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phixnay | crimsum: whoops, the root element is going to be different than the one for feisty, how do I know what to put for it? | 12:31 |
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DanaG | Ugh, I don't like it. Perhaps I just don't have it competently configured yet. | 12:31 |
DanaG | e17. | 12:31 |
crimsun | phixnay: I thought you stated you know what to put for it. | 12:33 |
crimsun | phixnay: it's the same semantics as before, just adjust the primary and secondary indices accordingly for your drive and partition | 12:34 |
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DanaG | Oh, I figured something out: my partition numbering changed. | 12:42 |
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DanaG | http://e17blog.tuxfamily.org/ebuntu_en.php/ | 12:47 |
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=== DigitalNinja [n=dhull@157-157-237-24-mvl.ewc.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DigitalNinja | how's gusty gibbon doing these days? | 12:59 |
DigitalNinja | "gutsy" that is | 12:59 |
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gravemind | is it too late for a rename? gusty is so much easier to type | 01:00 |
DigitalNinja | lol | 01:03 |
DigitalNinja | Any one install it yet | 01:03 |
geocritter | i was wondering the same thing | 01:03 |
geocritter | feisty has been just that...feisty and tempermental | 01:04 |
geocritter | i'm hoping gutsy will have a lot of fixes that broke in feisty | 01:04 |
gravemind | my cd won't work | 01:06 |
gravemind | just as the feisty live cd never worked | 01:06 |
gravemind | stupid hardware problems | 01:06 |
gravemind | I wish I could go back to edgy | 01:06 |
geocritter | mine did ok, just a bunch of regressions...like sd cards quit working, it doesn't shut down correclty anymore, a lot of complaints about overheating...geez... | 01:07 |
gravemind | well it's still early in the dev cycle | 01:07 |
geocritter | no, I was talking about feisty | 01:08 |
gravemind | maybe the errors will become fixed | 01:08 |
geocritter | i'm hoping gutsy will be a major improvement | 01:08 |
gravemind | yeah | 01:08 |
geocritter | i think a *lot* of probs will be fixed in 2.6.22 | 01:08 |
rasher | It's working reasonably well for me, but I'm not really keeping track of what's happening. I'm used to running Debian unstable, so changes are sort of a blur | 01:08 |
geocritter | lol | 01:09 |
geocritter | been there done that. Played with sidux, as well, a little | 01:09 |
geocritter | i'm just kind of waiting for gutsy to settle down a little before I jump into it | 01:10 |
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DigitalNinja | geocritter: I've been using Fiesty and havn't had any problems | 01:24 |
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jriachi | hello | 01:26 |
DigitalNinja | hello | 01:27 |
jriachi | I had an idea of a bug-reporting contest, to make the next ubuntu the best distribution :) | 01:31 |
crimsun | please don't. | 01:31 |
crimsun | in fact, invert that. make it a bug-fixing contest. | 01:32 |
calc | crimsun: hehe | 01:32 |
crimsun | reporting thousands of bugs can be useful, but if no one fixes them, they're as good as dead and don't buy Ubuntu anything. | 01:32 |
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jriachi | the idea would be that the users would make a video (20secs) showing their 'favourite' bugs... and then voting for the best video. | 01:34 |
Tm_T | crimsun: "most buggy system, just look the amount of bugreports" | 01:34 |
DanaG | Best Edgy bug: | 01:34 |
DanaG | Hit brightness keys, Xorg crashes. | 01:34 |
DanaG | At least that was the "Best" I'd encountered. | 01:34 |
crimsun | no | 01:34 |
jriachi | and then maybe fix-a-bug-in-this-video contest, crimsun :) | 01:35 |
crimsun | the best bug I've ever encountered was pressing the power button and having the machine shut down. | 01:35 |
Tm_T | crimsun: isn't that, like, how it should do? | 01:35 |
crimsun | yes, and the fact that someone reported it as a bug is why it wins my award. | 01:35 |
Tm_T | heh | 01:35 |
Tm_T | I would like to see that bugreport | 01:36 |
calc | crimsun: were they claiming it should suspend or something? | 01:36 |
crimsun | calc: no idea, I don't even remember if it's still on bugzilla | 01:36 |
calc | pressing the power button and it shutting down could be a bug if acpi is setup such that it should do something else? | 01:37 |
jriachi | crimsum.. in debian (my old distribution) someone reported tuxracer was too adictive and that it was lowering his productivity. | 01:37 |
calc | jriachi: heh | 01:37 |
crimsun | calc: I don't think the user mentioned that | 01:37 |
calc | crimsun: ok | 01:37 |
jriachi | and other that the name of the kaffeine package gave him insomnia | 01:37 |
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jriachi | ( last one, i promise http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=256039 ) | 01:43 |
ubotu | Debian bug 256039 in nicotine "'nicotine' in 'top' makes me want to smoke" [Wishlist,Fixed] | 01:43 |
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JaZy84 | howd all | 02:22 |
JaZy84 | i'm interested in trying the tribe 1, can I just edit my sources.list and run a dist-upgrade? | 02:23 |
gravemind | hey is anyone aware of the problem that the live cd does not work on all cdrom drives? | 02:24 |
=== phin [n=mcgee@d192-24-152-145.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
phin | hey, so im about to move from feisty to gutsy, just wondering, whats the deal with compcomm | 02:25 |
phin | is there a gutsy repo, im moving from beryl-manager-svn | 02:25 |
gnomefreak | JaZy84: phin there are problems with upgrading atm | 02:25 |
crimsun | gravemind: yes. | 02:25 |
phin | what kind of problems are we talking about? | 02:25 |
phin | im pretty savvy | 02:25 |
gnomefreak | phin: having beryl may cause a failure to upgrade | 02:25 |
phin | i could uninstall that all | 02:25 |
gnomefreak | phin: failure to upgrade packages being broken | 02:26 |
phin | then install compcomm from scratch? | 02:26 |
JaZy84 | thanks for the info gnomefreak, suppose i'll just wait for it | 02:26 |
JaZy84 | maybe tribe 2 | 02:26 |
gnomefreak | phin: some people having issues with UUID | 02:26 |
gravemind | crimsun: should I expect a bugfix? | 02:26 |
crimsun | gravemind: for Tribe1? No. | 02:26 |
phin | well, is there a compcomm repo for gutsy? | 02:26 |
phin | i'll take my chances if i can find one | 02:27 |
gnomefreak | phin: its not fully pushed in yet | 02:27 |
phin | hmmm ok | 02:27 |
phin | just wondering if quinn or anyone has a 3rd party repo | 02:27 |
gnomefreak | they just started on it like thursday iirc. phin ask in #ubuntu-effects for 3rd party stuff | 02:27 |
phin | gnomefreak: thanks | 02:27 |
phin | np | 02:27 |
gnomefreak | i doubt quinn does | 02:28 |
phin | im sure trevino has something | 02:28 |
gravemind | crimsun: but for the release, yes? | 02:29 |
crimsun | gravemind: by Tribe2 if not before. | 02:29 |
gravemind | SWEET! | 02:30 |
gnomefreak | phin: hell i can have one by tomorrow thats not the hard part. btw trevino has had alot of broken packages in past i wouldnt use his repo but thats IMHO | 02:30 |
gnomefreak | hell im willing to bet the devel for it has a repo for testing too | 02:32 |
=== DanaG read devel as devil -- oops. | ||
=== gnomefreak goes to bed so i can get up early and get crap done before lunch :( | ||
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JaZy84 | night gnomefreak | 02:34 |
gravemind | crimsun: what's the problem with the cdrom drivers? | 02:37 |
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gravemind | crimsun, how do you prevent the installer from installing lilo/grub? I don't think I ever found out | 02:44 |
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Tm_T | gravemind: hmm, in last step in installer there's button in lower right corner | 02:45 |
Tm_T | can't remember what label | 02:45 |
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DanaG | argh, networkmanager ignores "prepend domain-name-server" | 03:34 |
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DanaG | argh-ness. | 03:38 |
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DanaG | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/92761 | 03:47 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 92761 in network-manager "resolv.conf overwritten no matter what I do" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 03:47 |
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=== DanaG has that bug. | ||
=== DanaG spams that link > /dev/null | ||
=== NET||abuse [n=lab@ip-83-147-187-216.dub-3rk2.metro.digiweb.ie] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
crimsun | it works fine here with those workarounds (dhclient.conf and resolv.conf) | 04:12 |
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DanaG | It's ignoring dhclient.conf for me. | 04:13 |
DanaG | Also, won't making resolv.conf read-only break roaming? | 04:13 |
crimsun | huh? | 04:15 |
crimsun | why would you make resolv.conf r-o? | 04:15 |
crimsun | # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) | 04:15 |
crimsun | nameserver | 04:15 |
crimsun | .. | 04:15 |
DanaG | That's what I'd seen in other places. I guess I'm mixing multiple pages in my mind. | 04:15 |
crimsun | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 2007-05-28 19:57 /etc/resolv.conf -> /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf | 04:15 |
DanaG | I want to prepend to everything. | 04:16 |
crimsun | ~ cat /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base | 04:16 |
crimsun | nameserver | 04:16 |
crimsun | nameserver | 04:16 |
crimsun | ~ grep -nH prepend /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf | 04:16 |
crimsun | /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf:18:prepend domain-name-servers,; | 04:16 |
crimsun | so what you'd do is simply: | 04:17 |
crimsun | 1) echo nameserver > /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base | 04:17 |
crimsun | 2) uncomment and edit the prepend line in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf | 04:17 |
DanaG | aah, so that's the other place. | 04:17 |
DanaG | Hmm, now it seems like that's the only line in my resolv.conf. | 04:19 |
crimsun | then use the appropriate file in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/ | 04:20 |
DanaG | head. | 04:20 |
DanaG | Time to try reconnecting with networkmanager. | 04:20 |
DanaG | Good, head worked. | 04:22 |
=== DanaG is using dnsmasq to fix this: | ||
DanaG | www.wtfcharter.com. 1006632960 IN A | 04:22 |
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phin | weird | 04:35 |
phin | when i go to update via update-manager -c -d i get this error | 04:35 |
phin | http://pastebin.arslinux.com/8291 | 04:35 |
gnomefreak | phin: next time read what i say. upgrading is broken. | 04:40 |
crimsun | is upgrading broken? | 04:42 |
crimsun | ;) | 04:42 |
phin | oh | 04:42 |
phin | hmmm | 04:42 |
phin | soooooooooooooo | 04:42 |
phin | what do we do? | 04:42 |
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phin | traditional apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade route? | 04:43 |
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gnomefreak | phin: you forget about upgrading for now and wait a while till things get fixed | 04:47 |
gnomefreak | if you are a ubuntu-devel you fix it (seeing as ubuntu devels should really be only ones using gutsy at this point) | 04:49 |
gnomefreak | night | 04:49 |
phin | um | 04:52 |
phin | beta testers, too? | 04:52 |
=== phin rolls eyes | ||
gnomefreak | phin: its not beta | 04:52 |
gnomefreak | phin: you can do as you wish but dont use it if you cant fix it its too early | 04:53 |
tonyyarusso | Super pre-alpha I'm a psycopath testers! | 04:53 |
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DanaG | Cool, paplay works with my ripped DVD-A. | 05:55 |
DanaG | I'll have to try it with my external sound card later. | 05:56 |
DanaG | Does pulseaudio do 24/96 audio? | 05:56 |
crimsun | pulseaudio doesn't give a care. | 05:57 |
crimsun | it's perfectly capable of handling 32/192 without batting an eye | 05:58 |
DanaG | Cool. | 05:58 |
crimsun | in fact, it'll handle some ungodly resampling rate | 05:58 |
DanaG | I'll have to try that over network some time, just for fun. | 05:58 |
crimsun | doesn't matter, since nothing really works at that rate anyhow | 05:58 |
DanaG | I ripped my Creative DVD-Audio Sampler. | 05:59 |
DanaG | 6 channel 24/96. | 05:59 |
crimsun | I'm not a fan of DVD-A. | 05:59 |
DanaG | I don't plan to buy any disks. | 06:00 |
DanaG | I think it sucks that you can't, or aren't allowed to, put them over SPDIF. | 06:00 |
crimsun | I own two, and they're excellent, but I still prefer SACD. | 06:00 |
DanaG | I've never tried one. | 06:01 |
DanaG | SACD, I mean. | 06:01 |
DanaG | Now I have pulseaudio->plug:surround51:0->downmix51->dmix | 06:02 |
crimsun | I bought into the hype with Floyd's DSotM. | 06:02 |
DanaG | As long as I can rip it to play under Linux. | 06:02 |
DanaG | s/./.../ | 06:02 |
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DanaG | Is there any way to get pulseaudio to load sinks Y and Z for .asoundrc -created devices , when hardware device X shows up> | 06:13 |
DanaG | ? Right now I have to restart pulseaudio for my upmix and surround sinks to show up after a hotplug. | 06:14 |
crimsun | not easily | 06:15 |
crimsun | you can write shell scripts, but that's what you'd want to avoid for pA | 06:16 |
crimsun | you essentially want virtual sinks, which already exist, but the dynamic and automatic addition/removal of them is blocked on a bug | 06:16 |
crimsun | sinks and sources currently require specific devices, which is IMO an alsa-lib wishlist bug | 06:17 |
DanaG | You could do it client-side: add an option "depends" -- so my manually-configured sinks would load upon appearance of hw:1 . Note that my virtual devices are set up in .asoundrc. | 06:24 |
DanaG | s/client-side/in the daemon/ | 06:24 |
crimsun | that still blocks on the bug I just mentioned | 06:24 |
DanaG | Which one? | 06:24 |
crimsun | < crimsun> sinks and sources currently require specific devices | 06:24 |
DanaG | oh, the add-autoload-module part. | 06:25 |
DanaG | Is there a bug report you can link me to? It seems interesting to me. | 06:28 |
DanaG | Odd, new bug: gnome-settings-daemon crashes when first initializing the "other" volume indicator (switching composite<=>regular). | 06:31 |
crimsun | DanaG: http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/89 | 06:32 |
DanaG | aah, thanks. | 06:32 |
DanaG | Hmm, is that with the ALSA to Pulse wrapper, or am I misinterpreting it? I'm not using that attribute. | 06:34 |
crimsun | it's the plugin contained in libasound2-plugins | 06:39 |
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DanaG | Odd, the channels seem to be mapped to plug:surround51:1 incorrectly. | 08:07 |
DanaG | stream: front-left side-left front-center front-right side-right lfe | 08:08 |
DanaG | sink: front-left front-right rear-left rear-right front-center lfe | 08:09 |
DanaG | Oh wait, that sink is my upmixer. | 08:11 |
DanaG | Oddly, the upmix sink works; the other doesn't. Both sinks have the same channel order. | 08:11 |
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coNP | anyone's gnome-panel suffering from strange disappear-disease? | 09:05 |
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DanaG | I have a "gnome-session segfaults sometimes, unless I use failsafe" issue. | 09:08 |
coNP | a nice kill -HUP frigtened my gnome panel and it became concious | 09:09 |
DanaG | HUP two three four.... | 09:12 |
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popey | for anyone using ubuntu gutsy, I am currently planning a short screencast about what's new so far, and what's coming up. i can see from my laptop running it that we have nice things like notifcation of new mail in evolution and tomboy has tags, has anyone here noticed any really nice improvements in gutsy that i can report? | 11:32 |
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DanaG | ALSA lib confmisc.c:769:(parse_card) cannot find card '_driver' | 02:22 |
DanaG | Odd bracket thingy.... | 02:22 |
johnnybuoy | hah | 02:23 |
johnnybuoy | that's a "no" mathematical sign... | 02:23 |
johnnybuoy | but I dunno if it's just a random char... | 02:23 |
DanaG | earlier: ALSA lib confmisc.c:769:(parse_card) cannot find card '@_driver' | 02:24 |
johnnybuoy | hah | 02:24 |
johnnybuoy | yeah, then it's prolly 'just a random char' | 02:24 |
johnnybuoy | :D | 02:24 |
=== theoros [n=theoros@unaffiliated/theoros] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DanaG | Odd error message -- it should be something like "that device is not present". Not gobbledygook_driver. | 02:28 |
DanaG | Oh, I figured out how to fix SSH dying. | 02:29 |
DanaG | Or rather, make it time out rather than just blocking forever. | 02:29 |
DanaG | ServerAliveInterval 15 | 02:29 |
DanaG | ServerAliveCountMax 2 | 02:29 |
=== _dennis_ [n=dennis@d54C2B01E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DanaG | /etc/ssh/ssh_config | 02:30 |
DanaG | so it checks every 15 seconds, and gives up after two failures. | 02:30 |
johnnybuoy | gobbledygoo | 02:31 |
johnnybuoy | hahaha | 02:31 |
johnnybuoy | lol | 02:31 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DanaG | PulseAudio is a wonderful invention. | 02:36 |
johnnybuoy | it is? | 02:36 |
johnnybuoy | isn't t bloaty hard-to-configure experimental software? | 02:36 |
johnnybuoy | isn't it* | 02:36 |
DanaG | It's wonderful once you figure out how to get it exactly the way you want it. | 02:37 |
DanaG | it DID take me a while to figure out how to get my .asoundrc set up the way I want. | 02:37 |
johnnybuoy | yeah, that's my problem | 02:37 |
johnnybuoy | well, that was the same for me too | 02:37 |
DanaG | I'd love to see ALSA needs to ship some upmix and downmix virtual devices set up by default. | 02:39 |
johnnybuoy | ? | 02:40 |
DanaG | Though perhaps it's one of those "submit a patch, and we'll consider it" things. Also, the channel mixing comes down to personal preference, partly. | 02:40 |
johnnybuoy | n dmix n dsnooped | 02:40 |
johnnybuoy | cause that is cool | 02:40 |
johnnybuoy | I can voip while listening to music n I still hear pidgin notifications | 02:41 |
johnnybuoy | thos I never do that :D | 02:41 |
johnnybuoy | tho* | 02:41 |
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DanaG | I use two audio devices, so PulseAudio is great for switching on the fly -- except for the fact that virtual sinks don't load if not initally loaded. | 02:46 |
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Trewas | personally, linux audio stuff has been downhill after sblive&OSS, with that combination there was absolutely nothing to set up and everything Just Worked (including playing many sounds at the same time) | 02:53 |
johnnybuoy | oss was a pain in the a$$ | 02:54 |
johnnybuoy | o$$ | 02:54 |
johnnybuoy | :D | 02:54 |
johnnybuoy | maybe with sblive not, dunno | 02:54 |
johnnybuoy | my oppinion is that as with almost every oss project, alsa has become a bloated code | 02:56 |
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mikkael | digicam held back, is this only on my installation ? | 03:38 |
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Hobbsee | mikkael: means you need to dist-upgrade | 03:44 |
Hobbsee | ie, it's not uncommon during development | 03:44 |
mikkael | it wont update on a dist-upgrade | 03:45 |
mikkael | when i check it's dependencies on adept, i see some conflicts | 03:47 |
=== DanaG always uses !aptitude | ||
DanaG | !aptitude | 03:49 |
mikkael | well well, had to remove some kexi stuff | 03:50 |
DanaG | !info aptitude | 03:50 |
Hobbsee | mikkael: go through apt or aptitude, then. | 03:50 |
Hobbsee | apt tends to be clearer | 03:50 |
ubotu | aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide | 03:50 |
ubotu | aptitude: terminal-based apt frontend. In component main, is important. Version 0.4.4-4ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1431 kB, installed size 8632 kB | 03:50 |
mikkael | what does aptitude that apt-get doesnt ? | 03:50 |
Hobbsee | an ncurses interface. | 03:51 |
Hobbsee | handles the dependancy resolution slightly differently. | 03:51 |
Hobbsee | try them both. | 03:51 |
mikkael | what does synaptic use "under the hood" ? | 03:52 |
Hobbsee | apt, i believe | 03:52 |
Hobbsee | !info skype | 03:52 |
ubotu | Package skype does not exist in gutsy | 03:52 |
Hobbsee | DanaG: is skype in commercial, or not in ubuntu at all? | 03:52 |
Hobbsee | !info skype feisty | 03:52 |
mikkael | not at all | 03:52 |
Hobbsee | right | 03:52 |
ubotu | Package skype does not exist in feisty | 03:53 |
=== Hobbsee rejects the bug. | ||
DanaG | !medibuntu | 03:53 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/ | 03:53 |
DanaG | has skype. | 03:53 |
Hobbsee | DanaG: yeah,b ut that's them, not us, and i dont care. it's their problem to fix it :) | 03:53 |
Hobbsee | if i cant upload the fix, then -ENOTMYPROBLEM--> reject. | 03:54 |
DanaG | What bug? | 03:54 |
mikkael | whats the problem with skype ? | 03:54 |
Hobbsee | segfaulting | 03:54 |
DanaG | Medibuntu has their own Launchpad section/ | 03:54 |
Hobbsee | https://launchpad.net/bugs/119839 | 03:54 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 119839 in Ubuntu "skype (core dumped)" [Undecided,Rejected] | 03:54 |
Hobbsee | er, core dumped | 03:54 |
Hobbsee | oh yeah, point | 03:54 |
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Hobbsee | there we go :) | 03:55 |
mikkael | i wonder why there are only 16 bugs on gutsy right now | 03:56 |
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mikkael | shouldnt there be loads of bugs on a first alpha release :) ? | 03:57 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, my gnome-session finally un-broke. | 03:57 |
=== DanaG has noticed: apport hasn't been launching for crashes. | ||
Hobbsee | it's probably still disabled | 03:57 |
Hobbsee | mikkael: because, except in very special cases, bugs arent filed against a specific release | 03:58 |
Hobbsee | mikkael: and excluding the special case, it's wrong if they are. | 03:58 |
mikkael | oh so im in the wrong section | 03:58 |
Hobbsee | mikkael: the only bugs that should be there are milestoned bugs | 03:58 |
Hobbsee | yes | 03:58 |
Hobbsee | take out the +gutsy/ | 03:58 |
mikkael | yes i will try to find obsolete filed bugs from time to time, for that "fuzzy warm feeling" | 03:59 |
Hobbsee | woo :) | 03:59 |
=== Do`` [n=stuffor@dsl77-234-80-172.pool.tvnet.hu] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Do`` | hey | 04:00 |
=== Hobbsee waves | ||
Do`` | is there a way to make the terminal cycle through possible completed filenames instead of listing them and only those that match case sensitively? | 04:00 |
Do`` | i dont remember how it was done on my 'production' ubuntu and i cant find any options in the alpha version | 04:01 |
Hobbsee | er, not with bash, i suspect | 04:02 |
Hobbsee | or only with a special config options, which sharms was looking at, iirc. | 04:02 |
Hobbsee | sounds like a csh thing | 04:02 |
Do`` | being a newbie i dont recall doing such things.. are you sure those are the only way? :) | 04:03 |
Hobbsee | no | 04:05 |
Hobbsee | hence the "i suspect" and such | 04:05 |
Hobbsee | when you find the solution, do tell. | 04:05 |
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Do`` | :) | 04:07 |
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DanaG | Woah, I just noticed: I can do two-finger scrolling with Linux synaptics. Sweet. | 04:42 |
=== DanaG now has absolutely no reason to get Apple. | ||
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DanaG | Two- (and virtual three-)button touchpad, with two-finger scroll, circular scroll, and side scroll -- each can be set to a different speed. | 04:45 |
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DanaG | Synaptics, Pulseaudio, Beryl, Dynticks... what more could you want? | 04:48 |
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Hobbsee | DanaG: kde4. | 04:49 |
Hobbsee | DanaG: and everything just working. | 04:49 |
Hobbsee | and world domination. | 04:49 |
coNP | Hobbsee: kde4 in gutsy? | 04:49 |
Hobbsee | coNP: sure, it's there now - the third alpha, iirc. | 04:49 |
coNP | sounds cool :) | 04:50 |
afflux | since gutsy I have lots of /tmp/tmprules-*.dat files, all having the same (http://paste.stgraber.org/1516) content. When I remove them, nothing happens, except that they are recreated. | 04:50 |
afflux | (not all at once) | 04:50 |
afflux | any ideas what that could be? | 04:51 |
=== DanaG is lucky enough to have ipw3945 and e1000, rather than Broadcom-anything and Realtek wired. | ||
DanaG | Yay, Gateway. | 04:53 |
DanaG | Though I do have other issues, sometimes. | 04:53 |
DanaG | Oh, and fixed TTYs would be nice. | 04:54 |
DanaG | I wonder what's with the 2.6.22-6-generic kernel. | 04:56 |
DanaG | I get an error that essentially says it can't find my root partition. | 04:57 |
DanaG | The "Here is a list of available partitions" thingy lists nothing. | 04:57 |
DanaG | Also, I noticed that going from Feisty to Gutsy changed the GDM theme, even though the changelog didn't seem to mention any change. | 04:59 |
DanaG | I just need to figure out how to make tapping workable. | 05:04 |
DanaG | Stray taps are annoying, but not having tapping is also annoying. | 05:04 |
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DanaG | That's odd: the two-finger-scroll thing has a ridiculously small vertical tolerance. | 05:33 |
DanaG | s/ridiculously/rather/ | 05:33 |
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root__ | how do i set my gutsy gibbon nvidia display drivers to 1440x900 in 16/10 mode ? | 05:59 |
root__ | on kubuntu | 05:59 |
root__ | setting are not applied when i press apply | 05:59 |
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pvandewyngaerde | i'm that root guy, having monitor problems | 06:10 |
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pvandewyngaerde | is it possible to get flash working ? | 06:43 |
pvandewyngaerde | i have 64 bit | 06:44 |
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tarzeau | anyone play some #bub-n-bros join the gnu server now... | 06:52 |
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shirish | hi all have anybody else have had issues with gnome-panel & thunar being held back ? | 07:04 |
calc | anyone happen to know how to make thunderbird filter emails | 07:06 |
calc | it seems to do nothing when i have a filter setup the filter log doesn't even do anything | 07:06 |
calc | er show | 07:07 |
shirish | another thing, can anybody recommend a good font, the default font used is very very big | 07:09 |
=== DanaG uses the DejaVu fonts. | ||
DanaG | Oh, and make sure your DPI settings are correct. | 07:10 |
=== coNP uses Liberation | ||
coNP | kudos for Red Hat :) | 07:10 |
DanaG | With my Gnome set to 100DPI, and fonts at 10 points, it's wonderful. | 07:11 |
rasher | X fails to find the size of my laptop screen, and I found nowhere to input the physical size. Am I supposed to just enter the dpi directly? | 07:11 |
coNP | DanaG: where do you set up dpi? | 07:11 |
DanaG | Who needs Cleartype? Not I! In fact, I like the Linux subpixel rendering BETTER. | 07:11 |
DanaG | You can put size in xorg.conf, or you can figure it out with the help of (google "javascript dpi") | 07:12 |
shirish | coNP: how can I install liberation | 07:12 |
DanaG | or add "calculator" | 07:12 |
shirish | DanaG: how do I set DPI ? | 07:12 |
=== felixnine [n=waa@24-177-1-4.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
shirish | just fyi its a CRT, no LCD | 07:12 |
=== shirish waiting for instructions | ||
DanaG | gnome-font-properties. | 07:13 |
coNP | shirish: actually I realized I use the default "sans" fonts now | 07:14 |
DanaG | Or you can add sizes (in millimeters) to Xorg.conf. | 07:14 |
coNP | liberation only for monotype | 07:14 |
shirish | DanaG: there is no front-end? | 07:14 |
coNP | thanks DanaG | 07:14 |
DanaG | One sets size so Xorg calculates DPI for itself; the other sets DPI so things can calculate size. | 07:14 |
shirish | coNP: how did you get the liberation font is it in the repository by some other name? or you did by some other name | 07:15 |
coNP | shirish: I got it through an rpm package via alien | 07:16 |
coNP | what is not recommended | 07:16 |
coNP | maybe even forbidden :D | 07:16 |
shirish | ok heres my setup, see if you guys can recommend something | 07:17 |
shirish | Application font :- Nimbus Roman No. 9 L size 10 | 07:18 |
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shirish | Document Font :- Sans size 11 | 07:18 |
shirish | Desktop Font :- TSCu_Times Normal size 10 | 07:19 |
shirish | Windows Title Font :- Samanata size 10 | 07:20 |
shirish | Fixed width font :- Monospace size 10 | 07:20 |
shirish | any ideas ? | 07:20 |
shirish | Font rendering is given to best shapes | 07:21 |
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DanaG | wtf? http://www.engadget.com/2007/06/05/alexitimia-robotic-blob-sweats-when-you-touch-it/#comments | 08:02 |
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Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!