
raymondjtothspence tying to do sudo apt-get install w32codecs12:01
ROnewbieikonia: yes12:01
IndyGunFreakROnewbie: english isn't your strongpoit is it?12:01
raymondjtothand get no installer12:01
frank|\raymondjtoth, http://www.debianadmin.com/install-mplayer-ubuntu.html go here12:01
Montehso i reinstalled the drivers again, said no to messing with the conf, startx to get here now, they are installed but as soon as i reboot they are going to error :S12:01
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majorglorycrimsun: i just installed ubuntu and is my first time with a nix OS. so i have no idea what you just told me to do. can you IM me privately instead?12:01
ikoniaROnewbie: then I don't know what what your miss-config is12:01
IndyGunFreakMonteh: well, you'r sure that you have the backup xorg.conf?12:01
PanzerMKZso ask the questions that you want12:01
Montehi am sure12:01
ROnewbieIndyGunFreak: huh ? i think it's above decent, most of the time. Why /12:01
PanzerMKZand stop just sitting there reading12:01
Montehi nano it to check it was different12:01
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IndyGunFreakROnewbie: just a gneral obervation12:02
raymondjtothspnce3 what i do now12:02
IndyGunFreakok..., you didn't change the backup did you12:02
Montehso im not logged in sitting in a startx atm with the drivers installed lol12:02
crimsunmajorglory: please download http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/scripts/alsa-info.sh and execute it.  It will generate a URL.  Tell me the URL, please.12:02
ROnewbieIndyGunFreak: I'm lost.12:02
ROnewbieikonia: .... thanks.12:02
IndyGunFreakROnewbie: clearly12:02
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xenexhow do i make identd work?12:02
gamecheifanyone here12:03
gamecheifzach you here12:03
ikonia1130 people are here12:03
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ROnewbieIndyGunFreak: mnyeaah ... by that i meant I don't get your point. My conversation was not addressed to you.12:03
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raymondjtothspnce i get this12:03
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raymondjtothPackage w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:03
raymondjtothThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or12:03
raymondjtothis only available from another source12:03
IndyGunFreakROnewbie: nevermind... i hope you get your problem fixed12:03
raymondjtothE: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate12:03
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ROnewbieIndyGunFreak: but whatever, thanks for the concern.12:04
raymondjtothwhats going on spenc312:04
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majorglorycrimsun: i gtg. ill come back later. im really sorry and i appreciate the help =)12:04
idefixxROnewbie: dont feed the troll :)12:04
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frank|\raymondjtoth,  use mplayer it will work12:05
IndyGunFreakMonteh: type "/join #indygunfreak" no quotes12:05
raymondjtothwell it dont12:05
CoFmy sound doesn't work12:05
XtypeWriter74hi... now i think i have made some progress, i edited /etc/mc/mc.ext in the Video line with: regex/\.([sS] [wW] [fF] )$    Include=video       #Open=(vlc %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)      but after i run mc and try to open a swf file i get this error:  Error: no "view" mailcap rules found for type "application/x-shockwave-flash"  any ideas ?12:05
=== rollerskatejamms [n=zach@pool-71-249-99-9.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
CoFI installed the latest ALSA12:05
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nevonhttp://pastebin.se/19914 could anyone of you understand this??12:05
CoFand my chipset should be supported12:05
raymondjtothspenc3 still with me12:05
crimsunCoF: please download http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/scripts/alsa-info.sh and execute it.  It will generate a URL.  Tell me the URL, please.12:05
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nevonits about ati driver...12:05
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raymondjtothspenc3 i get this12:06
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jdude1284Hi - when I try to run dmraid to bring up my raid sets on intel ich, i get the error message "raid45 not in kernel" -- I think dmraid is looking for the wrong module, because my kernel (which i just built) has raid456=y in its config. I think the module is called "raid456.ko" and not "raid45.ko"12:06
blue|palmIs it possible to have individual wallpapers on each virtual desktop in gnome?12:06
frank|\raymondjtoth, yeah sorry 1 moment12:06
idefixhow can you broadcast movies with MSN using GAIM?12:06
raymondjtothReading state information... Done12:06
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raymondjtothPackage w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:06
raymondjtothThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or12:06
raymondjtothis only available from another source12:06
raymondjtothE: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate12:06
lnx^hey. i have got lots of VIDEO_TS.VOB & .IFO files, which i suppose should represent a DVD disk, on my harddisk. how can i burn them so that a normal DVD player can read them?12:06
raymondjtothwhat i do s[penc312:06
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nevonno one??12:06
idefixit should be possible to broadcast movies12:07
spenc3hang on, i'm updating my computer.. can't check it out for you yet.12:07
gamecheifim back i need to know how to run programs on here i knw a little about the packaging are something like that im trying to get wine running12:07
gamecheifdont know how12:07
nevontried installing propritary drivers all day now..12:07
spenc3but i will as soon as it's ready12:07
nevonand it sucks :)12:07
aroogamecheif: google for basic linux use12:07
nevoni installed feisty just this morning12:07
idefixis there no alternative for the word 'suck'?12:07
Guilty_as_Sinbroadcasting movies?  where?12:07
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aroogamecheif: people in here can't teach you how to use it12:07
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nitehawkthanks to everyone who helped me get my desktop running12:07
nevonbut the drivers dont work12:07
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xiao_haoziraymondjtoth: sorry to butt in but you could try automatix...that will isntall them for you12:08
aroogamecheif: you install things with "Synaptic Package Manager" or "apt-get"12:08
omegacentiAny way I can find out why my cdrom is labled /dev/hda ?12:08
raymondjtothwhat that im new rto unbunte linux12:08
kitcheomegacenti: it's most likely a ide device12:08
omegacentikitche: laptop.. might be12:08
gamecheifbut when i go to them it doesnt havee the files in their to download12:08
raymondjtothsince dell working with then i give it a shot12:09
aroogamecheif: what files?12:09
raymondjtothxi that to you12:09
omegacentikitche: do you think I should trust that?12:09
nitehawknew noob question......When i installed the os it asked me if i wanted to install LAMP , didnt know what it was so i said no, no i found out and wish i installed it. i tried apt-get install lamp, no package found? how do i install lamp easily ?12:09
gamecheifi have the wine files12:09
kitcheomegacenti: not many companies make SATA drives for cd drives12:09
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raymondjtothxi how i get it12:09
aroogamecheif: ok and?12:09
jadderhow I use nice with an edictor?12:09
xiao_haoziraymondjtogh: one second i will find you a link.... it is a program that you can use to install win32 and ldbdvdcss etc12:09
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arashanyone have the ubuntu title font?12:09
jdude1284when I try to run dmraid to bring up my raid sets on intel ich, i get the error message "raid45 not in kernel" -- I think dmraid is looking for the wrong module, because my kernel (which i just built) has raid456=y in its config. I think the module is called "raid456.ko" and not "raid45.ko"12:09
raymondjtothxi ty12:09
gamecheifit just a folder that says wine0.93812:09
frank|\raymondjtoth,  try this in terminal sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gxine libxine-main1 libxine-extracodecs ogle ogle-gui12:09
jadderHow i use nice wiht an edictor12:09
xiao_haoziraymondjtoth: http://www.getautomatix.com12:09
raymondjtothxi ok12:10
aroogamecheif: install wine through Synaptic Package Manager12:10
jaddernice -n vi ?12:10
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aroogamecheif: or "sudo apt-get install wine" through console12:10
PerunI have still problem with amarok, installed medibuntu pkgs and after that it doesnt work, I have deinstalled (purge) all pkgs for amarok and kaffeine, installed the 'normal' pkgs from feisty repo and still have this problem... it starts, i see the gui and after this it hangs12:10
jdude1284jadder, why would you want to use nice with an editor?12:10
ikoniaraymondjtoth: automatx a=is poor in my opinion12:10
nitehawkhow can i install LAMP ?12:10
bobbob1016Is swiftweasel enough of a speed upgrade from swiftfox, to switch?  I'm running 32bit on a 32bit Pentium 412:10
xiao_haoziraymondjtoth: sure...its straightforward....also has some fun other things you can install via gui program....enjoY!12:10
frank|\raymondjtoth, no use synaptic12:10
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jadderbecuase is an exercice,12:10
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raymondjtothik im new to this linux stuff12:10
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jdude1284jadder, you would say nice -n 5 vi12:11
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idefixxjadder: 'nice -19 vi' ...12:11
jdude1284jadder, or whatever level of niceness you want12:11
CoFcrimsun:I dunno how to run the script12:11
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raymondjtothfrank will it it also in conjution with it12:11
crimsunCoF: did you save the script to your Desktop?12:11
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CoFcrimsun: I'm using sh12:11
crimsunCoF: then open a Terminal, and use: bash ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh12:12
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ikoniaraymondjtoth: automatx a=is poor in my opinion12:12
raymondjtothxi were did it go to12:12
frank|\raymondjtoth, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats go here this may help i used it once when i was a newbie12:12
raymondjtothik ok i just instaqlled it12:12
webactivexis it possible to mount an ftp connection @ ikonia12:12
CoFcrimsun: ok, it's running12:12
xiao_haoziraymondjtoth: sure thing....that program makes it pretty easy to get all the things going that aren't included12:12
lnx^has anyone got an answer to my DVD-burning question?12:12
omegacentialright I think I just for the first time edited my fstab sucessfully ^_^12:12
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phixnayhey, how to I prevent gutsy from installing grub?12:12
raymondjtothxi were did it install to12:12
ikoniawebactivex: yes but not a good idea12:12
Guilty_as_Sinwhat is your dvd burning question?12:12
CoFcrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/55723112:12
Guilty_as_SinI missed it12:12
arooomegacenti: grats12:12
webactivexikonia: reason?12:12
jadderbecause I need to execute an edictor in my shell with a 1 less priority, I dont understand exacly but I suppose, I can run an edictor with nice -19 cat > jadder.txt12:12
omegacentiaroo: thanks :)12:12
raymondjtothand i amnd frank will use it inconjution with other atuff my mom will use this also12:13
xiao_haoziraymond: are you suing ubuntu or kubuntu12:13
bobbob1016phixnay, you want to go to the ubuntu+1 channel12:13
ikoniawebactivex: its not meant to work that way12:13
omegacentikitche: any way to find out exactly what is plugged into my computer... devices connected via ide, pci, usb, yadda, yadda...12:13
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raymondjtothxi thats to you] 12:13
CoFcrimsun: the hardware data is accurate12:13
xiao_haoziraymond: ok then go to your menu it should be under the gnome menu now12:13
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geocritterdoes anybody know why an update to feisty would have hosed a partition (and messed up the mbr as well?)12:13
rancidlmhey all, i have a laptop that i can connect to the internet wirelessly i would like to connect my PDA to the internet using my laptop's wifi.. in linux is there a way to create adhoc type session to share internet to a wireless device?12:13
webactivexikonia: but will it work that way? I just want to store a cvs repo12:13
phixnaybobbob1016: I'm already there :)12:13
phixnay The reason I ask in here is because I want to know what I should do in feisty before I try installing gutsy12:13
raymondjtoth] xi i see applixaation and places ns system12:13
raymondjtothat top12:13
frank|\raymondjtoth, synaptic is controlled by root user with password if she does not have password she cant install anything12:14
raymondjtothok frank12:14
ikoniawebactivex: not good putting cvs on ftp12:14
xiao_haoziraymond: under applications12:14
raymondjtothxi what i look for12:14
eyemeanany1 know which is best tv watcher for gnome pls?12:14
rancidlmgeocritter: does grub even load up?12:14
xiao_haoziraymond: one second...i use kde...can't remember...12:14
omegacentiAny way to find out exactly what is plugged into my computer... devices connected via ide, pci, usb, yadda, yadda...?12:14
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preaction!patience | omegacenti12:15
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ubotuomegacenti: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:15
webactivex*sigh* how do I go about manually mounting a samba drive..12:15
xiao_haoziraymond: you can also do in terminal.... type ... automatix (and then hit tab and it should complete to automatix2)12:15
geocritterrencidlm: yes; it messed up the partition information on my /home (dev/sda4) tho...fsck wouldn't even touch it12:15
frank|\xiao_haozi,  lol same here cant remember ubuntu interface12:15
ikoniawebactivex:  man mount12:15
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xiao_haoziraymond: then enter and it will open it12:15
Guilty_as_Sinsystem/preferences/hardware info..  right?12:15
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omegacentipreaction: Sorry, I asked again to address the entire channel. My apologies if this is considered out of patience.12:15
xiao_haozifrank: yeah im not too much a gui guy12:15
Guilty_as_Sinmay be wrong..  not using my ubuntu box a.t.m.12:15
raymondjtothxi were i finde the w32codecs12:15
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eyemeank im off to eat,hmmmmmmm12:16
raymondjtothi have iut open xi12:16
eyemeantake care every1 thanx for all the help i have received12:16
xiao_haoziraymond: chooose the codecs option...the one for multimedia12:16
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xiao_haoziraymond: that will put in libdvdcss for dvd viewing and win32 and mp3 stuff12:16
nitehawkis it possible to install lamp after you have installed ubuntu server ?12:16
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xiao_haoziyou can scroll around in there and choose all the things you like12:16
rancidlmgeocritter: do know what type of update you performed and what type of partition it was ext3, ..etc?12:16
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frank|\raymondjtoth, if u open up that link i gave u it will teach u hoe to use media players and more12:16
xiao_haoziraymond: there are some cool programs in there12:16
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hatredxugh, where do I tell sendmail to listen to all interfaces?12:17
raymondjtothfrank will do i want easy untill i learn more12:17
xiao_haozifrank|\: yeah good link... taht is another way to go....12:17
raymondjtothand read more12:17
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raymondjtothfpr now12:17
raymondjtothfor npw12:17
geocritterrencidlm: it was ext3.  I don't know which files did the job, since I was letting auto update do it's thing12:17
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geocritterrancidlm: it messed up the drive geometry for that partition, was the end result, tho12:17
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frank|\xiao_haozi, automatrix is junk lol synaptic Kpackage or adapt we should recommend to ray12:18
ROnewbie30$ TO ANYONE that helps me fix the following wi-fi problem (4 weeks old, end of my wits): Network Manager sees all my wireless network, but doesn't connect to any, encrypted or not. Running Feisty on an MSI S271X laptop, with an RT61 network card.12:18
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JC_Denton_is it true ubuntu will only hibernate to a swap partition and not a swap file?12:18
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raymondjtothxi is media one the w32codecs12:18
xiao_haoziraymondjtoth: once you have them installed then through automatix, they will be recognized by your media players... you can use things like vlc to play them then12:18
raymondjtothxi i have it12:18
crimsunCoF: are you using any model= line in /etc/modprobe.d/* ?12:18
xiao_haoziraymond: yeah12:18
raymondjtothxi dose lunix get virus at all12:19
xiao_haozifrank|\: yeah i agree  but i think its pretty nice for new users because it generally works well.... package management method can be tricky for new users imho.... buy yeah12:19
raymondjtothor spyware like windopws dose12:19
rancidlmgeocritter: hmm i have no clue then, srry... i have never seen a simple ubuntu update cause that type of issue12:19
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xiao_haoziraymondjtoth: generally no...but good user practice is important still.... you can still get a rootkit or malicious code12:19
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idefixxjadder: u should read 'man nice' one less could mean 'nice -1..' or 'nice --1'. if the program is supposed to get lower prio use the first if you want lower use the last.12:20
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frank|\xiao_haozi, new user yes maybe but when i was new i found synaptic easy lol12:20
kslccrimsun: would you like to keep troubleshooting my problem from yesterday?12:20
CoFcrimsun: how do I find that? There's nothing written like that in alsa-base12:20
gamecheifwine is installed where do i go to get it12:20
jadderok, also how I change priority to a program how is runing12:21
idefixxjadder: oops.. last lower == higher12:21
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xiao_haozifrank|\: agreed me too... i use aptitude for everything.... but everyone has a different background when coming to linux so i think that is what makes automatix nice for some.   but yeah i don't like to use gui package managers....slow slow slow12:21
idefixxjadder: 'man renice'12:21
jadderyes renice12:22
jadderyou are great12:22
crimsunkslc: I already gave you an additional pointer :)12:22
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raymondjtothxi ok i have it now how do i get quick time going12:22
crimsunkslc: (the intent is to see if your DSDT is bugged)12:22
raymondjtothsince got it installed12:22
aroogamecheif: you should have just stayed with windows12:22
lnx^Guilt_as_Sin: i have got lots of VIDEO_TS.VOB & .IFO files, which i suppose should represent a DVD disk, on my harddisk. how can i burn them so that a normal DVD player can read them?12:22
frank|\xiao_haozi, what until ray plays around with KDE how much fun he will have12:22
geocritterrancid: thanks anyway...I've never had that happen either, with any distro12:22
raymondjtothdo i need to reboot12:22
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kslcrestart with acpi=off?12:22
aroogamecheif: you installed ubuntu just to play and use windows apps? doesn't make sense12:22
crimsunkslc: yes12:22
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raymondjtothfrank i will in do timem12:22
crimsunkslc: again, make sure the machine is on AC power12:23
frank|\lol KDE RULES ALL12:23
raymondjtothfrank what is kde12:23
xiao_haoziraymond: well avi should be ready to roll...now you can use synaptic (the add/remove programs) to get vlc or another media player from franks link and it should play your .avi files now12:23
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kslchm do I just add acpi=off to the kernel line in grub's menu file for that?12:23
aroofrank|\: matter of preference12:23
raymondjtothxi i have vlc12:23
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crimsunCoF: grep -nHr model= /etc/modprobe.d/*12:23
xiao_haozifrank|\: agreed.... i personally like kde...but gnome has some nice things too12:23
raymondjtothand one frank gave me12:23
kslcI'm not very experienced with grub.12:23
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frank|\kubuntu desktop environment12:23
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aroofrank|\: that isn't what kde stands for12:23
raymondjtothfrank is it good12:23
xiao_haozifrank, yes agreed12:23
xiao_haozii like kde12:24
raymondjtothzi now what i do since i got vlc and omne frank gave me12:24
xiao_haozibut yeah that isn't what kde is12:24
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CoFcrimsun: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base~:39:options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-66012:24
raymondjtothwhat is kde12:24
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raymondjtothim confused12:24
CoFcrimsun: that should be correct12:24
xiao_haoziraymond: you should be able to fire up vlc and open yhour .avi files12:24
linuxnub!kde | raymondjtoth12:24
uboturaymondjtoth: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.12:24
raymondjtothim lost12:24
crimsunCoF: remove it; it should be automatic.12:24
frank|\um it K desktop samr diff12:24
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crimsunCoF: oh wait, doesn't matter12:25
crimsunCoF: that's a backup file12:25
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bobbob1016Is swiftweasel enough of a speed upgrade from swiftfox, to switch?  I'm running 32bit on a 32bit Pentium 412:25
CoFcrimsun: I edited it12:25
raymondjtoth!kde frank12:25
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kde frank - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:25
CoFcrimsun: I removed it cuz it didn't help, but I haven't restarted yet12:25
xiao_haoziraymond: don't worry...you are using ubuntu which uses gnome....kubuntu which frank and i were using is kde...just a different window manager in essence....don't worry aobut it...it can get confusing12:25
idefixxbobbob1016: imo, no.12:25
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linuxnub!kde | frank12:25
Guilty_as_Sinkde apps are great..  but I still prefer my gnome12:25
ubotufrank: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.12:25
crimsunCoF: why are you running 1.0.14rc4 instead of 1.0.14, BTW?12:25
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raymondjtothzi how i use quick time on web site12:26
frank|\yup konqueror KDE12:26
CoFcrimsun: it's the latest I could get off the website12:26
raymondjtothlike if streqaming in quick time for mate12:26
crimsunCoF: no, 1.0.14 is the latest.12:26
raymondjtothand zi how i get 3d going and open gl12:26
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raymondjtothim on  a dell lapy12:26
CoFcrimsun: ugh, well, I don't think that's the issue in any case12:26
bobbob1016idefixx, ok, I wasn't sure, I was searching the forums for a way to kill swiftfox's process, after it crashed and I saw swiftweasel, wasn't sure if it was worth it12:26
frank|\yea ray i tried .MOV Qt damn thing didnt work12:26
nitehawkis there anyway i can install LAMP after i have installed ubuntu ?12:26
raymondjtothxi its .mov at end12:26
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:26
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ikonianitehawk: yes, just install apache/php/mysql through synaptic12:26
xiao_haoziraymond: it would depend on your video card chipset...but let me look here a second....  i have a link12:27
sgrove_is it better to network two ubuntu machines via nfs or smb?12:27
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raymondjtoth!lamp user frank12:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lamp user frank - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:27
idefixxbobbob1016: its essentially the same... debian '12:27
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Veinorok, my connection is a LOT worse than it was under windows.12:27
frank|\raymondjtoth, never used sorry12:27
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Veinorwireless connection, I mean.12:27
Sh3r1ffsgrove_: nfs12:27
idefixxbobbob1016: 'rebranded' firefox because of licensing issues... thus calling it iceweasle.12:27
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ihateusernamesyea my wifi goes out a lot under ubuntu than windows12:28
raymondjtothxi how i gewt .move going12:28
Guilty_as_Sinwhat kind of wireless config you have set up Veinor?12:28
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xiao_haoziraymond: http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=21837131   but yeah just like frank i don't mess with that stuff.... its not always that stable and i don't really go for eyecandy ... i always have a bunch of terminals covering everything up anyway12:28
VeinorDo you mean what kind of card?12:28
linuxnub!wireless | ihateusernames12:28
ubotuihateusernames: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:28
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Lunar_LampHmm, when logging into my server, one of my users' bash profile doesn't appear to be being read until he does "source .bashrc".  What could be causing this?12:28
Guilty_as_SinWEP, WPA or (my neihbors have access)?12:28
frank|\ubotu, tell raymondjtoth about lamp12:28
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Veinorwhichever the least secure of the first to is, I forget which one that is.12:28
ikoniaLunar_Lamp: your using gnome terminal which doesnt' open a login shell so doesn't open .bashrc12:28
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bobbob1016idefixx, ok, thanks, you know the command to kill the swiftfox?  I did kill -l and it didn't show anything mozilla or swift, and when I start swiftfox, it says it's already running12:29
raymondjtothis xi still here with mne12:29
xiao_haoziraymond: in automatix there should be a browser codecs option...12:29
crimsunCoF: I'm not convinced you don't need changeset 76c4e3625d2a.12:29
linuxnub!LAMP | raymondjtoth12:29
uboturaymondjtoth: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:29
geocritteris anybody running gutsy's 1st release yet?12:29
Veinorbobbob1016: killall swiftfox12:29
ikoniaraymondjtoth: don't use automatix12:29
Guilty_as_Sinnot me12:29
PriceChildgeocritter, #ubuntu+112:29
Guilty_as_Sinjust getting use to feisty myself12:29
Lunar_Lampikonia, right12:29
CoFcrimsun: hmm, ok, ima try the newest version then12:29
VeinorGuilty_as_Sin: WEP12:29
Lunar_Lampikonia, is there any way around this?12:29
raymondjtothxi i see that12:29
beastlykingsI used RecordMyDesktop to record the africam for 12 hours straight, then it took a couple hours to encode it. But after all of that my 120GiB HDD only has 3.5 or so gigabytes left. what happened? How do I fix?12:29
Lapinuxanyone know why i would have 2 floppy entries in "computer:///" when i only have 1 floppy drive?12:29
Guilty_as_SinWEP should run great12:29
ikoniaLunar_Lamp: use a login shell12:29
linuxnubwhy not? automatix2  works without flaw for me12:29
idefixxbobbob1016: 'ps xauf | grep fox' take a look at the pid (first number) and 'kill -9 <pid>'12:30
Guilty_as_Sinmust have other issues12:30
raymondjtothxi what one i want for .move12:30
geocritterPriceChild: you are?  How's it working?12:30
Lunar_Lampikonia, I don't really understand.12:30
raymondjtoth.mov i mean12:30
Veinoryeah, but it's not12:30
bobbob1016Veinor, thanks, I thought it had to be listed12:30
JC_Denton_is it true ubuntu will only hibernate to a swap partition and not a swap file?12:30
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Veinormaybe it's the drivers?12:30
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:30
ikoniaGuilty_as_Sin: how do you know wep should run great, you don't know what card he's using, what driver he's using etc12:30
PriceChildgeocritter, /join #ubuntu+112:30
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geocrittercpy that, thanks12:30
Veinorbobbob1016: you can always use ps aux | grep swift12:30
Guilty_as_Sinin my experiences it should..12:30
BKI used RecordMyDesktop to record the africam for 12 hours straight, then it took a couple hours to encode it. But after all of that my 120GiB HDD only has 3.5 or so gigabytes left. what happened? How do I fix?12:30
bobbob1016Veinor, it still says "Still running reboot or kill it"12:30
Guilty_as_Sinbut you are correct12:30
raymondjtothxi found it12:30
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frank|\ubotu, tell raymontoth about quicktime12:30
Guilty_as_SinI don't know till I'm setting there do I?12:30
xiao_haoziraymond: cool12:30
Guilty_as_Sinsorry for that blurb12:31
ikoniaGuilty_as_Sin: don't offer fantasy advice12:31
linuxnub!quicktime | raymondjtoth12:31
uboturaymondjtoth: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:31
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Guilty_as_Singo suck a fantasy dick12:31
hajhouseLapinux: i don't know, but you may be able to find out by looking at the kernel log. run dmesg > logfile.tmp in a terminal and then examine logfile.tmp in an editor. you will see output from the floppy drivers when the floppy drives are detected.12:31
raymondjtothwhy do i all way get bot xi12:31
Guilty_as_Sinfantasy fag12:31
ikoniaGuilty_as_Sin: that language is uncalled for12:31
PriceChildGuilty_as_Sin, please don't...12:31
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Guilty_as_Sinyeah yeah..  rudeness is uncalledfor as well12:31
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JC_Denton_will I be able to hibernate to a swap file?12:32
hajhouseGuilty_as_Sin: rudeness is definitely called for in the case of bigotry. just drop it.12:32
ikoniaJC_Denton_: how are you creating a seap file12:32
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ikoniaGuilty_as_Sin: I wasn't being rude, you where offering advice that was potentially very wrong12:32
linuxnub!hibernate | JC_Denton_12:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:32
JC_Denton_ikonia mkswap12:32
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Veinorikonia: I'm using an Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG12:32
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ikoniaJC_Denton_: are you using hibernate2 ?12:33
Guilty_as_Sinaccept my sorrows?12:33
hajhouseJC_Denton_: you can do that with s2disk12:33
ikoniaVeinor: I'm not familier with that card12:33
Veinorikonia: as for drivers... don't quite remember which.12:33
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Veinorikonia: :-(12:33
JC_Denton_ikonia I used this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89782&page=1 . im using hibernate from the gnome shutdown menu12:33
Guilty_as_Sinstill yet..  the only troubles I've found thus far are w/ WPA12:33
Guilty_as_Sinand they are minimal12:33
ikoniaJC_Denton_: as I understand it there are 2 methods for dropping into hibernate12:33
Veinorany idea on how to check which driver I'm using?12:33
ikoniaGuilty_as_Sin: thats not relevant unless your using the same card12:33
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ikoniaJC_Denton_: one can only use swap if its "in use" by the system, so if you swapon the file it should be ok12:34
Tm_TVeinor: howdy12:34
Guilty_as_Sinsorry for my thoughtlessness12:34
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:34
Veinorhey Tm_T12:34
Guilty_as_Sinidiot me12:34
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CapeTownhow do I save etc/modules.conf as root from gedit since it says I don't have permission to update the file?12:34
ikoniaJC_Denton_: the other I don't know how it works so I don't know if it requires a partition or file12:34
JC_Denton_ikonia, I did swapon the file12:34
VeinorCapeTown: you launch it via gksudo instead12:34
ikoniaJC_Denton_: just need to figure out which hibernate method works in which way12:34
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Sh3r1ffCapeTown: sudo get /etc/modules.conf12:34
JC_Denton_ikonia, ok12:34
BKi created a huge 80Gib file somwhere with RecordMyDesktop, and now I have no disk space left12:35
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ikoniaJC_Denton_: I know one will work with a file as it doesn't care - it just wants a swap system thats in use, the other I don't know how it works12:35
ToddEDM2hello everyone12:35
omegacentiEasy way to autoidentify in konversation?12:35
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ihateusernameslinux is supposed to be faster than windows, right?12:35
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frank|\TO ALL anybody gonna watch the soprano's final tonight???12:35
Sh3r1ffBK: then delete the file ;)12:35
ikoniaBK: delete the file system12:35
Veinorihateusernames: Depends12:35
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ikoniaihateusernames: no12:35
BKI can't find it12:35
Veinor!offtopic > frank|\12:35
raf256I want an insecure linux distro, is ubuntu right choice for me?12:35
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JC_Denton_ikonia, which one is the one that isn't picky?12:35
ikoniaihateusernames: its a different alternative12:35
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ikoniaJC_Denton_: I think its hibernate212:35
|_ockeso does anyone here know anything about configuring alsa12:35
graveminddoes gparted work with ntfs?12:35
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rinky3many versions of linux are faster than many versions of windows12:35
JC_Denton_ikonia, thanks ill look into it12:35
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ikoniaJC_Denton_: but I'm not certain12:36
Sh3r1ffraf256: why you want an insecure distro???12:36
|_ockegravemind, yep12:36
Veinorihateusernames: It doesn't necessarily have all of the bloat, but it can be slower.12:36
lockdown2ihateusernames, linux can be faster than windows but if you run window managers like kde and gnome the hardware requirements are pretty much the same as XP12:36
linuxnub!alsa |12:36
ubotu: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:36
raymondjtoththanks xi12:36
|_ockegparted is great :)12:36
raf256Sh3r1ff: I was sarcastic12:36
raymondjtothi got it going12:36
gravemindyeah I like it too12:36
xiao_haozi`raymond: sure thing me too12:36
Veinorlockdown2: On the other hand, they're less than vista.12:36
BKNo really guys, I can't find it. I think its the raw image of my 12 hour record session12:36
gravemindbut for some reason gparted isn't recognizing my windows partition12:36
Veinorraf256: Sarcasm doesn't translate over the internet12:36
xiao_haoziraymond: good luck and have fun!12:36
=== aubade [n=aubade@oh-67-77-22-48.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
omegacentiEasy way to autoidentify in konversation?12:36
ihateusernamesidk, but linux is too laggy for me, when I'm playing a song, it skips..12:36
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lockdown2Veinor, for now,  but there are plenty of alternatives that are lightweight and for servers you don't even need to bother with a window manager12:36
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xiao_haoziraymond: yea?12:36
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raf256ok, let me ask straight: why is ubuntu becoming another windows in terms of insecurity12:36
raymondjtothwills tay here what will play windows media files12:37
ikoniaraf256: its not12:37
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ToddEDM2anyone in the mood for helping a noob get online with his laptop?12:37
aubaderaf256: O ;p;12:37
zotzis anyone able to help with dnsmasq? it will not resolve names for me12:37
raymondjtothfrank will your you gave me12:37
crimsunraf256: absolutely.  Quick, amputate.12:37
lockdown2raf256, how so?12:37
|_ockei cant access the web :P12:37
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rinky3ihateusernames: almost certain to be the configuration you have opted for12:37
frank|\raymondjtoth, mplayer12:37
xiao_haoziraymond: vlc12:37
gravemindgparted sees the ntfs partition, but it doesn't know how much space is used, and it doesn't know the mountpoint, even though its listed in fstab12:37
|_ockeand ive done that part12:37
frank|\raymondjtoth, Kmplayer12:37
xiao_haoziraymond: and mplayer12:37
raymondjtothxi i have that12:37
gravemindit probably won't be able to operate on it either12:37
raymondjtothfrank gave me one12:37
gravemindhas anybody been in that position before?12:37
BKToddEDM2, sure, I can try12:37
crimsunraf256: we have a security team, BTW, if you have valid security concerns...12:37
raymondjtothfrank witch one did you give me12:37
frank|\raymondjtoth, and kaffeine12:37
ihateusernamesis having a 32 mb video card with Beryl running a possible cause for it?12:37
raymondjtothxi will thasty one do it12:38
ToddEDM2bk, can i msg you ?12:38
aubadegravemind: You have ntfs-progs installed?12:38
xiao_haoziraymond: and you can also convert your music stuff to something like ogg12:38
raf256security experts (grsecurtiy / pax) say that ubuntu have not fixed thing like  COMPAT_VDSO   PT_GNU_STACK  an no pie on critical apps12:38
gravemindaubade: I have ntfs-3g12:38
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raymondjtothxi will onr frank typed in work12:38
aubadeAh wait, have to go. Sorry. X(12:38
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:38
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kslccrimsun: when the kernel loads I get something like this: PCI BIOS BUG #81[49435000]  found... attempting recovery... your PNP BIOS caused a fatal error.... dev_node_info: enexpected status 0x3712:38
|_ockeheres the situation, i have 2 sound cards, 1 onboard and 1 sblive pci, i have the onboard via 8237 disabled in BIOS, but it still shows in lspci and alsamixer tries to use it by default12:38
raf256crimsun: yes, ubntu cant be made secure easly (like - by appling pax)12:38
crimsunraf256: that's true.  Many of those patches have not been incorporated.12:38
buliohow do I enable mp3 support in 7.04?12:38
raymondjtothxi how i set firefox up for one frank just typed in12:38
raf256crimsun: why not12:38
rinky3ihateusernames: could be many things, by all means, try running without 3d desktop and check, but I doubt it's beryl12:38
xiao_haoziraymond: umm i think so ... but i tend to use mplayer or vlc12:38
idefixxihateusernames: if linux was windows it would tell you that beryl dosnt work with your hardware.12:38
BKI guess, I'd like to use this normal chat though12:38
|_ockeall applications think they're playing sound through it but no output12:38
crimsunraf256: because no one has stepped up to help.  Wanna help?  Get involved.12:38
idefixxihateusernames: problem solved for ms12:39
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raf256crimsun: also simply recompling critical appls with pic/pie whatever shold be ok to fix it12:39
kslcraf256: so I see you like starting flame-wars here too :)12:39
raymondjtothxi mplayer movie player?12:39
xiao_haoziraymond: should be able to the same way as you did quicktime...double check that webpage link frank gave you12:39
|_ockeis there a way i could like unload the module for the via 8237 so it doesnt even think its an option?12:39
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raf256crimsun: neat I will think about it ; but also, why not direct more resources to security, from thoes resources that you already have12:39
xiao_haoziraymond: buy yeah mplayer will do that12:39
omegacentiEasy way to autoidentify freenode in konversation?12:39
frank|\raymondjtoth, xiao_haozi  Mplayer Kmplayer and kaffeine all play windows media files12:39
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BKbulio, 1 second I'll help you12:39
raymondjtothxi how i tell it to use it12:39
xiao_haoziraymond: its nice cause you can run a command line version too12:39
bulioBK: thanks12:39
raymondjtothxi here thay stored at im setting the firefox codex up \12:39
|_ockeI know the sblive works and it is supported because i had it working fine before the  last reboot12:40
crimsunraf256: you want to ask the -devel-discuss mailing list, not me.  I don't decide the direction of this distro WRT security.12:40
xiao_haozifrank|\, raymondjtoth : yeah correct12:40
raymondjtothunder manigie codex\12:40
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raymondjtothxi were thay stored at12:40
ihateusernamesone more thing, in linux, the apperance is a bit fuzzy, it doesnt have the same sharpness as windows does, and my screen res. is the same. any ideas?12:40
raymondjtothi sed open with were isd the mp;ay file12:40
omegacentiSweet found it nm12:40
raymondjtothstored at12:40
Guilty_as_Sinis it just me or does windows pirate better?12:40
crimsunkslc: and is sound audible or inaudible?12:40
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raf256crimsun: I wonder woul it be a big problem to provide PaX kernel, and build most critical apps (deamons, ssh, web broweser) with pic12:40
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zotzah,resolvconf was stopping dnsmasq from working for me with how I had things set up12:41
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crimsunraf256: again, please take the discussion to the ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list.12:41
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raf256crimsun: ok12:41
gravemindcan someone help me fix gparted so I can resize my ntfs partiton?12:41
|_ockeGuilty_as_Sin, probably because it is impossible to pirate linux12:41
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:41
xiao_haoziraymond: depends... but you can open terminal and type : locate mplayer12:41
Guilty_as_SinI mean I need my machine to pirate..  don't know about the rest of you..  but sh_t..  I need my torrents to work..12:41
frank|\raymondjtoth,  for firefox the plugins are in synaptic look them up type Firefox and it will list firefpx plugins12:41
Guilty_as_Sinsick of core dumping and missing libs12:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about plugins - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:41
xiao_haoziraymond: yeah frank is right.... that is a good way to grab ones you need12:41
Guilty_as_Singet's old after a while'12:41
buliohow do I enable mp3 support in 7.04?12:41
omegacentigravemind: is the ntfs mounted?12:41
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crimsunGuilty_as_Sin: maybe you'd better stick w/ a proprietary OS, then.12:42
kitche!mp3 | bulio12:42
ubotubulio: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:42
BKbulio, open synaptic12:42
Guilty_as_Sinwinblows just pirates right12:42
m1rwhere can i find symlink configuration ?12:42
bulioBK, open12:42
gravemindomegacenti: yes, but gparted says it can't see the mountpoint (which is /media/windows)12:42
kslccrimsun: now when I try to login (put my username and password) it doesn't load the desktop.12:42
Guilty_as_SinI knew that would ill a few of you up.. but lets be real here12:42
omegacentigravemind: are you sure its mounted?12:42
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idefixxGuilty_as_Sin: what are you takling about.. ut and azu work on linux just as fine as on windows... you just dont have to worri about drm. but keep talking.12:42
gravemindI'm sure12:42
crimsunfigures.  Remove acpi=off, reboot, and pastebin your dmesg, please.12:42
Guilty_as_Sinwhy do torrents suck in linux?12:42
crimsun^ kslc12:42
|_ockeanybody help? please? hehe id use the web but i only have like 50% packet loss right now since the leaves grew out12:43
BKbulio, go to setting and then make sure that everything is checked12:43
omegacentiGuilty_as_Sin: troll much?12:43
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Guilty_as_Sinno they don't12:43
Guilty_as_Sinthey suck on linux12:43
BKbulio, check marked12:43
|_ockeive ehard that alsa works with modules12:43
gravemindGuilty_as_Sin: you're torrents aren't working?12:43
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Guilty_as_Sinthey abvsolutely suck on linux12:43
crimsun|_ocke: it is modularised as shipped.12:43
omegacenti!troll | Guilty_as_Sin12:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about troll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:43
|_ocketheres gotta be a way to disable the 8237 module12:43
t94xrGuilty_as_Sin: PortForwarded?12:43
gravemindGuilty_as_Sin: what program are you using?12:43
idefixxGuilty_as_Sin: reapt it a bit more... maybe it'll become true.12:43
Guilty_as_Sinsick of the dumb sh_t.. just want my stuff to work12:43
arooGuilty_as_Sin: works for me just fine buddy12:43
ikoniaGuilty_as_Sin: works fine12:43
BKbulio, everything in the first page12:43
frank|\LOL ubotu12:43
aroo!language Guilty_as_Sin12:43
crimsun|_ocke: what's the issue?  onboard via got you down?12:43
kslchm is there a way to kill X without it restarting again?12:43
Guilty_as_Sinand yes..  I know my way around quite well12:43
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raymondjtothfrank i donse see them12:44
|_ockecrimsun, thats what i thought, cause ive read of enabling modules to support new hardware12:44
ikoniaGuilty_as_Sin: you may want to drop the language attitude, its getting you no-where12:44
BKbulio, the first thing you see when it opens12:44
raymondjtothwhat i do now12:44
Guilty_as_Sinport forwarded static ip's the works12:44
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ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo12:44
arooGuilty_as_Sin: stop crying please12:44
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idefixxGuilty_as_Sin: around what.. its doesnt work because you dont know how to use it.. so it sux. well if you call that knowledge.12:44
linuxnubazureus screams12:44
Guilty_as_Sindoesn't take much to get a response out of you12:44
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bulioBK, I checked it all12:44
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|_ockecrimsun, :) yes, the via is the bane of all existence12:44
omegacentiignoring Guilty_as_Sin12:45
lynucsGuilty_as_Sin: my torrent rocks12:45
frank|\raymondjtoth,  you opened synaptic? you typed firefox12:45
m1rmaybe Guilty_as_Sin a M$ $py ?12:45
ikoniausing bag language and a bad attitude as your the only one provokes a response.12:45
arooGuilty_as_Sin: /ignored12:45
gravemindGuilty_as_Sin: which client do you use12:45
|_ockeeverything they touch turns to issues12:45
Guilty_as_Sinno spy here buddy12:45
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ikoniaGuilty_as_Sin: what client are you using12:45
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m1rthen please behave m812:45
BKbulio, K, now close that window and then search for "gstreamer"12:45
ikoniaGuilty_as_Sin: and what version of ubuntu12:45
Guilty_as_Sinwell I've tried a few12:45
raymondjtothyes when i typed in firefox plug in12:45
gravemindGuilty_as_Sin: I hope something better than the default one12:45
raymondjtothi get them12:45
Guilty_as_Sinbit tornado seems to be the most promising so far12:45
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gravemindGuilty_as_Sin: true dat12:45
crimsun|_ocke: so you have an onboard via and another audio device, and you want the non-onboard to be default?12:45
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Guilty_as_Sinbut azureus sucks donkey balls12:45
ikoniaGuilty_as_Sin: can you PLEASE drop the language12:46
linuxnubsounds like user error to me cuz mine totally rocks12:46
omegacentiIndyGunFreak: Any clue as to how to get the horrible default sounds off of my machine easily? I am sick of my computer sounding like a jungle.12:46
ikoniayou've been asked numerous times12:46
raf256ubuntu do use pghp signing in apt-get right?12:46
Guilty_as_Sincore dump core dump etc..  I'm sure it's a lib here and there12:46
Guilty_as_Sinbut still12:46
arooJust ignore him12:46
arooHe's trolling12:46
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bulioBK, now which package?12:46
IndyGunFreakomegacenti: lol, not offhand.12:46
|_ockecrimsun, yes, exactly12:46
ikoniaGuilty_as_Sin: thats normally because its a java client and your using hte wrong version of java12:46
gravemindGuilty_as_Sin: that's not normal operation12:46
linuxnubanyway torrents dont have a bloomin thing to do with linux12:46
BKbulio, mark for installation: ffmpeg, plugins bad,plugins ugly and fluendo-mp312:46
Guilty_as_Sinyou think?12:46
|_ockecrimsun, preferably for the onboard to be completely gone12:46
omegacentiAny clue as to how to get the horrible default sounds off of my machine easily? I am sick of my computer sounding like a jungle.12:46
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@24-151-*.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] by crimsun
arooKTorrent works perfectly for me12:46
gravemindGuilty_as_Sin: does it happen with bittornado?12:47
idefixxaroo: i dont think that is trolling, he really means it :)12:47
|_ockecrimsun, technically it should already be gone, as it is disabled in the BIOS12:47
ikoniaomegacenti: you want to remove the startup nsound ?12:47
idefixxaroo: sad but true.12:47
arooidefixx: he's talking about sucking animal genetalia12:47
frank|\raymondjtoth, sorry say again12:47
=== IndyGunFreak loves the sound of bongo drums
BKbulio, be right back12:47
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omegacentiikonia: soething like that, or replace it with better sounds.. along with the gdm sound, the startup sound, the shutdown sound...12:47
linuxnubi think hes just frustrated with a slow torrent12:47
ikoniaomegacenti: read the forum on how to change themes and sounds12:47
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linuxnubwhich dont have a thing to do with linux or ubuntu12:47
majorgloryCan anyone help me out with sound?12:47
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omegacentiikonia: where would that be?12:48
ikoniaomegacenti: works the same way as windows a sound file mapped to an event12:48
IndyGunFreaklinuxnub: of course it does!12:48
ikoniaomegacenti: help.ubuntu.com12:48
crimsunmajorglory: status update, plesae12:48
idefixxaroo: well.. attitude12:48
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linuxnubno it doesnt12:48
zabin!ask majorglory12:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask majorglory - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
ikoniaomegacenti: or www.ubuntuforums.org12:48
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omegacentiikonia: I will check that out12:48
BKbulio, well?12:48
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raymondjtothfrank can use media firefoix olugin12:48
crimsun|_ocke: no, bios status for integrated audio is ignored on some boards.12:48
linuxnubyour supporting data IndyGunFreak ?12:48
CraZy675why can't I ever install flash player 9?  it never downloads from fpdownload.macromedia.com12:48
bulioBK, cant find ffmpeg12:48
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ikoniaCraZy675: what version of ubuntu are you using12:48
majorglorycrimsun: i have the file you asked me to download. i have no idea how to execute alsa-info.sh12:48
IndyGunFreaklinuxnub: perhaps my being facetious doesn't come through in type very well.12:49
arooCraZy675: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:49
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html12:49
crimsun|_ocke: you need: echo blacklist snd-via82xx|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist12:49
frank|\raymondjtoth,  can use?? or cant??12:49
linuxnubahh lol12:49
raymondjtothi can12:49
crimsunmajorglory: where did you save the file?12:49
IndyGunFreakno sweat,12:49
ikoniaCraZy675: just get it out of synaptic then, you don't download from macromedia12:49
gravemindSo, who wants to help me use gparted on my ntfs partition? It's currently mounted like this: # /dev/sda112:49
gravemindUUID=2CA825ECA825B4EC /media/windows  ntfs-3g    defaults,rw,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       112:49
|_ockecrimsun, k lemme try it12:49
majorglorycrimsun: /home/majorglory12:49
frank|\raymondjtoth,  so u installed the plugins?12:49
xenexdoes anyone know how to make flash not overlap content? (example = www.guildwars.com)12:49
CraZy675ok I'll try that12:50
ikoniaxenex: thats normally plugin/site incompatability12:50
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crimsunmajorglory: open a Terminal/Konsole/xterm, and type: bash ~/alsa-info.sh12:50
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PriceChildxenex, complain to the webmaster :)12:50
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omegacentiikonia: I really tried and didn't find anything be default, tried searching for themese, then tried .msg ubotu !theme12:50
kslccrimsun: http://www.pastebin.ca/55729412:50
BKbulio, it should be there. But if it aint, I guess you really don't NEED it. but if you start having probs in the future with certain formats, that might be why. ffmpeg is mostly for video anyway.12:51
majorglorycrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/55729512:51
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akromykis there any simple program like kate that would allow me to compile c++ in gnome?12:51
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:51
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|_ockecrimsun, blacklist snd-via82xx is the output12:51
ikoniaomegacenti: I really don't mean to be rude - but everytime I've offered you advise on something you've not looked you've just rushed in12:51
omegacentilinuxnub: I already got that message12:51
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|_ockedoes that mean its successful?12:51
linuxnubi just use the default themes they work ok12:51
ikoniaomegacenti: I've offered you help on ntop/sar/themes/others and provided you links - have you read anything from tldp.org yet ?12:51
ihateusernameshow would i reset the xorg.conf file from a terminal?12:51
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hydananyone know why vim might be frozen on desktop 1? and does anyone know how to retrieve the text file i was working on in it?12:52
ikoniaihateusernames: did you back it up12:52
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idefixxCraZy675: that is because gw site is made by ppl who use ie only... you could try opera. not sure if that'll work tho12:52
ihateusernamesyea, pretty sure12:52
hydani hadn't saved it :(12:52
ikoniaihateusernames: copy the backup file back over12:52
ludditehey all what's the best way to make sure your version of x matches your version of nvidia module12:52
CraZy675I'm using swiftfox12:52
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ikoniaihateusernames: use nautlius to copy the backup file over the current one12:52
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Sh3r1ffikonia: wont work need to be root for that12:52
ikoniaSh3r1ff: so ?12:53
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Sh3r1ffihateusernames: use the terminal12:53
ikoniaSh3r1ff: you can do that as root in nautlius12:53
ihateusernamesall i have is the terminal, and im new to linux, so can you give me the command for it12:53
crimsun|_ocke: good, should take effect next boot.12:53
KI4IKLWhat is a good website for gnome themes?12:53
gravemindI think my fstab is screwed up, I get an error trying to unmount the partition saying mount /media/windows disagrees with fstab12:53
ikoniaihateusernames: sudo cp $path_to_backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:53
crimsunkslc: yep, looks like a buggered DSDT12:53
omegacentiikonia: don't worry about it, I also searched there. I am not trying to be rude, but you directions are vague as to how to actually locate stuff for ubuntu in relation to sounds.12:53
dawn_chorusKI4IKL, i live art.gnome.org12:53
idefixxCraZy675: that basicly mozilla (gecko) and gecko is used by konquere and most other free browsers not opera tho.12:53
Sh3r1ffihateusernames: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:53
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omegacentiAre sounds a part of themes? or are they different packages all together? I want to change all of the sounds my computer makes.12:54
ikoniaomegacenti: go to the forums and the help wiki and search for themes and sounds and you thing thats "vague"12:54
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linuxnub!google | omegacenti12:54
ubotuomegacenti: Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux12:54
KI4IKLJust fyi...if anyone has multiple pc's, can be of different os's, and keyboards and mice clutter your desk, reduce it to one mouse, one keyboard for all three, goes through the screen to each pc...use synergy12:54
kslccrimsun: hm so is there anything that can be done to get it to work?12:54
ikoniaomegacenti: you've not even looked ! system ---> administration ---> sounds !12:54
thechrisi'm having issues with sound syncing on xvid videos in "movie player".  any way to fix this issue?12:54
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KI4IKLand it carries over the clipboard12:54
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crimsunkslc: sure.  Try http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Fix_Common_ACPI_Problems12:54
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ikoniaomegacenti: system -->preferences ---> sound12:54
raymondjtothsorry got bumped12:54
omegacentiikonia: thats the first time you told me to search a wiki.12:55
gravemindthis is the whole error: Cannot unmount the volume 'Windows Disk'. Details: [mntent] : warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab; umount: /media/windows mount disagrees with the fstab12:55
C_lewisWhere can i find drivers for a onboard mirage vga?12:55
gravemindhow do I fix this?12:55
crimsunkslc: you'll need to compile your own DSDT and add it to your initramfs.12:55
HAVEANICEDAYBmy gateways laptop does not boot unbuntu12:55
ikoniaomegacenti: no its not - I gave you the two urls, help.ubuntu.com and www.ubuntuforums.com12:55
XtypeWriter74any midnight commander users around that can help me set vlc player as video player ? here is my /etc/mc/mc.etx --->  http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/11610/12:55
raymondjtothfrank i got it top work the plug in mediaq one12:55
IndyGunFreakikonia: lol, its system/preferences/sound12:55
raymondjtothfound all my player i need right12:55
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ikoniaIndyGunFreak: <ikonia> omegacenti: system -->preferences ---> sound12:55
ikoniaI told him so12:55
KI4IKLWhat is beryl?12:55
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IndyGunFreaki thought yuou said admin.12:55
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idefixx!beryl | KI4IKL12:56
ubotuKI4IKL: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:56
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: I did first time then corrected myself12:56
HAVEANICEDAYBmy gateway laptop does not boot12:56
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IndyGunFreakoh ok12:56
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majorglorycrimsun: still here =)12:56
HAVEANICEDAYBhelp me please12:56
kbrooksppl say linux is an OS12:56
crimsunmajorglory: sure, what's the issue?12:56
kbrooksnot so.12:56
m1rwhere can i find list of all symlinks in ubuntu ?12:56
IndyGunFreakunbuntu.. thats a new one12:56
omegacentiI am wondering if there are packages that install all the sounds in a package automatically, kind of what themes does for icons and menus...12:56
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about symlinks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:56
XtypeWriter74<HAVEANICEDAYB>  with what12:56
gravemindcan someone help me with those errors I had above? my fstab is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25033/12:56
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majorglorycrimsun: all of my sound sounds grainy.12:56
crimsunomegacenti: yes, see ubuntu-sounds.12:56
|_ockecrimsun, cool, im gonna do that in a few, after my bagel, and im gonna put my clients HD in it for backup12:56
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omegacenticrimsun: thanks I will look at that12:56
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-sounds - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:57
C_lewismy grapics are wavey when i open anything12:57
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kslccrimsun: ok then I'll try that. thanks a lot for the help.12:57
familiehey guys, my printer doesnt work, that means test pages are done correctly but i cat print any pdf file12:57
HAVEANICEDAYBmy gateway laptop does not boot unbunru12:57
mcgill27anyone have any luck install beryl on t60p (ati 5320)12:57
crimsunomegacenti: or if you'd like to see how a derivative handles it, see how Ubuntu Studio's audio metapackage does it.12:57
majorglorycrimsun: STATICY! thats the word im looking for. sounds like static12:57
ObsidianOk ive had enough of vista, is Ubuntu easy to learn with my only experiance being on windows boxs?12:57
|_ockei gotta wipe the drive and install fresh winxp :P blech12:57
idefixxkbrooks: well, honestly its difficult to brand anything if it has a thouthand names... so at least ppl know what you'r talking about when you say linux.12:57
omegacenticrimsun: ubuntu Studio's?12:57
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linuxnub!resolution | C_lewis12:57
ubotuC_lewis: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:57
xenexwhat is better, mplayer or vlc in firefox?12:57
smallfooti downloaded kernel from the repostiry, and its old, whats up with that? i like my kernel as i like my women, FRESH!12:57
kbrooksidefixx, of course.....12:57
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:57
Sh3r1ffxenex: they both work12:57
HAVEANICEDAYBhelp me someine12:58
raymondjtothxi still here12:58
kbrookssmallfoot, fresh does not mean working12:58
crimsunmajorglory: meaning audio is audible but it's mostly static?12:58
smallfootbut i want latest and good12:58
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majorglorycrimsun: exactly12:58
ikoniasmallfoot: why ?12:58
smallfooti bought GeForce 8600, and my performance is like a 386, whats up with  that?12:58
|_ockei wish i could just put ubuntu on, make it use redmondxp theme, and load all her data up hehe12:58
=== DigitalNinja [n=dhull@157-157-237-24-mvl.ewc.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniasmallfoot: its clear you don't know what your doing12:58
ludditelet me restate, how do i load nvidia modules appropriately.  My constant error is that my version of X is not appropriate for the nvidia module.12:58
XtypeWriter74<HAVEANICEDAYB>   die you try with acpi=off    or google for hardware support ubuntu12:58
smallfootikonia, bugfixes, new cool stuff12:58
ikoniasmallfoot: such as ?12:58
frank|\raymondjtoth, yea12:58
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IndyGunFreak!patience | HAVEANICEDAYB12:58
ubotuHAVEANICEDAYB: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:58
ikoniasmallfoot: give me an example12:58
Sh3r1ffsmallfoot: rhen compile your own kernel ;)12:58
smallfootikonia, idk12:58
smallfootno idea12:58
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ikoniasmallfoot: excactly12:58
kbrookssmallfoot, stop trolling :-)12:58
raymondjtothok frank didnt know that12:58
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|_ockesmallfoot, have you installed nvidia drivers] 12:59
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smallfootwell, in slackware you just do linux-specific commands, in ubuntu its more difficult to compile a kernel12:59
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ikoniasmallfoot: no its not12:59
ikoniasmallfoot: its very straight forward12:59
crimsunmajorglory: ok, two things to try: 1) decrease all DXS levels in your volume mixer; 2) isolate via82xx onto its own irq12:59
linuxnub!drivers | smallfoot12:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:59
kbrookssmallfoot, no, just a few extra commands12:59
gillzonhow do i get my volume button work on the keyboard:P?12:59
smallfoot|_ocke, i tried, but it wrecked my whole x, and wouldnt work, and said version was mismatch12:59
ludditeaaah... man i wish ubuntu didn't have the the logo.. i just did a dmesg | grep nvidia.. and found that i've already tainted my kernel12:59
=== CoF [n=CoF@adsl-70-240-201-225.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
HAVEANICEDAYBI can't I am at my cusz's house he blocked search engines12:59
ikoniasmallfoot: the kernel doesn't use X12:59
ludditetime for a FRESH kernel12:59
CoFcrimsun: well, didn't work12:59
smallfootikonia: ya i know12:59
|_ockesmallfoot, you have to install it from outside the gui12:59
familieGuys anyone help me we  got past midnight here: My printer works for every applicaion except "evince" but i need it to print a pdf file i need in 7 hours! Any help appreciated!12:59
ikoniasmallfoot: so why are you suggesting it messed up your xorg01:00
m1rsymlink help needed01:00
|_ockeand you have to install it as root01:00
smallfoot|_ocke: ah, ok01:00
majorglorycrimsun: im afraid i dont know how to do either of it. i just installed ubuntu yesterday for the first time01:00
crimsunmajorglory: for (1), try small increments for all for elements simultaneously.  They're currently set to 81%; try decreasing them to 79%, i.e., use 2% steps.01:00
linuxnubthe kernel is mainly drivers and stuff like that01:00
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smallfootikonia: i downloaded NVIDIA drivers, and it didnt work, so i got it from nvidia.com and it fucked everything up, i had go boot recovery mode, and then my console was all tsrange01:00
bruenigfamilie, lpr -p <printername> file.pdf01:00
IndyGunFreakthats a new one, i can't do a search because search engines are blocked.01:00
IndyGunFreakA for originality01:00
ikoniasmallfoot: don't use bad language01:00
dawn_chorusm1r, what sort of problem are you having?01:00
|_ockethe kernel is everything that makes linux what it is :)01:00
crimsunmajorglory: you can adjust them using the volume applet in your notification area (upper right corner of screen)01:00
smallfootoh sory01:00
bruenigfamilie, no brackets01:00
PriceChild!ohmy | smallfoot01:00
ubotusmallfoot: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:00
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ikoniasmallfoot: just use the kernel ubuntu provides, its tried and tested by a lot of people01:01
|_ockesmallfoot, try using easyubuntu or automatix to do it01:01
m1rdawn_chorus , i instaled vsftpd and am trying to set /var/www/website to /home/website01:01
ikoniasmallfoot: if you don't know why your updating - don't update01:01
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe01:01
bruenig!automatix | |_ocke smallfoot01:01
ubotu|_ocke smallfoot: please see above01:01
smallfootikonia: ya i use thta one01:01
KI4IKLWhat is the extension for gtk theme files?01:01
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crimsunmajorglory: keep in mind you may need to add them (right-click speaker icon, Open Volume Control> Edit> Preferences)01:01
DigitalNinjaCan someone recommend a short list of extra software that you feel should be in a default install of Ubuntu?01:01
IndyGunFreakDigitalNinja: why?01:01
bruenig!offtopic | DigitalNinja01:01
ubotuDigitalNinja: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:01
dawn_chorusm1r, so what's keeping you from doing that?01:01
majorglorycrimsun: so basically just reduce the volume on everything01:01
linuxnubjeez whats with all the automatix hate it works wonders for me and has never caused a single problem01:01
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crimsunmajorglory: no.  Only those four DXS elements.01:02
m1rdawn_chorus,  i think i made big mess trying all options with it01:02
crimsunCoF: what doesn't?01:02
bruenigI think less software should be default, it should just be a kernel, basic stuff and a prompt01:02
lynucsikonia: hi, me again :)  do you maybe know how i could watch strems on www.corbina.tv?01:02
IndyGunFreakeasyubuntu i don't believe is supported anymore.01:02
ikonialinuxnub: because its a pointless product that in the past has done more damage than good01:02
=== DigitalNinja Oh, I'll try the other channel
smallfootand i goto this "restricted driver management" thing, and it say i dont need restricted drivers, yeah i know, cuz i see graphics on my screen, so i dont need it, but i want it so i can use cool stuff like beryl, i bought a geforce 8600 =/01:02
ikonialynucs: never used it01:02
=== DigitalNinja thanks
CoFcrimsun: the newest version of alsa01:02
|_ockei have had some problems with automatix01:02
m1rit works when i put  ln -s , but after rebbot it gone01:02
=== CrustyPunk [n=kevin@h69-131-80-148.69-131.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: good !01:02
idefixx!worksforme | linuxnub01:02
ubotulinuxnub: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.01:02
majorglorycrimsun: no idea what DXS is =)01:02
ikoniaHAVEANICEDAYB: let me guess, your gateway laptop won't boot01:02
bruenig|_ocke, why did you just recommend it then?01:02
|_ockebut if you just use it for a few things like nvidia drivers, it should be fine01:02
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Veinorso, is it recommended to upgrade to feisty, or are the glitches not worth it?01:02
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ikoniaHAVEANICEDAYB: and you can't view the web becuase you house blocke dit01:02
familiebruenig: where to find my printer's name?01:02
smallfootand the partitioner in the installer was broken, it couldnt create partitions as i wanted to01:02
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linuxnubunderstood but its a nice tool just the same01:02
kbrooks|_ocke, not true01:02
|_ockeits when you get into doing EVERYTHING it has probs01:02
IndyGunFreakikonia: lol, isn't that a good one01:02
HAVEANICEDAYBno unbunto won't boot from cd'01:03
smallfooti told it to create a 480 gb partition, and it made it 30 gb01:03
|_ockeand im sure its a lot better now than back then01:03
ikonialinuxnub: its  pointless tool01:03
familiewha cant it just print this freakin pile of s***01:03
crimsunCoF: file a bug report using Mantis, then.01:03
|_ockeive used it since and not had problems01:03
linuxnubif you know what your doing then manual install is the way to go sure01:03
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ikonialinuxnub: it serves no purpose01:03
ikonialinuxnub: ubuntu 7.04 does everything it can do01:03
HAVEANICEDAYBmy house blocked search engines01:03
KI4IKLHey, I hate a GTK theme but I click "Install new theme" button and it says it can't because it isnt' eh right file, anyone have a link to how to install gtk themes01:03
bruenigfamilie, oh yeah ubuntu automatically names it, should be here: http://localhost:631/printers01:03
ikoniaHAVEANICEDAYB: go speak to you house and ask them to unblock them01:03
CoFcrimsun: Mantis?01:03
Veinorso, is it recommended to upgrade to feisty, or are the glitches not worth it?01:03
smallfootim began thinking maybe i should try slackware or arch linux instead01:03
kbrooks!ohmy | familie01:03
ubotufamilie: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:03
IndyGunFreak|_ocke: the big issue with automatix, seems to be when people upgrade, it borks the upgrade if the automatix repo is not removed01:03
linuxnubyes Fiesty has grabbed most the stuff i needed but it did not have some too01:03
CrustyPunkHey, I've just installed Ubuntu Studio, and I'm not getting any sound. Any ideas of what's wrong?01:04
ikoniasmallfoot: if you can't handle the basics - swapping distros won't change01:04
XtypeWriter74any midnight commander users or knowhowers around that can help me set vlc player as video player ? here is my /etc/mc/mc.etx --->  http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/11610/01:04
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linuxnubvirtualbox for example01:04
kbrooksfamilie, even with ur "***" censuring, u r still swearing01:04
HAVEANICEDAYBno all i need is i need to know how to get my gateway to boot from cd01:04
smallfootikonia: okay01:04
ortega10a few days ago, when booting ubuntu it gave me an emergency console only (not even recovery mode)... i ran a fsck, it fixed several ext3 errors, and booted normally... yesterday i had a problem with synaptic ("no access to  root\.synaptic\selections.update" or something like that), so i rebooted again... and this time it won't even give me any console, it freezes, and when i choose recovery mode, it says "ext3-fs hda3: orphan cleanup on r01:04
=== Twinxor [n=Twinxor@c-71-198-169-143.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FireHazard17how come ubntu's kernel is not the most recent?01:04
smallfootikonia: but i want 3D graphics, kinda, and now my screen is 60 hz, but i want it 80 hz01:04
IndyGunFreakFireHazard17: cuz its not l33t01:04
kbrooksFireHazard17, ironic, smallfoot asked that01:04
bruenigFireHazard17, wrong distro if you want that01:04
ikoniaFireHazard17: because thats the version that was in use when the ubuntu version was packaged01:04
crimsunCoF: ALSA's bug tracker.01:04
familiebruenig: ah a gui thank you very much perhaps i'll get it now01:04
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild01:05
linuxnubyou can manual install virtualbox using forum howto or just have automatix do it for you01:05
ikoniasmallfoot: thats nothing to do with your kernel01:05
crimsunCoF: go to the home page, click Bug Reporting[..] 01:05
raymondjtothfrank in one player you gave me how i get trhe nspeed for my wireless01:05
smallfootikonia: no 2.6.15 was used in ubuntu, and 2.6.16 is in repositry01:05
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kbrooks!worksforme | FireHazard1701:05
majorglorycrimsun: I'm unsure what you meant by reduce DXS levels, but I lowered the volume as I played Sax.ogg in my Examples folder01:05
ubotuFireHazard17: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.01:05
raymondjtothin kaffeine oplayer01:05
ikoniasmallfoot: thats to do with the nvidia drivers not being compatible with your card minitor01:05
smallfootikonia: ya, i know, but i want still latest kernel lol01:05
CrustyPunkHey, I've just installed Ubuntu Studio, and I'm not getting any sound. Any ideas of what's wrong?01:05
ikoniasmallfoot: why ?01:05
FireHazard17the latest from ubuntu's server's is 2.6.20-16 and the newest stable is
ikoniasmallfoot: its silly to update becuase you want a bigger number01:05
kbrookssmallfoot, no, you probably don't01:05
ikoniaFireHazard17: so ?01:05
crimsunCrustyPunk: what sound card do you have?01:05
bruenigfamilie, that is just to know the name, so you can do the lpr command, it should be in big reddish letters01:05
Sh3r1ff!kernel | smallfoot01:05
ubotusmallfoot: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild01:05
=== XtremeMoToBoy [n=luizceza@201-66-35-104.cscgo701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
smallfootikonia, cuz if i wanted old, i would download slackware 5.0 with kernel 2.0 :p01:05
ikoniasmallfoot: the fact that you have %0 idea what your doing suggests swapping kernels isn't for you01:05
crimsunmajorglory: no, this is not the "main volume" or anything like that.  It's four /specific/ volume sliders.01:06
frank|\raymondjtoth, i dont know sorry01:06
majorglorycrimsun: the static is still present until all the sound is inaudible. as in the static level varies directly with the volume level01:06
CrustyPunkcrimsun: I've got an audigy01:06
kbrookssmallfoot, not a good reason.01:06
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smallfooti dont want to use old software when there is new01:06
ikoniasmallfoot: your argument is weak01:06
FireHazard17i dont car really i just wanted to know if it was a technical issue or just a time one01:06
PriceChildsmallfoot, very wrong.01:06
XtremeMoToBoyany brazilian?01:06
Veinorso, is it recommended to upgrade to feisty, or are the glitches not worth it?01:06
ikoniasmallfoot: but you don't know whats in the new or what it does or what it breaks01:06
PriceChildsmallfoot, a higher version number does not necessarily mean best01:06
ortega10a few days ago, when booting ubuntu it gave me an emergency console only (not even recovery mode)... i ran a fsck, it fixed several ext3 errors, and booted normally... yesterday i had a problem with synaptic ("no access to  root\.synaptic\selections.update" or something like that), so i rebooted again... and this time it won't even give me any console, it freezes, and when i choose recovery mode, it says "ext3-fs hda3: orphan cleanup on r01:06
PriceChild!br | XtremeMoToBoy01:06
kbrooksFireHazard17, both01:06
ubotuXtremeMoToBoy: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.01:06
ikoniaFireHazard17: no reason to change01:06
crimsunCrustyPunk: what's the output from `asoundconf list`?01:06
=== iamchris_ [n=chris@66-227-160-113.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Veinorso, is it recommended to upgrade to feisty, or are the glitches not worth it?01:06
kitcheFireHazard17: it's just so the whole system is stable and with 2.6.21 it uses libata and people complained about it a lot so ubuntu is still decided on it :)01:06
smallfootbut i dont like this 60 hz thing, in my other operating system, i could use 85 hz, why i have to settle for less?01:07
kbrooksVeinor, upgrade01:07
PriceChildVeinor, if things are working for you right now, why risk it?01:07
kbrookskitche, erm01:07
ikoniasmallfoot: what other operating system01:07
CrustyPunkcrimsun: Names of available sound cards: NVidia, CA010601:07
=== Gibbling666 [n=bryankur@c-69-136-78-111.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FireHazard17kitche: thank you you actually are helpful01:07
smallfootikonia: take a wild guess lol01:07
kbrookskitche, s/and .*// :-)01:07
ikoniasmallfoot: that sounds like a driver issue01:07
ikoniasmallfoot: just tell me01:07
smallfootwindows xp01:07
ikoniasmallfoot: right - so totally different drivers01:07
Sh3r1ffsmallfoot: upgrading your kernel wont solve that ;)01:07
=== ID__ [n=jerome@AStrasbourg-157-1-14-108.w90-40.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
smallfootya, i know01:07
familiebruenig: lpr -P is what you mean imho01:07
kbrooksFireHazard17, whatever kitche said after the first "and" is totally irrevelant01:07
ikoniasmallfoot: if the driver is incompatible in ubuntu it will be in every other distro - they all use the same driver01:07
bruenigfamilie, whatever01:07
smallfootbut why i have to settle with 60 hz on linux, instead of 85 hz?01:07
smallfootikonia: ya i know01:08
FireHazard17kbrooks: not really01:08
kbrookssmallfoot, because it works01:08
familiebruenig: "job stopped"01:08
ikoniasmallfoot: so why are you saying random things like I want to update the kernel01:08
Veinorsmallfoot: Because nvidia doesn't like linux, so the drivers aren't as good. and can you really tell the difference?01:08
FireHazard17kbrooks: thats what i wanted to know01:08
smallfootkbrooks: but i dont want 60 hz, i want 85 or 100 hz01:08
familiebruenig: resuming doesnt work01:08
smallfootikonia: because i wanted that too01:08
Sh3r1ffsmallfoot: if you don't like it, go back to windows ;)01:08
ikoniasmallfoot: doesn't look like you can have it, or you'll have ot lean to conifigure xorg properly01:08
PriceChildsmallfoot, change /etc/X11/xorg.conf if you really want to. But the human eye doesn't really detect a difference over 30Hz... all you're doing is putting more load on your video card.01:08
smallfootVeinor: maybe01:08
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IndyGunFreakVeinor: ?... if you think nvidia doesn't like Linux, you should try to mess with an ATI card01:08
bruenigfamilie, should work, get another pdf viewer if you must01:08
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gravemindhey guys, who knows how to fstab?01:08
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ikoniagravemind: whats the problem01:08
VeinorIndyGunFreak: Argh, now I forgot that jokes don't transfer01:08
kbrooks<Veinor> smallfoot: Because nvidia doesn't like linux, so the drivers aren't as good. and can you really tell the difference? # ati doesnt like linux yet01:08
Veinorgravemind: I'm a minor fstabber01:09
familiei just installed kpdf it doesnt work either01:09
crimsunCrustyPunk: do you want to use -only- the Audigy LS/ES?01:09
IndyGunFreakVeinor: lol..01:09
=== bluebanana [n=jeff@S010600c09f5f99a4.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
gravemindikonia: I get an error trying to unmount my windows permission, let me get it01:09
KI4IKLWhat ist he folder to copy themes into?01:09
=== Veinor thinks IRC needs to standardize <joke></joke> tags
kbrooksVeinor, they never transferred.01:09
smallfootkbrooks: ya i didnt buy ATI cuz it sucks, but i bought NVIDIA GeForce 8600, its supposed to be good card, its the latest generation01:09
familiebruenig: test pages are printed immediately01:09
ikoniaKI4IKL: just open theme manager and drag it in01:09
|_ockeyeah, the human eye actually isnt capable of seeing anything over like 45fps and 45hz if you are the most perceptive person ever01:09
bluebananahow can i find out my monitor's native resolution?01:09
KI4IKLIt's a folder, ikonia01:09
bruenigfamilie, can you print other stuff, web pages perhaps in firefox01:09
ikoniasmallfoot: yes, but its not supported in the nvidia linux driver01:09
familiebruenig: why doesnt it work with my normal docs?01:09
ikoniaKI4IKL: then tar it up01:09
CrustyPunkYeah, the "nvidia" is referring to an onboard sound card that is fried and useless to me :P01:09
|_ockesmallfoot, what processor/ram configuration01:09
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smallfootikonia: not on the proprietary NVIDIA driver either?01:09
ikoniasmallfoot: no01:10
kbrooksstatement.transfer(other_person, as_joke) # :P01:10
dawn_chorusbluebanana, should be included with your monitor's documentation.01:10
gravemindikonia: umount: /media/windows mount disagrees with the fstab01:10
gravemindmy fstab is here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25033/01:10
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FireHazard17kbrooks: nvidia like linux there driver's sre great and they them selves have said they like linux ati said fine we will release better linux drivers they just havent yet01:10
ikoniagravemind: is that the error01:10
familiebruenig: web pages work instantly01:10
smallfoot|_ocke: i got brand new computer with Core 2 Duo, 2.13 GHz, 4 gb RAM, GeForce 8600, 500 gb HDD, SATA DVD, P35 chipset01:10
PriceChildikonia, it will do different freqs.... won't it?01:10
gravemindikonia: yeah01:10
bluebananadawn_chorus, i got the monitor from a friend01:10
bruenigfamilie, don't know01:10
ikoniaPriceChild: yes, totally, I think he'll get the results01:10
dawn_chorusbluebanana, what make and model?01:10
kbrooksFireHazard17, i know.01:10
familiebruenig: i just need this pdf it is very important for me01:10
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familiecan anyone help me?01:10
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majorglorycrimsun: i re-read your directions and found the DXS things. All four DXS levels are at 0% only the static is present.01:11
ikoniagravemind: thats not your fstab01:11
Sh3r1fffamilie: you can downlad acrobat and build it from source01:11
FireHazard17smallfoot: nice!01:11
IndyGunFreakfamilie: open office will read pdf's01:11
gravemindikonia: lol it isn't?01:11
=== gravemind checks to see what it is
ikoniagravemind: no01:11
bluebananaproview Electronics. Model: 772M. Product number: PX-76901:11
smallfootFireHazard17: yeah its nice, but now i want it to work nice in Linux too, I want the screensavers not to lag :(01:11
KI4IKLikonia, it is a folder.01:11
ikoniasmallfoot: then wait for the drivers to catch up01:11
FireHazard17smallfoot: what is happening01:11
gravemindikonia: It looks like my fstab01:11
ikoniaKI4IKL: yes, and I told you tar it up01:12
crimsunmajorglory: no, not at zero - sound will be inaudible then.  Did you try 77%?  From your feedback, it seems like you'll need to try and move other pci peripherals off the sound device's irq.01:12
ikoniagravemind: no its not01:12
smallfootFireHazard17: i dont know, its tricky with drivers01:12
ikoniaits fdisk output01:12
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smallfootikonia: but i thought 8600 was supported in proprietary device drivers?01:12
IndyGunFreakfamilie: there's a pdf reader on the default install.01:12
FireHazard17smallfoot: yeah i say wait till newer drivers come along01:12
smallfootand doesnt Ubuntu have libc installed?01:12
adsims2001Hi, does the alternate install CD of ubuntu install without booting the operating system first?01:12
FireHazard17smallfoot: i think it is01:12
ikoniasmallfoot: yes it does have libc installed01:12
IndyGunFreakits in the apps/office menu01:12
FireHazard17adsims2001: yes01:12
KI4IKLsorry, missed that ikonia01:12
ikoniagravemind: ahhh thats better01:12
adsims2001Alright, thanks.01:12
PriceChildsmallfoot, that card was released after ubuntu's latest release and so no.01:12
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smallfootikonia: oh cuz the drivers wanted compile something, but complained01:12
familieIndyGunFreak: this one doenst work, thats why i'm on this chan dude01:12
majorglorycrimsun: how do I find out which IRQ my sound is working on and which IRQs to move the other peripherals to?01:12
TaJMoXI never get a response - can someone look at my problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46996201:12
smallfootPriceChild: oh ok01:12
ikoniasmallfoot: you don't compile the drivers01:12
PriceChildsmallfoot, you can do it using 3rd party drivers...01:13
gravemindikonia: I didn't change anything lol - what was it for you?01:13
FireHazard17price there is a thing called updates01:13
crimsunmajorglory: look at /proc/interrupts01:13
PriceChildFireHazard17, not for things like taht ;)01:13
ikoniagravemind: pastebin was being silly01:13
IndyGunFreakfamilie: ok dude, good luck01:13
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PriceChildFireHazard17, at least now anyway... might change in future.01:13
smallfootmy fonts look ugly, websites doesnt look good with these fonts, and the buttons on the website, dont look good01:13
FireHazard17PriceChild: yes if you can update the kernel you can update anything else01:13
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ikoniaFireHazard17: no you can't01:13
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FireHazard17ikonia: what?01:13
crimsunmajorglory: if there's a resampling issue, we can attempt to work around it in libasound201:13
PriceChildFireHazard17, ubuntu has a very strict update policy01:13
FireHazard17o rly?01:14
PriceChild!fonts > smallfoot (see pm from ubotu)01:14
ikoniaFireHazard17: if you can update the kernel you can't update anything else01:14
majorglorycrimsun: nothing is in interrupts. only a "."01:14
FireHazard17ikonia: WHAT?01:14
ikoniaFireHazard17: if you can update the kernel you can't update anything else01:14
ikoniaI'll say it again01:14
PriceChildikonia, ?01:14
crimsunCrustyPunk: what's the output from `cat /proc/asound/modules`?01:14
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ikoniaPriceChild: you can't just update "anything" because you can update the kernel, libc and binutils for example would have massive implications01:14
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FireHazard17ive updated my kernel etc my browser even my nvidia driver01:14
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ikoniaso saying "if you can update the kernel you can update anything"01:14
FireHazard17so what cant you update01:15
PriceChildikonia, your wording wasn't clear ;)01:15
ikoniaPriceChild: ah01:15
gravemindikonia: so what does that error mean?01:15
Zappastii am having some trouble fixing screen resolution01:15
BenLiis there anyone here willing to help with Beryl installation?01:15
ikoniaFireHazard17: pretty much any system libraries that are core to the distro01:15
ortega10when i boot ubuntu, it says "ext3-fs hda3: orphan cleanup on readonly01:15
ortega10fs", and doesn't even let me enter recovery mode... what should i do? (btw, i had some ext3 trouble a few days ago)01:15
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majorglorycrimsun: I'm sorry crimsun, but I'll be right back.01:15
ikoniagravemind: check the uuid of the disk on /mnt/windows01:15
dawn_chorusbluebanana, 17 inch, right?01:15
Veinorikonia: Oh, you meant upgrading them at the same time01:15
gravemindBenLi: I can't, but try #ubuntu-effects01:15
IndyGunFreak!beryl | BenLi01:15
ubotuBenLi: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:15
ikoniagravemind: check the uuid of the disk on /media/windows01:15
CrustyPunkcrimsun: 0 snd_hda_intel, 1 snd_ca010601:15
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ikoniaVeinor: no I mean upgrading them full sotp01:15
bluebananadawn_chorus,  yes. 17 inch monitor01:15
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gravemindikonia: how do you check uuids?01:15
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ikoniagravemind: blkid01:16
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gravemindikonia: thanks01:16
Ausylohey guys, im having trouble installing unbuntu 6.0601:16
Veinorikonia: huh? I've been upgrading stuff from my unupgraded kernel for a while.01:16
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crimsunCrustyPunk: ok.  Use this command:  echo blacklist snd-hda-intel|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist01:16
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sn0Ausylo what problems are you having?01:16
ikoniaVeinor: you can update "stuff" just not anything01:16
dawn_chorusbluebanana, 1024x76801:16
eladelad@elad-desktop:~$ mysql01:16
eladERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)01:16
crimsunCrustyPunk: then, on next boot, you should be set.01:16
ikoniabut thats off topic01:16
ikoniaelad: is mysql running ?01:16
Veinorikonia: oh, you meant core things01:16
jasinMy sql sucks.01:16
Ausylosn0: when i go to install, it freezes on hardware drivers01:16
eladikonia, I'm trying to run it for the first time.01:16
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dawn_chorusbluebanana, 85Hz01:17
ikoniaelad: have you started it up01:17
bluebananadawn_chorus, thanks. does "native resolution" equal highest resolution?01:17
ikoniaVeinor: yup01:17
sn0Ausylo what spec of a system are you attempting to install to?01:17
Zappastii cannot find the right HorizSync values for my screen01:17
bluebananadawn_chorus, how did you find that out?01:17
eladjasin, university course, I don't have a choice.01:17
smallfooti hate having to configure stuff, its a pain, things should just "work out of the box", i dont have time to mess around and configure stuf01:17
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eladikonia, how do I do that then?01:17
dawn_chorusbluebanana, i just googled around.  :)01:17
ikoniasmallfoot: use windows01:17
Ausylosn0: turion 2ghz, 1gb ram, its a new laptop01:17
ikoniaelad: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start01:17
bruenig!windows | smallfoot01:17
ubotusmallfoot: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents01:17
smallfootyeah, its good OS, but its proprietary01:17
Veinorsmallfoot: I don't think one command is 'a pain'01:17
MontehIndyGunFreak: you here man?01:17
jasinelad, I see01:17
sn0Ausylo then maybe go with ubuntu feisty 7.0401:17
Veinorheh, "nearest mental health institute"01:17
IndyGunFreakMonteh: yeah01:17
ikoniasmallfoot: seems like the best option for you01:17
idefixxsmallfoot: what ikonia said... but i doubt reinstall it every month saves you time.01:17
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smallfootveinor, to know what command, i have to read websites01:18
eladikonia, thanks. I'll have to do that each time, aye? Remind me please how I set a bash alias.01:18
bruenigsmallfoot, or mac, you might want mac since they control all the hardware and software01:18
TaJMoXubuntu works out of the box for me on all 4 pc's01:18
CrustyPunkcrimsun: Awesome, thanks. One more quick question before I reboot though. I don't have the option to change my resolution to higher than 1024x768, though I should be able too01:18
gravemindikonia: blkid /media/windows/ quits silently01:18
Ausylosn0: is that right on the site?01:18
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smallfootidefixx, I have had my XP install for about 5 years now01:18
ikoniaelad:  you won't have to do that every time01:18
Zappastimm hullo? can anyone help me out, please?01:18
dawn_chorusbluebanana, you should be able to display up to 1280x1024 OK, though, maybe.01:18
Veinorsmallfoot: Are you talking about building from source?01:18
sn0Ausylo yes its the latest version, www.ubuntu.com01:18
eladikonia, I meant after each reboot.01:18
VeinorZappasti: Ask your questions, or did you already?01:18
ikoniagravemind: just do blkid then check the references against those in /etc/fstab01:18
ikoniaelad: no01:18
eladikonia, still no?01:18
Zappastii did01:18
smallfootveiner, no i just want pretty fonts, and 3d graphics, so i can do stuff like beryl and watch screensavers that dont log01:18
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Zappastimy problem has to do with resolution01:18
gravemindikonia: oh01:18
TaJMoXzappasti : edit your  /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:18
ikoniasmallfoot: well you have to configure it - or wait - its up to you01:18
Ausylosn0: 7.04?01:18
jasinI wont put windows on my laptop, i'm afraid it'll crash and i'll lose all my school work.01:18
crimsunCrustyPunk: sorry, I'm no help there.  Check the fixresolution factoid.01:19
ikoniasmallfoot: you've said that 10 times and it doesn't change the fact01:19
jasinLinux never crashes on me, never!01:19
TaJMoXI never get a response - can someone look at my problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46996201:19
Zappastiyes i read bout that BUT i dont know the values for my screen01:19
sn0Ausylo yes, you have dapper which is 6.06 lts01:19
eladsudo /etc/init.d/mysql start01:19
VeinorZappasti: And for the love of god, make sure to back that file up first :-P01:19
CrustyPunkcrimsun: okay,01:19
Ausylook yeah01:19
kslccrimsun: hm I didn't get any errors from the iasl compiler so I really don't know. I'll try and file a bug with the acpi people.01:19
ortega10fs", and doesn't even let me enter recovery mode... what should i do? (btw, i had some ext3 trouble a few days ago )01:19
Zappastithey dont figure on manuals and dont find them on the net01:19
|_ockeman this channel moves fast01:19
eladsudo: /etc/init.d/mysql: command not found01:19
sn0that was 2 releases ago, so the kernel is a bit old compared to what you get in the latest version01:19
linuxnub! resolution |01:19
ubotu: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:19
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|_ockewell i guess there are 1095 people holy crap01:19
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gravemindikonia: /dev/sda1: TYPE="ntfs" blkid doesn't list a uuid01:19
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crimsunkslc: I'd file a bug with ALSA first01:19
ikoniagravemind: ahhh there you go01:19
raymondjtothfrank got me working01:19
Veinordoesn't ctrl-alt-backspace also work for rebooting X?01:19
bruenigsmallfoot, you see there is this thing called a free market. And in a free market different vendors can compete and create products that fill the same role. This creates different products that require different drivers and different configurations to work. Unless you can stop capitalism, you are going to need to do some configuring01:19
ikoniaelad: its mysql not mysqld01:19
raymondjtothwith all .mov real and wqmv or wma01:20
smallfootext4 is a ext3 hack, and ext3 is a hack, of the legacy ext2 filesystem?01:20
|_ockeVeinor, yes01:20
gravemindikonia: does it need one?01:20
crimsunkslc: go to ALSA's home page, then click Bug Reporting[..] 01:20
Zappastii alreadyread a couple of times the fixresolutionhowto01:20
raymondjtothxi still here have a q for you01:20
eladikonia, I wrote mysql01:20
ikoniasmallfoot: do you have a point or are you trolling ?01:20
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raymondjtothfrank is kde any good01:20
ikoniaelad: then you've not installed mysql server01:20
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harryhow do i induce kernel panic?01:20
IndyGunFreakKDE= Kills Distributions Everywhere01:20
ikoniaharry: break the kernel01:20
smallfootext4 is an extension to ext3 which in turn is an extension to ext201:20
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smallfootikonia: i dont know01:20
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eladikonia, I have.01:21
raymondjtothin for real01:21
SirKeatsis there a way to power down my hdd after X minutes in ubuntu?01:21
ikoniasmallfoot: this channel is for ubuntu support not random linux nonsense01:21
bluebananadawn_chorus, thanks. I was at 1280x1024. but i dropped it down to my native resolution, because it's better to use native resolution, isn't it? I can't switch from 60 Hz to 80 Hz.01:21
smallfootIndyGunFreak: KDE4 seems interesting though, hope it doesnt use much memory, hope its fast, i fear it will be very slow01:21
SirKeatsthe only option i see is to put the system to sleep and that's not what i want01:21
raymondjtothik im on unbutue01:21
smallfootikonia:  ok01:21
PriceChild!offtopic > smallfoot01:21
ikoniaelad: then youre either not doing /etc/init.d/mysql start of you've not got it installed01:21
IndyGunFreaksmallfoot: if it follows the pattern of previous kde's01:21
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gravemindeveryone: how can I get a uuid for a /dev that is missing one?01:21
eladikonia, that directory has many mysql_* files in it, but not mysql.01:21
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ikoniaelad: which diretory01:22
raymondjtothfrank is xi still here?01:22
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:22
jasinPeople think ubuntu is like windows, I disagree, the file system & structure,  the kernel, the desktops, etc.. are all vastly different.01:22
PriceChild!uuid | gravemind01:22
ubotugravemind: please see above01:22
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ikoniaelad: it should only have a few01:22
Ausylosn0: thanks, downloading that one now01:22
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eladDefine "few"01:22
Zappasti sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg gets fereezed01:22
dawn_chorusbluebanana, native is what's displayed best, in my experience.  forcing higher makes things look weird.01:22
ikoniaelad: 3 or 401:22
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eladThere's much more.01:22
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smallfootIndyGunFreak: it has lots of new stuff like Plasma, SVG, QT4, etc much new stuff01:22
eladI did sudo apt-get install mysql-client-5.0 to get it.01:22
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ikoniaelad: show me the output of ls -la /etc/init.d in a pastebin01:22
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gravemindPriceChild: linuxnub: that's how I found out it was missing one. blkid doesn't return a uuid for /dev/sda1, it just detects that it is ntfs01:22
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dawn_chorusZappasti, what do you mean "freezed"?01:22
ikoniaelad: thats mysql "CLIENT" not server01:23
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=== elad smacks head.
Zappastion the third screen, nothing happens when i hit enter01:23
idnzorhi, i have successfully installed tomcat5.5 on my feisty machine, and have installed apache2. I was wondering is there a way to make jsp pages available under apache01:23
judazhey.. could somone help me? i need to configure a DHCP server, but i dont know how to set de listening interface...01:23
bluebananait's kinda of strange though to switch to a lower (albeit native) resolution. It's like I lost desktop space (because everything looks zoomed up).01:23
SirKeatscan hdd's be powered down in ubuntu instead of putting whole system to sleep?01:23
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idnzorI have a directory in my home folder called wwwroot which contains my web apps01:23
gravemindPriceChild: that's not normal, is it?01:23
ikoniajudaz: /etc/default/dhcpd-server01:23
ortega10when i boot ubuntu, it says "ext3-fs hda3: orphan cleanup on readonly fs", and doesn't even let me enter recovery mode... what should i do? (btw, i had some ext3 trouble a few days ago)01:23
PriceChildgravemind, not afaik... don't know sorry.01:23
dawn_chorusbluebanana, yeah, i know what you mean.  time for a widescreen.  :)01:24
ikoniagravemind: I think its because you've mounted it with fuse01:24
gravemindPriceChild: alright. I never liked uuid anyway :)01:24
linuxnubyou can try fsck01:24
bluebananadawn_chorus, ha01:24
gravemindikonia: AHA!01:24
eladThanks, ikonia .01:24
sn0Ausylo your welcome, hopefuly no problems :] 01:24
gravemindikonia: what does that mean?01:24
familieis any CUPS geek in here? need help with printing01:24
familiegetting cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found! all time01:24
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ikoniagravemind: truthfully, not sure to be honest, but fuse doesn't treat it like a local disk01:24
ikoniaasI understand it01:25
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raymondjtoththanks frank01:25
gravemindikonia: why is fuse mounting it when fstab says mount it with ntfs-3g01:25
ikoniantfs-3g sorry - my typo01:25
kitchegravemind: ntfs-3g uses fuse anyways01:25
jasini dont use ext3 anymore, to slow.01:25
raymondjtothfrank dose kde look good on ubuntu01:25
bluebananahow come nvu isn't in repo?01:25
ikoniahence y typo01:25
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dawn_chorusZappasti, hmm ... that's weird.  try going to ctrl-alt-f1, stopping gdm and doing it.01:25
gravemindkitche, ikonia: ah. so I guess all I have to do change the fstab entry to use the /dev name instead of a uuid01:26
ikoniagravemind: well, no01:26
ikoniagravemind: as its mounted already01:26
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ikoniaso it won't unmount it if its mounted by a different techniqe01:26
m1rwhat ftp server do u recommend guys ?01:26
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ikoniam1r: vsftp01:26
m1rkk ty01:26
gravemindikonia: I'll try sudo umount /dev/sda101:26
pi3<m1r> gftp01:27
linuxnub!ftp | m1r01:27
ubotum1r: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd01:27
ortega10when i boot ubuntu, it says "ext3-fs hda3: orphan cleanup on readonly fs", and doesn't even let me enter recovery mode... what should i do? (btw, i had some ext3 trouble a few days ago )01:27
=== HoNgOuRu [n=hongo@r190-64-6-171.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniagravemind: thats not a mount point01:27
XtypeWriter74hello. can somebody please help me set vlc player as video player in midnightcommander ? here is my /etc/mc/mc.ext --->  http://sial.org/pbot/25471   when i for example open a .swf file i get this message Error: no "view" mailcap rules found for type "application/x-shockwave-flash"  but vlc alone opens such files01:27
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gravemindikonia: doesn't mount work either way?01:27
ikoniagravemind: no01:27
SirKeatscan hdd's be powered down in ubuntu instead of putting whole system to sleep?01:27
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HoNgOuRuhi, I have an ext3 partition just for data, how can I give rw permissions to it with fstab ???01:27
spicypoohAnyone here using Feisty Fawn 64-bit?  I have not had any actual updates show up in weeks - is there anyway I can tell what are the newest patches?01:28
linuxnub!fsck | ortega1001:28
ubotuortega10: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot01:28
gravemindikonia: sudo umount /media/windows seemed to work : )01:28
HoNgOuRuhi, I have an ext3 partition just for data, how can I give rw permissions to it with fstab ???  for all the users of my system?01:28
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gravemindikonia: now I'll try changing fstab01:28
ikoniagravemind: I thought thats what you said you'd done01:28
jasinwindows, eck ..01:28
gravemindikonia: I right clicked on the desktop icon and chose unmount01:28
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jasinwhy do you guys still use windows?01:28
ortega10linuxnub: the problem is i can't even access to the console, so i can't run fsck manually01:28
gravemindjasin: GAMES01:28
HoNgOuRuhi, I have an ext3 partition just for data, how can I give rw permissions to it with fstab ???  for all the users of my system?01:29
jasinand dont say gaming, thats a lame excuse01:29
ikoniajasin: some people don't have a choice, some like it better01:29
gravemindjasin: not for me01:29
linuxnubwhat about livecd01:29
TaJMoXortega10 : alt-f2    xterm01:29
ikoniajasin: leave people to make their own choice01:29
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HoNgOuRuhelp guys01:29
HoNgOuRuhi, I have an ext3 partition just for data, how can I give rw permissions to it with fstab ???  for all the users of my system?01:29
HardDiskall OS's have their uses.01:29
ortega10TaJMoX: the system doesn't boot... it stops in the middle of the process, with the error message i gave before01:29
jasinget a ps3  or wii, much better for gaming.01:29
HardDiskmy grandmother uses windows and that's fine by her.01:29
kitchejasin: maybe for work or school prehaps01:29
TaJMoXjasin : a large % of linux users have a windows partition for gaming.   certainly they all cant be lamers01:29
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux01:30
gravemindjasin: I haven't used it in a while though, after I stopped playing supreme commander for the time being01:30
HardDiskjasin, some countries still dont have those yet.01:30
TaJMoXortega10 : sorry i missed the message - have you tried recovery mode?01:30
SuperQTaJMoX: yea, I keep a wintendo around01:30
SuperQTaJMoX: it stays off most of the time tho01:30
ortega10TaJMoX: it doesn't get me to recovery mode either01:30
dawn_chorusHoNgOuRu, to be sure you get exactly what you need, you may want to refer to the documentation.  man fstab01:30
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jasinsaying you cant play game on linux is a myth, its one of those ole wise tales.01:30
ortega10it says "ext3-fs hda3: orphan cleanup on readonly fs", and doesn't even let me enter recovery mode...01:30
kitchejasin: I need windows for college since most of my programming stuff deals with window stuff01:30
IndyGunFreakjasin: well, linux doesn't do as well with games, as MS does01:31
Pelojasin,  old wive's tale01:31
HardDiskno one said you cant play games on nix, some games just refuse to play on it that's all, or at least not as good as it should.01:31
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linuxnublol what a bunch of nonsense Indy01:31
IndyGunFreakits more the companies don't write them for Linux, than Linux can't do it.01:31
HoNgOuRuI want to have a partition just for data, its filesystem is ext3, I wannit for download stuff and all that, but for every user01:31
AnRkeyHoNgOuRu, paste your /etc/fstab to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org  and send me the link01:31
linuxnubi can run any windows based game in linux i have ever tried01:32
m1rikonia , can i PM you ?01:32
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familieCant anybody help me print my file???01:32
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HoNgOuRuAnrKEY http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25035/01:32
TaJMoXsuperq does it run new games?01:32
linuxnubwhich includes Dark age of Camelot, world or warcraft, Oblivion, and many many others01:32
jasinyou can play, quake, half life, doom,etc.. on linux, all without emulation.01:32
Pelofamilie, did you setup your printer ?01:32
HardDisk"...you have tried" so I suppose halo 3 will work. :)01:32
ikoniam1r: no thnks01:32
AnRkeyHoNgOuRu, gimme a sec01:32
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jasinYou guys are just ignorant.01:33
HoNgOuRujasin but battlefield 2 project reality u CANT!01:33
familiePelo: yes. and test pages work, printing out of firefox, too01:33
TaJMoXjasin : those are old games - what about people who have $300 graphics cards and want to play a decent looking game?01:33
TaJMoXjasin : not everyone is into retro01:33
AnRkeyHoNgOuRu, ls -ah /media01:33
bruenigfamilie, can you open the pdf in anything?01:33
familiePelo: but i just accidently killed my cups demon i think01:33
Pelofamilie, what application are  you trying to print from that doesn't work ?01:33
HardDiskwhy dont you leave them alone and choose what they want instad of dictating.01:33
kkathmanactually this whole discussion about games is offtopic and should be taken there01:33
SuperQTaJMoX: Well, I don't run too many games.. there are one or two doze apps that I just havn't been bothered to try getting to work in linux01:33
linuxnubTaj does Oblivion count?01:33
jasinTaj, maybe, but there still in the top 20 of all games played.01:33
HardDiskdemo it to them sure and then let them choose.01:33
AnRkeyHoNgOuRu, sorry, correction ls -al /media01:33
Pelofamilie, restart your computer and try again then01:34
linuxnubOblivion = the most cutting edge game on the market now01:34
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gravemindikonia: does gparted require ntfs drivers, and fail if ntfs-3g is used, or something01:34
familiePelo: I tried KDPF evince and another pdf program, all dont want to print. The job is directly stopped and not resumbale01:34
bruenigrestart? /etc/init.d/cups start01:34
AnRkeybeen on windows server earlier today :(01:34
linuxnubruns flawlessly for me in linux01:34
SuperQTaJMoX: I might eventualy buy a copy of vmware, or upgrade the machine so I can run windows in linux kernel VM01:34
HoNgOuRucdrom  cdrom0  floppy  floppy0  .hal-mtab  .hal-mtab-lock  sda5  sda801:34
HardDiskSuperQ no need, vmware server is free.01:34
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linuxnubnot ubuntu tho cant get it to work in ubuntu01:34
ortega10when i boot ubuntu, it says "ext3-fs hda3: orphan cleanup on readonly fs", and doesn't even let me enter recovery mode... what should i do? (btw, i had some ext3 trouble a few days ago )01:34
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jasinEa has a battelfield 2 linux server.01:34
Pelofamilie,  you are using kubuntu ?  maybe you should try asking in #kubuntu01:34
TaJMoXlinuxnub : yes that counts for one.   and maybe a couple more.01:35
linuxnuball those games run seamlessly on my Sabayon install :)01:35
SuperQHardDisk: don't you still need to buy something to make the images?01:35
familiePelo: no i use normal ubuntu latest version all update01:35
linuxnubSabayon is the big dog for that kinda thing01:35
familiegon' restart ttyl01:35
SuperQI suppose there is a Windows XP vmware image torrent out there somewhere01:35
HardDiskyou mean a windows licence? well you figure that out01:35
SuperQHardDisk: no.. the vmware image01:35
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jribSuperQ: www.easyvmx.com01:35
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HardDiskyea its out there.01:35
linuxnubSource based = vastly superior01:35
Dr_willisand no its not legal. :)01:35
zacchaeushey guys, does ubuntu have something equivalent to kcron out of the box?01:36
HardDiskvirtualbox is really good too01:36
kronomanhi. a girl that is friend of mine recently installed Windows XP , but also has a ubuntu partition ; grub don't shows anymore, how she can add it again?01:36
SuperQjrib: oh.. that's kinda neat01:36
Dr_willisIve had issues with Virtual Box and Live cd's :(01:36
AnRkeyHoNgOuRu, what does ls -al /media show you?01:36
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Pelofamilie,  in evince , look in files > printer properties or something like that , make sure the printer is properly selected, and check the various other settings,   I realy can'T help you much beyond that,  try the forum if no one else here can help01:36
TaJMoX!grub | kronoman01:36
ubotukronoman: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:36
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kronomanthanks TaJMoX01:36
graveminddoes anybody know if gparted works with ntfs-3g (kitche I'm looking in your direction)01:36
jasinTaj, those are hardly retro, retro is mario, donkey kong, tetris, etc...01:36
IndyGunFreakgravemind: i'm pretty sure it does.01:37
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TaJMoXjasin : quake, doom, heretic, etc, they are at least 3 generations ago01:37
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gravemindthat eliminates one source of error then01:37
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TaJMoXjasin : not even 3d accelerated01:37
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Dr_willisdoom was a earlier gen then quake. :)01:37
Pelogravemind,  gparted is independent of nfts-3g , it will never let you create a ntfs partition,  but it will still let you resize and move one01:37
gravemindthe error I'm getting is Warning: Unable to read the contents of this filesystem! Because of this some operations may be unavailable. Did you install the correct plugin for this filesystem?01:37
kitche!offtopic | TaJMoX, jasin,01:38
ubotuTaJMoX, jasin,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:38
familiePelo: stopped: job stopped01:38
linuxnubTaj believe me, you can get any of the latest and greatest games on the market today running better in linux than in windows01:38
spicypoohHas anyone seen any updates for 7.04 64-bit lately?  I notice the i386 is up to a later kernel rev but amd64 isn't.01:38
Pelofamilie, what is that ?01:38
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linuxnubi know because i currently do run them01:38
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linuxnuband have posted howto's for them01:38
familiePelo: that is what the printer window tells me about my job01:38
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Dr_willisI still havent gotten "Lord Of the Rings Online" Working with Wine/cedega yet01:38
familiePelo: always stopped, it wont start01:38
gravemindlinuxnub: can you move this to offtopic?01:39
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Pelofamilie,  and right click  start or uncheck pause won't work ?01:39
linuxnublol gravemind ok im done talking bout it anyway01:39
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familiePelo: nope, start doesnt work.01:39
gravemindlinuxnub: but I wanted to ask you about supreme commander and wine01:39
Montehanyone know a good usenet client for ubuntu?01:39
linuxnubwhats the channel01:39
Pelofamilie,  can you print from other appicattions ? like  Open office ?01:40
familiePelo: Firefox and test page work01:40
zacchaeushey guys, does ubuntu have something equivalent to kcron out of the box?01:40
familiePelo: but i need this pdf for tomorrow, we got 1.30 am01:40
gravemindlinuxnub: #ubuntu-offtopic01:40
jasinTaj, 3 generations old is hardly old, especially when their still in the top 20 for the most played games and the operating system you play them on is 5 generations even older then that.01:40
linuxnub#ubuntu-offtopic  ??01:40
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EADG_Monteh: try slrn01:40
Pelofamilie,  you can open pdf files in OO I believe,  try it01:40
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Montehty ^^01:40
gravemindjasin, you too, /join #ubuntu-offtopic01:40
Pelofamilie, there is a linux version of acroread, you can try that also01:41
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SirKeatscan someone tell me how to get to laptop-mode settings?01:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usenet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:41
SirKeatsi've installed it but don't see it anywhere01:41
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PeloSirKeats, try typing laptop-mode in the terminal , just a guess01:41
familiePelo: OO just shows rubbish, i downloaded the Acrobat .rpm but how do i install it?01:41
Pelohello majorglory01:41
familiePelo: or are rpm suse?01:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acroread - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:42
Pelofamilie,  look for a deb file not rpm,  rpm ar for redhat ,01:42
h4wk0!alien | familie01:42
ubotufamilie: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)01:42
jasinThere is an acrobat reader for linux, see: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html01:42
majorglorypelo: hello.01:42
SirKeatspelo: thanks. i hope it's not just a terminal proggie.  i'm not good in the terminal01:42
IndyGunFreaklol, dangeorus, i love it.01:42
PeloSirKeats,  you can start gui applications by typing their name inthe terminal01:43
familiePelo: just a .tar.gz seems i got to build it, am i right01:43
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jasinThere is an acrobat reader for linux, see: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html01:43
Pelofamilie, give me a minute to check if I can find one for you01:43
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familiejasin: yes i downloaded this one01:44
SirKeatspalo: well that worked... laptop-mode start started laptop-mode01:44
thechrisi need help with video-sound syncronization in ubuntu01:44
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SirKeatsbut i don't see any setting options01:44
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maver1ckany person familiar with HAL ?01:44
SirKeatsit just gave me the confirmation in the terminal that it started01:44
maver1ckor Xgl ?01:44
gravemindopen the pod bay doors, hal01:44
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SillyZgreetings, need a lil help with a pxeboot installation01:45
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maver1ckonly automount issue ;)01:45
cjproI just installed a fresh 7.10 installation and attempted to set up PHP5 and MySQL 5.  Yet, when I run phpinfo(), it does not mention MySQL01:45
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Pelofamilie,  looks like you are going to need to compile it from source ,  best of luck01:45
cjproI have installed php5-mysql too01:46
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familiePelo: okay01:46
thechrisi also have a few other issues01:46
riche91hey, I have a problem viewing flash and videos on firefox01:46
thechrislike, why is resizing windows so slow in ubuntu?01:46
jasinwow, they've already released a beta of 7.1001:46
sn0cjpro did you install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql01:46
familiePelo: do i need sudo to install?01:46
jasinI wasn't aware of that01:47
bruenigjasin, alpha01:47
sn0as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP01:47
familieyes i do.01:47
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Pelofamilie,  have you ever compiled from source ?01:47
jasinbruenig, my bad then, alpha.01:47
cjprosn0: No01:47
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jasinIt says development release on the ubuntu site.01:47
familiePelo: nope, there's an INSTALL script01:48
jasinIt says "development release" on the ubuntu site.01:48
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Pelofamilie,  lucky you01:48
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bruenigINSTALL is not a script generally it is a readme sort of thing01:48
ortega10when i boot ubuntu, it says "ext3-fs hda3: orphan cleanup on readonly fs", and doesn't even let me enter recovery mode... what should i do? (btw, i had some ext3 trouble a few days ago)01:48
=== lengend [n=lengend@CPE0016b6e67bc9-CM00195ed25a6a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
lengendhello, can someone help me?01:48
Pozaroim trying to install  updates to firefox so i can see certain thngs on websites how do i go about doing that01:48
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bruenigPozaro, what updates?01:49
jasinI dont see anything new in 7.1001:49
gravemindhow do I fsck a ntfs partition if it uses ntfs-3g01:49
bruenig!offtopic | jasin01:49
ubotujasin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:49
nedwhat is the best way to install azureus on feisty; i checked the wiki and it only is updated through edgy01:49
familiePelo: WOHO acrobat browser plugin works!! :)01:49
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Pelofamilie,  congrats01:49
familiePelo: the only question left why does this gay cups shit not work?!01:50
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Pozaroi justinstalled linux01:50
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:50
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jasinOh, so I cant talk about ubuntu in #ubuntu? man, that sjust silly.01:50
lengendHello, i have a problem, when i did the partition with linux it made my windows xp size 60gb but i wanted it to be 90gb how can i change it?01:50
Pozaroand i need the java updates01:50
bruenigned, I would get the azureus from azureus stick it in /opt and give your user rw permissions on it01:50
jasinOh, so I cant talk about ubuntu in #ubuntu? man, thats just silly.01:50
Pelofamilie,  it works for me I don't know what your problem is01:50
Pozaroto view flash and certain items on web pages01:50
Nutubuntulengend -  gparted01:50
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familiePelo: okay, anyway you saved my day i love you =)01:50
bruenigjasin, you cannot talk about development versions, and this is the support channel not the aimless musing channels01:50
lengendbut, i have a dual boot with xp mce and ubuntu 7.1001:50
Pozaroi  downloaded  some rpms but dont know how to install them01:50
PriceChild!rpm | Pozaro01:51
ubotuPozaro: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)01:51
rollerskatejammsPozaro, why are you trying to use rpms in ubuntu?01:51
rollerskatejammsyou can try alien though01:51
Dr_willisPozaro,  its best to use deb files on ubuntu. RPM and alien can break things badly01:51
PriceChildPozaro, we don't use rpms :)01:51
bruenigPozaro, not advised01:51
lengendNutubuntu, i'll worry about that later then if its easy ok?01:51
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familiePelo: Imagine somewhere on the globe theres a guy sittin in front of his box and the printer is working! Papers are shooting out of it an shwooosh this guy is freaking happy =D01:51
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pike_Pozaro: sadly ubuntu and other distros are not really standardized so badness can occur01:51
Pozaroi am new to linux just installed to day01:51
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nedbruenig: you mean from the sourceforge site?01:51
PriceChildPozaro, what do you want to install?01:51
bruenigned, yes01:51
Nutubuntulengend - Be sure to back up your data before doing any partitioning or partition editing, though, if it's important to you01:51
=== wraith [n=wraith@cable-24-139-12-215.dyn.personainc.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pozaroupdaes for my web browser mozila01:52
Pelofamilie,  most likely it's just a little thing , you just need to figure out what and you can'T do that when you are under the gun01:52
=== new2linx [n=daniel@rrcs-67-53-185-163.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:52
Pozaroso i can view sites with flash and certain java applications01:52
thechris any howtos on how to force sync on avi?01:52
lengendNutubuntu, i did my back up already thats fine with me, okay another question if thats ok with you, i can't for some reason to get my wireless to work (i use a laptop)01:52
GigaClonned, install azureus through apt-get then get the Azureuse jar from the sf.net site and replace01:52
PriceChild!flash > Pozaro01:52
PriceChild!java > Pozaro01:52
bruenigPozaro, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree sun-java6-plugin01:52
PriceChildPozaro, see the pm from ubotu :)01:52
lengendi have the PRO/Wireless 3945ABG01:53
Montehhow do i load the registry editor thing on here, i want to sort the desktop effects cube problem out01:53
Nutubuntulengend - I can *spell* wireless; that's about all I know about it :) -- anyone?01:53
brueniglengend, that card is supported01:53
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Pozaroabout to try it now01:53
marcin_anthi all01:53
kitcheMonteh: there is no registry editor on linux01:53
lengendyes i already checked, it reconizes it when i typed sudo lshw -C network01:53
PeloMonteh, use synaptic and search for compiz   there is a compiz manager in there somewhere01:53
lengendbut when i type sudo apt-get network-manager, it says invalid01:54
PeloMonteh,  #ubuntu-effects is a better place to get help with the cube and such01:54
PriceChildlengend, sudo apt-get install01:54
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Pozarook it says flash plugin in has no initial candidate01:54
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lengendso it will install the adaptar?01:54
brueniglengend, that has nothing to do with your card, apt-get installs packages, it doesn't configure wireless cards, it is network-manager-gnome by the way01:54
pippitso anyone want to help a complete ubuntu noob?01:54
marcin_antshort question - I got user account on ubuntu and apache2 running - I want to upload files to /var/www to host them with apache 2 but unfortunately I cannot because I don't have privileges - any advice/idea/help?01:54
lengendohh ok thank you, will it manage my wireless after?01:55
Pelopippit,  we need to know hyour problem first01:55
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:55
=== American-Tech_ [n=keith@cpe-74-78-20-197.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
brueniglengend, it is not an adapter, it is a graphical way to switch between different networks01:55
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lengendi see, so after i install the packages, and the stuff my wireless will work?01:55
pippithow do i get audacious installed & running?01:55
Pelopippit,  http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/01:56
brueniglengend, maybe, not sure on ubuntu's default support, you should already be able to use your wireless card01:56
cjproNevermind on my problem.  Turned out the Apache Server had to be restarted01:56
new2linxthis is sweet!01:56
diabolixanyone know how you go about getting a package into the repositories?01:56
pike_new2linx: hi. welcome01:56
ihateusernamesJScript = Java Script right?01:56
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lengendi see it in the network, but won't connect01:56
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new2linxthanks, I am very new to irc so not sure how to direct a statement at some101:56
bruenigdiabolix, look up revu in the repositories, it is a long process and is complex and ridiculous I think01:57
bruenigdiabolix, revu in the wiki, not repositories01:57
kranolwhats the name of the program that ubuntu has by default that is used to extract bz files?01:57
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kranol(the GUI one)01:57
new2linxisn't it gzip01:57
bruenigkranol, bunzip01:57
pike_new2linx: basically if you are speaking with someone use their name at the begining of the statement. but if you have a quesiton just ask the channel in general and someone will respond01:57
bruenigoh gui01:57
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lengendok thank you, brb going to go on linux01:57
kranolbruenig, ty01:57
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Pelonew2linx, just state the name of the person you are talking to in each line , they will light up for them , but first you need to ask a quesiton01:57
new2linxOH dah, bunzip, i thought tar could do that with the b option though?01:57
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IndyGunFreaknew2linx: type the first few letters of a persons name, then hit tab, and it should auto complete their name(or give you a list of names that have those first letters, in that event write more letters), then write your message, and it will highlight it to the person you're sending it to.01:57
bruenignew2linx, needs to be a bunzipped tarball, you can bunzip something without tarring it01:58
new2linxpike_: sweet! thanks01:58
new2linxIndyGunFreak: sweet, thanks.01:58
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new2linxi just figureed out how to get this working with gaim so I thought I'd come and check it out.01:58
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new2linxbruenig: got it, thanx01:59
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IndyGunFreaknew2linx: lol, first lesson, use an iRC client..lol01:59
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=== Pelo feels dirty when he's in a channel with a person using an instant msger app
|-David-|Still can't get my NVIDIA TNT2 Vanta card working. I'm getting the blackout before the login, and it freezes up. Anyone know what's up?02:00
new2linxyeah, i was told that. i have used xchat before.02:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about basics - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:00
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TaJMoXoh ubotu someone's gotta teach you some basic linux tutorial url's02:00
PeloTaJMoX, what do you need to know ?02:00
IndyGunFreaknew2linx: i'd suggest it over gaim...02:00
=== Liamm [n=Liam@77-98-202-14.cable.ubr05.jarr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
pike_|-David-|: im assuming you installed the nvidia-legacy driver?02:00
IndyGunFreaki'd suggest anything over gaim(for IRC that is)02:00
new2linxPelo: come on, you're joking right?02:00
PeloTaJMoX, http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84 , http://book.opensourceproject.org.cn/distrib/ubuntu/unleashed/ http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty02:00
TaJMoXpelo  - not for me - but lots of people need to know basic terminal and linux usage02:00
Pelonew-ubuntu-user,  donT, talk to me02:00
|-David-|I attempted to, and it said it worked...02:00
TaJMoXpelo - i want ubotu to know it - i dont need it - others do02:00
kitcheTaJMoX: it does you used the wrong keyword02:00
nednew2linx: i'm using xchat-gnome, it's modified for gnome02:00
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Pelonew2linx,  donT' tatlk to me02:00
nednew2linx, i prefer it02:01
kitche!cli | TaJMoX02:01
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ubotuTaJMoX: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:01
new2linxPelo: NOT NEW, but I don't want to talk to you anyway!02:01
Pelo!ubotu | TaJMoX02:01
ubotuTaJMoX: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:01
thechrisi need a movie player that works fully in ubuntu.  the default "movie player" doesn't sync sound.02:01
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TaJMoX!info vlc02:01
ubotuvlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 1131 kB, installed size 3192 kB02:01
new2linxned: thanks for the tip02:01
pike_|-David-|: i think the next command is sudo nvidia-xconfig to set it up. id just 'grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf' and see what driver it is youre using currently. does vesa not work either?02:01
kitchethechris: that's because your codecs are messed up most likely02:01
nednew2linx: no problem :)02:01
thechriskitche: how do i fix this?02:02
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TaJMoXthechris - gstreamer-properties02:02
pike_thechris: mplayer is my favorite but vlc has advantage of not having to chase codecs down02:02
|-David-|well, my issue is that I can't get into ubuntu when I have the NVIDIA card in02:02
IndyGunFreakPelo: why the anger towards new2linx?..lol02:02
ihateusernameswhats the right latest Java Runtime Environment and where do I get it from?02:02
=== gamecheif [n=gamechei@cpe-75-185-228-184.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
new2linxIndyGunFreak: thanks.02:02
gamecheifok ppl02:03
=== Ryan__ [n=anna@bas1-kitchener06-1177578357.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
gamecheifits me again02:03
PeloIndyGunFreak,  he's a gaim user ,  this is an irc channel,  it's not right02:03
c_Wow the advanced bash scripting guide is long >>02:03
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=== TheCougar [n=email@74-36-222-224.br1.ctn.pa.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
gamecheifi have 2particians up now02:03
new2linxPelo: i'll switch to xchat or xchat-gnome for ya. i like the wink. he he02:03
IndyGunFreakPelo: oh, ok i see... i think..lol...  i'm gonna start telling KDE users not to talk to me...lol02:03
TheCougarcan ubuntu be installed on a flash drive?02:03
Ryan__hey everyone02:04
Ryan__could you tell me something02:04
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IndyGunFreakRyan__: something02:04
gamecheifwith win32 and the core stuff need to run windows how do i go their and put files on02:04
=== Prog [n=mosibfu@3E332751.dslaccess.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
PeloIndyGunFreak, they have their own channel I donT, know why they keep invading ours02:04
Nutubuntu!ask > Ryan__02:04
Pozarocan ubuntu use .bin files02:04
Ryan__my laptop overheats02:04
thechriskitche: what sound server should I use, ALSA or ESD.  not familiar with how ubuntu's set up.02:04
timstokmanhi, I want to share my home directories with other windows machines with samba, but I can't get it configured right, my config file is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25040/02:04
ihateusernamesthe live version, im  pretty sure you can out it on02:04
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol, ok02:04
=== Phocion [n=UsualSus@pool-72-94-12-171.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
c_TheCougar: Try DSL, you can run it on like anything it is so small.02:04
timstokmancould someone help me02:04
Ryan__can ubuntu monitor the fans and temperature02:04
kitche!codecs | thechris02:04
ubotuthechris: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:04
=== Thaddeus [n=thaddeus@pool-72-86-43-63.clppva.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ryan__it doesnt seem to work, it shuts down on me and the fans dont run very often02:04
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Prog@ryan__ yes, with an app named lmsensors02:04
TheCougarc_: well size isn't an issue, i'm looking to get a 4gb flash drive02:04
Pelotimstokman, what with ?02:04
new2linxUSB on Ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:05
timstokmanPelo, samba02:05
Ryan__it will help implement the fans to run properly02:05
new2linxoops, I meant Ubuntu on USB02:05
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thechriskitche: yes, i have the codecs.  i need audio-video to stay in sync02:05
TheCougarthanks new2linx02:05
PeloRyan__,   use the instructions in here to setup the sensors and the fan control properly  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty02:05
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kitchethechris: it's due to the codecs02:05
Phocionhey all......fresh Feisty install.....I'm getting "deb: command not found"......which is weird.................what package do I have to install to get debtools?02:05
c_What is the minimum disk space for Ubuntu guys? I don't know it by heart.02:05
gamecheifnow i used wine02:05
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thechrisTaJMoX: what should i change in gstreamer-properties02:05
alpinestaranyone knows of good text to speech software for ubuntu02:05
alpinestaror linux overall02:06
Pelotimstokman, I can'T realy help you with that,  state your full problem and maybe someone else can help02:06
Phocionalpinestar: festival02:06
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Phocionalpinestar: festival02:06
TaJMoXthechris - i dont know - experiment - also try vlc02:06
Phocionhey all......fresh Feisty install.....I'm getting "deb: command not found"......which is weird.................what package do I have to install to get debtools?02:06
Progmy problem is that i cant see my windows partitions, it happend out of nothing, they are still in Hardware Information02:06
timstokmanPelo, I did, you probally saw only my second message02:06
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gamecheifit wouldnt install on the z partician it said the reovable hardware wasnt inserted properly02:06
PeloPhocion,  gdebi02:06
=== fxfitz [n=fxfitz@pool-72-90-3-228.atclnj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
thechriskitche: again, i have the codecs from the msg installed.  i just need audio-video sync02:06
new2linxTheCougar: no prob, if you don't have a large enough usb stick, just use a live cd and a usb stick to keep your installed apps and settings, that here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence02:07
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PhocionPelo: so it's not deb now?02:07
symbiotehey.. how do u configure source packages so they can be installed in ubuntu.. i wanan get this app.. PodsBlitz working.. tehres no linux install yet teh site says it can be isntalled on linux using teh source files..02:07
kitchethechris: yes the issue is due to your codecs you might have to reinstall them02:07
PeloPhocion,  gdebi is the Gnome debian Installer02:07
Phocionok cool02:07
kitchethechris: that's the only tiem I had trouble with video and audio out of sync was the codecs was messed up02:08
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=== lengend [n=lengend@CPE0016b6e67bc9-CM00195ed25a6a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
timstokmanCould someone help me configure samba to share the home directories of my users. I doesn't show up in nautilus (under smb://) which it should. my config file is at hi, I want to share my home directories with other windows machines with samba, but I can't get it configured right, my config file is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25040/. could someone help me with this problem?02:08
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kitchePhocion: dpkg is used also there was never a deb command that I know of02:08
lengendok hello, i still have a problem with the wireless02:08
Ryan__ok I dont know how to create files or anything like that int he instructions to setup lm sensors02:08
Pelotimstokman,  there is also a #samba if that helps02:08
Nutubuntusymbiote -  http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/60462-how-compile.html02:08
Pelolater folks02:08
Ryan__is there anything that does it for you?02:08
timstokmanPelo, ok ill try that02:08
=== Born_In_Xixax [n=dstaudt@adsl-69-154-137-215.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Phocionkitche: thanks.  I'm coming from a world of ebuilds....I'll trythat out thanks :)02:09
symbiotehttp://dietrich.cx/wiki/Development/PodsBlitz heres teh site for PodsBlitz02:09
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symbioteoh ok ill take a look at that02:09
new2linxgotta go. preparing for Soprano's at 8 central time02:09
kitchePhocion: most of the install programs use dpkg underneath anyways02:09
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dhuvhello all02:09
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Ryan__how do I install lmsensors so it all works with my laptop so it doesnt overheat anymore lol02:10
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lengendhello, i have the Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG and i can't get it to work in ubuntu, can someone help me?02:10
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dhuvI am using kubuntu and by default an application called Power Manager was installed so I can view and configure the suspend and hibernate settings02:10
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maowhy did the server install for feisty detect my hdd as sda when it is hda02:11
dhuvRyan__: you can install X Sensors app02:11
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dhuvthis should install lm-sensors02:12
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kitchemao: libata prehaps02:12
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dhuvlengend: what do you mean not working, what have you tried?02:12
Ryan__ok is that in the repos?02:12
lengendi have tried, "sudo apt-get install"02:12
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maokitche, so it automatically choses that?02:12
lengendsudo apt-get network-manager-gnome02:12
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dhuvRyan__: lm_sensors should be02:12
kitchemao: yeah at least I think the server kernel has libata in it02:12
lengendit just won't connect to the internet i don't know whats the problem the card is seen02:13
dhuvgo to add remove packages and search for sensors02:13
Ryan__its in synaptic or add and remove?02:13
maokitche, so if its not an sda it will fail the install because it has that auto-enabled02:13
Nutubuntulengend - sudo apt-get install <the package> ... e.g., sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome ... is that what you've done?02:13
symbiotebash: ./configure: No such file or directory    why does ./configure never work for me02:13
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dhuvRyan__: I am sorry, that should be synaptic02:13
gravemindhey yalls, can fsck do ntfs?02:13
lengendi just typed in sudo apt-get install02:13
symbioteim in the right folder02:13
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lengendno package number or anything02:13
kitchesymbiote: umm does the folder have configurre in it?02:13
dhuvlengend: you need to tell it what to install02:13
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lengendohh, sorry i never got wireless to work on ubuntu before, so what package do i say?02:14
Ryan__so once I install it it will monitor all my temperatures automatically?02:14
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symbiotethe instruicttions say to use configure lol umm lemme see..02:14
dhuvlengend: type "sudo /sbin/ifconfig -a" into a terminal and let me know if you see eth0 and eth102:14
Ryan__will it turn on fans at the right times like windows?02:14
pike_legion_nux: typically you look for the package with a  apt-cache search something. it will return a list of packages that have the word something in em and then you apt-get install packagename02:14
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Nutubuntulengend - let's take that apart. sudo gives you the necessary rights ... apt-get install tells apt-get you want to install something ... and the package you want to install comes next02:14
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pike_legion_nux: using sudo of course02:15
lengendi see eth0, eth1 and lo02:15
dhuvRyan__: the lm_sensor package is the base to start monitoring that stuff, you can get other apps which use lm_sensors to display the information02:15
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symbiotetheres no configure anywhere.. how the hell are we suppost to install it lol02:15
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lengendit doesn't see WLAN02:15
symbiotei looked threw all teh folders in there02:15
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Ryan__ok what would those packages be?02:15
Ryan__any good ones out there?02:15
ihateusernamescan someone please help me get JSRE02:15
NutubuntuRyan__ -  ksensors, for one02:16
kitchesymbiote: what are you trying to compile02:16
Ryan__will it work in gnome?02:16
dhuvRyan__: X Sensors would be one of those, you can search for other packages that use lm_sensors02:16
diabolixdoes anyone know how to make deskbar only use google for websearch?02:16
dhuvRyan__: you should look for gnome specific apps02:16
dhuvlengend: where are you checking for wlan02:16
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Ryan__X sensors is one?02:17
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alpinestarare there any other voices you can add to festival02:17
alpinestarlike AT&T Mike02:17
maokitche, if wha ti said is true, since my install fail because of it, then i would consider that a bug in the server install, right?02:17
NutubuntuRyan__ -  yes, although I'd second what dhuv said ... for some reason I thought you were running kubuntu02:17
lengendi type sudo /sbin/ifconfig -a it shows eth0 eth1 and lo02:17
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dhuvI am running kubuntu02:17
Nutubuntu<-- mixed up, me02:17
Cybodoghey all, got a strange one, trying to run the citrix install script:  bash: ./setupwfc:  /bin/sh: bad interperter:  Permission denied02:17
Soaphow well can/does kpowersave work with gnome?02:17
symbiotePodsBlitz a ipod song remover program :D the site says it can be installed on linux using the source files.. yet no install instructions..02:18
symbioteheres teh site http://dietrich.cx/wiki/Development/PodsBlitz02:18
gravemindhey, how do I fix the error that synaptic is not authenticated02:18
pike_Cybodog: try bash setupwfc for kicks02:18
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Cybodogpike_, will do02:18
kitchemao: might not be a bug they are still working on the bugs out with libata I believe in ubuntu to make it easier for users to use02:18
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pike_Cybodog: /bin/sh is linked to dash now and that can cause problems occationally02:18
maokitche, alright then. thanks02:19
Cybodogpike_ that worked on ubuntu64, but not on I386, strange02:19
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Cybodogthe script now runs but errors out02:19
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Cybodogwhat was sh tied to?02:19
symbiotei also tryed putting teh jar file on teh ipod and double clicking it like it says on that freshmeat site but it just opens archive manager lol..02:20
Ryan__ok does this utility start fans if the temperature is too high, or does it just let me view the temperatures?02:20
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symbioteisnt jar for java? wouldnt java run fine ont his Ill trys oemthign else.. lets see how do u set file opening preferences..02:21
kitchemao: even for advance users libata is a bit confusing02:21
pike_Cybodog: dash. scripts really should point to /usr/bin/bash but bash isnt always in same location. so sometimes people get lazy and use /bin/sh02:21
pike_Cybodog: that is if they need bash they should02:21
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Cybodogpike_ looking at my x64 install and I will mirror the symlink to match, that works.02:22
ludditehey all, i'm having some issues with installing nvidia02:22
kitchesymbiote: your in src right?02:22
alpinestaranyone knows how to get human voices on festival engine02:22
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Ryan__ok I installed x Sensors but Im not sure how to use it and I've looked for some documentation on it and foun none02:23
lengendwho can help me?02:23
NutubuntuWhere does vmware put its virtual machines? Is it configurable, and is there a "best" location?02:23
sn0Ryan__ lm-sensors ?02:24
FrogzooNutubuntu: wherever you like, & wherever you have >5gig spare02:24
Ryan__yea I installed lm-sensors too with X sensors so it can be utilized02:24
symbioteheres what it looks like root@symbiote:~/Desktop/PodsBlitz/src# ./configure02:25
symbiotebash: ./configure: No such file or directory02:25
icf7Nutubuntu: Configurable, default is /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines or similar.02:25
NutubuntuFrogzoo, icf7 - thanks!02:25
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alpinestari got login so far02:25
Ryan__but now Im wondering must I open the utility to check it?, or does it work automatically somehow?02:25
alpinestarits symbioe02:25
sn0Ryan__ first of all you need to run sudo sensors-detect to find the sensors on your system02:25
alpinestarlet's find the password02:25
|-David-|what's the command to install the nvidia legacy drivers?02:25
symbioteprobably doing soemthing stupid02:25
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sn0then it will prompt to add the correct modules to /etc/modules , so on boot the sensors-applet in gnome should display temps etc, but its afront end for the 'sensors' program that reads the info02:26
c_Can some one please explain what arrays are in bash to me?02:26
Cybodogscript does not work, any ideas on why I386 is non-functional or on how I can get the install script to work?02:26
m1ri made symlink /var/www/sitename /home/ftp/sitename then used mount --bind /var/www/sitename /home/ftp/sitename, but after every reboot files dont show in /home/ftp/sitename, where did i go wrong ?02:26
kkathmanc_  google is a great resource :)02:26
c_Lol, okay I will google it.02:27
kitche|-David-|: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy02:27
sn0m1r add it to /etc/fstab so its mounted on boot up02:27
|-David-|forgot the glx02:27
m1rsn0, ty will try now02:27
|-David-|thanks kitche02:27
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sn0your welcome m1r02:27
TheCougaryou can boot the install cd and it work like a livecd right?02:27
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kitcheTheCougar: the desktop one yes02:28
TheCougarok thats what i'm getting02:28
cebu2007i like to evaluate the 2 os ubuntu and kubuntu how will i setup this02:28
kitche|-David-|: not a problem since I m sitting here bored making packages lol02:28
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Cybodogcebu2007, same OS02:28
Cybodogdiff window manager is all02:28
symbiotemabey ill just use wine to run it if taht will even work02:28
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kitchecebu2007: well since they are the same underlying os you can install one and then bring the other desktop environment into that02:28
sn0Ryan__ there might be ubuntu specific information on the ubuntuforums, but http://www.lm-sensors.org/ has everything you need02:28
cebu2007how will i do that02:29
|-David-|alright, I'm going to give the card a try now02:29
Ryan__kk thank you02:29
gamecheifyo man02:29
Cybodogwhy does everybody type kk for ok?02:29
Frogzoocebu2007: install ubuntu, then install kde02:29
gamecheifi accidently deleted my windows02:29
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pike_cebu2007: install ubuntu then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop02:29
sn0just be sure to install from ubuntu sources, and not the lmsensors website :)02:29
gamecheifi know no one who has a disc and i need to know what to do02:29
pike_cebu2007: at login screen you can click sessions button and login to whichever you like02:29
cebu2007this will not overwrite the ubuntu?02:29
symbiotegamecheif tahts wickked man.. I "accidentally did too ;);)02:30
gamecheifyeah man02:30
Cybodogso:  How do I make my citrix install script setupwfc work with my i386 system?02:30
gamecheifi have the core file on it02:30
Ryan__I was just playing a flash game when I noticed how quiet my laptop gets and doesnt let the fans run02:30
gamecheifi have02:30
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gamecheifthe boot disc02:30
kitchegamecheif: umm nothing really unless you can recover the partition02:30
pike_cebu2007: no kubuntu is same as ubuntu except for the gui environment you can have kde gnome and whatever on same box02:30
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gamecheifit made the partcian02:30
gamecheifall i need is a copy of windows02:30
symbioteu want windows back? omg! traitor!02:30
cebu2007ok i try tnx guys02:30
Cybodogcebu2007, I run ubuntu and use xfce402:30
Ryan__its happened each time I play the game, I hope lm-sensors can change the fans so that they turn on02:30
gamecheifyeah i do02:30
symbiotewalk the plank arrr02:30
gamecheifall of the programs i use02:31
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gamecheifis windows02:31
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gamecheifi cant run them on here02:31
symbiotei got a wickked stripped version of windows..02:31
m1rsn0, where to add it ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25042/02:31
Cybodoggamecheif, good time to find linux alt to your programs?02:31
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symbioteu coudl probably still get some good stripped version on demonoid.com02:31
gamecheifi was trying to set both this and windows p02:31
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sn0m1r on a new line at the end of the file02:31
pike_symbiote: win2k? :)02:31
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m1rsn0, mount --bind ?02:31
cebu2007sudo with the kubuntu live cd?02:31
kitchesymbiote: the ops don't like warez in here :)02:31
symbiotewindows xp.. without the stupid ad on gloryified shit02:31
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symbiotejust liek 200002:32
gamecheifyeah i already own a liscense02:32
kitche!ohmy | symbiote02:32
ubotusymbiote: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:32
MacDrunk_hello any samba expert here??02:32
gamecheifcan i still use that02:32
jmgplease ask your question02:32
Cybodogso, if setupwfc issues /bin/sh bad interpreter, how do I get this script to install:  tried symlink to bash, no joy02:32
sn0oh m1r my apologise, i thought you were mounting a physical partition02:32
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super-6-1hello i need help installing a program manually02:32
KI4IKLIs there a program to design themes for ubuntu?02:32
m1rah :) np m802:32
Cybodogsuper-6-1, what program?02:32
jmgyes, gimp02:32
MacDrunk_no ubuntu expert02:33
Cybodogwhy do you need to set that up manual super-6-102:33
MacDrunk_i mean samba02:33
kitcheMacDrunk_: just ask your question already02:33
CybodogMacDrunk_, what is your samba issue?02:33
Gneaapt-get install madwifi02:33
super-6-1i dont have internet and i need itr to get internet02:33
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gamecheifon here why does my network cards show up02:33
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Cybodoggamecheif, say what?02:34
symbiotei still perfer ubuntu. it runs faster.. though my stripped version runs really fast too.. btu its 32 bit.. I pity it.. lol02:34
gamecheifwhy doesnt my02:34
MacDrunk_i follow some instructions on samba, how to make linux folder avilable on a windows network and it keep asking me for a login and pass02:34
Cybodoggamecheif, show up where, on what, in what way?02:34
gamecheifi have a modded xbox and i cant even get on xbc02:34
Gnea!samba | MacDrunk_02:34
super-6-1Laghing out Lod02:34
ubotuMacDrunk_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:34
symbioteon linux cards go by chip manufacturer not brand name ;)02:34
gamecheifmy network cards on unbuntu02:34
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kitcheMacDrunk_: yes you need to setup a guest account if you don't want it to ask you02:35
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super-6-1athroms loves linux02:35
CybodogMacDrunk_, many many many good howtos on the web for simple samba02:35
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MacDrunk_i just instal swat02:35
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MacDrunk_how o make it work02:35
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josephI presume everyone here is familiar with the network monitor on the panel? The one that allows you to connect to various wireless networks? I accidentally deleted it, and while trying to add a replacement network monitor applet, it only treats my wireless connection as a wired connection (eth1).02:35
GneaMacDrunk_: read those websites02:35
CybodogMacDrunk_, what is the security?02:35
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super-6-1so Cybodog when you get done can you hep me out?02:35
MacDrunk_i will02:35
gamecheifanyone use xbc with linux02:35
GneaMacDrunk_: try #samba too02:35
spasticteapotI are is = Joseph.02:36
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Cybodogsuper-6-1, most software has a readme or install txt.02:36
super-6-1i dont get that well02:36
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m1ri made symlink /var/www/sitename /home/ftp/sitename then used mount --bind /var/www/sitename /home/ftp/sitename, but after every reboot files dont show in /home/ftp/sitename, where did i go wrong ?02:36
symbioteso i guess I might as well give up on trying to compile that ipod appy.. no configure file.. what am i to do..02:36
cebu2007pike i got invalid ops when typing sudo install kubuntu02:36
cebu2007i got live cd02:36
Gneajoseaa: i think there's a way to reconfigure it to point to wlan0 (or whatever the wifi interface is) but i don't have the standard desktop running right now02:37
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Gneaspasticteapot: ^^^02:37
Horrendus01Alright, I know alot of people are here looking for help, and alot of others are answering their questions so hopefully there's someone free enough to help me too02:37
pike_cebu2007: youll want to install ubuntu first. then reboot into your new os. then open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:37
Nutubuntu!ask > Horrendus0102:37
kitchesymbiote: umm compile it by going into the src direct and running javac PodBlitz.java02:37
spasticteapotGnea: Fnord.02:37
GneaHorrendus01: only if you tell us what your problem is.02:37
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spasticteapotOkay, new question: How can I rename eth1 as wlan0?02:37
Horrendus01I've got a Wacom tablet I'd like to set up to work correctly with ubuntu, anyone have any experience with this?02:38
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cebu2007how about logout then open a terminal02:38
bruenigspasticteapot, don't think you can, what is the point anyways in doing that02:38
symbioteoh heyy i found out I can use reiserfsck --fix-fixable to fix my harddrive but it says cannot check harddrive write permissions enabled.. or soemthing liek that02:38
symbioteI tryed it in recovery mode..a nd it terminal..02:38
symbioteoh yeah illt ry taht lol02:38
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super-6-1i cant get in to any directory02:38
kitchespasticteapot: yeah you have to make a udev rule02:39
GneaHorrendus01: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2515102:39
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sn0Horrendus01 what happens when you plug it in, boot ubuntu ?02:39
sn0nice link Gnea02:39
Kaitlyn2004When I start ubuntu and I CTRL+ALT+F1, while its loading everything is OK except the avahi daemon02:39
symbiotegah gotta download javac.. why doesnt linux justc oem with all these handy apps?02:39
Horrendus01sn0 It works, but the buttons do not work correctly, and there is no way to gconfigure them to02:39
jmgsymbiote: windows doesnt, why should linux02:39
Horrendus01I will check out that thread though, brb02:39
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symbiotegotta download javac whyd oesnt linux just coem with all tehse handy apps02:40
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Tm_Tjmg: that's not excuse02:40
Gneasymbiote: space and licensing02:40
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jmgTm_T: same licensing02:40
spasticteapotkitche: I'm trying to get my computer to treat my wireless card as a wireless card, so that the network-monitor applet for the Panel will work.02:40
bruenigsymbiote, not very many people need javac02:40
spasticteapotI'm sick of using iwconfig for everything.02:40
wladstonI have a SAMBA server that accepts both anonymous and non-anonymous connections. Ubuntu is connection anonymously by deafault .. how can I set the username/password to connect to the samba server ?02:40
symbioteha I said it twice sorry02:40
Tm_Tjmg: ?02:40
kitchespasticteapot: well the name won't matter anyways02:40
jmgspasticteapot: you will still need to02:40
jmgspasticteapot: use network-manager if you want a gui02:40
Gnea!samba > wladston02:41
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User___hi guys, need some help with ubunut 7.04 server , i'm not sure my network card is correctly installed02:41
Kaitlyn2004When ubunut is starting up/loading... i CTRL+ALT+F1 and everything loads OK except the avahi daemon.. any ideas?02:41
wladstonGnea: ? !samba ?02:41
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Gnea!samba | wladston02:41
ubotuwladston: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:41
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Gneawladston: it should have pm'd you.02:41
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CybodogHey, I found my issue with the citrix install script:  had to copy to /root and run as su -02:41
Cybodoggo figure02:41
=== Gnea just loves it when people pay attention
symbiotehaha javac is in a bunch of different things but not in a single file by itself.. so ill download Kaffe.. makes me wanna have coffee02:42
wladstonGnea: oh, it did ... sorry :)02:42
=== wladston reads
spasticteapotjmg: Normally, you can just click on the icon and select a wireless network.02:42
Cybodogfyi, in the event some one else shows up with that issue.02:42
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Cybodogit works in x64, but not in I386 unbuntu with a simple sudo su02:42
GneaKaitlyn2004: what sort of error is it giving, exactly?02:42
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symbiotehasha its a virtual machine neatt..02:42
Kaitlyn2004Gnea: It just shows failed in red02:42
Kaitlyn2004while everything else shows OK02:42
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Kaitlyn2004from what I see not from the console, it loads VERY slowly, and takes FOREVER to show the login screen, which I can't get past.. and it's EXTREMELY laggy02:43
kitchesymbiote: think podblitz was made with Sun's java02:43
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GneaKaitlyn2004: mkay, if you open a root terminal and then do a /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon restart  (or something similar) do you get any more information?02:43
Kaitlyn2004lemme start it up...02:43
CantiI'm looking for a way to monitor disk activity (see whats writing to the disk whats reading from it and how fast its all happening)02:43
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MinceRhow can i pass a parameter to a module at booting the livecd? pressing F6 and inserting "saa7134.pinnacle_remote=1" before or after the "--" doesn't work.02:44
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pi3I don't understand why I don't have some internet services but I can still use IRC02:44
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puffI just went to do a dist-upgrade and it seems that a zillion packages are now "untrusted".  What's  up?02:44
symbiotekaffe is a java virtual machine.. its teh same thing.. it just had teh shortest filename "kaffe" so i downlaoded it cuz im lazy lol02:44
pi3I can't browse the web for example02:44
kitche!ipv6 | pi3 this might be why02:44
ubotupi3 this might be why: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv402:44
FrogzooMinceR: it should go on the kernel line02:44
pi3neither I can ping02:44
kitchesymbiote: not really it was made from scratch02:44
puffDoes this mean that a) something's gone wacky with the repository servers for feisty or b) something's messed up on my box?02:44
symbiotemabey its better !02:45
pi3hey kitche, I can't surf :s02:45
Kaitlyn2004Gnea: even the terminal is SO slow for some reason02:45
kitcheI really need to get hotspot and javac compiled02:45
MinceRFrogzoo: but i do access that from the livecd boot menu via f6, right?02:45
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lengendhello i can't get my wireless to work through the network-manager how do i get it to work? i am using a Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection02:46
terrestrehi, someone using mono?02:46
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GneaKaitlyn2004: try this command in the terminal: top   it should tell you what process(es) are chewing things up02:46
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pi3who can tell me how to disable IPv6? (I can't browse the internet)02:46
kitcheterrestre: what do you mean by mono do you mean for programming or just for running a program02:46
FrogzooMinceR: sounds right, don't use the live cd myself02:46
Kaitlyn2004takes a while to even process commands...02:46
Frogzoo!ipv6 | pi302:46
ubotupi3: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv402:46
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kitcheFrogzoo: read before you do that :)02:47
dhuvpi3: are you sure thats the problem?02:47
Kaitlyn2004NetworkManager is using 99% of CPU02:47
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symbiotewow kaffe seems the suck teh more I read about it.. but damn.. I sure loove coffee02:47
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rahalhow to check if my wifi card is correctly installed02:47
terrestrekitche: monodevelop, sorry for my english02:47
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GneaKaitlyn2004: kill it.02:47
FrogzooKaitlyn2004: is /var/log/messages reporting disk errors?02:47
Kaitlyn2004how do I kill it? kill <pid>?02:47
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wladstonGnea: oh, so there is no way to set the user/password without manually editing /etc/fastab, right ?02:47
Frogzookitche: ?02:47
puffkitche: Why not just apt-get sun-java5-jdk?02:47
kitchebah didn't compile lynx with https support02:47
rahalin ubuntu server ( no graphic interface)02:47
|-David-|btw, thanks kitche, now my card works flawlessly.02:47
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Kaitlyn2004it failed02:48
cebu2007now i hav live cd kubuntu how to install this live on my feisty without overwriting it02:48
kitchepuff: umm hard to do that when I m on FreeBSD02:48
Kaitlyn2004operation not permitted02:48
Gneawladston: uh, i don't know02:48
GneaKaitlyn2004: are you sure you're root?02:48
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Gneatype: id02:48
MinceRit just says "unknown boot option: ignoring"02:48
puffkitche: Then why are you in #ubuntu? :-)02:48
kitchepuff: but I rather try out the open source stuff before02:48
kitchepuff: helping :)02:48
MinceReven with saa7134.blacklist=yes02:48
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wladstonGnea: according to those guides, yeah .. do you think it should be good to suggest that on launchpad ?02:48
puffkitche: Ah, well thanks.02:48
lengendwow this is pissing me off, can't get internet02:48
Kaitlyn2004im logged in under "kaitlyn"02:49
puffkitche: FWIW, I"m a java developer, been developing java apps on linux for, oh, about five or six years.02:49
Nutubuntupi3 do you still need instrux how to disable ip6?02:49
pi3dhuv: kitche told me that it might be, let me tell you what it's happening: I suddenly couldn't browse the internet nor ping google, but I can still use IRC02:49
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symbiotelegend u using a usb key for wireless?02:49
GneaKaitlyn2004: ok, try this: sudo su02:49
puffWas mainly doing it on solaris before that :-).02:49
lengendno a linksys WRT54G router02:49
Gneashould log you into root02:49
lengendi am using a laptop with the Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection02:49
AcuI want to make two virtual hosts on a local are network  Apache 2.2.  Which file have to have the virtual host configuration?02:49
CantiIs there a way to monitor disk activity?02:49
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kitchepuff: I had javac installed on Source Mage but I kinda stopped working on that project before I finished the spell for javac and hotspot02:49
GneaCanti: procinfo02:49
dhuvpi3: it can be dns02:49
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puffIf you're trying out the open source, non-sun java stuff, more power to you, let me know how it turns out.  IF you want to actually et stuff done, AFAIK you're dozens of times better off just using the suns tbeuff.02:49
Kaitlyn2004gnez it went to the next line.. like its still processing it02:50
Kaitlyn2004duno why it would take so long :S02:50
pi3dhuv: is it possible that my ISP's dns went down?02:50
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lengendsymbiote are you able to help me out?02:50
dhuvpi3: ping
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GneaKaitlyn2004: what's your cpu?02:50
symbiotewell all i know is USB key wireless adapter dont work at all in ubuntu.. they load and looks liek theyw ork and even detect networks but will never ever ever connect to one.. even if ur right next to the access point02:50
cebu2007pike r u still there?02:50
kitchepuff: well considering it's still sun's stuff :)02:50
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dhuvlengend: still trying to fix the wlan problem?02:50
Kaitlyn2004Gnea: ummm pentium 4 2.6602:50
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lengendi have tried everything02:50
pi3dhuv: yes i can02:50
puffSo nobody has any thoguhts on the "untrusted source" warning?02:50
dhuvpi3: its dns then02:51
Kaitlyn2004BUG: soft lockup deteced on COU#002:51
pi3dhuv: should i use opendns?02:51
lengendi also tried sudo gedit /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf02:51
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symbiotei dono enough about networking on ubuntu yet.. i just knwow hat doesntw ork lol02:51
GneaKaitlyn2004: should be fine then, might need to tweak it to use different bootup arguments tho02:51
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kitchepuff: since FreeBSD actually has a port for sun java but haven't tried it myself yet since I don't do java programming anymore really02:51
lengendlike its frustrating you can't get internet02:51
cebu2007somebody knows how to install live cd kubuntu feisty without overwriting ubuntu feisty?02:51
GneaKaitlyn2004: sounds like a hardware issue02:51
dhuvlengend: does iwconfig show an interface that has wireless extensions?02:51
puffkitche: Yeah, what do you do instead?02:51
GneaKaitlyn2004: did you get the root prompt?02:52
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Kaitlyn2004I had my USB wifi in02:52
Kaitlyn2004unplugged that02:52
Kaitlyn2004and its fine!02:52
kitchepuff: well I m in college right now I know java javascript and going to learn VB but I work as a housekeeper right now :)02:52
lengendit shows eth102:52
terrestrecebu2007: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop :)02:52
Kaitlyn2004oh my fucking god!02:52
GneaKaitlyn2004: right on02:52
Kaitlyn2004this gave me GREIF02:52
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lengenddhuv: eth1 is wireless02:52
PriceChildKaitlyn2004, please watch your language and don't use enter as punctuation02:52
cebu2007but i got invalid ops02:52
m1ri made symlink /var/www/sitename /home/ftp/sitename then used mount --bind /var/www/sitename /home/ftp/sitename, but after every reboot files dont show in /home/ftp/sitename, where did i go wrong ?02:53
symbioteI knwo hwo to install kubuntu!!! did u already do it.. did u get a blank screen? i dont knwo of a fix for taht yet but I got a workaround u select recovery mode from teh grub and type "init 5" after all teh laoding is done.. and then it will load.. same problem with me in ubuntu.. cant fix it..02:53
dhuvlengend: does it has a mac address after Access Point: ?02:53
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Kaitlyn2004the networkmanager process gave me the idea... dunno why I didn't think of it before!02:53
GneaKaitlyn2004: yeah, no swearing in here, 'tis a family channel02:53
gamecheifyo im dl'ing win xp right now02:53
Kaitlyn2004PriceChild: sorry... this is the end to my horrible long grief, hehe02:53
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lengenddhuv: no02:53
dhuvwhich app are you using to configure the wireless network?02:53
cebu2007from the live cd?02:53
Frogzoopuff: sudo apt-key list02:54
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lengendi am trying termian02:54
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|-David-|when I use the command "glxinfo | grep direct" i get the message "extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"." Any takers?02:54
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gamecheifwhat does the live cd do02:54
Kaitlyn2004Gnea: alright.. so what have I got as basic apps in ubuntu? :)02:54
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Frogzoogamecheif: you can run from the live cd without instaling02:54
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dhuvlengend: you are using commands? like "iwconfig eth1 essid somenetwork ap auto"?02:54
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lengendnope i haven't tried those02:54
GneaKaitlyn2004: click on 'applications' and it should lay it all out :)02:54
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dhuvlengend: then what have you tried02:55
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KI4IKLI have mounted a shared window server with samba, how do I keep it from showing the icon on the desktop02:55
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lengendi have tried that02:55
PyroSamaGnea: Is there a disk activity monitor that will show real time disk read write?02:55
puffFrogzoo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25046/02:55
rahalhow to check if my network device is correctly installed please , in console mode02:55
GneaPyroSama: procinfo02:55
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symbiotecebu2007 dewd thats easy.. u gotta have a empty partition or u can resize ur other partition at the partition part in the install..02:55
pi3who can give me the opendns ip?02:55
puffkitche: Ah, well, good luck then.02:56
horst666hello, can everybody help me i have a problem with the network manager02:56
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rahalits pretty hard to get my wifi up since i'm not sure my network device is correctly installed02:56
PyroSamaGnea: I installed it and ran it but it shows no info on what is doing what nor does it update in real time unless I run the command continuously02:56
Nutubuntupi3 IIRC it's ... checking ...02:56
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:56
digin4hmm what's the command to get gcc so i can compile source packages on ubuntu 7.04?02:56
|-David-|when I use the command "glxinfo | grep direct" i get the message "extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"." Any takers?02:56
bluefox83gamecheif, google it02:56
symbioteive installed ubuntu or fedora or kubuntu enough times to say im pro at it lol02:56
Gnea!caps | gamecheif02:56
ubotugamecheif: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:56
sn0digin4 aptitude install build-essential02:56
puffgamecheif: Brasero, gnomebaker.02:57
dhuvlengend: personally I would try a wireless network management app to connect, it will save the profile and automatically connect to networks when you move from one location to another02:57
GneaPyroSama: are you familiar with the man command?  man procinfo02:57
MacDrunk_cybodog are u there02:57
digin4sn0, i thank thee sir02:57
cebu2007they say install it without overwriting the pervious os how will i do that02:57
lengenddhuv which program would i use?02:57
pi3Nutubuntu: it seems that my dns isn't working, can i just paste the opendns ip in my dns list?02:57
horst666where can i find the german channel02:57
Kaitlyn2K4Gnea: so I have my ethernet plugged in.. but no internet?02:57
dhuvlengend: you use gnome?02:57
lengendi use ubuntu02:57
symbiotecebu2007 but yeah man just make sure u got a empty partition or enough freespace i believe 5 GB.. so u can resize and make a new partition02:58
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:58
cebu2007when i sudo it only downloaded from the internet but i want to install it with the live cd02:58
sn0noproblem digin402:58
puffdhuv: I haven't really found those apps useful;  there are too many hotspots in my area, when I use the GUI wifi apps they tend to latch onto the wrong hotspot.02:58
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bluefox83how do you add a podcast to amarok from firefox?02:58
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Louie24707A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.02:58
puffdhuv: The most irritating being the starbucks/tmobile, which then redirects me to their credit card gateway.02:58
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Nutubuntupi3 ... I had the wrong IP addy; it is or
PyroSamaGnea: Ah ok there is more to it than I realized02:58
PyroSamaGnea: Thank you :)02:58
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dhuvpuff: you can tell them to connect to a certain network02:59
puffFrogzoo: So apt-keys says  pub   1024D/969F3F57 2005-02-15 [expired: 2007-02-15] 02:59
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dhuvlengend: you can try wifi-radar02:59
Kaitlyn2K4so from a fresh install, how do I get my LAN to work?02:59
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pi3thank you Nutubuntu02:59
Nutubuntupi3 - sudo network-admin02:59
lengendhow do i install it with no internet?02:59
GneaKaitlyn2K4: check it: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-graphical-tool.html02:59
dhuvlengend: how are you on irc?02:59
lengendthis is a different pc03:00
Frogzoopuff: you have the necessary ubuntu keys - try the us mirror maybe03:00
lengendmy laptop is beside me03:00
pi3Nutubuntu: do I have to reload the dns list or something? because it's not working yet03:00
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Gneathis is good too for setting up the NETWORK: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html03:00
puffFrogzoo: Hm, set my apt repos to be the us mirror?03:00
horst666i need help about the network manager03:00
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Gneahorst666: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-graphical-tool.html03:01
Nutubuntupi3 - Key those IPs into the DNS Servers field of the DNS tab, at the top03:01
lengendthanks Gnea i'll try that03:01
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dhuvlengend: can you hook it up with a network cable or no?03:01
NutubuntuBe well, all - gtg; back later03:01
horst666thanks i try it03:01
lengendyes but i would have to disconnect this computer, but i need wireless to work ok03:01
lengendso brb03:01
dhuvperhaps just to connect the first time to download it you can use the command line03:01
Kaitlyn2K4Gnea: it seems a tad different.. but I have no "enable this connection" - though it does seemt o be enabled03:01
WhoNeedszzzHello all, I was trying to use the accelerated drivers for my GeForce 8800 GTS and after it says that it can't find the screen03:02
dhuvlengend: you want to try the command line first?03:02
symbiotecebu2007 if you wanna install it with teh live cd.. put the cd in ur drive restart ur comp and press del and change ur comp to boot from cd first.. then exit and save that then when prompted boot from cd.. or it will do it by itself..03:02
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cebu2007symbiote, will it overwrite my existing os? ubuntu feisty03:03
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chrisjs169how can i record audio playing through my computer's speakers?03:04
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GneaKaitlyn2K4: i would try the commandline as well (i'm a commandline junkie) and see if that works too03:04
dhuvI am using kubuntu so I use a kde wireless manager, but does anybody know of a wireless manager in gnome that ubuntu has packages for?03:04
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dhuvI am looking but cannot seem to find anything gnome specific03:05
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WhoNeedszzzhas anyone had my problem?03:05
symbiotecebu2007 i dono ur file system layout.. if its on a different harddrive no it wont.. if u overwrite the partition NTFS or FAT32 is on yes of course it will delete it.. but if u got enough freespace it will be fine..03:05
symbioteread this guide is helps a bit http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Ubuntu-7-04-Windows-User-P-O-V-52973.shtml03:05
bulioI'm trying to play an MP3 in amarok in 7.04, but all my music files have a funny "scratching noise" in them03:05
bulioanyone know why?03:05
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Frogzoorecommendations for a package to do matrix calculations ?03:05
=== silvertip257 would like to speak with anyone who has created their own custom Live CD
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Horrendus01okay, I read all that stuff on that page about the tablet, and I made some necessary changes to it to make sure it works03:05
Frogzoobulio: which distro?03:05
WhoNeedszzzbulio, did you install the mp3 support?03:05
dhuvchrisjs169: through your speakers?03:05
bulioWhoNeedszzz, yes03:05
dhuvyou mean use a mic?03:05
symbioteuse guided re-size ur partyitions..03:06
bulioFrogzoo, Xubuntu 7.0403:06
Horrendus01Is there any way to configure the tablet more though?  any way to make the buttons on the pen work the way I want them to?03:06
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bulioWhoNeedszzz, the files play, but have a scratchy noise in the,03:06
cebu2007so better to partition it? igot only 1 hd partitioned with xp ang feisty03:06
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WhoNeedszzzit might be the mp3s themselves03:06
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buliothey play fine on windows03:06
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symbiotei gtg do the lawn though.. theres lots of otehr documentation on installing dfesity gogole it :D03:06
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Frogzoobulio: try changing engines, if you can03:06
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bulioFrogzoo, tried it03:06
DgrMousehow do i change the date and time from the command prompt?03:07
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chrisjs169dhuv: I mean like a way to record audio currently playing (such as streaming music etc) kind of like opd2d on windows03:07
punsadI installed kubuntu and want to switch to ubuntu -  I went ahead and did 'apt-get install gnome gnome-session'.  Is there anything else I need to do?03:07
bulioFrogzoo, wait, I only have xine03:07
FrogzooDgrMouse: man date & hwclock03:07
chrisjs169dhuv: I don't really know what else to call it...03:07
super-6-1hello i need connecting to a directory03:07
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WhoNeedszzzanyone know about my accelerated driver issue?03:07
DgrMouseFrogzoo: thnks03:07
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dhuvchrisjs169: the second statement was a better description I think :)03:07
jujjjjjjtjhtfgghhey guys03:07
Bob_le_PointuHum...hello then.03:07
spicypoohFeisty 64-bit - what's the latest kernel available?  I only see 2.6.20-1503:07
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dhuvare you looking to record a stream, which app are you using to play that stream?03:08
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WhoNeedszzzspicypooh, DONT use it03:08
jujjjjjjtjhtfgghanyone know the path to the php5 executable on fiesty?03:08
punsadis there anything else to switchinfrom kubuntu to ubuntu other than installing gnome?03:08
Bob_le_PointuDoes someone has graphics issues with games using Q3 engine, with an ATI card ?03:08
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WhoNeedszzzit isn't ready yet03:08
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dhuvchrisjs169: if its a podcase, you can have amarok download it and you will have the mp303:08
zemonstashi, I want to run irexec .lircrc -d after bootup in runlevel 5 without the Sessions manager (after logging in/logging out it has two instances of irexec) what are my options?03:08
Bob_le_Pointujujjjjjjtjhtfggh: /usr/bin/php503:08
bulioFrogzoo, how can I install another engine?03:08
WhoNeedszzzstick with 32-bit03:08
spasticteapotIs anyone here familiar with the Network-Monitor applet for the panel?03:08
jujjjjjjtjhtfgghthanks bob03:08
spicypoohany reason why?03:08
WhoNeedszzzit won't run well03:09
WhoNeedszzzi have had many problems03:09
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spicypoohworks great for me03:09
WhoNeedszzzi just reinstalled 32-bit today03:09
chrisjs169dhuv: it's a stream played through a web browser, so I don't really know how I'd get the url of the exact file03:09
spicypooheverything runs beautfitully03:09
WhoNeedszzzu can't install flash03:09
Frogzoobulio: I don't think you can run gstreamer anyhow, & xine is best - you using the alsa output?03:09
zero-9376i have just installed feisty on my desktop and am having problems with my nvidia card. it was working last night and now x fails to start with Failed to load module "wfb" (module does not exist, 0)03:09
spicypoohno big deal - use VMware ;)03:09
spasticteapotWith a fresh install, the Network-Monitor panel applet was configured so that I could click on it, and then click a local wireless network. It was awesome. However, I accidentally deleted the icon, and now when I try to replace it, it treats my wireless connection (eth1) as an ethernet connection, and it does not have the signal level or connection selector.03:10
spasticteapotHow can I get it back?03:10
chrisjs169dhuv: by a 'played through a web browser' i mean like a web based app (kinda tired right now, not thinking straight)03:10
tonsofpcsIf I have two apt repos set up with a package of the same name in each of them, how do I choose where it is gotten from?03:10
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WhoNeedszzzi'm a developer so it isn't stable enough for me03:10
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horst666excuse me gnea but the link dont help me...........if i disconnect my network (i click on the network manager symbol in the panel) after this i click on the network manager again......i become not an internet connection03:10
dhuvchrisjs169: so you got to a website and listen online?03:10
spicypoohSo far it's working well - been running it for about a month03:10
WhoNeedszzzhas anyone had accelerated graphics issues?03:10
chrisjs169dhuv: basically, yes03:11
tonsofpcs[whoneedszzz - that was to you] 03:11
WhoNeedszzzthought so03:11
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spicypoohHow hard was it to reinstall? - did you have to completely wipe?03:11
WhoNeedszzzknow how to fix it?03:11
tonsofpcsyea, I had to manually grab the binary graphics driver from ati03:11
EADG_How can I startx with wmii instead of KDE? Is there a file I can edit?03:11
WhoNeedszzzspicypooh, no just reformat the linux partition03:11
bulioFrogzoo, alsa output, stereo 2.003:11
pike_spasticteapot: maybe a sudo dpkg-reconfigure network-monitor would work03:11
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zero-9376i looked on an arch forum and they said to install nvidia-utils, which isnt in the repos for ubuntu03:12
WhoNeedszzzbut of course you would want to back-up your stuff03:12
Pozarohey i just downloaded the flash plugin for fire fox how do I go about installing it03:12
zero-9376which packages should i install to have accelerated nvidia drivers03:12
spicypoohlol ;)03:12
WhoNeedszzzzero-9376, make sure you are using all available repos03:12
pike_EADG_: i usually use ~/.xinitrc and put exec whatever in that file then run xinit from cli03:12
dhuvchrisjs169: never needed to do that so have not checked, but I have found that some of the links are to an mp3 on the web, but if you go to it in firefox, it will start playing in the browser with the mplayer plugin03:12
Pozaroif anyoneknows a good site to show me how to do this please send me the url03:12
WhoNeedszzzzero, i am having the same issue03:12
dhuvso in cases like those, you might be able to use wget to download the mp303:12
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punsadPozaro: isn't there a package available for that?03:12
EADG_pike_: Thanks, I'll give that a go.03:13
Pozaroi dunno i am new to linux03:13
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Sh3r1ffPozaro: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:13
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Pozarowhen i go to certain sites it want show flash or java apps03:13
WhoNeedszzzyou could just use add/remove...03:13
spasticteapotpike_: No good.03:13
Polygon89Im trying to use the gnome floppy formatter (gfloppy), but it says its not installed and i have the package that includes it (gnome-utils) installed....03:13
Frogzoobulio: that's all fine, don't know03:13
WhoNeedszzzand search flash03:13
Pozaroadd remove?03:13
spasticteapotI apparently don't have that package.03:13
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chrisjs169dhuv: ok, but that's kinda not exactly what it is - it's like a web based media player, so it 'hides' the url03:13
pike_spasticteapot: maybe its being run with some switches? all you did was delete the icon right?03:14
spicypoohone thing I've noticed is there is a major lack in updates for 64-bit :( - was considering reinstalling i386 but don't want to go to that extreme03:14
punsadPozaro: just type the command that Sh3r1ff gave.  Be sure to include 'sudo' as the first word you type.  You will be promped for your password03:14
zero-9376ok im changing from the iinet mirror to default feisty but should i go with nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new03:14
WhoNeedszzzwhat happened to FULL nvidia support?03:14
jadderhow to close vi03:14
punsadjadder: :q03:14
Sh3r1ffjadder: escape :q03:14
dhuvPozaro: Ubuntu has an installer package for the macromedia flash plugin03:14
WhoNeedszzzspicy, it isn't that difficult03:14
spasticteapotpike_: Yeah.03:14
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jadderdoesnt work03:14
pike_jadder: q or q! to quit without saving or wq to quit and save or.. a few other things :)03:14
spasticteapotI then tried to add another Network-Monitor applet, but it treats it as an ethernet connection.03:14
dhuvPozaro: search for flashplugin-nonfree03:14
Polygon89what is a program to format floppy disks?03:14
Pozaroit says the package is missing for the flash03:14
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chrisjs169dhuv: so I think I'm mostly looking for an audio capture program03:15
dhuvchrisjs169: oh, sorry I don't know then03:15
pike_spasticteapot: maybe someone here (im not on ubuntu) can take a look at their laucher and give you the command line its using03:15
Sh3r1ffPozaro: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:15
zero-9376btw i have a fx550003:15
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chrisjs169dhuv: ok, thanks anyway03:15
tonsofpcschrisjs169: what are you trying to do?03:15
pike_spasticteapot: or i guess livecd test03:15
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FireHazard17im on xchat but im trying to learn irssi can some one help me?03:15
dhuvchrisjs169: yeah I hear ya, thats definitely what you need, I don't know of any03:15
pike_FireHazard17: fire away03:15
spasticteapotpike_: I can create a new account to get it configured properly (it's a default), but I already did that once.03:15
spasticteapotYes, I did the same thing twice by accident.03:16
WhoNeedszzzstick with XChat03:16
spasticteapotI'd rather just learn how to fix it.03:16
FireHazard17is there a way to list all the rooms ona server03:16
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horst666how can i aktivate my internet connection03:16
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jadderE37: No write since last change (add ! to override)03:16
tonsofpcschrisjs169: what audio library do you use?03:16
Sh3r1ffjadder: :q!03:16
pike_FireHazard17: /list but brace yourself03:16
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chrisjs169tonsofpcs: what do you mean?03:16
pyrohotdogCan someone please take a look at http://pastebin.ca/557590 and help me out?03:16
WhoNeedszzzdoes anyone here use geforce 8 series?03:16
jadderI press enter03:17
Sh3r1ffjadder: :wq or :x if you want to save03:17
snerfuI do WhoNeedszzz.03:17
Pozaroit says flashplugin-free has no installation candidate03:17
snerfu8600 GTS03:17
WhoNeedszzzsnerfu are you able to use the accelerated graphics?03:17
tonsofpcschrisjs169: OSS? ALSA? JACK?03:17
Sh3r1ffPozaro: nonfree ;)03:17
jadderbee bee03:17
Sh3r1ffPozaro: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:17
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FireHazard17heh heh heh03:17
snerfuYes WhoNeedszzz, I had to download the new drivers manually from nvidias website.03:17
chrisjs169tonsofpcs: ALSA03:17
zero-9376nvidia-utils is still not in the repos after changing back to default ones and enabling all, also just checked packages.ubuntu.org03:17
FireHazard17you were right03:17
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WhoNeedszzzsnerfu what all do i have to?03:17
tonsofpcschrisjs169: with alsa, normally you can't03:18
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PozaroThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:18
Pozarois only available from another source03:18
PozaroE: Package flashplugin-nonfree has no installation candidate03:18
FireHazard17doess it ever stop?03:18
chrisjs169tonsofpcs: i've tried OSS i think would that be any better?03:18
tonsofpcsif you install jack, you can route any audio output into any audio input, treating applications on your system like they are devices on a rack and you are patching between 'jack's on them03:18
gamecheifyo man03:18
WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, and it seems the latest drivers for windows are horrible03:18
gamecheifi need help finding03:18
FireHazard17it not even in order!03:18
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FireHazard17is there a way to stop it?03:18
gamecheifprograms that allow you to create isos on linux03:18
snerfuWhoNeedszzz, its pretty easy, you need the linux-headers package installed and then just run the nvidia installer from their website in sudo.03:19
m1rvsftpd ,ln -s created , but why i need to do "mount --bind /var/www/3tcable /home/ftp/3tcable" every time i reboot to be able to see files ?03:19
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silvertip257FireHazard17:  try something like Ctrl+C03:19
Frogzootonsofpcs: does jack work ok on feisty?03:19
pyrohotdogAll the menus and other font on my machine are just squares!03:19
simmerzhas anyone played with linuxmce?03:19
silvertip257might work firehazard03:19
snerfuWhoNeedszzz, Well the new drivers are the only ones that support my new video card.03:19
tonsofpcsFrogzoo: yea03:19
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tonsofpcsubuntustudio is built on feisty and includes jackd preinstalled with audio03:19
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WhoNeedszzzsnerfu same here i believe but they aren't running right03:19
pyrohotdogSetting up xfonts-scalable (1.0.0-6) ...03:19
Frogzoopyrohotdog: check the font paths are correct in /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:19
pyrohotdogusage error: unrecognized option03:19
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WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, i keep getting yellow screens on higher settings03:19
jadderwhen I write :wq03:20
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jadderjust write it03:20
Sh3r1ffjadder: yes03:20
zero-9376leaving to try with nvidia-glx-new03:20
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FireHazard17also i dont know how to exit terminal programs i used to just close the terminal emulator bu tis there a real way?03:20
gamecheifcan anyone tell me what program to use to create isos03:20
jadderhow i close vi and save03:20
Sh3r1ffjadder: press escape key first03:20
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FrogzooFireHazard17: ctrl d03:20
snerfuWhoNeedszzz, ahh sorry can't help much there I stop at 1280x1024 on mine.03:20
FireHazard17thank you03:20
Frogzoogamecheif: k3b03:20
WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, i was using 1024x768!03:21
Sh3r1ffjadder: no prob03:21
Pozarois there a website on instalign plugins to fire fox?03:21
pike_FireHazard17: you can also ctrl-z and fg $1 to bring it back up if you like03:21
silvertip257gamecheif:  k3b or kiso work well03:21
logicwaxanyone have this problem?  I'm on fiesty.....I turned on the desktop effects.....had the 3d cube for like an hour or so....don't got it anymore since reboot03:21
pike_FireHazard17: handy sometimes03:21
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snerfuWhoNeedszzz, are you using the drivers from their website?03:21
snerfuWhoNeedszzz, wht kind of card do you have?03:21
silvertip257logicwax:  you need to add it to the startup03:21
silvertip257logicwax:  lemme get you a link03:21
logicwaxBUT i do have it when I switch to another resolution03:21
silvertip257logicwax:  oh hmm03:22
m1rcan someone help with startup of "mount --bind" command ?03:22
WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, 8800 GTS 320MB03:22
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Sh3r1ffm1r: moubt -o bind?03:22
Sh3r1ffm1r: mount -o bind?03:22
silvertip257logicwax:  are you using beryl to be exact?03:22
snerfuHmm that should work ok WhoNeedszzz.03:22
Sh3r1ffsilvertip257: desktop effects is compiz03:22
WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, that's what i thought03:22
m1rSh3r1ff , will that make it permanent ?03:22
logicwaxdunno...i used to use beryl.    i just formatted and installed fiesty, is that compiz or fiesty?03:23
pyrohotdogMy xorg.conf appears to be correct.03:23
logicwaxah, compiz then i guess03:23
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WhoNeedszzzsnerfu it's PNY if that makes a diff03:23
logicwaxhow do you config compiz then?03:23
ruffleShi everybody. anyone know how i set a keyboard shortcut for affinity? i'd like to use the win key for that03:23
snerfuWhoNeedszzz, ill do a little searching on the forums and see what I can find.03:23
silvertip257sh3r1ff:  beryl is compiz now; they merged recently03:23
WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, thanks03:23
Sh3r1ffm1r: no, you can unmount it, and after a reboot it no longer is mounted03:23
Sh3r1ffsilvertip257: didn't know that03:23
ruffleSbtw affinity is a program03:23
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dewittanybody know some tweaks to speed up internet, i have dsl but it goes like turtle speed, i am new to ubuntu03:23
m1rSh3r1ff ty m8 i will try now03:24
snerfuWhoNeedszzz, I am by no means a great authority on nvidia drivers so keep asking while i look too, hehe.03:24
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logicwaxbecause its still not a cube....but a 2-desktop "plate"   i added more workspaces in gnome.......so i need to know how to config compiz i guess03:24
WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, no one is responding03:24
silvertip257sh3r1ff:  recently installed beryl 3d desktop and read up on the devel notes03:24
Sh3r1ffdewitt: stop leeching ;)03:24
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pyrohotdogSetting up xfonts-scalable (1.0.0-6) ...03:24
pyrohotdogusage error: unrecognized option03:24
Sh3r1fflogicwax: apt-get install gnome-compiz-manager03:24
WhoNeedszzzdoes anyone know about the latest nvidia driver?03:25
snerfuWhoNeedszzz, is it yellow with squares?03:25
WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, no just yellow with vague outlines of people03:26
Sh3r1fflogicwax: then on terminal run gnome-compiz-manager03:26
silvertip257logicwax:  if you want the 3d cube & other effects, you can install beryl03:26
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snerfuWhoNeedszzz, did you install the nvidia-glx package by chance?03:27
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WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, yes03:27
snerfuok still looking03:27
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sldkfjWhoneedszzz, read about it here:   http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp03:27
WhoNeedszzzthere is nothing to read03:28
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Salazarhello... can anybody tell me what the command to check my system version is?03:29
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silvertip257logicwax:  if you want beryl 3d desktop on startup, please read this forum thread:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28650803:29
Sh3r1ffSalazar: uname -a03:29
Salazarunname -a? I don't think that's the one03:29
logicwaxsilvertip257: is beryl better03:29
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SalazarI used another one a few hours ago03:29
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spasticteapotI have a problem with a PCMCIA CD-ROM drive. It worked great after I plugged it in, but the card was jerked out accidentally. Now, I can't eject or unmount CD1, and plugging the drive back in does nothing.03:30
m1rSh3r1ff, i tryed with mount -o bind but files dont show again :/03:30
terrestreSalazar:  lsb_release -a maybe03:30
silvertip257logicwax:  Beryl and Compiz (at least the plugins part of compiz) are now merging, in the hope of a better future.03:30
Salazarthat's the onbe03:30
Horrendus01can anyone point me in the direction of how to start to setup my wireless for ubuntu?03:30
logicwaxsilvertip257: but at the current moment?   which is better for performance03:30
Horrendus01on ubuntu**03:30
silvertip257logicwax:  that came from:  http://www.beryl-project.org/03:30
Sh3r1ffm1r: mount -o bind isofile dirtomounto03:30
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pi3$ bash == $ sh ?03:30
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WhoNeedszzzpi3 no03:30
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silvertip257logicwax:  I don't know which is better for performance, they are both graphics intensive window managers =)03:31
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sldkfjWhoneedszzz, ok, read what it says the 'Release Highlights' are for amd64 here:   http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_100.14.09.html03:31
WhoNeedszzztwo different beasts03:31
m1rSh3r1ff , is vsftpd problem , mount -o bind /var/www/sitename /home/ftp/sitename03:31
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lengendi finally got my wireless to work03:31
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WhoNeedszzzsldkfj, why 64?03:31
Sh3r1ffm1r: use bind -o loop for a directory to mount in another directory03:31
WhoNeedszzzi am using 32-bit03:31
AirHead30Question: Is there a way to mount an NTFS drive with writable permissions on Ubuntu?03:31
Defientdoes anyone know what "128mb (max)" sticker mean on my computer?03:32
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pyrohotdogAirHead30: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g03:32
jaddercan I create a dir *folder wih vi?03:32
jadderI know with mkdir03:32
WhoNeedszzzsldkfj, although it doesn't matter because neither of them support the 880003:32
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AirHead30pyrohotdog: Then I can just mount it normally?03:32
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sn0nn all little penguins03:32
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m1rSh3r1ff  mounts with command , but after reboot it is unmounted in /home/ftp/sitename03:33
pyrohotdogAirHead30: Yep/03:33
sldkfjWhoneedszzz, then you read it  :p~~~~~03:33
m1ri will try loop now03:33
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AirHead30pyrohotdog: Okay, thanks :)03:33
Sh3r1ffm1r: if you want it to be permanent add it in fstab03:33
WhoNeedszzzsldkfj, what are you talking about?03:33
jriachiin the installation, i had lots of problems (like my configuration not taking effect) with the "NetworkManager Applet", are they know bugs?03:33
spasticteapotjriachi: Same bloody problem.03:34
sldkfjWhoNeedszzz, apparently something over your head03:34
jaddercan I create a dir with vi?03:34
m1ri c03:34
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WhoNeedszzzsldkfj, i said it isn't supported in linux....03:34
Defientdoes anyone know what "128mb (max)" sticker mean on my computer?03:34
Sh3r1ffsldkfj: don't laugh with little people ;)03:34
spasticteapotjriachi: I accidentally removed mine, added another, and now it treats my wireless adapter as an ethernet card - I don't have the connection selection or signal bars or other good stuff.03:34
jriachispasticteapot: do that problems appear in the installed  system also?03:34
WhoNeedszzzi'm no little person03:34
jaddercan I make a dir with vi?03:35
pike_Defient: b is a flat so 128m stands for 11 of may. so that is the flatline date03:35
spasticteapotjriachi: Installed system? What do you mean by that exactly?03:35
jadderinstead of mkdir03:35
m1rSh3r1ff, how should i add it there ? like: mount --bind /var/www/sitename /home/ftp/sitename ?03:35
WhoNeedszzzvi is to view files...03:35
silvertip257logicwax:  I'm reading forum posts right now and it goes both ways; one guy says he got a boost of 40 fps with beryl compared to compiz03:35
Defientpike_:  Thank you!!!!!03:35
Sh3r1ffjadder: don't think so, the directoru has to exist i think, but the file you can create03:35
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rahalsome one available for help ?03:35
sldkfjhahahaha, he comes in here asking,   "Does anyone know about the latest nvidia driver?"   and says he said it wasn't supported in linux03:35
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jadderok, and what mean connect to TTTY203:36
WhoNeedszzzi just figured that out genius03:36
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sldkfjactually less is to view files03:36
WhoNeedszzzi am only here because i am waiting for snerfu to come back03:36
jriachispasticteapot: i am having this networkmanager problems in the live cd... do this problems also appear when ubuntu is running installed in the hard drive?03:36
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spasticteapotjriachi: From a fresh install, it works great. It might just be LiveCD problems.03:37
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snerfuYeah I can't find a similar issue on the forums WhoNeedszzz, my best advice is to try the new drivers from their website.03:37
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WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, i am using the latest drivers03:37
jriachispasticteapot: glad to hear it :)03:37
silvertip257later I've gotta get some sleep ;)03:38
Sh3r1ffm1r: something like /dir /dir /ext3 default 0 003:38
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jadderhow know what mean TTY203:38
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WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, it isn't supported in linux, and so my problem is in Windows03:38
Sh3r1ffjadder: press ctrl + alt + f2 for tty203:39
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WhoNeedszzzand this is a linux room so...03:39
jadderis a terminal03:39
bruenig!english | jadder03:39
ubotujadder: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat03:39
DanaGFor some reason, networkmanager seems to ignore the option "prepend domain-name-servers" in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient,conf.03:39
jadderI am not talking spanish03:39
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snerfuWhoNeedszzz, its definately supported in linux.03:40
WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, not the 880003:40
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sldkfj[ep[;e, that'03:41
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m1rSh3r1ff , http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25050/ ?03:41
snerfuthose cards are newer than the 8800 WhoNeedszzz.  Support came out before that release.03:41
snerfuThose are the list of cards added in that driver.03:42
snerfuI installed it on someones 8800 before.03:42
WhoNeedszzzlet me check my sanity03:42
sldkfjsnerfu, whoneedszzz doesn't look at it that way03:42
WhoNeedszzzyep i'm sane03:42
WhoNeedszzz8600 comes BEFORE 880003:42
sldkfjno, you're full of yourself03:42
Sh3r1ffm1r: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25051/03:42
snerfuyeah the 8600 was added as a value series because the 8800 was so expensive.03:42
spasticteapotWhoNeedszzz: Go read the bloody Nvidia webpage.03:43
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WhoNeedszzzi'm right there03:43
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logicwaxwhat about making it so alt-tab doesn't zoom out when I wanna switch windows03:43
sldkfjgo away,  this channel doesn't talk about nvidia drivers,  that's what their forum is for03:43
logicwaxvery annoying as it slows down fps03:43
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WhoNeedszzzyou are so kind03:44
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m1rty Sh3r1ff, i go reboot to check03:44
sldkfjWhoNeedszzz, need some cheese with your whine?03:44
m1rhope i will manage to get back :D03:44
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WhoNeedszzzsldkfj you are going to hell03:44
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Sh3r1ffWhoNeedszzz: we are all going to hell ;)03:45
WhoNeedszzzi hope you get hit by a flying fat woman and die03:45
spasticteapotif Under Ubuntu, as a default, the Gnome applet Network-Monitor has some nifty features relating to wifi - it has the "5 bars" when you're connected, and when you click on it, a drop-down menu appears of various wifi connections. However, after accidentally removing the applet and adding another network-manager applet to my panel, my wifi connection (eth1) is treated as an ethernet connection. Perhaps I could rename eth1 to wlan0? O03:45
spasticteapotr fix the applet?03:45
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MurrlinI cannot get the nvidia driver to stay configured between restarts03:45
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Murrlinshould/can I re-install the repository drivers?03:45
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Wolfcastlecould someone please post their sources.list?03:46
Wolfcastleit works in xubuntu right?03:46
Sh3r1ffspasticteapot: dpkg --purge gnome-network-manager then apt-get install gnome-network-manager03:46
Frogzoo!easysource | Wolfcastle03:47
ubotuWolfcastle: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:47
WhoNeedszzzi see03:47
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WhoNeedszzzsnerfu you are right03:47
sldkfjWolfcastle, finish that thought...03:47
Wolfcastlethank you very much Frogzoo03:47
WhoNeedszzzsorry :)03:47
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spasticteapotSh3r1ff: gnome-network-manager is not installed.03:47
WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, so what all do i do to get it configured properly?03:47
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Wolfcastlesldkfj: I mean, xubuntu uses the same repositories as ubuntu right?03:47
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sldkfjWolfcastle, ... post their sources.list?      "to a pastebin"03:47
Sh3r1ffspasticteapot: install it then, that is the applet you want03:47
spasticteapotIt does not exist.03:47
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sldkfj"not in channel"03:48
Wolfcastlesldkfj: of course, that's what i meant03:48
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sldkfjmeant doesn't accomplish the need for preciseness03:48
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Sh3r1ffspasticteapot: network-manager-gnome03:48
Sh3r1ffspasticteapot: do dpkg --purge before install03:49
snerfuall that you need to do is install the linux-headers package and then run their nvidia installer script WhoNeedszzz.03:49
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WhoNeedszzzwhich headers package though03:49
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Sh3r1ffWhoNeedszzz: linux-headers-`uname -r `03:49
Wolfcastlesldkfj: well paste-bin, email, phone call, i just needed it, doesn't matter how03:49
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WhoNeedszzzok i have them03:50
WhoNeedszzzso just run the installer?03:50
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Pozaro:( he flash player will not install withthat command03:51
roostishawPozaro: tried automatix2?03:52
Pozaronope havent tried that03:52
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:52
roostishawtry it03:52
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Pozarosounds dangerous03:53
GrueTamerit can be03:53
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Pozarothere has got to be another way03:53
DanaGIt uses Force, and it overwrites your sources.03:53
logicwaxi've never had problems with automatix OTHER then you can't upgrade to a new ubuntu version03:53
roostishawsame here03:53
merrntI installed Ubuntu alongside Windows XP, and now when I try to boot into windows, it just gives me a black screen and never loads, are there any guides  on fixing this?03:53
=== ultra_violet_dt [n=ultra_vi@pool-70-21-1-208.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
GrueTamerautomatix is somethin like this03:54
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.03:54
ultra_violet_dtOh snap - ubuntu is my new favorite distro for my little lucky vintage g3 ppc ibook!03:54
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@adsl-69-155-219-209.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
roostishawwell, it works for me03:54
laserbeakhi does anyone know a good no/cd or internet installation method for xbuntu?03:54
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n2diy! install | laserbeak03:55
ubotulaserbeak: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate03:55
laserbeakok thanks :)03:55
n2diy! automate03:55
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning03:55
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logicwaxdamn....i just got a 23" apple cinema display.....and this is the first time im running ubuntu on it......looks sooo sexxy03:55
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:56
logicwaxjust gotta get some glass in here and it'll be miles ahead of vista gui03:56
Pozaroand wat sthe difference between gusty and fiesty03:56
bruenigPozaro, gutsy is probably unusable at the moment03:56
=== aley [n=aley@p54904DC9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
kkathmanI would like to view a video with type application/x-ms-wmv  - its on news.yahoo.com - any suggestions on how to do this - I just get a download plugin message03:56
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bruenig!info mozilla-mplayer | kkathman03:57
ubotukkathman: mozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.31+main-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 477 kB, installed size 1636 kB03:57
kkathmanbruenig:  yes I have that installed sir03:57
kitchekkathman: do you have w32codecs installed as well?03:57
bruenigkkathman, link me to the page03:57
Pozaroi may have found a way to install it brb03:57
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sldkfjlogicwax, isn't your complaint regarding compiz?    #ubuntu-effects would be a better channel to post to03:58
kkathmankitche  yes I do03:58
kkathmanlet me get the link03:58
Sh3r1ff!w32codecs | kkathman03:58
ubotukkathman: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs03:58
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kkathmanSh3r1ff:  please I know that03:58
=== rollerskatejamms [n=zach@pool-71-249-99-9.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pozarook i just installed the flash plugin nonfree03:59
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Sh3r1ffkkathman: just maing sure you covered the base03:59
Pozaroforma website03:59
=== Gohalien [n=gohalien@host239.201-252-159.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Pozarohow do i openit03:59
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WhoNeedszzzsnerfu, when i press crtl + alt + F1, it said this video mode cannot be displayed03:59
kkathmanbruenig:   go to http://www.yahoo.com/  then in the middle where it says in the news, world, video - choose video and choose the story on the border security - the advertisement will work fine - but the story wont03:59
Gohalienthere was today or yesterday03:59
bruenigPozaro, uninstall and do sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, use the repos03:59
Gohaliena kernel update03:59
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GohalienI updated03:59
Pozarohow do i unisall04:00
Gohaliennow, my wireless card and video card04:00
Gohaliengives me error04:00
Pozaroi need to uy a linux book04:00
bruenigkkathman, that is flash04:00
=== m1r [n=chatzill@83-131-198-48.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Gohalienif I run 2.6.20-16-generic my video drivers and wireless card not working04:00
Gohalienin 2.6.20-15-generic are working fine04:00
kkathmanbruenig:  well the ad is flash the video isnt04:00
bruenigkkathman, doesn't work I guess04:00
Gohalien(I am in 2.6.20-15-generic atm)04:00
n2diybruenig: any idea if the feisty plug ins would work in Dapper?04:00
bruenigkkathman, I got the same problem04:00
Gohalienhow can I reinstall 2.6.20-16-generic ?04:00
bruenign2diy, what plugin are you wanting04:00
=== movleasto [n=movleast@213-140-16-177.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
larson9999i think i'm turning into an OS nazi.  seems daily i dispise windows more and more04:01
=== remy [n=remy@82-170-183-244.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Pozarothis is the error i get04:01
PozaroPackage flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:01
PozaroThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:01
Pozarois only available from another source04:01
PozaroE: Package flashplugin-nonfree has no installation candidate04:01
uncle_ricoanybody know how to get the 'cube' effect back on, mine just stopped working04:01
n2diybruenig: the one your currently talking about with kkathman.04:01
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Pozarowhat am i doing wrong i just dled it so i know is there04:01
Gohalienuncle_rico: you updated kernel today ?04:01
WhoNeedszzzdoes anyone know why when i press ctrl+alt+F1 it won't display?04:01
bruenign2diy, there is no plugin that will work with that at all I believe04:01
gtrMy system has been locking up lately, toshiba laptop.  I have been trying to diagnose, and I think it is most likely bad ram.  I have done memtest a few times, and sometimes it will give errors, and other times it wont, it tells you where the errors where, and it seemed to be after the first 512 megs, anyone know how to use memtest correctly?04:01
uncle_riconot today but resently04:02
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sldkfjWhoNeedszzz, since you know I'm going to hell,  How are the Southern Baptists treating you?04:02
n2diyWhoNeedszzz: ctrl+alt+F1 call up a terminal, not a gui.04:02
bruenigPozaro, wow, ok in ubuntu, there is package management which consists of ubuntu maintained repositories of software, you use synaptic or apt-get from the command line to access the repositories download and install stuff as well as uninstall stuff, don't download stuff from your browser, just use the repos04:02
=== |-David-| [n=david@CPE-65-30-150-155.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzn2diy i know that04:02
Sh3r1ffPozaro: dpkg -i file04:02
Gohalientoday there was an update of 2.6.20-16-generic, now if I run in 2.6.20-16-generic my video card drivers and wireless card are not working, in 2.6.20-15-generic are working fine04:02
bruenigPozaro, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list if you are getting that error, I can't imagine why04:03
WhoNeedszzzit won't display the terminal04:03
bruenig!pastebin | Pozaro04:03
ubotuPozaro: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:03
n2diyWhoNeedszzz: so you don't even get a command prompt?04:03
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merrntI installed Ubuntu alongside Windows XP, and now when I try to boot into windows, it just gives me a black screen and never loads, are there any guides  on fixing this?04:03
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Gohalienthere is a way to reinstall 2.6.20-16-generic ?04:03
WhoNeedszzzit says this video mode cannot be displayed04:04
cman321merrnt google for a bootcd called "supergrub"04:04
bruenigGohalien, sudo apt-get install --reinstall04:04
=== Lapinux [n=admin@plns-66-33-241-79-pppoe.dsl.plns.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pozaropermission denied04:04
openmindDJanyone know what package i am missing when DVDs play but I dont see the video on the screen (Im finally past the plugin messages)04:04
uncle_ricoreally, how04:04
n2diyWhoNeedszzz: ???, what happens when you do ctrl+alt+F2?04:04
Sh3r1ffPozaro: sudo ;)04:04
bruenigPozaro, just copy the stuff in the file and paste it04:04
bruenigyou don't need sudo04:04
m1rSh3r1ff , it is the same , with or without in fstab :/04:04
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Elhay alguna chica por ahi?04:04
bruenig!es | El04:05
ubotuEl: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:05
merrntcman321: Thanks! I'll burn a copy and try it out!04:05
n2diy! es | El04:05
sldkfjWhoNeedszzz, since you know I'm going to hell,  How about a personal testimony for Christ?  Tell us what he's done for you.04:05
=== balognapants [n=ryan@c-71-197-103-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Elno busco ayuda busco una mujer q quiera chater conmigo jajaj04:05
GohalienEl: #ubuntu-ar if argentinian04:05
Sh3r1ffm1r: try to google how your fstab should like for a mount of that type, but has to be in fstab to be permanent04:05
bruenigsldkfj, wrong channel?04:05
qualis there a way to browse a LAN for windows shares04:05
sldkfjbruenig, he started it04:05
m1rty m8 i will go check04:05
Eltengo sueo q hora es por alla?04:06
qualfound it04:06
Sh3r1ffqual: places, network04:06
qualSh3r1ff, thanks04:06
Pozarothats where i got it from04:06
bruenigsldkfj, oh I thought you were on another channel and typed it in the wrong tab, I do that sometimes04:06
n2diysldkfj: but you can end it.04:06
Elresponda ps04:06
sldkfjnotice the first portion of that post  ..   "since you"04:06
kkathmanbruenig:  so you dont think there's any solution?04:06
Elq hora es?04:06
bruenigkkathman, probably not, you can always use windows firefox in wine04:06
n2diyWhoNeedszzz: ???, what happens when you do ctrl+alt+F2?04:06
sldkfjn2diy, yeah, but I'd like to back him down04:06
bruenigEl, stop04:06
kkathmanbruenig:  now I dont have problems on cnn.com04:06
PriceChild!es | el04:06
ubotuel: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:06
=== WhoNeedszzz [n=WhoNeeds@adsl-074-170-159-249.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
GohalienEl  only english here, and dont flood04:06
Elde donde salieron ustedes?04:06
bruenigkkathman, it is yahoo's stupid model04:06
WhoNeedszzzvideo can't be displayed04:07
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:07
Elustedes son de estados unidos?04:07
Gohalienenglish channel of ubuntu support04:07
bruenigEl, english only04:07
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Gohalienno puedes hablar espaol aqu04:07
kkathmanbruenig:  well maybe so - Ive found that even flvs sometime get hosed04:08
Gohalienwell... he cant get it heh04:08
=== myth [n=myth@cpe-76-180-6-82.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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laserbeakif someone doesnt know english and they need help with ubuntu where do they go?04:08
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n2diysldkfj: then take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, your wasting bandwidth here.04:08
kkathmanbruenig:  yet I generally have NO problems with like YouTube04:08
Sh3r1fflaserbeak: #ubuntu-language04:08
PriceChildlaserbeak, #ubuntu-## where ## is their language code04:08
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bruenigkkathman, youtube is flash, that wasn't flash04:08
sldkfjn2, chill04:08
gtrIf I have (2) 512 Meg Ram sticks, should I run a memtest with only 1 stick at a time in to figure out which sitck is bad?04:08
Sh3r1ffgtr: yup04:08
=== yellow_chicken [n=goldenpi@] has joined #ubuntu
n2diysl, I am.04:09
mythhi does anybody know how i can get mythtv to work with my wintv401 card? i even get it to open in tytime it says /dev/video0 access denied and just shows a blue screen... any ideas?04:09
mythcan't even*04:09
sldkfjhahha, a one line post is a waste of bandwidth04:09
PriceChildmyth, chown /dev/video0 to you as a temporary solution04:09
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mythprice what will that do?04:09
yellow_chickensomebody sent me an ms power point, and i use open office to open it, the fonts are slightly screwed up, but if i use ms office, the fonts are ok.  anyone know how to fix this?04:10
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PriceChildmyth, right now, you don't have the permissions to use it04:10
PriceChildmyth, actually04:10
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PriceChildmyth, ls -l /dev/video0 and tell me what group it is in04:10
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openmindDJanyone know what package i am missing when DVDs play but I dont see the video on the screen (Im finally past the plugin messages)04:10
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mythprice: crw-rw---- 1 root video 81, 0 2007-06-10 21:52 /dev/video004:11
Sh3r1ffopenmindDJ: libdvdcss204:11
=== scheessel2206 [n=aley@p54904DC9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
movleastoalso libdvdread04:11
PriceChildmyth, add yourself to the group "video"... which I thought you should be in already anyway... :S04:11
sbalneavyellow_chicken: you may find that installing the package msttcorefonts may help.04:11
openmindDJSh3rlff: installed that already04:11
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mythok hang on04:11
openmindDJSh3rlff:been through the Stickys on the forum04:11
n2diy! msttcorefonts04:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:12
=== clayg [n=clay@c-66-177-234-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
yellow_chickensbalneav: ok04:12
NET||abuseis there a way to get PDO support in php5.1.2 on dapper at all??04:12
=== WhoNeedszzz [n=WhoNeeds@adsl-074-170-159-249.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzit says video can not be displayed04:12
=== mrynit [n=mrynit@c-76-104-242-64.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sh3r1ffopenmindDJ: installed libdvdread3?04:12
WhoNeedszzzwhen i press alt+ctrl+F104:12
=== Luke [n=Luke@rrcs-24-153-196-45.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Dianoraout of interest04:12
openmindDJSh3rlff: the movie plays, the scroll bar moves, not sure if there is sound but definitely no video04:12
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openmindDJSh3rlff: have that installed also04:13
Sh3r1ffopenmindDJ: did you install the gstreamer codecs?04:13
mythprice sadly i don't know how to di that... i don't see it under groups when i go to users and groups and click my login and advanced video isn't there04:13
FireHazard17anyone here prefer kde?04:13
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=== nixternal does
openmindDJSh3rlff: pretty sure i have them all as well04:13
WhoNeedszzzxfce all the way04:13
Sh3r1ffopenmindDJ: what player do you use?04:13
=== darkmarby [n=intutor@c-68-81-122-170.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FireHazard17im wondering if i should switch04:13
n2diyFireHazard17: no, their all in #kubuntu04:13
=== jriachi [n=jriachi@57.Red-213-98-99.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
FireHazard17no nixternal is here04:14
openmindDJSh3rlff: do i need the bad plugins04:14
Sh3r1ffopenmindDJ: yes04:14
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FireHazard17i use mplayer04:14
n2diyFireHazard17:  ok, most of them are in #kubuntu04:14
openmindDJi am trying, totem, gxine, xine, kaffeine, and VLC04:14
FireHazard17n2diy: that is true04:14
=== mylo__ [n=myles@cpe-024-074-145-102.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzn2diy: it says video can not be displayed04:15
=== SixFeetUnder [n=ken@c-68-45-200-250.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
n2diyWhoNeedszzz: what says that?04:15
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mythpricechild: how do i add myself to the "video" group i don't see it when i go to users and groups04:15
WhoNeedszzzn2diy when i press ctrl+alt+F#04:15
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openmindDJSh3rlff: i am using, totem, gxine, xine, kaffeine, and VLC04:15
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pajamianhey everyone, I just installed Feisty, and am having problems with sound.  Basically I have an nvidia 6 channel chipset and am gettign sound out of the rear speakers only.  I fear that my hardware (chipset) is messed up, but can anyone here help me to find out if that really is the problem or if it's something else?04:16
=== Sorian [n=Sorian@aworklan025162.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu
FireHazard17i use myplayer with all the codecs for gstreamer and the exta codecs for xine04:16
openmindDJSh3rlff: i have all gstreamer codecs except opengl and bad plugins04:16
n2diyWhoNeedszzz: I don't think you can run videos from a terminal?04:16
WhoNeedszzzn2diy i know04:16
Sh3r1ffopenmindDJ: try installing them04:16
=== illriginal [n=illrigin@c-66-229-106-133.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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WhoNeedszzzbut that is what it says on my monitor when i press it04:16
=== nilweed [n=nilweed@c-67-188-235-151.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FireHazard17dont know if they affect mplayer but havent had an issue with plaing movies04:16
illriginalAnyone know where I can get Cedega?04:16
openmindDJSh3rlff: totem is the only one complaining about a plugin04:16
FireHazard17openmindDJ: get bad then04:16
=== QuickSilv [n=QuickSil@CPE00119534fee2-CM0012253e3f6a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildillriginal, transgaming.org04:16
WhoNeedszzzdoes anyone know why when i press crtl+alt+F# it says video can not be displayed?04:17
=== lightrush [n=lightrus@CPE00119573e109-CM0011e6be7591.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu []
QuickSilvim planning on switching over to ubuntu tonight04:17
illriginalit only has a demo :\04:17
=== melchior7 [n=tato@adsl-75-31-47-131.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
yellow_chickensbalneav: i installed that msttcorefonts , fonts are still kind of weird, for example, the in the word EXAMPLE, the X and A are overlapping04:17
=== Dead_Body [n=deadbody@aworklan025162.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu
FireHazard17QuickSilv: from?04:17
=== cockaigne [n=dlhead@c-76-21-105-196.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
QuickSilvdoes anyone have a website of some sort that will guide me through the process?04:17
PriceChildillriginal, pay for the real version on that site04:17
openmindDJSh3rlff: working on bad plugin now04:17
sldkfjwhoneedszzz, go back to Windows  any Linux distro won't miss you.04:17
=== kewang [n=kewang@cc8.niu.edu.tw] has joined #ubuntu
QuickSilvmaybe a checklist before i convert?04:17
=== inf [n=inf@astound-69-42-9-137.ca.astound.net] has joined #ubuntu
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qualok what do i use instead of xmms04:17
Pozaroubuntu sucks so far i cant get anythign done04:17
qualsomething that plays more files04:17
illriginalthanks, but no thanks :)04:17
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WhoNeedszzzsldkfj what is your problem?04:18
qualxmms apparently doesnt do mp404:18
n2diy! install | QuickSilv04:18
ubotuQuickSilv: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate04:18
WhoNeedszzzyou need help04:18
FireHazard17QuickSilv: what from?04:18
yellow_chickensbalneav: would you like to me to sent to the power point file?04:18
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openmindDJSh3rlff: installed bad and totem still complains04:18
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QuickSilvfrom windows XP04:18
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sldkfjwhoneedszzz,  nah, you do actually, you're the one doing what you did04:18
WhoNeedszzzquicksilv you are going to dual-boot right?04:19
FireHazard17QuickSilv: nice to have you as a new member04:19
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FireHazard17WhoNeedszzz: i dont think he is04:19
WhoNeedszzzsldkfj wtf are you talking about?04:19
sldkfjWhoNeedszzz, you know,  and I can't talk about it04:19
sbalneavyellow_chicken: No.  If you want it to look exactly the same, you'll have to make sure that whatever fonts were used in the original document are installed in Ubuntu, and even then, its not a guarentee it'll be pixel-for-pixel perfect.04:19
WhoNeedszzzsldkfj you need to get a life04:19
jriachiwhen i press my "email key" in my keyboard, evolution in launched. how can i edit it?04:19
yellow_chickensldkfj: what do you pronounce your name?04:19
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:19
PriceChildWhoNeedszzz, steady :)04:19
sldkfjWhoNeedszzz, you have a god complex04:19
PriceChildWhoNeedszzz, sldkfj lets move on please :)04:20
yellow_chickensbalneav: okie dokie04:20
WhoNeedszzzquiksilv be sure to dual-boot bc certain things will only run in windows04:20
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openmindDJSh3rlff: any other suggestions?04:20
sldkfjyellow_chicken, "home row"04:20
sldkfjthat's what the typing teacher calls it04:20
sbalneavjriachi: in system->preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts04:20
=== Kinks [i=Kinks@wnklmb01dc1-186-27.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
sldkfjhome boy was taken04:20
jriachithanks, sbalneav04:20
WhoNeedszzzsldkfj you are an asshole04:20
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n2diysldkfj: clever, my home row is aoeuidhtns.04:21
=== WhoNeedszzz [n=WhoNeeds@adsl-074-170-159-249.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
sldkfjFireHazard17, can't ; in a IRC nick04:21
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/04:21
oipatI would like to disable the MMB-paste-function. Anyone know how ?04:21
WhoNeedszzzpricechild, i believe that was uncalled for04:21
sldkfjWhoNeedszzz, read the part about using expletives04:22
=== jacob__ [n=jacob@cpe-24-175-44-206.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
FireHazard17how did he do it?04:22
FireHazard17there are no admins04:22
FireHazard17aka operators04:22
=== alienseer23 [n=aliensee@c-68-40-203-73.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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sldkfjnow he tries to msg me04:23
n2diyFireHazard17: ops are here now.04:23
crdlbFireHazard17, /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list04:23
ticnailer69Does anyone know how I would go about downloading the linux kernal version 2.6.10?04:23
PriceChildBack on topic please people :)04:23
Sh3r1ffFireHazard17: there here, you just don't see them ;)04:23
ticnailer69from the command line04:23
=== sldkfj right clicks the tab in xchat and hits close
=== Spanky [n=ubuntu@c220-239-111-240.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
FireHazard17they are hidden?04:23
Pozarohow do i get my desktop to show all the files04:23
Pozarosome are hidden04:23
=== ant- [n=ant@tx-71-51-106-48.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzdoes anyone know why i get "video can not be displayed" when i press ctrl+alt+F1?04:23
n2diyticnailer69: sure, use synaptic, search for linux.04:23
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sldkfjask in #Xubuntu04:23
mythdoes anybody know how to add myself to the video group on my box?04:24
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GigaClonPozaro, same as normal look in a file browser window04:24
Sh3r1ffWhoNeedszzz: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:24
n2diyticnailer69: with apt-get.04:24
alienseer23does the latest edition of ubuntu come with support for linksys wireless built in?04:24
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n2diyticnailer69: synaptic is a gui interface to apt-get.04:24
WhoNeedszzzsh3r1ff, why would i do that?04:24
sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: What kind of monitor is it?  A flat panel?04:24
WhoNeedszzzsbalneav yes04:24
Sh3r1ffWhoNeedszzz: aren't you having a video problem?04:24
=== fusheh [n=noodle@c-66-176-153-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: Probably because the monitor doesn't like the low-res text screen (i.e it's at the wrong refresh rate).04:25
mythpricechild: where did u go?04:25
=== apm_lap_ [n=apm@dslb-088-073-043-040.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzit won't display when i press ctrl+alt+F104:25
|-David-|Guys, any way to make the numlock turn on when the computer starts?04:25
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alienseer23or...if I have a bcm43xx wireless card for internet access, will the latest edition of ubuntu install support automatically?04:25
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PriceChildmyth, hey here sorry04:25
PriceChildmyth, i'm not sure04:25
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WhoNeedszzzsbalneav how do i change the refresh rate?04:26
FireHazard17hey is anyone here from when i was learning irssi04:26
laserbeaki'm looking at this page on how to install ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows and it says it's very experimental has anyone tried it? they even suggested using a knoppix kernel to boot from04:26
PriceChildmyth, but chowning it to you should let you view it04:26
mythi tried that and no beans04:26
mythprice i tried that and no beans*04:26
PriceChildlaserbeak, not supported, that's a 3rd party project04:26
PriceChildmyth, sorry, don't know then04:26
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Sh3r1ff|-David-|: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_turn_on_Num_Lock_on_GNOME_startup04:26
=== phantam1 [n=cchance@pras6-248.sintmaarten.net] has joined #ubuntu
phantam1yay my ubuntu's loaded!04:27
tsaihey, i just installed IE6 for linux.  Anyone know how to add more fonts?04:27
mythprice v-box1:~$ sudo chown mythtv /dev/video0 thats the right command right?04:27
PriceChildmyth, no04:27
phantam1frigging upgrade to 6.10 took forever... and now i gotta upgrade to 7.04 LOL04:27
=== Spanky [n=ubuntu@c220-239-111-240.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzztsai why would u install ie6???04:27
KI4IKLWHAT THE HELL? IE on linux...that is a disaster waiting to happen...Bill gates taking ove rlinux :P04:27
PriceChildsudo chown user:group /path/to/foo04:27
mythoh... what wouldit be then?04:27
=== ryand [n=ryan@CPE-75-81-26-232.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: You may be able to change it with the kernel command line option vga=793, or something to that effect, however, that's going to entail editing your grub config, with a high chance of something getting messed up.  Better solution would be to temporarily to try a different monitor.04:27
phantam1their was an IE for linux04:27
phantam1but microsoft closed the project04:27
tsaiwell, there are some websites you can't see without it04:27
phantam1reassigned the team04:27
phantam1it was a few years ago04:27
n2diyKI4IKL: qsl?04:27
WhoNeedszzzthe purpose of linux is to get AWAY from microsoft04:27
=== FelipE_ [n=rodrigo@111-227-90.dial.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
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WhoNeedszzztsai bull04:28
=== FelipE_ [n=rodrigo@111-227-90.dial.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
merrntWho told me to use SuperGrub?04:28
Spankyill be going right back to microsoft after this04:28
WhoNeedszzztsai only microsoft sites04:28
openmindDJany other suggestions as to why DVDs are playing without video?04:28
n2diyKI4IKL: EN2004:28
phantam1not only microsoft sites04:28
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE001310b2d1d1-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
phantam1lots of sites are "ie tweaked"04:28
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phantam1but isnt their a firefox plugin to get around that?04:28
tsaiif you do web development you know this is common04:28
KI4IKLWhoNeedszzz, actually, my mom's work has a website that wont let you see it without ie04:28
=== m1r [n=chatzill@83-131-198-48.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzwell that is pretty strange04:28
phantam1anyone know how to setup dual monitors04:28
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:28
KI4IKLn2diy, Join #hamradio04:28
tsaii wish it wasn't so04:28
sldkfja lesser known factiod: Ubuntu has a windows detector and causes little snafu's til one is full committed to it04:28
n2diyKI4IKL: Eight QSOs all weekend, shut off the six meter rig to play here.04:29
phantam1my damn TV is flashing orange and blue like a disco04:29
Spankycan anyone answer a simple question? how can i change servers on xchat?04:29
n2diyKI4IKL: rr04:29
PriceChildSpanky, xchat > new > server tab04:29
phantam1spanky: /server irc.whatever.com04:29
=== PanzerMKZ [i=Panzer@06-158.136.popsite.net] has joined #ubuntu
phantam1isnt it?04:29
PriceChildSpanky, choose the new server tab, then do /server whatever.com04:29
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mythprice, then what would be the right command? because the ls -l camd out as crw-rw---- 1 mythtv video 81, 0 2007-06-10 21:52 /dev/video004:29
tsaitrust me this is the only reason I care to use IE04:29
phantam1so anybudy... dual screen setup ?04:30
phantam1ugly flashing blue and orange tv is getting kinda crazy04:30
Spankyim using chat-gnome04:30
Pozarook it says flashplugin-frr is refered to by another package04:30
=== nootrope [n=alberto@pool-68-239-115-188.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pozarobut which on04:30
mythprice ok i fixed it thanks04:30
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=== Toma- [n=e17@203-59-66-158.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzdoes no one know why i get video cannot be displayed when i press ctrl+alt+F1???04:30
bruenigPozaro, did you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list, I didn't see it04:30
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sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: I told you.04:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:31
Spankygeez, linux pisses me off04:31
Pozaroit want do it sas i dont have permission04:31
WhoNeedszzzspanky i'm with you on that one04:31
=== joseph [n=joseph@ool-457917de.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-!ohmy | Spanky04:31
ubotuSpanky: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:31
=== Lilacor [n=paul@ip70-187-155-101.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigPozaro, it is a text file, don't try to run it, open it in an editor or cat it: cat /etc/apt/sources.list04:31
Pozaroim logge din as root04:31
sldkfjprobably a Windows virus04:31
=== phantam1 whistles
=== WhoNeedszzz shoots himself in the head
Toma-Pozaro: you shouldnt be doing that04:32
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QuizHow to i enable emerald themes?04:32
=== FireHazard17 is using irssi
bruenigQuiz, #ubuntu-effects04:32
=== Spanky quits linux
sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: are you trying a different monitor.04:32
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phantam1how do i configure gnome/xorg to use my dual monitors?04:32
bruenigSpanky, bye04:32
Toma-Quiz: install the "emerald" and "emarald-themes" package04:32
=== j_ack [n=jack@p508DB808.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
phantam1is it nvidia-settings?04:32
WhoNeedszzzsbalneav it wasn't a problem until i got my geforce 8800 GTS04:32
=== helidude20 [n=driscoll@ip70-161-7-24.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig!xinerama | phantam104:33
Spankyding dong day04:33
ubotuphantam1: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead04:33
WhoNeedszzzit was fine with my ATI card04:33
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=== vertigo [n=jon@ntsitm367052.sitm.nt.ftth.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
Spankygood luck WhoNeedszzz04:33
josephAnyone here know what the nifty applet in the Dock is that gives you all the wifi options, lets you select networks, shows signal strength, etc?04:33
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Toma-phantam1: the 'nvidia-settings' tool is by far the easiest way, if youre running the nvidia driver04:33
josephApparently it's not network-monitor.04:33
bruenig!anyone | joseph04:33
sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: Well, it's a different card.  It may not like text more.04:33
ubotujoseph: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:33
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bruenig!info network-manager-gnome | joseph04:33
ubotujoseph: network-manager-gnome: network management framework (GNOME frontend). In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.4-6ubuntu7 (feisty), package size 253 kB, installed size 1696 kB04:33
nootropeHiya. I'm trying to install avidemux on Fiesty (may or may not be a good idea). The wiki's directions for Ubuntu say to type "apt-get cache search avidemux" after adding Universe etc to sources.list.What are these cache and search arguments? I don't recognize them and neither does the shell.04:33
=== mikethec [n=mikethec@c-76-101-147-78.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: Do you have another monitor you could try temporarily?04:34
WhoNeedszzzsbalneav no other monitor...04:34
WhoNeedszzzsbalneav i wasn't lying04:34
Sh3r1ffnootrope: apt-cache search something04:34
josephNetwork-manager seems to work. Network-monitor is the thingy in the dock, and it seems to be quite different from the magic wifi program that appears in the upper-right corner when you start up Ubuntu for the first time.04:34
bruenigjoseph, it is actually called networkmanager, but ubuntu calls it network-manager-gnome just like ubotu told you04:34
phantam1i have an nvidia card04:34
phantam1how can i tell if im using the nvidia driver actively?04:34
sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: You could try to temporarily set the video mode... At boot up, when you have the 3 second "hit esc for grub" screen...04:34
nootropeSh3rIff: thanks. and the 'cache' argument?04:35
Toma-phantam1: run 'glxinfo'04:35
=== avidal [n=avidal@cpe-70-113-4-137.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
josephbruenig: Network manager is working. I just want the fancy doodad back on my dock.04:35
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josephApparently, it's seperate.04:35
aroonihow do i install thunderbird?04:35
josephYes, I uninstalled/reinstalled it.04:35
aroonion edgy?04:35
bruenigjoseph, right click on the panel, add to panel04:35
WhoNeedszzzgrub boots automatically04:35
josephbruenig: No go.04:35
sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: You could hit esc, edit the kernel line, and add the vga=793 bit at the end.04:35
josephI get something else.04:35
Sh3r1ffnootrope: means you search in your cache of the packages list04:35
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bruenigjoseph, which nm-applet gives you what04:35
phantam1i did that04:35
Toma-arooni: it should be available in synaptic or even add/remove applications04:35
sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: That will set a different text resolution, that the monitor may like better.04:36
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arooniToma-: didnt find it in syanptic04:36
josephbruenig: Network-monitor gives me something that looks the same, but won't show wifi signal strength bars, list networks when you click on it, et cetera.04:36
WhoNeedszzzit isn't the monitor04:36
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bullgard4I did not install the package dhcpcd but my computer still functions as a DHCP client. What alternative package makes my computer fucnction as anDHCP client?04:36
bruenigjoseph, ok stop telling me about that, I don't care, do "which nm-applet" tell me if it outputs anything04:36
WhoNeedszzzit's my gfx card04:36
Pozarobruenig you get it ?04:36
Toma-!info thunderbird edgy04:36
ubotuPackage thunderbird does not exist in edgy04:36
bruenigPozaro, paste it and put the link up here04:36
helidude20Firefox often taking 100% cpu usage to show a webpage. 2.8Ghz Celeron 1.5GB Ram. 32MB video card. Ubuntu 7.04. Any ideas ?04:36
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josephWow, I'm dubm.04:36
aroonioh noes!04:36
arooniwhat can i do?04:36
nootropeSh3rIff: hmm. they make it seem like it's something I should type at the command line like this, "apt-get cache search avidemux" which makes no sense. are they wrong?04:37
sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: ok, well it will set a video mode that the CARD will drive the MONITOR better, then.04:37
Pozaroroot@Prime:~# cat /etc/aptsources.list04:37
Pozarocat: /etc/aptsources.list: No such file or directory04:37
Pozaroroot@Prime:~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list04:37
Pozaro# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to04:37
Pozaro# newer versions of the distribution.04:37
Pozarodeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted04:37
Pozarodeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted04:37
Pozaro## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the04:37
Pozaro## distribution.04:37
Pozarodeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted04:37
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok04:37
Pozarodeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted04:37
Pozaro## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu04:37
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ
Pozaro## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to04:37
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@cs662598-139.bham.res.rr.com] by tonyyarusso
Toma-!info mozilla-thunderbird edgy04:37
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by tonyyarusso
ubotumozilla-thunderbird: Mozilla Thunderbird standalone mail client. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 10553 kB, installed size 29716 kB04:37
bruenigI gave him the pastebin link twice04:37
bruenigbefore he even started04:37
sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: I'm trying to help you dude.04:37
Sh3r1ffnootrope: on a terminal type apt-cache search avidemux04:37
WhoNeedszzzthis shouldn't be happening04:37
phantam1my glxinfo04:37
WhoNeedszzzgod this sucks04:37
Toma-arooni: there you go. its "mozilla-thunderbird"04:37
josephbruenig: /usr/bin/nm-applet04:37
WhoNeedszzznvidia is supposed to have FULL support for god sake04:37
phantam1it doesnt look like its using the nvidia driver for some reason04:37
Lapinuxis there someplace i can tell ubuntu i dont want mounted devices to appear on the desktop04:38
phantam1cause i've got a nvidia 660004:38
bruenigjoseph, ok so it is installed, run "nm-applet" I think that should make it show up in the tray iirc04:38
Toma-arooni: next time, open synaptic and click the Search button, then look for the program name in the 'name' dialog :)04:38
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nootropeSh3rIff: thanks. I'll try that, meanwhile, to see what I'm reading from them, please go here: http://www.avidemux.org/admWiki/index.php?title=Install_Ubuntu04:38
WhoNeedszzzphantam1 ubuntu messed up on the 880004:38
ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)04:38
phantam16600 not 880004:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about volumes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:38
josephbruenig: Nothing happens.04:38
=== brad_ [n=brad@75-132-122-212.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzphantam1 i know, they messed up on the 8 series in the packaging04:38
keNziwhere is the apache config where i can enable SVN_AUTHZ in ubuntu? :|04:38
sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: So, are you going to try what I suggested?04:39
phantam1so how do i get my pc to load the nvidia 6600 driver04:39
WhoNeedszzzwhat was it again, too many people have been talking since04:39
phantam1just install nvidia-glx?04:39
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WhoNeedszzzphantam1 it isn't supported!04:39
bruenigjoseph, should work, you should also be able to access it in the add to panel thing04:39
sbalneavWhoNeedszzz: Scroll back and see.04:39
=== Phire [n=eric@ip68-2-136-27.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
phantam1how could it not be supported04:39
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phantam1its like a 2 year old card04:40
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PhireHey there can you use .bin's to install in Ubuntu?04:40
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=== Defient [n=darren@cpe-70-95-33-70.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
WhoNeedszzzphantam1 omg, it got messed up in the packaging04:40
Toma-phantam1: its supported. im using it right here04:40
gnealePhire: sometimes04:40
josephbruenig: Network-monitor gives me something that thinks eth1 (intel 802.11b card) is an ethernet card. I do get a signal strength bar if I click on it, but under interface type, it says " ethernet " .04:40
phantam1how did u get it to work toma-04:40
bruenigphantam1, ignore WhoNeedszzz he is trolling04:40
Toma-WhoNeedszzz: what are you talking about?04:40
josephbruenig: I can give you a screenshot, maybe?04:40
Phiregneale: How do you know/install it?04:40
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bruenigjoseph, no, that is not the right thing, that is another applet04:40
spasticteapotbruenig: Huh.04:41
bruenigit should be called something else04:41
spasticteapotOkay, it's not in the list.04:41
WhoNeedszzztoma, you can't possibly be using a 8800 and using the accelerated graphics dirver04:41
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Toma-phantam1: having a look at your poastebin. 1 moment04:41
phantam1WhoNeedszzz: but no ones talking about the 880004:41
=== sbalneav throws up his hands
WhoNeedszzzI AM04:41
phantam1IM NOT04:41
WhoNeedszzzholy crap04:41
nootropeSh3rIff: your suggestion didn't error out. And, after getting the prompt again, I tried sudo apt-get install avidemux but it couldn't find the package avidemux04:41
sbalneavWell, tried to help you.04:41
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Toma-WhoNeedszzz: ...no-ones using a 8800?04:41
WhoNeedszzzsbalneav i will try what you said04:42
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spasticteapotbruenig: So, I have network-monitor...and network-manager is what I want?04:42
DefientI want 8800!04:42
PhireI downloaded a Steam Linux Server package in .bin format, any way to tell if I can use it?04:42
WhoNeedszzznot for linux you don't04:42
bruenigspasticteapot, I don't know what it is called, try every applet in there if you must, it should be there04:42
WhoNeedszzzor windows for that matter04:42
spasticteapotIt's not.04:42
Toma-phantam1: right youre not using the nvidia driver at this moment. can you please put a copy of xorg.conf up on pastebin?04:42
DefientI have a 6600 now04:42
phantam1mm ya 1 sec04:42
Phirelol I have a 5600 :-D04:42
phantam1hmmm wheres is that file04:43
WhoNeedszzzdefient, it is a good card but nvidia messed up the latest driver, so wait it out a bit longer04:43
Defienthopefully soon04:43
spasticteapotbruenig: What if I create a new user, "Fubar", and then copy down what the applet is?04:43
Phire/home/eric/Desktop/hlds_l_1120_full.bin thats my file... anyone care to enlighten me on if this is usable in Ubuntu ?04:43
spasticteapotI keep accidentally deleting the stupid thing.04:43
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Phire/home/eric/Desktop/hlds_l_1120_full.bin Need Help, any appreciated04:44
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Phire/home/eric/Desktop/hlds_l_1120_full.bin Help por favor?04:45
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=== bayziders [n=c@h-67-101-154-113.nycmny83.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
pike_Phire: following command 'head /home/eric/Desktop/*.bin'  what is the first line?04:45
=== Zeelot3k [n=Zeelot@c-76-109-186-170.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
phantam1toma-: thats the xorg04:45
bayzidersBesides gaming what are the advantages of upgrading your video card04:45
phantam1i don't have nvidia-glx installed i noticed04:45
spasticteapotOh heck.04:45
charlikowant to change boot grub order04:45
=== Toma- [n=e17@203-59-66-158.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Phirepike_: I'm rather new, and not sure what you mean.04:45
phantam1toma-: thats the xorg04:45
=== gamecheif [n=gamechei@cpe-75-185-228-184.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
phantam1i don't have nvidia-glx installed i noticed04:46
Phirepike_: Terminal command?04:46
gamecheifi need help04:46
pike_charliko: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst  there is a default 0  it counts from 0 to whatever just change to 1 or whatnot to boot next title04:46
gamecheifi need04:46
Toma-ok thanks!04:46
charlikobefore ubuntu boots04:46
gamecheifi have kb304:46
gamecheifhow od i set it up04:46
Frogzoo_any recommendations for a package for matrix calculations ?04:46
Toma-phantam1: yeh youre still using the nv driver.04:46
pike_Phire: yeah paste the head command in the terminal it will give you the first few lines of the file04:46
gamecheifthe read me file isnt helpful04:46
=== rennD [n=carl@adsl-71-159-231-29.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-phantam1: the nv driver = 2d driver04:47
phantam1but gfxinfo said sgi04:47
=== djmccormick [n=djmccorm@adsl-68-72-35-138.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
pike_Phire: what is this app anyway?04:47
charlikothanks pike04:47
Toma-sgi isnt the good stuff :)04:47
djmccormickanyone mind looking at my issue? i think it's firewall related. http://pastie.caboo.se/69364 any help is greatly appreciated.04:47
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gamecheifsomeone tell me what to do to set up the kb3 file04:47
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bayzidersAny one?04:48
Phirepike_: Its a dedicated server build for steam04:48
Quizomg u kill keny04:48
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genesismy feisty black out whenever I try to restart or shutdown, anybody know what happened?04:48
Phirepike_: mostly Jargon from the terminal04:48
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phantam1toma-: gfxinfo said sgi in that first pastebin.... and if i run nvidia-settings i get.... ERROR: NV-CONTROL extension not found on this Display.04:48
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pike_Phire: what is the first line #! what?04:48
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Toma-phantam1: thats because youre not usng the nvidia driver04:49
Toma-youre using the nv driver04:49
jmitchjhas anyone come across problems with wireless not working after upgrade to 2.6.20-16?04:49
phantam1lol so how do i use it :)04:49
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Phirepike_: Sorry, I'm not seeing any line #'s04:49
phantam1just install nvidia-glx?04:49
Quizwho now's a cool blog for ubuntu?04:49
Toma-phantam1: yep04:49
phantam1ah cool04:49
Phirewant to open a private channel?04:49
phantam1let me do that now04:49
Toma-Quiz: tonyyarusso's blog is pretty sweet :)04:49
gamecheifdoes anyone know a linux program that creates isos04:49
pike_gamecheif: from a cd?04:50
helidude20Firefox often taking 100% cpu usage to show a webpage(example yahoo mail). 2.8Ghz Celeron 1.5GB Ram. 32MB video card. Ubuntu 7.04. Any ideas ?04:50
=== |-David-| [n=david@CPE-65-30-150-155.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
spasticteapotWhile using a PCMCIA (yes, it's got a card attached to it) CD-ROM drive, the card fell out of the slot. Now, "CD-ROM 1" is permanently stuck on my list of disk locations in Nautilus. I can't unmount it, and if I plug back in the drive it's not recognized.04:50
gamecheifno form a file04:50
Phirepike_: I got something like this ELF04:50
Phire              )04:50
Phire                      -           *         &                              .              '                       $                     04:50
QuizToma-, thanks04:50
pike_gamecheif: mkisofs i guess would be the one you want04:50
gnomefreakPhire: dont do that please use pastebin to paste things04:50
pike_Phire: eww04:50
=== raf256 rides pike_
gamecheiffor the help04:50
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Phirepike_: how do you use pastebin :-/ I'm so noob04:50
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=== raf256 spanks Phire for pasting binary to irc
Phirepike_: sorry guys :-(04:51
bayzidersBesides gaming what are the advantages of upgrading from my built in video card?04:51
=== craigbass1976 [n=craig@pool-71-254-101-68.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreak!pastebin > Phire  (please read your pm from ubotu)04:51
pike_Phire: just right click on it and in  permissions check execuable or from a terminal do chmod +x ~/Desktop/*.bin   then you should be able to doubleclick and run it04:51
=== Prognatus [n=bjorn@2.80-203-143.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
jmitchj has anyone come across problems with wireless not working after upgrade to 2.6.20-16?04:51
Quizwhats is difrent with ubuntu and edubuntu ?04:51
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bayzidersthe apps that come with it04:52
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=== raf256 rides pike_ yeaho-hoo
gnomefreakQuiz: edubuntu has education software installed with it04:52
craigbass1976I'm following along on this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236093 and everything works ok, except that the server is not responding from outside the network.  I run the test at the end of the post and get an answer though.04:52
=== brad_ [n=brad@75-132-122-212.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
pike_Phire: im off. good luck04:52
=== SlickMcRunfast [n=SlickMcR@ip70-162-97-82.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
phantam1how come when i check apt-get gstreamer pitfall isnt available04:53
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phantam1yet in the forum they say it should be04:53
=== Trae [n=october@ip24-252-207-46.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
brad_is there a program that will moniter CPU and GPU temps and put a little button thingie in my Panel on my dekstop?04:53
Quizphantam1,  u need add rep..04:53
=== markoo [i=bla@89-98-148-91.adsl.beotel.net] has joined #ubuntu
jmitchj has anyone come across problems with wireless not working after upgrade to 2.6.20-16?04:53
phantam1do u know which04:53
craigbass1976brad_, I don't know about the thingee, but you can monitor such things04:53
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Phirepike_: thx for the help04:54
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brad_hehe, will it put the moniter in my panel? (where my clock is and etc) ?04:54
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Quizfalow this link04:54
phantam1Toma-: ok nvidia-glx is installed... now what... log out and log back in?04:54
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craigbass1976brad_, It's something I ran in bash, and I just had it take a snapshot every few seconds04:54
pajamianhey, did anyone see my question from earlier or should I ask it again?04:55
brad_thats no good for me :-)04:55
=== pooda [n=cdub92@adsl-75-11-191-40.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Quizpajamian,  ask again04:55
Toma-phantam1: yeh restart X... easiest way it to log out, then at the GDM screen, hit Clt-Alt-Backspace then log in04:55
pajamianhey everyone, I just installed Feisty, and am having problems with sound.  Basically I have an nvidia 6 channel chipset and am gettign sound out of the rear speakers only.  I fear that my hardware (chipset) is messed up, but can anyone here help me to find out if that really is the problem or if it's something else?04:55
phantam1brb guys04:55
=== keebler_ [n=rob@cpe-65-24-132-121.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
craigbass1976brad_, then wrote out to a file for later viewing.  I was looking for voltages, because a box kept borking.  Turns out the power company was down the street working n lines and the customer had no UPS04:55
Quizpajamian,  test sound and falow instruction....04:55
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brad_hehe thats no good.... i know there was one program... i dont remeber the name of it tho...04:56
brad_cputemp maybe04:56
pajamiantest sound, where is that?04:56
poodawhy won't my computer let me download anything04:56
Quizits should in settings04:56
brad_pajamian: System > prefrences > sound ...04:56
craigbass1976brad_, DSL has some sort of monitor on the desktop, btu I can't remember what it was monitoring.  Check that out04:56
brad_thats just a desktop widget...04:56
=== MrKeuner [n=kudo@unaffiliated/mrkeuner] has joined #ubuntu
brad_like superkramba04:57
MrKeunerHi, I have installed a netgear ma 311 wireless network card. 7.04 sees it as prism 2.5 wavelan chipset in the device manager. I also modprobed prism2_pci kernel module with success. Howver when i type iwconfig all devices listed show "no wireless extensions" What can I do04:57
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jmitchj has anyone come across problems with wireless not working after upgrade to 2.6.20-16?04:57
brad_that would work, but i'd rather have the moniters in my panel instead of on my desktop...04:57
brad_and, that only moniters cpu useage... not temps...04:57
poodawhere is settings04:57
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Pozarowhich package would have the flashplugn-frr ?04:58
brad_pooda: settings for what?04:58
MrKeunerjmitchj: mine just works 2915ABG with that kernel04:58
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poodabrad:so i can download04:58
jadderif I open vi then I want to call a file, how I do,04:59
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dxdemetriouisn't yet some fix for firefox about memory leak?04:59
brad_ahh, craigbass1976 lmsensors... thats what i was thiking of..04:59
pajamianactually, I'm going to have to get back on that, have to run out, but from what I can tell it's still only coming out the back.  Will ask again with more info if I can't fix it.04:59
craigbass1976brad_, but is there some sort of cputemp opton with it?04:59
Pozarook i found it now my flashplugin-nonfree is in /usr/share/app-install/desktop how would i install it ?04:59
jmitchjMrKeuner: I have a Broadcom 4318 that works in 2.6.20-15, but doesn't connect uner 20-1604:59
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craigbass1976jadder, vi filename04:59
brad_craigbass1976: with superkramba?05:00
jadderyes, but I mean, if I open first05:00
=== SFU [n=ken@c-68-45-200-250.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Quizwho has got a nokia 5700 ?05:00
craigbass1976brad_, no, the DSL thing, whatever it's called05:00
brad_no there is'nt craigbass197605:00
craigbass1976jadder, um, I don't know.  I never do it that way.  man vi and it should be one of the first things05:01
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jmitchjis there anything i could look  at that would enable me to figure out why?05:01
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craigbass1976I'm following along on this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236093 and everything works ok, except that the server is not responding from outside the network.  I run the test at the end of the post and get an answer though.05:01
jburdHow does one change the language used for Gnome?05:02
dxdemetriouIs there some option to lock some programs how many ram will use?05:02
craigbass1976I've also done a tcpdump, and found that the firewall (a sonicwall) is pointing port 53 to my box05:02
jburdI wish to use a language other than English to view my Desktop.05:02
=== fusheh [n=noodle@c-66-176-153-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SFU-keni know someone that used to use russian05:02
Quizwho knows a cheap internet shop where i can buy a mobile phone?05:02
SFU-kenmaybe china.com05:03
Quizin my country don't come from ebay :(05:03
SFU-kenor china-hires-children.com05:03
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=== nuyao [n=nuyao@pD9E0F85F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Quizi don't know chines langue05:04
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Quizamazon.com is a cheap shop?05:05
Pozaroanyone know how to install packets manualy05:05
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QuizPozaro, http://ubuntuguide.org/05:05
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Quizin Qtek phones music sound is good?05:08
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Pozaroi am tryogn to intall my flashplugin but when i type  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree i get this Package flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:10
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Pozarohow do i get it installed i dont know where to go next please someone help05:10
curiogeoI tried installing xfce4 and xub-desktop on ubuntu 6.06 and it is not displaying the x windows is there an issue with this?05:10
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curiogeothis is the only desktop I am trying to run.05:11
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phantam1that didnt work05:11
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phantam1toma: u still here05:11
QuizPozaro,  open terminal05:11
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Pozarook quiz05:11
troy_I have an issue where I lost my cube capabilities on beryl, and when I open up something there is no x to close it05:12
Quiztype this sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:12
phantam1i installed nvidia-glx05:12
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phantam1logged out and ctrl-alt-backspaced05:12
phantam1now glxinfo is nuts05:12
Lapinuxcan anyone tell me why my gnome desktop only lets me use 800x600 and there isnt even a choice for that resolution in xorg.conf05:12
KI4IKLRun the xorg reconfig.05:13
m1rreconfigure it Lapinux05:13
KI4IKLI dunno the command, but :P05:13
=== broedj3 [n=hellvis@p54B11124.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Lapinuxif i go to sytem prefs, screen resolution i only have 800x600 as a choice05:13
QuizPozaro,  do u add repositories?05:13
Lapinuxm1r: where05:13
Pozarook this is what i ge t05:13
PozaroReading package lists... Done05:13
PozaroBuilding dependency tree05:13
PozaroReading state information... Done05:13
PozaroPackage flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:13
PozaroThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:13
Pozarois only available from another source05:13
m1rLapinux , dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:13
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Lapinuxm1r, i think i ran a command , yes05:13
Lapinuxi couldnt remember it05:14
MacDrunk_need help05:14
m1rset it to MEDIUM05:14
m1rand config there05:14
jmitchjis there a channel to ask questions related to wireless problems?05:14
QuizPozaro,  ok  type this in terminal "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"05:14
=== phantam1 whistles a bit :)
MacDrunk_i cant edit smb.conf file05:14
nuyaoLapinux: just try to adjust the Horizsync and Vertrefresh for your monitor in the xorg.conf05:14
=== iMayKnow [n=maino82@c-24-4-69-190.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MacDrunk_nor in root and user05:14
=== nomad111 [n=george@c58-107-132-250.rivrw8.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
m1rjmitchj, someone should open #wlan-ubuntu :)05:14
nomad111hey all how do i add a directory to PATH05:14
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Lilacorm1r: I find it hard to disagree with you.05:15
myk`hey all05:15
jburdSo is there no way to change the default language for GNOME?05:15
Lapinuxm1r, is it common for people to have to use that command to fix their resolution?05:15
MacDrunk_i change some parameters to allow users to acces my server by window and i try and try but the last line cant be change any ideas?05:15
lofidellity##wlan-ubuntu you mran05:15
=== aw [n=aw@c211-30-55-95.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
m1rLapinux, more easy then writing thru xorg.conf05:15
nomad111Lapinux: what problem are u havin05:15
QuizPozaro, than clear text and type new in that file and save ... http://paste.php.lv/565105:15
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myk`just wondering if anyone knows what I can do; I am getting this error when trying to install: bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off05:15
troy_I had a glitch when I installed a new theme of firefox, now my screens come up without the x to close and the web browser covers up my top pane05:15
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m1ri know i been nagging all night, but i really need some help in getting ftp server up on boot :/05:17
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jmitchji guess that means there isn;t any such channel05:17
Lapinuxnomad111: i enabled the nvidia driver so i could check out the desktop effects and my screen res dropped to 800x600 and thats my only choice in the resolution tool in system -> prefs05:17
ToddEDMhey guys.. i just got this distro installed... cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuold someone help me get my sound working ????05:17
Lapinuxnomad111: i had this same problem when i installed ubuntu, i had to run the reconfigure command in console to fix it before05:17
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QuizToddEDM, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2762.html05:18
MacDrunk_every time i use gedit to see smb.conf file it appers edited conrrectly but when i du a sudo tesparm and see the service definitions05:18
Lapinuxif i run the reconfigure command now i dont know that i will be able to choose my new driver05:18
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myk`just wondering if anyone knows what I can do; I am getting this error when trying to install: bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off05:18
troy_I had a glitch when I installed a new theme of firefox, now my screens come up without the x to close and the web browser covers up my top pane05:18
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ToddEDMmy keys are sticking too.. wtf05:18
MacDrunk_the public folder appers whit other05:18
MacDrunk_any ideas05:18
nuyaoLapinux: just use nvidia instead of nv05:18
Frogzoom1r: ls /etc/rc2.d/*ftp*05:18
m1rFrogzoo, sec05:19
QuizToddEDM,  use windows xp05:19
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Lilacor!anyone | ToddEDM05:19
ubotuToddEDM: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:19
=== ivo [n=ivokar@ip247.cab91.tln.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu
cchance_nvidia worked05:19
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m1rFrogzoo , seems no FTP there05:19
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cchance_edited nv to nvidia in xorg.conf and then modprobed it and relogged in05:20
Frogzoom1r: which ftp package did you install?05:20
myk`anyone know the answer to this?05:20
myk`just wondering if anyone knows what I can do; I am getting this error when trying to install: bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off05:20
=== friendly12345 [n=qwerty@ppp68-26.lns1.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
MacDrunk_also i cant see on the swat configuration page the wizard button any ideas05:20
MacDrunk_???? please i need help05:20
m1rFrogzoo , vsftpd, it runs ok but when i reboot then it dont show files in ftp fplder05:20
cchance_this is odd05:20
cchance_since i switched to nvidia05:20
cchance_the TV went blank05:20
Dr_williswizard button?  Hmm.. is swat even installed by default in ubuntu?05:20
cchance_no more flashy colors05:21
MacDrunk_dr no05:21
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cchance_but under nvidia-settings im only seeing my lcd05:21
MacDrunk_i have to installed my self05:21
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MacDrunk_whit sudo apt-get commadn05:21
Frogzoom1r: easiest perhaps to install wu-ftpd, which has the scripts to start on boot05:21
m1rFrogzoo, i have to do : mount --bind /var/www/sitename /home/ftp/sitename ; to be able to see files again after every reboot, and is quite frustrating05:21
MrKeunerhow can I blacklist a module?05:21
=== Adlai [n=adlaiff6@user-64-9-238-4.googlewifi.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 05:21
m1rvsftpd starts on boot :/05:22
MrKeunerLilacor: thanks05:22
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LilacorMrKeuner: You're welcome.05:22
MacDrunk_dr willis are u here05:22
=== WelshPole [n=sax@72-45-3-015-dhcp.gsv.md.atlanticbb.net] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoom1r: can you do that mount from /etc/fstab?05:22
WelshPolehey all05:23
WelshPoleI'm having a cd drive problem05:23
m1ri dont know how to try that Frogzoo05:23
Lilacoryou can prevent vsftp from starting on boot05:23
m1ri tryed b4 but seems somthing was wrong05:23
Frogzoom1r: in that case, just put that mount command in /etc/rc.local05:23
WelshPoleI'm getting 1.2X on ripping, not on purpose, and DMA  *is* enabled... any ideas?05:23
=== NickPresta [n=nickpres@CPE000625f47ed2-CM0011e6c456e3.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisMacDrunk_,  theres other samba configuration utilities out now besides swat. You may want to try them. Ive not messed with swat in ages. The swat configs May in fact have swat disabled by default untill you edit them.05:23
Frogzoom1r: it's dirty, but it will work05:23
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myk`Lilacor, do you know why on install I get stopped with the following error? /bin/sh can't access tty: job control turned off   ?05:23
WelshPoleP.l.e.a.s.e h.e.l.p me.... that's what my cd drive sounds like... haha05:23
m1rok ty, i will go try help05:24
m1rhelp, = test :)05:24
Lilacormyk`: no, sorry. I don't know.05:24
myk`ok ty anyways05:24
gamecheifokay can someone give me the correct url for mkisofs05:24
MacDrunk_were to get one dr?05:24
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m1rFrogzoo, only thing it says here is : exit 005:25
m1rput it b4 or after it ?05:25
Lilacormyk`: http://www.google.com/search?q=access+tty+job+control+turned+off+ubuntu&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a05:25
cchance_how do i enable my second screen now?05:25
Frogzoom1r: before05:26
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m1rok ty05:26
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cchance_anyone got a second for a guy at his witts end05:26
m1rok set, reboot now ?05:27
Lilacormkisofs http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/mkisofs.html05:27
Lilacor!anyone | cchance_05:27
ubotucchance_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:27
cchance_because i asked it before05:28
m1rok i try reboot , brb05:28
cchance_no one answerd :)05:28
cchance_i run nvidia-settings but it only shows my LCD05:28
cchance_not my TV05:28
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Lilacordid you try asking in #nvidia?05:29
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=== magik [n=magik@CPE-72-131-121-226.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
slackmagiccchance_:  google for   " twinview AND nvidia AND xorg.conf "   and check out the first link05:29
magikHey everyone05:30
MacDrunk_hey dr05:30
Dr_willisnvidia has that command line tool that can enable/set some of the twinview stuff automaticially  (backup your xorg.conf first)05:30
MacDrunk_are u here05:30
magikAny eterm pros out there? Im trying to form the --fton-fx emboss line buyt am having trouble, could someone show me an example05:30
=== nutterpc__ [n=nutterpc@124-168-7-177.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisMacDrunk_,  yes...05:30
gamecheifcan any give me a direct link to mkisofs05:30
Lapinuxdamn, that reconfigure command for xorg didnt work, still 800x60005:30
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Lilacormkisofs http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/mkisofs.html05:31
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Lilacorgamecheif: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^05:31
gamecheifcdrecord is mkisofs05:31
ZenjiHey question.05:31
ZenjiThis is kinda Windows but Ubuntu may have something to do with it.05:31
ZenjiIm running off of Timewarner (Adelphia) internet. On Ubuntu I can get on the internet, but not on Win XP05:32
=== slackmagic rushes off to pop some bodies in q3a
LilacorZenji: you shouldn't have any issues.05:32
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magikAny eterm pros out there wanna give me a hand? should be simple05:32
ZenjiI do tho.05:32
FFForeverHi People05:32
FarrisGI've got some very large evms volumes I've been using for backups for quite some time. A few days ago I rebooted the machine I normally use for these backups, and since then I've been getting very slow throughput. However, I don't know whether it's slow network reads (the data is coming across NFS), slow usb (the evms volumes are on USB attached RAIDs), or slow FS. Nothing has changed hardware-wise, but I see a lot of I/O wait05:32
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ZenjiI go on, the PC light blinks...05:32
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Zenji...the rest is on..05:32
nuyaoLapinux: can you post your xorg.conf at no-paste?05:32
ZenjiIpconfig shows nothing...05:32
FFForeveri was wondering if anyone knew a program like tsearch (on windows) but for linux05:32
LilacorZenji: what troubleshooting steps have you made thus far?05:32
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Lapinuxnuyao:what one do you guys use here05:33
LilacorFFForever: what is tsearch?05:33
gamecheifqwestion is cdrecord mkisofs05:33
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ZenjiLilacor: Ive cycled the power and all of that..05:33
FFForevera memory cheater (i use it 2 edit memory vars so i can cheat in games :D)05:33
LilacorZenji: and all of what?05:33
FFForevermemory editor*05:33
nuyaoLapinux: paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:33
LilacorZenji: please be specific... you wouldn't want me to give you vague steps, would you?05:34
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m1rno luck, it asks me for password now :/05:34
ZenjiWell basically just reseting the box.05:34
LilacorFarrisG: eVms? doesn't ring a bell.05:34
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ZenjiLilacor: Unplugging the computer and cable modem.05:34
LilacorZenji: is that is?05:34
LilacorZenji: is that it?05:34
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ZenjiLilacro: Ya.05:35
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LilacorZenji: okay,  first of all is this wireless or wired?05:35
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ZenjiLilacor: Its wired.05:35
Lapinuxnuyao: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2505805:35
LilacorZenji: what chipset is your network card?05:35
craigbass1976I've gotten farther along on my bind config.  Now I get an error with named-checkzone "zone moultonlumber.com/IN: has no NS records"  What typically causes that?05:36
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TheCougarwhy does the install require 4gb of HD when you can run the OS off of a cd with the apps?:)05:36
ZenjiLilacor: I dont really know :-/05:36
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LilacorZenji: 'sudo lshw'05:36
zacchaeuswhats the difference between pico and nano?05:36
craigbass1976TheCougar, I think because when you install, they're not compressed anymore05:36
nuyaoLapinux: check line 9505:36
LilacorZenji: you're at least familiar with the command line interface right?05:36
PeloTheCougar,  stuff gets unpacked and you need space for a swap05:36
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Lapinuxnuyao: this happened when i tried enabling the proprietary nvidia driver for desktop effects, but i also had this problem with the default install, i had to run the dpgk-reconfigure command to fix it the first time, this time it didnt seem to work05:37
ZenjiLilacor: SCSI05:37
Lilacorzacchaeus: one is GPL, one is not05:37
WelshPoleHow do you change cd read speed?  I'm reading at less than 2X it's killing me05:37
zacchaeusi prefer pico05:37
LilacorZenji: huh?05:37
Lapinuxnuyao: ok05:37
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nuyaoLapinux: its more like 50-160 or something like that, just look it up for your monitor05:37
ZenjiLilacor: Wait sorry.05:37
Lilacorzacchaeus: okay, use that then05:37
ZenjiLilacor: Im lookin one sec.05:37
craigbass1976Any BIND gurus in here?05:37
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Tarkushey, do you guys now if its possible to save a video that you stream from the internet?? like if i "right-click>view in movie player". is there a way to save it to my pc?05:38
Lilacorcraigbass1976: did you try #bind?05:38
Lapinuxnuyao: let me check what it was on my old config05:38
Pelocraigbass1976, best I can do for you  http://book.opensourceproject.org.cn/distrib/ubuntu/unleashed/05:38
LilacorTarkus: there should be if it is streaming to your box.05:38
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nuyaoLapinux: try 31-96 on line 94 and 55-160 on line 9505:38
LilacorTarkus: there is a streaming video saver plugin for firefox, try that05:38
Pelohello w00t we can still tell it,s you05:39
meafluxI know05:39
meafluxw00t was just a default setting, forgot to change it, lol.05:39
ZenjiLilacor:  description: Ethernet interface05:39
Zenji                product: 82801G (ICH7 Family)05:39
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meaflux<--- been using irc for a looooooooong time. :)05:39
LilacorZenji: you should have no trouble with that05:39
LilacorZenji: so it's not the chipset05:39
pike_mythtv-0.20_2 is marked as broken. incorrect handling of use addition. <-- getting that in 6.2 when i try to make. ive updated ports any ideas?05:39
meafluxquick question (hopefully)....05:39
ZenjiLilacor: More info.05:39
Lapinuxnuyao: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2505905:39
mflynnIs it possible to increase the size of the swap?05:39
Lapinuxnuyao: thats my old one and its even lower there05:40
ZenjiLilacor: I have literally been going back and forth from Ubuntu to XP and Ubuntu... it works.05:40
Dr_willismflynn,  you can always add a swap file if needed.05:40
pike_user addition i mean05:40
ZenjiLilacor: XP it doesnt.05:40
LilacorZenji: huh?05:40
meafluxjust jumped back in the saddle and I'm slipping a bit. :( I have a problem with ndiswrapper...05:40
Dr_willismflynn,  resizing a swap parttion isent too hard either. (live cd + gparted is handy for that)05:40
TarkusLilacor, but while im watching it in "totem". is there some kind of save to disk thing? i wonder why i cant just do that?05:40
mflynnI have one, I need it bigger, hybernation doesn't work05:40
Pelomflynn, yes but yyou will have to boot the live cd  to play around with your partitions05:40
LilacorZenji: XP it doesn't _what_ ?05:40
ZenjiLilacor:  The internets working in Ubuntu but everytime I go to Windows XP, it wont connect to the internet.05:40
LilacorTarkus: because totem wasn't built for that05:40
nuyaoLapinux: that's weird, just try the values i told ya, should work then05:40
craigbass1976Pelo, thanks.  Stuff on apache, but no bind.  THere's a walkthrough on the forums, but it's not working05:40
pike_ach sorry thought i was in freebsd guys :)05:40
meafluxbasically my cheapie belkin card has like 6 different chipsets, so I was trying to set it up earlier.05:40
LilacorZenji: I thought you said it was the other way around05:41
mflynnthx Pelo05:41
meafluxand I already did ndiswrapper - m and modprobe ndiswrapper on an earlier driver that was wrong.05:41
Pelomflynn, boot the live cd ,  menu > system > admin > gnome partition manager,   move stuff around , resize other partitons , make the swap bigger05:41
ZenjiLilacor: No I said its not really Ubuntu, but it may be caused  by it.05:41
Lapinuxnuyao: ok, im looking up what the monitor can do, i will let you know if it fixes it05:41
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LilacorZenji: it won't be caused by Ubuntu05:41
Pelocraigbass1976,   http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty05:41
Pelomaybe in there05:41
LilacorZenji: do you have the right drivers installed for your network card under XP?05:42
nuyaoLapinux: 31 KHz to 96 KHz (horizontal) and 55 Hz to 160 Hz (vertical)05:42
MacDrunk_hey any ideas were to find a gui tool to configure samba other than swat?05:42
Dr_willisMacDrunk_,  i just got swat working. :)05:42
ZenjiLilacor: Are you shitting me?05:42
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ZenjiLilacor: Well no im looking for one.05:42
Dr_willisMacDrunk_,  i know kde has a samba config tool.. of course theres editing the smb.conf by hand.05:42
Lapinuxnuyao: yep05:42
ZenjiLilacor: Cant find one though.05:42
ZenjiLilacor: My brother is letting me run off of his internet.05:43
MacDrunk_well yea05:43
LilacorZenji: did you build this box yourself?05:43
ZenjiLilacor: Nope.05:43
meafluxanyone know how I'd remove the alias from modprobe for the earlier driver?05:43
ZenjiLilacor: Its a Dell E51005:43
Dr_willisMacDrunk_,  also saw that swat just totally rewrote my smb.conf for me..  got rid of all my comments and so forth.05:43
LilacorZenji: did you check support.dell.com?05:43
curiogeoIs anyone else getting this "Temporary failure resolving 'ca.archive.ubuntu.com'"05:43
meafluxit won't let me create an alias now in ndiswrapper.05:43
ZenjiLilacor: Not yet.05:43
LilacorZenji: why not?05:43
Pelomeaflux,  sudo modprobe  -r  name05:43
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MacDrunk_so i need to reinstall swat whit synaptic05:43
MacDrunk_or what05:43
ZenjiLilacor: Well like I said, im running off of my brothers internet. He activated a box for me so I could get free adelphia internet.05:43
ZenjiLilacor: I was wondering if that had anything to do with it.05:44
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Dr_willisMacDrunk_,  i instgalled it with ------>  sudo apt-get install swat netkit-inetd tcpd05:44
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ZenjiLilacor: Well like I said, im running off of my brothers internet. He activated a box for me so I could get free adelphia internet.05:44
ZenjiLilacor: I was wondering if that had anything to do with it.05:44
WelshPoleHOW do I get information about my CD drive's writing speed?  /?05:44
MacDrunk_hmm why do you install tcpd05:44
meafluxis there any way to undeo the ndiswrapper -m?05:44
Lapinuxnuyao: will this take a restart for the new rates?05:44
LilacorZenji: what do you mean he activated a box for you?05:44
WelshPoleIt's taking 2 hours to rip a frickin' cd!!!!05:44
MacDrunk_y install all that program only tcpd i didnt install05:44
nuyaoLapinux: just restart X05:45
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Dr_willisMacDrunk_,  it wouldent WORK untill i isntalled tcpd. :)05:45
LilacorWelshPole: your hardware busted there?05:45
ZenjiLilacor: Since I used to have Timewarner televesion, he just gave me his ethernet box and I can get his internet.05:45
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nuyaoLapinux: ctrl + alt + backspace05:45
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ZenjiLilacor: The cable modem.*05:45
Dr_willisMacDrunk_,  also some of the how to's i read say you need to create a root password. (wich is considred a bad idea in ubuntu-land)05:45
FrogzooWelshPole: some cd drives are being troublesome with latest drivers05:46
Dr_willisMacDrunk_,  http://www.go2linux.org/node/98   was one of the sites i read.05:46
ZenjiLilacor: Im not really sure the details but I guess it runs off of his bandwith.05:46
Lapinuxnuyao: thats what i was gonna do, brb05:46
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LilacorZenji: I think you should check #windows05:47
LilacorZenji: I'm confident your Ubuntu isn't *causing* your windows woes.05:47
Lapinuxnuyao: still only choice of 800x60005:47
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ZenjiIf I could get Wine properly workin I wouldnt have to do this.05:47
ZenjiLilacor: Are you any good with getting Wine working?05:47
nuyaoLapinux: hm, very weird05:47
LilacorZenji: I could provide some support but this is #ubuntu not #windows05:47
SalazarHello everyone... I just installed ubuntu feisty and I was wondering if someone could assist me with installing the w32codecs.05:47
ZenjiLilacor: What about Windows?05:48
ZenjiLilacor: What about Wine?05:48
Lapinuxnuyao: yes, i dont even have 800x600 as a choice in xorg.conf05:48
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:48
haggard !w32codecs | Salazar05:48
ubotuSalazar: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs05:48
LilacorZenji: sorry, not a clue.05:48
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SalazarI'll try the bot's advice first05:48
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ZenjiLilacor: I would be content with staying on Ubuntu but I cant get WINE to work.05:49
SalazarI had the same problem for a while05:49
LilacorZenji: did you try #wine?05:49
Salazar...but then I think I changed repositories or something and got it to work somehow05:49
LilacorZenji: what do you need to use WINE for?05:49
ZenjiUhhhhh games.05:49
TheCougarIf i plug a flash drive into a system with ubuntu on it will it detect it right off and load it?05:49
SalazarI just installed it cause it will come in handy05:49
PeloZenji, what particular part of wine can you not get working ?05:49
zero-9376can someone tell me how i can change the partition type that fdisk reports without formatting my drives, i have formatted an ntfs partii05:49
SalazarGames also05:49
meafluxwell.... modprobe just hangs when I try to remove ndiswrapper now... anything special I should do?05:50
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zero-9376ntfs partition as reiserfs but fdisk still shows ntfs05:50
meafluxand is there anyway to reset the alias in ndiswrapper?05:50
ZenjiPolo or Lilacor: Basically... when I run one game, the window will move and my sound doesnt work.05:50
meafluxlike and undo of ndiswrapper -m ?05:50
ZenjiPolo or Lilacor: Wait I cant explain it let me get my pic.05:50
Dr_williszero-9376,  if you do some changes like that. often the system dont see them untill a reboot.05:50
TheCougarnever mind found a flash drive and tested it. it works05:50
PeloZenji, it's Pelo and try asking about that in #winehq   tell them you have a sound issue first05:50
zero-9376this is an issue from some time ago05:50
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nuyaoLapinux: which graphic card do u use?05:51
zero-9376i have rebooted numerous times and even used the drive in different ocs05:51
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ZenjiPelo: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Zenji/InfWine.png05:51
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Lapinuxnuyao: its a geforce mx05:51
ZenjiIma go into the WineHQ05:52
PeloZenji, yah, go and ask in #winehq about that05:52
rp3ne1 know a good html editor that will run on a AMD64?  Looking for one.05:52
Lapinuxnuyao: i ctrl+alt+backspace x, how do i get it back, got a blank screen05:52
Pelorp3,  try nvu05:52
Lapinuxnuyao: nm, its locked up05:52
LilacorZenji: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=6159 apparently it's supposed to work well05:52
rp3Pelo it will work with AMD?  Kewl..05:52
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Pelorp3,  I don'T see why it wouldn't it's just a html editor , nothing fancy05:53
SalazarI'm having trouble with deb commands... could anybody give me a brief description of what they do?05:55
meafluxis there a seperate help channel for ubuntu wireless issues? ;)05:55
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.05:55
PeloSalazar, deb files are installer packages for debian and debian related distros05:55
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meafluxsalazar:man apt-get05:56
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Salazar...I'm installing the w32codecs... but isn't it a command... the deb command05:56
Lilacormeaflux: no, but I'd say at least half of the questions I see in here are wireless related.05:56
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TiradinHebbo.... I just put a new computer together, and plan on transferring the HDD from THIS computer into that one. Can I just do a "repair" installation of Ubuntu without losing any of my files?05:56
Salazarwill do man apt-get05:56
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haggardSalazar: sudo dpkg -i w32codecs.deb05:56
TiradinSo that it will re-asses the hardware in its registry type thing?05:56
Salazarkk... thanks haggard05:56
Lapinuxnuyao: i kept everything the same in my xorg except i put nvidia back to nv and it now has higher res05:56
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SalazarI got an error with the dpkg command05:57
meafluxso anyone know why "modprobe -r ndiswrapper" is hanging?05:57
Lapinuxnuyao: it gives me all the choices for screen res now05:57
meafluxdo I have to unplug the card?05:57
rp3pelo no 64 bit version ;(05:57
nuyaoLapinux: Maybe try nvidia-glx-legacy instead of nvidia-glx if you have an old graphic card05:57
TiradinCan anyone help me out?05:57
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m1rftp://localhost , no luck, after reboot , it asked me for user and password05:58
Lilacormeaflux: do you have the right drivers installed?05:58
Pelorp3,  menu > systeem > admin > synaptic package manager  ,  search  html editor05:58
nuyaoLapinux: Don't know what it could be otherwise05:58
meafluxI do now05:58
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rp3yea, but not sure which is good, oh well....05:58
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Pelorp3,  the nice thing about linux is you can try them all and it wonT' cost you05:58
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Lapinuxnuyao: all i did was went to desktop effects and it said you need the other driver, and i said ok, dont know what driver it installed05:58
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:58
meafluxbut I did "ndiswrapper -m" and "modprobe ndiswrapper" earlier with the wrong driver.05:58
Lilacormeaflux: oh man05:59
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ed1thow do i do like list of files in folder which are not *.mp3 ?05:59
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Lilacormeaflux: did you get rid of all of those wrong driver files?05:59
meafluxI just removed the ndiswrapper entry I made in /etc/modules, should I just unplug the card and reboot?05:59
Peloed1t,  man ls05:59
LilacorThe Lord of Murder has returned!!05:59
Lapinuxnuyao: im not to worried about the desktop stuff on this machine, i have it working on my laptop... i just wanted to see how well this card would work with it05:59
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rp3good point05:59
nuyaoLapinux: hm, change the driver to nvidia again and run nvidia-settings05:59
nuyaoLapinux: it maybe will help06:00
Pelomeaflux,  just try it then you'll know06:00
meafluxyeah I uninstalled the old drive06:00
LilacorHi there06:00
meafluxbut I think the module was already made.06:00
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Dr_willised1t,  could do some combo with ls and grep (or learn about the regularexpressions more and just use ls)06:00
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gamecheifok pl06:00
ZenjiAnyone know how to fix your synaptic manager when you have a broken package?06:01
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m1rmeaflux, just delete /etc/ndiswrapper and make process again with right driver06:01
gamecheifi need help with this rar file i have on here06:01
=== BFG [n=bfgxtc@cpe-75-82-204-122.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
meafluxsweet, thanks06:01
gamecheifwhat do i need to do06:01
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:01
Lilacorgamecheif: install rar and extract the files.06:01
ZenjiLilacor: How do you fix or find which is a broken package?06:01
gamecheifi did06:01
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gamecheiftheir there06:02
terrestre_awayZenji: maybe sudo aptitude -f install06:02
LilacorZenji: I don't know.06:02
=== KennethP [n=kpo@x1-6-00-0f-b5-65-5a-c3.k324.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu
gamecheifnow what do i do06:02
m1rmeaflux , that helped me when i put driver for revision1 on card that was revision206:02
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gamecheifi went ot terminal06:02
gamecheifand typed the syntax they asked for06:02
cappicardanyone got a link to a howto on getting a Lexmark Z515 printer working under 64-bit feisty?06:03
Lilacorgamecheif: 'man rar'06:03
gamecheifsomething installed06:03
=== Amigo4Life [n=joseph@c-24-15-140-75.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
haggardgamecheif: assuming you've installed unrar, to extract a file to the same directory, type unrar e <filename.rar>06:03
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zacchaeusin /etc/export does the following command /usr/local,sync) .... does the / mean range or is that intended for gateway?06:03
bastid_raZorrar! are you a pirate?06:03
Pelocappicard, I think you are out of luck, lexmark support is not very good,  and neither is lexmark for that matter06:03
Lilacorbastid_raZor: I thought that'd be more of a binary lion06:04
Lilacorbastid_raZor: yaaar would be the pirates compression tool06:04
cappicardI can get the drivers to work when I ran 32-bit ubuntu06:04
=== bastid_raZor laughs
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:04
gamecheifthis is what i got06:04
cappicardbut its' goofy under 64-bit... someone mentioned a 32-bit jail06:04
gamecheifbash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'06:04
gamecheifwhat is that06:04
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.06:04
=== FireHazard17 [n=FireHaza@] has joined #ubuntu
Pelog'night folks06:05
Dr_willisgamecheif,  i think you need to clarify what it is you are trying to do and  put more info on a single line.06:05
Lilacorgamecheif: it means you're not typing in the correct commands.06:05
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gamecheifDR WILLES i was trying to unrar a file06:05
haggardgamecheif: are you sure you have unrar installed?06:05
Dr_willisgamecheif,  and the file name is?06:05
gamecheifim not sure06:05
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p5B15EA38.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Lilacor slaps his forehead.
gamecheifit hasnt been 24 hourss06:05
=== punsad [n=david@c-24-21-104-74.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gamecheifWindows XP Home SP2 [OEM Edition] 06:06
gamecheifsine i got linux06:06
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=== Dr_willis asked what the rar file name was.
punsaddoes basic install include ndiswrapper?  My laptop requires ndiswrapper for wifi.  It's sort of a chicken-egg problem to get the wifi working since I have no internet connection to apt-get install ndiswrapper06:06
haggardgamecheif: at a terminal type "which unrar" (without the quotes)06:07
zacchaeuscan someone decipher this statement in bash for me with NFS kernel server restart?  Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...                             exportfs: /etc/exports [1] : Neither 'subtree_check' or 'no_subtree_check' specified for export "".06:07
zacchaeus  Assuming default behaviour ('subtree_check').06:07
Dr_willisI notice that if you use 'unrar' without it being installed - it tells you to install it. :) handy06:07
gamecheifi got the command linr agian06:07
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FireHazard17punsad: its called a catch 2206:07
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axso, /etc/init.d/pcmciautils stop doesn't seem to stop my pcmcia card06:08
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axmy computer freezes when i take it out06:08
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FireHazard17punsad: ive had the same problem06:08
Lilacorax: ooooooooooooooooh....06:08
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bastid_raZorleave it in?06:08
punsadso there's no elegant solution for this i take it06:08
PetitFurbyhey everyone06:08
FireHazard17i mean with having to get wifi drivers and not being able to get online to get them06:09
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FireHazard17in the end i found an ethernet cable06:09
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punsadFireHazard17: that's what I'm going to end up doing.06:09
gamecheifi need this rar file open06:09
BFGwhado your no if your card has linux drivers?06:09
LilacorFireHazard17: I know how *that* is...06:09
gamecheifsomeone hellp me] 06:09
=== RoAkSoAx [n=uskript@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:09
punsadFireHazard17: it must be a political statement or something for ndiswrapper not to be in the default install06:09
n2diyBFG google for it, and linux.06:09
Dr_willisgamecheif,  and what is the NAME of the rar file? open a terminal, cd to where the rar file is at.. if its name is foo.rar, you would use the command 'unrar x foo.rar'06:10
haggardgamecheif: i'm trying, you haven't told me if the output of "which unrar"06:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vsftpd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:10
BFGlol i don't know what card he has06:10
BFGso i don't know what to google for him06:10
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LilacorBFG: eh gads.06:10
n2diyBFG ok, sorry, I just rejoined the channel.06:10
FireHazard17cant you right click and "extract here" it06:11
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Dr_willisFireHazard17,  if he dosent have the rar utils installed. No.06:11
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gamecheifit says i need f - install06:11
FireHazard17 instal rar utils06:11
haggardFireHazard17, we're trying to determine if he has unrar installed06:11
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Lilacorgamecheif: what does it say?06:12
FireHazard17 it says i need f - install06:12
|_ocke got back with lke 10 tv dinners06:12
|_ockeand a deli sandwich06:12
|_ockeand a frzenpizza o06:12
|_ockeall for under 15 bucks06:12
|_ockeer, 15.2406:12
|_ockei had a quarter06:12
gamecheifYou might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:06:12
gamecheifThe following packages have unmet dependencies:06:12
gamecheif  sun-java6-plugin: Depends: sun-java6-bin (= 6-00-2ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed06:12
gamecheifE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).06:12
=== Lilacor smacks FireHazard17 with a frozen salmon.
|_ocke  wsftp?06:12
|_ockeno frozen salmon hjere06:13
PanzerMKZnext time thaw it out so that it has the good fishy smell06:13
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|_ockeall fresh06:13
FireHazard17!offtopic | |_ocke06:13
LilacorMmmmmmm...wow, good iderss!06:13
ubotu|_ocke: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:13
darkshiryuhello someone know how to put in groups the contacts in amsn?06:13
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FireHazard17who smacked me with frozen tuna!06:13
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PanzerMKZit was frozen salmon06:13
|_ockei didnt initiate it06:14
Lilacorgamecheif: something is very very wrong with your system if you're trying to use rar and it asks you to install java.06:14
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gamecheifE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)06:14
gamecheifE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?06:14
FireHazard17Lilacor: lmao06:14
Dr_willisLilacor,  i think hes trying to install rar.  and his packages are confused06:14
FireHazard17type sudo first!06:14
haggardgamecheif: do you have synaptic open?06:14
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LilacorDr_willis: again, something very wrong.06:14
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FireHazard17are you typing sudo before the command?06:14
gamecheifthat mesage appears when i try to do the f install06:14
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dhoWhat's the preferred printf format sting for off_t?06:15
=== Dr_willis advises a 'sudo apt-get -f install'
=== lekremyelsew [n=Lekrem@c-67-165-221-153.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== FireHazard17 does as well
darkshiryuoh how do you install java?06:15
haggard!java | darkshiryu06:15
ubotudarkshiryu: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre06:15
gamecheifi did that06:15
gamecheifit give me a blan command line06:15
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zacchaeushrm.... im trying to mount something through NFS and it "hangs" in console after that command... what do i do?06:16
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gamecheifit says i might want ot run f- install06:16
Dr_willisgamecheif,  blank return line. is a sign it WORKED. :)06:16
n2diygamecheif: isn't that where you enter commands?06:16
FireHazard17zacchaeus: smash your comp!06:16
=== zacchaeus grabs hanger
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FireHazard17err..dont on second thought06:16
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zacchaeusits a new computer, i've been having problems with getting nfs to work06:16
=== kurtti [n=kurtti@hlabgwy.hlab.bs.teu.ac.jp] has joined #ubuntu
zacchaeusubuntu to ubuntu06:16
zacchaeussamba wasn't working perfectly either06:17
zacchaeuscould only connect by ip address06:17
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Lilacorzacchaeus: I recommend you get the Oreilly text on NFS. Probably better than trying to squeeze an answer out of us.06:17
darkshiryuhaggard what?06:17
Lilacorzacchaeus: No, I'm not being sarcastic.06:17
|-David-|How am I supposed to install Java?06:17
gamecheifE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)06:17
gamecheifE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?06:17
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darkshiryuhow i do it06:17
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FireHazard17Lilacor: i reccomend you sont smack mw with anymore tuna06:17
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haggarddarkshiryu: read the wiki page06:17
FireHazard17Lilacor: pls06:18
Lilacorzacchaeus: sorry.06:18
FireHazard17Lilacor: it hurt06:18
RoAkSoAxgamecheif : use sudo before the command06:18
=== cables [n=caleb@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== doc| is now known as docMuerto
=== dertiger [n=chatzill@c-71-227-238-167.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["User]
gamecheifi did06:18
gamecheifsame thing06:18
FireHazard17Lilacor: it was frozen06:18
gamecheifit says06:18
Lilacor!java | |-David-|06:18
ubotu|-David-|: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre06:18
=== YeTr2 [n=yetr2@pool-71-251-77-138.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
gamecheifi need to do some f -install06:18
NemesisDanyone know why an ide hard drive would show up in device manager (with no partition though) but not in lshw -C disk?06:18
FireHazard17stop using ubotu!06:18
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FireHazard17you are taking advantage of him06:19
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zacchaeusman, it's almost like a lottery, sometimes you get a mix of helpful folks and sometimes you don't06:19
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RoAkSoAxgamecheif : sudo apt-get -f install06:19
FireHazard17in the butt06:19
zacchaeusi guess I won't complain, free support does rock06:19
n2diyzacchaeus: exactyl, what was your question?06:19
Lilacorzacchaeus: welp, when you get a motley crew of volunteers...that's what you gets.06:19
macdcables did you know your the 12th most active peron in here ;P06:19
cablesmacd: how is that?06:20
n2diyLilacor: motely!?06:20
=== macd got bored and ran pisg on 250days of log from here
FireHazard17ive been here for days and havent helped a soul06:20
cableszacchaeus: you should try asking when more people are awake :)06:20
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macdcables: http://macd.shacknet.nu/~david/IRC/ubuntu.html06:20
=== Ausylo [n=v2@c-76-23-86-203.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablesmacd: that's so cool!06:20
zacchaeusI've been having NFS problems... which may or may not be linked with samba problems06:20
cablesmacd: Ubotu killed us all06:20
jessie_the_jestehey guys and gals.06:20
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-181-89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
macdyeah, haha06:21
meafluxnow I get a seg fault when I do "modprobe ndiswrapper"06:21
cablesmacd: now 15 :(06:21
Ausylohey guys, im having some trouble getting 7.04 or 6.06 to install06:21
macdI actually figured I might end up in the top 5006:21
zacchaeusI'm trying to mount my NFS share using ubuntu official support, and when I try to mount in console it "hangs"06:21
cablesmacd: but this is !offtopic :)06:21
gamecheifok i got a blank comman line06:21
LilacorAusylo: guess what questions I'm going to ask you next?06:21
gamecheifi did unrar file name06:21
zacchaeusnow when I do an exportfs... it says something about subtree06:21
FireHazard17cables:  no its not06:21
PetitFurbyplease could anyone explain me what would say "Bring the beats up !" ? Is there 2 signification ? thanks06:21
gamecheifand another blank command line06:21
AusyloLilacor: heh not sure06:21
zacchaeuswould you like to see the line i put in /etc/exports or is that arbitrary?06:21
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LilacorAusylo: what *KIND* of trouble?06:21
FireHazard17!offtopic | PetitFurby06:22
ubotuPetitFurby: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:22
gamecheifim unrar ing this indows XP Home SP2 [OEM Edition] 06:22
meafluxok, so now I deleted the /etc/ndiswrapper folder06:22
AusyloLilacor: well, with 6.06, it freezes at the hardware drivers part. with 7.04, it loads everything, then the screen goes black and it doesnt do anything else06:22
meafluxand installed the correct driver06:22
haggardgamecheif: type man unrar. For example, "unrar e filename.rar" (without the quotes) extracts the file to the current directory06:22
LilacorAusylo: did you do a clean install or an in-place upgrade?06:22
n2diyLilacor: I think you confused him?06:23
zacchaeusn2diy: did you catach any of that?06:23
AusyloLilacor: i still have windows vista on my laptop currently06:23
meafluxbut it still says "module configuration already contains alias directive" when I do ndiswrapper -m06:23
Lilacorn2diy: I did? :|06:23
LilacorAusylo: I'm sorry.06:23
LilacorAusylo: I mean, I see....06:23
meafluxand modprobe is hanging because it seg faults when i launch it afterwards06:23
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AusyloLilacor: lol06:23
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ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:23
n2diyLilacor: just now, missed it while I was typing, and I see I'm falling behinde too.06:23
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haggardgamecheif: did a bunch of text scroll by?06:24
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AusyloLilacor: is windows causing the problem.. loading something up when it goes to boot or something?06:24
haggardgamecheif: if you got no output whatsoever with "unrar e filename" then I'm afraid I can't help06:25
Lilacorzacchaeus: don't dispair.06:25
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AusyloLilacor: this is a new laptop06:25
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gamecheifonly thing im trying to do is get my win xp backup06:25
=== zacchaeus hears FWAP, another wall hit.... something all to familiar I'm sure for those that have been at it with Linux for a while
LilacorAusylo: unless you have some wierd hardware in that box that messes up ubuntu, I doubt it.06:25
ed1ti installed ntfs-config but it never shows me the window where its supposed to ask me which disk do i wanna mount06:25
pmjso what's the deal with Feisty and p965 boards? I thought it was supposed to be fixed, but I can't boot my new installation on a sata disk. Grub doesn't even start06:25
zacchaeused1t: when you go to applications-->system tools06:26
gamecheifthe last few things i have to do is unrar this and and make the file an iso06:26
Lilacored1t: mount it by hand then.06:26
zacchaeusyou click on that, and no window?06:26
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linuxnub!grub | gamecheif06:26
ubotugamecheif: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:26
degresevencan anyone tell me how to install engage in feisty?06:26
zacchaeused1t: I just did that06:26
ed1tLilacor, how can i do that?06:26
AusyloLilacor: okay what do you suggest i do? its a turion 2ghz cpu, 1gb ram06:26
Lilacored1t: use ntfs-3g <device name> <mount point>06:26
gamecheifso if i delete grub windows will start up06:26
gamecheifi think ubuntu deleted windows06:26
LilacorAusylo: first figure out what hardware you have 'lshw'06:26
haggardgamecheif: no06:26
BFGyou will need to  insert your windows cd06:27
BFGand go into the recovery console06:27
n2diyAusylo: Lilacor, being new could be the problem, linux doesn't have the drivers/mods yet. Ausylo do you know what video chip set you are dealing with?06:27
gamecheifi dont have one06:27
BFGand issue a fixmbr command06:27
gamecheifthats the thing06:27
BFGyou can use a boot cd with the fixmbr utility on it06:27
Lilacoroh no06:27
gamecheifthey didnt give me one06:27
=== PetitFurby [n=nt@modemcable223.174-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu []
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:27
gamecheifi have a boot cd06:27
Lilacorgamecheif: make yourself a BartPE CD and keep it handy06:27
Ausylon2diy: gefore go 615006:27
=== locke [n=locke@e182015074.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
gamecheifi inserted it06:27
gamecheifit made a c drive06:27
=== locke [n=locke@e182015074.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
gamecheifand system 32 file06:28
=== A_b [n=guest3@S010600032f3611e8.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
BFGyeah bart PE has mbrwizard which will definatly take care of you06:28
=== PetitFurby [n=nt@modemcable223.174-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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gamecheifand sme other system files06:28
=== Kinks [i=Kinks@wnklmb01dc1-186-27.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
gamecheifi think it was ultimate boot disc06:28
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Lilacorwhen working with win32 systems, you should *always* have a bartPE disk around06:28
gamecheifim trying to get windows back up anyway possible06:28
n2diyAusylo: ok, google on that, and linux, ubuntu, etc... and see what is out there?06:28
BFGhave you tried just adding a grub entry?06:28
Lilacorfor those *OH-S$%T!!* moments, BartPE is your teddy bear.06:28
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gamecheifwhats that06:29
linuxnubjust fix your grub and your back in business06:29
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:29
haggardgamecheif: read the wiki pages on grub06:29
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Ausylon2diy: google what exactly? 6150 ubuntu problems?06:29
gamecheifyeah dont know about bartPE06:29
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eexpresshi, how to write a ~ file. like fopen("~/xxxx","a"), i want ~ to replace home dir.06:30
BFGnot if windows is still on your harddrive06:30
meafluxfuck... I'm just reinstalling and doing this from scratch, lol06:30
gamecheiftheirs 2 partcians on their06:30
haggardgamecheif: if it was already installed and working properly, no.06:30
meafluxl8r guys, thx.06:30
Lilacoreexpress: use the escape character.06:30
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BFGif you wanna check if it is just mount it in ubuntu or  w/e OS you are in right now06:30
eexpressLilacor: how?06:30
Lilacoreexpress: so \~06:30
BFGand make sure everything is intact06:30
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gamecheifyeah i installed ubunto accidently over it06:30
gamecheifi think06:30
haggardgamecheif: and assuming you didn't erase it when you installed ubuntu06:30
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BFGover it?06:30
Ausylon2diy: btw, knoppix 5.0 live works perfectly on this same laptop06:30
n2diyAusylo: I can't tell you exactly, it is a chess match between you and google! :) Try all your options.06:30
macdeexpress, ~ does replace the home dir, but that works as the home dir of the users running the program, script06:30
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eexpressi test, but make error. Lilacor06:30
gamecheifyeah i think i did06:30
Lilacoreexpress: so for a file called "the space"... rm the\ space06:30
BFGare you sure, beacuse if you used the normal partition scheme it will just use free space06:30
ed1tLilacor, that command just worked now so i have to do that command everytime i log into linux? if so how can i add it to startup06:30
haggardgamecheif: that could be a problem...06:31
gamecheifif you were supposed to click manual i didnt06:31
BFGi think you are fine06:31
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Salazarok ok.... what i just did was add a few lines to the sources.list file and apt-get updated... I then went apt-get install w32codecs and it did some stuff, but abruptly halted to tell me that the package is referred by another package06:31
Lilacored1t: is it a removable HDD?06:31
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eexpressmacd: so how point to home?06:31
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BFGopen up termianl06:31
n2diyAusylo: Cool, gotta love Knoppix, so that is good, you know it is a config problem, and not a hardware problem.06:31
Salazar...could somebody shoot some advice my way?06:31
BFGand type in sudo fdisk -l06:31
linuxnubtype sudo fdisk -l06:31
macd ~ points to the home dir of the user executing it.06:31
ed1tLilacor, no its my windows drive06:31
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gamecheifwho me06:31
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:31
eexpresscan give a example. Lilacor06:32
n2diyAusylo: what driver/module is knoppix using!?06:32
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Ausylon2diy: okay heh, so what should i do next.. im new to linux06:32
Lilacoreexpress: I just did. 'rm the\ space'06:32
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n2diyAusylo: what driver/module is knoppix using!?06:32
Ausylon2diy: not sure, i ran it for only a few minutes06:32
Lilacoreexpress: or rm \~thiscrappyfile06:32
BFGyeah game chief06:32
eexpressi try this.06:32
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BFGopen terminal and type in sudo fdisk -l06:32
Lilacoreexpress: you're welcome06:32
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BFGand tell me what it says06:32
Salazarwhat does it mean when w32codecs is referred to by another package?06:32
BFGlike the list of partitions06:32
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n2diyAusylo: ok, run knoppix again, open a terminal, and do lsmod, to see what module it is using.06:33
gamecheifokay idid06:33
gamecheifit ask for pass06:33
eexpressLilacor: error06:33
BFGenter the pass you logon with06:33
linuxnubyour looking for fat32 or NTFS06:33
gamecheifim in06:33
Ausylon2diy:okay, ill be back06:33
Lilacor!pastebin | eexpress06:33
ubotueexpress: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:33
haggard!w32codecs | Salazar06:33
ubotuSalazar: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs06:33
Lilacoreexpress: show me your pastebin06:33
eexpresstext.c:402:13:  \~06:34
Lilacoreexpress: you're obviously not doing something right.06:34
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk06:34
n2diyAusylo: gl.06:34
gamecheif Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System06:34
gamecheif/dev/sda1   *           1       19293   154970991   83  Linux06:34
gamecheif/dev/sda2           19294       19457     1317330    5  Extended06:34
gamecheif/dev/sda5           19294       19457     1317298+  82  Linux swap / Solaris06:34
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PocketIRCSomeone knows how to get builtin wifi on acer aspire 7110 to work in ubuntu ?06:34
gamecheifthats what i see06:34
BFGit looks like its gone06:34
linuxnubuh oh06:34
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linuxnubnot good lol06:34
BFGwhat version of windows are you running06:34
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BFGor were you running..06:34
gamecheifcan i install a fresh copy of windows06:34
BFGyea you can06:35
gamecheifxp hiome06:35
eexpressfp = fopen("~/axel-fault-log", "a+"); Lilacor06:35
BFGdid it come with your computer?06:35
gamecheifi odnt have disc06:35
gamecheifyes it did06:35
linuxnubwait what do you have on sda3 and 4?06:35
BFGlemme think for a sec06:35
Lilacor!cn | eexpress06:35
ubotueexpress: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk06:35
gamecheifna i dont06:35
gamecheif1 2 and 506:35
eexpressnone knows. ubotu06:35
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linuxnuboh nm you did a default buntu install06:35
PocketIRC Someone knows how to get builtin wifi on acer aspire 7110 to work in ubuntu ?06:35
gamecheifyeah i did06:36
n2diyeexpress: ubotu is a bot.06:36
BFGdo you live near pc club?06:36
gamecheifone of theese days ill understand ubntu06:36
Lilacoreexpress: show me what you're typing in and what your output is in a pastebin06:36
gamecheifand use it like i use windows06:36
n2diyeexpress:   :)06:36
cables!paste | eexpress06:36
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ubotueexpress: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:36
BFGone of the computers I worked on before didn't have a cd with it, but they were able to burn me a cd06:36
BFGor you can always try contacting the manufacturer06:37
linuxnublol i did the same thing with fedora for my first linux distro gamecheif06:37
eexpresstext.c:402:13: warning: unknown escape sequence '\~'06:37
PocketIRC Someone knows how to get builtin wifi on acer aspire 7110 to work in ubuntu ?06:37
linuxnubit forced me to learn linux06:37
gamecheifah man06:37
cables!repeat | PocketIRC06:37
ubotuPocketIRC: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:37
gamecheifit erased all my files06:37
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Lapinuxwow, that update just hosed something06:37
Lilacoreexpress: what are you typing in to get that command?06:37
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gamecheifi had 400 gigs worth of files06:37
eexpressfp = fopen("\~/axel-fault-log", "a+"); Lilacor06:37
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BFGwow I am sorry about your loss.. that really sucks06:38
gamecheifluckily i put all my isos on disc06:38
linuxnubya but you should always always always backup your data before partitioning or installing06:38
BFGpersonally i keep my data on a differnet drive than the OS06:38
n2diygamecheif: thank god for backups!06:38
gamecheifyeah thank god06:38
gamecheifgot a qwestion06:38
eyemeansame here, i have 2 drives06:38
gamecheifis their a way to back up an xp disc06:38
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gamecheiflike with the same one06:38
cablesgamecheif: you mean an XP install disk?06:38
eyemeanone for docs, other for donwload and os's06:38
=== RabidWeezle [n=thunders@CPE-76-177-190-127.natsoe.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gamecheifyou have already instaled06:39
cablesgamecheif: you mean the XP NTFS partition?06:39
BFGyou  can use a proram like notron ghost too06:39
gamecheifmy pc didnt come with an xp disc06:39
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BFGi know that there is an FOSS alternative, but the name is fleeting my mind right now06:39
n2diygamecheif: take a look at mondo and mindi06:39
RabidWeezleHey all, having problems with apps that need to access /dev/dsp for sound output, is there a wiki page for fixing it so /dev/dsp can actually work?06:39
gamecheifxp home was just their06:39
Lilacoreexpress: pascal programming?06:39
BFGif you were thinking about getting it from a friend that way it won't work, beuae the drivers are already loded06:39
linuxnubya neither did mine but it should have a recovery disc06:39
eexpressc . Lilacor06:39
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BFGRabid Weazle have you tryed disabling esd06:40
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linuxnubyour drive prolly has a hidden recovery sector06:40
Lapinuxdoes this make sense? "the program apt-get" is not installed, you can install it by typing apt-get install apt06:40
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eyemeanAcronis True Image is better than norton ghost06:40
eyemeani feel anyways06:40
RabidWeezlehow you disable it?06:40
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cablesjust use DD06:40
Lapinuxthat just doesnt make sense to me06:40
cablesno need for any fancy software06:40
BFGgamecheif if you live near a pc club store they will probably just be able to burn you a cd06:40
khinhi im having an issue with my system, it periodically jumps 4 hours backward. i enabled synchronization with the internet which appears to fix the issue, but i dont think this solution is very robust...06:40
Lilacoreexpress: this is your program?06:40
khinmy system time, rather06:40
gamecheifyeah i have a burner and evrything06:40
n2diylinuxnub: how many OEMs do that hidden directory crap?06:40
eexpressno, i just want modify axel to add some log. Lilacor06:41
haggardkhin: how old is your computer?06:41
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RabidWeezlegamecheif, how you disable esd?06:41
gamecheifim just need to create and iso for this windows06:41
khinits not a CMOS issue im sure06:41
BFGmost of them have a hidden partition for a recoery system06:41
Lilacoreexpress: what is axel?06:41
cablesgamecheif: you can't create an iso06:41
haggardkhin: well that was my first guess...06:41
gamecheifand unrar it06:41
linuxnubit just contains critical backup data used together with the recovery disks06:41
gamecheifand im fnished06:41
cablesgamecheif: you can create an image of the partition though, although I dunno how06:41
eexpressa download software. Lilacor06:41
=== slickguy [n=ed@c-76-98-165-86.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BFGi believe the command is sudo /etc/init.d/esd stop06:41
RabidWeezlethanks CFG06:41
BFGbut I am not 100% sure06:41
RabidWeezleBFG lol06:41
=== sudo is now known as KEEV
RabidWeezleI'm sooo tired06:41
gamecheifso you cant create isos on inux06:41
linuxnubstuff like proprietary drivers unique to your system06:41
BFGyou can create isos on linux using an application like k3b or gnomebaker06:42
gamecheifoh ok06:42
cablesgamecheif: sure you can06:42
cablesgamecheif: but you can't create ISOs of a hard disk06:42
gamecheifwell then06:42
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cablesthere's simply no such thing06:42
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gamecheifno not trying to do that06:42
gamecheifi have06:42
linuxnubor just do sudo makefs blah blah06:42
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gamecheifi have a copy of windows on my pc06:42
Lilacoreexpress: so you're modifying this program yourself?06:43
gamecheifi want to unrar it and make an iso06:43
n2diyWhat is the linux equivalaent to DOS''s debug?06:43
gamecheifso i can put it on disc06:43
cablesgamecheif: there's no way to create a Windows install CD from an installed Windows copy.06:43
eexpressLilacor: yes06:43
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_olafwhat's a good audio player that i can easily install on ubuntu that supports: flac, wma, ape, etc.06:43
Lilacoreexpress: that is NOT something that is supported here. go to #C06:43
cablesgamecheif: you can however create an image file of the entire disk, although it won't fit on a CD06:43
_olaflike foobar2000 for windows06:43
cables_olaf: everything supports all formats supported by gstreamer06:43
eexpressc channel? Lilacor06:43
linuxnubi use amarok but xine is great too06:43
FireHazard17or a dvd06:43
n2diy! debug06:43
ubotuFor help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures06:43
Lilacoreexpress: yes06:43
cables_olaf: which means that to install codecs, just doubleclick on the file, and it'll work in everything06:44
_olafahh, okay, cableroy06:44
FireHazard17or even a blue ray disc06:44
_olaferrr, cables06:44
TheCougarlol those people that complain about windows packaging software in there OS should try ubuntu06:44
TheCougaron second thought...06:44
cablesFireHazard17: you're taking it a bit too far06:44
FireHazard17its true06:44
eexpressok, thanks Lilacor06:44
gamecheifso i have to find fobar200006:44
haggardcables: i think gamecheif means he "acquired" a copy of Windows and needs to unrar it and burn it to disk...06:44
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n2diylinuxnub: how many OEMs do that hidden directory crap?06:44
linuxnubjust windowz that ive seen n2diy06:45
BFGmost do n2diy06:45
_olafi "acquired" a copy of windows from an elementary school i did some networking for06:45
FireHazard17say he has a mere 160gb hard drive if they double blue ray to 100gb it still wont fit06:45
cablesgamecheif: well this is not the place to ask that.06:45
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BFGgamechief check PM06:45
cablesTheCougar: the difference is that XP takes up more space than Ubuntu for a clean install (last I checked, at least) and its bundled software is useless.06:45
cablesFireHazard17: but does that matter?06:45
linuxnubHP is most notorious06:45
FireHazard17and right nowsingle layer its at 25 and dl its at 50gb06:45
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FireHazard17cables: yes06:45
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cables!offtopic | FireHazard1706:45
ubotuFireHazard17: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:45
_olafi think XP takes up like 2GB or something06:45
=== Twinxorr [n=Twinxorr@c-71-198-169-143.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gamecheifhow do i do that06:45
_olafbase install SP106:45
gamecheifcheck pm06:45
gamecheifdont see any options for that06:46
haggardgamecheif: it's probably not worth it, you'll probably fail the WGA06:46
BFGit should have just popped up on your secreen06:46
TheCougarcables: yeah xp is bigger, vista is a LOT bigger. but as for being useless I wouldn't really agree. web browser/media player, there not useless apps06:46
n2diylinuxnub: OEM stands for orignal equipment manufacture, so it isn't software it is hardware. I know Dell does it, who else does?06:46
Ausylookay guys, i can get knoppix 5 to work, but not ubuntu06:46
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TheCougarOEM can be software as well06:46
Ausylon2diy: there were alot of things06:46
BFGgamechief find my name in the list of people in the channel and double click it06:47
BFGthen type something ok?06:47
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Ausylon2diy: 2.6.17 was the kernel06:47
Lilacorthat guy has some NERVE! modifying a .c program and then trying to get us to help him compile it!! GRR!!!06:47
linuxnubthey all do it06:47
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cablesTheCougar: this is offtopic, but I'll say one last thing: WMP is useless as far as I'm concerned, Ubuntu comes with a far better media player.06:47
linuxnubmainly the big players do it06:47
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linuxnubive seen it on Dell, HP, Toshiba, etc etc06:47
cablesBFG: he can't message anyone until he's registered06:47
BFGOH ok06:47
BFGand i guess i can't either =] 06:48
gamecheifim not registered06:48
BFGhow do i register?06:48
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration06:48
gamecheifhoe do yu register06:48
n2diyTheCougar: Well, I suppose so, never thought of software as being oem, but why not? Imbedded stuff comes to mind.06:48
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gamecheifyou have msn or aim06:49
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BFGaxeclan for aim06:49
=== alienseer23 [n=aliensee@c-68-40-203-73.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablesPlease register and talk about this on IRC PM06:49
BFGmy nick is already registered =[06:49
cablesrather than wasting time confirming contact details in a public channel.06:49
TheCougarn2diy: take windows for instance. there is an OEM version for OEM systems. it is MUCH cheaper then the retail version. but the licenseing is more restrictive06:49
gamecheifubotu is not  a bot06:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is not  a bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:50
BFGhow is me helping him wasting time?06:50
gamecheifhe human06:50
=== Pete_69 [n=pete@220-245-105-138.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
alienseer23using the live cd, is there a way to get it to just skip directly to install without going to "live cd" mode?06:50
cablesalienseer23: you'll have to use the Alternate CD06:50
macdalienseer23, yeah the alternate CD06:50
cablesalienseer23: the only installer on the Desktop CD is the LiveCD installer.06:51
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_olafi'm thinking about making the switch to ubuntu06:51
_olafthe only thing stopping me is my audio collection06:51
alienseer23is there any special instructions I need to read to use that?06:51
macd_olaf, no better time than the present06:51
cables_olaf: well, when the channel's a bit more sane, we'd be happy to help you with that :)06:51
n2diyTheCougar: Yep, I think hardware when I think oem, but your right, I've been in linux land too long I guess?  :)06:51
cables_olaf: what about your audio collection makes it hard to switch?06:51
_olafyeah, it does look pretty intense right now, cableroy06:51
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_olafguaranteeing that it will recognize all my files, etc.06:52
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_olaffinding an audio player that suits me06:52
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gamecheifmy msn is gamecheif@hotmail.com06:52
_olafit's going to be hard letting go of foobar200006:52
macd_olaf, rythmbox, and amarok are both considered to be excellent.06:52
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cables_olaf: what format are they in?06:52
alienseer23_olaf amarok is pretty nice06:52
gamecheifaim is erthi06:52
_olafFLAC, WMA Lossless, MP3, APE, OGG, SHN06:52
_olaflots of formats06:52
Ausylon2diy: ok back06:52
cables_olaf: those all should work.06:52
=== Ryan__ [n=anna@bas1-kitchener06-1177578357.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Ryan__heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy allll06:53
cables_olaf: however, they'll only work if you double click one of each type of file first, because the default player will install the drivers, but the jukebox won't.06:53
n2diyAusylo: so far so good, and???06:53
gamecheifso i cant iso my file06:53
gamecheifcan i at least unrar it06:53
Ausylon2diy: i wish i could get online with knoppix, but it doesnt see my wireless card.. anyways, the kernel was 2.6.1706:53
Ryan__I have a question about something that is bugging me with ubuntu, everytime I accidently pull out the ethernet cord the internet disconnects and I can't figure out how to manually reconnect it without having to reboot it everytime06:53
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Ryan__does anyone know how to fix that?06:54
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defrysk  Ryan__ maybe stop pulling out that cord ?06:54
n2diyAusylo: I thought you said wifi worked with knoppix?06:54
Ryan__lol but even when I hibernate it does that too06:54
Ryan__the cord is so easy to pull out06:54
FireHazard17nope i have the same problem and windows doenst make me restart06:54
Ausylon2diy: no, i said knoppix loaded and worked06:54
=== ferunandesu [n=chatzill@68-117-217-221.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ryan__I know, windows is easy to reconnect with06:55
Ryan__u can atleast repair the connection or it does it itself06:55
macdin all honesty network-manager needs a swift kick in the behind06:55
n2diyAusylo: Ok, what are you running now?06:55
Ryan__Im running ubuntu06:55
alienseer23!thin client06:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thin client - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:55
khinany ideas why my system time would sometimes jump exactly four hours backward06:55
Ausylon2diy: right now, im on vista :(06:55
alienseer23where do i go to learn more about setting up server/thin client relationships with ubuntu?06:55
cables_olaf: the easiest thing to do to see if you'll be able to make the switch is to try the LiveCD. Put a bunch of songs to test with onto an external drive, start t he LiveCD, and test the songs with the LiveCD.06:55
cables!msgthebot | alienseer2306:56
ubotualienseer23: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...06:56
_olafthat's the plan, cables06:56
n2diyAusylo: And what happens when you try to run Ubuntu?06:56
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cables_olaf: Do you have any other questions before you do it?06:56
Ausylon2diy: 6.06, it freezes at hardware drivers part.06:56
_olafwhere do babies come from?06:56
=== omegacenti [n=omegacen@r74-192-45-17.vctrcmta01.vctatx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu
macdalienseer23, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto06:56
Ausylon2diy: 7.04, it loads everything and then the screen goes black06:57
cables_olaf: hmm, where should I start...06:57
=== Pete_69 [n=pete@220-245-105-138.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
omegacentiJust used vim for the first time. I am impressed!06:57
Ryan__does anyone know if I can repair my connection once I accidently unplug my internet cable in the network manager in ubuntu?06:57
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Ryan__or somethign like that06:57
omegacentiAre vi and vim similar?06:57
_olafokay, well, i guess i'm going to boot into ubuntu again06:57
cablesRyan__: Windows' repair connection has nothing to do with what's going on with your system.06:57
cablesRyan__: that just renews dhcp and whatever06:57
Ryan__I know06:57
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_olafactually, i'm going to wait for this game to get finished downloading06:57
RoAkSoAxomegacenti vim is vi improved06:57
cablesRyan__: this is probably more hardware-related.06:57
Ryan__I got a pcmcia card06:58
n2diyAusylo: Sorry, I can't help you. GL.06:58
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: so its okay to use vim and still be 'cool'? :)06:58
Ryan__for my ethernet card for my laptop06:58
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Ryan__so its prob hardware related?06:59
RoAkSoAxomegacenti i use vim ;)06:59
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: Cool. ^_^06:59
Ryan__any network clients I could install that could help me with my problem?06:59
Ryan__where I click the reconnect button lol06:59
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: It is very powerful. you can do so many things so fast with it!06:59
ferunandesuAnyone know much about ATI cards?06:59
cables!anyone | ferunandesu07:00
ubotuferunandesu: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:00
omegacentiRoAkSoAx: and so many people don't bother learning it...07:00
maethhow can i mount a ntfs disk?07:00
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cablesmaeth: Applications>Add/Remove and search for NTFS07:00
cablesmaeth: you're looking for the NTFS Configuration Tool07:00
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maethcables, thnx07:00
Ryan__Im gonna go look it up anyone have any idea of the search query I should use?07:00
cablesno problem07:00
RoAkSoAxomegacenti because much ppl prefer to work with gedit07:00
Ausylohello all, would someone like to help me figure out why ubuntu 6.06 ot 7.04 install? it freezes07:01
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=== jba [n=jba@c211-30-160-138.blktn3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
jbahello people07:01
jbai hope someone can help me, my google juice seems to be off today07:01
cablesjba: why don't you ask your question?07:02
jbaanyone know where to get the latest ubuntu as a vmware image? with vmware tools included07:02
jba(took a while to type :)07:02
holycowwhat kind of question is that?07:02
jbaor an easy way to get the vmware tools onto any ubuntu vmware image?07:02
holycowwhy don't you download ubuntu, and make your own?07:02
cablesholycow: be nice.07:02
holycowjba, the instructios to do that are on the vmware website07:03
jbaholycow, i tried but i can't get the vmware tools to work07:03
holycowjba, they give you step by step instructions too07:03
jbafor vid/mouse/net enhancements07:03
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omegacentiRoAkSoAx: but it seems like a step back in functionality. I know I am going to start using vim to edit things like conf files07:03
jbait seems to want an older version of the kernel?07:03
cablesjba: http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/07:03
cablesI don't know if it has VMware Tools built in though07:03
holycowjba, all you do is mount the built in cdrom image and run the setup file like in the instructions07:03
=== haggard [n=opera@c-67-167-228-39.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_olafanyone know if Unreal Tournament is WINEable?07:04
Ausyloanyone wanna help me figure out why install of 6.06 and 7.04 freeze everytime?07:04
_olafthe original 1999 one07:04
jbai have old version of the vmware woprkstation, the tools don't work with latest ubuntu07:04
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haggard_olaf: search http://appdb.winehq.com07:04
_olafcooz, thanks07:04
RoAkSoAxomegacenti thats good then07:04
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holycowjba, install build-essential and install the kernel header files07:04
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holycowthats all you need07:04
RoAkSoAxAusylo where does it freezes07:04
=== macsim [n=macsim@dyn-83-156-200-151.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
holycowon your ubuntu vmware image i mean07:05
AusyloRoAkSoAx: for 6.06 it freezes when its doing hardware drivers07:05
=== flowingfire [n=david@74-33-28-76.dsl1.mnd.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lilacorjba: did you apply the patches?07:05
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jbaLilacor, which patches?07:05
BFGso after you add the universe and multiverse repositories then you will just need to type sudo apt-get install rar07:05
=== sindre [n=sindre@ti221110a081-7808.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Lilacorjba: there are specific patches for workstation you must apply to use workstation, search for them and you shall soon find07:06
flowingfireI need to get my PCMCIA Wireless card working, but I don't know where to even begin.  Anybody able to help?  (It's a Linksys)07:06
RoAkSoAxAusylo is your cdrom drive old?07:06
BFGdo you know if it has linux drivers flowingfire?07:06
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jbaLilacor, thanks i will do07:06
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AusyloRoAkSoAx: no, this is a new laptop07:06
Lilacorjba: you're welcome. I'm using workstation 6 myself.07:06
flowingfireBFG: I checked the Linksys website, but I didn't see any there.07:06
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BFGok what model is it?07:06
jbadon't suppose there is a threa somewhere that has tips for getting the latest distro (any distro) to work with vmware tools from source?07:06
RoAkSoAxAusylo try checking the integrity of the cd then07:06
jbame on 5 i thinlk07:07
jbaor player 1.0 as well07:07
flowingfireBFG: It is a WPC54GS v 1.107:07
Lilacorjba: I don't know. I searched and found what I needed quickly07:07
AusyloRoAkSoAx: how do i do that, i got these straight from ubuntu07:07
khinam i correct in assuming that vi etc are things you would only use with remote access07:07
cableskhin: no way, people use the CLI all the time.07:08
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maethis there a soulseek for ubuntu?07:08
RoAkSoAxAusylo try using another cd then.. or try installing with those cds in other computers.. i had problems like yours and it was all because of the cdrom drive07:08
jbaokay guys thanks for your help time to go play with my kid07:08
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zero_is anyone here who can help me with php, i know this is ubuntu server and have nothing to do with programming, but i the channel of php it's always full, so if any could help me would be great07:08
holycowjba, well on the vmweare website07:08
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holycowjba, you keep on asking the same question over and over and thats okay but here are th einstructions:07:09
holycow1. install build-essential07:09
khinbut why would anyone use vi if you could use gedit07:09
holycow2. install headers for the kernel you are running07:09
cableskhin: because some people like it07:09
holycow3. follow the instructions on setting up vmware tools on the vmware website07:09
=== tripppy [n=tripppy@c220-237-80-19.kelvn1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
haggardkhin: if you really learn vi, you'll never go back07:09
holycow4. restart x on your vmware ubuntu image07:09
holycowthats it07:09
BFGflowingfire http://ch.tudelft.nl/~arthur/wpc54g/ you can try that07:09
AusyloRoAkSoAx: what about a 64bit version, i have a turion cpu07:09
flowingfireBFG: Thanks.  Taking a look ...07:09
cableskhin: for instance, I don't install software from add/remove, i use the terminal. same goes for a ton of other stuff.07:10
holycowjba, its hard the first time only, after that you will look back and go, holy canoly that was easy07:10
RoAkSoAxAusylo i have amd athlon 64 and i use a 32bit ubuntu07:10
AusyloRoAkSoAx: okay, and what about trying a alternative cd07:10
holycowjba, beyond what i told you, you won't get any mor einfo onthis channel, no one is going to hand hold you through it, if your brain is mushy, foget about it for a few days and when you come back you will get it07:10
RoAkSoAxAusylo yes do that...07:10
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AusyloRoAkSoAx: ill try that07:11
cablesholycow: don't be an ass, people will hold his hand if they want to and know how to do it. We're not like the other channels, we actually help people.07:12
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holycowcables, kiss me where it doesn't shine. i didn't ask you anything and i'm certainly not interested in anything you haveto say07:13
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holycowoh and welcome to my ignore list07:13
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cablesholycow: please don't have that sort of attitude here.07:13
cables!coc | holycow07:13
ubotuholycow: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/07:13
tritiumholycow, cables: easy there, please07:13
zero_is anyone here who can help me with php, i know this is ubuntu server and have nothing to do with programming, but  the channel of php it's always full, so if any could help me would be great07:13
BFGthis isn't the place for a flame war this is a help channel07:13
n2diyCan bash scripts do the same stuff Basic files do?07:13
nymphoxHello everyone I need help on how to get desktop effects working on 7.04 w/ geforce4 ti 440007:13
BFGzero you aren't going to get iny php help here07:13
BFGnymphox join #ubuntu-effects07:14
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cableszero_: you might ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, but the php channel is a better bet07:14
nymphoxthanks bfg07:14
zero_cables: i bet it is, but it's always full, i've never been able to get in07:14
flowingfireBFG: I don't know how to install the ndiswrapper.  I get an error when I say sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils ndiswrapper-source07:14
cableszero_: there's no such thing as full07:15
jbaholycow, you could have just provided the linkage to those instructions, i did say i couldn't seem to find them07:15
crdlbzero_, you need to register07:15
BFGok one sec07:15
cableszero_: I just got in.07:15
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crdlbzero_, #php is +R07:15
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cables!register | zero_07:15
ubotuzero_: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:15
Ryan__anyone there?07:15
Ryan__I fixed it07:15
flowingfireBFG: I also tried installing ndiswrapper from adept, but it installed something that simply doesn't do anything when I click it... ?07:15
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KEEVsup crdlb SUPP!!!07:15
BFGhmmok one sec07:15
zero_crdlb: ohhh, ok thx07:15
holycowjba, i fail to see how YOU have ME google will help you any.  i gave you EXACT steps on how to do it and its STILL too hard to do?07:15
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KEEVsomeone should +o crdlb :)07:16
holycowjba, i really am not being mean by saying that you need to so a wee bit of the work your self07:16
zero_cables: thx!07:16
BFGwelli found a tutlrial on the ubuntu site, but you are going to have to compile it from source07:16
holycowit doesn't get any better than having the steps listed for you07:16
qiyongwhat tool is used to configure the NIC besides ifconfig?07:16
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:16
BFGis that  problem?  if not heres the tutorial07:16
Ryan__I fixed my internet connection thing, I just downloaded this extra tool, thanks guys for ignoring me07:17
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flowingfireBFG: Thanks.  :)  Awesome.07:17
Ryan__linux is cool07:17
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flowingfireI checked ubuntuforums, but there's so much stuff. lol07:17
BFGhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper another ndis tutorial not involving compilation07:17
CaptainMorgandoes ubuntu have any tools to unrar a .rar?07:18
flowingfirethx. :)07:18
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cables!rar | CaptainMorgan07:18
haggard!rar | CaptainMorgan07:18
ubotuCaptainMorgan: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:18
=== Ashex [n=Ashex@c-67-183-12-45.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowCaptainMorgan, sure, just install rar and unrar from repos07:18
CaptainMorganthanks :)07:18
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Ashexanyone using mythtv for just watching videos?07:18
=== cafuego is
holycowCaptainMorgan, archiver will just be able to unrar on right click07:18
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haggardholycow: not if he doesn't have unrar installed07:19
holycowplease read my post07:19
cableswhich is the point of my/haggard's !rar07:19
LilacorCaptainMorgan: I'll tell you if you give me some of your rum!07:19
iceportalhello world07:19
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=== iceportal <3s the Ubuntu
Ashexcafuego: how did you set yours up? just a standard one?07:19
CaptainMorganLilacor, arrrggghhhh07:19
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BFGanyone else in here used to run gentoo?07:20
LilacorCaptainMorgan: I'll take that as a "No" Cap'in.07:20
meekishIs there a package available to install mod_headers with the apt-get version of Apache 2?07:20
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niuqcrdlb: i just register, i think..., not sure but i tried / join #php, and still could not get int07:20
cafuegoAshex: No, i have a storage backend on my desktop box, with mysql on the home server... the frontend runs on a laptop with tv out, which has the storage mounted via samba.07:20
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crdlbniuq, your current nick is not registered07:21
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densoneirc: quick question. What do I set to make my box route packets07:21
tritium!register > niuq (see the private message from ubotu)07:21
Ashexcafuego: Ah, that's basically how I want to set mine up07:22
cafuegoAshex: The only trick was realising the frontend needs to have the media storage mounted07:22
holycowAshex, yeah his setup is nifty.  you can also build a big 12 terrabyte box for very reasonable dollars07:22
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niuqtritium: what private message?07:22
Lilacordensone:  you mean use it as a router?07:22
holycowand do remote x11 sessions with any device directly to it07:22
holycowthats what i'm building at home07:23
tritium!register | niuq07:23
ubotuniuq: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:23
cafuegoAshex: now i happily watch recordings from channel torrent on TV via wifi :-)07:23
densoneLilacor: yes07:23
tritiumniuq: see above07:23
Lilacordensone: what protocol?07:23
Ashexyeah, I've been wanting to try mythtv07:23
whiskey1973hello world07:23
holycowso i'll be able to watch from my cel (when the righ model comoes out), umpc, over the network07:23
niuqtritium: ok ok07:23
densoneLilacor: tcp07:23
tritiumAshex: it's quite nice07:23
Ashexbut all the guides i find are about using it for dvr07:23
cafuegoAshex: the ubuntu prepackaged one seems just fine.07:23
Lilacor. . .07:23
Lilacordensone: what ROUTING protocol?07:23
Ashexand I just want to watch videos :/07:23
cafuegoAshex: Install it, set up ONE channel, then find the `myth-import.pl' script.07:24
az7elisa is a pretty cool media frontend for watching videos07:24
=== timothy [n=timothy@pool-71-102-100-90.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoThat imports avis amd mpegs into the system and adds meta info.07:24
Ashexcafuego: ah, I'll give that a shot07:24
=== Ashex debates whether to do it now or after finals...
iceportali must say,  i've never seen an IRC chat this active before...07:24
iceportalit's kinda nice07:24
DarthShrineI have the intel 945GM chipset, and OpenGL and Beryl work fine, however I cannot do something as simple as playing a movie. For most of it, the screen is blank. Audio will play, however the actual video does not show well.07:25
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holycowAshex, after finals :)07:25
Lilacordensone: hello?!?07:26
=== Twinxorr [n=Twinxorr@c-71-198-169-143.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablesiceportal: depends :) sometimes it really sucks to be fighting with hundreds of other people to have your question answered though07:26
Ashexhehe, yeah07:26
timothyum I have a big problem... I upgraded to feisty on this comp.  and now none of my services start up automagically.  I have to do /etc/init.d/name start  like it came up in cli and I had to manualy start gdm.  worse, neither kde's service manager nor gnom's work!07:26
iceportalcables: I understand. But it's easier when XChat highlights chats directed at you.07:27
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densoneLilcor: Looking at other server to see what it is using07:27
BFGso did anyone here run gentoo? or still runs?07:27
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jrsimsHEY, what's the best music player?07:27
cablesiceportal: pretty much everything does that07:27
cables!offtopic | BFG07:27
ubotuBFG: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:27
iceportal^.^ that's good07:27
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GneaBFG: try #gentoo07:27
Lilacordensone: I have a feeling you don't want to use your box as a router.07:27
Lilacordensone: you just want to use it to NAT connections to the net for the other connected computer.07:28
cablesscorpio just PM-spammed me with gibberish, so... yeah.07:28
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densoneLilacore, just as a gateway07:29
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Lilacorjrsims: what's the best flavor of icecream?   take whatever audioplayer is available and see which one fits your needs07:29
Madpilotscorpio, are you a bot, or just not very smart?07:29
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Lilacordensone: you want to share a net connection correct?07:29
alienseer23what is "LVM"? in regards to partitioning?07:29
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ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO07:29
densoneLilacor: yes07:29
_nano_My laptop's CD drive is broken, and there are no floppy drives. Could any one suggest me a way to install ubuntu in this situation? Please!07:30
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LilacorLVM = logical volume manager 'err...I think07:30
Lilacordensone: you'll need to figure out how to do that using 'iptables'07:30
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MadpilotLilacor, Linux Volume Manager, I think - but don't quote me.07:30
cablesMadpilot: i believe it's logical07:31
cablesbut i dunno07:31
densoneLilacor, thanks I will take a look07:31
LilacorMadpilot: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/whatislvm.html07:31
holycow_nano_, extract iso to a large enough usb key and boot from that?07:31
_nano_holycow, I do have a 1 gig flash drive. Is it really possible? cool!07:32
LilacorI hate bcm43xx so much%!@$!@%%!@07:32
BFGif your computer is able to boot from usb07:32
holycow_nano_, i've never tried that, it should see the files as booteable i think07:32
haggard_nano_: how old is the laptop in question?07:33
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BFGyou can use syslinux to make it bootable07:33
_nano_BFG, inspiron 510007:33
_nano_haggard, inspiron 510007:33
BFGshould be able to boot from usb07:33
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_nano_I guess it's worth a try07:33
darkshiryuhello someone can tell me a good p2p program for ubuntu like ares?07:34
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Lilacordarkshiryu: Azureus07:34
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haggarddarkshiryu: frostwire07:34
cablesAzureus isn't that great on Ubuntu, I've been told it's the MOTU's fault07:34
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darkshiryubut it is torrent lilacor no?07:34
iceportalso i'm looking for intelligent, literate, and experienced users from the Ubuntu community to help collaborate with me on a project called the Ubuntu Experiment. Basically, it's a series of tutorials and articles and whatnot, geared toward the new users and windows converts, in an attempt to help them find their way around the Ubuntu universe. If you're interested, please email me at ubuntu@gridrunners.com.07:34
darkshiryuhaggard where i download it?07:34
themodHey all, is anyone good with ALSA here?07:34
BFGi use deluge personally07:34
_nano_holycow, haggard, BFG thanks for responding ... I guess I'll google for guides regarding the same .. although I'd appreciate if you could link me to ones that you might have used before07:34
alienseer23using the alternate install, what do I put if I want to use a partition as swap space?07:35
Lilacordarkshiryu: you didn't specify what kind of peer to peer filesharing program you were looking for.07:35
cablesdarkshiryu: where you download anything. Applications>Add/Remove07:35
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BFGthemod what do you need help with alsa07:35
defryskiceportal, you are spamming07:35
holycow_nano_, no prob, i don't have linkage but it's a start i guess07:35
darkshiryulilacor i dont know the name of this type but its like ares or limewire07:35
themodBFG: I have two sound cards installed and I want to disable one of them. Do I need to remove an ALSA module?07:35
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iceportaldefrysk: how is it spam? I asked once and it's a request for help, not an advertisement.07:35
darkshiryubut cables it isnt in synaptic07:36
BFGis just taking the card out a problem? or do yo use it in a different OS07:36
cablesdarkshiryu: what isn't? Frostwire should be.07:36
darkshiryuand i didnt find it in add remove07:36
Madpiloticeportal, there's already a Beginner's team over on the forum, and an Ubuntu Documentation team - might want to roll your project in with those07:36
haggarddarkshiryu: http://www.frostwire.com download Ubuntu/Debian package07:36
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cableshaggard: isn't it in the repos?07:36
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haggardi don't know: did you search for it?07:36
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darkshiryui thought it cables because i downloaded it in other computer from there but it isnt07:37
cablesnope, it isn't07:37
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darkshiryuthanks haggard07:37
cables!info frostwire | i guess not07:37
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ubotui guess not: Package frostwire does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:37
iceportalMadpilot: I considered that idea, and i'm still molling it over in my head. However, I've found most resources to be a bit unorganized. I want an easy introduction for new users, slow and steady instead of a quick plunge.07:37
iceportalMadpilot: But I'll definitely check it out further.07:37
punsadwhen I go to install updates, I get a warning that many of them are  not authenticated.  How do I authenticate them?07:37
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punsaddo most people just install them anyway>07:38
MadpilotIceNode, um, if you want more organized resources, how does creating yet-another-intro-tutorial improve organization?07:38
cablespunsad: you shouldn't be getting that error. the only time I've gotten it is when my package system was messed up07:38
haggardpunsad: did you add other repos in your sources.list file?07:38
cableshaggard: good call07:38
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punsadcables: I did do some apt-get install commands.  I can't imaging that could have broken anything07:39
punsadI did not add any other repos07:39
cablespunsad: that shouldn't have.07:39
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punsadhmm.... so I haven't added any sources to my sources.list.  Should I have?07:40
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cablespunsad: nope07:40
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haggardpunsad: no07:40
iceportalMadpilot: it's iceportal. And the specific organization of the site would be discussed with new users and with my team, in an attempt to make it the most straightforward and easy setup. I'd like it to be able to be incorporated into book form, much like The Official Ubuntu Book, with any and all proceeds going directly back to the Ubuntu Community.07:40
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zoidbergguyes...how do i extract a rar file in the current directory with everything using unrar....?07:40
haggard!rar | zoidberg07:40
ubotuzoidberg: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:40
punsadhaggard, cables: any ideas on how to fix this07:40
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iceportalAt the moment, many of the specifics are still being decided, which is part of why I'm looking for like-minded contributors. I want it to be a group project.07:41
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Madpiloticeportal, sorry, tab-complete error. I'm not trying to dump on a good idea, but why don't you pursue it in the context of existing projects? DocTeam could use a shot of fresh blood right about now!07:41
haggardpunsad: is this a recent issue or has it always been like this?07:41
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punsadI just install ubuntu tonight07:41
Lilacorzoidberg: use rar e07:41
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magnetroncongratulations, punsad!07:41
Lilacorpunsad: did you back up all of your important data before installing?07:42
punsadunder the 'Authentication' tab in the software sources menu.  I've got two line items07:42
niuqtritium: how can i know if i am registered?07:42
punsadLilacor: yes07:42
cablesLilacor: that has nothing to do with it07:42
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cablesniuq: you're not07:42
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Lilacorpunsad: good, that's a great first step before you mess around with a new OS07:42
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niuqcables: lol, damn what im doing wrong07:42
punsadThis is the third os on this laptop :)07:42
k0rnzanyone know of a good ipod video converter for linux?07:42
magnetronpunsad: what are the two lines in software sources07:42
cables!register | niuq07:42
Lilacorcables: it has *everything* to do with it if users are new and they don't know how to access their old data.07:42
ubotuniuq: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:43
=== gamecheif [n=gamechei@cpe-75-185-228-184.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
magnetronk0rnz: ffmpeg07:43
gamecheifok guys07:43
niuqcables: im trying that, not sure what i am doing wrong07:43
gamecheifi got nrar installed07:43
gamecheifunrar installed07:43
punsadmagnetron: Ubunutu Archive Automatic Signing Key and the Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing key07:43
cablesLilacor: maybe I'm looking at the wrong messages, but I thought punsad was having problems updating his system.07:43
k0rnzffmpeg can use mencode or transcode?07:43
gamecheifnow i need the syntax command to unrar the file07:43
k0rnztranscode is faster than mencode right?07:43
magnetronpunsad: that is great, it should just be those two07:43
haggardgamecheif: unrar e filename.rar07:43
punsadmagnetron: thanks07:43
haggardalso, man unrar07:43
iceportalMadpilot: It's a great idea. In fact, even though I'm going to pursue my endeavor with full force, I will also be giving back to the Ubuntu community as much as I can. Just as Ubuntu contributes to its upstream Debian, The Ubuntu Experiment will contribute source code, tutorials, and (hopefully) donations to the Ubuntu community and its sub-projects.07:43
Lilacorcables: sure, he might be having problems, he also mentioned he just installed ubuntu... and users that don't have backups of their stuff before installing a new OS are just asking for a lot of trouble07:44
haggardgamecheif: that will extract it to the current directory07:44
iceportalSo many if not all of the tutorials written will end up back in the community.07:44
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punsadmagentron: I'm wondering if I should remove them and install them again07:44
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magnetronpunsad, don't do that07:44
cablesLilacor: but that has nothing to do with what he's asking! That's like asking someone who wants a backup program whether they've got their networking set up right.07:44
punsadmagentron: hmm... okay07:44
haggardpunsad: pastebin your sources.list file07:44
magnetronhaggard: why?07:45
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darkshiryui installed frostwire but when it starts only appear a white window07:45
gamecheifit said it didnt exist07:45
punsadhaggard: hmm... how does this pastebin work again?07:45
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darkshiryuwhat i do07:45
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haggard!pastebin | punsad07:45
ubotupunsad: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:45
Lilacorcables: point taken. I still say brand new users should always have their critical data backed up somewhere though07:45
magnetronhaggard, why should he paste hist sources.list?07:45
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magnetronpunsad, there is no reason to pastebin your sources.list07:46
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haggardmagnetron: because he'e getting error messages saying it couldn't authenticate updates07:46
magnetronhaggard: oh07:46
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magnetronhaggard, punsad: i got that too, for a while07:46
magnetronhaggard, then i choose another mirror07:47
darkshiryuwhat i do to repair this?07:47
punsadhaggard: pasted it here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25062/07:47
haggardmagnetron: that was my first guess07:47
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punsadI didn't include the ones with ^#07:48
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Dev0205Hi. Does anybody know how I can set my desktop up to have this kind of info on it. http://s211.photobucket.com/albums/bb30/satellite360/2007-06/2007-05-24_01.png07:48
haggardpunsad: that looks OK, I wouldn't worry about it07:48
Dev0205On the right side that is :007:48
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cablesDev0205: looks like gKrellm07:49
=== SlickMcRunfast weee
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Dev0205Ah ok. I thought it might have been a settings in the System Monitor app. Thx :)07:50
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tbrockhey guys, I'm havign trouble with X and getting my monitor to be a higher resolution07:50
zoidbergguys i just deleted something by typing "sudo rm -rf FILE"...is there anyway i can retrieve the file back07:50
tbrockif anyone could help me I'd greatly appreciate it07:50
punsadmagnetron, haggard: are you also using us.archive.ubuntu.com in your sources.list?07:50
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haggardpunsad: yep07:51
defrysk!fixres > zoidberg07:51
magnetronpunsad: i use the mirror for my country07:51
defrysk!fixres > tbrock07:51
zoidbergcan anyone help me?07:51
zoidbergguys i just deleted something by typing "sudo rm -rf FILE"...is there anyway i can retrieve the file back07:51
punsadhaggard: hmmm - so you have no problems with authentication.  Interesting07:51
cablespunsad: if you go to System>Administration>Software Sources, you can have it automatically choose a fast mirror07:51
defryskzoidberg, nope07:51
VoXzoidberg: no07:51
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tbrockdefrysk, thanks!07:52
punsadzoidberg: might you have been editing that file with vi or emacs?07:52
haggardpunsad: try changing to a different mirror and see what happens07:52
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ferunandesuI use an ATI Radeon x700 and I can only boot into recovery mode even with the latest fglrx driver. What's wrong?07:52
defryskzoidberg, next time make sure to back up07:52
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punsadzoidberg: sometimes there is a backup file.  Also - did you ever backup the directory that has the missing file?07:52
PFAhi how do i install ubnutu07:52
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punsadhaggard: I'll try that07:52
punsadPFA: did you try the install cd?07:52
PFApunsad: wuts that07:53
punsadPFA: you are kidding, right?07:53
iceportalGotta be...07:53
PFApunsad: ...??? nooooOO??07:53
defryskpunsad, smells like a troll07:53
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tbrockdefrysk, it doesn't have what to do in feisty07:53
tbrockare the procedures the same07:53
iceportalPFA, go to http://shipit.ubuntu.com and get the cd, or go to http://www.ubuntu.com and downlaod / burn the ISO.07:54
haggard!installing | PFA07:54
ubotuPFA: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues07:54
PFAi dunno how 2 do nethin i wanna use ubnutu my freinds told me its great an u cant get viruses07:54
defrysktbrock, Think so07:54
=== Timothy [n=root@pool-71-102-100-90.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
tbrockok thanks07:54
PFAbut i dunno how to get it is it a program 4 my computaer07:54
iceportalPFA: See what ubotu just said.07:54
cablesPFA: it's an operating system to replace windows.07:54
MadpilotPFA, please stop tweaking the channel...07:54
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Lapinuxwhere does ubuntu log files that are updated, like say i just did a system update ubuntu told me about...?07:55
Zemuscables, cn it replace mac 2?07:55
cablesZemus: you can run Ubuntu on Macs.07:55
gamecheifok gius07:56
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gamecheifthe syntax didnt work07:56
cablessame PFA, btw07:56
gamecheifit said07:56
gamecheifit didnt exist07:56
Zemushey i heard macs don get virises either, y shud i get ubnutu?07:56
Timothyum I just upgraded to feisty and now none of the services start.  it boots up to a root prompt. and I have to type /etc/init.d/gdm start to get to gnome.  I also have to manualy start dbus.  if I go to services-admin none of them are checked. but if I check them. they don't stay that way.07:56
gamecheifbut im looking at it rihgt now07:56
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Timothyam I fucked?07:57
haggardgamecheif: did you cd into the directory where the rar file is located?07:57
gamecheifnow im dled the file on azureus07:57
cables!ohmy | Timothy07:57
ubotuTimothy: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:57
gamecheifno i didnt07:57
gamecheifazureus says its finished07:57
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gamecheifbut then it says its downloading07:57
gamecheifthen the percentage is at 98.407:57
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haggardgamecheif: what directory did Azureus save it to?07:57
gamecheifthe home dir07:58
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punsadhaggard, magentron: I changed to another mirror and the problem seems gone (for now).  At least the update manager is geting a lot further along without complaining07:58
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punsadhaggard, magnetron: thanks for the help07:58
haggardpunsad: you're welcome07:58
PFAZemus: u shud get ubnutu its grate u cant get spyware n its not n00b aol07:59
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NaisenuBah, not sure if my question belongs to you guys or the #winehq crowd ... however, can I run a VB program in Ubuntu?08:00
cesar_someone help, the new kernel update made my sound stop working08:00
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gamecheifso i cd to the home first08:00
net_bios_xp_cavequestion...id like to update from breezy badger to feisty but im not sure how is it like other systems where it installs itself or is there commands that need to be typed in08:00
gamecheifwell if i click on my name the files is their08:00
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haggardgamecheif: what is the name of the file you are trying to unrar?08:00
weltallteorically yes maybe you need the vb redist to make it work08:00
gamecheifwell i renamed it to ccb.rar08:00
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cesar_quickly please, im starting to reconsider installing windows08:00
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cesar_you dont want to lose an ubuntite?08:00
bayzidersAre there any bash plugins for eclipse?\08:01
Naisenuweltall: What's the actual name of the package?08:01
haggardgamecheif: if it's in the home directory, type "cd ~" , then "ls" - you should see it listed08:01
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Twistiehey guys08:01
weltallit should be vb6redist try searching ms website08:01
Naisenui'm in winders right now unfortunately (blech)08:01
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weltallanyway i've found easier going in this way08:01
weltallexecute the app from command line08:01
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iceportalcesar_: Personally I'm not sure08:01
weltallwine app08:01
weltalland see missing dll/ocx and put them in th e app dir08:02
iceportalcesar_: but I do know rebooting fixed my sound problems. Try that?08:02
NemesisDguys im trying to run ddrescue and save files to my mounted firewire hard drive and im getting an error "read-only filesystem" no matter what i do, including trying to chmod08:02
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NemesisDwhat do i do?08:02
magnetronis it safe to upgrade to the new kernel?08:02
weltallif the app has a vb installer it will do it all by itself08:02
iceportalcesar_: if that doesn't work, try using the Ubuntu Forums instead of IRC, because your question is more likely to get lost here08:02
stiv2kwhy does sudo apt-get update always show this08:02
NaisenuThe only thing is I see on the Wine site that the .Net Framework is a no-go ... don't know if that affects it or not: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=258608:02
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stiv2kThe following packages have been kept back: linux-image-server linux-server08:02
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cesar_i tried rebooting iceportal08:02
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flowingfireHi all.  As it appears, I have the correct driver installed for my PCMCIA wireless card (through ndiswrapper).  My new problem is that the computer isn't recognizing that the hardware is plugged into a PCMCIA slot.... ????08:03
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noiesmomagnetron, yes but depending on your graphics driver you may need to re install it also08:03
cesar_if i go to sound preferences, if i change the sound playback device to "multichannel playback" i hear a beep08:03
Zenerekanyone have opera die on you after updating your install, I'm running dapper08:03
cesar_so my speakers are working, its just the driver08:03
Twistielive boot of 6.10 graphics is all screwed up with vertical lines, running 6600 GT, P3, not just X Bash is also suffering the problem... can anyone help?08:03
weltallit's a vb 6 or a vb.net app^08:03
magnetronnoiesmo: i use the non-free nvidia driver08:03
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Bishop256i just installed ubuntu on my ps3 and i have to know how to change the screen resolution08:03
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Twistiei can't do anything cuz i can't see what i'm doing08:03
weltallvb6 works as it's native .net requires the .net framework08:04
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Naisenuweltall: That's a darned good question. How can I tell? It's not a program I wrote.08:04
weltallso it's a no go08:04
noiesmomagnetron, you will find you will need to reinstall nvidia after you reboot into new kernel but this can be done from the commandline so no dramas08:04
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Twistiethere is the hint that its trying to display becasue i get a pixel change every now and then in bash08:04
magnetronnoiesmo: how do i do that, explicitly?08:04
weltallwell try executing it from shell :P08:04
haggardBishop256: you're pretty much stuck with what you got: Sony blocks Linux from accessing the NVIDIA RSX chip.08:04
noiesmomagnetron, sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-glx08:05
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cesar_bishop256: get a wii08:05
Bishop256Isnt there a way to change it from the xorg.conf tho?08:05
Bishop256haha my roommate has a wii08:05
weltallactually we don't know if it's preventing the access or we don't have the drivers for it08:05
haggardBishop256: you can try fiddling with it, but I don't know how sucessful you'll be08:05
melchior7are there any cooler application launchers for gnome?08:05
cesar_my sound stopped working i am without music08:05
cesar_plz help08:05
Zenerekso no one has encountered opera related probs after after a complete update of dapper?08:05
Bishop256ive seen lots of ppl posting their own xorg.confs but i dont know if any of them will work08:06
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weltallcesar load the older kernel it should still be on list08:06
cesar_how do i do that weltall08:06
haggardBishop256: Sorry, I run YDL on my PS3  :p08:06
weltallwhen you see grub08:06
weltallselect it08:06
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cesar_i dont even know if i have it there08:07
Bishop256haha how is YDL on it?08:07
weltallit's 2x down + enter08:07
cesar_how do isee what kernel im dong08:07
Zenerekbishop256 i would suggest you not use any of those confs, each is different for each system08:07
cesar_im running08:07
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crimsuncesar_: lspci -v|grep -i audio.  If you have an ATI SB450-driven card, I know about the problem and am fixing it.08:07
Bishop256Agreed, i guess ill just be annoyed until a new firmware comes out08:07
haggardBishop256: it's great. wi-fi works out of the box with the newest version, and you can reboot into XNB without having to hold down the power button08:07
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weltalluname -a08:07
weltallon the shell08:07
pagan0neanyone know what package will fill the dependency for gnome-desktop-2.0?08:07
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Naisenuweltall: The exact program I am trying to run would be the 2nd one on this list. I don't know if you can tell better than I, which VB that uses. (http://home.comcast.net/~thot/computerized_hieroglyphics_flash.htm)08:08
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cesar_crimsun:  i see 3 multimedia controllers08:09
weltallit seems vb6 by it's look08:09
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Zenerekpagan0ne the app you are using to install the package should tell you what's missing08:09
cesar_crimsun: the first one says mm audio controller: intel corporation something or other. then mm controller: brooktree corp bt878 audi capture08:09
cesar_crimsun: then finally mm audio controller: creative labs sb live! emu10k1 (rev 07)08:09
cesar_is that one the one with teh problem?08:09
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crimsuncesar_: well, which card are you attempting to use?08:09
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cesar_i dont understand why theres 3, as far as i know, i have one sound card08:10
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cesar_its a sb live! emu10k108:10
crimsuncesar_: you have three: integrated, a TV tuner, and the SB Live.08:10
weltallwine Hierowords\ 341.exe err:module:import_dll Library MSVBVM60.DLL08:10
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weltallit's vb608:10
crimsuncesar_: now, what's the output from `asoundconf list`?08:10
cesar_crimsun: thats right, i do have a tv tuner08:10
weltalljust install the dlls and you are fine :)08:10
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cesar_ lspci -v|grep -i audio08:11
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cesar_oops sorry08:11
cesar_Names of available sound cards:08:11
Dr_Cokecan420does aiglx come with 7.0408:11
crimsuncesar_: excellent.  Do you remember creating index entries for the integrated and the TV tuner?08:11
crimsunDr_Cokecan420: yes.08:11
Naisenuweltall: Yes it requires that dll08:11
cesar_no i dont crimsun08:11
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Lapinuxsay someone had prerelease updates checked and an update hosed stuff pretty bad, would it be possible to use and old kernel, wipe out the new kernel enty thats hosed and be able to get updates again after unchecking the box for prerelease updates...?08:11
pagan0neerr... ummm... ok, anyone have expirence compiling kiba-dock on a amd64 machine?08:11
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weltalljust input the name on google you will find it quickly08:11
cesar_i should just get rid of the tv tuner, i dont even use it08:11
crimsuncesar_: ok, then what has happened is the integrated has grabbed the primary (default) sound slot.08:12
weltalland put it on the app folder08:12
Zenereksince no one knew the answer to my last question, has anyone had a problem like where  your raid 0 array was seen as two individual disks?08:12
Dr_Cokecan420so i dont have to install anything with aiglx to run beryl perfectly?08:12
crimsuncesar_: do you use the integrated audio at all?08:12
Naisenuweltall: which is on the page, and in windows at least, you just pop the dll into your /system32 dir08:12
Dr_Cokecan420i got yes for direct rendering08:12
FFForeveri have a hdb and i was wondering how can i format it and have it automount on boot?08:12
pagan0neZenerek: im trying to compile from source, but autogewn.sh reports it needs gnome-desktop-2.0 which isnt avalable08:12
cesar_do u have a quick explanation of integrated audio? this computer is old, im not sure what it means08:12
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crimsuncesar_: you have a pci audio device integrated onto the motherboard.08:12
weltallyes but also in the app folder if you don't want to mess windows installation08:12
crimsuncesar_: it's driven by the snd-intel8x0 driver.08:12
cesar_ah ok, but ive never even plugged into it08:12
HardDiskmorning, just a quick walkin question.  Remind me how if I update the linux-headers via the update manager (2.6.20-16.29) how I can use all my current configurations ie nvidia restricted, vmware etc. with the new kernel update?08:13
gamecheifok that doesnt work08:13
cesar_i just plug into the card on the pci slot08:13
crimsuncesar_: right, ok.  So would you like to only use your SB Live?08:13
cesar_yesi would08:13
gamecheifis it possible someone could connect to my machine08:13
Zenerekpagan0ne have you enabled all software channels?08:13
Dr_Cokecan420can you answer my beryl question please?08:13
gamecheifand do it for me08:13
pagan0neZenerek: yep08:13
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HardDiskDr_Cokecan420: i removed compiz and installed beryl and using it with the nvidia restricted drivers without xgl and working fine.08:14
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crimsuncesar_: ok, then try this command, then reboot:  echo blacklist snd-intel8x0|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist&& echo blacklist snd-bt87x|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist08:14
pagan0neZenerek: theres a gnome-desktop which i have installed, it doesnt seem to be what kiba-dock is looking for though08:14
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Dr_Cokecan420i see...08:14
gamecheifcan anyone help08:14
gamecheifbesides google08:14
gamecheiftheir a lost cause08:15
weltallyou just need COMDLG32.OCX and MSVBVM60.DLL to make it work08:15
magnetron!enter | gamecheif08:15
ubotugamecheif: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:15
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HardDiskrepeat incase anyone missed it. remind me how if I update the linux-headers via the update manager (2.6.20-16.29) how I can use all my current configurations ie nvidia restricted, vmware etc. with the new kernel update?08:15
cesar_thank you crimsun, i'll brb08:15
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gamecheifok  i need to unrar this file it very urgent that i do08:16
soulwinterHello everyone. I just installed Ubuntu and experienced a problem with beryl. I installed fglrx and beryl like its written down in the german ubuntu wiki. when i try to start beryl, it says something like "cannot access display 0". did i forget anything?08:16
insmod<soulwinter>apt-get install unrar08:17
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weltallHarddisk => reinstall them08:17
NaisenuGoing to reboot this puppy back into Ubuntu ... getting to the point where i miss ubuntu now heheh08:17
Zenerekpaganone i just checked and there appears to be a libgnome-sektop2.0, maybe you need these libraries08:17
weltalland for vmware launch it's configuration tool08:17
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Zenerekoops typo i meant desktop08:17
HardDiskso there isnt just an "easy" way to update and use my current configuration huh?08:17
weltalljust keep pressing enter08:17
soulwinterinsmod: unrar? why unrar? :D08:17
pagan0neZenerek: have those installed too, infact i have everything installed i can find that refers to gnome and desktop :p08:17
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weltallyou need to reinstall nvidia drivers08:18
weltalland launch vmware-config.pl08:18
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tomergood website to configure wireless card on kunubtu?08:18
HardDiskI was hoping for an easier fix, but alright I thought as much.08:18
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Zenerekwhat you trying to compile?08:18
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weltall(if nvidia driver didn't launch anyway)08:18
soulwinterim using the ati radeon x1950xt08:18
pagan0neZenerek: kiba-dock08:18
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soulwinterfglrx tells me that everything is fine08:18
weltallwell if you installed them before08:18
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weltallit's quite easy08:18
Dr_Cokecan420is it possible to run beryl with xgl using the radeon open source driver?08:18
weltallyou don't need to touch any config08:19
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weltalljust press enter08:19
HardDiskbut I don't think there is a new restricted driver for this version of the kernel, so I'll just wait.08:19
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weltalldunno i just manually install them08:19
=== Pete_69 [n=pete@220-245-105-138.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
cesar_crimsun: it worked thank you so much08:19
HardDiskyea just as well08:19
Lapinuxif i have a kernel that is hosed and have my old one that works fine, can i remove the enty from menu.1st and the system.map, initrd.img, and config file for the hosed kernel without a problem?08:19
weltalli've even taken the opportunity to update nvidia driver :P08:19
HardDiskI did it from 15 to 16, just thought there was an easy fix :) no probs I'm more than capable of recompiling again.08:19
pagan0neZenerek: dont tell me to use Trevino's repo's either im on a 64bit kernel08:20
insmod<soulwinter> a wrong one sorry08:20
crimsuncesar_: np, glad to help.08:20
soulwinterinsmod: unrar installed :S08:20
HardDiskthanx weltall08:20
weltallyou are welcome :)08:20
gamecheifi need to unrar a file i laready installed it and the syntax that i put didnt unrar it said it didnt exist08:20
gamecheifcan anyone help me08:20
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HardDiskhave a good morning people, sorry but my work shift starts in an hour time to recompile this machine before I start working :)08:20
defrysk!info unrar > HardDisk08:21
soulwinterany beryl users here? :D if so, highlight me please :D08:21
defrysk!info unrar > gamecheif08:21
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pagan0nesoulwinter: i use beryl whats up?08:21
HardDiskfreudian slip there defrysk08:21
AusyloHey guys, anyone wanna help with getting wireless to work on ubuntu?08:21
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gamecheifdont know what that mean08:21
Zenerekkiba-dock actually this is first time i heard of it08:21
Ausylofresh install08:21
HardDiskAusylo: tried madwifi?08:21
AnAntwhich package includes ACL commands ?08:21
pagan0neZenerek: its eye candy....08:21
Zenerekand the channel too08:21
defryskhehe HardDisk08:21
Ausyloharddisk:no i havent08:21
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soulwinterpagan0ne: beryl says something like it cannot find monitor 0, i dunno what this means. fglrx is definitely working and i can also start compiz (what for some reasons wont load any other themes :S)08:22
HardDiskAusylo: madwifi.org very good for wifi + ubuntu08:22
Zenerekwell i did not see it in the repo's08:22
HardDiskonly if the windows ndiswrapper doesnt work08:22
AusyloHardDisk: is that a forum?08:22
pagan0nesoulwinter: well im no expery, but, i have a good guide that worked for me.... gimme a sec, ill get it for you08:22
HardDiskno Ausylo08:22
HardDiskit's software08:22
soulwinteralright pagan0ne08:23
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weltalldoes anyone know very well nfs with ubuntu?08:23
AyabaraI run a dual monitor setup. Is there a hotkey for moving focus between monitors?08:23
AusyloHardDisk: ah, so i gotta throw it on a cd to get it onto my ubuntu for now08:23
cesar_on another note, can anyone recommend a good development environment? one thing that windows has going for it is visual studio is pretty neat08:23
AusyloHardDisk: is it easy to navigate? im a linux n00b08:24
HardDiskAusylo: well I think the repository has it.08:24
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HardDiskjust search for madwifi08:24
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HardDiskif not on the page it tells you how to install it and I think I remember it shows for ubuntu users08:24
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yigaldoes anyone here use a blackberry?08:25
Zenerekpagan one just google there appears to be many guides oit08:25
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yigalFor a smartphone/pda not to eat.08:25
HardDisksmartphone, UIQ ftw08:25
=== Xenguy cringes...
yigalHardDisk: :) crackberries are fun to play with08:26
cesar_does anyone use qt?08:26
cinvokeare there any ide's good for coding java and c++ in for ubuntu?08:26
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NemesisDim trying to use ddrescue to recover some files from a hard drive onto a firewire drive and im getting an error read only filesystem08:26
yigalcinvoke: depends on the def. of good. from eclipse to vim?08:26
cesar_i second cinvoke's question, i'd really liek to find something decent08:26
magnetroncinvoke: eclipse is good08:26
weltalleclipse it's good08:26
cesar_does eclipse work with c++?08:26
ZambeziAnyone from China here? Or know the language?08:26
magnetroncesar_: yes08:26
pagan0nesoulwinter: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/02/06/install-beryl-on-ubuntu-feisty-with-aiglx-for-nvidia-ubuntu-704/08:26
weltallit works with almost everything08:26
cesar_when i click new project all it says is java this and java that08:27
cesar_what do i do about c08:27
magnetron!zh | Zambezi08:27
ubotuZambezi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk08:27
weltallyou need to install it's extensions08:27
cesar_and how is that done08:27
cinvokeis eclipse a full gui like jgrasp, or is it more like emacs?08:27
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Zambezimagnetron, I need to track a packages I ordered from China. :-P08:27
Xenguycinvoke: the guys at work use Eclipse for Java ...08:27
soulwinterpagan0ne: ill take a look, but i guess i did it right cuz i read a tutorial on the official german ubuntu wiki :S08:27
weltallwell i did it years ago so i don't remember right now i'm using kdevelop08:27
soulwinterpagan0ne: thanks anyway dude08:27
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pagan0nesoulwinter: i left out the line load "dbe" and it works finr for me, i had trouble when i added it08:27
Xenguycinvoke: not sure if it works for C+ also08:28
Icehawk78Is there a program for reading/parsing the data in a binary file that comes with or is available for Ubuntu on the command line?08:28
magnetroncesar_: there is some plugins, you can install them with synaptic. they are called CDT something08:28
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cinvokeXenguy: thanks for info, ill try it out08:28
pagan0nesoulwinter: well i try, im no guru like the rest of them here, just another luser with a problem i cant solve :D08:28
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yigaleclipse-cdt this seems to be the right package for C++08:28
alienseer23if an installation is interupted, is there a way to pick up where it left off, or is it best to just restart it?08:29
Lapinuxif someone wanted to edit the kernel list in grub wouldnt they modify /boot/grub/menu.1st ?08:29
Zenereklol tell me about it i got 4 probs myself08:29
magnetroncesar_: aptitude install eclipse-cdtr08:29
yigalalienseer23: it depends08:29
magnetroncesar_: aptitude install eclipse-cdt*08:29
yigalaptitude install eclipse-cdt08:29
cesar_thank you *08:29
haggardIcehawk78: cat -v binary_file will safely display binary files08:29
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cesar_anyone here do Qt development?08:30
sjckMoin. :)08:30
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yigalcesar_: probably not because we are using ubuntu08:30
Madpilotcesar_, you might have better luck in #kubuntu for Qt questions08:30
cesar_whats the equivalent for ubuntu?08:30
Icehawk78haggard - is there a similar escpe for using differ on it?08:31
Madpilotcesar_, GTK08:31
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soulwinterpagan0ne: this is exactly the way ive done it. btw whats ur problem? :p08:31
haggardIcehawk78: I'm not sure08:31
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weltalli've a strange problem with nfs altough the lines for / and /media/hdb1 (i need to mount a partition on my hd from nfs) are the same (http://rafb.net/p/8RMS1B49.html) i can't get it to mount /media/hdb1 i just get access denied, while mounting / works but i can't get on those partitions08:32
pagan0nesoulwinter: im trying to compile kiba-dock for my amd64 kernel, and im hung at a dependency for gnome-desktop-2.0 , i have installed all packages that refer to either gnome or desktop, and no luck08:32
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Icehawk78Hmm... I'm trying to compare two binary files that should be almost identical, in order to find the difference between them.08:32
weltalloh it's /media/hdb1 not /media/sdb108:32
yigalIcehawk78: diff doesn't work?08:32
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gamecheifman can anyone help me with this rar file08:33
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pagan0nesoulwinter: i think i just got it solved... i needed to install gnome-desktop-dev08:33
yigalgamecheif: depends on what you want to do with it08:33
Icehawk78I tried just catting the binary into a text file, and running diff on those, but it cam back with almost everything as beig different. And running diff on the binaries just gives the shortened version08:33
v3n0m`gamecheif: how so?08:33
weltallunrar x rarfile08:33
gamecheifi have this unrare file08:34
yigalIcehawk78: when you look at the files initially they appear identical08:34
yigalIcehawk78: ?08:34
gamecheifit wont unrar in the terminal it says it doesnt exist08:34
hghI had a folder with all my music on an ntfs partition and moved it to an ext3 partition which messed up the filenames so I got convmv and converted them to utf-8 but now it's just wrong in another way.  for example is  is there any way to automatically replace all the  with  and so on for  and  too?08:34
weltallwere did you put unrar?08:34
gamecheifuh i didnt08:34
gamecheifi did the syntax in the unrar08:34
gamecheifin the terminal08:35
Icehawk78yigal - I know what is in the two files, so I would think that they *should* be almost identical. They are too large right now for me to be able to tell if they actually are or not.08:35
gamecheifand it installed itself08:35
weltallmaybe it said how to install it08:35
AusyloHardDisk: not seeing it08:35
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yigalIcehawk78: but did you actually open a text browser and view the .bin files?08:35
cesar_whats a perspective08:35
yigalIcehawk78: it could help?08:35
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pagan0negamecheif: download the rar file to your drive, in terminal, navigate to the location of the rar file, unrar -e FiLe-NaMe-Is-CaSe-SenSiTiVe08:36
gamecheifCannot open ccb.rar08:36
gamecheifNo such file or directory08:36
gamecheifNo files to extract08:36
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weltallah well08:36
weltallthen it's another problem08:36
gamecheifhow do i navigate to it08:36
weltallcd dir08:36
yigalgamecheif: all you need to do is "unrar -e "a few letters" <tab><tab>" for autocompletion08:36
Madpilotgamecheif, is it "ccb.rar", or CCb.rar, or what? Case matters in Linux08:36
pagan0negame cd /home/MyUser/WhereTheFileIs08:37
Naisenuweltall, What was the name of the vb package ... now that i'm in ubuntu again08:37
pagan0negamecheif:  cd /home/MyUser/WhereTheFileIs08:37
yigalgamecheif: if you use unrar you should be able to use bash completion08:37
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Icehawk78yigal - I suppose that could be an issue. The files don't appear to be the same at all when I just vi them.08:37
Zenerekgamecheif: i use winrar via wine08:37
P_KableHi there08:37
gamecheifthe file is on my desktop08:37
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P_Kableis there a log of all the commands typed in the console ?08:38
gamecheifsee the thing with wine08:38
yigalIcehawk78: yes, they do the same thing but were built with different parameters or something else like this08:38
gamecheifi cant pt any thing on the partcian where unbuntu is08:38
yigalIcehawk78: well there you go, what do you really want to do by comparing them?08:38
Icehawk78I would have thought they were built differently unless they are encrypted.08:38
gamecheifi have c and z particians08:38
Madpilotgamecheif, if you've got the unrar package installed, just double-click on the rar file, that should open the archive-manager08:38
weltallcopy http://www.ascentive.com/support/new/images/lib/COMDLG32.OCX and http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvbvm60 in the folder of the app08:38
weltalland you are done08:38
yigalIcehawk78: I mean what is your final goal?08:38
pagan0negamecheif: are you loaded into ubuntu right now? or are you in windows? have you installed ubuntu to disk yet? or are you still running off the live-cd?08:39
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gamecheifsee the fiile is windows08:39
gamecheifi renamed it to ccb.rar08:39
gamecheifi accidently copied over eindows08:39
gamecheifall my files are gone08:39
yigalgamecheif: well that should not be a problem unrar might choke but other than that not much08:40
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Zenerekanyway i use winrar via wine because i have some password protected files and have not been able to get the file roller to input the password and unlock them08:40
pagan0negamecheif: im not sure what you did, but it sounds like you hoased your windows system08:40
gamecheifyeah i did08:40
Icehawk78Basically, I was hoping to be able to understand the structure in order to be able to manipulate the information in the file, without knowing how the file is specifically written in the first place. It's a file created by a gaming system, and I was hoping to be able to edit it. It would appear that I'm simply out of my depth right now.08:40
gamecheifbut i had a boot cd08:40
gamecheifand i think it created a partcian rivw08:41
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=== pagan0ne jumps for joy as Kiba-Dock just compiled!!!!
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yigalIcehawk78: as a beginning I would ask how large of a bin file are we talking about?08:41
Icehawk78It's 100 kb, almost exactly08:42
Zenerek***pagan0ne so you found the file?08:42
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yigalIcehawk78: that is quite large to analyze in any meaningful way unless you know what you are looking for.08:42
pagan0negamecheif: i dont mean to sound insulting, but it sounds like you would be better off taking your computer to a professional to fix it for you, unless you want to reformat and install windows or Ubuntu from scratch08:42
cesar_does gtk have a socket toolkit?08:42
pagan0neZenerek: yeah, it works08:42
v3n0m`you can use sudo apt-get install p7zip p7zip-full08:42
Icehawk78yigal - And to make matters worse, I have just found the file the files *are* encrypted, too.08:42
gamecheifi wanted to do that08:43
cesar_err utility library08:43
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gamecheifi have nothing to loose08:43
gamecheifthis is why08:43
Zenerekgreat, if only my probs were so easy08:43
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gamecheifim trying to unrar this file08:43
yigalIcehawk78: well, that will make a difference :).  I imagine you don't know what kind of encryption :)08:43
pagan0neZenerek: whats your problem?08:43
gamecheifits windows xp home08:43
Icehawk78yigar: Nope. I suppose that might be a minor roadblock ;-)08:43
v3n0m`gamecheif: were you able to open the file?08:44
gamecheifstill cant08:44
gamecheifdont know what wrong08:44
gamecheifi have unrar installed08:44
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yigalIcehawk78: are you trying to get wine to use it?08:44
Zenerek***pagan0ne let's start with #1 trying to install ubuntu on a second machine with a promise fasttrak tx2000, prob is it sees the raid 0 array as two drives08:44
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niuqhow can i know if my name it is registered?08:44
niuqi just tried to, not sure if i did it08:45
pagan0negamecheif: if your running off the ubuntu live cd, then you'll need to install ubuntu to disc first before you can unrar the file, if your not then what are you currently running?08:45
pagan0neZenerek: yeah i overheard that, and quietly slid past as thats way above me08:45
geethello, i have a simple question. how can i create a very large empty file rather quickly? dd works but is slow. i notice some programs like VirtualBox can create 4 GB files instantly, how are they doing this?08:45
yigalpagan0ne: why do you say that, this is not true, he needs free disk space not necessarily to install on the hd?08:45
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gamecheifi have installed unbuntu in hdd i installed it over windows im trying to get windows back i dont have a windows cd08:45
void^geet: use dds seek option08:46
yigalgamecheif: what do you mean "over windows"?08:46
gamecheifi installed look08:46
gamecheifill show you08:46
Zenerek***pagan0ne hahahah, yeah i've beein asking on this channel for awhile now, # 2 i updated my dapper install the other day, it killed opera, i can get it to work again08:46
pagan0neyigal: if he's running off livecd, and has downloaded the file, his virtual disk is about full, and in my expirence ubuntu livecd doesnt like dealing with large files08:46
slackmagicgamecheif: mind if I pm you?08:46
niuqhow can i know if my nick it's registered?08:46
RoC_MMgamecheif, take the system offline...any time it is running you will be decreasing your chances of recovering files.08:46
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Icehawk78yigal: I'm not sure I understand your question regarding wine08:46
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HorizonXPhey guys08:47
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RoC_MMgamecheif, you won't be able to recover a working windows install..but you will be able to recover some files.08:47
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HorizonXPi ordered a dell inspiron 640m that should be coming this week08:47
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gamecheifi have this boot cd08:47
yigalpagan0ne: It really depends on ram, on my 512mb ram machine yes on a 2gb creature not necessarily ?08:47
HorizonXPit's gonna have a Core 2 Duo T720008:47
pagan0neZenerek: well MY answer to that would be to get firefox :D08:47
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punsadwhich packages to install to play mp3?08:47
HorizonXPmy question is, how does linux handle multiple cores? will it be significantly better?08:47
gamecheifthat i dl'ed today it particaned a c drive with windows system 3208:47
HorizonXPalso, does Ubuntu have good 64-bit support?08:48
bayzidersFor some reason I don't have my progress bar when I boot and shut down. How do I get it back?08:48
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yigalIcehawk78: what are you trying to do with the bin, if you feel uncomfortable telling me don't worry about it but it might make the whole process easier08:48
pagan0neyigal: i am running w/ 4Gb ram, and i had trouble downloading winxp pro, unzipping it (1.4 ish GB between the zip and the iso08:48
Zenerek***pagan0ne no offense to firefox, but opera is smaller(so they say) and more powefull, it's my fave08:48
niuqhow can i write over my ntfs partition?08:48
Ausylowhat do you guys recommend, 6.06 LTS or 7.04 ?08:48
pagan0neZenerek: i know, thats my way of saying that i cant help ya there either08:48
yigalpagan0ne: yes, I agree this is a lot of for 4gb of ram08:48
Lapinuxi accidently had "prerealease" updates selected and it hosed my system, so i went back to an old kernel, removed the entry from grub and am using an old kernel that works, i've since uncheck the "prerelease" updates box and want to update my sytem agian but its telling me im up to date.. what do i need to do to get it to update?08:48
Ausylowhats the major difference08:48
punsadwhich packages to install to play mp3?08:48
Madpilotubotu, mp3 | punsad08:49
ubotupunsad: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:49
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RoC_MMAusylo, the LTS release is for people who don't want or need the latest and greatest...it will be around and supported for a while...if you just want the regular new thing then 7.04 works great for me and has lots of improvements over older releases.08:49
Icehawk78yigal: It's a saved game file for my Wii video game console. Right now, I'm mostly just trying to figure out the structure of the file, with the hopeful future goal of being able to edit the file.08:49
yigalpunsad: lame and lame-extras08:49
Zenerek***pagan0ne hahah, yeah i knew that, but i have to try, funny thing i never ask much for help08:49
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pagan0neyigal: my point is, that even with alot of ram, it can be filled up quickly if he's running off livecd trying to do it08:49
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niuqhow can i write over my ntfs partition?08:50
pagan0neZenerek: i ask, usually dont get anything that helps me, solve the problem on my own, and am back inside a week08:50
yigalIcehawk78: I am really not sure in this area, gl :)08:50
RoC_MMniuq, like erase the hard drive....or resize or delete a partition?08:50
yigalIcehawk78: you will do it08:50
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niuqRoC_MM: like saving a file there08:50
RoC_MMsee if you see it in Computer.08:51
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RoC_MMComputer is under the Places menu at the top of the screen,.08:51
pagan0neis there a way to just install _EVERYTHING_ in the universe directory? lol08:51
Naisenuweltall: I must need something to make this run yes? I get error: "Cannot open /home/carissa/Desktop/HieroWord34/Hierowords341.exe: No application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file." (Yes I put the .ocx & .dll in the same folder.)08:51
m1chaelwhen i view large pages in firefox (i.e. myspace pages) ... firefox gets extremely slow.. can anyone give me some hints on what to google or how to fix this?08:51
Zenerek***pagan0ne i can for the most part fix my own probs, i am stubborn and refuse to ask for help usually, but i've found linux to be taxing, but i still don't ask much for help08:51
bicthat would take a lot of space08:51
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Icehawk78yigal: Thanks for trying. lol. I wasn't expecting anyone necessarily to be able to help in this particular area, I was just checking to see if I could figure out anything I may have missed.08:51
niuqRoC_MM: any clue?08:51
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bayzidersFor some reason I don't have my progress bar when I boot and shut down. How do I get it back?08:52
weltallyou need wine08:52
yigalm1chael: use epiphany :)08:52
RoC_MMYeah I said something niuq ...08:52
pagan0nebic: i was making tha comment out of frustration, but im sure i have the space... lol  2 500Gb Drives08:52
Naisenuah you were using wine :)08:52
yigalm1chael: it does seem to be faster, if you are using GNOME08:52
weltallwell  that's the only way right now :P08:52
niuqRoC_MM: ...? you havent...08:52
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niuqRoC_MM: .i am missing messages?08:52
Ausylowhen setting up ubuntu, it doesnt find my router08:52
m1chaelyeah im using gnome08:52
Ausyloon a wireless connection08:52
m1chaelshould i use kde?08:52
RoC_MMpagan0ne, some packages replace other packages, there might be a way but you almost defianntely don't need to do it...nobody does that.08:53
yigalm1chael: then check out epiphany08:53
NaisenuWeltall: Do you run it from the command line or double-click the icon?08:53
RoC_MMniuq, I just didn't say your name...click Places than Computer.08:53
weltalli've tried from command line08:53
pagan0neRoC_MM: i know, im just frustrated trying to compile kiba from source and not having help with the deps... lol i was only kidding08:53
yigalm1chael: epiphany-browser  epiphany-extensions08:53
weltallbut normally i do also a double click08:53
niuqRoC_MM: ohh sorry08:53
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niuqRoC_MM: ok done08:54
Zenerek***pagan0ne yeah there is a way just click ctrll+a(in synaptic) and then apply the install and hope you're not stuck on a dialp modem like me08:54
RoC_MMpagan0ne, it is possible to grab the source package for that no?08:54
yigalpagan0ne:  has that program improved over half a year ago?08:54
weltallif i do a double click it can't find it's file08:54
Naisenuis it just: "wine /path/to/file" - require any switches?08:54
RoC_MMpagan0ne, like the source package from the repo?08:54
yigalpagan0ne: I mean kiba?08:54
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=== Hillview [n=Timo@pppoe-137-100.wcta.net] has joined #ubuntu
rickjameshi... i just installed ubuntu yesterday and i got frustrated with the limitedness of it all because i have to use proprietary restricted nvidia drivers.  then my x windows wouldn't start and i had to use the bash shell. i ended up figuring out how to run a buffer overflow attack thingy on my own system, eventually corrupted the whole HDD and had to reinstall today.  right now if you type man +k undocumented in your console you can see the man08:54
rickjamespage created from the 7 proprietary nvidia packages installed on my system...  there was a command at some point that told me about the mono-project...   i'm honestly just trying to figure out what the hell i did to my system yesterday....08:54
punsadanyone know what causes beryl to not run windows manager correctly?  All my X apps just hang in space without any window manager when I select 'beryl'08:54
weltallcd /path/to/file08:54
weltallwine executable08:54
pagan0neyigal: i dont know yet... lol still fighting08:54
weltalljust to be sure as when i do a double click i get a file open error08:54
Naisenuokay that should be easy enough ... letting SPM install wine now08:54
rickjameswell yesterday = thursday now...very little sleep you see...08:55
pagan0neRoC_MM: not that i can see, i dont see any kiba packages in adept after i added the repo and updated my local list08:55
yigalpagan0ne: I compiled it about a half year ago, it takes a little effort but it didn't seem worth it.  I would give you my deb or config file but I through the lot out it really wasn't worth it08:55
yigalpagan0ne: s/through/threw excuse me08:55
niuqRoC_MM: ok yeah i see the ntfs partition, but the thin is, it's only read-ony disk08:55
pagan0neyigal: well i saw a video on youtube with beryl and kiba-dock installed, and it looked pretty slick08:55
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niuqRoC_MM: ok yeah i see the ntfs partition, but the thing*** is, it's only read-ony disk08:56
bayzidersFor some reason I don't have my progress bar when I boot and shut down. How do I get it back?08:56
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niuqRoC_MM: and i'd like to write over that partition08:56
marquinho64someone can give me tokens please?08:56
yigalpagan0ne: it looks slick. the problem is kiba dock is really easily controllable and so everything is flying this way and that most of the time08:56
RoC_MM!ntfs > niuq08:56
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yigalpagan0ne: excuse me "not really controllable"08:56
HorizonXPhey, how's Ubuntu's 64 bit support on the Core 2 Duo?08:57
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:57
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:57
Zenerek Naisenu just remember that between anyspace in a name to add \\ like this        / that\\and/with/08:57
rickjamesnot quite perfect horizon, i learned how to run a buffer overflow attack on my own system yesterday and fucked it pretty hard.08:57
RoC_MMHorizonXP, Core 2 isn't 64-bit I don't think.08:57
rickjamesand thts what i use08:57
marquinho64how i can get tokens?08:57
haggard!ohmy | rickjames08:57
uboturickjames: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:57
rickjameson my laptop08:57
yigalrickjames: does that work for just one terminal or the whole machine?08:57
HorizonXPRoC_MM: According to Wikipedia, it is08:58
RoC_MMmarquinho64, like for what? Arcade tokens?08:58
Naisenuautocomplete does that for me :D08:58
rickjameser sorry bout that :-/08:58
Naisenuah frell the blasted printer error08:58
rickjameser...any terminal i use really. i can just run one of many commands, hit esc a few times, and immediately be root user.08:58
RoC_MMHorizonXP, the kernel supports SMP for like forever.08:58
pagan0neyigal: well ill see when i get done fighting, if i dont just fsck it first08:58
marquinho64to download games on direct download site08:58
RoC_MMJust try it HorizonXP ...get the livecd.08:58
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rickjamesyeah horizon, it will work.08:59
magnetronmarquinho64: stop begging for tokens08:59
Naisenuprogram is a bit of a bugger in that it always wants a printer installed or it errors out08:59
rickjamesjust don't do silly stuff like i did08:59
HorizonXPRoC_MM: Well, I won't have the laptop until later this week. I'm just worried about driver and sotware support08:59
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RoC_MMmarquinho64, what does that have to do with ubuntu?08:59
Lapinuxanyone know how ubuntu knows if your system is up to date?08:59
yigalrickjames: shoot where can I get this info, I would like to make sure it can't easily happen on my system08:59
magnetron!support | marquinho6408:59
ubotumarquinho64: support is The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org08:59
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RoC_MMHorizonXP, Ubuntu has info on that on their website I'm sure...08:59
HorizonXPRoC_MM: My desktop runs beautifully on Ubuntu, I'm hoping it's even better on the new laptop, but i'm trying to figure out if I should stay with 32 bit or go 6409:00
yigalpagan0ne: then I wish you luck on the kiba build :)09:00
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HorizonXP!ubotu 64bit09:00
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.09:00
RoC_MMLapinux, it does an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade check in the background09:00
rickjameswait sorry horizon, i don't have core 2, i have core duo XD09:00
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mattsqzyoull run into minor issues with 64bit09:00
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mattsqzflash, for example09:00
bayzidersFor some reason I don't have my progress bar when I boot and shut down. How do I get it back?09:00
HorizonXPyeah rickjames, core2 was the first laptop chip to support it09:00
HorizonXPrickjames, thas why i went with it09:00
pagan0neyigal: i _think_ i just finished... lol09:00
ZenerekLapinux: look up and two your right on your desktop there is a liitle icon that if you hover the mouse over tell you if there are any updates09:00
niuqRoC_MM: it worked well, thx09:01
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DarthShrineI have a Core Duo T2350 with an Intel 945GM IGP.  When I run Beryl there are blue outlines around windows that are on top of the mplayer window.  Alt-tab, etc will also turn the whole mplayer window blue.  In Metacity the video is fine.  What can I do to remove the blue areas?09:01
LapinuxRoC_MM: i accidently had "prerelease updates" checked and it hosed something, i got rid of the old kernel, removed the entry from grub and am using the old kernel, i unchecked the prerelease and want to update again but it thinks im all up to date....09:01
HorizonXProc_mm: looking at the wiki, it says that apt-get doesn't support biarch, so it's tough to get 32 bit apps09:01
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yigalpagan0ne: enjoy, but I think if you are like me you will soon get tired of the stuff flying around the screen :) but I hope you enjoy09:02
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rickjameswell basically i've just had to do a lot of fine tuning to this machine to make everything work right. but my desktop with beryl and emerald is sick.09:02
khinhi, is there any way i can get rid of this horrid brown color at startup09:02
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Naisenuweltall: Are you getting the printer error?09:02
LapinuxRoc_MM: i mean i got rid of the newest *hosed kernel09:02
weltalli didn't try printing09:02
FFForeverHELP!!!, sorry but i was getting help and i changed my only users group from the main group and now i cant run sudo.....09:02
=== FFForever panics
pagan0neyigal: well i like to play with the stuff, i may never use it again, but i like to expirment and learn, and if i like it, i may keep it...09:02
Naisenuafter you hit the big OK button09:02
khini've been changing my gnome stuff but can i change the ubuntu startup screen09:02
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magnetronFFForever: start ubuntu in single-user mode and fix it09:03
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FFForeverand i use kubuntu :D09:03
magnetronFFForever: when you see the grub menu, it will be there09:03
weltallif you do print multiple it seems to work naisenu09:03
LapinuxRoc_MM: can you help me any further?09:03
rickjamesokay so nobody can help me figure out how i went from running ubuntu, to traipsing through the bash shell, to issuing direct commands to my processor? and got a boot: prompt?09:03
NaisenuI think the program checks for a printer and then errors out if it can't find one. I just installed my HP PSC1210 here and it doesn't like that.09:03
FFForeveri see recovery :)09:03
FFForeveris that it?09:03
magnetronFFForever: that's it09:03
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yigalpagan0ne: linux that is what its about, experimentation09:04
weltallworks fine here naisenu09:04
RoC_MMLapinux, I would restore from backups...or reinstall if the system.09:04
weltallwith default printer selected09:04
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pagan0neyigal: yeah thats what they said about acid too09:04
rickjamesmmmm. acid.09:04
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NaisenuDo I have to reboot the machine for it to realize that there's a printer attached?09:04
LapinuxRoc_MM: no way i can tell it to apply updates again now that i dont have the hosed kernel and the prerelease updates checked09:05
khinis there any way to change this09:05
RoC_MMNot likely Naisenu.09:05
Ausyloanyone know how i can get better screen resolution that 1024x768 with ubuntu ?09:05
rickjameswell whatever, someone type man -k man in terminal and check it out.09:05
FFForeverkk *brb* 5mins :D09:05
marquinho64anyone from Brazil?09:05
RoC_MMLapinux, you could run "sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade" from the terminal.09:05
Naisenu*bangs head* There is a printer showing as installed. Yet this stupid program is erroring out.09:05
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NaisenuBleh. it wasn't default. That fixed it.09:07
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tsaihi folks,  I accidently installed apache2 twice, and now want to remove any instance of it.  Any body know how I can get rid of both installs altogether?  It appears that they have documentation in several location when i do a locate09:07
pagan0neis there any way to compile a virtual brick to throw at this virtual junk they call kiba.... after hours of fighting, i got it to compile, now... it wont run!09:07
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RoC_MMpagan0ne, yes you could compile a brick, but that wouldn't make kiba run...09:08
khinis there any way to change the ubuntu startup screen from this brown color09:08
Naisenuwhat is kiba?09:08
rickjamesmmm. compiling bricks.09:08
LapinuxRoc_MM: same thing, do you know what file it looks at to see whats installed09:08
Zenerekpagan0ne that's just i candy, now losing your browser, that hurts09:08
RoC_MMkhin, Yes...it's a graphic, not really a color...you may not want to bother unelss it's a big deal.09:08
pagan0neRoC_MM: well i was hoping it WOULDNT run at that point actually, but a bit of googling got it to work09:09
LapinuxRoc_MM: as far as updates09:09
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RoC_MMLapinux, I'd reinstall...much simpler...can you do this?09:09
FFForeverwhat is the root/sudo group?09:09
LapinuxRoc_MM: i have alot of work into it.....09:09
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khinwell, er, if you could point me toward doing this that would be great09:09
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rickjamesit tells your computer who has permissions to use sudo commands i'd think ffforever09:10
LapinuxRoc_MM: and i forget commands alot, and how i did things :)09:10
RoC_MMFFForever, the group is "admin"09:10
weltallgood that it worked :)09:10
niuqmy system is not mouting usb memories automatically, how could i make it manually?09:10
shadow89heloooo world09:10
LapinuxRoc_MM: i was thinking there had to be a way to trick it and get it to start over with appying updates09:10
ZenerekLapinux: write notes down, i got so many i created a docs folder09:10
khinid like to get rid of this graphic... i do not want to see any brown from boot to gnome...09:11
FFForeverhow come i don't see me in the admin group on my current system in kcontrol?09:11
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rickjamesyour in ffforever probably09:11
rickjamesroot and your own name is part of it09:11
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FFForeverfound it :D09:11
punsadanyone know how to ensure that ndiswrapper is installed for each reboot?09:12
RoC_MMkhin, mmmm...you could close your eyes...no?   Yes...I think "splash" is a boot parameter...you could remove that....then it would show the normal boot process with all the text info i bet.09:12
Zenerek khin google for it or visit gnome art .com, or i think that's the place09:12
RoC_MMFFForever, didn't you remove yourself from that group?09:12
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Naisenubtw thank you for your help, weltall09:12
niuqkhin: www.gnome-look.org09:12
weltallnp :)09:12
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RoC_MMkhin, that boot progress bar is called the "usplash" btw..09:12
FFForevernvm :D09:12
Naisenu... is there anyway to make a shortcut to do the command line running of it?09:13
RoC_MMI think.09:13
FFForeveri run 2 copys of kubuntu RoC_MM  :D09:13
niuqubuntu is not mounting usb memories automatically09:13
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FFForeverone on this computer the other on my server :D09:13
niuqany help?09:13
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FFForever(i messed up on my server...)09:13
weltallyou can do a shell script09:13
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AnAntHello, is there something similar to ActiveDirectory in linux ?09:13
weltallas calling it directly seems to not work well09:13
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RoC_MMAnAnt, yes there are a few things.09:13
weltallcd /path/to/file09:13
weltallwine executable09:13
AnAntRoC_MM: what ?09:13
Zenerekanyway i have to go, night all er morning or whatever it is where you all are bye09:13
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RoC_MMAnAnt, I don't know...I just know there are... :-D09:13
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RoC_MMIt can't possibly have gone completely silent for this long09:17
xenexanyone know why firestarter is using 100% cpu?09:17
AnAntit did09:17
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punsadwhich file do I edit to install modules at boot?  is it /etc/modules?09:17
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FFForeverhow does recovery mod get me root access?, when i didn't even know the root password?09:18
RoC_MMxenex, sounds like not enough information.09:18
RoC_MMdid you google it xenex ?09:18
FFForeveralso i changed the root password can i still use recovery mode?09:18
pagan0neZambezi: the horrible thing is im a kubuntu user, the only reason i came here for help, is kiba is gtk based, and i figured the gtk gods could help more than the Qt Gods, however it seemes i was the only help in this case09:18
RoC_MMFFForever, recovery mode doesn't require a password I think...09:18
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xenexi'm getting a bunch of attempt to connect to my torrents port but they are all being blocked so its working.09:18
FFForeverit does not but how does the recovery mode get root access on my box?09:19
xenexjust don't understand why it is using 100% cpu09:19
oclarkeHi there, I'm having trouble getting my tv tuner to work. It used to (pre edgy), but now I get sound and no picture, so it is getting a signal09:19
RoC_MMFFForever, it just boots to a single user runlevel...try it and see09:19
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LeMonX2what is room about09:19
RoC_MMxenex, There's a good reason.  It wouldn't be at 100% unless it was doing something...09:20
oclarkeI'm using feisty and the card is a Leadtek TV2000XP09:20
xenexokay then, might as well not use firestarter09:20
magnetron!support | LeMonX209:20
xenexif its killing my cpu09:20
ubotuLeMonX2: support is The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org09:20
RoC_MMxenex, you could also try a different firewall configurator...all those programs are just configuring LInux's built-in firewall.09:20
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LeMonX2what is ubuntu ?09:21
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oclarkeanyone have any thoughts??09:21
xenexwouldn't it be the same effect for others...?09:21
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xenexdenying hosts and such09:21
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RoC_MMxenex, it might be analysing some logs or something...if it stays that way then something is wrong I would assume.09:21
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RandomizeR"No package 'openssl' found" when running configure on feisty prior to making Downloader for X.. help anyone!?09:22
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RoC_MMLemonX2, goto ubuntu.com09:22
Ausylohow do i find out my ESSID?09:22
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RandomizeRopenssl is installed, and i even reinstalled it yet i still get it :-s09:22
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curiogeoI have reinstalled a samba install on 6.06 and I was able to save the home partition.  When I try to add the users again I am getting an error.09:22
rickjamesinstall package openssl randomizer, use synaptic package manager...09:22
bluebananaubuntu has add/remove and synaptic. so what's the use of using automatix2?09:22
RandomizeRrickjames: it's installed09:23
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RandomizeRrickjames: and even reinstalling it didn't help09:24
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Ausyloanyone know how i find out my ESSID on my router during install of Ubuntu?09:24
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RandomizeRand when i do pkg-config --list-all it's not there!09:24
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rickjameswell trace your compiler with a terminal command.  put man on both sides of your compile command and see what is giving you problems.  i'd suggest. seeing as i'm a nub and that helped me get my computer in working order.09:24
RandomizeRyet it is there in /usr/bin/openssl09:24
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rickjamesit also helped me recompile my system when my x-server wouldnt start09:25
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rickjamesi basically traced down the bug in my system with it, so it shouldnt be hard to trace down a bug with a compile problem.09:26
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void^RandomizeR: you probably want libssl-dev09:26
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tonsofpcsanyone know any music playback software with a http 'request' interface and weighted rotation automation (like SAM3) for linux?  [doesn't need to stream, just play audio, but streaming is fine too] 09:26
Assassin`i can use adobe photoshop in ubuntu right...09:27
RandomizeRvoid^: yes, thanks!09:27
Assassin`just wanted to know before i wasted my time09:27
rickjameswith the right stuff installed possibly assassin09:27
rickjamesi don't know myself...09:27
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Assassin`any idea what i need09:27
Assassin`if not i'll just check the forum tomarrow09:27
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rickjamesyes you can09:27
rickjames100% sure09:27
Assassin`o yea09:28
rickjamesubuntu helps you configure it09:28
Assassin`if it needs wine im straight09:28
FFForevercan i make a .deb for pidgin?09:28
rickjameswell wine and probably some other backend libraries09:28
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rickjameslike mono...09:28
Assassin`but i think there were some other things i need yea09:28
rickjamesand some other stuff09:28
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Assassin`other libraries09:28
Assassin`i'll look it up09:28
Assassin`program too expensive (cough cough) to go to waste09:29
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Assassin`may have been free for me thou09:29
Assassin`u never know09:29
tonsofpcsFFForever: there is one09:29
tonsofpcsFFForever: 1 sec09:29
tonsofpcsFFForever: http://www.getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=pidgin09:29
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FFForeveri hate it :D09:31
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FFForeverXD, i just wanted to share it (lol) ile just give my friends that link :D09:31
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khinhi, i notice that in between the gnome logon screen and my desktop loading, there is this brown screen in between. is there some way to stop this from appearing09:31
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rickjamesprobably not khin09:32
rickjamesthats gnome loading certain things before others09:32
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rickjamesand then drawing on top of it09:32
rickjameshow long does it last?09:33
khin1 sec max09:33
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godgryphonhi, i was wondering, does ubuntu feisty fawn have more hardware compatibility than the last release? particularly in ati radeon graphics cards09:33
rickjamesi'd say its probably just your computer taking a while to load your x server and window manager.09:33
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hyljegodgryphon: somewhat09:33
rickjameswell god, it sure does with my nvidia card09:33
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godgryphonbecause this graphics card can run sabayon but not ubuntu 6 >.>09:34
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Flannelgodgryphon: Which card is it?  older or newer?09:34
rickjamesgodgryphon, install it, and then get automatix, then go to drivers.  you'll beable to automatically install the best stuff for your system.09:34
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khinmaybe i should update to feisty.09:34
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Flannel!automatix | rickjames, godgryphon09:34
godgryphonati radeon 925009:34
uboturickjames, godgryphon: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:34
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mans_anyone   whos very good  ubuntu09:34
h3xisis there a command to configure the keyboard? i'm not running X nor do i have an X server installed for specific reasons09:35
rickjameshehe. yeah well, don't rely on automatix, just use it to install some stuff with your fresh distro....09:35
mans_i  cant  run ym09:35
maethi installed feisty fawn without the swap partition, i dont know what it does exactly, should i create it?, and if so, how can i?09:35
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Flannelrickjames: No.  Don't use it period.  It breaks things.  Please don't recommend it.09:35
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rickjamesmmkay sorry.09:35
vip3rousmangoanyone know if ubuntu would read my PSP if i put my psp into connect mode?09:35
TigerMauskystar2 pci it's compatible with ubuntu?09:35
rickjamesits the only way i could get quite a few things to work on my pc. then i uninstalled it.09:36
zirodaywill xfce work on these specs?09:36
godgryphonmaeth : it makes linux faster, its reccomended but not mandatory09:36
ziroday* Speed   : 466 MHz with Celeron processor09:36
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ziroday* Memory  :09:36
ziroday  - 3 computers : 64 MB09:36
ziroday  - 2 computers : 128 MB09:36
ziroday* Hard disk09:36
ziroday  - 3 computers : 10 gigabytes09:36
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ziroday  - 2 computers : 4.3 gigabytes09:36
ziroday* USB version 109:36
ziroday* No Floppy disk and CD room09:36
Flannelgodgryphon: ATIs closed source driver doesn't support anything below the 9500.  However, the open source ati drivers will work.09:36
ziroday* No Sound card09:36
Flannelziroday: please don't paste here09:36
rickjamesbecause i have to use proprietary nvidia drivers....09:36
godgryphonflannel : thanks man, good advice09:36
zirodayFlannel: :)09:36
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vip3rousmangoanyone know?09:36
maethgodgryphon, if i create with gparted live cd a blank partition, how can i set it to be "the swap partition"?09:37
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godgryphonvip3rousmango : try it if you have it installed, heck, its a livecd, you could just try it, but i honestly dont know, mostlikely though unless it needs a special windows driver09:37
Josesordohow to mount a ISO images in feisty ?09:37
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Flannelziroday: Yes.  It'll work on those computers.  You'll need the alternate CD to install on the 64MB computers though.09:38
Flannel!iso | Josesordo09:38
ubotuJosesordo: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:38
godgryphonmaeth : well, make it about 2 gigs, better more than less, and make it a primary partition and format it to swap, its in the menu09:38
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Josesordo:O thanks09:38
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gb__hi guys09:39
maethgodgryphon, thanks , will do...09:39
gb__anyone here got gaim-pt?09:39
TigerMaudo you know if skystar2 hardware it's compatible with ubuntu?09:39
hafTigerMau, the Skystar2 is a DVB-S card, right?09:40
gb__i tried to google but with no luck09:40
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gb__so if anyone has it?09:40
TigerMauyes haf!!09:40
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gb__ok guess not09:41
gb__thanks anyways guys09:41
godgryphonis feisty fawn better than the last release substantially?09:41
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hafTigerMau, it seems to: http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/TechniSat_SkyStar_2_TV_PCI_/_Sky2PC09:41
TigerMauim novice... and i want to switch from windows to ubuntu but i dont know if my hardware it's compatible..09:42
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godgryphonlive cd will tell ya tigermau09:42
haflive cd will only tell you if it's running out of the box09:42
TigerMaui like ubuntu09:42
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godgryphonubuntu is alright09:43
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TigerMauGREAT haf!!!09:43
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rickjamesubuntu is awesome, it works almost flawlessly with win32 apps, kde, and gnome stuff.09:43
DemonSamuraianyone can help me about alien pls?09:43
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godgryphonwin 32 apps? uh, wine runs on many linux distros09:43
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rickjamesi know that09:43
hafgnome also ^^09:43
rickjamesbut it still runs win32 apps pretty flawlessly through wine.09:44
rickjamesand the beryl windows manager is superb09:44
rickjamesmy desktop is totally tripped out.09:44
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Flannelgodgryphon: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/704tour09:44
godgryphonmy two favorite distros are sabayon and ubuntu09:44
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DemonSamuraihow do i convert flash-plugin- into flash-plugin-
CheshireViking!alien | DemonSamurai09:46
ubotuDemonSamurai: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)09:46
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FlannelDemonSamurai: Flash is in the repositories, you don't need to convert.09:46
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TigerMaui have ultimate question... there are a ubuntu driver for WinTV-HVR-1100? it's another dvb card analog+dvb-t!09:47
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DemonSamuraiFlannel yes i agree but it fails when i try to do it through the adept-updater09:47
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FlannelDemonSamurai: What fails?  What version of ubuntu are you using?09:48
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Flanneler, version of Kubuntu09:48
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ch4r13slemme gues yall are all talkin bout nvidia drivers09:48
DemonSamuraikubuntu 7.04 amd6409:48
rickjamesuse synaptic....09:48
hafTigerMau, please check on that site that I've showed you, you should also find information about other cards there09:48
DemonSamurainope i actually still trying to find ATI drivers09:48
FlannelDemonSamurai: ah.  There's no flash for AMD64, because Adobe doesn't believe in 64bit09:48
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rickjameslol are u seirous?09:48
ch4r13syou can use 32bit09:49
ch4r13sif you use a wrapper09:49
ch4r13si got 64bit with flash workin09:49
TigerMauok haf09:49
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DemonSamuraianyone any idea about ATI drivers?09:49
rickjamesdemon, give me a sec i'll check repositories09:49
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nullkuhlguys what is xterm and wat is rxvt ?09:49
ch4r13sHELP ME!: i keep getting FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia09:49
TigerMauit's driver only for Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP09:49
ch4r13safter i installed the new nvidia drivers09:49
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ch4r13stried every tutorial everywhere09:50
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Flannelch4r13s: what was wrong with the old drivers?09:50
ch4r13smy xorg.conf says nvidia for driver.... my restricted file has nv in it09:50
Flannelch4r13s: and, how did you install the new ones?09:50
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ch4r13sfollowing that09:50
ch4r13sand every other tutorial on the forums09:50
rickjamesdo you have a geforce go?09:51
ch4r13si got Ubuntu 64bit 7.04 with Geforce 7900 GT09:51
rickjamesand you have to use the proprietaries?09:51
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rickjamesthe restricted drivers?09:51
ch4r13suname -r = 2.6.20-16-generic09:51
Flannelch4r13s: Did you read the first line of that page?09:51
ch4r13sFlannel yes09:51
bullgard4What is the filename of the routing table in Ubuntu 7.04?09:51
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ch4r13sive seriously tried all the other ways before i did this09:52
ch4r13srouting table?09:52
rickjamesdid you uninstall the old ones first? because ubuntu automaticcaly set up me using the proprietary nvidia ones09:52
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rickjamesand when i tried to install the oss ones09:52
rickjamesmy computer died hard09:52
Flannelch4r13s: And nvidia-glx-new didn't work?  They should have.  Theyre supported09:52
ch4r13slemme try09:53
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Flannelch4r13s: well, now that you've done it manually, there's no saying if it will or wont.  You're no longer strictly under package management09:53
rickjamesi had to install a bunch of extra nvidia libraries to get the drivers to work with me.09:53
ch4r13sjust uninstalled newest nvidia through console09:54
ch4r13ssudo sh NVIDIA* --uninstall09:54
ch4r13sone second09:54
rickjamesbut i decided to just go with the proprietary ones, makes for much cooler desktop effects :)09:54
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BadRobothi there09:54
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ch4r13sis nvidia-glx-new equal to putting nv in the xorg.conf09:55
ch4r13safter i install them09:55
BadRobotany some  help,how do i convert a zip file to tar.gz?09:55
BadRobotis there any good zipper program?09:55
BadRobotcompressing probram/application09:55
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The_Entropyhi guys09:55
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aberry5555hi everyone... Im having a few problems with Ndiswrapper in feisty, I think I need to uninstall the module and upgrade to a newer version but I don't know how, anyone have any ideas?09:57
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The_EntropyI am trying to install gtk+2.10, the following problem is occuring during the execution of the configure script: http://pastebin.ca/55811909:57
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DemonSamuraianyone any idea where to find ASUS ATI RADEON EAX1600 series debian drivers?09:58
The_Entropynow i have indeed installed glib 2.12 from source, but in the package manager glib 2.10.3 is the newest version09:58
weltalldove posso trovare il file con i repo di default?09:58
aberry5555the asus drivers should be exactly the same as the ati drivers, demonsamuria09:58
DemonSamuraii don't know where to find them09:58
The_Entropytrying to remove that old version would result in a lot of other dependant packages to be removed and I don't want that to happen09:59
bezakne1 know how to turn off antialiasing in gnome-terminal09:59
DemonSamuraino linux drivers in official sites09:59
aberry5555actually, ignore that09:59
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aberry5555do you want the standard gnu drivers or the proprietary 3D enabled ones?09:59
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DemonSamuraithe 3d ones09:59
rickjamesthe proprietary 3d enabled ones if he wants cool stuff09:59
aberry5555OK, well first things first open up synaptic, make sure the "universe" and "multiverse"  repos are enabled and search for "fglrx"10:00
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aberry5555that package sometimes doesnt work though, what version of Ubuntu are you using?10:00
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ch4r13shey im getting a problem when i startx.... FATEL: could not open /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko': No such file or directory10:00
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ch4r13sany advise10:01
bezakch4r13s: are you trying to install nvidia drivers?10:01
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ch4r13si just installed nvidia-glx-new10:01
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bezakch4r13s: something isn't working10:01
ch4r13snvidia is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:01
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ch4r13snext to device10:01
bezakch4r13s: change the nvidia line in your xorg.conf back to nv10:01
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ch4r13sok one sec10:02
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DemonSamuraiin ati site i get this http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux64/linux64-radeon.html10:02
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aberry5555Does anyone know how to uninstall modules that are included in the standard kernel WITHOUT rebuilding your own kernel?10:02
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DemonSamuraiit is .run file10:02
DemonSamuraihow do i install it?10:02
ch4r13sbezak: thanks worked10:03
rickjamesdoes that even make sense? could one remove things from a kernel without rebuilding it?10:03
aberry5555hi demon, go to your private message10:03
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aberry5555I dont know :S thats why Im asking10:03
rickjamesi'd guess no O.o10:03
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bezakch4r13s: no worries, at least you have graphics back10:03
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aberry5555I need to remove the included ndiswrapper module and upgrade to the newer one10:03
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bezakch4r13s: not sure why it didnt work though10:03
ch4r13scus i had it set to nvidia not nv10:03
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bezakch4r13s: yeah but if you installed the drivers nvidia should work10:04
bezakwrzask: hey10:04
wrzaskIs there any easy way to upgrade from 32-bit to 64-bit version?10:04
bezakwrzask: why?10:04
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wrzaskbezak, Well, I want my to go 64-bit, yet I'd like to skip the whole reinstall, if possible. ;)10:05
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k1gwbwrzask: nope, can't upgrade between 32/6410:05
bezakwrzask: hmm... i'm not sure, how come you want to go 64 do you have loads of ram?10:05
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ch4r13sbezak: yeah ive been screwing around with the drivers all day... tried to install the new ones from NVIDIA.com and it didnt work lots of errors on boot... so back to glx-new10:05
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bezakch4r13s: ah k10:05
xtreondoes anyone know what the aplication whit the uptime, memory and stuff (to the right) is called? http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/1395/ftwrm2.png10:05
bezakch4r13s: good luck :)10:05
ch4r13sbezak: followed every tutorial on every forum to do it ... didnt work10:06
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fabio__|i have problems with ntpdate:10:06
fabio__|$ sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com10:06
fabio__|11 Jun 11:01:36 ntpdate[19631] : no server suitable for synchronization found10:06
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bezakxtreon: umm it looks like it might be a superkaramba widget10:06
bezakxtreon: not sure10:06
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wrzaskbezak, Yes. And it's not only the RAM issue, in 64-bit mode you have more and bigger registers avalaible.10:06
ch4r13show come my nvidia-settings only has one option on the left "nvidia-settings configuration10:06
aberry5555does anyone know how to upgrade ndiswrapper in feisty?10:06
bezakwrzask: roger10:06
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wrzaskbezak, And NX. ;)10:07
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xtreonbezak, hm10:07
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ch4r13sbezak: check previous post10:07
aberry5555can anyone tell me how to manipulate or remove modules included in the feisty kernel?10:08
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huntersometimes as my ubuntu is running,it suddenly becom very slow.And i have to restart it ,and it become ok agaiain.10:08
bezakxtreon: only systems monitor i have used is torsmo10:08
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bezakhunter: you mean the system starts to run really slow?10:08
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xtreonbezak, me2, but that one is really nice looking10:09
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ch4r13sbezak: im only getting one option in the left of nvidia-settings dialog10:09
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bezakxtreon: sure is10:09
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bezakch4r13s: are you still running the nv driver or the nvidia one10:09
ch4r13sbezak: nv10:09
ch4r13sbezak: only one monitor working as well10:09
huntercan anyone tell me why?10:10
hunteryes.it delay10:10
rickjamesch4rl3s are u using the proprietaries or the oss ones now?10:10
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bezakch4r13s: yeah but cos you have nv selected, that means you're running the oss ones atm10:11
ch4r13sow ok10:11
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bezakch4r13s: i just told you to do that, so that you could start x back up10:11
aberry5555please can someone help me with ndiswrapper in feisty?10:11
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ch4r13sah ok...10:11
ch4r13sso is this process to get the nvidia-glx-new working long?10:12
nullkuhlguys wat is xterm and rxvt10:12
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bezakch4r13s: how come you don't just use that proprietary driver wizard thing in feisty>?10:12
bezakch4r13s: restricted drivers whatever10:12
logmeinif my desktop theme isn't compatible with certain applications (particularly firefox) how do I disable it from affecting that application?10:12
bezaklogmein: what do you mean10:13
logmeinbezak: I got xfce-dark theme and when I load google in firefox the buttons and search bar are all dark too10:13
bezaknullkuhl: xterm is a terminal emulator, like gnome-terminal10:13
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ch4r13sbezak: good eye thanks enabling through Restrictd Drivers10:13
fabio__|Why i receive this message??? $ sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com10:13
fabio__|11 Jun 11:01:36 ntpdate[19631] : no server suitable for synchronization found10:13
logmeinbezak: it has other problems with menus and buttons that conflict with website themes10:13
xtreonanyone remember the name of the aplication witch can be used to change the looks of the gnome desktop?10:13
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aberry5555logmein: I've had that before, the only way I found out how to fix it was to use the "light" theme, which is the same but lighter text10:14
bezakch4r13s: haha np10:14
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logmeinaberry5555: but I want the other theme I just want to force firefox to not use it10:14
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aa^waywhat is java bytecode editors out here?10:15
logmeinaberry5555: it pisses me off when websites use part of my desktop theme considering they don't know what my theme is10:15
submissiveoneya ?10:15
aberry5555it is the same theme, just a slightly different text. Try it and see, I think, otherwise if it's not to your taste I dunno a way around it,s orry :S10:15
ch4r13sbezak: Failed to start x server10:16
bezaklogmein: do you mean like the widgets on websites like the buttons and scroll bars and that stuff?10:16
logmeinaberry5555: hang on I'll show you what I mean10:16
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logmeinbezak: yes those!10:16
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bezaklogmein: i remember seeing recently howw to use different ones can't remember where though haha10:16
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logmeinbezak: I think I had the same trouble on a windows box long ago10:16
ch4r13sError: API Mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-9755, but this X module has the version 1.0-9631.10:17
logmeinch4r13s: yes remove restricted modules and other junk10:17
bezaklogmein: i know that firefox on ubuntu comes with some firefox-gnome integration10:17
bezaklogmein: mb get rid of that10:17
bezaklogmein: then it will use some standard theme10:18
logmeinch4r13s: apt-get remove linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)-generic10:18
logmeinapt-get --purge remove nvidia-glx nvidia-settings nvidia-kernel-common10:18
logmeinrm /etc/init.d/nvidia-*10:18
ch4r13sok ty10:18
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logmeinbezak: oh ok10:18
bezaklogmein: not sure though :)10:18
logmeinbezak: I thought it might be some sort of gtk plugin theme stuff10:18
sinapsi77can i pastebin my xorg and glxinfo for an help?10:18
bezaklogmein: yeah i dunno i use epiphany, and mine just uses some standard ugly buttons10:19
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logmeinbezak: but standard and ugly are good seeing as they don't usually conflict with websites10:19
aberry5555does anyone know how to upgrade ndiswrapper in feisty?10:19
bezaklogmein: this is true10:19
xtreonanyone know where the cokey config file is located?10:20
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bezakxtreon: conkey?10:20
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logmeinaberry5555: yeah you have to completely remove it and blacklist any driver your system might be trying to use then go to nidiswrapper site and compile it, make sure you have kernel headers and compiler10:20
xtreonbezak,  conky10:20
PlantainHey, I've installed from the 7.04 i386 standard install disc, but my install doesn't seem to have a bootloader, is one installed by default?10:20
sinapsi77someone can help me...for the 3d with ati igp340m ??10:20
logmeinaberry5555: also at site they have a list of what windows driver you have to get .inf and .sys files from10:20
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bezakxtreon: ummm mb in .conky ? type "sudo updatedb" then when thats finished type "locate conky"10:21
JimmeyPlantain, yeah. What is the problem?10:21
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PlantainJimmey: My computer doesn't seem to find the bootloader then10:21
PlantainJust gives "Error Loading Operating System"10:21
erUSUL!ati | sinapsi7710:21
ubotusinapsi77: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:21
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xtreonbezak, cheers10:21
JimmeyPlantain, does GRUB appear at all?10:21
ch4r13sok so nvidia-glx-new doesnt work in 16 but only in 15 of the kernel10:21
PlantainJimmey: No10:21
Plantainoh wait10:21
ch4r13sgood to know10:21
Plantainspoke to soon10:21
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JimmeyPlantain, what's your hard drive setup like?10:22
slackmagicxtreon:  ~/.conkyrc   but then again you can use   conky -c /path/to/anyconfigurationfile10:22
AndiamoGood Morning people10:22
logmeinbezak: ok firefox-gnome-support or mozilla-firefox-gnome-support both are not installed10:22
PlantainJimmey: Looks to have fixed itself, or maybe it was to do with having the LiveCD still in the drive10:22
bezaklogmein: they aren't installed?10:22
DJ-_-i installed xubuntu on a p3 50mhz 128mb ram...but the shutdown process fails....the xubuntu logo comes and then the when the text black screen comes it is stuck there....the cursor is blinking but no text pops up...tried waiting for 20mins....and this has happened 3 times10:22
JimmeyPlantain, haha...You're welcome? :-P10:22
AndiamoI am Moustafa from Egypt cairo Pyramids st.10:22
xtreonslackmagic, canf find ~/.conkeyrc but I will make a new one,. theers10:22
aberry5555logmein: I would remove it but its part of the kernel in feisty :S10:22
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AndiamoWorking on ubuntu 7.410:23
bezakDJ-_-: can you type anything at the prompt?10:23
_olafi'm having problems playing any videos in ubuntu10:23
DJ-_-bezak no10:23
_olafthey only show like 1 frame and then go black10:23
DJ-_-500* mhz10:23
ch4r13slogmein: i got nvidia-glx-new installed on restricted version 15 but now when i get into x server my bars are stretched across both of my monitors and new windows open up in between both of my monitors10:23
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bezakDJ-_-: file a bug10:23
_olafand then come back for a second and disappear again10:23
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logmeinaberry5555: ndiswrapper is not part of the kernel you have to install it through synaptic to get the old version that doesn't work10:23
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ch4r13slogmein: im using twinview10:23
_olafanybody have an idea what's going on?10:23
DJ-_-bezak: but i think there must be some other error cuz my other pc is working fine10:23
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aberry5555logmein: it is part of the kernel in feisty, it wasnt in edgy but it is now10:23
sinapsi77no, that tutorial if for fglrx... but it don't work10:24
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askandI use the mountingapplet in the gnomepanel...but recently it started showing  a icon all the time and if I click it I get an "mount cdrom 1" option..how to get rid of the icon?10:24
sinapsi77have you seen my pastebin?10:24
logmeinch4r13s: if you don't get a xorg crash then its running you just have to configure /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:24
slackmagicxtreon: it would be ~/.conkyrc     ..also take a look at  /usr/share/doc/conky/examples/conkyrc.sample.gz  ..i believe that's where it installs a generic configuration file ..so use zcat to pass it onto ~/.conkyrc for example10:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:24
DJ-_-bezak: what is the check disk command in ubuntu....cuz i will try that 1st10:24
ch4r13slogmein: ok10:24
aberry5555logmein: It is not in synaptic and it's running from /dev/2.16.blahblah/ndiswrapper10:24
bezakDJ-_-: not sure man, do you mean fsck?10:24
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bezakfsck (8)             - check and repair a Linux file system10:25
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DJ-_-bezak: does that like check the disk for errors? like the windows "chkdsk"10:25
logmeinaberry5555: ndiswrapper is not part of feisty unless you installed it, your system is trying to use the other method most likely a firmware hack on the drivers to get them working without ndiswrapper10:25
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bezakDJ-_-: sorry man i'm not a former windows user i'm not sure :)10:25
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aberry5555I promise im not that much of a noob :p it is definately installed as I issued ndiswrapper -i on the driver, and it worked10:25
logmeinaberry5555: look through dmesg for any wireless errors and add the driver name to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist10:26
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DJ-_-bezak: ok...i will give fsck a try10:26
aberry5555I had the SAME problem I have now in edgy, I had to upgrade to fix it but now its part of the kernel I dont know how to uninstall it10:26
bezakDJ-_-: np10:26
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logmeinaberry5555: open synaptic and search for ndiswrapper, see any checks?10:26
aberry5555nothing installed, but it was already running in the first place10:26
logmeinaberry5555: then its NOT there, its a different driver its trying to use10:26
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aberry5555it isnt, as I installed the gtk FE without ndiswrapper and it worked, also wifi works for about two seconds before the whole thing freezes10:27
aberry5555I promise you ndiswrapper is on there10:27
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selinuxium_DJ-_-: in a terminal type   man fsck   it will tell you all about it. Most commands have a 'man' page. It is always a good idea to check the man page before issueing a command you do not know. :)10:27
bezaklogmein: mb he compiled it10:27
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SteveWrightNZhow do I strip the mp3 layer off an avi video ?10:28
JimmeySteveWrightNZ, ask it to dinner first..10:28
logmeinbezak good now he just needs to figure out how to gather .inf and .sys then remove unworking .inf and modprobe ndiswrapper10:28
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bezakJimmey: lol thinking same thing10:28
DJ-_-selinuxium: thats what i am trying right now...thx bro10:28
serenecloudhi, i've got a quick question, is it possible to set the window list window width to a fixed size?10:28
bezaklogmein: man ndiswrapper is a PITA10:28
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SteveWrightNZJimmey: thats often a lot of money work for nothing  ;-)10:28
SteveWrightNZbut seriously10:29
logmeinbezak: I just do ndiswrapper -help10:29
SteveWrightNZI need to pull the music track out of this video10:29
logmeinbezak: trick is never read the man pages they are worse than make output10:29
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bezaklogmein: yeah bsd man pages are pretty good though10:30
aberry5555logmein: im sure ndiswrapper is included in the feisty kernel10:30
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slackmagicSteveWrightNZ: you could use mplayer or mencoder for stuff like that ..hm..example10:30
logmeinaberry5555: and I'm sure I got ndiswrapper compiled shoved .inf and .sys into it and wham it worked instantly on 5 different computers10:30
slackmagicSteveWrightNZ: mplayer -quiet -vo null -vc null -af volume=0,resample=44100:0:1 -ao pcm:waveheader whatevervideo.avi10:30
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logmeinaberry5555: what is your card output from lspci anyway?10:31
SteveWrightNZslackmagic: +++10:31
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nullkuhlbezak: what is its use then ? (xterm)10:31
bullgard4What is the filename of the routing table in Ubuntu 7.04?10:31
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logmeinbullgard4: iptables10:31
aberry5555im not by my pc so I dunno10:31
tonsofpcsI just installed a new monitor that supports better resolution than my previous.  Is there a GUI tool to update the X config or should I go and manually reconfigure it?10:31
Frogzoobullgard4: there isn't one10:31
bezaknullkuhl: just for a terminal, its fast, i'm not sure what the advanced features are as im not exactly a terminal freak10:31
aberry5555when I look in hardware manager it says the driver is ndiswrapper10:31
slackmagicSteveWrightNZ: and then use lame to make a mp3 if you really want it in mp3...i prefer oggs10:31
bullgard4Frogzoo: But?10:32
aberry5555and I know for a fact I didnt install it myself10:32
DJ-_-Selinuxium: how do i unmount the hard and then do a fsck10:32
serenecloudtonsofpcs: there's dpkg-reconfigure10:32
serenecloudbut I prefer manually editing10:32
Frogzoobullgard4: /etc/network/interfaces ?10:32
tonsofpcsis there a way to change it without restarting X?10:32
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serenecloudanyone is it possible to set the window list window width to a fixed size?10:32
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bullgard4Frogzoo: /proc/net/route?10:32
serenecloudwhoops, the underline shouldn't have been there10:32
logmeinaberry555: then just override whatever the kernel is doing with the blacklist10:32
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logmeinaberry5555: that's what I've been trying to tell you :(10:32
nullkuhlhow to have a colored syntax in terminal ? i saw it in screenshot but never knew how is it done.. can any one tell me ?10:33
SteveWrightNZslackmagic: I thought it was already mp310:33
aberry5555so how do I blacklist ndiswrapper without blacklisting the new one?10:33
DJ-_-well when i try to do a fsck....it says /dev/hda1 is mounted and can cause sever filestsystem damage...how do i do it then?10:33
serenecloudnullkuhl: you can use the file called .bashrc to set colors10:33
nullkuhlwhere is it exactly ?10:33
serenecloudin /home/<username>/.bashrc10:33
GharbeiaHi, Ihave no trouble connecting to open and WPAwirelss, but not with WEP. KNetworkManager would never get beyond "configuring". Any clues?10:33
whiskey1973I'm trying to patch my wireless (broadcom) drivers...The doc says to drop the patch in the kernel root and run n the terminal...I go to what I think is my kernel root but im restricted10:34
SteveWrightNZslackmagic: that maplyer will only write wav ?  not mp3 ?10:34
slackmagicSteveWrightNZ: you can easily write a script that first strips off the audio to WAV and then encode it into whatever format you want...you never know if you want to edit the audio..that's why i like to first use wav10:34
bezakGharbeia: that sounds like a #kubuntu question :)10:34
logmeinwhiskey1973: sudo su10:34
Gharbeiabezak: Not if you show me how to do it in bash :)10:34
DJ-_-Frogzoo: en i try to do a fsck....it says /dev/hda1 is mounted and can cause sever filestsystem damage...how do i do it then?*10:35
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slackmagicSteveWrightNZ: also join #mplayer for more info10:35
SteveWrightNZslackmagic:  thank you10:35
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logmeinDJ-_-: from live cd or during boot before the hard drive is mounted10:35
bezakGharbeia: haha10:35
DJ-_-logmein: and how do i do that?10:35
weltallcan someone help me with a strange nfs problem?10:35
DJ-_-logmein: before boot?10:35
bezakGharbeia: i'm not sure man, but seriously, they might be able to help you more in #kubuntu10:35
aberry5555logmein: how do I blacklist ndiswrapper in the kernel without blacklisting the one I compile from source?10:36
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logmeinDJ-_-:  http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/feisty/release/xubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso try live cd10:36
DJ-_-logmein: it wont work on that machine its low on resources10:36
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weltalltry a gentoo live cd10:37
logmeinaberry5555: I'm just going to take a wild guess here sudo echo "blacklist bcm43xx" | /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist10:37
Gharbeiabezak: Maybe. Thanks mate.10:37
KaurI'm having a strange but probably simple problem with my laptop.... In gnome power manager I have defined that when a user pushes the power button it should ask the user what to do10:37
Kaurthe problem is...10:37
Kaurnothing happens10:37
bezakKaur: that sounds like a bug10:37
aberry5555logmein: bcm42xx isnt the module I want to blacklist... its ndiswrapper10:37
DJ-_-logmein: it wont work on that machine its low on resources10:37
logmeinaberry5555: no its not10:38
KaurI think it is an easy thing to solve...10:38
logmeinaberry5555: ndiswrapper is not the driver10:38
DJ-_-logmein: can you plz tell me the boot way10:38
KaurBecause I got it work once10:38
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Kaurby reinstalling acpid or gnome-power-manager or smth like that10:38
logmeinDJ-_-: then grab a lighter linux live cd www.damnsmalllinux.org10:38
aberry5555logmein: it IS! I can issue ndiswrapper commands without doing ANYTHING in synaptic and ubuntu does NOT auto-recognise my card. it IS ndiswrapper10:38
Kaurbut after reboot...10:38
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KaurIt was broken again10:38
logmeinaberry5555: ndiswrapper is there because you COMPILED IT10:39
logmeinaberry5555: what were you expecting to be there a bunny rabbit?10:39
DJ-_-logmein: thx10:39
aberry5555I'm using a .inf driver to make it work, the problem Im having is a common one and is easily resolved by upgrading to a version of ndiswrapper newer than the repos, but I cant because it seems to be inlcuded in the kernel.10:39
aberry5555logmein: I didnt compile it, I swear10:39
logmeinaberry5555: grab ndiswrapper source and do make uninstall then10:40
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KaurWhat program is responsible for registering the pushes of power/sleep buttons?10:40
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logmeinaberry5555: then do make clean10:40
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bullgard4Frogzoo: Your answer is wrong. /etc/network/interfaces  is no routing table.10:40
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Andiamohello , I need help please.10:42
bezakAndiamo: hi there whats up10:42
Kaurspeak up10:42
AndiamoHow can I work on Evolution Mail?10:42
Ayabarawhat to I need to install to get man-entries for c-functions like fwrite?10:42
AndiamoI am a member of Hotmail.com10:42
bezakAndiamo: what do you mean, how to use it?10:42
marfeathAyabara, manpages-ev10:42
marfeathAyabara, manpages-dev*10:42
askand I use the mountingapplet in the gnomepanel...but recently it started showing  a icon all the time and if I click it I get an "mount cdrom 1" option..how to get rid of the icon?10:43
Ayabaramarfeath, thx10:43
marfeathyour welcome10:43
DJ-_-logmein: i have puppy linux...but then its fdisk is totally different...so how do i give the syntax to fdisk everything10:43
bezakAndiamo: I'm not sure if you can use evolution with hotmail, try having a look on google10:43
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AndiamoIt's my frtist time I open Evolution mail10:43
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shafanybody here?10:45
Kaur1000 people10:45
bezakshaf: yep10:45
AndiamoThanks , I will10:45
shafyes, but it's like nobody is writing here10:45
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shafa 100 people and nobody is chatting10:45
bezakshaf: a momentary lulll10:45
DJ-_- i have puppy linux...but then its fdisk is totally different...so how do i give the syntax to fdisk everything10:46
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shafso, how are you? (Everybody).... :-)10:46
bezakDJ-_-: man fdisk will tell you all its options10:46
bezakshaf: haha good10:47
gordonjcpshaf: it's around 10am10:47
gordonjcpshaf: half the world is in bed and half the world is at work10:47
shafjap. Where you from?10:47
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serenecloudwhy won't vim 7.0 accept :syn on or :syntax on ?10:47
gordonjcpserenecloud: aha10:47
AndiamoEgypt cairo , Pyramids st.10:47
gordonjcpserenecloud: you haven't installed the right package, but I can't remember which one you need10:47
DJ-_-bezak: i tried but then fdisk -s /dev/hda gives me some codes like the last one was : 629748010:48
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gordonjcpserenecloud: do "dpkg -l vim*" and see what you've got10:48
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bezakDJ-_-: sry man i'm not sure how it works10:48
serenecloudii vim-common 7.0-164+1ubunt Vi IMproved - Common files10:48
gordonjcpserenecloud: that it?10:48
serenecloudnot sure10:48
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DJ-_-anyone know why fdisk -s /dev/hda gives me some codes like the last one was : 629748010:48
serenecloudor vim-full10:48
serenecloudor vim-gnome10:49
gordonjcpserenecloud: have you got vim installed, just plain vim with nothing after it?10:49
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serenecloudcorrect, this machine just has feisty + updates10:49
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infernal_jesuswhy does apt-get want to delete 165mb of files and only download 33mb when installing python-twisted10:50
gordonjcpserenecloud: http://pastebin.ca/55818510:50
gordonjcpwhat on that list do you have?10:50
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infernal_jesusgordonjcp: you talking to me? :P lol10:51
gordonjcpinfernal_jesus: not unless you can't get vim hilighting to work?10:51
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infernal_jesusgordonjcp: ok sorry10:51
serenecloudgordonjcp: http://ninja.crimson.net.nz/output10:51
gordonjcpinfernal_jesus: I don't know without looking at what packages it's trying to delete and what it's trying to install10:51
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gordonjcpinfernal_jesus: and even then... ;-)10:51
gordonjcpinfernal_jesus: the ways of apt are often mysterious10:51
shafis this chat like mirc? where you can download stuff?10:52
shafI'm ne here... sorry10:52
serenecloudappears all except vim?10:52
ihmselbsti can't compile intltool. How can i make that? ./configure      make       sudo make install ??10:52
infernal_jesusgordonjcp: it wants to remove abiword-gnome bluefish, gnome-office, gnome-panel, gnome-system-monitor, a lot of gnome packages10:52
serenecloudben@keiu:~$ vim --version10:52
serenecloudVIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled May 22 2007 21:10:57)10:52
steel|Emzethi all ;o10:52
gordonjcpinfernal_jesus: woah, no idea10:52
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steel|Emzet1072 usuers10:53
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steel|Emzet...3 :)10:53
gordonjcpserenecloud: you need to install vim10:53
sereneclouddoing it now, but why did --version say vim 7.0?10:53
gordonjcp'cos there are different vim packages10:53
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gordonjcpI *think* Ubuntu ships with vim-tiny10:54
DJ-_-is there a way i can schedule a fsck at boot time?10:54
serenecloudah, there we go10:54
serenecloud<3 syntax highlighting10:54
serenecloudthanks :)10:54
serenecloudgot any ideas on how to set window panel windows to a fixed width like windows does?10:55
AndiamoI installed Linux Ubuntu 7.4 without swap space. Is that wrong?10:55
infernal_jesusAndiamo: how much ram do you have?10:55
Andiamo512 + 25610:55
jjjjhello i installed kubuntu feisty and i was really confused why I cant install firefox using ad/remove programs...other programs are also grayed and unselectable...it seems that the cd as well as my installation doesn't contain the packages...is this normal? uhmm one thing, I installed kubuntu not by using a CD but by copying the installer to the harddrive then editing my previous grub options to boot in the casper/initrd images...does that affect how my programs in10:55
DJ-_-Andiamo: what is ur ram specification10:55
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infernal_jesusAndiamo: hm.. then you might need some swap space10:56
Andiamoand My vga card is build in , so it's need 128 of ram10:56
infernal_jesususe fdisk and create som10:56
AndiamoI will install it a gain10:56
Andiamobut I want to learn How10:57
DJ-_-is xubuntu 7.04 having a lot of bugs? cuz i see some....or is 6.06 xubuntu better?10:57
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ihmselbst./configure      make       sudo make install ?? <- to compile ?!10:57
spheardIm trying to compile php5 from source but I'm getting "make[1] : *** [install-pear-installer]  Segmentation fault", Apt-get refuses to install php5 even with -f  The following packages have unmet dependencies:  php5: Depends: libapache2-mod-php5 (>= 5.2.0-8+etch4) but; 5.2.0-8+etch3 is to be installed or; libapache-mod-php5 (>= 5.2.0-8+etch4) but it is not; going to be installed or; php5-cgi (>= 5.2.0-8+etch4) but 5.2.0-8+etch3 is to; be installe10:57
Andiamowhat is the deffrent between fx2 and fx 310:57
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bezakihmselbst: what?10:58
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Andiamothe file syetem of ubuntu10:58
olaf_i'm about to make the switch to ubuntu10:58
olaf_weee (:10:58
bezakolaf_: w00t10:58
ihmselbsti want to install intltool10:58
bezakihmselbst: yep10:58
erUSULspheard: etch ?? mixing repositories ??10:58
jendaolaf_: good luck ;) I hope you'll like it.10:58
ihmselbsti haved download it and now i write in a terminal ./configure10:58
olaf_okay, this is going to seem like a dumb/easy question10:59
bezakihmselbst: good10:59
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olaf_but i want to be able to like... lock my computer like in Windows with a password and everything10:59
CheshireViking!ext3 | Andiamo10:59
ubotuAndiamo: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org10:59
olaf_so i can walk away and flip off the monitor10:59
ihmselbstthen make, then make install.. but he didn't change to version 0.35.510:59
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Andiamoyes Olaf10:59
olaf_how can i go about setting up a password/lock screen and stuff in Ubuntu?10:59
infernal_jesusolaf_: System > Lock Screen :)10:59
AndiamoIs that the best ? !ext310:59
bezakolaf_: i think if you turn on the screensaver10:59
ihmselbsti want to install kiba-dock, it needs intltools 0.35.0...10:59
olaf_how can i set a password to the default user?10:59
Andiamofor ubuntu 7.410:59
bezakolaf_: then set a password10:59
Frogzooolaf_: sys -> prefs -> screen saver11:00
olaf_alright, thanks11:00
bezakolaf_: default user has a password already11:00
olaf_i'm converting some of my music from WMA to FLAC11:00
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olaf_so i can hear all my music11:00
olaf_whilest in my new operating system11:00
olaf_WMA codec is apparently a bit bitchy in ubuntu11:00
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olaf_and FLAC's better anyway11:00
DJ-_-what are the most needed services for xubuntu...a low resource machine..11:01
AndiamoWhat is the real fast !ext3 or ext2 ?11:01
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bezakAndiamo: use ext311:01
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AndiamoThank you11:01
bezakAndiamo: i dont think ext2 has journaling11:01
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void^wma isn't lossless, so converting to flac is a painful waste of diskspace :/11:01
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Ve0   ?11:01
olaf_void^: WMA Lossless11:01
erUSULolaf_: a lossy format (wma) to a lossless format (flac)? not very wise is it?11:01
olaf_there are two WMAs11:01
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sphearderUSUL: Just trying to get help from anywhere. not getting much help from #debian11:01
jjjjext3 i think...I have read that for harddisk greater then 6 gigabytes, ext3 is preffered because it will prevent frequent disk checks...11:01
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olaf_i'm talking about WMA(L)11:02
corecodemy middle button doesn't paste in firefox, any clues?11:02
corecodeit works in xterm11:02
void^olaf_: really? okay.. never seen a lossless wma -  but i do avoid wma like the plague anyway :)11:02
olaf_yeah, i guess it was new to like... media player 9 or something11:02
olaf_you can rip from 96kbps to lossless11:03
olaf_or something like that11:03
jjjjext3 i think...I have read that for harddisk greater then 6 gigabytes, ext3 is preffered because it will prevent frequent disk checks...11:03
olaf_i love how ubuntu recognizes everything out of the box on my computer but windows doesn't11:04
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AndiamoI have a hard disk , four partitions . The first I will make it ext3 , but the next three partitions are Fat32. Did I must make all my partitions !ext3?11:04
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tuxcraftercan someone post his output of this command please11:04
tuxcrafterls -al /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf\11:04
tuxcrafterls -al /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf11:04
Andiamoor not important?11:04
hawkcowbud: Odd....11:05
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hawkAndiamo: You should have the system itself on ext3 or other linuxy filesystem (xfs, jfs, ...) at the very least...11:06
void^Andiamo: not important if you can live with fat32.11:06
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hawkfat32 is quite sucky, but I guess it's useful for interoperability with Windows...11:06
AndiamoThanks for helping us11:07
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olaf_us? schizophrenic?11:07
tuxcrafterls -al /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf11:07
tuxcraftersombody that can give me his output11:07
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hawkolaf_: The royal "us", maybe? ;)11:07
tuxcrafterif he has a cups-pdf installed of corse11:07
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fotoflowow, kde with the proper video drivers is SO MUCH BETTER then gnome11:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:14
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre11:14
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White-Demonhello keck0f11:21
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keck0fhow can i enable "X11 forwarding" in ssh-server? /etc/ssh/sshd_config already has got the line "X11Forwarding yes" by default.11:22
void^it should be enabled then11:23
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bezaktuxcrafter: dont spam11:24
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olaf_copying all my stuff to my external usb drive before installing ubuntu over everything is going to suck11:24
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tuxcrafterbezak: does the website work with you?11:24
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keck0fvoid^: do i have to install some more packages to use this feature? (i only installed "openssh-server" and "xterm" till now.)11:24
bezakolaf_: haha yes backing up is a pain11:24
olaf_but hey, i'm glad i have this external HDD11:25
bsloteIs there a way to allow a process to use both cores of a dual core processor?11:25
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bezakolaf_: yeah i think i will turn one of my hdds external wehn i buy a new one11:25
void^keck0f: no11:25
olaf_i have a nice Seagate USB 80GB11:25
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bezakolaf_: yeah ive got a 120 in my comp atm thats full, prolly gonna replace it with a 500 gig, then use the 120 for external11:26
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olaf_well, i just got DSL again11:26
ihmselbsthi, where can a get Intltool 0.35.0 or newer fr Feisty Fawn amd64 ??11:26
olaf_AOL prevented me from ever using *nix11:26
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olaf_nah mean?11:26
skyionHi There, Im having trouble picking up a USB drive, I plug it in and it picks up on dmesg but not in gnome11:27
gordonjcpskyion: have you tried mounting it "by hand"?11:27
bezakolaf_: how come, cos its slow11:27
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olaf_nah, don't wanna mess with dial-up on *nix11:28
olaf_and AOL uses a proprietary dial-up protocol11:28
bezakolaf_: ah ok, my dad runs ubuntu in vanuatu on dial up11:28
bezakolaf_: ah ok11:28
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olaf_but now i have a modern computer, dsl, and i'm tired of microsoft11:29
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bezakolaf_: well i hope you enjoy uubuntu land11:29
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olaf_well, the most recent live cd was *awesome*11:30
olaf_i tried back in 5 or 6.0 or something11:30
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olaf_and it barely worked worth a damn11:30
olaf_but 7.04 kicks some ass11:30
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maethim trying to access my samba shared folder via wifi in my pocketpc but with no success...11:30
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bezakmaeth: what security setting have you got set in your smb.conf11:31
maethbezak, where is this smb.conf?11:32
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maethbezak, (usually)11:32
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bezakmaeth: if youre just on a home network, you can set your security to "share" that might reduce your problems11:34
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maethk , gonna check11:35
zirodaydoes anyone have a guide for ubuntu 7.04 or even better xubuntu 7.04 installation off thumbdrive. And dont give ubotu its guides are out of date, thanks11:35
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bezakziroday: haha i'm not sure mate11:35
zirodayanyone else?11:36
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bezakziroday: /me thinks everyone else is asleep11:36
maethbezak, is it posible that password encryption is the problem?11:36
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bezakmaeth: could be, i'm by no means a samba expert11:37
=== ziroday ziroday agrees with bezak
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maethbezak, allthough , i cant find the server when trying to access it11:37
bezakmaeth: but you can ping it right?11:37
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maethhavent tried (im on a pocketpc) =)11:38
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bezakmaeth: ah ok well try make sure that you can at least ping the pc first, so you know that they can takl11:39
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anathematic=) hi i'm running ubuntu desktop 7.04 and a radeon x800 pro, i'm unable to get the native resolution for my lcd, where should i read up to fix this?11:43
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bezakanathematic: do you have the standard or prop. drivers installed11:43
magnetron!fixres | anathematic11:43
ubotuanathematic: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:44
erUSUL!fixres | anathematic11:44
anathematicbezak: i believe i have the standard ones installed11:44
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erUSUL!ati | anathematic11:44
magnetronerUSUL: i beat you to it11:44
anathematici have enabled the restricted drivers11:44
bezakanathematic: follow te bots instructions11:44
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magnetronanathematic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:44
ubotuanathematic: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:44
anathematicthanks i'll have a ready now11:44
erUSULmagnetron: ;P11:44
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anathematicand what is a decent irc bot? =\11:45
anathematicfor linux11:45
anathematici've got xchat on here but it sucks ass11:45
bezakanathematic: you mean client?11:45
JimmeyYou can use Gaim for IRC, anathematic11:45
anathematicyes sorry11:45
anathematicoh i didn't think of trying gaim for irc ty11:45
bezakbezak: i use irssi :)11:45
=== alaQ uses Konversation - it's KDE based, but it's nice for IRC.
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soulwinterbezak: hardcore :D11:46
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serenecloudXChat grows on you11:46
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bezaksoulwinter: lol :)11:46
serenecloudnot enough to stop em running mIRC on wine11:46
fotoflohmm, im having a wierd problem - i have a website that im trying to work on, and i can access it from my windows box but not my kubuntu box, both boxes are sharing the same internet connection11:46
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bezakserenecloud: wow you must really love mirc11:47
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dvmhow can we get the serial no of use/flash drive?11:47
serenecloudbezak: miRC + NoNameScript, and yes11:47
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fotoflothe kubuntu box gets a really wierd response, it looks like a script is bieng run on some other computer, i whosed the computer and it's at my ISP11:47
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jamiehdIs it just me, or has pidgin vanished from repos11:48
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bezakjamiehd: it flew away :)11:48
Frogzoofotoflo: hacks are pretty rare, usually these things are just something you didn't expect11:48
jamiehdTo where? I want to install it :P11:48
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fotofloFrogzoo, right11:48
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fotofloFrogzoo, what could it be??11:49
soulwinterWine wine wine11:49
soulwinterneeed sum1 who err can help me with wine11:49
bezakjamiehd: no idea11:49
alaQjamiehd: I had to add in a different repo for pidgin.11:49
bezakjamiehd: :D11:49
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fotofloFrogzoo, the site is resolving from the kubuntu box11:49
jamiehdok, I thought they were all unhashed, I'll go check11:49
Jimmeysoulwinter, what's the problem11:49
fotoflotheres nothing about it in /etc/hosts11:49
magnetronWine is really one of the most impressing free software projects11:49
bezakmagnetron: i respectfully disagree11:50
bezakmagnetron: :)11:50
osfameronI've never got Wine to install usefully on Ubuntu...11:50
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DJ-_-Frogzoo: my xubuntu's shutdown process fails on a p3 500mhz 128mb ram11:50
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magnetronbexak, how come?=11:50
osfameronit always had the wrong version of something or other and just didn't work11:50
soulwinterJimmey: cannot find a qip version < 8000, cannot start warcraft 3 tft, cannot start world of warcraft11:50
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magnetronosfameron: it's easy to install11:50
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bezakmagnetron: haha because lots of stuff doesn't work.11:50
dvmhow can we get the serial no of use/flash drive?11:50
soulwinterand yes, i read a bunch of tutorials and beryl, glrx and stuff is working (this is was my ubuntu says)11:51
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osfameronmagnetron: oh, right.   I must have just wasted several hours failing to get it to do anything useful, twice, for no good reason then :-)11:51
DJ-_-magnetron: my xubuntu's shutdown process fails on a p3 500mhz 128mb ram....i was on earlier too but no response...guess they did not know...any ideas man?11:51
jamiehdPackage pidgin has no available version, but exists in the database.11:51
jamiehdThis typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents of sources.list11:51
fog_proxyHi all. I want to gpg to add password protection for a tar file, is there any option to assign the password with command line? or use a script to auto do that?11:51
osfameronmagnetron: I think wine itself installed, but the packiage to get IE etc. on it didn't work11:51
magnetronbezak: i would estimate they have implemented like 90% of the APIs of windows11:52
magnetronbezak: that your game doesn't work in wine is not that strange11:52
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Frogzoofotoflo: man gpg11:52
bezakmagnetron: haha i know, i was j/k11:52
Frogzoofog_proxy: man gpg (soz fotoflo)11:52
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bezakmagnetron: its just that they are fighting an uphill battle, and it will always be a race that they are losing.11:53
fog_proxyFrogzoo: I have searched the man page, but failed to find the option11:53
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fog_proxyFrogzoo: that is why I come for help :/11:53
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magnetronbezak: why? will MS change the API?11:53
bezakbezak: for example.11:53
erUSULfog_proxy: gpg -c file  (to protect it with symmetric encryption)11:54
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magnetronbezak: they can't do that, that would break the compatibility11:54
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erUSULfog_proxy: and yes it comes very clearly in the man page ;)11:54
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amaachehello how to make keyboard qwerty(en-us) to azerty (fr-fr)?11:54
fog_proxyerUSUL: I see, but I want assign the password by auto(no need input)11:54
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dukedaveCoo, look at this shiny new xchat :)11:54
=== dukedave just installed Feisty
magnetronamaache: System > Preferences > Keyboard11:55
alaQamaache: system > Preferences > keyboard, under the layouts tab.11:55
magnetroncongratulations, dukedave!11:55
fog_proxyerUSUL: e.g. a option to assign password '-p', then I can do this, 'gpg -c filename -p mypassword'11:55
amaachein xsession?11:55
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magnetronfog_proxy: i recommend using seahorse for gpg management11:56
fotoflofrogzoo: any idea why it appears like my ISP is intercepting a request for a certain website on my ubuntu box, but not on my windows box?11:56
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Jimmeyfotoflo, what address is the website?11:56
DJ-_-ok I am currently running a p3 1ghz 256mb ram on xp and having some servers on it..... I m planning to chg it to xubuntu...i got the alternate cd and i am starting now.,...if i need any help i hope i get response lol11:56
serenecloudfotoflo: do you have a URL?11:56
magnetronfotoflo: someone, not the ISP, is doing a MITM on you?11:57
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fotofloMITM ?11:57
bezakman in the midde11:57
serenecloudfotoflo: both XP and Ubuntu dapper get it fine for me11:57
dukedaveMan, don't know whether to submit a bug but had a usability pain with the "Keyboard Indicator" applet; namely the fact that by default the layout is Window specific. Suppose there must be some sanity behind not having it global by default :|11:57
magnetronfotoflo: man in the middle/monkey in the middle11:57
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=== fotoflo is in china, which means that the ISP does sometimes do funky things
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serenecloudi doubt it would be OS based11:58
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fotofloi get pointed to this page when i try to load from ubuntu:
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magnetronfotoflo: that isn't your isp, that is your national firewall11:59
c_How do I set a script to run in the terminal each time it is opened?11:59
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serenecloudI bet your windows version is cached11:59
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magnetronc_: make a "launcher"11:59
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fotoflois that what you all get?11:59
dukedaveDJ-_-: Should be fine, of course, if you're using the live CD you can always install xchat and come back in here while it's installing :)11:59
fotoflohttp://   <---12:00
c_It needs to run on start up.12:00
serenecloudfotoflo: I get a site with many colourful boxes12:00
fog_proxyHow to use bash script to auto input the password for 'gpg -c file' prompt?12:00
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alaQc_: you can add it to one of your .initrc file in your home directory.12:00
fotofloserenecloud, yeah, thats what you should be getting12:00
fotoflothats what i get on my windows box12:00
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serenecloudfotoflo: from both windows and linux12:00
=== fotoflo tries clearing the cashe on the windows box
fog_proxyI tried ' <<EOF password password EOF '  but not work12:00
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fotoflostill the right site on windows12:01
fotofloi think i havea  bad setting on my linux box12:01
DJ-_-dukedave: thx atleast 1 response12:01
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dukedaveHeh, well it was a rather open-ended question. Would have made sense 5 years ago but these days with lots of distros which Really Work you have to be a bit more specific ;)12:03
magnetronfotoflo: try this DNS server:
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magnetronfotoflo: http://www.opendns.com/start/ubuntu.php12:04
serenecloudfotoflo: what does this site say: ?12:04
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fotofloserenecloud, that looks like baidu12:04
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serenecloudyour MT=... URL sent me that script12:05
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serenecloudsince my IE doesn't run Javascript it didn't do anything, but that URL was in it12:05
fotoflobaidu (china's google) says that it cant request from that address12:05
serenecloudI see12:05
serenecloudi'll PM you the script12:05
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doug_Anyone have experience using windows based e-books with embedded midi files?12:05
olaf_if i install from the ubuntu live cd12:05
olaf_versus the install cd12:05
olaf_will install any differently?12:06
magnetronolaf_: no12:06
dukedaveolaf_: You might be slightly more bored with the install CD :)12:06
alaQolaf_: the installs will be the same - the only difference is that one puts you into the live environment.12:06
magnetrondoug_: in what format is the e-book?12:06
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thedrummerwhat should i do to change standart icon of "main menu" panel ?12:07
olaf_but if i'm using it as my permanent desktop12:07
doug_Magnetron how can I tell what the format is?12:07
magnetrondoug_: ask the one who distributed the e-book12:07
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fotoflomagnetron, where do i put my dns server?12:08
magnetronfotoflo: http://www.opendns.com/start/ubuntu.php12:08
doug_Magnetron hold on and I will take a look on the website for the ebook compiler software12:08
magnetrondoug_: what is the website?12:09
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doug_Magnetron here is what it says on the web site: Simply create a set HTML files containing the information you want to sell, and then run Activ E-Book Compiler - and you'll have a self-contained Windows Program (".EXE") which users can download and run, to view your E-Book. You can even restrict access to parts of your E-Book with passwords, include links to relevant web sites, or sell advertising space in your E-Book.12:11
fotoflowow found the problem!12:11
doug_Anybody with Windows 95 or better, and Internet Explorer 4 or later, which is of course the vast majority of web surfers, can use your E-Books.12:11
fotoflofor some reason "kuaibbs.com" was in my search domains12:11
fotoflothanks guys12:11
magnetrondoug_: so it is a .EXE , a windows program12:11
magnetrondoug_: a windows application that is12:12
doug_yes it is.12:12
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doug_And it would seem that it is in html format12:12
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doug_with embedded midi files.12:12
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magnetrondoug_: it's not both an EXE and HTML in the same time?12:12
Flyinionhey all, anyone familiar with Ubuntu Studio and Nvidia drivers?12:13
doug_The website is http://www.ebookcompiler.com/12:13
doug_Actually I think it is both an .exe and in html format.12:13
magnetrondoug_: if it's in html format, then just find the .html and double-click it in firefox12:13
Sarazarhi all.... anyone here know udev well?12:14
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magnetron!anyone | Sarazar12:14
ubotuSarazar: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:14
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PlantainCompiz or Beryl?12:14
doug_But the html is bound up in the .exe.12:14
magnetrondoug_: then it's not html12:15
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predaeusdoug_, probably it just runs IE on the contained html.12:15
Sarazarok... how do I get udev to start synce-serial-start when my ipaq is plugged in the ubuntu forum solution no longer works12:15
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doug_Predaeus is there any way I could get it to run with Ubuntu?12:16
magnetronyou can run some windows programs in ubuntu, using Wine. Wine is a compatibility layer that let's you run windows applications.12:16
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doug_I will try that first, Magnetron.12:16
magnetron!wine | doug_12:17
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ubotudoug_: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:17
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magnetrondoug_: could you give us an URL to a sample e-book in that format?12:17
doug_Thanks guys.12:17
_Carlo_hi, is it possible to set an umask permission just to a directory and not the whole filesystem?12:17
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predaeusdoug_, if you have more information about the format you can probably just strip the binary executable part of the file and open the rest as a regular html file.12:18
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magnetronpredaeus: reverse engineer, you are? :) i guess it's in zip format12:18
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dromerhi all, I just read that nvidia twinview should be easy now with feisty .. but when I use the nvidia-settings .. my 2nd screen is detected, but I can't see where to enable twinview ..12:19
doug_No it is just an .exe file - but I can't send it to you because it violates the user agreement.12:19
alaQSarazar: if you have a little practice in scripting, you can define a rule for it in the /etc/udev/rules.d/ directory.  Not something I'd play around lightly with though.12:19
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thedrummercan somebody tell me the easiest way to install firefox flash plug-in for amd64 ?12:20
doug_Thanks very much guys, I appreciate the help.12:20
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SarazaralaQ, I have a udev rule file for it.. it used to work but no longer seemed to stop with fiesty12:20
predaeusmagnetron, probably yea :-)    no not really just thinking about possibilities.12:20
alaQSarazar: hrm.  How does the rule file ID the device?12:21
magnetronpredaeus: that IS reverse engineering12:21
predaeusmagnetron, :-)12:21
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alaQthedrummer: check ubuntuguide.org - it's got a lot of tips for setting things up like that.12:22
Sarazarthats what has me baffled udev no longer seems to run the rules.. udev is seeing the ipaq and Id'in iit fine.. doesnt seem to hit the rule file though12:22
=== Plantain is so confused about the Beryl/Compiz thing
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Plantainwhich one should I install? :S12:22
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zirodayPlantain: beryl12:22
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Plantainziroday: So Compiz merged into Beryl rather than Beryl into Compiz?12:23
bezakPlantain: if you want lots of plugins beryl, if you want any semblance of stability with a few plugins, compiz12:23
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zirodayPlantain: plus theyre merged now so it dosnt matter12:23
PlantainWhich one is the master project?12:23
bezakPlantain: neither theyre merging12:23
alaQPlantain, ziroday:  As I know it, Compiz came first, Beryl forked.12:23
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zirodayPlantain: right now theyre still merging12:23
alaQoh, they're merging now?12:23
Dimensionshiya ... how do i remove RSA keys identification from a ubuntu system ??12:23
Sarazarahh..... I wonder if its hitting and earlier rules file and stopping... let me check12:23
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PlantainYeah, I know they're merging, I'm just not sure which one is going to be the 'new' one. (Will Beryl disappear or Compiz?)12:23
bezakberyl was a compiz fork, now its merging back together12:24
zirodayalaQ: yeah beryl stole most of Compiz's userbase with the flashy features :)12:24
bezakto become BERPIZ!!!12:24
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zirodayPlantain: new name i think12:24
predaeussee http://compiz.org/ for details12:24
zirodayPlantain: gonna have a face lift like gaim > pidgin12:24
alaQthey don't have a name yet - forums are up at www.opencompositing.org.12:24
hghI just installed Nexuiz but when I start a game the character looks upp, I can look around with the mouse but it looks up right away. It's like some key is pressed in so it looks up and rotates on its own. Any ideas on what to do?12:24
PlantainI think I'll just avoid it for a while12:25
zirodayhgh: look down?12:25
Plantainwait until there's an new project12:25
predaeushgh, have you got a joystick with throttle plugged?12:25
predaeushgh, then zero the throttle12:25
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zirodayPlantain: you shouldnt its awesome12:25
Plantainziroday: But it's not going to be more than a few weeks, is it?12:25
alaQziroday: some moved to beryl because of Compiz's ties with Novell.12:26
hghpredaeus: it's turned off but I'll unplug it and try again12:26
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predaeushgh, just an idea, had that with some other game12:26
fotofloweird, that site opens in konqueror, but not in FF12:26
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zirodayalaQ: yeah and that compiz wasnt investigating the flashy features12:26
odysseyhow do i install wine, i have synaptic open and the universe repo enabled and its just not there12:26
zirodayPlantain: dunno it could be a while12:26
zirodayPlantain: plus beryl is stable enough12:26
fotoflocleared the cache, works now12:26
predaeusodyssey, if you are on amd64 you will have to do a workaround as wine is 32bit only I think12:27
Frogzoo!wine | odyssey: use the budgetdedicated repo12:27
ubotuodyssey: use the budgetdedicated repo: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:27
hghNope, still looks upp and turns to the right12:27
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predaeushgh, hm no idea, try scanning their forums12:27
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k0rnzhow do I update my apt-get sources to allow me to install Automatix2?12:29
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k0rnzI tried this howto http://www.softsift.com/200704/automatix2-11-310-for-ubuntu-704-feisty-fawn.html but it does not work12:29
Frogzook0rnz: automatix isn't supported here -> #automatix12:29
k0rnzok thanks12:30
PriceChild!automatix | k0rnz12:30
ubotuk0rnz: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:30
alaQziroday: apparently, on the opencompositing forums, the most popular new name for Beryl/compiz is Coral12:30
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zirodayalaQ: lol12:30
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.12:30
Myrttithat's lovely name12:31
k0rnz!WorksForMe Automatix212:31
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zipperAnyone managed to find a way to use ALL buttons on a logitech MX510 or MX518 mouse? I cant seem to find any good guides for it on the web12:33
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hafI hope that there will soon be an official apt rep for the new Beryl/Coral :)12:33
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pbnHello, I have just installed ubuntu on a dual-cpu machine, and cat /proc/cpuinfo sees only one processor ! What can I do ?12:34
zipperpbn: i think you need to install a SMP kernel12:34
dromerhi all, having trouble getting X to start up, I did some minor tweaking to xorg.conf just now, but didn't work, so changed it back .. now X wont come up12:34
pbnzipper: ah :)12:34
dromerI get the ubuntu-splash and that's it ..12:34
pbnzipper: I need to apt-cache search smp kernel, then apt-get install, and reboot, that's all ?12:35
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zipperpbn: i would believe so, yes. Actually, i need to do that myself too now we're talking about it12:35
pbnzipper: heh :)12:35
zipperpbn: linux-686-smp is apparently obsolete12:36
pbnzipper: wait, this is Ubuntu 6.06 LTS12:36
defryskthe generic kernel also supports smp12:36
pbndefrysk: the generic kernel... on feisty I guess heh ?12:36
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zipperpbn: oooh... i'm using feisty, but it seems like the package has been replaced by "linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic"12:37
defryskdapper I am not sure of but I believe smp is supported by default.12:37
tom__Hey guys, i've just isntalled xinetd (to get SWAT working), but now i cant seem to use any of the gnome admin tools... :S http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/6417/toolsbeingapainvv5.png12:37
zipperdefrysk: i'm pretty sure i didnt have smp support by default on my dual-core intel d805 when running dapper12:37
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defryskzipper, as I said....12:38
defryskit means I could be wrong12:38
Hor|zonon dapper you have to select the smp kernel after install, well I did back then12:38
zipperheh, same could i.... only "pretty" sure :)12:38
Hor|zonthen from edgy you used generic12:38
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defrysklooks like it12:39
predaeusprobably look for SMP options in the kernel config in /boot   like if CONFIG_SMP=y  or so, not sure what options are needed12:39
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predaeusCONFIG_SMP=y on feisty12:39
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predaeusmind that those are compile time options and will not result in changes to your system if you change them now12:40
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predaeusthey config files are just provided by the kernel packages for reference on what options they compiled with12:41
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PlantainUnder 7.04 should I still manually edit my sources.list file, or use the Software Sources preference?12:44
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predaeusPlantain, better use the preference interface, although it should not make a difference unless you add options or totally remove them12:45
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PlantainSo, if I uncheck all the tick boxes in the preference, but have the usual sources in my sources.list file, it wont affect anything adversely? (I'll still get updates etc?)12:46
tuskerniniPlantain: if you are looking for normal music and video codecs... i went to applications add/remove and looked for the codecs... and i also got something popping up when i wanted to view unsupported formats... it was done automatically if memory serves me right12:46
predaeusPlantain, I think the Sources Preferences dialog just edits the sources.list file12:46
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PlantainOkay, I'll just ignore the preferences dialog12:46
k0rnzGPG error: http://www.getautomatix.com feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CC919A31E23C5FC312:46
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tuskerniniPlantain: ok i see it is not what you want12:47
k0rnzhow do I fix that error?12:47
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k0rnzsays the public gpg key is not availble?12:47
tuskerninik0rnz: dont use automatix?12:47
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Hor|zonk0rnz, go to the automatix website and get their gpg key from their install instructions12:47
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tuskerninik0rnz: or go to automatix.com or whatever and get the key12:47
Hor|zonand yeah, automatix sucks12:47
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PlantainThere used to be a huge long list of breif how-to's for just about everything, where did that go?12:48
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tuskerniniPlantain: where did it used to be?12:48
kane77how does the middle button paste work? it only copies if _I_ select it with mouse?12:48
k0rnzif it breaks my feisty install then i can always format and start over12:48
Plantaintuskernini: I don't know, I used to use it a lot12:48
PlantainUsed to live in the topic12:48
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stefg!faq | Plantain12:49
ubotuPlantain: A list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage12:49
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PlantainNone of them12:49
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zipperwho was it that was asking about SMP support?12:49
Plantainahh, ubuntuguide.org12:49
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tuskerniniPlantain: you mean the starterguide?12:49
slippyr4hi all, what is the shell equivalent of that software updator applet? i want to be able to update all out-of-date packages at the type of a command...12:49
zipperi just installed the generic linux image, and after rebooting it, i have SMP support12:49
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ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:50
zipperslippyr4: 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'12:50
slippyr4zipper ty12:50
Plantaintuskernini: Looks like it12:50
Tom|AT|WindowsGuys, on my linux box, it says that the gnome settings daemon restarted too many times -- maybe this is why i have blank admin tools?12:50
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zipperslippyr4: the '&&' means that 'apt-get upgrade' will be run, only if 'apt-get update' ends succesfully12:51
zipper(which it usually does)12:51
slippyr4zipper yes, thanks. i see from doing an apt-get -s upgrade that it wants to upgrade my kernel. I have a custom build module which my system needs to boot, how does that affect things?12:51
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:52
zipperslippyr4: not sure. I *think* you'll have to build that module again.12:52
PlantainPhew, looks like SSH install was fixed up under 7.04 :D12:52
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stefgwas it broken before?12:53
Plantainstefg: For me it was12:53
cebu2007how can i join ubuntu effects ch?12:53
slippyr4ok ,thanks12:53
PlantainIt would never properly generate the key it needed12:53
ubotuFor help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects.12:53
defryskcebu2007, /j #whateverchannel12:53
PlantainSomeone should remove the '.' from the end of that message12:54
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PlantainClients that support following links by clicking will go to '#ubuntu-effects.'12:54
PriceChildPlantain, not xchat at least...12:54
PriceChildPlantain, I'll change it anyway to be sure12:54
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PlantainX-Chat Aqua (OSX) trips up on it at any rate12:54
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stefgthat's the 'easy OSX', i see... :-)12:55
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PlantainNo, lazy OSX XD12:55
Tom|AT|WindowsPlaintain, Chatzilla doesnt12:55
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Tom|AT|Windows>Guys, on my linux box, it says that the gnome settings daemon restarted too many times -- maybe this is why i have blank admin tools?12:56
PlantainThose that it does work for, try joining #plantain.rules12:56
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bezakTom|AT|Windows: what do you mean blank admin tools12:56
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Tom|AT|Windows1 second let me find my screenshot12:57
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bezakTom|AT|Windows: rgr12:57
jonathan_somebody know how to install file .tar.gz?12:57
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Plantainjonathan_: That's a compressed file12:57
bezakjonathan_: thats a zippd archive12:57
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bezakjust double click it and itll expand12:57
jonathan_what should I do woth those files?12:57
Tom|AT|Windowsrunning 6.06 LTS12:58
degresevencan anyone help me get a samba share mounted? This fstab entry worked fine for me in gentoo (which i just switched from), but it just hangs in ubuntu... //ramrod/public        /media/ramrod     smbfs           guest,uid=1000 0 012:58
PriceChildjonathan_, what are you trying to install?12:58
jonathan_vmware tools12:58
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bezakTom|AT|Windows: i doubt its gnome settings daemon12:58
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bezakwhen did you restart last12:58
bezakhave you tried restarting x12:58
Tom|AT|Windowsjust now, seeing if it would fix it.12:58
Tom|AT|Windowsthe only thing ive installed recently is xinetd12:58
Tom|AT|Windowsfor SWAT12:59
jonathan_I'm trying to install vmware tools12:59
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stefgdegreseven: first of all you should use cifs instead of smbfs... and you should have a look at fusesmb, which is just nicer12:59
jonathan_somebody help me with those files12:59
bezakjonathan_: so is that the source to compile it?12:59
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stefg!info fusesmb | degreseven12:59
ubotudegreseven: fusesmb: filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5-1 (feisty), package size 26 kB, installed size 140 kB12:59
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bezakjonathan_: if you are a linux beginner compiling programs is probably not recommended01:00
cyberpunk69Hi Guys01:00
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jonathan_I'm just trying to learn linux01:00
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mx-zoombezak: why not? compiling programs is easy01:01
jonathan_I can't using any windows anymore01:01
jonathan_I'm only can using linux01:01
Tom|AT|Windowsjonathan_, check in Synaptic i think its in there already compiled01:01
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gnomefreakjonathan_: why not install apps with apt-get or synaptic01:01
bezakmx-zoom: yes but it can trip up in a lot of places01:01
cyberpunk69can anybody advise me on what would be the best data recovery software for me to use to recover a fat 32 partition01:01
zipperAnyone managed to find a way to use ALL buttons on a logitech MX510 or MX518 mouse? I cant seem to find any good guides for it on the web01:01
Tom|AT|WindowsPackage Manager, System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager01:01
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jonathan_I just want to learn to compiling programs01:02
mx-zoombezak: of course. so can an update via apt or a package installation via dpkg screw up01:02
degresevenstefg thanks, but fusesmb doesnt sound like what i want. I'd rather just get the one share mounted01:02
jonathan_so, I can install any software01:02
bezakmx-zoom: yes but you must admit its a hell of a lot less likey01:02
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bezakjonathan_: yes on ubuntu you use add/remove programs01:02
zipperjonathan_: its usually quite simple. Most come with a README or INSTALL that explains how to compile the specific code.01:02
jonathan_because my computer not always connected to the internet so I need to learn01:02
bezakjonathan_: or synaptic01:03
PlantainHow might I change from the generic kernel to a specialized one?01:03
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PlantainWhich should I use for a P4?01:03
stefgdegreseven: can you guarantee that the smb-server is always up when you start the client? Then it's ok... otherwise you'll get boot-delays and failed mounts01:03
zipperjonathan_: oh, if you only want to use it to install applications, use apt, synaptic or adept instead.01:03
Tom|AT|WindowsPlantain, is your P4 Hyperthreaded?01:03
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zipperPlantain: if you want a specialized one, configure and compile one yourself. It sounds harder than it actually is.01:03
Tom|AT|WindowsTrue, even i did it back in RH9 days (i was 13)01:04
jonathan_install file.deb is more easier than file.tar.gz01:04
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bezakTom|AT|Windows: howd that blank window problem go?01:04
mx-zoomPlantain: what do you mean by specialized?01:04
jonathan_but not always works01:04
Tom|AT|Windowsstill happening.... but only on some tools -- the disks are now working, but network tools arent01:04
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bezakjonathan_: .deb files are always better if you can find them01:05
Tom|AT|Windowsi think its just being very very slow, but i dont know :(01:05
cyberpunk69what is the best program to use to recover a fat 32 partition please help01:05
Tom|AT|Windowsif theres no more ideas, im gonna update to 6.10 and then to 701:05
jonathan_but, when I'm downloaded cedega at my computer01:05
jonathan_than my computer goes offline01:05
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jonathan_I can't install those file.deb01:05
stefg!info testdisk  | cyberpunk6901:05
ubotucyberpunk69: testdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.5-1build1 (feisty), package size 550 kB, installed size 1784 kB01:05
bezakjonathan_: thats because it probably needs to install some other programs too01:05
mx-zoomjonathan_: dpkg -i *.deb01:05
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bezakmx-zoom: gdebi does that via the gui01:06
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PlantainTom|AT|Windows: Yes01:06
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PlantainBy 'specialized' I mean from generic to i586 or something01:06
mx-zoombezak: you gui lovers xD01:06
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bezakmx-zoom: haha its much noob friendlier :)01:06
stefg!generic | Plantain01:06
ubotuPlantain: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)01:07
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jonathan_dpkg -i *.deb ??01:07
bezakjonathan_: just double click it it should then open up a gui to install it01:07
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Tom|AT|UbuntuNow i can't launch nautilus, (nautilus:7599): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:01:07
jonathan_and how to install .rpm?01:07
bezakTom|AT|Windows: have you restarted yet?01:07
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jonathan_is that as easy as .deb?01:08
bezakjonathan_: don't install .rpm's on ubuntu01:08
Tom|AT|Windowsim gonna update it all, hopefully that fixes it01:08
bezakjonathan_: install .debs01:08
Rich_LI-NYXubuntu 6.10 Cant get sound to work corectly (noise) and cant get mic to work at all.  System says I have a Yahama OPL#-SA23 but  I have onboard sound on Intel AL440LX motherboard.   What can  I do to fix this?01:08
bezakTom|AT|Windows: have you changed any of the permissions in your folders recently01:08
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bezakTom|AT|Windows: i did that onece and it borked gnome harddcore01:08
bezakTom|AT|Windows: because it didn't have access to all of the .gnome files01:08
jonathan_so, .rpm not always use at every distro?01:09
bezakjonathan_: yeah rpms are used by  some distros such as fedora01:09
kbrooksjonathaN, no01:09
kbrooksbezak, say no01:09
kbrooksbezak, you are confusing him01:09
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Tom|AT|WindowsAdmin tools run as root... which is strange cos they aren't even asking me for the root password01:09
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kbrooksjonathan_, rpm is not used by every distro imaginable01:10
jonathan_deb too??01:10
bezakkbrooks: didnt i just say that?01:10
kbrooksbezak, no01:10
bezaklol now i'm confused01:10
jonathan_I'm using ubuntu because my friends told ubuntu much more easier than any distros01:10
Tom|AT|Windowsjonathan_: it is, much easier than Fedora01:11
kbrooksbezak, well, you probably said that, but negation can be confusing sometimes01:11
bezakheres how it is simply: if you want to install programs use add/remove programs or .debs01:11
Tom|AT|Windowsdoesn't usually break as easily01:11
jonathan_and this is my first time using LINUX01:11
jonathan_I'm moved from windows to linux01:11
kbrooksjonathan_, you might want to be aware of one thing01:11
bezakjonathan_: if you go to the applications menu at the bottom there is a button that says "add/remove programs"01:11
kbrooks(may i correct jonathan_ ?)01:11
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jonathan_what kind of thing I should aware?01:12
kbrooksjonathan_, you did not move from windows to the kernel.01:12
mx-zoomjonathan_: you should try gentoo01:12
valehruis it me or my browser because I am looking at technorati.com and all the images seem to be transparent....the text ones....its really weird01:12
jonathan_what is gentoo?01:12
bezakmx-zoom: are you seriously trying to confuse this guy01:12
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kbrooksjonathan_, you moved from windows to a operating system named ubuntu01:12
kbrooksjonathan_, "linux" is not a operating system.01:13
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kbrooksjonathan_, ubuntu is01:13
jonathan_yes! And I'm still 15 years old!01:13
Tom|AT|Windowsjonathan_: go into System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager01:13
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Tom|AT|Windowssearch and you will find LOTS of useful apps that are replacements for windows ones01:13
kbrooks(i'm 16, ffyi)01:13
Tom|AT|Windowsjonathan, im 1601:13
bezakkbrooks: which is altogether completely irrelevant to helping him learn how to install programs...01:13
tchewygot a pb with l2tp(d) over ipsec01:13
kbrooksbezak, i know.01:13
mx-zoombezak: not really. gentoo is harder to install but simpler to use lol01:14
=== Plantain is 16
Tom|AT|WindowsHow many people in this IRC are 1601:14
Plantaingentoo confused me beyond belief01:14
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jonathan_I'm tried installed fedora before01:14
PlantainTom: I think it's the sweet spot ;)01:14
jonathan_and I couldn't find any driver01:14
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:14
gordonjcpkbrooks: in general people refer to Linux-based operating systems as "Linux" generically01:14
jonathan_and I can't install those one01:14
jonathan_fedora 5.001:14
=== valehru is too old to see the screen without glasses....le sigh, I've been around computers too long...
kbrooksgordonjcp, only because it is easier. :-)01:15
tchewyi ve a dedic and im triin to install vpn but when a client is connected, all trafic is redirect to the vpn... no http access nor ssh nor even ping except trough vpn ips (nodefaultroute option activated, thoug)01:15
gordonjcpkbrooks: exactly01:15
=== valehru is feeling old.
jonathan_we see you next time01:15
jonathan_thank you all01:15
gnomefreakguys please try to stay on topic01:15
gordonjcpkbrooks: same reason we say "hoover" instead of "vacuum cleaner"01:15
kbrooksgordonjcp, yeah01:15
gordonjcpkbrooks: I suggest you don't dig people up on minor issues like this if you're keen to be 17 some day01:15
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magnetronfeel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic01:16
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gordonjcpkbrooks: ;-)01:16
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gnomefreakgordonjcp: kbrooks join #ubuntu-offtopic for this discussion please01:16
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kbrooksgnomefreak, no thank you, i'll stop01:17
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bezakgnomefreak: well that sure quietened things down in here :)01:20
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Rich_LI-NYXubuntu 6.10 Cant get sound to work corectly (noise) and cant get mic to work at all.  System says I have a Yahama OPL#-SA23 but  I have onboard sound on Intel AL440LX motherboard.   What can  I do to fix this?01:20
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Tom|AT|WindowsAnyway... I hope this update fixes those tools -- gksu wasn't asking me for my password, so i think they were trying to run in user mode rahter than as root which is weird01:20
Tom|AT|WindowsRich -- possibly a Yamaha chip which is why it says that01:20
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Rich_LI-NYOk..... but I cant be the only one out there wil an AL440LX MB and unbuntu/xubuntu on it01:22
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bezakTom|AT|Windows: that sounds like a permissions problem to me01:22
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Tom|AT|Windowsproblem is, i haven't changed any permissions01:22
bezakTom|AT|Windows: i would try and make sure all your home folder permissions are in order01:22
Rich_LI-NYI would agree there is a chip that also found on yamaha cards.01:22
Tom|AT|Windowsunless xinetd install has changed them01:22
valehruIs there reason why technorati is not rendering properly on Feisty is because of firefox?  This is what I am seeing right now: http://beilabs.com/Screenshot.png01:22
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wrzaskvalehru, (joke) Stop shaking your monitor.01:23
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bezakvalehru: do you have a diff browser like konq?01:24
valehruwrzask, :)01:24
valehrubezak, no...will install it now.01:24
bezakvalehru: see how that goes01:24
valehrubezak, its not the first site I've seen it one01:24
bezakmb its a font thing01:24
Frogzoovalehru: check your font settings in ff01:24
valehruFrogzoo, ok..01:25
bezakvalehru: try a diff font01:25
Rich_LI-NYI give up.. I have beenplaying with this off and on for a month now.01:25
bezaklike verdana or something01:25
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Rich_LI-NYyou guy have a great day01:25
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rapterM y mouse is like sivering it constantly blocks itself like staing behind. Can I fix it?01:25
valehrubezak, the font wasn't selected...empty...whats the default?01:25
bezakvalehru: i dunno01:26
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bezakvalehru: i have the ms fonts installed and have epiph. use verdana01:26
jscinozHey guys01:26
valehrudon't have them installed..01:26
valehruwill do it now01:26
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rapter When I move ithe mouse reacts with intreruptions.01:27
jscinozI recently attempted to install the 100.4.9 nvidia drivers that came out a few days ago, but if i  start X with them enabled i get "failed to run install command" and X dies, how can i fix this?01:27
valehrubezak, msttcorefonts right?01:27
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bezakvalehru: yeah mun01:28
defryskbezak, too much hinting01:28
bezakdefrysk: sorry?01:28
defryskanti aliassing01:28
defrysktoo much01:28
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jscinozHey guys, when i start X with nvidia drivers 100.4.9 enabled i get "FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia" what can i do to make them work?01:28
defryskbezak, turn of anti aliassing for smaller fonts01:28
bezakdefrysk: where01:29
bezakbezak: lol i dont have a problem01:29
defryskbezak, system > prefs > fonts01:29
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defryskbezak, select details01:30
bezakdefrysk: haha its valehru with the font problem not me01:30
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defryskset hinting to none or mediam01:30
bezakdefrysk: my fonts are great01:30
valehrubezak, lol01:30
defryskok ok nm01:30
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defryskhinting and anti-aliasing makes me nauseous01:31
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bezakdefrysk: haha youve gotta have a little01:31
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defryskbezak, wonder if it can give people epileptic attacks01:32
mr_danieli am using irssi. To copy a link into it i need to perform a mouse>right_click>paste01:32
valehrudefrysk, but that doesnt have anything to do with the screenshot I gave:01:32
mr_danielthe usual shortcut CTRL+V isn't working in a console01:32
bezakmr_daniel: you know any workaround to that as its kinda annoying01:32
valehrudefrysk, http://beilabs.com/Screenshot.png01:32
bezakyou can ctrl shift paste01:32
mr_danielis there maybe a other shortcut to paste into a console?01:33
defryskvalehru, you could set the dpi a bit higher in your browser01:33
defryskor in your desktop01:33
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defryskanyway have to do something else01:33
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valehrudefaults I am using here on feisty01:34
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defryskvalehru, should be ok then01:34
valehruhmm...but technorati doesnt seem to be borked for anyone else though.01:35
Frogzoomr_daniel: ctrl shift v01:35
Tom|AT|Windowsvalehru: works for me01:35
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stefgvalehru, i think you have some poorly hinted fonts installed, and the font used on the site gets replaced with one of those poor fonts. either set the fonts for firefox to not allow websites to override your settings, or uninstall the (useless) fonts01:35
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paabmuquien eres01:36
valehrustefg, ahh there we go01:36
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valehrustefg, thanks a million01:36
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jonathan_back again01:36
jscinozHey guys, my laptop consistently runs 5-10*C hotter when i'm using the nvidia driver as opposed to nv, any ideas why this happens?01:37
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paabmuhola ramla01:37
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bezakjscinoz: probably the driver lol01:37
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ramlapaabmu: have we met?01:37
jscinozbezak, yeah i know since it only happens using that driver, but i need something more specific01:37
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jonathan_ramla: no! :P01:37
jscinozalso i cannot get AGP to work for the life of me01:38
bezakjscinoz: i'm not sure, problem is its closed source so who knows01:38
jscinozalright, next problem: I cannot get NvAGP or to work no matter how hard i try, i have it enabled in my xorg.conf, but if i cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status i get "AGP initialization failed" what should i do?01:39
stefgjscinoz: it is pretty logical that a 3d enabled driver eats mor cpu-cycles than a 2d-only driver, no?01:39
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jonathan_can you help me to choose a good distros01:39
jonathan_I distros who can install any package01:39
NET||abusewill the edgy boot dvd support my atheros 5212 card straight off? i need to test it out, seems to have borked in my normal edgy intall...01:40
jscinozstefg, yes, but this happens even when i'm not doing anything 3d..01:40
jscinozstefg, and even then, an extra 10*C is huge..01:40
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TOR_CNRguys, I keep getting prompts to insert the Fawn CD when I try to install updates01:40
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TOR_CNRhow do I just use the internet repos instead?01:40
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stefgjonathan_: misconception, it doesn't work like that, and such distro doesn't exist01:40
tchewytry commenting the cd line on /etc/apt/sources.list01:40
PlantainHow might I find out info about a package through apt-get?01:40
moDumasshey all, if i have an avi file with very quiet audio can i increase the audio with avidmux2?, if so How would i do this?01:40
jscinozTOR_CNR, go administration > software sources and uncheck CD01:41
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ramlajscinoz: the temp readout is cpu temp or..?01:41
NET||abuseoh crap.. how do i setup my wireless in default ubuntu edgy? I always just installed nm-applet :P heh...01:41
jscinozramla, CPU01:41
stefgjscinoz: and as you are a tinkerer (as you declared earlier) it might be that you tinkered in the wrong way.... acpi is rocket-science, and who knows what the nviia-driver does01:42
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TOR_CNRjscinoz: thanks :)01:42
jscinozlinux Wireless without NetworkManager makes me cry :(01:42
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jscinozTOR_CNR, no problem01:42
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jscinozstefg, ok thanks anyway :)01:42
NET||abusejscinoz: hehe, me too.. any memory of how it's done without ?01:42
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omhaanybody heard any news about linspires CNR on ubuntu??01:43
t94xr-lappywho hasnt01:43
jscinozNET||abuse, i remember it involved setting SSID, etc in terminal or text files >_<01:43
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jscinozomha, what's the news?01:43
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DJ-_-i did a cli install on a pc kept for server use...01:43
omhajscinoz, im asking you guys01:43
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PlantainWhat's the preload package do?01:44
DJ-_-now i need to do some installs like squid LAMP and RDP server installs on it....any ideas?01:44
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SmegzorWhere does ubuntu hide usb devices that are attached?  I have a tvtuner I am trying to direct vlc to without success.01:44
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jscinozHas anyone had any success getting NVagp to work on nvidia drivers 97.55 or 100.14.09?01:44
jscinozSmegzor, somewhere in /dev? >_<01:44
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SmegzorI tried that.  It is not /dev/video001:45
jscinozvideo0 = graphics card01:45
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jscinozi think01:45
Smegzorwhat would usb be listed as?01:45
jscinoznot sure sorry :(01:46
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NET||abuseawww balz... i think my wifi card is fried :(01:46
MarLawHello all01:46
MarLawhas anyone tried hamachi ?01:46
MarLawi have a question01:46
MarLawabout using a hamachi host as a gateway for internet01:46
DJ-_-just finished installin a CLI system on a PC which is going to be the home server....now i need to do some installs like squid LAMP and RDP server installs on it....any ideas? i just got a CLI only for best performance....01:46
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NET||abusedoesn't pick up any networks on sudo iwlist ath0 scan, even after setting to the channel of the wifi router with sudo iwconfig ath0 channel 901:47
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MarLawDJ-_-: I used Ubuntu server which is perfect for that01:47
MarLawand does LAMP installs01:47
NET||abusethis is from both the hd install and my edgy boot disk :(01:47
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MarLawotherwise just ubuntu01:47
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DJ-_-MarLaw: why not xubuntu cli?01:47
neoxi`m new with ubuntu01:47
fastlovedoes  anyone know newbie channel01:47
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DJ-_-MarLaw: i m low on resources..thats why i got that...any ideas?01:47
neoxcan anyone help me?01:47
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Myrtti!anyone | neox01:47
ubotuneox: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:47
MarLawDJ-_-:  I'm using 3 very old computers01:48
MartyMcFlyhow do I make a samba share in fstab writable by a system user instead of just root?01:48
MarLawwith ubuntu server01:48
MarLawit comes CLI only01:48
MarLawand has LAMP configs01:48
neoxi got problem in playing 3gp files01:48
MarLawso why bother with xubutu01:48
DJ-_-MarLaw: well i will download the images then01:48
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Myrttineox: could you please elaborate a bit01:48
MarLawDJ-_-: Check it out before downloading it01:48
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neoxi`m also get problem in network my ubuntu to windows01:48
NET||abuseneox: have you tried the faq's for ubuntu? there are a lot of pages to do with media playback setup01:48
neoxcan anyone help me01:49
DJ-_-MarLaw: but i pretty sure xubuntu can do it too01:49
neoxnet i dont get what u mean01:49
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NET||abuseneox: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/music.html01:50
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jscinozalright, i think i fixed NvAGP, time to reboot and see the magic :)01:50
MarLawDJ-_-:  Any debian based distro can do the job,but one is more appropriate then an other01:50
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NET||abuseneox: sorry, i presumed edgy for some reason there.. are you on 7.04 (feisty) or 6.10 (edgy)01:50
DJ-_-MarLaw: ok i will give that a try rite nw...thx....but i hope u cn help me when i am done01:50
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MarLawwell all I know is that to install a lamp server cli only ubuntu server does that during installation01:51
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jscinoz>_< i dont have a reboot or shutdown option listed on the shutdown menu rofl01:51
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DJ-_-MarLaw; so do you know of anyway i can install a LTSP on other machines to connect to this one for processing...like the smart and dumb terminal01:51
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jscinozubuntu says "NO ONE TURNS ME OFF"01:51
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Tom|AT|Windowsjscinoz, haha01:52
SmegzorI installed tvtime and stuffed it up.  Removing it and deleting its settings files doesn't make Ubuntu forget its settings.  It must be storing them somewhere else, but how do I find them?01:52
Tom|AT|Windowstype poweroff in the console for shutdown ;)01:52
MarLawDJ-_-: Nope...01:52
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jscinozyeah i know, just funny that its missing from the menu01:52
zipperThis is mighty wierd. I have 2 soundcards, HDA-Intel and audigy4. At first, my HDA-Intel was set as default, but after a few reboots (not sure what caused it), audigy4 was set as default. But after installing linux-kernel-image-generic, i'm back to using HDA-intel as default.... how do i switch back to audigy?01:52
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DJ-_-well i need to find a pro ubuntu den lol01:52
MyrttiSmegzor: check if you've got .tvtime or such in your home dir01:52
nullkuhlguys plz help, am tryin to compile latest version of splashy , and i get this error at the end after i type make in its folder(compiling).. : collect2: ld returned 1 exit status. make[1] : *** [splashy]  Error 1. then leaving directory and so on plzz helppp01:52
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Tom|AT|WindowsSmegzor, go into your home directory, click View > Show Hidden Files and see if there is a folder there for that program01:53
SmegzorI have and I deleted the files there.  It still remembers01:53
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Smegzorthat might be it.  thanks01:53
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JediMasterhey guys, can anyone direct me in the best way to setup mirrored raid on SATA drives on ubuntu 7.04 server?01:53
nullkuhlguys plz help, am tryin to compile latest version of splashy , and i get this error at the end after i type make in its folder(compiling).. : collect2: ld returned 1 exit status. make[1] : *** [splashy]  Error 1. then leaving directory and so on plzz helppp01:53
stefg!raid | JediMaster01:53
ubotuJediMaster: Raid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:53
JediMasterthanks stefg01:54
nullkuhlguys plz helpppp01:54
stefgJediMaster: i'd tkae the LVM route01:54
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Ve0hi all)01:56
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r4663rdoes anybody use freeotfe for mounting dmcrypt luks partitions in ms-windows? when i try to mount a partition theres an error that i didnt put the correct password, but im sure it is correct..02:00
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents02:00
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JediMasterstefg: the first one, do you actually need the alternate cd, as I'm not getting the MD options on the normal server cd, getting an error that there's no / root mount point02:01
JediMasterstefg: not to worry, different menu layout02:01
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stefgJediMaster: the server--cd uses the alternate installer (no gui anyway to be used as Live-CD)02:01
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erz_how can i fix my kstartuconfig ?02:02
erUSUL!repeat > nullkuhl02:02
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JediMasterstefg: yeah, I thought they were the same02:02
r4663ri already know that windows it not linux..02:02
rieshey guys, when I shell into a other server and I use the midnight commander my screens is not good. Normally I would see horizontal lines, but now weird characters. What keyword shall I use on google for a solultion?02:02
nullkuhlerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/02:02
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erUSULnullkuhl: ?? the url is incomplete if you wanted me to see something you posted02:03
SmegzorI fixed my tvtime problem.  All it needed was a reboot.02:04
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nullkuhlok ok02:05
nullkuhlerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25089/02:05
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nullkuhlplzz help02:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about equivilants - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:05
jovhin ubuntus02:05
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant02:05
nullkuhlerUSUL: ??02:05
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jscinozHey guys, i can't get NvAGP to load as agpgart always loads, i've added it multiple blacklists but it ignores them, how can i completely stop agpgart from loading02:07
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nullkuhlerUSUL: ??02:07
stelkihi, anyone using ubuntu on a core2 duo?02:07
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stelkior um, using the nforce chipset or something02:07
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nullkuhlguys plz help am trying to compile splashy but it failes http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25089/ plzzz helppppppppppp02:07
stevr1ithello, i am using ubuntu 7.04 gnome and the gdm reatrt automatically now and then, how can i find the problem?02:08
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jscinoz!patience > nullkuhl02:08
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erUSULnullkuhl: it seems to me that the package has some error... have you instaled build-essential ??02:09
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stelkiI seem to be getting a black screen whatever I try to boot with :|02:09
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vermoosanyone know how to run texhash correctly?02:10
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vermoosi'm trying to get tex to recognize a package installed from an ubuntu repository02:10
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craigbass1976http://rafb.net/p/NC5z9R48.html is my hard drive layout (for hdb) and my grub conf file.  I can't get windows to boot.  Can anyone see why?02:12
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nullkuhlshould i install it ?02:13
craigbass1976I only installed windows to test something out, so if I can't get it running, I can just swap the drive cable around and boot that way.02:13
nullkuhli mean when i did before it removed lotsa stuff02:13
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nullkuhllet me try erUSUL:..02:13
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nullkuhlerUSUL: yes already installed build essential02:13
nullkuhlwat to do now02:13
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stefgcraigbass1976: win needs a primary partition, doesn't like to be in an extended one (and lvm'd)02:14
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stelkioh and it should probably be 0,302:14
stelkier, ,402:14
k31thguys my xp wont boot after a upgrade of ubuntu, it removed XP from my boot list02:15
nullkuhllol i found splashy in synaptic,, will install it from there , erUSUL02:15
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stefg!grub | k31th02:15
ubotuk31th: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:15
k31thI have added it again manually... however it is not booting02:15
craigbass1976stefg, I can boot windows if I make the slave into the master.  I also jsut realized that the ntfs is on partition 4, and I have grub pointing to 2.02:15
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erUSULnullkuhl: i think that the problem is in the tar.gz it uses static tolink shared libs and it fails02:15
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craigbass1976stefg, no, I think you were right with 302:16
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vermoosdoes anyone know how to hash the Tex Directory Structure after installing a latex package?02:16
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craigbass1976Does anyone know of something like tortoisesvn for linux?  I need a subversion client, and then I won't have to dick with windows at all.02:17
vermoossetting $TEXMFDBS to a sane location doesn't seem to work02:17
stefgok... enough of the 'my windows does not boot' -stuff now02:17
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Malfistcraugbass1976, You can use SVN from the command line02:18
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vermooscraigbass1976 svn is in the ubuntu package manager02:18
MalfistIs there a way to monitor what processes are using what of my bandwidth?02:18
neoxon networking02:18
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craigbass1976Malfist, Remotely thgouh?  I need to make sure someone can access it remotely.  I really don't want to boot to windows, becuase I have other stuff I need to do today, and can't if my big box is running XP.02:19
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Malfistcraigbass1976, yes. I believe there is a wiki page on it at the ubuntu website02:19
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craigbass1976Malfist, but where this server is going, the guy want's to use tortoise, so I thought if I could find some kind of GUI client for ubuntu and see if that works, I could just test for a minute in windows02:20
Carna_FeistyHi, I have a question about ubuntu server edition02:20
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:21
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Malfistcraigbass1976, I don't understand you, are you setting up an SVN server or connecting to one? You can do both in ubuntu02:21
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asparagusi cant seem to get azureus to start up on 7.0402:21
Frogzoois there a howto for setting up selinux ??02:21
Carna_Feistydoes server edition support wireless as ubuntu "normal" edition?02:21
Frogzooasparagus: start it up from a terminal for error msgs02:21
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FrogzooCarna_Feisty: same same02:21
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stefgasparagus: the package in universe is broken.. get the sourceforge(t) - download and replace the azureus.jar (and delete your ~/.azureus dir02:22
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Carna_FeistyI can't get the same usb wifi key work on it, don't know why, it works out of the box usually02:22
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:22
MalfistIs there a program I can use to monitor what programs are using my bandwidth and how much?02:22
asparagusstefg, where do i place azureus.jar02:23
heroinanyone know if i can make a custom ubuntu CD? like with my own prefrences and stuff?02:23
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stefgasparagus: locate azureus.jar02:23
Carna_Feistymalfist:i use conky02:23
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FrogzooMalfist: iptop maybe?02:23
Malfistconky can do that?02:23
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stefgasparagus: type that command in terminal02:24
FrogzooMalfist: soz, iftop - it's pretty primitive02:24
PieWhat's the terminal command that allows you to edit xorg.conf . I don't mean the reconfigure command, I mean editting the actual file02:24
heroinPie nano vi kwrite kate pick one :)02:24
craigbass1976Malfist, I've set one up.  I will need to test it with tortoise on a windows box.  I was looking for a gui client for ubuntu (rapidsvn is what I just found while you were replying) to just test remote authentication and so forth; this way, I won't tie up my big box all day by having it run windows.  I have an nfs share on that box and need ubuntu running to work on other stuff.  Anyway, if I can get rapidsvn running well02:24
craigbass1976, I'll then give tortoise a brief go.  Last time I used it, there was some authentication problem that I imagine will happen with rapidsvn too.02:24
MalfistFrogzoo, as long as I can use it02:24
Carna_Feistyconky is like a monitor, most people use it for eyecandy, you have to set it but you can just follow a topic on the forum02:24
stefgPie: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:24
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Carna_Feistysearch the web for screenshots02:24
Pieokay, thanks both of you02:24
Malfistcraigbass1976 Ubuntu can do that from the command line, I've never used a GUI from it, if your ubuntu machine can connect to it, so can windows02:25
asparagusstefg, it cant find it oddly enough02:25
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stefgasparagus: sudo updatedb && sudo locate azureus.jar02:26
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heroinanyone know if its possible to create my own setup disc? becuase i want a ubuntu 7.04server install w. fluxbox firefox vlc and some other things02:28
slippyr4Hi all. many icons are missing from my menus. for example, there is no synaptic. If i start alacarte menu editor, then it shows synaptic under system / administration. the menu item is ticked. why wouldn't it appear?02:28
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Tom|AT|Windowsslippyr4 -- running as root? Or a user?02:28
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MalfistFrogoo, iftop looks like what I want but all the processes are named jerome-desktop.local02:29
slippyr4tom|at|windows i am a normal user02:29
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Malfistfrogoo, can i get it to show like Firefox, rhythmbox, deluge, etc?02:29
Tom|AT|WindowsHave you tried rebooting?02:29
Tom|AT|WindowsI know running as root make them disappear02:29
asparagusstefg, nothing, maybe it's azureus[ver] .jar02:29
Carna_Feistyanother question:I installed ubuntu server edition on an old computer in order to install then fluxbox on it.Once installed the OS, do I have only to install via apt-get fluxbox and its dependencies?02:29
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Stormx2Carna_Feisty: Yeah.02:30
heroinCarna_Feisty: huh?02:30
Stormx2Carna_Feisty: I think so.02:30
slippyr4tom|at|windows yes i've rebooted. in fact there are about 20 things in alacarte but only 5 on the actual menu02:30
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TofI have a question about Ubuntu 7.04 desktop vs server. I need all client application (browser, mail, ssh), *and* server ones (apache, mysql, sshd). Which distribution do I need ?02:30
heroinCarna_Feisty: just do the server install and apt-get install xserver-xorg fluxbox <-- that should do the trick02:30
Carna_Feistyonce connected to the net, world will be mine02:30
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Tom|AT|WindowsYeh, i had that problem running as root, but beause you're a user i dont have a clue, someone else should know02:30
orbinMalfist: just type "fro", then press tab to get the nick right ;)02:30
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heroinCarna_Feisty: but u probally want firefox vlc xmms and a fileexplorer like rox konqeuror or nautilus aswell ;)02:31
Stormx2Tof: Desktop.02:31
Carna_Feistyyeah right02:31
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Stormx2Tof: You can install apache, php, mysql etc in one foul swoop.02:31
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Carna_FeistyI know i will have to install a lot of appz but I hope to get done easily02:31
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TofStormx2: via the standard Ubuntu install/update program ?02:32
Stormx2Tof: That's correct.02:32
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Stormx2Tof: Server edition is only really meant for those who want to install and leave the box on without a screen attached.02:32
TofStormx2: Fine then. What is the difference between the Desktop and Server edition then ? only the default packages to install ?02:32
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PieHow so I save the file after editting with nano?02:32
Stormx2Tof: Yeah, it's just the packages installed.02:33
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TofStormx2: ok. Thanks a lot for the info. c ya02:33
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Stormx2Tof: have fun!02:33
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heroinTof: yes server comes as a barebone with no packages installed exept basic onces like nano and stuff.. nothing graphical or anything like that02:33
IdleOnePie, ctrl+x to close the file it will ask if you want to save02:33
Tofheroin: ok, thx02:33
stefgasparagus: it's Azureus2.jar (stupid capital A)02:33
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heroinTof: server install is used for.. SERVERS (duh) and older machines and people who dont like bloathiness02:34
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PieK, thanks IdleOne02:34
AsgardBeastHas anyone else had a problem with the audio after updating to the 2.6.20-16 kernel?02:34
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Carna_FeistyNo way, it doesn't recognize the wireless usb key, access point invalid and all parameters = 002:34
Carna_FeistyMy brother uses this key on feisty fawn, I can't believe it. lol02:34
Tofheroin: I see. In my case this is both a development and server machine02:34
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heroinTof: development? so u want a desktop and stuff?02:35
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SmegzorI have a USB tvtuner (Pinnacle PCTV).  I get video and no sound using tvtime.  I've been told elsewhere I need the alsa usb module.  I'm running ubuntu fiesty (32bit).  Do I need to install that module?  How?02:35
Tom|AT|WindowsTof: you can install normal ubuntu, and install apache and those services after through synaptic package manager02:35
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Tofheroin: right. I want all desktop environment (mail, browser, etc.), *and* servers (apache, mysql, php, sshd)02:36
heroinTof: i think Tom|AT|Windows is showing the easiest way.. if u have disk space and a fairly good machine go for his option02:36
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Tom|AT|WindowsThats exactly what im doing -- i need graphical for things like getting samba and stuff right, and for Mono development02:36
Tom|AT|Windowsan also using apache and mod_mono for stuff02:36
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Tofok what is the "synapctic package manager" ? I still don't have installed ubuntu02:37
heroinTom|AT|Windows: u need a gui for samba?02:37
Tofis it the standard Ubuntu installer ?02:37
heroinTom|AT|Windows: synapctic package manager is a program in which u can select what u want installed02:37
Tom|AT|Windowsheroin: no, but to install it i do, haven't quite mastered cli yet02:37
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heroinTom|AT|Windows: ah ok.. its easier then u think02:37
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Tom|AT|Windows!synaptic package manager02:37
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aa^wayAny other browsers in ubuntu? FirefoX = worst browser i ever seen02:38
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto02:38
aa^waymaybe IE is supported in ubuntu?02:38
Tom|AT|Windowsaa^way: no :P02:38
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aa^wayyou just made me cry Tom :P02:38
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MarLawguys is it possible to use a hamachi host as a gateway including internet data like a sort of VPN ? or shall i just set up a socks proxy ?02:38
Smegzorhugs his firefox (and covers its ears)02:38
heroinTof: well u can install packages(prgms) via synaptic(gui) or via apt-get(cli) and aptitude(cli)02:38
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heroinMarLaw: hamachi set ups a VPN..02:39
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orbinaa^way: opera02:39
Tom|AT|WindowsMarLaw: you could install it on your server, and then on anotehr computer install it, co nnect to the network and yes, you would have a vpn02:39
Tofheroin: ok, thx02:39
Tom|AT|Windowsaa^way: does Opera have a linux version?02:39
heroinTom|AT|Windows: .. ofcourse02:39
Tom|AT|Windowsorbin: ^^02:39
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AsgardBeastYes Opera is available for Linux02:39
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MarLawyeah right heroin, but how can i make that my laptop uses the hamachi network the connect to the internet ?02:39
DJ-_-how do i get updated driver? i have intel chipset p4i645gv02:40
MarLawthis would be great for when i use public wireless access point02:40
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orbinTof: what are the system specs out of interest?02:40
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MarLawusingm y laptop, connect to the hamachi VPN and then use one of the home host for all the traffic02:40
orbin!opera > Tom|AT|Windows (read pm from ubotu)02:40
heroinMarLaw: just set up a proxy?02:40
Toforbin: P4 dual core 1Go RAM02:41
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MarLawyeah that's what i was thinking but then i need to tell each application to use that proxy rigth ?02:41
Toforbin: is that the information you requested ?02:41
MarLawis there anything i can do to use something system level02:41
aa^way!opera > aa^way02:41
Tom|AT|Windowsyou would need the socks proxy for web browsers to use your hamachi tunnel i would believe02:41
heroinTof: just install ubuntu and come back when ur done.. all what u would have to do is install ubuntu and in a terminal type sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql apache2-php502:41
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heroinMarLaw: urm i would not know..02:42
orbinTof: yeah, gnome (ubuntu's default desktop environment) should fly.  just wondering as a lot of people use low-specced machines for servers.  sometimes gnome isn't the best option02:42
MarLawi'm sure i can02:42
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MarLawmaybe by using open vpn inside hamachi02:42
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MarLawor something like that02:42
DJ-_-my fonts have changed and the letters are somewhat not so clear....anyway to get back to default...i am on gnome02:43
heroinMarLaw: or just setup a real vpn :P02:43
MarLawor openvpn alone02:43
Tofheroin: i'm *very* familiar to linux. what I want know, is a system where everything can be installed *very* simply.02:43
MarLawyeah but i don't have public IP02:43
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Toforbin: i see02:43
Tofheroin: typo: replace know by now02:43
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heroinTof YES ubuntu is SIMPLE u can just CLICK and it will install apache and eveyrthing u would ever want02:43
MarLawTof: Ubuntu is the easiest02:43
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Tofthat is fine02:44
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IdleOneTof, everything in Ubuntu is just a couple clicks away and voila it is installed02:44
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MarLawheroin about proxy is there anything you would like to suggest me on ubuntu ?02:44
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Tof:D i see02:44
MarLawfor my purpose02:44
mok0How can I disable join and leave info messages in irssi?02:44
IdleOneTof, or you can install everything via command line. whatever you fell more comfortable with02:44
heroinMarLaw: urm.. let me find a book sec02:44
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orbinTof: well it uses apt ... nuff said02:44
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heroinMarLaw: easiest way i read about would seem openVPN02:45
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heroinMarLaw: for a proxy.. squid02:45
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IdleOnemok0, www.irssi.org and read the faq or try #irssi maybe02:45
sivajiis it possible to open power point document in kubuntu02:45
MarLawhope squid is not overkill02:45
alaQmok0: simple... don't leave :)02:45
TofI have 2 goals in fact: first try this distrib myself (as an IT), and then see if it could be used easily by a rookie02:45
heroinMarLaw: if ur dutch i suggest u get the CT magazine LINUX SPECIAL :)02:46
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Tom|AT|Windowssivaji: use openoffice :)02:46
heroinTof: ubuntu is so simple my 12 year old sister installed MSN and stuff herself02:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
Tofheroin: lol02:46
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aa^wayheroin: really?02:47
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_olafhow do i get RAR files to be openable in ubuntu?02:47
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free02:47
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aa^wayubotu = ownage02:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ownage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:47
sivajiTom|AT|Windows        i cant open office terminates abnormally02:47
Hayzeusi dont know anything about ownage02:48
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Hayzeusdont be so moddest02:48
Tofanother question about ATI X700 drivers for my laptop. I once launched an Ubuntu Live CD, but X never started. What should I do ?02:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:48
alaQsivaji: just for viewing?02:48
brutopiaTof: try the newest version02:48
IdleOne!ati | Tof02:48
ubotuTof: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:48
sivajialaQ viewing means02:49
Tofubotu: thx02:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:49
alaQsivaji: read-only - no editing.02:49
Bog`how do i check if gnome is installed?02:49
sivajialaQ when i open that .ppt file open office terminates02:49
IdleOneBog`, what does your desktop loook like?02:49
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.02:49
Bog`it looks like a CLI02:49
aa^way( i checked what gnome is ) ;p02:49
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alaQsivaji: i understand.  check out 'pptview' from apt.02:50
IdleOneBog`, sudo aptitude install ubuntu-dektop02:50
heroinaa^way: what?02:50
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IdleOneBog`, sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop02:50
ppdhi. I'm trying to build kazehakase 0.4.7 with webcore but kazehakase keeps telling that webcore is not enabled although I gave the right command line option. does somebody probably have experience with building kazehakase on buntu?02:50
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Bog`what if it's installed already?02:50
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heroinaa^way: yes my sister did install ubuntu WITH amsn and i think firefox..02:50
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IdleOneBog`, is that what it says?02:50
TofIs there a good graphical partitionning tool under ubuntu (that can work with NTFS partitions) ?02:50
Bog`i dunno02:50
sivajialaQ ok wiat02:51
sivajialaQ ok wait02:51
Bog`i'll check02:51
IdleOneBog`, type in that command02:51
heroinTof: .. dude YES gparted qtparted and ofcourse.. uh.. someother tool i forgot about02:51
jburdAs soon as I log into a GNOME session, I get an error message that says "Your session lasted less than 10 seconds..." and I'm prompted to look at the ~/.xsession-errors file.  My disk has ample space and I'm using the default fail safe GNOME session at the moment.  Here is the .xsession-errors file:    http://rafb.net/p/OU1Zst92.html  What's the problem?02:51
Tofheroin: ok, which one is best ?02:51
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heroinTof: idk sorta depends.. gparted has worked miracles in the past.. but i suggest u partition BEFORE installing ubuntu or use the ubuntu installer partitionor. Because once ubuntu is installed and u start partitioning GRUB is gonna go nuts02:52
Tofheroin: ok02:53
Tofheroin: do u have a dual boot with Windows or only Ubuntu on ur desktop ?02:53
heroinTof: just try ubuntu w. the liveCD and 90% of ur question shgall be answered02:54
heroinTof: only linux ofcourse :P but u can dual boot or triboot or hexboot if u wanted02:54
Tofheroin: i'll do that this evening02:54
Tofheroin: lol02:54
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heroinonce i had dos linux win95 and xp installed02:54
Tofheroin: i'm a gamer, that's why I still needs XP02:54
heroinnow i just use vmware02:55
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heroinTof:  not really i play CS1.6 w. steam02:55
osiohi everyone02:55
heroinand i have Diablo2 and starcraft installed02:55
Tofheroin: under Ubuntu ?02:55
Hayzeusis there any major differences between kubuntu and ubuntu besides the gnome and kde sessions? i mean... i can do everything a kde machine can do on a gnome machine right?02:55
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heroinTof: yes under linux in general02:55
heroinHayzeus: yes02:55
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alaQHayzeus: kubuntu and ubuntu both base themselves on the same package set, so yes.02:56
osiohas someone installed the new cs3 packet under ubuntu with wine?02:56
Tofheroin: u mean steam games can be installed under linux ?02:56
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heroinHayzeus: though Kbuntu uses diffrent apps then normal ubuntu02:56
heroinTof: yes02:56
osioor is there a editor as good as dreamweaver on linux02:56
Tofheroin: omg02:56
Hayzeusyeah... thanks heroin02:56
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jmspeexDamn, can someone explain to me how 2.6.20-16 ended up being released with modules that have unresolved symbols??02:56
UnhandledExceptiTof: i can't explain why I have a C++ runtime error while installing steam under wine02:56
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IdleOne!quanta | osio02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quanta - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:57
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AyabaraI run xp in vmware, and I'm trying to export an ext3 partition via samba so I can access it from my xp-vm. So far I have installed samba and added a user. How do I export the partition?02:57
tritiumjmspeex: what are you talking about?02:57
alaQosio: you might want to look up NVU as well as quanta.  both are very good editors.02:57
heroinTof: http://linux-gamers.net02:58
heroinosio: NVU is pretty good i hear02:58
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Tofheroin: u launch steam under wine ? i don't think steam is available natively for linux ?02:58
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heroinTof: yes via wine..02:58
gamechei1ok guys i have02:58
Tofheroin: okay02:58
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heroinTof: beter performance under linux then windows02:58
gamechei1the windows disc02:59
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heroinTof: i might seem a bit tricky but its simple once ur used to it02:59
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gamechei1know whts this fixbmr stuff how do i do it02:59
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Tofheroin: well i had some tries with wine some years ago, but not many things were working02:59
IdleOne!enter | gamechei102:59
ubotugamechei1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:59
Bog`IdleOne, what if i don't want to install ~500mb?02:59
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IdleOneBog`,  if you want to install the gnome desktop that ubuntu uses then that is what it is gonna take03:00
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IdleOneBog`, why dont you want to install 500mb?03:00
heroinTof: years.. linux changes quickly mate03:00
Tofwell, thx a lot everyone for ur help. c ya in some days for more questions. kisses from france03:01
Bog`my connection is slow to most servers03:01
jburdSo does anybody know what the cause of this is:  http://rafb.net/p/OU1Zst92.html03:01
Bog`and i'm running it in a VM03:01
Tofheroin: i know :D03:01
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IdleOneBog`, dont know what to tell you.03:01
sivaji ple someone help me i cant open power point document in open office03:02
OgguI got error that nvidia is version 1.0-7184 and that X is 1.0-9755, what to do?03:02
OgguX wont start03:02
alaQjburd: for some reason, gnome-session doesn't like to play with your memory - it's causing an invalid pointer error.  Why, I can't tell.  Sorry.  Can you run a different window manager, like xfce?03:02
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MTecknologyI've got two quick issues this morning... 1. I like the network manager, but it's not refreshing it's list of nearby access points.... I came to work with it turned on, waited about 5 minutes, and it was still only "seeing" my wireless from home. I had to manually choose my work AP... Problem 2. I installed qemu to run Windows. I got through the installation just fine, but then I did a shutdown on the virtual machine, tried to bo03:03
MTecknologyot it back up and it said Boot from Hard Disk 0 failed; FATAL: Not a bootabl disk... but I just installed to it. :S03:03
asparagusstefg, sorry how do i search for azureus[ver] ?03:03
jburdalaQ: Yeah.  I am using the default gnome session at the moment.03:04
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johnnybuoyhi all03:04
jburdI can also use xfce03:04
alaQjburd: the reason I ask is because 'gnome-session,' the gnome startup command, is causing the error.  If you can get into another wm, you could do a package reinstall from synaptic or something.  That's the only possible solution I can think of.03:05
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SubOneHow do I uninstall a Window Decoration?03:06
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jburdalaQ: A package re-install of what?03:07
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alaQSubOne: is it a beryl/compiz decoration, or a Gnome-based one?03:07
asparagushow do i locate azureus[ver] .jar in ubuntu?03:07
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alaQjburd: try reinstalling the gnome-session package, but I doubt it'll be just that one package.03:08
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jburdalaQ: All right.  :)03:08
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SubOneidk its just listed in the KDE System Settings>Appearance>Window Decorations03:08
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SubOnealaQ: idk its just listed in the KDE System Settings>Appearance>Window Decorations03:09
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SubOneThe window decoration i want to uninstall first is called Crystal03:11
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alaQSubOne: did you install it using the apt packages?03:13
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SubOneno it was preinstalled03:13
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not_a_k_what's the new smb mounting tool we are supposed to use instead of smbfs?03:14
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not_a_k_dur, nevermind first google hit03:14
alaQSubOne: I would first try 'sudo apt-get remove --purge -s kwin-style-crystal'.  the -s is in there to simulate removal, not actually do it. We don't want to break things hard, do we? :)03:14
SubOneok lemme try that03:15
OgguI installed nvidia legacy manually, how do i remove it?03:15
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heroinOggu: sudo apt-get remove --purge PACKAGE name will remove a package completly03:16
SubOnealaQ: it says it would uninstall kubuntu-default-settings too, that bad right?03:16
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theineHi, how would I go about preventing gnome-cups-icon to start automatically when I log into Gnome?03:17
Ogguis that the best solution that X doesnt start with error similar to: X is version 1.0-9755 nvidia is 1.0-718403:17
OgguIn synaptic the package isnt installed03:17
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the_entropyhi guys03:19
alaQSubOne: it should be fine - that is just a meta-package.  I'm not positive though - you might just want to keep it on there to be safe.03:19
the_entropyi'm having some trouble with gdm, let me explain03:19
whyameyeis there a difference between a session ID and a process ID?03:19
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the_entropyi tried installing a newer version of GTK2 than the one that comes as a package03:19
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kduboisif i want to find out which distro a remote machine is running, what command line utility should i use?03:20
the_entropyand since then the GDM will not run03:20
jburdalaQ: No go.  I reinstalled gnome-session.03:20
SubOnealaQ:  well the reason i want to uninstall it is because it takes like 10 seconds or so to load into the control panel when i choose it from the list. It can get annoying when mousewheeling through the list or accidentally clicking it you know.03:20
the_entropyit blocks up right before the login prompt03:20
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the_entropyany ideas anyone?(on what i should check to see whats causing the trouble and possibly how to fix it)03:20
alaQSubOne: understandable.  There might be a config file or symlink in the dot folders in your homedir.03:21
jburdI'm wondering why a default session using the same account starts fine but my profile session doesn't.03:21
=== alaQ currently doesn't use kde.
the_entropyi would try and find it myself but the only browser i have is lynx(logged in with irssi from tty1)03:21
orbinkdubois: you could try 'cat /etc/issue' or 'lsb_release -a'03:21
jburdThere has to be some kind of init script that is causing the problem.03:21
wedontneedDo u interested in economy statistics www.ecostatistics.com03:21
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SubOnealaQ:  k let me check03:21
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:22
herointhe_entropy: oooh lynx.. man taht doesnt work anymore :P03:22
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SakuraSuggestion: To restart X you press Ctrl-Backspace?03:23
the_entropyheroin: believe me if i had any choice i would use something else03:23
herointhe_entropy: just reinstall GDM? or use xdm?03:23
PiciSakura: Thats not as 'clean' as doing the aformentioned method03:23
herointhe_entropy: or just login from a terminal and startx?03:23
SakuraOk thank you :)03:23
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the_entropyi removed gtk altogether(which removed 600mb's worth of packages) and reinstalled everything(including gdm) no luck03:23
the_entropystartx didn't work either but that was before i did that will try it now03:24
Montehhow can i refresh my applications menu to include newly installed crossover windows programs?03:24
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kane77what is the keyring? (f-spot wants a password for keyring)03:24
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kane77hmm and it crashed03:25
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the_entropyheroin: startx crashes03:25
SubOnealaQ: what does --purge do?03:25
the_entropyheroin: checking the log now03:25
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lesokdHey, i have a "ATI Radeon 9800" graphic card. What driver shall i use and where can i find a good guide?03:26
Sakurakane77: A keyring is a file containing PGP/GnuPG certificated used for encryption03:26
lesokdfor feisty?03:26
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alaQSubOne: it's the Synaptic equivalent of complete removal (takes care of configs and everything)03:26
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kane77Sakura, hmm.. so how can I reset the password if I forgotten? (I realy dont remember setting up password for f-spot)03:27
the_entropyheroin: it keeps repeating the same error: "error opening /dev/wacom no such file or directory"03:27
the_entropyany ideas?03:27
daglehi I have a problem with the network device on my Inspiron 6400, what driver should I use? Heres the hardware stuff: http://gentoo.pastebin.ca/55864803:27
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Sakurakane77: If you forgot the password, you have to delete the keyfile and start a new one. There is no way to recover it. Would be a bad encryption don't you think so?03:28
lesokdHey, i have a "ATI Radeon 9800" graphic card. What driver shall i use and where can i find a good guide for feisty?03:28
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kane77Sakura, it asks password for the default, where can I find default?03:28
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herointhe_entropy: urm i would not know iam not a gdm expert.. ask in #gnome03:29
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SubOneI have another problem: Every once in a while my videos will freeze for a moment and then the video will skip and the audio will go really fast to catch up. I have to rewind the video a few seconds to view the part I miss. I don't see anything suspicious in the task manager. What can be causing this?03:29
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the_entropyheroin: ok, thanks... now... to figure out how to switch rooms in irssi03:29
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heroinlesokd: i think feisty now comes w. propper drivers for ati cards.. and google for a good guide03:30
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herointhe_entropy: esc+ 1 2 3 4.. or alt + 1 2 3 4 :)03:30
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SlimeyPetethe_entropy: hit esc + a number eg esc+1 for status window, and I have this room on esc+5.03:30
herointhe_entropy: where 1 2 or 3 is the window03:30
the_entropyheroin: nice, thanks :)03:30
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the_entropythis is fun ^_^03:30
herointhe_entropy: irssi is the best03:31
lesokdu can't find which one to use03:31
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heroinSubOne: which media player? bad dvd rip?03:31
hafI prefre wee_chat over irssi03:32
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SubOneno they are mostly videos from online, its not the connection because it happens after they are finished downloading. The media player doesn't matter it happens in flash video playes and in mplayer.03:32
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SakuraWow pretty tough questions here...03:33
the_entropyheroin: maybe but an 80 char screen isn't :P03:34
herointhe_entropy: u get used to it :)03:34
lesokdanyone who knows which ATI driver is good for feisty?03:34
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heroinlesokd: it comes with a propper driver u probally wont need to install a difrent driver as the default one03:34
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the_entropyheroin: hehe, i don't plan on doing that now though, i like terminals but i also like firefox and some other such apps ;)03:35
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:35
SlimeyPete^^ that one is, in theory, best03:35
herointhe_entropy: press ctrl+alt+3 and login and then when u enter startx what happens?03:35
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herointhe_entropy: u could check logs in /var/log/ check syslog and stuff03:35
lesokdcan Beryl run with fglrx???03:36
SlimeyPetelesokd: yes03:36
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lesokdwhat about Compiz?03:36
lesokdwhere can i find a guide to installing fglrx?03:36
herointhe_entropy: and what happens when u enter firefox?03:36
the_entropyheroin: startx crashes03:36
herointhe_entropy: and what happens when u enter firefox?03:36
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the_entropyumm well i don't think it'll start, lemme check03:36
madpajerois there any problem if i install koffice using gnome?03:36
heroinmadpajero: no.. it will just requirelots and lots of libs03:37
dagleany one got any idea about what driver I should use for: http://gentoo.pastebin.ca/558648 ?03:37
the_entropyheroin: firefox complains about the fact that it "cannot open display" ;)03:37
SakuraQuestion: Can I somehow turn off the localization of that config file for /var/log?03:37
PlantainHow do I get information about a package under ubuntu?03:37
heroinPlantain: use aptitude03:37
lesokdanyone who know where i can get a guide to install fglrx?03:37
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the_entropyheroin: and btw, i know the ctrl+alt+F<tty number> how do you think i'm here?03:37
bastid_raZorjust install kubuntu-desktop as well.. i have both, i have tons more applications that way03:37
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herointhe_entropy: good point :P.. urm why did u change GTK libs anyway?03:38
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Plantainheroin: If I'm logging in via SSH, is there an alternative?03:38
bastid_raZorPlantain: or packages.ubuntu.com03:38
FrogzooPlantain: apt-cache show pkg03:38
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madpajeroheroin: cool, im just gonna do that. i am a bit crazy, im going to uninstall firefox2 and install firefox1.5 on it.03:38
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PlantainThanks :D03:38
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heroinmadpajero: thats crazy!!03:38
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the_entropyheroin: i was trying to install something that require gtk 2.12 and the package from unbuntu was 2.10.303:38
herointhe_entropy: nice03:39
the_entropyheroin: so i figured i would install from source like i always do when a package isn't available03:39
SakuraFirefox 1.5 is out of support isn't it03:39
SubOneHow do I uninstall a Window Decoration that was installed via a make script?03:39
herointhe_entropy: apt-get remove gtk2.12?03:39
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the_entropyheroin: apt-get doesn't even detect it >_>03:39
FrogzooSubOne: make uninstall03:39
madpajeroHeroin: im a fairly noob user of ubuntu but i have a strong urge to change some of the standard stuff03:39
heroinSakura:  no its not03:39
SubOneFrogzoo: but I dont have the make file anymore03:39
herointhe_entropy: slap it?03:39
Sakura*phew* so he's not too crazy03:39
the_entropyheroin: i removed it with make uninstall03:39
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FrogzooSubOne: you can d/l the source again03:40
herointhe_entropy: so now install gtk2.1003:40
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SubOneFrogzoo: no I can't because I wrote it03:40
the_entropyheroin: i hate how a lot of the packages are really old and out of date in ubuntu, like firefox for example, i have 2.0 and it still nags me about FF1.5 being available as an update all that time03:40
SubOneFrogzoo: based on another source03:40
the_entropyheroin: tried that, no luck03:40
SakuraSubone: You can't remember where the stuff is your own script installed?03:40
madpajeroheroin: anyway thx for giving the confidence to install koffice03:40
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madpajeroheroin: ciao03:41
herointhe_entropy: O.o what the hell? if u want bleeding edge get 8.04?03:41
heroinmadpajero: ciao03:41
alaQheroin: 8.04?  do they even have anything available for that?03:41
zipperThis is mighty wierd. I have 2 soundcards, HDA-Intel and audigy4. At first, my HDA-Intel was set as default, but after a few reboots (not sure what caused it), audigy4 was set as default. But after installing linux-kernel-image-generic, i'm back to using HDA-intel as default.... how do i switch back to audigy?03:41
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the_entropyheroin: do you mean 7.0$?03:41
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heroinalaQ: huh just go to #ubuntu+103:41
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the_entropyheroin: 7.04*03:41
ManaPirat7.04 has firefox 2, for sure03:41
SakuraalaQ that was irony. 8.04 isn't planned yet, better wait for 7.10 :)03:41
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ManaPirati think 6.10 had it too03:41
herointhe_entropy: no just get the next build of ubuntu the beta one03:42
alaQheroin: that's 7.10 is in #ubuntu+103:42
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bastid_raZorubuntu 7.04 has firefox pre-packaged03:42
mc44and its not in beta03:42
ManaPiratSakura dont spread wrong information ;)03:42
SubOneSakura: it was a script for window decoration you were meant to change a few images and names and then install03:42
ManaPiratoh sorry03:42
ManaPiratmy fault03:42
heroinalaQ: ooh well then let the_entropy try that03:42
eRazorHi all03:42
ManaPiratits 7.10 thats planned03:42
ManaPirat-.- ugh03:42
alaQheroin: :)03:42
the_entropyheroin: the 7.04 liveCD will not boot on my PC, been trying to figure that one out as well :)03:42
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heroinManaPirat: untill its released its beta03:42
eRazorMy friend has a problem with Synaptic03:42
SakuraManaPirat: Yes that's what I said. 7.1003:42
herointhe_entropy: dude.. ur computer is demonic03:42
eRazorHe doesn't have an Internet connection03:42
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ManaPiratthe_entropy: tried the alternative install cd?03:43
tckhaving issues with ubuntu on inspiron 130003:43
eRazorso I am asking behalf of him03:43
SubOnei guess i can search for the decoration name03:43
alaQzipper: check under System > Preferences >Sound - you can configure it there.  That's what I do with my HDA_Intel and my Audigy2Notebook.03:43
herointhe_entropy: try dist-upgrade :P03:43
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eRazorCan someone help me please03:43
eRazorI have a problem with Synaptic03:43
bastid_raZoreRazor: you've not asked a question03:43
mc44eRazor: ask your question..03:43
zipperalaQ: thanks, let me just try that out03:43
the_entropyManaPirat: no, my internet connection is pretty limited here so i will have to wait till i'm in uni to download that03:44
alaQeRazor: and that problem would be...?03:44
eRazorbastid_raZor: mc44: when we open Synaptic it gives the following error03:44
FrogzooeRazor: don't leave us guessing what your problem is...03:44
herointhe_entropy: where do u live.. let me guees brazile?03:44
eRazorE:dpkg was interrupted. You must manually run  dpkg --configure -a03:44
SakuraSubOne: Please consider checking your private chat windows :)03:45
Frogzoo!enter | eRazor03:45
the_entropyheroin: lebanon, been on the news a lot lately so i guess you know where that is :)03:45
ubotueRazor: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:45
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ManaPiratsucks without net, beeing offline at home myself03:45
mc44eRazor: and did the try running "dpkg --configure -a"?03:45
SubOneSakura: huh? i got no messages...03:45
eRazormc44: yes03:45
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FrogzooeRazor: it means that someone stopped dpkg when it was running before, now do what it says03:45
tckhaving issues getting X to work on inspiron 140003:45
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SakuraSubOne: In this case I have to file a bug report for XChat :)03:45
eRazorit opens the Google Earth License page and stops03:45
mc44tck: what graphics card?03:46
SubOneok, im using gaim03:46
eRazorFrogzoo: We did that03:46
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mc44eRazor: and waht did it say?03:46
IdleOneeRazor, did he accept the licence?03:46
tckmc44 intel based, 915GM03:46
FrogzooeRazor: what are you trying to install?03:46
SakuraSubOne: Even GAIM should display private chat windows...03:46
eRazorIdleOne: There is no option to do it03:46
SubOneyeah i usually get them03:46
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PlantainI've installed proftpd, but it doesn't work (I can't connect)03:46
irclvhello, how to start xserver from ubuntu command-promt?03:46
eRazorFrogzoo: I am not even able to open the synaptic03:46
IdleOneeRazor, usualy just hit enter it defaults to " acdept"03:47
mc44irclv: startx03:47
SakuraSubone: About your video problem I noted:  I had this problem on my old machine (AMD 1300, 512MB memory) but recompiling my kernel with the option "preemptive multitasking" fixed it.03:47
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eRazorIdleOne: Ok will try just a moment03:47
alaQPlantain: check /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf - there's some things that you might want to verify/check, and then run /etc/init.d/proftpd start to get the daemon running.03:47
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PlantainalaQ: thanks03:47
Sakurairclv: startx03:47
the_entropyheroin: installing fluxbox now, lets see what happens with that03:48
SubOneSakura: let me make a note of that... never compiled my own kernel03:48
PlantainHow might I restart proftpd when I change the config?03:48
SakuraSubOne: I know it's a tough one and takes quite some time: Another suggestion: DO NOT ABANDON YOUR OLD KERNEL! :)03:48
herointhe_entropy: I LOVE FLUXBOX03:48
PlantainI got it :D03:48
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FrogzooPlantain: sudo /etc/init.d/*proftpd restart03:48
herointhe_entropy: also install xdm03:48
alaQFrogzoo: you're quick. :)03:49
the_entropyheroin: hehe, so do I but I still have to get gnome back in working order03:49
SubOneSakura: of course... what about when a newer kernel comes out, i have to recompile again?03:49
the_entropyheroin: this is the home PC ^_^03:49
herointhe_entropy: iam going to a friends house.. i will leave IRC on.. but that wont be USEFULL.. at all03:49
stelkiAnybody using ubuntu 64bit on a core 2 duo on an nforce chipset?03:49
FrogzooI wish03:49
SakuraI'm sooo glad I have a nice custom built computer without that "Designed for Microsoft Windows" and "Ready for Windows Vista" logo :)03:49
PlantainWhere are the users who can login via FTP with proftpd stored?03:50
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the_entropyheroin: hehe, sure, later and thanks for the help03:50
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SakuraSubone: Yes, sadly you have to do that, but you can just copy the configuration. Much faster this way :)03:50
SubOneSakura: suggest a step by step tutorial?03:50
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SakuraSubone: I suggest trial and error that's what I did. If I can do it, everybody can.03:51
eRazorIdleOne: It doesn't accept anything03:51
SubOneSakura: just afraid ill break something or set something up less optimized than it is current;y03:51
eRazornot even enter03:51
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SakuraSubone: My suggestion is to find a boyfriend who is good with computers and have him fix it... that's not an option for you is it.03:52
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SubOneSakura: Considering I am a heterosexual male, probably not03:52
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SakuraSubone: The kernel should install as an extra boot option, you should be able to still boot the old one03:53
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SakuraLook for a girl who's good with computers.03:53
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IdleOneeRazor, can you see the entire license? it should tell you ho to accept it...03:53
SubOneSakura: I realize that03:53
eRazorIdleOne: Ya03:54
PriceChild!offtopic | Sakura SubOne03:54
ubotuSakura SubOne: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:54
eRazorbut it doesn't accept any key03:54
Waakzamheidhey all.03:54
eRazorwe have to close that window03:54
SakuraArigatou ubotu, PriceChild03:54
FrogzooeRazor: scroll to the bottom where you can accept the licence03:54
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IdleOneeRazor, his mouse works right? is the keyboard plugged in?03:54
eRazortried that also but in vain03:54
SubOnePriceChild: I had a problem he suggested recompiling my kernel, how is that off topic?03:54
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eRazorIdleOne: Yes03:55
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eRazorIdleOne: indeed, all the otherprograms work properly03:55
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IdleOneeRazor, sudo apt-get remove --purge package and then try re-installing03:55
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eRazorIdleOne: which package?03:55
IdleOnethe google-earth package03:56
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PlantainMy ProFTPd Server doesn't seem to accept connections, what could I have missed? (I installed via apt-get, added anonymous user and started)03:56
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zipperalaQ: I can only find settings for changing between ALSA, OSS and so on... and then ofcourse which MIDI devide i want to use. Nothing about default soundcard anywhere03:56
zipperalaQ: using kubuntu btw03:56
eRazorIdleOne: Will try and comeback03:56
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alaQzipper: ah.  Kubuntu.  Lemme look for some other way around.  I configured mine through esd.03:57
Waakzamheidhey all, i'm stumped on a problem, anyone want to give it a go?03:57
eRazorIdleOne: should the command be "sudo apt-get remove --purge google-earth"?03:57
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sybariten|Zzzhum, nan som kan rekommendera nat godtyckligt apt-paket som ar valdig oberoende av annat, och ganska litet, bara for att testinstallera?03:57
IdleOneeRazor, where did you get that package?03:57
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sybariten|Zzzvad som helst alltsa03:57
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zipperalaQ: i dont have any experience with esd.... i've tried looking in both the "normal" settings menu, and also in kcontrol... nothing03:57
sybariten|Zzzuh sorry03:57
eRazorIdleOne: I have no idea, have to ask him03:58
alaQzipper: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_change_default_soundcard03:58
kairu0how can i disable ipv6 without restarting?03:58
zipperalaQ: ah sweet, thanks03:58
Waakzamheidpick a browser, any browser, and i can get anywhere.  i can ping everything.  gmail doesn't work.  some other miscellaneous sites don't work.  is that ipv6 or what?03:58
alaQno problem.03:58
eRazorIdleOne: I will ask him and comeback. Because whatever you tell  me should be communicated to him through phone03:58
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eRazorIdleOne: So its taking a lot of time03:58
IdleOneeRazor, it isnt in the repos unless he installed from cafuego's repos03:58
eRazorIdleOne: I don't think he has installed from the repos03:59
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Sakurakairu0: I'm pretty unsure but, have you tried init1 and init 5?03:59
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eRazorsince he has no internet connection03:59
zipperalaQ: so easy, and so effective... it works now :)03:59
eRazorIdleOne: I think he has got the deb package from somewhere else03:59
kairu0Sakura, thanks .. its just its a server and i cant afford to drop services :/03:59
eRazorif at all it exists03:59
Montehanyone know where i can get latest drivers for the sony eyetoy?03:59
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Sakurakairu0: It WILL ...04:00
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zipperkairu0: why would you want to disable IPv6?04:00
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HayzeusIPv6 is the devil!04:00
kairu0zipper, i think its causing a slew of bind9 errors04:00
Sakurakairu0:; Init1 will initiate the single user mode and drop all network services04:00
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zipperkairu0: hmm, okay. It shouldn't, but i have little experience with ipv6.04:00
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zipperHayzeus: why would you say that? You think Ipv4 is better?04:01
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Hayzeusfor the time being04:01
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IdleOneummm forget the command to uninstall a .deb04:01
kairu0zipper, any idea what else would cause a lot of FORMERR errors in my syslog?04:01
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GekitsuuIs there a way to do a reinstall on a live system via apt?04:01
zipperkairu0: i'm sorry, i have no idea04:01
zipperHayzeus: i disagree.... why do you prefer v4 "for the time being"?04:02
eRazorIdleOne: then what to do04:02
zipperif it was up to me, i would lay down a veto upon the internet, forcing EVERYONE to switch to v604:02
SakuraIPv6 is added functionality it shouldn't affect v4 would it?04:02
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zippertoo bad i'm not supreme ruler of the world... yet04:02
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zipperSakura: nope04:02
bkudriais php5(-cgi) in feisty compiled with fastcgi support?04:02
not_a_k_i'm trying to use sshfs, but my isp seems to cause the ssh connections to die after 10 or so idle minutes. anyway i can workaround this?04:03
zipperSakura: it is possible for v6 to co-exist with v4... even if the entire network isnt running v604:03
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Hayzeuswell it is quite hard to manually configure a network using V6 and a couple of firewalls we use dont know how to handle v6 so we had to upgrade them.... a big pain in the ass for something not needed yet...04:03
Gekitsuuthat's not exactly true, IPV 6 being added can affect apps that are setup to default to IPV 604:03
Sakuranot_a_k you problably have a "Netgear" router?04:03
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zipperGekitsuu: ah yeah, ofcourse.... always with the apps :)04:04
zippersorry, only thinking routing-wise here04:04
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not_a_k_Sakura: it's a dlink actually04:04
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Gekitsuuwell routers are smarter than apps for sure04:04
IdleOneeRazor, what command did he use to install the package?04:04
SakuraOk never mind :)04:04
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bkudriais php5(-cgi) in feisty compiled with fastcgi support?04:04
zipperGekitsuu: well hopefully04:04
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zipperHayzeus: i get your point.... but the sooner we start using v6, the sooner applications will support it04:06
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alaQI would like a push of IPv6, solely because I hate NAT tables. :)04:06
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:06
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padeehi there. is someone terribly into ssh? i would like to know, if its possible to display a terminal on a remote computer...04:06
Hayzeuszipper: they just need to mandate it and force it or else just make it all compatible04:06
not_a_k_Sakura: well it could be a rebranded device that netgear also uses... what would you have suggested if i did have one? switch routers?04:06
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GekitsuuIs there a way to do a reinstall on a live system via apt? something along the lines of apt-get force ubuntu-desktop04:06
zipperpadee: so you want to login on a remote machine, or you want to open up a new window in X on the remote machine?04:07
zipperHayzeus: which is exactly why i should be supreme ruler of the world... i would make it happend :)04:07
zipperit's already somewhat compatible04:07
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nullkuhlguys plz helpi have just installed splashy and when i try to exec this in terminal : splashy test or splashy boot i get this error  Splashy ERROR: Couldn't splashy_start_splashy(). Error -2  HELPPP04:08
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Sakuranot_a_k_ I have problems with Netgear routers dropping connections after 10 minutes and solved it by using a timed ping to my server in a cronjob04:08
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SakuraThese routers also have limited space in their routing tables, daily resets are recommended not_a_k_04:09
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raymondjtothhi frank and xi04:09
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alaQnullkuhl: do you have framebuffer enabled in the terminals?04:10
nullkuhlhow to do that ?04:10
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zipperSakura: sounds like great routers.04:10
nullkuhlhow to enable frame buffer ?04:10
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nullkuhlalaQ:  ?04:10
F1N1TYHey guys, I just downloaded ubuntu, and I installed X-Chat04:10
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F1N1TYanyone know how to enable the view of the userlist?04:10
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F1N1TYI can't see who all's on :)04:10
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alaQnullkuhl: one second - going to look how to do it in ubuntu.04:11
Sakurazipper: I wondered why Cisco's are so expensive. You slowly learn that04:11
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Shankysv87question: why is it that if i leave my computer logged in and walk away, sometimes when i come back, it has logged back out, is there a way to change that so that it says logged in until i manually log it out?04:11
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zipperSakura: =D04:12
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F1N1TYShankysv87: in XP it's in the power settings04:12
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Shankysv87but i'm running ubuntu04:12
SakuraShankysv87: Is it logging you off or rebooting? Reboot might happen if the computer gets overheated or bored of the user :)04:12
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alaQnullkuhl: you'll have to edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file04:12
Memorieshello every04:12
Shankysv87logging off04:12
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Shankysv87if it reboots, since ubuntu is not installed on my master drive it will go into another os04:13
nullkuhlalaQ: then??04:13
Memoriesi'm facing a prob with evolution mail04:13
Memoriesusing hotmail04:13
Memoriesi followed the ubuntu geek forum guide!04:13
Memoriesthough whenever i try to connect i get this error :Error sending password: -ERR Unable to find folder inbox on remote server04:13
Memorieswhat may be the cause of tht!04:13
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IdleOne!enter | Memories04:13
ubotuMemories: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:13
nullkuhlalaQ: hello ??04:13
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alaQnullkuhl: look for the line # kopt = <random string> ro04:13
Memoriesok sorry about tht04:13
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SakuraShankysv87 I have a fresh Ubuntu 7.4 install here and it's not logging me off... have you checked System -> Administration -> Login window?04:14
nullkuhl# kopt=root=UUID=06cb1ee8-895d-4673-8008-e9c0a7e28c38 ro04:14
Memoriesfacing a prob with evolution mail, while using it to connect to hotmail.. i followed the ubuntugeek forum guide though whenever i try to connect i get this error :Error sending password: -ERR Unable to find folder inbox on remote server04:14
alaQnullkuhl: at the end of that line, add 'vga=791 splash quiet'.04:14
nullkuhlalaQ: now what ? shall uncomment it too ?04:14
alaQleave the pound there - it's not a commented line, even though it looks like it.04:15
nullkuhlalaQ: ok now ?04:15
SakuraMemories: That sounds like a server error. Considering it's hotmail... how often did you try?04:15
alaQsave and exit, then run update-grub04:15
Montehanyone know a program to test if my webcam is setup in linux?04:16
raymondjtothhow i use time sync04:16
SakuraI mean: Hotmail is running on Windows...04:16
Memoriessakura, 3 tims and i stopped so it wouldnt b locked04:16
raymondjtothdo i just check the box i want and then close box04:16
alaQnullkuhl: it'll also probably take a restart as well.04:16
Shankysv87Sakura: i have the same as you but i cannot find anything that says about log on time limits that is checked04:16
nullkuhlalaQ: when i do that thefile i just edited go back to default04:16
SakuraMemories: You can try 3 times, then log on once using the web... >.<04:16
nullkuhland all changes i made is canceled04:16
nullkuhlbut let me try though04:16
Memoriessakura, thts wht i did so it wouldnt b locked !04:16
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keck0fcan i mount/offer a "shared Disk" on two ubuntu-Servers? Is DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device) supported?04:17
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richard_I downloaded ubuntu and every time I try to download something like yahoo messenger it has a error, is there someplace with simple instructions for downloading programs04:17
MemoriesSakura, though am wondering how should i fix tht issue!04:17
SakuraShankysv87 I just remembered there is some "timed logon setting" in that... sorry if it's of no use04:17
padeezipper: i want to login on a remote machine... i can do that... and i want on the remote machine to open a terminal04:18
Shankysv87its not checked..04:18
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keck0frichard_: "man wget" or you can google for "prozilla".04:18
SakuraMemories, have you tried to use telnet to log on to hotmail? It's pop3 isn't it?04:18
zipperrichard_: downloading applications in ubuntu is really easy. Use the "add/remove programs" in the menu (synaptics/adept).... or use the console-based "apt"04:18
Memoriessakura, am not a premium account holder over hotmail would tht affect this ?04:18
Sakuramemories: what's a "premium hotmail user?"04:19
zipperpadee: still not entirely sure what you wanna do. You want a new terminal window to pop up on the remote machine?04:19
Sakuramemories: pm please :)04:19
MemoriesSakura, a premium hotmail is allowed to use microsoft outlook to connect to hotmail among other features04:19
Piciraymondjtoth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime04:19
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raymondjtothpic i have it in but will not alow me to syinc it04:19
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richard_thank you will try again just really not computer literate I guess04:20
padeezipper: yes. exactly. if i type 'gnome-terminal' it sais> cannot open display04:20
F1N1TYShankysv87: it's in the power options in Ubuntu04:20
F1N1TYSystem->Preferences->Power Management04:20
Shankysv87thank you.. looking now04:20
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zipperpadee: ah okay. Well, i only know of a very ugly and very unsecure way of doing that, so you'd probably be better off waiting for someone else to help you. Sorry.04:20
CheshireViking_Memories, how old is your hotmail account, old ones that aren't premium accounts can still use the pop3 facility, but anything recent can't (maybe 5-7 years is recent)04:21
SakuraMemories: Outlook is not an Ubuntu certified application :))04:21
F1N1TYShankysv87: hope it works for yah04:21
Memoriescheshireviking_ since 2000 or 1999 or so04:21
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Shankysv87it was set to 40 minutes, i will see when i return.. thanks for th help04:21
whyameyepadee: how are you logging into the remote machine/04:21
Memoriessakura, which is why am asking about evolution mail! am simply explaining wht a premium hotmail account may have as a feature concerning my current problem04:21
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SakuraMemories: Please PM (personal message which I have sent you)04:22
padeewhyameye: ssh myloginname@ipaddressoftheremotecomputer04:22
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CheshireViking_Memories, not sure when exactly they made the change, I know mine works but its 10+ years old04:22
whyameyepadee: are you using the -X option?04:22
Memoriescheshireviking_ ya i know! i got my other one working fine over xp! though i ditched xp a while back04:22
padeewhyameye: x-option?04:22
Memoriessakura, i allready did! your not answering04:22
padeewhyameye: no04:22
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SakuraI have to file a bug report for XChat then04:22
whyameyepadee: try ssh -X loginname@remote_machine04:23
nullkuhlalaQ: hEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP04:23
whyameyepadee: not -x but -X04:23
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arturshello all, can You tell me how can I to not use "chkconfig"?04:23
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artursin this command: CHKCONFIG=$(shell sh -c 'type -p chkconfig' 2> /dev/null)04:23
zipperarturs: well, you simply have to force yourself to not type in "chkconfig"? :)04:23
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arturszipper: :)04:24
SakuraMemories: Sorry I was trying to direct you how to use telnet to connect to hotmail pop3 if possible because this way you can read all error messages clear text04:24
ToddEDM2good morning everyone... i recently installed ubuntu.. and im havein problems with it freezing, for about 15 seconds at a time..... is this a known issue?04:24
alaQnullkuhl: what's the issue?04:24
nullkuhlalaQ: now after i restarted it worked but there was no progress bar inthe splash but we can postpone that for now cause i have another problem , once it booted and am in ubuntu there was this dashes on the screen blinking looks like console dashes but when i press ctrl alt f5 and then with f7 (switchin between displays) it fixed but will it do this every time i boot ?04:24
MemoriesSakura, dont b sorry! though i think am ignored over ur irc client!04:24
savetheWorldToddEDM2: get your foot off the power cord, your making the electrons stop.04:24
Memoriessakura, been talking to you for the past 2 min in prvt though ur not answering04:24
ToddEDM2damn, thats all it was ;)04:25
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padeewhyameye: ey, thats great. but it opens a new terminal on my local computer, and not on the remote computer04:25
SakuraMemories: You're right I'm wrong. Although I have an out-of.the-box XChat here04:25
arturszipper: is it secure?04:25
alaQnullkuhl: what type of graphics card do you have?04:25
savetheWorldMemories: did you try a breath mint? :-)04:25
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raymondjtothit dont work04:25
SakuraToddEM2: No freezes here. You're not using 486 DX-2/66?04:25
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whyameyepadee: can you restate exactly what you want to do?04:25
artursI mean, i cannot make file without these commands04:25
savetheWorldsorry - whole world seems to be a straight line this morning...04:25
Memoriessavetheworld, the day i'll meet you ill make sure not to04:25
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nullkuhlalaQ: ati04:25
zipperarturs: huh? Not sure what you're asking me04:25
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savetheWorldMemories: sorry. :-) couldnt resist.04:26
whyameyepadee: do you want to basically see the remote computer's display on the local computer, as with vnc?04:26
nullkuhlalaQ: ati mobility radeon x1800 with fglrx drivers , and currently am in an xgl session04:26
Memoriessavetheworld , dont worry04:26
arturszipper: i try to install zaptel drivers for Asterisk on Ubuntu linux04:26
nullkuhlalaQ: also when i try now to type splash boot in a terminal i get the same error i used to get splash error blabla bla04:26
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J_Phi all04:26
ToddEDM2Sakura... im not sure what your asking, i installed 7.04  for 64 bit pPCs04:27
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alaQnullkuhl: Well, I think I have a solution for the underscore thing.04:27
zipperarturs: sorry, dont have any experience with those drivers (or even Asterisk)04:27
nullkuhlwhich is ?04:27
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padeewhyameye: sorry, i am probably not very clear: i have comp A and comp B. from A i connect via ssh to B. on comp A i have the terminal from B, but i also would like to have the same terminal from A on B.04:27
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alaQnullkuhl: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/splashy-devel/2007-April/000674.html04:27
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SakuraToddEM2... I'm a noob but my personal experience is, many little problems were gone after installing i386.04:28
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arturszipper:  maby You know how to install chkconfig?04:28
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whyameyepadee: so if you saw the screen of B on A and you were manipulating that screen from A, would that solve your problem?04:28
zipperarturs: hell, i dont even know what chkconfig is :P04:28
IdleOnepadee, then you need to ssh from B to A as you did from A to B04:28
ToddEDM2i486 would be the 64bit version?04:28
Sakurai486 is a 32 bit machine of the 90's (last millenium)04:29
nullkuhlalaQ: yes am using splashy from initramfs but i heard i shud do that to make it work in feisty shall i undo this ?04:29
PiciToddEDM2: i386 is the 32 bit version, there is no i486, afaik.04:29
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alaQno, that's fine, you just need to terminate the splashy process before X comes up.04:29
nullkuhlhow to do that  ?04:29
SakuraUnix is compiled with 386 instruction set, it runs on all "intel compatible" machines04:30
padeewhyameye: no. i need the same terminal on both computers. but on the remote computer it should only display the content what i type in on comp A. uff. was that clear?04:30
raymondjtothok i did that pic do i need to syinc it or wwill it do auto for me one tell it to use internet04:30
zipperPici: i believe its called 80486 if anything04:30
alaQnullkuhl: does splashy create a /etc/init.d/ entry?04:30
raymondjtothfr time04:30
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Picizipper: right.04:30
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nullkuhlalaQ: srry ,, but how can i know ?04:30
raymondjtothjust says selcet time server i haver04:30
nullkuhlalaQ: its only ma first week with linux04:30
alaQis there a /etc/init.d/splashy file?04:30
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nullkuhlalaQ: yes there is04:31
sirboobooAnyone have success installing Ubuntu on  Dell e1505 w/ATI 1400?04:31
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alaQall right.  that makes it easier.  nullkuhl, we're going to need to edit the /etc/init.d/gdm file.04:31
whyameyepadee: i can tell you how to get the screen of B as a window in A which you can control from either A or B, but that's as far as I can help.04:31
raymondjtothsir i havr it on a dell laptop e150504:32
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sirboobooraymondjtoth: You have 1400 ATI card?04:32
raymondjtothpici now it sysa selcect a sever asnd i did ands syinc is grade oujt04:32
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raymondjtothsir have intel one04:32
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alaQnullkuhl: I've never used splashy before, so you'll have to bear with me a second.04:32
sirboobooraymondjtoth: anything special I need to do?04:33
nullkuhlalaQ: ok,,04:33
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raymondjtothsire might need ati driver but that it04:33
raymondjtothif all intel stuff nope04:33
hatterdo you know of a putty like program in gnome for managing multiple servers ?04:33
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Piciraymondjtoth: did you follow the instructions in the link I showed you?04:34
raymondjtothbut one didnt go04:34
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sirboobooraymondjtoth: how or when do I put driver in? Alternate install stops midway, right now.04:34
hatterthe gnome version of putty i have won't let me paste into it04:34
raymondjtothsir4e can  now04:34
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raymondjtothit should finde it if on 704 version04:34
raymondjtothpici i did it and syinc is grade out still04:35
alaQfind the section for starting gdm, there will be an entry on stopping usplash.04:35
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Sakurahatter: I use ssh as a putty replacement :)04:35
ToddEDM2can i get higher resolution than 1024x768?04:36
alaQnullkuhl: what you need to do is, before the lines saying 'we need to stop usplash', you need to add '/etc/init.d/splashy stop'04:36
hattersakura, the reason i like putty is the management of multiple ip addresses and tunnels04:36
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SakuraType ssh root@yourserver.com and there are terminals which allow more than one session in one window if that's what you need04:36
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alexzzhello everyone....04:36
nullkuhlalaQ: there is nothing like that in my gdm file..04:37
nullkuhlshall i paste bin it to u ?04:37
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Sakurahatter: I believe you can use putty using Wine can you?04:37
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raymondjtothpici will the syinc be grade out if use it04:37
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alaQnullkuhl: it might help - on mine it's line 5504:37
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Sakurahatter: This way you can also reuse your settings04:37
hatterthere is a linux version of putty, but its not integrated with gnome and doesnt allow pasting into04:37
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alexzzcan some tell me how to configure dual monitor on ubuntu......with a nvidia 6200 LE card.......04:37
Piciraymondjtoth: It should automatically sync up04:37
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nullkuhlalaQ: # if usplash is running, make sure to stop it now, yes "start" kills it.04:37
raymondjtothso pici im new still so it will be grade out04:37
nullkuhlthis line ?04:38
alexzzit works with the nvidia driver.....but when i restart it does'nt04:38
Piciraymondjtoth: Yes.04:38
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raymondjtothpici were the zip thing in here04:38
alaQnullkuhl: yep, before that, add '/etc/init.d/splashy stop'.  that should fix the underline thing (hopefully...)04:38
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slackmagicalexzz: google for   " twinview AND nvidia AND xorg.conf " and check out the first few hits04:38
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F1N1TYHello guys, quick question:  Is there a way to adjust brightness/contrast in ubuntu?04:39
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nullkuhlalaQ:  and as for the progress bar thingie04:39
SakuraF1N1TY: There might be knobs on your monitor?04:39
alexzzi have done that a few times .....but i guess there is aproblem with the module loader........should i update it....04:39
nullkuhli see no progress bar in the splash am having now04:39
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alaQnullkuhl: I'm not sure, honestly.04:39
nullkuhlok let me restart and see this _ thingie04:40
F1N1TYHmmm, was hoping there was something within Ubuntu04:40
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SakuraF1N1TY: These settings are highly dependent on the driver, even on Windows...04:40
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whyameyeF1N1TY: what computer are you on?04:41
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F1N1TYwhyameye AMD Athlon 64 3700+, nVidia 7950GT 1GB ram, 74GB HDD04:42
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F1N1TYsure you didn't need all that info04:42
whyameyeF1N1TY: laptop or desktop?04:42
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ToddEDM274  gig HDD... thats common04:43
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aruiz_no hay nadie?04:43
F1N1TYToddEDM2: WD-Raptor04:43
keck0fCan i use "Distributed Replicated Block Devices" (DRBD) with ubuntu?04:43
elin1Hi, I'm from bulgaria and I have the folowing problem using openoffice on ubuntu 7.04 fiesty. I opened a *.doc file (word 6.0/95) and it seems that the chosen encoding is incorect. How can I change it?04:43
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whyameyeF1N1TY: I thought if it were a Mac or a laptop, there might be a way in ubuntu to control brightness.04:44
gffdis there an easy way to unmount a usb?  do I need to unmount it before taking it out?04:44
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keck0fgffd: yes, unmount it before taking it out.04:44
elin1gffd: yes. try umount and the folder where it is mounted : "umount /media/usb"04:44
ToddEDM2F1N1TY use a high contrast theme04:45
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gffdelin1: I mean other than issuing commands at the prompt?  Was looking for some gui method.04:45
keck0fgffd: i'd better do "sync ; umount /media/usb..."04:45
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gffdthere's nothing built into nautilus for this?04:45
F1N1TYToddEDM2: yeah, that's what I'm doing... suppose it'll have to do :)04:46
SakuraF1N1TY: Sorry there is no information available at the Nvidia forum at http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/04:46
alaQgffd: right-click the icon, and hit 'eject' or 'safely remove'04:46
elin1gffd: go to Places->Computer... and rightclick unmount media04:46
alaQgffd: '\unmount volume'04:46
F1N1TYhaha, np Sakura, small inconvenience... I can use my monitor to do it :)04:46
gffdalaQ: I'm not seeing that option04:46
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SakuraAt least I tried \(^^)/04:47
alaQgffd: right click on the device icon, and hit 'unmount volume'.  it should be the second option from the bottom.04:47
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gffdthanks elin1!04:47
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terenzdoes anybody know why my gnome-terminal (bash) returns error when i execute a script containing functions?04:48
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elin1someone help me change the encoding of a word 6.0/95 document witn Open Office? :)04:48
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Sakuraelin: Ask a friend with Windows to convert it to Word 2000/XP is not an option?04:49
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Piciterenz: try putting #!/bin/bash at the top of the script.  By default sh is linked to /bin/dash, which can cause some issues.04:49
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elin1Sakura ... this means rebooting but I'm sure there is a way under linux :)04:49
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czesterI have wierd question04:50
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DJ_DanniI am tryng to aqssest wireless on my laptop and it is not woorking. i am using ubuntu 7.04. Can somone help me?04:50
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Sakuraelin1: Yes, Wine :)04:50
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raymondjtothis siftfox any good?04:50
TitanP4good morning hows the Ubuntu world today04:50
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michael117Everything's in ruins04:50
czesterIs there a way to make init script to show colors? Is there a file and where can I find it in which I can color the syntax of the init scripts?04:51
DJ_DanniI am tryng to aqssest wireless on my laptop and it is not woorking. i am using ubuntu 7.04. Can somone help me?04:51
curiogeocan anyone tell me how to enable swat after an apt install04:51
kduboisswiftfox is basically firefox raymondjtoth04:51
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raymondjtothi know is it any good04:51
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HorizonXPi have a 35gb /home partition04:51
silvertip257good morning04:51
HorizonXPapparently 27gb's used04:51
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raymondjtothkdubois what a good wireless toold for on roqad04:51
SakuraHorizonXP: 8 Gigs to go! ;)04:51
silvertip257I have a slight problem with tar-ing and bz2-ing the contents of a partition; I get this error message:  tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors04:51
HorizonXPbut i only see 2.6gb used04:51
eyemeanhi, with compiz (gnombe) is there some sort of stitch command to stitch 2 desktop screens together in cube mode?04:51
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raymondjtothrfoad if want to wireless in holtel04:51
SlimeyPeteHorizonXP: is that including subfolders?04:52
alaQHorizonXP: do you use wine?04:52
DJ_DanniCan somone help me with wireless on my laptop?04:52
SakuraHorizonXP: You have many, very small files on that partition?04:52
SlimeyPete(including the hidden ones)04:52
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VeinorI'm having a problem with my iPod; no matter what, I can't send playlists04:52
TitanP4I have a question about Ubuntu and installing it in my Lap top , is there any good imformation out there04:52
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RAdam1eyemean: are you using the default installed compiz implementation?04:52
HorizonXPwell, i'm checking using nautilus04:52
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vitalik\j #sauna.by04:52
motinHow do I install the firefox developer tools? In gentoo I'd use the "mozdevelop" flag but in Ubuntu?04:52
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eyemeanim new to linux, but as far as i know i am yes04:52
HorizonXPit should be looking at everything04:52
VeinorI can send music just fine, but for some reason I can't actually send a playlist04:52
SlimeyPeteHorizonXP: drop into a terminal and type "du -hs". That'll give you the actual usage, including all subdirectories (hidden or not)04:53
cadizgente de cadiz04:53
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cadizgente de cadiz04:53
eyemeani edited mt xorg file to enable dual screen on ubuntu, took ages, lol04:53
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SakuraHorizonXP, a disk is separated in "blocks" of a certain size. Every file, no matter how small, will use at least one single "block". On modern OS this might be alot of wasted space04:53
noobHELP! How do I get flash in youtube to work with a amd64 ubuntu OS?04:53
HorizonXPok, i'm running thtat command now04:53
SlimeyPeteSakura: unlikely to be 25GBs worth, though04:53
raymondjtothany one know of good tool if in hotel and give me free wireless what tool do i want04:53
raymondjtothim on lkapy04:54
SakuraSlimeyPete you might not be a programmer? ;)04:54
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SlimeyPeteHorizonXP: chances are that you've got a ton of stuff sitting in hidden directories. You can see all the directories by typing "ls -a".04:54
alaQSlimeyPete: nicely done - I'll add that to my list of commands to remember. :)04:54
kane77how can I delete the default keyring?04:54
VeinorThis happens when I'm using gtkpod or amarok04:54
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SlimeyPetealaQ: :)04:54
HorizonXPi don't think that's the case04:54
kduboisnoob, your best shot is to try to compile the OSS implementations of flash... i dont think adobe's released an official 64 bit version yet.... (correct me if i'm wrong...)04:54
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HorizonXPi looked at the hidden folders04:54
DJ_DanniCan somone help me with wireless netwoork on Laptop?04:54
motinHow do I reinstall firefox?04:54
HorizonXPok, it said 22G04:55
SakuraOk I have 86% wasted space in my delphi directory. You're right it's not 25 Gigs :)04:55
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VeinorI can modify existing playlists, but I can't create a new one. It shows up on this 'phantom zone' such that gtkpod and amarok can see it, but I can't see it from the main iPod menu.04:55
eyemeandid u miss what i wrote Radaml? i just saw u signed back in04:55
SlimeyPeteHorizonXP: now do a "du -hs *"04:55
DJ_DanniCan somone help me with wireless netwoork on Laptop?04:55
RAdam1Does anyone know why I can't use my real username in IRC? I'm using Pidgin04:55
RAdam1Yes, I missed it, eyemean04:55
SlimeyPeteHorizonXP: that'll give you a breakdown of the usage of each subdirectory04:55
SlimeyPeteso you can pinpoint where the space is being used04:55
HorizonXPaiight, that's gonna help me track it down04:56
eyemean im new to linux, but as far as i know i am yes, i edited mt xorg file to enable dual screen on ubuntu, took ages, lol04:56
Steeplehello! know of a deb. to install  dock engage on feisty ?04:56
Veinorcan anybody help me with my iPod problems?04:56
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Stream_SpaceCan somone help me with wireless netwoork on Laptop?04:56
raymondjtothsorry froze up04:56
RAdam1How do I change my IRC name?04:56
eyemeanam using default compiz04:56
RAdam1I forget the commands04:56
SlimeyPeteRAdam1: /nick newname04:56
raymondjtothhay any one see my q04:56
elin1/name fuck04:56
elin1ups :)04:56
elin1\name xx04:56
SakuraNick, not name :)04:57
Stream_SpaceCan somone help me with wireless netwoork on Laptop?04:57
Stream_SpaceCan somone help me with wireless netwoork on Laptop?04:57
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kisshow do i change my channel04:57
Sakurakiss: /join #channel04:57
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Veinorkiss: /join #newchannel04:57
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:57
Veinorand then you'll still be in this one; to leave it, /part #ubuntu04:57
alaQStream_Space: what type of card is it, and what seems to be the issue?04:57
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod04:57
Stream_SpaceCan somone help me with wireless netwoork on Laptop?04:57
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!04:57
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VoXwhy would a dvd play in totem, but mplayer/vlc refuse to open it?04:58
kane77oops I deleted the default keyring but now it says: "Keyring daemon is not running." how do I run it?04:58
raymondjtothhi veinor cna you help me for a sec04:58
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Veinorraymondjtoth: Depends. What do you need?04:58
Stream_SpaceI have Compaq nx6325 and i see the wireless tools but i wont wootrk to connect via wireless04:58
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LuxuriousHas anyone experienced the problem that after you remove PHP/Apache/MySQL, PHP doesn't seem to configure itself automatically again?04:59
RAdamseyemean: I don't think you can do that with the default compiz04:59
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raymondjtothveinor i going to hotle that give me free wireles ssince i got wireless on lapy and need a toold to hope on it what can i use04:59
raymondjtothi new to this and dont got one for it04:59
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Veinorraymondjtoth: What do you mean a 'tool to hop on it'?04:59
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VoXLuxurious: if you dont tell apt to remove /everything/, it removes the package but keeps the configuration04:59
eyemeanRadams, oh ok, do u know how i could do that then pls?04:59
HorizonXPok guys04:59
raymondjtothveinor to get on internet at it04:59
RAdamseyemean: you probably need to install the "full compiz" -- go into synaptic and find "compiz" -- you'll see there's a full compiz implemetation with more controls04:59
HorizonXPapparently my personal home dir is 22G04:59
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raymondjtoththere offering it to me free05:00
Stream_SpacealaQ I have HP Compaq nx6325 and i see the wireless tools but i wont wootrk to connect via wireless05:00
HorizonXPi ran the command inside my home dir05:00
LuxuriousVoX, thank you such a fat bunch05:00
alaQStream_Space: I would like you to run the command 'lspci | grep Ethernet' in a terminal, and put the result on pastebin.05:00
Veinoris it like a special program that they want you to install, or a general program for wireless?05:00
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HorizonXPand there's not 22G of stuff listed05:00
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raymondjtothverinor what that sed is all i need is laptop and im set05:00
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raymondjtoththat offering me just the routore05:00
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HorizonXPhow do i check my hidden folders as well?05:00
raymondjtothnothing special05:00
LordLimecatanyone know why a program might not start properly (doesnt perform its function--lcd functionality for keyboard) when its set to run @ startup, but if i run it from terminal it runs fine?05:00
SakuraHorizonXP: Maybe some fsck could help?05:00
Veinorraymondjtoth: I'm not getting what you're saying. A router isn't a program...05:01
raymondjtothjust need to get on and go on interber05:01
SlimeyPeteHorizonXP: du -hs .*05:01
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LordLimecatHorizonXP: ctrl-h in gnome05:01
raymondjtothveinor what wireless tool will alow me to see other wireless connection like if at cofee shope and want to get onb internet05:01
Veinorraymondjtoth: OK, explain. Is the hotel saying you need to run a program?05:01
Veinorraymondjtoth: Oh, you mean like something to find points.05:01
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terenzwhen I execute a script containing a function (e.g. " function hi { echo ciao; }"), my terminal says "function not found" and execute the code inside the function... how is it possible?05:01
raymondjtothveinor yes05:02
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raymondjtothto finde the thre wiress05:02
Veinorraymondjtoth: wifi-radar; to install it, sudo apt-get install wifi-radar05:02
Veinorand then go to applications->internet->wifi-radar05:02
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raymondjtothveinor can i use that when on road aqnd use what come with this at home since set up that way05:02
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RAdamsDoes anyone know how I can change my quit message in Pidgin? Or is it an IRC based command?05:03
nullkuhl__alaQ: HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP05:03
Veinorall wifi-radar does is find wireless points05:03
RAdamsI've forgotten all my IRC tricks :(05:03
alaQnullkuhl__: what's up?05:03
nullkuhl__alaQ: HELPPPPPPPPPPPPP05:03
Stream_SpacealaQ There it say it is Ethernet Controller is Brodcom Corporation NetXtreme BMC5788 Gigabit Ethernet05:03
VeinorRAdams: /quit <msg> will quit with that message; not sure about changing the default05:03
RAdamsnullkuhl__: lol05:03
nullkuhl__it went sooo ******05:03
nullkuhl__now it doesnt even boot05:03
LuxuriousVoX, I can't seem to find the command line argument to do this completely.05:03
issi89by all05:03
eyemeanRAdams - there are a few compix- extra gnome compiz manager libcm-dev05:03
nullkuhl__it get stuck at the splash05:03
RAdamsVeinor: oic. Thanks05:03
alaQStream_Space: that's the only one listed?05:03
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nullkuhl__i booted with a live cd now05:03
nullkuhl__alaq; ??05:03
RAdamseyemean: compiz manager05:03
raymondjtothveir will it alow mwe to connedct to it05:04
eyemeanno idea which to go for05:04
raymondjtothwith it05:04
RAdamseyemean: is what you want05:04
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alaQnullkuhl__: I don't know what to tell you.  Drop that line back out of /etc/init.d/gdm, but I don't have a solution for you.05:04
nullkuhl__alaQ: PLEAZE HELP I CANT EVEN BOOT TO MY UBUNTU NOW.. am on a livecd right now,, wat shal i do05:04
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Veinorraymondjtoth: No, you need separate stuff to do that, though your wireless card might be supported already.05:04
raymondjtothveir will it alow me to connect to it05:04
nullkuhl__well its even worse05:04
nullkuhl__i opened the gdm05:04
nullkuhl__to drop that line05:04
raymondjtothveinor it is05:04
nullkuhl__but i didnt find it05:04
eyemeanno idea Radams05:04
Veinorraymondjtoth: OK, then do you know how to connect to wireless?05:05
raymondjtothbut the tool you gave me veinor will it alow me to connect to a open wirelss point05:05
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raymondjtothi set up my home with wap and put password in05:05
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LuxuriousSorry, could anyone tell me how to use apt-get to remove configuration files as well, I can't find it in the man.05:05
Stream_SpacealaQ that the onlyone withch are listed05:05
Veinorraymondjtoth: It will allow you to find open wireless points.05:05
bkudriacan someone walk me through enableing php5 support with fcgid and apache2? i've already got all the packages installed, and a vhost setup.  how do i enabled php5 with fcgid?05:05
Veinorraymondjtoth: To connect to one, you just connect like the one at home, but say that there is no security.05:05
raymondjtothbut if i see open wireless at cofee shop will i be able to connedct to it05:05
eyemeanim jus tlooking to stich my desktops together so it actually look slike a cube rather than looking like it has 8 sides05:05
alaQnullkuhl__: should be line 55, it wouldn't have moved.  are you sure that is the one on your hd?05:05
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RAdamseyemean: if you go to channel #compiz (on this server, freenode) they can help you more05:05
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linztaHello, I'm having trouble with my OpenOffice.  I am unable to get the OpenOffice.org API plugin to work with Netbeans.  It keeps saying that the directory is invalid and I've exhausted every possible thing I can think of, any ideas?05:05
raymondjtothveinor wilol it give me option in tool you gave me05:06
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nullkuhl__ok got it now05:06
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eyemeanok thank you Radams05:06
Stream_SpacealaQ i what can i do?05:06
RAdamseyemean: np05:06
alaQStream_Space: the one that's listed is your wired ethernet.05:06
nullkuhl__may be we should add a . before that line ? alaQ: ??05:06
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raymondjtothi see a connect and disconect05:06
tuxcrafterhello guys does anybody here know how to create a brochure with the psutils05:06
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Hayzeusany quick tips before i install feisty fawn05:06
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Veinorraymondjtoth: yeah, then connect might work.05:06
Stream_SpaceWhat can i do?05:07
alaQStream_Space: try running just 'lspci' in the terminal, see if anything mentions wireless05:07
raymondjtothveiron on05:07
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alaQnullkuhl__: are you sure that's the /etc/init.d/gdm from your hd?05:07
nullkuhl__alaQ: how to completely uninstall splashy and get everything as it was before with the sweeeet sweet ubuntu default bootscreen05:07
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nullkuhl__alaQ: i have found it yes05:07
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ROBOdwhere can i ask wubi-related questions on irc?05:07
alaQnullkuhl__: did you find the line and get rid of it?05:08
asdfsadfheya guys !05:08
Stream_SpaceI found Wiereless;)05:08
Stream_SpaceBut what next?05:08
alaQStream_Space: all right, what does it say?05:08
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eXistenzwhy glxgears --printfps doesn't work in feisty?05:08
eXistenzerr showfps05:08
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tuxcraftereXistenz: remove the printfps part05:08
nullkuhl__alaQ: yes i found it, will get rid of it right now but before that when ihad a loook on lines before it and after it , i saw that such commands shud be preceded with a .05:08
asdfsadfhas anyone got an idea about the problem with usb 2.0 devices....because my external drive disconnects after a amount of time. Is this problem fixed yet ?05:08
Stream_Spacewhat do you mean?05:09
nullkuhl__so shall i preced the line with a . and if it didnt work  simply remove it ??05:09
DBlueWhere to find in ubuntu synbaptic manager the packets that i have checked for packet download only?05:09
eXistenzDoes anyone have ATI 9200 or 9250?05:09
LordLimecatanyone know why a program might not start properly (doesnt perform its function--lcd functionality for keyboard) when its set to run @ startup, but if i run it from terminal it runs fine?  I think it might be related to the sudoers file, but i ran a syntax check on it and it looks fine...05:09
DBlueWhere to find in ubuntu synbaptic manager the packets that i have checked for packet download only?05:09
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PriceChildDBlue, /vat/cache/apt05:09
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PriceChildDBlue, /var/cache/apt sorry05:09
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raymondjtothveiron tool you gave me need wpa driver05:10
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DBlueis that the answer05:10
raymondjtothbut if open dont need it\05:10
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nullkuhl__alaq: pls at least tell me now how to undo all this (if wat am saying fails,,) and i wnna completly remove splashy and get everything back to default05:10
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eyemeanno answer in there Radams, could u tell me how to access the compiz manager so i can try messing about with it?05:10
Stream_SpacealaQ it say Brodcom Corporation Dell Wreless 1390 WLAN Mini-PC I Card05:10
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Stream_Spacebut i have HP05:11
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DBlueWhy ubuntu live cd dont't start on HP witth 128 mb ram05:11
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Stream_Spacebut i have HP05:11
nullkuhl__he left05:11
raymondjtothi got it05:11
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Stream_SpacealaQ it say Brodcom Corporation Dell Wreless 1390 WLAN Mini-PC I Card05:11
PriceChild!ohmy | nullkuhl__05:11
SubOneE: Couldn't find package wine-0.9.37... What is the package name for wine 0.9.37 on ubuntu?05:11
ubotunullkuhl__: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:11
DBlueI had to make swap05:11
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raymondjtoththanks verion got it05:12
DBlueWhy wineX is not free?05:12
nullkuhl__alaQ: ?????????HELLO05:12
raymondjtothveiron thanks05:12
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alaQnullkuhl__: I didn't see anything for the past minute - system hard dropped.05:12
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nullkuhl__1 sec05:12
Toma-SubOne: you need to get it from winehq05:12
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nullkuhl__ yes i found it, will get rid of it right now but before that when ihad a loook on lines before it and after it , i saw that such commands shud be preceded with a . o shall i preced the line with a . and if it didnt work  simply remove it ??... at least tell me now how to undo all this (if wat am saying fails,,) and i wnna completly remove splashy and get everything back to default05:13
SubOneToma-: I did it before, i forget what the command was05:13
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Toma-SubOne: its pretty easy to enable the wine ubuntu repository. just follow the guide at winehq.org05:13
SakuraDBlue: Wine is free. WineX is adding professional support by a company05:13
alaQStream_Space: I apologize, I don't have any working experience with the broadcom cards.05:13
nullkuhl__alaQ: ^^05:13
Toma-SubOne: oh, 'sudo apt-get install wine'05:13
asdfsadfhas anyone got an idea about the problem with usb 2.0 devices....because my external drive disconnects after a amount of time. Is this problem fixed yet ?05:13
DBluehow to copy some package from synaptic manager to some disk or something05:13
Stream_Spaceaaahh dose annyone have that?05:13
DBluehow to copy some package from synaptic manager to some disk or something05:13
SubOneToma-:  no i dont want the latest05:13
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SubOnei want the previous version05:13
alaQnullkuhl__: you installed splashy from apt, correct?05:13
Toma-SubOne: oh... 0.9.36?05:14
SubOne0.9.37 not 0.9.3805:14
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nullkuhl__synaptic to be accurate05:14
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Toma-SubOne: just download the package from wine and use dpkg to install it or even gdebi05:14
DBlueDude how to export some package from UBUNTU synaptic to .deb05:14
nullkuhl__if i simply uninstall it usiing apt-get remove splashy ,, will that get everything back to default ?05:14
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nullkuhl__i mean wont i be left with normal text booting05:14
nullkuhl__at then05:14
Toma-DBlue: seriously, dont repeat.05:14
SubOneum ok05:14
alaQnullkuhl__: you can try it with the dot notation, but I'm not sure if it'll work.  if not, get rid of the line, and just remove it by apt.05:14
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DBluePlease tell05:15
Toma-SubOne: otherwise, 'man apt-get'05:15
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CheshireViking_asdfsadf, do you have a usb mouse as well? does that go off at the same time as the external drive?, i've got a laptop where that happens, mouse & anything connected to the USB port gets disconnected unless "noapic" is specified in the boot paramaters05:15
SakuraDBlue I'm not sure who this "Dude" guy is but you can find all packages downloaded by apt in /var/cache/apt/archives05:15
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Stream_SpaceHey what is ESSID?05:15
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SubOneToma-: yeah i think i used dpkg last time just forget how05:15
Hayzeuswhat are some packages i should install when i first load kubuntu... like bin-utils and stuff like that05:15
nullkuhl__alaQ:  what if i end up after uninstalling splashy with a text only booting05:15
Toma-Stream_Space: its your routers id for your wireless conection05:15
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DBlueOK thanks05:15
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nullkuhl__how would i solve it then ?05:15
HorizonXPhey guys that were help me, i found it, it was in .vmware05:15
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alaQnullkuhl__: you shouldn't, unless you got rid of usplash.05:16
Toma-SubOne: 'sudo dpkg -i wine_0.9.blah.deb'05:16
HorizonXPi dont' think i need those VMs anymore so yeah, off they go!05:16
nullkuhl__i did05:16
DBlueGod bless you, it function!05:16
Stream_SpaceI have WPA key for the wirell on my routher05:16
asdfsadf<CheshireViking_> --> No the usb mouse is still connected !!!!!!!!!!05:16
SakuraSSID is a "Service Set Identifier"05:16
nullkuhl__shall i install usplash at then and select any boot splash  using it ?05:16
alaQnullkuhl__: then, you re-install usplash afterwards. :)05:16
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nullkuhl__alaQ:  ??05:16
SubOneToma-: oh wait i can right click it huh, just gotta find it, ty05:16
LordLimecatif i need to modprobe somethin to get it to work, will it need to be done on every boot?05:16
Toma-SubOne: indeed. np!05:16
DBlueHow much ram mem. do a swap replace?05:16
Stream_SpaceI have WPA key for the wirell on my routher05:16
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CheshireViking_asdfsadf, in that case, i don't think i can be of any help, i thought it might have been the same problem as mine, but if your mouse still works its going to be something different05:17
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eyemeanim trying to get Mplayer to play xvid films can anyhelp?05:17
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs05:17
HorizonXPthanks guys!05:17
asdfsadf<CheshireViking_> thanks for helping anyway !05:17
Toma-eyemean: ^^^05:17
jatinconfiguring dual moniter in ubuntu help05:17
nullkuhl__alaQ: ??05:17
eyemeanok cheers toma05:17
jatingraphics card nvdia05:17
alaQLordLimecat: add the name to /etc/modules, and it will autoload at boot.05:17
Toma-!xinerama | jatin05:17
ubotujatin: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead05:17
LordLimecatalaQ: how do i do that?05:18
DBlueHow to program a modem telephone in UBUNTU?05:18
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama05:18
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firehead-83hi everyone.. c05:18
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Toma-DBlue: are you seriously asking questions or just blerting out random questions?05:18
firehead-83can i ask a question about LDAP and nfs?05:18
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carrot_hi i just installed ubuntu and everything seems fine except when I SSH to some host it takes a really long time, what is wrong and how can I fix this?05:18
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead05:18
rabby_although i installed the foomatics driver for my brother hl1250 printer, it only prints strange letters etc. :(05:19
DBlueNo, i want to make a program for my tel. line, but i don't no the com3 port stuf05:19
rabby_do You have an idea what may go wrong with the printer?05:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ppp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:19
HorizonXPhey, another question guys05:19
ubotuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer05:19
Toma-DBlue: learn a programing language i guess?05:19
HorizonXPCore 2 Duo: use AMD64, or i386?05:19
aleksanterihi i've got bit of problems with apt, whenever i try to install anything, it says that "these packages have broken dependancies". It's always the same packages.05:19
DBlueI know05:19
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Toma-HorizonXP: i38605:20
DBluemono, parts of python05:20
DBluei need shell05:20
aleksanteriNow, how can I "unmark" a package from being installed?05:20
HorizonXPToma-: Why? 64bit support's not that great?05:20
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:20
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Toma-HorizonXP: no, 64bit optimizations are not used05:20
raymondjtothhow do i get 3d and open gl liker windows has05:20
Toma-in anything05:20
lutz_!OpenOffice icons me05:20
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alaQDBlue: apt-get install gnome-ppp05:21
ubotua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org05:21
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DBlueI downloaded from synaptic an X-mam, but it is not in the menu, where is it?05:21
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HorizonXPToma-: Like, no apps utilize it? So I wouldn't see a speed up?05:21
jatinToma dual moniter works without rebooting the machine... however.. when i reboot the machine the dual moniter don't  work......The settings r not saving05:21
DJ-_-hi..iin synaptic it says bluez-utils and the gnome-bluez both are installed....i plugged in the bluetooth dongle...now how do i start using it?05:21
Montehwould anyone know where i can find a disc image mounting tool? similar to daemon tools?05:21
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aleksanteriHw can I "unmark" a package from being installed with apt?05:22
aleksanteriHow can I "unmark" a package from being installed with apt? *05:22
Toma-HorizonXP: nope. also, 64bit is only really going to speed up ram thats over like 4 gigs05:22
SakuraDBlue: Only Gnome/KDE software integrates into the menu structure you have to use a console05:22
Toma-jatin: are you using nvidia-settings?05:22
raymondjtothtoma how do i get 3d and open gl like windows has05:22
HorizonXPToma-: wth? so what's the point of 64-bit? I'm pretty sure it's not just due to ram05:22
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jatinyes.. toma05:22
raymondjtothwill need driver i think05:22
Toma-raymondjtoth: no idea what youre talking about sorry :<05:22
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DJ-_-Toma-: hi..iin synaptic it says bluez-utils and the gnome-bluez both are installed....i plugged in the bluetooth dongle...now how do i start using it?05:23
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zipperSakura: not true, you can add your own menu entires to both KDE and Gnome05:23
void^Toma-: that's.. not entirely correct. 64bit architecture has 64bit registers, and a few extra registers even. you'll notice it in some use cases like hashing large amounts of data05:23
raymondjtothtoma 3d and open gl graphic like 2windows has05:23
DBlueI had installed an 32 bit Ubuntu 7.04 on AMD 64, why the 32 bit version fucntion, and is it ok that, can it damaged the machine?05:23
Sakuraraymondjtoth the Nvidia driver contains OpenGL functionality05:23
HorizonXPToma-: and 64bit allows the use of more registers in the cpu (almost double) so if an app was recompiled for 64bit, it should speed it up right?05:23
raymondjtothsakura im on intel05:23
Toma-jatin: ok, run "nvidia-settings -l" whn your session loads. "System > Prefs > Session"05:23
Sakurabut it's not opensource05:23
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raymondjtothnot nidia05:23
raymondjtothdose that mattor05:23
zipperDBlue: worst thing that can happend, is failure to boot up the kernel05:23
Sakuraraymondjtoth you have to ask Intel for a linux driver :(05:23
raymondjtothsakura i have dell e1505 lapty05:23
Toma-void^: generally, useless to the average joe :)05:23
raymondjtothnot yet05:24
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raymondjtothsakura how do i do that05:24
HorizonXPToma-: I don't think ur right05:24
nininaanyone know how to change the default application for opening media files?05:24
raymondjtothwith sudo tool05:24
void^Toma-: performance is useless to average joe ;)05:24
zipperDBlue: although i bet running 32bit on a 64bit cpu would work, you wouldnt get optimal performance05:24
Sakurazipper: X software doesn't install ITSELF in that menu. I never said you cannot do that manually :/05:24
Toma-HorizonXP: no. no apps use the 64bit registers yet05:24
alaQraymondjtoth: trying to get openGL working?05:24
zipperSakura: as long as we agree :)05:24
HorizonXPToma-: if they're recompiled using the 64bit compiler, they do05:24
DBlueWhere to find "Nvidia ge force MX 4400 with 8X" drivers for UBUNTU other than the restricted or NVIDIA's site beta drivers?05:24
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Toma-HorizonXP: ive got a 386 and a 64bit install on my 64bit amd and there is absolutely no speed difference05:24
raymondjtothand 3d05:24
Stream_SpaceI have WPA key for the wirell on my routher05:24
Sakuraraymondjtoth, a suggestion: look up the manual for your machine for the "support phone number" :)05:24
BugeyeDhi all. what's the _correct_ place to be looking for ubuntu/xen information? stuff seems to be spread all over the place, some of which conflicts with each other.05:24
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alaQDBlue: those are the only places you can find them.05:25
HorizonXPToma-: The compiler will use the extra registers instead of accessing your RAM05:25
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Stream_SpacealaQ I have WPA key for the wirell on my routher05:25
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alaQraymondjtoth: what type of graphics card do you have?05:25
HorizonXPToma-: I find that hard to believe.. i was asking which i should use because I was worried about 32bit app support05:25
DBlueBut the drivers from NVIDIA crashed my X server05:25
SakuraToma- I can confirm that but you will notice only speed differences of 20% or more05:25
zipperDBlue: well, you can use the "nv" driver instead, but then you wont get hardware accelleration05:25
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raymondjtothala its intel one05:25
raymondjtothdell gave me05:25
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DBlueHow to get?05:25
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SakuraBut i can confirm it's not running Neverwinter Nights 1 on 64-bit05:25
=== Toma- sighs and wanders off
parminderguptahi everyone,05:26
alaQraymondjtoth: run 'lspci | grep VGA' and tell me the result05:26
parminderguptahow do i prevent certain modules from being loaded in ubuntu/xubuntu05:26
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Sakurazipper: He explicitly asked for OpenGL so "nv" is definitely not an option05:26
DBluePlease, tell me i cant run mesa, i need to finnish an animation!05:26
zipperparmindergupta: Hi docter nick!05:26
raymondjtothalaq were05:26
parminderguptai mean kernel modules :)05:26
zipperSakura: oh, sorry, must have missed that05:26
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alaQraymondjtoth: run that command in a terminal05:26
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zipperSakura: then he's out of luck. Afaik there are no other hardware accellerated drivers than the restricted ones05:27
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raymondjtothalaq  VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)05:27
SakuraNvidia is the only openGl driver I'm aware of05:27
Stream_SpaceShe sind the Wireless and when i connect it seemt to be not connected.05:27
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DBlueHow can i use the classic root user in Ubuntu, like in mandrake or SUSE05:27
Stream_SpaceWhat can i do?05:27
SakuraAnyone think DBlue is really asking questions?05:27
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alaQSakura: much more for OGL than just NV :)05:27
zipperDBlue: in ubuntu, we use "sudo" instead05:28
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DBlueSorry, but i'm new to LINUX?05:28
alaQraymondjtoth: you should have OpenGL/ 3d apps running already.05:28
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zipperDBlue: like, "sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf"05:28
raymondjtothi dont tryed top switcch chess and sed i dont have 3d05:28
BugeyeDDBlue: sudo passwd root   <-- can enable root login, but is unsupported by ubuntu05:28
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raymondjtothor open gl05:28
zipperBugeyeD: please dont tell newbies how to log in as root =/05:28
netcellican some1 explain me why last ubuntu doesnt see my hard disk? :P05:28
raymondjtothalaq do i want these http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/05:29
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alaQraymondjtoth: open up a terminal, and type 'glxgears' and see what happens.05:29
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DJ-_-back....so does anyone know:::05:29
DJ-_-in synaptic it says bluez-utils and the gnome-bluez both are installed....i plugged in the bluetooth dongle...now how do i start using it?05:29
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preactionBugeyeD: if you need a root shell, try sudo -s or sudo su -05:29
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zipperwhats with the root logins/shells?05:29
zipperit was removed for a reason05:29
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raymondjtothalaq im new just put on yesterday05:29
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Montehanyone know a solid virtual disc drive software for linux apart from the loopback command?05:30
raymondjtothalaq i see wheels05:30
alaQraymondjtoth: I can tell.  I'll see what I can do to walk you through this.05:30
BugeyeDpreaction: i'm aware. i don't login as root, only answered a question.05:30
preactionzipper: because the entire idea of "root" is the biggest breach to security, yet prepending "sudo" to a list of 10 commands that need root privs is annoying05:30
DBlueI really sorry for this tons of questions, but i'm trying to learn LINUX, cause i can't use win, cause it is so crashy!05:30
gordonjcpMonteh: like what?05:30
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Toma-Monteh: whats wrong with mount -o loop ?05:30
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eyemeanPackage w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:30
eyemeanThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:30
eyemeanis only available from another source05:30
raymondjtothalaq see my liojnk i posted05:30
Montehto mount disc images in linux apart from .isos05:30
SakuraMonteh: I use "truecrypt" for that purpose it also encrypts everything05:30
raymondjtothto you do i need those05:30
kritzstapfevery time i start gajim i have to enter the password for my keyring, how to change this? :/05:30
zipperpreaction: i agree, but i doubt teaching newbies how to login as root is a good idea... At least not untill they understand what's going on.05:30
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Montehi have .mds etc etc05:31
DJ-_-anyone know anything about bluez-utils setup in ubuntu05:31
SakuraMonteh Sorry I thought you were talking about your own images05:31
eyemeancould any1 suggest source for feisty w32codecs pls05:31
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DBlueWhy mp3 files cannot be played in mplayer in ubuntu?05:31
zipperDBlue: no worries, its the only way to learn. Asking, and more important: READING05:31
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs05:31
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:31
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preaction!mp3 | DBlue05:31
alaQraymondjtoth: no, you don't.  in fact, your openGL is running perfectly fine.05:32
Toma-DBlue: how many questions have you asking in the last 30 mins?05:32
raymondjtothhow i get 3d going05:32
Montehso thre isnt anything u.u05:32
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ubotuDBlue: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:32
raymondjtothwant 3d alaq also05:32
kane77oops I deleted the default keyring but now it says: "Keyring daemon is not running." how do I run it?05:32
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DBlueSorry, I dont count!05:32
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raymondjtothnot just 2d05:32
Toma-raymondjtoth: 3d what05:32
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raymondjtothyou know some game need direct 3d05:32
zipperDBlue: neither should you. It's okay to ask a lot when being new.05:32
Toma-raymondjtoth: you cant get directx on linux05:33
BeamooCan some1 help me? I having trouble extracting files outside my folder05:33
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zipperDBlue: just expect to be pointed in the direction of a lot of guides/articles.05:33
raymondjtothtoma i know05:33
Sakuraraymondjtoth: Direct 3d is (c) (r) and (tm) Microsoft.05:33
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BeamooWant to extract files to this folder usr/share/amsn/skins05:33
Beamoobut all it says is tht i dont have permission05:33
raymondjtothalaq i only got 2d how i get 3d working05:33
alaQraymondjtoth: you're missing some libraries that are needed to run it -05:33
FisherssBeamoo, what's the problem exactly ?05:33
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raymondjtothalaq what i need05:33
DBlueWho is the referens of microsofts directX in Linux Ubuntu?05:33
SakuraBeamoo: You need to sudo to get root perms05:33
zipperDBlue: referens?05:33
rapterBig problem with my mouse . When I move it gets blockt on the path licke the processor coudnt ceap up so fast (I have core duo so that isent the isue) How doo I fix it???05:34
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alaQraymondjtoth: I'm working on it - I can't find things instantly.  Give me a second to look05:34
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Fisherssyou may be operating a folder which doesn't belong to you05:34
Beamoooyeah ie read that but how do i extract in the terminal?05:34
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raymondjtothok alaq05:34
Smygis_Sakura, You forgot patented ;)05:34
Beamoowhats the command for extracting in the terminal05:34
raymondjtothdblkue im moving my laptop to linux so im ne yetw not know all lingo05:34
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raymondjtothon linux05:34
kritzstapfBeamoo: you use the gui way with "gksudo nautilus" for example05:34
skarhi, i've feisty 32 bit installed, how do i install all the updates/upgrades?05:34
zipperDBlue: linux uses something called openGL (mostly) - it's used in games like quake and unreal tournament, which is why they run GREAT in linux (i get better fps than in windows)05:34
raymondjtothstill use microsoft on desktop for reson05:34
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DBluewhere to find it!05:35
aleksanteriskar: sudo apt-get upgrade05:35
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raymondjtothalek what that05:35
zipperDBlue: its already there. You probably just need to install a driver for your gfx card in order to use it.05:35
SakuraOMCG! Direct(r) 3d(tm) is patented, ownzed, and defended by VeryBigCorporationOfAmerica :)05:35
skaraleksanteri: thanx, that seems to work :)05:35
alaQraymondjtoth: you'll at least need to run 'sudo apt-get install python-opengl' in a terminal, i'm not sure if you'll need another package yet or not.05:35
bridget_pffffft microsoft05:35
LordLimecatim having some issues with a program thats supposed to autorun @ startup, but isnt :(05:35
Bog`i can't configure my network card because the window disappears right after i open it05:36
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Beamoobut what should i write in the terminal? :S I such a noob05:36
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SakuraDBlue, Direct 3d is owned by Microsoft. There is a little emulation in the Wine library. www.winehq.com05:36
LordLimecatits set to run as sudo, and i THINK i have visudo configured correctly, but its just not working unless i manually run it05:36
Montehi just realised05:36
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Montehwhy dont i just burn the isos to disc05:36
SakuraHe's programming his phone modem with Direct 3d...05:36
raymondjtothok alalq can you keep looking pls05:36
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raymondjtothalaq done05:37
LordLimecatMonteh: are you trying to mount an iso?05:37
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BeamooSo how should i do to extract the files to the location even thou i dont have permission ? I know hat i should use sudo but what moore should i write in the console05:37
Beamoocan some1 type the command ?05:37
PriceChild!away > Frogzoo_away05:37
LordLimecatsomeone may have to help me with this, but i believe its somethin like mount -t iso9660 [path to iso] , but you need to specify a loop option int here somewhere05:37
raymondjtothalaq ty for helpng me05:37
SakuraBeamoo: unzip -o archive.zip05:38
Beamoowhere should i write the location ?05:38
eyemeanim having problem working out how to install w32codec on feisty sources dont seem to work05:38
auregjBonjour je franais ...Franais on line ?05:38
SakuraThe -o is just for overwriting05:38
eyemeanand i checked that site, but still unsure05:38
PriceChild!fr | auregj05:38
ubotuauregj: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:38
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DBlueRight, and to do that the .run nvidia package says> "There no precompiled drivers, do you what to download from internet", but it is in stage 1, it cannot connect to internet, then it says no c builder found or it is the one for make files gcc05:38
auregjok merci05:38
nephishhello all05:38
Beamooand i rite sudo infront of that?05:39
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PriceChildDBlue, why are you manually installing nvidia drivers?05:39
alaQraymondjtoth: have one more package to download.05:39
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raymondjtothok alaq what do i type in pls05:39
StumpfQuestion regarding auto-mounting/unmounting SMB shares with FSTAB.  I have shareA mounted on MachineB via FSTAB.  If I reboot MachineB..the mountpoint for shareA is inaccesible until I umount shareA and then mount -a again.  Any suggestions to keep from having to do this each time?05:39
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SakuraDBlue: apt-get install nvidia05:39
HorizonXPhey my usb printer just seemed to stop working, any suggestions?05:39
dromerhi all, I'm trying to setup nvidia twinview on my box, but since my reinstall xorg.conf seems to have changed alot, so I'm not sure what to do (and like the guide on the forum says: nvidia-settings can't really help me). here is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25103/05:39
alaQraymondjtoth: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/glchess/python-gtkglext1_1.1.0-2feisty_i386.deb?modtime=1172631048&big_mirror=005:39
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raymondjtothalaq how i use that with sudo thing05:40
Beamooso does this work ? sudo unzip -usr/share/amsn/skins AQUA-0.95.zip05:40
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alaQraymondjtoth: did that link work for you?05:40
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raymondjtothalaq what i do do i use what it wants tro05:40
DBlueWhere to find unrar, but free version?05:40
raymondjtothyes askave or open it05:40
DBlueI mean Open Type05:40
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raymondjtothalaq do i save it or run it05:41
alaQraymondjtoth: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6348&package_id=179437 <- on that page, download the third package.05:41
Beamooshould this work? sudo unzip -usr/share/amsn/skins AQUA-0.95.zip05:41
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patbamhi, i am trying to teach a friend to use ubuntu. upon doing so i realized that i tend to use a terminal to "pkill" a misbehaving program a lot, but this isn't very user friendly. is there something gui-er like the ctrl-alt-delete process manager thingie in windows?05:41
ToddEDM2how can i get flash installed on my pc?05:41
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DBlueon adobe05:42
Smygis_!info unrar-free | DBlue05:42
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ubotudblue: unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB05:42
DBluego to adobe.com05:42
SakuraDBlue: apt-get install rar05:42
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raymondjtothalaq what one i need i see meny05:42
DBlueit has flash 905:42
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alaQraymondjtoth: I've got to head to bed now, but http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=416660&page=2 <--this page will be able to help you.05:42
xneedhelpxhi. i have a problem: synaptic is broken.05:42
stool^samplebloody kleenex05:42
Frogzoo_awayToddEDM2: install flashplugin-nonfree05:42
Beamoook guys, need some help, i knwo how to extract in the terminal but how do i do to get the files to a specifik location05:42
erUSULpatbam: Sistem>Admin>System Monitor  ??05:42
alaQraymondjtoth: sorry I couldn't help you all the way through.05:42
xneedhelpxcan somebody please help me?05:42
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aleksanteripatbam: gnome-system-monitor05:43
raymondjtothalaq what i do with other 205:43
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LordLimecatnoone feed the troll -_-05:43
eWaakzamhidoh man, if anyone could throw me a bone here i'd be eternally grateful05:43
stool^samplebowel movement05:43
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eWaakzamhidname my firstborn son after you05:43
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SakuraBeamoo: I suggest apt-get install mc midnight commander is the best console file manager05:43
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:43
alaQraymondjtoth: you should only need the feisty one.05:44
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raymondjtothalaq do i open and say intell05:44
aleksanteri!ask | Waakzamheid05:44
ubotuWaakzamheid: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:44
DBlueCan i put two mouse's, like in P/S2 port and one USB mouse, does Linux support dual mouse's?05:44
Sakuraxneedhelpx: You didn't give much information, why not ask a question?05:44
xneedhelpxsynaptic: error while loading shared libraries: libapt-pkg-libc6.4-6.so.3.53: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:44
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xneedhelpxhow do i resolve this? thankx!05:44
bridget_dblue does for me05:44
Waakzamheidok, fine:  i'm having difficulty no matter which browser i use: konqueror, firefox, epiphany05:45
raymondjtothalaq do i just open it and say intwewll?05:45
Beamoohow do i copy a folder then paste it to a specifik location in the terminal05:45
Waakzamheidthey're all having difficulty connecting to simple javascripted sites05:45
xneedhelpxthis is what it says one the console...05:45
DBlueFirefox rulles!05:45
aleksanteriopera \o/05:45
WaakzamheidDBlue: care to help me debug it then?05:45
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alaQraymondjtoth: you should be able to double-click the package after it downloads to install it.05:45
LordLimecataleksanteri: call me when opera unbloats itself again05:45
Waakzamheidthey're all sucking.  All of them just hang on javascripted sites like gmail, mozilla.com, you name it05:45
raymondjtothalaq ok dont05:45
LordLimecatlast few versions have been slow05:45
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raymondjtothalaq imk done that05:46
BeamooIf i want to cope a folder and paste it in usr/share/amsn/skins what should the command be?05:46
raymondjtothand installed them05:46
raymondjtothis that it05:46
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Sakuraxneedhelpx: Have you tried sudo apt-get install synaptic ?05:46
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xneedhelpxapt get says the same.05:46
xneedhelpxsome lib is damaged...05:46
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SakuraYou need apt to fix apt... I see the problem :)05:46
bridget_oh where is xlibs at?05:46
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WaakzamheidDBlue: if i knew that, i'd fix it myself05:47
xneedhelpxapt-get: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libapt-pkg-libc6.4-6.so.3.53: cannot read file data: Invalid argument05:47
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xneedhelpxthx Sakura!05:47
alaQraymondjtoth: follow the instructions on this page, and it'll work.  http://www.mikesplanet.net/2007/03/turning-on-3d-chessboard-in-feisty/05:47
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xneedhelpxi dont know how to fix apt without downloading packages.05:47
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nullkuhlalaQ: u there05:48
BeamooIf i want to copy a folder and paste it in usr/share/amsn/skins what should the command be?05:48
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Sakuraxneedhelpx: Do you have access to another Ubuntu machine?05:49
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deusI got a message05:49
BeamooSakura can you help me ?05:49
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deus"cannot allocate memory"05:49
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xneedhelpxlive cd.05:49
ToddEDM2is there somehow i can get flash on my x86_6405:49
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xneedhelpxbut no other system.05:49
deuswhile trying to mount the xd modules05:49
SakuraBeamoo: sudo mv * /usr/share/amsn/skins05:49
ToddEDM2the stuff on adobe is not working05:49
deuswhat does it mean?05:49
bridget_I got cant read memory errors alot in windows.05:49
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=== bridget_ blows rasberry at microsoft
Beamoothank you05:50
trelayne hi all, I will be setting up a new notebook with Feisty but I need to know how best to secure with a firewall..does anyone have an recommendations for free firewall software?05:50
Beamoothe star is the file that should be copied right ?05:50
Waakzamheidc'mon, if anyone can just get me to a point where i can browse the forums i'll fix it myself, but i can't load them up either....05:50
Sakuraxneedhelpx: Just asking, because after installing all rpms are in /var/cache/apt/archives05:50
Waakzamheidany love?05:50
maximoalguien espaolll05:50
mc44!firewall | trelayne05:50
ubotutrelayne: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:50
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SakuraYou could perhaps burn them on CD and install them manually05:51
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ToddEDM2Your architecture, x86_64 is not supported by the Adobe Flash Player installer05:51
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Shankysv87is there a way to get my evolution email to work with hotmail hotmail live?05:51
Sakuraxneedhelpx: Sorry but "reinstall the OS" is what any windows guy would tell you at this point \(^.^)/05:52
SakuraShankysv87: Does hotmail have pop3 server?05:52
Shankysv87i'm not sure05:52
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xneedhelpxits okay05:52
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Shankysv87let me find out05:53
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xneedhelpxso basically i can copy the rpms from the live cd?05:53
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pike_heloo fearless ubuntu users05:53
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xneedhelpxim totally happ with ubuntu05:53
Waakzamheidhello pike_05:53
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SakuraShankysv87: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200408&highlight=hotmail+evolution05:54
xneedhelpxjust never expierienced such a problem.05:54
ukubuntuHi all, does anyone know how to get back my original firefox filetypes preferrences? I somehow removed the .ram extension. Thanks05:54
trelaynewhat about securing wireless communications at a cafe? Is there software  I can use for that as well?05:54
Montehhey guys, external dvd writers? working on teh linux?05:54
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nickrudToddEDM2, I used http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1174435 for firefox and flash in 64 bit05:54
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raymondjtothit worked05:54
deusive noticed the "cannot allocate memory on a different machine" is this a bug in feisty?05:54
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nullkuhlguys does any one here have feisty and is having the default boot splash screen of ubuntu.. if so pls pastbin me the /boot/grub/menu.lst          plzzzzzzzzzzzz05:55
raymondjtothwill call of duty 2 work in ubuntu05:55
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xneedhelpxi will gog on with broken synaptic as long as i dont need other programs.05:55
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pike_Monteh: mostly from what i have used an external inclosure for a cdrw without problem05:55
Sakuraxneedhelpx: Apt-get is just a software to manage the archives. Automates everything. You can copy the deb or rpm packages from other systems but they might be out of date.05:55
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kduboistrelayne, what do you mean? setup encryption on your router05:55
trelayneI mean I don't to have sniffers on my wireless packets..05:55
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xneedhelpxthank you Sakura05:55
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jgonzalezalguien habla espaol05:55
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PriceChild!es | jgonzalez05:55
ubotujgonzalez: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:55
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nullkuhlguys does any one here have feisty and is having the default boot splash screen of ubuntu.. if so pls pastbin me the /boot/grub/menu.lst          plzzzzzzzzzzzz05:56
raymondjtothsakura any trool to play 3d game on here i say one05:56
jgonzaleztheir walking spanhis05:56
raymondjtothneed to pay for05:56
Sakuraraymondjtoth: www.winehq.org05:56
PriceChildjgonzalez, /join #ubuntu-es05:56
Montehpike_:  is there any guides that can help me?05:56
nullkuhlguys does any one here have feisty and is having the default boot splash screen of ubuntu.. if so pls pastbin me the /boot/grub/menu.lst          plzzzzzzzzzzzz05:56
kduboisand raymondjtoth check appdb.winehq.org and transgaming.org for game compatibility. (cedega's not free though....)05:56
trelaynekdubois,  there is no router . I have a laptop that  I will be using at cafe and other public spots and I wish to know how to prevent sniffing of packets..05:56
PriceChild!repeat > nullkuhl05:56
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nullkuhlPricechild , wud u do it then ?05:57
raymondjtothkd anything fr4ee as good as that05:57
PriceChildnullkuhl, do what?05:57
pike_Monteh: might try wiki.ubuntu.com but when i have a problem i usually just do a google search like 'site:ubuntuforums.org external dvd' or something.05:57
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nullkuhlPriceChild: if so pls pastbin me the /boot/grub/menu.lst          plzzzzzzzzzzz05:57
maximoALGUN ESPAOL05:57
PriceChildnullkuhl, I'm not using feisty05:57
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PriceChild!es | maximo05:57
ubotumaximo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:57
SakuraAlgun what?05:57
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cybaneDoes anyone know how Ubuntu got the Texas Instruments PCI7420/7620 Combo CardBus to work?05:57
nullkuhlguys any one using FIESTY HERE ????????????05:57
kduboisso if i get what you're saying trelayne you want to find a way to communicate securely in a cafe, even if the cafe doesnt have any ecryption setup?05:57
SakurapriceChild you're cool ^.^05:58
PriceChild!caps > nullkuhl05:58
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pike_nullkuhl: this is the support channel for feisty and below so yeah :)05:58
El_Donalguien puede decirme en q protocolo debo usar para conectar mi cuenta Gmail en Gaim=?05:58
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PriceChild!es | El_Don05:58
ubotuEl_Don: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:58
BeamooThank you sakura!05:58
nullkuhlpike_: pastbin me the the /boot/grub/menu.lst          plzzzzzzzzzzzz05:58
trelaynekdubois,  ok I might be misunderstanding.. so you're saying that encryption is set up on the wireless routers.. (so new to the tech)05:58
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PriceChildnullkuhl, it won't help you05:59
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Neil-anyone know a browser media plugin that works behind a www proxy? mplayer wont work, I want to watch the tennis at Queens05:59
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Neil-from here05:59
El_Donalguien puede decirme en q protocolo debo usar para conectar mi cuenta Gmail en Gaim=?05:59
PriceChildnullkuhl, it will depend on many things, partitions, kernels etc.05:59
PriceChild!es | maximo05:59
ubotumaximo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:59
nullkuhli just need to remember the default values for some stuff PriceChild05:59
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nullkuhlI KNOW05:59
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PriceChild!caps > nullkuhl05:59
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pike_nullkuhl: i dont have one im using a diff boot loader.05:59
El_Donalguien puede decirme en q protocolo debo usar para conectar mi cuenta Gmail en Gaim=?05:59
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tanaka is there a way to install the nvidias' latest and greatest 100.14.09 driver in ubuntu06:00
Paddy_EIREanyone know of an application that I can get or perhaps already have that can open ".chm" ?? I have many of these and must be able to view them..06:00
PriceChildnullkuhl, what's happenned to your current one?06:00
Coreabai have a problem on install06:00
PriceChildtanaka, yes, but its not officially supported and is at your own risk06:00
nullkuhli messed alot with splashy and usppash06:00
Paddy_EIRE!chm | Paddy_EIRE06:00
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nullkuhlusplash and iwanna go back to the very default now06:00
PriceChildtanaka, "sudo apt-get install build-essential" and then follow/use nvidia's support06:00
Paddy_EIREandresmujica, is there an06:00
Neil-anyone? I need a media plugin for firefox thgat works behind a proxy06:00
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Neil-vlc, mplayer, helix dont work06:00
Neil-Want to watch the bbc sport tennis06:00
PriceChildNeil-, totem?06:01
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Neil-I never actually put totem back on after it messed me about, think that will work?06:01
Paddy_EIREandresmujica, is there a gnome app equivalent??06:01
Neil-gxine fails also..06:01
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Waakzamheidanyone help with some cross-browser problem i'm having?06:01
kduboistrelayne, yes, wifi encryption is handled by routers. If it says open or unsecured, then there is no encryption and your packets can be sniffed out06:01
haggardPaddy_EIRE: xchm06:01
Waakzamheidi can't get to the ubuntu forums :(06:01
PriceChildNeil-, never tried it myself sorry06:01
Paddy_EIREhaggard, nice one06:01
raymondjtothis transgaming.org cheep06:01
Neil-np :)06:01
pike_nullkuhl: that would be ro quiet splash  at the end of the kernel line i believe06:01
PriceChildWaakzamheid, are other sites affected?06:01
Waakzamheidgmail, other things that need it06:02
PriceChildraymondjtoth, $15 a month or something... can't remember06:02
nullkuhlwell there are lotsa otherstuff i had to change06:02
kduboistrelayne, although it is common to have simple WEP encryption setup to prevent casual hackers :-D06:02
nullkuhlpike_ plz plz pastebin it06:02
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PriceChildWaakzamheid, other things that need what?06:02
tanakais it ok to install the new kernel which comes up   when you do a dist-upgrade06:02
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WaakzamheidJS and authentication06:02
nullkuhli wont mess stuff up i ll just set some stuff back to default06:02
PriceChildtanaka, should be :)06:02
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SakuraWho wanted that /boot/grub/menu.lst?06:02
Waaki've tried Konqueror and epiphany06:02
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trelaynekdubois, can a tool like wif-radar tell me if an accesspoint is secure ?06:02
Waaksame trouble06:02
PriceChildtanaka, if you've manually installed 3rd party binary drivers like nvidia then you'll need to reinstall them06:02
trelaynekdubois,  thanks for the info BTW06:03
pike_nullkuhl: im on freebsd boot loader i cant :) besides i wouldnt have it anymore i hate the splash. you might be able to do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub06:03
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nephishhello anyone, trying out a new irc client, anyone read this?06:03
PriceChildnephish, surprisingly yes06:03
=== SlimeyPete looks straight through nephish
WaakPriceChild: basically, logging in anywhere dies.  I was thinking ssl libraries, but i reinstalled them and no love06:03
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soundraynephish: it's a bit faint06:03
nullkuhlpike_: that returns nothing06:03
SakuraWho's nephish? ;))06:03
PriceChildWaak, hmm... clear your cache06:03
Neil-Pricechild: Same unfortunately. Nothing in browser, right click > view in movie player, opens movie player and crashes :(06:04
nephishthanks, all06:04
SlimeyPeteif *you* can read it, so can everyone else. If it appears on your screen then it's been to the server and back.06:04
Waaknephish: static --- --peat---lastmessage06:04
WaakPriceChild: firefox's cache?06:04
PriceChildNeil-, I don't know then sorry...06:04
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PriceChildWaak, yeah06:04
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Neil-Back home soon anyway, so no issue06:04
WaakPriceChild: i've blitzed it a couple times06:04
Waakno love06:04
VeinorI'm having an issue with sending playlists to my iPod06:04
kduboistrelayne, should be able to. i have a little wifi app (wififofum) for my pocket pc that tells me anything i need to know about wifi points. i'm sure theres some utilities like that for pc's too06:04
pike_nullkuhl: if you pastebin yours i will correct it06:04
Neil-proxy support seems the biggest and only ubuntu downfall for me atm06:04
Waakis there a cache other than the one in .mozilla?06:04
Veinorcan anyone help?06:05
PriceChildWaak, use firefox to clear the cache06:05
trelaynethanks for the info kdubois06:05
PriceChildWaak, tools >06:05
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VeinorWhenever I send a playlist to my iPod in GTKpod or Amarok, it says it was sent, but I can't access it. It's still there when I reconnect; it's like a 'phantom zone'06:05
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Neil-Totem could not play 'mms://wmlive-acl.bbc.co.uk/wms/sport/sport1auk_s1'. There is no input plugin to handle the location of this movie06:05
Neil-mean anything to anyone?06:05
nomexousno video shows up in games for me; there is sound and you can access menus, but there is just a blank screen. any help?06:06
PriceChildNeil-, for me it lets me install a new codec...06:06
PriceChildNeil-, lets see what it does...06:06
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kduboistrelayne, np. just beware that WEP is easily broken nowadays though06:07
DJ-_-hi...when i do a hcitool scan....it just goes to inquiry failed: connection timed out....any help plz?06:07
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soundrayDJ-_-: do you get the same with 'sudo hcitool scan'?06:08
DJ-_-hol on06:08
slackmagicNeil-: works for me via mplayer :D06:08
Neil-Must be the proxy, mplayer told me they had issues with www proxies06:08
DJ-_-soundray: yeah06:08
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aleksanterihi when i try apt-get install <whatever_package> it says that "these packages have broken dependancies" since it's trying to install them. How can I stop this?06:08
WaakPriceChild: no luck on cache clearing06:08
soundrayDJ-_-: is your bluetooth device supported?06:08
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WaakPriceChild: how do i check the java installs are all good?06:09
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DJ-_-soundray: it shows up on hcitool scan with the bt address06:09
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PriceChildWaak, java? why should that make a difference?06:09
DJ-_-hcitool dev*06:09
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PriceChildWaak, java != javascript06:09
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soundrayDJ-_-: I thought you said you got "Inquiry failed"?06:09
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cotyrotheryCan someone help me with beryl and tell me why every time it runs my screen goes grey06:10
VeinorWhenever I send a playlist to my iPod in GTKpod or Amarok, it says it was sent, but I can't access it. It's still there when I reconnect; it's like a 'phantom zone'; like right now it says I have one called 'heavy', but amarok says I have one called 'top songs' as well that isn't showing.06:10
pbnHello, I have a problem with dialing my ISP using kppp. The modem dials, I can see the CONNECT blah , but then kppp says the ppp daemon has died with exit code 1 ... can you help me ?06:10
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WaakPriceChild: i know, but i'd love to narrow it down06:10
PriceChild!beryl | cotyrothery06:10
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ubotucotyrothery: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:10
DJ-_-soundray: i mean on hcitool dev my bt dongle is given with bt address but scan fails06:10
pike_trelayne: takes about 8 min to crack wep06:10
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trelaynepike_,  notices... so the standard now is WPA?06:10
VeinorWhenever I send a playlist to my iPod in GTKpod or Amarok, it says it was sent, but I can't access it. It's still there when I reconnect; it's like a 'phantom zone'; like right now it says I have one called 'heavy', but amarok says I have one called 'top songs' as well that isn't showing.06:10
trelaynenotices = noticed06:10
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pike_trelayne: but this is internet cafe?06:10
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dazed||lapHey i just opened up my laptop for the first time in a few years and it is still on breezy (ubuntu 3.???) i cant upgrade using synaptic cuz all my dep's are out of dat06:11
Neil-Got the realplayer .bin to see if it helps, how do I run it?06:11
pike_trelayne: leave it wep so people who know what they are doing can have free access :)06:11
trelaynepike_,  I don't know much.. just exploring what i need to do to prevent eavesdropping06:11
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DJ-_-soundray: ...any ideas?06:11
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nomexousno video showing in games... probably a nvidia/GLX problem... any help?06:11
soundrayDJ-_-: is the remote device within range?06:11
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DJ-_-soundray: less than 2m06:11
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WaakPriceChild: ok, so i'm stumped06:12
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PriceChildWaak, sorry :S06:12
SakuraNeil-: "sudo chmod 755 file.bin" then "./file.bin" or "sudo ./file.bin"06:12
PriceChildWaak, what about cookies?06:12
soundrayDJ-_-: and you've checked the obvious things, like power state?06:12
DJ-_-soundray: yeah...06:12
WaakPriceChild: it's not unique to firefox, it also hangs on konqueror/epiphany/etc06:12
Neil-thanks sakura06:12
PriceChildWaak, maybe a problem with your router/isp then... :s06:12
WaxyFreshargg me maties,how do i get my laptop to read a SD disk?also how do i see what version of ubuntu im rnning?06:12
WaakPriceChild: even elinks says there's an SSL error, which makes me wonder if SSL support is compiled in by default.06:12
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PriceChildWaak, it works for me06:13
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DJ-_-soundray: thinking?06:13
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WaakPriceChild: thanks, that helps :) that probably means my ssl libs are brokeass then, right?06:13
nephishhello all06:13
WaxyFreshfirefox goes very slow sometimes when i try to scroll,any way to to fix his?06:13
soundrayDJ-_-: no, typing. I'm familiar with the error message, but I don't know what causes it. It usually starts to work for me on the third or fourth attempt. Sorry, can't give you any more specific advice.06:13
PriceChildWaak, I wouldn't think its your fault... unless you've broken it yourself messing about06:13
yimmmyhas anybody here instaled cinerella i really could use some help with it06:13
Waakno, i haven't screwed with it at all06:13
dazed||lapcan someone please tell me the newest repositories for synaptic?06:14
DJ-_-soundray: ok, but I have tried around 7-8 times now...06:14
PriceChilddazed||lap, the ones you get on install are fine :)06:14
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dazed||lapPriceChild, im on breezy badger version of ubu trying to upgrade without downloading cd06:14
dazed||lapi need the new repo's06:14
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PriceChild!upgrade | dazed||lap06:15
ubotudazed||lap: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:15
WaxyFreshdazed||lap:  source-o-matic06:15
yimmmycould some one give me a hand instaling cinerale06:15
DJ-_-@anyone...when i do a hcitool scan....it just goes to inquiry failed: connection timed out....any help plz?06:15
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BisoI need help please , Now I put my live ubuntu 7.4 cd and I want to partition my hard disk with a swap , What can I do ?06:15
VeinorWhenever I send a playlist to my iPod in GTKpod or Amarok, it says it was sent, but I can't access it. It's still there when I reconnect; it's like a 'phantom zone'; like right now it says I have one called 'heavy', but amarok says I have one called 'top songs' as well that isn't showing.06:15
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haggardyimmmy: try asking in #cinelerra06:16
PriceChildBiso, just follow the install application, it will help you do all that :)06:16
yimmmyok i dint know they had a irc thanks06:16
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BisoI need help please , Now I put my live ubuntu 7.4 cd and I want to partition my hard disk with a swap , What can I do ?06:16
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sipiorBiso: look up two lines06:16
jimcooncatgoing to redo my office computer that has breezy on it. Is dapper still relevant, or should I go with fiesty?06:17
yimmmyis there a compiz and a video editing channel for ubuntu?06:17
BisoI will partition it manually06:17
WaxyFreshanyone here know how to get my laptop to read SD sans disk card from a digi cam?06:17
PriceChildyimmmy, #ubuntu-effects for compiz06:17
kduboisjimcooncat, no reason not to use fiesty06:17
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pike_Biso: you have freespace available? unpartitioned?06:17
Bisoall hard disk06:17
PriceChildjimcooncat, dapper will be supported after feisty's EOL06:17
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WaxyFreshhow do i tell what version of ubuntu im running06:17
yimmmydo i have to join a different server for that06:17
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PriceChildWaxyFresh, lsb_release -a06:18
kduboisBiso, you need to set the filesystem type to 'swap'06:18
jimcooncatthanks, kdubois -- I've seen the problems with fiesty freezing in the forums06:18
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nomexousno video showing in games; any help please?06:18
Bisohow can i start?06:18
WaxyFreshPriceChild: thanks06:18
DJ-_-PriceChild: hi bro...when i do a hcitool scan....it just goes to inquiry failed: connection timed out....any ideas06:18
kduboisjimcooncat, i've been using it since it was released and i havent had any problems06:18
Biso20 giga for system ext306:18
jimcooncatPriceChild, would dapper get any new functionality, or is that process frozen?06:18
kduboisnomexous, what do you mean 'games'?06:18
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Bisoit will be primary06:18
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PriceChildDJ-_-, please don't direct your initial questions to specific people. You will get less attention from others who actually know what they're doing :)06:18
sipiornomexous: much more info is needed: are you running compiz/beryl? what video hardware? what games?06:19
PriceChildjimcooncat, dapper has more features over breezy. Its also an LTS release which means its supported a lot longer. I advise you to stick live cds in and try :)06:19
nomexouskdubois, games on wine, pSX (a playstation emulator), and the America's Army linux native client06:19
DJ-_-PriceChild: well i listed in the room before but no response, so i thought you may know06:19
pike_Biso: sudo -i; then: cfdisk /dev/hda   create the partition and change the type to swap then select write.  when youre done and back at terminal type mkfs. and hit tab a few times it will display all the options youll just mkfs.something /dev/hda4 where hda4 is whatever partition you made06:19
Bisolern me how to manually  partition my disk06:19
crolle17wanted to record some vinyl-records, but i didn't get it running (sound out is working). i installed audiocity for recording.which driver do i have to set/install?06:19
jimcooncatPriceChild, ty06:19
nomexouskdubois, i have nvidia GeForce4 MX Integrated GPU06:19
PriceChildBiso, i advise you follow the "guided partitioning" of the installer06:19
WaakPriceChild: ok, and now firefox is hanging06:19
crolle17i mean which audiodriver do i have to install?06:19
Waakthis is *awesome*06:19
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=== PriceChild highfives Waak
PriceChildWaak, stick a live cd in and see if you get the same problems :)06:20
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VeinorWhenever I send a playlist to my iPod in GTKpod or Amarok, it says it was sent, but I can't access it. It's still there when I reconnect; it's like a 'phantom zone'; like right now it says I have one called 'heavy', but amarok says I have one called 'top songs' as well that isn't showing.06:20
=== {DB}HobbitJa [n=hobbitja@ACD8ECD1.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
crolle17default set: ALSA06:20
Neil-Pricechild: If I click 'View in standalone player', copy the .ram address into realplayer, it works. Clicking it normally, or trying to view through the realplayer browser plugin, fails06:20
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Neil-v odd :)06:20
nomexousand i don't know what compiz or beryl are06:20
Neil-At least I can watch now though06:20
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{DB}HobbitJaHi everyone, any idea how to compile usb printer support for my nas device which is running linux kernel 2.6?06:20
Waakok, gotta get a liveCD first06:20
PriceChildNeil-, cool :) Im' sure it'll be fixed one day...06:20
soundrayVeinor: try using filenames without spaces or other odd characters06:20
PriceChild!pm | Biso06:21
WaakPriceChild: can you shoot me the link straight to the directory listing?06:21
ubotuBiso: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.06:21
Waakhard for me to get there otherwise06:21
kduboisnomexous, you have beryl? i experience video playback problems with beryl too. it seemed to render the video 'under' where beryl was being rendered06:21
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PriceChildWaak, standard i386 disk?06:21
Waaki can get it from the directory listing06:21
nomexouskdubois, i should clarify06:21
PriceChildWaak, feisty?06:21
pike_Biso: there are numerous guides for creating swap partitions in linux any of em should work for you06:21
bullgard4What means 'link-local' in http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/11623/?06:21
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kduboisnomexous, probably, i dont think i understand the problem :-D06:21
nomexousthe game starts, but the screen is blank06:21
PriceChildWaak, http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-amd64.iso06:22
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Veinorsoundray: Nope, doesn't help.06:22
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nomexousthere is sound, i can navigate menus, but the screen is completely blank06:22
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BisoI have 80 giga free now06:22
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yimmmyhow can you tell how much space you have left on you hdd it dosent say in mycomputer06:23
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pike_yimmmy: df -h06:23
nomexouskdubois - and i don't have either beryl or compiz06:23
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DJ-_-hi..when i do a hcitool dev...it lists my bluetooth dongle with its bt address...but when i try a hcitool scan it given Inquiry Failed: Connection Timed out...i have tried a lot of times now...anyone know why this maybe happening?06:23
pike_yimmmy: the -h isnt needed but makes it more readable06:23
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sipiornomexous: you might try running the game as root, see if it's a permissions issue06:23
soundrayVeinor: your question is fairly specific -- leave more time before you repeat it.06:23
Bisoall i want to make a ex3 partition and swap for 786 of ram06:24
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Veinorsoundray: sorry.06:24
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soundrayVeinor: no worries.06:24
pike_nomexous: if you do that though with sudo you might need to chown some .config files after depending on the game06:24
Bisonow i am on Prepare disk space06:24
WaxyFreshis there a way to update my sources list from the comand line?06:24
nomexouspike_: i don't understand06:24
pike_WaxyFresh: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list06:24
soundrayVeinor: you may find it less frustrating to come back every hour or so when different people have logged on06:25
Veinorsoundray: ah06:25
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sipiornomexous:  ignore pike_  for the moment, and we'll worry about it when/if you get the ting working06:25
Bisoplease help me , now I am on Prepare disk space06:25
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nomexoussipior: oh, then let me test running AA from root...06:25
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Bisoall I want to make a partition with ex3 and swap for 512 ram06:25
pike_sipior: hey! ;p06:26
crolle17does somebody know about audiorecording in ubuntu?06:26
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sipiorpike_: politely ignore, of course :)06:26
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ToddEDM2nickrud: thanks dood, i got flash installed!!!06:26
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dazed||lapthe guide to upgrade tells me to upgrade to breezy which is out of date i just want the damn repos for newest freaking version of ubunut06:26
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raymondjtothhay got na problem my mic dont work or captor06:26
Bisono one can help me!06:26
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raymondjtothgot a problem06:26
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tanakaPriceChild: so i have to do the dist-upgrade and then install the  nvidia drvers?06:26
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Bisoplease people06:27
PriceChildtanaka, have you already installed them somehow? if so then in what way?06:27
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soundrayBiso: you're asking to be spoonfed. Why don't you take a risk and try things out? You can always start over.06:27
BisoPrepare disk space06:27
PriceChildBiso, the wizard is very easy to follow, let it do it for you06:27
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sipiorBiso: time to jump in and take some bold action, my friend06:27
nomexoussipior: still nothing06:27
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raymondjtothany one see my q06:27
eexpressif anyone here use gEDA? know how to convert library?06:27
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kduboisnomexous, is it a video that is having problem, or is it 3d rendering that isnt working?06:27
tanakaPriceChild: Just started with a clean install of linux06:28
DJ-_-raymondjoth: open app-->sound n vid--->sound recorder06:28
PriceChildtanaka, well then you have nothing to worry about06:28
raymondjtothok dj open06:28
nomexouskdubois: it's not a specific video that's not showing. when i start up the game, the screen is completely blank06:28
dazed||lapis there not a way to go from hoary headgehog version of ubuntu straight to the newest version?06:28
DJ-_-raymondjoth: now file-->open volume control06:28
Bisoif i choose Guided resize ide1 master , partition 5 (hda5) and use freed space , Is it will make a swap too?06:28
PriceChilddazed||lap, you must go through the rest06:28
dazed||lapthat is ridiculous06:29
PriceChilddazed||lap, skipping versions is not supported nor advised06:29
tanakaPriceChild: so dist-upgrade and then installing the  nvidia drvers will work06:29
nomexouskdubois: i can still navigate menus by guessing where they are, sound still works06:29
PriceChildtanaka, i thought you didn't have them installed?06:29
soundrayBiso: yes06:29
=== Nostferka [n=tinwell@host81-159-171-0.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
kduboisnomexous, go to a terminal and type glxgears06:29
dazed||lapPriceChild, i cant go from hoary to breezy cuz breezy repos arent up anymore06:29
dazed||lapPriceChild, and thats the next up the list06:29
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Bisodid the swap will fast my ubuntu?06:29
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aro0is that a question06:30
kduboisnomexous, you should see 3 rotating gears.....06:30
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nomexouskdubois: i see it06:30
DJ-_-Bisco: it acts like spare RAM when you run out of ram06:30
dazed||lapPriceChild, should i skip breezy and goto one thats not out of date?06:30
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BisoThank you very much06:30
PriceChilddazed||lap, one moment06:30
Bisothanks alot06:30
DJ-_-Biso: np06:30
raymondjtothdj no sound06:30
raymondjtothout of mic06:30
tanakaPriceChild: I don't.I am asking wether i should upgrade to 2.6.20-16 before installing the  driver06:30
DJ-_-raymondjoth: file--->volume control06:30
pike_Biso: it wont speed things up unless you are doing *very* intensive stuff. swap for me is mostly useful because when my computer slows down i know its using swap and something is wrong :)06:30
=== Brindley [n=brindley@host81-157-27-250.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildtanaka, upgrade first...06:31
pike_Biso: that is assuming you have a newer computer. if older comp yes a good deal of swap is important06:31
BisoThank you Man06:31
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PriceChilddazed||lap, I don't know what to suggest sorry. You're on your own for being very late I'm afraid... unless you can find a mirror that still has the packages on06:31
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dazed||lapPriceChild, im not very late...i have been keeping up just not on my laptop...anyway i figured it out by skipping over breezy and going to the next on the list dapper and i will do each on individually from there on out06:32
ubuntu__I need some help/advice with my lilo, anyone .... ?06:32
PriceChilddazed||lap, you are late... hoary support ended over a year ago06:32
Perunit is possible to use pinning with adept in kubuntu? (like with apt in debian)06:32
ubuntu__I just reinstaled windows xp and I cannot make ubuntu tu boot06:33
soundraydazed||lap: it's a waste of time. Just back up your data and do a fresh feisty install06:33
PriceChildor over 6 months.. i can't remember06:33
PriceChildstill late06:33
pike_!mbr| ubuntu__06:33
=== luca____ hi all :D
raymondjtothdk got it06:33
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ubuntu__!mbr| ubuntu__06:33
DJ-_-!mbr | ubuntu__06:33
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ubotuubuntu__: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:33
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ubuntu__but I have lilo06:33
BisoIs the swap is Primary?06:34
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pike_Biso: doesnt really matter06:34
ubuntu__I don`t have floppy .....06:34
kduboisnomexous, you're in a sticky situation. 3d rendering is working, but your games dont display properly... any other symptoms that might help us think about the problem?06:34
pike_Biso: bear in mind you can only have so many primary partitions so you might want it to be logical06:34
DJ-_-pike_: is the hostname adding in /etc/hosts really helpful?06:34
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dazed||lapsoundray, i am too lazy to back up everything...im mainly doing the upgrade so i can back up my shit on my pc06:35
PriceChildBiso, why aren't you letting it do it all for you?06:35
BrindleyCan anyone recommend a good ftp client?06:35
soundraydazed||lap: please use professional language in this channel06:35
Bisoi will now06:35
DJ-_-dazed||lap: watch ya language man06:35
dazed||lapsoundray, as of right now i cant use my wifi card until i upgrade a few times then i can get on the network to back it up06:35
BisoI want to do the right06:35
dazed||lapthis channel has changed since i last needed help rofl06:35
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pike_DJ-_-: yeah i always have hostname.domain gnome should complain though if it isnt there id think06:35
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soundraydazed||lap: boot from a live CD to do your backup06:36
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BugeyeDanyone what's the _correct_ place to be looking for ubuntu/xen information? stuff seems to be spread all over the place, some of which conflicts with each other.06:36
ubuntu__Fatal: raid_setup: stat("/dev/sda") <-- this is the error I got when i want to reinstall lilo in /dev/sda`s mbr06:36
DJ-_-pike_ what about the hostname urpcname06:36
crolle17does somebody know about audacity?06:36
cotyrotherycan someone tell me a program for extracting rar files06:36
dazed||lapsoundray, my laptop overheats real bad when i use too many things at once running an install cd or live cd creates too much heat06:36
ToddEDM2get a fan on it06:36
DJ-_-pike_: give that a try...it really helped me :D06:36
Veinorcotyrothery: unrar06:36
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PriceChild!info unrar | cotyrothery06:36
ubotucotyrothery: unrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7.3-1 (feisty), package size 94 kB, installed size 228 kB06:36
dazed||lapToddEDM2, i have as many as possible06:36
nomexouskdubois: i get this when running AA from console06:37
ubuntu__!mbr| ubuntu__06:37
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soundraydazed||lap: get a large pan from the kitchen with a flat bottom. Put it on your table, bottom up and rest the laptop on it.06:37
nomexouskdubois: hold on, i lost it06:37
DJ-_-ubuntu__: thats a command in wrong syntax06:37
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dazed||lapsoundray, is what i am doing with ice underneath it and i did extensive cleaning of the heatsink and fans today just to get it running06:37
DJ-_-ubuntu: if you really want that try this "!mbr | ubuntu__"06:38
ubuntu__I don`t understand DJ-_-06:38
DJ-_-but wont list lilo06:38
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dazed||lapsoundray, it was a free hp laptop and i haven't used it in years im glad it still turns on06:38
nomexouskdubois: Xlib:  extension "XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD" missing on display ":20.0".06:38
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sipiordazed||lap: if the heat is really a problem, best to remove the drive and plug it in elsewhere for backups06:38
ubuntu__ok, I`ll try06:38
ubuntu__but I have lilo06:38
null_kuhl_guys plz help , after a long mess with ustart and splashy i uninstalled splashy and got everything back to default its fine now except that when booting at the very end of the progress bar it gets stuck there then goes to the console and print this : Starting Gnome Display manager.../etc/rc2.d/S13gdm: 106: /etc/init.d/usplash: not found .. Please Help me :(06:38
ubuntu__i removed Grub06:38
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WaakPriceChild: still around?06:38
Paddy_EIREis it normal for "vino-server" to be running or sleeping rather in the background? in other words is it necessary for it to be running at all06:38
nomexouskdubois: i googled it, but didn't get anything meaningful06:38
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DJ-_-ubuntu__: sorry bro, but i just switched to linux 3 days back06:38
dazed||lapits not a problem right now until i have to start running cd's and shit which blow more hot air around on my mobo06:38
PriceChildWaak, hey06:38
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dazed||lapexcuse my language!06:39
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simplyw00xPaddy_EIRE: If you have desktop sharing enabled, then yes06:39
ubuntu__ok DJ-_- , thanx06:39
crolle17or maybe does somedoy know another good tool for recording?06:39
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simplyw00xPaddy_EIRE: Otherwise, no06:39
WaakPriceChild: some progress: running konqueror as root gives me some good logs in stdout06:39
Waakit looks like kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8: undefined symbol: OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf06:39
sipiordazed||lap: what i mean is, why not remove the drive, and plug it in elsewhere to do the backup? then there are no cds running &cet...06:39
Waakand there's more of that06:39
Paddy_EIREsimplyw00x, If I was to disable desktop sharing how would I go about that06:39
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pike_ubuntu__: if your using lilo just boot from livecd and mount the ubuntu partition then chroot /mnt/partition/ and run lilo   bear in mind i havent used lilo this millenia so that might be wrong06:39
dazed||lapsipior, i dont have another laptop to plug the drive into...06:39
soundraydazed||lap: show some consideration for people who want or need to use this channel in some professional capacity please.06:39
ubuntu__I just did....06:40
simplyw00xPaddy_EIRE: System/Preferences/remote Desktop#06:40
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ubuntu__but I have an error .......06:40
ubuntu__Fatal: raid_setup: stat("/dev/sda")06:40
null_kuhl_PriceChild: pike_: plss help : Starting Gnome Display manager.../etc/rc2.d/S13gdm: 106: /etc/init.d/usplash: not found at the very end of progress bar of splash and it gets stuck there andi log in by switchin to another display and startx06:40
dazed||lapsoundray, i have been using this channel before you have even heard of linux please lay off my back i said excuse my language06:40
dazed||lapit was an accident06:40
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Paddy_EIREsimplyw00x, nice one, if I wanted this service to end right now what the best way "sudo06:40
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pike_ubuntu__: grub might be the way to go. itll also mean we can support you here better if there is a problem06:41
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soundraydazed||lap: go on just a little longer and you'll get yourself kicked.06:41
null_kuhl_pike_: ?06:41
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dazed||lapsoundray, doing what?06:41
simplyw00xPaddy_EIRE: Erm. killall vino-server?06:41
sipiorsoundray: dazed||lap : enough06:41
Paddy_EIREsimplyw00x, oops, I mean "sudo killall vino-server" ?06:41
Paddy_EIREsimplyw00x, :)06:41
ubuntu__what can i do to put grub on then ?06:41
simplyw00xPaddy_EIRE: that might work06:41
DJ-_-null_kuhl_: startx06:41
kduboisnomexous, try 'sudo killall esd' and then try to run the game06:41
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ubuntu__pike_,  what can i do to put grub on then ?06:41
simplyw00xPaddy_EIRE: Though there's no reason that changing the preference wouldn't kill the server06:41
pike_null_kuhl_: try this from recovery: chmod +x /etc/init.d/usplash;update-rc.d -f usplash defaults06:42
gtfxis there anything special that one have to do in ATI driver installation?06:42
pike_ubuntu__: follow the !mbr link06:42
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null_kuhl_pike_: after i select recovery mode wat shud i do then? i mean will i end up with a console to paste in it this^^ or wat ,, never used recovery before06:42
=== soundray ponders that this channel didn't exist when he first heard of Linux ;)
ubuntu__ok pike_ I`ll try06:43
Paddy_EIREsimplyw00x, yeah but I have noticed it takes a restart for certain things, although on this occasion killall was not required06:43
nomexouskdubois: still nothing. what was that supposed to do?06:43
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pike_null_kuhl_: its a single user shell so youll basiclly be root at a prompt#  yeah just type that in and turn comp off/backon06:43
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=== Waak is about to throw the computer in the lake.
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WaakAny amd64 users in here?06:44
Tom47Waak thats new drag n drop06:44
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Waaknyuk nyuk06:44
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cwillufrom the terminal, how do I show the target of a symlink (just the target, no other information)06:44
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Waakcwillu, you don't like ls -l?06:45
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs06:45
cwilluWaak, useless in a script, and I'm allergic to 'cut'06:45
=== Beamoo [n=martin@h100n2fls32o847.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:45
Beamoois Ubuntu linux x32 or x64?06:45
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Beamootrying to download Nvidia drivers06:45
aliasrushHas anyone used mondoarchive with feisty?06:45
pike_Beamoo: 32 bit06:45
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pike_Beamoo: unless you specifically install 6406:45
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soundrayBeamoo: before you continue...06:46
Beamoothere is no 32 bit :S06:46
Coyote{x}_I forgot the approved update command?06:46
soundray!nvidia > Beamoo, please read ubotu's private message06:46
BugeyeDWaak: amd64 here, only on server-side06:46
Coyote{x}_updatemanager-C or something like that?06:46
lutz_hi all! i have a problem with adobe reader: it doesn't start up correctly anymore, but there is a process acroread which consumes 100% cpu. i can't even uninstall it since it doesn't appear in the package list in synaptic.06:46
WaakBugeyeD: so you're not using browsers etc?06:46
effie_jayxIf I get hdc failure it is the cd rom right?06:46
Beamooin the Nvidia driver page there are only for linux x64 or linux x 8606:46
cwilluWaak, for the record, 'readlink' :p06:46
effie_jayxwhen installing06:47
kduboisnomexous, it looks like x can't find the right extension....06:47
WaakBugeyeD: i'm having trouble with libcrypto etc.  I think.  Cross browser problems trying to get to authenticated sites06:47
BugeyeDWaak: nope, i have osx and freebsd for that. :)06:47
WaakBugeyeD: also problems with standalone secure logins06:47
cwillueffie_jayx, probably;06:47
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bastid_raZor86 == 32 bit06:47
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soundrayBeamoo: did you get the private message?06:47
WaakBugyeD: welp, thanks anyway06:47
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DJ-_-will ubuntu server edition run on 64megs?06:47
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kduboisnomexous, try http://forum.americasarmy.com/viewtopic.php?t=148628&view=next06:47
pike_lutz_: you might ls -a ~    and see if adobe puts a .directory in your home then rm -fr ~/.directoryname  and retry06:47
cwillueffie_jayx, there's a boot option for the cd that turns off dma, that'll usually fix it (only a problem on the live cd in my experience), although you'll have to enable dma after it's installed or the system will be sloooooow06:48
BugeyeDWaak: sry, only here to see if anyone is clueful about 64-bit xen installations. so far, no go.06:48
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soundrayDJ-_-: I think it will, but it's tight06:48
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cwillueffie_jayx, I _think_ it's hdc=nodma06:48
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pike_DJ-_-: yeah. you can even have a gui and flux running on that pretty well06:48
JediMasteram I right in thinking that the 64bit version of ubuntu can't install the 32bit binary debs?06:48
DJ-_-or am i better off with xubuntu CLI system06:48
PriceChildJediMaster, correct... for now :)06:48
cwilluJediMaster, yep06:48
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JediMasterdoh, think I need a reinstall then lol06:49
DJ-_-soundray_: or am i better off with xubuntu CLI system06:49
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DJ-_-pike: thx06:49
soundrayDJ-_-: xubuntu will need more RAM than a CLI server installation06:49
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lutz_pike_: there is no .directory  in my home...06:49
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kduboisJediMaster, probably. most the world's still 32 bit people....06:49
BugeyeDDJ-_-: any 'buntu will work; just use fluxbox as your wm06:49
DJ-_-soundray_: xubuntu command line only i mean, the one that comes with the alternate cd06:49
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DJ-_-BugeyeD; i m planning on running some servers without GUI :D06:50
soundrayDJ-_-: oops, I saw it just now...06:50
effie_jayxthe hardest thing is installing on a computer that has 96 mges ram06:50
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effie_jayxpentium II 300 mhz06:50
DJ-_-soundray: which is better, for a server?06:50
BugeyeDDJ-_-: of course if you don't need any X, just disable X. server install doesn't install the cruft, so there's less to update.06:50
DJ-_-BugeyeD: sure will man thx06:50
pike_lutz_: then i dunno. i know nothing about adobe reader i usually use one of the open viewers sorry06:50
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sipioreffie_jayx: ubuntu is probably not the best choice for that machine :)06:51
soundrayDJ-_-: xubuntu and ubuntu differ only in the graphical interface, so the server installations from either alternate CD will be the same.06:51
yimmmy_were do i go for copiz again?06:51
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yimmmy_i got disconnected06:51
fivetwentysixIf i feel my distro build is broken, what should I do?06:51
nomexouskdubois: still doesn't work. and this happens in games on wine, too06:51
pike_yimmmy_: /j #ubuntu-effects06:51
BugeyeDDJ-_-: just realize that not all hardware will run -server ... some cpus don't like the pae and other stuff compiled into the kernel (namely the epia boards)06:51
DJ-_-soundray: ok, cuz i heard someone saying the ubuntu server was better, thx anyway06:51
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ubuntu__10x ! I`ll give it a try06:51
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effie_jayxsipior,  yep...06:51
lutz_pike_: where can i choose the default app for pdfs (so to change from adobe reader to an oss reader)?06:51
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DJ-_-BugeyeD: i think a Dell Gx200 can take that06:51
KnowledgeGood GOD!...I haven't ever seen this many people in an IRC channel before06:52
root__pike_: u still there ?06:52
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TheCougarany one know of a tablet PC that is 100% compatible with ubuntu?06:52
kduboisnomexous, in wine, does it have the  same error?06:52
pike_lutz_: i think in gnome you can do a right click and open with but.. im not too familiar with gnome/nautilus06:52
effie_jayxKnowledge,  we grow bigger and bigger after every release06:52
ivanlutz_, right click a file in gnome, select open with and choose default app06:52
pike_root__: y06:52
DJ-_-Knowledge: welcome to ubuntu :D06:52
BeamooHey guys, I ran the restricted driver thingy and after that it says "In order for this computer to function properly Ubuntu may be using driver software that cannot be supported"06:52
Knowledgeeffie_jayx: that's awesome, I need to get back into linux man, it's been calling me06:52
nomexouskdubois: no06:52
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root__pike_: am nullkuhl , from recovery now after started x , i did wat u told me it came up saying no such file /directory lol06:52
lutz_thanks, pike_ and ivan06:52
KnowledgeDJ-_-: thank you06:52
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DJ-_-soundray BugeyeD pike_: thx for the help...06:53
DJ-_-Knowledge: your welcome06:53
BeamooAnd it shows the "Nvidia accelerated graaphics driver "in use"06:53
ivanlutz_, no prob06:53
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pike_root__: ls /etc/init.d/  shows no usplash?06:53
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KnowledgeI borrowed my cousin's PS3 since he's not using it (at all!) to install ubuntu on it, because nalioth told me it could be done.06:53
soundrayBeamoo: so you've set it up successfully06:53
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root__pike_: no06:53
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Moduliz0r"What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running06:53
Moduliz0rkernel? " What shall I put?06:53
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Knowledgeis there a channel for that?06:53
root__lol thats why then it fails at booting right ?06:53
nalioth!tell Moduliz0r about headers06:54
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Tom47Beamoo it simply means its closed source and ubuntu cannot provide support to problems arising from its intrnals06:54
root__u tried giving it accces but idoesnt even exist06:54
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:54
pike_root__: try a apt-get install usplash06:54
slowzgtkBitchX-1.1-final+ by panasync - Linux 2.6.20-15-generic06:54
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root__am i right pike_?06:54
pike_root__: yeah :)06:54
BeamooTom47 so in other words, my driver works?06:54
root__already installed i think but let me try06:54
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ferretecho fee $N06:54
Tom47Beamooo yes its fine06:54
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root__already installed pike_ it says06:54
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Moduliz0rwhere were the headers installed to?06:55
kduboisnomexous, i'm out of ideas... go ask at OpenGL. they might have an answer for you...06:55
pike_root__: if already installed do dpkg-reconfigure usplash   if that doesnt work i guess apt-get remove usplash;apt-get install usplash06:55
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:55
nomexouskdubois: thanks for your help06:55
Moduliz0rVMware says the default is /usr/src/linux/include but that isn't where it is06:55
pike_Moduliz0r: they prob just need to be installed. i dont think they are by default06:56
soundrayModuliz0r: linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic if you're on feisty and have the linux-headers-generic package installed06:56
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Moduliz0rno I just installed them06:56
soundrayModuliz0r: sorry, /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic06:56
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ivanModuliz0r, /usr/src/linux-headears-version ?06:56
Moduliz0rok thanks06:56
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Moduliz0rThe path "/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-lowlatency" is an existing06:57
Moduliz0rdirectory, but it does not contain a "linux" subdirectory as expected.06:57
Skywalker1234sorry to interrupt but can anybody help me out at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47067406:57
DJ-_-ok, now I am confused, I have a xubuntu CLI already installed, when someone told me to get ubuntu server edition, should i reinstall that or start setting up the servers from the existing xubuntu CLI06:57
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soundrayDJ-_-: either way will work, so choose what's less effort06:57
Moduliz0rany ideas?06:58
pike_DJ-_-: you did a server install with an xubuntu cd?06:58
SnowbodyAnyone else have screen brightness issues?06:58
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DJ-_-pike_: no xubuntu alternate cd...i did a CLI install06:58
soundrayModuliz0r: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-lowlatency06:58
pike_DJ-_-: well i guess they changed the name. it should be the same thing id think06:58
BugeyeDDJ-_-: use what you have; it's basically all the same.06:58
DJ-_-pike_: performance will be better in xubuntu CLI or ubuntu server?06:58
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Moduliz0rsoundray: I did, but I dont know where they are06:58
fivetwentysixUbuntu treats me well :-)06:58
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soundray/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic/ Moduliz0r06:59
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ubuntuno luck with grub ...06:59
tanakaHow do you remove the old kernel after apt-get dist-upgrade installs the new kernel?06:59
DJ-_-soundray pike_ BugeyeD: thx again....06:59
BeamooWhat is the best media player for ubuntu?06:59
Moduliz0rah no need, needed /include on the end06:59
soundray!best | Beamoo06:59
ubotuBeamoo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.06:59
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:59
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sipiortanaka: have you verified that the new kernel boots?06:59
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tanakai'll check bye07:00
BeamooUbotu: Yeah thats true well what i meant was, i need a good media player :P07:00
Beamoois xmms good?07:00
soundray!player | Beamoo07:00
ubotuBeamoo: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs07:00
=== maska [n=maskazzo@host-84-221-85-32.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
pike_Beamoo: xmms is my favorite its light and does the job for mp3s07:00
caolan_Hi, I've been trying to use gnome-pilot to sync my palm pilot with evolution but I get the following error:07:01
caolan_"Failed to connect using device 'Cradle', on port '/dev/pilot'. Check your configuration, as you requested old-style usbseriel 'ttyUSB' syncing, but do not have the usbserial 'visor' kernel module loaded. You may need to select a 'usb:' device."07:01
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ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod07:01
BeamooIl go with VLc07:01
fivetwentysixBeamoo use amarok!07:01
Beamooand xmms07:01
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pike_Beamoo: if ya got the ram to spare try some of the others out though07:01
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Veinorpike_ don't you mean hard drive space?07:01
simplyw00xfor gnome it's far and away rhythmbox07:01
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BugeyeDDJ-_-: you probably won't see any difference with your rig between the two. if you want to play/test the difference, just install and boot another kernel. example: linux-image-server - Linux kernel image on Server Equipment07:01
BeamooBut is there a search function in xmms ?07:02
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pike_Veinor: for amarok i mean ram :)07:02
Veinoramarok: heh.07:02
fivetwentysixuse amarok!07:02
BeamooI've got 1 GB of Ram07:02
BugeyeDrambus? eww.07:02
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fivetwentysixIf you have mysql installed07:02
fivetwentysixamarok is like godly07:02
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pike_Beamoo: try amarok if only to make fivetwentysix happy07:02
void^yes, amarok definitely needs mysql.07:02
Jimmeyfivetwentysix, why?07:02
gdayamarok doesn't depend on mysql, does it?07:03
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fivetwentysixI got like 3000 songs and finding music is really fast :-)07:03
DJ-_-BugeyeD: ok i will come for help with that if i want to see a difference07:03
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sipiorno, i think it can use sqlite as well07:03
Skywalker1234sorry to interrupt but can anybody help me out at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47067407:03
void^no, but if you can choose between a snail and a jaguar, pick the jaguar07:03
ToddEDM2how the heck can i get these nvidia drivers installed07:03
fivetwentysixgday, you could use it to record your music library07:03
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Skywalker1234I'm quite in need of some assistance07:03
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pike_!nvidia | ToddEDM207:03
ubotuToddEDM2: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:03
Skywalker1234or should i ask here instead07:03
JimmeySkywalker1234, just ask07:03
pike_ToddEDM2: come back if you run into problems07:04
gdayfivetwentysix, and is it significantly slower without such a backend then?07:04
ToddEDM2i will thx07:04
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fivetwentysixgday, no idea07:04
JimmeySkywalker1234, that thread is a joke.07:04
nuked_omendoes anyone else have some serious issues with java in ubuntu 7.04?07:04
haroldinCThave they fixed the pcmcia wireless on fiesty install cd?07:04
fivetwentysixi have 2745 songs and it runs fast07:04
Skywalker1234I have an old dBase program with a corresponding database, i would like to convert to a Ubuntu usable program07:04
Shankysv87!seen sakura07:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen sakura - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:04
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Skywalker1234I'm sorry but was it really a joke?07:04
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void^it's significantly faster with mysql. depends on the size of your library, of course. i'd say a proper db backend is required if you have >10000 songs07:05
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre07:05
sat1can I have 2 adsl connection up and running at same time? Will it increase My bandwidth?07:05
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pike_sat1: that would make routing interesting :)07:05
Skywalker1234Ok, my nick is Starcraft2fan there07:05
JimmeyIs a 1GB RAM system good enough to run Ubuntu, Skywalker1234?07:05
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Shankysv87does anyone know if yahoo mail is able to be used by evolution?07:05
Skywalker1234thats not the point07:05
gdayfivetwentysix, sounds similar to rhythmbox actually :)07:05
sipiorsat1: sure, google for network device bonding07:05
Skywalker1234its the dBase thing07:05
sat1is it possible?07:05
fivetwentysixJmmey: you're good07:05
nullkuhlpike_: plz help. i did reinstall usplash but still no usplash file in /etc/init.d/07:05
Skywalker1234Please don't tease07:05
pike_nullkuhl: egads..07:06
nullkuhlpike_: ? wat ??07:06
fivetwentysixJimmey: However I'm using 950mb of ram right now as we speak07:06
pike_can someone pastebin their usplash file from init.d/ for nullkuhl ?07:06
Assassin`good afternoon07:06
sipiorsat1: but you have two adsl phone lines coming into your house?07:06
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Azu1why 2?07:07
nullkuhlpike_:  i remember i made splashy start within initramfs would that have caused all this ??07:07
Shankysv87does anyone know if evolution is able to do yahoo mail also?07:07
pike_nullkuhl: you really want it that badly?07:07
Jimmeyfivetwentysix, I knew the answer - That was the question he asked..07:07
fivetwentysixDamn beryl uses 160mb of ram07:07
nullkuhlyesss i cant boot man07:07
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pike_nullkuhl: might ask somone else i have very little exp with that stuff07:07
nullkuhlwant wat ? splashy  ?? noo noo i already uninstalled it07:07
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nullkuhlif i get the pastebin for splashy07:08
nullkuhlwat should i be doing then pike_?07:08
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overclockerhi, i've an intel 945gm as videocard, the render is enabled but when i try to use openarena, it gives me so low fps, in xp, the card works fine, what could i do?07:08
knoppixdoes anybody know shipit.ubuntu.com?07:08
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Skywalker1234erm the dBase thing? Anybody?07:08
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Azu1knoppix: i just did, thank you07:08
sat1sipior: yea I do have07:08
fivetwentysixoverclocker you could buy a geforce :-)07:09
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DJ-_-man!!! i feel powerful lol.....with a webserver running total setup from CLI :D windoze buh bye 4eva :D:D07:09
rabby_although i installed the foomatics driver for my brother hl1250 printer, it only prints strange letters etc. :(07:09
sipiorSkywalker1234: are you asking if you can convert the actual database to something else?07:09
Skywalker1234something usable in linux07:09
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Azu1why is everyone trying to unplug from windows07:09
Skywalker1234because that dBase III / IV is currently running in WinME07:09
jester626morning all, I have a small network set up at my house. I have SAMBA configured on one of the machines and all of that is working fine. The problem is that many of the linux apps do not see network shares when you go to save to or open files. Any suggestions on how to correct this?07:09
fivetwentysixAzul Vista.07:09
Azu1what's wrong with vista?07:10
benzs_sany idea why, when i install wine, there is no /.wine directory07:10
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crolle17does somebody know about ardour and JACK ???07:10
fivetwentysixAzul: Price, speed, stability07:10
Azu1XP sucked when it came out.. then it evolved into the best windows eva07:10
pike_Azu1: the drm is my biggest gripe other than that if people like windows im fine with it but the drm thing that normal users cant get around pisses me off07:10
IdleOne!offtopic | Azu107:10
ubotuAzu1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:10
Beamoowhat should i type in the Terminal to run Amarok?07:10
sipiorSkywalker1234: well, you could have a go running it under wine, or possibly VMWare07:10
fivetwentysixAzul: There are good things about Vista but nothing which meets my demand07:11
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tim167i installed ATI accelerated graphics driver from the 'restricted Manager' and i get 'input not supported' from my monitor, how can i remove the driver ?07:11
Skywalker1234but in a business, wine is ok?07:11
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Azu1pike_: sorry what's drm?07:11
Azu1digital rights something?07:11
sipiorSkywalker1234: sure, why not?07:11
fivetwentysixtim167 restore your x config file07:11
tat_hello, i have trouble to start the xserver after update07:11
IdleOneBeamoo, type amarok07:11
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_caolan_Hi, I've been trying to use gnome-pilot to sync my palm pilot with evolution but I get the following error:07:12
pike_Azu1: yeah /join #ubuntu-offtopic there are a few of us in there07:12
_caolan_"Failed to connect using device 'Cradle', on port '/dev/pilot'. Check your configuration, as you requested old-style usbseriel 'ttyUSB' syncing, but do not have the usbserial 'visor' kernel module loaded. You may need to select a 'usb:' device."07:12
tat_i get allwayes "could not open default cursor font 'cursor'"07:12
DJ-_-umm....where is apache2's default root directory located07:12
Skywalker1234but how about the conversion bit?07:12
captainigloohi all; I have some issues whan I try to debootstrap feisty, when i do apt-get install ubuntu-standard in chroot apt fails when trying to install "at"07:12
tim167fivetwentysix: ok, i hope restricted manager made a backup...07:12
Skywalker1234there's been many suggestions about MySQL07:12
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fivetwentysixtim167: In terminal cd /etc/X1107:12
sipiorSkywalker1234: there are other database options in linux of course, so learn an interface to one and have a go at rewriting your app07:12
tat_but i checked for the cursor font in /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc, and it is there, the fontpath is also set in my xorg.conf07:12
fivetwentysixtim167 then type ls07:12
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fivetwentysixtim167 you should see a backup of your x.config07:13
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tat_is there maybe a other place where could be an other cursor be defined ?07:13
fivetwentysixtim167 you should see a backup of your xorg.config*07:13
ToddEDM2when i enable desktop effects, all i get is a white screen, anyone know why this is happening?07:13
DJ-_-is there another command to find stuff in linux07:13
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tim167fivetwentysix, i cant even acces a terminal!, its goes on to trying to boot and after a while i get 'input not supported' cant do ctrl+alt+F1 even07:13
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nelsonHow do I ask a FAQ?  Should I read the FAQ first to make sure it's a FAQ and then ask it?07:14
benzs_sanyone here have any experience with wine?07:14
sipiorToddEDM2: you might see if the line "Option          "AddARGBGLXVisuals"     "True" appears in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:14
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Skywalker1234sipior: thanks!07:14
IdleOnenelson, ask your question07:14
sipiorToddEDM2: but leave off that first quotation mark :)07:14
sipiorSkywalker1234: good luck07:14
_caolan_Hi, I've been trying to use gnome-pilot to sync my palm pilot with evolution but I get the following error:07:15
_caolan_"Failed to connect using device 'Cradle', on port '/dev/pilot'. Check your configuration, as you requested old-style usbseriel 'ttyUSB' syncing, but do not have the usbserial 'visor' kernel module loaded. You may need to select a 'usb:' device."07:15
Beamoowhat command should i use to run Amaraok in the terminal?07:15
fivetwentysixtim167: Wow really?07:15
trelaynehi all, when launching the users-admin tool (to add users/group) it seems to take a while to finish loading.. anyone know why?07:15
knoppixDOES ANYBODY KNOW shipit.ubuntu.com?07:15
Azu1knoppix: i just did, thank you07:15
fivetwentysixtim167: normally X should fail to start up and take you to a console07:15
DBlueHow to install TTF fonts in UBUNTU07:15
IdleOne_caolan_, seems you need to load a module called " visor " as it says in the errror07:15
ToddEDM2knoppix.. i do07:15
benzs_sis there any reason why wine would not create /.wine after installation (and yeah i know it ought to be invisible)07:15
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Shankysv87is there anything, anywhere i can find out how to get yahoo mail in evolution?07:15
_caolan_IdleOne: how do I do that?07:15
sipiorDBlue: for your own use, easiest is just to drop them in a .fonts directory in your home07:15
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knoppixAzu1, does it work?07:16
haroldinCTI want to replace dapper with feisty on my laptop.  Has anyone fixed the pcmcia / wireless on the feisty install CD yet?07:16
tim167fivetwentysix, yesterday i had the same but someone told me it was because i used Envy, but now with restricted manager same problem...07:16
IdleOne_caolan_, I dont know sorry07:16
DBlueAnd where is that?07:16
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GigaClonShankysv87, you need to enable POP mail delivery at yahoo07:16
Shankysv87is that it?07:16
_caolan_IdleOne: thanks for the tip anyway, I'll rephrase my question...07:16
fivetwentysixtim167: Not sure what to do since your solution may differ from mine because i use Nvidia products07:16
Shankysv87because hotmail was a lot tougher07:16
GigaClonthey will give you the information that you plug into Evolution07:16
DBlueI'm in a hurry, tell where is .fonts?07:16
Shankysv87ok, thank you07:17
=== Jan__ [n=jreijsen@53550757.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu
knoppixToddEDM2, does it work?07:17
IdleOne_caolan_, I believe it involves re-compiling the kernel with the module enabled07:17
savetheWorldI'm too rushed to answer..........07:17
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Azu1knoppix: i don't know.. you were asking if we know about it07:17
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DJ-_-can anyone get me the output of http://www.samad909.info07:17
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Eric_JardasI have made a typo and made a file read-only to user and to root...Is there a way to get permission to change it as root ?07:17
GigaClonDBlue, you have to enable view of Hidden files07:17
savetheWorldDJ-_-: and a ham sandwich too.07:17
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nullkuhlguys how to pastebin07:17
DBlueAnd then07:17
fivetwentysixtim167 So there's no way you can get into terminal?07:17
nullkuhlcan anyone write pastebin url07:17
IdleOne!paste | nullkuhl07:17
ubotunullkuhl: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:17
DJ-_-savetheWorld: na, its my domain, just setup a CLI server, want to see whther it is net accessible too :D07:17
GigaClon!sudo > Eric_Jardas07:18
Azu1knoppix: why not download the image?07:18
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savetheWorldDJ-_-: oh you want some one to try and see if it works?07:18
knoppixAzu1, I use dial-up07:18
savetheWorldThen say that. :-)07:18
Journeyman anytime I play a video in youtube it uses almost all the CPu and lags really bad07:18
DJ-_-well meant so :p07:18
Eric_JardasGigaClon, I made a file permission for root also read-only07:18
DBlueI still can't find the font07:18
qaldunejourneyman are you using flash plugin last version?07:18
IdleOneknoppix, dialup is faster then waiting 4-6 weeks for shippit07:19
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ToddEDM2sipior .... i dont see anything like that in xorg07:19
IdleOneDJ-_-, site under construction07:19
sipiorToddEDM2: then add that line, and restart X07:19
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gdayIdleOne, I never have to wait for more than 2~2.5 weeks :)07:19
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DJ-_-IdleOne: thx man07:19
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Beamooamarok doesnt want to play my mp3 files :S07:19
Azu1knoppix: so?07:19
IdleOnegday, me either but it could take that long07:19
bionoidHi. Does anyone know of a good video editor for linux? I need to work with non-standard resolutions (2.5:1) and have source material mostly in JPEG and a few movie clips. I've looked at Cinelerra and Kino but neither work well with 2.5:1 or large collections of photos (non-sequential). Alternatively a "regular slideshow program" with video support (which is really what I need). I used to do this with Sony Vegas on windows - anything like that wou07:19
ToddEDM2knoppix, it takes about a week or so07:19
Azu1knoppix: it'll take about a week07:19
DJ-_-lol i got so much access now....4 ppl already tried :D07:20
Eric_JardasI have made a typo and made a file read-only to user and to root...Is there a way to get permission to change it as root ?07:20
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ToddEDM2about 10 days07:20
VeinorIf I were to get a new MP3 player, what would be a good one for maximum compatibility with Ubuntu?07:20
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knoppixi don't have much cash07:20
DBlueWhere is .fonts07:20
ToddEDM2i got about 15 disks from shipit07:20
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Yasumotobionoid: have you looked at ubuntu studio? http://ubuntustudio.org/07:20
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qalduneveinor i just going to ask that07:20
qaldunei was*07:20
aMMuNixI've got a .sh file, I wanna create a launcher to "Run" it (not run in terminal, not display, just run)07:21
aliasrushanyone familiar with mondoarchive on ubuntu?07:21
IdleOnebionoid, join #ubuntustudio they can help07:21
knoppixi don't like ubuntu, so i am waiting for kubuntu from shipit07:21
IdleOneknoppix, you already have ubuntu installed?07:21
bionoidYasumoto: No never heard of it before now. Thanks07:21
Beamoocommand for remove an application ?07:21
bionoidIdleOne: Will do thanks07:21
DJ-_-knoppix: get ubuntu server and do KDE install07:21
Yasumotobionoid: no problemo. hopefully that'll help :)07:21
IdleOneknoppix, if so sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop07:22
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DBlueWhere the hack is the .Fonts directory?07:22
ToddEDM2get edubuntu and kubuntu from shipit at the same time07:22
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KnowledgeAnyone here want to lend a helping hand with Ubuntu on PS3?07:22
sipiorDBlue: i already told you. why are you wasting my time?07:22
erUSULDBlue: in your home dir ~/.fonts07:22
Azu1i don't like KDE07:22
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aMMuNixI've got a .sh file, I wanna create a launcher to "Run" it (not run in terminal, not display, just run)07:22
Eric_JardasI have made a typo and made a file read-only to user and to root...Is there a way to get permission to change it as root ?07:22
Azu1the best thing i liked in ubuntu was the fact that it adapts gnome by default07:22
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Azu1that's clever07:22
DBlueIt doesn't open07:23
knoppixyes, i have innstalled ubuntu 6.10 or 6.10 ( i don't remember)07:23
IdleOneDBlue, linux is case sensitive .fonts and .Fonts are different..in nautilus click on view then click view hidden files. the . in front of a directory makes it invisible07:23
erUSULEric_Jardas: you can change the permissions back with sudo07:23
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ToddEDM2how can i find out what driver im using for my grafx card?07:23
knoppixbut now i have FreeBSD07:23
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sipiorToddEDM2: check the log in /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:24
mylogicToddEDM2: search for xorg.conf, it should be in there07:24
DJ-_-uhm...does anyone know of a tool like rdp on cli...that will allow me to login to that and control the CLI07:24
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Azu1knoppix: how is it working for you?07:24
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aMMuNixI've got a .sh file, I wanna create a launcher to "Run" it (not run in terminal, not display, just run)07:24
tanakahow can i remove the old kernel after installing the new one using dist-upgrade?(the pc booted up with the new kernel)07:24
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DBlueThere is not such thing "in"07:24
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knoppixi jast wanted to try it07:25
pike_DJ-_-: install openssh-server    ssh is a must on servers07:25
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DJ-_-pike_: ok thx i forgot ssh lol07:25
pike_DJ-_-: use putty from windows machines its imo the best ssh client available on win3207:25
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IdleOneaMMuNix, right click on desktop and click create launcher...07:25
Azu1knoppix: yeah, and how did you find it?07:25
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DJ-_-pike:_ i switched all to linux :D so i will try ssh dis time :D07:26
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knoppixi found it well07:26
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DJ-_-pike_: *07:26
aMMuNixIdleOne: I know how to make launchers, but just typing the path of the file won't do, doesn't do a thing, whilst doubleclicking the actual file and choosing Run from the opened dialog works07:26
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Azu1i try to run azureus, it pops up then disappears07:26
Azu1what's the issuE?07:26
sipiortanaka: you can search for installed kernel packages via synaptic or whatever, and just remove the old ones. careful, though, to make sure you're really removing the old kernel...07:26
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DBlueJust spear a second and tell me!07:27
BeamooHow do you remove an application (ex. Amarok) in the terminal07:27
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DJ-_-done....now it is kewl, cuz i control the server without connecting a monitor, keyboard or mouse07:27
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pike_Beamoo: sudo apt-get remove packagename07:28
Eric_JardaserUSUL, I can't, I get chmod: changing permissions of `/etc/xinetd.conf': Operation not permitted07:28
Eric_JardasI don't have permission as root07:28
DJ-_-#ubuntu @ rox!!!07:28
rdehlerwhere is it specified that i can sudo? it's not in /etc/sudoers07:29
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erUSULEric_Jardas: 'sudo chmod <whatever> /etc/xinetd.conf' does not work??07:29
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sipiorrdehler: yeah it is, but edit using "visudo"07:29
sat1Once i tried to install Netbeans 5.5 with apt-get It asked for manual download of tar.gz from ..<a link>... i aborted it at that time. And later i installed it from a binary package, I did it successfully. But now i always get the (error)message to download the tar.gz from the same link even if i try to install other packages (not netbeans).Please help!!!07:29
pike_rdehler: the admin group should be in sudoers file you should be member of admin07:29
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rdehler%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL07:30
sat1I am using apt-get07:30
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DBlueIt says ~/fonts not found07:31
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erUSULEric_Jardas: ls -al /etc/xinetd.conf07:31
sipiorDBlue: ~/.fonts. note the period. you may have to make the directory yourself. if you're using nautilus, you can just navigate to fonts:///07:31
sipiori think that still works07:31
Eric_JardaserUSUL, -r-------- 1 root root 456 2007-06-10 23:26 /etc/xinetd.conf07:32
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z_I tried installing a package for my printer using dpkg, it failed to install and now it's in some limbo in apt... I can't install or remove anything, because this package keeps bombing dpkg07:32
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=== DJ-_- wonder why he didnt get linux before
erUSULEric_Jardas: post to paste.ubuntu-nl.org the output of cat /proc/mounts07:32
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younghackerwhats the command line to start bit torrent?07:33
=== DJ-_- finds his answer @ www.ubuntu.com :D
=== sven_ [n=sven@ppp-62-216-215-25.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Eric_JardaserUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25122/07:33
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ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo07:34
haggardyounghacker: depends on what client you're using07:34
tanakawhat pkgs should i exactly uninstall to remove the old kernel07:34
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sipiortanaka: packages that name kernels with version numbers different from the one you are running07:34
mahboobne1 know howto connect wireless to internet07:35
DBlueOK, now it does the job, thank for fonts:////07:35
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younghackerhow do i find out my kernel version?07:35
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haggard!wireless | mahboob07:35
ubotumahboob: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:35
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erUSULEric_Jardas: i thought that maybe root fs / got mounted as read only.... not the case... i'm lost with sudo you should do everything you want...07:36
haggardyounghacker: uname -a07:36
sat1Once i tried to install Netbeans 5.5 with apt-get It asked for manual download of tar.gz from ..<a link>... i aborted it at that time. And later i installed it from a binary package, I did it successfully. But now i always get the (error)message to download the tar.gz from the same link even if i try to install other packages (not netbeans).Please help!!! . I am using apt-get.  >> is it insufficient to help?07:36
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Eric_JardaserUSUL, that's because all files have read-write permission for root07:36
sat1Once i tried to install Netbeans 5.5 with apt-get It asked for manual download of tar.gz from ..<a link>... i aborted it at that time. And later i installed it from a binary package, I did it successfully. But now i always get the (error)message to download the tar.gz from the same link even if i try to install other packages (not netbeans).Please help!!! . I am using apt-get.  >> if this is insufficient to help I can provide more07:36
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Eric_JardasI have made a typo and made a file read-only to user and to root...Is there a way to get permission to change it as root ?07:36
beniI'm trying to write a shellscript "foo.sh", i want to echo the stuff which has been piped to my script (e.g. via "echo hello | foo.sh"). How can  I do this?07:36
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haggard!repeat | sat107:36
ubotusat1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:36
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DJ-_-uhm...anyone know where I can find the apache config files07:36
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erUSULEric_Jardas:  that's because all files have read-write permission for root << nothing to do with that...07:37
beniDJ-_-: locate httpd.conf07:37
bkudriahmm, does ubuntu include php4?  at all?07:37
DJ-_-beni: thx07:37
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bkudriaAdlai_:  hmm?07:37
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dazed||lapwhat is the newest kernel out...i want to see how old mine is compared?07:37
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rbs-titobkudria: In the repositories07:37
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications07:37
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vaidashow do I run counter-strike: source from an ntfs partition?07:37
bkudriarbs-tito: really? where?07:37
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bkudriarbs-tito: i'm on fiesty07:37
DJ-_-beni: no such diretory07:37
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knoppixAzu1: did you use FreeBSD?07:38
beniDJ-_-: let me look again, mom07:38
dazed||lapvaidas, counter-strike source is a windows application game...you will need a linux applicationl ike cedega or wine to run steam/css07:38
younghackerwhat command will bring back my kernel version?07:38
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vaidasdazed||lap, I've installed wine, now what? :)07:38
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haggardyounghacker: uname -a07:38
Adlaihi ben07:38
DJ-_-beni: ? it says locate: /var/cache/locate/locatedb: No such file or directory07:38
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beniDJ-_-: /etc/Apache2/07:38
dazed||lapvaidas, im not very framiliar with wine...but i believe you run steam through wine then css through cedega07:38
Azu1knoppix: no.. but i got a webspace on a server that does07:38
DJ-_-beni: thx07:38
beniDJ-_-: in this dir there are the config files07:38
Azu1knoppix: i use the same commands i use in linux07:39
vaidasdazed||lap, I've got standalone css, how do I run it?07:39
rbs-titobkudria: Oh right, I can only find PHP5. Odd. Use another repository.07:39
dazed||laphmmm let me look real quick07:39
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harrisonpowershey guys, i'm having trouble getting hardware acceleration working for my video card, it's an 'Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA 900)'.  restricted drivers manager says that i don't need any restricted drivers.  do you guys know what i should do?07:39
benivaidas: first "sudo apt-get install wine", then just "wine" in console07:39
the_entropyhi guys07:39
benivaidas: after that install steam using "wine SteamInstall.exe"07:39
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the_entropyi am trying to install ubuntu 7.04 however the liveCD will not boot07:39
Azu1beni: i wish it was that easy07:40
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rbs-titothe_entropy: More specifically, what happens?07:40
beniAzu1: For me, it was that easy07:40
Kai-laptophow do you flush your DHCP cache?07:40
dazed||lapvaidas, yes just run wine in terminal...but where/how you get a standalone css?07:40
benivaidas: you need to install steam first07:40
CheshireVikingIs there a way of getting "File Browser" to show previews of thumbnails on a networked drive, instead of just an icon that it is a photo and the filename.jpg?07:40
beniand in order to run steam on linux you need wine07:40
erUSULEric_Jardas: look here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25125/07:40
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dazed||lapbeni, so you need to install steam through wine first...then css correct?07:41
beniI'm trying to write a shellscript "foo.sh", i want to echo the stuff which has been piped to my script (e.g. via "echo hello | foo.sh"). How can  I do this?07:41
the_entropyrbs-tito: i'm getting there :) at the very start it gets stuck on the screen where there is a progress bar looping continually, i switch to a tty and read the following error that repeats every 60s or so07:41
harrisonpowersgo to the steam site and download the windows installer07:41
CheshireVikingforget that, i've found the answer07:41
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harrisonpowersthrough steam, you download css07:41
erUSULEric_Jardas: something else is broken in your setup... maybe weird permissions in /etc/ itself??07:41
dazed||lapbeni, have you successfully gotten css to work on linux?07:41
vaidasI saw the loading screen and now I see a black screen with the flickering mouse cursor, I can hear the sound that is played then I move the mouse over options in the menu07:41
the_entropyrbs-tito: Buffer I/O error on device FD0, logical block 007:41
benidazed||lap: just download steam installer .exe file and then run it via wine. Steam will install CSS07:41
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knoppixAzu1: what distribution of linux do you prefer?07:41
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dazed||lapbeni, good to know thanks07:41
benidazed||lap: I'm playing 1.6 successfully on linux07:41
erUSULEric_Jardas: post 'ls -l /' in paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:41
Azu1knoppix: no one actually07:42
bkudriarbs-tito: what do you mean, by another repo?  i need a semi-official version, with at least security updates07:42
dazed||lapbeni, that is awesome...last time i tried (years ago) i couldnt get it to work07:42
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bkudriarbs-tito: with security over officialness07:42
Eric_JardaserUSUL, nothing isn't broken, i just set the wrong permission and makde it read only to everyone07:42
Azu1knoppix: i tried a couple.. they suck.. but ubuntu was best of the worst07:42
benidazed||lap: I dont have CSS, but it should work the same way. I got nvidia graphics card this makes it a lot easier07:42
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dazed||lapbeni, yeah they run the same way...thats great im going to do it right now07:42
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benidazed||lap: yes i tried it on SUSE 10 before and it didtn work, but on ubuntu it worked like a charm07:42
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Ve0 ???07:43
knoppixAzu1: ubuntu doesn't have codecs07:43
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beniVe0: english please07:43
erUSULEric_Jardas: as you can see in the example i pasted you can change any permisions back to everything you want as easily as you changed them in the first time!!07:43
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Azu1knoppix: audio codecs?07:43
knoppixAzu1: yes07:43
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bkudriaVe0: paprobotei v' #ubuntu-ru07:43
Ve0beni ok07:43
haggard!ru | Ve007:43
ubotuVe0:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke07:43
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knoppixVe0: eto ti komu?07:43
benihaggard: :)07:44
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bkudriathanks, haggard07:44
carloc_ey what's a good HTML Editor For UBUNTU?07:44
Ve0knoppix v plane?eto musli v sluh...07:44
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Azu1knoppix: you can easily install those in ubuntu 7.0407:44
yimmmy_can some one tell me how to get these exact packages  xlib-dev or xorg-x11-devel07:44
Azu1knoppix: have you tried?07:44
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Ve0carloc_ gedit07:44
Eric_JardaserUSUL, first you don't need to yell with !!!, second I can't do that because I don't have a permission to chenge it07:44
gacekczesc wszystkim :)07:44
knoppixVe0: prosto interesno kto blyat'07:45
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haggardcarloc_: nvu is a nice WYSIWYG editor, bluefish is a great text HTML editor07:45
yimmmy_any one know were?07:45
knoppixAzu1: no. i tried ubuntu 6.2007:45
carloc_thanks everyone07:45
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Ve0knoppix musli v sluh... ne parsia... net osnovanii kogo libo tak nazuvat'...07:45
tondarhey all07:45
erdem_hi! may i ask a question? the GParted sees my entire disk as an unallocated partition however I have winXp installed and I dont want to lose it.Ive read about someone else suffering same problem but he couldnt find a way either.Any idea?07:45
knoppixAzu1: i downloaded codecs07:45
tondarany clock for my desktop? using ubuntu in vmware as guest07:45
Azu1Ve0: what are you saying bra?07:45
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beni!info gdesklets | tondar07:46
Azu1knoppix: in 7.04 it downloads codecs almost automatically07:46
yimmmy_can some one tell me how to get these exact packages  xlib-dev or xorg-x11-devel07:46
Ve0Azu1 I cant install ati drivers.. =o(07:46
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ubotutondar: gdesklets: Architecture for desktop applets. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.35.3-4ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 466 kB, installed size 2452 kB07:46
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tondarbeni: does it need compiz or beryl07:46
knoppixAzu1: do you like 7.04?07:46
erUSULEric_Jardas: it seems that you do not need/want my help. Good luck (btw i recomend you to read a basic tutorial on file/dir permisions chmod and chown in unix/linux)07:46
Azu1Ve0: why are you saying that in other languages?07:46
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benitondar: Nope, it just provides a Widget engine for gnome afaik07:46
knoppixAzu1: does it have kde4?07:47
Azu1knoppix: as i told you.. best of the worst07:47
tondarbeni: awesome, thanks07:47
Azu1knoppix: i don't know.. i hate kde anyway07:47
benitondar: a couple of basic ones (which are pretty kewl) are directly included07:47
DJ-_-ok...question why does hcitool scan give inquiry failed: connection timed out even though my dongle is detected in hcitool dev07:47
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Ve0./ati-installer.sh: 165: Syntax error: Bad substitution - what does it mean? who can help?07:47
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Eric_JardaserUSUL, ... I want your help but your answer isn't working07:47
yimmmy_any help?07:47
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tondarbeni: is it in feisty repo?07:47
Ve0Azu1 dont know)07:47
knoppixAzu1: i wanted to say kubuntu07:48
tondarbeni: sudo ..... gdesklets07:48
pike_Ve0: first thing id try is bash ati-installer.sh07:48
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Ve0pike_ how can i fix it?07:48
benitondar: yes, you need universe repositories. "sudo apt-get install gdesklets"07:48
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knoppixAzu1: why ?07:48
DJ-_-how do i add/edit nameservers with the CLI07:48
tondarbeni: k07:48
pike_Ve0: i dunno i was just suggesting running it with bash instead of dash07:48
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carloc_have you guys tried fedora 7? how does it compare with ubuntu?07:49
tondarbeni: installing .. :D07:49
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pike_DJ-_-: sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf07:49
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Azu1knoppix: it just looks ugly07:49
benitondar: fine, love to hear i could help you:)07:49
DJ-_-pike_: thx, cuz downloadin stuff is going at bytes :S07:49
tondarbeni: thanks budd07:49
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Ve0pike_ haw? can you type the command?07:50
Ve0pike_ *how?07:50
knoppixAzu1: you can download some themes07:50
pike_carloc_: ive heard good things but not tried it myself. never really went the redhat route07:50
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pike_Ve0: this is on your desktop?07:50
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Ve0pike_ yes07:50
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bruenig!hi | Juan07:51
Juansorry, I got a question07:51
ubotuJuan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:51
knoppixJuan: hello07:51
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:51
pike_Ve0: open a terminal and type 'sudo bash ~/Desktop/ati-installer.sh'07:51
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Azu1knoppix: it would still look ugly07:51
=== MartyMcFly [n=mart@cpc1-bigg1-0-0-cust420.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Juanvery nice to meet you07:51
heroinbobcan someone help me out a bit07:51
carloc_m having sound problems with my computer07:51
DJ-_-how do i set a visible hostname07:51
bruenig!anyone | heroinbob07:51
ubotuheroinbob: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:51
carloc_sometimes sound is one sometimes not07:51
Azu1knoppix: i just don't find it professionally done in terms of graphics07:51
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pike_Ve0: or just sudo bash Desktop/ati-installer.sh  since the term opens in your home directory07:51
carloc_m using hp dv200007:51
ddazeddwine isn't supported for x64 computers?07:51
ddazeddis there an alternative?07:52
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bruenigddazedd, no there isn't, you can chroot or chase down the necessary 32 bit libs and link them if you want it07:52
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Juanhow can i install Ubuntu without enter the live CD?07:52
stefgddazedd: yeah, runing the 32bit editition of ubuntu :-)07:52
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Juan(in x386)07:52
bruenig!alternate | Juan07:52
ubotuJuan: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal07:52
DJ-_-pike_: do you know how to set a FQDN/hostname via the CLI07:52
Ve0pike_ I have a diffirent file... ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run ... and a have no idia where I can find ati-installer.sh07:52
Juananother way?07:53
ddazeddstefg, bruenig, yeah seems like too much work glad i dual boot :)07:53
roryy!root | heroinbob07:53
ubotuheroinbob: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:53
Juanwith the live CD07:53
bruenigJuan, no07:53
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gacekPoland... anybody? ktos zna jezyk polski?07:53
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl07:53
Eric_JardaserUSUL, I fixed it07:53
AndiamoI have a problem , there is a folder named lost+found con't delete , What can i do to delete it?07:53
gaceka jak tam wejsc?07:53
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ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:53
bruenigAndiamo, don't worry about it, it is used by the filesystem07:53
roryygacek: /join #ubuntu-pl07:53
AndiamoThank you07:53
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gacekdzieki :)07:54
ubotuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab07:54
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gilo1heroinbob type sudo passwd root07:54
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Juanthanks to everybody07:54
AndiamoDid i need untivirus for ubuntu 7.4?07:54
tim167i moved my harddrive to another computer and did chown on it to modify my xorg.xonf, now back in original computer when i sudo i get 'must be setuid root' how do i do that ? thanks07:54
Juansee you07:54
bkudriai run feisty, and i need the php4 packages from edgy.  what is the best way to get them?  can i just add the edgy repo, or is there a better way?07:54
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bkudriaAndiamo: nope07:54
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AndiamoThank you07:54
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AndiamoThanks alot07:55
Ve0    ....07:55
beniheroinbob: just use the password of the account you're currently logged in07:55
xitriumHas sound broken for everyone in 2.6.20-16?07:55
knoppixAzu1: do you think GNOME will not die?07:55
stefg!permissions | tim16707:55
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke07:55
ubotutim167: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux07:55
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Ve0Cannot join #ubuntu-ru (You are banned).07:55
zblatxitrium: not for me, lots of things broke but sound wasn't one of them :D07:55
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AndiamoSorry , the last question , I have a fonts and I want to install it , How?07:56
xitriumzblat, haha07:56
heroinbobthanks for all the hewlp guys and was also wondering if luxbox is compatible07:56
Azu1knoppix: i never heard it will die.. if it does, i'll probably switch to fluxbox, xfce and the like07:56
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bruenigVe0, don't get yourself banned07:56
lutz_hi! i have a 300gb harddisk and baobab says, there are appr 30gb free space on it. df on the contrary reports only about 7gb, and it is definitely impossible to store more than this, even when there seems to be more space left. how can i get access to this additional space?07:56
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Ve0bruenig how?07:56
alexseifhi does anybody know a good mp3 player07:56
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bruenigVe0, behave07:56
tim167hi stefg, thanks, remember i had this problem with envy yesterday ? well now i redid the install ATI drivers with restricted manager and same problem!07:56
haggard!best | alexseif07:56
ubotualexseif: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.07:56
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brueniglutz_, how do you know baobab is right and df is wrong?07:56
heroinboblike player on pc or for [ortable07:57
DJ-_-how do i start the squid process07:57
vaidasfor some reason when playing movies, they are blueish, I have ati x1600 and use frglx07:57
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DJ-_-sudo /etc/init.d/squid start?07:57
benialexseif: helix banshee, amarok or rhythmbox are nice07:57
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Azu1xmms is nice07:57
benialexseif: but i like rhythmbox the most, it is fast an shows covers :)07:57
AndiamoHow can I install new fonts for ubuntu 7.4 ?07:57
bruenig!fonts | Andiamo07:58
ubotuAndiamo: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer07:58
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AndiamoThanks Man07:58
bruenig!thanks | Andiamo07:58
ubotuAndiamo: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:58
lutz_bruenig: gnome-system-monitor reports at the moment appr 20gb _free_ but only appr 5gb _available07:58
knoppixAzu1: I like xfce07:58
heroinbobso noone gonna answer me07:58
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brueniglutz_, so one thing reports 30, one reports 20 and one reports 707:59
beniheroinbob: i answered you :)07:59
kharlossi have in my network a tool used by network admin  to alocate "fake IP`s "07:59
BeamooMy amarok seems to have crashed07:59
stefgtim167: the ati drivers suck quite hard... known problem. BTW it wasn't necessary to chown xorg.conf. root has UID 0 evreywhere. check the forums, i'm sure you're not the first one with that problem (or replace your card with a nvidia if you can)07:59
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heroinbobis fluxbox compatible on ubuntu fiesty07:59
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alexseifbeni: I'm using xmms and its not bad but the output is poor07:59
roryy!fluxbox | heroinbob07:59
beniheroinbob: Sorry I'm not familar with that07:59
ubotuheroinbob: fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox07:59
Azu1i don't like any music player that tries to be a smart ass and "organize" your music into albums n stuff07:59
beniAzu1: then take rhythmbox you'll like it07:59
pike_heroinbob: yeah07:59
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pike_heroinbob: sudo apt-get install fluxbox08:00
Beamoohow do i get mp3 support on amarok?08:00
haggard!mp3 | Beamoo08:00
ubotuBeamoo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:00
tim167stefg, I could do that, but now i have to find out how to regain permissions on this drive...08:00
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cowbudI thought amarok had a script to prompt you to install the required libraries..08:00
benihaggard: Oh, you're always faster than me :)08:00
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benicowbud: never seen that08:00
Azu1beni: i prefer xmms.. too damn simple08:00
haggard :p08:00
lutz_bruenig: ja, i am currently moving some things. still, i remember darkly something ab out system reserved space on any harddisk. if so, is it possible or even advisable, to use up _all_ space on a device when it is not the system partition08:00
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stefgtim167: how didi you change them on the other box?08:00
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Azu1beni: just plays music.. all i need from a music player08:00
heroinbobwell i got fluxbox installled but i go to boot into it and its all blank08:01
tim167stefg chown -r tim /media/disk08:01
knoppixAzu1: did you try enlightment08:01
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tim167stefg i mean with capital -R08:01
pike_heroinbob: can you rightclick for the menu?08:01
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alexseifhaggard: you might know what I'm talkin about08:01
stefgtim167: Congrats, you hosed another system... reinstall :-)08:01
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heroinbobi can right click but all it says is fluxbox08:01
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duncan__is there any way to access other disc drives from the terminal?08:01
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tim167stefg you cant be serious !! aaaargh ! :p08:01
pike_!mount | duncan__08:01
ubotuduncan__: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter08:01
Azu1knoppix: no.. what's that?08:01
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shwagwhats the difference between  eclipse-pydev-gcj  and  eclipse-pydev08:01
stefgtim167: sad but true08:02
haggardalexseif: what's your question?08:02
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pike_duncan__: well that didnt tell you much about the terminal08:02
knoppixAzu1: desktop08:02
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Azu1knoppix: i didn't08:02
Azu1knoppix: i'll check it out08:02
alexseifan good mp3 player (I'm on xmms but loud music is distorted and the eq isn't that good either)08:02
alienseer23i have a linksys wmp54g (bcm43xx based) wireless network card that I know is getting power (is plugged in properly, ect.) but is not being recognized by a clean install of fiesty, how do I get it to recognize this card, please?08:02
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haggardalexseif: if you want something along the lines of xmms, but more modern and under active development, try beep media player08:03
pike_duncan__: sudo fdisk -l to see the partitions and sudo mkdir /mnt/something; sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/something  where hdb1 is whatever partition you saw with fdisk08:03
haggard!players | alexseif08:03
ubotualexseif: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs08:03
psykidellichi..what is the easiest tool to break a long movie into parts of 100MB each so that I can upload them to youtube? command line tool would be preferred...08:03
Daleusalienseer23 I have a broadcom bcm43xx card and read a nice walkthrough on the dell 1501 blog (google "ubuntu 1501" go back to the oldests posts08:03
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duncan__oh ok thanks pike_08:03
pike_duncan__: that varies a bit depending of the format fat32 or ntfs etc.08:03
knoppixAzu1: it have many effects and it simple08:03
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alienseer23daleus: ere you having problems with the card not being discovered at all08:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:04
pike_psykidellic: split -v 100mb filename.avi   maybe08:04
pike_psykidellic: arg.. split -b 100mb not v08:04
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DaleusThe card was not discovered until I installed the windows drivers with ndiswrapper08:04
psykidellicokie will check08:04
alexseifhaggard: you think I can find along media monkey for windows (where I can the find a good engine and plug it in)08:04
alienseer23my card is not showing up under lspci08:04
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tim167stefg, ah well with ubuntu istalling from scratch takes about 25 minutes, no big deal ;)08:05
alienseer23daleus, i prefer the bcm43xx-fwcutter08:05
DJ-_-need help with squid || http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25130/08:05
diggihi I have never used Unbuntu. am thinking of trying it.08:05
alexseifI want a mp3 player with ratings and smart playlists08:05
knoppixAzu1: but i couldn't install it. It requires imlib2. i don't know what is it08:05
DJ-_-diggi: try it now...it is the best!!08:05
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alienseer23but i need the card to be found before I can tell the system what to do with it...08:05
Daleusalienseer23, hmm sorry I dont know much about the cards08:06
Azu1knoppix: yeah, you gotta run into dependency hell sometimes08:06
Azu1i gotta go08:06
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iratsu_how can i resize a partition which is mounted? (my root partition)08:06
DJ-_-iratsu_: try a live cd08:06
haggardalexseif: i'm not too familiar with media monkey, but my best guess is Banshee or Amarok is what you're looking for08:06
stefgtim167: that's what i mean... and never ever do that again. *think* when you use sudo, *never* ever listen to someone telling you to run sudo rm-rf /* (deletes everything).... read docu, get smart, learn your lessons :-)08:06
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alienseer23i will try the maual bcm43xx-fwcutter and be back if that does not work08:06
iratsu_DJ-_-: i can't boot from cds08:06
alexseifhaggard: thnx a lot08:07
Azu1iratsu_: you can't unless it's reiserfs.. get a live cd and resize it from there08:07
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CoolGuy21can someone please help im getting a error trying to print cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.08:07
iratsu_Azu1: i can't mount cds though08:07
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pike_you know a distro requires you to compile stuff too often when you look over at the monitor at a compile thats been going on for 20 min and cant remember what app youre installing..08:07
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CoolGuy21Log File is here http://pastebin.ca/55923808:07
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CoolGuy21i get "/usr/lib/cups/backend/socket failed"   in cups interface08:07
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Azu1iratsu_: who said anything about mounting cds08:07
tim167stefg, hehe noted!08:07
Azu1iratsu_: boot from a cd08:07
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BeamooNeed help!08:07
knoppixAzu1: what does it meaning?08:07
iratsu_is there a way i can get to parted before mounting my root partition08:08
alexseifOk since I installed ubuntu my windows has gon wacko (i need someone to discuss this with please)08:08
Beamoowhen i try and update amarok i get this message08:08
Beamoomartin@martin-desktop:~$ apt-get update08:08
BeamooE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)08:08
BeamooE: Unable to lock the list directory08:08
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arooalexseif, ask your question08:08
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DJ-_-pike_: need help with squid || http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25130/08:08
pike_Beamoo: you have another apt-get going or synaptic is open08:08
Beamoohow do i close that one then ?08:08
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Beamoorestart me computer?08:08
malakhiBeamoo: Did you use sudo?08:08
DJ-_-Beamoo: or find the task and see what it is upto08:09
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Beamoohaha done!08:09
pike_ps -A and pkill appname   for whatever app shows up you want to kill08:09
Beamoosudo worked :P08:09
alexseifMy pagefile seems to be having big problems (overwritten or disabeled or deleted)08:09
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pike_Beamoo: heh that too08:09
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DrStrangeLovis there a way to make samba persistent?08:09
alexseifinvalid software like nero08:09
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DrStrangeLoveverytime my LAN disconnects samba goes down with it and won't reconnect08:09
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DJ-_-pike_: familiar with squid?08:09
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pike_DJ-_-: nope sorry08:09
DrStrangeLovatleast not until i restart the networking service and the samba services manually.08:10
DJ-_-pike_: ok, how about an open source mail server?08:10
alexseifaroo: can you help08:10
pike_DJ-_-: that a web dev app?08:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smtp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:10
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DJ-_-pike_: proxy server08:10
DrStrangeLovso anyone? i'd appreciate if you can 'elp me fix this08:10
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DJ-_-anyone know of a good mail server08:10
DrStrangeLovsomething like a script is what i am looking for - a util would be better though08:10
haggardDJ-_-: sendmail or postfix08:10
hajhouseDJ-_-: i'm very happy with postfix08:10
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DJ-_-postfix and sendmail support pop3 servers too?08:11
radoeDJ-_-: You should consider exim too08:11
malakhiDJ-_-: +1 for postfix08:11
haggard!postfix | DJ-_-08:11
ubotuDJ-_-: postfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto08:11
DJ-_-i need all in one mail server, like smtp, pop3 and imap08:11
radoeDJ-_-: Roll your own.08:11
arooalexseif, did you mount your windows drives in ubuntu08:12
malakhiDJ-_-: those are 3 different functions, provided by different packages. ie, postfix for smtp, dovecot for imap and pop308:12
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pike_DrStrangeLov: what are you wanting it to do? why not use /etc/fstab so it automounts on boot? like //server/sharename /mountdir smbfs userid=foo,passwd=bar,rw 0 008:12
alexseifand set it to mount automatic08:12
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kmlhi every body08:12
arooalexseif, writing to ntfs is a bad idea08:12
DJ-_-malakhi: so basically there is no package that does all of that or atleast pop and smtp?08:12
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fannagogannayeah, sounds like the best idea. I don't even know what automount does or why it's used08:13
arooalexseif, your windows partition is fat32?08:13
ubuntuEdgyhot do i restart "nautilus" it has crashed on me08:13
alexseifbut I didn't write on it neither give it the privlege or command08:13
fannagogannawhat is automount for anyways?08:13
alexseifI only copy files from it08:13
{HRF}GhostI need help with getting glib installed08:13
radoeDJ-_-: no. Not in a  single package.08:13
{HRF}GhostFirst I need to find it08:13
DJ-_-radoe: ok08:13
malakhiDJ-_-: No. The closest there is would be courier, which is several packages created by the same people. I don't have much experience with it, personally.08:13
arooalexseif, I don't know, ubuntu doesn't mess with your windows partition08:13
DJ-_-malakhi: thx will have a look08:13
malakhiDJ-_-: np08:13
kmli don't know, what happened, i can't find my windows partition under ubuntu ??08:14
pike_ubuntuEdgy: from a terminal type nohup nautilus&   then close the terminal08:14
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fannagogannaugh, nautilus08:14
alexseifnot only the windows08:14
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{HRF}GhostI use xmms08:14
fannagogannawhy is nautilus still so buggy?08:14
hajhouseis there a command-line tool in ubuntu to convert opendocument files (like .odt) to other formats (like RTF)?08:14
aroofannagoganna, like what? works fine for me.08:14
alexseifmaybe mounting them sets the partitions to something08:14
kmlhow can i have access to it again?08:14
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DJ-_-anyone here have any experience with squid?08:14
{HRF}GhostWho can help me with glib?08:14
radoeDJ-_-: courier has nice pop, pop3s, imap und imaps implementation. It has a smtp-server too, but I prefer exim together with courier pop3/imap08:15
hajhouseDJ-_-: yes. what's your question?08:15
DJ-_-radoe: ok08:15
alexseifI can't find anything on the ubuntu forum08:15
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DJ-_-hajhouse: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25130/08:15
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glib - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:15
ubuntuEdgypike_: didnt work08:15
pike_ubuntuEdgy: posh08:15
haggard!info glib08:15
ubuntuEdgystill have no nautilus windows or desktop icons08:15
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pike_ubuntuEdgy: sudo pkill nautilus;nohup nautilus&08:16
ubotuPackage glib does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas08:16
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:16
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:16
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Phuzby default, where is tcl8.4 installed to?08:16
DJ-_-hm...sudden question...how do I get security updates on a total CLI system08:16
kmlalexseif, how can i mount a windows partition08:16
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{HRF}Ghost!version 6.1008:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about version 6.10 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:16
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the 5th release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes08:16
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Assassin`i can't get my print screen button to work08:16
Assassin`any help?08:16
alexseifkml: oh one sec I'll get it for you08:16
pike_ubuntuEdgy: if THAT doesnt work might pkill -9 nautilus08:16
stefgDJ-_-: sudo apt get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:16
{HRF}GhostNo one knows about glib?08:16
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DJ-_-Assassin`: try adding it to keyboard shortcuts08:17
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DJ-_-stefg: thx08:17
kmlalexseif, cool thanks08:17
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haggard{HRF}Ghost: are you talking about glibc? I've never heard of glib08:17
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DonFettuciniIs it possible to install linux on a SATA drive that's in a USB enclosure?08:17
_olafhow can i reformat an external USB HDD that auto-mounts when i plug it in (it's NTFS right now)? or at least turn it off from read only?08:17
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{HRF}GhostHmmm brb08:17
pike_ubuntuEdgy: and if youre still having problems may i recommend xubuntu? ;-)08:17
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{HRF}Ghostchecking for GLIB - version >= 2.0.3... no08:18
roryy!info libglib2.0-0 | {HRF}Ghost08:18
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ubotu{hrf}ghost: libglib2.0-0: The GLib library of C routines. In component main, is optional. Version 2.12.11-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 509 kB, installed size 1104 kB08:18
pike_!install | DonFettucini08:18
ubotuDonFettucini: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate08:18
radoeglib is some sotr of library above libc, providing some abstraction layer08:18
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{HRF}GhostYeah I need it to install Xchat08:18
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ubuntuEdgypike_: im just going to reboot08:18
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DJ-_-hajhouse: any ideas?08:18
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roryy{HRF}Ghost: you probably want libglib2.0-dev08:18
pike_ubuntuEdgy: just alt-ctrl-backspace no reason to reboot08:18
stefgDonFettucini: if the bios is able to boot from that drive: yes. but use the alternate installer, thae dsktop installer will write over the MBR on the internal disk08:18
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{HRF}GhostOk thanks alot08:18
pike_ubuntuEdgy: or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart   just restart gdm08:19
ubuntuEdgyok great08:19
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Phuznobody know where tcl8.4 is installed to by default?08:19
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DonFettuciniOh, no, I mean linux in general. Not just Ubuntu.08:19
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_olafhow do i get my external drive to not be read only?08:19
alexseifkml: open your help on ubuntu desktop guide/configuring your system/partitions and booting08:20
radoePhuz: /usr/bin/tclsh8.4 ist the installed interpreter fro tcl8.408:20
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BornSmilinghey, my network doesn't show up in the file browser.. anyone know a way to connect to it?08:20
roryy{HRF}Ghost: you could enable the deb-src repos (I think they're commented ou in /etc/apt/sources.list) and use 'apt-get build-dep xchat'08:20
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nuyaohey, if i start gedit, it is shown on all my virtual desks. how can i change it, that it is only shown at one?08:20
nuyaoon gnome ..08:20
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alexseif_olaf: you need root power for that08:20
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_olafhow do i do that?08:20
vaidasanybody wanna help me set up all those effects on 64bit feisty and x1600?08:20
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haggard!beryl | vaidas08:21
ubotuvaidas: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:21
kamikayehey guys08:21
alexseifwell you can try using shell commands with sudo08:21
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DonFettuciniIs there a distro out there that supports proprietary stuff out of the box? (like MP3s, DivX, etc.)08:21
Assassin`ok... still didn't take a screen shot08:21
Montehwhat a downer... every single virtualisation thing i can find wont play rfonline :(08:21
alexseifor better making a root user and logging on to change the read only permenant08:21
_olafi want to format the drive with fdisk08:21
Assassin`and it was already set08:21
_olafor at least get it off read only only08:21
Assassin`how do i take an in game screen shot??08:21
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kamikayei downloaded the amd 64 bit version of wine and now i don't realdy know how to configure it cause if i enter ./configure he cant find anything08:21
_olafi want to be able to write08:21
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_olafit's an NTFS USB external drive08:21
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Beamoohow do u install the things in synaptic i cant find a "start" ubtton08:22
Enselic__!wireless | Enselic08:22
ubotuEnselic: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:22
alexseifwell I don't think ntfs is the best thing with ubuntu08:22
{HRF}Ghosthit apply08:22
DrStrangeLovpike_, thats alright and well- but here's the thing. After the LAN disconnects, the other computer (on which windows is running) isnt able to access the shares on the ubuntu-box.08:22
ompaul!fuse | _olaf08:22
ubotu_olaf: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse08:22
alexseifbut I'm not sure08:22
DJ-_-can anyone help me out with squid a bit08:22
Phuzradoe, do you know where libtcl.so and tcl.h are located?08:22
_olafi know...08:22
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Assassin`apply Enselic _olaf:08:22
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_olafi want to reformat the drive08:22
kamikayei downloaded the amd 64 bit version of wine and now i don't realdy know how to configure it cause if i enter ./configure he cant find anything08:22
_olafso it's not NTFS08:22
zblat_olaf: try installing the ntfs configuration tool08:22
{HRF}GhostBeamoo: Use Apply after clicking the check marks08:22
_olafhelp me do that08:22
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BeamooI cant hitt apply :s08:22
ompaul_olaf, so then fire up gparted :-)08:22
kamikayesomeone got 1 idea?08:23
_olafbut i want to learn how to do it in ubuntu08:23
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DrStrangeLovI need to make the samba service available persistently right after the network is reconnected08:23
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roryyPhuz: you can search for files in packages on packages.ubuntu.com.  If you're trying to find files already on your system, investigate the 'locate' and 'find' commands.08:23
radoePhuz: You have to install tcl8.4-dev for tcl.h08:23
DrStrangeLovwhy do i get the feeling that /etc/fstab alone won't cut it?08:23
kamikayeneed help with 64 bit wine ->08:23
tuxbuntuhello everybody ! If got following error when I want boot from the live disk 7.04 : bin/sh cant access tty, job control turned off08:23
Assassin`Beamoo: check what you want then hit apply O_o08:23
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haggardDrStrangeLov: if no one can help here, try asking in #samba08:23
Phuzradoe, thanks08:23
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jk2evening all08:23
DrStrangeLovis autofs stable by the way?08:23
stefg!wine | kamikaye08:24
ubotukamikaye: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:24
DJ-_-pike_: man the server i just configurred is very slow with network downloading, i chged the sources to my country too, it is fast with this pc but on the server it goes at less than 9kbps08:24
DrStrangeLovthanks, haggard - will do.08:24
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jk2total n00b to linux - seems quite easy08:24
elYasehello, is there a good application for high quality presentations, like windows powerplugs for example?08:24
jk2shame I cant compile for ***t !08:24
kamikayeyes i know theres an official version of whine -> and i installed it but i cant konfigure it08:24
DJ-_-pike_: i dunno what happened, but it just boosted lol08:24
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alienseer23is it possable to install the bcm43xx-fwcutter from the install disc fo rfiesty??08:24
Nicke_kamikaye: There exists pre-built versions of wine for feisty and amd6408:24
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eljakhi, can anybody help with how to make bluetooth work? like how to install the obex client i dont know what packages should i install08:25
stefgkamikaye: #winehq08:25
{HRF}GhostBeamoo: You click on that package you want and choose "Mark For Installation" than after you're done choosing all the packages you want you should be able to click install08:25
pike_DJ-_-: could be a dns or ipv6 thing. is it only when using apt-get?08:25
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roryy!compile | jk208:25
ubotujk2: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:25
pike_DJ-_-: nm :)08:25
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DJ-_-pike_: i will disbale ipv6 now08:25
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv408:25
joincamp quick question, with LVM can i add a drive to the logical volume at a later time to increase size?08:25
jk2thanks rorry08:25
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roryyjk2: ask again if that page doesn't help08:25
pike_DJ-_-: links2 is a nice cli web browser btw08:25
radoejoincamp: yes.08:25
stefgjoincamp: that's the whole point of LVM08:25
l0C0hi all08:26
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pike_DJ-_-: links2 -G i thinks gets you a mouse and pretty colors08:26
joincampstefg: just checking, thanks08:26
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joincampradoe: thanks08:26
DJ-_-pike_: i will give that a try now08:26
kmlalexseif, cool thanks08:26
elYasehello, is there a good application for high quality presentations, like windows powerplugs for example?08:26
alexseifkml: happy to  help08:26
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DJ-_-pike_: have to install...well let it be..i am better off with firefox :D08:27
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l0C0something I'm having a problem with: I have a widescreen monitor, and although I've configured xorg.conf right (I think), X seems to ignore it and display only in 800x600 (rather than 1440x900). I would be most obliged if anyone has any ideas as to what's going on08:28
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stefg!fixres | l0C008:28
ubotul0C0: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:28
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Bluhdanyone know a low-level library that can handle keyboard input? I'm aware that SDL can handle it, but I don't need its functionality with anything other than keyboard.08:28
jk2never thought linux would be so user friendly lol08:29
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l0C0oh right, I assumed that a reboot would sort it, thanks I'll do that now08:29
jk2....to a MS user !08:29
PriceChildjk2, linux has always been user friendly, its just picky about who its friends are.08:29
Bluhdjk2: that's GNOME :P08:29
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jk2yeah - this is on my second pc08:29
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jk2maybe stick it on the main one too !08:29
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BluhdI've never really liked GNOME's philosophy of "let's-get-rid-of-all-the-options" and then putting the preferences menu in the "Edit" drop down menu08:30
solowlrhow do I automatically mount a second hard drive (IDE1) in ubuntu?08:30
DJ-_-hajhouse: ..08:30
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Bluhdsolowlr: you need to edit /etc/fstab08:30
stefgcan we have the desktop-wars in #ubuntu-offtopic, plz08:30
Bluhdsolowlr: what filesystem is your second harddrive?08:30
AlexC_how can I give a group the same permissions as a user would have to his /home/username dir?08:30
jk2sh: Can't open NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run ;//08:31
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jk2oh dear08:31
stefgjk2: you're about to do something unnecessaty and stupid08:31
haggardjk2: it's much easier to use the repos to install nvidia drivers08:31
fatejudgerI'm having trouble utilizing ndiswrapper drivers as the current madwifi drivers seem already be using the hardware. Does anyone know how to disable the madwifi drivers?08:31
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haggard!nvidia | jk208:31
ubotujk2: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:31
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whiskey1973I'm trying to patch my broadcom wireless drivers to inject...i found the bcm43xx-injection patch but i need to place it in my kernel root and patch from terminal but my access is restricted when i try to use (what I THINK) is the kernel root08:31
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Bluhdmariamoy: do you have a question?08:32
smallfooti installed Microsoft core fonts, but they're not activated or something?08:32
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whiskey1973i heard a mention of sudo su08:32
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Bluhdwhiskey1973: it works, but don't use it ;)08:32
haggard!root | whiskey197308:32
ubotuwhiskey1973: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:32
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DJ-_-anyone know some squid? :P08:32
whiskey1973thank you very much folks08:32
AlexC_" do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible" reminds me matrix "do not try to bend the spoon, as that is impossible"08:33
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PriceChildAlexC_, coincidence? ;)08:33
jk2forgot about he restricted driver !08:33
macaco_lideranyone speaks portuguese?08:33
PriceChild!pt | macaco_lider08:33
ubotumacaco_lider: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.08:33
BluhdYou disgust me all with your.... hm08:33
smallfootlove the Matrix reference in !root lol08:33
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stefgAlexC_: who did you know /THAT/ ?08:33
whiskey1973yes on a lighter note i feel honored that my question was granted such a wonderfully colorful repsonse :P08:33
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AlexC_!root > AlexC_08:33
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smallfootI installed the "Microsoft Core Fonts", but the websites dont use them, why?08:34
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Bluhdsmallfoot: blame CSS08:34
AlexC_or you just need uo update font cache,08:34
solowlrBluhd: my second hard drive is brand new, I want to format it and use it for media storage08:34
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jk2if i want to set up an FTP server is Gftp an good ?08:34
stefgsmallfoot: sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig08:34
PriceChildmacaco_lider, /join #ubuntu-pt08:34
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Bluhdsolowlr: yes, but with what file system?08:34
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erUSUL!ftpd | jk208:34
ubotujk2: FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP08:34
jk2* any08:34
AlexC_jk2: gFTP is not a server, but a client08:34
Bluhdsolowlr: you can format it as EXT2, EXT3, FAT32, etc08:34
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jk2ahh I thought it was a server too08:35
jk2good job08:35
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mariamoyi am of espaa08:35
solowlrBluhd: I'm guessing EXT3 is the best choice...?08:35
AlexC_how can I give a group the same permissions as a user would have to his /home/username dir?08:35
AlexC_chmod -R 771?08:35
Bluhdsolowlr: probably08:35
erUSUL!es | mariamoy08:35
ubotumariamoy: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:35
Bluhdsolowlr: your hard drive is probably /dev/hdb1, right?08:35
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PriceChildAlexC_, just make sure the first and second numbers are the asme08:36
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AlexC_PriceChild: which would normally be 7, correct?08:36
PriceChildAlexC_, you then add whatever users you want to the group of the name of the user08:36
jk2I will work out this root malarky soon08:36
PriceChildAlexC_, that's full yes08:36
dasokwhats a channel where i can ask general FOSS questions?08:36
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Bluhdsolowlr: where do you want to mount it?08:36
PriceChilddasok, #ubuntu-offtopic ?08:36
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:36
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haggarddasok: ##linux08:37
solowlrBluhd: I'd like to mount it on /var/media08:37
Rich_LI-NYI want to install Ice Weasel (seamonkey) and was wondering is there any way I can use Apt-get to download and install a deb package?08:37
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Bluhdsolowlr: ok then08:37
PriceChildRich_LI-NY, ice weasel isn't seamonkey...08:37
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AlexC_PriceChild: and 1 for other yes? or 0? (this isn't actually for Ubuntu[sorry]  but I love this community to much =D) It's on a Dreamhost server, maybe 0 would be better for others as they would not be able to see into my home dir?08:37
Bluhdsolowlr: $ sudo mkdir /var/media if it doesn't exist already08:37
stefgRich_LI-NY: mixing up debian and ubuntu-repos is a *bad* idea08:37
PriceChildAlexC_, i'll find you a guide for the numbers :)08:37
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Rich_LI-NYAccording to the site http://www.getdeb.com it's an unbranded seamonkey.08:38
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{HRF}GhostOk, I'm getting alot of errors installing xchat08:38
haggardRich_LI-NY: Iceweasel is Debian's version of Firefox08:38
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Rich_LI-NYSp[efg:  Oh . I didnt know..08:38
PriceChildAlexC_, man chmod is quite good...08:38
smallfootstefg: thanks that worked. but i wish this was done automatically when i downloaded "microsoft core fonts", so i wouldnt have todo it myself08:38
{HRF}GhostIs there anyway to add the xchat package to the Synaptic Package Manager?08:38
kamikayeLook guys i dont understand how 2 config wine08:38
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PriceChildAlexC_, read = 4, write = 2, execute = 108:39
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Rich_LI-NYI just want a suite that doesnt suck up ram and is functional.. I installed Opera and I think the mail client sucks..08:39
PriceChildAlexC_, so 7 = full08:39
Erik__Hello all.  I've dones some looking around online and can't find a definitive solution:  Is there are known cause or way around this "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" error during initial install?08:39
PriceChildAlexC_, 6 would be read and write08:39
erUSUL!repos | {HRF}Ghost08:39
ubotu{HRF}Ghost: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:39
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stefgsmallfoot: should have been done... no idea why it failed in your case. takes a reboot, BTW, to get in effect08:39
PriceChildAlexC_, 5 would be read and execute, but not right08:39
PriceChildAlexC_, etc. etc.08:39
Bluhdsolowlr: do you know how to manually mount a drive?08:39
smallfootstefg: ah okie.. but i have rebooted08:39
Rich_LI-NYOn Puppy Linux I liked SeaMonkey  and now I have it on my windows machine also.08:39
erUSUL{HRF}Ghost: add universe08:40
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AlexC_PriceChild: hum, so would it be 771 or 770? Do I want 'others' to have any permissions (bearing in mind this is on a web server)08:40
solowlrBluhd: yes but I think I've got to format the new drive first08:40
smallfootwas the terminal made white to not look scary?08:40
Bluhdsolowlr: well, actually, you should format it as ext3 first08:40
PriceChildAlexC_, up to you :)08:40
{HRF}GhostOk thanks08:40
Bluhdsolowlr: yeah, there's a tool in System->Administration I think08:40
elYasehello, is there a good application for high quality presentations, like windows powerplugs for example?08:40
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jk2i dont think i can go to something so backward as Vista now :X08:40
AlexC_smallfoot: it can be blank, pink, red, green, yellow ... what ever you want08:40
alexseifI have problems with my windows since I installed windows I need someone to help me08:40
PriceChildAlexC_, I don't know what you want :P08:40
smallfootAlexC, yeah i made it black bakground, white text, as it SHOULD BE08:40
PriceChild!windows | alexseif08:40
ubotualexseif: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents08:40
stefg!windows | alexseif08:40
{HRF}Ghosthmmm you mean the http?08:40
AlexC_smallfoot: with transparancy with bery l.. can't get better than that08:40
{HRF}Ghostbetter yet, the server?08:41
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Rich_LI-NYlmao @ bot :))08:41
AlexC_PriceChild: ok, thanks - I'll go fiddle around with it then =D08:41
alexseifmy windows pagefile is messed up and  some software also08:41
DJ-_-anyone experienced with squid? || http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25130/08:41
smallfootAlexC, ya but these desktop effects dont work for me, the screen just goes all white, i have GeForce 860008:41
alexseifofcoarse I keep running out of virtual memory08:41
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Picialexseif: This isnt the channel for Windows support.08:41
PriceChildsmallfoot, because you haven't set it up properly ;)08:41
AlexC_alexseif: yes because people often come into #UBUNTU to have help on WINDOWS08:42
stefgalexseif: this is #ubuntu....08:42
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Rich_LI-NYalexseif: Go to http://www.ubuntu.com and download a CD .08:42
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Picialexseif: WINDOWS?!?!? THIS. IS. LINUX!!!08:42
AlexC_no need for caps,08:42
PriceChildLets move on please everyone.08:42
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smallfootPriceChild, but I want it to "just work", so I dont have to spend time setting up and fiddling08:42
PiciIt was my best Spartan impression.08:42
PriceChildsmallfoot, We can't do that for Feisty... the card was released after Feisty.08:43
BluhdPici: It can be imrpved08:43
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Bluhdhow did I make that typo08:43
toko123I'd like to limit the services I'm strarting up on a cold-sart. is there a gui or command line toool I can use?08:43
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kamikayecan nobody help me im really pissed08:43
alexseifto all people who replied (including th bot) you are less of value is you don't understand what i am saying08:43
nanotaboadahello everybody, i need help dealing with a device, thing is, i no longer have an optical device but it still shows on nautilus (/dev/hdd), what would be the proper way to remove it?08:43
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Pozaroi have some games like ffxi and star wars empire at war08:43
Pozarohow do i get them to work in linux08:43
alexseifsorry that's if instead of is08:43
DJ-_-toko123: system-->admin-->services08:43
NephelauxeticPozaro, try wine08:43
Bluhdsolowlr: here's a good thing to do:08:44
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Pozaroi di d08:44
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smallfootPriceChild: oh ok08:44
haggard!ask | kamikaye08:44
ubotukamikaye: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:44
AlexC_alexseif: we are less of value? that's nice .... no help for you,08:44
smallfootthen i want gutsy gibbons08:44
Bluhdsolowlr: run this: $ sudo apt-get install gparted08:44
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DJ-_-alexseif: you need help on windows or ubuntu?08:44
PriceChildsmallfoot, its not finished. Don't use it :)08:44
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Bluhdsolowlr: it should allow you to easily manipulate partitions, I'm not sure if it allows you to add automounting lines08:44
S0me1Hi all, I have problem with some package08:44
smallfootbut i want pretty graphics :(08:44
stefgnanotaboada: try changing /dev/hdd to /dev/scd0 in  /etc/fstab see !uuid for explanation08:44
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alexseifI need help on Ubuntu08:44
solowlrBluhd: excellent, thanks08:45
AlexC_then ask a question related to Ubuntu!08:45
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kamikayewell i installed wine 64 bit and i cant configure it cause he cant find it08:45
alexseifAlexC_ it seems your more incapable08:45
DJ-_-alexseif: list ur question den08:45
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AlexC_alexseif: you are seriously, seriously, rude08:45
S0me1I am trying remove conexant package, but it show me error message .08:45
axanyone know of an app that'll let me fill in pdf forms?08:45
S0me1your advice plz08:45
nanotaboadastefg: thanks, what do you mean with "change"?08:45
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ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)08:45
DJ-_-alexseif: no need to start fights, if you have a question juts list it08:45
Nephelauxeticax: acrobat :)08:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about joost - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:45
alexseifsorry DJ i'll get back to you08:45
kamikayenow can someon pls help08:45
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alexseifTo all  (including then sane people)08:46
Bluhdkamikaye: what's your problem08:46
alexseifEven if you hate something08:46
PriceChild!attitude | alexseif08:46
ubotualexseif: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:46
kamikayealready wrote it down08:46
axNephelauxetic: a linux app08:46
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alexseifDoesn't give you the right to be rude08:46
gnomefreakalexseif: you asked for help with windows since there were problems after installing windows. Please explain yourself more clearly and stop being rude08:46
Nephelauxeticax: there is a linux version for acrobat08:46
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ficosHi all08:46
kamikayewell i installed wine 64 bit and i cant configure it cause the console cant find it08:46
stefgnanotaboada: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab, find the line where it says /dev/hdd and edit it to say /dev/scd008:46
alexseifI'm only responding to people08:46
axhmm, i guess i should check that out08:46
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DJ-_-PriceChild: hmm...lewks like a tough one :P08:46
ficoscan some one help me08:46
S0me1I can not open syanptic coz this package corrupted08:46
alexseifok I'm very sorry08:46
Bluhdkamikaye: so you're looking for the name of an executable?08:46
olaf_how do i mount my external USB drive so that i can write to it?08:46
Nephelauxeticax, it's a bit old (7.0) but works fine.08:47
olaf_it auto-mounts when i turn it on08:47
PriceChild!ask | ficos08:47
ubotuficos: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:47
kamikayeno i dont know why he cant find it08:47
ficosI have problem using powerpoint08:47
=== Monteh [n=RFA@dyn-62-56-56-162.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Erik__If I could interrupt for a moment all this yelling...I having a problem with install that I could use some help with...08:47
ficoswith wine08:47
PriceChildErik__, please ask the question :) The commentry only makes more noise :)08:47
alexseifUbuntu messes with the other partitions although they are in read only08:47
Bluhdkamikaye: what are you trying to run? Are you running something from the menu or something from the console (command prompt)?08:47
gnomefreakficos: might want to try #winehq08:47
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alexseifand I only cp from them08:47
rageagaintthisi am trying to mount a data dvd, when i use "mount cdrom0" i get wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock...... where do i go from here to mount this dvd?08:47
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DJ-_-alexseif: what is the problem you face in actual08:48
kamikayealin@alin:/usr/lib64/wine$ ./configure08:48
kamikayebash: ./configure: No such file or directory08:48
ficosok cool08:48
kamikayethats the problem08:48
mrcreativitycan someone tell me about desktop widgets for ubuntu?08:48
stefgalexseif: that's an unproven assumption08:48
Picikamikaye: The command is wine-config I believe.08:48
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fatejudgerdoes anyone know how I could locate the name of the driver that is currently being used to control my wireless card?08:48
Bluhdkamikaye: ./configure is something you run when you're compiling, not configuring a program08:48
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Bluhdkamikaye: run winecfg08:48
nanotaboadastefg: there's only 3 devices in fstab, which in principle is correct since right now i've got the hdd, a dvdrw and a cdr08:48
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Picikamikaye: And it should be in your path, you shouldnt have to go to the wine directory.08:48
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Nephelauxeticmrcreativity, I think they're called gnome-applets08:48
nanotaboadastefg: want a copy of the fstab on pastebin?08:49
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Erik__During the ininitial boot, after the menu screen, I get the bouncy bar, and then  a busybox error: "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off"  I've looked around online and many peopel seem to be havingthis problem, but I didn't see any definitive solution.08:49
alexseifI keep running out of virtua;l memory in windows becauses the pagefiles keep getting lost every time I start ubuntu08:49
kamikayek thx now my final problem how do i run a setup from cd?08:49
alexseifand some software isn't working08:49
carajea2hey do u guys no of any like finance tools that are supported under linux?? something like microsoft money.08:49
Bluhdkamikaye: what do you mean?08:49
mrcreativitygnome applets? and they can appear on the desktop like widgets? do i need to seperate engine?08:49
PriceChildalexseif, ##windows please.08:49
PriceChild!info gnucash | carajea208:49
ubotucarajea2: gnucash: A personal finance tracking program. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.2-3ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2065 kB, installed size 6512 kB08:49
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stefgnanotaboada: i could have a look, but generally the optical devices should be /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1 then08:49
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DJ-_-alexseif: hmm.,..sounds like a windows problem to me08:50
Nephelauxeticmrcreativity, yes but it's a bit crappy... no fancy GUI08:50
Picikkathman: navigate to the cd drive, and just type `wine setup.exe` or whatever the setup program's name is08:50
alexseifPriceChild: a) it ubuntu thats the problem08:50
alexseifb) i am there08:50
gnomefreakalexseif: ubuntu doesnt touch another HD unless you tell it to, either something you are doing wrong when you are cp,ing or its a windows issue08:50
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kkathmanpici  huh?08:50
PocketIRCWhen will ubuntu support wifi (good) out of the box?08:50
PriceChildalexseif, Ubuntu will not destroy the pagefile like that.08:50
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alexseifthat's whats driving me crazy08:50
mrcreativityi cant seem to make that gdesklets thing work08:50
Picikkathman: Sorry, wrong name.08:50
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PriceChildPocketIRC, it does. You probably just have an unsupported card (of which there are little)08:50
haggard!wireless | PocketIRC08:50
ubotuPocketIRC: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:50
nanotaboadastefg: i thought since they're pata, hd is right, isn't sc for sata or scsi?08:50
S0me1any advice plz?08:50
gnomefreakalexseif: your most likely cp'ing from windows to windows08:50
kkathmanheh yah just noticed pici - no prob08:51
carajea2Sweet thanks guys08:51
Picikamikaye: navigate to the cd drive, and just type `wine setup.exe` or whatever the setup program's name is08:51
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kamikayeokay 1. in 1 how2 there's writen that i need 2 compile WINE ... with "./configure" and with "make depend && make" and sudo make install and 2. i dont know how 2 run a setup from cd08:51
S0me1I have got this err "E: conexant: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1"08:51
_olafhow do i mount my external USB drive so that i can write to it?08:51
stefgnanotaboada: libata! read the link in ! uuid08:51
benikamikaye: you dont need to compile wine+08:51
Bluhdkamikaye: you don't need to compile wine if you installed the binary package from synaptic or something08:51
Picikamikaye: Why do you need to compile wine? Its in the ubuntu repositories.08:51
PocketIRC<PriceChild> it finds my card but wont connect..same problem as other cards08:51
haggardkamikaye: is there a reason you're trying to compile wine from source?08:51
gnomefreakalexseif: that will cause your exact issue08:51
benikamikaye: just "sudo apt-get install wine"08:51
benikamikaye: then "winecfg"08:51
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rambo3!diskmount| _olaf08:51
nanotaboada stefg: okay thanks much08:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about diskmount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:51
PriceChildPocketIRC, maybe giving more information abuot your card would let someone help you08:51
kamikayei already installed it but its written like this in the how 208:51
frankie_i need help i think08:51
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gnomefreak!wine | kamikaye (this will teach you how to compile it or install it)08:52
ubotukamikaye (this will teach you how to compile it or install it): wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:52
Bluhdkamikaye: what how-to are you reading...?08:52
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PocketIRC<PriceChild> built in in a acer aspire 711008:52
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kamikayeokay now how do i navigate 2 the cd rom drive ... i read a german one08:52
Nephelauxeticmrcreativity, I mixed it up... they're called gDesklets08:53
{HRF}GhosterUSUL: I got it thanks08:53
alexseifgnomefreak: what ?08:53
PriceChildPocketIRC, that tells me nothing. And I'm nto the person to help.08:53
PriceChildPocketIRC, I suggest an "lspci" to find out the exact model"08:53
gnomefreakalexseif: your mounting you win partition fro ubuntu right?08:53
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erUSUL{HRF}Ghost: no problem08:53
{HRF}GhostUninstalling this crappy gnome xchat08:53
{HRF}Ghostout for awhile08:53
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:53
kamikayehow do i navigate to the dvd drive with the console?08:53
Montehanyone know what the top virtualisation software is for windows gaming on ubuntu?08:53
gnomefreakalexseif: and you are using cp after you mount win partition?08:53
isidorohey here a problem occur with firefox08:53
Nephelauxetickamikaye, cd /media/cdrom :)08:53
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kamikayek thx lets give it a try08:54
PocketIRC<PriceChild> is it possible it founds the card but cannot connect anyway because it is unsupported?08:54
stefgMonteh: virtualization and gaming are mutually exclusive08:54
gnomefreaka;programs fail to run because they are now in 2 spots if you screwed up using cp.08:54
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erUSULkamikaye: cd /mount/point/of/dvd (usually) /media/cdrom*08:54
gnomefreakalexseif: ^^^08:54
alexseifI copy files to my ubuntu workspace08:54
Aggrav8dhi!  how do i tell ubuntu to stop trying to apt-get from cdrom because I don't have the CD any more?08:54
PriceChildPocketIRC, _no-one_ can help you until you tell us the model of your card.08:54
gnomefreakalexseif: re-check your commands08:54
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erUSULAggrav8d: disable it in the list of repos08:54
Montehwhat is the best way to play windows games on linux then?08:54
BluhdAggrav8d: run synaptic and go to the repo list08:54
alexseifwhat do you mean08:54
isidoroI want see this video http://youtube.com/watch?v=tDq54PFVuZo but firefox crash08:54
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Aggrav8derUSUL - apt-cdrom?  I'm doing this from the command line.08:55
l0C0I run "/etc/init.d/?dm restart" and it freezes08:55
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_olafi want to mount my external USB drive so that i can read AND WRITE to it... it auto-mounts when i plug it in -- and i don't know how to get the /dev of it08:55
Erik__So no one has any suggestions on this "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" error during install, then?08:55
gnomefreakalexseif: its not ubuntu as ubuntu can not run commands on another partition by itself UNLESS you have a script that does it08:55
alexseifsudo cp source dest08:55
stefg!cedega | Monteh08:55
ubotuMonteh: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega08:55
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Montehi have that, spent good money on it too >.> dont work lol08:55
alexseifthis is a fresh installation with LAMP and XMMS and VLC08:55
kamikayealin@alin:/usr/lib64/wine$ wine /media/cdrom/gwsetup.exe install.08:55
kamikayewine: cannot find '/media/cdrom/gwsetup.exe'             -> the problem is that i cant open the dvd drive 2 look it up cause its unmountable08:55
alexseifthat's it08:55
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frankie_help mr08:56
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DJ-_-ok ppl....its 1am...i am going to do some stuff now...catch you all 2moro most probably...tc yall08:56
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alexseifthnx I'll try to figure it out08:56
haggardMonteh: CrossOver Office supports some games08:56
rambo3_olaf, sudo fdisk -l08:56
gnomefreakalexseif: doesnt matter what is installed if you dont have a script that does it than its user error not ubuntu error. Please see ##windows on how to make sure your files are in correct place and only the places it needs to be in08:56
Montehhaggard: yeah bought the basic one of that too -_- lol08:57
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Picikamikaye: You dont need to be in the wine directory to run wine, just cd into the cdrom drive08:57
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carajea2Hey anyone ever use Moneydance as a personal finance tool?? It seems more advanced then gnucash08:57
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S0me1Did anyone faced this error "E: conexant: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1"08:57
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S0me1I can not install any software via apt08:58
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kamikayebut nothing happens then08:58
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kamikayeand i read how 2 configure cd rom drive but i dont know how08:58
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Enselic__Is it possible to select text with only keys in the gnome-terminal?08:58
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Nephelauxetickamikaye, did you try to create an iso file and directly mount that?08:59
hendrixskiI have an apt problem :-(08:59
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submissiveonecan sumone help me?08:59
kamikayei just wanted to start the setup from cd via wine08:59
TheCougarpay for a peice of software when the designers can't even get the website up and running fully... hum lol08:59
hendrixskiwhen I run sudo apt-get update everything works fine... then I go into a chroot and run it and nothing works08:59
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hendrixskithe sources.list files are the same09:00
Erik__OK, well...I guess I give up on this probelm, then.  If I can't install ubuntu, I'll never know if it's better than what I was using before...09:00
hendrixskibut the dchroot just won't apt-get anything to save its life09:00
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Nephelauxetickamikaye, perheps the setup tries to unpack some stuff but doesn't have the permisson?09:00
smallfooti have xchat in gnome,why i cant see peoples name on the right?09:00
smallfootshould i use bitchx or irssi or something else?09:00
kbrookssmallfoot, um09:00
kbrookssmallfoot, they are there!!!09:00
submissiveonedoes anyone know of a program i can get thats simular to 'partition magic'...?09:00
kamikayebut console says cant find09:00
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chombeeI cant take this anymore, does anyone know how to use a Swiss keyboard? I have set the layout to UK, but I still cant make some characters, like tick marks09:00
mc44submissiveone: gparted09:00
smallfootsubmissiveone: QTParted09:00
Nephelauxeticsmallfoot, just move the slider09:00
kbrookssmallfoot, do you notice the  thing near the right part?09:01
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hendrixskismallfoot, it may be too small just drag the side there and drag it inwards09:01
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kbrookssmallfoot, move your mouse there09:01
kharlosswhat do you know about   " Cisco Discovery Protocol  " ?09:01
kbrookssmallfoot, then click, and move it left09:01
smallfooti dont find it09:01
hendrixskimy apt-get isn't working in my dchroot :-(09:01
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Nephelauxeticsmallfoot, try harder :D09:01
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kbrookssmallfoot, ok. try again, using these new instructions.09:01
kbrookssmallfoot, tell me when you have done each step09:02
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CoolGuy21how do i run install-sh file?09:02
Aggrav8dfrom the command line, how do i remove the cdrom from sources.list?  i want to install libapache2-mod-perl2 but can't because it's looking for a CD I don't have any more.09:02
kbrookssmallfoot, #1. move your mouse to the X button in xchat.09:02
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smallfootthe big x or the little x? lol09:02
defjuxhi, i fell asleep and a screensaver froze my pc and now i've woken up and for some reason my HD is ROM~! pls why?09:02
gnomefreakAggrav8d: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:02
NephelauxeticCoolGuy21, either chmod 755 it an than ./install_sh or try /bin/sh install_sh09:02
chombeeBasically, it seems to be missing the backtick key. There must be some way to rebind one of the accent keys to backtick. Every other accent key seemed to get binded to normal when I set the layout to UK, but backtick still does an accent09:03
kbrookssmallfoot, see the title, "XChat: smallfoot @ ..." ?09:03
pramzhmm this is interesting, safari beta released for windows "\09:03
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nickrud_chombee, system-prefs-keyboard, tab layouts: you can use the add button to add keyboard layouts09:03
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smallfootkbrooks: nope09:03
kbrookssmallfoot, what do you mean, no?09:03
smallfootmy title says "Ubuntu server: #ubuntu"09:03
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Aggrav8dgnomefreak - thanks!09:04
kbrookssmallfoot, well, that doesnt matter. so, now, move the mouse to the 3 thingies you see beside the title.09:04
Aggrav8dgnomefreak - btw, diff gksudo/sudo?09:04
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smallfootkbrooks: the 3 buttons, thats minimize, maximise and close?09:04
gnomefreak!gksudo | Aggrav8d09:04
ubotuAggrav8d: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application>  See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info09:04
kbrookssmallfoot, yes. but only move the mouse09:04
Aggrav8dgnomefreak - ty.09:04
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chombeenickrud_ yeah I added the UK layout, but it didnt work for some keys09:04
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Nephelauxeticis it possible to use gksudo via SSH?09:05
kbrookssmallfoot, after you do that, move your mouse down to the area beside the topic (above the chat log) and above where you type to the channel09:05
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PriceChildNephelauxetic, if you forward the x server... (slow)09:06
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nickrud_chombee, there's a few swiss layouts as well. I speak only english so I don't know the quality of them, though09:06
kbrookssmallfoot, but not in any of these areas - to the right of them.09:06
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kamikayek now i realy want to know how to install something with wine from cd09:06
NephelauxeticPriceChild, cool. didn't know that. so I won't use sudo anymore for GUI09:06
hendrixskiI just wasted a ****** hour of my development trying to get the **** dchroot to apt-get properly09:06
smallfootkbrooks: the little X button? the scrollbar?09:06
PriceChildNephelauxetic, need to use ssh -x host09:06
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PriceChildNephelauxetic, -X sorry09:06
chombeenickrud_ -- the Swiss keyboard is crazy, it has some letters in the wrong place, and sometimes to make a character you have to tap one key then quickly tap another. I just want it to be UK09:06
Nephelauxeticsmallfoot, a bit left to the scrollbar09:06
hendrixskievery time I good this **** someone else posted it and they just said that the repositories were down09:06
kamikayecan someone pls help09:07
kbrookssmallfoot, well, below the X button, and beside the scrollbar09:07
defjuxhow so i make my HD stop being ROM?? it says "the permissions could not be changed" / "sorry, couldn't change the permissions of filesystem"09:07
NephelauxeticPriceChild, yeah this i knew09:07
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hendrixskiand they're not down.. because I CAN update from them when I'm not int he chroot09:07
hendrixskiwhat the hell is wrong with my chroot system???09:07
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unimatrix9how was the gnome editor , from bash , i forgot how to start it..?09:07
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unimatrix9tips are welcome09:07
Nephelauxeticunikon, gedit09:07
kamikayehow can i install something via dvd with wine09:07
rcmivsecurity question - if someone were to gain access to my home server, what is the first thing they would most likely do?09:07
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kbrookssmallfoot, when you have done that, you should see a <-> kind of mouse icon.09:07
blackesti think i have found a bug in clipboard09:07
Nephelauxeticeh unimatrix9 gedit09:07
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unimatrix9no i mean gnome editor, to edit settings09:08
smallfooti dont see it09:08
hendrixskiwhy can I apt-get update on my system but not on a chroot which has the same sources.list file?09:08
Nephelauxeticunimatrix9, gconf-editor ?09:08
unimatrix9ah yes!09:08
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unimatrix9thank your09:08
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Nephelauxeticwelcome :)09:08
Huck_2000quick question: is the "Add/Remove Programs" tool a replacement for synaptic? Does it install dependant files like aptitude?09:08
blackestevery time i copy [5] ; i get []  and next line 5;09:08
kbrookssmallfoot, okay, look at the scrollbar. move your mouse to the AREA beside it, TO THE right.09:08
michuphi, im looking for some program similar to cool edit for ubuntu to make radio auditions?09:09
hendrixskiHuck_2000, its the same thing practically .. just easier for newcommers09:09
rcmivanother security question: has anyone here ever had there machine compromised, say via ssh?09:09
AlexC_Huck_2000: it's not a replacement, just a simple version - which uses apt-get not apttitude09:09
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AlexC_Huck_2000: synaptic also uses apt-get,09:09
kbrookssmallfoot, now, do you ever get the <-> mouse cursor?09:09
smallfootkbrooks: then i have to make xhcat smaller, cuz now its full screen09:09
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kbrooksrcmiv, i got rooted once before.09:09
Huck_2000AlexC_: hendrixski09:09
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rcmivkbrooks, really, how, and how did you know?09:09
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AlexC_Huck_2000: you're welcome09:09
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hendrixskiHuck_2000, yw09:09
hendrixskiso nobody here knows how to help me with my chroot problem?09:10
hwildeis there any other way to set mode ad-hoc if iwconfig doesn't work?09:10
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rcmivkbrooks, I ask because I feel that I only know enough linux security to endanger myself09:10
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kbrooksrcmiv, er, i had a user that the person cracked into. the history file was able to tell me what the cracker did09:10
smallfootwell, im tired of this lol09:10
kbrooksrcmiv, but it was mostly my fault09:10
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rcmivkbrooks, i suspect that is most often the case09:10
anradehi frank_09:10
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frank_i have a problem using xvid to create .flv movies of my desktop09:11
Nephelauxetickbrooks, but he did get root access? xD09:11
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rcmivkbrooks, exactly what I am trying to avoid09:11
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kbrooksNephelauxetic, possibly, although i doubt it.09:11
frank_when i turn the sound (which is intended to come from my microphone) off, it works09:11
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kamikay1pls i need a little help09:11
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frank_when i turn it on and start xvidcap from the terminal the following error appears:09:11
Nephelauxetickbrooks, if he wasn't a sudoer i doubt to09:11
rcmivi have been perhaps naively assuming that all of these dictionary attacks on ssh are harmless09:11
nickrud_chombee, I am only a little conversant with xkb, maybe you can adjust with the compose key. A place to start looking might be http://hektor.umcs.lublin.pl/~mikosmul/computing/articles/custom-keyboard-layouts-xkb.html , it has some pointers and links to more info about how the keyboard is handled09:11
frank_frank@Lysistrata {~} $ xvidcap09:11
frank_[flv @ 0x84b503c] removing common factors from framerate09:11
frank_xtoffmpeg.c add_audio_stream(): Error while opening codec for output stream09:11
frank_Segmentation fault (core dumped)09:11
frank_frank@Lysistrata {~} $09:11
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kbrooksNephelauxetic, i think i was using sudo, so he could have gotten access with the password that i set for the user.09:11
hendrixskifrank_, jebus use pastebin!!!09:12
frank_i tried to google this but wasn't successful09:12
kamikay1how can i install something via dvd with wine (know how to do it with setup files)09:12
rcmivbut denyhosts gives me a headache09:12
chombeenickrud_ -thanks, I will look09:12
hendrixski!paste | frank_09:12
ubotufrank_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:12
frank_hendrixski: cmon 5 lines should be ok09:12
kbrooksNephelauxetic, just a FYI, sudo is as much of a security hole as su is, if you do not do the right things09:12
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hendrixskifrank_, I thought there were more coming09:12
kbrooksrcmiv, (read the FYI above)09:12
kamikay1how can i install something via dvd with wine (know how to do it with setup files)09:12
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frank_hendrixski: no, then i would have used nopaste :D09:12
AlexC_frank_: this is the busyiest channel on freenode, 5 lines is a lot,09:12
=== [NOVA] Praetorian [n=Admin@p579B2B13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Nephelauxeticrcmiv, simply don't admin common user names...09:12
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rambo33 lines is the limit09:13
frank_yeah ok sorry09:13
claheyHey there.  I'm editing the debian/ directory of the program I work on, Democracy Player.  I build two packages from one source and I want the one to depend on the specific version of the other.  Currently, we depend on >= 0.9.6, but it should be = and I want to make it so that we don't have to update it with each version.09:13
rcmivkbrooks, what 'right things' are you suggesting... other than not allowing users' admin rights09:13
claheyIt's too easy to forget.09:13
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frank_AlexC_: hendrixski but what is about my problem? :D09:13
kamikay1how can i install something via dvd with wine (know how to do it with setup files)09:13
smallfootin Slackware, i could press Ctrl-F1 and F2 and stuff, and goto other consoles, why i cant in Ubuntu?09:13
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claheyCan anyone help with this or refer me to the right place?09:13
kbrooksrcmiv, well, an OS is as weak as the software on it.09:13
regiushi! I got a wierd problem. I can't have subtitle in vlc when i'm in full screen but it works when i bring it to a window09:13
claheysmallfoot: Try Ctrl-Alt-F1 if you're on X11.09:13
smallfootoh okie09:13
kamikay1pls can someone help -.- im really pissed off09:14
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hendrixskifrank_, you're segfaulting... something in the program is hozed... like a config or it mis-compiled or is just buggy09:14
rcmivkbrooks, thanks for the info09:14
kbrookskamikay1, what do you want to do?09:14
ompaulNOTICE: I am about to undo a large list of bans - a very large list -09:14
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kamikay1how can i install something via dvd with wine (know how to do it with setup files)09:14
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@unregister011009144195.c9.msk.pl *!*@*75-69-6-21.hsd1.vt.comcast.net *!*@RLR5018.rh.psu.edu *!*@] by ompaul
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ *!*@CPE001a925a5df3-CM00169243ec4c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com *!*@195-241-92-20.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl *!*@87-205-230-7.adsl.inetia.pl] by ompaul
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ *!*@215.Red-80-26-117.staticIP.rima-tde.net %*!*@cpe-72-178-108-223.satx.res.rr.com %*!*@87-196-49-116.net.novis.pt] by ompaul
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smallfootclahey: ah thanks that worked09:14
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@12-216-151-160.client.mchsi.com *!*@AMarseille-256-1-88-4.w90-9.abo.wanadoo.fr *!*@74-138-166-10.dhcp.insightbb.com *!*@xdsl-187-250.nblnetworks.fi] by ompaul
fatejudgerI can't seem to change any of the power settings on my Inspiron 1100. The power management area of the control panel does seems to be functional, but never implements the changes I make.09:14
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@eu85-86-35-89.clientes.euskaltel.es *!*@AMarseille-256-1-100-246.w90-10.abo.wanadoo.fr *!*@ %*!*@unaffiliated/cmedley] by ompaul
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ *!*@c-71-207-222-226.hsd1.al.comcast.net *!*@ppp-71-128-207-82.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net *!*@c-24-91-191-233.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] by ompaul
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smallfootclahey: but its like 20 lines only, before in slackware, i had vga=971 or something, and it was big resolution09:14
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@82-42-160-48.cable.ubr11.live.blueyonder.co.uk *!*@ *!*@d137-186-223-148.abhsia.telus.net *!*@87-196-85-178.net.novis.pt] by ompaul
kbrooksrcmiv, so, that means UPDATE YOUR software09:14
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kamikay1wanna install a game via dvd i can already do it via setup exe and download the files but its faster via dvd09:14
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eiw(4|\| $0/\/\3 0|\|3 |-|3LP /\/\3?09:14
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nemo_workhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-driver-synaptics/+bug/60544 <- looking for any suggestions on solutions for this issue.09:15
kbrookskamikay1, so mount the dvd.09:15
PriceChild!l33t | eiw09:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about l33t - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:15
claheysmallfoot: No clue.09:15
jk2what do i do with the rpm file lol09:15
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PriceChild!l337 | eiw09:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about l337 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:15
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PriceChild!leet | eiw09:15
ubotueiw: 1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.09:15
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hendrixskihah hah09:15
eiw!l337 | PriceChild09:15
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ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)09:15
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ubotuUnless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..09:15
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:15
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kbrookseiw: "leet is nigh-incomprehensible to us newbies, and nobody cares if you are a elite hacker. give it a rest"09:16
jk2AHA !09:16
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hendrixskiompaul, what was that?  the ban-removal?09:16
kbrookseiw: that is what it means.09:16
ompaulhendrixski, yes09:16
iarwain_hiya, anyone know why my laptop keeps hitting 60 withouth the fans kicking in..09:16
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PriceChildiarwain_, hardware failure09:16
smallfootiarwain_: goto store, say it sucks, and replace it09:16
kbrookseiw: so, don't use 1337. thanks.09:16
smallfootmacbook pretty cool, 2 gb ram, LED screen09:16
Nephelauxeticiarwain_, try bios update, probably ACPI broken09:17
iarwain_smallfoot: it's an ordered dell, so it would take weeks :D09:17
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kamikay1how can i do so?09:17
kmli've executed this command sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda2  but i still cannot see this ntfs partition :(09:17
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iarwain_PriceChild: in windows it doesn't get so hot ..09:17
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kbrookswhat does "nigh" mean?09:17
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Nephelauxeticiarwain_, try to add noapic as kernel param09:17
iarwain_Nephelauxetic: i'll try09:17
smallfootmy dad bought HP laptop, it sucks, every 5 minuts it come ask "do you want check the latest offers from HP's partner?"09:17
iarwain_Nephelauxetic: thanks =)09:17
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fatejudgerso no one knows anything about laptop power settings?09:17
=== UzzaDead [n=User@72-173-200-72.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulkbrooks, offtopic I'll pm09:17
fatejudgerI had no problems in Edgy09:17
coreGrlI'm trying to install a Creative Technology, Ltd VideoBlaster WebCam Go Plus [W9967CF] , but it doesn't works with amsn someone can point me in the right direction?09:18
ompaul events; near.09:18
Nephelauxeticiarwain_, you can turn them on by echo 0 > /proc/acpi/fan/*/state09:18
UzzaDeadafternoon all, on boot im getting filesystem is NOT clean errors and it seems i need to run fsck to fix them any warnings?09:18
fatejudgerI don't understand why upgrading would cause power settings to become non-functioning09:18
michupive pop up window with message like that: Ardour could not connect to JACK. There are several possible reasons...09:18
michupwhat is JACK09:18
TheCougaris it just me or is transgaming.com's website half full of 404s?09:18
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smallfootcoreGrl: i dont know, but try also in #amsn maybe09:18
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ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)09:18
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hendrixskifatejudger, updates are generally for the better... but sometimes will replace software with something that may not work 100% on your system09:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:19
iarwain_Nephelauxetic: 'no such file or directory'09:19
coreGrltank smallfoot09:19
jk2apt file ehh I need for FTPD ;x09:19
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smallfootTheCougar: i dont know, i dont visit it, its propriteary softwares09:19
smallfootcoreGrl:  np :)09:19
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sdoverDoes anyone know how to remove a driver?09:19
fatejudgerhendrixski: well how is it that power settings worked 100% in edgy, but 0% in feisty?09:19
rambo3UzzaDead, you should use live CD if filecheck is not ran automatically09:19
TheCougarsmallfoot: anything as good as it out there that isn't 'propriteary softwares' ?09:19
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Nephelauxeticsdover, you have to blacklist it09:19
tondarhey all09:19
sdoverhow do you do that09:19
UzzaDeadmichup, JACK is an audio connection toolkit if i remember correctly09:19
tondarsafari for ubuntu?09:19
hendrixskifatejudger, probably because the software that manages the power settings was upgraded, and the upgrade needs a bug filed for your system09:19
rcmivmichup, jack is an alternative audio server09:19
centrexDoes anyone have any good documentation on how to change an ubuntu distribution to a debian one completely without reinstalling?09:19
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UzzaDeadrambo3, do i have to do anything special because im running reiserfs?09:20
hendrixskifatejudger, in fact, you should file a bug.  :-) www.launchpad.net09:20
Nephelauxeticsdover, look in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist09:20
tondaris there a port for safari to ubuntu?09:20
frank_has noone an idea?09:20
jk2I presume I am now looking for an ftp program that has a file extension APT ?09:20
michupokay so i simply install it then and it should work09:20
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hendrixskifatejudger, the more people do these kinds of things the better Ubuntu becomes :-)09:20
UzzaDeadmichup, thats the theory09:20
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rcmivmichup, yep, in a perfect world.  I've had pretty good luck with it09:20
rambo3UzzaDead, i don't know anything about reiserfs .09:20
michuprcmiv: its alternative for what?09:20
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UzzaDeadthanks rambo309:21
rcmivmichup, alsa or oss09:21
michupohh okay09:21
jk2help !09:21
hendrixskitondar, Mac uses some crappy proprietary graphical interface for all their stuff, including saffari so that wont work on other Unixes09:21
rcmivmichup, http://jackaudio.org/09:21
hendrixskitondar, but they have made a port to Windows... so you can run it on linux through wine09:21
fatejudgerhendrixski: so I take it you have no idea what would cause this09:21
iarwain_Nephelauxetic: i have i8kmon installed (so i can control my fans) but when it gets over 35 or so, the fans keep stopping whilst detracting 1 or 209:21
michupdidnt know there is any other sound demons09:21
KI4IKLWhat command can I use to get the updates for the system?09:21
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tondarhendrixski: yeah, I guess09:21
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fatejudgerhendrixski: perhaps it has to do something with my switch from KDE to Gnome in the process of upgrading09:22
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AlexC_KI4IKL: sudo apt-get update ? #ubuntu is probably best for ubuntu support :P09:22
UzzaDeadi still think linux is trying to kill me on occasion09:22
KI4IKLI am in ubuntu...09:22
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hendrixskifatejudger, no idea ... sorry... but I do encourage you to see if someone else file this bug (there may be a patch that you can help them test) if not then they can't fix what they don't know about so tell them09:22
KI4IKLAlexC_, this IS the ubuntu channel.09:22
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AlexC_KI4IKL: man .. I'm messed up, I thought this was #ubuntu-offtopic09:23
cotyrotherycan someone help me with getting WoW to work with ubuntu 7.0409:23
KI4IKLand no, update does the repositories09:23
hendrixskifatejudger, the KDE to GNOME thing shouldn't be the culprit because power management is usually lower level than windows managers09:23
Nephelauxeticiarwain_, i'm always on 40 deg and don't care :)09:23
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fatejudgerhendrixski: I doubt it's a bug, more like ACPI isn't communicating with the settings manager or something09:23
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UzzaDeadhendrixski, im actually having some power management issues myself but they seem to come and go09:24
cotyrotheryDoes anyone know how to get world of warcraft to work on ubuntu if so could you help me out please...09:24
rcmivNephelauxetic, heat is something I am paranoid about, do you think 40C is a safe operating temp?09:24
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iarwain_Nephelauxetic: hmm, but it's quite hot when it's on my lap.. The thing that concerns me, is that in never gets that hot in Windows whilst playing, and in Ubuntu i'm just surfing and listening to music..09:24
fatejudgerhendrixski: well I remember that there was some button in KDE that enabled the power management stuff09:24
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fatejudgerhendrixski: there is no such button in Gnome09:24
Nephelauxeticrcmiv, absolutely yeah09:24
pike_cotyrothery: easiest way is cedega from what i gather though people use wine too09:24
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rcmivNephelauxetic, I usually run about 32C in the summer and it makes me spastic that my hd's are going to toast09:24
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Nephelauxeticrcmiv, temperature measurement accuracy always depends on the person who measures09:25
smallfootanyone noticed ubuntu installer is broken, partition thing is broken, i try make 20 gb partition and 480 gb partition, then it makes it 30 gb partition, why?09:25
Nephelauxeticand on the system09:25
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rcmivNephelauxetic, that's a really cool thing to know...npi09:25
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Nephelauxeticyou never know where the sensors are09:25
UzzaDeadsmallfoot, how many people have the space to do or test that :)09:25
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nullHow can I keep /usr/bin/updatedb from cronning  in the background?  I'm guessing it's for the locate command, which I have no need for.09:25
smallfootUzzaDead: me, i bought computer with 500 gb harddisk09:25
jk2Starting ftp server proftpd                                                   - IPv6 getaddrinfo '****-desktop' error: No address associated with hostname09:26
jk2:/ wtf09:26
iarwain_Nephelauxetic: well, the heat comes from the center of the lappy, where the cpu is.09:26
UzzaDeadsmallfoot, i just meant most people dont run close to that kind of space09:26
rambo3480 gb for swap ?09:26
Nephelauxeticrcmiv, my cores are now 40 and 47, the rest is 3009:26
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smallfootrambo3: no 0 gb for space, cuz i have 4 gb RAM09:26
UzzaDeadwhy not 480gb for boot rambo3 :)09:26
smallfootrambo3: the 480 gb is for pr0n09:26
jk2how do you set up proftpd if you cant get into it ;x09:26
PriceChild!ohmy | smallfoot09:26
ubotusmallfoot: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:26
rcmivNephelauxetic, that sound pretty close to what I normally see09:26
UzzaDeada good use of space :D09:26
rcmivNephelauxetic, thx09:27
smallfootoh, you cant say pr0n?09:27
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UzzaDeadprobably not a good idea09:27
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Nephelauxeticrcmiv, I will check what temps I have on my Athlon 600009:27
jk2anyone ?09:27
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krekashi guys, I have my cdrom drive broken, but I must install ubuntu, is there any way I can make my pen bootable after "burning" the iso??09:27
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rambo3!install | krekas09:28
smallfootbut i noticed ubuntu is not good for "adult movies", cuz it open some of them in browser, which is annoying, instead of open them in external player, and when it does open them in external player, you cant Double the size, you can only fullscreen09:28
UzzaDeadkrekas, you may be able to do a network install09:28
ubotukrekas: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate09:28
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fivetwentysixsmallfoot you can save link as.09:28
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jk2sorry guys whats the command to open a program09:28
UzzaDeadjk2, most of the time you just type the name of the prog09:28
fivetwentysixjk2 ./program09:28
smallfootfivetwentysix: but i shouldnt have to09:28
UzzaDeador ./progname09:28
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jk2proftpd it is09:29
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rambo3krekas, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick09:29
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fivetwentysixtry typing proftpd09:29
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UzzaDeadim under the impression its not wise to run fsck on a running FS?09:29
Nephelauxeticsmallfoot, you're so funny09:29
krekasI'm going to check those websites..and the network installation, if I can't do it, I'll bother you guys agin! ;) thanks09:29
smallfootNephelauxetic: thanks09:29
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jk2 - notice: unable to bind to Unix domain socket at '/var/run/proftpd/test.sock': Permission denied09:29
jk2 - notice: unable to listen to local socket: Address already in use09:29
jk2 - Fatal: SystemLog: unable to redirect logging to '/var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log': Permission denied on line 87 of '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'09:29
Nephelauxeticsmallfoot, install VLC09:29
smallfootyah, ill try that09:30
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michupokay how to install ardour properly?09:30
iarwain_jk2: try sudo proftpd09:30
smallfooti made whole partition 500 gb09:30
smallfootif i gonna repartition, i should get QTParted?09:30
jk2 - IPv6 getaddrinfo 'binu-desktop' error: No address associated with hostname09:30
UzzaDeadi usually pray to tux and linus before trying anything new :D09:30
rory096is there any alternative to ndiswrapper to get my dell wlan 1390 wireless card to work?09:30
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jk2no address ?09:30
Nephelauxeticsmallfoot, or GParted09:30
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Enselic__smallfoot: use gparted that comes with the ubuntu install disk09:31
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iarwain_jk2: i don't know anything about proftpd, just that you had to use sudo for you ;)09:31
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smallfootEnselic__: ok09:31
Nephelauxeticrory096, why not ndiswrapper?09:31
jk2there must be an easy FTP server lol09:31
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kmaynardjk2, vsftpd09:31
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rory096i tried that once, it didnt work well09:31
rory096i suppose i can try again09:31
Raidenjk2 , proftpd - daemon  sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd stop  or start09:31
KnowledgeAnyone with ubuntu on PS3 knowledge wanna help out with a few questions?09:31
ciaronis there an app that'll give me realtime bandwidth usuage by process? ie top but for bandwidth?09:31
Nephelauxeticrory096, compile it yourself09:31
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=== UzzaDead whispers Automatix to the chan
smallfootanyone managed to install the device driver from nvidia.com on Ubuntu?09:32
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UzzaDeadsmallfoot, i used automatix but its not well liked in these parts09:32
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smallfootUzzaDead: ya, i dont wanna install QuickTime, RealPlayer and that junk09:32
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jk2raiden its started - where the hell is it lol09:33
Nephelauxeticsmallfoot, yes I did09:33
skritehello all09:33
BluhdI've heard that emacs can be used as an IDE, but I haven't found anything like project management or automated ./configure updating09:33
UzzaDeadsmallfoot, i just stay away from the multimedia stuff in automatix but it installed the nvidia device driver and set it up properly with no problems09:33
atle|f<smallfoot> : envy09:33
eriscoI have NTFS partitions that windows runs on (this is a dual booting computer) and I want to be able to write files to those partitions while using linux. However, permission is denied. How can I grant write access to these drives?09:33
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Guest865What should I do if Ubuntu claims there is no signal from my router?09:33
kitsuneofdoomI think when I installed xorg-driver-fglrx, and later uninstalled it, it messed up my xorg.conf. My touchpad has been behaving erratically since. What do I do?09:33
BluhdI figure I'm looking for some sort of major mode09:33
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tylersmithHi All: I just did an automatic update on my p4 ubuntu machine and the system asked me to restart. When I did, I got the message: "Superblock could not be read or does not describe an ext2 filesystem." What does this mean? Does it mean my hard disk is dieing?09:34
OhMyAudiHi all.  I installed the bluebuntu theme package and now I can't find it in the theme list.  I restarted just to be sure09:34
OhMyAudiAny help?09:34
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jk2raiden me ol pal ?09:34
UzzaDeadOhMyAudi, did you properly install it and are you sure its not broken?09:34
smallfootUzzaDead: oh didnt know that was possible09:34
eriscoOhMyAudi, did you try to install it again?09:34
fatejudgerso I narrowed down my power settings problem, it my computer can't figure out when I close the lid of my laptop09:34
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OhMyAudiUzzaDead / erisco : it installed from synaptic just fine09:34
michuphow to install ardour in edgy?09:34
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IdleOnemichup, #ubuntustudio09:35
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agniHi, i'm having problems with avahi in ubuntu. I can start the daemon with an ethernet cable and it works perfectly. However it doesn't use the wireless network. I get this whenever I restart the server: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25144/ . My wireless device is wlan0 and is running with a static ip setup. Can anybody help me?09:35
OhMyAudiWhat else can I do?09:35
UzzaDeadsmallfoot, yeah just dont do the multimedia stuff it tends to install 2323432 media players you dont need on top of the codecs09:35
premier_Hi, I'm having trouble with alsa and the alsa guys aren't responding... I don't have much information, its just that alsa stopped working when I booted yesterday09:35
jk2daemon  sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start<--- control the program just through the terminal ?09:35
smallfootUzzaDead: oh ok09:35
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ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:35
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smallfooti just want the nvidia stuff, so i can use my 8600 with beryl09:36
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IdleOne!nividia | smallfoot09:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nividia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:36
IdleOne!nvidia | smallfoot09:36
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ubotusmallfoot: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:36
{HRF}GhostOk another question09:36
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UzzaDeadberyl is pretty but its also pretty unstable in some cases :D09:36
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Nephelauxeticsmallfoot, the binary drivers are recent09:36
Bluhd!WorksForMe < Bluhd09:36
{HRF}Ghostwhen I use su09:36
killershelo. we've installed Ubuntu on some computers here -- a setup with kde and java. and now aptitude shows lots of conflicts, and offers weird solutions -- remove KDE. why?? we'd like to have KDE :)09:36
Bluhd!WorksForMe > Bluhd09:36
{HRF}GhostI don't know what the password is I never set it09:36
rory096hmm. "E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper-common" somehow i think that's a bad thing...09:36
jk2anyone help ?09:37
KI4IKLI have some updates and it can't get them because it can't access the backports for feisty.09:37
{HRF}Ghost!info su09:37
ubotuPackage su does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:37
UzzaDead{HRF}Ghost, you have to use sudo09:37
jk2daemon  sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start <--- how to change settings ?09:37
rem_Ghost u need to sudo passwd and set a password then u can su ...09:37
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Nephelauxeticrory096, compile it :)09:37
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atle|f!metapackage | killers09:37
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ubotukillers: A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.09:37
rory096that sounds difficult...09:37
kaoshi all09:37
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{HRF}Ghostk thanks09:37
Nephelauxeticrory I can help u09:37
seddelI am a ubuntu newbie09:37
seddelI need help badly09:38
KI4IKLseddel, a good site for newbs... http://www.ubuntuguide.org09:38
{HRF}Ghostoh I see I used sudo su09:38
UzzaDeadi realized you dont get this level of support with M$ or Apple even if you pay for it :D09:38
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{HRF}Ghostgot me to root@desktop09:38
jk2rem can you help me ?09:38
kaoscan anyone tell me where i can get a downloadable linux tutorial09:38
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UzzaDead{HRF}Ghost, are you looking to run a program as root?09:38
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Nephelauxeticrory096, query09:39
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smallfooti love this thing, i click "Quit..." on System, and it fades to dark its sweet09:39
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UzzaDeadi love it when its not trying to kill me09:39
{HRF}GhostI'm trying to install WINE in root yes09:39
kitsuneofdoomack! dpkg-reconfigure won't start up09:39
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{HRF}GhostIt says I need to be root to install it09:39
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kaossu yourself09:40
UzzaDead{HRF}Ghost, then you want to type exit to get back to your normal user then type sudo apt-get install wine09:40
UzzaDeadand enter your user password when it asks for the password09:40
{HRF}Ghostok thanks :) all of you09:40
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:40
killerswell, kde and it's components are metapackages, but there should be a reason why it tells it's broken? is there a way to tell it to install right stuff?09:40
Bluhddid someone just say su?09:40
Bluhdkaos: use sudo, not su09:40
tclevalanyone here play nexuiz ? here nexuiz runs slow as hell, but tremulous and other gamers run nice with good pfs09:40
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kitsuneofdoomOk, so, I had a problem with my touchpad configuration since I installed (and removed) the fglrx driver, and O09:41
cap601What can I do if I can't get my wifi card to recognise a signal from my router?  It claims there is 0% reception despite it working on Windows.09:41
{HRF}Ghostyep sudo apt-get install wine09:41
jk2 Permission denied09:41
jk2 - notice: unable to listen to local socket: Address already in use09:41
jk2 - Fatal: SystemLog: unable to redirect logging to '/var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log': Permission denied on line 87 of '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'09:41
Bluhdtcleval: you might not have hardware support09:41
rory096Nephelauxetic: what do you mean by query?09:41
kaossorry i havent used linux for about 5 years09:41
{HRF}Ghostthat's what I used thanks09:41
smallfootwhat i love in ubuntu, is i can just tell it to install a software, and it download and install it for me, without i have to goto website, download it, run it09:41
jk2oh dear09:41
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kaosjust getting used to this sudo command09:41
jk2proftpd is running09:41
nickrud_killers, if apt is telling you that the metapackage is broken, then there's something wrong with your /etc/apt/sources.list most likely09:41
kitsuneofdoomOk, so, I had a problem with my touchpad configuration since I installed (and removed) the fglrx driver, and I'm trying to use dpkg-reconfigure to restore the file, but dpkg-reconfigure doesn't work09:41
Bluhdtcleval: do you have accelerated drivers installed or are you using it with the xorg drivers?09:41
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jk2and no ferking idea how to access it09:41
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{HRF}Ghostthe difference between su and sudo is odd09:41
Hillviewanyone familiar with connecting an mp3 player in feisty fawn?  dmesg shows it connecting, but I'm not sure how to mount it to put files on it.09:41
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tclevalBluhd, look , i said that the other gamers work fine, all of them are 3D09:42
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kaos\it mounts automatically for e09:42
Bluhdtcleval: oh, I thought by gamers you meant your friends09:42
nickrud_Hillview, look in /media, see if it's there09:42
UzzaDeadjk2, have you tried looking at line 87 of proftpd.conf at /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf :)09:42
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Hillviewnickrud_, it's not =/09:42
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Nephelauxeticrory096, private chat = query... that opens a window or adds a name or shit...09:42
jk2if I knew how or what I was looking for UzzaDead !09:42
rory096ah, ok09:42
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kaosso does anyone know where i can download a linux tutorial?09:42
tclevalBluhd, it seem to be a nexuiz problem, and i saw some posts on the foruns about this problem, but no solution09:43
nickrud_Hillview, what device is dmesg showing as?09:43
Bluhdtcleval: what gfx card?09:43
UzzaDeadjk2, the first place to look is where its showing now but i have no experience with that09:43
killersi use sources.list that came by default.. is there some thing enabled by default that causes problems?09:43
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vaidassomebody here has to tell me why I'm getting 100% cpu usage with ati x1600 when switched to beryl09:43
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Perunhmm problem with firefox, if I try to start it, it says its already started and I should kill this process first, but If I do ps -A, there is no firefox running09:43
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smallfootkaos, bookstore09:43
Bluhdtcleval: I tried running nexuiz on windows using a card that didn't support GLSL and it ran slow as hell until I turned it off09:43
smallfootkaos, howtoforge.com maybe09:43
UzzaDeadvaidas, ATI sucks jk :)09:43
smallfootkaos, linux.com09:43
kitsuneofdoomPerun: firefox-bin09:43
elYasehello, is there a good application for high quality presentations, like windows powerplugs for example?09:43
fxfitzI just installed a new PCI card. Is there anyway that I can check and see if it was recognized by Ubuntu???09:43
nickrud_killers, if you'd paste it on paste.ubuntu-nl.org, someone will look at it09:43
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BluhdelYase: openoffice.org09:43
kitsuneofdoomelYase: lspci09:43
Perunkitsuneofdoom: ?09:43
Hillviewnickrud_, I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but I'm getting 'new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 6' from it.09:44
dmbis there a way update manager can ignore a package?09:44
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smallfootelYase: OpenOffice09:44
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kaosty sallfoot09:44
dmbit wants to upgrade something i want to be at the lower version09:44
kitsuneofdoomPerun: it's listed as firefox-bin09:44
BluhdelYase: "Impress" in openoffice is pretty much the same as powerpoint09:44
krekasguys, do 'instlux' work properly to install ubuntu from windows? or the old and working way of a bootable cd,flash.. is better?09:44
Perunkitsuneofdoom: there is nothing with firefox in the name09:44
harrydmb: go into synaptic09:44
smallfooti need burn an ISO, i need download software? what?09:44
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UzzaDeadsmallfoot, kde or gnome?09:44
ompaul!burn | smallfoot09:44
ubotusmallfoot: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto09:44
dmbharry: and lock version?09:44
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kitsuneofdoomPerun: then, some sort of lock problem?09:44
smallfootUzzaDead: GNOME09:44
elYasehave you heard about Powerplugs, it is very far from Openoffice09:45
jorik808how do i stop postgresql from automatically starting up at boot ?09:45
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kitsuneofdoomOk, so, I had a problem with my touchpad configuration since I installed (and removed) the fglrx driver, and I'm trying to use dpkg-reconfigure to restore the file, but dpkg-reconfigure doesn't work09:45
UzzaDeadsee what ubotu said :D09:45
Perunkitsuneofdoom: and where is the lock file?09:45
elYaseBluhd, Impress??09:45
harrydmb: yeah, i think so09:45
vaidaswhy I'm getting 100% cpu usage with ati x1600 when switched to beryl?09:45
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BluhdelYase: yes, install openoffice first09:45
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hexoffseti hate a problem with my ubuntu09:45
kitsuneofdoomPerun: probably in .mozilla09:45
hexoffseti have09:45
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Perunkitsuneofdoom: hmm ok I wil search for it09:45
krekaswe all hate problems man :P09:45
dmbharry: k, thanks, i just had a moment of stupidity there09:45
nullkuhlguys wat can i use on gnome to send files using bluetooth ??09:45
Bluhdhexoffset: and?09:45
fxfitzIs there any way to see if this new PCI card is being recognized by Ubuntu??09:45
hexoffsetthe problem is, its just too damn sexy09:45
harryDmb: no problem09:45
rory096/who Nephelauxetic09:46
NephelauxeticI'm here09:46
rambo3jorik808, move /etc/init.d/po* whatever to /etc/init.d/pos_backup or use bum09:46
eriscoI need to write to an NTFS partition. How?09:46
Bluhdhexoffset: in that case, run this: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:46
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto09:46
UzzaDeadhexoffset, can i suggest a box of kleenex and a locked door with your install?09:46
rory096i was checking to see if you were identified :o09:46
hexoffsetlol just poppin in to see what sup09:46
hexoffsetUzzaDead: lol09:46
jk2this is a joke09:46
PriceChild!ntfs-3g | erisco09:46
ubotuerisco: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:46
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akkI have a question about php on feisty: feisty had apache 1.3.34 installed automatically, but I can't find a php that'll work with it09:46
whiskey1973Ok, is it terrible to patch broadcom wireless drivers to inject?09:46
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Nephelauxeticrory096, no I'm a nasty anonymous09:46
jk2how do you even instal anything09:46
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hexoffsetUzzaDead: i might need the industrial size roll09:46
PriceChildjk2, applications > add/rmeove09:46
eriscoPriceChild, that is one of the options I heard about. Thanks.09:46
akkall the php5 packages pull in apache2, which gets upset because apache1 is already running09:46
rambo3jorik808, its a gui with startup services09:47
elYaseBluhd, its already installed in Ubuntu09:47
nullkuhlguys wat can i use on gnome to send files using bluetooth ?09:47
UzzaDeadtry costco :D09:47
vaidaswhy I'm getting 100% cpu usage with ati x1600 when switched to beryl?09:47
PriceChilderisco, that's the only real option.09:47
BluhdelYase: good! now run Openoffice :D09:47
nickrud_Hillview, in a terminal, type   tail -f /var/log/syslog , and plug in the device. You should get a bunch of lines, paste them on paste.ubuntu-nl.org09:47
cap601What can I do if I can't get my wifi card to recognise a signal from my router?  It claims there is 0% reception despite it working on Windows.09:47
BluhdelYase: it should be in the program list as OpenOffice Presentation09:47
rory096Nephelauxetic: er, then pms probably wont work well09:47
Hillviewnickrud_, on it.  one moment.09:47
UzzaDeadcap601, that usually means the card isnt working in linux09:47
PriceChildcap601, tell the people your wireless card model ;)09:47
akkIs there a PHP that will run with the apache that's installed by default?09:47
hexoffsetI do have a real question though. In Feisty... you can enable desktop effects with compiz... where can I change the effects settings??09:47
nickrud_Hillview, is this an ipod?09:47
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UzzaDeadcompiz-manager i think?09:47
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rambo3hexoffset, emerald09:48
hexoffsetthere does not seem to be one09:48
jk2pricechild does that apply to one I just downloaded a file for ?09:48
krekasguys, do 'instlux' work properly to install ubuntu from windows? or the old and working way of a bootable cd,flash.. is better?09:48
Hillviewnickrud_, sansa e260, in wmp format09:48
PriceChildjk2, no09:48
rambo3hexoffset, #ubuntu-effect btw09:48
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elYaseBluhd, i was looking for a special soft not an ordinary one like powerpoint, or OpenOffice09:48
UzzaDeadi ran beryl but the stability caused me to uninstall it09:48
hexoffsetrambo3: l09:48
Hillviewnickrud_, er, playsforsure mode, rather09:48
PriceChildjk2, it is best to use ubuntu's repositories for software rather than getting it from random places09:48
nickrud_Hillview, ok09:48
PriceChildjk2, it maintains the quality and security of the software on your system09:48
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jk2PriceChild: I have proftpd running09:48
rambo3hexoffset , sorry #ubuntu-effects for xgl09:48
UzzaDeadPriceChild, is quality subjective? :D09:49
hexoffsetUzzaDead: yeah the standard desktop effects work fine for me on my 2.0g geforce 44009:49
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jk2but how do I access the settings09:49
kitsuneofdoomOk, so, I had a problem with my touchpad configuration since I installed (and removed) the fglrx driver, and I'm trying to use dpkg-reconfigure to restore the file, but dpkg-reconfigure doesn't work09:49
nickrud_akk, install libapache2-mod-php509:49
PriceChildUzzaDead, um "yes"09:49
NephelauxeticPriceChild, you forgot "in principle"09:49
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PriceChildNephelauxetic, ?09:49
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akknickrud_: That pulls in apache2, which won't start because it conflicts with the apache1 that was installed by default.09:49
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NephelauxeticPriceChild, just kidding09:49
BluhdelYase: Well, powerpoint-style programs are as common as you can get, they're pretty much the industry standard09:49
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jk2daemon  sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start <--- started - what I dont know09:50
cap601I'm using some Asus (don't know model name).  On windows it appears to be using a Ralink driver if that helps.09:50
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UzzaDeadis there a way i can make linux stop trying to kill me?09:50
sebas_how should I run crystal space?09:50
nickrud_akk, that's why I'm using apache2 now myself ;)09:50
jk2PriceChild:  ?09:50
diminthedamwhere can i see the error messages received on bootup (ubuntu 7.04)09:50
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kitsuneofdoomUzzaDead: stop giving your computer firearms.09:50
whiskey1973anyone have "The Best" link for detailing how to use sudo or at least a good beginners tutorial on terminal usage? I'm just now migrating(slowly) form M$09:50
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Hillviewnickrud_, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25145/09:50
akknickrud_: :-(  Any idea why they install apache1 by default when they don't offer packages that work with it?09:51
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UzzaDeadkitsuneofdoom, i tried it then violently ejected the cd-rom tray causing the disc to fly out just grazing my forehead!09:51
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kitsuneofdoomUzzaDead: is this a dual boot machine?09:51
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jk2ok PriceChild doesnt love me anymore ;x09:51
UzzaDeadkitsuneofdoom, it is09:51
kitsuneofdoomUzzaDead: and it works under windows?09:51
PriceChildjk2, ?09:51
UzzaDeadno :)09:52
nickrud_akk, none09:52
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jk2daemon  sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start <--- started - what I dont know09:52
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nullkuhlguys wat can i use on gnome to send files using bluetooth ?09:52
UzzaDeadi think its windows influencing linux to try to kill me for not using windows09:52
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kitsuneofdoomUzzaDead: if you have the same problem in windows, I suggest you open up your computer, remove the little power cable, and look into a new cd drive.09:52
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UzzaDeadkitsuneofdoom, i was totally joking but thanks for the suggestion :)09:53
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UzzaDeadim just having power/shutdown issues at random using linux09:53
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ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot09:53
jk2does proftpd have a GUI or frontend ?09:53
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UzzaDeadis it wise to run fsck on a running filesystem?09:53
kitsuneofdoomUzzaDead: no.09:54
PriceChildUzzaDead, unmount it first!09:54
UzzaDeadthought so09:54
cap601Anyone got any ideas for my problem?09:54
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jk2does proftpd have a GUI or frontend PriceChild ?09:54
kitsuneofdoomdpkg-reconfigure won't run09:54
PriceChildjk2, yes... I think.09:54
benzs_sok guys i just installed beryl and all this weird shit is happening09:54
krekaswhat is the difference between instluxNET and instluxCDROM??09:54
benzs_swe can't stop here this is beryl country09:54
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jk2anyone know how to access the proftpd frontend ?09:54
akkelYase: What are you looking for?09:54
PriceChildbenzs_s, beryl is alpha software and unstable. Use at your own risk :)09:54
kduboistheres this application that makes your icons look kinda like mac's icons at the bottom, but i'm blanking on the name... anyone know what the name of what i'm talking about?09:55
PriceChildjk2, think you have to install it seperately09:55
kmaynardos x?09:55
benzs_sof course it's unstable09:55
kitsuneofdoomkdubois: yes...it's k something dock09:55
benzs_smy windows can barely stand up09:55
benzs_sthey keep wobbling09:55
elYaseakk, something like powerplugs09:55
PriceChildbenzs_s, #ubuntu-effects for support :)09:55
krekaswhat is the difference between instluxNET and instluxCDROM?? aren't both suppose to be used to instal ubuntu through windows?09:55
elYaseakk, but for linux09:55
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jk2I have no idea how to install via source09:55
premier_Hi, how do I force my computer to recheck the time?09:55
akkelYase: oh, sorry, don't know what powerplugs are09:55
=== benzs_s giggles
PriceChild!info gproftpd | jk209:55
ubotujk2: gproftpd: GTK+ configuration tool for proftpd. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.2.8-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 162 kB, installed size 580 kB09:56
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vaidaswhy I'm getting 100% cpu usage with ati x1600 when switched to beryl?09:56
elYaseakk, its a kind fo add ons to improve ppt presentations, efects and stuff like that09:56
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nickrud_Hillview, I get a bunch of kerne stuff instead of that: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25146/ . I have no clue why the network manager thinks it should take control09:56
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krekashey guys, what is the difference between instluxNET and instluxCDROM?? aren't both suppose to be used to instal ubuntu through windows?09:56
akkelYase: Ah, okay. There are tons of different presentation programs but maybe nothing quite like that.09:56
mylogicvaidas: are you using ati's proprietary driver?09:56
kitsuneofdoomdpkg-reconfigure won't run. I'm on Ubuntu 7.04, just reinstalled two days ago. I ran `dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg` and it's hanging. As root.09:56
PriceChildkrekas, never heard of them09:56
akkelYase: (and most of them probably don't do a lot of effects)09:56
PriceChildkrekas, there is no supported instillation method of ubuntu from windows09:57
elYaseakk, yea09:57
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diminthedamwhere can i see the error messages received on bootup (ubuntu 7.04)09:57
kduboiskibadock. thanks kitsuneofdoom09:57
Hillviewnickrud_, that's odd.  what player have you got?  Maybe I'll just peddle this pos on ebay and get another. ;)09:57
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krekasPriceChild: I got the link from ubuntu website, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows09:57
vaidasmylogic, I'm using fglrx09:58
PriceChildkrekas, that's alpha/beta and not ready09:58
nickrud_Hillview, I've only used someone else's ipod.09:58
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Hillviewnickrud_, okay, ty.09:58
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erUSULdiminthedam: System>Admin>System Events09:58
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UzzaDeadhow do i exit "man"09:58
Centralhello everyone, I'm having difficulty running dual screen in ubuntu09:58
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nickrud_Hillview, but I was looking at sansa, Thanks ;)09:58
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Centralwho can help me?09:58
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Hillviewnickrud_, hah.  it's a nice player to use from 'doze.09:59
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kitsuneofdoomdpkg-reconfigure won't run. I'm on Ubuntu 7.04, just reinstalled two days ago. I ran `dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg` and it's hanging. As root.09:59
Hillviewnickrud_, just don't buy the rhapsody version if you do.09:59
nickrud_Hillview, try googling it, with linux . or linuxhardware.org09:59
nickrud_UzzaDead, q .09:59
Centralcan anyone help me?10:00
jk2(gproftpd:7968): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed10:00
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jk2how bad is that ?10:00
UzzaDeaddoh, thanks nickrud_10:00
kitsuneofdoomdpkg-reconfigure won't run. I'm on Ubuntu 7.04, just reinstalled two days ago. I ran `dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg` and it's hanging. As root. Hell, what is with Ubuntu 7.04! This is the first time in two releases I've had this many issues.10:00
nickrud_UzzaDead, man uses  less  as it's reader, so all those commands work10:00
jk2PriceChild: (gproftpd:7968): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed10:00
jk2 <--- any idea mate ?10:00
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PriceChildnope sorry10:01
PriceChildjk2, check launchpad for bugs10:01
PriceChildjk2, does the application still run?10:01
jk2launchpad ? yeah it does10:01
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KeithWeissharwhy does it take a long time to install ubuntu on a vbox emulator10:01
PriceChildjk2, then ignore it10:01
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PriceChildKeithWeisshar, virtualisation is always slow10:01
cap601What can I do if my wifi card claims there is 0% signal from my router but Windows can find it fine?  I have an Asus (no idea on the model) card running a Ralink driver when on windows.  I'm using the 64bit LiveCD if that helps.10:01
KeithWeisshari'm installing the free ubuntu cd from shipit into virtualbox10:01
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diminthedameRUSUL: my system keeps giving me some hddisk block errors on bootup. is there a disk checking app for ubuntu?10:02
KeithWeisshari have pentium d 3ghz with 2gb of ram10:02
w1ls0n_So is there any way to upgrade from edgy to feisty without changing one specific driver?10:02
uberushaximusI usually experience degraded connectivity as well cap60110:02
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jk2err whats launchpad ? :)10:02
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ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/10:02
PriceChildjk2, ignore it if the application still works10:02
rabby_although i installed the foomatics driver for my brother hl1250 printer, it only prints strange letters etc. :(10:02
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Zedfloydhas anyone or does anyone know how to triple boot on a macbook pro... Ubuntu, OSX and Vista??10:03
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PriceChildZedfloyd, I'd advise you to ask apple people... bootcamp and all10:03
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cap601uberhaximus: The problem is a complete lack of connectivity - I can't even reach the router10:03
Centralcan anyone help me ut a little? I'm having trouble getting my second screen to work10:03
Centralit worked before10:03
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UbuntuFeistywho is bot?10:03
Centralnow it stays inactive10:03
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:04
Centralsomeone helped me to get it to work before10:04
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Centralbut it seems to have forgotten the settings or something10:04
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ibob63I can't get my wireless network card to work with my laptop... so can anyone recommend a usb wireless card?10:04
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CentralI can't find where I can change this.10:05
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chlorisHello, may I ask a question? How can I remove a single-pixel border around the kicker? I set a kicker background to dark-blue texture and one-pixel line is above the kicker. The kicker has also one-pixel bigger height than set... Anybody ?10:05
PriceChildchloris, try #kubuntu10:05
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haggard!wireless | ibob6310:05
ubotuibob63: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:05
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erUSULdiminthedam: man fsck10:06
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ibob63thanks haggard.10:06
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cap601Can anyone help with my problem?10:06
smhello, what is the default CUPS administration login ?10:06
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erUSULdiminthedam: you can force a fsck of the filesystem on boot doing 'sudo touch /forcefsck'10:06
haggard!anyone | cap60110:06
ubotucap601: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:06
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Centralhaggard. running 2 screens with a nvidea card?10:07
PriceChildhaggard, he already has ;)10:07
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Centralcan you help me with that?10:07
haggardoh sorry  :p10:07
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ben_beryl killed my computer :<10:08
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megasquidwhich package to i need to install for the development libraries and compiler?10:08
PriceChildmegasquid, build-essential ?10:08
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KeithWeisshari only have a cd version of ubuntu10:08
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megasquidPriceChild, thanks leme try that10:08
KeithWeissharis there additional packages if i buy the dvd version10:08
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KeithWeissharshipit only has cd's10:09
PriceChildKeithWeisshar, why buy? you can download or order for free?10:09
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PriceChildKeithWeisshar, the dvd versino contains the entire "main" and "restricted" repositories...10:09
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KeithWeisshari only have the free cd version from shipit10:09
diminthedameRUSUL: it does that itself actually...but if i were to do it - when in the startup process?10:10
vaidascan somebody help me? when I select to use the beryl window manager cpu usage goes to 100%10:10
kitsuneofdoomdpkg-reconfigure doesn't work anymore, something is using 100% of my processor, top as ROOT won't even tell me what it is. My scroller on my laptop stops working, firefox randomly closes, and I reinstalled, which helped until I installed the ati drivers.10:10
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PriceChildKeithWeisshar, i'd advise you to use that10:10
haggardCentral: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaMultiMonitors10:10
PriceChildKeithWeisshar, you can download any other packages from the net as and when needed10:10
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haggard!xinerama| Central10:10
ubotuCentral: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead10:10
Centralhaggard thank you!10:10
apfelAnyone using the Samsung q40 notebook?10:10
KeithWeisshardoes the dvd version install the entire main and restricted at once10:11
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PriceChildKeithWeisshar, no, it just has them on so you can download them rfom the cd instead of the internet10:11
erUSULdiminthedam: you should do that from a livecd as filesystem must be unmounted10:11
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KeithWeisshardoes the dvd include nvidia drivers10:12
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mvp__hey ppl10:14
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mvp__ppl i need help10:14
vaidaswhy does cpu usage go to 100% when I select beryl as my window manager?10:14
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kduboisn #videolan10:14
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mvp__hey people how to disable tipografia??10:15
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erUSULmauryck_: ponla en www.imageshack.us10:15
Nephelauxetichi mwagner10:15
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mvp__i need help pls im a noob10:15
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mvp__hola alguien habla espaol10:16
erUSUL!es | mvp__10:16
haggard!es | mvp__10:16
ubotumvp__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:16
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mwagnerI am using Feisty Fawn and I cannot even run "oo-presenting-Kubuntu" from the "Examples" directory without any problems. Open Office always crashes when I try to exit the presentation. Could you confirm this?10:16
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Pozaroanyone know how to install a package I just downloaded cedaga10:16
mwagnerdpkg -i filename10:17
erUSUL!cedega | Pozaro10:17
ubotuPozaro: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega10:17
smallfootI made "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx", how do i uninstall it?10:17
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mvp__hey, can anyone here tell me how to disable themes tipografia?10:17
Centralhaggard I'm not getting it to work...10:17
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crdlbsmallfoot, rerun with remove instead of install10:18
Pozarowhats better cedega or wine10:18
smallfootcrdlb:  "suda apt-get remove nvidia-glx" ?10:18
lynucsPozaro: cedega..10:18
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crdlbsmallfoot, why do you want to uninstall it?10:18
kingbinaryhi, does anyone know how to make it so compiz loads automatically when i log in?  i have to do it from terminal now10:18
mwagnerPozaro: Cedega if you want do do gaming.10:18
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smallfootcrdlb: cuz i wanna use Envy instead10:18
Pozarohow do i install it10:18
crdlbsmallfoot, why?10:18
lmosherWhat's the best filesystem to use when going between windows and linux (portable HDD)10:18
Pozaroi just downloaded it10:18
megasquidi installed imagemagick, but don't have Magick-config anyone know why?10:18
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AS6i have downloaded Mozilla firefox and have extracted the files. How do i install it?10:18
lynucslmosher: fat3210:18
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smallfootcrdlb: cuz i have GeForce 8600, and Ubuntu repostiry has old version of device driver that dont support this card10:19
lmosherlynucs, mkfs -t fat32 /dev/sdb1 is the correct command, yes?10:19
mwagnerPozaro: open up a terminal10:19
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Pozaroits open10:19
crdlbsmallfoot, I see, then yes10:19
lynucslmosher: you could just use gparted10:19
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mwagnerchange to the directory where you installed cedega10:19
lmosherlynucs, lol I forgot about that. Already made the partition w/ fdisk... couldn't remember how mkfs worked10:20
mvp__hey i have download a themes so i install it, i apply the themes i add options themes tipografy and i want disable this option10:20
bharat862004i have ubuntu 6.06 installed and by default "MOVIE PLAYER" is also installed but i cannot play avi files..... can someone help me ???????? :)10:20
Central!run| central10:20
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jrib!restricted > bharat862004 (see the private message from ubotu)10:20
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bharat862004how can i install a codec to play avi files10:20
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lmosherbharat862004, You probably need the correct avi codec. Ubuntuquide.org has a lot of FAQs, including an in-depth description of this.10:21
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mwagnerI am using Feisty Fawn and I cannot even run "oo-presenting-Kubuntu" from the "Examples" directory without any problems. Open Office always crashes when I try to exit the presentation. Could you confirm this?10:21
mvp__hey can anyone tell me how to disable themes tipografy?10:21
LordLimecatdoes anyone have experience with netcat?10:21
skulridHillview: after loading ubuntu I get an error about XSERVER, so I think I have to configure that xserver or XORG thing rigth? but how do I do it from de comand lines??10:21
bharat862004jrib: ubotu has not displayed any message and my account is not registered in irc10:22
skulridafter loading ubuntu I get an error about XSERVER, so I think I have to configure that xserver or XORG thing rigth? but how do I do it from de comand lines??10:22
jribbharat862004: you don't need to be registered.  What client are you using?10:22
Pozarook the name of the file i donloaded is called fbk-repack.cedega.6.010:22
Pozarohow do i install it10:22
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bharat862004jrib: gaim10:22
jribbharat862004: I think you should have a new tab from ubotu10:22
bharat862004lmosher: can u tell me the command to correct my codecs10:23
jk2anyone know how to change the home directory in gproftpd10:23
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nickrudskulrid, at the command line, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg , try that10:23
mvp__can anyone tell me pls10:23
jrib!helpme | mvp__10:23
ubotumvp__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:23
boabstaskulrid, or use xorgconfig10:23
lmosherbharat862004, visit that website. It will tell you everything, plus give you a lot of tips you didn't even know you wanted to know.10:23
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mvp__how to disable tipografy themes10:23
bharat862004jrib: has its already their a new tab for ubotu10:23
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skulridnickrud: that will take me to that configuration fo resolution, mouse, screen, keyboard etc??10:23
lmosherbharat862004, the reason is b/c you need to install a lot of things and I don't remember them all.10:23
jribbharat862004: ok, that should contain the information you want10:23
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pivlo there all10:24
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cap601What can I do if my wifi card claims there is 0% signal from my router but Windows can find it fine?  I have an Asus (no idea on the model) card running a Ralink driver when on windows.  I'm using the 64bit LiveCD if that helps.10:24
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nickrudskulrid, the -phigh will try to figure all that out for you. If it doesn't work, try again without -phigh and it'll ask you all the details10:24
bharat862004lmosher: jrib ok let be check out and will tell u :)10:24
amonkeywhats the smallest way to take an image of a partition? it's only 20% full10:24
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shedmandoes anyone know about manually configuring the xorg.conf file?10:24
skulridnickrud thnks ;)10:24
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ubuntuNoobuscan anyone help me with a setup problem with ubuntu feisty fawn?10:25
mwagnerPozaro: The way I used to install cedega was to download a Debian package and then to install it with "dpkg -i cegeda-version.deb"10:25
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shedmanubuntuNoobus: what's the problem?10:25
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boabstashedman, http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/xorg-config.xml is a good start10:25
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davorshedman: have a looka t XF86Config or XF86Cfg10:25
lmosherwhat's the command to restore the mount state in the fstab? (i.e. I have two sda1's mounted for some reason and I want it to re-mount my sdb)10:25
str8lazy_Could anyone help me with configuring my system/kernel to access all of the RAM that I have installed?10:25
zaggynlWhere are the iptables rules stored by default on ubuntu 7.04?10:25
shedmanthanks, I wrote a new xorg.conf but it wouldn't work10:26
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Pozarothe one i downlloaded has a .zip xt10:26
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Pozaro.zip exension10:26
ubuntuNoobus(shedman) the cd starts up and lets me select what i want to do but if i select startup/install it hangs10:26
ubuntuNoobuswith both 64 and 32bit10:26
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jrib!iptables > zaggynl (see the private message from ubotu)10:26
BakefyTwice now my hard drive is no longer mounted after I updated my ubuntu.  Anyone have any idea why this keeps happening?10:26
jribzaggynl: no where, there are no rules by default10:26
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nickrudshedman, man xorg.conf. There's also a bunch of man pages referenced at the bottom of that one, for vid cards, input devices, etc10:26
zaggynljrib, thanks10:26
boabstalmosher, mount -a i think10:26
mwagnerPozaro: I haven't used Cedega for quite a while. Did you download it from Transgaming?10:26
NephelauxeticubuntuNoobus, use the alternate installer cd10:26
Nephelauxetic32 bit10:26
Pozarofrom a torrent10:26
ubuntuNoobusis it easy to use or is it all command line?10:27
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nickrudshedman, do the dpkg-reconfigure thing and then edit to taste, it's much less painful10:27
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NephelauxeticubuntuNoobus, it's like the normal GUI but you use it with the arrows and enter10:27
str8lazy_Could anyone help me with configuring my system/kernel to access all of the RAM that I have installed?10:27
mwagnerPozaro: Maybe you can try "unzip" on that file.10:27
VeinorWhenever I send a playlist to my iPod in GTKpod or Amarok, it says it was sent, but I can't access it. It's still there when I reconnect; it's like a 'phantom zone'; like right now it says I have one called 'heavy', but amarok says I have one called 'top songs' as well that isn't showing.10:27
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NephelauxeticI think it's almost easier than the normal installer10:27
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shedmanubuntuNoobus: have you tried the alternate CD?10:28
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KeiserHey all.  Anybody had any luck with nVidia GeForce 6200 OC cards?10:28
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ubuntuNoobusok the other thing is i found a thread saying yto type in a command after prerssing f6 it begins irqpoll and trhat way allows me to install but i can't access my xp install with grub10:28
Pozarok just unzipped it10:28
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nuked_omenthe normal install cd never works.. i learned to just directly download the alternate install cd10:28
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ubuntuNoobusnot tried it yet10:28
Pozaronow i have a .deb cpkg, and .trz10:29
ubuntuNoobusok np i'll give it a try now10:29
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mwagnerokay cool.10:29
ubuntuNoobusty guys10:29
nickrudnuked_omen, +110:29
lmosherI just created a fat32 partition, how do I change the volume lable?10:29
nuked_omennuked_omen: +1?10:29
nickrudnuked_omen, I agree 101%10:29
mwagnerI trust you downloaded it from a legitimate source. Now try "sudo dpkg -i cedega.deb"10:29
nuked_omenoh ok :)10:30
boabstanuked_omen, i dont - its always worked for me from 5.0410:30
jk2anyone help me with proftpd ?10:30
lmosherAlso, again, how do I mount/unmount drives based on the fstab? How do I re-initialize the fstab?10:30
shedmanUbuntuNoobus: I'd say it's definitely worth trying, the only thing is if you've got a slow internet connection it'll take a while to download10:30
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jk2how do you set the home directory anyone ?10:30
nuked_omenboabsta: it never worked for me10:30
nickrudlmosher, you'd add the correct line to /etc/fstab, then invoke  sudo mount -a10:30
mwagnerjk2: what do you mean?10:30
boabstanuked_omen, what went wrong?10:30
ubuntuNoobusis it best to use 32 bit or 64 bit ? i'm running an amd 4200 dual core10:30
jk2mwagner: set up an user account - now how do I tell the program what folders that user can access ?10:31
nuked_omenboabsta: my graphics card was not supported.. it's always the case10:31
jk2/var/ftp is all that it seems to point to10:31
nickrudboabsta, for me gparted wrote a mangled partition table, I had to use fdisk to repair10:31
mwagnerit's done using "chmod-ing the folders".10:31
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NephelauxeticubuntuNoobus, 32 for noobs!!!10:31
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ubuntuNoobuslol kk10:31
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Nephelauxeticyou won't get any benefit from 64 anyway10:31
Pozarolol all i had to do was click t is instlling now10:31
ubuntuNoobusi foubd the same with vista10:32
boabstanuked_omen, either way its strange - have you tweaked stuff in your BIOS?10:32
nuked_omenboabsta: i wonder why developers insist on you to install from GUI when the live cd doesn't have good hardware support10:32
Veinorjk2: It's done via chmod; what're you trying to do?10:32
jk2chmod-ing ;|10:32
nuked_omenboabsta: no10:32
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davorjk2: via chmod or directly in the passwd file10:32
nuked_omenboabsta: i don't think it has to do with the bios10:32
jk2well I am setting up user accounts10:32
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nuked_omeni just can't run the install program10:32
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jk2wtf is chmod ?10:32
Veinorjk2: OK, and?10:32
KimmoKeanyone set up nullmailer?10:32
nuked_omenbecause i can't log in10:32
boabstanuked_omen, nae luck ;p10:32
nuked_omenbecause of hardware incompatibility10:33
Veinorjk2: chmod is a command run in the terminal that modifies the access permission of files.10:33
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Veinorand folders10:33
Nephelauxeticnuked_omen, first thing I got on both CDs was kernel panic because ot acpi :)10:33
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mwagnerjk2: it's setting privileges for "user, group and others"10:33
pullerneed help customizing a beryl animation to make it only work on certain things....10:33
jk2ok - how does that fit into gprpftpd ?10:33
ubuntuNoobusthats what i got10:33
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boabstamaybe i just need a new PC :)10:33
davorjk2: most useradd-utilities ask you where you'd like to put the users' home directory.10:33
boabstaeverything seems to be supported for me10:33
ubuntuNoobuskerbal panic10:33
jk2so how does that command line work ?10:33
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ubuntuNoobuskernal panic10:33
pullercrdlb, hey can u help me tweak soemthign in beryl?10:34
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crdlbpuller, #ubuntu-effects10:34
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux10:34
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VeinorWhenever I send a playlist to my iPod in GTKpod or Amarok, it says it was sent, but I can't access it. It's still there when I reconnect; it's like a 'phantom zone'; like right now it says I have one called 'heavy', but amarok says I have one called 'top songs' as well that isn't showing.10:35
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NephelauxeticubuntuNoobus, there plenty of reasons for this. "noapic" kernel param fixed it for me10:35
centrexDoes anyone know how to change an ubuntu distribution to debian without reinstalling?  Or any documentation on doing so?10:35
BakefyWhat command will show me what drives are detected but not always mounted?10:35
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davorjk2: have a look at this thread. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7958810:35
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erUSULBakefy: blkid10:35
VeinorBakefy: look at /etc/fstab for the drives without 'auto' or with 'noauto' in them?10:35
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S0me1centrex: yes10:35
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luisbgwhere is the folder with the system fonts?10:36
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S0me1centrex: try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-dektop10:36
nickrudluisbg, most of them are in /usr/share/fonts10:36
ubuntu_how can i take an image of a partition (other than dd)?10:36
KimmoKewhat should i use if i just want to receive mail and forward it straight to my gmail?10:36
centrexS0me1, What?10:36
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
kitcheubuntu_: you can use partimage if you wish10:37
nuked_omenhaving both kde and gnome is a waste of space10:37
davorBakefy: fdisk -l10:37
BakefyVeinor, I think that when I applied my last updates something changed... fstab is not working.10:37
nuked_omenunless you got 100+gb hd10:37
centrexS0me1, I wanted to change this installation of ubuntu to debian, not kubuntu10:37
davorBakefy: sudo fdisk -l, actually.10:37
S0me1this is example10:37
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nuked_omenone of those + fluxbox is cool though10:37
nickrudcentrex, you'd end up replacing every deb anyway, why not reinstall?10:37
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Centralis it possible to optimize beryl and dualview?10:38
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Bakefythanks davor!  thats what I was looking for10:38
davorBakefy: what I told you to do should work, despite fstab. you might have to update your fstab-file manually, tough.10:38
S0me1centrex: int you  need reinstall it if you want Debain10:38
=== nickrud is not sure, but thinks binary compatiblity is still a no go
davorBakefy: happy to help. :-)10:38
=== smallfoot [n=smallfoo@c-205b70d5.041-5-73746f7.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
smallfootdude, i installed Envy10:38
centrexnickrud, The same reason I had to install unbuntu to begin with:  Work gave me this machine with no cdrom or floppy, and only a pxe install menu with only ubuntu as the choice.10:38
smallfootit downloaded drivers for me10:38
ubuntuNoobus(nepheleuxetic) what was it you typed, i tried something like what your saying and it allowed me to startup and install but i wasn't given a option for grub and when it rebooted xp wasn't showing10:38
=== KeithWeisshar [i=KeithWei@pool-71-250-124-110.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
smallfootGeForce 8600 does work in ubuntu!10:38
smallfooti trying out desktop effects10:38
nuked_omeni think the beryl project died10:38
smallfootand this shizzle is making me wet10:38
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KeithWeissharis the free shipit cd the same cd used by dell10:38
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nickrudcentrex, look for info on debootstrap10:38
smallfootnuked_omen: beryl and compiz merged10:38
nuked_omenonly compiz is growing now10:38
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ubuntu_kitche, will that image be the size of the partition or just how much space it actually needs?10:39
nuked_omensmallfoot: i see10:39
smallfootdoes ubuntu use beryl or compiz?10:39
Centralcan I optimize beryl with dual view?10:39
KeithWeissharis the free ubuntu cd the same cd that comes with dells with ubuntu preloaded10:39
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kitcheubuntu_: the size of the partition not how much is used10:39
nephishhello there all10:39
=== fxfitz [n=fxfitz@pool-72-90-3-228.atclnj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sn0KeithWeisshar dell comes with a recovery partition10:39
fxfitzHow does one go about setting up lirc??10:39
kitcheubuntu_: it's sort of a open source version of ghost10:39
sn0that is stored on the disk10:39
nuked_omensmallfoot: i have both on mine10:40
sn0they do not include a cd at least on launch10:40
nephishtesting new irc client, yall read me?10:40
smallfootdoes ubuntu use beryl or compiz?10:40
davorfxfitz: what exactly do you want to set up?10:40
davornephish: yes.10:40
ubuntu_kitche, know anything that would just take up the size of the data? this is a "clean install" image, so it's mostly empty10:40
KeithWeisshardoes dell store ubuntu on a recovery partition10:40
crimsunsmallfoot: by default it ships with compiz.10:40
sn0yes KeithWeisshar10:40
smallfootcrimsun: okay10:40
fxfitzdavor, A PVR-150 remote to use with MythTV10:40
KeithWeissharis it possible to backup the recovery partition10:40
sn0KeithWeisshar see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=276462110:40
nickrudcentrex, http://www.burgettsys.com/stories/59455/ came up on a search, there's probably more10:40
sherlockwhere get beryl10:40
kitcheubuntu_: not really since there is more then the data on a partiton like if you want to get the MBR also which partimage also grabs10:40
nuked_omensherlock: synaptic10:41
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ubuntuNoobus(nepheleuxetic) what was it you typed, i tried something like what your saying and it allowed me to startup and install but i wasn't given a option for grub and when it rebooted xp wasn't showing10:41
ubuntu_kitche, guess i'm gonna have to go grab acronis. was hoping for something free. thanks though10:41
sherlocki want beryl10:41
nuked_omenubuntuNoobus: wasn't showing at all in the boot menu?10:41
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sherlocki'm russian10:41
nuked_omensherlock: synaptic10:41
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davorfxfitz: ie@desmond.ccnmtl.columbia.edu) has quit: "Ex-Chat"10:41
davor<ubuntu_> kitche, will that image be the size of the partition or just how10:41
davor  much space it actually needs?10:41
davorERC> fxfitz: sorry. ie@desmond.ccnmtl.columbia.edu) has quit: "Ex-Chat"10:41
davor<ubuntu_> kitche, will that image be the size of the partition or just how10:42
nuked_omensherlock: good for you, use synaptic10:42
ubuntuNoobusnope only showinf the 3 ubuntu options10:42
sherlockwhere is it?10:42
davor  much space it actually needs?10:42
kitcheubuntu_: if you just want the data just use tar10:42
davorERC> ie@desmond.ccnmtl.columbia.edu) has quit: "Ex-Chat"10:42
NephelauxeticubuntuNoobus, you have to type "e" in grub and then edit the line and add "noapic"10:42
davor<ubuntu_> kitche, will that image be the size of the partition or just how10:42
centrexnickrud, I'm reading up on debootstrap, thank you.10:42
davor  much space it actually needs?10:42
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davorERC> fxfitz: look over here http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/PVR150_Remote10:42
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George2is there a quick way of adding resolution options to the desktop aside from modifying the X config file. (the max is 1280x1024)?10:42
Nephelauxeticsorry I can't describe...10:42
Pozaroif something is in my package manager it means its installed right ?10:42
davoroops, sorry about that.10:42
Centralhow do I get codecs for playing movies?10:42
nuked_omensherlock: System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager10:42
=== Lucifel [n=q@c-76-21-63-12.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
fxfitzdavor, Thank you!10:42
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sn0Central opening the movie should prompt codec installation automatically10:42
NephelauxeticubuntuNoobus, or F6... something like that... it's written10:42
davorfxfitz: you are welcome.10:42
nickrudcentrex, if you'd mentioned the pxe and no cdrom or floppy, it'd have been quicker ;)10:42
nuked_omenPozaro: if it has a green box beside it, it is installed10:42
sherlockthank, dude:)10:42
Pozarook i have cedaga installed but it want run10:43
graveson1aptoncd is a tool to backup all my install packages. Why are all the packages installed not in the var/apt/cache directory ?10:43
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fxfitzdavor, Aw. I'm guessing Ubuntu won't do this automatically? :(10:43
nuked_omenPozaro: what does it say?10:43
ubuntuNoobusok ty i'll see if i can re-install now10:43
jk2davor I think i get almost get this user malarky on ubuntu10:43
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nuked_omengraveson1: you probably cleared the cache?10:43
jk2my second day nixxing !10:43
Pozaroi just right click ona game and hit dedega but it doesnt do anythign10:43
graveson1nuked_omen: is there a way to get this back ?10:44
=== mike01gr [n=mike@dsl-88-218-50-220.customers.vivodi.gr] has joined #ubuntu
nuked_omenPozaro: it's not that simple10:44
VeinorWhenever I send a playlist to my iPod in GTKpod or Amarok, it says it was sent, but I can't access it. It's still there when I reconnect; it's like a 'phantom zone'; like right now it says I have one called 'heavy', but amarok says I have one called 'top songs' as well that isn't showing.10:44
jribPozaro: why not use the cedega support you are paying for?10:44
nuked_omenPozaro: read more about cedega.. i would teach here you but the ops won't like it10:44
sherlocki have not beryl in synaptic10:44
nuked_omengraveson1: not that i know of10:44
Pozarocan you pm it to me10:44
ubuntuNoobusis it possible and or easier to just setup windows bootloader to do the job of grub for me?10:44
nuked_omensherlock: you might have to enable some repositories10:45
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ubotusherlock: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:45
davorfxfitz: have a look at this guide for ubuntu-specific things. this is one of the few things it wont do automatically, but still. it's fairly simple. http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/LIRC_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_Eft10:45
davorjk2: cool. you keep at it!10:45
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jribPozaro: #cedega is all about cedega support10:45
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krekashey guys, is this the live ubuntu or the installer? http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download10:45
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PriceChildkrekas, the desktop cd installs as well10:46
jk2I dont know wtf the kernal is but I hope he has some decent fried chicken with the amount of typing I am doing !10:46
jribkrekas: it's both on one iso10:46
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cap601What can I do if my wifi card claims there is 0% signal from my router but Windows can find it fine?  I have an Asus (no idea on the model) card running a Ralink driver when on windows.  I'm using the 64bit LiveCD if that helps.10:46
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degresevenkrekas: the live cd environment has an installer shortcut on the desktop10:46
Led_Zeppelinhello, anyone here using openoffice? Their spell checker does not seem to work10:46
sherlockthank you10:46
KeithWeissharwhat happens if something happens to the recovery partition10:47
krekasbecause it seams that it doens install and gets stuch for ages, I can only see the mouse moving after booting10:47
degresevenLed_Zeppelin: you have to install the spell checker package... hang on let me find it10:47
KeithWeissharis it possible to get the cd for the dell installed ubuntu10:47
jribLed_Zeppelin: make sure you have the right language chosen in the options, it needs to have an "abc" with a checkmark10:47
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nuked_omensherlock: who me?10:47
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Led_Zeppelinjrib: yep, It does not even prompt me to select a language10:48
George2is there a quick way of adding resolution options to the desktop aside from modifying the X config file. (the max is 1280x1024)?10:48
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kitcheKeithWeisshar: ask Dell we wouldn't know that10:48
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edmondtquick question... is there a tray icon for XChat? if I close the program i want to display it on the tray notification instead of exiting XChat10:48
nickrudGeorge2, no.10:48
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sherlocknuked_omen: thank you10:48
jribLed_Zeppelin: tools -> options -> languages10:48
nuked_omensherlock: welcome10:49
Led_Zeppelinjrib: yep10:49
KeithWeisshardoes dell include an iso image of ubuntu that can be burned to cd10:49
George2nickrud: kthx10:49
jribLed_Zeppelin: what language is chosen?10:49
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sherlockwho are you&10:49
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sbalneavKeithWeisshar: Best bet would be to talk to Dell tech support, and ask them.10:50
=== DarkED [n=darked@016-044-000.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribLed_Zeppelin: there are really two settings it seems, "default language" under language settings and spell check language under "writing aids" -> edit... with Spellchecker selected10:50
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jrib!please > cap601 (see the private message from ubotu)10:50
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Led_Zeppelinjrib: its selected as "English (USA)"10:50
jribLed_Zeppelin: and it has the letters "abc" with a checkmark on the left?10:51
degresevencan anyone help me get a samba share mounted? The fstab entry i used in another distro doesnt work for me. I am able to browse the share using smb://path, but i can't mount it10:51
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Azu1gotta go play with fluxbox more10:51
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Shankysv87i have a problem, instead of my computer going to screensave it logs out or puts it on pause or something10:51
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Led_Zeppelinjrib: no10:51
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Shankysv87like if i sign back in, all my programs start up from the beginning again, but they all open again at least10:52
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frolleI have this line, how do i have to change it to use it in fstab? sudo mount -t smbfs // /media/frolle -o username=Administrator%frolle10:52
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jribLed_Zeppelin: then degreseven was correct, you need to install myspell-en-us10:52
Led_Zeppelinjrib: do I need a package for spellchecking?10:52
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nullkuhlguys  i have 2 question ,, how to send a file using blue tooth in gnome,, and how to change the booting splash of ubuntu using usplash10:53
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Veinorcan anybody help me with my iPod problem?10:53
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kitche!usplash | nullkuhl10:53
ubotunullkuhl: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork10:53
=== akari [n=akari@dslb-084-060-206-122.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribVeinor: I probably cannot, but you need to state the problem10:53
akarijoin #vaidas_beryl10:53
VeinorWhenever I send a playlist to my iPod in GTKpod or Amarok, it says it was sent, but I can't access it. It's still there when I reconnect; it's like a 'phantom zone', where gtkpod and amarok can see it but the iPod itself can't.10:54
=== UNDERsoN [n=meta@office-rtr.itl.ua] has joined #ubuntu
blue42huh, is ubotu a bot?10:54
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UNDERsoNwhre I can download DVD image10:54
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:54
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jribblue42: yes10:54
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jribubotu: tell blue42 about yourself10:54
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kitcheUNDERsoN: from the ubuntu site10:54
degresevenfrolle: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_mount_network_folders_on_boot-up.2C_and_allow_all_users_to_read10:55
Led_Zeppelinjrib: yep, it works! thanks!10:55
jribLed_Zeppelin: np10:55
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jk2went and set account and still wont let me access other drives10:55
blue42thanks jrib10:55
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jk2gah dman10:57
jk2I give up10:57
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ruben-Which package includes: "libXext.so.6" ?10:58
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crdlb!find libXext.so.6 | ruben-10:58
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uboturuben-: Package/file libxext.so.6 does not exist in feisty10:59
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ruben-!find libXext.so | ruben-10:59
WipsHow do I open folder from root? Something like nautirus, dont remember the name :O10:59
barnydananyone in here play BF1942?  I can't install the linux server in ubuntu.  http://battlefield2.filefront.com/file/Battlefield_1942_full_linux_Server;2318810:59
sbalneavruben-: libxext6 I beleive10:59
jribruben-: you can use packages.ubuntu.com or apt-file on your own system to find out, but sbalneav is right10:59
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UNDERsoNIs there installation dvd of ubuntu not live but alternate11:00
nickrudWips, to run the file manager as root, gksudo nautilus <-- dangerous11:00
Veinorugh, end of my rope here.11:00
BluhdWhere should I set CVSROOT to be in Ubuntu?11:00
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ruben-jrib: apt-file doesn't work11:00
Wipsnickrud: Hi Again. You gave me a command to insert to fstab once. about how do change the rights on the vfat harddisk.. but I cant figure it out11:01
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barnydananyone know why I can't install bf1942 linux server in ubuntu but I can in other linux distro's?11:01
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jribruben-: did you do 'sudo apt-file update' first and then do 'apt-file search libXext.so.6'?11:01
ruben-"apt-file" isn't a command11:01
Shankysv87i'm having a problem with idling and signing off11:01
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jribruben-: you need to install it11:01
smallfootzomg, this compiz 3d stuff made me cream my pants11:02
smallfootbut then i wanted to log out11:02
smallfootand my computer froze11:02
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smallfootand i had to shut down it by switch on power supply11:02
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nickrudWips, defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 are the options you'd put on the vfat partition11:02
Bluhdsmallfoot: holding the power button for 5 secs didn't work?11:02
smallfootidk, i didnt know that was possible11:02
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smallfootbut ctrl-alt+del didnt work11:03
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smallfootnumlock, caps lock, scroll lock, didnt work either11:03
Bluhdsmallfoot: holding the power button is a hardware function, so it works all the time11:03
nickrudsmallfoot, I had the same issue myself: for some reason if I did sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm every time I logged in, I could log out.11:03
Lilacoranyone having trouble reaching google?11:03
smallfootubntu kinda less stable than windows xp lol11:03
barnydananyone want to try and install bf1942 linux server on their ubuntu box to see what the problems might be?  http://battlefield2.filefront.com/file/Battlefield_1942_full_linux_Server;23188  there is the download address.11:03
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smallfootatlerast windows gives bluescreen so you know something wrong11:04
BluhdWhere should I set CVSROOT to be in Ubuntu? I'm new to using CVS and I figure I should get some practice right now11:04
smallfooton linux, it just freeze and gives you the silent treatment11:04
Netham45can someone press alt+prnt scrn+b for me? it's not working for me.11:04
SpeakerManiaIs it possible to scan my Windows drive for problems with Ubuntu?11:04
Netham45it's supposed to do something with the kernel.11:04
ipxSometimes my sound dont work in games, but then a reboot is enough to get it back. But not this time? How many reboots i now make, i still have no sound in whatever game i try. MP3s in XMMS work tho. Any thoughts?11:04
=== barnydan pimp slaps smallfoot
vip3rousmangoSpeakerMania: Yes, there is, I saw a tutorial on google. Search for Accessing Windows with Ubuntu11:05
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BluhdNetham45: I'm surprised that worked11:05
Netham45that was cheap11:05
vip3rousmangoyeah, no problem11:05
jribBluhd: export CVSROOT=whatever11:05
Pozaro!!!! you have to pay for cedega  :(11:05
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sbalneavBluhd: What are you doing, learning a SCCS?  If so, bazaar or Subversion would be better choices.11:05
Netham45kde2525, sorry, that was cheap.11:05
Bluhdsbalneav: I'm trying to use Anjuta and its CVS capability with the Sourceforge servers11:05
kde2525what do you mean?11:05
=== Cybe [n=cybe@0x503fbc59.abnxx9.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
BluhdNetham45: or this:11:05
Netham45press alt+prnt scrn+b11:05
Pozarothis sux11:05
Bluhdwhat's the command for exiting the program in IRC?11:06
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jribBluhd: sourceforge does svn as well11:06
Netham45bluhd: /quit11:06
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BluhdNetham45: :P11:06
LilacorBluhd: /quit11:06
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CybeDoes anyone know a good program to verify a big proxy list with? So they will be sorted after the best ping etc.?11:06
Bluhdwe got one11:06
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BluhdI think11:06
Shankysv87my some reason, my os will randomly go to a logged out state, however all my programs will continue to run, however when i "sign in" my programs start over but stay going. What is going on?11:06
sbalneavBluhd: Well, probably best bet would be to create something in your home directory, i.e. cvsstuff, then CVSROOT=/home/Bluhd/cvsstuff11:06
jribBluhd: please don't do that here, try to stay on topic11:06
Bluhdthere was a blank quit message, looks suspicious :P11:06
Bluhdjrib: k11:06
nullkuhlguys how to send a file using bluetooth in gnome ,, wat tools to use or get ?11:06
smallfooti noticed that in Slackware, ALOT of apps are installed by default, but in Ubuntu, very few are, no XMMS, no VLC, no MPlayer11:07
Bluhdsbalneav: does this directory maintain every cvs repository present in the system?11:07
jribsmallfoot: they are easy to install with APT11:07
barnydananyone want to try and install bf1942 linux server on their ubuntu box to see what the problems might be?  http://battlefield2.filefront.com/file/Battlefield_1942_full_linux_Server;23188  there is the download address.  Please!?!?11:07
adaptrsmallfoot installing 100 programs takes about 10 minutes, so what is your damage ?11:07
ipxSometimes my sound dont work in games, but then a reboot is enough to get it back. But not this time? How many reboots i now make, i still have no sound in whatever game i try. MP3s in XMMS work tho. Any thoughts?11:07
sbalneavBluhd: Probably OT for this channel.  But yes, anything you check out will be rooted there.11:07
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nullkuhlguys how to send a file using bluetooth in gnome ,, wat tools to use or get ?11:08
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barnydanBF1942 is an old game,  the linux server runs on other distro's but not my lovely Ubuntu!!!11:08
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barnydanWhat gives!~!11:08
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vip3rousmangonullkuhl: there are a bunch of bluetooth apps in the Add/Remove programs list, look there.11:08
sbalneavInstead of asking us to download 100 megs of stuff, why don't you tell us what error you're getting?11:08
nullkuhlmostly kde i think11:08
nullkuhlvip3rousmango: ..11:08
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vip3rousmangosbalneav: ok one sec, let me look for bluetooth for KDE environment11:09
vip3rousmangoer.. wrong name =\11:09
M3LI have two soundcards which one of them is external (Hercules Dj Console) the default currently is the internal one and I would like to change it to the external, how can I do this ? thanks11:09
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sbalneavvip3rousmango: Understandable.  Our names are real close :)11:10
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nullkuhlvip3rousmango: i want bluetooth stuff for gnome not kde11:10
nullkuhli dun have kde11:10
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barnydanok, I install bf1942 linux server, it uncompresses, than asks if I accept the agreement, I type accept and I get this.  Please type 'accept' or 'decline': accept11:10
barnydan[: 19: ==: unexpected operator11:10
barnydan[: 19: ==: unexpected operator11:10
smallfootwow, XMMS is hopelessly obsolote, GTK 1 god damn lol11:10
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KI4IKLDoes feisty have the latest version of open office?11:10
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smallfootsuch a shame, since XMMS is nice11:10
jk2whats wrong with this command11:10
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jribbarnydan: I assume that is because your script calls /bin/sh and has bashisms.  Update it to use /bin/bash instead11:10
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jrib!dash > barnydan (see the private message from ubotu)11:11
KI4IKLI know this is a long shot, but is there a way to share speakers between a windows and a linux pc?11:11
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jk2sudo mount -o media/disk-1/uploads /home/FTP-shared/download11:11
HymnToLifeKI4IKL, with a Y-shaped connector ?11:11
fac3lessSplit 'em kI11:11
KI4IKLYeah...but can you do it with software?11:12
Shankysv87for some reason, my os will randomly go to a logged out state, however all my programs will continue to run, however when i "sign in" my programs start over but stay going. What is going on?11:12
KI4IKLI dun wanna have to buy the stuff...my mom wont take me to the store...11:12
barnydanjrib, I'm not sure but this is just one file that is over 100meg.  Is that the script your refering to?11:12
Shankysv87how can i fix this?11:12
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jribbarnydan: I don't know, I've never used this thing.  Is it a script?  What does 'file /path/to/your/file' return?11:12
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zaggynlHi, I installed fail2ban, but it's not banning at all11:13
Nergarhello fellow ubunters!11:13
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nullkuhlguys wat can i use to send bluetooth files from gnome???11:13
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barnydanjrib  bf1942_lnxded-1.6-rc1.run: Bourne shell script text executable  "I guess its a script"11:13
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jribbarnydan: yeah, so open it in a text editor and fix the first line11:13
barnydanjrib ok thanks man!11:14
jk2sudo mount -o media/disk-1/uploads /home/FTP-shared/download <--- anyproblem ?11:14
Nergaranyone know how to make alias permanent in Bash??11:14
Nergar alias ssh='ssh algo@algunlado -p 123'11:14
jribjk2: what is the '-o' for if you have no options?11:14
jribNergar: put it in ~/.bashrc11:14
hajhouseNergar: add the command creating the alias to ~/.bashrc11:14
barnydanjrib I get an error something about make sure your not trying to open a binary file.11:15
M3Lwhere can I change the default soundcard in Kubuntu11:15
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Nergarthnx jrib, hajhouse11:15
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jribbarnydan: how are you trying to open it?11:15
omegacentiMy sound sounds clipped (almost busted/different speakers test sounds same, second set of test speakers are HIGH quality) Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty, AC97 Intel corporation multimedia card. Don't know how to check driver/mixer. I have searched ubuntu help and google and might be using the wrong keywords. Need some advice/walkthrough help.11:15
barnydanjrib gedit11:15
jribbarnydan: does it open anyway?11:15
jk2mount: special device media/disk-1/uploads does not exist <--- jrib - that now :|11:15
Nergarwhat does rc stands for in .bashrc?11:15
hajhouseNergar: resource11:16
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jribjk2: yeah, what are you trying to do exactly?11:16
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barnydanjrib nope it won't open.  I'll try vi or something aswell.11:16
jk2failing to set up a user account in gproftpd11:16
jribNergar: "run commands"11:16
jribbarnydan: k11:16
hajhouseNergar: you will find that it's common for the user's configuration file for some program to be called .<program name>rc; examples .muttrc, .vimrc11:16
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jk2all I want is to set the user up on a different drive11:16
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barnydanjrib nope "bf1942_lnxded-1.6-rc1.run" [Incomplete last line] [converted]  403860 lines, 162611:17
barnydan99864 characters11:17
barnydanPress ENTER or type command to continue11:17
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omegacentiMy sound sounds clipped (almost busted/different speakers test sounds same, second set of test speakers are HIGH quality) Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty, AC97 Intel corporation multimedia card. Don't know how to check driver/mixer. I have searched ubuntu help and google and might be using the wrong keywords. Need some advice/walkthrough help.11:17
jribbarnydan: what does   'head -n 1 /path/to/file'  return?11:17
=== Qew [n=qew@82-69-126-225.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
barnydanhey wait it is open in vi, but it gave me that error to start with.  If I save it might it be a corrupt file now?11:17
brunoi have a problem with grub11:18
jribbarnydan: well make a backup11:18
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barnydanjrib ok.11:18
jk2jrib you wouldnt know would you ? to set up an user account so that it accesses a different drive on the pc11:18
Allexhi everyone, does anyone know if its possible to make it so i can se buddies comments that they have in msn?11:18
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jribjk2: I can tell you how to mount another partition but I don't know anything about gproftpd11:18
agimunoI have friend who have an Acer TravelMate 4604, he uses a logitech bluetooth keyboard and mouse, he has had problems even booting the livecd, he succeded once, he burned his livecd to an dvd at 2x, any suggestions?11:18
VeinorI cannot get amarok or gtkpod to send playlists to my iPod. They appear to put them somewhere where they can read them, but the iPod can't Does anybody have any idea why?11:18
=== adam [n=adam@aakc31.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
brunoi've installed windows xp and i can no longer boot into ubuntu11:19
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jrib!grub > bruno (see the private message from ubotu)11:19
agimunohe has never used ubuntu before, so It would be nice for him to get it to work, so he might get interested in GNU/Linux11:19
Tomasuare there any 3rd party mirrors for the feisty-commerical repo? the one at canonical is rather slow. :(11:19
stefg!grub | bruno11:19
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ubotubruno: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:20
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:20
zaggynlI can't get fail2ban to work, it doesn't ban anything :(11:20
jk2jrib - mount: special device media/disk-1/uploads does not exist <--- disk-1 is a separate drive11:20
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brunoi've reinstalled the mbr but it doesn't work11:20
jribjk2: you want to use  /dev/something11:20
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zaggynlI have configured it and restarted it, auth.log entries appear, fail2ban.log only shows some info stuff11:20
SM7Xhi there11:20
SM7Xi have a problem with my apt-get11:20
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fac3lessignore that.11:21
fac3lessWhat I meant was this: aticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad file descriptor.11:21
SM7Xget the errormessage sh-3.00# apt-cache update11:21
SM7XW: Couldn't stat source package list11:21
SM7Xand so on11:21
SM7Xi updatet the sources.list in /etc/apt11:21
fac3lessYet the file opens fine -- curious why it would output the error?11:21
SM7Xand allready googled11:21
jribSM7X: pastebin the entire error message11:21
jrib!enter | SM7X11:21
ubotuSM7X: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:21
SM7Xjrib: k 1sec11:21
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=== meleahbee [n=meleahbe@207-118-110-48.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
brunoi can just boot into xp with the boot&tools menu in SGD11:21
fac3lesspaste2.org! Forget pastebin. :p too slow.11:21
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sldkfj!pastebin > sm7x11:22
SM7Xhere it is jrib http://rafb.net/p/mh3Oo723.html11:22
omegacentiMy sound sounds clipped (almost busted/different speakers test sounds same, second set of test speakers are HIGH quality) Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty, AC97 Intel corporation multimedia card. Don't know how to check driver/mixer. I have searched ubuntu help and google and might be using the wrong keywords. Need some advice/walkthrough help.11:22
SM7Xsorry for that i thought it was just 2 lines :(11:22
neverbluei updated today, restarted my system, and it will not boot.  I had the following error: 'Starting Up.... [29.016770]  crc error [29.017559]  Kernel panic- not syncing VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block (0,0)11:22
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jribSM7X: you are using hoary?11:22
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jk2dev/something ?11:22
meleahbeehow do i change to spanish dictionary to default in openoffice?11:22
jribjk2: join me in #ubuntu-classroom11:22
SM7Xjrib --> Ubuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" \n \l11:22
neverbluei am currently running memtest on the system to eliminate tha RAM as a possible issue11:22
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jk2I am in dev11:22
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stefgbruno: win overwrites the MBR without mercy during install. you have to restore grub to the MBR. read the link ubotu gave you11:23
hjmillshow can I install multiple versions of wine?11:23
neverbluewhat is a crc error, and could this be the HD as well?11:23
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jribmeleahbee: I think you can go to tools -> options -> writing aids -> spellechecker -> edit... -> language?11:23
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neverbluehjmills, ask in #wine?11:23
jribSM7X: you should upgrade, hoary hasn't been supported for a while11:23
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hjmillsneverblue, ok, thanks11:24
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hjmillsneverblue, which irc network is it on?11:24
sldkfjyeah, it's almost criminal the way windoes is designed to treat the mbr11:24
brunostefg: i've restored grub to the mbr but it doesn't work11:24
SM7Xjrib: so its no chance for me to get some packets?11:24
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.11:24
neverbluethis one11:24
barnydanjrib I changed the header to #! /bin/bash  saved the file and doublechecked it.  I ran it and it ran, but I got the same error at the same place. Please type 'accept' or 'decline': accept11:24
barnydan[: 19: ==: unexpected operator11:24
barnydan[: 19: ==: unexpected operator11:24
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SM7Xjrib: this server is of a friend of mine and it has to run.. if i update i have to reinstall dont i?11:25
neverblueoh ops11:25
brunowithout SGD i can't boot anywhere!11:25
neverblueno its not :/11:25
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jribSM7X: no, you can upgrade11:25
sldkfjhaha, doesn't work :)  I like that entry11:25
hjmillsneverblue, tis ok, ill google it11:25
jrib!upgrade > SM7X (see the private message from ubotu)11:25
neverbluei know there is a wine related channel on here somewhere11:25
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:25
hjmillsneverblue, #winehq11:25
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jribbarnydan: then I guess I was wrong.  But to be sure, run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash' and choose bash as your default.  Let's see what happens11:25
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codeCowboyhi. i have mapped a remote server which appears on ubuntu desktop. it does not appear within applications in the file browser dialog though. any ideas how to fix?11:26
barnydanjrib ok.11:26
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brunowhen SGD try to boot into ubuntu the result is error 15 file not found11:26
SM7Xjrib: dont want to bother but... no way to get old packets for it?11:26
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meleahbeejrib:  I looked within writing aids.  I changed the layout to spanish, everything to spanish besides the User Interface, and by default I still get english spell check.  Under english is the multiple spanish dictionaries, but i have to scroll through everytime english picks up a mispelled word11:26
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neverbluethere you go hjmills11:27
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codeCowboy if i add a 'place' from the places menu, where does this exist on the filesystem? its not in /mnt or /media.11:28
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barnydanjrib It only lets me install Dash again,  but nothing else.11:28
jribSM7X: well security updates aren't guaranteed anyway so you really should upgrade11:28
sebas_Nutubuntu: which were the opendns' IPs?11:28
sldkfja 'place' is added to Places when bookmarking in Nautilus11:28
jribmeleahbee: specifically, you went to writing aids, then selected the spell checker, clicked "edit" and changed the language there?  And does the language have an "abc" with a checkmark next to it?11:29
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jribbarnydan: it asks you a question, choose "no"11:29
sldkfjI think it's just a notation of that item being held special by the Places11:29
barnydanjrib ok I done that, but it dumps me back to the prompt.11:29
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jribSM7X: you could also try a different mirror, maybe it's just that mirror11:29
jribbarnydan: yes, does your install still fail?11:30
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SM7Xjrib i allready tried 311:30
barnydanjrib nope it worked!  Wahoo!11:30
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SM7Xthe problem lies somewhere else i guess11:30
Shankysv87i have a huge problem!11:30
barnydanjrib you rule!11:30
SM7Xi made an apt-cache update11:30
AlexTheGreatOk, I just installed xubuntu last night on an old gateway PC11:31
SM7Xapt-get install software fails11:31
AlexTheGreatand it crashed and when I went to reboot11:31
jribbarnydan: tell whoever created that file, that they have bashisms and need to call bash specifically11:31
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AlexTheGreatAnd now it says "Operating System not found" whenever I try to boot11:31
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barnydanjrib ok I'll leave a not on their website.  and see if I can e-mail them.  thanks11:31
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jribSM7X: well, I would recommend upgrading, or at least trying a live cd to test things out11:31
ladydoorAlexTheGreat: Do you have access to a LiveCD or somesuch so that you can start that computer and look around on it?11:32
SM7Xjrib: its a server in an RZ no way to get there and use a livecd11:32
Allexdoes anyone know if its possible to make pidgin display buddy comments?11:32
BluhdHow do I set a permanent environment variable?11:32
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stefgAlexTheGreat: might be harddisk failure. boot the live cd and check if your installation is still there (seems not)11:32
AlexTheGreatWhat if it is still there?11:32
vip3rousmangoAlexTheGreat: Try running a LiveCD copy and see, or you can run ERD Commander BootCD and emulate a windows environment to take a look at things11:32
kishanAllex, umean notify u when one comes in and out11:33
leonidashello all11:33
stefgAlexTheGreat: tehn reinstall grub11:33
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stefg!grub | AlexTheGreat11:33
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ubotuAlexTheGreat: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:33
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AlexTheGreatIs it a problem that only xubuntu is installed on the PC?11:33
Allexkishan, nah...i meen: in msn you can write a comment thats not part of your name, its displayed after the name in msn, Asmsn och monkeymessenger11:34
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meleahbeejrib: i got language settings ->writing aids->select hunspell spellchecker and click edit.  I then select spanish(mexico).  It does have an ABC next to it.  But when i go back to that option english again is selected11:34
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kitsunehow do I remove the "Show Desktop" button from Kiba Dock?11:34
Allexkishan, but i cant se them in pidgin11:34
stefgAlexTheGreat: no, xubuntu is a full fledged OS... nothing else needed :-)11:34
tiopAnyone know the name of the package for that expanded menu applet Suse ships with nowadays?11:34
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neverbluei updated today, restarted my system, and it will not boot.  I had the following error: 'Starting Up.... [29.016770]  crc error [29.017559]  Kernel panic- not syncing VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block (0,0)11:34
kishanhttp://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=843 allex11:34
AlexTheGreatOk thanks I will try that and get back to you11:35
marcus_Hello. Is there any reason I could not run gnome and kde switchable on the same computer?11:35
corpuscallosumanyone know a programme that i can control my cpu speed and fan11:35
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jribmeleahbee: weird, I have to go now so I can't test it out, but I recommend trying in #ubuntu-es as I am sure most there have done what you are trying to do and can probably help you better than I can11:35
sldkfjKishan, I dare ya to try this as a search in Google:    remove buttons "Kiba Dock"11:35
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maccam94ugh, i have a really borked mysql server, can someone help me uninstall it?11:36
Allexkishan, yeah...i have that. not what i meen.11:36
sldkfj<repost>     Kitsune, I dare ya to try this as a search in Google:    remove buttons "Kiba Dock"11:36
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tiopNevermind, it /was/ gnome-main-menu.11:36
meleahbeejrib: thank you.  I apologize, it seems i have to deselect all other dictionaries. I cannot simply make one default.11:36
Shankysv87for different reasons, sometimes will go to a hibranative ish state11:36
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megasquidanyone know why ubuntu feisty, can't find the rubygems package using apt-get?11:36
BluhdHow do I set a permanent environment variable? Every time I use export, it's only for that single terminal instance11:36
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Shankysv87my os11:37
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kishanallex go to plugin select libnotify--configure it11:37
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mmcjianyway to clear the arp cache in ubuntu without rebooting my server?11:37
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tcvWhen I launch Firefox from GNOME, one of my plugins causes Firefox to hang. If I run it from command-line using same command, then it works okay. I am quite confused. What can I look at here?11:37
kitsunesldkfj: haha...11:37
familyHey you  guys. having a bit of trouble after upgrading from edgy to fiesty. Bootup hangs at the loading splash screen and gives me some weirdo green lines at the top of the screen11:37
megasquidanyone know why ubuntu feisty, can't find the rubygems package using apt-get?11:37
tiopmmcji: arp?11:37
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sldkfjchannel alert: 'third party items'  don't get much help here.11:37
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ladydoorBluhd: try putting it in your .bashrc11:38
Allexkishan, hmm, how to explain, its something you can write besides your name in msn....and is displeyed next to the name11:38
tiop^ Person Message?11:38
tiopPersonal, even.11:38
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corpuscallosummegasquid,  control you sources list11:38
dukedaveBluhd: Place the export command at the bottom of the ~/.bashrc file11:38
dukedaveOoh, beaten :)11:38
kishanoops i got iti can use as status beside avaliable11:39
Bluhddukedave: ok11:39
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mmcjifrom ksh run arp11:39
dukedave(that gets processed every time a terminal is opened)11:39
wyIt seems ubuntu removed acroread from the repository11:39
megasquidcorpuscallosum:right, how would i know which repository its a part of?11:39
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mmcjiyou will see what i am talking about11:39
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agimunohow can I boot the livecd and see what the os is initiating, like you can see on many other distros11:39
agimunolike debian11:39
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agimunoI have forgot11:39
mmcjii wish to clear this information, but would prefer not to reboot my server11:39
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wyHow can I install acroread for ubuntu 7? The one downloaded from adobe will not work.11:40
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corpuscallosummegasquid, sudo wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/11289/rubygems-0.9.0.tgz try that11:40
comradei have an issue with an ati radeon 9600 usnig the fglrx driver, it seems to crash when I switch from X to a veritual console via alt-tab, has anyone expierenced the same thing or have any work arounds11:40
maccam94comrade: that sounds familiar, it may be a bug11:41
comrademaccam94, it happens in ubuntu and arch so I think it is, it's odd though it doesn't affect my laptop which uses radeon m200 express11:41
comrademaccam94, was just checking to see if anyone had work arounds though11:41
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sldkfjagimuno, enter 'dmesg' in a terminal and see what is logged?11:42
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maccam94comrade: there might be, lemme google it11:42
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agimunoI mean while booting11:42
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comrademaccam94, haha you don't gotta do that, I already tried, and don't expect you to go that far11:42
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corpuscallosumguys i need a programme that controls the cpu speed and fan11:44
premier_hello, my sound is broken (something with alsa) and i really don't know how to fix it: http://pastebin.ca/55974811:44
atrushrm. nm-applet will connect to my wpa2 ap, but it fails to connect to open access points. /var/log/daemon.log suggests it's using wpa-supplicant, but i can't figure out what for11:44
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tyler_dI have an external usb hd that I would like to share... ?11:45
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hajhousei'm seeking a recommendation for a good introductory/howto book on parser/lexer writing11:45
maccam94comrade: are you using fglrx or the xorg-ati driver?11:46
KI4IKLWhen I use gnome-art to download backgrounds, where does it put the files?11:46
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comradei think its a bug for sure11:46
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maccam94comrade: yeah, i think i remember that from the days i used gentoo with one of those cards11:46
maccam94try the xorg driver11:46
comradenah its too slow11:46
ladydoorpremier_: Out of curiosity, is the problem just that sound won't play? If so, would you mind pasting the output of the command "groups"?11:46
maccam94comrade: ooo11:46
maccam94i think i got it11:47
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tcvWhen I launch Firefox from GNOME, one of my plugins causes Firefox to hang. If I run it from command-line using same command, then it works okay. I am quite confused. What can I look at here?11:47
comradethanks though, the xorg is a lot more reliable but its slow as hell compared to fglrx11:47
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damianos_I am looking for some solution to make videoconference with my wife11:47
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sn0tcv run firefox in safe mode, then disable/uninstall/fix the plugin11:47
sldkfjKI4IKL, using firefox?11:47
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KI4IKLno, the program gnome-art11:47
maccam94comrade: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-ati/+bug/30447/comments/3711:47
tyler_dtcv: permissions?11:47
sldkfjtry the tmp folder11:47
premier_ladydoor: yes, thats the problem in a nutshell... hold on11:47
sn0add -safe-mode to the end, when starting from the terminal11:47
maccam94i think that did it for me a while back11:47
KI4IKLAlso, is there a way to get rid of the bars ont he side of my task bars?11:47
premier_premier adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin fuse11:47
damianos_She's got windows and we would like to see and talke via voice chat in one program11:47
damianos_is it possible in linux ?11:48
premier_ladydoor: it was working just yesterday11:48
comrademaccam94, alright I'll give it a try and see what happens11:48
sn0damianos_ check out wengaphone or ekiga11:48
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sldkfjKI4IKL, those are the hide buttons,  look in preferences11:48
tcvsn0: But the plug in works when I run the same command from command-line.11:48
ladydoorpremier_: Ah. And you changed the config since then?11:48
KI4IKLyeah, but there are still bars there after I remove those.11:48
tyler_ddamianos: applications:internet:ekiga11:48
damianos_wengaphone is able for videoconference11:48
damianos_ekiga ?11:48
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tcvtyler_d: Are permissions inherently different for applications run from GUI vs. command-line?11:49
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sn0ekiga used to be called gnomemeeting, i used to use it for talking to people with ms netmeeting on windows, but not sure if it supports msn etc11:49
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damianos_tyler_d: are you sure will this work ?11:49
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tyler_dtcv: no, I am refering to how the plugin was installed.... and no11:49
sn0wengaphone is a seperate app, there is a client for ubuntu and other os too11:49
premier_ladydoor: well, no.  See, I was changing alsa, and then I got it how I wanted it, then I rebooted and it was fine.  But I rebooted a secound time and it didn't work.11:49
sldkfjKI4IKL, try xkill ina terminal and the cursor turns to a skull and crossbones,   they click the taskbar with it11:49
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tyler_ddamianos_: what do you mean work?11:49
premier_ladydoor: all I really changed was ~/.asoundrc11:49
sldkfjthey = then11:49
hajhousetcv: no they are the same11:50
sldkfjit will refresh11:50
damianos_work: I start it and my wife will be able to see me and hear me11:50
ladydoorpremier_: Okay, that's just weird. I'm afraid I don't know in that case.11:50
ladydoorpremier_: Sorry.11:50
damianos_webcam != videoconference11:50
marcus_Hello. Is there any reason I could not run gnome and kde switchable on the same computer?11:50
mneptokmarcus_: no11:50
Nutubuntumarcus_ -  no reason11:50
tyler_dmarcus_: no11:50
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sn0damianos_ check the screenshots http://www.openwengo.com/index.php/openwengo/public/homePage/openwengo/public/projectsNgScreenShots11:50
KI4IKLsldkfj, that just kills X11:51
KI4IKLand restarts.11:51
marcus_Thank you.11:51
KI4IKLThey are moving buttons.11:51
sn0on ubuntu you can install wengophone from your ubuntu sources, in apt-get/synaptic etc11:51
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AlienX__anyone know of a convenient way to search recursively through various directories in a given directory and gzip everything that contains a string of characters?11:51
sldkfjtry killall gnome-panel ina terminal11:51
AlienX__err specific string of characters11:51
damianos_sn0: I will check it11:51
Delirium-NLHow do i unrar *.R01>R02 etc files on ubuntu ?11:51
sn0hope it helps11:51
tiopdamianos: Not that I've used, but a lot of people seem to like openwengo. There's also Ekiga, early version of Skype for Linux doesn't support video conferencing quite yet.11:51
tyler_dsn0: nice software, here's a quick one for you, do you know of a free switch for transmitting faxes ??11:51
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crimsunDelirium-NL: unrar e (or rar e)11:52
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sldkfjKI4KL, you do use gnome right?11:52
Delirium-NLthanks crimsun11:52
tyler_dsn0: ie. not over my phone line11:52
tiopIs there even a Windows port of Ekiga?11:52
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=== mneptok wishes .rar would die the death it deserves
sn0tyler_d to do what exactlly?11:52
damianos_tiop: Excuse me that i ask again11:52
sn0tiop i dont believe so, ekiga used to be for compatibility with netmeeting which is no more11:52
tyler_dsn0: to send a fax over the internet (free) and have it recieved on the other end11:53
damianos_is ekiga eble to make videoconference (voicie and video in one time)11:53
tiopdamianos: Was actually scrolled up and didn't notice someone else had already replied, my bed. :P11:53
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sn0tyler_d have you tried efax-gtk ?11:53
comrademaccam94, still crashes :/, damn ati and their lame drivers11:53
KI4IKLOkay, another question...is there a way to make windows go over taskbars?11:53
tiopIt can but there isn't a Windows client.11:53
tyler_dsn0: yes11:53
damianos_I am askig because I ma useing kde in laptop so I need to download many libs form gnome :)11:53
tyler_dsn0: and gfax is glitchy11:53
=== tiop eats his words.
tiopThere's actually a beta version for the Windows port. :o11:54
=== ZagZag [n=ZagZag@196.173.c10008-a77.dsl-dynamic.vsi.ru] has joined #ubuntu
tyler_dsn0: and kfax is a pain, wants every fax to be printed to a psp11:54
sldkfjnot that I know of, I could be wrong though11:54
sn0damianos_ wengaphone uses qt libraries, what kde uses11:54
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sldkfjKI4KL, you do use gnome ?11:54
hattersn0, hylafax can send and receive faxes11:54
damianos_sn0: Ok thank you I will try wengaphone :)11:54
tyler_dhatter: hylafax is a server based fax program....11:55
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hattersn0, actually, hylafax is receives, but the website has quite a few clients11:55
=== Don [n=dpowers6@ip68-102-225-218.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
tyler_dhatter: and it doesn't support internal modems... ie /dev/modem11:55
sn0tyler_d there you go hatter kindly mentioned another app11:55
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sn0must admit i haven't done much faxing11:55
=== jeanuel30 [n=jeanuel@i01m-62-35-164-12.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
sn0damianos_ your welcome11:55
tyler_dsn0: tried that one....11:55
hattertyler_d, internal modems ?  you mean winmodems ?11:55
tyler_dhatter: yes11:56
sldkfjKI4IKL, you do use gnome ?11:56
agimunocan someone help me find out how to see the boot text while booting from a live-cd, isn't there a button or a button combination to be pressed?11:56
hattertyler_d, they work on linux ?11:56
tyler_dhatter: yes they do11:56
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KI4IKLYeah, sldkfj11:56
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tyler_dhatter: bit of a pain to get there, but the point is I don't want to have to use a modem.... want it over the net right :)11:56
damianos_sn0: there is no any info about wengaphone in google - strange11:56
hatterover the net ?  you need a provider then11:57
SM7Xthx for support have to leave11:57
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hatteremail to fax gateway11:57
sn0wengophone damianos_11:57
Delirium-NLAnyone know how to fix viewing WMV file's on ubuntu? It works on my pc but the video's quality is fairly poor compared to windows.11:57
tyler_dhatter: looking for a free one... and yes11:57
damianos_sn0: ooo I see :)11:57
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hatterwell if you find a free one let us all know :)11:57
tyler_dhatter: lmfao11:57
tyler_dhatter: might just buy a whole bunch of winmodems and set them up on a server.... that would be cool11:58
heroin Delirium-NL woon je in haarlem bij toeval?11:58
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tyler_dhatter: then I will let you know11:58
sldkfjKI4KL, then that previous answer of mine should be restated as no  (having app windows cover the taskbar)11:58
hattertyler_d, then you have to pay for the phone calls :)11:58
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damianos_sn0: Do you have an account in wengophone /11:58
tyler_dhatter: I would think there should be a free one out there, seeing as how they are into voip and such11:58
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KI4IKLsldkfj, yes, I use gnome.11:58
heroinDelirium-NL: which video player are u using and are u sure of the qaulity?11:58
tyler_dhatter: its just a transmit switcher.11:59
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Delirium-NL@heroin, groningen =p11:59
sn0damianos_ i do11:59
Delirium-NL@heroin, yep the quality is fine but i see glitches in the video11:59
heroinDelirium-NL: ah ok because there is a club named delerium in haarlem :) but yah which video player are u using?11:59
tyler_dsharing an external drive over the network from the root, or a workaround?11:59
KI4IKLDoes anyone know a way to make the taskbars sorta ghost and let windows go over them?11:59
sldkfjKI4IKL, that's what I use also11:59
Delirium-NLstandard gnome " Movie Player "11:59
Delirium-NLworks fine on avi etc11:59
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tyler_dKI4IKL: define ghost?12:00
heroinKI4IKL: u mean that the taskbar is transparent?12:00
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tcvHere's what's odd about my issue: When I launch firefox from the GUI, the plug-in works fine twice, but the third time is when it fails. And, again, if I run it as my user from cli, it works fine. I am testing with one page.12:00
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KI4IKLno, I mean like where windows can go over them.12:00
=== _Zu_ [n=ubuntu@121-73-32-99.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu
KI4IKLThey are behind windows.12:00
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heroinDelirium-NL: movie player = totem.. urm.. if u have the disk space try VLC or mplayer and see if its totem related12:00
tyler_dKI4IKL: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30257012:00
kharlosshi there. if i want to installl kDE over an ubuntu server  how can i do this   ?  i have a nvidia card too12:00
tyler_dsudo apt-get install kde12:01

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