=== Zambezi [n=Hideit@bnc.from.tx-shells.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== Eagle_101 is now known as FlyingThing | ||
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=== Tailsfan [n=Tailsfan@206-252-160-20-user.feather.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
MAGO | i want to install linux, and i'm downloading xubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso is it okay if my computer is a 32bits? | 01:25 |
Tailsfan | Yes, hence of you downloading i386 | 01:25 |
MAGO | and the install is graphical? | 01:26 |
Tailsfan | Yes it is | 01:26 |
MAGO | oh ok, thanks i'll install it =) | 01:27 |
MAGO | Tailsfan thanks | 01:27 |
Tailsfan | Desktop = Graphical - Alternate = Text Install | 01:28 |
=== MAGO [n=sonrix@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
MAGO | Tailsfan i forgot to ask | 01:30 |
Tailsfan | Yeah? | 01:30 |
MAGO | what's the difference between desktop and alternate? | 01:30 |
Tailsfan | Desktop you can run the system and install at the same time | 01:31 |
Tailsfan | Alternate you can just install | 01:31 |
Tailsfan | I have Xubuntu myself and i did it via Alternate | 01:31 |
MAGO | oh ok, so with alternate you have to boot it with the cd of install but still is graphical? | 01:32 |
MAGO | and desktop, you run it from your running os? | 01:32 |
MAGO | or is it, if you install it "desktop" there is no need to burn it into a cd? | 01:33 |
Tailsfan | No | 01:33 |
Tailsfan | Desktop is teh graphical CD where you can Run the system from the Live CD and install it at the same time | 01:34 |
=== cheeseboy [n=greg@71-87-213-83.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Tailsfan | ALternate is just a text install | 01:34 |
cheeseboy | how i zip a file to a rar in 100 mb parts? | 01:34 |
=== FlyingThing is now known as Eagle_101 | ||
Tailsfan | !7-zip | 01:35 |
ubotu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 01:35 |
MAGO | should i install desktop? i'm newbie | 01:35 |
cheeseboy | rar not 7zip | 01:35 |
cheeseboy | !rar | 01:36 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 01:36 |
Tailsfan | They'll both work, but if you want to use Dkestop, Go Ahead | 01:36 |
MAGO | ok, i'll see what happens | 01:37 |
MAGO | thanks again | 01:37 |
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BFTD | would anyone know how well a broadcom 4401 wireless card will work? | 02:15 |
cheeseboy | wats command for archiving folder into 100mb 7z parts? | 02:22 |
vidd | when you are deleting directories that are not empty...its rm -?? /directory ? | 02:25 |
vidd | is it -Rf or -Fr? | 02:25 |
cheeseboy | rm 0f | 02:26 |
BFTD | -rf works | 02:26 |
cheeseboy | -f * | 02:26 |
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cheeseboy | help ?? | 02:31 |
BFTD | rm -rf (directory name here) | 02:31 |
cheeseboy | wats command for archiving folder into 100mb 7z parts? | 02:32 |
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BFTD | oh | 02:35 |
BFTD | no idea | 02:35 |
BFTD | hrm | 02:35 |
cheeseboy | :( | 02:36 |
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Chikubu | suggestions for multimedia program for slow machine? mp3, tracker (mod s3m ect), movie files | 03:05 |
Chikubu | or programs | 03:05 |
Chikubu | is there command line way to check for specific app or apps installed? | 03:08 |
=== cliebow [n=cliebow@cpe-76-179-82-249.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
BFTD | locate | 03:10 |
BFTD | which | 03:10 |
BFTD | or simply ls /usr/bin for whatever you're looking for | 03:10 |
Chikubu | when you use apt-get install, it has a database or something, some way to search that data | 03:11 |
Chikubu | trying to sort out dependancies | 03:11 |
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vidd | Chikubu, from command line? | 03:20 |
vidd | or is synaptic ok? | 03:21 |
BFTD | http://pastebin.ca/569185 | 03:24 |
BFTD | whast wrong? | 03:24 |
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vidd | BFTD, there is no modual installed for the device? | 03:28 |
vidd | (is this a test? | 03:28 |
BFTD | how do I figure out if there is a module installed? | 03:28 |
vidd | do ls[type of card] | 03:29 |
vidd | and tell me what your network card is | 03:29 |
vidd | or bastbin the results | 03:30 |
vidd | *pastebin | 03:30 |
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BFTD | Bus 001 Device 006: ID 050d:705a Belkin Components | 03:31 |
BFTD | lsusb | 03:31 |
BFTD | lspci doesn't show | 03:31 |
vidd | .... | 03:32 |
vidd | belkin componants..... | 03:32 |
vidd | =\ | 03:32 |
BFTD | what? | 03:32 |
BFTD | yeah | 03:32 |
vidd | do you know which driver SHOULD be running? | 03:33 |
BFTD | its a F5D7050 ver 3002 usb wireless G adapter | 03:33 |
BFTD | I got it because I read that it can use the ralink drivers | 03:33 |
=== darrend_ [n=darren@43-015.adsl.zetnet.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
vidd | there is a command (lsmod?) that will list all your running moduals.... | 03:38 |
=== darrend_ is now known as darrend | ||
vidd | darn...he left.... | 03:39 |
vidd | ah....he'll be back | 03:39 |
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Chikubu | grr got bumped | 03:45 |
=== vidd [n=vidd@static-72-86-132-116.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== Akuma_ [n=martin@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Akuma_ | am i correct in thinking that xubuntu should be more stable than ubuntu/kubuntu ? | 03:51 |
vidd | Akuma_, at least as stable...why? | 03:51 |
Akuma_ | vidd: i just haven't had much luck with ubuntu feisty, i was hoping for something more stable | 03:52 |
vidd | "stable" is a relative term..... | 03:53 |
Akuma_ | indeed | 03:53 |
vidd | what did you have issues with | 03:53 |
Akuma_ | i want stable relative to what i've had so far | 03:53 |
vidd | if you had driver issues...then it will most likely be very similar.... | 03:54 |
Akuma_ | gnome's shutdown/reboot buttons disapeared, so i have to switch tty and sudo poweroff, the systray doesn't always seem to load on boot .. they're not huge issues but they're not too fun | 03:54 |
Akuma_ | vidd: no driver issues | 03:54 |
vidd | if you had issues with things crashing cuzz you lack memory (ram/hdd space) it should be better.... | 03:54 |
Akuma_ | vidd: my biggest problem is a nasty kernel oops bug, although it most likely has nothing to do with xubuntu vs ubuntu | 03:55 |
Akuma_ | vidd: i have plenty of memory too ... | 03:55 |
vidd | if you had issues with app a, x and j...it may or may not be better/worse...depending on how you like the alternatives | 03:55 |
vidd | what bug is that? | 03:56 |
Akuma_ | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/113793 | 03:56 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 113793 in Ubuntu "error in terminal after upgrading to Feisty" [Undecided,Needs info] | 03:56 |
Akuma_ | hmm... thats a neet ubotu feature .. | 03:57 |
Akuma_ | *neat | 03:57 |
Jester45 | Akuma_, if it was somthing wrong with gnome then xubuntu shouldnt have the problem because it has little gnome in it | 03:59 |
Jester45 | if you want really stable try debain stable (sarge??) its very stable... but for me i dont lie it | 04:00 |
Jester45 | like* | 04:00 |
Akuma_ | Jester45: i havent been extra happy with gnome so thats my main reason to want to try xubuntu | 04:00 |
Jester45 | i have tried lots of DE and window manager and i tend to get draged back to xubuntu | 04:00 |
Jester45 | i tried ubuntu kubuntu xbuntu debain (stable and unstable) gentoo redhat DSL knoppix sabayon morphix and maybe some others | 04:01 |
Jester45 | i used kde gnome and xfce and i like xfce the best | 04:02 |
Akuma_ | Jester45: what would i loose coming from gnome? anything that matters? i don't mean gedit or nautilus, but something i just can't do with xfce? any feature comparison chart somewhere? i havent found any myself.. | 04:02 |
Jester45 | Akuma_, you can install anything from gnome in xubuntu | 04:02 |
Akuma_ | Jester45: no compatibility issues at all though? | 04:03 |
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vidd | Akuma_, do you have that issue? | 04:06 |
vidd | can you the get the live cd and run it (dont install)and see if you have the issue still? | 04:07 |
Akuma_ | vidd: i do, i'm the one who posted the syslogd messages | 04:08 |
vidd | the developers are waiting for that test....it is important that SOMEONE gets them the answers so they can fix it | 04:08 |
Akuma_ | vidd: i don't have the liveCD right now unfortunatly | 04:08 |
Akuma_ | vidd: i think i can do that | 04:08 |
vidd | Akuma_, you the original poster, or the second person? | 04:09 |
Akuma_ | although it doesnt exactly happen all the time so i'll have to just play around for a while with the liveCD, i'm not sure i'll have a few hours to do that | 04:09 |
Akuma_ | the second one; the original poster wasnt exactly helpfull | 04:10 |
vidd | then open the terminsal...and let it run all night | 04:10 |
vidd | =] | 04:10 |
vidd | if it happens, it will fill up the terminal | 04:10 |
Akuma_ | yeah i thought about that but i'm not sure i trust my laptop enough for that. it gets pretty hot and all | 04:12 |
Akuma_ | i'm kinda confused about this though. i mean, obviously if it was present in the live cd as well it would have been a well known bug. so it means its either due to my hardware or something specific i do. | 04:15 |
Akuma_ | problem is i'm not sure i'll be able to do all the same things i do on the live cd | 04:15 |
vidd | Akuma_, you can do all the same things on the live cd that you do on the regular install.... | 04:19 |
vidd | you can even download from the repo's, download and install libdvdcss and watch a movie... | 04:20 |
vidd | i had a friend that was able to run everything he needed for a whole month (no reboot) off the live cd | 04:21 |
Akuma_ | hmm. didnt know that | 04:21 |
vidd | after the 30 day "test drive" he fired M$ | 04:21 |
vidd | =] | 04:21 |
Akuma_ | heeh | 04:21 |
vidd | i think he did eventuall do the install... | 04:22 |
Akuma_ | i'm pretty happy i fired ms too, though i must admit that XP was ultra stable | 04:22 |
vidd | Akuma_, ???? | 04:23 |
vidd | i had XP for 23 minutes before i got a BSOD | 04:23 |
Akuma_ | it was. 98 was crap, but xp itself wouldnt crash on me | 04:23 |
Akuma_ | really? i never got on on xp. on many different machines | 04:23 |
Akuma_ | *one | 04:23 |
vidd | i know ppl that never got the chickenpox either.... but there are thousands of ppl that get it every year! | 04:24 |
vidd | =] | 04:24 |
Akuma_ | hehehe | 04:25 |
Akuma_ | well i had several other issues with windows that were enough ... stability didn't help ms keep me on their camp =) | 04:26 |
vidd | then again...i had another friend that desided he was going to change the screen resolution on my desktop.... | 04:26 |
Akuma_ | although i hope i can find a *nix combination that will be as stable | 04:26 |
vidd | rather then simply use the tools to do it, he borked the daylights out of my xorg file and resarted the machine.... | 04:28 |
Akuma_ | i think i read they'll work on improving stability for gutsy? | 04:28 |
Akuma_ | oh i see, he wanted to use his l33t hax0r skills hein =/ | 04:28 |
vidd | and he proclaimed that i got a "BSOD" when the GDM failed to load | 04:29 |
Akuma_ | hehe | 04:29 |
R[a] ndom | lol | 04:29 |
R[a] ndom | black screen of death? | 04:29 |
R[a] ndom | the console? | 04:29 |
R[a] ndom | :) | 04:29 |
Akuma_ | ohhh. *black* ! | 04:29 |
Akuma_ | hehe | 04:29 |
vidd | i took one look at the sceen...mutters some unpleasentries and went to a tty, reconfigured the x server, and restarted it (1 minute, tops) | 04:30 |
R[a] ndom | pwn, I guess. | 04:30 |
vidd | R[a] ndom, no...that blue and grey screen you get when xserver fails to load corerectly | 04:30 |
R[a] ndom | oh right | 04:30 |
R[a] ndom | what happens when I let the auto updates happen :P | 04:31 |
R[a] ndom | its borked my xorg conf 3 times now | 04:31 |
vidd | i informed him that it was not a screen of death...cuzz i did not have to restart the machine | 04:31 |
R[a] ndom | er well, borked the nvidia drivers actually | 04:31 |
vidd | i told him the system was running fine | 04:32 |
vidd | now how he got my sudo password...... | 04:32 |
R[a] ndom | typed sudo after you had recently used it in a console? | 04:33 |
R[a] ndom | truth serum? | 04:33 |
vidd | is there a way to specifically kill gksudo? | 04:33 |
R[a] ndom | never used gksudo, so dunno | 04:33 |
vidd | R[a] ndom, im not sure HOW he got into it | 04:34 |
Jester45 | vidd, look at htop and see if its listed | 04:34 |
Jester45 | vidd, who is this "he" | 04:34 |
vidd | one of the linux-bashers at work | 04:34 |
Jester45 | o | 04:34 |
Jester45 | buddy of yours? | 04:34 |
vidd | or should i say THE linux basher | 04:35 |
Jester45 | or just a co-worker | 04:35 |
vidd | Jester45, not really....hehe | 04:35 |
=== Jester45 wishes there was a linux basher in his whole city | ||
Jester45 | im like the only one that knows about it | 04:36 |
Jester45 | me and the guy who has to peel off all the ubuntu stickers from the computers at my school | 04:36 |
=== vidd is trying to find that "psudo-virus" that makes the screensaver a box that pops up and starts showing a CDM box that lists all the files on the system, one by one and then shows DELETED | ||
Jester45 | i got one that shows diffrent fatel errors from diffrent OSs | 04:38 |
vidd | i put that on someone's computer like 8 years ago...and they like to have died...tripping over a chair to get to the computer...then finding out it was just a screen saver.... | 04:39 |
vidd | Jester45, you have ubuntu stickers? | 04:40 |
Jester45 | many | 04:41 |
vidd | from where? | 04:41 |
Jester45 | 20 or 30 of them | 04:42 |
Jester45 | from ubuntu | 04:42 |
Jester45 | or... shipit | 04:42 |
Jester45 | i also have ~15 ubuntu cds | 04:42 |
Jester45 | i get new ones for my friends to use | 04:43 |
=== vidd would like to get some stickers like M$ slaps on pc's...."designed for linux...or ubuntu..." | ||
Jester45 | or if im at there i can just use ubuntu + a script of mine and everything is like my destkop | 04:43 |
Jester45 | or close | 04:43 |
Jester45 | they have the logo then UBUNTU and under the UBUNTU is linux for human beings | 04:44 |
Jester45 | 1x3 | 04:44 |
Jester45 | nice little things | 04:45 |
Jester45 | i got all the parts in my computer sporting them | 04:45 |
Jester45 | even the disc tray | 04:45 |
Jester45 | and my psu fan has one that is cut up and it looks pretty good | 04:46 |
=== cheeseboy [n=greg@71-87-213-83.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Jester45 | almost like the fan was made for ubuntu | 04:46 |
cheeseboy | whats network config file called?? | 04:46 |
=== vidd would like to make computers for ppl with sticker that say "built with linux" and "this is where M$ would slap thier tracking device[the reg code] " | ||
Jester45 | cheeseboy, i think that depends on what kind of interface it is ie wireless ethernet usb | 04:47 |
cheeseboy | the geneta one | 04:47 |
cheeseboy | general* | 04:47 |
Jester45 | vidd, i would be your midwest branch :) | 04:47 |
vidd | cheeseboy, gksudu network-admin | 04:47 |
cheeseboy | where i put dhcp | 04:47 |
cheeseboy | vidd, i want the file | 04:48 |
cheeseboy | not gui | 04:48 |
vidd | /ect/network/interfaces | 04:48 |
cheeseboy | its empty :/ | 04:49 |
vidd | one moment.... | 04:50 |
cheeseboy | kk | 04:51 |
vidd | cheeseboy, sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces | 04:51 |
cheeseboy | what i did | 04:51 |
vidd | did you copy/paste? | 04:52 |
cheeseboy | nvm typo | 04:52 |
vidd | or type by habd? | 04:52 |
cheeseboy | on laptop hard to copy and paste | 04:52 |
vidd | really? | 04:53 |
cheeseboy | what i put for just dhcp device? | 04:53 |
=== vidd never had issues.... | ||
cheeseboy | tuchbad mouse thing jumps around | 04:53 |
vidd | cheeseboy, no idea... | 04:53 |
vidd | do the gui way...it will edit this file for you | 04:53 |
vidd | then you will see what it puts in | 04:54 |
=== vidd sets all his computers with static IP's outside the dhcp range of his router | ||
vidd | my dhcp range is 5 | 04:55 |
vidd | =] | 04:55 |
Jester45 | whats that | 04:56 |
vidd | dhcp range? | 04:56 |
Jester45 | yea | 04:56 |
vidd | the ip addresses my router is allowed to give out via dhcp | 04:57 |
Jester45 | is that the rage of 192.168.0.* | 04:57 |
Jester45 | o | 04:57 |
vidd | yes | 04:57 |
Jester45 | mines like... a lot | 04:57 |
vidd | most routers default to 50 | 04:57 |
Jester45 | vidd, got any cool sites to add for links to my site | 04:57 |
Jester45 | i a weird network | 04:58 |
vidd | nothing age (or channel) appropreate | 04:58 |
vidd | =] | 04:58 |
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Jester45 | like the computer im at now has 3 diffrent routers before it gets to the internet | 04:59 |
Jester45 | or wait | 04:59 |
Jester45 | 3 routers and a modem | 04:59 |
Jester45 | no really im trying to make a list of links to websites but cant think of anything | 04:59 |
jgamio | somebody can help I installed ubuntu and I dont have xubuntu in my grub list | 04:59 |
Jester45 | i got 4 but i would like 8 | 04:59 |
vidd | jgamio, you dont have linux in your grub? | 05:00 |
Jester45 | jgamio, did you install xubuntu or ubuntu | 05:00 |
jgamio | i use xubuntu but i install ubuntu today in another partition | 05:01 |
jgamio | but my xubuntu is not in my list | 05:01 |
vidd | so you SHOULD have two linux listed in your grub | 05:01 |
jgamio | vidd: I should but not just ubuntu | 05:02 |
Jester45 | humm | 05:02 |
vidd | live or alt cd? | 05:02 |
Jester45 | jgamio, did the ubuntu installer say anything about a diffrent OS being installed | 05:02 |
jgamio | I dont remember | 05:03 |
jgamio | vidd: live cd | 05:03 |
jgamio | Can I reinstall the grub ??? | 05:03 |
jgamio | or just modify my menu.lst | 05:03 |
Jester45 | you can just modify your list | 05:04 |
vidd | jgamio, since you used the live cd and not the alt cd...ubuntu MOST LIKELY treated this as an UPGRADE and not like a new install | 05:04 |
Jester45 | just tell it where all the needed info is at | 05:04 |
Jester45 | vidd, he installed to a diffrent partition | 05:05 |
jgamio | i used a separate partition to the boot maybe that was the thing | 05:05 |
vidd | Jester45, that does not matter to grub | 05:05 |
jgamio | i have sda1 boot sda2 xubuntu sda3 ubuntu and sda4 home | 05:05 |
vidd | grub gets written to the same place no matter WHERE you install to | 05:05 |
Jester45 | vidd, yes, but ubuntu would not upgrade if you installed to a diffrent partition | 05:06 |
Jester45 | it would only put data there and in grub | 05:06 |
vidd | Jester45, have you done a dual boot linux install? | 05:06 |
Jester45 | yes | 05:06 |
vidd | ok...i have not.... | 05:07 |
jgamio | i did before | 05:07 |
jgamio | i dont know why doesnt work this time | 05:07 |
Jester45 | i had a gentoo/xubuntu/win2k/debian machine | 05:07 |
Jester45 | jgamio, you can just edit our menu.list | 05:07 |
Jester45 | your* | 05:07 |
vidd | but from what i understand of the process, when you are picking the partitions, if you reuse ANY of the partions besides swap, grub treats it as an upgrade and not a fresh install | 05:08 |
Jester45 | that machine was a failure becuase i never got any of the installed customized like i want | 05:08 |
jgamio | Jester45: but where i get the root=UUID= | 05:08 |
vidd | jgamio, you dont | 05:08 |
Jester45 | vidd, no, i used the same /home partition | 05:08 |
vidd | you use sudo | 05:09 |
Jester45 | jgamio, i dont know anything about the menu.list | 05:09 |
=== vidd will defer to Jester45's experience | ||
jgamio | Jester45: menu.lst is where the system are list to the selection | 05:09 |
jgamio | the so | 05:10 |
Jester45 | i know what it is but not whats in it | 05:10 |
Jester45 | like how to add a item | 05:10 |
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jgamio | Jester45: is there ubuntu but is not xubuntu | 05:11 |
Jester45 | yes, so you need to add a entry for xubuntu | 05:11 |
Jester45 | thats the part i dont know how to do | 05:11 |
jgamio | Jester45: i think but is a root=UUID= number i dont know where to get | 05:12 |
jgamio | j1mc: hi jim | 05:12 |
j1mc | hi jgamio | 05:12 |
Jester45 | jgamio, well... you know more that me about that then | 05:13 |
vidd | jgamio, try this: http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/16701 | 05:13 |
jgamio | j1mc: jim i install ubuntu but i lost the xubuntu option you know how to add to my list | 05:13 |
jgamio | vidd: i am going to check | 05:13 |
j1mc | jgamio: i have to leave... otherwise i would try and help. | 05:14 |
j1mc | sorry | 05:14 |
jgamio | vidd: thank you this look fine i am ging to tested | 05:15 |
jgamio | j1mc: dont worry | 05:15 |
j1mc | :) thanks, jgamio. see you around! | 05:16 |
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=== Eagle_101 is now known as screeech | ||
kiosk | help | 05:17 |
=== screeech is now known as Eagle_101 | ||
vidd | !ask |ki | 05:17 |
ubotu | ki: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:17 |
vidd | !ask | kiosk | 05:17 |
ubotu | kiosk: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:17 |
kiosk | does xubuntu have a sys file checker? | 05:17 |
kiosk | my time is counting ahead at a rate of 4x to 8x | 05:18 |
vidd | yes...but ive never used it | 05:18 |
kiosk | I think I have a virus | 05:18 |
kiosk | if I shut off the power and restart the harware clock maintains the correct time | 05:19 |
vidd | kiosk, you want to check the clockspeed of your processor | 05:19 |
kiosk | so the system seems to have separated from the hw clock | 05:19 |
kiosk | how | 05:19 |
kiosk | HW information? | 05:20 |
vidd | it is most likely being misreported, so linux thinks more time has passed that has | 05:20 |
Jester45 | vidd, he is talking about time kind of clock | 05:20 |
kiosk | I have a 366 MHz TP600 2645-5JU | 05:20 |
vidd | Jester45, yes... i know.... | 05:20 |
vidd | and if his system thinks he is running at 100mghz and hes running at 3oo mghz, then his clock will run 3x faster | 05:21 |
kiosk | So the time clock is part of the CPU? | 05:22 |
kiosk | I thought it was separate | 05:22 |
kiosk | powered by CMOS | 05:22 |
vidd | kiosk, is the clock advancing like one hour in 15 minutes time, or is it keeping time, just the WRONG time? | 05:22 |
kiosk | so that it can keep time when the CPU is not powered | 05:23 |
kiosk | I jumps many seconds at once | 05:23 |
kiosk | about 2 secods at a time | 05:23 |
kiosk | 2 or 3 | 05:23 |
kiosk | every second | 05:23 |
kiosk | 6:03:30 | 05:24 |
vidd | kiosk, you linux gets the time at boot from the cmos....then leaves cmos allone...unlike windows that is too stupid to track time itself | 05:24 |
kiosk | 6:06:00 | 05:24 |
kiosk | counts cpu cycles | 05:25 |
kiosk | my typmatic rate is all messed up too | 05:25 |
vidd | kiosk, did you overclock your cpu on your board?" | 05:25 |
kiosk | wants to tyyyyype like crazy | 05:25 |
kiosk | but it fluctuates | 05:25 |
kiosk | no | 05:25 |
kiosk | don't think | 05:25 |
kiosk | everything that uses the system time standard goes supper fast | 05:26 |
vidd | kiosk, this is a hardware issue.... | 05:26 |
kiosk | title on xmms scrolls like lightening | 05:26 |
kiosk | really | 05:26 |
kiosk | there was a way I could see my CPU speed | 05:27 |
kiosk | can't remember it | 05:27 |
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kiosk | I can't even double click | 05:35 |
kiosk | It thinks my clicks are too slow LOL | 05:35 |
kiosk | before i swap my CPU, how do i run the sys file check? | 05:35 |
kiosk | \ | 05:43 |
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kiosk | I got booted | 05:49 |
kiosk | I think | 05:49 |
kiosk | thanks for help so far vidd | 05:50 |
=== vidd is off to bed.... | ||
kiosk | anyone know how to check xubuntu system files? | 05:51 |
=== Chikubu [n=Chikubu@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Chikubu | is there a gui mixer that comes with xubuntu? | 05:53 |
Jester45 | amixer i think | 05:53 |
Jester45 | or might be alsamixer | 05:53 |
Chikubu | amixer gives error no such device in term | 05:55 |
Chikubu | whats that command to list sound devices? | 05:55 |
Jester45 | lspci might be it | 05:56 |
Jester45 | depending on where your device is connected | 05:56 |
Chikubu | aplay -l hehe so glad the up arrow has a large buffer | 05:56 |
Chikubu | not pci card, one isa card not working, other usb sound card | 05:56 |
Chikubu | something just isnt right on system with sound ugg | 05:58 |
Chikubu | which is the best irc client listed in the packages manager? | 06:01 |
R[a] ndom | depends what you want | 06:01 |
R[a] ndom | I use xchat | 06:01 |
Jester45 | depends on what you like | 06:01 |
R[a] ndom | you know it? | 06:01 |
Jester45 | i used xchat gaim/pidgin irssi | 06:01 |
Jester45 | irssi runs in a terminal | 06:02 |
Jester45 | gaim/pidgin is a multi procall client (aim yahoo msn jabber irc icq etc) | 06:02 |
Jester45 | xchat is just irc but has great scripting options | 06:03 |
Chikubu | oh i forgot about gaim | 06:03 |
Chikubu | im using xchat now, its ok i guess | 06:03 |
Chikubu | are there scripts to modify function of xchat like there are for mirc? | 06:04 |
Jester45 | yes | 06:04 |
Jester45 | just like it | 06:04 |
Chikubu | ok | 06:04 |
R[a] ndom | I'm listening to "Girl On A Motorbike" by Swervedriver | 06:05 |
R[a] ndom | such as my np script | 06:05 |
Chikubu | lol you knew i was thinking mp3's | 06:05 |
R[a] ndom | I have another with more info, but I went to change its colours and stopped halfway through | 06:05 |
R[a] ndom | so its super ugly now. heh | 06:05 |
R[a] ndom | Girl On A Motorbike by Swervedriver on Mezcal Head [Year: 1993] [Track: 8] [Length: 4:08] [Bitrate: 235] [Size: 6.95 MB] | 06:05 |
Jester45 | R[a] ndom, is that working with mpd? | 06:05 |
R[a] ndom | I'm using amarok | 06:06 |
Jester45 | o | 06:06 |
R[a] ndom | <3 amarok | 06:06 |
Chikubu | can xchat connect to two servers or run two instances? | 06:06 |
Jester45 | yes | 06:06 |
R[a] ndom | two servers no prob | 06:06 |
Chikubu | in one instance? | 06:06 |
R[a] ndom | xchat menu at top | 06:06 |
R[a] ndom | new | 06:06 |
R[a] ndom | server window | 06:06 |
Jester45 | you can connect to as many as you want from one instance | 06:07 |
R[a] ndom | er server tab | 06:07 |
=== Jester45 is connected to 3 | ||
R[a] ndom | I'm on 3 too | 06:07 |
R[a] ndom | oink, freenet and finalgear :P | 06:07 |
Jester45 | :) | 06:07 |
R[a] ndom | music, linux and cars | 06:07 |
Jester45 | oink has its own server? | 06:07 |
Chikubu | ok | 06:07 |
R[a] ndom | oops. freenode I meant. here | 06:07 |
R[a] ndom | Jester45, yeah, you a member? | 06:08 |
Chikubu | grr so what is the gui for the mixer called in xubuntu again? the mixer settings i have is well, nothings there, just select mixing settings but no volume | 06:08 |
Chikubu | unless its that knob on top but its stuck | 06:08 |
R[a] ndom | xfce30mixer | 06:08 |
R[a] ndom | oops | 06:08 |
R[a] ndom | xfce4-mixer | 06:08 |
Jester45 | im on freenode efnet and one i cant mention in channel | 06:09 |
Jester45 | Chikubu, amixer or alsamixer | 06:09 |
R[a] ndom | teh pr0nz | 06:09 |
Chikubu | thank you! the xfce4-mixer actualy did something | 06:09 |
Jester45 | R[a] ndom, no im not, i dont use torrents for music to much | 06:09 |
R[a] ndom | hah. np. its what I use | 06:09 |
Chikubu | amixer gives erros and so does alsamixer | 06:09 |
Chikubu | i realy would like to get the isa sound card working, the usb one does the job for now, but would like to hook an electric piano up and use the game port for midi control | 06:19 |
R[a] ndom | isa? | 06:20 |
R[a] ndom | oldschool. | 06:21 |
Chikubu | isa is earlier than pci | 06:21 |
R[a] ndom | yeah I know :/ | 06:21 |
Chikubu | oh u knew lol | 06:21 |
R[a] ndom | heh | 06:21 |
R[a] ndom | I was just slow in deciding what to say. | 06:21 |
Chikubu | the device manager doesnt list anything, i dont know if thats normal or if i need something special or what | 06:21 |
Chikubu | the card works under win98 | 06:21 |
Chikubu | or did a few days ok till i deleted win98 | 06:22 |
Chikubu | seems it was configurable via the driver, you could change the irq and dma values thru the driver, no pinis | 06:22 |
Chikubu | pins | 06:22 |
Chikubu | jumpers that is | 06:22 |
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feliciano | hi there... Somebody use Drivel?? This Doesnt work now for me... this send me a "segmentation fault" error | 06:32 |
feliciano | this is a paste bin for my problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/25805/ | 06:34 |
Chikubu | does xchat auto log ? | 06:37 |
BFTD | no | 06:37 |
BFTD | you have to turn it on | 06:38 |
Chikubu | ok | 06:38 |
Chikubu | whats it mean when someones text is in red, is that private? | 06:42 |
Chikubu | using xchat | 06:43 |
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Jester45 | Chikubu, it means they said your name | 07:06 |
Jester45 | Chikubu, red | 07:06 |
Jester45 | not red | 07:06 |
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Akuma_ | what will i have trouble with if i go for the x64 version? | 07:37 |
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GI_James | 08:23 | |
GI_James | help | 08:24 |
GI_James | Ooops... I meant /help | 08:24 |
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GI_James | hello, anyone around... | 08:26 |
maxamillion | GI_James: i am | 08:27 |
GI_James | I'm trying to install Xubuntu, with alternate install disc, it seems to be stuck on 65% (configuring anthy), the HD light is blinking, it has been going for several hours now... | 08:28 |
GI_James | how long does it take to installl (PII 300 mhz processor), shouldn't take this logn. | 08:28 |
GI_James | *long | 08:28 |
maxamillion | GI_James: i believe that is a known bug, but to my knowledge it does eventually finish successfully | 08:28 |
GI_James | Thanks... I'll leave it alone then... | 08:29 |
GI_James | hopefully it will finish tonight... :), I've been trying to get linux installed & properly functioning on this laptop for a week now... | 08:29 |
GI_James | I've tried several distro's... | 08:30 |
maxamillion | GI_James: Xubuntu will probably do the trick :) | 08:30 |
maxamillion | GI_James: i've installed it on lesser hardware (100mhz pention w/ 64mb of ram) | 08:30 |
TheSheep | GI_James: you can skip the generation of Anthy dict by switching to a second console and killing the process | 08:31 |
GI_James | what is anthy? | 08:32 |
TheSheep | GI_James: something for the Japanese input method | 08:33 |
GI_James | OH, I don't need that... | 08:33 |
GI_James | I can barely read english | 08:33 |
GI_James | just <ctrl><alt><F2> to another terminal? | 08:33 |
TheSheep | GI_James: just list the processes using 'ps' and kill the ones with 'anthy' in their names | 08:34 |
GI_James | k | 08:34 |
GI_James | I typed ps | grep anthy, then killed 3 processes... | 08:37 |
GI_James | oh... I found it.. I was looking for the installer... | 08:37 |
GI_James | thanks for the tip... | 08:37 |
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rhavenn | seems none of the programs in the start menu will start when doing a right-click from the desktop...they start fine if I got to the panel and select them...looks like most of the xfce processes are running..did i miss one? | 08:46 |
maxamillion | rhavenn: no ... that seems like an odd bug, you might want to check launchpad for a bug report and if there isn't one, file one :) | 08:47 |
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maxamillion | brb | 08:47 |
n00b | exit | 08:49 |
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Chikubu | anybody alive still? im still tinkering with isa sound card | 09:38 |
Chikubu | dmesg tells me a bunch, this included | 09:38 |
Chikubu | sb: PnP: Found Card Named = "Creative SB16 PnP", Card PnP id = CTL002b, Device PnP id = CTL0031 | 09:38 |
Chikubu | [ 852.176341] sb: PnP: Detected at: io=0x220, irq=5, dma=1, dma16=5 | 09:38 |
Chikubu | but aplay -l says aplay: device_list:222: no soundcards found... | 09:38 |
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logmein | xub xub! | 11:02 |
maxamillion | ? | 11:10 |
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=== GeekMaster [n=danny@f5n.purchase.edu] has joined #xubuntu | ||
GeekMaster | Hello | 11:50 |
GeekMaster | Can I get some help with my XFCE session? | 11:50 |
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GeekMaster1 | It's my panel size... When I shrink i tto anything less than 25 in height the icons in the quick lunch(don't know what you would call i ton Linux) shrink to a size where you can hardly see them. My problem is that when I make my panel that small in my regular GNOME session the icons STAY regular size how they are suppose to. How can I get this panel to behave like it should(the GNOME way)? | 12:28 |
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GI_James | question: is there a gui to configure video, I just installed, and the video is set at 800x600 and it's grainy... I think it's the refreshrate? | 12:40 |
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tonilpizza | hi everyone | 12:41 |
tonilpizza | how come the sound doesnt work in my xubuntu? | 12:42 |
GI_James | anyone around tonight... | 12:53 |
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=== livingdaylight [n=conrad@77-99-138-99.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
livingdaylight | is thjs where xubuntu people hang? | 02:26 |
livingdaylight | is xubuntu only for old and low spec systems? | 02:28 |
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predaeus | livingdaylight, no | 02:29 |
livingdaylight | it is a real alternative to gnome and kde? i thought people only chose xfce because it is lighter... but would use either gnome or kde if they could ideally | 02:30 |
livingdaylight | i don't want just a spartan desktop manager | 02:30 |
livingdaylight | I have lenovo desktop R60e | 02:31 |
livingdaylight | 1gb ram | 02:31 |
cliebow | xubuntu rocks! | 02:31 |
livingdaylight | 60gb hard drive | 02:31 |
predaeus | I use xfce because I do not like how some gnome applications are entangled with each other, I want to chose what I use and I also want it leight weight, although my comp can easily run gnome | 02:31 |
livingdaylight | dude, ubuntu and kubuntu rock too.... just wondering why one would go for xubuntu or xfce over gnome or kde? | 02:31 |
cliebow | i know squat about xfce..for me it "just works" | 02:31 |
predaeus | livingdaylight, you can easily add KDE and gnome applications to xubuntu if you want. that's how I did it, just pick what you need. | 02:32 |
cliebow | and...gnome session manager crashes drive me bonkers | 02:32 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: xubuntu is just simplier and more responsive, you see difference even on fast computers | 02:32 |
predaeus | I can't stand evolution and ubuntu/gnome forces you to have it installed | 02:32 |
livingdaylight | does xfce do /have what gnome and kde have? or is it more spartan? | 02:33 |
cliebow | li:you can put all three on your lapptop and try em.. | 02:33 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: id doesn't have *everyhting*, otherwise it would be a second GNOME | 02:33 |
predaeus | livingdaylight, it has some things gnome doesnt have and also misses some things, but you can get a lot of gnome and kde apps to run on xubuntu easily by installing the packages. | 02:34 |
livingdaylight | predaeus, but evolution is easy to remove, i have ubuntu on desktop and replaced evolution with thunderbird... what email client does xubuntu come with by default? | 02:34 |
cliebow | start with xubuntu..or ubuntu..or kubuntu..no one really cares.. | 02:34 |
cliebow | then sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop or edubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop | 02:34 |
=== livingdaylight downloading xubuntu live cd | ||
livingdaylight | no, not the same | 02:35 |
predaeus | livingdaylight, evolution was somehow entangled with other apps I needed on ubuntu, that got me over the line and let me try xubuntu | 02:35 |
cliebow | i have started with ubujntu..then added icewm kde and gnome as well as xfce | 02:35 |
livingdaylight | i had ubuntu on desktop once and added kubuntu-desktop and it made ubuntu ugly even after i removed kubuntu-desktop | 02:35 |
predaeus | livingdaylight, also gnome apparently is so well designed, but actually it is a mess in my opinion. I like gnome but I love xfce now. | 02:35 |
cliebow | i hagve just one machine running xubuntu but i'd use it on all of them | 02:36 |
sc0tch | Are there any "preferred" bit torrent clients for use with Xfce? | 02:36 |
predaeus | livingdaylight, it is a matter of taste and partially tiny differences, just try all the live cds | 02:36 |
livingdaylight | ok, thx predaeus | 02:37 |
livingdaylight | I have Ubuntu on desktop and looking for a different experience on my spare laptop hard drive for lenovo R60e | 02:37 |
livingdaylight | is virutalbox or vmware no problem on xubuntu? | 02:38 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: all ubuntus are the same under the hood | 02:38 |
predaeus | another point for me was that the gnome devs just refuse to add the compact file list to nautilus. and thunar just has it and it is the one I always use now. nautilus was just unpractical to me. | 02:38 |
livingdaylight | me thinking if xubuntu lighter on resources than more ram available for virtual machine... am i genius? | 02:38 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: they only differnce is what is installed by default | 02:38 |
=== test3r [n=tester@71-89-151-154.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
livingdaylight | well TheSheep different window managers do things differently and hence affect our desktop experience.... I can also install fluxbox with ubuntu under the hood but it would not be the same, would it now? | 02:39 |
test3r | does ne1 b-sides me still have a Dreamcast? | 02:39 |
test3r | and would b interested in making a tool w/me? | 02:40 |
TheSheep | !u | 02:40 |
ubotu | Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 02:40 |
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test3r | i think a cdi2toc program would be nice. | 02:41 |
predaeus | livingdaylight, oh yea now I also remember that the gnome calender only works with evolution installed. overkill to me. | 02:41 |
test3r | cdi has a CUE type burn pattern inside of it | 02:41 |
test3r | like toc can describe | 02:41 |
test3r | cant b That hard to convert them! | 02:41 |
livingdaylight | i asked what email client is default in xubu and comment of virtual machine | 02:42 |
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test3r | !cdi | 02:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cdi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:42 |
test3r | heh, yeah, right. ill get right on that, bot. | 02:42 |
predaeus | livingdaylight, no idea, I just installed thunderbird or probably it was installed already. | 02:42 |
livingdaylight | xubuntu download at 60% ... yea..very faster download than ubuntu | 02:42 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: thunderbird | 02:42 |
livingdaylight | coool.... | 02:43 |
predaeus | vm might apply too. not sure. | 02:43 |
livingdaylight | i see a gnomefreak here .... are there also xfcefreaks here? | 02:43 |
test3r | xubuntu is plenty fast 4 u. u can really do alot with this- i have only run into two walls trying crazy things I picked to install | 02:44 |
livingdaylight | test3r, what were they? (so i can avoid those ditches) | 02:46 |
livingdaylight | sorry walls | 02:46 |
livingdaylight | xubuntu download at 73% | 02:48 |
test3r | there exists cdi2iso it says | 02:48 |
livingdaylight | ? | 02:48 |
test3r | but iso should not have the capability to write the goofy DOA multitrack disk that the CDI image is | 02:49 |
livingdaylight | no capito nada | 02:49 |
test3r | um - the two walls i ran into? | 02:49 |
test3r | i cant seem to install quake version one for the life a me | 02:49 |
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test3r | and my wifi card on my laptop is rly old and the driver doesnt support crazy,,,,,,er,,,,,security things im testing with it | 02:50 |
test3r | prob neither you will have to wry about. | 02:50 |
livingdaylight | i have newer wifi card... lenovo R60e and don't care for quake, so i hope so... | 02:51 |
livingdaylight | 87% | 02:54 |
livingdaylight | 92%.... so fast the download... how big is xubuntu? | 02:56 |
TheSheep | livecd is about 700MB | 02:57 |
test3r | bevis and butthead movie is on comedy channel =D | 03:02 |
TheSheep | !ot | test3r | 03:03 |
ubotu | test3r: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 03:03 |
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livingdaylight | xubuntu install failed | 04:15 |
livingdaylight | indtaller crashed or something | 04:15 |
livingdaylight | either defect with cd or dirty? | 04:15 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: you have an option to check the cd for deffects in the boot menu | 04:16 |
livingdaylight | but i did test on cd and there are no defects | 04:16 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: how much ram does the box have? | 04:16 |
livingdaylight | 1gb. Ist that enough for xfce? | 04:16 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: more than enough | 04:16 |
livingdaylight | i am trying again now | 04:17 |
=== predaeus [n=predaeus@chello212186005030.401.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #xubuntu | ||
livingdaylight | there is an option for driver cd... | 04:17 |
livingdaylight | but i don't have driver cd :S | 04:17 |
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TheSheep | livingdaylight: what was the error exactly? | 04:17 |
livingdaylight | i didn't write it down word for word... i'm trying install again so if same error happes i will tell you | 04:18 |
TheSheep | ok, good luck | 04:18 |
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livingdaylight | error: The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) failed | 04:27 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: ok, it's a known bug, let me find a workaround for you | 04:28 |
livingdaylight | cheers! | 04:28 |
TheSheep | Bug #99908 | 04:34 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 99908 in ubiquity "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) failed." [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99908 | 04:34 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: it seems that Thunar automounts the partition, which prevents it from being formatted | 04:35 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: try unmounting it after booting the livecd, and then running the install | 04:35 |
livingdaylight | don't get it | 04:37 |
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TheSheep | livingdaylight: when yu boot your livecd, it checks your disk and sees you have some partitions on it -- so it mounts them, so that you can access them | 04:38 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: but hwne they are mounted, they cannot be formatted | 04:38 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: when* | 04:38 |
alnokta | TheSheep, hello | 04:41 |
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TheSheep | hi alnokta | 04:44 |
gregory | I've found something kind of odd about the gui in Xubuntu to manage users in feisty and gutsy: an average user can delete another user without being asked the admin password. Is this a bug or a feature? | 04:46 |
livingdaylight | TheSheep, sorry, i was distracted... now, i wonder... the hard drive was blank, except for a 5gb slot for lenovos rescue/recovery space | 04:47 |
TheSheep | gregory: average user can't really run that gui in the first place | 04:48 |
gregory | TheSheep, so logged in as the primary user is the only way to access that program? | 04:49 |
TheSheep | gregory: yes, and it will ask you for password the first time you run it | 04:50 |
gregory | I just found it odd it asked for a password to add the user, but didn't when you removed him. | 04:50 |
TheSheep | gregory: it only asks once | 04:51 |
TheSheep | gregory: and then again after some time | 04:51 |
gregory | OK I'll try it as again. | 04:52 |
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livingdaylight | shame i couldn't get xubuntu to work on my laptop... | 05:14 |
livingdaylight | TheSheep, when is this bug going to get sorted | 05:14 |
livingdaylight | ? | 05:14 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: october | 05:15 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: you can try the alternate cd instead, it uses a different installer | 05:15 |
livingdaylight | that is the next release date isn't it? | 05:15 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: yes | 05:15 |
livingdaylight | hrmmm... shame... | 05:15 |
livingdaylight | is xubuntu more like a side-hobby of Canonical? | 05:16 |
test3r | aw shucks, man - it wouldnt go? | 05:16 |
livingdaylight | because that sounds like a major bug... someone said xubuntu rocks... you can't say it rocks with basic problem of this sort | 05:16 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: no, xubuntu is not supported officially by canonical | 05:16 |
livingdaylight | ic | 05:16 |
test3r | did it make it past most , SHeep? how far did he get? does he just need to reconfigure xorg? | 05:16 |
test3r | after dumping to TTY? | 05:17 |
TheSheep | test3r: the standard 'failed to create ext3' | 05:17 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: most people use the laternate cd I guess :) | 05:17 |
test3r | oooooow - Ouch. (knocks on wood) Havnt seen That one yet | 05:17 |
livingdaylight | well, kubuntu install no problem... when choosing a linux distro we have to go with one that works with our hardware... shame coz i would have loved to play with xubuntu on my lappy | 05:17 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: every release has bugs | 05:18 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: and once the cds are pressed, you can't do much about them | 05:18 |
livingdaylight | cds are pressed? | 05:18 |
TheSheep | otoh, xubuntu doesn't have cds pressed, so maybe they'll release a fix sooner... | 05:18 |
TheSheep | hmm... | 05:18 |
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TheSheep | livingdaylight: the bug report is still marked as 'needs more info' | 05:19 |
test3r | i cant believe it wont write to your HDD | 05:19 |
test3r | perhaps you can get a new harddrive put in? | 05:19 |
test3r | if linux cant write to it - honestly - you prob dont Want it | 05:19 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: apparently it's not easily reproducible | 05:19 |
TheSheep | test3r: that's not it | 05:19 |
livingdaylight | i just downloaded and burnt the latest iso to my cd... so, they could fix the bug before seeing as it is a mojor one | 05:19 |
test3r | oh =( | 05:19 |
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TheSheep | test3r: it's the installer stepping on its own shoelaces | 05:20 |
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test3r | would it help if he used GPated livecd at all? or is that not going to make a bit of difference? | 05:20 |
livingdaylight | test3r, this is a brand new 60gb hard drive shipped out with lenovo's R60e.... and kubuntu install now no problem... just not your rocking xubuntu | 05:20 |
test3r | rly? K runs? but u cant get just GCC up> ??? thats flippin bizzar. | 05:21 |
test3r | yes try the alt cd | 05:21 |
livingdaylight | xubuntu is broken... so nothing will help | 05:21 |
test3r | well the alt cd has the classic install pattern tho | 05:21 |
test3r | shep is right | 05:21 |
test3r | it uses jus parted i think instead of gparted w/ extra ontop of That | 05:21 |
test3r | its worth a shot | 05:21 |
livingdaylight | ok, i don't mind wasting blank cd's... i'll download xubuntu alt if you believe it will step around the problem | 05:22 |
test3r | i honestly think it will. theres no pretty icon, now, though | 05:22 |
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test3r | its text on the screen | 05:22 |
test3r | with color bars. like DOS. but dont let it scare you its very ez | 05:22 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: I'm sure you can workaround that bug my just unmounting the partitions before running the installer | 05:22 |
test3r | dood he totaly should b able to get thru it using TTY - but what he'd ahve to do - i have no idea. You say he has to unmount the local filesystems? How does one mount the HDDs anyway? I think its time for a lesson | 05:23 |
livingdaylight | TheSheep, unfortunately i don't know how to unmount partitions before running installer... When i put cd into tray it just boots into xubuntu and i have 30 seconds to choose an option before it automatically boots into live cd... what am i supposed to do there? | 05:23 |
test3r | !mount | 05:24 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 05:24 |
livingdaylight | anyways... now i have kubuntu to play with instead... | 05:24 |
test3r | nonononononono i want mount and umount | 05:24 |
test3r | iso9660 type biz | 05:24 |
test3r | heh | 05:24 |
test3r | dat Old School . how i do That? | 05:24 |
=== TheSheep shrugs | ||
test3r | i can mount drives fine - just not Hard drives manually | 05:25 |
test3r | c? =D two years for me - i still dont know | 05:25 |
TheSheep | test3r: add sudo in front | 05:25 |
livingdaylight | now... kubuntu working like a charm...hrmmmm.... | 05:25 |
test3r | well - naturally yes it wil have to be sudo mount sudo umount | 05:25 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: kubuntu is nice too :) | 05:25 |
livingdaylight | sorry guys... i will be back in October, maybe then xubuntu fix their bugs | 05:25 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: hopefully | 05:26 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: looking forward to seeing you again :) | 05:26 |
test3r | wait - is our answer in FSTAB>? | 05:26 |
test3r | just thought of it | 05:26 |
livingdaylight | TheSheep, yes... i was just excited about funning a really light os on my dual=core 1gb ram 60gb hard drive | 05:26 |
livingdaylight | with all that ram i thought i could really run virtualmachine fast | 05:26 |
livingdaylight | plus i quite like mice | 05:26 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: you can do 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' on your kubuntu to have both at the same time | 05:27 |
TheSheep | livingdaylight: but Iguess you had some bad experiences with that | 05:27 |
test3r | oh - thats right. For buntu - it wants to pass the UUID of root to the drive for root to mount it (im assuming thats kus of SUDO) | 05:27 |
TheSheep | test3r: ??? | 05:27 |
test3r | /dev/hda1 UUID=root / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 | 05:27 |
test3r | where 'root;' = md5 or something | 05:28 |
TheSheep | test3r: ? ? ? | 05:28 |
TheSheep | test3r: you can mount devices normally too | 05:28 |
test3r | thats the call ud have to make to manually mount an HDD, sheep - (at least I THINK) | 05:28 |
test3r | yes but not if u want RW to an HDD (which is object - im thinking recovery times) | 05:29 |
TheSheep | test3r: no, you can specify the device any way you like -- by name, UUID, label | 05:29 |
test3r | oh so that UUID is nothing with root? it is the device label? | 05:29 |
TheSheep | test3r: it's a unique number identifying the partition | 05:30 |
test3r | lol - but when i manually installed nubuntu, I had to pass that UUID in addition to all that rest | 05:30 |
test3r | for it to mount its home partition at all whatsoever. just to boot. | 05:30 |
TheSheep | test3r: you could have passed /dev/hdaX instead | 05:30 |
test3r | i hakt the loader from inside Here. | 05:30 |
test3r | thus since it HAD to have it i assumed it was something to do with root ownership | 05:33 |
TheSheep | test3r: no, you just need to specify which partition is the root in *any* way | 05:33 |
TheSheep | uuid is just one possibility | 05:33 |
test3r | right but the line already had /dev/hda5 ext3 and the ending | 05:33 |
test3r | just no UUID. and it wouldnt boot. ? | 05:33 |
test3r | i have no idea. im glad it made it in, though! | 05:33 |
TheSheep | there is some confusin because we use the same name for the *user* 'root' and for the '/' directory (the top of the filesystem) | 05:33 |
test3r | yes / means root too but filesystem root, yes? | 05:34 |
TheSheep | yes | 05:34 |
TheSheep | and in case of the kernel parameter 'root=', it's the / | 05:34 |
test3r | and ~/ of course home | 05:34 |
test3r | like if u cd /\ | 05:34 |
test3r | it will pop u at root | 05:34 |
test3r | cd / | 05:34 |
TheSheep | cd /.. ;) | 05:35 |
test3r | without the dots does same thing! never realised u could add those and have valid cmnd. | 05:36 |
TheSheep | undocumented feature | 05:37 |
TheSheep | you can't get higher than / | 05:38 |
test3r | =x | 05:38 |
test3r | the "dance challenge" on Dance Revolution on sat morning TV looks like she is just connecting random stuff together with no flow, logic, or connection whatsoever | 05:41 |
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test3r | "look ma - i can move like weird animal in pain or something" | 05:42 |
test3r | sry that was offtopic. | 05:42 |
test3r | SO - is there any more i can do with a diff distro? | 05:43 |
test3r | it's just going to b let down isnt it? | 05:43 |
test3r | =( | 05:43 |
test3r | alot of them use K or at least G for its full installers | 05:44 |
TheSheep | test3r: no, why? the more distros you know, the more you know about Linux in general | 05:44 |
test3r | very true. the one i want to try was developed at Berkely, too | 05:44 |
TheSheep | test3r: every one is a little different in details | 05:44 |
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test3r | sim sure u know which one =) | 05:44 |
TheSheep | bsd is not linux | 05:44 |
test3r | rofl. | 05:44 |
test3r | i know its UNIX based | 05:44 |
test3r | basic basics | 05:44 |
TheSheep | every sane oprating system for pc is unix based nowadays | 05:45 |
test3r | i want it like whole grain bread. methinks. | 05:45 |
test3r | o.O | 05:45 |
TheSheep | even windows is posix-compliant | 05:45 |
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test3r | even XP? | 05:46 |
test3r | or you mean their Newest blunder? | 05:46 |
=== PeP [n=PeP@125.169-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #xubuntu | ||
PeP | Hello! | 05:47 |
TheSheep | test3r: I think it was NT 4.0 that got official POSIX certificate | 05:47 |
test3r | NT 4, huh? that was just ~ win2000 time | 05:47 |
test3r | yes? I ran win2K for a bit. | 05:48 |
PeP | I just installed Xubuntu Feisty on a Pentium3... but I have a problem, my Xserver crashes each time I go in the terminal :/ I read that the problem went away if I changed the color depth from 24 to 16.. is this true? | 05:48 |
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test3r | PeP - what chipset is your grphics? | 05:49 |
PeP | I don't know honsetly... | 05:49 |
PeP | it is not a very new pc :/ | 05:49 |
TheSheep | PeP: yes, it's true -- or yu can use a different terminal program | 05:49 |
test3r | if you run 'lspci' after dumping to TTY when it crashes - you can tell | 05:49 |
PeP | but this bug is apparently spread | 05:50 |
PeP | I saw it on launchpad | 05:50 |
test3r | yes try switching your graphics its using | 05:50 |
TheSheep | PeP: it most commonly appears with intel graphics cards | 05:50 |
test3r | if u have INTEL graphics you might have to | 05:50 |
test3r | yes | 05:50 |
test3r | become leet !~ | 05:50 |
PeP | oh ok | 05:50 |
test3r | =D | 05:50 |
PeP | how can I install a different terminal program? do I look for something like "terminal" in synaptic? | 05:51 |
PeP | TheSheep: which terminal program do you recommend? gnome2 ? | 05:51 |
TheSheep | PeP: there is gnome-terminal, rxvt, xterm ... | 05:51 |
PeP | gnome-terminal you say | 05:52 |
PeP | and this runs on Xfce... | 05:52 |
PeP | ok | 05:52 |
PeP | I will try the gnome terminal | 05:52 |
TheSheep | PeP: I've heard a lot of people recomment rxvt as a lightweight terminal app | 05:52 |
PeP | ah ok | 05:52 |
PeP | well then I'll try that one :D | 05:52 |
TheSheep | PeP: but it may be a little hard to configure | 05:52 |
PeP | oh ^^ | 05:52 |
test3r | oic its when he launched VTERM from within SIDE of xubuntu | 05:53 |
PeP | I'm no beast in this (as you might have guessed) so I prefer when it's not too hard :) | 05:53 |
test3r | yeah after you get a different terminal | 05:53 |
PeP | TheSheep : is gnome-terminal easier to install? | 05:53 |
test3r | you will want to read how to reconfigure x server it is very easy. make a backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:53 |
TheSheep | PeP: 'sudo apt-get install gnome-terminal' | 05:54 |
TheSheep | PeP: or just search for it in synaptic and install it | 05:54 |
PeP | ok.. I'll do that through synaptic | 05:54 |
PeP | yes | 05:54 |
test3r | before you start - then if it messes up (or you mess up) you can always use old settings | 05:54 |
PeP | test3r: thank you | 05:54 |
test3r | np! you should run LSPCI before doing it so you know your graphics chipset # | 05:55 |
test3r | then choose the i### that corrisponds to your intel set | 05:55 |
test3r | ;) | 05:55 |
PeP | ok, well I'll install gnome-terminal to begin :D | 05:55 |
PeP | test3r: should I reove the xfce terminal also? | 05:56 |
PeP | I think the package name is something like Xfce4-terminal | 05:57 |
test3r | i would not recommend that, no | 05:57 |
PeP | oh ok | 05:57 |
test3r | just use the new one instead of launching old | 05:58 |
PeP | then I leave it peacefully on my hdd :) | 05:58 |
test3r | yes yes then when it goes to upgrade its there | 05:58 |
PeP | Ah yes, that's true | 05:58 |
test3r | "tip toe........... Throuooooouuuuugh the Tu Liiiiiiiiiips" | 05:59 |
test3r | hehehehehehe. administrator accounts can teach you Alot. | 05:59 |
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PeP | test3r: I just ran lspci | 06:02 |
PeP | my graphics is intel chip | 06:02 |
PeP | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82815 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller] (rev 02) | 06:03 |
PeP | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82815 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller] (rev 02) | 06:03 |
PeP | oops sorry for the double post | 06:03 |
test3r | OK - so when you run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" , and it askes you for your graphics set in the first questions, do NOT choose VESA, choose the i800 selection because you have an i8XX chipset | 06:04 |
PeP | ok I will do that then | 06:04 |
test3r | ;) | 06:04 |
PeP | but why do you advise me to reconfigure it? I dn't understand really... | 06:05 |
PeP | I restart xserver... | 06:06 |
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test3r | woops - i got to get something for 3 sec and he leaves. ah well he'll figure it out. it will enable Direct Rendering for him. | 06:07 |
=== PeP [n=PeP@125.169-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #xubuntu | ||
PeP | Here I am again | 06:09 |
PeP | well | 06:09 |
test3r | there u b | 06:09 |
test3r | btw - you run that when u enter "recovery" mode - choose it as the kernel to boot to | 06:09 |
PeP | after having the new terminal, I edited xorg.conf and cahnged the default depth from to | 06:09 |
test3r | in the GRUB menu | 06:09 |
PeP | and now the xfce4 terminal works too :D | 06:09 |
PeP | from 24 to 16 * | 06:10 |
test3r | =) kewl! Well - when you decide you want Direct Rendering and good resolutions, just boot into recovery - and run those steps to configure XServer for your chipset | 06:10 |
PeP | yes | 06:10 |
PeP | well it's a pc for an association in my town | 06:10 |
PeP | so I doubt hey will need that | 06:10 |
test3r | they use the net, yes? | 06:11 |
PeP | but I remember | 06:11 |
PeP | no not even | 06:11 |
test3r | well - it Could help speed up OpenOffice some? | 06:11 |
PeP | they just do like office work, and it should be able to run music | 06:11 |
PeP | yes I installed open office suite | 06:11 |
PeP | runs well | 06:11 |
test3r | it will speed the music visuals by a large % | 06:12 |
test3r | its like having OpenGL support basically | 06:12 |
PeP | oh will it? so you think I will have better results with music playing when I have 24 color depth? | 06:12 |
test3r | thats what the direct rendering is | 06:12 |
PeP | and direct rendering | 06:12 |
test3r | no, it will speed performance if the music player comes up with visuals runing when it plays music | 06:13 |
PeP | ahh yes | 06:13 |
PeP | yes I see | 06:13 |
PeP | oh, that's no priority to be honest ;) | 06:13 |
PeP | But you think I can put direct rendering on this graphic card? | 06:13 |
PeP | I have it on my own pc, with a nvidia7600 | 06:13 |
PeP | but on this one:/ I don't know | 06:13 |
test3r | yes it must be assigned to use your chipset | 06:14 |
test3r | i800 | 06:14 |
PeP | I think I'll just search how to get mp3's and avi runnning and then I'll leave it :) It doesn't need to make a lot more :D | 06:14 |
test3r | i just finished doing all this for a Non-Profit, here, in MY town | 06:14 |
test3r | thats how i know all this | 06:14 |
test3r | libxine-extracodecs | 06:14 |
test3r | o.O | 06:14 |
PeP | (It is for the scouts in pmy town btw) | 06:15 |
test3r | nice. my best bud is an eagle scout. i helped with his community project. | 06:16 |
test3r | we cleaned up and remodeled a whole restroom area | 06:16 |
PeP | kewl | 06:17 |
PeP | I'm the leader of this scout section to tell the truth :D | 06:17 |
PeP | so now you know why I'm interested in having linux on it | 06:17 |
test3r | no chit? So was my Uncle- (when his sons went through) | 06:17 |
test3r | go 4 it - teach them | 06:18 |
test3r | they'll learn SO quik. | 06:18 |
PeP | It is so that we can listen to music, do the official paper work, and show people that you can do it on linux :D | 06:18 |
PeP | yep ;) | 06:18 |
test3r | =D | 06:18 |
PeP | we did this game the other day | 06:18 |
PeP | with evil computer company that sued friendly programmers XD | 06:18 |
PeP | without any inadequate comparison :p | 06:19 |
test3r | lmfao | 06:19 |
test3r | now now, dont one side it, now | 06:19 |
test3r | you can tell them the *cough* benefits *cough* of using windows | 06:19 |
test3r | even if they are for the most part commercially driven | 06:19 |
test3r | and driven by Capitalism. | 06:20 |
PeP | the cubs had to basically run through the whole town, doing activities here and there to help the programmers show that they're program was actually there before the company =D | 06:20 |
test3r | u didnt tell them to mail it to themselfs? | 06:20 |
PeP | they had fun even if they didn't catch the depth/sense of it all :D | 06:20 |
test3r | brotha - u Failed ! ;D rofl | 06:20 |
PeP | xD | 06:20 |
PeP | they are 8 !!! xD | 06:20 |
test3r | they know what a stamp is! they're 8 ! | 06:21 |
PeP | 9 to 12 actually | 06:21 |
PeP | :D | 06:21 |
test3r | hahahahahahahahaha | 06:21 |
test3r | no - that's kewl though. someones gota tell them to look out for their own arse | 06:22 |
test3r | Hey - u know where i can get a job as multimedia / video / music / or pre-press job? | 06:23 |
test3r | i fancy programming too, but have no degree in that | 06:23 |
test3r | all self taught. | 06:23 |
test3r | and here i am - teaching you... | 06:23 |
PeP | I don't know honestly :/ I live in Belgium | 06:24 |
test3r | Belgium??!!! Whoa. I think I have roots there. I'm in Michigan (the big mitten) | 06:24 |
PeP | hehe | 06:24 |
PeP | I am from Eupen | 06:24 |
PeP | near the german border | 06:24 |
test3r | Yeah! | 06:24 |
test3r | i have alot of roots over there from Irish to Viking | 06:25 |
test3r | to Sweedish | 06:25 |
PeP | xD | 06:25 |
PeP | multiroot | 06:25 |
test3r | yeah, i suppose so hahahahahah | 06:25 |
PeP | I work at translations in my freetime | 06:26 |
test3r | Hey we should talk about the off-topic stuff in #xubuntu-offtopic | 06:26 |
PeP | like ubuntu website or apps on launchpad | 06:26 |
test3r | i can hear Sheep already =D | 06:26 |
PeP | hehe ok^^ | 06:26 |
PeP | go #xubuntu-offtopic then | 06:26 |
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test3r | howdy there | 06:28 |
test3r | Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Z. | 06:29 |
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=== maxamillion [n=adam@mobile-166-217-047-116.mycingular.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
vidd_laptop | *wave* maxamillion | 06:33 |
maxamillion | hi hi | 06:33 |
somerville32 | maxamillion: Ready for the meeting? | 06:41 |
maxamillion | somerville32: yeah | 06:42 |
maxamillion | somerville32: i can only stay for an hour ... i actually shouldn't even be there, i am supposed to be on the road on my way out of town to visit my dad but i didn't want to miss the meeting | 06:43 |
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somerville32 | :) | 06:49 |
=== Live [n=ubuntu@cpc2-ptal2-0-0-cust71.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Live | hi im installing ubuntu, system is windows xp home at the moment, 80gb laptop, need some step by step help with partitions etc, anyone care to take time to help me? :) | 06:49 |
maxamillion | Live: what you need help with? | 06:50 |
Live | maxamillion: i need to partition everything so that windows still works alongside ubuntu | 06:51 |
Live | i want to install ubuntu without touching windows, is that possible? | 06:52 |
maxamillion | Live: yes, just boot the "desktop" install cd and double click the installer icon, it walks you through the process step by step, it will detect windows on the hard drive and ask how much hard drive space you want to give each operating system and then install right next to windows | 06:53 |
Live | http://img458.imageshack.us/img458/6793/screenshotdevsdagparteden4.png is what I see at the moment in GParted | 06:53 |
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maxamillion | Live: you have 3 ntfs partitions? | 06:53 |
Live | look's like it, it's what the laptop came as | 06:54 |
Live | on windows, i see C: and D: drives.. | 06:54 |
Live | but only use C: i think | 06:54 |
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Live | iit's a sony vaio, they tend to come setup like that i hear | 06:55 |
Live | -i | 06:55 |
maxamillion | computer companies are weird like that | 06:56 |
Live | yep | 06:56 |
Live | what partition would you guess C: is? | 06:57 |
maxamillion | Live: well if you don't use the D: drive, you could delete the second partition and use that space for xubuntu | 06:57 |
maxamillion | /dev/sda2 is your C: drive | 06:57 |
maxamillion | /dev/sda5 doesn't have any data on it | 06:57 |
Live | is that enough space for ubuntu? | 06:58 |
maxamillion | OHHH YEAH | 06:58 |
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Live | i mean, a good ubuntu with space for packages etc? | 06:59 |
maxamillion | Live: you can install and survive on a 5gb parition with xubuntu (depending on how much data you have) | 06:59 |
Live | ill be using ubuntu at first, does that require more? | 06:59 |
maxamillion | Live: yeah .... about 2gb more | 06:59 |
Live | that leaving me approx. 36GB for packages etc? | 07:00 |
Live | after the base is installed, right? | 07:00 |
Live | 26* | 07:00 |
maxamillion | my xubuntu installation with _all_ my extra software, all my personal data, development tools, etc. ... i am currently using 3.4GB of my 160GB hard drive | 07:00 |
maxamillion | right | 07:01 |
aroo | Plenty of space to work with | 07:01 |
maxamillion | Live: more than enough space to work with | 07:01 |
Live | ok and it will let me delete /dev/sda5? | 07:01 |
maxamillion | Live: yes | 07:02 |
maxamillion | Live: if you feel more comfortable, you can delete it from within windows | 07:02 |
vidd_laptop | Live, make sure that your D: drive is not the recovery partition | 07:02 |
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Live | oh yeh, shoot. | 07:02 |
Live | shall i switch to windows? | 07:02 |
Live | i can tell you whats in D: then.. | 07:03 |
vidd_laptop | if it is, your bios may not let you change it | 07:03 |
maxamillion | vidd_laptop: i think the 7gb partition on the head of the disk is the recovery partition | 07:03 |
somerville32 | Ok, I think we'll start the meeting here soon in #ubuntu-meeting (member of the CC is going to be there <g>). | 07:03 |
=== maxamillion is already idle in the chan | ||
=== vidd_laptop did not see the breakdown of his drives.... | ||
Live | ok i guess i'll brb | 07:03 |
Live | what program do i use on windows? | 07:04 |
Howdy125 | No hidden restore drive I hope. | 07:04 |
maxamillion | Live: i don't really remember | 07:04 |
Live | ok | 07:05 |
maxamillion | Howdy125: i think the 7gb /dev/sda1 partition is the restore drive | 07:05 |
Howdy125 | maxamillion, that sounds about the right size. | 07:05 |
Live | need to find out where sony vaio laptops keep recovery.. | 07:05 |
Live | any idea? | 07:05 |
maxamillion | Live: looks like the start of the disk | 07:06 |
Live | 32.58MiB isn't enough for a recovery drive is it? | 07:06 |
Live | I mean, a recovery drive can't take as little as that, sure? | 07:07 |
maxamillion | Live: no | 07:07 |
Live | so it can't be on /dev/sda5 surely? | 07:07 |
Live | because if it is, it would only have taken up 32.58MiB, which it couldnt have possibly done, | 07:07 |
Live | it must be on another partition | 07:07 |
aroo | You could probably google your laptop model and find out for certain | 07:08 |
vidd_laptop | Live, usually...the recovery data is 95% of drive D and there is a smaller part witch is the installer | 07:08 |
Live | possibly /dev/sda1, used = 5.55GiB, does that sound more reasonable for a recovery partition? | 07:08 |
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somerville32 | TheSheep: ping | 07:09 |
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Live | hmm. | 07:10 |
Live | this sound's fun, now this is the bit where i'm suppost to take a chance and delete /dev/sda5 | 07:11 |
Howdy125 | yep | 07:11 |
somerville32 | You might check it first to make sure. | 07:12 |
Howdy125 | Key word was "chance" .. :) | 07:12 |
=== kiosk [n=kiosk@ip72-196-242-121.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Live | yeh | 07:12 |
Live | hmm | 07:12 |
Live | what filesystem does ubuntu require? | 07:12 |
somerville32 | There are several supported file systems | 07:13 |
aroo | ext3 is common | 07:13 |
somerville32 | Ext3 is popular | 07:13 |
maxamillion | ext3 is reliable | 07:13 |
maxamillion | over 7 years of use, 0 complaints | 07:14 |
maxamillion | on 3 different servers, one of which sees corporate level load and traffic from a fortune 500 company i do some hosting for | 07:14 |
maxamillion | and all my desktops/laptops | 07:14 |
kiosk | does xubuntu have a sysfile checker? | 07:15 |
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maxamillion | kiosk: sysfile checker? | 07:18 |
shrikel | I've just installed xubuntu with dmraid, but my sda1 and sdb1 drives (that are raided) automatically show up on the desktop. Does anybody know what settings I need to edit to make them not appear? | 07:18 |
kiosk | CRC check on system files | 07:18 |
kiosk | this just a guess I am a newb but delete the shortcut? | 07:19 |
kiosk | to drives | 07:19 |
shrikel | No, they don't go away. | 07:19 |
shrikel | I think it's part of the HAL subsystem, but I'm not sure that's it, and I don't know how to change it anyway. | 07:20 |
kiosk | why do you want them to go away? It's a server? | 07:21 |
shrikel | No, it will be my main desktop, and I don't want the drive icons cluttering my desktop. | 07:22 |
shrikel | *volume icons | 07:22 |
kiosk | in applications>settings>desktop settings | 07:23 |
kiosk | there is a checkbox to "Allow xcfe4 to manage my desktop" | 07:23 |
kiosk | maybe that will do something | 07:23 |
shrikel | The icons are shortcuts to the actual disks, but they should not be accessed directly; they should only be accessed through the dmraid device. | 07:23 |
shrikel | hmm... I didn't try unchecking that yet... | 07:24 |
=== X-Ception [n=Freenode@pdpc/supporter/active/x-ception] has joined #xubuntu | ||
X-Ception | maxamillion: i'm back on win now, (it's Live) | 07:25 |
kiosk | anyone know how to verify the systemmm files are not corrupt? | 07:25 |
shrikel | Actually, that makes EVERYTHING go away (i.e. the trash, home folder shortcut, etc.) | 07:25 |
shrikel | Which system files? | 07:25 |
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kiosk | you probably need to put your own shortcuts then | 07:25 |
kiosk | that you choose | 07:25 |
shrikel | Well, I tried placing something in my desktop directory, but it didn't show up on the desktop at all. | 07:26 |
maxamillion | kiosk: you might want to try fsck | 07:26 |
shrikel | So I wonder if unchecking "allow [etc] " just disables showing icons or something. | 07:26 |
somerville32 | Don't use fsck on mounted volumes! :D | 07:26 |
X-Ception | maxamillion: i'm back on windows now, just checking out D: and that doesn't seem to be a recovery drive, it has one file in it which contains "Verbose logging" | 07:27 |
kiosk | thanks maximillion | 07:27 |
kiosk | how would you check the system volume though | 07:27 |
kiosk | isn't it mounted as soon as you boot? | 07:28 |
maxamillion | kiosk: i don't entirely understand what you want to do | 07:28 |
maxamillion | X-Ception: not sure what that is or why its in an empty partition | 07:28 |
kiosk | I think my system may be damaged | 07:28 |
kiosk | I want to verify the xubuntu components | 07:28 |
kiosk | ie do a CRC check on system files | 07:29 |
kiosk | is there a centralized way to do this | 07:29 |
kiosk | I mean I'm sure you could get CRCs for each file and do them one by one manually | 07:30 |
kiosk | but I don't know what files to check and that would take days or something anyway | 07:30 |
kiosk | Windows has sys file checker | 07:30 |
kiosk | Alternative is to actually re-install system to make sure it hasn't been comprimised | 07:31 |
kiosk | then but I would think that would take longer | 07:31 |
=== nalioth__ [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #xubuntu | ||
kiosk | I am new to linux just trying to learn what there is | 07:32 |
X-Ception | hey nalioth | 07:32 |
nalioth | hi | 07:33 |
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X-Ception | nalioth: having a bit of trouble getting back on ubuntu alongiside windows, found a free partition thats 35gb but not sure if my recovery disk is on there or not. | 07:35 |
X-Ception | there is a few mb's taken on it, not much though, would that be a sign that my recovery files are on there? | 07:35 |
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nalioth | X-Ception: recovery partitions are usually less than 2gb | 07:42 |
nalioth | i've never heard of any company using 35gb of disk for a recovery partition | 07:42 |
X-Ception | ok. | 07:43 |
X-Ception | do you know of a free program to partition on windows? | 07:43 |
nalioth | your Ubuntu live cd has parted for console, gparted or qtparted for the gui | 07:43 |
X-Ception | yep, feel a bit more at home doing it on win though.. | 07:44 |
nalioth | there are no 'free partitioners' for windows that will leave your data intact | 07:44 |
nalioth | X-Ception: use the built in disk tools | 07:44 |
maxamillion | nalioth: he just needs to delete a secondary ntfs parition | 07:44 |
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bigcx2 | hey all | 07:46 |
nalioth | X-Ception: if that is the case, the built in disc tools can do that | 07:47 |
X-Ception | ok | 07:47 |
bigcx2 | is it possible to run something from pygtk under xubuntu? | 07:48 |
bigcx2 | or xfce rather | 07:48 |
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maxamillion | bigcx2: yes | 07:48 |
maxamillion | bigcx2: xfce is written entirely in gtk, pygtk is go rather nicely | 07:49 |
bigcx2 | ah cool | 07:49 |
bigcx2 | i ran into a small problem when i installed xfce on my ubuntu machine however | 07:49 |
bigcx2 | it said something to the effect of it couldn't stat /etc/X11/X | 07:50 |
bigcx2 | and it died | 07:50 |
bigcx2 | that happened when i ran startx | 07:50 |
bigcx2 | has anyone seen that before? | 07:50 |
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maxamillion | bigcx2: yeah, just need to reconfigure X11 | 07:51 |
bigcx2 | with dpkg | 07:51 |
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maxamillion | bigcx2: yes, that's probably the easiest way | 07:52 |
kiosk | If I do a recovery from my system CD will I lose /home/myuser ? (all my data) | 07:52 |
kiosk | *install CD | 07:52 |
maxamillion | kiosk: you shouldn't | 07:53 |
kiosk | I think I will try that | 07:53 |
bigcx2 | so what are the major differences between gtk and xfce then if they are both using gtk....smaller footprint? | 07:53 |
bigcx2 | is that all | 07:53 |
kiosk | because right now my clock ticks away four seconds for every one | 07:53 |
kiosk | that only gives me 8 hours in a day instead of 24 | 07:54 |
kiosk | LOL | 07:54 |
kiosk | thanks for help maxamillion and X-Ception | 07:55 |
kiosk | hopefully be back soon | 07:55 |
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X-Ception | any idea what to do with a .lha file in shell maxamillion? | 07:56 |
X-Ception | to unzip it or whatever.. | 07:56 |
maxamillion | X-Ception: never heard of that file extension | 07:57 |
somerville32 | !packages | 07:57 |
ubotu | You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 07:57 |
X-Ception | !lha | 07:58 |
somerville32 | !software | 07:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lha - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:58 |
ubotu | A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 07:58 |
X-Ception | hmm. | 07:58 |
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Chikubu | does default xubuntu install have an equalizer? how do i start it | 08:25 |
somerville32 | !equalizer | 08:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about equalizer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:28 |
somerville32 | Chikubu: What is equalizer? | 08:29 |
Chikubu | sound equalizer | 08:29 |
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mlalkaka | hi everyone | 09:31 |
mlalkaka | what is a good daap client for xubuntu? i know i could use rhythmbox, but that has a lot of dependencies on gnome. | 09:31 |
=== somerville32 has no idea, sorry. | ||
vidd_laptop | daap? | 09:36 |
vidd_laptop | what is that? | 09:36 |
mlalkaka | daap is a music sharing/streaming protocol developed by Apple. it allows you to easily share music over your network (or even over the internet) and stream it to other computers. rhythmbox comes with a daap plugin that allows it to be a server and a client. i'm trying to share my music from an ubuntu computer to a xubuntu computer. | 09:40 |
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slow-motion | re | 10:01 |
godless | mlalkaka: I was fiddling with daap a while back. Rhythmbox was the best solution I found. Evaile has some experimental daap support but it's not ready for prime time | 10:01 |
godless | I did manage to get it to play from a daap server on the internet, which is fun. | 10:01 |
Jester45 | i prefer shortcast streams | 10:01 |
mlalkaka | godless: i just tried installing rhythmbox on xubuntu. but anytime i try to play music (local or from a daap server), rhythmbox seg faults. | 10:01 |
Jester45 | shoutcast* | 10:01 |
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mlalkaka | godless: do you know how to fix this by any chance? | 10:01 |
godless | Jester45: The nice thing about daap is it isn't a stream, it just gives you access to a remote song library so you can play whatever you want | 10:01 |
Jester45 | godless, like mpd? | 10:01 |
godless | mlalkaka: Not sure what is going on; I'm running xubuntu and didn't run into any crashes | 10:01 |
godless | Jester45: Yes, I think so. Haven't tried mpd | 10:01 |
Jester45 | mlalkaka, you could look into mpd/sonata | 10:01 |
mlalkaka | godless: i think the problem might be that i dont have esd installed. can you check if you have that installed? | 10:01 |
godless | What's esd? | 10:02 |
Jester45 | !mpd | 10:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mpd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:02 |
mlalkaka | godless: esd is the Enlightened Sound Daemon. it is the sound system that gnome (and i suspect rhythmbox) uses. | 10:03 |
godless | I'm using alsa... | 10:03 |
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aboyousif | hello | 10:13 |
aboyousif | can anyone use mail-notifier with gmail on feisty ? | 10:13 |
somerville32 | I think there is an xfce4 applet for that | 10:16 |
somerville32 | And I remember it working just fine | 10:16 |
aboyousif | somerville32: yes it works but it don't display emails .. it just display the number and mail-notify display everything .. | 10:18 |
somerville32 | Ah.\ | 10:19 |
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gerro | what is low latency kernel? | 11:15 |
gerro | is it just for audio stuff? | 11:15 |
gerro | I was wondering if it might have noticable affects when gaming on linux | 11:15 |
Chikubu | hey im trying tightvncserver, how can i view desktop 0, 1 seems to be what im stuck with and it just shows blank destop with terminal screens | 11:16 |
gerro | Chikubu: no clue I usually just use openssh or nxclient | 11:17 |
gerro | Chikubu: was it hard to setup tightvncserver? | 11:17 |
Chikubu | no it runs from default, its a wraper for vnc | 11:17 |
Chikubu | but like i said i cant get to 0 desktop | 11:17 |
gerro | wrapper? | 11:17 |
gerro | hmm think you have to edit a few things to get access to graphical desktop | 11:18 |
Chikubu | probaly not as secure as using ssh | 11:18 |
Chikubu | but i think you can make it use ssh | 11:18 |
gerro | you can use tight vnc over ssh | 11:18 |
Chikubu | right now i just want desktop 0 then ill secure it | 11:18 |
Chikubu | when i try to run it as desktop 0 says a vnc server is already running on 0 | 11:19 |
Chikubu | but i cant connect to it, connection refused, even localy | 11:19 |
Chikubu | talks about .X0-lock, in tmp folder but no such file there | 11:20 |
gerro | hmm | 11:20 |
Pumpernickel | !info x11vnc | 11:20 |
ubotu | x11vnc: VNC server which uses your current X11 session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-1 (feisty), package size 438 kB, installed size 1104 kB | 11:20 |
gerro | that might help | 11:20 |
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gerro | I was going to say it and all but someone had to so go into the cinematic summoning of ubotu to pwn that question | 11:21 |
Chikubu | david@Winky:~$ !info x11vnc | 11:22 |
Chikubu | bash: !info: event not found | 11:22 |
gerro | Chikubu: apt-get install x11vnc | 11:22 |
Chikubu | ok | 11:22 |
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Chikubu | its a perculating | 11:24 |
Chikubu | is there an app installed by default to look at printer jobs in que? | 11:25 |
Chikubu | well that worked sorta, when i vnc'ed in localy it kept opening recursive windows | 11:29 |
Chikubu | ill try remotely later | 11:29 |
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aboyousif | guys am i the only one who miss this /usr/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/libhttp.so ? | 11:45 |
slow-motion | n8 | 12:10 |
=== vidd [n=vidd@static-72-86-132-116.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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