=== licio [n=licio@ubuntu/member/licio] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Exit,] === zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === fernando [n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === merriam [n=merriam@85-211-180-104.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === huahua [n=huahua@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === ace_suares [n=ace@fupi.suares.an] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === eflavoie [n=eflavoie@bas5-montreal02-1167961216.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === jona_ [n=jona@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [04:04] Hi === jona_ [n=jona@] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ex-Chat"] === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === j_ack [n=jack@p508D815B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === czessi_ [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-017-170.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === j_ack [n=jack@p508D815B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === zul_ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === j_ack [n=jack@p508D815B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db442c0.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === tkjacobsen [n=tkjacobs@h59ec0f85.c45-01-03.dyn.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mvo [n=egon@p54A654CD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Lure [n=lure@external-1.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Lure_ [n=lure@external-1.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === dholbach [n=daniel@i59F770C4.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mvo_ [n=egon@p54A66C4C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === dholbach_ [n=daniel@i59F76167.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mvo__ [n=egon@p54A658CD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === dholbach_ [n=daniel@i59F76167.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === acattelan [n=ale@81-174-7-169.dynamic.ngi.it] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === acattelan [n=ale@81-174-7-169.dynamic.ngi.it] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] === pochu [n=emilio@115.Red-88-27-28.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === asac_ [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === pochu [n=emilio@115.Red-88-27-28.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mvo_ [n=egon@p54A6596F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mvo__ [n=egon@p54A656AF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === profoX` [n=wesley@d54C0E764.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === davengames17 [n=davengam@C-59-100-42-208.for.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === davengames17 [n=davengam@C-59-100-42-208.for.connect.net.au] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === jenda [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === hoora_ [i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-a29dca7f7fde3903] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === blackskad [n=blackska@d54C1A48C.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === hoora_ [i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-aac1ce9e95c52e7e] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mvo_ [n=egon@p54A659B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mvo__ [n=egon@p54A6741D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === jenda [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === beuno [i=martin@ubuntu/member/beuno] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === ranf [n=ralfm@dslb-084-058-182-166.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === ranf [n=ralfm@dslb-084-058-182-166.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mvo_ [n=egon@p54A66D7A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === lionel [n=lionel@ip-211.net-81-220-127.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === StevenK [n=stevenk@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === StevenK [n=stevenk@] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] === neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db442c0.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mvo__ [n=egon@p54A67672.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === _neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db4428e.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === DarkSun88 [n=Ma@ubuntu/member/darksun88] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [02:58] Hi all === DarkSun88 [n=Ma@ubuntu/member/darksun88] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Sto] === mvo_ [n=egon@p54A65C6E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === merriam [n=merriam@85-211-180-104.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === evand [n=evand@ubuntu/member/evand] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === licio [n=licio@ubuntu/member/licio] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mvo__ [n=egon@p54A67C58.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === calc [n=ccheney@conr-adsl-209-169-124-200.consolidated.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === merriam [n=merriam@85-211-180-104.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === jenda [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === j_ack [n=jack@p508D84DF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === jenda [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === jenda_ [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === jenda [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === fatsheep [n=fatsheep@74-133-190-166.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === fatsheep [n=fatsheep@74-133-190-166.dhcp.insightbb.com] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] === jenda [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === zul_ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === ranf_ [n=ralfm@dslb-084-058-098-093.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === arualavi [n=Iva@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === bdmurray [n=bdmurray@mylar.outflux.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [04:46] also notice the channel itself says 16:00 (oops) ;) === fernando [n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [04:47] calc: that comes from friday, nixternal is changing it now [04:47] err [04:47] calc: that comes from fridge, nixternal is changing it now [04:47] it should refresh here shortly === beuno [i=martin@ubuntu/member/beuno] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [04:48] ok === slomo [n=slomo@ubuntu/member/slomo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === heno [n=henrik@ubuntu/member/heno] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [04:55] in reality, the times of the meeting are 16:00 Europe/London and 21:00 Europe/London [04:55] the UTC gets adjusted depending on the time of year [04:55] if it could be entered into a calendar like that, it would work === iwj [n=ian@xenophobe.extern.relativity.greenend.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mathiaz [n=mathiaz@206-248-181-179.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === pkl_ [n=phillip@unaffiliated/pkl/x-764568] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Leaving"] === pkl_ [n=phillip@unaffiliated/pkl/x-764568] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [04:57] #include === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === fabbione is here [04:59] heya all [04:59] HELLO_MAIN(asac, waves) [04:59] here === dendrobates [n=rclark@adsl-065-005-186-012.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:00] hello === shawarma waves [05:00] hi [05:00] hey all === keescook [n=kees@ubuntu/member/keescook] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:00] hello === jikanter [n=jordan@c-24-12-220-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:01] ({#'sprintf, "Hello %s!\n", ({#'call_other, ({#'this_player}), "query_name" }) .... or something :) === ogra waves [05:01] sorry about the timezone confusion, everybody [05:01] :) [05:01] erm, yeah sorry :-/ === Hobbsee waves [05:02] cjwatson: no sign of amit on either irc server...rtg still out of town I suspect, and kyle is en route to google so can't be on [05:02] db_get random_greeting [05:02] echo $RET [05:02] hellp [05:02] no sign of mvo? === calc is here [05:02] you do need help if you quote debconf syntax for psuedo code :) [05:02] Keybuk: he said he'd be here - I'll call him (maybe still having his birthday cake or something) [05:03] he might still have thought it'd be one hour later [05:03] BenC: that would actually work module a template and sourcing debconf library :P [05:03] BenC: but yes.. i agreee.. [05:03] yes, I noticed that [05:03] I almost added a new section to the agenda [05:03] dholbach: scheme? lisp? [05:03] talking of which [05:03] Keybuk: line is busy - I'll retry [05:04] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelTeamMeeting20070614 [05:04] keescook: LPC (I hacked in a MUD ages ago... :-)) [05:05] sorry I'm late; traffic sucked today [05:05] dholbach: aaah, heh. === ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Ubuntu Development Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Jun 17:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 19 Jun 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 20 Jun 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 21 Jun 18:00 UTC: Mozilla Team | 21 Jun 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team === bryyce waves to cjwatson === fdoving [n=frode@ubuntu/member/frode] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:06] heh still showing UTC times === cjwatson counts on fingers [05:06] cjwatson: hah. you're close enough that you can :) === Hobbsee uses kclock [05:07] so, we have new starters today === dendrobates yeah [05:07] Amit, who most of you met at UDS, has joined the kernel team (but hasn't turned up to this meeting ) [05:07] calc: has joined us to maintain OpenOffice.org [05:08] hi calc! [05:08] Hi, calc! Welcome to the team! [05:08] hello everyone :) === keescook hugs calc [05:08] hi calc [05:08] welcome calc! === evand waves [05:08] and dendrobates has joined as the Ubuntu Server Technical Lead === BenC wondered why calc suddenly showed up in #kernel :) === keescook hugs dendrobates === dendrobates waves to everyone [05:08] welcome calc === agoliveira [n=adilson@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:08] dendrobates: hi, boss! Welcome to the team. :) [05:08] welcome calc and dendrobates! === BenC waves back [05:09] welcome dendrobates [05:09] hi dendrobates [05:09] welcome dendrobates and calc :-) [05:09] calc: all the best for OO.o! [05:09] Hi dendrobates === agoliveira waves all and apologises for being late [05:09] pitti: thx [05:09] for those keeping score, that brings the distro team up to 24 people [05:09] agoliveira: that's ok, we weren't expecting you anyway [05:10] agoliveira: those at conferences are excused if they can't make it ;) [05:10] Thanks but I'm actually just wating in the lobby of the hotel so it made sense ;) [05:10] 28 if you include mdz, cjwatson, heno and myself [05:11] I think you four count :) [05:11] we still have quite a few more positions open [05:11] so expect to grow by at least another 8 before the year is out [05:12] We are *exploding*. [05:12] I'm looking forward to meeting all you new guys in London. === kylem [n=kyle@amnesiac.heapspace.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:12] yeah, me too :) [05:12] Claire has reminded me to nag you all about booking your travel arrangements to London [05:13] and once booked, please make sure you put them onto the wiki [05:13] and if you have any particular room-mate preference, note that too === hunger [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === silwol [n=silwol@teacheradsl241.eduhi.at] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:14] we have a very short agenda this week; any more items for it? [05:14] (not that I am complaining) [05:14] anyone who does not snore and do not smoke is fine to me ;_ === silwol [n=silwol@teacheradsl241.eduhi.at] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] [05:14] agoliveira, not me then :) [05:14] no smoking in England by then [05:14] agoliveira: smoking indoors will be illegal at that point [05:14] agoliveira: very limiting choices :) [05:14] i snore like a tractor on steroids === mvo [n=egon@p54A65BCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:14] BenC: can confirm that [05:14] cjwatson, even outside smokers smell :) [05:15] for people who care at least [05:15] iwj: we need to play the distro team game in London; it's been some time === Hobbsee cringes. australian clean air is good! :P [05:15] and it's a lot harder now [05:15] cjwatson: "the" distro team game? [05:15] keescook: you are too new for that :) [05:16] that's "name all the members of the distro team. no notes allowed." [05:16] cjwatson: we did it in Oslo you and I... [05:16] hah [05:16] ouch [05:16] Ha! [05:16] cjwatson: including history :) [05:16] hi [05:16] Maybe we should have a field `snores (yes/no)' on the roommate list, to be filled in by the previous roommate :-). [05:16] ok, agenda [05:16] ugh, that really becomes tricky now [05:16] (keescook) VMWare WS6 license needed [05:16] hi mvo [05:16] hehe [05:16] iwj, i usually add it ... [05:16] fabbione was chasing that up [05:16] fabbione: no word, I gather? [05:16] but then i usually add my data late :) [05:16] before we move onto kees agenda [05:16] keescook: i mailed mdy 3 weeks ago.. [05:16] one other quick announcement [05:16] no news yet [05:16] HAPPY BIRTHDAY MVO! [05:16] ehhe [05:16] MVO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [05:16] \o/ === seb128 hugs mvo === shawarma hugs mvo [05:16] congrats mvo [05:17] mvo: Happy birthday! [05:17] mvo: happy birthday!! [05:17] Happy birthday, dude! [05:17] happy birthday === dholbach hugs mvo too === seb128 hugs mvo again ;) === mvo_ [n=egon@p54A6496F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:17] haha [05:17] cjwatson: nope.. i will try bitching^Wasking again tomorrow [05:17] happy birthday ! [05:17] haha [05:17] happy birthday mvo [05:17] hahaha === agoliveira hugs mvo [05:17] MVO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! === seb128 hugs mvo_ again ;) === dholbach hugs mvo too [05:17] fabbione: ok, please mail distro-team if you hear anything useful [05:17] haha :) [05:17] someone paste the backscroll, if mvo_'s actually here... [05:17] mvo_: your ISP is still loving you? ;) [05:17] cjwatson: will do as soon as i have info === asac hugs mvo [05:17] release readiness update === mvo_ grumbles about his ISP [05:17] cjwatson: I didn't intend it to be an agenda item, actually. BenC, fabbione and mdy are all on it, afaik. :) === mvo_ hugs asac [05:18] pitti: do you have a convenient link for tribe-2 bugs? [05:18] keescook: *nod* [05:18] I'll try and mail jp directly [05:18] I may have more luck [05:18] cjwatson: I got the licenses this morning from JP, mdy will add them to the wiki [05:18] aha, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/tribe-2 [05:18] thanks everybody for the happy birthday wishes! [05:18] BenC: oh, very cool! [05:18] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/tribe-2 [05:18] for now we're supposed to use vmware 5.X, is that it? Becuase I'm too stupid to find a link to that anywhere on VMWare's homepage.. === mvo_ hugs Keybuk ogra shawarma seb128 dholbach [05:19] it would be nice if everyone could take a look and check whether he can grab one of the unassigned ones [05:19] BenC: mail distro team directly? pointless to bounce trough me agian [05:19] shawarma: I wasn't able to get 5.x working on 2.6.22 so I switched to ws6 [05:19] once they are on the wiki, I'll post to distro-team [05:19] query cjwatson [05:19] BenC: thanks [05:19] BenC: ok thanks === Keybuk cancels the e-mail === Hobbsee hands calc a "/" [05:19] Can I get one of those too? I'm doing the embedded tests on vmware as well. [05:19] Hobbsee: heh [05:19] keescook: Didn't BenC have a fix for that? [05:20] Hobbsee: so you'll chase people for the copious KDE milestone bugs? [05:20] I have a fix for 2.6.22+ws6, but nothing with 5.x [05:20] BenC: Thanks. [05:20] any-any isn't working either [05:20] any kde bugs listed on that tribe 2 list, i'm the contact for, i believe - so if anyone feels like fixing them, it might be worth checking with me if someone's already working on tehm, or has expressed interest in them [05:20] BenC: Ah, right. My bad. [05:20] pitti: typing, typing. i'm a slow typer today [05:20] Riddell: with regard to that kubuntu-desktop recommends bug [05:21] Riddell: the general plan we had for Ubuntu was to identify the stuff that really makes up the important bits of an Ubuntu desktop - stuff like the panel, gnome-session, critical things [05:21] BenC: there are quite a lot of kernel bugs on the tribe-2 list; anything that is particularly hard and probably won't make it for tribe-2? [05:21] cjwatson: right. [05:21] but make many of the others Recommends so that they can be swapped out [05:21] pitti: I'll review them today [05:21] they will still be installed by default [05:21] BenC: cheers [05:21] cjwatson: that was my view, but Riddell didnt really agree with me. [05:21] it's one of the things that comes up in reviews quite a lot - people get confused when they have to remove the metapackages for stuff they should be able to replace [05:22] bug #109320 is actually against evms [05:22] Launchpad bug 109320 in evms "evms blocks access to disk devices" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109320 [05:22] metapackages> If only we had proper implementation of Replaces ... [05:22] Keybuk: did you do that patch and upload yet? [05:22] BenC: not yet, see my update ealier [05:22] pitti: i'll be chasing people, yes. [05:22] mostly waiting from upstream for comment [05:22] I mean, we could do away with transitional packages. [05:22] for comment from upstream [05:22] speak like yodo, do I [05:22] cjwatson: if that's the policy that's fine with me, although there seems to be a higher threshold for critial things than you desribe above [05:23] iwj: transitional yes, but I don't think that helps with -desktop [05:23] pitti: they all look doable for tribe-2 [05:23] cjwatson: No, indeed. [05:23] Riddell: I'm relatively easy about the precise place where the line is drawn [05:23] *head explodey* etoomanyconversations [05:23] cjwatson: Oh, I see what you meant now. Yes, I agree. [05:23] I've taken 120107 [05:24] Hobbsee: 108870 should be fix-released? [05:24] bug #108870 [05:24] bug 108870 [05:24] Riddell: could you look at bug 119408? it has not been confirmed yet [05:24] Launchpad bug 108870 in kubuntu-default-settings "[Feisty regression] install two or more debian files with right click on them and install doesn't work" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108870 [05:24] Launchpad bug 119408 in kde-guidance "[gutsy] kde-guidance power manager causes screen to turn off" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119408 [05:25] pitti: I'm at debconf next week, so I might have to postpone bug 118744 to tribe-3 [05:25] Launchpad bug 118744 in gfxboot "no gfxboot in gutsy with new syslinux" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118744 [05:25] bdmurray: 108870 should go away with gdebi-kde [05:25] cjwatson: yes. was going to double check it actually *fixed* the bug before i did that, though [05:25] cjwatson: WFM, the current workaround works fine [05:25] cjwatson: it's mainly a reminder to clean it up at some time before beta [05:25] bdmurray: 119408 I've heard some people say, and the other guidance developers have looked at it, but I'm not sure if we found a reason it affects some people === jenda [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:26] pitti: yes [05:26] Riddell: okay, if you need some testing done let me know [05:27] BenC: linux-backports-modules-2.6.22? [05:27] cjwatson: oof, yeah, need to get that out [05:27] should be trivial [05:27] empty upload, Just Do It [05:28] get it out with next kernel upload === lbm [n=lbm@0x555373ab.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:28] BenC: i need my toys with the next upload please... [05:28] ok, I don't think there's much else to discuss here, then [05:28] any other business? [05:28] fabbione: I got something you can play with :P [05:28] BenC: cows? [05:28] I did some anastacia/MIR/cruft cleanup today, will do some more in the future [05:28] Hug Day schedule [05:28] fabbione: yes, gfs1/gfs2 will be ready next upload [05:28] s/future/next couple of days/ [05:28] BenC: cool thanks [05:28] fabbione: they sometimes fetch pine cones [05:29] ROFL [05:29] bdmurray: how did the last one go? I didn't see a whole lot in #ubuntu-devel, but perhaps there was more in #ubuntu-bugs [05:29] pitti: I'll give you an hand on that, I did some source NEW, syncs and backports cleaning this week [05:29] yeah I think most of the action was in #ubuntu-bugs [05:29] cjwatson: it went well bryce and kees did a lot of work [05:29] cjwatson: i got the amarok upstream guys helping to triage the amarok bugs :D [05:29] seb128: you rock [05:29] Hobbsee: excellent [05:29] pitti: you too ;) [05:29] yeah, that was great too [05:29] yep [05:29] bdmurray: what would you like the schedule to be? [05:30] or are we talking about the developer assignments? [05:30] there was quite some activity in #ubuntu-bugs yesterday [05:30] seb128 did a lot too and I managed to get a bunch of bugs tagged as 'packaging', 'needs-packaging', 'bitesize' and 'upgrade' [05:30] Next one should be the 27th I think so I'm wondering who will be available then [05:30] is the rota on the wiki somewhere? [05:31] The one after that is a bit odd as 2 weeks would be the distro sprint [05:31] bdmurray: that might be more fun [05:31] with all of us in the same room.. [05:31] cjwatson: do you mean the Hug Day schedule or the volunteers? [05:31] bdmurray: the latter [05:31] we just need to figure who cleans the blood from the walls [05:31] fabbione: my concern there would be it would less talking on IRC [05:32] cjwatson: no, that isn't in the wiki [05:32] bdmurray: you would be surprised how 10 nerds in a room spend more time talking on IRC than face to face :) [05:32] bdmurray: I think everybody of us is geeky enough to talk on IRC even if we are sitting in the same room ;-) [05:32] so someone needs to bring duct tape ;) === fabbione casts his "waitress" spell [05:33] I don't think there is a rota; we should set one up [05:33] I think that would help, so that we can see who's gone before [05:33] heno: will you take care of that? [05:33] The week before the sprint would be closer to the Tribe 2 release though. [05:34] bdmurray: i'd agree with you @ the less talking on irc - it becomes very much a canonical-only event that wya - or the feeling of it. [05:35] sure, anyone esp. interested in joining the next bug day? ... [05:35] ACTION: heno to set up skeleton bug day developer rota and mail to distro-team [05:35] heno: let's get it up in a form that people can add to it, and we can hassle folks later [05:35] right [05:35] bdmurray: I'd be happy with the week before the sprint === hunger [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation] [05:35] if you're happy to have bug days in two consecutive weeks === amitk [n=amit@a81-197-135-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:36] I think that makes more sense than waiting until after Tribe 3 [05:36] amitk: welcome, although we're just finishing up ;-) [05:37] However, there is a US holiday on July 4th which is a Wednesday [05:37] cjwatson: sorry, I lost track of time [05:37] Sorry guys, got go. Boss is calling! Bye! [05:37] bdmurray: thu should be fine at least for the US === _neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db44138.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:38] bdmurray: but yea you probably won't find many people in the US online on july 4th ;) === finalbeta [n=gggggggg@d54C6865D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:38] so 6/27 and 7/5 then? [05:38] sounds good [05:38] and then 7/25 [05:38] which is after Tribe 3 [05:39] that works [05:39] we should be settling down pretty well with feature development by then [05:39] one thing that might be worthwhile would be to define a goal, like close 300 bugs (1% of total) [05:40] there was an aim yesterday of dropping it to 30K bugs. that seemed useful [05:40] recent bug days seem to have been trying to tackle particular sets of problems, so goals in line with those would be good [05:40] looks like ~ 70 new bugs since the bug day yesterday [05:40] right, and other parts of triage than just cosing bugs are important as well [05:40] Hobbsee: did it success to go under the 30k line? ;) === bryyce nods to Hobbsee [05:40] seb128: hit around 30070 [05:42] http://people.ubuntu-in.org/~carthik/bugstats/ [05:42] seb128: i think it was down to 30080. what calc said. === evand [n=evand@ubuntu/member/evand] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Hobbsee went to bed. [05:42] I love that our goal is no longer "make bugs reduce in number" but has moved on to "get below some number". nice work. :) [05:42] sigh. and then it went back up again. [05:42] so when are we turning apport back on for gutsy? [05:42] what i want to know is where the heck all these bugs are. [05:42] keescook: let's enjoy the week where apport is not running :p [05:42] I think a fair number of the new ones were sync requests [05:42] seb128: heheh [05:42] that will bring the exponential growth back ... [05:42] I really want to wait until we get the private bug filing [05:42] Hobbsee: a huge chunk of bugs are on oo.o [05:42] ahhh [05:42] the fix for that is in review [05:42] also, dup detection is online now, so I hope it won't get that bad [05:42] pitti: there is no hurry [05:42] pitti: ETA? [05:43] Hobbsee: i think there is over 700 kernel bugs as well [05:43] asac: I don't know, next LP rollout I hope [05:43] ah, fair enough [05:43] pitti: i would prefer to get firefox crashes on asap [05:43] I wonder if there is an optimal time in the cycle to get crash reports? === Hobbsee attempts to figure out how private bugs and apport fit together. oh, apport being able to file private bugs? [05:43] asac: right; but we shuold really stop people from exposing their login credentials etc. to the public [05:43] heno: right after finishing whatever feature you've just been working on, IME [05:43] Hobbsee: Yes. [05:43] Hobbsee: yes, for crashers [05:43] right. [05:44] private bugs -> see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CrashReporting please [05:44] Hobbsee: ^ [05:44] pitti: yes ... but we did that for a long time ... so a week or so won't hurt imo :) [05:44] hmm i only see 123 bugs on openoffice.org scribblers page but i am pretty sure there are a lot more than that [05:44] pitti: but yes, i agree that private is important [05:44] Has the thing been fixed where you get three mails about every crash ? [05:44] It's really only useful to get at most one. [05:44] calc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org says 491 [05:44] Also, TBH I think it would be better not to regard apport crashes as bugs per se. [05:44] 6 on -l10n [05:45] 4 on -amd64 [05:45] iwj: How do you figure that? === lbm [n=lbm@0x555373ab.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting [05:45] iwj: indeed; there are some plans, if you are interested, let's talk about it in #devel [05:45] pitti: looks sane. [05:45] cjwatson: yea i guess just 123 are assigned to the group or something to that effect === heno agrees with iwj [05:46] pitti: OK. [05:46] pitti: if you talk about that, summon me please :) [05:46] there are slightly over 500 bugs for all the openoffice packages scribblers maintains [05:46] asac: noted [05:46] shawarma: I get about one report a month of a crash or other similar malfunction in dpkg and these nowadays almost invariably turn out to be `user has completely broken computer and pureed filesystem'. [05:47] calc: so, good luck with fixing all of them until tribe-2 === pitti ducks [05:47] pitti: lmao [05:47] ok, can the rest of this go to #ubuntu-devel? [05:47] calc: relatively speaking it isn't that many though [05:47] it sounds like we're done here [05:47] dpkg isn't that huge a memory user. So extrapolating, I imagine that a fair proportion of crash reports in oo.o and firefox and the like are just bad hardware. [05:48] iwj: Right, but as a general rule, don't you think an apport generated bug report represents an actual bug? [05:48] certainly ubiquity bugs are disproportionately bad hardware [05:48] shawarma: In the case of dpkg clearly the answer is no. [05:48] although the ones that aren't are significant [05:48] bdmurray: yea only about 1.7% [05:48] iwj: hence "general rule". :) [05:48] so Hobbsee asking about where they all are is a good question [05:48] or interesting [05:48] `As a general rule, all X are Y' `No, here is a big subclass of X which are usually not'. === mvo blames bad hardware usually too when apt crashes [05:49] What you mean is `As a general rule, most X are Y' which may be true but we don't know. [05:49] Anyway. [05:49] bdmurray: is there a way to extract a report of bugs per package to get a top offending list? [05:49] Are we planning to have the team dinner on the Friday night or earlier ? I'm just thinking about people missing flights, you understand :-). [05:49] bdmurray: i'd like to see a https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs for all bugs in ubuntu, but i havent badgered the #launchpad guys as to how feasible it is, and to get an ETA on it. [05:49] (I mean, for the London sprint.) [05:49] Keybuk: do you know? I hadn't heard [05:49] iwj: I did not know that dpkg bugs were really a big subclass of Ubuntu bugs. I would have expected dpkg to have extraordinarily few bugs reported, actually. [05:50] cjwatson: Friday, I understand [05:50] I don't care, as long as it's not at Pizza Express [05:50] ;) [05:50] calc: bugnumbers -p --stats I think [05:50] mmm pizza [05:50] iwj: I'd love the dinner to be Wed or earlier; I'm only there a half week [05:50] $ bugnumbers -p --stats [05:50] Package '--stats' not found. [05:51] sprint dinner requests -> distro-team [05:51] bdmurray: -p openoffice.org ? [05:51] ah bughelper [05:51] sounds like we're done, then [05:51] adjourned [05:51] What exactly would be on a British pizza? [05:51] thanks [05:51] cya [05:51] thanks [05:51] iwj: /win 55 [05:51] whoops [05:51] thanks [05:51] bryyce: it might be in the bzr tree only [05:51] shawarma: /lose 60 [05:51] dendrobates: in Edinburgh, deep fried [05:51] ha [05:51] dholbach: yeah ./bugnumbers -p openoffice.org --stats [05:51] hope to see lots of people in Edinburgh next week [05:51] Keybuk: No fair! [05:52] bugnumbers love for everybody [05:52] dendrobates: smog === amitk [n=amit@a81-197-135-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation] [05:52] thks. bye === iwj [n=ian@xenophobe.extern.relativity.greenend.org.uk] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] [05:52] bye all === mvo leaves to celebrate his birthday === keescook [n=kees@ubuntu/member/keescook] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] [05:52] bye === dendrobates [n=rclark@adsl-065-005-186-012.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] [05:52] bye mvo [05:53] thanks all === mathiaz [n=mathiaz@206-248-181-179.dsl.teksavvy.com] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] === bdmurray [n=bdmurray@mylar.outflux.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ex-Chat"] === beuno_ [i=martin@conference/debconf/x-cd06302c8fbd8afe] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === lfittl [n=lfittl@cl-185.mbx-01.si.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === coreymon77 [n=coreymon@unaffiliated/coreymon77] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === coreymon77 [n=coreymon@unaffiliated/coreymon77] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation] === freeflying [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === silwol [n=silwol@teacheradsl241.eduhi.at] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === silwol [n=silwol@teacheradsl241.eduhi.at] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] === kylem [n=kyle@amnesiac.heapspace.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] === silwol [n=silwol@teacheradsl241.eduhi.at] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has left #ubuntu-meeting [""] === ^^MAg^^ [n=mag@33-dz2-12.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === slomo_ [n=slomo@ubuntu/member/slomo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Jun 17:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 19 Jun 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 20 Jun 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 21 Jun 18:00 UTC: Mozilla Team | 21 Jun 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 23 Jun 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu US LoCo Team === tomsku [n=tomsku@dsl-trebrasgw1-fe54fa00-250.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === allee [n=ach@lapex-mcallee.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === finalbeta [n=gggggggg@d54C6865D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === johang [n=johan@h145n2c1o1097.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === doko_ [n=doko@dslb-088-074-001-138.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === SWAT [n=SWAT@ubuntu/member/swat] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === beuno [i=martin@ubuntu/member/beuno] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db44138.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === j_ack [n=jack@p508DA3DF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-meeting.log === ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Topic for #ubuntu-meeting: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Jun 17:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 19 Jun 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 20 Jun 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 21 Jun 18:00 UTC: Mozilla Team | 21 Jun 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 23 Jun 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu US LoCo Team === Topic (#ubuntu-meeting): set by ubotu at Thu Jun 14 19:30:31 2007 === neversfelde|mobi [n=neversfe@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === j_ack [n=jack@p508DA3DF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === poningru` [n=poningru@ip72-196-112-63.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === lfittl [n=lfittl@cl-185.mbx-01.si.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting