
mirkobuholzerhas some one testet the noui with feisty? I get the import error: no module named backend.part12:08
cjwatsonElwell: installation-guide12:14
cjwatsonmirkobuholzer: noui is broken and removed from gutsy12:14
cjwatsonmirkobuholzer: evand is working on a replacement, but you won't find anything that works in feisty12:14
cjwatsonsuperm1: page navigation is still pretty nasty, but I guess we can tolerate that12:15
superm1cjwatson, ok.  I was thinking of just making a "derivative" directory at the top level of the package, with a "mythbuntu" directory within it.  That way any other groups that will want to do similar projects can use what we do as an example, and our work stays in its own area not to interfere with the regular ubiquity work12:19
superm1then in debian/control make another binary package that will include all of our things and depend on yours.  in our binary package have a binary produced called say ubiquity-mythbuntu which performs similar to the regular ubiquity binary12:20
superm1except that it will call things via our derived classes instead12:20
mirkobuholzersuperm1, this would be great. I am planning to do some enhancements to so your concept could be applied as well ...12:39
superm1mirkobuholzer, atm our patch is very messy and invasive.  i should have a cleaner one within a few days that won't touch anything but that derivative/ directory and the debian/ directory hopefully :)12:39
cjwatsonsuperm1: hmm, I think it might be clearer if it were in the normal locations with just clearly named files12:48
cjwatsonI don't see how it would interfere any more than the way we would already be taking on the responsibility of updating it across major changes already does12:49
cjwatsonif a derivative isn't easy to maintain, it should absolutely be a branch and there's no way we should be maintaining it in core12:49
cjwatsonif it's easy to maintain, hiding it in a separate directory is only likely to make it harder12:49
cjwatsonI think the right answer instead of a separate ubiquity-mythbuntu script is just 'ubiquity mythbuntu' or whatever you're calling the frontend12:51
cjwatsonevand: sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/01:13
superm1evand, I saw that you merged in my changes this morning.  thanks :)01:15
evandsuperm1: thank you for taking care oft hat01:16
cjwatsonevand: want to go ahead and merge in the modularisation stuff there?01:16
cjwatsonit looks fine to me01:16
evandcjwatson: will do01:17
cjwatsonI might move both the glade and qt-designer files to subdirectories at some point, but no rush01:18
cjwatsonremember to do the cia setup thing for the new branch01:20
superm1cjwatson, is the entire ubiquity branch going to stay maintained on that URL rather than the core-dev one?01:22
superm1s/URL/bzr branch/01:22
evandsuperm1: it will still be synchronized with the old one, but yes01:23
superm1Ok.  i'll track that then to keep up with changes01:23
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CIA-19ubiquity: evand * r2091 ubiquity/ (12 files in 2 dirs): Merged Mario's glade modularization changes from the ma branch.01:48
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jetsaredimanyone know if the installer is broke in gutsy?07:40
evanddefine broken07:43
jetsaredimseg fault07:52
evandgah, please file a bug07:52
=== evand -> bed
jetsaredimjust trying to figure out if its something i/we did07:53
superm1evand, I caught what is happening to jetsaredim.  some bug with new glib memory allocation is hitting a lot of apps (thunderbird, vlc, and a few others)09:05
superm1the workaround is to run apps like this:09:05
superm1G_SLICE=always-malloc ubiquity09:05
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cjwatson_superm1: I'm not sure about permanently, but at least until Evan gets into ubuntu-core-dev; it's mostly for his benefit at the moment10:25
cjwatson_beyond that, we'll see if it's relevant to anyone else :)10:25
cjwatson_gslice> I assume that's got to be a bug at a lower level; ubiquity wouldn't be capable of triggering that sort of bug even if it wanted to, I expect10:26
CIA-19ubiquity: cjwatson * r2092 ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtk-ui.py: spacing nits11:02
cjwatsonjetsaredim: bug 116870, but that's supposedly just an additional warning, so it's not clear that the crash is due to that11:04
cjwatsonand, err, I didn't think ubiquity was threaded ;-)11:08
cjwatsonjetsaredim: I would like to know where the crash happens11:10
cjwatsonjetsaredim: does adding 'gobject.threads_init()' near the top of gtk-ui.__init__ help?11:16
cjwatson(see #ubuntu-devel, that may not be the right answer)11:19
blackskadcjwatson: I created a diff of the changes I made to fix bug #45690, but could you review them before I attach them to the bugreport?11:27
blackskadthe diff is at http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/25673/11:27
Elwellslightly OT - which is the best IRC channel for ubuntu server xen questions?11:40
cjwatsonblackskad: also remove ubiquity/imported/quit from debian/ubiquity.templates-imported (leave ubiquity/imported/cancel there, as the gtk-cancel stock item is used elsewhere) and 'quit' from the list of stock items in translate_widgets; and I think you need to add warning_dialog_continue and warning_dialog_abort to ubiquity/i18n.py rather than just deleting cancelbutton and exitbutton11:48
cjwatsonrest looks good to me11:48
cjwatsonElwell: if it's primarily about Xen, possibly #ubuntu-kernel11:48
blackskadok, thank you, I'll change it11:48
cjwatson#ubuntu-server exists too I believe11:48
CIA-19ubiquity: cjwatson * r2093 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/install.py): * Save /var/log/casper.log to installed system (LP: #119993).12:01
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blackskadcjwatson: I addressed your comments and attached the diff to the bugreport12:28
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jetsaredimwhat's the default password for the ubuntu user?03:52
cjwatsonI tell a lie; blank03:52
cjwatson(not quite the same thing)03:52
superm1cjwatson, regarding the change that renamed gtkui.py to gtk-ui.py within the last few revisions, it appears that it's fairly difficult to import from gtk-ui.py and then base a class on it.  The __import__() function has to be used (because of the -), but i'm not sure how to base a class on this after imported.  MythbuntuWizard(ubiquity.frontend.gtk-ui.Wizard) doesn't appear to be possible03:52
cjwatsonsuperm1: __import__ returns a module object so you can use getattr(mod, Wizard) on that and assign the result to a more convenient local name04:01
cjwatsonbut maybe gtk-ui and kde-ui should be renamed again04:02
cjwatsonI wish Python's module system were slightly better designed :-/04:02
=== superm1 nods
superm1i was poking in #python yesterday and they were saying the correct solution is to just rename the gtk-ui (and consequently kde-ui) since python is more friendly to names without dashes04:02
superm1but atm thats a solution .  Didn't realize __import__ actually returned something04:03
cjwatsonsuperm1: the problem is that kdeui is (or used to be) another module we used and the names clashed04:07
superm1perhaps use kde_ui04:07
superm1and gtk_ui04:08
cjwatsonand we use the gtk module too, and I wanted to name the frontends consistently04:08
cjwatsonI have a phone call to make now, but will think about it later04:08
superm1okay sounds good ttyl04:08
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