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Admiral_Chicago | there is a 404 in the link to the Economist in UWN | 06:47 |
Burgundavia | bugger | 06:48 |
Burgundavia | got it | 06:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | cool, i would have fixed it but got busy. thanks | 06:51 |
boredandblogging | its fixed | 06:53 |
Admiral_Chicago | thanks for fixing that, it was a great article | 06:57 |
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jenda | beuno: quick I need your birthday for the ticket :) | 04:00 |
jenda | not quick enough. | 04:01 |
jenda | I'll have to call them again :) | 04:01 |
beuno | jenda: 29/09/1983 | 04:02 |
beuno | was distracted :p | 04:03 |
jenda | :) | 04:03 |
jenda | thx | 04:03 |
jenda | beuno: 765 CZK | 04:06 |
jenda | but we won't sit next to each other unless we trade seats :/ | 04:06 |
jenda | the bastards told me there's plenty of time for that reservation :) | 04:06 |
jenda | Oh well, we'll be way too sleepy to talk anyway :D | 04:07 |
beuno | jenda: how long is the trip? | 04:09 |
beuno | we can always annoy the person next to us enough by screaming to eachother until they feel like trading | 04:09 |
elkbuntu | ooh, organising a trip? sounds fun | 04:10 |
jenda | hahaha | 04:10 |
jenda | beuno: just about 2 hours, maybe 2.5 | 04:10 |
jenda | elkbuntu: a tiny Ubuntu meetup in Dresden. | 04:11 |
jenda | beuno, jul.iux, pitti and I | 04:11 |
elkbuntu | cool | 04:11 |
beuno | jenda: I'll have plenty of things to talk about, I got my first package uploaded to debian yesterday! | 04:11 |
jenda | beuno: we'll have a day and an evening to talk about it in Prague and more in Dresden ;) | 04:12 |
beuno | having Debien Developers all around you rocks :D | 04:12 |
jenda | beuno: since I don't expect juliux to come running to pick us up at 3 AM on the Dresden bus terminal :D | 04:12 |
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jenda | beuno: and, of course, we'll have until you leave after that | 04:12 |
jenda | we'll be coming back even later in the night - 2:15-4:15 AM | 04:13 |
beuno | jenda: sounds great, I'll make sure I get there rested | 04:14 |
jenda | beuno: good :) | 04:14 |
jenda | beuno: and sober, but well trained :D | 04:14 |
jenda | nah - I don't think I'll get you too drunk. I'll need someone to carry my books on the way back from Dresden... | 04:15 |
=== jenda laughs evilly | ||
beuno | hahah | 04:16 |
beuno | jenda: we can mail them back :p | 04:16 |
jenda | hahah :) | 04:16 |
jenda | yeah, very economic :) | 04:16 |
jenda | It would be about 5 times the price of the return ticket :D | 04:17 |
elkbuntu | then you can carry jenda. I believe he is lighter than the books | 04:17 |
jenda | elkbuntu: could be :) | 04:17 |
beuno | jenda: then maybe we should buy the books a seat too :p | 04:17 |
beuno | hahaha | 04:17 |
jenda | the books would have to be 6 kg each :) | 04:17 |
beuno | we'll see... | 04:17 |
jenda | elkbuntu: even if I was lighter... the books don't have legs, nor can they use them ;) | 04:17 |
jenda | s/use mine/ | 04:17 |
elkbuntu | this was for the situation where the books were mailed | 04:18 |
jenda | ah | 04:18 |
beuno | right, I'm liking this trip already :D | 04:18 |
jenda | or, beuno can carry the books, and mail me instead. | 04:18 |
beuno | hah! | 04:18 |
beuno | we'll see what's cheaper :D | 04:18 |
jenda | it'll be cheaper - I'll cash in my ticket, too. | 04:18 |
elkbuntu | i'd pay money to see jenda wrapped up with postage affixed | 04:19 |
jenda | elkbuntu: how much? :) | 04:19 |
=== jenda runs | ||
beuno | lol, we might even finance some beer with this jenda! | 04:19 |
jenda | beuno: :) | 04:19 |
beuno | jenda: how much is a beer over there? | 04:20 |
jenda | beuno: speaking of which, my backpack won't be empty on our way there either. | 04:20 |
jenda | beuno: not much :) | 04:20 |
beuno | here it's about 5 :( | 04:20 |
jenda | 20 CZK is a downtown price | 04:20 |
jenda | hahah | 04:20 |
jenda | that's... 10 times as much :D | 04:20 |
jenda | I usually get beers for 18 | 04:20 |
jenda | which is about 1 USD, or 0.7 | 04:21 |
jenda | right it's not 10 times as much - I thought you said 5 | 04:21 |
jenda | There are places you can get a beer for 0.5 | 04:21 |
beuno | jenda: you can count on getting drunk then :p | 04:21 |
jenda | and buying a bottled beer cost 0.3 anywhere | 04:21 |
jenda | hehehe :) | 04:22 |
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jenda | I'm actually a fan of the bottled type - but most people prefer drawn. | 04:22 |
beuno | jenda: depends on which kind of beer, but any is fine with me :D | 04:23 |
jenda | Weeell, I sometimes prefer it too - it's more of a social preference than one of taste - the bottled is for drinking at home, while drawn, obviously, in a pub. | 04:23 |
jenda | Most Czech brands come both in bottles or in barrels, so it's really up to us ;) | 04:24 |
beuno | jenda: great, I'm excited about the trip, start polishing your prague touring skills :D | 04:26 |
jenda | beuno: I'll draft a schedule. | 04:26 |
jenda | beuno: do you know what a Prague marathon is? | 04:27 |
beuno | jenda: nope, last time I was there I was like 6 years old | 04:27 |
jenda | it's when you go to a pub, have a beer, go to another pub, have a beer - and if you can make the entire tour as scheduled around Prague, which should be scheduled around 42 chosen pubs... | 04:27 |
jenda | ...well, then you're the man ;) | 04:27 |
jenda | We won't do that though. I want you alive. | 04:28 |
jenda | :) | 04:28 |
jenda | (I want me alive too) | 04:28 |
beuno | hahaha | 04:28 |
beuno | right, I like challenges, but not so much of a fan of alcoholic comas | 04:28 |
beuno | al least not abroad | 04:28 |
jenda | :) | 04:31 |
jenda | Neither am I. | 04:31 |
jenda | Home or abroad. | 04:31 |
jenda | Actually, the only one I had was abroad :D | 04:31 |
jenda | I haven't been able to drink hard alcohol since then. | 04:32 |
jenda | it turns my stomach just smelling it - and that's a very good safety precaution :) it's hard getting drunk just on beer. | 04:32 |
beuno | jenda: yeap yeap, the body has pretty cool defense mechanisms | 04:34 |
jenda | indeed :) | 04:35 |
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tuxcrafter | hello guys does anybody here know how to create a brochure with the psutils | 05:05 |
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sits | did anyone see the Mark Shuttleworth interview on Click Online? | 09:24 |
Burgundavia | sits: link us up | 09:26 |
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sits | link coming... | 09:26 |
sits | Needs Real Player/Proper Windows Media Player: | 09:26 |
sits | http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/default.stm | 09:27 |
sits | Then Watch Now | 09:27 |
sits | Doh! | 09:27 |
sits | is the latest UWN already out? | 09:28 |
tsmithe | sits, i think "needs" is a bit of an exaggeration ;) | 09:29 |
sits | tsmithe: ah well I couldn't use the URI directly | 09:31 |
tsmithe | odd | 09:31 |
sits | I had to hack up the blob that it pointed to and extract one of the two URIs from that | 09:31 |
tsmithe | :s | 09:31 |
sits | tsmithe: it worked out of the box for you? | 09:32 |
jenda | sits: the latest UWN is always already out :) | 09:33 |
tsmithe | well, i'm not sure, after a number of dist-upgrades. but i would expect easy-codec-installation to do it for you.. | 09:33 |
sits | tsmithe: I believe it's an issue with mrl | 09:35 |
tsmithe | i'm not familiar with "mrl" | 09:35 |
tsmithe | and i also have to go for a run around the farm | 09:35 |
sits | I have the codecs etc. but it's the parsing of the "playlist" that is given that is breaking | 09:35 |
tsmithe | so bye :) | 09:35 |
tsmithe | sits, ahh ok | 09:35 |
sits | jenda: ;) | 09:35 |
sits | BTW I wouldn't mind seeing discussion of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/116996 / https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/117447 / https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2007-June/001059.html in the next UWN... | 09:52 |
Burgundavia | sits: feel free to write it | 09:54 |
sits | Burgundavia: well I effectively have in the lists.ubuntu.com link :) | 09:54 |
sits | but it's been hard to get feedback so I don't know whether some of the stuff I've been posting is right | 09:56 |
sits | e.g. the list of affected chipsets in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/116996/comments/79 | 09:57 |
sits | Burgundavia: however if you outline what sort of content you're interested in then I may try and write something up after I finish eating | 09:58 |
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