
shawarmaSchitso: You can apply, yes.12:15
shawarmaSchitso: For now, you can give me the bug number, then I can set it to wishlist.12:15
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ubotuLaunchpad bug 120284 in rhythmbox "video podcasts show as failed downloads" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  12:15
shawarmaSchitso: Done.12:17
shawarmaSchitso: Thank *you*.12:17
SchitsoShould I set it to "confirmed", then?12:17
shawarmaIf you've verified that it's not bogus, I'd say yes.12:18
shawarmaScottK-laptop: Thanks for all your help. You made it to top three on my "People, I should buy beer" list.12:20
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=== shawarma hugs ScottK-laptop
ScottK-laptopGreat.  You're welcome.  Thanks for contributing.12:20
ScottK-laptopshawarma: Say thanks to the people that stuck me in an all day boring meeting and gave me internet access.12:21
shawarmaScottK-laptop: It really must have been *very* boring.12:21
ScottK-laptopYeah and my blood pressure does better when I don't pay attention to some of this stuff.12:22
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shawarmaScottK-laptop: Well, I'm glad I could be of service distracting you all day. :)12:24
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mok0I've made a premature upload to revu, can I zap it?12:33
ajmitchjust upload a new one once this one gets accepted12:33
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mok0Okay, I just want the reviewer to look at the latest upload12:34
ajmitchright, they always should anyway12:34
mok0great, thx12:34
bluefoxicyquick question12:38
bluefoxicystate "D" is in-kernel non-interruptable something right12:39
=== bluefoxicy can't kill -9 this process >:| Is going to file a bug in something and is starting to think he may be filing it in apport
bluefoxicywhich is not running12:39
ScottK-laptopbluefoxicy: Dunno, but where in MD are you?  I live in MD too.12:42
bluefoxicyit just stopped being in D and died12:42
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bluefoxicyafter like 5 minutes12:42
bluefoxicyscottK:  White marsh area12:42
ScottK-laptopbluefoxicy: I live in Ellicott CIty12:43
bluefoxicyscottK:  Been there.12:43
bluefoxicyI missed my turn for college and had to go down to the next exit12:44
ScottK-laptopHeh.  Which college?12:44
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SchitsoI need help making a patch for a bug.12:59
SchitsoIt's just a small change in the debian/install file12:59
SchitsoSo, how exactly would I go about it?01:00
ScottK-laptopSchitso: What bug?01:00
SchitsoShould I change the diff.gz file that comes with the package?01:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120475 in timemachine ".desktop file wrong srouce" [Undecided,In progress]  01:00
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=== ScottK-laptop looks
ScottK-laptopSchitso: apt-get source the package and work from that.01:01
SchitsoI did already, and I made the change, but how should I post it?01:02
ScottK-laptopSchitso: Make your change, document it in debian/changelog (dch -i is your friend).01:02
ScottK-laptopThen make a new source package (debuild -S -uc)01:02
ScottK-laptopThen debdiff the old and new packages, attach the debdiff to the bug and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsrs to the bug.01:03
Schitso Bug#120475: timemachine: .desktop wrong file srouce01:05
Schitso* timemachine.desktop installed into /usr/share/app-installer/desktop01:05
Schitso    instead of /usr/share/gnome/apps/Multimedia/ 01:05
ScottK-laptopGood bye all.  Boring meeting is ending.01:05
SchitsoIs that the correct way to document the change?01:06
SchitsoAh, ok.01:06
pochuNight ScottK-laptop 01:06
ScottK-laptopNo.  Sorry I've got to run.  Someone else can tell you...01:06
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pochuGood night MOTUland!01:07
SchitsoNot knowing what to do sucks.01:07
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porthoseyea I have the same problem lololo it really does suck01:23
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luisbghow should I do it if I want that when the package I'm building makes a backup of a file before installing itself?01:28
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owhI'm trying to fix a bug in gphpedit. I think that the problem is that a parameter being passed is defined as a gint, but expected to be a glong. There are over 300 parameters to check. I'm using dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b to build the package. How do I get the compiler to tell me of these mismatches?01:38
Amaranth2> error.log01:38
owhAmaranth: That gave me a little output, but nothing at all to do with type errors at all.01:40
owhAny flags I need to set somewhere?01:41
owhI've just tried with the -W flag, but that didn't produce any more output.01:45
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jussi01can someone remind me of how to find out the package you need if your missing a certain file? (SDL.h)02:05
StevenKjussi01: apt-file search ?02:07
jussi01StevenK: thanks :D02:07
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mthaddonhave a question about patching a package (noob here in terms of packaging) - I've done...02:14
mthaddonapt-get source rhythmbox02:14
mthaddoncd rhythmbox-0.10.002:14
mthaddon# patched my installation and ran dch -i02:14
mthaddondebuild -S02:14
mthaddoncd ..02:14
mthaddonI know have the files in the directory, but am not sure how to repackage them so I can install and then test that my patch worked?02:14
owhmthaddon: The way I just did that was: "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b"02:15
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jussi01you can also use pbuilder for a clean room environment02:15
AndyPmthaddon: you might want to look into using pbuilder02:15
mthaddonowh: do I need to specify the dsc file, as there are two there (the original one)02:15
owhmthaddon: Dunno, I'm just playing locally.02:16
mthaddonAndyP: I have a pbuilder set up for dapper and would like to build this for feisty - I guess I could reconfigure that...02:16
=== owh resolves to look at pbuilder in a spare moment.
jussi01mthaddon: yeah you need to specify the dsc...02:17
AndyPmthaddon: it's possible to set up more than one pbuilder for different releases etc, but you can also just tweak your /etc/pbuilderrc to look at a different release if you only want to build for one02:17
mthaddonAndyP: might have to look into that...02:18
mthaddonjussi01: thx02:18
jussi01could someone tell me what im missing? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25636/02:20
AndyPjussi01: looks like you need to build depend on libsdl1.2-dev02:21
jussi01AndyP: thanks02:22
AndyPif you need to find out those kinds of things, "apt-file search" or packages.ubuntu.com are good places to search02:23
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hollerois there any particular reason why there's a package for Eclipse but none for NetBeans?02:25
jussi01AndyP: apt-file serch didnt reveal anything.. wht did you search on?02:26
AndyPhollero: netbeans is in multiverse, i believe02:26
AndyPjussi01: i searched for SDL.h02:26
AndyPjussi01: if you've only just installed apt-file you'll need to run sudo apt-file update to build the db02:27
jussi01AndyP: hehe, thats the problem then :D02:28
jussi01wondered why it didnt work02:28
jussi01AndyP: can you do a quick search on SDL_image.h for me? my internet is really sslow, and its taking ages...02:30
holleronow i got it... is there any reason why it is multiverse and not universe (i thought it was completely opensource)... and why is it only in synaptic and not in add/remove?02:31
AndyPjussi01: libsdl-image1.2-dev02:32
AndyPhollero: no idea, sorry02:32
jussi01AndyP: thanks very much02:32
holleromaybe it's just a matter of creating a metafile for add/remove (i'm not an expert on this, no idea really) with a description and so on that it can be used in the easy add/remove02:34
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leonelquestion :  when I get the sources from a debian unstable  deb   and  I want to patch it to work with ubuntu  dpatch-edit-patch works the same  or there's something that has to be done ?02:36
leonelno I haven't done any  merge02:36
leoneljust testing if that  deb works in ubuntu02:36
AndyPleonel: i'm not sure i understand your question02:37
superm1leonel, does a test build work in a gutsy pbuilder/sbuild?02:38
superm1(or have you tried)?02:38
leonelsuperm1:  no I haven't  I just  downloaded   dpkg-source  and dpkg-buildpackage 02:38
superm1leonel, the first thing i would do is try it in a pbuilder/sbuild env.  if things work, you're done and just need to request a sync02:39
leonelAndyP: Ubuntu works with  debian/patches    and I didn't see any  in debian's   psycopg202:39
superm1if not, then you can create patches using dpatch-edit-patch02:39
leonelsuperm1: ok thanks  02:39
leonelI'll try02:39
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leonelThe more I learn from  this  things  the more I want to keep working on this things .. I mean  motu things 02:42
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leonelsuperm1: Builded  fine  with pbuilder 02:47
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StevenKshawarma: Linda 0.3.25 has been uploaded to Debian. The Debian import freeze hasn't hit yet, so hopefully she'll get pulled across automagically.03:11
nixternalcrimsun: when you get the chance, I have upgraded to Gutsy and my sound is severly broken...go through some steps so I can create a bug report accordingly for you03:17
ajmitchnixternal: how broken?03:18
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nixternalwell, broken tot he point where my speakers are blaring, unless I turn PCM all the way down03:18
nixternalvolume control doesn't work at all, only pcm03:18
ajmitchthere was a new alsa-utils that I saw, at least03:19
nixternalI usually sit in the back of class and listen to LUGRadio, so after I upgraded here in class I decided to listen to the latest, and boom, Jono loud as hell laughing filled the class03:19
nixternalat least he wasn't cussing yet03:20
nixternalnow the teacher definitely knows I am not paying attention during class03:21
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=== jussio1 smacks alsa ... where is crimsun!
nixternaljussio1: he is hiding, he knows it is broken ;p03:23
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nixternalglad I didn't click on some pr0n or something, now that would have been really embarassing03:23
jussio1im trying to figure out this, its probably not alsa's fault htough...03:23
jsgotangcohuh? you upgraded your system while in class?03:24
nixternaldude, this is ASP.NET class, I could care less about it03:24
nixternaleasy A03:25
jsgotangcoyou must be really bored03:25
jsgotangcoeven if its an MS thing class I wouldn't miss the chance to learn something03:25
nixternalASP.NET == drag and dropping, not much to learn really, everything tells you what to do03:25
jsgotangcoits still learning for me03:26
nixternalevery now and then we get into some c#03:26
nixternalso if you know java and c++, then c# makes sense, or is supposed to make sense03:26
jsgotangcowow powerset released a screenshot and it has a porn category03:27
jsgotangcogo spurs03:31
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leonelis it  right to  have  a  pbuilder-gutsy inside a  gutsy debootstrap running in feisty ?04:02
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jussi01can someone point me to a good tutorial to get vnc working?04:07
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TheMusolionel: I'd say so. I used to use dchroot with chroots, which had pbuilder set up in them.04:34
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leonelTheMuso:  ok 04:42
superm1leonel, yes that should be fine04:50
superm1you just need to file a sync request bug now04:51
superm1indicate that it built fine in your pbuilder04:51
superm1and then subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors04:51
leonelsuperm1: if the package is in MoM or DaD  ??04:57
superm1leonel, the entire sync process is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess04:58
leonelso there's no need to merge ?04:58
superm1oh I thought you had mentioned this was was a new package05:00
superm1coming from debian05:00
superm1as in not in ubuntu.05:00
superm1what is the content of our changes?05:00
superm1from debian05:00
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leonelsuperm1: I don't  know  but let me read  that link you send  or is there for  merge request ?05:02
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superm1leonel, well you can generate a debdiff between our package and debian's 05:02
superm1and see if the changes we do are necessary05:03
superm1if it looks like they are, then you need to go through a merge05:03
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superm1if they can be dropped, you can file the sync request05:03
leonelsuperm1: great    let me do that tomorrow  since I got to go now    and  read that link you send  (  I'm learnng  here ) ...05:04
leonelsuperm1: thank you 05:04
superm1np leonel :)05:04
superm1leonel, there is lots of very valuable information on all the procedures at those wiki pages05:04
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leonelsuperm1:  I'll take a look thanks05:05
=== AndyP finally makes friends with quilt
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leonelsuperm1: found this :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Merging05:12
leonelsuperm1: I'll read  and read  and read then  do a merge or sync 05:12
superm1sounds good leonel 05:12
leonelnow got to go !05:12
leonelthank you 05:13
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zakamegood day MOTUs05:48
=== zakame takes a look at wulfare
zakamemake that wulfware05:53
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zakamexmms2 FTBFS on amd64 known upstream: http://bugs.xmms2.xmms.se/view.php?id=160706:42
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zakameperhaps disabling build of xmms2-plugin-sid would work atm?06:44
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ed1tanybody know on status of new scala's .deb?06:51
Burgundaviaed1t: scalas dev?06:53
ed1tyes scala2.5.1 released....ubuntu's repository has the old version 2.306:54
ajmitch2.5.0 sources are in universe, but failed to build06:55
ed1tis it easy to like create your own .deb ?06:56
ajmitch"GC Warning: Out of Memory!  Returning NIL!06:56
ajmitch   <<No stacktrace available>>"06:56
StevenKOh, *twitch*06:56
ajmitchStevenK awakens06:56
StevenKI've been awake for hours, so shush06:57
ajmitchbut you leapt for joy at the mention of java06:57
ajmitchit shouldn't be too hard to update scala to 2.5.1, but it entirely depends on the package06:57
StevenKAnd if it requires more than 1Gb of RAM to build.07:01
ed1twhich one?07:01
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StevenKA co-worker mentions that ant has it's own limits, much like PHP.07:12
ajmitchbut php should be used for everything!07:13
StevenKOh geez.07:13
StevenKANT_OPTS=-Xmx512M ant -f debian/simpbuild.xml dist07:13
ajmitchwhy don't we use php-gtk more?07:13
StevenKEvidently, 512M isn't enough anymore.07:13
StevenKBut according to the co-worker, ant tries to do everything directly in memory.07:15
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=== zakame looks at iolanguage
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Hobbseehi all07:32
zakameheya Hobbsee and lifeless!07:34
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cbx33hey there everybody07:35
zakameyo cbx3307:35
cbx33howz it all going07:35
=== zakame takes a look at spring
cbx33heya Hobbsee 07:37
cbx33guys got a bit of a MOTU question07:37
cbx33so...I have a piece of software, which has several "plugins"07:38
cbx33which pull in/require many python modules07:38
cbx33so I don't want to package it all up together07:38
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cbx33as it'll then require lots of deps07:38
cbx33that the person will probably never ever use.  Is it acceptable to split it into seperate binary packages for the plugins?07:39
lifelesssee opensync for instance :)07:39
cbx33if so, I currently use a makefile to do the python stuff07:39
cbx33how best I do this07:39
cbx33maybe a link to the package would help?07:40
cbx33if someone has a few minutes to look at if with me07:40
lifelessyour software build, and your packaging should be separate07:40
lifelessbecause people may want to package it for RH etc.07:40
lifelessso just have your package rules create the separate binary packages.07:40
cbx33that's the plan07:41
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cbx33the browse code here should have it too07:42
cbx33at the moment07:43
cbx33my makefile installs all plugins together07:43
cbx33how best to go about splitting this?07:45
crimsunnixternal: what does "severely broken" mean?07:51
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Hobbseecrimsun: means he's describing his experience of vista.07:52
DarkMageZ... vista isn't that bad. mine only went nuclear due to my attempting to get mdns on it.07:56
cbx33so any ideas on my packging problem?08:02
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\shcrimsun, do you have any clue about asoundconf-gtk, especially where the orig source code can be found?08:05
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cbx33hey jsgotangco 08:06
jsgotangcohi cbx3308:06
jsgotangcohi \sh welcome back :)08:07
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crimsun\sh: I thought it was in Ubuntu Studio's bzr repo08:09
crimsun\sh: don't have the url handy, but apt-get source has it08:09
crimsun\sh: it's deprecated anyhow; see LP/asoundconf-ui08:10
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\shcrimsun, yeah found your project...but no bzr uploads ,-)08:12
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\shcrimsun, oh ... sorry...wrong there is something ,-)08:13
crimsunhmm? there are two commits to trunk.  Granted it's very, very prelim, but if you pyuic -o displayqt.py displayqt.ui, you'll see the mockup08:13
\shcrimsun, let me give it a shot and provide some code to it ,-)08:14
nixternalcrimsun: only PCM controls the volume for me08:16
\shcrimsun, do you want to reuse the code from pitti (asoundconf) ?08:16
crimsun\sh: yes, it will Depends: alsa-utils08:16
nixternalmy volume up/down keys works great by turning master volume up and down, however it really doesn't turn the volume up or down08:16
nixternaland I will say, the Gutsy kernel has made my audio even louder now08:17
\shcrimsun, anything against pushing this as well to opensuse or any other distro not having this fine util?08:17
nixternalhaving Jono laughing in the middle of class isn't all that great :)08:17
crimsun\sh: none at all, though they probably don't have asoundconf.  Be aware that the version of asoundconf is very tightly dependent on the alsa-lib version due to the parameters culled from $prefix/share/alsa/alsa.conf08:18
\shcrimsun, yepp....I wanted to port asoundconf to opensuse...(just testing this bitch of distro)08:18
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crimsunit would be useful for me to draw up that spec RSN08:19
crimsunnixternal: ok, so what's severely broken about it?08:19
nixternalwell, not being able to control my volume automatically makes it severly broken in my eyes..where volume doesn't do anything...having to manually control pcm08:20
crimsunnixternal: keep in mind that we're not tracking alsa-kernel hg tip, since 2.6.22 has yet to release so that I can begin the pull.08:20
crimsunerr, we apparently have very different versions of "extremely broken"08:21
nixternalroger that...just wanted to talk it over with you and see how to proceed..I can live with the manual tweaking08:21
crimsunextremely broken for me is "inaudible regardless of quirk" or "locks up machine"08:21
nixternalwell when jono is laughing at 100db in the middle of class, that is severly broken ;p08:21
crimsunok, then please provide me with some useful debugging info.08:22
nixternalthat is what I wanted to talk about...you know all of the funky commands to debug audio08:22
crimsundownload it, execute it, tell me the url.08:22
crimsunit's not clear whether you're saying that 'Master' does nothing at all or that 'PCM' overrides 'Master'08:30
nixternalMaster does nothing at all08:30
nixternalthe volume slider goes up and down, but the volume doesn't change08:30
crimsunand this is a dist-upgrade?08:31
crimsunthe state names changed08:31
crimsunnuke your /var/lib/alsa/asound.state, unload ^snd, reload snd-hda-intel08:31
crimsunoh, and if you were using any options snd-hda-intel line in /etc/modprobe.d/*, get rid of it08:32
nixternalmute doesn't work either08:32
crimsunone step at a time08:32
nixternalhow do I unload & reload?08:34
StevenKmodprobe -r .... ; modprobe ...08:34
nixternalthought so08:35
nixternalthere is a ton of snd, just the intel for the unload I take it?08:35
crimsunmodprobe -r $(lsmod|awk '/^snd/ {print $1}')08:37
StevenKMight need to pipe the awk into tac08:38
\shcrimsun, you should use kdes i18n method and then gettext 08:39
nixternalFATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use.08:39
crimsun\sh: sure, go ahead, although I'd rather keep it Qt08:40
shawarmaStevenK: And you've included the patch in 0.3.25? (08:40
StevenKshawarma: No, because I'd already fixed it.08:40
shawarmaStevenK: Ah, ok. Great.08:40
crimsunnixternal: close any program accessing it.08:41
crimsunfuser, lsof, whatever.08:41
crimsun(and if you're using pulseaudio, you'll need to prepend sudo due to the recent sysctl.conf change)08:41
crimsun/dev/dsp* /dev/mixer* /dev/audio* /dev/snd/*08:42
crimsunbeing the files you want to check08:42
nixternalOK, done08:44
nixternalamarok was the bugger08:45
crimsunnow, presuming the symptom is reproducible with amixer directly, I'll need your codec dumps08:46
crimsuni.e., don't use your mmkeys; use `alsamixer -c0` directly08:46
nixternalalsamixer isn't working it either08:47
crimsunmeaning Master does nothing?08:48
crimsunok, then you need 4 sets of pastebins.08:48
crimsunset 1 is the initial state08:48
crimsunset 2 is the state after you've increased PCM but left Master alone08:49
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crimsunset 3 is the state after you've done set 2 and increased Master08:49
crimsunset 4 is the state after you've done sets 2 and 3 and decreased Master08:51
crimsunI only need /proc/asound/card0/codec* contents08:51
crimsunplease file a bug against linux-source-2.6.22, assign it to the ubuntu-audio LP team, include you first pastebin URL, then attach separately each of the four codec dumps08:51
nixternalahh, roger08:51
nixternalthere is only 1 codec dump08:51
crimsuneach mixer element change corresponds to a nid change reflected in the codec08:52
crimsunthat's why you will have 4 codec dumps08:52
nixternalcrimsun: bug 119266 - does this have anything to do with me?08:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119266 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Intel HDA Sound device doesn't work in gutsy" [Low,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11926608:54
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crimsunno, you two have utterly different codecs.08:55
crimsunhe has a sigmatel, you have a conexant.08:56
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nixternalalrighty, bug filed with all 4 dumps09:01
nixternalthank you sir09:01
crimsunthank -you-09:03
nixternalno, thank you!09:07
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dholbachgood morning09:36
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AndyPgood morning all12:03
pochuMorning :)12:04
geserHi AndyP12:04
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lionelhi AndyP12:19
AndyPhi lionel, thanks for the paintlib sync ack12:21
lionelno pb :)12:21
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infinitoany motu with a little time for this? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=553212:43
pochuinfinito: a small one: In debian/control, change 'More information' with 'Homepage', indented by 2 spaces, instead of one.12:45
infinitopochu: ok12:46
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Zichmm, question about existence : how it's choose to put stuff in depends *or* in recommends in ubuntu-desktop ?02:07
Zicbecause I can see that their is not logical answer :o02:08
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xxxxx1morrrning people02:14
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infinitoanyone is bored? come on! give this a little review!! http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=554202:18
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xxxxx1hello Hobbsee 02:36
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=== Hobbsee waves
Hobbseeanyone awake?02:46
Hobbseethere's supposed to be a meeting in 15, iirc.02:46
StevenKYou're right. Now I remember.02:47
lucasa MOTU meeting ?02:47
=== TheMuso checks agenda.
=== lucas can fake being awake. but hasn't really follow MOTU stuff recently
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TheMusoWell clamav is not exactly something I'm interested in, so planning to sleep still goes ahead.02:49
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StevenKpersia: I've *gasp* set up sbuild + LVM snapshots.02:59
TheMusoOk... What does one do with a merge, if Debian has modified the orig tarball, causing its MD5 to be different, even though the orig tarball version is still the same?03:00
HobbseeTheMuso: fakesync, or put the debian changes into the ubuntu version03:01
Hobbseedepends if it's a merge or sync03:01
TheMusoHobbsee: Merge.03:01
TheMuso...and how does one fakesync?03:01
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Hobbseeright.  take ubuntu's, add debian's changes as applicable03:01
TheMusoI haven't had to do that as yet...03:01
Hobbseethat's effectively a fakesync03:02
TheMusoI was hoping it wouldn't come to that.03:02
TheMusoHobbsee: Right.03:02
persiaStevenK: Great news!  How does your experience compare with pbuilder?03:02
Hobbseeie, take out any changes that ubuntu doesnt need, add debian's, add the final changelog entry, upload03:02
StevenKpersia: It's ... different. And harder to debug.03:02
TheMusoWell, this will be fun. Its one of those insane source packages, that puts a tarball inside the source package dir.03:02
Hobbseeooh, yummy!03:02
=== persia likes DBS :)
StevenKpersia: Crazy person.03:03
bluekujapersia, heya03:03
bluekujapersia, I've just made a debdiff for gpixpod issue03:03
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persiabluekuja: Great!03:04
bluekujapersia, ;)03:04
StevenKTheMuso: I do a fakesync by checking that the orig's contain the same files and that the package will build with the Ubuntu orig. Make sure the .dsc references the Ubuntu orig, generate a changes file and upload it.03:04
TheMusoStevenK: Right.03:05
=== persia often does debdiff for the debian changes, and tries to apply that patch to Ubuntu
=== TheMuso could shoot those who decide to do tarballs within a source package.
TheMusopersia: Good idea.03:06
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persiaTheMuso: Why?03:06
persia(about embedded tarballs)03:06
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TheMusopersia: Because they make things like this just that bit more difficult to work around.03:07
TheMusoAnd its just weird.03:07
HobbseeTheMuso: just make sure you dont miss.03:07
TheMusoYeah I know.03:07
persiaTheMuso: Ah.  When torcs used to do that, I liked it because the patches were very easy to manage, but I can see the counter-argument as well.03:07
bmmzakame: you online? Could you elaborate on your comment on http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5511 and would you advocate if I change the changelog entry?03:08
=== persia prepares to ACK a new upload, if required
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StevenKHrm. When does the meeting start?03:15
geserStevenK: 15 min ago officially03:16
persiaStevenK: It started 15 minutes ago, but it's not moving every quickly :)03:16
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=== soc looks around excited ... (what meeting?)
Hobbseemotu meeting03:24
Hobbseehiya zakame!03:24
TheMusoOk. The orig tarball does have another tarball inside, but when I unpack both the sid and gutsy versions, even though both orig tarballs have a different MD5, there is no difference in their contents. Turns out the last change was added as a patch...03:28
TheMusoJust bloody great.03:28
zakamebmm: "initial release" tends to get buried below more recent changelog entries (and hence, future (and eventual) package updates.)  Documenting every sensible change that you made against the original sources from the start is good practice, because you never know who will be looking at your package, 2 days or 2 months from now.03:29
bmmzakame: so you would be willing to advocate the package if I change the changelog? Do you have any other comments?03:30
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zakamebmm: and if it builds cleanly, yes :)03:31
bmmzakame: doesn't it??03:31
bmmzakame: if you have/find problems with building, please post a comment. I'll do an upload with the new changelog somewhere this weekend (can'03:33
bmm(can't do it right now)03:33
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zakamebmm: it's ok now, but that doesn't mean the next upload will be; verification (hopefully) is made at every iteration :)03:37
TheMusoNight folks.03:38
=== TheMuso will look at this again tomorrow.
bmmzakame: sure, well, I'll ping everybody when I've got the new changelog entry in.03:39
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zakamebmm: cool :D03:40
zakamegn8 TheMuso03:40
soci have a question about packaging gimp ... should i wait until the meeting is over?03:41
socsudo debuild:03:42
socdpkg-checkbuilddeps: Build conflicts: libgimp2.003:42
StevenKYou shouldn't need to run debuild as root.03:42
soci don't really understand the error message ...03:42
socwithout sudo i get:03:43
StevenKA Build-Conflict is something that must not be installed for the package to build.03:43
socproblem running fakeroot03:43
StevenKIs fakeroot installed?03:43
socstevenk: so i can't have gimp installed if i want to build a newer version?03:43
StevenKIt seems you can't have libgimp2.0 installed.03:43
soci thought i wouldn't need fakeroot ...03:43
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DarkSun88Hi all03:44
StevenKYou need fakeroot. You like fakeroot. You must have fakeroot.03:44
StevenKOr something.03:44
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socok :-)03:44
BlueDevilis gaim compiled without sasl support intentionally?03:44
socso do i need to set something up with pbuilder or will fakeroot be enough?03:44
man-disoc: if you dont wanna deinstall libgimp2.0 go with pbuilder03:45
man-disoc: fakeroot is just a way to fake root,03:45
socomg ... pbuilder is such a mess ...03:45
gesersoc: fakeroot will be enough but pbuilder has the advantage that you don't have to install the build-depends03:45
man-disoc: pbuilder is soooo easy03:46
socit wants do download packages i already have on the system and it takes ages to run the first time+03:46
man-digeser: fakeroot is only enough when he deinstalls libgimp2.003:46
soci already gave up 4 times because i wanted to go to bed an pbuilder ran the whole day ...03:46
geserin this case you are right, I was more general03:47
socmh ok03:47
soci will try once again ...03:47
socwhy does pbuilder want to download things i have already installed?03:48
socit downloads things like adduser, alsa-base, alsa-utils, apt, etc ...03:48
soci already have that03:48
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geserit needs those packages to create a chroot03:49
man-disoc: it more or less installs its own system03:49
man-disoc: so you are completely independant from your work system03:49
man-disoc: its a pretty minimal system03:50
socbut why doesn't it use already available debs for that?03:50
man-disoc: just for building packages03:50
socit wouldn't even need root to access them03:50
socyes i understand that03:50
socbut why does it download things twice?03:50
socanother question:03:51
=== pochu [n=emilio@211.Red-88-11-174.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
soci have a amd64 and a i386 machine03:51
man-diso because it needs a ubuntu mirror to get the debs and /var/cache/apt/archives is no mirror03:51
socshould i setup both03:51
socor is there a possibilty to use the amd64 for both?03:52
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man-disoc: its possible to do both on amd6403:52
socmh ok03:52
socis there anything special about that?03:52
socor can i just say pbuilder create?03:52
man-disoc: never did that with pbuilder, just with normal chroots03:53
socwhat about building packages with dh_make?03:54
socis this different?03:54
StevenKdh_make doesn't build packages03:54
gesersoc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto has an item how to create a i386 pbuilder on amd6403:55
man-disoc: dh_make creates only some template files03:55
socok it converts source archives into debian package souces ...03:55
man-disoc: if you do all right zou can build the debian package on both (and more) archs03:56
man-difrom the same debian package source03:56
socok ...03:58
infinitoanyone to review this? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=553203:59
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statikanyone feel like re-reviewing python-coverage package? Just added debian/README.Debian-source this time http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=554504:12
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zakamestatik: cool, lemme check04:18
zakamestatik: 'Fixes from REVU' in your debian/changelog may mean anything; document your initial changes as much as you can, so anyone else looking at your pkg (or you, 2 months from now, and updating this to a new version) will understand at a glance what changes happened04:20
statikzakame: this is a new package I made04:21
statikzakame: there is no previous version04:21
zakamestatik: nevertheless, there are initial changes, like the addition of setup.py04:22
statikzakame: I see. so there should be one changelog entry for the initial release, but it should explain that I added setup.py.04:23
statikzakame: thanks for your help. anything else it needs to say besides "added setup.py" ?04:25
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socone question:04:25
sochow can i change the install directory with debuild04:26
soci want a package currently installing tu /usr/bin to install to /opt or something ..04:26
zakamestatik: mention the README.Debian-source note as well04:26
socproblem is, debuild runs configure for me, i have no idea how to pass arguments ..04:26
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statikzakame: ok, done. uploading now04:27
zakamesoc: look into your debian/rules04:27
Hobbseesoc: you want to pass the arguments inside the package - ie, in debian/rules.  not in debuild.04:27
socok that seems to be quite complicated04:28
socwhat do i have to change?04:29
socthis is the bim package04:32
soci updated it to 2.3.18 ...04:32
socnow i want to:04:32
soc- rename the hole packages to gimp-2.304:32
man-disoc: DEB_CONFIGURE_PREFIX := /opt04:32
man-divim debian/control04:32
soc- install them to /osr/local or something ...04:32
socdo i have to add or change that=04:33
socwhat about line 8704:33
socthe path is hardcoded there ...04:33
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Riddellstgraber: ipng04:33
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Riddellstgraber: for miniracer I see binary files (pak0.pak, maps/*bsp), what are those file types and are those the prefered modified form?04:34
infinitois there any problem with a FreeBSD license?04:35
raphinkanyone knows what apt-mark is for?04:36
man-diinfinito: depends on what FreeBSD license, 3 or 4 clauses04:36
infinitoman-di: it's not exactly freebsd, but freebsd like... http://pastebin.ca/56839504:38
socdo i have to add that?04:38
socbeginning, end?04:38
socand what about line 8704:38
man-disoc: add it04:40
man-disoc: you should really read the maintainer guide instead of asking so questions here04:40
geserraphink: it's looks like to tool to mark packages as auto-installed or not04:41
raphinkthanks geser04:41
socis there a guideline how to rename libgimp2.0?04:41
socsometing like that?04:42
socman-di: where is the maintainer guide?04:46
man-disoc: http://www.debian.org/devel/ has many infos04:46
man-dipolicy, maintainer-guide, etc.04:46
socok thx04:48
socis there a way to rename a package with a script?04:49
man-disoc: no04:49
man-disoc: use your favorite text editor04:49
azeemsoc: for libraries, see http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/libpkg-guide.html04:50
sochwatever i do, i get dpkg-source: cannot represent change to debian/foobar: binary file contents have changed04:50
soci have renamed everything in debian/control and the files in debian/04:50
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soci just wonder ...05:01
soccomparing it to the loved/hated checkinstall ... it's possible with checkinstall to change the package name through the ui without any problems, which program does it use for that?05:02
socthere has somewhere to be some code for renaming packages ...05:03
Hobbseeew, ew, ew, wtf are you trying to do?05:03
soci just try to change the name of a package05:03
Hobbseein debian/control05:03
socyeah i already had that ...05:03
socnothing worked after that05:03
Hobbsee!doesnt work05:03
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:04
man-disoc: you need to delete debian/OLDPACKAGENAMES05:04
geserHobbsee: he tries to create a gimp-2.3 package which is coinstallable with gimp from the archive05:04
man-disoc: or do the renaming from a clean package05:04
socdpkg-source: cannot represent change to debian/foobar: binary file contents have changed05:04
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Hobbseehave you chagned things outside the debian/ dir?05:04
man-disoc: you need to delete debian/OLDPACKAGENAMES05:05
zakamegn8 all :)05:06
socok, i just killed the hole gimp-2.3.18 dir05:06
soci have the gimp.2.3.16 dir, should i run uupdate again to create a new 2.3.18 directory?05:07
AndyPi'm just looking at the music-applet merge on MoM - there was a 2.1.0-0ubuntu1 package made for ubuntu which hasn't been updated since it was created and now 2.2.0-1 is in debian, i'm tempted to just request a sync because according to the changelog there aren't any changes in ubuntu that aren't in debian, does a sync request sound appropriate?05:08
man-disoc: why did you delete everything?05:08
man-disoc: I told you what to do05:08
socbecause i'm frustrated ...05:08
soc i thought it would be cleaner to start over05:08
soci messed too much withit05:08
socsudo debuild05:08
socdebuild with fakeroot05:08
soccheckinstall ...05:09
Hobbseewell, if you used checkinstall, no wonder it died....05:09
Hobbseedebuild is just a wrapper aroudn pbuilder nad such.05:09
Hobbseeer, no it's not05:09
socno this was after everything went wrong05:09
Hobbseearound dpkg-buildpackage, i meant05:09
Hobbseedid you modify outside debian/ ?05:09
socok i have a fresh gimp-2.3.1805:09
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socthat's the original file05:10
socshould line 1 stay as it is?05:10
Hobbseesoc: are you trying to get it into the ubuntu repository?05:14
Hobbseeis this a private package, or what?05:15
socjust want to package it for myself and some frinds05:15
Hobbseesoc: does it need to be coinstallable?05:15
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socyes, because i don't want to cause breakage if something gets updated05:16
socfor instance hole xsane seems to depend on the right version05:16
Hobbsee"right version"?05:16
socdon't no ...05:16
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soci got it to build without the name change but that broke xsane05:17
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socxsane wants gimp <= 2.3.17 or something like that05:17
socsome people just want to try out gimp 2.3, they don't want to have gimp 2.2 replaced by it05:17
Hobbseelibgimp2.0 (>= 2.3.16)05:17
azeemlibgimp2.0 (<< 2.3.17)05:18
Hobbseeoh i see05:18
azeemyou'd need to recompile the reverse-deps, I guess05:18
socso it exactly wants 2.3.1705:18
Hobbseeit wants exactly 2.3.1605:18
socsorry, xyes05:18
soci meant that :-)05:18
soci just want to name it different so that dpkg doesn't want to upgrade the old package to it05:19
socand put it in another directory05:19
Hobbseeazeem: i doubt the current version fo xsane will cope with the older version of gimp anyway?05:20
Hobbseesoc: basically, you need to rename the source and binary packages in debian/rules to $oldname-2.2 or soemthing, update all the references inside debian/ to be version 2.2, where they say 2.3, and try it.  and add conflicts/replaces to the standard gimp packages05:22
=== persia notes that conflicts/replaces would defeat the goal of parallel installation.
Hobbseepersia: oh, point. 05:24
Hobbseeokay, ditch the conflicts/replaces05:24
=== Hobbsee notes it may cause upgrade fun, too.
Hobbseei guess if it's a different source package, it would stay indefinetly05:25
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persiasoc: You might want to add something extra to the soname as well, just to make sure regular GIMP works properly at the same time.05:25
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socwhy 2.2?05:27
soci want to build packages of gimp 2.3 for feisty, feisty has gimp 2.2, so i don't want to overwrite that -> i thought i rename the gimp 2.3.18 package to gimp-2.3 so it can coexist05:28
Hobbseeoh right...05:29
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Hobbsees/2.3/2.2/ and s/2.2/2.3/ for what i said05:29
Hobbseeseeing as i thought you were going the other way05:29
Hobbseewoudl have thought there would have been a backport for the later gimp05:29
Hobbseewhich you could then just remove, and force install the older one.05:30
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socno, i just want to have an easy to install/update package of gimp-2.3 for feisty05:30
socso i thought using the package manager is the right way instead of distributing compiled archives05:31
bluekujaHobbsee, I used to add a dpatch system to add patches to fix some bugs. If the package doesnt have a patch system already, is bad to *add* it?05:31
AndyPseems that debian is waiting for 2.4 to be released before they package a newer gimp http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=32256805:32
ubotuDebian bug 322568 in gimp "Please package gimp 2.3/2.4" [Wishlist,Open]  05:32
Hobbseebluekuja: no, it's good - often the package will need more bugs fixed via patches, etc.05:32
HobbseeAndyP: that doesnt help feisty and coinstallable packages, though05:32
AndyPHobbsee: i know, just a point of interest05:32
azeem2.3 packages are in experimental I think05:32
bluekujaHobbsee, so it's ok to add dpatch system (also if package did not have it already)05:33
Hobbseebluekuja: yep05:33
bluekujaHobbsee, thanks ;)05:33
AndyPi was told not to add a patch system if there wasn't already one, to reduce the debian delta (yet another point of information :) )05:34
azeembluekuja: are there patches already in the .diff.gz directly?05:34
bluekujaazeem, if I add them, of course they will appear in the diff05:34
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azeembluekuja: "already"05:35
bluekujaazeem, nope05:35
bluekujaazeem, ;)05:35
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=== AndyP goes to drink beer with other computer geeks (it's a hard life...)
statikdholbach: could I convince you to take another quick glance at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5545? your initial review was quite helpful, I've also addressed comments from a couple of other people05:47
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soci'm trying dh_make at the moment ...05:49
Hobbseesoc: with [01:31]  <soc> so i thought using the package manager is the right way instead of distributing compiled archives <-- do i want to know how you were goign to create those compiled archives?05:50
pochustatik: you might want to add '  Homepage:' to the description in debian/control...05:51
sochobbsee: compile them, and put them in a tar.bz05:52
socbut dh_make at least creates a working control file for me ...05:52
Hobbseeso apt would have complained, and tried to update them05:52
statikpochu: ok, I will do that05:52
=== statik is confused about what to put in control, and what to put in README.Debian-source
pochustatik: if you add it, note that it's indented with 2 spaces, rather than one.05:53
statikpochu: ah, thank you. yes, I agree this should be added, then it will show up in the package description, right?05:55
statikpochu: done, built a new source package, and uploaded05:57
sochow can i tell debuild to install the package to a different directory if DEB_CONFIGURE_PREFIX := /opt doesn't do anything?05:58
pochustatik: you can put a blank line between the description and the homepage, ' .'05:59
pochuSo the Description is clearer :)05:59
pochu(Sorry for not mentioning it before)05:59
azeemsoc: did you check that DEB_CONFIGURE_PREFIX is honored by the build system?05:59
socno, how do i do that=06:00
statikpochu: I tried that at first, agree it looks nicer. If I have a blank line, then dpkg-source complains about a syntax error in the control file: continued value line not in field06:00
pochustatik: the blank line in the control file should be an space and a dot: ' .'06:01
socis there maybe a chace to tell debuild NOT to run configure?06:01
pochuIt will become a blank line in apt, though :)06:01
azeemsoc: debuild doesn't run configure, the debian/rules rules do 06:01
infinitohey MOTUs, easy to review here ;) http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=553206:02
statikpochu: perfect. that did the trick. built and uploaded06:02
socyes so how tell i debian/rules that it should install it to /usr/local or something?06:02
pochuCool :)06:02
statikpochu: thanks for your help :)06:02
azeemsoc: you don't tell it, you modify it to your taste06:02
socin rules there is a line with ./configure06:03
pochustatik: btw, I'm not a MOTU, so I can't advocate it, sorry :)06:03
socwould it be enough to modify that?06:03
statikpochu: it's ok, this is my first package so I'm just glad for everyone who is helping me get it right06:03
pochustatik: Maybe remove 'The original version was written by Gareth06:05
pochu+ Rees. Ned Batchelder has updated it to determine executable statements06:05
pochu+ more accurately.06:05
pochuFrom the description?06:05
pochuI don't think that's useful at all to know what the module is for...06:05
statikpochu: ok, removed those06:07
socok, now it compiles ...06:07
socone big fat package named gimp-2.3 installing to /usr/local06:07
dholbachstatik: sure06:08
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soci just wonder if there is maybe a plugin for netbeans or eclipse which would help with the configuration and packaging ...06:08
azeemsoc: doubt it06:09
statikdholbach: awesome. I just did an upload about 2 minutes ago removing those lines that pochu suggested06:09
dholbachrock on06:10
soci think it's quite bad if there are so many different ways to create a package ...06:10
pochustatik: I think you can move the python build-dependency to 'Build-Depends-Indep'06:10
soccheckinstall, from scratch, dh_make, normal ./configure && make, pbuilder fakeroot, etc. ... many things with overlapping areas of responsibility06:11
azeemsoc: all that matters is policy06:11
soceverything above in my opinion of course06:11
pochustatik: lintian output: W: python-coverage: script-not-executable ./usr/share/python-support/python-coverage/coverage.py06:12
socso maybe we need a normative implematation ...06:12
azeemsoc: people have their personal preferences06:12
pochustatik: so either chmod +x it, or remove the hashbang :)06:12
statikpochu: hmm, I thought I had silenced that one06:13
socsometimes the documentation is not useful ...06:13
pochustatik: you can chmod +x it in debian/rules, so don't miss that again in any future repackaging06:13
socthere are nice explainations what individual tools do, but no chance to get an overview over your possibilities ...06:14
socand i was acustomed that one program does just ONE thing06:14
soci expected to do a ./configure && make and then soemthing to package it06:14
socbut instead debuild does all 3 things06:15
statikpochu: forgive my ignorance, but I am using a very simple debian/rules, just using cdbs. Do you know how I could hook in a chmod +x in debian/rules?06:15
socso i didn't really understand how things worked06:15
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azeemsoc: debuild is a front-end06:15
azeempbuilder does even more than debuild06:15
dholbachstatik: I'm happy with it06:16
socazeem: yes, but how should i know it?06:17
socthere is absolutely no documentation that says:06:17
azeemsoc: I don't know.06:17
socpbuilder doesn't adhere to UNIX' principle of one job, one program06:17
socthat would have helped significantly06:18
statikdholbach: thanks! what about moving python build-dependency to 'Build-Depends-Indep', and the script-not-executable warning, are those important?06:18
dholbachyou need it as a Build-Depend06:18
socyou have to know all tools before you even learned them06:18
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pochustatik: I know with debhelper, not with CDBS :)06:18
statiksoc: I found that there is a steep learning curve at first, but later on the tools are extremely efficient06:19
socyes, but imo it would be nice to write in the documentation right at the beginning:06:19
azeemsoc: send patches, I guess06:20
socdebuild runs configure and make by itself, you don't need to run it manually06:20
socthat would have saved me approx. 4 hours06:20
dholbachstatik: you could patch out the hashbang line06:20
dholbachfrom what I saw it doesn't seem to be needed06:20
azeemsoc: as I said, debuild doesn't run configure06:20
dholbachso you could ask upstream to remove it06:20
azeemsoc: it just happens that configure gets run by the gimp source package's debian/rules, this has nothing to do with debuild06:21
socazeem: ok, but practically you type in debuild and you see that configure runs in your terminal, then make06:21
azeemsoc: are you sure this is true for every package?06:22
azeembecause otherwise it would not make sense to write it into the documentation06:22
soci have yet to see a package whixh works different06:22
socbut ok06:22
azeempackages which don't include a configure might work different06:22
statikdholbach: it seems like upstream has tried to make this work as both a module and a directly executable script, as they have option parsing, etc. in there06:22
soci don't no how those kde do that06:22
soccmake etc06:22
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dholbachah ok06:22
dholbachstatik: no problem to patch it out then06:22
socmaybe: debuild will run commands in debian/rules, often configure and make (YMMV), so usually you should not run them manually.06:24
socdamn ... 06:24
soccompilation fails ...06:24
soccollect2: ld returned 1 exit staus06:25
statikdholbach: ok, now patching out hashbang. uploaded the new one.06:26
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dholbachrock and roll06:27
statikdholbach: oh, I accidentally typed 'dput blah.changes' instead of 'dput revu blah.changes', and it uploaded to upload.ubuntu.com. Will that cause a problem?06:27
dholbachno it will be just rejected06:27
statikyay for safety belts06:28
socsomeone has an idea why it fails?06:28
statikI've never been so happy to be rejected06:28
dholbachhehe :)06:28
dholbachstatik: did you re-upload to revu?06:29
statikthis whole motu channel rocks, it's great to get such good help from people06:29
statikdholbach: yes06:29
dholbachany second to approve http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5545 so we can get it uploaded?06:29
pochuI would, but I can't ;)06:32
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Hobbseedholbach: you've checked building, installability, licencing, python stuff on it?06:33
Hobbseecodewise looks fine to me - but python is not my strong point06:33
dholbachyes, but best if you look at it too :-)06:34
=== Hobbsee has looked. somewhat.
=== Hobbsee is slowly heading in teh direction fo bed though
Hobbseedholbach: i'm happy to ack if you've checked for all the other bits, as mentioned above06:35
Hobbseeit'll sit in NEW forever, though06:35
dholbachlet's see about that ;-)06:35
socazeem: do you have an idea why it fails?06:35
azeembecause there are unresolved symbols06:36
azeemwhy that is, no idea06:36
Hobbseedholbach: ack'd.06:37
Hobbseedholbach: unless you sweet talk them.06:37
dholbachsweet talk?06:38
Hobbseepersuade them06:38
statikHobbsee, dholbach: thank you!06:38
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Hobbseedholbach: please upload, send mail, etc06:38
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dholbachstatik: congratulations to your first uploaded package to the archive!06:40
socazeem: maybe i'm missing a dependency?06:40
socbut that should told me configure before ...06:40
socwierd ...06:40
azeemno, not if configure has a bug06:41
socis there a special way to handle python things?06:41
socazeem: it seems that creating the right configuration files in debian/ is hard, but updating with new sources is easy ...06:43
azeemthat's correct06:43
infinitoanybody wanna help me?? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=553206:46
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cerosis it ok to upload packages to REVU while you wait for them to get accepted in Debian?06:53
Hobbseeceros: yes, but it's easier just to request a sync for them, before the new package freeze06:56
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Hobbseeceros: as it'll take ages thru our NEW queue too - but will take less time to go thru the NEW queue ifit's straight from debian06:57
socdh_make generates a debian/rules with deprecated things in it ... is that wanted?07:00
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socis dh_pysupport /usr/local/lib/gimp recursive?07:11
socor will it just lokk in gimp, but not in gimp/*?07:12
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azeemdid you check the documentation or looked in the implementation?07:24
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socthese are my rules (dh_make)07:27
socand this is the original:07:28
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shawarmasoc: You should never install anything in /usr/local from a .deb.07:32
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leonelI have a  tar.gz   08:30
leonelis there a  ubuntu  howto   to make  a  new deb  for that  tar.gz08:31
leonelfound it  08:31
xxxxx1leonel: check packagingguide08:35
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports08:35
leonelgreat !  08:36
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man-dilionel: ping09:35
lionelpong man-di09:35
man-dilionel: do you want to sync libapache-mod-jk from debian unstable now?09:37
man-dilionel: I wanna do a new upload removing apache1 support for debian09:38
lionelhum... I can't sync myself, but we should sync from Debian yes (I think we don't need anymore to switch from gcj to kaffe)09:39
lionelconcerning droping apache1 modules, I would like to discuss for a Ubuntu consensus09:40
lionelI'll send a mail on -devel09:40
lionelI should have take care of it this week. my bad09:40
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man-dilionel: my idea was that ubuntu syncs now, debian goes forward and then ubuntu can decide if it wants to follow or not09:48
lionelman-di: ubuntu-archive won't sync before monday now...09:49
lionelor I merge it with this change now (gcj -> kaffe) and we'll see next week what to do with apache1 package09:50
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man-dilionel: -2 in debian uses gcj09:50
man-dilionel: the only difference should be the changelog to ubuntu09:50
lionelman-di: in Ubuntu we use kaffe09:51
man-dilionel: huh?09:52
man-didebian used kaffe in the past09:52
lionel  * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:09:52
lionel    - Change workers.tomcat_home to tomcat5, and point java_home to kaffe in09:52
lionel      debian/workers.properties. 09:52
lionel    - debian/control: Change Maintainer/XSBC-Original-Maintainer field.09:52
lionelthe last changelog for gutsy09:52
man-dilionel: Why?09:52
lionelman-di: because it works  (tm) :)09:54
man-digcj doesnt?09:54
man-diafter all gcj is the standard jvm in ubuntu currently09:54
lionelwe had a problem in the past and kept this change09:54
man-diwhat was the problem?09:55
lionelI don't remember :(09:55
man-diin debian it works with gcj just great09:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 34863 in libapache-mod-jk "Dapper: libapache2-mod-jk refers to tomcat4 and j2sdk1.4-sun" [Medium,Fix released]  09:56
lionelthat leads to this change09:56
man-diso there was never a reason not to use gcj09:57
lionelman-di: upload you package, i'll fill a sync request once it's uploaded09:57
man-diits in debian since some days09:58
lionelyeah, I know, but the release withour apache1 modules09:58
man-diso you dont care about syncing -2?09:58
lionelno, we can jump this release09:58
man-diI'm fine, I just wanted to make sure I dont uploaded new stuff before we spoke about the old stuff09:59
lionelyes, again, sorry, I should have take care of this this week09:59
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lionelhi bashelier :)10:00
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bashelierhey lionel!10:00
basheliersup? :)10:00
bashelierlionel: what's up if you prefer ;)10:03
lioneloh. Week-end is there, so, it's fine :)10:04
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SlimGIs it possible to make    dpkg-deb --build   automatically chown the files it archives to root ?10:05
man-diSlimG: dpkg-buildpackage does that for you10:06
man-diSlimG: when building debian packages from source, dont use dpkg-deb --build10:07
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SlimGman-di: I'm using dpkg-deb -b for closed source apps, thanks for your help!10:08
bashelierhey man-di :)10:08
bashelierthanks a lot for the upload ;)10:08
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man-diSlimG: then you are on your own, dpkg-deb --build just puts some existing files into a deb, nothing else10:11
man-diSlimG: perhaps you can get this to work with using fakeroot10:11
dmbcan someone tell me why this is happening?10:14
dmbin lintian, it is saying this:10:14
dmbE: inspircd: file-in-etc-not-marked-as-conffile /etc/init.d/inspircd10:14
dmband in debian/conffiles10:14
dmbis in it10:14
SlimGman-di: fakeroot chown root:root <package> -R didn't work10:14
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man-diSlimG: fakeroot bash10:16
man-diSlimG: then chown root:root ... ; dpkg-deb -b .... inside 10:16
man-dithen exit10:16
man-diand you should have got a deb with the right owners of the files inside10:17
man-diSlimG: the issue is that you loose the infos about chowned files when exiting fakeroot10:17
dmbits debian/conffiles that lists the configuration files right?10:18
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SlimGman-di: I'm writing this into a script, won't the "fakeroot bash" put the script off?10:21
Bassettsif i can reproduce a bug should i mark it confirmed?10:22
SlimGman-di: figured it out using bash -c "command" param, thanks for all your help10:23
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DktrKranzBassetts, yes10:24
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DktrKranzif you can, add as much informations as you can10:24
DktrKranzwhich bug are you after?10:26
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Bassettssomeone in ubuntu-bugs is helping me out =)10:28
DktrKranzgood :)10:29
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tsmitheany motus about?10:52
tsmitheanyone wanna sponsor an update to a package of mine?10:52
tsmithethe url on revu is http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=555810:53
tsmithei hope to include the functionality into asoundconf-ui <https://launchpad.net/asoundconf-ui/>10:55
tsmithebut i want this update to test the current functionality (which, to be honest, is quite minimal)10:55
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xxxxx1bye all11:14
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gesertsmithe: looking now at the debdiff11:15
tsmithecool thanks11:16
geseryour changelog is missing the entry for asoundconf-gtk (1.5.1-0ubuntu2)11:16
tsmitheit is?11:16
geserI'm just curious: is there a reason why you removed the first blank line from each entry?11:17
geserhttp://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/asoundconf-gtk-0706151545/asoundconf-gtk-1.6/debian/changelog has 1.5.1-0ubuntu1 an then directly 1.6-0ubuntu111:17
geserdoesn't it need python-gtk2 anymore?11:18
tsmithei didn't realise i was removing lines :)11:19
tsmithe(i'm not using dch)11:19
tsmitheand did i remove python-gtk2?11:19
tsmitheand, well, the first uploaded version was 1.5-1ubuntu5, i'm pretty sure, so i'm not sure the earlier ones are even necessary...11:20
geserhttp://members.ping.de/~mb/debdiff is the debdiff between the version in the archive and the version from revu11:21
tsmithehmm that's really weird11:22
tsmithei guess i'll put that back...11:22
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bmmzakame: About the package that need another changelog line, would "Added a dpatch to make some tools/ shell scripts to use bash because of bashisms" be a good enough changelog line?11:31
bmmzakame: Oh, package I mean ccbuild http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=551111:31
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crimsunbmm: "debian/patches/foo.dpatch: Use /bin/bash explicitly" would suffice11:33
bmmcrimsun: thanks!11:33
crimsun(replacing "foo" as appropriate, of course ;)11:33
bmmhehe, sure11:34
tsmithegeser, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=555911:34
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bmmcrimsun: If you have time, I've made the change and it's uploaded as http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=556011:40
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tsmithegeser, scratch that :) got stuff to do yet ;)11:42
bmmAny MOTU: ccbuild is looking for advocates again after adding extra information to the changelog, please see http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=556011:43
gesertsmithe: so I shouldn't upload it?11:46
crimsun(we're discussing UI issues in query)11:47
tsmithewhat he said :)11:47
tobiasschulzMOTUs: i'm lokking for advocated for my package: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=555211:48
gesertsmithe: you stopped me 1 minute before I'd upload it11:51
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tsmithedo i need to use Build-Depends-Indep?12:03
tsmithefor my python applet which is arch-independent12:04
tsmithegeser, ^ ?12:05
tsmithecrimsun, ?12:05
tsmitheoops ok12:05
crimsunBuild-Depends-Indep: python-all-dev, python-central (>= 0.5)12:05
crimsune.g., ^12:06
tsmitheyep yep12:06
geserwouldn't python-all be enough if no python headers are needed?12:07
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crimsunoh, in that case he wouldn't need B-D-I12:07
tsmithehang on - do i need it then?12:08
tsmitheif i don't, then someone can upload http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=556112:08
tsmithelintian seems to think i do...12:09
tsmithethis is the B-D line, "Build-Depends: debhelper (>=5.0), cdbs, python (>= 2.4), python-support (>=0.3), intltool, gettext"12:10
crimsunand you don't have b-a-i in debian/rules?12:10

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