... does it run on bootup ? i need to detect missing or new nics then want to be prompted to config them ..08:35
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crimsunomegacenti: lsof /dev/dsp*08:35
zoidberghey guys how can you make a perl script run at login?08:36
RecyclerXhi there08:36
zoidbergcan anyone help me?08:36
Flannelpukeko: I have no idea how it works, you might try `man discover` or discover1.  Doesn't look like it starts on boot.08:36
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elpargoFlannel, thanks I'll write that down.08:37
RecyclerXim currently setting up my system to run offline applications08:37
zoidbergcan anyone help me please....i'm trying to run a script on login...how do i do it?08:37
Flannel!startup | zoidberg08:37
ubotuzoidberg: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot08:37
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RecyclerXmy system halts whenever i disconnect the network card at boot08:38
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RecyclerXit actually gives me an error saying no network found08:38
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RecyclerXbut it wont skip the network check and continue into the system08:39
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RecyclerXdoes anybody here know what the problem is?08:39
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Gekkkocan someone type "sh --version" in a console for me please?08:39
pukekozoidberg: .bashrc perhaps ?08:39
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jscinozhey guys i think i have a problem with OSS or ALSA, whenever i start a program from the menu it has no sound, but if i start it from a terminal, with no extra parameters it works fine, any ideas why this happens and how to fix it?08:40
RecyclerXis it possible to disable the network check at boot?08:40
bexdoes ubuntu 7.04 have a graphical interface for ndiswrapper ?08:40
bex(or does the new ndiswrapper itself have it maybe?)08:40
Gekkkocan someone type "sh --version" in a console for me please?08:40
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FlannelGekkko: that won't really work, as we're potentially all on different ubuntu versions.  What info are you looking for?08:41
Gekkkoi dont care what version of Ubuntu you're on08:41
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Gekkkoas long as you're on an ubuntu08:41
Gekkkoi just wanna know the output08:41
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hyljesh: Illegal option --08:41
Gekkkoi have my reasons, but I can't get into my Ubuntu right now to find out >_>08:41
gordboyGekkko, sh doesn't take long options. but bash does. bash --version08:42
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tritium!enter > Gekkko (see the private message from ubotu)08:42
RecyclerXcan someone tell me how to skip the ethernet check at boot?08:42
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jmghi all08:42
Gekkkogordboy: it says Ubuntu's sh is dash, not bash08:42
loganWhen I try to open a RAR with Archive Manager it says Archive type not supported. What should I use for RAR files?08:42
GekkkoI think i just proved that theory08:42
Gekkkoit = wikipedia.08:42
jmglatest feisty updates (kernel?) broke my box, cant login through x or boot single user mode. booting old kernel - can't start x.08:43
tintincan any one tell me how to configure N6681 to work with gnokii08:43
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FlannelGekkko: no, that's simply not correct.08:43
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Frogzoo_Gekkko: is /usr mounted? I think the initrd image uses dash for sh, once the machine's up, it should be bash08:43
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FlannelGekkko: Ubuntu 6.10 and later use dash as the default script handler, but "sh" isn't dash.  Its just a symlink to any scripter.08:44
Gekkkodash is a modern replacement for ash in the Debian project, and (as of the 6.10 release) is the default /bin/sh in Ubuntu. However, the transition in Ubuntu to making dash /bin/sh has broken numerous shell scripts that relied upon bash-specific functionality, also known as bashisms.08:44
bobsumone_ Gekkko: I believe he is correct08:44
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gordboyls -l /bin/sh08:44
jmgHow do I get the uuids of my disks?08:44
Frogzoo_Gekkko: oh no: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2006-12-10 14:57 /bin/sh -> dash08:44
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jscinozhey guys i think i have a problem with OSS or ALSA, whenever i start a program from the menu it has no sound, but if i start it from a terminal, with no extra parameters it works fine, any ideas why this happens and how to fix it?08:44
SeveredCrossby id or something08:44
GekkkoI was right Frogzoo_?08:44
jmgSeveredCross: that doesnt tell me which is which08:44
crimsunjmg: /sbin/vol_id -u partition.08:44
FlannelGekkko: Right.  Those scripts WERENT shell scripts, they were bash scripts.  It's not Ubuntu breaking those scripts, it's the writers of those scripts being stupid and not reporting their requirements properly. (shebang should point to bash not sh)08:45
SeveredCrossThat you're right.08:45
crimsunjscinoz: more precisely, please.08:45
Frogzoo_Gekkko: seems so08:45
SeveredCrosscrimsun's solution is correct. :)08:45
Gekkkoit should say #!/bin/bash not /bin/sh08:45
bobsumone_ what was this I heard about running stuff out of a windows partition on ubuntu?08:45
Gekkkoi always do bash if its a bash script08:45
SeveredCrossWait, the default shell is dash?08:45
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bobsumone_ is that saying I can "launch" a windows program somehow?08:45
SeveredCrossOh, it is.08:45
bexdoes ubuntu 7.04 have a graphical interface for ndiswrapper ?08:45
FlannelSeveredCross: no.  The default shell is bash.  The default script handler is dash08:45
SeveredCrossI always just call bash out of habit anyway.08:45
jmgcrimsun: that gives me "Error open partition" <sic>08:46
SeveredCrossRight, that's what I meant.08:46
jscinozAlright, Basically when i start ANY program from the applications menu it has no sound, if i run the same program but from a terminal it works perfectly, this isn't specific to a single program.08:46
jammer_!wine | bobsumone_08:46
ubotubobsumone_: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:46
crimsunjmg: prepend sudo.08:46
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bobsumone_ jammer_: oh its just wine?08:46
bobsumone_ i know about that08:46
jmgcrimsun: done, found issue, more sdx -> hdx badness08:47
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crimsunjscinoz: I need specific examples with specific syntax.08:47
bobsumone_ see because I have this program from stardock.com that lets me run 2 computers "as one"08:47
Gekkkowhat's a good replacement for xterm that supports transparency?08:47
Gekkkoit's basically the same thing >_>08:47
Gekkkooh shit08:47
Gekkkoxterm IS rxvt on this08:48
bobsumone_ i can mouse over to screens on other computers, ect, and it lets me use 1 keyboard and mouse, and I would like this functionallity for linux, without the use of a KVM08:48
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jscinozalright, one Eg, songbird (music player) menu launcher is "/opt/Songbird/Songbird" program opens, gives no errors but no sound, exact same command "/opt/Songbird/Songbird" in terminal program works with sound (no output given in terminal)08:48
bobsumone_ anyone have any ideas?08:49
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bobsumone_ because I am so sick of windows, but being able to run 2 machines and 4 screens from one mouse and keyboard set is great08:49
crimsunjscinoz: if both are invoked with identical command syntax, then it's unrelated to gnome-menu.  Are you positive your audio hardware even supports pcm muxing?08:49
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jscinozyes it does, and i didnt say it was related to the menu i said i might have an alsa/oss problem08:50
jscinozbut the strange thing is it works from terminal and doesnt work from menu.08:50
crimsunjscinoz: alsa/oss has nothing to do with the menu.  What make & model is the audio hardware?08:50
deep`Anyone know the command to manage upstart processes?08:50
RecyclerXCAn someone please tell me how to skip the ethernet card check at boot up process?08:50
chowmeinedI dont understand, I have a mount in nfs4.. when i create something as user A it says it is owned by user B.. but I can still do anything I want with user B's stuff08:50
jscinozUnknown, its a motherboard onboard on a toshiba m30 laptop08:50
leagrisbobsumone_, there is a tool for what you want, will have to search for the name because I don't recall it now.08:51
crimsunjscinoz: I'm pretty darned sure that audio hardware does _not_ support pcm muxing.08:51
jammer_bobsumone_, check out http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/08:51
crimsunjscinoz: lspci -v|grep -i audio, please.08:51
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gordboycrimsun, jscinoz has just explained his problem. and you ignored what he said and decided to answer another question. marks out of 10 - 008:51
czaveriI have an Intel(r) 82945GM Chipset Family Graphics Chip Accelerated VGA BIOS but can't get it to display at 1280x800 on Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. I have looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto but none of the fixes work for me08:51
czaveriIt works on Windows and on Fedora Core and CentOS but not on Ubuntu08:51
RitualHello im very new to Ubuntu and Linux.. I used to use progams called Widgets on win, does Ubuntu have anything simular I can customize my desktop with?08:52
jscinozcrimsun "00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)"08:52
czaveriany idea how I can fix this?08:52
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jmgczaveri: try #xorg08:52
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czaverijmg, thanks!08:52
crimsunjscinoz: no, it does _not_ support pcm muxing.  I helped write that driver.  Anyhow, let's look at straces from both program invocations, shall we?08:52
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chowmeinedany ideas?08:52
jscinozall right, how do i do that08:52
leagrisRitual, don't know about what your widget software do. There are several add ons for gnome. You may have a look at gdesklets.08:52
crimsungordboy: I believe you do not understand my diagnostic approach, but I don't expect you to.08:53
Ritualleagris cool, i'll have a look.08:53
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crimsunjscinoz: first, I want you to invoke songbird from a Terminal, and while it's running _with no other audio or video app running_, pastebin me the output from `lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*`08:53
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gordboycrimsun, what ? the problem lies in the environment of the shell vs the menu. simple. and don't pretend you wrote any drivers. it is a complete and utter lie08:54
jscinozok just a sec08:54
jmggordboy: er08:54
standfirecould someone walk me through set up for wine?08:54
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jmggordboy: perhaps you should check to see who it is you are adressing with such contempt08:54
gordboy *!*@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun added to ignore list.08:54
jmggordboy: crimsun is an alsa developer08:54
gordboythat wonderful piece of coding : alsa08:55
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czaverijmg, I think this is more of an Ubuntu question because I can get it to work in other distributions of Linux08:55
gordboy *!*@shinobi.thoughtcrime.org.nz added to ignore list.08:56
chowmeinedthis doesnt make any sense08:56
leagrisstandfire, System/Preferences/Wine Configuration08:56
chowmeinednfs is useless08:56
czaveriI can also see lines like the following in xorg.conf automatically set by Ubuntu:08:56
czaveri        SubSection "Display"08:56
czaveri                Depth           2408:56
czaveri                Modes           "1280x800"08:56
czaveri        EndSubSection08:56
jscinozcrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24960/08:56
jmgczaveri: it could be an xorg version issue08:56
jmgczaveri: and if you put the resolution you want there alongside 1280x80008:56
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jmgwhat happens?08:56
omegacentiCan I run xfce with my current setup of ubuntu 7.04? do I have to change much or change nothing at all?08:56
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crimsunjscinoz: ok, please wait a sec while it loads ever so slowly08:57
jscinozalright, thanks for the help so far :)08:57
standfireleagris, i am able to open winecfg, i just needed help setting it up08:57
czaveriI tried installing Ubuntu Feisty for this reason but the installer stops at brltty :-(08:57
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crimsunjscinoz: ok, that output shows that no program is accessing the sound device.  Can you use Songbird to play something?08:57
leagrisstandfire, ok, let us know08:57
Madpilotgordboy, so, if you're not will to follow advice given, why on earth are you bothering in the first place?08:58
jscinozyeah just a sec08:58
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leagrisstandfire, ok for a walkthrough. May be we can open a dialog window to avoid cluttering that public room08:58
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jscinozcrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24961/08:59
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leagrischowmeined, NFSv4 should not mix users. You will have to check how it was set tup and check you enabled kherberos identification properly. That's the most significant enhancment on NFSv4 over v3.08:59
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gordboyMadpilot, i'm sorry, but i didn't ask for advice. perhaps you have your lines crossed or something. i came here to give help to other users09:00
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crimsunjscinoz: ok, that looks good.  Do either /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc* exist?09:00
standfireleagris, alright i opened one09:00
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crimsunjscinoz: you can check with: ls /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc*09:00
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Louie24707A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.09:01
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chowmeinedleagris: I dont have kerberos yet, i am using ip based access control (I use enforced ipsec so I dont worry as much about it being forged).. on feisty when i mount it says idmapd isnt running.. but it still maps names to ids.. just the wrong names to the wrong IDs09:01
crimsunjscinoz: excellent.  Now, can you close/quit the current instance(s) of Songbird, then invoke Songbird from the menu?09:01
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unikonhey have any of you ever had a problem with trying to log in to Xubuntu where you put in the user id and password yet it takes you back to the login screen09:01
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crimsunjscinoz: I'll need you to use that instance to play some music, then while the music appears to be inaudible, please re-execute the above lsof command, and pastebin its output09:02
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jscinozalright just a sec09:02
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gordboyMadpilot, the idea that any spotty noob in here *could* give me advice is close to lunacy. i have been programming for 30 years. think about it09:02
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kslccrimsun: hm if you get a chance when you're done helping jscinoz I'd appreciate if you could help me with a problem I'm having as well (my card is recognizes and I don't get any errors when I play an audio file but sound comes out of my speakers). This is a bug report I submitted in launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/11921009:03
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omegacentiCan I run xfce with my current setup of ubuntu 7.04? do I have to change much or change nothing at all?09:03
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lwizardlhow do i make it so after so many mins of idle it needs a password to reuse pc09:03
kslcand that was meant to say that NO sound comes out of my speakers.09:03
Madpilotgordboy, I don't know you from anyone; the person you're being rude about is well-known in this channel as the go-to person for odd sound problems. Grow up, OK?09:04
=== blaster16 [n=gordon@CPE-124-191-58-250.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
leagrischowmeined, never tried this. Does it map MAC addresses or IP to users?09:04
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r_a_funikon: some start script is broken i think09:04
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orbinlwizardl: you could use the screensaver's lock feature09:04
jscinozcrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24962/ with songbird started from menu and playing music (inaudible)09:05
chowmeinedleagris: on each side it turns the UID and GID into a name.. which is translated back on the server.. (not security feature.. but it means UIDs and GIDs can be different across hosts)09:05
lwizardlorbin, but that doesn't ask for password09:05
crimsunkslc: please attach the output from http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/scripts/alsa-info.sh to that bug report09:05
r_a_fomegacenti:  you need to install it but its a lot of size09:05
gordboyMadpilot, then this channel has quite a lot to learn. jscinoz still hasn't got his problem fixed. and he never will, if he listens to the *rubbish* being offered as advice09:05
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r_a_fomegacenti: but xfce is great09:06
leagrischowmeined, that's the problem here. Relying on UID GID pair is bad because different hosts may have different ones.09:06
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orbinlwizardl: i'm pretty sure it does09:06
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omegacentiWow, just reading stuff from gordboy makes me want to put him on ignore.09:06
crimsunit's ok, let him be a prima donna.09:06
omegacentir_a_f: hmm, will it screw things up if I just apt-get it?09:06
RoAkSoAxgordboy just for you to know, this channel is mantained by volunteers not by people payed to do customer service, ok? so if someone helps you is because he wants to, not because he has to09:07
lwizardlok thanks09:07
chowmeinedleagris: thats what idmapd deals with.. it turns the local UID GID into a global user@fqdn group@fqdn pair.. which is translated back into the local UID/GID on the server09:07
crimsunany programmer worth his salt knows that he knows only a little.09:07
r_a_fomegacenti:   sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop09:07
r_a_fand you have it09:07
omegacentir_a_f: I am afraid. I use gdm though.. will it overwrite what boots up?09:07
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kslchm should I run that as root?09:07
omegacenticrimsun: I whole heartedly agree.09:07
r_a_fgdm is ok with xfce09:07
r_a_fit wlii works fine09:07
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omegacentir_a_f: I REALLY hope you are right. However I want to get an opinion from at least one more user of ubuntu before I do the command.09:08
crimsunjscinoz: there are no attempts to access the audio device.  Is the music appearing to play but is simply inaudible at this point?09:08
jscinozthe slider showing where it is in the song is moving along09:08
leagrischowmeined, you told idmap was not running. Did you check if it is not needed to the mapping ?09:08
r_a_fomegacenti: just choose session in GDM (GNOME or XFCE or whaever you install gtk+)09:09
omegacentir_a_f: oh! so it works with gdm09:09
chowmeinedleagris: it _is_ running.. apparently its a bug in mount.. it was listed on ubuntu bugs09:09
omegacentir_a_f: thats what I wa worried about09:09
omegacentir_a_f: thanks :)09:09
RoAkSoAxomegacenti: doing sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop will still xfce but you will also be able to use gnome if you want to and wont overwrite gdm config.09:09
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r_a_fomegacenti: np sure - ask toher of course ;)09:09
chowmeinedleagris: ill try some other things09:09
crimsunjscinoz: what is the precise command that's given in the launcher item for Songbird?09:10
michelsonHey folks, how bad is it if my ip_conntrack table fills up to the max and I start dropping packets?   this is on my webserver...09:10
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: which would be default after I do install it?09:10
jscinozcrimsun, /opt/Songbird/Songbird09:10
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omegacentir_a_f: thankyou very much though :)09:10
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michelsonmy default timeout is 5 days :(09:10
michelsonfor tcp connections09:10
r_a_fomegacenti: you welcome ;)09:10
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omegacentiThis is seriously one of the nicest channels I have come across besides irc.diabloclone.org #useast-dclone09:10
RoAkSoAxomegacenti that you will have to configure09:10
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leagrischowmeined, k I see. I played with NFSv4 some time ago between a mandriva box as a server and unbuntu dapper as client. Gave up after bugs on the ubuntu side and used kherberos for authentification though.09:11
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: hmm. Then I will apt-get it after I finish downloading the xubuntu live CD09:11
michelsonor maybe it's a stupid question?  not sure...09:11
crimsunjscinoz: ok, so now we need to check if that file acts differently in invocation.  Is it a shell script?  You can check with `file /opt/Songbird/Songbird`09:11
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: is the ONLY difference between xubuntu and ubuntu is one uses gnome one uses xfce?09:11
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RoAkSoAxomegacenti yes09:11
RoAkSoAxomegacenti xfce is gnome based09:12
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: then there is no point for downloading it unless I want to make a cd of it...09:12
leagrischowmeined, thought kherberos was needed to pair user@host identity/access rights09:12
jscinozcrimsun, it isnt09:12
kraypiusneed help. im trying to build a kernel module and I get: Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/source/09:12
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: I don't understand "based" sorry.09:12
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RoAkSoAxomegacenti: xfce was based on gnome09:12
crimsunjscinoz: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386,... ?09:12
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: is it a completely different breed now?09:13
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chowmeinedleagris: it is.. with idmapd it just makes aliases to allow stations with different UIDs and GIDs to work together.. if somebody has root they can spoof their mapping so it isnt secure09:13
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crimsunjscinoz: and are you using 0.2.5?  If so, I'll attempt to reproduce your symptoms.09:13
RoAkSoAxomegacenti guess so09:13
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: thanks ^_^09:14
jscinozyes v0.2.409:14
RoAkSoAxomegacenti you welcom09:14
=== Pirate_Hunter [n=Pirate_H@host86-134-108-221.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
leagrischowmeined, indeed, thus is the intend on kherberos preventing unauthenticated users from bypassing the maping09:14
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omegacentiUbuntu is just so awesome....09:15
michelsonanyone familiar at all with netfilter ip_conntrack stuff?09:15
Pirate_HunterEasy question I've got this message popup (You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "/usr/share/amsn/skins/default" how do I gain permission to install skins into this folder09:15
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omegacentiAnything better than XMMS?09:15
Kjellvizomegacenti: Exaile is.09:15
RoAkSoAxPirate_Hunter use sudo in a terminal09:15
omegacentiin XMMS I can't use "global hotkeys" or at least I can't find them09:15
omegacentiKjellviz: exaile eh?09:16
eXSiRalso banshee is better than xmms...09:16
omegacentieXSiR: banshee.09:16
crimsunjscinoz: (downloading and installing)09:16
kslccrimsun: I uploaded the output of the script to to the bug report.09:16
Kjellvizomegacenti: yeh, it supported my mediakeys out of the box09:16
jscinozcrimsun, ok i'll just be playing legends while i wait ;P09:16
omegacentiIm going to goole fight the two of them then :)09:16
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bullgard4Synaptic does not list a DEB program package 'bin2iso'. Where to obtain the program 'bin2iso'?09:16
Pirate_Hunter<RoAkSoAx> so I would use sudo intalls <folder name> sorry if it sound like the windows command still getting used to ubuntu09:16
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jscinozgreat.. it broke :P09:17
Kjellvizwhat device is fd0 ?09:17
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jscinozfloppy disk zero09:17
defryskbullgard4, with cue bin files you can also use cdrdao write blah.cue09:17
RoAkSoAxPirate_Hunter yes, to gain root permission you will have to use sudo before every command, ex. sudo apt-get update09:18
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omegacentibullgard4: do you have all the weird repositories enabled?09:18
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kraypiusgah what am i doing wrong09:18
Kjellvizjscinoz: ok, so when ubuntu livecd gives me an buffer i/o error on fd0 i can ignore it ? (i dont have a floppy drive)09:18
omegacentikraypius: You didn't drink that thing when you should have.09:18
Pirate_Hunter<RoAkSoAx> so I guessed the commands write than, that would allow me to install to that directory09:18
bullgard4omegacenti: No, I am trying to confine the set of repositories.09:18
kraypiusi cant get this kernel patch to compile09:18
defryskbullgard4, otherwise try bchunk09:18
kraypiusKernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/source/'09:19
jscinozKjellviz, i'd assume so09:19
omegacentibullgard4: Well I just tried all repositories and I still couldn't find it. Im sorry :(09:19
Polygon89Hello, i am trying to get a wireless bridge to work (a netger ME101 specifically). My network adapter works fine, but i am confused on how to set it up to connect to the internet. Do i have to manually enter the routers IP address and WEP key and all that, or do i treat it like a ethernet connection and leave everying as automatic?09:19
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RoAkSoAxPirate_Hunter yes, do it like you would if you where root, but use sudo before every command09:19
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Kjellvizjscinoz: ok thanks09:20
jscinozcrimsun. i don't know what i did but it works now O_o09:20
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omegacentiPolygon89: even though it might be a little off topic I might be able to help.09:20
bullgard4defrysk: I do not understand your advise: "with cue bin files you can also use cdrdao write blah.cue" as I am a newcomer to Linux audio. Please say it in simpler terms.09:20
sn00pDoes anybody know why my ubuntu 7.04 amd 64bit hangs on the splash screen when I boot?09:20
omegacentiPolygon89: actually, disregard that, I know nothing about "bridges"09:20
jscinozcrimsun, but programs that start  from a shell script still have no sound09:20
Polygon89omegacenti, any help is apprechiated09:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bridge - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:21
defryskbullgard4, if you have a bin file that include a cue file you can use the terminal to write the cue - bin file with the command: cdrdao write foo.cue09:21
eXSiRis there any repo for beagle 2.17? i dont wanna compile it myself :)09:21
bullgard4omegacenti: Thank you very much. So will refrain from it.09:21
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Pirate_HunterRoAkSoAx> kk i dont know the exact command to use but I'll try: sudo install catalunyia <folder directory>09:21
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omegacentibullgard4: I hope I helped.09:21
defryskbullgard4, if that is a problem, sudo apt-get install bchunk09:21
bullgard4omegacenti: Yes you did. Thank you.09:22
RoAkSoAxPolygon89 you want to use your wireless card to connect to a WiFi Spot?09:22
crimsunjscinoz: I think you mean "programs invoked from the menu"?09:22
defrysk!info bchunk09:22
ubotubchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-4 (feisty), package size 13 kB, installed size 68 kB09:22
RoAkSoAxPirate_Hunter what do you want to install?09:22
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bullgard4defrysk: I will do some research in order to understand your message. Thank you.09:22
jscinozcrimsun no, for example i have Songbird and Legends in the menu, songbird goes straight to the executable, Legends goes to a short shell script09:22
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Pirate_Hunter<RoAkSoAx> a skin for amsn into that directory09:22
Polygon89RoAkSoAx, no, dont even get me started on that, lol. Bad wireless drivers. ANYWAY, what im wanting to do is get a wireless bridge setup. This is essentially a little box that when i plug in a ethernet cable to (the other end goes into the network adapter of my computer) then its supposed to act like a wiress card, taking the ethernet connection and transmitting it wirelessly09:23
jscinozcrimsun, i'm getting the same problem as before, but now it only applies to programs that are started from a script (mainly games)09:23
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Polygon89RoAkSoAx, problem is i cannot figure out how to set it up.09:23
=== luca____ hello all :DD
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eXSiRguys, do know any beagle 2.17 repos?09:24
crimsunjscinoz: ok, do you know offhand if Legends uses the OSS API (/dev/dsp*, /dev/mixer*, /dev/audio*)?09:24
RoAkSoAxPirate_Hunter which skin09:25
omegacentiPolygon89: ah, its bridges the connection from your wireless router to your wireless bridge which then gives you your connection via ethernet. interesting09:25
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kane77I installed BOINC, but I cannot get work from any project. It keeps saying platform not found09:25
Kjellvizanyone that can tell me how to install python-gpod?09:25
Polygon89Kane77, did you install it from synaptic?09:25
omegacentiPolygon89: it would sound to me like maybe reading the manual might help and if failing that you might need to setup internal options inside the wireless bridge to make sure its getting a signal from the correct wireless router.09:25
kane77Polygon89, yep09:25
Pirate_Hunter<RoAkSoAx> I tried this as the command sudo install <CaluniaSkin-1.0.zip> /usr/share/amsn/skins/default09:25
Polygon89Kane77, did you give the right URL for your project?09:26
eXSiRKjellviz: try sudo apt-get install python-gpod ?09:26
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jscinozcrimsun, not sure, would the libs in the program dir give me a hint? i have libogg libopenal libsdl libvorbis09:26
KjellvizeXSiR: thanks ill try that (im not to familiar with the non-graphical way of installing)09:26
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eXSiRKjellviz: you can try synaptic, just search for package09:27
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KjellvizeXSiR: i tried, didnt find it09:27
Polygon89omegacenti, the problem is that the box is tiny, there is only spaces for a ethernet cable and a AC adapter, there is no way to change anything inside of it i dont think09:27
crimsunjscinoz: ah, so it's SDL-based.09:27
Kjellvizbut apt-get is running nicely now09:27
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jscinozcrimsun, which means it uses neither ALSA or OSS?09:27
eXSiRKjellviz: i am not sure but you may alse activate universe and multiverse repos09:27
omegacentiPolygon89: it has to in order fo you to tell it which wireless router to speak to, no matter how tiny it is09:27
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crimsunjscinoz: by default SDL is configured to use ALSA directly.09:28
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omegacentiPolygon89: try this: hmm.. this isn't windows... doh I just lost everyone of my possible solution trees right there.09:28
crimsunjscinoz: (via the libsdl1.2debian-alsa package)09:28
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Polygon89omegacenti, well i pulled this thing from my ps2, which we used to use it to have the ps2 connect to our network.09:28
jscinozcrimsun, and would this explain why sound works from terminal but not from menu?09:28
neumaI've just installed the kernel update (to 2.6.20-16) and now the fsck part of my boot stops when it can't find the usb disk mentioned in my fstab09:28
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simplylezzhi. i wonder... is it possible to do a complete and clean uninstall of openoffice.org from ubuntu feisty fawn?09:28
kane77Polygon89, I have added my projects (the ones I've been participating) and it stayed at communication deferred to 24hrs when I request update it gives me: "Platform not found" and from other "platform x86_64 pc-linux-gnu" not found09:28
Polygon89omegacenti, i think i have to tell it the router numbers and all that, but that doesnt seem to be working09:28
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omegacentiPolygon89: do oyu remember if it automatically found the wireless router?09:28
RoAkSoAxPolygon89 sorry i dont know how to do that...but this might help you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing09:28
Polygon89kane77, that means BOINC hasnt been able to download the files needed to run your project09:29
crimsunjscinoz: not likely, but we need to continue debugging.  Are you invoking this game with Songbird closed or still running?09:29
omegacentiPolygon89: I think you need to have something like an essid in order for the bridge to know what the heck it is looking for, an IP address wont help. at least I THINK09:29
Kjellvizon a 20gb hdd install, 2gb for swap and the rest ext3, does that sound bout ok ?09:29
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jscinozClosed now09:29
simplylezzhi. i wonder... is it possible to do a complete and clean uninstall of openoffice.org from ubuntu feisty fawn?09:29
jscinozand when i invoked it09:29
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Polygon89kane77, which i think is supposed to happen automatically once you add a project. Can you ensure that its able to connect to the internet09:29
omegacentiPolygon89: also, I think the bridge with the ps2 found some random wireless router and leeched its connection from it if you didnt set it up.09:30
Polygon89omegacenti, yeah with my ps2 we told it the router IP, gateway and stuff and it worked09:30
bestskenboyno noi gi vay pa kon09:30
crimsunjscinoz: ok, does Legends run in a window?09:30
jscinozcrimsun, it may also be worth mentioning, that another program that this effects, the game PlaneShift, doesnt use SDL but has the same problem, its also started from a script09:30
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bestskenboyem hieu chet lien09:30
jscinozcrimsun, no fullscreen09:30
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crimsunjscinoz: is there capability to run it in a window?09:30
bestskenboythoi may pa09:30
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simplylezzhi. i wonder... is it possible to do a complete and clean uninstall of openoffice.org from ubuntu feisty fawn?09:30
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bestskenboynoi cai' xi` cut' gi` ko hiu09:30
omegacentiPolygon89: Polygon89 bah, what happens if every router in the neighborhood is set as ""?09:30
jscinozyes, and i've tried, no difference09:30
crimsunkslc: is this 2.6.20-16.28 or 2.6.20-16.29?09:31
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bestskenboydiff con C09:31
bestskenboyhiu chet lien` =))09:31
Polygon89omegacenti, we have a WEP password09:31
Amethysroom cua nc' ngoai` ma09:31
omegacentiwhat language is that...09:31
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crimsunjscinoz: please run it in a window so that we can check your mixer settings via amixer in a Terminal at the same time.09:31
bestskenboyvay ma` cung~ zo09:31
Amethysxai toan` TA ko09:31
bestskenboythat is tieng' mien09:31
bestskenboyhiu ko ?09:31
omegacentiPolygon89: that helps only if you have a router essid to connect to...09:32
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Amethystui hiu~09:32
Amethyshiu~ ong noi' thoi09:32
omegacentiPolygon89: bah I might not even know what I am talking about.. ignore me..09:32
bestskenboythang` ta^y dyng' ngu =))09:32
jscinozcrimsun, ok its running in a window and at a point where it should be playing sound09:32
kslccrimsum: 2.6.20-16.29 now09:32
Polygon89omegacenti, im going to try manually editing in for the ethernet connection what i have for my wireless card09:32
bestskenboytui. nay` kho^n nhi09:32
jscinozcrimsun, this one was initiated from the menu, thus has no audible sound09:32
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crimsunjscinoz: ok, please execute `amixer` in a Terminal, then pastebin its output09:33
bestskenboynguoi` viet vo xi` pam choi =))09:33
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omegacentiIm not sure if the download completed succesfully using wget.. how would I tell?09:33
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jscinozcrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24963/09:34
gordboyround and round we go09:34
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crimsunomegacenti: wget will display status information at the bottom of its output09:34
omegacenticrimsun: well then I guess the xubuntu 7.04 live cd is truly only 565megabytes long...09:35
jscinozcrimsun, checking in legends, if i go to sound options the only choice i have for driver is OpenAL09:35
simplylezzhi. i wonder... is it possible to do a complete and clean uninstall of openoffice.org from ubuntu feisty fawn?09:35
crimsunjscinoz: yes, that's fine.  Via lsof, is the game actually attempting to access the sound device?09:36
bestskenboycheck con cac =))09:36
crimsunsimplylezz: yes09:36
simplylezzhow, please?09:36
jscinozcrimsun, no but if i run the game from the terminal it works09:36
Madpilotbestskenboy, English on this channel, please09:36
omegacentiwhats the latest XFCE?09:36
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simplylezzi mean, if i try through add/remove it tells me to use synaptic, but if i try using synaptic there is a huge list of packages that comes up.... is there a one-step, easy uninstall process documented someplace?09:37
omegacentioh cool.. just do sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop?09:37
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bestskenboylolz hoai` vay cha noi09:38
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bestskenboytinh' xi pam cai channel nay ah09:38
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minh_c9spam t cho vui09:38
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orbinomegacenti: yes, that'll work.  whether or not it's the latest ...09:39
omegacentiorbin: hmmm.09:39
sx66how do you bring back up the WIFI notification back? I deleted it accidentally.09:39
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omegacentiorbin: it wont hurt my ubuntu installation will it?09:39
SlimGWhat's the command for making grub rebuild /boot/grub/menu.lst like it does on installing Ubuntu (when it adds all the OS'es it can detect on other disks)09:39
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orbinomegacenti: unlikely.  it will grab all the relevant packages, then add an xfce entry in the sessions menu at login09:40
omegacentiorbin: thanks ^_^09:41
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crimsunjscinoz: let's try this: create a menu launcher that runs the following command: `aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav`09:41
jscinozcrimsun, are you there?09:41
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baravaru-users - est'? :) need help.09:42
SlimG!caps | simplylezz09:42
sx66simplylezz, you go to add remove prog.09:42
ubotusimplylezz: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:42
sx66how do you bring back up the WIFI notification back? I deleted it accidentally.09:42
omegacentin00b is rude..09:42
omegacentinewb is not09:42
defryskomegacenti, caps is also rude09:42
simplylezzwell, there are about a million packages in synaptic that come up when you search for openoffice... will all the relevant ones ger removed when i uninstall openoffice?09:42
omegacentiyes but he might have had caps lock accident.09:43
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unikonr_a_f how would i fix or rewrite the startup script and how do i find out if that is even the problem09:43
simplylezzsorry about the CAPS09:43
defryskomegacenti, sx66 maybe did a typo09:43
orbinsx66: make sure the notification area applet is on a panel09:43
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omegacentidefrysk: LOL09:43
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simplylezzsx66: when i go to add/remove it tells me that i need to use synaptic09:43
jscinozsimplylezz, go to synaptic select all openoffice packages and right click, completely remove09:43
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simplylezzok, thanks, let me try that... i hope it will not screw up ubuntu for me09:44
sx66orbin, it only shows the battery, I had deleted the wifi - right click remove thinking it was anther Icon.09:44
bullgard4What preferred program recommends Ubuntu to play Audio-CDs?09:44
jscinozPROBREM solved!09:44
omegacentiso if I install xubuntu-desktop from ubuntu what will have changed? GRUB? ubuntu? do I now have Xubuntu installed?09:44
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foxinessi can not found nvu on ubuntu repos why? and is there something similar? "WYSIWYG HTML editor"09:45
crimsunjscinoz: I'm awaiting feedback regarding the custom application launcher09:45
jscinozcrimsun ok thanks.09:45
SlimGsimplylezz: you can also try this in a console, if you're lucky it might remove all OOo packages: sudo aptitude remove openoffice.org-core09:45
orbinsx66: we're talking about the 4 bars thing right?09:45
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crimsunjscinoz: meaning, let me know the results of that custom application launcher test I asked that you do09:46
sx66orbin, hold on, let me get a screen shot09:46
mandhhow to make a user with Privilege   " only use jail " ?09:46
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jscinozcrimsun, oh i didnt see that let me scroll up09:46
kkathmanwhat do you need to add to mplayer/totem to get it to play ogm files?09:47
jscinozcrimsun, it plays the sound09:47
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sx66orbin, http://i15.tinypic.com/4qnphl4.png09:47
crimsunjscinoz: ok, and for the launcher's properties, what is the Type?09:47
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baravaNeed help - where I can OFF KDE-layout? I want switch languages from ...xorg.xonf09:48
crimsunjscinoz: ("Application" or "Application in Terminal"?)09:48
jscinozcrimsun, application09:48
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crimsunjscinoz: ok.  Check your Songbird launcher.  Which Type is it?09:48
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c_Any recomendations on an IDE for bash?09:48
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jscinozcrimsun, Application09:49
baravajscinoz: U can help me?09:49
crimsunjscinoz: so, let's try changing the Type of your Songbird launcher to "Application in Terminal"09:49
jscinozbarava, with what?09:49
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baravaNeed help - where I can OFF KDE-layout? I want switch languages from ...xorg.xonf09:49
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orbinsx66: ok, the notification area applet is up.  are you sure nm-applet is running?09:50
jscinozcrimsun, done and now it flashes on screen for a second then closes..09:50
sx66what is nm-applet? orbin09:50
omegacentiso if I install xubuntu-desktop from ubuntu what will have changed? GRUB? ubuntu? do I now have Xubuntu installed?09:50
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crimsunjscinoz: ok, now with Songbird closed, what happens when you invoke the launcher?09:51
c_Every time I go to type in a new file in Griffion it just closes on me. Any one know a fix for this bug?09:51
orbinsx66: the network manager applet (the 4 bars thing)09:51
jscinozcrimsun, with type as application it opens but with now sound, with type as application in terminal a terminal window flashes for a second then closes, sonbird doesnt open09:51
omegacentican I make another graphical tty? like can I have a gnome session running on tty7 and then xubuntu-desktop running on tty6?09:51
defryskomegacenti, you simply have more packages installed when you reboot you'll se a xubuntu splash , and in gdm you can now also opt for xfce409:51
sx66orbin, yes the 4 bars thing is not there, how do you enable it.09:52
omegacentidefrysk: wait.. do you mean grub has been changed?09:52
defryskomegacenti, otherwise nothing has changed09:52
defryskomegacenti, not grub09:52
defryskthe loooks have changed09:52
omegacentidefrysk: where will I see the xubuntu splash?09:52
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crimsunjscinoz: ok, let's see if I can reproduce those symptoms09:52
c_Guess not =/09:52
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defryskomegacenti, during boot and maybe gdm has a "xubuntu"look09:52
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omegacentidefrysk: so now its not ubuntu anymore it seems...09:53
defryskomegacenti, http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2007/01/30/howto-switch-from-ubuntu-to-kubuntu-or-xubuntu-or-edubuntu-or-vice-versa-610-edgy/09:54
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orbinsx66: well if you've checked that nm-applet isn't running, run it.  alt-f209:54
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omegacentidefrysk: checking it out09:54
orbinsx66: and hopefully it should show up09:54
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sx66it does not orbin, I had deleted the 4 bars thingy thinking it was a different icon.09:55
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MacDrunkhello any ideas how to install netscape ?09:55
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MacDrunki just dl the new version but cant install09:55
omegacenticool link defrysk :)09:56
crimsunjscinoz: I can't reproduce your symptom with either Type set09:56
jscinozcrimsun, what should i do now?09:56
crimsunjscinoz: is Legends still running in a window?09:56
defryskomegacenti, wrote it myself ;)09:56
MacDrunkalso i have some issues whit firefox i appers to be that can not open a window were i can access my webmail account09:56
jscinozi mean no09:57
omegacentialright rebooting to see what kind havoc has been wrecked09:57
omegacentidefrysk: I applaud L(09:57
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crimsunjscinoz: which Ubuntu version is this?09:57
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MacDrunkso anyone that can help me please09:58
orbinsx66: hmm, not sure how you can delete it as i get no remove option when i right-click09:58
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MacDrunkneed to install a diferent browser09:58
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sx66orbin, I removed it from that, right click and remove....:(09:59
zoidbergi have a question....has anyone watched videos from the site http://stage6.divx.com09:59
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zoidbergit requires some special divx web streaming plugin09:59
zoidbergis there anything like this for ubuntu?09:59
zoidbergi know it works on xp09:59
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gordboyjscinoz, this has gone on long enough. try another channel09:59
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ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications09:59
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jscinozgordboy, why does this concern you?10:00
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MacDrunkany ideas10:00
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orbinsx66: hmm, that's puzzling: http://img184.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=th_62537_shot_122_451lo.jpg10:01
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crimsunjscinoz: let me outline the logic for my testing: because the aplay command invoked via the custom application launcher is audible, we've eliminated the possibility of ALSA doing anything strange (which it shouldn't be, since the menu doesn't interact with ALSA in that fashion)10:02
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marcus_does anybody know how to set an install prefex on a cpan installation?10:03
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crimsunjscinoz: we now need to see why Songbird is not launching correctly for you via the launcher; I've attempted to reproduce your symptom with Songbird, but I have been unsuccessful in that regard, meaning, it launches and plays audibly here.10:04
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MacDrunkwell thanks anywey10:04
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MacDrunksee ya lla10:04
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sx66orbin, check it: http://i11.tinypic.com/4uoq0eh.png10:04
mynockhello has anyone been able to get beryl or equivalent destktop effects to work on dual screen ati graphics cards?10:04
crimsunjscinoz: I presume this is a standard 7.04 install using i386 (not amd64, not using automatix2 or the like)?10:04
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omegacentiI am afraid of what I have seen defrysk10:05
jscinozyes standard10:05
omegacentidefrysk: I could not find any way to get my wireless to work in Xfce10:05
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michuphi, could someone give me advice about program similar to cool edit to make audio (radio audition)10:05
jscinozCrimsun, thanks for all the help i'm going to try mess around with some scripts and see if i can get it to work, bye for now :)10:05
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crimsunjscinoz: ok, good luck with it10:05
bullgard4What preferred program recommends Ubuntu to play Audio-CDs?10:06
omegacentiI tried an Xfce session and I couldn't find any wireless settings... Suggestions?10:06
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jscinozthanks, i'll need it10:06
RoAkSoAxomegacenti: try installing network manager10:07
kslccrimsun: do you have time for my problem? :)10:07
orbinsx66: that specifies it be run at boot.  have you rebooted since it disappeared?10:07
crimsunkslc: I need to check source, please wait a sec10:07
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: I think its already installed... I am using NetworkManager applet 0.6.410:07
kslcok thanks10:07
pike_omegacenti: dunno i usually do from the terminal. sudo ifconfig eth1 up   then iwlist eth1 scan    then sudo iwconfig eth1 essid something   then sudo dhclient10:07
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: Do you knwo if I can run XFCE on some other tty at the same time I am on this session? (this session is tty7 with gnome)10:07
sx66yes, I have shut down. and restarted the icon does not appear, therefor I have to plug in the Ethernet to connect to the internet10:07
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sx66orbin, look above.10:08
omegacentipike_: holy $%^&... I totally don't understand any of that.10:08
mynockhello has anyone been able to get beryl or equivalent destktop effects to work on dual screen ati graphics cards?10:08
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thedrummerhi , i have a little question . What is the easiest way to kill X in ubuntu ?10:08
thedrummertryed init3 but nothing happens10:08
pike_thedrummer: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:08
RoAkSoAxomegacenti in a console try doing: switchdesk xfce then startx -- :2 and the new session will be on ctrl+alt+f810:09
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crimsunkslc: luckly yours is fairly straightforward.10:09
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crimsunkslc: luckily, even10:09
kslchm nice10:10
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: that wont kill this one though will it?10:10
SuperQjust as I'm finally getting to sleep, pager goes off10:10
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omegacentiRoAkSoAx: switchdesk command not found10:10
mynockhello has anyone been able to get beryl or equivalent destktop effects to work on dual screen ati graphics cards?10:10
RoAkSoAxomegacenti nope, the actual session will be on ctrl+alt+f710:10
crimsunkslc: please use this command: echo options snd-hda-intel model=laptop|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base10:10
orbinsx66: right-click the notification area applet & remove it.  then re-add it.  then run nm-applet10:10
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kraypiuscan someone please help me find the kernel source for 2.6.17-11-generic ?10:11
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: I don't think I have switch desk..10:11
sx66nm-applet in the shell, orbin?10:11
kraypiusi cant seem to find the right file10:11
orbinsx66: alt+f210:11
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SuperQkraypius: apt-get install kernel-source-$(uname -r)10:11
crimsunkraypius: apt-get source linux-source-2.6.1710:11
SuperQor that10:11
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kraypiusi have 2.6.17 source10:11
RoAkSoAxomegacenti try: swit and before you press enter press tab key twice10:11
PlantainWhat mount point should swap be given?10:12
kraypiusi need the exact one i said though10:12
mynockhello has anyone been able to get beryl or equivalent destktop effects to work on dual screen ati graphics cards?10:12
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RoAkSoAxPlantain: swap10:12
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: will do10:12
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crimsunkslc: now, let's make it effective for your current session.  First, you need to close all applications using sound.10:12
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: NOTHING10:12
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: sorry caps.10:12
RoAkSoAxomegacenti that will show you all commands that start with swit, press them fast10:12
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: I did.10:13
PlantainRoAkSoAx: Not /swap or anything? Just 'swap' ?10:13
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RoAkSoAxPlantain: yes just swap10:13
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omegacentiRoAkSoAx: I really think I don't have it.10:13
Plantainthanks v. much10:13
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xysticThe KTouch application can be installed if KDE isn't, yes?10:13
RoAkSoAxPlantain welcome10:13
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: I have used tab completion before. Its not there.10:13
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RoAkSoAxomegacenti mmmm let me check10:13
PlantainRoaksoax: It says it must have a / before the name, so I guess I'll add that10:14
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omegacentiRoAkSoAx: Thanks :)10:14
PlantainIt refuses to work without it10:14
PepperyHi, how can I get a directory listing, but showing subdirectories too? Like ls, but showing the contents of subdirectories (and so on) in a single command?10:14
crimsunkslc: second, pkill mixer_applet10:14
sx66nope, orbin10:15
sx66nope, orbin10:15
SuperQPeppery: find is better10:15
crimsunkslc: next, sudo rmmod snd-hda-intel&& sudo insmod snd-hda-intel model=laptop10:15
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SuperQPeppery: if you want just filenames, not direcotry names10:15
SuperQPeppery: find . -type f10:15
hafI have a problem with Google Earth and my proxy config - I have used the Gnome Network Proxy Tool to set my proxy which works in most applications, Google Earth won't connect. So I set the export variable http_proxy in a terminal - Google Earth still won't connect via the desktop link - but if I start Google Earth in the terminal, it connects correctly - why is this?10:15
PepperySuperQ: No, I know the directory. It has quite a lot of files and I'd like a listing of all of the,10:15
orbinsx66: ah, not sure then sorry.  searched the forum and/or made your own thread yet?10:15
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clskcrimsun: hm I get this: insmod: can't read 'snd-hda-intel': No such file or directory10:16
Pepperyah, got it. ls /dir/*10:16
SuperQPeppery: that works too10:16
crimsunclsk: oh, right.  sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=laptop10:16
mynockI have tried to get beryl to work with my dual screen setup but to no avail.. I am using an ati graphics card.. does anyone have any information on how to fix this problem?10:17
SuperQPeppery: find is still better10:17
RoAkSoAxomegacenti try doing: startx -- :2 and log in with xfce in ctrl + alt+f810:17
crimsunclsk: now, aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav10:17
PepperyWait, thats not it.10:17
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PepperySuperq: I need directory names, so it's not. -_-10:18
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: will do10:18
SuperQPeppery: find /dir -type d10:18
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clskstill no sound10:18
RoAkSoAxomegacenti if it doesnt work try using sudo or gksudo10:18
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: should I sudo that?10:18
SuperQPeppery: or without the -type10:18
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: which one...10:18
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: I know you can break a system by using the wrong one10:18
SuperQPeppery: read the find man page, it's very nice10:18
PepperySweet, thanks SuperQ10:18
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SuperQPeppery: np10:19
BusMasterhey fellows, if I install 64 bit Ubuntu, can I still apt-get, install and run my favourite 32 bit apps? Or are 64 and 32 two different worlds that can't be mixed?10:19
RoAkSoAxomegacenti try it without sudo, and see what happens10:19
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crimsunclsk: did you adjust the mixer levels?10:19
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SuperQBusMaster: they can be mixed, but it takes a bit of effort10:19
=== cod ex
SuperQBusMaster: unless you have a specific reason to run 64bit (you have > 3G of ram, specific 64bit only app), 32bit is fine10:20
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omegacentiRoAkSoAx: not sure but I think alt-f8 just went... BOOM!10:20
BusMasterSuperQ: and is it true that 64 bit Ubuntu will run significantly faster than 32 bit Ubuntu on the same 64 bit processor? I am thinking of getting a laptop based on the AMD Turion 64 X2 processor10:20
clskhm no. but the volume is up all the way10:20
BusMasterSuperQ: oh!10:20
crimsunclsk: please pastebin your `amixer`10:21
SuperQBusMaster: "it depends"  somethings run better, others worse10:21
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RoAkSoAxBusMaster i have an amd athlon 64 running a 32bit ubuntu and it works just fine10:21
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SuperQBusMaster: for most "desktop" application usage, 64bit is not necessary (yet)10:21
BusMasteri see...10:21
RoAkSoAxomegacenti what happende?10:21
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: its stuck at a point in the boot on alt -f810:22
BusMasterSuperQ: for what is 64 bit actually used?10:22
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clskcrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/55481410:22
SuperQBusMaster: some things like databases, 3d-rendering, etc are better10:22
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SuperQBusMaster: anything that deals with very large datasets10:22
crimsunclsk: using speakers or headphones?10:23
RoAkSoAxomegacenti should have loaded a new gnome desktop on ctrl+alt+f810:23
SuperQBusMaster: but firefox/openoffice/watching movies don't need it at all10:23
BusMasterSuperQ: Hmm..i guess I don't need it then. But as a point of interest, so is it possible to install a 64 bit kernel and the rest of the system as a regular 32 bit system, so taht one can just install a 64 bit app "in-case" it is needed ?10:23
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clskcrimsun: yes I've tried both before. I'll try headphones again to make sure10:23
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: I did: sudo startx -- :210:23
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: it is stuck10:23
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SuperQBusMaster: I have seen that done, I don't know if ubuntu provides an easy out of the box solution tho10:24
berkesis there a tool or command in ubuntu to rebuild the fstab entirely?10:24
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omegacentiRoAkSoAx: its stuck on enabling alsa mixer, timidity not set yet10:24
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clskcrimsun: headphones don't work either10:24
crimsunclsk: it _may_ be that you need to completely power down and power back up; Conexant codecs can be finnicky.10:24
crimsunclsk: before you do that, however, let me double-check the source.10:24
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clskok. I'll try that while you check the code.10:25
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alchuhi, i'm sorry, i'm having some trouble with azureus and i was wondering if anybody could help me10:26
omegacentiam I still on?10:26
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BusMasterSuperQ: one fineal question: can I just pretend that my shiny new 64 bit processor is a regular 32 bit and run regular 32 bit apps on it? or are there apps (firefox, OOo etc.) that are specially compiled "32 bit for 64 bit processors" apps?10:26
thoreauputicalchu: just tell us what the trouble is - if someone knows they will help10:27
alchusuperq:some apps do not support new 64 bit processors10:27
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SuperQBusMaster: erm10:27
alchui don't know what port to choose, i chose one below 45000 and i am not able to connect to the trackers10:27
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bullgard4What preferred program recommends Ubuntu to play Audio-CDs?10:28
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SuperQBusMaster: you can install 32bit "noraml" ubuntu, and never use a single 64bit app ever on the current AMD chips10:28
diazepamhi all - anyone here know how to list all of the IP's on a smb network?10:28
SuperQalchu: ermm.. like what10:28
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kraypiuscan I upgrade my edgy install to the latest ubuntu release and with kernel 2.6.20 without a complete reinstall?10:28
BusMasterSuperQ: cool.. thanks a lot10:28
clskcrimsun: a reboot didn't help.10:28
thoreauputicalchu: if you use the startup wizard it should work - personally I use a very high port near 6000010:28
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thoreauputicalchu: you probbaly also need to port forward from your router10:29
SuperQkraypius: yes10:29
alchuthoreauputic: thanks, i'll see what i can do10:29
kraypiussuperq, how?10:29
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thoreauputicalchu: I would recommend reading the Azureus wiki as well10:29
alchusuperq: i have a 64 bit processor and i can't run adobe flash player 9 for example10:29
SuperQkraypius: gksudo update-manager (i think)10:30
clskalso I'm running from alsa-base package. Should I install the latest alsa from source?10:30
AsincronoI instaled ubuntu feisty yesterday and...10:30
SuperQalchu: in 64bit mode yes10:30
clskalsamixer --version returns 1.0.1310:30
Asincrono... where the "hosts.allow" and "hosts.deny" gone?10:30
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d3bianAsin: Are yoiu using gnome od kde?10:30
SuperQalchu: if you run 32bit kernel/userspace, there are no problems with flash910:30
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berkesevery update my fstab UUID break. resulting in a swap mount that is not activated. Rebuilding fstab from scratch may be the best option, not?10:30
thoreauputicalchu: http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Main_Page  <-- read the FAQ and the "Godd Settings" page at least10:31
alchusuperq: is there one? i downloaded it from the official site and i can't install it.10:31
SuperQalchu: you can even run a 64bit/32bit hybrid kernel with 32bit userspace and run flash910:31
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alchuthoreauputic: thanks!10:31
thoreauputicalchu: umm "Good Settings"10:31
d3bianAsincrono:if using nautilus press Ctrl-H and you should see everything10:31
thoreauputicalchu: no problem :)10:31
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SuperQalchu: My desktop at work is a dual opteron with 16G of ram, so I run a 64/32bit hybrid kernel10:31
alchusuperq: i have to admmit i have just installed ubuntu today, so i'm just getting into all of this :)10:32
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SuperQalchu: but the base OS was installed with 32bit only10:32
alchusuperq: but you make it run both 32/64 bit at the same time?10:32
SuperQalchu: so my copy of firefox is 32bit10:32
Asincronod3bian: I'm using console10:32
SuperQalchu: yes, a few of the apps I run are compiled for 64bit10:33
Asincronod3bian: there is not "hosts.allow" or "hosts.deny" in my /etc/10:33
SuperQalchu: but the majority of everything is 32bit still10:33
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SuperQlike I was saying before.. running hybrid mode is NOT easy10:33
alchusuperq: yeah i know, it's a shame they don't get right into ir.10:33
Asincronocan I just create that files or there is a change in last ubuntu about tcpwrappers?10:33
SuperQeven windows 64bit doesn't have a working flash player10:34
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maulikhello...where does one go to get help regarding mod-python complaining about a version mismatch ?10:34
SuperQ(the flash code is horribly dependant on 32bit-ness)10:34
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rinkyat a shell login, if I mistype a username, it doesnt seem to give me an easy way to correct myself, it just asks me for the correct password for a non-existant user over and over, any workaround for mistyped usernames to allow me to enter a correct user?10:34
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crimsunclsk: yes, let's get you running 1.0.14 final10:34
d3bianAsincrono:you have to create them10:35
SuperQrinky: from a text terminal?10:35
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rinkySuperQ yes, SSH login10:35
SuperQrinky: oh.. ssh login is different10:35
SuperQrinky: you have to ctrl-c10:35
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SuperQrinky: and re-try your ssh command10:35
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crimsunclsk: please install the build-essential package, then grab the alsa-driver-1.0.14 tarball, then extract it, then use: ./configure --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes --with-debug=detect --with-cards=hda-intel --with-kernel=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build&& make&& sudo make install-modules10:35
rinkyahhh gotcha10:36
rinkythanks superq10:36
kraypiusget it right to begin with when u start with ssh user@ip10:36
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SuperQkraypius: heh, even I can't type my username sometimes10:36
rinkyi left caps lock on when typing the username :) hehe10:36
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SuperQI use ssh keys with ssh-agent mostly, so I don't ever type my password10:37
mauliki said, i say...where does one go to get help regarding mod-python complaining about a version mismatch ?10:37
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SuperQexcept to login once, and then another password to unlock ssh agent10:37
rapter1280x1024 cant set resolution.10:37
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SuperQmaulik: there may be a ubuntu-server specific channel10:37
kraypiussometimes ill accidently type my password instead of the uname10:37
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SuperQmaulik: I don't know off the top of my head10:37
kraypiusthen have to delete log10:37
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SuperQkraypius: or change your password ;)10:38
urkohelo to everyone10:38
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SuperQurko: ahoy!10:38
urkois wine good program to run any pc-game?10:38
mauliksuperQ, thank you :-)10:38
SuperQurko: "good" depends on the game10:39
rinkyi have an ssh terminal open, and its behaving strangly, I get no characters appearing on screen when typing anymore, apart from when I hit enter, and it prints " >" (space forwardarrow) how could this happen?10:39
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rinkyI entered a find command just before it messed up10:39
SuperQurko: some games work in vanila wine, some work in cedega, some work in crossover-office, others just don't work at all10:39
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SuperQrinky: reset10:40
SuperQrinky: will reset the terminal emulation10:40
kraypiusi can get world of warcraft to work for about 10 seconds and it freezes10:40
rinkysuperq: a mere re-login fixed it, but I was curious as to what could cause it10:40
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clskcrimsun; done.10:40
urkowhere can i get informations which game works in certain program?10:40
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rinkyand I cannot type "reset" as no character keys respond10:40
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SuperQrinky: an explanation would require a long long history lesson about vt10010:40
Bliphi.. i just tried to setup dual monitors on ubuntu fiesty.. however both my monitors show the same screen10:41
crimsunclsk: after you reboot, look at the contents of /proc/asound/version to ensure it reads 1.0.14  (cat /proc/asound/version)10:41
rinkyahh I see :)10:41
omegacentiroaknok is gone?10:41
SuperQrinky: basically, the echoing of your typing can be turned on and off (so you can enter passwords)10:41
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urkoi realy want to play command & conquer tiberian sun or tiberian wars10:41
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omegacentiwhats the command to start another x in another tty again?10:41
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tarzeauomegacenti: startx -- :110:41
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SuperQrinky: reset will fix most terminal wackyness10:42
kraypiusurko. so search: tiberian sun on ubuntu10:42
rinkyI try entering reset, and hitting enter on the dodgy terminal, it doesnt cause any changes10:42
urkothnx SuperQ10:42
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KEEVhow do i load apps in startup10:42
SuperQrinky: try hitting ctrl-q first10:42
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SuperQ(mmm, flow control)10:43
omegacentitarzeau: Mine is getting stuck at a certain spot.10:43
kslc!startup | KEEV10:43
ubotuKEEV: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot10:43
rinkyctrl-q and reset dont seem to have any effect10:43
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omegacentitarzeau: the second one. I am using startx -- :2 and it sticks. know why?10:43
SuperQrinky: hrm.. they should10:43
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SuperQrinky: oh.. sorry.. >10:43
SuperQrinky: just hit ctrl-c10:44
tarzeauomegacenti: no? what does it say? check the log?10:44
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SuperQrinky: > is an indication of bash continuation10:44
omegacentitarzeau: which log should I check?10:44
rinkyctrl-c did it, back to a prompt now10:44
tarzeauomegacenti: the log it generates?10:44
SuperQrinky: so you can type things like:10:44
SuperQFOO="blah blah10:44
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SuperQblah blah"10:44
tarzeauomegacenti: either in your home and/or /var/log10:44
omegacentitarzeau: Im sorry.. which log is coming from "it" ?10:44
kraypiusnow do, nmap fbi.gov10:44
SuperQecho ${FOO}10:44
rinkygoodness knows how I got myself into that one10:44
tarzeauomegacenti: .X*10:44
KEEVkslc, how about the apps i must be logged in as root to run10:44
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tarzeauomegacenti: depends on the x version, and something with x too in /var/log10:45
quioI have a dell d510.  All of a sudden my wireless internal card stopped working.  Now I have a dlink g650 revision c1 pcmcia card but it does not work.  Any suggestions please?10:45
omegacentitarzeau: ah, its saying connection refused from server10:45
SuperQrinky: ctrl-c tells bash to abort command input10:45
clskcrimsun: done. do you want me to install utils, lib and firmware too10:45
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tarzeauomegacenti: hehe10:45
crimsunclsk: no need10:45
omegacentitarzeau: Xlib : connection to :2 refused by server10:46
tarzeauomegacenti: so?10:46
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tarzeauomegacenti: it says why it doesn't do what you want it to do10:46
omegacentitarzeau: any suggestions? I think this is preventing it from going on10:46
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omegacentitarzeau: it might be telling me, but I can't understand it.10:46
tarzeauomegacenti: yes, make it not refuse your connection10:46
tarzeauomegacenti: then read the documentation?10:46
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omegacentitarzeau: you just told me to rtfm...10:47
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tarzeauomegacenti: yes?10:47
ubotuWords like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.10:47
quio I have a dell d510.  All of a sudden my wireless internal card stopped working.  Now I have a dlink g650 revision c1 pcmcia card but it does not work.  Any suggestions please?10:47
tarzeauoh sorry, i will not say it anymore10:47
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symbiotewhat does it mean if while booting during the bash it says "file system is NOT clean" ? cuz b4 wow crashed and froze my comp it was clean lol10:48
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rapterHow to fix resolution to 1280x1024.10:48
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kraypiuswhat about "zomg"10:48
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kraypiuscause thats my fav10:48
thoreauputicomegacenti: well, reading the documentation is not bad advice at any time :)10:48
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omegacentithoreauputic: I know, and I am doing so, however it doesn't help me understand what this error code being said to me in tty2 actually means.10:49
symbiotewhat does it mean if while booting during the bash it says "file system is NOT clean" ? cuz b4 WoW crashed and froze my comp it was clean lol10:49
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SuperQnice, the wikipedia entry for "RTFM" quotes the Ubuntu form policy10:49
omegacentisymbiote: it must mean dirty then10:50
rinkysymbiote it might mean your filesystem has been marked "dirty"10:50
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rinkydirty filesystems need to be fsck'ed to be cleaned10:50
sahilhey, i need some help adding something to the startup10:50
SuperQ!startup | sahil10:50
ubotusahil: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot10:50
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thoreauputicomegacenti: I haven't followed the whole conversation - but are you doing two logins with the same user using gnome? Gnome doesn't like that apparently...10:50
sahilSuperQ i know hat, the problem is the way it executes in the terminal10:51
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SuperQsahil: ok?10:51
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tarzeauSuperQ: you know you dishonor people that write documentation?10:51
sahilit is a 2 part command, so how would i enter it10:51
tarzeauSuperQ: i mean it's written for the people who don't know how it works after all10:51
symbioteumm.. so whats that mean? my penguin killed a hooker and saved it to my harddrive?10:51
SuperQsahil: command1 ; command 210:51
tarzeauSuperQ: usually the people that write the manuals know their stuff pretty well10:51
omegacentiThey point out that RTFM is often used when it is not even clear which manual their correspondent should be reading10:52
sahilsuperQ, im gonna try it an be back in 10 secs10:52
tarzeauSuperQ: but it's up to a community and channel rules how they handle things10:52
SuperQtarzeau: my S.O. is a technical writer10:52
tarzeauomegacenti: i can tell you which to read if you want10:52
symbiotehehehe seriously whats that mean? does linux have a defrag thingy? or a diskchecker util?10:52
SuperQtarzeau: She used to write man pages for Cray10:52
omegacentitarzeau: go ahead.. I am all ears for understading this vague error message.10:52
rinkysymbiote: fsck is the diskchecker10:53
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symbioteim using riserfs.. cuz i think its the newest kind of filesystem.. i have no clue..10:53
rinkysymbiote: i'm not sure about defraggers though10:53
tarzeauomegacenti: i'd check the /etc/X11/ config files, tell us what user you are.10:53
Fractal420Hello, how can I use Add/Remove to install a file on the comp already?10:53
SuperQsymbiote: oh.. reiserfs.. *mumble*10:53
tarzeauomegacenti: i can not reproduce your problem, i mean do you do that startx stuff inside X or rly in the console?10:53
symbiotek lets see what the fsck does weee..10:53
omegacentitarzeau: I have read about xorg.conf my username on the system is omegacenti10:53
sx66_when I type nm-applet --sm-disable I get 'not currently installed' - Then I type: sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome - It says it is unable to unlock admin directory10:53
tarzeauomegacenti: the msg usually comes when you try to write into an X session that's not yours10:53
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thoreauputicsymbiote: linux does not need defrag in general10:54
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tarzeauomegacenti: /etc/X11 has not only xorg.conf, i meant another file, let me check10:54
SuperQsahil: yay?10:54
sahilno yay:(10:54
teethdoodZFS...what's the news on this front for linux guys?10:54
sahilit did not work10:54
omegacentitarzeau: it was in tty2 where I issued the commmand startx -- :210:54
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SuperQsahil: option 2: create a shell script10:54
compwiz18can someone remind me what the command that you can give at boot to have the computer optimize the boot sequence/files is?10:54
sahilSuperQ, i am a noob10:54
rinkyteethdude: I was planning on installing that ZFS later, cant wait to play with it10:54
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Fractal420Hello, how can I use Add/Remove to install a file on the comp already?10:54
ShaddoxUh, quick question. What ports do an IMAP server use?10:54
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SuperQsahil: load up gedit10:54
rinkyI love that integrity checking of ZFS10:55
SuperQcommand 110:55
SuperQcommand 210:55
symbiotewow ok umm.. is it doing something?10:55
symbioteWill read-only check consistency of the filesystem on /dev/hda110:55
symbioteWill put log info to 'stdout'10:55
symbioteDo you want to run this program?[N/Yes]  (note need to type Yes if you do):yes10:55
SuperQsave that10:55
BusMasterhow much RAM is needed to run Ubuntu for a home user? I am torn between buying a laptopn with 1 Gb ram and paying additional $75 to get 2 Gb ram :(10:55
SuperQsahil: ass whatever-startup.sh10:55
symbiotedidnt show anything.. is it running?10:55
thoreauputicomegacenti:  1) Is tty9 inm use already? 2) is the user authorised to start the X server ?10:55
tarzeauomegacenti: Xwrapper.config says what?10:55
compwiz18BusMaster: I hardly ever use more then 1gb10:55
sahilSuperQ, i did not undertsand that last part10:55
sx66_omegacenti, how do I unstall the network-tools?10:55
sahilass whatever-startup.sh10:56
rinkyBusMaster: opinions will no doubt vary "more is better" "1gb is enough", but I'd go for the latter personally10:56
tarzeauomegacenti: any reason you need more than one X session?10:56
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SuperQsahil: save the text as the filename "sahil-startup.sh"10:56
omegacentithoreauputic: I think its starting on tty8  and I think I am authorised but not sure.10:56
cyberixDoes Ubuntu have a gui for pairing bluetooth devices?10:56
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SuperQsahil: then you need to make it executeable10:56
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omegacentitarzeau: just to run XFCE and gnome simultaneously10:56
SuperQsahil: chmod 755 sahil-startup.sh10:56
tarzeauomegacenti: can you launch that X as root?10:56
tarzeauomegacenti: i see, you know about Xnest ?10:56
Fractal420can I use Add/Remove to install progs from the internet list only? or can I browse to a file on my system as well?10:56
omegacentitarzeau: I you mean like sudo?10:56
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BusMastercompwiz18: do you run simlultaneously firefox, evolution, mp3 player, OOo, Xchat, an IM client and an instance of the GIMP (worst I can think of)10:56
omegacentitarzeau: Xnest?10:56
symbiotedo u have to type sudo first? mabey tahst why it did nothing10:56
sahilSuperQ, should i save it on my Desktop, or does it matter?10:56
thoreauputicomegacenti: normally :1 would be tty8 and  ;2 would be tty9 I think10:56
clskcrimsun: I could give you remote access to the machine if that'd help the process of debugging.10:56
tarzeauomegacenti: no, sudo su, then startx -- :2 just to see if it starts then10:56
BusMasterrinky: thanks10:56
SuperQsahil: put it in ~/10:57
tarzeauomegacenti: Xnest allows you to run another x server inside your x server10:57
crimsunclsk: what's the issue?10:57
SuperQsahil: then you can add ~/sahil-startup.sh to your startup10:57
compwiz18BusMaster: want me to try it for you?10:57
compwiz18hold on10:57
omegacentitarzeau: sounds interesting10:57
sahilSuperQ, how do i get to ~/10:57
clskcrimsun: hm what do you mean?10:57
omegacentitarzeau: so I should type sudo su?10:57
crimsunclsk: if you've said anything to me after my telling you to check /proc/asound/version, I've missed it due to lack of nick highlighting)10:57
BusMastercompwiz18: sure..tell me if things slow down to unuseable10:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about network-tools? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:57
tarzeauomegacenti: in tty2 yes, then startx -- :310:57
SuperQsahil: when you open a terminal, you start in ~/10:57
tarzeauomegacenti: are you sure display 2 is not used already?10:57
omegacentithoreauputic: Well the stuff showed up in tty810:57
sahilohh ok10:58
tarzeauomegacenti: because that could be the case w/ the error msg too10:58
tarzeauomegacenti: i was assuming you know on your system what displays are free and what not10:58
SuperQsahil: type 'pwd' to show what directory you are in10:58
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omegacentitarzeau: I can try startx -- :3 if you would like10:58
sahilSuperQ, is that it?10:58
clskcrimsun: I restarted and /proc/asound/version says I'm running 1.0.1410:58
tarzeauomegacenti: yes try that10:58
SuperQsahil: (should be /home/username)10:58
omegacentitarzeau: I am not sure...10:58
kraypiusim trying to upgrade to fiesty and I get:10:58
SuperQsahil: should be it10:58
sahilSuperQ, it is10:58
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crimsunclsk: ok, and is audio still inaudible?10:58
tarzeauomegacenti: then try that as user10:58
sahilok, be back in 1010:58
mrynitWhat directory contains my desktop menu entry files?10:58
crimsunclsk: have you visited HP support about a bios update?10:59
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tarzeaumythos_: you can easily find out by dpkg -L somepkg | grep esktop10:59
clskcrimsun: no, I haven't.10:59
omegacentitarzeau: awesome! I think it worked the whole :3 thing10:59
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kraypiusFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)10:59
kraypiusFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)10:59
crimsunclsk: please check if you need a bios update10:59
tarzeauomegacenti: so :2 was already in use... that simple10:59
symbiotefsck did nothing10:59
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kraypiusno fiesty for me :(10:59
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omegacentitarzeau: I see. I don't know why tty8 would be in use...10:59
symbiotedo i gotta restart?11:00
cursorhey all11:00
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omegacentithanks tarzeau11:00
tarzeauomegacenti: you use some software that uses it, or you used it and forgot about it?11:00
sx66_tarzeau, , how do I unstall the network-tools?11:00
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tarzeausx66_: i don't know, why do you ask me?11:00
omegacentitarzeau: never used tty8 before..11:00
tarzeauomegacenti: some software use that, vmware for example11:00
tarzeauomegacenti: or if you run svgalib software11:00
omegacentitarzeau: Thats it then!11:00
sx66_no one knows11:00
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omegacentitarzeau: its vmware11:00
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Fractal420Hello, how can I use Add/Remove to install a file on the comp already?11:00
tarzeauomegacenti: i see11:01
thoreauputicomegacenti: do you use tightvnc or similar? that usually starts on :111:01
tarzeauomegacenti: you know about virtualbox ?11:01
compwiz18BusMaster: well, I don't have xchat or evolution, so I subsituted a couple extra OOo windows for them.  I opened 6 pictures in GIMP and I am running Exaile and two copies of Firefox with 11 tabs open.  I have pidgin/gaim running and the system monitor11:01
omegacentitarzeau: I do not know about virtual box11:01
SecrethXHow can I let ubuntu autmatically choose eth1 in stead of letting me choose everytime?11:01
clskhm brb I have to boot windows and check for bios updates.11:01
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tarzeauomegacenti: is great free software replacement for vmware11:01
sahilSuperQ, nope11:01
omegacentitarzeau: thanks ^_^11:01
SuperQsahil: what exactly are you trying to run?11:01
rapterwhen I login my xgl gnome is getting a destorted effect. I solvd it oance in a previous install , when somebody sugested I should instale a package in synaptic the name of wich I've fergotten . So the purpose of this post is to get the package name wich solws my Synaptic problem.11:01
compwiz18BusMaster: I'm using 583 MB of ram - although I'm not on Ubuntu right now, but it is very similar11:01
sahilSuperQ, cairo-dock, lol11:01
BusMastercompwiz18: thanks11:01
kraypiussomething is wrong with the fiesty downloads?11:02
kraypiusFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)11:02
kraypiusFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)11:02
omegacentitarzeau: it seems that virtualbox is not in the repositories.11:02
compwiz18BusMaster: np.  I once opened over 100 programs, and it still ran nicely :D11:02
kraypiusi cant upgrade11:02
SuperQsahil: so what exact commands are you trying to run?11:02
sahilSuperQi need to first navigate to cd /opt/cairo-dock and then do this command "./Cairo-dock --no-glitz"11:02
tarzeauomegacenti: check google, they got packages11:02
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omegacentitarzeau: I have no idea how to install a package :) point me in the right direction?11:02
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SuperQsahil: instead of ;, you need &&11:03
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tarzeauomegacenti: open a terminal11:03
tarzeauomegacenti: you have feisty?11:03
sahilSuperQ, will be back in 10 secs, thanks a lot11:03
SuperQsahil: cd /opt/cairo-dock && ./Cairo-dock --no-glitz11:03
tarzeauomegacenti: wget http://www.virtualbox.org/download/1.4.0/virtualbox_1.4.0-21864_Ubuntu_feisty_i386.deb11:03
tarzeauomegacenti: sudo dpkg -i virtualbox_1.4.0-21864_Ubuntu_feisty_i386.deb11:03
tarzeauomegacenti: that's all11:03
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omegacentitarzeau: cool11:03
thoreauputictarzeau: gdebi + double click is easiest now ( vs.  sudo dpkg -i )11:04
tarzeauthoreauputic: i don't know gdebi11:04
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sahilSuperQ, no luck :(11:04
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tarzeauthoreauputic: but gdebi description is wrong: apt does the same, but only for remote (http, ftp)11:04
cursorfracture420 you wanted help?11:04
tarzeauthoreauputic: you can have file:// links in sources.list11:04
SuperQI'm guessing something else is not working11:04
thoreauputictarzeau: GUI installer for .deb - does dependencies, installed by default11:04
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tarzeauthoreauputic: so gdebi is redundant11:05
sahilSuperQ , that is what i had entered cd /opt/cairo-dock && ./cairo-dock --no-glitz11:05
thoreauputictarzeau: ?11:05
tarzeauthoreauputic: synaptic can also install stuff on a local filesystem repo11:05
omegacentitarzeau: if this works I think I am going to uninstall vmware seeing as I haven't used it yet :) thankyou very much for the info.11:05
SuperQsahil: it's case sensitive you know11:05
rapterwhen I login my xgl gnome is getting a destorted effect. I solvd it oance in a previous install , when somebody sugested I should instale a package in synaptic the name of wich I've fergotten . So the purpose of this post is to get the package name wich solws my Synaptic problem.11:05
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thoreauputictarzeau: I was just pointing i=out that all you need to do is double click the deb11:05
sahilSuperQ, yes i know. I just copied the working commands from my terminal11:05
SuperQsahil: just making sure11:05
thoreauputictarzeau: that isn't redundant for new users :)11:06
SecrethXHow can I let ubuntu autmatically choose eth1 in stead of letting me choose everytime?11:06
tarzeauthoreauputic: i see, i'm not a fan of clicking system administration11:06
tarzeauthoreauputic: i meant the software11:06
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thoreauputictarzeau:  *sigh* you missed the point11:06
SuperQsahil: I guess I don't know anything about cairo-dock11:06
thoreauputictarzeau: nevr mind...11:06
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cursorfracture420: you wanted help?11:06
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sahilSuperQ, is there a way to open a terminal at start-up automatically and force it to execute those commands11:06
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SuperQsahil: you should be able to build a script that will do it11:07
cursori can help11:07
SuperQsahil: maybe you need a full path for a startup script11:07
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SuperQsahil: /home/username/sahil-startup.sh11:07
SuperQsahil: (for whatever username is)11:07
sahilSuperQ, yes i had put that in11:07
cursoryou done chmod 755 ?11:08
SecrethXHow can I let ubuntu autmatically choose eth1 in stead of letting me choose everytime?11:08
sahilshoudl i change it to 777 instead of 77511:08
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SuperQsahil: no!11:08
sahili mean 755*11:08
SuperQ755 is correct :)11:08
sahilSuperQ, what is the difference ?11:08
SuperQsahil: in the script instead of cd use pushd11:08
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SuperQpushd /opt/cairo-dock11:08
thoreauputicSecrethX: enter it with mac address in /etc/iftab11:08
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SuperQ!chmod | sahil11:09
ubotusahil: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux11:09
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SuperQsahil: FilePermissions explains it all11:09
sahilSuperQ, be back in 1011:09
SecrethXthoreauputic, so change the eth0 to eth1 and change the mac address?11:09
SuperQsahil: (probably better than I can)11:09
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thoreauputicSecrethX: I was assuming you were getting random changes from eth0 to eth1 or vice versa on boot11:10
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sahilSuperQ, no, it still does not work11:10
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thoreauputicSecrethX:  /etc/iftab lets you map mac to interface ( ethX)11:10
SecrethXthoreauputic, no. My eth0 port is broken (its in the motherboard) and I now put a PCI card inside to get internet. But now at boot, it wont automatically connect anymore11:10
omegacentitarzeau: it said errors found, dependency issues.11:11
SuperQsahil: something in your normal environment must be necessary to make that app work11:11
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sahilSuperQ, i don't understand11:11
SuperQsahil: ok.. one last try:11:11
tarzeauomegacenti: more exactly?11:11
thoreauputicSecrethX: ah I see - maybe map the eth1 to the former eth0 mac - but I'm not sure if that works11:11
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thoreauputicSecrethX: you could try it to see I suppose...11:12
SecrethXthoreauputic, neither am I, im still a newbie11:12
SecrethXthoreauputic, so change it all to eth1 ?11:12
sahilSuperQ, you want me to try what again?/11:12
omegacentitarzeau: sorry just found the dependency.. libxalan11011:12
SuperQsahil: no.. i'm trying something on my machine11:12
omegacentitarzeau: How would I go about getting that11:12
thoreauputicSecrethX: worth a try - you can reverse it if it doesn't work11:12
SuperQsahil: gimmie a sec11:12
tarzeauomegacenti: apt-get install libxalan11011:12
SecrethXthoreauputic, yea, ill back it up11:12
sahilSuperQ, sure11:12
SecrethXthoreauputic, how can I get my mac address?11:13
thoreauputicSecrethX: ifconfig -a shows your hardware addresses11:13
sahilSuperQ be back in 1011:13
thoreauputicwhich are MAC addresses11:13
omegacentitarzeau: now what? resume virtualbox? how would I do that.11:13
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tarzeauomegacenti: then retry the dpkg -i again11:14
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SecrethXthoreauputic, HWaddr 52:54:AB:1F:E0:DC << this one?11:14
kraypiusthis thing wants to download 841mb of files to upgrade to fiesty?11:14
omegacentitarzeau: nm it looks like it automatically resumed11:14
thoreauputicSecrethX: yes11:14
tarzeauomegacenti: great, start it?11:14
SecrethXthoreauputic, ok.. I also see a eth0:avah whats that?11:14
omegacentitarzeau: did11:14
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thoreauputicSecrethX: that's for avahi - not relevant in this case11:14
omegacentitarzeau: weird.. tried to type: virtualbox.. but nothing happened.. command not found11:15
kslccrimsun: my bios is up-to-date11:15
SecrethXthoreauputic, okay.. and dont change the 'arp 1' after the mac address?11:15
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tarzeauomegacenti: VirtualBox maybe?11:15
thoreauputicSecrethX: normally each card shows a MAC - one for eth0 one for eth1 etc11:15
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berkesis there a flag in some /etc file that allows me to get rid of those frkn UUIDs in fstab?11:15
omegacentitarzeau: thats it :)11:15
omegacentitarzeau: thanks!11:15
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thoreauputicSecrethX: hang on - looking at the file here11:15
SecrethXthoreauputic, yea, I see the mac of the eth011:15
SecrethXthoreauputic, ok11:15
kraypiuszomg stfu and rtfm ffs noob fod lmao11:15
SuperQsahil: ok..11:15
omegacentitarzeau: cool!11:15
omegacentitarzeau: okay probably deleting vmware now.11:16
kslccrimsun: also the the sound card works fine in windows.11:16
sahilSuperQ, yeah im back, but still no luck11:16
avihaiorel76Hi, i have installed wine and it works fine until I try to click an exe file and it does nothing, can any one help?11:16
tarzeauomegacenti: great11:16
thoreauputicSecrethX: not sure about the arp number, sorry11:16
omegacentitarzeau: Thanks again.11:16
SecrethXthoreauputic, ok, ill just let it be11:16
tarzeauavihaiorel76: try run wine the.exe in a terminal11:16
ivxhey i'm reading a tutorial on how to create a shell script, and it says the first line should be the path to the shell executable file, so that would be the path where the .sh file is located?11:16
avihaiorel76I did - nothing.11:16
kraypiusivx, no... path to the interpreter11:16
sahilSuperQ you think this might work "gnome-terminal && cd /opt/cairo-dock && ./cairo-dock --no-glitz"11:16
avihaiorel76When I run exe files from the CD it is ok.11:16
sahilSuperQ, how come?11:17
ivxkraypius, what would that path be then?11:17
SuperQsahil: /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator -e /home/username/sahil-startup.sh11:17
kraypius/bin/sh i think11:17
SuperQsahil: but you need to change one thing the startup.sh11:17
kraypiussomething like that11:17
thoreauputicSecrethX: try reading man iftab and man arp - I'm not sure about arp11:17
sahilSuperQ, whats that?11:17
SuperQsahil: change #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash11:17
SuperQ(sigh, dash)11:17
SecrethXthoreauputic, was reading that, but understandig it is something different11:17
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thoreauputicSecrethX: heh - I know what you mean :)11:17
SuperQsahil: dash doesn't support pushd, so you need bash11:18
ivxkraypius, okay that is what it is already, then for the second like i can just have a command and it will do that right?11:18
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sahilSuperQ, like this "#!/bin/bash11:18
sahil pushd /opt/cairo-dock11:18
sahil ./cairo-dock --no-glitz"11:18
kritzstapfhi since the kernel update yesterday, my laptop boots just veeeery slow when i dont connect the ethernet cable, asking top i found out that ifconfig uses 99% of the cpu load, any ideas whats wrong here?11:18
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SuperQsahil: yea11:18
sahilSuperQ, back in 10 secs11:18
kraypiusyeah and you can use logical operators and make equasions and have it evaluate local crap you make up11:19
SecrethXthoreauputic, im confused.. arp -v shows the mac address of eth0 but it says that the interface is eth1 o_O11:19
kraypiuslike any other scripting language11:19
ivxkritzstapf, type top in terminal, see what it says11:19
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kritzstapfivx: what exactly? it says a lot ;)11:19
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kraypiusi dont know the scripting side of bash tho i know php but im sure its similar11:19
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thoreauputicSecrethX: probably because eth0 is broken ?11:19
omegacentiToo tired.. think I am going to crash put the system in suspend.11:19
sahilSuperQ, IT WORKED for 5 secs and then disappeared11:19
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SecrethXthoreauputic, oh yea >_<11:20
ivxkritzstapf, it will list all the things running, see which one is using all the cpu11:20
SecrethXthoreauputic, ill try to reboot now..11:20
SuperQ./cairo-dock --no-glitz &11:20
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kslccrimsun: Do you have any more suggestions?11:20
kritzstapfivx: didnt i already tell that its ifconfig who uses 99%? :)11:20
sahilSuperQ, yeah that is the command11:20
kslcI think I'll just give up11:20
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kslcfor now at least11:20
SuperQsahil: arg11:20
SuperQsahil: I have no idea11:20
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ivxkritzstapf, i thought you said if config said 99% cpu used, andway you can pick a different kernel to boot from, use a different one11:21
sahilSuperQ, do you know how to make a terminal open, bcuz this program needs that it has to be open11:21
ivxi think11:21
ivxkritzstapf, esc when you boot, see if it give you a kernel choice11:21
kraypiushow the hell is ifconfig using 99% of the cpu11:21
SuperQsahil: sorry, I'm not sure11:22
SuperQsahil: I don't know enough about the app11:22
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ivxkritzstapf, might be suing the wrong drivers11:22
LVKeulenHow do I assign users to certain permission 'groups' ?11:22
gradinanybody uber at samba configs?11:22
sahilSuperQ, np thanks for the help. The app is a really old dead project11:22
kritzstapfivx: yes of course i can boot an older kernel, but id really like to use the newest ;)11:22
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BadRobothi borthers and sister,wassup?I've just installed some codecs for mp3's and the sound quality has downgraded,do you guys think is it about the codecs,is it there any codecs that gives better sound quality?11:22
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SecrethXthoreauputic, didnt change anything.. It still makes me choose..11:23
kraypiusbadrobot, sure u arent imagining it?11:23
thoreauputicSecrethX: hmm11:23
ivxkritzstapf, uninstall the new one then, and then update again and see if it did a better job reloading the modules11:23
LVKeulenMaybe it doesn't recognize your soundcard anymore :|11:23
LVKeulenBut who can help me?11:23
kritzstapfivx: hmm, okay.. linux-image-* that is?11:23
cursorwhats the problem11:23
thoreauputicSecrethX: maybe you have to actually disconnect the onboard nic - not sure how to do that though11:23
LVKeulenI need to assign..11:24
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SecrethXthoreauputic, the NetworkManager applet shows two options, but eth0 is grayed out11:24
SecrethXthoreauputic, via bios?11:24
ivxkritzstapf, i think so11:24
LVKeulenI'll show11:24
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LVKeulenI need to give myself write permissions11:24
SecrethXthoreauputic, worth a try.. Ill be back in a bit..11:24
thoreauputicSecrethX: possibly - I am not a hardware person - maybe someone else knows11:24
LVKeulenby adding myself to a certain user group11:24
sahilSuperQ, ITS WORKING (but not exactly like it should) but still, progress is good11:24
LVKeulenbut where ARE those groups?11:24
LVKeuleni'm new to linux :|11:24
SecrethXthoreauputic, I tried that, when I wasnt getting any internet, but that was because my router wasnt configurated properly :P so I dunno, ill disable it11:25
cursorim a lil new myself , why do you need the permisions?11:25
SecrethXthoreauputic, ill be back in a bit11:25
kritzstapfLVKeulen: you can just use "sudo adduser username group" in a terminal :)11:25
LVKeuleni recently installed VBox on my machine11:25
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LVKeulenalright :)11:25
thoreauputicSecrethX: also perhaps you can do some voodoo with udev rules11:25
LVKeulen(i needed that for a certain virtual machine prog to work)11:25
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LVKeulenNeed to relog11:26
LVKeulenThanks for the help!11:26
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gradinanybody have any idea where i'm supposed to put the password for the security = share paradigm?11:26
bullgard4The DEB program package 'gnome-media' contains a few media utilities for the GNOME desktop including 'the GNOME CD player'. What is the name of the executable file of 'the GNOME CD player'?11:26
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zipperAnyone managed to get divxplayer working in linux? It says to "try Mplayer for linux support" - but after installing mplayer + mplayer mozilla plugin, it still shows that message. Any hints?11:26
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thoreauputicbullgard4:  gnome-cd I think11:27
kraypiusdoes porn work on linux?11:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about porn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:27
thoreauputickraypius: hah11:27
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thoreauputicbullgard4: yes, it's gnome-cd11:28
SecrethXthoreauputic, ok.. now It shows only 1 option, but it still makes me choose :P11:28
thoreauputicSecrethX: aargh!11:28
omegacentiMy mous stops working whenever I come out of suspend.11:28
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SecrethXthoreauputic, ifconfig -a shows eth1 only11:28
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thoreauputicSecrethX: network manager still thinks both are there?11:28
bullgard4thoreauputic: Thank you very much.11:28
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thoreauputicbullgard4: no problem :)11:29
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:29
SecrethXthoreauputic, nope, it only shows 'wired network', but if I dont click it, I will not have internet11:29
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thoreauputicSecrethX: hmm - if you only have wired and one nic, you can use manual config I think11:30
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thoreauputicSecrethX: you can actually uninstall network-manager if you wish11:30
SecrethXthoreauputic, what do you mean?11:30
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cursorare there anysites which share infomation about joining a community based proggraming project?11:30
SecrethXthoreauputic, but will I still have internet after that?11:30
thoreauputicSecrethX: doing it the "old" way11:30
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SecrethXthoreauputic, ok, but I have no idea what im beginning with :P11:31
cursori had similar trouble with my internet , so i wrote a script that runs on startup11:31
thoreauputicSecrethX: you should see an option "manual config" if you left click the nm-applet11:31
SecrethXthoreauputic, yes11:31
thoreauputicSecrethX: you can still set dhcp ( automatic )11:32
thoreauputicSecrethX: that is, you still get the IP from the router via dhcp11:32
SecrethXthoreauputic, yes11:32
thoreauputicSecrethX: so, try the manual config and specify dhcp11:32
SecrethXthoreauputic, it is already set to DHCP11:33
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thoreauputicSecrethX: is there a stanza in /etc/network/interfaces for the card ( eth1 in this case I guess)11:34
thoreauputicSecrethX: the card will need such a stanza if network-manager is not used11:34
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BadRoboti did11:36
thoreauputicSecrethX: alternatively you can set up a static IP - but that is a bit more involved and may not be what you want11:36
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SecrethXthoreauputic, sorry.. I was disconnected11:37
SecrethXthoreauputic, but thanks for all you're help, I now have only 1 connection :P But I give up, I need to go11:38
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thoreauputicSecrethX: you can set a static Ip for example with  sudo ifconfig eth1  ( or whatever your subnet needs)11:39
thoreauputicoh he left...  never mind11:39
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BadRobothello ubotu grandmother send you some greetings11:41
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BadRobotsorry guys this ubotu keep spamming me and not helping with anything11:42
thoreauputicBadRobot: ubotu only knows what he has been told :)11:42
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mobinhello friends me incidently deleted files in one of my fat32  disk partition can i recover those files  plzzzzzzz help me11:43
kritzstapfhm since i updatet the kernel (the -16 one), it loads the wrong driver for my wireless usb stick, -15 loads rt73, which works, but the new -16 loads RT25usb which uses 99% of cpu and just doesnt work.. ideas on fixing this?11:43
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thoreauputickritzstapf: you might need to blacklist the one that doesn't work and load the other one11:44
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alnoktaanyone knows how to clear dns cache?11:45
thoreauputickritzstapf:  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist <-- to blacklist and /etc/modules to autoload the other one11:45
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thoreauputickritzstapf: seems odd though11:45
alnoktawow..1mb+ are in the channel!11:46
thoreauputickritzstapf: if the blacklisting works you will see the change on reboot11:46
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kritzstapfthoreauputic: where to get a list of modules to find out the exact name?11:46
thoreauputickritzstapf: lsmod11:46
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thoreauputickritzstapf: oh that is for the ones loaded at the moment of course11:47
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BadRoboti need some urgent help,i mistakenlydeleted the APT line for on the repositories ,the line what gives the server,web/ftp/mirrors adresses for the updates and package on synaptic,how can i get them back?11:47
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alnoktaBadRobot, you can get the lines on ubuntuguide.org may be11:48
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thoreauputic!easysource | BadRobot11:48
ubotuBadRobot: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:48
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mobinhello any one help me plzzzzzzzzzzz11:49
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mobini incidently deleted files in one of my partition can i recover them11:49
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thoreauputicmobin: probably not11:49
Frogzoo!easysource | BadRobot11:49
ubotuBadRobot: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:49
avihaiorel76Hello, I have installed wine and it runs exe from a cd but not after installation of programs - why?11:49
thoreauputicmobin: assuming you bypassed the trash11:49
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Frogzoo!wine | avihaiorel76: I'd suggest you upgrade to the budgetdedicated wine repo, which is much more recent11:50
ubotuavihaiorel76: I'd suggest you upgrade to the budgetdedicated wine repo, which is much more recent: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:50
mobinthoreauputic me used rm command11:50
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thoreauputicmobin: then those fies are gone forever11:50
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avihaiorel76Frogzoo + ubotu = thanks, will do so and check it out.11:51
thoreauputicmobin: you do have backups, right?11:51
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scoldogI've just been trying to watch a DVD.  For some reason, the DVD plays when I insert the DVD, but when I try and skip forward or move between menus, the DVD freezes.  When I close Totem down and reopen it, it says I don't have the right plugins  Anyone else had this problem?11:52
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Frogzooscoldog: try vlc, which is better in many ways than totem11:52
thoreauputicscoldog: try the vlc player - I find it o=works better for DVDs11:52
thoreauputicFrogzoo: heh - great minds :)11:53
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scoldogThanks, I'll try it now11:53
mh512is it possible to install ubuntu even if I have only 128 MB of RAM?11:53
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Frogzoothoreauputic: heh :)11:53
mobinthoreauputic no11:53
thoreauputicmh512: I would suggest xubuntu - and use the alternate CD11:53
scoldogDoes VLC have a better frontend than totem, DVD wise?11:53
Frogzoomh512: that will be troublesome11:54
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thoreauputicmobin: I think you are out of luck then11:54
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sivaji i dont want to start "mail transport agent" at boot time ple someone help me11:54
thoreauputicFrogzoo: xubuntu should work fine in 128 MB RAM11:54
alnoktai was testing an ip for open proxy, so i tried to use it..now after i disabled it..the google.com page won't show up and it shows me a strange page instead11:54
Kalmmmmhello, my external hard  disk , mounted inrw, becomes ro sometimes, i don't understand why11:54
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rinkyI have hit ctrl-Z to escape from a slow process get back to the command line, but now I want to resume that slow process. I type bg %3 but it's still "[3] + Stopped" any ideas?11:56
mh512thx guys.11:56
thoreauputicrinky: type fg first11:56
thoreauputicrinky: then type bg11:56
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bullgard4thoreauputic: I can start the application 'gnome-cd' by issuing the command 'gnome-cd' in a Gnome terminal. I cannot start it via the Gnome menus. But the CD Player Handbook advises to start it via Gnome Main Menu Applications > Sound and Video. How can I create a menu item 'CD Player' in the menu 'Sound and Video'?11:57
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scoldogCan anyone recommend a decent video capture program for ubuntu?  I only need to capture an RCA feed via my video card11:57
rinkywhen I type fg, it echos the original slow process command I entered earlier, and when I type bg, it just moves to the next line, I see no prompt11:57
thoreauputicbullgard4: right-click the applications menu, choose menu editor11:57
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thoreauputicbullgard4: you should see an unticked entry for gnome-cd in Sound and Video11:58
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thoreauputicbullgard4: tick the box and it should appear11:58
rinkyI dont really want to kill the stopped process, as it's a sudo apt-get install. I just dont know how to resume it11:58
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alnoktathis channel looks like a big support center11:59
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rinkymutual support, ubuntu anonymous :)11:59
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scoldogis there any DVD friendly frontends for VLC?12:00
bullgard4thoreauputic: It was exactly as you said! I have done as you said, and I have now the proper menu item in the menu hierarchy. Thank you vey much.12:00
alnoktafree support that is12:00
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rinkyahh, a ctrl-d fixed my stopped job problem12:00
thoreauputicbullgard4: no problem :) Enjoy!12:00
scoldogI'm trying to navigate a DVD menu, and keep pressing "Next playlist item" thinking it's a chapter skip12:00
avihaiorel76I have updated wine and still does not work - I have to say that on my fedora 7 it is just fine.12:01
bullgard4thoreauputic: Yes, I do enjoy.12:01
thoreauputicbullgard4: :)12:01
kritzstapfmessing with the kernel on a slow machine rebooting all the time isnt funny :/12:01
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sivaji2009 ple help me i dont want to start "mail transport agent at boot time" how can i do this12:01
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thoreauputicsivaji2009:  you have postfix? Use the update-rc.d utility12:02
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thoreauputicsivaji2009: something like  sudo update-rc.d postfix remove ( check the syntax, I haven't used it for a long time)12:03
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lininany oen can help me plz12:03
sivaji2009thoreauputic ok i will try12:04
lininhey alll12:04
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lininplz help me12:04
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ZorlinAnyone need help?12:04
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kraypiusnot linin12:04
thoreauputicsivaji2009: man update-rc.d suggests that is right - you may want the -f option to force removal of symlinks12:05
sivaji2009thoreauputic ok12:05
kraypiuslinin, you should ask something12:05
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thoreauputiclinin was impatient...12:05
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kraypiusoh hes gone12:05
thoreauputickraypius: he left apparently12:06
avihaiorel76Again ... I have the latest version of wine and it does not run exe files - why? HELP PLEASE.12:06
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r_a_fk cuu12:06
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thoreauputicavihaiorel76: try asking in #winehq12:06
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avihaiorel76I have and they said that I should ask here :-)12:07
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kraypiusguys i have a problem12:07
kraypiusi think im attracted to my terminal12:07
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thoreauputicavihaiorel76: you probably need to give more information - if anyone knows they will try to help12:07
rinkymust be the static12:07
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avihaiorel76I did, told them everything.12:08
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thoreauputicavihaiorel76: I meant here, not there12:08
avihaiorel76My wine runs exe files from a cd but after installation  - nothing.12:08
rinkyavihaiorel76, wine can be a dog to get working at times, have you tried putting your error messages into google12:08
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avihaiorel76No error messages at all :-|12:09
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rinkyit just returns you to command line?12:09
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thoreauputicavihaiorel76: are you running your apps using " wine /path/to/foo.exe" ?12:09
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avihaiorel76No ... I just click them as I always have.12:10
thoreauputicavihaiorel76: try the above - might give you some error messages tha are useful12:10
kraypiusif beryl breaks after edgy is done upgrading to fiesty im gonna cry12:10
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avihaiorel76Thanks - Ha - it works from the command line- but how do I create a shortcut for this?12:13
thoreauputicavihaiorel76: for example I just ran wine ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/utorrent.exe ( I have been playing with utorrent in wine from curiosity )12:13
thoreauputicavihaiorel76: you can make a launcher for it with the command you used12:13
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avihaiorel76How? please ...12:13
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avihaiorel76I run photoshop, freehand and all kinds of stuff on wine :-)12:14
avihaiorel76(all legal)12:14
thoreauputicavihaiorel76: I haven't tried it with wine - but I guess just right click the desktop, make launcher, insert command in the command field12:14
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marco_linuxhi, I am trying to install a Canon MP160 printer on a Ubuntu Feisty. I have installed the drivers, and the printer is there. When I try to print out a document, it says printing but nothing happen. The print doesn't print.12:16
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thoreauputicavihaiorel76: just tried it here - works fine12:17
Kalmmmmok , so my amule crashe every time too, is it unstable on feisty?12:17
thoreauputicavihaiorel76: just remember to put wine followed by the full path to the .exe12:17
avihaiorel76When I right click my desktop I do not have the make launcher12:17
peterpowhi everyone, how do i upgrade windows edgy to ubuntu vista?12:17
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thoreauputicavihaiorel76: are you in gnome?12:17
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thoreauputicavihaiorel76: ah - probably just a different name for a launcher - not sure12:18
thoreauputicavihaiorel76: ask in #kubuntu12:18
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avihaiorel76I really am thankful - blessings :-)12:19
thoreauputicpeterpow: haha12:19
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marco_linuxhi, I am trying to install a Canon MP160 printer on a Ubuntu Feisty. I have installed the drivers, and the printer is there. When I try to print out a document, it says printing but nothing happen. The printer doesn't print. Any Ideia?12:19
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kraypiusthis is why i only buy network printers12:21
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sivaji2009thoreauputic  can i remove /etc/inti.d/sendmail to avoid starting sendmail12:21
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kritzstapfLinux source tree '/usr/src/linux-2.6.20-16-generic' is incomplete or missing! .. which packet to install? :D12:22
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thoreauputicsivaji2009: umm - normally sendmail is not installed - postfix is the usual mta for ubuntu - sendmail is just there for compatiblity reasons afaik12:23
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defryskkritzstapf, linux-source ?12:23
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thoreauputicsivaji2009: unless you actually installed sendmail12:23
padavoinehello everybody, i'd like to know if there's any risk whatsoever to inadvertently alter anything on the hard disk when booting from a live CD ?12:23
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kraypiusdepends on what you alter12:24
padavoinewell i don't want to alter anything12:24
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kritzstapfdefrysk: is already the newest version..12:24
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kraypiusthen chances are you wont12:24
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ubuntuishhi i am trying to mount an ntfs external hdd it has issues and can't be accessed from windows, i want to copy and format the hdd but it claims the volume is "dirty"12:25
padavoinekraypius: chances... ?12:25
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kraypiusthe likelyhood that you will alter data on the hdd without wanting to do so is slim12:25
padavoineok great12:25
padavoinehow could it happen ?12:26
thoreauputicpadavoine: the only way you can affect the hard drive from the live CD is by mounting it deliberately12:26
padavoinei know12:26
padavoinebut couldn't hardware compatibiility problems affect anything ?12:26
padavoinewell anyway12:26
padavoinei dunno what i'm talking bout so thanks a lot12:26
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thoreauputicpadavoine: so you won't affect anything unless you say so12:26
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CapeTown(Feisty on A22p IBM laptop) xorg.conf - Section "Device", "Generic Video Card", ATI .... but the video adapter is an "ATI Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x" in device manager. Question: How do I install the correct driver for this device?12:28
rambo3ati is driver bundle12:29
Corvinis-Lhow do I configure the build in gnome vnc port ?12:29
FerrariDreamsGooooooooooooodddddd Morning! :D12:29
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amrnetis dma on by default in ubuntu feisty12:29
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crdlbCapeTown, there's no driver to install12:29
rambo3!dma | amrnet12:29
ubotuamrnet: dma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA12:29
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marco_linuxhi, I am trying to install a Canon MP160 printer on a Ubuntu Feisty. I have installed the drivers, and the printer is there. When I try to print out a document, it says printing but nothing happen. The printer doesn't print.12:30
amrneti read ubotu link but it only concern dapper12:30
ubuntuishWillbert, won't let me mount12:30
ubuntuishntfs-3g i.e.,12:30
Willbertgot that12:30
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rambo3amrnet, same thing12:31
Willbertin windows does the hdd get recognised12:31
Willbertat all?12:31
ubuntuishnope not at all12:31
ubuntuishstarts hanging the pc up12:31
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ubuntuishi could access files on it before i installed ntfs-3g12:31
amrneti got this error rambo3 BLKFLSBUF failed: Function not implemented12:31
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ubuntuishbut now it won't let me12:31
Willberthave you tried looking in computer management  on windows?12:32
rambo3amrnet,   type :  sudo hdparm /dev/hda12:32
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kraypiusubuntuish, not a good sign12:32
amrnetok rambo3 will try that too12:32
amrnetrambo3 ok it is already on thanx12:33
loafybrwnis there a way of saving only the files i want on my HD (media files like movies, pictures, music, ebooks) and wiping out the rest and start clean with ubuntu and retreiving those saved files?12:33
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CapeTowncrdlb : the display is 1600x1200 but the default install gives 800x600 or less! :-( I had to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" in order to give the xserver 1600x1200 an lower as options but 1280x1024 and 1024x800 give corrupted screen. So I only have 1600x1200 with minute screen text although very clear or 800x600 and can't see OK button at bottom of windows! :-(12:33
sx66how would you reinstall ubuntu?12:33
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kraypiusloaf, you will need to create a partition to store the data you want to backup12:33
crdlbCapeTown, the support for pre-radeon ati cards is poor unfortunately12:34
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crdlbthere's no chance of that changing either since the cards are so old12:34
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CapeTowncrdlb - where should I start looking for support of my A22p IBM laptop for hardware support in general?12:35
sx66how would you reinstall ubuntu?12:36
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kraypiussx66, pop in the cd and reboot12:36
rambo3CapeTown, i guess you'll have to tweak your xorg.conf . search your card on ubuntu forums12:36
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CapeTowncrdlb - Do you know how I can check if my built-in NIC is correctly configured? I have to use a PCMCIA NIC which works fine since the Intel "Ethernet Pro 100" does not appear configured automatically. :-(12:38
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crdlbCapeTown, that should be fully supported by the e100 kernel module12:39
rambo3CapeTown, bad EEPROM12:39
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familiemy windows installation is on /media/hd5 but doesnt show in the boot loader and my dad needs xp to install a program for taxes which doesnt work with wine. any help appreciated!12:39
rambo3!grub | familie12:40
ubotufamilie: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:40
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familierambo3: is there described how to configure grub properly?12:40
CapeTownrambo3 - Is bad EEPROM an impossible to fix hardware fault?12:40
rambo3i have no idea , i just type !12:40
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kraypiusfamilie, i can give u the line hold on12:41
rambo3CapeTown, no i made a howto on forums12:41
rambo3CapeTown, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39855112:41
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familiekraypius: that would be nice!12:41
CapeTownrambo3 - okay - will check it out now.12:42
kraypiusfamilie, add this to the end of the file:12:42
kraypiustitleWindows XP Professional12:42
rambo3hd 0,0 = hda1 so hda5 should be hd(0,4)12:43
familiebut natilus says it is hda5 should i change hd0 to hda5?12:43
familieokay thanks a lot12:43
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familiewhat is the savedefault for?12:44
kraypiusi have no idea12:44
ubuntuishkraypius, i can probably access it again if i disable the ntfs but then how do i go about formating it or trying to fix it?12:44
VoXwhat program would i use to rip only the _sound_ from a dvd?12:44
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kraypiuswhat exactly did you do, from the birth of the partition until now?12:45
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familieshould i update grub now?12:45
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familiei mean sudo grup-update12:45
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ubuntuishkraypius, its a small internal laptop hdd which is connected to an enclosure i use it move data around from office -> home  and back12:45
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kraypiusfamilie, no. just save the file and reboot12:46
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familieokay thanks i will try it, have a nice day :)12:46
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kraypiusubuntuish, you want to recover any data from it b4 u go formatting it?12:46
ubuntuishor atleast try to12:47
kraypiusand you arent able to access it from ubuntu or win?12:47
ubuntuishyup no access12:47
kraypiuswas it mounting in ubuntu b4 when u start up?12:47
kraypiuswhats in your fstab12:48
ubuntuishyes it was mounting and i could access files too, i even did move a bit of the data12:48
ubuntuishjust won't mount now since i've installed ntfs-3g12:48
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kraypiustry uninstalling ntfs-3g and remount12:48
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ubuntuishright, hang on :p12:49
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kraypiusban fatman12:50
rambo3you dont have to uninstall , just remount it with ntfs12:51
ubuntuishkraypius, yup mounted fine12:51
kraypiusi recommend formatting it to fat32 instead of ntfs after u backup the data12:51
thoreauputickraypius: what has fatman done to warrant a ban?12:51
ubuntuishi have another external hdd which ntfs-3g won't let me mount says its Dirty (though i can access it from windows just fine)12:52
kraypiusfatman is a bot12:52
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kraypiuswas trolling in #linux12:52
=== GreyGhost-Ubuntu [n=greyghos@unaffiliated/greyghost] has joined #ubuntu
c_In the new Beryl they let you put Magic Lamps minium waves down to 0 again =D12:53
GreyGhost-Ubuntucan gcc 4 and gcc3 co exist ?12:53
sx66on formatting back to ubuntu on ext3 media how do I set it up as a root file system?12:53
fatmanUbuntu linux is a piece of shit.12:53
jribGreyGhost-Ubuntu: yes12:53
jrib!offtopic | fatman12:53
ubotufatman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:53
crdlbc_, you're using trevino's 0.3.0 packages?12:53
=== spikie [n=spikie@bro69-3-82-237-105-29.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
c_I am not sure, what ever was in the update.12:53
GreyGhost-Ubuntu jrib ,should i simply apt-get install  gcc-3.4 then ?12:53
crdlbc_, beryl --version12:53
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kraypiusfatman will continue to post random insults about ubuntu12:53
jribGreyGhost-Ubuntu: that will work12:53
fatmanI don't care if this is a support channel, ubuntu linux is still a piece of shit.12:53
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kraypiusand then he will display an ad for his site12:53
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GreyGhost-Ubuntujrib ,thanks :D12:54
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ubuntuishkraypius, i have another external hdd which ntfs-3g won't let me mount says its Dirty (though i can access it from windows just fine)12:54
c_crdlb: beryl-core 0.3.0-svn12:54
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crdlbc_, yep that's trevino's packages12:54
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kraypiusubuntuish, its just more reliable at the moment to use fat3212:54
c_Why did the system update give it to me?12:55
=== Matsy [n=Matsy@ip24-227-174-82.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sx66how do you reinstall ubuntu? I have three partititons. The sda3 is the old ubuntu, how do I re-install?12:55
crdlbc_, trevino removes that block12:55
crdlbc_, because you added the repository for it?12:55
kraypiusfor exchanging data between operating systems12:55
ubuntuishkraypius, its a 200GB hdd :/12:55
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ubuntuishkraypius, oh well fun it will be!12:55
ubuntuishthanks a bunch12:55
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ruben-I just installed libcrypt-cbc-perl, what should I do so that perl can see this is installed?12:55
MenZahey guys; I'm having some problems recovering GRUB. I'm looking at the wiki page REcoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows (It's actually OSX, but I assume the way to do it is the same when it comes to the MBR), and I've reached the point where I need to run the following command, replacing '/dev/hda' with the drive I want to install it to: grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/root /dev/hda. Which drive is this? My Windows drive or what?12:55
c_Maybe, I don't even remember doing it. lol.12:55
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ubotuTo renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages12:55
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter12:56
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate12:56
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MenZa!botabuse | sx6612:56
ubotusx66: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...12:56
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crdlbc_, official beryl and the new version (coral) still have that restriction to avoid apple's patent12:56
rambo3MenZa, i thought lilo worked on apple , or was it ppc only.12:56
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thoreauputicsx66: you have been warned12:56
MenZano idea, rambo3, but I like my Grub.12:57
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MenZa(This is an Intel, btw)12:57
=== Matsy pukes
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MenZa!offtopic | Matsy12:57
ubotuMatsy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:57
familiekraypius: didnt worl12:57
sx66menza, I need to figure out how to re-install ubuntu, on the sda3 (ext3). any ideas? I am re-installing.12:57
salimwhat up12:57
c_That is the only thing in the update?12:57
MatsyHahaha Menza12:57
MenZasx66: insert the disk, choose that drive?12:57
sx66i did, no root file system, MenZa12:58
=== MenZa shrugs
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MenZaI've no idea.12:58
kraypiusfamilie, where it says hd0,0 or whatever12:58
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kraypiusyou will need to tinker with it to get that right12:58
familiei tried hd0,412:58
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rambo3yeah I tryed JAS OSX . it was just chainloader . and OSX must be on primary partition12:58
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kraypiustry like hd0,012:59
familiei tried all combinations from 0,0 to 0,512:59
MenZarambo3: Pardon?12:59
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slavikreinstalling grub?12:59
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LEMONed_Hey all, I've installed ubuntu and now I'm trying to get my wireless to work.  The card is supported, the ralink driver is present and can see the various networks in my area, however they all have 0/100 quality and won't connect to any of them.  I know it's not my router beccause I'm using the connection on XP right now, I've been going through the docs and can't seem to see a problem... is...12:59
LEMONed_...there anything I can do?12:59
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kraypiusone moment12:59
slavikrambo3: have you tried hd0 ?01:00
familiekraypius: i want to boot this one01:00
familie# /dev/hda501:00
familieUUID=268058BE80589661 /media/hda5     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       101:00
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sivaji2009when boot my system i could see "mounting root file , loading kernel module ,starting sendmail transport agent etc "  i dont want to start sendmail agent how can i do this  i am not using this and it take long time to start01:00
familieslavik: you mean me?01:00
slavikfamilie: yes01:00
slavikfamilie: depends on which drive it is, too :P01:01
kraypiusslavik, how does that work? just increment by 1?01:01
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sx66MenZa: justcool01:01
familieslavik: got only one01:01
sx66reinstalling and formatting partition01:01
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sx66ahh, that was fun01:01
familiegon try it ttyl thanks01:01
slavikfamilie: what is the number of that partition on the drive?01:01
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kraypiusbrb, reboot01:01
rambo3hd 0,0 = hda1 so hda5 should be hd(0,4)01:02
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=== _Lemon_ [n=LemonJel@host-84-9-169-41.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
_Lemon_Hey all, I've installed ubuntu and now I'm trying to get my wireless to work.  The card is supported, the ralink driver is present and can see the various networks in my area, however they all have 0/100 quality and won't connect to any of them.  I know it's not my router beccause I'm using the connection on XP right now, I've been going through the docs and can't seem to see a problem... is...01:02
_Lemon_...there anything I can do?01:02
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rambo3_Lemon_, firmware installed ?01:02
sx66Lemon, ctrl-alt-backspace, and install network-setup, see if that works01:03
slavikrambo3: actually, not necessarily ... it might be hda1, hda3, hda5, in which case hda5 is hd0,2 ...01:03
_Lemon_Well this is pretty much out of the box stuff, by me, the linux nub :P01:03
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sx66gaim sucks for IRC01:03
_Lemon_I'll try that sx66, ty :)01:03
slaviksx66: I find it fine ...01:03
blah569I'm using Trillian.01:03
sx66xchat is da BOMB01:04
blah569I've heard of that :O01:04
slaviktrillian = even worse01:04
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rambo3_Lemon_, just fallow howto from ubuntuforums01:04
blah569its working fine rght now01:04
slavikstopped using it right when they hit the "subscription" phase01:04
sx66slavik: do you know how to stop the chanserv from poping up on tab list on boot?01:04
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blah569subscription phase?  I have 3.1 basic for free01:04
slaviksx66: umm, it will pop up in any client because it sends you a private message01:05
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slavikblah569: no plugins for you :P01:05
sx66slavik: that is why xchat is ta BOMB01:05
familieslavik: got error 1301:05
familieon hd(0,2)01:05
blah569I'll try xchat01:05
familieunsupported executable format01:05
slavikfamilie: how many partitions on that drive?01:05
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sx66blah569: you will have to do a lot of conf to get xchat the way you like, as in default it sucks01:05
familiei dunno01:05
slavikfamilie: have you tried grub-update or whatever that command is?01:05
blah569My friend uses it.01:06
slaviktry it ^^01:06
slavikbitchx, bitches :P01:06
Matsyirssi :(01:06
blah569omg these people called studio mail keep spamming me, they send me the same thing like 30 times >:C01:06
sx6654% done of re-installing ubuntu x301:06
slavikdarknight: manchester?01:06
slavikblah569: register and set yourself +r ^^01:07
sx66seriously, if ubuntu did not have a live CD, we would all be screwed01:07
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blah569anyway, I'm working on a forum software right now, I admit the default layout sucks.01:07
sx66conf, getting screwed with and stuff01:07
sx6660% done01:07
blah569I'm 64% done01:08
blah569on d/ling Ubuntu01:08
sx66sweet, it is a RACE!01:08
sx66what time is it there blah569?01:08
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blah569you downloading ubuntu?01:08
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:08
sx66installing blah56901:08
blah569I really love the way Ubuntu looks, but the lack of programs discourage me from installing it :(.01:09
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sx66I have work in 4 hours01:09
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sx66blah569: it a lot of programs dude, almost 15K01:09
thoreauputicblah569: there are 17000 or so to choose from - what are you missing?01:09
blah569Well, Flash, but you can still do that.01:09
sx66what? flash, wtf...01:09
blah569You can use Flash on Linux, I found an article.01:09
thoreauputic!info flashplugin-nonfree01:10
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386)01:10
blah569I mean Flash CS301:10
sx66blah569: firefox helps everything out..01:10
blah569the creator01:10
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blah569I use Firefox btw, IE sucks >:C01:10
thoreauputicflash is evil :)01:10
sx66blah569: now you say it...01:10
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blah569this is the largest IRC I've been in...01:11
sx66IE sucks a long, a long time ago, in a gal...01:11
ubuntuishi am trying to format an external hdd but it won't let me unmount :/01:11
sx66not for me, 2K+ at irc.dslextreme.com01:11
blah569If for some reason I need to use IE, I have to open a new Window each time I minimize it.01:11
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ubuntuish"Cannot eject volume"01:11
sx66on winxp? blah56901:11
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sx66haha, havent use winxp for 5 weeks01:12
=== Gtavc1210 [n=david@cpc2-lich3-0-0-cust214.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
blah569I'm on it right now.01:12
blah569I love this theme, but Ubuntu is more secksey.01:12
thoreauputicguys, discussion of windows -->> #ubuntu-offtopic01:12
sx66theme of what?01:12
Gtavc1210will ubuntu let me use my ipod?01:12
keithhhhhHi just a quick question is there any easy way to make iso images of a cd in ubuntu?01:12
FrogzooGtavc1210: amarok01:12
blah569the default Ubuntu theme.01:12
sx66Gtavc1210: yes01:12
elifrantI install Ubuntu the first time. when I installing Ubuntu from liveCD there is no question "grub or lilo". And i can't found grub.cfg :(01:12
Gtavc1210whats amarok01:12
sx6680% done!01:12
Frogzookeithhhhh: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cdrom.iso bs=100000001:13
blah569you installing it or downloading it?01:13
=== ubuntuish blinks innocently
slavikelifrant: /boot/grub/menu.lst is the grub config ^^01:13
=== Ra|Ka [n=kountdan@CPE-124-186-125-107.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Gtavc1210so whats amarok and how do i use my ipod :S01:13
Ra|Ka here's a nwo homepage I just did. http://www.geocities.com/danielfrombrisbane/                     please take the time to dl the pics01:13
thoreauputicelifrant: ubuntu uses grub by default01:13
keithhhhhFrogzoo: what is dd?01:14
sx6613 minutes of partitioning, booting, installing and backing up, WORLD RECORD01:14
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Frogzookeithhhhh: man dd01:14
elifrant<slavik> there is no such file on sda :(01:14
slavikkeithhhhh: dd = disk duplicate :) like cp almost01:14
blah569Its already daylight01:14
slavikelifrant: ???01:14
sx66reboot, plz wait01:14
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blah569its already daylight... damn that came fast01:15
keithhhhhslavik: thanks  ;)  Im in windows right now going into ubuntu now to back up stuff then install ubuntu studio01:15
sx66what time is it there blah569?01:15
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slavikelifrant: you have an sda drive and ubuntu doesn't boot?01:15
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slavikubuntu studio? that a new branch or something?01:15
thoreauputicelifrant: /dev/sda is the whole disc - you want /dev/sda1 or whatever the partition number is01:15
keithhhhhslavik: ya01:15
sx66slavik: yes01:15
blah569Is Ubuntu server meant for hosting a game server?01:15
elifrantslavik yes01:16
slavikwho is it aimed at?01:16
blah569I might install it on a REALLY old computer.01:16
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blah569to use for a server01:16
keithhhhhslavik: media editing01:16
blah569the computer is like 13 years old.01:16
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slavikblah569: ubuntu server is a minimal version of ubuntu :) (no X packages and such)01:16
blah569or something01:16
slavikso it installs video/audio editing by default?01:16
blah569I want a realiable OS to host a game serer01:16
slavikelifrant: does grub give you a menu?01:16
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r_I need help. I tried installing 7.04 Alternate as Dual-boot with XP; it failed, I restarted and now computer will not boot XP. Says "no bootable devices" Can someone please help?01:17
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thoreauputicblah569: stop using the enter key as punctuation, please01:17
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:17
blah569I don't understand what you mean.01:17
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thoreauputicblah569: this is a big channel - try not to make the scrolling worse than it already is01:17
slavikblah569: stop using the enter key so much01:18
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edmonheey can some one help me with beryl?01:18
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thoreauputicie. don't use one word lines so often01:18
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blah569Oh, okay.  Sorry.01:18
slavikbetter ^^01:18
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blah569Ubuntu is almost down downloading ;D.01:18
crdlbedmon, in #ubuntu-effects01:18
elifrantslavik I install it on SATA disk using TEKRAM sata controller but after install it doesn't want to boot from disk (sda)01:18
slavikblah569: learn to code perl, you'll learn to cut everything down into fewest lines possible01:18
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slavikelifrant: do you get a grub menu?01:19
blah569I mainly program in PHP right now.01:19
blah569and a little C++ in and there.01:19
slavikblah569: that's a start :)01:19
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elifrantslavik no :(01:19
blah569I'm working on a forum software right now.01:19
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:19
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slavikelifrant: so, what do you get when you turn your computer on? sounds to me like it isn't even booting from the proper drive01:19
blah569Php is like a drug... its kind of sad... lol01:20
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blah569Well, I am "addicted" to it...01:20
r_I'm getting no bootable device after trying to install 7.04 alternate. Can someone help, please?01:20
slavikblah569: stop writing python code >.<01:20
ubuntuishHey guys, trying to format an external hdd but can't mount it says the volume cannot be ejected01:20
blah569I don't do Python.01:20
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blah569Yeah Ubuntu is done downloading.01:21
slavikr_: boot from ubuntu livecd and look up how to install grub :) or try to install again01:21
blah569Yay, sorry *01:21
r_who's writing python?01:21
blah569[06:20]  slavik: blah569: stop writing python code >.<01:21
slavikI still don't get what is special about python, the OO in it is not even proper ...01:21
blah569I know that Python has some simularities with PHP, but not much (Sorry if I am wrong).01:21
bullgard4What command determines the IP address of the associated DHCP server?01:21
r_slavik: Dell 1505 will not boot Live01:21
slavikr_: try the alternate then :)01:22
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r_slavik: will not install alternate, it stalls01:22
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elifrantslavik It show's my CD, then menu to go to TEKRAM controkker bios and show that there is sata disk, but then don't boot from it01:22
slavikblah569: python is like C without braces and thinks that everything can be an object01:22
jjleeAnybody know why /proc/acpi/thermal_zone is empty on my desktop?01:23
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blah569Ah, okay.  I know very little Python.01:23
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slavikelifrant: you need to change your bios to boot from it, also, make sure the HDD is like the first drive on the controller01:23
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r_slavik: How can I get back to XP booting?01:23
good_daya new article about ubuntu01:24
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ubuntuishHey guys, trying to format an external hdd but can't mount it says the volume cannot be ejected01:24
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blah569Can anyone help me here?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46967101:24
blah569I meant, can anyone help me on that link.01:24
slavikr_: read about reinstalling grub ... or boot from windows setup disk into recovery console and type "fixmbr"01:24
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blah569Hello ZeppelinRabbit01:25
r_slavik: can I do that with recovery disk from Dell?01:25
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slavikblah569: no offense, but that is the most retarded/n00bish question I've ever seen about linux ... :(01:25
blah569I have one, except it is for Gateway.01:25
sx66world RECORD, 22:34 of formatting, partitioning, backup, install, conf printer, conf resolution, conf palm, and install UPDATES!!!01:25
ZeppelinRabbitwhats up blah01:25
jscinozWhats the applet used to configure the kernel called?01:25
blah569I am new to Linux.01:25
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slavikr_: if they gave you a windowsxp setup disk, yes01:25
blah569I know almost nothing about Linux,01:25
slavikblah569: install "build-essential"01:26
blah569Install what?01:26
sx66woooooooo0o0o 0_o01:26
ubuntuishslavik, would you happen to know how i could go about formating?01:26
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r_slavik: they gave me a disk that says recovery; it's xp media on system01:26
slavikubuntuish: formatting what?01:26
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slavikr_: try to see what's in there ... but I am wary of dell (I work with their systems a lot)01:27
ubuntuishslavik, external hdd, its totally wrecked xp won't let me load it all, if ntfs-3g is installed i can't mount it either01:27
slavikubuntuish: are you OK with losing any possible data on it?01:27
ubuntuishslavik, i uninstalled ntfs-3g and its mounted but to format it i need to unmount and it won't let me, says cannot eject volume01:27
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regebroHiya! I'm trying to install edgy, but the partitioner doesn't want to play ball... I can use the entire 500GB disk in one partition, but I can't partition it into several disks...01:27
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ubuntuishslavik, yup don't care at this point01:27
slavikubuntuish: try to umount it with sudo01:27
regebroI have googled, but nothing...01:27
Ra|Ka here's a nwo homepage I just did. http://www.geocities.com/danielfrombrisbane/                     please take the time to dl the pics01:28
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blah569Is there any benifit for installing Ubuntu on my laptop?01:28
blah569Grrr... N/m, sorry.01:28
regebroBasically, the partitioner refuses to create partitions larger than 57716MB...01:28
thoreauputicRa|Ka: stop pimping your site please01:28
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fivetwentysixblah569 why not?01:28
slavikregebro: I partitioned my drive with parted (system -> admin) and then used the partitions ^^01:28
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slavikthoreauputic: has he been doing that a lot?01:29
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tuskerniniregebro: I also have a 500 Gig and i got it formatted ext3.. it is an external drive... have you tried with gparted or fdisk?01:29
slavikbuffalo: mind repeating your problem?01:29
tuskernini!ask buffalo01:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask buffalo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:29
blah569fivetwentysix:  What I mean is, like I use a lot of standered Windows only programs, I think maybe one or two are cross platform.01:29
slavik!ask | buffalo01:29
ubotubuffalo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:29
graveson1what package can i use to increase quality of a video i captured from a VCR tape ?01:29
thoreauputicslavik: the site isn't even available - exceeded limit01:29
tuskerninislavik... ah the loving pipe01:29
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regebrotuskernini: fdisk, I assume, the one that the installer uses.01:30
slaviktuskernini: rofl01:30
fivetwentysixblah569 then don't switch01:30
slavikregebro: use parted :)01:30
viking09G'day all. I have been looking for a one click, one screen one DVD Backup solution, does it exist? Google shows a a number of articles from 2006 and older..01:30
regebroslavik, OK, I'll try gparted, and try again.01:30
tuskerniniregebro: Have you tried to start a live cd and do it with gparted...01:30
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blah569I am thinking of partioning though.01:30
jscinozWhat is the program used to change kernel options01:30
slavikblah569: install build-essential package, then install winefish, and all needed php5 stuff (just search for php in synaptic)01:30
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ubuntuishslavik, thanks managed to do that, how do i format it to a normal fat3201:31
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slavikjscinoz: your answer will be answered by a simple google search :)01:31
jscinoztried couldnt find it01:31
Frogzoojscinoz: you just need to update /boot/grub/menu.lst - the kopt line, then 'sudo update-grub'01:31
jscinozthats not what i meant frogzoo01:31
slavikubuntuish: use gparted ... it ahs the proper options :)01:31
blah569What is a good FTP for Linux?01:32
ubuntuishthanks a again, much appericiated01:32
slavikblah569: gftp01:32
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blah569Thanks.  I will try that.01:32
thoreauputicblah569: nautilus can do ftp as a client too01:32
slavikblah569: search synaptic ... it has like 20000 different packages ...01:32
thoreauputicblah569: "connect to server"01:32
blah569Okay, thanks.01:32
slavikbut gftp looks like cuteftp if you want that layout and such (nautilus will present it as a dir)01:33
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thoreauputicthere is also filezilla in feisty01:33
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thoreauputic!info filezilla01:33
ubotufilezilla: Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0~beta7-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 763 kB, installed size 1980 kB01:33
linuxboyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsingUUID doesn't exist01:33
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regebroWell, parted did create the partitions at least. Now just hope that the installer want to use them. :-)01:33
blah569I use FileZila for Windows.01:33
thoreauputicblah569: see above then01:33
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slavikregebro: make sure to set them to format and to set up proper mount points :)01:34
rinkyI need a newer version of a package than is available from the dapper ubuntu repo's, can I just install a feisty deb on my dapper?01:34
thoreauputicblah569: it's in the universe repository01:34
regebroslavik: Sure.01:34
slavikrinky: I would reccomend against it01:34
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slavikrinky: I would get the source, compile it and then use checkinstall ... or learn about the proper way to build debs :)01:35
rinkyslavic, is the only other option to compile myself a package?01:35
blah569I'm currently making a Ubuntu disk.01:35
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rinkybuilding a deb, argh! I thought aptitude was meant to make my life easy... ;)01:35
slavikrinky: you could use the feisty version, but keep in mind that it is compiled against feisty and might depend on newer versions of libraries and such01:35
petr4hello. Would you recommend some voice communication program? Not skype. Must work through NAT.01:35
rinkyonly been using ubuntu a week and already i am having to make my own debs01:35
blah569What do you guys recommend for a C++ compiler for Ubuntu?01:35
petr4blah569: gcc01:36
slavikblah569: what have you been using to compile C++ on windows?01:36
slavikpetr4: g++ technically :P01:36
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rinkyslavik yeah I figured that, and I would not mind if apt-get would satisfy the dependancies fo me, but I know it wont01:36
blah569I know, it is pathetic.01:36
thoreauputicblah569: install the "build-essential" package for compilers etc01:36
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slavikblah569: you are already using gcc/g++01:36
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blah569Ah, okay.  Thanks.01:37
slavikrinky: no it won't ... because it's a feisty package and package names could change and give you headaches01:37
blah569Is there an alternative DirectX for Linux?01:37
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slavikrinky: you could ask the backports team to backport it01:37
jscinozWhat is the GUI program used to configure the kernel post install01:37
slavikblah569: opengl, SDL01:37
viking09ehum, DVD backup solutions for Ubuntu?01:37
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Erich85I was wondering if someone could help me-- Ubuntu constantly tells me that I cannot mount the volume, and this appears as Gnome error messages repeatedly, and they all stack up.  It's in reference to my CD-ROM drive, but I have no disk in it, and it says so even when one is.  How do I stop this error message from piling up?  It pops up every 30 seconds.01:37
slavikviking09: man dd01:37
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rinkyslavic, good idea, thanks01:37
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tom__anyone played with virtualgl?01:38
mike_Greets, everyone...01:38
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jribviking09: dvdrip and thoggen are two01:38
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mike_In the Restricted Drivers manager, it says the driver for my modem is enabled, but that it's not in use. How do I change it so that it *is* in use?01:39
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slavikblah569: DirectX is a collection of libraries: Direct3D (OpenGL), DirectDraw (OpenGL, or SDL if you don't mind the performance hit), DirectSound (SDL_mixer), DirectInput (SDL has built in stuff that is good)01:39
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mike_viking09: Looking for a good DVD ripper?01:39
slavikmike_: open network manager and enable it :)01:39
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blah569Okay, thanks slavik.01:39
esterswhere can i get the ubuntu tango human icon theme ?01:39
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estersnot the default "human" , but the tango'ish version of human icon theme01:39
viking09mie:_ yes, was told 'dvdrip' and 'thoggen'01:39
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slavikbtw, blah569, stop being afraid and experiment with ubuntu ... just go around and click things ...01:40
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thoreauputicesters: probably gnome-look.org01:40
clouder`grranyone here use fluxbox?01:40
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thoreauputicclouder`grr: yes01:40
blah569I'm on Windows right now though, slavik.01:40
slavikclouder`grr: we don't run gentoo, sorry :P01:40
estersthoreauputic: i remember ubuntu default install has it01:40
thoreauputicslavik: hah01:40
tom__anyone used virtualgl?01:40
slavikblah569: that's a problem we need to fix ^^01:40
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mike_viking09: K9Copy's the best one from my experience.01:40
esterscan you check it thoreauputic ?01:40
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mike_slavik: Thanks01:40
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thoreauputicesters: umm...01:41
clouder`grrthoreauputic: I'm looking at the fluxbox docs, and I don't see anything about adjusting mouse speed, how do you make your mouse faster?01:41
blah569Lol, is everyone in here anti-Windows?01:41
slavikclouder`grr: you mean more sensative?01:41
blah569Well, I'd emagine.01:41
mike_slavik: But I'm actually using Kubuntu, figured I should just ask about restricted-manager in here since it's a GNOME app.01:41
clouder`grrslavik: yeah01:41
thoreauputicclouder`grr: ah, I think that would be an X thing - haven't tried it01:41
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slavikblah569: we're not anti-windows but if you're not in ubuntu, how can you use it?01:41
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slavikclouder`grr: search for that, or join the flux channel :)01:42
blah569I'm burning the iso image to a CD as we speak.01:42
clouder`grrI'm only anti vista01:42
Erich85I was wondering if someone could help me-- Ubuntu constantly tells me that I cannot mount the volume, and this appears as Gnome error messages repeatedly, and they all stack up.  It's in reference to my CD-ROM drive, but I have no disk in it, and it says so even when one is.  How do I stop this error message from piling up?  It pops up every 30 seconds.01:42
slavikblah569: good01:42
blah569Yeah, Vista has its problems01:42
clouder`grrslavik: ok thanks01:42
slavikI like the new start menu in vista ...01:42
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blah569Me too, but it is insecure (As I've heard).01:42
thoreauputicguys, windows chatter in ##windows please01:42
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slavikbut not how you have o get to the options that were easy to get to in winxp, it seems as if vista is hiding them all01:42
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:42
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents01:43
mike_slavik: You wouldn't know the CLI way for enabling the modem by any chance?01:43
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regebroslavik, tuskernini: OK, that seemed to work, thanks.01:43
blah569Lol, I love this place.  You guys use ! as "not."01:43
slavikmike_: the network manager thing in system -> admin -> network management01:43
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buffalolong live the windows01:43
mike_slavik: I'm on KDE01:43
slavikblah569: it's a C thing (probably came from algol or something)01:43
vermoosnewb question: after installing a tex ".sty" file, how do i get it on my latex path?01:44
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slavikmike_: please ask in kubuntu01:44
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blah569Yeah, but you guys are nerds like me (I assume all of you are nerds, but...)01:44
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slavikbuffalo: please stop spamming01:44
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mike_slavik: Sorry. I just figured I should ask about it in here since restricted-manager isn't in Kubuntu. I'll try my luck there, thanks. :-)01:44
blah569Thats a complament, btw... I like being called a "Nerd," even though I don't look like a nerd.01:44
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slavikthoreauputic: thanks01:44
SlimeyPete'm not a nerd! 'm a geek ;)01:44
keithdoes anyone know where gaim puts its log files?01:45
blah569Lol, I'm a php nerd/geek, w/e you want to call it.01:45
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SlimeyPete(queue extremel nerdy conversation about the difference betwen nerd and geek)01:45
mrsn0keith /home/username/.gaim01:45
slavikkeith: somewhere in ~/.gaim :)01:45
SlimeyPeteerm, cue01:45
mrsn0btw should be really using pidgin now :)01:45
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keithslavik: thanks :)01:45
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slavikspeaking of pidgin, I don't think the package is in the feisty repo01:45
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slavikis it?01:45
blah569iso burn is done01:46
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slavikblah569: fire that baby up, install and experiment ... you're young and in college ...01:46
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blah569Lol, okay.  I've used it before.01:46
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mrsn0slavik for feisty that is correct yes01:46
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blah569I never installed it though, it never worked :(.01:46
slavikblah569: can you install windows?01:46
slavikblah569: then you can install ubuntu01:47
slavikubuntu is much easier to install than windows01:47
blah569would you recommend running Ubuntu from a extenral hard drive?01:47
slavikblah569: no01:47
mrsn0external e-sata would be fine but external usb hd are quite slow really01:47
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blah569Brb then, I'm going to run Ubuntu.01:47
mrsn0so its not a great experience01:47
Erich85I was wondering if someone could help me-- Ubuntu constantly tells me that I cannot mount the volume, and this appears as Gnome error messages repeatedly, and they all stack up.  It's in reference to my CD-ROM drive, but I have no disk in it, and it says so even when one is.  How do I stop this error message from piling up?  It pops up every 30 seconds.01:47
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slavikblah569: your external drive will do like 30MB/s sequential read ... it will kill ANY OS on there once it starts readinga t random01:48
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blah569Okay, well brb.01:48
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slavikmrsn0: is esata actually as fast as internal? (I ahhven't seen and performance numbers)01:48
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mrsn0slavik its like having an internet sata drive, externallly :))01:49
mrsn0internal* sorry01:49
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mrsn0so yea, throughput is no problem01:49
slavikso performance is same, that's nice01:49
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slavikand I doubt blah has esata :P01:49
viking09Any serious resons why I should keep my XP partition? Anyone? Nope, there it goes. Whohoo.01:49
mrsn0prob with esata is the cable length, but for a hdd you would'nt have it 10meters away anyways01:49
slavikviking09: games?01:50
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viking09Slavik: working on it.01:50
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slavikmrsn0: I read an article on using carrier pidgeons for transfering packets across a mountain between to linux stations ^^01:50
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slavikviking09: I also use winxp as my backup when something with my ubuntu config goes wrong and I am too lazy to fix it01:51
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hyljeslavik: IP over Carrier Pigeons01:51
slavikhylje: yeap01:51
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hyljeidea's good but packet loss hurts01:52
slavikhylje: it's not the packet loss, it's the extreme lag ...01:52
mrsn0slavik in ireland we use fibre to the cabinet and the last mile to the door is tin cans connected by string01:52
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slavikmrsn0: the tin cans are from beer, aren't they?01:52
mrsn0and pringles ;)01:52
hyljepringles is for wifi01:53
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slavikmrsn0: didn't know the irish were pringles fans, also ... :P01:53
mrsn0:] 01:53
slavikrofl, hylje, you could also use a frying pan for it :)01:53
Panda200xhttp://wubuntu.weejewel.net/ ;)01:54
slavikErich85: have you tried a google search?01:54
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mrsn0haha nice Panda200x01:55
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slavikwow, yes it is01:55
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mrsn0Panda200x i tried to root it but cant open a terminal :p01:55
Panda200xIt was on Digg :P01:56
Erich85slavik: Yes, it hasn't yielded anything relevant.01:56
mrsn0looks nice, boots fast too :)01:56
Panda200xWhen it loads all the components, it says "Logging your IP (JK =P)"01:56
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mrsn0logging my isp cache \o01:57
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slavikErich85: try asking in ##linux and in #gnome ...01:57
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:57
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slavikubotu iss tupid :P01:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iss tupid :p - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:57
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!01:57
PupenoI've installed kubuntu-dekstop... how do I get back the Ubuntu boot splash screen?01:58
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Erich85slavik: Ah, the problem's in Ubuntu though.  But thanks.01:58
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Erich85Also, can anyone tell me what the advantages and disadvantages would be for going from Ubuntu to Kubuntu?01:58
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slavikErich85: ##linux people could probably tell you what causes it and then we could figure out how to fix it :)01:58
slavikErich85: it's KDE vs. Gnome :)01:58
mrsn0Erich85 none really, kde has features you may/may not like01:58
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mrsn0why stop there, try as many desktops as you can (gnome kde xfce fluxbox e17 etc)01:59
mrsn0what works for some people doesn't for others01:59
Panda200xEnlightenment <301:59
slavike17 is not even beta afaik01:59
Erich85I just wish my NVidia graphics card would play nice with Ubuntu01:59
drsysok guys i have a question ... i'm running ubuntu server is there any way i could port something like SElinux or apparmor on my server?01:59
Erich85Whenever I activate its driver, my GUI dies01:59
slavikErich85: it should, check the binary howto01:59
Erich85So I cannot install Beryl or anything pretty.01:59
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Erich85Binary howto, eh?  Where's that?02:00
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slavikmemorise that url02:00
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Erich85I'm told my problem has to do with the "automount"02:00
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mrsn0drsys try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor02:01
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PupenoNobody knows how to choose between the Kubuntu and Ubuntu bootsplash?02:01
mrsn0selinux i haven't toyed iwth much yet02:01
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jrib!usplash > Pupeno (see the private message from ubotu)02:02
Pupenojrib: thanks.02:02
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ubuntuishi r in l0ve with ubuntu02:02
mrsn0slavik indeed e17 needs built i believe to be tried out02:02
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mrsn0but its a nice little exercise02:02
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LVKeulenI'm running VirtualBox on linux now, and I need to transfer stuff from Linux to Windows..02:05
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LVKeulenAny way to do that?02:05
Bruceouyanghi,guys ,i have installed ubuntu 7.04 from harddisk using grub for dos.i pulled off my netwire(i dont how to say) because of network connection problem during installation .now the installation is complete.but i can not boot the system up in normal mode .so i switched to recovery mode.i edited the xorg.conf file and deleted all "1024x768" words and startx to login my ubuntu.but i found there...02:05
Panda200xMake an ISO?02:05
Bruceouyang...was no ethernet connection through ifconfig,i try to use hardware management tool to add my ethernet card in .but it give me a prompt saying no permission to access.any suggestions?thanks in advance.02:05
Bruceouyangmy hardware lists:02:05
BruceouyangCPU:AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3600+02:05
BruceouyangMainboard:RS690-SB600(AMD/ATI A69G)02:05
BruceouyangChipset:ATI 7910h02:05
BruceouyangVideo card:ATI Radeon X1200 Series02:05
BruceouyangNetwork card:Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC02:05
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Panda200xPaste-Bin would be nice02:06
mrsn0LVKeulen i haven't tried the 'share folders' option in virtualbox, maybe try that02:06
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jrib!paste | Bruceouyang02:06
ubotuBruceouyang: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:06
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mrsn0otherwise install openssh-server on your virtual linux, then use a client like winscp on xp to connect + copy files in a gui02:06
LVKeulenit works :D02:06
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mrsn0your welcome :)02:06
Bruceouyangubotu,sorry for my rude action.i will do that.02:07
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LVKeulenwait a second02:07
mrsn0Bruceouyang when you are dooing your pastebin, can you add the output of "sudo lsmod" and "sudo lspci" please to the end of the pastebin02:08
LVKeulenWhere are the shared folders located after starting Virtualbox, anyway>02:08
mrsn0not sure LVKeulen , be sure to check the virtual box manual (which is very good)02:08
larson9999ok. this is driving me nuts. when i scroll up my mouse pops up the right click menu.  know what setting i change to stop that?02:08
Bruceouyangmrsn0,thanks,i will.02:09
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mrsn0section 4.4 i believe02:09
LVKeulenokay then02:09
Erich85slavik: So, ##linux people tell me that hald is my problem.02:09
slaviklarson9999: you most likely need to change your X config ... open xev and not the button events it gives when clicking mosue buttons and such02:09
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kane77anybody uses pcsx? I have problem setting my controller to keyboard...02:09
kelnokyhas anyone got the feeble files to work with scummvm?02:09
slavikErich85: see? now we now what is it related to :P ... try to reinstall it with synaptic02:10
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slavikkane77: I don't think pcsx allows that, try epsxe02:10
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slavikwhen your text editor can play tetris and act as a chat client, it is not a text editor anymore ...02:11
Erich85OK slavik, brb, need to reboot.02:11
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kane77slavik, there is a checkbox for allowing keyboard, but I don't know what to put for the device path...02:11
slavikkane77: check your xorg config, it should have the /dev path for keyboard :)02:11
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kane77slavik, it doesnt :(02:13
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slavikkane77: it should in the keyboard section ...02:13
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WeeJeWelIs it possible to let a windows user connect to a XP installation while running linux on the same machine?02:13
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blah569Hi, again.02:13
slavikhey, it doesn't02:13
ubuntuEdgyWeeJeWel: what02:14
kane77slavik, it has for mouse, but not for keyboard.. for keyboard there is only driver (kbd) and some other settings02:14
slavikblah569: grats, you are smarter than most of your 'hackz0r' friends ...02:14
slavikkane77: poke around /dev/input or soemthing ...02:14
WeeJeWelhmm look, i got pc 1 with ubuntu & xp, ubuntu is running. pc 2 wants to login to xp02:14
blah569How am I smarter?  :P02:15
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logmeinWeeJeWel: you mean you want to run linux and have windows emulated with a user being able to login to it02:15
slavikWeeJeWel: only if you mount the windows drive and allow access through ubuntu (ssh or some such)02:15
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slavikblah569: 'cause you use a unix like system :P02:15
blah569I'ma work on my forum software02:15
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logmeinWeeJeWel: yeah that's simple just use vmware, virtual box, or qemu and give it net access with a session of vnc or something02:16
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ubuntuEdgythat makes more sense.02:16
blah569Lol, sorry I don't now what else to put here.02:16
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slavikblah569: learn about installing apache with php and then install winefish02:16
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WeeJeWelut can i do it without having a virtual machine?02:16
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slavikWeeJeWel: no02:16
WeeJeWelok thx :)02:16
logmeinWeeJeWel: you can give them access just to the drive through ssh if you want02:16
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ubuntuEdgyWeeJeWel:no you cant, because xp is not loaded lol02:16
WeeJeWelyeah, but i want the xp desktop02:16
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slavikWeeJeWel: you want the non-booted system to act as a server of sorts?02:16
blah569I'm probably going to just use my same web host02:16
WeeJeWeli thought so, but maybe it was possible :P02:17
WeeJeWelyes slavik :P02:17
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slavikblah569: it's good to have a local dev set up to test thigns on02:17
blah569on Windows, I use WAMP>02:17
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slavikblah569: on linux, you learn how to install things properly02:17
logmeincan't he just emulate the windows partition?02:17
ubuntuEdgyWeeJeWel: install samba on the ubuntu pc02:17
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WeeJeWelis that for files only or a graphical interface?02:17
slaviklogmein: with vmware, or qemu or w/e the other thing is02:17
blah569Lol, you still have to install WAMP.02:18
Erich85slavik: Hurrah, reinstalling hald worked!02:18
logmeinslavik ok02:18
slavikErich85: :)02:18
blah569Hey, I used to use Logmein.02:18
Erich85slavik: You're some kind of crazy linux demigod.02:18
slavikErich85: no, I am not, it also fixed my automounting issue :P02:18
ubuntuEdgyWeeJeWel: its for a little file server.02:18
WeeJeWelwell ok, but i want the 2nd pc to have the files AND the interface like xp has02:19
Erich85slavik: So, whenever I've tried to install the nvidia drivers to do anything fancy with Ubuntu, my GUI dies and I end up having to do a clean reinstall.  Someone assured me that Envy would do all the shit for me, do you think it's worth giving a shot?  I've reinstalled 4 times just for this.  ;)02:19
slavikWeeJeWel: samba is for sharing file stuff with windows02:19
logmeinblah569: nobody uses logmein02:19
ubuntuEdgyohh why not install xp on the other pc02:19
=== logmein thwaps blah569
blah569Lol, okay.02:19
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slavikErich85: why did you have to completely reinstall? just change the driver back inside to xorg.conf (back it up before doing anything)02:19
blah569The default theme for my forum software sucks :(.02:20
slavikErich85: read the bianry driver howto on the ubuntu wiki page02:20
slavikblah569: we are not web devs :)02:20
blah569I am, lol.02:20
Erich85slavik: I still don't know where the heck the binary howto is.02:20
slavikblah569: then complain to yourself and fix it ...02:20
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m3nt0ri tried to install php5.2.1 on drake6.06 via dpkg and now i have unmet dependcies. i tried the apt-get -f install, but that does not solve it and apt-get wants to remove php5. how can i stop that ? i want that version02:21
fivetwentysixhow do i see my kernal version?02:21
blah569Its not a coding erorr, its a I don't have layout skill"z" error.02:21
slavikErich85: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia02:21
Erich85slavik: You demigod you.02:21
slavikErich85: it's called search ...02:21
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slavikm3nt0r: that apckage might be a dummy version02:21
ubuntuEdgy WeeJeWel: yoiu can still have the xp interface on ubuntu , just google gnome look02:21
slavikm3nt0r: I suggest using synaptic to fix things :)02:21
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m3nt0rslavik: okay, i will try that.. but in general, whats the "apt way" to get that specific version ?02:22
slavikWeeJeWel: ubuntu is not a windows replacement, it is an Operating System02:22
slavikm3nt0r: I have no clue :P (I would if I didn't have synaptic)02:22
blah569Do you think ZarginBB sounds good?  (Its the name fo my forum software)02:22
erUSULm3nt0r: i'm afraid that "abusing" the package system only results in broken systems...02:23
WeeJeWelslavik, i know. but my parents cant live without xp lol02:23
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slavikI still don't get why people insist on using terminal for things that can be fixed in GUI (which is usually easier for many things because you can see more information at once)02:23
WeeJeWeli just want me be able to use ubuntu while my parents can access the same pc on pc02:23
m3nt0rerUSUL: is that abuse if i want a newer version of a software ?02:23
slavikWeeJeWel: what do your parents do?02:24
ubuntuEdgym3nt0r: sudo apt-get install blah blah blah02:24
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WeeJeWelusing windows software02:24
slavikWeeJeWel: my mother knows no diff between windows and ubuntu, she finds firefox on either one and then she knows where the address bar is :)02:24
m3nt0rubuntuEdgy: it says that 5.1.2 is the latest version and wont continue02:24
slavikWeeJeWel: like what?02:24
slavikwtf is that?02:24
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blah569I just made my forum software turn 300 times better by turning the background color to black.02:25
WeeJeWeltools for creating maps02:25
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erUSULm3nt0r: yes if the version you want it's not aviable in the distribution you use... you should use apt (and front ends) to install software and never "force" thing unless you know what you are doing02:25
ubuntuEdgym3nt0r: then it must be02:25
slaviktell them the company did not release specs for their proprietery format and they went under ...02:25
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efrancolaportehey i have an .avi file that freezes after it goes past 39mins, anything i can do to fix it?02:25
slavikWeeJeWel: then you want to look into wine :)02:25
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WeeJeWelits too complicated to emulate lol02:26
defryskefrancolaporte, get a proper avi-file ?02:26
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slavikefrancolaporte: re-encoding probably to fix the indices and such (not sure if it will work though)02:26
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WeeJeWelthe software costs about $5000, so its not an easy gui02:26
efrancolaporteslavik i cant reencode it its an original02:26
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slavikefrancolaporte: you have the video and audio, what else do you need?02:26
Spee_DerOk. A little help with the make command please. I have completed the ./configure for the program and it cleared. Now I use make and the error message is  *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.02:26
slavikre-encode the one you have with same settings ...02:27
ubuntuEdgy WeeJeWel: install xp on the other pc, then you wont have to worry about it02:27
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efrancolaporteslavik.... i have video and audio for the first 39mins02:27
efrancolaporteafter that image and sound freezes02:27
WeeJeWelit is already there, but theyre complaining about the files lol02:27
efrancolaporteand CPU is being used to 100%02:27
WeeJeWeltheyre weird, i know =P02:27
slavikefrancolaporte: you have the file, right?02:27
slavikso, what's the problem?02:27
defryskefrancolaporte, it means the avi-file is corrupted02:27
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efrancolaportedefrysk, any way to uncorrupt it?02:28
WeeJeWelspee_der, what program?02:28
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slavikWeeJeWel: tell them to go where bill gates lives (hell) :P (seriously though, don't)02:28
hwildeanybody else have software crash at 7:35am on sunday mornings only?02:28
ubuntuEdgyWeeJeWel: do this , install samba on you first pc. and move the files to ubuntu02:28
defryskefrancolaporte, try to run it on another player, vlc or mplayer maybe it will accept the flaw02:28
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efrancolaportevlc doesnt :(02:28
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slavikWeeJeWel: tell them that if Linux is good enough for google and yahoo and ibm and hp, it's good enough for them02:28
Spee_DerWeeJeWel, I am trying to create the gpredict-0.8.0 program. On Dapper Drake with latest kernel.02:28
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WeeJeWelubuntuEdgy, thats the problem.. they just want what theyre used to02:29
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slavikSpee_Der: does the configure script error out?02:29
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slavikWeeJeWel: tell them you don't support windows anymore :P02:29
Hadronanyone here using picasa under feisty?02:29
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Spee_Derslavik, the ./configure completes fine.02:29
defryskefrancolaporte, install ffmpeg and reencode it : ffmpeg -i blah.avi blah2.avi02:29
ubuntuEdgyWeeJeWel: your not understanding me. they will still have what they are used to02:29
slavikWeeJeWel: have you tried wine?02:30
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ubuntuEdgyWeeJeWel: only diffrece is the files will be coming from ubuntu not xp02:30
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slavikubuntuEdgy: teaching about samba?02:30
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ubuntuEdgyslavik:trying too02:30
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slavikWeeJeWel: listen to ubuntuEdgy02:30
ubuntuEdgyati are crapppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp02:30
WeeJeWelhmm ill try :P02:31
slavik!ati | no102:31
Hirvinen!ati | no102:31
Spee_DerThanks. I do think I've located the problem and will work on it further.02:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:31
Hadronanyone here using picasa?02:31
ubotuno1: please see above02:31
ubotuno1: please see above02:31
efrancolaportedamn pirates who cant encode movies properly02:31
ubuntuEdgyWeeJeWel: are you on ubuntu ?02:31
slavikefrancolaporte: arrg!!!02:31
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ubuntuEdgy!samba | WeeJeWel02:31
ubotuWeeJeWel: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:31
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WeeJeWelnot atm02:32
slavikubuntuEdgy: how do I use swat if there is no root apssword?02:32
WeeJeWelmy mom is on that dualboot pc, and thats why i want that stuff lol02:32
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slavikWeeJeWel: do your aprents get payed a lot?02:32
slavikfor the map stuff ...02:32
efrancolaporteim trying to re-encode it ill see if itll freese at time 2400 as it used to02:32
slavikWeeJeWel: tell them to learn to use better OS or they will be replaced by cheap indian labor02:32
WeeJeWel*let them buy a new pc02:32
WeeJeWelhehe :P02:32
ubuntuEdgyslavik: i dont know mate.02:33
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slavikubuntuEdgy: it's called FUD :P02:33
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ufuk_khow can i reinstall mesa drivers for ati?02:33
slaviktell them microsoft doesn't like the map program they use and all that stuff and that microsoft is trying to make sure it doesn't run and such02:33
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WeeJeWeloh, other question... how can i replace a screansaver through a script?02:34
ufuk_kglxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:34
hwilde!ati | ufuk_k02:34
ubotuufuk_k: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:34
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents02:34
slavikWeeJeWel: dunno about screen saver, read up on xscreensaver02:34
ufuk_kyes my car was working nice, but i made some wrong commands (i think they were for nvidia) then i got these:02:35
ufuk_kmy card02:35
WeeJeWeli cant find anything there :-)02:35
ufuk_kglxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:35
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LVKeuleni don't know if anyone received my message due to a connection problem..02:35
WeeJeWelisnt there a service that count the inactivity?02:35
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novato_brhi, good morning: is there a software to resize my EXT3 partition  ?02:35
LVKeulenthere is02:35
slavikWeeJeWel: system -> prefs -> screensaver02:35
efrancolaportedefrysk: is there a way i can tell ffmpeg to only start encoding the avi from a certain time inside02:35
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novato_brwhich, LVKeulen ?02:35
WeeJeWeli cant change anything there ;P02:35
ubuntuEdgyufuk_k:sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg02:35
slaviknovato_br: gparted is one02:35
efrancolaportei.e if i only wanted to encode the avi sarting at time 2400 seconds02:36
slavikefrancolaporte: no, you can't02:36
novato_brbut is it delete my informations ?02:36
Asathoorhow can I set up a webcam - Ubuntu cannot use /dev/video002:36
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slaviknovato_br: probably02:36
LVKeulenmy virtual machine will not read my USB, because i'm not permitted to02:36
novato_bri don't want lose my data02:36
defryskefrancolaporte, i dont know sorry02:36
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novato_brI've been try the patition magic02:36
efrancolaporteslavik thanks for info, it's a shame but it's something that should be added! lol02:36
WeeJeWelnovato_br, you got unallocated space?02:36
WeeJeWeldont use partition magic, EVER!!02:37
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novato_brbut it is working with EXT302:37
elkbuntunovato_br, gparted02:37
ufuk_kubuntuEdgy, i made some wrong commands like :ln -fs /usr/lib/libGL.so.$VER /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so02:37
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LVKeulenWhy not?02:37
LVKeulenI did so.02:37
slavikefrancolaporte: no ... just no ...02:37
LVKeulenis it that bad?02:37
WeeJeWelit WILL fuck up grub02:37
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, but they were for nvidia :(02:37
Asathoorpartitions: use knoppix...02:37
WeeJeWelit did for my, i had to reinstall ubuntu02:37
efrancolaporteWeeJeWel, partition magic actually works for me much better than gedit02:37
novato_brmy ext3 partition is smaller02:37
elkbuntuWeeJeWel, please mind your language, this is a family-friendly channel02:37
efrancolaportethan gparted02:37
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, so i messed up my ati open source drivers02:37
novato_brand it has 800MB free space02:37
slavikefrancolaporte: what can gedit do that partition magic does?02:37
novato_bri'd like to resize02:37
efrancolaportefor me partition magic > gparted02:37
efrancolaportelol slavik i made a mistake02:38
LVKeulensoo.. who can help?02:38
WeeJeWelare you using grub?02:38
slavikefrancolaporte: you have to marry it now02:38
ubuntuEdgyufuk_k: ok remove all the other drives and start from scratch.02:38
WeeJeWeli wouldnt try, seriously02:38
novato_brpartition magic is great02:38
efrancolaporteslavik: i wish it was that easy for me to get married :-P02:38
WeeJeWelsomehow it made my ext3 partition unknown02:38
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novato_brbut the partition magic doesn't resize EXT3 partition02:39
Asathoorhow about /dev/video0 not working...02:39
Asathoorany suggestions on howtos...02:39
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hwilde!video | Asathoor02:39
ubotuAsathoor: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications02:39
=== XiCillin [n=michael@pool-70-21-46-239.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
slavikAsathoor: wiki, forums, google02:39
XiCillinhow can i convert an .ogg video to mpg?02:39
hwilde!restricted | XiCillin02:39
ubotuXiCillin: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:39
Asathoorslavik: these I have tried02:40
slavikAsathoor: then I dunno, sorry02:40
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, i reconfigured xorg, but stil getting glxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:40
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efrancolaporteXiCillin i believe theres a free conversion tool online somwehre but i forgot the name02:40
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FotoPhocus__I highly recommend searching ubuntuforums for anything.. there's already a thread for almost every question or problem that i've had02:40
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Asathoorslavik: meetoo02:40
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efrancolaportei had just bookmarked but in windows02:40
slavikXiCillin: man mencoder02:40
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novato_bris: I need more free space on EXT3 partition and I've been try partition magic02:40
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.02:40
WeeJeWelbut youre not gonna resize the partition?02:40
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ubuntuEdgy ufuk_k: did you remove the sybolick link to  libGL.so.102:41
novato_brwhy, WeeJeWel ?02:41
WeeJeWelyou said so02:41
novato_brwhat can I do ?02:41
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WeeJeWeluse gparted02:41
WeeJeWelmake some free space and then resize your ext302:41
efrancolaportefuck ffmpeg failed to encode at like time 2370something02:41
minimecHi folks. is there a affinity user out there? I installed the affinitysvn with the beagle plugin. When i start affinity on a console, it marks 'Desktop Search Engine : Tracker'. Where can I change that to beagle?02:42
hwilde!language | efrancolaporte02:42
ubotuefrancolaporte: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:42
slavikefrancolaporte: corrupt file :)02:42
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slavikefrancolaporte: maybe it's cut off at the end02:42
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ubuntuEdgyufuk_k: sudo dpkg-divert --remove /usr/lib/libGL.so.102:42
novato_brbut is it secure, WeeJeWel ?02:42
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, my card was working nice, but i tried something and changed prelinks02:42
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novato_brwill not I loose my data with gparted?02:42
WeeJeWeli did it many times :-)02:42
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, but now glinfo cant find this libs cuz the method was for nvidia02:42
novato_bri'll try02:42
efrancolaporteslavik.... any way I could make an avi of the time after the corrupt section, perhaps looking a bit of the movie but skipping the corrupt part?02:42
WeeJeWelnot if the partition is getting bigger02:42
larson9999hmmm, using xev shows that even though my mouse buttons seem to be mapped correctly, when scrolling up, button 3 is sent after button 4.02:42
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WeeJeWelofcourse you'd backup your files :)02:43
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Frogzooanything I can do if vmware won't start because it thinks something is using the vm image? (no other vm running)02:43
novato_brbut I'll take free space on my NTFS partition, WeeJeWel02:43
Frogzoo!serial | larson999902:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about serial - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:43
novato_brI already defragment02:43
ubuntuEdgy ufuk_k: its ok , did you do .sudo dpkg-divert --remove /usr/lib/libGL.so.102:43
Frogzoo!mouse | larson999902:43
ubotularson9999: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto02:43
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ufuk_kubuntuedy, yes i got No diversion `any diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1', none removed02:44
slaviknovato_br: please seek help in the braziliian channel (you can speak portugese there) to make sure you understand everything completely :)02:44
WeeJeWelnovato_br, you might wanna use qtparted as well02:44
minimecaffinity-svn + beagle howto?02:44
ufuk_kubuntu edgy, i got these02:44
efrancolaporteslavik.... any way I could make an avi of the time after the corrupt section, perhaps loosing a bit of the movie but skipping the corrupt part?02:44
ubuntuEdgy ufuk_k: ok great ,give me a sec please02:45
novato_brFirst Partition :[ NFTS + FREE SPACE 7GB  ]    Second Partition: [ EXT3 + FREE SPACE  800MB] 02:45
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Frogzoolarson9999: that button 3 maybe just means you're depressing the middle mouse button while scrolling02:45
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, of course thank you02:45
slavikefrancolaporte: the thing is, the avi file might not contain ANYTHING after the 'freezing part'02:45
novato_bri get FREE SPACE of ntfs partition02:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qtparted - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:45
slavikmeaning it was cut short02:45
LVKeulencan anyone help?02:45
novato_brthx, WeeJeWel02:45
larson9999Frogzoo: i figured that but xev shows that pressing the wheel maps to button 2 not 3.02:45
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efrancolaporteslavik i doubt it, the file is 890.3 megs and even ffmpeg detected it at 1:33min long02:45
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WeeJeWelDescription: QTParted is a Partition Magic clone written in C++ using the Qt toolkit.02:46
efrancolaportewhile it's corrupt at 39min02:46
Frogzoo!mouse | larson9999 so read the mouse howto02:46
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ubotularson9999 so read the mouse howto: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto02:46
novato_brcool, WeeJeWel02:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qtparted - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
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novato_bri'll see about qtparted02:46
larson9999Frogzoo: i have read that.  that's how i know that the wheel press maps to button two :)02:46
Melaniehi, i installed ubuntu 7.04 but i have a little problem with sagem fast 800, i googled but it's not clear02:46
sahilis there a place to getsome good free games for linux?02:46
Melanieif you can help thanks02:46
novato_brthx, WeeJeWel02:46
ebeesHi all02:46
slavikefrancolaporte: you're not listening to me ... maybe it doesn't have anything after that point ...02:46
hwilde!games | sahil02:47
ubotusahil: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org02:47
efrancolaporteslavik.... youre implying it would be random data?02:47
WeeJeWelnovato_br,dont forget to use it on a live cd :P02:47
ubuntuEdgy ufuk_k: sudo dpkg-divert --remove /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libGLcore.so02:47
slavikefrancolaporte: the filespace could've been preallocated (bt clients can do that)02:47
efrancolaporteisnt there a way for me to try anyway?02:47
Frogzoolarson9999: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf - set Option          "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 6 7"   as appropriate02:47
slavikefrancolaporte: 'pseudo' random (oprevious files and such)02:47
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slavikefrancolaporte: no02:47
ebeesI'm using Dapper 6.06. I've just noticed about 9G of file in /home/[my_name/.local/share/Trash/files which I thought I'd deleted. Can anyone explain why they would still be there. I delete trash regularly.02:48
sciboyHey, I just updated to Gutsy and well my fonts are pretty huge, http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/615/screenshotkv8.jpg02:48
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, No diversion `any diversion of /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libGLcore.so', none removed02:48
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hwilde!fonts | sciboy02:48
ubotusciboy: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer02:48
jmitchjcan someone help me with a wireless problem?02:49
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ebeesSahil: I know this sounds obvious, but have you checked the repos on your machine?02:49
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, great, i messed up my working open source ati drivers using prelinks for nvidia-fglrx driver02:49
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WeeJeWeljmitchj, if you tell us what your problem is..02:49
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sahilebees, yes02:50
ubuntuEdgyufuk_k:  could you find out were the file libGLcore.so points to02:50
[m114] sionicshello02:50
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Paddy_EIREhey guys I have copied some .ttf fonts from vista and would like to have them installed02:50
ebeessahil: did you not find anything in the games section that you liked? :)02:50
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, with a special command?02:50
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sahili found a few that are DECENT, i want some more intense stuff02:51
Paddy_EIRE!fonts | Paddy_EIRE02:51
ufuk_kubuntuedgy,  or just by searching?02:51
ebeessahil: do you mean like Quake or something along those lines?02:51
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Frogzoosahil: check in synaptic under games02:51
sahilebees, yeah sort of, more militaryish type games02:52
Frogzoosahil: or add/install software02:52
jmitchjmy wireless connects with the 2.6.20-15 kernel but can't connect with the 2.6.20-16 kernel02:52
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LVKeulenMy USB isn't being read by my virtual machine because it doesn't have access to it.. what now?02:52
ubuntuEdgyufuk_k sudo nautilus /usr/lib/xorg/modules02:52
omhajmitchj, what card?02:52
ebeesjmithcj: is this an IPW2200 card?02:52
jmitchjbroadcom 431802:52
WeeJeWelLVKeulen, try launching vmware as root02:53
LVKeulenI don't use VMWare02:53
ubuntuEdgyfind libGLcore.so and click properties .02:53
omhajmitchj, dpkg-reconfigure bcm43xx-fwcutter02:53
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jmitchji use ndiswrapper02:53
WeeJeWelwhat software then?02:53
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LVKeulenVirtualbox, VBox for short02:53
WeeJeWelah k02:53
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WeeJeWelif you run that as root then? :P02:53
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, i found it02:53
LVKeulenrun as root? :\02:53
LVKeulennever tried it02:54
hwilde!sudo | LVKeulen02:54
ubotuLVKeulen: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:54
WeeJeWelsudo VBox or something02:54
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WeeJeWelnever logged in as root?02:54
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jmitchjomha: i use ndiswrapper02:54
WeeJeWeli cant live without root lol02:54
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ubuntuEdgyufuk_k: find out were it pionts too02:54
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LVKeulennow let me find virtualbox..02:55
ebeessahil: Just checking. I thought I had saved some bookmarks02:55
slavikWeeJeWel: if you use your system while being root, you are too dumb for a computer ...02:55
omhajmitchj, sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx && sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper && sudo modprobe ndiswrapper02:55
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WeeJeWelnot logged in lol02:55
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WeeJeWelbut you cant install anything w/o being root02:55
ebeessahil: check this one - http://www.cubeengine.com/02:55
kkdi need some noobie help02:55
WeeJeWelLVKeulen, do you have a shortcut>02:56
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, libGLcore is in the /usr/lib/xorg/extension02:56
sergiuany1 knows how to hide the icons on the desktop(computer,trash, home floder)?02:56
ebeeskkd: like what?02:56
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, sorry /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions02:56
jmitchjomha: so i have to log back in under 2.6.20-16 to try this right?02:56
omhajmitchj, yes02:56
kkdthanks.  i am presently at home connected to a microsoft home network ' 3 computers connected through a router and an internet connection'02:57
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jmitchjomha: are there settings that 20-16 would have changed somewhere that i have to change back to 20-15?02:57
ebeeskkd: okay02:57
kkdmy computer is running ubuntu presently and what i am trying to do is02:57
AzMooWhy the hell do my hard-drive device names keep changing every time there's a kernel upgrade? It's annoying the hell out of me.02:58
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, how can i find where it points to, the file is very weird.it is in /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions02:58
kkdi have a shared drive in the places on the top menu called f:  'smb f'02:58
chrisjs169|sleepcan someone explain what 'svn: relocation error: svn: undefined symbol: svn_ra_initialize' means?02:58
sergiuany1 knows how to hide the icons on the desktop(computer,trash, home floder)?02:58
LVKeulenWeeJeWel, did you read my MSG thingies?02:58
WeeJeWelMSG thingies?02:58
LVKeulenMy MSG's02:58
c_Some how I set it to drives don't appear on my Desktop. How do I change what defaulty appears on my desktop?02:59
jmitchjomha: i'll give those a try02:59
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WeeJeWelwhich ones?02:59
orbinsergiu: run gconf-editor02:59
LVKeulenI'm trying to find the folder where the app is located02:59
kkdmy software such as azureus doesnt seem to recognize this drive . is there a way to make it recognizable by other software02:59
ubuntuEdgy ufuk_k: look at its "properties"02:59
LVKeulenCan't find it though02:59
WeeJeWeldo you have a shortcut to it?02:59
LVKeulenI don't02:59
LVKeulenone in the applications menu02:59
WeeJeWelright click it and select properties03:00
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orbinthen navigate to the checkboxes in /apps/nautilus/desktop/03:00
LVKeulenIn t he properties now03:00
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, yes i looked but i dont understand03:00
WeeJeWelwhat does action: says?03:00
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LVKeulencommand is VirtualBox03:00
sergiuok, now i see03:00
LVKeulenI'll try that03:00
LVKeulensudo VirtualBox?03:00
WeeJeWelso go to terminal and type sudo virtualbox03:00
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, nothing in properties03:00
sergiuthank u orbin03:00
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orbinsergiu: sure03:01
WeeJeWel*dont forget uppercases03:01
LVKeulenThe winbox is running now03:01
WeeJeWelok :-)03:01
ebeeskkd: why do you want azureus to notice this drive?03:01
LVKeulenand it worked! :D03:01
LVKeulenIt reads my USB03:01
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WeeJeWelyippie :)03:01
LVKeulenThanks :)03:01
ubuntuEdgyufuk_k: ok lets move on.03:01
WeeJeWelyoure welcome :)03:01
c_No one knows how I can fix it?03:01
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WeeJeWelyou might wanna change your shortcut now03:01
wlwirelessdoes ubuntu violates any of the 235 M$ patents?03:02
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WeeJeWelso you dont have to use terminal every time03:02
LVKeulenlet's do that, yes03:02
sciboyhwilde, Nope font packages are still there.03:02
IdleOnewlwireless, nat as far as I know of03:02
sciboyhwilde, The problem is more specific since no other "application" appears to be affected.03:02
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IdleOnewlwireless, that is a topic better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic03:03
ubuntuEdgysudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:03
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wlwirelessIdleOne: didn't there is such channel.03:04
LVKeulenAgh.. stupid windows..03:04
LVKeulenNow it reads my USB03:04
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, allright but i think it has nothing to do with xorg.conf03:04
LVKeulenBut fails to install a driver03:04
kkdi want it to read the torrents that i started to download under windows03:04
IdleOnewlwireless, yes there is try joining it03:04
WeeJeWelomg :P03:04
WeeJeWelwhat does it say?03:04
LVKeulenI have dutch windows03:04
WeeJeWeli am dutch03:04
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WeeJeWelweejewel? :P03:04
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LVKeulen'Dit apparaat kan niet worden gebruikt etcetc windoos'03:05
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kkdebees:  i want it to read the torrents that i started to download under windows03:05
WeeJeWelnothing more?03:05
LVKeulenat the system > hardware tab03:05
tanlaanHello everyone.03:05
LVKeulenit says ' USB-apparaat voor massa opslag'03:05
ebeeskkd: I see. I'm afraid I can't think of a simple answer. I'd suggest a quick check of ubuntuforms.org unless someone can provide a simple solution here.03:05
WeeJeWelwhat is it for device anyway?03:05
LVKeulenAn USB03:05
tanlaanI have some questions about the use of bittorrent.03:06
WeeJeWelwhy not mount it in linux and make it a HD in windows?03:06
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LVKeulenThere's also a category 'Overige apparaten'  containing 'Base System-apparaat' and 'Videocontroller (VGA-compatibel)'03:06
Kim^JWhich package do I need to program Ruby and use Gstreamer0.10?03:06
ebeesI'd say that the permissions on the drive require setting. If you've got ntfs on the windows drives, you'll also have to check the repos (can't remember the name) for an app that lets you write to ntfs.03:06
WeeJeWelthe usb stick is alright03:06
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WeeJeWelreinstall driver and select the driver files?03:06
kkdebees: is there an easy way to share folders between computers in a home networking ?03:06
WeeJeWeli suppose you got some03:06
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orbintanlaan: ubuntu related of course :)03:07
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:07
ubuntuEdgy ufuk_k: what do you think it is03:07
ebeeskkd: samba is your friend :) The issue you need to overcome is WHERE you're saving the file. This is why I would check the forum first. There you go: ubotu has give you a link03:08
ubuntuEdgyalso what driver dose xorg point to03:08
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tanlaanorbin: of course, I am using ubuntu :D03:08
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kkdebees: thank you03:08
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, i accidentally changed the links for libGL.so.1 libraries then it stopped working everything messed up03:08
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laurent__connection problem03:09
shawn34I have a laptop(wireless) and a pc(wired). I want to share files between them. I set up shared folders using the gui in system>admin. but i don't know what to do from there. when I goto places>network I don't see anything on either pc. can anyone help me out with this?03:09
ebeeskkd: no probs. If you do a bit of reading, you'll find (on the ubuntuforum) that there are a lot of people who have probably listed an easy way to do it.03:09
laurent__What I was asking before it stopped connecting03:09
laurent__How do I mount a drive in Linux and make it a harddrive in windows?03:09
ubuntuEdgyufuk_k: find libGL.so.103:09
tanlaanI just wanna know, if you download a torrent to it's max, does the download section switch over to seeding automatically? *there are no markings showing that it has, but i am at 100% on one and it is still downloading...*03:09
tanlaanand if not how do I seed a torrent?03:09
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ubuntuEdgyufuk_k: should bi in user/lib03:10
Panda200xIts automatic03:10
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WeeJeWelshawn, did you added the laptop name?03:10
ebeeskkd: check this post - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=468640&highlight=share+windows+drive03:11
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jmitchjomha: that didn't make a difference03:11
shawn34WeeJeWel, i added the internal ip address instead of the name,
ebeeskkd particularly the comments by 'dmizer' - he seems to have created a 'how to'03:11
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WeeJeWelhmm k03:11
shawn34WeeJeWel, thats the laptop03:11
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mIgUeL_sAnhi to all03:11
mIgUeL_sAni got a question03:11
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ubuntuEdgyWeeJeWel read his question again please.03:12
orbinlaurent__: well what filesystem are you planning to format it in?03:12
laurent__It is now..03:12
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larson9999Frogzoo: thanks for the help.  the issue was the protocol. changed from IMPS/2 to explorerps/2 and all is well. i have a basic 2 button wheeled ge optical mouse.  found an old thread that said to change the protocol.03:12
shawn34WeeJeWel, they both run feisty too03:12
mIgUeL_sAni've just installed a new hardware, how would i detect the new hardware so what i won't have to reinstall my ubuntu again03:13
laurent__Let me check it.. windows stole it03:13
WeeJeWelit shold be alright i think03:13
ebeeskkd: just checking to make sure you can access the URL i posted? :)03:13
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WeeJeWeli dont know that much about sharing folders..03:13
orbinmIgUeL_sAn: what is it?03:13
rinkyhas anyone got zfs 0.4.0beta1 to work on dapper 6.06 ? thanks03:13
mIgUeL_sAnorbin: i've just installed a new LAN Card03:14
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laurent__How do i check the filesystem in linux anyway..03:14
ubuntuEdgyi need to update my name ,soon03:14
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ubuntu_fsck /dev/*03:14
shawn34Anyone else? The forums are full of howto's to share between windows and ubuntu, but i have 2 ubuntu pc's.... how can I share between them?03:14
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, no libGL.so.1 in usr/lib03:14
mIgUeL_sAnorbin: by the way i was using a ubuntu 5.0403:14
larson9999Frogzoo: iirc i fixed this about 2 years ago.  when applying the recent kernel update it must have unfixed it for me.03:14
jmitchjomha: any other ideas on what changes 20-16 may have made to break my wireless?03:14
ubuntu_a quick question03:14
ubuntu_how do i instruct the live-cd to not load the sata_mv driver?03:15
ubuntuEdgy ufuk_k: open a termial type "locate  libGL.so.1"03:15
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ubuntu_is crashing on my highpoint 2220 card03:15
orbinlaurent__: fdisk -l <device>03:15
laurent__stupid windows. :|03:15
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, there is libGL. sorry i found it03:15
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, ok i found it03:16
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ubuntuEdgyis it libGL.so.103:16
orbinmIgUeL_sAn: have you tried just booting up?03:16
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:16
ubuntuEdgyand what dir is it in03:16
mIgUeL_sAnorbin: i haven't yet....03:16
laurent__fdisk does nothing :|03:16
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ubuntuEdgysudo fdisk -l03:16
ufuk_kubuntuedgy , it isin /usr/lib03:16
drsysis there any way i install SELINUX or APParmor on my feisty server?03:17
ubuntuEdgyufuk_k ok cool03:17
laurent__lets see03:17
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, but it says this file is link no permissions03:17
drsysdoes anybody know?03:17
laurent__some device boots..03:17
laurent__and.. things03:17
killercowdrsys: apt-get selinux?03:17
laurent__there it is03:17
ubuntuEdgyufuk_k dose it saty the dir it links to ?03:17
drsysis it only for red hat based distros or03:17
shawn34Can someone just point me in the direction of a good howto?03:17
laurent__it's FAT1603:17
orbinmIgUeL_sAn: i'd try it.03:17
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mIgUeL_sAnorbin: well can u pls help me figure it out if ubuntu 7.04 can support the PIII 500mhz, 128MB SDRAM, 8MB VGA, 15MB HD03:17
killercowmIgUeL_sAn: it might, but your a bit low on ram03:18
orbinmIgUeL_sAn: 15MB?03:18
killercowmIgUeL_sAn:  id go for xubuntu instead03:18
drsyskillercow: response .....   E: Invalid operation selinux03:18
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laurent__Why does windows read my USB normally, but doesn't read when in virtual machine.03:18
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, points to /usr/lib/libGL.so03:18
mIgUeL_sAnorbin: 15MB Hard drive03:19
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, and libGL.so points to libGL.so.103:19
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mIgUeL_sAnkillercow: i haven't try that one xubuntu...03:19
ubuntuEdgyufuk_k: lets try and remove that link, do you know hot ?03:19
killercowxubuntu is lighter on resources03:19
killercowlooks about the same03:19
larson9999mIgUeL_sAn: i run ubuntu on a p3 700mhz and it's fine.  but xfce is a better choice imho.03:19
orbinmIgUeL_sAn: would not think you could run /any/ ubuntu flavour with that much space03:20
tanlaanAnyone know of a good Torrent downloader that I could go download and just continue to seed the torrents I just downloaded *very confused on how bittorrent works under linux*03:20
ubuntuEdgy ufuk_k: ok great03:20
killercowdoes anyone know how to exclude a particular driver from the live-cd boot?03:20
killercowtanlaan:  opera? or ktorrent?03:20
orbinmIgUeL_sAn: unless you meant GB03:20
larson9999oh, wait 15mb?03:20
kkdwhat is the easiest way to edit the fstab file and how to have the root privilege to do it ?03:20
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mIgUeL_sAnlarson9999: what ubuntu version u were using??03:20
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, do you want me to delete libGL.so files?03:20
killercowtanlaan: just leave the current gnome torrent window open and it will keep seeding03:20
mIgUeL_sAnorbin: ohhhhhhhhhhh jezzzzzzz man..... yeah....... its GB argh... sorry03:20
larson9999mIgUeL_sAn: 7.04.  i always upgrade when new versions come out.03:20
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killercowkkd:  gksudo  gedit /etc/fstab03:21
ubuntuEdgyufuk_k: not yet.03:21
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orbinmIgUeL_sAn: :)03:21
ubuntuEdgyufuk_k:  lets first try and remove the links03:21
tanlaankillercow: Wait, So it does continue to seed? Even though it continues to say "downloading" instead of uploading?03:21
ubuntuEdgyand if we fail then delete them03:21
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, you want to learn something03:21
mIgUeL_sAnlarson9999: uhmmmmmmm how about ur VGA? is it fine?03:21
mIgUeL_sAnlarson9999: what's ur VGA specs..03:22
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, before i messed up things i made this command: ln -fs /usr/lib/libGL.so.$VER /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so03:22
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ubuntuEdgyufuk_k: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH03:22
larson9999mIgUeL_sAn: everything is fine.  i'm not sure what the graphics card is. it's nvidia and it needs the legacy driver.03:22
mIgUeL_sAnorbin: i'm confused... i dont know what version should i install.. because installing a new one would take a lot of time03:22
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ufuk_kubuntuedy, and 2 commands more like this one03:22
mandhproblem with ssl to encrypt file that size more than one giaa03:22
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kkdkillercow: thank you working fine.03:23
mandhthan one giga03:23
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ubuntuEdgy/usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so try this ln rm /usr/lib/libGL.so.$VER /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so03:23
mIgUeL_sAnlarson9999: my VGA is 8mb only so i have no idea what would it be if i use ubuntu 7.0403:23
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, and this commands for nvidia config in Archlinux03:23
mIgUeL_sAnorbin: what do u think on my hardware? and what version on ubuntu wuold i use?03:24
larson9999mIgUeL_sAn: me either. i think all of my cards are at least 32mb these days.03:24
orbinmIgUeL_sAn: not sure really.  i've never had to run a system that slow.  i''d go xubuntu myself just to play it safe.03:24
ubuntuEdgy ufuk_k: try this "ln rm /usr/lib/libGL.so.$VER /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so"03:24
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so' is not a directory03:24
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ubuntuEdgyif not try this sudo dpkg-divert --remove /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so03:25
ufuk_kcommand wrong03:25
ubuntuEdgythat ^^03:25
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larson9999mIgUeL_sAn: you want to install xubuntu if you install ubuntu.  i'm nearly certain about that.03:25
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ubuntuEdgy"cd  /usr/X11R6/lib/" what dose it say03:25
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shawn34can someone help me with this: "mount: failed, reason given by server: Permission denied"03:26
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, "any diversion of /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so"03:26
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samuelsup all03:26
samuelwhats the next version of ubuntu?03:27
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shawn34samuel:  gusty03:27
shawn34i think03:27
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kuartoskurohi all from spain03:27
mIgUeL_sAnlarson9999: i'm planning to install xubuntu, but.... is there any different between the ubuntu and xubuntu, would my OS run as ubuntu even if i was using xubuntu?03:27
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rohanwhat the hell is ubuntu upto ? in a STABLE release, the developers first enable libata, and then disable it, and then again enable it. is this some kind of a joke ?03:27
mIgUeL_sAnlarson9999: i'm planning to install xubuntu, but.... is there any difference between the ubuntu and xubuntu, would my OS run as ubuntu even if i was using xubuntu?03:27
laurent__My USB isn't being read by my Windows XP Virtual machine... It says that the driver can't be installed. What now?03:28
SmygismIgUeL_sAn, xubuntu is nice03:28
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Mark_hey i need some help with permissions03:28
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, i go to that directory and i used" ls" command03:28
mirzaubuntu ist d best03:28
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mIgUeL_sAnSmygis: is it the same as ubuntu?? im confused03:28
Gnealaurent__: make sure any linux driver is not installed03:28
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larson9999mIgUeL_sAn: yeah.  the only difference really is that ubuntu has a different distro for nealy every wm/de practically.  use can pick one and then install other wms.03:28
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, libGL.so  libGL.so.1  X1103:28
ufuk_kthey are in the folder03:28
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laurent__Gnea: What do you mean by that?03:29
shawn34can someone help me with this: "mount: failed, reason given by server: Permission denied"03:29
SmygismIgUeL_sAn, Other GUI and other apps, Otherwise they are the same.03:29
ubuntuEdgyshawn34: try ssh03:30
ubuntuEdgyor nautilus03:30
Gnealaurent__: if you plug a usb device in, linux will load a driver for it, preventing vmware/qemu from being able to load it to windows. unload the driver that linux loads and winxp will see it03:30
laurent__Gnea: It's working now.. without reason.03:30
Gneathere is no wait, only do.03:30
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laurent__Damn windows03:30
laurent__Just reconnected it..03:30
ubuntuEdgyshawn34: or places >conect to a server03:30
laurent__for the 4th time03:30
Gnea!language | laurent__03:30
ubotulaurent__: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:30
laurent__then it worked03:31
shawn34ubuntuEdgy:  ? how. the shared folders on both ubuntu pc's are set up right03:31
ubuntuEdgyufuk_k: we need to remove the symlincs03:31
laurent__Sorry :|03:31
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, YES03:31
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, bu how can we do it in correct way?03:31
mIgUeL_sAnSmygis: if u would tell me that if the difference is the GUI in ubuntu is good rather than xubuntu... i'd rather use xubuntu, i dont care if my desktop sucks, my computer is too slow... slow as the turtle for these days03:31
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ubuntuEdgyufuk_k: try these commands03:32
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novato_brwhat's the software to burn DVD and CD ?03:33
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CheshireVikingis there a ".rar" password recovery package for ubuntu/linux?03:33
ubuntuEdgysudo dpkg-divert --remove /usr/lib/libGL.s o.103:33
ubuntuEdgysudo dpkg-divert --remove /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so03:33
shawn34ubuntuEdgy:  tried connect to server via ssh and got "attempt to log in failed"03:34
ubuntuEdgysudo dpkg-divert --remove /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libGLcore.so03:34
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SmygismIgUeL_sAn, i prefer Xfce (xubuntu) before Gnome (ubuntu), imo its a lot nicer. But they stand on the same base so to say, So Everything that works in ubuntu works in (X|K)ubuntu03:34
hwildewhat does this error mean in /var/log/syslog.0: Jun 10 07:35:12 localhost exiting on signal 1503:34
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ubuntuEdgyshawn34: ok first in stall open ssh03:34
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shawn34ubuntuEdgy:  why can't i just use this nfs thing03:35
ubuntuEdgythen sshuser@
ubuntuEdgyshawn34: ok nfs is goot03:35
XiCillinis there a way to theme the gksu sudo box?03:35
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shawn34ubuntuEdgy:  I set up shared folders of both pc's using the gui in syste>admin03:35
ubuntuEdgyshawn34: did you go to start >places >connect to server03:36
shawn34ubuntuEdgy:  but don't know how to connect to them03:36
ufuk_kubuntuedgy, ok but still getting "any diversion of /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so', none removed"03:36
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shawn34ubuntuEdgy:  yes03:36
ubuntuEdgy shawn34:did it ask for the password03:36
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mIgUeL_sAnSmygis: in short... the difference between ubuntu and xubuntu is the GUI... right??03:36
shawn34ubuntuEdgy:  im still at the connect to server set up dialog03:37
ubuntuEdgysudo dpkg-divert --remove /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.203:37
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shawn34ubuntuEdgy:  do I use custom location?03:37
orbinXiCillin: aye, there's a couple of threads on the forum.  search for root theme.03:37
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XiCillinorbin, thanks03:37
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ufuk_kubuntuedgy, "any diversion of /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2', none removed"03:38
hwildeshawn34, do you know the hostnames of the other computers on your domain03:38
ubuntuEdgyshawn34: lest try ssh , more likely to work at this stage.03:38
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ubuntuEdgyshawn34: try ftp with login03:38
orbinmIgUeL_sAn: yes.  as default, ubuntu uses gnome, xubuntu uses xfce, which is more lightweight03:39
shawn34hwilde:  how do i get the host names? the pc's are right next to me03:39
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ubuntuEdgyshawn34: you goin to have to install ftp03:39
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hwildeshawn34, open a terminal, it says username@hostname:~$03:39
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shawn34hwilde:  ok then I know what they are lol ;)03:40
Montehhey how do i make use of the "workspaces on a cube" feature in ubuntu?03:40
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mIgUeL_sAnorbin: how about some applications.. is there any application that xubuntu cannot run and only ubuntu can run?03:40
shawn34hwilde:  shawn@shawn-laptop & shawn@homepc03:40
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ubuntuEdgyufuk_k: save the files on you desktop then delete them.03:40
hwildeshawn34, ok and what about hte computer u want to connect to03:40
shawn34hwilde:  want to share files between the 203:41
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SmygismIgUeL_sAn, Yes, xubuntu uses Xfce and ubuntu uses Gnome. do a bit of googling on those and check them out03:41
shawn34hwilde:  already setup shared folder for each03:41
hwildeshawn34, the name of the other computer is ?03:41
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shawn34hwilde:  shawn@shawn-laptop   or
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hwildeshawn34, ok so go to Places -> Connect to Server03:42
shawn34hwilde:  there03:42
hwildeshawn34, u can either try the hostname or ipaddress there03:42
ubuntuEdgy Shawn Rieger its not that hard is it.03:43
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shawn34hwilde:  what service type should i choose?03:43
hwildeshawn34, which kind did you setup03:43
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orbinmIgUeL_sAn: not sure if *everything*  can be. e.g. don't know how panel applets etc. would work, but yes, standalone apps will bring in the required gnome libraries if you install them in xubuntu with an apt tool03:43
hwildeshawn34, try them all.03:43
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hwilde!xubuntu | orbin, mIgUeL_sAn03:44
ubotuorbin, mIgUeL_sAn: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels03:44
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mIgUeL_sAnguys........ thank's a lot for helping me out03:44
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shawn34non of them are working03:44
massctrlwhere can I find the kernel config file used to make ubuntu kernels?  I want to change just a small thing and stay as close as possible to the origanal one,..03:44
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shawn34forget it, i'll just keep using my thumb drive03:45
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orbinmIgUeL_sAn: yw.  good luck.03:45
hwilde!kernel | massctrl03:45
ubotumassctrl: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild03:45
Pirolocitohelp - file deletion03:45
ubuntuEdgyshawn34: your wires are all ok yeah ?03:45
Pirolocitoi used gnome send to trash03:45
hwildeshawn34, can you ping the other ips on your network03:45
erUSULmassctrl: /boot/03:45
thedrummercan somebody help me with nvidia drivers ? i've installed it (i took drivers from nvidia.com) and checked before all dependecies described on forum. but after i run nvidia-xorg-utulity, my X refused to start with error (ee) can't load nvidia kernel03:45
hwilde!nvidia | thedrummer03:46
ubotuthedrummer: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:46
thedrummercansomebody help me with that?03:46
Pirolocitofiles arent in trash and the free space has gone03:46
massctrlk guys thank for the info03:46
thedrummermkey. thx03:46
shawn3464 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.801 ms03:46
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hwildeshawn34, can you ssh to that ip address03:46
hwildeshawn34, can you ftp to that ip address03:47
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ubuntuEdgyfirst install ssh03:47
shawn34don't think i have ssh installed03:47
shawn34its cool03:47
hwilde!ssh | shawn3403:47
ubotushawn34: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/03:47
orbinPirolocito: via nautiilus > move to garbage?03:47
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shawn34nah im good. just gonna use my thumb drive. i've been at this for 3 days now03:47
Pirolocitoorbin: yes03:47
shawn34thanks anyway guys03:48
Asathoori cannot get video working on Feisty - neither webcam nor hauppauge WinTV03:48
Pirolocitoorbin: files are not in .trash03:48
ubuntuEdgy shawn34: u so close to having it work03:48
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hwildeshawn34, yeah it is really easy just install openssh-server or meta package ssh already03:48
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orbinPirolocito: did you run nautilus as root or is the place you deleted the files from mounted under root?03:49
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Asathoorwell - nobody knows, so why not use Windows. It works...03:49
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barnabaanybody experienced problems with his Gnome/XGL/Beryl settings after the last automatic software update yesterday?03:49
shawn34hwilde:  i under stand, but why can i not use whats installed by default... the nfs thing. makes no sense to have "Shared folders" in system menu but it doesn't work03:49
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hwildeshawn34, it works fine just Connect to Server!03:50
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Pirolocitoorbin: yes maybe it was run under root, but sudo ls -la dont show it either03:50
shawn34hwilde:  we've been through this lol. I tried all options in connect to server and nothing connects03:50
hwildeshawn34, ok so install openssh-server now03:51
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Montehhey is the installed nvidia driver the best for games? or can i update it to a better one in latest ubuntu?03:51
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hwilde!nvidia | Monteh03:51
ubotuMonteh: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:51
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jeppI can't format my dvd-ram03:51
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orbinPirolocito: which trash folder?03:52
Montehhwilde: ty ty ^^03:52
jeppcan anybody help?03:52
hwilde!dvd | jepp03:52
ubotujepp: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:52
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Jezzone question03:52
ubuntuEdgy shawn34:  nfs has to be installed03:52
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Pirolocitoorbin: /home/username/.Trash03:52
Jezzdoes a raid configuration itself use disc space? and how much?03:52
padeehi everyone. it would be fantastic, if someone could give me some advice about accounting and cash stuff on linux... any sw-specialists around?03:52
shawn34ubuntuEdgy:  yea and when i choose shared folders in the system menu it installs and sets it up for me03:52
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orbinPirolocito: if it was run under root, it'd be in root's trash03:52
orbinPirolocito: methinks03:52
Willberthey guys03:53
ubuntuEdgynot at all03:53
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hwildeshawn34, your router is probably blocking file sharing then if you have it all setup right03:53
Pirolocitoorbin: i running ubuntu, and i dont have a root username03:53
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Jezzdoes a raid configuration itself use disc space? and how much?03:53
hwilde!raid | Jezz03:53
ubotuJezz: Raid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO03:53
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Jezzah thnx03:53
hwilde!repeat | Jezz03:53
ubotuJezz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:53
orbinPirolocito: check if you have a /root/.Trash folder03:53
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:53
ubuntuEdgymy nautilus wont work. i click ok my shortcut to my home folder nothing happens03:53
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Montehhwilde: i have that one installed, is that the most up to date nvidia driver?03:54
Jezzye but i couldnt find it03:54
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Jezzand i dont like reading through documentation03:54
Pirolocitoorbin: but this files were in a ntfs partition03:54
hwildeMonteh, search in synaptic for nvidia - it will show you the version numbers03:54
Montehhwilde: thanks ^^03:54
ubuntuEdgyshawn34:no google nfs on ubuntu and install it the proper way and configure it so computers can connect03:54
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hwilde!nfs | ubuntuEdgy03:55
ubotuubuntuEdgy: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.03:55
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orbinPirolocito: ah, i'm not sure where the data would be moved then.  so you don't have a /root/.Trash?03:55
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orbinubuntuEdgy: which shortcut?03:55
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Pirolocitoorbin: no03:56
ubuntuEdgyorbin: i have a shut cut on my pannel that points to my home folder. nothing happens when i click it , i think mautilus has crashed03:56
Montehhwilde:  thanks its all up to date ^^03:57
padeehi everyone. it would be fantastic, if someone could give me some advice about accounting and cash stuff on linux... any sw-specialists around?03:57
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orbinubuntuEdgy: what's the shortcut command?03:57
Shankysv87hello everybody, i need help with desktop effects03:58
orbinubuntuEdgy: does nautilus run via alt+f2?03:58
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hwilde!beryl | Shankysv8703:58
ompaulShankysv87, #ubuntu-effects is best for that03:58
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ubotuShankysv87: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:58
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hwilde!effects | Shankysv8703:59
ubotuShankysv87: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects.03:59
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orbinPirolocito: might be worth something: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=260536303:59
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sp1nhi, anybody know feisty repo with trix (chat client)?03:59
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cornellMorning all...  I've a laptop, Pentium III, 500 mhz, 256 Meg, use it on vacation to keep up with email and check the web for local points of interest...  In the past I've tried to use it with a Belkin wifi adaptor., without success.  Before leaving on vacation, I got a Hawkins, set it up, got it connecting to my LAN, and left on the trip.  I've attempted to use it on several AP's, and can't connect, or even find the APs.  I also have XP on th03:59
orbinPirolocito: i assume you have ntfs-3g or some such to be able to delete the file/s03:59
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ompaulpadee, so you want to look at, gnucash or sql-ledger  and sugar-crm, then you can look at linking them with asterisk and generally having a pain free life04:00
Pirolocitoorbin: thank you04:00
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orbinPirolocito: let me know if it works04:01
cornelle easier ;-(04:01
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Frogzoo_!permissions | massctrl04:01
ubotumassctrl: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux04:01
ompaulpadee, and the most important thing I can tell you is this: do not make the first build the production system, do it a few times and test it, you will get much better roi for that04:01
Frogzoo_oops - soz massctrl04:01
Pirolocitoorbin: YES ALLHERE!!!!04:01
Pirolocitoorbin: thank you again04:01
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orbinPirolocito: sure.  i learnt something too04:02
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sp1nanybody know feisty repository with trix (chat client)?04:04
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BrakkvatnHello. I am on feisty now. Is it safe for me to install the gutsy version 0.6 of libguichan0?04:06
ompaulsp1n, there ain't one, why not use X Chat04:06
orbincornell:  had a look at the wiki's wireless docs?  i also found it useful to work out the chipset and searched for it and/or the card model in the forum.04:06
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chip273Hi, can smo. help me setting typematic rates by numeric Values ?04:07
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Frogzoo_Brakkvatn: nope, I wouldn't04:08
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VoXwhat would i use to rip the audio only from a dvd?04:08
BrakkvatnFrogzoo_: So what would be the best way to use a newer version of the library? To install it locally on my user instead?04:08
finalbetaIn the last two weeks feisty had 2 kernel updates, sda changed to hda and the other way around every time. Are they playing with us or what?04:08
Frogzoo_Brakkvatn: sure, and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH would work04:09
BrakkvatnThanks alot, Frogzoo_ :)04:09
cornellK, orbin I'll check the ?ubuntu? forum and search the ?ubuntu? wiki for wireless docs.04:09
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orbincornell: yes, the ubuntu ones. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs and http://www.ubuntuforums.org04:10
MenZaIs it possible to mount cue/bin images?04:10
cornellWell... TTFN04:10
chip273Hi, can smo. help me setting typematic rates by numeric Values ?  Please !04:10
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mc44MenZa: sure04:11
MenZamc44: with -o?04:11
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:11
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roryychip273: you can try the command-line tool 'kbdrate'; not entirely sure how it interacts with X04:11
ubunt1chip273: nobody will help here they are dreaming04:12
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MenZa:D mc4404:12
MenZaThank you.04:12
hwilde!patience | ubunt104:12
ubotuubunt1: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:12
roryymc44, MenZa: i'd suspect you have to convert to .iso before mounting ?04:12
mc44MenZa: course, I may be wrong :P04:12
MenZayeah, roryy04:12
cornellThanks aagain, orbin04:12
ubunt1!patience |  hwilde04:12
ubotuhwilde: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:12
mc44MenZa: yeah listen to that roryy, hes a cool frood04:12
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blah569I'm going to upgrade to Vista!04:12
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ubunt1rorry what mean hostname04:13
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VoXblah569: that's an 'upgrade'?04:13
blah569I'm joking.04:13
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roryyubunt1: your hostname is the network name of your computer04:13
butchbrooklynmore like a lateral demotion04:13
BrakkvatnWe are the knights who say... Vista!04:13
roryyubunt1: it's also a command to display or change the computer's hostname04:13
ubunt1rorry for example domain.com ?04:13
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orbincornell: sure, good luck04:14
roryyubunt1: well, if your machine were foo.bar.com, the hostname would be foo, and the domain would be bar.com   -- i think.  I'd have to check for the precise details.04:14
BrakkvatnDoes anybody know if Gnome or KDE ever with have widgets like OS X and Opera?04:14
ubunt1rorry i have server and when put http://www.tony.com:81/squirrelmail it open http://www.tony.com.tony.com:81/squirrelmail04:14
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ubunt1rorry man could you check04:15
ubunt1rorry lets see now.the name that i put is toni04:15
ubunt1and i have domain who is toni04:15
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GrueTamerBrakkvatn: kde has superkaramba stuff, gnome has gdesklets, and there are a bunch of other kinds of widgets, so they already may04:15
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chip273roryy: well kbdrate shows some weird, not realistic value, and it wont let me change the setting although using with sudo04:16
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keithhhhhanyone use ubuntustudio?04:17
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roryyubunt1: uhhh -- www.toni.com is your site?04:17
BrakkvatnGrueTamer: okay.thanks04:17
keithhhhhI was just wondering does anyone know how much space a full install of ubuntustudio takes04:17
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ubunt1rorry for example04:18
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roryychip273: hrm.  sorry, not sure what the problem is.04:19
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roryyubunt1: i don't think i understand your problem04:19
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ubunt1rorry when write hostname is say toni and when write hostname -f it say unknown host04:19
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ubunt1rorry to terminal write hostname and say toni,after that hostname -f unknown host04:19
SirKeatsis there any type of power setting for ubuntu that would just spin down the disks and what not rather than a full shutdown04:20
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keithhhhhI was just wondering does anyone know how much space a full install of ubuntustudio takes?04:20
SirKeats"sleep" is a full power down... which isn't really what i'm wanting04:20
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chip273roryy: under system ->settings -> keyboard I can set the delay & repeats but there are no numeric values so I have to guess and try around aren't those values recorded in some textfile, to be edited or something ?04:21
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roryyubunt1: sorry, i think this is getting a little beyond my knowledge.04:21
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tha_toadmancan someone lend assistance here with phpmyadmin running on feisty?04:21
kowiHello I'm having a problem with my tar command. What I wanna do is, tar and gzip a file from some directory. This is my command: "tar --create --to-stdout --gzip --absolute-na--no-recurse /some/place/inputfile > output.tar.gz" . (The command needs to stay in that form because I pipe it in my c program). How can I tell "tar" that it shall not create the directory structure "/some/place/" in the archive?04:21
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ubunt1rorry hmm man04:21
ubunt1rorry why it say invalid host04:21
kowiUps, this is it: Hello I'm having a problem with my tar command. What I wanna do is, tar and gzip a file from some directory. This is my command: "tar --create --to-stdout --gzip --absolute-names /some/place/inputfile > output.tar.gz" . (The command needs to stay in that form because I pipe it in my c program). How can I tell "tar" that it shall not create the directory structure "/some/place/" in the archive?04:22
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chip273chip273: roryy: under system ->settings -> keyboard I can set the delay & repeats but there are no numeric values so I have to guess and try around aren't those values recorded in some textfile, to be edited or something ?04:23
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SirKeatsanyone: power setting options?04:24
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YanasMan this place is alive.04:26
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boricuahaving a problem evolution keeps freezing when i open it all i can do is force quit it04:28
chip273well no help in here for me04:28
chip273bye people  ...04:28
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roryychip273: you can find it in gconf-editor, under desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard (sorry for the delay...)04:31
roryyah well04:31
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orbinhate when that happens :)04:31
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YanasAnyone know why when I install wine, it wont show up on my start bar?04:32
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XiCillini saw a beryl vid, the persons desktop was transparent all the time. how can id o this also?04:32
bertholdizevery now and then my hdd start grinding and my computer locks up, after a while it resumes again. Only to do it again as soon as i do something that uses ram.04:32
bertholdizi need help04:32
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leabye bye04:33
arianei installed compiz and now i have no window borders and i can't movw my windows. is that a bug or just bad configuration?04:33
m3nt0ri have successfully compiled php5.2.3 on ubuntu, but my apache is still using the old version .. cli works.04:33
m3nt0rhow can i change that? ..04:33
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tom__Afternoon All - Im trying to get DVD`s to play on my ubuntu install. I have followed the guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats) but when i open VNC it will play the warning about copywright on the DVD then nothing. Any ideas?04:35
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orbinXiCillin: #ubuntu-effects and/or #beryl is best iirc04:35
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alexseifhi does anybody work phpeclipse04:36
arianeorbin: is there a #compiz channel?04:36
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Brakkvatntom__: I'm no expert, but for some reason playing DVDs usually works after a reboot. I don't know why.04:36
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Brakkvatntom__: Maybe some zone thing or something04:36
orbinariane: ubotu says to go to #ubuntu-effects04:36
tom__Brakkvatn: Thanks man - not sure why i didnt try that already =/ Back in a moment :)04:36
arianeok thanks, i'll go there!04:36
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BrakkvatnSee you, tom__04:37
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:37
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BrakkvatnIs it possible to see which packages rely on a certain packages?04:37
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mc44Brakkvatn: apt-cache rdepends <package>04:38
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BrakkvatnThanks, mc44 :)04:38
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sinapsi77!seen entropy04:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen entropy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:39
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sinapsi77libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b04:40
sinapsi77display: :1  screen: 004:40
sinapsi77direct rendering: Yes04:40
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sinapsi77DISPATCH ERROR! _glapi_add_dispatch failed to add glAreTexturesResident!04:40
BrakkvatnWhat application are you running, sinapsi77 ?04:40
sinapsi77what do it mean?04:40
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sinapsi77Brakkvatn ubuntu feisty e glx, mesa driver04:41
sinapsi77ati 340m04:41
Brakkvatnsinapsi77: Are you trying to enable Direct Rendering?04:42
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Brakkvatnsinapsi77: Which driver are you using in X?04:42
sinapsi77desktop effects don't start04:42
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ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org04:42
m3nt0rwhich package contains the apsx2 binary for apache ? (known as apache2-devel) i cant find it in the apt search results04:42
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Brakkvatnsinapsi77: I mean for the video card. In xorg.conf it says either "ati", "radeon" or "fglrx".04:43
padeeompaul: i had a look at gnucash and sql-ledger... gnucash didnt really convince me04:43
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AS6how to know if newl have SDK installed on my newly installed ubuntu?04:43
sinapsi77(fglrx is disintslled)04:43
logmeinAnyone know of some good game controllers for ubuntu?04:43
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erUSUL!java | AS604:43
ubotuAS6: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:43
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BrakkvatnHang on for a sec, sinapsi7704:43
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sinapsi77aim here04:44
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sebas_is it possible to have different accounts in different languages?04:44
Brakkvatnsinapsi77: You're on a laptop, right?04:45
boricuahaving a problem evolution keeps freezing when i open it all i can do is force quit it04:45
sinapsi77presario 2532ea04:45
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Brakkvatnsinapsi77: As far as I can see on the wiki 340m hasn't 3D support in any of the drivers...04:46
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delcoyotehi all im trying to do a bootable floppy to netinstall ubuntu, is this correct dd if=disk1.img of=/dev/fd0?04:46
sinapsi77but glxinfo say yes04:46
Brakkvatnsinapsi77: It says that DRI is enabled?04:46
rinkyanyone know a quick and easy way to rmdir a directory which is not empty?04:47
sinapsi77i don't know04:47
logmeinrinky: do rm -Rf04:47
AS6ubotu: Thank you, with your encouragement earlieri this morning, finally i lay my hand on Kubuntu for the first time in my life. :D, thank u very much.04:47
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rinkythanks logmein04:47
statix<rinky> sudo rmdir -R /directory/here04:47
logmeinrinky: I use that command to delete all the time04:48
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statix<rinky> or sudo rm -R /directory/here04:48
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sinapsi77Brakkvatn in feisty livecd the 3d is ok04:48
sinapsi77dri enabled04:48
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sinapsi77but in feisty normal, desktop effects don't start04:48
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Brakkvatnsinapsi77: Have you followed these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver#head-7e2283943de094f4c373154f2e8178bfa937405004:49
BrakkvatnTry that if not04:49
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BrakkvatnIt helped for my ATI 9000 IGP card04:49
rockstar_ i have a ? i have the messager and i cant connect to the msn04:49
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boricuathis shit with evolution has happend to me with every other distro as well04:49
orbinAS6: ubotu's a bot, but i'm sure it appreciates your thanks. :)04:49
Brakkvatnubotu: I love you04:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i love you - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:49
mandelumMy wifi does not work in Feisty, it worked well in Edgy. The scanning works, it finds the access points but cant connect to them. Wired network works well. I have a D-Link DWL-650+ acx100 card, and I did some driver installations in edgy. I think the driver is included in the kernel now though. Anybody want to help?04:50
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harrySome of my photos appear to be corrupted. Is there something I can do to fix them?04:50
Brakkvatn/slap ubotu04:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about force-quit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:50
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rockstar_ i have a ? i have the messager and i cant connect to the msn04:51
logmeinmandelum: if wireless doesn't work then do what they say here: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/04:51
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j1ttersrockstar_ do you get an error messge?04:51
sinapsi77Brakkvatn but my xorg.conf is the same of the livecd04:51
BrakkvatnHow do I rebuild pkg-config's library knowledge or somethhing like that? I newly installed a new library manually and my application can't find it.04:52
mandelumlogmein: but there are acx100 linux drivers and they worked well in edgy!'04:52
sinapsi77and in the livecd the desktopeffects go04:52
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Brakkvatnsinapsi77: Just do a backup of it and try to do what the instructions on the wiki-page says04:52
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orbinboricua: tried running it via terminal to for error output?04:52
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astomperhow do I find out the IP of my computer, (not the ip of my house but of just my computer)?04:53
rockstar_jitters it jest dose not connect04:53
j1ttersastomper ifconfig04:53
AS6i need to install Java jre 1.5.1104:53
AS6can i do it using  sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk ?04:54
j1ttersrockstar_ username/pass correct04:54
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bottlecan i download youtube video and how???04:54
rockstar_i dont have a normal acount my is a passort04:54
CarlF1     Thermal 1: active[0] , 79.0 degrees C04:54
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CarlF1how do I turn on the fan?04:54
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j1ttershmm. not sure then rockstar_ i use gaim and mine connects fine. but mine is a normal account04:54
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boricuaorbin: only see warnings (evolution-2.10:23874): evolution-mail-WARNING **: ignored this junk plugin: not enabled or we have already loaded one04:54
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boricua(evolution-2.10:23874): e-utils-WARNING **: Plugin 'Spamassassin junk plugin' failed to load hook 'org.gnome.evolution.mail.junk:1.0'04:55
Billiardhey guys sometimes my cd's wont mount on their own, but i can still get to them from k3b04:55
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bottlehelp please04:55
boricuai have like 80 emails i cant get in to04:55
rockstar_jltters your a lot of help dickhead04:55
sinapsi77Brakkvatn ok, but same problem04:55
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FunkahIF you call people dickheads then I do doubt they'll be inclined to be helpful.04:56
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PriceChild!attitude | rockstar_04:56
uboturockstar_: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:56
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Brakkvatnsinapsi77: You need to restart X to make the changed effective. Did you restart X?04:57
FunkahAnd regardless of what he did, calling him names only makes you look silly.04:57
rockstar_fucfk off pricechild04:57
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mc44bu bye04:57
Billiardrockstar_ go use windows or something04:57
PriceChildHey bottle, it is possible to download the swf and then convert it to something ncier04:57
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bottlepricechild how can i do that?04:58
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sinapsi77brakkvatn ok ctrl+alt+backspace04:58
sinapsi77but same error04:58
PriceChildbottle, I'm just googling for you04:58
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bottlepricechild ok04:59
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PriceChildbottle, http://www.hackszine.com/blog/archive/2007/02/howto_download_youtube_and_goo.html there's one solution04:59
logmeinoww my eyes they burn... I keep playing with font settings too much04:59
=== logmein whimpers
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j1ttersbottle iknow there are some sites that will allow you to put in the link to the youtube vid and it will then let you download it.04:59
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GrueTameri can think of one04:59
boricuaany way to reinstall it without loosing emails04:59
bottlepricechild thank you friend04:59
PriceChildbottle, or there is this http://people.igalia.com/berto/05:00
Brakkvatnsinapsi77: then I'm awefully sorry. I'm not able to help you :(. One more thing you can check, is if the module fglrx[something]  is installed. Check by typing lsmod05:00
logmeinbottle: the format flash videos are in is called swf05:00
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FunkahStar wars fan.05:00
Brakkvatnsinapsi77: lsmod | grep -i fglrx05:00
a1Phalogmein, isnt it flv?05:00
Brakkvatnsinapsi77: If you get a result then, then that might be the problem05:00
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logmeinalPha: nope05:00
mary24hi anyone know if ubuntu will cd load onto a core 2 duo system05:00
logmeinalPha: think the legacy version used to be called that05:00
Brakkvatnsinapsi77: Or if you have the proprietary ATI drivers installed on the system. Do you?05:01
greg__join # <ubuntu-fr-jeux>05:01
mary24intel dg965ry board05:01
sinapsi77i've not fglrx05:01
GrueTamergreg: /join #ubuntu-fr-jeux05:01
AS6i`m using compaq v3200. How to enable wireless adapter on my kubuntu?05:01
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logmeinAS6: do lspci which listing is your wireless card please output that line05:02
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mary24my pics for help!05:02
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Smygismary24, most likely yes.05:02
a1Phalol mary2405:02
greg__join # <ubuntu-fr-jeux>05:02
Brakkvatnsinapsi77: And you haven't tried to install the official drivers lately?05:02
a1Phagreg_, type /join #ubuntu-fr-jeux05:03
Brakkvatnsinapsi77: Yes as in you haven't?05:03
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zeroflagdebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process05:03
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zeroflaghow can I unlock it?05:03
sinapsi77i've try05:03
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AS6logmein: 01:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01)05:03
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greg__join # <ubuntu-fr-jeux>05:03
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poningrumary24: I'll help only if you promise not to flash me05:03
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GrueTamergreg: /join #ubuntu-fr-jeux05:03
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poningruor any other pic05:03
j1ttersLOL  greg_ you have to actually type the slash  /05:03
a1Phagreg_ -.-05:03
logmeinAS6: have the same in my compaq05:04
no1How can i make my NTFS partition read/write instead of read only?05:04
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Brakkvatnsinapsi77: Because if the fglrx module has been loaded at boot-time, it makes it impossible for the open-source "ati" driver to use 3D. That is a common problem.05:04
poningru!ntfs | no105:04
ubotuno1: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:04
ubuntu_Yesterday's kernel update broke my computer. How can I downgrade the kernel?05:04
CyberCodI'm having trouble keeping my wireless connected in feisty... it keeps disconnecting at random times... anyone help me with this?05:04
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:04
poningruubuntu_: when the grub window comes up05:04
poningruselect the older kernel05:04
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse05:04
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logmeinAS6: go here and download ndiswrapper http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/ you have to extract it then do apt-get install build-essentials gcc gcc-3.4 g++ then cd in and do ./configure make sudo su make install05:05
poningruAS6: what are you trying to do?05:05
Brakkvatnsinapsi77: Then you have to make sure you've removed the fglrx-something package(s). Reboot and cross the fingers.05:05
FeanixQuestion:: my internal card reader does not work, i put a sd card in and nothing happens, dmesg shows no change, how do I proceed?05:05
poningruwhat wifi chipset do you have?05:05
ubuntu_poningru: I tried booting with 2.16-20 and 2.15-20 and neither works now05:05
Brakkvatnor 'rmmod fglrx' should work also. I'm not sure :(05:05
sinapsi77i've removed all pack of fglrx05:05
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CyberCodponingru: who me?05:05
zeroflagdebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process <-- how can I fix this?05:06
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poningruCyberCod: sure whats the trouble?05:06
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CyberCodwireless is working, but keeps disconnecting at random intervals... sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes 5 hours05:06
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CyberCodwhen I go back into the Network app, it shows it as not being enabled... also sometimes, my eth0 is enabled again, even though there's no cable connected to it05:07
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logmeinAS6: your card is #82 on this list http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php?/component/option,com_openwiki/Itemid,33/id,list_b/05:07
Brakkvatnsinapsi77: What do you get from glxinfo |grep vendor05:07
WipsMy screen resolution is stuck at 640*480. I had this problem with windows too, but it dissapeard when I installed ubuntu. Now it's back05:07
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novato_brwhat is the official source list of beryl ?05:07
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CyberCodI'm using Linksys Wusb11 v2.6 (i think)05:07
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sinapsi77DISPATCH ERROR! _glapi_add_dispatch failed to add glAreTexturesResident!05:08
sinapsi77DISPATCH ERROR! _glapi_add_dispatch failed to add glGenTextures!05:08
sinapsi77DISPATCH ERROR! _glapi_add_dispatch failed to add glIsTexture!05:08
sinapsi77libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b05:08
sinapsi77server glx vendor string: SGI05:08
sinapsi77client glx vendor string: SGI05:08
AS6poningru: to answer your question. i`m trying to enable my wireless on kubuntu.05:08
sinapsi77OpenGL vendor string: Tungsten Graphics, Inc.05:08
poningruAS6: what chipset of wifi do you have?05:08
SudoBashI never really liked the Linksys WUSB05:08
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logmeinAS6: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/archive/ubuntu/feisty/wine_0.9.38~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-1_i386.deb install wine so you can run the windows driver install then grab the .inf and .sys05:08
PriceChild!paste > sinapsi7705:08
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AS6logmein: man, you are SUPER FAST. I just about to open the url but u already found the driver.05:08
CyberCodLike it or not, its what I've got...05:08
SudoBashIve seen 3 or 405:08
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logmeinAS6: I've told 567 users the same instructions this week05:08
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SudoBashlogmein do you get paid to be here?05:09
Brakkvatnsinapsi77: And are the packages libgl1-mesa-glx and libgl1-mesa-dri installed?05:09
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=== AS6 salutes logmein and thinks logmein as the SUPER SUPER HUMAN
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SudoBashI could be of GREAT use....05:10
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CyberCodis there any way to control which devices get shut off by "Idle" mode and which keep going?05:10
poningruAS6:... dude just do sudo aptitude install bcm43xx-fwcutter and the restart your computer05:10
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WipsMy screen resolution is stuck at 640*480. I had this problem with windows too, but it dissapeard when I installed ubuntu. Now the problem is back.05:10
logmeinAS6: after you have the .inf and .sys do ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf ndiswrapper -m modprobe ndiswrapper mousepad /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist add blacklist bcm43xx to bottom of list then save and restart computer05:10
SudoBashi can script bots for free for yall05:11
james2k7help someone plz lol05:11
poningrujames2k7: whatsup?05:11
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logmeinAS6: menu>>system>>network setup your wireless05:11
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james2k7goot it working05:11
james2k7just need to make it run CGI scripts :D05:11
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Brakkvatnsinapsi77: Sorry that I can't help :(.05:12
poningrujames2k7: thats a read the docs kinda help05:12
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james2k7to much reading05:12
poningrusorry dude running a server requires you to learn05:12
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james2k7i was fidling about for houyrs trying to get root access to the apache  and www folders05:12
czaveriwhich VPN client can I use to connect to a Sonicwall?05:12
Montehmy taskbar has dissapeared >.>?05:12
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czaveriI am using Feisty05:13
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ALMimonihow to remove program installed from source?05:13
SudoBashAll i request for my free services is that you make channel #SudoBash come up a little....05:13
logmeinAS6: your comp take too long downloading and compiling :P05:13
AS6logmein: yes05:14
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AS6logmein: its still downloading05:14
james2k7poningru: http://www.tpateens.co.uk/proxy/   just need that to work :/05:14
ubuntu_Is anyone else still having ATA kernel issues or am I the only one?05:14
logmeinAS6: its so tiny though, are you on dial up?05:14
Montehhow can i recover my taskbar at the bottom of the screen >.>05:14
SudoBashive done some impressive scripting before05:14
bulmerALMimoni: look at its Makefile if it has a de-install target or clean all05:14
AS6logmein: I`m on 1Mbps adsl connection.05:14
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SudoBasha c code05:14
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logmeinAS6: you also might need to apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)05:15
ALMimoni<bulmer> thx i will see05:15
SudoBashyou should let me help out...05:15
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bulmerALMimoni: there's SudoBash willing to assist in your coding needs05:15
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BrakkvatnDoes anybody know when a new version of guichan will arrive to feisty? Or where I can find out?05:16
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FeanixQuestion:: my internal card reader does not work, i put a sd card in and nothing happens, dmesg shows no change, modprobe sdhci/tifm_sd did not help, how do I proceed?05:16
hyljeBrakkvatn: you dont usually get new versions to releases05:17
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hyljeBrakkvatn: just updates05:17
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MaverickProwlsIf there's anyone available, I need a tiny amount of help rescuing some data.  After a disk error, I am trying to recover my /home directory and save it to one of the other physical drives attached to my system before attempting a reinstall.  Though the other drives show rw set in fstab, I cannot write to them.  Can anyone help?05:17
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Brakkvatnhylje: It's at version 4.0 in fiesty now. So I have to upgrade to gutsy to get libguichan version 6.0 ?05:18
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Montehguys >.> how can i recover my taskbar at the bottom of the screen05:18
vakoselhi all ! i have installed subverion and all packages..what do i need to connect to a repository? is there any graphical interface?05:18
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hjmillsam i better off using glade 2 or glade 3 to build an interface in?05:19
SudoBashlogmein... do you get paid by Dell to be here?05:19
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johnnytang24vakosel : svn checkout05:19
Brakkvatnvakosel: Usually you just need to type svn co http://url.to/repository05:19
SudoBashI want to be paid by dell to be on the support teama05:19
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AS6logmein: sudo aptitude install bcm43xx-fwcutter05:19
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YanasAnyone know how to get root privleges so I can paste this file into this folder?05:20
YanasI'm the only user.05:20
AS6logmein: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied05:20
hjmillsSudoBash, nobody here is paid - anybody who helps does it voluntarily05:20
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scoobydoo28139I wanna get paid for chatting05:20
rootusrin my work have descided to move from Windows XP to Windows Vista... am a Ubuntu user and I wonder what will happen with Vista and Ubuntu in the same PC ?05:20
vakoselthx a lot !05:20
logmeinSudoBash: nope I just have similar compaq with same crappy card05:20
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logmeinAS6: never tried that fwcutter thing05:20
hjmillsAS6, wait for other aptitude or apt-get processes to end and close synaptic/adept and then retry05:21
BrakkvatnI wanna get paid for playing KPatience05:21
hjmillsYanas, gksudo nautilus05:21
FunkahWe all do, scoobydoo28139.  Try joining wikia.  I know someone who hangs in irc all day and gets paid for it.05:21
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hjmillsscoobydoo28139, become a talk show host05:21
_MichaelFor someone who plays a game or two and does web development what would your recommand, Dual booting or setting up a VM (I am new to linux so I will have linux and win xp installed)05:21
logmeinAS6: think the fwcutter method yields slower connection speeds rather than using ndiswrapper05:21
hjmills_Michael, dual booting05:21
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_Michaelhjmills thanks05:21
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Perunhi all05:22
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Perunis there a problem with amarok in feisty? if I start it, I see the gui and it hangs...05:22
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_MichaelI have 2 hard drives so can i unplug my xp hard drive and then install linux or i dont have to unplug any hard drives?05:23
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_Michaelto dual boot05:23
logmeinAS6: just tell me when you give up and want to learn how to compile something05:23
Montehguys i think i did something silly and my task bar is gone from my desktop,  :(05:24
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FrogzooPerun: amarok runs fine - run it out of a terminal & see if there's errors05:24
johnnytang24_Michael : If you have the choice to install linux in a VM under windows, it's a lot easier to learn that way05:24
BilliardMonteh what is the name of the taskbar05:24
_Michaelwhat is better for someone new to linux, opensuse or ubuntu or something else?05:24
Billiardi use kubuntu so idk what its called in gnome05:24
PriceChild!best | _Michael05:24
ubotu_Michael: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.05:24
logmeinMonteh: do ctrl alt f1 then login and enter gnome-panel if your on ubuntu05:24
Montehyou know the taskbar you get when you install ubuntu >.> _Michael05:24
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johnnytang24_Michael : for example, when the GUI doesn't start, you don't want to have to reboot 30 times bak and forth between windows and linux looking for help05:25
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logmeinMonteh: if you have any panels they can be formed however you like and you can add more05:25
_Michaeloh i see05:25
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roryylogmein: you reckon you can launch gnome-panel from the text console?05:25
_MichaelHow easy is it to delete the VM?05:25
_Michaeland keeping the winxp installation05:26
logmeinroryy: I dunno let me try05:26
AS6logmein: the internet connection here in kubuntu, is extremely slow, unlike what it used to be on my winxp a few hours ago. :D05:26
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johnnytang24_Michael : uhh, do you have an OS installed now?05:26
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MaverickProwlsPerun:  The amarok problem is solved on the ubuntu forums, it's likely something to do with the javaVM you have installed.05:26
roryyMonteh: try Alt+F2; you should get a "Run application" dialog box.  Type 'gnome-panel' there and press enter.05:26
logmeinroryy: nope I can't remove my last panel05:26
_Michaelyeah win xp05:26
johnnytang24_Michael : which one is going to be the host, and which the virtual?05:26
logmeinroryy: whatever I said is worth a shot though05:26
_MichaelI think win xp05:26
_Michaelin host05:27
_Michaeland linux virtual05:27
johnnytang24_Michael : and you want to delete the host and keep the virtual?05:27
PerunMaverickProwls: I dont have java installed, its amd64 arch there is no java pkg for it05:27
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_MichaelI dont have a VM setup yet or linux installed yet, just tring to find out what is the best setup for me05:28
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WipsMy screen resolution is stuck at 640*480. I had this problem with windows too, but it dissapeard when I installed ubuntu. Now the problem is back.05:28
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david_Is there a fix for:05:29
david_/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off05:29
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logmeinWips: check /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:29
tanakawhats the recomended way of installing the latest nvidia driver05:29
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BrakkvatnWips: Check if you're using the correct drivers in that conf file05:29
MaverickProwlsPerun:  Apologies, I misread that as Azureus.05:29
david_the new Live CD Feisty won't boot on my old hardware :/05:29
johnnytang24david_ : look up from that error, there's probably another one05:30
j1tterstanaka System/Administration/Restricted Driver Manager05:30
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WipsBrakkvatn:  conf file?05:30
david_johnnytang24: read like 200 posts on the forum05:30
Wipslogmein: kk05:30
david_but I got none the wiser05:30
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WipsBut it appeard just suddenly this morning, why would that just happend out of nothing?05:30
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tanakaj1tters: where can i find that in kde?05:30
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BrakkvatnWips: There was a recent kernel update...05:30
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j1ttersyou on fiesty tanaka?05:31
_Michaeljohnnytang24 : I dont have a VM setup yet or linux installed yet, just tring to find out what is the best setup for me05:31
johnnytang24david_ : Hey, I got the same problem, but about 30 lines above that error, I get '/dev/root : File already exists'05:31
tanakaj1tters: yeah05:31
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j1tterstanaka then go to System/Administration/Restricted Driver Manager05:31
Montehcan someone relay those instructions again, i got ahead of my self(trying to recover taskbar at bottom of screen)05:31
Iolaussorry folks, autojoin :@05:31
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WipsOk, now what am I looking for actually?05:31
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johnnytang24_Michael : If you can have a VM, it's much faster to learn that way.  Then you can always reinstall later and copy over your settings05:32
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m1rdoes anyone have wireless mouse runing on ubuntu ?05:32
GrueTamerm1r: me05:32
WipsBrakkvatn: What am I looking for in the file?05:32
roryyMonteh: try Alt+F2; you should get a "Run application" dialog box.  Type 'gnome-panel' there and press enter.05:32
MaverickProwlsm1r: me also05:32
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BrakkvatnWips: Which Driver is selected for your video card. Mine is "ati"05:32
JackOfSpadesDoes anybody know how to launch/relocate a Firefox window to a desired location?  I have a dual monitor Fiesty machine and I want it to automatically launch two Firefox windows, one in fullscreen mode on each monitor, when I log in.  Any ideas?05:32
jmitchjcould someone help me figure out why my wireless will connect under 2.6.20-15 but not under 2.6.20-16...?05:32
_Michaelthink a VM would be able to run a game maybe 2, and Photoshop and Dreamweaver05:33
JackOfSpades.... from the command line.05:33
m1rany tips on it guys ?05:33
Montehroryy: it says it detected a panel already running...05:33
_Michaelnot all at once of course05:33
WipsBrakkvatn: Section "Device" says Nvidia, which is correct05:33
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roryyMonteh: hrm.  ok, Alt+F2, type 'gnome-terminal' and press enter; should opne a terminal window05:33
frojndThis user is not reachable at the moment. Please make sure you are connected and using a protocol that supports offline sending, or wait until this user comes online.  HOW CAN I make this work than when I click someone when I am invisible (in kopete - msn protocol) I can chat with him/her/it ??05:33
johnnytang24_Michael : I think maybe you're not understanding the connection bettween a VM and its host05:34
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_MichaelWhich VM software do you find the best (freeware/opensource)05:34
j1ttersfrojnd you have to be visible.05:34
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roryyMonteh: now run 'pkill gnome-terminal'  (on my system that immediately relaunches gnome-panel, for what it's worth)05:34
johnnytang24_Michael : for XP?  There are none05:34
BrakkvatnWips: did you upgrade the kernel last night or this morning?05:34
roryyMonteh: woah05:34
johnnytang24that I know of05:34
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roryyMonteh: i meant, 'pkill gnome-panel'05:34
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_Michaeli have a VPS for my hosting05:34
WipsBrakkvatn: last night.. I woke up with the bad resolution05:34
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m1roh damn it worked :)05:35
m1rty guys :)05:35
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BrakkvatnWips: Did you drink alot last night?05:35
WipsBrakkvatn: hah, no. didnt touch alcohol05:35
frojndj1tters: Than this program is lame, couse with messenger I can be (appeard as offline) and I can still chat with people..05:35
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JackOfSpades_Michael: VirtualBox is a nice open source VM, I prefer VMWare Server (it's free but not open).05:35
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_MichaelI heard about VMware is that any good?05:35
winbonddoes anyone use abit quadgt motherboard with linux?05:35
WipsBrakkvatn: The pc had bad resolution, not me05:35
j1ttersfrojnd hey sorry. i didnt write it.05:35
_Michaelthanks jackofspades05:35
redcardWell, PARTS of VirtualBox are open.05:36
Montehroryy: it didnt work, i think ive done something really stupid >_>05:36
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roryyMonteh: what happens when you run 'pkill gnome-panel' ?05:36
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_Michaelwell i just need a VM that i dont need to pay for lol05:36
MaverickProwlsNo need to respond, I've sorted it.  Thanks and bye!05:36
m1rmotorola v3 and usb connection ?05:36
frojndj1tters: u didn't write  --what ? (sorry I don't understand)05:36
jmitchjcould someone help me figure out why my wireless will connect under 2.6.20-15 but not under 2.6.20-16...?05:36
redcard_Michael, For work or for personal use?05:36
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johnnytang24I thought vmware server had a 30 day trial or something05:37
BrakkvatnWips: Hehe... Just kidding05:37
BrakkvatnWips: so are you using the official proprietary drivers for nvidia, or the open source ones?05:37
_Michaelpersonal use (at home)05:37
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j1ttersfrojnd i know its stupid. its the same with gaim.  shrug. i just meant i didnt write the program was just letting you know thats just how it seems to work.05:37
Montehroryy: my buddy list appears from gaim lol :s05:37
WipsBrakkvatn: So what do I do?05:37
redcard_Michael, Then virtualbox or vmware server are both available05:37
BrakkvatnWips: Are you using the proprietary drivers? In that case i think you have to reinstall them05:37
_Michaelk thanks05:37
_Michaelwhich do you find more stable?05:37
_Michaeli hear alot about vmware05:38
Montehthen it says when i type gnome-panel "i have detected a panel already running, and will now exit"05:38
WipsBrakkvatn: What's the proprietary drivers?05:38
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BrakkvatnWips: "nvidia" I think, not "nv"05:38
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roryyMonteh: hrm.  I think i found a solution here https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+question/775905:38
frojndj1tters: ah, ok05:39
_Michaeljohnnytang24: vmware has free virtuation alot with there paid software05:39
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roryyMonteh: need me to help you through it, or can you manage?05:39
vakoselwhich is the favorite theme in the community?05:39
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hellogoodbyei'm at my wit's end over regular expressions, can someone help please?05:39
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johnnytang24_Michael : I thought the vmware client was free, but vmware server, which is used to create the vm, is non-free05:40
WipsBrakkvatn: Well I suppose I have proprietary then.. it says Nvidia05:40
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roryyhellogoodbye: if it's not too difficult, i can possibly help.  what's the question?05:40
JackOfSpadesvmware server is free... the management add-ons for corporate use are not free05:40
johnnytang24that's cool05:40
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WipsBrakkvatn: How do I reinstall?05:41
_Michaelthink vmware is the better choice?05:41
hellogoodbyeroryy: how can i say find anything that isn't say the word "foo"05:41
_Michaelor go with virtualbox05:41
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BrakkvatnWips... Gimme a sec :905:41
j1ttersI'd go with vmware05:41
roryyhellogoodbye: using what tool?05:41
ph8Hey guys, my PC is freezing up in Kubuntu intermittently - I don't seem to be able to track any repetitive action that could be causing it - often i'll be playing music and it'll freeze into a small loop which I can only stop by killall'ing amarok - then sound won't work again until a reboot, sometimes a freeze follows this action if it could be related05:41
hellogoodbyei've tried with [^]  but it is only for single characters05:41
johnnytang24vmware is the best VM right now, I think05:41
WipsBrakkvatn:  Sure :)05:41
hellogoodbyepreg_match in php05:41
ph8Also - i'm using my mobo's onboard sound - although my soundblaster X-fi appears to be recognised in 'lspci' - however, sound does not play out of my speakers when i plug them into the x-fi, do i need to enable it somewhere?05:41
sh4rk89Noone italian?05:41
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_Michaelis openvz for desktops or only for servers for like webhosting05:42
BrakkvatnWips: Have you looked at the System  Administration  Restricted Devices Manager ?05:42
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johnnytang24ph8 : check for bad RAM05:42
roryyhellogoodbye: erk.  I don't know php at all.05:42
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ph8johnnytang24: memtest?05:42
hellogoodbyeroryy: apparently it uses standard regular expressions05:43
johnnytang24ph8 : yarly05:43
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WipsBrakkvatn: Nvidia is there05:43
anwar_logmein: i just finish download the ndiswrapper...05:43
_Michaeli know some php, what is the problem i might know05:43
WipsBrakkvatn: With Active Checked05:43
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anwar_logmein: how to compile/run it?05:43
johnnytang24preg_match and preg_replace are the two best php commands05:43
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WipsBrakkvatn: Nvidia accelerated Graphics driver, it says checked and in use05:43
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hellogoodbye_Michael: i'm trying to use preg_match to find a pattern that doesnt contain a certain word05:43
ph8johnnytang24: memtest just goes on forever right, i should stop it after the battery of 6(?) tests have been finished?05:44
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BrakkvatnWips: Hehe. It didn't on mine :P. But I just installed ubuntu on this box. hehe.05:44
sh4rk89I've a problem...I can't recompile the kernel because when I type "make menuconfig" 4 example it give me a lot of error like "scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/dialog.h:200: error: expected ) before * token" someone can help me?05:44
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sh4rk89sorry 4 my bad english...I'm italian...05:44
WipsBrakkvatn: Soo......05:44
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johnnytang24ph8 : I think you can specify the depth of the test05:44
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FeanixQuestion:: my internal card reader does not work, i put a sd card in and nothing happens, dmesg shows no change, modprobe sdhci/tifm_sd did not help, how do I proceed?05:45
_Michaelhellogoodbye: hrmm i am not sure05:45
BrakkvatnWips: Take a look at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/9129205:45
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roryyhellogoodbye: hrm.  in python (?!...) is a "negative lookahead assertion" -- does PHP use (?....) style constructs in regexes?05:46
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hellogoodbyerorry: im not sure, i'll look it up and try it , thanks05:46
qidSo, I just tried updating to 7.10 from the previous release, and it appears to have deleted inittab in the process05:46
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qidAnyone know where I can find a copy of the file that should work with ubuntu?05:47
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johnnytang24ahh, THE file05:47
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winbonddoes anyone use abit quadgt motherboard with linux?05:47
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sh4rk89anyone can help me?05:47
Montehi think i might have to reinstall i ahve no clue how to fix this >_<05:47
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roryyqid: i believe inittab is not necessary with upstart.  also, for gutsy questions #ubuntu+1 might be a better place05:47
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BrakkvatnHow unstable is gutsy? Is it noticable?05:47
roryyMonteh: did the web page not do the necessary?05:47
PriceChildBrakkvatn, don't use it. It is for developers and bug triagers only,.05:48
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Montehroryy: nope it just hangs when you input the first of the 3 commands it asks you to do :S05:48
PriceChild!gutsy | Brakkvatn05:48
ubotuBrakkvatn: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+105:48
alexseifdoes any one work phpeclipse on ubuntu05:48
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qidroryy: well, when it tries to boot it gives the error message "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off", which I researched and every forum thread on it tells people to check inittab05:48
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phantam1hey guys got a ... aggrivating issue... i installed ubuntu (im in windows now) and for some reason my networkings not working it shows an eth 1 but cant ping, it even shows the mac address... but it doesnt show a network status... and in device manager it shows the controller but the card it self it says unknown05:48
sh4rk89I've a problem...I can't recompile the kernel because when I type "make menuconfig" 4 example it give me a lot of error like "scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/dialog.h:200: error: expected ) before * token" someone can help me?05:48
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roryyqid: well, regardless, for 7.10 you should ask in #ubuntu+105:49
m1chaelwhen i view large pages in firefox... firefox gets extremely slow.. can anyone give me some hints on what to google or how to fix this?05:49
BrakkvatnPriceChild: Thanks, mate.05:49
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alexseifok who knows an IDE for php05:50
WipsBrakkvatn: So you suggest I change the horizsync and the vertrefresh as the bugthing says?05:50
nonewmsgs_m1chael: you can try swiftfox05:50
phantam1it worked on the livecd05:50
phantam1but after install nada05:50
XiCillinAnybody here know how to make the desktop transparent all the time?05:50
BrakkvatnWips: I have no idea. I'm no expert, just an average user trying to help. But you could try giving it a shot...05:50
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roryyMonteh: doh!  If you're up to it, you could try logging out, going to the text console (Ctl+Alt+F1), login there and run the gconftool-2 command given there; then Alt+F7 (to get back to login) and login as normal.05:51
VirtualJazzanyone have a sec to answer a quickie about autoplaying dvds?05:51
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defryskm1chael, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/43305:51
johnnytang24I wish X could do transparencies05:51
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phantam1anybudy :(05:51
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_MichaelDoes anyone know if wine have photoshop cs205:52
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m1chaeldefrysk, why flash blocker?05:53
phantam1is their a way to fix the drivers or something?05:53
PriceChild_Michael, check the winehq appdb05:53
salamiout of interest05:53
_Michaelor is there something else like wine?05:53
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Wipsbut I cant find the vertrefresh and the horizsync05:53
defryskm1chael, flash slows things down05:53
phantam1i wish their was a version of parallels3 for linux lol05:53
phantam1stupid macs05:53
__Ace__in the "open with" create custom command... how can I make it open with 7z?05:53
__Ace__I tried "7z x %1" with no go05:53
nonewmsgs_michael: there is also cadega(sp?) and virtual machines05:53
nemo_homephantam1: I find VirtualBox more reliable under linux05:53
nemo_homealthough parallels does kick ass under mac05:54
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BrakkvatnWips: Just add those lines in that case. Remember to do a backup of the original xorg.conf first05:54
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phantam1hehe i havent tried virtualbox yet05:54
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gnomefreaknemo_home: please watch your language05:54
phantam1as i said im still in here asking how to get networking working05:54
nemo_homegnomefreak: what on earth?05:55
_Michaelwell i am going to setup a VM, but i want to slowly get away from windows05:55
hjmills_Michael, for photoshop try crossover office - they do more of those kind of programs though I havn't used it myself05:55
nemo_homegnomefreak: you think the term "ass" isn't family friendly?05:55
gnomefreak!language | nemo_home05:55
ubotunemo_home: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:55
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nemo_homegnomefreak: silly gnome05:55
_Michaelhjmills oh okay thanks05:55
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ALMimoniI wanna remove all files and directories listed in the file named installed.files, HOW?05:55
winbondlolz, family friendly05:55
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VirtualJazzanyone know why exec'ing "gxine dvd://1" from the shell will autoplay a dvd but using the same command from "System -> Prefs -> Rem Drives and Media -> Multimedia -> Video DVD Discs" won't?05:56
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defryskALMimoni, rm -rf /path/to/folder/folder_to_remove/05:56
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ALMimoni<defrysk> i have names listed in a file05:57
defryskALMimoni, or rm path/to/folder/file_to_remove05:57
backtickhi all.. is there a way to know which process is locking a file?05:57
WipsBrakkvatn: Soo, then I reboot?05:57
hjmillsVirtualJazz, well mine is totem %m so maybe gxine %m would do it?05:57
pike_damnit i just overwrote ad0 with urandom... i was trying to ckeck sound and im so used to typing /dev/ad0.. that was my entire /shared drive05:57
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ALMimoni<defrysk> i have lot of files & i wanna remove them at once05:58
BrakkvatnWips: Restart the X server. I will be right back, because it is I who has to reboot ;)05:58
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nemo_homeAnyone here have any ideas about what might cause Feisty synaptic touchpad driver in X11 to fail when doing user switching?  worked in Edgy, nothing seems to revive it in Feisty.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-driver-synaptics/+bug/6054405:58
roryyALMimoni: something like   'cat installed.files | xargs -n100 rm' or even 'rm $(cat installed.files)'   --- be careful though!05:58
nemo_homeworkaround suggested does not work05:58
WipsHow do I restart the X-server?05:58
defryskALMimoni, rm /path/to/folder_containing_the_files/*05:59
nemo_homenothing in Xorg log, seems to say it reconnected to device fine05:59
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VirtualJazzhjmills: yeah, i tried that as well...  no luck.  dang.05:59
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novato_brhi, dudes05:59
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novato_brwhat's is this problem :"beryl: No GLXFBConfig for depth 32" ?05:59
nemo_homesynclient fails as well, afterwards05:59
hjmillsVirtualJazz, see if you can find what %m is converted to at runtime maybe05:59
ph8i'm using my mobo's onboard sound - although my soundblaster X-fi appears to be recognised in 'lspci' - however, sound does not play out of my speakers when i plug them into the x-fi, do i need to enable it somewhere?06:00
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novato_brmy brazilians friends unknow about this error: beryl: No GLXFBConfig for depth 3206:00
miciomiciohi all06:00
VirtualJazzhjmills: strangely enough, its not working with totem right now either.  didn't notice that until i reset it.  something else is afoot i think.06:00
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hjmillshmm - do you have totem-gstreamer or totem-xine?06:00
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ALMimonilook at this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25002/06:01
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ALMimonii wanna remove all of them at once06:01
bobbob1016I'm using parallels on Ubuntu (Ubuntu is the host), and every now and then it says "Using loopback sound", when I startup a VM, I think it is when I have either VLC or Firefox running, so I'm guessing it's the audio architecture it's using, it lets me choose aRTS, DSP or Loopback, which would be better to use?06:01
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czaveriWhile logging in and logging out, I noticed that in Ubuntu Feisty the brown color from the Human theme comes up eventhough I have changed the theme and background color of the desktop. Any ideas on how I can change this?06:01
hjmillsnovato_br, have you tried specifying a colour depth of 32? If so change it to 2406:01
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defryskALMimoni, sudo rm /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/*06:02
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phantam1guys come on how do i fix the issue with the Marvell adapter? i cant use my desktop until i get the network working06:02
novato_brhjmills,  on Xorg config is 2406:02
novato_brwhat is the problem?06:02
miciomicioI have ubuntu feisty and i incurred a problem with internet connection: I didi a static ip on eth0 then may connection went down. I set on DHCP configuration from Ubuntu Network manager my device baut it cannnot connect to internet anymore06:02
VirtualJazzi've tried both.  they both have an issue with certain dvds with audio streams...  they report the device as being busy06:02
hjmillsnovato_br, no idea then, sorry06:02
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novato_bri'll cry06:02
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ALMimoni<defrysk> no man >:(06:02
pike_miciomicio: pastebin the output or the 'route' command06:02
novato_breverybody get beryl and me not06:03
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miciomiciopike wich command?06:03
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defryskALMimoni, sorry this should be sudo rm /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/winkirip/*06:03
hjmillsnovato_br, do you have nvidia drivers?06:03
pike_miciomicio: route06:03
ALMimoni<defrysk> no man too >:(06:03
novato_brand my restricted drivers is working06:03
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nonewmsgs_is this a channel for ubuntu users or ubuntu help06:03
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hjmillsnovato_br, ask on the ubuntu beryl channel06:03
hjmills!beryl > novato_br06:03
WipsHow do I restart the x-server?06:04
hjmillsWips, Ctrl + Alt + Backspace06:04
nomadi wanted to remove a  directory in tmp, but by mistake i removed the whole tmp directory. so with which permissions i have to create a new tmp folder?06:04
rinkyyay i win06:04
VirtualJazzhaha everybody, now...  ctrl-alt-backspace :)06:04
hjmillsWips, or sudo /etc/init.d/(g|k|x)dm restart06:04
bobbob1016I'm using parallels on Ubuntu (Ubuntu is the host), and every now and then it says "Using loopback sound", when I startup a VM, I think it is when I have either VLC or Firefox running, so I'm guessing it's the audio architecture it's using, it lets me choose aRTS, DSP or Loopback, which would be better to use?06:04
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:05
sandman85I am running a Ubuntu VM on a Windows machine with VMWare Player, is anyone familiar with VMWare Player not supporting OpenGL emulation?06:05
nomadcan anyone help me?06:05
miciomiciopike_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25003/06:05
miciomiciopike_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25003/06:06
sandman85because I tried to install beryl and it had many OpenGL errors06:06
bobbob1016sandman85, it doesn't06:06
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nomadif i create a directory with "sudo mkdir /tmp" only root can use it06:06
bobbob1016sandman85, 3D in VM's isn't easy, I think parallels for the mac does it, not VMware yet06:06
nomadso, how should i create it06:06
rinkynomad: I read something about that earlier today, the importance of having correct permissiosn on /tmp but I cant recall exactly06:07
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sandman85bobbob1016, thanks!06:07
sandman85might just get one of those old computers down in the garage started up again, use Ubuntu on that :D06:07
sandman85lol, thanks bobbob, bye06:08
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rinkychown root.root /tmp06:08
rinkychmod 777 /tmp06:08
rinkychmod +t /tmp06:08
rinky+t means that the user who has created the files is the only one (except06:08
rinkyfor root) to delete them.06:08
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rinkyi got that from http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/1998/05/msg00371.html06:08
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_Michaelwhich should i get to setup a VM (using WinXP then i want to install linux)06:09
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_Michaelvmware server or converter06:09
j1ttersvmware server06:09
nomadrinky: can you check your permissions on tmp? then i could use the same permissions06:10
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rinkynomad, ok brb06:10
_Michaelj1tters: thanks06:10
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j1ttersno prob06:10
miciomiciopike_: are you there?06:10
matuxnickserv identify jlmm198406:10
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rinkydrwxrwxrwt  12 root root  4096 2007-01-10 17:05 tmp/06:11
Montehi got my taskbar back woot D:06:11
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roryyMonteh: what did it take?06:12
rinkynomad, fixed it?06:12
sh4rk89I've a problem....I've installed my graphic card driver and configured xorg.conf to use "nvidia" driver instead of "nv" and if I write startx the monitor go in stand by mode but the x server doesn't crash (beacause I can listen the start-up music). As I can understand I'm not the only with this problem...anyone can help me?06:12
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nomadrinky: so a "chmod drwxrwxrwx /tmp" would be okay, wouldn't it?06:13
roryynomad: that's not how chmod works.  rinky's original instructions looked correct06:13
rinkynomad, no i dont know the commands, I can look it up for you if you want06:13
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miciomiciosh4: sudo dpkg xorg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:13
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miciomiciosh4rk89 : sudo dpkg xorg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:13
roryynomad: chmod 777 sets rwxrwxrwx; the chmod +t will make it rwxrwxrwt06:13
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sh4rk89I've tryed dexconf...I think it's the same...06:14
nomadrorry, rinky: ahh, thank you :)06:14
sh4rk89isn't righe?06:14
CyBBaHhi all06:14
miciomiciochange nv with nvidia06:14
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nonewmsgs /msg nickserv set email nonewmsgs@hotmail.com06:14
miciomicioI have ubuntu feisty and i incurred a problem with internet connection: I didi a static ip on eth0 then may connection went down. I set on DHCP configuration from Ubuntu Network manager my device baut it cannnot connect to internet anymore06:14
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sh4rk89I've done it...but i cant see anything!!06:14
miciomiciono one could help me?06:14
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miciomiciosh4rk89: use defoult values06:15
rinkytype "sudo chmod 777 /tmp" then "sudo chmod +t /tmp" I think06:15
sh4rk89miciomicio italiano?06:15
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nomadrinky: what do effect the second command?06:15
rinky+t means that the user who has created the files is the only one (except06:15
rinkyfor root) to delete them.06:15
rinky(from http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/1998/05/msg00371.html)06:16
sh4rk89ciao compatriota! :D cmq non posso usare i "defoult values" perch avevo bisogno dell'accelerazione 3d!06:16
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sh4rk89ooh...anche un canale italiano...wow...06:16
miciomiciovaio qua #ubuntu-it06:16
_Michaelenglish please06:16
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bobbob1016I was just going to say it06:16
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nomadrinky: ah, i understand. thanks for your help :)06:16
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rinkyglad i could help06:17
bobbob1016I'm using parallels on Ubuntu (Ubuntu is the host), and every now and then it says "Using loopback sound", when I startup a VM, I think it is when I have either VLC or Firefox running, so I'm guessing it's the audio architecture it's using, it lets me choose aRTS, DSP or Loopback, which would be better to use?  Does anyone know if VMWare has the same or similar issue?06:17
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The_Unix_Geekubuntu on emac06:18
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The_Unix_Geekdoes anyone know if it has worked?06:18
YanasAnyone know how to set up your mouse to use the buttons 4 and 5?06:19
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The_Unix_Geeki tried with an old ubuntu cd and it said i was missing something, so i downloaded a new version that i need to try06:19
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johnnytang24anyone seen this kind of error before?  /dev/root: mkdir failed: File exists, /init: /init 1: Cannot open /dev/root: No such file or device06:19
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johnnytang24then I get dropped to an initramfs shell06:19
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_Michaelif you're into web development you should go to http://besttuts.com and irc channel#besttuts06:20
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telmichwhat is the normal way under ubuntu to burn a cd?06:21
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rfriedK3b is the mostly featured06:21
gnomefreaktelmich: gnomebaker, nautilus, k3b,cdrecord and so on06:21
telmichgnomefreak: gracias, i am just familar with cdrecord, never used guis06:22
cycomtelmich: Places, CD-DVD creator06:22
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rfriedcdrecord == wodim now06:22
cycomtelmich: (if you're running ubuntu)06:22
johnnytang24it seems like lot of people are getting this '/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off' after an upgrade06:22
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telmichcycom: hmpf. that was wayyy too easy!06:22
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cycomtelmich: :)06:23
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heroin_Hi i need to reinstall grub.. it keeps giving me error 17..06:23
kitcheheroin_: your menu.lst is probably not correct06:23
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lengendOnce a Bitch always a Bitch06:23
gnomefreak!grub > heroin_  (see pm from ubotu)06:23
cycomtelmich: also, if you want to burn an iso, right click on it.06:23
gnomefreaklengend: watch your lanuage please06:23
lengendsorry it was an on-join code06:23
lengendi'll change it06:23
gnomefreaklengend: turn it off06:23
heroin_kitche: iam using a knoppix live CD so i can change stuf.. so how should i operate?06:23
cycomtelmich: you can open CD/DVD creator from there, and it'll allow you to select burn method.06:24
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gnomefreakheroin_: the links i ubotu sent tells you how to chroot into system and make changes06:24
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heroin_gnomefreak: i tried the find and setup thing didnt work06:24
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kitcheheroin_: your root(0,0) is most likely have the wrong numbers in it for your system06:24
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anwar_i`m using compaq v3200 laptop. How can i enable the wireless adapter?06:25
heroin_kitche: where is the menu.lst located?06:25
rootusrit is possible to install Windows Vista and Ubuntu in the same PC? (Windwos Vista has a new file system)06:25
kitcheheroin_: /boot/grub/06:25
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heroin_rootusr: yes it is06:25
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anwar_01:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01)06:26
heroin_kitche: i think i might have found the error when i followed the grub reconfig it thought hda,5 contained boot but its 606:26
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_Michaelrootusr: yeah, dual boot or setup a VM06:26
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heroin_kitche: brb diner06:27
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_Michaelits 12:30pm lol06:27
_Michaelbut you are probably in uk or something06:27
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BrakkvatnWips: Hey. How's it going?06:29
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MenZaOooh, this place is quiet today.06:31
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MenZaWell, /now/ at least.06:31
MenZaI'm in a supporty-mood and noone's around :<06:32
BrakkvatnI have a problem06:32
Brakkvatni want to change my background06:32
Brakkvatnhow? pliiiiiz help06:32
BrakkvatnIs that good, MenZa? :)06:32
mc44Brakkvatn: arf :P06:32
lengendcan someone help me?06:32
BrakkvatnHi, lengend06:32
mc44MenZa: can u tell me how 2 user the internets?06:32
lengendhi Brakkvatn06:32
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MenZamc44: lmao06:32
BrakkvatnWe can try, lengend06:32
DShepherdI have a nvidia card (geforce go 7600) how can i setup a dual display so that my laptop screen and my projector shows the same thing. (clone)06:32
andrewwI have a quick question....Whenever I seem to goto my myspace page, it always crashes firefox...The only thing that i can think of would be the embedded flash music player but it works for my other friend who is also on linux.  Any ideas?06:33
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lengendquick question, i have a laptop, one harddrive and windows xp mce installed, i want to partition for ubuntu, do i make it a NTFS Logical Partition?06:33
MenZaDShepherd: Have you got the nvidia drivers installed?06:33
lengendAnd i want to have it dual boot also.06:33
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DShepherdMenZa, I have the nvidia drivers installed..06:33
_Michaelwhat irc clients work with linux?06:33
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JC_Denton_I have a 512mb swap partition. Is there a way to extend this , adding a swap file on another partition? In most cases Ubuntu refuses to hibernate you see, not enough swap...06:33
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JC_Denton_Menza, see my q?06:33
MenZa!irc | _Michael06:33
ubotu_Michael: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines06:33
JC_Denton_Menza, seeing as you're in a helpful mood ;)06:33
JC_Denton__Michael the firefox chatzilla client06:34
MenZaJC_Denton_: I didn't, no06:34
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:34
suzao_dot_netHi, I got this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=476129 Error when trying to install vmware.. how will this effect my installation? what do i need to do to fix it?06:34
JC_Denton_Menza, I have a 512mb swap partition. Is there a way to extend this , adding a swap file on another partition? In most cases Ubuntu refuses to hibernate you see, not enough swap...06:34
alex_mayorgais there a printing channel??06:34
_Michaelmenza, thanks06:34
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MenZaDShepherd: Right; have you got the "NVIDIA X Server Settings" in Applications -> System Tools?06:34
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ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines06:35
DShepherdMenZa, not in my menu.. but I can launch it.. it is launched06:35
MenZaDShepherd: else open  /usr/bin/nvidia-settings06:35
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MenZaDShepherd: right. I haven't actually tried any of this, but try looking at X Server Display Configuration and see if you can clone the output from there.06:35
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`4aFkA`whats the best virtual machine to run ubuntu on windows?06:36
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lengendBrakkvatn you there?06:36
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MenZaHehehe, I just broke X by the means of 1800x1440. Good times.06:36
fetenfetenhello ppl06:36
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Brakkvatnlengend: You can just make some room without a partition06:37
Brakkvatnlengend: ubuntu will make the partitions it needs, as long as there is room for it06:37
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lengendbut i am afraid of it formatting my harddrive06:37
`4aFkA`whats the best virtual machine to run ubuntu on windows??06:37
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lengendi have a 160gb harddrive, and 107gb of free space06:37
BandBafka: i use vmware06:37
MenZahello, fetenfeten06:38
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`4aFkA`banb thanks06:38
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BandByw :-)06:38
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Brakkvatnlengend: I don't remember if ubuntu liveCD allows you to resize the windows partition, but if it does, it might be a good idea.06:38
DShepherdMenZa, well it detected my external Display .... i only see Separate X Screen and twinview... i dont think i want my desktop to spread across the 2 monitors.. so if that is what twinview means I dont want that.. and no i dont see a clone option06:38
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lengendi don't have a live cd06:39
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MenZaDShepherd: Hmm, I don't have a second monitor to test it.06:39
lengendi have the newest version06:39
lengend6.21 i think it is06:39
MenZaDShepherd: odd.06:39
MenZa6.21, lengend? There is no such thing.06:39
MenZaThere's 6.06, 6.10 and latest 7.0406:39
lengendi mean06:39
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lengendi got confused with mirc06:40
DShepherdMenZa, hmmm... let me play around.. again06:40
MenZaDShepherd: Good luck with it06:40
MenZaDShepherd: Else try checking Google06:40
MenZaI'm off for dinner.06:40
DShepherdMenZa, i dont need luck.. ok thanks for the help.. google here i come06:40
hjmills`4aFkA`, http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html06:40
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lengendBrakkvatn, so if i use the ubuntu cd to make the partition it won't format my harddrive?06:41
ralphI'm having problems with the security settings of the directories. I set them to chown 755 per Apache spec but still I keep getting the following error on error.log:06:41
ralphPremature end of script headers: phpinfo.php, referer:06:41
ralphGoogling websites shows this to be an Apache reaction to incorrect06:41
ralphdirectory settings. All I'm trying to run is the simple php script:<?php06:41
ralphphpinfo(); ?>06:41
ralphThis should not be so difficult as I have set up php, apache, and mysql06:41
ralphon other distributions but it's pulling teeth with Ubuntu. Why?06:41
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alex__hey, i seem to have some trouble with the workspaces. I was doing just fine, and just now when i switched to another workspace y couldn't see the panels, does anybody knows why?06:41
wedontneedhi how can i be root?06:41
erUSUL!lamp | ralph06:42
PriceChild!sudo | wedontneed06:42
hjmills!sudo | wedontneed06:42
uboturalph: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:42
ubotuwedontneed: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:42
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tim1hello everyone, I currently have a Grub problem: I can't get into windows06:43
aliasrushwhat is the best and most efficient way to backup your ubuntu desktop system?06:43
alex__hey, i seem to have some trouble with the workspaces. I was doing just fine, and just now when i switched to another workspace I couldn't see the panels, does anybody knows why?06:43
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YanasAnyone know how to set up 5 button mouse support?06:43
kitche!backup | aliasrush06:43
ubotualiasrush: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:43
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corevett1what's the closest alternative to windows media center that is open source06:43
tim1when I select the windows entry and press enter it says sth. like "Starting..." for a second and than goes back to the main grub menu06:43
johnnytang24aliasrush : back up your config files, home dir, and the packages you have installed06:44
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johnnytang24the list of packages you have installed06:44
Brakkvatnlengend: Have you made a backup of stuff on your winXP partition?06:44
lengendmy harddrive is not partitioned06:44
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ralphthank you06:44
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lengendbut i have a external that i have a back up06:44
tim1I already read the tutorials in the wiki and searched the forums but no solution there, can anybody help me here?06:44
magnetron!enter | lengend06:44
ubotulengend: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:44
aliasrushjohnnytang24: is mondo a good program to use for a way to back up your system a previous stable and usable state?06:44
kim88xchat-gnome ?06:44
ompaul!mouse | Yanas06:45
ubotuYanas: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto06:45
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anwar_i have a compaq v3200 with broadcom wireless card. How do i enable it?06:45
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ompaul!wireless | anwar_06:45
ubotuanwar_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:45
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lengendok, i'll just try what you said to me, with the ubuntu cd to make the partition, i'll just back up06:46
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Brakkvatnlengend: Try letting ubuntu resize the current windows partition. i gotta go now. See you later06:46
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lengendok, bye06:46
lengendthank you for the help :)06:46
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sayaodoes anyone knows anything about java crashing on feisty x64 ?06:46
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tim1Is there anybody else who had problems dual booting windows and who fixed them?06:47
enryHi!!! how can i change the client torrent from bittorrent to Transmission?06:47
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anwar_my internet connection is very much slow on this kubuntu, It was much faster on my  winxp a few hour ago.06:47
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fetenfetenni'm sorry i lost connection, i was asking how to add a folder as a dropmenu in a gpanel? i couldn't find how anyhwere06:47
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tim1enry: right click a .torrent file, open properties and change it there06:47
peus_hi to all06:48
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fetenfetennhi peus06:48
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johnnytang24how can I get around this: I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu, but after I select the /boot partition and / partition, I click on 'Finish partitioning and write changes to disk', but it won't take me to the next step06:49
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peus_my system is very very slow mostly when i start terminal or i open home folder! sorry for my bad english i'm italian! why my system is so slow??06:49
ompaul!bootoptions | johnnytang2406:49
GrueTamerpeus_: systen specs?06:49
ubotujohnnytang24: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions06:49
FunkahDo you haveporn, peus_?06:49
ompaul!it | peus_06:50
ubotupeus_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:50
GrueTamereh, i understood peus_ fine06:50
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FunkahMe too.06:50
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fetenfetennso did i06:50
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ubunt1how can i see the share of ubuntu06:50
peus_porn? no i haven't!!!06:50
ompaulthat would be down to declaring that .it was the native langauge06:50
fetenfetenndoes anyone know how to add a folder as dropmenu in gpanel?06:50
heroin_ kitche ok back06:50
GrueTamerpeus_: what are your system specs?06:51
ubunt1like smb://06:51
bthorntonThere's a plugin for Firefox that allows 32-bit plugins to be run in a 64-bit browser, but the name escapes me... anyone know what I'm talking about?06:51
peus_what is specs?06:51
hjmillsfetenfeten, try using a drawer06:51
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heroin_ kitche so how would i fix it?06:51
GrueTamersystem specs = specifications (ie, how much ram you have, cpu power, video card)06:51
fetenfetennpeus your microprocessor, memory etc06:51
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hjmillsbthornton, check the 64bit area of the forums for the thread on firefox etc i think06:51
FunkahSlow computers is usually attributed to vast amount of porn.06:51
GrueTamerlol Funkah06:51
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kitcheheroin_: edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst that is on your ubuntu drive06:52
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peus_ah ok amd sempron 2600+, 1 GB ram,06:52
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fetenfetennthx hjmills06:52
GrueTamerthe rams good, better than i have, the processor...eh, its not that great,  i dont think06:52
peus_is the first time that is so slow!06:52
GrueTameroh, so its usually fast?06:52
ruben-Normally when I used putty with irssi, it beeped on highlight (enabled beep in putty) but now, with ubuntu, the beep doesn't come, how do I enable it?06:52
peus_sometimes it seems like win***s06:52
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aliasrushdoes anyone here use mondo to backup their ubuntu system?06:53
tim1kitche: do you know how i can use grub to boot into windows xp?06:53
GrueTamertim1: i know06:53
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heroin_kitche: well iam looking at it but i dont see what needs to be changed06:53
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kitchetim1: it should work automatically if you install grub correctly06:53
lengendHello, can someone answer quickly just need a yes or no: if i use the ubuntu cd to do the partition, and have xp mce and ubuntu install will it let me dual boot?06:53
weltallhi, i have a problem with nfs since i've update to feisty (before it was working fine). I can mount fine the root but i can't mount the mounted devices like /media/hdb1. before i'd directly mount it and it worked now no go i get some access denied errors (altough the setup didn't change and it's pratically almost the same as the one used for /)06:53
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kitcheheroin_: what does your root(hdX, X) look like06:53
GrueTamerlengend: yes06:53
hjmillslengend, yes, but backup first of course06:53
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tim1kitche: it used to work for me but suddenly it just flashes a message for a second and then i'm back in the grub menu06:54
lengendi am doing that now, its just i have never used the ubuntu cd to partition, i use partition magic06:54
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heroin_kitche: well hda has 8 parttitions, 6 is ubuntu 7 is swap06:54
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heroin_hda,6 is my ubuntu partition06:54
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kitcheheroin_: 8 partitions do you mean that you have logical partitions?06:54
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NobleCommerceweird question... anyone know an application that would let me get access to my terminal via instant messenger?06:55
killerbunnyNobleCommerce, but why ?06:55
VirtualJazzthat IS a weird question06:55
yurimxpxmanthat's a neat idea!06:55
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tim1It's kinda important for me to boot into windows and i tried to fix grub and when that didn't work I tried to remove grub but that didn't work either06:55
nemikhello. is there any way to see what specific HTTP-requests are being made by some app?06:56
nemikkind of like a mini-wireshark/etheral surrounding some app/process?06:56
yurimxpxmanwhat options could I use to use mencoder to convert an MPEG to OGG Theora? I can't figur eit out.06:56
heroin_kitche: uh.. iam not to good with this but i have 1 harddrive with like 8 partitions, a windows NTFS, a fat32, ext3, swap, fat3206:56
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heroin_and on hda6 is my ubuntu install06:56
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joelliotlengend---I am running dual boot XP / Ubuntu Feisty .... used gparted on the Ubuntu cd to partition drive.... worked perfectly06:56
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kitcheheroin_: well the most you can have is 4 on a drive primary partitions that is06:56
NobleCommercebecause i can't open a port06:56
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Sergohello, it is possible to install wine if the proccesor have 64bit arhitecutre?06:57
tim1so anybody a tip? cause the tips on the wiki don't work for me06:57
Brakkvatnlengend: Yes. it will become dual boot06:57
NobleCommercei'm on a crappy college internet connection... no incoming ports available06:57
kitcheheroin_: but it would be root (hd0,5) in grub06:57
killerbunnyNobleCommerce, so you want to access remote terminal via instant message ?06:57
NobleCommercebut i want to be able to work on some things from work06:57
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NobleCommerceor some other way, i dunno06:57
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killerbunnyNobleCommerce, i dont think thats possbible.06:57
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lengendthank you for your help06:58
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heroin_kitche: when in grub i type, find /boot/grub/stage1 it replies (hd0,5)06:58
Sergohow to install wine in x64?06:58
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kitcheheroin_: what does your /boot/grub/menu.lst say though06:59
heroin_kitche: want me to pastebin it?06:59
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Sergodoes ubuntu support x64 proccesors?06:59
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kitcheheroin_: if you can please06:59
rbilSergo: as far as I understand, wine will only work in x32, but maybe things have changed?06:59
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heroin_kitche: ok 1 moment06:59
michaels_how do i install beryl without root access?06:59
Sergorbil: ok thanks06:59
hjmillsNobleCommerce, write a program that acts as a client on a jabber network and runs anything you send to it as a shell command passing the output back to you? No idea how though07:00
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kitchemichaels_: you have sudo powers?07:00
michaels_yes i have sudo07:00
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michaels_but not dpkg07:00
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kitchemichaels_: what do you mean not dpkg?07:00
michaels_i cant use dpkg07:00
heroin_kitche: http://pastebin.ca/55653507:00
michaels_like edit the sources.list07:00
kitchemichaels_: sudo apt-get install beryl07:01
michaels_broken packages07:01
ralphi'm still getting the following errors:[Sun Jun 10 11:58:14 2007]  [error]  [client]  SoftException in Application.cpp:297: UID of script "/var/www/phpinfo.php" is smaller than min_uid07:01
michaels_thats what it told me07:01
ralph[Sun Jun 10 11:58:14 2007]  [error]  [client]  Premature end of script headers: phpinfo.php07:01
kitcheheroin_: your menu.lst is setup as (hd0,6) not hd0,507:01
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Sergoralph: rm /var/www/phpinfo.php07:02
michuphi, im looking for program similar to cool edit for making radio auditions07:02
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michaels_what does broken beryl packages meen/07:03
heroin_kitche: ok, but hda5 is a fat32 file sharing partition..07:03
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GrueTamerheroin_: grub starts counting at 0, not 107:03
JC_Denton_ I have a 512mb swap partition. Is there a way to extend this , adding a swap file on another partition? In most cases Ubuntu refuses to hibernate you see, not enough swap...07:03
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kitcheheroin_: 0=1 in grub 1=2 2=3 3=4 4=5 5=6 and so on07:03
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heroin_kitche: but changing line 1267 to hd0,5 should fix it?07:03
gnomefreakmichaels_: you might be better asking in #ubuntu-effects07:04
heroin_oic :)07:04
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hdxxhey i have a problem... my internet conenction in ubuntu 7.04 sometimes work sometimes not..what is a problem?07:04
heroin_kitche: thanks let me test it out07:04
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rbilJC_Denton_: yes, you can extend the swap partition by adding a swapfile07:04
yurimxpxmanwhat can I use to convert mpeg2 to ogg theora?07:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swapfile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:04
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rbilhold on, I'll get u a link07:04
akromykDoes anyone have an suggestions for a good C++ IDE for a newbie?07:04
JC_Denton_rbil, thanx07:04
heroin_kitche: can i also remove the old kernel boot things?07:04
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kitcheheroin_: if you wish but have one for backup always07:05
Madsyakromyk: Anjuta, Eclipse, or Code::Blocks07:05
rbilJC_Denton_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8978207:05
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MadsyOr just vim ;-)07:05
ralphthis is the module in php i'm trying to access07:05
BrakkvatnJC_Denton_: That game rocks07:05
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akromykMadsy, thanks. which one of those do you think is most supported?07:05
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MadsyDepends. What do you mean with "most supported"?07:06
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MadsyHow fast you can expect a reply on a problem?07:06
JC_Denton_rbil, thanks07:07
JC_Denton_brakkvatn, right your are07:07
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MadsyI don't like to speculate, but probably Eclipse and Anjuta.07:07
MadsyThey are both pretty mature.07:07
akromykMadsy, right, think about Ubuntu vs Fedora. Its incredibly easy to ask questions and get awnsers07:07
michaels_can someone help me install beryl without root access07:07
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yurimxpxmanwhat can I use to convert mpeg2 to ogg theora?07:07
GrueTamermichaels_: use su07:07
GrueTameror sudo, rather07:07
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michaels_i dont have the admin password07:07
cheeseboyhow i refresh hardware dection w/o reboot?07:07
Madsyakromyk: Both Anjuta and Eclipse is available as Ubuntu builds.07:07
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michaels_which is needed for su07:07
akromykMadsy, how does KDevelop compare to both those?07:08
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rbilmichaels_: doesn't sudo work for you?07:08
Madsyakromyk: You'll find them under Applications -> Add/Remove07:08
lengendwish me luck :)07:08
michaels_it does.07:08
Madsyakromyk: Can't say. I haven't used KDevelop enough to give an opinion.07:08
rbilsudo apt-get install beryl07:08
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michaels_but "sudo apt-get install beryl" says it have broken packages and will not install07:08
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omegacentiHello :)07:09
akromykMadsy, I have one last question. Which of those two would you say is more user-friendly for noobs like me?07:09
PerunI have still problem with amarok, installed medibuntu pkgs and after that it doesnt work, I have deinstalled (purge) all pkgs for amarok and kaffeine, installed the 'normal' pkgs from feisty repo and still have this problem... it starts, i see the gui and after this it hangs07:09
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JayI'm having trouble booting Ubunut from a live CD07:09
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nitro4ceis there a piano software for linux?07:09
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Madsyakromyk: I don't know anything about you. How long have you coded in C++? Do you know any other language as well? What IDE did you use before?07:09
justin420hi all, can anybody tell me how to get smime encrypted emails to work with evolution on feisty? i have already imported my certificates and have the packages libmime-explode-perl libmime-lite-perl python-m2cyrpto.07:09
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MadsyFor how*07:10
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alex__hi, does anybody know any good movie torrent site?07:10
Madsyakromyk: Probably Anjuta, but that's just a pure guess. As I stated, I don't know anything about your preferences.07:10
nitro4cealex__: isohunt.com07:10
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JayI don't think Ubuntu is detecting the right video card when I run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"07:10
_Michaeltorrentspy.com isohunt.xom07:11
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alex__ thx07:11
pike_Jay: just select vesa07:11
akromykMadsy, I guess I'm just looking for a simple interface, kind of like gnome when compared to kde07:11
JayI've tried that pike_07:11
ralphi still can't access php because of the error07:11
nitro4ce<alex__> for subtitles: opensubtitles.org07:11
alex__does anybody knows why the panels are visible only in one of the 4 workspaces i have?07:11
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JayVesa, VGA, nv, ...I've tried a bunch of drivers07:11
alex__nitro4ce: thanks07:11
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_Michaelbittorrent i think you can search for torrents too07:11
omegacentiakromyk: Xfce lighter than gnome. Fluxbox lightest.07:11
manone123Hey everybody, I have problems installing ubuntu 6.0.6, who's the best resource to ask a few specific questions?07:12
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Madsyakromyk: You always have Kate.07:12
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HypernerdWhat problems?07:12
JayUbuntu always detects my old integrated video card instead of my PCI one.07:12
heroin_manone123: just ask the questions :D07:12
Madsyakromyk: http://kate-editor.org/07:12
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rbiljay: you can blacklist the integrated video07:13
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nitro4ce<alex__> no clue. the panels should be seen in any workspace.07:13
manone123I install it and it complains that can't find the root partition (and times out)07:13
j1ttersJay can you turn off the integrated one in bios07:13
nitro4ce<alex__> workspaces manage windows, not panels.07:13
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:13
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JayI have my BIOS set to my PCI. How do I blacklist it rbil?07:13
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justin420hi all, can anybody tell me how to get smime encrypted emails to work with evolution on feisty? i have already imported my certificates and have the packages libmime-explode-perl libmime-lite-perl python-m2cyrpto.07:13
Hypernerdmanone: Are you trying to dual boot?07:13
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manone123no dual boot07:14
hydancan anyone tell me what's wrong with this? grep -nil 'python' ~/.xchat2/xchatlogs/ > python.txt07:14
manone123just a shuttle pc, try to make a pvr07:14
hydani get no results.07:14
rbilJay: do a google for ubuntu+blacklist+video07:14
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eliasalguien que hable espaol por favor07:14
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Hypernerddunno manone, anyone else?07:15
eliasalguien habla espaol aqui?07:15
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manone123formatted the disk a couple of times... tried to reinstall a 5 times now... i have used linux since version 0.73 (but not since then :-) (and i heard ubuntu is easy to install...)07:16
heroin_kitche: ok lets see what happens :D07:16
j1tterswhats happening on install manone12307:16
HypernerdIt should be, especially when it's not a dual boot07:17
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linux_manjumanone123: Can you describe the problem you are facing.. Sorry I missed out the initial question07:17
manone123go through the live  cd, partition ok, when boot gets stuck in "waiting for root partition" and drops into the internal shell after a while07:17
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linux_manjumanone123: You have any SATA drive?07:17
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heroin_kitche: works thanks07:17
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akromykthank you for your help. you guys are why I stick with Linux, and especially Ubuntu07:18
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manone123yes manju, i have a sata drive07:18
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linux_manjumanone123: Whats the kernel version?07:18
HypernerdManone: what type of computer07:19
manone123shuttle pc07:19
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linux_manjumanone123: Well As I understand 6.06 comes with 2.6.19/.. correct me if I am wroing07:19
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michaels_whats it meen by broken packages?07:19
michaels_for beryl07:19
linux_manjumanone123: Try changing the SATA settings to Compatible mode in the BIOS07:20
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linux_manjuand try installing again07:20
GrueTamermichaels_: packages you downloaded are broken07:20
manone123ok, will try that and let you know, thanks manju07:20
GrueTamerthat, or you have dependency problems, which are pretty rare07:20
=== BandB [n=ben@137.206-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
linux_manjumanone123: Be warned that It will screwup all the data which is in the HDD07:20
michaels_but they are "sudo apt-get install beryl" those are broken?07:20
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sybaritenfcuc, theres a looot of people here07:20
manone123no problem, don't have anything right now on the hd, just trying to install a virgin machine07:20
GrueTamer1159 at the moment07:21
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linux_manjumanone123: That should do it.... It will definetly work07:21
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leonidashello all 1000 of you07:21
linux_manjumanone123: I do rem having faced similar problem with a HP workstation07:21
gameprograma'lo leonidas07:22
BandBhi leonidas :)07:22
ipxleonidas: we are 1162. :)07:22
GrueTamerhiya leonidas07:22
nevoni have problems installing ati. I did the http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_8.37.6_Driver_Manually...07:22
manone123hey manju, bcz u seem to know ur stuff, where can i throw a question at u if i run into something? i'll owe u some beers when u r in the bay area :)07:22
ipxbut sure, hello leonidas  :)07:22
leonidasoh sorry07:22
Hypernerdyo leonidas07:22
leonidas : )07:22
gameprogramaspeaking of which07:22
GrueTamerwell, lets see, 1162 vs 300, who shall win...07:22
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nevonwhen i do the aticonfig --initial07:22
gameprogramado the ATi proprietary drivers work better than the X.org drivers?07:22
nevonit says bad file descriptor07:22
omegacentiLove that movie.07:22
leonidasyeah it is a good one07:22
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leonidasso i'm new to ubuntu07:23
linux_manjumanone123: PM not allowed :)07:23
leonidasit's pretty great07:23
michaels_how do i correct beryl broken packages?07:23
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leonidasa little confusing at times07:23
michaels_would it be my system?07:23
leonidasmost times07:23
omegacentiGrats on moving to an OS that lets you do nearly everything. Free.07:23
BandBmichaels: tried renstalling?07:23
leonidasit's great07:23
=== Thorne [n=r00tkit@cpe-65-24-54-195.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
leonidasdoes anyone know of a good newbie room07:23
michaels_i cant reinstall ubuntu07:23
VeinorFor some reason, my torrents keep going down to 0 B/s07:23
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Hypernerddespite our numbers being > 300, I'm assuming Windows users are the persians07:23
manone123no problem, i am an advanced myself, just didn't play much with this. it is more for bouncing ideas07:23
omegacentileonidas: This is where I started.07:23
BandBbut only beryk07:23
leonidasok cool07:24
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leonidasi mean i'm pretty good with computer07:24
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VeinorHypernerd: Tonight, we dine in bash!07:24
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leonidasbut not that good with ubuntu yet or linux in general really07:24
omegacentileonidas: its just that linux is a whole nother breed.07:24
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hatredxDoes the server install cd have agetty via serial support by default?07:24
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omegacentileonidas: Same story here :)07:24
GrueTamerleonidas: this is a good channel07:24
VirtualJazzhey anyone have any issues with certain dvds choking with an "audio device busy" issue?07:25
BandBonly a lot of people :-p07:25
=== logmein [n=logmein@c-68-33-161-50.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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logmeinI have a second hard drive.... how do I find it?07:25
VirtualJazzlet me rephrase that...  anyone have a SOLUTION07:25
leonidaswell then i guess i found the right place.07:25
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Thornelogmein:  open up your computer :D07:25
linux_manjulogmein: fdisk -l07:25
jriblogmein: what filesystem?07:25
GrueTamerit takes a real good channel to to bring ubuntu and slackware users together07:25
omegacentileonidas: you very will likely find this the nicest channel you could ever hope for.07:25
logmeinjrib: I don't know what file system all I know is its there07:25
omegacentilogmein: hey man :)07:25
hatredx<- fresh slackware (slamd64) convert07:25
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logmeinomegacenti: sup07:26
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jrib!ntfs > logmein (see the private message from ubotu)07:26
omegacentiNot much, just woke up07:26
jrib!fstab > logmein (see the private message from ubotu)07:26
hatredx        Does the server install cd have agetty via serial support by default?07:26
GrueTamerhatredx: so, two of us slackers are in here that i know of, cool!07:26
leonidasnow if i just can get all my games to run on linux it would be great...07:26
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omegacentiI had to set my alarm clock for 12:00 PM... >.>07:26
leonidasi just don't really have the time lately07:26
Yodudehey how can i restore my icon settings and cache ( i mean remove all the customizations i made to the icons of folders and files ), restore them to default07:26
hatredxI am happy and sad to leave slackware =/07:26
omegacentileonidas: that might be the hardest thing you do07:26
leonidasi fugured07:26
logmeinjrib oh fstab ok07:26
omegacentileonidas: Have you tried wine? winehq.com07:26
Thorne<--form slack user07:26
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leonidasyeah i have it installed07:27
BandBYodude: settings/theme's07:27
leonidasstill playing with it a bit07:27
ThePioneerCan anyone tell me why when I open a ssh session in putty it wont let me type any commands in the term?07:27
Yodudeso? anyone knows? it's a stupid question i know but lol it's vbugging me07:27
=== Celio [n=juan@254.red-217-217-5.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
BandBchose the default one07:27
kitchehatredx: well considering slamd is not slackware officially you didn't leave it :)07:27
leonidaskind of gave up for today07:27
omegacentileonidas: Do you know about the application database on winehq?07:27
leonidasno i guess not07:27
jrib!please > Yodude (see the private message from ubotu)07:27
nullkuhlguys , how to install xgl + beryl on ati in fiesty ? (if u have a link 4 a guide pls write it) cause the one on beryl site is deleted...07:27
omegacentileonidas: it tells you if a game is easy/hard to setup and usually tells you how to07:27
hatredxkitche, yea, well I like my other 32bits ... slackware needs to grow up ...07:27
leonidasoh wow07:28
leonidasthat would be nice07:28
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omegacentileonidas: Very helpful :)07:28
YodudeBandB: no you don't understand, i customized the icon of the Cd drive, and i can't get it back to the original07:28
omegacentileonidas: Give me a game for example I will link an appdb to you07:28
leonidasi may just dual boot though, it is such a pain restarting all the time07:28
Thornehm i need to sell my HP NetServer LH 300007:28
leonidasbattlefield 207:28
=== msuser myli: ...
BandBYodude: only one icon?07:28
omegacentileonidas: one second07:28
YodudeYodude: now i can't differantiate audio CDs from Data CDs from blanc CDs07:28
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jribYodude: how did you change it?07:29
jribmsuser: don't do that07:29
nullkuhlguys , how to install xgl + beryl on ati in fiesty ? (if u have a link 4 a guide pls write it) cause the one on beryl site is deleted...07:29
YodudeBandB: yes but i accidentily hurt some usability while doing it07:29
msuserthat? what?07:29
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jribmsuser: ctcp the channel07:29
linux_manjuThePioneer: Does it authenticate and gives you a shell?07:29
tim167my harddisk started making strange noises, although everything seems to work, how can i check it ? thanks07:29
omegacentileonidas: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=343807:29
Thornenullkuhl: google berly install on ATI07:29
Yodudejrib: right -clik, propreties- clicked the icon image - changed it07:29
nullkuhli did but came up with nothing07:29
logmeinjrib: so like how can I just mount my second hard drive?07:29
omegacentileonidas: now that is for batlefield 2 version 1.X of the game (replace X with some number)07:29
BandBYodude: i could telle you how te set another icon, but how to get back your functionality... i do,n't know07:29
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jribYodude: click to change the icon again and at the bottom it should say "revert"07:29
msuseri don't understand you :P07:30
Thornei saw a few articles when i was doing it for my nvidia card07:30
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=== msuser ...
ThePioneerliunx: When I open the session and save it then click open it just sits there with a blank shell07:30
msuser# Appears as ANNA07:30
leonidasoh wow that's awesome07:30
omegacentileonidas: So there you have it. thats an app db :)07:30
Thorneprob is ATIs lack of support for drivers and such07:30
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ralphplease assist me i'm still able to get php5 to work because i'm still get the 500 errors from apache07:30
jriblogmein: join me in #ubuntu-classroom07:31
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omegacentididn't know that channel07:31
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omegacentileonidas: join #ubuntu-classroom07:31
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ShinSR71 /msg NickServ IDENTIFY masamune307:31
tim167is there a way to check if a harddisk is healthy ?07:31
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kitcheShinSR71: might want to change your stuff now and do that isn status it's easier07:32
ShinSR71yeah i know07:32
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erich85Hi everyone-- I tried to use Envy to install the Nvidia driver for my computer, and it killed my GUI.07:33
erich85Can someone try to help me restore it?07:33
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GhostHello everyone07:33
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ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!07:34
MandrillCan anyone help me, I've lost a samba share that's been working fine for three months and just disappeared this afternoon?07:34
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GhostIs samba used for getting your windows hard drive files?07:34
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GhostOr basically share07:34
linux_manjuGhost: windows share over the network07:34
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Mandrillno other way around. I use my ubuntu machine as a file server07:35
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linux_manjuGhost: Not the local hdd07:35
coolgeekguys whats the shortcut to switch between screens when using the TS client in full screen??07:35
Mandrilland access the files from my win machine07:35
Yodudejrib: it doesn't seem to work, i guess i'll live with it. Now on to a serious question: if i add a DVD drive to my system, will ubuntu pick it up out of the box ?07:35
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erich85erUSUL:   Thanks.  ;)  Know of any way I can rectify it?07:35
coolgeekany one?07:35
jribYodude: I'm pretty sure it should07:35
BandBchanges are it will... never tried with a dvd, but succeeded with a cd-rom07:36
ipxCan I launch an application and force it to have sound? Sometimes when i launch for example fretsonfire, it had no sound and i have to reboot it.07:36
ipxI thought like "sh Fretsonfire -forcesound"07:36
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GhostI had some way I was mounting my windows HDD and my ubuntu install got screwed up so I had to reinstall. I forgot the 'program' I used to view my windows hard drive07:36
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coolgeekguys whats the shortcut to switch between screens when using the TS client in full screen??07:36
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Yodudejrib: you mean it would appear in nautilus like alll the other drives just like that ?07:36
erUSULerich85: does envy has an option to remove the driver and itself ??07:36
ipxcoolgeek: you're using screen?07:36
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zap2how do i bring a process from the background to the foreground?07:37
WeeJeWelI got a problem... VMWare doesnt seem to recognize /media/cdrom0 as a cdrom drive?07:37
coolgeekipx: no?07:37
GhostNautilus sounds fomiliar07:37
joelliotYodude ... yes it will pick up the DVD drive... install a samsung dvd drive on Feisty last week... no problems07:37
ipxcoolgeek: nvm then07:37
BandBzap2: fg07:37
erich85erUSUL:   Yeah, it's not incredibly useful.07:37
Nephelauxeticzap2: fg07:37
Ghostlol bad spelling07:37
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johnnytang24WeeJeWel : try /dev/cdrom07:37
VeinorIf my partitions are set up as follows: windows linux swap, and I want to expand my linux partition, do I have to move the linux partition to the left/front?07:37
Carb0ncoolgeek: Have you tried Ctrl-Alt-Arrow07:37
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FerrariDreamsGood afternoon! :D07:37
tim167when i want to do sudo i get "timestamp too far in the furure: Jun 10 21:34:55 2007" anyone know what that is ?07:37
Yodudejoielliot: WOW !! great! thnkx07:37
Yodudebye all, peace out07:37
johnnytang24WeeJeWel : /media/cdrom0 is where you'd mount it, iirc07:37
konami'm having problems with Brasero (the burning application).07:37
coolgeekCarb0n: yeah... maybe im not explaining it very well07:37
GhostOk I'll look for Nautilus07:37
zap2BandB, Nephelauxetic: i have irssi running a process but i can't access it because i killed the screen it was in.... and fg doesn't bring it back07:37
WeeJeWelomg that i was that stupid!07:38
coolgeekim connecting full screen using the Terminal Service tool07:38
WeeJeWelthanks alot!07:38
VirtualJazzcoolgeek: you trying to switch in and out of fullscreen mode?07:38
BandBkonam: try to be specific07:38
erich85erUSUL: Haha, hey, it worked.07:38
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coolgeekVirtualJazz: yeah i guess.07:38
roryytim167: sudo remembers when last you used it; somehow, your computer time has changed and sudo is confused.  Try running 'sudo -K' and then use sudo as normal again07:38
VirtualJazzits either ctrl-alt-enter or shift-alt-enter07:38
leonidasthat's cool thanks alot omega, that's really helping me out07:38
erich85erUSUL:  So, this was my... fourth attempt to try to install the NVidia drivers on my comp.07:38
GhostHmmm that's already installed07:38
VirtualJazzcan't remember which07:38
erich85erUSUL: Am I just SOL?07:38
Carb0ncoolgeek: try switching out of fullscreen (is there a way?)07:38
GhostI'd watch with those Nvidia drivers07:38
konamBandB i'm trying to copy a ps2 game to a dvd image (no matter what kind of file) and it don't let me07:38
Nephelauxeticzap2: sorry no clue :)07:38
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GhostAll went well until I enabled 3D excel.07:39
zap2how do i kill process?07:39
BandBdid you search wethet it is a bug?07:39
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erUSULerich85: have you used System>Admin>restricted manager  ??07:39
Deinumiteerich85: restricted drivers did it for me, (ATI card so even worse off than you)07:39
ipxzap2: System monitor > rightclick on process > kill process07:39
Nephelauxeticzap2: with the kill command07:39
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ipxzap2: system monitor can be found in System > Administration07:39
Veinorzap2 ps aux | grep (process name) to get the pid, and then kill <pid>07:39
erich85Deinumite, erUSUL:  no, I'll try that.07:39
Nephelauxeticzap2: try ps aux | grep processname07:39
Carb0nzap2: killall <process_name>07:39
konamBandB it says that 'it needs 616Mb' to create the disc image but i have 8GBs left on that hard disk, and i try another too07:39
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Veinorkill -9 if normal kill doesn't work07:39
Deinumiteerich85: after that, type glxgears to test it :D07:39
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erUSULerich85: or the instructions in the wiki?07:40
erich85Deinumite: Can I fix it it doesn't work?07:40
Veinorkillall works too07:40
zap2so i can't bring back a process when it's running and i have no way to access it?07:40
Tomcat_konam: /tmp needs to have 616M free, not the disk. :o07:40
GhostOk so what do I need to get into my windows hard drive from linux07:40
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ThePioneerCan anyone tell me how to access my shared folders online?07:40
Deinumiteerich85: did you use the restricted drivers manageR? after that you will need to restart07:40
BandBzap2: did you try fg ?07:40
erich85Deinumite: I'm about to press "enable"07:40
Jaywhat is a blacklist?07:40
zap2thanks, i got it07:40
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erich85Deinumite: I'm just wondering if it'll kill my computer if it doesn't work07:40
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linux_manjuGhost: mount -t fstype /dev/partno /mnt/07:40
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VirtualJazzanyone have a favorite dvd player for ubuntu07:40
NephelauxeticJay: the list of kernel modules which were not loaded07:40
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GrueTamerVirtualJazz: vlc for me07:41
BandBjay; you don't get e-mail from adresses on your blacklist07:41
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hjmillsVirtualJazz, totem-xine07:41
linux_manjuVirtualJazz: mplayer rocks07:41
Deinumiteerich85: ive never had porblems with it07:41
ThePioneerVirtualJazz: Totem07:41
Ghostok I'll try that07:41
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ipxCan I somehow restart the sound device?07:41
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IndyGunFreakMplayer can't carry VLC's jockstrap...lol07:41
johnnytang24what's an easy to use cd burning program?07:41
VirtualJazzok, so i've tried all of them, and the only one that DOESN'T give me the 'audio device busy/unavailable' message is VLC07:41
justin420hi all, can anybody tell me how to get smime encrypted emails to work with evolution on feisty? i have already imported my certificates and have the packages libmime-explode-perl libmime-lite-perl python-m2cyrpto.07:41
IndyGunFreakjohnny_: gnomebaker07:41
konamTomcat_ but /tmp is in the root of my disc (8GBs left)07:41
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zap2is this the biggest chan on freenode?07:41
BandBsomething like "alsa --replace" (just guessing)07:41
Mandrillhas anyone any suggestions for my problem. I've run out of ideas07:41
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Carb0nlinux_manju: I've got vo=xv in  my mplayer conf, but display won't come on screen07:42
johnnytang24IndyGunFreak : thanks07:42
Nephelauxeticipx: I don't know. did you try sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart ?07:42
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ThePioneerVirtualJazzL do you have anything occupying your audio device?07:42
IndyGunFreakjohnny_: no prob, if you don't like it for some reason, and don't mind installing KDE libraries, try K3b07:42
corevett1zap2: yes07:42
VirtualJazzdefinitely not anything else running07:42
VirtualJazzit only happens on certain dvds07:42
Carb0nNephelauxetic: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa-utils restart07:42
ThePioneerWhat kind of dvd?07:42
VirtualJazzfor example, the matrix works fine07:42
EvilBroOkay, in serious trouble here, tried to install ubuntu next to vista on my laptop, now it doesn't work... would be greatful if someone could give me advice..07:42
VirtualJazzhouse of flying daggers does not07:42
johnnytang24IndyGunFreak : I don't do anything fancy, just burn isos to disk07:43
NephelauxeticCarb0n, what's the difference?07:43
BandBEvilBro: don't us Vista *evil laugh* :p07:43
erich85Deinumite: Yeah, glxgears just looks like shit.  Will it be better upon reboot?07:43
VeinorEvilBro: Explain 'doesn't work'.07:43
IndyGunFreakjohnny_: then gnomebaker will be perfect07:43
ThePioneerTry an update just see if that tweaks anything07:43
IndyGunFreakEvilBro: you're gonna need to be more specific.07:43
ThePioneersudo apt-get update07:43
Carb0nNephelauxetic: anal07:43
ravigehlotHow do I see programs that were initialized on the daemon? ps aux isn't showing what I what07:43
Deinumiteerich85: i wouldnt have evne tried it before a boot XD it needs to load on startup :P, but it should work, heh07:43
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Veinorzap2: It's the biggest non-secret channel07:43
EvilBroDoesn't work = nothing boots from harddisk. CD boots, but gparted shows no partitions...07:43
Deinumiteoh btw....does anyone have any issues with hibernate or logging out and in? my computer goes to a black screen if i do either....07:44
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VirtualJazzyeah, i've tried updating...   no luck.  totem, totem-xine, mplayer all have the same issue07:44
strabesDeinumite: do you have an ATI video card?07:44
VirtualJazzbut VLC works fine07:44
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Deinumitestrabe: yup :P i though thats what it might be07:44
ralphi'm still getting the following errors: please help me with  my apache - php  install i'm getting the following errors[Sun Jun 10 12:08:44 2007]  [error]  [client]  SoftException in Applicati07:44
Carb0nDeinumite: I've with my laptop (2.6.17-16-generic)07:44
ralphon.cpp:297: UID of script "/var/www/dev.ralph.com/phpinfo.php" is smaller than m07:44
ralph[Sun Jun 10 12:08:44 2007]  [error]  [client]  Premature end of script he07:44
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strabesDeinumite: try this page: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ATI_Mobility_FireGL_V520007:44
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erich85Deinumite: Nope... gave me a black sceen on reboot.07:44
EvilBroSpecific enough?07:44
VirtualJazzexcept that VLC doesn't handle fullscreen properly in my dual monitor setup07:44
erich85Deinumite:  Fix it. :(07:45
strabesDeinumite: Finally, the perhaps most important change goes into /etc/default/acpi-support. Change the line POST_VIDEO=true to read POST_VIDEO=. This was the point when it started working on my system.07:45
jribralph: I asked you *not* to paste here07:45
Deinumitestrabes: its a 960007:45
ThePioneerIf you want to use vlc thats fine. But I think you can find better audio drivers in automatix07:45
strabesDeinumite: doesn't matter. I have a mobility X140007:45
jrib!paste > ralph (see the private message from ubotu)07:45
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:45
Deinumiteerich85: you using just gnome to boot?07:45
ThePioneerI did, then I just uninstall automatix07:45
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Deinumitestrabes: alright ill check it out , thank s:D07:45
erich85Deinumite: Yes07:45
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sldkfj!pastebin > ralph07:45
Deinumiteerich85: did you change alot of shit before you used the restricted drivers?07:45
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VirtualJazzwell, let me approach this a different way07:45
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NoWhat're the commands to start and config xorg?07:46
VirtualJazzdoesn't anyone know how to tell VLC which screen to display in fullscreen?07:46
ralphi pasted to to that web site07:46
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Deinumiteerich85: do you know of any way you can set your stuff back to default? you shoudl start from the basic ubuntu video thing...07:46
newnoobI have a noob question, I want to run a shell script ending in .sh and nothing's working07:46
VirtualJazzbecause all of the others will max to whichever screen the app is running on07:46
VirtualJazzexcept vlc07:46
EvilBroBasically I think I need to fix the MBR for vista... is that possible from a live cd?07:46
FerrariDreamsQUESTION: Where can I find more information regarding the 'install' and 'make' commands? I'm going crazy over here.07:46
erich85Deinumite: No, I have absolutely no idea how to default.  I just enabled the restricted driver.07:46
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PieWhat're the commands to start and config xorg?07:46
Nephelauxeticnewnoob, and what? :)07:46
VirtualJazznewnoob: you have to make the script executable07:46
jribFerrariDreams: what are you trying to do?07:46
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Deinumiteerich85: can you go in and use it to disable the drivers heh?07:47
newnoobhow do i do that?07:47
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magic_ninjaman is wine being a butthead today07:47
haggardnewnoob: chmod +x07:47
Carb0nDo I need to edit my xorg.conf and enable dual-monitor support to plug in an LCD projector (its a laptop)07:47
sldkfjNo, look on the xorg.conf itself or... sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg07:47
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FerrariDreamsjrib, thanks! I'm trying to install 'w3m' web browser07:47
erich85Deinumite: I'm a complete newbie... I have no idea.07:47
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kitcheFerrariDreams: man make07:47
Nephelauxeticnewnoob: chmod +x file.sh07:47
FerrariDreamsBut, I have to 'make' and 'install' and such. But I don't want to be a n00b, so I want to learn :)07:47
erich85Deinumite: I don't even know how to get to the console on start up.07:47
FerrariDreamsman make.. THANKS!07:47
jribFerrariDreams: are you familiar with APT and the friendly gui frontends synaptic and add/remove?07:47
Deinumiteerich85: like go in and uncheck it hah07:47
Deinumiteerich85: ctl alt f4 gets you to one i believe07:47
FerrariDreamsUmm.. jrib, nope... Any suggestions to check something out?07:47
erich85Deinumite: No, you don't understand, I'm not getting anything upon boot now.07:47
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PieK, I'll try that, s1dkfj07:47
kitcheFerrariDreams: install is used once in a while but make install is probably what you were looking for07:47
erich85Deinumite: No, that yields nothing.07:47
jrib!apt > FerrariDreams (see the private message from ubotu)07:48
jrib!synaptic > FerrariDreams (see the private message from ubotu)07:48
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warboxHi everyone, my sound works good but today when i turn on my computer the sound don't work and i dobble click the volume control and appears this: http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/5825/screenshotyx5.png07:48
FerrariDreamsKick-ASS!!! THANKS guys... I'll scream if I encounter any problems (for sure. :) ))07:48
jribFerrariDreams: That is the first and best way you should try to install things.  Make sure you read about enabling the universe and multiverse repositories as well.  Having said that, I'm pretty sure w3m is installed by default07:48
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sldkfjferraridreams, do that07:49
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Carb0nDo I need to edit my xorg.conf and enable dual-monitor support to plug in an LCD projector (its a laptop)07:49
newnoobok i've done the chmod +x for it, now what07:49
warboxhello ?07:49
erich85Okay, guys, I got a console... any idea how I can disable my restricted nvidia driver and go back to default Ubuntu video?07:49
Nephelauxeticnewnoob, run it with ./file.sh07:49
ryanfaermani am having so much trouble getting ubuntu to even boot on a compaq 121007:49
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nullkuhlguys i have just installeguys i have just iguys i have just installed xgl and made a new session for it, am in this session now, first its kinda slow , also 3d support is off : Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".direct rendering: No ... plz helpnstalled xgl and made a new session for it, am in this session now, first its kinda slow , also 3d support is off : Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".direct rendering: No07:49
nullkuhl... plz helpd xgl and made a new session for it, am in this session now, first its kinda slow , also 3d support is off : Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".direct rendering: No ... plz help07:49
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ryanfaermanalways gets some sort of I/O error and dies when trying to boot up07:49
Nephelauxeticnewnoob without the chmod you can run with /bin/sh file.sh07:49
nullkuhlguys i have just installed xgl and made a new session for it, am in this session now, first its kinda slow , also 3d support is off : Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".direct rendering: No ... plz help07:49
EvilBrotried noapic nolapic as boot option?07:49
FerrariDreamsOk... I'm off to do that. Thanks again! :)07:49
=== Wilfredo [n=santamar@adsl-67-39-193-45.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifeCarb0n, depends what you want to do with your LCD (i.e. cloning or extending)07:50
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warboxhello ?07:50
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warboxHi everyone, my sound works good but today when i turn on my computer the sound don't work and i dobble click the volume control and appears this: http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/5825/screenshotyx5.png07:50
newnoobHOLY CRAP, it works07:50
Nephelauxeticnullkuhl, proload the GL library07:50
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Carb0nHymnToLife: I want to project whats on my laptop (typical presentation)07:50
simplylezzI have been trying to install stuff with automatix... but with every package I get an error saying "FATAL ERROR: Debian Menu: An apt-based error occurred and the unstallation was unsuccessful". Please help!!07:50
HymnToLifeCarb0n, what kind of graphics card does your laptop have ?07:50
`4aFkA`i use vmware as my virtual machine.. and i'm connected to internet directly but when i start the ubuntu i don't have internet07:50
Carb0nHymnToLife: Intel 945GM07:51
nullkuhlNephelauxetic: how to ??07:51
nullkuhlhow to prload the gl library ?07:51
Nephelauxeticnullkuhl, give me a second...07:51
warboxHi everyone, my sound works good but today when i turn on my computer the sound don't work and i dobble click the volume control and appears this: http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/5825/screenshotyx5.png07:51
PieWhat's the command to start xorg?07:51
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ThePioneerhelp | shared-folders07:51
Carb0nHymnToLife: Wait, its 915GM07:51
EvilBrois this visible?07:51
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warboxHello ?07:52
warboxplease help07:52
HymnToLifenot sure about it, then... if you have a "Fn+*" keystroke to switch displays, try just plugging the monitor and hitting it a couple times07:52
sldkfjPir, ctrl alt backspace07:52
Nephelauxeticnullkuhl, LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa <program>07:52
tim167simplylezz, just guessing , but  do you have synaptic open at the same time ?07:52
Nephelauxeticnullkuhl... if it's an ati card07:52
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nullkuhlyes its an ati07:52
sldkfjPie, ctrl alt backspace07:52
nullkuhlwhere to do this ?07:52
PieI mean the terminal command07:52
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nullkuhlin terminal ?07:52
`4aFkA`i use vmware as my virtual machine.. and i'm connected to internet directly but when i start the ubuntu i don't have internet07:52
nullkuhlcopy n paste ?07:52
EvilBrowarbox: what is your problem?07:52
Nephelauxeticnullkuhl, jep :)07:52
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warboxHi everyone, my sound works good but today when i turn on my computer the sound don't work and i dobble click the volume control and appears this: http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/5825/screenshotyx5.png07:52
simplylezztim167: no, synaptic was closed07:53
warboxlook at it07:53
=== Panaclerio [n=angelo@host30-158-dynamic.59-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Piewhen xorg isn't running and you just have the black screen and terminal07:53
Carb0nHymnToLife: I tried, but then, that doesn't switch the displays (Phoenix BIOS), so I thought you must need to edit xorg.conf07:53
nullkuhlshall i leave program as it is ?07:53
nullkuhli mean sudnt i replace program with something07:53
sldkfjpie,   sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart   ...........it has to start with the manager07:53
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HymnToLifeCarb0n, seems you'll have to, yep...07:53
=== Hypernerd [n=Ozone@user-10cm4qa.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
magic_ninjais there a utility to convert the hex of wine debugging output to something readable?07:53
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead07:53
tim167simplylezz, hmm then I have no clue, sorry07:53
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Carb0nHymnToLife: Thanks07:54
Nephelauxeticnullkuhl: you can set this environment variable in you GDM session I think...07:54
EvilBrowarbox: I don't know, sorry07:54
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Nephelauxeticnullkuhl, but I'm not sure :(07:54
dafanQuickie: Can anyone tell me what the command to list my graphics card from terminal is?07:54
HymnToLifedafan,    lspci | grep VGA07:54
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dafanThank you HymnToLIfe07:54
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Nephelauxeticnullkuhl, try to add it to your startxgl.sh07:55
`4aFkA`will some one help me????07:55
tim167simplylezz, do you have the right version for your computer? (64 or 32 bit )07:55
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FerrariDreams4aFka, is your networked 'bridged'?07:56
erich85Does anyone know how, from the command line, I can restore to my default video settings?  The restricted driver killed me.07:56
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Carb0nHymnToLife: If I enable Xinerama, will the projector automatically configure the display?  Or should I need to press teh Fn+F507:56
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sldkfj`4aFkA`, just post your question, someone will get to you.07:56
WeeJeWeljezus, digg is offtopic O.o07:56
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Nephelauxeticerich85: copy back the backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:57
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`4aFkA`FerrariDreams yes it is...07:57
erich85Nephelauxetic:   Where's the backup?07:57
Nephelauxeticerich85, or edit it with a text editor and change Driver from "nvdia" or "fglrx" to "vesa"07:57
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Nephelauxeticerich85, ok... no backup...07:58
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erich85Nephelauxetic:  Ah, I did the backup command and it didn't give me a problem.07:58
`4aFkA`FerrariDreams i configure the connection but i still don't have internet..07:58
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erich85"cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/x11/xorg.conf"07:58
Nephelauxeticerich85, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:58
erich85Nephelauxetic:  So, reboot?07:58
Nephelauxeticerich85, restart gdm is enough.07:58
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PieI'm getting a failed to start X server message when trying to start it. It says that it is likely it is set incorrectly, but I haven't changed it for a long time. How do I go about fixing this?07:59
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strabesPie: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:59
erich85Nephelauxetic: Wow, what the heck do I input for these questions?07:59
strabesPie: in tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1)07:59
ThePioneerCan anyone help me with shared folders in feisty 7.407:59
Nephelauxeticerich85, depends on the question :D07:59
erich85Nephelauxetic: I... have no idea what my video card's bus identifier is.07:59
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Nephelauxeticerich85, lspci :)08:00
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erich85Nephelauxetic: Is that what I write?  The default is "PCI:0:5:0"...08:00
Nephelauxeticerich85, that should be fine08:00
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erich85Nephelauxetic: How much memory do I alot to the card?  It's an Nvidia Geforce 6150, but it has... "shared" memory.08:01
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Nephelauxeticerich85, depends on your card I think. 64 should be fine08:01
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PieI'm still getting the problem08:03
freeagyvalaki magyarul?08:03
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zacchaeusis an intel core duo more of an i686 or a pentium 4 when selecting binaries to install?08:04
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ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto08:04
PieI haven't changed any setting for awhile so I don't understand why it's happening08:04
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bobonthenetis there anyone in here that can help me get my insignia media player working with ubuntu?08:04
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erich85Can someone walk me through the xorg reconfiguration?08:05
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Belboz99Hey all, LinuxMCE trashed my network packages, I need to fix it.   I've got a 6.10 disc that I installed with, but I can't seem to be able to reinstall the required packages with it, any ideas?08:05
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zacchaeusis an intel core duo more of an i686 or a pentium 4 when selecting binaries to install?08:05
sx66how do you hide the friends list on xchat?08:05
Belboz99or, if there were some way to specify a version of dhcp3 to  install, I'd be happy with that as well08:06
PriceChildzacchaeus, I don't understand the difference?08:06
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kitchezacchaeus: umm depends but i686 works on anything above pentium 108:06
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PriceChildzacchaeus, a pentium4 is a i68608:06
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zacchaeusme either, cinelerra is asking me which source to install from either an i686 or p408:06
sx66sorry, how do you hide the friends list on xchat?08:06
erich85Can someone walk me through the xorg reconfiguration?   I really have no idea what answers are appropriate.08:06
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PriceChildsx66, user list?08:06
zacchaeusso i presume i68608:06
PriceChildsx66, just drag it to the right from the divider08:06
merrntHow do I get my bluetooth mouse and keyboard to work on ubuntu 7.04?08:07
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Nephelauxeticzacchaeus, i think p4 will add some sse stuff... should run faster...08:07
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Belboz99erich85: are you using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?08:07
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`4aFkA`i use vmware as my virtual machine.. and i'm connected to internet directly but when i start the ubuntu i don't have internet...08:07
erich85Belboz99:  Yessir08:08
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warboxHi everyone, my sound works good but today when i turn on my computer the sound don't work and i dobble click the volume control and appears this: http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/5825/screenshotyx5.png08:08
Belboz99erich85: where are you stuck?08:08
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erich85Identifier for video card, bus number, resolution rates...  mind if I talk to you in pvt about this, Belboz99?08:08
Nephelauxeticerich85, driver is nv I think and the rest the default options xD08:08
Belboz99erich85: sure08:08
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erich85Nephelauxetic:  nv, not nvidia?08:09
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bobonthenetis there anyone in here that can help me get my insignia media player working with ubuntu?08:09
Ghosthow do I update to 7.04?08:09
`4aFkA`i use vmware as my virtual machine.. and i'm connected to internet directly but when i start the ubuntu i don't have internet...08:09
Ghostwithout reinstalling?08:09
akahigeHaving a problem with tsclient attaching to WinXP. It immediately gives a "error: recv: connection reset by peer"08:09
IndyGunFreakwarbox: what type of sound device do you have08:09
Nephelauxeticerich85, nv is opensource and nvidia the one from nvidia08:09
tabare1new to ubuntu; tryint to use Rosegarden.no sound. any help?08:09
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warboxIndyGunFreak, ati08:09
Carb0nzacchaeus: AFAIK, gcc doesn't have optimizations enabled for Core 2 Duo (correct me if I'm wrong)08:09
IndyGunFreakati what08:09
Nephelauxeticerich85, but as you broke nvidia... try nv :D08:09
Belboz99erich85: use nv if you don't need 3d acceleration, nvidia if you have the proprietary nvidia drivers installed08:09
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erich85Nephelauxetic: Belboz99:  What method do I use for setting monitor characteristics, simple, medium, or advanced?08:10
Carb0nakahige: did the WinXP box have remote desktop connection enabled?08:10
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Nephelauxeticerich85, simple !08:10
warboxIndyGunFreak, how do i know exactly sound card i have ?08:10
sybariteni'm looking at some guides on how to install Subversion on ubuntu08:10
sybaritenone of them says like this08:10
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Belboz99erich85: simple would be easist08:10
sybaritennstall Subversion08:10
sybaritenInstall netkit-inetd (For Breezy only)08:10
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akahige@Carb0n: yes. and I was using tsclient yesterday from another machine and had no problems08:11
warboxIndyGunFreak, 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01)08:11
cybaneDoes anyone else have a problem playing DVDs?08:11
GhostHow do I update to ubuntu 7.0408:11
IndyGunFreakwarbox: open a terminal, and type "lspci" no quotes, after hitting enter, you'll get an output of your systems PCI devices, look for one like this...  02:09.0 Multimedia audio controller: ESS Technology ES1988 Allegro-1 (rev 12)08:11
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Nephelauxeticcybane, no :)08:11
warboxIndyGunFreak, 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01)08:11
sybariteni do have breezy .... anyone know what that extra part is?08:11
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warboxthat :)08:11
cybaneNephelauxetic: What player do you use?08:11
psycho13I'd kindly like to ask if there will be an easy way to update from 7.04 to 7.10. We're thinking about installing 7.04 on many of our computers but we must be sure that the update process will not be too hard... Anybody who can tell me how hard it will be?! Thank you!08:11
Nephelauxeticcybane, totem...08:11
jrib!upgrade > Ghost (see the private message from ubotu)08:11
Belboz99okay, How do I get my network connection back up and running?   LinuxMCE borked it during a failed install, it's got broken packages and stuff, especially with dhcp, but static IP won't work either08:12
jrib!upgrade > psycho13 (see the private message from ubotu)08:12
Ghostok thanks08:12
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:12
omegacentiI have to go call my representatives... someone is trying to screw with my internet radio.08:12
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sldkfjwarbox,  see if this helps, post it in a terminal and hit enter:    alsamixer08:12
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Carb0nwarbox: What does the Ubuntu Device manager tell you?08:12
psycho13ok, thank you, i just saw the other question ;-) have a nice day!08:12
Carb0nakahige: can you ping the XP box?08:12
warboxsldkfj, alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device08:12
akahige@Carb0n: yes08:12
tny5357im having some problems installing 7.04, my comp freezes while trying to load, i updated from 6.10, then i tried the Live CD and it freezes loading the live CD at the same place in both instances08:13
harryi was in a terminal and I did cat xubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso just to see what would happen and it went all weird and now the terminal is all messed up08:13
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Nephelauxetictny5357, do you have any error messages?08:13
jribharry: type:  reset08:13
sx66how do you set the headphones input to equal the master, so, when I use my hotkey it does both08:13
Nephelauxeticbad :(08:13
erich85Nephelauxetic: Belboz99:  DO I write monitor sync ranges to the config file?08:13
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sldkfjwarbox, ALSA is about as good as it gets for Ubuntu,  I'd give it a shot.08:14
IndyGunFreakwarbox: try following Kumar's post.. see if that helps..  http://mepislovers.org/forums/archive/index.php/t-4721.html08:14
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Belboz99erich85: no, I wouldn't do that08:14
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warboxsldkfj,  so ?08:14
Belboz99oh, wait, yeah08:14
Carb0nakahige: I'm sorry, I'm not a networking whiz.  I used to get the connection reset by peer error, when there is a xp box without the remote desktop facility enabled08:14
Nephelauxeticso I'm off08:14
erich85Nephelauxetic: Thanks for your help, bye08:14
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Belboz99erich85: I thought you meant mannualy :-P08:14
erich85Belboz99: Wait, yes?  Damn, cannot go back...08:14
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IndyGunFreakwarbox: also read 3d flyer's post.08:14
amigravehow can I force to smbumount to unmount a share ? I disconnected my network cable and now the mountpoint is froozen08:15
akahige@Carb0n: it's cool. maybe someone else will have an idea. from what I recall, it's just dump the ip of the machine in, select RDP, and hit go. but it's not working...08:15
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warboxIndyGunFreak,  oks08:15
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Knoekiis there an easy way to mount an .ISO file?08:15
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jrib!iso > Knoeki (see the private message from ubotu)08:16
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Carb0nakahige: Try rdesktop <ip_of_xp_box> from a terminal (used to work for me)08:16
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jribKnoeki: I believe there is some nautilus script floating around to do it as well08:16
`4aFkA`i use vmware as my virtual machine.. and i'm connected to internet directly but when i start the ubuntu i don't have internet...08:16
Knoekijrib: ah.08:16
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warboxIndyGunFreak,  i dont understand08:16
akahige@Carb0n: same thing. comes back immediately with "recv: connection reset by peer"08:17
IndyGunFreakwhat do you not understand08:17
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manone123"Begin: Waiting for root file system"08:17
manone123"ALERT! does not exist. Dropping to a shell"08:17
manone123when tryint to install ubuntu 6.0608:17
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`4aFkA`i use vmware as my virtual machine.. and i'm connected to internet directly but when i start the ubuntu i don't have internet...08:17
warboxIndyGunFreak, everything08:17
Carb0nakahige: maybe, someone else (who's more experienced) might help you out08:17
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sybariteni just did an "apt-get update"08:17
sybaritenand got this response08:17
IndyGunFreakwarbox: did you even read it?08:17
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kitsunedomo! I am running Fesity Fawn and I just upgraded to Beryl SVN and then downgraded back. Now when I start up, the splash screen will be frozen on my desktop (like a wallpaper) and my startup programs (like pidgin) take a good 3 min to finally come on.08:17
sldkfjwarbox, post in a terminal to install by commandline:  sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils gstreamer0.10-alsa08:17
omegacentiIf I want a task to start showing up daily on my screen until I complete it, where should I start?08:17
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sybaritencan anyone check those errors and give a tip on whats wrong?08:17
A[D] minS!lamp08:17
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:17
=== silvertip257 [n=chatzill@c-71-230-114-69.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tny5357how do u bring up terminal while loading, i forgot08:18
`4aFkA`i use vmware as my virtual machine.. and i'm connected to internet directly but when i start the ubuntu i don't have internet...08:18
GhostHow do I find what version I have?08:18
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jribomegacenti: use tomboy?08:18
warboxsldkfj,  done08:18
PriceChildGhost, version of ubuntu or something else?08:18
warboxsldkfj, now ?08:18
sybaritenGhost you mean like breezy an that stuff?08:18
sldkfjcheck your sound08:18
silvertip257I used the upgrade distro option to go from Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy to 7.04 Feisty and now my wireless is >broken<08:18
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omegacentijrib: tomboy notes lets you do it?08:18
GhostOh sorry yes version on unbuntu08:19
sybaritenGhost:   http://blog.websitestyle.com/index.php/2007/01/18/how-to-find-out-your-ubuntu-version-name/08:19
PriceChildGhost, lsb_release -a08:19
zacchaeusdoes feisty come with ntfs read/write support out of the box or do i have to still install ntfs3g?08:19
manone123do you guys know what could get "Begin: Waiting for root file system" (and how to fix it? :-)08:19
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:19
tny5357how do u bring up terminal while loading, i forgot08:19
sldkfjdo something you couldn't before08:19
jribomegacenti: sure, did you want something different than tomboy?08:19
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IndyGunFreakwarbox: read djails post... he figured it out...  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=415821&page=208:19
omegacentiHow exactly does evince know what to do with a pdf compressed in .gz?08:19
jribsybariten: breezy is no longer supported.  You should upgrade08:19
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omegacentijrib: I don't know.. I don't know enough to form an opinion or not. I know tomboy takes notes, but I didn't know I could get it to startup every day to show me a certain note. Might you point me in the right direction to get that set up?08:20
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warboxIndyGunFreak, ok08:20
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sybaritenjrib: ah shite08:20
silvertip257Ghost:  Go to System > About Ubuntu & browse the tab that says "Version and Release Numbers"08:20
manone123linux_manju: I've done the sata change to legacy but still does the same thing08:20
sybaritenjrib: thats gonna be like a whole project08:20
jimmygoonBefore I claw my eyes out, can someone remind me how to change the look of QT apps while in GNOME?08:20
jrib!upgrade > sybariten (see the private message from ubotu)08:20
GhostOk I got it thanks 6.1008:20
silvertip257ah good08:20
tny5357how do u bring up terminal while loading, i forgot08:20
sybaritenjrib: merci08:20
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jribomegacenti: well you can put it in your panel.  There is also the "sticky notes" applet.  That one actual puts them on your wallpaper I think08:21
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zacchaeusomegacenti: I use freemind08:21
zacchaeusdoes feisty come with ntfs read/write support out of the box or do i have to still install ntfs3g?08:22
warboxsldkfj, http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/9800/screenshot1ic2.png08:22
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:22
jribzacchaeus: you still need to install it, but it is in the repositories08:22
omegacentizacchaeus: does it load up and show you a certain note every day?08:22
omegacentijrib: what do you mean put it in my panel?08:22
zacchaeusomegacenti: perhaps not08:22
MikeInSandyHello all. Just installed Fiesty Fawn.  Now running OSX on 3 comps in the house. 1 Linux machine, and work comp still has XP08:22
jribomegacenti: in the notification area next to the time08:22
omegacentijrib: is there anything like programs -> startup for linux?08:22
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ikoniaMikeInSandy: Do you have a question08:22
jrib!startup > omegacenti (see the private message from ubotu)08:23
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse08:23
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omegacentijrib: Thanks! lots of info there!08:23
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MikeInSandyJust going to listen in to see what everyone is experiencing08:23
GhostWhat clients are y'all using for IRC08:23
GhostThis one sucks lol08:23
willembI'm on Gaim08:23
warboxIndyGunFreak, that's don't work for me :X08:23
ikoniaGhost: there are many in synaptics - take a look and try them08:23
willembirrsi works well if you like a text interface08:24
MikeInSandyI just install XChat. First time on irc08:24
ikoniaGhost: there are many in synaptics - take a look and try them08:24
willembHaven't been on irc myself in a while08:24
IndyGunFreakdid you do what it said, the sudo rmod, etc.. if you did, you likely will have to restart X to see if it worked or not.08:24
GhostI usually use mIRC08:24
ikoniaGhost: there are many in synaptics - take a look and try them08:24
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willembI have a question that has been bugging me for a while, who fancies himself a modern linux expert?08:24
Ghoston windows I'm going to try to get wine to work on my windows mIRC08:24
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omegacentiIs there a direct command to something like evolution > tasks? I am trying to put it in my startup during sessions.08:24
ikoniawillemb: just ask the question08:24
IndyGunFreakGhost: there's many, xchat, xchat-gnome, irssi, bitchx, etc.08:25
tabare1anyone familiar with the program rosegarden, when i press play theres no sound08:25
warboxIndyGunFreak, warbox@warbox-laptop:~$ sudo rmmod snd-hda-intel08:25
warboxERROR: Module snd_hda_intel does not exist in /proc/modules08:25
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GhostI'm using xchat-gnome now08:25
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manone123whois linux_manju08:25
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AndehWhat exactly does sendmail do?08:25
jribomegacenti: man evolution   claims you can use '-c tasks'08:25
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IndyGunFreakdont know warbox08:25
willembwhat is the difference between accessing a remote network share via network:// and accessing it via a "mount -tsmbfs" ?08:25
ikoniaAndeh: what it says on the tin - it sends mail, its an mta08:25
AndehCould i use it to send an email to my GMAIL account for instance?08:25
omegacentijrib thanks for ther pointer to man pages. forgot.08:25
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GhostIndyGunFreak: I could only get BitchX to be texted based such as the terminal08:25
Andehor would i need something else08:25
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IndyGunFreakGhost: because thats the way its supposed to be.08:26
ikoniawillemb: one does it across the network using the default network file system, the other mounts a file system08:26
IndyGunFreakGhost: its like IRSSI08:26
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omegacentijrib: so something like /usr/bin/evolution -c tasks?08:26
_Lemon_Hey, is it wise to just install programs like SeaMonkey (Firefox+Thunderbird+chatzilla) and negate the whole application manager thing?  It currently isn't in the repositories...08:26
GhostOh I see08:26
Andehikonia: Could i use it to send mail to my GMAIL account or do i need something else?08:26
ikonia_Lemon_: no not wise at all08:26
`4aFkA`i use vmware as my virtual machine.. and i'm connected to internet directly but when i start the ubuntu i don't have internet...08:26
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_Lemon_Why not?08:26
ikoniaAndeh: you "could" do that08:26
IndyGunFreakGhost: if you want an mIRC like client, use xchat, or xchat-gnome.. i personally like xchat08:26
jribomegacenti: that should work08:26
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ikonia_Lemon_: because it breaks your package manager dependencies08:26
willembikonia: Pretty much what I thought08:26
tny5357how do u bring up terminal while loading08:26
akahige?? anyone an expert on terminal server client?08:26
Andehikonia: What's wrong with doing it?08:26
GhostIndyGunFreak: Are you using xchat now?08:26
IndyGunFreakGhost: yes08:26
willembit's a pity though that only some applications can handle a location specified that way08:27
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ikoniaAndeh: however seems a bit over kill to set up an MTA. A client such as thunderbird will allow you to use your ISP's smtp server08:27
GhostIndyGunFreak: Where did you get it from?08:27
_Lemon_ikonia: So how would I go about installing it via the application manager?08:27
GhostI tried to install it and it didn't go so well08:27
IndyGunFreakGhost: the repositories... open a terminal, sudo apt-get install xchat08:27
ikonia_Lemon_: build a package or see if it is in any of the repos08:27
Andehikonia: So i could spam my friend using my ISP?08:27
willembie, I like to use vlc to watch my videos, but it doesn't understand it if I drag and drop a file from a nautilus windows with an address specified via network://08:27
ikoniaAndeh: are you serious about spam ?08:27
_Lemon_ok, thanks, I'll try that! :)08:27
Andehikonia: I doubt my ISP would allow me to fake the from field though08:27
willembwhile totem does, which I don't like it08:27
MikeInSandyCan you check the repositories to see all the software you can install08:27
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MikeInSandyI just installed xchat by the sudo apt-get command08:28
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GhostI'm going to PM you08:28
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ikoniaAndeh: yes it will, however, if you do that from an smtp server running in your box you will be kicked off and banned from your isp, and it probably won't work any way if your on dhcp addressing due to rbl listings08:28
tny5357how do u bring up terminal while loading08:28
willembfood time, see you guys again08:28
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MikeInSandyWhile the comp is loading08:28
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ikoniatny5357: when do you mean "while loading"08:28
tny5357while ubuntu is loading08:29
naruto_how do you skin gaim?08:29
Kale_TainerProblem: Editing Menu Items (specifically adding Debian) via alacarte. Tried: Right-click on the panel and editing menus -> clicking on checkbox by Debian to add it Result: nothing happens, next time i bring up editing menu items Debian is not checked anymore. Note: i can uncheck/check items that are already checked and changes take place. however, if an item is not checked (eg: accessibility) and i try to check it, it will actually unc08:29
Kale_Tainerheck it within a few seconds or the next time i edit menus. i've done this through terminal > sudo alacarte, right-click edit menus, and System Preferences Main Menu08:29
ikoniatny5357: you don't really08:29
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Andehikonia: Oh... not good then. My webhost deleted my fake mail sender telling me they don't want to host it...08:29
MikeInSandyShould be esc. while the comp is loading08:29
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GhostIndyGunFreak: I just PM'd you08:29
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ikoniaAndeh: its not a wise move to do that08:29
tny5357k thx08:29
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate08:29
IndyGunFreakGhost: if you're not a registered member, PMs don't go through08:29
MikeInSandythen you can select which way to load the comp ...safe mode...terminal08:29
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GhostOh my bad08:29
GhostI got an error message08:29
Andehikonia: It got 300 replies on the forum i posted it on though08:29
Ghostshould I post it here08:29
omegacentiI would really not like for that to be possible.08:29
Andehikonia: Everyone loved it08:29
omegacentithe gmail sendmail spam thing.08:29
IndyGunFreakGhost: as long as its not really long08:29
Andehikonia: lol08:29
manone123Problem: loader gets stuck with "Begin: Waiting for root file system" error message after ubuntu install08:29
ikoniaAndeh: thats not really relevent08:29
Ghosttwo lines08:30
GhostE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:30
GhostE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:30
Ghostok four lol08:30
Ghostsorry guys08:30
IndyGunFreakGhost: close synaptic package manager08:30
IndyGunFreakGhost: close synaptic, then run the terminal command again08:30
Deinumiteanyone know the easiest way to install Ubuntu onto a usb stick?08:30
GhostOh duh ok I'll have to wait I'm updating to 7.0408:30
YanasHow do I get root privleges to modify my mouse setup file?08:30
ikoniaDeinumite: use the cdrom08:30
omegacentiDeinumite: one heck of a stick :)08:30
ikoniaYanas: sudo08:30
GhostDo sudo08:30
Andehikonia: Is it possible to connect to the internet without an ISP? Can i be my own ISP?08:30
omegacentiikonia: he has a prject, let him try it.08:30
Yanasjust "sudo" ?08:30
ikoniaAndeh: no08:30
Deinumiteikonia: i can use the cd and install onto the usb drive?08:30
Ghostthen when it ask for you password type in your username password08:30
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ikoniaomegacenti: who/ what ?08:30
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ikoniaDeinumite: yes08:30
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erich85Hey guys, now my audio stammers, but I fixed my graphics.08:31
omegacentiikonia: sorry, can he actually use the cdrom to install ubuntu onto a usb stick08:31
Deinumiteikonia: how big is the defualt size for ubuntu?08:31
Andehikonia: If it's not possible to be an ISP, how can ISPs be ISPs?08:31
erich85Some sounds are making my audio repeat and stutter endlessly until reboot.08:31
ikoniaomegacenti: yes08:31
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ikoniaDeinumite: 2 gig I think08:31
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erich85I've fixed this in the past, I added a word or two to some document some where, but I can't remember what I googled to find this solution.08:31
ikoniaAndeh: thats not for this channel's discussion08:31
omegacentiikonia: oh, I thought you were being fecetious, my sincere apologies :)08:31
Deinumiteikonia: uh oh...my sticks 2 gig i think :P08:31
D4M13Nhello all, is there anyone on who can help me with a dual booting problem on a  ubuntu / xp install08:31
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Andehikonia: ...08:31
ikoniaomegacenti: not at all08:31
GhostIndyGunFreak: Does XChat have mutliserver capablities?08:31
Deinumiteikonia: gparted loads but doesnt see my disk....so i need to find a way around it08:31
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sivikD4M13N, it shouldn't be that hard, i do it all the time08:32
sivikD4M13N, whats the problem08:32
ikoniaDeinumite: why do you want it on a usb - its going to be a lot of hassle booting from usb etc etc08:32
IndyGunFreakGhost: i think so, not 100% sure though, i only come here to Freenode.08:32
omegacentiDeinumite: if you figure out a way please tell me :)08:32
Kale_Tainerapparently my internet conn is intermittent and irc is failing so will have to do this via the forums, sorry for the trouble08:32
D4M13Nwell from the start i've had problems08:32
omegacentiikonia: it might not be on a usb2 stick that has a pc that allows usb booting. or would it still be a hassle do you think?08:32
sivikD4M13N, ok, did u install windows and then ubuntu on a different partition08:32
Deinumiteikonia: gparted not loading up my harddrive :( the live cd anyways, the gparted while running ubuntu does08:32
jimmygoonAndeh, if you had a lot of money you could, but then again, you could just buy hosting set up a few php scripts and fake all the from mail headers you wanted until they suspended your account, but its a bad idea and there's likely a better solution08:32
ikoniaomegacenti: real pain in the neck08:32
sivikD4M13N, and then added the grub to the master boot and not to a certain partition08:32
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TaJMoXCan someone take a look at this for me?  I never get a reply and have posted twice already: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46996208:32
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omegacentiikonia: I would still think it would be cool :)08:33
MikeInSandySome comps wont let you boot from usb...the bios is not able08:33
D4M13Ni installed xp on the machine and left the drive in 3 partitions 3x 100gb08:33
ikoniaomegacenti: I think its porr08:33
D4M13Nthe 1st petrtition being xp08:33
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sivikD4M13N, ok, then how did u go about installing ubuntu?08:33
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omegacentiikonia: even with 460+ mbit/sec throughput?08:33
ikoniaomegacenti: yes08:33
sivikD4M13N, talk to me in pm08:33
D4M13Ni downloaded the live cd and urned it to cd08:33
omegacentiikonia: oh... well then....08:33
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: todays gag is........08:34
Deinumiteikonia: could i use gparted from the ubuntu live cd? the gparted live cd doesnt detect my harddrive for some reason08:34
sivikD4M13N, ok, then how did u go about installing ubuntu and where are you trying to put grub, and grub should find the xp already on the machine and add it to its menu08:34
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IndyGunFreakikonia: i just love your answers, even when you're not funny.08:34
ikoniaDeinumite: whats the gparted livecd ?08:34
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: ha ha, glad to please08:34
VeinorI need help with azureus: my torrents keep going down to 0 kb/s08:34
jimmygoonGhost, yes it does. Go to Xchat -> New -> Server Tab08:34
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Deinumiteikonia: im not sure which version it is, but i do know that ive used it before on my same harddrive multiple times08:34
omegacentiSometimes my cursor just DISSAPPEARS and I have to mouse over a lot of things/ click windows to see it again. Any suggestions?08:34
GhostOk thanks :)08:34
YanasDo I just run "sudo -l" in the terminal? Because I did it that way, and I still cant save over my old xorg.conf08:35
MikeInSandyProbably the torrent are not being shared anymore08:35
Ghostdoes /msg chanserv register work?08:35
ikoniaDeinumite: why have you downloaded a live cd just to use gparted when its already on the ubuntu livecd08:35
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Ghostnickserv I mean08:35
ikoniaYanas: sudo vi /etc/xorg.conf08:35
sivikVeinor, that doesn't sound like a software issue, just let it run, the 0 kb/s just has to do with there isn't any ppl that are letting upload currently08:35
Deinumiteikonia: i used it before using Ubuntu, and i didnt realize i could use it XD08:35
IndyGunFreakGhost: its something like that.08:35
erich85Anyone know how to fix Ubuntu's audio from stuttering?08:35
Veinorsivik: No, it goes OK at first and then stops. then if I restart it works again.08:35
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tny5357anyone now why ubuntu freezes at the loading screen?08:35
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MikeInSandyFor example when you completed a download to you quit Azaurus or leave it running to share the file.08:35
omegacentiYanas: I am not sure, but if you want to edit your xorg.conf try gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf or try sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:35
IndyGunFreak!register | Ghost08:35
D4M13Ni'm in pm08:35
Deinumiteikonia: wow, well thats probably fixed my problem XD thanks hahah ill go use the ubuntu CD then XD08:36
ubotuGhost: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration08:36
sivikVeinor, not sure, try using bittorrent08:36
D4M13Nare you still in?08:36
ikoniaDeinumite: good choice08:36
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sivikD4M13N, are u getting my private messages08:36
Deinumiteikonia: its still kinda stupid that gparted worked before, and then decides to stop working....but oh well08:36
Deinumiteikonia: thanks again08:36
GhostIs ubotu perl based?08:36
TaJMoXCan someone take a look at this for me?  I never get a reply and have posted twice already: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46996208:36
sivikD4M13N, are u using xchat or command line, like irrsi08:36
ikoniaGhost: php I believe08:36
IndyGunFreakGhost: i have no idea, he's just brilliant.08:36
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GhostOh cool08:36
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omegacentiSometimes my cursor just DISSAPPEARS and I have to mouse over a lot of things/ click windows to see it again. Any suggestions?08:37
D4M13Ni'm using the one in ubuntu08:37
jribGhost: ubotu is a supybot08:37
GhostPHP is some powful stuff08:37
tny5357anyone now why ubuntu freezes at the loading screen?08:37
MikeInSandyIve had problems with Ubuntu freezing during my first attempt at an install...I just used Derecks Boot and Nuke to completely wipe all drives then reinstalled with no problems08:37
EnsignRedshirtDid anybody here use Warty when it came out? I could swear it *wasn't* a Live CD--I though the Live CD was added in a later version--but I've seen references to Warty being a Live CD.08:37
ikoniatny5357: do you have any more info08:37
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GhostIs there a place to download the script?08:37
IndyGunFreak!alternate | MikeInSandy08:37
ubotuMikeInSandy: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal08:37
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ikoniaEnsignRedshirt: I thought they had an install and a live cd - two different cd's08:37
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ikoniaGhost: no08:37
D4M13Nare you getting my pm's i saw your hello and  ????????????????????????????//08:37
Ghostoh ok08:38
EnsignRedshirtikonia: Even with Warty?08:38
jribGhost: supybot is packaged and ubotu's source is on launchpad08:38
ikoniaEnsignRedshirt: not certain but i think so08:38
Yanas|omegacenti| Thanks, it worked.08:38
tny5357not really i dont know how to look for error msgs08:38
IndyGunFreakD4M13N: if you're not registerd, i don't believe you can send pMs... could be wrong08:38
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omegacentiYanas: no problem.08:38
GhostIs it free to use and change08:38
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jribEnsignRedshirt: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/4.10/ has an iso for the live cd at least08:38
ikoniaGhost: this channel is for ubuntu support issues08:38
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GhostOh sorry I'll stay on topic08:38
D4M13NSIVIK are you still here?08:39
avihaiorel76Hi all, I have just mounted a device (hard drive) but don't know ho to give it full permissions, any help?08:39
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EnsignRedshirtjrib: Ah, so it does.  Thanks.08:39
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ikoniaavihaiorel76: what file system is on it08:39
rinky3a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, a proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations08:39
ikoniaavihaiorel76: I don't think fat32 supports permissions08:39
sivikD4M13N, yes, but since you don't want to talk to me in pm, i'm tried of having to type ur name to get u to see it08:39
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YanasI really like how this OS seems all user oriented and run. And how even things like this are here to help out beginners.08:39
avihaiorel76on fedora I did it easily.08:39
AFaithhello people... is anybody willing to play  a openarena game now ?08:40
ikoniasivik: he's not an irc registered user so he can't pm08:40
AFaithi've just installed it08:40
jribavihaiorel76: use umask=0000 as an option when you mount08:40
sivikikonia, thats great08:40
ikoniaavihaiorel76: I could well be wrong on that08:40
D4M13Ni was sending you messages in pm08:40
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jrib!vfat > avihaiorel76 (see the private message from ubotu)08:40
AFaithand i really wanna test my skills :P08:40
sivikD4M13N, no your not, cause apparently ur not registered so u can recieve/send pms08:40
thechrisI have attempted this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41362608:40
ikoniaAFaith: this is an ubuntu support channel only08:40
D4M13Ni can see the messages you've sent me in pm08:40
avihaiorel76Thanks jrib - I am checking.08:40
thechrisis there any other ways to get dvd playback and wmv/wma support?08:40
sivikwell, u can't send them back to me because ur not a registered user08:40
ikoniajrib: does fat32 actually support permissions ?08:41
D4M13N(19:39:56) sivik: can u see this08:41
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:41
IndyGunFreakD4M13N: i told you have to be registerd to send PMs08:41
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:41
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ikoniaD4M13N: you've been told 5 times now - your not registered so can't send pm messages08:41
jribikonia: no, you're correct on that.  But umask will let you choose what permissions the files end up with08:41
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ikoniajrib: ahh cool, thank you08:41
D4M13Nhopw do i register?08:41
AFaithikonia : sorry :( my bad .. i didn't knew that its forbidden to ask for such this here... i really wanna test the capability of my openarena installation to play over the internet .. can you tell me some servers or a irc channel where i should ask ?08:41
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ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration08:41
ikoniaAFaith: no08:41
jribAFaith: non support stuff is in #ubuntu-offtopic08:42
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ikoniaGuys - you've just typed register 3 times in under am inute08:42
ikoniathe text won't change08:42
AFaiththanks jrib!08:42
IndyGunFreakikonia: lol08:42
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IndyGunFreakand people say i'm salty08:42
{HRF}GhostNow register!08:42
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ikoniaIndyGunFreak: I like the term salty08:42
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IndyGunFreakikonia: lol08:42
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tny5357how do u bring up terminal while at ubuntu loading screen08:46
D4M13Nok i know this is a real noob question but i clicked on the link in a help forum and it brought this window up, how do i register?08:46
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mafuIs there an easy way to determine which character encoding a textfile has been saved with?08:46
ikoniatny5357: you don't really08:46
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IndyGunFreak!register | D4M13N08:46
ubotuD4M13N: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration08:46
ikoniaD4M13N: join #ubuntu-forums08:46
tny5357well ubuntu freezes while loading and im trying to figure out if im getting n e error msgs08:47
ikoniamafu: normally your dfault08:47
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ikoniatny5357: are you using a livecd or an install08:47
D4M13N!register D4M13N08:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about register d4m13n - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:47
ikoniaD4M13N: are you not reading on purpose ?08:47
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ikoniaD4M13N: join #ubuntu-forums08:47
tny5357ive used both and the both freeze at the same time08:47
ikoniatny5357: what point08:47
thechrisattempting to mount an nfs share.  hangs.08:48
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tny5357at the loading screen where its got a progress08:48
mafuikonia, I know, but I am playing around with different encodings and want to see if I really get the results I expect . Right now I want vim to play with utf-8 correctly08:48
ikoniathechris: have you set it up to mount an nfs share08:48
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novato_bri solved my problem with beryl08:48
ikoniatny5357: is there any text on screen08:48
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tny5357UBUNTU in big letters and a progress bar right below that08:48
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ikoniano other text08:49
thechrisikonia: in fstab, copied from a working fstab from another box08:49
novato_brnow, I want what is the software to save movies the beryl working?08:49
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nullkuhli have beryl runnin on xgl in feisty with ati card,,, its workin so fine with the core downgrade to version 2.0 ,,, but i have no direct rendering in this session Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display "localhost:1.0". direct rendering:08:49
cox377does anyone know a command that will restart all usb devices?08:49
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FunkahSounds like a p[irate copy, tny535708:49
ikoniathechris: Hmmmmm take it out and boot it without first of all08:49
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tny5357i got it from Ubuntu.com08:49
ikoniacox377: what do you mean restart usb devices - how do you restart a ahard disk08:49
FunkahSo you think..08:49
ikoniatny5357: what hardware are you running on08:49
thechrisikonia: it seems to have mounted it, but the command never terminated08:49
ikoniaFunkah: what are you talking about08:49
ikoniathechris: hence why I say take it out and lets check out the other stuff first08:50
D4M13Nmsg nickserv register <berry051105>08:50
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sldkfjnovato_br, xvidcap08:50
cox377ikonia: i have a USB KVM switch and for some reason when coming back to this particular ubuntu machine it doesnt always detect and i have to restart - i have a PS2 keboard connected so it would be good if i could bring up terminal then restart the usb connection08:50
tny5357pentium 4 2.8ghz, pny geforce fx 5500, sound blaster, 512 mem08:50
ikoniacox377: sounds like the box is going to sleep but not detecting movement due to the kvm08:51
nullkuhli have beryl runnin on xgl in feisty with ati card,,, its workin so fine with the core downgrade to version 2.0 ,,, but i have no direct rendering in this session Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display "localhost:1.0". direct rendering:08:51
ikoniatny5357: that sounds pretty rasonable08:51
ikoniatny5357: shouldn't cause a problem08:51
cox377ikonia: have you got any recommendations?08:51
ikoniacox377: disable power managment ?08:51
ikoniatry plugging in a mouse and keyboard direct to see if it wakes up08:51
arooI have my wifi card working perfectly with ndiswrapper, but I have to set it all up each time at boot, is there anyway to get it to work on boot?08:52
tny5357i thought u could press a button at the loading screen to see text, and error msgs are displyed there08:52
ikoniatny5357: you have to remove the "silent" option from the boot options when it boots08:52
thechrisikonia: ok, what would you check first?08:52
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tny5357ok ill go try that brb08:52
cox377ikonia: i dont think it's definatly going to sleep because i switch between the machines all the time and it may only be 5 seconds or so08:53
ikoniathechris: I'd boot it manually first of all, then use the exact options out of the fstab to mount it and check response times and how it responds and the sys log08:53
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Corvinis-VAnyone know of a good linux php filemanager ?08:53
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ikoniacox377: that seems a reasonable suggestion08:53
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ikoniaCorvinis-V: php is a web based application manager08:54
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ikoniaCorvinis-V: I've not seen it used to write "desktop" or non-web based applications08:54
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tny5357ok i took of quiet but it still doesnt show n e text08:54
ikoniatny5357: I'll have to check the options, I may have told you the wrong one08:55
ikoniait may be add verbose08:55
ikoniaI've not chnged them for a while08:55
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jamyskisikonia: php is a server-side web programming language (not client-side markup like html)08:55
Corvinis-Vthere are webbased filemanagers that you can use for up and downloading.... even editing files and folder in the rootfolder you specify?08:55
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ikoniajamyskis: yes, I know this08:55
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ikoniaCorvinis-V: ahhh I see what you mean now. Try asking in #php08:55
Corvinis-Vok ty08:55
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thechrisikonia: command never finishes08:56
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ikoniathechris: ok - so you know its not a problem, its something to do with the fact that the nfs share cannot be mounted08:57
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thechrisikonia: no, the nfs share gets mounted, but the command never finishes08:58
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ikoniayes, so there is a problem with the mount08:58
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thechrisikonia: oh, there it goes,  the command finished just now.08:58
ikoniaok, so sounds like it takes a long time to find a network route back for the ack08:59
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thechrisikonia: ok, so why would that be.  the computers are connected by a switch08:59
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ikoniano idea of the top of my head09:00
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ikoniaI'd have to ponder09:00
thechrisikonia: i seem to remeber nfs in ubuntu 6.xx having the same issues09:00
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lynucshell.. maybe someone can help.. where are the settings in gnome/nautilus (dunno), which operation will be executed, when i hold the mousepointer above an audiofile in nautilus??09:00
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ikoniathechris: interesting, could it be something silly like your portmapper is not open on the default route and has to find another ?09:01
ikoniathechris: just throwing random ideas at you09:01
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padeehello everyone. i don't want to bother, but does anyone know what to do, that ubuntu would clean the desktop before shuting down the system? thanks.09:03
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pike_padee: i dont think i understood the question can you rephrase?09:04
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ikoniapadee: what do you mean clear the desktop09:04
secleinteerhi, does anyone know how i can install the sun java compiler?09:04
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ikoniasecleinteer: yeah there is a guide on the forum09:05
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre09:05
lynucspadee, i think you could write ascript.. not bad idea you have! want have it too09:05
secleinteerthx ikonia09:05
omegacentiIs there anything like netmonitor for windows in ubuntu? I need a breakdown by essid , channel used, wireless type, and signal strengths.09:05
padeepike_: hm, i am running an linux internetcafe... and i would like to have the desktop cleaned for the next customer...09:05
omegacentiPReferably Graphically09:05
ikoniaomegacenti: ntop09:05
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omegacentiikonia: is it graphical?09:06
andres_I need help with my TV card, the video works but not the sound, I only hear static. please help09:06
ikoniapadee: change the permissions so that the home dir is read only so they can't change the desktop09:06
ikoniaomegacenti: or mount /home readonly from a central point09:06
ikoniaomegacenti: not gui, but terminal graphical09:06
padeeikonia: that works?09:06
lynucsikonia: i guess it should be possible still to download a file to desktop09:06
ikoniaomegacenti: forget "mount" comment that was for padee09:06
omegacentiikonia: what do you mean mount /home readonly from a central point?09:06
ikonialynucs: no it won't09:06
omegacentiikonia: lol k09:06
ikoniapadee: yup09:07
pike_padee: you could have a script that runs at startup to rm -fr ~/Desktop/*  thats easiest way i guess. im not sure in gnome where then menu entry is for adding things to run at login09:07
lynucsok ;)09:07
ikoniajust make /home/$user read only09:07
ikoniachmod -R 60009:07
ikoniaon ~Desktop09:07
ikoniasomething like that09:07
Yanas1 hour and still no 4th and 5th button fuctionality. :[09:07
pike_padee: ignore me and go with ikonia thats a better solution09:07
lynucspadee: do it like pike_ said :)09:07
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ompaul!mouse | Yanas09:08
ubotuYanas: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto09:08
padeehehe... thanks to you all... so which solution is the best one?09:08
ompaulYanas, ^^ that was pointed to you an hour ago09:08
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lynucsagain my q: where are the settings in gnome/nautilus (dunno), which operation will be executed, when i hold the mousepointer above an audiofile in nautilus?? maybe now someone knows?09:08
ikonialynucs: in preferences09:09
YanasYeah, neither way worked. I'm probably just doing something wrong.09:09
omegacentiikonia: Is kismet still around?09:09
lynucsikonia: prefs of what09:09
ikoniaomegacenti: I don't know09:09
ikonialynucs: nautilus09:09
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YanasOr maybe that i'm using a mouse that is connected to my laptop? And Ubuntu thinks i'm modifying the touchpad?09:09
padeeikonia: so, i have an guest-login... and i change permissions to read only for user, group and other, right?09:09
lynucshmm.. didnt find there anything.. i'll try again then :D09:09
ikoniapadee: leave the home dir with write permissions but the desktop dir to 60009:09
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ikoniaor 66009:09
Deinumite:( my bios wont recognize any of my two cd drives to boot :(09:09
ikoniaDeinumite: not an ubuntu issue09:10
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omegacentiikonia: ntop seems a little hard to use. pointers?09:10
ikoniaomegacenti: just read up on it, its really quite easy, I think you're just scared by the default presentation of the interface09:11
arooIs it possible to remove the  boot splash?09:11
lynucsikonia: found it, but i don't want to jsut switch it off/on.. i'd like to play the sound via esd09:11
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ikonialynucs: its under there somewhere09:11
heroini installed fluxbox and i just hooked up my external USB device.. now hou would i mount it? iam using flubox09:12
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omegacentiikonia: it started throwing a lot of stuff at me and Im not sure I executed it correctly09:12
omegacentiikonia: first i opened a terminal and typed ntop09:12
omegacentiikonia: that didn't seem to work so then I tried sudo ntop09:12
ikoniaomegacenti: did you man it or read up on it - or just type "ntop"09:12
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ikoniaheroin: flux box is not intergrated with hal as far as I'm aware so you have to mount from a terminal using the mount command09:13
omegacentiikonia: typed ntop... guess I should rtfm.09:13
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ikoniaomegacenti: you got it09:13
lynucsikonia: beat me, but i can't find any parameters there.. just the preference of palying only local files, all files, or nothing09:13
omegacentiikonia:  :) thanks09:13
ikonialynucs: it is there, I'm not on an ubuntu box at this second so cna't look09:13
heroinikonia: ok but how can i find out which /dev/foo it is?09:13
padeeikonia: i changed /home/guest/Desktop to 600... but now it gives me an error message09:13
ikoniaheroin: look in the syslog09:13
ikoniapadee: whats the error09:13
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heroinikonia: where do i do that?09:14
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ikoniaheroin: in the syslog in /var/log09:14
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padeeikonia: one second09:14
bullgard4What DEB Program package contains the program 'Network Tools'?09:14
omegacentiikonia: What is a front-end collector? it says something about netflow and sflow09:14
heroinikonia: thanks09:14
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Endlessguitarhello what for dvd program will I use in linux feisty fawn?09:14
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tondarhey all09:14
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ikoniaEndlessguitar: there is a guide on the ubuntu forums09:14
matthewhello every09:14
ikonia!dvd >endlessguitar09:14
tondarany new stuff for 'buntu?09:14
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ikoniaomegacenti: front end collector is your interface into the card09:15
ikoniatondar: no09:15
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tondarikonia: uh man09:15
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omegacentiikonia: I don't know what you mean by interface into the card.09:15
matthewI'm still struggling to install the w32codecs and I wonder if anybody could semi-assist me?09:15
ikoniaomegacenti: have a read on up it, it will click09:15
omegacentiikonia: reading.. not understading much.. like the need for a web browser to view the info...09:16
heroinikonia: which log in logs?09:16
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padeeikonia: unable to create gnome-directory... and other error msgs09:16
heroinikonia: nevermind that :D09:16
ikoniaomegacenti: you don't need a web brower09:16
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ikoniapadee: stick them in a pastebin, lets take a look09:16
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omegacentiikonia: straight from man:09:16
omegacentiA  web  browser  is  needed  to09:16
omegacenti       access the information captured by the ntop program.09:16
sldkfjlynucs, play files in nautilus:  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/audio-preview-in-nautilus.html09:16
ikoniaomegacenti: ahhhh thats on file based output09:16
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ikoniaomegacenti: yes, for that your right09:16
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omegacentiikonia: oh... no idea what that is.09:17
ikoniaomegacenti: have you ever used sar09:17
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omegacentiikonia: assume no. )09:17
mandh any one can help me how to encrypt file that size more 2 Giga09:17
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ikoniaomegacenti: read up on sar and everything will click into place09:17
padeeikonia: pastebin? i dont know how to do that... and furthermore, i am connected to the other pc via ssh... so...09:17
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omegacentiikonia: no manual entry for sar.09:17
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j1ttersanyone here know how to unzip .daa files?09:17
ikoniapadee: I can't help you if you can't share info09:17
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ikoniaomegacenti: come up - you've not got it installed, install it or search the web09:18
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RivaeAeryaCan anybody help me get free up space on my harddisk? I have a Linux/Windows dual-boot and Linux has 65GB harddisk space, Windows has 16. But, that diskspace has filled itself up FAST, how do i remove all the crap that got in?09:18
ikoniaj1tters: what make you think its zipped09:18
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omegacentiikonia: come up?09:18
PeDePanohas anyone here installed a Atheros wireless device on ubuntu 7.04 using madwifi drivers?09:18
heroinikonia: thanks mate works really well09:18
ikoniaomegacenti: "come on"09:18
ikoniaheroin: cool09:18
j1ttersnot zipped but compressed.09:18
matthewcould anybody link me to the section of the ubuntu website that assists in w32codecs?09:18
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thechrisok, this is getting ridiculous.  is there a single gnome app that just lets me add music files to a playlist and doesn't try to catalog them in any way?09:18
ikoniaj1tters: depends how it we comparessed09:18
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about w32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:18
omegacentiikonia: I am trying :( I don't know much about how things work in linux quite yet...09:18
padeeikonia: i would love to... i will send you the err msg...09:18
RivaeAeryathechris: Audacious09:18
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ikoniaomegacenti: I know - but come on you know how to use the net - how do you expect man pages to be there if its not installed09:19
matthewwill do... thanks09:19
ikoniapadee: super09:19
j1ttersits a power iso file. but i dont know how to do it under nix.09:19
=== luca____ hi :D
omegacentiikonia: some applications might not have man pages?09:19
ikoniaomegacenti: some don't - but ones that you don't have installed won't be on your system09:19
ikoniaLordV8r: ask it09:19
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lynucsikonia: maybe you could mail me or sth when you're back on your ubuntu box and tell me wher i find it?? :D you mean open nautilus -> edit -> preferences? there are defenitely no parameters for how to execute the audio "prehear"09:19
lynucssorry for stressing by te way09:19
LordV8rWhen I enable Desktop Effects my screen goes blank? anyone know how to fix?09:20
vince_Anybody else having boot problems with the 2.6.20 kernels?09:20
ikonialynucs: nah, its a bit more burried than that09:20
omegacentiikonia: without prior knowledge who would I have known that?09:20
vince_I get a complete boot freeze everytime09:20
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ikoniaomegacenti: well you should be reading the ubuntu.com website and guides to learn09:20
sldkfjlynucs, Preview audio files from Nautilus:  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/audio-preview-in-nautilus.html09:20
PeDePanohas anyone here installed a Atheros wireless device on ubuntu 7.04 using madwifi drivers?09:20
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lynucssldkfj: thx i'll take a look09:20
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ikoniaomegacenti: to get a basic grasp on linux, have a look through the docs on www.tldp.org09:20
pike_PeDePano: yeah i just grabed linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)09:20
orbinRivaeAerya: i'd use a disk usage analyzer and work out what's taking up space09:20
seondo you know a FTP Client with a graphical tool09:21
ikoniaseon: gftp09:21
_nano_gftp i guess?09:21
omegacentiikonia: I am spread to thin.. I think I am going to go read rute for a little bit.09:21
ikoniaomegacenti: check tldp.org09:21
pike_PeDePano: for some reason i had a wlan0 device as well that needed to be up for ath0 to work.. i never looked into it09:21
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LordV8rAnyone know why Desktop Effects doesn't do anything but show me a white screen?09:21
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ikoniaLordV8r:  card/drivers not supported09:22
PeDePanopike_, i am using a acer laptop, is this your case too?09:22
pike_LordV8r: id make sure you have updated driver i had similar issue when using old nvidia driver09:22
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LordV8rthats hightly likely09:22
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pike_PeDePano: nope toshiba lappy09:22
seonikonia> thks09:22
LordV8ri have an ATI Radeon x1950 pro so its pretty new09:22
lesodkHey i'm using Evolution and i have two accounts, i wish to know how i can avoid getting the mails from the two accounts in the same inbox????09:22
pike_LordV8r: yes but sadly an ati. sorry im not going to be alot of help with that09:23
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PeDePanopike_, is your device a Atheros 5007GE?09:23
pike_PeDePano: dont remember it was about 2 months ago09:23
LordV8ryeah i had an Nvidia but that was a 256mb card and my friends card wasnt working well with his mobo so we swapped09:23
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PeDePanopike_, do u mind checking it for me?09:24
pike_LordV8r: if you intended to use linux you shoulda hung on to nvidia card09:24
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pike_LordV8r: ati drivers... are not well thought of09:24
LordV8ri know i love Nvidia09:24
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Runinfearhello, i have ubuntu 7.04 and i want install kde who can help me??09:24
LordV8rbut i play warcraft 3 with him and im using a dual boot machine so i can still play warcraft and he couldnt play unless he had my card09:24
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qalduneruninfear: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:24
FlannelRuninfear: install "kubuntu-desktop"09:24
flugI had a power surge the other day during a thunderstorm, ever since then ubuntu/dapper has stopped serving web pages..the connection keep timing out, same goes for ftp and ssh. Any suggestions ?09:25
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RuninfearFlannel, ty09:25
LordV8rcomp kept freezing but any idea how to fix it? is there anyway i can download drivers for that card for linux?09:25
Runinfearqaldune, ty09:25
LordV8ror would i have to download an updated kernel?09:25
pike_PeDePano: atheros 5212 is dmesg in bsd09:25
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qaldunelordv8r what card?09:25
PeDePanopike_, ahhh my is 521109:25
LordV8rRadeon X1950 pro i believbe09:26
raiden_ati video + fglrx driver + Xgl + Beryl = Worked. Sorry , my english is bad :)09:26
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PeDePanopike_, i think i'll give up... no way...09:26
LordV8rcool thanks a lot09:26
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serenityi have a webcam, lsusb told me that is a microdia chipset, but how to get it work?09:26
LordV8rso i just search that on google or is that in the synamptics somewhere?09:27
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lesodkHey i'm using Evolution and i have two accounts, i wish to know how i can avoid getting the mails from the two accounts in the same inbox???? please help09:28
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VeinorFor some reason, I can't access my router.09:29
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Flannellesodk: you'll need to create a filter to move mail from one account (or both) into a different folder09:29
hatredxplease, someone know ... Does the server install by default allow installation via serial port interface? Suggestions how?09:29
j1ttershas anyone used acetone iso?09:29
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VeinorI can't ping to it.09:29
lesodkFlannel so i can't have multiple calenders for each account?09:29
Endlessguitarcan some1 help me?09:29
EndlessguitarI trying to figure out how I fix my audio device right in videolan on preferences09:29
VeinorI can't access it via a browser...09:30
Endlessguitarbut I cant fix it self :S09:30
VeinorBut everything else works fine.09:30
Flannellesodk: I don't know09:30
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pike_j1tters: whats that for? secure wiping or something?09:30
padeeikonia: hm, i cannot see my /guest/.xsession-errors file any longer...09:30
Veinordoes anybody know why?09:30
StErGi0shello i have installed kubuntu but i have no sound..before with gnome environment it was working fine,how can i fix it?09:30
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LordV8rthanks for the help guys and girls appreciated!09:30
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padeeikonia: i think i just will craete a new user...09:30
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ikoniapadee: whats the perms on it09:30
felixanybody know how can I change the "ubuntu" icon on the gnome taskbar?09:30
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juanhola alguien habla espaol?09:31
felixjuan, /join #ubuntu-es09:31
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padeeikonia: thats the problem... i dont even see the directory... so no idea09:31
j1tterspike_ no its for opening image files. cd/dvd/ ones created with poweriso09:31
pike_felix: its under /usr/share/pixmaps i think you can just put another file in its place with same name. im not sure where to change the file path in settings09:31
ikoniawell, the you go09:31
Veinorcould anybody tell me why I can't ping my router?09:31
pike_j1tters: i hear acetone i think of washing checks and stuff :)09:31
felixpike_, well... however that's a beginning... thanks09:32
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j1tterspike_ lol. no nothing that excting.09:32
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soyportiHello again, sorry to be bothering, i have a new problem. how can i change a partition  from read only to read and write??09:32
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RichWVeinor: because your not connected to it?09:32
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Veinorsoyporti: what type of partition is it?09:32
StErGi0sanyone can help with a soundcard problem?09:32
soyportiit is ext309:32
wattazoumHi there09:33
VeinorRichW: Then why can I access the internet? I can access everything except for stuff on the local network09:33
sldkfjStergios, try #Kubuntu09:33
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soyportiVeinor:  i created using gparted and i need to copy files from a ntfs partition to this ext3 new partition09:33
StErGi0ssldkfj: ok thanks09:34
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andrewwI have a quick question, It seems that my firefox cant handle embedded flash, on lets say myspace...It just ends up crashing firefox and it will not load the music in which the flash is09:34
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wattazoumquestion : is there a way to mount a ssh location via sshfs by giving the password as an option ?09:34
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Veinorsoyporti: Why's it mounted ro?09:34
j1ttersis there a way to tell dpkg to install all dependant packages?09:34
Flannelj1tters: check out gdebi09:34
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soyportiro? what is ro?09:35
soyportii see09:35
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Veinoras opposed to rw09:35
wattazoumlol, aigarius was here :p09:35
soyportidon't now how to make it read and write using gparted09:35
raiden_soyporti try  mount /device /mountpoint -t ext3 -o remount,rw09:35
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soyportiwhere can i choose between ro or rw?09:36
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blah569Whats your favorite programming language in here?  Mine is php.09:36
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zipperblah569: isnt php more of a scripting language? Anyway, to answer your question, i like c and c++09:37
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soyportiveinor: when i create a partition how can i set the type? ro or rw?09:37
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wattazoumquestion : is there a way to mount a ssh location via sshfs by giving the password as an option ? <- anybody ?09:37
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Veinorsoyporti: try unmounting and remounting it09:37
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islanhey, I'm running Xubuntu with Xfce, and the top and bottom menu bars have disappeared.  can anyone inform me on how to fix it, or point me to a helpful article?09:38
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soyportihow ?09:38
pike_soyporti: gksu gedit /etc/fstab  for drives that mount automatically09:38
lynucsikonia: i made it :) just changed in conffile of libao the driver to esd :)09:38
soyportio i already did that09:38
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ikonialynucs: genius, excellent hack09:38
Veinorsudo umount blah; sudo mount -t ext3 blah09:38
VeinorI think that does it09:38
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bcartoloHi I am having a problem here09:38
j1ttersthanks Flannel . duh. i should have done that in the first place09:39
pike_islan: alt-ctrl-f2 then login the xfce4-panel& then alt-f7 to get back to gui... it think that is the right command for panel in xfce09:39
andrewwQuestion, I cant seem to open my own recordmydesktop output file, Im pretty sure i have the right codecs, and when i load it in VLC Player it just opens and closes, and with other players its all the same09:39
bcartoloCan somebody help me?09:39
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islan pike_ thanks I'll try it out09:39
bcartoloI think I destroyed apt - get09:39
blah569Zipper:  I wouldn't want to consider php a scripting language, but w/e.  Anyway, I like C++, but not as much as php.  I can show you a some source of one of real old sites (arround 956 lines) and you can tell me what you think.  (Weather it is a scriping language or a programming language) if you want.09:39
kitsuneIs there anyway to see what processes are being loaded when logining in? When I log in, it takes a VERY long time for the apps I have put on startup to come up. I think it is hanging up on one of them09:39
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lynucsikonia, its pack of irony? ;)09:39
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sldkfjfirst of all, it's not    apt - get    it's     apt-get09:39
ikonialynucs: no, I mean that. Well done09:39
cain`hey all! i need a dell bios update because my 300gb hd is not fully supported now, but there is no systemid like mine09:40
bcartoloyea that one09:40
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sldkfjtry apt-get09:40
j1ttershas anyone installed ubuntu on a mac powerbook?09:40
bcartolothe thing is09:40
soyportiveinor: is not working09:40
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bcartolothat i wanted to limit the bandwidth09:40
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bcartoloso I googled and I found a mini howto09:40
bcartoloI just copied what it said09:41
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cain`j1tters: why do u wanna do that? peole buy powerbok for macos :D09:41
bcartolobut now apt doesnt work09:41
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ikoniabcartolo: copying direct without knowing or undertanding is never a good idea09:41
j1tterscain' yeh macos is just horrible..  i want to find an older one. they are light. very portable. etc etc.09:41
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omegacentiokay I have tried slocate *readme* and I can't find the readme for kismet... Suggestions?09:41
andrewwAnyone?  Help with my video codec issues?  Ive tried installing them using automatix, i thought that would work09:41
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LVKeulenHello? I'm having a big problem here.09:42
omegacenti!automatix | andreww09:42
ubotuandreww: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:42
YanasAnye know the command to edit a file in root mode?09:42
ikoniaomegacenti: the read me's are normally in the source dir and are called "ReadMe" or "README"09:42
Yanaslike, gsudo gedit or something09:42
omegacentiikonia: where is the source dir?09:42
LVKeulenuh.. sudo nano whatever?09:42
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LVKeuleni don't know :|09:42
IndyGunFreakYanas: use gksudo gedit09:42
soyportii reduce the NTFS partition and create a ext3 logical, but now i need to move the files from the NTFS part to the ext3, so i can reformat that ntfs part also into ext3. but the ext3 partition is RO. what should i do????09:42
ikoniaomegacenti: once again, your running before walking09:42
bcartolohere is the URL http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2034209:42
YanasGK. ahh, thanks.09:42
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andrewwWell, what can I  do to get all the proper video codecs?09:42
islan pike_ : yeah, I'm back in the gui, but the panels are still gone09:42
bcartoloof the how to09:42
LVKeulenI have a virtual machine over here.09:42
sldkfjbcartolo, try aptitude if apt-get is whacked09:42
soyportiveinor: ?09:42
LVKeulenIt can't read my virtual hard disk.09:42
LVKeulenI have a problem.09:43
omegacentiikonia: my heat hurts.. and I am starting to get brain fog..09:43
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LVKeulenIt says my file header is invalid.. i did nothing to damage it anyway09:43
ikoniaomegacenti: sleep on it for tonight, come back to it fresh09:43
eyemeanhi every109:43
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zipperblah569: wasnt trying to make php look bad. But no thanks, i'm kindda busy atm.09:43
omegacentiikonia: might need to so that.09:43
ikoniaomegacenti: its always a good idea09:43
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soyportiveinor: i reduce the NTFS partition and create a ext3 logical, but now i need to move the files from the NTFS part to the ext3, so i can reformat that ntfs part also into ext3. but the ext3 partition is RO. what should i do????09:43
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eyemeanwondering if some1 can help me with ubuntu 7.04 using Radeon ATI 9550 graphics card09:44
sldkfjbcartolo, ex: sudo aptitude install <blah-blah whatchamuhcallit>09:44
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IndyGunFreak!ati | eyemean09:44
ubotueyemean: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:44
tim167if i run thunar my computer stalls, i can only reboot, i removed and reinstalled thunar but it stays the same, any ideas ?09:44
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sldkfjbcartolo, similar to apt-get    reference man aptitude for specifics09:45
LVKeuleni need to get work done for tomorrow :(09:45
eyemeani installed the driver with Envy09:45
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IndyGunFreaktim167: try nautilus?09:45
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eyemeanbut that messed it up09:45
soyportianyone can help me?09:45
IndyGunFreakeyemean: if it messed it up, then you did something wrong09:45
tim167IndyGunFreak, I prefer thunar, becaus it loads alot quicker09:45
islan pike_ : okay, I think I've found the article I need, thankees09:45
IndyGunFreaktim167: i agree, i like thunar also, but obviously you'rehaving an issue with it.09:45
Billiardhey guys, i get this when it installs the deb with checkinstall, trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.1.2/crtbegin.o', which is also in package gcc-4.109:45
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rglits possible to known the SATA hardisk brand and model?09:46
eyemeanwhat i mean is that it installed and everything but then dektop effect would not work09:46
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eyemeanso i uninstalled09:46
tim167IndyGunFreak, I could live with yet another alternative, but preferably not Rox, any tips ?09:46
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IndyGunFreaktim167: not really, i personally like Thunar and nautilus..09:47
magnetronLVKeulen: could you please repeat your question, in one message? (one line) easier to understand then09:47
soyportiplease a terminal command to remount a partition RO as RW!!09:47
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IndyGunFreaktim167: i guess you could try konq09:47
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Salazar_is ubotu still here?09:47
eyemeanwith the standard driver installed the dektop effects work fine09:47
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ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!09:47
IndyGunFreaksalami: ubotu is a bot... just ask your question.09:47
eyemeanbut my problem is when i watch videos09:47
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DanaGI'm trying to set up dnsmasq on my system, but the option "prepend domain-name-servers" in dhclient.conf seems not to work.09:47
Salazar_oh I thought09:47
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IndyGunFreakeyemean: dvds, or avis, or what?09:48
eyemeanany type09:48
Salazar_but... anyway, I'm still struggling with the w32codecs... i read that it's the hardest plundge a new linux user can take but damn09:48
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eyemeanit have to move the player a abit so that video shows09:48
IndyGunFreakSalazar_: whats the problem, its easy?09:48
Salazar_lol..... you nerd09:48
tim167InkyGunFreak you mean Konqueror ? isnt that even heavier than Nautilus ?09:48
soyportisalazar_: what version of ubuntu ae you using?09:48
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eyemeanthen if i move screen in sube mode or even move the video player alightly it goes black09:48
Salazar_but yeah.... i'm not to apt at getting things done in linux09:48
IndyGunFreaktim167: yes..lol, i was just trying to think of an alternative..lol09:49
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IndyGunFreakSalazar_: did you follow the instructions?09:49
DanaGHow do I get it to work?09:49
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Salazar_Well.... yes.... and no09:49
magnetronSalazar_: you can use Synaptic, the graphical tool to install packages09:49
soyportisalazar_: your problem is with the video formats dvd and stuff?09:49
Salazar_well... yeah09:49
LVKeulenCan anyone help with my virtual machine problem?09:49
Salazar_and avi09:49
Salazar_Synaptic will work for w32?09:49
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IndyGunFreakSalazar_: so you need w32codecs and libdvdcss09:50
magnetronLVKeulen: please repeat you question, in one line09:50
Salazar_with repostitory alteratioN?09:50
Salazar_and mplayer and stuff but mainly just w32codec09:50
soyportiwhat kind of format is giving you trouble?09:50
IndyGunFreakSalazar_: are you registered?09:50
magnetronSalazar_: yes start synaptic. System > administration > synaptic09:50
LVKeulenalright magnetron09:50
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LVKeulenMy question:09:50
magnetronone line LVKeulen!09:51
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IndyGunFreak!enter | LVKeulen09:51
ubotuLVKeulen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:51
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Salazar_synaptic is open09:51
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LVKeulenI am running VirtualBox, but my virtual hard drive im using has gone bad, and it is inaccessible. I believe the header has gone wrong. What now?09:51
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Salazar_search libdvdcss?09:51
YanasSweet. :]  All 5 buttons are working, thanks everyone.09:51
eyemeanany idea about how i can sort my problem out? indygunfreak09:52
magnetrongreat Salazar_ start with search for w3209:52
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IndyGunFreakeyemean: no09:52
leonidashello everyone09:52
eyemeanoh well, cheers m809:52
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Salazar_mingw32 and alternates are my results09:52
IndyGunFreakSalazar_: libdvdcss2 is not going to be in the default repositories, you'll have to add one.09:53
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Salazar_kk.... just add multiverse or something?09:53
IndyGunFreakSalazar_: no, a third party repo.09:53
Salazar_I'm not too great with manual repository adds09:53
magnetronSalazar_: ok my mistake, check your repositories.09:53
Salazar_but I can try09:53
IndyGunFreakSalazar_: type this w/o quotes, i'll talk you through it.. "/join #indygunfreak"09:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about package - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports09:54
omegacentiHmmm. I have a swap partition... but I don't think its mounted... help?09:54
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stojanceHow do you make a package depend on a package?09:55
Thorneomegacenti: is the swap beofre the linux filesystem09:55
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bruenigstojance, put it in the control file when you are making it09:55
eyemeanok i've got another problem, i've got 2 screens and have managed to edit xorg file so that i have a bigscreen across both screens09:55
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kitsuneIs there anyway to see what processes are being loaded when logining in? When I log in, it takes a VERY long time for the apps I have put on startup to come up. I think it is hanging up on one of them. This started happening right after I upgraded to Beryl SVN and then downgraded back09:56
bruenig!enter | eyemean09:56
ubotueyemean: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:56
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gamecheifokay i need09:56
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eyemeanok sorry09:56
gamecheifmy xp just went down09:56
gamecheifand i have09:56
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bruenig!enter | gamecheif09:56
ubotugamecheif: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:56
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sldkfjeyemean, sounds cool, how could that be bad?09:56
bruenig!windows | gamecheif09:56
ubotugamecheif: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents09:56
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eyemeanthe problem is wen i go to cube view, instead of 4 side cube it shows as 8 sided.09:57
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eyemeanwondering is some1 could check out my xorg file and help me out09:58
gamecheifokay i just installe uuntu and i need to know how to install programs i dont know anything about linux i want to install the programs i had with windowa09:58
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brueniggamecheif, what are some specific programs09:58
sldkfjeyemean, I don't think it's in the xorg.conf09:58
brueniggamecheif, what does that do09:58
gamecheifwell if you heard of xbox live09:59
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bruenig!find xbox09:59
sldkfjeyemean, could you hold a second?09:59
arooeyemean, just change the amount of desktops you can have09:59
gamecheifthen theirs something else you can go to09:59
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ubotuFound: fluxbox, libxbox-dev, libxbox0, xbox-cromwell, xbox-raincoat09:59
arooeyemean, in the desktop switcher09:59
gamecheifcalled xbconnect09:59
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eyemeansure thing sldkfl09:59
gamecheifthats a generic xbox live09:59
arooeyemean, 4 sided means 1 desktop, 8 sided means 2 desktops in the switcher09:59
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joeaminedhi, i'm using ubuntu feisty on an hp pavilion dv6000 with geforce go 7400 i have the "pci failed to allocate mem resource" in the boot does the new nvidia driver fix this problem ? should i install it ?09:59
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gamecheifnow when i installed did all my programs get deleted10:00
eyemeanso how do i sort it aroo10:00
brueniggamecheif, linux is not windows, you don't install windows programs in linux. You install linux programs in linux. Some windows programs can be run through wine, but it is best to look for alternatives because it is not anywhere near 100%10:00
joeaminedhi, i'm using ubuntu feisty on an hp pavilion dv6000 with geforce go 7400 i have the "pci failed to allocate mem resource" in the boot does the new nvidia driver fix this problem ? should i install it ?10:00
arooeyemean, do you have a desktop switcher on your gnome interface10:01
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bruenig!repeat | joeamined10:01
ubotujoeamined: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:01
arooeyemean, the thing with the 4 squares that you can click to switch desktops with10:01
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rinky3"error while loading shared libraries: libfuse.so.2: cannot open shared object" <-- but I have /usr/local/lib/libfuse.so.2 how do I put the libs into a libpath of some kind? I have no /etc/ld.so.conf file :(10:01
sldkfjeyemean,  check out:  Desktop / Desktop Cube / Options / Multi Monitor Mode     ...and the number of Desktops in General Options10:01
eyemeanyes i do have desktop switch10:01
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arooeyemean, right click, properties, change desktops to 110:01
arooeyemean, beryl considers 1 cube to be 1 desktop10:01
ubunt1#join #ubuntu-bg10:02
arooeyemean, or try through beryl options like sldkfj suggested10:02
gamecheifso what should i do now then10:02
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aroogamecheif, what "programs" are you talking about10:03
aroogamecheif, be specific when you ask questions10:03
silvertip257anybody familiar with building live (CD) environments?  I've got a link I'd like to show and ask questions about.10:03
gamecheifwell i have a program called xbconnet10:03
eyemeanit is set at 1 aroo10:03
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arooeyemean, check beryl options like sldkfj suggested, scroll up to see his response10:03
eyemeani dotn have beryl installed, that doesnt work for me10:03
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arooeyemean, how do you have a cube then10:04
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aroogamecheif, I have absolutely no idea because this channel isn't a support channel for that10:04
eyemeanim new to linux10:04
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eyemeanbut i tried installing beryl and it didnt work10:04
spasticteapotWith a fresh Ubuntu install, the little wifi icon in the upper-right (taskbar?) has a pull-down tab where you can select a wireless network. Mine seems to have disappeared after turning off the wfifi through the "turn off wifi" key on my Thinkpad, and I can't make it come back.10:05
eyemeanim using gnome interface if that helps10:05
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arooeyemean, you said you had an 8 sided cube10:05
sldkfjeyemean,  check out:  'Horizontal Virtual Size' in General Options / Main   ... it should be 4      'Vertical Size' should be 1     and 'Number of Desktops' should be 110:05
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spasticteapotAlso, does anyone know the package that has all the proprietary codecs, like Mp3?10:05
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spasticteapotI can't remember what it was.10:05
gamecheifso you cant install programs like limewire10:05
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Noobsorry it crashed10:05
gamecheifon here10:05
magnetronspasticteapot: ubuntu-restricted-extras, in multiverse10:05
aroogamecheif, you can't just install Windows applications on Linux10:05
gamecheifohhhhhhhhh ok10:05
magnetrongamecheif: there is a limewire for linux10:05
aroogamecheif, you need to read about the operating system before using it10:06
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eyemeansorry wen you say general optioins where do u mean pls? sorry for being silly10:06
gamecheifwell it wasnt explained clearly10:06
Sh3r1ffgamecheif: use azureus in linux ;)10:06
z0mancan someone help, I'm curious about the latest kernel update10:06
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eyemeanpls bear with me10:06
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arooz0man, ask questions instead of asking to ask questions :)10:06
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:07
sldkfjeyemean,  gnome window switcher?   right click the applet and fix the number there10:07
z0manheh thx for the tip, don't like being rude i guess10:07
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Noobok who was going to look at my fdisk i have a share screen open10:07
spasticteapotmagnetron: Can you perhaps help me with my iconbar problem?10:07
spasticteapotI'm war-walking, and don't have much battery left.10:08
z0manSoon I updated the kernel and restarted the machine, it came to grub> prompt.  I found out how to load the "menu.lst" backup file I had 2 kernels ago and managed to load this up10:08
eyemeanit is set to 1, but i still have 4 large screen10:08
sldkfjeyemean, <eyemean> sorry wen you say general optioins where do u mean pls? sorry for being silly  <-------------------  that is in the 'beryl settings manager'10:08
magnetron!repeat | spasticteapot10:08
ubotuspasticteapot: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:08
z0manAlso when I tried to use the new kernels, it moaned about cylinders exhausted10:08
z0manerror 18 think10:08
eyemeanalthough in cube mode it looks like it has 8 sides10:08
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Noobhow do i register my username so i can pm?10:08
aroosldkfj: i thought he had beryl as well but he claims to not have it10:08
doug_Hi does anyone have any experience using the Wubi ubuntu installer?10:09
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Sh3r1ffaroo: maybe he has compiz10:09
magnetron!register | Noob10:09
ubotuNoob: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration10:09
spasticteapotmagnetron: Sorry, I'm suffering massive lag.10:09
sldkfjeyemean, if you're not using beryl it's not a cube,    unless you loaded Compiz10:09
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:09
eyemeanyeah i think thats the one i have10:09
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sx66how do you change the default settings for the power mag, of 11min screen off to a lower one?10:09
tondarhey all10:09
eyemeani was trying to think of is10:09
gamecheifok so did ubuntu10:10
Noob!register| Noob10:10
gamecheifdelete all my windows files10:10
sldkfjeyemean, with Compiz,  I think you tweak that in compiz-gnome gui10:10
IndyGunFreak!enter | gamecheif10:10
tondarany FREE photoshop app in linux? (Not gimp)10:10
aroogamecheif, if you told it to, yes10:10
ubotugamecheif: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:10
sldkfjor in the gconf editor10:10
IndyGunFreak!gimpshop | tondar10:10
ubotutondar: gimpshop is a hack that makes The Gimp look and feel more like Photoshop.  A .deb for Ubuntu is available via http://plasticbugs.com/?page_id=29410:10
sldkfjI could be wrong though10:10
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aroogamecheif, ubuntu didn't do anything unless you told it to do it10:10
eyemeanhow do i do that ?10:10
sldkfjI don't use compiz10:10
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IndyGunFreakaroo: my ubuntu does things all the time w/o me telling it to.10:10
Sh3r1ffsldkfj: gnome-compiz-manager10:10
arooIndyGunFreak: you should get that looked at, then10:11
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gamecheifi told to create a patican10:11
sldkfjeyemean is compiz-gnome installed?10:11
XtypeWriter74hi. i am trying to open .swf files with MC directing to vlc player,,, i edited the Video line in /etc/mc/mc.ext with :: regex/\.([sS] [wW] [fF] )$    /    Include=video,,, but the file(s) will not open up in vlc, does anybody have an idea what i am missing ?10:11
IndyGunFreakaroo: :)10:11
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z0manWell I think my menu.lst is corrupted and the kernel won't start as it has to be on the first 18 cylinders (old machines).   My machine is an AMD dual core processor so I have no clue about why it won't start the new kernel10:11
aroogamecheif: partition?10:11
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Noobi have a system runbning xp  and i installed kubuntu and when i boot up i can select kubunto but xp is not in the boot loader10:11
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sldkfjeyemean, shift this chat into #ubuntu-effects  there will be people there to help10:11
YanasIs there any program what will let me run windows .exe's in Ub?10:11
Sh3r1ffYanas: wine10:12
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aroogamecheif: you can always reboot to check10:12
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:12
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HugLeoDriver: "agrsm-alpha.tar.bz2"10:12
YanasWIne, gotcha.10:12
HugLeoI use the Ubuntu. I've compiled the driver. I've loaded the modules and10:12
HugLeocreated links correctly. But I do not obtain the message "modem detected".10:12
HugLeoThe wvdial makes this: Port Scan: Scanning ttyLTM0 first, /dev/modem is link10:12
HugLeoyou it.10:12
HugLeoWhen it would have to be perhaps: Port Scan: Scanning ttyAGS3 first,10:12
HugLeoThe symbolic links are ok.10:12
IndyGunFreakXtypeWriter74: where did you read to edit that file.10:12
HugLeoDo you anybody could help me?10:12
eyemeanyeah im sure its compiz10:12
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:12
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arooHugLeo, do not do that10:12
eyemeanok will try there thank you10:12
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soyportidoes anyone knows how to fix azureus problems and Block IP??10:13
HugLeoaroo: ok10:13
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aroosoyporti: be specific, what problems10:13
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daylighterI had a kernel upgrade yesterday, and now I am unable to access any windows partitions, I have some NTFS and some FAT3210:13
XtypeWriter74<IndyGunFreak> i dont remember, if it was here or somewhere, somebody suggested me to edit there10:13
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aroodaylighter, using ntfs-3g ?10:14
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IndyGunFreakXtypeWriter74: if i recallc orrectly, vlc should play an FLV file w/o editing, at least it did for me10:14
IndyGunFreakhang on10:14
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daylighterI dont know if I am or not, aroo, I just know that I had them set up and now they arent10:14
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aroodaylighter, did they work without tampering before?10:14
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IndyGunFreakXtypeWriter74: have you tried any other video players?10:14
XtypeWriter74it does, but i cannot seem to get mc to push the .swf to vlc10:15
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daylighteraroo, yep10:15
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IndyGunFreakyou lost me10:15
aroo!ntfs > daylighter10:15
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IndyGunFreakoh ok.10:15
miles_Hi there10:15
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IndyGunFreaki don't know, all i've tried to do is download some youtube videos i wanted to keep, and it worked fine10:15
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z0manI DONT WANT TO REINSTALL!!! :(10:16
XtypeWriter74oh yes it does :)10:16
raiden_How to chage runlevel? I'm not see /etc/inittab :)10:16
IndyGunFreakz0man: so don't10:16
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miles_Planning to get a new laptop for Ubuntu. Are nvidia GeForce GO 8400 supported by Linux drivers, proprietary or not?10:16
arooraiden_: change the runlevel of processes? change the runlevel that you boot into?10:16
aroomiles_: check nvidia site10:16
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raiden_aroo , boot...10:16
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IndyGunFreakmiles_: i'm pretty sure it is.. generally Nvidia will be supported much better than ATI10:17
sldkfjmiles, I think so, might be legacy if not latest10:17
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miles_I checked nvidia's site but could not see it10:17
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IndyGunFreak!nvidia | miles_10:17
ubotumiles_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:17
IndyGunFreakcheck that link10:17
IndyGunFreakit has a list10:17
miles_"Gece 8400M"  does the "M" stands for "Mobile" ?10:18
IndyGunFreakmiles_: check the link.. if its supported it will be on that list.10:18
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raiden_aroo, how to change default runlevel on boot? (bad english sorry)10:18
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alexmaxHi.  I'm running xubuntu, and I want my ntfs drives to be automatically mounted read/write when i start the computer instead of having to manually double click them and put in my sudo password.  How do I change fstab to do this?10:18
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IndyGunFreak!ntfs | alexmax10:18
ubotualexmax: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:18
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tim167what line do i add in xorg.conf to do the equivalent of xsetkbmap ?10:18
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:19
zipperalexmax: you definately dont want to have write permissions to your ntfs partitions.10:19
IndyGunFreakzipper: i agree.10:19
IndyGunFreakdangerous stuff.10:19
tyler_dlooking for a walkthrough on installing ut2003... anyone know of somewhere or done it before?10:19
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miles_Yeah, it is still the same list but it does not answer my question10:19
arooraiden_: All the things that you used to have in the /etc/inittab is ported to upstarts /etc/event.d/.10:19
nullkuhli have beryl runnin on xgl in feisty with ati card,,, its workin so fine with the core downgrade to version 2.0 ,,, but i have no direct rendering in this session Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display "localhost:1.0". direct rendering: No ..... PLZ HELPPPPPPPPPPP10:19
zipperalexmax: You're very likely to fry the entire partition, since NTFS writing is still (probably always will be) experimental.10:19
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raiden_aroo thanks10:19
julianwheree/how would I securely store my iwconfig settings & wep key so it would auto connect10:20
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Hausbergis there a way to avoid Ubuntu from installing grub to MBR?10:20
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Hausbergand moreover is there a way to boot from USB memory stick and get grub on it?10:20
mkquisthey all, anyone know what channel is for beryl?10:20
IndyGunFreakHausberg: disconnect the drive during install.10:21
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j1ttersmhquist #ubuntu-effects i think10:21
mkquistj1tters: ty10:21
julianwhats a good gnome ftp client.??10:21
HausbergIndyGunFreak nogo it's a laptop and I want to install all the other stuff on it but I do not want a boot loader10:21
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StudiosusHow can I burn >4gb file on dvd?10:21
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arooHausberg, the alternate CD might do it, but I'm not certain10:22
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orbinjulian: you can use nautilus.  i used gftp when i needed one10:22
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soyportiaroo: the guy with the problem is in ubuntu-es and the error message is "Probando puertos 20270 ... Error de NAT"10:22
SmokeyStudiosus, if you can try compressing it10:23
IndyGunFreakHausberg: only thing i can think of.. is to go ahead and install ubuntu, and let Ubuntu write grub to the MBR, then after install, clear the mbr w/ the windows b oot cd using fixmbr and fixboot... once that is done, download and setup the supergrub disk on a floppy, and set your PC to boot the floppy first... if you want to boot ubuntu, make sure the floppy is in the drive, then grub will boot, and you can choose Ubuntu... if yo10:23
IndyGunFreaku don't want Ubuntu to boot, just don't insert the floppy, and it will go straight to windows.10:23
aroosoyporti, sounds like a firewall/router issue, I'm not srue10:23
soyportiaroo: sorry but is taking to long for me to talk with him and with you guys10:23
julianorbin, thanks, trying now10:23
akromykhow do I install cdt for eclipse in Ubuntu so that I can compile c++?10:23
soyportihow can we know?10:23
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soyportiaroo: what can we do?10:23
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SlimeyPeteakromyk: I think it's available from the eclipse plugin manager, iirc10:23
aroosoyporti: does he use a router10:24
aroosoyporti: does he use a firewall10:24
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soyportiaroo: it said that the bitorrent doesn't work like azureus10:24
aroosoyporti: may need to open ports10:24
aroosoyporti: I don't use azureus so I don't know10:24
SlimeyPeteakromyk: which is available from... erm, the help menu maybe? It's one of th emenus at the top of Eclipse.10:24
soyportihe said he doesn't use firewall10:24
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BitmessMy fstab for HDA3 says UUID=689907d7-4800-4a90-b475-12793e385eb9 /media/hda3 ext3 defaults 0 2     How can I make it read/write to regular user?10:24
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tondarwhich is better banshee or amarok ?10:24
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IndyGunFreaktondar: i like banshee, but its ipod support is awful, so i use amarok10:25
arootondar, whichever you like best10:25
Smokeytondar, matter of preference10:25
tuskerninitondar: better for what?10:25
SmokeyI like banshee better too.10:25
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SmokeyI use floola for my ipod10:25
IndyGunFreakfloola?.. what the heck is that.10:25
tondartuskernini: any advantages one has and the other dont10:25
Terzowhen i try to use my wireless connection a message comes up saying "Enter password for default keyring to unlock"  i give it the password, but it immediately pops up again.  am i doing something wrong?10:25
akromykk. thanks10:25
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SmokeyIndyGunFreak, google it, its a exceptionally decent ipod program10:26
IndyGunFreaktondar: only f youre planning to write to an ipod, otherwise, they are both quite similar.10:26
IndyGunFreakSmokey: ok...10:26
soyportiaroo: it said that the log files of azureus said that to and send me this "Decentralised tracking requires this."10:26
soyportiaroo: what do yopu think?10:26
Smokeytondar, amarok is prettier i suppose, but i like the simplicity and ease of banshee10:26
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aroosoyporti, I don't know10:26
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nullkuhli have beryl runnin on xgl in feisty with ati card,,, its workin so fine with the core downgrade to version 2.0 ,,, but i have no direct rendering in this session Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display "localhost:1.0". direct rendering: No ..... PLZ HELPPPPPPPPPPP10:26
soyportiaroo: [1006 09:28:18]  Alert:1:If you have a router/firewall, please check that you have port 20270 UDP open.10:26
IndyGunFreakSmokey: did you have to compile it, or is it in the repos.10:26
tondarso overall banshee or amarok?10:26
sx66what is a good firewall?10:26
rapterWhere can I find gnome ppp dial connection comand10:27
SmokeyIndyGunFreak, no idea about the repos, but I didn't compile it10:27
IndyGunFreaktondar: it doesn't matter, just choose one10:27
tondarwhich support gnome better?10:27
soyportihow can it be open a port??10:27
IndyGunFreakSmokey: ok.10:27
IndyGunFreaktondar: both are fine for gnome...10:27
soyportihow can i open the 20270 port?????10:27
tondarIndyGunFreak: what do you use?10:27
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IndyGunFreaki told you, amarok, because i think banshee's ipod support sucks.10:27
SmokeyIndyGunFreak, http://www.floola.com10:27
soyportihow can i open the 20270 port??how can i open the 20270 port??10:27
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orbinTerzo: i get that when i type the password incorrectly10:27
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IndyGunFreakbut i don't use amarok just to listen to music, i use audacious10:27
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Smokeysoyporti, shh please10:27
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tondarIndyGunFreak: does it support midi?10:28
Flannelsoyporti: You don't need to open it, unless you've closed it actively.10:28
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soyportiSmokey: sorry10:28
cidwelhello, can someone help me with ubuntu? When I switched on my pc, i've got the message that i've to make a manual maintenance of fsck, so I tried but i've got that message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25024/10:28
rapterLexmark Z605 installation, driver ???10:28
IndyGunFreaktondar: does what support midi?10:28
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Terzoso i should just try again and make 100% sure that my password is correct?10:28
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ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant10:29
tondarIndyGunFreak: audacious10:29
padeehi there. anyone with experiences with using ubuntu in an internetcafe?10:29
IndyGunFreaktondar: hmm, i'mnot sure, hang on10:29
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thezenmasterhow do i make the text have colors instead of being monochromatic ?10:30
thezenmasterin command line10:30
arootondar: why not use both and judge for yourself10:30
roryythezenmaster: well, it depends on the application10:30
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orbincidwel: what cmd did you use?10:30
tondararoo: thats the problem, got low speed10:30
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tondarcant download both10:30
thezenmasterroryy in the gnome terminal10:30
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arootondar: dial up?10:31
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roryythezenmaster: e.g., I have ls aliased to 'ls --color=auto'  -- that makes directory listings have colour10:31
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tondararoo: well not exactly but something like it10:31
tondararoo: dsl 128kb10:31
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IndyGunFreaktondar: i don't think it does.10:31
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thezenmasterhttp://www.deviantart.com/deviation/52068917/ like this10:31
thezenmasterwhat about the location?10:31
arootondar: after you download one you aren't allowed to download the other?10:31
tondarIndyGunFreak: hmm, the gui looks cool though10:31
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tondararoo: no man10:32
rapterhow doo I install printer Lexmark 60510:32
IndyGunFreaktondar: its very small and simple.. i use it when playing mp3s on my desktop/laptop10:32
thezenmasterme@mycomputer ~ $10:32
tondararoo: it takes long to download10:32
tondarIndyGunFreak: i c10:32
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IndyGunFreakthezenmaster: a little dark10:32
oililyhello, i would like to sync my palm with evolution; first i have to create a symbolic link from the connected usb-interface to /dev/pilot; does anyone told me how to identify the connected usb-interface?10:32
arootondar: don't use amarok then because it's going to download dependencies10:32
arootondar: if you have that bad of internet10:32
nullkuhl i have beryl runnin on xgl in feisty with ati card,,, its workin so fine with the core downgrade to version 2.0 ,,, but i have no direct rendering in this session Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display "localhost:1.0". direct rendering: No10:33
tondararoo: how about banshee10:33
thezenmasterIndyGunFreak what?10:33
IndyGunFreaktondar: yeah, i just caught your speed situation, use banshee, the dependencies are already within gnome10:33
arootondar: probably a lot smaller10:33
IndyGunFreakthezenmaster: the wallpaper, tad dark10:33
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tondarIndyGunFreak: k10:33
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tondararoo: thanks10:33
roryythezenmaster: i'm not sure what you're after; if you want a colour bash prompt, look here: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/other-formats/html_single/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO.html10:33
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thezenmasterI just want to have colors, like in this example http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/52068917/10:34
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simo1hello! I need help. I can't boot.10:35
jribthezenmaster: google for: bash color prompt10:35
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Veinorin system monitor, why does it say that my cpu usage is at about 50% on both processors, but the 'processes' tab shows about 10%?10:35
thezenmasterok, thanks!10:36
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hajhousecan i modify the default template on the linux version of OOo 2.2 for all users? i know how to install a new default template for my username, but i would like to do so for all users on the machine10:36
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raiden_nullkuhl , if Xgl running , direct rendering alway off - it is normal. :)10:36
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raiden_ups )10:37
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raymondjtothhow do i uninstall movie player in new to ubuntu?10:37
raymondjtothand how i install; real plkayer in this ne buikd im new10:37
raymondjtothany help for my 2 q's10:37
simo1I have installed and it all went well but when I boot it says "Can't boot Operatingsystem"10:37
tondarbanshee 50% done already10:37
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XtypeWriter74movieplayer hm,,,,10:38
hajhouseraymondjtoth: see http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Multimedia_Player_.28RealPlayer_10.2910:38
Veinorin system monitor, why does it say that my cpu usage is at about 50% on both processors, but the 'processes' tab shows about 10%?10:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:38
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rhalffhi anyone know an english language learning program ?10:38
rhalffin GPL10:38
raymondjtothbeen there still says cant finde iut10:38
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gratuitis there any command line way to start a gtk app in a minimized state?10:39
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raymondjtothubotu how i uninstall the4 movie player10:39
novato_brhow can I get edit the grub ?10:39
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XtypeWriter74good question <rhalff>10:39
thedrummerWell ,i need little help. I have ubuntu 7.04, nvidia card with dual-head , two monitors and vlc video player installed. VLC works great, but if i enter fullscreen mode it makes fullscreen video only at one (the smallest) display. So i need to have a fullscreen video on the other display (it's bigger).  Any ideas ?10:39
frank__hello all10:39
thedrummerbtw, helo10:39
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IndyGunFreakraymondjtoth: go to synaptic, search for Totem, and remove it.10:39
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IndyGunFreakraymondjtoth: why do you want to remove it?10:40
vandej2Does anyone know if the USB Settings savings and Persistence has been solved in version 7.04?10:40
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hajhousenovato_br: the grub configuration file is /etc/boot/grub/menu.lst. you need to be careful to pay attention to what the comments in the file say10:40
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raymondjtothwant better10:40
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the_hammerhi all10:40
novato_brthx, hajhouse10:40
rhalffXtypeWriter74: you have a good answer ?10:40
Flannelhajhouse, novato_br, no.  /boot/grub/menu.lst, no /etc10:40
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IndyGunFreakraymondjtoth: its one of the better ones, plus, its one of the few with a firefox plugin10:40
Pozaroi just installed linux a few hours ago this os is difficult10:40
kaihow do i completely blacklist the bcm43xx driver? its causing problems for me.10:40
XtypeWriter74srry nope :(  :)10:40
Montehhiya everyone, whats the easiest way to change the run level (i want to install latest nvidia linux drivers)10:40
rhalffhm ok10:40
the_hammeri have ubuntu 7.04 and i just bought a msi tv anywhere card is there away to make it work?10:40
hajhouseFlannel: sorry, thanks for correction :)10:40
IndyGunFreakPozaro: its not dificult, its just not windows, so it will take some learning10:40
jadderI am doing my practice of linux10:40
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jadderI need little help10:40
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alm3id4hi, is there a way to make beryl star automatically with ubuntu?10:40
frank__can anybody tell me if its safe to delete .DEB files in /var/cache/apt/archives manually???10:41
raymondjtothok how i install real player i teyed all fourms still nothing10:41
XtypeWriter74<rahlff> i know a good german-englisch dictionary10:41
jadderI am using ubuntu 7.0410:41
IndyGunFreakthe_hammer: try google, tv card support is very hit/miss10:41
gratuitfrank__: shouldn't be a problem10:41
IndyGunFreakraymondjtoth: then you didn't try very hard.10:41
kaihow do i completely blacklist the bcm43xx driver in feisty?? its causing problems for me.10:41
IndyGunFreak!realplayer | raymondjtoth10:41
uboturaymondjtoth: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:41
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Montehalm3id4:  make it start auto in system > preferences > sessions10:41
raymondjtothin im new10:41
hajhousefrank__: yes it is safe. you can also use apt-get clean to remove them10:41
jaddersomebody can help me?10:41
Flannel!blacklist | kai10:41
ubotukai: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 10:41
raymondjtothin i did look at that been there dont work10:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:41
frank__hajhouse, thanks10:41
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IndyGunFreak!ask | jadder10:41
kaithanks Flannel10:42
ubotujadder: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:42
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jadderI need to create a file10:42
raymondjtothim what i do now10:42
jadderI do10:42
Montehguys how can i change my runlevel temporarily to do this update for nvidia drivers10:42
jadderI did10:42
raymondjtothim new to this10:42
jadderwith cat > jadder.txt10:42
Pozaroim new to10:42
vandej2Does anyone know if the USB Settings savings and Persistence has been solved in version 7.04 with Live CD?10:42
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jadderthat first10:42
francoisMonteh: you installing the drivers from the website ?10:42
IndyGunFreak!enter | jadder10:42
ubotujadder: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:42
OuZohow do i fix the hal error in feisty fawn 64bit? do i need to compile a kernel? thanks10:42
jadderthen I need to open with several edictors10:43
jaddercat jadder.txt10:43
Flannel!kernel | OuZo10:43
ubotuOuZo: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:43
jaddervi jadder.txt10:43
Montehfrom the nvidia site yea, just came out 2 days ago francois10:43
jadderI dont know more10:43
IndyGunFreakjadder: if you think i'm reading all that, you're crazy, keep your question on one line10:43
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jadderbut I need to see10:43
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XtypeWriter74<jadder>  mcedit is also cool10:43
francoisMonteh: you need to do alt+ctrl+f1 after you download them, then stop your display manager, either kdm or gdm, and then run the drivers10:43
jadderthe PID of every proceso how acces to jadder.txt10:43
nullkuhlguys wat is strg and srtg keys ??10:44
PozaroDoes any one know how to instal programs from disk ?10:44
raymondjtothin im new to this and just tell me cxan finde it or get it to install10:44
Montehfrancois: im on gnome, whats the command to stop the display manager :o10:44
IndyGunFreakPozaro: what are you trying to install10:44
OuZoFlannel: are you running 7.04 64bit?10:44
Veinoranybody know of any free tools to unzip rars?10:44
francoisMonteh: stop the display by typing sudo /ect/init.d/gdm stop10:44
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FlannelOuZo: no.  But the process is the same.10:44
raymondjtothindy see my q10:44
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Montehty ty10:44
francoisMonteh: and then run the drivers, sudo sh driversname i beleive10:44
Flannelraymondjtoth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods10:45
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jadderlet see10:45
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nullkuhl guys wats strg and srtg keys ?.10:45
OuZoFlannel: are you familiar whit the hal error on 7.04 64bit?10:45
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FlannelOuZo: no10:45
Pozaroso thats  how i install a .exe10:45
Flannel!enter | jadder10:45
ubotujadder: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:45
IndyGunFreakPozaro: unless you have wine, you cant10:45
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t94xrOuZo: apt-get install linux-restricted-module10:45
Veinoranybody know of any free tools to unzip rars?10:46
IndyGunFreakPozaro: linux doesn't use .exe files10:46
jadderok ubotu10:46
tim167I want to fin out what graphics card is in this computer, and how to get hardware accelleration for it, how ? thank you10:46
XtypeWriter74<nullkuhl> control i think in german10:46
sx66how do you uninstall firestarter10:46
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PriceChildtim167, type "lspci | grep VGA" in a terminal10:46
OuZot94xr: does that fix the hal error?10:46
IndyGunFreaksx66: sudo apt-get remove firestarter10:46
francoissx66: sudo apt-get remove firestarter10:46
Flannelsx66: why do you need to?10:46
raymondjtothflannel i get this deb: command not found10:46
XtypeWriter74sx66 sudo aptitude purge firestarter10:46
jadderI need to create a file then open this file with several edictors, then see what the PID of those proces how acces to my file.10:46
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sx66Flannel, firestarter takes too much mem10:46
hajhouseVeinor: the package unrar-free maybe? (found with apt-cache search)10:46
orbinVeinor: well you don't unzpi them, you unrar them.  grab rar from multiverse10:46
Flannelraymondjtoth: Read the stuff around that.  That's not a command, that's something you need to add (the next line)10:46
Veinorunrar them, eh.10:47
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Veinorsame diff :-P10:47
tim167PriceChild thanks, its a Radeon 9800 Pro, is that nvidia ?10:47
phixnayhey I have a separate boot partition now, so now can I install gusty on another partition without messing up my current setup?10:47
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orbinVeinor: or hajhouse's suggestion is probably better10:47
PriceChildtim167, no, that's ati :)10:47
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tim167PriceChild, oh no thats bad news ;)10:47
tom_24Hey Guys! I have been playing with ubuntu on my spare HDD (about 10GB) but want to transfer ubuntu only my master drive (more space, etc) Any tools or tips anyone has for this task?10:48
Pozaroindygun ahh so I need the program wine to install.exe10:48
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oililyn8 allerseits10:48
IndyGunFreakPozaro: yes, and it still depends on what you want to install, some programs work great w/ wine, others not very well, a whole lot of them not at all.10:48
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raymondjtothgot it10:49
Pozaroi have some pograms and games i want to install  but i get no apllication suitable for instaling10:49
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XtypeWriter74anybody work with midnightcommander that can answer this guestion: i am trying to open .swf files with MC directing to vlc player,,, i edited the Video line in /etc/mc/mc.ext with :: regex/\.([sS] [wW] [fF] )$    /    Include=video,,, but the file(s) will not open up in vlc, any idea what i am missing ?10:49
Pozaroill try to find this wine10:49
phixnayI've been in tom_24's situation as well, but I haven't figured out how to do it. Can you use nautilus for to move a whole filesystem, or should you just mv or cp in that case?10:49
IndyGunFreak!wine | Pozaro10:50
ubotuPozaro: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:50
jadderI need to create a file then open this file with several edictors, then see what the PID of those proces how acces to my file10:50
Studiosuswhat is typical usage of mkudffs?10:50
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ltstart keyogger10:50
tom_24Phixnay - guess your still stuck in the same position? Am i best just re-formatting and starting over you think? =(10:50
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phixnaytom_24: no, it's definitely doable, and I've done it, I just don't know the best way10:51
Pozaroim laso having a problem with my ati diver10:51
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VeinorPozaro Yes, but it doesn't always work.10:51
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VeinorPozaro: go into a terminal and type sudo apt-get install wine10:51
Veinorto go to a terminal, go to 'applications' in the upper-left corner, then accessories, then 'terminal'10:51
sx66how do you say secure on a wireless network (coffee shop) (besides VPN), is proxy a good idea?10:51
tom_24phixnay: Ok - guess i will have to do a little more snooping about - any ideas at all where i should start?10:51
IndyGunFreak!ati | Pozaro10:51
ubotuPozaro: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:51
IndyGunFreakis wine in the default repositories?10:51
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phixnaytom_24: I started moving the files with the command line, but I got impatient and ended it right it the middle of what it was doing - that wasn't too smart : )10:52
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VeinorIndyGunFreak: Good point.10:52
phixnaytom_24: I'm sure the people in here know, you just have to be a little patient for someone to notice10:52
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tom_24phixnay: heh - i bed that caused a few issues =/10:52
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IndyGunFreakVeinor: i don't think it is.10:52
jadderI need to create a file then open this file with several edictors, then see what the PID of those proces how acces to my file10:52
lti cant launch an windows program which is already installe,. when i type " sudo wine bl.exe"  the programm starts but i miss some buttons in the program10:52
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IndyGunFreakit might be10:52
Nutubuntuphixnay, tom_24 - don't know if this solves your questions but it looked helpful: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/10:52
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omegacentiWell I am having a problem bunring a CD with gnome baker... don't know what went wrong but I think something bad... help?10:53
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: whats wrong?10:53
Flannellt: You don't need to use sudo.  And also, don't try trolling.10:53
phixnaytom_24: lol it did :).10:53
haggardlt: you probably shouldn't be running wine as root10:53
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omegacentiIndyGunFreak: didn't burn, sounded to fast, saw a number like 76x CD speed.. think its wrong.10:53
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ltsame without sudo10:53
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: I have a log if you would like to look at it10:53
BitmessHow in fstab to mount ext3 partition RW for everyone? please?10:53
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IndyGunFreakomegacenti: well, that could be part of the problem, first... slow it way down.10:53
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: yeah, pastebin the log10:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:54
jadderwho can help me?10:54
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: what are you tryin to burn?10:54
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: http://pastebin.ca/55700710:54
majorglorycan anyone help me?10:54
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: xubuntu FF10:54
VeinorBitmess: Gimme a sec10:54
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haggardlt: try going to http://appdb.winehq.org/ and searching for the program you're trying to run.10:54
kitchefeisty fawn most likely IndyGunFreak10:54
BitmessVeinor, ok10:54
IndyGunFreakoh, duh.10:54
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IndyGunFreakomegacenti: did you burn it as an image?10:55
majorgloryhow do you hide and unhide/access hidden files?10:55
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: trying to10:55
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: did Burn cd image10:55
phixnayhey, what's the best way to move all of ubuntu to another partition?10:55
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IndyGunFreakhmm, well you're gonna probably have to burn it a lot slower than 76x..lol, i generally burn around 2-4x, to avoid problems10:55
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Flannelmajorglory: You access them just like any other file, they simply have a dot (.) as the first character of their name.  You don't unhide them, although you can configure things to show hidden files.10:56
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: so what makes you think there was a problem?10:56
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: know how I can find out the actual write speed?10:56
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: it said: failed.10:56
sayersAre there any decent torrent programs for Ubuntu with a Interface besides Azureus10:56
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fabio_how can i start ubuntu with eth0 down?10:56
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: type this w/o quotes... "/join #indygunfreak"10:56
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jadderI need to create a file then open this file with several edictors, then see what the PID of those proces how acces to my file10:56
majorgloryI created a new file on the desktop named '.moo' how do i get into it?10:56
jadderI can not see cat PID10:57
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tom_24phixnay: Thanks Man - i shall keep the hunt on - if i get anyhthing il let you know =)10:57
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jadderwith ps -e10:57
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VeinorBitmess: /dev/blah /mountpoint filetype user10:57
Flannelmajorglory: open "~/Desktop/.moo"10:57
orbinsayers: try deluge10:57
VeinorI think.10:57
gonnaeatthatanyone know somehow I can install pygtk?10:57
Flannelmajorglory: through whatever you want to open it with10:57
phixnaytom_24: ok, good luck10:57
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sayersorbin, how do I install that. I head about it but no packages10:57
Nutubuntuphixnay, tom_24 - don't know if this solves your questions but it looked helpful: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/10:57
gonnaeatthatI cannot seem to get a program to run and not sure if i have proper version of pygtk10:57
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orbinsayers: google.  they have an ubuntu repos10:58
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ubotudeluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information10:58
BitmessVeinor, for user I can put more than one?10:58
Veinorno, you put the word 'user'10:58
tom_24Nutubuntu: Thanks - Phixnay came up with that a little earlier - its a good starting point and if i was clever enough i could adapt it - but alas i am not yet.10:58
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raiden_jadder> man fuser , fuser - identify processes using files or sockets10:58
phixnayNutubuntu: I saw it, but I don't know how to copy everything in / to a new partition, since /dev and /media are within /10:58
VeinorThat won't let you run executables.10:58
NutubuntuOh I see - I didn't realize you'd seen it10:59
sayersorbin, what one10:59
sayers!info Deluge10:59
ubotuPackage deluge does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:59
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VeinorIf you want to, put user,exec (but that makes it unsafe)10:59
jadderyes I did10:59
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tim167no kidding, i installed ATI drivers using "envy" and now i get 'input not supported from my monitor, i cant even switch to command line interface what do i do ? help !10:59
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ROnewbieHi all; I need some help with the following: I'm trying to get a RT61 network card under feisty to actually connect to my networks. The card is seen by Feisty, the drivers installed, Network Manager sees all my wireless networks, yet it won't connect. Other than this, my MSI S271X laptop worked all out-of-box under Ubuntu, so I'd really like to remove this thorn to my the full transition from WinXP.11:00
majorgloryFlannel: im such a noob. im using file browser to get to it. am i doing this right?11:00
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!11:00
KI4IKLI am trying to get synergy running...I used the command "synergys -f --config synergy.conf...I got the error, "FATAL: synergys.cpp, 655: unkown screen name 'jared-desktop'11:00
KI4IKLHow do I fix that?11:00
Flannelmajorglory: File browser will work, you just have to turn on hidden files (ctrl-H, I think, also view > show hidden files, or something like that)11:00
raymondjtothis there any thing to plkay quicktime formate?11:01
Tom-AT-ZuluHey guys, im running as root right now (Dont moan about it, i need to do a LOT of file transfer from NTFS to EXT3, then do  some partitoioning, etc)... But i dont have most of the admin tools in the Administration menu (Just 5)... Any ideas? 6.06 LTS11:01
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tim167stefg i know i know, but i did try, so is there any way to fix it at all ?11:01
nitehawkjust dropped in because a real noob needs some help!!!!11:01
FlannelTom-AT-Zulu: `sudo -i` can get you a root terminal without needing to be root.  Also, `gksu nautilus` can get you a root file browser11:01
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Tom-AT-Zulugod damn11:02
jadderenvy make it dowm ubuntu friends11:02
raymondjtothany way to play quick time formate on here?11:02
Tom-AT-Zuluthats how11:02
raymondjtothgot real working11:02
Tom-AT-Zulucheers Flannel11:02
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stefgtim167: no idea, reinstall and start over with a clean system ?11:02
majorgloryFlannel: thanks a lot man!11:02
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:02
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orbinsayers: actually, i'm not sure why they advise against the version in the repos, it *is* in universe after all: deluge-torrent package11:02
raymondjtothflannel any way to play quick time format?11:02
tom_24Hey Guys! I have been playing with ubuntu on my spare HDD (about 10GB) but want to transfer ubuntu only my master drive (more space, etc) Any tools or tips anyone has for this task?11:02
sayers!info deluge-torrent11:03
nitehawki've just installed ubunto 7.04 , server , because i was told it was real easy but....where is my root password and my UI :)11:03
tim167stefg oh dear  aaarg! well i learned my lesson i guess ;)11:03
ubotuPackage deluge-torrent does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas11:03
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orbinsayers: i'm guessing they want you to use the latest build which you may have to build from source.  i must have been mistaken thinking they had a repos for it11:03
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tom_24nitehawk: if i am right - when you login go to users and groups and set the root there11:03
frank|\raymondjtoth, mplayer, and kaffeine work for me try them11:03
Tom-AT-ZuluAlso, another Q -- it takes a fairly long time for me to log in to my system (i timed 3 minutes before the loading screen came up)... Any ideas? Pentium 3 866mhz machine...11:03
phixnaynitehawk: server means there is no gui, and ubuntu doesn't have a root password to begin with, just a sudo account11:03
nitehawki cant got users and groups, i have no UI!!!11:03
XtypeWriter74anybody know how to setup midnightcommander that would like to join me in #fluxbox-chitchat11:03
ROnewbieAnyone, please ? Network Manager won't connect to any wireless networks. Running Feisty on an MSI S271X laptop with RT61 card (ralink). Newrk Mngr "sees" all the networks allright, won't connect.11:03
Flannelraymondjtoth: All that stuff is linked from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  search for "quicktime" on that page and you'll find it11:04
nitehawklol i need my UI :)11:04
sayersorbin I don't want to compile :(11:04
nitehawkhow can i get it on there ?11:04
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FlannelTom-AT-Zulu: give yourself a static IP11:04
tom_24nitehawk: install desktop then? And configure it as a server :)11:04
Tom-AT-Zului have11:04
Tom-AT-Zulugot one11:04
orbinsayers: http://deluge-torrent.org/  5th message on the page11:04
phixnaynitehawk: is this acutally going to be used as a server? best way to get the gui is probably install the desktop edition11:04
Tom-AT-ZuluIs there a way to view whats going on when i login?11:05
nitehawkyeah look like i'm gonns have to do that thanks....11:05
frank|\raymondjtoth, you can associate realplayer to play QT files11:05
Flannelnitehawk: Ubuntu doesn't use the root account, so you have no root password.11:05
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phixnaynitehawk: but the command line has everything you really need : )11:05
nitehawki just need it to run vmware and my redhat has died11:05
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tom_24Hey Guys! I have been playing with ubuntu on my spare HDD (about 10GB) but want to transfer ubuntu only my master drive (more space, etc) Any tools or tips anyone has for this task?11:05
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Nutubuntuphixnay - I thought nitehawk could just apt-get ubuntu-desktop, am I mistaken? N00b here myself, so I could be11:05
raymondjtothfrank what do you recomend installing for quick toime11:05
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tim167stefg if i can acces my xorg.conf in any way i could tell it to load the old vga driver, no ?11:05
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drifwhich repository is needed for w32codecs?11:05
Montehhey guys, the nvidia installer is asking for "libc developement package", how can i find that?11:05
FlannelNutubuntu: He could11:06
Pozaroi typed in wine in the packge program what is winefish?11:06
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Tom-AT-Zuluapt-get install libc*11:06
phixnayNutubuntu: lol I'm in the same position as you! That might work, but I've never tried it, and know nothing about that myself11:06
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Tom-AT-Zuluapt-get install libc-devel i believe11:06
frank|\raymondjtoth,  kaffeine, or mplayer or real can handle with associating it11:06
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phixnaynitehawk: Nutubuntu: might as well give that a try11:06
tim167stefg maybe even connecting this HD to another computer ?11:06
fabio_sorry guys...is possible to start ubuntu with eth0 down?11:06
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phixnaytom_24: I thought of a solution for you11:06
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tom_24phixnay: oh?11:07
zipperfabio_: sure. Just remove "auto eth0" from /etc/network/interfaces11:07
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raymondjtothfrank will movie player play windows media formate11:07
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs11:07
ROnewbieAnyone, I'LL PAY $30 by paypal to whomever can help me with my wireless; in brief, Network Manager won't connect to any wireless networks. Running Feisty on an MSI S271X laptop with RT61 card (ralink). Newrk Mngr "sees" all the networks allright, won't connect. I'm sure card is installed. Again, 30 bucks for this one.11:07
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MontehTom-AT-Zulu: i tried it with just dev, i think its working =o11:07
Nutubuntuso nitehawk - that would be "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" - or run aptitude from the command line (if that's part of the server install; IDK if itis)11:07
phixnaytom_24, you could install ubuntu from scratch on your hdd, then copy your directories from your old one11:07
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Tom-AT-Zulugood, good11:08
yyyyyyyhi. I want to play heroes3 with wine over internet. The game is ok but I'm in a local network and accesssing internet over gateway. I think I need to make the game search for ip on the internet somehow not in the local network11:08
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Tom-AT-Zuluaint used linux in a long time.... last time was redhat 9 on a pentium 133 :P11:08
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hind-kevinslt sa va11:08
gtfx'nj gbpltw11:08
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phixnaytom_24: you could also create a separate partition for /home11:08
tom_24phixnay: good idea- only problem is (i could be wrong) i will lose all my settings (I just got my ATI card playing ball - im sure you have heard of the horror stories?"11:08
hind-kevindo yopu french11:08
fabio_zipper: i must leave only eth0 or i must remove all the line?11:08
phixnayit comes in handy11:08
raymondjtothfrank will yer play windows media formatemovie mpla11:08
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hind-kevindo you french11:08
stefgtim167: can't tell. i never used envy, don't know what it does and thus have no idea what may be have broken by it. In general all automtic scripts which don't  work will leave without any hint where the breakage occured , tis makes these problems hard to troubleshoot11:08
Flannel!fr | hind-kevin11:09
ubotuhind-kevin: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:09
Tom-AT-ZuluI have a static IP on eth1, so can i take the auto eth1 out of /etc/network/interfaces?11:09
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Asincronowhat's the comand to show the files a process is using?11:09
Pirate_HunterHi everyone, i need help. My booting takes too long since my last reformat- I keep getting on boot "GRUB loading please wait" but that sometimes take up to 3-5 min to load and other times even longer. This isn't normal and my pc shouldn't take that long, I have checked BIOS, changed some options but nothing has helped. I literally have to restart my PC  twice sometimes until Grub gets picked up. Can someone tell11:09
Pirate_Hunterme how I can solve this issue?11:09
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nitehawkok....tried the thing about apt-get. now its asking me if i'm root, but i got now root password!!!11:09
phixnaytom_24: yeah, I'd hate to go through all the configuration on this computer again as well :)11:09
frank|\raymondjtoth,  i believe so but kaffeine is better then totem player and mplayer should work to you juat havr to associate the players to the files i11:09
zipperROnewbie: you really shouldnt have to pay for help. If someone is online who can help you, i'm sure they will.11:09
nitehawkhow do i set the root pass on a clean install11:09
hind-kevindo you french11:09
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phixnaytom_24: if I'm correct, though, most of it is kept in /etc11:09
raymondjtothfrank insdtalling it now11:09
Asincrono... the files opened by a process.11:09
PriceChild!sudo | nitehawk11:09
ubotunitehawk: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:09
Tom-AT-Zulunitehawk, to get a root console11:09
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raymondjtothwill it now to use it bedefralt11:09
Flannelnitehawk: you don't need to.  Use sudo instead11:09
Tom-AT-Zulusudo su11:09
Pozaroor su -11:09
FlannelTom-AT-Zulu, nitehawk, `sudo -i`11:09
grigorahi, I have certain aliases in my /etc/hosts file for, however, every now and then (usually when I switch from one network configuration to another - wired -> wireless, etc) one of my aliases disappears and I have to manually set it again, anyone knows what's causing this? thanks11:09
tom_24Phixnay: True - i guess when i copy over all the xorg stuff it should all move over with it - in *theory*11:10
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Tom-AT-Zulugod damn, cheers Flannel11:10
phixnaytom_24, yeah11:10
ROnewbiezipper: I know, but this has been going for a month now ... I really hate having to use WinXP, so i'm really willing to pay for this.11:10
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Lapinuxcan anyone tell me how i go about changing a reiserfs partition label?11:10
Nutubuntutom_24 - "the difference between theory and practice" ... ;p11:10
tom_24phixnay: i think you have just wiped out my entire afternoon tommorow :)11:10
zipperROnewbie: i know what you mean.... i had to give up running linux on my laptop, due to wireless issues.11:10
phixnaytom_24: I guess your safest route would be to keep checking back in here for someone who's done this kind of thing before11:10
tom_24Nutubuntu: Look where it got Micro$oft ;)11:10
raymondjtothfrank i have it openn its asking me want to yuse as helper for windows media and real check box what i do11:11
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phixnaytom_24: lol, just a suggestion (and probably not a very good one)11:11
tom_24Phixnay - Yeah - i will give your idea a shot any way - afterall - what have i got to loose?11:11
zipperROnewbie: i suppose you've already searched the ubuntu wiki for clues?11:11
nitehawkok now it says cant find package ubunto-desktop11:11
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orbintom_24: quick forum search brought up partimage11:11
Pirate_HunterHi everyone, i need help. My booting takes too long since my last reformat- I keep getting on boot "GRUB loading please wait" but that sometimes take up to 3-5 min to load and other times even longer. This isn't normal and my pc shouldn't take that long, I have checked BIOS, changed some options but nothing has helped. I literally have to restart my PC  twice sometimes until Grub gets picked up. Can someone tell11:11
Pirate_Hunterme how I can solve this issue?11:11
zipperKI4IKL: grats11:11
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tom_24orbin: i posted on the ubuntu forums but no luck so far - do you have linkage at all?11:11
Nutubuntunitehawk -  spelling? ubuntU - not ubuntO11:11
raymondjtothkafeeine is asking me desdk top icon and to uswe as helper11:11
grigoraanyone knows why /etc/hosts would get automatically updated?11:11
orbintom_24: my guess is you do that, then edit grub to boot from the partition on the new hdd11:11
raymondjtothfor wm  and real what id o11:11
ROnewbiezipper: yes, 3 times over. There's a whole page dedicated to RT61, but it hasn't helped. Most of it is about how to blacklist it, install it, a.s.o. Mine is already on, I'm SURE it's just some settings thing, but It doesn't seem to work11:12
nitehawkok i just earnt my total noob wings :)11:12
=== Nutubuntu salutes - welcome aboard, nitehawk :)
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orbintom_24: i just skimmed this one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=0964812d3d02233dfc3f8986fa4f6f2a&t=430854&highlight=partimage11:12
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frank|\raymondjtoth, what desktop u got?11:12
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zipperROnewbie: are you able to connect to any wireless networks? i.e. networks without any encryption?11:12
nitehawkk now installing :)11:12
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tim167stefg, ok, luckily i have another ubuntu partition which i can "dd if=/dev/<old> of=/dev/<new>", but it's 120 kilometers from here tho...11:13
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raymondjtothinstalled asking if want desktop icon and to use as windows meda helper and real player helper11:13
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raymondjtothwhen first install it with check bboes what i do11:13
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grigoraany ideas?11:13
tom_24Anyone recommend a good partition re-sizer? (particular for NTFS) =D11:13
omegacentiI think my swap partition isn't getting mounted. I have one, and I would like it to be used. How do I go about this?11:13
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phixnaytom_24: that I can help you with11:13
raymondjtothand frank how you uninstall one youy sed no good11:13
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raymondjtothi want the better one11:13
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: i don't think it gets mounted till its in use.11:13
phixnaytom_24: use gparted, it's good11:13
raymondjtothif can11:13
LycusLast night my Feisty Fawn server edition suffered from our electrical outages, and now it fails to properly boot. In what manner should I use the installation CD to recover?11:14
kitcheomegacenti: well swap doesn't get mounted at all really11:14
cfawcettAre there any known issues with the Feisty nvidia-glx-new package and 8800 GTS/GTX cards?11:14
=== cesar_ [n=cesar@ppp-71-134-192-67.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
zipperROnewbie: but to be honest... there is really only so much you can do. If you've tried following the guide without luck, i dont see much choice for you. Either write a better driver yourself, live without wireless, or go back to windows =/11:14
omegacentikitche: When would be a time it would?11:14
eyemeanhi im new to linx, would it be better to have firewall turned on?11:14
cesar_ on my11:14
frank|\raymondjtoth, totem u can't its part of ubuntu11:14
IndyGunFreakkitche: i thought it mounted when there was a problem11:14
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cesar_i think ubuntu broke the sound on my computer, can somebody help?11:14
PriceChild!firewall > eyemean (see pm from ubotu)11:14
tom_24phixnay - Thanks =D *downloads*11:14
kitcheIndyGunFreak: it's mounted on boot but it's not really mounted11:14
raymondjtothfrank ok what i do with cvheck boxes11:14
raymondjtoth\i see11:14
nitehawkquick question. my rehat install had a raid device (2 x 250g drives as MDO) when ubunto ins instaleld witll it mount it or will i have to try and set it all up manually.....if i remember my borother in law did it and it wasnt easy11:14
tom_24Doh! already have it on CD =/11:14
IndyGunFreakkitche: so its mounted, but n ot really mounted..lol, clear as mud11:14
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info11:14
ROnewbiezipper: no, I can't connect to any of them, encrypted or not11:15
madunzhi all , having problems with kib-dock and beryl..... Beryl works beautifully but kib-dock runs very very slow .... using 3700 64 bit athlon, and ge force 660011:15
kitcheIndyGunFreak: type mount swap does not show up on it11:15
frank|\raymondjtoth, so kaffeine is running right u using ubuntu or kubuntu?11:15
omegacentikitche: Does it ever get mounted?11:15
mkquistcesar_ - no sound at all?11:15
eyemeanthank you will check it out, much appreciated11:15
=== mike_ [n=mike@cpe-69-133-196-175.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
frank|\raymondjtoth, or xubuntu11:15
cesar_mkquist no sound at all11:15
raymondjtothubuntu i hqve11:15
IndyGunFreak!swap | omegacenti11:15
ubotuomegacenti: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info11:15
raymondjtothand installed kafeine11:15
zipperROnewbie: i'm not familiar with your card... perhaps you could try using ndiswrapper (if you arent already)11:15
ROnewbiezipper: although NM sees which are encrypted and which are not, and asks for the passwords11:15
mkquistcesar_: have u tried opeing alsamixer and messing e/the levels there?11:15
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cesar_it worked before the most resent update11:15
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mkquistcesar_: *opening that is11:15
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omegacentiIndyGunFreak: checking it out11:15
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grigoradoes anyone know why my /etc/hosts gets automatically updated?11:15
raymondjtothfrank now what i do11:15
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IndyGunFreakomegacenti: ok, i don't think it gets mounted.. but i could be wrong11:16
kitcheomegacenti: not really it gets mounted but if you type mount it won't show up in it so technially it's now mounted11:16
raymondjtothfrank im n ew to this one11:16
zipperROnewbie: hmm, wierd11:16
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kitcheomegacenti: but what does top say for your swap?11:16
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madunzgrigora ... dhcp ?11:16
Nutubuntunitehawk - I'm about to go down that same path. Thought this was potentially helpful: http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html11:16
omegacentikitche: one second11:16
cesar_it looks ok here11:16
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ROnewbiezipper: well, I would be tempted to, were it not for the fact that it seems installed already. I also picked this particular kind of laptop because it is very open source friendly.11:16
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comphappyhow can i import video/sound in impress11:16
tom_24 Guys i know this is a little off topic - but does anyone know of a good "Software" KVM?11:16
nitehawktx m811:16
ROnewbiezipper: and it was, completely, Except for this it worked perfectly11:16
orbinLycus: how does it fail? you ay want to ask in #ubuntu-server too11:16
Pozarois there a website on running things you download off the net like? I have alot of programs and games I want to install how do I go bout doing it ? examples are nero and other .exe files11:16
omegacentikitche: Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,   345144k cached11:16
madunzhi all , having problems with kib-dock and beryl..... Beryl works beautifully but kib-dock runs very very slow .... using 3700 64 bit athlon, and ge force 660011:17
grigoramadunz: I guess, but then some entries there stay the same (entries that I have created), but some other ones get wiped out11:17
Zabiktenfor .exe you'll have to use wine11:17
kitcheomegacenti: ok then you don't have a swap at all it seems11:17
frank|\raymondjtoth, ah ok i use kubuntu, did u try to associate kaffeine to play QT files11:17
PriceChildPozaro, system > admin > synaptic11:17
lynucscould anyopne tell me how i can watch streams from www.corbina.tv? vlc seems not to be able11:17
comphappytom_24 i would look into vertualization VMWare11:17
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Zabiktenthose are built for win systems11:17
jadderhow I know all the users who are executing the same shell as my?11:17
PriceChildPozaro, there is a wealth of applications in there, take a search :)11:17
omegacentikitche: But I have a swap partition...11:17
zipperROnewbie: hmmm... sure would be a bitch not to get it working then. While ndiswrapper has a lot of bugs and glitches, it might be worth a try?11:17
raymondjtothfrank i have the first screen that come up after you install it11:17
PriceChildPozaro, we install software in a very different way :)11:17
kitcheomegacenti: is it in /etc/fstab11:17
raymondjtothwhat i do11:17
jadderhow I know all the users who are executing the same shell as my?11:17
PriceChildPozaro, alternateively look at Applications > Add/Remove11:17
mkquistcesar_: check here, this helps me when i have sound problems.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544911:17
omegacentikitche: don't know what that is or how to access it.11:17
madunzman this chat is too busy lol11:17
tom_24comphappy: Well i have 2 computers and i just want to be able to share them both with one keyboard and mouse - i was hoping there was a software version out somewhere =(11:17
ZabiktenKVM-ish software for a command prompt you can use is screen11:17
kitche!fstab | omegacenti11:17
ubotuomegacenti: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:18
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frank|\raymondjtoth, what screen is saying11:18
infdamn, someone bout nvidia and beryl...11:18
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comphappytom_24: you could also do VNC, that is free and i use it at home11:18
raymondjtothuse as helper for wm and real and want desktop icon11:18
infi mean somethin11:18
Nutubuntutom_24 - you mean without a hardware splitter?11:18
omegacentikitche: it looks like its not there.11:18
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kitcheomegacenti: well you have to add it to that file11:18
frank|\raymondjtoth, ok say yes11:18
ihmselbsthi, how can i create a .pdf from a .jpg-collection?11:18
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: how much ram/hard drive space do you have?11:18
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Nutubuntutom_24 - what comphappy said :)11:19
raymondjtothfrank check okthem and hit11:19
omegacentikitche: And then I have a swap mounted?11:19
tom_24Nutubuntu: Comphappy: Yeah i have seen an app that does it before - i just cant remmeber where =(11:19
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omegacentiIndyGunFreak: 1gig/63gigs left11:19
madunzhi all , having problems with kib-dock and beryl..... Beryl works beautifully but kib-dock runs very very slow .... using 3700 64 bit athlon, and ge force 660011:19
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ROnewbiezipper: Only used it once before, on another laptop; not sure how to use it again. Plus, what if it's all about some incredibly dumb thing I didn't do .. I don't know, check a box or something, or add a line of code in DH Client or whatever ... I'm just afraid I'll screw it up even more.11:19
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kitcheomegacenti: after you type sudo mount -a you should11:19
frank|\raymondjtoth, yes11:19
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: lol, you'll probably never need it.11:19
infwhy is it that compiz is soooo much more difficult to install than beryl?11:19
tom_24Comphappy: VNC - im a bit of a newbie to all this - am i right in saying its not the video player? heh11:19
sgrove_I have a feisty machine which continually boots to a blanks screen...sometimes I get a login screen, but more often than not it seems to be a blank screen11:19
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: I enjoy hibernating.11:19
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: I need it.11:19
Montehx took a crap -_-11:19
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: ok.11:19
raymondjtothfrank is vlc good as dvd player11:19
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cfawcettsgrove: I have a similar issue11:19
Montehall installed fine, now it wont boot into x lol11:19
comphappytom_24 it is a server that serve your desktop out to another computer11:19
IndyGunFreakvlc is the best11:19
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madunzhi all , having problems with kib-dock and beryl..... Beryl works beautifully but kib-dock runs very very slow .... using 3700 64 bit athlon, and ge force 660011:19
omegacentikitche: by any chance could you help me with putting the swap in the fstab?11:19
=== orbin is getting dizzy
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tom_24comphappy: Thanks Man - shall have a read up on it :)11:20
m040Is there a shortcut to switch between desktops?11:20
CartasFollow me.11:20
phixnayok, I have a separate boot partition now, so how do I I install gusty on another partition without messing up my current setup?11:20
TudotIs there a package that does webcam broadcasting to yahoo? I use pidgin for my messaging and it doesn't support cam.11:20
comphappytom_24 look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12240211:20
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homerhomersgrove_: what type of computer do you have11:20
Montehcan anyone point me in the right direction as to how to fix it?11:20
Montehas to why x wont boot11:20
orbinm040: ctrl+alt+left/right11:20
kitcheomegacenti: I don't know what your swap partition is11:20
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infdamn, i almost wish i had the white cube problem instead of this11:20
madunzinf whats your problem mate11:21
m040orbin: thanks11:21
tom_24comphappy - thanks!11:21
Nutubuntutom_24 this might be helpful wrt VNC: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12240211:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hdd-temp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:21
omegacentikitche: It's /dev/sda311:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lm-sensors - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:21
comphappyhow can i import video/sound in impress, the button is not here11:21
infwell, i had the white cube problem at first11:21
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NutubuntuOh for heavens' sake :) comphappy - you're FAST :)11:21
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zipperROnewbie: well... as i said, i'm not familiar with your wireless chip. But you can detect wireless networks, but no being able to connect to them just seems wierd and leads me to believe its a driver problem.11:21
frank|\raymondjtoth, never used, i got for my system that works well is realplayer, mplayer, kaffeine, XMMS, gxine and Amarok, i can associate each player to diff files under Kubuntu to play and firefox11:21
Pozaroso if i want to install an exe or a program i dled i need to add it in add remove programs ?11:21
cfawcettAre there any known issues with the Feisty nvidia-glx-new package and 8800 GTS/GTX cards? My system hangs right after X starts, with a completely blank screen. Works fine with nv11:22
madunzinf what card u got ?11:22
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infgeforce 7300 gs11:22
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Pozaroor game11:22
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madunzk should be alrite which drivers u running11:22
omegacentikitche: I see something weird about /dev/sda3 in fstab:11:22
omegacenti# /dev/sda311:22
omegacentiUUID=dd3ea538-02bc-4b67-8b70-f374a13d1f1e none            swap    sw           $11:22
omegacenti/dev/hda        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       011:22
sgrove_homerhomer: it's a dell dimension11:22
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infi went to the nvidia site for the latest drivers, 100.14.xx or somethin11:22
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sgrove_err, optiplex gx26011:22
sgrove_my bad11:22
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infBUT, the install says the kernel isn't matched with the driver11:23
Noobok i'm having real problems dual booting xp kubuntu if anyone has 5 minutes i'd greatly appreciate it11:23
raymondjtothfrank how i alled to saet it up as defraltytyinde the player i inst11:23
infit built the kernel11:23
madunzhmmm im running 1.9.75 i have similar card11:23
ROnewbiezipper: hmm .... let me get this straight. Ndiswrapper takes the firmware that is needed from a non-open source driver provided by my laptop maker; it installs this driver. If it still doesn't work, can I unde this ?11:23
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zipperNoob: just ask your question instead of asking to ask11:23
madunzi had that problem inf11:23
DerangedDingoCan anyone help me find out how to stop the auto-mounting of my Windows partition?11:23
tom_24Nutubuntu: Comphappy: ive just come across Synergy Virtual KVM - Heard of it before?11:23
DerangedDingoit slows my computer11:23
Noobthat wa smy question11:23
raymondjtothfrank how i finde what i told you i installed to set it up in firefox11:23
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infim runnin the 1.9.75 too now11:23
raymondjtothcant finde it11:23
sgrove_I have a feisty machine which continually boots to a blanks screen...sometimes I get a login screen, but more often than not it seems to be a blank screen11:23
eyemeanany1 here using radeon 9550?11:23
Nutubuntutom_24 -  sorry, no11:23
comphappytom_24 i think you want vnc11:23
xenexhow do i make oidentd work?11:23
infbut i can't get it to work with beryl11:23
madunzyeh I had to edit /etc/init.d/ to include rmod nvidia and then modprobe nvidia11:24
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frank|\raymondjtoth, I'm not to sure under Ubuntu cant remember! at this time11:24
tom_24comphappy: will that offer me a "fluid" move between the 2 machines?11:24
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Montehwhy did i have to bother with the nvidia drivers -_-11:24
{HRF}GhostI need help on getting access to my other hard drive11:24
{HRF}Ghostfrom linux11:24
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zipperROnewbie: to be honest, i havent played around with ndiswrapper too much. But basicly, i've used it to run windows drivers under linux. There should be no need to change firmware.11:24
infmadunz: what does that do?11:24
kitcheomegacenti: you would put /dev/sda3 none swap 0 0 in your fstab before the 0 0  ther is some more stuff but I tend to forget what goes there since it depends on the person11:24
raymondjtothany one how were the media player go11:24
tom_24Monteh: if you think nVidia is bad - imagine having an ATI card *sighs*11:24
raymondjtothin unabunte11:24
IndyGunFreakMonteh: generally just because you want 3 support11:24
madunzinf for beryl you also need to do the --add bit for visuals11:24
IndyGunFreakotherwise, there's no reason, default driver is fine11:24
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Noobi  can't get my machine to dual boot xp linux as grub only displays 3 options and none are xp11:24
omegacentikitche: I see... maybe....11:24
IndyGunFreak3d support11:24
zippertom_24: i hear you... ATI in linux is a sure way to go mental11:24
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Montehtom_24, IndyGunFreak: they installed fine, and then there was some 3d error, and it wont boot graphically anymore11:25
sgrove_it gets to a loading screen where I can see the "busy" mouse icon, the screen is scrambled for a few seconds, then it blanks11:25
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imrazorinf: in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules put 'DISABLED_MODULES="nv"'11:25
infmadunz: im suppose to do that for the nvidia xconfig as well ya?11:25
madunztheres a bug in the drivers when u mess wid beryl11:25
TudotI take it there's nothing to support webcam to yahoo for Ubuntu?11:25
Monteh*x error not 3d error lol11:25
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tom_24zipper: Its taken me 2 years to find a distro that supports my card =( And now its a "little" shaky11:25
Noobhow do i check what partitions i have setup11:25
cfawcettsgrove_ at least you get a mouse icon11:25
IndyGunFreakMonteh: lol, well that would be an issue, so how are you here?11:25
ROnewbiezipper: well, thanks for the help. I'll give it another try find someone to help around here, and if not I'll give ndiswrapper a chance.11:25
cfawcettI just get a blank screen11:25
lrodCan someone help me get rdestop running11:25
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MontehIndyGunFreak dual boot ftw11:25
sgrove_heh, would be nice to have a bit more though :)11:25
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infimrazor: i did that last reboot11:25
omegacentikitche: Why is it commented out?11:25
omegacenti# /dev/sda311:25
omegacentiUUID=dd3ea538-02bc-4b67-8b70-f374a13d1f1e none            swap    sw              0       011:25
IndyGunFreakoh ok11:25
comphappytom_24 basicly you set up 1 computer, hook monitor and stuff up to it conifigure the vncserver, then disconect monitor go to the other comp, now you will beable to login to the other one, full desktop11:25
kitcheomegacenti: no clue uncomment it :)11:25
zipperROnewbie: it wasnt really helping, but np. Good luck.11:25
xenexhow do i make oidentd work?11:25
PriceChildomegacenti, that first line is a comment...11:25
madunzinf: you shouldnt run the nvidia config unless adding the parameters nvidia-config --add blah blah at command prompt11:25
PriceChildkitche, nooo11:25
tom_24comphappy - Brilliant! thanks again!11:25
omegacentiPriceChild: ah11:25
MontehIndyGunFreak it says my x isnt properly configured, how can i configure it...11:26
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lrodAutoselected keyboard map en-us11:26
lrodX Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)11:26
lrod  Major opcode of failed request:  78 (X_CreateColormap)11:26
lrod  Serial number of failed request:  711:26
lrod  Current serial number in output stream:  811:26
PriceChildomegacenti, the second line has a UUID which describes the partition... that's the replacement for /dev/sda311:26
sgrove_any help on what to do for this blank screen problem?11:26
[agatha] hi NickGarvey  :D11:26
PriceChild!paste > lrod11:26
omegacentiPriceChild: Then why is my swap partition not mounting /showing up at all?11:26
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madunzinf wait a sec im finding the thread11:26
raymondjtothcant finde the player frank11:26
PriceChildomegacenti, it shouldn't be11:26
IndyGunFreakMonteh: usually it will give you a command line command to run to fix it.11:26
IndyGunFreaki can't remember hat it is to be truthful11:26
omegacentiPriceChild: It doesn't even show up in top that I have any swap11:26
kitchePriceChild: his system says he has no swap at all even on top11:26
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NickGarvey[agatha] : hi, just remove the block of entries that follow the line "Title Windows XP Home" or something similar11:27
Guilty_as_Sin /msg NickServ HELP REGISTER11:27
frank|\raymondjtoth, which one?11:27
NickGarvey[agatha] : in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst11:27
PriceChildomegacenti, try replacing the whole uuid with the /dev/foo and see if that works after a "mount -a" (no need to restart)11:27
comphappyhow can i import video/sound in impress, the button is not there that is referanced in the help file11:27
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raymondjtothfrank the one you told me to install and i chose to11:27
PriceChildomegacenti, if so then you can figure out the new uuid later :)11:27
raymondjtothone you use11:27
[agatha] ahm so that would make windows disappear from the grub and be still there :D si nice11:27
omegacentiPriceChild: what is foo?11:27
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madunzinf u want a copy of my xorg.conf ?11:27
infya sure11:28
lrodPriceChild  >>  Autoselected keyboard map en-us11:28
lrodX Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)11:28
lrod  Major opcode of failed request:  78 (X_CreateColormap)11:28
lrod  Serial number of failed request:  711:28
lrod  Current serial number in output stream:  811:28
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PriceChildomegacenti, replace foo with hda3 or sda2 or whatever it is :)11:28
[agatha] thanks a lot NickGarvey  :D11:28
frank|\raymondjtoth, use synaptic11:28
TudotLooking for webcam broadcasting programs... anyone? anyone? bueller? bueller?11:28
MontehIndyGunFreak: i wrote some stuff down, like it says conf your x properly then restart X server, is x like a document or something i can edit in a terminal?11:28
PriceChildlrod, please don't paste large text in this channel11:28
omegacentiPriceChild: Ill try it...11:28
ROnewbie30$ TO ANYONE that helps me fix the following wi-fi problem (4 weeks old, end of my wits): Network Manager sees all my wireless network, but doesn't connect to any, encrypted or not. Running Feisty on an MSI S271X laptop, with an RT61 network card.11:28
lrodOH SORRY11:28
raymondjtothfrank what i look rfrfor11:28
raymondjtothfrank what i look for11:28
{HRF}GhostDoes anyone know how to view a windows based harddrive from linux, which program does that for you?11:28
IndyGunFreakMonteh: no, its probably telling you to edit xorg.conf11:28
Montehhow do i do that?11:28
ikoniaROnewbie: I'm running on an 262 and an S270 with no problems on the wirless nic11:28
madunzdo you get my prv messages ?11:28
IndyGunFreakit should say, with nano i believe, something like sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:29
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter11:29
infdid u get mine>?11:29
frank|\raymondjtoth,  look up kaffeine, mplayer+plugin for firefox, KMplayer11:29
IndyGunFreaklook through there, and see whats screwed up11:29
comphappyROnewbie for that couldnt you get a supported wificard11:29
cesar_how can i find out if hte new update broke my sound11:29
omegacentiPriceChild: so it should be UUID=/dev/sda3 or just /dev/sda311:29
IndyGunFreakMonteh: may n ot be what you want to hear, but itmight be easier to re-install...11:29
sebas_who can tell me a good framework to develop GTK apps?11:29
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cesar_the updates keep making my sda1 into hda1, and back and forth11:29
PriceChildomegacenti, just the latter11:29
ticnailer69what up11:29
cesar_maybe it did something to the sound11:29
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:29
madunzinf ..... nope .... whats your addy ?11:29
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse11:29
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MontehIndyGunFreak: i want the latest drivers tho lol :s11:29
ticnailer69how would I go about installing a kernal?11:29
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infwhat email?11:30
phixnayhey I have a separate boot partition now - how can I use that to install another linux distro alonside ubuntu?11:30
tom_24comphappy: Found what i was after - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto - Just thought you might want to know for future reference =)11:30
ikoniainf please don't use "wtf"11:30
madunzinf hangon go to my room #madun11:30
Montehill be right back ;o11:30
[agatha] NickGarvey,  now he asks if it will be possible to run windows after he has done that? sorry i cant understand what he wants myself11:30
cfawcettAre there any known issues with the Feisty nvidia-glx-new package and 8800 GTS/GTX cards? My system hangs right after X starts, with a completely blank screen. Works fine with nv11:30
IndyGunFreakMonteh: what do you do to need the latest drivers?11:30
ROnewbiecomphappy: the reason I just bought this laptop is because to be fully compatible with Ubuntu. I don't want another card, this one should work.11:30
NickGarvey[agatha] : yes.. but it will be a little annoying to do11:30
ikoniaROnewbie: it is compatible11:30
ROnewbieikonia: you also have an RT61 ?11:30
[agatha] ah i see... wonder why he needs to do such things...11:30
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ikoniaI'm on an S262 at this moment, but I've done work with the S270 and seen positive results on the 27211:31
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seondo you know this problem on my valgrind out : http://cpp.sourceforge.net/?show=3707111:31
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ROnewbieikonia: your card with mine, or RT61 with Ubuntu ?11:31
raymondjtothfrank do i want  kaffeine plug in11:31
NickGarvey[agatha] : he is probably ashamed he has windows on his computer, which is understandable :)11:31
ikoniayour card with mine ?11:31
ticnailer69I have to install a driver for my TV tuner but first I need to install a kernal. Odes anyone know about this?11:31
raymondjtothfor firefoz or modzilla11:31
omegacentiPriceChild: I did sudo mount -a, not sure if it worked.11:31
kitcheticnailer69: umm you have a kernel installed11:31
ikoniaROnewbie: I've seen the MSI S260 through to S272 working11:31
frank|\raymondjtoth, yes for firefox yes it will play MMS streams11:31
PriceChildomegacenti, well find out ;)11:32
kitcheticnailer69: what tv card is this?11:32
comphappyTom_24 note that it is very insecure11:32
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comphappyvnc on the otherhand can easly be made VERY secure11:32
ticnailer69hold on one min11:32
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tom_24comphappy - the 2 computers will be on a "local" network not connected to the web or anything - so i should be ok =)11:32
[agatha] ahahahaha NickGarvey  maybe maybe... imnot ashamed anymore :P11:32
silokohi dudes i just installed the sun JRE through synaptic but java -version still returns the GNU java install, whats my next step to only use SUN java on my system?11:32
ticnailer69bt878p+ card11:32
omegacentiPriceChild: how would I do that? I typed mount and I dont see /dev/sda3 any where...11:32
ROnewbieikonia: did you do any tweaking ? it workd just out of the box ?11:32
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NutubuntuBe well all -- bbl11:33
ticnailer69its old11:33
Noobi have a xp kubuntu system setup but cannot get grub to boot xp has anyone else had this problem and do you know how to fix11:33
Pozarook I just installed wine but I do not see it under aplications11:33
madunz<madunz>     Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"11:33
ikoniaROnewbie: yup, on some older modules you have to disable apci but thats on older models like the 250/260/early 270's11:33
madunz<madunz>     Option "DisableGLXRootClipping" "True"11:33
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PriceChildomegacenti, are you sure you have the correct partition?11:33
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ROnewbieikonia: hmmm .... how do you do that?11:33
IndyGunFreakticnailer69: what type of tv tuner do you have11:33
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ikoniaROnewbie: you won't have to do that on the 27211:33
omegacentiPriceChild: as reported by Gparted, its /dev/sda3 linux swap11:34
frank|\Noob, u try hitting esc11:34
ROnewbieikonia: what is apci ?11:34
ikoniaROnewbie: it doesn't mater11:34
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Noobi hit esc and at first xp wasn't listed so i inpputed the xp line in the menu.lst but it still wont boot into xp11:34
raymondjtothfrank i have iut in and ran some test did work with it11:34
ROnewbieikonia: it's an S271, not 27211:34
raymondjtothapple came up with nothing11:35
ikoniaROnewbie: you should still be fine11:35
raymondjtothwhen ran there test11:35
ticnailer69pv- m4800 pixilview11:35
sgtsmudghas anyone ever had a bug where the keyboard and menus stop working randomly?  everything else keeps running11:35
PriceChildomegacenti, what happens when you try and swapon /dev/hda3 ?11:35
omegacentiPriceChild: one second11:35
zmigliozzi<sgtsmudg> just try restarting11:35
omegacentiPriceChild: do you mean /dev/sda3?11:35
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frank|\raymondjtoth,  1 sec i try to test too11:35
ticnailer69does that mean anything to you?11:36
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PriceChildomegacenti, isn't that the partition?11:36
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Noobthis is my setup if you can take a look http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25027/11:36
omegacentiPriceChild: the partition for swap is /dev/sda311:36
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ROnewbieikonia: no, really, if it doesn't take too much time, what is apci and how do I disable it? I really mean it when I say I'm wiling to give anything a try; it really sucks having to keep WinXP and use it 50% of the time just because my wi-fi doesn't work11:36
PriceChildomegacenti, i mean that then yeah :)11:36
omegacentiPriceChild: # swapon /dev/sda3 operation not permitted.11:36
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sgtsmudgzmigliozzi: i can't.  the shutdown button stops working too... I have to do a hardware off.   it keeps happening... sometimes i can run for hours, sometimes it happens a few minutes after startup11:37
ikoniaROnewbie: you don't need to worry about it11:37
kitcheomegacenti: sudo swapon /dev/sda311:37
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zmigliozzi<sgtsmudg> and check your xorg.conf located in etc/X11/xorg.conf11:37
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omegacentiPriceChild: I did it, nothing returned.. lools like it exited correctly11:37
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omegacentiPriceChild: now what?11:37
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omegacentiPriceChild: okay now top is saying I have swap11:37
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ROnewbieikonia: ? it doesn't work, ... it's hard not to worry.11:37
sgtsmudgzmigliozzi:  ok., thanks.  I was just hoping someone in the room might have experienced the same thing11:37
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PriceChildomegacenti, by the way.... swap doesn't appear in "mount" :P11:38
zmigliozzi<sgtsmudg> did you just update to the latest kernel? Try to log off and then from their shutdown "alt+s" at the login screen11:38
PriceChildjust noticed :)11:38
webactivexquestion... I have added a windows network drive to my system.. how do I access it from the command line?11:38
ikoniaROnewbie: what doesn't work ?11:38
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omegacentiPriceChild: I see.. how do I get this system to automatically have swap at bootup?11:38
sgtsmudgzmigliozzi: yeah, i just got ubuntu about a month ago.11:38
zmigliozzi<sgtsmudg> you running kubuntu?11:38
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geocritterhas anyone had a feisty update hose one of their partitions?11:38
PriceChildomegacenti, setting it up correctly in /etc/fstab11:38
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omegacentiPriceChild: No idea how to do that...11:38
raymondjtothfrank will the  kaffeine play windows media files?11:38
sgtsmudgno, ubuntu fiesty 7.0411:38
ROnewbieikonia: it doesn't connect to any wireless network. Network Manager sees them all, encrypted or not, asks for the password when needed, but doesn't connect.11:38
wundaboyi am running beryl on fiesty fawn, and i realize its not supported and beta software.11:39
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webactivexI have added a shared windows folder to ubuntu using their "places" menu.. how do I access this folder from the command line?11:39
wundaboyall of the windows on my desktop have about 15 pixels of artifacts on the outside of them11:39
wundaboyhow do i fix that?11:39
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ikoniaROnewbie: are your ssid's set to broadcast ?11:39
sgtsmudgzmigliozzi: fiesty 7.0411:39
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Noobi need to reconfigure grub to boot xp how do i do that?11:39
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ROnewbieikonia: have you installed Ubuntu on the MSI laptops before? / aaa ... I don't know. Where do I find that out /11:40
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ikoniaROnewbie: I'm on an S262 now11:40
zmigliozzi<sgtsmudg> hmm, so you hit the shutdown button and you just see like switch user, log off, lock and hibernate?11:40
phixnayNoob: I don't remember how, but I searched google until it told me. Something about chainloader +111:40
frank|\raymondjtoth, better to use mplayer11:40
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Guilty_as_Sinlost IRC password..   what do I do?11:40
cesar_my sound is broken, how do i find out what hte latest ubuntu update did??11:40
sgtsmudgzmigliozzi: yeah11:40
sgrove_where should I go for support for my ubuntu feisty machine not booting to a login screen?11:40
ikoniaGuilty_as_Sin: join #tapthru or freenode and ask11:40
phixnayNoob: actually, let me look in my own boot config file, so I can tell you what to put :)11:40
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cesar_i followed the instructions in that document11:40
raymondjtothfrank will the one you gave me work for windows media files11:40
Noobthis is the infro from my menu.lst and my partition info can you see how it matches up   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25028/11:41
webactivexI have added a shared windows folder to ubuntu using their "places" menu.. how do I access this folder from the command line?11:41
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sgtsmudg<zmigliozzi> what should I look for in xorg?11:41
zmigliozzi<sgtsmudg> ya that has happend with me as well. I don't know what the deal is with that. So I just log off then and just shutodwn from the login screen11:41
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ikoniawebactivex: its just a folder - just "cd" into it11:41
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ROnewbieikonia: how can I find out if my SSIDs are on broadcast?11:41
zmigliozzi<sgtsmudg> don't worry bout the xorg.conf i thought it may have been a problem with it but its not11:41
raymondjtothfrank will it work for windows media file11:41
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raymondjtothany ways11:41
ikoniaROnewbie: got to your routers and look11:42
webactivexikonia: can I get an idea of location of this folder?11:42
phixnayNoob: it looks like what I have11:42
ikoniawebactivex: where did you tell it to mount11:42
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frank|\raymondjtoth, WMV?11:42
frank|\raymondjtoth, then yes11:42
raymondjtothfrank yes11:42
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webactivexikonia: it asks you that?11:42
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nevoni cant get my ati card working11:42
DarkDaemoncan someone help me in pm please11:42
ikoniawebactivex: yes11:42
sgtsmudgzmigliozzi: right...  yeah i don't have a problem logging off/shutting down... its just the system menu bar and al the menus, and the keyboard will stop working... so even if I hit the hotkey for shutdown, i couldn't, cuz the keyboard stops working...11:42
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Noobphixnay ok ty for that, i might need to reinstall xp then11:43
ikoniaDarkDaemon: whats the problem11:43
webactivexI went to places > "connect to server"11:43
sgtsmudgzmigliozzi: oh well, i'll just wait for an update to fix someday :)  thanks for your help11:43
phixnayNoob, wait though11:43
Noobphix ok11:43
lynucsanyone knows how to watch streams on .corbina.tv?11:43
phixnayI pasted it to here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25029/11:43
phixnaytry rebooting it with those values11:43
frank|\raymondjtoth, kaffeine and mplayer and KMplayer play windows media files fine WMV etc...11:43
DarkDaemonwell i want to start using linux (ive never dont it before) and i wanna know how to get started? which kind i should get? anyhting i should be worried abt?11:43
spenc3anyone know if there's any x-fi driver for ubuntu?11:43
zmigliozzi<sgtsmudg> no prob, wish I knew how to fix that keyboard problem though. Try googling some stuff on it or check the forums : )11:43
raymondjtothfrank will mplay play windows media files11:43
Noobok i wil do11:43
raymondjtothi mean quick time nor wmv11:44
phixnayNoob: unless you know that yours is (hd2,1)11:44
sgtsmudgzmigliozzi: like i said, everything else runs perfectly, and sometimes it won't happen for hours an hours, if ever.  will do re: google.  thanks again!11:44
webactivexikonia: is it the "share" feild?11:44
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ikoniaDarkDaemon: get the ubuntu cd from ubuntu.com install from that and read the docs on help.ubuntu.com if you want to read "howto's"11:44
cesar_my sound doesnt workkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk11:44
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DarkDaemon~ ikonia ~ is ubuntu like the "best" kind of linux?11:44
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ikoniacesar_: neither odes your k key11:44
spenc3raymondjtoth: mplayer plays both quick time and wmv11:44
Noobah yeah it's the 3rd hdd in the system11:44
frank|\raymondjtoth, i cant get even QT files to play on apple's web site weird all others i can must be a plugin problems11:44
ikoniaDarkDaemon: thats just personal taste, however its an excellent option11:44
cesar_how do i find out what the latest update updated11:44
orbinDarkDaemon: you realise you're asking in #ubuntu right? :)11:44
spenc3raymondjtoth: as long as you have the codec11:44
cesar_it was working efore the update11:44
DarkDaemon~ orbin ~ lmao, i know but i couldnt find a #linux11:45
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zmigliozzi<sgtsmudg> The only thing i can think of right now what I would do is to check the etc/X11/xorg.conf and use the default driver for your keyboard11:45
ROnewbieikonia: I'm looking at it right now ... where is this kind of info ? I have a dlink router.11:45
ikoniaDarkDaemon: ##linux11:45
Noobxp is on the same hdd just a different partition as ubuntu so it must be (2,1)11:45
ikoniaROnewbie: I don't know, I don't support your router11:45
raymondjtothspnc3 i don what i need just install mplayer11:45
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ROnewbieikonia: for what is worth, I connect to it from WinXP on this laptop, and I also connected from another Feisty-running laptop11:46
ikoniaROnewbie: not really worth much11:46
ROnewbieikonia: would that mean it's already broadcasting?11:46
webactivexikonia: do you know where gnome places that folder? when you add it utilizing their "connect to server" utility?11:46
degreseveni'm having trouble mounting a samba share. This fstab entry worked fine for me in gentoo (which i just switched from), but just hangs for me in ubuntu:  //   /media/share   smbfs   guest,uid=1000   0 011:46
ikoniaROnewbie: not nessaryily11:46
ikoniawebactivex: normally mounts it on either the desktop or /media11:46
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Noobphixnay: ty for your help i'll have a play around a bit more11:46
spenc3raymondjtoth: I think the mplayer itself doesn't run those files coz it doesn't have the decoder.11:46
cesar_come on you effers11:46
crimsunkslc: please make sure the machine is plugged into an electrical outlet, then reboot with acpi=off11:46
phixnayNoob: good luck :)11:47
frank|\raymondjtoth, look in synaptic for the codec's forgot about those sorry11:47
raymondjtothspenc3 what doswe11:47
Noobty :p11:47
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zmigliozzi<cesar_> looking for what update(s)?11:47
ROnewbieikonia: here are the options in my router page: home/advanced/tools/status/help11:47
ryanfaermanis there a version of ubuntu that will work on a very old machine, ie, one that only has a 1.4GB hard drive11:47
ikoniaROnewbie: how can I see /home/advanced/tools/status/help on your router  - its on your network11:48
spenc3raymondjtoth: you need the w32codec package from a third party repository.11:48
ryanfaermanor, in fact, any decent version of linux that you would put a total noob user on11:48
ikoniaROnewbie: and as I said I don't support your router11:48
cesar_ubuntu always has this automatic update thing, and some of them restart your computer. the last one screwed up my sound i think11:48
raymondjtothspence with one i need11:48
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cesar_it also screwed up the naming for the hard drives so that sda1 became hda111:48
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cesar_i just reinstalled sound base, alsa, etc and sound still doesnt work11:49
Pozaroi need a little help with wine its installed but how do i use it11:49
webactivexikonia: well it is not in "media" and desktop is empty..11:49
zmigliozzi<cesar_> the ones when  you have to restart are when the kernel is updated.11:49
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ikoniawebactivex: type mount and look11:49
webactivexI am trying to set up a cvs over a windows share11:49
ROnewbieikonia: well, could you at least tell me for what kind of a setting am I looking for? Is it a checkbox, what ?11:49
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ikoniaROnewbie: "broadcast SSID"11:49
cesar_how would that have messed my sound up?11:49
ikoniaROnewbie: and I don't know what type of setting, I don't support your router11:49
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raymondjtothspenc3 what one i need?11:50
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raymondjtothwill install it11:50
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cesar_ok i went to sound preferences, and i hear a beep if i change the sound playback to adc capture/standard pcm playback11:51
cesar_but i dont hear it under alsa11:51
zmigliozzi<cesar_> not a clue11:51
Atmani have bcm43xx blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, bcm43xx isn't listed in lsmod nor is there a corresponding entry in iwconfig. does anyone know why when i type ndiswrapper -l, it says device present alternate driver: bcm43xx????!??!?!?!!?11:51
spenc3raymondjtothcool.. the name of the package is w32codec11:51
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spenc3raymondjtoth: cool.. the name of the package is w32codec11:51
cesar_so my speakers are working11:51
cesar_its just alsa11:51
webactivexikonia: will it have some sort of samba label? because I am not seeing anything in that regards11:52
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zmigliozzi<cesar_> try using the different sound driver11:52
ikoniawebactivex: put your output of mount in a pastebin11:52
eyemeanhi is it possible to play avi film sin mplayer in gnome11:52
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raymondjtothspenc3 i dont see it what onbne that in11:52
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spenc3any x-fi driver for ubuntu right now?? i don't care.. alpha will be fine with me.11:52
raymondjtothjust searched it and didnt finde it11:52
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spenc3raymondjtoth: try the multiverse repo too.11:53
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frank|\raymondjtoth, under synaptic type codec and install these files avifile-player, aviwin32plugin11:53
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frank|\u need to install mplayer Ray11:53
Atmani have bcm43xx blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, bcm43xx isn't listed in lsmod nor is there a corresponding entry in iwconfig, rmmod bcm43xx returns no module found. does anyone know why when i type ndiswrapper -l, it says device present alternate driver: bcm43xx????!??!?!?!!?11:53
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ikoniaAtman: we saw you 15 seconds ago11:54
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Guilty_as_Sin /msg nickserv register m0llygawg11:54
webactivexikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25031/11:54
ROnewbieikonia: Ok, I don't see any "broadcast SSID" around here, but this is what I have in the Home/Wireless section of my router: wireless = enabled / network id (SSID) = default / channel = 5 / security = wep / authentication type = both (open system AND shared key) / wep encryption = 64 bit, HEX.11:54
ikoniawebactivex: doesn't look like its mounted11:54
majorgloryMy sound sounds really grainy. How do I fix it?11:55
spenc3raymondjtoth:  try this link: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Multimedia_Codecs11:55
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ikoniaROnewbie: I don't support your router - try setting your wirless card to have the SSID name in it11:55
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=== IndyGunFreak so ikonia, do you work for Netgear or Linksys?
webactivexikonia: I just added a folder on the remote drive11:55
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: the ammount of times I've said "I don't support your router" youd think I do11:56
ikoniawebactivex: where did you add it ?11:56
IndyGunFreakikonia: i know, thats why i'm laughing11:56
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ikoniaIndyGunFreak: ahhhh11:56
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ikoniawebactivex: and what directory are you in11:56
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ROnewbieikonia:  ok, I think I got the part of you not supporting my router. I don't know how to set my wireless card to have my SSID name in it, if I did I most likely wouldn't be here. I've only switched to Linux for about a month now, and while I'm far from being knowledgeable, I'm still a little above literate. And that's about it.11:57
webactivexI dunno.. thats part of the problem.. nautilus.. just puts an icon on the left hand side.. and  you click on it.. and it opens your network drive11:57
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bobbob1016Is swiftweasel enough of a speed upgrade from swiftfox, to switch?  I'm running 32bit on a 32bit Pentium 411:57
ikoniaROnewbie: look on your router for the SSID name - then open the network configure application from system ---> Administration and enter your SSID name in there11:57
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ikoniawebactivex: an icon on the left ??11:57
ikoniawhat does it say in the url bar on nautalius11:58
webactivexyes.. an icon showing that its a network connection with my associated ip address..11:58
Montehanyone here know their stuff about xorg.conf, i think i need a chunk of help11:58
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webactivexI really just want a folder to access but its gotta be all dumb like this11:58
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ikoniawebactivex: ok - so its not mounted it its accessing it over the lan11:58
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ikoniawebactivex: its not being dumb11:59
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raymondjtothwhen i tryed speenc i see no insta;;11:59
raymondjtothinstall oncode tht give for codex you told me11:59
majorgloryCan someone help me with sound drivers?11:59
Montehwould anyone be willing to asisst me.. id need a bit of a chat with someone.11:59
crimsunmajorglory: what do you need?11:59
ikoniaMonteh: just ask the question12:00
IndyGunFreakMonteh: did you backup your xorg.conf prior to doing all that messing around?12:00
majorglorycrimsun: my sound sounds really grainy. how do i fix it?12:00
raymondjtothwhat i do now spenc312:00
IndyGunFreakwell thenall you need to do, is restore the backup12:00
raymondjtothsince i get no installer12:00
ROnewbieikonia: I now have "enable roaming mode" checked. I unchecked it and entered the info, my network name and network password12:00
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Montehi tried that. i get the same set of errors12:00
crimsunmajorglory: "grainy" is rather vague.  Pastebin your amixer output.12:00
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spenc3raymondjtoth: have you installed the package?12:00
Montehscreens found but none have usable conf12:00
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ikoniaROnewbie: does your network/SSID match the one on the router12:01

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