
TheSheepnysosym: well, icons on the desktop are evil anyways :)12:11
nothlitnysosym: you might like the direction the ubun2 project is going :)12:12
nysosymTheSheep: sorry but these kind of style reminds me on win95 day with endles textures as wallpaper :D12:12
=== nothlit is personally tired of swishies
nysosymnothlit: i know, i'm a member of these group12:13
nysosymbut my time ist very limited in the last and next months :/12:13
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nothlitkwwii: icons and text everywhere? or just in the default area12:14
nysosymi think ^^12:14
TheSheepnysosym: refresh, now it's better visible :)12:14
nysosymTheSheep: much better :)12:15
nysosymthe grunge look is very trendy ^^12:15
nysosymelegant and stylish12:15
TheSheepshame I don't know wherei t comes from12:16
TheSheepI fished it out of my web cache12:16
nysosymbut maybe the grunge look  is to "dusty" for an serios OS12:17
TheSheepmaybe, but I like the idea -- a natural texture with some small decoration12:18
TheSheepit could be carved as well, for example12:18
nothlitgrunge isn't mainstream enough for something like ubun212:20
nothlitprofessionals won't want that look12:20
nysosymthis should also be ok http://img115.imageshack.us/my.php?image=flower25jg3.jpg12:21
nysosymnothlit: professionals use in order, no wallaper :D12:23
nysosymwallpapers are too "kiddy"12:23
nysosymand it's eating performance ^^12:24
nothlitnot computing professionals12:25
nysosymi will go to bed12:29
nysosymgn8 at all12:29
nysosymand have fun at google campus kwwii_ :)12:30
kwwii_hehe, thanks12:32
kwwii_see you soon12:32
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dilomohi everybody02:03
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