
nosrednaekimfdoving: now you have me wondering and i'll have to test it out.12:15
nosrednaekimcrimsun: how's it coming along?12:23
crimsunI'm attempting to negotiate the passing of QString12:23
crimsunmaybe if I emit a custom signal?12:24
nosrednaekimbe right back12:24
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crimsunstill not sure if that will propagate to the importer12:24
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nosrednaekimcrimsun: did you fix it?12:53
crimsunnot yet12:54
nosrednaekimcrimsun: mind if I try?12:55
nosrednaekimi kinda don't have anything to do (in case you hadn't noticed)12:55
crimsungo for it12:55
crimsunI'm looking at i18n for it ATM12:55
nosrednaekimcrimsun: oh yeah, and another thing, why aren't you writing it in qt4?12:56
nosrednaekimits going to be obsoluete in 6 moths.12:56
crimsunbecause this needs to ship in main for gutsy12:56
nosrednaekimdoesn't gusty have qt4?12:56
crimsunand AFAIK, gutsy won't ship with KDE 412:56
crimsunin main?12:56
nosrednaekimyeah, I thought ubiquity was now qt412:56
crimsunI'm also concerned about past Ubuntu releases that are still/will be supported12:57
crimsunDapper, Edgy, Feisty12:57
nosrednaekimah.. right. ok12:57
nosrednaekimjust wondering.12:57
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nosrednaekimcrimsun: does this thing have to detect whether or not its should run as a gtk app?12:59
crimsunI've removed the Glade-3 bit locally; Toby has been working on the GTK+2 frontend01:00
nosrednaekimok.now what if you have an apply button and a quit button?01:10
nosrednaekimthat way you could have two different signals.01:10
nosrednaekimapply would write the config, and then you could connect to the quit's slot to quit() in asoundconfig-ui01:10
nosrednaekimthat way people could test out the effects of their changes without closing the app as well.01:10
crimsundo KDE apps generally have Close pushbuttons in addition to an Apply?01:10
crimsunsorry, have -a- Close pushbutton01:10
nosrednaekimmost configuration ones do.01:10
crimsunok, and this is carried over into Qt 4 & KDE 4?01:10
crimsunerr, well, KDE 401:10
nosrednaekimlol, most DON'T have two close buttons. ;)01:10
crimsunguess it doesn't really much matter for Qt 401:10
nosrednaekimI believe they're keeping that.01:11
crimsunI'd like to be consistent with the current Qt 3 & KDE 3 UI for this version01:11
crimsunit seems a bit odd to have both the window manager's close and a separate close pushbutton, but I was going with gnome's ui initially ;)01:11
nosrednaekimcrimsun: well, it seems consistent to me from what kcontrol looks like (always an apply button)01:12
crimsunok, well if it's smart Qt 3- & KDE 3-wise, I'm fine with it01:13
nosrednaekimactually now that I check, its not a close button, but a reset button.01:14
nosrednaekimbut they all have apply buttons01:14
crimsunis there a Close or a Quit pushbutton?01:14
crimsunok, I can rename the current Close to Apply01:15
nosrednaekimyeah. sorry.I was wrong about that quit thing.01:15
crimsunin that case, I can just rely on the window manager's close01:15
crimsunthanks for the input :)01:17
nosrednaekimno problem. I love all things python01:17
nosrednaekim'cept the snakes01:17
nosrednaekimknow of any other python programs that need to get ported to qt?01:31
crimsunhehe, well, I know that some people would love a GTK+2 UI for QJackCtl ;)01:39
nosrednaekimsorry, no gtk here01:39
crimsunyeah, that's why I worked on the Qt version01:39
crimsunin retrospect, PyQt was a good choice; I had no prior experience with Qt and only minimal Python01:39
nosrednaekimI had some python experience before I learned it with QT, but qt makes it so much cooler01:41
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Hobbseeheya all06:10
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Tonio_hey ;)10:06
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LureTonio_: hi10:26
LureTonio_: two problems with new knm10:26
LureFirst: when on wired connection, no icon in tray (just empty space)10:27
LureSecond: when on wired connection, kmail/koqueror thinks I am offline and does not fetch mail/web (while on wireless all fine)10:27
Tonio_Lure: yes, I just noticed that10:33
Tonio_Lure: I think it is a problem with a patch riddell did a moment ago10:33
Tonio_Lure: I think both problems are links10:34
LureTonio_: yep, might be10:34
=== Lure has to run to meeting, bbl
Tonio_okay we'll fix this :)10:34
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Tonio_Lure: I'll check the networkstatus patch, maybe there is an issue with it10:40
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Tonio_Lure: I think I jave the fix concerning the icon10:50
Tonio_a patches I didn't apply correctly10:50
=== Jucato waves to Tonio_
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mhbTonio_: ping10:55
Tonio_mhb: hey ;)10:59
mhbTonio_: I've ported --noignorebutton, -i and -d during the weekend. Simple stuff; the harder one will be --nonewdcop, I guess.11:01
mhbTonio_: I haven't commited yet, though.11:01
Tonio_mhb: super cool :)11:02
Tonio_mhb: I'm currently on the all network-manager stuff, including the gnome part and the vpn plugins11:03
Tonio_mhb: that's very nice, so only the harder to come then ?11:03
Tonio_Lure: fixed ;)11:04
=== Riddell [i=jr@kde/jriddell] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: hey ;)11:06
Tonio_Riddell: just fixed the little icon issue with knm, now uploading to gutsy11:07
Riddellwhich icon issue?11:07
Tonio_Riddell: I didn't apply your static connection patch correctly, that resulted a little bug11:07
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Tonio_mbiebl: hey ;)11:43
mbieblhi Tonio_11:43
Tonio_mbiebl: as you work on knetworkmanager for debian, just wanted to let you know I packaged the 0.2 rc version11:43
Tonio_mbiebl: and all network-manager 0.6.511:43
mbieblI have them too ;-)11:44
Tonio_mbiebl: hehe :)11:44
mbieblTonio_: How did you handle the nm-applet split in NM?11:44
Tonio_mbiebl: damn we should have sync our efforts :)11:44
Tonio_mbiebl: new package for network-manager-applet, with a replace + provides + conflicts on the old package11:45
mbieblhow have you called the source package and how the binary package?11:45
mbieblI called the source package nm-applet and the binary one network-manager-gnome11:45
mbieblnm-applet seems to be the package name according to configure.ac and also when you unpack the tarball.11:46
Tonio_the old package is still network-manager11:46
Tonio_the new one is network-manager-applet11:46
Tonio_and it provides + replaces + conflicts network-manager-gnome11:47
mbieblHm, why did you rename it from network-manager-gnome to network-manager-applet?11:47
Tonio_mbiebl: to respect the tarball name11:47
Tonio_that's the "real name" of the application, accordig to upstream, so I did that way11:48
Tonio_mbiebl: isn't that nice for you ?11:48
mbieblWell, it's a bit unclear imho.11:48
mbieblThe applet itself is called nm-applet11:48
mbieblThe package name, according to configure.ac is also nm-applet11:49
mbieblSo when you run make dist, it will create a tarball named nm-applet-1.2.3.tar.gz11:49
mbieblIt seems, the tarball has simply been renamed afterwards to network-manager-applet.11:49
mbieblWhich is a bit hackish imho.11:50
mbieblBesides from the naming issues: Where did you put the nm-vpn-properties binary?11:50
Tonio_mbiebl: hum pitti asked me for the same change11:50
mbieblIt's still in the network-manager source tarball11:50
Tonio_mbiebl: so I'll reupload with network-manager-gnome as deb name for the applet11:51
mbieblTonio_: Have you already uploaded it to gutsy?11:51
Tonio_mbiebl: let me check concerning the vpn-property11:51
Tonio_mbiebl: there are beeing uploading now, for testing11:51
Tonio_mbiebl: no pb to drop them after, so don't mind :)11:51
Tonio_mbiebl: so I'll do as you concerning the network-manager-gnome11:52
mbieblThe problem with putting nm-vpn-properties into network-manager is, that it will generate gnome dependencies in the network-manager binary package.11:52
mbieblWhich is unfortunate for KDE users.11:52
mbieblAs knm 0.2 has native VPN plugins support, it doesn't need nm-vpn-properties anymore.11:52
mbieblSo I'd either use -Xnm-vpn-properties in network-manager or split nm-vpn-properties out into a separate package.11:53
mbieblI'm not sure yet, which way is the best.11:53
mbieblImho nm-vpn-properties belongs into the nm-applet source tarball11:53
mbieblTonio_: Unfortunately I have to run now.11:54
mbieblI'm currently on debconf and there is a talk I want to go to.11:54
mbieblSee you later...11:54
Tonio_okay bye :)11:55
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larsivimy katapult lost it's calculator in 7.04 :(11:55
Riddellalt-space, control-c11:56
Riddellconfigure, catalogues11:56
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larsiviRiddell: thanks! :)11:57
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frode_grr.. useless isp-crap.11:59
Tonio_mbiebl: why not splitting the binary to another package ?11:59
Tonio_mbiebl: like network-manager-vpnproperties ?12:00
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Tonio_mbiebl: another option is to have network-manager-gnome coming from the networkmanager tarball and another package network-manager-applet depending on network-manager-gnome12:02
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nosrednaekimLure: hey.... congrats on getting your name in the KDE4 commit digest!01:30
kwwiiomg - Lure is famous!01:34
Lurenosrednaekim: ?01:34
=== Lure does not recall commiting anything to kde4 (yet)
nosrednaekimI swear I saw your name... maybe someone is impersonating you.01:35
nosrednaekimjust a second.01:35
nosrednaekimisn't your name Lubo Luk?01:36
nosrednaekimLure: haha oh...its not. Thats the guy who works on KDE composite.01:40
nosrednaekimI'm sorry01:40
=== Lure is Luka Renko
nosrednaekimhaha sorry.01:41
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Tonio_Lure: knetworkmanager should work now01:55
Tonio_Lure: btw I have to wait a bit for upload as there is a structure problem in the way the n-m team splitted it01:55
LureTonio_: great - no problem, we can wait01:56
Tonio_Lure: I'll have to make a point with mbiebl on the way to get that done01:56
Tonio_Lure: but as long as you don't use the vpn, you can use my packages, no pb01:56
LureTonio_: yep, aligning with debian should be priority01:56
Tonio_Lure: the point is that there is no way to do that properly at the moment in fact....01:58
Tonio_Lure: the applet is now a seperate package, but a part of the gnome code is still in the standard n-m tarbalml01:59
Tonio_Lure: the result is that the standard package now hs gnome dependancies01:59
Tonio_on the other hand, we can split, but that means having 2 packages just for the gnome applet, which is ugly02:00
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | Tribe 1 released!
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Hobbsee at Thu Jun 7 16:18:04 2007
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manchicken_Riddell: Is your Adept bzr repo up to date?04:31
Riddellshould be04:33
Riddellbut check the changelog version04:33
manchicken_The welcome screen you get with adept_updater is pissing me off.  I may just kill it.04:35
manchicken_It makes no sense, and it makes me mad.04:35
manchicken_brb, I'm gonna reboot to apply this kernel update.04:36
Riddellwhat would you do instead?04:36
Ash-FoxMake the intro screen "Welcome to Kubuntu Genuine Advantage"04:37
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Hobbseethat might be amusing, though...04:37
Hobbseein a...sadistic...sort of way.04:38
Riddellan april fools thnig I think04:38
nixternalhaha, that would rock04:40
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HobbseeRiddell: ping04:55
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nixternalgtk_file_system_path_is_local: assertion `path != NULL' failed04:55
Riddellpong Hobbsee04:55
nixternalhrmm, anyone know away around this? I am trying to open a file in Gimp and it crashes04:56
HobbseeRiddell: what was the command to go and check if all the patches applied, etc?04:56
HobbseeRiddell: you gave it to me for kde3 packages - but i've lost ~/.kde, so lost all my logs :'(04:56
RiddellHobbsee: patch -R ? :)04:56
Hobbseewas something about debian/rules04:56
Riddellmake -f debian/rules buildprep04:56
manchickenRiddell: Instead of the welcome screen I think it should go right into the list of updates.04:58
manchickenRiddell: I wrote a spec up about this a while ago.04:58
Riddellyes, I remember that04:58
Riddellseems fine to me04:59
Riddellbut what about the sources download step?04:59
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=== mhb pokes manchicken
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manchickenmhb: Oww!05:06
manchickenRiddell: We can keep that.05:06
manchickenRiddell: that's kinda necessary...05:06
=== Hobbsee notes that a ppa would class as a public place.
mhbmanchicken: what happens when dpkg is interrupted during configure and adept is run afterwards?05:11
manchickenmhb: The database is locked and you need to fix it.05:12
manchickendpkg --configure -a seems to do the trick most of the time.05:12
mhbmanchicken: yeah, I know that, I don't need support :o)05:13
mhbmanchicken: I'm wondering how hard would it be to run that command for the user05:14
mhbmanchicken: in a semi-nice UI05:14
mhbmanchicken: in python, it would be very easy to do that05:16
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mhbmanchicken: by the way, did you get rid of that welcome screen in adept_updater? :o)05:19
Hobbseewoo!  akode breakage!05:19
Jucatomanchicken: would it be possible for Adept to have more specific error messages whenever it says something can't be installed because it will break something? maybe somehow show the error output from apt-get?05:19
manchickenmhb: Hmm... that's vaguely reminiscent of an idea I brought to the meeting last time ;)05:22
manchickenJucato: Until those messages are standardized in the packages that will be different.05:22
manchicken /05:23
mhbmanchicken: it is, but now it's just a simple python app that will appear when you click on a "Resolve" button in the Adept "broken dpkg" pop-up05:23
Jucatohm... I can't explain it well now... maybe tomorrow when I'm more sane :)05:23
HobbseeJucato: is never sane.05:24
JucatoI have my minutes :)05:24
manchickenmhb: The problem is that you're talking about a problem that could have multiple causes.05:24
manchickenThat error message is what you get when the dpkg database is locked.05:24
manchickenThe other common cause for having a locked dpkg database is when you already have another program locking the dpkg database that is doing something with it.05:25
mhbyou get the same message?05:26
mhbnow that's evil05:26
manchickenIt's the same error message for the same case, and I'm not sure how we'd detect the difference.05:26
manchickenRemember, that's the same symptom.05:26
manchickenAdept is trying to lock the dpkg database and dpkg won't let it.  That's all adept knows.05:26
manchickenIf I'm wrong that's great, but if I recall correctly that is all that's going on there.05:27
mhbwait, let me do a little test here05:27
mhbmanchicken: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.05:30
mhbmanchicken: apt-get can determine whether you should run dpkg --configure -a or not05:30
manchickenmhb: Try opening adept and then try running adept.05:31
mhbmanchicken: adept can't05:31
manchickenErr, sorry, try opening adept and then try running apt-get05:31
mhbmanchicken: okay, I'll just resolve the first error05:32
manchickenProbably a good idea.05:32
=== Hobbsee test builds akode and such
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RiddellTonio_: network-manager-applet got rejected?05:38
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=== Hobbsee uploads akode, waits on it to be built.
RiddellHobbsee: what's new?05:42
HobbseeRiddell: hrm?05:43
Riddellin akode?05:43
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HobbseeRiddell: liboggflac got merged into libflac05:46
Hobbseeso akode needed updating05:46
Hobbseewhich will then make k-d installable again05:46
mhbmanchicken: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:46
mhbE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:47
Riddellthat sounds handy05:47
Hobbseeyes, rather05:47
mhbmanchicken: apt-get is smart, adept is not05:47
mhbmanchicken: fix that! :o)05:47
manchickenmhb: You!05:47
apacheloggerstart with the updater05:48
Hobbseeapachelogger: amarok is in progress05:48
apacheloggermake it share python stuff with ubuntu :P05:48
apacheloggerHobbsee: ohhh, lovely :D05:48
Hobbseeapachelogger: akode breakage isnt helping, thouhg.05:48
=== apachelogger votes on piping akode to trashbin
nosrednaekimcrimsun: get that asound-UI all figured out?05:50
mhbmanchicken: if you can simply port the smart code from apt-get to adept, I'll code the python app that resolves this error05:50
manchickenmhb: I'm wondering if apt is just checking for processes that it knows access the database.05:51
=== apachelogger is wondering
apacheloggerhow much work would it be to create a KCM? ... how much more work would it be to create it in python?05:51
Ash-FoxI don't think it's even possible todo in python alone05:53
apacheloggerscrew kde05:55
Jucatomaybe... the kde-guidance modules are written in python05:55
apacheloggersebas: piiiing05:55
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_Simethe kde-guidance modules are also KCMs.05:57
Riddellapachelogger: not much05:57
Riddellpykdeextensions source package should have examples05:57
apacheloggernow I just gotta learn pythong :|05:57
apacheloggerwhy can't ubuntu just use ruby as default scripting language05:57
Riddellgot to pick something05:58
nosrednaekimcause python is superior. (and it has better bindings)05:58
RiddellI wouldn't say that05:58
nosrednaekimthat it has better bindings to qt and KDE?05:59
apacheloggerI hope so, ruby bindings are far too slow IMHO :|06:00
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manchickenknetworkmanager locking up seems to mess with kontact.06:01
mhbmanchicken: I'm sure it isn't06:01
Hobbseeokay, pinentry-qt is *seriously* beyond cool.06:01
Hobbseeit works for ssh too!06:02
Riddellwhat does it do?06:02
Hobbseecaches the passphrase for however logn you configure.  and gives you a nice qt box to put your passphrase into06:03
Hobbseethe caching is the killer bit, though06:03
manchickenWell, knetworkmanager was kinda being stupid like it always is on startup, not showing its icon.  All network traffic seemed to be working, so I didn't bother killing and restarting it.  Well, kontact wouldn't even check mail if I manually tried to do so.06:03
Hobbseeespecially useful for using debsign -r06:03
nosrednaekimmanchicken: it thinks that you aren't connected to the internet.06:04
HobbseeRiddell: ^06:04
manchickennosrednaekim: Yeah, but everything else seemed to work just fine.06:04
manchickennosrednaekim: I suppose the problem is more that knetworkmanager went stupid in the first place :)06:05
RiddellHobbsee: how handy, does it work with debsign?06:05
HobbseeRiddell: of course06:05
fdovingmanchicken: you can disable that feature, system settings -> service manager -> network status daemon -> stop.06:05
Hobbseeyou need to do a bit of config, but yeah06:05
mhbmanchicken: so, will you do that horrible task of reading a snippet of C code and porting it to C++ adept?06:05
mhbmanchicken: pretty please? :o)06:05
manchickenmhb: Could you file a wishlist and assign it to me?06:06
manchickenmhb: I'll make it a priority next time I get a chance to hack.06:06
mhbmanchicken: okay06:06
mhbmanchicken: have to go now, see you later :o)06:06
nosrednaekimfdoving: BTW,I checked out whether or not Python can call functions in the original calls from an inherited class.. negative (from what I could tell, maybe there is a way I don't know of)06:06
fdovingnosrednaekim: i tested with qApp.quit() yesterday, that worked. but then my ISP died.06:07
nosrednaekimfdoving: but that wasn't going back to the previous class was it?06:08
manchickenmhb: It's on my hacking to-do list.06:08
nosrednaekimthe parent.06:08
fdovingnosrednaekim: no idea what happens, the result is that the app quits cleanly. not sure how python handles it internally.06:09
nosrednaekimit sounds like a qt specific thing.06:10
fdovingit is.06:10
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nosrednaekimfdoving: anyway, crimson changed the close button to an apply button. But he might appreciate knowing how to close the app.06:15
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fdovingcrimsun: qApp.quit() after the final pass in writeConf works for me.06:19
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nosrednaekimany idea when CNR is going to included in Ubuntu?06:33
Hobbseenosrednaekim: ask the linspire people06:33
manchickenIt would be awesome if each profile in kontact would let you choose whether you want to top-post or bottom-post.06:39
manchickenMy boss just complained because I'm not top-posting.  heh06:39
Hobbseeit doesnt?06:39
Hobbseethunderbird does06:39
manchickenI don't think it does.06:39
manchickenIt'd be awesome if there was a way I didn't know about... but I don't see it anywhere.06:40
nosrednaekimmanchicken: yep, you can06:42
nosrednaekimIdentities->edit identities->templates06:42
nosrednaekimI think thts what you are looking for06:43
nosrednaekimmanchicken: thats from within Kmail.06:44
manchickenDamn, score one for nosrednaekim.06:49
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nosrednaekimthat works?06:50
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manchickenJust move URSOR to the top.06:50
manchickenkontact doesn't like the %06:50
manchickenI suppose that's color encoding, but still.06:50
manchickenIt's kinda silly06:50
nosrednaekimcool. I actually had never seen that before :)06:51
manchickennosrednaekim: What a wild guess.06:51
Hobbseeoh fudge06:57
Hobbseeakode builds on i386, but not amd64 and ia6406:57
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Hobbseeok, kdemultimedia fixed version is sitting on brandon's server, which is now hidden from the world again.07:13
Riddellbad boy07:14
Hobbseevery much so.07:14
Hobbseeand my X wont hardlock when it's supposed to, dammit!07:14
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=== hunger wonders whether WEP cracking could be integrated into knetworkmanager;-)
manchickenThis is irritating.  Kpilot used to work like a charm.  Now it's flakey as hell.09:06
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manchickenWell that sucks.09:11
manchickenTrying to auto-configure my phone just crashed both kpilot and my phone.09:12
crimsunfdoving: I think that violates my UI, though.  I want the user to close the app, not the Apply QPushButton.09:22
crimsunsemantically Apply means "apply changes", not "apply changes and terminate the app"09:23
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Tonio_sebas: ping ?10:19
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_StefanS_Tonio_: hey nice job on the knm packaging ;) - saw them come in on gutsy-changes10:53
Tonio__StefanS_: yup :)10:54
_StefanS_Tonio_: I saw it was the source, does that mean that the binary packages arent there yet?10:54
_StefanS_Tonio_: not really sure how that upload to gutsy works ;)10:54
Tonio__StefanS_: should be in the repos now10:55
Tonio_I mean the binaries10:55
_StefanS_Tonio_: ok, any chance the source pkg can be built for feisty?10:55
_StefanS_Tonio_: the vmware's dont let me test wlan10:55
_StefanS_Tonio_: or atleast I'm not sure how to :)10:56
Tonio__StefanS_: if you rebuilt everything and in the good order, should work10:56
Lure_Tonio_: there are other people asking for feisty backport - see bug 10836910:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 108369 in network-manager "Request: Update Feisty's Network Manager to 0.6.5" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10836910:57
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mhbmanchicken: around?10:58
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_StefanS_Tonio_: well maybe it should be backported then :)10:59
Tonio_Lure_: yes but backport is a long work.... I don't have now the same amount of free time I had before :)11:04
manchickenmhb: Yup11:24
mhbmanchicken: done my part of the deal :o)11:24
manchickenmhb: I don't know when I'm gonna have time to hack to be honest.11:25
manchickenPregnant ladies are very time consuming :)11:25
mhbmanchicken: no problem11:27
_StefanS_Lure_: I might try out a backport for nm6.5 + knm 0.211:31
_StefanS_Lure_: I need it myself anyways11:31
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Lure__StefanS_: you my try if it builds and then we can ping jdong for backport consideration11:31
_StefanS_Lure_: yep11:31
_StefanS_Lure_: I will pull the source tomorrow and try it out11:31
_StefanS_Lure_: Right now I have to do some regular work unfortunately11:31
Lure__StefanS_: I know the feeling :-(11:32
_StefanS_Lure_: hey I got a pregnant wife too :D11:32
_StefanS_Lure_: and 10month old kid heh11:33
=== Lure_ is done with that chapter in life ;-)
=== _StefanS_ would have alot of time if he didn't need to sleep
_StefanS_Lure_: you wouldn't have to know about a nice 4-5 disk sata array ?11:33
_StefanS_Lure_: I need one for my backups..11:34
Lure__StefanS_: I am actually need to start looking for one for home11:34
=== Lure_ is actually working on backup/archiving solutions at work (just enterprise) ;-)
_StefanS_Lure_: well the problem seems that everyone wants firewire/usb/nas stuff11:34
_StefanS_Lure_: I want eSata11:34
_StefanS_Lure_: = speed11:34
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Lure__StefanS_: yep, but not that common11:35
Lure_Tonio__: hi11:35
_StefanS_Lure_: yes thats the problem11:35
_StefanS_hey Tonio11:35
Lure_Tonio__: you have internet at home now?11:35
mhbmanchicken: well does your pregnant wife allow you some app testing?11:35
Tonio__Lure_: no, I'm not at home :/11:35
_StefanS_Tonio__: go home :D11:35
mhbmanchicken: if so, check out the adept-resolver app at https://code.launchpad.net/~martin.bohm/adept/adept-resolver11:35
_StefanS_Tonio__: dont stay at work11:35
Lure_Tonio__: so you have beds at work - nice of them ;-)11:36
Tonio___StefanS_: I'm at a friend's home :)11:36
_StefanS_Lure_: my point exactly11:36
_StefanS_Tonio__: whats the most easy way to get those gutsy sources for nm/knm ?11:37
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_StefanS_Tonio__: I cant figure your repo out :D11:37
manchickenOoh, did you actually try to mimic the adept install interface, with the console embed and all?11:37
Tonio___StefanS_: simply add the gutsy deb-src branch to your sources.list :)11:38
Tonio__simple :)11:38
_StefanS_Tonio__: oh doesn't it clash with the regular feisty ones?11:38
Tonio___StefanS_: no11:38
_StefanS_Tonio__: ok great11:39
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mhbmanchicken: one little bug with the buttons fixed (they were not responsive, qt designer's fault)11:39
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mhbmanchicken: actually, I just more-or-less reused the gdebi-kde interface, which does try to mimic the Adept install interface11:40
mhbmanchicken: break your dpkg lock and then try it :o)11:40
manchickenSeems like it would work, but I don't have the time to run it yet.  Fighting fires with work. :(11:42
manchickenSome idiot found a minor security exploit.11:42
manchickenAnd now the sky is evidently falling.11:42
manchickenEven though the only damage they can do is modify the appearance of a search results screen..11:43
manchickenBoo hoo.11:43
mhbmanchicken: another option could be to convince a newcomer to code a little C++ fix for Kubuntu :o) perhaps someone at kubuntu-devel or such11:50
manchickenIf you can find such a person I'm sure Riddell would love to know :)11:51
mhbby the way, bug 48627 is what we're trying to solve11:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 48627 in adept "Poor resolution of "database locked" problem" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4862711:52
manchickenThat's not a bug though :)11:52
manchickenAnd I still argue that it's not adept's job to resolve the problem :)11:52
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mhbmanchicken: actually, it is. And now we have a fix. All it takes is to find someone who makes Adept realize that we need dpkg :o)11:53
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manchickenmhb: Hit me up tomorrow morning, I may have less headache tomorrow :)11:57
mhbmanchicken: tomorrow morning in your country or mine? :o)12:01
manchickenTomorrow morning UTC-0500 :)12:01
manchickenSo like 1600Z12:02
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Riddellmanchicken: hmm?12:15

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